HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegional Inventory and Reconnaissance Study for Small Hydropower Sites in Southeast Alaska 1979~~~~~~M w W¥ ~"-~ 4' ~~onal Inventory and Reconnaissance S y for nail Hydropower Sites in Southeast Alaska Submitted to Department of the Army Alaska District, Corps of Engineers OCTOBER 1979 . CH2tv1! ~~---. IIHILLJ REGIONAL INVENTORY AND RECONNAISSANCE STUDY FOR SMALL HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES IN SOUTHEAST ALASKA For: Department of the Army Alaska District, Co~s of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 By: CH2M HILL Engineering of Alaska, Inc. 310 "Kif Street, Suite 602 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Contract No. DACW85-79-C-0030 .ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & lflf"im~tion Services Mel, a.aska This was under the direction of a , ;'" K128326AO liB .11 SUMMARY This study was conducted to dete:nnine at the reconnaissance level the extent to which small hydroelectric power could be developed in South- east Alaska. The study area, wh~ch includes all of Southeast Alaska, is a.hroad geographic area of rugged mountains along the North Pacific and Gulf of Alaska coasts. The population of the region is clustered in numerous cities and villages Which are generally only connected by marine or air transport routes. The hydroelectric resources of the region have been inventoried, studied, and in a few cases developed. Currently, there is a resurgence of interest in hydroelectric power as a result of the escalating cost of diesel generation. Diesel generation is cammon throughout the region, and most cities and villages have their own generation facilities. The Cities of Juneau, Ketchikan, Petersblu'9J Metlakatla, Wrangell, and Sitka, as well as their nearby villages, Which are all electrically intertied, have established power utilities and are actively pursuing development of their available hydroelectric resources. Haines and Skagway also fall into the category of cities Which have established utilities. The Alaska Power Authority is currently studying the com- plete power resources of the Haines and Skagway market area, Which includes the village of Klukwan. TWenty additional Southeast Alaska communities were visited by the proj- ect team. The main reason for visiting the communities was to determine their current usage and mode of generation of electrical enerqyo ~ . addition, nearby potential hydroelectric sites were visited Or at least observed from a light aircraft. No detailed hydroelectric site inves- tigation was performed. Future energy requirements were projected for each community for the . period from 1980 to 2030. The present worth of meeting the projected load with diesel generation over the 50-year period was calculated assuming diesel fuel would escalate 0 percent, 2 percent, and 5 percent faster than the general inflation rate. Reconna.issance-level cost estimates were pre;paroo for 32 hydroelectric sites which were sized to meet the communities' future electrical needs. Except for the unknown lake project near Haines, which was studied by Retherford in 1977, the hydroelectric si.tes were considered as run-of- the-river projects. This was done to keep the dam and reservoir cost down and to minimize environmental impacts. A comparison was made between the present worth of each hydroelectric site and the present worth of all the communities' diesel needs for the next 50 years. As a result of that analysis, 17 hydroelectric sites were dropped from further consideration. The remaining 15 sites were compared to the amounts of diesel Which they would be expected to re- place. This too was a 50-year present worth comparison. iii '1'1:16 results of th.e present worth tha,t hydroelectric sites near E:Kcursion Inlet v Gustavus f Haines, Rowan SI~ings be investigated in more detail. near these communities should be visited prepared. lead to the recommendation the cool.munities of Chatham p Bayg Skagway. and Tenakee All the potential hydro and refined development 000- A 1977 completed Robert W. Retherford Associates for the A:.aska Power Authority studied 10 villages in Southeast Alaska and prepared reconnaissance-level cost estimates for developing seven hydxo~ e:~ectrlc sites. No feasible sites were found to serve Angoon g or Yakutat. Feasible sites were identified for ~ Hydaburg and Haines and Klukwan e Hoonah~ Kake, and Pelican. Feasibility studies are cur:z:ently completed by Harza Engineering Company fox the Alaska Power at four of the sites. The Haines and D;ukwWl s~te will be considered in the current Alaska Power the Haines-Skagway area. study of Of the seven sites considered by Retherford p one was a run-of-the- r~ver development. All the other sitee included provision for a reser- voir or of a natural lake to provide Even the run-of- the-riYar project included enough storage to provide for daily regulation. conclusion of the is that unless there is a com- with a stable year-round population and electrical demand g and unless there is nearby natural or economically attainable man~ made storage G hydroelectric power is more than diesel genera- tionc The basic reason is that, for the hydroelectric sites con6idered~ there was an average annual ty factor of 20 percent. Unless these hydroelectric developments can be utilized in the 60 percent to 80 per- cent range, will not be economica10 iv - CONTENTS S UI.'I11iI.a ry 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Community Power Needs. Southeast Alaska Economic Base and Projected Development Field Survey Future Energy Requirement and Cost Community Descriptions Annette Cape Pole Chatham Edna Bay Elfin Cove Excursion Inlet Punter Bay Gustavus Haines Hamil ton Bay Hawk Inlet Hyder Kupreanof Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker/Port Protection Port Alexander Rowan Bay Skag\'iay Tenakee Springs Hydroelectric Power Site Assessment Field Methods Hydrology Environmental Concerns Development Concept Community Hydroelectric Sites Comparison Of Community Power Needs and Hydroelectric Potential Hydroelectric Site Screening Conclusions Recommendations Isolated Communities Previously Studied Introduction Community Descriptions Hydroelectric Power Sites Summary v iii 1 5 5 7 10 16 22 26. 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 101 101 101 102 103 105 149 149 151 152 153 153 154 159 159 B:Lbilography Appendix A. Appendix B. Operat.ing and Economic Factors Included .in Models of Three Electric Generating Modes in Southeast 161 Alaska 163 Cos t Es tima tea 165 vi TABLES 1 Southeast Alaska Communities Examained 2 Utility and Mode of Generation for Larger Southeast Alaska Communities 3 Generalized Energy Data for the 20 Communities Visited 4 Remote Small Diesel Energy Cost (1979) 5 Economic Characteristics and Population Projections For Small Southeast Alaska Communities 6 Increase in Average Electric Use Per Residential Customer in Alaska, 1960-1977 7 Community Characteristics and Present (1979} Power Needs 8 Community Characteristics and Future Power Needs 9 Mean Annual Precipitation and Snowfall, Southeast Alaska 10 Power Sites for Cape Pole 11 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Chatham 12 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Elfin Cove 13 Power Sites for Excursion Inlet 14 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Punter Bay 15 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Gustavus 16 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Haines 17 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Hawk Inlet 18 Power Sites for Hyder 19 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Kupreanof 20 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Meyers Chuck 21 Hydroelectric Power sites for Point Baker 22< Hydroelectric Power Sites for Port Alexander 23 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Rowan Bay 24 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Skagway 25 Hydroelectric Power Sites for Tenakee Springs 26 Present-Worth Comparison of 32 Hydroelectric Sites and Communities' Total Diesel Needs 27 Present Wroth Comparison of 15 Hydroelectric Sites and Alternative Diesel Generation 28 Present Power Needs of the 10 Isolated Communities Previously Studied 29 Future Power Needs of the 10 Iso1ated Communities Previously Studied vii 2 2 8 9 13 15 17 19 101 106 lOa 112 114 116 118 122 126 128 130 132 136 138 140 142 146 150 151 155 156 .;ill; - FIGURES 1 Study Area 2 Cape Pole Hydro Site 3 Chatam Hydro Sites 4 Elfin Cover Hydro Site 5 Excursion Inlet Hydro Site 6 Funter Bay Hydro Site 7 Gustavus Hydro Site 8 Haines Hydro Site 9 Hawk Inlet Hydro Site 10 Hyder Hydro Site 11 Kupreanof Hydro Site (West Petersburg) 12. Meyers Chuck Hydro Sites 13 Point Baker Hydro Sites 14 Port Alexander Hydro Sites 15 Rowan Bay Hydro Sites 16 Skagway Hydro Sites 17 Tenakee Springs Hydro Sites ix 3 107 109 113 115 117 119 123 127 129 131 133 137 139 141 143 147 II. Chapter 1 •• INTRODUCTION This report is a documentation of a reconnaissance-level investigation of small hydroelectric power sites in SOutheast Alaska. The intent of . the investigation was to identify the current and expect.ed future IXlwer needs of.comm.unities in Southeast Alaska and to locate nearby hydroelec- tric.power sites which could meet the communities' needs or at least displace a portion of the costly diesel fuel that is currently used for generation. . The study·area covered all of Southeast Ai~ska, as shown in figure 1. Because of the mountainous terrain and the high levels of precipitation and runoff, Southeast Alaska has the highest hydroelectric potential of any area in the United States. However, the population of the region is small and the distance between population centers great. The resultant dispersion of electrical demand does not allow for development of large hydroelectric projects because of the cost of extensive transmission interties. Most communities in Southeast Alaska have developed their own means of generating electricity. Some ·communities have hydroelec- tric generation with diesel backup, but the majority rely exclusively on diesel generation. Several existing reports have identified the hydroelectric potential in Southeast Alaska. Most of the larger communities either are served completely by hydroelectric projects or are currently pursuing such projects. In addition, the hydroelectric potential at ten isolated communities was studied by Robert W. Retherford Associates for the Alaska Power Authority in 1977. For this investigation, the larger communities and the ten isolated communities which were the subject of the 1977 Retherford report were not visiteds Twenty isolated commu- nities, however, were visited by a three-man team composed of an elec- trical engineer, a civil engineer, and an economist. Table 1 presents the Southeast Alaska communities considered during this project, divided into three categories. The scope of the investigation required that only the name and mode of generation of the utility serving the larger communities be identified. Table 2 presents these data. Chapter 2 and 3 contain information on the power needs and the nearby hydroelectric sites for the 20 isolated communities visited by the proj- ect team. The community of saint John was originally designated as one of the isolated communities to be studied but was dropped from consider- ationbecause, according to the U.s. Forest Service, it will be aban- doned in 1981. The communities of Punter Bay and Rowan Bay, which are expected to grow, have been added. Chapter'" is a comparison of the power needs and hydroelectric resources ava.ilable for the 20 isolated ccmmunities. Information on the ten isolated communities studied in the 1977 Retherford report is presented in Chapter 5. 1 'I'able 1. SOUTHEAST ALASKA COMMUNITIES EXAMINED Communities Investiga ted .f!y Project Team Annette Cape Pole Chatharr, Ed.'1a Bay Elfin Cove Excursion Inlet Funter Bay Gustavus Haines Hamilton Bay Hawk Inlet Hyder Kupreanof Metlakatla Iv'Ieyers Chuck Point Baker Port Alexander Rowan Bay Skagway Tenakee Communities on by Robert W. Retherford Asso- Angoon Craig Hoonah Hydaburg Kake Kasaan Klawock Kl uk wan Pelican Yakutat Table 2. UTILITY AND MODE CF GENERATION Communities Served by Sinile Utility_ Juneau/ Auke Douglas Lemon Creek Lena Beach Mendenhall North Thane Ketchikanl Charcoal Point Clover Pass Mou.ntain Point Mud Pennock Refuge Cove Saxm.an Ward Cove Petersburgj Scow West Wrangell Sitka FOR LARGER SOUTHEAST ALASKA COMMUNITIES Juneau Alaska Electric Light Hydro and Diesel Generat.~rs and Power Ketchikan Ketchikan Public Utilities Hydro and GeneratQrs Petersburg Municipal Power Hydro and Diesel Generat()rs 1 1 Electric Diesel C~nerators ment Sitka Sitka Electric Department Hydro and Diesel Generators 2 ::;;::} ~~:j o I • .A IJI GULF OF ALASKA PACIFIC OCEAN 50 Scale in Miles COMMUNITIES VISITED BY PROJECT TEAM 100 I COMMUNITIES STUDIED BY RETHERFORD, 1977 LARGER COMMUNiTiES -\l-----+-Kupreanof --..L-Patllfllburg Point Bake, -.... -- Edna Bay -----'" FIGURE 1 3 Study Area 1111 Chapter 2 .111 COMMuNITY POWER NEEDS For the 20 Southeast Alaska communities visited by the project team, a projection of power needs was made. These projections were made .on the basis of recorded data for each community, data collected at each community during the visit by the project team, and data available in published. regional studies. This chapter presents the methods of data collection and used to determine the communities g power needs. The detailed results of this analysis are presented in a community-by-cammunity description and a summary table at the end of the chapter. SOUTHEAST ALASKA ECONOMIC BASE AND PROJECTED DEVELOPMENT Information about the economics of Southeast Alaska was obtained for this study from the Regional and Local Dimensions, Socioeconomic OVerview volume of the 1979 Tongass Land Management Plan. The study area for the included essentially all of Southeast Alaska and was designed to management direction for the next 10 years. The economy of Southeast Alaska is based largely on the natural resources of the region: timber, fish, minerals, and natural beauty. Primary industries--those which determine the health growth of the local economy--are fishing, fish processing, logging, wood processing, mining, some construction, and tourism. Government is also considered a primary "industry" because of the concentration of government employees in Juneau, the state capital. In this section, these industries will be discussed in terms of their current and projected contribution to the local economy. Timber and Wood Processing Timber and wood processing is the largest industry in Southeast Alaska, accounting for approximately 14 percent of total The timber industry utilizes a local softwood forest composed primarily of western hemlock, Sitka spruce, and minor amounts of red and yellow cedar~ Over 95 percent of the total timber harvest is ma.nufactured into. sulphite pulp or into cants. The remainder is manufactured into dimension lumber or left in round log form. In recent years, slightly over half the pulp and all the cants have been exported to Japan with the balance of the pulp going to markets in the Lower 48. Forest Service policy has always required local, primary manufacturing for TOngass Forest timber harvest to provide stability to the local economy. Two companies dominate the wood and wood products industry in Southeast Alaska: Louisiana Pacific Ketchikan and Alaska Pulp America. Together, account for approximately 87 percent of the region's prodUction capacity and 55 percent of the timber harvest~ -They also account for 76 percent of all independent sale volumes. 5 future of the timber wil be determined primarily by two fa·::tors: (l) the world market for pulp and the Japanese market for cantse and (2) the availability of timber to supply the region I s mills fol state and Native land selections and wilderness designations,. It is not that there will be substantial in the fore= se,~able future. Given present national interest in wilderness pre- servatiol1.p it is more likely that tirrJ:ler harvest levels will mIt be exceeded and be reduced. Of course, any change in the level clf t~nber harvested will directly affect the wood-processing industry. Salmon dominates the fish and follo~d by hall- but~ , and shellfish. There has been an attempt to diversify the fishing industry~ but it has been unsuccessful because of lad¢:. of technology F organization; and capitaL Commercial fishing and fish comprise approximately 10 percent of total employment in the Southeast Alaska region. Fish processing is limited to canning ancl freezing except for a small amount of expansion in frozen fish prc.- cessing~ has remained technologically unchanged for the last 40 years. The future of in Southeast Alaska on several factors~ the continuation and success of fish=enhancement programs and the con- tinuation of the limited-entry program which was initiated in 1974. The program g to ens'J.re a better livelihood for exist:~ ing fishermen and provide a resource tool, is not expected to reduce the volume of production r but it will limit future employment ir., The state government and private industry are to continue fish enhancement in the region. Recent trends in coomercial fisheries have been G but are not expected to of the fish and of the economy at"e conservative and assume mdesrt rates of increase. Mining employment has been in the southeast region in recent years but to become an important source of pr employment. Modern methods have led to the of several ne'W ore bodies which appear potentially profitable to develop" Chief among these new discoveries are the Quartz Hill molybden urn deposit near KetchjJcan, the Takanis ore-body on Yakobi and the Bid Sore zinc-silver-lead-copper-gold deposits on Greens Creek near Ha~"k Inlet on Island. A fourth development possibility is the reopening of the Ross~Adam6 uranium de~ posit near Kendricks Bay on Prince of Wales Island. Act:ual development of any of these deposits will on a combinatic;tn of factors! including wilderness das in the Tongass e the success of developing in the goverrurlent permit process g and future we dd mark.ets fer mineral products 6 Tourism Tourism in Southeast Alaska, accounting for approximately 3 percent of total employment, is based primarily on cruise ship and ferry touring and tourist-related activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, back- packing 6 and other individual-type .outdoor activities. An increase in tourism since 1970 is the result of expansion in the cruise ship and ferry services. The continuation of this trend will be determined by the demand for these activities and decisions by private industry and state agencies to maintain or expand their facilities. It has been largely the communities with existing infrastructures to accommodate tourists that have benefited, and they will continue to benefit from the ferries and cruise ships. All forms of recreational activities have been in the upswing in the United States because of increased leisure time and higher disc retionary income. Ind! vidual. outdoor sports especi- ally have experienced an increasing popularity in recent years, although this form of activity does not contribute heavily to the local economy, being a more self-contained activity. under these conditions, it is expected that tourism in the future will continue to grow. Government state government employment in Southeast Alaska accounts for 12&8 per- cent of total employment in the region because of the location of the state capital in Juneau. The state government has assumed an increas- ingly important role in sustaining the basic economy because of state revenues generated by Cook Inlet oil and gas and the North Slope lease sale. The availability of petro-tax dollars could make it feasible to continue or increase the 5-percent annual growth rate in state govern- ment employment, although there is growing sentiment to check the con- tinually expanding role of government in the stateis economy. These projections assume that the state capital will remain in Juneau. FIELD SURVEY The 20 Southeast Alaska cooununities were visited by at least one member of a three-man project team made up of an economist, an electrical engi- neer, and a civil engineer. The primary purpose of the field survey was to gather data related to the communities' power needs. Methods The project team visited all communities by float or amphibious light aircraft. Community visits were limited,to approximately 2 to 3 hours at each community, with a few overnight stays where logistically practical. Power needs data were obtained using essentially the same procedure for all communities: 1. Inquiries were made of community leaders and informed resi- dents regarding the communities' power needs 7 2. Identification and explanation of the project team~s 3. as to electric consumption and patterns, overall fuel , current fuel ~icing and attitude toward electric power availability in general, and in 4. of electric generating equipment, future expansion through personal of local residents Data were hydroelectric previous small relative to local knowledge of nearby streams with This local knowledge reflected such ali g observed flow variations, and of salmon in the streamso As a result of the field survey istics have been identified e some generalized character- present electric ,power con sump·· data for each community are General boundary constraints which ~~derstanding present electric energy con- are shown in table 3. tion in the communities. given at the end of this may a framework for sumption L~ the communities Table 3. GENERALIZED ENERGY DATA FOR THE 20 COMMUNITIES VISITED Pe~ capita annual fuel oil consumption (heating £;, €lIe Per capita electric energy consumption Per capita ar~ual demand Diesel electric Diesel electric heat rates Community electric load factor Range 500 OM liSOO gal 2 1 000 -12 g 000 2 ~ 5 kW 7 ~ 13.5 kWh/gal light plants VS0 scale units) 10.780 -20,000 (using 140g000 fuel oil) 5% to 60% (~bush~ vs. organized utility} The above ranges in energy use reflect the range of differencl~ between rural southeast Alaska small town use versus ;'bush$1l commu.'1ity use. As ava of lower cost electric power diminishes in more remote areas p a decline in per capita consumption and annual load factors occur. 