HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegional Electric Power System for the Lower Kuskokwim Vicinity 1975r i I A RE I , g."oonn .0,.: C K"lo.u l,." C l .'Ibv.C4 ,." HOJl". Till"r~ C Tl'Ioml)ton LOWER C I('U~51<! ... oo~ "".01 II1UI( "T H USKOKWIM Jiol1flb".O C 8 )0",o,.. o Kian o Nourvik ,., 10 G t 8 R o •• 00 .. t'Cir""D ,.~S5 // VICINITY Kobuk 00 Shuntnuk o .. ,,00 -..... _______ c!r:!!-.!.."!.n~ ~ __________ --\> _________ _ ------- "v.C'",l. tin " _ ~.-ooo l:\oQ H i er .Feasi bU<ftrr''"A"Ssessment .. .: 0 ,.7Q* PARTMEN ~ r- .fp~ I ltl)"Cock £lim M ~ion o . Ko )'ukO °Oolovnln Stu.ttl Slebblna 0 0 OF THE I Koyukuk 0 OO.lena K . Lon' ,.00 5 -\h.bY PUJ)rfI\Un \ ... \. ... .. , E ISLAND A I Mi c h.attJ S £ C.Qe Kwl"".k 0 KWf.luk At..kanuk 0 Q " A k tfl U4kO BIa(!kO Nelson I C VIII~J.u ""~ .'.00 o Tanullak o Ko llile: Kviptl o Plkmik\kUk .0 ...... 11 •• 00",,, .1000 . MI!k'Or)'lIH 0 C [tO il" 0 A"'l 'kchut "-1'aehfku.!uo .. ~un ' ak I 0 ~l'" uU ,",vI .,.I o Ku"kovlIk-O Ee.k tichool Khmuk A n tMN\t. OKwla1IUn itO k C' 1.\"11\01 -.,-" o Qu i nlt "Ouk 1\".MaKaun iu l •• 00 .if, Oh,uhh'k -t". o NovaITIU\ .... lI •• Alo.tlcnatcik o O Nl.ln~hu&k t. ... ln(' ... '. 1 ·1976 )(.\'k ba..k O Oilli nlih lilu 0'1' .Ql uk 0 °Nu.h,,~k . ROBER w. RE·T+iER FO RD A I.. I tJtC~ Hli,flmtlstlf I NCHORAG E ., ALASK.A T. OF IN"1"l" p T r. J! II Y 1975 o Ct.r ks P OI", hcu:lhilt. SOCJ~TEiS' ., .; (" .... '1 ... '··. O ~ukno" a • • .: ..J .._0 T." .. lu," vuin\. 0 S uodu1'on ... , al , "O"RPI:~~I 0 ".': ,.. ... ... ' .... " ... .. '. ,,,. - .. .. '. W)lROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES 6 \J CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 10, 1975 Mr. James V. House Administrator TELEPHONE 344·2585 P. O. BOX 6410 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 Alaska Power Administration Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 1976 Dear Mr. House: 401-402 Transmitted herewith are si,2~~~T·88'~Ta'f the report "A Regional Electric Power System for the Lower Kuskokwim Vicinity". We are also transmitting originals of the document that can be used for producing additional copies. A number of minor corrections have been made of typographical errors and omissions that were found to exist in the copies given you in Anchorage and Homer. One mathema- I tical error was made on Table 11, page 40, line 7 where the Ir for I the shunt reactor should have been entered as 20 1-64 instead of 120 ~90 (angle referenced to the Vr at Sheldon's Pt.). This changes isome numbers in the last lines of the Table but not significantly . All pages except for the fold-in Plates A and B can be readily reproduced by the Xerox or equivalent process. The covers were printed by an offset process. This project was a challenging one and seemed more so as my work progressed. I took more time than I expected because it seemed desirable to demonstrate the potential feasibility of the Single Wire Ground Return concept for a much larger area than originally conceived as appropriate. I suspect there may be other areas of Alaska where the SWGR transmission scheme would be applicable. It would be highly useful to construct and operate a section of such a line in an area of Alaska where there is permafrost in order that the ability to develop adequate ground connections can be demon- strated. I am certain that it can be done successfully, but it should be documented so that full credibility can be established. The Kuskokwim region is a good spot to build such a line section. A beginning of line construction to implement the ten-village interconnection could be accomplis.h~d with emphasis placed on the monitoring of the ground elect~l :vstem<;~tft~ the construction Alaska Resources Lihn,r; & nformanon.,. ,~ Librar\' lluilJing. Su:ilC l11 321 f Prov:iucnn:: Drive "nchnn\l!c. AK ~95n~-i(i14 Associated with RADAT SYSTEMS, INC. P. O. Box 55536, Houston, Texas 77055 - -~ ... .. ... .. <III .... - ... Mr. James V. House Page 2 = September 10, 1975 401-402 techniques. This data could then be used in establishing improved techniques and upgraded specifications. A line from Bethel to Napakiak, for instance, could make an excellent demonstration project. Thank you for arranging the opportunity to participate with you at the ARECA convention; I believe the exposure of the SWGR scheme at that meeting will generate some good suggestions from some who attended. ROBERT W. RETHERFORD P.S. I have sent a corrected copy of this report to Dr. J. R. Eaton for his comments. I will also send an "errata" sheet to those who received the original reports. The list I recall is: Bob Huffman .••.•.......... GVEA Bill Sackinger .••....... U of A Tom Hea th ..••.•...•......•. REA Lloyd Hodson 0 •••••••••••••• AVEC Homer Newspaper ........•. Homer Also, I am enclosing a copy of a letter to the Secretary of the American National Standards Committee of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers regarding Rule 2l5C, National Electrical Safety Code, and have sent copies also to the above listed people . RWR:lmc Ene • ... ... .. .. - - • .. rc W )lROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES U 6. \J CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 10, 1975 Secretary TELEPHONE 344.2565 P. O. BOX 6410 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 American National Standards Committee C2 Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 000-401 Subject: Rule 215C, National Electrical Safety Code Gentlemen: The above subject Rule 215C of the 1973 NESC denies the use of the ground as a normal part of an electric supply circuit. The fifth and prior editions of the NESC did not deny its use in rural areas. It is of interest to determine the background of this change in the NESC to provide some perspective that may bear on a request for an exception to this present rule. It is understood that such an exception would be requested through our Alaska authority responsible for the local codes and regulations. I am transmitting herewith a copy of a report prepared for the Alaska Power Administration that studies some alternatives for electric power supply in one of the sparsely-settled region; of Alaska. The report concludes that very significant savings in the cost of ~lectric energy c?n be obtained by interconnecting the villages of the Region studied (an area of 56,000 square miles). For such an interconnection to be feasible, it also concludes that a Single Wire Ground Return transmission circuit would save substantial investments and provide the opportunity to bring central station service to the villages with a con- sequent saving in money and fossil fuel requirements. I would call your attention specifically to the comments on page 3 of the Report summary regarding the use of the Single Wire Ground Return (SWGR) system and the recognition of the Rule in the NESC regarding such use. It would be greatly appreciated if the Committee would comment regarding this proposal for use in the Kuskokwim-Yukon Delta region of Alaska . Associated with RADAT SYSTEMS, INC. P. O. Box 55536, Houston, Texas 77055 ·,.. .. - -- .. .. ... ... • .. .. secretary -IEEE Page 2 tn September 10, 1975 000-401 I would be pleased to correspond further with the Committee or members thereof regarding the SWGR system and its potential use in Alaska. I believe it can be done successfully and safely -recognizing that it must be done right. The poten±ial impact on the quality of life in Alaska's hinterlands and more efficient use of energy require that a serious evaluation be made. R~'lR: lmc ... ,. -.. - ... <. - -.. - - • In mid-Deca:nber 1974 the agreeaent was made to accar:p1ish the following report. The agreaoent stated that " ••• 'Ihe l«Jrk will CDIlSist of engineering and econanic sbXlies am a report to APA providing a preI:i.Inirl&y feasibility assessment of an electric ~ transad ssian system serving several sna.ll villages in the vicinity of Bethel, Alaska. It will :include estimates of power requirements, preI:i.Inirl&y design am cost estimates for transmission facilities, and a determination of probable cost of ~ fran such a system ...... '!he dooument further states" •••• '!he \\Ott. will focus on plans for electric service to villages within approx:imatelya 40-mile radius of Bethel, Alaska, :tnt will also include an assessment of feasibility of including nore distant villages ...... II A cursory review of the study area and conferences with Mr.. Paul Kreuzenstein resu1ted in scm.:! futher researdl as to p:>Ssible IWdro-electric sites (a snal.l mining related d.evelopnent was rel,X>rted at Nyac). The Kisaralik River appeared to traverse a narrow canyon rot far fran Bethel and U .. S.G.S. charts \ere analyzed briefly for watershed areas. It was a .surprise to find a 500 plus square mile area apparently fed the Kisaralik River at the canyal site. '!his generated interest for a specific look which tcak. place just prior to a public meeting in Bethel on January 25, 1975. A kmwlePgeable pilot flew the area with us and numerous photographs 'tNere taken. The nane Cblden Gate 'WaS found to be the description used by the local citizens who k:rlc:M the area as the limits of the fishel:y and as good fur animal habitat. It shows on the U.S.G.S. quadrangles as a falls. Acx}uaintanceshi.p with the country also showed that substantial stands of spruce existed along the Kuskokwin al:x:>ve Bethel and along SCIre of its tribltaries. . Discussions with Mr. Clarence Clark at Nyac and Hal Borrego at Bethel regarding the exisitng electric lines of the area established scree guidelines to estimate construction problans and suitable designs. After foz:mulating prel.j.mina:I:: layouts for a ten-village mterconnection am developing a IIl:X1el of an A-frane type line a second public meeting was held in Bethel in July, 1975. Participants \\ere briefe1 about our ideas arrl asked for CQlllents. Gc:x:rl. resp::>nse gave added data to use in fIDalizing the re:port. A thorough investigation of a I,X>Ssible single wire ground return line showed extremely interesting results and unexpectedly indicated suitability for long circuits (300 miles plus) '!he follCMing rep:>rt is the result of digesting all this input and writing the results. It is hoped that the intent is served. i ... ... ... - til ... til .. ... ... .. TABLE OF COJ.'lI'ENTS Page INl'RCDu:::TIOO ----------------------------i TABLE OF C<Nl'ENI'S SUl+fARY AND R.EXXM-iENDATIONS ------------------ Part I -PRESENT SrruATION Study Area -------------------- Key Map ---------------------------- Part II -I£W) DATA-HIS'lORICAL Electrical IDads --------------- Village Population ------------- Table 1 -Te.'1-Village Population Data ------- Part II -I£W) DATA -FOREI"AST General -"' -"n -------------- Table 2 -AVEr. Village Suntnary Forecast of .J?ori.'er Fequir€llEl1ts ----------- Figure 1 -Forecast, Bethel Area plus Ten Villages -- Figure 2 -Forecast, Bethel Area plus Ten Villages (hydro-avoilal;)le) - Table 3 -Ten-Village PoIrier Requj..ra:cents Forecast --- Table 4 -Bethel plus Ten-Village Power Requirerrents Forecast ---- Table 5 -.Bethel plus Ten-Village Electric Heating Potential --- Part IV -WlDLFSALE P(MER SI'IUATIQN General ----.------------- Rates for Wholesale Power -Bethel -------------- Table 6 -Wholesale Power Cost -Bethel ----------- Wholesale Power Supply fran Anchorage ------------ Part V -FUEL SUPPLY Sl'IUATION Present Source of Supply ---------------------- Cost of Diesel Fuel ----------------------------- Table 7 -Diesel Fuel Cbst Estimate ---------------- Part VI -ALTERNATE ENERGY REscx.JICES Wind Energy ----------------------------- Hydro-Electric Energy ---------------------------- Kuskokwim -Crooked Creek Project ---------------- Kisaralik --Golden Gate Site -------------------- 1 5 7 8 9 9 11 11 12 13 14 15 19 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 27 28 29 ,It ... ... .. -.. -.. .. - ' .. • .. -.. .. - -.. .. .. . ,. TABLE OF CON'J.'ENl'S (oon 't) Page Part VII -FACroRS AF1!"a::r~ THE CCNS'I'RJCI'ICIiJ & OPERATION OF P<"H:R LINES Electrical Performance, Ten-Village System 31 Plate A -Prelim:inary Layout -Electric Transmission System -----32 Plate B -Prelim:inary Data -Golden Gate, Hydro-Site --33 Figure 3 -Bethel Area, Ten-Village, One Line Schanatic 34 Table 8 -Voltage Drop Estimate, 3~-4W Line ---34 Table 9 -Voltage Drop Estimate, ~ Line --------35 Electrical Performance -Regional System 37 Plate e -Regialal ~ System ------38 Figure 4 -Regional 1?o!.Er System-One Line Schanatic -39 Table 10 -Voltage & Current calc., Bethel-Sheldon's Pt. 39 Table 11 -Voltage & Current calc., Bethel-Sheldon I s Pt. . with Electrical Heat -40 Physical Design an;} Construction ---------41 Figure 5 -Spnx::e A-Frame Power Line Structure ----42 Part VIII -POiER SJPPLY AIl.mRNATIVES Table 12 -1?o!.Er SUWly Alternatives, Ten-Village Group 45 Table 13 -COsts of ~ SUpply, Ten-Village Group H¥dro-energy ---46 Figure 6 -Bus Bar ~ COsts, Ten-Village Group --47 Regional Po!r.er System --------48 List of 1\ppezrlj_03S APPENDIX-A Village Survey Data -Napakiak and Akiachuk Light Plant Inventory ------------ Houseb::>ld Electric Uses ------ Electric Heating Estinate -Village Hare ------ elimaticData-Bethel Area ------ Excerpts fran AVFr. Recx>rds -Ten Villages Calista Region Prelim:inary Line Route -~k Sheet -- Lisitng of Calista Region Village COrporation ---- APPENDIX-B Al,A4 A2,A3,AS,A6,A7 A8 A9 AlO ,All,Al2 A Al3 thru Al? Estimated tIlolesale Power COsts -Bethel -Bl Forecast of Production COsts -Village Plants ----B4 Forecast of Transmission COsts, incl. Purchas.ed PcMer -B5 APPENDIX-C, OI'HER ENERGY S<l.JOCF.S Kisaralik River Hydropotential ---.-------el Win:1 Engergy-cata.1og Sheets -e7 Snall Hydro-Unit Data & Sheets ---------ell ... - -.. .. - • - -• .. - ... - .. TABLE OF OONl'ENTS (con' t) Page APPENDIX-O, LINE CAT.l.lJLATIONS -SINGLE WIRE GROUND RRIURN Voltage Drop Factors (fnxn RFA Bulletin 45-1 with additions)----01&02 sa Transmission Line, Electrical Performance ----03 SN3R A,B,C,&O COnstants for lOO-Mile Line ---------07 APPENDIX-E, PHYSICAL OESIGN DATA A-fr~ Sketch, with Notations -------------El Alternates A-fr~, with notations ----------E2 APPENDIX-F, a:::NSI'RUCI'ICN COST DATA One-Wire A-frane COnstruction Teclmique ----------Fl One-Wire, Min. Line, Est. Construction Costs ----F2 River Crossing, Est. COnstruction COsts ---------F3 2-Wire, A-frane, long Span"--------------F4 conventional, Single Phase, l-t~ire Plus Neutral ----F5 conventional, 3-Phase, 4-Wire Line -----F6 .. • ... - • - ,.., ... .. ,;II In the process of searching out the significant factors that are necessary in testing ideas, W3 have 1ooka:l forinfo:rmation and carrnent fran persons in the region and have, in tum, been queried. The results of a oonsiderab1e interchange of ideas and cx.mnents are eml:x:xtied in this reIXJrt. We tried to bring our own background to bear on a challenge to find a way to improve electrical service to sane of the small village o::mmunities of Alaska. We needed to eKfX.>Se our "schemes" to those who might be on the receiving end and let them try our reasoning -while W3 picked their brains! '!his PIOCeSS has been valuable to us and W3 wish to acknowledge with thanks the inputs fran all who have resporded. The subtle Iressages of many in quiet oonversatians and the not-so-subtle tail twisting of a few are all bound to make a mark on our utterances. ~ prabab1ycan not identify all tOOse wOO inpact:ed this effort but the following listing is made to reoognize those we can. 1hese acknowledgenents are made in a kind of chronological order that happened to happen: ANDY EIXiE -The City Manager of Bethel at the tinl::'! we started our study. AOOy helped mightily in spurring our efforts, finding space for neetings and participating in his inimitable style: J~B. HAJ:()IDSEN, the pilot who first s1'lor.'IIed us the Golden Gate on the Kisaralik and provided sane perspectives on the C'alStructian of IXJWer lines -especially where they may cross the writhing KuskaJcwjm: CIAREN:E Ci:.ARK, at NY1\C, whose advice and cx::mtent was sought out as an experienced hand in the arts of constructing and operating electric facilities withmt all the anenities of hanc1y oontractors and stores and nearby help incase of trouble. roBERT NICK of Ntmapitchuk, whose friendly discussions during a brief t.ime waiting for a flight i'elp:rl us lmderstand m::>re a1:x:>ut the turxlra and the lakes that dot the U.S.G.S. quadrangles but don't look the sane in February: BILLY McC1-\NN, JAMES BIK::K and CARL MJrGIN of Napakiak, who shcMed us their ccrcmm.ity and its efforts to acx;ruire better electric service; DAN I.AR9JN of Napakiak, who listened and ~ us where to find a thaw bulb under 6-1/2 feet of ice in March, which allowed us to dem:m- strate the feasibility of getting a gcxx1 electrical connection to ground in the pennafrost ca.mtry along the Kuskokwim: JULIA EX.'iroK of Napakiak, whose careful \<!Ork in her village survey effort supplied us with valuable data for this report; BRJCE crow, citizen and fish buyer of Bethel, who took tinl::'! to listen and think and a:mrent about the J:X)tential impacts of a IXJssible hydr0- electric d.evelopnent on the Kisaralik; ,RAE BAX'lER, research biologist for the Alaska Depart.na:lt of Fish and Gart'e who offered a::IIl'rent and advice regarding the Golden Gate hydro-electric site and its IXJtential influence on the fishery; PEl'ER THREE STARS, Bureau of Indian Affairs Region Administrator at Bethel who took time to listen and cament reganting ideas for interconnecting villages. His candid statements exhibited. concern about cx>sts and urged prudence in attenpting new projects - a concern not lost UfOn us i HAL BORREGO and GEDmE TILSWRY of Bethel utilities COqx:>ration in Bethel who listened with enlightened. interest and "brains1:ol::n'e:1" with us regarding o::>nstruction in the outlying areas curl shared valuable experience. ... ... .. - .. - .. ' .. '. .. ELI J. WASSILLIE, City of Akolmiut, who took tirre to write us a letter after being unable to attend the January public rreeting. The letter supplied useful information -particularly in regard to experience with urxlergrourrl arrl underwater electric circuits in the tundra country; ZN:HARIAH C. CHALIAK, SR., of the Akolmiut City Council was able to attend a later meeting arrl bring personal cx:mmmications about the tundra country; IDIT EXiEAK of the Akiachuk City Council, whose advice was sought regarding crossings of the Kuskokwim. WILLIE KASAYUL1E, secretary of Akiachuk, Ltd., who conducted the survey of electric light plants arrll'lotlseOOld uses in Akiachuk and showed us the river and Kwethluk; TlM)'l'HY WILLIAMS of Akiak, new president of Yugtak Coq;oratian for his participation in the public xreetings and excellent suggestions regarding power line crossings of the Kuskokwim River between Bethel and Tuluksak; os:::AR NICK of Atmautluak, whose interested CUlilents about the A-frame, spruce pole, and por.-.er line gave us a better understanding of its potential use on the tundra; N:lMI ANDREW of Tuluksak and his neighl:x:>rs who talked with us about the native spruce along the Kuskokwim and obt:ained for us sanple sections of spruce trees :in the area; HAROID SPAR:K of Nunam Kitlutsisti, who visited with us about energy systems am arranged region wide publication of infonnation about the p:>tential hydro-electric developtl:mt on the Kisaralik • There are many organizaticns and fellow professionals who provided valuable help in many forms that implemented our ~rk. Paul Kreuzenstein, whose ranarkable kmwledge of the region and acquaintanceship with its people arrl places helped get our feet on the ground and who quietly arranged schedules and wisely kept us from stumbling too rruch rates our deep thanks. Yugtak Corporation which manages the affairs of eight village corporations along the Kuskokwim River helped us through their office in Bethel arrl by providing transportation for a trip to Napakiak over the "Kuskokwim Winter Highway". The Ec::nnan.ic Developrent Adminis- tration furrled Yukon-Kuskokwim Regional Planning Program supp:>rted the village surveys and helped improve the credibility of our historical data. Lloyd Hodson, Manager of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEL) who provided the historical data an electricity use in the villages of their group ani analyses of growth factors for AVOC, gave us thereby a useful perspective developed fran "hard" experience. Iou Lively and 'lbny Burns of what was then the Calista Corporation land office took t:ime to review the preliminary line routings prop:>sed for the ten- village group arrl provided suggestions regarding the right""f-way pro- cedures that might impact such a project. Dr. J. :Ebbert Eaton, registered professional engineer, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University (now retired) and visiting Professor at the University of Alaska spent many hours of his 0NI1 tirre reviewing am analyzing the electrical performance p:>ssibilities of the Single Wire Groum Return (~) electric system prop:>sed :in the following report. His attention and counsel are gratefully acknowledged • ... .. .. ' . ... ,"" ... • .. ," The Alaska I?cJ\Er Administration who made-IX'ssible this dDcu.ttent ra:eives our thankS for the opp::>rtunity given us. In particular, I nust recognize Janes Ibuse, nt:.:M Mninistrator of .APA, who has been willing to sUWOrt this effort. Jim lbuSe provided the input for the 1969 FPC Alaska Power SUrvey which provided, cmong other things, that " •••••• fir.rling a practical neans of providing electric service to the relatively small and dispersed settle.mants ••••• such as the 79-kilovolt single-phase, gxourrl return transmission schane described ••• deserved irm:e:1i.ate and cxmc.:.-entrated attention. II 'lbe APA, under the direction of Jim House, put their IIDley where their nouth is. ~ thanks to Jim. Another professional of that organizati.cn, Bob Cross, has worked closely with Ire. He has gently nudged and peacefully cajoled Ire to get crack:in I and finish the joo. .My thanks for his UIXlerstanding and pa.tience. ~A~~ ~->t-$: Ii ;1--[ - ~~A-"'~J ~~ • .... ... .. .. ,. .. .". s~ A regi.alal. electric :pc:w:!r systan of lines intercannecting the ten villages within a 40 mile radius of Bethel is a feasible project. Figure 6 from Part VIII of the reJ;X>.rt (also following this page) shows graphically the caoparison of ~ SUpply Alternatives • All ~ sUWlyalterna.tive analyses in this report contain cost es- calations. '!hese escalations have been used consistently in all alternatives to assure a fair canparison. It is believed useful to note that the fuel cost increment in all the alternatives accrues an increasing share of the total power cost . At the sarre tine, it should also be noted that the resulting rate of in- crease in total power cost is a lesser rate in all cases than the rates of escalation assmred for labor. 'Ibis shows that although relatively :rrodest gzowth in electric energy use is forecast, the relationship between labor costs (relatErl to inocxre) and energy cost inproves. In teDns of constant dollars the cost of electricity is predicted to decrease. 