HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegional Inventory and Reconnaissance Study for Small Hydropower Projects, Northeast Alaska 1982 Part 1REGIONAL INVENTORY AND RECONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS JUNE 1982 0) IX) .... 0) o L.O § L.O L.O ,...... ('t) ('t) REGIONAL INVENTORY AND RECONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA DEPARTr-1ENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED JUNE 1982 A,RLIS Alaska Resources. . L'brary & Information ServiC6S 1 Anchorage, A!aska TfG 11J2~ .A~ R38 )'18dv FOREWORD This report consists of two parts. Part I is an overview of the study, including study results in summary format. Part II contains site-specific data for each of the communities studied. The Table of Contents provides an itemized list of the tables, maps, and data contained within each community section of Part II. This report also contains appendices which provide reference data and detailed explanations of study methodologies. ' i . TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I -OVERVIEW 1.0 SUMMARY ••. 2.0 INTRODUCTION . . . 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 STUDY OBJECTIVES • • • • • • DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA STUDY AUTHORITY • • • • STUDY PROCESS DATA SDURCES • • • 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS •• . . . ,. . .. . . · . . . . . . . . . Page 1-1 • • • 2-1 · . . 2-1 • • 2-1 · • . . • 2-1 • •• 2-3 • . • • . • 2~3 3-1 3.1 COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS o o· · . . . . • • o. ° 3-1 3.1.1 Historical Development 3.1.2 Existing Conditions •• . . . . . . . • • .3-1 • 3-2 3.2 EXISTING ELECTRICAL GENERATING SYSTEMS • . . . . . . • 3-3 3.2.1 Longevity of Diesel Generators 3.2.2 Cost of Power •••••••••••• 3.2 CURRENT ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS • 4.0 PROJECTED ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS 3-4 • •• 3-4 3-8 • 4-1 4.1 FORECAST MODELS AND ASSUMPTIONS •••• · . . . . . • 4-1 4.1.1 Introduction •••••••• 4.1.2 Variables Used in Estimating Demand 4.1.3 Forecasting Methodology •••••• · . . · . . • 4-1 • • • 4-1 4-1 • • • • • 4-5 4.2 PROJECTED DEMANDS ••••••• . • • • • 5.0 SCREENING OF COMMUNITY HYDROELECTRIC POTENTIAL · . . . . . . • 5-1 5.1 SCREENING CONCEPT ••••••••••••• 5.2 PRELIMINARY SCREEN ING • • • • • • • • • • 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Drai nage Basi n Inventory and Engi neeri ng Analysi s • • • • • • Hydro 1 09i c Ana lysi s • • • .'. • Economic Analysi s • Screeni n9 Resul ts • • • • • • • ii · . . . • 5-1 5-1 · . . • • 5-1 • .5-2 • • 5-2 5-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 6.0 DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS • 6.1 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE. • ••• 6.2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS ••••••••••• 6.3 PLANT FACTORS AND INSTALLED CAPACITY. 6.4 CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING •••• • . . .. General •••••••••••• Page 6-1 • 6-1 • • 6-2 • 6-14 6-19 • • 6-19 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 Diversion Dams •••••••••• • • • • • • 6-21 Soils and Foundations. . . . . . . . 6-24 Waterways • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6-24 Turbines and Generators ••• • •• 6-26 Site Access • • ~ • • • •• • • . . . . . • . 6-29 Transmi ssi on • • • • • • · . . Operation and Maintenance • • ••••• • 6-29 • • • • 6-31 6.5 PROJECT COSTS •• . . . . . . Dams ••• · . . . 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 6.5.6 6.5.7 6.5.8 6.5.9 Penstocks • • • • • • • Powerhouse and Equipment . . . . Swi tchy.ard •• • • Access ••• • • • • • • · . Transmission ••••••••••• Mobilization •••••• Geographic Cost Adjustment Operation and Maintenance. 6.6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ••••• 6.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ••• 7.0 LIST OF REFERENCES ••• • •• . . . . iii · . . . . • • 6~31 • 6-33 • • 6-33 • 6-34 • 6-36 • • • • • 6-36 • 6-36 • 6-37 ••• 6-37 • 6-38 • • 6-38 • 6-40 • 7-1 LIST OF TABLES -PART I ~ No. Title Page 1-1 SUMMARY TABLEs HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL 1-2 3-1 CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNITIES BY EXISTING GENERATING SYSTEMS s NORTHEAST ALASKA 3-5 3-2 EXISTING POWER SYSTEM DATA SUMMARY s NORTHEAST ALASKA COMMUN I TIES 3-6 4-1 FORECAST PARAMETERS -LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES TYPE A COMMUNITIES (NO CENTRAL GENERATION PLANT ) AND TYPE C COMMUNITIES (NO ELECTRICITY TO RESID~NCES) 4~3 4-2 FORECAST PARAMETERS -LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES TYPE B COMMUNITIES (CENTRAL GENERATION PLANT) 4-4 4-3 ELECTRIC SPACE HEATING REQUIREMENTS 4-6 4-4 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED ELECTRICAL ENERGY ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND 4-7 5-1 SUMMARY OF COMMUN ITY HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL, NORTHEAST REGION 5-5 6 .. 1 GAGED STREAMS USED FOR BASIN PAIRING 6-4 6-2 FLOW ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR GAGED STREAMS USED IN BASIN PAIRING 6-5 6-3 BASIN PAIRINGS AND HYDROLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPOWER SITES 6-6 6-4 TYPICAL PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR ISOLATED COMMUNITES AND SMALL UTILITIES s DESIGN YEAR 1997 6-17 6-5 ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS -COST ESCALATION FACTORS 6-32 6-6 ALASKA GEOGRAPHIC COST ADJUSTMENT FACTORS 6-39 iv LIST OF FIGURES -PART I No. Title Page t....,,; 2-1 STUDY COMMUNITIES LOCATION MAp· 2-2 6-1 MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION AND MEAN MINIMUM JANUARY TEMPERATURES IN TANANA AREA 6-7 6-2 MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION AND MEAN MINIMUM JANUARY TEMPERATURES IN UPPER YUKON AREA 6-8 6-3 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR BOULDER CREEK NEAR CENTRAL, ALASKA 6-10 6-4 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR BERRY CREEK NEAR DOT LAKE, ALASKA 6-11 6-5 FLOW DURATION,.CURVE FOR WISEMAN CREEK AT WISEMAN, ALASKA 6-12 6-6 FLOW DURATION .cURVE FOR JIM RI VER N EAR BETTLES, ALASKA 6-13 6-7 FLOW DURATION CURVE PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR UTILHY- SERVED COMMUNITIES 6;..15 6-8 LOAD DURATION CURVE FOR PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS -ISOLATED COMMUNITIES AND SMALL UTILITIES 6-18 6-9 LARGE CONCRETE DAM AND INTAKE STRUCTURE TYPICAL LAYOUT 6-23 6-10 POWERHOUSE TYPICAL LAYOUT 6-28 6-11 TRANSMISSION LINE LOAD VS. DISTANCE FOR 5 PERCENT LOSS 6-30 6-12 TURBINE GENERATOR COSTS 6-35 v u TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PART II -COMMUNITY AND SITE DATA Note: For each communi ty 1 i sted below, data sheets and other materi a 1 s are provided in the following order: Hydropower Sites Identified in Preliminary Screening Summary Data Sheet Load Forecast Significant Data (Detailed Investigation) Conceptual Layout (Detailed Investigation) Plant Factor Program Output (Detailed Investigation) Hydropower Cost Data (Detailed Investigation) . Benefit-Cost Ratio (Detailed Investigation) Photographs Community Descriptions and Site Selection discussions are also provided for communities which were visited in the field. Part II communities are provided in the following order: ARCTIC VILLAGE VENETIE DOT LAKE, TANACROSS, TOK, AND MANSFIELD VILLAGE EAGLE -EAGLE VILLAGE BIG DELTA -DELTA JUNCTION -CHENA KAKTOVIK/BARTER ISLAND BEAVER BIRCH CREEK CENTRAL -CIRCLE HOT SPRINGS CHALKYITSIK CHATANIKA CHICKEN CIRCLE FORT YUKON LIVENGOOD RAMPART STEVENS VILLAGE WISEMAN APPENDICES APPENDIX A: UTILITY RATE SCHEDULES APPENDIX B: METHODOLOGY FOR DRAINAGE BASIN INVENTORY AND PRELIMINARY SCREENING APPENDIX C: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY vi PART I -OVERVIEW 1.0 SUt4MARY Currently, most Alaskan communities use electricity that is generated by burning non-renewable fossil fuels. The costs of this fonn of power generation have been increasing rapidly and it is expected that the costs of fossil fuels will continue to rise. An. important alternative to burning fossil fuels for electricity is the hydroelectric potential of Alaska's surface water resources. In 1976, the Corps of Engi neers was authori zed by Congress to assess possible small hydropower developments (5 megawatts or less) that could serve communities throughout Alaska. This study of Northeast Alaska is focused on one of six of the subregions identified by the Corps for futher study of hydroelectric potential. The purpose of this reconnaissance-level study is to identify, at each of 25 Northeast Alaska communities, nearby hydroelectric resources worthy of further evaluation. This study was accomplished through a three-stage process: 1) preliminary inventory and screening of drainage basins; 2) limited field reconnaissance; and 3) reconnaissance-level engineering and economic evaluation of the more promising sites. As a result of the investigations undertaken in the third stage, however, no sites in Northeast Alaska appear to be worthy of feasibility-level evaluation, on the basis of benefit-cost ratios. These results can be attributed to several factors: 1) Field observations and detailed map studies for most sites resulted in significant dam costs. This may be attributed to generally wide floodplains and other site-specific conditions. 2) Mobilization costs are a significant cost element in the more detailed investigations due to the difficulty of construction in remote Alaskan locations. 3} The projected electric energy demands for most Northeast region communities are relatively low. 4} Plant factors for several sites are relatively low due to reduced winter streamflows. Table 1-1 summarizes significant infonnation pertaining to each site included in the third and final stage of this reconnaissance study. The results are stated in tenns of benefit-cost ratios. In this study, this ratio is defined as the costs of the most likely alternative method of power generation (diesel, combustion turbine) divided by the costs of hydroelectric generation. Thus, the more expensive the alternative in comparison to hydropower, the higher the benefit-cost ratio derived for the hYdropm'ler site. The preliminary screening was intended to highlight the most promising hydroelectriC sites. The field visits and more detailed studies of the sites that "survived" the preliminary screening resulted in the calculation of benefit-cost ratios. The last column in Table 1-1 indicates that none of the sites studied in the final phase of this reconnaissance survey would produce a benefit-cost ratio greater than 1.0 and, therefore, none of these sites merit further feasibility-level investigation. 1-1 TABLE 1-1 NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOwER SUMMARY TABLE RESULTS OF DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Drainage Transmission Net Design Minimum Installed Plant Energy Benefit Site Stream Area Distance Head Flow Flow Capacity Factor Cost Cost Colllllunity No. Name (mi 2) (mil (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (kW) (Percent) J/kwh!! Ratio ,. Arctic Village 3 Rock Head 9.9 6.7 260.0 8.7 0.87 141 21 2.57 0.27 West Creek Venetie 2 Kocacho 342.0 10.0 31.5 92 9.2 196 33 3.45 0.18 Creek Dot Lake 2 Bear 58.0 9.9 151.0 74.2 7.42 699 30 0.48 0.91 Creek ..... Tanacross 1 Yerrfck 29.0 1.5 237.0 18.6 1.86 299 31 0.69 0.63 I N Creek Tok 7 Clearwater 27.0 12.2 353 17.2 1.72 412 31 0.88 0.50 Creek Eagle-Eagle 1 American 49.2 5.5 269 3.2 0.64 59 40 2.41 0.22 Village Creek Big Delta-2 Granite 23.5 20.2 240 3.76 3.76 612 44 0.49 0.66 Delta Junction Creek 1/ 1981 J. Y Conditions: 5 percent fuel costs escalation; capital costs of alternative power generation excluded. c· c 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 STUDY OBJECTIVES Electric. power provided to Northeast Alaska villages is presently generated, for the most part, by diesel generators. The costs of fuel, lncluding transportation and handling costs, have been increasing rapidly and present a financial burden to electricity consumers. Diesel generators break down frequently and are expensive to operate and maintain. Among the wide range of power generation alternatives, the potential hYdroelectric resources of Northeast Alaska merit consideration due to the availability of potentially suitable surface water resources in the regi on. Deve 1 opment of small 1 oca 1 hydropower facilities would relieve village consumers of paying for the rising cost of fuel and ensure a source of power not subject to inflation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate potential small hYdropower developments to serve local needs at each of 25 Northeast Alaska communities. As a reconnaissance study, the objective was to identify and evaluate potential projects for which further, more detailed study might be warranted. The report provides, for each community, a summary of the existing power system, future power needs, an identification of potential sites, and an economic review that indicates benefits of hYdropower relative to existing methods of power generation. For those sites with economic hYdropower potential, infonmation is provided on the hYdrologic characteristics, suitable equipment, prelimina~ size of project components, conceptual cost estimates, and identification of potential environmental constraints. 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA The twenty-five communities that comprise the Northeast study region (Figure 2-1) are located within a vast area of 130,000 square miles. The topographY ranges from almost no relief characterized by the Yukon Flats to the extensive relief of the Alaska Range. Despite'the size of the study region, the communities support similar lifestyles and share many common social and economic problems and needs. All communities face harsh winters with temperatures that reach as low as _70 0 F. With the exception of a few communities, the study area includes villages with populations of less than 200 persons. The villages are inhabited primarily by natives but a few support a non-native population. Several villages are accessible only by air which makes transportation outside the village difficult and expensive. The economies are a mixture of subsistence/cash with few employment opportunities. 2.3 STUDY AUTHORITY The Alaskan Small Hydropower Study authorized the Corps of Engineers to assess the potential for installing small hYdropower prepackaged units 5 megawatts or less to serve isolated communities throughout Alaska. This study of the hYdroelectric potential of Northeast Alaska is 2-1 PACIFIC OCEAN KEY MAP U 1'" 2-2 ----- ~ ), { f: .. , I <' • CIt~~t~,:<{l .... . ,.~: . ,.,' . ,t,,"""" ......... J. :":::'-~_tl":' ., '( .;.. .. ~,. '! ''''"'' y' ...... ' , \"\V~~"''''~' 100 ~O o 100 ---.. SCALE IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE snJOY SMAll HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA STUDY COMMUNITIES LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2-1 DEPARTMENT OF THE. ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS focused on one of six identified subregions. To date studies of the Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, and Kodiak Island/Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands have been completed. This study was conducted simultaneously with the hYdropower study of Southcentral Al aska. 2.4 STUDY PROCESS The study was accomplished in three stages during the period April to December 1981. The first stage involved a literature and information review, a projection of community electrical energy requirements, and review of USGS 1:250,000-scale topographic maps to inventory drainage basins and identify potential hydroelectric sites. Stream flows were estimated by applying the concept of "basin pairing," in which drainage basin characteristics for ungauged streams are matched to the most appropriate gauged stream basin within the region. For those streams that were estimated to have sufficient hydroelectric development potential to meet a substantial part of community needs, preliminar-y cost estimates were prepared. The cost of hYdropower was then compared to the cost of alternative power. Six sets of benefit/cost ratios were calculated based on scenarios of 0, 2, and 5 percent fuel escalation, both with and without the cost of capital investment in generating equipment for alternative power sources. The second stage involved a field reconnaissance of sites that indicated development potential. Eight communities were selected by the Alaska District for field reconnaissance. During the site visits, community leaders were contacted in order to obtain information regarding local interest in hYdropower, power needs, future plans for the community, and potential environmental constraints to development. Cross-sectional profiles of streams and streamflow observations were made. The most promising sites identified in the pre'liminar-y screening were included in the third stage of analysis. A list of sites to be studied in greater detail was developed on the basis of field observations and review of USGS 1:63,360-scale maps. During the third stage, data obtained in the field were evaluated, and load projections were revised based on community survey results. More detailed development concepts and cost estimates were prepared for the most promising sites. Benefit/cost ratios were recomputed by comparing hYdropower costs to the value of electricity produced by the least costly alternative, which in all cases was assumed to be existing generating plants. 2.5 DATA SOURCES A list of reports that were used as background to this reconnaissance study can be found in the reference section. Several reports were available on the energy requirements of remote villages and were used to support the load projections. Current population figures were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of the Census. In addition to recent Alaska literature, persons in various state agencies and utilities were contacted regarding electrical energy demand. Fuel, equipment, and transportation companies were contacted to obtain the most current prices and costs. 2-3 u 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS This section includes a description of community characteristics which provides a context for understanding both the present and future electric energy requirements of the study area communities. This description of social and economic conditions provides a rationale for the specific assumptions used in forecasting electric energy demand. 3.1 COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS The communities of Northeast Alaska that comprise the study area can be classified as either small regional centers or rural villages. Small regional centers are communities ranging in size from approximately 200-1000 persons, provide sources of employment, but do not present the economic opportunities of the larger cities. Communities that fall withi n thi s category are Fort Yukon, Delta Junction, and Tok. These small economic centers provide for the delive~ of goods and social services to the surrounding area. Small businesses and government agencies locate in these centers and provide local jobs. These communities are characterized by the presence of commercial air service, air charter services, and accomodations for tourists. The majority of communities in the study area can be classified as rural villages with populations of less than 200 persons. More than one-half of the communities are Alaska native villages. A small percentage of non-native population may reside in the native villages. The unemployment rate is chronically high and jobs usually must be sought outsi de of the vill age on a tempora~ basi s. Jobs a re often found primarily in construction, firefighting, and with the native cOl1>orati ons. 3.1.1 Historical Development· The economy of the typical rural village is small, unstable, and rapidly changing. Since 1940 population has declined in many of these villages. In other villages, population levels have fluctuated greatly, raising the question of future growth or decline (Alonso and Rust 1976). Some remote villages have been abandoned in the past and new communities have evolved in response to the changing economic structure. In general, a net movement towards the larger cities has been occurring, particularly among the native popul ation.Thi s trend has been reversed in some areas due, in part, to the provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and more recently to the Alaska lands Si 11. The subsistence economy in rural Alaska, which historically meant trapping, fishing, gathering, and bartering, has been changed by the introduction of capital (e.g., snowmachines used for trapping). This necessitates stable sources of income of which there are few. 3-1 3.1.2 Existing Conditions The socioeconomic characteristics and physical setting of a community tell a great deal about existing and future electrical energy requirements and the feasibility of continuing to produce power from diesel generators. For the very remote communities, the expense of transporting fuel and repairing the generators is a substantial economic burden. The following discussion provides an overview of village demographics, economic climate, and infrastructure. Demographics long term population growth in Alaska has ranged from less than 1 percent to 3 percent per year (Retherford 1981). Popul ation growth in small rural villages has been lower on the average than in the larger communities. Each community is unique with respect to population trends, however; some villages have for years experienced little or no change in population while other communities are growing rapidly. In native villages the availability of housing and jobs, and proximity to family relatives are three major factors that influence a person to relocate to a village. Privately financed housing construction is uncommon and most new homes are obtained through the HUD housing program. Communities that suddenly receive a large number of new homes may experience a spurt in population growth. The availability of jobs, such as for an airport construction project, may be an additional inducement for an outsider to relocate. The reasons why people move to non-native villages are not so apparent. Some persons relocate to a remote community to escape the city without conSidering fully job or housing opportunities. Average household size in Alaska was 3.26 in 1976 (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980) but historically has been larger in non-urbanized communities. The 44 villages served by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) have a reported household size of 5.5 persons (Galliet 1980). Following the national trend toward fewer persons per household, household size in Alaska will probably decrease over time. The household size used in the load forecasting model was 4.5 persons for isolated communities and 3.5 persons for intertied communities. Employment and Income In a mixed subsistence/cash economy, income is derived from either wages or transfer payments. Subsistence activities reduce the need for ca.sh and typically consist of mining (e.g. gold panning), trapping, fishing, and gathering wood for fuel. Most jobs in rural villages are seasonal, cyclical, and tempora~. Traditionally, seasonal employment has been provided by jobs in construction and firefighting. Temporary employment may be found outside the village with resource exploration companies. A few local jobs have been created by the CETA program, 3-2 v u which is a government subsidized employment program. The funding has recently received drastic cuts, however, and the program may eventually be phased out. Transfer payments are another form of income and include food stamps, welfare, social security, and unemployment benefits as well as other government subsidized programs. These payments often do not respond to inflation and may be subject to cutbacks in the near future. Infrastructure Infrastructure in a small rural village typically includes housing, community center, elementary school, laundry, and possibly a water and sewer system. The introduction of infrastructure into a community can change radically the electricity requirements. For example, Tanacross pays very expensive electricity bills on their water treatment plant. Since this is a community expense, the monies for payment come from the village council contingency funds. Similarly, Dot lake has a central hot water heating system that uses a large amount of electricity for its circulating pump. During 1980, the utility building which houses the heating system and the community hall used 16,000 kWh and cost approximately $3,000. '. While many of the rural villages have limited infrastructure, water and sewer systems, schools, airports, and HUD housing may be introduced over the next ten years and would, consequently, increase the demand for electricity. Under federal law, every village has a right to an adequate" water and sewer system, and housing for low income people. Every village with eight or more secondary students has a right to have a high school under state law. Airport development projects are occurring throughout the study area, and may increase in the future. 3.2 EXISTING ELECTRICAL GENERATING SYSTEMS Communities in the study area range from having no electricity to purchasing electricity from a utility. With the exception of those communities served by Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), all communities with electricity rely on diesel .generator systems ranging in size from 200 kW to 2275 kW. In some communities, generators of 2-5 kW in size provide individual residential electricity but their use is restricted by the high operating and maintenance costs. Many communities have small diesel generators owned, operated, and maintained by the BIA that are limited to school and council use. Ten communities fall within the categeory of having no residential electricity. A classification of the communities by existing 1/ $450/month during summer months; $650/month during winter months. 3-3 generati ng systems is presented in Table 3-1. A summary of the existing power systems for each community include population system size, utility, cost of diesel fuel, and cost of residential power is presented in Table 3-2. Several utilities were contacted to determine the expected useful life of their existing diesel generators. Because each utility system consists of a mix of generators of varying sizes and ages, and because the utilties generally plan to extend the useful life of their equipment through periodic overhauls, no specific data on expected useful life of the generators can be provided in Table 3-2. However, for the purposes of the present study, certain assuinptions were developed. These are discussed in the following section. 3.2.1 Longevity of Diesel Generators The life expectancy of a diesel generator is influenced by a number of factors including size', number of total operating hours, daily and seasonal operating patterns, and frequency and quality of maintenance. Generators in size of up to 500 KW usually have a limit of 20,000 hours of continuous operation before a major overhaul is requ'ired. The 1 arger di esel generators (500-850 KW) have a longer operating peri od of 3),000 -40,000 hours before an overhaul is required. A generator can be overhauled three to four times. Given these values, a small diesel generator has a life expectancy of approximately 9 years, if operated continuously. Under these same maximum operating conditions, the larger generators that would be used in a utility power system have an expected 1 He of about 18 yea rs. Operati ng the generators only duri ng the day and keepi ng one small generator on-l i ne for summer use increases the expected 1 He of the system. For the prel imi na ry screening, an investment cycle of 20 years was used to calculate the cost of diesel power. While the life expectancy of a diesel generator in isolated communities can be considerably less, a 20 year life expectancy represents a conservative estimate of diesel power costs. In Northeast Alaska, diesel generators are not always maintained on a regular basis and conditions for maximizing the life of the machine are not optimal. The requirements of a diesel system are complicated further by the absence of local people to maintain the generators. In several cases, where sending for a person from Fairbanks to repair a generator is required, the time and expense involved may be a disincentive to properly maintaining a generator. 3.2.2 Cost of Power The cost of power varies greatly among the 25 communities in the study a·rea. The disparity in electricity prices can be attributed to the size of the generating system, price of fuel, and size of fuel storage facilities. In general, communities that buy electricity from utilities have lower power rates than isolated communities. The small utilities that serve only one community charge higher rates than large utilities that serve multiple com-munitites since they are not able to achieve the economies of scale found in large power generating systems. 3-4 u TABLE 3-1 CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNITIES BY EXISTING GENERATING SYSTEMS NORTHEAST ALASKA Type A Individual or Small Village Generators J Arctic Vi 11 age Central Ci rcle Eagle Li vengood Venetie Type B Central Generation Plant B1g Delta Chatanika Chena Delta Junction Dot Lake (early 1982) Fort Yukon Kaktovik/Barter Island Tanacross Tok 3-5 No Genera ion System System or Limited to School Use Beaver Bi rch Creek Chal k,yits; k Chicken Ci rc 1 e Hot Spri ngs Eagle Village Mansfield Village Rampa rt Stevens Village . Wi seman TABLE 3-2 EXISTING POWER SYSTEM DATA SUMMARY NDRTHEAST ALASKA COMMUNITIES 1/ 1/ 1981 Energy COst of Page 1 of 2 1/ Cost of Conmunity Longitude 1981 Method of-Utflfty-Insta11 ed-Use 2/ Dfesel Fuel Resfdentfal 4/ Name and latitude Po(!ulation Generation Name Ownershf(! Ca(!acftl (kll) (kllh/,lear)-(1/9all on) Power (I/kllh)- Arctic Yi 11 age 145 0 32 '11 68' 08 'N 132 Dfesel None BIA 160 (BlA) 5SO,082 3.500 1.00 200 (Yi11 age) Beaver 147· 23'11 66' 22 'N 66 Diesel None BIA 95 275,041 1.627 Big Delta 145 0 49'11 64' 09 'N II Coal, Golden Yalley REA 225,000 133,091 0.920 .12 Diesel, Electric on Associ atf on Birch Creek 145 0 49 '11 66' 16'N 32 Dfesel None BIA 20 14,855 1.785 Central 144' 46 '1/ 65' 34 'N 20 Dfesel None Prhate Indhfdual generators 83,346 1.376 Chal kyftsi k 143' 44'1/ 66' 39 'N 95 Diesel None BIA 79 44,101 1.785 w 147 0 28 '1/ 65· 07 'N I Chatanfka 30 Coal, Golden Yalley REA 225,000 133,091 0;920 .12 '" Dfesel, Electrfc on Association Chena 147 0 56'1/ 64' 48 'N 35 Coal, Golden Ya11ey REA 225,000 155,273 0.920 .12 Dfesel, Electric on Assocf ati on Chicken 141' 56'11 64 0 04 'N 30 None 13,927 1.48LY Circle 144· 04'1/ 65 0 SO'N 80 Ofesel Cf rcle Private III 333,383 1.376 .32 Utflftfes Circle Hot 144 0 37 '1/ 65 0 29'N 25 Dfesel None Prhate 15 (Hotel use only) 11,605 1.376 Springs Delta Junction 145 0 44'1/ 64' 02 'N 945 Coal, Golden Ya11ey REA 225,000 4,192,364 0.920 .12 Dfesel, Electric on Association Dot Lake 1440 04'11 63 0 4Q'N 66 Diesel Al aska Power Prhate 20D (temporary until 292,80D 1.241 .25 and Telephone transmission lines are in operation) 2,275 (early 1982) 1/ Alaska Department of Commerce and Economfc Development. 2./ Approximate cost of dfesel fuel ff generators were used. 1/ Derived from the load forecasts. !t Based on consumptfon of 438 kl/h/month. c ( c c TABLE 3-2 EXISTING POWER SYSTEM DATA SUMMARY NORTHEAST AlASKA COMMUNITIES 1/ 11 17 1981 Energy Page 2 of 2 Cost of Cost of Conmunity Longftude 1981 Method of-Utflity -lnstalled-Use 2/ Diesel Fuel Residential 41 Name and latitude POl!ulatfon Generation Name Ownershie Caeaci!il (kW) (kWh/learl-(S/aallon) Power fS/kWh)- Eagle 141" 12'W 64" 47'N 164 Diesel None Private 225 683.436 1.349 .38 50 (planned addition) Eagle Village 141" 05'W 64" 47'N 54 D1esel None BIA 180 25.068 1.349 Fort Yukon 145 0 15'W 66' 34'N 619 Diesel Fort Yukon Private 1035 2.746.109 1.667 .30 Util1tfes Kaktovikl 143" 37'W 70' 08'N 165 D1esel North Slope Municipal 230 732.000 1. 740 .35 Barter Island Borough livengood 148' 33'W 65 0 31'N SO Diesel None Private Individual generators 208.365 1.376 Mansfield 143" 25'W 63' 27'N 0 None 1.34~1 Village Rampart lSO° 10'W 65' 3O'N 53 Diesel None BIA 32.5 24,604 1.540 Stevens Vi 11 age 149" 06'W 66· OO'N 88 Diesel None BIA 10 40.851 1.592 w Tanacross 143" 21'W 62" 23'N ll7 Diesel Alaska Power Private 1.975 519,055 1.241 .25 I and Telephone ...... Tok 142' 59'W 63" 19'N 750 Diesel Alaska Power Private 2.275 3,260,728 1.241 .25 and Telephone Venetfe 146" 25'W 67° Ol'N 160 Diesel None BIA 250 666,766 2.25 1.00 Wiseman 1SO° 07'W 67" 25'N 12 None 5.571 1.406Y In communities served by utilities, the price of electricity is not always simply the charge per kilowatt-hour. Utilities have up to three components in the price of electricity. The residential electricity rate schedule I I typically consi sts of a service charge (fl at rate per month), an energy ......, charge for the amount of el ectricity consumed (fixed rate per kilowatt-hour), and a fuel surcharge (fixed rate per kilowatt-hour) which is usually a fraction of the energy charge. . In isolated communities where diesel generators are owned and operated by private individuals, the price of electricity usually has just an energy charge, which covers the capital, operating, and maintenance costs and very little profit, if any. In native villages, the BIA owns, operates, and maintains the diesel generators that provide electricity to the schools and village council buildings. In some native villages, the BIA provides elec- tricity to residences as well. In this case, the residential electricity price does not reflect the real cost of generating power since the govern- ment is subsidizing the power system. 3.3 CURRENT ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS In the study area communities, electricity is used for lighting, small household appliances, and large appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, televisions, and car heaters. The number and type of large appliances are key variables affecting energy demand. Some households have washers, dryers and, in a few cases, electric hot water heaters, which are large electricity consumers. In addition to residences, buildings in rural villages that use electricity include the washeteria, school, and community building. In the larger communities, buildings that are electricity consumers include stores, motels, and restaurants. 3-8 u 4.0 PROJECTED ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 FORECAST MODELS AND ASSUMPTIONS 4.1.1 Introduction Electric energy forecasting is a planning tool useful in evaluating the needs of a community in relation to the generating capability of a proposed nYdroelectric project. In a centralized system without interties, electric energy demand is an important economic factor in assessing the appropriate size of project. The approach taken in this study toward foreca'sting demand is to use different scenarios of electric energy growth based on the current electric generating system and projected end use consumption. Villages that presently are supplied electricity from a central generation plant consume on the average more electricity per capita than do villages that have individual diesel generators. The villages not served by a utility are generally characterized by smaller populations and fewer job opportunities. The models represent two load growth scenarios, in which consumption patterns of villages with decentralized or no electric generation lag behind those villages served by utilities. 4.1.2 Variables Used in Estimating Demand Va ri ables that i nfl uence current and future el ectric energy demand are population, income, and infrastructure. These variables affect end uses of electricity, such as the number and type of household appliances, as well as consumption patterns over time. The historical fluctuations in population and economic activity of many of the remote villages in Northeast Alaska make forecasting demand highly speculative. ElectriCity requirements can change radically through the introduction of new school or housing construction, which result from state and federal programs. In villages with unreliable or no diesel generators, electrification may affect locational preferences of residents (Alonso and Rust 1976). It is difficult to predict to what extent electrification will cause population growth, however, since source of income rather than the availability of electricity is probably the most critical variable affecting location decisions. A change in employment opportunities will affect the size of disposable income and, therefore, consumption patterns, as well as locational preferences of resi dents. 