HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric Utility System, Sitka, Alaska, Analysis of Electric System Requirements 1974ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM SITKA, ALASKA ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CITY AND BOROUGH of SITKA, ALASKA R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Seattle, Washington Orlando, Florida Denver, Colorado Columbus, Nebraska Welle.lev, M .... chu.etts Phoenix, Arizona Indianapoli., Indi.n. APRIL 1974 PI,"'''NI''(' IJ[\IC", R,,\ I E \ "''' "'I \ \1 ~ R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES ANALYTICAL AND CO'\ULTI'I(' E'CI'lER\ 200 fOlAfR IlUllillNC L VAll'A 110"" \\'\""'C:U .. \I "T ,IAHLE WA"HINCTON'IHW1 I[[IPHONE 20(, 622SnnO \1"'lTII, \\ASHINC,1<l'J DENVER COL()RAI)(l (,HOE,NIX, ,"'RIZ():"A ORLA'ID(), I LORIIJ'" COlliMRUS NEAR,~SK', WfUI\LlY, ,\1ASSACHl'\IIT' 1",IJIA"~POII\, 1"1)1\"', III1 "() WW-152l-HGl-MX Honorable Members of Assembly City and Borough of Sitka Post Office Box 79 Sitka, Alaska 99835 Gentlemen: Subject: Electric Utility System Report on System Requirements April 30, 1974 We herewith submit a report describing our evaluation of the requirements and potential for development of the municipal electric uti- li ty system. Our investigations show that installation of a third unit at the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project has technical and economic feasibility, but should not be undertaken until later. We have determined that future development of the system should be by installation of additional hydroelectric generation. Several hydro- electric sites appear to have technical feasibility but studies to evaluate the site are required to confirm this and to establish firm cost estimates. To meet the projected load, the Green Lake Project is considered to be the most favorable installation and should be brought into service as soon as possible (December 1978). Installation of Unit 3 at the Blue Lake Project should follow the Green Lake development by about five years. The next development would be the Takatz Project with the first unit in late 1986. In the period prior to the Green Lake Project coming on-line it will be necessary to rely on increased diesel generation. System im- provements including oil storage facilities are therefore required. A significant amount of dependable capacity to~ether with high load factor energy, as well as large amounts of secondary energy, will be available for sale in the early years of the Green Lake Project operation. A contractural commitment to supply maximum amounts of power to the Alaska Lumber & Pulp Company, or other industrial customers, appears to be a pre- requisite to financial arrangements for construction. Honorable Members of Assembly -2-April 30, 1974 We consider the future generation sites recommended in the re- port show sufficient indication of final technical and economic feasibility to warrant the initiation of site evaluation studies. In order to place the Green Lake Project on-line to meet the peak loads in the winter of 1978-1979, the site evaluation should begin in June, 1974. Interim financing will be required to permit the necessary investigation, design, and improvements prior to financing for construction of the Project. We appreciate the cooperation given us by the City during this phase of our services. Respectfully submitted, CERTIFICATE OF ENGINEER CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA, ALASKA ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The technical material and data contained in this report were pre- pared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned, whose seals, as professional engineers licensed to practice as such are affixed below. Richard H. McLemore Executive Engineer R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES ~~~~ ) (.fames V. Williamson Supervising Executive Engineer R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES Section Number I II III IV OUTLINE OF REPORT Title Letter of Transmittal Certificate of Engineer Outline of Report List of Tables List of Figures Summary INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. Authorization Scope of Services Background to Present Study EXISTING SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General Resources a. Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project b. Diesel Plant c. Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company (ALP) Thermal Units Transmission Lines Substations a. Blue Lake Substation b. c. Marine Street Substation Diesel Plant Substation Distribution Historical Loads BLUE LAKE PROJECT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Location General Description of Project Dam and Spillway Intake Tunnels and Penstocks a. General b. Tunnels c. Steel Penstocks Powerhouse HYDROLOGY AND POWER OUTPUT OF BLUE LAKE 1. General 2. Availability of Water 3. Water to ALP 4. Fish Releases Page Number 1-1 1-1 1-1 II-l II-l II-l II-2 II-2 II-3 II-3 II-3 II-3 II-3 II-4 II-4 III-l III-l III-1 III-1 1II-2 1II-2 III-2 1II-2 III-2 1II-3 IV-1 IV-l IV-l IV-l IV-1 Section Number v VI VII 5. 6. OUTLINE OF REPORT (Continued) Title Hydroelectric Generation Reservoir Operation a. Rule Curve b. Firm Energy POTENTIAL NEW GENERATION 1. Blue Lake Expansion a. Description b. Power Output 2. Green Lake Project a. Description b. Geology c. Hydrology and Power Output 3. Takatz Proj ect a. Description b. Geology c. Hydrology and Power Output 4. Other Sites a. Major b. Minor POWER STUDY L 2. 3. General Loads a. Peak Capacity b. Dependable Capacity c. System Load Factor d. Energy e. Load Growth Reserve f. Forced Outage Reserve g. Exports Future Requirements a. System in 1974-75 b. System in 1976-77 c. System in 1978-79 d. System Subsequent to e. Secondary Energy f. Reserves and Exnorts 1980 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST L 2. General Bas is of Cos ts a. b. Direct Construction Cost Contingencies Page Number IV-2 IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 V-l V-l V-l V-l V-l V-l V-2 V-2 V-3 V-3 V-lf V-4 V-4 V-4 V-5 VI-l VI-'l VI-l VI-l VI-l VI-l VI-2 VI-2 VI-2 VI-2 VI-2 VI-2 VI-3 VI-3 VI-3 VI-4 VI-5 VII-l VII-l VII-l VII-l VII-l Section Number VIII IX X XI 3. c. d. e. f. g. OUTLINE OF REPORT (Continued) Title Engineering and Client Administration Escalation Total Construction Cost Capital Investment Cost Bond Issue Construction Cost Estimates a. Green Lake Project b. Blue Lake Expansion c. Takatz Project d. Diesels COST OF POWER 1. 2. 3. 4. General Annual Costs a. Diesels b. c. Green Lake Project Takatz Project Comparison of Diesels and Green Lake Project Comparison Between Green Lake and Takatz Projects PROPOSED PROGRAM OF DEVELOPMENT 1. 2. Improvements Currently Required a. General b. Tie Line to ALP c. System Power Factor d. Blue Lake Substation e. f. g. h. 1. j. Marine Street Substation Fish Release Valves and Uonitoring Reservoir Level Gage Pressure Gages in Powerhouse Oil Storage Facilities Central Control Station Future Generation Program a. General b. Green Lake Project c. Blue Lake Unit 3 d. Takatz Project DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. 2. Conclusions Recorrrrnendations Page Number VII-l VII-l VII-2 VII-2 VII-2 VII-2 VII-2 VII-2 VII-2 VII-3 VIII-l VIII-l VI II-I VIII-l VIII-l VIII-2 VIII-2 VIII-3 IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-l IX-2 IX-2 IX-2 IX-2 IX-2 IX-2 IX-3 IX-3 IX-3 X-l XI-l XI-l XI-l Table Number II-1 II-2 IT-3 IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-4, Sheet IV-4, Sheet IV-5 IV-6 IV-7, Sheet IV-7, Sheet IV-8 V-1 V-2 V-3 VI-l VI-2 VI-3 VI-4 VI-5 VI-6 VI-7 VI-8 VII-1 VII-2 VIII-1 VIII-2 VIII-3 VIlI-4 VIII-5 VIII-6 VIII-7 1 2 1 2 LIST OF TABLES Title Summary of Loads, 1962-1974 System Energy Loads, 1962-1974 Summary of Monthly Energy Loads Sawmill Creek Stream Flow Records Total Precipitation -Gage at Sitka Observatory Historical Water Use -A.L.&P Company Reservoir Operation, Fish Release = 15 cfs Reservoir O~eration, Fish Release = 50 cfs Blue Lake Project, Historical Energy Generation Blue Lake Project, Rule Curve Operation of Reservoir Available Energy with Rule Curve Operation, Fish Release = 15 cfs Available Energy with Rule Curve Operation, Fish Release = 50 cfs Firm Energy Available with Different Fish Releases Green Lake Outlet -Recorded Runoff in Acre-feet Green Lake Project -Estimate of Firm Energy Takatz Creek -Recorded Runoff in Acre-feet Forecast of Loads System Energy Loads, 1962-1974 Summary of Monthly Energy Loads Forecast of Loads -Summary of Monthly Loads Summanr of Loads and Resources, 1974-1979 Summary of Loads and Resources, 1979-1990 Anticipated Load Increases Power Available to ALP with Reserve Sharing Green Lake Project -Cost Estimate SummarY Takatz Project -Cost Estimate Summary Fixed Cost of New Diesel Installations Estimated Cost of Diesel Fuel Annual Cost of Power -Diesel Units Annual Costs -New Hydroelectric Projects Details of Annual Costs -New Hydroelectric Projects Green Lake Project -Annual Cost of Power, 1979-90 Comparative Costs of Hydroelectric Generation Figure Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LIST OF FIGURES Title Location Map Blue Lake Project -Existing Arrangement Blue Lake Reservoir -Area-Capacity Curve Blue Lake Project -Reservoir Rule Curve Green Lake Project -Proposed Arrangement Green Lake Project -Proposed Dam Arrangement Green Lake Reservoir -Area-Capacity Curves Takatz Project -Proposed Arrangement Takatz Reservoir -Area-Capacity Curves Load Growth Curve -Peak Load Load Growth Curve -Energy Load Load Duration Curves Comparative Cost of Power Cost of Continued Diesel Generation vs Green Lake Project Design and Construction Schedule SUMMARY In order to develop plans for meeting its long-term requirements for generating resources in the most economical and dependable manner, the City of Sitka has begun investigation of potential hydroelectric sites in the area. This report presents a discussion of the forecast of loads and re- sources, hydrology and reservoir operation of the Blue Lake Project, potential new sites for hydroelectric development, economic comparisons of alternative plans of development, a proposed program of development and a schedule for such development. It is determined that installation of a third unit with a capacity of 4,000 kW at the Blue Lake Project is desirable, but should be preceded by installation of a new hydroelectric project since the critical requirement of the City is for additional energy. Economic comparisons of alternative programs for system development show that a system composed entirely of hydroelectric generating resources has economic feasibility, and sites are available in the general vicinity which show potential of having technical feasibility. The most favorable site for initial development appears to be the Green Lake site. A proposed schedule of development is included in the report which requires that the Green Lake Project be on-line late in 1978 to meet the peak loads during that winter, and that Unit 3 of the Blue Lake Project be on-line late in 1983. The Takatz Project would be developed to be on-line late in 1986. Large amounts of power will be available for sale subsequent to de- velopment of the Green Lake Project and contractual arrangements for sale of this power should be initiated. Location of new industrial facilities with large load requirements in the area would require an accelerated development of the proposed program. Firm contractual agreements for purchase of power ap- pear to be essential to financing arrangements for construction of the project. The proposed schedule of development recommends investigations into the Green Lake Site, proceeding with arrangements for financing the investiga- tions, application for FPC license, final feasibility studies, and construction of the Green Lake Project upon determination of final feasibility and financial arrangements. In order to maintain the proposed schedule, investigations of the Green Lake site are to begin in June 1974. Since a large amount of diesel generation will be required prior to completion of the Green Lake Project, in- stallation of oil storage facilities at the diesel plant are recommended to be done immediately. SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1. AUTHORIZATION The work described in this report was authorized by an Agreement for Engineering Services dated December 20, 1973, and which was approved by the City and Borough of Sitka on December 27, 1973. The scope of work to be furnished is described in the Agreement for Engineering Services and is outlined in this report. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES The complete scope of work includes the following: a. Field inspection of the electric system, including the features of the Blue Lake Project which will relate to a future safety inspection for the Federal Power Conunission (FPC). b. A study of the hydrology of the Blue Lake Project including a review of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) gage on Sawmill Creek. The study would also include an analysis of generation and reservoir operation, the use of water by the Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company (ALP), the fish releases and reservoir spillway discharges, and an analysis of the hydraulic characteristics of the power tunnel and penstocks. c. An analysis of the historic load data, and a preliminary forecast of loads, and establishment of load duration curves for the system. d. A review of possible methods for increasing the hydroelectric genera- tion during the study period, in the near future (1974-1977), and in the period subsequent to 1980. The short-range methods would include a study of the advis- ability of installing a third unit at the Blue Lake Project and the desirability of increasing reservoir storage by raising the crest of the dam and spillway. The long-range methods would include preliminary consideration of potential sites for additional hydroelectric generation such as Takatz Lake and Green Lake. e. Preparation of a schedule for development of resources to meet the forecast load conditions. f. Preparation of preliminary cost estimates for the potential devel- opments. The estimates would be based on a cost-per kilowatt basis and would be in accordance with previous broad-base estimates by the Alaska Power Admin- istration (APA) and the FPC. g. Preparation of a report discussing the results of the current in- vestigations. 3. BACKGROUND TO PRESENT STUDY Since the completion of the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project in 1961 the water availability at the project had the potential to produce more energy than required by the loads of the City, even during the driest years of the 1-2 period, but by 1973 the load requirements of the City developed to a magnitude which approached the total firm energy which could be generated at the project. Concurrently, the runoff from the Blue Lake watershed was very low in 1973. The combination of these events has resulted in a severe drawdown of the reservoir, and since it can be anticipated that such drawdowns will occur even under more normal runoff conditions as the load requirements increase, a study of reservoir operating methods to obtain maximum generation from the project is desirable. During the same period a national shortage of fuel oil occurred and is expected to continue during the foreseeable future. The decreased supply of fuel oil was accompanied by a significant increase in costs. The City has die- sel generating units which are more than sufficient to provide the required addi- tional generation for the City, but the cost of such generation will be very high and the uncertain availability of generating fuel will affect the dependability of this generation. As a result it was decided to investigate the feasibility of additional hydroelectric generation for the City. In the recent decade many studies have been performed for Sitka and other Alaskan cities to compare the economic advantages of single-purpose hydro- electric projects with small diesel units. These studies have usually concluded that the diesel units were more desirable with the prevailing costs at that time and the larger capital investment required for the hydro. This situation has altered significantly at the present time as discussed above, and the City au- thorized this study to determine the potential for more effective operation of the Blue Lake Project and the desirability of additional hydroelectric installa- tions to meet the increased loads from future development of the electric utility system. SECTION II EXISTING SYSTEM 1. GENERAL Si tka is located on the wes t coas t of Baranof Island approximately 95 miles south-southwest of Juneau and 92 miles west-northwest of Petersburg. Sitka Sound lies to the west of the City and forms a channel directly into the Gulf of Alaska. Eastern Channel is located to the south of the City and forms a channel connection between Sitka Sound and Silver Bay with the mouth of Silver Bay being located about four miles southeast of town. The powerhouse of the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project is located near the mouth of Sawmill Creek which flows southwest into Silver Bay at a point about one and one-half miles from the mouth. The powerhouse is about four airline miles east of town and access is by the Sitka Highway. Blue Lake is located about one mile upstream on Sawmill Creek and is about 335 feet higher in elevation. Access to the Blue Lake Dam is from the Sitka Highway by means of a secondary road. The diesel generating plant is located approximately one mile north- west of city center on a major route of the City's street and road system. A location map of the area is shown in Fig. 1. 