HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe-Evaluation of Alternatives for Electric Generation Program 1976- - .... ... '" '. .. .... .. ,.4 ,'" ... SIT 002 c. 2 Orlando, Florida CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA, ALASKA 1 ",OPERT\' , Of, Alaska power Authority ..... 34 W 5th Ave. , ~. ~1 Anchorage, Alaska RE-EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR ELECTRIC GENERATION PROGRAM R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers and Consultants - - Seattle, Washington Columbus, Nebraska Wellesley, Massachusetts Denver, Colorado Indianapolis, Indiana Phoenix, Arizona SEPTEMBER 1976 (2) September 27, 1976 We consider that this type of inconsistency makes. the estimated costs shown in the University of Alaska report invalid for use as a basis for selection of a definite power generation program for Sitka. Sitka's loan from the Revolving Loan Fund has been approved on the condition that other hydro power projects in the area listed in the University of Alaska report be re-examined. As discussed, we have therefore proceeded to briefly re-evaluate the alternatives and, in doing so, have confirmed that the Green Lake Project will result in the most economic and reliabl~ power, and is of the size needed for the next hydroelectric project to be developed. It shows that for alternatives entering into service in late 1978 (a comparative but not practical schedule) Green Lake power would cost 40.3 mills/kWh of average annual generation, and the nearest hydro in cost, Takatz Lake, is 55.1 mills/kWh, while new diesel generation would cost 50.9 mills/kWh. Green Lake is the only way to go. If you have any questions or comments on this report we would be pleased to answer them. JVW/cg Very truly yours, R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~J0~~ James V. Williamson Assistant Manager Western Design Office CERTIFICATE OF ENGINEER ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM SITKA, ALASKA RE-EVAL UAT ION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR ELECTRIC GENERATION PROGRAM The technical material and data contained in this report were pre- pared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned whose seals, as registered professional engineers licensed to practice, are affixed below. Donald E. Bowes Executive Engineer R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. ~t/~~ James V. Williamson pervising Executive Engineer R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. SECTION I LOADS AND EXISTING RESOURCES In this analysis a projected load growth of 6% annually was derived in conjunction with the Sitka Electric Department. Sitka has experienced a 5% average annual growth rate since 1962 (see Table 1). However, an annual growth Tate of 6% is consistent with the average of recent the projections taking into account additional block loads from the Coast Guard and other sources as shown in Table 2. It is considered, if a~ything, to be on the low"end of the scale for generation planning purposes since it is on the low end of the 6%-8% range forecast for Southeast Alaska in the University of Alaska Study, and it is less than 7-11% mid-range growth forecast by Alaska Power Administration (APA) in its Alaska Power Statistics 1960-1975. Sitka's existing generating capacity consists of 7,000 kW of genera- tion delivered from Blue Lake and 3,100 kW of diesel capacity. The City also has a 2,500 kVA tie with the Alaska Lumber and Pump Company (ALP) thermal in- stallation but the amounts of capacity and energy available from ALP are dimi- nishing rapidly as ALP expands towards full capacity, and this tie serves main- ly for exchange of power and reserves both ways. In fact, it is our understand~ ing that ALP has recently requested an expansion of the capacity of the intertie so as to be able obtain additional power from Sitka. The 6% annual load growth rate has been plotted in Fig. 1 through 4, through 1991, together with Sitka's existing generating resources, and the output from future generating alternatives to be subsequently discussed. The capacity peak load plus reserve line is based on reserves equal to the largest single generating unit in the system. Power year is defined as extending from July through June. As can be seen from the Figures, Sitka now has no capacity reserves, and little energy reserves except diesel, and by mid-1977, with the 6% growth rate plus the