HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalaska Geothermal Project Phase II Final Draft 1984UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL_EXPLORATION PROJECT PHASE II FINAL REPORT DRAFT Prepared by: Republic Geothermal,Inc. for The Alaska Power Authority March 1984 THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT UNA 007 c.2 OATE ISSUED TO HIGHSMITH 42-222 DATE ISSUED TO DRAFT THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT PHASE II FINAL REPORT Prepared by Republic Geothermal,Inc. for The Alaska Power Authority March 1984 DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS PageINTRODUCTION.2.1 1 2 ww ew we we ee we ew we ee et cee 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..2...2 2 0 wee www ee we we we ee wees 3 STAGE.IX -PLANNINGAND LOGISTICS...........2.2246-.-.»IX-1 A.Transportation,Communication,and Housing.........IX-2 1].Transportation ..........2.46..re ©.74 2.Communication...2... 2 ee ew we we .IX-43.Housing...2...2.2.2 ew ee ew we eww ee wens IX-5 B.Emergencies ........eeeeeee IX-5 C.Repair Facilities .2...1...2 we we wwe we we ws IX-6 D.Permits .....cee we ee we ew ce te ee ee IX-6 STAGE X --WELL DRILLING-RELATED FIELD OPERATIONS ..........X-1 A.Camp Mobilization...........cee eewe ..X-1 B.Rig Mobilization...1...6.2 2 1 ww we ew we wee X-2 C.Oritlling Supervision,History,and Completion .......X-3 D.Data Acquisition.........2.262062020808-.oe ee)XT E.Environmental Impact Mitigation and Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance.........2..224026240408-2 X-9 F.Preliminary Flow Tests..2...1...2.6 eee ewe ewe X-19 1.Introduction..2...6.1 ee we we ee we ew ew X-19 2.Preliminary Test No.1 -672-Foot Depth........X-19 3.Preliminary Test No.2 -1,926-Foot Depth.......X-224.PreliminaryTest No.3 -1,949-Foot Depth.......X-25 G.Resource Delineation Hole Drilling Deferred ........X-28 STAGE XI -PRODUCTION WELL TESTING.............»...XI-1 A.Preliminary Reservoir Fluid Analysis............XI-1 B.Test Facilities and Instrumentation.........2...XI-2 C.Flow Test Measurements........- 1. Temperature/Pressure and Rate.........-2-26-4 XI-4 2.Collection and Samples for Chemical Analysis .....XI-11 STAGE XII -DATA INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS...........XII-1 A.Geological Conclusions......1.6.2 eee ew ew ew ew wwe XII-1 1.Geology..........242.-.ce ee ee -..XII-1 2.Whole Rock Geochemistry.........2..22-2-eeee XII-16 3.X-ray Diffraction Results for Makushin ST-1......XII-17 B.Production Test Conclusions .......eee ew we ww XII-18 1.Reservoir Properties ....1...2 6 2 ee ew ew wee XII-18 2. Wellbore Flow Characteristics..........4.46-.XII-20 C.Chemistry of Produced Fluids.........2..2..--««XIT-24 1.Geothermometers...........0-.--0000%XII-25 2.Reservoir Fluid..2... ee ee ew ww ew wee XII-26 3.Isotope Analyses .......cee eeewwe -XII-26 4.Carbonate Chemistry....2...2.2 2 ee ww ewes XII-29 5.CO Content...2...2.2.ee ew ee ee ee ew wwe XII-29 6.Other Gas Components ..........2..+2.0.04240e88 XIT-32 D.Data Integration.....2...2.2 eee ee we ew wes XII-33 E.Geothermal Model Refinement .........2.2.2..64.2..|XII-36 F.Generating and Commercialization Potential.........XII-41 44 STAGE XIII -PROJECT DEMOBILIZATION a XIII-1 A.Equipment and Inventory .........2..24.2.4-2424e40808 XIII-1 B.Restoration...1...2 2 eww ww ww we ee we ew ww XIII-2 C.Reports .2...21 2 ww ee ew ee ew ew ew we we XIII-2 STAGE XIV -SUSPENSION.2...1.1 2 1 ww wee ee eee we ee XIV-1 1414 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table V7 18 LIST OF TABLES Temperature Gradients as Measured During 1983 .....X-10 Pressure Buildup in the 672-Foot Deep Entry Zone....X-20 Composition of Gases Sampled During the 672-Foot Zone Flow Test ......cee et we ew X-22 Concentrations of Selected Chemical Constituents in Steam Condensate from 672 Feet in Makushin ST-1...X-22 Wellhead Pressure Buildup,Preliminary Flow Testat1,926 Feet..2...2 1 wee ee ee we te X-23 Measured Parameters,Makushin ST-17 Flow Test at 1,926 Feet .2...1 1 ew ww ew te the tt ttt X-24 Surface Pressure Readings Prior to Initial 1,949-Foot Preliminary Flow Test ..........X-25 Flowing Wellhead Pressure and Temperature,1,949-Foot Preliminary Flow Test..2...1...2 ew we ewee X-26 Buildup Pressures,Preliminary Flow Testat1,949-Foot..2...1 we ee ew we we ew ew X-27 Chemical Analyses of Flashed Fluid,Makushin ST-1 1,949-Foot Preliminary Flow Test ........26.XI-1 Samples from Makushin ST-1 Collected for Chemical Analysis .2...6 2 ee ew ee ww we we we ww we XI-12 Chloride Concentrations at One-Inch Intervals down Through Makushin ST-1's Four-Inch Discharge Pipe ..XI-13 Chemical Analyses of Flashed Fluids ProducedbyMakushinST-1 .2...1...2 ee ew eee ewe XII-24 Geochemical Geothermometry,Makushin ST-1 .......XII-25 Calculated Reservoir Fluid Composition of Makushin ST-1 at 1,949 Feet........2...2.24.-.XI1-26 Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope ConcentrationsfromMakushinST-1 .2...1 1 ee we we we we we ene XII-27 COo Content of Makushin ST-1 Fluid........-.-.XII-32 Noncondensable Gases in Steam from Makushin ST-1....XII-33 tv Figure Figure Figure Figure >ww%Figure 5 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure LIST OF FIGURES Pack-off Cementer and Well Configuration........X-6 Makushin ST-1 Schematic Well Completion Drawing ....X-8 Makushin Well Test Equipment........2.2.60642.XI-3 Static Pressure Profiles.............2...XI-6 Static Temperature Profiles ...........20086-4 XI-7 Flowing Pressure Profiles ........2.46+240-2000-6 XI-9 Makushin ST-1 Flow Test,History,and Pressureat1,900 feet..2...2.22.2 ee we ee ee ee XI-10 Lithology Log...1...2 ee ew wee ww we ww ww XII-3 Makushin ST-1]Pressure/Temperature Profiles ......XII-22 Makushin ST-1 Nominal Commercial-Size Well, Wellhead Pressure vs.Flow Rate.........2.2..XII-23 Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Thermal and Nonthermal Makushin Geothermal Waters......XII-28 Equilibria for Calcite,Ca,NCOs,and COs when TDS is 6000 ppm..........4.242.2..-.-..XII-30 Geological Model of Makushin Geothermal System.....XII-38 Commercial Size Well Flow Rate vs.Wellhead Pressure and Potential Power Generation.......XII-42 Makushin ST-1 Wellhead Drawing for Suspension Status..XIV-3 Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph a Zoned Vein .. Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph Makushin ST-1 - Photomicrograph in Diorite ... Page 143! of Altered Diorite with Veins...XII-4 335! of Unaltered Diorite with Vein ..XII-5 497.5° of Altered Diorite ........XII-6 623' of Hydrothermal Vein.......XII-7 1,012' of Vein in Diorite ........XII-9 1,318! of Vein in Diorite ........XII-10 1,406' of Detailed View of ce ee ee ww es XII-11 1,785' of Vein in Diorite ........XIT-12 1,935' of Minor Hydrothermal Alteration oe ee ee ee ew ew ew ew ew ew we KII-13 vi Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Append1x Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix a©©'aLIST OF APPENDICES Permit Applications and Approvals History of Drilling and Testing Operations Thin Section Analysis Geochemical Logging of Core Samples Water Quality and Flow During Test of Geothermal Well Makushin ST-1 Regulatory Compliance Correspondence During Operations Pressure/Temperature Survey Data,Makushin ST-1 Test Surface Instrumentation Data Rate Calculations -Makushin ST-17 Test X-ray Diffraction Results Intercomp Vertical Steam-Water Geothermal Wellbore Simulation Water Chemistry Work Sheets Equipment Owned by Alaska Power Authortty Stored in Aleut Corporation Yard and Warehouse Regulatory Compliance Correspondence After Completion of Operations vii THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT PHASE II FINAL REPORT Introduction The overt manifestations of geothermal energy that characterize the islands of the Aleutian Archipelago have long been recognized.These phe- nomena include 46 active volcanoes,numerous hot springs,many fumarole fields,and innumerable seismic events. Unalaska Island,900 miles southwest of Anchorage,Alaska,is one of the most densely populated Aleutian islands.Makushin Volcano,an active erup- tive center flanked by hot springs and fumaroles,is situated only 12°miles from the towns of Dutch Harbor and Unalaska,and constitutes a possible energy source that could be tapped and utilized by Unalaska residents. Because the State of Alaska is attempting to utilize indigenous energy sources colocated with population centers,a decision was made in 1980 to fund geothermal exploration on Unalaska.In 1981,approximately $5,000,000 was appropriated for this purpose and the Alaska Power Authority (APA)was given project responsibility.In 1982,Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic) was awarded APA Contract CC-08-2334 to conduct the exploration of Unalaska Island,together with its Alaska partner,Dames &Moore of Anchorage. In 1982,Phase I activities were accomplished.A report of the Phase IA project activities,which included data review and operational planning,was delivered to the APA in April 1982.Phase IB activities,also completed in 1982,included geological,geochemical,and geophysical evaluations;topo- graphic mapping;aerial photography;and the drilling of three temperature gradient holes.A final report of the Phase IB activities was delivered to the APA in April 1983.Based on encouraging indicia of a geothermal resource identified by this work,Phase II studies were formulated for completion in 1983. The Phase II work originally proposed included the drilling and flow- testing of a resource confirmation well to a depth of up to 4,000 feet,and the drilling of a 2,000-foot-deep resource delineation hole.The resource confirmation well,Makushin ST-1,was drilled during the summer of 1983,and was successful in penetrating and producing a potentially commercial geother- mal resource at a depth of less than 2,000 feet.However,problems encoun- tered during the drilling of Makushin ST-1,combined with the relatively short field season available in the Aleutians,prevented drilling of the resource delineation hole. The report that follows describes in detail all of the 1983 field activi- ties,the data obtained therefrom,and interpretations made from that data. Also included are discussions regarding permit acquisition and related envi- ronmental activities.The report follows the format of the "Scope of Work" section of Amendment #5 of Contract CC-08-2334.For this reason,certain subjects are not fully discussed in a single "stage,”but are covered in narratives appearing under several consecutive "stages." This Phase II report was compiled by numerous authors employed by Republic,Dames &Moore,and their several subcontractors.Considerable input was received from Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS)employees,from University of Alaska staff,and from U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)scientists.The project manager acknowledges these contribu- tions and wishes to express his sincere thanks for the cooperation and spirit of communication that has greatly facilitated accomplishment of project objectives to date. ) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The scope of work for the 1983 phase of the Unalaska Geothermal Explora- tion Project conducted by Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)for the Alaska Power Authority (APA)required:logistical planning for the drilling of a resource confirmation well and resource delineation hole;drilling the resource confirmation well into the geothermal reservoir or to approximately 4,000 feet;flow-testing the resource confirmation well;drilling §the resource delineation hole to approximately 2,000 feet;preparing a report containing conclusions and recommendations;and demobilizing equipment,per- sonnel,supplies,and facilities and securing the drilled holes. -Logistical planning for the 1983 field activities officially began on March 31,1983,immediately following approval of the contract by the APA. Subcontracts for drilling services,helicopter support,camp services,and communications equipment were awarded the week of April 24.Most of the equipment was assembled in Anchorage or Seattle by Republic or its subcon- tractors,and shipped directly to Dutch Harbor,Unalaska Island,by barge for arrival approximately June 1.Other equipment,including most of the camp, had been stored in Dutch Harbor over the winter.The base camp was con- structed,the well site prepared,and the continuous wireline coring rig assembled by mid-June. Drilling of the small-diameter resource confirmation well,Makushin ST-1, began on June 15,1983.This well was abandoned on June 30 after the drill Pipe parted a second time and could not be recovered from the hole.The coring rig was moved 20 feet and a new Makushin ST-1 was drilled.This well penetrated ashy,bouldery overburden to a depth of 46 feet,then 106 feet of a lahar (volcanic mudflow),and then 1,797 feet of diorite pluton. Three preliminary flow tests were conducted on potential geothermal resource zones encountered during the drilling of Makushin ST-1.The first zone encountered and tested was locatedat a depth of 672 feet.This zone produced low-pressure,low-volume,low-temperature steam,which confirmed the existence of a vapor-dominated geothermal resource of noncommercial quality. The second zone,located at 1,926 feet,produced water and steam at a very low rate.The third preliminary Flow test was conducted on a large fracture between 1,946 and 1,949 feet which,after initially flowing small volumes of water and steam,produced an estimated 30,000 pounds per hour of water and steam.The analysis of a sample of fluid from this flow confirmed that the geothermal resource at this depth was liquid-dominated.It also confirmed that the quality of the fluid was good enough to be in compliance with the conditions of permits which allowed for discharge of the resource into the river during testing.Drilling of Makushin ST-1 was terminated on August 29 so that a production test could be conducted.Because insufficient time remained prior to the end of the very short summer field season to begin and complete drilling of the resource delineation hole,this hole was not drilled in 1983. The production test of Makushin ST-1,conducted over a 3-day period, produced fluid from a 3-inch flow line at 47,000 pounds per hour and 16 per- cent steam flash.This flow rate was near the maximum obtainable from the smal}-diameter wellbore;however,theoretical calculations predict that a full-scale production well would yield over 900,000 pounds per hour.Such a well could be utilized to generate about 5.3 net megawatts of electrical power using a double flash steam cycle,and 6.0 net megawatts using a binary cycle. Bottomhole (1,900 feet)static temperature was measured at 379°F,while static pressure at the same depth was substantially subhydrostatic at 478 psig.Although these values indicate that the reservoir is one of commercial quality,instrumentation avatlable for this test was not as accurate or sen- sitive as desirable relative to the very small pressure changes created by this test,and analysis of the collected data must be considered somewhat speculative.Longer-term testing of this interval planned for 1984 will be performed with more sensitive instrumentation to resolve present ambigui- ties.This subhydrostatic pressure does indicate that the reservoir water surface is approximately 900 feet below ground surface (300 feet above sea level). Fluid and gas samples collected during the production flow test indicate that the reservoir (unflashed)fluid ts a sodium-chloride type water with a total dissolved solids content of approximately 6,000 milligrams per liter. Pre-flash carbon dioxide content was measured at 217 parts per million.Both the silica and alkali geothermometers predict a hot water reservoir equili- brated at 446°F,and the discrepancy with the measured 379°F cannot yet be explained.Samples from the river and its tributaries into which this geo- thermal fluid was discharged confirmed that the discharge conformed to the permit conditions and created no adverse impacts on water quality or fresh- water aquatic biota. Makushin ST-1 was placed in a suspended status by the addition of a few safety devices to the wellhead and by arranging for a monthly inspection. Temperature gradient hole I-13,drilled in 1982,was also abandoned.Although some equipment was then demobilized back to Anchorage,the drilling,camp, and project equipment was stored itn Dutch Harbor in anticipation of addi- tional field operations in 1984. STAGE IX -PLANNING AND LOGISTICS Immediately following final APA approval of the 1983 Unalaska program on March 31,1983,logistical planning was implemented so that the necessary personnel,equipment,and supplies would be on hand in Dutch Harbor in early June.This "fast-track"time schedule was adopted in order to utilize the relatively short Aleutian "weather window"from mid-June through mid-September during which operations can be most effectively and economically accomplished. In order to meet the proposed mid-June spud date,all matertel would,by necessity,have to be procured,or in some cases fabricated,and ready for shipment by sea from either Anchorage or Seattle by the third week in May. Again in 1983 (as in 1982)it was determined that because of the combina- tion of unpredictablelocal weather conditions,the remoteness of the project site,and the necessity for continuous 24-hour drilling operations,1)a full- time,catered camp must be maintained near the drilling site;2)helicopter support would be required for mobilization,demobilization,and continuous camp and operational support;and 3)a radio communications system linking project operations with the camp,Dutch Harbor,and the helicopter was abso- lutely essential both for efficiency and safety. "By April 15th,requests for quotations had been prepared for provision of services related to:drilling personnel and equipment,helicopter support, camp equipment and operation,and communications equipment.Subsequent to advertisement of their availability in local newspapers,as required by State regulations,the requests for quotations were sent to all contractors that responded to the announcements. IX-1 Bids were opened,evaluated,and awarded in Anchorage the week of April 24th.The following contractors were the successful bidders: a.Orilling Services Arctic Resources Drilling,Inc.(ARDI) 6361 Nielson Way,Suite 101 Anchorage,AK 99502 (907)562-2154 Ray Morris,President b.Helicopter Support ERA Helicopters (ERA) 6160 South Airpark Drive Anchorage,AK 99502 (907)248-4422 Wilbur O'Brien,Vice President c.Camp Services Production Services,Inc.(PSI) 4113 Ingra Anchorage,AK 99503 (907)552-2910 George Cuzzort,President d.Communications Equipment Industrial Electronics,Inc. 1501 West 36th Avenue Anchorage,AK 99503 (907)276-0023 Bob Hansen,President A.Transportation,Communication,and Housing 1.Transportation Drilling equipment and supplies,including rig,pumps,core pipe, downhole tools (1.e.,bits,reamers,etc.),blowout prevention equipment, and mud materials were assembled to Republic's specifications by ARDI during the first two weeks of May.The Sea-Land container ship trans- porting the equipment to Unalaska Island was scheduled to leave Anchorage approximately May 15,with arrival anticipated on or about June 1. IX-2 In addition to ARDI drilling equipment and consumables,some of which was owned and some leased specifically for the project,significant quantities of additional materiel were procured directly by Republic.To the extent possible,such equipment was fabricated and supplies were purchased in Anchorage so that they could accompany the drilling rig in the Sea-Land shipment and facilitate timely arrival for the scheduled start up of operations.Approximately 25 tons of Republic-ordered equip- ment consisting primarily of cement and cement additives,nitrogen bot- tles (for initiating flow),flow-line test equipment and instrumentation, wire-line survey lubricator and gin pole,and some wellhead equipment, communications equipment,and nonperishable dry food-stuffs were included with the ARDI equipment.The entire shipment required three 40-foot containers and weighed approximately 65 tons. Equipment and materials not available on short notice in Anchorage were purchased in the "Lower 48",transported to Seattle,and shipped via Pacific Pioneer Lines scheduled for Dutch Harbor arrival approximately June 5.This shipment of approximately 10 tons included wel]tubulars (tubing and casing),additional cement additives,and specialized well- head equipment (valves,flanges,etc.). While operations were in progress,time constraints dictated that additional required equipment and supplies be flown into Dutch Harbor. Smaller items were shipped by airfreight using either Reeve Aleutian Airline or Air Pacific daily passenger flights while larger,more bulky shipments were sent via Alaska International Air,which maintained weekly "Herc"service. Ground transportation on Unalaska was accomplished by using a crew- cab type truck owned by the State of Alaska that was shared with a DGGS geological party working in the area. IX-3 Transportation between Dutch Harbor and the project site for personnel,equipment,and supplies was accomplished primarily with the contracted ERA helicopter,an A-Star 350 with a passenger capacity of five and an effective external slingload rating of approximately 1,500 pounds.A similar machine operated by Maritime Helicopters of Homer,Alaska that was based in Dutch Harbor was available and chartered on an "as-needed”basis.Over the entire project the helicopter was used an average of slightly over four flight hours per day,including mobili- zation and demobilization.Helicopter downtime was minimal during the operations;even when the helicopter crash-landed and was permanently disabled on.July 11,ERA had a replacement helicopter on location and avatlable the next day.Fuel consumption averaged 38 gallons of Jet "A" per hour which was purchased from Reeve at the Dutch Harbor air termi- nal.An emergency fuel cache of approximately 175 gallons was maintained at the project site. 2.Communication During 1982 operations,trial and error proved that a dual frequency VHF communication system with two base stations and a mountaintop repeater was workable and adequate for project needs.This system was supplemented by another,totally independent system that linked the helicopter and portable transceivers used by field and drilling crews. The 1983 radio system was provided by Industrial Electronics Corp. of Anchorage and licensed with the Federal Communications Commission by Republic.Though it was operational much of the time,significant down- time was experienced due to malfunctions in the repeater.The repeater was replaced several times and serviced onsite once by the subcontrac- tor.System performance will be carefully reviewed and modified so as to maximize on-line time in 1984. IX-4 3.Housing As noted above,weather conditions,location,and operational con- siderations dictated that,as in 1982,a full-time,catered camp again be maintained during 1983 project operations. The 1982 contractor,Production Services,Inc.(PSI),left all the 1982 camp equipment stored in Dutch Harbor over the 1982-83 winter.As a result,they had an advantage in the 1983 bidding,and were consequently awarded the contract. The equipment used in 1982 had been well packed and stored,and it was in excellent condition for use in 1983.The camp consisted of six "Weather-Port"floored structures:a 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent,a bath-laundry unit,and four 4-person sleeping units. Additionally,so as to have emergency quarters available in Dutch Harbor and to be able to maintain 24-hour outside communications,a small apartment was leased at Carl's Motel in Unalaska.This apartment was also used to house the helicopter mechanic,and was the "mainland”site of a radio unit that was maintained so that both the camp and the heli- copter could easily contact Dutch Harbor. B.Emergencies Emergency contingency plans were developed for the 1983 field operations to deal with injury accidents,fire,security,well control,hydrogen sul- fide,and emergency notifications.The nature of these measures were described in the Phase IB Final Report in Appendices M and N-1 (pages 12-16). Logistical planning for emergencies carried out under Phase II included loca- tion and acquisition of the safety equipment required under the hydrogen sulfide contingency plan,arrangement for the training program for the drill crew,and establishment of emergency procedures and drills for the working crew. IX-5 C.Repair Facilities Repair facilities exist in Dutch Harbor,i.e.,welders,electricians, mechanics,etc.;however,these operations are geared primarily toward sup- port of the fishing industry,and the labor rates and materials costs are extremely high. For this reason,ARDI personnel was increased by the addition of a com- bination welder-mechanic,whose primary responsibility -was the maintenance and repair of all drilling and camp equipment.Additionally,this man served as an extra drilling crew member in the event of the absence of a regular crew member or whenever additional rig labor was required.This approach proved to be quite cost-effective,and rig downtime due to mechanical prob- Jems was minimal. D.Permits Permitting requirements and approvals were discussed in detail in the following Final Reports previously submitted to the APA:Phase IA (Task 3, pages 11-19;Task 5,Subtask B,pages 58-59;and Appendices I-M),and Phase IB (Stage V,Section G,pages 78-80;Stage VIII,Section C, pages 152-155;Stage VIII,Section E,pages 156-157;and Appendices F,G,H, I,N,and P).Permit applications or approvals outstanding at the time of submittal of the Phase IB Final Report were the approval of a Drinking Water Permit from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,and a request to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for review of a proposal to install staff gauges in the river itn Makushin Valley.Copies of these regu- latory contacts are included as Appendix A. Additional contact with regulatory agencies which issued the permits discussed in the above-referenced Phase IA and IB Final Reports was necessary during the course of operations.A discussion of this contact is included in Stage X,Section E,of this report. IX-6 STAGE X -WELL DRILLING-RELATED FIELD OPERATIONS A.Camp Mobilization The first Republic representative arrived on Unalaska May 18,1983 to obtain warehouse facilities in Dutch Harbor and to begin organizing men and materials for the Phase II camp construction.The following day construction began on the camp with the arrival of the Production Services,Inc.(PSI) construction crew and initiation of transfer of materials to the campsite via helicopter. The 1983 Phase II camp was placed about 150 feet west of the 1982 Phase I location because tent site excavation of the five to eight feet of snow at the 1982 campsite would have required too much time.Despite the move,con- struction of the new camp still required removal of snow up to six feet deep to accommodate the foundations for several of the tents.By May 25,1983 the base camp was essentially completed,lacking only minor detail work and clean up.Also in place by the 25th was the supply tent at the Makushin ST-1 drill site,about one-half mile north of the main camp. In general,the weather was good for the first 10 days.This allowed efficient movement of all the camp equipment and supplies,and rapid work on construction of the camp.Actual construction time for setting up the six main tents and the supply tent,as well as for removal of large amounts of snow,was only six days. After completion of the camp,about 20 large timbers were slung from Driftwood Bay to the drill site for use in butlding the subbase for the drii] rig.Several loads of driil pipe and drilling mud were also hauled to the drill site in anticipation of the rig arrival.These activities required almost six days due to the Williwaw winds and a large storm,both of which restricted flying time severely.Unfortunately,the rig was delayed in transit for over a week which resulted in several days of dead time in addi- tion to the weather delays. B.Rig Mobilization In late May,arrangements were made to lease a warehouse/staging area for use during the drilling season.Adequate indoor area was obtained for stor- age of materials vulnerable to damage by exposure to weather (i.e.,mud, cement,etc.)and for equipment requiring security (1i.e.,relatively expen- sive gauges,valves,etc.). A large outdoor area adjacent to the warehouse was available for unload- ing vans,for pipe storage,and for use as a helicopter pad.As a bonus,a forklift was available at the facility for moving materials and equipment within the staging area,in and out of the warehouse,and for assembling indtvidual helicopter loads. Four members of the drilling crew arrived on June 5,and started clearing the 5-1/2 feet of snow on the drilling location.Timbers 12 inches by 12 inches,up to 30 feet in length,had been brought to the site by heli- copter.They were cut to proper size and an 8-foot by 12-foot by 10-foot (height)substructure was built to support the rig and mast above the well- head and the blowout prevention equipment. Also on June 5,the materials shipped from Seattle arrived in Dutch Harbor,whereupon they were transferred to the staging area and inventoried. By the June 10,when the Sea-Land drilling equipment shipment and the remain- der of the ARDI crew arrived,the location had been cleared of snow and leveled,the substructure built,and deadmen set for drilling mast guy lines. Between June 10 and 14,the three Sea-Land vans (approximately 65 tons total cargo)were completely unloaded at the staging area.They were inven- toried,and approximately 35 tons of their contents were slung to the drill X-2 site by helicopter in 1,500-pound maximum loads.On June 15,rigging up operations were completed and Makushin ST-1 was spudded at 2:18 p.m.There- after,except during short periods of "downtime",24-hour operations were maintained using two 3-man crews working 12-hour tours under the direct supervision of an ARDI drilling superintendent. C.Drilling Supervision,History,and Completion The entire project,including all support activities,was managed by a Republic drilling supervisor who was onsite continuously.Geologists, production engineers,and technicians were onsite on an "as-needed”basis depending upon which phase of the operation was in progress. A day-by-day history of drilling and testing operations is included as Appendix B.A narrative summary of drilling activities is presented in the following paragraphs. After spudding 4-3/4-inch diameter hole in overburden and drilling to 46 feet,a lahar (volcanic mudflow),not present in the temperature gradient hole (E-1)one-quarter mile to the west,was encountered.It was 106 feet thick (to 152 feet),and was directly underlain by diorite plutonic rock. Weathered diorite,grading to a more solid dioritte,was drilled from 152 feet to 172 feet. In order to run and cement 7-inch surface casing it was necessary to open )the hole to 9-5/8 inches in stages.Boulders in the top hole (above 46 feet), and extremely hard inclusions in the lahar section,caused severe torque on the drill string resulting in two twist-offs and subsequent fishing jobs. The second fishing job was unsuccessful,and on June 30 a decision was made to move the rig approximately 20 feet westerly and start a new hole.The move was accomplished in approximately 30 hours and the second hole was spudded on July 2. X-3 After coring HQ (3-25/32-inch)hole to 172 feet,it was again necessary to open hole to 9-5/8 inches for the 7-inch casing.In order to minimize torque through the lahar section,the hole was opened this time in very small increments (j.e.,4-3/4 inches,6 inches,7-3/8 inches,8-1/2 inches,and 9-5/8 inches).The relatively thin wall HQ core pipe was replaced with 2-7/8-inch thick wall "API*drill pipe to better withstand the torque in the 7-3/8-inch and larger holes.On July 9,7-inch casing was successfully run and cemented at 160 feet. After installing the casing head and blowout prevention (BOP)equipment, HQ coring operations were resumed.On July 18,while coring at 670 feet,the bit dropped free for one foot and all circulation was lost.An additional foot was cored "blind"to 672 feet.Because these conditions were thought to be characteristic of a possible resource-producing fracture,the zone was tested with results that are described in Stage X,Section F. After flow-testing this zone showed it to be of noncommercial magnitude, a decision was made to plug the fracture with cement and to deepen the hole in search of a more productive horizon.On July 21,after cooling the hole with water and pumping 10 cubic feet of cement to plug the zone at 672 feet through HQ core pipe,the cement "flash set"with the bottom of the HQ pipe at 650 feet.The decision was made to attempt recovery of the cemented HQ pipe by over-reaming with HW (4-1/2-inch outside diameter)pipe.HW reaming over HQ was subsequently accomplished to a depth to 550 feet,at which depth, on August 3,the HW parted at 292 feet leaving 258 feet of HW outside the HQ (550/292 feet). Following this twist-off,it was decided to core ahead with NQ (2.98 inch)hole unti]such time as special equipment,designed to cement the HQ string,could be fabricated and shipped to Unalaska.Accordingly,NQ hole was cored to a depth of 1,056 feet by August 7.Below 850 feet only partial circulation was maintained until]at 1,056 feet all returns were lost and two cement plugs were set. X-4 On August 9,the special cementing tool arrived and the HQ core pipe was cut and recovered from 285 feet.On August 11,the pack-off cementing tool, fabricated as shown in Figure 1,was run on HQ pipe,seated over the HQ stub at 285 feet,and the string cemented with good returns to the surface.The mechanical configuration of the well at that time was as shown in Figure 1. An expansion spool was installed,wellhead and BOP equipment reinstalled,and the HQ cement job,pack-off,and wellhead were successfully pressure tested to 1,200 psi on August 13.° Routine NX coring operations continued from 1,056 feet with only minor lost circulation noted until at 1,916 feet,on August 21,al]circulation was lost for a brief period.Coring was resumed to 1,924 feet when returns were again lost.An additional two feet were cored "blind"to 1,926 feet with the well on vacuum.Republic then decided to flow test the 1,916/1,926-foot interval.The results of this testing are summarized in Stage X,Section G. Following the attempts to flow the well at 1,926 feet,the 1,916/1,926-foot interval was plugged with heavy mud and lost circulation material.Full circulation was reestablished and NX coring operations were continued.Immediately following the resumption of coring,all returns were again lost and the well was cored "blind"from 1,926 feet to 1,946 feet.At 1,946 feet the core bit dropped free for three feet to a depth of 1,949 feet.This event prompted a decision to conduct a third flow test (see Stage X,Section F). Following successful preliminary flow testing of the 1,946-to 1,949-foot zone on August 26 and 27,the decision was made to install flow-line,meter- ing,sampling,and survey equipment for a production test.When this had been accomplished,five of the eight ARDI personnel were returned to Anchorage.The remaining three men provided the labor required to help accomplish the testing and the subsequent rig demobilization. X-5 FIGURE1 PACK-OFF CEMENTER AND WELL CONFIGURATION WELL CONFIGURATION AFTERHQOVERSHOTPACK-OFF CEMENTER CEMENTING HQ ROD AS CASING 14-1/2"OVERALL7"-23tb.K-55 CASING9-1/2"HOLE "bl 162" CEMENTING -a--H 0 ORILL RODPORTS@285'HH ressy-"1.0.HQ 80x OVERSHOT , PACK-OFF 287 CEMENTING 292°TOOL CEMENTING PORTS HO DRILL RODHeri(COLLAPSE 4”)DB...PRESSURE FLUSH JOINT .7830 psi) CONNECTION DRILLABLE ALUMINUM BAFFLE PLATE HQ SEATING SHOULDER 53-9/2"0.0.X 3-1/4"1.0.% be HIGH TEMP (550°F)5 PACKING ELEMENT x 3-1/2"1.0.5CENTERINGOVERSHOTzSKIRTx|E ]"43-7/8 , SKIRT 1.|{--6504-3/8”677' SKIRT O.D.\ pwe--=NO HOLE (2.98”) 1056'T.0. X-6 RGIE1S15 On August 31,prior to production testing described in Stage XI,static pressure and temperature surveys were run.On September 5,final static pressure and temperature surveys were run,and demobilization operations were begun on September 6.The final well configuration is shown in Figure 2. D.Data Acquisition During the drilling of Makushin ST-1,drill cuttings and continuous core sections were 'collected,logged,and selectively sampled.Drill cuttings were collected from the surface to 55 feet.Below 55 feet,continuous wire-line HQ and NQ core was recovered to the total depth of 1,946 feet. Each 10-foot HQ and NQ core sectton recovered was washed,broken into two-foot-long sections,and placed into a divided,plastic-coated cardboard box.The top,bottom,and other important depths were marked on the core while the depth interval,hole number,and area name (Makushin)were recorded on the top and side of the box. Both the cuttings and the cores were examined onsite with a 10X hand lens to preliminarily identify the lithology,alteration mineralogy,and fracture pattern(s)of the rock.These parameters were recorded on core description forms,and thin rock chips,representative of interesting zones,were col- lected for thin section (petrographic)analysis (Appendix C)in the home office. Additionally,a separate set of rock chips was collected to permit whole-rock geochemical analysis.For this purpose,chips were taken about every foot along each 10-foot section of core and combined into 10-foot com- posite samples of about 300 grams.These samples were then sealed in thick (6 mil)plastic bags for shipment to an analytical lab.Results of the whole-rock geochemical study are documented in Appendix D. X-7 FIGURE 2 MAKUSHIN ST-1 SCHEMATIC WELL COMPLETION DRAWING (ALL DEPTHS REFER TO RIG FLOOR 10'ABOVE GROUND LINE) (_master VALVE i (|MASTER VALVE md 2”CASING WING VALVE 9-1/2"HOLE -->y:+| 162°__lg": 4.62'HOLE ---=+ HW CASING 4-1/2"0.D.,4”1.D. 550'__(1 3.78”HOLE 677'_/ 2.98"HOLE----} 650'__[4 EXPANSION SPOOL 2”CASING WING VALVE 7”-23 Ib K-55 CASING CEMENTED TO SURFACE HQ CORE PIPE 3-1/2”0.D.,3-1/6”1.D. CEMENTED TO SURFACE 283',CEMENTING PORTS[_-- --_-----285',HO PACK-OFF CEMENTER HQ CORE PIPE 1949'T.D. X-8 CEMENTED 650/550' AGI E1522 All of the boxed cores where flown to a warehouse in Dutch Harbor where ownership and responsibility for their care was transferred to the DGGS in accordance with Alaska Power Authority instructions. Another data acquisition activity,separate from those related to the drilling of Makushin ST-1,was the remeasurement of temperature gradients in the three holes drilled in 1982.The latest 1983 temperature data recorded are shown in Table 1.The temperatures in temperature gradient hole D-1 were found to be nearly the same as those measured during the 1982 field season. The temperature profile in temperature gradient hole E-1 was slightly dif- ferent and now indicates the existence of a 100°C (212°F)isothermal zone between 400 feet and 650 feet.Because the temperatures above and below this convective zone are unchanged,the isothermal convection is postulated to be fracture-related.In temperature gradient hole I-1,the temperature profile 4s similar to that previously measured except that the temperature gradient no longer reverses at the bottom of the hole.The 1983 measured temperatures are fully equilibrated and should be considered to be the most reliable obtained to date. E.Environmental Impact Mitigation and Monitoringand Requlatory Compliance Well drilling and testing operations conducted during 1983 were monitored by environmentally trained personnel from Republic,Republic's environmental subcontractor (Dames &Moore),and various regulatory agencies to:1)assure the implementation of designed environmental mitigation measures;2)assure compliance with the terms of the permits;3)establish baseline values for certain environmental parameters;and 4)detect and measure environmental impacts resulting from the operations.Three separate visits to the opera- tion sites were made in 1983:one in late June,which coincided with the early stages of well drilling;one in late August/early September,which coincided with the well testing;and one in late September,which coincided with the final removal of al?equipment from the operation sites. X-9 TABLE 1 MAKUSHIN VOLCANO,UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS (°C)AS MEASURED DURING 1983 Hole D-1 Hole E-1 (Camp)Hole I-1 (Glacier Valley) 1/7/83 1/2/83 6/30/83 Feet °C Feet bl "9 Feet bed 9 Feet bed 09 Feet bd 9 25 7.6 1000 19.4 25 8.2 25 6.0 .1000 53.5 50 6.3 1025 24.6 50 15.6 50 8.0 1025 54.1 75 5.5 1050 30.3 75 21.5 75 9.9 1050 55.6 100 4.2 1075s 36.2 100 27.3 100 11.9 1075 56.6 125 4.1 1100 41.8 125 32.0 125 12.7 1100 57.7 150 3.7 1125 46.8 150 36.4 150 15.2 1125 58.3 175 3.6 1150 52.4 175 40.8 175 18.7 1150 59.1 200 3.6 1175 58.2 200 45.2 200 23.9 1175 60.0 225 3.6 1200 63.3 225 49.7 225 28.9 1200 60.7 250 3.6 1225 68.7 250 54.0 250 29.0 1225 61.3 275 3.6 1250 72.6 275 58.4 275 29.0 1250 61.9 300 3.6 1275 76.2 300 62.7 300 29.0 1275 62.4 325 3.5 1300 80.3 325 66.5 300 29.0 1300 62.9 350 3.5 1325 83.5 350 71.1 350 28.5 1325 63.8 375 3.4 1350 86.6 375 90.4 375 28.7 1350 64.4 400 3.4 1375 90.4 400 99.9 400 28.8 1375 64.9 425 3.5 1400 94.4 425 100.0 425 29.5 1400 65.5 450 3.5 1425 97.9 450 100.0 450 29.0 1425 65.9 475 3.6 1435 98.5 475 100.0 475 36.6 1450 66.3 500 3.7 500 100.1 500 36.9 1475 66.5 525 3.7 525 100.2 525 36.7 1500 66.7 550 3.9 550 100.2 550 38.2 575 4.1 575 100.2 575 38.7 600 4.4 600 100.3 600 39.0 625 4.6 625 100.3 625 38.6 650 4.6 650 100.7 650 41.0 675 4.8 675 103.4 675 41.5 700 5.1 700 116.5 700 41.8 725 5.2 725 127.1 725 42.2 750 5.3 750 131.1 750 42.4 775 5.8 775 134.4 775 43.0 800 6.5 800 137.5 800 43.4 825 7.5 825 140.7 825 47.0 850 8.4 850 143.7 850 47.7 875 9.1 875 146.8 875 48.3 900 9.4 900 149.8 900 48.8 925 9.9 925 >150 925 49.2 950 11.9 950 49.8 975 15.0 975 52.7 X-10 In addition to those measures designed and implemented as a standard part of the 1983 operational activities,special environmental mitigation measures were to be implemented to prevent the recurrence of fox feeding which took place in 1982,and to minimize sediment and temperature impacts to the river from the geothermal fluid discharged by the flow test.Republic's personnel were specifically instructed not to feed the foxes,and to discourage the foxes from approaching the operation sites by containing food and wastes to make them unavailable to the foxes.Sediment and temperature impacts to the Makushin Valley river from the well test were to be prevented by discharging the fluid at high pressure out over the river and allowing it to cool while falling as a mist into the river. With few exceptions,permit compliance during 1982 operations was very good,and similar results were expected during 1983.The primary interest was in assuring permit compliance during the well testing operations, although permit conditions had to be met on the drilling and campsites as well. Because the degree of environmental impact resulting from the well test- ing operations was dependent upon a number of variable parameters,including the river flow rate and water quality,the geothermal fluid discharge rate and quality,and the size and upriver extent of the pink salmon run on Makushin Valley river,Republic believed it was necessary to establish pre-testing baseline values for these particular environmental parameters. This information would be necessary to both establish the necessity of cur- tailing the well test operations to minimize environmental impacts and estab- lish the level of environmental impact created by the well test. The program to detect and measure environmental impacts resulting from the 1983 operations was designed to establish proof of compliance with permit conditions during the well test and establish the level of impact from the 1983 well test.This latter information would allow for an estimation of the level of impact that may be expected should more significant discharges of geothermal fluid be required during future operations.The program to detect X-1] these impacts consisted of monitoring water quality and flow rates in Makushin Valley river and its affected tributaries during and following discharge of the geothermal fluid through measurements of conductivity, chloride,and temperature.Samples were also to be taken for complete chemical analysis in the laboratory. The late June site visit was conducted by the Dames &Moore Project Manager.Observations made during the site inspection of the base camp and Makushin ST-1 drill site confirmed that the operations were being conducted in accordance with the terms of the various environmental permits,and that overall operations appeared very clean.The Dames &Moore Project Manager reported that a fox had approached the camp during early operations,but that operational personnel had discouraged it from scavenging at the camp,and that no foxes had been seen by project personnel for some time.The Dames & Moore Project Manager also briefed representatives from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG)and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conserva- tion (ADEC)stationed on Unalaska Island about the 1983 operations being conducted as a part of the Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Project. Baseline values for Makushin Valley river flow and stage were established during this site visit at four stations,and arrangements were made with the ADFG to monitor the size and upstream limit of the fall pink salmon spawning run on Makushin Valley river.Personnel from the ADFG began monitoring the fall pink salmon run on Makushin Valley river and on other rivers in August of 1983,and continued to monitor the run during the next six weeks.Summer 1983 proved to be an abnormally bad year for pink salmon spawning in Unalaska rivers,and the ADFG reported to Dames &Moore that no pink salmon were seen in Makushin Valley river during the entire six-week pertod when the run should have taken place.Republic Geothermal operational personnel continued to monitor the runoff in Makushin Valley river and its tributaries by reading staff gauges installed during the first field trip.Unfortunately,a period of heavy,warm rain during mid-summer created flood conditions on the river which washed out all of the staff gauges. X-12 The late August/early September site visit,which coincided with the well testing,was conducted by Republic's Manager of Environmental Affairs and Dames &Moore's subcontractor for water quality.During this site visit,the operation areas were inspected and found to be both in compliance with the permit conditions and creating no more than the anticipated environmental impacts,with two exceptions.In addition,the sites of the 1982 operations were tnspected and found to be in good condition,with no significant debris or waste remaining.Scarring from the 1982 operations also appeared to be quite minimal. The first exception to the project's creating more environmental impact than anticipated was the result of the need to use significantly more drill- ing mud during the 1983 operation than expected because the mud's viscosity was necessary to "damp out"vibration of the drilling string in the casing. Operations personnel had attempted to contain this unplanned,additional -waste drilling mud in a sequence of hand-dug pits located down gradient in a swale from the drilling location,each sited and constructed as needed to catch the mud that spilled over from the upstream pit.Unfortunately, approximately 100 barrels of the waste drilling mud was not contained by the hand-dug pits,but instead ended up on the ground down gradient from the drill site.A very small amount of drilling mud was observed in a minor, third-order tributary to Makushin Valley river,but the movement of that mud downstream had been stopped by a small dam.At the time of the site visit, which was about one week after the last drilling mud had been used,there was no evidence of continued mud movement down gradient across the ground or downstream in the minor tributary.Because of the specific field conditions, Republic's Environmental Manager determined that attempting to clean up the mud would create more environmental harm than leaving it in place.If the Alaska Power Authority decides to redrill or deepen the well in future years, the equivalent amount of mud will likely be generated.A viable technique to contain this waste drilling mud during these future operations to minimize environmental impact and comply with all permit conditions should not be difficult to develop. The other unanticipated environmental impact resulting from the 1983 operations which was observed during this field inspection was an area of tundra grass which had been injured or killed (the damaged grass was distin- guishable by its distinctively brown color).The brown grass generally occurred in an area that roughly coincided with the spilled waste drilling mud,which may have smothered the grass.However,many areas with deposits of drilling mud had grass which was quite healthy,and brown grass occurred in a number of areas where no drilling mud had been deposited.The area of brown grass also generally coincided with the area subjected to the fallout from the initial short well flow test approximately five days earlier.The grass may have been damaged by the fallout of the geothermal fluids either from the temperature,the salinity,or the high boron content.The grass may also have been injured by simply being submerged for a long period of time under the river water spilling down from the drilling rig which was not being used in the drilling operations.It is also possible that the otherwise nontoxic "clear mud"polymer which was used as the drilling mud during the later stages of drilling could have coated the grass blades,thus smothering them.Whatever the cause of the browning of the grass,it is very unlikely to be a long-term effect and does not require any corrective action.Obser- vations made in subsequent years could lead towards a pinpointing of the cause of this grass browning and development of a technique to prevent it from recurring. One reason for conducting the inspection during this stage of the opera- tion was to assist in designing the well test facilities in order to ensure that sediment and thermal discharge to the Makushin Valley river tributaries was minimized.The Phase IB Final Report recommended direct discharge of the waste geothermal liquids to tributaries of the Makushin Valley river via spraying the liquid out over the tributary as the optimum method to avoid impacts.However,actual conditions at the site of the Makushin ST-1 well dictated that both sediment and temperature impacts would be minimized instead by spraying the waste geothermal fluid out over the plateau.To minimize the environmental impacts,the spray of waste geothermal fluid was directed so that it did not impact the ground,but instead rained out on the X-14 plateau grass.Except for that geothermal fluid which was flashed off as steam evaporated,and that geothermal liquid which was blown off during periods of high wind,all of the waste geothermal fluid collected in a very small,grass-covered drainage basin which fed a third-order tributary to the Makushin Valley river.As noted in Appendix E,this method of discharge was entirely satisfactory in preventing sediment and temperature impacts to Makushin Valley river. The final purpose of this late August/early September field visit was to conduct the 1983 water quality program in conjunction with the well testing. This program's objectives were to:1)establish water quality and flow rates for Makushin Valley river at MV Station (and others)to determine if suffi- cient dilution was available to allow unrestricted discharge of geothermal Fluid;2)trace the movement of geothermal fluid through the river tributary system to ascertain dilution and enable collection of water samples for field and laboratory analysis at the peak concentration of geothermal fluid;3) monitor parameters in Makushin Valley river at Statton MV that may directly affect fish,such as dissolved oxygen,pH,and temperature;and 4)verify compliance with permit conditions from the ADEC and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A sample of the geothermal fluid obtained from the initial discharge on August 27 was the first opportunity to verify the quality of the geothermal fluid which was to be discharged during the well flow test.The analysis of this sample (Table 10 -Stage XI,Section A)confirmed that the geothermal resource was liquid-dominated,and also indicated that the fluid was signif- icantly less saline than assumed for the purpose of calculating impacts from the discharge to obtain the regulatory permits.This lower salinity,com- bined with the high flow rates of Makushin Valley river at Station MV,made the possibility of any adverse impacts to water quality or freshwater aquatic biota very remote. X-15 Appendix E presents all of the data obtained during the 1983 water qual- ity program.Geothermal fluid,at a temperature of approximately 210°F (99°C)and total dissolved solids (TDS)concentration of approximately 7,800 milligrams per liter (mg/l),was discharged over a three-day period at a maximum rate of 0.19 cubic feet per second (cfs).Permits from the ADEC and the EPA called for protection of various water quality parameters at Station MV (located approximately 3.2 miles downstream in Makushin Valley river from the point of discharge).However,many other water quality and flow rate sampling and monitoring stations were established in Makushin Valley river and its tributaries upstream of Station MV to allow the tracing of geothermal fluid through the tributary system and collection of water samples for field and laboratory analysis at the peak concentration of geothermal fluid. Measurements of flow rate,temperature,chloride,conductivity,and other field-measurable water quality parameters were taken at three stations in Makushin Valley river,four stations in Plateau Creek (a very minor tributary to Makushin Valley river),and two stations in Fox Canyon Creek (a major tributary to Makushin Valley river).Samples for later laboratory analyses were also collected during the program. The results of the 1983 water quality program,as expected,indicated that levels of parameters measured at station MV during the well test com- plied with Alaska water quality criteria and the ADEC and EPA permits.Rapid atmospheric cooling of the discharge from 210°F (99°C)resulted in a maximum measured temperature of only 61°F (16°C)at Station PCD,the station ina minor tributary to Plateau Creek which was only 300 feet from the well. Water temperatures decreased downstream in Plateau Creek and were near or at baseline levels at the mouth of Plateau Creek prior to its discharge into Makushin Valley river.Only chloride,conductivity,and TDS values were slightly elevated above baseline levels of these parameters in Makushin Valley river immediately downstream from the mouth of Plateau Creek,where the minimum dilution from the well to the station below the mouth of Plateau Creek was 540:1.The minimum dilution factor from the well to station MV was 1,500:1. X-16 The third and final site visit was conducted by Dames &Moore's Project Manager in late September as a final inspection of all operation sites to ensure that all equipment not necessary for the winter suspension was removed,and to accompany the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)Refuge Manager on a visit to the site.The Dames &Moore Project Manager reported that the Makushin ST-1 well site had been demobilized in a very clean, thorough,and environmentally sound fashion.He tndicated that both he and the USFWS Refuge Manager agreed that the spilled drilling mud presented only a minor environmental concern,and that it was more appropriate to allow the area covered on the spilled mud to revegetate naturally rather than attempt- ing to remove it.They believed that the vegetation impacted by the spill would probably recover within one to two growing seasons. The equipment comprising the base camp had also been demobilized and the site abandoned in a very clean and thorough manner.The USFWS Refuge Manager specifically complimented Republic and its subcontractors on the quality and cleanliness of the operations. As a condition of approval for suspension of the well during the 1983-1984 winter season,the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) required monitoring of the wellhead and wellhead pressure on a monthly basis.Although this has been accomplished to date,as of February 1984 snow had accumulated to such a depth that the 10-foot wooden platform protecting the wellhead was completely buried under snow,and access to the wellhead was difficult for the helicopter pilot conducting the inspection. During the course of operations,contact with regulatory agencies was necessary to comply with conditions of approval of various permits,to request and obtain approval of revisions to certain permits,to keep the agencies informed of the status of the project,and to discuss details of permit approval conditions as they related to specific field operations. Copies of written correspondence,reports,and applications for permit revi- sions are included as Appendix F,as follows: X-17 F-1) F-2) F-3) F-4) F-5) F-6) F-7) F-8) F-9) F-10) Letter to the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service in accordance with Special Use Permit No.AI-83-27,dated May 12,1983; Republic Geothermal,Inc.memorandum documenting telephone reporting to the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service of the heli- copter accident,dated July 13,1983; June Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations,sub- mitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on July 28,1983; Request for change in approved Drilling Permit 83-1,submitted (via telecopy)to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on August 5,1983; Report of Surface Casing Test,submitted to the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources on August 10,1983; Alaska Department of Natural Resources approval of Amendment to Geothermal Drilling Permit 83-1,dated August 12,1983; July Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations,sub- mitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on August 23,1983; Request for Suspension of Makushin ST-1,submitted (via tele- copy)to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on September 6,1983; Report of Surface Casing Test,submitted to the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources on September 7,1983; Alaska Department of Natural Resources approval of well suspen- sion procedures,dated September 9,1983; X-18 F-11)August Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations, submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on September 22,1983; F-12)September Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations, submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on October 17,1983. Preliminary Flow Tests 1.Introduction . When drilling exploratory wells in terrain known or suspected to have significant geothermal potential,established procedures are to stop drilling and conduct preliminary tests for the existence of resources when:1)the depth is believed adequate for existence of water or steam having temperatures and pressures high enough to be produced on a sus- tained basis;or 2)when the presence of a conduit for such resource is indicated by a "drilling break"(falling drill pipe,drastic loss of resistance,sudden increase or decrease in penetration rate),by the loss of a large amount of drilling fluid,increases in concentration of geo- thermal gases,changes in mineralogy,etc. During the drilling of Makushin ST-1 three such preliminary resource flow tests were run;one at 672 feet,another at 1,926 feet,and the final test at 1,949 feet.The tests are described below. 