2. RESOURCES a. Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project The powerhouse installation consists of two Francis turbines mounted horizontally, and connected to individual generators each rated at 3,750 kVA with an 80% power factor. The output at rated capacity is 3,000 kW and the turbines are rated at 5,200 HP with 267 feet net head operating at a speed of 600 rpm. All powerhouse equipment was manufactured by Tokyo ShibAura Electric Company (Toshiba). Tests were made in January, 1974, by the powerhouse staff and per- sonnel from R. W. Beck and Associates to determine the overload potential of the units. The maximtml generator load attained was 4,480 kVA at a power factor of 87% to give an output of 3,900 kW. This output was attained with a net head of approximately 272 feet. This test did not result in excessive temperature rises in either the generators or the transformers, but the tests were restricted at this level due to a 600 Ampere rating of the current transformers. It is concluded that the two units can be safely operated to pro- duce a dependable capacity of 7,000 kW, with compatible transformers, under the minimum head conditions which will result from rule curve operation of the re- servoir during the winter peak period. The dependable capacity of the plant at the minimum reservoir level shown by the rule curve (in May) is considered to be about 5,600 kW. The firm energy content of the reservoir is estimated to be 32,000,000 kWh as discussed later in this report. 11-2 b. Diesel Plant The diesel plant contains four units as follows: (1) Unit #1 is a Fairbanks Morse prime-mover driving a generator rated at 375 kVA, with a power factor of 80%, 2,400 Volts, at 300 rpm; the dependable capacity is 300 kW. (2) Unit #2 is a Enterprise prime-mover driving an Electric Machinery generator rated at 625 kVA, with a power factor of 80%, 2,400 Volts, at 900 rpm; the dependable capacity is 500 kW. (3) Unit #3 is a GMC prime-mover driving a Westinghouse generator rated at 375 kVA, with a power factor of 80%, 2,400 Volts, at 1,200 rpm; the dependable capacity is 300 kW. (4) Unit #4 is a Fairbanks Morse prime-mover driving a generator rated at 2,500 kVA, with a power factor of 80%, 12,470 Volts, at 720 rpm; the dependable capacity is 2,000 kW. The diesel plant has a combined capacity of 3,100 kW. Each diesel unit, of course, has its own heat rate, which is inherent with the equipment and which is also affected by the method of operation of that particular unit. An average heat rate for all diesel units of 10,000 BTU per kilowatt-hour has been assumed as being a practical value for the operation as anticipated by this study. A mean value of 140,000 BTU per gallon for No. 2 fuel oil is assumed re- sulting in the energy output of all diesel units being estimated at 14 kWh per gallon of diesel fuel. With the current cost of diesel fuel of $0.33/gallon the cost of diesel generation is 23.6 mills/kWh, not including the fixed costs of operation and maintenance. c. Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company (ALP) Thermal Units ALP has an installation of steam generation with a total capacity of approximately 25,000 kVA. These units are fired by waste materials assisted by oil. The ALP distribution system is interconnected to the low-voltage cables of the Blue Lake generator step-up transformers. The tie is a double 2/0 copper circuit which has a nominal capacity of 5,000 kVA, however a short section of the tie has a lower capacity which restricts the dependable capacity of the tie to approximately 2,500 kVA. Breakers are provided at each end of the tie which allows power to be transferred in either direction, and makes ex- change agreements between ALP and the City possible. An agreement provides for exchanges of energy being repayable in kind on a monthly basis. Any imbalances in energy exchanges are paid at the rate of 10 mills/kWh at the end of each month, with the same rate being applicable to either party to the agreement. II-3 Although the ALP has small amounts of capacity available for export on an emergency basis, it is anticipated that increased loads within its own system will significantly reduce this possibility by the latter part of 1974. The ALP system operates on a high load factor which prevents any large transfer of off-peak energy to the City. The high plant factor indicates essentially con- tinuous operation at close to peak load condition, which would cause any energy transfer to be accompanied by a loss of peak capacity to ALP. Further the ex- cess energy is probably being fired by Bunker C oil which has increased signi- ficantly in cost. In addition the system has need of capacitive reactive capa- b ility. 3. TRANSMISSION LINES A 34.5 kV transmission line, approximately five miles long, connects the Blue Lake Substation with the Marine Street Substation which is located near the system load center. The conductor is 2/0 ACSR on wood poles. The ultimate capaci ty of the line, assuming that the power factor of the sys tern can be improv- ed to about 96%, would be approximately 11,500 kVA, and the line would conduct power at this level with acceptable power losses and voltage drops. The line is considered to have sufficient capacity for installation of a third unit at Blue Lake as originally planned. 4. SUBSTATIONS a. Blue Lake Substation This station consists of the step-up transformers for the hydroelec- tric plant and for power received from ALPC and transmitted to the load center. Three single-phase units, each rated at 2,500 kVA, transform the output from generator voltage at 4160 Volts to transmission line level. The high voltage side has five taps which range from 32.6-kV to 36.2-kV. At present, the trans- mission level is about 33.5-kV. One spare unit is provided to prevent any ex- tended outage from failure or accident to a transformer unit. b. Marine Street Substation This station is located near the system load center and serves to reduce the transmission voltage level to that of the primary feeder lines which operate at 12,470 Volts. Three single-phase units, each rated at 2,500 kVA, and one spare unit, are located in the yard. c. Diesel Plant Substation This station contains three single-phase units, each rated at SOO-kVA, and provide transformation of voltage from Diesel Units Nos. 1, 2 and 3. The generator outputs are at 2,400 Volts which are stepped-up to pri- mary feeder line level at 12,470 Volts. The generator voltage of Diesel Unit No.4 is at 12,470 Volts and the generator bus connects directly to the primary feeder line. 11-4 5. DISTRIBUTION The Marine Street Substation supplies four primary feeder lines at 12,470 Volts, three-phase, which ar~ stepped-down to 7,200 Volts for the dis- tribution system. The power factor of the system is low, but it is estimated that approximately 1,000 kVAR of capacitors will increase the power factor to approximately 96% with the present load conditions. The capacitors can be installed in the Marine Street Substation, or individual capacitor banks to- taling 1,000 kVAR can be installed in the distribution system. The most de- sirable location appears to be in the substation since it is near the load center, but this should be confirmed so that installation can proceed accord- ing to schedule. The reactive requirement of the system is being supplied by the hydroelectric units at the present time. Improvement of the power fac- tor to about 93% will allow the Blue Lake units to produce power at 3,500 kW each without exceeding the kVA rating of the generators or step-up transform- ers. 6. HISTORICAL LOADS Records of historical loads have been maintained by the City and include monthly energy demands and monthly peaks, from which annual energy and peak, as well as annual and monthly system load factors can be obtained. The annual peak of the system occurs during the winter season, us- ually in December or January, although the peak has occurred some years in Nov- ember. Thus the peak load for an individual season could occur in either of two calendar years, and if the annual energy is measured by calendar year, in- consistencies will exist in determination of the system load factor for suc- cessive years. For the purposes of this report loads have been grouped into power years which are assumed to be from July 1 of one year until June 30 of the suc- ceeding year. In this way, the annual peak occurs in mid-year and is clearly defined. A summary of historical loads for Sitka from July 1, 1962 until the present time, which considers the effects of exchanges with ALP, is shown in Table 11-1. As shown, during the past decade the system load factor has effec- tively stabilized at about 55% and this value has been used in forecasting fu- ture energy demands. A tabulation of historical monthly energy demands, grouped by power years, is shown in Table 11-2. A summary of monthly energy demands ex- pressed as percentages of the annual demand and including monthly load factors is shown in Table 11-3. Power Year 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 Peak Capac ity kW 5,500 4,950 5,300 5,150 5,300 6,200 6,050 6,400 5,985 CITY OF SITKA SUMMARY OF LOADS 1962 -1974 Energy 1,000 kW h 18,419.2 22,220.9 24,544.5 22,368.4 22,872.7 24,658.2 25,728.1 26,640.6 28,889.0 29,979.5 30,653.7 Average Capacity kW 2,102.6 2,536.6 2,801. 9 2,553.5 2,611.0 2,814.9 2,937.0 3,041. 2 3,297.3 3,422.3 3,499.3 Note: All loads adjusted for transfers to and from ALP TABLE II-I Load Factor % 46.1 5l. 6 49.3 54.7 55.4 53.2 56.6 54.7 CITY OF SITKA SYSTEM ENERGY LOADS 1962 -1974 1,000 kW h POWER YEARf, ~ ~ ~ Oct. Nov. Dec. --- 1962-63 1,214.0 1,302.1 1,363.7 1,543.6 1,627.0 1,797.1 1963-64 1,505.6 1,632.0 1, 703.0 1,898.4 2,00".7 2,087.1 1964-65 1,625.4 1,711.3 1,838.3 1,986.1 2,153.5 2,477.2 1965-66 1,782.9 1,989.6 1,755.2 1,710.3 1,904.5 2, 162. 5 1966-67 1,446.3 1,642.6 1,735.7 1,911.5 1,987.7 2,197.3 1967-68 1,610.0 1,702.0 1,824.4 2,055.3 2,187.8 2,411.1 1968-69 1,769,9 1,867.9 2,011.8 2,207.1 2,194.8 2,495.2 1969-70 1,972.1 1,Y73.2 2,085.2 2,247.5 2,335.0 2,482.1 1970-71 2,063.7 2,112.4 2,236.3 2,444.3 2,497.5 2,843.2 1971-72 2,038.8 2,118.4 2,276.1 2,493.4 2,530.0 2,917.4 1972-73 2,108.9 2,168. 5 2,383.5 2,268.9 2,694.5 3,030.0 1973-74 2,207.2 2,273.1 2,342.8 2,682.0 2,878.0 2, 527. 7 f("Example: Power year 1962-63 is from July 1 ,1962 through June 30,1963. ~ Feb. Mar. ~ --- 1,b74.R 1,5l7.5 1,690.8 1,638.2 2,102.2 1,936.0 2,04:>.0 1,891.1 2,478.6 2,120.0 2,248.7 2,107.7 2,127.1, 1,8 '3.6 1,9%.9 1,774.1 2,201.9 1,952.7 2,256.6 1,976.3 2,509.8 2,263.4 2,276.7 2,120.2 2, i 26. 1 2,212.3 2,354.6 2,089.9 2,612.1 2,2 OS. 3 2,377.3 2,248.1 2,882.5 2,413.4 2,616.8 2,421.4 3,011.4 2,727.6 2,756.5 2,546.4 3,055.6 2,70".3 2,864.6 2,"69.9 2,798.9 2,418. J ~ June 1,616.8 1,433.6 1,834.0 1,578.8 2,004.7 1,19l.0 1,728.5 1,562.7 1,881.1 1,683.0 1,956.7 1,740.8 2,018.5 1, "80. ° 2, 190. 9 1,911.8 2,331.2 2,021. 3 2,410.3 2,153.2 2,526.1 2,280,9 Annual lR,419.2 22,220.9 24,544.5 22,368.4 22,872.7 24,6)8.2 25,728.1 n,6!,0.6 28,884.0 29,979.5 30,653.7 H G; r-< tr:I H H N SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ENERGY LOADS (Percent of Annual) Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 1967-68 6.53 6.50 7.40 8.33 8.87 9.78 10.18 9.18 1968-69 6.88 7.26 7.82 8.58 8.53 9. 70 10.60 8.60 1969-70 7.40 7.41 7.83 8.44 8.76 9.32 9.80 8.28 1970-71 7.14 7.31 7.74 8.47 8.65 9.84 9.98 8.36 1971-72 6.80 7.07 7.59 8.32 8.44 9.73 10.05 9.10 1972-73 6.88 7.01 7. 78 7.40 8.79 9.88 9.97 8.82 Average 6.94 7.17 7.69 8.26 8.67 9.71 10.10 8. 72 Load Factor 64.2 67.7 72 .1 67.3 69.2 62.9 65.4 69.6 Mar. 9.23 8.60 9.15 8.12 8.92 8.44 9.06 8.38 9.19 8.49 9.35 8.38 9.15 8.90 70.5 65.4 June 7.94 7.06 7.84 6.92 8.22 7.18 8.07 7.00 8.04 7.18 8.24 7.44 8.06 7.13 67.4 70.2 H H i UJ SECTION III BLlffi LAKE PROJECT 1. LOCATION The Blue Lake Project is located adjacent to Silver Bay approxi- mately five miles from the system load center by highway. The Sitka Highway follows the shoreline of Silver Bay and extends a short distance beyond Saw- mill Cove into which Sm.mull Creek discharges. The ALP mill and Blue Lake Project powerhouse are located a short distance upstream of Sawmill Cove. The portion of Sawmill Creek immediately upstream of the powerhouse tailrace is locally referred to as the "Gorge" and is about 1400 feet in length. The dam which impounds Blue Lake is about 6000 feet upstream of the powerhouse tailrace. The general arrangement of the project is shown in Fig. 2. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project consists of a reservoir, concrete arch dam, intake structure, two tunnels which are connected by a steel penstock, powerhouse, substation and transmission line to the load center. It went into operation in 1961. The reservoir was created by ralslng Blue Lake to its present level by construction of a concrete arch dam across Sawmill Creek a short distance downstream of the previous natural outlet of Blue Lake. Construction of the dam raised the water surface level from Elev. 205 to Elev. 342 feet (spillway crest level) and provided a total storage volume of 145,000 acre-feet. The surface area of Blue Lake at normal maximum reservoir level (Elev. 342) is 1,225 acres. Operation of the reservoir is described in a subsequent portion of this report. 3. DAM AND SPILLWAY The dam is a concrete arch structure located in a deep gorge of Saw- mill Creek a short distance downstream of the main body of the reservoir. The dam is approximately 225-feet high, has a crest length of 256 feet and a crest width of 8-feet. The sound rock surface in the stream was located approximately 70-feet below the original ground surface so that the low point of the dam is approximately at El. 125. The crest of the dam is at El 351 providing a free- board of 9 feet from normal maximum reservoir level. The spillway has an uncontrolled crest located in the center of the concrete arch. The crest includes a downstream extension to provide a flip- bucket effect to discharges. The spillway crest is essentially an ogee-type and has a length of 138.57 feet. Maximum discharge without overtopping the dam is estimated to be approximately 14,000 cfs. Derrick stone and riprap have been placed downstream of the dam to prevent degradation of the stream bed and under- cutting of the dam by flow from the spillway. 111-2 4. INTAKE The power intake structure is located several hundred feet from the dam adjacent to the access road on the right abutment. The structure is equipped with a bulkhead gate, a by-pass line and gate, fixed wheel gate, trash racks and air vent. Guides are provided on the abutment slope and the gates are raised by cables connected to a power winch, and are lowered by gravity. The center-line of the intake structure is at Elev. 210 and it is estimated that a submergence of approximately 20 feet will provide an efficient operat- ing level. The proposed drawdown of the reservoir is to El 252 which allows more than adequate submergence. 5. TUNNELS AND PENSTOCKS a. General A tunnel (upper tunnel) connects the intake structure to a portal located on the right bank of Sawmill Creek approximately 1800 feet downstream of the dam. A similar portal for a second tunnel (lower tunnel) is located on the left bank of the stream. The portals are connected by a steel penstock which crosses Sawmill Creek and is supported by concrete piers. The lower tunnel has an exit portal near the ALP settling basin and filter plant approximately 300 feet from the powerhouse. Downstream of this portal a steel penstock con- tinues to a manifold with branches for each of the two existing units and a stubbed-off section for the proposed third unit. b. Tunnels 1. Upper Tunnel This portion of the power conduit is essentially an II-foot 6-inch by II-foot 6-inch unlined horseshoe section approximately 1,535-feet long. Local areas of the tunnel have been provided with concrete lining due to adverse rock conditions, resulting in a 10-foot by 10-foot horseshoe sec- tion. A short transition section is provided at the upstream end of this tun- nel to connect the major portion of the tunnel to the intake structure. 2. Lower Tunnel This portion of the power conduit is essentially a 10-foot by 10-foot horseshoe section and is approximately 4995 feet long. Local areas of this tunnel are also provided with concrete lining due to rock con- ditions at these locations. The lined areas in this tunnel are 7-feet 10- inches by 7-feet 10-inches horseshoe sections. The downstream portal of this tunnel is approximately at El 77. c. Steel Penstocks 1. Sawmill Creek Crossing This portion of the power conduit is an 84-inch steel pipe approximately 508-feet long. A 36-inch steel pipe is stubbed-off the penstock 1II-3 near the right-bank portal to allow diversion of water from the penstock into Sawmill Creek, presently being controlled by a badly damaged l2-inch valve. The valve is only partially open at the present time, and due to a significant vibration and leakage problem at the valve, it is deemed prudent not to attempt further operation of the valve until the penstock can be unwatered and a new valve system installed. 