above average new loads, Sitka will need new peak load capacity even with no reserves. The City's generating system will require the installa- tion of 2-2,500 kW units of additional diesel capacity, before any hydroelec- tric capacity could reasonably be assumed to be in service, which is mid-198l for Green Lake, and later for other alternatives which have not been as well studied to date. SECTION II CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE GENERATION ALTERNATIVES The need is apparent. The basic issue becomes which of the alter- natives available should be developed as Sitka's next major power source. It is important to note that the alternative selected to proceed with first should provide a significant amount of energy and capacity in view of Sitka's load growth situation and the fact that the earliest date that any hydro project could be brought on-line would be mid-19Bl, and this could only be Green Lake. Others would take longer as more investigation remains. By the time the next hydro unit is brought on-line, the demand for power will have increased nearly 75% based on the 6% growth rate plus additional block loads. Hence the next hydro project should, in combination with existing resources, be capable of ac- commodating this growth plus some reasonable period beyond. The alternatives evaluated herein included Takatz Lake, Carbon Lake, Lake Diana, Green Lake, Blue Lake Expansion, Lake Irina, l1ilk Lake and Four Falls Lake. Their locations can be seen on Fig. 5, Vicinity Map. Some of these alter- natives can initially be eliminated as not being acceptable for the initial de- velopment or as being very comparable to another alternative being considered. In this regard, Lake Irina, Milk Lake and Four Falls Lake were dropped from fur- ther consideration at this time for the reasons discussed below. Lake Irina, at 3,000 kW, was eliminated as being too small to war- rant consideration for initial development. This view is also supported by the University of Alaska report, since the transmission line cost estimate therein for Irina ,vas based on line construction extending only to Lake Diana apparentlY presuming Diana wo~ld be developed first. Incidentally, in the same manner, Diana's transmission line cost estimate in that report presumed the previous construction of Green Lake. Milk Lake was not analyzed since it is considered to be comparable to Carbon Lake with a very significant proportion of its development cost being in transmission line construction thereby outweighing any other economies. If Car- bon had turned out to be more promising Milk would have been examined more close- ly. Four Falls Lake was eliminated for reasons similar to ¥~lk' Lake. How- ever, its limited capacity (6,000 kW) would make it a questionable alternative any- way as the first project. The marginal capacity would be further reduced by the long line transmission losses to Sitka. Again the University of Alaska report apparently supported this conclusion since its transmission line cost estimate for Four Falls reflected the pre-supposed prior construction of Milk Lake and of course gives a misleading impression of the true cost of the smaller project. The alternative of Takatz Lake is shown in Fig. 1 and would come on- line at the end of 19B2; Carbon Lake in Fig. 2 on the same schedule, Lake Diana in Fig. 3 also on the same schedule; and Green Lake in Fig. 4 coming on-line by mid-19B!. , - 1 • I I SECTION III ALTERNATIVE PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS 1. GENERAL As can be noted from Fig. 5, all of the sites under consideration are located generally either on the east or west side of Baranof Island. As a result of climatic conditions, the average annual runoff for streams on the west side of the island typically ranges in the vicinity of 10 cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage area, while streams on the east are a little more than fifty percent higher, or around 16 cfs per square mile. Annual runoff patterns of streams in this area are also significantly affected by the relative elevation of their drainage basins and the nature of their tributaries. Streams with basins at lower elevations or which have sub- ~tantial glacial runoff contributions tend to have more uniform runoff patterns throughout the year, whereas streams with basins at higher elevation, having 'little or no glacier inflow, tend to dry up more