8 When served by an organized utility at rates which are expensive, yet endurable r per capita consumptions of 6,000 to 12,000 kWh arillually occur in the region and community load factors approach 60 percent, which is typical of a conventional utility. More remote bush communities, with smaller and less organized community structures, relying on scattered, small (5 to 10 kW) residential generators cannot approach the reduced cost per kWh of the utilities. Consequently F annual generator running hours are reduced to what each consumer views as the optimum or minimum requirement. This is reflected in. extremely low annual load factors. Additionally, there is a different pattern of living in the more remote communities, which simply foregoes the need to consume electricity constantly or in large quantities. In effect, while cheap electricity makes life more comfortable, a high emphasis on comfort is incongruent with the motivations of the bush community dweller. Power requirements are, therefore, reduced. The study communities of Haines, Skagway, Metlakatla, and Hyder were inconsistent with the other 16 study communities with regard to general demographics,. economics, and electric power consumption. Present cost per kWh for a typical consumer in these communities iez 7.5¢/kWh Skagway .·Haines Metlakatla Hyder 11¢/kWh (includes 2¢ fuel surcharge) 3 0 3¢/kVil'h 8.0¢/kWh While these costs are high as compared to some metropolitan areas of Alaska, and reflect rapidly escalating diesel fuel costs, they are not as severe as many rural Alaskan communities and in no way as costly a.s running a bush home generator. The economics of operating a small diesel generator in Sout.heast Alaska are presented in table 4. Table 4. REMOTE SMALL DIESEL ENERGY COST (197~J 5-kW unit capital investment Freight to site and set-up in rain shelter Operating life Running hours/year Energy produced while running (average 2-kWloadings) Fuel oil/year (@ 7 kWh/gallon) Fuel oil cost/year (@ OQaO¢/gallon 1979) Amortization costs per year (IO-year unit life) Lube oil costs/year @ 5% of fuel oil Maintenance costs/year (distributed over life) Total cost/year Annual energy cost range (± 20%) $ 4,000 $ 1,000 20,000 hou.rs 2,000 hr/year 4,000 kWh/year 571 gallons $ 460/year $ GOO/year $ 20/year 2._ 100fyear $ 1#180/year 26-34¢/kWh From these approximate costs, the motivation for reduced consumption and resulting annual load factors is apparent. 9 The typical Southeast Alaska bush cQl!',munity dweller, who for a res idential di.esel f is seen to consmre approximately as much V()lUllle of middle distillate fuel in electric power generation as an average metropolitan Alaskan might consume in refined gasoline to ope:l:~ a:t:e one fairly economical automobile for a year {511 gallons x 20 mpg "" 11,420 miles). The normal annual fuel oil consumption for bush home heating is 3 times the normal 3 Annual fuel oil consumption for bush home 1 electrical needs Due to variations .in the i size of homes, insulation qualit,yu seasonal activities of the occupants, and orientation of homes to pre~ vail winds q the actual fuel consumption for bush home heating ranges from about 3 to 5 gallons per day as an annual averageo metropolitan Alaska home might the of 5 to Ions per day for furnace thermal efficiencies. Metro- Alaska homes are typically and have more glass exposures, higher hot water consumptiansQ and more extravagant energy use patterns ttan Southeast Alaska bush homes. It should be understood that while Southeast Alaska bush community fuel for electrical is highly inefficient compared to metropolitan rural community} medes e the ~~~ consumption of the bush cQ~munity dweller is comw~nsurate with the town dweller. Further, it should be noted that the field survey revealed that indivi~ dual residential generators are used less than a majority of bush residents f usage ranges from only 10 to 40 percent of commu- This is in part due to af of their and in part to value indicatL"lg electri~ power has a diminishing ratio for expendable income as to other returns for expendable income, such as air charter service, marine equipment§ communications equipmente and other items. Reconnaiss~~ce~level load forecasts were made for the Southeast Alaska communities. The cost of diesel to meet the forecast load and the worth of 50 years of that d:Lesel generation were also de t.ermined. Of the 20 communities, four are served by utilities that make fonnal load forecasts. These include Haines, served by Haines Light and Powel: Com1?any; Metlakatla and Annette, served by Metlakatla Power and Light 10 Company. and Skagway, served Alaska Power and Telephone Company. Each of these utilities recently made a lO-year load forecast, Which has been directly adopted for this report for the 1980-1990 period. These forecasts were extrapolated for the remaining years in the study perioo o Villages Forecasts of electrical load were not available for the remaining 16 Southeast Alaska communities, so reconnaissance-level forecasts were prepared as part this study. These forecasts required economic and population projections for each community and estimates of future in- creases in average utilization of electricity. Generally, the projected increase in power requirements for a community was based on the product of the projected population growth rate and the expected average annual increase in average use per capita. For example, if a community was projected to increase population by an average of 1.5 percent per year and average use per household was expected to increase by 2 percent annually, the community's electric requirements were forecast to in- crease by 3.5 percent (1.015 x 1.02). To the extent possible, projec- tions of commercial/industrial loads were based on information provided by representatives of the various commercial and industrial firmse Economic and Population Forecasts" Projections of economic and popula- . tion growth for each village were made on the basis of the following factors in their order of importanceg 1 • Information .on potential economic development gathered during the field study. This included interviews with representa- tives of the existing, industrial firms and firms planning future development? communi·ty I leaders, and members of the general publico Population projections made for some of the communities as part of the ~ongass Land ~agement Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement, Part 1, prepared by the u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; Alaska Region, in March 1979. Potential for economic development for each community~s basio industry(s}. This analysis was based primarily on the exten- sive study of Southeast Alaska's timber, fisheries, mining e and recreation industries. This analysis was available from the Tongass Land N.a.n~ementPlan Regional and Local Dimensions, Socioeconomic, Overview., Findings of this analysis are sUlf.l:!Mr- bed below (Southeast Alaska Economic Base and Projected Development). . Prepared by the u.s~ Department of Agriculture y Forest Service~ Alaska Region. March 1979. 11 Future state land sales plans at each community location. as~ by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Lands Division • and our subjective judgl.).1ent clf the attractiveness of each location as a retirement or recrea~ tion site. Each locatior.~s land use as @ Historical population development. Table 5 is a matrix these factors for each of the In addition to the above mentioned factors, a draft copy of this was reviewed the Division of Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhan.cement and Development .RcEcD.} of the Alaska Department of Fish and Gamee F .. R.E .D. is responsible for the design 5 construction, and operation of f2sh hatcheries in Alaska. Several hatcheries are planned to be con- structed near existing or planned projects. The reason for projects is that the hydroelectric site can flow of water where is providede Ir, some cases water can be taken from the penstock at pressure to reduce the need for pumping at the Because of the desirahili ty of and sites e F.R.E.D. has expressed an interest in being involved in hydroelectric planning at the feasibility level. With to this reconnaissance study, F.R.E.D. interest in the sites near Skagway and Haines ar..d to be infonned of any hydroelectric feasibility studies in Alaska. The of increased electri- consmrers in Southeast Alaska communities included both residential and commercial/industrial loads. As mentioned above, projections of commercial/industrial loads were based to the extent on info:nna t.ion by of the various commercial a..1.C industrial firms. The average annual lJ.se by individual residential and small commercial consurners was estimated to increase by an average of 2 percent per year over the study This growth rate in average usage is conservative to historical increases in average usage recorded by Alaska utilities. As shown in table average use residential customers of Alaskan utilities is variable from year to year f but. has a annual growth rate of 5.2 for both the 1960 's and 1970 1 13. The data also show a de~ crease in average usage per customer after the 1973~74 OPEC oil followed by a return to the trendo The this of average usage a.ssume that technology <:h'ld g'eneri!- tion modes at each commun will remain during the study period. 12 Table 5. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR SMALL SOUTHEAST ALASKA COMMUNITIES Hamil ton Bay CHARACTERISTICS iIInnette Cape Pole Edna Bay Elfin Cove Excursion Inlet Funter Bay Gustavus (Kake Portage) Hawk Inlet Hyder Historical Population Growth 1960 337 195 195 92 na na 1 135 112 6 na na na 32 1970 123 2c?/40s na ~/300s na na 49 1980 estimate Percent change 1960-70 1970-80a 125 2 75 Econanic Base Existing Projected Existing Industrial Firms Name Type of business Employment Plans for future Planned Industrial Finns Name Type of business Employment Plans for future Potential State Land Sale iIIc reage Scenic Index (5 very attractive, 1 a not attractive) Tongass Lang Use Designation Population Projection 1990 2000 2030 iIIverage illnnual Percentage Change 1980-2000 2000-2030 (42') o Logging, fishing Same None None o None 230 270 440 1.6 1.6 Logging Same Mud Bay Logging ~ging 35 USFS contract 8-10 years None o 2 IV (28.8) o Destroyed cannery Rebuilt cannery None New England Fish Cannery Fish process- in~ 40 Rebuild by 1981 o 4 IV 25 25 25 38.0 o Closed logging camp Same None None 300-500 3 IV 10 10 10 o o Fishing, recreation fuel depot Same None None o 5 III .9 .9 Fish processing Fishing, destroyed cannery Same Fishing, Excursion Inlet Packing Co. Fish processing 300s Expansion None 300-500 4 III 176c 200 310 1.5 1.5 recreation None None 4 III 1.0 1.0 FishinCJ, recreation Same None None 1,030 5 None 2.3 2.3 Logging Logging, recreation Soderberq Logging Co. Logging 50 8-10 years None o 3 III&IV 125 50 50 (4.5) o a b illverage annual changes for villages with pennanent and season populations given for 1980 were calculated using the average population for 1980. Land use designations are as follows: I. Recommended for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation Systea. Roads and .cst commercial development would be disallowed. II. Recommended for wildlife area. Fish habitat and primitive recreational develo~nt would be allowed. III. Lands managed for a variety of uses. Concentrated recreational and limited timber development would be allowed. IV. Opportunities for intensive resource use. c d p s t iIIverage. populations. Growth rate of about 1 percent per year and population of 100 in year 2000 projected in the Final Environmental Impact Stateaent, Part 1, for the Tongass Land Management Plan. permanent population. Seasonal population. populatioh forecast growth rate similar to that provided in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Part I, for the Tonqass Land Management Plan. 13 Destroyed cannery Mining None Noranda Exploration Mining na Testing for mine feas ibil i ty o 4 III 20 20 20 12.2 o Logging, mining, recreation Same with expanded mining Glen Willis Logging Logging 5 na None o 5 III 115 140 200 3.2 1.2 26 36 50 Kupreanof Recreation and employment in Petersburg Same None None 200 5 I 70 100 270 3.4 3.4 Point Baker Meyers Chuck Port Protection 27 na 37 na 60 75 Recreation, logging Same None None o 4 IV 70 80 125 1.5 1.5 Fishing, logging Fishing, logging, recreation None None 100 4 III&IV 90 105 175 1.7 1.7 Port Alexander Rowan Bay 18 na 36 na 75 4oP/200s Fishing, Logging cold storage Fishing, Same fish hatchery, cold storage Pelican Cold Storage Cold Storage 3 Potential for expansion Mud Bay Logging Logging ·na 50-year contract Alaska Fish & u.S. Forest Game Hatchery Service Salmon Hatch. il\dmin. site na 30 na Gradual shift over next 10 years 100 5 II 90 150t 420 3.5 3.5 o IV 150c 150 150 1.1 o Tenakee Sprlngs Fishing, closed cannery Same l\W Log Co. Logging 45 None o 4 III l80~ 200 265 1.0 1.0 Silver Bay Log. Co. Logging 30 Table 6~ INCREASE IN AVERAGE ELECTRIC USE PER RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER IN ALASKA, 1960-1977 Average Annual Residential Use Per Averaqe Consumption Residential Custaner Percentage Annual Year (million kWh) Customers (kWh) Increase Change (') 1960 168 39,986 4,201 na 5~2 1970 465 66,424 7,000 na 5.2 1971 543 69,643 7,797 11.4 5.2 1972 562 72,254 7,778 (O.2) 5~2 1973 743 81,225 9,147 17 .. 6 5 .. 2 1974 765 83,805 9,128 (Oo2) 5.2 1975 834 96,186 e~671 (5.0) 5.2 1976 982 103,278 9 8 508 9.7 5.2 1977 1,113 111,582 9,975 4.9 5.2 SOURCE: Edison Electric Institute Statistical Year Book of the Electric Utility Industry, 1960 and 1970-77e Future Diesel Costs to Meet Projected Loads The 50-year cost of meeting projected loads with diesel generation was established for most of the communities studied. Exceptions were Annette, Metlakatla, and Skagway. Annette and Metlakatla are served by Metlakatla Power and Light Company. About 80 percent of this utilitySs generation is from hydropower and the utility actively engaged in studying future hydroelectric development of Triangle Lake. It was therefore considered unnecessary to duplicate MP&L's efforts with an independent reconnaissance-level study of its regional hydroelectric potential. Alaska Power and Telephone Company at Skagway also generates with a mix of hydroelectric power and diesel. Therefore, the future cost of meet- ing Skagway's loads with diesel generation excludes electricity provided from existing hydroelectric facilities. There is a considerable range in the cost of electric generation between small and large communities in Southeast Alaska. In order to approximate the power generation economics of each community, three cost models were developed. The small model relates to the power generation economics of 5-to lO-kW units in the small villages Where individuals generate their own power and there is no interconnected distribution systemo The medium model pertains to those villaqes with SO-to 2S0-kW units serving commercial al'ld/or residential users. The large model is for 1-to 2-* units owned and operated by a distribution utility serving Southeast Alaska cities and in some cases neighboring villageso Operating and economic factors and assumptions for each of these models are described in appendix B. 15 The annual cost of diesel ~~s estimated for each b3.sed on t,he individual community is generation modes and the costs associated with each. These annual costs ~rere calculated us 1979 price levels and were assumed to escalate in direct relation to i:he p.rojected increase in each cornIDunity's kilowatt-heur consumption. No in generation modes or technology was assumed for any of the C(~ m':1nities. The economics of po%>Jer at each location were e therefore~ assumed to remain from their existing levels. For each community, the worth of the diesel costs ~~s calculated for the 50-year of 1981=2030. Average annual costs were also estimated for the sa~e per10a. The overall diesel costs p present values e and average annuctl costs were then recalculatect for each community u assuming that diesel fuel and lube oil in- crease at 2~percent and above annual inflation rates. DESCRIP'rIONS The following community Alaska comm~~ities visited by the these individual descriptions are 2 l'l'aries of these communiti.es 16 "lere for the 20 Southeast team. Immediately preceding matrixes that provide detailed suw.- 7 and 17 Table 7. COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS AND PRESENT (1979) POWER NEEDS Estimated 1979 Population Electric Utility Type of CanIIIl ni ty Name Location Lat. Long. Name Ownership a Annette Cape Pole Chatham Edna Bay Elfin Cove Suburb of Metlakatla on south- west 5 ide of Annette Island Southwest coast of Kosciusko Island Southeast coast of Chichagof Island Southeast coast of Kosciusko Island Northwest coast of Chichagof Island Excursion Inlet On Excursion Inlet 40 miles northwest of Juneau Funter Bay Gustavus (Bartlett) Haines Hamilton 8ay (Kake Portage) Hawk Inlet Hyder Kupreanof Metlaka tia a West coast of Mansfield Penin- sula, north of Admiralty Island East of Excursion Inlet on Glacier Bay Strait Chilkoot Inlet, Northern Lynn Canal Keku Strait, Kupreanof Island Northwest coast of Admiralty Island On Portland Canal across from Stewart, B.C. Across the Strait from Petersburg Southwest coast of Annette Island Meyers Chuck Southwest coast of Cleveland Peninsula Point Baker / Northern tip of Prince of Wales Port Protection Island Port Alexande r Southern tip of Baranof Island Rowan Bay Northwest coast of Kuiu Island Skagway North Talya Inlet, Northern Lynn Canal Tenakee Springs Tenakee Inlet, Chichagof Island S5°SS'N 56°49'N 1340 39 'w 56°40'N 137°16'W 59°27'N 135°19'W 57°47'N 135°13'W 195 Metlakatla Power and Light Co. b 20P/40S Private Property 6 25P/60S 2P/300S 14P/25S 100P/250S 1,366 125 75 50 1,300 60 75 75 40P/200S Mud Bay Logging New England Fish Co. None None XIP Excurs ion Inlet Packing None State of Alaska DOT (Nat. Park Service) Haines Light and Power (OWned by AEL&P/Juneau) THREA-Kake None B.C. Hydro via Stewart, B.C. None Metlakatla Power and Light Co. None None Pelican Cold Storage Mud Bay Logg lng 860 Alaska Power and Telephone Co. 130P/200S Snyder Mercantile Co. aAnnette and Metlakatla are both served by the Metlakatla Power and Light Company, whose current and future needs bwi11 be net by existing and planned hydropower developments. P = pem1.anent, S = seasonal. REA Cooperative Private Generation Private Generation Private Generation State (Federal) Investor Owned REA Public REA Cooperative Private Generation Private Generation Investor Owned Private Generation Current Method of Electrical Generation Hydro-Diesel Diesel Diesel None Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Installed Capacity -?- 1 -155 kW 1 -100 kW 255 kW 1 -5 kW -0- 1 -80 kW 1 -60 kW 20 kW in small units 2,225 kW in small units 30 kW in small units 1 -150 kW 3 -100 kW 1 -40 kW 490 kW 1 -2,070 kW 1 -850 kW 1 -600 kW 1 -300 kW 1 -200 kW 2 -150 kW 4,320 kW 1 -Backup 1 -6 kW Not available 30 kW in small units Hydro-Diesel Not available Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Hydro-Diesel Diesel 30 kW in small units 60 kW in small units 20 kW in small units 2 -100 kW 1 -250 kW 2 -275 kW (ordered) 3,970 kW 1 -100 kW Peak Demand ~ 540 125 -0- 50 1,500 30 285 2,050 200 150 30 30 60 80 225 1,400 80 Annual Energy Consumption (MWh) 2,800 60 o 130 2,230 40 1,400 7,050 300 12 750 40 60 100 55 300 6,030 420 Consumer Energy Cost (¢/kWh) 3.3 18.7 11.1 32.0 Not available 7.8 29.0 11.1 7.0 26.2 27.0 5.5 29.5 3.3 Not available 27.0 18.7 31.4 7.5 11.1 I' i 'I .. 