'Ibis occurs even tlDugh the cost of fuel is asS1.lIl'ed to require a continuing larger share of the total electricity cost. (1) Village ~ plant systans are highest in cost because of the poorest efficiencies, higher fuel rosts, and high reserve requirements. (2) Transmission interconnection using conventional 3fO, 4-wire lines is better than small village plants because of the better efficiencies through purchased ~ (larger plants with inproved diversity and less reserve requirerrent) even though initial investments are high with a resulting slightly higher cost in early years. (3) A transmission interconnection using a Single Wire Grol.md Return (sw;R) line premises the lowest oosts of all by virtue of. its substantially lower investment. The· graphical presentation using semi-log paper tends to underplay the differ- ences be~ alternatives -particularly at future years. The following tabulations may improve perspective: IllS-BAR COSTS -CENTS PER KWH* Alternate Village Plant 3.0-4W Line SW:;R Line 1980 23.3 20.5 14.9 1985 26.0 20.2 16.6 1990 25.4 21.5 19.4 * All cost estimates include cost of n:oney at 8% interest, and delivery of energy to the distribution systan of each village. -1- t ... ... • .. ,. • 0': ~"" 1."1 1.'). "¢~ liltS u " i .. ;; :: c t1 !: C 4 c:: .... <: '" Cl '-0.5 -':;ru ..!. () ~ ::;.,.. tJ (.l L"""'" .. • '. "0 .. , ____ "_0 ._, ·-0 3D 2 . . ~ _ .... t._ 14 ! ·r· II&II[ 1t!lJ!!1!!!! ., ,." 1"'_ . - --~~~··:-:-;·-~'l : ... :0T~~-~-i~·-.:~-·.; ,_._-,.-.-----.----,' -~-. --'~--i~-~--,--:---•. -:--~-:-----~-------. . •. : --i .) .. , I _ , . _",. .' ·.~~.:...-_. ___ .>w-~~-.:-.--~_:.~--...:.....~-.- _~-_~~~~~!~~-~-~~_o:~1-~~'".'::~~~~~-c-,:~ -.. :~'-~;-:': .. _;~.~;~=_~~-~._"_"~~ .. ;~~~~-~ _: ___ 0 ___ .~ I ---:--~-.:...~---,-.-. --' - 76 78 1980 84 86 YFAR 1990 92 94 96 fa I ~1r.:IIQI= _~ I 2000 -2- ... .. • ... • - - .. .. '. -... III, .. 'fRANSIIlISSIOO 00Sl'S ONLY -CENI'S PER KWH* Altemative 3)J, 4-W Line SW3R Line 1980 11.9 6.3 1985 8.7 5.1 1990 6.1 4.0 *All cost est.imates include cost of noney at 8% interest, and delivery of energy to the distribution system of each village. Scanning the b«> preceeding tabJlations shows clearly the IX>tential future benefit of the transmission systems. If a lower cost source of energy should becxJ.ne available, such as local hydro-electric supply, la.vered fossil-fuel prices (by di.scxJvery of a local gas or oil field), or future interconnection to another location, the transmission system through its interconnection of villages can provide an iIrm:.diate delivery system to gain the benefit • Clearly, the 8W:iR system as est.imated can offer very significant savings at equivalent perfonnance levels. (See Part ViI) '!he SW3R scheme, using the earth as a return path, is not a new technology. '1hc:xlsaIrls of miles of line have been in successful operation for nore than thirty years -nostly outside the United States. The Fifth (effective to 1961) ard prior editions of the National Electrical Safety C<xle (NESC) allowed for use of earth as a nornal path for part of an electric supply circuit in rural areas, but the later editions do not. An exception to this present restriction in ~;e NESC t.«ruld 'be required. It is believed that the applications proposed here WJuld in no way create any operating system with lesser safety than those n.ow acceptable. 'lbe SN;R lines suggested here are IX>int-to-point connections with a carefully established grounding system at each point. The substation established at each village WJuld then connect to the conventional l11llti-grounded distri- bution system as camonly used t:<:rlay throughout Alaska and the other 49 states . A regional electric :pDI.\1er system. that 'WOuld interconnect 54 villages of the calista region'to Bet:b;ll has been briefly reviewed to det:e.!:ItUne whether further stt:rly may be warranted. 'll1is brief analysis (See Chapter VII and VIII) shows that there may be feasibility using the 5WiR concept. Electrical perfol:ltBI1ce of a 30Q-mile length of S-GR, 40 kv line appears excellent. With loads in- creased to represent a possible electric heating market, an increase in voltage to 80 kv for the first 100 miles appears to produce acceptable service. A cost est.imate (see Part VIII) shows that the average cost of transmission for 1200 miles of ~ line delivering only 16,000,000 kwh per year to the 54 villages would be about 12¢ per kwh. The lines oould easily deliver three times as much energy at very little added transmission investment and operating cost. Even at the relatively small level of energy use the line appears canpetitive with small village plants. r-bre careful study is warranted. A major segment of the delivered costs of energy by the lowest cost delivery III systan (transmission line interconnection) is the basic price for the pro- duction of electricity. Alternate energy sources with a promise of tolerable - -3- - - • • .. • . .. ... ... ' .. costs and reduced pressure on the non-renewable energy sources (fossil fuels) nrust be a pr.i.roo objective. While the scope of this study did not inclu:3e this specific objective, a unique opportunity developed to view a possible hyd:ro-electric developrent apparently ~ll-matched to fulfill a local energy . requirElnent. 'lbe Golden Gate site on the Kisaralik River (See Plate B and Appen:iix C) holds pnmdse of supplying 159,000 I 000 kW:l per year, with 36,000 kw of capacity at a c:x::q:etitive price. 'lbis is equivalent to 14,000,000 gallons of fuel per year that might be displaced. MJre careful study seems warranted- particularly to establish water supply and p:>tential envi.rormental :i.npact. Recx:mne:ndatians (1) It is recx:mnended that an expanded study be made prarptly to establish the feasibility of installing 10\i\1 resistance electrode systems suitable for the sw:;R system. (2) It is reca:mended that a sul:mi.ttal be prepared and pre- sented to the appropriate Alaska authority regarding an exception to Section 2l5.C. of the NESC for the purpose of SVCiR lines in the Kuskokwim-Yukon Delta region . (3) It is reca:mended that a st\.rly of a possible sw:;R trans- mission system for the entire Calista region be tmder- taken to provide a basis for p:lssible oonstruction. (4) It is recx:mnended that the Golden Gate site on the Kisaralik River be considered for nore in-depth study of its potential as an energy source for the Kuskokwim-Yukon Delta region and in particular supp:>rt the establi.shm:mt of a stream gage near the site. (5) It is recx:mnended that a reconnaissance study of potential small hydro-sites be Ul'X1ertaken with particular emphasis on sites that are reasonably near the villages of the region or the possible transmission line routes • -4- - - -• • • •• •• •• Part I PRESENT SITUATION Study Area The City of Bethel (about 400 miles west of Anchorage) is located near the geographical center of an area including the lower Kuskokwim River basin and the Yukon River delta. This area of about 56,000 square miles encompasses 56 villages (including Bethel) counted within the Calista Corporation boundaries under the Alaska Native Claims Act. (See the following key map.) Bethel is the largest community and has an excellent airport and is the terminus for major river traffic bringing freight from the North Pacific for use in Bethel or trans-shipment by smaller river craft or air. There is no road system in the area and much of the land is tundra generously sprinkled with lakes. Overland movement is limited primarily to the winter season -even with ORV equipment, although some travel has been accomplished by Geophysical crews during the summer weather. The river is being used as a roadway during the winter season after the ice has thickened. Snow machines provide the most competent mode of travel in winter. Some higher ground exists and mining operations using standard vehicles, trucks, bulldozers, etc. take place during the summer when the water supply allows for hydraulic processing methods. Cat trails are established in the winter time and heavy freight is moved to staging areas where summer roads can connect. The area is wholly situated in a moderate perflafrost zone with frost depths to 600 feet. The low flat land is primarily fine-grained sand or silt. Thaw bulbs exist adjacent to the deeper river channels and lakes. Potable water is found by drilling wells through the permafrost. Along the Kuskokwim, wells have been successful at 185 to 200 feet. Electrical service thoughout the 56 village area is mostly from small individually owned diesel-electric units of about 3 kw. size except at about 20 villages served by AVEC (Alaska Village Electric Cooperative), and the City' of Bethel which is supplied by the privately owned and operated Bethel Utilities Corporation. BIA and State Operated Schools have facilities in most of these areas and (except where AVEC supplies service and in Bethel) they provide their own electric power from diesel-electric plants. rf 55 of these villages (one is on Nunivak Island) were interconnected, it is estimated to require about 1200 miles of line -an average of about 22 miles per village. A relatively compact group of seven villages along the Kuskokwim and three on the tundra (along the Johnson River) can be interconnected to Bethel with about 100 miles of line -the -5- ... ... .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. '. farthest village being about 39 line miles from Bethel. This is an average Line length of about 10 miles per village • The prim~ry s~u~ area of.~ report is the 10 village group lY1ng w1th1n-a-i0-m1le radius of Bethel. These villages are Akiachuk, Akiak, Atmautluak, Kasigluk, Kwethluk, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Nunapitchuk, Oscarville and Tuluksak . -6- "" .. .... .- ' ... ." .. ... .. • .. '- ... • ---- / I }, f I I ! --~~ I 0 'l.I.r ., I L A h .j C " ';,,f,,\ !li ll , f, h",,!:,,,,, h,]I)"H () It .. ", Hi\'"! 4 'I:'V" 1 n ~' II,,'" "\ I",," 111''''''''''''11 G R 0\\ , ... '-11'"10 \1:' ! 1.!l1I1I1.' , . i age ~1iIIiiiI?'~~~r?/// b ;;;//~ '< ~ ~...",. '" :..r....-..; o IJi H'"~l'd''' h, , Il,,), 0 0 0 S .r),u.·~,k 0 h"W.UIlIl\ol "1 v : '" ;~,:j , j; •• J 1'.j'I" r ,\" 11 ilil II· 'II Q "-.....-r~ 1\11<,,,,111. , ! 0'",':' I." 1- ! ( (~"""I I AI't:"~,,,U: I ; II . «It,., : ~.'i.l,,\ HI 1'''1\ !;IHI!I'"t ,-' 1">lIL'),~_.l!IUI KEY MAP PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT REGIONAL POWER SYSTEM LOWER KUSKOKWIM VICINITY E YUKON DELTA -7- Appo •. (::: 80 mi. July 1975 ., n 1-\ I'~ <I ~ Ilh " c·II.,,,.·11 - .... • .... Part II I.Qru) DATA. -HIS'IDRICM. Electrical Loads Actual load data for villages within the primary study area was collected fran visits to scm: of the villages, detailed surveys taken in ~ villages along the Kuskokwim, the AVFJ::. records and from records filed with the Alaska Public Utilities carmission for Bethel Utilities COrporation • .. M::>re detailed information is contained in Appendix A, fran which the following sl.ll.tlIlaries are taken: .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... NAPAKIAK (about 8 miles south\\est of Bethel~ downstream on the Kuskokwim) Res~tial COnsumers •.•.••••..••.• Potential Res. (not now served) • SmallOammercial •••.•••..•......•.. Bm Scllc:x:>l ............................................ .. Public Buildings Totals: ............ .. No. of COnsumers Survey -1974 36 2 1 1 3 43 AKIACHUK Ave. kwh/rro. Survey -1974 167 167 1,250 (Trading Post) 12,000 60 (OlUrch, Corrm. ---Hall, Amory) 460 (alx>ut 14 miles northeast of Bethel -upstream on the Kuskokwim) Residential Consurrers ••••.••••••• Potential Res. (not now served). Small Oammercial •••••..•..•...... am Scho:Jl ............................................ .. Public Buildings ...••.••.••••.•.. Totals: No. of Consumers Survey -1974 38 13 1 1 4 57 KASIGLUK Ave. kwh/rro. Survey -1974 120 120 1,250 15,000 60 (Church, Corrm. --- 397 Hall, Village Office, and Arnnry) (Now served by AVFC., about 26 miles west of Bethel) Residential COnsurrers ........................ Small COnnercial .................................. Bm School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Public Buildings .. ................................ Totals: ............ * First month of service No. of COnsumers 12/74 12/73 4/70* 43 43 40 1 1 0 1 • 1 1 4 4 3 49 49 44 Ave. kwh/no. 1974 1973 4/70* 131 117 56 8 22 12,387 11,317 4574 84 32 23 375 337 156 -8- - .. • ""' .. • .. • t_ I '( '! NDNAPI'IOlUK ('tbw served by AVEC., al::x::>ut 24 miles v;est of Bethel) No. of Con.sumars Ave. kwh/mo. 12/74 12/73 2/70* 1974 1973 2/70* Residential Consumers ............ 47 46 41 120 121 145 Small Corrrrercial ................. 2 2 2 176 214 145 BIA School . ....................... 1 1 1 11,663 11,474 3,106 Public Buildings ................. 6 5 1 117 107 120 Totals: ............ 56 54 45 328 333 210 * First month of service BETHEL (Served prior to Jillle '72 by OC Co., and 6/72 to date by Bethel Utilities Corp) No. of Consurrers Ave. kwh/rno. 12/74 12/73 12/72 2/72* 1974 1973 1972 1971* Residential Consumers. 670 555 572 460 307 259 260 199 Small Comnercial •••.•• 191 178 168 140 2,484 3,350 2,082 1,990 Bulk Prime ............. 5 63,062 Totals: ........ 866 733 740 600 1,150 1,010 674 617 Annual Peak Demand-kw Total Annual Sales-MiH 12/74 12/73 12/72 12/71* 1974 1973 1972 1971* Annual Total loads 3500 2350 2050 1320 11,948 8,883 7,395 4,905 * Feb. '72 and. previous 11 rronths Village Po~latian In 1974 the po);:ulation and farrily tmits for the ten vil:agcs was estimated as follows: Akiachuk · ............ Akiak ............... Atmautluak ............. Kasigluk · ............ Kwethluk · ............ Napakiak ................. Napaskiak ............... Nunapi tchuk ......... Oscarville ........... Tuluksak · ............. Totals: ........ Population 320 210 150 300 450 223 220 300 60 180 2,413 Table 1 Ten-Village Population Data Family units* % of Total Units 51 36 26 43 77 38 38 47 11 31 398 12.8 9.0 6.5 10.8 19.3 9.6 9.6 11.8 2.8 7.8 100.0 * One hare illlit -for electrical service. In Bethel the estimate is 3,000 population and 670 family illlits. -9- .. III .. ... .. .. -.. .. .. .. ... These figu:r:es show an average of slightly rrore than six (6) persCl1s per family mrit in the villages and arout four and one half (4.5) in Bethel. lelating the family units in the ten village groups to the data developed for the villages of Napakiak, Akiachuk, Kasigluk and Nunapitchuk, it is then estinated that the present total· electrical load for the ten villages might be: No. of Family Units Est. Annual kwh Est. Peak D::mland 398 2,112,000 480 kw -10- .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. .. ... Part III IDAD DATA -FOR:ECAST General The forecasting of electrical loads for the typical villag-e not now receiving central station electrical service must be described as speculative at best. The intentions and persistence of the rrerubers of these communities is probably the rrost important single influence and also the ITOSt difficult to evaluate. However, it is believed reliable to asS\.lIle that humans prefer their haneland -other things being reasonably tolerable -and that reliable, affordable, electric service does improve the quality of life. These factors favor the continued existence of historic carnrmmities if such service were available • The history of the AVEC inpact on villages of Alaska provides statistics that reflect the effect of improved electrical service. Cost of this electric service is very high by comparison with rrore 1X>pulous and developed areas but it apparently rates a reasonably high priority in assigning the resources of a c::or.munity. The following surrrnary of the history of the electrical g-rowth at several villages throughout the Region (See key map) is tabulated here to show the irrrpact of AVer:. electrical service: This table surrrnarizes the data fran the villages of Eek, Errm::>nak, Goodnews Bay, Hooper Bay, Kasigluk, U:Jwer Kalskag, r-buntain Village, Nunapitchuk, Quinhagak and 'Ibksook Bay: Table 2 AV'Ef:.. Village Su:rrrnary Dec. '71 to Dec • 174 197 4 1 9 7 3 197 1 Con-No. 'Ibtal Ave. Ave. No. 'Ibtal Ave. Ave. lb • Ave. S1..llJer Cons. Annual Kwh Kwh Cons. Annual Kwh Kwh Cons. Kwh Class (D3c) Kwh (Dec) YR/12 (Dec) Kwh (Dec) YR/12 (Dec) (Dec) (1) (7) (3) (4) (5) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (2) (4) Hes 570 839,224 175 123 541 702,742 143 108 506 121 SC 39 2S8,140 623 616 33 240,170 612 606 23 300 BIA 10 1,095,740 11,806 9131 10 1,105,090 11,562 9209 10 9887 PB 56 253,940 555 378 52 212,960 488 341 31 175 SL 12 11.840 80 82 12 5,770 80 40 3 80 'Ibtal 687 2,489,084 399 302 684 2,266,732 369 292 573 301 Average Armual increase fran Dec. 171 to Dec. 174: NC. of Cons~rs •...••. Res 1.041; SC 1.192; BIA 0; PB'1.218; 'Ibtal Ave. Kwh (Dec) ......... Res 1.131; SC 1. 276; BIA 1.061; PB 1.292; Total Ave. Kwh YR/12 (74-73) . Res 1.139; SC 1.017; BIA 0.992; PG 2.050; frota1 AVEC Study of 48 villages produced the following forecasting factors: 1.062 1.098 1.034 Res. ConS1..lII\2rs · ...... Ave. Kwh/ITO. = 136 for 1975 with 10% annual gror"rth rate SC Consumers · ..... Ave. Kwh/ro. = 655 for 1975 with 5% annual gro,lth rate BIA COl1Sl..lITerS · ..... Ave. Kwh/ro. =8590 for 1975 with annual growth rate PB Consumers · ....... Ave. Kwh/rro. = 342 for 1975 with 10% annual growth rate -11- • .... .. • '. • ... • • -• .. .. ... .. '. Forecast of Power Requirements The following figures 1 & 2 show graphically the forecast power requirements of the Ten-Village Group and the Bethel Area. The data for these figures come from TABLE 3,4,&5 which follow with explanatory notes. TABLE 5 contains an added increment for electric heating requirments if hydro- electric energy were assumed availabe as a competitive "fuel II • TEN-VILLAGE GROUP For the purpose of this forecast the following growth factors are used for the Ten-Village Group: No. of Consumers •••..•. Res Ave. Kwh/mo •••••••.•... Res 1.04; SC 1.07; BIA 1.00; PB 1.04 1.10; SC 1.07: BIA 1.01; PB 1.15 -12- ""-7Q _ , __ .. .. • • .. • -.. • -,.. . =: ' .. .. - ... 1 = :t J., C i • I I i ! . i j I t--- i i I. W~rt9g0~ I --L __ L __ 74 1972 i : I -I---t---I , .....J~:...i......:.Qj~_ e-4 YEAR • .. • • .' -- · .. • • '. '. , i ~; Q.-i-~-· -+---~--t---~.,. .. " .. - i 1-- ! I ., , --, t . I ,I , .D!-__ -+ __ ~_, .. __ l.~ o \ I t ~ I' , 2 I· ~ 1-, ~ .~ '" Q.. (I) l- t-ea: ~ ea: (!) '" :! I I I 0 4 .. S?2 74 , , ! 76 j 'i. 1 i t I , i , I I 78 ,. 1---.' I I ' I , , l , i i ! j f I , 1 -,.,'-' 1980 82 84 88 YEAR JIliIU 1990 92 94 96 98 I FIGURE-21 100 ..... 0 10 (I) Q I .0 i 10 , eo .... 150 40 10 2000 r I I <:] -14-,~4 I & I i ! ! • ! • ! f! ! Ii , l' a:JJ..,,; 3 Ten-Village Power Requirments Forecast RESIDENTIAL S:1ALL COl'a"1ERCIAL BIA SCHOOLS PUBLIC BUILDINGS TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Y :\0. No. No .. No. Total E Tot;). 1 Cons. Total CO:15. Total Cons. Total Annual L.F. Peak A Annual Ave. Annual Ave. Annual Ave.-Annual Sales % Demand R Kwh Kwh Kwh Kwh Kw 1974 398 635,208 11 79,200 10 1,536,00 37 59,052 2,309,460 50 527 133 600 12-;BOO 133 1975 414 725,328 12 92,448 10 1,551,360 69,768 2,438,904 50 557 146 642 12-;928 1976 430 830,760 13 107,172 10 1,566,840 ~O 84,480 2,589,252 50 591 161 687 13~57 176 1977 448 951,552 114,660 10 1,582,560 42 101,808 2,750,580 50 628 ITi 13-:-188 202 1978 466 1,090,440 14 :"32,048 10 1,598,400 120,228 2,941,116 50 671 195 786 13-;320 1979 484 1,242,912 15 151,560 10 1,614,360 45 144,720 3,153,552 50 720 "214 842 13~:33 268 1980 504 1,427,328 17 183,600 10 1,630,440 47 173,712 3,415,080 50 780 236 900 13-;587 308 ---- 5/yr total 5,542,992 689,040 7,992,600 624,948 14,849,580 50 780 (1976-1980 inclusive) 1985 613 2,788,000 23 349,000 10 1,714,000 57 423,000 5,274,000 50 1200 379 1263 14-:-281 619 10 YR/total 16,380,000 2,123,000 16,393,000 2,150,000 37,046,000 50 1200 (1976-1985 inclusive) 1990 745 5,462,000 32 680,000 10 1,801,000 69 1,031,000 8,974,000 50 2050 611 1771 15~09 1245 15 {"r tot:;l 37,6J2,000 4,891. 000 25,221,000 5,995,000 73,629,000 502050 (1:)16-1990 inclusive) I i-' VI I .1 "" •• •• • ... 41. .... .. - .. I .. "'. The above TABLE 3 is believed to represent a very conservative estimate of probable load growth in the "ten-village area. The per cent distribution between villages as shown in TABLE-l will probably change with some villages losing and some gaining. The nearness of Bethel as a II competing " influence will have some effect on the population growth but the accomplishment of central station electric service for the villages will certainly enhance the opportunities for survival and growth. This seems clearly demonstrated by the AVEC experience-see TABLE-2 • The impact of increasing energy costs in recognized but all evidence shows that the use of electricity --especially for the first time --results in better use of energy and a generous improvement in quality of living. The better uses of energy include electric lighting instead of lanterns (10 to 30 times more efficient), electrically driven equipment such as washing machines and water pumps (with gains of several times in efficiency over fuel-driven models), and displace- ment of small fuel-driven electric sets whose efficiency is mostly less than half that of central station produced electric energy. It is believed that these gains in efficiency can also be had at lesser cost than those resulting from small on-site units where load factors are low and maintenance is haphazard and costly. It seems apparent that the priority of assigning dollar resources of these villages includes placing electricity high on the list even at exceptionally high unit cost. This fact is an indisputable declaration of value to the user • A review of the surveys conducted in two villages (See also Appendix A) refreshes the memory about electric uses often taken for granted, such as: Napakiak 38 houses, 2 without electricity 23 small electric sets, 5 gasoline-powered, 18 diesel-powered Appliances in use (P) or planned (F): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refrigerator •••.• 6{P) Clothes Washer .•• 27{P) Freezer ••.••••••• 18(P) Iron .••.•••..•••• 16{P) T.V •..•••..•••••• 34{P) Radio (Broadcast).27(P) ••• 20(F) • •• 8 (F) • .. 16 (F) • •• 10(F) 2{F) · .. 1 (F) -16- .. , ., ... • ... . ,.. iIII - ., . ... .... ... Akiachak 51 houses, 13 without electricity 5 small electric sets, 1 gasoline-powered 4 diesel-powered Appliances in use (P) or planned (F) 1. Refrigerator ..... 4(P) ... 12(F) 2. Clothes washer ... 20(P) ... 11(F) 3. Freezer •......... 9(P) ... 18(F) 4. Iron ...•.....•... 11(P) ... 6(F) 5. T.V ..••.......... 33(P) ... 15(F) 6. Radio (Broadcast) .24(P) ... l(F) Regarding the popularity of T.V. it should be noted that the only T.V. station available to these villages is in Bethel. This station is a publicly-supported faqility and provides, in addition to entertainment, educational T.V. and local programming in the Native tongue and English. The communities have no public communication facilities (such as telephone). Radio is used for bush airline operation and emergency communication. A sampling of the TV programming by this writer gave the impression that the station is working· hard at communicating with the "bush" villages and is succeeding through the wise use of the native language. It is easy to understand the popularity of the "modern miracle" when confronted with the isolation and sometimes harshness of the village environment . -17- ... .. .. .. .. • ... .. • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. •• Bethel For the purpose of this forecast the following comments are made in regard to Bethel: . The 1971-1974 average rate of annual increase in sales of Kwh by the Bethel Utilities Corporation is ••••• 34.5%. A portion of this increase came from the addition of large consumers of electric energy in the area who had not previously been taking service from the central station system. Healthy increases in numbers of Residential and Small Commercial consumers and their average electric use also contributed a large share to this growth rate. The development of Bethel Height's accounts for a substantial part of this. The Bethel Utilities system is forecast herein as growing at an average rate of 14% per year through 1990. This rate is believed reasonable although arbitrary and compares well with the historcial growth rates of the Interior Region and South Central Alaska as reported on Table 16 of the 1974 Alaska Power Survey -"Economic Analysis and Load Projections". This factor results in the following forecast for Bethel which is then added to the totals from Table 3 preceeding to show the combined Bethel and Ten-Village group total energy requirements and estimated demand: (See Table 4 following) -18-) I .... \0 I I i " "' • i • I I i • I , i l I TABLE 4 Bethel 'Plus Ten-Village Power Requirements Forecast 'i E Bethel Ten-Village Totals A ANNUAL-MWH L.F. KW PEAK ANNUAL-MWH L.F. KW PEAK R 1974 11,948 0.39 3,500 2,309 0.50 527 1975 13,620 0.43 3,600 2,440 0.50 560 1976 . 