2.Preltminary Test No.1 -672-Foot Depth On July 18,1983,at approximately 1:30 p.m.,while coring with water and HQ size drill pipe,the drill string fell about one foot and all circulation was lost at a drilling depth of 672 feet.Before the pumping of drilling water was stopped,about 1,200 to 1,500 gallons were X-19 pumped into the void without getting returns to the surface.Because the lost circulation appeared to be related to a major fracture,a decision was made to conduct a drill stem test. First,two maximum temperature thermometers were run rapidly to the bottom of the hole where they recorded 265°F approximately 1-1/2 hours after cessation of water injection.Next,the HQ drill pipe was pulled up the hole 40 feet so that the bit was at the 630 foot level,and pres- sure gauges were installed on the master valve.After the well was shut in at 8:30 p.m.on July 18,the wellhead pressure rose to 52 psig by 12:00 a.m.,at which reading tt remained until]9:00 a.m.on July 19. On July 19,it was decided to test under open-hole conditions.This required bleed-off of some accumulated steam,killing the steam entry by injection of a small amount of cold water,and removing the 630 feet of HQ pipe.These activities were completed and the well was shut in at 1:45 p.m.While the pressure was building up,forty feet of flow line were attached to the wellhead,as were pressure and temperature gauges. The pressure buildup,as recorded in the test of the 672-feet-deep frac- ture zone on July 19,is presented in Table 2. TABLE 2 PRESSURE BUILDUP IN THE 672-FOOT DEEP ENTRY ZONE (7/19/83) Wellhead Wellhead Time Pressure (psig)Time Pressure (psiq) 2:00 p.m.6 7:00 p.m.26.0 4:50 6 7:10 27.5 5:10 8 7:20 30.0 5:20 10 7:30 31.0 5:50 12 7:45 33.0 6:05 34.5 7:55 33.5 6:10 35.5 8:20 36.5 6:15 17.0 9:00 40.5 6:20 18.0 9:20 42 6:30 20.0 9:45 44 6:40 22.0 10:35 47 6:50 24.5 7:00 a.m.(7/20/83)52 X 20 On July 20 at 9:45 a.m.,the well was opened and a flow test was conducted in order to record wellhead flowing pressures and temperatures, possible flow rate changes,and to permit chemical sampling of the vapor phase and of any accompanying water.The sampling of gases was accom- plished by OGGS personnel.Onsite analyses of the produced water by Republic showed that it contained less than 10 ppm chloride and that it appeared to be steam condensate.No Hos was detected in the steam by odor or by the Hos monitoring equipment. The well was shut in again at 2:15 p.m.after completion of the test.During flow there was only 14 psig pressure with a stable tempera- ture of 208°F.After shut in,the pressure reached 102 psig at 5:40 p.m. and 109 psig at 9:10 p.m.This increase in the shut-in pressure sug- gested that a higher pressure fracture,stimulated by the short flow test,might be feeding the well.Accordingly,the decision was made to conduct a longer,more complete test on July 21. At 10:50 a.m.on July 21,the master valve was opened briefly to examine the behavior of a minor steam leak around the casing.After shutting the well again the pressure increased steadily up to 89 psig. After installation of the chemical gas sampling equipment the well was flow tested from 1:20 p.m.until 6:45 p.m.The flowing pressures and temperatures revealed atmospheric conditions (approximately 210°F and 14 psig),while the minor water produced was found to contain less than 10 ppm chloride,suggesting that it was steam condensate.A maximum "reading thermometer,run to approximately 650 feet,recorded a tempera- ture of 310°F.At 2:00 p.m.,the well was killed and preparations were made to seal off the fracture zone prior to drilling deeper. The most important result of the flow test of the 672-foot-deep fracture zone was the identification of a vapor-dominated resource.The low flowing pressure and temperature indicate that the vapor from this source cannot provide sufficient enthalpy for geothermal power genera- tion.The chemical analyses of the steam and of the steam condensate are listed in Tables 3 and 4. X-2] TABLE 3 COMPOSITION OF GASES SAMPLED DURING THE 672-FOOT ZONE FLOW TEST (MOLE FRACTION PERCENT) Sample Id.No.VIA 17B Fumarole #1(1) (for comparison) Date Sampled 1/21/83 71/21/83 8/13/80 Total Gas : (Volume Percent)(2)1.63 1.17 -- COs 94.6 87.9 91.7 N2(3)4.2]10.1 5.36 Ho 1.14 1.79 24 CHa .02 .03 .03 HoS(4)----2.63 (1)Analyzed by DGGS (Motyka et al,1983) (2)Adjusted for minor air contamination (3)Dissolved COs in liquid phase of sample not included (4)Not detected by odor and not analyzed TABLE 4 CONCENTRATIONS OF SELECTED CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN STEAM CONDENSATE FROM 672 FEET (in ppm)IN MAKUSHIN ST-1 (7/21/83) Sample Id.No.JIA 178 B <.01 3] Hg .003 005 NHa+1.97 1.92 Total Sulfides <.01 -187 3.Preliminary Test No.2 -1,926-Foot Depth On August 21,1982,while coring ahead with NQ size tools at 1,916 feet,all circulation of drilling fluid was lost.After a short while,circulation was recovered and an additional 10 feet of hole was cored when once again all circulation was lost in a zone between X-22 1,924 feet and 1,926 feet.The loss of circulation suggested that open, permeable fractures had been transected and that the productivity of the well should be tested again.The hole and the well were shut in at 9:00 p.m.to allow buildup of temperature and pressure. At 7:00 a.m.on August 22,the wellhead pressure was 23 psig.The master valve was opened and the well was allowed to flow through the NQ drill pipe for 1-1/2 hours.The well produced predominantly steam with minor amounts of water at an estimated rate of 1,000 Ibs/hr and a well- head temperature of 204°F (95.5°C).The well was shut in at 8:30 a.m. and the NQ drill pipe was removed.Table 5 shows the pressure buildup following the 8:30 a.m.shut-in. TABLE 5 WELLHEAD PRESSURE BUILDUP PRELIMINARY FLOW TEST AT 1,926 FEET Date .Time Wellhead Pressure (psiq) 8/22/83 8:30 a.m.0 8/22/83 3:00 p.m.15 6:00 p.m.27 8/23/83 7:00 a.m.38 9:15 p.m.42 On August 23 at 9:15 p.m.,the valve was opened and "dirty”water began flowing immediately at a very low rate.For the next 15 hours,the well flow was intermittent or "slug flow"that was characterized by periods of steam flow,periods of flow of a mixture of hot water and steam,and by periods of no flow.Table 6 is descriptive. X-23 TABLE 6 MEASURED PARAMETERS MAKUSHIN ST-1 FLOW TEST AT 1,926 FEET Wellhead Flow Pressure Wellhead Rate Cl Date Time (psiq)Temp.(°C)(1pm)Fluid (mq/1) 8/23 10:00 p.m.4 96.7*11 S&W 625 11:00 3.5 96.7*VW Saw 625 11:10 SHUT IN ¥1:11 16 13:12 17.5 13:13 20 11:14 22.5 11:15 25 11:16 28 W:17 29.5 11:20 29.5 8/24 2:00 a.m.WELL OPENED 3:00 NA 96.7 WI Saw 4:00 WELL SHUT IN 6:14 32 6:15 WELL OPENED 6:16 0 0 None 6:17 4 0 None 6:18 4 0 None 6:21 6.5 2 W 6:25 3 W 6:28 1 S 6:33 0 0 6:35 0 98.3 15 W&S 7:00 0 98.3 15 W&S 7:20 Throttled Well Back for Gas Sampling 7:21 21 124.4 0 S 7:30 REOPENED WELL 12:30 p.m.0 98.3 9.5 W&S 7000 1:30 SHUT WELL IN *Measured at end of blooie line S -Steam W -Water X-24 4.Preliminary Test No.3 -1,949-Foot Depth On the afternoon of August 25,while coring ahead with NQ tools at 1,946 feet,circulation was lost and the drill string suddenly fell three feet,causing the water swivel and the NQ bit to break.After repairing the swivel,reestablishment of circulation was unsuccessfully attempted. The size of the void and the loss of circulation clearly indicated that a large,permeable zone had been intersected,and a deciy 'sion wasthereforemade'to conduct a preliminary flow test.The driqi pipe and bit were removed from the well and the well was shut in at 2:40 p.m.to allow buildup of temperature and pressure.The wellhead pressures recorded during the buildup are listed below in Table 7. TABLE 7 SURFACE PRESSURE READINGS PRIOR TO INITIAL 1,949-FOOT PRELIMINARY FLOW TEST a-_3oDate Wellhead Pressure (psiq) 8/25 0 3 3 9 13 23 23ooefPUWUOODOWSNAOoogcooa]e3e8/26 IHWIUADPY)3eoe0808ofAt 7:45 a.m.on August 26,the wellhead valves were opened and the pressure immediately bled to 0 psig as the well unloaded muddy water and steam.The well then continued to flow intermittently,producing 5-to 10-gallon "heads"every 5 to 8 minutes for approximately one hour.The highest temperature recorded was 206°F.The well then ceased to flow and was shut in at 10:00 a.m. At 2:00 p.m.,when the wellhead pressure had risen to 25 psig,the master valves were again opened and the well flowed for one hour in a fashion similar to that exhibited during the preceding test.The maximum X-25 wellhead temperature was 208°F.Maximum reading thermometers were run down the hole and 315°F was measured at a depth of 680 feet.At the 1,949-foot total depth,two successive runs recorded 388°F and 395°F. The well was shut in at 4:00 p.m. On August 27 at 7:40 a.m.,the wellhead pressure had increased to 33.5 psig.The well was opened for a third time and immediately flowed some steam and water.After about one minute of modest flow,a very strong flow of steam and water began and continued until the well was shut in at 10:40 a.m.The flowing wellhead pressures and temperatures are listed itn Table 8.The flow rate was visually estimated at 30,000+Ib/hr. TABLE 8 FLOWING WELLHEAD PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 1,949-FOOT PRELIMINARY FLOW TEST (THIRD TEST -8/27) Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Time (psiq)(°F)Time (psiq)(°F) 7:43 a.m.12 230 9:10 a.m.==19-1/2 245 7:45 13 230 9:25 20 247 7:48 16 235 9:55 19-1/2 247 7:55 18-172 240 10:20 19-1/2 248 8:10 18-172 242 10:30 20 250 8:30 19 245 10:40 20 250 8:55 19-1/2 245 On August 27,at the conclusion of the preliminary flow test of the fracture at 1,949 feet in Makushin ST-1,a sample of the flashed liquid was collected for chemical analysis.The analytical results were required to confirm the reservoir type and to meet stipulations of the permit to discharge flow-test fluids. X-26 While Republic's geochemists collected the required liquid sample at the end of the bloote line,wellhead temperature and pressure were measured at 250°F (121°C)and 20 psig,respectively.Three samples were gathered: 1.A 250 ml sample of flashed,untreated liquid; 2.A 250 mi sample of flashed,untreated liquid which was acidi- fied with nitric acid to a pH of approximately 2; 3.A 10 ml sample of flashed,untreated liquid to which was added 100 ml of creek water. The samples were sealed in acid-washed,deionized water-rinsed poly- ethylene bottles and airfreighted to Anchorage for immediate analysis. Buildup pressures recorded from shut in through August 31 are reported in Table 9. TABLE 9 BUILDUP PRESSURES PRELIMINARY FLOW TEST AT 1,949 FEET Time After SI Wellhead Pressure Date Time (Hrs:Min)(psig) 8/27 10:40 a.m.0 20 10:44 204 48 10:47 :07 55 10:49 :09 61 10:57 217 58 11:09 229 55 17:40 1:00 50 4:30 p.m 5:50 52-1/2 8:00 9:20 55 8/28 8:45 a.m 22:05 71 9:45 23:05 72 1:45 p.m.27:05 713 7:45 33:05 719 8/29 7:00 a.m 44:20 89 3:00 p.m 52:20 92 8/30 9:00 a.m 70:20 102 8/31 8:00 a.m.93:20 108 G.Resource Delineation Hole Drilling Deferred The drilling of a 2,000-foot-deep resource delineation hole near Sugar loaf Cone was originally a part of the Unalaska Geothermal Project 1983 work plan.Because the drilling of Makushin ST-1 required approximately one month more than anticipated,insufficient time was available to move the drilling rig and drill the resource delineation hole prior to the end of the very short summer field season.Accordingly,this hole was not drilled in 1983,but deferred,pending additional decisions by the Alaska Power Authority. X-28 STAGE XI -PRODUCTION WELL TEST A.Preliminary Reservoir Fluid Analysis The chemical analyses of the samples collected during the preliminary flow test at 1,949 feet are presentedas Table 10.The analyses indicate that the fracture at 1,949 feet yields a liquid whose chemical composition is dominated by Na cations and Ci anions.Ions of Na and Cl cannot be trans- ported in a steam/vapor phase below approximately 750°F because the maximum static temperature measured in Makushin ST-1 is 379°F,the measured Na and C1 values indicate that the resource is liquid-dominated.This determination dictated the design of a two-phase facility for the production flow test. The salinity of the flashed geothermal fluid was also significantly less than assumed for obtaining permits to discharge the fluid into the river.This, combined with high river flow rates,meant that the fluid could be discharged to the river. . TABLE 10 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF FLASHED FLUID MAKUSHIN ST-1 1,949-FOOT PRELIMINARY FLOW TEST (mg/1 unless noted) Sample Date 8-27-83 Time 10:30 a.m. $109 594 Fe .10 Ca 145 Mg 0.14 Na 1,920 K 122 HCO3 55 C03 <1 $04 100 C1 3,250 F 1.4 As 12 B 65 XI-1 B.Test Facilities and Instrumentation Logistical considerations severely limited the type of test facilities and instrumentation which could cost-effectively be employed to test Makushin ST-1.A relatively simple two-phase orifice meter and James tube*were installed at the end of a flow line to measure the flow rate.Figure 3 is a schematic representation of the test facility configuration.Upstream and downstream orifice pressures were recorded continuously with a differential pressure flow meter.James tube lip pressure was measured continuously and manually recorded at frequent intervals using a carefully pre-calibrated test quality gauge.Pressure and temperature were also recorded frequently at the wellhead and elsewhere in the system using conventional gauges. In the absence of a separator or weir,it was necessary to estimate the fluid enthalpy to calculate a flow rate from the James tube pressure.This was done using the two-phase orifice pressure drop data and/or by estimation from the measured pre-flash flowing wellbore temperature adjusted for esti- mated uphole heat losses. Downhole pressure and temperature were measured using conventional Amerada instruments modified for high temperature service.Two elements of each type were available and each was calibrated before and after testing. Temperature elements with a 200 to 500°F range,sensitivity of one part in 2,000,and accuracy of +2°F were employed.Pressure elements with a 0 to 4,000 psig range,one part in 2,000 (+2 psig)sensitivity,and +8 psig accu- racy were used. *See James,Russell (1980),"A Choke-Meter for Geothermal Wells Which Measures Both Enthalpy and Flow,"Geothermal Energy,May 1980,pp.27-30 for complete description. XI-2 FIGURE 3 MAKUSHIN WELL TEST EQUIPMENT LIPRECORDERPRESSURE ?M yee -_x =-TAMES - cuuries!TUBE WELLHEAD TL.SAMPLES 7 BYPASS Although these pressure elements are the standards used throughout the geothermal industry,their inherent greater inaccuracy and insensitivity in the low pressure,0 to 500 psig range,later proved to be a major problem. However,it should be noted that the initial planning was for reservoir pres- sures of about 1,600 psig (hydrostatic pressure at 4,000+feet T.D.).Even when testing was initiated,about 900 psig was anticipated (1,950 feet T.0., 100+psig shut-in wellhead pressure).The reservoir ultimately proved to be substantially below hydrostatic pressure and was so productive that little or no pressure drawdown could be generated at the maximum rate flowable up the smal]wellbore.This meant that all pressure measurements were in the low, insensitive end of the instrumentation range and differentials were near or less than the stated accuracy limits of the instruments. When the critical value of instrumentation sensitivity and accuracy in the 0 to 500 psig range was recognized after the first surveys,the end of the summer operating season was near.Delay of the testing for the few weeks necessary to locate,modify (for geothermal use),and calibrate new instru- ments in this range was not economically or logistically feasible. C.Flow Test Measurements 1. Temperature/Pressure and Rate The flow test plan was a simple one consisting of:.1)initial static pressure/temperature (P/T)profile and bottomhole surveys;2)flow until stable at the highest practical rate with bottomhole P/T measure- ments;3)flow at a reduced rate until stable with bottomhole P/T measurements during the rate change;4)shut in and buildup with two pressure instruments on bottom;and 5)final static P/T surveys.Instru- ments could not be in the hole during the initial flow period because of the danger of "floating"in the small hole,which could not be evaluated until the rate was known.Extreme turbulence in the two-phase flow region also prevented any meaningful data from being measured above the flash point during flow. XI-4 The detailed "raw”data from all the surveys run are contained in Appendix G.Figure 4 shows static pressure traverses measured in Makushin ST-1 before (Run 1)and after (Run 7)the flow period.Figure 5 shows corresponding static temperature data.At the selected bottomhole datum of 1,900 feet,a substantially subhydrostatic initial pressure of 478 psig was measured.After the flow,Element No.21367 returned to 473 psig,which is essentially the same as the initial pressure within the rated accuracy of the instrument.However,Element No.22407 was lower by about 20 psig.This element (No.22407)suffered severe buffet- ing in the two-phase zone on its initial run into the well while flowing (Run 3)and is suspect in all its subsequent measurements (even though it recalibrated "OK"after the test).Both temperature runs are in reason- able agreement with a bottomhole temperature of 379°F at 1,900 feet. The most striking feature of the static surveys is the presence of a gas zone above 900 feet,both before and after the flow.Steam appar- ently refluxes up to about 300 feet,with a noncondensable gas (>95% C0.)"cap"above that.A maximum stable shut-in wellhead pressure of 142 psig has been measured during the subsequent five months.This high shut-in pressure can only be attributable to noncondensable gas evolution from the shallow steam zone,inasmuch as the noncondensables measured in the flowing fluid were extremely low (<300 ppm).Apparent differences in the gas zone pressure between runs may be attributable to the erratic response of the elements in this low pressure range,to variable shut-in time,or to slight pressure leak-off at the lubricator packing upon ini- tiation of each run. Two additional features of the static temperature surveys deserve comment.The cooling anomaly in Run 1 at about 700 feet probably reflects the continuous loss of drilling fluids to the lost circulation zone at 672 feet.The apparent cooling in the wellbore above 1,600 feet after the flow (Run 7)is extremely puzzling.Flashing was always above XI-5 9-IXSTATIC PRESSURE PROFILES DEPTH(FEET)500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 0 FIGURE 4 RUN NO.1 ELEMENT NO.21367 RUN NO.7 . ELEMENT NO.22407 100 200 300 400 PRESSURE (PSIG) BGI EIAJ0 L-IXSTATIC TEMPERATURE PROFILES DEPTH(FEET)FIGURE 5 500 -- 750 }-- 1000 }- 1250 f-- 1600 F- RUN NO.1 RUN NO.7 ELEMENT NO.10617 !!!i Lo ELEMENT NO.10617 275 300 325 350 375 400 TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) BGI E1475 1,000 feet,as shown by the existence of liquid (hydrostatic)gradients (Figure 6)and nearly isothermal temperature (only a 2.5°F decrease)in the wellbore during flow from 1,900 feet to at least this depth (i.e., 1,000 feet). The test rate/wellhead pressure history is shown schematically on Figure 7 along with the downhole pressures measured at the 1,900-foot datum throughout the test.The actual recorded data from surface instru- mentation (orifice differentials,James tube lip pressures,wellhead temperature and pressure,etc.)are tabulated versus time in Appendix H. Wellhead pressure declined from 108 psig to a stable 36 psig within 15 minutes of opening the well.The rate stabilized at 47,000 1b/hr in the same 15-minute period.Calculations showed that at this rate,the well was limited by reaching critical mass velocity at the orifice (Appendix I).Only minor perturbations associated with running the Amerada instruments in and out were experienced thereafter.The flowing pressure (Run 3)measured at 1,900 feet several hours after opening the well was stable.The absolute value of the indicated drawdown of 25 to 30 psig is suspect (Element No.22407),however,because (as previously noted)the element was possibly damaged during the run-in through the two-phase zone and later returned to a "static”value which was about 20 psig low.The same element 19 hours later (Run 4)again indicated stability,but 5 psig higher. Upon lowering the rate to 34,700 lb/hr (Appendix I),the wellhead pressure rose to 52 psig within five minutes and was stable until shut in.The downhole pressure (Run 4)showed no change for over an hour after the rate change and then went down about 1 psig (No.22407),rather than up as would be expected.While the absolute pressure magnitudes are suspect,both pressure elements also exhibited this phenomena of ini- tially declining pressure upon shut-in (Run 6).Both elements exhibit similar character during the buildup,first declining one to two hours XI-8 6-IXFIGURE 6 FLOWING PRESSURE PROFILES 0 250 t 500 }- =750 lu us &=1000 }- - Qa a 1250 |-RUN NO.5 ELEMENT NO.21367 1500 } RUN NO.3 1750 }-ELEMENT NO.22407 L |{L20009100200300400 500 PRESSURE (PSIG) BCI E1472 OL-IXFIGURE 7 MAKUSHIN ST-1 UNALASKA ISLAND FLOW TEST HISTORY AND PRESSURE AT 1900 FEET (8/31/83 THROUGH 9/5/83)FLOWRATE(LB/HRX1000)WELLHEADPRESSURE(PSIG)SVSSTETTSSCSSSTSESOTSHETROESEPRESSURE(PSIG)nyNoaoi-a©°480 460 -SHUT IN """3 HIGH RATE FLOW|_LOW RATE FLOW SHUT IN (BUILO UP)-_] @ wi 0°JAMES TUBE |)2.0"JAMES TUBE necccencnecees -:2.6"ORIFICE 1.75"ORIFICE cecnccccnncnscsosonre®a :goesnsscoaeee® |e Ld s a e -_ s pc ensaneeseszecasesseaczasssé - senseseasenessenaaus |- -- = INSTRUMENT ON BOTTOM ween POSTULATED RESPONSE rs)See wenn mmm zest,z - .tt EMENT NO.21367 ween ee eee ee ne+3 z -----5--_--------= ig 2 SE ee wae wm *2 |ELEMENT NO.22407 5 ©___|a za le as wna nmoaaneaannm iva me wee mae en GPLizes-é =wom 2 $42«||[é ||||1 0 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 120 TIME (HOURS) BGL E1473 after shut-in,then flattening and then rising slowly for many hours, with a curious more rapid rise in the last three hours.The static sur- vey (Run 7),a day later showed that no further pressure increase had occurred. 2.Collection of Samples for Chemical Analysis The Republic geochemists collected 45 aqueous and gas samples from Makushin ST-1 during the flow tests conducted between September 1,1983 and September 5,1983.Table 11 identifies these samples and contains relevant comments regarding conditions at the time of collection.While Republic was sampling,visiting chemists from the DGGS and USGS collected additional large suites of gas and aqueous samples for analysis and study at their respective institutions. During the flow test,samples were collected at the bloote line and at an in-line separator.The blooie line samples were gathered by hold- ing a polyethylene container under the discharge end of the pipe.Orop- lets of flashed liquid which fell into the container were combined into one sample.This sample was subdivided,with each subdivision treated as discussed below for sample preservation. The in-line separator consisted of a sealed,4-inch nipple welded on top of the flow line pipe.Access to the in-line separator chamber was through a 1/4-inch stainless steel probe inserted through a ball valve in the nipple.The probe was attached to coiled stainless steel tubing of 1/4-inch diameter during sampling of liquids and to a 1/8-inch tube during the gas sampling.The depth of probe insertion was carefully controlled while sampling,with gas samples being collected near the top of the flow line and liquid samples near the bottom.The coiled tubing could be cooled in a cold water bath,or alternatively,be left at ambi- ent temperatures.Table 17 indicates the technique used for each sample. XI-11 ZL-IXTABLE 11 SAMPLES FROM MAKUSHIN ST-1 COLLECTED FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Sampling Sampling Reducer Press. Sampling Sampling Sampling Sample Sampling .Pressure Temp.(psig) Date Time Medium Number &Type Location (psig)(°F)Start;Finish 8/24/83 6:30 a.m,Water 0630A Bloote 0 209 8/24/83 12:30 p.m.=Water 1230 A,B,E Bloote 0 209 9/1/83 6:00 Water 1700 AC,BC,EC Top;.Middle 29 273 9/1/83 8:00 Gas 2015 Nall Top;Top 29 274 5 8 9/2/83 8:00 a.m.Gas 0800 adit Top;Top 30-1/2 274 §-1/2 6-1/2 9/2/83 9:00 Steam Cond.Steam Cond.Top;Top 30-3/2 274 §-1/2 5-1/2 9/2/83 10:00 Water 1000 A,8,€Top;Middle 29-1/2 272 9/2/83 14:00 Water 4100 AC,BC,EC Top;Middle 29-1/2 272 9/2/83 4:00 p.m.Water 1600 C1 Top Top;Top 50-54 295 9/2/83 4:00 Water 1605 Cl 1/4 Tops Top 1/2 50-54 295 9/2/83 4:00 Water 1615 Cl Middle Top;Middle 50-54 295 9/2/83 4:00 Water 1625 Cl Bottom Top;Bottom 50-54 295 9/2/83 4:45 Water 1645 AC ,BC EC Top;Bottom 50-54 295 9/2/83 §:00 Water 1705 A,B,€,Top;Bottom 50-54 295 9/2/83 §:30 Steam Cond.1730 Gas Cl Top;Top 50-54 295 3-1/2 3-1/2 9/2/83 6:00 Gas 1800 Na0il Top;Top 50-54 295 3-3/2 6-1/2 9/2/83 6:05 Gas 1800 NaOl,B Top;Top 50-54 295 3-1/2 6-1/2 9/3/83 7:30 a.m.=Water Creek Water 9/3/83 8:00 Steam Cond.0800 Gas NaOH Top;Top 50-54 298 5 5 9/3/83 8:00 Steam Cond,0800 Gas Nadi Top;Top 50-54 298 5 5 9/3/83 8:15 Steam Cond.0815 NaOH Top;Top 50-54 298 5 5 9/3/83 8:30 Gas 0830 NaOlt Top;Top 50-54 298 5 5 9/3/83 6:35 Gas 0835 Natt Top;Top 50-54 298 4 ? 9/3/83 9:00 Water 0900 Cl Top Top;Top 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:05 Water 0900 Cl 1/4 Top;Top 1/4 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:08 Water 0900 Cl Middle Top;Middle 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:12 Water 0900 Cl Bottom .Top;Bottom 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:15 Water 0915 AC,6C,EC Top;Bottom 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:20 Water 0920 Nadit Top;Bottom §0-54 298 9/3/83 9:20 Water 0920 Na0H Top;Bottom 50-54 298 9/3/83 9:45 Water 0945 A,B,E Top;Bottom §0-54 298 9/3/83 10:15 Water 1015 NaOH Liq.Top;Bottom 50-54 298 9/5/83 6:00 p.m.Water 1800 A,B8,£Bloote 9/5/83 6:10 Water 1800 NaOli Blooie 9/5/83 6:15 Isotope 1800 Bloofe Notes:A +Untreated and Unfiltered Sample 8 Acidified (1IN03)and Unfiltered Sample E 10ml Sample ald to 100m)of Creek Water C =Cooled through Coaling Coil Nadi -Standard NaOH Solution Top -Top of 4"Flow Pipe Top 1/4 -1"Below Top of 4°Flow Pipe Middle -Middle of 4"Flow Pipe Bottom -Near Bottom of 4"Flow Pipe Notes Bomb may have leaked during sampling Bath Temp.140°F Water used fn NaOlt &Type E Standards Bath Temp.85°F Start Sml,End Liq.32m),end gas 37m) Start Sml,End Liq.32-1/2m1,End gas 38m) Bomb leaked Bath Temp.95°F Start 10m),End Liq.55ml,Gas 61m) Start 10m),End Lig.45m),Gas 50m! 25ml NaOH,Filled Bottle 10m)NaOll,66m1 Sample Separation efficiency was tested several times during the flow test by collecting cooled samples from the top and the bottom of the flow Tine.When analyzed,the chloride (C1)values in these samples indicated that the separator efficiency ranged between 82 and 99 percent,with very limited carry-over of water. In order to determine flowing conditions inside the discharge line, traverses were made from top to bottom using the probe to collect samples for Cl analysis.The distribution of Cl values (Table 12)indicate that two-phase,stratified flow prevailed during the entire flow test,with a steam and noncondensable gas layer overlying a liquid layer.Because this type of flow,with distinct phase separation,commonly occurs in geothermal.flow tests,care must be exercised in selecting sampling points so as to assure valid analytical results. TABLE 12 CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS AT ONE-INCH INTERVALS DOWN THROUGH MAKUSHIN ST-1's FOUR-INCH DISCHARGE PIPE C1 Concentrations (mg/1) Inches Below Top Time:4:00 p.m.Time:9:00 a.m. of Pipe Date:9-2-83 Date:9-3-83 0 648 42 J 1610 1103 2 1785 1733 4 3588 2958 For the duration of the flow test,aqueous samples were repeatedly collected by Republic's geochemists in three aliquots: 1.A 250 ml sample of untreated liquid for pH,Na,K,HCO C1,SO,,F,B,and Br analyses; 3 604, 4' X1-13 2.A 250 ml sample of liquid which was acidified with nitric acid to a pH of approximately 2,and analyzed for Ca,Mg,Li,heavy metals and trace elements; 3.An unfiltered 10 ml sample which was added to 100 mi)of snowmelt and used for $10,analysis. In addition,a few samples of flashed liquid were collected in Na0H solutions and saved for c0.,HCO.,and CO,analyses.Table 11 lists all of the samples collected,their collection method,and their preservation method. Gas samples were collected in glass gas bombs previously evacuated except for a quantity of NaOH solution.The gas bombs were connected to a 1/8-inch diameter,water-cooled,stainless steel coil that was attached to the sample probe.When the probe was inserted into the top of the flow line,the separator worked well and permitted collection of rela- tively uncontaminated steam and noncondensable gases.Table 11 lists the gas sampling times,conditions,and methods. All samples were packed in sturdy shipping cases to prevent break- age,transported to the Republic office in Los Angeles,then sent to selected laboratories for chemical analyses. XI1-14 STAGE XII -DATA INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS Geological Conclusions 1.Geology The primary objective of the second (1983)project field season on Unalaska Island was the drilling of an exploratory well capable of pro- ducing and characterizing geothermal fluids.As originally conceived, the project was to drill a full-size geothermal production well in the second field season.When this plan became too expensive to undertake with the funds available,a "slim"stratigraphic test hole (Makushin ST-1)was programmed and designed to be drilled to a maximum of 4,000 feet.This was the maximum depth capability of the drilling rig, although Republic's geologists suspected that a reservoir could exist anywhere below approximately 1,500 feet,based on analysis of the tem- peratures recorded in temperature gradient hole E-1,drilled in the summer of 1982. Drilling of Makushin ST-1 originally began on June 16,1983 and proceeded to 172 feet by June 19.The well penetrated tuff and tuffaceous conglomerate to 46 feet,below which it entered a _Jlahar (volcanic mudflow debris)composed of large blocks of basalt,andesite, and dacite in a rubbly matrix of ash and cobbles of assorted rock types including diorite.Below 98 feet the ground mass of the lahar was argillicly altered to green and white clays. At a depth of 141-1/2 feet,the well crossed the unconformable con- tact between the lahar and the underlying diorite pluton whose outcrop is only a few hundred feet west of the drill site.The drilled diorite is gray,highly fractured and altered (clay,calcite,and pyrite minerals), with open vugs lined with terminated quartz crystals.The well was still XIT-1 in diorite at 172 feet when,during operations designed to increase the diameter of the hole,driiling tools failed,which ultimately necessi- tated abandonment of the hole.The initial well has been designated Makushin ST-1A.After abandonment of the initial well,the drill rig was moved approximately 20 feet west and Makushin ST-1 was again spudded on July 2,1983. The'lithology in Makushin ST-1 is the same as encountered in Makushin ST-1A down to a depth of 136 feet,at which point the diorite was penetrated 5-1/2 feet higher (Figure 8).This change in elevation of the top of the diorite reflects the steep,pre-ashflow glacial topography and is not considered to be due to faulting. From 136 feet to T.0.at 1,949 feet,Makushin ST-1 was drilled entirely within the diorite;the only other rock types recorded were rare xenoliths and younger diorite dikes locally transecting the host pluton. Although the lithology is quite monotonous,there are marked differences in the degree of fracturing,veining,and alteration found tn the dio- rite,all of which can be related to the geothermal regime. The dtorite in the upper 672 feet of Makushin ST-1 is highly altered,with clay and other cryptocrystalline minerals occurring throughout.It is fractured and cut by numerous veins of calcite, anhydrite,quartz,wairakite,and pyrite,with epidote often pervading both the ground mass and crosscutting veins (Photos #1 to #4).This argillic alteration phase of the diorite,with kaolinite common,ends just below the steam entry at 672 feet.Below this depth,alteration of the diorite to clay is very rare and is only found in localized veins. Below 676 feet the composition of the diorite is very uniform,with the only noticeable changes being the amount of chloritization,irregular changes in crystal size (fine-medium-coarse),and the number and spacing of fractures and veins.It is postulated that the high degree of argillic alteration in the upper part of the diorite may be the result of subaerial fumarolic activity subsequent to glacial erosion and prior to XII-2 DEPTH(FEET)FIGURE 8 MAKUSHIN ST-1 MAKUSHIN VOLCANO GEOTHERMAL PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA SPUD DATE:6/16/83 COMPLETION DATE:9/6/83 LOCATION:__N1,180,149.3 E4,971,889.5 ELEVATION:1,183 FEET ALTERATIONLITHOLOGYDESCRIPTIONANDMINERALIZATION TULPACEOus |REWORKED FINE-COARSE GAAINED TUFF WITH VOLCANIC CONGLOMERATE LENSES.CONGOmeRare |POORLY CONSOLIDATED,ORANGE BROWN, GREEN CLAY,CALCITE VEINS,WHITE Ca,ctGRAV-OK GRAY.POORLY SORTED WITH BLOCKS,COBBLES AND PEBSLES OF :>LAHAR ANDESITE AND OIORITE IN VERY FING GREEN-GRAY MATRIX,Petree CRAY.LOCALLY MINOR x MINOR PYRITE AND CALCITE.SOME Ce .GRAY,HIGHLY ALTERED TO KAOLINITE ANO MONTMORILLONITE.HIGHLY LOGAL PYRITE ACCUM,ga200Bet}FRACTURED SOTH HORIZONTALLY ANO VERTICALLY.COMMON WHITE ANO MARCASSITE?pe”gs GREEN CLAYS.OCCASIONAL VUGS WITH TERMINATED GUAATZ CRYSTALS.AGUNDANT PYRITE 231-38",OW ph pm)BELOW 23F LESS FRACTURED,LESS CLAY ANO ALTERATION,FINE-GRAINED . eo +e eo DIORITE DIOAITE WITH LOCAL %*-2"VEINS AT VARIOUS ANGLES.PYRITE LOCALLY ANDO LESS AGUNO,aceoeeee 300 io oJ .°ca a io 2 >oe eee GRAY DIORITE,MASSIVE AS AGOVE,FRACTURES EVERY FOOT,PREDOM.NO CLAY,OISSEM.PYRITE,QUARTZ a.a,P je +o +e ©45-78°TO CORE AXIS,AT 338-41"SEVERAL 8”LONG MAPIC XENOLITHS.AND ANHYO.iN VEINS ANO VUGS"ZG le ee ee”VEINS EVERY 2 FT..LOCAL MAGNETITE RICH BLES,SOME 7°XENOLITHS.commen aaceBORN®,400 oar re ee ee LT GRAY WITH ASUNOANT MICROVEINE.FRACTURES EVERY FT.BOANITE.GACleacdCJoJ7p,J oe ee al FIRST E.BORNITE.aed>eee LESS FRACTURES THAN ABOVE,FRACTURES EVERY 2 FT.1”CLAY ZONE AT a.500 oe @ -448",AT 479.5 MAGNETITE AICH ZONE WITH A,SPIN SRECCIA-LIKE TEXTURE. rs OIORITEwawaranras GRAY-OK GRAY,ALTERED WITH VEINS,VUGS AND FRACTURES EVERY 2 FT.,1 COMMON LOCALLY,CHALCOPYRITS ee.a oo ee PRECOM.HIGH ANGLE.MAGNETITE RICH ZONE AT 522.5°.PRESENT.A,Ca e >Ld * 600 eS MEDIUM-OK GRAY LOCALLY,PARTIALLY CHLORITIZED,MORE THAN ABOVE. >°°a °eo °4 *7 Peel k4 ok AS ABOVE.WITH BRECCIA AT 622-26","<”APLITIC DIKE AT 644°,OK GRAY MEDIUM ARGILLICALT.AT 662-670 AT STEAM Ca,0,&7 7 oe +GRAINEO WITH MINOR CHLORITIZATION.ABUNOANT VEINS AND FRACTURES.ENTRY Z Pak700----"STEAM ENTAY AT 677 -2090 LOS/HR.AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. oe +©a °°°>°°e+e ©Ca ANO O VEINS.P AND E LOCALLY waerere”OIORITE =|LIGHT-MEDIUM GREENISH GRAY.FING-MEDIUM GRAINED,PROPYLITIZED WITH MINOR |AND IN GROUNOMASS.PAG 800 PRACTURES FROM 4!|HOCK DENSE ANO HAAD,FRACTURES LESS COMMON, "2 EPISODES OF VEIN FILLING PRESENT A,ca,€,Occ.MEOIUM-COARSE GRAIN.OLO SRECCIA 752-61'.a eee OO ES OF a ca, -¢©@ et eee MORE MECIUM GRAINED SUT VAAIES FROM FINE-COARSE.GENERALLY MASSIVE,FRACTURES ANO VUGS WITH Co,cA 900 MONOTONOUS WITH OCCASIONAL THIN VEINS OR FAACTURES EVERY 2-3 FT.QUARTZ,A,FING OFSSEM.P.ae {SINE GRAINED,LIGHT GRAY GREEN OIKES CUT CORE AT S79 AND 882.5". .INCREASED VEINING ANO YOUNG DEVELOPING FRACTURES 886-050".cf CJ>°°od *.oe ee ow aoa *+@©©>1,000 ASHANITICOIORITE DIKES AT 9087,1008.8",1012.5"and 1017 MARKED LACK OF Cl.ce7eFRACTURan***cohd DIORITE °oe TR,EP.ep oe ©©©ca1,100 MEIOUM-OK GRAYISH GREEN.MASSIVE AS ABOVE.MEDIUM-COARSE GRAINED,A aa °°+FEW THIN VEINLETS.INCREASE IN CHLORITE AS COARSE CRYSTALS.VERY FINE DISSEM.P.»,ca, *++@ ©VERY DARK GREEN,APHANITIC XENOLITHS 1057-59",1066-67",1005-96",1099.5-1100",MAJOR VEINS OF Ca,@.Ct..4 CHLORITE OECREASE.XENOLITH 1100-1107.VERY OK GREEN APHANTIC.4"DIKE 123-29°ca7°*¢©©OF DIORITE PORPHYRY AT 1111.5"DIKE OR XENOLITH PORPHYRY 1129.5-34.THIN bags CALCITE-SILICA VEINS SCATTERED THROUGHOUT.DIKES OR XENOLITHS 1192-94,TA.PYRITE.a.1 »200 1194-96.MASSIVE OIORITE WITH FEW VEINS.FINE GRAINED,LIGHT GRAY DIKE AT PYRITE DISSEM.weleeeew1203CHLORITEMORECOMMON.COARSE GRAINED CIORITE.SEVERAL LIGHT oe ee al COLOREO DIKES,VEINLETS WITH CROSS-CUTTING RELATIONSHIPS,E WITH OIKE,Cl ALONG CONTACT OF 60.0..MASSIVE,MEDIUM-COARSE GAAINED DIORITE AS ASOVE,VERY UNIFORM.OK GRAYVISH|DIK@ AND DIORITE..&, oo vane ano FRACTURES 1-3 PER 10 FT.MARKED OGCREASE OVER SEVERAL (CORE VERY HOT TO TOUCH.)aca 1 |.1,300 mee ee DIORITE HUNORED FT.CALCITE VEINLETS,VERY THIN,cs oo A FEW Co VEINLETS.Ca od MASSIVE,MEDIUM-COARSE GRAIN,LOSING 25%OF CIRCULATION @ETWEEN 1350".TO 1429". 1 FOUR FRACTURES ANDO VEINS,HIGH ANGLE MASSIVE,MEDIUM-COARSE GRAINED,INNAGAR?RARE TR.1,400 veirenes MEDIUM-OK GRAY GREEN,SEVERAL SUSVERTICAL VEINS TO 1450".¢Hi oeca FEWER VEINS BELOW 1450",DIORITE AS ABOVE.VEINLETS VERY THIN,id o +4 ROCK VERY UNIFORM AS ASOVE.Pca1,500 SEVERAL FRACTURES FILLED WITHLoeoeeoPROPYLITIZED”CHLORITIC OIORITE AS AROVE.ORILLING MUD.ca "seo 1-2 FRACTURES PER 10 FT, iw °cd a GaoeeeMASSIVE,UNIFORM TEXTURE AND COLOR,MECIUM-COARSE GRAINEO.MEOIUM-OK -|CR ACTURES COATED WITH Ca AND r)ge tgn gs mee,OIORITE =|Gaay GREEN.aca1,600 -&eee es A FEW THIN CALCITE COATEO FRACTURES ANO VEINS.& bh ee we Qc67888”aca1,700 ee MARKED ASUNOANCE OF FRACTURES T716-68.0MASSIVEDIORITEASABOVE.OK avPsdOeOKGRAY,FINE GRAIN DIK§OR XENOLITH 1770-74".SILIGACALCITA FILLING VEINS ANO ace oe eo hos ee ca,A4,800 Prati DK GRAY GREEN,COARSE GRAINED DIORITE.COMMON VEINS,FRACTURES.QNE TR.EPID,FIRST EPID.IN 350"&oc Le ee FEWER FRACTURES.VUGS WITH TEAMINATED Q,A &caa a8 6 0 CRYSTALS.aAheeeeDIORITE=|massive,OK GRAY GREEN,MEDIUM-COARSE GRAINED.ac.& oo #©@ LOST TOTAL CIRCULATION AT 1916".REGAINED AFTER 10 MIN,SPHALERITE?IN VEIN.wy 1,900 ea MAJOR VEATICAL VEINS AND FRACTURES WITH QUARTZ,&.Ca Ce ,*K EPIDOTE LOST CIRCULATION AT 1926".STEAM/WATER ENTRY 20-40 LES.S.1-P.Ca,Chi VEINS.cao q A BIT OROPPED 3 FT,1348-40"WHILE ORILLING BLING.PROBAGLE LARGE Co,A VEINS,aa*K FRACTURE OR VOID.€ HOT WATER ENTRY FLOWED 50 000 LBS/HA.CA TOTAL MASS FLOW FROM 1949".TOTAL DEPTH.- NOTE:Q=QUARTZ,Ca =CALCITE,E =EPIDOTE,A =ANHYDRITE,P =PYRITE,K =KAOLINITE, Cl =CLAY,C =CHLORITE,Z =ZEOLITE,S =SULFUR,TR *TRACE,A/A =AS ABOVE XII-3 ><)FRACTURE ZONES26STEAMORWATERENTRY astcies PHOTO 1:Makushin ST-1 -143'(crossed nicols) Partially altered diorite,with minor carbonate crystals and crosscutting silica veins. XII-4 PHOTO 2:Makushin ST-1 -335'(crossed nicols) Contact between relatively unaltered diorite and a quartz-anhydrite vein. XII-5 PHOTO 4:Makushin ST-1 -623'(crossed nicols) Vein with radiating crystals of epidote and calcite. XII-7 burial by the lahar.This seems plausible since the lower portion of the lahar shows only minor argillic alteration near its contact with the diorite and because the types of clays (kaolinite and montmorillonite) and other alteration products (pyrite,quartz,calcite,anhydrite)found in the upper zone closely resemble those found in active Fumarole Fields #1,#2 and #3 (described in the Phase IA Final Reports previously submitted to the APA). The diorite below 676 feet is pervasively propylitized,massive, dense,and finely to coarsely crystalline.Vein and fracture inter- sections occur at irregular intervals with relatively high fracture and vein densities (Photos #5 to #9)occurring at the following depth inter- vals:886 feet to 950 feet;1,370 feet to 1,425 feet;1,716 feet to 1,756 feet;1,790 feet to 1,810 feet;and 1,895 feet to 1,949 feet.Several post diorite aphanitic to porphyritic,light-colored aplite dikes were encountered in the hole,as well as several zones mottled with xenoliths of fine-grained to aphanitic diorite or porphyritic andesite.Detailed descriptions of the diorite pluton,veins,xenoliths,and dikes can be found in Appendix C,which contains petrographic information developed by thin section analysis. The diorite below 676 feet is relatively unaltered (see Photos #6 and #9)except for the predominantly pyroxene mafic minerals.which are seen in thin sections to be ubiquitously altered to clays and chlorite. The plagioclases are generally unaltered,slightly calcitized and/or epidotized.This is in contrast to the situation in the upper 540 feet of diorite,in which the plagioclase crystals are highly corroded and replaced by silica,clay,calcite,and epidote.Strong alteration of the plagioclase in the rest of the well is only seen in proximity of fracture zones or hydrothermal veins of quartz,calcite,anhydrite,and epidote (see Photo #8),where the plagioclase crystals are often fractured or broken.A few millimeters away from these veins and fractures the plagioclase is commonly quite fresh in appearance and unfractured. XII-8 a PHOTO 6:Makushin ST-1 -1,318'(crossed nicols) Calcite vein in diorite,with anhydrite and epidote. XII-10 PHOTO 7:Makushin ST-1 -1,406'(crossed nicols) Detailed view of a 1/4”thick zoned vein with a quartz outer rim and anhydrite and carbonate deposition in the center,showing the different episodes of vein deposition. XII-11 PHOTO 8:Makushin ST-1 -1,785' Calcite and epidote vein in diorite. XII-12 The secondary mineralization in vugs and veins appears to be derived from a liquid-dominated system with the exception of the clay alteration assemblage in the upper 676 feet of the hole.The alteration of the rock to kaolinite and montmorillonite in the upper portion of the hole is the result of acid alteration related to the localized steam cap. Except for the calcite and pyrite,which may occur over a wide temperature range,the secondary minerals found in this well are repre- sentative of a hydrothermal system with temperatures in excess of 150°C. This is especially true in the zone above 676 feet which its dominated by quartz,anhydrite,calcite,epidote,and pyrite with traces of sulfur, chalcopyrite,and zeolites (see Photo #4). Between 676 feet and 1,750 feet,most of the veins are filled with calcite,though scattered veins of quartz or anhydrite were logged.The number and thickness of the veins cutting the diorite in this interval are also markedly reduced. Between 1,750 feet and 1,949 feet (T.D.),the number and thickness of the veins and fractures increase markedly.The composition of the secondary minerals also changes to dominantly quartz,anhydrite,pyrite, and epidote,although calcite ts still present as a minor component. The bulk of the diorite also becomes increasingly altered,although most of the alteration is still localized around the veins and fractures (see Photo #9),and is not as argillaceous or pervasive as it is above 676 feet. It should be noted that in several intervals the core contained veins which show crosscutting relationships (Photo #1)and veins which show at least two episodes of mineral deposition (Photo #7).Similar evidence of multiple episodes of fracturing and mineral deposition were also recognized in the gradient holes drilled in 1982.This multiple fracturing and deposition of minerals is direct evidence of continued XIT-14 tectonic activity.This is critical for the maintenance of hydrothermal systems,particularly when the resource comprises hydrothermal fluids that are produced from these refractured structures. In summary,it can be seen that there are at least three hydrologic regimes within the diorite of the Makushin ST-1 well as shown by the alteration and mineralogy of the veins and by fluid flow character- istics.The upper hydrologic zone,between 136 feet and 676 feet,is characterized by acid-type alteration,deposits of high temperature hydrothermal minerals,and production of steam from permeable fractures. The acid-sulfate alteration is caused by steam-rock interactions and is superimposed on the older deposits of quartz,anhydrite,calcite,and epidote.The lower,liquid-dominated intervals of the diorite show intense hydrothermal mineral deposition mostly limited to fractures that intersect a fairly unaltered bulk diorite. The intermediate hydrologic zone from 676 feet to 1,750 feet is essentially within a massive,slightly propylitized diorite showing very Tittle hydrothermal alteration or mineralization.Calcite is the domi- nant vein-filling mineral,though fracturing and veining are relatively scarce.No evidence for steam or hot water entries was found in this interval;quartz,epidote,and anhydrite were noticeably lacking.Per- meability and porosity are very low in this interval,although there are a few joints of limited permeability present. The deepest hydrothermal zone drilled from 1,750 feet to 1,949 feet (T.D.)is composed of highly fractured and increasingly altered diorite, with a marked increase in the number and thickness of veins,as well as a change to quartz,anhydrite,pyrite,and epidote as dominant secondary minerals.This zone is also characterized by open fractures and by production of a high temperature (379°F),liquid-dominated geothermal resource. XII-15 2.Whole Rock Geochemistry Geochemical logging of core samples from Makushin ST-1 has been undertaken in order to provide information on the distribution,effects, and nature of past or present thermal fluid migration in the vicinity of the well (Appendix 0D). The results of the geochemical logging confirm the information previously logged in temperature gradient holes 0-1,E-1,and I-1,namely that a single type of geochemical anomaly predominates in the rocks pene- trated by Makushin ST-1.The characteristic component of the anomaly is the spatially related association of Li-As-S enrichment.Additional locally prominent anomalous conditions,considered,in part,to be anom- aly "subtypes,”include Hg,F,and Mn enrichments.The consistency of the Li-As-S enrichment association and the nature of the other anomalies suggest that hydrothermal alteration in rocks near Makushin ST-1 devel- oped primarily under intermediate-pH or alkaline,water-dominated condi- tions. Principal geochemical logging results include tentative recognition of major to minor thermal fluid entries tn or near the following inter- vals:545 feet to 563 feet,657 feet to 686 feet,761 feet to 770 feet, 913 feet to 924 feet,987 feet to 1,006 feet,1,036 feet to 1,046 feet, 1,353 feet to 1,451 feet,1,716 feet to 1,726 feet,1,776 feet to 1,816 feet,1,906 feet to 1,926 feet,and 1,937 feet to 1,949 feet.Self- sealed or otherwise relatively impermeable rock overlying and/or sur- rounding these permeable zones was also tentatively recognized.Since the top of the present water table is at about 900 feet in Makushin ST-1, thermal fluid entries above that depth are tentatively classified as steam entries and those below that depth as hot water entries. XII-16 The geochemically identified zones with the greatest potential for significant hot-water entries correspond,in approximate order of impor- tance,to the depth intervals:1,937 feet to 1,946 feet,1,906 feet to 1,926 feet,1,776 feet to 1,816 feet,1,716 feet to 1,726 feet,and 1,353 feet to 1,451 feet. Much of the original permeability of the diorite above 500 feet in Makushin ST-1 has been eliminated by self-sealing related to anhydrite and silica deposition and by relatively strong pervasive alteration.The self-sealed rock appears to become essentially impermeable to geothermal fluids at about 350 feet,and overall probably constitutes an effective cap for the reservoir.Silica deposition probably also has caused rela- tively significant reductions in the permeability of rocks between 800 and 1,250 feet.Precipitation of the silica may be related to boiling of the geothermal brine near the water table and may be continuing presently. Geochemical logging indicates that the principal geothermal system in the vicinity of Makushin ST-1 and temperature gradient holes D-1 and E-1 is a high-temperature (T>392°F)water-dominated resource.The Makushin ST-1 logging results provide additional indications that parts of the target reservoir may be relatively shallow and that discovery potential is probably greatest for the area around temperature gradient hole E-1 and Makushin ST-1,and least (of the areas tested)for the area around temperature gradient hole I-1. 3.X-ray Diffraction Results for Makushin ST-1 In order to further define the hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage of the rocks encountered in Makushin ST-1,three selected samples were sent to SEM/TEC Laboratories for X-ray diffraction analy- ses.The samples were selected from the two production zones tested: 1)altered rocks itn the vicinity of the steam entry zone at 672 feet;and 2)vein and bulk alteration samples from the vicinity of the main geo- thermal fluid entry zone at 1,946 feet. XIT-17 The complete report of the analyses (Appendix J)shows:1)that the mineral assemblage from 672 feet consists of (secondary?)K-felspar, quartz,chlorite,pyrite,and possibly minor kaolinite and calcite; 2)that this mineral assemblage is characteristic of high temperature alteration,probably under neutral to slightly acidic conditions;and 3)that the 1,949-foot vein is characterized by euhedral hydrothermal alteration crystals of calcite and anhydrite,which are common hydro- thermal alteration minerals in active geothermal systems.The study also showed that the white-to-yellow surface coating mineral from the 1,949-foot vein appears to be iron-stained (pyrite?)sericite,which is a typical high-temperature,neutral-pH hydrothermal alteration mica. Production Test Conclusions 1.Reservoir Properties Any analysis of the transient pressure data described in Stage XI, Section 1.B.1.is speculative at best at this time because:1)the pres- sure drawdown achievable from this reservoir with a three-inch wellbore is slight;2)the response of Element No.22407 is suspect for the reasons previously mentioned;3)the apparently valid response of Element No.21367 is within the range of its rated accuracy (1.e.,+8 psig);and 4)some limited communication between the shallow steam zone at 672 feet and the main liquid reservoir (1,946 to 1,949 feet)exists,at least at the wellbore,and may be influencing the responses.For example,cross- flow from the liquid reservoir to the steam zone during shut-in and/or the action of the steam zone as a high compressibility "cap”on the liquid reservoir cannot be precluded.Such phenomena could yield compli- cated and/or suppressed transient pressure responses not really amenable to interpretation with the limited available data. XII-18 Nonetheless,the data from Element No.21367 should be analyzable in principle,and may actually represent a valid reservoir response.Ata minimum,it is possible to calculate a productivity index (PI)and,from it,a permeability-thickness (kh)based on a porous media,radial flow model as follows: Pl=q_=kh P4-Pe (10.21)Bu in (re/rw) Where: q =34,700 Ib/hr (flow rate) Py-Pe =478-468 psig =10 psig (initial pressure-flowing pressure) B =1.14 (formation volume factor) u =0.14 cp (viscosity) In re/rw =9 (40-acre radial drainage assumed) (ratio of effective drainage radius to wellbore radius) PI =3,470 Ib/hr/psi =_kh14.67 kh 50,900 md-ft A linear flow model may be more appropriately applied to the Makushin fractured reservoir,but possible interpretations are highly sensitive to assumed fracture dimensions which are unknown.Attempts at matching/ analysis of the buildup data employing conventional type curves,etc., were unsuccessful. If the PI and kh calculated above are truly representative of the Makushin reservoir,and if the reservoir extent is as great as the general exploration data suggest,then highly productive commercial-size wells may be expected as development continues.Inasmuch as only one major fracture has as yet been penetrated,deepening is likely to yield even greater XII-19 productivity (more fractures)and possibly higher temperatures.It remains to be proven,of course,whether the reservoir properties encoun- tered in Makushin ST-1 prevail over a wide area.Only long-term testing and additional drilling can provide assurance that such is the case. Because of concerns about the instrumentation sensitivity/accuracy in this application,it 1s intended that testing the 1,946-foot to 1,949-foot interval over a longer period during the summer of 1984 will be performed employing a quartz crystal pressure transducer and capillary tube in order to at least resolve the instrumentation ambiguities. 