19 Table 8. CDMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS AND FUTURE POWER NEEDS Community Name Annettea Cape Pole Chatham Edna Bay Elfin Cove Excursion Inlet Funter Bay Gustavus (Bartlett) Haines Hamilton Bay (Kake Portage) Hawk Inlet Hyder Kupreanof Me tlakatlaa Meyers Chuck Point Baker/ Port Protection Port Alexander Rowan Bay Skagway Tenakee Springs Future MWh Energy Requirements 1990 2000 2030 3,840 5,260 13,500 60 o o 1,750 1,750 1,750 10 20 36 173 230 540 2,580 3,000 4,700 54 72 175 2,130 3,250 11,500 16,400 35,400 356,000 300 150 270 100 120 220 1,340 1,990 5,100 68 115 570 32,000 52,000 224,000 85 120 335 140 205 610 95 160 820 460 560 1,010 10,800 19,300 111,000 580 780 1,900 Present Worth ($1,000) of Future Diesel Power Cost Assuming Annual Escalation in Fuel Cost of: 0% 2% 5% 79 83 89 3,780 4,490 6,600 43 55 98 543 685 1,140 3,030 4,024 7,060 260 312 482 4,430 6,320 12,700 39,200 64,100 158,000 294 314 348 374 455 707 1,580 2,230 4,320 431 543 938 397 488 788 687 847 1,390 384 495 888 1,140 1,370 2,180 4,870 7,460 16,800 1,080 1,470 2,760 aAnnette and Metlakatla are roth served by the Metlakatla Power and Light Company, whose current and future needs will be met by existing and planned hydropower developments. Equivalent Average Annual Cost ($1,000) of Future Diesel Power Assuming Annual Escalation in Fuel Cost of: 0% 2% 5% 5.6 5.9 6.4 269 320 471 3.1 3.9 7.0 38.7 48.8 81.2 216 287 503 18.5 22.2 34.3 316 451 907 2,790 4,570 11,300 21.0 22.4 24.8 26.7 32.4 50.4 113 159 308 30.8 38.7 66.9 28.3 34.8 56.2 49.0 60.4 99.3 27.4 35.3 63.3 81.2 97.8 155.3 347 532 1,200 76.7 105 197 Local Attitude Towards Electrification Favorable; FERC license pending for Chester Lake Favorable Favorable; power required by 1982; cannery burned 1978, planned rebuilt 1982 Future state land sales; logging community abandoned Attitude divided but predominantly negative for hydro and utility organization Commercial fish freezing and packing Excursion Inlet Packing (XIP); 300 seasonal workers June through September Favorable; population dispersed around bay Favorable to hydro; National Park Service may be willing to participate; site within national monument Favorable; diesel fuel rapidly escalating; 4.5- MW wood waste generator being constructed at Schnable Mill Favorable; dissatisfaction with THREA diesel service from Kake; 10-year logging projected Caretakers only; abandoned cannery burned 1976; Noranda mining used as exploration base B.C. Hydro may bring in transmission line to serve Gran Duc Mining de;eloprnent allowing conversion of Stewart/Hyder to hydro power Undetermined Favorable; PERC license pending for Chester Lake Indifferent with objections to outside crganization Indifferent General attitude is indifferent to electrifi- cation; however, community is annoyed by noise of PCS diesels very favorable; fuel costs rapidly escalating; life of logging operations at least 20 years Very favorable Favorable, existing utility interested in hydro and/or geothermal, small voltage distribution system along beach front Annette JULY 1919 21 ANNETTE Latitude~ 55 c 04'N Longitude: 131~32eW Suburb of Metlakatla~ on southwest side of Annette Island Field Survey p 1979: Year~round . f 2000 ~ Year-round Projected" 2030: Year-round Present~ Future: Logging" Logging/j .~UL"Yf sawmill, cannery. cold storage by new fish hatchery Annette is a Metlakatla "suburb~ Metlakatla Power and Light, an REA In 1978, MPL approximately 15 million kWh (82 percent hydroelectric, 18 Based on historic load factors of about ,10 for :e.riP&:r~, the peak demand was estimated to be 4 MW. Field Survey G 1979: kWh/yr 540 kW peak dema.."ld ---(MPL Projected, 2000: 5 000 kWh/yr kW peak demand Projected" 2030 13 000 kWh/yr kW demand HISTORY Until recently, Annette was a U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue base. Itlith the advent of the 200 mile Emit enforcement by the United States t the base was relocated to Sitka. The Annette Island air- and the central R has been Ketchikan, Wrangell g at those communities. Annette is now a residential suburn of Me with a that is approximately one-sixth that of Metlakatla. Metlakatla is a established Indian Reservation for the Tsimshian Indians~ i'L"ld historically owned" island with an local Power and L serves Annette over a distribution line from Metlakatla. ECONOMICS Ar,nette (Metlakatla) is economical based in the and lumber industries" Primary industria.l ee:tablishments are a lun1ber mille fish cannery, cold plant. and a new 'l'ourism is not 22 stimulated or noticeably active. Nearby Ketchikan f with an economic base of large docking, fishing, a pulp mill, and commercial air and charter services, supplements the economic base of Metlakatla. The Annette Hemlock Mill is owned by Louisiana-Pacific, the major pulp and lumber industry of Ketchikan. Ketchikan has the potential for a major molybdenum mine with $7.0 billion ore value on the mainland to the east. The development of this mine is currently being slowed by environmental obstacles. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH POTEN'l'IAL The rate of population growth in Annette is relatively stable. Moderate population growth trends are expected. The 1979 population of 195 is projected to be 270 by the year 2000. Due to the Indian Reservation status, stimulus is minimal for migration to Annette (Metlakatla}, even if new economic developments occur. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER MP&L is an organized REA utilitYF long aware of the economic benefits of hydroelectric power. The Purple Lake hydroelectric plant currently gen- erates 82 percent of MB&L's annual energy and the utility has a pending FERC license application to reactivate Chester Lake1 it also looks for- ward to the development of Triangle Lake. The community would be inter- ested in Federal or state support of its hydroelectric development efforts. (Contacts: Mayor/City Manager r Solomon Atkinson and Russ Hayward of MP& L) • DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Annette power requirements and peak demand were determined by prorata assignment of r~L totals on a population percentage base~ MF&L data were supplied by Russ Hayward of MP&L and reflect energy usage and peak demand during the previous 12 months. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS No major new industrial load is expected at Annette in the foreseeable future. However, the population is expected to continue to grow as a suburb of Metlakatla at a rate of about 1.6 percent per year. With average-use-per-customer increasing by an average of 2 percent per year over the forecast period, Metlakatla Power and Light~s load at Annette is forecast to increase by an average of 3.6 percent per year. Peak loads are projected to reach about 1 megawatt in 2000 and about 2.6 MW in 2030. Annual energy requirements are forecast to increase to 5.3 million kilowatt hours in 2000 and 13.5 million kilowatt hours in 2030. 23 Cape Pole JUt Y 1979 25 CAPE POLE Logging Location~ Latitude~ 55"58' ~L I.ongit.ude~ 133@41~ W Southwest coast of Kosciusko Island Population: Field 1979: Year~round Projected, 2000: Year-round Projected, 2030g Year-round Present~ Future~ (diminishing) Field ~ 1979~ Projected, 2000g Projected, 2030: HISTORY ~.~-~ --""--' ----~ Season;;;.l Seasonal Seasonal owned ~~ Mud one lOO-kW small generators~ 125 M:vi {) kW ~~'"':.:'O-kW demand demand demand Timber the and lo9gin9 road for the last decade. have been cond:ucted In The logging activities hillve diminished from previous levels and the year-round and seasonal p;:>pula~ tion has decre'3.sed. ECONOl:UCS Cape Pole is in the Forest SerJ'ice e s K~tchikan The priwary and historic economic base is fishing is possible in services desirable to comrr~rcial storage, and cannery, are not established at alternative locations deveJ.,VIVWCH due co island St.ate land trary § and are not suff:u::iEmt of Cape Pole. 26 Q cold wi thin the sa.'Ura and geology limit such elections appear to have been .:u:bi~ to influence the economic gro~~h RESIDf<:NTIAL GROWTH PO'l'ENTIAL Most current residents are 20 to 35 years of age, employed by the U.s. Forest Service or the·logging camp. The logging operation is antici- pated to diminish to low levels within the next 8 to 10 years. During this period p residential population will likely stabilize at present levels without an apparent alternative economic baseo Since the logging camp is projected to close in about 10 years, the residential population is expected to migrate to other areas, reducing the population to near zero soon after 1990. The State of Alaska has selected land on the south side of Kosciusko in What appears to be an arbitrary evaluation of future community need. This stimulus for potential residential growth was not considered cer- tain enough to influence the population forecast for Cape Pole. COMMUNITY ATTI'ruDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The attitude at Cape Pole to hydroelectric power ranges from indifferent to positive. Since the bulk of available electric power is through Mud Bay Logging Company diesel generators, the cost of this power is not apparent to residents. Don Brown, the president of Mud Bay Logging, has a favoraple attitude toward any alternative to expensive dieselgenerator operations. DETE~1INATION OF PRESENT POWE~REQUrREMENTS Peak demand is about 125 kW and due to the seasonal limitations of the logging activities a load factor of 10 percent was used to estimate annual energy at 109,500 kWh per year. This is equivalent to about 11,000 gallons of fuel annually. Recorded data were not available and would be difficult to extract from company expense records. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS The power requirements for the logging operations and residential uses at Cape Pole are projected to remain at their current levels for the duration of Mud Bay Loggingls local timber harvest. Beginning in 1991, the community power requirements are projected to be reduced to zero as the logging company and its workers move out. 27 :~ Chatham JULY 1979 29 CHATHAM £ommunity Ty~~ Fish processing. abandoned cannery burned 1978 Field Survey, 1979~ Projected p 2000: Projectad f 2030: Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Present: None--cannery burned Februa~y 19780 -.~-~ .-.;:;.;;,-~ Future: Fish Q New Fish l:cm1=lan semi-autorrdted cannery in 1982. may rebuild 4.820-kWh annually. Field f 1979~ Projected~ 2000:* f 2030: One on~site watchman/caretaker and lighting~ 5~kW peak demand, projected for NEFCO future HIS'rORY Chatham was a small can.nery owned by New England Fish Company. The CelJ.'1- nary burned in 1978. on.e caretaker, Frank Wright, is in Ne~{ Fish Company is to be to reopen the can- nery in 1982. Plans for send-automating the operations will 30 to 50 workers be F€riod from June September. There are no nearby. v fish process and nea.rby contribute to the econolny of the area but 1f,)ould have little specific impact on seasonal economics at Chathamo Ii in the future Chatham contribute to the Tenakee economic base. 30 ;.;.;.;. RESID~;NTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL Lirn.it~fl residential land available. State land selections for future sale at Tenakee Springs will likely be more attractive for year-round residents. Some recreational cabin sites exist along Chatham inlet and more Inay be developed. The likelihood of any community development is SIl'.al1, other than a "company town i ! at the proposed NEFCO plant site. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER It is assumed that New England Fish Company would be in favor of any alternative to costly diesel generation. Due to the lack of current activity and the uncertain redevelopment at Chatham, NEFCO was not con- tacted for this study. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS The caretaker uses a small diesel generator at 5-kW peak, and estima.ted II-percent load factor for 4,820 kWh annually. There is subsistence refrigeration and lighting only. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Caretaker reports NEFCO had two 250-kW diesel generators prior to the 1978 fire, and the proposed cannery would require essentially the sameo Using a 625 .. kW installed capacity, a peak. demand of 500 kW and an esti- mated 40-percent annual load factor, the projected energy requirements are 1,750,000 kWh per year. This electrical output is projected to pro- vide enough power for the cannery operations plus the needs of the small company town that would be developed for the cannery workers. With no state land sales planned for the surrounding a'rea, no other commercial or residential development is expected. Therefore, the 500-kW peak de- mand and 1.75 million kilowatt-hour annual requirements are projected to remain unchanged throughout the study period. 31 JULY 1979 33 EDNA BAY Community Type: u.s. Forest Service "thinners" camps related to Cape Pole logging Location~ Latitude~ 55°57 1 N, Longitudeg 133@40~ W. Southeast of Y~sciusko Island Population (Year-Round): Field Survey. 1979~ 6 Projected y 2000~ 10 Projected s 2030: 10 Economic Base ~ Present: Logging. commercial and USl"S employment Fub~re~ Diminishing logging activities Existing Electric Power Equipment: None Community Electric Power Requirements: Field Survey, 1979~ Projected 6 2000~ Projected, 2030: HISTORY o 20,000 36.000 k~m/yr klrth/yr k~tJh/yr Edna Bay II/as originally a "picket" camp for Cape Pole logging operationso ECONOMICS '1'he economy is based on Cape Pole logging operations g the USI"Se and .Mud Bay Logging 0 COlmr,ercial fishing grounds offer another economic pot.sntial~ but it is limited. (See Econanics section for Cape Pole.) RESIDENTIAL GROWTH FDTENTIAL There are six residents present under a special USPS youth camping pe rmi t. 'I'hey work as thinners for the USF S. Limited economic pot.en tic.l in the a.rea minimizes residential growth potential ® This study fore'~ casts only 20 residents for the year. ,woo f despite st.a.te land selections for sale. (See Cape Pole.) COHMUNITY AT'l'ITUDE Tm'll'ARD HYDROELECTRIC PO'i'<l"ER Residents are positive and .;;mthu.siastic. despite the dearth of hydro~ electric sites n.ea.rby" Edna Bay residents are also interested in other al ternatl.Vf~ energy systems such 8.8 v,ina or solar generation. 34 DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS According to ~esident Debra Williams, there is currently no generation. PROJECTEO POWER REQUIREMENTS Based on the minimum population projection of 10 in the year 2000, and consumption similar to present "bush" diesel generator consumption, the . minimum annual energy requirement would be about· 20,000 kWh. Although Alaska state land sales are planned for about 300 to 500 acres in the Edna·Bay area, we do not forecast development during the study period. This is because no evidence was seen of development plans or any unique economic opportunities for the location. The area is not expected to draw retirement or recreational development on its own. Therefore 6 the load forecasts reflected a residential population of only 10 during the study period. Increases in average usage per consumer are forecast causing an increase in electricity consumption from 12 kW and 10,000 kilowatt-hours in 1990 to 40 kW and 36$000 kWh in 2030. 35 JULY 1979 37 ELFIN COVE Residential, fishing and fish services. Latitudez 58"'12~ No Northwest coast of Longitude~ 136e21~ w. ~ 1979: Year-round f 2000~ Year-round -~-- Projected g 2030: Year-round ---- Island at Cross Sound. Seasonal -~~­Seasonal Seasonal ~~~~ Present: Fishing and fishing services. Future: Same plus retirement and recreation homes. Exi Scattered 5 to 10 JeW residential diesels, store/restaurant/hotel and at lO-k'vi diesel for fuel Field Survey, 1979: -~'"--kWh!yr 50 kW demand ----.~ . .;;;;..;:..:~..;;..;.., kWh/yr _""""""-_ kWh/yr k~~ peak demand -.....,;;,.,,.;;.......-kW peak demand i 2000: Projected, 2030: Established just prior to 1930 as a support harbor, Elfin Cove is at snug and haven for of the Fairweather Grounds and Icy Straits. Several of the residents are and I' historically, has been at a rrodest rate. It has a stabl~:: self~reliant residents who the life of Ii coastal fishing comw~nity. services are the in Elfin Cove, is seasonal beccl.Use the close for the winter. tional and commercial The economy "'11.1 continue to in the future. There industrial in the area. H.ESID8N'1'IAL GRO'v~"'T!i P()'l'E.:NTIAL economic activities services depend on recrea'" are no for new 'I'he current of Elfin Cove is of 25 re3i·, dents and 60 seasonal residents. No new commercial or industrial 3..3 t.o spur economic grolPrth, but recreational and 38 fishing activity is forecast to cause the population to increase at arout 1 percent annually over the next 50 years. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER While the community recognizes the economic merits of hydroelectric power versus diesel generation, the emphasis in Elfin Cove has been on avoiding the need to formally organize the community. The importance of electricity, low co~t or otherwise f is not a high community priority. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS The present power requirements \'\Tere determined through observations and personal contacts While in Elfin Cove during the field survey 0 PROJECTED POWER ~UIREM.ENT.§· Increased fishing and recreational activity at Elfin Cove is projected to increase the population gradually by about 1 percent per year over the next 50 years. With average-usage'~per-consumer increasing at about 2 percent per year, the overall power requirements at Elfin Cove are projected to increase by about 3 percent per year from 50 kW and 130,000 kilowatt-hours per year in 1980 to 210kW and 540,000 kilowatt-hours per year in 2030. 39 Excursion Inlet JULY 1919 :£ 41 Cormnunity Type: EXCURSION INLET fish processing plant and Excursion Inlet Packin.g Company Location~ Latit~de 58°25~ N. Lcngitude~ 135@26' W. On Excursion InIet 40 miles northwest of Juneau Papulation ~ .. Field surveYr 1979: Year=round --::---Projected p 2000~ Year-round ___ 5 __ 2 Projected; 2030: Year-round 5 -,;;;,....,~ Economic Ease: Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Present: Fish Future ~ Same;: of fish ~~-- Diesel generators: one 200 kW for 2,225 kW burning equipmenti one two 600 one NP, and Ip625 kW and one 350-hp "cooker'; steam rJOilers. Field Survey, 1979: Projected$ 2000: Projected f 2030: HIS'f'ORY ~coo ktm/yr kWh/yr kv..'h/yr The cannery and fish operatior.: at Excursion Inlet has been growing throughout the last two decadesu It is now the in the area and is a sel.f-contained community in the sumlller ECONOM.ICS Xli' appears to be very ecol'lor.;ically successfu.l despit.e floating fish processors, The 200~mile limit extension control should affect XIi? A neVi diesel was noted d~ring the field surv,;;}'", expansion construction work is in p;::ogr6iss" as "Jell as a fish processing GROvITt! POTEN'I'IAL Minh~um growth of casts for seasonal company residents is anticipated 'rIle ~rorkers dre modest and reflect duction increases due to increase!:! automation in the future. 42 Other ne'l;q le",-el of fore- p.ro~ COMMUNITY A',{'TITUDE TOW~RD HYDROELECTRIC P\")WER XIP would have a positive attitude tOlMard displacing expensive diesel fuel with hydro. Present usage is valued at about $100,000/year elec- trical and $30,OOO/year in boiler fueL DE'l'ERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER RES<UI~EM.ENTS . XIP superint.endent, R. Syre, was not available during the on-site visits In a telephone contact 1 Mr. syre listed unit sizes of new and "old" diesels ruld indicated summer peak season electric fuel consumption of 10,000 gallons per week. This corresponds t.O an average summer load of about 770 k\y for the months of June through Sep.tember. S~mrner electric energy would be 2 r 215,OOO kWh, diminishing to winter caretaker require- ments of only 12,000 kWh total. XIP uses an additional 3.000 gallons per 'Week of boiler fuel.for cooking operations in summer. Mi:. Syre estima.ted a 1979 peak demand of 1,500 kW. PROJEC'l.'EO POWER REQUIREMENTS XIP is projected to continue its successful operations and gradual in- crease in production for the foreseeable future. Although 300 to 500 acres of state land are planned to be sold over the next decade and the area is fairly scenic, we expect only minimal growth in the number of pennanent residents. This is because the presence of the XIP fish pro- cessin9 plant will make the area relatively unattractive for retirement and recreational development. Therefore, Excursion Inlet loads are pro- jected to increase only in relation to the size of and labor require- ments for the XIP plant. An average annual increase of 1.5 percent will change the peak demand from 1.5 MW and 2.2 million kilowatt-hours in 1980 to 2 megawatts and 3 million kilowatt-hours in 2000 and to 3.1 megawatts and 4.7 million kilowatt-hours in 2030. 