15,530 0.45 3,940 2,590 0.50 590 1977 17,700 0.45 4,490 2,750 0.50 630 1978 20,180 0.45 5,120 2,940 0.50 670 1979 23,000 0.45 5,830 3,150 0.50 720 H80 26,230 0.45 6,650 3,420 0.50 780 5-'iR Total 102,640 6,650 14,850 780 (1976-1980 inclusive) 19q<; 50,500 " . ~ "'I ~ ""!"L"'I ;,'300 v.:>O 1,200 ... '" '-• ..,1 ..!..;.-L~, .l.f.-YR Total 300,300 37;000 1,200 (1976-1985 inclusive) 1990 97,200 0.45 24,700 9,000 0.50 2,100 15-YR Total 680,900 73,600 2,100 (1976-1990 inclusive) * This peak was developed by recogn~z~ng probable diversity between Bethel electric loads and the Ten-Village group. I f I: • I I I i • t . , I • Total Requirements ANNUAL-MWH L.F. KW PEAK* 14,257 0.42 3,850 16,060 0.46 3,970 18,120 0.48 4,330 20,450 0.48 4,910 23,120 0.47 5,570 26,150 0.47 6,3l0 29,650 0.47 7,170 117,490 7,170 55,800 0.47 13,600 337,300 13,600 106,200 0.46 26,100 754,500 26,100 the ... • • .. .. .. ... .. ... - - ... oil .. .. The preceeding Table 4 is a power requirements forecast based on the existing (diesel-electric) method of generating electricity. The possible development of the hydroelectric project described in a following section creates an opportunity to displace fossil fuels that are used to generate electricity and may further provide an alternate energy for heating. Since an electrical system interconnecting the villages is being proposed it is suggested that this system could also deliver additional amounts of energy for heating purposes at an incremental increase in transmission cost less than the delivery costs of heating fuels. If the hydroelectric energy is competitive in cost with the fossil fuels it becomes prudent to consider its use for heating and thereby displace the fossil fuel for use eleswhere in the world where no other energy supply is feasible. An estimate of possible electric heating energy will be made based on the following assumptions: (1) Heating of homes only will be estimated • (2) Size of homes will increase. (Villagers now are living in homes that average less than 80 square feet per person, some as low as 30 square feet) A typical Kuskokwim village home of today is about 600 square feet. Such a home with good insulation is estimated to require about 15,000 kwh annually with a demand of about 7.5 kW. Applying these criteria to the forecasts of numbers of residential consumers and assuming an annual average increase in heating per home of 6% the following electric heating forecast is·made: (See Table 5 following) -20- it .II I IV ..... I .. J .. . I J I • I i I a It j I • Il I I I • I Ii J TABLE 5 Bethel Plus Ten-Village Electric Heating Potential y Bethel Ten-Villages Total Heat Other All E MW Peak No. Res MW Peak MW Peak MW Peak MW Peak A MWH Ann. KWH MWH MI'IH l1WH !-1viH R 1985 1031 3.4 613 . 2.0 13.6 19.0 15,000 15,500 15,000 9,200 24, 55,800 80,500 1990 1255 5.3 746 3.2 8.5 26.1 34.6 20,000 25,100 20,000 14,900 40,000 106,200 146,200 6-YR Totals 5.3 3.2 .26.1 34.6 (1985-1990 inclusive) 120,300' 71,400 191, 417,200 608,900 * At 24 KWH equiv. to 1 gal. of heating fuel, and 11.3 KWH (12.25 x 0.92 to allow for losses) equiv. per gal. diesel for other electric energy. II. • .. j It j Fuel Displaced Gals. * 5,970,000 11,060,000 6-YR Total 44,910,000 • • • ... .. ... .. .. Part J)J WfDLESALE POWER SITUl\TION In this study area, power supply c:x:::IteS entirely fran "an-site" electric facilities consisting largely of small diesel-electric generating sets with small or no distribution system. ~IWholesale" power is non-existent except at Bethel where the Bethel Utilities Corporation offers a "Ccmrercial Bulk Prime" rate for ..... oontinuous alternating current 60 cycle three phase power delivered at primary voltage of 2400 or 7200 through a single rretering device ••• " • The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative supplies power to the villages it serves using "on-site" generating units with snall distribution circuits. AVEC is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska and provides centralized managenent and can get the benefits by buying needed equiprrent, supplies, etc. through grouped purchasing efforts. . Rates for Vbolesale ~ • '!he Bethel Utilities Corporation "Ccmnercial Bulk Pr.in:e" rate for electric power (as on file with the APOO-April 1974) is: (See also Appendix B) .. ... .. • Per IlOlth: First 50,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, •••• 7.2¢ Next 50,000 kilCJlliW3.tthours, per kwh, •••• 7 • O¢ Next 50,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, •••• 6.8¢ Next 50,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, •••• 6.6¢ Next 50,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, •••. 6.4¢ Next 50,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, •••• 6.2¢ Next 50,000 kilCJlliW3.tthours, per kwh, •••• 6.0¢ All over 350,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, .5.8¢ The alx>ve rates are highly dependent upon fuel costs paid by the utility. The BUC has also filed with the APtX:: a request for a general rate increase in which the proposed new "Ccmnercial Bulk Pr.in:e" rate for electric power Ynlld be: Per IOOnth: First 100,000 kilowatthours, per kwh, ••• 8.7¢ All over 100,000 kilowatthours, per kwh .4.5¢ An estimate for future costs of this wholesale power supply for the Ten- ... village interconn.ect:ai load is: (See also Appendix B) .. TABLE 6 Estimat~ ~olesa1e Power Cost -Bethel (Diesel-Electric) y Ave. Cost Fuel Cost Y Ave. Cost Fuel Cost E Per Kwh Increment E per Kwh Increm.:.mt .. A Bethel % A Bethel % • R R ms $0.065 60 1980 $0.086 65 1976 0.069 61 .. 1977 0.073 -62 1985 0.115 68 1978 0.077 63 1979 0.082 64 1990 0.154 70 -22- 'III ... • .. • .. .. iI Wholesale ~ Supply fran Arlcl'Drage '!he price of wtDlesale ~ in the Anchorage area at 10 to 12 mills per kwh in 1975 is an attractive price when o:mpared. to the price of wholesale p<JWIer in Bethel. Hc:::Iw3.ver, the distance fran the nearest possible supply point of the Anchorage Area :r;a.ver system (Beluga) to Bethel is al:x:mt 425 miles (See key Map). A transmission line traversing this route 1r.Ould probably go through M:!rrill Pass (elevation 3100 ft.) and then follCM the Kuskokwim River valley to Bethel. If such a ~ delivery system were c:orrpared to lcx::al generation, the value of the energy delivered 1r.Ould nonnally be considered equivalent to the fuel oost of local energy lIDless a seoond. line or other standby capacity \Ere provided. 'lb esti.nate what "prudent invest:J.tentlt might be made for such a ~ delivery system, the value of Kwh delivered to Bethel will be set as the estimated average fuel oost/Kwh in 1985 and the remaining calculations~made' the follCMing manner: Max.irnum Energy to be deli to in 1985............ ~CL 50CL~ Cost of Fuel displaced @~ (see Table~7) .-. •.•..•• $6,118, 00 a/year Cos~ of Energy purchased ($0.015/Kwh ~~uga 8 "..' .•.•. $1,270,000/year Estimated annual O&M oosts for transmsSl.On sys •.•••.••• $ 250, OOO/year Remainder for Invest:nent Costs ....•.••• $4,598 , OOOlYe~~; . If a nn.micipal oo:rporation \Ere to sponsor the project, the estima.ted fixed charges related to this investnent might 00: Cost of MOney •••••••••••••••••••... 0.080 (8%) Depreciation (sinking fund, 35 yrs) •• 0.0058 Interlin Replacarents ••.•••..•••..•.• O. 002 Dls\lr'ance ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.001 0.0888 say 9% Maximum Pru:1ent Investn:ent in 1985 beca1:es: 4,598,000 = about ••.•••.••••••••••• $ 51,000,000* 0.09 '!his figure represents about ••..••• $120, OOO/mile or, (considering 7% escalation of oosts) ,by today's oost (1975) •.•....•..••• $ 60,000/mile ,.,,/ * It is intersting to note that an estilrated investnent of $100,000,000 (1985 figures) in a potential hydro-project near Bethel (See Part VI) would deliver energy to Bethel for about $O,059/Kwh, and make a payment in lieu-of-taxes of $l,OOO,OOO/year. .. A oonventional transmission system from Anchorage <Des not offer an attractive alternative wholesale ~ source for this situation .. .. • -28- • ,. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ... • .. - Part V FUEL SUPPLY SI'l'tl1ifiCN Present Sourre of SUpply All petroleum products used in the area are supplie:l by one distributor representing the Standard Oil Cbrpanyof California. Bethel is the distribution center. Products are delive:l up and down the Kuskokwim by fuel barge to bulk storage ta-,ks at the BIA and State-Operated Schools and by the barrel for use by individuals. 'llrls process canbined with alloc.a.tion and economic problems has resulted in sane fuel shortages at village locations requiring special assistanre through airlift in S<::Ile instances. IrIprovement in fuel storage capability at village locations is a continuing problan. Cost of Diesel Fuel Based on the statistics of the electric utility in Bethel as filed with the. AJ?(X: the average costs of diesel fuel for the utility have been awroximate1y as follows: 1970 •.•••••••••• 24¢ per gallon 1971............ 26¢ per gallon 1972 •.•••••••••. n/a¢ per gallon 1973 •••••••.•••. n/a¢ per gallon 1974 •••••••••••• 37¢ per gallon 1975 •..••••••••• 47.4¢ per gallon Fuel prires in the villages for 1975 are estimate:l to average. • • • • • • • • 53¢ per gallon in bulk deliveries • Future Cost of Diesel Fuel For purposes of this report fuel costs are estimated to escalate at 7% per year with the following result: TABLE 7 Diesel Fuel Cost Estimate Bethel Villages YEAR $/GAL. $/KWH* & Interconnected Systan $!GAL. $/KWH* 1975 0.53 0.076 0.48 0.039 1976 0.57 0.081 0.51 0.042 1977 0.61 0.087 0.54 0.044 1978 0.65 0.093 0.58 0.047 1979 0.70 0.100 0.62 0.051 1980 0.75 0.107 0.67 0.055 1985 1.04 0.149 0.93 0.076 1990 1.46 0.209 1.31 0.107 * Bus Bar Costs out of generating Plant. 12. 25KWh/gal. in Bethel and 7 Kwh/gal. for small village I:XJWer plants. -24- Part VI ALTERNATE E:NEE(;Y RESOORCES The high cost of fossil fuel and its rrajor influence on the costs of fuel-generate:l electricity (See Table 6, page 22) provide incentives to search for alternate energy sources. In the region of this study there are two solar energy forms that might be considered -wind energy and hydro-energy • Wind Energy The extraction of energy fran wind has been accorrplished from the earliest days of interest and applications in technology. Its greatest disadvantage is the certainty that it will not be available at all t.l.Ires. Other energy forms gradually displaced nost windpower uses because of this fact. Energy storage devices were used with wind power to extend its usefulness .; but these devices (such as batteries) had li."tlited capabilities and limited life with consequent high cost for the energy output. ,. Today, the largest comnercially available windpower system that could be canpared with other electric supply schemes is about as follows: .. ... .. • .. - Price-Sept. 1974 Est. FOB East Coast U.S. wt. 1. Brushless, alternator type wind-driven 6 kw. 115 volt gen.; 3-blade propeller 16 I -5 If in diaI'l'llE!ter ......................... .. 2. lIS-volt, heavy-duty battery, 450 AlI, 10 yr.. life ............................................. .. 3. 50 foot guyed tower with guys & aIlcoors ................................................... .. 4. D.C. to A.C. inverter, 3000 watt, * 115/230 volt ••.••..•............••.•. TOtal Material Cost ••. Est. Freight to Bethel. $ 5,450 600 lbs. $ 3,325 5000 lbs. $ 775 650 lbs. $ 4,500 50 lbs. $14,050 6300 lbs. 800 $14,850 * 'Ibis assurres that sane electricity can be used as D.C. and need not be inverted to A.C. Installation Cost m--.~_ foo~; ..... ,... .LVWCJ.. ~""=''' ................................... .. Ancoor placerrent (3 anchors @ $50 ea) • 'Ib~ er-a:::tion ...................... ............... .. 13c:lttery Ra.ck ......................................... .. Inverter Installation ...•••.....•..•• Po~ Circuit ...................................... . 'Ibtal installation •••• Grand total cost ..... . $ 150 150 800 150 100 150 $ 1,500 $16,350 -25- .. ... ... ... I • • ... • ... ... .. If we asSl.lIle that the Alternator, 'I'c:JI.Er and Inverter have a useful life of 20 years and. the batter:Y 10 years an additional battery would be purchased to provide a 20-year life for the wind-energy system. Since all manufactured items are asS'l.lm:ld escalating in cost at a rate of 7% per year an added investJ:rent for the second battery would be: 1974 price ••••• 3325 --freight .••• 625 10 3950 x(1.07) ~ $7,770 is requried This makes a total investJ:rent of 16,350 + 7,770 = $24,120 AsSl.lIle 10%* per year fixed costs of investment .• $ 2,412 Operation and maintenance @ $lO/reo. ••••••..•••• 120 Total annual costs •••..••.• $ 2,532 Average Annual output @ 425 kwh/Iro. •.•••••••... 5100 kwh Average annual cost ••..•.••••.•.•.•.•••••••••.. $ 0.50/kwh If an individual installed the wind ~ system himself and provided all maintenance and operation without charge Fixed Cost of Investment ($22,620) ••••••.•...•• $2,262 o & M ................................................. 0 Total annual cost ..•..•••.. $2,262 A~ annual output ••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 5100 kwh Average annual cost .•....••..•...•...•.....•... $ O.44/kwh If a wind ~ system could be used. with an electric system the energy storage (batteries) could be eUminated. This 'WOUld then calculate as follows: Fixed ~)Qsts of investment (10,900) ..•••......•• $ 1,090 o & M (individual owner) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 Total annual cost .••••...•• 1,090 Average annual output •••••...••••••••••.•••..••• 5100 kwh Average annual cost .•••.........•.••........•.. $ O.21/kwh If the wird-power system could eliminate the lC-OC converter also, (such as for pumping water) the costs are: Fixed cost of investment ($6400) •.••...••.•••• $ 640 o & M ........................................................... 0 'lbtal annual cost •••..••••. $ 640 Average annual output •••..•...•••••....•..••••• 5100 kwh Average annual cost .•••....•.•••...•...•...•.•. $ O.13/kwh * This is a1:x>ut equivalent to borrowing at 8%, for a 20 year repayment. -26- .. ... "'" • ... • .. ,. .. ,. • .- .. ,. ,. ill "" .. .. .- ... ... ... • ... .. c ... .. ... • ... ... ... til - ,ill I I The wind generator system just described could supply about three (3) average village homes today and only one (1) average home by 1985. The average home in Bethel today would use almost all the output of the unit . Factors which could provide a lower cost are lower cost wind-generators, a lower cost source of money and/or a higher average wind speed. An interest rate of 5% instead of 8% would provide a reduction in costs to about 80% of those calculated. An increase in average wind speed from 12 mph to 17 mph would increase the average annual output to about 8500 kwh which would decrease the average costs of energy to about 60% of those previously calculated. Both improvements could then cut costs to about 1/2 of those previously calculated. It should also be remembered that without energy storage (batteries) the value of the energy is equivalent only to the fuel cost portion of fuel-generated electricity. By reference to Table 7 page 24, it can be seen that fuel costs per Kwh estimated for small village diesel plants may reach $0.21 per kwh by 1990. Hydro-Electric Energy Numerous possible hydroelectric developments can be found by a cursory inspection of the topographic maps of the region being studied. They would appear to range in size from small 5 kw sites to very large potential developments on the major river systems of the area. No published information has been found evaluating the small sites and only preliminary data regarding the largest . The value of hydroelectric sites depends on many factors .including supply of water, seasonal fluctuations, stream gradients, natural or artificial water storage characteristics, location and environmental factors such as fish and game resource and flood control possibilities . Small "packaged" hydroelectric units are available at relatively low cost compared to wind generators, but the installation costs may be greater depending on the stream conditions. A 5 kw "packaged II hydro-plant ready to run might cost about $1,000 per kilowatt, delivered to Bethel, ready to supply A.C. power at standard voltages. This would compare to about $1,800 per kilowatt for the wind generator without batteries. Installation can probably be accomplished in many instances by the local owner. Such installation costs might then be out-of-pocket for the owner whose own labor is contributed . Hydro-electric projects depend on the flow and head of falling water. In winter months the flows are minimum and hydro-sites can only be rated for these minimum flows or storage reservoirs must be provided to supply water during the low flow period. Natural reservoirs (lakes, ponds, etc) sometimes exist so that costs for water storage can be minimized. Dams to raise the water level and create storage capacity or to divert water from flowing streams are almost -27- ::::t 1 t.1~V~ YOn1' ~ 't"'o::>-" ... • .. ... .. .. ... • .. ... • Hydro-electric energy is similar to wind energy in that it too rests on the seasonal character of solar radiation and requires the ability to store energy for best results. The fluctuations of flowing water occur in much longer time cycles than fluctuations of the wind so that energy storage requirements are greater for hydro-electric schemes. Flowing water in la:r:ge streams always flows in contrast with the wind which stops at times. In the region of this stu::ly wind energy availability cc.:nplements the energy fran natural flows of the river basins, i.e.; average winds are strongest during the winter nonths when stream flows are m.:i.ninu:nn. This fact suggests that these ~ energy sources oould li\urk together for mutual benefit. '!he nost ideal arrangement being wind-pcMered water ptmping which would add or re-cycle water into a reservoir supplying a hydro-electric generator. A counterfactor that reduces the chances of such an ideal arrangE!IBlt is that dams and reservoirs may not be ideally situated. for wind power installations so that wind :p::tWer units may be re:rote fn::m such sites requiring that the wind energy be converted to electric energy for input to the system with the added oosts of such conversion. All these factors need to be balanced with the relating impacts in arriving at opti.nn:m solutions . Two potential hyd:ro-electric projects in this region will be listed here in brief to identify their general characteristics and energy rating. One site on the Kuskokwim River has been identified as a major laEr- priced potential project. The second site recited. here is a smaller site suggested in the public :rooeting held in Bethel in January, 1975. Site 1 KUSKOKWIM RlVER-crooked Creek Project* watershed Area •••••••..•••..••••• 31,100 square miles ~ff (fram stream gauging) •.•• 32,400,000 acre-ft./year Rainfall equivalent ••.•.••.••.••. 20 inches/year Height of Dam •••••••••••••••••••• 365 feet Installed Capacity .•••...•••.•••• 2,140,000 kilowatts Firm Energy .... ~ .................. 9,400,000,000 kilowatthours/year *Info:rma.tion fran Alaska Power Survey-1974, A repJrt of the Teclmical Advisory COnnittee on Resources and Electric Power Generation. This project data is preliminary in nature and is cited here to provide perspective in relating to other resources and alternatives. '!he magnitude of this renewable energy resource ccrrpares to an equivalent fossil fuel guantity and value as follows: Equivalent Fossil Fuel •••••.••••• 17,000,000 bbls./year Value (at $13.00/bbl.) ••••..••.•• 221,000,000 dollars/year With a useful life of 100 years this hydro-electric project would be equivalent to the disoovery of an oil field 1/5th the size of Prudhoe Bay or about the SaJ.lV3 as the estimates for the -28- Beaufort Sea. • • • ... • .. . ' ill , .. • • • If the electrical power output were valued at a price equivalent to what industry seems willing to pay (deduced from Kaiser interest in the Devil canyon Project on the Susitna River) the revenue generated by the project might be: Revenue to Project (at 15 millS/KWh at Bus-bar) •••.••• $141,000,000 dollars per year Under Federal criteria for repayrcen.t in 50 years at 5-5/8% interest and O&M costs of $1,000,000 per year the prudent investrrent in the project could be calculated as follows: $ 141,000,000 income -1,000,000 O&M & Replacement Costs $ 140,000,000 Remaining to retire investment Max. Prudent Investment = 140,000,000 ArulUal Repayrrent Cost/dollar = 140,000,000 0.05988 = $2,340,000,000 'Ibis represents alx>ut $1100/kw. (Estimates in 1968 we.reabout one-half of this) Site 2 KISARALIK RIVER -Golden Gate Site (See Plate B) * watershed Area ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 544 square miles Run-off (fran estimated ave. rainfall) • 580,000 acre-feet/year Rainfall (estimated) average ...••..•••• 20 inches/year Height of Dam •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 340 feet Installed capacity ••...•••.•.••••.••.•. 36,000 kilowatts Firm energy •••••••.•••.•••.••.••••••••• 159,000,000 kilowatthours/yr * See Apfendix B for prel:i.m:inary study • '!his project is of a size that can be utilized iJ:maliately within the region being studied. If it is assumed that 95% of the energy developed can be delived to the Bethel area and thereby displace diesel fuel which would be otherwise required we can assign this fuel cost as a minimum value to that energy. Future diesel fuel costs are projected on page 22 and begin at $0.93 per gallon in 1985 and increase to $1.31 per gallon by 1990. Using the estimated load growth shown in Table 5, the average cost for fuel during this five year pericrl would be about $1.24/gal. or al:x:>ut $0.10 per kwh. If it is assurred that the hydro-project could begin delivering energy during this pericrl the total value of the energy that could be delivered to Bethel ~d be: -29-: ... " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... - .. • - • t I.! ~~()O#~~XO.95X02:D7$15'105,000 per year If the annual operating costs of the hydro-project and transmission system are $500,000, the remaining anount that might be prudently invested. would be •••••••••••••••.• $14,605,000 per year. If a municipal corporation that could issue tax-free bonds were to sponsor the project, the estimated fixed charges related to this investrcent might be: Cost of Money (interest) .•.•.•. : .. 0.08 (8%) Depreciation (sinking fund, 50 yr). 0.0018 Interim Rep1acane:nts •••••••.•••.•. 0.0065 In.s\lr'aIlCe ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.002 TOtal ••••••••• 0.0903 Add a paynent in lieu of taxes •••• 0.01 (1%) 0.1003 say 10% MaXimum prudent invest:Irent becares: $14,605,000 = ..•••••• about .. $146,000,000 0.1 This figure represents about .•••••. $4100 per kilowatt! A preliminary estimate of the cost of this project inclOOing Transmission to Bethel is •..