HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalaska Geothermal Project Phase 1B Final 1-A_UNALASKA_ GEOTHERMAL PROJECT PHASE IB FINAL REPORT Volume 1-A April 1983 By: Republic Geothermal,Inc. For: The Alaska Power Authority APPENDIX B FINAL REPORT OF THE GEOTECHNICAL RECONNAISSANCE: ACCESS ROUTES AND DRILL PAD PREPARATION FINAL REPORT GEOTECHNICAL RECONNAISSANCE: Access Routes and Drill Pad Preparation Prepared for Republic Geothermal,Inc. and Alaska Power Authority February 1,1983 INTRODUCTION Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)is providing geothermal research and exploration services on Unalaska Island to the Alaska Power Authority. The study began with geologic research and mapping and has now proceeded to a series of geothermal gradient test holes.The next step in the investi- gation,scheduled for the 1983 field season,will consist of a deep, relatively large-diameter drill hole to further evaluate the resource. Dames &Moore was retained to assist Republic in several ways during the course of the study effort.The element of the services addressed by this report is a reconnaissance-level study of potential "deep hole"drill pad sites and access routes to these sites for land transportation of drilling equipment and supplies.Specifically,the purposes of this study include: 1.Identify feasible access road alignments from tide water to potential deep well sites. Provide rough estimates of the construction cost and time for - each access alternative. Evaluate the feasibility of constructing well pads,including mud and fluid sumps,at each alternative well location. Provide rough estimates of construction cost and time for each alternative well site. Evaluate the geotechnical setting and any problems at potential barge landing areas. Evaluate,in the overall sense,and rank each landing/access road/well site alternative. This review addressed three potential access routes and five possible drill pad sites (see Figure 1).These include a road up Glacier Valley to a site near the head of the valley,two drill pad sites near Republic's 1982 base camp,and two drill pad sites located just southwest of Sugarloaf Cone and roughly 1 1/2 to 2 miles from the saddle between Makushin Valley and Driftwood Bay.Possible access routes to these latter two sites include one from tidewater up Makushin Valley to the saddle and then to the sites,and one from tidewater up Driftwood Bay valley to the saddle and then to the sites.All of these areas were examined by helicopter overflights and by interpretation of aerial photographs.Because of time and weather problems, ground surveys were limited to the drill pad sites at the head of Glacier Valley and one of the two sites southwest of Sugarloaf Cone.Soil exposures were also examined in the vicinity of Republic's camp about 2 miles south of Sugarloaf Cone.Soil cross-sections were examined on the ground at each of these three areas and were viewed from the helicopter while hovering at low altitude in a number of other places.No test drilling,sampling,laboratory testing,or extensive field surveys were conducted.The conclusions and recommendat ions of this report are based on this brief reconnaissance,Dames &Moore's experience on Unalaska Island and other experience in areas of similar terrain/soil/weather conditions. PROJECT AND TERRAIN DESCRIPTION Three general areas (five specific sites)are under consideration for the deep geothermal test well (Figure 1).These sites are located along a generally north-south trending lineament (slightly east of north)along the eastern flank of the Makushin Volcano cone. Four of the test wellsites under consideration are located just east of the peak of the cone.Two (wellsites Base Camp No.1 and No.2)are near Republic's base camp at an elevation of approximately 1,300 feet.Another (Wellsite Fox Canyon No.1)is farther north,a short distance southwest of Sugarloaf Cone and at an elevation of approximately 1,900 feet.The fourth site (Wellsite Fox Canyon No.2)is also close to and southwest of Sugarloaf Cone at an elevation of about 1,700 feet.The fifth site (Wellsite Glacier cee ny Figure 1 LOCATION MAP DRIFTWOOD Da ae rrTOBAY4: UNALASKA ISLANDeercreas EXISTING ROAD SUGARLOAF(CONE yy isFOXCANYONjoeeer)ate,WELLSITES yy a <>MAKUSHIN VALLEY *".::SCc7PROPOSEDROADec Fd S ma GAse CAMPCWELLSITES --_-_<s ONL ACIER VALLEY a WELLSITE eens RIVER ae /ST 18 7 'ae 7JDRAINAGEBASINLa| N(BOUNDARIES "-_ PRR (KS PROPOSED ROADNe| CSCI 5 MILES §KILOMETERS Valley No.1)lies at the head of Glacier Valley,southeast of the Makushin cone,and is located on a sloping bench area at an elevation of approximately 900 feet. It has been determined that road access to the base camp wellsites is not feasible;the sites are located on a dissected sloping terrace surface,which is set off by deep and extremely steep sided canyons on three sides and by steep slopes that rise up to the volcano on the fourth side.If either of these sites are chosen for the test well,Republic plans to transport all equipment by helicopter;no road will be constructed. If one of the Fox Canyon wellsites is selected,there are two basic options for access.An old military road runs from tidewater at the mouth of Makushin Valley up the valley and over a saddle near Sugarloaf Cone to extend to tidewater in Driftwood Bay.The access options would involve using this road,either from Makushin Valley to the saddle or from Driftwood Bay to the saddle,and then constructing a new road to the planned wellsite. If the wellsite at the head of Glacier Valley is chosen,the access route would leave tidewater and extend up the valley to the site.All new construction would be required as no road of any type now exists in this area. The terrain in the lower portion of all three valleys is formed by alluvium,which was deposited into shallow embayments of the sea.All three valleys were probably carved or modified by glacial erosion.It is likely that when each of the three valleys (Driftwood Bay,Makushin Valley,Glacier Valley)were embayments of the sea,longshore drift caused a spit to form across the mouth of each bay.Of course,this would block or restrict drainage from the valley so that a lagoon or lake would form behind the spit. This is the general configuration now existing in Reese Bay on the north shoreline of the island a short distance east of Driftwood Bay.Material carried down the valleys by the streams draining the Makushin uplands gradually filled these "lakes"with sediment to create the current con- figuration. The higher areas along the potential transportation routes are supported by various kinds of volcanic deposits.Some rock is included,but most of the volcanic material consists of various kinds of tephra;relatively fine- grained materials appear to dominate.In many areas,erosion has carved deep,steep-sided gullies in the volcanic deposits.The steep slopes appear stable;no evidence of significant landsliding along these gorges was noted. There are,however,occasional small-scale,shallow slides that involve primarily the surface weathered zone and organic mat. In general terms then,any of the possible access routes will encounter three types of deposits:1)in the upland areas,volcanic ejecta (tephra; predominantly the finer-grained types);2)in the valley bottoms,alluvium, probably generally coarse material,since it was deposited by relatively high-energy streams;and 3)along the shorelines,where barge landings would have to be established,gravel and cobble beach sediments derived predom- inantly from local rocks and well-sorted by wave action. ALTERNATIVE ACCESS ROUTES/DRILL PAD LOCATIONS Fox Canyon Wellsite Access:Two alternative Fox Canyon drill sites are under consideration.The primary Fox Canyon site is located about 1.7 miles southwest of Sugarloaf Cone (near the Fox Canyon [TGH 1]geothermal gradient hole site).The terrain in this area is a severely dissected bench,which slopes down to the east and has an elevation of roughly 1,900 feet.The alternative Fox Canyon site is more accessible,since a major canyon crossing would be avoided.It is closer to Sugarloaf Cone and at an elevation of roughly 1,700 feet. There are two possible access routes to these sites.Both would use the old military road that runs up Makushin Valley over the saddle just northeast of Sugarloaf Cone and down into Driftwood Bay Valley.One route would follow this old road from the Driftwood Bay shoreline to the saddle near Sugarloaf and then would involve about 2 to 2-1/2 miles of new con- struction to the drill site (Plate 2).The other option would involve the same amount of new construction,along the same route;however,it would follow the old military road from the shoreline at the mouth of Makushin Valley to the saddle (Plate 3). The existing road is a one-lane dirt trail and,although it has been abandoned for a number of years,erosion damage in the upland areas has not been too severe.Only minor regrading and the addition of gravel surfacing would be needed to make this road serviceable for drill rig transport by normal truck and trailer equipment.The valley bottom portion of this old road has been more severely eroded.On the Driftwood Bay side, however,this erosion is limited to several culverts that have been bypassed by high flows.Generally,only minor repairs are needed;however,it is estimated that two 36-inch (or equivalent)culverts will be required to cross the relatively large (unnamed)stream just before the road starts to ascend from the valley floor. On the Makushin Valley side,the old road paralleled the river closely and channel changes subsequent to road construction have removed major segments of the alignment.Extensive reconstruction for at least several miles would be needed for the Makushin Valley route option.The road from the valley bottom to the upland saddle on the Driftwood Bay side winds up the Slope with no really acute corners and no switchbacks.Conversely,at the head of Makushin Valley,as the road climbs to the saddle from the east, there are several steep,narrow switchbacks that probably could not be traversed by semitrailer rigs. The initial portion of the new construction segment of the access route is relatively straightforward.For about 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 miles it would traverse relatively gentle terrain;only limited grading and gravel overlay pliacement would be needed.Drainage could be handled by occasional small culverts.However,from the end of the "easy"terrain the new road must traverse steep areas,including some steep side hills.Significant cuts would be needed and the side hill portion,if mot handled carefully,could be susceptible to landslides.Reasonable access to the primary Fox Canyon wellsite is blocked by a deep,steep-sided canyon.Access around or across this canyon would involve extensive cuts and fills and,at a minimum,the use of a portable bridge spanning roughly 100 feet or the installation of a large-diameter culvert (about 8-foot)at least 100 feet in length.In the immediate vicinity of the geothermal gradient test boring,there is sufficient mear-level terrain so that a drill pad for the deep hole rig could be established relatively easily. If the alternative Fox Canyon wellsite to the north of the canyon described above is selected (to avoid crossing this canyon with the access route),the actual wellsite terrain is less favorable.A segment of a moderately sloping bench area appears to provide the needed 1-1/2 acres but preparing a level pad at this site would require significant amounts of grading.If the pad area can be stepped down to two or more levels,grading would be minimized.The soils in either of the two northern well site areas are primarily fine-grained tephra with some weathering to clay of the individual particles.Following grading,gravel surfacing should be placed to establish a consistently trafficable site surface. With respect to land transportation,the Driftwood Bay alternative for access to the Fox Canyon drilling sites is much better than the Makushin Valley route.However,one other factor should be considered--the shoreline at the mouth of Makushin Valley is well sheltered,whereas the Driftwood Bay shoreline is open to the north.While it is true that the dominant summer season storm direction is from the south or southwest,weather patterns and the specific weather forecast during barge loading and offloading operations should be considered.With respect to geotechnical consider- ations,any area along either the Driftwood Bay or Makushin Valley shorelines appears satisfactory for barge landing,and no area is particularly favored. Glacier Valley Wellsite Access:The only possible land access route to the Glacier Valley wellsite is up Glacier Valley itself (Plate 4).The wellsite would be located near the geothermal gradient test hole on a low, sloping bench at an elevation of roughly 900 to 1,000 feet near the head of the valley.No roads have been constructed in Glacier Valley;the entire route would involve new construction.Several branches of a thoroughly braided stream flow through Glacier Valley.The main channel generally lies along the northwest side of the valley throughout most of its length but much of the valley floor is occupied by flood channels that carry little or no water during the summer.The most reasonable access route appears to be a broad flood channel lying toward the southeastern side of the valley. Subgrade conditions along the dry flood channel are good,so extensive grading and surfacing will not be needed to accommodate truck and trailer equipment.Rather,the road can be constructed by rough grading with a dozer and final shaping using a heavy,all-wheel drive grader.The process will be facilitated by having a loader and trucks available to import material to the grade in places.A backhoe to assist with culvert installation would also be helpful. Near the head of the valley,the stream forks and the bulk of the water and sediment load comes from a tributary to the northwest.A much smaller stream comes into the valley from the northeast.The intended test well site is located on a sloping bench area between these two tributaries.One "significant"stream crossing will be needed,but this can be done upstream of the confluence of the two tributaries so that only the smaller stream (northeastern)would be crossed.Two 36-inch culverts (or equivalent)could be installed to accommodate truck and trailer equipment,although fording may be an acceptable alternative. After leaving the river bottom,the road can traverse a gently sloping bench between the two tributaries and then should switch back once and ascend the face of escarpment to reach the higher bench level at the well site.On the lower bench (roughly 1/2 mile),overlay type construction is appropriate using a 16-inch layer of gravel or rock for adequate support of truck and trailer type equipment.Approximately the last 700 feet of the road will require full bench excavation into the steep slope that separates the lower bench level from the higher level.When grading is completed,a gravel overlay will be needed in this segment also. The bench area offers ample room for the drilling pad.It appears that only limited grading will be necessary to prepare the site;however, the surficial soils are fine-grained and moisture-sensitive.Following grading,gravel surfacing will be necessary to maintain trafficability. Glacier Valley opens to a large,well protected bay (Makushin Bay). Storms should not be a significant factor with respect to barge loading/ offloading operations.Any area along the Glacier Valley shoreline appears satisfactory for barge landing,no area is particularly favored. The reconnaissance of Glacier Valley was completed in the latter part of August.At that time,it appeared that the flood channels had been dry for some time.Runoff patterns and timing should be evaluated prior to selecting a route here.It is possible that water may occupy these channels during early summer when access road grading would be accomplished. DESIGN:CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General:Based on the reconnaissance and aerial photograph study, access to any of the Fox Canyon and Glacier Valley wellsites under consid- eration is possible.Cost estimates (see below)suggest that the Glacier Valley site would be the least expensive with respect toa access road and drill pad preparation.This results from the fact that most of the road alignment is characterized by good granular subgrade conditions so that relatively minor grading and very little surfacing will be needed to estab- lish a roadway suitable for truck/trailer equipment.Significant grading will be needed for no more than perhaps 700 to 800 feet of roadway and gravel surfacing will be required for only about 1/2 mile.Sources of gravel should be available on the river floodplain close to where they are needed. The Driftwood Bay route is substantially more expensive than the Glacier Valley alternative,but it is significantly cheaper than the Makushin Valley route.Both of these routes are longer (particularly the Makushin Valley route)than Glacier Valley.Although the existing military road traverses significant portions of these two routes,the old road is actually in an inferior,subgrade condition compared to the Glacier Valley flood channel. Preparing the old road for reliable truck/trailer transport of equipment will require nearly as much basic grading as at Glacier Valley and significantly more surfacing. Grading Parameters and Quantities:Available topographic information does not allow specific estimates of the total quantities of earth moving required,or the range of heights of cuts and fills.Some general comments can be made,however: 1.Where "full bench"construction is needed on side hill terrain, excavation of approximately 10 to 14 cubic yards per running yard of roadway length will be necessary. Where "new construction"on relatively gently sloping terrain is required,the best approach will be placement of a gravel or rock overlay.Roadway performance will be enhanced by preserving any surface organic mat.Some experimentation will be appropriate during construction,but for design purposes,a minimum overlay thickness of 16 inches should-be anticipated.Alternatively,a design approach using an engineering fabric with a reduced gravel overlay should be costed out. Cut slopes should be planned at inclinations no steeper than 1:1.Any significant fill slopes should not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Obviously,culverts will be required at all significant stream crossings.In other areas (i.e.,without defined drainage courses), Republic should plan for approximately five cross culverts (12-inch diameter and 25 feet long)per mile of new construction.The general cost estimates incorporate this assumption. Excavation to construct waste fluid storage basins and mud sumps should be generally routine except that the excavated soil will be fine-grained,wet,and highly moisture-susceptible.Construction 10 should involve excavation of a basin and dozing of the excavated material into broad low dikes to provide additional basin depth. Slopes of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical)should be planned for both the interior and exterior side of such dikes. 6.As noted,the soils in any possible mud sump or waste fluid storage basin areas should be predominantly fine-grained (or may consist of granular material within a fine-grained matrix).In any event, these materials should be of very low permeability;no lining'of such basins or sumps need be planned. CONSTRUCTION:CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General:No unusual construction problems are anticipated.The most difficult construction issue will probably be excavation and handling of the generally fine-grained natural soils in the upland areas while preserving equipment trafficability and avoiding slope stability problems.Using full bench construction in side hill areas and avoiding placement of side hill Fills should minimize problems of slumping or sliding.Generally,the in-place,natural soils should be cohesive and therefore resist erosion.It is assumed that excavated material will generally be wasted (except for that used in dike construction).This should minimize any difficulties related to compaction,settlement,or landslides.Much of the excavated material will probably be saturated and any additional water (i.e.,from rainfall)will make it extremely difficult to handle.Operation of equipment directly on freshly excavated areas should be minimized.This implies overlay con- struction in relatively gentle terrain areas (as previously recommended).In side hill areas,full bench construction is recommended;surfacing should be placed as quickly as an area is graded so that all equipment,including dozers,loaders,or backhoes,need not operate directly on the in-place soils. It is expected that excavation can be accomplished with normal con- struction equipment.No need for any blasting is apparent. 11 Required Equipment:The amount of equipment used and the composition of the "spread"depends on a number of factors.These include:the time available for construction,the selected site,weather conditions,and the preference of the contractor.All else being equal,a larger spread of equipment will result in faster construction and less risk of delays due to breakdowns,etc. At a minimum,refurbishing or reconstruction of existing roads,as well as new construction in easy terrain,could be completed with the following equipment:a light dozer,a backhoe,a medium-sized front-end loader,two 5-yard dump trucks,and a medium to heavy duty all-wheel drive grader (motor patrol).Construction in difficult terrain areas would benefit from the addition of a large backhoe (e.g.,3/4-yard to 2-yard bucket)on tracks,and a heavy dozer.A heavy dozer would also be generally useful,to stockpile gravel for efficient loading in borrow areas,for example.The large backhoe would also be useful outside "difficult terrain"areas to assist in setting large culverts,etc.Beyond the equipment described above,road construction would be accelerated mainly by using more trucks and additional loading capacity. Time of Construction:Obviously,the time required for road construc- tion depends on the size of the equipment spread and on weather conditions. Work can start in the late spring as soon as snow is gone.On the Driftwood Bay side,repair and upgrading of the existing road could commence fairly early in the season,perhaps by April.It is unlikely,however,that much work could be done above an elevation of roughly 500 feet until the end of May.There is no basis to estimate when construction could start in higher areas,for example,above 1,000 feet elevation,but it would probably be mid-summer. If one assumes the "minimum equipment spread"as described above,about 3 months should be estimated for completion of the Driftwood Bay route to the primary Fox Canyon wellsite.If the alternative Fox Canyon wellsite is chosen,so that it is not necessary to cross the major canyon,roughly 2 12 months would be needed.The Glacier Valley route will proabably require about 4 to 5 weeks for construction.About 4 months are estimated for the Makushin Valley route to the primary Fox Canyon wellsite.Again,choosing the alternative Fox Canyon wellsite would shorten this by about 171 month. Estimated Construction Costs:The cost estimates in the following table are quite general,but since they are based the same assumptions,they should be relatively correct for the three access options.They assume road align- ments as discussed above and preparation of drill pads roughly 1-1/2 acres in size.Each drill pad would include a mud sump,and waste fluid storage basin. Fox Canyon Site Fax Canyon Site Glacier Valley Element of Work Via Driftwood Bay Via Makushin Valley Site Existing road $70,000 $680,000 $- grading/repair (including culverts) Existing road 960,000 1,500,000 157,000(8) gravel surfacing New construction 515,000 515,000 240,000 in easy terrain (including culverts) New construction 990,000 990,000 190,000 in steep terrain '(ineluding culverts) Major canyon 250,000 250,000 - crossing Drill pad grading/90,000 90 ,000 85 ,000surfacing Total Cost $2,875,000(bsc)$4,025,000(b»c)$672,000') (a)New road surfacing in areas of fine-grained soil subgrade only. (b)Does not include mobilization,camp,helicopter,or barge loading costs. (c)If alternative Fox Canyon wellsite north of major canyon is chosen, subtract about $600,000 from total. 13 Obviously,the Glacier Valley site has the least expensive access requirements.The Driftwood Bay approach to the fox Canyon wellsite is the second most expensive,and the Makushin Valley route is highest. Substantial cost savings would result if the Fox Canyon drill pad could be located so that it would not be necessary to cross the major canyon that stands between the easier terrain and the specific location of the Fox Canyon TGH. As noted,these cost figures assume preparation of a roadway that will accommodate truck/trailer hauling equipment.If tracked hauling equipment is used,significant savings would result because much less gravel surfacing would be needed.If tracked hauling equipment is to be used, subtract $100,000 from the Glacier Valley cost,$1,000,000 from the Driftwood Bay route cost,and $1,350,000 from the Makushin Valley route cost. 14 Note regarding Text References to Plate 1,Plate 2,Plate 3 and Plate 4, These plates are identical to those contained in Dames &Moore's 1982 Environmental Baseline Data Collection Program Final Report and are not reproduced here.Copies of this 1982 Final Report,including all plates, have been distributed independently,or can be found in Republic Geothermal, Inc.'s Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Project Phase IB Final Report to the Alaska Power Authority (1983). APPENDIX C SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY MAKUSHIN VOLCANO AREA UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA A Report Prepared for Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite 1 Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY MAKUSHIN VOLCANO AREA UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA HLA Job No.10,036,004.01 by Whe Af Bomn,Robert F.Corwin, Associate Geophysicist mitt,$Kenneth G.Blom, Geologist -3417 Harding Lawson Associates 7655 Redwood Boulevard,P.0.Box 578 Novato,California 94948 415/892-0821 July 20,1982 Harding Lawson Associates Harding Lawson Associates TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .2.2 «©«©©©©©©©©©©©©©«©©iii I INTRODUCTION .2.6 «©©«©©©©©©©©©©©©ew ew ew 1 II -SURVEY DESCRIPTION AND FIELD PROCEDURE .......e.-2 *III SURVEY RESULTS ..«©««©©«©©©©©©©©©©©©©eo 6 Iv INTERPRETATI ON °e °e e e e e e e e e e e rd e e e e °e 9 A.Artificial Sources ...2.2.«©«©««©«©«©©©©©@ 2 9 B.Soil Property Variations .....-.«+.++2 ««©©«9 C.Conductive Mineral Deposits ........2.-e.e-e.=ALll =D.Topographic Effects ......««©«©«©«©©©©«©13 E.Geothermal Sources ..2.««©««©©©©©©©«©«©©©)18 1.Mechanisms of Self-Potential Generation By Geothermal Sources ....2 ««©«©«©«©«©«e 19f2.Source Geometry Models for the Unalaska Anomalies ....«««©«©«» a.Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf Anomalies .....25 1)Conductive Dike Model .......-.-.25 2)Point and Line Source Models ......26 2)Dipolar Sheet Models ......-+-e+-«e 31 >b.Point Kadin Anomaly .....-s+.-+-«©««22 Vv SUMMARY,CONCLUSIONS,AND RECOMMENDATIONS .....+...234 vi ILLUSTRATIONS ..©6 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©ew ew ew ew 7 Appendixes A SELF-POTENTIAL FIELD PROCEDURE ae B SURVEY DATA DISTRIBUTION ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Harding Lawson Associates Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate tfaowwSelf-Potential Survey Lines and Contours Self-Potential Data M-B+4600S Self-Potential Data Self-Potential Data Self-Potential Data Self-Potential Data A+8800W and G-H Self-Potential Data SS-2 Self-Potential Data Spur U-K Self-Potential Data Self-Potential Data and and and and and and and and and Elevations: Elevation: Elevations: Elevation: Elevations Elevation: Elevation: Elevation: Elevation: Lines B-C-A and Line D-I-C-L Line I-J Line I-C+4600W Lines O-F-F'- Lines S-N-F-P and Lines E-U-S and Line V-X&W and X-Y Line R-Q-T Conductive Dike Model for Combined Anomalies Fox Canyon Anomaly Profiles Point Current Analysis for Fox Canyon Anomaly Preliminary Temperature Data from Drill Hole Del Sugarloaf Anomaly Profiles and Source Locations Line Source Analysis for Sugarloaf Anomaly, Profile D-D' Line Source Analysis for Sugarloaf Anomaly, Profile c-c' iii odHarding Lawson Associates I INTRODUCTION This report describes the results of a self-potential survey conducted in the area of Makushin Volcano,on the Aleutian island of Unalaska,Alaska.The purpose of the survey was to locate and delineate possible geothermal resources.The survey. was performed by Harding Lawson Associates (HLA)for the client, Republic Geothermal,Inc.(RGI),which had contracted with the State of Alaska to explore for geothermal energy resources on the island.The scope of the work included acquisition of self-potential field data,interpretation of the data,and preparation of this report.The data were taken by R.F.Corwin of HLA,assisted by client personnel J.S.Matlick,F.P. Parmentier,and G.Arce. The report begins with a description of the survey area,the working conditions,and the equipment and field procedure used for the self-potential survey.This is followed by a descrip- tion of the survey results and an interpretation of these results in terms of both nongeothermal and geothermal sources. The summary and conclusions section includes preliminary recom- mendations for possible exploratory geothermal wells.A description of the self-potential field procedure used by HLA is given in Appendix A,and copies of the field data are included as Appendix B. Harding Lawson Associates II SURVEY DESCRIPTION AND FIELD PROCEDURE Plate 1 shows the locations of the self-potential survey lines superimposed on a topographic map of the survey area.The survey covered approximately 78 line-kilometers.It if apparent from the map that the terrain in the survey area is extremely rugged,and that no roads exist in the area.Temperatures ranged from about 28°F to 40°F during the survey period,at least some snow fell almost every day,and poor visibility and high winds (often gusting to over 60 mph)limited actual field time to about two-thirds of the days on site.Days spent in camp due to bad weather were used for data reduction and report preparation. To minimize personnel hazards and to obtain reasonable daily production rates under these difficult conditions,a modified version of the "fixed-base"self-potential survey procedure (Appendix A)usually used by HLA was developed.Variations from this usual procedure included the following: 1)Because of the difficult terrain,it would have taken an unreasonable amount of time to reel in the connecting wire after finishing each survey line.Also,the chest reel used to hold reusable wire requires two hands to operate and tends to unbalance the operator, and so is hazardous in steep terrain. Instead,a very lightweight "disposable"wire (24 gage magnet wire insulated with "Formvar" varnish)was used,spooled on reels holding about 5.5 kilometers each.At the end of a survey line or a field day,the wire was ne Harding Lawson Associates simply broken and left behind.Distances along the survey lines were measured using a "Hip-Chain"device,which strings out a light- weight disposable thread that actuates an odometer wheel.This procedure saved several hours of re-spooling time per day,and elimi- nated the need to repeat many hazardous traverses operating an unwieldly chest reel. Since the only practical access to most of the survey area was by helicopter,this procedure allowed the helicopter to set the survey crew down at the beginning of a survey line,and to pick them up at any time once the line was finished or if the weather began closing in. 2)The usual HLA field procedure includes careful and continuous monitoring of electrode drift and polarization so that these effects may be removed from the measured data.Because of the large variations in soil,temperature,and snow conditions over the space of a few hours in this survey area,and because the base electrode usually was not recovered for at least several days after completion of the survey line (due to weather-related lack of accessibility),these electrode monitoring procedures would have been futile,and were not used for this survey.As electrode effects usually are in the range of a few to a few tens of millivolts (mV),and as anomaly amplitudes in this area exceeded several hundred mV,the lack of electrode polarization monitoring should not have significantly affected the final survey results. With these exceptions,field procedure was as described in Appendix A.Contact with the soil was made using nonpolarizing copper-copper sulfate electrodes (Tinker &Rasor Model 6B),and voltages and contact resistances were read on a Fluke Model 8020A digital multimeter with an input impedance of 10 megohms. Comparison with readings from a very high-impedance meter ty) Harding Lawson Associates (Geonics Model SP-19;500 megohms)indicated that source contact resistances of up to 2 or 32 megohms did not significantly affect the accuracy of the readings on the Fluke meter.Nominal sta- tion spacing was 200 meters,with closer spacing in some areas where detail was desired,and wider spacing in areas where no soil was present or where hazardous terrain or snow conditions precluded stopping for a measurement.Point A (Plate 1),at the mouth of Makushin Valley,was assumed to be at zero potential, and all values are referenced to this point.With the exception of line R-Q-T in the Point Kadin area,all lines were tied back to point A.The tie-in readings are included on the data sheets in Appendix B. Because potentials caused by time-varying telluric currents can affect self-potential readings,telluric voltages were con- tinuously monitored on a strip chart recorder connected across a stationary electrode dipole pair.The initial telluric dipole was set up on May 5 in Makushin Valley,with the positive elec- trode at A+8800 meters west and the negative electrode 500 meters to the east at A+8300 meters west.Maximum telluric variations on this monitor for a day of high telluric activity were about +6 mV/500 m,or about +12 mV/km,with a period of about 30 seconds.When this type of telluric activity was present during a self-potential measurement,it was compensated Harding Lawson Associates by reading for several minutes and averaging several successive peak values.No significant longer-period variations were seen on this monitor. The telluric monitor was moved to the camp area (near point F,Plate 1)on May 10.Because of restricted space,the dipole length was reduced to 150 meters,with a corresponding reduction in signal strength.The approximate +5 to +10 mV/km maximum amplitude and approximate 30-second predominant period for this monitor were similar to those seen on the Makushin Valley dipole,and no magnetic storms or