2. Downstream Section and Manifold The section of power conduit downstream of the tunnel portal is again an 84-inch steel pipe which terminates in a manifold. Three 60-inch steel pipe connections are provided to allow individual penstocks into the turbine scroll cases. The connection for the proposed third unit is closed with a blind flange. A short distance downstream of the tunnel portal the penstock is tapped to divert water for ALP requirements. One 36-inch steel pipe diverts a portion of the water into a forebay area from which it flows by gravity through a settling basin and filter bed and thence is piped by gravity into the mill area. One l6-inch steel pipe diverts additional water, at penstock pressure, into the mill area. A second l6-inch steel pipe is used to provide backwash water for the filter bed. Overflows from the forebay and backwashing operation discharge dir- ectly into Sawmill Creek in the "Gorge" portion of the stream. 6. POWERHOUSE The powerhouse is a conventional indoor reinforced concrete struc- ture housing two generating units. Each unit consists of a Francis turbine, rated at 5,200 hp connected by a horizontal shaft to a generator rated at 3,750 kVA (3,000 kW). The machines operate at a synchronous speed of 600 rpm. The generator output is at 4,160 Volts which is stepped-up to transmission line voltage of 33,500 by three single-phase transformers, each rated at 2,500 kVA, located near the powerhouse structure. The powerhouse tailrace empties into Sawmill Creek approximately 400 feet upstream of the mouth and the tailwater level is controlled by a weir in the tailrace channel. SECTION IV HYDROLOGY AND POWER OUTPUT OF BLUE LAKE 1. GENERAL Average monthly discharge records are available for Sawmill Creek for 28 complete water years. These records were obtained from stream gages installed and operated by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). While the stream gaging was in different locations during the entire period of record, (1921 through 1957) the locations were within a few hundred feet of each other, and the records can effectively be considered as for the same drainage area. The drainage area upstream of the gage is approximately 39.0 square miles, while the drainage area upstream of Blue Lake Dam is approximately 37.0 square miles. The data for complete water years of record converted to monthly runoff in acre- feet, are shown in tabulated form in Table IV-l. As shown in the table the long- term average annual runoff is 351,040 acre-feet and the maximum and minimum annual runoffs are 519,020 acre-feet and 230,140 acre-feet respectively. The average annual runoff during the latest period of record (1946-1957), however, is 320,200 acre-feet and from this the adjusted (for drainage area) average annual discharge of Blue Lake is estimated to be approximately 420 cfs, but reservoir operation and contractual and regulatory water requirements reduce the water available for generation significantly. These items are discussed in detail in subsequent portions of this report. 2. AVAILABILITY OF WATER Long periods of record for total precipitation are available for stations in Sitka and on Japonski Island. Table IV-2 shows the total precipita- tion recorded at a station located at the Sitka Observatory from 1950 until the present time. As shown in the table, the average annual precipitation for the period of record is 92.4 inches. If a loss of 10% is assumed for evapo-trans- piration and infiltration, the resulting runoff would be approximately 4435 acre- feet per square mile, or about 6.1 cfs per square mile. Based on this precipitation the average annual runoff of Blue Lake would be about 226 cfs, as compared to the 420 cfs estimated from gaged runoffs. This shows that the total precipitation over the Blue Lake drainage basin is about 190% of that gaged in Sitka. This ratio is not unusual in Southeast Alaska where great changes in precipitation occur over relatively small distances and changes in elevation. 3. WATER TO ALP Water is supplied to the ALP on a contractual basis for operation of the mill. The contract amounts are 35 mgd supplied at El 175, and 15 mgd sup- plied at penstock pressure. The water is supplied by one 30-inch and two 16- inch lines tapped into the penstock near the downstream portal. The flow from each line is metered and records are available of monthly use by the mill. The last decade of water withdrawals by ALP, expressed in acre-feet per month, is shown in Table IV-3. Calculations for power output of the reservoir are based on ALP utilizing their full allocation of water of 50 mgd (77 cfs) at all times. 4. FISH RELEASES The FPC license for the Blue Lake Project contains a requirement that a constant release of water be made into Sawmill Creek in the amount of 50 cfs, IV-2 the release being made at the point where the steel penstock crosses Sawmill Creek. A 36-inch steel pipe branch is located on the right bank of Sawmill Creek. At the present time a l2-inch gate valve is flange mounted on the end of the 36-inch line. A severe leakage problem exists due to inadequate connections of the valve to the flange and perhaps the flange to the 36-inch pipe. The valve has severe cavitation erosion and vibrates when discharging. At the present time the valve is partially open and is discharging an estimated 20 cfs. The vibration of the valve could lead to structural failure and loss of the valve and it is considered that any attempt now to operate the valve could precipi- tate this failure. Loss of the valve would result in drawdown of the reservoir to El 206, the invert of the power intake, some 136 feet. Since no back-up valve has been provided, it will be necessary to close the intake gate to de- water the power conduit to replace the damaged valve, which cannot be done un- til ice has cleared from the reservoir sufficiently to permit a diver to assist in operating the intake gate. Sitka has filed a request with the FPC for amendment of the license to obtain relief from the mandatory 50 cfs fish release. It is anticipated that if fish releases can be varied throughout the year the total water require- ments can be reduced, and sufficient water still be provided for sustaining fish life in the downstream portion (primarily the "Gorge" section) of the stream. A monitoring program is proposed during the forthcoming year to vary the re- leases and to provide a simultaneous review by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the US Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife as to the adequacy of stream flows at that time to maintain fish life. It is anticipated that the intake gate can be operated in late spring this year, and the damaged fish release valve be replaced at that time. Since lead times of one to two years are not unusual in procuring larger regu- lating valves suitable for flow modulation, (Howell-Bunger) the City has pro- cured a 10-inch globe valve which was readily available, so that replacement can be made expeditiously and thereby remove the danger of loss of reservoir. An l8-inch gate valve has been obtained and will be installed to act as a back- up valve, with operation planned in the open-shut mode only. With the back-up valve, any future replacement of the regulating valve would not require closure of the intake gate. The l8-inch gate valve in combination with the 10-inch globe valve will discharge about 23 cfs during average summer reservoir conditions. To release 50 cfs under minimum reservoir conditions would require replacement of the globe valve with a l4-inch Howell-Bunger valve. Calculations for power outputs from the project have been based on fish releases of 15 cfs and 50 cfs to provide a range of comparison, since the magnitude of future releases has not yet been established. 5. HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION As shown in Table IV-l, the minimum water year of record at the gaging station on Sawmill Creek had a runoff of 230,140 acre-feet. This runoff, when adjusted to the Blue Lake drainage basin, represents a corresponding in- flow of approximately 220,000 acre-feet into Blue Lake. Under the low-runoff conditions which Sitka is now experiencing, it is considered desirable to es- tablish a rule curve for reservoir operation which will allow complete reservoir recovery on an annual basis. To provide a more realistic basis for this type of IV-3 operation some adjustments were made to the low-water year of record mentioned above. The monthly and annual inflows assumed for the synthetic minimum-water year are shown in Table IV-4. The table also shows allocations of water for ALP, and fish releases of both 15 cfs and 50 cfs, and provides the basis for annual distribution of power releases and for determination of the firm energy available from rule curve operation. It further shows similar values for an average water year. Table IV-4 shows that in a minimum water year with 50 cfs fish releases the water available for generation is 118,660 acre-feet and with 15 cfs fish releases the value is 144,210 acre-feet, representing some 22% in- crease in dependable hydroelectric energy. A tabulation of historical energv generation from the project is shown in Table IV-5. Although some spillway discharges will no doubt occur in wet years, as the system load increases these occurrences will become more infrequent. In years of higher runoff, large amounts of secondary energy can be generated by the existing units, and with installation of a third unit and increase in de- mand, it is anticipated that the runoff from wet years can be converted into firm energy without provision of additional storage. Firm energy is defined as the amount of energy which can be ob- tained on a dependable annual basis, and is based on rule curve operation of the reservoir in a minimum water year. Secondary energy is that available over and above the firm energy in any individual year. The amounts of secondary energy available will, of course, vary from year to year depending on the avail- ability of water in excess of the minimum year runoff. 6. RESERVOIR OPERATION a. Rule Curve An area-volume curve of the Blue Lake reservoir is shown in Fig. 3. As shown in the curve the total storage volume is 145,000 acre-feet at normal maximum reservoir El 342 (spillway crest elevation). With the bottom of the storage pool assumed at El 252, the total volume available for regulation of inflow is 86,000 acre-feet. Traditional reservoir operating practices dictate a residual draw- down in reservoirs during very low water years, with refilling to take place in succeeding wetter years. However, the erratic nature of the past few years of runoff does not appear to be representative of long-term records and it is con- sidered appropriate for Blue Lake to be operated on a rule curve, with annual recovery, at the present time. The proposed method of operation is shown in Table IV-4, for a mini- mum water year with both 15 cfs and 50 cfs allocations for fish releases. For comparison an average water year is also shown for each condition. Annual opera- tion by the rule curve will produce a drawdown of approximately 90 feet, to Elev. 252, and will utilize 86,000 acre-feet of storage. A tabulation of rule curve operation is shown in Table IV-6, and is shown graphically in Fig. 4. b. Firm Energy The firm energy available from rule curve operation is summarized in Table IV-7 for both 15 cfs and 50 cfs fish releases. A comparison of firm energy available with different fish releases, is shown in Table IV-8. As can be seen, in 1978 the loss of hydrogeneration for a 50 cfs versus a 15 cfs con- I~6 tinuous fish release, amounts to a value of about $200,000 annually based on replacement fuel cost for diesel generation. The energy available in an aver- age water year is also shown to provide an estimate of the potential average amount of secondary energy which will be available. Since required fish releases have not been determined at this time, a value for firm energy from the Blue Lake Project of 32,000,000 kWh has been used in power studies of the system. I Y21 1 YL 2 I Y)2 1 y 3 j 19 ),'. I y39 1 '1~O 1941 1942 14:'6 1947 1 ~! ':> () 1 y ~ 1 I Y ')11 AVERAGE 2 j , GOO 1 Y , 900 c)9,OOD 1">,200 .41l,70Il 40{} -, I, L UO :.. i , 1 no 4U,I;(]rJ )l,0()O ')4, LOO 21,100 44, ::(I() 2 1,700 -'d,600 !+g. 21JI) 'iU, nUD 20,100 30,900 59,400 91,600 LOl,OI)() 74,O'iO Lt,lOO 42,O.'.U 27,61n 06,220 29,660 39,160 27,7UO 55,430 31.800 67,070 18.150 ~h.810 46,190 )7,140 37,970 19,160 c)O.,~7(1 , L 1 () 1-'" H3D L 3, r;/rl ':I, I:lHJ ~h, 120 II-l ':'YI) (-'.i,9JU 'pi,870 h'i, I h(1 18,12(] l'J,MJ(l 32,010 j2, ')h() 14,760 ~~~ J6,4'1(\ 48,140 32,2hO ). ')00 26,60n 2S,8ll0 I r), 3no sn, lOU g,I60 8,850 7,620 13, ')00 43,300 33, ROO 22,860 24.790 21,040 16,080 7,420 7, "70 5,700 Il,580 6.850 1 080 10, I flO 12,410 18. hr)(l j 7,600 J,240 17 ,560 S,5;::0 H,36U 22,000 'i,D9Q 14, hOIl 14,000 7,870 15,000 8, bOO L 7,100 17,200 13,280 15,910 10,650 11,710 30,620 6,910 10,080 22,260 14,890 l,0711 -4, rJ'H) 0, ..:.YO 7, lno 9,720 l, tl40 R,/O() 11,330 SAT..JMILI. CREEK STREAM FLOW RECORDS RUNOFF IN ACRE-FEr.T 6,280 2,780 8,000 I I , 100 19,000 8,400 7,500 20, SOO 35,800 5,620 8,850 11 .. ,880 9,870 9,180 12,630 12,150 3,010 5,480 4,230 4,500 2, '>()O 1,840 J, Q20 ,7 ,':"8D ":2,210 8, J70 :1,6')0 .:., S 70 9,430 Ha r. ],970 1, ')LO 15,800 8, '))0 0,520 8,180 3, J JO 11,100 9,530 21,800 8,610 13,120 8,420 7,990 13,24[) 7, I SO 4,500 22,4')0 J,240 8,030 2,700 2,870 ). bOO 8,050 j, .-'180 8, h')O '3,400 J,460 7,980 7,560 6,840 II, !~OO 17,40() l7, 'lOO J ,800 lfJ, no~) 21,600 13,000 39,400 1 ~, 900 10,860 12,150 1 b, 550 19,170 14,610 5,790 17. no 9,8bO 4,480 g. t;~U 10, 96() 12,800 3,84rJ n, 81 0 9,200 8,09 0 12,530 25,600 30,000 l6,900 34,700 34,200 41,100 j 5,900 46,7 DO 52,900 JO,700 35,880 26,900 29,400 21,950 43,300 19,63U 40,970 41,280 34,600 21, 751) } 1, '),)0 32,430 42,010 28, 110 I g, (61) 42, 77 0 30,4tH) 34.040 57,800 42,000 49,700 45,900 48,100 51,200 ':'2,800 41, SOO 61,600 70,100 51,200 36,690 46,420 3 1,800 34,780 32,620 49, 130 34,940 46,330 53,920 ! .. 8,660 46, J 60 42,290 47.090 4),no 39, blO 40,530 45,810 44,600 40,900 39,400 4l,400 46,300 4],300 44,200 40,300 45,300 44,600 44,500 42,000 48,800 54,600 42,50051,300 60,000 62,800 55,200 49,400 40,200 58,500 35,350 35,210 52,890 75,970 29,620 45,270 lJ,070 17,440 42,160 41,180 37,550 34,150 28,630 33,950 47,730 37,210 43,800 38,190 49,190 3],990 J6,5}O 27,600 -)},OiO }5,02L) 39,590 49,040 38,200 )0,050 54,740 43,B90 4'),080 53,750 3J,BO 20,120 43.270 42,430 TABLE IV-l 47,200 47,100 32,100 47,400 43,500 ,b,OOO 26,800 32,500 61, BOO 67,900 39,400 4B,900 60,360 44,950 21,340 41,650 39,590 Ib,570 72,490 41,280 34,170 32,770 65,220 43,470 43, )40 32,840 39, 130 45,860 287,830 320,200 364,400 374,140 401,620 300,700 318,250 372,320 443,430 519,020 493,000 357, I BO 403,330 342,330 262,870 360,090 313,550 369,540 367,120 34'"),010 302,160 230,140 305, J90 371,860 323,)20 3J9,690 282,700 297,260 351,040 TOTAL PRECIPITATION GAGE AT SITKA OBSERVATORY Jan. ~ Mar. ~ ~ June ~ 1950 2.7 4.7 3.6 4.2 4.7 1.1 7.1 1951 5.2 4.4 6.7 8.5 3.1 5.8 2.7 1952 10.0 8.1 6.4 6.8 10.1 2.5 5.2 1953 5.4 11.9 10.3 4.6 2.9 1.8 2.4 1954 4.9 10.7 6.7 4.0 3.1 1.8 3.5 1955 11.2 12.1 13.6 3.2 6.7 3.2 1.9 1956 2.7 8.0 6.3 4.6 8.9 2.3 3.9 1957 3.0 7.5 3.7 7.8 2.2 2.1 4.1 1958 7.2 2.9 4.4 6.3 7.6 3.4 7.4 1959 3.7 9.1 11. 7 7.5 4.8 1.5 10.8 1960 6.9 4.0 5.6 5.4 1.4 3.7 4.8 1961 10.0 7.3 6.7 10.7 3.0 6.0 8.2 1962 14.8 1.9 12.6 4.0 3.9 6.0 2.5 1963 15.4 8.4 7.8 5.3 2.6 7.9 3.5 1964 9.9 16.4 11.3 10.1 8.9 3.0 4.7 1965 12.8 7.1 2.8 5.4 6.6 8.6 2.4 1966 5.6 7.0 7.7 5.5 9.8 1.1 4.6 1967 7.9 9.0 3.4 2.9 4.5 2.6 4.7 1968 6.2 5.6 4.9 8.2 2.7 2.2 3.6 1969 2.6 2.2 6.8 2.4 3.2 2.4 10.2 1970 6.3 8.6 7.7 6.9 5.4 4.8 6.0 1971 11. 7 7.0 5.2 5.3 6.4 2.4 2.7 1972 7.8 4.6 7.6 6.0 5.6 3.5 2.0 1973 8.1 6.7 6.5 5.0 4.8 2.8 4.4 1974 Monthly Maximums 15.4 16.4 13.6 10.7 10.1 8.6 10.8 Monthly Minimums 2.6 1.9 2.8 2.4 1.4 1.1 1.9 Maximum Annual 10.0 7.3 6.7 10.7 3.0 6.0 8.2 ~inimum Annual 2.7 4.7 3.6 4.2 4.7 1.1 7.1 Average Annual 7.6 7.3 7.1 5.9 5.1 3.4 4.7 ~ ~ Oct. 7.3 8.6 7.0 4.3 7.8 7.9 6.3 17.6 20.1 8.7 9.6 18.1 3.3 8.5 10.0 8.0 8.3 12.9 13.0 7.6 11.9 2.8 8.5 9.7 8.1 10.2 16.6 9.5 8.5 10.3 9.3 14.8 19.7 18.2 10.2 18.6 8.1 15.4 10.7 2.7 10.2 14.9 5.4 4.6 11.3 6.9 6.0 18.7 8.6 11.1 20.5 7.4 16.0 14.1 3.2 19.3 8.4 7.5 6.8 6.2 6.5 16.2 10.7 4.6 8.8 12.2 8.5 18.2 18.2 9.9 6.8 14.7 18.2 19.3 20.5 2.7 4.6 6.2 18.2 10.2 18.6 7.3 8.6 7.0 7.4 10.8 13.5 Nov. Dec. 3.6 4.9 9.4 7.3 15.0 5.7 8.1 13.3 11.6 16.3 4.0 5.9 14.2 18.2 17.8 10.0 11.1 11.5 14.6 17.9 11.0 14.7 10.5 9.5 10.4 9.1 9.8 9.7 11. 7 7.4 5.1 11.5 8.7 5.0 12.2 6.3 11.1 5.8 17.2 8.8 7.0 8.7 8.9 6.9 6.2 8.7 2.7 5.3 17.8 18.2 2.7 4.9 10.5 9.5 3.6 4.9 10.1 9.5 Annual 59.5 73.1 113.8 97.1 84.4 91.0 101.6 79.2 96.7 109.9 101.3 118.9 99.4 98.2 104.7 93.9 95.2 91.0 81. 