during the winter months and have greater concentrations of spring runoff. This effect is in part the re- sult of the more severe winter freeze-up that occurs at higher elevations stor- ing the precipitation as snow and ice and releasing greater concentrations of runoff during spring thaw. Glaciers tend to thaw at a uniform rate thus stabi- lizing runoff. The effect of this on hydroelectric development, is that to avoid large spring spills and loss of potential generation greater amounts of reservoir storage must be provided for higher drainage basins with little or no glacial contribution, in order to provide sufficient regulated flow during the winter months which are the typically the peak load months for Sitka. Run- off characteristics for Southeast Alaska are discussed at greater l'ength in Water Powers of Southeast Alaska, published by the Federal Power Commission (FPC) and u.s. Forest Service in 1947. In conSidering the development of each project, transmission losses for capacity and energy were estimated. As would be expected this effect is more pronounced for those sites which are more distant from Sitka on the eastern side of Baranof Island. 2. CHARACTERISTICS The following ~s a discussion of the characteristics of each alter- native site considered and the scheme of development proposed for it. Project data is summarized in Table 3. The energy quoted as being available from each project is estimated average annual energy, a value of course generally greater than the firm energy amou~t. As is done elsewhere, and is the procedure now be- ing utilized by the FPC in economic analysis of hydro generation, where thermal (diesel) resources are available within the system as at Sitka they are used to firm up the difference between the average annual and firm generation (secondary energy) during the infrequent low flow periods. III-2 a. Takatz Lake Takatz Lake, located on the east side of Baranof Island, has been studied extensively by the APA and was the subject of a report published in 1968. Our Firm conducted an additional evaluation of the project in the 1974 Sitka report. Takatz basin is the highest of the basins considered; however, its flow is stabilized somewhat by some glacial contribution. A large amount of reservoir storage is still required for maximum development. The APA study, and our studies in 1974, indicate that the 82,400 acre~feet of reservoir storage developed will yield an average regulated flmv of around 160 cfs from 166 cfs of runoff. This would require construction of a 200-foot high concrete arch dam and 3,800-foot long power conduit consisting of part tunnel and part penstock. This scheme would develop an average net head of 950 feet. With an installed plant capacity of 27,700 kW at 41% plant factor, approximately 25,000 kW of capacity and 93,330,000 kWh of average annual energy would be delivered to Sitka after allowing for station service and substation losses, and losses over approximately 31.2 miles of 69-kV transmission line. The line would extend through a 2,800-foot high pass near the center of the island considerably complicating construction.maintenance and reliability. Development of a port facility and a short access road from tidewater to the project would also be required. It should be noted that the APA and University of Alaska re- ports show 20,000 kW installed capacity based on a higher plant factor. b. Carbon Lake Carbon Lake is located on the east side of Baranof Island almost due east of Sitka where it empties via a short length of falls directly into Cascade Bay. To date Carbon Lake has not received a great deal of consideration as a generating source, the only significant mention being in Water Powers of South- east Alaska. The elevation of the Carbon Basin is the lowest of those consider- ed herein and the basin is glacier fed which tends to stabilize the flow. Water Powers of Southeast Alaska estimates that 53,000 acre-feet of storage would firm- up approximately 270 cfs of the estimated annual average 444 cfs of runoff avail- able. On this basis it is estimated that an average annual flow of 333 cfs, or 75% of the long-term average, could be regulated by the 53,000 acre-feet of stor- age. Development of this storage would require the construction of four dams ranging in height from 10 feet to 65 feet. A 4,800 foot power conduit would in- clude 2,000 feet of tunnel and the remainder in penstock. The