•... $61,600,000. If it is asS1.nIB:l the project could be funded by 1980 and on line by 1985, 'We will escalate this cost estimate at 7% per year for 7 years for a new figure of about ••••• $100,000,000 This is about $2,800 per kilowatt Using the financing nethod. suggested. above, the project would provide the following: A paynent in lieu of taxes of $ 1,000,000 per year New salaries and purchases $ 500,000 per year Wholesale electric :pcMer in Bethel @ $0.059 per kwh This crnpares to an estimated. cost for diese1-electric energy of $0.115/kwh with the fuel cost increrrent of $0.078/kwh. See table 6 page 22 . -30- '1 ... -.. • .. • .. .. .. .. • !If .. .. PART VII FACTORS AFFECTING THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF POWER LINES An area of 56,000 square miles, a population of about 15,000 living in 56 recognized villages, no significant road system, permafrost throughout and no central station electric service (except for a small system in Bethel) briefly describes some challenges in considering a regional power system. The following Plates A, B, and C show the preliminary locations of possible interconnecting lines that could form the backbone of such a Regional Power System. Plate A shows lines inter- connecting a Ten-Village group to Bethel, Plate B shows a preliminary transmission line route to a potential hydro-electric site, and Plate C shows preliminary line routes interconnecting all villages in the Region except for Nekoryuk on Nunivak Island. Electrical Performance, Ten-Village System On Plate A, the Ten-Village Group was shown interconnected by about 100 miles of line. On the following Figure 3 and Table 8 are shown the relationship of the loads and the estimated voltage drop for the longest line of this system. The loads shown are based on the 1985 Power Requirements forecast (Table 3, page 15) and the percent of Total Units for each Village (Table I, page 9). The line design used for this voltage drop estimate is a 3-phase, 4-wire, l4.4/24.9kv system of Standard REA design. Voltage drops are calculated using the procedures of REA Bulletin 45-1 assuming balanced loads. (See Appendix D) An alternate line design of lower cost using a single wire with a ground return path for the electric circuit has been analyzed for electrical performance. A digest of electrical performance cal- culations for ,this type of electrical circuit is included in Appendix D. Dr. J. R. Eaton, who prepared this data, is Professor of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University (now retired) and visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Alaska . Dr. Eaton is the author of a recent (1972) text on '''Electric Power Transmission Systems", Prentice-Hall, Inc. Robert w. Retherford adapted the data to the REA voltage drop study tech- niques for use on distribution lines. The following Table 9 shows the voltage drops for a Single Wire Ground-Return (SWGR) circuit using the same electrical size conductor, the same Ten-Village loads and a voltage of 25 kv, the same as the phase-to-phase voltage of the conventional REA standard design. The voltage drop in Table 9 is based on I-ohm resistance of each terminal grounding system. -31- • TOWNS a VILLAGES _ _ _ FU;rURE TRANSII4 ISSION LINE ELECTR.C LlNES-PRELIMINARY LOCATION ---ELECTRIC LlNES-ALTERNATE LOCATION .=---~. NILES BETWEEN REFERENCE POINTS SUBSTATION -TERMINAL FOR LINES KUSKOKWI~ RIVER CROSSING SCALE l" ::: APPROX ... MILES .f PREPARED FOR ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION ARE A -PRELIMINARY LAYOUT BY ROBERT W. RETHE RFORD AS SOCIATES -JUNE 197~ SCALE 1:250000 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM GOLDEN GATE HYDRO -5 ITE PRELIMINARY DATA: CAPACI TY-----------36,000 ENERGY (ANNUAL AVG .) 159,000,000 -HEIGHT OF DAM------340 FEE MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL-20 INCHE WATERSHED AREA---544 SQ . MIL SCA L E 1 = 250000 SCAL~"l"= APPRO X: 4 MILES , ... .. • .. .. .. • - - .. -1 .. • -.. -.,. - • ... .. -.. ... • .. ... FIGURE - 3 BF:l'HEL AREA Ten-Village Interconnecting Lines One Line Schematic --Trans. Line to H;ydro-site Interconnecting Lines 6. 7 Line segnent -miles • Village points TABLE - 8 Conventional Three-Phase, 4-Wire Lines Voltage Drop Estimate (Bethe1-'lUluksak-1985) (Using Calculation l-iathcrls of REA Bulletin 45-1) I II I Line Section IDad KW Voltage Volts D:t9P (120 V.) load End ~-Mi. Phase Added KW Drop This Accum. Source EJ:rl Wire Ccrle FN Total Miles Factor· Section Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 'lUluksak 17.1 3 94 Akiak 4 .ACSR 14.4/25 94 1607 0.507 0.82 4.12 (1303 kwh loss) Akiak 7.9 3 103 Akiachuk 4 ACSR 14.4/25 202 1596 0.507 0.81 3.30 (2780 kwh loss) Akiachuk 13.8 3 154 Bethel 4 ACSR 14.4/25 356 4913 0.507 2.49 2.49 (15,205 kwh loss) Tbtal Loss •.•••.•.• 19,168 kwh, (1,560,000 kwh del.) 1.2% loss Voltage Drop Estimate w/Electric Heat (Bethe1-Tuluksak-1985) Tuluksak 17.1 3 156 Akiak 4 ACSR 14.4/25 156 2668 0.507 1.35 6.84 (3589 kwh loss) Akiak 7.9 3 180 Akiachuk 4ACSR 14.4/25 336 2654 0.507 1.35 5.49 (7693 kwh loss) Akiachuk 13.8 3 252 Bethel 4 ACSR 14.4/25 592 8170 0.507 4.14 4.14 (41,714 kwh loss) Tbtal Loss •••••••• 52,996 kwh, (2,720,000 kwh del.) 1.9% loss -34- Ii AU t .81 TOtal loss •••••.• 52,750 kwh, (2,720,000 kwh del.) 1.9% loss - ... : -35- ,. -.. .. • - .. -.. ... l1li l1li -.. - -.. - - .. A comparison of the voltage drop between Bethel and Tuluksak for the three-phase, four-wire, '4 ACSR 14.4/25 kv. circuit and the SWGR, 7'8 Alumoweld, single wire 25 kv. circuit is tabulated here showing also the effect of higher resistance in the SWGR terminal ground systems: Bethel-Tuluksak Load Level 1985-w/o Elec. Heat 1985-w Elec . Heat VOLTS DROP (120-Volt Base) 3-Phase, 4-Wire SWGR 7'8 Alumoweld 25kv '4 ACSR, l4.4/25kv I-ohm gnd 5-ohm 2nd 10-ohm gnd 4.12 5.11 5.27 5.47 6.84 8.50 8.76 9.10 A ground measurement was made at Napakiak on March 18, 1975. A location along a slough where a thaw bulb was expected showed a resistance of 9 ohms using a 20-foot long steel auger that was screwed into about ten feet of silt under 2-1/2 feet of water and 6-1/2 feet of ice. See Appendix D. This ground measurement indicates that a I-ohm resistance for a line terminal ground system is obtainable with reasonable expend- iture of material and effort . Although the fifth edition of the National Electrical Safety Code allowed the use of the ground as a conductor for a power circuit in rural areas, the most recent edition does not; an exception would be required. There are many thousands of miles of one-wire earth return circuit power lines in successful use in New Zealand, Australia and Canada • During World War II, some lines in the u.s. were built using earth return. Most of these lines are distribution lines and have many taps for the transformers that supply individual farms and res- idences throughout the rural areas traversed. The use proposed here for interconnecting the villages in the region is a point-to-point or transmission system, with -grounding systems established at these relatively few points. This allows for better design and greater effort to assure a low resistance ground connection. The local village distribution system would use the conventional multi-grounded neutral along with the primary and secondary distribution conductors. Line losses for the two systems are listed on Tables 8 & 9 and show that losses are practically the same for both systems. The electrical performance of the two circuits is comparable and of acceptable standards. If three phase supply is required for any particular load, it can be provided by phase=converters that are presently in common use throughout the rural systems of the U.S. -36- ,," ""'" .. .. ,. .. ,,.. • .. .. .. • .. • .. -.. Electrical Performance -Regional System On Plate C the entire region is shown with 56 villages and preliminary line routes interconnecting all but Mekoryuk which is on Nunivak Island. These line routes total approximately 1200 miles, 100 of which connect the Ten-Village group described above. A cursory review' of the line lengths involved and the relatively smal~ loads with limited revenue potential practically eliminates the chances for constructing and operating such an interconnected system without a massive subsidy. However, the extension of the Single Wire Ground Return (SWGR) electric circuit deserves some review because it offers an opportunity for significantly lower construction costs. Could such a SWGR circuit provide acceptable electrical performance if it were built? The one line schematic of Figure 4 shows the approximate relation- ship of loads and lines throughout the region. Table 10 and 11 list the approximate voltage and current calculations for the longest line segment which has been divided into three one-hundred mile sections for ease in making preliminary calculations. The loads forecast for the Ten-Village group were used to estimate loads throughout the region by extending the load estimates in accordance with the number of shareholders in each village as listed by the Calista Corporation under the Alaska Native Land Claims Act. See Appendix A. Applying the loads developed as indicated above and assigning lumped amounts at the ends of the 100-mile sections as shown on Tables 10 and 11, calculations were made. These calculations were done using the A, B, C, and D constants which were developed with reasonable accuracy as described and listed in Appendix D. The results of these .calculations are illuminating in their demonstration of the potential that a SWGR circuit 300 miles in length can provide acceptable electrical performance over a considerable range of loading conditions with voltages not ex- ceeding 80 kv nominal rating and with electric conductor size no larger than 4/0 ACSR equivalent. The parameters that were used are preliminary selections only, intended as demonstrative and not necessarily the most desirable. It is important to note the differences in charging kva required for a 3 JJ circuit compared to the S~vGR line as follows: 100 mi. , 40 kv SrlGR, 4/0 ACSR. . . . 670 KVAR 100 mi. , 40 kv Delta 3 fiJ, 4/0 ACSR 910 KVAR 100 mi. , 40/69 kv 3 fiJ, 4/0 ACSR. . 2730 KVAR 100 mi. , 80 kv, SWGR, 4/0 ACSR. . . .2680 KVAR 100 mi. , 80 kv, 3 fiJ 4/0 ACSR. . . . .3437 KVAR 100 ml. , 80/138 kv 3 fiJ, 4/0 ACSR. .10,311 KVAR -37- I , . • • , • • I • • • • • • • • I • • • •• • • • • • j • • l j I j HOOPER BAY TOKS OOK BAY. UMKUMUTE~-",,.,...._ MEKORYU --OTLI I , ..... -. BILL MOORE SLO'U'Itt ... • MILTON r I I -I I , I ROBERT W. RETrlERFORD ASSOCIATES ----....., ~ ~_--:~~ TONY RIVER , LIME ~ __ =::::::::Ii'::: VILLAGEJ ---I , ---...: ------, .-J -... rJ J • r --• -I -I --I r -38- + --- • LEGEND CALISTA REGION BOUNDRY VI LLAGES PRELIMINARY TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTES REGIONAL POWER SYSTEM LOWER KUSkOKWIM VICINITY AND YUKON DELTA PRELIMINARY LINE ROUTES SCALE: ," a APPROX. 50 MILES JULY 1975 SASE MAP DATA fROM CALISTA CORPORATION ATC:-.~ ,,,_fe} ~/ ,. • .. .. .. -.. ... ,. ,. • .. .. • .. • ... III .. .. .. -• .. • ,III \ FIGURE - 4 REGIONAL ~"ER SYSTEM Preliminary Transmission Line Routes ONE LINE SOI:Er!lATIC c..rookd. (~k 1101.:1 LEGEND -----Trans. Line to Hydro-site Trans. Line to Villages '='"10=0"""'jr:;-"C15 line miles/% of 'Ibtal Load 8 Line Section Points -N a.m21 " Vilb.).::s -U'fIt'lcnrUi!,..L ..... TRANSMISSION SYS"l'.E1vI-'IOTAL IOADS et! frju1e)}-" l...0 1985--w/o Electric Heat-5 '200 J<:w , , r;\:I~" "'198.5:--w Electric Heat-13,900 kw ..... -0 G:}LDL~I GATE TABLE -10 Transmission Line Sanple (Bethel-Sheldon' s pt.) APPIDX. VOLTAGE & CURRENT ~IONS (1985 Load-1456 kw) Single Wire, Ground Return Circuit (Assurre l:-ohm Electrode R) Line Section . IDads in Section Amps & Volts in Section Receiving End Length-IvIi Phase Rec. KVA Ir.* Ir.** Vr Sending End Wire Ccx:1e roJ Send KVA Is * rs-Vs \ (1) (2) ~(3T (4) --(5-) --(6) (7) ;1 Sheldon's Pt. 100 SW3R 566 281.::2 5.8 28 l::::)5. 8 20,000 ill. 2 Nt. Village 4/0 ACSR 20 189 81::1-6 •7 25 t:::::. 7.2 22,974~.1 3 (83,000 kwh loss) Increase the Voltage 4 Mt. Village . 100 8mR 435 11 l::,16. 6 30 !::!2.2 40,000 L2..: 1 5 R. Mission 4/0 ACSR '"40 435 10 I::J.O. 8 28 t22.7 42,176 1l2. 6 (99,457 kwh loss) '1 R. Mission 100 SW:;R 0 0 37 L!.4.1 42,176 Q2. 8 Bethel 4/0 ACSR 40 0 0 40 l!! 43,373124 (175,290 kwh 1985) Line 'Ibtal Length •••• 300 Miles (100 @ 20 kv., 200 @ 40 kv.) Supplies •••••• 1660.kw(incl. losses) and •.••••••..• 507 Kv.AR at ••. ~ ••.•.•.. 96% P.F. (Leading) 357,750 kwh loss (6,420,000 kwh del.) 5.6% loss *Based on IWA. listed/CoL 7 Angle of load current is referenced to Vr, line (1) before adding to Is to establish total Ir. **Ir in CoL (6) is derived fran the sum of Is CoL (6) and Is CoL (5) fram the preceding line section, plus Ir in CoL (5) of the same line section. -39- • • .. .. ... ... ill .. .. • , . 'mBLE -11 T.ransnissicn Line sanp1e (Bethel-Sheldon' s pt.) APPOOX. VOL'mGE & CURRENT CQ.1PtlTATIOOS (1985 w/Elec. Heat-3,892 kw) Single Wire, Ground Return Circuit (Assurre l-ohm Electrode R) Line Secticn IDads in Section Arrps & Volts in Section ReceivinSl End I.ength-Mi Phase Rae. KVA Ir.* Ir.** Vr SerrlinSl End Wire Code IW Send KVA Is * Is Vs (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 Sheldon' s pt. 100 ~R 1363 38 -9.6 38 -9.6 36,000 0 2 Mt. Village 4/0 ACSR "40 458 12 -.4 38 14.5 38,370 9.2 3 (171,000 kwh loss) 4 Mt. Village 100 ~ 1058 28 -.4 77 6.9 38,370 9.2 5 R. Mission 4/0 ACSR 40 1059 24 16.4 76 19.9 43,723 26 6 (692,457 kwh loss) Increase the voltage 7 R. Mission 100 ~ 1600 1 20 -64 60.4 -.13 80,000 26 8 Bethel 4/0 ACSR ""80 -0--0 53.4 35.6 84,891 31.5 (339,000 kwh loss) Line 'Ibtal length •.•••• 300 miles (200 @ 40 kv., 100 @ 80 kv) Supplies ••••.••••• 4521.58 kw (incl. losses) and ••••••••••••••• 324.09 kvar at ................ 99.7% P.F. (Leading) 1,202,000 kwh loss (17,650,000 kwh del.) 6.8% loss *See Footnote of Table 10 **See Footnote of Table 10 1 A 1600 KVAR reactor added here • -40- 11 .. ... .. '. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -• ... • <!lOt .. .. • ... • .. .. ... .. ,.. ... ... .. '. J. .,. •• I I I I ,-,--,---",~-----------"_!I!JII_,._!!III_, ,., !!IiI,_ .. ---- Physical Design ~ Construction Considerations Lack of a road system, permafrost, and limited or no aCCOffiIDO- dations for construction crews throughout most of the region being studied establish some limitations that must be dealt with to find appropriate solutions. Conventional construction techniques and line designs might be used -but at premium costs . A design believed more adaptable to these limitations is based on the use of an A-frame structure shown in the following sketch labeled Figure 5. This structure can accommodate either 3 ~ conventional electrical configurations or the SWGR design. The arrangement is most suited to the SWGR design . It is believed that the design has certain features that will provide unique opportunities for its use over the terrain of this region, as follows: 1) The structure can be built using maximum local products and manpower. The legs of the A-frame can be made from local spruce that grows along the major river systems of the region and can be transported by these rivers. 75% of the total line construction cost could be earned within the region. 2) The structure has transverse stability from gravity alone (See Appendix E) and need not penetrate the earth (permafrost in this region). Longitudinal stability is obtained through the strength and normal tension of the line conductor. This allows for use of the shortest lengths for legs to provide the ground clearances needed for safety. Additional longitudinal stability may be provided by fore and aft guying where needed. 3) The Single Wire configuration can be designed for minimum cost by utilizing high-strength conductors tnat require a minimum number of structures and still retain the standards for high reliability. For example: A single-wire line constructed using 7#8 Alumoweld High-Strength (approx. 16,000 lb. breaking strength) ,,,ire, electrically equivalent to a #4ACSR conductor will require one half as many structures per mile as the #4ACSR under the same Heavy Loading Design Conditions. {The line could be converted to 3 ~ at a future date by adding another structure in each span, and adding the new conductors.} -41- .. ,'III ,~ .. "" . .. ... .. "'II .. -. .. • ----... • '. ... • ( - ... SPRUCE A-FRAM£ POWERLIN£ STRLlCTUR5 PRELIMINARY OES/GN SK€TCII ---//'VSliLAraRS . t~..cZITOR£ ADD€.o Y'vYRE'-I / . STRLlCTt..hIf!€S MAY Bl£. GLI'YEO FORE' AN£) A,&'T AT /NTG,RVAI-S To LIMIT THe FALL t)': STRL/CTlJRES S,lIO.ut..D. 711E' LINt: BReAK. ("50MG'TlMES . CALL l:D .f STORM GUY'S ') INSULATOR /T IS ESTIMATELJ rl-lAT 7111S srRl../Cru/(pE' LIS/NO. 30 FT. ,,"oNt:; LOCAt.. SPRUCe POLES WOlit.i/ WeIGH A TOTAL to,&' ABOUT (650£.,8.:5'_.1 COULO Be: .oI::LIVE"REO ANO cRGcrl:!D ey MI5AJ ~A./D SiVOW /1/JACH/Ne-:s. TilE N£AV/ES'T PIeCe: /s. T#C' -::so r"T. sPRUeIE' Ar ABoUT . zeo L8S. A L/NE CONSTRue TeO /N TillS /Y.1ANNER VS/NG ONG' HIGI-I STRt:;'NGTH WIRE' COULD St./~PLY Tile: €'LeCTR/C,-4L Rt!£"QUIRIEMENr:s AS ,c;OR£CAST /N r"/GVRS:S / AND <. -42- , fi6UR'E'-5 I ... .. 4) ... .. .. ... .. .. 5 ) . ... .. ,. 6) ... - .. .. The A-frame, gravity stabilized design form allows the use of a unique, engineering/construction technique that will substantially reduce both engineering and construction effort as follows: The high-strength conductor is laid out on the ground between anchor points (at typical intervals of 1 to 2 miles) and tensioned while on the ground to the approximate stringing tension. An engineer and assistant locate structure points by using the tensioned conductor as a template (lifting it above the ground to observe clearances from the natural contour). This could be done in winter time by using snow machines rigged with a small "jig" to underrun the conductor and lift it to predetermined heights for observation. At points selected by the engineer, a crew assembles a structure completely and fastens it permanently to the conductor (all lying on the ground). The crew lifts the structure at the point of attachment while the stress in the conductor is being maintained at the appropriate stringing tension. Long river crossings (typically 2000 feet or less in length) can be accomplished using the same high- strength conductor. Several such crossings have been in successful operation in Alaska using this same 7#8 Alumoweld wire as follows: Naknek River (S. Naknek to Naknek) .... 2000 Ft. Talkeetna River (near Sunshine) .•..... 1894 Ft. Along Kachemak Bay, Tutka Bay ..........••.....•..•..• 1835 Ft. Sadie Cove ....• 00 0" ••••••••••••• 4135 Ft. Halibut Cove ....... 0 ••• 0 ••••••••• 2070 Ft. Costs for an SWGR line constructed using the A-frame design and high-strength conductor is estimated to be about one-third (1/3) the cost of an equivalent 3 ~, 4-wire line of similar construction. Example comparative Estimate: A single~pole transmission line constructed in Anchorage with a 795 MCM conductor, in 138 kv post-type insulator configuration, with about 18 structures per mile had construction unit costs as follows: -43- -,. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. • ... ... • • • .. • .". ....•.. ~----------------------------. Poles, 50 ft. Class 1, in place ••..•..•. $ 270 ea . Insulator Assembly, 3 ~, in place....... 619 ea. Conductor, 795 MCM, AAC, in place....... 979/1000 ft. Conductor, 795 MCM, ACSR, in place •....• 1,156/1000 ft. A mile of 3~ line using these unit prices would be: Poles, 18 50-l i s @ $270 .••.••.••.•••.•.. $ 4,860 Insulator Assembly, 18 @ $619 •••..•••.•. 11,142 Conductor, 795 MCM (AAC) 5.28 x 3 x 979. 15,507 Total: $31,509 A mile of I-wire line using these units and an equi- valent high-strength conductor (795 MCM ACSR) would be: Poles, 9 50-l i s @ $270 •••..•...•..•.•... $ 2,430 Insulator Assembly, 9 @ $619/3 (One-Wire only} ..••.•••..•..•...•••• Conductor, 795 MCM ACSR, 5.28 x 1156 .•.. 1,857 6,104 Total: $10,391 Note: While the above comparison can not be completely applicable, it demonstrates clearly the effect of designs that are aimed at reducing costs. Therefore- if such designs can satisfy other criteria -electrical, reliability, safety, etc., they may have merit. The gravity stabilized A-frame line design using long span construction will provide excellent flexibility to adapt to the free'Zing-thawing cycles of the tlmdra and shallow lakes of the region. Experience in this kind of terrain has clearly demonstrated the need to "live with" these seasonal cycles and avoid designs that cannot tolerate movement of the structure footings. Gravel backfill around and under poles that are set in the earth using more conventional line designs has proven successful but usually expensive and in many areas of this region highly impractical. Hinged structures supporting large transmission line conductors (Drake, 795 MCM, ACSR, 31,700 lb. strength, 1.094 lbs. weight/ft.) across shallow and deep muskeg swamps and permafrost have been performing excellent service on the lines from Beluga across the Susitna River and its adjacent flat lands. Some of this route has severe freeze~thaw action that has dramatically demonstrated the need for flexibility_ The guying systems have performed as in- tended during severe differential frost action. The basic structural philosophy and performance of this transmission line is reflected in the proposed A-frame arrangement described here. The experience with such existing lines provides the strong basis for confidence in the structural performance of this new design. -44- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. ill - .. .. III OIl OIl .. II _ t I Part VIII PCmER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES 'IWo general :pc::JWCr supply alternatives are available to the Ten-Village group, (I) on-site small village plants or, (2) an interconnecting line to allow wholesale pov;er to re purchased in Bethel. These alternatives are cacpared in the following Table 12 which is developed from the nore detailed estimates included. in Append.ix B. Y TABLE -12 POWER SUPPLY ALTERi.~TIVFS Ten-Village Group E Delivered Cost $/KWH* Purchased Transmission Cost OnlX $/~\jJ Village Plant ~Line 3Jf-4WLine Pooer $j.KWH 1\. S .... ;GR Line 3Jf-4~'iLine R 1976 0.193 0.141 0.215 0.069 0.072 1977 0.197 0.143 0.213 0.073 0.070 1978 0.199 0.145 0.210 0.077 0.068 1979 0.204 0.148 0.209 0.082 0.066 1980 0.233 0.149 0.205 0.086 0.063 5-Yr. Average Costs (1976-1980 inclusive) 0.206 0.145 0.210 0.078 0.067 1985 0.260 0.166 0.202 0.115 0.051 lQ-Yr. Average Costs (1976-1985 inclusive) 0.238 0.154 0.206 0.094 0 .. 060 1990 0.254 0.194 0.215 0.154 0.040 15-Yr. Average Costs (1976-1990 inclusive) 0.248 0.168 0.207 0.-1l7 0.051 * These cost estimates are based on financing with 8% interest on rroney. The cost. of \vb.olesale po-r,.;er delivered to the ten-village group is heavily de:pendent on the .validity of the estimates for basic fO'..1er cost wnether purchased or generated in village plants. Fuel mst is a large ];X>rtion of the delivered costs and variations in its basic cost will affect the al ternati ves in a similar m:mner --having slightly rrore impact on the village plants . The transmission costs decrease with increased deliveries of energy.· 'lliis demonstrates one of the potentially great benefits of an interconnected system. For ex&'1lple: If the hydro-electric energy of the Kisaralik developID2!nt discussed on page 26 \vere to recorr.e available in 1985, the average delivered cost of this energy \·;ould be •••.••.••••.