4.1.3 Forecasting Methodology Low and high electric energy projections have been calculated to reflect different levels of use of electricity. The low projection is based on the assumpti on that electri city woul d be used only for lighting and household appliances. The high projection represents the application of electricity to space heating in 3/4 of all residences as well as to lighting and appliances and domestic hot water. The low and 4-1 high projections delineate the bounds of electric energy consumption throughout the 1980-2030 period. In addition, a composite projection that averages the high and low projections has been calculated. The low growth projection is considered to be most representative of electric energy consumption patterns in the future. The present pattern of energy consumption is low, and is not expected to undergo substantial change in the future. The medium and high growth prOjections indicate possible futures in the event growth is induced by development. The availability of revenues from a project, local jobs with relatively high incomes, and the introduction of lifestyles at variance with the existing culture may lead to higher energy consumption. All three load forecasts are included for each community in Part II of thi s repo rt. Application of Electricity to Lighting' and Appliances Most rural Alaskan villages have low per capita electric energy usage stemming from low incomes. Typically, the largest individual consumer is the school. Consumption in the residential sector accounts for approximately 10 percent of the total in rural villages and approximately 35 percent of the total in sub-regional centers. With the introduction of lower priced electricity a potential exists for increased residential consumption. Current end uses of electric energy include lighting, small appliances, and large appliances such as refrigerators, washers, and televisions. If the price of electricity decreases substantially, more appliances such as dryers, freezers, and electric water heaters would be acquired. Acquisition of space heaters is unlikely as explained in the following section. Assumptions used to forecast demand for lighting and appliances are presented in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. The assumptions were derived from a review of recent energy studies conducted for Alaskan communities and personal communication with Alaskan utilities. Documents of particular use were Alaska Power Administration 1979; Goldsmith 1980; Retherford 1981; Holden and Associates 1981; ISER 1976; CH2M Hill 1980; and Galliet 1980. The growth of electric energy consumption in the residential sector will vary accord; ng to the current generati ng system. Residences served currently by a utility consume approximately 5,250 kWh/year. This value represents an average rate for consumers served by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) and Copper Valley Electric Cooperative (CVEA) for the year 1980. In comparison, residences served by individual small diesel generators consume approximately one-third of that amount, or I,BOO kWh/year. Rates of growth in the residential sector as welJ as the institutional and commercial sectors are presented in Tables 4-1.and 4-2. Using this methodology residential consumption in rural villages in the year 2000 approaches present consumption of residences served by utilities. 4-2 u TABLE 4-1 FORECAST PARAMETERS -LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES TYPE A COMMUNITIES (NO CENTRAL GENERATION PLANT) AND TYPE C COMMUNITIES (NO ELECTRICITY TO RESIDENCES) Population Parameters (Common to Types A and C) Annual Increase in Population Persons per Household 1.5 percent 4.5 Growth in Electricity Consumption (Common to Types A and C) Annual Increase in Energy in Residential Sector Growth Sce na ri 0 : 1900 -1990 1990 -2000 2000 -2020 2020 -2030 Growth in El ectr1 c1 ty Consumption per Househol d: Year Type A l kWh7,lear) 1980 1800 1990 3541 2000 5768 2010 6371 2020 7038 2030 7038 7 percent 5 percent 1 percent o percent ~ k ,lear) 0 1000 3541 5768 6371 7038 Annual Increase in Energy Use in Institutional Sector (School s) Growth Scenario: 1900 -1990 1990 -2000 2000 -2030 Electric Energ,l Consumption-b,l Sector Present Sector Type A type C Percentage 1980 19'9i'f Expected Change 1990-2030 2000-2030 2 percent 1 percent 0.5 percent Residential Institutional Commercial 10 percent 79 percent 6 percent 5 percent Increase 84 percent Public Facilities 4-3 Decrease 6 percent 10 percent TABLE 4-2 FORECAST PARAMETERS -LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES TYPE B COMMUNITIES (CENTRAL GENERATION PLANT) Popul ati on Parameters Annual Increase in Population Persons per Household Growth in Electricity Consumption Annual Increase in Energy in Residential Sector Growth Scenario: 1900 -1990 1990 -2000 2000 -2020 2020 -2030 Growth in Electricity Consumption per Household: Year 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Annual Consum)tion (kWh/year 5,250 7,056 8,601 9~982 11~584 11,584 1.5 percent 3.5 3 percent 2 percent 1. 5 percent o percent Annual Increase in Energy Use in Institutional Sector (School s) Growth Scenari 0: 1900 -1990 1990 -2000 2000 -2030 Electric Energy Consumption by Sector Sector Residential Institutional/ Public Facilities Commercial 1980 35 percent 55 percent 10 percent 4-4 1990-2030 Increase Decrease 10 percent 2 percent 1 percent .5 percent 90 percent u Communities that currently have no electricity will require several years to match the consumption patterns of communities that have el ectricity. Application of Electricity to Space Heating The use of electricity for residential space heating 1n Alaska is unlikely due to the significant heating requirements and the higher cost of electricity than alternate sources such as fuel oil, wood, coal, and peat. Wood, peat, and coal are available in varying quantities throughout Northeast Alaska and their use will depend on long term supply. Currently, peati s not collected and burned for space heating. The substitutability of electricity for other sources of heat has therefore been assessed separate from other applications of electricity. The use of electric space heating in the study area is very unlikely but will depend on the price of electricity, income of household, and the price of substitutes. The electric ener9Y requirements for space heating in Alaska are substantial, particularly in the Greater Fairbanks area and north of the Arctic Circle. In comparison to Seattle, electric energy requirements for space heating are 3 to 4 times greater in Al aska. Annual electric ener9Y requirements for single family residences are presented in Table 4-3. These values may exceed space heating requirements of residences in the study area since houses in the remote communities have on the average less area to heat than houses in Fairbanks, from which these values were derived. The end use of electricity for space heating in the high scenari 0 has been assumed to remai n constant throughout the study period. 4.2 PROJECTED DEMANDS The low energy demand was used as a basis for sizing the ~dropower projects and compari ng the costs of hydropower to diesel generation, for the reasons given in Section 4.1.3. The projected energy demands for each community were calcul ated on the basi s of the assumpti ons presented above and 1900 census data, and are presented in Table 4-4. For the purpose of sizing projects to serve intertied communities, the aggregate demand of study area communities was used as a basis. In such situations, since the transmission lines are already in place, one project could serve the entire system. For isolated cor.tnunities with village or individual generators, projects were sized according to the community demand. 4-5 TABLE 4-3 ELECTRIC SPACE HEATING REQUIREMENTSl/ Location Greater Fairbanks Arctic Circle kWh/single family residence/year 45,900 59,OOoY 11 Goldsmith and Huskey 1980. 2/ Determined by ratio method, where kWh SH (Arctic) kWh SH (Fairbanks) and kWh SH (Arctic) 49, 900 = Heati ng degree days (Arctic) Heating degree days (Fairbanks) 18,433 58,984 kWh SH (Arctic) = = 14,344 4-6 TABLE 4-4 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED ELECTRICAL ENERGY ANNUAL PEAK DEMANol/ (kW) Communitl 1990 1997 2000 2010 2020 2030 Arctic Village 256-256 302-512 322-621 356-1055 406-1212 443-1379 Beaver 128-128 151-233 161-277 180-450 203-517 222-586 Big Delta 60-60 70-117 74-142 89-247 109-292 122-334 Bi rch Creek 51-51 66-105 72-129 91-222 101-253 114-291 Central 39-39 46-70 49-84 55-136 61-157 67-177 Chalkyitsik 151-151 195-346 214-430 269-769 301-881 339-1012 Chatanika 60-60 70-117 74-142 89-247 109-292 122-334 Chena 69-69 81-137 86-166 104-288 127-341 142-390 Chicken 48-48 62-99 68-121 85-208 95-237 107-272 Ci rcle 155-155 183-282 195-336 218-546 246-626 269-710 Circle Hot Springs 40-40 51-82 56-100 71-173 79-198 89-227 Delta Junction 1875-1875 2194-3695 2331-4475 2803-7778 3420-9194 3831-10532 Dot LakeY 131-131 153-258 163-313 196-543 239-642 268-736 Eagle 319-319 376-578 400-689 447-1119 504-1283 551-1455 Eagl e Vi 11 age 86-86 111-178 122-217 153-374 171-427 193-490 Fort Yukon 1228-1228 1437-2701 1527-3332 1836-6025 2240-7102 2509-8152 Kaktovik/ Barter Isl and 327-327 383-720 407-888 489-1606 597-1893 669-2173 Livengood 97-97 114-176 122-210 136-341 154-391 168-444 ) Rampart 84-84 109-174 119-213 150-367 168-420 189-481 Stevens Vi 11 age 140-140 181-290 198-354 249-609 278-697 314-799 Tanacross .. Y 232-232 272-457 289-554 347-963 423-1138 474-1304 Tok 1458-1458 1707-2874 1813-3481 2180-6050 2660-7151 2980-8192 Venetie 311-311 366-620 390-753 436-1278 492-1469 537-1671 Wiseman 19-19 25-44 27-54 34-97 38-111 43-128 Y The range of peak demands given for each community correspond to low and high growth scenarios. ,!I Estimate does not include electricity for centralized hot water heating system. 'l! Estimate does not include electricity required by water treatment plant. u 4-7 u 5.0 SCREENING OF COMMUNITY HYDROELECTRIC POTENTIAL 5.1 SCREENING CONCEPT The objectives of applying a preliminary screening process were l)to select from a large number of identified hYdroelectric sites those that demonstrated potential, and 2)to identify communities with potential sites that warranted a field visit. The procedure used to screen sites was based on a set of engineering, hydrologic, and economic criteria. The preliminary screening procedure resulted in narrowing the number of Northeast communities with potential hydroelectric sites from 25 to 13. Each of these thirteen communities,could be served by at least one hYdro site with a preliminary benefit/cost ratio greater than one, which indicated the economic merit of hYdroelectric power compared to the eXisting method of power generation over a SO-year period. Eight of these thirteen communities were visited by the study team. 5.2 PRELIMINARY SCREENING 5.2.1 Drainage Basin Invento~ and Engineering Analysis The initial selection of potential hYdroelectric sites involved an inventory of drainage basins using U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps at a scale of 1:250,000. A 15-mile radius around each community generally defined the outer limits for identifying a site. This distance was generally used to limit the study area for each community principally because of the economics of transmission lines and access requirements for small hYdro developments. However, potentially attractive sites as far as 25 miles from a community were included in the screening where no suitable sites were found within the 15-mile radius. For each community, approximately six sites located within the radius were selected for further investigation. The most promising sites were selected in a logical manner, beginning with the principal river or stream and then examining the smaller tributaries~ Each site was sized to meet the following criteria: o 80 percent of the low demand scenario in year 2030, approximately equal to average day peak demand; o Sites which could serve intertied communities were sized based on the aggregate demand of the communities; For each site selected, the following features were identified on the maps: o Site identification number o Drainage basin boundaries and area above damsite o Dam and powerhouse location 5-1 o Penstock route o Transmission line route A detailed discussion of the methodology used to identify sites for the preliminary screening is presented in Appendix B. 5.2.2 ijydrologic Analysis Because most of the streams identified as potential hydropower sites are ungaged, a method of estimating flows in these streams was necessary. For initial power potential and site screening purposes, estimates of streamflow were made by assuming that flow is proportional to drainage basin area and by using values of average runoff per unit area (given in cfs/mi2) derived by Balding (1976). Drainage basin areas were estimated from 1:250,000 USGS topographic maps using planimetric techniques, and these values were multiplied by the runoff per unit area values obtained from Balding (1976), which are given in the fonn of i soli ne maps, to obtai n mean annual streamflow. Only the single value of mean annual streamflow was used in the initial screening phase. 5.2.3 Economic Analysis The economic analysis methodology used in this study is presented, along with a site-specific example, in Appendix C. The following paragraphs provide a more general summary of the economic analysis used in the prel imi nary screen; og phase. Benefit/cost ratios were calculated for each potential site identified in the drainage basin inventory and preliminary screening. The objective of the analysis was to compare the economic viability of hYdroelectric sites based on conceptual costs to the cost of alternative power. Plant sizes were based on low electric energy growth projections. Fuel costs of alternative power were escalated at rates of 0, 2, and 5 percent. A discount rate of 7-5/8 percent was applied to the costs of both hydroelectric and alternative power. Cost of ijydroelectric Power For each of the sites identified in the map reconnaissance, costs were estimated for the major components and then summed to provide a total estimated capital cost. The project components for which separate cost estimates were developed include generation equipment (including the powerhouse structure), penstocks, dams and mobilization, and transmission facilities. Annual costs for each site were developed using an interest rate of 7-5/8 percent for project financing over a 50-year period, including an allowance for operation and maintenance costs. The average annual cost of energy for each site was then based on the annual cost of the project and the estimated annual energy output. 5-2 u Diesel Alternative A stream of diesel costs in ~/kWh were calculated for all isolated and potentially intertied communities based on annualized capital, operating and maintenance costs and, in the case of potential interties, annualized transmission costs. Two investment streams were calculated employing an average cost methodology and based on an interest rate of 7-5/8 percent. The capital costs were multiplied by a capital recovery factor of .0991 for the 20-year investment cycle. Replacement of the diesel generator after each 20 year increment was assumed. The assumption of a 20-year investment cycle and a 5 percent fuel escalation rate were used to calculate diesel costs for the first screening. For the potential i nterti ed communities, transmi s5i on costs were annual ized based on a capi tal recovery factor of .07823 for a 50-year investment cycle. Other assumptions were used in calculating diesel generation costs. Diesel generators were sized for peak hour of the final year of their useful life (20th year), assuming the demand at that time would be 1.5 times greater than average demand. The factor of 1.5 was derived from load curves supplied by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). A diesel heat rate of 12.4 kWh/ gallon was used to calculate fuel requirements.l/ Operating time was assumed to be 4380 hours per year, or half time on the average. Capital costs varied with s1ze , (~225/kW-~525/kW) and maintenance costs were assumed to be 6 percent of installed capital costs. Combustion Turbine Alternative The alternative to hydropower was assumed to be combustion turbines for those communities served by Golden Valley Electric Association, Chugach Electric Association, Matanuska Electric Association, and Homer Electric Association. The assumptions used in the economic analysis of combustion turbine power generation were the following: 25 year investment cycle heat rate of 10,800 Btu/kWh capital cost of ~720/kW for turbines 5-50 MW in size o and rv1 cost of ~O.005/kWh 5.2.4 Screening Results Benefit/cost ratios which use average cost values were developed for screening purposes. The benefit-cost ratio is defined as the costs of the most likely alternative method of power generation (diesel, combustion turbine) divided by the costs of hYdroelectric generation. 1/ A heat rate of 12.7 kWh/gallon was derived from data provided by Caterpillar Products and Sales Services. A value of 12.4 kWh/ gallon was used as a conservative estimate of the diesel heat rate. 5-3 combustion turbine) divided by the costs of hYdroelectric generation. The average ratio was taken for the cost of power generated during the 1981-2030 period. A B/C ratio gre~ter than 1.0 indicates that the I'lYdro site is worthY of further cor'isideration. . Six sets of benefit/cost ratios were examined, including 0, 2, and 5 percent fuel escalation, with and without the capital costs of alternative power included. Benefit/cost ratios based on fuel escalation but excluding the capital costs of the diesel generators were included as part of the analysis since it can be assumed that I'\Ydropower can supplement the existing generating system but not replace it. Since hYdropower wou'ld be unlikely to meet 100 percent of the demand throughout the year, diesel generators would be used as . \ standby power. Based on a 5 percent fuel escalation, the results of the preliminary screening indicate that 12 communities have no attractive hydroelectric sites while 13 communities survived the screening. The results were the same for both the inclusion and exclusion of capital costs of alternative power. Two of the thirteen communities were subsequently eliminated from further consideration. Chatanika Site No.2, the only site for this community with a B/C ratio greater than 1.0, was eliminated from further study because it was discovered, upon examining the 15-minute series maps, that the drainage area previously estimated on the 1:250,000 scale-map was considerably too large. Sites at Mansfield Village were eliminated from further consideration since it was discovered during the field reconnaissance that the community is a temporary fishing camp for residents of Tanacross. Eight of the 13 communities that had sites with B/C ratios greater than 1.0 were investigated during the field reconnaissance. A summary list of study area communities grouped into categories resulting from the preliminary screening is presented in Table 5-1. As explained in the following chapter, communities which had at least one site with a benefit-cost ratio greater than 1.0 were included in the detailed study phase, the results of which are presented in Table 1-1. 5-4 TABLE 5-1 SUI\1MARY OF COMMUN ITY HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL NORTHEAST REGION Sites With No Potential Beaver Bi rch Creek Central Chalkyitsik Chicken Ci rcl e Circle Hot Springs Fort Yukon Livengood Rampart Stevens Vi 11 age Wi seman Potential Sites/ Not Visited Potential Sites/ Field Reconnaissance Big Delta Chena Delta Junction Kaktovik/B,rter Island Chatanikal Arct i c Vi 11 age Dot Lake Eagle Eagle Village Mansfield Village Tanacross Tok Venetie 11 Subsequently eliminated due to limited drainage area. 5-5 u 6.0 DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS Conmunities which had at leas,t one site with a benefit-cost ratio greater than 1.0 were included in the detailed study phase. Each site to be studied was selected on the basis of field observations or study of more detailed (1:63,560-scale) maps. In a·. few instances, detailed map study indicated unfavorable conditions which could not be seen in the preliminary screening, and such sites were not included in the detailed investigations. This chapter provides information regarding the procedures employed in conducti "g. the detail ed investigations. 6.1 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE At each community visited, as many of the candidate sites were observed as possible. Use of helicopters allowed inspections from the air and on the ground. Initially, the intent had been to inspect only the sites at each conmunity ranked highest during the preliminary screening, with the dam sites inspected from the ground and stream and valley section measurement made at one or both sites. However, the field inspection revealed several anomalies, including occasionally pronounced differences in the runoff observed on north versus south-facing basins, the disappearance of stream flow into floodplain gravels or complete absence of flow in some basins. In addition, community leaders consistently expressed a desire for a supply of hydropower during the winter season. This led to reconsideration of and visits to larger streams with potential for more adequate winter flow. The field reconnaissance revealed significant differences in stream cross-sections, bed material, and sediment type and movement. In the Brooks Range the streams generally flow over exposed bedrock and have relatively dense vegetated banks that contribute very little sediment to the flow. None of the streams in the study area flow over loose volcanic ash, suited to use in sheet pile dams. In the foothills of the Alaska Range, alpine streams fed by glaciers are common. These streams can be grouped into two sub-types, here called "braided" and "torrential". Both types require special considerations in the type of diversion dam and intake selected. The "braided ll streams typically consist of several narrow active channels within a broad channel, up to 300 foot wide, composed of 2 to 12 inch sized gravel and small boulders. Typically a gravel terrace, two or three feet higher than the channel, extends for 100 to 200 feet on one or both sides. This gravel terrace floodplain in most cases is covered with vegetation. A diversion structure for this type of stre~m would have to extend the entire valley width. An important consideration is the danger of potential undermining of a surface type dam versus the probably greater expense of excavating and constructing the structure down to bedrock. ' 6-1 The "torrential" alpine streams mayor may not exhibit the slightly raised floodplain terrace. The main stream channel might typically be only 30 to 80 feet wide, with a bed of large gravel and up to 2 foot size boulders. This material can be readily visualized as quickly piling up against and overflowing any low. to medium height diversion. Spring floods deposit this material in their runout plains, miles further downstream, and in the process build up continuous windrows on either side, thus confining their own course. It was decided that the intake on a torrential stream should be located 50 to 100 feet upstream of the dam, thus avoiding the deposited sediment wedge at the dam. Scour pipes through the dam can be provided but it is doubtful that much gravel would be flushed on either the "braided" or "torrential" streams. Although storage type hYdro projects were not considered to be economically feasible for isolated communities or for small intertied systems. note was made of site suitability for storage projects in general. The same approach was followed for the handful of communities already forming part of a larger system limiting the present study to projects not exceedi ng in design capacity the 1997 community load demand. Only one potential storage project was identified, on American Creek near Eagle. This would be a very large project, as discussed in the Eagle section of this report, and was not considered to be within the scope of this study. 6.2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS The detailed analysis of the most promising potential hydropower sites required more accurate estimation and more complete description of streamflow than was done for the initial screening phase (Section 5.2.2). The basis of the procedure was the assumption that runoff per unit area in an ungaged stream was equal to runoff per unit area in a nearby representative gaged stream. scaled by the ratio of mean annual precipitation for the ungaged and gaged basins. That is, Q2/A2 = (Q1/A1)(P2/P1) where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to gaged and ungaged basins, respectively, and Q = overall mean monthly or annual streamflow A = drainage basin area P = mean annual precipitation for basin The factor P2/P1 adjusts for differing water inputs to the gaged and unyaged basins and includes any effects due to elevation differences between the basins. (1) The complete records of mean daily flows for .all current and discontinued gaged streams in Northeast Alaska were obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey on magnetiC tape. From these, stations were selected for pairing with ungaged basins, based on geographical proximity and correspondence of characteristics such as basin area, percent of area glaciated, and general topographY. These stations are 6-2 u listed in Table 6-1. For each of these stations, mean flow for each month and year of record, overall mean monthly and annual flows for the entire period of record, and a flow duration curve were calculated from the daily data. Only data for complete water years were used in the computations. Due to the relatively short period of record for many of the gaged streams and the fact that many recorded years could not be considered IInormal" but rather high or low flow years, the development of flow adjustment factors was necessary to define Ql in Equation 1 p'roperly. The factors were developed using long-term preCipitation aata. Each gaged stream was paired with a nearby representative long-term preCipitation station, which was used as an index to average basin precipitation. The long-term mean annual rainfall from this station was divided by the mean annual rainfall that occurred during the stream gaging period. This factor was multiplied by the overall mean monthly and annual flows calculated from the streamflow data to obtain "normal" mean flows. That is, Q1 = (Qt)(AP/GP) where Ql = "normal" mean monthly or annual flow Ql* = mean monthly or annual flow calculated from streamflow records AP = long-term mean annual precipitation at index station GP = mean annual precipitation at index station during stream gagi ng peri od ( 2) The flow adjustment factors for the gaged streams used for basin pairing are listed in Table 6-2, and the adjusted mean annual flows are given in Table 6-1. After each ungaged stream identified as a potential nydroelectric site was paired with a gaging station, the precipitation scaling factor was derived and applied to the streamflow data for the gaged stream to obtain mean flows for the ungaged stream. The preCipitation factor (P /Pl in Equation-I) required knowledge of basin-wide mean annual precipitation for gaged and ungaged basins. This information is available in Lamke (1979). In this regression study of regional flood characteristics, mean annual preCipitation was determined for many Alaskan gaged streams. Also included in this report are isonyetal maps covering the entire state, which were used by Lamke in determining mean annual precipitation. For the present study, these maps were used to obtain mean annual precipitation for all ungaged basins as well as for any gaged basins used for pairing that did not have a mean annual preCipitation value already reported by Lamke. Mean annual preCipitation for gaged streams used for basin pairing are given in Table 1, and values for potential nydropower sites are given in Table 6-3 and on the significant data sheets accompanying each community's detailed description. The isonyetal maps from Lamke (1979) used in this study are given in Figures 6-1 and 6-2. 6-3 TABLE 6-1 GAGED STREAMS USED FOR BASIN PAIRING Station Station Drainage Mean Mean Length of Number Name Are~ Annual Annual Record..!!/ (mi ) Precipitati on Flow (i nches) (cfs)E/ 15439000 Boul der Creek. 31.3 15 12.9 13(67-79) near Central 15476))0 Berry Creek 65.1 18 50.0 8(72-79) nea r Dot Lak.e 15564877 Wi seman Creek 49.2 18 28.1 8(71-78) at Wiseman 15564885 Jim Ri ver 465 15 489 7(71-77) nea r Bettl es a/ Mean annual flow during gaging period multiplied by factors in Table 6-2. b/ Compl ete water years only. Number of years is gi yen with the years of record in pa rentheses. 6-4 u Stream Boul der Creek Berry Creek Wi seman Creek Jim River TABLE 6-2 FLOW ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR GAGED STREAMS USED IN BASIN PAIRING Index Precipitation Station~/ Fai rbanks, Universi ty Experiment Stati 00£1 Big Delta, Northway.£l Bettles Bettles Factor.bl 1.12 1.12 1.15 1.12 al National Weather Service stations as given in U.S. Environmental Data Service (NOAA) Climatoligical Data. bl Factor = AP/GP in Equation 2 in text. £1 Factors obtained from two representative stations were averaged. 6-5 Site Arctic Vi1l age Site 3 Venetie Site 2 TABLE 6-3 BASIN PAIRINGS AND HYDROLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPOWER SITES Estimated Drainage Mean Mean Are~ Annual a/ Annual (mi ) Precipitation Flow (inches) (cfs) 9.9 18 5.7 342 9 216 Eagle/Eagle Village 49.2 18 24.3 Site 1 Big Delta/ 23.5 25 25.1 De 1 ta Ju nc t ion Site 2 Dot Lake 58.0 20 49.5 Site 2 Tanacross 29.0 10 12.4 Site 1 Tok 27.0 10 11.5 Site 7 Pai red Gaged Stream Wi seman Creek Jim River Boulder Creek Berry Creek Berry Creek Berry Creek Be'rry Creek !I The mean annual precipitation values presented are for the cited drainage basin, estimated from iso~etals in Lamke (1979). 6-6 62 c 152" 148" 146" 144· TANANA AREA o . 50 MILES c:: E?3 £ .. , .. '1.---1 Figure 6-1. Mean annual precipitation and mean minimum January temperatures in Tanana area. (Source: Lamke 1979) c 140' (7). I Q) 66· :Pi'\.'t:~· .. / . . ;~-:'_.f ..... ~ !'t'6""1!1' > / 150' Figure 6-2. c 1460 140' ;1', :J .. ~~::~~y 14 n° . --~~~-oil;r- Mean annual precipitation and mean minimum January temperatures in upper Yukon area. (Source: La!11ke 1979) c u The drainage areas of the ungaged streams (A2 in Equation 1) were determined by locating the dam sites on 1:63,360 USGS topographic maps (except for Venetie, for which the largest scale map available is 1:250,000), outlining the drainage basins contributing runoff to those poi nts, and pl animeteri ng the resulting areas. Ora; nage areas for gaged streams were given in the station descriptions accompaO¥ing the USGS flow data. Drainage area data are given in Tables 6-1 and 6-3 and the community significant data sheets. The procedures described above were used to derive values for Q1' AI, A2, PI, and P2 in Equation 1. The solution to Equation 1 was labeled Q2' tne mean flow for the ungaged stream. This was done for all ungaged streams to obtain overall mean flows for each month of the year and to obtain the overall mean annual flow of the stream. Further description of streamflow in the ungaged streams was obtained using dimensionless annual flow duration curves calculated from the USGS daily streamflow data for the gaged streams. Since the curves were dimensionless (the ordinate was flow divided by mean annual flow), they could be applied to the paired ungaged streams. Once the mean annual streamflow for an ungaged stream was determined as outlined in the procedure given above, the ordinate of the flow duration curve was multiplied by this value to obtain a flow duration curve for the ungaged stream. Flow duration curves for the gaged streams used for pairing are given Figures 6-3 through 6-6. The flow duration curves were used to determine plant factors for hYdropower projects for utility-served communities. For these communities, it could be assumed that aO¥ energy in excess of community demand could be routed into the utility grid and sold. Therefore, a standard flow duration curve analysis to determine percent of total flow that is usable was appropriate. This percent was only dependent on powerplant machine limitations. On the other hand, a flow duration curve analysis was i nappropri ate for projects servi ng isolated communities not within a utility grid because the energy available for which there was no demand could not be sold elsewhere. This reduced the percent of total flow that is usable below the value due strictly to powerplant machine limitations. For these communities, mean monthly streamflows were used instead of the flow duration curve to estimate flow availability. These flows were used in a computer program that calculated a plant factor by comparing energy availability to demand. The procedures for determining plant factors are described in more detail in Section 6.3. The methodology described above can be expected to give reaso.nable estimates of mean annual flow and the flow duration curve but less accurate estimates of mean monthly flows for ungaged streams. This is because a number of variables have a significantly greater effect on monthly flows than on annual flow. Factors such as orientation of slopes (i.e., north or south-facing) and percent of drainage area glaciatedha've a large effect on the monthly distribution of flow. For example, streams draining primarily north-facing slopes or glaCiated 6-9 ~ 9 LL. ~ LaJ :::& ...... ~ ...J LL. 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ADJUSTED MEAN ANNUAL FLOW = 12.9 cfs DRAINAGE AREA =31.3 mi 2 o~--------------~~=---.-----~ o 20 40 60 80 100 PERCENT OF TIME FUJN IS EQUALED OR EXCEEDED REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYOAOPOWER PROJECTS FIGURE 6-3 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR BOULDER ~ CREEK NEAR CENTRAL,ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~ 9 LI.. S ::I ........ ~ -' LI.. u 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2. 1.5 1.0 0.5 ADJUSTED MEAN ANNUAL FLOW = 50.0 cfs DRAINAGE AREA =65.1 mi 2 o+-----~------~------~----~------~ o 20 40 60 80 100 PERCENT r:F TIME FLOW IS EQUALED OR EXCEEDED .. I' A£GiONAL IHVEHTQRY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMAU HYDROPOWER PflOJECTS FIGURE 6-4 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR BERRY CREEK NEAR DOT LAKE, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~ LI.. ~ 1&.1 ::I ...... ~ ..J LI.. 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0- 1.5 1.0 0.5 ADJUSTED MEAN ANNUAL FLOW: 28.1 cfs DRAINAGE AREA: 49.2 ml2 O~----____ --~~--~----~----~ a 20 40 60 eo 100 PERCENT OF TIME FLOW IS EQUALED OR EXCEEDED 6-12 REGIONAL IHVamlRY & RECOIitWSSANCE STUDY SMALl HYDROPOWER PROJECTS FIGURE 6-5 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR WISEMAN CREEK AT WISEMAN I ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~. 9 I&. i LLI ::::& ...... ~ ...J I&. u 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.Q. 1.5 1.0 0.5 ADJUSTED MEAN ANNUAL FLOW: 489cfs DRAINAGE MEA = 465 mi 2 0L---~--__ --~====~~~ o 20 40 60 80 100 PERCENT (;If TIME FLOW IS EQUALED OR EXCEEDED .6-13 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMAll HYDROPOWER PROJECTS FIGURE 6 -6 FLOW DURATION CURVE FOR JIM RIVER NEAR BETTLES, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS basins have their peak runoff period a month or two later in the year than do streams draining south-facing slopes or unglaciated basins. These factors have a much small er effect on annual flow. Iii Q basi n V pairing procedure~ it is often difficult to find nearby gaged streams with all drainage basin characteristics similar to the ungaged streams~ especially in remote areas such as Northeast Alaska, where gaged streams are very sparse. Good estimates of mean annual flow can still be obtained under such conditions, but mean monthly flows can be in error, especially during the spring and summer snowmelt periods. The mean annual flows estimated by this methodology, therefore, can be considered to be more accurate than the estimated mean monthly flows. While the accuracy limitations of the mean monthly flow estimates are recognized, monthly estimates were developed in order to derive plant factors for sites serving isolated villages, as discussed in the following section. This procedure was determined to be appropriate in a reconnaissance-level study, but a more rigorous approach supported by better data would be required at the feasibility level of study. , 6.3 PLANT FACTORS AND INSTALLED CAPAC lTV Two methods of plant factor analysi s were used in the more detailed studies. The first method was used in systems where the installed capacity of the nYdroelectric plant was substantially below the average system utility demand (annual energy divided by 8,760 hours). It was assumed that the utility can sell any power produced, and the only limitation to the amount of energy produced ,,,ould be availability of streamflow to operate the turbines. The installed capacity was sized to capture up to 1.5 times the mean annual flow. Any flow occuring in excess of that amount was assumed to be spilled without producing power. In addition, turbines cannot operate below a certain minimum flow, which is determined by machine limitations. When the flow drops below that amount, the turbine cannot operate and must be shut down. The flow duration curve in Figure 6-7 illustrates the principles involved. The area beneath the curve represents the total flow in the stream, and the shaded area beneath the curve represents the fraction of the total flow that can be used to generate power. This fraction is multiplied by the annual average flow and termed the usable annual average flow qu (in cfs). The annual energy (E) resulting from this flow is calculated by the following equation: E = quHn e 8760 11.8 where: Hn is the net head in feet, e is the system efficiency, based on a tyical turbine efficiency of 0.85, generator efficiency of 0.96 and transformer efficiency of 0.98, which results in e = 0.80, and 8760 ;s the number of hours per year. The factor 11.8 is a conversion factor used to make all units dimensionally consistent. 