powerhouse would be located at tidewater developing an average gross head of 230 feet. This arrangement would permit the installation of 13,500 kW o'f capa- city at a 40% annual plant factor. Allowing for substation losses and losses over a 31.4 mile transmission line to Sitka, 12,150 kW of capacity and 43,674,000 kWh of energy would be delivered to the load center. The transmission line route would be generally the same as for Takatz and a port facility would also be re- qUired. The above installed capacity does not compare with the 18,000 kW cited in the University of Alaska report which is evidently based on 100% regulation not possible with the contemplated reservoir size. 1 1 111-3 c. Lake Diana Lake Diana is located on the western side of Baranof Island approxi- mately 8 air miles southeast of the southern tip of Silver Bay. Even less study has been completed on Diana than on Carbon Lake. The Lake is at approximately elevation 1,728 and has a drainage area of about 3.5 square miles. Using an average of 10 cfs of runoff per square mile of drainage area results in an esti- mated average annual runoff of 35 cfs. Lake Diana is by far the highest lake under consideration and it has no glacier contribution. It is considered that the winter freeze-up effect will significantly limit the amount of runoff that can be economically regulated. No site reconnaissance has been made and therefore no specific de- termination of dam type or reservoir size was attempted. However, it is assumed the lake would have to be dammed at its ~utlet and three possible layouts were compared. To minimize high elevation transmission line cost maintenance and re- liability problems, the power conduit would exit the north end of the Lake via tunnel and" then extend a little less than one mile north by penstock to a power- house located on the eastern tributary of Redoubt Lake. This would result in the development of an estimated gross head of approximately 1,000 feet. To com- pensate for winter freeze-up, it is estimated that an average annual regulated discharge only 75% of the annual runoff of 35 cfs, or 26 cfs, can be utilized for determining the amount of generation. This will permit installation of 5,000 kW of capacity at 38% plant factor. Allciwing for losses in transmission, this would result in an estimated 4,700 kW of capacity and 15,603,000 kWh of average annual energy delivered at the load center. The University of Alaska report shows 10,000 kW of installed capa- city and 40,165,000 kW of energy. No details are given but the reason for the higher capacity is probably due to assumed development of the full head to tide- water which would require an exhorbitantly long penstock (about 3 miles). Even so, no allowance was made in that report for winter freeze-up so the energy is substantially overstated. If Lake Diana were developed first, approximately 2i.6 miles of transmission line would be required to connect with Sitka's load center and an access road approximately 16.7 miles long would be required to connect the powerhouse with the existing road at Sawmill Bay. Transmission line alignment would parallel the access road. d. Green Lake We are familiar with the development proposed for Green Lake having studied it in detail in 1974 and additionally since then. APA also studied this project in 1968. The lake is located on the west side of Baranof Island near the southern tip of Silver Bay. It is situated on the Vodopad River approximately 1,500 feet upstream from its mouth at Silver Bay, and drains a basin of approximately 28.9 square miles with an average elevation of 2,150. The basin is relatively low in elevation and subject to more uniform annual runoff patterns. Ave"rage annual run- off is estimated at 291 cfs. 111-4 The development 'currently proposed would consist of a 2l5-foot high concrete arch dam resulting in an active storage of 112,000 acre-feet. A 1,600- foot power conduit, would terminate at a powerhouse constructed at tidewater. Approximately 7 miles of new access road would be required to connect with the existing road at Sawmill Cove, at the Blue Lake Project. Approximately 7 miles of new transmission line paralleling the access road l-1Ould connect to the Blue Lake substation, and the 5.9 mile long existing 34.5-kWtransmission line to Sitka would be upgraded to 69 kV. This arrangement would develop an average net head of 352 feet and result in an