43 JULY 1979 45 FUN'l'ER BAY Residential. Retirement and recreational cabin c:om~ with some fishing activity. West. coast of M.ansfield Peninsula? north of Island Year~round Field Survey, 1979~ Projected, 2000~ ected e 2030: Year-round -'":""::--Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Year~round Present: Future~ retirement and recreational homeso Fishing& retirement and recreational homes~ Pield Survey, 1979: Projected, 2000: ~ 2030: HIS'!'ORY kv.b/yr kv.'h/yr Scattered srr.all (5 to 10 kW) rElsi- -~-- kt'J peak demand kW demand kW demand :3'unter Bay 1.8 a, harbor frequented by Chatham and :isher:nen, It:. once had al') active cannery, it is a :cesidential retirernent: corrnm,mity wit:h air and boat recreational traffic from Juneau and other smaller communities. Commercial and recreational ",t Funtsr development. There is no RESIDl<~NTIAL GRO\'J'l'H PO'!'ENTIAL runt,er currently has 14 t:hough there are no state land and recreational is increase at about 1 f~rcent per year. 16 limited seasonal planned commercial 01:' industrial and 23 seasonal residents. Al~ for the area! retirement cause the to Cor'lMUNITY A'I'TlTUDI!; TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC !>OWER There is a very positive attitude. The rapidly escalating cost of diesel fuel is an economic hardship to the fixed income retired families that populate the area. One concern is that the population is physical- ly disbursed around the bay and the aesthetics of any distribution system would be a community concern. DETERtUNATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMEN'!2 Residents Blanch and Jim Doyle at Punter Bay provided this information during the field survey_ Typical residential generators are 10 kW or smaller. Annual diesel gen- erator fueling indicates that energy consumption is about 4,000 kWh per household. PROJEC'l'EO POHERBEQUIREMENTS As described above. Funter Bay economic development will consist of rec- reational and retirement investments for the foreseeable future. No major commercial or industrial activity is planned. Therefore, based on increases in population of 1 percent per year and average usage of 2 percent per year, the overall power requirements at Funter Bay are projected to increase by 3 percent per year from 30 kW and 40,000 kilo- watt-hours in 1980 to 135 kW and 175,000 kWh in 2030. 47 i:@ Gustavus JULY 1979 49 GUSTAVUS Residential" Located adjacent to the state and bounded by Glacier l1onument. Growing oom~~nity with eoonomic base related to nearby Bartlett National Park Se.'rV= ice : and fishing. Field Survey, 1979~ Year~round -~~- Seasonal Seasonal t 2000~ Year-round '"'""::~--Seasonal .....;.----projected, 2030: Present: Fishing, support services to Glacier Bay Monument. seasonal of residents away from Gustavus$ Future: Same and construction of recreational and retirement homes and commercial establishments. Exi Gustavus~Alaska. At Bartlett Cove-(NPS} and one 40~kW diesel Field Survey, 1979: 600,000 kW'n/yr 13 kW peak demand Field i 1979~ SOOfOOO k\\'h/yr PrQjected~ 2000; f 2030: kWh/y:r kW peak demand 1y an agricultural homestead in the 1900!s~ Gustavus has slowly evolved to a community of younger rural residents who have settled around the Gust.avus , a rJorld War II mili= project similar to Yakutat, nmol serves Glacier National ~ionument wi th twice service. The is historically self-reliant and bu'C the f}ffect of annual tourist traffic of 12 .. 000!!md coming stat'S la.nd sales in the area is sure to bring economic and demo~ graphic changes. -' ECONOMICS The economics of Gustavus are based on limited fishing and agriculture g supp)rt services to ship and air tourist traffic, supplemental income to residents from seasonal employment outside the communityp and support services to retired and recreational property owners. An amphibious air service is based at Gustavus airport and a general store is planned for a 1979-80 opening. RESIJ)t<~NTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL Pending state land sales f the relative lUXUry of jet air service via Juneau and the general desirability of the Monument region for recrea- tional and retirement residence will likely cause rapid growth of the area. Population growth is projected to average 2.3 percent per year throughout the study period, reaching an average population of 550 in 2030. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The State of Alaska (DOT) operates the Gustavus Airport and supplies limited power to private consumers along a 3-mile distribution system near the airport at a July 1979 rate of 31¢/kWh. Some commercial and private consumers near Gustavus have a positive attitude toward cheaper hydroelectric power, but others are opposed to "any organizing" effort. The Falls C~eek hydroelectric site is located within Glacier Bay National Monument and a discussion with Chief Ranger J. Chapman indicated the NPS would consider merits of a project compatible with policies of the NPS. m~'rERMINATION OF PRES EN'!' POWER REr,JUIREMENTS The DOT airport has peak consumer loads from 40 kW in the summer to 85 kW in the winter. This is in addition to airport requirements such as lights and navigation aid.s. Gustavus has an approximate annual load factor of 50 percent and Bartlett has a 60 percent annual load factor. PROJEC'l'EO POWER REQUIREMENTS Gustavus is desirable as a recreational and retirement residence because of its scenic beauty. The state of Alaska is expected to make over 1,000 acres available through its state land sales program. While no major industrial or commercial developnent is expected, it is very likely that tourism and residential development will continue to grow. The population is projected to have an annual average growth rate of 2.3-percent for the foreseeable future. Assuming that the average-use- per~consumer will increase an average of 2 percent per year, peak de- mands should grow from 285 kW in 1980 to 660 kW in 2000 and 2,300 kW in 2030 for the combined communities of Gustavus and Bartlett. Correspond~ ingly, annual energy requirements are expected to grow from 1.4 million kilowatt-hours in 1980 to 302 million hours in 2000 and 11.5 million kilowatt-hours in 2030. 51 Haines JULY 1979 53 I::~ield HAINES Residential" Economic base is lu~r~ fishingg and tourism. Close economic and support service ties to Haines highway terminus. Latitude: 59~14! N. Longitude~ 135@26 8 w. Chilkoot Northern L)~n Canal , 1979: Present: t lumber, tourism services@ shipping Future: Same with oil-and gas-related development Haines Light and Power Company (HEL&P). 200~kW one 300~kW FM; one 600-kW Field I 1979: PI'ojected, 2000: Projected, 2030: HISTORY Origin<llly a coastal access and Indians, Haines was established as a 1800' s. It was a j off point as was The U.S. \>Ihieh was deactivated in 1946. and one 2070-kW FM~ 2,050 kW peak demand 10,300 kW peak demand 103,000 kW peak demand outpost for interior Alaska Presbyterian Mission in the late for the turn of the century gold established Fort Seward in 1904 Haines and Port Chilkoot (Fort t-J. H. Seward) merged in 1970. Since the establishment of the Alaska r· ... arine Highway, Haines has ser,red Highway f ¥~hich links up with the Baines is in a severe economic depression fiith Until j the Schnal:Jle Mill. ',Jas a significan.t of the economic base of Haines. E;nvJ_ronrnental conflicts over Chilkoot eagle at:"eas and related federal legislation have caused at least suspension of the 1 Political solutions are at the state lev~lf vJhich may restore operations soon., 54 Tourism contributes to the economy through the state ferry and cruiee- ship operations and the support services to Haines Highway traffic~ L~ airlines actively serves Haines, Skagway, and Juneau, with passenger and light freight traffico C~~rcial fishing makes an economic contribu- tion, and mining, Which was of historic importance, may contribute to future econo~ics. The proposed Northwest Gas Pipeline to Prudhoe Bay via the Alcan Highway will undoubtedly impact Haines as a materials and equipment transshipment depot in the 1980's. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL The economic depression in Haines is assumed to be temporary. A modest~ permanent residential increase commensurate with Haines' history is probable. The possible effect of a "roan" of temporal:Y residents and support services on gas pipeline construction proposed along the Alcan HighwaYf 159 miles northeast of Haines,. is difficult to assess. In any event, community electric generating f~cilities would be constructed on a capital investment base related to stable population. Interim demands would likely be met with expensive diesel generation, a move that would be inconsistent with planned community qrClWth* COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROPOt~R The Haines community now pa.ys an average conswner rate of 1 l¢/kWh , Which includes a fuel surcharge of 2¢/kWh (July 1979). A rate increase appli- cation is now before the Alaska PUC. In 1979 the price of fuel oil rapidly escalated from. 49¢ per gallon in January to 62¢ per gallon in July, or a rate of escalation of approxi- mately 53 percent per year for 1919. AEL&P of Juneau purchased Haines Light and Power in September of 1978. AEI&P is a long established Juneau electric utility with a management well aware of the economics of hydroelectric versus diesel generation, and would view favorably eco- nomic hydroelectric project pursuits. PresentlY8 a wood-waste steam turbine experiment is being developed at the Schnable mill to augment area electric generationo DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER ~UlREMENTS The current power requirements for Haines were dete:rm.:lned from records of the local utility. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS The current economic slow-down in Haines is assumed to be temporary 6 emd a return to the canmunity's historical growth pattern is more than continued economic stagnation. For the purposes of this study: the Baines load forecast made by its utility sqpplier, Haines Light and Power Company was adopted. This lo-year load forecast also asswued continued growth of the Haines economy with overall electric load growth averaging 8 percent per year. This growth rate was used for the entire s rudy period. 55 HYDROELECTRIC The Alaska Power Authority is currently conducting a study of "alternative generation for Haines/Skag'lrlaylll with considerw:lle emphasis on hyd.roelectric in the area and the merits of a possible electric intertie of the two communities. Hamilton Bay JULY 1979 57 HA-MILTON BAY Communi ty Type: residential. Latitude: 56 Q 59 i N. ~ 1.33~57 ~ ~1. On northwest coast of Kupreanof Island f communit.y of Kaka. & 1979~ p 2000z H 2030: Econ.omic Base ~ Year-roundg Year-round: Year-round~ Present~ I limited Future: Logging e limited fishing, and recreation. backup power. Field SurveYf 1979: ~ 2000: e 2030: Hamilton is 'l'HREA CoopE:rative cooperatives supplies H~~ilton Harnllton Bay has one on-site diesel u.r;it for -~,,;;..,... kW peak demand kW demand kW paak demand comrm.:m:i.ty established in recent yea:i::s at. to Kake Indian The Sodel'.:"= 8 to 10 years ~ logging in the ars.~. in Hax"ilton lit 1?:;C0~ There is also soms vides ~~ployment recreational act in the area. The of HatYlil ?:.on iF; level of 125 until when 1~he inates. After 1990 e the imately 50 residents. 58 at the current contract t.erm·~ to d~crease to approx= ~:;;-.'. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The attitude is very positive toward developing hydroelectric power sources. Soderberg logging is dissatisfied with quality and cost (27¢/ kWh) of THREA power from Kake. Soderberg expects a rate increase soon. In addition to electric power, fuel consumption for heating at Hamilton Bay camp is approximately 60,000 gallons/year at July 1979 prices of 70¢/gallon. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIRF.MENTS Present power requirements were estimated on the basis of discussions with Hazel Soderberg and Patrick Ena of Soderberg Logging at Hamilton Bay during the field survey. Individual camp metering has not been totaled at Hamilton Bay. Load factors have been estimated. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS While the Soderberg Logging Company continues its operations over the next 10 years, electric loads at Hamilton are expected to remain at about their current level of 200 kW and 300,000 kilowatt-hours per year$ With the closure of the logging camp in about 1990, population is ex- pected to drop to about 50, and the annual energy requirements are projected to be reduced to 80 kW and 120,000 kilowatt-hours. There- after, the population is expected to remain essentially level at about 50 residents with their economic livelihood coming from fi.shing and recreational services. With average use per household expected to increase by about 2 percent per year, the electric load for these 50 residents is expected to increase from 80 kW and 120 6 000 ki.lowatt-hours in 1991 to 180 kW and 270,000 kWh in 2030. 59 Hawk Inlet JULY 1979 61 Community 'rYE::: HAWK INLET Abandoned cannery (Dillingham Native COl::poI'ation) f which burned 1976. Latitude~ 59°08' N Northwest coast of Longitude: 134@4S e W Islande Field SurveY6 1979g Projected p 2000~ p 2030: Present: None. Future~ Year-round: Yeax~round: Year=round~ One 6 kW diesel Field Survey, 1979~ Projected g 2000: , 2030: Hawk Inlet is an abandoned cannery which burned in 1976. There are cUr- rently tvlO caretakers on the site. It is owned by the N,,,tive Corporation. There are no to reopen. Nora.nda rtining is Hawk Inlet as an base. Noranda has no definite for publio disolosure at this time. POTEN'I':u...L The cuxrent population of 2 ment is o. t that leVel dramatical No is at this time, the 2030. Howe',.rer, a change the economic 1.1e to increase to 20 1990 ,'is: the future of mining develop~ is to renl.ail1 strike at Hawk Inlet ~;:;ould of the area~ DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Power requirements were dete11mined from estimates given caretaker of Hawk Inlet. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Art Berthold, As mentioned above f economic development at Hawk Inlet is directly dependent on the success of Noranda Mining 8 s mineral exploration in the area. Future energy requirements are also obviously on the success of these exploration activities. Some limited success assumed which will require about 20 miners at Hawk Inlet. This would increase the current load by about tenfold and then increase by about 2 percent thereafter to levels of 50 kW and 120,000 k~fu in year 2000 and 90 kW and 220,000 kWh in 2030. 63 Hyder JULY 1919 65 HYDER Residential community 0 Provides support servicel; to and in nea my p communi ty of St,~wart 5 British Columbia. Location: Latitude: 55°55' N " 130°C2 F W Head of Portland Canal at the Alaska/British Colwnbia border. Field I 1979z Projected, 2000: , 2030~ Year=Round~ Year-Rou.nd: Year-Rol.IDd~ Present~ services to B.C.f small logging, Sl:llall agri= cultural employment y and recreation. Future~ Same, resurgence in mining stewart, BeC. 1ata available. B.C. hydropower to .In €lId e 1979 ~ ~rojected~ 2000: i?ro ! 2030: :i IS TORY ~arly of and gold, and silver mining. A fire has been rebuilt as a and logging activities g and the 75. gCONOMICS None. Diesel electric power is pur~ plant in Stewart, B~C. No equipwlnt to be T-line for B • Co; evolved around copper ~ zine:; e destroyed most of in lS490 The residential area with light is :stahle at ap.prox~ is tied to ·that of BoC. Stewart~$ has diminished in recent years but is ':0 have new from the renewed interest in Gran Due Mining o.Perations. In addition, Stewart is the terminus of the recently COI'Ii= pleted Cassiar Highway which t.he Alcan Highway at Watson Lake in the YuY~n As a Stewart is to grow as a k~rt 66 for commerce between the Canadian interior and its coastal trading . partners. In addition to its economic ties to Stewart, Hyderls economic base also includes retirement and recreational activities, as well as a small logging operation, Glenn Willis Logging. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL Hyder's present population of 75 is projected to increase to 200 in 2030. The projected increase is based on the assumption that StewartGs economy will continue to expand as it becomes more of a trade center, and retirement and recreational development continues in Hyder. If state land sales were to he made available at or near Hyder, there would probably be a faster growth in population. However, no state land sales are planned at this time. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The attitude is positive. The Davis River hydroelectric project was planned and seriously investigated in the early 1900's. However, the alternative energy cost of being supplied by Stewart w as is the present case would present a diminishing return for hydro investment on the U08. side of the border. B.C. Hydro is rumored to be considering a transmis- sion line to the community to provide interior Canada hydropower to dis- place Stewart diesel generation. Hyder has no rights to this energy, but the two cow~unities have historically had excellent cooperation, and Hyder would likely have any power available, at a reasonable cost, that Stewart can provide. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Estimated from information obtained at Hyder during field survey. Data for the B.C. Hydro diesel generation at stewart are not available. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Although logging, mining, and tourism are projected to remain strong, no new major commercial or industrial load was found to be planned for Hyder. Loads will therefore continue to grow about in line with popula- tion growth plus 2 percent per year for increase in average usage per consumer. Hyder's loads are expected to grow from about 150 kW in 1980 to 385 kW in 2000 and 990 kW in 2030. 67 Kupreanof JULY 1919 69 £9mmunity Type~ KUPREANOF baSEr ccmmunity of Latitude ~ 56 G 49 iN: 133<lOl ~ W East Island at northern end of Wrangell Nal'rowB. Field Surveyg 1979: Year~Round: 50 0 2000~ Year-Round~ ? 2030: Year-Round~ Economic Base~ Presentg Employment in Petersburg g and Future: Employment in Petersburg g and A few small to 10 kW} Fteld Survey. 1979: i 2000: e 2030: a residential suburb of PetersvJrg, was made an incorporated second-class in 1975 through the efforts of its re!si- dents. It has a for avoiding itan values and organizatione The economy is based or. Petersburg or outside area PO'I'ENrl'Ip,L in The aesthetic to the population and t.he basis of th~! 3. increase. State lan.d s",les are e:ll:~" to help facilitate this growth" About 200 acres are planned to be sold by t.he state of JUas}'-l~. '1"'1'16 current of 50 is e~(~' to inorease to 270 by 2030. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The community's attitude has not been determined. Options would be to intertie by submarine cable with Petersburg, which currently has a mix of diesel and hydro generation and is pursuing a major hydro project (Tyee Lake). DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENT~ Power requirements were estimated by comparing Kupreanof to similar communities. The field survey party was unable to visit this community during the study. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Kupreanofis aesthetic qualities, as well as its proximity to employ~~nt opportunities in neighboring Petersburg, are expected to cause Kupreanof's population to expand at a tela.tively rapid rate. This expansion will be contained somewhat the restrictive land use planned for this area by the u.s. Forest Service. With no major commercial or industrial plans for the area, future loads will be primarily for residential and small cammercial uses. These are expected to grow at an average of 545 per- cent per year over the study period based on a 3.4 percent population increase and an increase in average use per household of about 2 percent per year. Peak demands are projected to increase from 30 kW in 1980 to 90 kW in 2000 and 450 kW in 2030. Similarly, annual energy requirements are expected to increase from 40~OOO kilowatt-hours in 1980 to 115,000 kilowatt-hours in 2000 and 570,000 kilowatt-hours in 2030. 