2.Wellbore Flow Characteristics Estimation of individual well flow potential for commercial opera- tions requires the fundamental assumption that an extensive reservoir can be represented by the fluid properties,initial pressure,temperature,and productivity index derived from the slim hole data described above.Given this as a basis,then a wellbore flow model yielding wellhead pressure versus rate must first be validated against the measured slim hole condi- tions.Once a match is achieved,then wellhead pressure versus rate curves for various commercial-size wellbore configurations may be gener- ated and related to appropriate power cycles with some degree of con- fidence. The flow simulator used for this study was developed by Intercomp* and has been used extensively by the industry for geothermal and geopres- sured wellbore flow calculations for several years. See "Vertical Steam-Water Flow in Wells With Heat Transfer,"Scientific Software -Intercomp,February 1982,for complete description. XIT-20 It is a commercially available,vertical,multiphase flow simulator which incorporates treatment for variable well diameter with depth,heat losses, and noncondensable gases.The "nominal”commercial well conditions assumed were as follows: Initial Pressure Bottomhole Temp. Salinity CO Content 300 ppm Productivity Index 3,470 Ib/hr/psi 13-3/8 inch casing to 1,750 feet 12-1/4 inch open hole to 1,900 feet 478 psig @ 1,900 feet 379°F @ 1,900 feet 6,000 ppm TDS The slim hole "match"of measured versus calculated conditions is shown on Figure 9.Although slightly imperfect,further work to improve the match is not warranted given the uncertainties inherent in the basic data at this stage. Wellhead pressure versus flow rate curves for various commercial- size wellbore configurations yielded curves like that of Figure 10 for a well with 13-3/8-inch casing using the "matched"reservoir conditions. The calculated potential rates and pressures are quite acceptable for geothermal power generation,with a maximum rate in excess of 900,000 lb/hr indicated for this case.Appendix K contains a typical input/output summary of one of the simulation runs. Results from these wellbore flow calculations,while generally very encouraging,indicate caution is warranted.Because of the substantially subhydrostatic pressure in this reservoir,as well as the relatively low temperature and carbon dioxide content,the wells are on the margin of not being able to initiate and sustain flow without assistance.If long- term flow should result in even a small average reservoir pressure decrease,then pumping the wells would have to be considered.While not a major technological problem,pumping would be a very undesirable com- plication for such a remote and logistically complicated location.If deepening adds even a few degrees of temperature,then this potential problem can likely be avoided. XII-21 FIGURE 9 MAKUSHIN ST<1 , PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE PROFILES CALCULATED vs.OBSERVED DEPTH(ft)or-4 v A A 500 CALCULATED 'CALCULATEDPRESSURETEMPERATURE' \ '1000F 5 8 | & 1500+: ©OBSERVED PRESSURE . RUNS3&4 2000F- ©OBSERVED TEMPERATURE RUN 5 29500 |||{| Q 100 200 300 400 500 PRESSURE,psig OR TEMPERATURE,OF XTI-22 RGI E1523 €2-1IXWELLHEADPRESSURE-PSIA60 40 20 FIGURE 10 MAKUSHIN NOMINAL COMMERCIAL-SIZE WELL WELLHEAD PRESSURE vs.FLOWRATE 13-3/8 INCH CASING MAXIMUMFLOW||e 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 WELL FLOW -1000 LBS/HR 800 900 AGI E1624 C.Chemistry of Produced Fluids The chemical analyses of the aqueous samples collected from Makushin ST-1 are listed in Table 13,with detailed chemical work sheets located in Appen- dix L.The samples were collected during Preliminary Flow Test No.2 at 1,926 feet (8/24),Preliminary Flow Test No.3 at 1,949 feet (8/27),the beginning and end of the production well test at 1,949 feet (9/2 and 9/3), and during a short demonstration flow on 9/5/83. TABLE 13 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF FLASHED FLUIDS PRODUCED BY MAKUSHIN ST-1 Geothermometer Sample Desiqnations Date 8-24-83 8-24-83 8-27-83 9-2-83 9-3-83 9-5-83 Time 6:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.10:30 a.m.5:00 p.m.9:45 a.m.6:00 p.m. Sampling Temp.°F 208 208 212 295 298 212 $109 508 638 594 445 508 463 Fe 59 .02 -10 .03 17 .06 Ca 288 221 145 157 154 127 Mg .08 <.04 14 <.04 <.04 <.04 Na 3220 2730 1920 2160 2130 1770 K 440 377 122 285 284 246 HCO4 92.7 76 55 63.3 46.1 63.3 C03 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 $04 210 178 100 715.7 91.9 78.7 C1 5380 4670 3800 3690 3740 3180 F 2.01 1.81 1.4 |1.172 1.04 Li 15.5 10 --8.5 8.5 7.5 As 12.8 14.5 12 12.3 12.5 10.8 B 125 94.9 65 75.6 73.7 65.1 Br 15.8 15.1 42 2.7 12.8 9.5 pH 7.6 7.8 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.1 All complete Makushin ST-1 analyses have been checked for accuracy by utilizing the cation-anion balance method.The results of these ionic bal- ances (Appendix L)suggest that the analytical results are acceptable.One acidity analysis appears to be unbalanced,but this is a common problem with Tow pH waters. XIT-24 The six water analyses show total dissolved solids values for flashed samples that range from 6,000 to 11,300 mg/l.The thermal waters have pH values near neutral with the steam samples having a strong acid component. All of the flashed samples are an NaCl type water with significant concentra- tions of K,Ca,B,and As. 1.Geothermometers Geochemistry is useful in predicting temperatures of Jliquid- dominated geothermal reservoirs.Experience in developed geothermal fields has shown that several tonic concentrations and ratios are con- trolled by temperature.Tentative geothermal reservoir equilibrium temperatures have been calculated for Makushin ST-1 samples and are Tisted tn Table 14.The most reliable of geothermometers predict sub- surface temperatures of approximately 446°F. TABLE 14 GEOCHEMICAL GEOTHERMOMETRY MAKUSHIN ST-1 (TEMPERATURES IN °F) Geothermometer Sample Designations Date 8-24-83 8-24-83 9-2-83 9-3-83 9-5-83 Time 6:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.5:00 p.m.9:45 a.m.6:00 p.m. Alkali 450 450 44]442 444 Mg Alkali 450 450 44]442 444 Na/K 473 475 468 470 477 Quartz 44]469*424 44]428 Amorphous $105 257 288 239 257 244 Fournter Chalcedony 468 507*446 468 451 Basalt Chalcedony 44)*475*421*44]*426* Basalt Na/K 444 446 437 439 448 Improved $102 446 477 442 462 435 Na/Li 367 324 334 338 347 *Range Exceeded XII-25 2.Reservoir Fluid The chemical analyses of the flashed samples have been combined with the physical measurements to calculate the composition of reservoir fluid.The physical measurements indicate that a 16 percent flash to atmosphere was occurring during the flow high rate test.The back cal- culated reservoir fluid's composition is: TABLE 15 CALCULATED RESERVOIR FLUID COMPOSITION OF MAKUSHIN ST-1 AT 1,949 FEET Concentration Component (mq/1) $102 388 Fe .05 Ca 130 Mg <.04 Na 1802 K 239 HCO03 12 C03 <] $04 64 C1 3116 F 85 As 10.4 Li 7.1 B 63 Br 10.8 TOS 6000 3.Isotope Analyses Three aqueous samples were collected from Makushin ST-1 and analyzed for stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope concentrations.The samples were collected by flowing the well at a high flow rate,then quickly reducing the flow rate to a minimum while spraying the blooie line with cold water to condense the steam and sample the condensate.This procedure allows the sampling of the complete reservoir fluid and prevents the fractiona- tion of isotopes with the attached interpretation problems. XII-26 The stable isotope values reported (Table 16)indicate that the sampling technique was not totally successful and that some isotope frac- tionation did occur.Figure 113 further illustrates this fractionation as well as the relationship of the three "new"values to previously estab- lished stable isotope values of geothermal fluids from the Makushin Volcano area. TABLE 16 STABLE HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN ISOTOPE CONCENTRATIONS FROM MAKUSHIN ST-1 Date Time §D(°/o00)§189(9/90)C1 (mg/1) 9/5/83 6:00 p.m.-84 -11.63 1867 9/5/83 6:00 -80 -10.96 2188 9/5/83 6:10 -81 -9.04 3934 Assuming that the sample taken at 6:10 p.m.represents a reservoir water with a Cl content of 3,116 mg/l,16 percent of which has flashed to steam,then calculations suggest that the initial reservoir fluid has an isotope composition of 6D =-82.2 °/o00 and &0 =-10.04 °/o0. These values are preliminary and should be verified by additional analy- ses in 1984. The stable isotope analyses suggest that ground waters originating on the flanks of Makushin Volcano percolate downward to form the liquid within the geothermal reservoir.The isotope values clearly indicate that seawater ts not a component in the reservoir.The 5 18 shift towards heavier values shows that hydrothermal alteration of the reser- voir rock %s occurring.This rock-water interaction allows exchange of oxygen isotopes between the water and the silicate minerals. XII-27 82-1IX§244(%00)FIGURE 11 STABLE OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN ISOTOPES IN THERMAL AND NON-THERMAL MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL AREA WATERS J | 70 =_ ome ? -85--A = FUMAROLE #3 95--_ 100-_ A TENTATIVE RESERVOIR ©SO,THERMAL WATERS A A STEAM CONDENSATE -110 FUMAROLE #6 [=]GROUNDWATERS = ©Cl THERMAL WATERS >sT-1 -120 || -17 ts} 15 -13 -11 "rcs ig 6 189(00) The isotopic composition of the reservoir also suggests that reser- voir water mixes with ground water to form the numerous geothermal mani- "festations on Makushin Volcano's flank.The percentage of ground water is much greater than reservoir fluid in these manifestation waters. 4.Carbonate Chemistry It should be noted at the outset that the bicarbonate analytical results are not reliable.They were obtained by titrimetry and such results are commonly inflated by the presence of boron and ammonia.The true bicarbonate values are in the range of 10 to 12 ppm,a range deduced from Figure 12,which is based on the fluid being saturated with cal- cite.This figure shows the equilibrium relationships for dissolved calcium,cO.,(discussed later)and bicarbonate,under approximate reservoir conditions.Since the calctum and co.concentrations and temperature ranges are reasonably well known,the bicarbonate concentra- tion can be deduced.Since this amount of bicarbonate is rather small, judging by geothermal experiences,it deserves field verification.If the values are accurate,then the Caco,scaling potential for Makushin will be limited,perhaps to the consumption of only 2 to 4 ppm of HCO equivalent to 3.3 to 6.6 ppm of caco.. 3° Unfortunately,the assumptions upon which Figure l2 has been based are not certain.In the cores,gypsum is more common than calcite.The unequivocal existence of calcite should be sought in cores from the vicinity of the production zone.Its identification would verify the presumed calcite saturation of geothermal fluid on which Figure 12 is based and give validity to the conclusions drawn therefrom. 5.C0.Content Five samples of condensate/C0.,were stabilized with NaOH solutions so as to determine CO.content.Unfortunately,only one sample, 9-3-0800,has a full complement of the data needed to complement the analyses.The required information is used to allow for: XII-29 -O€-1IXEQUILIBRIA FOR CALCITE,Ca,NCO3,AND FIGURE 12 CO»WHEN TDS IS 6000 ppm 200°C ISOPLETHS ARE PPM OF HCO33007vr I 'o”|4 ? |4 o”|=a ,5 5 to 10 Js 15 i 4 of 4|4 é o*200;-I ;o””20!4 ?o )¢o*A I \x £nae .RANGE FOR o*°H /7MAKUSHIN Le"2077.04 |?o*=100;-;,¢o?ro -aee 2571|/?'o”*aon 4 ¢”sag?o*=a47?oe oem'a oe "is :tS P 0 he ;! 1)200 400 600 800 1000 CO2 ppm RGI E1526 Jy.Contamination of the NaOH stock by atmospheric C0.; 2.Dilution of the condensate by NaOH and by brine carry-over; 3.The acid required to react with the carried-over brine; 4.The flash fraction at the point of sampling. In addition,some quality control checks on the samples are desir- able.For example,there are two independent ways of deducing the vol- umes of NaOH in the analyzed aliquot of the sample.One method is good for the syringe-collected samples 9-3-0800 and 9-3-0815,but not for the others which were collected in glass bulbs with stopcocks.As part of another method,the fraction of added NaQH -which ts consumed by co, From the steam should be high to favor sensitivity in the analysis.This was the case for 9-3-0800 and -0815,but not the others. Although reduction of data for sample 9-3-0800 is complicated,all of the data input appears to be in good order and the result,217 ppm co,in pre-flash liquid,1s considered to be accurate. The co.fraction of the noncondensable gas suite has been deduced by including,with the other input data,the volume of vapor in the syringe after the sample was collected.The reported value of 4 ml of vapor yields 0.892 as the molar fraction of CO.in the suite of non- condensable gases. Additional C0.related results have been obtained by the USGS and are included in Table 17. XII-31 TABLE 17 CO CONTENT OF MAKUSHIN ST-1 FLUID USGS RGI Date 8-27 9-1 9-2 9-2 9-3 9-3 Sample Collection 11:50 5:30 10:10 4:20 7:50 8:00 Time a.m.p.m.a.m.p.m.p.m.a.m. ppm C02 (Total Fluid Basis)216 249 213 213 204 217 Mole Fraction CO>(in NCG).892 .919 944 943 .947 .892 6.Other Gas Components On July 21,1983,two gas samples were collected from the fracture encountered at 671 feet and analyzed by GC/MS.Both were contaminated by air,but analytical corrections could be applied.The results are shown in Table 18.The samples collected by the USGS were also analyzed for non-C0.,gases.USGS analytical results are also shown in Table 18 (as the last five entries).They represent fluids from 1,946 to 1,949 feet. The maxima displayed by some components of the USGS samples are considered by Doug Sheppard (USGS)to be "typical of the degassing of a body of water that is botling along a front that is retreating to a posi- tion where inflow equals outflow."This possibility is clouded,however, because not all of the individual gases are "in step,"nor do they all change in the same qualitative senses.Pressure measurements made during production show the unequivocal existence of single-phase liquid produced below 1,000 feet.The "retreating front”concept can,therefore,apply only to shallow production. XII-32 TABLE 18 NONCONDENSABLE GASES IN STEAM FROM MAKUSHIN ST-1 (Molar Parts Per Thousand,Air Corrected to Zero 05) Total Gas Component CO0>No Hos NH3 Ho Ar CHa He wt % Collection Date/Time RGI 7-21a 946 42.1 ----171.4 --.2 ---- RGI 7-21b 879 101 -+--17.9 --3 ---- USGS 8-27 3150 892 94 1.82 7.69 2.28 1.86 -057 -034 .023 USGS 9-1 1730 919 7 2.77 1.85 4.76 1.05 -070 >.004 .026 USGS 9-2 1010 944 47.8 3.35 2.57 1.77 -115 ==.063)=>.003 =.023 USGS 9-2 1620 943 49.8 3.24 2.05 1.25 781 =-.071 -0122 .022 USGS 9-3 1950 947 47.2 2.33 1.87 1.02 -7148 =-.058 -0183 .021 Except for NH,and Ho»the samples collected on September 2 and 3 seem to tack analytical trends.This would suggest that the "retreating front,"if it existed,became stable early itn the production test,and was due to a small amount of fluid production. D.Data Integration The data acquired in the Makushin geothermal area during 1983 lead to a number of conclusions: XII-33 Static pressure surveys in Makushin ST-1 indicate that the reservoir water surface is approximately 900 feet below the ground surface (300 feet above sea level).Above this depth,there is a zone of underpressured gas and steam.This results in the subhydrostatic reservotr pressure of 478 psig recorded at 1,900 feet below the surface. Several static temperature measurements show that the Makushin geo- thermal reservoir temperature at the Makushin ST-1 site is 379°F, clearly in the range recognized as having potential for commercial deve lopment. The maximized stabilized flow rate measured during three days of production tests of Makushin ST-1]was approximately 47,000 Ib/hr. This rate near is the maximum attainable in a well of the dimensions of Makushin ST-]by a resource at 379°F rising from 900 feet to the ground surface. Flow model calculations indicate that Makushin ST-1's production index (PI)is 3,470 Ib/hr/psi.<A permeability thickness (kh)of 50,900 md-ft has been derived from this PI.One important objective of the 45-day flow test planned for 1984 is the verification of these figures. Flow tests of open fractures located at 672 feet in Makushin ST-1 show the existence of a steam zone incapable of supporting com- mercial production.Noncondensable gas ratios suggest that this vapor-dominated zone supplies steam to Fumarole #1 approximately 1/4 mile to the northeast.Gas geothermometers estimate a 342°F temperature for the zone,which is 9°F above the measured tempera- ture of 333°F. XII-34 Examination and analysis of recovered cores indicate that the stra- tigraphy at Makushin ST-1 is relatively simple,with 141.5 feet of tuffaceous sediments and lahar mudflows overlying the Makushin dio- rite stock.Makushin ST-1,between 141.5 feet and 1,949 feet (T.D.),penetrated only diorite and a few dikes.Numerous open fracture zones were observed in the well,although their density decreased between 671 and 1,750 feet. The geothermal reservoir at Makushin ST-1 is liquid-dominated and contains an NaCl type water whose chemical composition is as listed below: $102 388 mg/1 Ca 130 mg/1 Na 1,802 mg/} K 239 mg/1 HC03 12 mg/1 $04 64 mg/1 Cl 3,116 mg/1 F 0.85 mg/1 As 10.4 mg/1 Li 7.1 mg/1 B 63 mg/1 Br 10 mg/1 TOS 6,000 mg/1 Both the silica and alkali geothermometers predict that the hot water reservoir is equilibrated at 446°F.The discrepancy between this predicted temperature and the measured temperature of 379°F cannot be adequately explained with the information currently avail- able. Geochemical logging of Makushin ST-1 core samples suggests that major to minor thermal entries have occurred at or near the follow- ing depth intervals:545 feet to 563 feet,657 feet to 686 feet, 761 feet to 770 feet,913 feet to 924 feet,987 feet to 1,006 feet, 1,036 feet to 1,046 feet,1,353 feet to 1,451 feet,1,716 feet to 1,726 feet,1,776 feet to 1,816 feet,1,906 feet to 1,926 feet,and 1,937 feet to 1,949 feet. XII-35 10.Silica,sulfate,and calcium concentrations in the Makushin ST-1 core show that a "self-sealing cap"of silica and anhydrite has formed above the 350-foot level. E.Geothermal Model Refinement The Makushin geothermal system model proposed in the 1982 Phase IB Final Report was found to be accurate in its primary components,based on the 1983 drilling results.The 1982 model suggested that the Makushin geothermal system is a liquid-dominated resource situated in fractured diorite within a northeasterly trending zone that has minor lobes extending westward on its southwestern and northeastern ends.It was further postulated that reservoir waters rising upward (convecting)boil below an elevation of 1,200 feet in localized open fractures to form a steam cap that is limited in size and extent.The model also proposed that:1)leakage of steam from this cap feeds the fumaroles and mixes with ground waters to form the chloride-poor thermal waters;and 2)reservoir waters mix with ground waters before sur- facing in Glacier Valley and in Driftwood Bay valley as chloride-rich hot springs,and that in Glacier Valley they are the source of salts exposed in the numerous halite-rich outcrops. The major change in the model based on 1983 work requires a reduction of the resource temperature.Based on geothermometers utilizing the diluted surface water and gas concentrations,the model had tentatively predicted a resource temperature of approximately 554°F.Static temperature measurements at 1,949 feet in the Makushin ST-1 well show that the reservoir temperature is 379°F,although silica and alkali geothermometers from the actual reser- voir fluid still indicate a reservoir tempertaure of 446°F. A second,minor refinement in the model defines the depth to the "water table”at the Makushin ST-1 site.Before drilling this depth was unknown, but downhole pressure surveys made in Makushin ST-1 tn 1983 now indicate that XII-36 the static "water table"is 900 feet below the surface.This is the boiling depth and the depth at which there is a change from a liquid to a vapor- dominated reservoir. Acquisition of information regarding the areal extent of the resource was deferred during the 1983 program.However,it is planned that "step-out" drilling and regional geophysical exploration will be conducted during the summer of 1984 in order to further define the areal extent of the resource. The refined Makushin geothermal model that incorporates the 1983 data is depicted in Figure 13,a north-south cross section through Makushin ST-1 and temperature gradient hole E-1.This figure includes temperature isotherms overplotted on the geology. The heat source for the Makushin geothermal system appears to be a buried igneous intrusion that may be genetically related to the Makushin volcanic suite.The uneroded summit crater of Makushin Volcano,the glacially carved valleys filled with pyroclastic deposits,and the construction of Sugarloaf Cone on top of post-glacial pyroclastic rocks all indicate that the heat source was still molten after the last glacial period (approximately 3,000-4,000 y.b.p.).The 14 historic eruptions of Makushin Volcano further suggest that molten or semi-molten rock is likely to exist beneath the moun- tain. The mechanism for enthalpy transfer from the postulated intrusion to the geothermal reservoir is dominantly conductive heat flow.This is implied because neither the stable isotopes of the thermal waters,nor the stable isotopic composition of steam from Makushin's summit,nor the carbon isotopes of fumarolic methane,show "magmatic”signatures (i.e.,evidence of fluid/gas convection within a molten magma). XII-37 FIGURE 13 GEOLOGICAL MODEL OF MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM A SOUTH Juu = > J vf] kess <8888SoSoSSSs3<N +t ©© wy---OO TN |||| zAYt }t[i|!itf!J -3SUA tees eek aH EHH Oe HOHEHHHHH HHH te area teehee soe ]sesss ° pooh oh eee $peeeeoe +oeheh eee +e eeepee oeee te Pee eoeye eoess top eporeges arose tepepeee fesse oye othe eee eeeeed +9fate +oesee + ++eee sepe)eee: +++4¢4+oeeeeeoo oeee++eoeeeoe $41241 Ge eee +o oeeee Hem+apD6 444044eeeoe°PratteeeetySode prea Nreeeeeee + ohese Tessesess ++ tosedeseseses + $44 $eeeeeees He Fee eepeseeeeseeos rs + $$ 44444444 ++ ++ ++¢t+eett +e ooo eee +o oe eeoeoe$+ooeeee +e eeeesee eee eseeseeoeeoeeeeeeesde "+ 500 SCALE (FT) ++eeeet°* ++ ee eee.9+oeeoeeeorvereeHHH444HOHHOH$444HHHHOHHHHHHHHHHH Oe ee $4 oe eee eeoeee444444HHHHHH44HHHH +oeeseeoe+o eeeeee rrr Creare re Heese eeeeeseeaeeoeoeaee HHH 44H eee$4644eeeeeeee . HHHeeeeeeee St ets loess Otte saree sees + O44%6+H1O Heedeeeeees $1Dee seGeeee ses reseeeee ¢PeDya ee ee eeHeeeeseeeeehoe eeoe E-1 + + + 4 + + + + + + + SHH EHH HHH eee eto eee seoseosSHEESHHHHSSeSeSHee eeeeee SEE EEE HEHEHEHHe Hee Heese Heeese PPE EHH HEHEHE SEES HEHH HEHEHE HH 200 + SEA LEVEL- tfa)So+ ELEVATION (FT) 600 200-4 400-4 600- 800- XII-38 ,900 FEET EAST*PROJECTED 1 LEGEND53°62'40" ”bdOo°ofang22S ”g96-><295 7) °o > wi Ca x o >< > =Pa < = WwW w [oa] S$ 2& Fe <O< = a. = al ray =) alee+n>oPdwhesPOohGe 6 = copies, + eee,” AQ SCALE (FT) WADED OL! ik -s wy 1e0°sr'aer-| act cCi0s3LOCATIONMAP Republic geoscientists believe that the heat source is not located directly beneath the summit,but instead that it is offset asymmetrically to the east.Two lines of evidence are diagnostic:1)the dominance of post- glacial Makushin volcanics,including Sugarloaf Cone,on the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano;and 2)the fact that higher temperatures were measured in temperature gradient hole E-1]than were recorded in temperature gradient hole D-1 at any given elevation,which requires that the heat source be closer to temperature gradient hole E 1 (more easterly)than to temperature gradient hole D-1.Similar offsets of heat sources from the central surface volcanic vents have been documented at Cerro Prieto,Mexico;at Tiwi, Philippines;and at Matsukawa,Japan. The Makushin geothermal reservoir is situated primarily within the Makushin dioritic stock at commercially exploitable depths.However,it 4s possible that beneath and to the west of Makushin Volcano's summit crater a reservoir may exist within the Makushin Volcanics or the Unalaska Formation rocks.The occurrence of most of the surface geothermal manifestations within diorite outcrops,the high,conductive temperature gradient profiles recorded in the diorite,and the high recorded temperatures are al}evidence for a diorite reservoir.An impermeable seal for the reservoir can be theo- rized to comprise clayey,altered basalt members of the capping volcanic rocks,as seen in temperature gradient hole D-1,and chemical precipitates which have ""self-sealed"the diorite,as seen in temperature gradient hole E-1 and Makushin ST-1. Reservoir permeability and porosity relies predominantly upon the exis- tence of open,high-angle (>45°)to vertical fractures in the diorite.The fractures follow joint patterns inherent in the rock and ruptures produced by regional tectonic stresses,as observed in outcrops and in cores.The major joint and fracture orientations,discerned from air photo analysis,are east- northeast,northwest,and northeast.The northeasterly trending fractures are believed to reflect remobilization of older faults,while the fractures with other orientations may be due to underthrusting of the Pacific Plate beneath Unalaska Island. XII-39 The location of the Makushin geothermal reservoir appears to be struc- turally controlled by a major northeasterly striking fracture zone.This zone is a long,wide,older,highly tectonized feature whose inherent weak- ness probably played a major role in the intrusion of the original dioritte stock.The fine-grained texture of the diorite suggests shallow,relatively rapid intrusion followed by a short crystallization period that produced the closely spaced joints observed in outcrops.This structural zone seems to have been refractured at least twice since the initial dioritic intrusion,as shown by several sequences of vein-filling minerals observed in the three gradient holes and in Makushin ST-1.Contemporary seismicity and recent movement along this northeastern-trending zone maintains the permeability of the fractures in the present-day geothermal reservoir,and itn the impermeable cap along which the majority of the surface geothermal manifestations (Fuma- role Fields #3,#2,#1,#8;Hot Springs Groups #20,#11,#12,#9,#10;and the hidden Driftwood Bay valley thermal waters)occur.Gravity data and mercury soil anomalies help confirm the position and extent of the north- easterly trending fracture zone. There are two subparaliel structures thought to intersect the northeastern-trending zone which may extend the Makushin geothermal reser- voir.These are an inconspicuous east-west striking fracture zone that may expand the reservoir beneath Fumarole Fields #3,#4,#5,and #23,and a northwestern-trending fracture on the south edge of Fox Canyon that may extend the reservoir towards Fumarole Field #7.Assuming that these three fracture systems control the extent of the resource,the commercially exploitable reservoir in the Makushin geothermal area might well cover approximately 15 square miles. The Makushin geothermal resource appears to be a liquid-dominated reser- voir with a steam cap that varies in thickness with its location.Chloride- rich type thermal waters in Glacier Valley and Driftwood Bay valley,the numerous occurrences of halite (Motyka,personal comm.,1983)in Glacier Valley,and the geochemistry of the cuttings from the gradient holes are all evidence for the existence of a liquid-dominated reservoir.The widespread XIT-40 existence of fumarolic activity and of chloride-poor thermal waters imply that a steam cap overlies the hot-water reservoir.Unfortunately,this vapor zone does not appear to be ubiquitous,as seen in the temperature gradient holes,but appears to be limited to areas beneath the active fumaroles where open fractures permit boiling.It is also implicit that the steam-liquid interface,when it exists,is 300 to 500 feet above sea level. F.Generating and Commercialization Potential Cross-plotting the wellhead pressure versus flow rate curves (e.g.,Figure 10)with electricity generation curves for various power cycles yields a relationship such as that shown in Figure 14.From this figure,an optimum output of 870,000 lb/hr at 60 psia wellhead pressure yields 6 Mw gross (5.3 Mw net)of power per well using a double flash steam cycle.Using this type of relationship,a separate analysis*of generation options for Unalaska Island was recently completed.Using a binary cycle,as recommended in the separate study,each well,at an optimum output of 73 psia wellhead pressure,will yield 9 Mw gross (6 Mw net)power. The objective of the separate study was to determine the best means of generating electricity from the Makushin geothermal resource to supply the towns of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor.The geothermal power plant would be intertied with a planned conventional power plant consisting of four 2.5 Mw diesel-generators,due to begin commercial operation in 1987.Upon comple- tion in late 1988,the geothermal power plant would primarily provide base- load electrical power demand,while the diesel-generators would provide peak load electrical power demand and emergency power when the geothermal power plant is partially or completely unavailable. *See "Geothermal Electrical Power Generating Analysis,Unalaska Island," Republic Geothermal,Inc.Report to the Alaska Power Authority,March 1984. XII-41 cv-IIXxWELLHEADPRESSURE(PSIA)FIGURE 14 COMMERCIAL SIZE WELL FLOW RATE vs.WELLHEAD PRESSURE AND POTENTIAL POWER GENERATION 120 6 110 : 100 F-©-415 H90}--5 70 f-: ;60 -:+3 50 }-a e :40;-s 12 e 30 : a H20|-MAXIMUM FLow =7]! 925,000 LB/HR--s 810Fs |||l ||||2 0J0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW RATE (LB/HR X 1000),POTENTIALGROSSPOWERGENERATION(MW)RG E1476 The study compared the technical,environmental,and economic feasibility of five "state-of-the-art"geothermal power conversion processes.Options considered were singleand double-flash steam cycles,binary cycle,hybrid cycle,and total flow cycle. The power plant designs considered were to be utilized in pre-assembled and pre-tested modules to facilitate transportation,erection,and start-up.- The size and number of units were determined by an evaluation of commercially available units and by an analysis of the electrical load demands estimated by ACRES American Incorporated for APA.As requested by APA,both "no-bottom fishing demand"and "low-bottom fishing demand"cases were considered. Because of the uncertainties in the electrical load forecasts it is recom- mended that the geothermal power plant be developed in phases that are timed to the growth in demand.The first phase of development should consist of two identical 5 Mw gross binary units capable of generating a total of 6.7 Mw net of electrical power.This plan satisfies the estimated demand for the no-bottom fishing case past the year 2000. Should bottom fishing take place and electrical load demand increase in accordance with the "low-bottom fish"projections,then a second and third phase would be added to become commercial in early 1993 and 2000,respec- tively.Each of these two phases would consist of two 5 Mw gross binary units identical to Phase I. XIT-43 STAGE XIII -PROJECT DEMOBILIZATION A.Equipment and Inventory Following the conclusion of Makushin ST-1 testing operations on September 5,the drilling and camp contractors (ARDI and PSI)decided to store as much of their project equipment as possible in Dutch Harbor rather than returning it all to Anchorage.Although no firm dectsion had been made, they assumed that additional work would probably be done in 1984,and having equipment in the area would be to their advantage.Operating on this prem- ise,1983 demobilization activities were undertaken. During the period September 6 to 12 the wellhead and flow line were modi- fied to "suspension status"for the upcoming winter (see Stage XIV),the camp was dtsmantled,and equipment was transported by helicopter to an Aleut Corporation warehouse in Dutch Harbor for winter storage. From September 13 to 19 all onsite drilling equipment was dismantled and airlifted to the Aleut Corporation facility.Materiel remaining at the com- mercial warehouse-staging area used during the summer was also transferred to the Aleut Corporation facility.Finally,all rented drilling equipment, including mud pumps,BOP,drill pipe,nitrogen bottles,etc.,was loaded on Sea-Land vans for return to Anchorage.At that time a complete physica} inventory of alt APA-owned equipment remaining on Unalaska was made by Republic's drilling supervisor (Appendix M). On September 20,temperature gradient hole I-1,drilled in 1982 in Glacier Valley,was permanently abandoned by setting a surface cement plug, cutting off the tubing stub below ground level,and covering the site with topsoil. XIII-} On September 21,1983,after all APA-Republic,ARDI,and PSI equipment was packed and secured for the winter,the remaining three ARDI men and the Republic supervisor departed Dutch Harbor. B.Restoration Environmental restoration measures were discussed throughout Stage X, Section 4.E.(Environmental Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance).In sum- mary,all equipment,supplies,facilities,and remaining trash were removed from the site of operations,with the exception of the Makushin ST-1 wellhead and its protective wooden platform.Topsot]which had been stockpiled was replaced over areas that had been cleared of vegetation to aid in more rapid natural revegetation.Areas of brown grass and areas disturbed by spilled waste drilling mud were expected to revegetate naturally within one to two growing seasons without corrective action;observation of revegetation should be made a part of any subsequent environmental monitoring of operations.The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge Manager visited the sites after com- pletion of operations and agreed it was more appropriate to allow natural revegetation.He specifically complimented Republic Geothermal and its sub- contractors on the cleanliness of the operations. C.Reports Some of the permits discussed in Stage IX,Section 3.D.,had conditions of approval which required notification of the agency after field work was completed.Reports filed or letters written to comply with such permit con- ditions are included as Appendix N of this report.They are: N-1)Letter to the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service in com- pliance with Special Use Permit No.AI-83-27,dated September 28,1983; XIII-2 N-2)Well Completion Report submitted to the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources,dated October 31,1983. In addition,the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation sent a request for a follow-up report of the activities at Unalaska.This letter and subsequent correspondence with the agency ts also included in Appendix N,as follows: N-3)Letter from the Alaska Department of E&nvironmental Conservation requesting a follow-up report of opera- tions,dated September 15,1983; N-4)Letter to the Alaska Department of Environmental Con- servation in response to above-referenced request, dated September 29,1983; N-5)Letter from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requesting additional information on aspects of 1984 operations,dated October 25,1983; N-6)Letter to the Alaska Department of Environmental Con- servation in response to their request for additional information,dated November 22,1983; N-7)Letter from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation regarding 1984 operations,dated December 5,1983. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources approved the suspension of Makushin ST-1 with a stipulation that the well be monitored on a monthly basis and that an inspection report be filed with the agency upon completion of each trip.Copies of these reports are included in Appendix N,as follows: XIII-3 N-8) N-9) N-10) Letter from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources,dated December 23,1983; Suspended Well Inspection Report submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on December 29 1983; Suspended Well Inspection Report submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on January 11,1984. XIII-4 STAGE XIV -SUSPENSION Although at the end of 1983 operations no definite decision had been made regarding future project activities,the encouraging results of the produc- tion tests essentially precluded abandonment of Makushin ST-1 as a part'of1983projectactivities.Therefore,steps were taken to leave the well in.a condition that it would:1)be mechanically safe until the start up of future operations;and 2)require minimal preliminary work prior to initiation of further operations. With these objectives in mind,the following suspension steps were accom plished: 1.After the drilling equipment was removed,the 10-foot-high timber substructure was left intact so as to provide protection for the wellhead and minimize future rig-up time; 2.As a safety measure,a second ANSI 600 master valve was installed above the primary valve; 3.Both master valves were winterized to avoid any possibility of freezing and tts consequences; 4.A 50-foot,2-inch diameter "kill line”was attached to the expansion spool and laid uphill]away from the well; 5.A bleed line was installed so that excessive pressure could be relieved; XIV-1 6.Although it was not dismantled,the flow line was disconnected from the wellhead so as to minimize drag in the event that a damaging avalanche or snow slide should occur; 7.Arrangements were made with Maritime Helicopters to monitor,on a biweekly basis,the wellhead pressure and temperature gauges,and to visually inspect the wellhead for evidence of leaks.After the first two months,the well site was monttored only once per month, in,accordance with instructions to Republic from the Alaska Power Authority Project Manager,D.Markle. Figure 15 shows the wellhead and associated surface equipment in the "suspended"configuration. XIV-2 3°X2”ADAPTER FLANGE 6°X3”ADAPTER FLANGE | f 6"X4"ADAPTER FLANGE 6X4"ADAPTER FLANGE ---_ - CASING PRESSURE &TEMP.GAUGES i CASING FIGURE 15 MAKUSHIN ST-1 WELLHEAD DRAWING FOR SUSPENSION STATUS 3”SWAB GATE 6°X6"X4" 600 RTJ FLOW TEE ] al 4".600 RTJ BARTON MASTER VALVE t J 1/2”BALL VALVE PRESSURE GAUGE 1/2"BALL VALVE 4”FLOW LINE THROTTLING VALVE V-> 6°-600 RTJ WKM MASTER VALVE aaad J NEEDLE VALVE WING VALVE TO BACK OF 1/2"BALLTIREVALVESUBSTRUCTURE\1/4°SS.BLEED LINE NOTES: (1)ALL WELLHEAD VALVES &FITTINGS ARE SERIES 600 (2000 psi)WORKING PRESSURE. (2)MASTER VALVES,4”THROTTLING VALVE, 3”SWAB GATE &2”WING VALVES TO BE CHAINED &LOCKED. (3)WELL TO BE MONITORED MONTHLY AND ALL GAUGE READINGS REPORTED TO RGi. 7” EXPANSION SPOOL -TF XIV-3 DISCONNECTED FLOW LINE & TESTING EQUIPMENT (t 40'LENGTH) 2”VALVES (2} m(Cco)(co)\Lose >2”KILL LINE 2”CASING WING VALVES (2) RGI E1816 APPENDIX A PERMIT APPLICATIONS AND APPROVALS Appendix A-1l Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water Permit RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION DATE 27 July 'S3 JOB NO::12023-012-20 . RECORDED BY:sic OWNER/CLIENT:___2PA/RGI 'TALKED WITH:George Cuzzort OF PSI NATURE OF CALL:INCOMING @ OUTGOING & ROUTE TO:INFORMATION ACTION __D.Carey/RGI MAIN SUBJECT OF CALL:Drinking Water Certification ITEMS DISCUSSED: Cuzzort submitted the results of the drinking water analysis to ADEC a.few weeks ago.ADEC will,he says,reply only if there is a problem.ADEC has not objected,so Cuzzort says that the water supply is approved. Appendix A-2 Letter to Alaska Department of Fish and Game May 31,1983 £™ -™ p 800 Cordova,Suite 101Dames&Mo ore Anchorage,Alaska 99501are(907)279-0673=Telex:090-25227 Cable address:DAMEMORE- May 31,1983 Alaska Department of Fish &Game Habitat Division,Region IV 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage,AK 99502 Attention:Mr.Denby S.Lloyd Gentlemen: As you know,Dames &Moore will monitor the flaw-testing of the geothermal well drilled by Republic Geothermal,Inc.(RGI)under the 1983 phase of Alaska Power Authority's Unalaska Geothermal Exploration. As part of this effort,we propose to install up to four temporary staff gauges in Makushin Valley River.The objective of the staff gauges is to allow RGI to ensure that the river has sufficient flow to dilute the effluent,as estimated in our letter of March 1,1983.We would install the staff gauges in mid-June and remove them in August or September 1983.We would place the gauges at.MV station (baseline sampling in 1982,monitoring in 1983),and at up to three other locations upstream,depending on accessibility.No other alterations to our proposed 1983 program are anticipated. Please inform us if your office has any objection to our proposed installation of these gauges.Thank you for your review of our plans. Sincerely, DAMES,&MOORE i, "fy fo7od"se Sy ie) Syephen T.GrabackijjectManager APPENDIX B HISTORY OF DRILLING AND TESTING OPERATIONS APPENDIX B HISTORY OF DRILLING AND TESTING OPERATIONS Drill Report Day Date 1 6/16 2 6/17 3 6/18 4 6/19 5 6/20 Activity Drill 4-3/4"rock bit to 46'in ashy over- burden and boulders. Hole at 137'by 7:00 AM (drilled 91'on 6/16.Day shift 46'-103',night shift 103'-137').Water pump repairs -5-1/2 hrs. Geology:46'-90'-Cemented "ash",mod. hard,increasing density with depth. Inclusions 1/2°-1-1/2"dia.,angular to rounded. 90'-137'-Dark gray-black conglomeratic basalt(?)1-1/2°-2°dia.inclusions, hard.Adequate as a casing foundation. Drilled 137'-172'in 8 hrs.Tried to open hole to 9-1/2"with Hudde reamer,no luck.Night shift -opened 6"hole to 46' then ran 4-3/4"rock bit to 106°. Geology:137-145 -Basalt(?)as above 145-152 -Weathered diorite with cemented fractures 152-172 -Diorite with cemented fractures No new drilling (hole at 172').Opened 4-3/4"hole to 120',6"hole to 79'. Drilled 9-1/2"hole to 43'.Now have 9-1/2"hole to 43',6"hole to 79',4-3/4" hole to 120'and HQ (3-25/32")to 172'. 6. 10 12 13 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 T.D.172'.Opening 6"hole to 9-1/2"with hole opener.Twisted-off at 42'on top of first joint of drill pipe above drill collars.No fishing tools on location. Ordered out fishing tools 6/20 PM.Made up poor boy overshot tool,attempted to work over fish,not successful.Waiting on fishing tools.Received fishing tools, now attempting to recover fish at 2:00 PM 6/21/83. Recovered fish.Running magnet to pick up debris in hole.Plan 20 SX squeeze job @ 50'to stabilize hole and slow water in- flow.Rock bit arrived with wrong size pin.New subs ordered.Plan to be rean- ing by night shift 6/22. Pumped 20 sk cement plug @ 46'to stabi- lize hole &shut off water inflow.W.0O.C. until 7:00 AM 6/23.Found top of cement @ 36'.Drlg.out cement w/6"TCI bit.Will open hole to 6"to 172'T.D. Continued opening hole to 161'with 6"TCI bit.Now waiting on delivery of 7-5/8" bit and crossover subs. Opened 6"hole to 162'with 7-3/8"bit. Attempted to run Hudde 9-1/2"hole opener with 4-3/4"pilot bit N.G.Ran 9-5/8" rock bit and opened 7-3/8"hole to 9-5/8" 21/111'. Continued opening hole to 9-5/8"111/127'. Twisted off at 127'leaving 9-5/8°*bit, two 8"x 4'short drill collars,subs,and one jt HQ core pipe in hole.Top of fish at 105'.Will run impression block this AM. Fabricated IB and ran to top of fish, impression inconclusive.Ran tapered tap on HQ drill rods,engaged fish,and attempted to rotate;parted HQ rods leaving tap and 1 jt HQ in hole.Top of fish #2 at 84'.Waiting on releasing overshot and jars. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 '7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 1/7 7/8 Waiting on arrival of fishing tools. Standby on weather,also waiting on fishing tools (jars)from Anchorage. Received fishing tools from Midway (California). Ran Midway overshot with 6°O.D.milling shoe and jars.Engaged top of fish at 84' and attempted to jar loose.Unable to work fish free.POH to inspect tools. Reran overshot,tools worked down beside fish,unable to get over fish.POH. Fabricated 8"I.D.skirt and ran in hole with overshot and jars.Engaged and jarred on fish.Two-foot section of HQ core pipe at top of fish parted and was recovered.Reran overshot,grapples worn, would not hold.Ran tapered tap with jars,engaged fish,unable to jar loose. POH.Will skid rig. Moving rig +20'west to location ST-1A. Complete moving rig --total time for move 30-1/2 hours.Spud ST-lA at 9:30 PM 7/2. Drilled to 55'with 3-1/2"rock bit. Coring HQ hole at 75'at 7:00 AM. Cored HQ hole 75/172'.Opened HQ hole to 4-3/4"surf/172'.Prep.open hole to 6° at 7:00 AM. Opened 4-3/4"hole to 6"surf/172'. Attempted to open 6"hole to 7-3/8"N.G. due to high torque.Waiting on 2-7/8" drill pipe -scheduled arrival 7/6. Reran 7-3/8"rock bit on HQ core pipe. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"surface/65'. Encountered severe torquing.POH to await arrival of 2-7/8"drill pipe due this AM. Ran 7-3/8"rock bit on 2-7/8"drill pipe. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"from 65'to 139'. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"139/162'.Ran 8-1/2"rock bit on 2-7/8"drill pipe. Opened 7-3/8"to 8-1/2"hole from surface to 162'.Prep.open hole to 9-1/2". 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 W.O.tools to run 9-1/2"bit.Tools arrive at 1330 hours.Picked up 9-1/2" Hudde impregnated diamond hole opener and OH to 20'.POH and ran new 9-5/8"Varel V-2 rock bit.OH to 55',penetration rate slow (necessary to drill with low weight on bit to avoid excessive torque).POH and reran 9-1/2"Hudde with 8-5/8"stabi- lizer.OH 1'to 56',penetration very slow.POH and reran 9-5/8"V-2 bit. Opened hole to 108'. Continued opening 8-1/2"hole to 9-5/8" hole from 108'to 162'.Circulated hole clean,made wiper run,POH and ran 160'of 7°csg.Last 10'ran tight.Cemented csg.w/58 cu.ft.Class G cement,good returns to surface.W.O.C. RIH and tagged cement at 112'.Presently drilling out cement to 150'. Ran 5-1/2"liner inside 7"csg.Installed BOPE.Prep.press.test csg.and BOPE. Tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK.Casing tested for approximately 30 minutes at 800 psi because of small leak in surface water system.Test OK.RIH with 4-3/4 bit.CO to 172'.POH.RIH with HQ and cored 172/212'.Rods whipping and vibrating severely. Plan to run HW liner inside 5-1/2".ARDI will ship 230'of HW ASAP. Waiting on HW casing. HW casing arrived 7/14 PM.Ran HW and set at 180'.Cored 212/268'.Vibration problem solved.Drilling in altered diorite with quartz vugs,some voids. Core warm to touch.Plan to hoist HW and circulate every time bit is changed so as to keep it loose and removable. Continued 268/492'.Rock highly altered. Cored 492/627'. 33 34 35 36 37 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 Cored 627/670',bit dropped a foot to 671',lost circulation completely,cored blind to 672'.Pulled up 40'off bottom. Shut in well.Pressure built up to 52 psig at wellhead.Prep.flow test. Killed well and pulled HQ drill pipe up above Master Valve.Rigged up 40'flow line with pressure and temperature gauges.Wellhead pressure 52 psig. Opened well and flowed steam and conden- sate 5 hrs.Flow pressure +13 psig. Temperature at wellhead 210°F,temperature at end of flow line 208°F.Roman Motyka of DGGS collected several gas samples. Estimated flow rate from condensate at 150 gal.-steam/hr.(approx.1200 1lbs./hr.). Shut in well after test. Well shut in during night of 7/19.Pres- sures built to 109 psi at 12 midnight then down to 78 psi by 8 AM.Minor steam leak around 7"casing at +87 psi.Leak stops when pressure drops to +75 psi upon open- ing well.Wellhead temperature immedi- ately after opening was 255°F,dropping quickly and stabilizing at 210°F (flowing). RGI and DGGS collected gas samples while well flowed at WHP of 16 psig and WHT of 209°F.Measured BHT of 310°F with max reading thermometer following flow test. Wellhead pressure builds to 85-90 psig one hour after shut in.Killed well from surface with water.RIH.Spotted two LCM pills.Attempt to f111 hole with water, fluid standing @ +100'from surface. Prep.to core approximately 10'and cement LC zone.. Cored blind 672/680'.Core cold on recovery.With HQ hanging @ 670',pumped 1,000 gals.cold water then 10 cu.ft. cement to seal off LC zone at 670'. Pulled HQ rods up to 650'.Cement flash- set with top of cement at 548'in HQ rods. 38 39 40 41 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 Moved four bundles NQ rod to drill site, changed BOPE rams from HQ to NQ.Ran temp.survey.Showed cool zone between 490'and 520'.Ran NQ,tagged cement to 556'inside HQ rods.Cored cement to 651' (bot.of HQ at 650')-95'in 6 hours. POH,LD NQ jarred on HQ +30 min.No move- ment.Rig down jars.Prep.to ream over HQ with HW. Ran temp.surv.7/23 noon (46 hrs.after cementing),same results above 550'. Temp.at 575'greater than 300°F (150°C) indicating the hole was never cooled between 500'and 670'.Received 94'of HW on Reeves at 1:00 PM.Pulled HW liner, removed welded tabs.RIH with HW and 4.62"OD diamond impregnated casing shoe. Reamed over HQ to 252'by 7/24 AM.Ran max.thermometers -BHT at 651'-265°F (cooler than at 575'). Reamed 252/270'.Standing by for delivery of additional HW.Max.thermometer temp. at bottom of HQ (651')is 325°F. Transported to drill site 50'of rethreaded HW casing from Dutch Harbor machine shop.RIH.Reamed HW hole 270/280',POH.Transported 120'of addi- tional HW casing to drill site.RIH with new diamond impregnated HW casing shoe and HW rods.Reamed +6".POH.Casing shoe wear indicated metal in hole,possibly fragments from prior shoes.Pull BOPE and flow tee.Replaced flange gaskets and reassembled drilling wellhead.Ran into hole with new impregnated HW casing shoe and HW casing,reamed 280/283',POH. Casing shoe again showed wear from junk. RIH with third new casing shoe,reamed 283/286',unable to drill or sidetrack junk with impregnated shoes.Ordering additional HW casing and surface set HW casing shoes. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 Pressure tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK. RIH with HW to 285',spotted 1 cu.ft. cement to encase junk.CIP at 1PM.POH, WOC 12 hours.RIH with new impregnated casing shoe.Tagged cement at 262'. Drilled 262/287'.Drilling slowly on junk to 288'.No further progress.POH. Waiting on arrival of surface set casing shoe bits. Three surface-set HW casing shoes arrived.RIH with surface set HW shoe to 286'(2'above shoulder),reverse circu- lated water at high annular velocity for 30 min.No metal brought up.Lowered HW to shoulder at 288'and reverse circulated a viscous mud pill.No metal returns noted on screen.Set down on shoulder and rotated for 2 hrs.bringing up metal shavings.Reamed 288/322'(34'in 8.5 hrs). Reamed over HQ with HW and surface-set shoe from 322/420'.No more junk observed in cuttings. Continued reaming HW 420/483'.Hydraulic pump on rig overheating.POH. Disassembled hydraulic pump.Shut down waiting on arrival of new pump. Waiting on hydraulic pump. Monday 8/1: Status of well:4.62°hole reamed over HQ core pipe to 480'.Waiting for arrival of rig hydraulic system repair parts.No incoming flights on 8/1 due to weather. Received hydraulic pump afternoon of 8/2. Installed and resumed reaming HW hole (4.62"°diameter)over HQ core pipe (3.5" outside diameter)at 4:00 PM.Reamed 480/540',60'/15 hrs.POH to change rean- ing shoe.RIH w/surface set HW reaming shoe #3 at 7:00 AM 8/3. 50 51 52 53 54 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 Reamed 540/550'.HW string parted at 292'.POH.RIH again w/HW to 292'and circulated.Ran maximum recording ther- Mometer to 292'(207°F)and 550'(355°F). No circulation indicated below 292'. Preparing to POH with upper 292'of HW and core ahead with NX rods. Circulated HW from 292'.POH and laid down HW surf/292'.Changed BOP rams to NX size and pressure tested to 1000 psi. OK.Activated and checked H9S warning system.OK.Picked up and RIH w/NX drill rods and coring tools.Found top of cmt. @ 656'.Cored cement 656/677'.Cored new formation 677/744'-67'/7-1/2 hours.NX rods twisted off at 714'.POH.RIH with tapered tap,unable to engage fish.POH. Ran overshot and retrieved W/L inner core barrel.RIH w/tapered tap,engaged fish, POH and recovered fish (30'overall - including corehead,outer barrel and 20' NX rod).Ran max.recording thermometers to bottom (744')-results inconclusive. RIH w/NX coring tools @ 7:00 AM. RIH w/NX coring equipment.Cored 744/749' -severe vibration in drill string.POH checked NX rods,laid down 4 joints,RIH. Increase mud viscosity w/addition of gel, vibration reduced.Cored 749/816' w/75-80%returns.Ran directional survey @ 749',no results,film did not develop. Will rerun on next bit change.Flow line temps.@ 800':Mud temps:In -55°F,Out - 75°F.Coring ahead @ 816'@ 7:00 AM. Cored 816/1006'in diorite w/60%lost circulation.Mixing mud @ 7:00 AM. Pumped in viscous mud pill,regained +50% circulation.Cored ahead 1006/1056'. Lost all returns.Unable to regain cir- culation or fill hole with mud.POH. Pumped 6 cu.ft.cement down HQ and dis- placed w/5 cu.ft.water.WOC 4 hrs. RIH.Tagged top cement @ +850'. 55 56 57 58 59 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 Drilled soft to medium hard cement 850/950'with good mud returns.POH.RIH w/open-ended NX to 600'.Circ.cold water for 2 hrs.Pumped 3-1/2 cu.ft.