average annual regulated discharge of 285 cfs. With an installation of 16,600 kW (45% plant factor) allowing for transmission and related losses, 15,770 kW of capacity and 62,817,000 kWh of average energy would be delivered to the load center at Sitka. e. Blue Lake Expansion This proposal was discussed in detail in our 1974 Report. It is a feasible alternative to provide 4,000 more kW of capacity; however, no additional energy results. For this reason, no further discussion will be made of it at this time. , -! ~ SECTION IV ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS 1. GENERAL BASIS Estimates were developed of the capital investment required for each of the alternatives under consideration. These values were based on the data developed for our 1974 Report and experience with similar projects in Alaska, either completed or under consideration. For economic comparative purposes, costs were developed assuming contract bids were issued in January 1976 for all alter- natives which would result in construction completion in September (late) 1978 after a 2-3/4-year construction. The costs are therefore, representative of in- service in late 1978 and do not reflect escalation to the in-service dates shown in Figs. 1 through 4. The required capital investment is the sum of direct con- struction cost, contingencies (15%), engineering (15%), and interest during con- struction at 10% assuming 6% cost of money and a 2-3/4-year construction period. Construction costs for transmission lines and roads have been iden- tified separately because they represent, in some cases, a major portion of the total cost. These costs were determined using unit costs based on estimates prepared by us, the Corps of Engineers, and the Bonneville Power Administration, with adjustment for local conditions where appropriate. Permanent one-lane project access roads with turnouts were estimated to have a direct construction cost of $265,000 per mile based on entering into service in late 1978. A69-kV transmission line built alongside a permanent project road was estimated to have a direct construction cost of $112,000 per mile in the same time frame. The same transmission line built cross-country with only a temporarJ construction access road is expected t9 have a direct construction cost of $225,000 per mile includ- ing the construction road. It is possible that some transmission lines might be built utilizing helicopter construction techniques thus eliminating the need for the construction road; however, the cost difference with that method is not ex- pected to be significant even though there might be environmental benefits. The estimated direct construction cost for development of a new port facility such as_would be required for Takatz or Carbon Lake where no access road is included, is $1,500,000. The magnitude of the transmission line costs generally relates to the construction difficulties associated with the rugged terrain and inacces- sibility, costs of meeting environmental constraints, and the high costs of con- tractor mobilization. The capital investment costs developed for the alternatives consid- ered are discussed below and summarized in Table 4. 2. TAKATZ LAKE The estimate of the direct construction cost for Takatz Lake is based on our 1975 Report estimate of $925 per installed kilowatt for bidding in January 1974, and considering the intervening escalation results in capital investment of $1,885/kW based on issuing contracts bid in January 1976. 31.2 Miles of cross-country transmission line plus 1 mile of access road add another $389/kW of capital investment for a total of $2,274/kW, which amounts to $62,990,000. IV-2 3 • CARBON LAKE The estimated capital investment required for development of Carbon Lake was based on comparison with development costs for Green Lake, and those developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for the Swan Lake Project near Ketchikan. Recent estimates which we have prepared place the capital invest- ment for Slyan Lake, based on January 1976 bid at about $1, 985/kW. An average gross head of 295 feet is to be developed at Swan Lake. Carbon Lake will have a lower head and generally a more complex arrangement with four dams and a port facility. Based on these considerations, the per kilowatt capital invest- ment for Carbon was estimated at $2,000/kW, plus the cost of a port at $164/kW. This value was supplemented by capital investment required for the cross-country transmission line to Sitka and the short access road to the port and resulted in a total capital investment of $2,967/kW, which amounts to $40,055,000. 