significant long-period variations were recorded.Therefore,it seems unlikely that the Survey data were significantly affected by telluric activity. Harding Lawson Associates III SURVEY PESULTS The self-potential survey results are shown plotted on Plates 2 through 10,and in the form of a contour map on Plate 1.All data station locations are referenced by distance and general direction from a point labeled by a letter.As mentioned in the previous section,except for Plate 10 (Point Kadin area)all self-potential values are tied and referenced to an assumed zero potential value at point A.For Plate 10,the shoreline (points R and T)was assumed to be at zero potential. The results from this survey line will be discussed later. Along with the measured self-potential values,the plots on Plates 2 through 10 also show values smoothed by use of a 5-point unweighted running mean,locations of soil mercury Sampling stations,and topography (the elevations were read on a pocket altimeter,calibrated twice daily against the helicopter altimeter).Linear distances along the survey line are given in kilometers,and elevations in feet because these are the units used on the base map (Plate 1).The topography is plotted upside down in order to make it easier to notice possible cor- relations between self-potential and elevation,as discussed later.The contours shown on Plate 1 are taken from the smoothed curves,in order to reduce unnecessSary contour detail and the effects of near-surface sources. Harding Lawson Associates It is apparent from the profiles that well-established back- ground levels are seen over most of the survey area.Such areas are characterized by flat or very slowly rising or falling trend lines,by point-to-point variations that rarely exceed about +50 mV,and by absolute levels between +100 mV (one contour interval on Plate 1).Two anomalous areas stand out clearly from this background:a negative anomaly of about -600 mV amplitude,cen- tered about 1 kilometer northeast of Sugarloaf Cone (which will be referred to as the Sugarloaf negative anomaly);and a nega- tive anomaly of about -500 mV amplitude,centered about 2?kilo- meters southwest of Sugarloaf Cone (which will be referred to as the Fox Canyon negative anomaly,in honor of a fox that showed the survey team a safe path across an ominous snow bridge). Anomalous activity at a lower level,just above background,is seen just to the north of both the Sugarloaf and Fox Canyon anomalies.It is interesting to note that both of these anom- alies are associated with the same geologic unit (Qml;Recent Makushin lavas)and that no anomalies are seen where this forma- tion is not exposed.Finally,a small-amplitude multipolar anomaly is seen to be centered at about Q+1.5 kilometers north on line R-Q-T (Plate 10;Point Kadin);superimposed on a long- wavelength overall negative that is thought to be of topographic origin (discussed later).This multipolar anomaly also is associated with the Oml unit. Harding Lawson Associates As evident from the profiles and the map of survey lines, both of the long-wavelength anomalies are traversed by a suf- ficient number of survey lines so that their true shapes and amplitudes should be reasonably well defined.Cumulative tie-in errors around all closed loops were well under 100 mV,so the measured self-potential value at any given field data point should be easily reproducible within one contour interval. Although the smoothing process produces slight distortions in the shapes of the anomalies,these distortions should not significantly affect the geologic interpretations of the anom- alies discussed in the following sections. Harding Lawson Associates IV INTERPRETATION There are many possible sources of self-potential variations that are not related to geothermal activity.These include artificial sources,soil property variations,conductive mineral deposits,streaming potentials generated by the flow of non- geothermal ground water,anc topographic effects.Before assigning a geothermal origin to the Sugarloaf and Fox Canyon anomalies,the possibility that one or more of these other sources may be responsible for,or contribute to,the observed anomalies is evaluated below. A.Artificial Sources Artificial sources such as buried pipelines,well casings, cathodic protection systems,electrical machinery grounds,etc. can develop large potential fields in the earth.As this survey area is totally undeveloped,and as virtually no evidence of human activity was seen in the area of the anomalies,it is safe to conclude that artificial sources did not contribute to the observed anomalies. _B.Soil Property Variations Variations in soil properties such as moisture content,pore fluid chemistry,and soil type are known to affect self- potential readings.Soil properties in the survey area (noted Harding Lawson Associates on the field data sheets)ranged from thawed,fully water- Saturated tundra muskeg bog in the lower valleys to deep snow or frozen and/or extremely rocky soil at higher elevations.Snow cover was present over much of the survey area,but in most cases it proved possible to dig through the snow to soil beneath (exceptions are noted on the field data sheets).Previous expe- rience,and several measurements made in this survey area,indi- cate that readings made in snow cover are not significantly dif- ferent than those made in the soil beneath the snow,providing that the voltmeter used has sufficiently high input impedance. Laboratory experiments have shown that the maximum effect of soil property variations on a given self-potential reading is "Limited to a few tens of mV;far less than the amplitudes of the observed anomalies in this area.Additionally,field experi- ments have shown that self-potential readings do not change significantly between thawed and frozen soil conditions. An example of the lack of correlation between self-potential and soil property variations is seen on Plate 8,showing a pro- file ranging from saturated,unfrozen tundra muskeg bog soil in Glacier Valley to hard-frozen,extremely rocky soil at the 2850 feet elevation pass between Glacier and Makushin Valleys. Virtually no significant self-potential variation is seen along the entire survey line.Therefore,it seems unlikely that soil 10 "> Harding Lawson Associates property variations contribute significantly to the observed large anomalies,although they probably are responsible for much of the point-to-point "geologic noise"seen in the data profiles. C.Conductive Mineral Deposits Both massive and disseminated deposits of electronically conductive minerals,including pyrite,chalcopyrite,graphite, and a number of others,are known to generate self-potential anomalies.These anomalies are almost always negative in polarity,centered close to the epicenter of the deposit,and range in amplitude from a few tens of mV up to greater than 1 volt.The wavelength and shape of the anomaly depend on the | size,geometry,and depth of burial of the deposit. The amplitude,shape,polarity,and wavelength of the Sugar- loaf and Fox Canyon anomalies are similar to those seen over large disseminated deposits of graphite or sulfides.As such deposits often are related to volcanic activity of the type seen in the Makushin area,and as mineral deposits have been dis- covered elsewhere on the island,serious consideration must be given to the possibility that all or part of the negative anom- alies may be related to conductive sulfide mineral deposits (graphite deposits probably would not be found in this geologic setting).This possibility is reinforced by the fact that mineralization anomalies often are most intense in areas of 11 Harding Lawson Associates active weathering and an abundant supply of well-oxygenated ground water,both of which conditions hold in the area.Also, active sulfide deposition is seen at Fumarole #8 (Plate 11), near the center of the Sugarloaf anomaly.Finally,it is pos- sible that a plutonic intrusive body may be present beneath the Sugarloaf or Fox Canyon areas.Such bodies often are hosts to sulfide deposits. Several pieces of evidence argue against a conductive mineral source for the negative anomalies.First,no self- potential anomaly was seen in the vicinity of Fumarole #1 (Plate 11),where at least 10 percent disseminated pyrite was seen in the recently altered rocks around the fumarole.Second, the best-accepted mechanism for generation of self-potential anomalies by conductive mineral deposits requires a reducing zone at depth.The geology and fumarolic activity in the areas of the observed anomalies indicates that the ground water at depth in these areas is hot,or is displaced by steam.These conditions are totally unlike the stagnant,anaerobic depth environment thought to be necessary for the production of a mineralization self-potential anomaly.Finally,the Sugarloaf area is thought to be capped by at least a few hundred meters of recent lava,which probably would not be host to a sulfide deposit and would restrict the depth range in which such a deposit could exist. 12 Harding Lawson Associates Drill Hole D-l (Plate 12),located close to the -400 mv contour of the Fox Canyon anomaly,was completed to a depth of 1440 feet in July 1982.A very minor amount of pyrite (probably less than 1 percent)was seen between 785 and 805 feet beneath the surface,and about 5 percent pyrite was seen from about 1220 feet down to the bottom of the hole at 1440 feet.As it is very doubtful that this amount and distribution of pyrite could generate an anomaly as large and extensive as that seen in Fox Canyon,a conductive mineral source for the Fox Canyon anomaly seems unlikely. D.Topographic Effects Topographic effects are known to occasionally produce very large self-potential anomalies,especially in volcanic areas . (examples include the Fast Rift zone of the island of Hawaii and Adagdak volcano on the Aleutian island of Adak).These anom- alies presumably are generated by streaming potentials (dis- cussed later)caused by the downhill flow of near-surface water, and usually become more negative with increasing elevation (the so-called "negative summit"phenomenon).When topographic self-potential anomalies are present,the ratio of self- potential variation to elevation change usually ranges from about -0.05 mV/ft to about -2 mv/ft.Areas where such anomalies are found usually have porous near-surface soil or rocks,large Harding Lawson Associates elevation changes over considerable distances,and high precipi- tation leading to an abundant supply of very fresh near-surface ground water.As all these factors are present to some extent in Unalaska,and as a very strong topographic effect was seen on Adagdak Volcano on the Aleutian island of Adak,the possibility that some or all of the observed self-potential activity in Unalaska is topographically caused must be carefully considered. As mentioned previously,the self-potential profiles (Plates 2 through 10)also show plots of the topography along the self- potential survey line.Because of the expected inverse correla- tion between elevation and self-potential,the topographic pro- files have been inverted so that topographic effects will be made more apparent by a parallel trend of the self-potential and topographic profiles. Examination of the profiles indicates that the two major negative anomalies do not appear to show any significant topographic correlation (for example,see Plates 2 and 2).Con- versely,some of the lines with the greatest topographic relief show little or no self-potential activity (for example,see Plates 7 and 8).In a few cases,there does appear to be a degree of topographic correlation,especially at lower eleva- tions.The best example of this is seen in Plate 10,where the self-potential profile is well correlated with elevation, 14 Harding Lawson Associates with a ratio of about -0.25 to -0.30 mV/ft (the anomaly centered at about Q+1.5 kilometers north on this line does not seem to be directly related to topography,and will be discussed later). Other areas where topography and self-potential trends may be correlated are seen in Plate 2 (from B to about B+1.5 kilometers south);Plate 6 (from F to about F+4.5 kilometers east);and Plate 5 (from I to about I+2.5 kilometers west). Of these four examples,all but the last occur at elevations of less than 1000 feet,where soil and alluvium cover generally were substantial and the ground generally did not seem to be frozen.In contrast,at higher elevations,the soil cover often was thin or nonexistent,and the soil was usually,frozen below a Gepth of a few inches.Thus it is possible that the apparent lack of topographic correlation at higher elevations on Unalaska was due at least in part to a lack of porous rock or alluvium' through which shallow hydrologic flow could occur,combined with immobilization of shallow ground water by freezing.It is interesting in this regard that the strong correlation between topography and self-potential seen on Adagdak Volcano on Adak Island (a change of about -2700 mV between sea level and an elevation of about 2200 feet)was measured in August,when ground water may not have been frozen. Although the profiles show little correlation between topography and the two large negative anomalies,examination of 15 Harding Lawson Associates the contour map (Plate 1)indicates that self-potential and topographic contours are clearly related in some areas.The Sugarloaf negative anomaly is roughly confined to what appears to be a valley-filling lava flow surrounding Sugarloaf Cone. The eastern and western margins of this anomaly closely parallel the steep upslopes that bound the valley,while the southern margin of the anomaly roughly parallels a steep downward slope where the Sugarloaf Cone plateau drops off into Makushin Canyon.Similarly,the northwestern and southeastern margins of the Fox Canyon anomaly are roughly parallel to steep upward slopes. . A mechanism by which the observed negative anomalies could be related to the surrounding topography could involve fresh ground water flowing down the steep surrounding slopes,entering beneath the recent Makushin lavas that overlie both of the anomalous areas,and flowing strongly downward through faults or fracture systems in the underlying rocks;these faults or frac- tures being roughly centered beneath the negative centers of the anomalies. Although this mechanism is qualitatively realistic,several points should be considered when judging whether this is the actual explanation for the anomalies.First,topographic anom- alies related to ground-water flow usually are seen either directly above a topographic high or on the steep flanks of the 16 an) - Harding Lawson Associates high.There is no documented case of an anomaly related to nongeothermal ground-water flow being centered in a relatively flat area.Second,the -500 mV amplitudes are very large for ground-water-generated anomalies originating at considerable depth (presumably at the base of the Makushin lavas or deeper). These amplitudes would suggest either very high ground-water flow rates or very large streaming potential coupling coeffi- cients (discussed later),neither of which is compatible with the lack of topographic effects seen elsewhere in the survey area.Finally,data from Drill Hole D-1l indicate that there is no unusually large degree of vertical fracturing beneath the anomalous area.Ground-water temperatures stay at about 8°C down to about 800 feet,but this constant temperature is thought to be maintained mainly by lateral rather than vertical water. movement. | Summarizing,a descending ground-water mechanism for the Sugarloaf and Fox Canyon anomalies is possible in theory but has several practical objections.As this mechanism is in direct contrast to the possible geothermal mechanism to be discussed below (descending cold water vs.ascending hot water or steam), the geological likelihood of such a ground-water flow pattern and fault or fracture system should be very carefully assessed. 17 Harding Lawson Associates E.Geothermal Sources The remaining possible cause of the observed self-potential anomalies is geothermal activity.At the time of this writing, the preliminary temperature readings in Drill Hole D-l (Plate 12)show a very high gradient of about 25°F per 100 feet beginning at 1000 feet depth,indicating that a significant geothermal source may exist beneath the Fox Canyon anomaly. In order to more fully interpret the Unalaska anomalies in terms of geothermal activity,it would be helpful to be able to refer to case histories of similar anomalies related to known geothermal sources.Unfortunately,there appear to be no well- documented case histories where negative self-potential anom- alies of the amplitude and wavelength of those seen in Unalaska have been unambiguously associated with known geothermal sources.In most cases,self-potential anomalies associated with known geothermal activity have been dipolar in form,with the inflection (zero point)of the anomaly curve or contours roughly centered over a fault or fracture zone thought to act as a conduit for geothermal fluids.The major exception to this pattern is seen in the East Rift Zone of the island of Hawaii, where large-amplitude (greater than 1000 mV)positive anomalies of about 1 km wavelength are associated with geothermally active rifts.The following section of this report will present a general discussion of the mechanisms by which self-potential 18 Harding Lawson Associates anomalies can be generated by geothermal activity,followed by an analysis of the Unalaska anomalies in terms of these geother- mal mechanisms. 'Geothermal systems are characterized by temperature,fluid flow,and geochemical conditions that contrast with those of the surrounding environment.These contrasts can generate subsur- face electric current flows which in turn can generate surface self-potential anomalies.The mechanisms by which temperature, pressure,or geochemical gradients generate electric current flows are respectively called thermoelectric,electrokinetic, and electrochemical coupling.Voltages generated by pressure gradients driving a fluid flow through a porous medium also are commonly called streaming potentials.The physical bases for these coupling phenomena are given in advanced texts on physical chemistry and electrochemistry.Because surface anomalies 7 generated by electrochemical coupling are thought to be small (a few tens of mV at most),the following discussion will be limited to thermoelectric and electrokinetic coupling. 1.Mechanisms of Self-Potential Generation by Geothermal Sources In this discussion we will make qualitative use of a quantitative self-potential modeling approach developed by Sill (W.R.Sill,Self-Potential Modeling from Primary Flows,U.S. 19 Harding Lawson Associates Department of Energy report DOE/ID/12079-42,1981)and Fitterman (D.V.Fitterman,Calculation of Self-Potential Anomalies Near Vertical Contacts,Geophysics,Vol.44,No.2,p.195-205, 1979).In this approach,there are two possible types of sources for the subsurface electric current flows that generate the observed surface self-potential anomalies.The first type of,source is generated by a divergent (in the mathematical sense)flow of heat or fluid ina homogeneous medium.Phys- ically,this means that self-potential sources are created where heat or fluid is being added to or removed from a point in a uniform earth.Examples of such sources would include buried bodies of elevated temperature,Or areas where deep fluids have ascended along a fault zone and are flowing into a shallower layer.Isolated sources of this type generate monopolar (purely positive or purely negative)surface anomalies.(It should be noted that the existence and amplitude of anomalies generated by such sources depend.on the assumed boundary condition at the earth's surface;i.e.,whether the heat or fluid flow is perpen- dicular or parallel to the surface.)The polarity of the anomaly depends both on whether the flow is into or out of the source region,and on the sign of the coupling coefficient. (The coupling coefficient of a material is defined as the voltage generated by a temperature or pressure gradient imposed across a sample of the material,divided by the temperature or 20 Harding Lawson Associates pressure difference across the sample.For heat flow,the thermoelectric coupling coefficient usually is given in mV/°C, and for fluid flow,the electrokinetic or streaming potential coupling coefficient usually is given in mV/atmosphere. Coupling coefficient magnitude usually increases as pore fluid salinity decreases.)As coupling coefficients may be either positive or negative,the polarity of the surface anomaly does not immediately indicate whether the heat or fluid flow is into or out of the source area. The second type of source occurs where a flow of heat or fluid intersects a discontinuity of coupling coefficient. Coupling coefficient discontinuities may be formed by geological boundaries,such as contacts,fault planes,or fracture zones, that bring areas with different mineral or pore fluid composi- tion into contact.Such discontinuities also may be caused by rock alteration due to the flow of thermal fluids along faults or fracture zones. Modeling of the surface self-potential anomalies generated by this mechanism involves the placement cf an elec- tric charge distribution at locations where sources of heat or fluid exist,or where heat or fluid flows intersect coupling coefficient discontinuities. For simple cases,such as an upward flow of heat along a vertical fault plane,a continuous electric charge distribution 21 Harding Lawson Associates pressure difference across the sample.For heat flow,the thermoelectric coupling coefficient usually is given in mv/°C, and for fluid flow,the electrokinetic or streaming potential coupling coefficient usually is given in mV/atmosphere. Coupling coefficient magnitude usually increases as pore fluid salinity decreases.)As coupling coefficients may be either positive or negative,the polarity of the surface anomaly does not immediately indicate whether the heat or fluid flow is into or out-of the source area. The second type of source occurs where a flow of heat or fluid intersects a discontinuity of coupling coefficient. Coupling coefficient discontinuities may be formed by geological boundaries,such as contacts,fault planes,or fracture zones, that bring areas with different mineral or pore fluid composi- tion into contact.Such discontinuities also may be caused by rock alteration due to the flow of thermal fluids along faults or fracture zones. Modeling of the surface self-potential anomalies generated by this mechanism involves the placement cf an elec- tric charge distribution at locations where sources of heat or fluid exist,or where heat or fluid flows intersect coupling coefficient discontinuities. For simple cases,such as an upward flow of heat along a vertical fault plane,a continuous electric charge distribution 21 Harding Lawson Associates conditions,it is difficult to predict the polarity of a source caused by a flow in a given direction or to infer directly from the self-potential data whether a given anomaly is causedby heat flow,fluid flow,or some combination of these. Further complicating the picture,because the surface self-potential pattern usually covers an area greater than the projection of the source region alone,the anomaly is distorted by changes in topography,permeability,and electrical resistiv- ity outside the source region.Examples of these effects are given in the papers of Sill and Fitterman,cited above.This means that the observed surface self-potential pattern depends not only on the geometry of the source itself,but also to some extent on the geology and topography of the area outside of the actual source region.The effects of some simple resistivity' distributions may be handled analytically,but more complex distributions require the use of sophisticated two-or three- dimensional computer programs.The use of such programs may be warranted in areas where the resistivity distribution is reason- ably well known. | Briefly summarizing the above discussion,surface self- potential anomalies may be generated by the flow of subsurface heat or fluid (as mentioned previously,without further geologic information we cannot differentiate between heat or fluid flow).The source geometry of the anomaly may be approximated Harding Lawson Associates by a continuous subsurface charge distribution,by a distribu- tion of point current sources and sinks,or by some combination of these.Quantitatively relating the polarity and amplitude of these charges or current sources to the magnitude and direction of the heat or fluid flows causing them is difficult,because coupling coefficients for in-situ geothermal conditions are not available.Finally,the surface anomaly patterns may be distorted by changes in topography,permeability,or resistivity that are not related to the geothermal source. 2.Source Geometry Models for the Unalaska Anomalies Considering these complexities and uncertainties,and the lack of geological and geophysical data in the area,the most realistic interpretation of the Unalaska self-potential data would consist of the simplest source model geometry that could produce the observed anomalies and not be inconsistent with the known geology.(It should be pointed out that,as for any potential field method such as gravity,magnetics,self- potential,ete.,there is literally an infinite number of source models that can produce a given surface anomaly,and that we can select among these models only by considering other informa- tion.)In the analysis below,we derive simple source geom- etries for each of the observed anomalies,and then interpret the derived source geometries in terms of geology and geothermal 24 Harding Lawson Associates activity.The small anomaly at Point Kadin will be treated separately at the end of this section. a.Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf Anomalies 1)Conductive Dike Model Before beginning a separate analysis of each of the anomalies,we must determine whether the Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf anomalies may be interrelated;i.e.,are parts of a Single large anomaly.An anomaly pattern somewhat similar to the observed pattern could be generated by a source geometry consisting of a pair of vertical or nearly vertical planes of dipolar charge (see Plate 11).The "conductive dike"region between the planes is more conductive (less resistive)than the areas outside the planes (i.e.,Po is less than Py and Pa)-The plane running just to the east of Fumarole #8 would be polarized with the positive side facing southwest,while the plane just to the east of Fumarole #1 would have its positive side facing northeast.Geologically,this geometry would correspond to a pair of faults and/or fractures coincident with the polarized planes.(For future discussion,we will refer to faults and/or fractures simply as faults.)The dipolar charge distribution would be produced by heat and/or fluid flow along the faults,which could be acting as conduits for geothermal fluid flow.Geothermal fluid inundating the central area between the faults could account for the low resistivity of this area. 25 Harding Lawson Associates A preliminary analysis of this situation was done by D.V.Fitterman of the U.S.Geological Survey,using a computer program developed by him for this type of model.It proved possible to obtain a reasonable match between the mea- sured field data and the calculated anomaly for several dif- ferent models,but all the final models required both large resistivity contrasts between the central and outlying areas and very large potentials along the source planes.Based on the resistivity values usually seen in this type of environment,the magnitude of the resistivity contrasts required for these models seems unreasonably large.Similarly,the implied magnitudes of the source plane potentials (ranging from about 2000 to 8000 mv) are much larger than would be expected from theoretical consid- erations.Therefore,it seems unlikely that this type of model represents the actual geology. 2)Point and Line Source Models In this and the following section,we will consider the Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf anomalies as having separate sources,and will define some simple source geometries that could generate self-potential patterns similar to the observed anomalies. The simplest source geometry for a roughly circular anomaly pattern in a homogeneous earth is a Single infinitesi- mally small (point)source of electric current.For such a 26 Harding Lawson Associates point source,the surface potential field can be calculated from the equation KVez--(1)x?+a?' where d is the depth of burial of the source;x is the radial distance from the point,measured along the surface;V is the potential at the distance x,referred to a zero potential ina background area at a great distance from the source;and K is a constant that depends on the strength of the source and the electrical resistivity of the earth. From equation (1)it follows that the anomaly pattern generated by a small-buried current source is circular in form,and that,the deeper the source of a given anomaly,the broader the wavelength of the anomaly must be.A very rough, but useful,rule of thumb that can be derived from (1)is that, for a buried point source of current,the half-wavelength of the surface anomaly is equal to the depth to the source multiplied by V3 (the half-wavelength of an anomaly is defined as the distance from the center of the anomaly to the point at which the anomaly amplitude is one-half of its maximum value). This may be expressed mathematically as X1/2 =V34a,(2) or d =x1/2 /V2 (3) 27 Harding Lawson Associates where X12 is the half-wavelength and d is the depth to the buried point source.A related principle is that a source region of finite size may be buried at a shallower depth than 4d, but cannot be deeper.Thus this principle can be used to estab- lish a rough maximum depth to the source region of a given SP anomaly. From Plate 1,it is evident that the Fox Canyon anomaly is very roughly circular in form,so a point source analysis of the type described above could be used to obtain an approximate maximum depth to the source of this anomaly. Plate 12 shows the profile locations used for the interpreta- tion,while Plate 12 shows the measured anomaly along these profiles,along with the anomaly curves generated by a point source at various depths. It is obvious from Plate 13 that the correspond- ence between the measured and theoretical profiles is far from perfect,especially at distances greater than about 1 km from the origin.However,in the central portion of the anomaly, between about 1 km E and 1 km W,a point source at a depth of about 0.4 km (1200 ft)gives a fair approximation to the field Gata except for the curve segment from 0 to Bi.This implies that the depth to the source of the Fox Canyon anomaly is no greater than about 1300 feet. 28 Harding Lawson Associates Preliminary results from Drill Hole D-1 (Plate 14)indicate that the temperature gradient increases abruptly from zero to a relatively constant value of about 35°F/100 feet at a depth of about 1000 ft (0.31 km),and that this gradient continues at least to the bottom of the drill hole at about 1425 ft (0.42 km).Thus the self-potential source region may be located close to or somewhat below the 1000-foot depth,where the large vertical heat flow component intersects a geologic boundary,or where vertical fractures may be intro- ducing heat and/or fluid into a host formation. 'The simplest source geometry for an elongated anomaly such as the one seen at Sugarloaf is an infinitesimally thin line source of current (essentially,a linear extension of the point source described above).As for the point source,a line source giving a reasonable fit to the observed data can be used to obtain an estimate of the maximum depth to the actual source. An analytical formula for the field generated by a horizontal line source of finite length is available in the literature.However,the asymmetrical north-south form of the Sugarloaf anomaly suggests that the source line probably plunges to the north.As no analytical formula for the field generated by a plunging line source has been published,we have 29 Harding Lawson Associates approximated this type of source by a closely spaced linear sequence of point sources. The results of this type of modeling for the Sugarloaf anomaly are shown on Plates 15,16,and 17.Plate 15 shows a plan view of the locations of the multiple point sources.The line of sources plunges 10°to the north,with the northernmost source at a depth of 0.49 km (1600 ft)and the southernmost source at 0.21 km (690 ft). Plate 16 shows,for profile D-D',the measured anomaly and the theoretical curve generated by the model described above.The theoretical curve is a reasonable approx- imation to the field data between about 1 km south and 1 km north,at which point it diverges considerably.Plate 17 shows the same information along profile C-C'.Again,the fit is reasonable in the central portion,but diverges to the east and west. As the lack of agreement between the measured and theoretical data in the outer part of the anomaly for both curves probably is caused mainly by resistivity and topographic changes,the model shown on Plate 15 should give a fair estimate of the maximum depth to the source region,which ranges from about 0.21 km (690 ft)to the south to about 0.49 km (1600 ft) to the north.The average depth of about 0.25 km (1150 ft)to the line source is comparable to that for the Fox Canyon 30 Harding Lawson Associates anomaly,and suggests that the geology and temperature profile in the Sugarloaf area may be comparable to those in the Fox Canyon area. 32)Dipolar Sheet Models A more quantitative estimate of source geometry and depth may be made by approximating the self-potential source region by a two-dimensional dipolar sheet instead of a point or line source.A computer program for calculating the potential field generated by this type of source has been written by D.V. Fitterman of the U.S.Geological Survey.A preliminary analysis of the Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf anomalies has been performed by Fitterman,and indicates that the depth to the center of the source plane of the Fox Canyon anomaly is about 0.47 km (1500 ft).The plane,which is polarized with the negative side up, measures about 1.6 km (5250 ft)in the east-west direction and about 2.0 km (6560 £t)north-south,and dips about 11°to the west.The source plane for the Sugarloaf anomaly is buried at a depth of about 0.29 km (940 ft)and is flat-lying.It measures about 1.25 km (4100 ft)east-west and 2.0 km (6560 ft)north- south.This plane also is polarized with the negative side up. It should be noted that the depths given for these planes are estimates of the actual values,rather than the maximum values obtained from the point and line source analyses. Harding Lawson Associates While this preliminary model does not neces- sarily give the best possible fit to the observed data,it does provide a useful first estimate of source region depths and configurations.The dipolar potential on the two source planes could be generated by a vertical component of heat and/or fluid flow crossing a geological boundary;a horizontal component of heat and/or fluid flow parallel to a geological boundary,or some combination of these. Comparing these results with those obtained from the point and line source analyses,the average dipolar sheet source depth of 0.47 km for the Fox Canyon anomaly is somewhat greater than the 0.40 km maximum depth estimated for the point source,while the 0.29 km depth to the dipolar sheet source is somewhat less than the 0.25 km average maximum depth for the line source.Considering the approximations and uncertainties inherent in all these models,the differences between the source depths obtained using these two types of models are reasonable. b.Point Kadin Anomaly The self-potential profile in the Point Kadin area (line R-Q-T,Plate 10)shows a relatively small amplitude (+100 mV)multipolar anomaly centered at about 1.5 km north,super- imposed on the general topographic trend.Although this anomaly disappears completely in the smoothed data,its coherent unsmoothed form suggests that it may be a Significant feature rather than just an expression of random geologic noise. 