2 76.3 9 / •• 8 82.1 96.Q 77.7 118.9 59.5 92.4 H <: I N BLUE LAKE PROJECT HISTORICAL WATER USE ALASKA LUMBER £. PULP COMPANY Jan. ~ ~ ~ ~ June ~ 1965 4,104 3,577 3,942 3,804 3,914 3,764 3,319 1966 4,405 3,484 3,902 3,478 3,663 3,902 1967 4,138 3,604 4,006 3,696 3,699 3,558 3,997 1968 4,000 3,383 3,638 3,804 3,785 3,555 3,831 1969 3,896 3,509 3,828 3,580 3,380 3,819 4,019 1970 4,390 3,957 4,059 3,970 3,705 3,629 4,510 1971 4,458 4,034 4,445 4,485 4,479 4,307 4,811 1972 4,559 4,350 4,685 4,709 4,541 4,344 4,835 1973 4,310 3,997 4,587 4,375 4,218 4,424 2,999 NOTE: All units are in acre-feet ~ ~ Oct. 4,028 3,595 4,012 3,736 3,472 3,896 3,944 3,352 3,982 4,114 3,196 3,930 3,970 3,567 3,960 4,525 4,089 4,752 4,728 4,212 4,596 4,688 3,773 4,409 2,097 2,327 4,786 Nov. Dec. 718 3,524 3,936 3,672 3,801 4,009 3,779 3,874 3,855 3,488 4,421 4,151 4,476 4,666 4,485 4,378 4,706 4,197 Total 42,301 41,546 45,789 44,890 44,871 50,158 53,697 53,755 47,023 H <: I w MINIMUM WATER YEAR Inflow Water to ALPC Fish Release Surplus or (Deficit) Reservoir Storage Water for Generation Spillway Discharges Power Discharge-cfs End of Month Reservoir Storage AVERAGE WATER YEAR Inflow Wa ter to ALPC Fish Release S~rp1us or (Deficit) Reservoir Storage Water for Generation Spillway Discharge Power Discharge-cfs End of Month Reservoir Storage Oct. 22,600 4,774 930 16,896 6,194 10,702 -0- 174 Nov. 9,440 4,620 900 3,920 (6,793) 10,713 -0- 180 Dec. 2,960 4,774 930 (2,744) (14,750) 12,006 -0- 196 145,000 138,207 123,457 56,640 4,774 930 50,936 6,194 24,800 19,942 400 14,590 4,620 900 9,070 (6,793) 15,863 -0- 266 25,530 4,774 930 19,826 (4,974) 24,800 -0- 400 Jan. 4,380 4,774 930 (1,324) (14,6 Z6) 13,352 -0- 218 108,781 8,020 4,774 930 2,316 (22,484) 24,800 -0- 400 145,000 138,207 133,233 110,749 NOTE: All units are in acre-feet, except as noted. BLUE LAKE PROJECT RESERVOIR OPERATION FISH RELEASE = 15 cis Feb. 1,770 4,312 840 (3,382) (16,071) 12,689 -0- 228 92,710 2,670 4,312 840 (2,482) (18,039) 15,557 -0- 278 92,710 Mar. 1,500 4,774 930 (4,204) (19,058) 14,854 -0- 242 73,652 1,500 4,774 930 (4,204) (19,058) 14,854 -0- 242 73,652 Apr. 6,570 4,620 900 1,050 (14,165) 15,215 -0- 256 59,487 6,570 4,620 900 1,050 (14,165) 15,215 -0- 256 59,487 May 28,800 4,774 930 23,096 8,614 14,482 -0- 236 68,101 28,800 4,774 930 23,096 8,614 14,482 -0- 236 68,101 June 40,320 4,620 900 34,800 24,142 10,658 -0- 179 July 35,070 4,774 930 29,366 19,345 10,021 -0- 163 92,243 111,588 40,320 4,620 900 34,800 24,142 10,658 -0- 179 92,243 37,820 4,774 930 32,116 19,345 12,771 -0- 208 111,588 Aug. 26,500 4,774 930 20,796 11,216 9,580 -0- 156 122,804 39,740 4,774 930 34,036 11,216 22,820 -0- 372 122,804 Sept. 31,460 4,620 900 25,940 16,002 9,938 -0- 167 Annual 211,370 56,120 10,950 144,210 -0- 144,210 -0- 138,806 Rule Curve 45,200 4,620 900 39,630 16,002 23,678 -0- 398 138,806 307,400 56,120 10,950 240,240 -0- 220,298 19,942 VlH g"~ (l) r-' 1"1'tt:1 ..... H <j o I H1~ N MINIMUM WATER YEAR Inflow Water to ALPC Fish Release Surplus or (Defid t) Reservoir Storage Water for Generation Spillway Discharges Power Discharge-cfs End of Mon th Reservoir Storage AVERAGE WATER YEAR Inflow Water to ALPC Fish Release Surplus or (Deficit) Reservoir Storage Water for Generation Spillway Discharge Power Discharge-cfs End of Month Reservoi~ Storage Oc t. 22,600 4,774 3,100 14,726 6,194 8,532 -0- 138 145,000 56,640 4,774 3,100 48,766 6,194 24,800 17,772 400 145,000 Nov. Jan. BLUE LAKE PROJECT RESERVOIR OPERATION FISH RELEASE = 50 cfs Feb. Mar. Apr. 9,440 2,960 4,380 1,770 1,500 6,570 4,620 4,774 4,774 4,312 4,774 4,620 3,000 3,100 3,100 2,800 3,100 3,000 1,820 (4,914) (3,494) (5,342) (6,374) (1,050) (6,793) (14,750) (14,676) (16,071) (19,058) (14,165) 8,613 9,836 11,182 10,729 12,684 13,115 -0--0--0--0--0--0- 144 138,207 14,590 4,620 3,000 6,970 (6,793) 13,763 -0- 229 138,207 159 180 192 205 219 123,457 108,781 92,710 73,652 59,487 25,530 8,020 2,670 1,500 6,570 4,774 4,774 4,312 4,77 1, 4,620 3,100 3,100 2,800 3,100 3,000 17,656 146 (4,442) (6,374) 0,050) (7,144) (22,282) (16,071) (19,058) (14,165) 24,800 22,428 11,629 12,684 13,115 -0--0--0--0--0- 400 362 208 205 219 131,063 108,781 92,710 73,652 59,487 NOTE: All units are in acre-feet, except as noted. 28,800 4,774 3,100 20,926 8,614 12,312 -0- 199 68,101 28,flOO 4,774 3,100 20,926 8,614 12,312 -0- 199 68,101 June 40,320 4,620 3,000 32,700 24,142 8,558 -0- 143 92,243 40,320 4,620 3,000 32,700 24,142 8,558 -0- 143 92,243 Ju1v 35,070 4,774 3,100 27,196 19,345 7,851 -0- 127 1l1,588 37,820 4,774 3, J 00 29,946 19,345 10,601 -0- 171 111,588 Aug. 26,500 4,774 3,100 18,626 11 ,216 7,410 -0- 120 122,804 39,740 4,774 3,100 31,866 ll,216 20,650 -0- 333 122,804 Sept. 31,460 4,620 3,000 23,840 16,002 7,838 -0- 131 138,806 Annual 211,370 56,120 36,500 118,660 -0- ll8,660 -0- Rule Curve 45,200 307,400 4,620 56,120 3,000 36,500 37,580 214,690 16,002 -0- 21,578 196,918 -0-17,772 360 138,806 [JJ rl ~ Ed (D r-< rt tTl N H <: o I H1 .j:- N BLUE LAKE PROJECT HISTORICAL ENERGY GENERATION POWER YEAR JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE TOTAL ---- 1961-62 1544 1596 1733 1722 1512 1691 1533 1459 1250 1962-63 1302 1407 1460 1596 1701 1796 1722 1554 2367 2489 2300 2237 21 ,931 1963-64 2268 2415 2331 2561 2562 2573 2699 2405 2615 2657 2699 2436 30,221 1964-65 2279 2468 2478 2646 2772 2076 3087 2657 2562 2468 2363 2516 30, j72 1965-66 2331 2289 2394 2594 2384 2523 2562 2279 2478 2268 2174 2100 28,376 1966-67 1922 2174 2205 2447 2489 2668 2825 2279 2539 2531 2384 2184 28,647 1967-68 2079 2205 2373 2636 2646 2594 2856 2489 2583 2468 2195 2006 29,130 1968-69 2027 2121 2237 2699 2541 2699 2888 2510 2468 2310 2247 2027 28,774 1969-70 2100 2195 2415 2457 2478 2657 2762 2500 2552 2384 2426 2184 29,110 1970-71 2310 2363 2447 2646 27rJ) 3077 3151 2625 2877 2678 2615 2247 31,745 1971-72 2394 2447 2573 3024 2951 3161 3266 2972 3035 2814 2709 2573 33,919 197 2 -73 2457 2457 27CE 2268 3018 3204 3284 2901 3107 2794 2762 2335 33,296 1973-74 2454 25 29 2633 2932 2983 2836 2312 1817 2620 >-3 ;I> OJ r-< Note: All values are in 1,000 kWh. tTl H <: In BLUE LAKE PROJECT RULE CURVE OPERATION OF RESERVOIR Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. _S!:p~ Reservoir Elevation Beginning of Monte -Feet 337.0 342.0 336.0 324.0 310.5 294.5 273.5 255.0 266.5 294.0 313.0 323.0 Reservoir Elevation End of Month -Feet 342.0 336.0 324.0 310.5 294.5 273.5 255.0 266.5 294.0 313.0 323.0 337.0 Elevation Change -Feet +5.0 -6.0 -12.0 -13.5 -16.0 -21.0 -18.5 +11.5 +27.5 +19.0 +10.0 +14.0 Storage Change -Acre-ft. 6,194 -6, 793 -14,750 -14,676 -16,071 -19,058 -14,165 8,614 24,142 19,345 11,216 16,002 Cummulative Reservoir Volume-Acre-ft. 145,000 138,207 123,457 108,781 92,710 73,652 59,487 68,101 92,243 111,588 122,804 138,806 Average Reservoir Elevation -Feet 339.5 339.0 330.0 317.3 302.5 285.0 264.3 260.8 280.3 303.5 318.0 330.0 Average Tailwater Elevation -Feet 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 Gross Head-feet 325.5 325.0 316.0 303.3 288.5 271.0 250.3 246.8 266.3 289.5 304.0 316.0 BLUE LAKE PROJECT AVAILABLE ENERGY WITH RULE CURVE OPERATION FISH RELEASE = 15 cfs MINIMUM AND AVERAGE WATER YEARS Oc t. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mav June July Aug. Sept. Annual ------- MINIMUM WATER YEAR Power Discharge-cfs 174 180 196 218 228 242 256 236 179 163 156 167 Average Reservoir Elevation 339.5 339.0 330.0 317 .3 302.5 285.0 264.3 260.8 280.3 303.5 318.0 330.0 Gross Head-Feet 326 325 316 303 289 271 250 247 266 290 304 316 Head Loss-Feet 17 18 21 26 28 32 36 30 17 14 13 15 Average Net Generating Head-Feet 309 307 295 277 261 239 214 217 249 276 291 301 Average Output-kW 3,868 3,976 4,160 4,344 4,281 4,161 3,941 3,684 3,207 3,237 3,266 3,616 3,810 Energy-1,000 kWh 2,878 2,863 3,095 3,232 2,877 3,096 2,838 2,741 2,309 2,408 2,430 2,604 33,371 AVERAGE WATER YEAR Power Discharge-cfs 400 266 400 400 278 242 256 236 179 208 372 398 Average Reservoir Elevation 339.5 339.0 333.0 321. 0 303.0 285.0 264.3 260.8 280.3 303.5 318.0 330.0 Gross Head-feet 326 325 319 307 289 271 250 247 266 290 304 316 Head Loss-Feet 63 37 63 63 33 32 36 30 17 24 55 62 Average Net Generating Head-Feet 263 288 256 244 256 239 214 217 249 266 249 254 Average Output-kW 7,568 5,511 7,367 7,022 5,120 4,161 3,941 3,684 3,207 3,980 6,664 7,273 5,450 Energy-1,000 kWh 5,631 3,968 5,481 5,224 3,441 3,096 2,838 2,741 2,309 2,962 4,958 5,237 47,886 Firm Energy-1,000 kWh 2,878 2,863 3,095 3,232 2,877 3,096 2,838 2,741 2,309 2,408 2,430 2,604 33,371 Secondary Energy- 1,000 kWh 2,753 1,105 2,386 1,992 564 -0--0--0--0-554 2,528 2,633 14,515 [JJ >-3 ~ ~ CD CD t-< rt trl f-' H 0 <: I H) '-l N BLu~ LAKE PROJECT AVAILABLE ENERGY WITH RULE CURVE OPERATION FISH RELEASE = 50 cfs MINIMUM AND AVERAGE WATER YEARS Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. AEr. -~ June July Aug. SeEt. Annual MINIMUM WATER YEAR Power Discharge-cfs 138 144 159 180 192 205 219 199 143 127 120 131 Average Reservoir Elevation 339.5 339.0 330.0 317.3 302.5 285.0 264.3 260.8 280.3 303.5 318.0 330.0 Gross Head-Feet 326 325 316 303 289 271 250 247 266 290 304 316 Head Loss-Feet 13 14 16 18 20 23 26 21 14 12 11 12 Average Net Generating Head-Feet 313 311 300 285 279 248 224 226 252 278 293 304 Average Output-kW 3,107 3,222 3,432 3,691 3,854 3,658 3,529 3,236 2,593 2,540 2,529 2,865 3,177 Energy-1,000 kWh 2,312 2,320 2,553 2,746 2,590 2,722 2,541 2,408 1,867 1,829 1,882 2,063 27,833 AVERAGE WATER YEAR Power Discharge-cfs 400 229 400 362 208 205 219 199 143 171 333 360 Average Reservoir Elevation 339.5 339.0 333.0 320.0 303.0 285.0 264.3 260.8 280.3 303.5 318.0 330.0 Gross Head-feet 326 325 319 306 289 271 250 247 266 290 304 316 Head Loss-Feet 63 28 63 53 22 23 26 21 14 17 49 53 Average Net Generating Head-Feet 263 297 256 253 267 248 224 226 252 273 255 263 Average Output-kW 7,568 4,893 7,367 6,589 3,995 3,658 3,529 3,236 2,593 3,358 6,109 6,812 Energy-1,000 kWh 5,631 3,523 5,481 4,902 2,685 2,722 2,541 2,408 1,867 2,498 4,545 4,905 43,708 Firm Energy-1,000 kWh 2,312 2,320 2,553 2,746 2,590 2,722 2,541 2,408 1,867 1,829 1,892 2,063 27,833 Secondary Energy- 1,000 kWh 3,319 1,203 2,928 2,156 95 -0--0--0--0-669 2,663 2,842 15,875 (f) rl ::r 5; ro ro r rt M N H <: 0 I H1 --.J h) BLUE LAKE PROJECT FIRM ENERGY AVAILABLE WITH DIFFERENT FISH RELEASES (1000 kWh) Period January February March April May June July August September October November December Annual Comparison Fuel Oil Required (gallons) Estimated Differential Cost of Diesel Generation in 1978 o cfs 3,440 3,000 3,256 2,965 2,884 2,498 2,656 2,665 2,836 3,121 3,096 3,327 35,749 0 0 0 Fish Releases 15 cfs 3,232 2,877 3,096 2,838 2,741 2,309 2,408 2,430 2,604 2,878 2,863 3,095 33,371 -2,378 169,700 +$86,040 Table IV-8 50 cfs 2,746 2,590 2,722 2,541 2,408 1,867 1,829 1,882 2,063 2,312 2,320 2,553 27,833 -7,9l6 565,400 + $286,660 SECTION V POTENTIAL NEW GENERATION 1. BLUE LAKE EXPANSION a. Description The ultimate development of the Blue Lake Project was planned as three 3,000 kW units, and the manifold has a branch installed for the third unit which is closed by a blind flange. No provision for expansion has been made at the powerhouse but addition of the third unit would not require significant demolition at the existing structure. The transmission line is adequate for a new unit, but additional transformer capacity would be required. b. Power Output As previously discussed, firm energy from the project is considered to be limited to rule curve operation of minimum T,vater years with secondary energy being generated by the installed capacity when excess water is avail- able. As more information relating to reservoir operation becomes available in future years it may be possible to develop firm yield of the reservoir and increase the firm energy with a consequent reduction of secondary energy. At the present time firm energy output cannot be increased by a third unit, but the production of secondary energy can be increased. Rule curve operation of the reservoir utilizes only about 86,000 acre-feet of the total potential storage of 102,000 acre-feet which is avail- able to El 230, as previously mentioned. This operation provides the maximum amount of firm energy which can be generated, when water available for power usage is allocated in proportion to the historical distribution of monthly energy loads. Addition of a third unit of 4,000 kW, together with re-rating the existing units at 3,500 kW each, would provide a total installed capacity of 11,000 kW. Based on total average energy production this capacity could be operated at a plant factor of from approximately 45% to 50% depending on the amount of fish releases required. This amount of capacity is needed in the system, and installation will provide better reservoir operation. Since it does not provide additional firm energy, installation of the third unit is included in the proposed program of development following the next major installation. 2. GREEN LAKE PROJECT a. Description Green Lake is located approximately 12 miles from Sitka and about 7 miles from Blue Lake at the end of Silver Bay. The lake is a part of the Vodopad River and has formed about 1,500 feet upstream of the mouth. The existing outlet of the lake is a relatively narrow gorge which controls the existing lake level at about El 230. V-2 It is anticipated that ralslng the lake level to El 420, by means of a concrete arch dam at the present outlet, will provide sufficient reser- voir storage for control of the runoff and adequate head to develop economic power from the site. The project was studied by the Alaska Power Administration (APA) in its feasibility investigations of the Takatz Project. A preliminary arrangement of project is shown in Fig. 5, and of the proposed dam in Fig. 6. A concrete arch dam, approximately 580 feet long along the crest and with a maximum height of 215 feet, will be required to control the reser- voir and to provide full regulation of a low water year runoff. A dam of this size would provide a normal maximum reservoir level at El 420, and contain an active storage volume of 112,000 acre-feet. The power conduit is tentatively proposed as a short tunnel 300 feet which would also serve for river diversion during construction. A 78-inch diameter steel penstock approximately 1,300 feet long would be connected to the downstream portal of the tunnel. A surface power- house will be constructed at ground level near Silver Bay. It is anticipated that two horizontally-mounted Francis reaction turbines would be installed, each delivering about 11,500 hp at best gate, under average net head, and connected by a horizontal shaft to a generator rated at 9300 kVA with about a 90% power factor (8,300 kW). It is estimated that, including generator, transformer and transmission losses, each unit will deliver 7,500 kW to the load center at peak load conditions, at best-gate operation of the turbines, under winter reservoir levels. An access road approximately seven miles long will be constructed from Sawmill Cove to the project site as an extension of the existing Sitka Highway. The road will be used for construction and resurfaced with gravel or crushed rock after completion of the project to provide access for maintenance of the transmission line and to the powerhouse. The transmission line will be located along the new road and then follow the route of the existing transmis- sion line to the Marine Street Substation. Transmission line voltage will be at 69 kV and the lines will be carried on wooden frame poles. The capacity of the line will be sufficient to conduct the output of the Green Lake unit, the proposed third unit at the Blue Lake Project and an allowance for emergency capacity provided by ALP generation. Consideration should also be given dur- ing design to future connection of additional developments to the lines. Approximate reservoir area-capacity curves are shown in Fig. 7. b. Geology No. detailed site geology is available at the present time, but investigations are proposed in this report. It is expected that the general geology will be similar to that at Blue Lake and will prove adequate as an arch dam site. The precipitous terrain in the area indicates that sound rock should be near the ground surface which will reduce construction excavation problems. c. Hydrology and Power Output The USGS operated a stream gage on the Vodopad River between 1915-1925 and monthly average runoffs in acre-feet are shown in Table V-l. Significant hydrologic and reservoir operating data have been compiled and are shown in Table V-2. As shown in the tables the average annual runoff is about 212,400 acre-feet, or approximately 291 cfs. The average annual discharge from the lowest year during the period of record is 236 cfs. The drainage area of V-3 Green Lake is approximately 28.9 square miles which produces an annual aver- age runoff of about 7,350 acre-feet per square mile. This is significantly less than the long-term runoff from the Blue Lake drainage basin of 9,844 acre- feet per square mile, which indicates that there may be more firm energy avail- able at the site than estimated from the one decade period of record. It is anticipated the project can be developed to deliver 15,000 kW of dependable capacity to the load center during periods of peak loads, and will be capable of an output of 52,000,000 kWh of firm energy, or a plant factor of approximately 40%, which is considered appropriate for the system at that time. This project is considered to have potential feasibility and is in- cluded in the proposed program of development. 