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/19 cu. ft.water.WOC for 7 hrs.RIH w/NX and tagged top cement at 650'.Cooled hole for 2 hrs.With NX at 600'pumped 2-1/2 cu.ft.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/19 cu.ft.water.POH. Nipple down BOP and wellhead equipment. Pulled and laid down 5-1/2"casing. Waiting on arrival of HQ cementing tool. HQ cementing tool arrived 8/9.Made up Longyear HQ mechanical cutter and ran on NX rods.Attempted cut @ 287'-N.G., dulled cutter blades.POH.Replaced blades and RIH for second attempt -N.G. ordered additional replacement blades for Longyear cutter and sending backup Midway cutter from Long Beach. Waiting for arrival of new pipe cutting blades being shipped by Longyear from Salt Lake City and Minneapolis. New Longyear HQ cutters arrived 8/ll.POH with 292'HW casing and shoe.RIH with NX rods and HQ cutter.Cut HQ rods at 285'. Pulled NX rods and HQ cutter.Pulled HQ rods above cut (top of HQ stub @ 285'). Made up Midway overshot packoff cementer on HQ rods &RIH.Worked over top of HQ stub,seated cementing tool &circulated to cool hole.Pumped 45 cu.ft.Class G cement w/40%silica flour,0.75%CFR-2 & 0.3%HR6L thru ports @ 285'&displaced w/12-1/2 cu.ft.water;good cement returns to surface.Cement in place @ 5:00 PM 8/11.WOC. WOC until 7:00 PM 8/12.Cut off 7"csg. head and HQ csg.+30"below ground level. Weld on 7"csg.flg.and NX bit guide on HQ csg.Install 30"expansion spool and nipple up remainder of wellhead (i.e., master valve,flow tee,BOP and stripper head).RIH with NX,tagged top of cmt.at 216'and CO to 246'-cmt.still green. POH.Prep.press.test wellhead and csg. at 7:00 AM. 60 61 62 63 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 Press.test wellhead and BOP to 1000 psi. OK.CO cmt.246/280'.Press.test HQ csg.to 1000 psi for 30 min.OK.CO cmt. 280/285'and drilled baffle at 285'.RIH to top of cmt.plug at 580'and press HQ csg.to 1200 psi with no leaks.CO remainder cmt.in HQ to shoe at 650'and RIH to top of cmt.plug in OH at 950'.CO to 970'.Ran dual max.rec.therm.to 965'-both read 360°F.CO to bottom at 1056'.POH to repair core barrel and chg. bit.RIH and mix mud.Cored NX hole 1056/1116'with 90%returns.Coring at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1116/1210'with mud.Cores indicated fractures at 1124'and 1146'. Minor lost circulation noted in interval 1116/1170.Mud temps:In -140°F,Out - 160°F (no water being added).Below 1186' adding water to cool mud -temp:In - 50°F,Out -110°F,hole getting tight. POH to change bit.RIH,hole tight from 1000'-washed down to 1186'w/full circu- lation,rotation difficult in first gear. POH.RIH at 7:00 AM to clean out to bot- tom with water. RIH and wash to btm.(1210')w/water,no tight hole.Discontinued using clay base mud,circulating with polymer ("Clear- Mud")and water at 600-700 psi pump press.Cored NX 1210/1226'.Temps.at 1226':In -120°F,Out -150°F.Changed over to clear water and cored 1226/1232'- severe vibration,return to polymer system.Cored 1232/1296',massive dio- rite,no fractures,100%returns.Temps. at 1290':In -160°F,Out -180°F.Coring at 1296'at 7:00 AM. Continue coring NX hole 1296/1406'in massive diorite.Est.20-25%lost circ. below 1350'. Temps.at 1300':In -156°F Out -172°F 1386':In -150°F Out -175°F Coring at 1406'at 7:00 AM. 10 64 65 66 67 68 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 Cored NX hole 1406/1476'.Cooled hole w/water &POH. Ran survey tool -directional shots:720'-3/4°S20W 1050'-1°N45E 1425'-2-1/4°N7SE Ran max.recording thermometers,temp.@ 1425'- 390°F (5 hrs.after circ.).RIH.Cored 1476/1546',+10%lost circulation.Flow line temp.@ +1500':In -140°F . Out -160°F. Coring @ 1546'@ 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1546/1596'.Twisted off at 650' (belled joint).POH.RIH with tapered tap, engaged fish,pulled up 20'and lost fish. Reengaged fish and POH.RIH with new NX bit, mixed mud and cored ahead 1596/1646'. Plow line temps:In -140°F Out -160°F Coring at 1646'at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1646/1796'in massive diorite. Flow line temp:In -+140°F Out -+160°F Coring at 1796'at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1796/1906'in massive diorite.POH for bit change.Cleaned mud pits and mixed mud. Running in hole at 7:00 AM. RIH and displ.water in hole w/mud.Cored NX hole 1906/1916'.100%lost circulation at 1916'.Pumped cold water through drill string for 30 min.Pulled up 60'to 1866',pumping cold water down annulus,hole filled.Ran back to bottom and cored 1916/1924',again lost circula- tion.Cored ahead blind 1924/1926',well on vacuum. Attempt to recover core from 1926',N.G.,wire- line parted 100'above barrel.POH while pumping cold water down annulus.Recover parted wireline and core.RIH w/open ended NX to 620',close pipe rams,install 2"flow tee and valves on NX. Shut in well at 9:00 PM 8/21.Surface press.and temp.on NX at 7:00 AM,8/22:23 psi &190°F. Prep.flow well at 7:00 AM. il 69 70 8/23 8/24 Attempted flow test through NX rods hanging @ 620':flowing press.-0,flowing temp -204°F, rate too small to measure,no increase in rate observed. Killed well with 670 gal.(90 cu.ft.)of cold water,POH.SI well by closing master valve at 10:15 AM.Removed stripper head and installed swab gate.Shut-in wellhead pressures: 3:00 PM (8/22)-15 psig. 6:00 PM -27 psig. 7:00 AM (8/23)-38 psig. Will attempt to flow well through HQ csg. Left well SI until 9:15 PM 8/23.Final wellhead shut-in pressure:42 psig. Began flowing well through HQ csg.@ 9:15 PM. Produced dirty water immediately at 10 psig and 206°F at wellhead.Cl (Quantab)=625 ppm at 2200.By 11:00 PM flowing pressure decreased to 3 psig with alternating steam and water pro- duced.3 gpm (water);steam rate not measurable. 11:00 PM (8/23)SI well.Wellhead buildup pres- sures as follows: After 1 min.WHP =16 psig 2 min.WHP =17.5 psig 3 min.WHP =20 psig 4 min.WHP =22.5 psig 5 min.WHP =25 psig 6 min.WHP =28 psig 7 min.WHP =29.5 psig 8/24 6:15 AM =32 psig.Opened well for additional flow tests.Wellhead flowing pressures as follows: After 1 min.flowing pressure =0 psig 2 min.flowing pressure =4 psig 3 min.flowing pressure =4 psig 6 min.flowing pressure =6.5 psig 10 min.flowing pressure =3 psig 13 min.flowing pressure =1 psig WHP stayed at 1 psig for five minutes with steam flow. 18 min.flowing pressure =0 psig (w/steam) 20 min.flowing pressure =0 psig (w/steam) 12 71 72 8/25 8/26 Continued flowing well.8:00 AM (8/24):SI well to change wellhead thermometer position. 8:30 AM Reopened well -WHT =209°F (flowing). Well cycled dry steam and water (at +4 gpm)0 psig flow pressure until 1:30 PM.Killed well with cold water,removed swab gate and reinstalled stripper head. Water samples collected from 8/24 flow tests analyzed as follows:7000 ppm Cl,180 ppm $10,and silica with quartz-geothermometer temperature 415°F. RIH with open ended NX core pipe to 600'.Mixed and pumped 60 cu.ft.LCM pill and displaced with 60 cu.ft.mud and 15 cu.ft.water.POH and let stand for 2 hrs.RIH with open ended NX to 600',filled hole and circulated water for 30 min.(full circulation).Staged from 600'to 1916'circulating for +20 min.every 100'with no loss of circulation.POH,made up NX coring assembly.RIH @ 7:00 AM. RIH to 1916'.Cored 10'baked LCM,lost all returns.Cored 20'blind to 1946'.While coring blind @ 1946',3'void encountered and drill string dropped free to 1949'.POH while pumping cold water down annulus.Shut in well @ 2:40 PM (8/25). SI Wellhead pressures as follows: 2:40 PM (8/25)0 psig 4:30 PM 3 psig 5:00 PM 3 psig 7:00 PM 5 psig 11:00 PM 9 psig 6:30 AM (8/26)23 psig Prep.flow test well. 13 73 74 8/27 8/28 -o3©fet4:00 PM 7:40 AM - Well SI,WHP =23 psig. Opened well.Flowed intermittent heads of +10 gals.muddy water every 5-6 min.intervals for approx.1 hour,then died.Surface temp.206°F. SI well.WHP at 2:00 PM =25 psig. Opened well.Flowed steam &water in 6-8 min.heads.Died in 1 hour.WHT =208°F.Ran max. recording thermometer on sand line.Temp at 680'=315°F.Two runs down to 1949'w/readings of 388°F and 395°F. SI well.Installed nitrogen hoses on expansion joint wing valves. Unable to fly in nitrogen due to fog.SI WHP at 7:30 PM =23.5 psig,@ 7:00 AM (8/27)-33.5 psig.Prep.attempt flow test while waiting on nitrogen. Opened well for short flow test. Flowed steam and water in heads for 1 minute then a strong water flow for 3 hour test. Flow Test Results: WH Flowing Time Pressure (psiq)Temp.(°F) 7:43 AM (8/27)12 230 7:45 13 230 7:48 16 235 7:55 18.5 240 8:10 18.5 242 8:30 19 245 8:55 19.5 245 9:10 19.5 245 9:25 20 247 9:55 19.5 247 10:20 19.5 248 10:30 20 250 10:40 20 250 10:40 SI well 14 75 76 77 8/29 8/30 8/31 Time SI Pressure (psiq) 10:44 AM 48 10:47 55 10:49 61 10:57 58 11:09 55 11:40 50 16:30 52.5 20:00 55 Well still SI Time WHP (psiq) 8:45 AM (8/28)71 9:45 72 1:45 PM 73 7245 719 7:00 AM (8/29)89 Flow line test equipment and lubricator flown to site.Installed flow line, valves,and bypass. Continued to rig up and modify test equip- ment.Rig up lubricator;spool .092" wireline onto survey hoist and position hoist. Shut in wellhead pressures: 8/29 3:00PM 92 psi 8/30 9:00AM 102 psi Continued rigging up flow line and meter- ing system for production test.Fabri- cated support for wireline depth measuring head and installed on wireline hoist. Preparing to run static temp.survey. SI WHP's: Date Time Psig 8/30 12:00 Noon 103 4:00 PM 104 6:00 PM 105 8/31 7:00 AM 108 15 APPENDIX C THIN SECTION ANALYSIS Roll #1 Photo # Depth: Depth: 10 MAKUSHIN ST-1 THIN SECTION DESCRIPTIONS 120 ft.-Lahar:very coarse-grained to agglomeratic lithic tuff with subrounded to angular rock fragments of porphyritic andesite,diorite,tuff and basalt in a crys- tal rich to crystal poor tuffaceous groundmass altered to clays. Rounded lithic frags.of diorite and porphyritic andesite separated by fine-grained glassy matrix partially altered to clay.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) Same as above,w/x-nicols. Fine grained basalt(?)and porphyritic andesite fragments in lahar.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) Same as above w/X nicols. 143 ft.-Altered diorite:highly altered and brecciated medium-grained diorite.Both mafic minerals and plagio- clase are highly corroded and replaced by silica and clays.Pyrite is also common.Thin veins of very fine- grained silica and clay.Many crystals of plagioclase., etc.,are broken and the holocrystalline texture of the diorite is not recognizable in portions of the section. Broken crystal of plagioclase.with pieces separated by clay-silica vein.Showing brecciated nature of rock. (Plane light,2.5x obj.) Same as above w/x-nicols. Cross cutting,very fine silica veins in altered diorite. (Plane light,2.5x) As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) Partially obliterated holocrystalline texture with replacement by silica and clay with some pyrite.Large plagioclase crystal cut by vein.(Plane light,2.5x obj. As above w/x-nicols Roll #1 Photo # Depth: VW 12 13 14 15 16 Depth: 7 18 19 20 Depth: 21 22 203 ft.-Highly Altered Diorite:medium-grained diorite almost totally replaced by clay,quartz,calcite and chlorite.Very little of original texture remaining.Cutbycalcite-quartz vein. Relict plagioclase crystals altered to clay and chlorite grading to quartz and calcite vein.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Coarse-grained calcite vein filling (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Coarse-grained quartz-calcite and some chlorite in vein (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Alteration of original texture of the diorite to quartz, clay,chlorite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 277 ft.-Altered Diorite:medtum-grained,hydrothermally altered.Holocrystalline texture still dominant but most minerals have been altered to clay,chlorite,or quartz and some anhydrite.Hydrothermal alteration probably overprints earlier propylitization. View of relict texture and alteration to chlorite,quartz, clay and pyrite.(Plane light,2.5 obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Altered texture of diorite w/anhydrite.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 335 ft.-Altered Diorite:similar to 277 ft.sample but not as heavily altered,plagioclases retain a sharper crystal outline and are less corroded and altered to clays.The sample is cut by calcite-anhydrite-quartz veins and a vug.Magnetite blebs are extremely common around and within the calcite vug. Diorite cut by quartz-anhydrite vein.(Plane Tight,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) Roll #1 Photo # 23 24 25 26 Depth: 27 28 29 30 3] 32 33 34 Depth: Carbonate vug filling w/magnetite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.), As above w/x-nicols. Chlorite-carbonate-magnetite alteration.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 497.5 ft.-Altered Diorite:propylitized and hydro- thermally altered,medium-grained.Most of the textural character has been destroyed.Section ts cut by zone of calcite,anhydrite,epidote and pyrite.Original mafic minerals totally replaced. Altered diorite and patch of calcite-anhydrite,epidote, and pyrite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Epidote-anhydrite,pyrite;original texture completely eradicated.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) General alteration of the diorite showing corroded texture with most crystals altered or altering to clay.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Secondary(?)biotite in carbonate,epidote vug(?) w/anhydrite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 623 ft.-Altered Diorite Breccia(?):highly altered to clay,carbonate,and epidote cut by epidote carbonate veins w/radiating clusters of epidote crystals.Opaques are magnetite concentrated in linear zones.Hand specimen looks like a breccia. Roll #1 Photo # 35 Vein of epidote-calcite with radiating needle-like clusters of epidote.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) 36 Same as above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) 37 As above w/quartz wedge. Roll #2 Photo # Note:Photos #1-7 lost due to automatic winding problems. 8 Epidotization of the crystalline texture of the diorite. (Plane light,2.5x obj.) 9 As above w/x-nicols. Roll #4 Photo # Depth:664 ft.-Silica vein several inches thick with vuggy porosity.Thin section is essentially all silica,predom. chalcedony and quartz with abundant clay and streaks of pyrite.Rare crystals of anhydrite and wairakite present. 26 Vug-lined by chalcedony crystals (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) surrounded by very fine-grained chalcedony,clay and pyrite (opaques). 27 Filled in vug area w/chalcedony and quartz and cross- twinned or cubic mineral (wairakite)and dirty clayey appearance.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) 28 As above w/x-nicols. 29 Close up of twinned (cubic)wairakite (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 30 As above w/quartz wedge. Depth:705 ft.-Altered Diorite:Hand specimen has dark gray finer grained portion and light green-gray coarser grained section.However,in thin section the grain size of the crystals ts not that noticeably different.The darker gray side appears to have more plagioclase altered to clay whereas on the lighter colored side the plagioclase is much less altered.Magnetite may be more disseminated and finer on the dark side. Roll #2 Photo # 10 in Depth: 12 13 Depth: 14 15 Depth: 16 W7 18 Coarse-grained altered diorite at contact between light and dark or coarse and finer grained portions.(Plane Tight,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols.(Lighter portion also is much more chlorite rich.) 755 ft.-Brecciated-Altered Diorite:with localized con- centrations of magnetite.Rock is highly chloritized and locally rich in epidote replacing plagioclase.The rock is cut by veins composed of anhydrite,calcite,quartz and epidote which separate the fragments of breccia.Most of the crystalline structure has been altered to clays. Chlorite rich area of the rock.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols abundant clay alteration. 831 ft.-Diorite:relatively fresh,dark gray in hand specimen.Plagioclase essentially unaltered,mafics altered completely to clays but still recognizable. Mafics make up about 10-15%of rock.Rock is generally less altered below 800+ft. Diorite-plagioclase and mafic crystals.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 986 ft.-Aphanitic Diorite Porphyry Dike cutting the older diorite.In hand specimen a light colored aphanite cuts the darker diortte pluton.In thin section the dike appears as dominantly very fine-grained quartz replacing a fine-grained diorite porphyry.Upon close inspection coarse phenocrysts of plagioclase and mafic minerals can be seen in the dike as well as remnants of the finer grained diorite.An epidote and coarse-grained quartz and calcite vein is present along one contact of the dike. Contact between fine-grained dike and diorite with a few coarser crystals seen in the dike,the majority of the finer crystals have been silicified,however.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Relict porphyry texture in the dike.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) Roll #2 Photo # 19 20 21 22 Depth: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 As above w/x-nicols. Coarser grained quartz-calcite-epidote vein on border of dike.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Magnified view of replacement texture of quartz replacing original very fine-grained diorite.(x-nicols,10x obj.) 1012 ft.-Diorite:w/a fine-grained dark gray xeno- Vith(?).The ditorite is medium-to coarse-grained, relatively fresh with about 30-35%mafic minerals that have been altered to clays and chlorite.Diorite is richer in mafic minerals than above.The xenolithic rock is porphyritic with a very fine-grained groundmass of quartz probably devitrified and silicified from a glass. The An content of the plagioclase in the xenolith is in the 50-65%range whereas the diorite plagioclase is more in the 20-30%range.The xenolith is probably an altered porphyritic basalt or andesite fragment or dike.Both the xenolith and the diorite are cut by a later carbonate- chlorite vein with local quartz.There is also localized quartz replacement along the contact between the xenolith and the diorite. Contact between diorite and xenolith with calcite-chlorite vein cutting both.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above with x-nicols. Quartz along contact between diorite and xenolith (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Porphyritic text of xenolith and calcite-chlorite vein with a portion replaced by quartz (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Detailed view of calcite vein changing to quartz vein with both boardered by chlorite vein filling,also details of quartz replacing groundmass in the xenolith.(Plane Tight,10x obj.) As above w/x-nicols,10x obj.(See photograph in text.) Diorite -coarse-grained with 30%+mafics.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Roll #2 Photo # Depth: 31 32 Depth: 33 34 35 36 37 Roll #3 Photo # ] Depth: 1013 ft.-Diorite:medium-to very coarse-grained almost a porphyry w/occasional very large plagioclase crystals in a matrix of medium-grained diorite.Mafic minerals gener- ally altered to clays and chlorite.The rock appears somewhat propylitized.Some rock has been silicified or replaced by quartz. Large plagioclase crystal in medium-grained matrix. (Plane light,2.5x obj.) Same as above w/x-nicols. 1017 ft.-Xenolith in Diorite:very fine-grained porphy- ritic texture and very dark gray in hand specimen,is confirmed in thin section as a diorite porphyry or por- phyritic basalt or andesite whose (glassy?)groundmass has become devitrified and silicified as at 1012'above. Porphyritic texture of the xenolith cut by a calcite vein that has been offset by a later fracture that was then filled by chlorite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Vein w/calcite-quartz-epidote and chlorite-cutting xeno- lith.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Contact between xenolith and diorite,xenolith groundmass gets coarser grained near contact with diorite. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Glomerocryst or relic of diorite in the xenolith may indicate the xenolith is a porphyry diorite or it may be an isolated fragment of diorite in the xenolith. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.)(1017 ft.continued) 1318 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained,partially altered, especially the mafic minerals;cut by a calcite vein with local patches of epidote or anhydrite with the calcite. This rock is relatively fresh compared to the shallower portions of the hole,little or no hydrothermal aiteration except for the vein,generally propylitized. Portion of the calcite vein with patch of epidote,general coarse-grained nature of the rock.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) 7 Roll #3 Photo # 3 Depth: Depth: 10 1 Depth: 12 As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) 1394 ft.-Diorite:medium-grained,chloritic,mafics highly altered.Rock cut by micro veinlets and veins of chlorite,calcite,quartz and anhydrite.. Change in mineralogy of vein from anhydrite to calcite and quartz.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Same vein laterally displaced showing change from calcite to quartz w/outer lining of chlorite and a few grains of epidote.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1406 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained as above w/1/4 inch vein of quartz,calcite and anhydrite.Mafic minerals altered predom.to clays. View of 1/4"vein showing anhydrite-carbonate deposition in the center with coarser grained quartz on either side and finer grained quartz filling on the outer edges with some calcite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.Several episodes of vein filling are obviously present. As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) View of contact between diorite and vein w/chlorite, quartz,some epidote,anhydrite and coarser quartz grains.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1499 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained,partially altered as above,with 1/3"vein of quartz-anhydrite-calcite cutting through.Part of the vein is vuggy with coarse-grained terminated quartz crystals growing perpendicular to the sides of the vein into the open space.Rock also cut by earlier carbonate and silica veins truncated by the larger vein. View of coarse grain quartz crystals growing into open vug space,with finer grained quartz and anhydrite present. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.lens) Rol]#3 Photo# Depth: 13 14 Depth: 15 Depth: 16 7 Depth: 18 19 Depth: 20 21 22 Depth: 1546.5 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained,chloritic, w/relatively fresh plagioclase;cut by very thin calcite-chlorite veinlets. View of diorite and calcite-chlorite veinlet.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1575 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained with +25%mafic min- erals which are,in general,completely altered to high birefringent clays.The plagioclase is generally unaltered. View of mafics altered to clay.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1687 ft.-Diorite:coarse-grained with altered mafics as above,cut by thin vein of calcite-anhydrite and chlorite. View of vein showing intermingled calcite-chlorite- anhydrite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.)- As above w/x-nicols. 1752.5 ft.-Diorite Medium-to coarse-grained w/highly altered mafic minerals as above.Cut by a calcite- anhydrite vein. View of calcite-anhydrite vein.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1785 ft.-Diorite:medium-to coarse-grained,mafics highly altered to clays,etc.,plagioclase also partially altered and broken in places.Rock is cut by very thin epidote-calcite vein.First reoccurrence of epidote in any quantity in 600+ft. View of epidote-calcite vein.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols.(See photograph in text.) Altered nature of the dioritte (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1827 ft.-Altered Diorite:medium-to coarse-grained with both mafics and plagioclase altered to clays,chlorite, and epidote.Generally highly chloritic,cut by epidote- quartz-calcite vein.Diorite markedly more altered than above. Roll #3 Photo # 23 24 25 26 Depth: 27 28 29 30 Depth: 3] 32 View of epidote-quartz-calcite vein and mafic minerals altered to chlorite.(Plane light,2.5 obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Altered plagioclase and mafic minerals.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1906 ft.-Highly altered Diorite:Medium-to coarse- grained,with mafic minerals (pyroxenes)altered predom. to chlorite and clays.The plagioclases are highly corroded and altered to epidote,carbonate and clay. Anhydrite is also present.The rock is cut by a 1/2"vein of coarse-fine grained quartz,calcite,epidote and anhydrite. Portion of the thick vein filling showing calcite, epidote,quartz and anhydrite (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Another portion of the vein showing transition from anhydrite-epidote to fine and coarse grain quartz and calcite. View showing high degree of alteration of the diorite with the mafics altered to fibrous chlorite and the corrosion of the plagioclase and alteration to epidote and clays. (Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 1926.5 ft.-Diorite:coarse-to medium-grained with mafic minerals highly altered to clays and chlorite as above, however,the plagioclase is not as altered as above,onlypartiallycorroded.The hand specimen is cut bya veryfine-grained,dark gray to black dike or xenolith which in thin section is a fine-grained diorite or diorite porphyry. In general,the diorite host rock is not as highly altered as at 1906 ft.Proximity to fractures and veins or frac- turing per se may be a prime controlling factor in the degree of alteration of the plagioclase. View of contact between coarse diorite pluton and fine- grained diorite porphyry with common opaques (pyrite?). (Plane light,2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. 10 Roll #3 Photo # 33 View of porphyry texture of fine-grained dike or xenolith.Large crystals are relatively rare.(Plane JVight,25.x obj.) 34 As above w/x-nicols. 35 Altered nature of diorite highly altered mafics (to clay and chlorite)with a partially altered plagioclase and unaltered plagioclase.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) 36 As above w/x-nicols. Roll #4 Photo # Depth:1929 ft.-Diorite:medium-to coarse-grained,similar toabove.Mafic minerals (pyroxenes)generally totally altered to clays and chlorite.The plagioclases vary from quite corroded and altered to carbonate and clays to vir- tually unaltered.The more altered plagioclase is gener- ally,but not always,closer to the silica and carbonate veins cutting the rock.Individual crystals appear to be more fractured where the plagioclase is most highly altered.There are also scattered patches of altered plagioclase not in proximity to the veining.The section is cut by several small calcite veins and one 1/8-1/4" fine-to coarse-grained quartz vein w/occasional epidote and anhydrite crystals. ]Coarse-to fine-grained quartz vein cutting diorite. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 2 Fractured and altered plagtoclase in diorite near quartz vein (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 3 $ma11 calcite veins w/quartz and rare epidote cutting the diorite.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Depth:1935 ft.-Diorite:essentially the same as 1929 ft.withhighlyalteredmaficsthroughoutandhighlybroken,cor- roded and altered plagioclase along the margins of a calcite-gypsum (anhydrite)-quartz vein. 4 Contact between calcite-gypsum-quartz vein and altered diorite.(Plane light,2.5x obj.) 5 As above w/x-nicols. 6 Details of calcite-gypsum-quartz vein cutting diorite. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1 Roll #4 Photo # 7 11 12 13 Depth: 14 Depth: 15 16 7 Fractured,broken plagioclase crystals,some just slightly altered others show more alteration to carbonate,epidote and clay (x-nicols,2.5x obj.)(See photograph in text.) Close up of cracks in plagioclase crystal w/minute crystals of epidote forming.(x-nicols,10x obj.) Close up of plagioclase altering to epidote and calcite. (x-nicols,10x obj.) Close up of mafic pyroxene altered to fibrous chlorite. (x-nicols,10x obj.) 1936 ft.-Diorite:altered as above w/calcite-anhydrite vein with quartz across one edge of the section.Anhy- drite crystals have grown in open network. View of altered and fractured plagioclase in contact w/calcite-anhydrite vein (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Calcite-anhydrite vein w/quartz (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Calcitte-anhydrite vein w/quartz (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1938 ft.-Diorite:medium-to coarse-grained,partially altered as above and cut by a calcite-quartz vein with some anhydrite (gypsum?)and a few very thin parallel calcite veins. Quartz-calcite vein with anhydrite cutting through diorite and in particular one large plagioclase crystal. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1943 ft.-Diorite:basically as above but generally more altered overall,especially the plagioclases show con- siderably more alteration to carbonate and clay.Section is cut by large 1/2"calcite vein w/quartz and anhydrite and several parallel quartz dominated veins which are much thinner. A portion of the thicker calcite vein w/quartz and anhy- drite.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) Contact of thicker calcite vein w/altered diorite showing a subparallel thinner calcite vein w/quartz and the altered and broken plagioclase of the diorite.(x-nicols, 2.5x obj.) Subparallel quartz and calcite veins separated by altereddiorite.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 12 Roll #4 Photo # 18 Depth: 19 20 21 Depth: 22 23 24 25 Highly altered nature of the diorite to clays and carbonate.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1944 ft.-Diorite:altered as above and cut by thin calcite-quartz vein. Altered diorite and quartz-calcite vein.(Plane light, 2.5x obj.) As above w/x-nicols. Fracturing and beginning alteration of a plagioclase. (x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 1946 ft.(2 thin sections)-Diorite:highly altered and micro fractured as above with thick stlica vein containing coarse to medium and fine-grained quartz and traces of carbonate and anhydrite locally. View of portion of silica vein showing variation of grain size of the quartz crystals.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) A look at the alteration of the diorite showing carbonate, chlorite and clays.(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) From second thin section paralleling a quartz-calcite vein at same depth,showing calcite and quartz vein. Advanced alteration of plagioclase crystal to clay, carbonate and quartz?(x-nicols,2.5x obj.) 13 APPENDIX D GEOCHEMICAL LOGGING OF CORE SAMPLES a,SYSTEMATIC -COST-EFFECTIVE -RESOURCE DISCOVERY Applications and Technique Development Robert W.Bamford Geologist /Geochemist GEOCHEMICAL LOGGING OF CORE SAMPLES FROM _GEOTHERMAL WELL ST-1R, MOUNT MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL PROSPECT, UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Completed for Republic Geothermal,Inc. January,1984 2315 26th Ave.E.,Seattle,WA 98112 /Telephone (206)329-7966 XX KBB IER LHR MA KHOU KIDS KOGA XK DOK TOI HBG LK 5 BKB BOK X ",;CONTENTS ABSTRACT .2 2 2 we ew ww we we we ww we we we we ws INTRODUCTION .2.we ee ww we ew we we we ww wn Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures . Geochemical Background Calculations...... Data Presentation and Interpretation..... DISCUSSION .2.2 2 ew ww ew ww we we we ww we ww Geochemical Anomalies...2 ee ee ee eee Structural and/or Permeability Implications of Distributions.es e e e e e e e e ee e e e°e e e Potential Geothermal Resource....2.«2 «» REFERENCES .2.ce ww we we ew ww we eee TABLES Table 1 Summary of Geochemical Logging Results for Drill Hole ST-1R. Anomaly 2 Estimated Geochemical Background (X)and Threshold (X+2s)values..2.2 2 ew ee ee we ew we www ee ws 11 14 16 -,FIGURES Figure 1 Hg,As,S,S04 (as S),F,Ca,Mn,and Si0»5 Gains and Losses,Tus As/Hg and As/SO4,versus Depth for Compositeca.50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-IR......ees 2 Hg,As,S,Li,and F Gains and Losses and As/HgversusDepthforIndividual(ca.10-foot)Core SamplesfromtheInterval497to1046feetinWellST-1R7....... 3 Hg,As,S,SOq (as S),Li,and F Gains and Losses,plus As/Hg 'and As/SO4 versus Depth for Individual(ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 1696 to 1946 feet in Drill Hole ST-1R .2...2 2 2 ww we ew we ee even e APPENDICES Appendix A Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Composite(ca.50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-IR.......2- B Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 497 to 1046feetinWellST-1R ..«©«©«©«©«©©we we we we we ww wee C Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-IR .2.2 0 0 we ww we ew ew we ee ww we D Original Geochemical Data for Composite (ca.50-foot) Core Samples from Well ST-1R .2.2.2 2 2 we eo we we ww E Original Geochemical Data for Individual (ca.10-foot) Core Samples from the Intervals 497 to 1046 feet and 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-1R 20 21 22 27 31 35 ABSTRACT Geochemical logging of core samples from geothermal well ST-1R has been completed to provide information on the distribution,effects,and nature of past or present thermal fluid migration in the vicinity of the well. Analogous to results for the previously logged drill holes D-1,E-1, and I-1 (Bamford,1982),a single type of geochemical anomaly is found to predominate in rocks penetrated by well ST-1R.Characteristic components of the anomaly are spatially associated Li-As-S enrichments.Additional, locally prominent components,considered to in part define anomaly sub- types,include Hg,F,and Mn enrichments.The consistency of the Li-As-S © enrichment association and the nature of the other anomaly components suggest that hydrothermal alteration in rocks near well ST-1R developed primarily under intermediate-pH or alkaline water-dominated conditions. Principal geochemical logging results include tentative recognition of: (1)major to minor thermal fluid entries in or near the intervals 545 to 563,657 to 686,761 to 770,913 to 924,987 to 1006,1036 to 1046,1353 to 1451,1716 to 1726,1776 to 1816,1906 to 1926,and 1937 to 1949 feet and (2)of self-sealed or otherwise relatively impermeable rock overlying and/or surrounding these permeable zones.Since the top of the present water table is indicated to occur at a depth of about 900 feet in ST-1R (J.S.Matlick-personal communication),thermal fluid entries above that depth are tentatively classified as steam entries and those below that depth as hot water entries. Geochemically identified zones with greatest potential for significant hot-water entries correspond,in approximate order of importance,to the intervals:1937 to 1946,1906 to 1926,1776 to 1816,1716 to 1726,and 1353 to 1451. Much of the original permeability of rock above 500 feet in ST-1R has probably been eliminated by self-sealing related to anhydrite and silica deposition and relatively strong pervasive alteration.The self-sealed rock appears to become essentially impermeable to geothermal fluids at about 350 feet,and overall probably constitutes an effective capping for the reservoir.Silica deposition probably also has caused relatively significant reductions in the permeability of rocks between 800 and 1250 feet.Precipitation of the silica is possibly related to boiling of the geothermal brine near the water table and may be continuing. As previously suggested (Bamford,1982),the principal geothermal resource in the vicinity of well ST-1R and temperature gradient holes D-1, E-1,and I-1 is probably a higher-temperature (T 5 200°C)water-dominated reservoir.The new ST-1R logging results provide additional indications that parts of the target reservoir may be relatively shallow (ca.1200 feet)and that discovery potential is probably greatest for the area around E-1 and ST-1R and least for the area around I-1l. INTRODUCTION This report describes and interprets multi-element geochemical data acquired through analysis of core samples from the 1,949-foot geothermal well ST-1R,located in the Mount Makushin Geothermal Prospect area,Una- _Taska Island,Alaska.The work is designed to aid evaluation of geothermal resource potential in the prospect area by providing information on the distribution,effects,and nature of past or present thermal fluid migra- tion in the vicinity of the well.Such migration,even in limited amounts, causes the development of hydrothermal trace and minor element signatures in rocks permeated by the thermal fluids.These signatures can be detected readily by geochemical analysis (e.g.,Bamford et al.,1980;Bamford, 1978).Their composition and magnitude provide indications of the degree and type of thermal fluid-rock interactions,and frequently permit tenta- tive distinction between past and ongoing hydrothermal activity. Geochemical logging has previously been completed for temperature gradient holes D-1,E-1,and I-1 at Mt.Makushin (Bamford,1982).Well ST- 1R is located closest to (about 1000 feet east of)hole E-1. Sample Preparation and Analytical Procedures Thirty-eight composite and eighty-three individual core samples from the well ST-1R have been prepared and analyzed for this work.Most of the composite samples represent approximately 50-foot drilling intervals and incorporate 5 or 6 individual samples,these representing 8-foot to 11-foot drilling intervals.Analysis of the composite drill hole samples provides continuous,representative,multi-element geochemical data from a minimum number of samples at reasonable cost.The individual-sample analyses provide detailed characterization of critical geochemical anomalies defined by composite sample data in deeper parts of the well (497 to 1046 feet and 1696 to 1946 feet). Composite samples were analyzed for Hg,As,S,S04,F,Li,Ca,Mn and Si09.With the exception of Si0>and S04,this is an element suite indi- cated to be useful for geothermal exploration by previous work (e.g., Bamford et al.,1980).Si0,data were obtained primarily to aid the clas- sification of sample rock types for geochemical background and gain and loss determinations.The data also provide at least rough indications of Si0,sealing in some circumstances.Data for SO,were acquired to assist assessment of permeability decreases (sealing)related to $enrichment through providing indications of the relative contribution to total S$ values of anhydrite and gypsum versus sulfide minerals.Higher relative SO,usually is indicative of a greater amount of sealing,since anhydrite and gypsum occupy about 4 times more volume per unit weight of S than the common sulfides and are more likely to occur as void fillings.The SO, data also assists discrimination between S enrichments related to thermal reservoir brines (S =sulfide and/or sulfate)and those related to conden- sate or mixed waters (S =sulfate). The individual (ca.10-foot)samples were analyzed for Hg,As,S,Li and F.Part of these samples,the suite from the interval 1696 to 1946 feet,were also analyzed for SO,. Analytical methods used in this work were:specific ion electrode for F;Leco induction furnace for S;gravimitry for S04;and conventional atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS)for all other elements except As. As (arsenic)was determined by hydride generation AAS in order to obtain useful data in low concentration ranges.The hydride generation AAS tech- nique provides detection limits of 0.1 ppm in this work.Conventional analytical methods for As commonly provide detection limits of1 ppmor more.The SOq analytical procedure is fully effective only for sulfate minerals soluble in a hot 10%HCl solutions (e.g.,for gypsum and anhy- drite)and probably does not facilitate quantitative determination of S04 in minerals such as alunite and jarosite. Sample preparation and analytical work were carried out at the Rocky Mountain Geochemical Corporation Laboratory,Salt Lake City,Utah.Speci- fied procedures were fol lowed. Geochemical Background Calculations Geochemical background and threshold values are determined for 4 separate rock-type or rock-composition (background)categories.They were estimated as the arithmetic mean (X)and as the mean plus or minus 2 standard deviations (X+2s),respectively,of data sets for "unaltered" samples in each background category (Table 2 and Appendix D).Assignment of samples to specific background categories was based on the lithologic logs (Republic Geothermal,Inc.,1982 and 1983A)and,for relatively unal- tered samples,on similarity inCa,Li,and SiN,geochemistry.Criteria used to establish a sample as "unaltered"were a lack of readily observed hydrothermal alteration in the drill core (e.g.,Republic Geothermal,Inc., 1982 and 1983A)and an absence from the sample of unusual concentrations of Hg or As,and/or one or more of the elements Li and S.Determination of background values by methods more rigorous than those described above was precluded by the limited number of "unaltered"samples and by the relative geologic complexity of the survey area. The mean backgrounds values (X)and corresponding standard devia- tions(s)provide a basis for estimating and evaluating geochemical gains and losses (see description below and Figures 1 thru 3).Accuracy and interpretability of geochemical gain and loss values as indicators of geothermal fluid-rock interaction are usually optimum if:(1)the back- ground values closely reflect original (pre-geothermal)rock geochemistry, (2)the number of background data used for calculating X and s for a given background category equals or exceeds 3,and 3)background categories are effectively matched with the various lithologies sampled.In the current work,most of these conditions are reasonably satisfied and the geochemical gain and loss values are considered to be generally reliable.Absolute reliability of gain and loss values is again lowest,although adequate,for the two composite samples in the "Cinders/Lahar"background category (ST- 1R/55-103 and /103-149),since background values for this category are defined by data for one cinders sample (D-1/990-1150),which is probably weakly altered and may be poorly representative.All other samples,compo- site and individual,are indicated to be predominantly diorite (Republic Geothermal,1983A)and are assigned to the Diorite-1 category for which background values are effectively established (Table 2). Data Presentation and Interpretation Geochemical results are presented in three forms:(1)computer- generated plots of element gain and loss values and selected element ratios versus drill hole depth (Figures 1 thru 3),(2)tabulations and plots of various statistics for element gain and loss values (Appendices A,B,and C),and (3)tabulations of original geochemical data (Appendices D and €). The geochemical gain and loss values are determined by subtraction of back- ground values from original geochemical data and therefore provide rela- tively direct indications of the distribution,nature,and degree of epige- netic modification of original rock geochemistry.Gain and loss values are generally considered to be anomalous if they exceed two times the standard deviation of the applicable background data set.For background data sets based on a single sample only,anomaly thresholds are assigned values equal to two times the average of standard deviations for the other background data sets ("Avg.2s,"Table 2).The gain and loss versus depth plots present results in a graphical form which facilitates the evaluation of magnitude and spatial relationships between the various geochemical anoma- lies themselves,and between collective anomaly associations and various geologic features. Statistics presented for gain and loss values include:simple statis- tics (maximum,minimum,mean,variance,and standard deviation),and Spear- man rank correlation and cluster analysis (e.g.,Anderson and Sclove,1978, p.596-601;and Davis,1973,p.73-80 and 456-473).Correlation and clus- ter analysis by the Spearman rank method is free of underlying assumptions regarding type of data distribution. Interpretations of the geochemical results are based primarily on empirical multi-element geochemical zoning models provided by both pub- lished and proprietary studies of hot-water and vapor-dominated geothermal | systems (e.g.,Bamford,et al.,1980;Bamford and Christensen,1979;Bam- ford,1978;and White,1967).The empirical models incorporate an exten- sive data base and reflect demonstrated relationships between various types of active geothermal phenomena and specific hydrothermal geochemical signatures.Results from several general studies which provide insight into conditions affecting transportation and deposition of key hydrothermal elements (e.g.,Robertson,et al.,1978)are utilized for checking and refining interpretations. DISCUSSION Geochemical Anomalies Analogous to results for drill holes D-1,E-1,and I-1 (Bamford, 1982),a single type of geochemical anomaly is found to predominate in rocks penetrated by well ST-1R.Characteristic components of the anomaly are spatially associated Li-As-S enrichments (Table 1,Figures 1 thru 3, and Appendix A).Additional,locally prominent components,considered to in part define anomaly subtypes,include Hg,F,and Mn enrichments.The consistency of the Li-As-S enrichment association and the nature of other anomaly components suggests that hydrothermal alteration in rocks near well ST-1R developed primarily under intermediate-pH or alkaline water-dominated conditions.The finding is consistent with previous geochemical logging results (Bamford,1982).Anomaly characteristics which identify the speci- fic water-dominated conditions are Li (+Mn)enrichments and the absence of significant Li or Mn depletions. The occurrence of a low-temperature steam entry near 670 feet and of the water table near 900 feet in ST-1R (J.S.Matlick,personal communica- tion)is not considered to contradict these interpretations,but rather probably indicates the water table has declined to its present level rela- tively recently and perhaps rapidly,following a longer period during which water-dominated geothermal conditions extended to near the surface.A rapid rather than prolonged gradual decline of the water table is suggested by the occurrence of two distinct zones of relatively strong Si0,enrich- ment (mainly void-filling)in rock penetrated by ST-1R.One such zone occurs near the present surface and the other near and below the present water table at about 900 feet (Figure 1).The Si0j-enriched zones possibly formed as a result of boiling and thus may roughly define two relatively stable positions of the water table. Estimates of the temperature and pH conditions associated with geo- thermal rock alterations(see above and/or Table 1)are based on the ob- served abundance and the known or inferred hydrothermal behavior of speci- fic elements.Temperature estimates are derived primarily from Hg distri- bution data;the presence or absence of significant Hg enrichments in geothermally altered rocks are used to discriminate alteration temperatures respectively less than or greater than 200°C (+50°C max.).Two relatively independent lines of support this interpretation.First,comparisons of Hg geochemistry and temperature profiles for rocks penetrated by production wells in several different geothermal systems consistently indicate that anomalous Hg enrichments of geothermal origin develop and/or are able to persist mainly at temperatures below about 200°C.Second,investigations of the temperature dependence of Hg liberation from geothermally altered, surface and subsurface rocks (e.g.,Christensen et al.,1980)suggest that much of the Hg in such rocks occurs in elemental form,adsorbed or other- wise intimately associated with silicate minerals (Hg as cinnabar is prob- ably relatively uncommon in most geothermal systems).Temperatures required for liberation of Hg from silicate materials are indicated to be about 150 to 250°C if the Hg occurs in elemental form but are significantly higher,about 250 to 350°C,for Hg sulfides.Identification of Hg mineral species in these studies is primarily based on published thermal decomposi- tion data (e.g.,Koksoy et al.,1967). 10 Inferences regarding past pH conditions derive mainly from Li and Mn distribution data.Associated hydrothermal depletions of these elements are considered to reflect alteration by fluids with lower pH and lower cation/H+ratios,while enrichments or a lack of depletions are related to intermediate or alkaline pH and higher cation/H+ratios (the term "lower pH"is intended to encompass both weak-and strong-acid alteration--e.g., Iwasaki et al.,1964).Such interpretations,although not necessarily rigorous,are reasonably supported by direct observations of Li and Mn behavior in geothermal systems (e.g.,Iwasaki et al.,1964 and Bamford et al.,1980).They are also supported in varying degree by a variety of general published descriptions of hydrothermal alteration and related geo- chemistry for both geothermal systems and mineralized sulfide systems (e.g.,Meyer and Hemley,1967;Ellis and Mahon,1977;and Rose and Burt, 1979). Structural and/or Permeability Implications of Anomaly Distributions Geochemical logging results and related data for well ST-1R are summa- rized in Table 1.Principal findings include tentative recognition of:. (1)major to minor thermal fluid entries in or near the intervals 545 to 563,657 to 686,761 to 770,913 to 924,987 to 1006,1036 to 1046,1353 to 1451,1716 to 1726,1776 to 1816,1906 to 1926,and 1937 to 1949 feet and (2)of self-sealed or otherwise relatively impermeable rock overlying and/or surrounding these permeable zones.Since the top of the present water table is indicated to occur at a depth of about 900 feet in ST-1R (J.S.Matlick-personal communication),thermal fluid entries above that 11 depth are tentatively classified as steam entries and those below as hot water entries. Potential for relatively significant higher-temperature (T 5 200°C) thermal fluid entries in ST-1R is considered to be limited to the interval 1000 to 1949 feet,since prominent Hg accumulations in rock above 1000 feet probably indicate reservoir temperatures less than 200°C (Figures 1 and 2 and Table 1).All potentially important entries thus lie within the water- dominated zone (i.e.,are below the 900-foot-deep water table).Geochemi- cally identified zones with greatest potential for significant hot water entries correspond,in approximate order of importance,to the intervals: 1937 to 1946,1906 to 1926,1776 to 1816,1716 to 1726,and 1353 to 1451 feet (Table 1 and Figures 1 and 3).The one major hot-water entry identi- fied by flow tests,that at 1946 to 1949 feet (J.S.Matlick,personal communication),has only moderate geochemical expression (Figure 3),pos- sibly due to incomplete sampling around the zone or because fractures providing permeability are relatively young. Total original (past)permeability to geothermal waters is indicated to have been greatest and/or most pervasive in rocks within or near the 103 to 248 foot interval and within most intervals identified as potentially containing thermal fluid entries (above).This permeability is evidenced by associated high As and sulfide S (total S less S in S04)enrichments (Figures 1,2,and 3).Additional original permeability to mixed,conden- sate,or recharge waters is indicated for rocks in upper parts of the well, especially within the interval 300 to 500 feet.This permeability and the related fluid influx are evidenced by high SO,values (reflecting anhydrite deposition)associated with relatively low As values,e.g.,in the interval 12 248 to 350 feet (Figure 1).Much of the original permeability above a depth of 500 feet is indicated to have been eliminated by self-sealing related to SO,and Si0 deposition and relatively strong pervasive altera- tion (Table 1 and Figure 1).Development of an effective barrier to fluid flow above 350 feet is evidenced by a high conductive temperature gradient (Republic Geothermal,Inc.,1983B,profile #1)and,less directly,by particularly high Hg enrichmentsinthat zone (Figure 1).Void-filling (self-sealing),especially by SO,minerals,is less pronounced and less thorough at depths below 500 feet,but continues to the bottom of the well. The relatively low permeability of rocks between 800 and 1250 feet (indi- cated by higher positive temperature gradients--Table 1 and Republic Geo- thermal,Inc.,1983B)appears to be at least partly due to Si0,deposition (e.g.,Figure 1 and Table 1).The Sid»precipitation is possibly caused by boiling near the water table and may be continuing at present.Refrac- turing of sealed zones is indicated to have occurred in rocks situated below the 350 foot depth (see below). Current permeability in rock penetrated by ST-1R,i.e.,permeability related to known and inferred thermal fluid entries,appears to be partly controlled by relatively young fractures,since a good spatial correlation can be tentatively identified between logged open fractures cross-cutting older filled veins and the fluid entries (Table 1 and cf.Figures 1,2,and 3 with geologic logs--Republic Geothermal,1983A).In general,the cross- cutting vein relationships observed in core (Republic Geothermal,1983A) suggest that episodic fracturing may have affected rocks around ST-1R throughout much of the life of the geothermal system,providing renewal of reservoir permeability.Such fracturing might also have led to a a rapid 13 decline of the water table in rocks near ST-1R,as tentatively inferred in this work,since significant structural disruption of cap rocks could have caused rapid fluid loss from system. Potential Geothermal Resource As previously suggested (Bamford,1982),the principal geothermal re- source in the vicinity of well ST-1R and temperature gradient holes D-l,E- 1,and I-1 is probably a higher-temperature (T 5 200°C)water-dominated reservoir.Around well ST-1R and temperature gradient holes D-1 and E-1l, geochemical indications of reservoir conditions are uniformly encountered at depths below about 1000 to 1200 feet.Shallower rocks are indicated to be sufficiently self-sealed or unfractured near the surface to provide an effective capping for the reservoir.Permeable zones within these shal- Tower rocks,beneath the capping,may commonly produce lower-temperature (<200°C)steam. Permeability throughout the reservoir is possibly provided in signifi- cant degree by relatively young fractures produced by ongoing episodic tectonism.Sealing of such fractures would be likely to occur quite rapidly in shallower parts of the reservoir,due in particular to contin- uing anhydrite and silica deposition,and might take place rapidly enough to have a deleterious affect in a short period of time on any shallow production developed.Production from greater depths (at or below 2000 feet?)is less likely to be affected,since presently observed sealing by anhydrite appears to decrease with depth and may be largely the product of downward circulating SOqg-rich condensate or mixed waters moving into higher temperature environments.Void-filling by Si05,which is greatest at and 14 aanear the water table,also decreases with depth.Thus deeper parts of the reservoir might constitute the better resource at Mt.Makushin even if commercial production can initially be obtained at relatively shallow depths. 