32 Harding Lawson Associates The form of this anomaly is roughly the inverse of the Fox Canyon -Sugarloaf pattern,with a negative central portion flanked by two positives.A possible source configura- tion for this type of anomaly is a pair of roughly vertical dipolar source planes striking northwest-southeast and located at the inflection paints of the curve at about 1.2 km north and 1.8 km north.These source planes could correspond to geother- mally active faults.The short wavelength of the anomaly indi- cates a shallow depth to the tops of the source planes,of the order of 100 m.The presence of a large,recent volcanic crater just to the southeast of the center of the anomaly at 1.5 km north lends some support to the possibility of geothermal activity in this area. 33 Harding Lawson Associates V SUMMARY,CONCLUSIONS,AND RECOMMENDATIONS Self-potential data of generally good quality was obtained over the entire survey area.Three significant anomalies were seen (Plate 1):a -600 mV negative (called the Sugarloaf anom- aly)centered just to the northeast of Sugarloaf Cone;a -500 mv negative (called the Fox Canyon anomaly)centered about 3 km southwest of Sugarloaf Cone;and a multipolar anomaly of about +100 mV amplitude about 2 km east of Point Kadin (Plate 10). The anomalies do not appear to be caused by artificial sources,variations in soil properties,or topographic effects. The Fox Canyon and Sugarloaf anomalies are similar to those caused by conductive mineral deposits,but results from Drill Hole D-1 indicate that the amount and distribution of pyrite in the Fox Canyon area are not sufficient to generate an anomaly of the observed magnitude. A preliminary analysis of a geothermal source mechanism was done using a model in which a pair of northwest trending faults serve as conduits bringing geothermal fluids into the region between the Sugarloaf and Fox Canyon anomalies.The results of this analysis indicated that unrealistic geological parameters were needed to make this model fit the observed data.MThere- fore,it seems unlikely (although not impossible)that the 34 Harding Lawson Associates area between the two anomalies is a major reservoir for geother- mal fluids. Geothermal interpretations of the Fox Canyon anomaly using one-and two-dimensional sources located directly beneath the anomaly indicate that the depth to the source lies between about 0.320 and 0.50 km (980 to 1640 £t),which corresponds to the area of high temperature gradient measured in Drill Hole Del.This self-potential source region may correspond to an area where anomalously high flows of heat and/or fluid intersect geological boundaries.Similar interpretations for the Sugarloaf anomaly give an average source depth of about 0.30 km (980 ft),implying that the geology and temperature gradient beneath the Sugarloaf anomaly may be similar to those in the Fox Canyon area. The small multipolar anomaly at Point Kadin could be generated by geothermal activity along a pair of faults that bracket the large,recent volcanic crater located close to the center of the anomaly.The depth to the tops of these faults probably is 100 m or less,but not enough survey coverage is available to allow a more detailed interpretation. |Based on the self-potential and thermal gradient data,our recommendation for a second drill hole location would be in the central area of the Sugarloaf self-potential anomaly.A series of electrical resistivity measurements made across the two large negative anomalies and the area between them might establish Harding Lawson Associates whether the area between the anomalies is of anomalously low resistivity.If this proved to be the case,the area between the anomalies would be a definite geothermal target.Finally, although the Point Kadin anomaly is intriguing,not enough self-potential data are available to definitely indicate geo- thermal activity in this area. VI ILLUSTRATIONS 37 Harding Lawson Associates SELFPOTENTIAL(mV}+200 _ +200 _| -200 J a00 _| MERCURY STATION -*800 22 23 282s 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 06 USO 37 210 200s 1918 17 16 COTS H TE O12 tO 9 s 765 a 3 2 1 29 23 «81-sos0+oeoe Fo +6G UA a yr t+ty wt ++bet t+Fh th 'F |oeuadagdogud $$ud 0 oa on --4A B+acocs }8 c TIE T T T |T a]r t 1 q t T T T T T T TT :>0 1S zs s s 5S 6s 7s «Ss s .a ™or a a”Po]nd]r)w e a Erplrananrios =O UnsncothedFisidOats 0 1 kilometer ----Smooch Ost ".nA----o ep Loween LINE..B-C-A&M-8+4600SSCALE -ows Berton a))ooo ore Seit PotentialDataagSoreUnalaskaisiand,Alaska°a Survey Location Pome [SS a ane =o oe 7)W.J.Henrich 10,036,004.01 RE en?6/11/82 SELF-POTENTIAL(mV)MERCURY STATION 48 47 45 ay 42 41 40 38939 79 125 124 123 +200 _r 4 rf ,y Fh 4 $f $f 4 ry +4 +200 Q "O - ._ 0 ao Nel Ny,7 0 0 / /N |-1000 -a -200 1-200;a --z -.2000 < > 4 -400 1-400 uw |3000 -600 -600 -800 {7 '¢+800 D I Cc L 1+1800N Cc (tie) i 1 T T T T |T T T |i | 7W '6W SW 4uW 3W 2W IW 0 1E 2E 2W 1W 0 _STATION (KM) EXPLANATION -O-- -sUnsmoothed Field Data 0 1 kilometer __kK :=Smoothed Data Harding Lawson Associates INED-I-C-PLATE SCALE L . L ae Elevation i;iz:F ncers.Geologists Self Potential DataSSpnyUnaiaskaIsland,Alaska A Survey Location Point re NUMBER a -POVED cs Bev SE TATWD.Henrich 1D OA Ans 1 re)aa _een fy Sé0 "re SELF-POTENTIAL(mV){' ++200_ i MERCURY STATION 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 po Fo Fo F F fF F 4 +200 '-200_! -400. 6N 5N uN 3N 2N IN 0 EXPLANATION -O--_ -sUnsmoothed Field Data 1 __4 ------ Smoothed Data SCALE ae'Elevation A Survey Location Point --200 -400 -O ce] cb) = z 1000 © Ke < > uu a L.2000 =Harding Lawson Associates pj SF.4 Engineers,Geologists&Geophysicists LINE?-J Self Potential Data Unataska Island,Alaska sO3 NUM@ER IN AOAC ADA RS aPC veD TATE azwsedD SELF-POTENTIAL(mV)MERCURY STATION !|{T t l 5W uW 3W 2W IW 0 EXPLANATION ; -O-- -Unsmoothed Field Data 0 1 }kilometer ----Smoothed Data SCALE Elevation Survey Location Point "105 104 103 101 190 99 98|+200_|YY {y YY _+200 or 0 0 --0OaSyr |1000 -200_|.-200 |2000 400 ||-400 |3000 -600 _||-600 ELEVATION(feet)esq &Geophysicists §Harding Lawson Associates 773.Engineers,Geologists LINE I1-C +4600 W Seif Potential Data :Unalaska Island,Aiaska ORAWN JO8 NUMBER ED DATE REV SED DATE W.J.Henrich LA a 8/11/82 ° MERCURY STATION 86 85 57 58 po of Ff 4 59 60 61 62$y to 4 S +200_+200 E - <o-9 E oo it SG 0 0 _0 a. 4 - -_---_-"|1000 2 -! 200 z y ya2009> "a wl 4 tt t t TL 3009 O FF'G H G mo i T T !||4 Vo L Ww 0 IE 2E 3E 4E-SE 6E Ww 0 EXPLANATION -O--- --s:Unsmoothed Field Data fa)1 kilometer __:t :=|Smoothed Data Harding Lawson Associates LING ©-F-F*-A+8800 W&G-H PLATE seas we Elevati EELa.}Engineers.Geologists Self Potential Data aoevation&Geophysicists Q;Unalaska Is!and,Alaska A Survey Location Point SAAN sGa NUMBER TESA Es =TATE Ben SED CATE W.J.Henrich 10,036,004 01 Lf Caan.6/11/82 MERCURY STATION 100 107 108 109 84 83 82 57 88 87 130 129 128 127 126 200,f |+|''Ly {¢£{}!|:+200 > E 0a = <OG "of -- z 2 2 1.1000 =ar -200_!\i-200 % ug . .NN,tvan NN \|2000 & N.4 ee 13000 WwW N ryt4 \t 4000SsF-P Ss i U if 1 J |i T T T 1 1 0 1N 2N 1S 0 1W G uN 3N 2N IN 0 EXPLANATION -O---Unsmoothed Field Data 0 :4 kilometer ----Smoothed Data SCALE :Harding Lawson Associates LINE S-N-F-P:SS-Z mae Elevation 37a.)Engineers.Geologists Self Potential Data&Geophysicists . .Unalaska Island,A!aska A Survey Location Point CAAAN JOB NUMBER wrrmalveD TATE AEVISED CATE W.J.Henrich 10.036,004.01 (-O Grunt 8/11/82 MERCURY STATION +200+200_7118117116761151147556551535235049 '/,fF +WW Ft £vf F FF FF 44 > 2 0-_-_-" -:g5Saaduu.1090fo)za._I-200 oOar-200 _]rma< 2900 rf| Ww _.3090 A4 S K U E T T T T 'i}t t L ' 4W 3W 2W 1W 0 4N 3N 2N 1N 0 EXPLANATION -O--- --Unsmoothed Field Data o-1 kilometer __ ;PLATE;.4 ---Smoothed Data =F Harding Lawson Associates .WE E-U-S;SPUR U-K ° SCALE ,i?72-;|Engineers,Geologists Self P iat O"reson pees &Geophysicists Unalaska Island,Alaska A Survey Location Point Saaan JOB NUMBER ase DATE REV SED CATEW.J.Henrich 10,036.004.01 RF fan 6/11/82 MERCURY STATION. +200 _if |if "L +200 > E 3 <tEe 0 -050 uw 2 ZziH2rr-1000 = -|.-200 z200_2 kK <2000 > wi | uw -400 _!--400 L.3000 -600 |L_-600 Y D4 WwW x c i T I . i 1SW 0 3NW 2NW INW EXPLANATION -O--=Unsmoothed Field Data o_1 3 kilometer -----Smoothed Data PLLATESCALEHardingLawsonAssociatesKINES.V-X,V-W,&X-YawElevation773.Engineers.Geologists Self Potential Data €pny Unalaska Island,Alaska _A Survey Location Point DRAWN 308 NUMBEA TOOOVED <CATE REVISED CATE W.J.Henrich 10,036,004.01 le.Grn 6/11/82 +400 +400 MERCURY STATION Ss 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 110 W111 112 113 E . 5 (+200 L '\|.\.t \'oY 1 Y y y |_+200 <\ : 2 :' uu :ome 1 9 bar 0 +E o 0 0 by}OO C)H o 2 4 - !z :1.1900 oOo -200 J |.-200 RE > uw J 1.2000 w -400 _J i_--400 Q {!i !1.|I ! : j 5N 4uN 3N 2N 1N 0 1S 2S 3SW EXPLANATION -O-- --Unsmoothed Field Data 0 4 4 kilometer -----Smoothed Data PLATE SCALE = Harding Lawson Associates LINER-Q-T . _ray Engineers.Geotogists Self P iat DaElevationLs!G ; elt Fotential Vata . =&Geophysicists Unalaska Island,Alaska A Survey Location Point ORAWN JCB NUMBER ie)SATE REVISED DATE W.J.Henrich 10,036,004.01 fe.©Crent 6/11/82 ZDike Boundaries od Fumarole *1 0 1 2 km oP k =j SCALE Harding Lawson Asseciates CONDUCTIVE DIKE MODEL PATE Engineers.Geologists Self Potential Data&G i 'sepnysicisis Unalaska Island,Alaska 1 JQ8 NUMBER APPROVED OATE AEVISED OATE FE Hamilton 10,036,00401 Af Creat 7/82 z.Approximate .Location Drill Hole 0-1 ¥|a- oP | Contour Interval 100 mV 0 1 2 Km =1 - SCALE | Engineers,Geologists POINT CURRENT SOURCE ANALYSIS a&Geophysicists Self Potential Data 1 ZUnalaskaIsland,Alaska ORAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED REVISED OATEOATE F.Hamilton 10,036,004.01 L0.F Crone 7/82 B'EASTfielddata,profileB-B',FoxCanyonAnomaly1.6Wat1.0/profileA-A',FoxCanyonAnomaly--»fielddata,Qa 8 3 =) & °o a f=} w -= e &,a no) =FA=2 o Ss fo-]fonj33a323 (AM)TVILNZLOd 3713S Harding Lawsen Ascociates POINT CURRENT SOURCE PROFILES PLATE Engineers,Geologists FOR FOX CANYON ANOMALY &Geopnysicists Self Potential Data 1 3UnalaskaIsland,Alaska OATEJOBNUMBERAOATEREVISED F.Hamiiton 10,036,00401_f4.B Fnent,7/82 DEPTH(feet)200 600 ---@ 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800: 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) 120 Herding Lawsen Associates Engineers.Geologists &Geophysicists PRELIMINARY TEMPERATURE DATA FROM DRILL HOLE D-1 Unalaska Isiand,.Alaska F.Hamilton JOS NUMBER 10,036,004.01 REVISED(7 OATE Zan) 3 a >e"\og c 4%ay)) lo Q point current source 0 1 2 Km |:4 /{ SCALE Harding Lawson Ascecistee SOURCE LOCATIONS ANDPROFILES FOR PLATE Engineers,Geologists LINE CURRENT SOURCE ANALYSIS &Geopnysicists Self Potential Data 1 5UnalaskaIsland,Alaska ORAWN JOB NUMBER OATE REVISED OATE F.Hamilton 10,036 ,004.01 Q.-Comore 7/82 -106 a ;|\+7 s -200 peat =:;|=\y,theoretical profile Ya27-8 7 -|E oe \\Lf =-"i \\K |Measured anomaiy | a 1 ya"-\,|soo us |surface 210m t a90 m . "=10°||'gar Hine of point sources 0.5 Q 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 KILOMETERS |SOUTH NORTH Marding Laween Associates LINE SOURCE ANALYSIS FOR SUGARLOAF PUATR Engineers,Geologists ANOMALY PROFILE D-D'. &Geophysicists Seit Potential Data tUnalaskg[sland Alaska OATEJO8NUMBERVE!OATE REVISED F.Hamilton 10,036,004,01 (CF.Cnenz 7/82 100 c C'ety MASE” anomaly -200 a. 5 SAY \Ima theoretical=\profile3300SS z \\-_Ff \\45Nyy :ra \VPr4a-500 \. -600 7 -700 2.0 15 1.0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 KILOMETERS WweEsT EAST MES Harding Lawson Ascociates LINE SOURCE ANALYSIS FOR SUGARLOAF PLATE biepety &Geophysicists Self Potential Data 1 ¢Unalaska Isiand,Alaska ORAWN JOB NUMBER D OATE REVISED OaTE F.Hamilton 10,036,004.01 (ri (eer,7/82 Harding Lawson Associates Appendix A HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES STANDARD SELF-POTENTIAL FIELD PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Harding Lawson Associates HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES STANDARD SELF-POTENTIAL FIELD PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Field Procedure 1.Install telluric monitors,consisting of battery- operated strip chart recorders connected to dipole 100 m to 500 m in length,at easily accessible location. 2.Select base electrode location in central part of survey area. 32.In copper sulfate bath,measure initial polarization between base,measuring,and portable reference elec- trodes (portable reference electrode is carried by survey crew in copper sulfate bath). 4.Dig hole for base electrode deep enough to reach natural soil:moisture and to allow for shading from sun. 5.Install base electrode,attach end of wire on reel,and install sun shade (and rain protection,if needed). 6.Move reel to first survey station.(A large reel hold- ing about 3 km of heavy insulated wire is used for sur- veys run from a vehicle;a smaller reel holding up to about 2 to 4 km of lighter insulated wire is used for surveys conducted on foot.) 7.At survey station,dig hole deep enough to reach natural soil moisture and install measuring electrode. 8.Connect negative lead of multimeter to connector on reel going back to base electrode,and positive lead of multimeter to measuring electrode. 9.Read and record SP voltage and contact resistance. Voltage must be read for at least 20 seconds if there is any possibility of significant telluric activity.If short-period (less than 1 minute)telluric activity is seen,voltage must be read long enough to obtain a reasonable approximation of the steady-state value. Note any unusual soil,geologic,topographic,cultural, weather or other conditions in "Comments"column of data sheet. Harding Lawson Associates 10.Remove electrode,clean loose soil from tip,and cap. Fill hole and flag if later reoccupation is possible. ll.Repeat Steps 6 through 10 until survey line is com- pleted. 12.About once per hour,and at end of line,measure polarization between portable reference and measuring electrodes in copper sulfate bath. 12.Reel in wire,remove base electrode and check electrode polarizations as in Step 3. Equipment 1.Telluric monitor:Linear Model 142 (battery-operated, 2.5 megohms input impedance),or equivalent single- channel recorder;up to 500 m of wire for dipole;elec- trodes as below. 2.Electrodes:Tinker &Rasor Model €B (Cu-CuS0O4) 3.Meter:Fluke 8020A digital multimeter (10 megohms input impedance)or equivalent.Geonics SP meter or Keithley electrometer are available if necessary for high-contact-resistance situations (snow,frozen soil, etc.). 4.Wire and reels: i.Walking surveys:approximately 2 to 4 km of insulated copper or cadmium bronze lightweight wire (26 to 30 gage)on chest reel;marked every 100 m ii.Vehicle surveys:approximately 3 km of insulated heavy wire (20 to 24 gage)on large reel,marked every 100 m.Two reels used,allowing +6 km range from base. 5.Auxiliary equipment:Shovel,pick,cleaning brush, splice kit,spare meter and leads,etc. Harding Lawson Associates Appendix B SURVEY DATA HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY DATA page -/ vourmeTeR fluke $o20ote20April(482 BASE ELECTRODE -/7/ Location Lhne/pska AIC PORTABLE REFERENCE ELECTRODE --- une A A>Yooow,MEASURING ELECTRODE -/7-BASE ELECTRODE LOCATION AE.tnd,Mzhushin Valley)REEL CHECKS:RESISTANCE 298 -Magne?2-37/6,7.9érPERSONNELCorus»_farmention,Mattick SHORT CIRCUITS Time Station QV [Resistance|Electrode |Tre-in AV AV ()|Measured}(ks)|SOfrection |correction |corrected |smoothed Comments m (mv)(mv)|(mv)|(my)|(my musthep See)Note =2xcd pt Ge noted|So.)4 iC mass/pont bag tS ole Send ing,batt,in |mort lbvfes|Sage loverte”,|bbather:Za'F Ss pre bt sn 2 So;not front!Dsthnces Pr LG served by Holla PY)Moe elesfrede.Gore on neleded.t p=9 =$4 =D /0aS |Grtelinern |aywy l=+7 |mv Nife:Base electudes lo¥/(2)a &9 -O re)protected ww |Basse fo47 |Sow]+12 |ny tin |-vebber band re Sun shade (oS2z |fowowW |+1 jog th J L056 |(Sow |+/7_|17 |tro JL2"V Pelfwrics CT) 1059 |amw ire |+6 |«en |e,T Hob |2o0vw |#35 lo 3 |412 |52T juz |qoow |+lo |/2 |x6 |+g |23T uLd |Soow +17 f!TIP e2u |+16 422 (Hay 11 30 |Goow {eso |Id +3so |ery |DHT 136 [Pow i too |13 :tY¥D |+427 |THT 4)|Soow |+34 |fd ty |+29 [|5I T Sa Vow |el2 |;tiem |erp |te T LiS6 |fomw|4723)/2 223_|+23 |73T Ga-D 12.03 |low)+tro |se 20 +22 |D1 T (212 |/2aw|+27 |J2 rug (+25 |EF7T 2!vl [3oow|%g PA 23 +2S Ty T .ancl,real, At |lsoow|+128 |D rid |429 Incr,t/oT 1252 |IH4owl|r2s |/2 __f+23 |wp |275T (257 |(Sool t27_|427 |+25 Ty £36 Fg -7) (303 |fooow|RS |IA *us |+23 2ST (3209 |lJoow|tAal |-ru [223 {o1)T (21S ||Foow|tAo I]V "UM |92S |P27 Se nerHARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY DATA PAGE <> VOLTMETER Fluke Jo2¢4 pate 20 Gers)82 BASE ELECTRODE HI LOCATION [Analesha 2}<PORTABLE REFERENCE ELECTRODE -- UNE A>ArY¢bog ty (Mahuchin Valley MEASURING ELECTRODE -47_¢ BASE ELECTRODE LOCATION __REEL CHECKS:RESISTANCE - PERSONNEL Corwin /hatlicl farmentier SHORT CIRCUITS -_-- Tim Station QV {Resistance|Electrode |Tie-in AV AVime(mm )|Measured](km)|Correction |correction |corrected |smoothed Comments(mV)(mv)(mv)|(mv)|(mv) 122%|/Goowle22 |so Oj wel es,[SUT 1322.|Boowl T38_|1S +39 |+3 |#3226 4 He-S) 1343 laloows|TSS |s/f [rss |436 [FloT 1349 |220w |eee |/¢ay |435 [O/T 135?_|2200w |23 13 r23 +32 |SY,Rez!brown Fo, $06 |24ow|TAS 2 72s +33 |tb #%% (G12 |RSoswi TVS|IF ys |#32}0ST 1412 \2ooow |+30 |12 +30 |+33 |EloT Ha -7) L[¥2b |2Pow|tF_|12 r3ké |36 |TET 432 |2R00wW|T30 |13 +30 |+32 |[ST ¥y 739 #39 |+39 |#33 743[7Y2 2Go0w |+3 12 Gp1449|Zcv0w|+27 |/2 e27 |4 Ul tec ere Ral brown sas! 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Surface Lithology Samples APPENDIX D-1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THIN SECTIONS FROM SURFACE LITHOLOGIC SAMPLES Roll #U1 Photo # 8 W 12 13 14 15 16 W7 18 (M-1)Quarternary Basalt from Hg Loc.38 (Basaltic Andesite?) very crystal rich porphyritic volcanic flow rock w/very fine-grained matrix (2.5x obj.,plane light)phenocrysts are plagioclase,pyroxenes or orthopyroxenes;some zones w/preferred orientation of plagioclase microlites. Same as 8 w/x-nicols Basalt or andesitic basalt (M-3)near fum #8,very crystal rich,porphyritic w/very fine glassy groundmass of microlites and brown glass.(2.5x obj.,plane light)Augite w/rare hypersthene,some plagioclase shows resorption;opaques =2%, hyalopilitic text. Same as above w/x-nicols (M-4)Medium-grained plutonic rock (diorite?)-Glacier Bay (2.5x obj.,plane light)predominantly plagioclase with altered mafic minerals. Same as above w/x-nicols Same thin section as #12,different area (2.5x obj., x-nicols)showing plagioclase crystals in hypidiomorphic - granular texture. (M-6)pyroxene (Basaltic?)Andesite -very crystal rich, porphyritic,with glassy v.fine groundmass w/highly corroded plagioclase crystals.(2.5x obj.,plane light,)10+%of plagioclase resorbed;hyalopilitic texture,mafics predominantly augite or orthopyroxene,some w/rims of orthopyroxene?on augite phenocrysts. Same as above w/x-nicols (M-7)(Basaltic?)Andesite looks almost identical to M-6 above.(2.5x obj.,plane light)about 5-10%opaques in groundmass.Some glomerocrysts?20%-30%of plagioclase phenocrysts show resorpt text. Same as above w/x-nicols Roll #U1 Photo # 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (M-9)Altered?Fine-grained intrusive (diorite?)2.5x obj. plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols (M-10)Vesicular Porphyritic Andesite w/glassy groundmass between the microlites altered to chlorite and brown clays, rock ts altered and vesicles are filled w/quartz-chlorite- clays.Photo shows several vesicles w/fillings of silica and clay.Plagioclase replaced by calcite is highly corroded (2.5x obj.plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols M-10 slide different area showing vesicle filled w/sequence of chlorite-clay-silica (2.5x obj.,plane light) Same as above w/x-nicols M-10 as above but different area showing calcite replacing Plagioclase and silica (tridymite)surrounding vesicles replacing groundmass?(10x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols M-12 Unalaska Fm?-Altered Tuffaceous rock perhaps slightly welded w/broker crystals,rock fragments,and slightly flattened pumice fragments and glass shards?which have been altered to fine clay and chlorite,especially the groundmass.Photo shows altered,flattened pumice fragment? (2.5x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols.Some plagioclase crystals are corroded and altered while others are fresh and several kinds of volcanic rock fragments are present. M-12 different section showing rock fragments,broken crystals,and altered groundmass (2.5x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols M-13 Diorite intrusive SW of camp at waterfall -coarse- grained plagioclase,fresh.Some chlorite alteration (2.5x obj}.,plane light)hypidiomorphic text,w/hornbiende and pyroxenes. Same as above w/x-nicols Roll #U1 Photo# 33 34 35 36 M13 as above,different section showing hornblende crystalandsecondarychloritealteration(10x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols M-14 Altered rock at pass between Fumarole Fields #2 and #3 appears to be highly altered volcanic tuff,ultra fine grained with a few scattered crystals and cut by a quartz? vein as seen in this photo.Macroscopically shows some banding?(2.5x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols Roll #U2 Photo # 71 M-15 from SW of Fumarole Field #1 hand specimen has rock fragments,definitely ts a tuff.X-ray study indicates 45% quartz,40%sericite,10%orthoclase,5%pyrite.Looks similar to M-14 but slightly coarser grained (fine).Looks like recrystallized lithic tuff w/glass altered to quartz and sericite no crystals (10x obj.,x-nicols). M-15 Same slide and loc.but 2.5x obj.,x-nicols M-19 Glassy Porphyritic Andesite w/trachytic texture and phenocrysts of zoned plagioclase,orthopyroxene,augite? (2.5x,plane light)moderately rich in crystals. Same as above with x-nicols M-20 Devitrified porphyritic Andesite -crystal rich w/a devitrified groundmass and the mafic (2.5x obj,plane light) phenocrysts altered to sericite?or other clays. M-24 Altered Diorite(?)-definitely an intrusive,medium- grained rock,altered.Mafic minerals altered to clay (sericite?)and plagioclase heavily corroded.(2.5x obj., plane light). Same as above with x-nicols Surface Sample I-1,SE of Fumarole Field #4 -Intrusive rock near new hot springs downstream from Fumaroles Fields #4 and #4A.Hornblende-pyroxene Diorite w/fresh plagioclase and mafics altered to clay,fine grained.(2.5x obj.,plane light)Mafics are hornblende and augite w/minor hypersthene?, mafics highly altered,sample cut by chlorite vein,5% opaques -magnetite? Roll #U2 Photo # 9 . 10 VW - 12 - 14 - Same as above w/x-nicols Same as 10 using 10x obj.x-nicols P-1 Rock from top of Pakushin cone -Vesicular coarsely porphyritic basaltic?andesite -crystal rich w/qlomerocrysts and a generally coarse crystalline groundmass w/brown glass. (2.5x obj.,plane light)Mafics of hypersthene and augite, predominantly augite (diopsidic?)highly vesicular fragment, coarsest groundmass of any volcanic rock so far. Same as above w/x-nicols QTM -Sample of Quarternary Makushin volcano just north (200 m)of Fumarole Field #5.Porphyritic andesite or basaltic andesite,crystal rich w/v.fine glassy groundmass, w/plagioclase microlites.Rock sample is partially vesicular grading to nonvesicular.(2.5x obj.,plane Tight)some plagioclase crystals show resorption w/fresh plagioclase overgrowths.Mafics are predominantly augite or clinopyroxenes,rare hypersthene? Same as above w/x-nicols Roll #U5 Photo # 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 Surface sample MK-17 from near fault in Glacier Valley. Thought to be hornfels in field but appears to be microcrystalline volcanic dike chilled at shallow depth. Almost a11 plagioclase and glass?w/very low mafic mineral content.Cut by very thin calcite-clay vein.In places microlites are aligned in a flow texture 2.5x obj.,plane Tight shows vein and fine felty texture Same as above w/x-nicols Close up of vein 10x obj.,plane light Same as above w/x-nicols Thin Sections From Thermal Gradient Hole Cores Roll #U2 Photo # Gradient Hole D-1 15 16 VW 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 D-1 Gradient Hole Core from 350'Porphyritic andesite or basaltic andesite (almost identical to QTM),crystal rich w/glassy microlitic groundmass,fresh.(2.5x obj,plane light)mafics are predominantly augite or clinopyroxene,rare hypersthene;3-5%of plagioclase shows resorption texture Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 361'3"-Porphyritic andesite -crystal rich, w/glassy Fe rich groundmass highly oxidized to give a deep earthy reddish color to hand sample,may be a "baked zone" between lava flows.Most mafics look like clinopyroxenes w/some hypersthene (2.5x,plane light) Same as above w/x-nicols Same as above w/x-nicols w/10x obj.showing close up of oxidized groundmass.May not be enough light to see oxides. D-1 core @ 376'-Porphyritic andesite -a little less crystal rich than the flow rock @ 361'above but not oxidized,fresh w/very fine-grained groundmass (2.5x obj., plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 388'-Porphyritic andesite -very similar to rock @ 376'very fine groundmass slightly oxidized in spots (2.5x obj.w/plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 391'-Porphyritic andesite -crystal rich,highly oxidized,coarsely crystalline phenocrysts,some plagioclase.(Mafics predominantly augite and minor hornblende)showing resorption w/later crystal overgrowths of plagioclase.Thin section very red in hand specimen (2.5x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols Same as above w/10x obj.,x-nicols showing resorbed plagioclase w/overgrowth D-1 core @ 391'.5"-same rock as 391'but looks vesicular. (2.5x obj.plane light) Roll #U2 Photo # 28 - 29 - 30 - 32 - 34 - 35 - 36 - Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 400'-Porphyritic andesite -crystal rich,highly oxidized very fine grained glassy groundmass (2.5x,plane light), Same as above w/x-nicols Same slide (400')showing partially resorbed plagioclase (2.5x,x-nicols). D-1 core @ 411'-Highly oxidized porphyritic andesite as at 400'.2.5x plane light (hypersthene and augite) Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 436'5"Porphyritic andesite -crystal rich,fresh (hypersthene and augite)w/v.fine glassy groundmass w/microlites (2.5x obj.w/plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols Same slide @ 436'.5"showing resorbed plagioclase w/overgrowth (2.5x obj.w/x-nicols). Roll #U3 Photo # D-1 core @ 785'basaltic andesite -porphyritic,very crystal rich w/v.fine glassy groundmass,phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite and pyroxene. (2.5x obj.,plane light)a few resorbed plagioclase crystals, a few pyroxene crystals have thin rims of orthopyroxene? around them.2%or less opaques. Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 812'-Porphyritic Basaltic?andesite - essentially identical to that at 785'above. Showing resorbed plagioclase crystals 2.5 x obj.,plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols 0-1 core @ 847'-Porphyritic andesite -crystal rich,with phenocrysts of plagioclase (many with oscillatory zoning), pyroxene and hypersthene and augite?groundmass finely crystalline w/a few percent opaques (magnetite?)most mafics w/thin reaction rims,a few resorbed plagioclase crystals Roll #U3 Photo# 5 -Reaction rims on plagioclase and mafics,2.5x obj.,plane Tight 6 -Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 1,050'Basaltic?Cinders-porphyritic,vesicularbasaltw/glassy groundmass,phenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene,many resorbed plag-crystals. 7 -2.5x obj.,plane Tight. 8 -Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 1,207'-Lahar Deposit -composed of diorite frags,and volcanic rock fragments predominantly porphyritic basaltic andesite or basalt,a few very fine-grained volcanic rocks.Matrix of broken crystals and glass. 9 -Showing multiple rock fragments (diorite and volcanic)and matrix,2.5 obj.,plane light. 10 -Same as above w/x-nicols D-1 core @ 1,230'-Highly altered diorite -w/epidote and zoisite?or clinozoisite?(bright blue under x-nicols) sausseritized?or propylitized?diorite,one epidote vein. 11 =Showing plagioclase altered to zoisite-clinozoisite in center,plane light,2.5x obj. 12 -Same as above w/x-nicols (blue zoisite-clinozoitsite) D-1 core @ 1,239'-Fine grained altered diorite plags altered to carbonate,zoisite?and anhydrite,some secondary Quartz,finer grained than above. 13 +showing carbonate,anhydrite,and zoisite?alter.,10x obj. plane light. 14 -Same as above w/x-nicols 15 -Carbonate alter of large plagioclase crystal,10x obj., x-nicols. D-1 core @ 1,360'-Microcrystalline altered diorite, (altered dike?)appears to be highly recrystallized but extremely fine grained with a few scattered remnant plagioclase and mafic crystals,secondary quartz,fractured with quartz,anhydrite veining,scattered anhyd?and/or calcite in groundmass,also some epidote. Roll #U3 Photo# 16 -2.5x obj.,plain light,shows remnant plagioclase and mafic crystal replaced by magnetite?;and a thin anhydrite vein. 17 -Same as above x-nicols 18 -Epidote and anhydrite alteration of plagioclase,10x obj., plane light. 19 Same as above w/x-nicols 20 -Quartz -anhydrite vein cutting altered diorite 10x obj., X-nicols. D-1 core @ 1,386'-altered porphyritic andesite dike with large phenocrysts of plagioclase and augite,groundmass js crystalline and highly chloritized,most of the plagioclase phenocrysts are partially altered to carbonate and epidote 21 -Altered plagioclase phenocryst showing epidote,calcite and chlorite 10x,plane light. 22 -Same as above w/x-nicols 23 -Same as above w/x-nicols and 2.5x obj. D-1]core @ 1,393'-Contact between altered diorite and altered porphyritic volcanic dike.Anhydrite filling rugs, epidote replacing plagioclase and along contact between the two rock types.Dike is porphyritic w/glassy matrix.The diorite wall rock is extremely fine grained and altered with numerous veins of anhydrite. 24 -Contact showing porphyritic dike and fine diorite w/some epid 2.5x obj.,plane light. 25 -Same as above 26 -Same as above w/x-nicols 27 -Different area of the contact showing veins and alteration and overgrowths on augite?phenocrysts in dike.(2.5x obj., plane light). 28 -Same as above w/x-nicols Roll #U3 Photo # 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 D-1 core 1,405'-Microcrystalline meta-intrusive rock probably recrystallized diorite?w/secondary quartz in patches and in the groundmass and cut by veins of anhydrite. Some areas look almost like a microfelty texture.Some relict phenocrysts present altered to opaques (pyrite?)and clays,a few carbonate (calcite)veins present and a patch of massive anhydrite;patches of abundant opaques. Area of felty texture showing some apparent flow alignment (part of rock may have been volcanic dike?)w/retict phenocrysts (10x obj.,x-nicols) Massive anhydrite and remnants of coarse crystalline diorite? 2.5x obj.w/x-nicols An almost breccia like texture w/carbonate vein 2.5x obj. w/x-nicols 01 core @ 1,429.5'-Highly altered and recrystallized intrusive?rock (diorite?)and/or volcanic dike?extremely fine grained (microcrystalline)altered to chlorite,clays, carbonate,silica Chlorite,carbonate and fine grained rock @ 10x obj.,plane light Same as above w/x-nicols Quartz-anhydrite vein,10x obj.,plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols Silica (quartz),calcite and anhydrite,10x obj.w/x-nicols Roll #U4 Photo # Gradient Hole E-1 4-1 E-1 core @ 95'-Altered diorite (porphyry?)-very fine matrix in medium grained crystalline framework of plagioclase w/very few mafic crystals which have been highly altered to clays,opaques etc.,patchy silica is present and much of the finer matrix is altered to chlorite,clay,Fe-poor epidote? group minerals,highly silicified and porphyritic text, abundant opaques (pyrite?magnetite). View of rock texture showing larger crystals in finer matrix, shows highly altered nature of rock (plane light,2.5x obj.). Roll #U4 Photo# 4.2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 Same as above w/x-nicols Close up of secondary alteration minerals,epidote(?)(10x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols E-1 core @ 177'altered diorite -very similar to the above, predominantly medium grained with a fine recrystallized altered granular matrix between the euhedral crystals. (porphyritic texture);slightly more crystal rich and less matrix than above.Same general alteration minerals,tr. biotite Porphyritic texture of rock w/granular groundmass.(2.5x w/plane light)al]mafics altered as above. Same as above w/x-nicols E 1 core @ 263'-altered diorite as above with even less granular groundmass,hand specimen is a stliceous breccia w/abundant fine pyrite,portion of the thin section is all quartz;equigranular vein filling in breccia,some very fine some coarser grain,common biotite (secondary?)hornblende? Shows general texture as more crystalline,2.5x obj.w/plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols Shows coarse and fine grained quartz filling 2.5x obj. w/x-nicols. E-1 core @ 278'-Section from along fracture zone -original rock has been totally replaced by quartz,calcite and minor clay,original texture has been destroyed.Most of rock is very fine granular quartz w/coarser quartz and calcite, common pyrite and opaques. Shows fine-grained quartz w/coarser quartz and calcite 2x obj.w/x-nicols. £E-1 core @ 457'-Described as aplite dike cutting core;in thin section the rock is a medium coarse grained altered diorite and a more granular finer grained rock (dike)which is a finer gratned diorite that has been highly silicified. Epidote is abundant,some carbonate and clay (chlorite) alteration minerals in both rock types Contact between coarser diorite and finer dike rock w/epidote and biotite (2.5x w/plane light). Roll #U4 Photo# 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-22 4-23 4-24 Same as above w/x-nicols Close up of epidote and biotite crystals (10x obj.