3. TAKATZ PROJECT a. Description Takatz Lake is located approximately 4,000 feet upstream of the mouth of Takatz Creek which flows into Chatham Strait (by way of Takatz Bay) on the eastern shore of Baranof Island. The project would be located about 20 airline miles east of Sitka. It is anticipated that ralslng the lake level to El 1040 by con- struction of a dam at the existing outlet of the lake will provide sufficient storage for regulation of inflow and adequate head to develop the economic potential of the project. A preliminary arrangement of the proposed proj- ect is shown in Fig. 8. A concrete arch dam approximately 200 feet high will be required to control the reservoir and to provide regulation of the annual runoff. A dam of this size would provide a normal maximum reservoir level at E1 1040, and contain an active storage volume of 82,400 acre-feet. The power conduit is tentatively proposed as a 6.S-foot by 7.0-foot modified horseshoe tunnel approximately 2,800 feet long with a downstream portal approximately 1,000 feet from the powerhouse. A 72-inch steel penstock would connect the portal to the powerhouse. A surface powerhouse would be constructed at ground level near Takatz Bay. It is anticipated that two Francis turbines would be installed, each delivering about 18,600 hp at best gate, under average net head, and con- nected to a generator rated at 15,400 kVA, with about a 90% power factor (13,850 kW). It is estimated that, including generator, transformer and transmission losses, each unit will deliver 12,500 kW to the load center at peak load conditions at best-gate operation of the turbines, under winter reservoir levels. The site was studied in some detail by the APA and was presented in a report entitled "Takatz Creek Project -Alaska" dated 1968. The basic data presented herein was obtained from that report. The reservoir area-capac- ity curves are shown in Fig. 9. b. Geology The APA investigated the geology at the site and concluded that conditions were adequate for construction of a concrete arch dam. The topography appears to have been greatly influenced by glacia- tion, probably during Pleistocene Time. Slopes are precipitous and covered by a thin mantle of soil with heavy growths of underbrush. V-4 The bedrock formation at the damsite is a massive quartz diorite which is dense and indurated. The rock is medium-to-coarse grained and is equigranular. This is typical of rocks associated with the Coastal Range Bath- olith which generally is located along the coast of the mainland of Southeast Alaska. The Coastal Range rocks are considered to be competent foundation materials and if the geology at the site is indeed of that formation, the foundation conditions should be entirely adequate. Further investigations will be required of the site conditions. c. Hydrology and Power Output The drainage basin of Takatz Lake has an area of about 10.6 square miles. Stream flow records for 15 complete water years are available at a point on Takatz Creek downstream of the damsite ,,,ith a drainage area of 17.5 square miles and are listed in Table V-3. The average annual runoff at the gage was 199,800 acre-feet or an average of 11,417 acre-feet per square mile which is significantly higher than either Blue Lake or Green Lake. The annual average precipitation at Baranof Warm Springs, however, is approximately 143 inches which is about 154% of the long-term average at Sitka. The average annual inflow into Takatz Lake is estimated to be about 121,000 acre-feet which would produce an average annual discharge of about 166 cfs. It is estimated that an average net head of approximately 950 feet can be developed at the site which would produce an average generator output of about 11,080 kW which would deliver approximately 91,200,000 kWh of firm energy to the load center. At 40% plant factor, the peak generator output would be 27,700 kW, which would deliver 25,000 kW of dependable peak capacity to the load center. Ultimate development of the site could be planned as having two units at 13,850 kW (total 25,000 kW delivered to load center). However, a staged development could be considered, for comparison with the Green Lake Project at the same time period, which would have two units at 7,500 kW each, and with later installation of a third unit at 10,000 kT"T. The project appears to be feasible and is included in the proposed program of development. 4. OTHER SITES a. Haj or (1) Baranof Lake Project A major potential site is located at Baranof Lake, about four miles south of Takatz Lake. The drainage area is larger than Takatz Lake but the total head which could be economically developed is much less. The APA concluded that bus-bar power from a plant at Baranof Lake would be nearly twice as costly as from Takatz. The site was rejected by comparison with Takatz Lake. (2) Lake Diana Project Lake Diana is located about 16.5 miles southeast of Sitka, and has the potential for a high-head development, but only has about 3.5 square miles of drainage area. Development of this site would be costly for the power developed, and is not considered as attractive as Green Lake. (3) Maksoutof Projects Two sites are located in the area, but would require about 64 miles of transmission line which would be prohibitive in terms of both cost and reliability. b. Minor (1) Cold Storage Lake This site is located about 10 miles north of Sitka. The drainage area is small and transmission costs would be very high in relation to the capacity which could be developed. The site would not meet long-term requirements of the system and was not considered further. (2) Hogan Lake This site, located about 13.5 miles northeast of Sitka, V-5 has the same disadvantages as Cold Storage Lake and was rejected for the same rea- sons. (3) Indigo Lake This site has a more favorable geographic location being near (and between) both Blue Lake and Green Lake, but has a drainage area of only 900 acres which is much too small to result in a sufficiently-large development, even with the relatively-high head available. GREEN LAKE OUTLET RECORDED RUNOFF IN ACRE-FEET Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. AEr. Mav June Ju1v Aug. Seot. Annual 1915 34,100 1916 29,900 11,200 7,200 1,400 4,200 2,500 6,900 17,400 33,800 27 ,400 30,700 33,600 206,200 1917 29,000 12,500 5,900 5,000 6,700 3,100 4,400 19,100 2S,300 30,200 32,300 26,900 213,400 1918 40,100 37, SOO 4,SOO 7,SOO 2,200 1,100 4,500 lS,200 34,600 36,900 30,100 29,300 247,400 1919 25,SOO 22,500 11,700 14,200 2,100 900 7,500 15,700 21,300 30,000 27,SOO 29,800 209,300 1920 24,100 10, SOO 7,900 13,300 4,800 1,700 2,400 10,600 2S,500 27,400 26,900 19,600 17S,000 1921 17,300 15,100 4,500 3,900 6,200 3,600 4,100 17,5C~ 32,300 23,SOO 19,000 24,700 172 ,000 1922 35,100 9,500 18,000 5,600 2,000 1,700 5,100 21,600 27,700 2S,400 30,700 33,900 219,300 1923 15,100 23,SOO 5,100 1,900 6,100 7,200 13,000 21,000 30,300 24,000 15,400 38,600 201,500 1924 18,000 2S, SOO 11,200 6,000 6,800 5,600 9,500 29,500 40,900 41,400 33,100 41,500 272,500 1925 26,900 17,000 10,000 2,100 1,400 3,100 5,100 29,100 30,900 34,400 24,300 20,200 204,500 Average 26,100 18,900 8,600 6,100 4,300 3,100 6,200 20,000 30,900 30,400 27,000 30,800 212,400 RESERVOIR DATA GREEN LAKE PROJECT ESTIMATE OF FIRM ENERGY Drainage Area -square miles Average Runoff -acre feet Minimum Runoff -acre feet (estimated) Average Annual inflow -cfs Minimum Annual inflow -cfs Normal Maximum Reservoir Elevation -feet Mean High Tide -MSL -feet Gross Head -feet Dependable Capacity (Peak Load Conditions) Reservoir Elevation -feet Net Head -feet Discharge -cfs (best gate) Turbine Output -hp Generator Output -kW Capacity at Load Center (on feeder) -kW Average Annual Conditions Maximum Drawdown -feet Average Net Head -feet Average Regulated Discharge (minimum year)-cfs Average Regulated Discharge (average year)-cfs Firm Energy -1000 kWh (at load center) Secondary Energy -1000 kWh (at load center) Average Energy -1000 kWh (at load center) 28.9 212,400 172 ,000 291 236 420 12 408 380 345 653 23,000 16,600 15,000 120 352 244 285 52,000 10,000 62,000 TABLE V-2 TAKATZ CREEK RECORDED RUNOFF IN ACRE-FEET Oc t. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. AEr. ---.!i~ June July Aug. Seot. Annual 1951 29,900 19,000 20,000 1952 17,SOO 14,500 3,300 1,200 1,200 1,100 4,800 12,900 23,500 3S,500 25,SOO 37,500 lS2,100 1953 32,600 17,500 7,100 3,500 3,300 4,200 5,400 22,900 33,000 32,600 2S,100 29,000 219,200 1954 40,100 14,500 7,900 3,100 7,000 2,200 2,000 14,600 30,100 26,300 22 ,000 24,300 194,100 1955 21,100 24,700 13,500 3,900 2,600 2,400 3,200 S ,900 22,100 33,900 29,900 27,700 193,900 1956 17,400 6,000 2,300 1,400 1,400 1,500 3,800 16,900 29.900 33,300 37,000 17,8'1'1 1"iil,7'1f) 1957 16,200 13,300 12,800 4,100 2,200 2,100 3,900 18,500 30,500 27,900 22,400 24,100 173,000 1958 14,400 22,700 4,500 S ,000 2,500 3,100 7,000 19,600 31,100 23,300 23,700 16,000 175,900 1959 32, sao 13,100 6,SOO 2,900 2,500 3,900 4,600 17,100 37,100 37,200 2S,800 17,800 204,600 1960 16,600 E,100 6,700 3,000 3,700 2,900 5,700 22,900 30,700 38,000 23,500 28,500 193,300 1961 37,500 12,200 12,000 5,200 4,000 5,300 6,400 17,600 42,000 30,900 36,200 21,400 230,700 1962 31,700 7,200 2,800 4,600 2,500 2,300 7,200 9,600 24,300 28,000 29,600 27,600 177 ,400 1963 33,200 17,600 21,400 12,000 10,900 4,300 5,300 14,900 21,500 21,700 17,300 57,700 237,SOO 1964 57,700 11,000 13,200 6,300 5,000 3,000 5,400 11,800 37,800 39,699 31,600 19,100 241,500 1965 30,SOO 11 ,600 9,200 7,900 2,800 3,600 5,100 8,900 24,600 30,100 20,600 16,600 171,800 Average 2S,400 14,300 8,SOO 4,600 3,800 2,900 5,000 16,000 30,300 31,500 27,400 26, sao 199,800 SECTION VI POWER STUDY 1. GENERAL A forecast of loads is discussed in this section. Historical loads were used to project annual peak and energy demands to the current year from which the forecast loads were projected. The projection was com- plicated by power conservation measures which caused reductions from normal demands during the past winter, but it is assumed that load growths will continue in an orderly and progressive manner even though there will be variations from a smooth curve of growth in individual years. The Alaska Power Administration (APA) has estimated that an annual growth rate of 8% per year is appropriate for Southeast Alaska. Based on the analysis of the historical loads in Sitka, the value of 8% is considered reasonable as an average and has been used in this report. This growth rate of course incorporates any larger block loads a nU-llbE:r of which are potential as listed in Table VI-7. 2. LOADS a. Peak Capacity From historic loads, it was estimated that the normal peak load for the power year 1974-75 would be 6840 kW, and with inclusion of a load growth reserve, the peak load would be 7,114 kW, with a total energy demand of 34,275,300 kWh. These loads were projected at an 8% increase per year to the 1989-90 power year. In that year the peak load will have increased to 22,566 kW, with 108,723,000 kWh of energy being required. A tabulation of forecasted annual loads is shown in Table VI-l, and a peak demand growth curve including reserves, is shown in Fig. 10. b. Dependable Capacity Dependable capacity is defined as the capacity which can always be delivered to the load center during a critical period. In this report the cri- tical condition for hydroelectric units is considered to be during the winter season when peak loads occur, with concurrent drawdown of the reservoir to mini- mum levels for that season. The minimum amount of capacity which can be genera- ted at any time during the critical period for all years is the dependable capa- city for that project. Under this definition the delivered capacity during periods of lower. loads (off-peak period) could be less than dependable capacity with no detrimental effects. Conversely during most, if not all, of the cri- tical periods during the life of the plant, the delivered capacity would be actually greater than the dependable capacity. c. System Load Factor The system load factor expresses the relationship between total energy and peak load in a given time period. For an annual condition the total energy (in kWh) demand for that year is divided by 8,760 hours to determine an average demand (average output when used with resources) in kW for the year. The load factor for the year is the ratio of the average demand to the peak load expressed as a percentage. The annual load factor of the City's system was determined from historical loads to be 55%. VI-2 d. Ener~ Forecasts of system energy demand were developed from projected peak loads and the system load factor. Monthly energy requirements and peak loads were forecast from the historical values shown in Tables VI-2 and VI-3. The forecast of the monthly energy loads and peak loads is shown in Table VI-4. A growth curve of energy loads is shown in Fig. 11. e. Load Growth Reserve Since projections for load growth are usually made in annual in- creaseS of finite amounts, a small reserve allowance for load growth during each period is considered to be necessary. For this study a load growth re- serve of one-half of the projected annual increase has been included as a part of the annual load forecast for the beginning of that year. f. Forced Outage Reserve In order to provide necessary reliability to the system, an adequate amount of reserve capacity is required. For this study the required reserve capacity has been taken as the difference between the required generation (peak loads plus load growth reserve) and the resources, minus the largest individual generating unit. If such a reserve is available, the system can continue to provide reliable power even though a forced outage occurs with the largest unit. g. Exports The power requirements of ALP form a potential for Sitka to market power, on a contractual basis. As seen in Figs. 10 and 11, excess capacity and energy will be available in varying amounts in the years subsequent to completion of new hydroelectric generating facilities. No attempt has been made in this report to formulate a fixed amount which might be provided on a long-term con- tractual basis. If an amount were determined by negotiations with ALP, it appears that reasonable amounts of power could be made available on a firm basis. Ex- ports are a part of system loads and are shown as such in the appropriate tables. 3. FUTURE REQUIREMENTS a. System in 1974-75 During. this period the peak load is forecast to be 7,114-kW with an energy requirement of approximately 34,275,000-kWh. Provision of a forced outage reServe of 3500 kW, to correspond with the largest unit, will increase the required capacity of resources to 10,614 kW. These loads and the resources available to meet the loads are shown in Table VI-5. In this period 3100 kW of diesel capa- city and 7000 kW of hydroelectric capacity will be available to meet loads, but the system will have a capacity deficit of 514 kW, including the forced outage reserve requirement. The Blue Lake Hydroelectric Project will provide firm energy in the amount of 32,000,000 which will require 2,275,000 kWh of generation by diesel units during this period. It is estimated that this amount of diesel generation will require about 162,500 gallons of fuel oil. A load duration curve for this period is shown in Fig. 12. VI-3 b. Sys tern in 1976-77 During this period the peak load is forecast to be 8,297 kW, with an energy requirement of approximately 39,975,000 kWh. Provision of a forced outage reserve of 3500 kW, again corresponding to the largest unit, will increase the required capacity of resources to 11,797 kW. These loads and the resources available to meet the loads are shown in Table VI-5. In this period 3100 kW of diesel capacity and 7000 kW of hydroelectric capacity will again be available to meet loads, but the capacity deficit of the system will have increased to 1,697 kW, including the forced outage reserve requirement. The Blue Lake units will again provide firm energy of 32,000,000 kWh, which will require 7,975,000 kWh of generation by diesel units during this period. It is estimated that this amount of diesel generation will require approximately 570,000 gallons of fuel oil. A load duration curve for this period is also shown in Fig. 12. c. System in 1978-79 During this period the peak load is forecast to be 9 678 kW with an energy requirement of approximately 46,628,000 kWh. Provision of a for~ed out- age reserve of 3,500 klJ, corresponding to the largest unit, will increase the required capacity of resources to 13,178 kW. These loads, and the resources available to meet the loads, are again shown in Table VI-5. In this period 3100 kW of diesel capacity, and 7000 k1.J of hydroelectric capacity from the Blue Lake Project, will again be available to meet loads, but the capacity deficit of the system will have increased to 3,078 kW, including the forced outage reserve req ui remen t . If installation of the Green Lake Project proceeds in accordance with the schedule proposed in this report, the t\.;ro units of the project would be on-line about mid-way through this period to meet the peak load. Table VI-5 does not include the capacity from this project to show the affect of slippage in the schedule so that installation of the units is not completed in time to supply the peak load. The energy available from the project over the latter portion of the period would, of course, eliminate all need of diesel generation subsequent to the on-line date, but in order to show the fuel oil requirements at a period prior to completion of the Green Lake Project, the energy available from the project during the latter portion of the period is not shown in Table VI-5. The Blue Lake