• 11.9 cents/bvh " This is a very great savings over the presently estimated best alternative of 16.6 cents!Jv.vh. -45- 0.146 0.140 0.133 0.127 0.119 0.132 0.087 0.112 0.061 0.090 1 • I r • I ,. • ... .. • .. .. .. • ... .. .. .. - If further use of the hydro-energy were extended to include the electric heat fX)t,ential (listed on Table 5 page 17) the transmission system could deliver it successfully (see Figure 3 and Tables 8 and 9 pages 31 and 32) with the following results: y E A R 1985 1990 TABLE -13 (l)STS OF POWER SUPPLY -TEN-VILIAGE GROUP Hydro-Energy Thru Transmission System with Electric Heating Added Total MWH Hydro-Energy Delivered Costs $/KWH Delivered Cost $/KWH SV\GR Line 3~-4-WLine 14,470 0.059 0.0783 0.0916 23,870 0.063* 0.0782 0.0963 *Hydro-energy cost is escalated by 1.07 per year for only the 0 & M costs and a paytreIlt in lieu of taxes (see Part VI, Page 21) If we canpa.re the forecast of fuel costs in the villages and assure 60% efficiency in using this fuel for heating the electric energy equivalent becanes 24 kwh for one gallon of heating fuel. 'Ibis estimated cost of fuel in the villages in 1985 is $1.04 per gallon and $1.46/ gallon in 1990. 'Ibis equates to $.0433 per kwh in 1985 and $0.068/kwh in 1990. Wrlle electric heat has derronstrated itself as canpetitive in the marketplace at somewhat higher costs than alternate fuels (apparently because of less rraintenance, IIDre convenience, and lower installation costs) it would appear that is this situation the apparent cost of electric heat is not competitive • If a hydro-energy source such as the Crooked Creek project described. in Part VI with possible energy, costs of $0. 015/kwh should becaue available then it is cl~ that electric heating would be very canpetitive. -46- ... .- • ' .... ,. • • '111 • .... .- ... • - .J .. -. < ~ d'", # '-- "" ~ ? J ~ , .< • .. ,- , ... 'I '! I' , !. ~ 1 • ; i --~-r·----+-----.' I' : '--'I 9 ¥ 8 a: IIJ 7 Q. It12 14 16 i ~ I : -' -! ~-~~-~ , •. j->--+'-'---,----1 i '._" I . , -~-i---~-----""- !' ell . .j-~~h~-~··I-. ·-i---.. _k:.-..:.. ______ L, __ .. ___ ... . . i " - i ,----1 I h I 1980 82 84 88 88 1990 94 96 '8 2000 "1:'1\0 I 1:'II'!I'OI:'_ It I _ A'7_ - .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. - •• ,11 ur Regional Power Systan 'lb provide S<m3 perspective to a possible regional pJWer system as shown on Plate C and Figure 4, a sample calculation of electrical perfo.r:mance of a 30Q-mile segnent of such a system was nade and tabulated on Table 10 and 11. This shows that a relatively small wire size line can provide acceptable electrical service • By extrapolation we have made sooe preliminary estiIP.ates as follows rega.:rding costs of construction and operation: 1. lang Span construction can be accc:rrplished with a "BRAHMA" ACSR corKiuctor (approx. 27,500 lb. breaking strength, and alx>ut 677 lbs. per 1000 ft.) which has an electrical equivalent to 4/0 ACSR. 2. Span lengths ~ be about 7/8 of those used. in estimates for the sw:;R line in Afpmdix F. Other features are equivalent except for 40 W. added insulators are required • 3. Assuming 1200 miles of line and 54 villages- 4. 1200 x 12,500 ••••••••••••.••••••• Say 10 River Crossings @ 15,000 •• 54 Substations @ 15,000 •••••••••• 'lb"tal •••••••••••• Sa.y •••••••••••••• Annual COsts --Depr., Int., Ins. & replacanent ••••••••• O&M (IO-yr. ave.) ••••• Sa.y •••••••••••••• $15,000,000 150,000 810,000 $15,960,000 $16,000,000 $ 1,469,00·0/yr 484,000/yr $ 1,953,OOO/yr $ 2,000,000/yr 5. Ten Year Deliveries of kwh are estimated by assuming that the ten-village group represents 23% of the region load. The 10-year energy delivered would be •••••••••••••• 161,100,000 kwh 6. The average transmission oosts would then be equal to 10 years x $2,000,000 •••••••••••••••••• $20,000,000 which is equivalent to ••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 0.124l/kwh 'Ihese transmission costs added to $0. 098/kwh wholesale power purchases in Bethel (diesel generation) would total $0.222/kwh oompared. to a ten-year estimated average village power plant oost of $0.233jkwh. 'Ihe difference would total alIrost $ 1,800,000. If the hydro-electric energy described earlier would beca:te available the average delivered energy cost throughout the 54 villages would be about $0.183jkwh which is about 20% below the village power plant averag-e oost. -48- ---------------------------------... ,. • .. .. • .. .. -.. .. .. .. .. - • APPENDJX - A Electrical load Data Village SUrvey Data -Napakiak & Akaichuk . Light Plant Inventory Household Electric Uses Electric Heating Estimate -Village Hat:e Climatic Data -Bethel Area Excerpts fran AVFr:, Rerords -ten villages Calista Pegion -Prel:iminary Line Foute Work Sheet Listing of calista Region Village COrp,Jrations / I a j , j • I • j I j ., J I • l • .. t • j .. , I j • • NAPAKIAK REX:AP -FOR>! A Village Light Plant InventD.ry House KW Fuel Used Consurrer ~Use Hrs.!Da:x;: Gal./Da:x;: No. Size ~ Storage R SC Piin'e ~ Win. 1 2.5 G 6g Can X X 8/12 3 G 59 Can Self X 8/12 4 2.4 D Drum 2 X 12-24 5 D Drum 4 X 24 9 4 D Drum 2 X 12-24 10 3.5 D Drum 3 X 12-24 12 4 D Drum Self X 12-24 13 4 D Drum 5 X 12-24 16 G 6 gal. X X B-12-24 19 4 D Drum 3 X 12-24 20 2.5 G Drum 2 X 8-12 24 4 D Drum 2 X 24 25 4 D Drum 2 X 12-24 Trad.in.g' 5-1/2 D Drum Self Post 7-1/2 D Drum (Al::l'rol:y) X 14 2B D Drum 2 ? G 6 gal.Se1f 35 3.5 D Drum 2 37 1.5 G 20 gal Self 38 3.5 D Drum Self ? D Drum 2 using Trading Post data: Say 7 m:nths @ 14 hours 5 tronths @ 16 hours X X X X X X •••....•••••••••• 2989 ••••••....••••••• 2440 24 6-8 8-12 8-12 12-24 12-24 SUm. Fuel 6/8 2-1/2-1-1/2 B/12 5-5 12-24 6-5 12-24 8-5 6-B B-4 8-12 3-2 12-24 5-5 6-8 7-4-1/2 6-8 5-1/3-4 B-12 8-5 B-12 2-1/2-2-1/2 8:"12 B-1 6-B B-5 16 5-6 8-12 8-1 6-8 5- 8-12 3-2 4-6 2-1 8-24 5-5 6-8 B-5 Incorre Per Cons. $15.00 $30.00 15-20 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 4-5? 25-28 56 20-28 5429 hrs @ 2.75 kw ave. = 14,930 kwh/yr. Fuel consumed 7 months @ 30.5x5 ..•.•..•••••••••••• 1067.5 ga1lGus 5 months @ 30.5x6 •••.••...•.••.••••• ga11o~~ 5 gallons/year 'Ibis is then 7.53 kwh/gallon • • a I • f • I Maint. CMner' s Hope By N"Dll Cootinue Get Out CMner X CMner X OWner X Owner X OWner X OWner X Chlner X o..ner X Chlner X o..ner X OWner X Says need light for Villaqe Chlner X CMner X Neighbor X Says neEd light for whole village Chlner Expand! Owner X o.mer X (),mer X Chmer X Experience suggest this figure is in the ball park -but may be a bit high (our estimate en kwh may be high) Ii • • J • j • • • I I II • J " I • I • • • 11 .. . .. . - NAPAKIAK Recap of Pre.;el" .. Bou.SaholCtF.lcc.;,.....u: Use -Form B House No. in Source of Eloo. House Size Hrs. How much Satisified Would you Village Inest No. Household (),.m Neighbor Sq. Ft. Day Do You Pay? Now? P~ M::lre? In Better Syst.? -1-8, x 560 <12 $156.00 No 10 No 2 6 x 720 12-24 79.00 No <10 No 3 2 »2. SG) 384 <12 50.00 No. <10 No 4 7 x 440 12-24 60.00 No 10-20 No 5 9 x 480 24 n/a No 10-20 No 6 7 x 612 24 20.00 No 10-20 No 7 5 x 408 12-24 30.00 No <10 No 8 10 x 432 24 42.00 No 10-20 No 9 5 x 504 12-24 50.00 Yes <10 No 10 6 >d:3. SO) 360 12-24 62.00 No 10-20 Yes 11 2 None Latern 480 10-20 Yes 12 2 x 384 12-24 n/a No 10-20 No 13 7 x 760 12-24 n/a No <10 No 14 4 x 540 12-24 50.00 No 10-20 No 15 3 x 640 <12 10.00 No 10-20 No 16 8 x x 760 .Ll-24 n/a No 10-20 No 17 6 x 600 12-24 No >20 Yes 18 4 x 384 <12 60.00 No <10 No 19 7 »4-D) 560 12-24 50.00 No 10-20 No 20 5 x 476 <12 63.00 No 10-20 ~ 21 3 None 176 Yes <10 Yes 22 5 x (BIA) 1344 24 oone Yes No No 23 7 x 560 12-24 50.00 No <10 No 24 6 x 480 24 26.00 No No Yes 25 13 x 760 12-24 65.50 No 10-20 No 26 3 x 560 12-24 20.00 n/a <10 No 27 10 x 480 12-24 20.00 No 10-20 No 28 5 x 560 24 n/a No 10-20 No 29 3 x 154 <12 10.00 Yes >20 No 30 3 x 560 12-24 20.00 Yes/NO 10-20 . Yes /No 31 6 x 760 12 28.00 No <10 No 32 5 x 760 12-24 20.00 No No No 33 7 x 480 12-24 10.00 No <10 No 34 3 x 299 12-24 20.00 Yes/NO 10-20 No 35 7 x(3.5D) 720 <12 26.00 Yes ~10 Yes/ lliD 36 9 x x 560 <12 28.00 Yes/NO 10 Yes 37 9 560 <12 n/a Yes/NO 10-20 No 38 6 .1L 480 12-24 n/a Yes No <10 No 223 20 -r7 20,737 (6) --24 1090 (27) 10 30 15 «.lO) 32 2 (none) (546 0 'Ave) (20)-12-24 18 (l0-20) (10)-<12 2 (>20) ~ (Est) 444 (l1) 3 (No) 1534 I Using the estimated 2001 kwh/yr. average estimated usage for t:i't:)se surveyed and applying this to the lTOnthly revenue slvNs; 26 Q::.nsuners receive 12 to 24 hour/day serivce. Revenue $1090 for 27 .Res. consurrers using 2001/12 kvih/r.o. Results in mst per kwh of ••.••. 1090 200l/12x27 = $0. 242/kwh 'Ibis is probably 101Ner than actual because with than 24 hour serivce usage will not be as high • •• I. , " l j I • Il • • I I j • • • • I • I. • I. , • • I. • NAPAKIAK Rec:ao of 'Present and F\lture Household F..lr ,-:<-ric Use -Ponn B H.J\...sI; No. -r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Light watts 6W 300 200 400 540 200 400 300 260 420 360 640 380 450 500 2200 525 600 560 22 780 23 750 24 600 25 840 26 600 27 780 28 480 29 100 30 640 Reiri . P F x + + + + + x x x x x x x x x x .x x x vlasher TF + + + + + + + + + + +1 +1 :1 +1 x x + I x +1 + + +1 x x x 31 400 x ~; :~~ I ~ + x 34 400 + Freezer P F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x x x x x x x x x x x x Iron PF + + + + + + + + ! I x x x x x +\ x + I + I ,x I , Ix + + Fan IE: P F x x x x x + + + x Water P. P F + + + + DI)'E'.r P F + x x x x x x Ix x x AAdio Dish W. P F P F + + + + + + + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x I • TV PF C - c c c c c C lJoV C lJoV c c c c c c C BW1 Stv! c c c :&i' C x c Bt"lIC 35 875 I x + l + x x + + + + 38 955 x + + : x ( + ~; ;g~ j ~ : " . ~... + t (36) 20,515 6 20 27 1-8-1816 ~ 5 "2 -4-0 lill 27 1 0 Ave. 570 Watts! @ I Est. Annual kwh of awliance~ . ~t:i 1 o I §~ 6 g.sg ~ ~ 0 0 * 1 ~ =1 ~I 2Jl '9' M\D ,t1< ~:$ ~ Est. Ave. kwh/ho~ (Presen1-per hot e reoei mg, fu ure -per\house. 9 houses) ! , I I I ~ g \§ ~ I;Q gb g lI") ~ ~ r ~ ~ . =to ~ ~ ~ ~t 0 I 'lUfJJ:13 ~ P= 2001 A. (with L ann~~~~ r te of . ~7 (7%) th,' future of 361q kwh .ually!1 F= 3610 j<wh ~rrEGtllre I~ blot 1 S than ~ years. ; r COlO "'PI Nr:"! I . , Hot Plate P F + + + + + + x x x ! I x 91-6 I I I r ~!o N~ I i • • Misc. Pwr Tc:x:lls Srrall P F PF"" x r- + 2 18 + 5 1 + 4 2 + 4 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + 16 x x x I : I , x I I x 1 1 6 9 1 4 8 6 7 2 5 ~ I 1 5 I 3 ~! 2 15 i 1 4 3 9 2 13 1 4 5 2 1 6 I 4 i I ~ 212 2 . 3 1 3 x 2 3 3 I 6 I 2 ! 911 iT17T I i I ~f \OL ~F I :to .... I j • • .. J *. & I i • • III: • I I AKIACHl1K REX:AP -FOl."'Il\ A Village Light Plant Inventory j J .. House Kw Fuel Cons. ~use Hrs./Day Gal./Day InCClOO Maint. ()..mer' s Hope No. Size Used Stored RSC Win Sum Fuel Per Cons. By W!'1cm Continue Prme~ -.:r--3--0 Drum '3-x 90 2w 15.00 o.mer 21 22 24 43 3 D Drum self x not used yet 0Nner 3 D Drum 4 x 8 2 2w-15 15.00 0Nner 2.5 G Drum self x 6 0 5w 0Nner 3 D Drum 20 x 12-24 0 2w 12.00 0Nner Infonnation slxMs an average CXlst for fuel only (@ • 53/gal) of about $3l0/yr. for the Diesel Units. '!he gasoline unit fule cost (@ 1.25/ga.) wuld ba about $1335/year!?! Twenty-seven (im Consumers are served by 3-units totaling 9 ki11CMatts. It these units operate a total of 2471 !~urs (based on 7 ;:y·'s @ 8 hrs. a day and 5 mo's @ 5 hrs a day) the ma:x:.inulm kwh delivered would not exceed ••• 9x2471 = 2l,239 j<wh or nore likely about half of this = 11,000 kwh while burning about 1740 gallons of fuel (7 nos @ 2 gal/day/unit) (5 nos @ 1 gal/day/unit) 'lhl.s is = 6.3 kwh/gallon Get Out x x x x x i II • .. i , I I • • .. ., • I • Il .. • j l • , , • j , A • • I , • j & j • • I i • , Ie • II , '-,.--~ ___ , ,}\KIl'!CHUK __ ~;P, -FOPM B House No. Size Electric Source COst Hours satisfied? Bulbs Last ?-b. Damage W:>uld Vi11a2e to Invest? N'" :'': rt. :·ns ~ o.m. O+-hpr SMJ. /Dav Yes Nc" Yes No Yes No Pay ?-bra ~ No --- 4 480 x S12.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 2 11 720 BrA -0-24 x x x 10-20 x 3 6 384 x -0-~12 x x x 10-20 x 4 5 192 none 0 10-20 x 5 15 672 x S15.00 <:.12 x x x 10-20 x 6 1 672 x S12.00 0( 12 x x x 10-20 x 7 7 476 x -o-? ~12 x x x 10-20 x 8 6 600 x S15.00 ",'12 x x x 10-20 x 9 a 840 x $15.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 10 9 560 x 10 gal 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 11 3 352 x $ 7.00 ,,12 x x x :> 20 x 12 4 192 none 10-20 x 13 4 384 x $10.00 24 x x x .? 20 x 14 8 600 none 10-20 x 15 2 480 none 10-20 x 16 11 600 x $15.00 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 17 11 432 x $15.00 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 18 10 448 none 10-20 x 19 12 504 none 0 x 20 7 504 none 10-20 x 21 5 560 x -O-? 12-24 x x 10-20 x 22 4 504 x -o-? <12 x x x 10-20 x 23 3 600 none < 10 x 24 9 600 x -O-? <12 x x x < 10 x 25 5 600 x 5 gal <12 x x x 10-20 x 26 4 224 none 10-20 x 27 5 256 x 9.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 28 10 336 x $15.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 29 7 320 x -0-<12 x x x 10-20 x 30 5 552 x $12.00 <:12 x x x <.10 x 31 11 272 none 10-20 x 32 8 336 x $12.00 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 33 1 196 x 7.00 12-24 x x x ,10 x 34 8 364 x $12.00 ,12 x x x 10-20 x 35 6 416 x $12.50 ,,12 x x x 10-20 x \ 36 7 1200 BIA none 24 x x x ..>20 x 37 5 224 none 10-20 x 38 8 320 x $12.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 39 4 256 x 12.00 <12 >;. x x 10-20 x 40 6 224 x 12.00 <.12 x x x 10-20 x 41 1 168 x 22.50 12 x x x 10-20 x 42 11 480 x 12.00 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 43 13 400 x -12-24 x x x 0 x 44 5 264 x 12.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 45 4 320 x 12.00 (12 x x x 10-20 x 46 2 144 none 10-20 x 47 3 256 none <10 .x ~ 48 3 192 x 15.00 <12 x x x 10-20 x 49 3 320 x 7.00 ,12 Yo x x <.10 x I 50 5 384 x 12.00 12-24 x x x 10-20 x 51 5 1440 BrA 24 x x x 10-20 x 320 22,820 5 3'0 (28)$342.75 4--24 27 11 25 13 r 34 40 .• 10-20 50 r 447.45 13 none 3-BIA 9--12-24 3 •• > 20 25-<12 6 .. <10 2 •• 0 1 to j ~ I lbuse lib. • -1- 2 3 -4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 33 39 1.:0 .a 42 ':;3 44 45 .. 6 47 48 49 50 51 I Light \vatts ""T75 480 300 4"00 800+ 1100 225 450 600 400+ 150 550+ 675 .. 00 450 100 150 155 75 200 80 180 300 1800 100 100 ISO lCO ~lO_O 125 400 150 100 200 225 200 900 (38) 14,37li Ave. 378 • • Refri P F + + I I x I :' • t x x x + x x x + x x I + + + .... ' + + + + + + + + + + + + + • x x x x, x x x x x + x x 2O+!rr I • I • • I • • l j AKAICHUK ROC/UL .. ".,. WRM B (Present -P, & Future -F Uses) Iron P F + + + + + + x x + x + x x x x + x + + + + x X x x x x x x + + + g-IS 11 x x x x S ce H. P F + + +. x x + + + x + aT n PI F Water P. P + 00 • • • I I , Dryer Radio Dish W. p F p7 P + + + + + + + + x + + x + + + + + + + x + . + + + + + x • I TV -p- BW C Bli C BW C BW BW c &1 BW Bli! x x x x x x awl x ~ I Ii ~ B'i'l awl BW I IT,,; j 3\'1 i I 13;il C I BN [' c : Bv; I IT .. I I g,.; B\i I C i F.i: C x x x x x • • Hot Plate P F + x + + + + • I • • • Pwr Tools P F + + + + + + x x + x "'7 T Misc. ITT p ~ 1 1 9 2 2 1 1 31 2 J 2 I! 1 I 3: 1 , I j 1 j 1 2 i 2 2' 2 1 1 .2 1 1 1 2 2 ,e ~ o I I j It I i • • • • • FOR: .,! ISE. _...:.H""'Qm='--____ NO. STORIEL.l..DESIGN TEMPERATURE: INSIDE (Tl)..1.L O P; OUTSIDE (To)-50 of: TD (TI-To)_122°F: DD_13-120.L __ 1Vl..:..-l_' __ ; CElLING __ Rl....:-2_4_· ___ : FLOOR ---:RI:.....1_9 ___ _ DOORS ~ = 1.67 : WINOOWS P::?uble g1.aze_. COEFFICIENTS (WATTS/SQ. FT.trD): WALLS __ _ CEILING __ _ FLOOR __ _ DOORS --_I WINOOWS ---INr;ILTRATION/AIR CHANGE __ _ .. 1 HEAT LOSS CALCULATION :~:l'; OF '. ! \ .us:) l"lULTIPLIER Area or Watts (WATrS/SQ. F1'.: Volume Loss OR CU. FT.) Area or W:>ltS '. "l lll' Watts Volutne Los~ I '."ne Loss . '. WALL ,\R-F-V\-I--'-----~1-0-0-X-8-h~.,....-"..,..~I------~~3 --f:0~' • .. ·\1.1\1,.-:"·. 1'· EI'·.T 800 p:/ ./ . 'L --I--.... ~---.. ->l----rf2: .:.t::j--.. __ .;:v.<:?;: f- , ,\SS AREA d,\lU~ FEET 72_. 12.6 .... "._ Area or Watts Area or Watts Area 0) \'/att"! Area or Watts Area or Watts Volume Loss Volume Lvss VOlum"-! I ",,$ Volume Loss Volume Loss ! I -r----~--~----_+---4---~ .' .1" '!~:~~.T b3-l/: 6 I --~ '-_. ---"I~--~--~--I----~--~--~--~--~-~~-~--~--~-~ "r.-r \" IL ARE,A J94-2I3 14.6' 1__ _ ~-.-I----f ___ ~_--II--_~---+---+---+---~---I!----+-- I ":' :\~/; ~ ------,'. j~O~L _ 7 ; ._ •.. ~ -___ c--=----~----t--'-----~'''--t---f------I-.--l----I---I----f----t -.----\----... _--,1'-_. "'--+---~---II----+---+-, I ' , r,\ L III;AT LOSS-IVA TIS 11f --_ 61 ~O I I .. __ _ \iODE !tEATER CAT. NO. I I ~~_~,...;:..< • ..-..c;:";;' .. .-.:..aiiICQ,_ ..... ~ '.:!~:._~'';'::..:ra%"..;.... I'" • LOSS 6lxl22~4.4..c..2 ___ WAITS , U\:.:\'lJAL KI,"t!R USE = ~.442 KW .. L ... O_S_S __ X....,.,.,1""3,200 -122-'(u .!) .\:\':'\U:\L IIE:\ 1'l:'\G COST = _______ _ I l'Uj<: 0 ClJSTO\IFH 0 CONTRACTOR 0 UTILITY 0 -,----------- f , ,. '-._------. __ 4-___ ~ ____ +_-~L---_+ __ ---' ------4--------+------1--- I This is estimated equivalent to alx>ut 600 gals/yr. of fuel oil in heating stove. 18.5 2147 kwh 14,896 __ KWI-IR in Jan. Annual L.F. of 22.85% 288 hrs.@38.8 If heating oil averags 1.00/gal. electric heat kwh should est about ••• 4¢/kWh to be equiv. Firm __________________ _ Date ______ _ .. i" ,. III a. I" _."'..... 2 ,,_ ., I I • I • 4 I j • I. I • • • • • '". a j i .i I. • 1_ • • • " b III • II." •• ., •..... J, .!L..... __ -_. ____ .-... ~ _____ • __ _,.,.,. ,le 2. CLIf.1ATlC DATA FRON EXTENDED RECORDS+ FOR BETHEL, ALASKA (60°' 47" N, 161 0 48 1 W, 125 ft. tiSL) ',PERATURE eqrees F. Daily ~1ax. Daily Min. Record Hi gh Record Low ays f'1ax. < 32° F. r·1ax. ;; 70° F. Dep. Days 65° F.* Deq. Days 35 0 F.* CIPITATION nches Rainfall SnOlvfal1 Total dyS -Rainfall is: ;;. .10 in. -:; . 50 ; n. Jan 10.8 -3.7 48 -52 24 o 1903 942 14.41 0.31 10.5 1.12 3 1 Feb 14.1 2.2 47 -45 22 o 1590 823 12.0t> 0.31 10.5 1.12 2 1 See Jable 5 for len~th in years Heatinq de9ree days Avera~e is >0 <0.5 days - Mar 19.4 3.8 48 ·42 22 o 1655 730 12.54 O. 17 11. 2 ' 1.03 3 'Hr rhe symbol .::. means "equal to or greater than ll .::. means "equal to or less than" Apr 33.9 17.9 58 -31 11 o 1173 366 8.09 0.23 4.6 0.58 2 o May 47.0 31.0 76 -5 2 806 45 6.:12 0.87 1.1 0.95 3 *'!r Jun 59.6 43.5 86 28 o 5 402 o 3.u5 1. 18 T 1.18 4 ** Jul 61.8 47.5 86 31 o 6 319 o 2.42 2.03 0.0 2.03 6 ** .! <.~ "-+ r.>G-t ~rd • ~ \ %"~,) (J "IS"IL \(' "',,",\otC~··. S"/Ifs S/';I.I Cl,~..sl'-,t ..... -• 2 tol,. )1>/11- • ';:;<. f.-- ---1./4-• ""/".!1 Aug 'Sep 58.3 46.2 81 30 o 2 394 o 2.99 4.20 0.0 4.20 10 3 51.1 38.1 70 18 o 612 3 4.b4 2.56 0.4 2.59 9 , (vI,,'!. Af'<V 1'1~ .;,,--- .) ""f A'-'1 'S.-c..-r Oc4. Nuli' O("c.. Oct 37~6 25.1 65 -5 10 o 1042 187 7.89 1.28 3.4 1.54 11.3 10·4· ej,(. "1.:;.- '1,,:/ <j,g 3 ** (], ·1 10, ..,. 'I. '" , 10 • ., - Noy 24.2 10.1 48 -27 21 o 1434 539 10.86 0.48 7.6 1.06 2 a 14. -~ ! <' , 1. I " ,.t3 IS. '1- ,~-, , Dec 12.7 -3.2 45 -44 3 o 1866 994 14.14 0.24 10.2 1.02 2 1 ;;:SIV ~ S v-/ Le,n:; .~I~\" Ann. 35.9 21.5 86 -52 115 13 13196 4629 100 13.86 59.5 18.42 49 7 • I ;. '" • t. • & j • .. I, • Ii , l I II. 4 I • • • • " • • " t • J I: j I , • • TYPICAL Villages Served by AVEr. in calista ~ion --(Historical Growth) 1974 1973 Feb. 1970 (Dec.) Year Ave. (Dec.) Year Ave. lib. Total kw!v'll'O. No. Total kw!v'rro. lib. 'Ibtai Ave. Cons. KWH Dec.2 12x(1) Cons. KWH Dec.2 12x (1) Cons. KWH kwh,Ino. (I) (2) U-) -('2) Nunapitcauk Res. (1.035) 47 67,500 151 120 46 66,800 166 121 41 6241 145 se. 2 4,230 460 176 2 5,140 2BO 214 2 BIA 1 139,960 12,390 11,663 1 137,690 3,690 11,474 1 3106 3106 FB 8,430 203 117 5 6,410 1BO 107 1 120 120 'IUl'ALS 220,120 54 216,040 ----45 April 1970 (Dec.) (Year) (Dec. ) (Year) KASIGW!~ Res. (1.02) 43 76,710 179 131 43 60,220 158 117 40 2236 56 se 1 90 0 8 1 260 20 22 a BIA 1 148,640 26,320 12,387 1 135, BOO 24,800 11,317 1 4574 4574 PB 4 4,020 130 84 4 1,520 62 32 3 23 'IUl'ALS qg" 220,460 ----49 197,800 ----44 December 1971 (Dec.) (Year) (Dec.) (Year) Mountain Village Res. (0) 71 115,890 158 136 73 107,192 149 122 72 a se a 167,220 1650 1742 6 143,840 1893 1998 3 1 BLl\. 1 130,660 12,260 10,888 1 165,320 16,530 13,777 1 0 SL B 7,680 SO 80 8 2,210 80 23 PB 11 69,080 595 10 69,320 781 578 4 0 'IUl'ALS 99 490,530 98 487,882 ----80 January 1970 (Dec.) (Year) (Dec.) (Year) No. k\.tl ave .lM1/rro. I..ol,ler Kal!"k;lC; ~~. (1.036) 38 6::-.)<:>0 2 .. ~ l~j .,. v"-66,260 155 162 33 3704 112 ~'; 1 3,770 2BO 314 1 4,360 280 363 1 391 391 BlA 1 82,160 11,530 6,847 1 77,050 7,990 6421 1 8000 8000 . FB 5 19,790 4 15,330 360 88 44 'IUl'ALS 45 175,480 40 163,000 ~'Ubcr 1971 (Dec. ) (Year) (Dec.) (Year) kwh ave. kwh/rro. Eimonak Res. (1. 065) 87 129,700 199 124 80 95,270 120 99 72 11,560 160 ~; se 6 28,250 576 392 4 9,550 275 199 2 390 195 0 BIA 1 100,220 1380 B352 1 118,7BO 11,300 9898 1 13,380 13,380 I PB 11 116,460 BB2 10 87,300 1,107 5 960 192 'lOTAI.S 105 374,630 95 310,900 BO 26,310 • • • l • .. • .. j " • • j I j I .. I I I • I j I , l • I • It • • j I I I • • 'NPICIIL ViJ.:..age.s Served by A'IJE:J::. in Calista .Region --(Historical Growth) 1974 1973 ~ 1971 (Dec. ) :tear Ave. (Dec. ) :tear Ave. No. Total kwh/rro. No. Total kwh/rro. No. Total Ave. Cons. KWH ~12x(1) Cons. KWH ~ 12x(1) ~ ~ kwh/rro. -n:r-(2) Trr --m- 'lbksook Bay 105 Res. (1.089) 53 66,610 136 47 56,710 162 101 41 4880 119 SC 7 8,040 110 96 7 7,440 151 89 5 550 110 BIA 1 60,380 6520 5032 1 67,560 7,800 ,5,713 1 9420 9420 PB 5 9,690 144 162 5 6,580 172 110 4 980 245 'ICYrALS 6b 1~ 60 139,290 -;r 15-;8lO Eek Res. (1.048) 38 38,530 123 95 35 32,380 155 77 33 3610 109 SC 2 530 5 22 1 930 140 78 1 180 180 BLA 1 94,110 10,540 7,843 1 88,930 8,720 7411 1 8060 8060 PB 2 3,350 200 140 3 4,660 216 129 3 250 83 'roI'AIS 43 136,520 40 38 12,100 Quit'lhaqak Res. (1. 051) 65 84,040 115 108 63 71,670 98 95 56 6,920 123 • SC 4 10,660 102 222 3 7,280 233 202 2 200 100 Bll>. 1 63,320 6,440 5,277 1 77,100 8,440 6,425 1 17,770 17,770 PB 2 1,980 160 ~ 3 2,260 ~ 63 2 320 160 'IOTA.LS 72 160,000 70 158,310 61 25,210 Gocdnews Bay Res. (1. 038) 47 62,250 160 110 43 47,240 155 92 42 2,920 69 \ SC 2 9,680 165 403 2 2,420 110 101 2 220 110 B:r..~ 1 78,690 10,680 6,558 1 92,660 8,390 7,722 1 (29days) 7,920 7,920 PB 3 1,130 SO 31 2 2,820 85 118 2 60 30 'ICYrhLS 53 151,750 48 47 11,120 Hooper Bay Pes. (1.036) 81 137,234 265 141 77 99,000 144 107 SC 6 55,670 820 773 6 58,950 795 819 BLA 1 . 197,600 20,000 16,467 1 143,200 17,600 11,933 SL 4 4,160 80 87 4 3,560 80 74 PB 7 20,010 364 238 6 16,760 310 233 'lOrAI.S 99 414,674 94 ~ .... I * j & • ,-j •• Ii· a. I. lJ 1 •• 1 II. I. I ••• " •• I. III • GlOJP 'IOl'ALS 1 9 7 4 1 9 7 3 1 9 7 1 (1) (2) (3) (2)/12x(l) (1) (2) (3) (2)/12x(1) (1) (2) (3) Res. """"5'fO 839,224 175 123 541 702,742 143 108 506 ill [1.04] [1.131] SC 39 288,140 623 616 33 240,170 612 606 23 300 [1.192] [1.276] BIA 10 1,095,740 11,806 [0] [1.061] 9131 10 1,105,090 11,526 9202 10 9,887 PB 56 253,940 555 378 52 212,960 488 341 31 175 [1.218] [1.469] SL 12 11,840 80 82 [1.587] [0] 12 5,770 80 40 3 80 1 Ave. armual increase fran Dac. 1971 to Dec. 1974 I I ! ~ !-' W I II i Ii i • j (/21) SHELDON'S (7) Pl\\M1V, ('", .. s)HOO PER aAyf""'-~ • j • i • j • j I a -• • I r .-I r NEWS ~ BAV(~J - I j ,. j • j Il I • j • • 1 "-=Ar~' 4S) 14 ,..,..i <-.) :>\. ....... l\.?\b~ + o No. ~ 'I",\\tu:y/ LEGEND L) S ... b~t<>l ~h'V!.l~"j"\i:rs --_ CALISTA REGION BOUNDRY • VI LLAGES . PRELIMINARY TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTES REGIONAL POM:. tVSTE .. LOWER KUSKOKWIII VICINITY ANO YUKON DELTA ,.RE\..'IIINAltl' LIM! ItOUTU ICAL!:: ,-. A,.,."OX. 50 IIILEI .lULY ,.11 aUE II"" DATA ,.o.