6-14 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 u PLANT FACTOR = FRACTION OF TOTAL FLOW THAT IS USABLE X MEAN FLOW.;. DESIGN FLOW PERCENT CE TIME FLOW IS EQUALED OR EXCEEDED 6-15 REGIONAL INVENTORY & R£CONNAISSANCE sruoy SMAll HYDAOPOWeJI PROJECTS FIGURE 6-7 FLOW DURATION CURVE PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR UTILITY-SERVED COMMUNITIES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARM ... ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS Dividing the above annual energy actually generated by the energy that could be generated by the plant operating at the design flow for the entire year. yields the plant factor. U Isolated communities and smaller utilities required a different approach to estimate the plant factor. since not all power that can be produced during periods of low demand can be sold. This approach is illustrated in Table 6-4~ a typical summary table for 1997, the design year. The computati ons i nvol ved were perfonned on a computer for each year in the 50 year period of analysis. although only the design year results were output. This infonnation was included in the significant data section for each site analyzed. . In order to implement this second approach~ average monthly flows were deri ved as detailed in Secti on 6. 2~ Hydrologic Analysi s. The potenti a1 hYdroelectric energy generation was calculated based on the net head, average monthly flow~ and number of hours per given month. When average monthly flows exceeded the design flow~ the design flow replaced the average monthly flow in the computations. When average monthly flow fell below the minimum operating flow for the turbine unit, it was assumed that no hYdroelectric energy was generated. The installed capacity was selected as the lesser of the capacity required to meet the 1997 annual energy forecast in kilowatt-hours, divided by 8,760 hours per year and multiplied by 1.6 (see discussion below on load utilization curve) and by the capacity resulting from utlization of 1.5 times the average streamflow. The pen:ent of average annual energy used in each month wa~ based on five villages in the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative.1! These values were multiplied by the yearly annual energy forecast to obtain monthly energy demand in kilowatt hours. The usable hYdro energy was calculated from the potential hydroelectric energy generation (PHEG) and the energy demand. The method is illustrated graphically in Figure 6-8. The figure represents a load durati on curve for a gi ven month and year (i n this case the month of October and the design year~ 1997). The curve shape was developed from several references (USDI 1980; Creagher and Justin 1950; and Linsley and Franzin 1975) and actual field observations. The ordinate is the non-dimensional ratio of hourly demand to average daily demand (by definition 1.00 represents the average daily demand). The abscissa is the time (hours) over which that ratio prevails. The factors defining the curve are referred to as load shape and hour factors. The daily peak was assumed to occur during lunch and/or dinner time. It was estimated to be twice the average daily demand and have a duration of 3 hours. This corresponds to a load shape factor of 2.00 and an hour factor of 3.00. The bulk of the demand was estimated to be greater 11 Small Hydroelectric Inventory of Villages served by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative~ United States Department of Energy~ Alaska Power Administration~ December 1979. 6-16 U TABLE 6-4 TYPICAL PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR ISOLATED COMMUNITIES AND SMALL UTILITIES, DESIGN YEAR 1997 NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAISANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: VENETIE SITE NUMBER: 2 NET HEAD (fT): 32. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 196. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS): 9.20 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 ·0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (#DAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY MONTHLY HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE DEMAND FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY (CFS) GENERATI ON (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 14.10 22443. 10.00 106982. FEBRUARY 11.20 16102. 9.50 101633. MARCH 11.00 17509. 9.00 962~4. APRIL 14.50 22335. 9.00 96284. MAY 820.00 145824. 8.00 85585. JUNE 671.00 141120. 5.50 58840. JULY 206.00 145824. 5.50 58840. AUGUST 316.00 145824. 6.00 64189. SEPTEMBER 371.00 141120. 8.00 85585. OCTOBER 86.90 138318. 9.00 .96284. NOVEMBER 34.40 52988. lU.OO 106982. DECEMBER 20.50 32630. 10.50 112331. TOTAL 1022037. 1069818. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.31 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.33 6-17 USABLE HYDRO ENERGY 14962. 10735. 11672. 14890. 82417 • 58840. 58840. 64189. 81829. 82946. 35325. 21753. 538399. 2.0! ........ ----. EXAMPLE I VENETIE MONTH OF OCTOBER ESIGN HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY (l45,824 kWh) (PLANT LIMITED) o « 9 1.5 UJ ~ 1.0 a:: UJ ~ ....... g ...J 6. LEGEND 12 HOURS V7l POTENTIAL HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY-LL-LJ (138,318 kWh) (FLOW LIMITED) ~ USABLE HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY ~ (82,946 kWh) 6-18 18 24 REGIONAl. INVBmJIV &. ~ANCE STUDY SIIAU, HYIlAOPOWER fIfIOJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA FIGURE 6-8 LOAD DURATION CURVE FOR PLANT FACTOR ANALYSIS -ISOLATED COMMUNITIES AND SMALL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS than or equal to 1.6 times the average daily load and anticipated to occur over 13 hours. Therefore, it was selected as an installed capacity ~uide1ine. During the eight hour night-time period, demand normally 1S minimal and was therefore assumed to be zero for this analysis. The resulting PHEG value was converted to a non-dimensional ratio by dividing it by the monthly energy demand. Values of the ratio were then plotted as a line on the load duration curve. The shaded area beneath the line represents the usable ~droelectricenergy. It was calculated by the computer from the defined load shape and hour factors. The plant factor is equal to the sum of the usable ~dro energy, divided by the energy that would have resulted from operating the plant at its installed capacity for the period under consideration. The plant factors output included the 1997 design year plant factor as well as the pl ant factor resul ti ng over the 50 year peri od of analysi s. 6.4 CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING 6.4.1 General From previous experience on similar studies and from a brief economic sensitivity analysis, the type of ~dro development adopted was limited to run-of-the-river plants. Accordingly, at the few topographically very favorable sites where a minor amount of storage was provided behind forty foot high dams, no credit was given to this storage in operational studies because increasing dam height proved simply the most economic means for providing sufficient spillway capacity and sediment storage, as well as providing additional head in confined sites. Reconnaissance level studies were conducted of the type of diversion dams, waterways, mechanical and electrical equipment, powerhouses, transmission lines, access, and mobilization and demobilization. The studies included review and evaluation of: 1. Published climatologic, geotechnical and other relevant data on the study area; 2. State of art of small ~dro engineering in cold regions, i ncl udi ng previously completed reports; 3. Equipment manufacturers data; 4. Transmission line options; 5. Access techniques; and 6. Contractor mobilization/demobilization requirements including need for construction camps. 6-19 For the optimum site for each community the selected damsite and project layout are described on its Significant Data sheet included in thi s report. Except for some river valleys and south-facing slopes, the entire Northeast study region is generally underlain by permafrost. The main aspects in which the presence of permafrost often may potentially affect engineering projects are evaluated in considerable detail in the 1980 USCOE report on Northwest Alaska. Several of the restrictive conclusions reached in that report are, however, applicable to a much larger degree, to storage type projects in the flatland and muskeg country of Northwest and Southwest Alaska, where only a handful of sites could develop more than a hundred foot of head. These conclusions are not felt to be fully applicable to the foothill and mountain country of this study area where practically all the sites evaluated in this study would be located. There can be no doubt that extensive geotechnical exploration would be required on any project in order to establish, by drilling, electromagnetic surveys, jacking 'in holes and by other methods, the extent, temperature, and other characteristics of the permafrost areas and zones. It should, however, be remembered -that permafrost is not continuous in the Northeast study region, and that the types of areas were the extent of permafrost is at a minimum and/or where its presence has the least effect on construction are typically those in which any small run-of-the-rfver type hYdro developments would be located. Such modifying factors, as they might lessen the negative impact of permafrost on the main project elements, are summarized below: o Diversion Dams In almost every case these would be located on thaw-stable gravelly materials or on bedrock. In quite a few cases the stream might also already have created a thaw-bulb strip all along its course, thus having actually entirely removed any pennafrost. low concrete dams are therefore not 1 ikely to settle significantly, nor would their safety be likely to be endangered by any nominal increase in leakage flow underneath them. Nor would minor temperature cracking within the concrete blocks endanger these small structures. o Penstocks In most cases penstock routes would ski rt a stream bank, and be located either on gravel terraces or on shallow bedrock, their gradient normally dipping quite steeply. This would avoid the need for any deep excavation or use of arctic type piles to reach the bedrock. Settlement upon melting of any ice lenses in the bedrock could readily be absorbed by the penstock by means of incorporation of slight bends in plan and by use of expansion joints. 6-20 u o o .}, I <' Powerhouse Most likely, powerhouses would be seated within a gravel terrace or on a bedrock b1 uff and therefore not be affected adversely by permafrost, if present. In the few cases where it might be located on banks of finer material, drilled piles would readily ensure its safety. Transmission Lines For most of thei r 1 ength the routes woul d probably run in terrain similar to that followed by the penstock routes. Crossing of any limited local adverse permafrost areas of frozen wet silty ground, in the flat country at the foot of the hills, would be readily achieved by use of double po1yethe1ene film wrapped around the embedded part of the poles. o Access Roads Because of th~ relatively favorable topographic and foundation factors discussed above, need for limiting access to winter only would not be an automatic conclusion. The heavy construction materials and equipment, as well as the permanent project equipment. might well. however, be moved during wintertime, simply because of the greater ease of winter transportat ion. 6.4.2 Diversion Dams The type of dam selected depends upon soils and foundations conditions found at the project site. Soils and foundations information was obtained from soil classification data in "Exp10ratory Soils Survey of Alaska" of the U.S. Department of Agriculture So11 Conservation Service (1979). The classification data describe soil types, terra.in slope. erodibility and stability for roads. and other types of foundations. Three types of diversion dams. conSisting of concrete. sheet pile, and embankment structures. were considered for the Northeast Region sites. A sheetpi1e and rockfi11 diversion structure requires soils conditions in which driving of sheetpi1es is feasible. This was ruled out because of the common occurrence of permafrost and large boulders and gravel. Embankment structures were also ruled out, because their spillway requirements would be economically unattractive in comparison with conc rete dams. The concrete dam scheme, shown in Figure 6-9, incorporates an intake structure with a central overflow spillway section, and riprap protection to the creek channel immediately downstream of the diversion dam. Diversion into the penstock pipe will occur from an intake box. slightly recessed into one stream abutment and normally located just upstream of the dam face. Flows enter this intake box through a 6-21 sloping heavy grating-type trashrack~ located on an incline along the top of the box. Thi s arrangement all ows fo.r easy mai ntenance removal of any accumulated trash and the closed vertical walls of the box exclude bottom sediment·from the vicinity of the pipe intake. A scour val ve has been incorporated on each side of the stream for peri odic flushing of bottom sediment accumulated. An overflow weir would be located centrally over the stream bed~ with its crest elevation several feet above the top of the intake box. This will allow winter flow to enter the penstock even after up to a four foot thick ice cover has fonned. As shown on Figure 6-9, this dam, up to 40 foot high, would have a central standard ogee spillway section with a bucket energy dissipator. No fish ladder has been indicated or costed out for this concrete dam because the cost of this item could become quite considerable for this higher dam and shoulq therefore only be studied where feasibility studies showed an actual need for such provisions. The ogee spillway was sized for a 50-year flood, in accordance with the approach in USCOE "Feasibility Studies for Small Scale Hydropower Additions" (1979) for low hazard dams, with storage not exceeding 1000 acre feet and heights less than 40 feet. These 50 year floods were detennined using the method detailed in "Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams" (1975), taking no allowance for lake and pond storage or forests. Mean minimum January temperatures of -20°F for the Northeast Region were assumed. Various combinations of spillway height and width were utilized in order to confine this flood to the main stream channel. No freeboard was provided to the top of the non-overflow section which was assumed to be safely overtopped during larger floods. This dam type will also provide a considerable amount of sediment storage, as well as ample room for an ice sheet to form. However, because only the sand size fraction of sediment would probably be subsequently removed through flushing, the large gravel, cobble, and boulder size particles would continue to accumulate against the dam. For most of the sites, the need for provision for a certain amount of sediment storage, especially on the braided and/or torrential streams, caused the intake structure for the penstock to be an independent structure, located 50 to 100 feet further upstream. From field observation and literature study it was assumed that all concrete dams would reach relatively impervious alluvial materials -or bedrock - after excavating down four feet. This assumption also infers that foundation treatment requirements would not become excessive. At some sites an earthfill type of dam was evaluated in wide stream valleys on creeks requiring relatively large spillways. A standard, "non-frozen" earth and rockfill dam section with 2.5 to 1 slopes -as costed .out by USCOEand given as Figure 4-2 in Tudor (1981) Report - was considered with a ·freeboard of ten feet provided for the 50 year flood. The spillway was assumed to be an ungated concrete chute in an abutment. Details of the core, filter, and rockfill zones would depend on the local availabilty of materials. The intake would be as for the 6-22 u TO POWERHOUSE ING GRADE MAX. 50 YEAR w.L. NORMAL W.L. SECTION A-A SCALE: 1"= 10' 6-23 STRUCTURE PLAN : VARIES __ .. OL .... " ,.., ... L TO BE DESIGNED TO STANDARDS (TYPICAL) VARIES 06'-260'} : OGEE SPILLWAY ", ". ", SIDESLOPE ",'" (VARIES) ", -----------~.... /----_.....--.------1-------- DEPTH OF EXCAVATION -...,.----' (VARIES) ELEVATION SCALE: Iii = 2d BACKFILL BETWEEN CONCRETE WALLS SECTION B-B SCALE: I": 10' HEAVY GRATI NG """-~ TO POWER HOUSE p. I ~I I !----- SECTION C-C SCALE: 1"=10' REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA ,LARGE CONCRETE DAM AND INTAKE , -. .. STRUCTURE. TYPICAL LAYOUT FIGURE 8-g. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DtSTRICT CORPS OF u 1 arger concrete dams but the penstock woul d be concrete-encased through the dam and provided with a downstream control gate and an adjacent smaller diameter pipe for stream releases. Largely because of the great cost for the concrete chute spillway, this type of dam did not prove to be economical and was not further considered for Northeast Region sites. . Normal construction practice requires the contractor to be responsible for cofferdam construction and diversion of water around the dam site. This item is highly variable in cost and, as such, is included in the contingency amount. 6.4.3 Soils and Foundations U.S. Department of Agriculture soils maps were utilized in identificaton of rocky and steep mountainous areas where access, penstock, and transmission line construction might prove to be difficult and more costly. The type of bedrock is of relatively minor significance for the very small size hYdraulic structures that would be required at the sites evaluated in this report. Both bedrock and permafrost profiles should, however, be established at both the intake and the powerhouse sites. Diversion dam and powerhouse structures do not necessarily have to be seated on bedrock, but could be supported on dense, pervious gravel. For both the dam and powerhouse structures, the need for a cutoff to bedrock would have to be evaluated in order to avoid seepage and subsequent potential piping failure at the intake weir and undermining by eddying currents at the powerhouse. It is possible that pile foundations for the powerhouse may be required at those few sites where bedrock, clean gravel, or other foundation material not subject to frost heave, does not exist at a shallow depth. Pile found~tions, incorporating appropriate measures for dealing with permafrost, such as use of non-frost-susceptible backfill slurries, proper anchoring, etc., would then be utilized. Because of the lack of subsurface information, both with regard to extent of permafrost and espeCially on the type and thickness of foundation material, the increase in cost due to the need for such foundations was not included in the present study. 6.4.4 Waterways The use of open canal s as waterways was eval uated and rejected for these projects, partly because of the negative environmental aspects, but mainly because of the likely thawing of the underlying permafrost and resulting permanent erosion, unless extensive gravel surround was to be provided. All water conveyance structures would be enclosed pipelines. 6-24 The ~draulic head at each site was generally maximized in order to maximize power operations. The unit cost of penstocks was kept to a minimum, both by limiting the design pressure and by reducing roughness of pipe which allowedCthe penstock diameter to be reduced. Diameters were selected to limit head losses to 10 percent of gross head, using the Hazen Williams equation with CHW = 140. The alignment selected attempts to maximize the low pressure pipeline sections of the penstocks. The use of a low-head penstock section is possible along the upper reaches of many sites. However, for the manufactured steel penstock pipe assumed in this study, minimal, normally accepted handling thicknesses proved to govern the pipe thickness and hence the cost up to a static head of 280. feet for large diameter (54" and greater) pipes, and increasing up to 560 feet for small 12" diameter pipes. An allowance of 35 percent of static head for surge was included. Except for a ve~ short section immediately downstream of each intake weir, where burial and/or concrete encasement appear to be practically a requirement in order to provide protection against undermining and other damage from high flood flows, the penstock line can be left exposed. (Burial of up to 2-mile long penstocks would, in most cases, prove to be very expensive and the long-term environmental impact from potentially extensive excavation and soil erosion could be Significant, although not pOSing as high a likelihood as erosion from canals.) A brief state-of-the-art survey was carried out for the smoothest type of readily available, long-lasting, and economic internal lining for both facto~ manufactured steel pipes and field-assembled small diameter (5 feet and below) steel penstocks. The optimum lining proved to be either polyurethane vinyl, hand coated in 3 to 5 mil thickness, or mechanical extruded vinyl lining (30 mil). For the outside coating, zinc rich exterior primer with 2 protective coats of polyurethane vinyl would be suitable for the Alaska locations. Tar, tar enamel, tar epoxy, or asphalt exterior coating is not recommended as these proective coatings become brittle and spall at the sub-zero Alaskan winter temperatures. Plastic pipe!! has been installed both above ground and underground for water supply and sewerage service in the Alaska environment, and has performed satisfactorily. Because of the remoteness of the sites in this study, use of plastic pipe was, however, not deemed advisable without further detailed investigations. _1/· Either FRP (glass fiber reinforced isopthalic resin) or high density polyet~lene. 6-25 v No insulation was specified for the penstocks because maintenance of continued flow within. full pipes was assumed' to basically provide sufficient prOtection against freezing. To further guard 'against any freezing and to enable rapid restarts to be made if freezing still were to happen, the penstocks were finally assumed to be of steel. Small diameter drain pipes would be specified at frequent dips in the penstock profile to ensure speedy drainage of the system during any lengtny shutdowns. At certain sites, low flow or no flow conditions wi 11 prevent nydroel ectric operation duri ng the wi nter months. Detailed i nvestigati onsof the pipelf ne thermodynamics as well as insulation, flow bypass systems, and pipe burial should be conducted during feasibility studies. No line items for these components have been provided for in this study other than the general contingency. Also, as discussed in Section 6.4.1, no special support provisions were designed or costed in this reconnaissance study for coping with permafrost, since the extent of this foundation aspect would first have to be determined by detailed field studies. 6.4.5 Turbines and Generators The project sites evaluated have a potential output range of from 60 to 1,000 kilowatts, with heads from 50 up to 400 feet. Impulse turbines are utilized for most sites in this ~tudy because their ability to operate over a wide range of flows.l! Typically, theseturb1nes operate safely at 20 percent of maximum output. Accordingly, with two turbines per site, nydroelectric generation can thus be maintained with stream flows as low as 15 percent of the average flow. At Eagle, however, only a single unit is proposed, both because of the low plant capacity (60 kW) and because of extremely low winter flows. F9r the small size generating units involved in this' study, ready means a're a-vail able to 1 imit-the potential pressure-changes upon sudden flow changes in the penstock, without resorti ng to .relative1y exp'ensfve nydraulic structures, such as construction of surge tanks. Moderation orelimi,na'ti(:>n of potential pressure rise from sudden loss or decrease in load in the case of impulse-type turbines is built into the machine in that the jet deflector first deflects the jet from the turbine without changing the rate of flow in the penstock. Thereafter, the needle valv.e controlling the flow can be slowly mov~d to a pOSition corresponding to the new output. The rate of closure of the valve can be controlled to protect the penstock from unacceptable pressure rise. 1/ Di,scussions were hel d with the manufactur~rs of small-size, but basically medium-to high-head turbines,. The two major U.S. turbi ne manufacturers do not 1 ncl ude . small impul se turbi nes of the size required for these installations i.n their proauc~ line. There are, however, domestic small special ty turb.i ne manufacturers and foreign suppliers who do supply this equipment. Price information covering the full project range was obtained from a domestic manufacturer for this class of equipment. 6-26 The nozzle needle can be designed to maintain some flow in the penstocks to avoid freezing. If it is anticipated than any of the plants might be shut down for long periods, the intake valves provided at the head of the penstock can be closed to drain the penstock. The intake valves will generally be manually operated. On all the project sites the diverted flow through the penstock is assumed to be divided at the powerhouse into two equally sized impulse-type units. The typical arrangement, using two packaged units, is shown on Figure 6-10. The penstock would bifurcate just upstream of the powerhouse into two pipes, each supplying a skid-mounted unit package, seated on a concrete base slab. Each unH would di scharge into a tailrace slot cut into this concrete base slab. Because impulse turbi nes have to di scharge into atmospheric pressure above the maximum tailrace elevation, about 3 to 6 feet of hYdraulic head is lost. This loss is negligible when considering the flexibility of the machine and its ability to operate without expensive surge tanks. The package unit enclosures are supplied by the manufacturer and are included in the total cost of the unit. If these package enclosures prove to be not sufficiently insulated, a prefabricated wooden building could be readily placed over the two unit packages. The additional costs would be negligible in comparison with eachcproject cost. The preferred orientation of the powerhouse, directing the tailrace flows to meet the stream at approximately 45 degrees, is shown in Figure 6-10. It should also be noted that the location of impulse-type turbines above the tailrace water surface effectively precludes any fish from entering the generating units. The small Pelton-type impulse turbines described above were considered to be below their optimum range at two Venetie sites because of the low (35 feet) head available. Crossflow or Ossberger turbines which have a relatively broad flow range were therefore utilized. While generators may be either synchronous or induction type, most sHes wi 11 requi re that synchronous generators be provi ded. The only application for an induction generator is for those instances where the power from the project is fed into a much larger system that has the capability at the pOint of connection of providing the reactive power necessary for the operation of the inductive mach; nee The speed of a synchronous generator must be controlled in order to ensure proper operation of electric motors and timing devices. A governor will therefore be provided to control the flow of water to the turbine in accordance with the load on the generator to maintain a constant speed. An induction generator would be controlled by the electrical system to which it was connected. and would have required control devices only to protect the machin~ in case of malfunction. As stated above, however, this less expensive type of generator could only· be considered for the few proposed plants where connection to a large system such as the Golden Valley system is possible. 6-27 r"""B A PLAN SCALE : 1" -10' -0" SECTION B - B SCALE :. 1" -6' -0" 6-28' PACKAGE I' , JL GENERATOR IMPULSE TURBINE RUNNER ONCRETE FLo01 i~~~Ir--SUBSTRUCTURE SECTION Aj-A SCALE : 1" -.,' -0" REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA ~;":":"'-----II POWERHOUSE TYPICAL LAYOUT FIGURE 8-10 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA OtSTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u 6.4.6 Site Access The impulse turbines selected as the generating units are packaged in a container which can be readily transported to the sites during wi ntertime on a 'sled. Remote control projects have been assumed for the majority of the sites. Therefore, no permanent roads have been assumed to be needed to powerhouse locations or other project features. Access tracks to powerhouse and intake areas would be required as well as to parts of the transmission lines where the conditions appear to be particularly difficult. 6.4.7 Transmission Transmission line capabilities under relatively small loading and short distances have been evaluated to assess transmission capabilities up to several megawatts at voltages of 7.2 kV, 14.4 kV, and 38 KY. The economies involved do not warrant consideration of higher voltages for the range of loads and distances considered. The voltages are intended as an estimate only and a more detailed study of selected corona effects, long distance stability, and thermal conditions as well as other engineering considerations should be performed at the next stage of study. The transmission line capabilities for voltages and distances considered are dependent primarily upon size and number of conductors, voltage, distance, power factor, and, to a lesser degree, phase spacing. This study assumed a minimum power factor of 0.9 and typical phase spacing for 3-phase lines. The transmission line system was selected to limit linepower losses to approximately 5 percent and voltage drops at 7.75 to 10 percent. As shown on the load versus distance curves in Figure 6-11, for a given line power loss and voltage drop, th~ maximum product of the installed capacity in kilowatts and the transmission distance in miles remains a constant. Specific limiting kilowatt-miles for various transmission alternatives are summarized in the Transmission Costs section. In permafrost areas, single wire ground return systems are often not feasible because of too low ground conductivity values. An alternative single phase transmission concept was utilized, therefore, with a second wire provided for the return current. Such systems are in common usage in the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Service areas and other interior and northern utilities. Embedded wood poles would be used because no major cost increases result from incorporation of a double folded polyethelene film sleeve around the embedded part of the pole which serves to break the bond to the active zone of permafrost and thus prevent heave from occurri ng. . A 14.4 kVor 38 kV four-wire transmission line was selected for larger and/or more remote powerhouses. Selection of the minimum voltage in this four-wire line alternate was subject to the same 5 percent loss 6-29 20~------~~---------+----------~ 15r---------~--------_T----------r_ (Maximum MW -MILES = 167) -~ ::I -10~--------~--~~---.~--~~--r--- 5~--~----~---------.----------r-- 14.4 kV (Maximum MW-MILES = 24) 6 10 20 30 DISTANCE (MILES) 266.8-26/7 1.75 % VOLTAGE DROP 5% LOSS 3 PHASE REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA· FIGURE 6-11 TRANSMISSION LINE ~OAD VS. DISTANCE FOR 5 LOSS 6-30 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u u co'nsideration. Long spans were used at a few sites, where transmission 1 i nes traversed expanses of water, such as the ri ver crossing at Arctic Vi 11 age. 6.4.8 Operations and Maintenance Little data are available on operations and maintenance of small hYdroelectric projects. Most information that is available has been compiled for operation of such projects as part of a larger system, within ready reach of skilled personnel and maintenance facilities. An attempt was made to arrive at conservative minimum 0 and M costs for single Alaskan communities, not in the immediate viCinity of a large population center. The plant was assumed to be equipped with sufficient redundant components to facilitate remote control with a minimum of plant outage and provide sufficient time for maintenance personnel to arrive when needed. Remote control and intelligence transmission would be by micro-wave carriers and the remote operating center would include a computer facility, as well as all functions required to start, operate, monitor, and shut down the plant. Local recording of basic data and important functions would take place at 'the plant and all equipment would be designed for fail safe operation. Monthly inspection of the plant would be required for: Cleaning of debris (intakes, sumps, filters, racks, etc.); Replacement of recorder paper, relays, and adjustments; Checking of condition of electrical equipment, batteries, transformers, microwave equipment, motors, etc; Comparison of data collected at the remote control center with that recorded locally, for precise calibration; Replacement of printed circuit cards as necessary; i.e., excitation, microwave, etc. Prescheduled maintenance outages would occur once a year. 6.5 PROJECT COSTS The reconnaissance level cost estimates were derived from the preliminary project layouts by first estimating the cost for similar work in the Pacific Northwest. The cost level for each item was based on the construction cost indices of the Bureau of Reclamation for July 1981. Table 6-5 gives specific escalation factors applied to the various cost components. Construction costs were totaled and multiplied by a geographic factor developed for each community 6-31 TABLE 6-5 ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS COST ESCALATION FACTORS OSBR Date of Cost Indexes Escalation Ky 1/ Original Original July Over Ori gi na Item Source-Estimate Estimate 1981 Estimate Comments l. DAMS Concrete Small New Large New Earth and Rockfi11 1 4/79 2.37 3.00 1.27 Fig. 4-2 Spillway 1 4/79 2.47 3.21 1.30 Fig. 4-3 Sheetpile 2 7/80 2.83 3.08 1.09 2. PEN STOCKS 1 4/79 2.61 3.27 1. 25 Fig. 4-5 3. POWERHOUSE AND EQUIPMENT Turbi nes and Generators Pelton 2 7/80 2.95 3.29 1.12 Crossflow 3 7/78 2.38 3.29 1.38 Fi g. 5-7 Misc. Power Plant and Auxil iary Equipment 1 4/79 2.37 2.95 1.24 Fig. B-8 Powerhouse Structure Pel ton New Crossflow 3 7/78 2.28 3.03 1.33 Fig. 5-20 Excavation 3 7/78 2.33 3.14 1.35 Fig. 5-21 Val ves and Bifur- cations 1 4/79 2.61 3.27 1.25 Fig. 4-6 4. Swi tc I1Y a rd (E1 ectri ca 1 and Ci vi 1) 1 4/79 2.37 3.08 1.32 Fig. B-9 or Fig. 4-17 5. Access 2 7/80 3.16 3.32 1.05 6. Trans- mission New 7. Mobili- zation New 1.1 Sources: 1. EPRI (1981). . 2. Ebasco (1980). (Note Alaska cost factors were taken out to be consistent with geographic factor applied to totals.) U 3. USBR (fonnerly WPRS) (1980). ----------------------------------------------~ 6-32 u reflecting the particular conditions in that part of Alaska, including higher labor and transportation costs, mobilization and demobilization, and other factors related to remoteness and adverse climate. These factors are presented in Secti on 6.5.8. Contingencies of 25 percent and engineering and owner administration of 15 percent were then added to give the Total Construction Cost. Interest During Construction (IDC) was estimated by assuming a 2.5-year construction schedule and using an interest rate of 7-5/8 percent, as defined in the scope of work for this study. The IDC factor was computed following the uniform annual cost ar.proach, as recommended by the USCOE IIHydropower Cost Estimati ng Manual' (1979). The IDC factor was then added to the Total Construction Cost to give the Total Project Cost, which is provided on the Cost Summary sheet for each project. Costs not estimated and hence covered by the contingency item are land, diversion and care of water during construction, reservoir, relocations, and environmental controls and mitigation. 