4. LAl<E DIANA As has been noted previously little is known about the Diana site so it was necessary to estimate the capital investment based on per kilowatt costs of comparative sized projects with allowance for construction difficulties. It is considered that the per kilowatt capital investment for Diana (at 1,000-foot head) would fall between Mahoney Lake (at 1,860 foot head) and Lake Whitman (358- foot head) located on Revillagigedo Island. Estimates were recently completed by us for-these two projects for Ketchikan placed their capital investment require- ments at $1,840/kW and $2,300/kW respectively for on-line in late 1978. $2,100/ kW was selected as being a reasonable value for Diana to which was added the capi- tal investment-required for 16.7 miles of access road and 22.6 miles of transmis- sion line built along existing access road amounting to $2,034/kW. This result- ed in a capital investment requirement of $4,134/kW which amounts to $20,670,000 based on January 1976 bids. It can be seen that for a small relatively remote project the transmission and road costs will more than double the cost of the project. 5. GREEN LAKE Capital investment requirements for Green Lake were developed from our latest estimates as being $1.575/kW in January 1976. To this was added the capital investment required to construct 7 miles of permanent access road and 12.9 miles of transmission line built along an existing road in the amount of $291/kW. This results in a total capital investment of $1,866/kW based on bidding in January 1976, and amounts to $30,976,000. SECTION V ANNUAL COSTS AND THE COST OF POWER Estimated annual costs for all alternatives were developed based on 6%, 40-yea~ term financing which it is expected will be available through the Water Resources Revolving Loan Fund. Financing costs are estimated at 0.2% of the capital investment. Operation and maintenance costs amount to 1.5% of the capital investment based on FPC experience data. The estimated total annual cost and the resulting cost of pOl-ler are shown in Table 4. At 40.3 mills/kWh of average energy delivered, Green Lake provides the most economic hydroelectric power; the closest cost is Takatz at 55.1 mills/kWh. Further the Green Lake Project provides significant advantages over the other alternatives in terms of its reliability and close proximity to the Blue Lake Project and its trans- mission system. The cost of Green Lake was also compared with an equivalent amount of diesel generation and is summarized in Table 5. Alternative diesel generation was based on current costs including fuel, escalated to on-line in late 1978, at a 7% annual escalation rate. It shows that for a late-1978 on-line date the cost of equivalent diesel replacement power for Green Lake would be approximately 50.9 mills/kWh or about 25% more than Green Lake. TABLE 1 CITY OF SITKA SUMMARY OF LOADS 1962 -1976 Peak Load Energy Power Year kW Month 1,000 kWh 1962-63 18,419.2 .1963-64 5,500 Nov. 22,220.9 1964-65 6,500 Dec. 24,544.5 1965-66 4,950 22,368.4 1966-67 5,300 Jan. 22,872.7 ·1967-68 5,150 Jan. 24,658.2 1968-69 5,300 Jan. 25,728.1 1969-70 5,300 Jan. 26,640.6 1970-71 6,200 Dec. 28,889.0 1971-72 6,050 Dec. 29,979.5 1972-73 6,050 Jan. 30,653.7 1973-74 5,950 Nov. 29,308.8 1974-75 7,100 Jan. 32,205.1 1975-76 7,200 Dec. 36,254.1 Note: All loads adjusted for historic transfers to and from ALP. ADDITIONAL LOAD GROWTH NOT ANTICIPATED IN NORMAL PROJECTIONS 1976-77 Coast Guard Facility 1,120 kW City Garbage Grinding Installation 200 kW TOTAL 1,320 kW 1977-78 Tlingit-Haida Housing Authority 300 kW Housing for the Elderly (24 units) 185 kW Potter Housing Unit (18 units) 120 kW U.s. Forest Service Duplexes 37.5 kW Sheldon-Jackson College 10 kW Sitka Port Development Project 600 kW TOTAL 1,252.5 kW TABLE 2 r I . I TABLE 3 PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS 2 Drainage Area (mi ) ••••••••••••••••••• Ave. Drainage Area Elevation ••••••.•.• Ave. Annual Runoff (cfs) Active Reservoir Storage (AF) ••••••.•• Ave. Annual Regulated Discharge (cfs). Average Gross Head (ft.) •••••••••.•••• Installed Generating Capacity (kW) .•• Capacity Delivered at Load Center (kW) Average Annual Generation (k~fu) .