-CALISTA CORPORATION PLATE (~ • :4fo ~ II • • • • • .. j ... • • l • Calista Region Village Corporations -AKIACHUI< - Aki<lchuk, Limited Joseph Lomack, President Tom Kasayulie, Vice·President Willie Kesayulie, Secretary Wassillie George, Sr., Treasurer Silm Frederick, Member John Moses, Sr., Member 332 Shareholders -AKIAK- I<okarmuit Corporation Timothy Williams, Sr., President Paul J. tvan, Sr., Vice-President Ivan M. Ivan, Secretary/Treasurer Eddie Charles, Member Frnnk Demantle, Sr., Member 211 Shareholders -ALAKANUK- Alakanuk Native Corporation John Hanson, President Joe Agayar, Vice·President Elizabeth Chikigak, Secretary/Treasurer Alfred Murphy. Jr., Member Martin Shelton, Member 467 Shareholders -ANDREAFSKI- Nerl~liI(mute Native Corporation Daniel Stevens, Sr., Chairman Patrick Beans, Sr., Vice·Chairman Laura Stevens, Secretary/Treasurer Oilvid Sipary, Sr., Member Fred Alstrom, Member 84 Shareholders -ANIAK - Aniak, Limited LewiS A. Vanderpool, Chairman Bernice Peterson, Vice·Chairman Margaret Simeon, Secretary/Treasurer William Morgan, Member Leonard Morgan, Member 250 Shareholders -ATMAUTLUAK - Atmautluak, Limited Joshua Nick, President Oscnr Nick, Vice·President James Gilman, Secretary/Treasurer Grace Nicholai, Member Morris Machin, Member 120 Shareholders 1464 -BETHEL- Bothel Native Corporation Edward Hoffman, President Paul J. Gregory, Sr., Vico·Prasident Lucy Crow, Secretary J. B. Haroldsen, Member Archie Watson, Member Ted Samuelson, Member Thad Tikun, Member Roy Hall, Member Jessie Oscar, Member Joe Andrew~. Sr., Member Claronce Clark, Member 1,727 Shareholders -BILL MOORE SLOUGH - Kongnikilnomuit Yuita Corporationat Mark Okitkun, President Joseph Aparezuk. Vico·President Anthony Keyes Edward Andrews Noril Okitkun 46 Shareholders -CHEFORNAK- Chefarnrmute, Incorporated Peter Matthew, President DllVid Lewis, Vice·President Jack Wiseman, Secretilry David Panruk, Member Mary Tunuchuk, Member 162 Shareholders -CHEVAK- Chevak Company Xavier Atcherian, President Peter Boyscout, Vice-President David Cholok, Secre lary/Treasu rer Joseph Chol1orak, Member David Ulroan, Member 423 Sharehnlders -CHUATHBALUK- Chauthhnluk Company Flore~ce J. Nelson, Prllsident Sophie SQkar, Vic;c·President Phillip S. Phillip~, Secretary Paul Kelila, Mllmber Mary J. Kllmerolf, Member 127 Sharoholders 2485 .. v ... ,._~ .... y ~"'".--'--.~---"'~T .......... ·-r~-:-··"""'~~~r~~~,7<~"'~"" '"7".'~.:T:~,~~~~"::' ,'--\, "". ~ _ ... , .1-'....,:.~ .. , .~ __ :_~;~t ~ ... :~ .-~" \, .,'_. ~. _ ~.I ... ~ .• " __ -.... : .... ! :.4/1' _ •• II Wi • I • -CHULOONAWICK - Chuloonawick Corporation Bill Ackers, President Stan Jimmy, Vice President Rose Brokowski, Secretary/Trc(lsurer Gertrude Stanislaus, Member Elizabeth Wasuli, Member 27 Shareholders -CROOKED CREEK - I<ipchaughpuk, Limited Golga Sakar, Chairman ... I • Andrew Alexie, Vice·Chairman Nattie M. Fredericks, Secretary/Treasurer Mary Sakar, Member Bedusha Sakar, Member 122Sharoholders -EEI(- Iqfijouaq Company Peter Green, Chairman William Pete, Jr., Vice·Chairman Pauline M. Green, Secretary/Treasurer Steven White, Member 200 Shareholders -EMMONAI(- Emmonal< Corporation Milrtin 8. Moore, President Axel C. Johnson, Vice-President Steven Levi, Secretary/Treasurer Nicholas W. Benedict, Member 478 Shareholders -GEORGETOWN - Georgetown, Incorporated Glenn Fredericks, President Robert I. Vanderpool, Vice-President Robert W. Vanderpool, Secretary/Treasurer Joseph Vanderpool, Member Frederick Notti, Member 45 Shareholders -GOODNEWS BAY - Kuitsarak, Incorporated John Roberts, President Louis Smith, Vice-President Daniel Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Evan Beaver, Member Andy Olsen, Member 223 Shareholders 1095 I >' f-' U1 I "" , .. I j I I Ii • • • :-HAMI L TON - Nu nflpiglluraq Corporation John Elachik, President Anna Kamkoff. Vice·President George Williams, Secretary/Treasurer Rudolph Williams, Member Moses Okitkun, Member 35 Shareholders -HOOPER BAY- Sea Lion Corporation Rapi1Jel J, Murrill', President Theodore Hunter, Vice·President Rudy Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Peter Seton, Member 625 Shareholders -KASIGLUK- Kasigluk, Incorporated I rvin Brink, President Yako J. Brink, Vice President Levi Hoover, Secretary Teddy Brink, Treilsurer George Keene, Member 309 Shareholders -KIPNUK- Kugkaktlik, Limited Peter Paul, Chairman Isaac B. Amik, Vice·Chairman Steven Mann, Secretary Paul Paul, Member Issac L. Ami k, Member 359 Shareholders -KONGIGANAK- Oemirtalet Coast Corporation Evon Azean, Chairman Tommy Phillip, Vice Chairman Zac k I von, Secretilry Adolph Jimmie, Member James D, Lewis, Member 248 Shareholders -KOTLlK- Kotlik Yupik Corporation Lawrence Chi klak, President Peter Eletchik, Vice President :'.~ichacl Hunt. Secretary Gabrle! Sinka, Treasurer Joseph M ike, Member 220 Shareholders 1796 • • • • II • -KWETHLUK- Kwethluk, Incorporated Frank Nicori, President Joseph GUY, Vice·Prosident Matthew J. Andrew, Secretilry/Treasurer Nick Epchook, Member John Napok(), Jr., Member 450 Shareholders -KWIGI LLINGOI< - K wi k, Incorporated Jones Anaver, President Jim K. Igkuak, Silcret()ry/Treasurllr Joe Manchuak, Member Peter Jimmie, Member 229 Shareholders -LIME VI LLAGE - Lime Village Company Evan Bobby, Jr., President Sally Bobby, Vice·President Annie Elson, Secretary/Treasurer Pete Bobby, Member Katherine Bobby, Member 26 Shareholders -LOWER KALSKAG - Lower Kalskag, Incorporated George Urovak, Ch()irman Kimiha WiSll, Vice·Chairman Axenia Crisco, Secretary/Treasurer Wassilie Crisco, Membllr Zackar Levi, Membllr 168 Shareholders 873 .. . II j II • II • II ii • • -MARSHALL- Maserculiq, Incorporated Leslie R. Hunter, President Alvin Owletuck, Vice.Presldtmt Ann Fitka, Secrctary/Treasurer Nick Andrew, Member Peter Elia, Member 214 Shareholders -MEKORYUI< - Nima Corporation Samson Weston, President Gertrude Ivanoff, Vice·President Martin Kapoakun, Secretary/Tre()surer Fred Don, Member Edward Shavings, Sr., Member 306 Shareholders -MOUNTAIN VILLAGE - Azachorok, Incorporated Xavier F. Keyes, President Paul Beans, Vice President Alphonsiro Chiklak, Secretary/Treasurer Francine Peterson, Secretary/Bookkeeper Mike Moses, Member 488 Shareholders 1008 ,I ,,-I' , '" II • ,--. i j I • " -NAPAMUTE- Napamutc Limited Maria G, Holseth Mary A, Hoheth Agnes E. Churles Bertha A. Kristovich Delores J. M.:ltter 43 ShareholrJcrs -NAPAKIAK- Napai<iak Corporation Billy McCann, Chairman Anna Alexia, Vice-Chairman Lucy Nelson, Secret:Jry AllIIn K. Jimmy. Treasurer Carl Motgin, Member 260 Shareholdtlrs • NAPASJ<IAK - Napaskiak, Incorporated David A. Maxie, Chairman Jiaiah H. Egoah, Jr., Vice·Chairman Sarah EV:In, Secretary/Treasurer Alexie Evan, Mtlmber Fritz Larson, Member 218 Sh<.lreholders -NEWTOK- Newtok Corporation, Inc. Paul Charles, President Mark George, Vice-President Walter Kasaiul, Secretary/Treasurer 126 Shareholders -NIGHTMUTE- NGT A, Incorporated Mike Joe, Chairman William Dull, Vice-Chairman Edward Dull, Secretary Joe Post. Treasurer Camillu~ Tulik, Member 99 Shareholders -NUNAPITCHUK - Nunapitchuk, Limited Michael Chase, President Hermon Neck, Vice·President Nickolai Btlriin, Secretary/Treasurer John li'Jassillie, Member Ivan WossilJie, Member 325 Sh:lroholders 1071 , • .'-.'t, ;' • .. .. • / -OHOGAMUT - OHOG, Inc. Pelel N,,:hul.1S Nick Lvon PUlllr Nick .., -m;CARVI L LE - Oscarville Nntive Corporation Nicholi Swven>, Chairman Fronk Bere~kin, Vice-Chairman Arthur W.lssiUia, Secretary Ignatius Jncob, Treasurer Andrew Larson, Member Roy Torn. Member 53 Shareholders -PAIMIUT- Paimiut Corporation Leo Felix Smart Jerome Napolean Mary Simon Harold Napolean "'J -PILOT STATION- Pilot Station, Incorporated Joe Myers, Chairman Evan Nick, Vice-Chairman Thomas Hart, Secretnry Evan'Polty, Member 322 Shareholders -PITKA'S POINT- Pitka's Point Native Corporation Tommy Kozevnikoff. President Evan Fancybov. Vice-President John Myers. Secretary John Tinker, Member Elena Sergie, Member 89 Shareholders -PLATINUM- Arviq, Incorporated Henry Small, Chairm;:m • Oscar Snyder, Vice-Chairman Paulina S. Sharp, Secretary {Treasurer Lester Small, Member Peter Samuel, Member 68 Shareholders ",", , 532+? j • • I j I • -QUINHAGAK - Qanirtuug, Incorporated Joshua Cleveland, President Andy Sharp, Vice-President .... I J Grace Friendly, Secretary/Treasurer Kenneth Cleveland, Member 345 Shareholders -RED DEVIL- Red Devil, Incorporated Anna Willis, President Bertha Morgan, Vice-President Joe Morgan, Secretary Misko Andreanoff, Member NellieKehoe, Member 39 Shareholders -RUSSIAN MISSION- Russian Mission Native Corp. Alex Nick, President Peter Askoar, Vice-President Mildred Askoar, Secretary/Treasurer Nick Pitka, Member Peter Alexie, Member 114 Shareholders -SCAMMON BAY - Askinuk Corporation Monroe Kagunak, President Aloysius D. Aguchak, Vice-President Michael Akerelrea, Secretary/Treasurer Tom Tunutmoak, Member Roy Henry, Member 202 Shareholders -SHELDON'S POINT - Swan Lake Corporation Joseph A fcan, P reside" I Paul Manumik, Sr., Vice-President Ro~e Afcan, Secretary Jimmy Andrews, Member Mike Andrews, Member 121 Shareholders 821 I • i l ,,-,., I j • I • j • j I j -SLEETMUTE- Sleetmute, Limited Moxie AleXic, President Peter Zaukar, Vico·Presjdent Murv Egnaw, Secretary/Treasurer StCVJ Derendy, Member Wassilic Pilul, Member 164 Shureho Iders -ST. MARY'S- St. Mary's Native Corporation Moses Paukan, Chairman St;)n Paukan, Vice·Chairman Flora Paukan, Secretary/Treasurer Paul Johnson, Member Johnny Thompson, Member 297 Shareholders . -STONY RIVER - Stony River, Limited Miskcr Zauker, Chairman Andrew Gusty, Vice-Chairman Andrew Macar, Secretary/Treasurer Marvara Zankar, Member Mary Macar, Member 82 Shareholders -TOI<SOOK BAY- Nunakauial< Yupik Corporation James R. Charlie, Sr., Chairman Joseph Lincoln, Vice·Chairman MOSES Chanar, Secretary Lawrence John, Treasurer Nick S. Chanar, Member 280 Shareholders -TULUI<SAI<- Tull(isnrmute, Incorporated James Lott, Chairman ~o2h Andrew, Vice·Chairman ~oel Owens, Secretary Moses D. Alexie, Treasurer Mo;cs Peter, Member 1133 Shilfeholders 1006 • I .. i • J -TUNUNAI<- Tununrmiut Rinit Corporation Andrew J. Chikoyak, Chllirman Dick Lincoln, Vice·Chairman Katie Walker, Secrelary/Treasuror Bob M. Angiliak. Member 296 Shllroholders -TUNTUTULIAK - Tuntutuliak Land, Limited Henry Lupie, Choirmiln Lincoln C. Enoch, Vice·Chairman Phillip Charlie, Secretary/Treasurer Nick Lupie, Member Elena Lupie, Member 211 Shareholders -UMKUMIUTE - Umkumiute, Limited Thomas Jumbo, President Simeon Agnus, Vice·President Henry Tony, Secretary/Treasurer 27 Shareholders -UPPER KALSKAG - Upper I<alskag, Incorporated William J. Grcgory, President Earl H. Morgan. Vice·President Steven J. Gregory, Secretary/Treasurer David Nook, Member Joseph S. Gregory, Member 160 Shareholders 694 :;J:::I . -........ " .. ',-,-~~ ... ··-·-~"""-""'-;:-~~"·l';:·r':I"'--:--""7""':"''''~'i:~~·r·:".";,.''''~f'O'~·~'''~ 'l""-""".-: ~~"'-·r·"t·-·--, i-' -.J I .. , .. . , . I I I J • I ...... I • IITen-Vi11age Group -2461 (about 23% of others wlo Bethel and Mekoryuk) Total -12,845 + ? wlo Bethel -11,118 + ? ? (Ohogamut & Paimiut) wlo Bethel & Mekoryuk 10,812 ' . .. • • .. .. .. .. .. ... • .. - .. • ' ... APPENDIX - B Power COst Data Estinated WI:x:Ilesale Power COsts ---Bethel Forecast of Production COsts -Village Plants Forecast of Transmission COsts -including Purchased Power .. .. • • - ... ... • -. <II .... ,. til • • • .. ESTniATE OF FUTtlRE \VHOLESALE PO~'J"ER mSTS PaiER PUICHASED ]N BETHEL Frotn data reviewed at t.he Ala.3ka Public Utilities ccrrmission Office: Typical Production Cost (Yearly): La.1:x:>r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fuel (Est. 1,200,000 gal. @ 47.5¢). Lube, Op Supplies, ~Ja.int. ~Ja.teria1. Depr., Int., Ins., Taxes, Retllnl .. Generated Electric OUtput • . . Estimated Sales of EleGtricity. Test Year 1975 · 156,649 · 569,000 12,776 · 214,218 952,643 14,689 t·l1VH 13,620 f.'t}j1f Based on tne above inforrration, the follo",ing forecast of production cos ts is made: TABLE·B-1 FOREX:AST OF' PIDDUcrIOr.'J msTS -R'vVR 1975 1980 1985 1990 Grc<:"rth Factor mrI Sold 13,620 26,230 50,500 97,200 (1.14) * Labor 156,649 219,708 308,153 432,200 Fuel 569,000 1,537,840 4,155 /335 11,233,361 (1.22) *** L, O.S. , r'N 12 /776 34,530 93,324 252,227 D,I,I,T,R 214,218 578:970 4,229,153 (1.22)''''** Total 952,643 2,371,048 6,122,596 16,146,941 cost/:Ni:; .070 0.090 0.121 0.lG6 Fuel CO.3;:/m'/Hl .o,as 0.0586 0.082J o .lJS5 Fuel/ Total x 100 59.7;:; 65.1";; 6U.O'.'; 1:.,9.6':. -Bl- ~'--'-'~---~~~-----------""""!"'II!IIIIII!!!"!!!II-------.. til 1 Based. on 12.25 KWH/Gal. and fuel escalation of 1.07 annually and 8% losses to deliver to consurrer. - • *GrcMth factor of 1.14 based on projections for Bethel. "" **1.07 average escalation estiIrate for long tenn la1:x>r costs. • .. .. • • ... • .. .. .. .. .. .. ' . .. .. .. .. ***This factor is based on the assumption that fuel costs will escalate at an average rate of 1.07 and that the KWH per gal. of fuel will remain at 12.25. 'Ihe overall rate for the annual total fuel cost is therefore the proouct of the fuel cost growth rate (1.07) and the growth rate in kwh sold (1.14). This rate is used for all the elen:ents of cost that relate to these or equivalent factors such as: lube oil, operating supplies and Maintenance Materials which are prorx>rtional to KWH generated and increases in purchasing costs (ass'l.1lted to be a 1. 07 factor). Depr. , Interest, Insurance, Taxes, and Return on Invest:nent are all related to investrrent which in turn is prorx>rtional to KtVH requirerrents and oosts of equipnent (assumecl to be a 1.07 factor). While invest:nent is made in steps, it is estimated that the long tenn average costs with diesel:- electric generating equi:prrent can be prudently estiIrated by relating its costs directly to the growth in KWH generated and the general level of increasing costs . -32- .. ... .. .. .. • .. ... .. .. !i! I] II Based on the 1973 Operating year of Bethel Utilities Corp., it is estimated that energy S~L es would distribute through the year as follows: Ten-Village 1975 Fstirnate Energy Revenue Distribution KWH New Rate Ave/KWH January 9.7% 236,574 14,845.83 $ .0628 February 9.1% 221,940 14,187.30 .0639 March 9.4% 229,260 14,516.70 .0633 April 7.5% 182,920 12,431.40 .0680 May 7.9% 192,670 12,870.15 .0668 June 6.0% 146,330 10,784.85 .0737 July 6.3% 153,650 11,114.25 .0723 August 7.8% 190,230 12,760.35 .0671 . Septanber 7.4% 180,480 12,321.60 .0683 October 9.0% 219,500 14,077.50 .0641 Novenber 9.7% 236,580 14,846.10 .0628 December 10.2% 248,770 15,394.65 .0619 100.0% 2,438,904kwh $160,150.68 $.0657 Total Armual Adjusting this figure to account for transmission and distribution losses of 8% would add 0.08 x 2,438,904 x .045 ::;:: $8,780 to the total bill from an average of $0.0641 per kwh for each kwh purchased and an average of $0.0693/kwh of energy delivered to the consumer • This average cost of $. o 641/kwh is less than the average cost/kwh estimated for BUC, however, the ten village load is larger than the average "Bulk Pri.Ire" rate user and would therefore average a lesser cost under the proposed schedule. This is an expected relationship • .. Based on factors previously recited, it is estimated that the average wholesale -power costs for purchases of energy in Bethel will re: .. Escalation 1975 1980 1985 1990 Factor Cost/kwh $ 0.065 0.086 0.1153 0.1536 1.059 ... -B3- • I • j I C:I .::. I .. j • • • j & j • • • • • • .. I • • .. • III • .. .-~ .. ~.--- TABLE B -2 FOREC ..... ~'T' OF PRODUCTION C.·OSTS -VILLl'.GE PLANT'" (Delivered at Bus-bar) K'i"'H Plant Plant Depr. "'''' Fuel"''''* Year Maint. Oper. Int. , Ins. , Etc. Cost 1975 244,000 $1,600 $13,500 $ 12,800 $10,500 1976 259,000 1,700 14,400 12,800 21,100 1977 275,000 1,800 15,500 12,800 24,000 1978 294,000 2,000 16,500 12,800 27,300 1979 315,000 2,100 17,700 12,800 31,500 1980 342,000 3,000 18,900 25,600 32,100 5-YR. Total 1,485, 006 10,600 83,000 76,800 136,000 (1976-1980 inclusive) 1985 527,000 7,000 26,600 35,000 68,500 10-YR. Total 3,705,000 34,900 218,000 214,200 413,300 (1976-' 9 q 5 ir:cluciive) : lS90 897,000 9,bOO 37,200 35,000 145,500 15-YR. Total 7,363,OQO 85,000 408,?OO 389,200 942,300 (1976-1990 inclusive) "'This is a hypothetical plant sized for 1/10th of the Ten-Village Group. Energy delivered is assumed as l/lOth of Forecast of Table 3, page 9 of the re?ort. **?lant capacity was based on a village ioad factor of 35%. Generating units were installed as follows: i I • I • I • a j a, t Total Ave. Prod. Cost Cost/kwh $ 46,400 $0.1902 50,000 0.1931 54,100 0.1967 58,600 0.1993 64,100 0.2035 79,600 0.2327 306,400 0.2063 137,100 0.2602 880,600 0.2377 227,500 0.2536 1(825,000 0.2479 3 -100 kw units, High Speed Class •.•. 1975 @ about $167/kw with 8% int., depr.(sink ng fund), ins. et~ 3 150 kw units, High Speed Class •..• 1980 @ about $225/kw with 8% int., 5-yr d(~pr. (sink ng fund), ins. et~ 3 250 kw units, Medium Duty Class ... 1985 @ about $300/kw with 8% int.,lO-yr . (sink ng fund), ins. et~ ***Fuel cost is based on 7 kv.'h/ga1 ave. 1..;75 th::c1..';:l" 19"". 8 kwh/gal ave. 1980 through 1985. 9 kwh/gal ave. 1986 through 1990. Prices for diesel fuel taken Table 7, Page 20 of the report. I j i • 1\ • • I , ; y E ""h PU.l.-cr..::l.:;cd 1\ Delivc::::cd* Power Cost** R 1975 2,4~O,OOO 166,500 1976 2,590,000 $ 187,60-0 1977 2,750,000 210,800 1978 2,940,000 237,700 1979 3,150,000 271,200 1930 3,420,000 5-Yr. Tc'tals (1'176-1980 14,850,000 $1,216,100 1935 5,270,000 $ 10-Yr. Tctals (1976':'1985 37,050,000 $3,648,700 1990 8,970,000 $1,45(,,500 15-Yr. Totals (1976-1990 i.'1clusivc) 73,630,000 $9,008,000 (11 Fro.~ 7ab1c 3, page 15 (2) SL~ Table 6, page 22 (inc1.5% loss) (3) For 1ir.es c;. S;.±,st..'l.tions only (4) & (5) :Jepr. fur:d), 30-year Interest •••• 8% arn(5) % Irs~a~ce~ .. O.l% Repla:::errents @ 0.2% l • • • I i • I .. , i I • I. i , . , • • • « .. . .. I -~ ----TIillIE B-3 FORJ:J:::AsT OF TRANSNISSION roSTS (inel. Purchased Power) (DelivcreO ro Village Distxibution System) Tran.-<m'ission Depr. Int., Int. & Re/l.:lCernents Tctal Trans. Costs $ 65,400 $ 70,000 74,900 80,100 85,800 91,SOO $ 402,600 $ 128,700 $ 967,200 $ 180,500 $1,759,000 . ~R Line 3 ,4-W Line sw:;.'q Line 107,700 300,100 339,600 (79,800) (222,600) (311,700) 107,700 300,100 365,300 (79,800) (222,600) (337,400) 107,700 300,100 393,400 (79,800) (222,600) (365,500) 107,700 300,100 425,500 (79;800) (222,600) (397,600) 107,700 300,100 464,700 (79,800) (222,600) (436,800) 107,700 300,100 508,300 (79,800) (480,400) 538,5QO 2,157,200 (399,000) (1,113,000) (2,017) 700) 107,700 39 0 ,100 872,300 ( 79,800) (222,600) (844,900) 1,077,000 3,001,000 5,692,900 (798,000) (2,226,000) (5,413,900) 107,700 300,100 1, 738, 700 (79,800) (222,600) (1,710,800) ~ 4 ;!)Ol-;-500 J:T,"'T82, 500 (1,197,000) (3,339,000) (11,964,000) (4) SV-BR Lir.e Invest:rrent (See Appendix F) 100.5 F.~les @ 10,000 ; $1,005,000 River (2) 30,000 Substations 137,500 Total •••••••• ~ $1,172,500 3'ff,4WLine 532,000 0.1392 0.2180 (454,500) (O.1278) (0.1863) 557,700 0.1410 0.2153 (480,200) (0.1303) (0.1854) 585,800 0.1431 0.2130 (508,300) (0.1329) (0.1848) 617,900 0.1447 0.2102 (540,400) (0.1352) (0.1838) 657,100 0.1475 0.2086 (579,600) (0.1387) (0.1840) 700,700 O.HSG 0.2049 (62],200) ,0.1822) 3-;fl9,200 O .. nOl (2,731,700) (0.1359) (0.1840) 1,065,200 0.1656 C .. 2021 (987,700) (0.1874) 7,616,900 0.2056 (6,&41,~C!O) (C.Ho1) (0.1847) 1,931,100 0 .. 1938 0.2153 (1,853,600) (0.1907) (0.20>56) [5,260,500 o..I:6S2 --0:-2074 (14,106,000) (0.1625) (0.1916) (5) 3.\6-41'1 Line Ir.vcst::re::t (502 k.~'dix F) 100.5 Y;.i::'es @ 30,000 = $3,015:080 P~ver Cros~L~gs (2) 110,000 S~stations 137,500 Tcta1 •••••••• = $3,268,500 .~ ~·~-··-'~'---'-~----"''''''-----------------'''''''OOMO!!------",p--.... 4 _______________ _ .. ... .... • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. ' APPENDIX - C Other Energy Sources Miscellaneous Data Kisaralik River Hydroelectric Potential catalog Sheets -Wind Power Systems catalog Sheet & Price List -Small Hydro Units -, .... • .. • .. • .. • - " -"~~--,-----------~--------- KISAP~~IK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC POTENTIAL Location: Damsiteat Lm'ler Falls on Kisaralik River approximately 60 miles east of Bethel, Alaska Map reference: USGS Bethel (B-3) Alaska 1:63,360 USGS Bethel, Alaska 1:250,000 PRELIHINARY STUDIES: 1. 2. 3 • 4. Reservoir areas were shaded in for elevations 1100, 1150, and 1200 for respective approximate dam heights of 290', 340', and 390' • Water shed area \"as determined as approximately 544 square miles from USGS map Bethel, Alaska 1:250,000. A conservative annual mean runoff of 20" was chosen based on NOAA Technical Memorandum ~WS AR-IO--Mean Monthly and Ap..nual Precipitation Alaska by Gordon D. Kilday. 'This bulletin shows a mean annual precipitation of 20" for Bethel, 40" for the mountainous region near the Kisaralik River Damsite and 80" along the ridge dividing the Kuskokwim and Wood River basins. ' An enlargement of plot various dams of fill required. contours provides the damsi te area .. vas made to to determine estimated volumes The enlargement .. 'lith 50 ft. a very ro~gh estimate • PZSULTS OF STUDIES: 1 . 2. 3. Flmv 544'square miles = 348,160 acres 20"=1.67' 1.67x348,160=580,270 ac. -Ft./yr. 1000 Ac. Ft. = 1.38 CIS 580,270 = 800 cfs. mean annual flow. Reservoir Areas: A. 290 '." high darn 10 sg. mi. + (Elev. 1100) B • 340' high dam -11.4 sg. mi. (E1ev. 1150) C. 390' high dam 16.4 sq. mi. + (Elev. 1200) Volumes of Rock Fill l~ . 290' high dam -2/400,000 cu . yds. B. 340' high dam -3,700/000 cu. yds. C. 390' high dum -5/982/246 cu. ychi. D. 440' high dam 9/1.13,176 cu. yds. -Cl- .. ; -"'! ill .. II .. ill ... .- ... .. .. .. .- III .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .- ... .. """ .. ... • ... .. ... • ... .... 4. Estimated Pmver Available A. 290' high dam Estimated regulation of 700 cfs with 40 ft of drawdown and 5 ft. of head loss =265' MEH . 265x700xO.071 = 13.170KW or 115,369,200 K~1H prime/year B. 340' high dam Estimated regulation of 800 cfs with 30 ft . of drawdown and 5 ft. of head loss =320' MEH. 320x800xO.071 18,176KW or 159,221,760 KHH prime/year . C. 390'high dam Estimated regulation of 800 cfs with 20 ft • of drawdmvn and 5 ft. of head loss =375 ' MEH . 37 5x8 OOxO. 071 = 21,300IGV' or 186,588,000 KNH prime/year • D. 440' high dam Estimated regulation of 800 cfs with 15 ft • of drawdown and 5 ft. of head loss =427' MEH . 427x800xO.071 = 24,254KW or 212,462,000 IG1H prime/year . 5. Comparisons (using the 290' high dam as 100%) A . 2 0' Power Cost B . 340' -Power Cost C . 390' Pm.;rer Cost D . 440' Pm'ler Cost dam available dam available dam available dam available 100% 100% 138% 139% 162% 212% 184% 305% -C2- .. .. .. ... III ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. - 6 • Estimated Cost (No Transmission) A. 290' dam -$40,000,000 26,000 KW irstalled = $1540/KW B. 340' dam -$55,600,000 36,000 KW installed = $1545/KW C. 390' dam -$84,800,000 42,000 KW installed = $2019/KW D • 440' dam -$122,000,000 D 48,000 row installed = $2542/KW TRANSMISSION TO BETHEL: Estimate 68.7 miles @ 70,OOO/mile •••.• Substation @ Bethel, 500 Mv.A @ $25.00/KVA PRELDlINARY REmMMENDATIONS: il.1I 1. Install a gaging station at the lower falls of the Kisaralik River. 2. Obtain a better top:>graphy of the samsi te area. 3. Preliminary geology report • 4. Fish and Wildlife impact study. '). Potential Power Requ.irerrent study • PREPARED BY carl H. Steeby, P.E • ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES June, 1975 $4,809,000 1,250,000 $6,059,000 -C3- • . ". • ; ~ . " .. i . ~ , , . "\, .. ~-.-.--"~----~ ...... -- -C4- .. ·M .... _. -. •• .,.----- ",," --r- ~I ... ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ,01 o --. :< -...... ~i . , \~.' f I .. / ... '.: ::;,,, .-/ . ., , . ! ! ... . , i\ '\ • ! ~ ~ . '. , ' \ " .. . ,':", ~~-------~ .'· .. ~ __ ~·--"-'h __ """"._-- J -C6- I ".--~-'~---------------~111!11111'------------------'\.~'\\ il fJ !1 lJ ( <;';) ., \ ~..... \ I. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,\ ~\i\.~ ~ .. it~~--"" B BAR HAR80R ROAD 1D PHONE (207) 843-5168 tJ P.O. BOX 7 a EAST HOLDEN, MAINE 04429 • t,~;~~/~:<·~· ~.; ~i)·:;:i ~'vr:~:dPQ \;.~ ~~~~~.-.~~>"J:;' ~':\\. D SEPTEMBER 197.4 • ~!Y\~1"::;)'.