Project will again provide firm energy of 32,000,000 kWh, which will require 14,628 kWh of generation by diesel units during this period. It is estimated that this amount of diesel generation will require approximately 1,045,000 gallons of fuel oil. With the Green Lake units on- line during the last half of the period the fuel oil requirements would be reduced to about one-half of that value. A load duration curve for this period is also shown in Fig. 12. d. System Subseguent to 1980 A summary shown in Table VI-6. shown in the table is of loads and resources A brief description of given in the following for the decade following 1980 is the grm.;rth of loads and resources paragraphs. In the 1979-80 power year the peak load will have increased to 10,452 kW with an energy requirement of 50,358,000 kWh. With the installation VI-4 of the larger units at the Green Lake Project, the forced outage reserve require- ment will be 7500 kW. It is estimated that there would be 33,642,000 kWh of sur- plus firm energy available for export during this period. Sale of this amount of energy at unity load factor would require 3840 kW of peak capacity which is also available. The total loads from the above have a peak of 21,792 kW and an energy requirement of 84,000,000 kWh, assuming that the exports can indeed be marketed. The available resources during this period will still include 3100 kW of diesel capacity and 7000 kW of hydroelectric capacity from the Blue Lake Pro- ject. In addition there will be available 15,000 kW of hydroelectric capacity from the Green Lake Project, or a total capacity of 25,100 kW, with firm energy of 84,000,000 kWh. Including the requirements for forced outage reserves, the system will have a surplus capacity of 3208 kW. If it were decided to deactivate the diesel plant at this time the capacity surplus would, of course, be reduced to 108 kW, and a capacity deficit would again exist in the ensuing years until the next hydroelectric unit could be installed. In order to maintain a surplus capa- city the diesel units should be maintained until the Blue Lake -Unit #3 goes on- line which is proposed to occur late in 1983. The diesels are not considered however to provide energy. In the 1984-85 power year the peak load will have increased to 15,358 kW with an energy requirement of 73,994,000 kWh. The forced outage re- serve requirement will again be 7500 kW. During this period it is estimated that there would be 10,006,000 kWh of surplus firm energy available for export. Sale of this energy at unity load factor would require 1142 kW of peak capacity. The total load has a peak of 24,000 kW and an energy requirement of 84,000,000 kWh, again assuming that the exports can be marketed. The available resources during this period will be entirely hydro- electric, and will consist of 11,000 kW at the Blue Lake Project and 15,000 kW at the Green Lake Project as delivered at the load center. The total available firm energy will again be 84,000,000 kWh again delivered at the load center. Installation of the third unit at the Blue Lake Project will significantly in- crease the capability of that project to utilize water from high-runoff years for production of secondary energy. In the 1989-90 power year the peak load will have increased to 22,566 kW with an energy requirement of 108,723,000 hlfh. With the installation of the first unit at the Takatz Project which is scheduled to be on-line late in 1988, the forced outage reserve requirement will be 12,500 kW. During this period it is estimated that there would be 30,082,000 kWh of surplus firm energy available for export. Sale of this energy at unity load factor would require 3434 kW of peak capacity. The total loads have a peak of 38,500 kW and an energy requirement of 138,805,000 kWh, again assuming that the exports can be marketed. The available resources during this period will be 11,000 kW at the Blue Lake Project, 15,000 kW at the Green Lake Project, and 12,500 kW from Unit f!l at the Takatz Project. The firm energy from these projects is estimated to be 175,200,000 kWh. All values are for delivery at the load center. e. Secondary Energy All resource values stated above are either dependable capacity or firm energy, which are available at all times. A significant amount of secon- VI-5 dary is expected to be available from the hydroelectric projects which would be available for export on "as available" basis, and would permit appreciable sav- ings in fuel oil by ALP. It is anticipated that future hydrological studies will show that the Blue Lake and Green Lake Reservoirs can be operated so as to provide about 10 to 15% additional firm energy, \vith a consequent reduction of secondary energy. f. Reserves and Exports Reserve capacity sufficient to allow the system to meet loads even though the largest unit in the system is forced off-line is an essential require- ment for system dependability. If such reserve capacity is not available an outage will cause a blackout of the system and force a serious curtailment of loads when power is restored. This is most significant during an extended out- age such as might be caused by a bearing failure or damage to the turbine or generator. Forced outage reserves in small isolated systems must be equivalent to the capacity of the largest unit in the system, but the incremental cost of installing additional capacity in a unit is usually relatively low. A large reserve capacity requirement however, reduces the amount of power which is available for marketing and a resultant loss of revenue. Interconnected systems often share reserves and thereby reduce the amount of required reserves in each system. Sharing of reserves by Sitka and ALP is possible but is limited by the capacity of the tie line between the mill and Blue Lake powerhouse. With the size of units proposed for the Green Lake Project, the tie is sufficient to allow the Sitka reserves to be reduced by 3750 kW. The amount of reserves fur- nished Sitka by ALP, must, of course, be considered in marketing negotiations. The ALP reserves can be provided by an allowable curtailment of power to the mill which would range from zero to almost 2900 kW in, the period until 1190. A summary of the effect of reserve-sharing on power available for exports is shown in Table VI-8, and can be compared with the exports shown in Table VI-6 in which no sharing is considered. Sharing of reserves ,viII allow a dependable capacity of 4000 kW to be available for export until 1986, when 8,000 kl.J will be avail- able on a dependable basis. The interconnection will, of course, require im- provements at that time. The export capacity would be associated with large amounts of energy which are also shown in Table VI'-S, (1) 197{-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Normal Peak kW 6,840 7,387 7,978 8,616 9,306 10,050 10,854 11,723 12,660 13,673 14,767 15,948 17 ,224 18,602 20,090 21,698 FORECAST OF LOADS (2) Load Growth Reserve kW ?74 296 319 345 372 402 435 469 507 547 591 638 689 744 804 868 (1) Escalated at 8% per year. (2) Estimated at one half of annual growth. (3) Based on annual system load factor of 55%. Peak Load kW 7,11L: 7,683 8,297 8,961 9,678 10,452 11,289 12,192 13,167 14,220 15,358 16,586 17,913 19,346 20,894 22,566 (3) TABLE VI - 1 Energy kWh 34,275,300 37,016,700 39,974,900 43,174,100 46,628,600 50,357,700 54,390,400 58,741,100 63,438,600 68,512,000 73,994,800 79,911,300 86,304,800 93,209,000 100,667,300 108,723,000 CITY OF SITKA SYSTEM E;NERGY LOADS 1962 -1974 1,000 kW h POWER YEAR* July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Annual 1962-63 1,214.0 1,302.1 1,363.7 1,543.6 1,627.0 1,797.1 1,674.8 1,517.5 1,690.8 1,638.2 1,616.8 1,433.6 18,419.2 1963-64 1,505.6 1,632.0 1,703.0 1,898.4 2,007.7 2,087.1 2,102.2 1,936.0 2,045.0 1,891.1 1,834.0 1,578.8 22,220.9 19c4-65 1,625.4 1,713.3 1,838.3 1.986.i 2,153.5 2,477.2 2,478.6 2,120.0 2,248.7 2,107.7 2,004.7 1,791. 0 24,544.5 1965-66 1,782.9 1,989.6 1,755.2 1,710.3 1,904.5 2,162.5 2,127.6 1,873.6 1,996.9 1,774.1 1,728.5 1,562.7 22,368.4 1996-67 1,446.3 1,642.6 1,735.7 1,911.5 1,987.7 2,197.3 2,201.9 1,952.7 2,256.6 1,976.3 1,881.1 1,683.0 22,872.7 1967-68 1,610.0 1,702.0 1,824.4 2,055.3 2,187.8 2,411.1 2,509.8 2,263.4 2,276.7 2,120.2 1,956.7 1,740.8 24,658.2 19&8-69 1,769.9 1,867.9 2,011.8 2,207.1 2,194.8 2,495.2 2,726.1 2,212.3 2,354.6 2,089.9 2,018.5 1,780.0 25,7'18.1 1969-70 1,972.1 1,973.2 2,085.2 2,247.5 2,335.0 2,482.1 2,612.1 2,205.3 2,377.3 2,248.1 2,190.9 1,911.8 26,640.6 1970-71 2.063.7 2,112.4 2,236.3 2,444.3 2,497.5 2,843.2 2,882.5 2,413.4 2,616.8 2,421.4 2,331.2 2,021. 3 28,884.0 1971-72 2,038.8 2,118.4 2,276.1 2,493.4 2,530.0 2.917.4 3,011.4 2,727.6 2,756.5 2,546.4 2,410.3 2,153.2 29,979.5 1972-73 2,108.9 2,168.5 2,383.5 2.268.9 2,694.5 3,030.0 3,055.6 2,702.3 2,864.6 2,569.9 2,526.1 2,280.9 30,653.7 1973-74 2,207.2 2,273.1 2,342.8 2,682.0 2,878.0 2,527.7 2,798.9 2,418.3 *Exam~le: Power year 1962-63 is from July 1.1962 through June 30,1963. 1967-68 6.53 6.50 7.40 1968-69 6.88 7.26 7.82 1969-70 7.40 7.41 7.83 1970-71 7.14 7.31 7.74 1971-72 6.30 7.07 7.59 1972-73 6.88 7.07 7.78 Average 6.94 7.17 7.69 Load Factor 64.2 67.7 72 .1 SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ENERGY LOADS Oct. 8.33 8.58 8.44 8.47 8.32 7.40 8.26 67.3 (Percent of Annual) Nov. Dec. Jan. 8.87 9.78 10.18 8.53 9.70 10.60 8.76 9.32 9.80 8.65 9.84 9.98 8.44 9.73 10.05 8.79 9.88 9.97 8.67 9.71 10.10 69.2 62.9 65.4 Feb. 9.18 8.60 8.28 8.36 9.10 8.82 8.72 69.6 Mar. June 9.23 8.60 7.94 7.06 9.15 8.12 7.84 6.92 8.92 8.44 8.22 7.18 9.06 8.38 8.07 7.00 9.19 8.49 8.04 7.18 9.35 8.38 8.24 7.44 9.15 8.90 8.06 7.13 70.5 65.4 67.4 70.2 CITY OF SITKA FORECAST OF LOADS SUMMARY OF }10NTHLY LOADS ~ ~ ~ Oc t. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. ~ ~ June Annua 1 ENERGY ~1. 000 kW il) 1974-75 2, 37H. 7 2,957.6 2,635.8 2,83l.1 2,971.7 3,328.L 3,46l. 8 2,988.8 3,136.2 2,879. L 2,762.6 2,443.8 34,275.3 1975-76 2,569.0 2,654.1 2,846. 6 3,057.6 3,209.4 3,594.3 3,738.7 3,227.9 3,387.0 3,109.4 2,983.5 2,639.3 37,016.7 1976-77 2,774.3 2,866.2 3,074.1 3,301.9 3,465.9 3,881. 6 4,037.4 3,485.8 3,657.7 3,357.9 3,222.0 2850.2 39,974.9 1977-78 2,996.3 3,095.6 3,320.L 3,566.2 3,743.2 4,192.2 4,3hO.6 3,764.8 3,950.4 3,626.6 3,479.0 3,078.3 43.l74.1 1978-79 3,236.0 >,343.3 l, 585.8 3,851.5 4,042.7 '.,527.6 4,709.5 4,066.0 4,266.5 3,916.8 3,758.3 3,324.6 46,628.6 1979-80 3,494.9 3,610.8 3,872.7 AVERAGE ENERGY (kW) 197:'-75 3, 197 3,303 3,661 3,805 4,127 4,413 1',653 4,448 4,215 3,999 3,713 3,394 3,913 197)-76 3,453 3,567 3,954 4.110 4,45R 4,811 5,025 4,S03 4, 5) 2 4,319 4,010 3,666 4,226 1976-77 3,72') 3,H52 4,270 4,4:38 4~814 5,217 5,427 5,187 ~, 91 6 ~, bb,~ "+,331 3,959 4,563 1977-/8 4,027 4,161 !t,611 4,793 '),199 ),635 5,861 5,602 5,310 ",037 4,677 4,275 4,929 1978-79 4,34', 4,494 '.,980 '),177 5,615 6,085 6,330 6,051 5,735 5,440 5,05L 4,618 5,284 L979-80 4,697 1+,853 5,379 PEAK LOAD (kW) 1974-75 '.,980 4,879 5,078 5,654 5,964 7,114 7,114 6,391 6,048 6,048 5,509 4,835 7,114 1975-76 5,379 5,269 '), ~84 6,107 6,442 7,683 7,683 6,901 6,530 6,530 5,950 5,222 7,683 1976-77 5,808 5,690 5,922 6,594 6,957 8,297 8,297 7,45 j 7,052 7,052 6,426 5,640 8,297 H ~ 1977-78 6,273 6,146 6,395 7,122 7,513 8,961 8,961 8,049 7,617 7,617 6,939 6,090 8,961 r-< tr1 1978-79 6,774 6,638 6,907 7,692 8,114 9,678 9,678 8,694 8,227 8,227 7,494 6,578 9,678 <: H 1979-80 7,226 7,168 7,471 .j>- Sm1MARY OF LOADS AND RESOURCES 1974-1979 1974-75 1976-77 Peak Energy Peak kH 1,000 kHh kH LOADS Residential, Commercial and Industrial Loads 6,840 32,955 7,978 Load Growth Reserve 274 1,320 319 Peak Loads 7,114 34,275 8,297 Exports Forced Outage Reserve 3 2 500 3,500 Total Loads 10,614 34,275 11,797 RESOURCES Diesel Unit No. 1 300 1,275 300 Diesel Unit No. 2 500 500 Diesel Unit No. 3 300 1,000 300 Diesel Unit No. 4 2,000 2,000 Blue Lake Unit No. 1 3,500 16,000 3,500 Blue Lake Unit No. 2 3 2 500 16 2 000 3,500 Total Resources 10,100 34,275 10,100 Surplus or (Deficit) (514) (1,697) Note: 1. Diesel generation can be reduced by secondary energy from the Blue Lake Project or imports from ALP, when available. Energy 1 ,000 k~fu 38,438 1,537 39,975 39,975 1,275 1,000 5,700 16,000 16 2 000 39,975 1978-79 Peak Energy kW 1,000 kWh 9,306 44,836 372 1,792 9,678 46,628 3,500 13,178 46,628 300 1,275 500 1,353 300 1,000 2,000 11 ,000 3,500 16,000 3 2 500 16 2 000 10,100 46,628 (3,078) 2. Resource values are considered as dependable capacity and firm energy at load center. 3. 1978-79 period does not include Green Lake Project in operation as scheduled to reflect the effect of slippage on the system. S ill'iMARY OF LOADS AND RESOURCES 1979-1990 1979-80 1984-85 1989-90 Peak Energy Peak Energy Peak Energy kW 1,000 k\m k~" 1,000 kWh kW 1,000 kIm LOADS Residential, Commercial and Industrial Loads 10,050 48,421 14,767 71,147 21,698 104,541 Load Growth Reserve 402 1,937 591 2,847 868 4,182 Exports 33,642 1,142 10,006 3~9:3~ Peak Loads 84,000 16,500 84,000 25,451 138,805 Forced Outage Reserve 7,500 12.50Q Total Loads 84,000 24,000 38,500 138,805 RESOURCES Diesel Unit No. 1 300 Diesel Unit No. 2 500 Diesel Unit No. 3 300 Diesel Unit No. 4 2,000 Blue Lake Unit No. 1 3,500 16,000 3,500 10,000 3,500 10,000 Blue Lake Unit No. 2 3,500 16,000 3,500 10,000 3,500 10,000 Blue Lake Unit No. 3 4,000 12,000 4,000 12,000 Green Lake Unit No. 1 7,500 26,000 7,500 26,000 7,500 26,000 Green Lake Unit No. 2 7,500 26,000 7,500 26,000 7,500 26,000 Takatz Bay Unit No. 1 12,500 91.200 Takatz Bay Unit No. 2 Total Resources 25,100 84,000 26,000 ,000 38,500 175,200 H ~ t-< (Deficit) 3,208 2,000 a 36,395 trl Surplus or <: H Note: 1. Exports can be increased on "as available" basis by secondary energy from all hydroelectric projects. 0\ 2.Resource values are considered as dependable capacity and firm energy at load center. LOAD Meyers Court Sollars Court Arrowhead Court Sitka Seafoods Public Safety Acadewy Sirstad Addition Berglund Subdivision Wolf Subdivision High School Addition State Office Building State Health Building U. S. Coast Guard U. S. Forest Service Sheldon JacKson College TOTALS ANTICIPATED LOAD INCREASES Demand in kW 1973-74 100 100 600 270 75 75 1,220 POWER YEAR 1974-75 100 150 225 475 TABLE VI -7 1975-76 t;95 U!5 150 50 1,500 2,340 POWER AVAILABLE TO ALP WITH RESERVE SHARING Sitka ALP Firm Reserves Reserves (1) Peak Energy kW kW kW 1000 kWh 1979-80 3750 0 4000 33,640 1980-81 3750 789 4000 30,610 1981-82 3750 1692 4000 25,260 1982-83 (4) 3750 2667 4000 32,560 1983-84 (5) 3750 0 4000 27,490 1984-85 3750 858 4000 22,010 1985-86 3750 2086 4000 16,090 1986-87 (6) 6250 0 8000 70,080 1987-88 6250 1346 8000 70,080 1988-89 6250 2894 8000 70,080 1989-90 (7) 6250 0 8000 70,080 (1) Curtailment of exports in lieu of reserve sharing. (2) Based on average water year. (3) Based on average energy. (4) Anticipates increase of firm energy by improved reservoir operation. (5) Blue Lake Unit 3 on-line. (6) Takatz Unit lon-line. (7) Takatz Unit 2 on-line. EXPORTS TO ALP Secondary Average Load Energy (2) Energy Factor (3) 1000 kWh 1000 kWh % 1,400 35,040 100 4,430 35,040 100 9,780 35,040 100 2,480 35,040 100 7,550 35,040 100 12,000 34,010 97 12,000 28,090 80 0 70,080 100 0 70,080 100 0 70,080 100 0 70,080 100 SECTION VII ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 1. GENERAL The cost estimate for Green Lake Project was based on the preliminary arrangement and dimensions. Quantities were established for or civil features to which unit costs were applied, while for equipment and other features costs per kilowatt were used from experience with similar installations and from pub- lished information by the FPC and APA. These costs were based on contractor's bid prices, adjusted to a January 1974 level. These costs therefore in general, have built-in escalation which would permit completion of the work in a two-year period, which would correspond to the project b on-line by January, 1976. Costs for the Blue Lake exnansion were estimated based on an overall cost per kH. The costs of the Takatz project is based generally on escalation of that developed by APA, with certain adjustments, to arrive at an overall cost per kH. Diesel costs are based on a oer-kH basis for similar installations in Southeast Alaska. 