6.5.1 Dams As discussed in Section 6.4.2, concrete gravity dams, with a central ungated ogee section, were used at all Northeast Region sites. Costs were based on quantity takeoff from the typical drawing (see Fig. 6-9). The co nc rete co st s uti 1 i zed a bas i c conc rete cost of $250 per cubi c yard. The cost of constructing the spillway bucket was estimated at $375 per cubic yard. The intake structure was estimated at $500 per cubic yard since it includes considerable framework. Val ves and grating added an additional $10,000. Excavation, foundation treatment, and backfi 11 were estimated as 10 percent of the total concrete costs. The concrete volumes were estimated separately for each of the primary geometric solids apparent in Figure 6-9. The side slopes were determined from Abney level readings taken in the field, and estimated from the USGS maps for unvisited sites. The spillway volumes were calculated by integrating the area under the ogee curve and additional allowance was made for the spillway bucket and walls. Intake structure costs were estimated based on penstock diameter and the height of the concrete ogee section which directly governs the height of the intake. 6.5.2 Penstocks Penstock costs were estimated based on the diameter and length, and utilized Figure 4-5 from the 1981 EPRI study "Simplified Methodology for Economic Screening of Potential Low-Head Capacity Hydroelectric Sites". Included in the costs are the supply and erection of the penstock with supports, concrete footings, minimal excavation, and surface treatment. Special foundation treatments, thrust blocks, and bifurcations are not included. Since EPRI Figure 4-5 is based on low pressure penstocks, a high head adjustment factor (Fn) was developed. 6-33 Fn equals 1 for net heads less than or equal to those calculated based on the USBR formula and adjusted for surge. When net heads exceed this, a cost adjustment was made to cover the extra thickness required for the internal pressure design. Installed penstocks average approximately S2.25 per pound of steel pipe based on the EPRI Figure escalated to July 1981 costs. Ma·nufacturers quoted the cost of extra steel at S.45 per pound. The extra shipping weight and increased handling costs would raise this increase in cost to S.75 per pound or to approximately 1/3 of the cost per unit given by EPRI Figure 4-5. Since thickness varies linearly with head, the following formula was adopted for the high pressure head adjustment: Fn = 1 + (H n -Hmi~Hmin where Hn is the net head, and ~io is the equvalent internal pressure deSign head for the USBR mlnlmum handling thickness. TM s factor was multiplied by the cost per foot, times the length of the high head penstock. . An analysis of penstock parameters showed that freight, supports, and installation accounted for approximately 50 percent of the total cost. The product cost of the finished penstock plant was not escalated by the geographic factor. Therefore, weighted value of only 75 percent of the total penstock cost was entered on the cost data summary table for each site. 6.5.3 Powerhouse and EqUipment Turbines and Generators Pelton type impulse turbines were selected for all projects except for heads below 130 feet. Estimates of the cost of powerplant generating equi pment (i ncl udi ng turbi ne, governor, generator, and control equipment) were obtained from manufacturers. Costs for a skid-mounted, fully weather proofed, steel panel enclosed turbine generator package are given by the curve in Figure 6-12. For heads below 130 feet crossflow units were assumed. The eqUipment costs were escalated from the USBR 1978 reference curve specified in Table 6-5. Miscellaneous Power Plant and Auxiliary Equipment For both Pelton and Crossflow units, the costs of miscellaneous equipment were obtained from EPRI Figure B-8 which also details the equipment included in this item. 6-34 c 700 600 500 I .. ;:: 400 • ~. ... en 300 I (J.I (J'I 200 ) , ~. .r 100 o V o l I v I ~ f" V I;' lL v I ~ V ..-V ) v I I / I I .. V~ .IV- ~ I I 500 1000 UNIT SIZE IQi lSOO IMPULSE TURBO-GENERATORS COST-fOI fACTORY-COMPLETE INTEGRATED UNITI NOTE: COST BASE FOR CURVE IS JULY 1980. ESCALATE BY A FACTOR OF 1.12 TO JULY 1981. c v '/ -' V I I 2000 2500 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSMU STllJY SMAll HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA FIGURE 8-II! TURS INE GEtlERATOR COSTS Note: Includes Cost of Turbine Generator, Valves, and Switchgear , DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS Powerhouse Structure The Pelton unit skid-mounted packages would be placed on a concrete based slab, assumed to be seated on bedrock. Cost of this concrete substructure, including erection of skid, was estimated at $350 per cubic yard for structural concrete and $250 for mass concrete, with rock excavation at $15 and common at $3 per cubic yard. For the crossflow units the cost of the powerhouse and the attendant excavation was based on USBR 1978 cost curves. In both cases the cost of excavation for the transition into the existing stream downstream of the drafttube was included. No specific tailrace was required, however, because the flow in the stream would never be increased above the present flow. Valves and Bifurcations Costs of the penstoGk bifurcation, and the turbine intake valve were obtained from EPRI Figure 4-9, except for the crossflow unit intake valve which had alreaqy been included as part of the turbine cost. 6. 5. 4 Swi tc hY a rd Swi tchYard costs with generator vol tage ci rcuit breakers were estimated from EPRI Figure 4-17 or B-9. The figure yields both civil and equipment costs which were totaled and entered as a single l'ine item on the cost summary sheets. 6.5.5 Access Access tracks were estimated to be $15,000 per mile. Typically, they extend from the powerhouse to the intake, structure. It was assumed that construction access to nearby communities would generally follow transmission line routes. Nonnal access to transmission lines was included in the transmission line cost and the extra cost of detouring from the transmission route was not included. 6.5.6 Transmission Transmission line costs were developed from several sources, including previous Ebasco reconnaissance studies, discussions with Alaska utility engineers, and cost manuals by the Corps of Engineers, EPRI and USBR.· Conductors were sized to limit line losses to 5 percent. Losses are related to the product of installed capacity (kw) and distance transmitted (miles). Because cost variation between 7.2 kV and 14.4 kV systems was not significant, all costs were based on 14.4 kV and 38 kV systems. This also provides the added advantage of reduced line losses and potential for expansion for the smaller systems. Listed below are the ranges in kW-miles over which the various transmission systems are applicable. These costs include wood poles, conductor line hardware and insulators, surveying, and clearing. No allowance has been made for land and right-of-way acquisition nor for special access roads. 6-36 u Volta 1e High Low Cost Base (kV Phase (MW mi les) (MW miles) " ~er mile) Cost Comments 38 3 167 24 50,000 0 Conventi ona 1 14.4 3 24 12 40,000 0 Conventi ona 1 14.4 1 12 0 25,000 0 Conventional 14.4 1 15 0 20,000 25,000 Single Wire Ground Return 14.4 1 12 0 30,000 5,000 Conventional, Long Span 14.4 3 24 12 60,000 10,000 Long Span The above costs per mile were subsequently mul tipl iedby the terrai n factors listed below. Terrain Terrai n Factor Flat 1.0 Roll ing 1.25 Mountainous 1.50 Swampy 1.50 As discussed in Section 6.4.6, because of the limitations of the SWGR system in permafrost areas, a conventional, IItwo-wi re ll simple phase line was assumed wherever either of these single phase systems would have been technically and economically feasible. 6.5.7 Mobilization Mobilization costs in Alaska are typically a sizable ,percentage of direct costs. In recent bids on nydro projects in Southeast Alaska, mobilization costs ranged from 4 to 20 percent of the direct cost, the successful bidder having allocated the 20 percent figure. From investigation of recent estimates and construction bids for Alaska, a figure of 10 percent of the direct costs has been adopted ,for mobilization and demobilization at readily access'ible sites, increasing to 20 percent when an extensive construction camp is, required at a remote site. Minimum costs of ~100,OOO for the former and ~200,OOO for 'the latter case have been assumed. 6.5.8 Geographic Cost Adjustment The Northeast region of Alaska shows considerable variation in construction costs. For preliminary screening studies, two generalized Qeographic cost mul tipl iers were used. A basic factor of 1.1 was used ln the lower Northeast, and 1.2 in the upper Northeast region. These factors were applied to costs that had already been escalated to southern Alaska costs from the lower 48 states' costs, generally by a factor of 2. 6-37 A more rigorous approach was applied in the more detailed studies, in which the geographic cost adjustment was calculated for each community studied.' The Department of the AnmY recommends 1.7 as an empirical factor for converti ng Washi ngton State costs to Anchorage costs. The l...,) Alaska Department of Transportation and Public 'Facilities publishes location indices across the State of Alaska with Anchorage as a base equal to 1.0. These indices were combined to convert the lower 48 states' construction costs to those of the communities selected for detailed Phase II studies. The geographic cost adjustment factors are· shown in Table 6-6. 6.5.9 Operations and Maintenance With the realization that the degree of sophistication affordable will vary considerably from 0.05 MW to 3 MW, the following are estimated to be reasonable expenditures of mandays required for maintenance as an average in a reasonably accessible fair-size community such as Tok: Monthly routine checks and minor repairs Annual inspection and major overhaul Peripheral facilities, communications, contro 1 s, etc. Contigency Total Man-days/Year 35 45 10 15 TO"5" For more remote, isolated communities, the following minmum yearly costs have been estimated: -Electrical operator -Monthly transportation -Annual maintenance (additional imported personnel) -Outside repairs Insurance and general costs Total $30,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 , $70,000 For larger plants the only collated data have been presented by EPRI (1981). Although it seems reasonable to expect that 0 and M costs would be proportional to installed plant capacity rather than to total project costs, the latter is the only relationship published. Accordingly, a value of 1.2 percent. of the total project costs has been assumed for the intertied plants, and increased to 1.5 percent for the isolated communities. 6.6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS The economic analysis procedures used for the more detailed investigations were essentially identical to those used in the preliminary screening, as discussed in Section 5.2.3 and Appendix C. One refinement was built into the detailed studies, however. The benefit-cost analysis was modified to reflect a 2-1/2 year lead time 6-38 u TABLE 6-6 ALASKA GEOGRAPHIC COST ADJUSTMENT FACTORs!/ Dot Lake 2.3 Tanacross-Tok 2.3 Arctic Vi 11 age 2/ ·3.6 Eagl~/ 2.6 Veneti~ 3.2 Big Delta-Delta Junction 2.2 1/ Washington State costs escalated to Anchorage costs based on the Department of the Amty I s IIEmpi r1cal cost Estimtes for Mi litary Construction and Cost Adjustment Factors". The applicable factor is 1.7. Cost adjustments between Anchorage and other Alaskan communities were further escalated based on actual locations or a reasonable proximity to actual locations as indicated on the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities "Location indices of 08/06/81". 2/ Estimates based on similar proximity to population centers and transportatf on routes. 6-39 for constructi on of the t\Ydroelectric project. Construction is assumed to begin July 1, 1981 and benefits from the project will begin to accrue when power is produced on January 1, 1984. In order to maintain U· consistency in comparing the economic benefits of t\Ydroelectric and diesel generation, benefit-cost ratios were calculated for the period 1984 through 2030. 6.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS Major potential environmental constraints to hydroelectric project development were identified principally through discussions with community leaders during the field reconnaissance. The major en vi ronmenta 1 concerns were ei ther 1 and ownershi p status or the use of streams by migrating or spawning salmon. These concerns were included in the selection of sites for detailed study, and in several cases, were pivotal in selection of one site over another. Environmental factors, where important, are highlighted in the individual community/ site descriptions and data sheets provided in Part II. Reference was also made to the National Register of Historic Places (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1981); no historic or archaeological sites listed appear to be located in proximity of the potential t\Ydroelectric sites identified in this study. 6-40 u 7.0 LIST OF REFERENCES Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. 1981. Location indices of 8/06/81. Personal correspondence. Alaska Energy Association. Undated. New Chenega alternative energy plan. Prepared for the New Chenega I.R.A. Village Council, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Administration. 1979. Small hYdroelectric inventory of villages served by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. U.S. Department of Energy. Anchorage. Alaska Power Authority. 1980. Reconnaissance study of the Kisaralik River hYdroelectric power potential and alternate electric energy resources in the Bethel area. Alonso, W. and E. Rust. 1976. The evolving pattern of village Alaska. Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. Anchorage. Balding, G.O. 1976. Water availability quality, and use in Alaska. U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Rept. 76-513. CH2M Hill. 1978. Review of southcentral Alaska hYdropower potential- Fairbanks area. U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers~ Alaska District. CH2M Hill. 1978. Review of southcentral Alaska hYdropower potential - Anchorage area. U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. CH2M Hill. 1979. Regional invento~ and reconnaissance study for small hYdropower sites in southeast Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. CH2M Hill. 1980. Reconnaissance assessment of energy alternatives. Chilkat River basin region. Prepared for the State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage. Creagher, W.P. and J.D. Justin. 1950. Hydroelectric handbook. John Wi 1 ey and Sons, Inc., New York. Ebasco Services Incorporated. 1980. Regional inventory and reconnaissance study for small hYdropower projects -Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Ebasco Services Incorporated. 1981. Terror Lake Hydro Project independent feasibility-level cost estimate. Alaska Power Authority, Ancho~age. Federal Energy Regulato~ Commission. 1981. Alaska river basins pl anni ng status report. FERC-0068. Federal Power Commission. 1976. The 1976 Alaska power survey, vol. 1. 7-1 Galllet, Harold H., Joe A. Marks, and Dan Renshaw. 1980. Wood to gas to power - a feasibility report on conversion of village power generation and heati ng to f,uel s other than oil. Vol s. I, II, and V III. Prepared for the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. Goldsmith, Scott, and Lee Huskey. 1980. Electric power consumption for the Railbelt: a projection of requirements. Prepared jointly for State of Alaska House Power Alternatives Study Committee and Alaska Power Authority by the Institute of Social and Economic Research. Anchorage, Alaska. (June), Technical Appendices (t~ay). Golze, Alfred R. (ed.). 1977. Handbook of dam engineering. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Gordon, J.L. and A.C. Penman. 1979. Quick estimating techniques for small hYdro potential. Water Power and Dam Construction (Oct.) Holden and Associates, Fryer Pressley Elliot Associates, and Jack West Associates. 1981. Reconnaissance study of energy requirements and alternatives for Kaltag, Savoonga, White Mountain and Elim. Draft report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska. 1976. Electric power in Alaska, 1976-1995. Prepared for the House Finance Committee, Second Session, Ninth Legislature State of Alaska. Prepared by ISER in cooperation with Kent Miller, Robert Retherford Associates, Stefano-Mespl~ and Associates, and National Economic Research Associates. Anchorage. Kilday, G.D. 1974. Mean monthly and annual precipitation -Alaska. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS AR-10. Lamke R.D. 1979. Flood characteristics of Alaskan streams. U.S. Geol. Survey Water Res. Invest. 78-129. Linsley, R.K. and J.B. Franzini. 1964. Water resources engineering. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. linsley, R.K. et al. 1975. Hydrology for engineers. 2nd ed. McGraw- Hill, Inc. Ott Water Engi neers, Inc. reconnaissance study. 01 strict. 1981. Northwest Alaska hYdropower U.S. A~ Corps of Engineers, Alaska R.W. Retherford Associates. 1980. Reconnaissance study of the Lake Elva and o~her hYdroelectric power potentials in the Dillingham area. Al aska Power Authori ty t Anchorage. R.W. Retherford Associates. 1981. Draft report: reconaissance study of energy resource alternatives for thirteen western Alaska villages. Prepared for State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authori·ty. Anchorage, Alaska. 7-2 u Rutledge, G. et ale 1980. Alaska regional energy resources planning project. Vol. II -~droelectric development. Alaska Div. of Energy and Power Development. Scott, Kevin M. 1978. Effects of permafrost on stream channel behavior in arctic Alaska. U.S. Geol. Survey. Prof. Paper 1068. U.S. Govt. Prtg. Off., Washington, D.C. Tudor Engineering Company. 1981. Simplified methodology for economic screening of potential low-head small-capacity hydroelectric sites. Electric Power Research Inst. (EPRI) EM-1679. Tudor Engineering Company. 1980. Reconnaissance evaluation of small, low-head hYdroelectric installations. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Water and Power Resources Service. U.S. Anmy Corps of Engineers. 1979. Feasibility studies for small scale hYdropower additions. NTIS. U.S. AnI\Y Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Undated. Electrical power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin. Interim Feasibility Report and Fi nal Envi ronmental Impact Statement. " U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. 1981. Small-scale hYdropower reconnaissance stu~, Southwest Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District. 1979. ~dropower cost estimating manual. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1979. Exploratory soil survey of Alaska. U.S. Department of the Army. 1978. Construction empirical cost estimates for military construction and cost adjustment factors. Army Regul ati on 415-17. ' . U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Adminstration. 1976. Inventory of potential hYdroelectric sites in Alaska. U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration. 1979. Small hYdroelectric inventory of villages served by Alaska Village Electric Corporation. U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration. 1981. Prel imi na ry eval uati on of hYdropower alternatives for Chiti na, Al aska. U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 1974. Design of small dams. U.S. Govt. Prtg. Off., Washington, D.C. 7-3 u.s. Department of Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. 1981. National Register of Historic Places; Annual Listing of Historic Properties. Federal Register 46(22): 10623-10624. u.s. Environmental Data Service. climatological data, Alaska. Admi ni stration. 1949-1979 •. Annual sUl1IIIaries- National Oceanic and Atmospheric 7-4 PART II -COMMUNITY AND SITE DATA u u INTRODUCTION Part II of this report provides information specific to each community studied. The communities· are grouped as follows: . 1) The first four sections (numbered 1.0 through 4.0) contain information for the Northeast Region communities which were visited in the field. A brief text is included to provide insights gained during the field visits. Summary data for the detailed studies are i ncl uded. 2) The next section (Big Delta-Delta Junction) contains both preliminary screening and detailed study data, but no summary text because these communities were not visited in the field. 3) The remaining communities (Kaktovik/Barter Island through Wiseman) were not studied beyond the preliminary screening, and therefore those sections contai n only prelimi nary screeni ng results. Listed below are explanations of the terms and abbreviations used on the computer output contained in Part II. . Term/Abbreviation Nondi scounted/t~ondi sc Di scounted/Di sc Operati on and Maintenance/O and M Explanation The nondiscounted cost of power at a given point in time is equal to the cost of delivery 1n 1981 dollars. The di sc·ounted cost of power at a gi ven point in time is equal to its present value in 1981 doll ars calcul ated at a di scount rate of 7-5/8 percent per year. Operating costs were assumed to vary with plant size while maintenance costs were assumed to be fixed at 6 percent of the installed cost of the plant. u 1.0 ARCTIC VILLAGE 1.1 COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION Arctic Village is a community 10cated'125 miles north of the Arctic Circle on the East Fork of the Chandalar River. The village is populated by 132 persons distributed among 28 households. Electricity is supplied to the village school by 2 -35 kW and 1 -90 kW diesel generators and is operated and maintained by the BIA. The 90 kW machi ne is operated from October to Ma rc h when the power needs are greatest. Last year 2 -100 kW diesel generators were purchased by the BIA for the village and power lines were installed. In addition to the 28 residences, power is supplied to the village council hall, public health service building, store, and the airport runway. Public buildings as well as residences use wood for space heating. The cost of diesel fuel ranges from ~3.00 -~4.00 per gallon, depending on which air charter transports the fuel. Due to the inefficient handling of the fuel such as waste from tank and line leakages, the cost of fuel does not fully reflect the real cost of power. Residences are not yet metered but plans are underway to install meters by the spring of 1982. Every household pays a flat rate of $100/month, or $1200/year. This rate is set arbitrarily, however, since the Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government pays for the capital, operation, and maintenance of the generators (approximately $1.00/kWh) and monies from the residential power bills are used to defray the costs incurred by the tribe. When the meters are installed and full costs of providing power are passed on to the consumer, electricity bills are expected to increase significantly, making the cost of power prohibitive to most residents. The high power rates may necessitate the tribal council to continue subsidizing the power system. The types of household appliances used include primarily small applicances although about one-half of the households have refrigerators, freezers, and power tools. If the cost of power was to be reduced through a f1ydropower project, some electrical appliances would be acquired but total demand would not increase significantly. The highest priority of Arctic Village is to create employment for the residents. The goal is to seek projects that would create long term benefits for individuals and the tribal council. Presently an airport development project employs 7 people on a part-time basis. There are no permanent stable sources of income available locally. 1.2 SITE SELECTION • Potential project dam sites on both Paddle Mountain and Rock Head West Creeks were visited and measurements taken of the flows and of the creek cross sections. Both of these sites are located due west of Arctic Village, across the Chanda1ar River in very similar terrain on 1-1 .. south facing slopes of the Brooks Range. Shale bedrock slabs are exposed at both dam sites, although limited stripping would still be required. Permafrost is believed to be omnipresent. Both creeks were . ~ also starting to freeze over at the time of the field visit (August 19, 1981), but generally maintain winter flow. There appeared to be little basic difference between these two adjacent creek basins, and the unit energy costs were also closely similar. . Rock Head West Creek is proposed for initial development because of the potentially greater amount of ~dro energy which could be generated. 1-2 TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S.-ARCTIC-, ALASKA, 1:250pOO LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. -----PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE -WATERSHED b o 5 t-=I E3 SCALE I N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE sruov SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING ARCTIC VILLAGE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~ NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAI SANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: ARCTIC VILLAGE SI TE NUMBER: 3 NET HEAD (fT): 260. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 141. MINIMUM OPERATING fLOW (1 UNIT) (CfS): 0.87 LOAD SHAPE fACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.06 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (HDAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY USABLE MONTHLY HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE DEMAND HYDRO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATION (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 0.00 o. 10.00 88260. o. FEBRUARY 0.00 o. 9.50 83847. O. MARCH 0.00 O. 9.00 79434. o. APRIL 0.00 O. 9.00 79434. o. MAY 20.90 104904. 8.00 70608. 62707. JUNE 25.80 101520. 5.50 48543. 48543. JULY 6.62 86972. 5.50 48543. 47279. AUGUST 7.97 104708. 6.00 52956. 52806. SEPTEMBER 5.71 72597. 8.00 70608. 45207. OCTOBER 0.71 o. 9.00 79434. O. NOVEMBER 0.06 O. 10.00 88260. O. DECEMBER 0.00 O. 10.50 92673. O. TOTAL 470701. 882600. 256542. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.21 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.21 U HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Community: Site: Stream: Arcti c Vi 11 age 3 Rock Head West Creek ITEM 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and ,Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Valves and Bifurcations 4. Switchyard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment. Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 20 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Conti ngency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1.5 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST $ 137,000 $ 239,000 $ 112,000 $ 170.000 $ 30.000 $ 19.000 $ 167.000 $ 15.000 $ 168.000 $ 1,057,000 $ 211.000 $ 1.268.000 3.6 $ 4,566.000 $ 1,142,000 $ 5,708,000 $ 856,000 $ 6,564,000 $ 624,000 $ 7,188,000 $ 50,980 $ 562,300 $ 107,800 $ 670,100 $ 2.57 0.27 c..; u REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWl:R PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS YE{~R 19:;::4 1·~J:31:., 1'~:::7 11~/:~::::: 11~i:::';i 1.990 1991 11~J'"iJ:2 1 ~J'~i:] 1. ')94 1995 199{- 1997 1999 ~~:OOO ::01>1 2002 200:3 2004 200~i 2(1)1.::. :2007 2009 ::Wl0 2011 ~:::o 1 ~~: 201:::: 2014 201 !:i 2016 2(;17 201:3 2019 2020 2021 2()2~2 :;~()2:::: ~;~:()2~5 ::;:():?l:.. :2027 :2 ()2:?, ::2():::::'~i 20::::0 DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS COST OF HYDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO ARCTIC VILLAI3E ::::ITE NO. ~: KWH/YEAR 1 ':"7515. 2 ():::: 1 :32 II 2()875::::. :;~ 1 ::~: I~ 7 S"' II 2:341:::: 1. 2:.:::;::'7()4 II ~~4::::() 1:;: II ~~~ 41:.,';1 I:.I'~ a 2~i()21 () II 25t,~542. 25·:'J4'~(:, II 2(:,2450. 265170. 271404. 275014. 276166. 277:319. 27';/:3(:·8 II ;;:::::121:..4. 282651:.'0 ~~::;:: :~: ~:i 1 /.:. II :?:::7E:41 • 2::::314:;' II 2::::'":) 1. '~:3 II 2::::'?'1:.,::::~5 " 2:=:'~':=:::: 1 n 290127. CAPITAL ~i(:.5·~'8:~: II 5t:.5~'8:3 II 51:..5~'8:311 ~il:,5'~83 • 565·~:3::':. 5(:15'~':=::3 II 5t.59:::3. !:i(:.59:3:::: " 5(:.5'~'8:::: II 5t.598:~:11 5t.5·?'E:~: II 5(:.5';':3:::: II !,:i(:,~i~'::::~: " ~;t.59E::3 II 5(:.~i~';1:3:3 II 51:..5~jE::~: II 51.:,5'~8::::D !'565'~'::::3 • 5(:.59:::~: II 5(:.5·~:=::~: II 51.:.,~i'~'::::3 II 565'~E::3u 5t.5'~:=::3 II 5(:,51~:3:::: • 5 1.:.. 5 '?':3:3 II 56~i9::::3 II 5(:.5S"'8:::: II 51.:·59:=::3 II 5659:3:3. 5(,-:-~i'~i:::3 • 56598:3. 5(:.~i'~':::3 II ~il:.·5'7:?:::: II 5(:.5·~E::3 a 5e.~i9:3:3 II 5659:3311 ~i (:. 5 '~1 ::: :~~: II 5(:-5':"::::;: • 51.:.5S"':=::~: • ~il.:..5·~:3:':: " o 8~ M 1 07:~:00. 107:300. 107:300. 107::::00. 107800. 107:300. 107::::00. 107800. 107:300. j 07:::00. 107::::00. 107.:;::00. 107::::00. 107::::00. 107800. 107800. ~07800. 107aOO. 107:::00. 107::::00. 1(17:300. 107::::00. 107800. 107::::00. 107::::00. 107::::00. 107::::00. 107800. 107::::00. 107:300. 107800. 107::::00. 107::::00. 1.07:::00. 107800. 107:300. 107:300. 107::::00. 107800. 107::::(10. 107:::00. 565983. 107800. 565983. 107800. 5659:33. 107800. 565983. 10780u. 565983. 107800. 565983. 107800. TOTAL$ 6 7::::"'~~:::': II /::..7378:;: • 67:~:78::::. 67378:=:. l:,'7::::'783 II 67:37:~::~: • &'.7~17:3:3 II (: ... , :~~: 7:3:3 II 67:3783. /:.·737:;:::::: II 6737:33. 67::::-78:3. l",,'7:~:7E::::: JI (:.7 :::: 7 ::: :::: II (:.7:37:::::::: II 67378~:. 6 7:37:=:~: II 67:37:=::3. 67:378:3. 67::::7:3:~:. (:.7:3"1:::3 " 67:3"1::::::: • 1:.·7:~:7:3:~:1I 67::::78:3. 67:~:78:3. 67:378:3. 1:.,7::::7::::3. /.:.7:37::::::: • $n:::WH $/KWH NONDISC ::::.411 3. 149 :3.074 :~: II t)t):2 2.G77 2.77:3 :~~ II 728 ~'2. /.:. ''i' :3 ::;:: .. 1:..5:~ :;~. ~")·2l .... 2. 5'~'~7 2. 5t.:, 7 2. ~541 2.511 2.497 2.471 ;:.460 2.450 2.440 ~~ II 4::::() :2.420 ~;:~. 4()::~ 2. ::::~,t, 2. :3:::4 2.:377 2. :369 2 II :3,S2 211 :~:55 2 II :34':; 2.34(:. 2. :341 2 a :3:~:t. 2. :::::34 [11::::(: ~:. 077 1.70:::: f. !:i50 1.4(17 1.1.6'~i :1..067 0.975 O. ::;::94 () .. :::::::'::() o. 75:~: () It /:. •• ~) :;2 o. !'.:i40 O. 49'~' 0.461 O.4:;'/:' 0.:394 o. :3(:.4 0.3::n ()II ::::12 t) II :2:?a::: 0.267 o. :;'::47 () II 2~'::: fl,,211 0.195 0.1::::1 () II 1 (:.:::: ()a 155 o. 144 (I. 1 :~:4 0.124 C).115 0.107 0.099 0.092 678783. 2.332 0.085 673783. 2.330 0.079 6737::::3. 2.328 0.074 673783. 2.:326 0.068 67378:3. 2.324 0.063 673783. 2.322 0.059 AVERAGE COST :2.56:::: o. (-,]'4 BENEFIT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL COST ESCALATION): 0.27 Arctic Vi ll aqe, Alaska Aeri a 1 Vi ew of Arct i c Vi 11 age Damsite-Rock Head West Creek (foreground) u 2.0 VENETIE 2.1 COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION Venetie is a sUbsistence community located 50 miles northwest of Fort Yukon at the edge of the Yukon Fl atsOti the Chanda1ar Ri ver. Due to ties between Arctic Village and Venetie. people move periodically from one village to the other. Venetie is also experiencing' a return of fonner res'idents from Fairbanks. Venetie has a population of 160 and approximately 40 households. ' Venetie has 250 kW of installed capacity (2 -100 kW and 1 -50 kW) to serve the community. TheBIA maintains a smaller generator to provide electricity to the schools. The generators are not ver,y reliable and are serviced from Fairbanks when they break down. All residences pay a flat rate of $30/month. which is used to defray the real cost of power estimated at $1.00/kWh. Similar to Arctic Village. the tribal council pays for the capital. operation. and maintenance of the generators. When meters are installed. the village plans to charge customers based on the amount of electricity consumed. The average household uses electricity for lights. toasters. coffeepots. electric frying pans, washers, refrigerators, some freezers, and televisions. Other buildings in the community that use electricity include the community hall. two schools, store. church, and post office. Even if the price of electricity was reduced, not many more appliances are expected to be acquired. Wood is used to heat homes and propane and blazo are used for cooking and hot water. Venetie acquired 21 HUD houses 2 years ago and a few individuals are planning to build new homes. Venetie has few sources of employment; approximately 2 full-time and 3 part-time jobs exist. Temporar,y employment of 17 persons was provided recently by an oil company in connection with seismic exploration. The construction of a clinic and community hall are two projects that will provide jobs temporarily. Venetie has a long term interest in developing community based agriculture as a means to strengthen the economic base. Such a project is contingent upon the availability of inexpensive power to run the pumps for irrigation. 2.2 SITE SELECTION All the final sites considered were located on Kocacho Creek. Field measurements duri ng the vi sit gave much greater flows in the west branch. as opposed to the observations made by USCOE on 10/8/79 when only this ann had been dry. Local residents stated that wintertime flow in Kocacho Creek was maintained under the ice. The optimum site for a run-of-the-river hYdro development appeared to be located approximately 1/8 of a mile downstream of the confl uence. where a low spur on the right abutment approaches the creek. The eXisting 50 foot 2-1 wide creek channel is too low to contain a structuresufffciently high to allow both for a three foot thick ice sheet and for bed material deposition. Any intake structure will therefore have to extend for several hundred feet onto the flood plain on both sides of the creek. The very gentle slopes in all directions, combined with dense spruce and shrub vegetation and the availability of only 200-foot contour maps meant that a clearly preferable dam location could not be established during the site visit, nor could the optimum-po.werhouse location along the lightly meandering creek course be determined. Access to within a couple of miles of the site would follow an existing sled trail, as would the transmission line. 2-2 u u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM US. G. S. -CHRISTIAN ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. - -_. -PENSTOCK - - -TRANSMISSION LINE --WATERSHED 5 0 5 SCALE I N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECCNNAISSANCE STUDt SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING VENETIE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u ~dro~ower Potential Installed Capacity S1 te No. (kW) 2 196 Demogra~hic Characteristics 1981 Population: 160 SUMM,ARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS VENETIE, ALASKA Cost of Installed Al ternati ve Cost Power.!/ (SI000) (mill s/kWh) 20.380 613 • 1981 Number of Households: 45 Economic Base Subsi stence Government .!/ 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of IiY d ropowe r Benefit/Cost (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 3,450 0.18 See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of alternative power. REGIONAL INVl:NTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SHALL HYDROPOv-1E R PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRIC'r -COUPS OF' ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -VENETIE KILmvATT-IiOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEr·1AND-KW U YSl\H Lm~ Ml::DIm1 HIGH LOW HEDIUM HIGH 1980 640000. 640000. 640000. 2.19. 219. 219. 19B1 666766. 666766. 666766. 228. 228. 228. 1982 693533. 693533. 693533. 238. 238. 238. 1983 720299. 720299. 720299. 247. 247. 247. 1984 747066. 747066. 747066. 256. 256. 256. 19B5 773832. 773832. 773832. 265. 265. 265. 1986 800598. 800598. 800598. 274. 274. 274. 1987 827365. 827365. 827365. 283. 283. 283. 1918 854131. 854]31. 854131. 293 • 293. 293. . 19U9 880897. 880897. 880897. 302. 302. 302. 1990 907664. 907664. 907664. 311. 311. 311. 1991 930829. 983805. 1036781. 319. 337. 355. 1992 953994. 1059946. 1165899. 327. 363. 399. 1993 977159. 1136088. 1295016. 335. 389. 443. 1994 1000324. 1212229. 1424134. 343. 415. 488. 1995 1023488. 1288370. 1553251. 351. 441. 532. 1996 1046653. 1364511. 1682368. 358. 467. 576. 1997 1069818. 1440653. 1811486. 366. 493. 620. 1998 1092983. 1516794. 1940603. 374. 519. 665. 1999 1116148. 1592935. 2069720. 382. 546. 709. 2000 1139313. 1669076. 2198838. 390. 572. 753. 2001 1152727. 1752475. 2352223. 395. 600. 806. 2002 1166140. 1835875. 2505609. 399. 629. 858. 2003 1179554. 1919274. 2658994. 404. 657. 911. 2004 1192967. 2002673. 2812379. 409. 686. 963. 2005 1206381. 2086072 • 2965764. 413. 714. 1016. 2006 1219794. 2169472. 3119150. 418. 743. 1068. 2007 1233208. 2252871. 3272535. 422. 772. 1121. 200B 1246621. 2336270. 3425920. 427. 800. 1173 • 2009 1260035. 2419669. 3579305. 432. 829. 1226. 2010 1273448. 2503069. 3732690. 436. 857. 1278. 2011 1289693. 2539055. 3788416. 442. 870. 1297. 2012 1305939. 2575041. 3844142. 447. 882. 1316. 2013 1322184. 2611026. 3899868. 453. 894. 1336. 2014 1338429. 2647012. 3955594. 458. 907. 1355. 2015 1354674. 2682998. 4011320. 464. 919. 1374. 2016 1370920. 2718984. 4067046. 469. 931-1393. 2017 1387165. 2754969. 4122772. 475. 943. 1412. 2018 1403410. 2790955. 4178498. 481. 956. 1431. 2019 1419655. 2826941. 4234224. 486. 968. 1450. 2020 11135901. 2862926. 4289951. 492. 980. 1469. 2021 1449156. 2B99091. 4349026. 496. 993. 1489~ 2022 1462412. 2935256. 4408100. 501. 