~\~~~~~ ,.l 'I,,', S YSTE'll A1.'ID COMPONENT PRl~'l:I§~~~ .::;. ~ .. It: . '\';, , .. ;. ,~. _ 1'.1 1', J ,,{,f;.. "1' 4ft' ~ ,:.~~~. ',' \ ~~,'!'~?1'{~r-d \~~\. }.;.:.~! ... ~~~ :~~,~:,",. ~V!· We are plaased to be able to offer a .... iai:pvillttety of modern .\.;.rna~powered generatihg systems and components. After ex- "€!D.SiIl9 investiaation of the equiomant curretftly availab18 throughOt.t.:.fue \\lorId. wa ha~e brought together what we consider to "jJ~ the, best in the field. In this folder we list both the individual ;co§~~eDts and a numb:er of complete winil eleclric systems which will meet a variety of applications. The components in thes~;sY.8lelItS have been carefully chosen to be compatible and in blance one with another. (It should be noted that we sell compbne~c'omplete and that parts for various equiDment such.. as, "'propa'U8r blades. are not available through us, at this time.) /; 07\ ;:~. . .. Wind pows,r can be used to provide electric powar for houia\.!.9~~a~parts of North America. It is considered practical b a.ca., where wind speeds average 8 mpb or more. In or4er f91"jl)vj.rid-p(h~ered generator to supply a constant source of ...t31ectricity it is necessary to use a set of electric storage battene~<#~ in olAer to obtain A.C. power from the system. a O.C.-to-A.C. electrical inverter is required. The complete systems llstedin.this folder. then. include a windplant. a tower for the "Yicdplant. a set of storage batteries. and some type of inverter.l1;he:..basic rule to remember h, choosing the proper size wind c~ectric system is that. over a period of time. the erun-gy taken; out aeths batteries must equal the energy put back into the ..o"tte:ie:> cy the windmill. Tills is more impot"tant than the short-term pe~k power demand. as this can be handled easily by the Jattaries. For this reason we list. in addition to the foaximum, output in watts. the expected average monlhly kilowatt-hour l":mtput of each size unit in a standard 10 mph average/wind area. You can expect roughly double the monthly output in a 16 mph avara~~e wind area. and about onehalf this output iil an area with only 7 mph average windspeed. (See aul' booklet. Eloctric ... ,.,ow@(" from the Wind {$2 postpaid} for more detail on this.) .. \\'e 'w'Ju!d lL<9 to point out that the initial cost of completa wind power installatiGns is such that the cost of wind-eenerated ~~"ct:i::i0 15. b. gensral. more expensive than electricity which is available from the power. company if power lines a re readily ,-.., .;::::' ",:;1z, It !5 unrealistic, therefore. at present to expect.to save on your power bill by converting to wind.generated pOWRr. The )." ;~,,:::'3 '.'fa offal' are. how9\·er. economically advantageous in many applications where power lines are unavailable and where .de ocly alter:tati"'ie is a gas or diesel generator. Compared to a small motorized generating plant, a v.ind powp.red electrical system Ca:l S2.ve money in the long run and can offer, in addition. fur superior performance in terms of lack of maintenance, abs"ilc'3 of noisa and pollution. and freedom from constallt refueling. The true cost of wind-generated power can be fi:;ured by "\!re2ci':"'''13 out tha total cost of the equipml:!nt over a 15-year period and then dividing by the number of kilow .. tt:l!Ours that the- .~·5tem can be e:ql::!cted to produce during that pariod of time. After the initial capital cost of installation. there ar-8 no furL~et ccsts ot:::a: than maintenance which run", Jess than 1 % of the original cost price per year. .. It is a1:;o po:;,sibl6 to use 'wind power directly, without storage batteries or COTIverters. and thus reduce dramatically the !f~::!cc:/:l cost per kilowatt-hrur of wind.ganArater! power. Casts as low as 5 cents per kil('watt·honr are p:ssible in certain .it'..la~io::;'5 w~3re storagiil and conversion are not necessary. Thi3 includes heating applications (where energy is stoted as hea~3d v;n.ter) and'certain pumping and irrigation applications. ... .Fin-lUV. "va hooe to have available. in the near future. (winter o.r spring, 1!l75). a number-of plans and kits for assembling ~idpb~t; that will appeal to the do-it-yourselfers. VVe expect the output of the generators to be in the lOCO to 2GOO watt range. lIIIIfl::e53 pIa!'.5 and kits ... vill substantially reduce the cost of wind electric equipment, however. they at'e limited to us~s where powiitr is de::lired in order to 2ugment an existing pow~r source or in those cases where a minimal_amoWlt of power i.e., a summer cottage or home wor'kshop. At present we do have plans for a 500 watt .<lind generator using a Dodge ..,h3rnalor. Ti!e system, callad "The 02 Powered Delight" can be made for about $400 from neW' and used materials. The cost of tL:: pbns is $12. from Solar Wind. '" The bd1t;idual components which make up each of the complete systems in this folder have been selected by us to be the Je.,;! eq~;Jr.le!lt available for each application. We are constantly searching for better and less expensive components. ":;:;~:::ia;:y :':,058 IDa.:mfacrured in the U.S.A. \Ve, t.~erefote, reserve the right to make certab substitutions [subject to your a?p~ol;::!il i.n t.~a components which make up complete wind electric system~. • AU pc-ices qU[Jted in this folder are in U.S. clol1;!rs and, where applicable, include ov~rseas freight. duty. nnd othel' b;:Jc::t;q eX~h::f!Ses. CE.:i1eraliy. equipment '. .. ill be shipped via motor freight collect from our warf!houses ia Boston or RIngor. "'/,:b:~. ~;'J:ll~ equip:::1';:;t (::;!.:ch as batt~r!~s] will b:~ sllipped directly from the manufacturers locatf)(l in the l':e~\I Englnncl area. \11 ;}:-ic'~" <!fe 3U~)jfJf:t t·) d:ang8 v;ithoat I'O~!CC. hr.',cver. IlriC85 quoted in our s<lles a;fr~t!menl at the time of purchasH, will b.· .:. ,·::d flDt subj,'ct toJ further i;;cf~!as::;'l. A 50 1/0 dnwn payment is generntly reqlured tu confirm all orders; thFlbalance , ;:'':: ;:;.i,,:·.li~! U;.tYI d~.b:ery. Although VIC are now s:')cking many items for immediate delivery, some items 4'1oteu hero may hn ..;.~_ .,!;>,.' ::) a 3 to G mr;r.:h delivery p::!riod. Su p!.:;a5~ pbu ahead! .. [\OTE: ~,!a.ine re':litlimt3 ;:GU!:It add 5% sHles la:t to all item, in this folder. -C7- -r ~·~-~-·------------------~"'!!!II--~ES!!!!!!!I!I!&!I_!lS!I!Pll!IIl!IlI!n.!!!!t1!l&I!!!!I!!i'e!l1!·!!!!I'fII--"U!!'·!±!!!!!!I"GI~, ~:rr±lL~~"/""I:~i~U"'!'''''---- -.. 2()) \VATT, 12 VOLT D.C-nCO WAIT, 115 VOLT A.Co SYSTEi.'tl T:::; ;::2:",: E!x;;::eDjive prod'.!cti'):l wicd electric system available today. Provides about .. ,~:,.:~: :::t:~·i:,~u.s of po we, p?!" month i:l?:0 ffiilh average wind area. Batteries provide up ;.: ::: .'.'7:;::<' pa::lx power and \\ill p:,c·.-:da for more than four windless days at a ... L~::7-':" '3 u; 20 kw··h: per moD.t..'-t (55 Aop-hr per day). This system will provide minimum [Qr a small house or camp al:!d can be used to power a wide variety of 12-Volt ,. 2.~t'J~oti·:e Or camping equipment. as ''iell as small 115 V.A.C. appliances, on an bter!!!lHent basis. This system includes: ... \\'L,'iCHARGER Modal 1222 H, 12 Volt, 200 Watt Windplant (made in U.S.A.); 10 ft. steel self-supporfug tower; 240 Am9-hr, 12 Volt Mula storage battery set with connect- i::l~ straps and built-in charge indicators and a 3CO Watt, 12 Volt D.C. to 115 Volt A.C., ... 60 cycle, solid state inverter and a 15 Amp battery charger for use with a 115 V.A.C. • b3.ck-up ganerat01" or power lines. Shlp:f\bg weight 4751h5. F.O.B. BangorSBOO.OO .. S\v-12 1200 WATT, 12 VOLT D.C./500 WAIT, 115 VOLT A.Co SYSTE:i."¥j • "III! • ... III .... III .. AlIt ~TRO WV1:iG A small, but complete, wind electric system which will provide about 75 kilowatt-hours of electricity p~ month in an area with 10 mph average winds. Sufficient power for three or four 75-watt bulbs plus stereo, T.V., etc .• and small appliances (up to 500 watts}_ Batteries supply storag9 far more than three days without .vind. The output of the Ela~ "'I-indplant is limited in strong winds by the automatically feathering prOpElUaf blad~, but the price quoted here does not include the automatic cut-off control for over..flO mph winds o~ fat fully charged batteries. This mU8t be done manually. (Automatic controls available at extra cost.) ELEKTRO MODEL 'WV15G 1200 WAIT, 12 VOLT, BRUSHLESS \'J1NOPLANT with manual handbra'ke. control; 30 foot, ROHN guyed tower and tower top; 600 Ampohr •• 12 volt Surrette Marine/lndustrial storage battery set; 500 watt-Terada solid stata D.c.: to A,C. inverter and 20 Amp battery charger (for usa ,vith bac'k up ;;enaratoc). ~. F.O.U. BOdtOQ 53535.00 ~i.V·2A 2CCO WATT. 115 VOLT D.C.l3GO WAIT, 115 VOLT A.C. 'SYSTEl'f1 .. Tni"; is the system which is described L1. the booklet Electric Power from the Wind and l •• h::\ ~{,','i",rs the SLla!: Wind office. The AU3tralian ~;en"r3tor i;:; sinlple and rugged amI is ich::! ·:;;,,,,e nieiw.l!ill maintenance is desiLed. The system is compbtely automatic and "s':;~;:':'; fr~., unatter,ded operation in aZ'i~n" ... rne,·a wield speed:'! seldoo Bxcced ~!O m}:.h. Tills t!Ii':;']:':! cc:': ta exped=:d to produce ove£' 1CO kw-hr of power per mouth with 10 mph ~~,;",',l';J ·.v~cls Rnd is suitable for oparntin,:{ 115 volt lights. Clpplimces. shop tools and a CJ~G':;:;'[~ water' pttm!). (S~e bQoklet). Battery st,Jrage i>l suffic:ant for foul" windless days. A --:".;'[;,:r el'Jctronic in';ei:'t~r can be added to this ~ystem if more A.C. capacity is desired. • Dl,r::';LtTE 2CCO WATI, 115 VOLT. BRUSHJ...ESS 'A'1NDPLAl"-'T complete with Diotran -ml ~oi7latic control panel; 40' foot, 3-1eg, self-supporting. Dunlite tower and top; 120 ArJ.p-h':J'H·, 115 volt Mule storage battery set with connecting straps and charge" L1Cic:utors; 3CO watt. D,C. to A.C. SLH'P~US rotai"y inverter for stereo, T.V., and small req'.:.!ring A.C. F.O.B. Boston 55735.00 .wcu WATT. 115 VOLT D.GJ15Ci} 'WAIT. 115 VOLT AG. SYSTB'tl .. T~:,; systam wilt provide well o';er 2eo kw-hr. or pow~r per month in average 10 mph winds and, >'lith the lars~~ el~ctronic ::,;'!;t~\. c:m be used to power a st'1r;dard rcfri3~ratoc and domestic water plLrnp as wen as other A.C. appE,:l1ces :11::1 fiho[: ~(;::;1,;, Tit:,; :;ystem. can GO! ~;et up a<; an "U-A,C. 53fVic:J with ali power run throu~b the iuvo:!rtr!r or as on l\'C.~U,C. "ystm'1 ',lillie!': ',',d iO'T:',l!:>:! th"l cilpacilj' of the :;y~t,J:,l so,~e·.vhat Ly w;ing D.C. rErnctly for Jightin~. etc. The g'.vis:,; E1ektro ,,·ril1rlpli1.1t l!~ed h "~;i.; ~;»:,:tr;,:l i~~ t;H~ !··r cUrf!r.t-drl';f! t!: jt r:l~!r:;; r::. ~:!~~ \voild; it bn;~ un np~~r lJ~L'< or oil to C(!fHl:~H (lUG i3 St!:-Il~!.r t~,H' trop!" .'; .. ,~; ,'ii. T;l!~ qU'J~Eld nlsfJ i.l",h,L)'i ,;()''';1P:'''':\'1 :lUtornG\ic ccmtrol;; which :!:low this Syst::fil to run t:n:Jtt::ndo(l h wind" ')' ~ .. ! j ::i) n~t;ll. B:l~tD:'~' !;t()r;'{i;~ is ~uf~ic;"]:1t flL' -~ Yl \vindle~ls days. 1.' ... ' ·.:;;,:r) )I.:o~r;;J ;.";V:::i G :'(>fl \\·/"'1'f. 1 b V(If,T. brt!sU::::,:~ (lirect .. drh~ !:,mu,m!or with Hutumatic c~l!ltrol ('!'It(''·r;!~,f~ ~:" .... ,~ '.·t'l~ta:;· r,.,;"l<ltor pa"2~; ~fj io J', E();!:: guyed t'lwr~r and tuwRr top; ::tiO Amp-hr,. Il5 \'ult Surr::ttc! ~tlJr<:::(, h,\tt,~n' '" ',,';':; ,"1,,-::1.';;,,: ,;::':P': s:rrE.' 'Sd'.e, <JL:~'J!;latic load (l';rca.:d :.;lnrtiog l~C;O w::ttt Novu D.C. to A.C. invel'~'~r, • f.O,rt UO!'!!!!!'I 598-4).GfJ 6I:/.'lO \VATI. 115 '.'\)LT D.C./3(){}O) WAIT. 115 VOLT A.C .. SYSTE\I .. ~:..;t::;C1 featu:es L:;;; br~.:;st s;::i'!le wL'ld generator currently in production • ,_:: -d :-.:c:~ ~"1 :::e world. WiL'1 A. <'~0:aJa capacity of over 5 days and a monthly output of 325 ~,'.' .: ;. ::: ; J av~raga v,inc;;, tl.is s:ister:l carl supply adequate power for a refrigerator ,..' _< . ',,<a: ::5 ·,.;,.,ll as other 11~1 ,,::1d 220 volt appliances including shop tools. water pumps, : ' .:-::.:";-. ~:rGw!.irs and circcl~i~·::;:-s. b good wind areas this system will provide sufficient ; ~ ... ,:' ~ .~ '-: :} :-':tl~t all tho:} electricai l1rleds of a modem household (excluding cooking and ,-, .':.··.'·0>' ::eil~ng. wrucb can he dop..a with gas}. The components in this large wind electric 111, •• :~ .. ~ ':"0.:: be varied to meet your specific requirements. A typical system might include: ,. .. L£!-..~iRO MODEL V ... l:G50G. 6000 WAIT. 115 VOLT -'Wlt,\l'DPLANT v.ith automatic ccr:trols (auto-reset type) and voltage regulator suitabie for unattended operation in ,,,·L:.'l.ds up to 120 mph; ~o ft .• ROHN guyed tower with tower top. 360 Amp-hr., 115 volt Mule storage battery set with connecting straps and charge indicators; 3000 watt Soleq sina wave automatic starting D.C. to A.C. inverter ,...5 hlp pia g weight 6000 lbs .. F.O.B. Boston $13.820.00 • LARGER SYSTEM:S If more output is Deeded than the largest single unit can provide. multiple units can be installed in paralltll Hnd connected to .£1 co-mmQ!1 set of batteries. Various arrangements are possible to yield 115 and/or 230 volts A.C. or D.C. • We can also supply special voltage-controlled switching equipment which can be used v.ith any of the systams listed in t.]1js f(.~der to perform a variety of functions. These voltage-sansing relays can be used for automatic starting of the back-up g'.!'Jgrator when batterias become excessively discharged. for automatic activation of larger loads (such as heate .. s) during high '"" ,.'ii::d periods. and for automatic switching to power lines during prolonged low-wind periods. if desired. Prices foi' tills .f~(pipi:1a!11 vary with application. so contact us for a quote . .. .. After care~y e~a1uatint; these systems and selecting the one that ~ best suit your parocularneeds. Ke sugg\:lst you take some windspeed readings a.t the site you may choose to erect your tower. This is an important step as you may find tbtl "e are other locations on your property where the windspeed is greater over a longer period. It is an obvious conclusion. but one worth "'repaatiag. t.-r,st L~a more· wind. you have the more power you will get from your generato •. To make an .. ..fIr .a::curate determination of the winds at yOCl" particular site, you might be inte"''t:>ted in one or mOre of tb.e;~. foiJowing instruments: 'II/. I' . , .. DWYER \VTh;'D METE..q i ·/1.1 :-;, • A surprisingly accurate hand-held wind metel."with to;,,'o ranges j'i/l_if! .§ .,,; -0 to 10 mph and 3 10 60 mph. lnd.i.spensa ble for judging li!;..1 ~." windspaeds. Sent first class mail with case. S7.50postpaid /j(l~/' '.~)' l:f '. I'I! :;: ~$ IIItn..r.'ER \VThI'D SPEED IND1CATOR [MAR..l( D) TAYLOR W1ND SPEED ThlDlCATOR 4L/ - \VaH mmmted indicator panel with roof-top pick-up, built-in A beautiful. self-contained precision instrtu-nent wiL'l 2 scales .... ~v81. 8pd 50 feet of tubi.ng. Accurate. handsomely styled, Rrd ()"25 <'nd ()"100 in a '11abJgany case. Sold ",ith '50 ft. or leae-in ,.Ju;'eble. Directions included. 530.95 postpaid wira and in~trnctions. Vcry accurate especially at ti.ce luwer rang3S. 595.00 postpaid . ... Il'IDr'll'IDUAl. COMPON"El'ITS CAN ALSO BE PURCHASED SEPARAT.eLY "'b:!encan \VlNCHARGER Model 1222 H, 2C'l '.V?'ct, 12 Volt D.C. brush-type wind "'II;2t'l"ltJ.tO!' & patented air-b;:-ake gover- ... l;,r. manufactured by DYNA TECH- l'; .. ):..O~.;Y of Sioux City. Iowa. Includes a _, .. ~!t;-Gl urenel with A::nmate.r and a 10 ft. ! ':e1 t()'.'·/ "1' $445.00 . ~.; 0:' 3n VoH Morl"'!l:; S495.00 ..... L'S7?ALIAN \-vTh'U?LI\!\.'T "his 2(.]') wa~t, brus"hless windplant is .;,·aibb~" in 2,*. 32/35, ";8 and 115 volts D.C. It na:; meta!. 3-hloded. full "'EOCi t:::.:ri:l;: pr[)IJ?llers \·:hk h mqasure 13 1. i!1 {!i:;;;..,;~ter", "rh~ Ul1~t in21l~cl~s a .. rJif):~;!n" sol;d-state VO!!fli:rl regulatoi' rj r.v:ltr<:l panel with !~rr.jJ Dnu V"lt <Lo. ...... 'r~~.~-: .... '.·,:L~lci;)la::j~~; al-;n C;F!ii.!' v:ith it '< ;, .. o;:~::.,; hp.:J.u Had Co ',.:. __ -~ -,) c, ~!~"i ~Jl:! f0i" U~';! v:ith tha 3·lr.;~ c_"'_:-::':,<:::.! t··.·..;,,:-s di:!'~crib"d on the t}:,::: ~~ y=t:_.: .. ;. mt!r"l1f~!:':7Urt;d by the ,;:"~ i:>ctrir-:~,i Co. of Adelaicb. WIND GEl\l'£RATORS FROM SWITZERLAND Brushles~, alternator-type wind-drlven generators manufactured by £1E:<rRO. G.m.b.H. of Winterthur. Switzl'!rland. All models feature tropic encased genttrator units. Model No. Raled Output In Watts Monthly Outputf KW-HRS Voltages Available 115V .- IE}\' 115V Propeller Diam. H . 9 ft. lOin. 91t. lOin . -----. __ .. 14 ft. r: • ,} In. ... ~.- 11 5 in. 2 3 3 Price F.O.B_ Bo-stotl 2:::)0" 3'~:JQ"" ?C)~XJ'" 5~L)a~· -C9- .. .. .. .. ... : '''-_E ~:2:::'b: .. " :tr!.d Ligh!i~-; 't.?t:~:i·~:J C'J=~ L:'. Cle3f', .':.': -:'.-.:;~':' J.::d l!:lve pE;J~-~:i~ ~:::-~:";~ ~:::"~~J.:OtS ._. -=~: ':.~~:.::;? They are Si::':~2: i.:! =~~~dr3:1Ce _.. =-~'~s~;-;.:·:;~un to th;) _"'.·.:s:::"-.:.ia:1. Cc:lh.:rr ;:.. -~c "::. :::;;;_,a batteries i'.ra w::~l s'J.~t::!d to loclg ,.... -. :~:: :-:-~LL:aness and ara da:I~:el!" f2cornmend- ~ .. '-. ~ ~ ';"5c2.<11 applicatior!.::'. Life a:\:p ::.:ta::'.cy is 10 ~. _, ~3_· -:-more depending on typ~ 0: use. Sinien : ~ ,'.: :,; ~o-rated guarantee. ShiiJped dr)'-charged \'::~~1 acid packed separat-31y. bte.-battery cv~Jle(;ting cables supplied \'oith all units. Catalo:JU1I Amp-Hour Suita!>!;> fOl' VohaS" Dncription r\um:'~r RatiDs \!31! ~ilh: SWS..;oIEH·l 12 Volt ZZQ A-H 112v. UI'Jt \\l:-:CHAHGEH· (nocab!esJ S 1.,,·S-40i EH-2, 12 Volt ·HO h-H 2 Cht. uc..its 0 1 POWERED· (no cables) D'i':UGHT S\\:'$-401 EH-J. 12 Volt 660 h-B 3 12V. un":t3 ELE"ffiO (no cab!e3) \'lVG 15 G S \ ':'i-;0i;E.H-<:, Volt 885 A-H ~ 1211. Unit3 12 ("0 cable3j 19 avo units 2or"o Watt S',':5..;o: 0-19 115 Volt 120 A-H (with 18 cable3) DUNLITE 1 9 (i·I. units ELEKTRO 5W<;"";2>19 115 Volt 250 A-H (wi:h If) eab193} \'IV(; 35 G [ . SWS-::ll-JS 386\0'. ur...it:i E.f.:('ffiO -- 115 Volt 450 A-H (with 35 "abl~) \'I\'C. 51) G .ROHN GUl:"ED TOWERS l'rice Y.O.ll. Tiltoo.~.lL S 1:>0.00 200.00 4J5.CO 57;;.00 850.00 1">1'1.00 t------ 33~3.00 Cqtal<>:fU " :\"'p-HoW' SU~i ... ,:;. -.. : :;::r;:;- 1"u.:nbe.r VO:t~3" Rati,,~ De:tcnptiDf' \! ;~"-";:'" i.O.::. ;~ SW~I-4 12 \'"it 2ID A-H 4 6v units \·:l:"i:;;:.~~.:' __ . .:.....~ : 2JU.()o) (\ 2--" ·'-·f.·, '7': :~j' --SW~[-!1 12 \'olt 460 A·H 8 6v. uaitJ IJ::.l(: .. ;. .;:;0.00 SW}.I-12 12 Volt no A-H 12 6v_ units Er..-:~i·~:~:·:,·· -~ --- \\j--';C " '1 ; (<10.00 S\\I"M-19 11~ Volt 120 A-H 19 6v_ U[~t3 fJ' .:;, ~:=--.-.----". ~."", __ . _,m""'1 SW~I-J8 115 Volt 2l tO A-H 36 6v. units . E;.~:~·:-:;O \\,o-:."C .: .. r: : -t~.OO -~---,.... ....... -----i-. SWM-57 115 \'olt 360 A-H 57 6v. units EI.":<T::;O ; W':C 50 G !'~lO·Cl)i SURRbTfE Series,400 Marina/Industrial Ba.taries: Extra heavy duty. deep cycle battarie:s .vith "Rezistox" plates. 10 year life unda, no,'::nal u3ag~ -5 year guarantee. Although siuila.· iu cutsidet appearance to large automobile ba~ta'ii::lS. thes~ batteries will far outlast standard (;()mr!!.~rcial units because of their heavier constmctioll_ (The lead plates in these batteries aret twice as thick as those in the average auto battery of the ::;ame Amp-haUL rating_ Rubber and glass separators are used throughout.) Shipped fully charged. wit..'l acid. direct from the manwactur9r in Tilton. N.H. All 115 volt sets include inter-battery conn~ctorS. DUNLITE TOWERS tI) , . ,",:"'.' CCllvanized steel tower assemblies built to our snecifica- .:~.~s br R:J(-0; of Peoria. Iili.::.c:3. These are ~pecially .. -t:tL:cJ~~~ a~c. guved radio a:;J.~eiJ.L.2. tc','.;ers. \\.·hica are ~ ('fill ':;:;'2:~ yL'3-a-s59:::jl6d ill 12~5tb.5 of 10 faet. Prices ... ;:;>':";::: <,_li h2.!"':Ts~re. guy wires. g;:o~.d anchor:>. and .cJ',\~f (I;) d2s;;;ned to fit ali Elektro wi;1dplant:; \VV15G ;:~'1U 18rier wj'thout additional addP~er. T o 'N :E These are hot-dip galvanized. self-supportin3. 3-1eg steel towers manufactured by DUNLITE of Austr-alia for use with wind-driven ?enera tors. (Cover photo of ElklCtIi<: (:;:~ Power from the Wmd shows a Dunlite tower.) Inc!'Jde~ ~7 all hardware necessary for assembly '}s W8U as ground anchM irons for mounting in 'C.oncrete bdg,~. Suitable for ... 30 foot tower .............. 5500.00 40 foot tower ..... . . . . . . . .. 650.00 50 fool tower _ . . .. . . . . . . . .. 77a.CD 60 ~oot tower .............. S7S.CO 70 fG.ot ,ower .............. Si·S.CU SO fool tower .............. 121)0. GO R S all windplants listed in this folder. Elekrro generators require tower top adapter listed below_ 10 foot stub tower .. _ . __ .•.. 5225.00 40 foot tower __ ... , _ . _ ... _. 910:00 50 foot tower. _ .. _ . _ ...... 1nO.00 (i0 foot to'.ver . _ . ___ ........ 1450.00 ELE<TRO TO"VVER-TOP ADAPTERS: 3-1eg: 5170.00 or 4-1eg: 5195.CO D.C. TO A.C. INVERTERS w.-") \'o1t I),C. to 115 \'alt A.C. 60 cycle .''':'''!(~~J ;::lectrcmic inverters and ba Itcry ... . 115 Volt D.C. to 115 Volt A.C. 60 cycle Electronic solid-state inverters. over 80% cfficier.t: Full-wave hric3e RECTIFIER ASSEi\mL Y. This cornoact L~;:~rb!.!l"3: :::cn watt medel. 1;) nmp charge;" 5125.00 50-1 \·;;:tt moder. 20 amp charger Sl2iIJ.C{) NOVA 15(',0 Watt. sine-wave. Rutomatic load-demand starting const,mt fre- CI u<;ncy. constant voltaga. 115 V.A.C. output. S22W.CO unit buHt by Sclar \\'i...d plugs into ynUi' 115 volt back-up g;WCtrator and cop-- verts the A.C. po· ... ~r to D.c: for chargi:1g 115 '-,llt battery '!.:; Vu't D.C. to 115 voa A.C, 60 cycl~, ~'~,i · •• ;'.I} rj~.ary sif'~a-'.\-H\!f! in-:er!ers, EOn/o '.~. '. " "'J' ',. .. f;"J '''i;~n TT10c.t,..!1 ~.~':!; ·::.;tt rnndr~l S 7'j.C!J ~~r)l.:~Cl :lCY)O Watt. sine-w:1v~. ~lut..:)­ m;llie IrJ<l(l-dl,!lTI:1nd stadi;lc:. fiCCO \Yalt m!Jlrll<lt,\I 'i m'(~:1oad CUll:lcity. 115 Hnd 7,:HI V.A.e:. output. used b)' Ai.IT[1t\K itl sets. Rat~cl flll-up t,1 ?j i!mp charg~ l':)~~!, C()i":t;')ll:~L! \". ;th fIIninet8r. ph:~~ ~1,Hl \·;it'ir.::, .. ,-) sch~m(1tic. '. . '. --.. 1-:.1:. tri~ill'" F.O.B.il:lll,:";' 523.r~) ----.--.-------------~--- "" ;:j:' .'~j.):: !MTiE\L\TiU~; (;X '·::l:--:U PCi;X~::{ or:[):~R TH:': WI~D F.;\;i·:~~GY llfI3UOC,R:WHY compiled by \\'1 i':1')",\;, ():'{KS 53.2:i postpaid from SOLAH \"1:."fD .. -C10- I () ..... ..... 1 1-- I ! ',~_ j' {;"i"},! C:\ L I (;,\.",Ci'l'Y l~:\ li::t; Tnb10s of Hoppes Hydf"o-Elcc{dc Units , I ! \Vn tt'r In ·r Ht'.;d Srylc /Cuu/c Fe..:! E tI: C'rIU C.\!. IT 0:") , I!\ I'cct II'orMI"ut.-C .... PAClTr In 1'«', . .. -- StylI! \Val<'r In Cubl" l~rQt l'"r MltlUte \ • 8 HL. IC~ Il . 01' 160 H K:LO\V,\TT 'I ~j 4;2 • 9 01' 600 ()j~ I • 10 III 10 t~ 590 5L'\) \VATrS I • 11 1· H II SlS 11 F I.! lJ I.R 490 ! .. Il r ~70 , .. 8 II. I~O 14 l' 4JS , , • 'I HI. In IS P 4()1l I ,-10 I'll. IlS 1£ P 'oS I II HI. 1.(0 S KII. .. O\'VATTS ., p HO 12 81 121 IS i' . l30 I 13 118 OR \ .. I~ llll I Y..ILO\V,\TI I 14 110 20 'IL liS 1 I:> lOS 5000 WATTS 21 lOO 0R 1(, H 100 21 HI. 190 I I} HJ 9~ 11 HI.. 1U 1000 W/\TT.'l 16 ~) '1D-14 HI. 215 ! 1<) IH lS HI.. 160 _ 20 r-80 21 F 16 _ 11 f. 7i ! J) f' 12 ! 1\ F }O , H F (,6 I i • " -I r )30 , 'I 01' I 800 9 E lOll I 12 01' HO , • .. 10 2~O I IJ LR 6110 I .. II HS j.f I.fl. I 630 ! , 12 HI. US I ~ l.R I 59!) • 13 HI. 215 I I, JI' ! S50 :2 Y..~LO\·/ATI$ I·, HI. 1')0 1)1 l<ILOWATIS i " JP SIS D i'lL. 176 16 j~ 490 ,... ... 1(, I Ill .. 166 I !'l 4S0 ~ ., 11 lIl. 156 cn I 20 JP 450 200C WAITS I(J I HJ IS) 21 1~ 430 I') I Hi I·ld 7500 WATTS n 410 20 \-1 140 , n j~ 100 21 I HJ In I 2~ 3'J0 22 l. l'iJ 127 I 2S 380 n 111 120 H 116 ! 2, F 110 1 0 LR 470 12 OT\ ~30 ! 'J J~ -ilS l) 01' , 900 IIJ 310 1-1 O'I:j 840 ! 11 ji> 3~O I ~ OT no Il lIO 10 KILOWATTS I ,I> I.R 71 S 13 lr 280 17 LR 610 Ii 160 18 LR 650 j l<lLOWATTS I} l50 on. 19 1~ 610 16 I 11.. HO .0 ~81l CR 11 HI. lIS 10000 \V A TIS 21 HO In HI. 210 22 S2S J~:-J \V/\'7!3 f'1 HI.. i 200 13 500 20 HI. 190 H j~ .?O 2! HI.: IIlO n ·HIO ! 22 HI.. 11U I 2) HI.. 165 ! 24 1-1) 162 J 2S B m Head in feet referred to above is illustrated on page 7. Fli-16. Styic rc.!