71 JULY 1979 73 A native community comprised of over 80% Tsimshian, ? and Haida Indians. It has been a f'ar Nativ~ peoplas to reside ever since its founding. Metlakatla is located on Annette 16 nautical miles south of Ket.chikan. rield SurveYe 1979: Projected, 2000: e 2030: Year-round . Year-round Year~rou!1d Present: fishing i and fish E'uture: Fish and timber Annette. approximately 15 diesel}. Metlakatla Power and Light serve~1 the REA electric utility. In 1978, !.IWL !llillion kWh (82 hydroelectr:i.ct 18 ~ 2030~ 15,000,000 52,000.000 224,000,000 ktih/yr 4,000,000 kW 14,000,000 leW 60,000,000 kW peak dema.."1d demand demand r.1etlakatla was established in 1887 !i'ather William Ounc&'l. He led a reI migration of Tsimshian Indians from British Canad.a to Annette Island as the result of a with the A.nglir.:an Church. The new residents constructed a organized with a sa1:f1'<lill and a cannery for salmon to e.mplo;;rment. The cannery and sawmill continue to In 1891, the Island became a land gzant resex:vation with the citizem; of Metlakatla holding the title. E(x}NOMICS The existing economic base Metlakatla is indUl;~ tries tha.t are growo development h"Hi' beg"un on the island is to cont:inue 0 should have an effect in the future, 74 RESIDENTIAL GROWTH The projected population increase fram 1,300 in 1980 to 3,550 in 2030 is based on the fact that the community's economy is expected to increase in the future. The fish hatchery that is being developed and,the pro- posed cedar mill will have a ive effect on increasing the popula~ tion of the town. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWAIID. HYDROELECTRIC POWER MP&L is an organ REA utility, long aware of the economic benefits of hydroelectric power. The Purple Lake hydroelectric plant currently generates 82 percent of MP&L's annual energy and the utility has a pending FERC license application to reactivate Chester Lake, it also looks forward to the development of Triangle Lake. The community would be interested Federal or state support of its hydroelectric develop- ment efforts. (Contacts: Mayor/City Manager, Solomon Atkinson and Russ Hayward of MP&L). DETERMINATION OF PRESEN~ POWER REQUIREMENTS Metlakatla Power and Light data e supplied by Russ Hayward, provided information on energy usage 8.nd peak demand. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS The load forecast for Metlakatla is made on the basis of the 10 year population projection included in Metlakatla Power and Light's Powe~ Requirements studX submitted to the U.S. Rural Electrification Admin- istration in April 1977. The projected 10 year growth rate was extra- polated from the remaining years in the 1980-2030 forecast period. 75 Meyers Chuck JULY 1979 77 MEYERS CHUCK A retirement Latitude~ 55"44 1 N ~ 132"'15&W Southwest coast of the Cleveland PeninsuliS. Field Q 1979: Year-round 2000~ Year~rou.nd 2030: Year~round Presenb F'ishing a fish buying I Fut~re~ Same p plus logging services. Field HISTORY e 1979: 2000: G 2030: Scattered small (6 to 12 kW) res:L~ A site of fishing supp::lrt and fish activities since 1911 Chuck has had population fluctuations from near zero to 150 the height of SUK~er activity. The present popu tlon of about 60 residents appears to be growing at a modest rate The economic base of fish buying " and st'.pport for i;:;hc retired residents ,,<ill continue. There is some poterttial for recreational home construction. The USFS activities in the area ",,,,,oH;.t;:. 0]: Creek lTIay have an econ.omic GRO\iTH POTENTIAL The is forecast to increase frOlil the present level 125 in 2030. This projection was based on the assumption that fish trade Q,nd ::ecreation&l home l:']i11 continue to caUBe t.he 1960-79 grm~th trend to Gont:irmli:; for. t.he fores\,,;eable tutu.lee. 78 COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROPOWER The community has attitudes varying from indifferent to positive regard- ing hydroelectric generation development. There is some history of investigating nearby sites which have been judged marginal the com- munity. As in several of the self-reliant and independent communities, the price of lower cost electric power, when weighed against possible disturbances in living patterns, is viewed with questionable merit. Meyers Chuck and Elfin Cove are very comparable in community attitude toward hydroelectric development and potential. . DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER R~UIREMENTS Present power requirements were estimated on the basis of contact with R. Meyer, Sr. and and R. Meyer~ Jr., and others at Meyers Chuck during the field survey. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS With population projected to average a 1.S-percent annual growth coupled with an average 2·~percent annual increase in electric use per consumer, electric power requirements at Meyers Chuck are projected to grow by an average of 3.5 percent per year throughout the forecast period. Under these conditions, the load will grow from 30 kW in 1980 to 170 kW in 2030. Annual power requirements will increase from 60,000 kilowatt-hours per year to 335,000 kilowatt-hours per year. 79 Point Baker JULY 1919 81 POINT BAKER/PORT PROTECTION ::::ommunity Type: Residential. Fisheries and economic :baSE~ Nearby similar sized cOt.tumJ.nity of Port Protect.ion has close economic tieo Location: Latitude~ 56@21 e N longitude: 133@37 9 W Extreme northwest coast of Prince of Wales Island. Population:'" Field Survey, 1979~ Year=round Projected, 2000: Year-round Projected, 2030: Year-round Present: and logging. Future: 8 logging v and recreation. Existing Electric Power Equipmen_t:,: Scattered small residential aT . .,i generators. Field Survey, 1979~ Projected, 2000: Projected, 2030: * Includes Port Protection. HISTORY 1"" summer base since the 1930' s and a winter residence for (!;. few hardy fishermen.v Point Baker has grown steadily to a of around 75. The nearby community of Port Protection on Point Baker for support services. In recent years r Point Baker residents have earned a reputation for opposing activities, which some believe are not with flsheries or the rural l:Lfe patterns of the ECONOMICS Point Baker and Port Protection almost on 'the and related industries for th~ir livelihood. Lo::Jging aotiv:i.ties for the most p h"W8 been directed to other areas. '!'here ts tial for increased recreation in the area. 82 RESIDENTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL The present total population of 75 is forecast to increase to 175 by 2030. This projection is based on the assumption that the fishing industry and the natural aesthetic quality of the communities will continue to attract people at an annual rate of 1.5 to 2.0 percent. About 100 acres in planned state land sales in the area should support such a growth rate. COMMUNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER Smaller projects that would displace expensive diesel fuel 'WOuld likely be viewed favorably. Disturbance of community patterns of living and/or a requirement to organize the community for hydroelectric power develop- ment would likely be opposed. Point Baker residents have a reputation for independence and objection to arbitrary outside interference. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMEN~~ Estimates were based on contacts at Point Baker during the field survey. Community load factors are not precisely determined. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS The power requirements forecast for the Point Baker/Port Protec~ion area assume that local residents are successful in diverting a logging com- pany from establishing a camp at or near these communities. Future loads at Point Baker and Port Protection will therefore continue to be primarily residential. These loads· are projected to grow at an average of 3.7 percent per year based on a 1.7~percent population increase and a 2.0-percent annual increase in the average usage per household. Under these conditions, the overall load will grow from 60 kW in 1980 to 370 kW in 2030. 83 Port Alexander JULY 1979 85 PORT ALEXANDER Residential p and fish processing. Latitude~ 56~15~N Southeast Baranof Island 6 near Cape Field Surveyv 1979: Year-round :?rojected g 2000: Year-round ?rojected f 2030: Year-round Present~ F'uture: g cold f cold 75 150 ----420 Pelican Cold diesel # and one 30-kW ~~it for winter use~ No }~wer is sold to Port Alexander residents from Pelican Cold Storage. HISTORY , 2030~ 55,000 kt'Jh/yr 160 p OOO kWh/yr 820~OOO fishing center of historical much Port "Alex" was an established seasonal comnlul'1ity A decline in the , for reasons not agreed upon~ has left the a haven for a younger with the typically self-reliant and makeup of southeast rural residents. l'ish buying v~'hitney of Petersburg and fish buying and cold storage Pelican Cold Sl.liJPort services to such as consumer air charter services e fuel, etc. Port Alexander has the for residential £lecent hist-:)rical growth trends have than avera,gsQ and fish cold and a fish are considered for t:he areao 'l'hese factors, combined with potential state land sale,s; are t:he basis for a growth from the current number of 75 to 420 in 2030. 86 .-:-,: . .: .. ; ..... COM~ruNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER Residents are interested but not enthusiastic. Interest is primarily in the possibility of eliminating "noise~ from the Pelican Cold Storage diesel operations. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Pelican Cold representative Charles Donning at Port Alexander provided present power estimates. PROJECTED PO~~R REQUIREMENTS Port Alexander's electrical requirements are projected to in- crease at an average of about 5.6 percent per year. This forecast is based on expanded and fish processing as well as the potential for a fish hatchery at or near Port Alexander. The 5.6-per- cent growth rate was derived from the projected population increase of 3.5 percent per year and an increase in average use per customer of 2.0 percent per year. 87 :::::-:-- Rowan Bay JUlY 1979 89 ROWAN BAY center for Kuiu Island. istrative center a Stikine area& level, or longer. Ell:panding USFS admin= Futur€! Latitude~ 56°40 EN Northwest coast of Kuiu Island ?opulation~ Field survey, 1979: :;:>rojected, 2000: ?rojected§ 2030 Year-round 40 --~-Year-round Year-round -~~- :?resent: Logging and USE1S support. Seasonal 200 Seasonal 250 Seasonal -=~2~5~0~ ::ruture~ Logging? USFS adminis'crative center. installation. :neld SurveYa 1979~ G 2000: I 2030, ::<owcm Bay ha.s been established as a ,::!xecuted 'itJithin the last decade, No to this. ::::CONOblICS one 2!50=kW 8 one 275~kw Cummiui!! on ordsr~ 225 kW 415 kW ~7"""'5"""'5-kW defllilnd derm,and dent~.nd bilse through US~'S C!)ntri:tcts settlement: e:l!:isted :Viua Bay LO~:lging is a major Southeast Alaska 'I'he Nud Bay Logging contract is a 50·~year contract for Kuiu Island. <;>.ctivity on this contract vlill likely extend to 20 years or more. PJ:r~ran will likely be the hub of activity for: logging and th~, USPS currently that Rowan '(r-i'ill become a key administ,rative cenb,,,;t for increasing USFS pexsonfle.l? contact;, John Buittvile, Q Stikine area a Petersburg.} AT'lTrctDE The community!s attItude is very :~ound diesel opera.tion with 90 a yea.r=- lSni loading of 175 kW and is currently expending about $400 per week on diesel electric fuel (74¢/gallon at Rowan, July 1979). The Stikine supervisor of the USFS suggested the site for investigation by the field party based on Rowan Bay power need, contract longevityp and planned expansion of USFS operations from the base of Rowan Bay~ DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER R?QUIREMENTS Don Brown, President of Mud Bay Logging at Rowan Bay, provided present power requirements during the field survey. The above-described $400/week summer fueling would reflect about 300,000 kWh/year. The annual peak is estimated to be 225 kW. If the annual energy and demand estimates are correct, the annual load factor is only about 14 percent. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Mud Bay Logging Company is projected to maintain its current level of logging and timber activity at Rowan Bay throughout its 50-year USFS contract period. In addition, some growth in loads is expected to stem from USFS development of an operation center at Rowan Bay over the next 10 years. No state land sales are planned, and the area is relatively unattractive for retirement and recreational development. Based on these factors, the annual energy requirements at Rowan Bay are forecast to be over 1 million kWh by 2030. f:7lA- -~-~"-~~-~""'~." @u-k. Aho 91 Skagway JULY ,979 93 SKP.GWAY Residential. Economic base in fishing; and road and railroad acce1SS to northern British Columbia and Territoryf Canada r which lacks seaports. Potential gas and oil rela:ted developments. Latitude~ 59 c 27 i N g 135~19'W North Northern L}~n Canal Field Surveys 1979: Year~round ;WOO~ Present~ Transportation? tourism. Future: Transportation" tourism. diesel) • , 2030~ HISTORY f the oldest lUa ska Pawe r Iii Annual eneryj' kv.'h (25 percent 18400 :!tW 48500 kW 25 6 000 kW in Alaska~ is Comp8.ny. for 12 monthr;; demand demand demand the turn of the century t~lite Pass-Yukon railroad. the building and of t,he 20~COO the gold under 900 1.n recent years. ECONOMICS '3 population once reached as high as but has been relatively stable at just and tourism form ~ s economic oase< 'I'he railrocld hauls lead-zinc concentrate~ silver-lead~zinc concentrate 6 asbestos, and Gopl:1er ore from the Yukon to a tide'irJa ter ore handling ~A,'hich is designed to aCCOmlt1cj\:'iate 35.000~ton ore came from the W:'1ite Pass Railroad, which also oarries sumrne:r traffic of tourists and autos to Cavcross and ~"-hitehorse$ Yuke'n The Highway has been ~td opened in 1979. the railroad and may stimulate touriSD:l. The construction of the proposed Northwest Gas Pipeline along the Alcan Highway will impact SkagwayOs economy. Another consideration is a proposal for a possible tanker-pipeline oil route to interior Canada via Skagway, an idea which has not yet been completely defined. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH POTENTIAL A modest growth in permanent residents is anticipated on the basis of the present economic structure. Consideration of the impact of Alcan gas line construction in the 1980 l s would parallel the comments for Haines. (See Haines page 56.) The population projection shown above is based on that provided in the Tongass Land Management_Plan Environmental Impact Statement, Part 1. COMMUNITY ATTI'rllDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER The community utility, AP&TCo, presently generates 75 percent of the annual energy for Skagway by hydroelectric generation. It is safe to assume the utility and corr~unity would prefer 100 percent hydroelectric power, as a fuel surcharge of 1.05¢/kWh is charged for that portion now diesel-generated. This is due to the same rapid 1979 escalation of fuel prices cited for Haines, and is approximately equivalent to a 53 percent ,Per year rate of rise. AP& Teo has had an application before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a number of years to develop a second unit at Duey Lake (Minor Application No. 1051). PERC is delaying action for unknown reasons. DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Power requirements were determined by contacting the mayor of Skagway during the field survey. and reviewing generation records supplied to consumers as the July 1979 fuel surch.arge validation. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS As described above, w(~ have adopted the load forecast made for Skagway by its utility supplier, Alaska Power and Telephone. This lO-year load forecast assumes continued growth of the Skagway economy; with overall electric load growth averaging 6 percent per year. This growth rate was extrapolated for the entire study period. 95 Tenakee Springs JULY 1979 97 1892-81 TENAKEE SPRINGS fish processing, and retiX"ement tourism. Location: Latitude: 57 Q 42 1 N 'I'enakee Inlet east of Field Survey~ 1979g Year~round Projected c 2000~ Year~round 2030~ Year-round Economic Base: Seasonal 200 -'---Seasonal 240 Seasonal 320 Present ~ Fish , tourism ) G logging ~ retireruent residents, support services. Future~ Sarne; recreational cabins. 100-kW Caterpillar diesel genera:tor ~ company sel small power over 3~phal:ie 10'<1.1- F'ield Survey f 1979: Projected t 2000: Projected f 2030: distribution~ 4201'000 780,000 1,,900,000 kWh/:rr 'renakee historic hot Indians and established in the area known delml'1d demand de::oo.nd and the years. cannery have gone over In recent times p Tenakee has been known as a retirement camrr~nity with a smal in funds from few years. ECONmucs amd tourism base. !J b.av€: Fishing and tourism have becoIr,e the ii1dustries in '!'enMee ings since the T'otem Seafood cannery closed in 1974. Corr.murdty services exist to serve the retired residents and the tourists. Tenakee ha.s become a 'port for t.he Alaska Ma.rine ferry (foot passengers 5 which \'Jil.1 increase tourist tl.'ade in the futuyso M hl Log Company and 8i1 ver Bay do in the Tenakee Spring area. 98 RESIDENTIAL GROWTH The population of Tenakee Springs was projected to increase at a modest growth rate of 1 percent per year from the present levels. Although tourism and the retirement population are expected to increase, the lack of either a new industrial develop:ment or state land sales will tend to limit future growth. COM~ruNITY ATTITUDE TOWARD HYDROELECTRIC POWER Very interested in replacing diesel with a lower-cost alternative gen= eration source such as hydroelectricity~ DETERMINATION OF PRESENT POWER REQUIREMENTS Dermott O'Toole, long-time resident (since 1919) of Tenakee and store and powerplant owner, provided existing power requirements at Tenakee during the f.ield survey. A community load factor of 60 percent was estimated for the 80 kW peak demand. The annual energy estimate is therefore 420,000 kWh. PROJECTED POWER REQUIREMENTS Electric requirements at Tenakee Springs are projected to increase by about 3 percent per year. With no new major industrial use 8 this load is projected to continue to be eXClusively for residential and small canmercial uses. This growth rate is based on a I-percent annual popu~' lation increase coupled with a projected increase of 2 percent in average use per consumer. 