••••• Ave. Annual Energy Delivered at Load Cen ter (kWh) .•.••••••••••••.••••••• Annual Plant Factor (at Plant) Takatz Lake 10.6 2,480 166 82,400 162 950 (net) 27,700 25,000 99,864,000 93,330,000 0.41 Carbon Lake 26.6 2,000 444 53,000 333 230 13,500 Lake Diana 3.5 2,280 35 NA 26 1,000 5,000 12,150 4,700 46,962,000 16,425,000 43,674,000 15,603,000 0.40 0.38 Green Lake 28. 2,150 291 112,000 285 352( 16,600 15,770 65,096,000 62,817,000 0.45 TABLE 4 CAPITAL INVESTMENT, ANNUAL COSTS, AND COST OF POWER FOR GENERATION ALTERNATIVES Takatz Carbon Lake Green Lake Lake Diana Lake ESTIMATED CAPITAL INVESTMENT: Estimated Base Project(l) Capital Investment ($/in- stalled kW), 1,885 2,164 2,100 1,575 (Excluvsive of transmission line, access road, but in- cluding port facility for Takatz and Carbon) Estimated Capital Investment(l) for Transmission Line and Access Road ($/kW) 389 803 2,034 291 Estimated Total Project Capital Investment, ($) ($1 ;000) 62,990 40,055 20,670 30,976 ANNUAL COST: (2) ($1,000) 5,142 3,270 1,687 2,529 COST OF POWER: 55.1 74.9 108.1 40.3- (Mills/kWh in late 1978) (1) Based on-January 1976 Bid and September 1978 on-line. (2) Based on Financing Costs at 0.2% of Capital Investment, 6% -40 year debt service, O&M at 1.5% of Capital Investment. r DIESEL REPLACEMENT COSTS FOR GREEN LAKE PROJECT CAPITAL INVESTMENT (1) ANNUAL COSTS: Debt Service (2) .............••....... Bond Cost (3) Fixed O&M (4) Fuel Cost (5) $ 7,044,000 604,000 18,000 373,000 2,200,000 TOTAL $ 3,195,000 COST OF POWER (mills/kWh) (6) •••••••••••••••• 50.9 TABLE 5 (1) -$440/kW on line in Sept.-1978 allowing for 1.5% transmission losses to load center. (2) -7% -25-year term. (3) -3% of debt service. (4) -5.3% of Capital Investment. (5) -Di~sel fuel at 37.5 ¢/gal. in January 1976, escalated to late 1978. (6) -Allowing for 1.5% energy losses to load center and based on '62,000,000 kWh delivered to load center. (Same energy as delivered by Green Lake.) PLANNING DESIGN R. W BECK-AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS RATES ANALYSES EVALUATIONS MANAGEMENT 200 TOWER BUILDING SEATILE, WASHINGTON 98101 TElEPHONE 206-622-5000 SEATILE, WASHINGTON DENVER, COLORADO PHOENIX, ARIZONA ORLANDO, flORIDA COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA WEUESLEY, MASSACHUSETTS INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA FILE NO_ WW-1521-HG2-MB 3110 ~Ir. Fermin Gutierrez, Administrator City and-Borough of Sitka Post Office Box 79 Sitka, Alaska 99835 Dear Rocky: Subject: Re-eva1uation of Electric Generation Program September 27, 1976 As you know, in 1974 we prepared an in-depth analysis of Sitka's Electric System Requirements which resulted in our -recommendation at that time of a program to satisfy the City's power needs through the year 1990. Speci- fically, the program recommendations included the Green Lake Hydroelectric Project initially, followed by an additional unit at Blue Lake and Takatz Lake. These recommendations have been reinforced by additional analyses we have pro- vided over the past two years for the Southeast Conference in support of Water Resources Revolving Loan Fund Legislation and by our work with you over the same period to develop Green Lake. In relation to the appropriation of funds for the State Water Re- sources Revolving Loan Fund, in 1975 the Legislative Budget and Audit Commit- tee engaged the University of Alaska to conduct a broad study of the electric power requirements in Alaska and to prepare a report qn the subject. This report was very much of a broad brush nature because of time and budget limi- tations, but it did list alternative hydroelectric generation sources for a number of communities including Sitka. Because of the obvious broad nature of the data developed for the report, it was inevitable that some of the power output values and costs would be inconsistent and'we find costs are generally low compared to those currently being experienced, while the power potentials are often overstated. In addition we believe that inadequate consideration was given to the transmission line construction difficulties, reliability and costs, for a number of the sites. For example, we determined that transmis- sion line construction costs for some of the projects were calculated assum- ing that certain other projects, such as Green Lake, had previously been de- veloped. This artificially shortened the length of transmission line require- ed for these developments and drastically but inaccurately reduced their cost. 40 36 := 32 ~ "'0 28 >-24 I- 0 20 ~ <t u 16 r ~ 12 <t W CL. 8 4 0 140 120 100 :c 80 ~ ~ 60 CDO I >-40 l!) c::: w z w 20 0 LOAD ~ RESERVES- LOAD GROWTH TAKATZ LAKE ALTERNATIVE -I--- '\. ---------- FIGURE 1 I I I DIESEL 8100 KW 1------ ----.. --I-"" . ~ ---~~r ~AKATZ LAKE I ~ ---25,000 KW-4 UNITS f-N'EW1>IESEL _l.