1005. 1510. 2023 1475667. 2971420. 4467175. 505. 1018. 1530. 2024 1488922. 3007585. 4526249. 510. 1030. 1550. 2025 1502177. 3043750. 4585324. 514. 1042. 1570. 2026 1515433. 3079915. 4644398. 519. 1055. 1591. 2027 1528688. 3116079. 4703473. 524. 1067. 161 1. ~ U 2028 1541943. 3152244. 4762547. 528. 1080. 1631. 2029 1555198. 3188409. 4821622. 533. 1092. 1651. 2030 1568454. 3224574. 48A0696. 537. 1104. 1671. u VENETIE -SITE 2 SIGNIFICANT DATA DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS 1. LOCATION (diversion) Stream: Kocacho Creek Section!! 27, Township 27N, Range 7E, Fairbanks Meridian Community Served: Venetie Di stance: 10 mi Di rection (community to site): North-Northeast Map: USGS Christian, Alaska, 1:250,000 2. HYDROLOGY Drainage Area: Estimated Mean Streamflow: Estimated Mean Annual Precipitation: 3. DIVERSION DAM Type: Hei ght: Crest El evati on: Vol ume: 4. SPILLWAY Type: Openi ng Hei ght: Width: Crest Elevation: 5. WATERCONDUCTOR Type: Diameter: Length: 6. POWER STATION Number of Units: Turbi ne Type: Tailwater Elevation: Rated Net Head: Installed Capacity: Maximum Flow (both units combined): Minimum Flow (single unit): 7. ACCESS Length: 8. TRANSMISSION LINE Voltage/Phase: Terrain:~/ Flat (1.0) Total Length: 9. ENERGY Pl ant Factor: Average Annual Energy Production: Method of Energy Computat10n: 10. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS: None noted 1/ Section number is approximate. 342 216 9 sq mi cfs in Large Concrete Gravity 10 ft 660 fmsl 1920 cu yd Conc rete Ogee 5 ft . 260 ft 1920 fmsl Steel Penstock 66 in 5810 ft 2 . Cross Flow 625 fmsl 31.5 ft 196 kW 92 cfs 9.2 cfs 1.1 14.4 10.0 10.0 mi kV/l phase m1 mi 33 percent 564 MWh Plant Factor Program 2/ Terrain Cost Factors Shown in Parentheses. . , .\l If - ·s e SCALE: 1·. 1 Mile LEGEND: DAM PENSTOCK u ......... .. TRANSMISSION LINE • ( POWERHOUSE r DRAINAGE BASIN REGIONAL INVENTORY & oflECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA VENETIE SITE 02 CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT KOCACHO CREEK For: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS U NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAISANCE STUDY PLANT fACTUR PROGRAM COMf~UNITY: VENETIE SITE NUr"lBE R: 2 NET HEAD (FT): 32. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 196. NINH"IUr-l OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS) : 9.20 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 t10NTH (HDAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY USABLE MONTHLY HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE OEr~AND HYDRO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATION (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 14.10 22443. 10.00 106982. 14962. FEBRUARY 11.20 16102. 9.50 101633. 10735. MARCH 11.00 17509. 9.00 96284. 11672. APRIL 14.50 22335. 9.00 96284. 14890. MAY 820.00 145824. 8.0U 85585. 82417 • JUNE 671.00 141120. 5.50 58840. 58840. JULY 206.00 145824. 5.50 58840. 58840. AUGUST 316.00 145824. 6.00 64189. 64lH9. SEPTEMBER 371.00 141120. 8.UO 85585. 81829. OCTOBER 86.90 138318. 9.00 96284. 82946. NOVEfvll.3ER 34.40 52988. 10.00 106982. 35325. DECEMBER 20.50 32630. . 10.50 112331. 21753. TOTAL 1022037. 1069818. 538399. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.31 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.33 U HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Community: Site: Stream: Venetie 2 Koc ac ho Creek ITEM 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Val yes and Bifurcations 4. Switchyard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 20 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Conti ngency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1.5 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST i· 571,000 i 1,569,000 i 373,000 i 188,000 i 210,000 i 6,000 i 188,000 i 17,000 i 250,000 i 3,372,000 i 674,000 i 4,046,000 3.2 i12,947,OOO i 3,237,000 i16,184,000 i 2,428,000 i18,612,000 i 1,768,000 i20,380,000 i 104,000 i 1,594,300 i 305,700· u i 1,900,000 ~ i 3.45 0.18 u u REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS COST OF HYDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO VENETIE ~::~nE NO. 2 1 '==':::4 11~;35 1 I~) ::':: I..~\ 1990 1''991 1994 1 ~'9~i 1·~)9/:.. 19~'7 1''999 2000 2001 2002 :20(>:::: 2004 200!) 200/:.. 2007 200:3 2009 2010 2011 :2012 ;::01:::: 2014 I<WH/YEAR 422454. 4::::::36::::0. 444::::2!:,i. 4~j5021. 46571 (:" 47'::;.411. 486594. 4'~~4'~I'~E: II 51 0(:,(:,1 • ~H 7600. !.:i24540. 5:31480. ~'~:~339S) • 545290. 551454. 5!'57107. 55';i6':::.7. 562226. 5647::::(:.. 567:;:46. 569906. 572396. 5747~55. 577113. 579472. 581831- 584594. ~i87227 • ~;:3ti':31:,() • 5'''2318. 20 15 ~,94727. 2016 ~i971-::':7. :2017 599547. ::;::018 601956. 2019 604::::66. :2020 606776. 2021 60:::742. ~20;~~::: (,') 12675. 2024 614641. 2025 1..:.16607. 2026 61857:;':. :~:()~?,? f.:2:3€)24 It ::;:~():~~:() /:.12446C) D AVERAGE (;OST CAPITAL 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1 ':::,04721. 1.604721. 1604721. 1':::,04721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721- 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604'721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721- 1604721. 1604721- 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. (I 8~ M :305700. :30~~700. :305700. :3(15700. 3057(10. ::::0!::~70(l. :305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. :;:05700. :305700. 305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. :305700. 305700. :305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. ::;:05700. 305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. ~::05700. 305700. 305700. :3(1!::i700. ::::05700. ~~:05'700. 3057()O. ::::O~i700. ::=:05700. 305700. TOTAL$ 1910421. 1'::>10421- 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. l';il10421- 1910421,. 1910421- 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1S"10421. 1910421- 1910421- 1910421- 1910421- 1910421. l';il104~:1- 1';>10421. 1910421- 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 19:1 0421. 1 ';i 1 0421 • 1910421- 1910421. 1,';"10421. $/KWH $/I<WH NOND I ::;;C DISC 4. ~522 :~:. :371 4.406 3.051 4.300 2.7':::,7 4.199 2.510 4.102 2.279 4.010 2.070 :3.926 1.88:3 :3.859 1.720 3.7'::>6 1.572 :;:.741 1.439 :3.6911.319 :3.(:,421.210 3. 595 1 • 10':;"1 3.5.481.017 3.503 ().933 3.464 0.858 3.429 0.789 3.413 0.729 :3. :398 0.675 3 .. :3E:3 (). c,24 3.367 0.577 3.352 0.534 3.338 0.494 :3.324 0.457 ::;:.310 0.42:::: 3 .. 28q (1.3c.2 3. :268 O. :335 3.253 0.310 :3.239 0.287 3.225 0.265 3.212 3.199 3.186 3.174 :3. 161 3.148 3.138 3.128 :3. 118 :;:. 1 ()8 :3. ()98 ::3. O(~:8 ::;:. ()::: 1 :3 II ()6~~;. :::. ()5t;1 ::::. 4~i2 0.245 0.227 0.210 0.194 0.180 0.167 0.154 0.143 0.132 0.123 0.114 0.105 0.0'-;'7 0.090 0.084 0.078 RFNFFTT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL COST ESCALATION): 0.18 Venetie, Alaska Kocacho Creek-Damsite Vicinity (i n foreground) Community of Venetie u u 3.0 TOK, DOT LAKE, TANACROSS, AND MANSFIELD VILLAGE 3.1 COMMUNITY AND UTILITY DESCRIPTIONS Tok, Tanacross, a,nd Dot Lake are located on the Alaska Highway 150 to 200 miles southeast of Fairbanks. Tok is a regional center with an economic base of tourism while both Tanacross and Dot Lake are small native villages. Tok has a large, dispersed and expanding population. Dot Lake and Tancross have small stable populations concentrated at the community centers. The electric energy needs of Tok, Tanacross. and Dot Lake have been assessed in combination since a small nydropower project could serve potentially three communities. Alaska Power and Telephone (AP and T) is the utility that owns and operates the existing diesel generators based in Tok as well as the pair of 100 kW generators in Dot Lake. Tok and Tanacross are intertied by a 3 phase transmission line and a single-wire ground return (SWGR) line extends from Tanacross to Dot Lake. A waiver of certain cOde restrictions from the Alaska Power Authority is required before electricity can be transmitted through the SWGR wi reo 3.1.1 Alaska Power and Telephone Compa~ AP and T generates electricity in this area by diesel generators. The system, based in Tok, has 1 -975 kW, 3 -300 kW, and 2 -200 kW generators, for a total of 2275 kW of installed capacity. The 300 kW and 200 kW generators are used for standby in the summer and brought on-line in the winter. Peak demand in the summer is 1000 kW and the winter peak is 1200 to 1300 kW. A substantial number of Tok residents are not served by AP and T and cost of installing distribution lines is prohibitive to many potential consumers. The system is planned to expand in the winter of 1982 when a 1250 kW generator will replace the larger generator, adding 275 kW of capacity to the total system. Transmission routes and capacities of the system are presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 AP AND T TRANSIIr1 ISS ION ROUTES AND CAPACITIES TOK, ALASKA VICINITY Direction from Tok Di stance Phase Volts East West South 6 miles 12 mi 1 es (short of Tanacross) Continuing to Dot Dot Lake approxi- mate ly 40 mi 1 es 2 miles 3-1 3 3 1 3 7,200 12,000 7,200 12,000 Single Wire Ground Return 2,400 AP and T charges consumers based on a decli n1 ng block rate structure in which th~ highest price per kWh is paid by the smallest consumers. The cost of power to small consumers is 18 cents/kWh plus a fuel surcharge of 7 cents/kWh, making an effective rate of 25 cents/kWh. Large consumers receive a financial break and pay 12 cents/kWh plus a fuel surcharge. This rate affects residences that are attached to commercial operations. A detailed rate schedule is presented in Table 2. TABLE 2 AP AND T RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY RATE SCHEDULE Quantity Consumed per Month ( kWh) Small Consumers 1st 100 kWh 2nd 100 kWh next 800 kWh Large Consumers unlimited Price (' lkWh) .1797 .1697 .1447 .1200 No immediate plans have been made for system expansion to serve more customers. If the Alaska natural gas pipeline project materializes, AP and T could expand north of Dot Lake where construction camps will likely be located. When the SWGR wire is used to transmit electricity from Tok to Dot Lake, the diesel generators at Dot Lake would be used only for standby power. AP and T plans to decentralize the phone system and put in an office in Dot Lake. Eventually the telephone line between Tanacross and Dot Lake would be phased out and the poles may be equipped to carry 3 phase electric lines. This additional capacity of the lines would allow for the expansion northward. 3.1.2 Tok TOk, located at the junction of the Alaska and Glenn Highways, is the regional center for the Upper Tanana area. Tok originated as a construction camp for the A1can and Glenn Highways between 1942 and 1946 and for the Haines-Fairbanks oil pipeline in 1954. In the late 1960s travel on the Alaska Highway had become popular which enabled Tok to capital i ze on touri sm. Tok has presently a number of busi nesses and government offices. These provide local employment, particularly during the tourist season. During winter, however, the unemployment rate is around 50 percent. Despite the lack of jobs, Tok is growing rapidly and attracting people both from within and outside Alaska. 3-2 u u The population of Tok is 750 which increases during the summer, due primarily to an influx of retired people. ~Residents are dispersed across a large area rather than being concentrated in neighborhoods. Numerous stores, gas stations, motels, and restaurants are located at and near the junction of the two highways. With respect to electricity usage, a large proportion of pmlfer is consumed in the commercial and institutional sectors. Some of the motels have been equipped with electric baseboard heating and domestic hot water tanks. In contrast, numerous residences in Tok are without power. The average household that is served by AP and T has the standard electric appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and small appliances but does not have ma~ large appliances because of the high price of electricity. Homes are heated by either wood or oil; but at $1.21/gallon, the trend 1.s towards converting to wood heat. If power was available at a more reasonable cost, a likely scenario would be that more appliances would be acquired and more residences would pay for the service. 3.1.3 Tanacross/Mansfield Village Tanacross is an Athabascan village located 12 miles west of Tok on the Tanana River. The old village, located on the east side of the Tanana River burned in 1979, eight years after the village was relocated to • its present site. The current population of 117 resides at the new community. All of the homes are HUD or constructed privately and are wi red for modern appli ances. Other structures in Tanacross are the community hall, council office building, water treatment plant, church, andelementar,y school. Mansfield Village is located about 8 miles north of Tanacross and can be reached only by a foot trail. The village serves as a fishing camp for Tanacross residents in the summer and has approximately 8 houses. Any power that is required is generated by a small horsepower engine. Providing electricity on a~ larger scale would be impractical. In Tanacross, use of electricity in the residental sector is fairly low and is constrained by high electricity prices and lack of stable sources of income. Appliances found in an average household include televison, refrigerator, toaster, coffeepot, and radio. Ma~ of the homes are heated by forced ai r oil heat which requires electricity to operate the fan. Similar to Tok, ma~ houses are changing to wood heat because it is more economical than oil. Load is heaviest· in the winter when car heaters are used overnight and circulating fans in ,the furnace are on frequently. Power bills average S150/month during the winter and can be as low as $10/monthduring the summer. The water treatment plant i.s the principal electricity consumer. Monthly consump~ion ranges from 3700 kWh to 5500 kWh and monthly bills average $450 in the summer and $650 in the winter. The money to pay these electric bills comes from the village council contingency funds. 3-3 Tanacross operates on a sUbsistence econorqy of fishing and trapping. A few full-time jobs exist but in general the unemployment rate is very high. The village council employs people on a temporary basis through U various community projects but most residents find seasonal employment outside of Tanacross. Temporary jobs that are available include firefighting for the BlM, highway construction, North Slope construction, and government in Tok. 3.1.4 Dot lake Dot lake is a native village with a population of 66 including both Athabascans and non-nati ves. The majority of the popul ation (45 persons) is located at the community center and the remaining individuals live in the surrounding area. Structures in Dot lake that IJse electricity include 10 residences, community hall, lodge, restaurant/store, school s (grades 1 through 12), church, and microwave tower. Power is generated from 2 -100 kW diesel generators located in Dot lake and owned, operated, and maintained by Alaska Power and Telephone Company. One generator is used for backup power. The power is not dependable and wears down the motors on appliances. Although Dot lake is intertied to the AP and T transmission system, the community has only once received power from its central generating station based in Tok (see previous discussion of AP and T system). Meters are installed on all houses as well as on all the other structures. At 18 cents/kWh pl us fuel surcharge, an average monthly bi 11 ranges from $35 to $80 based on consumption of 150 kWh to 350 kWh. Electrical appliances found in most homes are refrigerators, freezers, coffeepots, toasters, and frying pans. Televisions are being acquired and a few homes have microwave ovens. Propane is used for cooking and domestic hot water. The residential load is fairly even throughout the year although the total village load is heaviest in the winter. This variation in village consumption is du.e primarily to the central hot water heating system, which uses two oil furnaces and circulating pumps. In 1980, the utility building used 16,000 kWh, at a cost of approximately S3,000. Sources of income are sporadic. The lodge is a family operated business and employs no outside help. Two full-time janitorial positions are connected with the school. Part-time jobs can be found in construction and locally with community projects. Several proposed developments may stimulate growth in the Dot lake area. The state is proposing to sell 300 - 5 acre lots west of Dot lake along the Alaska Highway. Local residents have expressed reservations regarding what newcomers would do for a living as well as what they would be able to contribute to the community. In addition, the proposed project is sited at a major moose crossing. Another land sale that is associated with a mining project may occur south of Dot 3-4 u u u Lake near Robertson River. The development of the proposed gas pipeline and associated construction camps, would also stimulate growth in the area. 3.2. SITE SELECTION 3.2.1 Dot .Lake Four sites were investigated in field. Site No. 02 on the main branch of Bear Creek was deemed clearly superior because the flow measured was much larger than at .the other sites and because no major adverse factors appeared to be associated with the site. As opposed to this, Site 4 on the North Fork of Bear Creek was found to be located on a vast glacial gravel outwash plain, offering no clear-cut dam sites and requiring a very long intake structure, located on pervious foundations and likely to b~ shortly buried by bedload sedimen~ deposition. Site 05 on Berry Creek was also inspected and the flow measured, but both this site and Site 01 on the South Fork of Bear Creek, which was overflown, were deemed to be less attractive than the selected site. Site No.2 is located in an approximately fifty foot wid~, five foot deep channel of the braided Bear Creek, apparently in alluvial terrace material al though metamorphic or igneous bedrock outcrops occur higher up on the gently sloping left abutment. Because of the amount and size of the bedload gravel the intake itself was assumed to be located 50 to 100 feet upstream of the concrete ogee type dam. No major topographic nor foundation problems appear to be present along the proposed penstock or transmission routes. 3.2.2 Tanacross Stream basi ns near Tanacross were studied for their abi 1 i ty to supply part of the energy demand of the intertied Tanacross-Tok-Dot Lake System •. Closest to the community, all the creeks running Northeast ~ff Mount Neuberger go underground into the alluvial gravel s before reaching the Tanana River. Because of their proximity, however, the potential for sites further upstream was investigated. The two most attractive creek basins, located at the northern and southern most extremities of the Northeast face of Mt. Neuberger, were studied in field. At the time of the end of August site visit the northernmost creek (Site 02) proved, however, to be dry. Flow measurements made of the southernmost creek (Site 9) showed development here to be less attractive than on Yerrick Creek (Site OIl. Of the two Cathedral Rapids Creeks 12 miles west of Tanacross, Creek No. 2 has been judged to be more attractive duri ng the prescreeni ng stage. It, too, proved, however, to be dry during the site visit. 3-5 Yerrick Creek fonns a major deeply "incised flat-bottomed valley, running north to the Tanana River past the western end of Mount Neuberger. The creek is a typical example of a large, braided creek in U the foothill s of the Alaska Range, with one to several 10 to 30 foot wide stream channels within a 200 to 400 foot wide valley, with an almost unifonn gradient. At the proposed site the valley floor narrows to approximately 200 feet, with the stream bed fonned in large sized gravel and up to two foot boulders. Whil.e the right abutment is fonned by biotite gneiss and schist, the fact that the left abutment is largely made up of glacial till (of Delta glaciation) may make construction of high dams unattractive on this creek. The intake for the proposed diversion dam was assumed to be located some 50 to 100 feet upstream, to avoid having bed load materials in time deposited against the dam face. The right abutment appeared to be too rocky and scree-covered for the penstock route but routing it within the left abutment would probably also prove expensive, with burial required along part of its length within the steeply dipping glacial till face. 3.2.3 Tok Potential hYdro sites for the intertied Tok-Tanacross-Dot Lake utility system were investigated near each of the three communities. Site 08, five miles west of Tetlin Lake, was overflown but disclosed no faVOrable site factors sufficiently attractive to offset the need for seven miles cross-country site access from Route 1. As opposed to this, only three miles of track along the gradually sloping Clearwater Creek is required to provide access to Site 01. An optimum dam location is not readily defined along the braided stream channels within a 300 foot wide gravelly alluvium flood plain. The provisional location is 300 to 400 feet upstream of the junction with a left bank tributary from the north. It might be economical to intercept this tributary by diverting it around the abutment spur, probably fonned of biotite schist and gneiss. Only 0.5 mile of very easy access would be required to the powerhouse site, located probably on granitic rocks near the Cl earwater Campground. 3-6 u u NOTE I TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -TANACROSS AlASKA t I: 250,000 LEGEND ~ DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o . SITE NO -----PENSTOCK _ .. -TRANSMISSION LINE -WATERSHED 5 0 5 REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUD'f SMALL HYDROPOWER ~CTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING TANACROSS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -MT. HAYES ALASKA, I : 250,000 LEGEND .. DAM SITE • POWERHOOSE o SITE NO PENSTOCK - - -TRANSMtSSION LINE --WATERSHED 5 o 5 E3 E3 E3 SCALE I.N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a REOONNAISSANCE STUD'( SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED I N PREll MINARY SCREEN I NG DOT LAKE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -TANACROSS ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND ~ DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. --- --PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE ---WATERSHED 5 0 5 E3 t==1 E3 SCALE I N MILES srUDY HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING TOK DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -TANACROSS ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND ~ DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. - -_. -PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE --WATERSHED 5 E3 1560 \. ". -', \ \ \ \ \ , " , -\'-\ -... ----~~ . " . . ''r ""'r o SCALE I N MILES 5 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING MANSFIELD VILLAGE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u ~dro~ower POtential Installed Capacity Si te No. (kW) * 1 299 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 117 SUMMARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS TANACROSS, ALASKA Cost of Installed Alternaj1 ve Cost Power- ($1000) (mill s/kWh) 6,288 436 1981 Number of Households: 34 Economic Base Seasonal Construction 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of I-(ydropower Benefit/Cost (mill s/kWh) Ratio 690 0.63 See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of alternative power. * This site was identified in the drainage basin inventor,y for Mansfield Vi 11 age. ~dro~ower Potential Installed Capacity Si te No. (kW) 2 699 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 66 SUMMARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS DOT LAKE, ALASKA Cost of Installed Al ternative Cost Power.!1 ($1000 ) (m; 11 s/kWh) 9,840 440 1981 Number of Households: 19 Economic Base Subsi stence Government II 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of I-IYd ropowe r Benefi tlCost (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 480 0.91 See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of alternative power. u u liYdro~ower Potentf a 1 Installed Capacity Site No. (kW) 7 412 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 750 SUMMARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS TOK, ALASKA Cost of Installed Al ternaj}ve Cost Power-\ (SlOOO) (mi 11 s/kWh) 10,876 436 1981 Number of Households: 214 Economic Sase Touri sm ~vernment Seasonal construction 1/ 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of liYdropower Seneff t/Cost (mills/kWh) Ratio 880 0.50 See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of a 1 ternati ve power. /iYdr0E!0wer Potenti al Installed SUMMARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS MANSFIELD VILLAGE, ALASKA Cost of Installed Cost of Capacity Cost Al ternaj}ve Power_ IiYdropower Benefit/Cost Site No. (kW) ($1000 ) (mills/kWh) (mill s/kWh) Ratio 1 299 6,288 436 699 0.63 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 0 1981 Number of Households: 0 Economic Base N/A y 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of a 1 ternati ve power. u REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE SrruDY -St4ALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRIC'r -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -TANACROSS U KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR Lmv MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 501429. 501.429. 501429. 172 • 172 • 172. 1981 519055. 519055. 519055. 178. 178. 178. 1982 536681. 536681. 536681. 184. 184. 184. 1983 554307. 554307. 554307. 190. 190. 190. 1984 571933. 571933. 571933. 196. 196. 196. 1985 589559. 589559. 589559. 202. 202. 202. 1936 6071135. 607185. 607185. 208. 208. 208. 1987 624811. 624811. 624811. 214. 214. 214. 1988 642437. 642437. 642437. 220. 220. 220. 1989 660063. 660063. 660063. 226. 226. 226. 1990 677689. 677689. 677689. 232. 232. 232. 1991 694209. 732957. 771705. 238. 251. 264. 1992 710729. 788225. 865722. 243. 270. 296. 1993 727249. 843494. 959738. 249. 289. ·329. 1994 743769. 898762. 1053755. 255. 308. 361. 1995 760288. 954030. 1147771. 260. 327. 393. lY96 776808. 1009298. 1241787. 266. 346 • 425. 1997 793328. 1064566. 1335804. 272. 365. 457. 1998 809848. 1119835. 1429820. 277. 384. 490. 1999 826368. 1175103. 1523836. 283. 402. 522. 2000 842888. 1230371. 1617853. 289. 421. 554. 2001 859923. 1298596. 1737268. 294. 445. 595. 2002 876959. 1366821. 1856682. 300. 468. 636. 2003 893994. 1435046. 1976097. 306. 491. 677. 2004 911030. 1503271. 2095512. 312. 515. 718. 2005 928065. 1571496. 2214926. 318. 538. 759. 2006 945100. 1639721. 2334341. 324. 562. 799. 2007 962136. 1707946. 2453755. 329. 585. 840. 2008 979171. 1776171. 2573170. 335. 608. 881. 2009 996206. 1844396. 2692584. 341. 632. 922. 2010 1013242. 1912621. 2811999. 347. 655. 963. 2011 1035558. 1949375. 2863192. 355. 668. 981. 2012 1057873. 1986130. 2914385. 362. 680. 998. 2013 1080189. 2022884. 2965578. 370. 693. 1016. 2014 1102505. 2059638. 3016771. 378. 705. 1033. 2015 1124821. 2096392. 3067964. 385. 718. 1051. 2016 1147136. 2133147. 3119157. 393. 731. 1068. 2017 1169452. 2169901. 3170350. 400. 743. 1086. 2018 1191768. 2206655. 3221543. 408. 756. 1103. 2019 1214084. 2243409. 3272736. 416. 768. 1121. 2020 1236399. 2280164. 3323929. 423. 781. 1138. 2021 1251261. 2311782. 3372304. 429. 792. 1155. 2022 1266123. 2343401. 3420679. 434. 803. 1171. 2023 1280984. 2375019. 3469054. 439. 813. 1188. 2024 1295846. 2406637. 3517429. 444. 824. 1205. 2025 1310708. 2438255. 3565804. 449. 835. 1221. 2026 1325570. 2469874. 3614179. 454. 846. 1238. 2027 1340431. 2501492. 3662554. 459. 857. 1254. U 2028 1355293. 2533110. 3710929. 464. 868. 1271. 2029 1370155. 2564728. 3759304. 469. 878. 1287. 2030 1385017. 2596347. 3807679. 474. 889. 1304. Hr;GIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAI!->ANCE STUDY -SHALL HYDROPOWER PROO EC'l'S ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FOIU;;CAST -DOT LAKE KILOW/\T'1'-HOUR5 PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMA:.JD-I~~l U YEfd-\ LOV-J MEDIUH HIGH LOW l-1EDIUr.., HIGII 1980 282857. 282857. 282857. 97. 97. 97. 19B1 292800. 292800. 292800. 100. 100. lOa. 19H2 302743. 302743. 302743. 104. 104. 104. 1983 312686. 312686. 312686. 107. 107. 107. 19B4 322629. 322629. 322629. 1 10. 110. 110. 19f35 332572. 332572. 332572 • 114. 114. 1 1,1 • 19a6 342514. 342514. 342514. 117 • 117 • 117 • 19P7 352457. 352457. 352457. 121. 121. 121. 19~iB 362400. 362400. 362400. 124. 124. 124. 1989 372343. 372343. 372343. 128. 128. 128. 1990 382286. 382286. 382286. 131. 131. 131 • 1991 391605. 413463. 435321. 134. 142. 149. 1992 400924. 444640. 488356. 137. 152. 167. 1993 410243. 475817. 541391. 140. 163. 18:';. 1994 419562. 506994. 5941126. 144. 174. 20<1. 1995 4288U 1. 538171. 647460. 147. 184. 222. 1996 438199. 569347. 700495. 150. 195. 240. 1997 447518. 600524. 753530. 153. 206. 258. 1998 456837. 631701. 806565. 15(,. 216. 276. 1.999 46615f~. 662878. B59600. HiO. 227. 294. 2000 475475. 694055. 912635. 163. 2313. 313 • 2001 485085. 732541. 979997. 166. 251. 33G. 2002 494695. 771027. 1047359. 169. 264. 359. 2003 504304. 809513. 1114721. 173. 277. 3~32 • 2004 513914. 847999. 1182084. 176. 290. 405. 2005 523524. 386484. 1249446. 179. 304. 429. 2006 533134. 924970. 1316808. 183. 317. 451. 2()07 542744. 963456. 13134170. 186. 330. 474. 2008 552354. 1001942. 1451532. 189. 343. 497. 2009 561963. 104042B. 15188')4. 192. 356. 520. 2010 571573. 1078914. 1586256. 196. 369. 543. 2011 5B4161. .1099647. 1615134. 200. 377. 553. 2012 596750. 1120381. 1644012. 204. 384. 563. 2013 609338. 1141114. 1672n90. 209. 391. 573. 2014 621926. 1161847. 1701769. 213. 398. 583. 201S 634515. 1182580. 1730647. 217 • 405. 593. 2016 647103. 1203314. 1759525. 222. 412. 603. 2017 659691. 1224047. 1788403. 226. 419. 612. 20H! 672280. 1244780. 1817281. 230. 426. 622. 2019 6H4B6U. 1265513. 1846159. 235. 433. 632. 2020 697456. 1286246. 1875037. 239. 440. 642. 2021 705B40. 1304082. 1902325. 242. 447. 651. 202/. 7142/.3. 1321918. 1929614. 245. 453. 661. 2023 722607. 1339754. 1956902. 247. 459. 670. 2024 730990. 1357590. 1984191. 250. 465. 680. 2025 739374. 1375426. 2011479. 253. 471. 6P'1. 2026 747757. 1393262. 203£1767. 256. 477. 69P. 2()27 756141. 1411098. 2066056. /.59. 483. 708. 2028 764524. 1428934. 2093344. 262. 489. 717. U 2029 7720,08. 1446770. 21201)33. 265. 495. 72(,. 2030 781291. 1464006. 2147921. 268. 502. 736. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWBR PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -TOK KILOWAT'I'-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW ~1EDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 3150000. 3150000. 3150000. 1079. 1079. 1079. 1981 3260728. 3260728. 3260728. 1117. 1117. 1117. 1982 3371456. 3371456. 3371456. 1155. 1155. 1155. 1983 34!:l2183. 3402183. 3482183. 1193. 1193. 1193. 1984 3592911. 3592911. 3592911. 1230. 1230. 1230. 1985 3703639. 3703639. 3703639. 1268. 1268. 1268. 19!:l6 3814367. 3814367. 3814367. 1306. 1306. 1306. 1987 3925094. 3925094. 3925094. 1344. 1344. 1344. 1988 4035822. 4035822. 4035822. 1382. 1382. . 1382. 1989 4146550. 4146550. 4146550. 1420. 1420. 1420. 1990 4257277 • 4257277. 4257277. 1458. 1458. 1458. 1991 4361056. 4604475. 4847893. 1494. 1577. 1660. 1992 4464835. 4951672. 5438509. 1529. 1696. 1863. 1993 4568614. 5298870. 6029125. 1565. 1815. 2065. 1994 4672393. 5646067. 6619741. 1600. 1934. 2267. 1995 4776172. 5993265. 7210357. 1636. 2052. 2469. 1996 4879951. 6340462. 7800973. 1671. 2171. 2672. 1997 4983730. 6687660. 8391589. 1707. 2290. 2874. 1998 5087509. 7034857. 8982205. 1742. 2409. 3076. 1999 5191288. 7382055. 9572821. 1778. 2528. 3278. 2000 5295067. 7729253. 10163439. 1813. 2647. 3481. 2001 5402085. 8157846. 10913607. 1850. 2794. 3738. 2002 5509102. 8586439. 11663775. 1887. 2941. 3994. 2003 5616120. 9015032. 12413943. 1923. 3087. 4251. 2004 5723137. 9443625. 13164111. 1960. 3234. 4508. 2005 5830155. 9872218. 13914279. 1997. 3381. 4765. 2006 5937172. 10300811. 14664447. 2033. 3528. 5022. 2007 6044190. 10729404. 15414615. 2070. 3674. 5279. 2008 6151207. 11157997. 16164783. 2107. 3821. 5536. 2009 6258225. 11586590. 16914952. 2143. 3968 •. 5793. 2010 6365242. 12015182. 17665122. 2180. 4115. 6050. 2011 6505430. 12246075. 17906718. 2228. 4194. 6160. 2012 6645618. 12476968. 18308314. 2276. 4273. 6270. 2013 6785806. 12707861. 18629910. 2324. 4352. 6380. 2014 6925994. 12938754. 18951506. 2372. 4431. 6490. 2015 7066182. 13169647. 19273102. 2420. 4510. 6600. 2016 7206370. 13400540. 19594698. 2468. 4589. 6711. 2017 7346558. 13631433. 19916294. 2516. 4668. 6821. 2018 7486746. 13862326. 20237890. 2564. .4747. 6931. 2019 7626934. 14093219. 20559486. 2612. 4826. 7041. 2020 7767124. 14324107. 20881090. 2660. 4906. 7151. 2021 7860486. 14522735. 21184984. 2692. 4974. 7255. 2022 7953848. 14721363. 21488878. 2724. 5042. 7359. 2023 8047210. 14919991. 21792772 • 2756. 5110. 7463. 2024 8140572. 15118619. 22096666. 2788. 5178. 7567. 2025 8233934. 15317247. 22400560. 2820. 5246. 7671. 2026 8327296. 15515875. 22704454. 2852. 5314. 7775. 2027 8420658. 15714503. 23008348. 2884. 5382. 7880. U 2028 8514020. 15913131. 23312242. 2916. 5450. 7984. 2029 8607382. 16111759. 23616136. 2948. 5518. 8088. 2030 8700744. 16310387. 23920030. 2980. 5586. 8192. REGIONAL INVENTOHY & RECONNAISANCE STUUY -SI·1ALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -l'viANSf'IELD VILLAGE -AP&T KILOWATT-BOURS PEl{ YEAR ANNU1\L PEAK DEt-lANlJ-Kvi YEP.R LOH HEDIUt1 HIGH LO~'l MEDIUI'; HIGH 1980 3934286. 3934286. 3934286. 1347. 1347. 1347. 1981 4090687. 4090687. 4090687. 1401. 1401. 1401. 1982 4247088. 4247088. 4247088. 1454. 1454. 145<1. 1933 4403489. 4403489. 4403489. 1508. 1508. 1508. 1984 4559890. 4559890. 4559890. 1562. 1562. 1562. 19B5 4716291. 4716291. 4716291. 1615. 1615. 1615. 1986 48726')2. 4872692. 4872692. 1669. 1669. 1669. 1987 5029093. 5029093. 5029093. 1722. 1722. 1722. 1988 5185494. 5185494. 5185494. 1776. 1776. 1776. 1989 5341895. 5341895. 5341895. 1829. 1829. Hl29. 1990 5498296. 5498296. 5498296. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1991 5635486. 5949557. 6263627. 1930. 2038. 2145. 1992 5772675. 6400817 • 7028958. 1977 • 2192. 2407. 1993 5909865. 6B52078. 7794289. 2024. 2347. 2669. 1994 6047054. 7303338. 8559620. 2071. 2501. 2931. 1995 618424<1. 7754599. 9324951. 2118. 2656. 3193. 1996 6321433. f3205H59. 100902132. 2165. 2810. 3456. 19')7 6458623. !3657119. 10855613. 2212. 2965. 371l'. 1998 6595812. 9108379. 11620944. 2259. 3119. 3980. 1999 6733002. 9559639. 12386275. 2306. 3274. 4242. 2000 6870192. 10010899. 13151606. 2353. 342[). 4504. 2001 7010400. 10566027. 14121647. 2401. 3619. 4B36. 2002 7150623. 11121155. 15091688. 2449. 3809. 5168. 2003 7290839. 11676283. 16061729. 2497. 3999. 5501. 2004 7431054. 12231411. 17031770. 2545. 4189. 5833. 2005 7571269. 12786539. 18001810. 2593. 4379. 6165. 2006 7711485. 13341667. 18971850. 2641. 4569. 6497. 2007 7851701. 13896795. 19941890. 2689. 4759. 6B29. 2008 7991916. 14451923. 20911930. 2737. 4949. 7162. 2009 8132132. 15007051. 21881970. 2735. 5139. 7494. 2010 8272348. 15562180. 22852012. 2833. 5330. 7826. 2011 8451235. 15858098. 23264962. 2i194. 5431. 7967. 2012 8630122. 16154016. 23677912. 2956. 5532. 8109. 2013 8809009. 16449934. 240<)0862. 3017. 5634. 8250. 2014 8987896. 16745852. 24503812. 3078. 5735. 8392. 2015 9166783. 170417 70. 24916762. 3139. 5836. 8533. 2016 9345670. 17337688. 25329712. 3201. 5938. 8675. 2017 9524557. 17633606. 25742662. 3262. 6039. 8816. 2018 9703444. 17929524. 26155612. 3323. 6140. 8957. 2019 9882331. 10225442. 26'l6R562. 3384. 6242. 9099. 2020 10061214. 18521358. 26981502. 3446. 6343. 9240. 2021 10182417. 18778380. 27374344. 34H7. 6431. 9375. 2022 10303620. 19035402. 27767186. 3529. 6519. 9509. 2023 10424823. 19292424. 28160028. 3570. 6607. 9644. 2024 1(1546026. 19549-1116. 28552870. 3612. 6695. 9778. 2025 10667229. 19806468. 2B945712. 3653. 6783. 9913. 2026 10788432. 20063490. 29338554. 3695. 6B71. 10047. 2027 10909635. 20320512. 297313'::J6. 3736. 6959. 101B2. 2028 11030[l38. 20577534. 30124238. 3778. 7047. 10317 • U 2029 11152041. 20A34556. 30517080. 3819. 7135. 10451. 20)0 11273244. 21091578. 30909922. 3861. 7223. 10586. U \ NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAI SANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: TANACROSS SITE NUMBER: 1 NET HEAD (FT): 237. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 299. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS): 1.86 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (#DAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY USABLE MONTHL Y HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE DEMAND HYDRO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATION (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 1.94 23233. 10.00 622458. 15488. FEBRUARY 1.66 o. 9.50 591335. O. MARCH 1.61 o. 9.00 560212. o. APRIL 2.80 32450. 9.00 560212. 21633. MAY 25.50 222456. 8.00 497966. 148304. JUNE 39.30 215280. 5.50 ' 342352. 141682. JULY 26.20 222456. 5.50 342352. 146167. AUGUST 23.00 222456. 6.00 373475. 146816. SEPTI:::MBER 13.60 157614. 8.00 497966. 