15 eoanREFERENCES Anderson,T.W.and Sclove,S.L.,1978,An introduction to the statistical analysis of data:Houghton Mifflin Company,Boston,704 p. Bamford,R.W.,1982,Geochemical logging of drill holes D-1,E-1,and I-1,Mt.Makushin geothermal prospect,Unalaska Island,Alaska:ConsultingreportpreparedforRepublicGeothermal,Inc. Bamford,R.W.,1978,Geochemistry of solid materials from two U.S.geo-thermal systems and its application to exploration:Univ.of Utah Research Inst.,Earth Science Lab.Report No.6,196 p. Bamford,R.W.,Christensen,0.D.,and Capuano,R.M.,1980,Multi-element geochemistry of solid materials in geothermal systems and its applica-tions--Part 1:The hot-water system at Roosevelt Hot Springs,KGRA, Utah,Univ.of Utah Research Inst.,Earth Science Lab.Report No.30, 168 p. Bamford,R.W.,Christensen,0.D.,1979,Multi-element geochemical explora- tion data for the Cove Fort--Sulphurdale Known Geothermal Resource Area, Beaver and Millard Counties,Utah:Univ.of Utah Research Inst.,Earth Science Lab.Report No.19,47 p. Christensen,0.D.,Moore,J.N.,Capuano,R.M.,1980,Trace element geo- chemical zoning in the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area,Utah:Geo- thermal Resources Council,Transactions,v.4,p.149-152. Davis,J.C.,1973,Statistics and data analysis in geology:John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,New York,392 p. Ellis,A.V.and Mahon,W.A.J.,1977,Chemistry and geothermal systems: Academic Press,New York,392 p. Iwasaki,I.,Hiyayama,M.,Katsura,T.,Oazawa,T.,Ossaka,J.,Kamada,M. and Matsumoto,H.,1964,Alteration of rock by volcanic gas in Japan: Bull.Volcanologique,v.27,p.65-78. Koksoy,M.,Bradshaw,P.M.D.,and Tooms,J.S.,1967,Notes on the determi- nation of mercury in geological samples:Inst.Mining Netall.Trans., v.76,p.B121-B124. Meyer,C.and Hemley,J.J.,1967,Wall rock alteration:in Barnes,H.L., ed.,Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits:Holt,Rinehart,and Winston,Inc.,New York,166-235 p. Republic Geothermal,Inc.1982,Geologic logs for temperature gradient holes D-1,E-1,and I-1,Mt.Makushin prospect. 16 Republic Geothermal,Inc.,1983A,Geologic log for well ST-1R,Mt.Makushin prospect. Republic Geothermal,Inc.,1983B,Temperature profiles for wel]ST-1R,Mt. Makushin prospect. Robertson,D.E.,Fruchter,J.S.,Ludwick,D.J.,Wilkerson,C.L.,Crecelius, E.A.,and Evans,J.C.,1978,Chemical characterization of gases and volatile heavy metals in geothermal effluents:Geothermal Resources Council Trans.,v.2,p.579-582. Rose,A.W.and Burt,D.M.,1979,Hydrothermal alteration:in Barnes,H.L., ed.,Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits,second edition:John Wiley and Sons,New York,173-235 p. White,D.E.,1967,Mercury and base-metal deposits with associated thermal and mineral waters,in Barnes,H.L.,ed.,Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits:Holt,Rinehart,and Winston,Inc.,New York,p.575-631. 17 8TTable 3,Summary of Geochemical Logging Results and Related Data for Well ST-Ik,Mt,Makushin Geothermal Prospect OBSERVATIONS tNTERPRETATIONS Depth General Type Geochemical Gain or Loss Or illing|Relative|Max,|Approx.Alteration Conditions |PermeabilityInterval![of Geochem.|(+)*gain,(-)*boss,Ws weak =[Fiuid Rate of |Temp.|Temp.(Based on Geochem.) (feet)Anomaly Memoderate,S*strong,VS"v.strong |Loss Temp.(°C)|Gradient SUMMARY /COMMENTS Hg As s Li F Re.Recovery (°C/km)Temp.|pH Fluld |Past Present Figs 55-350 Li-As-S(+)|VS-M 1 S-w ]S-w ]S-w |S-w i --167 |1094 <200°C |neut.[water |mod.tollow to Strong to weak rock alteration,strong to weak Caso,and (+)|)(+)(+)(+)to atk,high velow 510,void-titling,probably of geothermal and supergeneorigin,Rocks between 200 to 250 teet and 350 feet prob- ably are thoroughly sel f-sea led, 350-500 [LI-As-S(+)[M-W |MC)|SC+)[S¢+)|VS-S |I all -169 [|nli?«200°C |neut.|water |mod.tol low Moderate rock alteration,strong CaSO,vold-tilling,prob- (+)(+)to alk.high ably of water-dominated geothermal origin,Rocks probably are moderately to thoroughly sel f-sealed, 500-850 |LI-As-S(+)|M-w |VS-Ww]VS-W 1S-4 |VS-w [162 |Large @]-169 [nil?«200°C neut.{water |mod.tojiow to ||Strong to moderate rock alteration,moderate to weak Caso,(+)|(+)(+)(+)(+)672°to alk.high locally||vold-filling,probably of water-dominated geothermal ori- high gin,Several alnor(?)lower-temporature steam entries (SE)may occur within this interval in addition to the SE detined and confirmed between 657 and 686 feet (see Figure 2). 850-987 |Li-As-S(+)|w-S [S-w ]W-M J M-W ET M(-)-1182 |Small @]=179 |239 «200°C |neut.|water high tojlow (to/|Weak to moderate rock elteration,strong S10,(+minor (+)PC)J ed POH)PO)930%to alk.tow mod.?)|/CaSO,)void-tilling,probably of water-doninated geo thermal origin.Prominent SiO,enrichments between 800and1250feetpossiblyindicate$10,deposition related toboilingnearthewatertable,which commenced after a rapid(?)drop in the water table to about 6800 teet (see text),Kocks are probably moderately self-sealed,A minor hot-water entry (HWE)possibly occurs near 950 feet, 987-1949 {[Li-As-S(+)[W-M [S-Ww [w-S |wW-S |S(-)-[1,2,|(see -193 |120 max.,||approx |neut.|water |high tolnigh tol]Strong to weak rock alteration,moderate to weak $10,ond(+)P+)|Ce)Ted Tmo)8 3S below)decr.to ||200°C |to atk.low low Caso,vold-fllting,probably of water-dominated geothermalallbeloworigin,Kocks probably are moderately selft-seoled between 1500"987 and about 1250 feet.Potential for HwEs in geochemi- catly anomalous zones increases with depth below 1250 feet (see below), 913-924 JLI-As-S(+)|wie)|S-4 [|S-w |S-4 |Mt-)-]183 [Lerge@|-193 |(see approx |neut.|water |high low to ||Strong rock alteration,weak Caso,and S10,vold-filling,987-1006 (#)fH)Teed PT vSte)1006",above)200°|to alk.high probably of water-dominated geothermal origin,Stronger 1036-1046 1050',Li and to a lesser extent,As and S enrichments at depths 1353-145)1916",below 1250 feet Indicate zones with greater potential tor 1716-1726 s924',HWEs (see text and Figures |and 5), 1776-1816 1926',8 1906-1926 1946'to 1937-1949 1949! TABLE 2,ESTIMATED GEOCHEMICAL BACKGROUND (x)AND THRESHOLD (x+2s)VALUES FOR ROCK UNITS IN MT.MAKUSHIN AREA Andesite/Dactite'*®cinders/Lahar2*®=ptorite-1""©-piorite-2**©Al Rock Units x 2s x 2s x 2s °xX 2s AVG.28° Hg ppb 46.(27)10.82.7)30(2)3.36.(7)=7. As ppm 0.9 1.0 2.0 -6.2 1.5 5.7 -1.3 S %0.003 0.002 0.022 -0.037 0.042 0.022 -0,022 SO,(as S)%----0.02 0,04 --0.04 Li ppm 24.3.12.- -3. F ppm 230.35.220.-190,10,70.-20. Ca %,4616 0.45 6.05 -6.16 0.24 6.15 -0.35 Mn ppm ----1200,200.--200 S105 |57.4 0.8 50.5 -532 1.4 51.6 -1.1 Cu ppm 27.6.80.-145,-110,-6. Mo ppm 1.1.2.-1.-\.-1. Pb ppm 29.2.28.-30.-26.-2. Zn ppm 116.24.136.-118,-96.-24. Ag ppm <0.2 -<0.2 -<0.2 -<0.2 -- 'Based on samples D-1/502-597,0-1/597-699,and D-1/699-802,2pased on sample D-1/990-1150.Based on samples ST-1R/1451-1500,ST=1R/1500-1548,and ST-1R/1846-1896 (except Cu,Mo,Pb,Zn,and Ag values are based on sample E=1/1302-1410).4Based on sample 1-1/1302-1410,average 2s value for Mt.Makushin background data (see text),Background values followed by (7)possibly Include significant hydrotherma| enrichment or depletion (see text). 19 02fo FIGURE 1.Hg,As,S,SO4¢as S),F,Li,Ca,Mn,and SiO2 Gains &Losses (G&L),plus As/Hg and As/SO4,vs Depth for Composite (S0-foot)Core SamplesfromWallST-1R,Mount Makushin Prospect,Unalaska Island,Alaska.*Pp Hg G&L PPB As G&L PPM S G&L %SO04(as S)Z F G&L PPM Li C&L PPM Ca G&L %Mn G&L PPM SiO2 G&L %As/Hg As/S04 og 400.,g cla0 2.9,g p10 200,9 <10 200,g 100.a0.9c 2, pho0 4.00,p 000,900,ofa 10.00,9 p 40,of z ina 4, S 5.6 i -08 -.02 2a,L [7 }1.74 |200,3-ca,4 3 N y . '.o =!Lge 'ja!lars Use " q B12 4 E:«00 510,22.3.24 800,E 24 i ie 2 ns Sears 42 2-4 2 Le 2 Ht 237,4 «3 4s 240.15!q 2,03 E 34 53,33 3 va 3 390,3 iw)3 har 9 st 3 "BA.a 4 J,tor,4,ra Lar -4f 2.3 xr)aa 4 17.1.70 {f10.28,}-8 70,4 15."59 . 63 4 17.|5 .REESsItfla1F0la331FlaBiBLo1flaslaIqaoIi10la'BIEEP.iifla7 :122,. E Ei 28.19 eo.a 1.32 {[t00,3 oF 3 wow «O°8 ui «8 oa 8 »8 0 «8 o 8 E 6 +05 "10.2.$8 3oretyz.E -03 40,1 78 [Ft00.z won bed a.3 -01 - . E a 3 ai 50,re -.68 3 h E 00 30,ES -.68 +100, Te ,ou 1 an an ,Ut le rm +; 12$"42 12 mL em 20 CY SB pee 12 13¢134 13 8 F 8 an)es 13 jon 13H135994E.E E VE h fi on fi :of,44d 0 ff [fice Gi1451Lz2L,3 L o1 L );L,100,Le 15 "153 15 -o «3 1 «SS |15 ay 5 ene d .4 .03 -40,a -.3t . te#"183 18 oy 18 'a «(18 '7 4,«(16 wag (16 16] Ed I 3 13 50.I '18 00,'3217317:"on?«VEG a 1 O7 _178 4 ie {3 +24 is a is 1.t 23 f 0,f F4et.=u ee sO oo &E3 3 ..*Z .oa,4 Ed nu.(4 C aw CE o a [13 -1 6 -£ 20%3 20 20 20 208 20 202203 Notess Depth shown in 100 foot unites.*Plotted values are apparent gains &losees (G&L)calculated by subractingbackgroundvalues(Table 2)from original geochemical data. »Indicates zones with greatest potential for thermal fluid entries (Table 1). FIGURE 2.Hg,As.Ss.Li.and F Gains &Losses (G&L)and As/HgvsDepthforIndividualCoreSamplesfromWellST-IR,Unalaska Island,Alaska.Mount Makushin Prospect, Hg G&L PPB As G&L PPM S G&L Zz Li G&L PPM F G&L PPM As/Hgage400.,aging 80.0,ape 2.00 en =,yea 400,4 S00, {I 4 ++ 4 4 + +++ 7 T + 4 + y {t ++>+ os 5 ze s+Sf wa,-<ST 1.9812.8 t+tT os,-4 7 out ine TT +2a,-4 4 ts ae 4 tT 2s,"4 +a 18 *+280,+174"C Ct ze (t (t 2,Ct 1 iss=32.0 4 +230,+1.74 tae 4 +20,4 2% 148 4 4 30.4 98 |2.8 af 140,4 ag 2.6 a.4 400.a oe&5 149 "*T 200,id a ae q T izia,4 }1.78 78 430,-4 sa13.0 T [son.-4 5 22 26 1 f 270,a or] el |347.tthe bs T 4a,q a.) 27 m0 tT t ™1 1.07 I 40.[3308 7 T 210,+-93 cas aa,s3.0-4 ++a0,+2.1837,8 ++310,q .t7 7 2.7 2.8 7+7T sz,-4 7+way | +> 4 +147,___|«a8 4 4 oan,4 q om 302,ine 4 6io.-4 4 08 a4 1.9 BE +|170,4 28 (%+72.9 4 32 To +|tea,4 1.27 Sa ae 34 to.[J 2mm18C28.8 Cl a2 a Cif 180,Ci ies a ae ] te ta T 20,1 08 10.ae ts tz,40,t.2a Ps 7.8 T a2 ta.T to 1 38 8 s 8 tte 84 .c3 e Bt an.8 aos a ime Tt -34 ry T q 30,T | is.se 4 Ot ! , 4 130,Tt oa x 22 q or ab tT I too.Ba 1.05 qT aa q 30 a tT ,34a,t 1.90 vr ae +aa 4 ;170,t 1.10 a 20 Ti +16 a 4 2.+1.4 1a as +08 %+"10,+t 2s a.a0 Tt 304 2 T ito,t 1.78 2 y a2 4 oe f "te 10,+1.57 [-)@.-}2a 9+08 t.30,et | 3 te,Ine a a3 o 20,+28 ozs a C.2.8 +a = .Ct 90 a 20 }ate ihe -20,4 7 {coz.-4 {32.8 oi9 a -70,J 08 Ea ioe q Ot a -70,1 70 a ae +08 2 00,38 ;187,|S20 i 1.18 a tao,T aM a tae os 2 -e0,7 7 27.cle rH 1.08 Tr 2. 30, to a to 2.8 ie}t.22 °]ie,"to,soos!2 "ghee s "2 2 ar)O84 2 7 +10, _a t us i -.08 L +40,t ss Sods och =chaos cSi1 taf+4 +>}I I tt it tt it ut ust Notes:Depth ehown in 100 foot unite.%Plotted values area apparent gains &loseas <G&L>)calculated by subtractingbackgroundvalues(Table 2)from original gaochamical data.+[ndicates zones with greataet potential for thermal flutd antries (Table 1). 21 FIGURE 3.Hg As.S,SO4,Li.and F Gains &Losses (G&L).plus As/Hg andAs/S04.vs Depth for Individual Core Samples from Well ST-1R,Mount Makushin Prospect.Unalaska [sland.Alaska.+ Hg G&L PPB As G&L PPM S G&L %S04ae S>%Lit G&L PPM F G&L.PPM As/Hg As/S04 Le psd:-400.,fio"20.0 igc18 200 jgrtO 200 jars 20,16 !P 400, 17 2.17 1.5 L74 -.02 17 }te 3 13.8 4 =.02 .t718tyes 7.C 2.8 Cr 2 C 7 x 128 7 -.02 . 7 13.9 7 +18 Pa10,7.8 1 88 %. a a8 4 04 t. a 13.e 4 04 :mr 7.r {349 1 -20 ils a 37.8 4 +22 il. 19 a 71 38.8 he ce eS iP i 21%33.8 4 72 it.reral,2 ae Ly .02 7 20 a.257.31.8 4 80 4re+-20 1 "204 3EN"1.3 7 =.01 22."34 4 +.03 . 2 4 4 .02 . ta 3.8 1 22 a. Lt!21.19 28 19+.86 19 5.1908 .L 29 C3 15 L {__tt.wali}wt Lp cs ==toza 14,+O]148 ch,94 Cr (3 t 1 4 20 20 20:20 Notes:Dapth ehown tm 100 foot untte.%Plotted valuee crea apporent gatne &loesae (G@lL)calculated by eubtractingbackgroundvaluee(Tabla 2)from original geochemical data,Indicates zonee with greatest potential for hot water entries (Table 1). 22 APPENDIX A Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Composite (50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-1R 23 v2Table A-1.Simple Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Composite (50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-1R *#*Simple Statistics *** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R Data Name #Data Minimum Hg G&L PPB 38 000 As G&L PPM 38 -.700 S G&L %38 -.017 SOH#(as S)%38 -.017 F G&L PPM =38 -70.000 Li G&L PPM 38 =-1,000 Ca G&L %38 -4 060 Mn G&L PPH 38 -100.000 Si02 G&L %38 -5.300 Maximum 6940.120 133.800 2.223 1.272 1010.000 22.000 500 1064 .000 6.100 Mean Variance Deviation 293.240 2 129e+07 -1134.726 14.453 507.22.515 2525 -365 604 191 872e-01 0295 158.116 806e+05 283.889 7.072 47.3 6.878 -.836 1.15 1.071 149.052 -824e +05 287.010 -.101 4.90 2.214 Table A-2.Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix for Composite (50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-1R ©##Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix ### MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST=1R | Hg As s sou F Li Hg G&L PPB 1.000 0517 «708 2284 °579 «746 ¢0)¢38)¢38)¢€38)(¢38)¢38) -000 900 .000 «040 «000 000 As G&L PPM 2517 1,000 2541 2186 0218 «490 (38)¢€OD)(¢38)-€38)¢38)¢38) -000 .000 -000 2132 093 001 S G&L %«708 2541 =1,000 2659 «633 «861 (38)¢€38)(¢0)%¢38)¢38)¢38) -000 000 -000 2000 2000 000 SO4u(as S)%0284 2186 -659 1,000 2463 2592 (38)¢38)¢38)¢0)¢38)¢38) 2040 2132 2000 -000 002 .000 F G&L PPM 0579 2218 -633 -463 =1,000 728(38)¢€38)(¢38)(38)¢0)¢38) «000 093 000 -002 000 000 Li G&L PPM «746 «490 861 2592 e728 1.000 (38)¢38)¢€38)¢38)¢38 ¢4) -000 2001 .000 -000 2000 -000 Ca Gal % .761 =.394 =-.626 <-.152 <-.485 =-.716 (38)¢38)¢38)¢38)¢38)¢38) -000 2007 .000 2317 +001 .000 Mn G&L PPM -563 2172 «458 2113 2401 2349 (38)¢38)¢38)¢38)¢38)(¢38) «000 2152 2002 0254 -006 0015 $102 G&L %=,234175)4123 6G 668 ==520(38)¢38)¢38)(38)¢38)¢38) O77 2 146 2004 002 -000 000 #8®Correlation Coefficient /(#of data points)/Significance 25 Ca -.761 (38) «000 2394 (38) .007 -.626 (38) 000 -.152 (38) 0317 -.485 (38) 001 716 (38) 000 1.000 ¢(0) 000 =.346 (38) 2016 =-.005 (38) 487 Mn 2563 (38) 2000 0172 (38) 0152 458 (38) -002 2113 (38) 0254 2401 (38) -006 0349 (38) 015 =.346 (38) 016 1,000 (0) 000 2235 (38) «076 92,Figure A-1.Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis for Composite (50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-1R ***Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis *** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R -.3706 -.1575 0556 -2688 4819 -6950 -9081 4 +ra 4 +r rr Ls r r r am r v r r + .on-------Hg G&L PPB I af o---S G&L % I I .Li G&L PPM " .F G&L PPM .SO4(as S)% .Mn G&L PPM As G&L PPM Ca G&L %meirie°Si02 G&L % +$m mmnyfarafenfnfnpnpentet+++ -.3706 -.1575 0556 -2688 ©4819 6950 9081 -.2640 -.0509 -1622 -3753 5884 8016 DENDROGRAM -VALUES ALONG X-AXIS ARE SIMILARITIES 7272 -8608 6295 4591 2773 2240 -.3232 -.0049 APPENDIX B Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 497 to 1046 feet in Well ST-1R 27 82Table B-1.Simple Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 497 to 1046 feet in Well ST-1R #*#®Simple Statistics ##* MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R Data Name #Data Minimum Hg G&L PPB 58 3.000 As G&L PPM 58 -1,300 5 G&l %58 -.007 Li G&L PPM 58 1.000 F G&L PPM 58 -80.000 Maximum 1260.000 Mean 64.948 23.728 -600 10,431 215.517 Variance Deviation 134e4+05 115.586 -160e +04 40.037 738 859 33.1 5.756 -948e+05 307.942 62Table B-2.Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix for Individual (ca.10-foot) Core Samples from the Interval 497 to 1046 feet in Well ST-1R *##Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix #** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R Hg As S Li F Hg G&L PPB'1.000 -531 .606 -578 -271 (0)(58)(58)(58)(58) .000 000 000 000 019 As G&L PPM 531 1.000 -658 0416 059 (58)¢0)(58)(58)(58) .000 .000 000 001 -332 S G&L %-606 -658 1.000 671 -470 (58)(58)(0)(¢58)(¢58) .000 -000 -000 .000 -000 Li G&L PPM -578 416 671 1,000 -683 (58)(¢58)(58)¢0)(¢58) 000°.001 -000 -000 -000 F G&L PPM e271 059 470 -683 1.000 (58)(58)(58)(58)(¢90) 019 -332 -000 -000 .000 ***Correlation Coefficient /(#of data points)/Significance O€Figure B-1.Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 497 to 1046 feet in Well ST-1R **#*®Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis *** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R 4277 4761 5246 5730 6214 6698 4035 04519 -5003 5488 25972 6456 6941 .Hg G&L PPB I I os As G&L PPM I I .S G&L % I I e ---Li G&L PPM I I .F G&L PPM +++++++++++++ -4035 04519 5003 -5488 5972 6456 6941 N2T7 4761 5246 5730 6214 6698 DENDROGRAM --VALUES ALONG X-AXIS ARE SIMILARITIES -5684 -6576 oATH2 -6833 peo,APPENDIX C Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-1R 31 ceTable C-1. om, Simple Statistics for Element Gain and Loss Values for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-1R *##*#Simple Statistics *** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R Data Name #Data Minimum Hg G&L PPB 25 2.000 As G&L PPM 25 -5.400 S G&L %25 -.036 SO4¥(as S)%25 -.015 Li G&L PPM 25 000 F G&L PPM 25 -140.000 Maximum 257.000 57.800 -863 -868 21,000 910.000 Mean Variance Deviation 17.400 22526404 50.178 13.712 234.15.308 199 -673e-01 260 2152 -520e-01 2228 5.640 32.9 5.736 15.600 -399e +05 199.793 ceTable C-2.Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix for Individual (ca.10-foot) Core Samples from the Interval 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-1R *#*Spearman Rank Correlation Matrix *** MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R Hg As s SO4 Li F Hg G&L PPB 1.000 «574 -825 736 629 -.207 (0)¢€25)(¢25)(25)(25)(25) -000 001 .000 -000 .000 -161 As G&L PPM -574 =1.000 2521 397 oANY -306 (25)¢0)(25)(25)(¢25)(¢25) 001 000 004 024 013 .067 S G&L %-825 0521 1.000 964 730 ==.166 (25)(25)(¢(0)(25)(25)(¢25) -000 004 -000 .000 .000 284 SO4u(as S)%»736 0397 -964 1,000 -752 -.170 (25)(25)¢(25)¢0)(¢25)(¢25) -000 024 -900 .000 .000 -289 Li G&L PPM 629 oud 730 -752 1,000 -102 (25)(25)(25)(25)(0)(25) 000 013 -000 .000 .000 316 F G&L PPM -.207 306 «=-.166 -.170 -102 =1.000 (25)(25)(¢25)(25)(25)¢0) -161 .067 284 289 316 000 ###®Correlation Coefficient /(#of data points)/Significance veFigure C-1.Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from the Interval 1696 to 1946 feet in Well ST-1R #*#*Spearman Rank Cluster Analysis **# MOUNT MAKUSHIN PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA Drill Hole:DH ST-1R 1734 -3232 «4731 -6230 -7728 -9227 -0984 -2483 3982 -5480 -6979 8478 -9976 q+vr +r e +r T v r r Hg G&L PPB meeirieI "=Ss G&L 4 SO4(as S)% Li G&L PPM As G&L PPM F G&L PPM +++ton -t +++++++ 0984 2483 -3982 5480 -6979 8478 -1734 »3232 4731 6230 7728 »9227 DENDROGRAM -VALUES ALONG X-AXIS ARE SIMILARITIES -9976 -7806 9643 -6850 4801 -1317 APPENDIX D Original Geochemical Data for Composite (ca.50-foot)Core Samples from Well ST-1R 35 ROCKY HOUNTAIN GEORTEMIGEL EIRP 1323 W.7900 SOUTH ©WEST JORDAN,UTAH 84084 ©PHONE:(801)255-3558 WEST JORDAN OFFICE Certificate of Analysis RMGC Numbers:Date:October 26,1983 Local Job No. Client:Robert W.Bamford &Assoc.,Inc.ForeignJobNO.t--o0moo---+2315 26th Ave.E. Seattle,Washington 98112 Invoice No.M...10.7.357. Client Order No.: Report On:38 Composites from 198 Core SamplesMT.MAKUSHIN WELL ST-IRSubmittedby:Robert W.Bamford Date Received:9/21/83 Analysis:Mercury,Arsenic,Sulfur,Fluoride,Lithium,Calciun,Manganese and Si0o9. Analytical Methods:Arsenic determined by hydride.Sulfur determined bylecoinductionfurnace.Fluoride determined by specifisionelectrode.Remaining elements determined byRemarks:atomic absorption. cc enc. file . report:Lewis Downey,961 lst Ave.,SLC,Utah 84103BGT/1lw - .H e "H oeAllvaluesarereportedinpartspermillionunlessspecifiedotherwise.A minus sign (-)is to be read "less than'ond a plus sign (++)Greatthan"Values int parenthesis are estimates.This analytical report is the confidential property of the obove mentioned client and for the protecticofthisclientondourselveswereservetherighttoforbidpublicationorreproductionofthisreportoranypartthereofwithoutwrittenpermissic ND ==None Detected 1 ppm ==0.0001%3 Troy oz./ton ==34.286 ppm 1 ppm==0.0292 Troy oz./te - COT OYE cITy irrey RTP vyere Page__2_off Sample No.)Mercury Arsenic Svttur Fluoride ST-1R 55-103 1.1 ppm 7.6 0.08 0.024 103-149 7.0 ppm 14 0.84 0.044 149-203 615 24 1.20 0.070 203-248 780 53 2.26 0.043 248-295 780 7.8 0.92 0.042 295-350 56 7.5 1.60 0.058 350-405.5 87 15 1.74 0.12 4055-452 46 17 1.18 0.10 452-497 31 14 1.18 0.098 497-545 66 24 1.30 0.099 545-600.5 4 39 1.42 0.048 600.5-648 16 14 0.42 0.052 648-695 268 140 1.82 0.042 695-752 125 25 0.52 0.055 752-798 29 21 0.34 0.027 798-846 13 10 0.28 0.025 846-904 9 9.8 O.11 0.018 904-950 130 32 0.14 0.015 950-996 50 37 0.48 0.015 ST-1R 996-1046 6 21 0.42 0.014 MOCKY MOUNTAIN SEDTNEMITAL SDM. SALT LAKE CITY,UTAM PINO.NEVADA TUCSON,ARIZONA on,client__Robert W.Bamford Date 10/26/83 RMGC Job No._83-50 36- Page__3__of Sample No..Mercury ,Arsenic Secteur Fluoride ST-1R 1046-1100 10 11 0.076 0.016 1100-1148 6 19 0.22 0.012 1148-1206 ©-=5 14 0.48 0.012 1206-1256 -5 6.0 0.22 0.016 1256-1304 5 7.7 0.14 0.016 1304-1353 -5 8.5 0.054 0.022 1353-1401 -5 16 O.11 0.025 1401-1451 5 21 0.090 0.019 1451-1500 -5 5.5 0.020 0.019 1500-1548 -5 7.0 0.030 0.020 1548-1598 -5 13 0.090 0.015 1598-1646 -5 11 0.020 0.016 1646-1696 10 ll 0.20 0.014 1696-1746 5 14 0.088 0.015 1746-1796 7 32 0.30 0.021 1796-1846 57 30 0.38 0.022 1846-1896 5 6.2 0.060 0.019 ST-1R 1896-1946 14 12 |0.50 0.020 HOGRY MOUNTAIN GIOSMERNITAL GIAP. SALT LAKE CITY.UTAN PINC.NEVADA TUCSON,ARIZONA Client_Robert W.Bamford Date 10/26/7823 RMGC Job No.83-50-3 Page__4____of Sample No.Etthtum :Catotum -Hangariese ST-1R 55-103 13 4.31 0.10 103-149 20 2.93 0.14 149-203 35 2.92 0.18 203-248 28 2.10 0.16 248-295 28 4.13 0.15 295-350 30 4.95 0.15 350=405.5 |30 4.77 0.12 405.5-452 30 4.46 O.11 452-497 28 5.57 0.12 497-545 30 5.45 0.15 545-600.5 28 5.01 o.14 600.5-648 27 5.60 0.19 648-695 30 ©4.54 0.16 695-752 26 4.84 0.15 752-798 22 4,84 Q.11 798-846 20 5.22 0.13 846-904 15 5.58 0.14 904-950 20 5.38 0.11 950-996 18 3.74 0.12 ST-1R 996-1046 18 5.28 0.12 NOERY MOUNTAIN SFOSMEMITAL SOUP. SALT Lace CITY.UT:FINO.NEVADA TUCSON,ARIZONA Client Robert W.Bamford Date__10/26/83 RMGC Job No.8 3=-50--+ Page__ce Samp 1 e No.Lith ium Calotum Hangan ese ST-1R 1046-1100 16 5.47 0.11 1100-1148 16 5.78 0.12 1148-1206 14 6.12 0.13 1206-1256 14 5.92 0.11 1256-1304 13 6.63 0.12 1304-1353 14 6.47 0.13 1353-1401 14 5.96 O.11 1401-1451 19 5.96 0.11 1451-1500 12 6.13 0.11 1500-1548 13 6.05 0.12 1548-1598 16 5.85 0.12 1598-1646 12 5.96 0.12 1646-1696 14 6.34 0.13 1696-1746 12 6.37 0.12 1746-1796 14 6.39 0.13 1796-1846 16 6.66 0.130 1846-1896 14 6.29 0.13 ST-1R 1896-1956 22 6.15 0.12 igs)MOCAY KIDDA TAIM SETSNEMISAL COOP SALT LAKE CITY UTAM P2N0.NEVADA TUCSON.ARIZONA Client__Robert W.Bamford Date__10/26/83 RMGC Job No.8 3=50=2 Page__0aa st Run 2nd Run Sample No.Ste oo 2 etteon S400 ;etltcon ST-1R 55-103 53.5 25.0 51.9 24,3 103-149 52.3 24.4 53.5 25.0 149-203 50.4 23.6 49.3 23.0 203-248 53.7 25.1 54.7 25.6 248-295 51.7 24.2 53.0 24.8 295-350 51.6 24.1 51.5 24.1 350-405.5 51.3 24.0 51.7 24.2 405.5-452 51.7 24.2 50.7 23.7 452-497 51.9 24.3 50.8 23.7 497 =545 46.7 21.8 49.0 22.9 545-600.5 48.8 22.8 50.4 23.6 600.5-648 49.8 23.3 51.5 24.1 648-695 50.6 23.6 50.2 23.5 695-752 52.3 24.4 53.0 24.8 752-798 52.5 24.5 53.8 25.1 798-846 55.1 25.8 55.5 25.9 846-904 54.6 25.5 53.5 25.0 904-950 54.3 25.4 53.7 25.1 950-996 59.1 27.6 59.5 27:8 ST-1R 996-1046 56.7 26.5 57.3 26.8 MOSRY MOVNIAIN GLOSNEMIEAL CUP. LARe Cr ut.RENO.NEVACA TUCSON,ARIZONA Client__Robert W.Bamford Date 10/26/83 RMGC Job No._83=50=3 Page__7___off lst Run 2nd Run Sample No.-S400 an Sattcon S200 ;gt1teon ST-1R 1046-1100 55.8 26.1 55.8 26.1 1100-1148 54.9 25.7 55.0 25.7 1148-1206 55.1 25.8 55.1 25.8 1206-1256 56.1 26.2 55.8 26.1 1256-1304 52.6 24.6 53.0 24.8 1304-1353 -52,4 24.5 51.7 24.2 1353-1401 52.5 24.5 51.3 24.0 1401-1451 52.7 24.60 53.0 24,8 1451-1500 53.4 25.0 52.7 24.6 1500-1548 52.1 24.4 53.1 24.8 1548-1598 52.0 24.3 52.3 24.4 1598-1646 53.0 24.8 56.4 26.4 1646-1696 51.7 24.2 51.8 24.2 1696-1746 54.1 25.6 1746-1796 52.9 24.7 53.7 25.1 1796-1846 51.8 24.2 51.1 23.9 1846-1896 |54.1 25.3 53.5 25.0 ST-1R 1896-1946 52.4 24.5 51.8 24.2 GEOCEMIGAL COMP.NOGRY MOTNIAIG SALT LAKE CITY,UTAM PINO.NEVAOA TUCSON,ARIZONA Client Robert W.Bamford Date 10/26/83 RMGC Job No.0 3-50 -326-SL. Page 8 of_9__ Reference Standards Values Found ppb ppm Preceeding Mercury Arsenic Sample No.RMG=-1 'RMG=6 SY=2 -PC-3 'MRG- ST-1R 497-545 815 17 996-1046 330 21 1500-1548 710 1.1 ST-1R 1896-1946 330 20 Values Sought 800 340 18 22 0.7 Values Found %Vi ppm Preceeding Sulfur Fluoride Lithium Sample No.PR-1 'RMG-6 RMG-3 RMG-8 ST-1R 497-545 0.70 0.043.11 996-1046 0.72 0.054 20 1500-1548 0.74 0.054 11 ST-1R 1896-1946 0.71 0.047 19 Values Sought 0.77 0.062 13 23 SALT LAKE CITY.UTAN PINO.NEVAOA TUCSON,ARIZONA MOGRY MODNIAIN GEDSNEMIEAL SOD. ciient__Robert W.Bamford Date 10/26/83 RMGC Job No._83-50 36-S? Page__2 of -_' Reference Standards Yarves Found Sample Noe MRG-1 sys RNG RMG-6 ST-1R 497-545 10.4 996-1046 5.35 1500-1548 2.02 ST-1R 1896-1946 3.89 Values Sought 10.6 5.70 2.15 4.20 Values Found: i fs Sample No."NRG=1 ©S¥=-2 RNG=2 °RMGW6 "wRo-l gy-2 ST-1R 497-545 0.13 39.2,39.3 996-1046 0.43 61.0,6C 1500-1548 0.28 39.9,40.9 ST-1R 1896-1946 0.16 61.2 Values Sought 0.12 0.25 0.34 0.18 39.3 60.1 By Zs et LY.oo.ron Thomas QOSRY MOUNTAIN SSOCTEMISAL CIDP. SALT LAKE CITY UTA FINO.NEVAOA APPENDIX E Original Geochemical Data for Individual (ca.10-foot)Core Samples from theIntervals497to1046feetand1696to1946 feet in Well ST-1R ou™WEST JORDAN OFFICE Date: Client: Cllent Order No.: Report On: Submitted by: Date Received: Analysis: Analytical Methods: Remarks: ca HUSKY MODTTAIH GEOCHEMICAL CORP. 1323 W.7900 SOUTH ©WEST JORDAN,UTAH 84084 ©PHONE:(801)255-3558 Gertificate of Analysis Page 1 of en:scceceeso0e:oe RMGC Numbers: November 29,1983 _ ;Loca!Job No.:.. Robert W.Bamford &Assoc.,Inc.ForeignJobNoteccccucewcee231526thAve.E.M 107468Seattle,Washington 98112 .Invoice Nott LOY. MT.MAKUSHIN -TNOIVNIDUAL SAMPLE DATA 83 of 198 Original Core Samples and 38 Composites Robert W.Bamford 9/21/83 Mercury,Arsenic,Sulfur,Lithium,Fluoride and SOy. Mercury and Lithium determined by atomic absorption.Arsenic determined by hydride.Sulfur determined bylecoinductionfurnace.Fluoride determined by specificionelectrode.SOy determined gravimetrically. Additional analysis requested. enc. file report:Lewis Downey,961 1st Ave.,SLC,Utah 84103BGT/1w It valves are reported in parts million unless specified otherwise.A minus sign (-)Is to be read "less than”and a plus sign (+)"greaterthon""Values in'parenthesis are estimates.This analytical report is the confidential property of the above mentioned client ond for the protectionofthisclientandourselveswereservetherighttoforbidpublicationorreproductionofthisreportoranypartthereofwithoutwrittenpermission. NO =None Detected 1 ppm =0.0001%1 Troy oz./ton=34.286 ppm 1 ppm ==0.0292 Troy oz./ton SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH RENO,NEVADA Client__Robert W.Bamford Date 11/29/82 RMGC Job No...83-50-= Page___2a Sample No.Nercury Arsenic a aveur Eeehtum Fluoride ST-1R 497-507 17 32 1.06 22 0.114 507.5-517 180 20 2.18 29 0.085 517-526 160 20 1.58 32 0.065 526-535 19 16 0.80 31 0.145 535-545 31 23 0.38 25 0.047 545-554 27 36 0.72 24 0.051 554-563 23 40 0.46 24 0.042 563-572.5 89 21 3.68 38 0.044 572.5-582 31 21 0.42 26 0.055 582-591 140 56 1.98 27 0.033 591-600.5 17 15 0.32 25 0.068 600.5-609.5 26 21 1.10 31 0.048 609.5-619 9 16-0.28 25 0.140 619-628 24 14 0.32 28 0.067 628-638 9 20 0.38 26 0.079 638-648 25 22 0.36 26 0.046 648-657.5 350 18 0.48 22 0.023 657.5-666 280 300 4.52 26 0.026 666-676 43 4Q 0.40 ©28 0.040 676-686 86 100 1.06 30 0.065 686-695 350 60 2.38 36 0.050 695-705 23 27 0.28 29 0.071 705-713 23 15 0.28 34 0.073 713-722 150 47 1.12 26 0.081 ST-1R 722-731 395 22 0.64 31 0.080 MOCRY MOUNTAIS SSDCMEMEAL CODA SAUT LAKE CITY UTAH PINO.MEVACA ],ARE Client.Robert W.Bamford Date 11/29/83 RMGC Job No.8 3-50-3 Page___1____o1 Sample No.Mercury Arsenic Sutfur Tithium )Pruortae ST-1R 731-742 78 20 0.48 26 0.036 742-752 11 14 0.36 20 0.037 752-761 57 13 0.38 23 0.041 761-770 22 43 0.96 22 0.035 TT0-779 32 21 0.22 23 0.017 779-789 13 16 0.19 25 0.023 789-798 39 14 0.056 27 0.020 798-808 8 18 0.062 21 0.023 808-817 47 26 0.38 22 0.016 817-827 19 13 0.048 20 0.032 827-8 36 8 8.4 0.048 24 0.035 836-846 10 10 0.54 22 0.053 846-856 10 11 0.066 16 0.036 856-866 7 10 0.20 17 0.017 866-876 13 16 0.12 20 0.018 876-886 9 16 0.082 16 0.030 886-895 6 9.4 0.12 12 0.020 895-904 30 8.4 0.10 14 0.016 904-913 19 18 0.064 17 0.017 913-924 6 30 0.084 17 0.014 924-932 11 23 0.21 18 0.011 932-941 67 36 0.18 on 0.016 941-950 605 39 0.23 22 0.012 950-959 10 17 0.048 17 0.012 ST-1R 959-968 1l 15 0.10 15 0.011 MOCRY MODRTALD SFDENEMIEAL COL? SALT LAKE CITY,UTaee PING.NEVADA TUCSON,ARIZONA Glient__Robert W.Bamford 11/29/83Date RMGC Job No.0 3-30-3 Page__4 of. Sample No..ie roury Arsenic Surtur Ethtum Fuerte ST-1R 968-977 190 59 1.20 22 0.013 977-987 11 21 0.070 15 0.013 987-996 30 68 1.10 22 0.016 996-1006 9 45 1.26 29 0.018 1006-1016 6 11 0.11 ,19 0.011 1016-1026 6 4.9 0.042 15 0.018 1026-1036 T . 7.7 0.030 14 0.015 1036-1046 7 32 0.60 22 0.012 1696-1706 6 7.7 0.014 14 Q.012 1706-1716 8 20 0.014 13 0.016 1716-1726 10 27 0.24 20 0.018 1726-1736 8 19 0.016 13 0.018 1736-17 46 10 20 0.20 20 0.013 1746-1756 13 14 0.70 18 0.005 1756-1766 11 il 0.082 14 0.008 1766-1776 T 20 0.072 13 0.020 1776-1786 10 HL 0.24 18 0.013 1786-1796 11 64 0.26 a4 0.027 1796-1806 T 45 0.030 15 0.024 1806-1816 18 40 0.76 24 0.010 1816-1826 5 9.8 0.016 15 °Q.011 1826-1836 8 21 0.24 19 0.012 1836-1846 260 38 0.64 19 0.010 1846-1856 T 4.2 -0.002 16 0.009 ST-1R 1856-1866 6 4.9 0.030 15 0.011 HOLY MOUNTAIN SLOSAEMISAL GDQP. SALT LAKE CITY.UTA PING,NEVADA TUCSON,AAIZONA cient_Robert W.Bamford Date 11/29/83 RMGC Job No._83-50=36-5 Page__5___ot© Sample No.ioroury arsenic Sueur ,Tathtum Fruroide ST-1R 1866-1876 6 2.8 0.008 13 0.012 1876-1886 5 0.8 0.018 13 0.010 1886-1896 19 l2 0.26 21 0.012 1896-1906 24 16 0.90 18 0.010 1906-1916 8 9.1 0.19 24 0.11 1916-1926 19 el 0.34 33 0.012 1926-1937 T 8.5 0.26 20 0.022 ST-=1R 1937-1946 17 21 0.38 34 0.011 'QOSRY MOUNTAIN SFDSDEMIEAL OOP. PANO.NEVA 'UCRON,ARIZONA Client Robert W.Bamford Date 11/29/83 RMGC Job No..93-50=2 Page_6 of Sample No.|-S04 ee Staeur ST-1R 1696-1706 0.015 0.005 1706-1716 0.009 0.003 1716-1726 0.466 0.156 1726-17 36 0.015 0.005 1736-1746 0.354 0.118 1746-1756 2.13 0.712 1756-1766 0.251 0.084 1766-1776 0.192 0.064 1776-1786 0.322 0.107 1786-1796 0.478 0.160 1796-1806 0.016 0.005 1806-1816 1.62 0.539 1816-1826 0.016 0.005 1826-1836 0.482 0.161 1836-1846 0.393 0.131 1846-1856 0.012 0.004 1856-1866 0.033 0.011 1866-1876 0.014 0.005 1876-1886 0.021 0.007 1886-1896 0.563 0.188 1896-1906 2.66 0.886 1906-1916 0.319 |0.107 1916-1926 0.874 0.292 1926-1937 0.684 0.228 ST-1R 1937-1946 0.841 0.281 QOCRY MOVATAIN SSDSAEMISAL ETOP. SALT LAKE CITY.UT:"PINO,NEVADA TUCION,ARIZONA Client___Robert W.Bamford Date 11/29/83 RMGC Job No. 50=36 =< Composites Page__7of_8. Sample No.Fou Eee Sample No.Soy Suir' ST-1R 55-103 0.003 0.001 ST+1R 1046-1100 0.054 0.0198 103-149 0.035 0.012 1100-1148 0.189 0.063 149-203 0.058 0.020 1148-1206 0.523 0.175 203-248 0.046 0.015 1206-1256 0.222 0.074 248-295 1.41 00.471 .1256-1304 0.030 0.010 295-350 3.87 1.29 1304-1353 0.066 0.022 350-405.5 2.78 0.928 1353-1401 0.204 0.068 405.5-452 1.66 0.553 1401-1451 0.018 0.006 452-497 2.99 1.000 1451-1500 0.018 0.006 497-545 0.964 0.322 1500-1548 0.025 0.008 545-600.5 1.045 0.349 1548-1598 0.131 0.04% 600.5-648 0.919 0.307 1598-1646 0.019 0.006 648-695 0.500 0.167 1646-1696 0.453 0.151 695-752 0.792 0.264 1696-1746 0.169 0.056 752-798 0.630 0.210 1746-1796 0.682 0.228 798-846 0.472 0.158 1796-1846 0.506 0.169 846-904 0.195 0.065 1846-1896 0.122 0.041 904-950 0.141 0.047 ST-1R 1896-1946 1.08 0.361 950-996 0.081 0.027 , ST-1R 996-1046 0.696 0.232 MOSRY MUDVIAIN SLOSMEMISAL COQ. SALT LAR@ CITY.UT ”ptnQ.NEVADA TUCSON,ARIZONA Client__Robert W,Bamford Date 11/29/83 __RMGC Job No._83-50-2 Reference Standards Page__&o Values Found:: zrecseding -gffereurypee,nga EGRESS PPR,=Suu ST-1R 676-686 930 0.7 0.72 856-866 425 18 0.76 1036-1046 705 29 0.72 1786-1796 715 0.9 0.74 1876-1886 350 18 . 0.74 ST-1R 1937-1946 660 21 0.74 Values Sought:800 340 0.7 18 22 0.77 Values Found: Preceeding Lithium ppm Fluoride % sample No.RMG-3_RMG-8 "-RMG-4 'SY-2 RMG-6 - ST-1R 676-686 11 0.048 856-866 20 0.055 1036-1046 0.054 1786-1796 12 0.048 1876-1886 86 0.050 ST-1R 1937-1946 0.049 Values Sought:13 23 13 93 0.062 KOSKY MOUNTAIN ELDSTEMITAL CDRP, PING,NEVADA TUCBow,Au TONA™ " SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH APPENDIX E WATER QUALITY AND FLOW DURING TEST OF GEOTHERMAL WELL MAKUSHIN ST-1 UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT WATER QUALITY AND FLOW DURING GEOTHERMAL WELL TEST By Laurence A.Peterson and Gary Nichols L.A.PETERSON &ASSOCIATES,INC. Fairbanks,Alaska Prepared For DAMES &MOORE Anchorage,Alaska And REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Santa Fe Springs,California December,1983 1.0 SUMMA 2.0 INTRO 3.0 METHO 3.1 3.2 4.0 RESUL 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 CONCL REFERENCES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B TABLE OF CONTENTS RY .eee ee e 8 @ @ @ @ eo ¢oo «©e#8 @ DUCTION e ee e#@ oe ee @ @ e 8 o @ ° DS e ee ee e&es ##@ oe 6 e e e .e °. Methods of e@ ee 8@ 8 @ e eo e@ @ eo es @ e Locations ...+.«6 «©©©©we ew wo TS e eo e #@ soe 8 @ @ x ©.eo @e @ eo @ Baseline ..2.1.2 2 ©©es ew we ew we Plateau Creek During Well Test .... Makushin Valley River During Well Test Fox Canyon Creek .2.2 2 «2 0 ©©©©oe ow Correlation Between Chloride and Conductivity US I ONS e oo #8 @ @ @ .oe @e @ e es e@ #@#@ @ @ ° Page 21 23 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Al A2 AS A4 AS A6 A7 A8 Ag A10 B1 Range,Mean,and Standard Deviation of Baseline Flow, Chloride,Conductivity,and Temperature at Stations PCA,PCB,PCC,and MVB .2...2.2 we we ewe Range,Mean,and Standard Deviation of Flow, Chloride,Conductivity,and Temperature at Stations PCD,PCA,PCB,and PCC During Well Test .... Range,Mean,and Standard Deviation of Flow, Chloride,Conductivity,and Temperature at Stations MVA and MVB During Well Test ....2 «©©«©» Field Water Quality at the Mouth of Plateau Creek and in Makushin Valley River Before Well Test... Laboratory Water Quality at the Mouth of Plateau Creek and in Makushin Valley River Before (8/30) and During (9/2)the Geothermal Well Test ......2.- Station PCA e e e e e e e oe e es e .e e e e e e e .oe e °° Station PCB e e e oe e .e ee e e e e e LJ e e e ee e °.e e e Station PCC ee ce e e e#@ @ eo oe e ee e e oe e 8 @ e ee e e Station PCD .°oeieje.¢e e ee ee @ oe ee e se @ eo oe e ° Station MVA e oo «©®e @ @ ee oo @ @ 7 8 @#@ #@ °oo @ e e Station MVB oe e@ ee ¢@ @ )e °°°oe @ oj}°°oe ee Field Water Quality at the Mouth of Plateau Creek and in Makushin Valley River During Well Test... Water Quality at Miscellaneous Stations During Well Test Geothermal Fluid Analysis ..2..2.2.«ee 2 ss ee eee ii Page 12 13 16 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Project Location oo se @ e ee 8 @®@ @ @®@ @ @ e#@ @ 2 Project Area o x.e#@ @ e °e e e 8 e e°ee 8 @ e eo @ 3 Water Quality Sample Stations Near Well ...... 4 Chloride vs.Conductivity . iii 20 1.0 SUMMARY Republic Geothermal,Inc.(RGI),under contract to the Alaska Power Authority,drilled a deep exploratory well to a geothermal resource on Unalaska Island,Alaska.This well was tested over a 2-day period at two different liquid discharge rates,0.19 cfs and 0.12 cfs.The discharged geothermal fluid was approximately 99°C at discharge,and mineralized with sodium chloride and other compounds.The total dissolved solids concen- tration was approximately 7800 mg/L.Geothermal fluid was discharged into tributaries of the Makushin Valley River under approvals from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Water quality and flow measurements made before and during the well test revealed that stream temperatures were not significantly affected by the test.Chloride,conductivity,total dissolved solids,and sulfate levels were significantly higher than baseline levels of these parameters in Plateau Creek,during the well test.These parameters were not significantly higher than baseline conditions in Makushin Valley River, however.The minimum dilution factor from the well to Makushin Valley River immediately downstream from Plateau Creek was 540 and farther downstream at station MV the minimum dilution factor was 1,500.Consequently,levels of all the parameters measured at station MV during the well test complied with Alaska water quality criteria,which provide for the protection of freshwater. aquatic biota.Station MV is the point in the stream system where ADEC and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG)personnel applied their criteria for the short-term well test.Data contained in this report demonstrate that the geothermal well test had no adverse impacts on water quality or freshwater aquatic biota in Makushin Valley River at station MV. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The 1983 water quality program is a complement of the 1982 baseline data collection effort conducted in support of the Alaska Power Authority's Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Project.Background information regarding water resources characteristics of the project area,drainage basin descriptions,and Makushin Volcano geothermal manifestations was previously presented by Dames &Moore (1983)and is not reprinted herein. The 1983 sample effort was limited in scope and areal extent compared to the 1982 baseline program.The major focus of the 1983 program was to measure stream water quality and flow to assess potential water quality impacts on receiving streams during the geothermal resource well test performed by RGI.This well,1,946 ft deep,was drilled by RGI during late spring and summer 1983.The well was confirmed by a short flow test lasting a few hours on August 27,1983.Laboratory analyses of samples collected during this test indicated the geothermal resource water was of the sodium chloride type,and exhibited a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 7800 mg/L.RGI had received approval from ADEC and EPA to discharge the geothermal fluid during a 3 -5 day flow test into tributaries of Makushin Valley River.The point of primary monitoring for impacts to the river from this discharge was station MV, established and monitored in 1982,which was approximately 3.2 stream-miles dowstream from the point of discharge,but upstream of the spawning area of pink salmon. The objectives of the 1983 water quality program were limited to: (1)trace the movement of geothermal fluid through the stream system to ascertain dilution and to enable collection of water samples for field and laboratory analyses at the peak concentration of geo- thermal fluid; (2)monitor parameters in Makushin Valley River at Station MV that may affect fish directly,such as dissolved oxygen,pH,and temperature;and, (3)assess the possibility of secondary reactions. 3.0 METHODS This section summarizes sample collection and analytical techniques as well as sample station locations. 3.1 Methods With one exception,water quality sampling,preservation,and shipping techniques and field and laboratory analyses were performed the same in 1983 as in 1982.The techniques followed in 1982 are described by Dames &Moore (1983)and are not repeated here.The measurement of chloride in the field, performed in 1983,was not done in 1982.A Hach Model CD-DT chloride test using a digital titrator and 0.2256N mercuric nitrate reagent for chloride concentrations less than 100 mg/L and a 2.256N reagent for chloride concentrations above 100 mg/L was employed. As stated above,the major objective was to trace the movement of geothermal fluid through the stream system to ascertain dilution and to enable collection of water samples for field and laboratory analyses at the peak concentration of geothermal fluid.The method employed to accomplish this task centered on performing many temperature,chloride,and conductivity measurements at various locations in the stream system dowmstream from the geothermal well.These three parameters were judged to be the best "tracers" available because the geothermal fluid was known to be significantly hotter and to contain much higher chloride and total dissolved solids concentrations than the streams.It was important to determine water quality at the peak concentration of geothermal fluid to allow a prediction of the worst case, albeit short-term,water quality impacts on the receiving streams.The major concern of Alaska regulatory agency personnel was protection of fish and fish habitat in Makushin Valley River. Staff gages were installed at stations where numerous field measure- ments were made.Three or more flow measurements were made at each of these stations to develop a stage-discharge relationship.This was necessary to allow more time for field measurements of temperature,chloride,and con- ductivity and to provide a fast indication of flow during the well test. 3.2 Locations The project is located entirely within the Makushin Valley River drainage basin (Figure 1)on Unalaska Island.Figure 2 displays the project area and the location of the MV sample station.This station is the point at which the ADEC and ADFG indicated that State water quality criteria and protection of fish and fish habitat was important.The area upstream from station MV is not critical habitat for anadromous fish.ADEC,however, provided RGI with a short-term water quality variance for total dissolved solids and temperature (Martin 1983)at the MV station.All other water quality parameters had to comply with Alaska water quality criteria at this station.The MV station is the downstream control station. Figure 3 presents the locations of water quality sample stations near the geothermal resource well.Discharge from the well was directed toward Plateau Creek,and almost all geothermal fluid entered Plateau Creek via a small tributary after flowing overland for about 100 m.Consequently,water quality sampling and flow measurements were concentrated in Plateau Creek. Four stations were established along Plateau Creek (in downstream order: PCD,PCA,PCB,and PCC)and two stations were established in Makushin Valley River near Plateau Creek.Station MVA is upstream from the mouth of Plateau Creek and MVB is downstream. Station PCD is in a small tributary to Plateau Creek which drains the area immediately downslope from the well.This narrow stream,cuts through the organic soil layer,has a sand and gravel bed and a relatively steep gradient between the plateau lip and Plateau Creek.This was the point closest to the well where stream flow could be measured.Station PCA is located about 100 m downstream from the PCD tributary.Plateau Creek at this station is narrow,has a sand and gravel bed,and the gradient is fairly low.Station PCB is similar to PCA,but there are many small rapids upstream and downstream from the station and the gradient is much steeper.Station PCC is located on a narrow bench above Makushin Valley River,the only suitable location for a staff gage.Numerous waterfalls exist immediately FIGURE | PROJECT LOCATION A MV Sample Station Gi camp _Driftwood mfr (Ears,Bay tee ,gee ERE UNALASKA ISLAND : J Zo -_-"ee .a yaMakushin \_2y)N.S/S MV :akush \aa ;N Fed Nateekin 2 River epy( Drainage |Basin Boundary §Miles §Kilometers FIGURE 2 PROJECT AREA Sugarloaf Cone Drainage Basin Boundary Sf ee .-_--,we _Sf El comp re)1 Mile >Se othermal Resource Welleneeee s)1 Kilometer MV Sample Stationeeae FIGURE 3 WATER QUALITY SAMPLE STATIONS NEAR WELL FCU GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE ouWELLpriatecree®PCcoO-”pca Spce »)S/\(o]"4000 Feeteeecoe upstream,and the creek downstream from station PCC divides around many boulders as the creek falls to the river.Stations MVA and MVB are located in a narrow canyon having many boulders in a stretch of the river having a single channel.The river is turbulent during high flow. Field work was conducted August 30 through September 3,1983.Baseline data were collected August 30 and 31 and the morning of September 1.The well test started at 1440 hours on September 1 and continued until 1545 hours on September 3.The well flowed at two rates during this period. The well stabilized quickly at 50,000 lbs/hr (total flow)and 365°F (185°C, bottom hole)at the beginning of the test.Subtracting steam losses,this is equivalent to a maximum discharge into Plateau Creek of 41,000 lb/hr (0.19 cfs)at less than 210°F (99°C).This maximum assumes no evaporation and none of the fluid being carried away by wind.The flow was reduced to 32,700 lbs/hr (total flow)at 1225 hours on September 2 and continued at this rate until shut-in at 1545 hours on September 3.This flow is equivalent to a maximum liquid discharge of 26,800 Ibs/hr (0.12 cfs)at less than 210°F (99°C).Water quality samples were collected throughout the well test with the last stream samples being taken during the morning of September 3. A sample was also collected from the well (source)at 0930 hours on September 3. 4.0 RESULTS Water quality and flow data collected in 1983 prior to and during the geothermal resource well test are presented in this section.Emphasis is placed on field measurements of temperature,chloride,conductivity,and flow.Baseline conditions in Plateau Creek and Makushin Valley River are described first,followed by discussions of water quality in these streams during the well test. Field and laboratory water quality data collected at the various sample stations are presented in Appendix A.Table A1 displays field water quality at the mouth of Plateau Creek and in Makushin Valley River collected before the well test and Table A2 presents laboratory data measured at these stations before and during the well test.Tables A3 through A6é display flow,chloride,conductivity,and temperature data collected at stations PCA, PCB,PCC,and PCD,respectively.Similar data collected at stations MVA and MVB appear in Tables A7 and A8,respectively.Field water quality data collected at the mouth of Plateau Creek and in Makushin Valley River during the well test appear in Table A9.Table A10 presents flow,chloride, conductivity,and temperature data collected at miscellaneous stations. 4.1 Baseline Baseline water quality and flow data were collected prior to the well test at all stations except PCD and in Fox Canyon Creek,which were established after the test had started.Emphasis of this testing was on flow,chloride,conductivity,and temperature data.Dissolved oxygen,pH, alkalinity,turbidity,and settleable solids levels were measured in addition to the above at PCC and MVB stations prior to the test.Station MVA was not sampled since the water quality characteristics at MVA and MVB before the test were assumed to be identical.Flow at PCC averaged 0.48 cfs and 115 cfs at MVB,resulting in a dilution factor of 240 under baseline conditions. 10 Stations PCA,PCB,PCC,and MVB exhibited low levels of chloride and conductivity before the well test (Table 1).Chloride ranged from 6.3 to 8.3 mg/L at the three Plateau Creek stations and 2.3 to 2.8 mg/L at MVB. Conductivity ranged from 46 to 67 micromhos/cm @ 25°C in Plateau Creek and 45 to 54 micromhos/cm @ 25°C at MVB.Temperatures were highest and exhibited more variability at station PCA.Temperatures were lower and exhibited less variability at each succeeding downstream station.This situation results from atmospheric warming and cooling where changes in atmospheric conditions have less effect at stations having larger volumes of water. Field and laboratory water quality data collected at the mouth of Plateau Creek (station PCC)and in Makushin Valley River indicate these streams are highly oxygenated,have a low buffering capacity (low alkalinity concentrations),and are neutral with respect to pH (Table A1).Plateau Creek is a clear water stream having a low turbidity level,whereas Makushin Valley River appears to contain more suspended material of glacial origin. Both streams are rather dilute and display low concentrations of total dissolved solids (Table A2). 4.2 Plateau Creek During Well Test The well was opened at 1440 hours on September 1,1983.Station PCD (Table 2),the closest station to the well,exhibited the highest chloride, conductivity,and temperature levels of all stations.Temperature,however, was considerably lower than the well discharge temperature,which was approximately 210°F (99°F).Maximum liquid discharge from the well was 0.19 cfs for the first 22 hours of the test.Since the maximum flow at station PCD during the test was 0.15 cfs (which includes the small baseline flow which was not measured),this indicates that some of the discharge was:(1) lost to evaporation;(2)blown out of the Plateau Creek drainage toward Fox Canyon Creek;(3)trapped by vegetation;or (4)soaked into the ground.The portion of the discharge trapped by vegetation or soaked into the ground will slowly work its way to the stream system and be flushed out. 11 RANGE,MEAN,AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF TABLE 1 BASELINE FLOW,CHLORIDE,CONDUCTIVITY,AND TEMPERATURE AT STATIONS PCA,PCB,PCC,AND MVB Low Mean High §.0.'1)-#0bs.(1) Station PCA Flow 0.11 0.140 0.20 0.041 4 Chloride 6.4 6.98 8.3 0.89 4 Conductivity 50 53.2 58 3.6 4 Temperature 8.7 9.68 11.3 1.13 4 Station PCB Flow 0.26 0.275 0.30 0.017 4 Chloride 6.3 6.52 7.0 0.33 4 Conductivity 46 51.3 59 5.7 4 Temperature 8.5 9.25 10.7 0.99 4 Station PCC Flow 0.45 0.480 0.53 0.036 4 Chloride 6.3 7.05 7.6 0.56 4 Conductivity 55 62.5 67 5.4 4 Temperature 8.4 8.85 10.0 0.77 4 Station MVB Flow 110 115.0 120 5.8 4 Chloride 2.3 2.958 2.8 0.22 4 Conductivity 45 49.8 54 4.9 4 Temperature 5.1 5.25 5.4 0.13 4 (1)sip.represents standard deviation and #0bs is the number of observations used to calculate the mean and standard deviation. Units:Flow,cubic feet per second,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C TABLE 2 RANGE,MEAN,AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF FLOW,CHLORIDE,CONDUCTIVITY,AND TEMPERATURE AT STATIONS PCD,PCA,PCB,AND PCC DURING WELL TEST Low Mean High §.0.'1) #0bs.(1) Station PCD Flow 0.07 0.120 0.15 0.034 5 Chloride 2430 2990 3510 502 5 Conductivity 7000 8354 9750 1299 5 Temperature 6.9 12.00 16.0 3.85 5 Station PCA Flow 0.20 0.222 0.24 0.014 9 Chloride 10.6 1001 1590 538 9 Conductivity 58 3078 4900 1602 9 Temperature 6.6 11.41 13.6 2.40 9 Station PCB Flow 0.32 0.329 0.33 0.004 7 Chloride 11.4 762 960 335 7 Conductivity 63 2316 3100 1026 7 Temperature 6.2 10.16 12.4 2.32 7 Station PCC Flow 0.48 0.510 0.57 0.052 3 Chloride 387 480 625 127 3 Conductivity 1220 1500 1920 370 3 Temperature 6.0 8.40 10.8 2.40 3 (1)s.p.represents standard deviation and #0Obs is the number of observations used to calculate the mean and standard deviation. Units: Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,umhos/em @ 25°CTemperature,°C Flow,cubic feet per second,cfs Station PCA displayed a rapid response to the well.Chloride levels were slightly elevated within one-half hour after the well was opened and were significantly higher within one hour (Table A3).Chloride and conduc- tivity levels steadily increased until 1800 hours,then decreased.It appears that the well discharge was contained within the upper Plateau Creek drainage from the beginning of the test until about 1800 hours,at which time,the wind shifted and carried some of the discharge northeast toward Fox Canyon. Comparison of average baseline and test conditions at station PCA indicates that flow increased by an average of 0.08 cfs during the test.As noted above,some of the discharge was lost and/or delayed before reaching station PCD.Some of the discharge may have been retained as bank storage between stations PCD and PCA.The average baseline chloride concentration increased from 6.98 mg/L to 1001 mg/L during the test and average conduc- tivity levels increased from 51.3 to 3078 micromhos/cm @ 25°C.The temperature increase at station PCA,however,was less than 2°C. Travel time between sample stations was estimated before the well test to provide an indication of the amount of time that could be allowed to elapse before moving the sampling equipment from one station to another. Travel time was estimated by calculating the average stream velocity across the cross-section at two adjacent stations and then averaging the velocity of the two stations.This average velocity in feet per second was divided into the distance,in feet,between the stations to arrive at travel time.The estimate of travel time from station PCA to PCB was 36 minutes,and from PCB to PCC it was 85 minutes. It took close to an hour for the discharge to reach station PCB and within 2 hours there was a significant increase in chloride and conductivity levels at this station (Table A4).The average flow level increased by 0.06 cfs over baseline and the average chloride concentration increased from 6.52 to 762 mg/L.The average baseline conductivity level was 51.3 micromhos/cm @ 25°C,which increased by about a factor of 45 to 2316 micromhos/cm @ 25°C. .The average temperature increase was less than 1°C. 14 Significant increases in chloride and conductivity levels occurred in less than 4 hours at station PCC (Table A5).Average levels of both of these parameters measured during the well test remained well above baseline condi- tions.Flow increased by an average of 0.03 cfs.Temperature during the well test at station PCC,however,was essentially the same as baseline conditions.Other field parameters (dissolved oxygen,pH,alkalinity, turbidity,and settleable solids)displayed no significant response to the well discharge (compare data in Tables A1 and A9).The dissolved oxygen concentration was lower during the test,but was still 96 percent saturated and sufficiently high to support freshwater aquatic life.Table A2 displays a significant change in total dissolved solids (TDS)concentration.TDS increased from a baseline level of 70 mg/L to 1200 mg/L during the test.The sulfate concentration also displayed an increase,from 4.3 to 18.0 mg/L. 4.3 Makushin Valley River During Well Test The effect of the well discharge on water quality in Makushin Valley River downstream from the mouth of Plateau Creek was insignificant for most parameters.Dissolved oxygen,pH,temperature,alkalinity,turbidity, settleable solids,and sulfate levels at stations MVB were the same or very nearly the same as levels of these parameters at MVA.Comparison of data in Table 3 indicates a slight increase in chloride and conductivity levels downstream from Plateau Creek.The TDS concentration also exhibited a slight increase (Table A2).The dilution factor from the well (0.19 cfs)to station MVB was about 540 (103 cfs/0.19 cfs).This figure is conservative because not all of the geothermal fluid reached Plateau Creek. Sampling was conducted at station MV at 1320 hours on September 2,1983. This was the period when the geothermal fluid was expected to be at its highest concentration in this section of Makushin Valley River.All field parameters ([Table A9]dissolved oxygen,pH,temperature,conductivity, chloride,alkalinity,turbidity,and settleable solids)displayed levels within their respective natural variation at station MV.Laboratory para- meters (Table A2)also exhibited no significant variation from natural conditions.Geothermal fluid did mot adversely affect water quality at 15 TABLE 3 RANGE,MEAN,AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF FLOW,CHLORIDE,CONDUCTIVITY,AND TEMPERATURE AT STATIONS MVA and MVB DURING WELL TEST Low Mean High S.D.