99 ~II Chapter 3 1111 HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITE ASSESSMENT This chapter discusses each of the 20 isolated community's hydroelectric sites. Also given is a general discussion of the methods used for this reconnaissance-level screening of hydroelectric sites. FIELD METHODS The primary reason for the project team to visit the 20 communities was to gather data on the community power needs. The project schedule did not provide time to visit each potential hydroelectric site. In some cases, the sites were close enough to the community to allow a brief on-site inspection, but usually the only site inspections possible were aerial observations from a light Data collected in the field included site location, access roads, flow, head, history of the site; and environmental concerns. Most of these data were obtained from discussions with local individuals. In some cases, preliminary studies on likely sites had already been completed. These data were used directly. HYDROLOGY The marit~e climate of Southeast Alaska is characterized by cool summers and mild winters. Precipitation is heavy and frequent throughout the ye,ar I and temperature variations I both seasonally and daily g are slighte The orographic features of Southeast Alaska cause the mean annual pre- cipitation amounts to vary considerably. With some exceptionss the pre- cipitation amounts are generally less in the northern part of the region than in the south. The mean annual precipitation and snowfall for several communities in the study area are shown in table 99 Table 9. ME&~ ANNUAL PRECIPITATION AND SNOWFALL, SOUTHEAST ALASKA Skagway Gustavus Juneau Sitka Petersburg Annette Island Mean Annual Precip-Mean Annual Snowfall itation (inches) (inches) 26 54 91 86 106 118 39 71 94 35 103 43 streamflows and annual runoff are influenced by factors such as basin elevation, melt from glaciers, natural storage of lakes along a stream, forest cover, and basin orientation. On a regional basis, mean 101 annual runoff is about 10 cfs per square mile on the southern ,POrticln of Baranof and Kuiu Xs.lctnds and less than 1 cfa per square mile near the [Jni ted States-Canada bordeL 'I'he outer coastlines and. mountains It10re than 10 cfs per square mile. Surface water records were available for certain streams, t.he hydroelectric power sites under were un':Jaged other means to compute streamflows. A water resources 2.'tlas encompassing both the Tongass and Chugach National Forests waiS OTT Water in April 1979 for the u.s. Forest S.ervice. This atlas included 21 regression equations which were used to calculate the following streamflow parametersg mean annual flowj mean monthly flow, f recurrence low flow, both summer and winter, f~ve fNints on the flow duration curve; and peak lOO-year recur~ renee interval. These were determined for all potential pewer sites and formed the basis for estimating the and energy at each site, CONCERNS The of developing a hydroelectric power is in many instances on the environmental impacts it might cause, mitigative measures that could be incorporated into the , and the of the as a whole. A method of screening was to evaluate certain reaches of streams. This approach allowed a sub~ ive evaluation of constraints to the development of small electric power generating plants. Primary consideration was given to land use .restrictions, wildlife considerations, and anadromous fish concerns. The evaluations of the sites '\.Vere made using available mapsg aerial reconnaissance, and a limited number of site visits. Fish and IAl'ildlife dis'c.ribution rnaps in 1978 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, land use des value unit matrix presented in the J!I;arch 1979 c were also used. Conclusions were using information and discussions with Federal and state officials" Prior to to Land use visiting the cow~unities under studYi the teClJ."U so that a uniform evaluation restrictions included the followingg Wild and Scenic River des vUlderness areas National or state or monument National re,::reational area Wildlife Historic site guidelines were would be aeh iE~ved. '!i'hldlife also played an part in the selection of sites. Although the effects on wildlife will be minimal, bald 102 inhabit all the potential sites to some extent, and special attention was given to areas used intensively by bald eagles. Clearing and grub- bing operations will be given special attention to avoid destruction of existing nesting grounds and excessive disturbance to others. An attempt was also made to identify areas of threatened or endangered species. Among these are certain peregrine falcons known to migrate through Southeast Alaska. Although the bald eagle is not in the threatened or endangered category, it is Forest Service policy to protect all eagle nesting areas. Because of the economic importance of an ad romo us fish species, fresh- water streams and saltwater estuaries are fully protected to promote natural propagation. Fish distribution maps prepared by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in 1978 were utilized to identify major and minor anadromous streams, and to verify types of species found during the site visits. Principal factors limiting migratory fish production, such as impassable cascades, falls r log jams r existing dams, and steep gradients, were identified and used in the initial site selection pro- cess where possible. At new dam locations where anadromous fish are present, a fish ladder and fish screens will be included as a mitigative measure. We envision the ladder as being a modified aluminum steeppass, like those utilized throughout Southeast Alaska. To ensure sufficient flow in the stream below the diversion of water through a tunnel and/or penstock, we have allowed a flow equal to twice that of the 7-day, 2-year low flow to pass all darns at all times. Project schedule constraints did not allow for a preliminary evaluation by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The department will only comment on site-specific proposals. General fisher ies resource information on most of the streams and lakes investigated in this study was provided by the Department of Fish and Game. Access road construction could damage spawning areas and lower fish- producing capabilities by causing siltation and allowing the discharge of toxic substances. To minimize these potential impacts, an effort was made during the reconnaissance to locate existing forest development roads and discuss construction of new, or extension of old, roads. The potential environmental concerns are discussed for each hydroelec- tric site and presented in the hydroelectric site summary for each coolluunity. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT with the data collected in the field and the hydrologic data calculated in the office, the development concept for each site was completed. Based on judgment and a knowledge of the communities' power needs, only sites within a 3~ to 7~mile radius were considered. 103 Several earlier studh,:s identified sites which were in common with those identified in this In addition 8 numerous sites throughout South~ east Alaska have been inventoried. For the sites oon-' s ide red r 'Were liIrJ. ted to the energy needs of the local cOftUl'ltlnity or the maximum of a run=of=the~river at the site, Whichever is less. No attempt was made to identify all potential sites that have been studied by others .. however, every site studied in this considered by others was identified. where schemes \.<!Iere only run-of-the- river hydroelectric plants were considered. This was done to minimize the si~e of stre&m barriers s thereby reducing the adverse environmental 1'.11 conceptual iu ture ene rgy meet these were sized to rreet the communities' estiK~ted Where flow and head were insufficient to I the installed unit was sized to the site as a run~of-the-river development. In every case i one turbine was oonsidered. turbines would improve annual enex'gy Overall generation for the turbine g generator, and transmission was assumed to be 85 peroent. In generation occurs from f4ay through Ootober. L01fl flows and ice problems limit generation for the remair.l.der of the year 0 For this study, we have assumed that for small run-of~,the~ river sites there will be no winter power generation. The average annual energy was calculated for each site using the net head a.no flow of each site, A 50 load factor was assumed. Fish flows, where G were assumed to be twice the ~ low flow calculated for sumner conditions. Specific Il'.inirnum fish flmvs were unavailable from the state fisheries agency,. :l:he 'WOuld be operated to provide that minimum flow at all times. cost estirr~tes were made us several available Reconna.is sance-level sources. ~he major released by the U,S. draft form, is "Manual reference was a publication soon to 1~ Corps of This rererence g now :Ln for the Determination of the of Power to an Existing Facility. ~ This mamlal of Energy through the Corps S Insti- tute for Water Resources. The ll.1a.nual has cost curves for various oom- of hydroelectric developnents G July 1978 costs. ThesE~ costs were to October 1979 by using a 14 inflation factor. The cost curves in the manual were further escal<itad a L6 factor to reflect Southeast Alaska construction costs over :<hose in the Pacific Northwest. Careful oonsideration was to "factoring" labor cost to Alaska conditions. Equipment cost~ for instance, should not be escalated a 104 1.6 factor. However, installation cost should be than 1.6 because of the remoteness of all sites. The 1.6 factor is for metro- politan areas of Southeast Alaska. The net result, considering labor mobilization, equipment shipping cost, and other factors, is an increase in cost of 60 percent. A lump sum mobilization cost was included for each site. This covered getting equipment, supplies, and construction materials to the site from one of Southeast Alaska?s major port cities. Access road construction was estimated for each site. Where site access or construction problems were expected to be more difficult than normally, a site difficulty factor was added to the total construction cost. Electrical distribution costs are based on recent experience in South~ east Alaska. The total cost includes all materials and construction costs, including clearing costs. Operation and maintenance costs were estimated for each site. These costs were difficult to estimate because of lack of data for extremely small hydroelectric plants. The estimates include labor and material costs as well as interim replacement cost. Since most of these facilities are very small l no estimate was made for administrative cost. All cost estimating curves and tables are presented in appendix B. These methods of cost estimating are consistent with common practice for reconnaissance studies. COMMUNITY HYDROELECTRIC SITES A total of 32 hydroelectric sites to potentially serve 16 of the 20 communities were investigated. The development concept for each site is presented in a table for each communi.ty (tables 10 through 25). Follow~ each community table is a map (figures 2 through 17) which is an enlargement of the USGS l-inch-to-l-mile maps for each community. Diversion dams, flumes, penstocks, powerhouses. access roads; and trans- mission lines for each development concept are shown. Where access roads have common alignment with flumes, penstocks, and transmission lines, they are not shown. The study area map (figure 1) shows all of the communities. The communities of Annette and Metlakatla are intertied and served one power generating source. Metlakatla Power and Light is an organized REA; which is actively pursuing hydroelectric generation potential. - Feasibility studies for additional hydro.electric power have recently been completed by the REA, and application permits to the FERC are now pending. There is considerable potential near these communities. Since feasibility studies are underway or completed, a reconnaissance-level investigation of the hydroelectric sites near these communities was not done. Edna Bay has only six permanent residents and is expected to have very little growth. In addition, there are no generators currently at the 105 siteo As a resulte no sites were investigated, If~ however t the increases a t Edna i there are t\<,,'O sites within 2 or 3 miles hhich be developed, :rha small of Hamilton is 2 miles south of Kake. QmcH:::k Creek and Cathedral Falls were identified by Retherford in the 1977 reconnaissance (see 5). Su)ce that report§ Harza. Company t under contract with the Alaska Power Authorit~l i has a reconnaissance of the Cathedral Falls site" ThE! power needs of Hamil ton Bay wil be served by that project if developed. Because of the current reconnaissa."1ce s rudy for the area: no hydroE~lectric sl.te O.ssessment. was conducted for Hamilton Bay. Table 10 0 HYDROELECTRIC POwlER SITES FOR CAPE POLE ~tar':'le ~;~t,e f';'umber La. t itude lnngi !'-iean hnnu,al F:'ow (cis; 2-Y",,,.':'-, 'I-Day Low Flow (cis) Net Effective Head (ftl Full Flo,,' (ds) Rated Capacity (k\\') PNcr3qe 7ml1:.:ai Energy (MviH) s (ftl 'f";,UmB LSDC;':." (ft.; .tjl a;7tEte.r Len::;!:h (i t) Dialll€i:er (ft) Transmiss ion Lin~~ Len'jth (:ni) "'lol::age f~rtvi:corunentaL (oncerns Cost Capital A.nnual ,: $ A Unit is x Survey Creek 55£1 57! l.L3°43 l 31 1.9 40 50 19 Cor.crete Diversion 5' x 50' :l,O 200 15 Creek supports pink and coho salmon up to nat;;.::al fallso Intensive use area for bald eagles. Watershed is logged. 1.6 Ie 11.1 106 r-"\ . DAM FIGURE :2 o 4000 Cape Pole Hydro sii,~ - r i Scale in Feet 107 Table 11. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES FOR CHATlli"l.1"- Site Na~e Sitkoh Creek Si te Number 1 Latitude 57°31' tude 135"02" Drainage ,Area (sq mil !V'J~an Annual Flow 2~Year, Low Flow (efs) Net Effective Head ( Full Gate Flow (cfs) Rated (kW) Dam Type Annual Size (ft) Flume (ft) Diameter ( Penstock (ft) Diarneter (ft) Transmission Line Length Environmental Concerns Cost 6 t.al ($ x 19 ) Annual ($ x ~O ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) 11.6 71 6.2 150 67 725 888 Concrete Diversion 5' x 100' Be 000 4.0 500 3.0 0.6 15 Creek chum, pink! and coho salmon cutthroat trout and steelhead, 4.5 23 6.2 108 Chatham C;ri::ek 2 57 c :n e 134 Q 57 i 2.4 12 006 200 22.5 325 236 Concrete Diversion 51 x 35 i 2;300 1.75 0.4 10 1>.nadromous; • Fish use unkno'!>m. 1.6 11 4.9 ~ DAM •••••••• FLUME FIGURE 3 PENSTOCK 109 •...•...••. TRANSMISSION LINE o 4000 Chatham Hydro Sites • POWERHOUSE I I ----ACCESS ROAD ----Scale in Feet .'\~.&' - ELFIN COVE 111 Table 12. hYDRO POv~ER SITES FOR ELFIN COVE Site Name Site Number Latitude Longi.tude Area sq mi) ~~an Annual Flow (cis) Low Flow (cfs) Ne Effective Head (ft) Full Gate Flow ( Rated Average Annual Energy Dam Size (it} Flume (ft) Diameter (ft) Penstock Length Diameter (ft) 'I'ransmission Line {mi) Voltage (kV) Environmental Concerns Cost }'l.rmual Unit {$ 5s o 07 i 136"20 1 4.8 40 1 8 270 16 310 538 Concrete 51 6,4 15 x 80' Creek Diversion 2.0 Creek supports salmon. 2.0 11 6.4 112 , chum g and cor..o _. TRANSMISSION LINE POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD o i FIGURE 4 4000 Elfin Cove Hydro Sg~ :: J Scale in Feet 113 Table 13. HYDROEL~;C':1:'RIC ro~'lER SITES FOR EXCURSION INLET sit,;:; Nar"e Site NUc"(,ner Latitude tude Drainage Area (sq mi) ~~an Annual Flow (cis) 2~Year, 7~Day Low Flow (efs) Net Effective Full Gate Flow Rated Capacity Average Annual Darn Type Size (ft) Flume Length (ft) Diamet.er (ft) Penstock Length {it) Diamet€.r (ft) Transmission Line Length (mi Voltage Environmental Concerns Cost Capital ($ x 126 ) Annual ($ x 30 ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) (MWH) S. Excursion Inlet Creek 1 58"'25~ 135@24' 14.3 118 4.3 200 140 2;020 Rockfill 5 ~ x 40 f 5,300 5.0 1,650 4.5 15 Major anadromous fish- ery stream1 creek supports sockeye and coho salron. 6.0 65 2.9 114 N. Excursion Inlet Creek :2 58"'26' 135@24 1 13.6 110 140 1,110 1,490 Concrete Diversion 5' x 70~ 6,000 5.0 700 4.5 1.5 15 Major anadromous fishery stream, creek supports coho? and chum salr~n < 504 36 4.9 • ••••••• FLUME PENSTOCK ••••••••••• TRANSMISSION LINE 0 4000 • POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD I I Scale in Feet 115 FIGURE 5 Excursion Inlet Hydro Sites Table 14. HYDROELECTRIC PONER SITES FOR PUNTER BAY Site Name Site Number Latitude tude Mean Annual Flow (cfs) Low Flow (cis) Net Effective Head (ft) Full Gate Flo'l<l (cfs) Rated (kW) Average Annual Energy (MWH) Dam Size Flume Length (ft) Diameter (ft) Penstock Diameter (ft) Tra.c"lsmi ss ion Line (rui) Voltage. Environmental Concerns Cost Annual ($ Unit ($ x 6 x 1~ ) x 30 ) 10 /kW) s. Funter Bay Creek 58"13' 134"52 1 3.4 20 0.8 300 7 150 261 Concrete Diversion 51 x 50~ 4.5 15 Creek and chum salmon, inten- sive wildlife use area (eagles and brown 1,6 11 10.9 116 I I 3QS ) I North Ledg~ *" DAM PENSTOCK Naked LIght Island A Hub 2 ''.,;.0 o ••••••••••• TRANSM!SSION liNE 0 4000 • ~i ~~~~i Scale in Feet -----........., ------ FIGURE 6 Funter Bay Hydro Sit~ 117 Table 15. HYDROELECTRIC POlrJER SITES FOR GUSTAVUS Site Narae Falls Creek Site Number Latitude Area (sq Mean Annual Flow (cfs) 2-Y'ear. Low Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head ( Full Gate Flow ) Rated (kW) Annual Energy (MVlli) Dam Type ize (ft) Flume Diameter (ft) Penstock Length (ft) Dia:meter (ft) Transmission Line Length {mi) (kV) Environmental Concerns Cost Capital Annual Unit ( 58"25 ' 135"'36 ' 11.8 68 3.0 115 100 820 1;380 Concrete Diversion 5 ~ x 40 t 600 3.5 8.0 15 Creek pink salmon up to natural falls. ±1/2 mile, SitE: is also located in Glacier Bay National Monument. 2.8 26 3.4 118 G L 33 A L ,------------''';. I i1 ! 4 ••• 1 BAY 27 26 34 35 M 0 N U E N T f~;<2i:i;·:.2:::.:J:§j/Y~\i~~~;[0·~i:f~ +---0\ 3 2 -:.. ()~ :r.~ · · · i\ . . . I ..... ~~!'k'}. 2...£'.". ...i~------------:-------------_______ \ ____ :-- ~J ! ! /<1 9 10 I 11 12 1 . I I I I +1, -0 o . + i . ----t------------:------------J-------------:-; .... ,~ .. -j!lI_"'""'..;I~~~"""m'i~~~ .J I I ••.•. I I I I 1 1 16 1 15 14 I I I '. 1 I ,1,1 i i ;;. I IJ I ----.-------------1-------------1------- <\ I I 23 *1 1 I " I 1 22 .. ; , I I I I Plling ,...... DAM •••••••• FLUME PENSTOCK TRANSMISSION LINE • POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD 119 13 .--------I C 'i ,..-,,/ '--.... , ) '.J ._._/ 26 \ I. f I / ) ) ./ ! .. .1 I \ I ~O (-J 'c ? ''..-;. .. <JL '~'- @ 0 4000 FIGURE 7 Gustavus Hydro Site I I Scale in Feet I ( / / , " , \ ,/ ! '-. ; lJ HAINES 121 Table. 16. HYDROELEC'fRIC POw'ER SITES FOR HAINES Site. Name Site Number Latitude Area (sq mi) Mean Annual Flow ( 2-Year, 7-Day Low Flow Net Effective Head (ft) Full Gate. Flow Rated Capacity (kW) fu1nual Energy (MWH) Dam Type Size (ft) Flume Length eft) DiamateL" (ft) Penstock Length (ft) Diameter ( Transmission Line (mi) (kV} Environmental Concerns Cost 6 ($ x l~ ) Annual ($ x ~O ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) * Fru'!t 197 Report .• Lake 1 59<>25! 135"'40 c 4.6 35 1.7 2,055 34.5 5~050 44,200 Concrete Diversion 40 1 x 20QC 4,800 2.5 16 35 Anadromous fish use unknown. 9.1 78 .8 122 Dayibas Creek 2 590:117 w 135°22~ 11.4 500 250 9~OOO 8,660 Concrete Diversion 5~ x 4S i 1,300 6.0 300 2.4 25 Anadromo1.ls fish use unknown. 609 135 0.8 " I , I , I , I ~ ~O'fto.9 , I , .... UlUl.U'lIL ~ ~ DAM •••••••• FLUME PENSTOCK ........... TRANSMISSION LINE 0 • POWERHOUSE 123 I ----ACCESS ROAD ---- '¢.. Indian ~*Rodc ~ -< Yj... 'C ~ 0 .,;\ .,;\ @ 4000 : Scale in Feet FIGURE 8 Haines Hydro Sites - POWERHOUSE --_ .......... ----ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet 125 o ~ 'C"+ 14 ,0 o .n FIGURE 8 (CONT,) Haines Hydro Sites Table 17. HYDROELECTRIC POw'ER SrrES FOR HAWK INLET Site NaIne Sit e NUlX'.be r Latitude Longitude Drainage Area mil Mean Annual Flow (cfs) 2-¥ear, Low Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head Full Gate Flow (cfs) Rated Capacity (kW) Ave rage Annual Dam Type Size (ft) E'lume Length (ft) Diameter (ft) Penstock Length (ft) Diameter (ft) Transmission Line (mi) Voltage (kV) Envirorunental Concerns Cost ($ x 1~6) Annual ($ x 30 ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) (MWH) Greens Creek 1 58°04 1 134"43 i 21.2 139 7.3 140 12 120 244 Concrete Diversion 5 Q x 80' 5,000 1.5 900 1.25 3.7 15 Creek supports pink salmon 4.0 10 33.3 126 and coho FIGURE 9 PENSTOCK ••••• ~.... TRANSMISSION liNE 1IIiIIII POWERHOUSE :::~:~~ o E? ;00 Scale in Feet Hawk In~et Hydro Site 127 Table 18, HYDROELECTRIC PO~'ER SITES FOR HYDER N<i.:r;{~ ;;1 t {! N1J1flb:~r ::..a.tl JOf:i.y l tude rJE!iln A:jr.:;;~l '-":ow {cf£) 2-Yo U I i-Day :.c ..... E'lov: 3ff~ctive Head {f~j F'.111 Gt. to ,'k'" (ets) Rdte:i Capacity (kW) at} :.ength (ft.) Di~meter (ft) P~n£t{):;k: LeHljth (ft) Diamet<frf eft) T;::arlsmissioi:l Lb~e Length ~lt'i) Vcltage (kV,i Envi rOru'f,€::1tal Concern,;,: Cost C<1I/it~l {$ x 1~6) Mlp....:al ~$ x !O~} l;n1.t ($ x 10 /kWj 131)'-'JY S.7 1 ~ 35() 3(; ::.,8&0 Concrete Divergion S' K SOt 2r 700 2.25 1.9 15 l .... "l,adrarIOUS fish use unknO'A'i".l. 7.6 92 2.6 ~S(l58~ 130 0 C3* 4.3 23 1.7 100 3D 215 373 Concrete Diversion 5' x 50 ~ 4(}0 2.0 Creek supports coho MId ",hUll! .. "1"",,, up to n~t~r61 falls~ 128 Site Name Si te Nl..I.Mber La. ti tude Longitude [;lean Annual Flow {efa} <-Year, 7·,Day Low Flo," (cts) Net. Effective Head (!to) Full Gate Flow (cfs) Rated Cap&city (kill Dm Typ<; Size (ft) Flu,"" Lenqth (ft) Di ..... t;er (ft) P,,""tOCK Length (H) Di&:mter (!t} Tr£ns~ission Line Length ('Bi~ Volt6ge ("II) EnV'ironll!ental Concerns Coat 6 Capital. ($ " 19 ) A,mll"l (S x :Ie l Unit ($ " Ie /l<W) S68 0tP 130'""(;5 ! 17 .8 169 11.0 250 l<iO 2*5(1) Conc~ete Oiver~ion 5c t x 70 f 2,000 5.0 1,000 4.25 5.9 25 LINE 0 4000 ~[~~~~j. Scale in Feet 129 FIGURE 10 1540000 FEET • STEWART (8.C.) Hyder Ii ro Sites Table 19. HYDROELECTRIC POw~R SITES FOR KUPRE~~OF Site Name Sit e Nu."i!.be r Latitude Coho Creek 1 56°49 f 133"OP Drainage Area (sq mil 6.8 t1.ean Annual Flow 60 2~Year, 7~Day Low Flow (cfs) 2.6 Net Effective Head (ft) 85 Full Gate Flow (cfs) 60 Rated (kW) 365 Annual 587 Dam Type Size Concrete Diversion 51 x 50 G Flume (ft) Diameter ( Penstock (ft) Diameter (ft) Transmission Line Length ) (kV) Environmental Concerns Cost ($ x 196) Annual ($ x 30 ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) ,700 3.0 4.0 15 2.7 12 7.4 130 cohOe , and chum ••••••••••• TRANSMISSION LINE o 4000 III POWERHOUSE rs _3 ------ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet 131 120 FIGURE 11 \ \ i \ ~ ,mpri'liA.~. Point\ \ \ I \ -----------------, Kupreanof Hydro Si~~ (West Petersburg) Table 20. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES FOR MEYERS CHUCK ~,~,';, 1 ;':,nual £<1<:."," (cis; 2-Y,,;tr < i-:";:,y i...:;:w f:c"" ,cf!1!j ~~t ti::~ct.l\t'" ~,-<:l",::l (ft.: ?;;1 1 ~t-Q r:'Cld ;Cff.lJ CapaClt.y I;,;W) !..>as" 'ry;:Jt:- ':1::-& r:",108 ) ('I".ytl· ift) [,. "l:!:«-~t<tlr if::) !.,,-·n;1th Itt; I,) ,"!l1lI:~t."'r :ft:) Tr<!:,3S).S:"ilOn :,:u-.e "(>(:'-Jt1: (m~) '0li>'1_g~j ikVl ;:05'::" ::~pit:~l is >.: l\r.tI';.Oo.l t$-x tin 1 t {S Yo rl~_ ~ 4 b' U2"U,' 7. :; S2 4JS ConCl:i!t~ T)}VBtJ'!l.0T! "it x Jet 4.0 \$ub) G.2 15 Creek pink. and cbiJ% a%lpcrts €ag~g h&hiUt. 8.9 S~"4.:' • U:i:"Ot' 3.2 Concrete Diversion S· x 45' }.o 15 Luk« supportl$ pink, dn.lI.!'i r coho, Md 0Od~ 0'o.lmon r plUG CIJt- trout! supports eaglE' hiWitn .. ~.t: 1(" 21.1 132 Sl.~~ t..e..'!'1!. S.1.tc N'j1ti~r 1...atit,jG.f1 TD:'l9i ':ude Mean i\nn...: ... l r'lo\<! (cfSo) 2-'Yecil, 7~Di.iY lDw £1'10\111 (cts) r.)(.,t Efiectiv¢ He4tc! {ttl FuU (,;ate Flo'" (cfs) R?l:ted Cspoacity (k~} (tt) P*nst'.C!C:!:: t...mgth (ft.} nia.t:'l2t<ar-Ch) T:r:&r.!H'!1.£51.0''1 Lloe {m!.} \r.V) Cost (~ • u/) capitd ~ . .nnual , ~C ) Un.tt )t ;'0 /ktij W. F. 51adc BE:ar Ct''!t.\(: H,ayen Laktll • ~5(>4~' 5~"44' 2. :> 260 10 190 426 Com;a:>st. Div~uion S· ~ 35' 2,OO(J 1.5 4.0 15 Cr0~ ~Ppot'tc chu~ e<too, efe~ piU$ cutttm:.