105076. OCTOBER 6.41 76764. 9.00 560212. 51176. NOVEMBER 3.14 36390. 10.00 622458. 24260. DECEMBER 2.50 29939. 10.50 653581. 19959. TOTAL 1239038. 6224578. 820563. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.31 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.31 '. U HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIot~S Community: Tanacross U Si te: 01 Stream: Yerrick Creek ITEM COST 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) ~ 350,000 2. Penstock ~ 542,000 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generators ~ 202,000 -r~isc. Mechanical and Electrical ~ 195,000 -Structure ~ 30,000 -Val yes and Bifurcations $ 19,000 4. Swi tcl'\Y a rd ~ 179,000 5. Access $ 24,000 6. Transmission $ 38,000 TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS ~1,579,000 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 10 PERCENT ~ 158,000 SUBTOTAL ~1, 737,000 Geographic Factor = 2.3 SUBTOTAL ~3,995,OOO Contingency at 25 percent ~ 999,000 SUBTOTAL ~4,994,OOO Engineering and Administration at 15 percent ~ 749,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST ~5, 743,000 Interest Duri ng Construction at 9.5 percent ~ 546,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST ~6,288,000 Cost per kW Installed Capacity ~ 21,030 ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (A/P = 0.07823) $ 491,900 Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1.2 percent 75,500 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS ~ 567,400 U Cost per kWh ~ 0.69 Benefit-Cost Ratio: 0.63 U NE/SC AlASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAISANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: DOT LAKE SITE NUMBER: 2 NET HEAD (FT): 151. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 699. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS) : 7.42 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (#DAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY USABLE MONTHLY HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE DEMAND HYDRO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATION (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 7.77 59285. 10.00 622458. 39524. FEBRUARY 6.62 O. 9.50 591335. O. MARCH 6.43 o. 9.00 560212. O. APRIL 11.20 82700. 9.00 560212. 55133. MAY 102.00 520056. 8.00 497966. 323194. JUNE 157.00 503280. 5.50 342352. 301139. JULY 105.00 520056. 5.50 342352. 310226. AUGUST 92.10 520056. 6.00 373475. 312820. SEPTEMBER 54.20 400207. 8.00 497966. 258276. OCTOBER 25.60 195329. 9.00 560212. 130219. NOVEMBER 12.60 93037. 10.00 622458. 62025. DECEMBER 10.10 77063. 10.50 653581. 51376. TOTAL 2971070. 6224578. 1843932. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.30 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.30 u- HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE It~VESTIGATIONS Community: Dot Lake 02 Si te: Stream: Bear Creek 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ITEM Dam (including intake and spillway) Penstock Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Val yes and Bifurcations Switchyard kcess Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction .Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 10 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Conti ngency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operati ons and r~ai ntenance Cost at 1. 2 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST $ 406,000 $ 905,000 $ 426,000 $ 242,000 $ 30,000 $ 26,000 $ 170,000 $ 18,000 $ 248,000 $ 2,471,000 Z 247,000 $ 2,718,000 2.3 Z 6,252,000 $ 1,563,000 $ 7,815,000 $ 1,172,000 $ 8,987,000 Z 854,000 $ 9,840,000 $ 14,080 $ 769,800 $ 118,100 $ 887,900 $ 0.48 0.91 -u NE/SC AlASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAISANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: TOK . SITE NUMBER: 7 NET HEAD (FT): 353. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 412. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS): 1.72 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (#DAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENERGY USABLE MONTHLY HYDROELECTRI C OF AVERAGE DEMAND HYDRO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATlON(KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 1.81 32285. 10.00 622458. 21523. FEBRUARY 1.54 o. 9.50 591335. O. MARCH 1.50 o. 9.00 560212. o. APRIL 2.60 44880. 9.00 560212. 29920. MAY 23.70 306528. 8.00 497966. 201954. JUNE 36.60 296640. 5.50 342352. 189209. JULY 24.40 306528. 5.50 342352. 194565. AUGUST 21.40 306528. 6.00 373475. 197159. SEPTEMBER 12.60 217497. 8.00 497966. 144998. OCTOBER 5.97 106487. 9.00 560212. 70992. NOVEMBEI{ 2.93 50577. 10.00 622458. 33718. DECEMBER 2.33 41560. 10.50 653581. 27707. TOTAL 1709512. 6224578. 1111746. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.31 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.31 u HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Community: Tok Si te: 07 Stream: C1 earwater Creek ITEM 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbi nes and Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Val yes and Bifurcations 4. SwitchYard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 10 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Conti ngency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest Duri ng Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANN UAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1.2 percent -TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST $ 500,000 $ 1,169,000 $ 280,000 $ 223,000 $ 30,000 $ 19,000 $ 158,000 $ 47,000 $ 305,000 $ 2,731,000 $ 273,000 $ 3,004,000 2.3 $ 6,909,000 $ 1,727,000 $ 8,637,000 $ 1,296,000 $ 9,932,000 $ 944,000 $10 ,876,000 $ 26,400 $ 850,800 $ 130,500 $ 981,300 0.88 0.50 RECiIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAI$ANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS PRO.JECT~~; COST OF HYDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO YEAR 1984 1986 1.9::::7 1'::'190 1991 1.992 199:=: 1994 1995 1'::'96 1997 1998 199':; 2000 :;;:~(l0 1 2002 :;;:~OO:~: 2004 2005 2001;'. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2(11 ~i 2016 2017 ::2t) 1::: 2019 2020 2021 Tm< SITE NO. 7 KWH/YEAR CAPITAL 1079552. 856376. 1082664. 856376. 1085776. 856376. 1088887. 856376. 1091999. 856376. 1094760. 856376. 1097180. 856376. 1099433. 856376. 1101485. 856376. 1103537.856376. 1105590. 1107642. 1109694. 1111746. 1113799. 1115851. 1117903. 1120020. 1121:977. 1123492. 11'25107. 1126411. 1127!::,67. 1128317. 1128980. 1129454. 1129'7127. 11 :;:0547. 11::::1167. 1131787. 11 :3240:::. 1133028. 11 ~::3t::'48. 11 ::::4268 •. 11:3488:3. 11 ::'=:~;508 • 1136128. 113~.541. 113&..954. 1137367. 856376. 85e.376. 856376. 8~56376. 85(:.:37 e· a 856:~:'76. 85c,376. 856376. :356.:376. 8~i637<' .•• 856371:. .• E:~ic:,37 (:'. 856::::71:.,. :::56371:. •• 85(:.3'" t:,. 856:376. !=~56:37 (: .• 85(:,:~:7 6 •• 856376. 856376. :951:..376. 856::::76. 856376. 85637(: .• 85c,376. 856:376. 2024 1137780. 202~i 11:38110. 2026 11 :38377. :2027 113E:t.:.45. 2028 11:3:3912. 2029 11:39179. 20:30 11 39354. AVERAGE COST· :35637&. .• S5637e .• 856376. 856:376. 856371:,.. 856376. 856376. 856376. :::56:376. 856376. o 8< M 1 :'::0500. 130500. 130500. 1:305(10. 1:30500 •. 1:30500. 1 :30500. 1:30500~ 1:30500. 1 :30500. 1 :30500. 1 :;:0500. :1.30500. 130500. 1 :;:0500. 1 ::::0~500. 130500. 130500. 130500. 1 :=:0500. 1:30500. 130500. 130500. 130500. , 130500. 1,:30500. 130500. 130500. 1:30500. 1:30500. 130500. 130500. 1 :;:0500. 130500. 130500. 1:30500. 130500. 1:'::0500. 130500. 130500. 130500. 130500. 130500. 1 :;i0500. 130500. 1:30500. 130500. $/!<WH $/KWH TOTAL$ NONDISC DISC 986876. 0.914 0.681 986876. 0.912 0.631 986876. 0.909 0.585 986876. 0.906 0.542 986816. O~904 ·0.502 986876. 0.901 0.465 986876. 0.899 0.431 986876. 0.898 0.400 986876. 0.896 0.371 986876. 0.894 0.344 98687e .• 98&',876. 986r::Q6. 986871:. .• ':;86876. 98e,:::7t::.. 986876. 986876. 986876. 9:3(-..:::71:. •• 98687e .• 986876. 98687e,. '~!36876. '::/86876. 98l-:tE:76. Si 8 1:..::: 7 (:.' • 986876. 986876 .• 9:3687(:o~ 986876. 981:..871': .• 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 986876. 9:96876. ':;86871::,. 981:..876. 986876. 986876. 0.891 ()a ,:;":::::''9 ()" (~:En:: 0.881 0.880 0 .. 87::: 0.877 0.876 '().875 0.875 O. :374 (I. F,:7.4 0.87:::':: o. 87~3 ()" E:72 0.872 O. :::;:71 0.871 O. :::7:1. O. :::f70 0.870 0.869 o. :=:69 O. :'-368 0.86:3 0.86::: 0 .. ::':::19 (J« ~?f3,'(:) 0.:27'1- t) If ~~!'5e:t (I .2~::6 0.219 0.:20::? ()., 18::: 0.1.75 0.162 O. 1 ~50 0.140 0.130 0.120 0.11::;~ O. 104 0.096 0.089 O.Of:::::3 0.(177 0.072 0.0/:..7 0.062 0.057 0.05:::: 0.04''9 0.046 0.04::: 0.040 0.037 0.034 0.032 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.024 0.022 O. 194 BENEFIT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL COST ESCALATION): 0.867 0.867 0.867 O. :3b7 0.867 O.8e.e. 0.866 0.881 0.50 u Tana cross Villag e Man sf ield Villag e Clearwater Creek DalTlsite Clearwater Creek Powerhouse Site Aerial View of Dot Lake View Upstream Toward Bear Creek Damsite Yerrick Creek Damsite- Aerial Vi ew Yerri ck Creek Channe l of Damsite u u 4.0 EAGLE -EAGLE VIllAGE 4.1, COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION Eagle and Eagle Vfllage are located at the end of the Taylor Highway on the Yukon River. Eagle, an fncorporated city, fs separated by 3 mfles of dirt road from Eagle Village, a native community. The two communities are substantially different fn terms of their social and economic structure, fnc1udfng the current and predfcted electric energy requirements. The two communities have been treated as one unit since the sites that were investigated could serve both Eagle and Eagle Vi 11 age. . 4.1.1 Eagle Eagle has a population of 164 distributed among 62 households. The city has 6 stores, l'ibrary, city hall, BlM office, restaurant, 2 historical museums, and several buildings that, as part of Fort Egbert, have been restored. Additfonal houses, not presently served with electriCity, are removed from the community center, which would make the installation of distribution lfnes costly. The electric system is owned and operated by Ralph Helmer, an Eagle resident. Current demand is exceedi ng the capacity of the 22.5 kW diesel generator, which is operatfng 24 hours/day. Eagle has grown fn population fn the last 5 years and total electricity demand has been increased. A 50 kW diesel generator fs planned to be fnstalled fn the spri Og of 1982. The cost of power is 38 cents/kWh and all 40 households that use e1ectrfcfty are metered. The cost of dfese1 fuel fs SI.35/gallon. load fs heavfest durfng the summer when there are more resfdents and operatfon of freezers fs greatest. Indfvfdua1 generators are operated to supplement the city power system and are used to run power tools. Household end uses of e1ectrfcity fnclude most modern appliances and a few households have vfdeo machines. More appliances would be acquired if the cost of power was reduced. Wood burnfng fs the princfpal method for space heatfng (90 percent) followed by oil burners (10 percent). The economy of Eagl e f s based on tourf sO) and a few jobs wf th the government. Newcomers usually do not ffnd jobs. The upgradfng of the Taylor Highway and its bridges and construction of a school are two projects fn the planning stage that may employ local people. Several small gold clafms are worked in the area. 4.1.2 Eagle Village Eagle Village is an Athabascan community with a subsfstence economy of fishing and trapping. In recent years Eagle Vfllage has been losing residents and the current popu1atfon fs 54. The school for the two 4-1 communities is located in Eagle Village and educates students in grades 1 through 12. Residences are without electricity although the HUD houses are wired for electrical appliances. Electricity at the school is provided by 2 -85 kW diesel generators. The community hall has a 10 kW generator to meet the lighting and small appliance needs. One project that may stimulate growth is the proposed asbestos mining operation approximately 30 miles to the south in the Slate Creek area owned by the native corporation Doyon Ltd. If thi s project materializes, it may employ as many as 3,000 persons. 4.2 SITE SELECTION Field inspection was narrowed down to two sites after having eliminated the upstream site on Mission Creek (Site No. 03) due to relative difficulty of access and the downstream site at junction with Excelsior Creek due to its immediate proximity to the Tintina Fault. For the remaining site, the subsequent overflight of Boundary Creek and of the possible transmission line routes to Site No. 05 confirmed that access both to this project area and to considerable sections of its transmission line could involve major expense and would not be feasible along the Yukon River. The proposed dam location at Site No.1 was visited and measurement made of flow in American Creek. A concrete intake dam with a central overflow section was assumed to bridge the two hundred foot wide plain within which the fifty foot wide creek flows. No bedrock exposures on the abutments coul d be observed due to scree cover. Stream bed material consists of up to two-foot sized oblong boulders and two to four inch gravel. The topographY of the site is admirably suited to a several hundred foot high dam, with a spillway through the right abutment spur. Such a development, which could not be economically justified at present, involving also major relocation of the Taylor Highway that follows the valley some forty feet above the creek, was not investigated as part of this study. The intake for the proposed dam would be located 50 to 100 feet upstream of it, thus avoiding danger of burial by bed material transported and deposited during floods. Because the flow in American Creek appears to practically cease duri ng the winter months, it is proposed that the powerplant be a single unit plant. All the elements of the proposed development have ideal access conditions from Taylor Highway. 4-2 u u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U.S.G.S.-EAGLE ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. -----PEN STOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE --WATERSHED 5 o 5 E3 t==t E3 SCALE I N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING EAGLE VILLAGE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS REG IOH1\L INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOVJER PROJEC'rs ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS U LOAD FORECAS'r -EAGLE KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEr-1AND-KW YEAR LO\~ MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIU~l HIGH 1980 656000. 656000. 656000. 225. 225. 225. 1981 683436. 683436. 683436. . 234. 234 • 234. 1982 710871. 710871. 710871. 243. 243. 243. 1983 738307. 738307. 738307. 253. 253. 253. 1984 765743. 765743. 765743. 262. 262. 262. 1985 793178. 793178. 793178. 272. 272. 272. 1986 820614. 820614. 820614. 281. 281. 281. 1987 84f!049. 8480'49. 848049. 290. 290. 290. 1988 875485. 875485. 875485. 300. 300. 300. 1989 902921. 902921. 902921. 309. 309. 309. 1990 930356. . 930356. 930356 • 3i9. 319. 319. 1991 954100. 996344. 1038588. 327. 341. 356. 1992 977844. 1062332. 1146820. 335. 364. 393. 1993 1001588. 1128320. 1255052. 343. 386. 430. 1994 1025332. 1194309. 1363285. 351. 409. 467. 1995 1049076. 1260297. 1471517. 359. 432. 50'1. 1996 1072820. 1326285. 1579749. 367. 454. 541. 1997 1096564. 1392273. 1687981. 376. 477. 578. 1998 112030B. 1458261. 1796213. 384. 499. 615. 1999 1144052. 1524249. 1904445. 392. 522. 652. 2000 1167796. 1590237. 2012677. 400. 545. 6B9. 2001 1181545. 1659794. 2138042. 405. 568. 732. 2002 1195294. 1729350. 2263406. 409. 592. 775. 2003 1209042. 179B907. 2388771. 414. 616. 8113. 2004 1222791. 1868464. 2514135. 419. 640. 861. 2005 1236540. 1938020. 2639500. 423. 664. 904. 2006 1250289. 2007577. 2764864. 428. 688. 947. 2007 1264037. 2077133. 2890229. 433. 711-990. 2008 1277786. 2146690. 3015593. 438. 735. 1033. 2009 1291535. 2216247. 3140958. 442. 759. 1076. 2010 1305284. 2285803. 3266322. 447. 783. 1119. 2011 1321935. 2318196. 3314456. 453. 794. 1135. 2012 1338587. 2350589. 3362590. 458. 805. 1152. 2013 1355238. 2382981. • 3410724. 464. 816. 1168. 2014 1371890. 2415374. 3458858. 470. 827. 1185. 2015 1388541. 2447767. 3506992. 476. 838. 1201. 2016 1405192. 2480160. 3555126. 481. 849. 1218. 2017 1421844. 2512552. 360.1260. 487. 860. 1234. 2018 1438495. 2544945. 3651394. 493. 872. 1250. 2019 1455146. 2577338. 3699528. 498. 883. 1267. 2020 1471798. 2609730. 3747661. 504. 894. 1283. 2021 1485385. 2641585. 3797785. 509. 905. 1301. 2022 1498972 • 2673440. 3847908 .• , 513. 916. 1318. 2023 1512558. 2705295. 3898032. 518. 926. 1335. 2024 1526145. 2737150. 3948155. 523. 937. 1352. 2025 1539732. 2769005. 3998279. 527. 94B. 1369. 2026 1553319. 2800860. 4048402. 532. 959. 1386. U 2027 1566905. 2832715. 4098526. 537. 970. 1404. 2028 1580492. 2864570. 4148649. 541. 981. 1421. 2029 1594079. 2896425. 4198773. 546. 992. 1438~ 2030 1607666. 2928280. 4248896. 551. 1003. 1455. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROpmvER PROJECTS ALASKA. DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAS'l' -EAGLE VILLAGE· KILOWATT-HOUHS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMANIJ-KW ,""~- YEAR LOW MEDIUlJJ HIGH LOW MEDIUfvl HIGH 1980 O. O. O. O. O. O. 1981 25068. 25068. 25068. 9. 9. 9. 1982 50135. 50135. 50135. 17. 17. 17. 1983 75203. 75203. 75203. 26. 26. 26. 1984 100271. 100271. 100271. 34. 34. 34. 1985 125339. 125339. 125339. 43. 43. 43. 1986 150406. 150406. 150406. 52. 52. 52. 1987 175474. 175474. 175474. 60. 60. 60. 1988 200542. 200542. 200542. 69. 69. 69. 1989 225609. 225609. 225609. 77. 77. 77. 1990 250677. 250677. 250677. 86. 86. 86. 1991 261161. 275071. 288980. 89. 94. 99. 1992 271645. 299464. < 327283. 93. 103. 112. 1993 282129. 323858. 365587. 97. 111. 125. 1994 292613. 348251. 403890. 100. 119. 138. 1995 303097. 372645. 442193. 104. 120. 15" 1996 313580. 397038. 480496. 107. 136. 165. 1997 324064. 421432. 518799. 1 11. 144. 178. 1998 334548. 445825. 557103. 115. 153. 191. 1999 345032. 470219. 595406. 118. 161. 204. 2000 355516. 494612. < 633709. 122. 169. 217. 2001 364589. 522061. 679534. 125. 179. 233. 2002 373663. 549510. 725358. 128. 188. 248. 2003 382736. 576959. 771183. 131. 198. 264. 2004 391809. 604408. 817008. 134. 207. 280. 2005 400883. 631858. 862832. 137. 216. 295. 2006 409956. 659307. 908657. 140. 226. 311. 2007 419029. 686756. 954482. 144. 235. 327. 2008 42R103. 714205. 1000307. 147. 245. 343. 2009 < 437176. 741654. 1046131. 150. 254. 358. 2010 446249. 769103. 1091956. 153. 263. 374. 2011 451503. 779540. 1107576. 155. 267. 379. 2012 456757. 789977. 1123196. 156. 271. 385. 2013 462010. 800414. 1138816. 158. 274. 390. 2014 467264. 810851. 1154437. 160. 278. 395. 2015 472518. 821287. 1170057. 162. 281. 401. 2016 477772. 831724. 1185677. 164. 285. 406. 2017 483026. 842161. 1201297. 165. 288. 411. 2018 488280. 852598. 1216917. 167. 292. 417 • 2019 493533. <863035. 1232537. 169. 296. 422. 2020 498787. 873472. 1248157. 171. 299. 427. 2021 505150. 885850. 1266550. 173. 303. 434. 2022 511513. 898228. 1284944. , 175. 30B. 440. 2023 517376. 910607. 1303337. 177 • 312. 446. 2024 524239. 922985. 1321731. 180. 316. 453. 2025 530602. 935363. 1340124. 182. 320. 459. 2026 536965. 947741. 1358517 • 184. 325. 465. 2027 543328. 960119. 1376911. 186. 329. 472. U 2028 549691. 972498. 1395304. 188. 333. 478. 2029 556054. 984876. 1413697. 190. 337. 484. 2030 562417. 997254. 1432091. 193. 342. 490. I U NE/SC ALASKA SMALL HYDRO RECONNAISANCE STUDY PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY: EAGLE SITE NUMBER: 1 NET HEAD (FT): 269. DESIGN CAPACITY (KW): 59. MINIMUM OPERATING FLOW (1 UNIT) (CFS) : 0.64 LOAD SHAPE FACTORS: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 HOUR FACTORS: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 MONTH (HDAYS/MO.) AVERAGE POTENTIAL PERCENT ENEHGY USAljLE MUNTHLY HYDROELECTRIC OF AVERAGE DEMAND HYI.)RO FLOW ENERGY ANNUAL ENERGY ENERGY (CFS) GENERATION (KWH) (KWH) JANUARY 0.08 o. 10.00 109656. O. FEBRUARY 0.08 o. 9.50 104174. O. MARCH 0.08 o. 9.00 98691-O. APRIL 2.89 38015. 9.00 98691. 25344. MAY 104.00 43896. 8.00 87725. 29263. JUNE 75.60 42480. 5.50 60311. 27806. JULY 32.40 43896. 5.50 60311. 28691- AUGUST 40.20 43896. 6.00 65794. 28806. SEPTEMBER 28.30 42480. 8.00 87725. 28320. OCTOBER 5.11 43896. 9.00 98691. 29264. NOVEMliER 0.83 10918. 10.00 109656. 7279. DECEMI>ER 0.13 O. 10.50 115139. O. TOTAL 309477 • 1096564. 204772. PLANT FACTOR(1997): 0.40 PLANT FACTOR(LIFE CYCLE): 0.40 U u u HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSAt~CE INVESTIGATIONS Community: Eagle Site: 01 Stream: American Creek ITEM 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generator~ -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Val yes and Bifurcati ons 4. Switchyard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 10 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Contingency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operations and Maintenance Cost at 1.5 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST $ 352,000 $ 377,000 $ 34,000 $ 143,000 $ 15,000 $ 6,000 ~ 106,000 $ 0 $ 138,000 $ 1,171,000 $ 117,000 $ 1,288,000 2.6 $ 3,349,000 $ 837,000 $ 4,186,000 $ 628,000 $ 4,814,000 $ 457,000 $ 5,272,000 $ 89,360 $ 412,400 $ 79,100 $ 491,500 $ 2.41 0.22 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER 'PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRItT'~ tORPS OF ENGINEERS DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVE!:::TIC;ATIONS U COST OF HYDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO EAGLE ~;ITE NO. 1 YEAR KWH/YEAR 19::::4 199294. 19:35 199877. 19::::6 200460. 19:'37 2010::::7. 1 r~::::=: :;:~() 15t.9. 19:39 202100. 1990 2026:32. 1 ';I'~/l 203092. 1'::-/~)2 2():35:39. 1 '~/j)~: ~:():3E:65. 1994 204192. 1 ~;195 204452. 19';)6 204649. 1997 204772. 199:3 204858. 1999 204942. 2000 205026. 2001 205075. 2002 205124. 2003 20!::i 1 72. 2004 205221 . :2005 205270. 2006 205:318. 2007 205367. 20(1:::: 205416. 2009 205464. 2010 205513. 2011 205572. 2012 2056:31. 201:3 205690. 201.4 205749. 2015 205808. 2016 205867. 201 7 20!:i92~,. 2(J 1 :::: 2059:::5. 20 1 '~) 206044. 2020 2021 2()2:2 ;~()2:~: 2024 2025 2027 :2()2:? ~:();~';J 20:30 206092. 20t.123. 206154. 2061::::5 • 206217. 206248. 206269. 206285. 206:300. 20631~, • 206:318. CAPITAL 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 41!:il17. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 41.5117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 415117. 41.5117. 415117. o ~I, M 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 7',?100. 79100. 79100. 79100" 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. '79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. 79100. $/KWH $/KWH TOTAL$ NONDISC DISC 494217. 2.480 1.848 494217. 2.473 1.712 494217. 2.465 1.586 494217. 2.458 j.470 494217. 2.452 1.362 494217. 2.445 1.262 494217. 2.439 1.170 494217. 2.433 1.084 494217. 2.428 1.005 494217. 2.424 0.933 494217. 2.420 0.865 494217. 2.417 0.803 494217. 2.415 0.745 494217. 2.414 0.692 494217. 2.412 0.643 494217. 2.411 0.597 494217. 2.411 0.554 494217. 2.410 0.515 494217. 2.409 0.478 494217. 2.409 0.444 494217. 2.408 0.418 494217. 2.408 0.883 494217. 2.407 0.356 494217. 2.407 0.331 494217~ 2.406 0.307 494217. 2.405 0.286 494217. 2.405' 0.265 494217. 2.404 0.246 494217. 2. 40:3 (I. 2~·:S'1 494217. 2.403 0.213 494217. 2.402 0.197 494217. 2.401 0.183 494217. 2.401 0.170 494217. 2.400 0.158 494217. 2.399 0.147 494217. 2.399 0.137 494217. 2.398 0.127 494217. 2.398 0.118 494217. 2.397 0.109 494217. 2.397 0.102 494217. 2.397 0.094 494217. 2.396 0.088 494217. 2.396 0.082 494217. 2.396 0.076 494217. 2.396 0.070 494217. 2.395 0.065 494217. 2.395 0.061 AVERAGE COST 2.414 0.~527 BENEFIT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL COST ESCALATION): 0.22 u Eagle-Eagle Vill age, Alaska Aerial Vi ew of Ea gle Aerial Vi ew of Ea gle Village American Creek Damsite and Existing Access Roa d . .,. , . Z' ... --- 5. 0 SCALE IN MILES .NOTEa·lOPOGRAPHY FROM us.G.S.-MT. HAYES . ALASKA, I' 250,000 ""'I"'~ / I..: &. .. "''-'' , tit· . . :.: .. • • ... oov <:) , " <.1 II D LEGEND ... DAM SITE • o SITE NO. •• -. -PENSTOCK UNE HYatOPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING DELTA JUNCTION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY' ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ".;" ;,1,' t.~ Z~F ___ - 5 SCALE IN MILES NaTE' TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -FAIRBANKS ALASKA. 1:250.000 ' LEGEND \ ~ DAM SIT~ • POWERH SE o SITE NO. - - - --PENSTOCK~ ---TRANSMIS ION -WATERSH 0 LINE' REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST .ALASKAI' z.... HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING CHENA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u SUMMARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS BIG DELTA-DELTA JUNCTION, ALASKA ~dropower Potenti a 1 Cost of Installed Installed Alternajive Cost of Capacity Cost Power_/ ~dropower Si te No. (kW) (SlOOO) (mi 11 s/kWh) (mi lls/kWh) 2 612 12,692 324 490 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population Big Delta -30; Delta Junction -945 1981 Number of Households: Big Delta -9; Delta Junction -270 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Benefit/Cost Ratio 0.66 See Appendix C (Table C-8) for example of method of computation of cost of alternative power. Hldro~ower Potential Installed Capacity Si te No. (kW) 3 1,028 2 108 1 91 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 35 SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING CHEN A, ALASKA Cost of Installed Alterna\}ve Cost Power- (S1000 ) (mills/kWh) 12,215 324 2,148 324 2,576 324 1981 Number of Households: 10 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost oJ Jiydropower Benefit/Cost (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 296 1.09 406 0.80 577 0.56 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCB STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF l::NGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -BIG D;ELTA ~ KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 128571. 128571. 128571. 44. 44. 44. 1981 133091. 133091. 133091. 46. 46. 46. 1982 137610. 137610. 137610. 47. 47. 47. 1983 142130. 142130. 142130. 49. 49. 49. 1984 146649. 146649. 146649. 50. 50. 50. 1985 151169. 151169. 151169. 52. 52. 52. 1986 155688. 155688. 155688. 53; 53. 53. 1987 160208. 160208. 160208. 55. 55. 55. 1988 164727. 164727. 164727. 56. 56. 56. 1989 169247. 169247. 169247. 58. 58. 58. 1990 173766. 173766. 173766. 60. 60. 60. 1991 178002. 187937. 197873. 61-64. 68. 1992 182238. 202109. 221980. 62. 69. 76. 1993 186474. 216280. 246086. 64. 74. 84. 1994 190710. 230452. 270193. 65. 79. 93. 1995 194946. 244623. 294300. 67. 84. 101. 1996 199181. 258794. 318407. 68. .89. 109. 1997 203417 • 272966. 342514. 70. 93. 117. 1998 207653. 287137. 366620. 71. 98. 126. 1999 211889. 301309. 390727. 73. 103. 134. 2000 216125. 315480. 414834. 74. 108. 142. 2001 220493. 332974. 445453. 76. 114. 153. 2002 224861. 350467. 476072 • 77. 120. 163. 2003 229229. 367961. 506691. 79. 126. 174. 2004 233597. 385454. 537310. 80. 132. 184. 2005 237965. 402948. 567930. 81. 138. 194. 2006 242334. 420442. 598549. 83. 144. 205. 2007 246702. 437935. 629168. 84. 150. 215. 2008 251070. 455429. 659787. 86. 156. 226. 2009 255438. 472922. 690406. 87. 162 .• 236. 2010 259806. 490416. 721025. 89. 168. 247. 2011 265528. 499840. 734151. 91. 171. 251. 2012 271250. 509264. 747278. 93. 174. 256. 2013 276972 • 518688. 760404. 95. 178. 260. 2014 282694. 528112. 773531. 97. 181-265. 2015 288416. 537537. 786657. 99. 184. 269. 2016 294137. 546961. 799783. 101-187. 274. 2017 299859. 556385. 812910. 103. 191-278. 2018 305581. 565809. 826036. 105. 194. 283. 2019 311303. 575233. 839162. 107. 197. 287. 2020 317025. 584657. 852289. 109. 200. 292. 2021 320836. 592764. 864693. 110. 203. 296. 2022 324646. 600872 • 877097. 111. 206. 300. 2023 328457. 608979. 889501. 112. 209. 305. 2024 332268. 617086. 901905. 114. 211. 309. 2025 336078. 625194. 914308. 115. 214. 313. 2026 339889. 633301. 926712. 116. 217. 317. 2027 343700. 641408. 939116. 118. 220. 322. U 2028 347511. 649516. 951520. 119. 222. 326. 2029 351321. 657623. 963924. 120. 225. 330. 2030 355132. 665730 •. 976328. 122. 228. 334. REGIONAL I;-';VENTOHY &. RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMAI.L HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINELHS YEAH 1980 1981 1982 19B3 19B4 19B5 1986 19137 1':lB8 19139 1990 1 C) 91 1 Cj 92 1993 1994 1995 19% 1997 199U 1999 2000 2001 2U(l2 2003 2(104 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 20~!2 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 20'::B 2(J~9 2030 LOAD FORECAST -DELTA JUNCTION KILOt-1A'I"f-1l0UHS 1'1::R Yli:AR LOH 4050000. 4192364. 4334729. 4477093. 4619457. 4761821. 4904185. 5046549. 51H8913. 5331277. 5473G42. 5607072. 5740502. 5873932. 6LJ07362. 6140792. 6:::74222. 6407652. 6541082. 6674512. 6807943. 6945537. 7083131- 7:n0725. 7358319. 7495913. 7633507. 7771101. 7908695. 8046289. 8183882. 8364124. 85<J4366. 8724608. 8904E50. 9085092. 92653.34. ')445576. 9625818. 9806060. 9986301. 10106338. 10226375. 10346412. 10466449. 1 1l5B648(). 111706523. 1082CSGO. 1 094r,597 • 11066634. 11186671. P.EDIUH 4050000. 4192364. 4334729. 4477093. 4619457. 4761821. 4904185. 5046549. 5188913. 5331277. 5473642. 5920039. 6366436. 6H12833. 7259230. 7705627. 8152024. 8598421. 9044818. 9491215. 9937610. 104B8658. 11039706. 11590754. 12141802. 12692!:l50. 13243898. 13794946. 14345994. 14897042. 15'141-1091 • 15744953. 1f,041H15. 1633H677. 16635539. 16932400. 1722Q 262. 17526124. 17e22906. 1!J119848. 18416708. 16672086. 1B927464. 19182842. 19438220. 19()')35gB. 199413976. 202U4354. 20459732. 20715110. 20970488. IUGH 4050000. 4192364. 4334729. 4477093. 4619457. 4761821. 4904185. 5046549. 51AB913. 5331277. 5473642. 6233006. 6992369. 7751733. ~3511096. 9270460. 10029624. 10789188. 11548552. 1230791(:i. 13067277. 1403177'.:). 149962131. 15960783. 169252Cl6. 178f~97S8 • 11:3854290. 198113792. 20783294. 21747796. 22712300. 23125782. 23539264. 23g52746. 2436(,22H. 24779710. 25193192. 25606674. 26020156. 26433631'1. 26847116. 27237836. 27628556. 2R019276. 21:3409996. 28800716. 29191436. 295821%. 29972H76. 30363596. 30754316. I,Nl-iUAL PEAK UENANIJ-KW LOVJ f1EDIur·! U IGH 1387. 1387. 1387. 1436. 1436. 1436. 1484. 1533. 1582. 1631. 1680. 1728. 1777. 1026. 1875. 1920. 1966. 2012. 2057. 2103. 2149. 2194. 22411. 2286. 2331. 2379. 2,l2(). 2473 • 2520. 2567. 2614. 2661. non. 2756. 2~W3. 2864. 2926. 2988. 3050. 3111. 3173. 3235. 3297. 335n. 3420. 34n 1. 3502. 3543. 3584. 362(). 3()f';7. J708. 3749. 3790. 3831. 1484. 1533. 1582. 1631. 1680. 1728. 1777 • 1826. 1875. 2027. 2180. 2333. 24!l6. 2G3'.:l. 27Y2. 2945. 30')H. 3250. 3 i lt)) • 35')2. 3781. 3969. 41513. 4347. 4536. 4724. 4(")13. 5102. 52C)O. 5392. 5494. 5595. 5697. 5799. 5c)OO. 6002. 6104. 6205. 6307. 6395. 64d2. 6569. 6657. (,744. 6flJ2. (,:)19. 7007. 7094. 7H32. 1484. 1533. 1582. 1631. 1680. 172B. 1777. 1H26. 1875. 2135. 2395. 2655. 2915. 3175. 3435. 3f)95. 3':55. 4215. 4475. 4B05. 5136. 5466. 57%. 6127. 6457. 6787. 71113. 74413. 7778. 7920. cj061. 8203. 8345. B48G. 862t, • 8769. 8911. 9053. 919t1. 9328. 9t16?. 9596. 9729. 98b3. 9997. 10131. lu2fi5. 1039<:3. 10532. u u HYDROPOWER COST DATA -DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS Community: Big Delta/Delta Junction Site: 02 Stream: Granite Creek ITEM 1. Dam (including intake and spl1lway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbi nes and Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Val yes and Bifurcations 4. SwftcJ\yard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobil1 zation, and Demobl1 i zatfon TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT 10 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Contingency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest During Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (A/P = 0.07823) Operations and Mai ntenance Cost at 1. 2 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio: COST $. 385,000 $ 1,133,000 $ 420,000 $ 294,000 S 30,000 $ 19,000 , 180,000 , 33,000 $ 838 1 000 , 3,332,000 , 333,000 , 3,665,000 2.2 , 8,063,000 , 2,016,000 '10,079,000 $ 1,512,000 '11,591,000 $ 1,101,000 $12,692,000 $ 20,700 $ 992,900 , 152,300 $ 1,145,200 $ 0.49 0.66 H~U!UNAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS YEAR 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1~2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS COST OF ~YDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO BIG DELTA/DELTA JUNCTION SITE NO. 2 KWH/YEAR 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2~58900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. 2358900. CAPITAL a & M 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 1523(~. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368.. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152800. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. 999368. 152300. $/KWH $/KWH TOTALS NONDISC DISC 1151668. 0.488 0.364 1151668. 0.488 0.338 1151668. 0.488 0.314 1151668. 0.488 0.292 1151668. 0.488 0.271 1151668. 0.488 0.252 1151668. 0.488 0.234 1151668. 0.488 0.218 1151668. 0.488 0.202 1151668. 0.488 0.188 1151668. 0.488 0.175 1151668. 0.488 0.162 1151668. 0.488 0.151 1151668. 0.488 0.140 1151668. 0.488 0.130 1151668. 0.488 0.121 1151668. 0.488 0.112 1151668. 0.488 0.104 1151668. 0.488 0.097 1151668. 0.488 0.090 1151668. 0.488 0.084 1151668. 0.488 0.078 1151668. 0.488 0.072 1151668. 0.488 0.067 1151668. 0.488 0.062 1151668. 0.488 0.058 1151668. 0.488 0.054 1151668. 0.488 0.050 1151668. 0.489 0.046 1151668. 0.488 0.043 1151668. 0.488 0.040 1151668. 0.488 0.037 1151668.. 0.488 0.035 1151668. 0.488 0.032 1151668. 0.488 0.030 1151668. 0.488 0.028 1151668. 0.488 0.026 1151668. 0.488 0.024 1151668. 0.4880.022 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. 1151668. AVERAGE COST 0.488 0.021 0.488 0.019 0.488 0.018 0.488 0.017 0.488 0.015 0.488 0.014 0.488 0.013 0.488 0.012 0.488 0.106 0.66 BENEFIT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL COST ESCALATION): u z· ... _-- 5 0 F3 It E3 SCALE IN MILES I ' i NOTEs TOPOGRAPHY FROM U.S.G.S.-BARTER ISLAND ALASKA, 1:~tOOO 5 LEGEND I ", DAM SITE \ • POWERHOU E o SITE NO. -----PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISS ON UNE' -WATERSHE / / / / /"0 / ,'C REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE srUDr SMALL HYDROPOWER PRO.JECTS NORTHEAST .AlASKA! HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING KAKTOVIK DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING KAKTOVIK/BARTER ISLAND. ALASKA Hvdro~ower Potential Installed Installed Capacity Cost Si te No. (kW) ('1000) 2 404 6 .. 939 1 535 11 .. 517 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 165 1981 Number of Households: 47 Economic Base Constructi on Government Cost of Al ternati ve Power.lI (mill s/kWh) 612 612 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation. Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of ~dropower (mill s/kWh) 566 915 Benefit/Cost Ratio 1.08 0.67 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS . ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -KAKTOVIK/BARTJo:J{ ISLAND KILOWA'l"l'-lIOUHS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KN YEAR LOt-J r·1EDIUN HIGH LO\v MEDIUM HIGH· 1980 707143. 707143. 707143. 242. 242. 242. 1981 732000. 732000. 732060. 251 ~ 251. ·251. 1982 756857. 756857. 756857. 259. 259. 259. 1983 781715. 781715. 781715. 268. 268. 268. 1984 806572. 806572 • 806572. 276. 276. 276. 1985 831429. 831429. 831429. . 285. 285 • 285. 19B6 856286. 856286. 856286. 293. 293. 293. 1987 881143. 881143. 881143. 302. 302. 302. 1988 906001. 906001. 906001. 310. 310. 310". 1989 930858. 930858. 930858. 319. 319. 319. 1990 955715. 955715. 955715. 327. 327. 327. 1991 979012. 1049253. 1119494. 335. 359. 383. 1992 1002310. 1142792. 1283273. 343. 391. 439. 1993 1025607. 1236330. 1447052. 351. 423. 496. 1994 1048904. 1329868. 1610831. 359. 455. 552. 1995 1072202. 1423406. 1774610. 367. 487. 608. 1996 1095499. 1516945. 1938389. 375. 520. 664. 1997 1118796. 1610483. 2102168. 383. 552. 720. 1998 1142093. 1704021. 2265947. 391. 584. 776. 1999 1165391. 1797559. 2429726. 399. 616. 832. 2000 1188688. 1891097. 2593505. 407. 648. 888. 2 no 1 1212712. 2007915. 2803117. 415. 688 •. 960. 2002 1236737. 2124733. 3012729. 424. 728. 1032. 2003 1260761. 2241551. 3222341. 432. 760. 1104. 2004 1284786. 2358369. 3431953. 440. 808. 1175. 2005 1308810. 2475187. 3641565. 448. 848. 1247. 2006 1332834. 2592005. 3851177. 456. 888. 1319. 2007 1356859. 2708823. 4060789. 465. 928. 1391. 2009 1380883. 2825641. 4270401. 473. 968. 1462. 2009 1404907. 2942459. 4480013. 481. 1008. 1534. 2010 1428932. 3059278. 4689625. 489. 1048. 1606. 2011 1460403. 3116923. 4773443. 500. 1067. 1635. 2012 1491874. 3174567. 4857261. 511. 1087. 1663. 2013 1523344. 3232212. 4941079. 522. 1107. 1692. 2014 1554815. 3289856. 5024897. 532. 1127. 1721. 2015 1586286. 3347501. 5108715. 543. 1146. 1750. 2016 1617757. 3405145. 5192533. 554. 1166. 1778. 2017 1649227. 3462790. 5276351. 565. 1186. 1807. 2018 1680698. 3520434. 5360169. 576. 1206. 1836. 2019 1712169. 3578079. 5443987. 586. 1225. 1864. 2020 1743640. 3635722. 5527805. 597. 1245. 1893. 2021 1764599. 3687057. 