------- ---.r..= ---_oJ f--5,000 KW -2 UNITS II~XI~_~~~ DIESEL 3100KW : 1975-76 1976-77 1~7/-71l 1971l-7!! -- --~ ----;- 19;-~;6 976-77 1977·78 1978-79 I BLUE LAKE 7000 1 KW -i UNIT1S 1979·80 I!JSO-SI MII-82 1982-l!3 19!13-84 1984-8~11985-8611986-87 POWER YEAR PEAK LOAD AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE TAKATZ LAKE 93,330,000 kWh ---------I-~ ----- ",.--~ . , DIESEL BLUE LAKE 44,000,000 kWh 1979·80 19a0-81 1981· 82 1982·83 19;'3-84 1984-85 POWER YEAR ENERGY -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE 1985-86 V-- 1986-87 I 1987-88 1981!-89 1989-90 19!oO-91 ~ ~ ./ ........... I 1987-88 1988-89 1989-9C 1990-91 3= ~ "'0 I >-.... 0 ~ <t 0 ~ <t W 0- :I: 3: ~ "'0 I >-C) 0::: W Z w 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 1.2 8 4 0 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 LOAD GROWTH CARBON LAKE ALTERNATIVE _--I ~ 1---I-DIESEL FIGURE 2 -,-- ~--1""--- V-.-- 8~1~?_.~~ LOAD l' RESERrES-'\. ------~ -- --- 1~7~-76 ..-,..--' I ~ -CARBON LAKE r--: NEW DIESEL -~ 12,250 KW-2 UNITS --' f--5,000 KW -2 UNITS I" EXISTIt:JG DIESEL 3100KW 1 BLUE LAKE 7000 1 KW-f UNIT 1976-7 7 1~77-11l 1978-79 1979-8011980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-8_ 198_..fj!> 1985-86 I!:IA6-87 1987-88 1988-11911999-9C ,1990-91 POWER YEAR PEAK LOAD -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE --~ _~--I DIESEL f..---___ f..- I I L--Yr I 1 1-DIESEL 1 I I .1 1 I 1 I CARBON LAKE 43,674,000 kWh i I i \ 1 I I I I r_~~~r_-r_--r--+--+--+_--+_-,--~~_r-_r--~---.---:----~ BLUE LAKE i 44,000,000 kWh ----t----il---ir------i o t:-:19::::7~~7::1rE [-::91=6-=_ 7771:::197=1-=-7:::-8 t:-:19=78:-:_ 7=9t:19=-=79=--80=+19=-=av-:--::-:81+19=-=8:-1--=-=8 2:-1:1::-::96:::-2 -7.83:+1=-=90:::"3--=-8-:-14 =1984:-:-:-8:-1!> CI985=-=_ 8-=-61:-:9=%:-:::-11:-::-7 1:-:197.8 7:-:--~:-::-8 +-:,~-=8Jj~_t:-::-9..l.:-1 :J=-=e-=-9 -~9,)±1:-::~ !o:-::-Ij--:-:-I), POWER YEAR ENERGY -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANN UAL GROWTH RATE 40 36 3: 32 ~ "'0 28 I 24 >-.... 0 20 ·ft <{ 0 16 ~ 1.2 c::( w n. 8 4 0 140 120 100 ::r: 80 3: ~ 60 "b I >-40 C> a: w z w 20 0 LOAD GROWTH . FIGURE 3 LAKE DIANA ALTERNATIVE -~ --I ................. : NEW DIESEL -,...;..--~ __ -~W-2 U_NI-r:~·. I I LOAD ~ RESER~ES-"" f--I ~ II --f-----~ DIESEL 8,100 KW f-~ f----"" I 1975-76 1976-77 --- 197~76 976-77 ------r I I ____ -NEWDIESE~ -. .. -- .-5,000 KW -2 UNITS I LAKE DIANA 4;700 EXIST'ING DIESEL 3100KW I UNIT BLUE LAKE' I 7000 1 KW-f UNI7 1577-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-8Z 198Z-83 1983-84 '984-851,985-861'986-8711987-88 ---~ 1977-78 1978-79 POWER YEAR PEAK LOAD -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE ~~ ~ ~ V---DIESEL ---V-I ---. LAKE DIANA 15,603,000 kWh BLUE LAKE 44,000,000 kWh J 1979-80 1960-81 1981-8Z 198z-a3 191:13-84'1984-85 POWER YEAR ENERGY -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE 1985-86 1986·87 1987·a8 1 KW 1988-8911989-9oi 19~-91 ~ V ~ i 1988·89 1989-90 1990-91 40 36 ~ 32 ~ "'0 28 I 24 >-t- O 20 ~ <t U 16 ~ 12 <t w 0-8 4 0 140 120 IPO :I: 80 ~ ~ 60 ub I >-40 C> a: w z w 20 0 LOAD GROWTH FIGURE 4 GREEN LAKE ALTERNATIVE DIESEL 7100 KW I--~-T-~ l~ __ I ..... LOAD. RESER~ES-", __ >-------1=-l.-----n V--! ~--~--+_-_-4~-----~~--J~~~+--__ -4~--~~~~~~ GREEN-L-A-KE-r---+---4---~--~ ~_ NEW DIESEL ~I----15,770 KW-3 UNITS ~~~~I .~~~.~--~r---r---+---~~~~~~~---4----~--4 1-_---~ f--4,000 KW -2 UNITS r EXISTING DIESEL 3100KW BLUE LAKE I ~~r---~---+--+---+--+--+~-t 7000 1 KW -, UNI7 --+--+---+--+---1 1975-76 197~71 1971-78 1978-79 1979-801980-81 1981-82 1982-631983-841'984-65 191">5-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 19S9-90119~-91 ~ -, f..--;'-- 1975-7E 976-77 1977-78 - POWER YEAR PEAK LOAD -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE ----r- l--I ~ GREEN V-r.---- LAKE 1---1---62,817,000 kWh --I.--""" DIESEL I 1978-79 BLUE LAKE 44,000,000 kWh 1979-80 19a0-81 1981-82 1982-8j 1~83-84 1984 -85 POWER YEAR ENERGY -AT LOAD CENTER 6% ANNUAL GROWTH RATE 1985-86 - 986-87 1~7-BB .~ L.-""""" I 198B-e9 1989-!:IC 1~90-91