HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Project Management Committee July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON AGREED UPON PROCEDURES FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1,1992 THROUGH JUNE 30,1993 'A Professional Corporation Prusena,Somberg &Company A Professional Corporation Certified Public Accountants a 3301 C Street,Suite 520 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Tel.(907)563-4547 FAX (907)561-7683 November 30,1993 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee At your request,we have applied the procedures listed below with respect to the accounting records of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)for the annual project costs of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (Bradley)for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1993.It is understood that this report is solelyto assist you in evaluating the reasonableness of costs reported by AEA and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. Our procedures and the results thereof are as follows: a.We traced the Utilities'contributions into the accounting records and to the Revenue Fund trust account statements to determine that all contributions were deposited into'the appropriate fund.We also confirmed these amounts with the Utilities.Individual utility contributions were recalculated as a percentage of total contributions in order to confirm compliance with the allocation schedule set forth in the Power Sales Agreement. b.We reviewed the transfers from the Revenue Fund to the Bradley Operating Fund to determine that the required monthly transfers of 1/12th of the approved annual budget were made.We also agreed the transfers into the Debt Service Fund to the transfers from the applicable fund to determine the propriety of the source of the Debt Service funding. c.In order to determine the completeness of the expenses recorded in the financial records,we agreed the disbursements detailed in the Bradley Operating Fund and the Debt Service Fund trust account statements to the accounting records.We also selected disbursements per the Bond Proceeds Construction Fund statements and traced them to the supporting documentation in order to determine the validity of their classification as construction rather than operating and maintenance costs. Page 2 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee November 30,1993 d.We tested the validity of expenses reported in the accounting records by selecting certain items and tracing them to the supporting documentation in order to determine that: 1.It was an appropriate charge to the Bradley annual project costs for the fiscal year ended June 30,1993;and 2.The expense was budgeted for Bradley annual project costs by the Project Management Committee. e.In order to familiarize ourselves with the nature and terms of appropriate expenses,we reviewed the Power Sales Agreement and other Bradley operation and maintenance agreements.To gain a further understanding of issues and events affecting Bradley throughout the period,we read the minutes of the PMC meetings. f.We agreed the debt service requirements to the audited financial statements of the Alaska Energy Authority for the year ended June 30,1993 to determine that the interest and principal payments funded by Bradley's fiscal year 1993 budget were properly calculated and paid. g.Due to the ongoing litigation regarding the overhead costs charged Bradley by AEA,we were unable to perform any procedures with respect to the allocation methodology employed by AEA.Nor were we able to test the validity of overhead expenses charged by tracing individual items to supporting documentation. h.We reconciled the ending surplus balance to the cash account balances at June 30,1993. Because the procedures noted above do not constitute an audit made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards,we do not express an opinion on any of the accounts or items referred to above. Page 3 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee November 30,1993 Adjustments During the course of performing the procedures previously described,we noted the following items which are included as adjustments to arrive at total Operating and Maintenance costs: Salaries expense relating to the workers injured in the commuter airline accident includes amount which will be reimbursed through Workers'Compensation Insurance. Aircraft Accident Recovery expenses were decreased by the amount due from Workers' Compensation Insurance at June 30,1993 $22,900 The Metzler construction audit charges included in the O&M expenses were removed and charged to Construction as approved by the PMC.This was reimbursed on November 15, 1993,per ABA.30,620 To correct a coding error on payroll costs, amounts incorrectly charged to Construction were charged to O&M.This will be adjusted, per AEA.