(1)#Obs.41) Station MVA Flow 100 103.3 110 5.8 3 Chloride 2.6 2.73 2.9 0.15 3 Conductivity 54 65.7 73 10.2 3 Temperature 4.0 5.20 6.3 1.15 3 Station MVB Flow 100 103.3 110 5.8 3 Chloride 4.7 5.67 6.9 1.12 3 Conductivity 61 74.0 81 11.3 3 Temperature 4.1 5.27 6.3 1.11 3 (1)S.0.represents standard deviation and #0bs is the number of observations used to calculate the mean and standard deviation. Units:Flow,cubic feet per second,cfs Chloride,mg/LConductivity,pmhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°C station MV because of the large dilution factor between the well and this station.Maximum flow from the well was 0.19 cfs and flow at MV was 285 cfs, which provided a dilution factor of at least 1,500 (285 cfs/0.19 cfs).This figure is conservative because not all geothermal fluid reached the stream system. Analytical results of one representative sample of the geothermal fluid collected by RGI are presented in Appendix B (Table B1).These analyses include numerous metals and anions as well as silica.Applying the dilution factor to the results of these analyses indicates that all parameters in Table B1,except possibly mercury,would exhibit levels at station MV that comply with Alaska water quality criteria (ADEC 1982).Even though the analysis found no mercury,the detection limit of mercury using the inductively coupled plasma emission method was high enough (0.03 mg/L) (Table B1)that the geothermal fluid may still have contained sufficient mercury to make the value at MV be slightly higher than the criteria of 0.0002 mg/L (EPA 1981).Because of this situation,mercury concentrations in the geothermal fluid and at station MV were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry to provide more sensitivity.The mercury concentration at MV was at the detection limit,0.0002 mg/L (Table A2),but less than 0.0002 mg/L (Table A10)in the geothermal fluid.Consequently,the well test would have no detectable effect on mercury concentrations in Makushin Valley River. The possibility of secondary reactions occurring in Makushin Valley River as a result of the addition of geothermal fluid was considered because of the concern for the protection of freshwater aquatic biota.It was possible that reactions (e.g.,chemical absorption,surface catalysis, dissolution,precipitation)may occur that could have an adverse effect on aquatic biota.Reactions are mainly influenced by pressure,temperature, ionic strength,oxygen,and pH.Pressure,temperature,and oxygen rapidly adjusted to ambient conditions when the geothermal fluid was discharged from the well head.The highest temperature measured in the stream system was 16°C at station PCD.Cooling and aeration (oxidation)continued as geo- thermal fluid and creek water moved down Plateau Creek.Water temperatures 17 and pH at station MVB during the well test were the same as at station MVA. pH was also the same at these two stations.Consequently,temperature, pressure,oxygen,and pH would not cause atypical reactions to occur in Makushin Valley River. The ionic strength of the geothermal fluid was high (Table B1).How- ever,concentrations of most of the potentially toxic elements were less than their respective detection limits.The geothermal fluid was largely comprised of calcium bicarbonate,calcium sulfate,calcium chloride,sodium chloride,and potassium chloride.Sodium chloride makes up 86 percent of these compounds on a milligram equivalents per liter basis in the geothermal Fluid.By the time geothermal fluid mixed into Makushin Valley River,the concentrations of these compounds were significantly reduced and a shift from sodium chloride as the dominant compound to calcium bicarbonate and calcium sulfate had occurred.Hence,no adverse reactions that could affect fresh- water aquatic biota in Makushin Valley River were likely to occur because of ionic strength. 4.4 Fox Canyon Creek Although most of the discharge was contained in the Plateau Creek drainage,occasional shifts in wind direction would direct a portion of the discharge (that portion discharged as a fine mist easily carried by wind) toward Fox Canyon.Because Fox Canyon Creek is farther from the discharge and carries a larger volume of water than Plateau Creek,it was believed that any effect from the well would be unmeasurable in Fox Canyon Creek.Never- theless,two locations along Fox Canyon were sampled on September 3 to substantiate this belief.Station FCU is upstream from the geothermal well and FCM is near the creek mouth.Comparison of upstream and downstream levels of chloride,conductivity,and temperature (Table A10)show that levels of these parameters were all slightly higher at the downstream station.However,the slight increases in chloride and conductivity more likely represent natural conditions rather than a response to the well discharge.At any rate,the levels of these parameters are low.The 1.2°C rise in temperature undoubtedly results from natural conditions. 18 4.5 Correlation Between Chloride and Conductivity The statistical relationship between chloride and conductivity levels was assessed to determine whether conductivity levels could be used to predict chloride concentrations.Linear regressions originally were per- formed on two populations of chloride and conductivity data.One population contained all the data collected at all stations in Plateau Creek and Makushin Valley River and exhibited a high coefficient of determination (r2 =0.99).The second population was comprised of only*baseline values .and displayed a low correlation (r2 =0.05).Because of this discrepancy,it was hypothesized that low levels of chloride and conductivity measured during the well test would also exhibit a low correlation.This proved to be true using data obtained at the Makushin Valley River stations during the well test.Of course,these levels were not significantly different from baseline levels.Finally,regression analysis of all chloride and conductivity levels significantly greater than baseline levels measured in Plateau Creek during the well test displayed a strong statistical relationship (Figure 4).The coefficient of determination for these parameters (r2 =0.994)indicates that chloride and conductivity levels are correlated in surface water influenced by geothermal fluid.Conductivity levels can be used to predict chloride concentrations in surface water when chloride and conductivity levels exceed baseline conditions.According to the equation,y =ax +b, the relationship between chloride and conductivity is: conductivity,pmhos/cem @ 25°C =2.7 (chloride,mg/L)+329. 19 CONDUCTIVITY,umhos/cmat25°C10,0007 90007 8000- 7000 60007 5000-4 40007 3000 2000- 1000 FIGURE 4 CHLORIDE VS CONDUCTIVITY t 1000 1 i 2000 3000 CHLORIDE,mg/L T - 4000 5000 2.0 CONCLUSIONS A review of the major water quality characteristics in the project area is presented below according to the sequence in which they appear in the body of this report.Particular attention has been directed toward the potential impact of discharging geothermal fluid on water quality in Makushin Valley River. 1.As expected,the upper section of Plateau Creek displayed a rapid response to the geothermal resource well discharge.Chloride concen- trations at station PCA exceeded all baseline concentrations within one-half hour after the well was opened. Most of the well discharge,having an initial flow rate of 0.19 cfs,was contained in the Plateau Creek drainage.A small volume of the dis- charge was lost to evaporation and some was carried out of the drainage by wind at times.A portion of the discharge was delayed in fMoving to and down Plateau Creek by being trapped by vegetation,soaking into the ground,and being retained as bank storage. Rapid atmospheric cooling of the discharge from 99°C resulted in a maximum measured temperature of 16.0°C at station PCD,the closest station to the well.Water temperatures decreased in Plateau Creek and were at baseline levels in Makushin Valley River near the mouth of Plateau Creek. Of the field and laboratory parameters measured at the mouth of Plateau Creek,only chloride,conductivity,TDS,and sulfate exhibited levels exceeding baseline conditions for these parameters. Chloride,conductivity,and TDS levels were slightly elevated above baseline levels of these parameters in Makushin Valley River immediately downstream from the mouth of Plateau Creek.The minimum dilution factor from the well to station MVB was 540. 21 Levels of all parameters measured at station MV during the well test complied with Alaska water quality criteria,which provide for the protection of freshwater aquatic biota.The minimum dilution factor from the well to station MV was 1,500. There was no evidence that the well test had an effect on water quality in Fox Canyon Creek. Regression analysis of chloride and conductivity levels significantly greater than baseline levels indicated there was a high correlation between these parameters. 22 REFERENCES ADEC,1982.Water quality standards.Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,Juneau,AK.20 pp. Dames &Moore,1983.1982 Environmental baseline data collection program final report.Prepared for Republic Geothermal,Inc.and Alaska Power Authority by Dames &Moore,Anchorage,AK.55 pp.+appendices. EPA,1981.Water quality criteria;corrections.U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,In:Federal Register,Vol.46,No.156,Thursday, August 13,1981,pp.40919. Martin,Bob,1983.Letter regarding water quality variance written to Dwight L.Carey,Republic Geothermal,Inc.by Bob Martin,Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,Anchorage,AK,1 pp.dated April 14,1983. 23 APPENDIX A TABLE A1 FIELD WATER QUALITY AT THE MOUTH OF PLATEAU CREEK IN MAKUSHIN VALLEY RIVER BEFORE WELL TESTAND Sample Station Pee mvp (1)MV Sample Date 08/30/83 08/30/83 08/30/83 Sample Time 1800 1735 1620 Flow,cfs 0.46 120 340 Chloride,mg/L 7.3 2.3 1.8 All Conductivity,66 46 64 pumhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C 10.0 5.4 5.9 Dissolved 11.9 12.8 12.4 Oxygen,mg/L D.0.,%109 104 100 Saturation pH,pH Units 7.4 7.0 6.9 Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3 35 16 12 Turbidity,NTU 0.57 6.2 21 Settleable Solids,ml/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 (1)Baseline data at MVA are judged to be the same as MVB before the well test. A-1 TABLE A2 LABORATORY WATER QUALITY AT THE MOUTH OF PLATEAU CREEK AND IN MAKUSHIN VALLEY RIVER BEFORE (8/30)AND DURING (9/2)THE GEOTHERMAL WELL TEST Sample Date Sample Time Total Dissolved Solids,mg/L Sulfate,mg/L Chloride,mag/L Sample Date Sample Time Total Dissolved Solids,mg/L Sulfate,mg/L Chloride,mg/L Mercury,mg/L Sample Station PCC mvB(1) 08/30/83 08/30/83 1800 1735 70 52 4.3 12.0 9.0 2.8 MVA pcc MVB 09/02/83 09/02/83 09/02/83 1120 1135 1150 50 1200 56 14.1 18.0 15.0 4.3 1000.0 8.7 MV 09/02/83 1320 81 24.5 8.0 0.0002 (1)Baseline data at MVA are judged to be the same as MVB before the well test. TABLE A3 STATION PCA Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, umhos/em @ 25°C Temperature, Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, °C pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C FIELD WATER QUALITY BEFORE WELL TEST 08/30/83 08/30/83 08/31/83 0900 1000 1600 0.11 0.13 0.12 8.3 6.4 6.6 54 20 38 8.7 9.3 11.3 FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 09/01/83 09/01/83 1510 1530 1600 0.22 0.23 0.23 10.6 252.0 978.0 58 900 3040 12.3 13.1 13.6 09/01/83 09/01/83 09/02/83 09/02/83 1800 2000 0910 1230 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.23 1560.0 1040.0 1150.0 1590.0 4580 3310 3400 4900 13.2 11.5 8.6 10.7 09/01/83 1120 0.20 6.6 31 9.4 09/01/83 1730 0.23 1250.0 3870 13.1 09/03/83 0850 0.20 1180.0 3640 6.6 TABLE A4 STATION PCB Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,uumhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°C Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,umhos/cem @ 25°C Temperature,°C FIELD WATER QUALITY BEFORE WELL TEST 08/30/83 08/30/83 08/31/83 0940 1045 1615, 0.26 0.27 0.27 7.0 6.3 6.5 a9 48 22 8.5 9.0 10.7 FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 09/01/83 09/01/83 1540 1630 1740 0.33 0.33 0.33 11.4 800.0 920.0 63 2340 2550 11.8 12.4 12.1 09/02/83 09/02/83 0900 1225 0.33 0.33 850.0 920.0 2500 2860 8.1 9.6 09/01/83 1100 0.30 6.3 09/01/83 1815 0.33 960.0 3100 10.9 09/03/83 0855 0.32 870.0 6.2 TABLE A5 STATION PCC Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°C Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C FIELD WATER QUALITY BEFORE WELL TEST 08/30/83 1050 0.53 7.6 67 8.5 08/30/83 1800 0.46 7.3 66 10.0 08/31/83 1120 0.45 7.0 62 8.5 FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 1820 0.57 428.0 1360 10.8 09/02/83 1135 0.48 625.0 1920 8.4 09/01/83 1020 0.48 6.3 55 8.4 09/03/83 0831 0.48 387.0 1220 6.0 TABLE A6 STATION PCD Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,pumhos/em @ 25° Temperature, Cc °C FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 1620 0.10 2430.0 7000 16.0 09/01/83 1720 0.14 2500.0 7260 15.2 09/02/83 0915 0.15 3110.0 8100 9.4 09/02/83 1235 0.14 3510.0 9750 12.5 09/03/83 0930 0.07 3400.0 9660 6.9 TABLE A7 STATION MVA Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, umhos/cm @ 25° Temperature, Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, ymhos/em @ 25° Temperature, Cc °C Cc °C FIELD WATER QUALITY BEFORE WELL TEST 08/30/83 08/30/83 08/31/83 1120 1735 1140 120 120 110 2.5 2.3 2.7 45 46 24 203 304 D2 FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 09/02/83 1815 1120 110 100 2.9 2.6 73 70 6.3 5.3 09/01/83 0950 110 2.8 54 D6 09/03/83 0828 100 2.7 94 4.0 TABLE A8 STATION MVB Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,umhos/em @ 25°C Temperature, Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, °C pmhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°C FIELD WATER QUALITY BEFORE WELL TEST 08/30/83 08/30/83 08/31/83 1120 1735 1140 120 120 110 2.9 2.3 2.7 45 46 24 D3 3.4 D2 FIELD WATER QUALITY DURING WELL TEST 09/01/83 09/02/83 1825 1150 110 100 4.7 6.9 81 80 6.3 34 A-8 09/01/83 0950 110 2.8 54 5.1 09/03/83 0833 100 9.4 61 4.1 FIELD WATER QUALITY AT THE MOUTH OF PLATEAU CREEK AND IN MAKUSHIN VALLEY RIVER DURING WELL TEST TABLE AQ Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity, pmhos/em @ 25°C Temperature,°C Dissolved Oxygen,mg/L D.0.,% Saturation pH,pH Units Alkalinity, mg/L as CaC03 Turbidity,NTU Settleable Solids,ml/L SAMPLE STATION MVA PCC MVB MV 09/02/83 09/02/83 09/02/83 09/02/83 1120 1135 1150 1320 100 0.48 100 285 2.6 625 6.9 563 70 1920 80 68 5.3 8.4 5.4 6.7 12.1 10.9 11.9 11.8 98 96 97 98 6.9 7.4 7.0 6.9 17 41 17 13 2.8 0.55 2.4 6.4 <0.1 <O.1-<O.1 <0.1 Sample Date Sample Time Flow,cfs Chloride,mg/L Conductivity,umhos/cem @ 25° Temperature, Mercury,mg/L C °C TABLE A10 WATER QUALITY AT MISCELLANEOUS STATIONS DURING WELL TEST Sample Station Source FCU 09/03/83 09/03/83 0930 0845 0.03 26 4150 5.8 9800 60 --2.4 <0.0002 -- A-10 FCM MV 09/03/83 09/03/83 . 0841 0837 39 285 6.2 8.0 66 77 3.6 4.4 APPENDIX B RESEARCH 31890 AIRWAY AVE.-COSTA MESA-CALIFORNIA 92626 TEL.(714)751-2945 :TWX 910-595-712 ANALYTICAL REPORT Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue, P.0.Box 3388 Santa Fe Springs,California Attn:Mr.Skid Matlick Republic 90670 Suobmitted by:Matlick,Skip Suite Cne Water Analysis -Makushin ST-1SampleofGeothermalFluidFlashed to Atmosphere Invoice Mo.:820325 Date redorted:11-0OCcT-§2 VR Code:25555 Dates analyzed: 40-SEP-83 to 11-OCT-33 Date Sampled:3-SEP-83 Time sampled:9:45:0 Sample Descrivotion ID:NONE Results PH:7.79 constituent **ppm Sodium (Na+)2130 Potassium (K+)284. Lithiuna (Lit)8.5 Calcium (Catt)154. Magnesium (Mg++)<0.04 Bariua (Ba++)<0.03 Strontium (Sr++)0.47 Aluminum (Al+++)<0.03 Silver (Aagt)<0.003 Arsenic (Ast+++)12.5 Gold (Au+++)<0.009 Beryllium (Be++)<0.001 Cadmium (Cd++)<0.007 Ceriun (Ce+++)<0.1 Cobait (Co++)<0.009 Chromium (Cr+++)<0.91 Copper (Cutt)<0.002 Tron (Fe++)0.110 Appearance:Clear Comments:Aliquots A,Band £E method conments roi?)fe)SorvCToYrUvroruvrOouxevonw VR Code:25555 Gallium (Ga+++)<O0.07 -ico b Germanium (Ge++++)<C.08 -icp b Mercury (Hg++)<0.03 -icp b Lanthanum (La+++)<0.003 -cp D Manganese (Mn++)0.0344 0.001 icp Ls] Molybdenum (Mo++++++)<0.08 -icp ie) Nickel (Ni++)<0.04 -ico b Lead (Pb++)<0.05 -icp b Antimony (Sb+++)<0.4 -icp Pe) Selenium (Se++++)<O.1 -icp b Tin (Sn++)<0.1 -icp b Titanium (Ti++++)<0.002 -icp d Vanadiun (V+++++)<0.003 -ico b Zinc (Zn++)0.09 AXBAEXXHXHOYAMK *icp b Zirconium (Zr++++)<0.005 -icp b Boron (8)***73.7 20.5 col a Phosphate (PO4---)<0.1--ico d Chloride (Cl-)3740 105.titr a Bromide (Br-)12.8 0.2 col a Sulfate (SO4--)91.9 1.9 turb a Fluoride(F-)1.12 0.059 ise a Bicarbonate (HCO3-)46.1 0.8 titr a Carbonate (CO3--)<1.-elitr a Silica (Si0O2)46.4 -col c N/A=not available mec/l=milliequivalents per liter ppm and milligrams per liter used interchangeably icp=inductively coupled plasma enission;titr=titration turb=turbidimetric ise=ion selective electrode ***boron is given as ppm elanental soron,but for the purposes of TDS and ion balance,boron is converted to BC3--- Test performed on untreated aliquot "A".. Test performed on aliquot "B".(Stabilized in Field by addition of Nitric Acid) Test performed on aliquot "E".(Stabilized in field by addition of 100 ml distille LABORATORY ERROR water to 10 ml sample)*a0n APPENDIX F REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CORRESPONDENCE DURING OPERATIONS Appendix F-1 Letter to United States Fish and Wildlife Service May 12,1983 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 May 12,1983 Mr.Fred Zeillemaker Refuge Manager,Aleutian Islands Unit U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Box 5251 NAVSTA FPO Seattle,Washington 98791 Dear Mr.Zeillemaker: In accordance with Special Use Permit No.AI-83-27, Special Condition of Approval No.10,please find enclosed a list of personnel working under the permit,including their estimated stay and their employer.The dates for completion of operations and for well testing can only be estimated at this time;we will keep you informed of the actual dates as the information becomes available. Dwight Carey is looking forward to meeting you in the field.If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure LIST OF PERSONNEL WORKING UNDER SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO.AI -85-27 Field Staff *Corky Isselhardt (RGI)- *Skip Matlick (RGI)-*Paul Parmentier (RGI)- *Dick Yarter (RGI)-© Bob Verity (RGI)-Lee Walden (RGI)- Charles Morris (RGI)- Steve Grabacki (D&M)- Larry Peterson (D&M)- *Onsite Project Manager Tentative Field Dates May 18 - See Note See Note See Note August (during wellAugust(during wellAugust(during well 2 to 3 days each in June l SeptemberAugust(during well testing) testing)testing) June anda testing) NOTE:One onsite manager at a time,to be rotated every 2 to 5 weeks. There will be some overlap. Supervisorial Personnel Patti deJong (APA)-ierry Huttrer (RGI)- Dwight Carey (RGI)- Tawna Nicholas (RGI)- Drilling Contractors Dick Olson,Supervisor (ARDI)- Glenn Buoy,Toolpusher (ARDI)-Bob Bacon,Driller (ARDI)- Jerry Ahartz (ARDI)-Matt Luce,Mechanic (ARDI)-Dave Howe,Drilling Asst.(ARDI)- Drew Motsinger,Drilling Asst.Steve Campbell,Drilling Asst.(ARDI)- Wilfred Fields,Drilling Asst. Construction/Camp Contractors John Gammons,Cook (PSI)- Brian Sawvelle,Camp Mob.&Demob.(PSI) 'arry Kuhuski,Camp Mob.§& ;Demob.(PSI) Brent Elkins,Camp Mob.&. Demob.(PSI) (ARDI) (ARDI) 2 to 3 days in July Periodically throughout Operations One week in early to mid-August (estimate) Unlikely Periodically throughout operations May 26 -September 5 May 26 -September 5 May 26 -September 5 May 26 -September 5 May 26 -September 3 May 26 -September 5 May 26 -September 3 May 26 -September 5 May 19 -September 10 May 19 -May 26 September 4 -September 10 May 19 -May 26 September 4 -September 10 May 19 -May 20 September 4 -September 10 Helicopter Contractors 2ich Hankness,Pilot (ERA)-May 19 -September 15 (OneGordyHenson,Pilot (ERA)-pilot at a time,on arotatingbasis)One helicopter mechanic (ERA)-May 19 -September 15 (on a(Housed in Dutch Harbor)limited basis as needed) (APA)-Alaska Power Authority (Project Proponent)334 W.Sth Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501(907)277-7641 (RGI)-Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Prime Contractor) 11823 East Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs,California 90670(213)945-3661 (D&M)-Dames §&Moore (Principal Subcontractor) 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501(907)279-0673 (ARDI)-Arctic Resources Drilling,Inc. 6361 Nielson Way,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99502(907)562-2154 (PSI)-Production Services,Inc.(Camp Contractor) 4113 Ingra Street Anchorage,Alaska 99503 (907)279-8550 (ERA)-ERA Helicopters,Inc.(Helicopter Contractor)6160 South Airpak Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99502(907)248-4422 Appendix F-2 Republic Geothermal,Inc.MemorandumJuly13,1983 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. MEMORANDUM TO:G.W.Huttrer .July 13,1983 FROM:T.J.Nicholas | SUBJECT:Regulatory Reporting of Unalaska Helicopter Accident The helicopter accident of July 11,1983 at Unalaska has been reported to U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,the regula- tory agency with major land use permit responsibility for Republic's activities.On July 12,I made a telephone call to Mr.Fred Zeillemaker,the Refuge Manager of the Aleutian Islands Unit,Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Mr.Zeillemaker was out of the office,and he returned my call on July 13.I relayed to him the specifics of the accident: injured parties and treatment;cause;location;time and date; arrival of a replacement helicopter;and clean-up of the wreckage.As expected,Mr.Zeillemaker's main concerns were the injuries and the removal of the wreckage.I stated that all wreckage was being removed,with completion of the clean- up by July 15;if removal of all the wreckage is significantlydelayedordetermined.to be infeasible I will need to contactMr.Zeillemaker again. The helicopter contractor may have additional responsibil- ities to notify the Federal Aviation Administration and/or an Alaska state agency responsible for overseeing air safety.I recommend that Republic check with ERA to determine if they have also made the necessary reports. TIN:clj wTcc:D.L.Carey T.M.Evans 'Appendix F-3 June Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources -_--s REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 WX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 July 28,1983 Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the June Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations pursuant to 11 AAC 87.110(e)for Makushin ST-1l on Unalaska Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling permit 83-1.We understand that there are no forms for this report currently in existence,so we are sending a written summary of the daily record of well operation. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns about these reports. Sincerely, Juana oy WachitacTawnaJ.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure cc:P.DeJong,APA MONTHLY REPORT OF DRILLING AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS PURSUANT TO 11 AAC 87.110 (e) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-1 Well Name:'Makushin ST-1 Well Location:==.| _-_'*Unalaska Island,Alaska Reporting Period:-June 1983 Date of Report: | July 27,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Drill Report Day Date Activity 1 6/16 Drill 4-3/4"rock bit to 46'in ashy overburden and boulders. 2 6/17 Hole at 137°by 7:00 AM (drilled 91'on 6/16.Day shift 46'-103',night shift 103'-137').Water pump repairs -5-1/2 hrs. Geology:46'-90'-Cemented "ash",mod. hard,increasing density with depth. Inclusions 1/2"-1-/2"dia.,angular to rounded. 90'-137'=Dark gray-black conglomeratic basalt(?)1l-1/2"-2"dia.inclusions, hard.Adequate as a casing foundation. 3 6/18 Drilled 137'-172'in 8 hrs.Tried to open hole to 9-1/2"with Huddy reamer,no luck.Night shift -opened 6"hole to 46' then ran 4-3/4"rock bit to 106'. Geology:137-145 -Basalt(?)as above 145-152 -Weathered diorite with cemented fractures 152-172 -Diorite with cemented fractures 4 5 6 LO il 12 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 No new drilling (hole at 172').Opened 4-3/4"hole to 120',6"hole to 79'. Drilled 9-1/2"hole to 43'.Now have 9-1/2"hole to 43',6"hole to 79',4-3/4" hole to 120'and HQ (3=-25/32")to 172'. T.D.172'.Opening 6"hole-to 9-1/2"with hole opener.Twisted-off at 42'on top of first joint of drill pipe above drill collars.No fishing tools on location. Ordered out fishing tools 6/20 PM.Made up poor boy overshot tool,attempted to work over fish,not successful.Waiting on fishing tools.Received fishing tools, now attempting to recover fish at 2:00 PM 6/21/83. Recovered fish.Running magnet to pick up debris in hole.Plan 20 SX squeeze job @ 50'to stablize hole and slow water in- flow.Rock bit arrived with wrong size pin.New subs ordered.Plan to be ream- ing by night shift 6/22. Pumped 20 sk cement plug @ 46'to stablize hole &shut off water inflow.W.O.C. until 7:00 AM 6/23.Found top of cement @ 36°.Drlg.out cement w/6"TCI bit.Will open hole to 6"to 172'T.D. Continued opening hole to 161'with 6"TCI bit.Now waiting on delivery of 7-5/8" bit and crossover subs. Opened 6"hole to 162'with 7-3/8"bit. Attempted to run Huddy 9-1/2"hole opener with 4-3/4"pilot bit N.G.Ran 9-5/8" rock bit and opened 7-3/8"hole to 9-5/8" 21/111". Continued opening hole to 9-5/8" 111/127'.Twisted off at 127'leaving 9-5/8"bit,two 8"x 4'short drill collars,subs,and one jt HQ core pipe in hole.Top of fish at 105".Will run impression block this AM. 13 14 4s 6/28 6/29 6/30 Fabricated IB and ran to top of fish, impression inconclusive.Ran tapered tap on HQ drill rods,engaged fish,and attempted to rotate;parted HQ rods leaving tap and 1 jt HQ in hole.Top of fish #2 at 84'.Waiting on releasing overshot and jars. Waiting on arrival of fishing tools. Standby on weather,.also waitingonfishingtools(jars)from Anchorage. Received fishing tools from Midway (California). REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. ots are * :os . 'Fs phoByteaa %te OY Timothy M.Evans Vice President _Appendix F-4Requestfor."Change in Drilling Permit 83-1Submittedto Alaska Department of Natural Resources Delivered via Telecopy REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN APPROVED DRILLING PERMIT 83-1 MAKUSHIN ST-1 AUGUST 5,1983 The original casing program for Makushin ST-l (see Figure 1)as approved called for: 7"casing cemented in 9.5"hole from 150'to surface; HQ drill rod (3.5"O.D.)cemented in 4.5"hole from 1500'to surface;and 2500'of open hole to 4000'T.D. The original drilling program for Makushin ST-l was based upon the results of the 1982 drilling of temperature gradient hole (TGH)E-1 to 1500°approximately 250 yards south of Makushin ST-l.Temperatures measured in TGH E-l reached approximately 400°F at 1500'with no resource entries or Significant lost circulation zones. The temperature in Makushin ST-l is approximately 350°F at 650'which is approximately 1009F higher than that recorded in TGH E-l at equivalent depths.A lost circulation zone wasS encountered at 672'which,during two days of flow test,produced dry steam at subcommerical rates.Detailed temperature gradient measurements taken in the hole also suggest the presence of a fracture conducting thermal fluids at about 525',although no drilling fluids were lost nor entries recorded in this zone.The higher temperatures and resource entry recorded in Makushin ST-l indicate that the hole may not need be drilled to the planned T.D.of 4000'to encounter commercial resources,and that the HQ casing should be cemented farther up the hole (earlier in the drilling operations)to assure that sufficient casing is in place to provide a solid anchor for blowout prevention. Because the HQ drill rod in Makushin ST-l was cemented in-place while cementing off the steam entry at 672",it became necessary to ream over the HQ drill rod with HW casing in an attempt to free it.The HW casing subsequently parted at 292'while reaming at 550',resulting in a current hole configuration for Makushin ST-l as shown in Figure 2A. Retrieval of that portion of the HW casing between 292' and 550'is unlikely because of:a)the very small clearances (O.12"HW O.D.to hole wall,0.25"HW I.D.to HQ O.D.);and b)because it is tightly torqued in place.Furthermore,its recovery by fishing would require cutting of the HQ drill rod,which is now cemented from 550'to 650',below 292'.Cutting off the HQ drill rod below the HW casing top would essentially eliminate the possibility of any additional remedial action in the likely event that the HW casing could not be retrieved. In addition,the severe torquing which caused the twist-off of the HW core pipe while reaming at 550'suggests that below 'that depth the HQ drill rod is not centered but is against the wall of the hole,which makes the danger of additional twist-offs and/or reaming through the HQ pipe wall itself a strong possibility.This occurence would almost certainly require abandonment of the hole. .In view of the above,Republic proposes the modified casing program as shown in Figure 2B.Leaving the HW casing fish in place between 292'and 550°,the HQ drill rod would be cut off immediately above the HW casing fish at +285'.Anovershotpack-off cementing tool attached to the 3.5"0.D.on HQ drill rod would be lowered over the cutoff HQ casing in the 4.62"hole and the annulus cemented from +285'to surface.This would result in a hole cased from 650'to surface with HQ casing (collapse strength 7870 psi)cemented from 650'to 550' and from +285'to the surface,with the overshot pack-off tooljoiningthecasingstringat285'.This casing string will allow the hole to be safely cored by providing a solid anchor for blowout prevention.Drilling this hole to 3000'T.D. would result in 2350'of open hole,less than the 2500' originally proposed. From a safety/blowout prevention standpoint,this modified casing program will be significantly better than the previously approved program.The previously approved program would have allowed drilling to 1500',where temperatures well in excess of 450°F can now be projected,with only 150'of ; surface casing.The 650°of HQ casing to be installed in the well under this modified casing program,along with the current wellhead and BOPE configuration,mud supplies (including weight materials),and cementing materials and equipment onsite,will provide significantly more than adequate protection against a blowout or loss of well control, even for a hole drilled considerably in excess of 3000'. eee veer!en "FIGURE 1MAKUSHINSTRAT TEST SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM SURFACE 24 q-m--S%"HOLE PICSereREA¢TTXateyeas7°CASING Cadaeoremonks44"HOLE 1,500 FT.&HQ CORE PIPS (2%") CEMENTED AS CASING NQ (2.98")HOLE 3,000 FT neems 3Q (2.38)HOLE Co]0 0h a wt caer CR RIG CAPABILITY Fie 2A AKUSHIN ST-|]Fia 22 Cousimow Of Wenn Peoesss0 CASING At OF 2/4+/82 MoniFican si .ped 3 :tJry"22"K-SS CSG.Fe IN a}x Cmro ye Ssueracd ed i if 1Q%.N 9A dows dss 4Bel -z 5 'bs £3 vl HQ sates R|Leta HQ DRILL RID ©3 a or” }ty +.}gh 0,24rd 4 "3 .$e)'f,rt '.are naeOversHoTee,oar -.Paen-ork rou |us -237°292'-mop of PARTED CT -292'|HW esG,|" }So. at 4.62 HOLEHi}ess_sJ HW)esa Ss i $k"0.0.3 a NG ee ie i Roo ILD.y {(Cag marse :PLTSSHREi783¢psi) SSO-'484 sf z rs he 7 ee . e eS] no 7 a ”M ey "1 \ateomme J.7B HOLE 2 '. 2 oi 2.” t y al fe f 4 \af >43h re ae Py M 4 50":°' vas icaeyfy67722ir Q sous23aWw Appendix F-5 Report of Surface Casing Test: Submitted to Alaska Departmentof Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 August 10,1983 Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the Report of Surface Casing Test pursuant to ll AAC 87.120(i)for Makushin ST-1l on Unalaska Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling permit 83-l.We understand that there are no forms for this report currently in existence,so we are sending a written summary of the test. If you have any questions or concerns about the report, please do not hesitate to call me or Dwight Carey. Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure "'.oe - REPORT OF SURFACE CASING TEST PURSUANT TO 11 AAC 87.120 (i) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:983-1 -Well Name:ae -Makushin ST-1 Well Location:-'Unalaska Island,Alaska Date of Test:July 12,1983 Date of Report:August 10,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Conducted pressure test of 7"surface casing cemented in 9 1/2"hole from 160'to surface on July 12,1983.Casing pressure test conducted in conjunction with BOPE test with HQ drill rod run through BOPE and pipe rams closed.Mud pumps held wellhead pressure at 1000 psi for 5 minutes to test BOPE. .(Geothermal Permit 83-1.for well Makushin ST-1 allows pressure testing of casing strings to 1000 psig instead of 1500 psig.) Pressure declined to 800 psi within 30 seconds of mud pumps being shut off.Pressure held steady at 800 psig without observabledecline.Well was repeatedly repressured with same result. Small,high pressure leak was discovered in rotary swivel in surface mud supply system.Well held 800 psig for an additional 15 minutes without decline and casing test was considered successful.Surface leak in rotary swivel was subsequently repaired.. cas maa INC. fo ff na fy} By bar DERN Od .Timothy MsEvans'Vice-President | _Appendix F-6 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Approval of Amendment to Geothermal Drilling Permit 83-1 % i STATE OF ALASKA esos DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES MINERALS ANO ENERGY MANAGEMENT Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 August 12,1983 Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Ave.,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 Subject:Amendment to Geothermal Drilling Permit83-1 (Makushin ST-1) Gentlemen: Thank you for your letter of August 5,1983 requesting an amendment to the casing and cementing program approved for Makushin ST-1 on June 14,1983.I nave reviewed the information submitted and hereby approve the modified casing and cementing program as described by Figure 2B of your letter.This approval confirms the verbal authorization granted by David Hedderly-Smith,deputy director,on August 8,1983 to Dwight Carey of Republic Geothermal,Inc. Title 11,Chapter 87 of the Alaska Administrative Code allows for departures from the drilling program specifications set out in the regulations if the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources finds that such departures are necessary because of special or unusual conditions. All other provisions and requirements of Title 11,Chapter 87 of the AlaskaAdministrativeCode(Geothermal Drilling and Conservation Regulations)must be observed.Application must be made to the Division of Minerals &Energy Management if a well is to be temporarily suspended instead of being abandoned or produced.A well suspension must be conducted in accordance with good engineering practices and must be approved by the Division of Minerals and Energy Management. Sincerely, ' oom MN .> @ ™ _-=-tes.oe LE Kay Brown,Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management KB/TB/rh#2984Z . -Appendix F-7 July Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources . REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 X 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 August 23,1983 Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the July Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations pursuant to ll AAC 87.110(e)for Makushin ST-l1 on Unalaska Island,drilled uncer Geothermal Drilling permit 83-1.Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns avout these reports. Sincerely, Sauna o NicholeTawnaJ.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure ccs P.DeJong,APA MONTHLY REPORT OF DRILLING AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS PURSUANT TO ll AAC 87.110 (e) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-l Well Name:. :-Makushin ST-1l --2°..-Well Location:;oe Unalaska Island,Alaska ''Reporting Period:Oo July 1983 Date of Report:,August 23,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Drill Report . Day Date Activity 16 7/1 Ran Midway overshot with 6"0.D.milling shoe and jars.Engaged top of fish at 84' and attempted to jar loose.Unable to work fish free.POH to inspect tools. Reran overshot,tools worked down beside fish,unable to get over fish.POH. Fabricated 8"I.D.skirt and ran in hole with overshot and jars.Engaged and jarred on fish.Two-foot section of HQ core pipe at top of fish parted and was recovered.Reran overshot,grapples worn, would not hold.Ran tapered tap with jars,engaged fish,unable to jar loose. POH.Will skid rig. 17 7/2 Moving rig +20'west to location ST-lA. 18 7/3 Complete moving rig -total time for move 30-1/2 hours.Spud ST-1A at 9:30 PM 7/2. Drilled to 55'with 3-1/2"rock bit. Coring HQ hole at 75'at 7:00 AM. 19 7/4 Cored HQ hole 75/172'.Opened HQ hole to 4-3/4"surf/172'.Prep.open hole to 6" at 7:00 AM. Drill Day 20 --21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Report Date 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 1/9 7/10 7f/ll 7/12 7/13 Activity Opened 4-3/4"hole to 6"surf/172'. Attempted to open 6"hole to 7-3/8",N.G. due to high torque.Waiting on 2-7/8" drill pipe -scheduled arrival 7/6. Reran 7-3/8"rock bit on HQ core pipe. 'Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"surface/65'. Encountered severe torquing.POH to await arrival of 2-7/8"arill pipe due this AM. Ran 7-3/8"rock bit on 2-7/8"drill pipe. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"from 65'to 139'. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"139/162'.Ran 8-1/2"rock bit on 2-7/8"drill pipe. Opened 7-3/8"to 8-1/2"hole from surface to 162°.Prep.open hole to 9-1/2". W.O.tools to run 9-1/2"bit.Tools arrived at 1330 hours.Picked up 9-1/2" Hudde impregnated diamond hole opener and OH to 20°.POH and ran new 9-5/8"Varel -.Ve2 rock bit.OH to 55',penetration rate Slow (necessary to drill with low weight on bit to avoid excessive torque).POH and reran 9-1/2"Hudde with 8-5/8" stabilizer.OH 1'to 56',penetration very Slow.POH and reran 9-5/8"V=-2 bit. Opened hole to 108'. Continued opening 8-1/2"hole to 9-5/8" hole from 108'to 162'.Circulated hole clean,made wiper run,POH and ran 160'of 7"esg.Last 10'ran tight.Cemented csg.w/58 cu.ft.class G cement,good returns to surface.W.0O.C. RIH ana tagged cement at 112'.Presently drilling out cement @ 150'. Ran 5-1/2"liner inside 7"csg.Installea BOPE.Prep.press.test csg.and BOPE. Tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK.Casing tested for approximately 30 minutes at 800 psi because of small leak in surface water system.Test OK.RIH with 4-3/4 bit.CO to 172'.POH.RIH with HQ and cored'172/212'.Rods whipping and vibrating severely. Drill Day 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Report Date 7/14 7/15- 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 Activity Plan to run HW liner inside 5-1/2".ARDI will ship 230'of HW ASAP. Waiting on HW casing. HW casing arrived 7/14 PM.Ran HW and set 'at 180'.Cored HQ 212/268'.Vibration problem solved.Drilling in altered diorite with quartz vugs,some voids. Core warm to touch.Plan to hoist HW and circulate every time bit is changed to keep it loose and removable. Cored 268/492'.Rock highly altered. Cored 492/627'. Cored 627'/670',bit dropped a foot to 671',lost circulation completely,cored blind to 672'.Pulled up 40'off bottom. Shut in well.Pressure built up to 52 psig at wellhead.Prep.flow test. Killed well and pulled HQ drill pipe up above Master Valve.Rigged up 40'flow line with pressure and temperature gauges.Wellhead pressure 52 psig. Opened well and flowed steam ana condensate 5 hrs.Flow pressure +13psig.Temperature at wellhead 210°F, temperature at end of flow line 208°F, Roman Motyka of DGGS collected several gas samples.Estimated flow rate from condensate at 150 gal.-steam/hr.(approx. 1200 lbs./nhr.).Shut-in well after test. Well shut in during night of 7/19.Pres- sures built to 109 psi at 12 midnight then down to 78 psi by 8 AM.Minor steam leak around 7"casing at +87 psi.Leak stops when pressure drops to +75 psi upon opening well.Wellhead temperature immediately after opening was 255°F, dropping quickly and stabilizing at 210°F (flowing). Drill Day 37 38 39 40 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 Activity -RGI and DGGS collected gas samples while well flowed at WHP of 16 psig and WHT of2099°F.Measured BHT of 310°F with max reading thermometer following flow test. Wellhead pressure builds to 85-90 psig one hour after shut in.Killed well from Surface with water.RIH.Spotted two LCM pills.Attempt to fill hole with water, fluid standing @ +100'from surface. Prep.to core approximately 10'and cement LC zone. Cored blind 672/680'.Core cold on recovery.With HQ hanging @ 670',pumped 1,000 gals.cold water then 10 cu.£t. cement to seal off LC zone at 670'. Pulled HQ rods up to 650'.Cement flash-set with top of cement at 548'in HQ rods. Moved four bundles NQ rod to drill site, changed BOPE rams from HQ to NQ.Ran -..temp.survey.Showed cool zone between 490'and 520'.Ran NQ,tagged cement to 556'inside HQ rods.Cored cement to 651' (bot.of HQ at 650')-95°in 6 hours. POH,LD NQ jarred on HQ +30 min.Nomovement.Rig down jars.Prep.to ream over HQ with HW. Ran temp.surv.7/23 noon (46 hrs.after cementing),same results above 550'. Temp.at 575"greater than 300°F (150°C)indicating the hole was never cooled between 500'and 670'.Received 94°of HW on Reeves at 1:00 PM.Pulled HW liner,removed welded tabs.RIH with HW and 4.62"OD diamond impregnated casing Shoe.Reamed over HQ to 252'by 7/24 AM. Ran max.thermometers -BHT at 651'- 256°F (cooler than at 575'). Reamed 252/270'.Standing by for delivery of additional HW.Max.thermometer temp. at bottom of HQ (651')is 325°F. Drill Day 41 42 43 44 45 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 Activity Transported to drill site 50'of rethreaded HW casing from Dutch Harbor machine shop.RIH.Reamed HW hole 270'/280',POH.Transported 120'of additional HW casing to drill site.RIH -with new diamond impregnated HW casing shoe and HW rods.Reamed +6".POH.Casing shoe wear indicated metal in hole, possibly fragments from prior shoes.Pull BOPE and flow tee.Replaced flange gaskets and reassembled drilling well- head.Ran into hole with new impregnated HW casing shoe and HW casing,reamed 280/283,POH.Casing shoe again showed wear from junk.RIH with third new casing shoe,reamed 283/286',unable to drill or sidetrack junk with impregnated shoes. Ordering additional HW casing and surface set HW casing shoes. Pressure tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK. RIH with HW to 285',spotted l cu.ft. cement to encase junk.CIP at 1 PM.POH, WOC 12 hours.RIH with new impregnated casing shoe.Tagged cement at 262'. Reamea 262/287'.Drilling slowly on junk to 288'.No further progress.POH. Waiting on arrival of surface set casing shoe bits. Three surface-set HW casing shoes arrived.RIH with surface set HW shoe to 286'(2'above shoulder),reverse circulated water at high annular velocity for 30 min.No metal brought up.Lowered HW to shoulder at 288'and reverse circulated a viscous mud pill.No metal returns noted on screen.Set down on shoulder and rotated for 2 hrs.bringing up metal shavings.Reamed 288/322 (34 £t./8.5 hrs). Reamed over HQ with HW and surface-set shoe from 322'/420'.No more junk observed in cuttings. Continued reaming HW 420/483'.Hydraulic pump on rig overheating.POH. Drill Daveee 46 47 Report Date 7/31 8/1 Activity Disassembled hydraulic pump.Shut down waiting on arrival of new pump. Waiting on hydraulic pump. aSREPUBLICGEOTHERMAL,INC. Ls , "-/wo!J. ,'Pad ,BY LEVI pelt lo Cb Seve. TimothyM.EvansVicePresident Appendix F-8 Request for Suspension of Makushin ST-1 Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources Delivered via Telecopy Mawusuin ST-!blertHeao Deawing Foe .Suspension STATKS Notes: C1)Aue WeLLHeao VALVES #FTESAeeSeaies600(rocdpst wWKe a=A Bau vave Peess). P (2)Masree vanves,4"HeotiinGSsQ2ass"a " RR Ga VALE,2"Suaa GaTs £2"WING 32"VaLVEes To 82 CHAINED ¢ Fua 3 :(3)Wert TO EF monireess MonTHe Swat \--€ALL GALGE RDOGS REPORTEDTO RED be 3"Aca Gare _-Press Ga 4" oe Fle 2 _-Frow Live A)yy"THestThLinG i.3 ba 2 VauveGx624". Frow Tee > Fiow bine ¢Tesrina ome Equier (+40'usar) ot eo +ApapréeR FuG 4".600 RTI \___--(srt MASTERVALVEwa " Z_o"x 4"ADAPTER FLG @"-600 RTI FRess WKM MasTreeGaVALVE TempLE oy 2"56 WING VALVE me 7"EXPANSION SPOOL Pd <4 as Pl HQ CORE PIPE:34 '0.0.,2°ID (Cmt'd T2 SURF) WING VALVE ;lem 7 "*237 K-SS C34 (emrn 70 Suet) Appendix F-9 Report of Surface Casing Test Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. 311823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 elas.tts cy on ae Bye °et ge 0.2 peo Me tee ggt 8 oeogtgsTey88"yy toe a ehh By See et ne September 7,1983 wie oe.:Mes Tat 4 wit a '° bias oad gies ,3 eve"$F ge Fa o vie 'S "ts .'BS 'eee 3? .*6 "ew ?@ -se =: .:fe Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:ir.Ted Bond -Plrease-fina:enclosed a'Report of:Surface 'Casing Test. pursuant to 11 AAC 87.120:(i)for Makushin .ST-l.on Unalaska |.Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling permit 83-l.This is the second casing test and was conaucted on August 13. If you have any questions or concerns about the report,please do'not hesitate to call me Or.Dwight:Caréy.os 8 ygSet aneBad g Boor6 BS SP.0,ge oe et 8 °ay oucoeonalgSerop1,we lee!Bete Or erdogeot PLSle OP FLOSS poe ae SEA Bete MegSincerely, Shuma G Nichete Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure ta,”to Oo oe pafeae deen a'sSee se Be TO,gets cleat,2 88 a8 a ote.nay REPORT OF SURFACE CASING TEST PURSUANT TO 1l AAC 87.120(i) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-l Well Name:Makushin ST-1 Well Location:Unalaska Island,Alaska Date of Test:August 13,1983 Date of Report:September 7,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Conducted pressure test of HQ drill rod cemented in as casing on August 13,1983.Casing pressure test conducted in conjunction with BOPE test with NQ drill rod run through BOPE and pipe rams closed.Pressure test wellhead and BOPE to 1000 psi.OK.Clean out cement at 246/280'.Pressure test HQ casing cemented from 285°to surface to 1000 psi for 30 minutes.OK.Clean out cement 280/286'and cementing baffle at 287'.Run in hole to top of cement plug at 580'and pressure HQ casing cemented from 285"to surface and from 650'to 550°(overshot packoff tool at 287')to 1200 psi with no leaks. REPU EOTHERMAL,INC. By REPORT OF SURFACE CASING TEST PURSUANT TO ll AAC 87.120(i) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-1 Well Name:Makushin ST-1 Well Location:Unalaska Island,Alaska Date of Test:August 13,1983 Date of Report:September 7,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Conducted pressure test of HQ drill rod cemented in as casing on August 13,1983.Casing pressure test conducted in conjunction with BOPE test with NQ drill rod run through BOPE and pipe rams closed.Pressure test wellhead and BOPE to 1000 psi.OK.Clean out cement at 246/280'.Pressure test HQ casing cemented from 285'to surface to 1000 psi for 30 minutes.OK.Clean out cement 280/286'and cementing baffle at 287'.Run in hole to top of cement plug at 580'and pressure HQ casing cemented from 285'to surface and from 650'to 550'(overshot packoff tool at 287')to 1200 psi with no leaks. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. By Timothy M.Evans Vice President Appendix F-10 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Approval of Well Suspension Procedures STAM OF ALAS IA /™e DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES MINERALSAND ENERGY MANAGEMENT Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 September 9,1983 - Mr.Dwight Carey Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 Ref.:Makushin ST-l (Unalaska Island) Dear Mr.Carey: Thank you for your telecopied letter of September 6,1983.The well suspension procedures for Makushin ST-1 are approved as submitted on page 2 of your submittal including the provision that the well will be monitored ona monthly basis and an inspection report will be filed with the division upon completion of each trip.This approval is effective through September 30, 1984,If the well is to remain suspended beyond that date a new application must be filed with the division. Sincerely, a ob,leon.ep y me. William Van Dyke Petroleum Manager NVO/TB/rhi#t3104Z Appendix F-11 August Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 9C670 iwX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 September 22,1983 Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the August Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations pursuant to ll AAC 87.110(e)for Makushin ST-l on Unalaska Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling permit 83-l.Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns about these reports. Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure cc:P.DeJong,APA MONTHLY REPORT OF DRILLING AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS PURSUANT TO 11 AAC 87.110 (e) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-1 Well Name:Makushin ST-1l Well Location:| . Unalaska Island,Alaska Reporting Period:August 1983 Date of Report:September 22,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Drill Report Day Date Activity 48 8/2 Monday 8/1: Status of well:4.62"hole reamed over HQ core pipe to 480'.Waiting for arrival of rig hydraulic system repair parts.No incoming flights on 8/1 due to weather. 49 8/3 Received hydraulic pump afternoon of 8/2. Installed and resumed reaming HW hole (4.62"diameter)over HQ core pipe (3.5" outside diameter)at 4:00 PM.Reamed 480/540',60'/15 hrs.POH to change reaming shoe.RIH w/surface set HW reaming shoe #3 at 7:00 AM 8/3. 50 8/4 Reamed 540/550'.HW string parted at 292'.POH.RIH again w/HW to 292'and Circulated.Ran maximum recording thermometer to 292'(207°F)and 550' (355°F).No circulation indicated below 292'.Preparing to POH with upper 292'of HW and core ahead with NX rods. 5l 8/5 Circulated HW from 292'.POH and laid down HW surf/292'.Changed BOP rams to NX size and pressure tested to 1000 psi. OK.Activated and checked H9S warning system.OK.Picked up and RIH w/NX drill rods and coring tools.Found top of cmt. @ 656'.Cored cement 656/677'.Cored new formation 677/744'-67'/7-1/2 hours.NX rods twisted off at 714'.POH.RIH with 52 53 54 55 56 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 tapered tap,unable to engage fish.POH. Ran overshot and retrieved W/L inner core barrel.RIH w/tapered tap,engaged fish, POH and recovered fish (30'overall - including corehead,outer barrel and 20' NX rod).Ran max.recording thermometers to bottom (744')-results inconclusive. RIH w/NX coring tools @ 7:00 AM. RIH w/NX coring equipment.Cored 744/749' -severe vibration in drill string.POH checked NX rods,laid down 4 joints,RI. Increased mud viscosity w/addition of gel, vibration reduced.Cored 749/816' w/75-80%returns.Ran directional survey @ 749',no results,film did not develop. Will rerun on next bit change.Flowline temps.@ 800':Mud temps:In -55°F,Out -75°F.Coring ahead @ 816"@ 7:00 AM. Cored 816/1006'in diorite w/60%lost circulation.Mixing mud @ 7:00 AM. Pumped in viscous mud pill,regained +50%circulation.Cored ahead 1006/1056'. Lost all returns.Unable to regain circulation or fill hole with mud.POH. Pumped 6 cu.ft.cement down HQ and displaced w/5 cu.ft.water.WOC 4 hrs. RIH.Tagged top cement @ +850'. Drilled soft to medium hard cement 850/950'with good mud returns.POH.RIH w/open-ended NX to 600'.Circ.cold water for 2 hrs.Pumped 3-1/2 cu.ft.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/19 cu. ft.water.WOC for 7 hrs.RIH w/NX and tagged top cement at 650'.Cooled hole for 2 hrs.With NX at 600'pumped 2-1/2 cu.ft.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/19 cu.ft.water.POH. Nipple down BOP and wellhead equipment. Pulled and laid down 5-1/2"casing. Waiting on arrival of HQ cementing tool. HQ cementing tool arrived 8/9.Made up Longyear HQ mechanical cutter and ran on NX rods.Attempted cut @ 287'-N.G., dulled cutter blades.POH.Replaced blades and RIH for second attempt -N.G. ordered additional replacement blades for Longyear cutter and sending backup Midway cutter from Long Beach. 57 58 59 60 61 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 Waiting for arrival of new pipe cutting blades being shipped by Longyear from Salt Lake City and Minneapolis. New Longyear HQ cutters arrived 8/ll.POH with 292'HW casing and shoe.RIH with Nx rods and HQ cutter.Cut HQ rods at 285'. Pulled NX rods and HQ cutter.Pulled HQ rods above cut (top of HQ stub @ 285'). Made up Midway overshot packoff cementer On HQ rods &RIH.Worked over top of HQ stub,seated cementing tool &circulated to cool hole.Pumped 45 cu.ft.Class G cement w/40%silica flour,0.75%CFR=-2 & 0.3%HR6L thru ports @ 285'&displaced w/l2-1/2 cu.ft.water;good cement returns to surface.Cement in place @ 5:00 PM 8/11.WOC. WoC until 7:00 PM 8/12.Cut off 7"csg. head and HQ csg.+30"below ground level.Weld on 7"csg.flg.and NX bit guide on HQ csg.Install 30"expansion spool and nipple up remainder of wellhead (i.e., master valve,flow tee,BOP and stripper head).RIH with NX,tagged top of cmt.at 216°and CO to 246'=cmt.still green. POH.Prep.press.test wellhead and csg. at 7:00 AM. Press.test wellhead and BOP to 1000 psi. OK.CO cmt.246/280'.Press.test HQ csg.to 1000 psi for 30 min.OK.CO cmt. 280/285'and drilled baffle at 285'.RIH to top of cmt.plug at 580'and press HQ. csg.to 1200 psi with no leaks.CO remainder cmt.in HQ to shoe at 650'and RIH to top of cmt.plug in OH at 950'.CO to 970".Ran dual max.rec.therm.to 965'=both read 360°F.CO to bottom at 1056'.POH to repair core barrel and chg. bit.RIH and mix mud.Cored NX hole 1056/1116"with 90%returns.Coring at 73:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1116/1210'with mud.Cores indicated fractures at 1124'and 1146'. Minor lost circulation noted in interval 1116/1170'.Mud temps:In -140°F,Out - 160°F (no water being added).Below 1186' adding water to cool mud -temp:In - 50°F,Out -110°F,hole getting tight. POH to change bit.RIH,hole tight from 62 63 64 65 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 1000°'=-washed down to 1186'w/full circulation,rotation difficult in first gear.POH.RIH at 7:00 AM to clean out to bottom with water. RIH and wash to bottom (1210')w/water,no tight hole.Discontinued using clay base mud,circulating with polymer: ("Clear-Mud")and water at 600-700 psi Pump press.Cored NX 1210/1226'.Temps. at 1226':In =120°F,Out -150°F. Changed over to clear water and cored 1226/1232'=severe vibration,return to polymer system.Cored 1232/1296',massive diorite,no fractures,100%returns. Temps.at 1290':In =160°F,Out -180°F. Coring at 1296'at 7:00 AM. Continue coring NX hole 1296/1406'in massive diorite.Est.20-25%lost circ. below 1350'. Temps.at 1300':In =156°F Out -172°F 1386's:In <=150°F Out -175°F Coring at 1406'at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1406/1476'.Cooled hole w/water &POH. Ran survey tool -directional shots:720'-3/4°S20W *1050'-1°N45E 1425'=2-1/4°N75E Ran max.recording thermometers,temp.