5609515. 604. 1263. 1921. 2022 1785558. 3738391. 5691225. 611. 1280. 1949. 2023 1806516. 3789726. 5772935. 619. 1298. 1977. 2024 1827475. 3841060. 5854645. 626. 1315. 2005. 2025 1848434. 3892395. 5936355. 633. . 1333. 2033. 2026 1869393. 3943729. 6018065. 640. 1351. 2061. 2027 1890351. 3995064. 6099775. 647. 1368. 2089. 2028 1911310 •. 4046398. 6181485. 655. 1386. 2117. U 2029 1932269. 4097733. 6263195. 662. 1403. 2145. 2030 1953228. 4149067. 6344905. 669. 1421. 2173. '-1 z .. z---- 5 0 5 ~e=:;--'---e--3~~--'e--3--~---------------'1 " SCALE IN MILES NaTE I TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -BEAVER ALASKA, I.~ 250,000 LEGEND ... DAM SIT • POWERH SE o SITE NO. -----PENSTOC --- -TRANSMI StON LINE' -WATERS ED '" '" y '''\. ),. I ./ '- , ) , 0), REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STI.IOY' SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS aUU7''I"I.IEASTALASKA I HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTlFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING BEAVER DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u ijvdro~ower Potential Installed Capacity Site No. (kW) 1 178 2 178 3 178 " Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 66 SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING BEAVER, ALASKA Cost of Installed Alterna\}ve Cost Power- (JI000) (mill s/kWh) 5,138 572 5,108 572 6,909 572 1981 Number of Households: 15 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of fiydropower Benefit/Cost (mill s/kWh) Ratio 1,095 0.52 1,089 0.53 1,473 0.39 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA OISTRIC'r -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -DEAVER KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 264000. 264000. 264000. 90. 90. 90. 1981 275041. 275041. 275041. 94. 94. 94. 1982 286082. 286082. 286082. 98. 98. 98. 1983 297123. 297123. 29'7123. 102. 102. 102. 1984 308164. 308164. 308164. 106. 106. 106. 1985 319205. 319205. 319205. 109,. 109. 109. 1986 330247. 330247. 330247. 113. 113. 113. 1987 341288. 341288. 341288. 117. 117. 117. 1988 352329. 352329. 352329. 121. 121. 12l. 1989 363370. 363370. 363370. 124. 124. 124. 1990 374411. 374411. 374411. 128. 128'. 128. 1991 383967. 400967. 417968. 131. 137. 143. 1992 393522. 427523. 461525. 135. 146. 158. 1993 403078. 454080. 505082. 138. 156. 173. 1994 412633. 480636. 548639. 141. 165. 188. 1995 422189. 507192. 592196. 145. 174. 203. 1996 431745. 533748. 635752. 148. 183. 218. 1997 441300. 560304. 679309. 151. 192. 233. 1998 450856. 586861 ~ 722866. 154. 201. 248. 1999 460411. 613417. 766423. 158. 210. 262. 2000 469967. 639973. 809980. 161. 219. 277. 2001 475500. 667965. 860432. 163. 229. 295. 2002 481033. 695958. 910883. 165. 238. 312. 2003 486566. 723950. 961335. 167. 248. 329. 2004 492099. 751942. 1011786. 169. 258. 347. 2005 497632. 779935. 1062238. 170. 267. 364. 2006 503165. 807927. 1112689. 172. 277. 381 •. 2007 508698. 835919 •. 1163141. 174. 286. 398. 2008 514231. 863912. 1213592. 176. 296. 416. 2009 519764. 891904. 1264044. 178. 305. ,433. 2010 525297. 919896. 1314495. 180. 315. 450. 2011 531998. 932932. 1333866. 182. 319. 457. 2012 538699. 945968. 1353237. 184. 324. 463. 2013 545401. 959004. 1372608. 187. 328. 470. 2014 552102. 972041. 1391979. 189. 333. 477. 2015 558803. 985077. 1411350. 191 • 337. 483. 2016 565504. 998113. 1430721. 194. . 342. 490. 2017 572205. 1011149. 1450092. 196. 346. 497. 2018 578907. 1024185. 1469463. 198. 351. 503. 2019 585608. 1037221. 1488834. 201. 355. 510. 2020 592309. 1050257. 1508205. 203. 360. 517. 2021 597777. 1063077. 1528377. 205. 364. 523. 2022 603245. 1075897. 1548549. 207. 368. 530. 2023 608712. 1088716 •. 1568720. 208. 373. 537. 2024 614180. 1101536. 1588892. 210. 377. 544. 2025 619648. 1114356. 1609064. 212. 382. 551. 2026 625116. 1127176. 1629236. 214. 386. 558. 2027 630584. 1139995. 1649407. 216. 390. 565. 2028 636052. 1152815. 1669579. 218. 395. 572. U 2029 641519. 1165635. 1689751. 220. 399. 579. 2030 646987. 1178455. 1709923. 222. 404. 586. NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM US. G. S. -FORT YUKON ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. - - -• -PENSTOCK - - -TRANSMISSION LINE -WATERSHED 5 0 5 E3 E3 E3 SCALE IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPoWER PRO.IECTS NORTHEAST AL KA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING BIRCH CREEK DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUMMARY DATA SHEET ~ PRELIMINARY SCREENING BIRCH CREEK, ALASKA ~dropower Potential Cost of Installed Installed Alternaj}ve Cost of Capacity Cost Power-IiYdropower Benefi t/Cos1 Site No. (kW) (J1000) (mill s/kWh) (mill s/kWh) Ratio 2 91 2,795 628 1,985 0.32 1 91 2,883 628 2,047 0.31 3 91 6,771 628 4,808 0.13 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 32 1981 Number of Houeholds: 7 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS YEAR 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 LOAD FORECAST -BIRCH CREEK KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR LOW o. 14855. 29710. 44565. 59420. 74275. 89129. 103984. 118839. 133694. 148549. 154762. 160974. 167187. 173400. 179613. 185825. 192038. 198251. 204463. 210676. 216053. 221430. 226806. 232183. 237560. 242937. 248314. 253690. 259067. 264444. 267557. 270671. 273784. 276898. 280011. 283124. 286238. 289351. 292465. 295578. 299349. 303119. 306890. 310660. 314431. 318202. 321972. 325743. 329513. 333284. MEDIUM o. 14855. 29710. 44565. 59420. 74275. 89129. 103984. 118839. 133694. 148549. 163005. 177460. 191916. 206371. 220827. 235282. 249738. 264193. 278649. 293104. 309370. 325636. 341902. 358168. 374434. 390701. 406967. 423233. 439499. 455765. 461950. 468135. 474319. 480504. 486689. 492874. 499059. \ 505244. 511428. 517613. 524948. 532283. 539619. 546954. 554289. 561624. 568959. 576295. 583630. 590965. HIGH o. 14855. 29710. 44565. 59420. 74275. 89129. 103984. 118839. 133694. 148549. 171247. 193945. 216644. 239342. 262040. 284738. 307436. 330135. 352833. 375531. 402686. 429842. 456997. 484153. 511308. 538463. 565619. 592774. 619930. 647085. 656341. 665598. 674854. 684110. 693367. 702623. 711879. 721136. 730392. 739648. 750548. 761448. 772347. 783247. 794147. 805047. 815947. 826847. 837746. 848646. ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW LOW MEDIUM HIGH o. o. o. 5. 5. 5. 10. 10. 10. 15. 15. 15. 20. 20. 20. 25. 25. 25. 31. 31. 31. 36. 36. 36. 41. 41. 41- 46. 46. 46. 51. 51. 51. 53. 56. 59. 55. 61. 66. 57. 66. 74. 59. 71. 82. 62. 76. 90. 64. 81. 98. 66. 86. 105. 68. 90. 113. 70. 95. 121. 72. 100. 129. 74. 106. 138. 76. 112. 147. 78. 117. 157. 80. 123. 166. 81 • 1 28 • 17 5 • 83. 134. 184. 85. 139. 194. 87. 145. 203. 89. 151.212. 91. 156. 222. 92. 158. 225. 93. 160.· 228. 94. 162. 231. 95. 165. 234. 96. 167. 237. 97. 169. 241. 98. 171. 244. 99. 173. 247. 100. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 108. 109. 110. 112. 113 .. 114. 175. 177. 180. 182. 185. 187. 190. 192. 195. 197. 200. 202 •. 250. 253. 257. 261. 265. 268. 272. 276. 279. 283. 287. 291. u u NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -CIRCLE ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND • DAM S~TE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. - -_. -PENSTOCK - - -TRANSMISSION LINE -WATERSHED 5 0 E3 E3 t==I SCALE I N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY Ii RECONNAISSANCE STUD'f SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREEN I NG CENTRAL, QRQ.E HOT SPRINGS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING CENTRAL-CIRCLE HOT SPRINGS, ALASKA ~dro~ower Potential Cost of Installed Installed Alternative Cost of Capacity Cost Power.lI IiYdropower Seneff t/Cost Si te No. (kW) (S1000) (mill s/kWh) (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 4 125 2,736 484 977 0.50 1 125 3,014 484 1,076 0.45 5 125 3,114 484 1,112 0.44 6 125 3,250 484 1,160 0.42 3 125 3,709 484 1,324 0.37 2 125 3,754 484 1,340 0.36 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: Central -20; Circle Hot Springs -25 1981 Number of Households: Central -5; Circle Hot Springs -6 Economi c Sa se Subsistence u 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPo\>lER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -CIRCLE HOT SPRINGS -CENTRAL KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW V YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 80000. 80000. 80000. 27. 27. 27. 1981 94951. 94951. 94951. 33~ 33. 33. 1982 109902. 109902. 109902. 38. 38. 38. 19B3 124854. 124854. 124854. 43. 43. 43. 1984 139805. 139805. 139805. 48. 48. 48. 1985 154756. 154756. 154756. 53. 53. 53. 1986 169707. 169707. 169707. 58. 58. 58. 1987 184658. 184658. 184658. 63. 63. 63. 1988 199610. 199610. 199610. 68. 68. 68. 1989 214561. 214561. 214561. 73. 73. 73. 1990 229512. 229512. 229512. 79. 79. 79. 1991 237261. 248853. 260444. 81. 85. 89. 1992 245011. 268193. 291376. 84. 92. 100. 1993 252760. 287534. 322308. 87. 98. 110. 1994 260509. 306874. 353240. 89. 105. 121. 1995 268259. 326215. 384172. 92. 112. 132. 1996 276008. 345556. 415104. 95. 118. 142. 1997 283757. 364896. 446036. 97. 125. 153. 1998 291506. 384237. 476968. 100. 132. 163. 1999 299256. 403577. 507900. 102. 138. 174. 2000 307005. 422918. 538832. 105. 145. 185. 2001 312882. 444108. 575336. 107. 152. 197. 2002 318760. 465299. 611839. 109. 159. 210. 2003 324637. 486489. 648343. 111. 167. 222. 2004 330514. 507680. 684846. 113. 174. 235. 2005 336392. 528870. 721350. 115. 181. 247. 2006 342269. 550060. 757853. 117. 188. 260 •. 2007 348146. 571251. 794357. 119. 196. 272. 2008 354024. 592441. 830860. 121. 203. 285. 2009 359901. 613632. 867364. 123. 210. .297. 2010 365778. 634822. 903867. . 125. 217 •. 310. 2011 370241. 643604. 916969. 127. 220. 314. 2012 374704. 652387. 930070. 128. 223. j 19. 2013 379167. 661169. 943172. 130. 226. 323. 2014 383630. 669951. 956273. 131. 229. 327. 2015 388093. 678734. 969375. 133. 232. 332. 2016 392556. 687516. 982476. 134. . 235. 336. 2017 397019. 696298. 995578. 136. 238. 341. 2018 401482. 705081. 1008679. 137. 241. 345. 2019 405945. 713863. 1021781. 139. 244. 350.· 2020 410408. 722645. 1034882. 141. 247. 354. 2021 415011. 732260. 1049510. 142. 251. 359. 2022 419613. 741876. 1064138. 144. 254. 364. 2023 424216. 751491 •. 1078766. 145. 257. 369. 2024 428819. 761107. 1093395. 147. 261. 374. 2025 433421. 770722. 1108023. 148. 264. 379. 2026 438024. 780337. 1122651. 150. 267. 384. 2027 442627. 789953. 1137279. 152. 271. 389. 2028 447230. 799568. 1151907. 153. 274. 394. U 2029 451832. 809183. 1166535. 155. 277. 399. 2030 456435. 818799. 1181163. 156. 280. 405. REGIONAL INVENTORY & R~CONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -CENTRAL V KILOl-IATT-UOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LO\,l MEDIUM HIGH 1980 80000. 80000. 80000. 27. 27. 27. 1981 83346. 83346. 83346. 29. 29. 29. 1982 86692. 86692. 86692. 30. 30. 30. 1933 90037. 90037. 90037. 31. 31. 31 •. 1984 93383. 93383. 93383. 32. 32. 32. 1985 96729. 96729. 96729. 33. 33. 33. 19136 100075. 100075. 100075. 34. 34. 34. 1987 103421. 103421. 103421. 35. 35. 35. 1988 106766. 106766. 106766. 37. 37. 37. 1989 110112. 110112. 110112. 38 • 38. 38. . 1990 113458. 113458. 113458. 39. 39. 39. 1991 116354. 121505. 126657. 40. 42. 43. 1992 119249. 129553. 139856. 41. 44. 48. 1993 122145. 137600. 153055. 42. 47. 52. 1994 125040. 145647. 166254. 43. 50. 57. 1995 127936. 153694. 179453. 44. 53. 61. 1996 130832. 161742. 192652. 45. 55. 66. 1997 133727. 169789. 205851. 46. 58. 70. 19913 136623. 177836. 219050. 47. 61. 75. 1999 139518. 185884. 232249. 48. 64. 80. 2000 142414. 193931. 245448. 49. 66. 84. 2001 144091. 202414. 260736. 49. 69. 89. 2002 145767. 210896. 276025. 50. 72. 95. 2003 147444. 219379. 291313. 50. 75. 100. 2004 149121. 227861. 306602. 51. 78. 105. 2005 150798. 236344. 321890. 52. 81. 110. 2006 152474. 244826. 337178. 52. 84. 115. 2007 154151. 253309. 352467. 53. 87. 121. 2008 155828. 261791. 367755. 53. 90. 126. 2009 157504. 270274. 383044. 54. 9.3. 131. 2010 159181. 278756. 398332. 55. 95. 136. 2011 161212. 282706. 404202. 55. 97. 138. 2012 163242. 286657. 410072. 56. 98. 140. 2013 165273. 290607. 415942. 57. 100. 142. 2014 167304. 294558. 421812. 57. 101. 144. 2015 169335. 298508. 427682. 58. 102. 146. 2016 171365. 302458. 433552. 59. 104. 148. 2017 173396. 306409. 439422. 59. 105. 150. 2018 175427. 310359. 445292. 60. 106. 152. 2019 177457. 314310. 451162. 61. 108. 155. 2020 179488. 318260. 457032. 61. 109. 157. 2021 181145. 322145. 463145. 62. 110. 159. 2022 182802. 326029. 469257. 63. 112. 161. 2023 184459. 329914. 475370. 63. 113. 163. 2024 186116. 333799. 481482. 64. 114. 165. 2025 187773. 337683. 487595. 64. 116. 167. 2026 189429. 341568. 493708. 65. 117. 169. 2027 191086. 345453. 499820. 65. 118. 171. U 2028 192743. 349338. 505933. 66. 120. 173. 2Q29 194400. 353222. 512045. 67. 121. 175. 2030 196057. 357107. 518158. 67. 122. 177. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -Sl-1ALL HYDROPOWER. PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -CIRCLE HOT SPRINGS KILOWATT-HaJRS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW V YEAR LOW MEDIID-I HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 o. o. o. 0 .• o. o. 1981 11605. 11605. 11605. 4. 4. 4. 1982 23211. 23211. 23211. 8. 8. 8. 1983 34816. 34816. 34816. 12. 12. 12. 1984 46422. 46422. 46422. 16. 16. 16. 1985 58027. 58027. 58027. 20. 20. 20. 1986 69632. 69632. 69632. 24. 24. 24. 1987 81238. 81238. 81238. 28. 28. 28. 1988 92843. 92843. 92843. 32. 32. 32. 1989 104449. 104449. 104449. 36. 36. 36. 1990 116054. 116054. 116054. 40. 40. 40. 1991 120908. 127347. 133787. 41. 44. 46. 1992 125761. 138641. 151520. 43. 47. 52. 1993 130615. 149934. 169253. ,45. 51. 58. 1994 135469. 161227. 186986. 46. 55. 64. 1995 140323. 172520. 204719. 48. 59. 70. 1996 145176. 183814. 222452. 50. 63. 76. ·1997 150030. 195107. 240185. 51. 67. 82. 1998 154884. 206400. 257918. 53. 71. 88. 1999 159737. 217694. 275651. 55. 75. 94. 2000 164591. 228987. 293384. 56. 78. 100. 2001 168792. 241695. 314599. 58. 83. 108. 2002 172992. 254403. 335814. 59. 87. 115. 2003 177193. 267111. 357029. 61 •. 91. 122. 2004 181393. 279819. 378244. 62. 96. 130. 2005 185594. 292527. 399459. 64. 100. 137. 2006 189795. 305234. 420675. 65. 105. 144. 2007 193995. 317942. 441890. 66. 109. 151. 2008 198196. 330650. 463105. 68. 113. 159. 2009 202396. 343358. 484320. 69. 118. ' 166. 2010 206597. 356066. 505535. 71. 122. 173. 2011 209029. 360898. 512767. 72. 124. 176. 2012 211462. 365730. 519998. 72. 125. 178. 2013 213894. 370562. 527230. 73. 127. 181. 2014 216326. 375394. 534461. 74. 129. 183. 2015 218758. 380226. 541693. 75. 130. 186. 2016 221191. 385057. 548924. 76. . 132. 188 • 2017 223623. 389889. 556156. 77. 134. 190. 2018 226055. 394721. 563387. 77. 135. . 193. 2019 228488. 399553. 570619. 78. 137. 195. 2020 230920. 404385. 577850. 79. 138 .•. 198. 2021 233866. 410116. 586366. 80. 140. 201. , 2022 236812. 415846. 594881. 81. 142. 204. 2023 239757. 421577 •. 603397. 82. 144. 207. 2024 242703. 427308. 611912. 83. 146. 210. 2025 245649. 433038. 620428. 84. 148. 212. 2026 248595. 438769. 628943. 8S. 150. 215. 2027 251541. 444500. 637459. 86. 152. 218. 2028 254486. 450231. 645974. 87. 154. 221. U 2029 257432. 455961. 654490. 88. 156. 224. 2030 260378. 461692. 663005. 89. 158 •. 227. u u NOTE; TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -EAGLE ALASKA 1 I: 250 1 000 LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHCXJSE o SITE NO -----PENSTOCK ---TRANSMtSSION LINE --WATERSHED 5 o 5 E3 H E3 SCALE IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a REOONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING CHICKEN DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS Demographic characteristics 1981 Population: 30 1981 Number of Households: .7 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. REGIONAL INVENTORY.& RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST ..: CHICKEN V KlLOWA'l"l'-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAl. PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LO\'l MEDIUM HIGH LOW 14EIJIUM HIGH 1980 O. O. O. O. O. O. 19B1 13927. 13927. 13927. 5. 5. 5. 1982 27853. 27853~ 27853. 10. 10. 10. 1983 41780. 41780. 41780. 14. 14. 14. 1984 55706. 55706'. 55706. 19. 19 •. 19. 1985 69633. 69633. 69633. 24. 24. 24. 1986 83559. 83559. 83559. 29. 29. 29. 1987 97486. 97486. 97486. 33. 33. 33. 1988 111412. 111412. 111412. 38. 38. 38. 1989 125339. 125339. 125339. 43. 43. 43. 1990 139265. 139265. 139265. 48. 48. 48. 1991 145089. 152817 • 160545. 50. 52. 55. 1992 150914. 166369. 181824. 52. 57. 62. 1993 156738. 179921. 203104. 54. 62. 70. 1994 162563. 193473. 224383. 56. 66. 17. 1995 168387. 207025. 245663. 58. 71. 84. 1996 174211. ' 220577. 266942. 60~ 76. 91. 1997 ,180036. 234129. 288222. 62. 80. 99. 1998 185860. 247681. 309501. 64. 85. 106. 1999 191685. 261233. 330781. 66. 89. 113. 2000 197509. 274785. 352060. 68. 94. 121. 2001 202550. 290034. 377518. 69. 99. 129. 2002 207590. 305284. 402976. 71. 105. 138. 2003 212631. 320533. 428435. 73. 110. 147. 2004 217672. 335783. 453893. 75. 115. 155. 2005 222713. 351032. 479351. 76. 120. 164. 2006 227753. 366281. 504809. 78. 125. 173. 2007 232794. 381531. 530267. 80. 131. 102. 2008 237835. 396780. 555725. 81. 136. 190. 2009 242875. 412030. 581184. 83. 141. 199. 2010 247916. 427279. 606642. 85. 146. 208. 2011 250835. 433077. 615320. 86. 148. 211. 2012 253754. 438876. 623998. 87. 150. 214. 2013 256672. 444674. 632675. 88. 152. 217. 2014 259591. 450472. 641353. 89. 154. 220. 2015 262510. 456271. 650031. 90. 156. 223. 2016 265429. 462069. 658709. 91. 158. 226. 2017 268348. 467867. 667387. 92. 160. 229. 2018 271266. 473666. 676065. 93. 162. 232. 2019 274185. 479464. 684742. 94. 164. 235. 2020 277104. 485262. 693420. 95. 166. 237. 2021 280639. 492139. 703639. 96. 169. 241. 2022 284174. 499016. 713857. 97. 171. 244. 2023 287709. 505892. 724076. 99. 173. 248. 2024 291244. 512769. 734295. 100. 176. 251. 2025 294779. 519646. 744513. 101. ·178. 255. 2026 298314. 526523. 754732. 102. 180. 258. 2027 301849,. 533400. 764950. 103. 183. 262. 2028 305384. 540277. 775169. 105. 185. 265. V 2029 308919. 547153. 785388. 106. 187. 269. 2030 312454. 554030. 795606. 107. 190. 272. u NOTE: u ALASKA, LEGEND • DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE o SITE NO. - - - --PENSTOCK ---TRANSMISSION LINE -----WATERSHED o 5 E3 1--1 SCALE I N MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING CIRCLE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u Jiydro~ower Potenti a 1 Installed Capacity Site No. (kW) 1 215 2 215 Demo9ra~hic Characteristics 1981 Population: 80 SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING . CIRCLE, ALASKA Cost of Install ed A1 ternaji ve Cost Power-' ($1000 ) (mill s/kWh) 4,532 484 4,683 484 1981 Number of Households: 18 Economi c Base Subsi stence Cost of ~dropower (mills/kWh) 797 824 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Benefit/Cost Ratio 0.61 0.59 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PRQJEC'rS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -CIRCLE KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LOW r-IEDIUM HIGH 1980 320000. 320000. 320000. 110. 110. 110. 1981 . 333383. 333383. 333383. 114. 114. 114. 1982 346766. 346766. 346766. 119. 119. 119. 1983 360150. 360150. 360150. 123. 123. 123. 1984 373.533. 373533. 373533. 128. 128. 128. 1985 386916. 386916. 386916. "-133. 133. 133. 1986 400299. 400299. 400299. 137. 137. 137. 1987 413682. 413682. 413682. 142. 142. 142. 1988 427066. 427066. 427066. 146. 146. 146. 1989 440449. 440449. 440449. 151. 151-151. 1990 453832. 453932. 453832. 155. 155. 155. 1991 465415. 486021. 506628. 159. 166. 174. 1992 476997. 518211. 559424. 163. 177. 192. 1993 488580. 550400. 612221. 167. 188. 210. 1994 500162. 582589. 665017. 171. 200. 228. 1995 511745. 614779. 717813. 175. 211. 246. 1996 523327. 646968. 770609. 179. 222.· 264. 1997 534910. 679157. 823405. 183. 233. 282. 1998 546492. 711347. 876202. 187. 244. 300. 1999 558075. 743536. 928998. 191. 255. 318. 2000 569657. 775725. 981794. 195. 266. 336. 2001 576364. 809655. 1042947. 197. 277. 357. 2002 583070. 843585. 1104101. 200. 289. 378. 2003 589777. 877515. 1165254. 202. 301. 399. 2004 596484. 911446. 1226408. 204. 312. 420. 2005 603190. 945376. 1287561. 2Q7. 324. 441. 2006 609897. 979306. 1348714. 209. 335. 462. 2007 616604. 1013236. 1409868. 211. 347. 483. 2008 623311. 1047166. 1471021. 213. 359. .S04. 2009 630017. 1081096. 1532174. 216. 370. 525. 2010 636724. 1115026. 1593328. 218. 382. 546. 2011 644847. 1130827. 1616808. 221. 387~ 554. 2012 652969. 1146629. 1640288. 224. 393. 562. 2013 661092. 1162430, 1663768 •. 226. 398. 570. 2014 669215. 1178231. 1687248. 229. 404. 578. 2015 677337. 1194032. 1710728. 232. 409. 586. 2016 685460. 1209834. 1734208. 235. 414. 594. 2017 693583. 1225635. 1757688. 238. 420. 602. 2018 701706. 1241436. 1781168. 240. 425. 610. 2019 709828. 1257237. 1804648. 243. 431 •. 618. 2020 717951. 1273039. 1828128. 246. 436. 626. 2021 724579. 1288578. 1852578. 248. 441. 634. 2022 731206. 1304117. 1877029. 250. 447. 643. 2023 737834. 1319656. 1901479. 253. 452. 651. 2024 744462. 1335195. 1925930. 255. 457. 660. 2025 751089. 1350734. 1950380. 257. 463. 668. 2026 757717. 1366273. 1974830. 259. 468. 676. 2027 764344. 1381812. 1999281. 262. 473. 685. 2028 770972 • 1397351. 2023731. 264. 479. 693. U 2029 777600. 1412890. 2048181. 266. 484. 701. 2030 784227. 1428429. 2072632. 269. 489. 710. HYdropower Potential Si te No. Installed Capacity e kW) No sites identified Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 619 SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING FORT YUKON, ALASKA Installed Cost (S1000 ) Cost of A1 ternaji,ve Power- emf 11 s/kWh) 1981 Number of Households: 176 Economic Base Subsf stence Government Cost of tiYdropower emf 11 s/kWh) 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Benefi t/Cost Ratio 'REG:IONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE S.TUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJEG'fS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -FORT YUKON KILOWA'l'T-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW YEAR LOW MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 2652857. 2652957. 2652857. 909. 909. 909. 1981 2746109. 2746109. 2746109. 940. 940. 940. 1982 2839362. 2839362. 2839362. 972. 972. 972. 1983 2932614. 2932614. 2932614. 1004. 1004. 1004. 1984 3025866. 3025866. 3025866. 1036. 1036. 1036. 1985 3.119118. 3119118. 3119118. 1068. 1068. 1068. 1986 3212370. 3212370. 3212370. 1100. 1100. 1100. 1987 3305623. 3305623. 3305623. 1132. 1132. 1132. 1988 3398875. 3398875. 3398875. 1164. 1164. 1164. 1989 3492127. 3492127. 3492127. 1196. 1196. 1196. 1990 3585380. 3585380. 3585380. 1228. 1228. 1228. 1991 3672780. 3936290. 4199800. 1258. 1348. 1438. 1992 3760181. 4287200. 4814219. 1288. 1468. 1649. 1993 3847581. 4638110. 5428639. 1318. 1588. 1859. 1994 3934981. 4989020. 6043058. 1348. 1709. 2070. 1995 4022381. 5339929. 6657478. 1378. 1829. "RO. 1qq~ 4109782. 5690840. 7271897. 1407. 1949. 2490. 1997 4197182. 6041750. 7886317. 1437. 2069. 2701. 1998 4284583. 6392660. 8500736. 1467. 2189. 2911. 1999 4371983. 6743570. 9115155. 1497. 2309. 3122. 2000 . 4459383. 7094478. 9729573. 1527. 2430 • 3332. 2001 4549511. 7532723. 10515935. 1558. 2580. 3601. 2002 4639638. 7970968. 11302297. 1589. 2730. 3871. 2003 4729766. 8409213. 12088659 •. 1620. 2380. 4140. 2004 4819893. 8847458. 12875021. 1651. 3030. 4409. 2005 4910021. 9235703. 13661383. 1682. 3180. Mi79. 2006 5000148. 9723948. 14447745. 1712. 3330. 4948. 2007 5090276. 10162193. 15234107. 1743. 3480. 5217. 2008 5180403. 10600438. 16020469. 1774. 3630. 5486. 2009 5270531. 11038683. 16806832. 1805. 3780. 5756. 2010 5360659. 11476928. 17593196. 1836. 3930. 6025. 2011 5478723. 11693182. 17907640. 1876. 4005. 6133. 2012 5596786. 11909436. 18222084. 1917. 4079. 6240. 2013 5714850. 12125690. 18536528. 1957. 4153. 6348. 2014 5832913. 12341944. 18850972. 1998. 4227. 6456. 2015 5950976. 12558198. 19165416. 2038. 4301. 6563. 2016 6069040. 12774452. 19479860. 2078. 4375. 6671. 2017 6187104. 12990706. 19794304. 2119. 4449. 6779. 2018 6305167. 13206960. 20108748. 2159. 4523. 6887. 2019 . 6423231. 13423214 • 20423.192. 2200. 4597. 6994. 2020 6541292. 13639467. 20737642. 2240. 4671. 7102. 2021 ,6619919. 13832049. 21044178. 2267. 4737. 7207. 2022 6698546. 14024631. 21350714. 2294. 4803. 7312. 2023 6777173. 14217213. 21657250. 2321. 4869. 7417. 2024 6B55BOO. 14409795. 21963786. 2348. 4935. 7522. 2025 6934427. 14602377. 22270322. 2375. 5001. 7627. 2026 7013054. 14794959. 22576858. 2402. 5067. 7732. 2027 7091681. 14987541. 22883394. 2429. 5133. 7837. 2028 7170308. 15180123. 23189930. 2456. 5199. 7942. V 15372705. '. 2029 7248935. 23496466. 2483. 5265. 8047. 2030 7327562. 15565287. 23803002. -,2509'. '" ~ 5331. 8152. NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -LIVENGOOD NE. ALASKA, 1:250,000 LEGEND .. DAM SITE • POWERHOUSE O. SITE NO. -- - --PENSTOCK - - -TRANSMISSION LINE ----WATER SHED 5 o 5 SCALE IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY a RECONNAISSANCE STUDY SMALL. HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PRELIMINARY SCREENING LIVENGOOD DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS u I1Ydro~ower Potenti a 1 Installed Capacity Si te No. (kW) 2 69 1 67 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 50 SUMMARY DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY SCREENING LIVENGOOD, ALASKA Cost of Installed Al ternaj} ve Cost Power_ ($1000 ) (mills/kWh) 1,774 484 3,453 484 1981 Number of Households: 11 Economic Base Unknown 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. Cost of I1Ydropower Benefit/Cost (mill s/kWh) Ratio 673 0.72 972 0.50 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -LIVENGOOD 0 KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-K\v YEAR LOW MEDIUf1 HIGH LOW MEDIm~ HIGH 1980 200000. 200000. 200000. 68. 68. 68. 1981 208365. 208365. 208365. 71. 71. 71. 1982 216729. 216729. 216729. 74. 74. 74. 1983 225094. 225094. 225094. 77. 77. 77. 1984 233458. 233458. 233458. 80. 80. 80. 1985 241823. 241823. 241823. 83. 83. 83. 1986 250187. 250187. 250187. 86. 86. 86. 1987 258552. 258552. 258552. 89. 89. 89. 1988 266916. 266916. 266916. 91. 91. ·91- 1989 275281. 275281. 275281. 94. 94. 94. 1990 283645. 283645. 283645. 97. 97. 97. 1991 290884. 303763. 316643. 100. 104. 108. 1992 298123. 323882. 349640. 102. 111. 120. 1993 305362. 344000. 382638. 105. 118. 131. 1994 312601. 364118. 415635. 107. 125. 142. 1995 319840. 384237 ~ 448633. 110. 132. 154. 1996 327079. 404355~ 481631. 112. 138. 165. 1997 334318. 424473. 514628. 114. 145. 176. 1998 341557. 444592. 547626. 117 • 152. 188. 1999 348796. 464710. 580623. 119. 159. 199. 2000 356035. 484828. 613621. 122. 166. 210. 2001 360227. 506034. 651842. 123. 173. 223. 2002 364418. 527241. 690063. 125. H:!1. 236. 2003 368610. 548447. 728284 •. 126. 188. 249. 2004 372802. 569653. 766505. 128. 195. 263. 2005 376993. 590860. 804725. 1;29. 202. 276. 2006 381185. 612066. 842946. 131. 210. 289. 2007 385377. 633272. 881167. 132. 217. 302. 2008 389569. 654479. 919388. 133. 224. 315. 2009. 393760. 675685. 957609. 135. .231. 328. 2010 397952. 696891. 995830. 136. . 239. 341. 2011 403029. 706767. 1010505. 138. 242. 346. 2012 . 408105. 716643. 1025180. 140. ·245. 351. 2013 413182. 726518. 1039855. 142. 249. 356. 2014 418259. 736394. 1054530. 143. 252. 361. 2015 423335. 746270. 1069205. 145. 256. 366. 2016 428412. 756146. 1083880. 147. 259. 371. 2017 433489. 766022. 1098555. 148. 262. 376. 2018 438566. 775898. 1113230. 150. 266. 381. 2019 443642. 785773. 1127905. 152. 269. 386. 2020 44S719~ 795649. 1142580. 154. 272. 391. 2021 452861. 805361. 1157862. 155. 276. 397. 2022 457004. 815073. 1173143. 157. 279. 402. 2023 461146. 824785. 1188425. 158. 282. 407. 2024 465288. 834497. ·1203706. 159. 286. 412. 2025 469431. 844208. 1218988. 161-289. 417. 2026 473573. 853920. 1234269. 162. 292. 423. 2027 477715. 863632. 1249551. 164. 296. 428. 2028 481858. 873344. 1264832. ·165. 299. 433. U 2029 4(16000. 883056. 1280114. 166. 302. 438. 2030 490142. 892768. 1295395. 168. 306. 444. ' .. ' " z .... _-- o E3 MILES NOTE: TOpru:=RA!PHY FROM U. S. G. S. -LIVENGOOD a -mNANA II2!50.000 LEGEND Y DAM SITE • -----PENSTOCK . HYDROPO\'IER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING RAMPART o SITE N0.l; ---TRANSMIS rON LrNE' ..... --DE-PARTME---NT-O-F-TH-E-.-A-R-MY---... -WATERSHED ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUMMARY DATA SHEET U PRELIMINARY SCREENING RAMPART, ALASKA Hydropower Potential Cost of Installed Installed Alternative Cost of Capacity Cost Powerl/ IiY drop owe r Benefit/Cost S1 te No. (kW) (JlOOO) (mi 11 s/kWh) (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 1 142 2,507 542 1,075 0.50 3 151 2,957 542 1,268 0.43 4 151 2,980 542 1,278 0.42 2 151 4,025 542 1,726 0.31 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 53 1981 Number of Households: 12 Economi c Base Unknown J! 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. R!:.'GI ONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -RM1PART KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEHAND-Kt-l V YEAR LOI-v t-tEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 O. O. O. O. O. O. 1981 24604. 24604. 24604. 8. 8. 8. 1982 49207. 49207. 49207. 17. 17. 17. 1983 73811. 73811. 73811. 25. 25. 25. 1984 98414. 98414. 98414. 34. 34. 34. 1985 123018. 123018. 123018. 42. 42. 42. 1986 147621. 147621. 147621. 51. 51. 51. 1987 172225. 172225. 172225. 59. 59. 59. 1988 196828. 196828. 196828. 67. 67. 67. 1989 221432. 221432. 221432. 76. 76. 76. 1990 246035. 246035. 246035. 84. 84. 84. 1991 256325. 269977. 283629. 88. 92. 97. 1992 266614. 293919. 321223. 91. 101. 110. 1993 276904. 317860. 358816. 95. 109. 123. 1994 287194. 341802. 396410. 98. 117. 136. 1995 297483. 365744. 434004. 102. 125. 149. 1996 307773. 389686. 471598. 105. 133. 162. 1997 318063. 413628. 509192. 109. 142. 174. 1998 328353. 437570. 546786. 112. 150. 187. 1999 338642. 461511. 584379. 116. 158. 200. 2000 348932. 485453. 621973. 119. 166. 213. 2001 357837. 512394. 666949. 123. 175. 228. 2002 366743. 539334. 711925. 126. 185. 244. 2003 375648. 566275. 756902. 129. 194. 259. 2004 384553. 593216. 801878. 132. 203. 275. 2005 393459. 620156. 846854. 135. 212. 290. 2006 402364. 647097. 891830. 138. 222. 305. 2007 411269. 674038. 936806. 141. 231. 321. 2008 420175. 700979. 981783 ~ 144. 240. 336. 2009 429080. 727919. 1026759., 147. 249. .352. 2010 4379B5. 754860. 1071735. 15.0. 259. 367. 2011 443142. 765104. 1087066. 152. 262. 372. 2012 448298. 775347. 1102397. 154. 266. 378. 2013 453455. 785591. 1117727. 155. 269. 383. 2014 458611. 795B35. 113305B. 157. 273. 388. 2015 463768. 806078. 1148389. 159. 276. 393. 2016 468924. 816322. 1163720. 161. 280. 399. 2017 474081. 826565. 1179050. 162. 283. 404. 2018 479237. 836809. 1194381. 164. 287. 409. 2019 484394. 847053. 1209712. 166. 290. 414. 2020 489550. 857296. 1225043. 168. 294. 420. 2021 495795. 869445. 1243096. 170. 298. 426. 2022 502040. 881594. 1261149. 172. 302. 432. 2023 508286. 893743. 1279201. 174. 306. 438. 2024 514531. 905892. 1297254. 176. 310. 444. 2025 520776. 918041. 1315307. 179. 314. 450. 2026 527021. 930190. 1333360. 180. 319. 457. 2027 533266. 942339. 1351412. 183. 323. 463. 2028 539512. 954488. 1369465. 185. 327. 469. 2029 545757. 966637. 1387518. 187. 331. 475. 2030 552002. 978786. 1405571. 189. 335. 481. u ~'\ ' , , , NOT E: TO POGRAPHY FROM U. S. G. S. -LIVENGOOD, BEAVER ALASKA. I: 250.000 LEGEND ~ DAM SITE •. POWERHOJSE o SITE NO •• ---PENSTOCK ---TRANS MtSSION LINE --WATERSHED , ,,. -----..;;;,. 5 0 5 seAL E IN MILES REGIONAL INVENTORY .:. REOONNAISSANCE SfUOV SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS NORTHEAST ALASKA HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED' IN PREUMINARY SCREENING STEVENS VILLAGE. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUMMARY DATA SHEET U PRELIMINARY SCREENING STEVENS VILLAGE, ALASKA t1Ydropower Potent; a 1 Cost of Installed Installed Al terna1f ve Cost of Capacity Cost PowerJ f1ydropower Benefit/Cost Site No. (kW) (S1000) (mills/kWh) (m; 11 s/kWh) Ratio 3 55 1,575 560 738 0.76 4 68 1,661 560 762 0.74 1 187 3,869 560 1,020 0.55 2 251 6,734 560 1,739 0.32 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 88 1981 Number of Houeho 1 ds: 20 Econom; c Base Unknown u 1/ 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -Sf1ALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS YEAR 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 LOAD FORECAST -STEVENS VILLAGE. KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR LOW MEDIUr·1 HIGH O. O. O. 40851. 81702. 122553 •. 163404. 204255. 245106. 285957. 326808. 367659. 408510. 425595. 442680. 459765. 476850. 493935. 511019. 528104. 545189. 562274. 579359. 594145. 608931. 623717. 638504. 653290. 668076. 682862 •. 697648. 712434. 727220. 735782. 744344. 752905. 761467. 770029. 778591. 787153. 795715. 804276. 812838. 823207. 833577. 843946. 854316. 864685. 875054. 885424. 895793. 906162. 916532. 40851. 81702. 122553. 163404. 204255. 245106. 285957. 326808. 367659. 408510. 448263. 488015. 527768. 567520. 607273. 647025. 686778. 726530. 766283. 806035. 850767. 895498. 940230. 984962. 1029693 •. 1074425. 1119157. 1163889. 1208620. 1253352. 1270360. 1287369. 1304377 • 1321386. 1338394. 1355402. 1372411. 1389419. 1406427. 1423436. 1443608. 1463780. 1483951. 1504123. 1524295. 1544467. 1564638. 40851. 81702. 122553. 163404. 204255. 245106. 285957. 326808. 367659. 408510. 470930. 533350. 595770. 658190. 720610. 783030. 845450. 907870. 970290. 1032710. 1107388. 1182065. . 1256743. 1331420. 1406098. 1480775. 1555453. 1630130. 1704808. 1779485. 1804940. 1830395. 1855849. 1881304. 1906759. 1932214. 1957668. 1983123. 2008578. 2034033. 2064007. 2093982. 2123956. 2153931. 2183905. 2213880. 2243854. 1584810. ··2273829. 1604982. 1625154. 2303803. 2333778. ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW LOW MEDIUM HIGH O. 14. 28. 42. 56 •. 70. 84. 98. 112. 126. 140. 146. 152. 157. 163. 169. 175. 181- 187. 193. 198. 203. 209. 214. 219. 224 •. ·229. 234. 239. 244. 249. 252. 255. 258. 261. 264. 267. 270. 273. 275. 278. 282. ~85. 289. 293. 296. 300. 303. 307. 310. 314. o. 14. 28. 42. 56. 70. 84. 98. 112. 126. 140. 154. 167. 181. 194. 208. 222. 235. 249. 262. 276. 291. 307. 322. 337. 353. 368. 383. . .399. 414. 429. 435. 441. 447. 453. 458. 464. 470. 476. 482. 487. 494. 501. 508. 515. 522. 529. 536. 543. 550. 557. o. 14. 28. 42. 56. 70. 84. 98. 112. 126. 140. 161. lB3. 204. 225 •. 247. 268. 290. 311. 332. 354. 379. 405. 430. 456. 482. 507. 533 •. 558 • . 584. 609. 618. 627. 636. 644. 653. 662. 670. 679. 688. 697. 707. 717. 727. 738. 748. 758. 768. 779. 789. 799. u c Z·~j·· ---- 5 o .8 t==I F3 SCALE IN MILES NOTE' TOPOGRAPHY FROM U.S.G.S.-WISEMAN ALASKA. 1:250,000 , LEGEND DAM SITE 'RAI~SlVIIS$:rON LINE HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED IN PREUMINARY SCREENING WISEMAN DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUMMARY DATA SHEET ~ PRELIMINARY SCREENING WISEMAN, ALASKA Hydropower Potenti a1 Cost of Installed Installed Alternative Cost of Capacity Cost Powerll Hydropower Benefi t/Cost Si te No. (kW) (SlOOO) (mi 11 s/kWh) (mi 11 s/kWh) Ratio 5 34 658 494 1,764 0.28 2 34 722 494 1,860 0.27 6 34 771 494 1,933 0.26 4 34 1,370 494 2,837 0.17 3 34 1,752 494 3,413 0.14 1 34 2,757 494 5,220 0.09 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 12 1981 Number of Households: 3 Economic Base Unknown 1/ 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. u REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -\VlSEMAN \ KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND-KW V YEAR LOW t1EDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIm1 HIGH 1900 O. O. O. 0., O. O. 1981 5571. 5571. 5571. ' 2. " 2. 2. 1982 11141. 11141. 11141. 4. 4. 4. 1983 16712. 16712. 1671.2. 6. 6. 6. '1984 22282. 22282. 22282. 8. 8. 8. 1985 ,27853. 27853. 27853. 10. 10. 10. 1986 33424. 33424. 33424. 11. 11. 11. 1987 38994. 38994. 38994. 13. 13. 13. 19138 44565. 44565. 44565. 15. 15. 15. 1989 50135. 50135. 50135. 17. 17. 17. 1990 55706. 55706. 55706. 19. 19. 19. 1991 58036. 62009. 65982. 20. 21. 23. 1992 60366. 68312. 76258. 21. 23. 26. 1993 62695. 74615. 86535. 21. 26. 30. 1994 65025. 80918. 96811. 22. 28. 33. 1995 67355. 87221. 107087. 23. 30. 37. 1996 69685. 93524. 117363. 24. 32. 40. 1997 72015. 99827. 127639., 25. 34. 44. 1998 74344. 106130. 137916. 25. 36. 47. 1999 76674. 112433. 148192. 26. 39. 51. 2000 79004. 118736. 151;468. 27. 41. 54. 2001 81020. 126001. 170982. 28. 43. 59. 2002 8303G. 133266. 183496. 28. 46. 63. 2003 85053. 140532. 196011. 29. 48. 67. 2004 870G9. 147797. 208525. 30. 51. 71. 2005 89085. 155062. 221039. 31. 53. 76. 2006 91101. 162327. 233553. 31. 56. 80. 2007 93117 • 169592. 246067. 32. 58. 84. 2008 95134. 176858. 258582. 33. 61. 89. 2009 97150. 184123. 271096. 33. 63. 93. 2010 99166. 191388. 283610. 34. 66. 97. 2011 100334. 194036. 287739. ,34. 66. 99. 2012 10f501. 196684. 291867. 35. 67. 100. 2013 102669. 199332. 295996. 35. 68. 101. 2014 103836. 201980. 300124. 36. 69. 103. 2015 105004. 204628. 304253. 36. 70. 104. 20l(> 106172. 207276. 308381. 36. 71. 106. 2017 107339. 209924. 312510. 37. 72. 107. 2018 108507. 212572. 316638. 37. 73. 108. 2019 109674. 215220. 320767. 38. 74. 110. 2020 110842. 217868. 324895. 38. 75. -111. 2021 112256. 221000. 329746. 38. 76. 113. 2022 113670. 224133. 334596. 39. 77. 115. 