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols Photo of coarser diorite and alteration of mafic minerals to clays?(2.5x,x-nicols). E-1 core @ 616'-Altered diorite -medium grained with mafics altered predominantly to clay,some chlorite,cut by chlorite -carbonate vein,common opaques (pyrite and magnetite?) Shows chlorite-calcite vein cutting diorite.2.5x obj., plane light Same as above w/x-nicols £-1 core @ 781'-Altered diorite -medium grained with most mafics altered to clay and chlorite.Very similar to above except more chloritic and cut by vein of epidote -anhydrite. Shows vein of epidote -anhydrite,patches of carborate and chlorite alt.2.5x obj.,plane light Same as above w/x-nicols Same area of vein close up w/10 x obj.,plane light Same as above w/x-nicols E-1 core @ 1,155'-Highly altered diorite -medium to coarse grained,almost all plagioclase altered to fine grained carbonates,clay and epidote;mafics altered to chlorite and zoisite-clinozoisite?section cut by quartz vein w/epidote on one side.Hand specimen clearly siliceous and epidote rich, cut by quartz-calcite vein. Showing alteration of plagioclase and mafics to clinozoisite? w/epidote and quartz (2.5x,obj.plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols Contact of quartz vein w/diorite,w/epidote crystals (2.5x obj.,w/plane light). Roll #U4 Photo # 4-25 4-26 4-27 Same as above w/x-nicols E-1 core @ 1,379'-Altered diorite -coarse grained,highlychloritized,most mafics altered to chlorite and clay. Coarse diorite w/mafics altered to chlorite and calcite 2.5x obj}.,plane light). Same as above w/x-nicols E-1 core @ 1,500'TD.Massive chloritized diorite as in 1,379',plagioclase relatively fresh,coarse grained mafics altered to chlorite;a few small epidotes on plagioclase crystals. 4-28 Coarse chioritic diorite (2.5x,plane light). 4-29 Same as above w/x-nicols Gradient Hole I-1 4-30 4-3] 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-35 Roll #U5 Photo # I-1 core @ 125'-Highly altered diorite -fine grained w/plagioclase altered to carbonate and epidote,mafics altered to chlorite and clays. Shows alteration to chlorite,epidote,carbonate and clays 2.5x,plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols General carbonate -chlorite alteration different area of slide,2.5x,plane light. Same as above w/x-nicols T-]core @ 293'-Altered diorite -less altered than above, more medium grained (coarser than 125')plagioclase less altered,alteration of mafics to chlorite,some carbonate General alteration 2.5x,plane light Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 450'-Altered diorite -medium grained almost identical to that @ 293'.Mafics altered to chlorite and clay,epidote also present with some carbonate. Roll #U5 Photo # 5-1 Alteration minerals carbonate,clay,chlorite,epidote,(10x obj.,plane light). 5-2 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-3 Radiating chlorite and epidote crystals (10x obj.,plane light). I-1 core @ 578'-Altered diorite -medium-coarse grained as above,appears to perhaps be more rich in mafic minerals, alteration minerals the same. 5-4 Texture w/abundant mafics 2.5x obj.,plane light 5-5 Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 847'-Recrystallized diorite -extremely fine grained (aphanitic)recrystallized rock with some remnant crystals.Vugs of quartz,rock altered to quartz,clay, carbonate,chlorite,zoisite-clinozoisite?Possibly recrystallized fault gouge? -§-6 Remnant crystals and alteration,2.5x obj.,plane light 5-7 Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 911'-Massive diorite -medium-coarse grained relatively fresh,mafics slightly altered to clays. 5-8 Texture and mafics,2.5x obj.,plane light. 5-9 Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 1,056'-Diorite -fine grained,mafics slightly altered,cut by veins of clay w/quartz and calcite centers and some chlorite,some mafics altered to chlorite 5-10 Thin clay-chlorite vein and mafics altered to chlorite,2.5x obj.,plane light 5-11 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-12 Major vein w/quartz-calicite center and clay edges (2.5x obj., plane light)several stages of deposition 5-13 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-14 Different area of the major vein w/needle like ,1s of anhydrite?or gypsum?2.5x obj.,plane light. Roll #U5 Photo # 5-15 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-16 Photo of finer texture,altered mafics and clay Filled vein2.5x obj.,w/x-nicols. I-]core @ 1,240'-Diorite -fine-medium grain,relativelyfresh,mafics altered,a few micro veins of calcite,epidote, anhydrite,mafics altered to chlorite,generally massive. 5-17 Showing finer texture w/thin vein,2.5x obj.,plane light 5-18 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-19 Close up of vein above,anhydrite?10x obj.,plane light. 5-20 Same as above w/x-nicols I-]core @ 1,254'-Diorite -medtum-coarse grained w/some alteration of mafics,generally massive many plags look fractured (maybe from slide preparation?) 5-21 Shows texture,fractured plagioclase,and mafic altered to chlorite-zoisite?-carbonate 2.5x obj.,plane light 5-22 Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 1,331'-Massive medium grained diorite w/quartz-chlorite vein cutting through. 5-23 Shows vein and texture 2.5x obj.,plane light 5-24 Same as above w/x-nicols 5-25 Close up of above vein,10x obj.,plane light 5-26 Same as above w/x-nicols I-1 core @ 1,456'-Diorite -fine and medium grained.Hand specimen shows xenoliths of finer diorite in medium-grained rock,thin section shows both fine and medium grain size. Mafics altered to chlorite and clays 5-27 Shows contact between fine and medium grain rock 2.5x obj., plane light 5-28 Same as above w/x-nicols " Appendix D-2 Xeray Diffraction Analysis of Samples M-2 through M-28 :X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES M-2 THROUGH M-28 =Prepared for:Paul Parmentier[;.Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Ave. Sante Fe Springs,CA 90670 8 . , eI tttLAMM AL 6-23-82is=<L -badEneGla'i Thirteen samples were received:M-2,5,8,11,15,16,18, 21,22,23,25,26 and 28,Portions of each were powdered,mounted on a glass slide and a diffractometer scan taken (see attached). To aid in the identification of diffraction peaks and in assigning percentages of minerals,energy dispersive spectra were collected (EDS-1 through 13).Finally,oriented diffraction scans were obtained (see attached)for selected samples (those with unusual or hard to interpret diffraction patterns).Optical observations also assisted mineral identification. teA The data was then compared and correllated to identify the minerals present and to roughly estimate the relative quantities present.The results are summarized in Table 1.anDiscussion Fortunately,the samples were high in clays,so indications of clay identity were usually strong. For the most part,the degree of alteration increases with' increasing sample number,as samples with predominant sericite give way to samples with predominant kaolinite (some with sulfide deposition).The odd samples are M-2,the only sample with significant chlorite,and M-16,the only sample with apparently montmorillonite (the data looks like montmorillonite,but a complete diffraction series including glycolization and baking would beamneededforconfirmation).,igThe major residence of S besides pyrite seems to be gypsum, highest in M-26.No chlorides or native S were detected in M-26.\a;4"f .owabad )Ls thewid om bi bid) Sample --------2 %quartz 0 %albite 10 %orthoclase 0 %Fe-oxides 30 %gypsum 0 %pyrite 0 %sericite f10 %kaolinite 0 %chlorite 50 %montmorill.9 %pyrophillite/0 talc [aN EG 20 40 ooo6[oa5 i]ooooww4 onoo9d810 ooo845 45 0 ooco8TABLE 1 RESULTS SUMMARY- 16 30 THarg eof-oo8wo[®GE GEFOQ Ga GQ Crd Gr) balal &iNGUaJWcidLNbikeBEDxdERT|bes ob Til: 9090 80 po 80 W | t '| 80 .ao we 'ae 30 | f 20+ fo ra Q j 2oeee _ . :ok £srs oe _-bo cle :a ee pa i P| | cr | hor boro.ol14G - - - 4 poss -ou oo oe ee _ '' 4 a| wt ! onSe ' ; | oe i 22.3227 - ba] Bo Bak Re. . ° & wee eeeeee eee : >- -uT wae ones P_Lele (o°Av'd° pt \| } " Nee eet ae . : : :-a--4 pieet-Tne me ae epeeee eee eee eee bd--j----4{io. : tor oe eg = sere cee fy--- o---oe ee ween me ee ! ae_-'bins if Hn bo ij. _ -40 7 r t _ - 4 -. a ; _ . 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", : ond boned breed\beesrenai J.a!t : . : oo. sfetiad, |asof til{ft sae or 4 oe ' iit H ra rite wf beat we Be4i abo set o ; cee ' ete Boe dt{' tiItyi: oge a 4 ' if ! : | it UE 3 4 Pp re . .te fee afte ofS -- B .. eee a ee +a ee { |! en eee |-- Vo da wpe eee ! A {: 2B? DPea” 2Aa t ean) (ee? teeBSE ¢ F4 BERD --aa ee ee Sa "4 _|0BERD oem ee gece ewe we ee " aeJ g Se ta,Se ree on,eh aca ee nine roe ha oe cae aie Pl oe el te ET:.-_--ote”Se SS Er =as ont apo ad rn|yood a} /o® icad |ee riiti.''.:the wats eee ketejistelgaiesHilly!ota i!he be '4 ifltlyt..ot 20” RE BS BE FT6BSBePeOPfe open BET THi'PRa}vtbindjaeG5CyEhbitiBREa2CEREeEA£2EwSEM/TEC LABORATORIES INFORMATION CIRCULAR ANALYSIS OF CLAYS The purpose of this circular is to discuss the procedures and problems involved in the analysis of clays using x-ray diffraction. I.Qualitative Identification The only reliable way to differentiate clay minerals is by x-ray diffraction.Even x-ray diffraction identification of clays is by no means as straightforward as the identification of non- clays for the following reasons: 1)The small size of clays (nominally less than 2 um)broadens and diminishes the height of diffraction peaks. 2)Many clays have a highly variable composition,resulting in a variation of d-spacings and thus diffraction peak positions.) 3)Clays can be interstratified (intimately mixed on a unit-cell level),producing unusual and large spacings different from those normally observed. 4)Even clays of differing structures have similar basal spacings under certain conditions,producing overlaping and convoluted peaks.° Despite these problems,procedures have been developed that distinguish clays using x-ray diffraction (e.g.,Soil Chemical 'Analysts -Advanced Course,M.L.Jackson;Sth Printing,1969; published by the author,Dept.of Soil Science,University of Wisconsin,Madison,Wisconsin;Minerals in Sotl Environments; edited by J.B.Dixon and S.B.Weed;published by the Soil Society of America,Madison,Wisconsin,1977;Classification and a Scheme for the Identification of Layer Silicates,C.M.Warshaw and R.Roy; Geol.Soc.Am.Bull.72;pp.1455-1492,1961).These procedures involve the manipulation of x-ray diffraction specimens by heating, saturating with certain ions and expanding with organic solvents and then noting the resulting effects on diffraction peaks. at aeMa)qEngi)fas.maRSEEYASMox-2- At SEM/TEC Laboratories: 1)<A diffraction pattern is first taken of the unoriented sample as supplied (scan 1)to identify the non-clay minerals present. 2)A hydro-gravimetric separation is then performed to isolate the fraction of particles less than 2 pm in size.This fraction is allowed to settle onto a diffractometer slide, resulting in the orientation of the clays along their O01 crystallographic direction (scan 2)., 3)Depending on the peaks observed in scan 2,the oriented slide may be saturated with ethylene glycol and /or baked at 110, 350,450 or 550°C,allowing the observation,at one time or. another,of deconvoluted peaks from each of the common clay types:montmorillonites (smectites),kaolinite,chlorites, illite (muscovite),vermiculite,pyrophyllite (talc),and halloysite. A typical series of soil x-ray diffraction scans is shown in Figure 1., II.Quantitative Determination X-ray diffraction has never been an accurate quantitative tool.However,semi-quantitative measurements are possible by comparing the areas under diffraction peaks.At SEM/TEC Laboratories, we have modified published procedures so that the measurements of peaks A-K in Figure 1 will provide the relative percentages of quartz,orthoclase,plagioclase,calcite,gypsum and the four main clay groups:kaolinite,illite,montmorillonite and chlorite in a given soil sample.The kaolinite group includes kaolinite, nacrite,dicite and halloysite.The illite group includes mica, hydromica and illite.The montmorillonite group consists of all smectites.The chlorite group (not strictly clay)includes all chlorites.Various other soil components such as vermiculite, pyrophyllite,talc and serpentine are noted when they occur. For minerals having different structures and scattering coefficients,peak areas are not directly comparable,so we have Ts"4Me7 iEidGGGafenBO)fdGeoGtfaGoBEGi4icalculated scaling factors from x-ray diffraction of standards consisting of mixtures of pure minerals.Scaling between different scans of the same sample is also calculated.A computer program is used to conveniently compute mineral percentages from the raw intensity data. Diffraction peaks for iron oxides are not intense or sharp enough to be used in the above analysis.To estimate the percentage of iron oxides in a sample an energy dispersive chemical analysis is performed on the sample,giving the %Ziron.The iron contained in the clays determined from diffraction is then subtracted,and the remaining iron is assumed to be present as oxides.The other chemical percents in the energy dispersive analysis provide a cross-check of the accuracy of the diffraction analysis. To cross-check the %clay as determined by diffraction,the sample as supplied is dispersed onto a smooth carbon substrate and examined using the scanning electron microscope.At 1000 to 10,000 magnification,the morphology of clay particles is distinctive and a percent clay-form particles can be determined.° If desired,individual particles of the sample are analyzed on the scanning electron microscope using the energy dispersive system,checking that appropriate percentages of particles have appropriate compositions. ) In spite of the complexity and amount of work,precaution and calculation performed,the final percentages are approximate only, with possible errors of 75-10%. LP;revised 1-18-82 FIGURE 1 TIN a= :@ - . aed Gan = "4 ogtpy pbs Fen fn canada -T> a Xe Pd EE@sikdel| glycolated 110°C Oriented Slides: 350°C APPENDIX E CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF MAKUSHIN VOLCANO AREA WATERS UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NOQQ ceewecseneans 'em:-_Unalaska :SAMPLING DATE:5/20/82 time:1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:Hot Springs --Makushin Valley REPUBLIC:M2Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1175200;£496880 CATE ANALYZED: wae:-_VRE0063 CATE REPORTED:pLLL/S2 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE -_-_9_9pm "WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 32 FIELD:5.2 WELL HEAD NaKCs 35 Lae:8.0 SAMPLE POINT : SiO 2 122 ISOTOPE © courectorn -Matlick Am SiOz 2.6 ° Mg ALKALI 35 D Na/K -272 CATIONS =¢"ANIONS 2A pom rmenoies/|meag/!treat?rei pom mmoies/!mea/i |treat?|A/C} Ca 23./1.18 rAN HCD |8]1.32 F Mg 3.7 .30 FAN COs |<i F Nea 14 .61 F SO,|40 .83 r K 2.5 06 |F a |4.8 14 F Fe .06 .003 FAN F 1.0 .05 F wi <.01 FAN 8 <.005 F Ba <.03 FAN Br <.|F Neg POs <.]Sr .3l .007 FAN ;| Ge 032 FAN Mn 144 FAN sot 2.17 |=[127 |2.35 |_ SitC+A«SiO-)..NON-IONIC:pom COMMENTS:res Sid>29RD - VTS mec (Cena |(v2)C02 _ S mea (C +A)=,056 - Soecifie Conauctance a mnos/em e ° - ©©Ssmoile trestrrent coce *_ R =raw:A ©acidified:F ©flitered _ N @ nitric acid:§©suiturie:C ©hyerochioric 7 5 =diluted 10 mi samole with 100.mi O.W.__ ATOMIC RATIOS Cay C1 4.94 $O4/C3 8.33 F/C!208 _ I 2.91 Na/K 9.60 Ca/Mg 6.41 : we 52 a/c:0 Cl/Br ad _fae REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item;_Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:TIME:1D.NUMBER:M-9 - SAMPLE POINT:__Hot Spring in Fumarole #2 Area REPUBLIC:M-9 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska i 77 LAB:Located at N11/75100;£4968/00 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:. =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE {PS?)AT:SAMPLE POINT 84 FIELD:6 WELL HEAD NakCs LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 ISOTOPE ©COLLECTOR Motyka Am SiOz ° Mg ALKALI fe) Na/K = CATIONS ©€ANIONS =4 pom |mrnoies/!mea/!trest®Cres pom mrnoies/1 rreq/I treat?|A/G! Ca 65 3.24 FAN HCS3 ND ' Mg 13 1.07 FAN C23 0 Na oF 2.30 IF S04,|344 "7.16 |F 9.0 {(23°«1 E a |<l0 F | Fe 2.5 13 FAN F <.]F \ ui .02 .003 |FAN A <]F Ba Br Nw,POs |Sr .3 FAN ' =|143 |7.03 = TIC +A +SiOs)}.NON-IONIC:poem - -COMMENTS:ToS Sid -154_FD TS VTS meciCaal |tv?). cde S meq (C @ A) Soecific Conductance cue minos/ern @ ° °s Samole trestment cooce - R =raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N @ nierie seid:§©suiturie:C =hydrochioric D=ditured -LO misampie wien -100 mi ow. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS Cay ©$O4/¢!F/Cl Na/C!Na/K 6.00 Ca/Mg 5.00 K/h 8/¢! |4 an REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. "EM:Unalaska , SAMPLING DATE:5/23/82 TIME:1.D.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:Hot Spring in Fumarol e #3 Area REPUBLIC:M3 Glacier Valley,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Lag:VR20064LocatedatN1167200;£4964800 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:6/1/82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE _5_gpm WELLHEAD pH IN© PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 58 FieLp:929 WELL HEAD NeKCa 4]Lag:3.9 SAMPLE POINT .SiO 2 181 ISOTOPE «= courecton -_Matlick Am SiOz 57 6 Mg ALKALI 4)DNa/k 2/70 CATIONS eC ANIONS oA pom mrnoies/!mea/t |treat?Cre pom mrnoies/||mea/!treat®Aléi ca 65 3.24 FAN HCS3 |<]F Mg 27.4 2.25 FAN C03 |<1 F Na 28.7 1.25 F SOo4 |450 9.3/7 F K 5.0 13 F a 6.1 17 F Fe 11.7 63 FAN FE 1.1 06 F ui <.01 FAN 8 .38 02 F Ba <.03 FAN ar <.]F Nig POs <.]F |Sr 2 FAN . Al 5.4 .60 FAN Mn 1.9 FAN Zn .09 . =|143 |8.11 :438 9.61 1 TIC +A +SiO5)|-NON-IONIC:pom .TDs So,203 RD COMMENTS: VTS mec (Coal |(v2)-1 coe =mea (C=A)° Soecifie Conductance a Mnosiem @ ° - °=Sarmoie trestnent cooe - R ©rew:A @ acidified:F @ filrered N =nitric acid:§©nutfurie:C =hyarochiorie 3 =diluted 10.mi samoie with -100_mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay 1 10.66 s04/C 73.77 Fe!.18 . a/Gi 4.7)Na/K 5.74 Ca/tg 2.37 K/¢t 82 g/C!06 "c REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:8/11/80 TIME:1D.NUMBER:G-dI SAMPLE POINT:__Hot Spring in Fumarole #3 Area AePUBLIC:#8 Mt.Makusnin,Unalaska Located at N1167000;£4964800 +e aNatyzen:AB: DATE REPOATED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,°C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 97 revo:©:' WELL HEAD NakCs 79 LAg: SAMPLE POINT Sid 2 130 ISOTOPE « courscton -Motyka Am Si02 14 ° Mg ALKALI 68 ) Na/K 210 CATIONS =¢ANIONS aA pom enmoies/|mea/|treat?Cet pom mrmoies/!mea/!trest®A/Ci Ca V/s 2o9 FAN HCO,|3/7 61 F Mg 4.0 .33 FAN CD43 0 Na 52 2.26 F SOo4 {129 2.69 F K 4,8 212 F a <10 215 F Fe 01 .005 FAN 3 14 F li <.0]FAN 8 <.5 F Ba Br Nwé¢POs Sr .07 002 FAN =|73 3.30 zs {(1/)|3.44 Tit -A+SiO).NON-IONIC;perm . TDs Sioy 94 FD COMMENTS: VZ_S mea (Gna)|(V2)CO2 S meq (C +A)03 Seecifie Conductance wmhosien @ *=Samole treatment coce ° R=raw:A ®@ seicified:F @ filtered N @ nitre acia:§=sulfuric:C @ hydrocnione 9 =diluted -_l0_mi samoije with __100_mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS c4/cl 2.207 S04/C!25.10 £7C1 Kitt 93 3/¢! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item;-Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:-C/11/80__time.Lo.Numega:-2202 SAMPLE POINT:Wot Spring in Fumarole #3 Area REPUBLIC:49 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1167000;£4964800 ose Nat yoen:LAa: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 82 FleLp:_0-9 WELL HEAD NakCa 69 LAa: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 150 ISOTOPE = coursctor -Motyka Am SiOz 29 ° Mg ALKAU 69 fe) Na/K 183 CATIONS «¢ANIONS =A pom mroies/|mea/!treat?c/ci pom mrmoies/1 meaq/|treat?AlGt ca]32.1 T.60°|FAN HCO;|288 4.72 F Mg 10.6 .87 FAN CO3 0 Na 87 3.79 F SO4 95 1.98 F K 5.7 .15 |F a 5 14 F Ze 01 FAN e 28 -01 F Li <.01 FAN 8 <.5 F Ba 6r Nig POs : r Sr 26 FAN | | z 135 6.40 =383 |6.85 || st€+A+SiO)|.NON-IONIC:porn . ToS Sioy 125 FD COMMENTS: VT 5 mec iCear iv)cz Imeqic+al =.05 Soecific Conauctance uw mnesiem @ ° eee ©=Samoile treatment code . R =raw:A ®acidified:F @ filtered N ®nitric acia:S ©suifuric:C ©hydrochiorice SD =ciluted _l0 mi samoie with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay C1 6.42 SO4/C!19.00 F/C1 056 __ Na/C!17.40 Na/K 15.26 Ca/Mg 3.03 KIC!1.14 g/C!§eo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska sameung cate:2/15/81 time:1.D.NUMBER:743 SAMPLE Point:Hot Spring in Fumarole #3 Group REPUBLIC:zn Mt.Makushin,Unalaska 7 .LAB:Located at N116/000;£4964800 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:5 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 78 Fiero:-4.3 WELL HEAD NakCa 67 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 148 ISOTOPE « corrector -Motyka Am Si07 26 o Mg ALKALI 67 fe) Na/K 202 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS aA pom mrmoies/|mea/!treat”clei pom |mmoies/i mea/!treat?A/C} Ca 25.4 1.27 FAN HCO3 60 .98 F Mg 8.0 66 FAN C33 0 Na 62 2.70 F SOg |218 4.54 Fr K 5.2 13 F a 6.1 .17 F Fe ND £1 .005 F ° bei <.0]FAN B <.01 Ba &r Nb P04 r Sr .20 FAN ={101 |4.76 {=284 |5./0 | LIC +A +SiO)|.NON-IONIC:pom . Tos Sion _120_FD COMMENTS: 109 VZ_s mec (Cmal |(v2)-.12 cO2 S meq (C+a) ' Soecific Conauezance ry mnosicm @ ° °=Samoie tresunent coce * R =raw:A ®acidified:F @ filtered N ®nitric acid:S§*suifurie:C =hydroentorie 3 =ciiured -10__Mi samoie with 100 mi O.W. ND =Not Determined ATOMIC RATIOS Cao 4.16 S$O4/C!35.74 Fe)-016 . Na/C}10.16 Na/K 1.92 Ca/Mg 3.18 KIC!85 B/C! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.cemcemenet ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:7/5/81 TIME:1.0.NUMBER:G-c =_Hot Spring in Fumarole #3 Area #11SAMPLEPOINT:3 ZaeeeMt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC .LAB:Located at N1169900;£4964400 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: ZS PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE, FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 68 FIELD:NO WELL HEAD NeKCa 15 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SO 2 156 {SOTOPE © courecton -Motyka Am Si02 34 ° Mg ALKALI 15 fe) Na/K 169 CATIONS =¢ANIONS aA pom mrmoies/!mea/i treat®C/e1 pem mmoies/!meq/!treat?A/G} ce |258 12.8/|FAN HCO,|ND Mg 9.6 -79 |FAN CO3 Ne 61 2.05 |F So,|451 10.22 F K 3.3 .08 F fos]2.3.06 F Fe .02 .001 |FAN F 26 -01 F lei 04 .006 |FAN 8 <.01 F Ba Br Nig POs =332 16.41 bs j SIC +A+SiO>)|«NON-IONIC:pom .TDS S04 138_FD COMMENTS:_ VTE mea (C-4).iv?). C02 ee S meq iC +Al - Soecific Conauctance umnosicem @ ° - *=Samole treetnent code * . R @ raw:A @ acidified:F ©filtered _ N ®@nitne acie:$*suiturie:C =hydrochiorie _ O =diluted 10 mi samoie with _100_mi O.W._ ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS cay ¢:112.17 soger 213.48 ciel 113 - Na/@ 26.52 Na/K 18.48 Ca/Mg 26.88 KIC!1.43 B/C)i: fo.che REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEE MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS yPAGENO.seem rem:-_Unalaska . SAMPLING DATE:9/13/80 time:io.numeer:JGGS #1SAMPLEPOINT:Hot Springs Group #9 REPUBLIC:#9 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1174900;£4969400 DATE ANALYZED: LAB: DATE REPORTED:c =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN®= PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 87.4 Fietp:2.48 WELL HEAD NakCs 43 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 157 (ISOTOPE « corrector _Motyka Am SiOz 35 ° Mg ALKALI 43 fe)Na/K -285 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS = 2om mrmoies/!mrea/t treat?|fost fons |pom mrmoies/!meq/!|trest®|A/G! Gc |69.3 3.46 FAC HCD |191 3.13 |F Mg 12.2 1.00 FAC CO3 0 ; Na 28 1.22 |F SOq |159.5 3.23 F K 5.6 . 214 F a 14 F Fe .09 005 FAC |e |:4 .01 F Li 01 .FAC 8 0.5 F Ba Br Nig POs Sr .28 01 FAC , =s |(dio 5.83 z 351 6.51 | Tit +A +S05)..NON-IONIC:pom .Tes Sie,140 £F COMMENTS: V7 s mea (Coa)|(v2)-.08 Oe S meq (C +A)° Seecifie Conauetance cemeemee mninos/cm @ ° °@ Samoile trestment coce . - R =raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N ®nitne acia:§©sutturie:C =hycrochiorie D «diluted --lO misamoie witn 100 mi o.w. ATOMIC RATIOS cay 61 13.9 sou/e:31.1 FC)aNa/Ci 9.6 Na/K 9.0 Ca/Mg . KIC!1.12 8/C! 2 S60 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. rem,-_Unalaska samecing cate:8/13/80 time;-___sp,numaer:-2G6S_# samece point:_.Makushin Valley Hot Spring REPUBLIC:M-b LAB: DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED:. =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAO pHIN= PRESSURE (PSi)AT:SAMPLE POINT 87.4 FIELD:2.48 WELL HEAD NakCa 43 LAB: SAMPLE POINT S02 157 ISOTOPE «coucectorn -Motyka Am Si02 35 6 Mg ALKALI 43 fe) Na/K 285 CATIONS =¢ANIONS 2A pom mrnoies/!mea/!trest®Cle}pom mmoies/!mea/!treat?A/C! Ca 69.3 3.46 FAC HCS3 |191 3.13 F Mg 12.2 1.00 FAC CO3 0 F Na 28 1.22 F SOg |155.3 3.23 F K 5.6 ; 14 F a 5 .14 F Fe .09 .005 FAC F 12 -01 F ui <.01 .FAC 8 <0.5 F Ba Sr NWig POs |Sr .28 -01 FAC =4115 5.83 =351 6.51 | SIC +A+SiOa)|.NON-IONIC:pom . TOS Sid9 140_FE COMMENTS: V2_S mea (Coal |iv)-.08 eeSmeqiC+A)° Soecifie Conductance cues &MHOS/em @ ° °=Sample treatment coce ° Fe»raw:A ®acidified:F ©filtered N =nite acid;S ©sutfurie:C =hycrocnioric o =diluted 10 mi sarmoie with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay ¢1 13.9 soul 31.1 ee .024 Na/G 3.6 Na/K 3.0 Ca/Mg Kiet 1.12 a/¢: ae REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. trem:__Unalaska sameuine pate:2/4/81 time:o.numegr:MOC _Hot Springs Group #10 .#10SAMPLEPOINT:REF $ Mt.Makushin,Unalaska EPUBLIC NT) « °LAB:Located at N1180/00;£4972400 DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,°¢ FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 57.5 FIELD:5.28 WELL HEAD NakCa 46 LA: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 127 (SOTOPE « coursctorn -Motyka Am SiOz im 0 Mg ALKALI 46 o Na/K -244 CATIONS =&ANIONS eA |pom mmoies/||rnea/|trest®CIqi pom menoias/i mea/i treat?A/C} Ca 23.3 1.16 FAC HCO5 ND Mg 5.5 45 FAC C03 Ne c4 1.04 FAC 504 25.2 .52 F K 3.23 08 F a 7.8 22 F Fe .07 .004 FAC E 213 .01 F Li .01 .001 FAC B 0.0 F Ba Sr Nig POs |$s 56 ||2./9 =33 |75 || Sice atid SiOo}.e NON-IONIC:por COMMENTS:res SiOz aa8S_FD ZS mec (eal |iv?). CO =meq (CA)tos.177 7 Soecific Conductance cee &MNOS/CM @ ° *=Sample tresunent coce ° R =raw:A ©acicified:F ©filtered N =nitric acie:§©atturie:C ©hycroenioric 5 =diluted mi samoie with mi O.W. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS Cayo:3.0 soe!3.23 fre .02 Na/@ 3.1 Na/K 7.43 Ca/Mg 4.24 K/Ct 4)8/c: |>Yo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO._ =M:Unalaska SAM ON te MalkK = TIME:1.3.NUMBER:akusnisampczcont:10%Springs Group rePusiic:-M=¢ LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:c =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 35 FIELD:6.8 WELL HEAD NakCa 50 LAB: SAMPLE POINT S09 140 ISOTOPE = courscton -__Motyka Am SiO2 19 ° Mg ALKALI 29 D Na/K 244 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS ©A |pom |mernoies/|mea/t treat?Cre poem |mrmoias/|mea/!treat?A/c! Ca 34 1.70 FAN HCS3 |190 3.11 F Mg 6.1 .50 FAN CO3 0 F Na 32 1.39 F SO«15 :231 F K 4.3 UW F a 7.9 22 F Fe .]FAN F <.]F u <.01 .01 FAN B Ba Br | Nig POs } |Sr 1 .002 |FAN 'i =76.6 3,7]=214 3.70 | SIC A+SiOy)|.NON-IONIC:COMMENTS:TDs Sidz 105 DS VT Do mec (C-a)(3)CO =mea (C+Al *.002 Soecific Conauctane?een &MNOS/EMN @ ° _ *=Sarncie trestment coce * R =rew:A ©aeidified:F &filrered N =nitric acic:S ©suiturie:C =hydroeniorice SD =diluted 10 mil sarnole with __100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay faa 4.30 $04/C1 1 .90 F/e)_.ue 4.05 Nase 7.44 Ca/Mg 5.57 KIC!34 B/C!13 - Sl ae REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item:__Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:----_TIME:1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:__HOt Springs Group #10,Mt.Makushin REPUBLIC:M-d LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,ie FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN = PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 67 FIELD:5 .32 WELL HEAD NakCa 43 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 127 ISOTOPE «COLLECTOR Motyka Am Sid?i ° Mg ALKALI 43 fe) Na/K -308 CATIONS ©ANIONS = ||em mmoies/!mea/!|west?|C/CI |pom mmoles!|-mea/l wast?|Ast Ca 23.1 1.15 |FAN HCOs |116 1.90 F Mg 8.0 .66 |FAN Oz 0 F Na 13.9 .60 |F SO4 21 44 F «3.4 .-09 |F a 5 .14 F Fe .03 .002 |FAN F 11 ..006 Fbi<.01 FAN 8 5 .03 F Ba Nig POs |Sr 10 002 |FAN ', =49 2.51 |=143 |2.51 |{ zic-A +SiO-).s NON-IONIC:pom COMMENTS:TOs . °Side 88__FD VZ_S mec (Cai (v2) . CO2 =meq (C+A}.001 Soecifie Concuctamce ces mnosiem @ ° ¢#Samole treatment coce - R =raw:A ©acidified:F @ filtered N ©nitric acia:§©sutfurie:C =hydrochiorice 3 =diluted mi sarmoie with mi D.W, ATOMIC RATIOS Na/tt 2.78 Na/k 4.08 Ca/Mg 2,89 .68 |K/¢!s/c: Sl be REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. rem;__Unalaska sampuine pate:0/13/80 sie,Lo.Numegr:-UGGS_#2 sameLe pont:Hot Springs Group #10 REPUBLIC:#10 .Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1180700;E4972400 CATE ANALYZED: LAB: OATE REPORTED:3=PROSUCTION TEMPERATURE,c FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHINe PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 67 FIELD:5 .32 WELL HEAD NakKCa 43 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 127 ISOTOPE © - cansctor -Motyka Ar SiOz U 0 Mg ALKALI 43 o CATIONS =¢ANIONS eA pom mrmoies/i mea/!trest®Cics mrmoles/!mea/i trest*A/C! Ca 23.1 1.175 FAC HCO,|116 1.90 F Mg 8.0 .66 FAC CO>0 F Na 13.9 .60 F S04 21.4 245 Pr K 3.4 .09 F a 5 .14 F Fe .03 002 FAC F VW .01 F wi <.01 FAC 8 <.5 F Ba Sr Nie PO.| ;Sr 10 .002 FAC ,i { >|48.5 |2.51 |=)as |2.49 | i SIC +A +SiO).e NON-IONIC:Sam COMMENTS: VT Df mec(Ceal (V2)CO2A=mea (C=Al *-004 |)tps 279 Soecific Conductance uw mnosiem @ ° *=Samoie treatment coce * R ©raw:A ®acidified:F ©filrered N =nivrie acid:§©suifurie:C =hyeroenioric 5 @ diluted mi sammie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS caf Sl 4.62 $O4/¢!4.28 FIC!022 ft 2.78 Na/K 4.09 Ca/Mg 2.89 KIC!68 8/c! el es REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.ccm rem:._Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:2/16/82 time:1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT._.HOt_Spring Group #10,Makushin Valley REPUBLIC:MI Mt.Makushin,Unalaska VR20062LAB:Located at N1180700;£4972400 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:6/11/82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,---oC.; FLow rate -_ !0_gpm WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 50 FIELD:6.2 WELL HEAD Naka 37 Lae:6.7 SAMPLE POINT - SiO 2 93 ISOTOPE = courector -_Matlick Am SiO =24 o Mg ALKALI 37 D Na/K 258 CATIONS =¢ 7 ANIONS ©4 |porn mimoies/l |mea/t treat®ClGi pom |mrmnoies/i |mea/i |trest®a/C! Ca 42.5 2.12 |FAN {|HCS3 |183 3.00 F Mg 8.9 .73 |FAN C03 <]F Na 22.4 .97 |F SO4 34 j /|F K 3.5 .09°|F 4a 6 17 F Fe 01 FAN _&F 1.4 ; .07 FLi<.01 FAN 8 <.005 F Ba <,03 FAN <1 F Tt |.546 .017|FAN Poa |<:r | Sr 21 FAN ,mo, Cd .007 FANGe06.QU3{FAN Mn 24).015|FAN . ;78 3.92 =224 |3.95. SIC =A+SiOo)|e NON-IONIC:pom-COMMENTS:Tes .Sidz 32RD V2 TD mea (Comal .iv)C2 S meq (C+A)«.005 "n Soecific Conauctance ane MNOS/CM @ ° °=Samoie treatrnent cooe - R=raw:A ®acidified:F =filtered N ®nitric acia:§=sutturie:C =hycroentorice °*Gilutes 10 ml sarmple with 100 mi D.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 1 7,08 SO4/C!5.67 FIC 23 . Na/Ci 3.73 Na/K 6.4 Ca/Mg 4.78 K/Ct .58 s/c)0 C1/Br.had Re es REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO,cence Unalaska 7/5/81 G-fITEM:SAMPLING DATE:TIME:meen 1.0.NUMBER: samerz ont:_Hot Springs Group #11Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:#12 :LAB:Located at N}166000;&4909300 SATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:5 =PROOUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 79 FIELD:6.4 WELL HEAD Naka 30 Laa: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 158 ISOTOPE «couLscToa Motyka Am Sidz 36 ° Mg ALKALI 30 fo)Nasik 176 CATIONS =¢ANIONS =A pom mrmoies/i mea/!|treat®cei pom |mrnoies/||mea/!|treat?A/G! Ca ZUS 10.36 FAN HCO 290 4.20 F Mg 7.8 64 FAN C3 0 Na 81 3.92 |F SO 4/0 9.91 Fr .4.8 .{ 12 [EF ec 7.5 21 |FPe.2l 01 FAN .24 01 F i .03 :004 |FAN 2 <-0]F Ba Br NH POs =|302 j |14,68 =740 }14.33 | DIC +A+SiO)|-_NON-+ONIC:som ; ss So,ED COMMENTS: VT 2 mec (Coa (v2)O92 Zz mea (C+aA)*.02 Seecifie Conauetance cee 4 MNOKVER @ ° ©e Samote treatment cae * A @ raw:A =acidified:F @ filtered N @ nitric acid:S =suifurie:C ©Aydroenioric 3 =diluted 10 ml sarmoie ween _100_m O.W. ATOMIC RATICS cay 27.73 soci 3 s/c 7032 Nal 10.80 Naik 16.CaiMg 26.67 KIC 64 3/¢! Se REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLINE DATE:5-23-32 TIME:-__..NUMBER: sampLe point:__Hot Soring Group #11,Glacier Valley AEPUBLIC:M4 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska cae VR20085 DATE ANALYZED: : DATE REPORTED:6-1 1-82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE 5_apm WELLHEAD pH IN = PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 70 FIELD:6.4 WELL HEAO NakCa 3]LAB:7.2 SAMPLE POINT Si0>158 ISOTOPE = coursctorn -Matlick Am Si02 36 0 Mg ALKALI 31 >) Na/K 176 CATIONS ©¢.ANIONS =A |pom |mmoies/!meaq/!treat?C/ci pom mmoles/!mea/!|treat?|A/G} Ca 160 7.98 r HCOs 252 4.12 F Mg 7.17 }59 F CO3 <]F Na 14,1 3.29 r S04 392 3.10 r K 4.4 1 F a 6.5 .18 F Fe °06 °003 F FE 1 .].06 F ;<.01 F 3 <.005 F Sa <.Q3 ro 8r <.l r NHa ;Pa,|<./F Se 1.4 .03 F Cd 01 F Mn .24 F | |={248 |pu.g7 =f 65)|12.53 |] TiC +Ae SiO)-«NON-IONIC:pom ;. <5 S09 143 COMMENTS: V2 =mea (C=aA)v2 CS3 SmeqiC-A). .03 Seecifie Conquctance cee &MNOs/em B ° *=Samole treatment coce R =raw:A ®acidified:F =filtered N #nitne acid:S$*suifurie:C *hyarocntorie O =dilured mt samote with mt O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Ca/Cl 24,62 SO4/ct 60.3 S1¢:17 Navi 49 Navk 16.98 cag 22:31 KiCt 68 3/C1 0 wae - REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. "EM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:7/3/81 TIME:I.D.NUMBER:Ge -Hot Springs Group ##11SAMPLEPOINT:. Mt.Makusnin,Unalaska REPUBLIC: Located at N1166000;£4965300 syne a ven tag: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,°¢ FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN®e PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 68 FIELD: WELL HEAD Naka 15 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 156 ISOTOPE = cot.sctor -_Motyka Am Sidz 34 0 Mg ALKALI 15 D a CATIONS #C ANIONS oA pom mrmoies/!mea/!trest®|C/ei pom mmoiles/!|mea/!treat?Alél ca (258 12.87 |FAC COs |ND Mg 9.59 .79 FAC CO3 Na 61 2.65 F SOo4 1491 10.22 F K 3.27 .08 F a 2.3 .06 F Fe 02 .001 FAC f 26 01 F hi 0.04 .01 FAC B 0.0 F Ba Br | Neg ,POs " |Sr 1.08 .02 FAC ' i | ={333 |16.43 =.1494 || sic A +Si54)..NON-IONIC;pom COMMENTS:ToS Sid2 138 FD VZ_S mea (Coma |(V2). CO2 .=meq (C+a)TDS 964 Soecific COMGuctance mmm &mNOS/CM @ ° *«Samoie tresunent coce - A ©raw:A =acidified:F @ filrered N @ nitric acid:§=sutturie:C ©hycrochitorie SD ®diluted mi semoie with mi O.W. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS cao:-112.2 SO4/Ci 213 F/G:a it 26.5 Nak 18.65 ca/Mtg ___26-9 KIC?1.42 g/t REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska sameing pate:-//9/81_time.1.0.NUMBER:8 SAMPLE POINT:_Ot Springs Group #11 aePuaLic:#11-1Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1166000;E 4965300 ss=anatyzep:tAB: DATE REPORTED:-, =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHINe PRESSURE (PS})AT:SAMPLE POINT 79 FIELD:6.36 WELL HEAD NaKkCa 29 Lae: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 156 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Motyka Am SiOz 36 ° Mg ALKALI 29 fo)- Na/K 176 CATIONS «C ANIONS aA as pom mrmoies/i mea/|treat®C/ci pom mrmoies/!mea/!treat?A/C}| Ca 208 ©10.34 |FAC HCS4 [51]8.37 F Mg 7.8 -64 |FAC CO3 Na 3 3.52 |F S04 (476 9.91 F K 4.8 .12 |F a 7.5 .22 F Ee 0.2 01 FAC :0.24 .01 F Li 0.03 004 }FAC 3 F Ba 8r Nwe POa |sr 1.1 .03 |FAC . =|303 14.7]=(995 18.51 SIC +A+SiO>)|.NON-IONIC:pom COMMENTS:j TES Sid>142.FD v7 =mea (CHA).(M2)-16 Cd2 =meq (C+A)°TDS 1440 Soecifie Conauctance cue Bb MNOS/EM @ ° °«Sample treswnent coce * R =raw:A ®@ acidified:F ©filered N =nitrie acia:§*suifurie:C =hydrochioric 9D =diluted -_l0 mi sarmnoie with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay C1 27.7 SO4/C!63.45 FC .03 Na/Ct 10.8 Na/K 16.88 Ca/Mg 26.67 KIC 64 a/c! [ae yo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.ceesmmeeomne mm:-Unalaska sameuing pate:-//5/8)tyme:1.0.NUMBER:-SAMPLE Pont:__HOt Springs Group #11 REPUBLIC:1 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1166000;£4965300 a...anatyzen: tAB: DATE REPORTED:. =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 77.5 FIELD:4.34 WELL HEAD NekCa 67 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 148 ISOTOPE « coursctor -Motyka Am SiOs 26 Mg ALKALI 67 D Na/K 201 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS =& |pom |mmoles/|mea/i treat”C/ei pom mrmmoies/|meq/!treat?A/Gi Ca 25.4 1.2/FAC HCD 6 01 F Mg 8.0 .66 FAC C3 Na 62 2./0 F So4 1218 4.54 F K 5.16 130 |F a 6.1 17 F Fe &<0.F Li .01 .001 |FAC 8 0.0 F Ba Br " NM POs |Sr 0.20 .005 |FAC ; =|j01 4.76 £230 4.81 |i SIC A +S109).NON-IONIC:.==s ; pom COMMENTS:Side 120 FD VTS mes (Comal |(V2).007 CO2 _ =meq (C+A)TDS 450 Soecific Conauctance rf mnosiem @ ° -_ °=Samoie trestrnent coce * R ©raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N ®@ nitric acia:S =suiturie:C ©hycrochioric _ 5 ®diluted Mi sammoje with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 1 4.16 504/C!35.74 FIC}_ ve 10.16 Na/K 12.02 Ca/Mg 3.18 _ K/h .85 8/C1 fu' REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.__Jj os item:-_Unalaska sampting oate:-O/11/80_time:Lo.numeer:-DGGS_#1 SAMPLE POINT:__HOt Springs Group #11 REPUBLIC:Mt.Makushin,Unalaska " Located at N1166000;£4965300 0,7)a.ai voen,Lag: | CATE REPORTED:-y " =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 96.8 FIELD:6.4 WELL HEAD NaKCa 79 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 130 ISOTOPE « courectorn -Motyka Am Si02 14 -). Mg ALKALI 68 fe)Na/K 210 CATIONS #¢ANIONS 2A ™ pom mmoies/|mea/|rreat®rei mrmoies/||mea/i treat?|ase) Ca V1.7 .98 FAC HCO,|37 .61 F Mg 4.0 233 FAC COs 0 Na 52 2.26 F $54 (129 2.69 F 4.8 12 F Pos]10 28 F Fe 0.1 .01 FAC ;.14 .01 F Li <.01 FAC B <.5 F Ba Br Neg PO L Sr .07 :002 FAC =73 |3.30 =176 3.58 |- SIC +A+SiOo)|.NON-IONIC:pom ; " 3 Soy 94 FD COMMENTS: VZ_=mecicmar |iv). cO2 =meq (C#A)06 Soecific Conductance iz mnosien @ ° °»Sarnoie treeunent coce * . R ©raw:A ®acidified:F @ filtered N ©nitric acid:§*suifurie:C =hydrocnioric 9 =diluted mi sarmoie with mi OW. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 21 1.17 $04/C!2.9 FIC!014 Na/C!5.20 Na/K 0.8 CaiMg -2:93 KIC!48 B/C) iS.26. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. TEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:cece TIME:cee 1.0.NUMBER:DGGS #2 SAMPLE POINT:HOt Springs Group #11 REPUBLIC:#11 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska ; B LAB:Located at N1I166000;E4965300 DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,-_&: FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE IPS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 82.4 FIELO:° WELL HEAD Naka 69 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 150 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Motyka Am Sid2 29 0 Mg ALKALI 69 fe) Na/K 183 CATIONS =C ANIONS «A ; |pom |rmrmnoies/)mea/t treat®Cre pem rarnpies/!|mea/|treat?A/C} Ge |32.1 1.60 FAC MCS,|288 4.72 F Mg 10.6 87 FAC CO3 F Na 87.2 3.97 |F 5O«95 1.98 F K 5.7 ; 15 F a 5 .14 F Fe <.01 FAC F 28]01 F Li <.01 FAC 8 <.05 F Ba Br Neg POs Sr .26 .01 FAC . =[136 6.42 =388 |6.85 | SiC +A +Sido).°NON-IONIC:som . Tos $02 125 FD COMMENTS:_ VES mec (Gna)|iv)C2 =meq (C+A)*05 HS -<.5 Soecitic Conauctance oe 2 MHOS/em @ ° _ °»Samoile trestnent coce -_ R =raw:A ©acidified:F ©fiitered . N @ nitri¢acie:§=suiturie:C ©hycrochiorie _ 5 @ diluted -10_mi sammie with 100 mi O.W._ ATOMIC RATIOS Cay ©6.42 $O4/Cl 19 Fe!06 _ ta/Ci 17.4 Na/K 15.3 Ca/Mg 3.03 _ KIC 114 Byer SS.be REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.--__- item:-_Unalaska samPLING DATE;-2/11/82_time:1D.NUMBER:G-h SAMPLE POINT:HOt Spring Group #12 REPUBLIC:#13 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1165100;£4964800 SATE ANALYZED:bag:™ DATE REPORTED:I =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,ml FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN= PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 60.5 FIELD:6.0 WELL HEAD Naka 20 Lag: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 mi ISOTOPE ©courector -Motyka Am Sid2 32 ) Mg ALKALI 20 D _ Na/K -176 CATIONS =¢ANIONS "4 pom |menoies/|mea/!treat?|cre pom mrnoies/|mea/!|treat?A/C); Ga 243 12.13 |FAN HCS3 |360 5.90 F | Mg 10.7 .88 |FAN CO3 0 Na 64 2./01F Sog |4/2 9.03 F K 3.8 10)F a 5.8 16 F i 0.4 .02 |FAN :<.F | Li .03 .004 |FAN B <]F . Ba Br i Nig POs i Sr 1.2 .03 |FAN ' | =|323 |15.94 |=|838 |15.89 |L SIC +A+SiO)|.NONAONIC:. a =Ds si 745 FD COMMENTS:v 102 VT ft mes (Coal |tv?). cOe Zmeq (C=A).002 - Soecific Conavezancs w Mnosvern @ °° °=Samole treatment coce - | R =raw:A ®acidified:F ©filtered 7" N =nitetne acie:§©sulfuric:C =hycrocniorie 2 ®diluted 1 mi sarmoie with 100 mi O.W.. ATOMIC RATIOS " a/c!41.90 s04/Ct 81.38 eet . Nae 11.03 Na/K 16.84 Ca/Mg 22.7) K/e!66 B/C! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.cee 'if 82 -j =zm:-Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:T/N0/TIME:cece 1.0.NUMBER:G-J SAMPLE POINT:Hot Springs Group #18 REPUBLIC:214 Mt.Makushin,Unaldska 11043905 6cUUU LAB:Located at NI aid DATE ANALYZED: .DATE REPORTED:- =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN«@ WELL HEAD NaKkCs 14 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 144 ISOTOPE ©coucecton -Motyka Am SiOz 23 ° Mg ALKALI!14 D i Na/K 182 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS © |pom |mermoies/|mea/|trest®|cre ,mrnoies/|meq/!|trest°®A/él Ga (2/5 13./¢|FAN HCS3 |325 5.33 F Mg 11.1 91 |FAN C3 0 Na 53 2.31 |F SO,|581 12.10 ro '3.4 ,09 |F ci 6.6 90 F Fe .7 .04 |FAN e |<l F i ui .03 .004]|FAN F 8 <l F Ba Br ? NH POs L Sr 1.4 .03 |FAN ; 5 344 17.10 |=912 |17.61 | SIC +Ae Sida)-e NON-IONIC:pam .=DE Sioy 112 FD COMMENTS: "Viz mea itna |iv 02 CO2 S meq (C+A)ws Soecifie Conauetance #mMhosiem @ ° *@ Sample treeunent coce * Re raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N ®nitric acid:§©sutturie:C ©hycrocniorie}SD ®ciliuted 10 mi sarrpie with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay Ci 4)67 SCas/ct 88.03 F/CI . vo 8.3 Na/K 15.59 Ca/Mg 24.77 i KIC:52 g/c!Baw REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.cen trem:__Unalaska :SAMPLING DATE:ere TIME:1.0,NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:Hot Springs Group #18,Upper Glacier Valley REPUBLIC:GV-2Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at_N1164350;£4962000 =n.-e nat yzen:VAR: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE, FLOW RATE 25 gpm WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 59 FIELD:_ WELL HEAD NekCa 23 LAB:7.9 SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 165 ISOTOPE © corrector -Matlick Am SiO 43 P Mg ALKALI 23 D Na/K 486 i CATIONS =¢ANIONS 2A |pom mmoies/|mea/i treat?Cre pom mrmoies/!mea/!|trest®A/O} Ge =|24)12.03 RAN HCS3 |315 5.16 R5|10.1 .83 |RAN co,|<!R Na 64.1 2.79 R SO4 1528 10.99 R \K 4,36 1]R a 5.7 .16 R Fe <.003 RAN F 44 02 R Li .01 RAN B .29 .01 R Ba <.03 RAN Br <.]R Nwg POs Sr 1.0 .02 RAN , | Mn 2313 RAN . =|321 15.78 =849 16.35 | TiC +A +SiO5)|.NON-IONIC:pom . =e Si,160 RAN COMMENTS: VZ_S mec (Cama |(v2)-.025 cde iSsmeq(Co A) Soecitic Conauctanes us mnosicm @ ° *«Sampie trestment cooe * R =raw:A ®acidified:F &filtered N ®nitric acia:§©suttume:C =hycrochiorie 5 =dilured mi sampie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay 61 42.3 Souci 92.63 eres .077 NaCl 11.25 Na/k 14.7 Ca/Mg 23.9 KIC:76 B/C!05 be.Seo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. -em;,-Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:-J/7/82_Time:Msn,NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:_HOt Springs Group #18,Upper Glacier Valley REPUBLIC:GV-1Mt.Makushin,Unalaska VR20879 Located at N1164350;£4962000 DATE ANALYZED:waa:SOSST DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE 5_gpm WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 59 FIELD:7.8 WELL HEAD NekCa 20 Lag:7.8 SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 155 ISOTOPE © COLLECT Matlick 33LLECTORAmSid2vAN o Mg ALKALI DNe/K 482 CATIONS #¢ANIONS oA pom mmoies/|mea/t meat?|CIC!pem mmoies/!mea/i |treat®|a/c Ca (246 12.28 RAN MCS,{305 5.00 R Mg 10.9 .90 RAN COs <J R Na 61.1 2.65 |R SOg [516 10.74 R K 3.93 ; .10 R a 5.5 16 R re |<,003 RAN F 47].02 R Li .01 RAN 8B 2275 .01 R Ba <.03 .RAN Br <1 R Nh¢POs |Sr 1.1 .03 RAN ' Mn .347 RAN =1323 15.96 =1829 |16.06 | _ SIC +A+SiO5)|-NON-IONIC:pom .TDs Sios 135 RAN COMMENTS:_ VZ_S mea (Canal |(v2).C02 Za =meq (C+A)005 _ Soecifie Conductance cemmmeememes mnosiem @ ° a *=Sample tresunent coce R =raw:A @ acidified:F ©filtered . N =nitrie acid:§©sulturie:C =hyverochiorie ; O =diluted PAL SEPMIO WIth cee 2M OLW.7 ATOMIC RATIOS cay 61 447 $04/C!93.82 FIC 09 fyier|1]11 Na/k 15.55 Ca/Mg 22.57 _ KIC:7)8/C!05 tol Se REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:TIME:1.0.NUMBER:G-1 -Hot Springs Group #18 #15SAMPLEPOINT:é :iN Mt.Makusnin,Unalaska REPUBLIC LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:5 =PROSUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 62.5 FIELD:6.0 WELL HEAD Nakes 22 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 152 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Motyka Am SiO>30 0 Mg ALKALI 22 o CATIONS =ANIONS =4 pom |mmoies/i mea/t |test®|erect poem mmoies/|mea/l treat?|A/C! Ca |262 13.07 |FAN nCO3 |320 5.24 F Mg 10.3 85 |FAN CO3 0 Na 63 2./4 |F SO,|542 IT.28 E K |4.5 {| lie |e =|6.6 19 |F Fe 5 03 |FAN e <1 F ui 03 004 |FAN 8 <]F Ba Br Nig POs L Sp 1.2 .03 |FAN ' ={342 |16.53 =|869 |16.72 | SstC*A+SiO-5)}.e NON-IONIC:som col ENTS:Tos sidy 128 FD _- VZ_S mec iCmal |(v2)€O2 =meq (cA)=.005 Soecifie Coneuctance ameeeeeeee #mhosem @ ° ©»Samote trestment coce - RR»rew:A ©acidified:F @ filtered N =nitrie acia:§©sutturie:C =hycrochioric 5 ®@ diluted 10 mi sarnoie with __100_mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cayo 39.70 $04/C)82.12 Fel Na/S 9.55 Na/K 14.00 Ca/Mg 25.44 K/G =68 8/C: REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.cemmnmencenns eu,_Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:7/20/82 sss.Lb.Numgea:02 sample pont:Hot Springs Group #20 nerusuic:_*/6Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at_N1160500;£4962500 DATE ANALYZED: wAB: DATE REPORTED:5=PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 39 FIELD:5.9 WELL HEAD NaxCa 76 LAg: SAMPLE POINT S02 LEY ISOTOPE ©courecton -Motyka Am Si0>V7 fe) Mg ALKALI 76 fe) Na/K -225 CATIONS =¢ °ANIONS =A som mmoies/l mea/|rrest®ere pom mmoles |mea/l treat?|A/C! Ca 203 10.13 FAN HeS5 |460 7.93 F Mg 14.9 1.23 |FAN CO3 0 Na 176 7.66 |F SO4 363 7.50 F K 19.3 .49 |F a 164 4.63 F fe 1.7 .09 |FAN F <.]F Li 48 .07 FAN E 4.2 .21 F Ba Br 0 NMg POs |Sr 1.1 .03 |FAN ; =(4i6 19.69 =|991 |19.94 SIC A+SiO>)|-NON-IONIC:.=55 Sioy 100 FD COMMENTS: VT Dt mes (CaaS)coe Dmeqic7Al *.009 Soecifie Conaveztance a mnosicm @ ° °=Samoie tresunent cooe ° Re»rew:A ®acidified:F @ filtered N ®nitrie acid;§*sutturie:C ©Aydrocnioric 2 =diluted 10 mi sarnoie with J00_mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 2 1.24 SOc 2.2)FC)_ jes)1.07 Na/K 9 12 Ca/Mg 13.62 KIC:l2 8/Cl 026 GS.Sh REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.aemeeme ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:TIME:1.D.NUMBER:G-n SAMPLE point:Hot Springs Group #20 REPUBLIC:#7 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Located at N1158300;£4962700 =a,>=anaryvep:AB: DATE REPORTED:,=PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,c FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN« WELL HEAD Naka 78 Lag: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 14)ISOTOPE « couLectca -Motyka Am Sida 20 ° Mg ALKALI 18 fe) Na/kK -225 CATIONS =¢ANIONS oA pom |mmoies/!mea/\treat?eve!pom mmoies/!meat |teste |aver! Ca 17/9 8.93 FAN MCS,|555 9.10 F Mg 22.9 1.88 FAN CO4 0 Na |176 7.060 |F S04 |321 6.00 |F K 19.2 .49 F a 142 4.00 F Pe 1.9 10 |FAN F <1 F Li .4 .06 FAN 8 4 .20 F Bs Br 0 : Ng POs Sr 1.0 .02 FAN F =|400 |19.14 |zs [iWcc ||19.99 |] aA :NONHONIC:pom |COMMENTS:°TDs Si0>-LOf FD V7 5 mec (Cmal |(v2). cO2 S meq (Co A)-03 Soecific Conaucrance wu mncsem @ ° *«Samoile trestnent coce - Ros rew:A ©acidifiec:F ©filtered N @ nitme scia:§*sutfurie:C =hycrochioric S @ diluted 10 mi sammole with __100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS * Cay 2 1.26 $O4/C!2.26 F/¢) Na/C 124 Na/X 9.17 Ca/Mg 7.82 Ket 14 Bc:.028 MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET PAGE NO.- vem:-Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:TIME:1.D.NUMBER: samPus pont:Hot Spring Group #20 RePustic:--G-PMt.Makusnin,Undidskd #18 Located at 1152150;£4960600 DATE ANALYZED:LAB: DATE REPORTED:.=PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN= PRESSURE [PSI]AT:SAMPLE POINT 40 FIELD:6.3 WELL HEAD NakCa 75 LAB: SAMPLE POINT sO 2 139 ISOTOPE «corrector -Motyka Am Si02 18 fe) Mg ALKALI!66 D Na/K 22] CATIONS =¢ANIONS =A pom mrmoies/|mea/!wrest®C/ei pom mrmoies/mea/l |trest®|a/c Cs)159 7.93 |FAN HCD,|209 9.26 F Mg 39.5 3.17 FAN CO 0 Na 299 13.01 F SQ,|178 3.71 F K 31.3 ; .80 F a 382 10.78 F te |21]'11 |FAN :<.l F Li -86 12 FAN 8 9.9 5]c 5a Br {|Tr Neg POs Sr 1.4 .03 FAN ; =|532 |25.18 =|1135 24.25 | sic 7A +Sid>).s NON-IONIC:bom COMMENTS:TOS Sidz -103_FD VT of mec (CmAl .v2)=03 COs " S meq (C+Al 0 Soecifie Comauctames cameeemene mnosicm @ ° *»Sample treatment coce - Rom raw:A =acidified:F ©filtered N @ nitric acia:S ®suiturie:C =hydrocnioric S @ diluted 10 mi samnoie with _100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS ca/2 42 SO4/C!:FCI ve 78 Na/k 9.55 Ca/Mg 4.13 Ke!.08 a/c .026 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO,cee ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:--//22/82_sme:1.0.NUMBER: samPLe Point:Hot Springs Group #20,Glacier Valley Mt.Makushin,Unalaska rePusuic:-OV] :.VR21042LocatedatN1160500;£4962500 1,>anaiyoep,CAB: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN«= PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 39 FIELD: WELL HEAD NakCa 80 Lag:7.00 SAMPLE POINT .SiO 2 138 ISOTOPE = coLcecton -Parmentier Am SiOq 7 P Mg ALKALI fe) Na/K 221 CATIONS «¢ANIONS © pom |mrmoies/|mea/!rreat®ere pom mmoies/!mea/!rest?|A/C! ce {191 9.99 R HOS,[428 7.01 R Mg 13.2 1.09 R CO3 0 R Na (194 8.44 |R SOq 13/2 7.75 R K 20.4 252 R a {170 4.80 R Fe 2.13 ae R Ff .02 001 R ui 5 .07 R "8 3.55 18 R 5a <.03 R Br 204 D1 R NH PO,<.0] |Sr 1.2 .03 R ; Mn 1.64 R Zn .04 R =422 {19.79 =1074 ||19.74 SIC =A+SiO>)|-NONAONIC:pom . =os Sie,101 R COMMENTS: v7 2 meq (CA).(v3)..002 cd2 =meg (C *A} ° Soecifie Conductance cemeeeee mnos/em @ ° °@ Samoie trestnent coce . - A =raw:A ®acidified:F ©filtered N ®nitri¢acid:§©sutturie:C =hydrochiorie 5 =cilutec mi samole with om O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS aa 1.12 SO4/C1 2.19 F/CI .0001 Na/C:1.14 Na/K 9.5]Ca/Mg 14.47 KIC!12 g/e!02 C1/Br 202 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. tem;_Unalaska SAMPLINE DATE:2/22/82 TIME:ee 1D,NUMBER:SAMPLE Pont.Hot Springs Group #20,Glacier Valley apuetic:5:G-_#1 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska VR21041 .LAB:Located at Nii52150;£490U0UU ATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: =PROODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHINe PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 40 RIEL: WELL HEAD NekCs 175 LAB:6.74 SAMPLE POINT .SiO 2 126 ISOTOPE = Mg ALKALI D CATIONS =¢ 7 ANIONS =A pom rmrmoies/i rnea/!treat®e/ei pom mmoies/t mea/!wrest?'A/lC} ca 159 7.93 R HCO,(498 8.10 R Mg |27.9 2.29 R COs 0 R Ne 63]14.40 JR SO4 (212 4.4]R K 33.8 ; .86 -|R °a 436 12.29 R Fe .8 04 R F .02 ..001 R ui 9 13 R 8 8.3 .42 R Ba <.03 R er 2.0 .03 R NH,POs <.]R Sr 1.4 .03 R ' Mn 57 R Zn .03 s {555 25.70 |=1156 |25.32 | LIC +A+SiOo)|-ON-IONIC:. =N side 56 TR pom COMMENTS: V7 Ss meciCaal |(V2)CO2 =mea (Ge Al *.0] Soecifie Conductames snes &mnos/em @ °a" *«Samole trestrent coce * Ro raw:A @ serdified:&&filtered N #®nitric acia:§*sutturie:C =hycrochioric 3 =dilured PM sarmole with)cee TM O.LW. ATOMIC RATIOS Caf ©36 SO4/C!49 FC).000 la/C 76 Na/K 9.79 Ca/Mg 570 KIC!08 3/¢:02 Cl/Br 218 el ak REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO.ccmmmenmmmenn item:__Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:2/2/82 time:o.numega:-MV SAMPLE POINT:Makushin River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:MV LAB: OATE ANALYZES: DATE REPORTED:5 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PSi)AT:SAMPLE POINT 4 °8 FIELD:6 bd 1 WELL HEAD NeKCa Ie LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 62 (ISOTOPE = COLLECTOR Peterson Am Sid?793 0 Mg ALKALI 12 D Na/K 229 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS =A pom mmoies/|mea/l treat®Clci pom mrmoiles/!mea/t |treat®|A/léi bal 6.3 3]RAN HCD,|3.3 05 R Mg 2.0 .16 RAN CO4 0 Na 4.8 2]RAN SOoq 121.7 45 R K 55 01 RAN a 2.4 .07 R Fe 1.6 09 RAN F .08 .004 |R uw <e ]RAN 8 <.]RAN Ba Br Nig POs | =|15 |79 =2 58 | Sic AaeSids ..NON-IONIC:.TOS 5 16 fFO™COMMENTS:i02 V7 mea (Gaal |(v2)22 cO2 =meg (C=Al Soecifie Conductance 4 mnosicm @ ° °=Sample trestment coae ° Rw raw:A @ acidified:F @ filtered N ®aime acia:§®sutturie:C ©hycrochioric 3 @ diluted mi samoie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay ct 2.63 $0,4/¢!9.04 FIC:.03 Na/C 2.00 Na/K 8.73 Ca/Mg 3.15 K/G?23 3/C!in2 20 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. s/s BC"em:-Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:9/2/82 TIME:1.0.NUMBER: samece pont:Makushin River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:BC LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,oC : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 44 FIELD:6.6 WELL HEAD NekCs =5 LA: SAMPLE POINT SO 9 99 ISOTOPE = coLLecror __Peterson Am Sid2 -58 6MgALKALI,:D Na/K 8 CATIONS =¢ANIONS oA ; pom |mrmoies/|mea/!|treat®clei pom mernoies/|rvea/!treat?Afi a 6.5 .32 RAN HCO;2.1 .03 R Mg 1.5 12 RAN C3 0 Na 3.8 17 '++RAN S04 |17.9 .3/7 R K 26 . .007 RAN 'a 2.2 -06 R .Fe 12 006 RAN -F-05 .003 R. Li <.]RAN B <.1 RAN Ba Br Nig POs =|12 63 =.|22 |47 | DiC-A 2 SiO>!|.NON-IONIC:pom .Tos Si09 13 4]F COMMENTS: V7 5 mea (Cnal |iv)-.20 CO? =meq (C+Al ° Soecific Conavetanes cee mnos/em @ ° *»Samoie trestment coce * R=pew:A =acidified:F ©filtered N =nitric acia:§©sutfurie:C ©hydrochiorie 5 @ ciiured mi samoie with mi D.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay 6:2.95 sowel 8.14 FIC!.023 we 1.73 Na/K 14.62 Ca/Mg 4,33 KIC:U B/C! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO,cree ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:5/18/82 TIME:1.0.NUMBER:MV _ SAMPLE POINT:Makushin River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:MV LAB: DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED:5 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 4]FIELD:6.7 WELL HEAD NakCa V7 LAe: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 67 ISOTOPE «= courector Peterson Am SiOz 48 a] Mg ALKALI 17 fe)Na/K -160 CATIONS =¢ANIONS =A pom mmoies/|mea/!treat®eve pom mmoies/|mea/!|rear?|ase Ca 12.7 .63 RAN HCO>8.5 14 R Mg 3.2 26 RAN CO4 0 Nea 16 .70 '|RAN SO4 25 -y4 R K 75 | .02 RAN aq |13-5 .38 R Fe 04 .002 RAN F .08 .004 RLi002RAN| ep |<RAN Ba Br Nig POs =|33 {|1.61 z 47 |1.04 | SiC +A +SiO>5).e NON-IONIC;pom :=B5 Si,19 F COMMENTS: VZ_5 mea (Cmad |iv?). CO2 =meq (C *A)-30 Soecifie Conauctane®seem mnosem @ ° ®=Semoie trestment coce °|R ©raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered , N @ nitrte acia:§=sutfurie:C =hycrochiorie 9S =cilured PAL sBmMOle with cee PT OW. ATOMIC RATIOS -94 1,85 :006Caso!$O4/Ci F/G) Na/C!1,19 Na/x 21.33 Ca/Mg 3.97 K/C:06 s/ci men REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. 82ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:5/19/Io.Numeea:-_BC samPcz sont:Upper Makushin River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC: B LAB: OATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED:. =PROOQUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAO pHINe WELL HEAD NakCa 13 Laa: SAMPLE POINT $0 2 75 (SOTOPE « cottector Peterson Am SiO -40 5 Mg ALKALI 13 fe) Na/K 225 CATIONS =¢ANIONS aa som |mrmoies/||mea/l treat?|Cre)pom mrnoies/!meal!|treat?|Alei Ca 22.09 Ted2e RAN RCS 16.9 27 R Mq 4.4 .36 RAN CO3 0 Na 9.9 43 RAN S04 50 1.04 R Kk |1.09 .03 |RAN a |16.5 £47 R te |06 .003 |RAN ..08 004 |R ui .003 RAN 8 22 RAN Sa 8r Neg POa|Sr |.03 RAN |s |38 $1.95 z 83 ||1.78 | SIG A+SiO>)|. °NON-IONIC:som .Tos Side DAF COMMENTS: V7 fo mea (Cea (2)C52 =meq iC =4)=.06 Seecitic Conduevancs -ee 4 TNOS/em @ . °=Samote treswnent coce - A =raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N ©nite acia:§©auitune:C =hydrockione S =diluted Ml samoie with cone MI DLW. ATOMIC RATIOS cay:1.36 soue:3:93 sles 005 NwlG 60 Na/k 08 Ca/Mg 5.11 KIC 07 3/e! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item;__Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:ese TIME:1.0.NUMBER:-SAMPLE POINT:Cold Spring,Upper Makushin River REPUBLIC:Mt.Makushi n,Unalaska located at Nl 189200;£4971700 DATE ANALYZED:LAB: OATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,-_C ; FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PS1)AT:SAMPLE POINT 6 .5 FIELD:6 .6 WELL HEAD NaKCa 7.5 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 25 ISOTOPE = couscton -Motyka Am Si0>299 0 Mg ALKAL aw fe]Na/K 210 CATIONS #¢ANIONS 2A poem |mmoies/|mea/t |treat®|jos f as |pom mroies/||mea/|treat'AlCl Ca 1.6 -U3 |FAN HDs 12 10 Mg 63 .05 |FAN CO 0 Na 2.6 od F SO4 6.9 .06 EK24 ; .07 |F ;a 3.7 .10 ; Fe <.]FAN g <.]F ui <.01 FAN 8 1.0 .05 F Ba ar Nhs POs t Sr <.]FAN ' s |5.4 .2/|=19.5 ||aT Y SIC =A =S102)|-_NONAONIC:pom {COMMENTS:res sio7 13.FO VTS mec (Cama |(v2). G99 =mea iC +a)4) Seecitic Conductance woe 4 TNOSE BD ° °=Samoile treatment coce ° R=raw:A @ acidified:F ©filtered N ©nitrie acid:§*sulfurie:C ©hycroentone S =ciiuted -_l0.Ml samoie with 100 ml O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cas 49 SOC:-76 2/1 NVC /0 Naik 10.83 Ca/Mg 2.86 KIC:07 s/c:27 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. 5/25/82°=EM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:/25/1.D.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:Makushin Valley Cold Spring REPUBLIC:M12 Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Lak:VR20068 DATE ANALYZED: , Located at N1191100;£4985100 paTz RePportep:-6/]1/82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,_FLow rate - _10_9pm WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 8 FIELD:6.4 WELL HEAD NekCa 39 Lag:6.¢ SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 73 ISOTOPE © courectorn -Matlick Am Sid2 =e fe) Mg ALKALI 39 D Na/K 270 CATIONS =C .ANIONS =4 . pom ramnoles/|mea/t trest®Cre pom mrmoies/t mea/!|trest®|A/éi as 5.9 29 F HCD;|20 33 F Mg 3.45 .28 F COs |<1 0 F Na 8 cy ee SO«4 24 50 Fr K 1.4 ; 04 F a 10 28 F Fe 39 F F 73 04 F ui <.01 F 2 <.005 F Ba 085 F Sr <.]F Nha PO4 <1 F |Sr .76 .02 F . Al .23 .03 F Cd .03]F Mn .007 F =|20 ||1.03 z 54./1.15 | SIC +A+SiO5)|-NON-IONIC:pom .TDs Sidg 52.8 F COMMENTS: V7 Do mea (Cana)(V2)S02 meq iG Al =.078 Soecifie Conauctancs u Mmnosiem @ ° °=Sarnple trestrnent coce - R =raw:A ©acidified:F @ filtered N ©nitric acia:§=sulfuric:©@ hydrochiorie 3 =diluted mil sarmoie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cayo 59 SOu/C:2.40 Fret we!3 we .80 Na/K 5.71 Ca/Mg 1.71 KIC:14 8/c!0 c1Br oo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:5/19/82 TIME:1.0.NUMBER:GV SAMPLE POINT:Glacier Riyer,Mt,Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:GV LAB: OATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED: =PROOUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 7.7 Fieco:--/:2 WELL HEAD NakCa 10 LAB: SAMPLE POINT Si0 2 25 ISOTOPE « Mg ALKAL!10 fe) Na/K 238 CATIONS =C ANIONS =4 pom ramoies/|mea/!treat®G/ei pom mernoies/|mea/i treat?A/C} Gs 42.9 2.14 RAN HCO3 15.2 225 R Mg 5.7 47 RAN CO3 0 Na Tied -43 |RAN SOqg |120 2.0U R K 1.4 04 RAN Ce:18 -5]R *s 44 +02 |RAN £W 006 |R.Li -009 -00T |RAN B .19 -01 RAN -Ba ar Ng POs sr .08 -002 |RAN =|61 |3.15 |=154 {3.27 | SiC¢+A +SiO).s NONAONIC:.Tos Si09 c pom COMMENTS: VT =mes (Coal |iv)-.03 cO2 =meq (C#A)° Seecifie Conductance umnesicm @ ° °@ Ssrnvie trestment code - Rw raw:A ®seidified:F @ filterec N @ nierie acia:§©sutturie:C ©hycrocniorie 5 @ diluted Mi sarmoie with rl D.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay Ct 2.38 sO4/c!6.67 e/e1 -006 K/O 08 8/¢!Q] REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. 'TEM:Unalaska :SAMPLING DATE:0/25/82 TIME:LL.D.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT.Glacier Valley Cold Spring REPUBLIC:M10Mt.Makushin,Unalaska Lag:VR20066LocatedatN1150200;&4960700 DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:6/11/82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,-_oC. FLOW RATE _15_gpm WELLHEAD PHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT -__Z.FIELD:6.6 WELL HEAD NakCs 18 Lae:6.4 SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 22 ISOTOPE « corrector -_Matlick hm SiOq --222 i Mg ALKAL!--19 DNa/k 164 CATIONS #¢ANIONS ©A pom |mmoies/!mmea/!treat®ee pom |mmoies/|mea/!|treat?|ase Ca 3.0 .149 F HCSs |33 54 F Mg 1.49 .123 F CO3 «(I<1 F Na 7.5 vai F_S04 I<F K .38 .010 F a 8.7 225 F Pe 45 -02 F ®.66 03 F ui <.0]F 8 <.005 F Ba 13 002 F ar <1 F NFg PO,|<.!F |sr .88 .02 F F Mn .006 F Zn .O15 F ={13.8 |65 =z f 43 |684 VZ_S mec (Comal |(V2)-.16 ed=meq (C >A)°TDS =72 Soecific Conavetance u MAosiem @ ° *»Sample treatment cooe * RB @ raw:A @ acidified:F =filtered N @ nitric acia:§©sutturie:C =hydrochtoric 9S =diluted mi sample with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS ca/cI 34 souel 0 F/C!08 wel .86 Na/X 19.74 Ca/Mg 2.01 K/Ct 04 a/c!0 ClBr REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ka 7/5/81 ITEM:Unalas SAMPLING DATE://TIME:1.0.NUMBER:GRM1 SAMPLE Point:Glacier Valley River REeuaLIc:Mt.Makushin,Unalaska lahB2 DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED:o =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD PRIN PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 4 e 9 .rF]ELD: WELL HEAD Naka , LA: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 ISOTOPE © ecussctoa -_Motyka Am Si02 ° Mg ALKALI je] Na/K CATIONS =C¢ANIONS aA som mrmoles/|mea/t |treat?ClG3 pom mmaies/i |mea/i |treat?|AMGi Ca 9 0.45 FAC HCO3 ND Mg 1.9 16 FAC CO4 Na 4.7 20 F SO6 29 .60 F K 8 ..02 |F a 5.6 "16 F Fe |.0.0 FAC F <.]Fu|0.0 FAC 3 0:0 F 3a Sr Neg PO s 16.4 |83 £39 |-/6 |] ZIG 2 A=S09)|-NON-IONIC:pom COMMENTS:res Sid;-20_FD_ VZ_t mea icaal |tv?). C92 mea ic Al 06 TS 71 Seecifie Conauctanes He 2 THORSEN @ ° °@ Sarmoie treatrnent cone - A sraw:A =acidified:F «filtered N ©nitne acie:§=suifurie:C =hycrochione 3 =diluted 10 Mi sammie with 100 mt O.W. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS cay &1.61 soue:5.18 _ Na/ei 84 Na/k 5.86 CaiMg 4.74 K/Cr 14 3/c: REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. 'TEM:Unalaska -SAMPLING DATE:9/1/82 TIME:1.5.NUMBER:GV SAMPLE POINT:Glacier River REPUBLIC:GY Mt.Makushin,Unalaska LAB: OATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:ors =PROOUCTION TEMPERATURE, FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN ® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 4.9 FiELD:2: WELL HEAD NakCa 2 LAB: SAMPLE POINT SiO 9 80 IsoTOPE «coutecton -Peterson Am Si07 =36 o Mg ALKALI 2 D Na/K 244 CATIONS =¢ANIONS =A pom mmovtes/i mea/!treat?Cle pom |mmoies/!|mea/l trest®Af! Ca 29 1.45 |RAN Hoos |1.4 02 R Mg 3.6 .30 |RAN COs 0 Na 6.5 28 .|RAN SOg |83.5 1./4 R K 88 .02 |RAN a 6.2 17 R Fe 3.7 .20 |RAN F 18 01 R ms s |<.10 RAN Ba Gr Nbig 204 =|aa |2.09 =(91 1.95 | SIC +A+SiO>)|.NON-IONIC:pom ; Tos Sid>97.5 £F COMMENTS: VZ_S mec (Cael |(V2)-10 CO2 =meq (C -Al . Soecitie Conductance umnosiem @ ° *«Sarnoie tresunent coce * Fi®@ raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N ®nitric acie:S *sulturic:C ©hycrochiorie D =diluted mi samoie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS ca)2 4.68 soves 13.47 ere 2029 'a/S 1 .05 Na/k 7.39 Ca/Mg 8.06 K/C!14 8/C! REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. =5/18/82 OWITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:WS TIME:1.5.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:_.Driftwood River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC: LAB: OATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED: PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,-: FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 3.1 FIELD:6.5 WELL HEAD NakKCs LA: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 50 ISOTOPE = courector Peterson Am Si02 -63 6 Mg ALKAL}-11 D Na/K 139 CATIONS ©¢ANIONS =A pom mrmoies/!mea/t trest®Clci pom menoies/!|mea/!trest®A/C! ce)14.5 w72 |RAN neo,|Ol i R Ms |3.9 32__|RAN COs 0 Na 17.4 ./6 |RAN SOa 7 .r5)|OR K £59 .02 |RAN a 13.5 .38 R Fe .03 -002 |RAN F -06 .003 R li 001 RAN 8 <.]:RAN Ba Br Nee POa |Sr .008 RAN , ={|36 1.82 =2/T.53| sic-a+Side)-.NONGONIC:pom .TDS |Sid 1 7]COMMENTS: Zs mec (Cmal |tv)5.12 CO? TZ meq (C+4) ° Soecific Conductance eee 4 MNCSICM ©° *»Samoie trastment cp0e - R =raw:A ®acidified:F ©filtered N =nitri¢acic:S$©sutturie:C =hydrochiorie SD *diluted mil semmple with)comes Mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS ca)01 1.07 sowie 52 eer .004 Ne/tt 1.29 Na/k 29.49 ca/ntg 3.72 K/G:04 8/C:i REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. TEM:et Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:3/18/82 TIME:ce 1.5,NUMBER:DE SAMPLE POINT:Or iftwood River,Mt.Makushin,Unalaska REPUBLIC:DE LAB: DATE ANALYZED: OATE REPORTED:. 2 PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,c FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH INe PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 9.0 FIELD:6.3 WELL HEAD NakCa o/LAB: SAMPLE POINT 5 Sid 2 A {SOTOPE = COLLECTOR eterson Am Sid?=o Mg ALKALI re) Na/K 223 CATIONS #¢ANIONS =A pom mrmoies/!mea/!||treat®Cli pom mmoiles/|mea/!treat?a/6) Ge 9.1 45 RAN HCD3 13.4 a R Mg 2.8 .23 RAN CO3 0 Na 24 1.04 +}RAN SO«4 5 .10 R K 2.58 ..07 RAN a 45 1.27 R Fe 12 .006 RAN |Fr .09 -.005 R ui 085 '.01 RAN 8 44 .02 RAN Ba Br Nig POs ! -Sr .006 RAN ,: \ =|a9 1.6]z 64 {1.62 |j TIC +A+SiO>)|-NON-IONIC:poem .TDs SiOq 51 *F COMMENTS: VZ_S mea (Cana)|(V2)-.08 CO2 =meq (C #A). Soecitie Conauctance wu mnosicm @ ° °@ Sarnvie treatnent coce - R @ row:A ®acidified:F ©filtered N =nitric acia:§®=suiturie:C =hycrocnioric SO =diluted mi samopie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay C1 .20 s0,4/C!11 FCI .002 a/c 54 Na/K 9.30 Ca/Mg 3.25 KC:.06 aye!.01 . REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO, ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:7/1/80 TIME:1.2.NUMBER:DRM1 SAMPLE POINT:__Driftwood Bay River REPUBLIC: Mt.Makushin,Unalaska LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:-., 2 PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C : FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pA IN» PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 3.8 FIELO: WELL HEAD NakCa LAa: SAMPLE POINT $0 2 ISOTOPE « counsctor -Motyka Am Sida a) Mg ALKALI fo) Na/K CATIONS =¢ANIONS aA ;|pom mmoies/i mea/!teat?Cie pom mrmoies/!meas!treat'|Al@i ca 2.6 13 FAC MCD3 ND Mg .5 04 FAC CO3 Na 2 .Q9 F SO4 3 06 F K .06 :a2 F a 2.6 .07 F Fe 06 .003 |FAC er |<0.1 F wi 0.0 FAC 8 0.0 F Ba Br Nig POs |Sr 0.01 FAC : =5.2 ||.26 |2 5.6 |{| Tic+A+SiO)-.NON-IONIC:pom .=Se $i0,4.5 FD COMMENTS: VZ_S mec (Coma |(v2). C34 =meq (C+A)TOS 15 Seecifie Conauctance We THOSE B . *=Samole treatment code R ©raw:A ©acidified:F &filtered N @ nitric acic:S$©sulfurie:C *hycrocniorie 5 @ diluted 10 ml sarmore wrth -100_ml O.W. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS cay cl 1.0 SOeiCt 1.16 ec:-<Nal wal Na/x 33 Ca/Mg KI:02 s/c REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. "TEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:-ttlib2 TIME:1p.Numeer:-_DW :i i alaska SAMPLE POINT:Driftwood River,Mt.Makushin,Un REPUBLIC:DW LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,C FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pHIN® PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 7.)FIELD:6.4 WELL HEAD NaKCs 2)LAB: SAMPLE POINT S02 68 ISOTOPE = cotiector Peterson Arn SiO7 -47 0 Mg ALKALI 21 fe) CATIONS =C ANIONS ©& pom mmoies/!mea/!treat®evel pom mmoies/!mea/!|reat?|A/C] Ca 3 15 RAN HCSs |3.9 -06 R Mg ].08 RAN COs 0 Na 6 .26 =-{RAN SOq 7.5 .16 R K 247 . 01 RAN fos}4.4 -12 R Fe .09 005 |RAN Fe .05 .003 R ar 8 - Ba Sr Nhig POa SIC +A+SiID5)|a NON-IONIC;pom .