2. BASIS OF COSTS a. Direct Construction Cost This includes the total of all costs dire chargeable to struction of the project and in essence represents a contractor's bid. sales taxes are included in this item where appropriate. the con- State Indirect costs are defined as those which are added to the Direct Construction Cost to result in the Total Construction Cost. Indirect costs in- clude an allowance for contingencies, engineering, and escalation where neces- sary . b. Contingencies To allow for unforeseen difficulties during construction and to reflect possible omissions of estimate items, an allowance of 15% for contin- gencies has been applied to the Direct Construction Cost estimates for hydro- electric installations. For diesel generation an allowance of 10% for contin- gencies was provided. c. Engineering and Client Administration Engineering costs for the project were based on a comparison with actual costs for similar work. This item includes investigations, feasibility and design engineering, field inspection of construction and client administra- tion. d. Escalation All preliminary cost estimates for hydro have been considered as a January 1974 bid level which corresponds to completion of the construction VII-2 by the end of 1975 (2 years construction period). Bid prices for construction anticipated to end at a later time have been escalated from the January 1974 level to the appropriate time of bid for such work. Costs for diesel have been established by escalating from an estimated cost based on in-service in January 1974. A blanket escalation rate of 6% per year for both labor and materials has been assumed for investment costs. e. Total Construction Cost This includes the total of all direct construction costs, contin- gencies, engineering and escalation. f. Capital Investment Cost This includes the Total Construction Cost plus interest during construction, and represents the total investment in the project. g. Bond Issue This includes the Capital Investment Cost plus costs relating to selling the bond issue. The bond issue amount is considered equal to the capital investment herein for hydroelectric projects, and is the basis for establishing annual costs as discussed in Section VIII. Since the method of financing con- struction is not yet determined, in this study bond costs are assumed as an addition of 8% to the annual costs. For diesels the capitalized value of the bond costs is estimated as 14% of the total construction cost. 3. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES a. Green Lake Project A cost estimate summary for the proposed development of the Green Lake Project is shown in Table VII-l. The estimated Total Construction Cost for the two unit installation, in-service in January 1976, is equivalent to $1,208/kW delivered to the load center, including roads, substations, and trans- mission. The estimated Total Construction Cost when escalated to an in-service date in December 1978, is $21,576,900, which is equivalent to $1,438/kW deliv- ered to the load center. b. Blue Lake Expansion The Direct Construction Cost for the Blue Lake Expansion is estimated to be $500/kW for entering into service in January 1977, based on judgement developed from experience with projects of similar size in the area. The cor- responding Total Construction Cost is equivalent to $66l/kW for the third unit being on-line in January 1977, and to $938/kW on-line in December 1983. c. Takatz Project Costs for the Takatz Project were estimated at $925/kW based on Direct Construction Cost excluding transmission (not including sales tax), and being in-service in January 1976. This is reasonably compatible with costs derived by the APA, in their 1968 report "Takatz Creek Project, Alaska, January, 1968". The APA costs were adjusted for different project arrangement and sche- VII-3 dule, and reescalated from the viewpoint of 1974 experience of cost increases. The estimated Total Construction Cost for the two-unit project, in-service in December 1978, is $37,153,000 which is equivalent to $1486/kW, excluding trans- mission. A cost estimate summary for the proposed development is shown in Table VII-2. d. Diesels The direct construction cost of installing new diesel units is esti- mated to be $220 per kilowatt for the unit to be in-service in early 1974. This cost, escalated at 6% per year, is used to determine the estimated construction cost for installation of units in future years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. GREEN LAKE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Mobilization Access Road Dam and Spillway Channel Improvements Diversion Tunnel Penstock Powerhouse Mechanical Equipment Electrical Equipment Substations Transmission Line Sub-total Sales Tax DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST Contingencies Sub-total Engineering and Client Administration Escalation (1) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Installation Cost per kW (2) Bid-date January, 1974 $ 600,000 1,400,000 5,280,000 150,000 450,000 980,000 800,000 1,310,000 1,000,000 500,000 960,000 $13,430,000 268,600 $13,698,600 2,054,800 $15,753,400 2,363,000 $18,116,400 $ 1.208 (1) Escalation at 6% per year TABLE VII-l Bid-date (On-line Dec. 1978) $ 3,460.500 $21,576,900 $ 1,438 (2) Based on Total Construction Cost, including transmission. and capacity at load center. TAKATZ PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY On-line date January 1976 Estimated Construction Cost-$/kW $ 925 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $23,125,000 Sales Tax 462,500 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST $23,587,500 Contingencies 3,538,100 Sub-total $27,125,600 Engineering costs 4,068,800 Es ca1at ion (1) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $31,194,400 Installation Cost per kW (2) $ 1,248 (1) Escalation at 6% per year (2) Based on Total Construction Cost, excluding transmission, and capacity at load center. TABLE VII-2 On-line da te December 1978 $ 5.258.~QQ $37,153,000 $ 1,486 SECTION VIII COST OF POI.JER 1. GENERAL The on practical alternatives available for future development of the Sitka electric system are installation of additional diesel units or development of new hydroelectric sites. Installation of gas turbines or steam generating units is not appropriate for the loads which the system has at present or in the foreseeable future. The alternative of diesel generation was compared with the development of the Green Lake site and the hydroelectric alternati ve is more favorab Ie. An additiona 1 comparison ~.;ras made between the Green Lake Project and the Takatz Project, ,,,;rith the Green Lake Project again b the more favorable alternative. 2 . Al'lNUAL COS TS a. Diesels New diesel units which would be required were considered as having annual fixed costs established on a capitalized basis and are determined as a percentage of the total bond issue. Fixed costs established in this manner include debt service, 0 & M, administration, replacements, insurance and taxes and represent a levelized annual cost throughout the life of the units. An appropriate increase of the Total Construction Cost was deter- mined to include interest during construction, the necessary reserves and other costs to arrive at the estimated bond issue. This increase was determined to be 14% of the Total Construction Cost. The annual fixed cost for new diesel units was estimated to be 13% of the total bond issue, based on a 25-year unit life, 6% interest rate, and one-year construction period. A summary of fixed costs for installation of new diesel units is shown in Table VIII-I. Variable annual costs are considered as those associated with the generation of energy and which vary as energy production varies. The only variable cost considered in this study is the cost of fuel oil. An estimate of the anticipated costs of fuel oil during the period of time considered in this study is shown in Table VIII-2. The fuel cost has been escalated at 10% annually from the cost of $0.33 per gallon in January 1974. The annual costs of installing diesel capacity, with the related energy production equivalent to the Green Lake Project, are tabulated in Table VIII-3. This table was based on the diesel capacity going on-line in January 1979, the same proposed schedule as for the Green Lake Project. b. Green Lake Project The estimated cost of development of the Green Lake Project re- sulted in a $1,208/k~.J value for in-service in January 1976, which escalated is a $1, 438/kW value for the proposed on-line date in December 1978. These are total construction costs inclusive of roads, substation and transmission line and are based on capacity delivered to the load center. A summary of con- struction cost, capital investment cost and annual cost is shown in Table VIII-4. VIII-2 The Capital Investment Cost was developed by adding the interest prior to and during construction to the Total Construction Cost. The Capital Investment Cost for an on-line date of December 1978 is $23,262,000. The total of all annual costs, fixed and variable, was found to be 7.8% of the Capital Investment Cost, exclusive of bond costs, based on 6% interest bonds. The annual costs include debt service, 0 & M, administration, replacements, insurance and taxes. Annual costs for the proposed neH hydroelectric projects are shown in Table VIII-5 for an on-line date of December 1978 and annual costs in succeeding years for the Green Lake Project. are shown in Table VIII-6. The total annual cost. of the proif'.c:" n service in December 1978, is estimated to be $1,966,000 including bond C'.;sts which is equivalent to an annual cost of $131. 06 per kH based on capad ;; '\/ered at load center. c. Takatz Project The case of development of the TakdL? eet is estimated at $1,408/kl-l value for in-service in January 1971" vl!il:!l escalated is $1,677/kW value for a proposed on-line date in December 19 , i'or comparison with the Green Lake Project at the same time period. f'!H::SC Rre Total Construction Costs inclusive of roads, substations and transmis:::-i 1, ines, and are based on capacity delivered at the load center. A summary of cOlF;Lruction cost, capital investment cost and annual cost is shown in Table VIII-·!;_ The Capital Investment Cost for an ')~!~line date of December 1978 is $45,480,000. Annual costs were based on the same relationships to the Capital Investment Cost as discussed for the Green Lake Project. The total annual cost of the project in-service in December 1978, is estimated to be $3,831,200, which is equivalent to an annual cost of $153.25 per kW. 3 • COMPARISON OF DIESELS fu~D GREEN LAKE PROJECT A comparison was made b etHeen the t,vo generating a1 terna ti ves on the basis of the same installed capacity for each and each generating the same annual amount of firm energy. As shov,r;:l in Table VIII-3 the esti- mated annual cost of the diesel alternative is $2" 37,800 in 1979 which, due to escalating fuel oil costs, increases to )682,600 in 1990. Although normal annual costs of a hydroelec.tric project have been assumed as a levelized amount (equivalent to 8.42/' of Total Capital Invest- ment) a small percentage of this is subject to escalation. For the purposes of comparison an es calation of 6% per year was applied to 1.38% of the bond issue to reflect increases in salaries during the of comparison. On this basis, the annual cost of the Green Lake Project \,1as determined to be $1,966,000 in 1979, which escalates to $2,259,700 bv 1990. The comparison between the two alternatives is shown graphically in Fig. 13. The Green Lake Project shows a significant saving over the diesel alternative. VIII-3 A comparison was also made of the annual costs associated with Sitka continuing with diesel generation solely to meet its load requirements (and not to develop diesel generation of size equal to Green Lake as shown in Fig. 13) as compared to Green Lake, and the result is shown in Fig. 14. As can be seen with continued diesel operation by late 1978 when Green Lake is scheduled to go on-line, annual diesel operating costs would be $270,000 more than annual operating costs for Green Lake. By late 1982, only some four years later the costs of diesel generation would be equal to the total annual costs including debt service, of Green Lake. Whereas the annual cost of the hydro will continue to increase only slightly following this, the die- sel costs increase at an astronomical rate. 4. COMPARISON BETWEEN GREEN LAKE AND TAKATZ PROJECTS The annual cost of the Green Lake Project as shown in Table VIII-6, is based on an installation of 16,600 kW delivering 15,000 kW to the load center and generating firm energy of 52,000,000 kWh annually (about 40% plant factor at load center). Approximately 10,000,000 kWh of secondary energy are expected to be available on an average basis. As shown in Table VIII-4, the annual cost of the Takatz Project is estimated to be $3,831,200 in December 1978. This cost, however, is based on an installation of 27,700 kW delivering 25,000 kW (in two units) to the load center which would generate firm energy of 91,200,000 kWh annually (about 42% plant fac- tor at load center). For comparison with the Green Lake Project, it is assumed that the Takatz Project will be developed with three units, and that two units of 7,500 kW each will be installed to be in-service in December 1978 with a third unit of 10,000 kW to be installed later. It is estimated that a 3-unit installation will increase the Total Construction Cost of the project by 10% over the 2-unit instal- lation, but will not affect the cost of transmission. It is also estimated the first stage construction would cost about 80% of estimated Total Construction Cost for the ultimate development of the 3-unit plant. The Total Construction Cost for first stage develoment of two 7,500-kW units, on-line in December 1978, is esti- mated to be $32,694,600, plus cost of transmission of $4,764,100, for a Total Con- struction Cost of $37,458,700 for the complete first stage installation. This re- sults in an estimated capital investment of $40,642,700 and an estimated annual cost of $3,423,700. This installation would generate about 91,200,000 kWh of firm energy annually. With this level of operation, no secondary energy is expected to be available until installation of the third unit and consequent reduction of the plant factor. A ~omparison of the costs of generation for the Takatz and Green Lake Projects is shown in Table VIII-7, and again in Fig. 13 with each project having a capacity of 15,000 kW delivered to load center. This represents staged development of the ultimate capacity of 25,000 kW at Takatz. The Green Lake Project shows a definite economic advantage in cost of power and has significantly less annual cost. Also it is not considered possible to place the Takatz units on-line until December 1979, which would require large additional amounts of diesel generation for the extra year and is a penalty to the Takatz Project. The Green Lake Project is therefore considered to be the more favorable alternative. A comparison of costs is shown in Table VIII-7 VIII-4 A comparison of costs between the Green Lake Project, and the Takatz Project developed to its ultimate installation of 25,000 kW (delivered to load center) is also shown in Table VIII-7. As shown the cost of average energy from the Takatz Project is slightly higher than Green Lake when an allowance is made for the value of the additional 10,000 kW of dependable capacity from the Takatz units. Further, the Takatz Project would require a capital investment (and annual cost) of about twice that required for the development of the Green Lake Project, and it is doubtful that the additional 10,000 kW of dependable capacity could be marketed at that time since only secondary energy would be associated with the additional capacity. In addition, the longer construction time of the Takatz Project requiring additional diesel generation, as mentioned above, makes the Takatz development less attractive. The Green Lake Project is therefore con- sidered to be the most attractive alternative to meet the needs of Sitka at this time. The comparison also shows that ultimate development of the Takatz Project with two 12,500 kW is more desirable than the staged development with two 7,500 kW units initially and 10,000 kW later, considering an on-line date when the additional capacity is needed by the system. When Placed In -Service (3) Jan. 1974 Jan. 1975 Jan. 1976 Jan. 1977 Jan. 1978 Jan. 1979 Jan. 1980 Direct Construction Cost -$lkW (1) $220.00 233.20 247.19 262.02 277.74 294.41 312.07 (1) Escalated at 6% per year. Contingency and Engineering (2) $36.52 38.71 41. 03 43.50 46.10 48.87 51. 80 (2) Contingency estimated at 10% . and engineering estimated at 6% • FIXED COST OF NEW DIESEL INSTALLATIONS Total Cons truc tion Cost -$!kW $256.52 271. 91 288.22 305.52 323.84 343.28 363.87 IDC, Reserve and Cost of Bond(4) $35.91 38.07 40.35 42.77 45.34 48.06 50.94 Bond Issue $/kW $292.43 309.9B 328.57 348.29 369.18 391. 34 414.81 (3) Years shown are calendar years with the units shown coming on-line at the beginning of that year. If a unit is completed, for example, late in 1978 to meet the calendar year 1979 loads, (on-line in January 1979) debt service and other annual costs will be payable for the entire year (1979). (4) Estimated at 14% of Total Construction Cost. (5) Estimated at 13% of Bond Issue. Annual Fixed Cost $!kW (5) $38.02 40.30 42.71 45.28 47.99 50.87 53.93 Jan. Mid Mid Mid .Mid Mid Mid Mid 1974 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ESTIMATED COST OF FUEL FOR DIESEL GENERATION Cost per Barrel Cost per (42 gallon) Gallon $13.86 $0.330 14.57 0.347 16.00 0.381 17.60 0.419 19.36 0.461 21.29 0.507 23.44 0.558 25.79 0.614 TABLE VIII -2 Cost of Power Mills/kWh 23.6 24.8 27.2 29.9 32.9 36.2 39.9 43.9 Assumptions: (1) Cost of fuel escalated at 10% per year from base ptice in January 1974. (2) Average heat rate of diesel units assumed at 10,000 BTU/kWh. (3) Heat content of diesel fuel assumed at 140,000 BTU/Gallon. (4) Cost of power in mid-year is assumed for generation during that calendar year. Fixed Costs 1979 $763,000 1980 763,000 1981 763,000 1982 763,000 1983 763,000 1984 763,000 1985 763,000 1986 763,000 1987 763,000 1988 763,000 1989 763,000 1990 763,000 (1) ANNUAL COST OF POl-lER DIESEL UNITS Variable Costs (2) $2,074,800 2,282,300 2,510,500 2,761,600 3,037,700 3,341,500 3,675,600 4,043,200 4,447,500 4,892,300 5,381,500 5,919,600 Total Annual Cost of Power Cost of Mills/kHh $2,837,800 54.6 3,045,300 58.6 3,273,500 63.0 3,524,600 67.8 3,800,700 73.1 4,104,500 78.9 4,438,600 85.4 4,&06,200 92.4 5,210,500 100.2 5,655,300 108.8 6,144,500 118.2 6,682,600 128.5 (1) -Based on installation of 15,000 kH in diesel capacity, on-line in Januarv 1979, at unit costs shown in Table VIII-I. (2) -Based on generation of 52,000,000 kHh of firm energy annually at fuel oil costs as shown in Table VIIl-2~ and escalated at 10% per year subsequent to this period. Total Construction Cost-Project Total Construction Cost-Transmission TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Interest prior to and during construction on all bond issues CAPITAL INVEST~lliNT COST Installation Cost per kW (2) ANNUAL COST ANNUAL COST OF CAPACITY-$ikW (5) -Included in project costs. ANNUAL COSTS NEH HYDROELECTRI C PROJECTS GREEN LAKE PROJECT 15,000 k1;.] (4) On-Line Dates January 1976 December 1978 S18,116,400 $21,576,900 (1) h8,1l6,400 _11 685) 10Q. $23,262, 000 $1,208 $1,438 $1,966,000 (3) $131. 