@ 1425' 390°F (5 hrs.after circ.).RIH.Cored 1476/1546',+10%lost circulation.Flowlinetemp.@ +1500':In -140°FOut-160°F. Coring at 1546'at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1546/1596'.Twisted off at 650' (belled joint).POH.RIH with tapered tap, engaged fish,pulled up 20'and lost fish. Reengaged fish and POH.RIH with new NX bit, mixed mud and cored ahead 1596/1646'. Flowline temps:In =140°F Out -160°F Coring at 1646'at 7:00 AM. 66 67 68 69 70 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 Cored NX hole 1646/1796'in massive diorite. Flowline temp:In -+140°F Out -+160°FCoringat1796'at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1796/1906'in massive diorite.POH for bit change.Cleaned mud pits and mixed mud. Running in hole at 7:00 AM. RIH and displaced water in hole w/mud.Cored NX hole 1906/1916'.100%lost circulation at 1916*.Pumped cold water through drill string for 30 min.Pulled up 60'to 1866',pumping cold water down annulus,hole filled.Ran back to bottom and cored 1916/1924',again lost circulation.Cored ahead blind 1924/1926',well on vacuum. Attempt to recover core from 1926',N.G., wireline parted 100'above barrel.POH while pumping cold water down annulus.Recover parted wireline and core.RIH w/open ended NX to 620', close pipe rams,install 2"flow tee and valves on NX.Shut in well at 9:00 PM 8/21.Surface press.and temp.on NX at 7:00 AM,8/22:23 psi & 190°F.Prep.flow well at 7:00 AM. Attempted flow test through NX rods hanging @ 620':flowing press.-0 psi,flowing temp - 204°F,rate too small to measure,no increase in rate observed. Killed well with 670 gal.(90 cu.ft.)of cold water,POH.SI well by closing master valve at10:15.AM.Removed stripper head and installedSwabgate.Shut-in wellhead pressures: 3:00 PM (8/22)-15 psig 6:00 PM -27 psig 7:00 AM (8/23)=-38 psig Will attempt to flow well through HQ csg. Left well SI until 9:15 PM 8/23.Final wellhead shut in pressure:42 psig. Began flowing well through HQ csg.@ 9:15 PM Produced dirty water immediately at 10 psig and206°F at wellhead.Cl (Quantab)=625 ppm at 2200.By 11:00 PM flowing pressure decreased to 3 psig with alternating steam and water produced.3 gpm (water);steam rate not measurable. 71 8/25 11:00 PM (8/23)SI well.Wellhead build-up pressures as follows: After 1 min.WHP =16 psig 2 min.WHP =17.5 psig 3 min.WHP =20 psig 4 min.WHP =22.5 psig 5 min.WHP =25 psig 6 min.WHP =28 psig 7 min.WHP =29.5 psig 8/24 6:15 AM =32 psig.Opened well for additional flow tests. Wellhead flowing pressures as follows: After 1 min.flowing pressure =0 psig 2 min.flowing pressure = 3 min.flowing pressure = 6 min.flowing pressure =6.5 psig 10 min.flowing pressure =3 psig 13 min.flowing pressure =1 psig WHP stayed at 1 psig for five minutes with minor steam flow. 18 min.flowing pressure =0 psig (w/steam) 20 min.flowing pressure =0 psig (w/steam) Continued flowing well.8:00 AM (8/24):SI well to change wellhead thermometer position. '8:30 AM Reopened well -WHT =209°F (flowing). Well cycled dry steam and water (at +4 gpm)0 psig flow pressure until 1:30 PM.Killed well with cold water,removed swab gate and reinstalled stripper head. Water samples collected from 8/24 flow tests analyzed as follows:7000 ppm Cl,180 ppm Si04g and silica with quartz-geothermometer temperature 415°F. RIH with open ended NX core pipe to 600'.Mixed and pumped 60 cu.ft.LCM pill and displaced with 60 cu.ft.mud and 15 cu.ft.water.POH and let stand for 2 hrs.RIH with open ended NX to 600',filled hole and circulated water for 30 Min.(full circulation).Staged from 600'to 1916'circulating for +20 min.every 100'withnolossofciruclation.POH,made up NX coring assembly.RIH @ 7:00 AM 72 73 74 8/26 8/27 8/28 RIH to 1916'.Cored 10'baked LCM,lost all returns.Cored 20'blind to 1946'.While coring blind @ 1946',3'void encountered and drill string dropped free to 1949'.POH while pumping cold water down annulus.Shut in well @ 2:40 PM (8/25) SI wellhead pressures as follows: 2:40 PM (8/25)0 psig 4:30 PM 3 psig 5:00 PM 3 psig 7:00 PM 5 psig 11:00 PM 9 psig 6:30 AM (8/26)23 psig Prep.flow test well. 7:00 AM -Well SI,WHP =23 psig. 73:45 AM -Opened well.Flowed intermittent heads of +10 gals.muddy water at5-6 min.intervals for approx.l hour,then died.Surface temp. -206°F. 10:00 AM -SI well.WHP at 2:00 PM =25 psig. 2:00 PM -Opened well.Flowed steam &water in 6-8 min.heads.Died in 1 hour. WHT =208°F.Ran max.recording thermometer on sand line.Temp.at 680'=315°F.Made two runs to 1949'w/readings of 388°F and 395°F. 00 PM -SI well.Installed nitrogen hoses on expansion joint wing valves. Unable to fly in nitrogen due to fog.SI WHP at 7:30 PM =23.5 psig, @ 7:00 AM (8/27)=33.5 psig.Prep. attempt flow test while waiting on nitrogen. 4 7:40 AM -Opened well for short flow test.Flowed steam and water in heads for 1 minute then a strong water flow for 3 hour test. Flow Test Results: WH Flowing Time Pressure (psig)Temp.(°F) 7:43 AM (8/27)12 230 7345 13 230 7348 |16 235 7355 18.5 240 8:10 18.5 242 75 76 8/29 8/30 8/31 WH Flowing Time Pressure (psiqd)Temp.(°F) 8:30 19 245 8:55 19.5 245 9:10 19.5 245 9325 20 247 9:55 19.5 .247 10:20 19.5 248 10:30 20 250 10:40 20 250 10:40 SI well Time WH SI Pressure (psig) 10:44 AM 48 10:47 55 10:49 61 10:57 58 11:09 55 11:40 50 4:30 PM 52.5 8:00 55 Well still SI Time WHP (psig) 8:45 AM (8/28)71 93:45 72 1:45 PM 73 7345 79 73:00 AM (8/29)89 Flow-line test equipment and lubricator flown to site.Installed flow line, valves,and bypass. Continued to rig up and modify test equipment.Rig up lubricator;spool .092" wireline onto survey hoist and position hoist. Shut in wellhead pressures: 8/29 3:00 PM 92 psi 8/30 9:00 AM 102 psi Continued rigging up flow line and metering system for production test. Fabricated support for wireline depth measuring head and installed on wireline hoist.Preparing to run static temp. survey. 78 9/1 SI WHP's: Date Time Psig 8/30 12:00 NOON 103 4:00 PM 104 6:00 PM 105 8/31 7:00 AM -108 Completed rigging up for static press.and temp.survey.Ran survey to bottom at 1,950'(W/L measured depth).WHP bled off Slowly through wireline packoff during Survey.Survey completed at 6:00 PM;WHP 2 79 psig.Press.survey indicates fluid level at 900°.Max.temp.measured = 377°F at 1,950'.Press.at 1,950'= 473 psig. SI WHP's:82 psig at 5:00 PM (8/31) 83 psig at 8:00 AM (9/1) Preparing to rerun SI press.and temp. Survey and flow test well. REPU,©GOOTHERMAL,INC. ArtBylr€AeTimotbh.w Svansvice\feepident Appendix F-12 September Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 October ll,1983 Director Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the September Monthly Report of Drilling and Workover Operations pursuant to 11 AAC 87.110 (e) for Makushin ST-l on Unalaska Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling permit 83-1.Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns about these reports. Sincerely, a :.Jauns &(hichskas fTawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TINsclj Enclosure cc:P.DeJong,APA FINAL REPORT MONTHLY REPORT OF DRILLING AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS PURSUANT TO ll AAC 87.110 (e) SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.:83-1 Well Name:Makushin ST-1 Well Location:Unalaska Island,Alaska Reporting Period:September 1983 Date of Report:October ll,1983 Operator:Republic Geothermal,Inc. Address:11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Drill Report Day Date Activity 79 9/2 Ran static press.and temp.survey from 7 AM to 1 PM.Measured 493 psig,366°F at 1949';471 psig at 1900'. Opened well and began flow test at 2:40 PM.Flow rate stabilized quickly at approx.50,000 lb./hr.with 36 psig and 280°F at wellhead.Ran press.and temp. Survey with well flwg.Measured 467 psigat1900'.Max.recorded temp.365°F. Preliminary TDS approx.6800 ppm,with approx.4400 ppm chloride.H3S5 and noncondensable gas content low. Preparing to run second drawdown survey. 80 9/3 RIB for flowing 1 hr.P-T survey while producing through 3"James tube and 2.6" orifice plate.With recorders hanging @ 1900',flwg.csg.press.=36 psi,temp. 280°F.Reduced flow by changing James tube to 2"and orifice size to 1.75"@ 12:25 PM.Rate stabilized after +5 min.Csg.press.=52 psi,temp.=300°F. Preliminary flow rate calc.+32,700#/hr. Drill Report Day Date Activity Conducted 2 hr.reduced rate flow test with instruments @ 1900'.POH @ 2:40 PM. Continued flowing well. Flowing wellhead readings @ 7:00 AM 9/3: _Press.=52 psi Temp.=300°F Prep.run flowing gradient and press build-up surveys.° 81 9/4 RIH w/press.and temp.recorders for flowing grad.survey w/2"James tube and 1.75"orifice,csg.press.52 psi,temp. 300°F,calc.flow rate +32,700#/hr.Made20min.grad.stops @ 1200',1500'and hung @ 1900'for 1 hr.POH making stops @ 1500'and 1200'.RIH w/press.and temp. recorders to 1900'.Continued flowing for lL hr.,shut-in well @ 3:45 PM with recorders hanging @ 1900'. At 7:00 AM:Well shut-in with recorders at 1900'. Csg.press.and temp.rdgs.after shut-in(summary): Hrs.Temp.Press Time After SI (°F)(psig) 3:45 PM (9/3)0 300 52 3:50 3:05 300 70 3:55 :10 300 74 4:00 :15 300 74 4:05 ,:20 300 73 4:10 225 300 72 4:50 1:05 300 67 53:05 1:20 300 67 5:30 1:45 300 65 5:35 1:50 295 65 5:50 2:05 282 65 8:00 4:15 174 65 11:00 7:15 79 70 7:00 AM (9/4)15:15 Amb.70 Drill Dav 82 83 84 Report Date 9/5 9/6 9/7 Activity Continued press.build-up survey with recorders hanging @ 1900'.Pulled instruments @ 3:00 PM.Summary of pressure build-up survey: Press Press Press 24 hrs. Recorder Before SI After SI #1 470 psig 470 psig #2 460.9 psig 461.9 psig Well continued shut-in @ 7:00 AM.Prep. run static temp.and press.profiles. Csg.press.and temp.rdgs.after SI @ 3:45 PM 9/3: Hrs.Temp.Press. Time After SI (°F)(psig) 73:00 AM (9/4)15:15 Amb.70 1:00 PM 21:15 Amb.80 3:00 23:15 Amb.85 6:00 26:15 Amb.85 7:00 AM (9/5)39:15 Amb.92 Ran static temp.-press.profiles (3 recorders:2 temp.,1 press.).Began survey 8:30 AM,completed 5:00 PM.Final SI press.after static survey =90 psi @ 5:00 PM.Opened well to flow for film crew.@ 5:00 PM for l-1/2 hrs.Flowed through 3"James tube and no orifice until 6:30 PM,csg.press.32 psi,temp.272°F. SI @ 6:30 PM.Prep.begin demobing camp to Dutch Harbor and conclude filming operations. Csg.press.@ 7:00 AM 9/6 (12-1/2 hrs. after SI):75 psig. Dismantle on-site camp equipment and supplies,sling to Dutch Harbor.Complete APA filming operations.Transport Dutch Harbor and Unalaska local officials to site for one hour flow demonstration. Opn.@ 7:00 AM -Continue camp demon. Drill Report Dav Date 85 9/8 86 9/9 87 9/10 88 9/11 89 9/12 90 9/13 91 9/14 92 9/15 93 9/16 Activitv Unable to sling on 9/7 -weather. Continued to dismantle camp.Prep.modify wellhead and flow line equipment for suspended status. Slinging camp equipment from site to Dutch ..Harbor. Continued slinging camp equipment from site to Dutch Harbor.Disassemble flow line for modification of wellhead to "suspended well"configuration. Helicopter down for repairs. Waiting on helicopter repair parts. Helicopter repair parts arrived 9/11 AM; installed.Prep.continue wellhead and flow line modification and slinging operations. Work on wellhead and flow line modification.Sling NX core pipe,pumps, wireline hoist and remainder of camp equipment to Aleut Corp.warehouse. Note:Shut-in csg.press.9/12 =110 psi (approx.144 hrs after SI). Dismantle rig at drill site and begin Slinging out major components (mast, engine,drilling head). Continuing to sling out drilling equipment and transfer materials already in Dutch Harbor to Aleut Corp.storage area. Completed slinging drilling rig from wellsite (i.e.,draw works,skid,etc.). Approx.six sling loads misc.equipment and mtls.remain at site.Prep.complete wellhead-flow line modification and install kill line. Continue slinging equipment from drill Site to Dutch Harbor.Completed wellhead and flow Line modification,checked for leaks --OK.Flowed well for one hour. Drill Report Day |Date 94-96 9/17-9/19 97-98 9/20-9/21 99 9/22 Activity __ SICP prior to flowing -125 psi (approx. 216 hrs after SI). Flowing press.through 3"James tube - 32°33 psi w/temp.increasing to 200'°F. Cleaning up location. Rig down and move equipment to Aleut Corp. warehouse.Load out Sea Land van with rental equipment (i.e.portable fuel tanks,BOP,API drillpipe,nitrogen bottles,etc.)for Anchorage. Conducted flow demonstration for four Alaska state legislators on 9/18.Prep. to abandon Glacier Valley thermal gradient hole (#I-1). Completed cleanup of ST-l drill site area.Installed needle valve and 1/4" tubing for casing bleed line.Permanently abandoned Glacier Valley thermal gradient hole #I-l1 with 10'surface cement plug, cut off tubing stub and welded closed, covered with soil. All Republic and Arctic Resources Drlg. personnel left Dutch Harbor 9/21. Arrangements made for periodic inspection of ST-1 throughout winter. REP IC GEDTHERMAL,INC. a Te Time A.Evans Vice esident APPENDIX G PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE SURVEY DATA MAKUSHIN ST-1 MAKUSHIN ST-1 UNALASKA ISLAND WIRELINE SURVEYS Run No.Date Type of Survey 1 8/31/83 .Static temperature and pressure profile 2 9/1/83 Static pressure profile 3 9/1/83 ,Flowing high rate pressure 4 9/2/83 Flowing rate change pressure 5 9/3/83 Flowing low rate pressure and temperature 6 9/4/83 Flowing low rate and initial buildup:pressure and temperature 7 9/5/83 Static temperature and pressure profile SUTTER THT >AULATBEEETATATHN HN HTTP AETV HESETP ETETTEE: m7 Aa q [ . 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Ba AGRAReces RGEGERURNNCCERRNascu perce e Th: AY THA TH : an y HLL aL HTT HT ASeRATSGCoERPSORSEE HELA SEUBASOGEORECEOSGE UE s Beane apeRagose: rt ETI See haee a . ae a Z 441 d - a : S LEU aE {EH TLE PLETE nue CO ee EEE | TUATH LTT ALL abaeeath HEHE HEU AUER COPE EH rLi TH TTHT ATT: TT EEL ACT ATLL CRS Ry STEP FEET TTT TTT: ; N j SepaSe sha pauua { of CH BETHA FY EE Ad AEE eeaf 44 ] AUCECEEHTLSEHEEEET CEEEET 4 j Ht SRORRERES | LL) REL: SRAGES PROSe COREE ERDE We | snes . 7 j sTASEE H LEE f THE TELE |6 ne aPAGTAO DEAUSESALEADONERCOEES THE eee TEM SSHeee | HH Ht HALE EEA YESH. HEYEEE THEE TLETTFEi : AV) ET a EEE EgFELL ae Lr]. Lf: SECU LL EET Gorey par q LY AU . : ELCG LEE ; ir EL : wacdias : : + FLERE THT EEE: 37] 13 siiee a CCU ELE FE ERLE CEE BEET THT | : : J ape [ +o 4 Co a L | GQuGpeusonpancanoa a" ii : sh 4H Lt Hy. ad meg ResenGgy20sena bGgGaa sReaheeen saanenaE Ba PRSGR REG DES: AH; . EI al a an " Rehan 1 apank U 4 q 1+ i a 7 7 : 1} tae od + - f 1 : cae Co reHY:1 TITLE Saeeenn qLA LT TERT biti 4 d 8 Ty GRRL add "LELDA . Sq: as ' L i LET RAT: THU HHT Epatbeed; LH. : HUTHTH UHH ALA * t iT f Harta|4 : sURRSaAthe ' FATT LER EE TLE ' i OHH ttt t we te} aaae Le sane TERETE s iHT i q SLE LL a Seepeaga pao r ' JAA toh HIE THEE ANA EHFAAAPOANSGGHEGEAUORSECTALCUTIAFATONBATANG4EAPGLOVAAUSROTUTD Paeealediistaysstivete HUE' Af. FF BGUGRENGRConeE benae ! 444) Gi Sa Rease Sea : Qt tf HEH tht . . CO CREE aanenay PIT: TAT rl 7 Hato BHT HA itt | HEHEHE TTS TUS TES HUTTE SETA Se RE PR 8 es ' Pee : = * 8 S 8 , ; af = & ayw x newer reese eee . O27 Ob "Swen neiceestavesmeme NSAMIOM(OFMISES W TIGINIM WAAL a ; ; . ectavecemEienMEASUREDz °7 - (4) bk ae oergbawtc"eo ° wl” Q . =a Baretine. TIME 'Bleme"TEST-BESCRIPTION™srosia.Pesssien protivs,bitiaihn SI,jase Jnier"."ee"Seer.4jens.stont2!:"ELAR SE :*TIME REAL MIN.HR.TIME DEPL INCH Time f'PSi OEPL INCH iseo ADJ USTMENTS. FACTORS ADJUSTED2)TR Bie 536 a0°F.hy REPL DEPL PS! DEPTHS MEASURE REMARKS He Surly nOfen lulelf *" 9/27 72 og':°0H420 Suet face ?Lubgednr ;G-/Hea 12240].030 |S#.0 |330°22 |+0320]42,375 f ; ww kYHE on [RF hago.03s.|beg'.|32z4 |0c2:..|-2370|223 i 6707,feo,ttt 19-4 a 10"%1 15290 10635 t 124°|349-|-ooz..1065S:1229.'|-1e00 "|. gir eticby vis 10-10,WPIOS-|erow BR:i 376.4 2904S |AGSS)32%2]ON Dv Ee CEN M.O¥ arm 376,|--«@AS50 +2930 lQe0 1146V2Fa 1376.4 |02 52 Zs30 ¢[9S 0"Parweez |,ot preys or Peee«bee Fe.0 bye|4:oe eeaac 1Oe2 -O285 Ly dricater. Nore! Baseline _|Sart Gdds7002,"fo (9G)Oepe TREaLSS. GO wp LAOOfkend/BLEMONT lo /7 Dept.Inettex)Bort!TE oD BaselineShilhConnaronFRCTORS-OrtFRAea ead FLOWING FPRESORE PROFILE mpkushin $+)Uneleski SEPT C1983 yaA r + L 70 t - oar i I 1 Za G de. ee SO a e Seapuage : gaan . SUREECE ET Pg 1 | rf. bry ae Handy TRAE LEERECEEREE ATH HY AAEEEETEEL HT HAH ATT EL TRUERLEHCESARE ; pare& t t ra - 7 t Lt ra 1 4. i lL t L 2. ; irr i t ars a parsrepariar ound i iF t -PrEel + -- rovers ; rd -¥ = i im t i re tro <. t rn us + ne t ra Lr r rn 'a 4. ; 4. 4 tt ra = am _- 7 im - ¢ tr iY if ++ = Iwas : : L . i ame ' Lat rn hve ae ity _ - jament oe t itt : xt saat --" t rn T Fao'Zoe ASF i ELE EELL TTT 4 £ / j PELd aL 4] 4 [ 4 [ . TAL SODA Ld eeGGueaGhheabiSenagcel MGpnHOGOEDPRGSD ure eegeeaeGnd GERGGeR 5GEna BAA CEE EECA EE EEE LE ACL COPED : Re fF ; HY - q t 4 4 t. F4 Peep 7 14 re s 4 rt 4-4 oro - a4 fated PLE EE 1 - . - ir 7 {FEL HCH Seapeneaen Bad beeperedgg WGNSRROGREDSRE SUDANSna LReSaRAeSaSRapnbenespepe Lt mORODER NEHtTHE EL aaae . L 4 | - g 4 > - "Py F 4 iA | tH eeseasnoceap See e anaes wae Ltt T- +H SYELELE Ee taLy 4 4 - 44d - pees SAU ee pe BG heauabsas A LE a ee HT Te CECE EEE aT seGa pa SH GT TTETT eT J ; t q THI A WW r J Yay 1 : TAPE Raaee J cae : Ue Ty ; j AGUEPRHRGOODECAAUSREDOGRRRCD cH. HU THEE THETE 4 ' : Lat tet pe eet ° aaa ca 5 +t tH L - 4 Seen iz 1 t 4 At - 4 - be - ac A a! . = 4 4 Je L+ ae 4 +h +4 + +t f- = 4 Pes Po ae elag4 4 - 4 a 4 b4.4 3 4 4 a +-t-.ay +:-t. ' " iupes Tho casanak s L peataa . t. . ae - ae eepuancn L a aoae 4 e PTE 4 an Saneee TTA L an ange . Seen eeoR ee ELT V4 44/0 LC | Sones Hore ane i Ages eannes TILA EL Pa see 4+ PEL JOLEEae1.tty HHH seeee 44 1 ' | > 1 4 4 444 so E + Be. 4 . 4 tad 4 4 "+4- = - 44 +4 +4 of + STL LertM4 Seb esau: aeecues a 5e34 q ay auapaee APE) hp CHE aa q a ' 44tu COE et9 aannes Babee TURLEEP EG LUCEY er sooeeeagneuageced peagen POLE CELE CLE et Pe ee eee ATT a on an SIRE pay ani heee . GGuens DpeGunansepenaahaga a aie icI cr q4 HT L TEELAEEEEHEH CERETETET EET EF : Gbodgeealsgt daccced Qotaeepsudpeatapedad Penalpune EAC EEE Ed ad HH | TWH qt Beett+qt+A TE a He TEA a AEHTHGAfaEEEEGEL eeeaeee LYfae | J L SOpa RABEDi [ dt JEU Er es PELE ed | : Apibeane + +| S td a Rdg bt ba 4 444 +. 4 4 4 B "HI 'S , ; 1 aeanhe Tre . ] sour 7 ELT C j L titi saee Ltt Se CeGeaRnan aa 4 7 a8 4 Ly tT a 4 aoe eaee 4 s-) 1 a a +}- +]i t 1, ie . L EEEHATsu pecan " fk HEH PT EE aReugees : PERETTI TELA ETE FEE . +H Gadees 4 : : . ] BO EEE Pee SHU Ee Lh 0 Ea EPEC LEE Tig Roenana tt t tt : '3b (4p) Widag Tamsoay ; j. . WSAWIJ0YM "OD ASSAY T3I4NIN - , ; Ov2roFnr S3HONI OLX LPHONT BHL OL OFXOeed 2 rer reaPerrinerrr. serene onme= - : eeeoe a cement dew 7 7 lina eee MER AeE e ero soli aie ce aaaS os a ae a eg te sii Su eit i toy a az °wu fo] ce ,222Sb8.0 oy a a 42.)7 °-.ae Po ee .@ ad aebeesMaes*sa o Loe aos 2 Bpey .°+H "te ie BeOF i RB's FF a a weet;::Fee ° i 25 ,247% :Maas BESEL nN €,OF aean sige oneae °°,wa ages a se oS ae cone .TIME *Soe |oferta bey ..oo,an Themes ag 98Test.DESCRIPTION:FlOv AeTesT eui Bases.#22.407.-Sept-t-W783..PAR Kusiin-STek Vnaliskan-ELEM i ELAPSE ©7 -T ADJUSTMENTS ',os Te DATE REAL!pepL |cept |@ DEPTHS REMARKSTreymenagerere«AYO |wo.Liggy |Mine}nm.|TIME]ince |.inc 5h |-°F.[perc |cere |psi MEASURE .La 3 q-/=-=" \So e race ETH... :/|3 (4-ye Gi12 16S |.2350 |HS9__|3749,7 |<O#1D]23028 |449.7 |1¢e0 Adjust.Temp. .720 2 .PRo+z/e FAeZz3q-)om kS4o 12350 4Sq "hi ''23025 4ug9,7 1900 tos?Russ | i.34S fant by LP 1.6680).1920,1.275 5279)yp7asl3es-7|1100.|gasetine |[LHe {3 {9-)}-1 -Ve 1 8200|.1920 1375 fe %of.-Laeqasl '..|ivoa SHUEY ieee castsPopetPoed.=6-1 pann|jere lac.larga)vw.lam._rar ai'ean SSL e ES S,deelBt RR SE an'.,8320.}15354300.|37%7 {.Move EIS 290.5 SOO:PR,pie son | :iz qibe413|4-)Sn 9770 |1S385|300 ||4 Lagat ||Is00 one §Bsce "tz bs jan].||SAphotgo|oes |igs |37%|foaslt79.2|1200 _lremps cor |OTs 'WGny td LB Ler z9l 09651.o¢.lone awe)l cased tp oto Coseliy 2 007)i.8.AS:G2)ype wee ef Pow tll 37a.29 Date LSB acd ity c Leys AFI Fl.wl Lo Asp ZO...-*rete STE) 4 }: Bow idPhessune#22407 Serr 2/983FlOwiwyearerhrevéWAouChHanagneetee ee es ake ° vs '* wg "3 ...° oat ge | Ltt ; ' rl Lt ; 1 TTT | eneeeras Ltt a 4. ity 4 + TF T rT % 2 4 | | aiapeed POTEET LET = TET TE | ati fi qt | L { ' foe EEA EF . }; -d+ 44} tt t aggeca 4 | L HURT 4 f: aa ace b3 aSt - tLLY. = ; By aE - 4 | . d { ra, ile : f CrdaLT. se Le CL) CEE : panaee ' 4 Att J Boe 4 HPT ELE LE d4 P - | F F th: L HEE BS ETT GH HITE . I ; H eae - t| THA [ . as H aRORS UEGisaged itng 4 1 Raee L JL 4 ! ' ALE al Pe te HEEL r 1 Titty ' - 5 4Ht 4 44 J.t| | +4 = a ' 4 : . LB L a aes >4i tt mann Re TELE erEneT Fatal . a ++t FEET LL aRGnGBE qannen 4 [ 1 TL q {EH a5|| Li id]Lit Ly | HELE ;| : ane HITE ' ' THEE f : cae : F poeaaagan JIUTELAEE aan r a | 5 | 44 'ly {°H A |if : OTT SULLY LL Ab | JUL TAY 4 ro auun|aoe Ht7tHSe | iitt | 'a 1 Auth l + . yt AEEttf | ' rit leFt 4 a KH he canny ; nite SUE PEL. 4 dA ; ae ; . waEpAs one an ALRITLDT : AL J 4] 5 r 4 SU ECG ] 4tLLE Tai 4 . | ; AL. . LAE Ndit Hy 1 AEEE TEE EEE HTL ELE ; tt {7 Anne i 7t atti JT q ! H ECEELECAH HTH Ht SHUERE rE ET THEE EA TLE TUTTLE J t q moan [ MLE TEE 1 ATA Ee LEE EU benay f: HUT Sica SUATEG EREE THT HH TT PEER SEAR ERLE LAH HEA TEETER LH|! | ae aie . Rees + + 4 ' { SUL EEEPET LAE TEED HT. | HSH HEHE THT {8 i CETERA TEE EET] TUTTE AEH TATTLE HT Hil 4 4 4 F) pS b + 4 Hed £0 4 bd-de aoe | 4 tt 4 f° 5FE paeeanae 7 . J ALE is Ba t | ATL. 414 Jae . saearee ti ! : a4 LY PETLET LALLA ; +H Hu i 4 . Tayi |' . aig MILE ELE aL tot SLY PE aT L ytHI qi q StL 1 , EH TT TY TL CEECTEE CES UL eee a fy dLATH WT nee HUTTE panase ag ALE EEL TY i EU ot py aaqbueedeans Ge EEL 4 4 4 L eanee : ' SCA Lo r Ped bsgeldceGeceahegeaoate BRU CEPT 4th) Hd Ht ay | tHiaga Hthi 1 THT TMAH HEATH THT rt 1 18 pokanan rl mESESSRaRS LET 4 J Ve naeenaD , Ltt nee 44 Baake Shirin d44 aeae I + - 4 Peta tt 4 |: [ TEE TULLE EL'ts43 aanne i iHPONE RSeuEn | THEE ATL HHTHTHET HATE TEETER HT THI HH | age F| Ctr a 44 RO cen] Pee 7 ones Hy4 L ! j r TELLEETH F i} cate FT THR oHHI: NLL K) Ih 8 LH SDT LTH PHT He ; \ . . et % \ wyS 8 i nS x asFT YS . ele ¢ y OL OOLGPRLAAST GIPSCEY : . . VSAM IOV" '09 Y3SS38IZ4INIH . : . Ovelov: 7 . 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'_,FACTORS..."h Apsusteo”5s ae TR Le Dn ge (0-5-3.TALL _DEPTHS - yr BtarageOePt - --REMARKS*[| 'pepe |psi f-MEASURE.oars 7-3 NASverace |FI $3 Ww1379.a if.0o0f iz "6 LT a Loos -2275 |N68-I |1900 |Feo -...oT perl'2295 (472-1 1906 Shutin La go0s"12275 |463.1 Iyo0".Buildup$b”,+2220,467.1...1900"fsa tees £1270 |ybo7 1 .-1%00'ae . WHigoo?°aayo"Hee:-jase ™,:3 "Sra bof ee]} ”toos 2290 YTD :IiPeo e.>)ees ':*Bes abtis.,teed ye ate,t dE PPRSPhes,P18 [atating ,piste A Soe fis tetecs pet's2o.a28 Pe te seention,AO ee ah Beh a oe Im=1005 i (*)temp forrecnen i bused On tb 186907 RASW/Z)TABLES No Baselin 'CORRECTION. i = { i{ i } j { i « |= 2 : i a :POY LF ER aiael co at ”EE ee ed =NET Ee En PEE a ee z !ao!ce ,;2 tr Feous >he Buildup {2s fe "eer meg”ew Oe eu te,/.fs AES.?©q Mose ens AOB-0a,az.am see eect . ' "ain Minrey AS rs une oeat Jee Ee oe we :iw,yo :TIME|:TEST DESCRIPTION:Perssvie Busidep |akesten:SAP Dress#22407.Ser 41983 gute - "eM a. 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Time%ay Soe iy G-8 .3?6200.|.o Sub.10S.5°330 Gore 120593 NBG |{7020 eee lt.. se ee .[4B ma .feesk ;;oe:"a:7?.q-5 Pau:«6850.:073 z.742.2 L323)4 208 o>.sOT7S S13:Ned:cfs.a . 4°Sieeb es,pede LPO ag gp led bee ett boe tn Mee Ber wel fetes ome Pe wl ee te pidbiiesiseoe.coats oieeal BegBDgrrgagepoPeekWEEELagtoate”Pen.S |382°"eee 19993140 Poe Te ee Me oOo33 b \o \q-8 7 pine |340 }.120 |2783 |340 (222%{1163 |222)|300 +0833 La 7_{9-5 om 9200 |.13IS |25¢8 |350 hoor 1303 |2¢¢62|Woo :2@oswy(oo rad Gyo |.1Se0 |293 |36zr [Bz [SSF |303.3 |15¢0 - :2r4e *G O32Bi\7 |9-6 ond O74 |1690 |230.8 1 374 |SSFH 11743 |340.4 |le00 'hg hs las SLI le1425 |2080 |Yoe.2|3757 S22 |2138 |4176 |180 :3.35 #0033 7 L127 Lar pon |0232 |arts |wusd |37g borer |2393 |usze |1700i3:5 :.oest. (TM LD Lae ome [42.490 |-2380 |462,59 |279 2225 |2438 |4ae,2 |950 'zo woes " . P17 [4-F 1,(ba Bis |Sos 2939 |277 |fe2=-|-/558 |304.3 |(300 Ascending '37 eos3 Svarac Qe.i /3 7 4-5 VA 1442.1037S 73,->OuOg 7907 pobricofer B : |Unt Time i (10€0 fr) F 2 &Sto=G log :|Jom /.!700fms20349 : Yinne Yepl.r hy APPENDIX H SURFACE INSTRUMENTATION DATA SURFACE INSTRUMENTATION DATA -MAKUSHIN ST-17 FLOW TEST Wellhead Upstream of Orifice Orifice James Tube Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Differential Pressure Time (psig)(°F)(psig)(°F)(psi)(psig) 8/31/83 1023-1730 §108 ----- hours 9/1/83 0917-1230 82 ----- 1438 62 59 ---- 144]------ 1445 33 275 --30.5 2.0 1500 35 280 --17.8 3.2 1530 36 281 --18.6 3.4 1630 36 281 30 274 18.6 3.5 1730 36 282 30 274 18.6 3.6 1746 33 277 28 272 17.7 3.0 1800 35 280 29 273 17.7 3.5 2030 36 280 29 272 17.7 3.4 2041 ------ 2100 36 281 30.5 273 18.6 3.6 2200 36 282 30.5 273 18.6 3.6 2300 37 281 30.5 274 18.6 3.7 Comments Ran static P/T survey (Run 1) (Datum at 1,900 ft) Ran static P/T survey (Run 2) Shut-In Opened well -3"James Tube, 2.6"Orifice Began running P/T survey (Run 3) P/T survey comiplete (Run 3) Surface Instrumentation (continued) *Gauge range exceeded Wellhead Upstream of Orifice Orifice James Tube Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Differential Pressure Time (psig)(°F)(psig)(°F)(psi)(psig) -2400 37 281 30.5 274 18.6 3.7 9/2/83 0200 -37 282 30.5 274 18.6 3.7 0400 36 281 30.5 275 18.6 3.6 0600 36 281 30.5 274 18.6 3.7 0700 36 28)30.5 274 18.6 3.7 0900 36 281 30.5 274 18.6 3.7 0953 ------ 1000 35 280 29 272 17.7 3.4 1200 36 281 30,273 7.7 3.5 1225 ------ 1230 52 300+*47.5 295 10.8 8.5 1400 52 300+49 296 10.9 8.7 1440 ----- 1500 52 300+51 298 10.9 8.5 1600 52 300+51 297 10.9 9.7 Comments Began running P/T survey (Run 4) Changed rate -2"James Tube, 1.75"Orifice PT survey complete (Run 4) Surface Instrumentation (continued) Wellhead Upstream of Orifice Orifice James Tube Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Differential Pressure Time (psig)(°F)(psig)(°F).(psi)(psig)Comments 1700 53 300+52 297 10.9 9.7 1830 53 300+52 297 10.9 9.7 2030 52 300+52 296 10.9 9.2 2230 53 300+52 298 10.9 9.4 9/3/83 0400 53 300+52 298 10.9 9.5 0600 53 300+52 298 10.9 9.5 0900 --oe ---Began running P/T survey (Run 5) 0910 51 300+51 297 10.9 8.6 1030 52 300+51 297 10.9 9.2 1200 52 300+51 297 10.9 9.2 P/T survey complete (Run 5) 1437 51 300+5]297 10.9 8.8 Began running P/T survey forbuilding(Run 6) 1545 ------Shut-In Well 9/4/83 0500 70 58 ----P/T survey complete (Run 6) 9/5/83 0845 92 59 ----Began running P/T survey for static profile (Run 7) 1637 90 59 ----P/T survey complete (Run 7) APPENDIX I RATE CALCULATIONS -MAKUSHIN ST-1 TEST RATE CALCULATIONS -MAKUSHIN ST-1 TEST 2/31/81-9/5/83 Initial Rate: 1441 hrs,8/31/83 -1225 hrs,9/2/83 Orifice -Diameter =3.6 in Area =0.03687 ft2 James Tube Diameter =3.0 in Meter Conditions: Average Pressure =42 psia Temperature (Sat.)=270°F Enthalpy -h¢(lig.)=239 Btu/1b-hq (vapor)=1171 Btu/IbSpec.Vol.-ve (liq.)=0.017172 ft3/1b-vg (vapor)=10.032 ft3/1b Reservoir Temperature =379°F Enthalpy -h =352 Btu/1b Steam Flash without Heat Loss x =h -h¢=0.12 or 12% hg -h¢ Steam Flash with 20°F Estimated Maximum Heat Loss Assumed (h =332 Btu/1b) x =0.10 or 10% Critical Rate Calculation: From Reference 2,Acoustic Velocity at x =10%=360 ft/sec Critical Rate - Qmax =(360 ft )(0.03687 ft2)(3600 sec) sec hr {(0.9)(0.017172)+(0.1)(10.032)]ft3/1b Qmax =46,900 1b/hr James Tube Calculation: All James Tube calculations yield rates higher than 46,900 lb/hr,which is only possible if steam flash was less than 10%.This is not consideredlikely;therefore,the well was limited by the critical rate and the James Tube calculations are meaningless. Final (Second)Rate: 1225 hrs,9/2/83 -1545 hrs,9/3/83 Orifice -Diameter =1.75 in Area =0.0167 ft2 James Tube Diameter =2.0 in Meter Conditions: Average Pressure =65 psiaTemperature(Sat.)=298°F Enthalpy -h¢(liq.)=268 Btu/Ib-hg (vapor)=1180 Btu/1bSpec.Vol.-vf (liq.)=0.017429 ft3/1b-Vg (vapor)=6.657 ft3/Ib Steam Flash with 35°F Estimated Maximum Heat Loss Assumed (h =315 Btu/1b) x =0.05 or 5% Critical Rate Calculation: From Reference 2 Qmax =(210 ft )(0.0167 ft2)(3600 sec) sec hr [(0.95)(0.017429)+(0.05)(6.657)]ft3/1b =36,100 1b/hr James Tube Calculation: As shown on the attached computer output,all James Tube calculations yield a rate less than the above calculated critical rate.Therefore,the James Tube calculations are taken as valid,averaging 34,700 Ib/hr. coed REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL INCS MAKUSHIN STele UNALASKA ISLAND DATA FOR FLOW TEST #2 SEPT 293,195 : DISCHARGE PIPE DIA,=2.07 ORIFICE METER UTA.=1.75 METER PIPE DIA.=4.05 _"METER CONSTANT =4,0000 PRESSURE TAP LOCATION =225 TIME Pw TEMP PLIP PM oo.ODIFF PATM H FLuw KATEHR-s PSTA F PSTA =PSIA-)- PSTA.OO PSTA -OBTU/LB (1000 LB/HK KRG/SEC 3230.-66.0 500,22.50065.61 10.774 -34,000 $18,5 -$3.2 Goia 1400.66.0 300.22.700 64.80°.10.499 14,000 $15.4 _-$3.0 4,26 1500.66.0 300,22.3509 64,60=10.499-14,000 310.4 7."3S.4 GP} 1600,66,0 300.23,700 64,80 10.499 (14,000 311,4 239,77 4 oo0 1700,b/.U $006 25.700 04,60 :10,0899 $4,060 $11.4 $o.7 OU 1650,67.0 $00.24.700 64.650°10.4894 14,000 311.4 "35,7 4.40 203504.bb.0 S00.25.200 64.80°10.899 14,000 3135.4*.34,7 4,5b 2230.67.0 $00.253.400 64.60 10,899.14,000 312.4 -35.2 4.43 400.67.0 300.-23.500 -14,000 312.4 .34,5 4.49 600,67.0 $00.25.500 14,000 312.4.39.5 4.45 910.65.0 $00.22.600 . 14,000 310.4 $35 4.ee1030,66.0 300.23,200 64,80.10.499 14.000 515.4 $4.7 4.4 3y.4 APPENDIX J -X-RAY DIFFRACTION RESULTS S eM Y/PT =ezC LABORATORIES INC. 2121 SOUTH PRIEST,UNIT 104 ©TEMPE,ARIZONA 85282 *(602)967-1590 MINERAL DETERMINATION OF THREE SAMPLES Prepared for:Paul Parmentier Republic Geothermal 11823 E.Slauson Ave. Santa Fe Springs,CA 90670 STL 2753 Three samples:1)ST-1R,644',whole rock, 2)ST-1R,white vien,and 3)ST-1R,1946'.yellow- beige mineral on vein,were received for analysis. The results are as follows: I.ST-1R,644',whole rock. The energy dispersive analysis of this sample (EDS-1)shows mainly K,Al and Si.The x-ray dif- fraction pattern shows major orthoclase with minor quartz,chlorite,pyrite,and maybe some kaolinite and clacite., II.White vein. Two shapes of crystals occur in the vein: scalenohedral and flat,striated.A sample of each mounted for energy dispersive analysis showed that the scalenohedral crystals are calcite and the flat striated crystals are gypsum (EDX-2). Diggraction was not necessary in this case. hd III.Yellow-beige mineral. The yellow part of this vein consists of a very thin surface coating on a white material.There is not enough yellow material to get a diffractometer scan.The beige surface has a micaceous luster when disturbed and pushed around,as does the white material underneath. Energy dispersive analyses (EDX-3,4)show that both are -2- mainly K,Al-silicates.The beige has more S and Fe than the white.It is probable that both the beige and white are sericite (muscovite)and the color is a stain from some other mineral. Sy Le 21 Sept.1983 Larr jerce i ee cernsae peti'oo i ae ae Tepe L me . i re ae jt i \ 4 : ee ae i | Tt tt rt tT T 7 i at Lo i i fT vot i P Tri "CL. am ! iH im je ee ma ml \ et Vio im piy tye i m2 Does TTF yo | t . a i gad re pi a Tt Z. SERN hi as ram _ ] Tiesto Bean a : 4 an ity eat ey } ' ami ; eto Wes san tpi if ity 4 i yt Cy if vl1 i | imma mec! it H ' 4 i i a i nt ee H| 1?ps!iH : i ma ! i Ty mieten Lakin f ; cai nee | _. roamohge i a t | man im i 1aa penis iso = Oran SEE jasa ma tl -s a aa i Coy ' + * a aa T nanaa : Aa rm 7 r C 4 2S >.SE Ses Bee ee H i iL Pia EE ESRe ee i,{ tI i vt aw ene CK«Gree ae i iL 4 i aloeFE + ter-+ : + ++ ; teae : fa A 4 jane an i i rul y ' im t { T TT im r G ' i H | a iL, i H L! tel Lava {I i ik wi ii i |el so I: ' : i>al swini | i iy wh ' L 44 { ' ee aH NA r { ara yaan I ; aN (a 1 ae i T 1 wt: a for] { : cian iq Fa10at jee im j + Rene oe. Lipsy aman | ! Teer nee To NST aa ch Teae ee ee Bred aa H ! re ai aECRDFIRM : it aTEWGANG ae ” 4 iN- |oe i! TWAS? OGTEOTTEOgttO06OP ttObaOFtoe DOLECFSostt ozt+ 09st ostt ort ost ozs ore ty poy tf if n 1 i Wd a Oe? i i i { an Tt T ' oT . t ! ttt H 7 r ' +414ott i ib Re. i -_ ti aid i 4 fl oe att iH i 1 ' |Se ioe II i { ara ialFa it ; a i 4 wd i wi TT TT T t mT 7Oe Titre La i { Ln wy " rTi m ! al i anaT tBl i Pal ; ft i Hn:Si if i i is7 T T T T&: an . T , : Co: } H !4 {i i L pit! T TI ns ”i 7 Tpit fo H H Sa ean _ et oa i I ab. va : BEetr.6n { "T T Li T ai i i i ' tietf a H H i |im-o aa im i LP mal \ i mm i a2 aa t i T mT T ' a , _ yi 4 + i b= at ae - : : Ty an taste| T be.ime ma' Pigaanyiwal 4. 4 - it + ivanell3 i" i 4 : ,ii tos amt van ; H H im ae ' i nama: ia H RGEC E-2 it : i it a i "TT i H LC ' TT | ip. "T v sy r ! 1 i H T !i : Hf T T Tt t TT ftft ttt tt 7a itt D iPre it Itt jit pote aa POEsDNSATEOST rn an a 4 1 ae 4[ t Ty ine , ! eea-4.1 ia } q H are i aa ry i ; 4 v TTT .T rt tT F t t _ iil. i , + 4 at tT vt TTF + t t + TF + 1+ + t . Cr | Pio I 1< my aTi Et i if ann eee : rd'i! 44 al 4 4 flPs Rennes tt it it if pit 4 i ime we rTH pai i uy: ae a _t y pya'ai as Ty a i v4 t TT t TT * io _ 4! om itty an ne ae = Seay TT : il arinaan _t maeBei rai pi ES = -- i a See SR Bee pel jjtf . ini ja 1s t t ytit Pada ? rot aaa t ; wt a ima i i : TL >a mt i a - at ! + i i id i :i ' : 4 an i aa I| t tt + + - L man n i : iKi : 4 - i. mt 1 \ Hi4 [ t me H i mt I F Ba. [ \ i Ye mai 4 ry Tt t TT - Trt tt 1 ae _- aa i as te jnmeneFaten4we a ees +al aniseed _ jee a ae Kop re ne ORa wa , eel me aw OORT es ie aioe ere ery : tf ani ttt ft Hs men . a jamtieas a + , {3 i. 1 > Se ae fo po ii PcaaS| Yr i de we aad i a an i Va : an i + + + r t ' i tS. T tas ss it<< j [Ned 206 On Se aa | pSUtMlGa,BNSUN 1 " s >oN ' iH ae fact yi Lo : 4 i a3 VAS i : it' © |C\ [ | Cc te 1S { T | ai A ; i H rat it iia. aa s mm ! va tit Led faa LG ms CRS, ' ot nN] GiFG \ Le: | itn:Tides ' - Ty Sy;bd| * i ed EN Ss{ at \[i iu Te ran rt aaa a) 4 if u Tey [ mm v ve} | nt H taal i an | \ aH al ; om I Peo et + . -' a 7 { H T T aaa! + L4 an35% t : {1 if ; i t i a a Hli : TTT H T ion + t as Le * l pope, ae joa py pp aa 4 4 Lt anne aA LT PLD ty i ja 4--pone i Ses Bee H mat ii a7 Ti areae itppt 4 1 i Ee es 1 T4 tt mE ane i i Mt TI ae i ae 4 : in if_-__-mt!ae je cher rii¢ wae faa a Se Lt ; ' aA 2 iH neBeeee i i TTT ci. Tt : r q Tt rtp i a =x ase oot SoS E 7 Soe + ant 7----*mT Tt + 4 ; i aoe ce 4 ee nN me i Se ator : GB + esoe ; i f eeOeeeree ee re : + Jp} aerecam el pi a 1 Lt co i , ietmas eee ame 1 ' an eS a MOtaantaded oH TARE ett ct an ape-Ta i = en ee oo Ln deed i ya Snr Ye ae === as . + heme a Tt _ nhees 9eopetealywhet ey yma po es Cheers seep DEOR otoe portoss09sou LN SPOSSST crt ToT SS tt T, ane Teor ltee LS i To . mena a BS iT i 4 Se Aa nt . t . - . ----- t - mi reas Hi T ee TyOF tt ' oa es ne ! _i pig yt tty : L i i THE .aa T Tt isai ti! "te! ito ' aaa i oon 4 . aa fna Soe anne a pt i ara filetrT itty Mlitt L ee H am x) jp : ma i -- SA ane ye Eran UGHATE arenees ;rat 7 . n LT i ae| waa) ae t - + tt + + im er pa =< l a Tg ctl 4 | H Li pmol rears Hi i i rT H Tt AS I H f -t ; cz KIS : T H am ann on = ! ! + T t Tt roret 7 ; : inane Hi te Sttry 1 aa 1 : ot a1 ri - oy + i itt i ieeeaea | i ! io AT it \ , . rami Qe al ! ij i ttat i i Lebs.Li aaa aw Zl r+ i TOON - oo CoS 1s fae SEnee 4 eRKs, | it janasPO ed Si a . ° 7 T t Tt Tireiiilet: aia 4 \ iity 4 ,4 itt i al eee i AN Oh i ; i iit TE Ay i ae jo HePn ra 2 ant ma aewe + ++ aenae neenenae +-+-+ ee re.Sa Hate;Wi i Tyo aeei Wo an < t S r ; , = TOT iH cho aine Hn ee vy rrortt mm po Tt I i Ti 4 - Ne + t Try r i \ aed H L > a. } } = AS i | N = im | 5 4.oa + ic ee! i H wt Bist yit : mel iJ ' i i ! H T t q t T tl + + -+ 44. 44 + + +B + Ol oOettoesrorttostrostroztrositost¢o 4 1 f. if i T 4 if T 4af }i } saan 4 rt t 1 i 1 H ] i it HiaL3 i + rn t i 1 amas i { oconen ae ) 4 - + ra4, i Dyaa it : PaOPeae it mi pwLF iit Tt if | i i+ it L Tt nH i q H H ; { 4. i aan i H + J } TT Tt TTT ; - ee + ' oR A ttnlee ate, DiTER ReTioNX_eny gTH\R.644.SANTLEa6t fFian Foe fF 2 FEO2Ffor.fe. sto” APPENDIX K INTERCOMP VERTICAL STEAM-WATER GEOTHERMAL WELLBORE SIMULATION ||.teetoASNeHHRkhekagehh:ahWiledineeo?owereredeGodineraaianinn|MooreBusinessForms,inc,avRREEEKEEREREEEKARARERARAERREKEEKKEREKARAEREKEEKRERRAKEKREREKKEEAKRE .jt 2 x Dole *TN TERCOMP * oo ** pan *VERTICAL STEAM=RATER GEOTHERMAL WELLBORE SIMULATION * Fy x * '*(VSTEA4 |RELEASE 2.1.1)= ?x .x -8 KRRKEKEKKRRKKKEKEKKKRERKKEREKMEKREREKERKREEKKERERKEKEKEERKERKREKRAKKEKKE ; ha MAKUSHIN HYPOTHETICAL B1G WELL ; .13) __ha PROGRAM OPTIONS.SELECTED Bl wwe 2 eae Fee e®e ewer aereeeereeNe1<FLOM IS UPWARD (PRODUCTION)hs 2.TRAVERSE IS CALCULATED FROM BOTTOM TO TOPhalSeCOMPUTEPRESS,TEMP,AND QUALITY PROFILE 7 hy 4.NOs OF INCREMENTS PER SEGMENT IS 10 he 5S.KINETIC ENERGY TERY IS EXCLUDED -be ROS@°GRIFFITH FLOW REGIME MAP USED bel 7e HAGEDORN<-SROUN TO PHASE CORRELATION IS USED b 8.TURNER CORRELATIUN IS USED FOR MIST FLOW REGIMEbeSeMIXTUREDENSITYwlTHSLIPPAGEISUSEDEVERYAHEREby10.ANALYTIC HEAT TRANSFER COMPUTED| 24 .. _PF PLUID PRUFERTIES °be Se Gases een ea @etawess*e *..Le FLOWINS GAS"LIGUID RATIO.ececece 2.0 SCF/STB SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULN GAS ove 1.509_a SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF WATER eecece 866auGASVISCOSITYFACTOR..accccccce 1.000 Lb WATER VISCOSITY FACTOR coc ccccce 1.009 bh BASE PRESSURE 2c ccccccccccvccecn 14.65 PSIA bat BASE TEMPERATURE ...cccecccccece 60.0 DEG.F LL!CRITICAL PRESSURE ccccccccccccce 300000 FSIA bs CRITICAL TEMPERATURE cecccceccee 1165.0 DEG.R B77;ae ot °bel CASE.'DATA Ow wenn me . ao TOTAL FUow PATH LENGTH wewocaceee 1900.0 FEET a lat WELLBORE PIPE RUUGHNESS weeooenecece 00068 INCHlaSURFACETEMPERATUREccccccccccce50.0 GEG.F as BOTTOM TEMPERATURE ccc cc accccecs 380.0 DEG.F 7 he HEAT TRANSFER COEFF -WELL 2.225 10.000 STU/(HR DEG.F SO.FT) isi HEAT TRANSFER COEFF =RESV 2.2205 10.000 BTU/CHR CEGLF SU.FT) m RESV THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY cacccee 2940 7 lai RATE SPECIFICATIONS -i'TOTAL MASS FLOW RATE wcccceeeeee 700.00 TH.LBM/HRpilTOTALBCHEFLOWRATE.2cccccceee 55376.BCWE/SDAY ar STEAM SUALITY AT REF PRESS ecsee 0.0000 tsa!BOTTOMHOLE TEMPESATURE wc cceccce 350.0 MEG.F Bt,_DOTTUMAOLEENTHALPY ccsocccccccce 353.6 &TU/LEK7iNON@SLIPLIQUIDFRACTIONcecacce-0554 ohn|.IaEeontkaEehaoweneononeeSebétediney!end”|MooreBusinessForms,Ine.ovath{}.é REREERERAEEKAKERAERAKREARKRERKEKKEKRRREKEKEKEEKREKREKRKEEKAKEKTRERKERE vy ®x 2 *ITN Te&RCOMP * 5)*2 'x VERTICAL STEAM*@RATER GEOTHERMAL WELLBNMRE SIMULATION * Fy ®* '*(VSTEAM RELEASE 2o1-1)* ?x *8 TUL ree ett t eter ett tree ict tte ttt trterete reset tt Terr r esters ?MAKUSHIN AYPOTHETICAL B15 wELbL It PROGRAM.OPTIONS SELECTED 334 1¢FLOM IS UPWARD (PRDDUCTION)- Ge TRAVERSE IS CALCULATED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP Se COMPUTE PRESS,TEMP,AND QUALITY PROFILE 4.NOw OF INCREMENTS PER SEGMENT I 5S.KINETIC ENERGY TERY IS EXCLUDED S 10 be ROS@GRIFFITH FLOW REGIME MAP US ED Ze HAGEDORN-BROKN TwO PHASE CORRELATION IS USED 8.TURNER CORRELATIUN IS USED FOR MIST FLOW REGIME Se MIXTURE OENSITY wltTH SLIPPAGE IS USED EVERYWHERE10,ANALYTIC HEAT TRANSFER COMPUTED|aee.FLUID PRUPERTIES FLOWING GAS-LIGUID RATIO cecceee aaOIre2.0 SCF/STB SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULN GAS wee 12509 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF WATER csceee 606 GAS VISCOSITY FACTOR ...cceeeeee 1.000 WATER VISCOSITY FACTUR ccccccece 10000BASEPRESSURE@eeaeveeteveneeoeveeee-@ 14.65 PSIA BASE TEMPERATURE ...-..ecseeeees 60.0 DEG.F CRITICAL PRESSURE weveecccccccee 30002 PSIA CRITICAL TEMPERATURE ....-..006.1165.0 DEG.R 0.0 DYNE/CM 29M.SURFACE TENSTON OVERRIDE eccccecs)CASE DATA TOTAL Fon PATH LENGTH ceeccecces 1900.0 FEET WELLBORE PIPE RUUGHNESS cececcee 2000600 INCHiSURFACETEMPERATURE.ccccccccces 50.0 UEC.F a BUTTOM TEMPERATURE ccconccccccocce 380.0 DEG.FLaiHEATTRANSFERCOEFF-WELL .-ee-109.000 STU/(HR DEG.F SO.FT)kasi HEAT TRANSFER COEFF =RESV 2.2226 10.000 BTU/(HR CEG.LF SU.FT)be RESV THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY weoacvece 7040 7LI RATE SPECIFICATIONS1TOTALMASSFLOW RATE scccaccccee §700.00 THeLBM/HRLalTOTALBCHEFLOWRATE.eeeeeeseee 55376.SCWE/DAY be STEAM QUALITY AY REF PRESS ecoece 020000 is:FLOWING ROTTOMHOLE PRESSURE .ece 261.0 FPSIG isa BOTTOMHOLE TEMPESATURE coe ccc ewe 360.0 MEG.F as S”S*Ci OT OMAOLE ENTHALPY Cole loc cece 353.6 BTU/LEM'NON@ SLIP LIQUID FRACTION e@eeoeevce 0554 APPENDIX L WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEETS REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Taeteers Vol cano,SAMPLING DATE:_9-2-83 TIME:|700 1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:ST-1R Flow Test,Well Depth 1949 ft.,REPUBLIC:g-?-83,1700 hr.,Sampled through probe 25554 Flashed Sample DATE ANALYZED: Ag: 5 CATE REPORTED:1o-]1-83 --- =PROOUCTION 2.4 x_10 lb/hr TEMPERATURE,C/OF -nee oes FLOW RATE 47000 1 b/hr WELLHEAD 146/295 pH IN= PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT -146/295 FIELD: WELL HEAD 53 Nakea 227/441 Lag:7.9 SAMPLE POINT 50-54 SO 2 218/424 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Matlick Am Si02 117/243 fa)Mg ALKALI 227/44)5Nak242/468 CATIONS =¢ANIONS aA som rmoies/t mea/t treat®C/e1 poem mmoies/!|mea/i |treat?a/Gi Ca 157 7.83 |RAN HCD 63.3 1.04 |R Mg <.04 RAN cos |<I R Na 2160 93.95 |R |S04 15./1.58 1 R K =|285 7.29 |R 'a (8690 104.09 |R re .03 RAN :7 04 |RLi8.5 1.22 |RAN 3 75.6 3.86 R "Ba <.03 RAN Br 2.7 .03 |RNhigPO«<.]R |Sir .28 .01 |RANAs12.3 RAN Mn 03 RAN Se 6 RAN =2610 110.3 ||=3908 110.6 | SIC +A+SiO0)|-_ |NON-IONIC:som . ToS Sib,445 RD COMMENTS: V2 Sf mea (Coal (V2)C92 =meq (C +A)*+002 in -_.09 Scecifie Conductance 4 mnosicm @ ° ©=Samoie trestnent coce Tos -6964 A=raw:A ®acidified:F «filtered N =nitrie acid:§®suifurie:C =hycrochicrie 0 @ diluted |0 mi samoie with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay Ct 04 SO4ici 02 F/CI 002 Na/Cl 59 Na/K 7.58 CaiMg = K/CI 08 3/C}02 Ci/Br 1367 Bea REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITSM:LS Volcano SAMPLING DATE:_9-5-83 TIME:1800 1.0.NUMBER:ST-1R SAMPLE POINT:ST-]R 4 Fl OW Test,Wel ]Depth ]949 ft.REPUBLIC: 9-5-83,1800 hr.,Sampled at end of blooie line 25556LAB:Flashed Sample OATE ANALYZED: 5 SATE REPORTED:10-11-83.------- sPsooucTiON _3.2 x 10°1b/hr TEMPERATURE,O¢/OF - FLOW RATE WELLHEAD meee BAIN PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE Point -100/212 FIELD: WELL HEAD NakCa 229/444 LAB:7 .]0 SAMPLE POINT O_S09 220/429 ISOTOPE = COLLECTOR Matlick Am Sidz 121/250 6 Mg ALKALI 229/444 Do Na/K 247/477 CATIONS #¢cere ween ANIONS 2A__ pom -mmoies/i mea/t treat®cfc;pom mmoies/!mea/!treat?A/Ci Ca 127 6.34 |RAN HCS5 63.3 1.04 R Mg <,04 RAN C03 <]R Na 1/70 77.00 |R SO6 78.7 1.64 Rx|246 6.29 |R 'q B180 89:70 |R re °06 .003 RAN FE 1 .4 .05 R i 7.5 1.1 RAN 3 65.3.32 R "aa |<.03 RAN a |9.49 -l2 |R : Nbtg POs <.1 R ' Sr .2 RAN |r As 10.8 RAN | Mn .03 RAN | =2151 90.7 =397 |95.91 SIC +A +S02)|-_NON-IONIC:som , ToS SiO 463 R COMMENTS: VTS mea (C-ar (V2)02Smeq(C #A)°=04 Soecific Conductance i mnos/ern @ °TDS _-601) *=Samoie treatment coae - R =raw:A ®acidified:F ©filtered N ®@ nitric acid:S$*suifurie:C =hydroentoric o @ diluted 10 mi samoie with _100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cas fas]04 $O4/c!02 F/G}-0003 Na/@i -56 Na/K 7.20 Ca/Mg ho KIC!08 3/C1 02 C1/Br__335 i Ses REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS ATOMIC RATIOS PAGE NO. ITEM:Nakushin Volcano SAMPLING DATE:922-83 time:1.000 1.0.NuMgeR:/-1R 9-5-83,1000 hr.,sample Probe 25553LAB:Flashed Sample DATE ANALYZED: .paTe RePoATED:-10-11-83 Come me anne Stearns =PrRooUCTION 2.2 x 10)1b/hr temperature,-0C/OF a FLOW RATE 47000 1Ib/hr WELLHEAD 133/272 BN et WELL HEAD 35 Nakes 72/161 .tag:3.40 SAMPLE POINT 29.2 SO 2 145/292 ISOTOPE « cOLLecToA Matlick Am Sid 30/85 6 Mg ALKALI 72/161 fs) Na/K 246/475 CATIONS =¢pene ee ANIONS #A.ce ee pee pom mmoies/}mea/!treat?Cfei pom mrnoies/t mea/i treet?A/G} Ca -,84-;-04|RAN©HCD3 <]R Mg -<.04 RAN C33 <]R Na-|-8./38 «61 R SO4 <]R K 1.2 .03 R a 18.8 53 R Fe .09 -005 |RAN P 47 03 R ui -04 .01 RAN 3 1.68]09 R Sa <.03 RAN Sr <.]R Neg POs °2 Pb .09 RAN , Se 235 RAN Zn .06 RAN H 4 4 =TT -86 =2]64 | SiC +Aa +SiO5)..-NONAJONIC:som COMMENTS:Tos sidz 122.6 RD V2 5 mea (cma)|(v2)-2]C52 Ss meqicr Al °Collected through sampling probe with Soecitic Condueranee a mnosiem @ e probe at top of separator chamber *=Sample treatment coce , - R=raw:A &acidified:F =filtered N =nitric acid:§=sulfuric:C =hydrochtorie So @ diiured -10 mi samoie with -100__mi O.W, Cay ct .04 SOC!00 Na/Cl 46 Na/K /.25 K/C!06 3/¢!09 BS.Seu REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC, WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:yakushin Volcano SAMPLING DATE:223283 time;0945 1.0.NUMBER: SAMPLE POINT:ST-1R Flow Test,Well Depth 1949 ft.REPUBLIC:9-3-83,0945 hr.,Sampled through probe 25555 Flashed Sample CATE ANALYZED: AS: Ds oaTe Repoateo:10-11-83 - sPrcouction 2:0.x 10"Ib/hr Temperature,-__C/°F : -- FLOW RATE 34000 Jb/hr WELLHEAD 148/298 to pHIN]7 TOTO PRESSURE (PS!)AT:samece Point -148/298 FIELD: WELL HEAD 52 NakCa 228/442 Laa:7.7 SAMPLE POINT 50-54 Tie}2 227/440 ISOTOPE = COLLECTOR Matlick Am Si02 130/266 0MgALKALI228/442 °Na/K 243/469 CATIONS =C ae one ee eesANIONS.*.A_ae ---- _pom”menoies/I mea/!treat®Cie som |mmoies/t |meq/!trest®A/C} Ga]iat 7.68 |RAN no |46.1 76 |R Mg <.04 RAN coz |<|R Ne}.2100 |”"|92.05 IR S04 91.9 1.91 RkK284|7.26 1R 'a 13740 105.5 R fe UW .06 |RAN 2 1.12 .06 |R Li 8.5 1.22 RAN 8 73.7 3.76 R 'ga <.03 RAN Br 12.8 .16 R NHg RAN PO <.1 Sr 47 .O1 |RAN ,;|r As 12.5 RAN Mn .03 RAN | | =2577 108.8 |=z .|3965 |Vi2.14 || siC¢+A+SiO)«.a NON-IONIC:p . Tos $04 .508_RD om COMMENTS: V2_5 mea (C=a).2)..02 C92 =meq iC +a) * Seecitie Conductance i,mnasicm @ °TOS_=7042 °«Samoie tresunent coce * B=raw:A =acidified:F ©filxered N =nitrig acid:§=sulfuric:C =hycroenitaric 3D @ diluted 10 mi sample with 100 mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay ¢t 04 so4/!02 Fic!.0003 Na/Ci 257 Na/K 750 CaiMg Ke -08 s/c!02 C1/Br 292 tt Se REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. 5)(TEM:aS Volcano SAMPLING DATE:0224-83 time:0630 1.0.NUMBER:ST-IR ce SUaNSSKAsT_1R Flow Test,Well Depth 1926 ft.aerate:8-24-83 0630 hr.Collected at end of Diooie line 3555] Flashed Sample OATE ANALYZED: aes -OATE REPORTED:a o-1 1-83 ee Tern=PRODUCTION minor TEmPEeRaTuRE,__C/_F :- FLOW RATE 15 1pm WELLHEAD TOT TR PRESSURE (PSI)AT:SAMPLE POINT ___90/209:FIELD: WELL HEAD 0 Naka 232/449 Lag:7.60 SAMPLE POINT i SiO 2 227/440 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Matlick Am Si02 130/266 0 Mg ALKALI -232/449 >) Na/K 245/473 CATIONS =¢wee ;ANIONS «4.Scene pom mrmoies/!mea/!trest®Cli pom mrmoies/!|mea/!treat?A/C! "Ca 288 "14.37 |RAN HES,|92.7 1.52 R Mg 082 .01 |RAN ca4 |<1 R fone}-3eeU |= |qan.06 |R $04 |210 4.37 R K 440 ;11.25 |R -a 6380 179.97 R Fe .59 .03 |RAN FE 2.01]|11 R ui 15.5 2.23 |RAN 8 125 6.38 R Ba <.03 RAN Br 15.8 20 R NHg PO <1 Sr 1.2 .03 |RAN ,r AS 12.8 RAN i Zn .07 RAN Ss |3965 |167.98 =|6825 192.55 i SIC+A+SiO)|-_NON-IONIC:,Tos Si 508 RAN "em COMMENTS: V2 fmeciCaal (v2)C52SmeqiCA).=-.096 Soecifie Conductance came mnosiem @ °TOS -11299 ©«Samoie treatment coce * R ©raw:A ®acidified:F «filtered N @ nitric acid:§=sutfurie:C =Aycrochiorie Oo @ diluted mi samcie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS Cay C1 .045 $04/C!033 7/6!.0003 Na/Ct 505 Na/K 7.318 CalMg 3600 Kes .069 8/C).020 C1/Br 404 tS.ta REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. ITEM:Makushin Volcano sampung pate:0224-83 ime,1230 1D.NUMBER:ST-1R SAMPLE POINT:ST-1R Flow Test,Well Depth 1926 ft.AePUBLIC: 8-24-83,1230 hr,Collect at end of blooie line 25552 Flashed Sample DATE ANALYZED: LAB: 'DATE REPORTED:=PROOUCTION Minor TEMPERATURE,OC /OF FLOW RATE 1O_Ipm WELLHEAD TB INET PRESSURE (PS!)AT:SAMPLE POINT .._.96/.209 FIELD: WELL HEAD 0 NakCa 232/449 Lag:7.8 SAMPLE POINT 0 SiO 2 244/471 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Matlick Am Si0+153/308 6 Mg ALKALI 232/449 0 Na/K 246/475 CATIONS =c eee ANIONS «A cee ee eee omen bemmen =F Bom Tl mmoies/t |meat treat?rei pom mmoies/t mea/|treat?|A/CICa22)+Ti.Q3]R HCO3 76.0 1.25 R Mg <.04 R cog |<1 R. sop Nae +2730 ft - --t --}18.75]R SOg |178 3./]R K 377 9.64)R -q {4670 131.73 R Fe .02 R f 1.8]10 R Li 10 1.44]R 3 94.9 4.84 R aa <.03 R Br 15.1 aE)R NH4 PO.<1 R ||Sr 94 02]R ' As 14.5 R | Zn 03 R | =3339 140.8 =z .15035 141.8 | Stn co _NONHONIC:pom 1 COMMENTS:ros sid>038 RD vz S mea (CmA).ar})-,005 ster) ZS meq (C+A) Soecitice Conductanes umnosiem @ °TOS _-9012 *=Samole treaetrnent coce ° RA =raw:A ©acidified:F ©filtered N =nitric acid:$®sulfuric:C =hycrochiorie S =diluted mi samoie with mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS cay ct .05 SOc .04 Fie .0004 Na/C@i 98 Na/K 7.24 Calg had KIC:08 aici 02 C1/Br___:309 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. : 27-T-1IRitem:-Ma "s a in Volcano -sampune cate:e783 ime:1030 1.0.NUMBER:5gamesoartSK4__ST-1R Flow Test,Well Depth 1949 ft.,agouauic:Sampled at end of Dlooie line Lag:3277-1FlashedSampleDATEANALYZED: DATE REPORTED:_8-31-83 a nae sprocuction ___164500 bs.TempeRaTune,C/OF 7 -- FLow rate 47000 _Ib/hr weitneao 121/250 2 BRIN oo PRESSURE (PS!)AT:samece point 100/212 FIELD:7.0 weLLHeao ___20 Nakes 182/360 Lag:8.1 SAMPLE POINT -_0___SiO 2 269/515 ISOTOPE « COLLECTOR Matlick Am Si03 146/294 6 Mg ALKAL -182/360 re) Na/K 181/358 CATIONS =¢wee ee ee __ANIONS 9.4 ceece ou coe eee i 90m -mmoies/|mea/!treat?Cet pom mrmoies/!meq/!|treat?A/G} ca |145 7.24 |RAN Heo,|55 JU [R Mg 14).01 RAN C23 0 R PoN@ }1920°|"«483752 {RR $o4 |100 2.08 |R K 122 .R -a 13800 107.19 |{R | Fe -10 3.12 RAN F 1.4].07 R |og 8 65 3.31 R "Ba 8r 42 2503)R ; Neg POs As 12 RAN ; r Sr 2.5 .06 RAN ={2190 |93.94 zs {4005 |1114.09 | sign._NONNONIE opp PO™COMMENTS:Si02 |V7 mea (C-a)|iv?)14 cO2 =meq (C =A)7s Soecifie Conductance eee 4 mnosicm i]°TDS_=6847 mg/1 ©=Samoie treatment coce . A=raw:A ©acidified:©©filtered N ®nitrie acid:S$®sulfuric:C #Aydroenioric So 9 diiured 10 mi samoie with 100 mi OW. ATOMIC RATIOS cay ¢t 04 SO4/ct -03 FIC -0004 Na/Ct 51 Na/K Ib.a CaiMg 1035wet-03 aie: :0 C1/Br.90.47 fy) APPENDIX M ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY-OWNED EQUIPMENT STORED IN ALEUT CORPORATION YARD AND WAREHOUSE APA-OWNED EQUIPMENT STORED IN ALEUT CORPORATION YARD &WAREHOUSE FOLLOWING SUSPENSION OF MAKUSHIN ST=-1 IN SEPT.1983 -APAg ITEM &DESCRIPTION 12504 3"=600 RTJ FLOW TEE VALVE 12508 0-100psi WALLACE-TIERNAN PRESS GUAGE FOR JAMES TUBE LIP PRESS 12509 VICTOx INERT GAS PRESS REGULATOR 12510 HOKE 5-VALVE MANIFOLD 12512 HAICO 5-WAY VALVE 3000 psi 12513 BARTON MODEL 202A 2 PEN FLOW RECORDER &MANIFOLD 12514 MAYES 6'LEVEL 12515 VULCAN CHAIN TONGS 12516 VULCAN CHAIN TONGS 12517 96 CU.FT.STEEL MUD/WATER TANK 12518 96 CU.FT,STEEL MUD/WATER TANK 12519 96 CU.FT.STEEL MUD/WATER TANK 2 JTS 7"23#/Ft R-1 K-55 CSG.(new) 10 o3TS 54%"15.5¢/F Rel K-55 CSG (8 jts used-cond.good) 105 JTS 1%"R-1 SMLS A-106 TBG W/API CPLES (new) 2"JAMES TUBE FLOW NOZZLE W/4"RF FLG &%"PRESS TAP 4"AS ABOVE 4 ea -4"§.S.ORIFICE FLOW PLATES W/BORE SIZES 1.375",1.750",2,600",3.400" MISC RANDOM PIPE FTGS (ELBOWS,TEES,UNIONS, NIPPLES,VALVES,ETC.)RANGING %"-1"SIZES. APA OWNED EQUIPMENT Page 2 SUBS &X-OVERS APA #ITEM &DESCRIPTION _ 12220 2 3/8"REG BOX X 2"MACHINE THD BOX 12221 1%"NPT PIN X NQ BOX 12222 2 3/8"IF BOX X 6 5/8"API REG BOX 12523 2 7/8"API REG BOX X NW BOX 12524 Void 12525 3"API REG BOX X NW BOX 12526 2 7/8"IF BOX X 4%"API REG BOX 12527 44"API REG PIN X HQ BOX 12528 2 7/8"IF PIN X NQ PIN 12529 2 3/8"API REG BOX X HQ BOX 12530 3%"API REG BOX X NQ BOX 12531 4"API REG PIN X 3"API REG BOX 12532 2 7/8"IF BOX X 4%"API REG BOX 12533 HQ BOX X 34"BLANK 12534 SUB -2 7/8"IF BOX X 2 7/8"IF PIN X 4 FT 12535 SUB -2 7/8"IF BOX X 2 7/8"IF PIN X 15 FT 12536 SUB -2 7/8"IF BOX X 2 7/8"IF PIN X 15 FT D.P.-RENTAL FROM EXSCO 300 FT 2 7/8"IF API DRILL PIPE APA OWNED EQUIPMENT Page 3 ITEM &DESCRIPTION lfea 54%"600 CSG HEAD W/2"SIDE OUTLETS lfea 4"X 4"X 3"600 FLG'D FLOW TEE l/fea l/ea l/fea MISC.ADAPTER FLGS,STUDS,NUTS,GASKETS &API RINGS FOR WELLHEAD ASSY.. 54"CSG WIPER PLUG 2 SECTION 2 3/8"0.D.X 18'O/A LENGTH STEEL LUBRICATOR ASSY W/UNIONS 2"X 3"SWAGES (TOP &BTM),%"FPT PRESS BLEED TAPS,ADAPTER FLGS &FTGS.(Note:ASSY.IS LESS 0.092"STUFFING BOX WHICH IS PROPERTY OF RGI -RETURNED 9/83) 2 SECTION 34"X 30'O/A LENGTH STEEL RUNGED LUBRICATOR GIN POLE ASSY W/HELICOPTER LIFTING BALE,WELLHEAD MOUNTING BRACKETS,WINCH &BLOCK. DRILLING FLUID'&CEMENTING SUPPLIES&MATERIALS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY SSA HALLIBURTON SILICA FLOUR 29 SKS HALLIBURTON 20-40 FRAC SAND 38 SKS CLASS G CMT (HALLIBURTON)45 SKS BARZAN POLYMER (50#SKS)2%SKS BARITE 105 SKS Cacl2 20 SKS QUICK SEAL (LCM)20 SKS GEL (QUIK-GEL)76 SKS CLEAR MUD 5 GAL CANS 10/ea E-2 MUD 5 GAL CANS l/ea CFR -2 5 GAL CANS 8/ea HR6-L 5 GAL CANS 3/ea TORQUE TRIM 5 GAL CANS 2/ea APA OWNED EQUIPMENT Page 4 MISC.INSTRUMENTS (PRESS &TEMP) 2/ea -50/300°F BIMETAL DIAL THERMS l/ea -50/400°F BIMETAL DIAL THERMS 2/ea -0/60 psi LIQ FILLED PRESS GA l/ea -0/100 psi LIQ FILLED PRESS GA USED TUBULARS* 419'-HW CASING 500"=HQ CORE PIPE 210'-NQ CORE PIPE *.-UNFIT FOR DRILLING SERVICE USED BITS* l/fea -34"MILL TOOTH 2/ea 4 3/4"MILL TOOTH l/ea 6"MILL TOOTH l/ea -6"CARBIDE INSERT lfea -7 3/8"MILL TOOTH lfea -8%"MILL TOOTH l/fea -9 5/8"MILL TOOTH *ALL THE ABOVE BITS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION AND MAY BE RERUN. APPENDIX N REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CORRESPONDENCE AFTER COMPLETION OF OPERATIONS Appendix N-1 Letter to United States Fish and Wildlife Service September 28,1983 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 September 28,1983 Mr.Fred Zeillemaker Refuge Manager,Aleutian Islands Unit U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Box 5251 NAVSTA FPO Seattle,Washington 98791 Dear Mr.Zeillemaker: In accordance with Special Use Permit No.AI-83-27,Special Condition of Approval No.1l,please be advised that field work under this permit was completed September 20,1983.As discussed in your conversation with Dwight Carey of Republic, the well (Makushin ST-1l)drilled this year did encounter geothermal resources and has been suspended but not abandoned; thus all materials have been removed from the area of Operations except for the wellhead and a wooden structure protecting the wellhead. During the period of operations our field personnel did not report any observations of nesting birds or fox dens.A fox appeared when the helicopter first arrived and base camp construction began,but the fox was not seen around the camp again. The well,Makushin ST-l1,was drilled following the proposed drilling program to a depth of 1,949 feet.On September 2,the well was tested and produced 50,000 pounds per hour of hot water and steam.Enclosed for your information is a photograph of the well being tested.The Alaska Power Authority currently desires to test the well more extensively during the 1984 field season;such operations will be the subject of a separate Special Use Permit Application to be submitted at a later date. A brief report of the environmental work conducted during this last field season will be prepared as part of the final report of all operations which will be submitted to the Alaska Power Authority.This environmental report will be sent to you when it becomes available. o™ REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Mr.Fred Zeillemaker September 28,1983 Page Two We have appreciated your cooperation during the permitting and monitoring of this project.Please do not hesitate to callifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns.oe Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosure Appendix N-2 Well Completion Report Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 October 31,1983 Director Dvision of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Attention:Mr.Ted Bond Please find enclosed the Well Completion Report pursuant to Ll AAC 87.110 and 87.190 for Makushin ST-1 on Unalaska Island,drilled under Geothermal Drilling Permit No.83-l.We understand that there are no forms for this report yet. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions Or concerns about this report. Sincerely, Jausmna fo hichelae Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Enclosures cc:P.DeJong,APA --, WELL COMPLETION REPORT PURSUANT TO 11 AAC 87.110 AND 87.190 SUBMITTE:TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.: Well Name: Well Location: Date of Completion: Date of Report: Operator: Address: Exhibits: 83-1 Makushin ST-l Unalaska Island,Alaska . September 3,1983 October 31,1983 Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670° (213)945-3661 A.Well History (Drilling Log & Production Record) B.Depth and Method of Completion C.Lithologic Log and Core Record D.Temperature Log Inc. Timo w™M.EvansVvPagpresident inEXHIBIT A WELL HISTORY DRILLING LOG AND PRODUCTION RECORD Report Date 6/16 6/17 6/19 6/20 6/21 Activity. Drill 4-3/4"rock bit to 46'in ashy overburden and boulders. Hole at 137'by 7:00 AM (drilled .91'on 6/16.Day shift 46'-103',night shite 103'-137').Water pump repairs -5-l/2 hrs. Geology:46'-90'-Cemented "ash",mod. hard,increasing density with depth. Inclusions 1/2"-l-/2"dia.,angular to rounded. 90'-137'=Dark gray-black conglomeratic basalt(?)lel/2"-2"dia.inclusions, hard.Adequate as a casing foundation. Drilled 137'-172'in 8 hrs.Tried tc open hole to 9-1/2"with Huddy reamer,no luck.Night shift -opened 6"hole to 46' then ran 4-3/4"rock bit to 106'. Geology:137-145 -Basalt(?)as above 145-152 -Weathered diorite with cemented fractures 152-172 -Diorits with cemented fractures No new drilling (hole at 172').Cpened4-3/4"hole to 120',6"hole to 79'. Drilled 9-1/2"Role £9 43'.Now nave 9-1/2"hole to 43',6"hola to 79',4-3/4" hole to 120'and HQ (3-25/32")to 172'. T.D.172'.Opening 6"hole to 9-1/2"with hole opener.Twisted-off ac 42'on ton offirstjointofdrillciseabovedrill collars.No fishing tools on location. Orderec cut fishing tools 6/20 DM.Made up gsoor Sey overshot tcol,attampted to work over fish,not successful.Waiting on fishing tools.Received fishing tools, now attempting to recover fish at 2:00 2M 6/21/83. -Cg ee gy ve weer cat Ath hk cd th ee eee 10 ll 12 13 14 LS 6/22 -6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 (6/27 6/28 6/29 6/390 Recovered fish.Running magnet to pick Gebris in hole.Plan 20 SX squeeze job 50'to stablize hole and slow water in- flow.Rock bit arrived with wrong size pin.New subs ordered.Plan to be ream- ing by night shift 6/22.oCi6Pumped 20 sk cement plug @ 46'to stablize hole &shut off water inflow.W.0.C.oe until 7:00 AM 6/23.Found top of cement @36'.Drlg.out cement w/6"TCI bit.Will *epen hole to 6"to 172'T.D. Continued orening hole to 161'with 6"TCI bit.Now waiting on delivery of 7-5/8" bit and crossover subs. Opened 6"hole to 162'with 7-3/8"bit. Attempted to run Huddy 9-1/2"hole osener with 4-3/4"pilot bit N.G.Ran 9-5/8" rock bit and opened 7-3/8"hole to 9-5/8" 21/lil'. Continues opening hole to 9-5/8" 111/127'.Twisted off at 127'Leaving 9-5/8"bit,two 8"x 4'short drill collars,subs,and one jt BQ core pipe in hole.Top of fish at 105'.Will run impression block this AM. Fabricated IB and ran to top of fish, impression inconclusive.Ran tapered taponEQdrillrods,engaged fish,and attempted to rotate;parted EQ reds .leaving tap and 1 jt HQ in hole.Tod offish#2 at 84'.Waiting on releasing overshot and jars. Waiting en arrival of fishing tools. Standby on weather,also waiting onfishingtools(jars)from Anchorage.Received fishing tocls from Midway (California). 17 18 13 (20 21 22 23 24 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 "ed Ran Midway overshot with 6"0.D.milling shoe and jars.Engaged tsp of fish at 84' and attempted to jar loose.Unable to work fish free.POH to inspect tools. Reran overshot,tools worked down beside fish,unable to get over fish.POH. Fabricated 8"I.D.skirt and ran in hole with overshot and jars.Engaged and jarred on fish.Tworfoot section of HQ core pipe at top of fish parted and was --:: recovered.Reran overshot,grapples worn, would not hold.Ran tapered tap with jars,engaged fish,unable to jar loose. POH.Will skid rig. Moving rig +20'west to location ST-lA. Complete moving rig -total time for move 30-1/2 hours.Spud ST-1LA at 9:30 PM 7/2. Drilled to 55'with 3-1/2"rock bit. Coring HQ hole at 75'at 7:00 AM. Corea HQ hole 75/172'.Opened HQ Role to 4-3/4"surf/172'.Prep.open hole to 6" at 7:00 AM. "Opened 4-3/4"hole to 6"surt/172'. Attempted to open 6"hole to 7-3/8",N.G.due to high torque.Waiting on 2-7/8" drill pipe -scheduled arrival 7/6. Reran 7-3/8"rock bit on HQ core pipe. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"surface/6é5'. Encountered severe torquing.FOH to await arrival of 2-7/8"arill pipe due this AM. Ran 7-3/8"rock bit on 2-7/8"drill pipe. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"from 65'to 139'. Opened 6"hole to 7-3/8"139/162'.Ran B-1/2"cock bit on 2-7/8"Grill pise. Opened 7-3/8"to 8-1/2"hole from surtace to 162'.Prep.open hole to 9-1/2". W.O.tools to run 9-1/2"bit.Tools arrived at 1330 hours.Picked up 9-1/2" Budde imprecnated diamond hole osener anc OH to 20'.POH and ran new 9-5/8"Varel Ve2 rock bit.OCH to 55',senetzration rate slow (necessary co drill with low weicht on bit to avoid excessive torque).PCH and reran 9-1/2"Budde with 8-5/8" Stabilizer.OH 1'to 56',senetraticn very slow.FCH and reran 9-5/3"V-2 oi.Opened hole to 108'. aeaee ees oe rw nee ony or o -en geet eet -ee nF esata suaercata 25 26 °.27 28 29 .30 31 32 33 34 7/10 7/1lL .T/1L2 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 Continued cpening 8-1/2"nole to 9-5/8" hole from 108'to 162'.Circulated nole Clean,made wiper run,POK and ran 160'of 7"csg.Last 10'ran tight.Camented csg.w/58 cu.Ft.class G cement,good returns to surface.W.0.C. RIE and tagged cement at 112'.Presently drilling out cement @ 150'. Ran 5-1/2"liner inside 7"¢csg. Installec: BOPE.Prep.press.test ¢csg.and BOPE. Tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK.Casing testec for approximately 30 minutes at 800 psi because of small leak in surface water system.Test OK.ARIH with 4-3/4 bit.CO to 172'.BOH.RIH with HQ ana cored. 172/212'.Rods whipping and vibrating severely. Plan to run HW liner inside 5-1/2".ARDI will ship 230'of HW ASAD>. Waiting on HW casing. EW casing arrived 7/14 PM.Ran HW and set ._.. at 180'.Cored HQ 212/268'.Vibration problem solved.Drilling in altered diorite with quartz vugs,some voids. Core warm to touch.Plan to hoist EW éand circulate every time bit is changed to keep it loose and removable. Cored 268/492'.Rock highly altered. Cored 492/627'. Cored 627'/670',bit Gropped a Eoot to 671',lost circulation completely,cored blind t9 672'.Pulled up 40'off sottom. Shut in well.Pressure buils up to 52 'psig at wellhead.Prep.tlow test. Killed well and sulled HQ crill pise up above Master Valve.Rigged up 40°flow Line with pressure and temperature gauges.Wellhead pressure 52 psig. Openec well and flowed steam anc condensate 5 hrs.Flow pressure +13psig.Temperature at wellhead 210°9F,temperature at end of flow Line 2089°F. Roman Motvka of DGGS collected several cas Samples.Estimated flow rate irom condensate at 150 ¢gal.-steam/hr.(aporeox. 1200 lss./ner.).Shutein well after test. 36 37 38 39 40 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 Well shut in during night of 7/19.Pres- Sures built to 109 psi at 12 midnight then down to 78 psi by 8 AM.Minor steam leak around 7"casing at +87 psi.Leak stopswhenpressuredropsto+75 psi uponepeningwell.Wellhead temperature immecdiately after opening was 255°F, dropping quickly and stabilizing at 210°F (flowing). RGI and DGGS collected gas samples while well flowed at WHP of 16 psig and WHT of 209°F.Measured BHT of 310°F with max reading thermometer following flow test. Wellhead pressure builds to 85-90 psig one hour after shut in.Killed well from Surface with water.RIH.Spotted two LCM pills.Attempt to fill hole with water, fluid standing ¢@ +100'from surface.Prep.to core approximately 10'and cement LC zone. Cored blind 672/680'.Core cold on recovery.With HQ hanging @ 670',pumped 1,000 gals.cold water then 10 cu.Et. cement to seal off LC zone at 670°. Pulled &Q reds up to 650'.Cament flash-set with top of cement at 548'in EQ rods. Moved four bundles NQ rod to drill site, changed BOPE rams from HQ tc NQ.Ran temp.survey.Showed cool zone between 490'and 520'.Ran NQ,tagged cement to 556'inside HQ rods.Cored cement to 651' (pot.of HQ at 650')=-95'in 6 hours. POH,LD NQ jarred on EQ +30 min.Nomovement.Rig down jars.Prep.to ream over HQ with EW. Ran temp.surv.7/23 noon (46 hrs.aster cementing),same results above 550'. Temp.at 575'greater than 300°F (150°C)indicating the hole was never cooled between 500'and 670'.Received 94'of BW on Reeves at 1:00 PM.Pulled Sw liner,removed welded tass.RIE with Ew and 4.62"OD diamend impregnated casing space.Reamed over HQ to 252'By 7/24 AM. Ran max.thermometers -BET at 651'- 2569F (coolar than at 575'). Reamed 252/270'.Standing by for delivery of additional HW.Max.thermometer temp. at bottom of EQ (651')is 325°9F. 4l 43 44 hoan47 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 Transported co drill site 50'of rethreaded HW casing from Dutch Harbor machine shop.RIH.Reamed HW hole 270'/280',PCH.Transported 120'of additional HW casing to drill site.RI with new diamond impregnated HW casing shoe and EW rods.Reamed +6".POH.Casing shoe wear indicated metal in hole, possibly fragments from prior shoes.Puil BOPE and flow tee.Replaced flange gaskets and reassembled drilling well- head.Ran into hole with new impregnated EW casing shoe and HW casing,reamed 280/283,PCH.Casing shoe again showed wear from junk.RIH with third new casing shoe,reamed 283/286',unable to drill or Sidetrack junk with impregnated shoes. Ordering additional HW casing and surface set HW casing shoes. Pressure tested BOPE to 1000 psi.OK. RIH with EW to 285',spotted 1 cu.£t. cement to encase junk.CIB at Ll PM.POE, WOC 12 hours.RIE with new impregnated casing shoe.Tagged cement at 262'._Reamed 262/287'.Drilling slowly on junk to 288'.No further progress.ECE. Waiting on arrival of surface set casing shoe bits. Three surface-set EW casing shoes arrived.RIH with surface set EW shoe to 286"(2'above shoulder),reverse circulated water at high annular velocity for 30 min.No metal brought up.Lowered EW to shoulder at 288'and reverse circulated a viscous mud pill.No metal returns noted on screen.Set down on shoulder and rotated for 2 hrs.Bringing up metal shavings.Reamec 288/322 (34 £t./8.5 ars). Reamed over EQ with EW and surface-set shoe from 322'/420'.No more junk observed in cuttings. Continued reaminc EW 420/483'.Svézraulic pump on rig overheating.CH. Disassembled hydraulic pump.Shut down waiting on arrival of new pump. Waiting on hydzaulic pump. 48 49 50 51 32 53 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 38/7 Monday 8/1: Status of well:4.62"nole reamed over HQ core pipe to 480'.Waiting for arrival of rig hydraulic system repair parts.No incoming flights on 8/1 due to weather. Received hydraulic pump afternoon of 8/2. Installed and resumed reaming dW hole a (4.62"diameter)over HQ core pipe (3.5"- outside diameter)at 4:00 PM.Reamed : 480/540',60'/15 hrs.POH to chance reaming shee.RIH w/surface set HW reaming shoe #3 at 7:00 AM 8/3. Reamed 540/550'.HW string parted at 292°.POH.RI again w/EW to 292'and. circulated.Ran maximum recording thermometer to 292'(207°F)and 550' (355°F).No circulation indicated below 292'.Preparing to POH with upper 292'of EW and core ahead with NX cods. Circulated HW from 292'.FOH and laid down HW surf/292'.Changed BOP rams to NX size and pressure tested to 1000 psi. OK.Activated and checked 89S warningsystem.OK.Picked up and RIH w/NX drill rods and coring tools.Found top of cmt. @656'.Cored cement 656/577'.Cored new formation 677/744'=67'/7-1/2 hours.NX rods twisted off at 714'.BOK.RI with tapered tap,unable to engage fish.50H. Ran overshot and retrieved W/L inner core barrel.RIA w/tapered tap,engaged fish, POH and recovered fish (30'overall - including corehead,outer barrel and 20' NX rod).Ran max.recording thermemeters to bottom (744')-results inconclusive. RIE w/NX coring tcols @ 7:00 AM. RIE w/NX coring equipment.Cored 744/743' -severe vibration in drill string.3?OE checked NX rods,laid down 4 joints,RI. Increased mud viscosity w/addition of gel, vibration reduced.Cored 749/816' w/75-80%returns.Ran directional survey @749',no results,film did not develos. Will rerun on next Sit change.fFlowline temps.@ 800':Mud temps:In -55°F,Out -75°F.Coring ahead @ 816'@ 7:00 AM. Cored 816/1006'in diorite w/60%lost circulation.Mixing mud @ 7:00 AM. 8/8 Pumped in viscous mud pill,regained +50%circulation.Cored ahead 1006/1056'. Lost all returns.Unable to regain circulation or fill hole with mud.POE. Pumped 6 cu.ft.cement down EQ and displaced w/5 cu.ft.water.WOC 4 Ars. RIE.Tagged top cement @ +850'. 8/9 Drilled soft to medium hard cement 850/950'with good mud returns.POH.RIH w/open-ended NX to 600°..Circ.cold water for 2 hrs.Pumped 3-1/2 cu.Et.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/19 cu. ft.water.WOC for 7 hrs.RIS w/NX and tagged top cement at 650'.Cooled nole for 2 hrs.With NX at 600'pumped 2-1/2 cu.£t.Class G cement w/0.6%HR6L and displaced w/l19 cu.ft.water.POH. Nipple down BOP and wellhead ecuipment. Pulled and laid down 5-1/2"casing. Waiting on arrival of HQ cementing tool. 8/10 HQ cementing tool arrived 8/9.Made up Longyear HQ mechanical cutter and ran on NX rods.Attempted cut @ 287'=-N.G., dulled cutter blades.FOH.Replaced blades and RIS for second attempt -N.G. ordered additional replacement blaces for Longyear cutter and sending cackup Midway cutter from Long Beacn. 8/11 Waiting for arrival of new pipe cuttingBladesbeingshippedbyLongyearfromSaltLakeCityandMinneapolis. 8/12 New Longyear HQ cutters arrivecé 8/ll.935CEwith292'EW casing and shoe.RIS with NX rods anc #Q cutter.Cut HQ rods at 235'. Pulled NX rods and HQ cutter.Pulled HQredsabovecut(top of #Q stub @ 285'). Made up Midway overshot packoff cementer on #Q rods &RIH.Worked over tco of EQstub,seated cementing tool &circulated to cool hole.Pumped 45 cu.ft.Class G cement w/40%silica flour,0.753 CFR-2 ¢ Q.3%ER6GL thru ports @ 285'&displacedw/l2-1l/2 cu.ft.water;good cement returns co surface.Cement in place 2 5:00 PM 8/11.WCC. 59 60 61 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 WOC until 7:00 PM 8/12.Cut off 7"ecsg. head and HQ csg.+30"below ground level.Weld on 7"csg.£flg.and NX bit guide on EQ csg.Install 30"expansion spool and nipple up remainder of wellhead (i.e., master valve,flow tee,BOP and stripper head).RIH with NX,tagged top of cmt.at 216'and CO to 246'-cmt.still green.-.. POH.Prep.press.test wellhead and ¢csg. at 7:00 AM.. Press.test wellhead and BOP to 1000 ssi. OK.CO cmt.246/280'.Press.test HQ csg.to 1000 psi for 30 min.OK.CO cmt. 280/285'and drilled baffle at 285'.RIB to top of cmt.plug at 580'and press HQ ecsg.to 1200 psi with no leaks.CO remainder cmt.in HQ to shoe at 650'and- RIH to top of cmt.plug in OH at 950°.CO to 970°.Ran dual max.rec.therm.to 965'-both read 360°F.CO to bottom at 1056'.POH to repair core barrel and chg.. bit.RIH and mix mud.Cored NX hole 1056/1116'with 90%returns.Coring at 7:00 AM. Cored NX hole 1116/1210'with mud.Cores indicated fractures at 1124'and 1146'. Minor lost circulation noted in interval 1116/1170'.Mud temps:In -140°F,Cut - 160°F (no water being added).Below 1186' adding water to ccol mud -tamp:In - 50°F,Out -LLO°F,hole getting tight. POH to change bit.RIE,hole tight from 1000'-washed Gown to 1186!w/full Circulation,rotation difficult in first gear.POH.RI at 7:00 AM to clean out to bottom with water. RIE and wash to bottom (1210')w/water,no tight hole.Discontinued using clay base mud,circulating with polymer ("Clear-Mud")and water at 600-700 ssi pump press.Cored NX 1210/1226'.Temps. at 1226's:In -120°F,Out -150°F. Changed over to clear water and cored 1226/1232'-severe vibration,return to polymer system.Corad 1232/1296',massive Giorite,no fractures,100%returns. Temps.at 1290':In =160°F,Out -180°F. Coring at 1296'at 7:00 AM. 63 8/17 Continue coring NX hole 1296/1406'in 'massive dicrite.Ese.20-25%lost circ. below 1350'. Temps.at 1300':In -156°F Out -172°F 1386':In -150°F Out -175°F Coring at 1406'at 7:00 AM. 64 8/18 Cored NX nole 1406/1476'.Cooled hole w/water &POH. Ran survey tool -directional shots:720°<-3/4°S20W : 1050'=1°N45E - 1425'-2-1/4°N7SE ot Ran max.recording thermometers,temp.@ 1425'- 390°F (5 hrs.after circ.).RIH.Cored 1476/1546',+10%lost circulation.Flowlinetemp.@ +1500';In <=140°FOut-160°F. Coring at 1546'at 7:00 AM. 65 8/19 Cored NX hole 1546/1596'.Twisted off at 650' (belled joint).POH.RIH with tapered tap, engaged fish,pulled up 20'and lest fish. Reencaged fish and PCH.RIS with new NX bit, mixed mud and cored ahead 1596/1646'. Flowline temps:In -140°F Out -160°F Coring at 1646'at 7:00 AM. 66 8/20 Cored NX hole 1646/1796'in massive diorite. Plowline temp:In -+140°FOut=+160°FCoringat1796'at 7:00 AM. 67 8/21 Cored NX hole 1796/1906'in massive diorits.30H for bit change.Cleaned mud pits and mixed mued. Running in hole at 7:00 AM. 68 3/22 RIS and displaced water in hole w/mud.Cored NX hole 1906/1916'.100%lost circulation at 1916'.Pumped cold water through drill seri for 30 min.Pulled up 60'to 1866',Dumping water Gown annulus,nole fillec.Ran pack to bottom and cored 1916/1924',again lost circulation.Cored anead blind 1924/1926',well on vacuum. nS cole 69 70 _8/23 8/24 ttempt to recover core from 1926',N.G., wireline parted 100'above barrel.PCH while pumping cold water down annulus.Recover parted wireline and core.RIH w/open ended NX to 620', close pipe rams,install 2"flow tee and valves on NX.Shut in well at 9:00 PM 8/21.Surface press.and temp.on NX at 7:00 aM,8/22:23 psi & 190°F.Prep.flow well at 7:00 AM.-- Attempted flow test through NX rods hanging @ 620':flowing press.-0 psi,flowing temp - 204°F,rate too small to measure,no increase in rate observed. Killed well with 670 gal.(90 cu.ft.)of cold water,POH.SI well by closing master valve at10:15 AM.Removed stripper head and installedswabgate.Snutein wellhead pressures: 3:00 PM (8/22)-15 psig 6:00 PM -27 psis 73:00 AM (8/23)-38 psig Will attempt to flow well through EQ csg. Left well SI until 9:15 PM 8/23.Final wellhead shut in pressure:42 psic. Began flowing well through EQ csg.@ 9:15 PM Produced dirty water immediately at 10 psig ane 206°F at wellhead.Cl (Quantab)=625 ppm at 2200.By 11:00 PM flowing pressure decreased ts 3 psig with alternating steam and water produced.3 gpm (water);steam rate not measurable. 11:00 PM (8/23)Si well.Wellhead build-up pressures as follows: After l min.WHP =16 psig2min.WEP =17.5 psig3min.WHP =20 psig 4 min.WHP =22.5 psig 5 min.WHP =25 psig 6 min.WHP =28 psig 7 min.WHP =29.5 psig 8/24 6:15 AM =32 psig.Osened well for aéGditional flow tests. 71 8/25 8/26 Wellhead flowing sressures as follows: After 1 min.flowing pressure =0 psig 2 min.flowing pressure =4 psig 3 min.flowing pressure =4 psig 6 min.flowing pressure =6.5 psig 10 min.flowing pressure =3 psig 13 min.flowing pressure =1 psig WHP stayed at l psig for five minutes with minor steam flow. 18 min.flowing pressure =0 psig (w/steam) 20 min.flowing sressure =0 psig(w/steam) Continued flowing well.8:00 AM (8/24):SI well to change wellhead thermometer position. 8:30 AM Reopened well -WHT =209°F (flowing).Well cycled dry steam and water (at +4 gpm). OQ psig flow pressure until 1:30 PM.Killed well with cold water,removed swab gate andreinstalledstripverhead. Water samples collected from 8/24 flow tests analyzed as follows:7000 ppm Cl,180 pom Si04 and silica with quartz-geothnermometer temperature 415°F. RIS with open ended NX core pipe to 600'.Mixed and pumped 60 cu.£t.LCM pill and displaced with 60 cu.ft.mud and 15 cu.ft.water.POH and let stand for 2 hrs.ARIH with osen ended NX to 600',filled hole and circulated water for 30 min.(full circulation).Staged from 600'to 1916'circulating for +20 min.every 100'withnolossofciruclation.FOH,made up NX coring assembly.RIH @ 7:00 AM RIE to 1916'.Cored 10'baked LCM,lost all returns.Cored 20'blind to 1946'.While coring blind @ 1946',3'void encountered andGrillstringdroppedfreeto1949'.PCE while pumping cold water down annulus.Shut in well ¢ 2:40 PM (8/25) SI wellhead pressures as follows: 2:40 PM (8/25)0 psig 4330 2M 3 psig5:00 2M 3 psig 7:00 PM S psig11:00 PM 9 psig 6:30 AM (8/26)23 psis Prep.flow test well. 73 74 38/27 8/28 4:00 7340 AM PM PM Well SI,WHP =23 ssig. Opened well.Flowed intermittent heads of +10 gals.muddy water at5-6 min.intervals for approx.l hour,then died.Surface temp. 206°F. SI well.WHP at 2:00 2M =25 psig. Opened well.Flowed steam &-water in 6-8 min.heads.Died in l hour. WHT =208°F.Ran max.recording thermometer on sand line.Temp.at 680°=315°F.Made two runs to 1949'w/readings of 388°F and 395°. SI well.Installed nitrogen hoses on expansion joint wing valves. Unable to fly in nitrogen due to fog.SI WHP at 7:30 PM =23.5 psig, @7:00 AM (8/27)=33.5 psig.Prep. attempt flow test while waiting on nitrogen. Opened well for short.flow test.Flowed steam and water in heads for 1 minute then a strong water flow for 3 hour test e Flow Test Results: Time 7343 7345 7348 7355 8:10 8330 8:55 9:10 9:25 9:55 10:20 10;30 10:40 WH Flowing Pressure (psic)Temp.(°F) AM (8/27)12 230 13 230 16 235 138.5 240 18.5 242 13 245 19.5 245 19.5 245 20 247 19.5 247 19.5 248 20 250 20 250 10:40 Si well 75 76 8/29 8/30 8/31 Time WH SI DBressure (vssiac) 10:44 AM 48 10:47 55 10:49 61 10:57 58 11:09 55 -- 11:40 50 4:30 PM 52.5 8:00 55 Well still STI Time WHR (vsic) 8:45 AM.(8/28)71 : 9:45 72 1:45 PM 73 7:45 79 7:00 AM (8/29)89 Flow line test equipment and lubricator flown to site.Installed flow line, valves,and bypass.ee Continued to rig up and modify test equipment.Rig up lubricator;spool .092" wireline onto survey hoist and position hoist. Shut in wellhead pressures: 8/29 3:00 PM 92 psi 8/30 9:00 AM 102 psi Continued rigging up flow line and metering system for procuction test. Pabricated support for wireline deoth measuring mead and installed on wireline hoist.Preparing to run static tamp. survey. SI WH?'s: Date Time Psia 8/30 12:00 NCCN 103 4:00 DM 104 6:00 PM 105 8/31 7:00 AM 103 9/1 Completed rigging up for static press.and temp.survey.Ran survey to bottom at 1,950'(W/L measured depth).WHP bled off slowly through wireline packoff during Survey.Survey completed at 6:00 PM;WHP =79 psig.Press.survey indicates fluid level at 900'.Max.temp.measured =-- 377°F at 1,950'.Press.at 1,950'= 473 psig. SI WHP's:8&2 psig at 5:00 BM (8/31) 83 psig at 83:00 AM (9/1) Preparing to rerun SI press.and temp. survey and flow test well.- 9/2 Ran static press.and temp.survey from ; 7 AM to 1 PM.Measured 493 psig,366°F at 1949';471 psig at 1900'. Opened well and began flow test at 2:40 PM.Flow rate stabilized quickly at > approx.50,000 lb./hr.with 36 psig and 280°F at wellhead.Ran press.and temp. Survey with well flwg.Measured 467 psig at 1900".Max.recorded temp.365°F. Preliminary TDS approx.6800 ppm,with approx.4400 ppm chloride.HS andnoncondensablegascontentlow. Preparing to run second drawdown survey. 9/3 RIH for flowing 1 hr.P-T survey while producing through 3"James tube and 2.6" orifice plate.With recorders hanging 8 1900',flwg.csg.press.=36 psi,temp.= 280°F.Reduced flow by changing James tube to 2"and orifice size to 1.75"@ 12:25 PM.Rate stabilized after +5 min.Csg.press.=52 psi,temp.=300°F. Preliminary flow rate calc.+32,700#/hr.Conducted 2 hr.reduced rate flow test with instruments @ 1900'.POH @ 2:40 PM. Continued flowing well. Flowing wellhead readings 2 7:00 AM 9/3: Prep.run flowing gradient and press build-up surveys. RIH w/press.and temp.recorders for flowing grad.survey w/2"James tube and 1.75"orifice,csg.press.52 psi,temp. 300°F,calc.flow rate +32,700#/hr.Made 20 min.grad.stops @ 1200',1500'and hung @ 1900'for 1 hr.POH making stops & 1500'and 1200'.RIH w/press.and temp. recorders to 1900'.Continued flowing for lhr.,shut-in well @ 3:45 PM with - recorders hanging @ 1900'. At 7:00 AM:Well shut-in with recorders at 1900'. Csg.press.and temp.rdgs.after shut-in (summary): Hrs.Temp.Press Time After SI (°F)(psig)- 3:45 PM (9/3)0 300 52 3:50 205 300 70 3:55 :10 300 74 4:00 215 300 74 4:05 2:20 300 73 43:10 225 300 72 - 4:50 1:05 300 67 5:05 1:20 300 67 5:30 1:45 300 65 5:35 1:50 295 65 5:50 2:05 282 65 8:00 4:15 174 65 11:00 7:15 79 70 7:00 AM (9/4)15:15 Amb.70 Continued press.build-up survey with recorders hanging @ 1900'.Pulled instruments @ 3:00 PM.Summary of pressure build-up survey: Press Press Press 24 hrs. Recorder Before SI After SI #1 470 psig 470 psig #2 460.9 psig 461.9 psig Well continued shut-in @ 7:00 AM.Prep. run static temp.and oress.profiles. 83 84 85 86 87 38 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10_ 9/11 Csg.press.and temp.rdgs.after SI 4 3:45 PM 9/3: Hrs.Temp.Press.Time After SI (°F)(psig) 73:00 AM (9/4)15:15 Amb.70 1:00 PM 21:15 Amb.80 . 3:00 23:15 Amb.85 6:00 26:15 Amb.85 7:00 AM (9/5)39:15 Amb.92 Ran static temp.-press.profiles (3 recorders:2 temp.,1 press.).Began survey 8:30 AM,completed 5:00 PM.Final SI press.after static survey =90 psi @ 5:00 PM.Opened well to flow for film crew @ 5:00 PM for 1-1/2 hrs.Flowed through 3"James tube and no orifice until 6:30 PM,csg.press.32 psi,temp.272°F. SI @ 6:30 PM.Prep.begin demobing camp to Dutch Harbor and conclude filming Operations. Csg.press.@ 7:00 AM 9/6 (12-1/2 hrs. after SI):75 psig. Dismantle on-site camp equipment and supplies,sling to Dutch Harbor.Complete APA filming operations.Transport Dutch Harbor and Unalaska local officials to Site for one hour flow demonstration. Opn.@ 7:00 AM =Continue camp demob. Unable to sling on 9/7 -weather. Continued to dismantle camp.Prep.modify wellhead and flow line equipment for suspended status. Slinging camp equipment from site to Dutch Harbor. Continued slinging camp equipment from site to Dutch Harbor.Disassemble flow line for modification of wellhead to "suspended well"configuration. Helicopter down for repairs. Waiting on helicopter repair parts. 89 9/12 Helicopter repair parts arrived 9/11 AM; installed.Prep.continue wellhead and flow line modification and slinging Operations. 90 9/13 Work on wellhead and flow line modification.Sling NX core pipe,pumps, ;wireline hoist and remainder of camp mo equipment to Aleut Corp.warehouse. Note:Shut-in csg.press.9/12 -110 psi (approx.144 hrs after SI). 91 9/14 Dismantle rig at drill site and begin Slinging out major components (mast,engine,drilling head).- Continuing to sling out drilling equipment and transfer materials already in Dutch Harbor to Aleut Corp.storage area. 92 9/15 Completed slinging drilling rig from wellsite (i.e.,draw works,skid,etc.). Approx.six sling loads misc.equipment and mtls.remain at site.Prep.complete :wellhead-flow line modification and install kill line. 93 9/16 Continue slinging equipment from drill site to Dutch Harbor.Completed wellhead and flow line modification,checked for leaks --OK.Flowed well for one hour. SICP prior to flowing -125 psi (approx. 216 hrs after SI). Flowing press.through 3"James tube - 32-33 psi w/temp.increasing to 200'°F. Cleaning up location. 94-96 9/17-9/19 Rig down and move equipment to Aleut Corp. warehouse.Load out Sea Land van with rental equipment (i.e.portable fuel tanks,BOP,API drillpipe,nitrogen bottles,etc.)for Anchorage. Conducted flow demonstration for four Alaska state legislators on 9/18.Prep. to abandon Glacier Valley thermal gradient hole (#I-1). 97-98 99 9/20-9/21 9/22 Completed cleanup of ST-1 drill site area.Installed needle valve and 1/4" tubing for casing bleed line.Permanently abandoned Glacier Valley thermal gradient hole #I-l with 10'surface cement plug, cut off tubing stub and welded closed, covered with soil. All Republic and Arctic Resources Drlg. personnel left Dutch Harbor 9/21. Arrangements made for periodic inspection of ST-1 throughout winter. BLIC GHOTHERMAL,INC. on bgtTimoth{.EvansVi@Hresident EXHIBIT B MAKUSHIN ST-1 SCHEMATIC WELL COMPLETION DRAWING (ALL DEPTHS REFER TO RIG FLOOR £10'ABOVE GROUND LINE) (_master VALVE \. S/S (master VALVE _PRESSURE &TEMP C : MONITORING GAUGES a EXPANSION SPOOLan2”KILL LINE PRESSURE BLEED LINE fen sae eS omen a 9-1/2”HOLE me 7-23 Ib K-55 CASING. 5 CEMENTED TO SURFACE 162)ad |fh _ "4 a rl -HO CORE PIPE é|&3-1/2”O.D.,3-1/6”L.D. ee]CEMENTED TO SURFACE 4.62”HOLE oe ° o-| BE ----283',CEMENTING PORTSrd285',HQ PACK-OFF CEMENTER HW CASING 4-1/2”0.D.,4”I.D. 550'___ | "raf HQ CORE PIPE3.78”HOLE wl TS CEMENTED 650/550' 650'___[aFatt 1)677°_/__ 2.98”HOLE ROX £1470 1949'T.D. DEPTH(FEET)SPUD DATE:6/16/83 COMPLETION DATE:9/6/83 LOCATION:_N1,180,149.3_£4,971,889.5 ELEVATION:1,183 FEET LITHOLOGY DESCRIPTION ALTERATION AND MINERALIZATION TUBEActon |REWORKED FINE-COARSE GRAINED TURE WITH VOLCANIC CONGLOMERATE LENSES.CONGLOMERATE POORLY CONSOLIOA TED.ORANGE BROWN. aneen CLAY,CALCITE Vetnes.wre aaGRAV.OK GRAY.POORLY SONTED WITH BLOCKS.COESLES ANO PEBSLES OF °LAMAR ANOESITE AND OLORITE IN VERY FING GASEN-GRAY MATRIX.Frerent CbAY.LOCALLY minoR " MINOR PYRITE AND CALCITE SONG Pca CRAY.HIGHLY ALTERED TO KAOLINITE AND MONTMOMILLONITE.HIGHLY LOCAL PYRITE accuM,3. 200 Ca eee FRACTURED BOTW HORIZONTALLY ANO VERTICALLY.COMMON WHITE AND MARCASBITE?z ap me ie %,GAEEN CLAYS OCCASIONAL VUGS wiTh TEAMINATEO QUARTZ CAYSTALS.ABUNOANT PYRITE 231-29",®Bo fol [ome BELOW 73¥LESS FRACTURED.LESS CLAY AND ALTERATION.FINE-GAAINED : je oeee OlORITE OIORITE WITH LOCAL 47-7"VEINS AT VARIOUS ANGLES.PYRITE LOCALLY ANDO LESS AGUND.aaeeoee300.°.o °°*2 5 GRAY SIOAITE.MASSIVE AS ABOVE,FRACTURES EVERY FOOT,PRECOM,NO CLAY,OISSEM.PYRITE.QUARTZ Qasr46-78°TO CORE AXIS.AT 335-41 SEVERAL S”LONG MAFIC XENOLITHS.ANDO ANHYO.IN VEINS ANG VUGS uc VEINS EVERY 2 FT.,LOCAL MAGNETITE RICH BLESS,SOME TZ”XENOLITHS,COMMON CALCITE. aacORNITE. LT GRAY WITH AQUNDANT MICROVEINS.FR ES EVERY FY,°.400 ACTURES QORNITE.oa ce °FIRST ©SORMITE 2APLESSFRACTURESTHANABOVE,FRACTURES EVERY 2 PT.1°CLAY ZONE AT s- 500 448.AT 479.5 MAGNETITE AICH ZONE WITH A,5,PIN ORECCIAR-CIKE TEXTURE. OrORITE GRAY-OK GRAY,ALTEREO WITH VEINE.VUGS ANO FRACTURES EVERY 2 FT,&COMMON LOCALLY,CHALCOFVAITE £°.a PREDOM,HIGH ANGLE.MAGNETITE RICH ZONE AT $22.5.PRESENT.ae 600 MECIUM-OX GRAV LOCALLY.PARTIALLY CHLORITIZED.MORE THAN ABOVE AS ABOVE.WITH BRECTIA AT 622-24",%7 APLITIC ONCE AT 644",OK GRAY MEDIUM aaaiuuic AUT.AT 642-670 AT STEAM aaa°GRAINED WITH MINOR CHLORITIZATION.ABUNDANT VEINS AND FRACTURES,ENTRY ZONE.°a.87900"STEAM ENTRY AT 677'-2000 LES/WA.AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE.co es Co ANO Q VEINS.®ANO €LOCALLY c.fCIORITELiGery.e ors Gneenisy GRAY,FING-MEDIUM GRAINED.PROPYLITIZED WITH MINOR |4NO IN GROUNOMASS,rae FRACTURES FROM 45-90%,ROCK DENSE AND WAAD,FRACTURES LESS COMMON,800 ee ee al NE DIUM-COARSE GRAIN,OLD SAECCIA 752-61,2 EPTSOOES OF VEIN FILLING PRESENT act ee ef ©©We $0006 VEING.r) ee ee a io eo°.:°°MORE MECIUM CAAINED GUT VARIES FROM FINE-COARSE,GENERALLY MASSIVE,FRACTUAES ANO VUGS WITH Gs,Ca,a,9300 {Para MONOTONOUS WITH OCCASIONAL THIN VEINS OR FRACTUMES EVERY 2-2 FT.QUARTE,A,Fimg CISSEM.P.aeloltVirusBINEGRAINED.LIGHT GAAVY-GREEN OtM ES CUT COME AT 879°4NO 882.5". ™INC AGASED VEINING ANO YOUNG DEVELOPING FRACTURES 896-050".oe ec @ a oe cd cdecoecee a °ce. o e ...a 1,000---_--APMANITICOIORITE DIKES AT 94°,1008.57,1012.5"are 1017 MARKED LACK OF Fae "oee ae ie ¢@ @ @ HORIoeeeoroRITe TA.£0,ep ee eee a es Ce1y10MEIDUM-OK GRAYVISH GREEN,MASSIVE AS ABOVE,MECIUMCOARSE GAAINEO,A aa FEW THIN VEINLETS INCREASE IN CHLORITE AS COAASE CRYSTA VERY FING OISSEM.9.°.Ca @VERYOAKGREEN,APHANITIC XENOLITHS 1057-59".1066-67",1095-ee.1009.5-1 100°.MAJOR VEINS OF Ca,0,C1CMLORITEDECREASEXENOLITH1100-1107 VERY OK GREEN APHANTIC,4°OIKE 123-29"oa OF CIORITE PORPHYRY AT 1111.5 DIRE OF XENOLITH PORPMYAY 1129.5-34.THIeCALCITE.SILICA VEINS SCATTERED THAOUGHOUT.O1KES OM KENOLITHS 1197.94.TR,PYRITE.co. 1194-96,MASSIVE DIOMITE WIT FEW VEINS.FINE GRAINED.LIGHT GRAY OIKE AT PYRITE OISSEM.°.6 ° T2OF CHLOAITE MORE COMMON,COARSE GAAINED DIORITE.SEVERAL LIGHT . COLOAMED DIKES.VEINLETS WITH CROSS-CUTTING RELATIONSHIPS,@ WITH O1KE.Cr ALONG CONTACT OF »€0.0MASSIVE,MEDIUM-COARSE GAAINED OIOAITE AS ABOVE,VERY UNIFORM,OK GRAVISHE OIKE ANDO QIORITE.ate GREEN,(CORE VERY HOT TO TOUCH.)a CeO1,300 Pewee.VEINS ANO FRACTURES 1-3 PER 10 FT.MARKED OECREASE OVER SEVERAL UCITE VEINLETS.VERY TH'°OIORITE HUNORED FT.ca Lets.0.Ce A PEW Co VEINLETS.ce MASSIVE.MEDIUM-COARSE GAAIN,LOSING 25%OF CIRCULATION BETWEEN 1.350">TO 1478 1,400 FOUR FRACTURES ANO VEINS.HIGH ANGLE MASSIVE,WEDIUM-COARSE GAAINED.CINNAGAA?RARE TR.'MEDIUM-OK GRAY GREEN,SEVERAL SUBVERTICAL VEINS TO 1480".Pi oea FEWER VEINS BELOW 1450.SIDMITE 45 ABOVE.VEINLETS VERY THIN.ooROCKVERYUNIFORMASABOVE.La]1 3500 ._ee ee SEVERAL FRACTURES FILLED WITH lL'ee ee PROPYLITIZED'CNLOMITIC DIORITE 4S ABOVE.OAILUING MUO.ce oe @ @¢@ 1-2 FRACTURES PER 10 FT. le ew ew Ge oe ee MASSIVE,UNIFORM TEXTURE AND COLOR MEDIUM-COAASE GRAINED.MEDIUM-OK CO ACTURES COATED WITHCa AND a ln ee ew DIOARITE SOME QUARTZ1,600 GAAY GALEN.ace 'po e °o .a eee ee A PEW THIN CALCITE COATED FRACTURES ANO VEINE.& lw ee oe oeceee ace Sees ace 1,700 --MARKED ABLINOANCE OF BRACTURES 1716-56. MASSIVE OCIORITE 4S A8OVE.OK GAAY GREEN CHLORiTiC,Patel on OK GAAY.FINE GRAIN DIKE GR XENOLITM 1770-74".SIECACALEITE FILLING VEINS an aw eeelewreletad aca 1,800 OK GRAV GALEN,COARSE GRAINED DIORITE.COMMON VEINS.FRACTURES One ea PO even at ee ia) 'aaa FEWER FRACTURES,VUGS WITH TERMINATED GA £0 CAYSTALS.eee ee oe bh ew 8 ee OIORITE MASSIVE.OK GRAV GREEN,MEDIUMCOARSE CRAINED.Qo.k oo ee #8 4 LOST TOTAL CIRCULATION AT 9916,REGAINED SFTER 10 MIM,SPMALERITE7IN VEIN.Pa CO a aenats ene nam MAJOR VERTICAL VEINS ANG FRACTUAES WITH QUARTZ,&.Ca Co.1,900 a han *k EPIDOTE LOST CIMCULATION AT 1920"STEAM/WATER ENTRY 70-40 LSS.S19,Ge.one oo hs TESS BIT OMOPOED 2 FT 1906-69 WHHHLE OMILCING SLING.PROBABLE LARGE a aa*K FRACTURE OR VOIO &HOT WATER ENTRY £1 OWED 50.000 LES/HA.wae TOTAL MASS FLOW FROM 1940 TOTAL DEFT ' 2,000 SAKA FRACTURE ZONES =EXHIBIT C MAKUSHIN ST-1 MAKUSHIN VOLCANO GEOTHERMAL PROSPECT UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA NOTE:GQ QUARTZ,Ca*CALCITE,E =EPIDOTE,A *ANHYORITE,P =PYRITE,K ©KAOLINITE,Cl =CLAY,C *CHLORITE,Z ©ZEOLITE,$*SULFUR,TR®TRACE,A/A=AS ABOVE KSTEAM OR WATER ENTRY EXHIBIT D STATIC TEMPERATURE PROFILE MAKUSHIN ST-1 UNALASKA ISLAND,ALASKA TEMPERATURE ELEMENT NO.10617 RUN NO.7 SEPTEMBER 5,1983 1400/-DEPTH(FEET)1600/-- 1700/;- 1800;- 1900 }- 2000 |!|l |WGI0163100 200 300 TEMPERATURE(°F) 500 Appendix N-3 - Letter from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation September 15,1983 BILL SHEFFIELD,GOVERNORSTATEUFALASKA DEPT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Telephone:(907)Address:274-2533 437 "E"Street Suite 200 CERTIFIED MAIL Anchorage,Alaska RETURN RECEIPT 99501 REQUESTED September 15,1983 Stephen Grabacki James and Moore 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Mr.Grabacki: RE:Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Permit No.8321-CA001 Upon review of the file for Republic Geothermal,I thought a follow-up report of the activities on Unalaska would be of interest to the Department.As exploratory operations are most likely winding down,more information should be available with regards to disposal methods.Please provide information on the disposal of the following items: 1)Putrescible and non-putescrible waste materials 2)Grey and black waste waters 3)Drilling mud waste 4)Geothermal fluid wastes If you do not have this information,would you please direct me to the appropriate person.Please do not feel that there are any problems or concerns with this permit;the Department felt a follow-up report would be beneficialtoeveryoneinvolved. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, :F At-;-Julie Goad C oe ahs .4 5 Environmental Engineer ANCHORAGE JG/msr oancc:Gina Kriete,ADEC,Anchorage DEP bs keyAnchorage/Western District Office ..ACTIONINFO:oO Appendix N-4 Letter to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation September 29,1983 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 September 29,1983 Ms.Julie Goad,Environmental Engineer Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 "E"Street Suite 200 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Ms.Goad: In response to your letter of September 15 to Dames and Moore,and as we discussed in our telephone conversation on September 23,by this letter we are providing you with the information you requested regarding the methods used to dis- pose of the following:putrescible and nonputrescible waste materials;grey and black waste waters;drilling mud wastes;and geothermal fluid wastes. The geothermal exploration activities which generated these wastes were covered under Solid Waste Disposal Permit No.8221-BA002 and Short-Term Water Quality Variance No.8321-CA001.The activities were conducted during the 1982 and 1983 summer field seasons for the Solid Waste Permit and during the 1983 field season for the Short-Term Water Quality Variance.The activities were located near Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island,and consisted of wastes from a temporary base camp and drilling mud wastes from three 1,500-foot tem- perature gradient holes and one 2,000-foot stratigraphic test hole. The following is specific information regarding operations which were proposed but not definitely determined at the time of the permit application.A maximum of twelve persons were housed at the temporary camp at any one time,but the number present was usually less.Putrescible and nonputrescible wastes were placed in a pit approximately five feet square anddeepenoughtoaccomodatethewastes.Refuse was placed inthepitafterenoughhadaccumulatedforefficientlayeringwithearthmaterial.The pit was located in a well-drained area of the campsite.Nonputrescible wastes were burned in the pit each time they were deposited.Occasionally,if thehelicopterwasreturningtotownwithanemptyload,thewasteswerebagged,slung by helicopter and disposed in the approved waste facility at Dutch Harbor. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Ms.Julie Goad September 29,1983 Page Two -The refuse pit was abandoned in accordance with Solid ;tee Waste Disposal Permit Condition No.7,except that the _.CeeeSdisturbedareawasnotspecificallyseededwithnative.materials.Disturbed areas from operations conducted during the first field season (i.e.temperature gradient hole sites) were revegetating naturally during the second field season where topsoil had been replaced.Topsoil from the pit was also stockpiled and replaced,and we believe the area disturbed by the refuse pit will also revegetate naturally. Grey waste water was disposed in a leach line dug by the -Camp construction company.The leach line was a.trench which was buried at the completion of operations.Black waste water was left in the pit below the portable outhouse,and the solid waste in the pit was periodically treated with lime.This pit was also buried with topsoil at the completion of operations. During the first field season,while drilling the temper- ature gradient holes,very little drilling mud was used. Geologic conditions were such that the temperature holes were cored almost continuously using water as a drilling medium. The drilling muds that were used were stored in a mud tank prior to recirculating in the hole,and were used in some instances as "cement"to set the casing and tubing during the completion of the temperature holes.The remaining mud was contained in small pits dug on site and buried in the pit at the conclusion of operations. During the second field season,one stratigraphic test hole was drilled to a depth of 1,949 feet.Although this hole was also mainly cored with water,more extensive use was made of drilling muds towards the end of the operations when temperatures increased.Both bentonite clay-based mud and a non-toxic "clear mud"(a polyacilimide/polyacrylate polymer) were used at different times to increase the viscosity of the circulating fluid to damp out vibration of the drilling string in the casing.Both muds were recirculated as much as possi- ble and then discharged when necessary.The "clear mud"was discharged to the ground from the recirculating tank in theSamemannerasthewaterwhichwasusedasadrillingfluid. The clay-based mud was discharged into a number of small,hand-dug pits,although the quantity of the clay-based mudusedeventuallyexceededthecapacityofthesepitsandsomemudendedupontheground.At the end of operations the mudcontainedinthepitswasburiedwiththestockpiledsoil. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Ms.Julie Goad September 29,1983 Page Three The stratigraphic test hole drilled in 1983 was successful --in locating a geothermal resource.The well was tested on . 'September 2 and produced approximately 50,000 pounds per hour of hot water and steam from the 3 1/2 inch hole.As approved by the Short-Term Water Quality Variance,waste geothermal fluid was discharged directly to the atmosphere and allowed to "rain out”onto the plateau.This fluid moved slowly across the plateau about 200 feet before entering the main stream channel which drained the plateau,which is a tributary of the river in Makushin Valley.Preliminary analyses taken in the field while monitoring the discharge indicate that both the quality of the geothermal fluid and the changes in the river water quality were very close to that anticipated in the application for the Variance.A complete report of the monitoring program undertaken by Republic's environmental subcontractor,Dames and Moore,is being prepared but has not yet been finished.A copy of this report will be forwarded to you when it becomes available. Should you have any further questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Tawna J.Nicholas Senior Environmental Planner TIN:clj Appendix N-5 Letter from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation October 25,1983 STATE OF ALASKA /m-rrn some DEPT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 437 E Street,Suite 200 Pine Alaska 995011074-2CERTIFIEDMAIL(907)274-2538 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 25,1983 Tawna Nickolas Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue Sante Fe Springs,California 90670 Dear Ms.Nickolas: RE:Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Permit No.8321-CA001 Thank you for the letter responding to my questions regarding the drilling activities on Unalaska Island.I appreciate the time and effort that went into the letter,and the detailed information provided. The methods of waste disposal at the site appear to be within regulations with the exception of the drilling muds.Apparently the amount of waste mud exceeded the original quantity anticipated in the plan of operations (which was less than 50 gallons).Therefore,the Department is interested in the following information: 1)The quantity of drilling mud waste. a)What amount of the waste went into the pits. b)What amount ended up on the ground. 2)Please provide a layout of the site,specifying the location of these hand-dug pits. 3)Please provide a brief explanation as to why the amount of waste was mis-calculated. 4)We understand drilling will continue next summer.What are your plans for waste mud disposal should there be a large quantity again? Please understand that the Department is concerned with the activities in the area because of the newness of geothermal exploration.There is not only agreatdealofpotentialforenergybutalsoforgeneralknowledgeregarding the resource and exploration for it.We would like to make sure there is as "an, Ms.Tawna Nikolas October 25,1983 Page 2 little impact as possible,while not ignoring the need for alternatives and development.If there was a problem with waste disposal this past summer,we'd like to work with you to make sure there isn't a problem next summer. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Julie Goad Environmental Engineer JG/msr/csc cc:Gina Kriete,ADEC,Anchorage Anchorage/Western District Office Appendix N-6 Letter to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation November 22,1983 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. \11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS.CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 (213)945-3661 November 22,1983 Ms.Julie Goad Environmental Engineer Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 "E"Street,Suite 200 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Ms.Goad: Your letter of October 25,1983 to Tawna Nicholas regarding Permit No.8321-CA001l appears to be based on a belief that the amount of waste mud generated during the 1983 Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Project operations exceeded the original quantity anticipated in the "plan of operations".This letter is intended to clear up what appearstobesomemisunderstandingsonthepartoftheDepartmentin regards to the 1983 operations,and to answer those questionsyouhaveasked. Republic's original request for a Waste Disposal Permit (dated April 14,1982,and submitted by Dames &Moore)stated that Republic had been contracted by the Alaska Power Authority for a two-year geothermal exploration project,which was to consist of initial geologic exploratory work and temperature gradient hole drilling during 1982,and drilling one deep exploratory geothermal well in 1983.However,the permit application specifically requested approval for only the 1982 operations,and the detailed information provided regarding wastes discussed only that 50 gallons of waste Grilling mud would result from the drilling of each of the temperature gradient holes.Intentionally,there was no mention of wastes to be generated during the 1983 operations. The ADEC responded on April 29,1982 with Solid Waste Permit No.8221-BA002,which gave approval to construct and utilize a solid waste disposal pit for the camp for two seasons.The permit ignored completely the disposal of drilling mud wastes during either 1982 or 1983,other than stating that "the Permitee shall comply with all parts of their Solid Waste Management Permit application,(and)State and Federal laws and regulations...." REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Ms.Julie Goad November 22,1983 Page Two .AS|a result of this approval,and discussions with ADEC staff members,Republic was led to believe that.the ADEC was.not interested in regulating the disposalof drilling mud .wastes from this operation.Therefore,Republic submitted a. letter on April 14,1983 to the ADEC simply informing the ADEC of our intent to commence the 1983 operations in conformance with Permit No.8221-BA002.In line with our understanding, this letter contained no specific information about the amount of drilling mud waste which would be generated during the drilling of the deep resource well,nor did the ADEC ever ask for information concerning the drilling mud wastes from the1983operations.. With the above information as background,one can see that the amount of waste drilling mud generated during the 1983 Operations exceeded the 50-gallon figure not because it was miscalculated,but because the 50-gallon figure applied only to the 1982 operations.We estimate that less than 400 barrels of waste drilling mud was generated during the drilling of the deep resource well in 1983.The amount of mud generated during 1983 did turn out to be greater than Republic had originally estimated for these operations because,as stated in our letter of September 29,the mud's viscosity was necessary to damp out vibration of the drilling string in the casing.Operations personnel attempted to contain this unplanned,additional waste drilling mud in a sequence of hand-dug pits located down-gradient in a swale from the drilling location,each sited and constructed as needed tocatchthemudthatspilledoverfromtheupstreampit. However,we estimate that less than 100 barrels of the waste mud was not contained by the hand-dug pits but instead endedupontheground. The Alaska Power Authority is currently evaluating the desirability of deepening the well next year,and if such Grilling takes place,similar quantities of waste drilling mud would probably be generated.Although it is too early in the Planning for this potential operation to be certain,several alternatives are being evaluated to contain the mud.We may create one large mud pit in the swale down-gradient of the drillsite by building a very small,low dam across the swale. However,because the entire operation again will be helicoptersupported,all construction operations must be undertaken with only hand labor,and this places certain constraints on our REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. Ms.Julie Goad November 22,1983 Page Three ability to construct larger pits.Another alternative would. be to contain all muds in tanks,but this may also prove very... difficult.Of course,whatever alternatives are determined viable will be presented to the ADEC in an application for a new Waste Disposal Permit should the decision be made tocontinuetheprojectnextyear. Again,should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. mean C.pvight L.Carey Manager,Environmental Affairs DLC:clj Appendix N-7 Letter from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation December 5,1983 «STATE UE ALASKA /sero comes DEPT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Telephone:(907)Address:274-2533 437 "E"Street Suite 200 CERTIFIED MAIL Anchorage,Alaska RETURN RECEIPT 99501 REQUESTED ; December 5,1983 Dwight Carey Republic Geothermal 11823 East Slauson Avenue Sante Fe Springs,California 90670 Dear Mr.Carey: RE:Unalaska Geothermal Exploration Project Permit No.8321-CA001 Thank you for the response to my letter,addressing our concerns regarding drilling mud waste on Unalaska Island.We regret any misunderstandings or oversights on either of our parts. The Department is interested in regulating the disposal of drilling mud waste, and we will require additional information regarding operations that may occur next summer.You will need a permit for mud disposal,and if the muds are going to be left at the sight,a solid waste permit is required.Please find the appropriate regulations and applications enclosed.I have also enclosed information regarding the request for a short-term water quality variance. We are interested in the alternatives that are being evaluated to contain the mud.If the pits prove to be the best method of disposal they shall be imperviously lined and structurally sound.Please keep us informed. Thank you for your cooperation.We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Julie Goad Environmental Engineer JH/msr ENCLOSURES Appendix N-8 Letter from Alaska Department of Natural Resources December 23,1983 STATE OF ALASKA />onDEPARTMENTOFNATURALRESOURCES MINERALS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 December 23,1983 e lee Mr.Dwight Carey Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 Reference:Makushin ST-1 (Unalaska Island) Dear Mr.Carey: A monthly inspection report was required in our letter of September 9,1983 approving the well suspension procedures for Makushin ST-1.The wellcompletionreportdatedOctober31,1983 stated that arrangements had been made for periodic inspection of ST-1. An inspection report has not yet been filed with this office.Please make the necessary arrangements to provide us with the monthly inspection report for Makushin ST-1. Sincerely, é 'ae ae v.7 MAL ee William Van Dyke Petroleum Manager cc:Patty DeJong,APA WVD/TB/skt/3418Z rAppendix N-9 Suspended Well Inspection Report Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources -o aa' REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. 119823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA 90670 o TWX 910-536-1696 (213)945-3661 December 29,1983 x Mr.William Van Dyke Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 REFERENCE:Makushin ST-l (Unalaska Island). Dear Mr.Van Dyke: Please accept our apology for failing to comply with the requirement of your letter of September 9,1983 approving well suspension procedures for Makushin to submit monthly inspection reports.Please be assured,however,that this was a reporting oversight only,and as reported in the attachment,the required inspections were made.Republic intends to continue these monthly inspections and will file an inspection report upon the completion of each trip. Again,please accept our apology for this oversight,and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.; Sincerely,spat Dwight L.Carey Manager,Environmental Affairs DLC :acw Attachment cc:P.DeJona,APA D.Denig-Chakroff,APA aN. SUSPENDED WELL INSPECTION REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal Drilling Permit No.: Well Name: Well Location: Date of Report: Operator: Address: Wellhead Date of Pressure Inspection (PSIG) 10/04/83 130 10/13/83 132 10/28/83 136 11/11/83 136 12/05/83 138 83-1 Makushin ST-1l -Unalaska Island,Alaska October 31,1983 Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 © Wellhead Temperature (OF)Remarks Less than 50 No evidence of any leaks. Less than 50 No evidence of any leaks. Less than 50 No evidence of any leaks. Less than 50 No evidence of any leaks. Less than 50 No evidence of any leaks. Appendix N-10 Suspended Well Inspection Report Submitted to Alaska Department of Natural Resources REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. Leo 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX 910-586-1696 |(213)948-3661 January ll,1984 Mr.William Van Dyke Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-034 Anchorage,Alaska 99510 REFERENCE:Makushin ST-l1 (Unalaska Island) Dear Mr.Van Dyke: L."Please find attached the inspection report'for.suspended .well Makushin ST-l for January 1984.Please do not hesitate to call if you have any additional questions regarding the well. Sincerely, Dwight L.-carey (/- Manager,Environmental Affairs DLC :acw Enclosure ce:D.Denig-Chakroff,APA -4a"s Geothermal Drilling Permit No.: Well Name: -.Well Location:© }>Fe 01/08/84 Date of Report: Operator: Address: Wellhead Date of Pressure Inspection (PSIG) 01/10/34 140 SUSPENDED WELL INSPECTION REPORTSUBMITTEDTOTHEALASKADEPARTMENTOFNATURAL RESOURCES 83-1 Makushin ST-1 Unalaska Island,Alaska January ll,1984 Republic Geothermal,Inc. "11823 E.Slauson Avenue,Suite One Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 Wellhead Temperature (OF)Remarks Unable To Land At Site Less than 50 'No evidence of any leaks.