=5s So,19.3 F COMMENTS: VZ_5 mea (Coal |(v7)-.26 cO2 S meq (C+A)° Soecific Conauctanes came mnosicm @ ° ¢»Sample treeunent coce _ Ro raw:A ®acidified:F ©filrered N ©nitric acia:S ©suiturie:C =hyerocnioric >=diiured mn samoije with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 6!68 SO4/C!L720 F/C)01 'g/Ci ].36 Na/kK 12 Zi Ga/Mg 3.00 KIC an g/c: REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR ANO MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Unalaska SAMPLINE DATE:7/1/81 TIME:|.D.NUMBER:_#7 z Cold Stream,Driftwood Valley #7 SAMPLE POINT:>FS :=FOIN Mt.Makusnin,Unalaska REPUBLIC LAB: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE, FLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN = PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT 3.8 Fiero:-.ND WELL HEAD NaKkCa =24 LAS: SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 26 ISOTOPE « courector -Motyka Am Si02 -84 6 Mg ALKALI =24 fe) CATIONS =C ANIONS oA pom mmoies/|mea/t treat?clei pom mmoies/|mea/!treat?A/G} Ca 2.6 .13 FAN HCO,ND Mg A).04 FAN CO3 ND Na 2.0 09 F SO4 3.1 .06 F K .06 .002 |F a 2.6 .07 F Fe 06 .003 |FAN F 1 .005 F Ba Br Neg P04 |sr <.01 FAN =5.2 26 z 5.8 SiC"A+SiO5)..NON-IONIC:pom .75s 5:09 4.5 FD COMMENTS: VTS mea iCal |(v2). CO2 S meq (C +A) Soecific Conductance uw Mhosicm @ ° *=Sample trestrment coce - R=raw:A ®acidified:F =filtered N *nine acie:§®sulfuric:C =hydroenioric O =diluted 10 mi samole with 100.mi O.W. ND =Not determined ATOMIC RATIOS Cay 1 1,00 SO4/Cl 1.19 FIC!039 Na/Cl 77 Na/K 33 33 Ca/Mg 5.20 K/C!02 B/C! seo REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. "TEM:Unalaska SAMPLING DATE:5/25/82 TIME:1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:_Oti ftwood Bay Cold Spring REPUBLIC:M1]Mt.Makushin,Unalaska VR20067 'Located at N1210700;£4970700,,7:anavygen. LAB: DATE Reported:-6/11/82 =PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE,or FLOW RATE 25 gpm WELLHEAD pH IN® PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT 8 Figo:2.0 SAMPLE POINT Sid 2 83 ISOTOPE « corrector -Matlick Am Si02 -33 fe) Mg ALKALI --22:4 fe) Na/K 246 CATIONS =C ANIONS oA pom mrmotes/!mea/!treat'|Cfo}pom mrmnoies/!meq/!trest®A/C) c |5.9 .29 F HCD |41 .67 F Mg |3.02 225 F C3 |<]F Na Bos 38 F SOq |<3 FK1.2 .03 F a 12 .34 FPe.06 .003 F FE 7).04 F ui <0 F 8 017 .001 F Ba .088 001 F Be <.l F Ng POs <| L Sr 74 .02 F , Cd .019 F Mn 006 =420 97 |=54 1.04 |i ric -A+SiOe).a NON-IONIC:Sem COMMENTS:TBS SiOz 22.8F , V7 mea (Cama |(v2)-05 C02 =meq (C*A)° Soecific Comeuetamee cee &mnosicm @ ° °»Samole treatment cooce - R =raw:A ©acidified:F @ filtered N ®nitric acia:5 ©astfurie:C =hyerochioric 9°=diluted Pl sammoie with mil O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay C1 49 S04/Cl Q FC)059 w/c 73 Na/K 1.25 Came -195 K/Cl .10 ge:00)ClBr hed 6u£ APPENDIX F DRILLING PROGRAM UNALASKA TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES APPENDIX F DRILLING PROGRAM UNALASKA TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES Planned Total Depth:1500'Maximum Procedure: 7. Note: Move in and rig up core drill equipment. Spud 6"hole with rock bit and drill with mud to 150'+(or until approx.30'bedrock has been penetrated).Open hole to 8"+. Run and cement 5-1/2"0.D.casing @ 150''+w/30+sax class A cement plus 3%calcium chloride (Note:If cement returns are not circulated to the surface,additional cement is to be pumped into the casing-open hole annulus from the surface until the annulus is filled). Install 6"master valve,flow tee,single gate BOP,and stripper assembly. Drill ahead using a 4-3/4"rock bit on "NX"size drill rod to as deep "as practicable. When penetration rate and/or hole conditions (1.e.,lost circulation, sloughing,excessive torque,etc.)dictate,begin wireline coring operations using NX rod and 3"diamond corehead to 1500'T.D. Should hole conditions require an intermediate casing string,the NX pipe will be left in the hole as temporary casing and coring will be continued using BQ rod (hole size 2-1/2"+)to T.D. After coring or drilling to T.D.,f111 hole with cement contaminated mud and run 1-1/2"completion tubing (capped on bottom)to T.D.Fil) tubing with fresh water.Cement tubing-casing annulus from surface. Should a steam or hot fluid entry be encountered at or prior to T.D.,the following steps are to be accomplished: Obtain fluid samples and record surface pressures and temperatures. Kil]well with cold water or mud. c.Run 1-1/2"completion tubing with perforated shoe and pin collar on bottom. d.Cement entire 1-1/2"tubing string to surface (displace cement from tubing with fresh water and pump down wiper plug).Close in tubing at the surface.oy@oe Tear out BOP equipment and if necessary,f111 top 20'+of tubing-casing annulus with cement. 7 Move out drilling rig. Thoroughly clean up location and restore as nearly as possible to original condition. Allow well to stand for 7-10+days and run temperature gradient survey.Repeat after additional 7-10 days. APPENDIX G PERMIT APPLICATIONS AND APPROVALS FOR 1982 FIELD OPERATIONS Appendix G-1 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Use Permit No.AI-82-10 7 FORM 3-3 383(REV.11758) sone,UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Permit numberSta.No.to be credited s te,U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service -82-10 7450LdAI-82-1 502 bg aw co ALEUTIAN ISLANDS UNITeeeNeALASKAMARITIME Contract number aN <National Wildlife Refuge Pina SPECIAL USE PERMIT pate il 27,1982ZL Permittee (Meme and address}Period of use /inctusive} Timothy M.Evans,Vice President From 19RepublicGeothermal,Inc.June 1 82 11823 E.Slauson Ave,Suite 1 To September 30,19 82 =mys oR QNL70 Ph:(213)945-3661Purpose(Specify in detail privilege requested,or units of products involved)To permit Republic Geothermal and/or Dames and Moore and/or their subcontractor personnel to explore for geothermal resource potential on the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano,Unalaska Island,Aleutian Islands (Fig.1&2,Exhibit A).This permit is for the second stage of activity,specifically the drilling of three (3)one thousand five hundred (1500) foot deep temperature gradient holes per Exhibit A (attached). Description (Specify unic numbers:meres and bounds:or other recognizable designations) Drill three 1500 foot deep small diameter temperature gradient holes per Exhibit A on the eastern flank of Makushin Volcano for the purpose of studying subsurface geologic formation and determine subsurface temperatures.A letter of nonobjection has been submitted (=xn.3) Amount of fee $__Nore If not a fixed fee payment,specify rate and unit of charge: ([]Full payment (_]Partial payment-Balance of payments to be made as follows: Record of Payments. N/A Special Conditions 1.All Special Conditions 1 through 11 on Special Use Permit AI-82-0°9 datec April 8,1982, remain in effect. This permit is issued by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,and accepted by the undersigned,subject to the terms.covenants.obligations.and reservauions,expressed or implied therein.and to the conditions and require- ments appearing on the reverse side. . 'sal :./,=Permittee Signature!Republic Geotjermal,inc.Issuing OfficersStecé gut -nal lan 4 fe a 2 - mMimachy ¥£7"wi eS aki gne C.Fred Zeitiemaker,Rel=ce Manacerironee:Jonn 'lL.Martin,Alaska Maritime NWR and Larry Calvert,RO,USFWS,Ancnorage\ GENERAL CONDITIONS i.Payments.All payments shall be made on or before the duedaie:o the local representative of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service by a postal money order or check made payable to the U.Ss.Fish andwildlife,Service.% 2.Use limitations.The permiree's use of the described premises .is_limited to the purposes herein specified:does noc uniess provided -for in this permit allow him to reserict other.auchonzed entry on co hisarea:and permits the Service to carry on whatever activities are necessary for (1)protection aod maintenance of the premises and adjacent lands administered by the Service and (2)the management af wildlife and fish using the premises and other Service lands. 8.Terminanion Policy.Ac the termination of this perm,che permmctee shail immediacely give up possession ic the Servicerepresentative,reserving,however,the rights specified in paragraph 9.If he fails 10 do so,he will pay the Government,as iiquidateddamages.an amount double the rate specified in this permu for theentiretimehewithholdspossession.Upon vielding possession.the _Permiccee will still be ailowed to reenter as needed to remove hispropertyasstatedin-paragraph 9.The acceptance of any fee for liquidated damages or any other act of administration relacing to thecontinuedtenancyisnot-to be considered as an affirmance of thepermittee's action nor.shall it operate as_a waiver of theGovernmenc's right to terminate or cancel the permit for the breach,.:of any specified condition or requirement.° "=-"$.Damages.The Unired Scaces shall not be-responsibie forany--"30 Removal 'of Permicee's Property.”Upon"'the expiracion orlossordamagetopropertyincludingbutnoxlimitedtogrowingcrops,-termination of this permit,if all rental charges and/or damage claimsanimais.and machinery:or injury to the permittee,or his relauves,oroftheofficers.agents,employees,or any ochers who are on thepremisesfrominsiructionsorbythesufferanceofthepermitteeor,his associates;or for damages or interference caused by-wildliie'orempioveesorrepresentativesoftheGovernmentcarryingouttheirofficialresponsibilities.The permitee agrees to save the UnitedScacesoranyofitsagenciesharmlesstromanyandailclaimsfor due to the Government have been paid,*the permittee may,within a. _Feasonabie period as staced in the permit or as determined by the."refuge.officer in charge.but not 10 exceed 60 days,remove all”structures,machinery.and<sr other equipment,-etc.,fromr-the-premises for which he is respausidle.Within this period he must aisc:remove any other of his property including his acknowledged share ofproductsorcropsgrown,cut,harvested.stored.ct scacked on chedamagesorlussesthaimavariseorbeincidentto.the flooding of the _..premises.by-him--Upon failure 10 remove any of<he-above.emspremisesresultingfromanyassociatedGovernmentrive;and hazbor,_food control,reclamation,or Tennessee,Valley Authority activity. 4.Operating”Rules and.Laws.The permittee.shall keep the->:premises ina neat and orderty condition at ail mes,and shail compiy.with all municipal,county,and Scace laws applicabie to his operations©under tne permit as well as all Federal 'aws.rules,and reguiations governing National Wiidlife Refuges and the area described in this -permn.He shaii compixv with ali instructions applicable to chis permit issued by the refuge officer in charge.He shail take all.reasonableprecautionstopreventtheescapeoffiresandcosuppressfiresand shall render all reasonabie assistance in che suppression of refuge fires. 5.Responsibilicy of Permittee.The permictee,by operating on the premises,snall be considered to have accepced these premises with all the facilities.fixtures.or improvements in their existing"condition-zs 'of tne date of-this permit.At the end of the penod --specified or upon eariier termination,he shail give up the premises in as good order and condition as when received except for reasonable wear,tear.or damage occurring without fault or negligence.The permittee will fully repay the Service for any and all damage directly or indirectiv resuinng from negligence or failure on his part,or the part of anvone of his associates.to use reasonable care. Director of the Service without notice for noncompliance with the -terms-hereof or for.violation of general and/or specific laws.or .- regulations governing National Wildlife Refuges or for nonuse.It is ac all times subjecz to discretionary revocation by the Director of the Service.Upon such revocation the Service.by and through any authorized representative,may taxe possession of the said premises for us own and svie use,or mav enter and possess the premises as the agent of the permiutee and for his account. 7.Compliance.Failure of che Service to insist upon a strict compliance with anv of this permit's terms,conditions,and requirements shall not constitute a waiver or be considered as a giving up of the Service's right to thereafter enforce any of the permits terms.conditions.or requirements. 6.Revocation Policy.This permit may be revoked by the Regional within.the aforesaid period.-tney shail become the propertyof theUnitedScates.8 'Reed 10.Transier of Privileges.This permit ig not wansferable.and noprivilegeshereinmentionedmaybesubletormadeavailadletoany. person or interest not mentioned in tnis cermiz.-.ive -inserest hereunder may accrue through lien or be wransferres t9 2 third pany without the approvdl of the Regionai Director af tne U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service and the permit shall not be used for specuiative"purposes.7"*oe WIP Conditions of Permiz_cor.Fulfilied.If the permittee fails to * fulfill anv of the conditions and requirements set forth nerein,ail money paid under this permit shall be retained hy the Government to be used to satisfy as much of the permittee's obligations as possidie. 12.Officials Barred from Participating.No Member of Congress orCamm:shall parucipate in any part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise from it,but this provision shall noc.pertain to this contract ii.made with a corporation for its generalbenefit.ooo .ae 13.Nondiscrimination in Employment.The permicree agrees to be bound by the equal opportunity clause of Executive Order 11246. which is attached hereto and made a part of this permit. 14.Ia accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 98-579),please _be advised that:(1.)Your participation is voluntary,however,failure"to answer allquestions fully may delay processing of vour application - or result in demial of a permit.(2.)Informauon will be used as a erieria for the selection of special use permis and for idencification of per 1 having special use permits on Naciorial Wildlife Refuges. (3.)This information is collected under the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd-668ee),the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16.U.S.C.742d).and Titie $0,Parts 29 and $2.of the Code of Federal Reguiations.(4.)In the event there is indicated a violanion of a scatute,reguiation.rule. order,or license,whether civil,criminal.or regulatory in nature.the requested information may be transferred to the appropriate Federai. State,local,or foreign agency charged with investigating or prosecuting such vioiations.(5.)In the event of litigation invoivingtherecordsorthesubjectmatteroftherecords,the requested information may be transferred ta the U.S.Department of Justice. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE OPERATIONS I.Introduction The Alaska Power Authority (APA)has contracted with Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources.Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island.Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory operations on Unalaska Island.The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages:ini- tial geologic exploratory work,temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982),and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983).This application covers the temperature gradient hole operations. A separate permit application has already been filed for the initial geologic work,and another will be filed for the deep exploratory well as the details of the operations are final- ized. The purpose of the temperature gradient hole (TGH)oper- ations is to study the subsurface geologic formations and to obtain records of subsurface temperatures.A TGH is a small diameter hole drilled to a relatively shallow depth,into which is placed one-to two-inch diameter plastic or steel tubing that is capped at both ends and filled with water.The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of one week to allow the water to equilibrate to the temperature of the surrounding .- rock.The temperature is then measured at regular depth in- tervals within the pipe with a thermistor attached to a cable. After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time, the TGH's are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe off three feet below the surface,placing a cement plug in the top fifteen feet of the TGH,and then burying the TGH with soil. Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig. II.Location of Temperature Gradient Holes Although only three temperature gradient holes will be drilled,eleven alternative sites are being proposed in this application.Because of seasonal weather constraints,we de- sire to commence temperature gradient hole operations immedi- ately after the completion of the initial exploratory work. However,the decision as to which three sites will actually be drilled can only be made after analysis of the geologic and environmental data collected during the initial exploratory work.Thus we are submitting this application,with the al- ternative sites,concurrent with the field work so that approval may be obtained in a timely manner.Approval for all eleven sites as alternatives for three TGH's is requested. -l- ou" BC ih FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND A Temporary Camp Site @ Temperature Gradient Hole Site (TG-A thru TG-K) The eleven alternative sites are shown in Figure 2. Selection of the sites was based on topography,proximity to a source of drilling fluid make-up water,current geologic knowledge,and logistical suitability for helicopter transport of equipment and personnel.Because of the poor quality of existing maps these site locations should be considered ap- proximations.Final placement of the three TGH sites will be based upon actual field conditions and more detailed geologic data. Figure 2 also shows the location of the temporary dril- ling camp.This camp location is the same as the camp to be used for the initial geologic exploratory work.The size of the camp will be enlarged to accommodate the drilling crew and Support personnel.This camp will be used by all personnel -umless poor weather conditions preclude helicopter transport between the camp site and a TGH site.In that case,a small camp located at the drill site will be used as necessary. III.Discussion of Proposed Operations Each TGH will be drilled to a depth of approximately 1,500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typical of those used for mining exploration.Figure 3 is a drawing of the type of rig which will te used.The rig will be trans- ported by barge to Unalaska Island and then transported in sections by helicopter to and from the drill site.For fur- ther information regarding drilling procedures,please see Section IV. An area of approximately 30-feet by 50-feet will be 'leveled as necessary by hand labor or the use of lumber for the temperature gradient hole rig.A small mud pit or steel tank will be used to collect the rock cuttings and to store the drilling fluid before it is recirculated.The drilling operations will require approximately 500 gallons of water per day which will be obtained from snowmelt or a nearby rivulet and will be stored in a small tank on location.When each TGH is completed,the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water)will either be dried and the residue spread on the surface of the ground er buried and covered with native soil depending upon the most environmentally appropriate dis- posal technique for the site.The amount of waste drilling fluid is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the drilling fluid generated during the drilling of the TGH will be used to set the cement around the casing during com- pletion of the well.Most of the rock cores will be sent to Republic's home office and to various agencies as samples. The.remainder may be boxed and transported from the site by helicopter or it may be left at the site.In the latter case, the amount of rock cores left at the site would form a rock pile approximately l0-feet by 3 -feet by 2-feet.Figure 4 is a sketch of a typical TGH site. -4- FIGURE 3VERTICALMASTCONTINUOUS WIRELINE CORING RIG bgt .Ne 3 ¥4 a u * rae \ rem)BL mz aus DRILLING RIG FIGURE 4 TYPICAL SITE PLAN FOR TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES (LAYOUT BASED ON AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 30'X50")CORESAMPLESSLEEPING TENT 12°X20° 300 GALLON EQUIPMENT TENT 10'X15'/WATER TANK 12'X20° 3°X5' MUD PIT to OR x TANK °5°X10' (100't) HELICOPTER LANDING AREA PGI 01720 Drilling operations to complete all three TGH's should take approximately sixty days.Drilling will occur 24 hours per day and will require two or three three-person drilling crews,one drilling supervisor,a camp cook,and periodically one or two supervising geologists and environmental scientists. Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible.The drill crews,camp cook,geologists and environmental scientists will be housed at the temporary base camp,which will be at the same site as that used for the initial geologic exploratory work.The crew will commute to the drill site daily via helicopter.The helicopter pilot and mechanic will be based in Dutch Harbor,and various personnel will be staying in Dutch Harbor for short periods of time during the operations. The portable camp for the initial work will consist of two l2-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents,one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent,and a portable outhouse.This initial camp will be expanded for the temperature gradient hole operations by add- ing one 15-foot by 30-foot shower and laundry tent and two additional l2-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents.Two 12-foot by' 20-foot sleeper/storage tents (or equivalent)will also be Placed at the TGH site for use in bad weather.Garbage from the camp will be transported back to proper waste disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor or treated and buried on site. Grey waste water will likely be disposed through an onsite pit or a leach line built by the camp construction company.Black waste water may go through a leach line system,placed in a pit and treated with lime,or dried and burned.A permit for waste disposal is currently being obtained from the Alaska State Department of Environmental Conservation. The drilling crew will be transported between the camp, the drill site and Dutch Harbor by helicopter.Helicopter use is being proposed in part to avoid the surface disturbance which could result from off-road vehicles.Helicopter opera- tions will be conducted away from the coastal areas and thus will not occur near seabird rookeries.The helicopter pilot will be instructed to avoid any other wildlife in order to minimize the adverse effect from the helicopter noise and movement upon the wildlife resources in the area.A three- wheel all-terrain vehicle with balloon (low ground pressure) tires may also be utilized if weather conditions preclude the use of a helicopter.If this vehicle is used,it will be used infrequently and only where necessary.Emergency transport of injured personnel is one of the main reasons use of this vehi- cle is being considered;in the event weather conditions pre- vent helicopter use in the upper elevations,any injured could be transported along the old road from the camp site to _Driftwood Bay for helicopter pick-up at that point. IV.Drilling Program A.Mobilize via helicopter Longyear-38 core rig with fuel and supplies to location. -7- Rig-up and rotary drill a 6-3/4-inch hole to 150 feet using a water based,bentonite (clay)drilling mud as a circulating medium. Run and cement (with Class G cement)150 feet of 5- inch diameter Fe-25 or 3-55,11.5 1b.,threaded and coupled casing.Wait for cement to cure at least 6 hours,then nipple up blowout prevention equipment (BOPE)consisting of a master valve and a rotating stripper head. Drill out cement using a 4-1/4-inch rotary bit with a mud circulating medium.Drill ahead as far as possi ble or until lost circulation or hole problems force changeover to NQ size (2.980-inch diameter)wireline coring tools.After changeover,continue to core NQ size hole to total depth of 1,500 feet. Run 2-inch galvanized steel tubing with API couplings to T.D.(1,500 feet).Clabber mud with cement and circulate to fill the annulus.Fill the tubing with clean water.Cement top 20 feet of annular space. Remove BOPE's,rig down and move to next Location. Cap tubing with threaded cap. Although encountering a resource is not expected while drilling to this depth,the following is a contingency plan for the event that a potentially producible resource is encountered: l.Before running 2-inch tubing,attempt limited flow test to mud tanks to clean the well and to acquire fluid samples for chemical analyses. Excess fluid may be returned to the TGH after sampling. 2.After the test,run 2-inch tubing.Cement tubing from surface to T.D.Displace cement with water using latch-down wiper plug. 3.Remove BOPE's,rig down and move to next location.Cap tubing with threaded cap. Figure 5 is attached for a schematic diagram of the proposed casing program. To abandon the TGH's,cut the tubing 3 feet below ground level,plug the top 15 feet of the tubing with cement and cover the hole with soil. FIGURE 5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM FOR 1500 FT.TEMPERATURE OBSERVATION HOLE SCREW CAP SURFACE CEMENT TOP 20FT. OF ANNULAR SPACE 6 3/4”HOLE 5”CASING TO 150 FT. 2”GALVANIZED PIPE 4 1/2”or NQ (2.980)HOLE CLABBERED MUD IN HOLE TO T.D. 77 SCREW CAP 1500 FT. Wet ous EXHIBIT B The Rieut Corporation ee.2550 Denali ¢Suite 900*Anchorage,Alaska 99503 . Ze Phone (907}-274-1508 ag -SO Pagateee e oe F en March 4,1982 Mr.GeraldW.Huttrer BECEIVED Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue MAR G &1982 Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 Dear Mr.Huttrer: Tne Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)of 1971.The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the following townships,on Unalaska Island,as part of its entitlement under section 14 (h)(8)ANCSA: Township 71 South,Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South,Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South,Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal exploration activities on these lands,as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal,Inc.of Santa Fe Springs,California;Dames & Moore of Anchorage,Alaska;and their associated subcontractors.However, we assum that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits .for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration.Furthermore, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and envirommental qualities of the area:this specifically includes the maintenance of clean canes and the prover disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, TEE CORPORATION ("yf eee ANSvaneF|LewisLandDirector WFL/jh Appendix G-2 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Permit No.8221-BA002 STATE |if [A\|ASK A JAY &HAMMOND,GOVERNOR|437 €.Street SECOND FLOORX3ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501 7 DEPT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (907)274-2533 SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE O FO BO Ble oka 99615 (907)486-3250 EO RON ALASKA 99669April29,1982 N07)262.5210 P.O.BOX 1709CERTIFIEDMAILOberALASKA 99686 RETURN RECEIPT (907)835-4698 REQUESTED P.O.BOX 1064O WASILLA,ALASKA 99687 (907)376-5038 Mr.Stephen T.Grabacki Project Coordinator Dames &Moore 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,AK 99501 Dear Mr.Grabacki: Subject:Solid Waste Permit No.8221-BA002 The Department of Environmental Conservation has received Dames and Moore's Solid Waste Permit application on the behalf of their client,Republic Geothermal,Inc.dated April 14,1982.The Department has reviewed and studied Republic Geothermal's application to coustruct and utilize a -solid waste disposal pit for two (2)seasons,for a temporary camp.The Department has made the decision that a formal Solid Waste Permit accompanied by a public notice is not justified.The Permittee shall comply with all parts of their Solid Waste Management Permit application, State and Federal laws and regulations,regarding site development and operation of this facility,except as otherwise specified herewithin this letter. 1.The refuse disposal pit(s)shall be located no closer than two hundred (200)feet from any-surface water. 2.The bottom of the refuse disposal pit shall be four (4)feet above subsurface water and four (4)feet above solid unweathered bedrock. 1 3.Locate the refuse disposal pit in a well drained area.This :will help prevent the pit from filling with water and becoming scoured out by run off. 4.Burnable waste products may be burned.It may be of an advantage to dig two (2)pits,one smaller and shallower than the other. The smaller disposal pit can be used to burn all burmables in, and would require covering only occasionally.This can only be accomplished if the burnables are separated from the wet refuse. 18-09LH Page 2 of 2 Solid Waste Permit No.8221-BA002 5.All burnables separated from wet refuse must be burned each time 66 they are accumulated and deposited.This will prevent them from becoming wind blown. Covering of wet refuse and non-burnables with a minimum of six (6)inches of earth material,shall be performed each day that a deposit is made. When the refuse disposal pit uses are terminated,or a portion thereof,the site shall be covered with at least two (2)feet of compacted earth material,and finished to allow surface water to run off without erosion.Upon completion of covering,all disturbed soils must be revegetated and/or seeded with native materials. If the Department can be of further assistance,please call on us at 437 "E”Street,Suite 200,Anchorage,Alaska 99501,or telephone (907)274- 2533. Sincerely, CaQ H.hermer Carl H.Harmon Environmental Engineer CHH/wlh/vh Appendix G-=3 Alaska Department of Fish and Game-Biological Sampling Permit No.82-87 STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME JUNEAU,ALASKA PERMIT to TAKE CetxFX]POSSESS HOLD ALIVE ocaummenss(FCPORRROOCORCDNGK [ge as [x]Fish oxmmmoscs FOR SCIENTIFIC,EDUCATIONAL,OR PROPAGATIVE PURPOSES,as described below. lesued April _27,1982 Expires December 31,1982 Permit No.82-87 Authorizing Stephen T.Grabacki of 800 Cordova Street,Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Representing Dames &Moore To conduct the following described activities,SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS,EXCEPTIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS EXPRESSED HEREON AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF,in accordance with che "Fish and Game Code of Alaska"(Chapter 94,SLA 1959): To collect by use of gill nets,seines and electrofishing fish from the upper portionsofthestreamsontheeasternportionofMakushinVolcanoonUnalaskaIsland. Fish taken shall be used for environmental baseline data related to geothermalexplorationactivitiesundercontracttotheAlaskaPowerAuthority.(see page 2) THIS PERMIT DOES NOT ALLOW FEREGRINE FALCON,ALEUTIAN CANADA GOOSE,EAGLES OR THEIR ESS. THIS PERMIT MUST BE CARRIED BY THE PERMITTEE WHEN OPERATING THEREUNDER and be exhibited to any person authorized to enforce state or federal laws who requests to see it.This permit is nontransferable,and will be revoked,or renewal denied by the Commissioner of Fish and Game if the permittee violates any of its conditions,exceptions or restric- tions.No redelegation of authority may be allowed under this permit. A DETAILED REPORT,including numbers,species,dates,and disposition of each specimen; the dates and places collected,their sex,age and breeding condition,lengths and weights of fish,and weights of birds and mammals SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH RETURN OF THIS PERMIT WITHIN 10 DAYS AFTER ITS EXPIRATION DATE.Permits will not be renewed until such report has been received by the Commissioner. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME of .42 '2 =- A LEcée <--Don W.Collinsworth,Deputy Commissioner Division'Direetor,Sport Fish Commissioner or Authorized Representative cc:Russ Redick/Anchorage Pete Murray/Kodiak F &W Protection/Anchorage/Kodiak 11-1 (8/ir) GENERAL CONDITIONS,BXCEPTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS This permit is granted with the express understanding that all specimens takenundercuthorityhereofarefordepositinapublicmuseumorapublicscientificoreducationalinstitutionunlessotherwisestatedherein. The holder of this permit shall keep records,available for inspection at allreasonablehoursonrequestofanyauthorizedrepresentativeoftheAlaskaDepartmentofFishandCame,correctly recording the required information for each item collected. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE FOLLOWING: Tne taking of specimens on Federal or State refuges,reserves,closed areas,parks,or monuments unless specifically stated herein.. The taking of birds,fish or mammals without such licenses as may be required byStateregujations,or during the open seasons therefore,in any manner,or by any meansoratanytimeofdaynotpermittedbythoseregulations,unless otherwise stated herein. The purchase or sale of any birds,their nests or eggs,mammals or parts thereof, acquired by virtue of this permit. The capture or possession of live birds,game fish or game mammals unless expressly authorized herein. REPORT OF SPECIMENS COLLECTED Specimen Remarks and Disposit Species Number Area Collected Date $ex Age of specimens Use continuation sheet if necessary I certify that this is a true and complete report of activities as required by the.terms of this permit. Date: Signature of Permittee STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME JUNEAU,ALASKA PERMIT FOR SCIENTIFIC,EDUCATIONAL,OR PROPAGATIVE PURPOSES,continued... Permit No.:82-87 Permittee :Stephen T.Grabacki Use of gill nets is restricted so that undue mortalities are avoided.All fish captured unharmed shall be released at the capture site after identification and sampling. Hook and line fishing may only be accomplished by holders'of appropriate sport fishing licenses. A report of fish captured,life stage (age,if part of study) and other pertinent information must be included as part of any report submitted under conditions of this permit. This permit includes the participation of: David Erikson - John Morsell Larry Peterson Appendix G-4 Temporary Water Use Application submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources: REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA 906706 TWX .910.586.1696 (213)945.3661 May 6,1982 Mr.Arnold Van Horn Manager,Southcentral Land District Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 East Fourth Avenue Pouch 7-005 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Dear Mr.Van Horns: The Alaska Power Authority (APA)has contracted with Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources.Under that contract,Republic will drill three 1,500-foot temperature gradient holes during the 1982 summer field season and one deep geothermal exploratory well in the 1983 summer field season.Enclosed is an Application for Temporary Water Use for the temperature gradient hole oper- ations.A separate permit application will be filed for the deep exploratory well after details regarding the operations are finalized. We currently plan to commence temperature gradient hole operations on June l,and the drilling of all three holes should take approximately sixty days.Approximately 500 gallons of water per day will be needed for drilling fluid make-up water.We propose to obtain water from snowmelt or rivulets in close proximity to each of the three temperature gradient hole locations.Water will be transported by hose to the site via a gravity flow system.Approximately 10,000 gallons of water will be used at each of the three sites,for -a total of 30,000 gallons from three different water sources. A detailed description of the proposed operations is attached as Exhibit A to this application. These geothermal exploratory operations are located on lands which have been selected by,but not yet conveyed to The Aleut Corporation.The lands are currently managed by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,and an Application for a Special Use Permit has been submitted to that agency,along with other applications to various Alaska state agencies.The Aleut Corporation has written a letter of nonobjection for the geothermal exploratory operations which is attached as Exhibit B to this application.A copy of the Special Use Permit offered to Republic by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service is attached as Exhibit C. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Letter to Mr.Van Horn May 5,1982 Page Two Should you have any questions or concerns about this application,please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address and phone number,or our subcontractor's representa- tive at the following address and phone number: Mr.Steve Grabacki Dames &Moore 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)279-0673 We greatly appreciate your consideration of this Appli- cation for Temporary Water Use. Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN/1lcs Enclosures ec:Mr.Carl Yanagawa Alaska Department of Fish and Game STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF FOREST,LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT -OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY WATER USE PERMIT ARRETOMTTGNRORWisDERKRKHER Instructions:You will need (1)a map showing the location of your source of water and the area of use, (2)a copy of your property ownership document,i.e.deed,patent,lease agreement or an easementaereementifyoudonotownthepropertyinvolved,(3)a copy of your driller's well log,if applicationisforanexistingwell,(4)Statement of Beneficial Use Of Water (Form 10-1003A)if this is an existing water use,and (5)Application for Permit to Construct or Modify Dam (Form 10-1015)if you will be constructing a dam over 10 feet high or over 50 acre feet of storage.Please type or print in ink. l.Full legal name of Applicant(s)Republic Geothermal,Inc. 2.Mailing Address P.O.Box 3388 Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 Home Phone N/A Business Phone (213)945-3661 3.Source of Water Supply: (a)[jwen | []Drilled [}Hand Driven []Dug (]Other If existing well,attach copy of driller's well log. If existing well,and no log,supply all known information Total depth Drawdown Intake Depth Screened Yes No Unknown Static level (b)Surface Water | Stream [J River []Lake [}Spring Give geographic name (if unnamed,state so)unnamed minor tributaries to Makushin Valley river and Glacier Valley river Page 2 Water will be taken from surface water source by: [_]Pumping ix_}Gravity Flow System []Diversion (Altering a watercourse)-Attach sketch and plans giving dimensionsandspecifications. Damming -Attach sketch and plans giving dimensions and specifications.If dam is over ]0 feet high or over 50 acre feet storage,MUST file Application for Permit to Construct or Modify Dam (Form 10-1015). [_]Other Location of point of WITHDRAWAL,DIVERSION,or IMPOUNDMENT: MUST attach copy of map orr subdivision plat and indicate location Please see attachednarrativeandmaps (a)Fractional part Section Township ,Range :Meridian. (b)Ifapplicabdle,Lot,Block,Subdivision;U.S.Survey No._Unalaska Island (c)Does applicant own or lease the property at point of water withdrawal and over which water istransported?Yes [_]No If Yes,"MUST attach copy of ownership document (i.e.deed,patent) If "No,"MUST obtain an easement or right-of-way and supply copy.Give name,mailing address and phone number(s)of legalowner.Also:Please see attached letter frcTheAleutCorporationandSpecialUsePermitofferedbytheUSF&Name United States,managed by U.S.Fish &Wildlife Service Mailing Address P.O.Box 5251 NAVSTA FPO Seattle,Washinaton Zip 98791 Home phone N/R Business Phone 907-592-2406 Location of point of USE:If same as question 4,check and go to question 6.[x] MUST attach copy of map or subdivision plat and indicate location. (a)-Fractional part Section Township ,Range ,Mendian. (b)If applicable,Lot,Block,Subdivision;U.S.Survey No. (c)Does applicant own or lease the property at point of wateruse?Yes C |No [4 If "Yes,""MUST attach copy of ownership document (i.e.deed,patent) Page 3 If "No,"MUST obtain an easement or right-of-way and supply copy.Give name,mailingaddressandphonenumber(s)oflegal owner. Name Mailing Address Zip Home phone a Business Phone 6.Type of water use and Quantity of water needed:Please fill in the attached Water Use Chartindicatingthequantityofwaterandmonthsofuseforeachtypeofwateruse.Standard quantitiesanddefinitionsareprovidedforyourconvenience.If water use 1s lor 2 Commercial/Industrial purposeorOtherUsenotontheWaterUseChart,refer to question 7.. 7.Commercial/Industrial and Other Uses: Explain in detail the basis for quantity of water requested.Use additional sheet of paper if needed.Indicate type of operation including structures and methods used.Include 2 sketch or engineeringdrawings.Enter quantity requested and months of use on attached Water Use Chart. Please see attached narrative,Exhibit A. 8.Date when water use began or is expected to begin June 1,1982 _-If water use is existing,fill outStatementofBeneficialUseofWater(Form 10-10034),. HAVE YOU ATTACHED? [|Deed,patent,lease,etc.;[]Driller's log (if existing well) USGS or Subdivision map |. |[}Diversion sketch and plans $25 Filing fee (checks payable to State of Alaska)[]Dam sketch and plans -[]Water Use Chart ;Letter of nonobjection fror (|Statement of Beneficial Use of Water (Form 10-1003A)(if existing he use eut Corporations 3 Ix]Special Use Permit oifered to Republic by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Exhibit C - Statements appeanng nerein are to tne vest of my knowle and correct, Republic'Geothermal,.Inc.tele,ma>SIGNEDBY:toon bhter>wang May 5,1982(Apphcant)vi ventpesident DATE OFFICE |*-”RMI Location OtherUSE ONLY 10-102 Rev.6/79 WATER USE CHART Office Use Type(s)Of Standard (\uantity Montns of Use SIC Use Quantities Requested From ve). 8200 (1)Single Family Per Household :(a)Fully plumbed 500 GPD 'GPD | (b)Partially plumbed 250 GPD GPD (c)Unplumbed 7§GPD GPD 6514 (2)Duplex Per Duplex 1000 GPD GPD | (3)Multi-Family Per Unit 250GPD GPD | 7011 (4)Motel,Resort Per Room !00 GPD GPD (5)Livestock Per Head 0241 Dairy Cows 30 GPD GPD Hosing dairy barn 35 GPD.GPD 0212 Range Cattle 15 GPD GPD 0272 Horses 15 GPD GPD 3214 Sheep 2GPD GPD |Goats and Hogs 3 GPD 'GPD + Poultry.Rabbits,ete.1 GPD GPD | Livestock Total GPD | (6)Irrigation (Type of Crop:Per Acrt ;)0.8 AFY AFY (7)Commercial/ Industrial (8)Other: ! { '0 DEFINITIONS: GPD -gallons per day AFY «acre fest per year CFS -.cubic feet per second (1)SINGLE FAMILY -Water use necessary for a single household and the irrigation of up to ,10,000 sq.ft.of yard and garden. (a) (b) (c) and water flush toilet included. domestic use. Fully plumbed -Water piped into the residence for domestic uses.Hot water heater Partially plumbed -Water piped into residence for limited domestic uses.Generallynohotwaterheaterandnowaterflushtoiletincluded. Unplumbed -No water piped into the residence.Wateris hand carried for limited (2)DUPLEX -Water use necessary for two single househoids and the irmgation of up to 20,000 sq. ft.of yard and garden. (3)MULTI-FAMILY -Water use necessary for three or more households.Apariment units included., EXHIBIT A I.Introduction The Alaska Power Authority (APA)has contracted with Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources.Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island.Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory operations on Unalaska Island.The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA are being conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work,temperature gradient holeoperations(both conducted during 1982),and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983).This application covers the temperature gradient hole operations. The initial geologic work is mostly field reconnaissance by individual workers and does not involve a significant amount of water as defined in ll AAC 93.970(14).A separate water use application will be filed for the deep exploratory well as the details of the operations are finalized. The purpose of the temperature gradient hole (TGH)oper- ations is to study the subsurface geologic formations and to obtain records of subsurface temperatures.A TGH is a small diameter hole drilled to a relatively shallow depth,in this case 1,500 feet,into which is placed one-to two-inch | diameter plastic or steel tubing that is capped at both ends and filled with water.The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of one week to allow the water to equilibrate to the temperature of the surrounding rock.The temperature is then measured at regular depth intervals within the pipe with a thermistor attached to a cable.After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time,the TGH's are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe off three feet below the surface,placing a cement plug in the top fifteen feet of the TGH,and then burying the TGH with soil.Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig. II.Location of Temperature Gradient Holes Although only three temperature gradient holes will be drilled,eleven alternative sites are being proposed.Because of seasonal weather constraints,we desire to commence temper- ature gradient hole operations immediately after the con- pletion of the initial exploratory work.However,the de- cision as to which three sites will actually be drilled can only be made after analysis of the geologic and environmental data collected during the initial exploratory work.The eleven alternative sites and the drilling camp are shown in Figure 2.Because of the poor quality of existing maps,these Site locations should be considered approximations.Final Placement of the three TGH sites will be based upon actual field conditions and more detailed geologic data. -u" FIGURE2RICEa i Hy,NF 7 DVS! LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND jon,Tlwrferoa'"=R119RS\a mT hin VaryVesa2HSYah pVPDPg,SCALE '5 0 5Km PTS Te TITS ¢i>-(ep nite...ft =uu 0:.,7 ree Oe ee .OES oe ?SE]GEL EE]A\tonnmey come se FGI O1OL =«yg Temperature Gradient Hole Site (TG-A thru TG--K) III.Discussion of Proposed Operations,Including Water Use Each TGH will be drilled to a depth of approximately 1,500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typical of those used for mining exploration.Figure 3 is a drawing of the type of rig which will be used.Figure 4 is a sketch of a typical TGH site., Each TGH will be located close to a source of water for preparing drilling fluid.The drilling operations will re-quire approximately 500 gallons of water per day,which will be obtained from snowmelt or a nearby rivulet and will be stored in a small tank on location.The TGH is planned to be at least one hundred yards and down gradient from the source of water.A 1-1/2 to 2 inch plastic hose with a mesh screen will be placed in the water and will be held in place with rocks.Water should enter the hose and flow by gravity to the dGrill site.If there is not enough flow into the hose,a few rocks may be arranged in order to pond the water enough to in- crease the flow.All rocks will be removed at the end of the Grilling operations..Operations to complete all three TGH's should take approximately sixty days.Thus,a total of ap- proximately 30,000 gallons of water will be used for the en-tire operation,or approximately 10,000 gallons from three different sources of water for the three TGH sites. The drilling fluids for the TGH operations will be re- circulated in the well and will be stored while on the surface in a small mud pit or steel tank with the rock cuttings from the well.Because the fluids will be contained,surface water degradation should not occur.When each TGH is completed,the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water) will either be dried and the residue spread on the surface of the ground,or buried and covered with native soil depending upon the most environmentally appropriate disposal technique for the site.The amount of waste drilling fluid is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the drilling fluid generated during the drilling of the TGH will be used to set the cement around the casing during completion of the well. FIGURE 3VERTICALMASTCONTINUOUS WIRELINE CORING RIG.eeeeaemehrROI DL FIGURE 4. TYPICAL SITE PLAN FOR TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES _(LAYOUT BASED ON AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 30'X50')CORESAMPLESSLEEPING TENT 12'X20° DRILLING RIG 300 GALLON.EQUIPMENT TENT 10°X15"/WATER TANK:12'X20' 3'X5' MUD PIT to OR x TANK 5°X10" f (100't) HELICOPTER LANDING AREA am mGt o1720 3 reve EXHIBIT B St George Netson Lagoon J , hed Faise PassTheAleutCorporation ind Aauian &Seren .2550 Denali *Suite 900«Anchorage,Alaska 99503,oe a : ".,Phone (907)-274-1506 oe <,*© wo xNPWagete0?”aon March 4,1982 Mr.GeraldW.Huttrer -RBECEIVED Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue MAR G &1982 Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 Dear Mr.Huttrer: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).of 1971.The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the following townships,on Unalaska Island,as part of its entitlement under section 14 (h)(8)ANCSA: Township 71 South,Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South,Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian 'Township 73 South,Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal exploration activities on these lands,as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal,Inc.of Santa Fe Springs,California;Dames & Moore of Anchorage,Alaska;and their associated subcontractors.However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration.Furthernmre, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area:this specifically includes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION LU /awe CENS Wayne F.|Lewis Land Director WFL/3h EXHIBIT C - .$GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1978=275-954 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Permit numberSta.No.to be credited U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service AI-82-10 74502 ALEUTIAN ISLANDS UNIT ALASKA MARITIME national Wildlife Refuge SPECIAL USE PERMIT pate ein 27,1982 Permittee (Neme and address}Period of use (inclusive) Timothy M.Evans,Vice President Contract number F.Republic Geothermal,Inc.rom June 1 19 g2 11823 E.Slauson Ave,Suite 1 To September 30,19 82 SentaFe-Sssins SCR 90670 Ph:(213)945-3661Purpose(Specify in2 detail'privilege requested,or units of products involved)-To permit Republic Geothermal and/or Dames and Moore and/or their subcontractor personneltoexploreforgeothermalresourcepotentialontheeasternflanksofMakushinVolcano,Unalaska Island,Aleutian Islands (Fig.1&2,Exhibit A).This permit is for the second stage of activity,specifically the drilling of three (3)one thousand five hundred (1500) foot deep temperature gradient holes per Exhibit A (attached).. Description (Specify unit number metes and bounds:or other recognizable designations} Drill three 1500 foot deep small diameter temperature gradient holes per Exhibit A on the eastern flank of Makushin Volcano for the purpose of studying subsurface geologic formations ané determine subsurface temperatures.A letter of nonobjection has been submitted (Exh.3). 'Amount of fee $___None If not a fixed fee payment,specify rate and unit of charge: (]Full payment -({_]Partial payment-Balance of payments to be made as follows: Record of Payments N/A Special Conditions 1.All Special Conditions 1 'through 11 on Special Use Permit AI-82-09 dated April 8,1982, remain in effect. This permit is issued by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,and accepted by the undersigned,subject to the terms.covenants,obligations.and reservations,expressed or implied therein,and to the conditions and require- ments appearing_on the reverse side. .1 .ermittee capelie &439 3)eynal,Inc.Issuing Officer (Signerure and ttle)t fa ad,. mimnwhe See i peterWas -C.Fred Zeillemaker,Refuge Manager-*-.oof oat set _-_-o-.ry _*-_-=_-_--s= 1.Paymenus.Au payments shall be made on or before the due ©'date io the local representative of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife ServicebyaposialmoneyorderorcheckmadepayahletotheU.S.Fish and Wildlife,Service. 2.Use limitations.The permiuec'suse¢of the described premises °.-is_Jimined to thepurposes herein specified:does not_uniess provided_forin this permit allow himto restrict other.authorized entry on to hisarea;and permis 'the Service to carry on,"whatever activities arenecessaryfor(1)protection and maintenance of the premises andadjacentlandsadministeredbytheServiceand(2)the managementofwildlifeandfishusingthepremisesandotherServicelands. ;aes37Damages.The United:States strail'noc be-responsibie for-any-loss or damage to property including but not limited to growing crops.-animals,and machinery;or injury te,the perminee,or his relmives,oroftheofficers,agents._emplovees,or any ochers who.are on the,premises from instructions or by the 'sufferance of thepermiriee orhisassociates;or 'for damages or interference caused by:'wildlife-oremploveesor.representatives of the-Government'<arryingout their,official responsibilities.The perminee agrees to save,the UnitedStatesofanyofitsagenciesharmiessfromany”and all claims for.damages.or losses that may.arise or be incident tashe.fooding of the,.premises resulting from any associated Government riveg and harbor,.flood control,redamation,or Tennessee Valley Authoriry,activity.Same ce ecm ote Semen>4.Operating”Rules-and=Laws=The pennies:shall.'beep -the-premises iin 2 neat andordertlycondition at all times,and shall complywithallmunicipal.county,and Scate laws applicableto his operationsunderthepermitaswellasallFederal!aws,ruies,.and regulationsgoverningNationalWildlifeRefugesandcheareadescribedinthis.permi.-He snail comply with allinairuciions applicable to this permitissuedbytherefugeofficer-in charge.He shall take.all.reasonable.'Bréeadtions io prevent the escape of fires and to suppress fires andshai}render all reasonabie assistance in the suppression of refugefires. $.Responsibility of Permittee.The permitee,by operating onthepremises,shall be considered to have accepred these premiseswithal)the facilities,fixrures,or improvements in their exiscing*condidon-as 'ofthe dace-ofthis permi.At the end of the-period-specified or upon earlier termination,he shall give up the premises inasgoodorderandconditionaswhenreceivedexceptforreasonablewear,tear,or damage occurring without fault or negligence.The permittee will fully repay the Service for any and all damage direcdyorindirectlyresultingfromnegligenceorfailureonhispart,or thepartofanyoneofhisassociaces,to use reasonable care. By) a.'Termination Poliey.At the termination of this permic,.tthepermiueeshall,immediately -give up possession to the,-Servieerepresentative,reserving,however,the rights specifiedin paragraph9.If he fails to-do so,he-will pav the Government,as tiquidaceddamages,an amount double the rave specifiedin this permit Torthe(entire time.he withholds } posseasicn.Upon vielding possession.the liquidated damages «or any other act,t of adminiscraion relating ¢teothecontinuedtenancyisnoi-ro be-eonsidered ig an affirmance of 'thepermiuee's action.nor .shall it,operate-as.a.waiver--of-theGovernment's night to terminate or.cance)the permit for the breach"of any specified condition or requirement Sorte -3r Réfioval™of Pérmittee”s Property='Upen=the”expiracon,"orsaYerminaconofthispermis,if all rencal charges 'and/or damage claims:-duedo the:Governmenrhave been,paid,:"tbe perminee may,wichin 2yeasonableperiod|-as szaced-in the permit or as.determined by the.'vefuge.officer ia charge.but_aot to "exceed 30 "days,remove al_seructures,:-machinery,'and/or-"other™equipment,=ete.:°cfromethe 'premises for which'he is respansible..Wihia this period he:must alsozremoveanyotheroLhispropertyincludinghisacknowledgedshareof'products or-crops grown,cut,harvested."stored,oF stacked'of ire”>premises-dy-him-Upon-failure-io remowe any ofethe-above siems._withinzthe aforesaid peciod:-sheyrsbail become she.'property et tae TUnitedStates.rr,ee 6 ee set or fee eee re teem'10,Transier at Privileges:This 3Petmik is not transferable,.and"po*privileges herein'menuoned may-be:sublet of made availablexe any:»Person cor lintgresr not:mentioned-in:ahis penrét--No cnterests hereunder may accrue through lien or be .ransferved to a taird party without the approwal of the Regional Director of che U.S..Fisb and Wildlife Service and the permit shall not be used for specuiative "purposes:-ee ee :12 Conditions af PerminowEnlfilled”df the."permittee "faites i'fulfil any of the conditions and requirements set forth herein,all -money paid under this permit shall be retained by the Covernment co...be used to satisfy as much of the perminee's obligauons as possidie.12.Officials Barred from Participating.No Member of Congress or.Resideft Commissioner:'shall participate iin any part of this conczact orteanybenefitthatmayarisefromit,but this provision shal]not_pertain 40 this_contract_iLmade with a ¢orporanon for its general_benefit.i eiismrves to Racte! 13.”Nondiscrimination in Employment.The permitiee agrees to be bound by the equal opportunity clause of Executive Order 11246. which is attached hereto and made a part of this .permit.14.In accordance wich the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579),please be advised thar:(1.)}Your participation isis voluntary:however,failure6.Revocation Policy.This permit may be revoked by the RegionalDirector,of the Service without novice for noncompliance with theterms-hereof of for-violation of general and/or specific .laws..or!.._regulations governing National Wildlife Refuges or for nonuse.Ic is atalltimessubjectcodiscretionaryrevocationbytheDirectoroftheService.Upon such revocation the Service,by and through anyauthorizedrepresentative,may take possession of the said premisesforitsownandsoleuse,or may enter and possess the premises as the agent of the permiuee and for his account. 7.Compliance.Failure of the Service to insist upon a strictcompliancewithanyofthispermit's terms,conditions,andrequirementsshailnotconstituteawaiverorbeconsideredasagivinguPoftheService's right to thereafter enforce any of thepermit's terms,conditions,or requirements, te answer all questions fully may delay processing of your applicationorresuhindenialofapermit.(2.)Information will be used ai a .criteria for the selection of special use permits and for identificationofpersonnelhavingspecialusepermitsonNationalWildlifeRefuges.”(3.)This information is collected under the authoricy of rhe National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd-668ee),the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C.742d),and Tithe 50,Parts 29 and 32,of the Code of Federal Regulations.(4.)In the evenc there is indicated a viojacion of a scacute,regulation,rule. order,or license,whether civil,criminal,or regulatory in nature.the requested information may be transferred to the appropriate Federal. Stare,local,or foreign agency charged with investigating or prosecuting such violations.(§.)In the evemt of litigation invoiving the records or the subject mauer of the records,the requestedinformationmaybetransferredtotheU.S.Department of Justice. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE OPERATIONS I.Introduction The Alaska Power Authority (APA)has contracted with Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources.Figure l is a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island.Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory operations on Unalaska Island.The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages:ini- tial geologic exploratory work,temperature gradient hole Operations (both conducted during 1982),and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983).This application covers the temperature gradient hole operations. A separate permit application has already been filed for the initial geologic work,and another will be filed for the deep exploratory well as the details of the operations are final- ized. The purpose of the temperature gradient hole (TGH)oper- ations is to study the subsurface geologic formations and to obtain records of subsurface temperatures.A TGH is a small Giameter hole drilled to a relatively shallow depth,into which is placed one=to tworinch diameter plastic or steel tubing that is capped at both ends and filled with water.The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of one week to allow the water to equilibrate to the temperature of the surrounding rock.The temperature is then measured at regular depth in- tervals within the pipe with a thermistor attached to a cable. After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time, the TGH's are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe off three feet below the surface,placing a cement plug in the top fifteen feet of the TGH,and then burying the TGH with soil. Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig., II.Location of Temperature Gradient Holes Although only three temperature gradient holes will be drilled,eleven alternative sites are being proposed in this application.Because of seasonal weather constraints,we de- sire to commence temperature gradient hole operations immedi- ately after the completion of the initial exploratory work. However,the decision as to which three sites will actually be Grilled can only be made after analysis of the geologic and environmental data collected during the initial exploratory work.Thus we are submitting this application,with the al- ternative sites,concurrent with the field work so that approval may be obtained in a timely manner.Approval for all eleven sites as alternatives for three TGH's is requested. -l- ou" -fe-Ha ZchsWey SS)Makushin VaSSwalYs NJ CadsyCA L?. KG y (Ms om Ns Zj (=) Ys ea) cs FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND ;10 5Km 5 A Temporary Camp Site @ Temperature Gradient tole Site (TG-A thru TG-K) The eleven alternative sites are shown in Figure 2. Selection of the sites was based on topography,proximity to a source of drilling fluid make-up water,current geologic knowledge,and logistical suitability for helicopter transport of equipment and personnel.Because of the poor quality of existing maps these site locations should be considered ap- proximations.Final placement of the three TGH sites will be based upon actual field conditions and more detailed geologic data. Figure 2 also shows the location of the temporary dril- ling camp.This camp location is the same as the camp to be used for the initial geologic exploratory work.The size of the camp will be enlarged to accommodate the drilling crew and support personnel.This camp will be used by all personnel unless poor weather conditions preclude helicopter transport between the camp site and a TGH site.In that case,a small camp located at the drill site will be used as necessary. III.Discussion of Proposed Operations Each TGH will be drilled to a depth of approximately 1,500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typical of those used for mining exploration.Figure 3 is a drawing of the type of rig which will be used.The rig will be trans- ported by barge to Unalaska Island and then transported in sections by helicopter to and from the drill site.For fur- ther information regarding drilling procedures,please see Section IV. An area of approximately 30-feet by 50-feet will be 'leveled as necessary by hand labor or the use of lumber for the temperature gradient hole rig.A small mud pit or steel tank will be used to collect the rock cuttings and to store the drilling fluid before it is recirculated.The drilling operations will require approximately 500 gallons of water per day which will be obtained from snowmelt or a nearby rivulet and will be stored in a small tank on location.When each TGH is completed,the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water)will either be dried and the residue spread on the surface of the ground or buried and covered with native soil depending upon the most environmentally appropriate dis- posal technique for the site.The amount of waste drilling fluid is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the drilling fluid generated during the drilling of the TGd will be used to set the cement around the casing during com- pletion of the well.Most of the rock cores will be sent to Republic's home office and to various agencies as samples. The remainder may be boxed and transported from the site by helicopter or it may be left at the site.In the latter case, the amount of rock cores left at the site would form a rock pile approximately l0-feet by 3-feet by 2-feet.Figure 4 is a sketch of a typical TGA site. 4- FIGURE 3VERTICALMASTCONTINUOUS WIRELINE CORING RIG =SSrecresoTbAa!2mz Os FIGURE 4 TYPICAL SITE PLAN FOR TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES (LAYOUT BASED ON AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 30'X50')_-CORESAMPLES3°X8"DRILLING AIG 300 GALLON EQUIPMENT TENT SLEEPING TENT 10'X 15°/WATER TANK 12'X20°12'X20° 3°X5' MUD PIT OR TANK 5X 10° (100'+) HELICOPTER LANDING AREA |FGI ozo Drilling operations to complete all three TGH's should take approximately sixty days.Drilling will occur 24 hours per day and will require two or three three-person drilling crews,one drilling supervisor,a camp cook,and periodically one or two supervising geologists and environmental scientists. Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible.The drill crews,camp cook,geologists and environmental scientists will be housed at the temporary base camp,which will be at the same site as that used for theinitialgeologicexploratorywork.The crew will commute to the drill site daily via helicopter.The helicopter pilot and mechanic will be based in Dutch Harbor,and various personnel will be staying in Dutch Harbor for short periods of time during the operations. The portable camp for the initial work will consist of two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents,one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent,and a portable outhouse.This initial camp will be expanded for the temperature gradient hole operations by add- ing one 15-foot by 30-foot shower and laundry tent and two additional 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents.Two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper/storage tents (or equivalent)will also be placed at the TGH site for use in bad weather.Garbage from the camp will be transported back to proper waste disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor or treated and buried on site. Grey waste water will likely be disposed through an onsite pit or a leach line built by the camp construction company.Blackwastewatermaygothroughaleachlinesystem,placed in a pit and treated with lime,or dried and burned.A permit for waste disposal is currently being obtained from the Alaska State Department of Environmental Conservation. The drilling crew will be transported between the camp, the drill site and Dutch Harbor by helicopter.Helicopter use is being proposed in part to avoid the surface disturbance which could result from off-road vehicles.Helicopter opera-tions will be conducted away from the coastal areas and thus will not occur near seabird rookeries.The helicopter pilot will be instructed to avoid any other wildlife in order to minimize the adverse effect from the helicopter noise and movement upon the wildlife resources in the area.A three- wheel all-terrain vehicle with balloon (low ground pressure) tires may also be utilized if weather conditions preclude the use of a helicopter.If this vehicle is used,it will be used infrequently and only where necessary.Emergency transport of injured personnel is one of the main reasons use of this vehi- cle is being considered;in the event weather conditions pre- vent helicopter use in the upper elevations,any injured could be transported along the old road from the camp site to Driftwood Bay for helicopter pick-up at that point. IV.Drilling Program A.Mobilize via helicopter Longyear-38 core rig with fuel and supplies to location. -7- Rig-up and rotary drill a 6-3/4-inch hole to 150 feet using a water based,bentonite (clay)drilling mud as a circulating medium. Run and cement (with Class G cement)150 feet of 5- inch diameter F-25 or J-55,11.5 1b.,threaded and coupled casing.Wait for cement to cure at least 6 hours,then nipple up blowout prevention equipment (BOPE)consisting of a master valve and a rotating stripper head. Drill out cement using a 4-l/4-inch rotary bit with a mud circulating medium.Drill ahead as far as possi- ble or until lost circulation or hole problems force changeover to NQ size (2.980-inch diameter)wireline coring tools.After changeover,continue to core NQ size hole to total depth of 1,500 feet. Run 2-inch galvanized steel tubing with API couplings to T.D.(1,500 feet).Clabber mud with cement and circulate to fill the annulus.Fill the tubing with clean water.Cement top 20 feet of annular space. Remove BOPE's,rig down and move to next location. Cap tubing with threaded cap. Although encountering a resource is not expected while drilling to this depth,the following is a contingency plan for the event that a potentially producible resource is encountered: 1.Before running 2-inch tubing,attempt Limited flow test to mud tanks to clean the well and to acquire fluid samples for chemical analyses. Excess fluid may be returned to the TGH after sampling. 2.After the test,run 2-inch tubing.Cement tubing from surface to T.D.Displace cement with water using latch-down wiper plug. 3.Remove BOPE's,rig down and move to next lecation.Cap tubing with threaded cap. Figure 5 is attached for a schematic diagram of the proposed casing program. To abandon the TGH's,cut the tubing 3 feet below ground level,plug the top 15 feet of the tubing with cement and cover the hole with soil. FIGURE 5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM FOR 1500 FT.TEMPERATURE OBSERVATION HOLE SCREW CAP CEMENT TOP 20FT. OF ANNULAR SPACE SURFACE 6 3/4"HOLE 5”CASING TO 150 FT. 2°GALVANIZED PIPE Pnnnee 4 1/2"or NO (2.980)HOLE Oa CLABBERED MUD IN HOLE TO T.D. 7 SCREW CAP 1500 FT.- PGT oLig -9- cam Si.George EXHIBIT B =|=ine mieui Corporation ;2550 Denali ¢Suite 900 *Anchorage,Alaska 99503,2.Phone (907}-274-1506 vanes a _'iMr.Gerald W.Huttrer BECEIVED Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue Maw 6 &1882 Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 . Dear Mr.Huttrer: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized wider the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)of 1971.The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the - following townships,on Unalaska Island,as part of its entitlerent under section 14 (8)(8)ANCSA: Township 71 South,Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72.South,Ranges 118 and LI9 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South,Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geotherscal exploration activities on these lands,as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal,Inc.of Santa Fe Springs,California;Demes & Moore of anchorage,Alaska;and their associated subcontractors.However, we assum that Republic Geothermal will cbtain all the necessary permits .for the exploration activities and will follow aporopriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration.Furthermore, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area:this srecitically includes the minterance of clean camps and the proper dispesal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, ame ENS Wayne >.