>&t trout;, a~portli 0!t9le h...:hit.Qt. ::.0 10 15.8 2.4 !l Ll :.15' I~u:t.h Oma ,t 100' 5,500 1.5 0.5 """. ChWd~ &iU.mn, pl~ ~tthxo!i.t t.rout.. .sQP~~ Gilq l~ hebi t~ t:. l.® 9 ~:t.l ~ DAM FIGURE 12 •••••••• FLUME @ o'?-'" PENSTOCK Meyers Chuck ....•...•.. TRANSMISSION LINE 133 0 4000 • POWERHOUSE I ; Hydro Sites ----ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet ---- POINT BAKER 135 Table 21. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES FOR POINT BAKER Site Name Site Number Latitude Drainage Area (sq mi) ~~an Annual Flow (cis) 2-Year: 7-Day Low Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head Full Gate Flow (cfs) Rated Capacity (kW) Average Annual Energy (MWH) Dam Type Size (ft) Flume Length (ft) Diameter (ft) Penstock Diameter Transmission Line Length (mi) Voltage (kV) Environmental Concerns Cost 6 ($ x l~ ) Annual ($ x ~O ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) 136 Flicker Creek 56c 20 t 133"32 1 6.4 36 2.4 100 26 185 259 Concrete Diversion 51 X soe 3,000 200 1.75 3.9 15 Creek supports coho and pink salmon. 2.5 10 13.5 oUsht i-Helm Rock 30 Joe MacE! I 6'0 ;.( ~ "'I Twin I ~. --.... .. ~ o 4000 C._ ~~.-1 Scale in Feet coo FIGURE 13 Point Baker Hydro SitE 137 Table 22. HYDROELECTRIC .POWER SITES FOR PORT ,ALEXANDER ;. ~" f <",!fI- ~L~,·_· r,u1,i.5'·' "',..,,~71 ,\;I!j>,;:.l ~~lD'" .i_'ip-" • 7-'.Jay I ..... :;b Fl~)w (~'fs: !Jilt £: fe::llV€ H~<sd. (itl 1':.111 no .... (cfsi f.L.lt'lC Car'2l;::ity o:.w; rl.t~ Lentth ;!'"t;, nL;'::lPt,~r (ftl :,,,·r,.,jtn (f~) Didfll2t.er ~ft; '[-yans:r,j.!>Sl!"Jn Lin~ J,enqt!', [ltd} \'t,lt.v;e (kill Cest C"'+ltal 1.: 14 :::.4 17..: lHO 341 ConcH;te ~·;~verslcr. 5· x .:50' L5 2. S Hi Creek $~lPPU:n.S coho salror .• 1.2 10 b.7 J" r."'" .... 2.1 52f) l,04fJ ConCl€:te !)iver~ion 5' >r 2ljt 1,500 L 75 4.5 15 Ana/Lrccnous fish Ilsa unknoltffi. 1.8 16 :~. 5 138 S;.tf! t-hlli.t.t;r 1-","1 t it;lC:P lcn';'i tode .";ca" N;;1i;a: 1'10'" (cis.) L~YtHr. I-Jay Low F1QW \,:fs; ~~et Effective H'£!d.d (fti Ft.:ll Gate Plow (cfs) P.ated C&pacity (kW: !Jam Type Size (ft} PluPle Length (ftl [;ialm!: tQr (It} i?enstod:.' LI~n9th ~ft~ :;1i&U;f;tl!:t" [ft) 'I'ransmission Linf) Length (I'td! Voltag.e (kV) Cost unit ($ x lQ6; ($ K .~oJ) (~ x 1.0/h:W) Jetty Lak!! !'.i6'Hj.' 134"'4.1 ' 3.2 ~9 :'L1 400 16 '50 Concrete Div(irsion 5' x 40' ~cc loS 7.0 15 l..na.cl:n::wola fish UI!e; unblotm .. 2.1 13 '.7 B~tty/Jetty :'akr;: 4 s.t <);18' l H'40' l17 Concrt'lte D:iv~r!li.cn 5' It 60:' aDO <,2; 7.0 15 ~J'H~r1.ttnoU8 fil$h une c.nknO'ilfi~ 2.3 10 1.6~4 . . . .0'A\e~ * Brt'akfast Rock. ,.-.. DAM @ FIGURE 14 IiHIl II II Q Q SIll FLUME .~~----. PENSTOCK Port Alexander SI5SIiIIlilIi"iillillilllill TRANSMISSION LINE 0 4000 rill POWERHOUSE I 5 Hydro Sites ---~ ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet ---~ 139 Table 23. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES FOR ROWAN BAY Site Name Site Number Latitude Longitude Area (sq mi) f~an Annual Flow {cfs} 2-Year; 7-Day Low Flow (cis) Net Effective Head (ft) Full Gate Flow (cfs) Rated (kW) Annual Energy (MWH) Dam Size (ft) Flume Length Diameter Penstock Length (ft) Diameter (ft) Transmission Line Length (mi) (kV) Environmental Concerns Cost Capital ($ x 1~6) Annual ($ x jO ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) 140 Stink Creek 1 56°42' 134°16' 0.7 5.8 0.2 700 7 350 690 Concrete 5 e x 30 1 1,000 1.0 4.0 15 Diversion Creek supports coho r pink .. and chum salmon up to natural falls. Watershed being logged. 2.0 11 5.7 Small Lake :2 56"41! 134O:>20~ 200 17 1.1 600 17 700 490 Concrete 5' x 3S e 1.400 1.5 2.0 15 Diversion Creek supports coho, pink g and chum salxoon up to natural falls. Water shed being 2.0 22 2.9 FIGURE 15 •••• "..... TRANSMISSION LINE 0 4000 III POWERHOUSE ~i ~_~~~. Rowan Bay Hydro Sites ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet 141 Table 24. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES FOR SKAGWAY S:.. )".,,-, L(v':'"-'i' si t", :·l.!Rt~l' loa t;. t..,.;::'<: :cnr~':;:i. t~de r i')w le!iS] tOIt: FlGW ((is; r"l\;~~ L(>I,·"t~l (£t) ;;:;'·'l,fo1"t"r (ft.) ~e:,.st,:rk Lefigtt. (f l} Dl<:Jf~tet· ilt) (kV; Cost Carntal ($ lot Annual UnLt (~x /'kw, .100 14.0 285 ",CO B t 2G0 t€.: 1500 Concrete DiversIon 5' .x 70' 1,500 7.5 &.€ C"rEf:<k slippe..rts ecbo si11~n. 9.4 ! 25 1.1 Geut LakeI': 2 :'9'32) 11'5 11 11 ' 4.4 22 2,200 S7 3'!1,00C Lake supports hroo!~ tr()ut~ 12. Z 4S L3 142 Site N.::.ur.~ Sit~ N~u tatit:ud~ Longitude l'i:3an Annual Pl~ {cfs: 2~Yeal:" f 7-Cay Low f'10\1 ~cfjij) Net effect.ive H(Htd (ftl ?ull Gatoe Flo\i' (eta) ~ted Ca.pacity C!tW) Da.J'r.; Type Size {it} F!-UJ\:€: Length (it) Di.:uti$ter {tt} Penstock Ll£ngth (it) Oia:meter (ft} transmission Line L-er~gth (rni) Voltage (k'if) Enviroruv.antltl Concerns Cost Capital ($ x Annual ($ )t unit ($ x Skagway Riviirr l 59:~:n f US;;l':;l 565 SS 100 1,0-00 1~200 13~ 10C Concrete Olv(lrsiOT; S~ n 300t 3 i ODC 12.0 5,(;>241' 1)5;~2C; 19.1 129 7. '7 6S0 :l00 14;-1CO Concrete 1J1VGr~ioo 5' x sot 2.3 6.0 25 IS Rival:" ooppcrt-ti d-~ a..fld M&::iE'o:rol."B fish U15>a coho aalwn IIp to ~eX'-UUK.nO'!!.'i1. iss of iDl.pae&\w!.e C#:ts- ca&!a 5 &i~ up.tl'IiHUt frora Skag-;.MiY. ,1.6 250 1.8 0.8 ~ DAM FIGURE 16 •••••••• FLUME ~ ~~ , PENSTOCK Skagway Hydro Sites ........... TRANSMISSION LINE 0 4000 • POWERHOUSE 143 I I ----ACCESS ROAD Scale in Feet ---- TENAKEE SPRINGS 145 Table 25. HYDROELECTRIC POvmR SITES FOR TENAKEE SPRINGS Site Name site Nuw.ber Latitude tude Area (sg mi) Mean Annual Flow ( 2-Year p 7-Day Low Flow (cfs) Net Effective Head (ft) Full Ga te Flow ( Rated (kW) Average Annual Dam Type Size (ft) Fllh"'i1e Length Dial1'leter (ft) Penstock (ft) Diameter Transmission Line Length {mil Volt.age (kV} Environmental Concerns Cost ($ x 1~6) Annual ($ x ~O ) Unit ($ x 10 /kW) (MWH) 146 Indian River 1 57°47< 135°11 1 21.4 156 8.0 150 65 700 1,930 Concrete Diversion 5' x 120' 6 5 800 5.0 1,000 3.0 1.0 15 River supports coho r pink, and chum salmon. Wa.tershed being logged. 4.1 22 5.8 Harley Creek 2 57"47~ 135e05~ 4.0 29 1.2 130 35 325 800 Concrete Diversion 5~ x 45@ 4.0 15 Creek pink and chum salmon. 2.1 11 6.4 •••••••• • -------- 534 DAM FLUME PENSTOCK TRANSMISSION LINE POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD T 558 ~ (TENAKE SPRINGS 252 .OOl~ ~ E N A 147 K I N L o I E T 4000 --::s Scale in Feet FIGURE 17 Tenakee Springs Hydro Sites I I Ii IJ 11111 4 1111 COMPARISON OF COMMUNITY POWER NEEDS AND HYDROELECTRIC POTENTIAL HYDROELECTRIC SITE SCREENING An initial screening of hydroelectric sites was made by comparing the present worth of each hydroelectric site to the present worth of the community's total diesel requirements for the next 50 years. The pres- ent worth of diesel for this comparison is the present worth of all the diesel generation needed to meet the projected community needs for the next 50 years. The worth of the hydroelectricity is the present worth of the particular hydroelectricity site development, which mayor may not meet the community's need* Table 26 shows the present worth comparison and the ratio of diesel present worth to hydroelectric present worth. It can be seen from the data in this table that 17 of 32 hydroelectric sites are more costly than all the communities' expected costs for continuing the diesel mode of generation for the next 50 yearso A sensitivity analysis was per- formed to determine if any proposed hydroelectric sites were unfairly eliminated by this initial screening. The analysis involved recalcula- tion of the ratios presented in table 26 after the present worth of the hydroelectric projects has been reduced by 25 percent. The 25 percent reduction in the present worth of the hydroelectric sites was selected to represent a possible reduction in capital and operation and mainte- nance costs which might be realized if a less expensive hydroelectric site development were constructed o Some cost reduction would occur if timber crib dams or wooden or sheetmetal power houses were used. Other cost reductions may be realized due to site specific advantages which were not known because the sites were not visited. Even with the 25 percent reduction, some 17 sites still proved to be more costly than the present worth of the communities' diesel requirements. For the 15 hydroelectric sites which passed the initial screening, the present worth of the diesel alternative was calculated. The' diesel alternatiVe is defined as the amount of diesel-generated energy which is equivalent to the energy expected to be produced at a particular hydro- electric site. This is commonly called the fuel replacement analysis, but the analysis for this study includes the capital equipment and operation and maintenance costs for the diesel alternative as well. Table 27 shows the present worth of the 15 hydroelectric sites and the present worth of the alternative diesel generation assuming O-percent, 2-percent, and 5-percent fuel escalation above inflation. The ratio of the present worth of the diesel to the present worth of the hydroelec- tric site is also presented. As with the initial screening, a sensiti- vity analysis of the present worth ratios was made by reducing the present worth of the hydroelectric sites listed in table 27. The reduc- tion in present worth by 25 percent was applied for the same reasons as mentioned above. 149 PHf:5ENT-I';GP'':-'H C(;MI!ARI;jON OF AND CmU-!UNI'rIES' '~'OTAL DIESEL NEEDS Cape Pole ChathCll':'l Elf~n Cove Excursion Inlet Funt€ Bay Gustavus Haines Hawk Inlet r Yieye rs Chu ck Point Baker Port Alexander Tenakee Spr Hydro Site S,;rvey Creek Sitkoh Creek Chatham Creek !-1argret Creek South Excursion Inlet Creek North Excursion Inlet Creek South Funter Bay Creek Falls Creek Lake Project Dayibas Creek Greens Creek West Fork Creek Fish Creek Thumb Creek Coho Creek Cannery Creek Bear Lake v~est Fork Bear Creek l'1eyers Lake F'licker Creek Conclusion Creek Leona Lake Jetty Lake Betty/Jetty Creek Stink Creek Small Lake West Creek Goat Lake Skag'",ay River Kasidaya Creek India:! Hiver Harley Creek 'Present of 1.7 4.8 1.7 2.2 6.9 5,9 1.8 3,2 10.2 B.8 4. 8.9 2.0 6.1 2.9 1.7 4.1 3.1 1.9 2.6 1.3 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.3 lL2 12.8 13.S 15.0 4.4 2.3 Worth Present Worth of Diesel'" ($Million) 0.1 5.4 5.4 1 .. 1 7.1 7.1 0.5 12$7 158.0 158.8 0.7 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.2 2.2 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 2.8 2.8 ccmm;,,;nities' total diesel needs with fuel escalated 150 Present ItJorth 0.06 1.13 3.18 0.50 1.03 1,,20 0.28 3.97 15.5 18.0 0*17 .55 2.45 0.80 0.31 0.47 0.19 0.25 0.42 0.54 0.69 0.45 0.39 0.39 1.00 0.96 5.54 4.84 4.59 4.13 0.64 1 22 ::::~:;: ::@ -------."'-~.~----,~-. -~-, .. -, .. -----.,-~--.-.. _--, -_ .. ',- Table 27. PRESE~T WORTH COMPARISON OF 15 HYDROELECTRIC SITES AND ALTERNATIVE DIESEL GENERATION Presen t Worth Diesel/Hydro of Diesel Alternative Present Worth Present Worth for k'uel Cost ($ million) Ratio for Fuel Cost of Hydro Escalation of: Community Name __ ~Si_te __ ($Million) ~ .E-...2.!.... Chatham Si tkoh Creek 4.B 1.4 1.7 2.8 0.29 0.35 0.58 Chatham Creek 1.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.18 0.24 0.47 Excursion Inlet South Excursion Inlet Creek 6.9 2.8 3.6 5.9 0.41 0.52 0.86 North Excursion Inlet Creek 5.9 1.6 2.1 3 •. 4 0.27 0.36 0.58 Gustavus Falls Creek 3.2 2.0 2.6 4.1 0.63 o.ell 1.28 Haines Lake Project 10.2 24.7 35.2 68.1 2.42 3.45 6.6B Dayibas Creek 8.8 9.7 12.1 20.0 1.10 1.38 2.27 Hyder Fish Creel< 2.0 .4 .5 .8 0.20 0.25 0.40 Rowan Bay Stink Creel< 2.2 1.1 1.3 1.9 0.50 0.59 0.86 Small Lake Project 2.3 1.1 1.4 2.2 0.48 0.61 0.95 Skagway West Creek lL2 12.3 17.1 31.7 1.10 1.53 2.83 Goat Lake ·12.8 12.0 16.6 30.5 0.94 1.30 2.38 Skagway River 13.5 10.0 13.6 24.2 0.74 1.01 1.79 Kasidaya Creek 15.0 13.1 18.5 35.3 0.87 1.23 2.35 Tenakee Springs Harley Creel< 2.3 1.0 1.3 2.1 0.43 0.57 0.91 CONCLUSIONS The screening of the potential hydroelectric sites for each community resulted in the following general observations. The cost of hydro- electric site development is directly linked to the installed capacity at the site. The benefit of a site is directly linked to the energy produced. For the run-of-the-river projects considered in this study, either a lack of wintertime stream flow and/or a lack of electrical demand combined to give an average 20 percent capacity factor for 29 of the 32 sites studied. To meet the communities' projected energy needs, eXcess capacity would need to be installed at several sites. In general, the result would be a high-cost site Which is underused 80 percent of the time. storage-type developments at the same sites would cost more because of the physical facilities required and the environmental and safety issues associated with dams. Because of this extra cost and because for many of the sites more than enough water is available with the run-of-the- river mode of generation, storage type projects are not expected to improve the situation for the majority of the sites. 151 Of t~he 32 sites chosen to meet the needs of 16 communi- ties, only 15 sites associated with 8 of these communities the initial sc The final screening indicates that six communities have sites which appear to be feasible. Chatham and communi ties shown in table 27 which do not have at least one feasible sitee The sites for Excursion Inlet, Rowan Bayo and Tenakee Springs are only feasible when the 25 percent reduction in present worth of hydro= power is applied, and only when a 5 fuel escalation is considered. Gustavus, Haines, and have sites which are feasible at 5 percent fuel escalation or less with no reduction in the present worth of hydropower. It is recommended that all hydroelectric sites near Excursion Inlet, Gustavus, Haines, Rowan Bay, SkagwaYe and Tenakee Springs be studied in more detail. The next level of study should include specific field inspections of the proposed hydroelectric sites and refinement of and concepts. Cost estimates should be refined and economic and financial analyses completed. Two of the six communities, Haines and Skagway, are currently being investigated in a study of energy resources for that area by the Alaska Power Authority. 152 11111 Chapter 5 111111 ISOLATED COMMUNITIES PREVIOUSLY STUDIED INTRODUCTION In addition to the sites studied during the field survey, the 10 villages Which had previously been reported on by the firm of Robert W. Retherford Associates in 1977 were examined. Retherford Associates completed a preliminary appraisal report on hydroelectric power potential for the villages of Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Klukwan. Pelican, and Yakutat. This preliminary report was written for use by others in preparing more detailed studies of viable hydroelectric development sites. The scope of work for the Retherford report included the following: • Survey of existing generation systems • Data collection to calculate annual runoff • Hydroelectric site reconnaissance • Estimate of power requirements through 1995 • Layout of generation and transmission systems • Preliminary cost estimates • Identification of environmental concerns One viable hydroelectric alternative was recommended for each village, except for Kasaan and Yakutat, where no viable sites were found. Present population figures and other data not presented in the Rether- ford report were obtained from readily available regional publications or were mathematically extrapolated in an attempt to bring the available data for the 10 communities in the Retherford report to a comparable level with the data developed for the 20 communities visited by our project team. A reconnaissance study currently being conducted for the Alaska Power Authority by Harza Engineering Co. will be completed in September 1979. The purpose of that investigation is to review the findings of the previous study for the villages of Kake, Klawock, Hoonah, and Angoon. In addition to determining the capacity, configuration, output, and costs for each project, the studies will include a review of energy alternatives, the expected impact on other water resource needs, and an assessment of the environmental impact of each. The villages of Kake, Klawock, Hoonah, and Angoon are presently served by the Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority (T-HREA). All are wholly dependent on diesel generation. Although hydroelectric power was once rather expensive in these areas because of construction constraints, the increasing demand for electricity, plus the escalating costs of diesel fuel, make the availability of hydroelectric power very desirable. Sites worth developing have been identified near each community. 153 The site at Black Bear Lake" near Klawock, is considered excellent, and the cost ificant, The development at Gunnuk Creek~ which the potable water supply for Kake would affect diesel fuel. A Gartina Creek could half the energy ected for Hoonah in of approximately 175,000 gallons of fuel. An installa- tion on lower Thayer Creek would be capable of supplying all the power needs of Angoon. through 1986. Supplies of excellent sand and gravel for are readily available near the sites. COf.1MUN I 'l"'Y DESCR! The ten communities that were the subject of the 1977 Retherford are described in the following paragraphs. Tables 28 and 29 have been prep~redto summarize the community data, The summary table is similar to tables 7 and 8 in chapter 2, which summarize the community power needs of the 20 communities visited by our project team. Angoon l~goon is the only permanent community on Admiralty Island. Itspopula~ tion in 1977 was about 500. The local native corporation would like to curtail any future development on the island and preserve things the way they are 0 This might be the future of the island if Federal legislation is successful in the island a National Wilderness Preserva~ tion The cow~un.ity is h dependent on fishing, although ca~mercial activities in the area are closed or limited to a few a year! Power needs are supplied by the Tlingit~Haida Regional Electric Authority through diesel The existing plant con- sists of two 300-kW units, producing a firm capacity of 300 kW. An improperly constructed underground distribution system of 702/12.47 xV will soon be by a new overhead system. is located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island 6 and boasted a population of 500 in 1977. Starting as a temporary fishing camp, it became a parr.anent vii in 1912. Fishing is still the primary activity in Craig, even though it has also become an important supply for fuel, , and other necessary commodities because of its central west coast location. Power is by the Alaska Power and Telephone Company through diesel generation. The system consists of two 200-kW, one 300-kW, and one 31S-kW diesel units with a firm capacity of 700 kW. Hoonah Hoonah is situated on the north coast of Chichagof Island near the mouth of Port Frederick. It is an old Tlingit village that has supplied seiifood to many canneries which no longer exist. Since a disastrous fire in 1944 that destroyed most of the homes in the village g the village 9 s l54 it m I:~:~: It !ill ill; [ Table 28. PRESENT POWER NEEDS OF THE 10 ISOLATED COMMUNITIES PREVIOUSLY STUDIED Current Annual Estimated Method of Installed Energy Consumer Community 1979 Electrical Capacity Consumption Energy Cost Name Lat. Long. -----.Popu lil!..i:J2..1! Generation (MWh) ~Wh}._ Angoon Admiralty Island 57·30'N 134"3S'W 500 Tlingit-Haida Private .Diesel , 2-300 1,641 26.3 Regional Elec-300* trieal Authority (TH-REA) Craig Prince of Wales S5°29'N 133"09 ·w 500 Alaska Power Private Diesel 2-200 1,819 7.5 Island and Telephone 1-300 Co. 1-315 700* Hoonah Chichagof Island 5Bo06'N 135°26'W 1,000 TH-REA Private Diesel 2-600 3,894 26.2 1-500 1,100" Hydaburg Prince of Wales 52·l2'N 132°49'W 400 Alaska Power Private Diesel 2-75 1,315 7,5 r Island and Telephone 1-90 U1 Co. 1-200 U1 240* Kake Kupreanof Island 564 S9'N l33°57'W 679 TH-REA Private Diesel 2-500 4.182 26.2 2-300 1,100" Kasaan Prince of Wales 5S"26'N 132"23'1'1 38 Til-REA PriVate Diesel 2-90 242 28.4 Island 90* Klawock Prince of Wales S5"33'N l33"06'W 281 'rH-REA Private Diesel 2-500 2,451 26.0 Island 1-300 800" Klukwan Mainland 59 0 24'N 135"54'1'1 2S1 Ci ty of Klukwan Municipal Diesel 210 446 Not available 40* Pelican Chichagof 57°S8'N 136"14'1'1 140 Pelican Utility Private Hydro-500 2.699 7.5 Island Co. Electric (Hydro) & Diesel 700 (diesel) 100* Yakutat Mainland 59°33'1'1 l39~44'W 450 Yakutat Power. Private Diesel 1-2S0 4,914 12.0 Inc. 1-375 1-600 1-600 Table 29" FUTURr.; POWER NEBDS OF 10 tSOLZ\TED COMMUNITIES PREVIOUSJ.,Y S'IUDIED Present WC.)l'i.:h (.$1,000) of Futur:e EquivCll')nl Avera'1c Ann1.lal Cost: Futl.U:rc> MWh Power Assumin'J Annual ($1,000) of r'utur" Diesel Power ion in Fuel Cost of Annual Escalation in Fuel Cost ot Communi 2% -.