(355) Questioned Costs AEA charged overhead on direct aircraft accident expenses of $66,242.These charges totalled $32,639.Since the direct costs are partially reimbursed by workers'compensation insurance in addition to being potentially recoverable through insurance and/or litigation,it appears that overhead charges on these direct expenses are not warranted.Also,as salaries expense increased due to other employees assuming duties of the injured workers during their convalescence,and since overhead was applied to the increase in salaries expense,it would appear as if Bradley was in effect paying overhead twice on the same direct labor base. Page 4 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee November 30,1993 Remodelling costs of $4,534 for the Operations Assistant's office were charged directly to Bradley O &M as AFA administration costs. It does not appear to have been provided for in the approved budget. In August,1992,AEA inadvertently billed Bradley $55,803 for overhead charges relating to fiscal year 1992.These charges had already been paid previously;consequently the August billing -resulted in a double-payment of this amount.During fiscal year 1993,reimbursements to AEA for overhead and direct charges paid on behalf of Bradley exceeded actual costs incurred by AEA.The probable explanation offered for the excess reimbursements is that one or more reports generated by the AKSAS system detailing the charges to be reimbursed to AEA overlapped dates with other reports.The overlapping probably allowed certain expenses to be charged twice.The total amount due Bradley as of June 30,1993 is as follows: FY92 charges billed twice §55,803 FY93 overlapping charges 96,446 Total due Bradley for excess reimbursements $152,249 AEA repaid the full amount on September 3,1993. Monies held in the Operating Fund earn interest at a rate of 7.38%.Bradley may wish to consider charging interest at this rate for the funds advanced to AEA.Because the details of the fiscal year 1993 overcharges have not been investigated,interest could be estimated as follows: Page 5 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee November 30,1993 Advance outstanding from 8/14/92 through 9/03/93 $55,803 Simple interest for 12.5 months -x_1.38% $4,290 Advances on FY93 amounts , 96,446 ma . Assumed average advances outstanding 48,223 Simple interest,annual X_7.38% 3,559 Estimate of interest on AEA advance -$7,84 Had we performed additional procedures or had we made an audit of the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards,matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.This report relates only to the accounts and items specified above and does not extend to any financial statements of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Project Management Committee,taken as a whole. VRourena,Lfrorldng »2 porn,PPCParisena,Stromberg &Company,APC November 30,1993 *Includes $15,000 funding of reserve for BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Statement of Accrued Cash Receipts and Disbursements -0 &M Year Ended June 30,1993 Budget Hydraulic power generation expense: Operation supervision and engineering $257,926 Hydraulic operation 123,860 Electric operation --82,000 Hydraulic power generation operation 20,000 Transportation 266,900 Structure maintenance 60,000 Electric plant maintenance 45,000 Miscellaneous hydraulic plant maintenance 45,000 Hydraulic plant maintenance 392,000 Fuel stock 40,000 System control and load dispatching 174,000 Transmission expense: Bradley Junction substation 2,000 Overhead line maintenance 39,000 Administrative,general and regulatory expense: Project Management Committee costs 81,000 Administration 421,011 Contractual services 25,000 Insurance 245,824 Regulatory commission ___401,807 Total operation and maintenance expense $2,747,328 Actual $263,914 69,534 26,660 12,777 159,280 16,344 Adjustments Based Upon Procedures Performed 33TSB IWS lo 33,258 409,115 8,181 138,000 23,677 $20,937 201,545 203,174 --337,345* $2,440,497 five-year inspection. $(22,545) (30,620) $(53,165) Adjusted Total $263,914 69,534 26,660 12,777 159,280 16,344 33,258 33,258 409,115 8,181 138,000 23,677 498,392 170,925 203,174 -337,345 2,387 Variance $(5,988) 54,326 55,340 7,223 107,620 43,656 11,742 11,742 (17,115) 31,819 36,000 2,000 39,000 $7,323 (77,381) (145,925) 42,650 -£4,462 359,996 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Combined Statement of Accrued Cash Receipts and Operating and Maintenance and Debt Service Disbursements Year Ended June 30,1993 Receipts: Utilities contributions Interest received Total receipts Disbursements: Operations and maintenance Interest paid Principal due July,1993 Interest due July,1993 Total disbursements and debt service payments Excess of disbursements over receipts in current year Surplus for the period September 1,1991 to June 30,1992 Interest earned prior to September 1,1991 Surplus,July 1,1992 Surplus,June 30,1993 Budget $13,882,980 -1.680,821. 12,563,801 2,747,328 5,458,932 2,470,000 2,458,932 16,135,192 S__(571,391) Actual=Variance $13,882,980 -1.872,117 -13.725,097 2,387,332 5,458,932 2,470,000 -2.458,932 15,775,196 1,019,109 359,996 0 0 -____9 332,996 $551,292