~rll to vnrlOU5 sizes of Hoppes Hydro-Electric Units. See dimer.slons on p::tec 7. Q-":::!".tity or \'{::Iter the cnit will u,e at full rated eapacity Is listed above in cubic r~t per mInute. t'.hi!> m:.r~ed ":ith • f:.:rni~hcd in direct current only. Str,nbr:;i r:::ti!1:;' for :lltcrn:ltinrr current units is 3 '~hase GO e}:de ::l.nd either 120 or 210 or 480 volts. T;,,;.~ rh;:';:~ii l!yd~;;·E!rctri:; Units Olay :lIsa be (I!toishl:d ror 50 cycle r.urrent, Wh,,!: yo',! writ~ '.:s, pjC:\5~ l;ive full pa.rticulars on your clc:clric:l1 requircmentu • " .. ------•. --.---_~ ______ I'5._· _______ ·_·-_~ ___ _ lI'la.u Dimensions of various sizes of' Hoppes Hydro-Electric Units are indicated in the above diagram :lnd listed in the chart. Minimum distance from heaq water level to center of inlet pipe is given. Diameter of inlet pipe to connect with the unit is giv~n_ This inlet pipe should be short as ?ossible. _ In additIOn to the example!! of complete Hoppes Hydro~Elcctric Units illustrated and specified herein. many other styles of turbines may be furnished. see page 11. Our Engineer- ing Department will gladly assist and advise you regarding any details relating to the in- stallation of Hoppes Hydro-Electric Units or Leffel turbines. For over three quarters of a century we hnve specialized in the designing I.i and constructing of hydraulic turbines oC all i kinds. With this background of experience ! we are prepn.red to furnish designs to meet II your requirements. , --------- GENlmAL DJMENSION. Style t;ih:c~ -------------I 72' ]2' ]2' !I-" 81' __ _ __ • __ 1 .. ___ -__ _J ___ ~(,6· I~~ K n,' 'lv.' i' .. ' 4' ------------I.. 60' ('0' 60' 72' Jl' -----------M e' s' 8' 9' 10' ------------N 30' 30' 30' 36' 42' o nw ~ 1SW7SWii4W, IMPORTANT-Please Note: In order that you may realize the most from this service, please give u; possible information concerning the hydraulic features of your power site INFORMATION SHEST on page 9 as a guido. HEAD OF WATER: This is the verticnl cIistnncc (ir. {('cn fr~r~: :'('~dw surfncc down to tail water surface. Tnc term ;'h~':~j" i3 gr.H;r:1 :::,i" ;;'t::::r' on Fig. 16 (above). -. . '. . QUANTITY OF WATER AVAILABLE: Sce page 8 (or illustrations measuring tho flow of streams. If possible give niinimum nnd tn'crngt.' str flow in terms of cubic feet per minute. ... ·11 ... • Head 8' to 18' 19' to 25' ... 8' to 12' • 13' to 20' 21 ' to 25' ... 12' to 15 ' 16' to 18' 19' to 25' ... • .. .. ' . .. .. ... .. •• .. .. ... j-n F HOPPES HYDIDEI..:EX:TRIC UNIT Prices as listed on 1-19-74 Style Capacity Size lkw lL 1 k\v F 5 k-w or 5kw JP 5kw HI. 10 kw or 10 kw LR 10 kw JP Delivery -4 to 5 months Price F .O.B. Factory 'Weight Springfield, Ohio 3,000 lbs. $ 3,600.00 2,500 lbs. 3,300.00 7,000 lbs. 9,000.00 4,500 lbs. 5,500.00 4,000 lbs. 4,800.00 10,000 lbs. 9,900.00 6,000 lbs. 7,500.00 5,000 lbs. 5,900.00 James Leffel & Co • Springfield, Ohio 45501 -C12- .. .. ' . .. .. • • ' . .. • .. .. .. '. - APPENDIX - D Line Calculations Single Wire Ground-Return Circuit ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. • .. .. .-.. .. ... .. .. .. .... - VOLTAGE DROP FACTORS Voltage drop for known source -end and l:!ggi!1g power factor conditions may be calculated from the following equation: Voltage drop := I(r cos B + x sln8 ) Where: I = Line current in amperes 6 =. Phase angle between voltage and current r ::: Resistance of line in ohms x ::: Reactance of line in ohms It can be seen from the vector diagra.m tha.t this approximate equation is sufficiently accurate for the magnitude and phase angle of the vectors re suIting from normal sys- tem designs • . ....J'RC01')(S're I ERROR L ~C1'1JAL ORO I· SOURCE vtiLTAGE --II" i ~ ,~O ~".. =v j ' Line current may be expressed in terms of kilowatts and voltage as follows: I = KiN (KV) (COS9 ) (P) Where: KW :;:: Circuit load in kilowatts KV :: System nominal phase-to- ground voltage in kilovolts P '" Number of phases Voltage drop referred to a llO-volt base (VDI is expressed as follows: REA BULLETIN 45-1 Page 9 VD -~~.':.c:1 Volt':.l{e Drop (120) -System Nominal Voltage Using the above equati.ons for line current and voltage drop referred to a 120-volt base (VD), the equation for voltage drop becomes: VD ::: (KW)Lr cos", + X sin,; )( 120) . (KV)2(cose )(P)(1000) The equation for (VD) expressed in per mile units is written as follows: VD _ (KWHR cosB + X sina )(5)(120) -(KV)2(cose )(P){ 1 000) Where: R ;;: Resistance in ohms per phase per mile of line X ::: Reactance in ohms per phase per mile of line 5 =. Line distance in miles Letting the following factor be designated the voltage drop factor (VDF), (R COS8 + X sine )( 120) (KV)2(cOS8 HP) the equation for (VD) becomes: VD _ (KW)(5)(VDF) -1000 Table I gives the per phase per mile resistance and reactance of distribution lines construct~d in ac:co::dCi.nce with REA standard specifications. ... Table II gives the Voltage Drop Factors (VDF) for calculating voltage drops of distribution lines constructed in accordance with REA standard specifications. VOLTAC1E DtZoP FACTORS ~ SIN&LE WIR.e GrwIJND RE1\l.JtN Cfl2.C..ulTS: A.M,pii·1\1 -H\€-on'nrt.lk""~s cle.scr-ibed (;\bol/e .......... SW&t<. c.;yc.ui+s -H"e l'.)/+age dror .fad.::>r {,w -the . .$W&~ It"He bec-t:nt'lc-s! VDF ::. (Rq CoS~ +X, si,\-,\-&-)(IZO) ) wherz (L<V)2 (CDSB-) GlIallc.t/>Y ~ -r 0.095+ I ')""~'" S /1">1 ;Ie x~ :::. SIV~R.. \"AI.I.ch(f r~~\td :H~((' 1 !) II Ill:; /)';lL. KI/ ::;. lnl.:' , .. , (-t\\C\ wll"1c i~ I<i\<,/",)I-i;-: -e ::: (Jh\lj"i" ,t~:~k b .. !-\.I .... ·("1\ V9 !+o'a;> d C(,.·;.)i~d' '.')'\ (ldd;h~}\ 0'/\\ ~';.\VGIZ. c.i~",~t-w;1l \1(Mrt.. v.;I·\a',F' Jf·';I'~ n."l:rk .. 1 -t:.) 'H'./ ~\':J~~\« C I~'irodf we'S i':-;'\" "':.';;' o.-t .r\v. .. '\'Y\': -\€rm''1ltL\s. &i1tl:t" -H,i f 1/914"t~,· .1l''''l' ; ~> ":0+ I"vbt". t +,:,1 1;'1\'-'-:""l~t'" '.\-i.s t1c.c-fjtl-~tl .fu .... 1>'1 ().~\ E.\~choJ~ v'al .. h{!< vrop Fad-or .. as toll"ws: VD &::: (Re )(rz~ I wk('((" f\:. =-f:, 1'.\ E.kch...J, ":'::.11;. (k'V) 1. (c.Q~-e) frJY b.~ i~r~~'Il;l!;'. '\1\>\ "'\'_"J ... • .. • .. .. .. .. ... .. • ... REA BULLETIN 45-1 Page 10 TABLE I RESISTAHCE AND REACTANCE OF REA DISTRIBUTION LINES OHMS PER PHASE PER M'LE OF LINE CONOUCTOI'I $IZE coppeR EQUI" "LENT THREE,PHASE R )( x R 4/0 3/0 '2lh.aMCJ.\ -- 2/0 4{.) Ac.s~ --.64 1. 22 .64 1.22 .278 .350 .441 .556 .702 .885 1/0 1 2 4 .76 .94 L 12 1.64 1. 27 .76 1. 27 1. 37 .94 1.37 1. 45 1.12 1.45 1. 47 1.64 1.47 6 i:Jta --_ 2.47 1. 46 2.47 1. 46 --- 1. 41 2.24 3.51 4.93 7.46 8 3.72 1. 54 3. 12 1. 54 ~A 5. 15 1.61 5.15 1. 61 11 7.62 1. 71 7.62 1. 71 NOTES: Colc .. lado"" ,of silllle-phas", resistance end reactance we." made in accordance with the _thod giu .. " in REA Bulktill 61·2 and for t,\e redI£Ced nerural conductCl' sizes give1t. in REA Bullelin No. 61-4. Sin,l.-pfws" resisronces cnd rea.clatlCeS Me o.$$u",,& sufficiently <>CCMat .. for coZculations o/"V"-pho.se li~ t)o~ drop . TIw",,,-p"as .. resist .. ,..,e" c.nd r .. c.;:~ar.ce .. c.re to"en from the Electrical TrollS",is"'o" and Distribution Refer· .ellCe BooTe (4t,\ Edition). Tob!.e 11 -A. pcge SO. &: Tabk VI, pa .. .e 54. a Westinghouse pu/,Ucatiol'l. CONDUCTOR TABLE \I VOLTAGE DROP FACTORS Or REA DISTRIBUTION LfHE! VOLT x .633 . I .653 -~ .45 1.;-1 .712 -. -.. s+ --,.bl .728 .742 : ~~~ I .806 - -1.,:4-5' -- .353 .996 .968 .. S1Z£' COPPER: "INCLE,PHASE .. .. .. .... It QU 1'/ ALeNT /:,.'1..... __ 7_.2;...;._._,_._02_K_" __ '_4_.4_K_"_ 7.2 KV 7.012 K" 14.4 KV 7.Z KV 7.6Z XV oJ. .452 .414 .113 4/0 3/0 ·2/0 1/0 2.86 --2.55 --.715 -.- ..... ..:. . 514 --. 460 ---: 128 --" DD -• 'J.'!o Z. ' ~ I 1.43--1. 27 --.357 -.':"': '-.606 --.541 :-~151-' .164-.254 .o~, 3. 18 2.84 . 795 1.59 1.42 .397 .701 .626 .176 ""1 3.72 3.32 .930 1. 86 1. 66 .465 ,819.731. 2G5 2 4.22 3.77 1. 95 2.11 1. 88 .525 .966.86;:. 2,n "·4 5.45 4.87 1.36 2.72 2.43 .680 1. 38 1. 23 .345 3.68 -3.28 --.920 -'-2.03 - -1. 81 ~ -.50; --1.'88 -.(,15 -.714- 5. 15 4.61 L 29 3.03 2.71 .757 I -6 1~t\\~7.36--6.57 --1.84 8 10.39. 23 2.58 6.BO 6.10 1.70 4.14 3.70 1.03 I 9.80 B.75 2.45 6.12 5.46 1. )") 9}1 13.6 12.2 3.40 11 19.6 17.5 4.90 :Iorr.s: swG-R.. Volta.~" droi' foc:ors are calr.alcled /(Yt" 99 ~rc:~nl pOther factor. Gp..o .... "'p R.~Sis.. 01. ..... ~1..Ec..""NU>t: VO~Ar,.E-.:D£Q.., fAC1',)i.$ V D : (KW){S) (VDP) loon = VolCfl!(c drop on a nO·"nlt base. 'G.;Ic.\.t 5 10 V \) Fe (q"t, r.F.)'--__ 14,{ leV. Z~ k.... 40 \<'V 1.'Z.a~ 0.430 1'2.960 Odt..-l o.S:,.~ , • c." 1 • .. ... .. II II "" iii ... ... .... • .. .. ... • .. SINGLE-WIRE GROUND-RE'IURl.~ TRAN~SSION LINE J. R. FA'ION FAIRBANKS, AIASKA APRIL, 1974 " .. .. ... .. ... .. • - ... ... l/1li Length 100 miles Corrluctor* 266.8 MOM 26/7 ACSR Resistance ••• 0.350~mi. Diameter ••••• 0.642 in. GMR •••••••••• 0.0217 ft. Average Height Frequency 30 feet 60 Hz 4/0 -6/1 ACSR Resistance •.• 0.441~mi. Diameter ••••• 0.563 in. GMR •••••••••• 0.01584 ft. Ground Electrooe Resistance: R ohms each end 7#8 Al1.ll'1'CJWeld Resistance ••• 2.35~mi • Diameter .•••• 0.385 in. GMR •••••••••. 0.0116 ft • Earth Resistivity: 1000 ohm rreters (dry earth) For the line only. Series Impedance (Zg) Zg = rc + 0.00158 f + jO.004657f 1eg10 2160 ~ Q-1R rc = resistance of conductor per mile f = frequence in H~ P = earth resisti Vl. ty in ol:'nn-:rIeters GMR = gecrcetric mean radius of oonductor Equivalent depth of return current De Zg For 266.8 M = 2160 * ft; for p == 1000, De = 8818 == rc + 0.0954 + jO.27942 (leg10 ~) = r c+0.0954 + jXg G1R For 266.8 MQ1 ACSR, per mile Zg = 0.350 + 0.0954 + jO.27942 (leg10 8818) = 0.45 + j1.57 0.0217 For 4/0 ACSR, per mile Zg = 0.441 + 0.0954 + jO.27942 (leg10 8818) == 0.54 + j1.61 0.01584 For 7#8 Alurroweld Zg = 2.35 + 0.0954 + jO.27942 (leg10 8818) == 2.45 + j1.64 0.0116 -D4- ... .. .. .. .. '" • .. .. .. - .. .... .. - Earth Resistivity Sea Water Swamp • • • • • • Dry Earth •. Slate •• Sandstone p (ohm-Meters) .01 -1.0 10 -100 1000 107 10 8 Inductive Reactance (Xg) of Single Wire Ground Return Circuit Xg == 0.004657 f log10 (2160 If) = 0.27942 (log10 De) ohms/mile GMR Gr4R COnductor 2.66.8 M:M, 26/7 •••••. 4/0 -6/1. •. 7#8 Alwld ••• 266.8 trOl, 26/7 •....• 4/0 -6/1. •• 7#8 Alw1d .•• 266.8 MCM, 26/7 ••••.• 4/0 -6/1. •. 7#8 Alw1d .•• 266.8 Iv1Qv1, 26/7 ••.••. 4/0 -6/1. •• 7#8 Alwald •• p 0.1 .1 1 10 27.8 88 278 881 XgJt./mi1e 0.869 0.905 0.944 1.008 1.046 1.084 1.148 1.185 1.224 1.288 1.319 1.364 p De 100 2780 1000 8818 107 881,800 2.78 x 10 6 Xg A/mile 1.427 1.464 1.503 1.568 1.607 1.643 2.12 2.17 2.20 2.26 2.30 2.34 -D5- .. ... • .. ... - - • .. • • ... Shunt Capacitive Reactance (X ) of Single Wire Ground Return Circuit c Xc = x'a + 1/3 x' e negohm ndles For 30-foot height above ground: X X -Ohms Conductor x' a x' e Mego~/!vli.le 100 ndlgs 50 miles 266.8 !vDI, 26/7 ••••.•• 0.1074 4/0 -6/1 ACSR 0.1113 7#8 Alwld ••••• 0.1226 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.2287 0.2326 0.2439 2287 2326 2439 A, B, C, and 0 Constants -Single Wire Ground Return Circuit Pi-line representation -100 miles ------~~ ~~--~-------1 R + .00158f X ~ 4574 4652 4878 Y = Yl=Y 2 Yl = 1:. (100 mile) (lOOgmile) Y2 = 1 X ---X (50 mile) (50 ~e) L __________________ l ___ ~ A = 1 + YZ, B = Z, C = Yl + Y2 + Yl Y2 Z, 0 = A To canplete the Nebwork, the ground electrooe resistance at each tenn:inal must be added: (~= ground electrcx'ie resistance in ohms) R. tv. CD @ A,B,e,n (see alxJve) = " iA @ A = 1 0 These 4 terminal netw:>rks were adderl \1in tandem -Q) +@ then (@+@)t-@ -06- .. • l1li .. • l1li ... 1l1li .. .. .. • ... .. .. ... .. - .. ' .. .. .. ... Single-Wire Ground-Return Circuit 100 Miles Conductor -206,800 CM ASCR 4/0 -7/1 ACSR 7#8 AlurtDWeld Average Height 30 feet Frequency 60 Hz Earth Resistivity 1000 ohm meters. Vs = A Vr + B Ir Is=CVr+DIr CDNS'mNI'S FOR CAICUIATIONS 100-Mile ~-Line Ground Electrode Resistance-OHMS (Each End) Conductor A B 266.8 .M:M, 26/7 0.966 1:..58 163 Ll4 0 4/0 -6/1 ACSR 0.966 \:.§8 170 l1!.5 7#8 Alwld. 0.968 @.98 295 Q1.8 266.8 tt01., 26/7 0.966 \:..61 163 \11.4 1 4/0 -6/7 ACSR 0.966 \.:..71 170.3 \1Q.9 7#8 Alwld. 0.968lJ..0 296.8 ~.6 266.8 M:M, 26/7 0.966 k..83 169.5@.7 10 4/0 -6/1 ACSR 0.966 03 176.9 ~.6 7#8 Alwld. 0.969 t;b 2 311.5 ~.O 266.8 M:M, 26/7 0.967 @:1 288.5 \H.4 100 4/0 -6.1 ACSR 7#8 Alwld . C 0.000429~. 2 0.000419 \.89.. 7 0.000403 18.8.5 0.000429 ~0.2 0.000419 lB9. 7 o .000403 \.B8. 5 0.000429 1$1.2 0.000419@. 7 0.000403 laB. 5 0.000429 \2,9.2 D 0.966 628 0.966 ~8 0.968 M8 0.966 l:21 0.966 bll 0.968 ~O 0.966 ~3 0.066 \....23 0.969 \1:2 0.967 @:1 .. '. , . ... .. .. .. • .. .. ... .. .. • ,- .. .. .. .. .. .. APPENDIX -E Physical Design Data • .. ... ... • .. ... • .. • .. .. • .. ... .. ,. ... ... .. 6ASI( D.:.rTA ';. c h"",<1.l'ICi?s e';i"~t'"{'d liESC ~.:,;:...~ 251</. 4o~II •. A1~l\; ,-(ml ~~ te.})' A'CeIi. P~, Ollly /1.:33' '-1 -4 "# ..;, YIIL ,~If"'" .vale\. .. A!~'m;)\;l"'\ \,,\),7 l\u:ula.k~1 ~ pule> SLlpf<J'i,---511e:{{a)( 3.134-2t!i+. ;3,,\\1 IOnS1-I~ ~ a;).34~ W,';'d 011 S1rudlA'~: (f:~ltl:Y' 'r"", G'\.r ~&ub ... "3!') F",,-{',;?it'".: _' ::;. J: I-t (d,+2dz.) ,2 wh£v., ! :"'1 . ~J. r / F:: WI:", , .. , 'iti~f' t-t. j Ii '" h ... ,]!,\-~~ fl1li al»vt'.~ f cl. '" dl~l'I'" (1t)1",a11;'t-. dJ.=.;t.;I'II' (It)"" ...... r;oY' ,\, Ti. "'" sPAj 6"O.D.,I( 3fr..:tbove c:»dw .. ob .. )( 1.£0" .,... r (' • :::: 4·Tt. ~l'IIV· ... d :: 'a.2$'"Q'at "lB. S -Ii. hi:. ~~ _4Dkv. 3 5 2..1 3' AtSR. ~ (~:>::'..rl:.\ '+01" YI,lttl. : ~ ..!&. .J!L ·j)i .m", i')1 ch~ .3'fa • S'c..3 • :sas Vay\-. \.o,d, ~~, :iff .. 1-+5".m .141. Vert. !+Y.\c( (N& Ibtvy) ·7.,4-.9SZ. • ~m, WI;l~ 1 "'0 l><1'~ I bu.rt .. 'l/H • +2:l.. .2.S9 Iz<o"'i\~~1 ~a'A 400' ;,'l.f~ •• 8,4' --1.,,<' 800'.~ --. , -8.3 "'~t,,1 tVI~,f b~: 400' ~ .. -IZO~ Ibqit Uo • ~ J~ 1!7 ~ .:s.~.... ------.. 3 Po.JH"n,., wt. ZSb.·~ 33::' V -.itwi""i Wt. . 2Sk:.v ---80S'#. 40 kv ---139#. W rI';A L.:.,..,( '0-9 -----51 tJ,.t '2:11 Allll1lmu'/fl TLl~-'2.1 Hcat·n' ; . _______ ~. __ ~~----____ --______ -L~~~~~----------------~~~--------- C:A\..c.ULal~D OVl'!:.R\V\tt\ MaN' '=N\'s: TI1::e A\"~weld .sW(1~. 300 ft, ~Pt'f.'(1. 30'-9 (W;-rld) (.5\Yl.<ct. .... ,.,.~.lNt.) (c..~h.d .... ~ti.) ?rl= (231.1(21) -('75).>< 12..11\-(zrOx!ZoI1\;= -Z47b'#. -~ ,SXZ"1 I , 1*.g AI ... Jtwv-..zld ~ '¢ , 2-wlre: J 800 ft. S ~1'(l)l)30~9 * < M_(23 IX"Z..')_ (,,71" I'Z. n) _(2 10 x. 12.1~_ +J' 13''#: < ;: "23' x zS' 5)«' 1.84 210.x ,.e' -t(;) 'ls,c ",!-j 1#8 A\IH1\9~Qld J I ¢ , 2-w;r~, ~OO +~. Span, 30~9 < iY1=(n3)("\_(G.-'~;'(\"Z . .'":)_ ('51 :>( '?tI".\=. -34Z.'#-<: II.. IT? l(2SJ ;, J( 1.31" IS1)(, ••• " ... /. '"18xZ1 3¢, 4-W. 4/.:; ACSR ,liD NEl.rr:, 400 +I. Spall * ~ M~=(3~1~~~~~_~'~S"!('ll'I1)_ ($SI.XI411) -= +57"/'1 /<Zo..,rzs Sx1,f;4. ~""'.'i!l4-::x; 181(2.7 * 1h""..;/'!' c~"1).f'7u.\'tlt1:n\s" o.~ unS+o~le dYla ~'1I.4~.,e _\'::,- ( ... • ... • ... .. ... .. .. .. "'II .. , ow -.. ... ALTERNATE DESIGNS for A-FRAME, SPRUCE POLE, GRAVITY STRUCTURE Poles and Post Insulators ~ Aluminum Hairpin and Suspension Insulators Poles and post insulators will require about 4-foot longer poles to provide the same general configuration of phase conductors with relation to ground as the Aluminum hairpin . This extra 4 feet of length is added to the bottom of the pole and will add about 20 % to the weight. The longer poles may require ranging farther into the spruce forests for suitable poles. It is estimated that each structure would weigh about 120 pounds more. At typical costs for poles a structure may cost about 20 dollars more. The post insul- ator for 25 KV may cost about 20 dollars less than the sus- pension units but at 40 KV may cost about the same. The Al- uminum hairpin may cost 1 or 2 dollars/pound so that the net cost differences are not great. It is believed that the arrangement using the hairpin will be easier and faster to ieliver and handle. The all-wood structure would allow more of the total line cost to be shared locally if spruce is used. -E2- .. .. • • ... .. - '.- ... - FIGURE - F CONSTRUCTION COST DATA ... .. • - • • ... • • • .. ,. .. One Wire, A-Frame Construction Construction Technique: It is believed practicable to construct this type of line about as follows: An engineer (supervisor) with a crew of local men with snowmachines, chain saws, portable auger (small auger capable of operation by two men for drilling small diameter holes in permo-' frost) small tools, sleds, etc. proceeds in this manner: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Advance group runs a centerline, clears a narrow track by falling and trimming a limited amount . (Similar to survey slash) Part of the crew with auger is establishing the first anchor position and lays out conductor for first mile and establishes the next anchor point and tensions the conductor (on the ground) to approximate stringing tension using dynamometer. After conductor tension has been established, engineer selects structure locations and crew assemblies structure, connects to conductor (on ground) installs vibration damper and raises structure to vertical position while attendant at anchor position with dynamometer maintains tension according to engineer's instruction. (Crew uses pike poles or similar technique to raise structure.) Clearing crew continues cleanup of right-of-way, cut danger trees, etc. Some of the trees cut may be suitable for use on the line and could then be peeled out and used as p~acticable. Butt treatment only by ~aste or equivalent using a plastic bag at end of pole for temporary protection of treatment. Engineer directs the installation of anchors as required for angles and further dead-ending. It is probable that a helicopter could increase the speed of construction sufficiently to pay its cost and provide emergency backup . .", ... .. .. .,. .. • <II ONE WIRE MIN. LINE Estimated Construction Costs BOO-Foot Spans 7#B-One Wire Say, 7 structures per mile (14), 30 ft. poles @ $2.00/ft • rill PER MILE ESTIMATE Material Labor Man days (del. Kuskokwim) $ 1,690 7#8 5280 ft. @ $200/1,000 ft. (del. Kuskokwim) (4) storm guys (4 @ 60 ft., $200/1000) (2) anchors (2 @ $50/ea) (42) insulators (initial 6-6" bells for 25 kv) (7) AI-Arch (5" dia. x 3-1/3 Ibs/ft.) @ $1.00 per pound (7) Vibration dampers per mile @ 18.00 l.fisc. Hardware, (lag screws, straps, etc. ) Say, 10-man crew can finish 4 structures/day $ 1,056 48 100 252 350 126 175 3, 787/Mile 2-1/2 man days per structure x 7 say, $160/md 17.5 $2,800 5 snowmachines (1.25 sm day/struct.) @ $30/day Fuel -@ 10 gal/day/machine @$1.00 Misc. subsistence, maintenance, etc. $20/man day R/Way Clearing -average 37%, 1954' per mile of line @ $400/mft. Supervision, Engr., Etc. $300/day plus expense @ $SO/day @ .57 mile/day, say Grounding Grids Subtotal: Subtotal: 'rotal: Plus material: Est. 20, 20 ft. deep rods about-llOO' wire -say: interconnected with $400 for rods 200 for wire 60 for clamps $660, say, 300 Labor -drive with "Barco", say 1 day of six man crew Say, $1,000 Say, $2,000/ground 1 ground/ten miles 8,467 200/mile 8,667/mile x 1.16, Say: 263 10 210 $3,283 782 $4,065 615 $4,680- 3,.7 87 $8,467 $10,000/ mile -f' .. .. • .. .. - • ... ... .. • .. - ... RIVER CROSSINGS Estimated Construction Costs ONE WIRE -Say 2000 ft. 65' max. sag with 1/2" ice 40' max. sag @ 60°F final Design for water clearance @ 60°F of 50 ft. (?) Need 90 Ft. elevation on each side. Say 20 ft. by river bank Use 90 ft. pole set 11 feet deep (no guys required) Deadend at next structure ~. ____ l_------~~ __ -/ -~--:--.- /' " '", -------- 2 -90ft. Class 2 @ $750 ea. material 2 "Standard" A-Frame Structure @ $250 each material Extra insulation, vibration dampers, etc • 3,000' wire @ $200/1000 2 anchors, heavy, @ $100 each Labor -set up gin pole, rigging Dig hole, send stringing line Have gravel for backfill Across river, etc. ·6 man crew, I-week, 42 mandays Supervisor Equip. rental, etc. Say, $15,000 Material $ 1,500 1,000 200 . 600 200 $ 3,500 "-" " 6,.720 2,500 1,000 $10,220 -F3- •• 1- - ... • - - ... •• .. .. - • -- A-Frame with 2-high-strength wires, long spans Estimated Construction Costs This construction using 2 wires would require reducing spans to about 600 to avoid uplift on one leg, or to place each wire on an insulator outboard of the structure on opposite sides. If spans are shortened, there are about 800/600 = 1.33 times as 'many structures per mile, plus the neutral, grounds, etc. One-wire material [(3787-l056}xl.33] +1056 •• Add 1 7#8 Neut .............................. . Double the storm structure because of vertical loading •.••••••.••.. Double the storm guys (extra' conductor) .•.•...•.•••...•..•.•.••.••••• Add another set of vibration dampers ........................................................ .. Add neutral hdwe ............................................ .. Add ground rods, etc ..••.•••....•.•.•••• One-Wire Labor ..................... ·4 .......................... .. Add neutral labor •.••.•••..••••••.••.•.• Supervision, add 1 day per mile to one wire 615 and 350 •.•...•.••••••••. TOTAL: 4,688/mile 1,056 350 148 126 140 60 $6,568 4,065 1,140 965 $6,170 12,738 Multiply x 1.16 Say, Substations --2750 kva @ 50.00 14,776 $15,000/mile $117,500 River Crossings (Same as 2-wire crossing) --$ 29,000 -F4··· .. ... CONVENTIONAL, SINGLE PHASE ONE WIRE PLUS NEUTRAL --....,;,.-=-....-- Estimated Construction Costs _ Assume 400 ft. spans vs #4 ACSR and #4 neut. .. • ... ... .. Use A-Frame technique with one 1/0, then add neutral on one side after line is up . This would require -say, 14 structures per mile • 28--30 ft. poles @ $2/ft ••.•.•.•••.... 5280' --1-4 7/1 ACSR} $51/1000' .•••..• 5280' --1-4 7/1 ACSR} 84 --Insulators •.•.••..•••.••..••.•••• 14 --AI. Arch ...................................... .. 4 --Ground rod and leads .••...•.•••.•• 2 --Anchors} 4 --Guys) Story guy •.•••.•••..•••.•. Misc. Hdwe .................................................. .. 14-Neutra1 Hdwe @.10.00 ••.•.•..•...•..• Labor -- Say 10-man crew can finish 4 struct/day w/O neut. (similar to one wire) Plus 1 crew day add neutral drive rods, etc ...................................................................... .. R/way Clearing average 37%, 1954'/mile @ $ 4 0 O/IJI ............................................................ .. Supervision 4.5 man-days/mile @$350 •••• Add about 16%, Say River Crossings Material $ 3,360 539 504 700 60 148 350 140 $ 5,801 Cost for a river crossing would be double that for the one-wire line minus a slight overhead reduction of say, $1000 ---------Est. (2 x l5,000) -1000 Substations --2750 kva @ $50.00 Labor $ 4,065 1,140 782 1,575 7,562 5,801 $ 13,363 $ 16,000/ mile $29,000 ea. $137,500 .. ,. .. 1- I 1- .. .. .. CONVENTIONAL 3~-4Wire Line Estimated Construction Costs Assume 400 ft. spa~s, use i4ACSR and i4ACSR Neutral This line will require 35 ft. class 5 poles, with gravel backfill to accommodate the permafrost, typical REA Spec . for 25 kv systems. This type of construction would require equipment for off- the-road construction in muskeg (winter only) and snow. Probably require some cat work for construction trails . These requirements would also need a knowledgeable contractor for best results (although he might employ some local labor -unions permitting). On this basis the costs for lines located along the Kuskokwim as shown may be compared with construction in other areas by using a multiplier of at least 1.25. Right-of-way clearing is assumed less costly along the Kuskokwim . Recent estimates for the Matanuska Valley show: l~, 1/0 ACSR @ $24,500/mile (Sheep Mtn.) 24.9 kv . 3~, 1/0 ACSR @ $27,200/mile Est. New Line MEA 24.9 kv. contractors charge $40.52/man hour where per diem is required. (Incl. $30/day subsistence) Say $30,000/mile (smaller wire size than above lines) SUBSTATIONS -2750 KVA @ 502 ------$137,500 River Crossings for 3~-4 wire line would be about 4 times the One Wire Line except some O'H'D' might be reduced, such as equipment rental, etc. Say 4 x one wire minus $2000 (4x15000)-2000 = $58,000 each -P6-