2023 115084. 227265. 339447. 39. 78. 116. 2024 116498. 230397. 344297. 40. 79. 118. 2025 117912. 233529. 349148. 40. 80. 120. 2026 119326. 236662. 353998. 41. 81. 121. 2027 120740. 239794. 358849. 41. 82. 123. 2028 122154. 242926. 363699. 42. 83. 125. U 2029 123568. 246059. 368550. 42. 84. 126. 2030 124982. 249191. 373400. 43. 85. 128. u APPENDIX A UTILITY RATE SCHEDULES Table A-I North Slope Borough Residential Electricity Rate Schedule -Kaktovik Quantity Consumed per Month (kwh) under 100 kWh 101-600 kWh Cost ts Ikwh) minimum charge of $15.00 .35 No charge for elderly or handicapped heads of households Table A-2 Fort Yukon Utilities Residential Electricity Rate Schedule Quanti ty Consumed per Month (kWh) 1st 100 kWh next 400 kWh next SOO kWh Additional Charges Fuel Surcharge per kWh Table A-3 Cost ($ /kWh) .3186 .1911 .1274 .08281 Golden Valley Electric Association Interim Residential Electricity Rate Schedule Quanti ty Consumed per Month (kWh) 1st 100 next 1,400 over 1, SOO Mi nimum charge A-I Cost (J lkWh) .186 .105 .0847 Sl1.35 u APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY FOR DRAINAGE BASIN INVENTORY AND PRELIMINARY SCREENING APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY FOR DRAINAGE BASIN INVENTORY AND PRELIMINARY SCREENING This Appendix contains the assumptions and methodology used in the drai nage" basi n inventory and prel imi na ry screeni ng phase for the reconnai ssance study of small hydropower projects in Northeast Al aska. The purpose of the first screening is to identify those potentially viable hydroelectric sites which, based on a preliminary comparison with costs of alternative thermal generation, warrant more detailed i nvesti gati ons. Outline of Proposed Methodology for Basin Inventory and Preliminary Site Screening A. Basi n Se 1 ecti on 1. Using USGS 1:250,000 maps locate each community and draw a 15 mile radius circle around the community center. 2. Visually reconnoiter all drainage basins. Select approxi- mately the six (6) best sites, preferably located within the circle, for investigation. Sites should be sized to meet the following criteria: Provide 80 percent of the year 2030 low demand scenario. This is approximately equal to average day peak demand. Intertied communities are sized based on the intertied average peak d~ demands for the communities in this study. Sites that exceed the demand are costed to identify above average potential for industrial or "new town" expansion. These sites are to be scaled down to meet the above criteria in the second loop of the evaluation process. The sites for the 1 i st are to be selected ina logical manner, beginning with the principal river or stream and moving thence into the smaller tributaries. The best sites meeting the above load criteria shall then be entered into the summary table. No sites in Canada are considered. 3. Indicate the sites selected on the USGS map, including the following features: 1) Drainage basin boundaries above damsite 2) Dam and powerhouse location 3) Penstock route 4) Transmission line route 5) Site identification number B-1 B. Compilation of Summary Table 1. For each site selected for the Summary Table proceed to measure and/or calculate the following parameters and enter the values in the table: a. Pl ani meter basi n areas (Ab) us; ng a zero setti ng planimeter, calibrated to yield a value in square miles in 2 passes; b. Using maps obtained from Joint Federal State Land Use Planning Commission estimate isolines for mean annual runoff (Rm) in cfs per square mile; c. Determine average flow: ( Q) = Ab X Rm ; n c f s ; d. Measure transmission distance (D t ) in miles and penstock length (Dp) in feet and record penstock elevati on range; e. Estimate gross head (H g ), the elevation difference between damsite and powerhouse site, and add a 5 foot diversion dam height allowance; f. Calculate net head (Hn) as 90 percent x Hg; g. Calculate installed c.apacity (Pi) in kilowatts as: Pi = (1.5 x Q x Hn x 0.85)/11.8; h. Calculate individual machine capacity (Mc) as Pi/N (where N is the number of units, assumed to be 2 in this study) ; i. Calculate annual energy production (E) as: E = Pi x P.F. x 8760 hr/yr, where P.F. is the plant factor, equal to 0.45 for plant sites where installed capacity exceeds 25 percent of the 2030 average day peak demand and 0.55 for sites with less than or equal to 25 percent. j. Using the modified Gordon-Penman equation estimate the capital cost of generating equipment and powerhouse: Ce = 13639.5 S KeKa (NM c )0.7 (Hn)-0~35 where S is the siting factor relating project cost to powerhouse and equipment cost and is taken to be 3.7 for plants less than 500 kW and 2.6 for plants greater than ( \ or equal to 500 kW. Ke is the escalation factor to ~ B-2 k. October 1981 from January 1978, based on the composite index from WPRS, and is equal to 1.35 for this study. K is an Alaska cost adjustment which was assumed to be 2.00 for this study. Calculate October 1981 transmission costs (Ct) in dollars as follows: 1) Pi x Dt = kW -mi 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) If kW -mi > 133,909, Ct (cost of transmission) = 300,000 Dt (115 kV, 3 phase) If 24,000 < kW -mi < 133,909 (38 kV, 3 phase) Ct = 150,000 Dt - If 12,000 < kW -mi < 24,000 (14.4 kV 3 phase) Ct = 120,000 Dt - If kW -mi < 12,000 Ct = 50,000-+ 50,000 Dt (14.4 single phase) If single wire ground return transmission systems (single phase) are allowable and kW -mi ~ 15,000 use Ct = 50,000 Dt + 50,000 7) Submarine cable 550,000 x length of cable in miles line losses are limited to 5 percent. 1. Calculate penstock costs (C p ) in dollars: Cp = Ks [37.21 C1.5Q)1/2 -15] Dp Hn/600 where a minimum Hn is computed based on the USBR minimum handling thickness design and used where the net head is less than the resultant pressure for handling thickness, Q min is 0.5 cfs, and K = 1.14, the escalation factor to October 1981 from June 1980. m. Mobilization and Dam costs (Cd) as follows: 10/81 Installed Capacity N(Mt) 0-100 kW 101-500 kW 501-1000 kW >1000 kW 8-3 Cost of Mobilization plus Dam S15O,000 250,000 400,000 600,000 Dam costs are based on 30 foot wide sheetpi1e dam, 5 feet high and are estimated at $50,000. V n. Calculate sum 0 f costs. (C s ) indo 11 ars Cs = (C e + Ct + Cp + Cd) Kr Where Kr is a remoteness factor, equal to 1.0 in the Southcentra1 region. o. Operation and maintenance costs are calculated as the greater of 2 percent of capital costs or $40,000. p. Calculate cost of energy (Ck) in mills per ki10wat hour Ck = 0.09823 Kr Cs 1000 mill s/$ Where 0.09823 is the sum of the 0 and M factor, 0.02 and 0.07823, the alRortization factor at 7-5/8 percent ; nterest over 50 years. 1/ Kaktovik, Arctic Vi11age~ Wiseman, Venetie, Stevens Village, Beaver,Bi rch Creek, Fort Yukon, Cha'i kyi tsi k. Y All other northeast communities. B-4 APPENDIX C ECONOMIC ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY u u u Northeast APPENDIX C ECONOMIC ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The methodology used to perform the economic analysis of nydropower sites is presented in this Appendix. The preliminary screening methodology is discussed in Section 2.0, which includes the generic assumptions that were applied to all sites investigated. The economic analysis applied at the more detailed stage is discussed in Section 3.0. In Section 4.0 of this Appendix, the community of Venetie serves as an example to illustrate the progression of analysis from the preliminary screening through the detailed screening. Data tables for Venetie, the same as those presented in Part II of the report, are included with an explanation of how the results from the preliminary and detailed screenings were derived. 2.0 PRELIMINARY SCREENING METHODOLOGY 2.1 Summary Benefit/cost ratios were calculated for each site identified in the drainage basin inventory. The objective of the economic analysis in the preliminary screening was to compare the cost of nydroelectric site development to the cost of the most likely alternative form of electricity generation, which in all cases was assumed to be diesel or combustion turbines. Plant sizes were based on low electric energy growth projections. Fuel costs of alternative power were escalated at rates of 0, 2, and 5 percent. For the purposes of estimating the cost of alternative power, the communities were classified into three categories: 1) isolated communities; 2) communities that could utilize nydropower more economically through interties than from independent systems, and 3) communities that are intertied currently and rely on electrical power generated by diesel or other fossil fuel based systems. Diesel generators were assumed to be the most likely alternative for isolated communities, proposed intertied communities, and communities served by Alaska Power and Telephone {AP and n. Combustion turbines were assumed as the most likely alternative for the communities served by Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA). Six sets of benefit-cost ratios were calculated based on 0, 2, and 5 percent fuel escalation, both including and excluding the capital costs of alternative power. The criterion used for preliminary screening of all identified sites was the set of benefit-cost ratios based on 5 percent fuel cost escalation, excluding the capital costs of alternative power. The methodology for computing the costs of alternative power, both including and excluding capital costs, is presented in this Appendix. The benefit-cost ratios provided the basis C-l for identifying communities and sites which would for identifying communities and sites which would be visited in the field and subjected to more detailed reconnaissance-level investigation. 2.2.1 Cost of Hydroelectric Power For each of the sites identified in the map reconnaissance, costs were estimated for the major project components and then summed to provide a total estimated capital cost. The project components for which separate cost estimates were developed i ncl ude generation equipment (including the powerhouse structure), penstocks, dams, mobilization, and transmission facilities. The basis for estimating the costs of these components is described in Chapter 6.0. A plant factor of 0.55 for communities served by large utilities and 0.45 for other communities was used in establishing the cost of hYdropower since it was assumed that not all power produced would be consumed. The plant factor was assumed to reach these levels when demand for power equaled or exceeded the supply. Annual costs for each site were developed using a capital recover,y factor based on an interest rate of 7-5/8 percent for project financing over a 50-year project life, with additional costs included for operation and maintenance. The average cost of electricity for~each site was then based on the annual dollar expenditure for capital, operating, and maintenance costs of the project divided by the estimated annual electricity output. Specifically, the average cost was computed for each year; then the averages were summed and divided by 50. The average cost of hYdroelectric power was calculated by the following fonnul a: ~dro Costs in year t (HP t ) = Where C = capital costs for year t CRF = capital recover,y factor o = operating costs for year t HPt = hYdropower cost in year t . kWht = power consumed in year t (C x CRF) + 0 and M kWh t The CRF is taken for 50 years and kWht is defined as the kilowatt hours produced by the project and consumed by the community in year t. The kWht tenn adjusts for sites where the power output exceeds the community (or intertied area) requirements. The term kWht is taken from the load forecasts for the community, or in the case of a utility, the summation of demand for all study area communities served by that utility. The value used in the preliminary screening was 80 percent of consumption in year 2030.11 In the detailed investigations, the term 1/ This was based on the assumption that the plant operates for 4380 hours per yea r. C-2 u u kWh was based on the demand in year 1997. The factor of 1.6, used in both the preliminary screening and detailed investigations, accounts for peak demand. ~dro costs were calculated using this term because revenues from the hYdroelectric plant should be calculated from power sold to the community rather than power produced. The average annual cost of hYdropower (HP ave ) then was developed by the follow; n9 fonnul a: HPave = (~o HP t\ 50 t = 1981 :; All costs are in 1981 dollars in that no general inflation or escalation term has been built into the price forecasts. The annualized capital cost of the hYdroelectric development is calculated such that the net present value of the investment is SO in year 1981. 2.3 Cost of Diesel Alternative 2.3.1 Capital Costs Included A stream of diesel costs in S/kwh were calculated for all isolated and potentially intertied communities, and communities served by utilities that use diesel generators. This cost stream was based on annualized capital, operating and maintenance costs and, in the case of potential interties, annualized transmission costs. Cost of fuel was calculated using May 1, 1981 fuel prices. The formula used to calculate these costs in any given year was the following: lli esel Cost in year (OPt) = (C x CRF) + 0 and M + F kWht where C = capital costs for year t CRF = capital recovery factor o = operati n9 costs for year t M = mai ntenance costs for year t F = total fuel costs for year t (including lubricants) UPt = diesel power cost in year t kWh t = power produced and consumed in year t An investment stream was calculated employing an average cost calculation and based on an interest rate of 7-5/8 percent. The present value of the capital investment was calculated using a capital recovery factor. The capital costs were multiplied by a capital recovery factor of .0991 based on a 20-year investment cycle. The assumption of a 5 percent fuel escalation rate was used to calculate diesel costs for the preliminary screening. For the potential intertied communities, transmission costs were annualized based on a capital recovery factor of .07823 for a 50-year investment cycle. C-3 Other assumptions were used in calculating diesel generation costs. Diesel generators were sized for peak hour of the final year of their useful life (20th year), assuming the demand at that time would be 1.5 times greater than average demand. A diesel heft rate of 12.5 kWh/ gallon was used to calcul ate fuel requi rements.-' Operati ng time was assumed to be 4380 hours per year, or half time on the average. Assumptions regarding diesel costs are listed in Table C-1. Average costs were then calculated as follows: ( 2030 \ DP ave = 1: 1981 DP y /50 All costs are in 1981 dollars in that no general inflatjon or escalation tenn has been built into the price forecasts. The CRF tenn annualizes the capital or investment cost such that the net present value of the investment in year 1981 is $0. . 2.3.2 Capital Costs Excluded A stream of diesel costs in $/kWh were calculated based on five percent fuel cost escalation and excluding the costs of the diesel generators. For each year, fuel costs were escalated at 5 percent from May 1, 1981 fuel prices and divided by the heat rate of diesel generators. The arithmetic average of the cost of diesel power over the life of the project was calculated by summing the values for each year and dividing by the number of years (50). 2.4 Cost of Combustion Turbine Alternative The alternative to hYdropower was assumed to be combustion turbines for those communities that purchase electricity from Golden Valley Electric Association, including Big Delta, Chatanika, Chena, and Delta Junction. The Golden Valley Electric Association uses primarily diesel fuel in the combustion turbines. The assumptions used in the economic analysis of combustion turbine power generation were the following: 25 year investment cycl e heat rate of 10,500 Btu/kWh capital cost of $720/kW for turbines 5-50 MW in size o and M cost of $0.005/kWh 1/ A heat rate of 12.7 kWh/gallon was derived from data provided by Caterpillar Products and Sales Service. A value of 12.5 kWh/gallon was used as a slightly more conservative estimate of the diesel heat rate. C-4 u u u Cost Parameters Installed Capital frlai ntenance Operation Fuel Lubricant TABLE C-l DIESEL COST FACTORS Factors Derived from diesel cost curves provided by Caterpillar Products and Sales Service 6 percent of installed capital improvements 1 worker per year for systems d MW 2 workers per year for systems >1 MW Average annual salary of worker -$33,000 Varies with location -based on contacts with utilities, fuel distributors, and trucking, barge, and air carrier companies 10 percent of fuel costs The equations for calculating the average cost of the combustion turbine alternative were identical to the equations used to calculate the average cost of diesel power, for both inclusion and exclusion of capi ta 1 costs. 2.5 Benefit Cost Ratios for Preliminary Screening Benefit/cost ratios were developed for screening purposes. Present worth values were applied with respect to the capital investment of the project. The generic formula employed was: S/C ; Ave. Cost Diesel Power (S/kWh) Ave. Cost Hydro Power (S/kWh) I The average was taken for power generated over the 1981-2030 period. A B/C ratio yreater than 1.0 indicates that the hydro site is worthy of further consi derati on. Substituting the averaging equations into the generic equation yields the following formula: ( 2030 DP) /SO t ~ 1981 DP average B/C ; ( 2030 = HP average HPj/50 t ~981 C-5 Because the DPt and HPt values are developed to yield an average cost for a given system, where DP ave exceeds HP ave ' and BIC is \ ) greater than 1, the site should be retai ned for futher analysi s. Where "-" DPaverage is greater than HPaverage' nydropower benefits represent a cost savings over alternative sources of power •.. 3.0 DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS METHODOLOGY The detailed phase of economic analysis was performed for 7 sites selected from t'he list of sites investigated in the preliminary screening. At the conclusion of the preliminary screening, it was decided that a community with sites having a benefit-cost ratio greater than 1, based on 5 percent fuel cost escalation and excluding the capital costs of alternative power, would be retained for more detailed investigation. The capital cost of alternative power was excluded because a nydroelectric facility would not be capable of meeting 100 percent of the power demand, thus necessitating alternative generating methods to supplement hydropower. Input to the detailed phase of economic analysis involved the development of a plant factor program, revisions to the load forecasts, and more detai 1 ed nydroel ectric cost estimates. It was assumed that the nydroelectric plant would not begin to generate power until 1984. This phase of analysis resulted in a new set of benefit-cost ratios which is presented in Table 1-1 of the Overview. 4.0 SITE SPECIFIC EXN~PLE -VENETIE This section uses Venetie as an example to illustrate how the economic analysis was perfonned for sites located in the study area communities. This section addresses the sequential process of applying the economic analysis methodology through the preliminary and detailed phases of investigation. All tables included in Part II of the report are referenced in thi s section. The methodology used to evaluate site feasibility involved the comparison of benefit-cost ratios based on the arithmetic average of nondiscounted nydropower and alternative power costs. All values are in 1981 dollars since inflation was not accounted for. The present value of capital investment was discounted over the period of analysis usi ng a capital recovery factor. 4.1 Preliminary Screening 4.1.1 Introduction Three sites were identified in the map reconnaissance of Venetie. General costs of nydroelectric development for all three sites were estimated. Alternative diesel generators were sized to meet the projected electric energy requirements of the community. For both nydroelectric development and diesel generation, the average discounted costs were calculated. C-6 u u The load forecasts for Venetie are presented in Table C-2. Forecasts were calculated for three growth scenarios (low, medium, high) as explained in Chapter 3.0 of the Overview. It was decided that the low growth scenari 0 vIas most representative of the future of northeastern communities. The values for electric energy demand, expressed as kilowatt hours per year, were input data to calculate both the cost of alternative power and hYdroelectric power. 4.1.2 Diesel Cost Calculation Capital Costs Included Diesel costs were calculated by slzlng the diesel generator for the three investment years -1981, 2001, and 2021. Values for the total investment and the annual capital costs are presented in Table C-3. Table C-3 Cost of Diesel Power Plant Venetie Total Capital Annual Investment System Cost/kW Investment Recovery Capital Year Si ze (kW) ( Z) on Factor Cost (Z) 1981 350 X 225 = 78,750 X .0991 = 7,804 2001 400 X 225 = 90,000 X .0991 = 8,919 2021 450 X 225 = 101,250 X .0991 = 10,034 Annual costs for operation and maintenance, fuel, and lubricant were calculated and added to the cost of the capital investment. Taking year 2001 as an example, the costs for year 2001 are presented in Table C-4. TABLE C-4 Annual Cost of Diesel Power, Year 2001 5 Percent Fuel Escalation Venetie (Dollars) Capital Operation!! r4aintenance FuelY Lubricantll 8,919 5,400 33,000 369,650 36,965 Y 6 percent of $90,000 (see Table C-3) ~/ gal/kWh x kWh/yr x $/gal = Annual Fuel Cost 0.08 gal/kWh/ x 950,999 kWh/yr x Z4.86/gal = $369,650/yr 3/ 10 percent of fuel cost C-7 Total 453,934 Table ~'-2 REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SJ.tALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOAD FORECAST -VENETIE KILOWATT-HOURS PER YEAR .ANNUAL PEAK DDtAND-KW V YEAR LO\'l MEDItJPot HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH 1980 640000. 640000. 640000. 219. 219. 219. 1981 666766. 666766. 666766. 228. 228. 228. 1982 693533. 693533. 693533. 238. 238. 238. 1983 720299. 720299. 720299. 247. 247. 247. 1984 747066. 747066. 747066. 256. 256. 256. 1985 773832. 773832. 773832. 265. 265. 265. 1986 800598. 800598. 800598. 274. 274. 274. 1987 827365. 827365. 827365. 283. 283. 283. 1988 854131. 854131. 854131. 293. 293. 293. 1989 880897. 880897. 880897. 302. 302. 302. 1990 907664. 907664. 907664. 311. 311. 311. 1991 930829. 983805. 1036781. 319. 337. 355. 1992 953994. 1059946. 1165899. 327. 363. 399. 1993 977159. 1136088. 1295016. 335. 389. 443. 1994 1000324. 1212229. 1424134. 343. 415. 488. 1995 1023488. 1288370. 1553251. 351. 441. 532. 1996 1046653. 1364511. 1682368. 358. 467. 576. 1997 1069818. 1440653. 1811486. 366. 493. 620. 1998 1092983. 1516794. 1940603. 374. 519. 665. 19.99 1116140. 1592935. 2069720. 382. 546. 709. 2000 1139313. 1669076. 2198838. 390. 572. 753. 2001 1152727. 1752475. 2352223. 395. 600. 806. 2002 1166140. 1835875. 2505609. 399. 629. 858. 2003 1179554. 1919274. 2658994. 404. 657. 911. 2004 1192967. 2002673. 2812379. 409. 686. 963. 2005 1206381. 2086072. 2965764. 413. 714. 1016. 2006 1219794. 2169472. 3119150. 418. 743. 1068. 2007 1233208. 2252871. 3272535. 422. 772. 1121. 2008 1246621. 2336270. 3425920. 427. 800. 1173. 2009 1260035. 2419669. 3579305. 432. 829. 1226. 2010 1273448. 2503069. 3732690. 436. 857. 1278. 2011 1289693. 2539055. 3788416. 442. 870. 1297. 2012 1305939. 2575041. 3844142. 447. 882. 1316. 2013 1322184. 2611026. 3899868. 453. 894. 1336. 2014 1338429. 2647012. 3955594. 458. 907. 1355. 2015 1354674. 2682998. 4011320. 464. 919. 1374. 2016 1370920. 2718984. 4067046. 469. 931. 1393. 2017 1387165. 2754969. 4122772. 475. 943. 1412. 2018 1403410. 2790955. 4178498. 481. 956. 1431. 2019 1419655. 2826941. 4234224. 486. 968. 1450. 2020 1435901. 2862926. 4289951. 492. 980. 1469. 2021 1449156. 2899091. 4349026. .496. 993. 1489. 2022 1462412. 2935256. 4408100. 501. 1005. 1510. 2023 1475667. 2971420. 4467175. 505. 1018. 1530. 2024 1488922. 3007585. 4526249. 510. 1030. 1550. I '\ 2025 1502177. 3043750. 4585324. 514. 1042. 1570. 2026 1515433. 3079915. 4644398. 519. 1055. 1591. 2027 1528688. 3116079. 4703473. 524. 1067. 1611. U 2028 1541943. 3152244. 4762547. 528. 1080. 1631. 2029 1555198. 3188409. 4821622. 533. 1092. 1651. 2030 1568454. 3224574. 4880696. 537. 1104. 1671. ~-8 u u The nondiscounted cost of electricity ($.477/kWh) was obtained by dividing the total annual cost (S453,915) by the amount of electricity produced (950,999 kWh/year). Capital Costs Excluded The annual diesel costs were calculated by escalating the 1981 fuel price ($1.83/gallon) at a 5 percent rate throughout the planning period (50 years) and dividing that value by the heat rate of the diesel generators (12.5 kWh/gallon). As shown in Table C-5 the nondiscounted cost of alternative power if) year 1981, $0.146/kWh, was obtained by dividing $1.83/gallon by the heat rate of 12.5 kWh/gallon. This calculation was made for each year. The average cost of alternative power ($.613/kWh) was calculated by taking the summation of values for each year (30.669) dnd dividing that value by 50 years. 4.1.3 ~droelectric Cost Calculation ~~droelectric costs were calculated by sizing the plant for one investment year -1981. Values for the total investment and the annual costs are presented in Table C-6. System Investment Size Yea r (kw) 1981 354 TOTAL C-6 Total Annual Costs of ~dropower Kocacho Creek, Venetie Installed Cost ($) Capital Annual Recovery Cap; ta 1 Factor Cost Annual ° and M ($) Total Annual Cost 5,584,668 x 0.7823 = 436,889 + 111,693 = 548,582 The nondiscounted electricity costs were calculated for each year by dividing the total annual cost by the amount of electricity produced. An example of this procedure is shown in Table C-7. Year 1981 2001 Total Annual Cost ($ ) 548,582 TABLE C-7 Cost of ~droelectric Energy Kocacho Creek, Venetie Electric Energy Produced ( kWh/year) divided by 550,082 548,582 divided by 950,999 C-9 Nondi scounted Electricity Cost (S/kWh) = .997 = .577 Tabl e c-5 ' REGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE SltlnY -S~ALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -CORPS OF ENGINE~RS DIESEL COSTS!IOW -VENETIE YEAR $/KWH 1981 0.146 1982 O. i.SAt 1983 0.162 1984 0.170 19135 0.178 19B6 0.187 1987 0 .. 19t=. 1988 0.206 1989 0.216 1990 0.227 1991 0.239 1992 O.'?~j 1993 0.263 1994 \).276 1995 0.290 1996 0.305 1997 0.320 1998 0.336 1999 0.353 i~, 2000 0.370 2001 0.389 2002 0 .. 1,013 2003 0.4~9 2004 0.450 2005 0.472 ?006 0.496 2007 0.521 2008 0.547 2009 0.574 2010 '0.603 2011 0.633 20L2 0.665 2013 0.698 2014 0.733 2015 0.770 2016 0.808 2017 0.848 2018 (). 89:i 2019 0.935 2020 \}.982 2021 1.031 202? 1.083 2i)23 :i.:i37 2024 1.194 ,2()25 1.254 2\')26 1.316 2027 1.382 2028 " ,~. .J .. .f.~~.f.' 2029 1.524 2030 1.6t)O u AVERAGE 0.6i3 C-IO u The results of the preliminary screening indicated that site number 2, Kocacho Creek, ranked highest among the three Venetie sites investigated. Venetie was included in the communities visited in the field. Observations in the field confirmed that this site was the most favorable and, therefore, warranted a more' detailed analysis. Results for communities with no sites IIsurviving" the preliminary screening are presented in the tables entitled "Summary Data Sheet, Preliminary Screeni ng" of Part II of the report. 4.2 Detailed Investigations The secondary phase of economic analysis was performed after the site visits and involved considerably more detail. Information gathered in the field resulted in the refinement of some of the population and fuel cost data. These revisions affected the load forecasts and the cost of alternative power. Results of the detailed investigations are presented for si te number 2 in Tabl e C-8 entitl ed IISummary Data Sheet, Detailed Investigations". Similar tables are provided in Part II of the report for each community with sites evaluated in the detailed investigations phase of the study. The results of the detailed investigations represent the cost of alternative power based on a 5 percent fuel cost escalation and exclude capital costs. The effect of excluding capital costs was to lower the average cost of alternative power. The value of S.613/kWh, as shown in Table C-8, represents an arithmetic average of the nondiscounted costs of diesel power. It was calculated by taking the summation of values for each year (30.669) and dividing that value by 50 years. Hydropower costs were estimated in more detail. Layouts were developed to reflect actual site conditions. In the case of unvisited sites, more detailed mapping was utilized to develop conceptual costs. Site specific data for each of the parameters presented in Table C-9 were used to develop the cost data presented in Table C-IO. Further, indirect costs were added to the direct construction costs, resulting in significantly lower benefit-cost ratios than those resulting from the preliminary screening. t~ethods used to derive project costs are presented in Chapter 6.0 of the Overview. Plant factors were calculated for each year to reflect the usable energy from a hYdroelectric plant. The plant factors take into account the limitations of hYdroelectric energy that could be sold, including consumer demand, turbine limitations, and the available supply of water. A plant factor of 33 percent for the 1 He cycle of the project was derived from the load duration curve for isolated convnunities, mi nimum turbi ne flow requi rements, and the load forecast for Veneti e. Parameters used to determine the plant factor are presented in Table C-ll. C-ll TABLE C-8 SUj\1t4ARY DATA SHEET DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS VENETI E, ALASKA ~dro~ower Potential Cost of Installed Installed Alternai}ve Capacity Cost Power_ Site No. (kW) ($1000 ) (mills/kWh) 2 196 20,380 613 Demographic Characteristics 1981 Population: 160 Economic Base 1981 Number of Households: 45 Subs; stence Government Cqst of Hydropower (mills/kWh) 3,450 11 5 Percent Fuel Escalation, Capital Cost Excluded. C-12 Benefit/Cost Ratio 0.18 TABLE C-9 VENETIE -SITE 2 SIGNIFICANT DATA DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS 1. LOCATION (diversion) Stream: Kocacho Creek Section!! 27, Township 27N, Range 7E, Fairbanks Meridian Community Served: Venetie Di stance: 10 mi Direction (community to site): North-Northeast Map: USGS, Christian, Alaska, 1:250,000 2. HYDROLOGY Drainage Area: Estimated Mean Streamflow: Estimated Mean Annual Precipitation: 3. DIVERSION DAM Type: Height: Crest Elevation: Vol ume: 4. SPILLWAY Type: Openi ng Hei ght: Wi dth: Crest Elevation: 5. WATERCONDUCTOR Type: . Di ameter: Length: 6. POWER STATION Number of Units: Tu rbi ne Type: Tailwater Elevation: Rated Net Head: Installed Capacity: Maximum Flow (both units combined): Minimum Flow (single unit): 7. ACCESS Length: 8. TRANSMISSION LIN~/ Voltage/Phase: Terrain:~/ Flat (1.0) Tota 1 Length: 9. ENERGY Plant Factor: Average Annual Energy Production: t~ethod of Energy Computation: 10. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS: None noted 1/ Section number is approximate. 2/ Terrain Cost Factors Shown in Parentheses. C-13 342 216 9 sq mi cfs in Large Concrete Gravity 10 ft 660 fmsl 1920 cu yd Cone rete Ogee 5 ft 260 ft 1920 fmsl Ste'el· Penstock 66 in 5810 ft 2 Cross Flow 625 fmsl 31. 5 ft 196 kW 92 cfs 9.2 cfs 1.1 14.4 10.0 1O~0 mi kV/l phase mi mi 33 percent 564 MWh Pl ant' Factor Program TABLE C-10 HYDROPOWER COST DATA DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS ComlDu ni ty : Site: Stream: Venetie 2 Kocacho Creek Item 1. Dam (including intake and spillway) 2. Penstock 3. Powerhouse and Equipment -Turbines and Generators -Misc. Mechanical and Electrical -Structure -Valves and Bifurcations 4. Switchyard 5. Access 6. Transmission TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 7. Construction Facilities and Equipment, Camp, Mobilization, and Demobilization TOTAL INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS At 20 PERCENT SUBTOTAL Geographic Factor = SUBTOTAL Conti nyency at 25 percent SUBTOTAL Engineering and Administration at 15 percent TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest Our; ng Construction at 9.5 percent TOTAL PROJECT COST Cost per kW Installed Capacity ANNUAL COSTS Annuity at 7-5/8 percent (AlP = 0.07823) Operations and Mai ntenance Cost at 1.5 percent TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS Cost per kWh Benefit-Cost Ratio C-14 COST ~ 571,000 $ 1,569,000 $ 373,000 $ 188,000 $ 210,000 S 6,000 S 188,000 S 17,000 S· 250,000 $ 3,372,000 $ 674,000 S 4,046,000 3.2 S12,947,000 S 3,237,000 S16,184,000 S 2,428,000 $18,612,000 S 1,768,000 $20,380,000 S 104,000 S 1,594,300 S 305,700 $ 1,900,000 S 3.45 0.18 Community: Venetie Si te Number: 2 Net Head (Ft): 32 TABLE C-ll PLANT FACTOR PROGRAM Design Capacity (kW): 196 Minimum Operating Flow (1 Unit) (CFS): 9.20 Load Shape Factors: 0.50 0.75 1.60 2.00 Hour Factors: 16.00 15.00 13.00 3.00 Potenti al Average Hydroelectric Month r>1onthly Energy (aDays/Mo. ) Flow (CFS) Generation (kWh) January 14.10 22443. Februa ry 11.20 16102. March 11.00 17509. April 14.50 22335. tJfay 820.00 145824. June 671.00 141120. July 206.00 145824. August 316.00 145824. September 371.00 141120. October 86.90 138318. November 34.40 52988. December 20.50 32630. TUTAL 1022037. Plant Factor (1997) : 0.31 Plant Factor (Life Cycle): 0.33 C-15 Percent of Energy Usable Average Demand Hydro Annual Energy ( kWh) Energy 10.00 106982. 14962. 9.50 101633. 10735. 9.00 96284. 11672. 9.00 96284. 14890. 8.00 85585. 82417. 5.50 58840. 58840. 5.50 58840. 58840. 6.00 64189. 64189. 8.00 85585. 81829. 9.00 96284. 82946. 10.00 106982. 35325. 10.50 112331. 21753. 1069818. 538399. The hYdropower cost data and the benefit-cost ratio for the detailed investigation are presented in Table C-12. The value of $3.452/kWh represents an arithmetic average of nondiscounted hydropower costs. This value was obtained by calculating the summation of costs for each year (162.22) and dividing it by the number of years (47). For Venetie, the average cost of alternative power (613 mills/kWh) was divi ded by the average cost of hydropO\'1er (3452 mi 11 s/kWh) to obtai n a benefit-cost ratio of 0.18. C-16 v .TYPE AH7 L m:H Table C-12 lREGIONAL INVENTORY & RECONNAISANCE STUDY -SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECTS ALASKA DISTRICT -tORPS OF ENGINEERS DETAILED RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATIONS o COST OF HYDROPOWER -BENEFIT COST RATIO VENETIE SITE NO. o $/KWH $n:~WH (I o YEAR 1 f~:=:4 19::::5 1'~/:::7 1990 1 '~I'~1 1 1 ;'92 199~: 1994 19';:'5 1996 1997 1999 20<)0 2001 2002 200:3 2004 20(15 200t. 2007 2()():=: 2009 2010 2011 2012 201 ::;: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 20 1 '"i' 2020 2021 202:~: 2024 KWH/YEAR 422454. 444:::::;;::~i . 4~5!50:21 • 4(:'~5716. 476411. 4S'41~J'~/:3 It ~i():::::32:=: • 510661. 5176(10. 524540. 5:::: 14:3(). ~i:;:83''''';) • 545290. 551454. 557107. 559667. 5C,2226. 564786. 567~:46. 569906. 5723t~t,. 574755. 57711:3. 57'r472. 581831. 5:34594. 5f::7227. 5 ~::t~""E~I:., () • 5';-~~:31 !:: • !'594727. !:i97137. 5';:/9547. 601':;/51.:,. 604:::::66. 606776. 60E:742. 61.0708. 612,1:,7~). 614641. 616607. CAPITAL 1604721. 1604721. 1.604721. 1604721. 1(:.04721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721- 1604721. 11.:,04721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721 ~ 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 1604721. 16047::~1. 1604"721. 1604721. 1604721. 1(~,04721 , 2026 61857~, 160472]. 2027 620152. 202::::: 6:;;:: 1 ~:i88. :2029 ,1:,2::::0:24. U·(l47:21. 16047:2'1. 16047:~:t , 2(130 624460. 1604721. AVEHACiE COST BENEFIT-COST RATIO (5% FUEL (I S< M :305700. 305700. ::;::1)5700. ::::05700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. :;:05700. :305700. ::::05700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. :305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. :;:05700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. 305700. ::;:05700. 305700. 305700. ::;:05700. 305700. :;:05700. ::=':05700. :305700. :;:05700. :3(l~i700. :;::()~i700. :::: 0'":;7 (l (1 • :~:: () :~ '7 i) () It ;:!()~:~~ 7' (:',) .. ::~:O~::r7!)(l. :~:O·570(l. C-17 TOTAL$ 1910421. 1';:'10421. 1'rl0421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1'::'10421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 191(1421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421. 1910421- 1910421. 1910421. '[9:1 ')4:::;: 1 • '91 04:n. 191(lLL;~1 , 1':" j lH21. 1 ';, 1 04::::: 1. • NONDI::::C 4-.522 4.406 4. :300 4.199 4.102 4.010 3. E:59 3.7';J/:.. 3.741 3.691 3.642 3.595 3.548 3.503 3.464 3.429 3.413 3.398 3. :383 3. ~:67 3.352 3.338 3.324 3.310 :3.297 :3.283 . 3.268 3.253 :3.239 3.225 3.212 3.199 3.174 3.161 :3. 14:::: ::::. 1:~:8 ~:. 12:3 :3. 118 :3. 10::: :;:" (J::: 1 :3" CI~'1 ::~: ::: It <'~~'~J :?: .. i~ ~:::~:.? DISC :3" ::~!71 ::::.051 2.71:.,7 2.51c) 2. 27'7J 2.070 1. :::::::::: 1.720 1.572 1.4:3;' 1.319 1.210 1.109 1.017 0.933 0.858 0.789 0.729 0.675 O.62~ 0.577 0.534 0.494 0..457 0.42:3 0.391 0.362 0.335 0.310 0.287 0.265 0.245 0.227 0.210 0.194 o. 1::::0 0.167 0.154 o. 14:3 0.1:32 0.114 0 .. 1 O~:i 0 .. 0':'1-7 0.090 0,0:>1 0 .. n~i':': 0"::::;:;'::::