HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Chugach Electric Association 2890198 1992 1AGREEMENT State of Alaska Waiter J.Hickel,Governor RECORD COPY _-FILE NO Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation -- Bradley Lake Communications Agreement FF QRIOIIS As per our meeting on September 29,1992 concerning the AEA (Alaska Energy Authority)Bradley Lake Operations Repeater system upgrade,we would like to confirm the following agreement on use of frequencies: 1.AEA Eagle Lake Site: a.AEA will purchase it's own solar powered repeater.The repeater will operate on the following frequency: Tx:153.710 MHz PL=4A. Rx:158.160 MHz PL=4A. b.Presently,HEA (Homer Electric Association)operates a VHF solar powered repeater at the AEA Eagle Lake Site.This repeater presently operates on: Tx:153.560 Hz PL=2A,4A. Rx:158.160 MHz PL=2A,4A. Upon installation of the new AEA Operations Repeater at the Eagle Lake Site,the existing HEA unit will be removed and returned to HEA. c.The new AEA Operations Repeater will be used by AEA,HEA,and CEA(Chugach Electric Association).This repeater will be used by AEA for continuouseverydayoperationsanddatatransfer.This repeater will also be used by HEA andCEAwhenperformingassociatedoperationsandmaintenancefunctions. 2.AEA Powerhouse: a.AEA will purchase a VHF repeater for their powerhouse location at Bradley Lake. The VHF repeater will operate on the following frequency: Tx:153.710 MHz PL=3A. Rx:158.160 MHz PL=3A. 3.Use of Frequency 153.710 MHz: a.It is our understanding that HEA presently uses this frequency for SCADAtelemetrypurposes.HEA is not aware of any problems with interference betweentheSCADAtelemetry,data transfer and voice communications. Since HEA will phase out use of 153.710 MHz for SCADA telemetry within the next 2 years,it isagreedthatHEAwillcanceluseofthatfrequencywiththeFederalCommunicationsCommission at that time. Ol PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575DgPO.Box 190869 7041 EastTudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q4\IT3766(3)Page 1 of 2 Bradley Lake Communications Agreement (Continued) Page 2 of 2 HEA does not object to the immediate use of 153.710 MHz for the purposes described above andconcurswiththeDivisionofInformationServiceseffortstofilefortheabovedescribeduseby AEA of this frequency with the Federal Communications Commission. 4.Homer: a.The tone remote at the HEA Homer Dispatch location will continue to operateintotheupgradedsystem. b.As HEA presently have synthesized portable and mobile radios in their existing system,HEA will accordingly program those units for access into the AEA Operations Repeater system as needed. 5.Chugach Electric Association (CEA): a.CEA presently operates a control station at Ninilchik which accesses the Eagle Lake Operations Repeater.CEA will coordinate the frequency change of thatcontrolstationwiththenewBradleyLakeOperationsrepeaterinstallation. Approved: Alaska Energy Authority: Authorized/Signature Homer Electric Association,Inc.:udF iV coma Authorized Signature Chugach Electric Association,Inc.:Von Ce tt 'Cor Mod)Authorized Signature A signed copy of this Agreement will be kept on file with Division of Information Services. Attached is a copy of the proposed upgrade for the Bradley AEA Operation Repeater system. 92Q4\IT3766(4)Page 2 of 2 A) ola warianas,|sdol 42.182 100 SHEETS 8A. 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