~,--.. --~- AW100n 2,tD? 4,653 20,635 ,411 9,364 19,6nO 457 6(,8 1,4()4 Craig 3, 1 '),068 21,902 7,167 10,455 21,8f)3 511 746 1, S Hoonah 6,220 9,522 34,159 12 998 18,561 37 ,489 927 1,324 2,074 lIydabu.rg 2,512 4,524 26,428 6,406 9,674 21,390 45-' 1 ~, Kake 6,687 10,247 36,866 13,99U 19,987 40,390 998 1,425 Kasaan 427 714 3,354 98B 1,457 3,085 71 104 220 f-' Ul Klawock 4,385 7,440 36,351 10,334 15,283 32,726 737 1,090 2,334 C\ Klukwan 751 1,207 5,005 1,657 2,404 4,981 118 171 3'),) Pelican 4,155 6,150 19,948 8,394 11,888 23,456 599 848 1 .• 673 Yakutat 7,670 11,496 38, 15,671 22,200 44,310 1,118 1,583 3,160 population slowly increased to 748 in 1970 and in 1977 reached approxi- mately 1,000. Crab processing has continued in Hoonah by Hoonah Seafoods, and much of the fishing fleet's harvest is processed by Thompson's Cold Storage. < Power is supplied by the Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority through diesel generation. The powerhouse and distribution system was completely rebuilt in 1977. It contains two 600-kW and one SOQ-kW units. The firm capacity is 1,100 kW and the distribution system is capable of supplying 7.2/12.47 kV. HydabUrg Hydaburg is located on Prince of Wales Island, approximately 22 miles southeast of Craig and accessible only by float plane or private boat. The village had a population of 400 as of 1977. Many canneries were built after 1927, but because of light salmon runs and other financial reasons many were closed down. The Washington Fish and Oyster Company, the town's one major industry, is processing approximately one million pounds of seafood per season. The City of Hydaburg is provided with electric power by the Alaska Power and Telephone Company. Diesel gener- ation is made up of two 7S-kW, one 90-kW, and one 200-kW units with a fiDm capacity of 240 kW. Cooperative Cannery and Cold Storage does not draw power from this system but provides its own generation needs by means of two SOO-kW diesel units. Kake The Village of Kake, on the northwest coast of Kupreanof Island, also depends on the sea for its livelihood. The Kake Packing Company built a cannery in 1912 and changed owners many times until it was finally leased by Petersburg Fisheries, Inc., providing many jobs to the people. population in 1977 reached 679. Logging has also helped strengthen the econany in leake. To reduce excessive environmantal damage and the cost of building logging roads, balloon logging was utilized for the first time in Alaska between 1972 and 1975. The Village of Kake is provided with electric power by the Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority. Two 500-kW and two 300-kW diesel units provide a firm capacity of 1,100 kW. A new distribution system was installed in 1977 to provide a more reliable system. Kasaan Located on the north shore of Skowl Arm, on the southeast coast of Prince of Wales Island, the Village of Kasaan contained a population of only 38 in 1977. Although copper mining led to the founding of Kasaan, these activities ceased about 1906. Bad luck and bankruptcies closed the canneries. stores selling supplies to fishermen are the only other busL~ess ventures in Kasaan. There still is very little work available and some of the villagers have to return periodically to Ketchikan to supplement their income. The Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority installed a new generation and distribution system in 1977.. Two 90-kW diesel units provide a firm capacity of 90 kW. . 157 The vil of Klawock, located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island. was small of 281 residents as of 1977, and consists primarily of Tlingits. , seafood processing~ logging, and tour~ ism an part in the local community. The village boasts the airstrip on the island. It was built about 2 miles from town in 1973. Power is supplied by the Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority. Three diesel generating units, two 500~kW and one 300-kW units f ~~ke up the total system with a firm of 800 kW. The distribution of 7.2/12.47 kV has been to the Regional ~s standards in recent years. Klukwan miles due west of Skagway is the Village of Klukwan. industry, fisheries u and tourism support the area0s economy" At the time of the R. W. Retherford Associates S reconnaissance study in 1977 p the powerplant and distribution system were in poor shape and the powerhouse unattended. The municipality-owned system consisted of a 210-kW diesel unit in operation p one 75-kW diesel that looked as if it run! and a new 400-kW diesel unit still crated. A firm 285 kW is available assuming that the 400-kW unit is now Pelican Located on the northwest corner of Chichagof Island is the vil of Pelican. onshore processing are still the major industries. Pelican Cold is the lifeline of this vil of apL~oximately 140 people (1977). The Pelican Utility Company power through hydroelectric and diesel A 22-foot-high t 135-foot-timber crib dam was constructed on Pelican Creek at the head of natural falls approximately 1,200 feet upstream from the tide~ \..;aber. The diversion structure creates a forebay area 17.5 acres in surface area. From the intake, water is conveyed 686 feet in an open wood flume plus 90 feet in a tunnel to an intake box. A 36~inch­ diameter wood-stave penstock, 330 feet long, leads to the powerhouse with an installed of 500 kW. Pelican Creek also water for Pelican. Due to the many leaks in the crib structure, insufficient water for hydroelectric production necessitates the backup of 200 kW from the diesel at all times. Maximum of the hydroelectric is to be about 355 kW. Diesel generation units total 700 kW. which is the system~s firm capacity. Yakutat A neck of land extends the Gulf of Alaska to connect South~ east Alaska to the rest of Alaska. The protection from the ele- ments is Yakutat ,where the village of Yakutat is located. Salmon canneries built in the 1900 i S were abandoned soon afterwards when 158 the salmon streams were overharvested. In recent years, tourism in the form of hunting and fishing has been increasing. A 1977 population of about 450 people live in the Yakutat area. Yakutat Power, Inc., is the sole supplier of power to the village and its immediate vicinity. The powerhouse contains four diesel generator units with the following , capacities: 250 kW, 375 kW, 600 kW, and 800 kW& The firm capacity 'is 1,225 kW. HYDROELECTRIC POWER SITES Sixteen potential hydroelectric sites were investigated for the ten communities studied. Some of these sites included staged development plans. Reconnaissance-level designs and cost estimates were carried out for the seven most promising sites. The Retherford report contains detailed information on the selected sites and the development concept and cost for each. The reader is referred to that report for the details. SUMMARY The comparison of camn~nity power needs and hydroelectric potential for each of the ten studied communities was presented in section VI6 Recom- mendations, in the Retherford report. That section 1s quoted directly as ,follows: 1. General' " 3. The following recommendations are the results of preliminary findings based in some cases on rough estimates of topographic features, incomplete water records and construction COStS3 The recommendations are intended to pin-point the most favor- able hydroelectric sites which are worthy of more detailed investigation consistent with the foreseeable power market. Angoon Preliminary economic analysis of the small hydroelectric site on Thayer Creek indicates marginal feasibility at the best and is not recommended for further study at this time. The citi- zens of Angoon should attempt to have the Thayer Creek hydro potential sites excluded fram the proposed Admiralty Island Wilderness Area for future development should their electrical demand greatly exceed the projection. Craig, Hydaburg and Klawock Two separate sites were studied as potential sources of hydro- electric energy for these villages. It was immediately apparent that the forecasted growth of anyone of the communities could not justify development of either site. Craig and Klawock combined could develop the Black Bear Lake potentialJ however, the comparison with all three communities showed an overwhelm- ing advantage of an intertie. 159 The first an intertie of the Reynolds Creek r and Klawock shows with nary however. the Black Bear Lake project is superior to the Creek project under projected loads. It is recornmended that a Definite Project Report be L~ediately on the Black Bear Lake project to provide electrical energy for the I and Klawock market area. 4. Hainas and Klukwan Although Haines was not included in the scope of serviceD the most promising hydro site in the area required the inclusion of Haines for consideration. It is recommended that the Chilkoot River Tributary shown on Plates 11 and 12 of Section IV receive high priority for detailed 5. Hoonah The development was considered as ing and economic source of primary questionable and later it for recommendation. potential of Game Creek in terms of to provide Hoonah with a reliable Environmental aspects were be the factor that rejected on Gartina Creek is considered feas~ ible from an f economic and environmental mode to provide secondary energy to the Hoonah areao The installation would be classified as with the Federal Power Commission and, I for License is greatly simplified and issued in a shorter time frame. I t is recommended Lvnmediately for Gartina Creek. 6. Kasaan License be potential of Investigations and area reconnaissance did not reveal a viable hydroelectric project for Kasaan. The projected power menta do net justify a transmission line to the recommended Black Bear Lake 7. Kake Two potential s1tes were investigated for the Kake area. The transmission distance and the lack of a suit- able reservoir for power ruled out Cathedra.l Falls 160 lAB II1II111 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Alaska's wildlife and Habitat, Volume II. 1978. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Volumes I and II. 1978. Habitat Protection Section. Letter to H. A. Arnowitz. CH2M HILL, Bellevue, Washington, 24 July 1979. Fisheries Task Force. Commercial and Sport Fish Rating Forms. Tongass Land Management Plan, Working Report. April 1978. Southeast Alaska's Panhandle, Alaska Geographic, Vol. 5, No.2. Alaska Geographic Society. State of Alaska, Ninth Legislature, Second Session. Electric Power in Alaska, 1976-1995. A report for the House Finance Committee. Prepared by University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research. August 1976. University of Alaska, Arctic Environment Information and Data Center. Alaska Regional Profiles, S.E. Alaska. (No date) u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center. Recon- naissance Studies for Small Hydropower Additions. Davis, California. July 1979. u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Region 10, Juneau, Alaska. Water Resources Atlas. Prepared by OTT Water Engineers, Redding, California. April 1979. Tongass Land Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact State- ment, Parts 1 and 2 and Summary. March 1979. Benefit/Cost, Salmon Habitat Improvement. February 1969. u.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and Federal Power Com- mission. Water Powers, Southeast Alaska. 1947. u.S. Department of Commerce. 1970 Census. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for the Envirorunent, Office of Technology Impacts, Division of Regional Assess- ments. Alaska Regional Energy Resources, Planning Project--Ph~se I. Volume I, Alaska's Energy Resources Findings and Analysis. Prepared by Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Anchorage, Alaska, under contract No. EY 76 C-06-2435. October 1977. u.s., Geological Survey. Quadrangle sheets for appropriate areas (1:63,000). 161 CrGC,c;.. An af;parent reservoir for strearn exists in the Gunnuk Creek drainage b.asin. It has a plus factor in that the pt')"'Jerhouse would be located near the load center and also wo~ld enhance the potable water for Kake. It is recommended that the Gurmuk Creek considered for immediate detailed investigationo 9. Pelican be Pelican Creek lends itself very well to stage of its hydroelectric potential. It is unfortunate that the first of is burdened with the access and trans- mission costs for the first three It is recommended that stage one development! as be considered for detailed only if 5% money is available for construction. 10. Yakutat There are no recommended potential hydroelectric sites within feasible transmission distance of Yakutat for the projected loads. There may exist a supply of natural gas of such limited amounts that it YJould not be feasible to market outside of the area. If sc, it is conceivable that gas turbine generation would be allowed. 162 Appendix A OPERATING AND ECONOMIC FACTORS INCLUDED IN MODELS OF THREE ELECTRIC GENERATING MJDES IN SOUTHEAST ALASKA SMALL GENERATING UNITS (5-TO lO-kW) A small, 5-kW diesel~fired generator was estimated to cost $5,000 installed. At a 12-percent interest rate for 5 years the total investment was estimated to be about $7,000. Generating 4,000 kWh per year at a 10-percent annual load factor, the equipment was assumed to have a lO-year life and there- fore average 18¢ per kWh. At 8,000 kWh per year and a 2o-percent load factor, the equipment was projected to last 7 years at an average cost of about 13¢ per kWh. Maintenance was projected at 2¢ per kWh •. Assuming output of 7 kWh per gallon and a 1979 diesel fuel cost at 80¢ per gallon, fuel cost was assumed to be 11.4¢ per kWh. Adding 5 percent for lube oil brought the total oil cost to 12.0¢ per kWh. The overall average cost per kWh was therefore estimated to be 32¢ at a 10 percent load factor and 279 at a 20 percent load factor. MEDIUM GENERATION (50-TO 250-kW) The installed cost for a 50-to 250-kW diesel unit was estimated to be $500 per kw. Adding interest brought the total cost to $700 per kW. Based on these cost assumptions, the equipment cost per kWh were estimated as follows: Load Factor 10 percent 20 percent 50 percent Li 10 years 10 years 7.S years Cost Per kWh Operation and maintenance costs for a 200-kW unit were assumed to include a $5,000 overhaul every 8,000 hours of operation. At a life of about 60,QOO hours, this would allow seven major overhauls for a total cost of $35,000 or $175 per kW. Routine maintenance was assumed to be $500 per year or $5,000 for the life of the unit, averaging $25 per kW. ~otal O&M cost was therefore estimated at $200 per kW. Average cost per kWh was, therefore, as follows: Load Factor 10 percent 20 percent 50 percent Life 10 years 10 years 7.5 years Cost Per kWh 2.3¢ 1.1¢ 0.6¢ These medium-size units were estimated to generate 10 kWh per gallon. At 1979 fuel prices of 80¢ per gallon, this equated to 8¢ per kWh. Add- ing 5 percent for lube oil brought the total cost per kWh to 8.4¢. 163 Based on these factors ,the average cost per k~lh for medium sized units ranged from 11.1¢ per kWh for a 50~percent load factor to 18.7¢ per kWh for loads at a lO~percent load factor. LARGE GENERA'rION (1~ to 2~rvfW} The installed cost of diesel units in the 1-to 2-MW range was estimated at $350 per kW. Adding interest brought the total investment cost to $485 per kW. EquilJment cost per kWh was calculated to average Ll¢ per kWh at a 50- percent load factor and O.9¢ per kWh at a GO-percent load factor 0 The units are expected to have a life of 90,000 hours with major main- tenance every 30,000 hours. Each unit would. therefore g require a major overhaul twice during its life. The overhaul cost for a 2-MW unit would be about $70~OOO. Major maintenance would therefore total $140~OOOp or $70 per kW for the unit's life. Routine maintenance would average $30 8 000 per year for a total $300$000 or $150 per kW for the unit life. Total O&H would, therefore~ average $220 per k~L C&M cost per kWh was estimated at O.Se at a 50 percent load factor and O.4¢ at a 60 percent load factor. These units would produce about 13.5 kWh per gallon, which at 1980 prices of 80¢ per gallon would equal 5.9¢ per kWh 0 Adding 5 percent for lube oil would bring the total oil cost per kWh to 6.2¢. Total cost per kw~ was therefore estirrated to be 7.8¢ at a 50 percent load factor and 7.S¢ at a 60 percent load factor. 164 111111 Appendix B III. COST ESTIMATES The Capital and Operation and Maintenance costs were determined by filling out a site development cost estimate form for each hydroelectric site, then preparing cost curves and tables for all the esttmates. The cost estimate form is shown in this appendix along with the cost curves and tables for the estimates. The filled-out cost estimate forms for each site are given in the project backup data folders. 165 SITE DEVELOPMENT COST ESTIMATE Diversion flow - Diversion Elev - Total Head - Potential power - Item 1. Diversion Dam LF 2. Fish Ladder 3. Power turnout headworks (in~ eludes fish screen if 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. act requires fish Delivery Canal Lawhead Penstock _91 Powerhouse kW Distribution Site Access Mobilization r,1isc: Bonding, insurance, diversion, and care of water SUBTOTAL LF LF I.E' LS mi mi LS LS 10% of items 1 through 8 Contingencies 15% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Indirect Costs 25% TOTAL PROJECT COST ANNUAL OPERATION AND ~JUNTENANCE (l) ~ 200 (.) c 0 U -0 <It "E ro >- (.) 100 :.0 ::J U 600 500 400 300 200 100 a - 1. Diversion Darn Costs Diversion Length-ft NOTE: Cost of concrete ~ $350/CY. This includes foundation excavation and preparation, formwork. steel, concrete and all labor. 2. Fishladder--S' vertical lift @ $3,OOO/vf = $15,000 3. Power Turnout Headworks (no ice control) { Without Fishsc, •• ns ~~~~:::::===--~'" o 50 100 150 200 250 300 Penstock Q-cfs 167 4. Delivery System--Canal use 3/4 of cost for same flow Low Heald Pipe and Penstock 200 ().) 150 ~ ... ro (!) (JJ 00 I' U'I 100 .... ro "0 0 ~ --.... In 0 u 50 o Ib...----"T""'-~ • ll' • i '-=(l o 50 100 150 200 250 300 Flow in NOTE: S/lii'll!lllr Fc.ot from manual en feasibiHty of sm2!iI hydra. Vol VI • Civil F;i!!tl.!r~ fig 3·1 5~ Powerhouse On most sites we assumed an or cross~flow turbine that can down to 10% of its rated capacity to take advantage of low flow. Cost based on Effective Head & Rated kW Total Cost from Small Hydro Manuals Vol. I, 168 Power Features Cost -Reconnaissance (Least Cost) 5000 2000 1500 .--......., 1000 700 f5MW 10MW (!) z 1.SMW ~ a:: 0 ti 5MW a: lIJ Z I.a.I (!) 3M'll 2MW ~~~tMW O.SMW 3002~O~.§g~~~o~~3E~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOO.25MW ~ 40 50 GO SO 100 150 200 .01 400 NOTES: EFFECTIVE HEAD ( FT ) I. Est imated costs are based upon a typical or standardized turbine coupled to a generator either directly or through a speed increaser, depending on the type turbine used. 2: Cosh include turbine/generator and appurtenant equipment, station electric equipment, miscellaneous powerplant equipment. powerhouse, powerhouse excavation, swltchyard civil works. an upstream_slide gate. and construction and installation. . 3. Costs not included are transmission line, penstock. tailrace con- struction and switchyaro equipment. ~. Cost base Jul, 1978. S. The transition zone occur ••• unit types change due to increased head. 6. For a Multiple Unit powerhouse. additional station equipment eosts are $20,000 + $S8.000x(n-l) where n is the total number of units. 7. Data for this figure was obtained from figures and tables in Voiumes V and VI. 169 6. Distribution 3~ph, l-kV o/R & u/G l~php 5~ to 15~kV concentric neutral cable with O/R & U/G routing I-ph, lS-kV O/R p 25-kV O/R 3-ph ~ubtransmission O/R l-ph, is-xV concentric neutral cable used as Hd life submarine cable I-ph, 25-kV submarine cable , 2S-kV submarine cable ph ;: phase .ltV '" voltage O/R == overhead U/G = underground 70 Site Access Roads @ $100,OOO/mi Trails @ $10 u OOO/mi 8. Mobilization Max. Installed 0-0.2 1 $ 20 1 000 0.2-0.5 3 35,000 0.5-2.0 10 60 8 000 2.0-5.0 10 80 6 000 5.0-10.0 10 150:000 0-0..5 2 40 e OOO 0.5-3.0 :3 130,000 3.0-10.0 5 250,000 Assume all Juneau will have to be mobilized from either Ketchikan or w/tug @ $1,500/day Move-in Load 1 day Travel 2 days Unload 1 day Move-out Load ~ day Travel Unload ---::""";;';..;.A. @ ,500 '" 500 If access from barge landing to site is not a road, assume site unloading and by helicopter @ $800/hr (1,500 ~ 2,000 Ib/lift) 2 10-hr days @ $800/hr = $16,000 170 Assume all ,above costs except for~distribution are for Seattle for July 1978, (ENR 31(1) Escalate to October 1979 (July 1979 ENR 3506 + 3 mo @ lVmo = 3600) Then account for difference between Seattle and SE Alaska Juneau = 1.58 Ketchikan = 1.59 Use 1.6 SEA SEA SE AI< 7/78 x 1.14 = 7/79 x 1.6 :: 7/79 Est. Est. Est. SEA 1.82 SE AI< or :::: 7/78 7/79 Operation and Maintenance Costs Labor 30 days/year @ $300/day = $9,000 or $25/year/kW, whichever is largest Materials $2/year/kW Overhaul$5/year/kW 171