|Lewis Land Director WFL/jh Appendix G-5 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Temporary Water Use Permit No.82-12 RECBIVED Mal 27 1982STATEOFALASKA/summon DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES POUCH 7-008 DIVISION OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT 323 EAST FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHCENTRAL DISTRICT ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 989510 Phone:(907)276-2653 TEMPORARY WATER USE PERMIT TWP 82-12 Temporary Water Use Permit TWP 82-12 is hereby issued to Republic Geo- thermal,Incorporated,P.0.Box 3388,Sante Fe Springs,California 90670 to develop a temporary appropriation of 30,000 gallons per day from unnamed creeks for temperature gradient hole drilling operations located on Unalaska Island within Townships 72 &73 South,Range 119 &120 West, Seward Meridian,for the summer field seasons of 1982 and 1983 CONDITIONS OF TWP 82-12: 1.Per AS 16.05.870: Each water intake structure shall be centered and enclosed ina 1.5 foot square screened box to prevent fish entrapment, entrainment,or injury.The effective screen opening may not exceed 0.04 inch..ro.Per AS 16.05.870: The stream bank shall not be disturbed. Operation:State,federal,or local.You are encouraged to contact the Anchorage Permit Information and Referral Center,338 Denali Street,Room 1206,Telephone 279-0254,if you are in doubt as to the need for obtaining other permits. The Division of Land and Water Management may suspend operations effected under this permit whenever such suspension shall in its judgement be necesSary to protect the public or that of a prior appropriator. This permit shall expire: September 30 »1983 Date Issued: olV77a47/7 ,1982 A Approved:Lane A byw here. Acting Anchorage Area Manager Division of Land and Water Department of Natural Resources 10-J7 Appendix G-6 Letter from Alaska Department of Natural Resources May 4,1982 i ayi7coENR e JAY S.HAMMOND,GOVERNOReeOensNeeeiOEaeeeee:f DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ;S55 CORDOVA STREET.H é ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99510MINERALSANDENERGYMANAGEMENT--(907)276-2653 May 4,1982 RECEIVED Mr.Dwight Carey MAY 1 0 1982RepublicGeothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Ave.,Suite l Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 Dear Dwight: Thank you for the note and the copies of the Special Use Permit applications to the U.S.F.W.S. The initial phase of your operations (including geologic mapping,water sampling,gas sampling,geochemical soil sampling and self--potential surveying)as outlined in your March 19,1982,application to Mr.John Martin of the U.S.F.W.S.will require no permitting by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)or authorizations by DNR under AS 41.06 (copy enclosed).: The second phase of your operations (drilling three 1,500 foot geothermal gradient holes)will require authorization by DNR under AS 41.06.I have reviewed the application you submitted to Mr.Fred Zeillemaker of the U.S.F.W.S.on April 15,and I anticipate no problems with our issuing a letter to Republic granting the required authorizations within the next two weeks.However,before I issue such a letter,the application will have to be reviewed by the Department's Water Management Section.This will be done this week. I hope that your project was able to begin on schedule and that all is going well. Best wishes, Lh ly. David A.Hedderly-Smith Deputy Director,Minerals Enclosure a Appendix G-7 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Geothermal Drilling Authorization 4Yt eBrf07 Q'a5 SVAY A 0)fi I LAS K [\JAY S.HAMMOND,GOVERNORmy: DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99510 CERTIFIED MAIL MINERALSAND ENERGY MANAGEMENT (907)276-2653 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DECISION Mr.Dwight Carey Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Ave.,Suite | Santa Fe Springs,CA.90670 May 27,1982 eo00seGeGeothermal Drilling Authorization This letter constitutes authorization under AS 41.06 from the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)for Republic Geothermal,Inc.,or its contractors to drill three 1500-foot (geothermal)temperature gradient holes on the flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island as per the detailed description of operations attached as Exhibit A to your April 15,1982,letter to Mr.Fred Zeillemaker of the U.S.Fish &Wildlife Service.This letter does not relieve Republic from acquiring other permits that may be required from other state and federal agencies and does not relieve you from the obligation to apply for a temporary water use permit fram DNR for your drilling water.(It is our understanding,however,that Republic has already applied for the water use permit.) As we have discussed,ONR's legal jurisdiction to regulate geothermal exploration activities under AS 41.06.020(b)on federal and/or private land in Alaska is not totally clear,pending our receiving definitive guidelines from the Alaska Attorney General. However,the department feels that we clearly have authority under AS 41 .06.020(c)(2) to regulate your proposed activities.Notwithstanding where the authority may be vested,your plan of operations as outlined in the letter to the U.S.F.W.S.appears to contain adequate safety and conservation measures to address the state's concerns,and your activities are fully approved by DNR so long as they do not substantially deviate from those proposed in the plan.Please notify this office in writing upon the completion of your drilling activities. Thank you for Republic's cooperation in our endeavors to approve your work this summer.And good luck with the project. Sincerely, David Hedderlys&mith Deputy Director,Minerals ce Patti DeJung,Alaska Power Authority Steve Grabacki,Dames &Moore Y.R.Nayadu,Water Management,ONR Appendix G=-8 Application for Permit for Food Service Operation submitted to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation sonerace Ala-eal =-80!Fy er 'Unalaska Geothermal 'sue DAMES &:MOORE MWiggra UC ct tFle! 12023-007-20 ANCHORAGE oad LAL Ee ey Refi artdress:TANT HOE DISTRIBUTION:S.7.Grabacki AN D.Crrey,RGI May 6,1982 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 £Street,Suite 200 RECEIVEQ dAnchorage,AK 99501 MAY 1 0 1982SofAttention:Mr.Bruce Erikson Gentlemen: On behalf of our client,Republic Geothermal,Inc.,we are submitting anjAoplicationforPermitforFoodServiceOperation. The Food Service Operation will be conducted by Republic Geothermal's subcontractor,Production Services,Inc.of Anchorage.The operation will be temporary (approximately 3 months),and will serve approximately 12 people.The camp is very remote:above the 1000 ft elevation on Makushin Volcano of Unalaska Island.The purpose of the camp is to support geothermal exploration&operations.Republic Geothermal is working under contract to the Alaska Power Authority. "Thank you for your review of this application.If you have any questions yo or comments,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,|. -DAMES Stephen T.Grabacki Project Coordinator MOORE STG/cbm Enclosure STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION P.O.Box 1601 Fairbanks,AK 99707 437 E Street Suite 200 Anchorage,AK 99501 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR FOOD SERVICE OPERATION (piease type or print) File Code: Pouch 0 Juneau,AK 99811 Name of Establishment Phone Number Unnamed Exploration Camp on Makushin Volcano Location of Establishment Street Address City State Zip Approximately 10_miles west of Dutch Harbor,Alaska,as shownintheattachedFigure. Mailing Address of Establishment Street or P.O.Box c/o Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 £.Slauson Ave,Suite 1 City State Zip Santa -Fe Springs,CA 90670 _BUSINESS TYPE Commercial School Tavern Nursing Home Day Care Club Institution Other SS -_ ___. Seating Capacity:__2DDT0x, Name Title Reoublic Geothermal,Ine, Name of Owner(s)[If partnership,list all partners,.If corporation,list officers,offices held and address.]}Address i (The camp subcontractor is Production Services,Inc.,4113 Ingra Street,Anchorace, Alaska 99503) If vehicle:List year,make.model,color and license. IF OPERATION IS TEMPORARY: Dates of proposed operation: TYPE OF APPLICATION Original -_.. Type of food to be served: New Operation -_ Change of Ownershi - June 1.1982 to Sept.1,1982 e P OPERATIONGeneralCamnMeals:3 meals/day Permanent Temporary:xX In compliance with 7 AAC 25.075,|(we)hereby apply for a food service permit to operate a foodserviceestablishmentintheStateofAlaska.I (we)understand that this permit may not be sold or transferred and that after issuance it may be suspended or revoked for failure to comply with the onEating and Drinking Establishment regulations of the Alaska Administrative Code,7 AAC 25.003-7 AAC 25.087.|(we)have read and understand the basic requirements of these regulations. Stephen T.Grabacki Permit Number ---_--_-_--= 06-6030 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICANT (piease print)- ae ot pProved:on behalf of Republic Geothermal,Inc. Permit Provisionally Approved:A T (please-prjant By: Permit Number_____-#LZ S :May 6,1982 Expiration Date SIGNATURE Date Permit Approved:. i SIGNATURE Date FIGURE2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND We.i-'=hny.oefae3°]-R11Maku *}0 Sim Le A Temporary Pp Sita Appendix G-9 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Eating and Drinking Establishment Permit ts ”aeratosTeRLDeegoepakeeFREDSEMSadPEsLibba2remercreersere)pracreREYROMAerRanngueBehELECoLeosman)DEPARTMENT of tikENURORPENTAL'CONSERVATIONEATINGANDDRINKING.ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT Exploration Camp"onu.Makushin Volcano 11823 E.Slauson Ave.,Suite l Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 is authorized to operate an eating and drinking establishment in the State of Alaska pursuant to 18 AAC 31.This permit isthepropertyoftheStateofAlaska'and"may be suspended or revokedforfailuretocomplywith18AAC.31 or other applicable statutesorregulations,or because:of change.of ownership,location,or type of business.This permit.m:'must,.be prominent displayedinihe:SHablishments"ag.s a Permit No._82-900-80 OISTRICT SANTARIAN Appendix G-10 Application for a Habitat Protection Permit submitted to Alaska Department of Fish and Game 800 Cordova,Suite 101Dames&Moore |se eee oto=a |(907)279-0673SS=|Telex:090-25227 Cable address:DAMEMORE May 11,1982 SECEry, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage,AK 99502 Attention:Mr.Carl Yanagawa Regional Supervisor Gentlemen: As part of the permit process for the Unalaska geothermal exploration,our client,Republic Geothermal,Inc.(RGI),has filed an application for a Temporary Water Use Permit with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR).The application was filed on May 6,1982,and a copy of the application, with attachments,is enclosed for your reference. Pursuant to AS 16.05.870 and your letter of March 10,1982,Dames &Moore is applying for a Habitat Protection Permit,on behalf of RGI and the Alaska Power Authority.This letter of application addresses the water withdrawal from the extreme upper portions of the Makushin Valley River and the more-eastern Humpback Bay stream.No fording or other in-water operations are planned for these streams.We anticipate that no operations of any kind will be conducted in the streams of Driftwood Bay,McLees Lake,or Nateekin Bay. As stated in the ADNR permit application,the water withdrawal is not anticipated to exceed 500 gallons per day,taken from snowmelt and from the two streams.It is not known if an impoundment will be necessary to form a pool deep enough for pumping.If so,the impoundment will be built of a few stones placed by hand;these stones will be removed at the close of 1982 operations. While it is not yet clear if any fish species are present in these extreme upper reaches of these streams,RGI's water withdrawal operations will avoid areas of fish concentration or spawning.Furthermore,the pump intake will be equipped with a 1/8-inch screen to avoid fish entrainment. All solid and liquid wastes will be disposed of in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's Solid Waste Permit No.8221-8A002. We will send you a copy of the permit and of our environmental baseline and monitoring program,if you desire. Alaska Department of Fish and Game May 11,1982 Dames &iNiccre Page Two = -- Although we understand that ADF&G will review the Temporary Water Use Permit submitted by RGI to ADNR,RGI has asked us to submit this letter of application for a Habitat Protection Permit directly to ADF&G,in order to expedite the permit process. Thank you for your review of this application.If you have any questions or comments,please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, DAMES MOOREZ Ys | Stephen T.Grabacki Project Coordinator STG/ecbm Enclosures xc:Mr.Dwight Carey,RGI Appendix G-1ll Letter from Alaska Department of Fish and Game June 3,1982 11¢K7LH "we ei cigebar ,oo re .JAY S.HAMMOND,GOVERNOR ay as :3 -o-.inry DEPART MENT OF FISH AND GA ME .333 RASPBERRY ROAD June 3,1982 ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99502 2 Dames and Moore 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Attention:Stephen T.Grabacki,Project Coordinator Gentlemen: Re:Unalaska Geothermal Exploration The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)has reviewed your proposal to withdraw water from the upper reaches Makushin Valley River and Humpback Bay stream.Both of these streams support anadromous fishes in the lower reaches.However,anadromous fish are not known to occur in the reaches from which you plan to withdraw water.In addition,your application indicates that you do not intend to construct blockage to the movement of resident fishes.Therefore no Habitat Protection Permit is required from ADF&G. In our review of the Department of Natural Resources water use application, we will request that your pump intakes be screened. Thanks for coordinating this activity with us. Sincerely, Deals C-tA Nihon ,. Donald 0.McKay Projects Review Coordinator Habitat Division ts Aa Cee Khe hay($07 )344-0541 ree ceocc:Lb.Dutton,ADNR ZS * B.Martin,ADEC sul K.Griffen,ADF&G Merron ThssupePutra tm,Officer J.Low,FWP / Ly -=<-=-= Appendix G-12 Letter to Alaska Department of Fish and Game DAMES &MOORE Prey rare tte :ane Files!12023-007-20wetewer)ae oe en ak wo chee oA "Unalaska Geothermal oy oe ott we a eet tet X-Ref:emt De be af SetANCHORAGE DISTRIBUTION:S.T,Grabacki (2 copies) Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage,AK 99502 Attention:Mr.Donald 0.McKay Project Review Coordinator Gentlemen: Thank you for your letter of June 3,1982,advising us that no Habitat Protection Permit is required for Republic Geothermal,Inc.'s exploration activities on Unalaska Island. This letter concerns a slight modification in the scope of the 1982 exploration activities.Attention is now being focused on the three thermal gradient hole (TGH)sites generally depicted on the enclosed map.The streams of Humpback Bay are no.longer subject to potential impact.The three drainages of concern now are:the Makushin Valley River (as before),a Glacier Valley stream,and two streams of Driftwood Bay.However;Republic Geothermal still plans to drill at only three TGH sites:these sites will be selected as their investigation proceeds. The explorations will be conducted as described in our letter of May 11, 1982:water withdrawl sites will be very high in the watersheds,water use will remain at a 500 gallons per day maximum,pump intakes will be screened,etc. Dames &Moore's first field effort for the project's environmental baseline program took place on May 17-21,1982.At that time,the upper reaches of all of these streams were invisible under the deep snow cover in the sharply-incised valleys.Fish barriers (falls)are present below the water withdrawl sites on the Makushin Valley and Driftwood Bay streams.The upper Glacier Valley topography was blanketed by thick snow.The complete results of the environmental baseline program will be contained in the 1982 final report to be prepared later this year.However,if you have any specific information needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please advise us if AODF&G has any objections to this modification of the proposed operations.Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, DAMES &MOORE Stephen T.Grabacki Project Coordinator STG/cbm Enclosure AN Saint Tepenkot er bse a Jc Vice pO est :wn fnas,ay .bef 3 Ae.ess we K y ;S 'fe "",weet S "7 ee Pee on ee <<ay 3".er : AS nt 2 78 ::oa,TRE as SS tee io daee SSS ny 7 a peare : oN a 4 :ees :'ae a:ah Se f 5 wa a . ',;WWE a'SawdtcDe eeeea5 By"ony SanCiyghitth,o's fawil'selpePETS tyayooyeaN >e : :veo ™4).¥ .y ;Mer-«y's aes fi'Pa psy tes Wee wt, Ai SR EEE ae 3 5 =SSNS le lis { =: o . ,=g ."S :. .ig -_ =r EL AN 2 weOOmae4” wee 7 .' \ weeays SY -Le|wvoc ott) a».a A deed Appendix G-13 Report of Telephone Conversation .between *Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Dames and Moore RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION DATE Aoorox.June 15.1982 JOB NO.:_.12023-007-20 RECORDED BY:_S./.Grabacki OWNER/CLIENT:APA/RG1 TALKED WITH:-_Don McKay.OF _AK.Dect,of Fish &Came NATURE OF CALL:INCOMING ©OQUTGOING @ ROUTE TO:INFORMATION ACTION MAIN SUBJECT OF CALL:_Unalaska Geothermal Exoloration ITEMS DISCUSSED: McKay had received mv letter of Jume 10,1983.in which we advised ADFG of-a modificationinRGl's 1982 plans (drilling im the drainages of Makushin,Glacier &Driftwood Valleys.and not in the streams of Humoback Bay).The letter asked ADFG to advise us if they had anv ab jection to this modification. McKay said that ADFG h jecti f.iginal plan, an title Th Hahitst Protection Permit would be recuired, Appendix G-14 Diagram of Water System for Base Camp submitted to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation .C , COND,TAWTO an Te CITTUNITENG ITA ANP APES GARTH eCeEceD 800 CORDOVA «¢SUITE 101 *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501 ¢(907)279-0673 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation To:437 "E"Street Date June 25,1982 Anchorage,Alaska 9950] Your Order No. Our Job No.12023-007-20 Attention:Mr.James Allen Subject:Geothermal Exploration Project on Unalaska Island,conducted byRepublicGeothermal,Inc.and the Alaska Power Authority Weare sending youvia 1st-class mail the following schematic "as-built" diagram of the water system for the base camp on Makushin Volcano. Mr.George Cuffort of Production Services,Inc.,has already suppliedADECwiththeresultsoflaboratorytestsofdrinkingwater. This iswaxseyexa for your files and to complete the requirements for certification ofdrinkingwaterquality. No.of copies submitted:One (1) Copies to:Dwight Carey/Republic Geothermal George Cuffort/Production Services phen T.Grabacki Project Coordinator em TIA.GAN .a) omen plant cm)aul 0 "|ee HHAAKEAldahaeieWy[qonal.Keck ae&Do.(We AREALirarovalvitent)Fon?|(va7re Wid |(ita CANE fo GOAE of Port Wure(SiaKrey Were?VAI Ley) >L|aie by5HvrollJetg+ary, \i . Hof Y Hof>TLAvipany Aen thoi 7\___ _GRAY artbs a a PAW FRESHHotpiH4WATER LEAD aie out Hovot Appendix G-15 Drinking Water Analysis Report submitted to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation .ind ae,y 4 4 4 boveA_°an 4 i 2ze)A a re A Td im)raw +"/ ,. ,'7 Peet OA Ff at PSI _propuction services,Inc.wi 4113 INGRA STREET,ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-o PHONE:(907)279-8550 - -77 17 adaSUBJECTLAPOeTFO :to ° > :vate fete a Fie FS]DATE 22 2 2 .- . 5 -4 cA .a mawiePUES6StFarONooiaPadeSrariedPwbe ho aa 4 'F te ae a |.de!Ja _;Fan ."faa fs oF OLA alae ple oe?ZENE OX SO ee ae 2 2 rae =7 = ”o - _4 0,24 _7 as 2 a aAArf?wr C4 A i LA"By ft.7 "?Aa a a al A tar? ww”a _-_ a 7 L "oy PaoeSsLe. no . -LA YOSSIOE 2 ee 2 MO wtaure LAr fon -F a foe °2”:a . toe "yy .'woe Pg yiODHgra::<f .Da7aLoiaeaMOC:SOA ALS ;."2 woe as a LAGE OVE -+e?fa -a % 4 °4 -we.oa a .-id FaCPO0DteAeitaeaeaLeee an -_ of wnSIGNEDaa - i .te ot es ay,ar HEPLY , dire DAMES &MOORE DATE 1 ANCHORAGE RETAIN WHITE COPY F( { GUN OR oom.SOPY TO CUSTOMER. C NO REPLY NECESSARY ©PLE . |TION NCLOSED MEMO WITH REPLY een eee eee nee cree nee INFO:O QOJOOo CHEMICAL &GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA,INC.2x03. TELEPHONE (907)-279-4014 274-3364 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER §633 B Street Drinking Water Analysis Report forInorganic,Organic,and Radiochemical Contaminants TO BE COMPLETED BY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM: 1.D.NO. Production Services,Inc. Public Water System Name 4113 Ingra Adoress Anchorage,AK 99503 otateCity zip Code Note:Check box to left of contaminants listed beiow for the analyses desired. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: DPCollectedBy Makushin Volcano Sampie Location Source Type O)Surtace Water 0 Ground Water Sample Date 0/5 0/9 8/2 Mo. ©Routine Sample ©Special Purpose Sample Day Yeur OC Untreated Water O Treated Water TO BE COMPLETED BY CERTIFIED LABORATORY CEEMICAL &GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA,INC.Laboratory Name Sampie No.Station No. 5633 "B”STREET 11127-3_. Address Laboratory Analysis No. ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99502 G.Yonkin 5-11-82 City State Zip Code Received by Date ORGANICS Limit Mgil INORGANICS 0 Endrin (0.0002). .Moll D Lindane (0.004) 5 Limit 9 O Methoxychior (0.1)[-Arsenic (0.05)<-(Oll 0 Toxaphene (0.005).0 Barium (1.)<[O].15 DO 2,4-D (0.1)O Cadmium (0.010)<{0l.|olilo 02,45-TPSilvex (0.01)[]_D Chromium (0.05)<}Ol.|oll oOFluoride(2.4)<1_Tor.tlio o D Iron (0.3)O!.{115 ©Lead (0.05)<1O1./Ol] O Manganese (0.05)<|_{ol.{0 RADIOACTIVITY O Mercury (0.002)<{o}.Jo/ol1 Limit pCi O Nitrate -Nitrogen (10.)<OL!2)ol O Gross Alpha (15)is)Selenium (0.01)<{ol.told O Radium 226 &228 (5)O "liver (0.05)<Ol O Gross Beta (50)C odium (250)Gl.QO Strontium -90 (8)OD Colce.POL <St.DO Tritium (20,000)oO Torhidio:.yrey 0 Oo O aa) ND Indicates Not Delecied Es . -Larne Harber s 18-82 Clansthire /ahnaratory Susenisor Dateresoried Lt &GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA,INC.Pras,-. i, op TELEPHONE (907)-278-4014 274-3364VecA ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER A 'Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria Ver 7 : ey5633BStreet TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER Cit|i ftATERSYSTEM: LD.NO. Frodvets on Serr ls Lwe- TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ex SatistactoryDOunsatisfactory ©Water System Neme Phone Na. 4//3 Twaya (Z2IU-2S550)CD Sample too long in transit:sample should _not be over 48 hours old at examinationMailingAddressArochOYvrace wi Ak.49 to indicate reliable results.Please sendop City sampte pate:OLS)Lolz]L¥t2 ;Mo.Day _Year SAMPLE TYPE: OD Routine : O Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref.no OD Speciai Purpose »©Treated Water D Untreated Water Zip Code a 7-H ER 10D Date Received Time Received Analytical Method: ©Fermentation Tube Membrane Filter No LOCATION cos Collected Lab Ref.No.Resuilt*Analyst 1 LKitehen |Pm pL UV/Z7-/)TQ _DP 3 L J {)}CO a i |||}CO 5 ||oz J CO '@No.of cotorwes/100 Av or No of Poste porons 06-2220 (Db)BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev.1978 . ° .Oate Collected Source READ INSTRUCTIONS a.m, Oste Racelved Time Received pun.Lad.No, Prewmotive 1om 10m Omi 10m Yomi lOm o..mi 24 Hours BEFORE Coonnrstony 24 Hours cae -Brot 24 hours:Broth 48 hours: 16mi Tudes Poutive/Total JOm!PortiansMultipleTubeReoort:COLLECTING SAMPLE Collternns100miitemberaneFiitersOlractCount :Verification:LTB BcBa Final Menbrane FEter R 94 {)Callrorm/Oom| Recorted By \\\\\Dete 5.=fe -Sl.a ALAS ON Time:ASOD -_ am, ICAL &GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA,INC.=i, *TELEPHONE (907)-279-4014 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 274-3364 5633 8 Street mY Drinking Water Analysis Report forInorganic,Organic,and Radiochemical Contaminants TO BE COMPLETED BY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM:SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Collected By__DP. Makushin Volcano Sample Location 1D.NO. Production Services,Inc. Public Water System Name 4113 Ingra Aagress Source Type ©Surface Water O Ground Water Anchorage,AK 99503 Sample Date 0/5 0;9 8 {2 City state Zip Code Mo.Day Year ©Untreated Water O Treated Water ©Routine SampleNote:Check box to left af contaminants listed below for the ;C Special Purpose Sampleanalysesdesired. TO BE COMPLETED BY.CERTIFIED LABORATORY AEMICAL &GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA,INC. Taboratory Name Sample No.Station No. 5633 "B”STREET 11127=3 Adaress Laboratory Analysis No. ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99502 G.Yonkin 5711-82 City State Zip Code Received by Date ORGANICS . Limit Mogi INORGANICS O Endrin (0.0002) -,Mal!D Lindane (0.004) 0 Limit 9g 0 Methoxychior (0.1)5 Arsenic (0.05)<Lo1.!10 O Toxaphene (0.005)Barium (1.)<LOl.15 O 2,4-D (0.1)D Cadmium (0.010)<101.!ol1lo D 2,4,5 -TP Silvex (0.01)O Chromium (0.05)<{O}.;Ol1 a)OD Fiuoride (2.4)<1_lol.Jifo oODtron(0.3)Ol.tuls O Lead (0.05)</Ol.{O11 ° O Manganese (0.05)<{_fol.lolz RADIOACTIVITY O Mercury (0.002)</o}.101012 Limit pcillONitrate-Nitrogen (10.)<Ol./2 0 Gross Alpha (15)O Selenium (0.01)<O11 O Radium 226 &228 (5)O Silver (O.05)<Ol O Gross Beta (50).Sodium (280)6.19 ©Strontium -90 (8) ox ow <Si iti D murhiaien aa 7A =Tritium (20,000) C | NO Indicates Not Detected Mp .5-17-82 .ALAAL ae 5-18-82 Date Analysis Completed Signature afLaboratory Supervisor Oate reporied Appendix G-16 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Class C Water and Waste Systems Construction and Operation Certificate 7?rer tana ui ;'i we ed he {JAY'S.HAMMOND,GOVERNOR soo Pir Wit fy Nv pal Gd j 437 E.StreetaTweitpmtbiaicoulinofSECONDFLOORDEPT.OF ENV InONDIENTAL CONSERVATION /WZ ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501(907)274-2533 /SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE |O KGoRx dleska 99618 /(907)486-3350 P.O.Oo O.BOX 1207 SOLDOTNA,ALASKA 99669 (907)262-5210 oO P.O.BOX 1709VALDEZ,ALASKA 99686 (907)835-4698 :P.O.BOX 1064Mr.Stephen T.Grabacki OD WASILLA,ALASKA 99687 Dames &Moore (907)376-5038 800 Cordova Street,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 July 2,1982 SUBJECT:Class C Water &Waste Systems for Base Camp Malcushin Volcano Unalaska Istand (8221-FA211) Dear Mr.Grabacki: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. The project is hereby approved for construction for the items with which this Department is concerned.This letter constitutes the permit required by A.S.46.03.720(a)for approval of sewerage systems. Enclosed with this letter is a "Certificate To Operate”for the drinking water system. Sincerely, boue BEALiteE.Erickson Environmental Engineer BEE/ecs Enclosure DAMES &MOORE ANCHORAGE JUL J 198? oOACTION INFO:Oo Oo oO gq = FILE +8-O9LH CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION . PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM , APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction of.ig fee oe =il fi La ia L ot iL»arene fq ip e &.,T<-ia Lye /MeeTiee a de cif.a la "public water system located ini ft:+bee [es ,Alaska,submitted in a ordance with 18 AAC 80.100 - by foebree)d FF Moses have been reviewed and are @--approved. 7O conditionally approved (see attached conditions).f ea /."rT -vue LOL:oo oaFh ols 7 8 ee:fe é Lun dh pee 4s - 7 oe ca LZ -BY .TITLE . OATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date,this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract oraer no..Approved by Date or descriptive reference) The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE”section must be completed before any water is made available to the public. APPROVAL TO OPERATE . ..ar)The construction of the "754 17 he!7 Mi teie tea Vile ve fife Saplic water system was completed oni!+..-=SE (date).The system is herebygrantedinterimapprovaltooperatefor90daysfollowingthecompletiondate.if ee /.7 o¢ : .wt."*a7.a ee eeA a ata {oven aut eo,4 -SOO!"BY -TITLE .-DATE As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period,or an inspection by the Department has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans.The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. ea °”Pa pee ad ;Vaie>a a -7 cle oesDlapfeveel.Pope hep Vy baee {-f NO So ae eae ee ee "ey TITLE -DATE Appendix G-17 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Cultural Resources Clearance Statement .STATE (E AL A\S K ii JAY S.HAMMOND,GOVERNOR 619 WAREHOUSE OR.,SUITE 210DEPARTMENTOFNATURALRESOURCESINCHORAGE.ALASKA 99801 May 27,1982 DIVISION OF PARKS PHONE:274-4676 File No.1130-13 Republic Geothermal,Inc.=r 311823EastSlausonAvenueRELGlitV¥ED Sante Fe Springs,CA 90670 Subject:APA Unalaska Geothermal Project. Gentlemen: We have reviewed the subject porpesal and would like to offer the following comments: STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER The exploration phase of this project is not likely to affect cultural resources and the following is the Office of History and Archaeology and the State Historic Preservation Office-standard clearance statement: There are no known sites on the National Register of Historic Places, nor are there sites determined to be eligible for the National Register. Examination of our records indicates there is a low potential of such sites occurring in the subject area;however,you are reminded that it is the responsibility of your agnecy to verify this statement.Should cultural resources be found during the construction,we request that the project engineer halt all work which may disturb such resources and contact us immediately.Should there be any questions,please contact Diana Rigg of this office. The proposed action appears to be consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program's historic,prehistoric and archaeological resources standard;however,the lead agency should confirm this. However,the development stage of the project may effect currently unknown cultural resources.We would,therefore,appreciate the oppor- tunity to review development stage plans,when they become available. Should there be any questions,please contact,Diana Rigg of thts office. -"Tr ene Ty L.Dilliplane State Historic Preservation Officer STATE PARK PLANNING 10-J11L Republic Geothermal,Inc. May 27,1982 Page Two The proposed action is consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program's recreation standard. LAND &WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANT PROGRAM No comment. Sincerely, NY - ve -Yaniel Robinson Acting Director DR/blh ec:John Lobdeli Dames &Moore 4eayasts'alas!ka division|of parks =comments on&proposed pulslic agency action Cwounsci65 O18FROM:Chip Dennerlein »Director APA Unalaska Geothermal Project CZM:-@yes Ono We have reviewed and would lixetoofferthefollowingcomments: STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (Hist/Arch):(chief ) The exploration phase of this project is not likely to affect cultural resourcesandtheTollowing1StheUtticeofHistoryandArchaeologyandtheStateHIstoricPreservationOfficestandardclearancestatement:Clear J].Clear ? However,the development Stage of the nrojoct may involya:a£+_sltural resources.We would,therefor,appreciate the opportunity to review developmentstageplans,when they beccme-ayaitebta,. +as ee Z ___SHPO Sig:Yes,No STATE PARK PLANNING woe >(chief) LAND &WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANT PROGRAM (chief) (please use reverse side for additional comment) Appendix G-18 Letter to United States Fish and Wildlife Service May 25,1982 May 25,1982 Mr.William Knauer Refuges and Wildlife U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage,AK 99505 Dear Bills Pursuant to our discussion of last week I am writing to inform you of determinations concerning cultural resource potential associated with the proposed geothermal testing planned for Makushim Volcano on Unalaska Island in the Aleutian Archepelagoa. The testing study is being coordinated by the Alaska FPower Authority.Feasibility testinae is to be done by Republic Geothermal,Inc.with the environmental assessment currently under way by the Anchorage office of Dames &Moore. The proposed location is so remotely located on slope of the volcano in an area of pyroclastic land surface that it was my professional judgement to recommend to the State Historic Preservation Officer that little,if any,potential for cultural resource sites exists.The area of testing is almost at the altitude of permanent snow cover.The SHFO's office concurred with my views and,therefore,did not require an archaeological reconnaissance at this time.However,the SHFO did feel that such a survey would be appropriate if development is later to be planned.The SHPO reserved the right to reconsider such a development plan. John Beck (BLM),although not involved in the review of the project,felt that the project sheuld be cognizant of any Obsidian sources that might show evidence of past use.Steve Grabacki (Dames &Moore)conferenced with the geologists of the project last week during an on-site inspection.No obsidian sources are thought to exist within the area of the project. Based on the SHFO's ruling and the previous awarding of the Casual Use Geological Exploration and Thermal Gradient Hole Drilling Special Use Fermits (USF&WS),I request that you consider,at your earliest convenience,a similar evaluation so that the project may proceed.| Regards, John E.Lobdell,Fh.D. Appendix G-19 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Cultural Resources Clearance Statement United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE IN REPLY REFER TO:1011 E.TUDOR RD. RFP ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 (907)276-3800 Dr.John E.Lobdell 8 JUN 1982SRA=Box 1026 C Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Dear Dr.Lobdell, I have reviewed with Bill Knauer and our Fish and Wildlife Service Archeologist in Washington the situation on Unalaska Island.The proposed feasibility testing location is so remotely located on the volcano slope in an area of pyroclastic land surface that Little potential exists for cultural resource sites.Your letter with the attachment from the State Historic Preservation Officer substantiates this and indicates proper coordination with the SHPO. It is my judgement that the feasibility testing to be done on Makushin Volcano by Republic Geothermal,Inc.constitutes a no effect situation as defined under The Advisory Council Regulations and therefore requires no archeological reconnaissance. This decision does not extend to any future development plan nor does it remove the requirement for a Special Use Permit which must be obtained from the Refuge Manager,Aleutian Islands Unit,Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge,Box 5251,FPO Seattle,Washington 98791 prior to any exploratory workbyGeothermalResources,Inc.or its subcontractors. If you have any questions,please contact either the Refuge Manager or Bill Knauer here in our Regional Office. Sincerely,