06 TAKATZ PROJECT 25,000 kW (4) On-Line Dates Januarv 197n December 1978 531,194,400 S37,153,OOO 4,00U,uUO 4,764,100 $35,194,400 $41,917,100 3 a 562,90g $45,480,000 $1,408 $1,677 $3,831,200 $153.25 (2) -Based on Total Construction Cost, including transmission, and capacity at load center. (3) -As detailed in Table VIII-5. (4) -Delivered at load centers. (5) -Including transmission and based on capacity delivered at load center. DETAILS OF ANNUAL COSTS NEW HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS ON-LINE DECE?-1BER 1978 GREEN LAKE Percentage of Fixed ____ ~ __ ~ It em __ _ Costs Capital Investment ( $2J, 261,600) Debt Service (6% at 47 years) (1) 6.42 1,493,400 Operation and Maintenance 0.50 Additional Operat Expenses 0.28 Administrative and General O.LO Insurance 0.10 Interim Replacements 0.30 Taxes Nil Totals 7.80 1,493,400 Subtotal Annu&l Cost Bond costs 145 600 (3) TOTAL A~~Ul~ COST $ 1,966,000 (1) Based on 50 year bonds with interest prior to and during construction (2) Based on first stage development with two 7,500 k'\.J units. (3) Bond costs estimated at 8% of Subtotal Annual Cost. Variable Costs $ 116, JOO 65,100 46,500 26,300 72,800 327,000 deferred; TAKATZ ( 2) Fixed Variable Costs Costs ($40,642,700) 2,609,300 $ 203,200 113,800 81,300 40,600 121,900 ---_ .. $ 2,609,300 560,800 3,170,100 $ 253,600 (3) $ 3,423,700 as s Ufae 47 year financing. <: H H H I l.I1 GREEN LAKE PROJECT ANNUAL COST OF pm~ER 1979 -90 Variable Total Annual Cost Cost of Year Costs 2 of Generation Mills 1979 $ 1,639,000 $ 327,000 $ 1,966,000 31. 7 1980 1,639,000 346,600 1,985,600 32.0 1981 1,639,000 367,400 2,006,400 32.4 1982 1,639,000 389,500 2,028,500 32.7 1983 1,639,000 412,t500 2,051,800 33.1 1984 1,639,000 437,600 2,076,600 33.5 1985 1,639,000 463,900 2,102,900 33.9 1986 1,639,000 491,700 2,130,700 34.4 1987 1,639,00 521,200 2,160,200 34.8 1988 1,639,000 552,500 2,191,jOO 35 . .) 1989 1,639,000 585,600 2,224,600 35.9 1990 1,639,000 620,700 2,259,700 36.4 (1) Debt service based on 6%, 47 year retirement. (2) Based on cos t shmvn in Table VIII-5, including bond costs, escalated at 6% per year. (3) Based on total Everage energy (firm plus secondary). Power < H H H I V' COMPARATIVE COSTS OF HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION Capaci ty-kl-v Firm Energy-kWh Secondary Energy-k\{h Total Energy Annual Cost (On-line Dec. 1978) (3) Value of Incremental Capacity Adjusted Annual Cost of Firm Cost of Average Energy- Mills/ktm Green Lake Project 15~OOO 52,OOO~OOO 10,000,000 62,000,000 $1,966,000 ( 4) 0 $1,966,000 31. 7 Takatz Project 15~OOO 91,200,000 0 91,200,000 $3~423,700 0 $3~423,700 37.5 (1) (1) -First s development with two units delivering 15,000 kW at load center. 25~000 91~200~000 9~400~000 100,600,00(1 3,831,200 -508,700 3~322,500 33.0 (2) -Ba~ed on ultimate development of site with twounits delivering 25~000 kW at load center. (3) -It is not considered possible to place either Takatz Project on-line until December, 1979. Costs are shown for economic comparison only. (4) -Based on equivalent cost of diesel capacity ($50.87 for on-line January 1979). SECTION IX PROPOSED PROGRAM OF DEVELOPMENT 1. IMPROVEMENTS CURRENTLY REQUIRED a. General An investigation was made of system improvements which should be performed at an early date, but was restricted to generating resources, and was not intended as a review of the distribution system. The improvements discussed herein are therefore related to power delivered to the load center, system dependability and reservoir water storage. Most items are scheduled for this year (1974) and the more important ones are shown in Fig. 15, the Design and Construction Schedule. b. Tie Line to ALP The existing tie has the capacity to conduct 5,000 kVA between the ALP distribution and the Blue Lake Project, except for a short section of the line which reduces the capability of the tie significantly. Breakers are in place at each end of the tie sufficient for the 5,000 kVA load. Since it is anticipated that excess capacity of this magnitude will be available from the City's system in the future for export to ALP, it is proposed that the tie line be improved to its full capability. c. System Power Factor I t is proposed that the system power fac tor be improved by install- ing a 1,000 kVAR capacitor bank in the Marine Street Substation. It is antic- ipated that with the existing magnitude and types of loads in the system the capacitor bank will increase the system power factor to approximately 96%. This improvement will allow the transmission line to conduct approximately 11,000 kW, rather than the 9,000 kW present limitation, without overloading and the existing transfonners at Blue Lake Substation and Marine Street Substation would operate at 7,200 kW rather than at the current 6,000 kW rated capacity. d. Blue Lake Substation The transformers are sufficient for the existing two units at the project, but have a smaller capability than the transmission line and ultimate installation of the project. It is proposed that when system loads develop to approximately 10,000 kW, three 4,000 kVA, single-phase, transfonners be installed and connected to Units 1 and 2, and to the 5,000 kVA tie-line from ALP. e. Marine Street Substation This installation is sufficient at the present time, but should be upgraded to conform with the improvements at the Blue Lake Substation at the s arne time. f. Fish Release Valves and Monitoring The valves recently acquired should be installed on the fish release outlet as soon as possible. A stream flow monitoring program, in cooperation with the state and Federal game and fish agencies' personnel, should be developed. IX-2 g. Reservoir Level Gage To provide accurate information as to reservoir levels, a recording, nitrogen-bubbler type level gage should be installed at Blue Lake. The infor- mation from the gage should be provided at a read-out point at the control cen- ter. This information is essential to successful reservoir management follow- ing the rule curve. h. Pressure Gages in Powerhouse To provide information for hydrological and power studies, pressure gages which provide more accurate readings should be installed upstream of the scroll-cases of each unit. The existing gages are divided in intervals of 20- feet which allows significant errors between successive readings of different conditions. The existing gages should be replaced by gages divided in inter- vals of 5-feet, and having an accuracy of plus or minus 0.5%. i. Oil Storage Facilities During the next five years, an increasing amount of diesel genera- tion will be required to meet system loads. Normal oil storage facilities should be provided to allow for the delivery date schedule and the possibility of de- lays in delivery or missed shipments. In addition, it is proposed that a reserve storage tank containing 125,000 gallons of fuel oil should be provided for emergency conditions. It is estimated that this amount of oil would provide approximately 1,750,000 kWh of energy (about one month generation with existing installations). j. Central Control Station As diesel generation increases, it will probably be economical to establish a central control station and operate the Blue Lake Project by remote control from that point. Operation of the Green Lake Project is also proposed to be from a central control station. It is anticipated that this method of operation will reduce the annual costs of all installations. 2. FUTURE GENERATION PROGRAM a. General The program of development described in this section is proposed to be accomplished during the period 1974 to 1990 inclusive. It is anticipated that during this period the peak load of the system will increase from 7,114 kW to 22,566 kW and the energy requirements will increase from 34,275,300 kWh to 108,723,000 kWh. Including adequate forced outage reserves the required capac- ity will increase from 10,614 kW in 1974-75, to 38,500 kW in 1989-90. The proposed program of development will provide Sitka with 32,500 kW of capacity and approximately 144,100,000 kWh of firm energy from new or improved hydro-electric resources through 1990, will allow retirement of all diesel generating units by 1984, provide more economical and reliable genera- tion, and relieve the system from the uncertainty of fuel oil supply. The program will conserve a national resource and eliminate the undesirable en- vironment effects of diesel generation. It is anticipated that, with the IX-3 Takatz Project going on-line, the first link in a mini-grid could be established by the connection of Sitka and Baranof Warm Springs with transmission lines. The proposed program of development of future generation through 1990 follows the schedule in Fig. 15. It consists of the Green Lake Project, followed by expansion of Blue Lake, and the first unit of Takatz. b. Green Lake Project Investigations should be undertaken commencing this summer of the Green Lake site. It is proposed that it will be developed to its ultimate installation of two 8,300-kW units as the first phase of new development. The units are scheduled to be placed in service to meet the peak loads in power year 1978-79 (~ovember-December 1978). It is estimated that, including generator, transformer and transmission losses, each unit will deliver 7,500 kW to the load center at peak load conditions, at best-gate operation of the turbines, under winter reservoir levels. c. Blue Lake Unit 3 \fuile completion of the Green Lake Project will provide sufficient firm energy to meet the requirements of the system for approximately ten years at the forecasted growth rate, additional capacity to meet peaks with ade- quate reserve allowances, will be required for the 1983-84 winter loads. It is proposed to add a new unit, with an output of 4,000 kW, at the existing Blue Lake Project in late 1983. d. Takatz Project The capital investment required for development of the site is high per capita for a city the size of Sitka, primarily due to costs of road and transmission, and it should therefore be deferred in the generating pro- gram until the load grows sufficiently to support the investment requirements. This project is therefore scheduled to have the first unit of 12,500 kW in service late in 1986. If large new industrial loads develop in the area as a result of the availability of power and a market is available for the power, the project could be required at an earlier date. Periodic reevaluations of the system load growth should be made to determine when the project will actually be required. S~CTION X DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A schedule for investigations, design and construction for system generation through 1990 is shown in Fig. 15. This schedule is for the pro- posed program of development, which includes initial development of the Green Lake Project with the units coming on-line late in 1978. This is considered to be the earliest possible schedule for the program considering the time re- quired for investigations, FPC licensing, design and construction. The sched- ule shows the need to begin investigations of the Green Lake Project in the summer of 1974. Subsequent to completion of the Green Lake Project, the Blue Lake Expansion would follow entering into service in 1983, and the Takatz Bay Project in 1986. Critical dates on the schedule are summarized as follows: a. Investigate Green Lake site during June -December 1974. Evaluation Report completed by January 1975. b. Obtain funds for existing system improvements and preparation of Evaluation Report of Green Lake Project in June 1974 ($250,000). c. Obtain funds for final feasibility investigations and prepare FPC License Application for Green Lake Project in January 1975 ($300,000). d. Apply for FPC license for Green Lake Project in August 1975. e. Obtain funds for first stage design, construction of access road, and initial payment on major equipment items of Green Lake Project in January 1976 ($2,000,000). f. Establish final feasibility of Green Lake Project by March 1976. g. Begin final design of Green Lake Project in March 1976. h. Begin construction of access road for Green Lake Project in June 1976. i. Order major equipment items for Green Lake Project in August 1976. j. Receive license from FPC for Green Lake Project in November 1976. k. Sell bonds for financing Green Lake Project in January 1977 ($20,862,000). 1. Begin construction of major works of Green Lake Project in April 1977. m. Green Lake Project in-service by end of 1978. n. Complete feasibility report of Blue Lake Expansion by July 1980. o. Sell bonds for financing Blue Lake Expansion by July 1981. p. Complete feasibility of Takatz Bay Project by August 1982. X-2 q. Blue Lake Unit 3 in-service in late 1983. r. Takatz Bay Unit 1 in-service in late 1986. SECTION XI CONCLUSIONS AND RECor~NDATIONS 1. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are made as a result of this study. a. The generation program for the Sitka Electric Utility System should be directed to development of additional hydroelectric installations, with essen- tially no diesel generation after 1979 and full retirement of the diesel plant within the next decade. b. Expansion of the Blue Lake Project by installation of a third gene- rating unit is technically feasible but will not increase the availability of firm energy from the project. It will increase capacity and allow generation of additional amounts of secondary energy and should be brought into service in late 1983. c. Although the system has a potentially dangerous deficiency in capa- city, the more critical condition is lack of sufficient energy to supply the future needs of the City without reliance on the availability of large amounts of diesel fuel oil at high costs. d. Preliminary studies show that the Green Lake Project will meet the City's power requirements at less cost than any alternative. It should be brought into service as soon as possible; however, the earliest possible on-line date is late 1978. e. Initial investigations of the Green Lake site must be undertaken this year if the schedule for the proposed program of development is to be maintained. f. Prior to the Green Lake Project going into operation, over the next 4 to 5 years, it will be necessary to substantially increase operation of the existing diesel plant to meet the City's load. Additional oil storage facili- ties and other improvements to the system are an immediate requirement. g. To finance construction of the proposed program will necessitate the City incurring a large financial obligation and will require careful planning. The plans should include alternative bond arrangements and the possibility of shaping the debt service. The possibilities of obtaining financial assistance from state and Federal sources should also be investigated. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are submitted: a. Field investigations and office studies of the Green Lake Project should be performed, commencing in June 1974, so that a project evaluation re- port can be prepared by January 1975 to firmly establish the project viability prior to proceeding with more detailed and costly investigations. Investigations XI-2 should continue in 1975 to establish final feasibility including preparation of an application for an FPC License in August, 1975. b. Construction of an access road to the Green Lake site should begin in the spring of 1976, to allow the construction of the major project works to proceed on schedule. c. Arrangements for financing the proposed program should be initiated immediately so that funds will be available when required. Funds are estimated to be required on the following schedule: $250,000 in June 1974 -System improvements and evaluation report of Green Lake Project. $300,000 in January 1975 -Final Feasibility investigation and preparation of FPC License application for Green Lake Project. $2,000,000 in January 1976 -First stage design, construction of access roads and initial payment on major equipment itemS. $20, 862,000 in January 1977 -Bonds for financing construction of Green Lake Project. d. The possibilities for financing future generation should be pursued with state and Federal agencies, and with the State legislature in combination with other cities in Southeast Alaska to attempt to develop a region-wide basis for hydroelectric project financing. e. In the interest of avoiding delays in the schedule of the proposed program, information meetings should be scheduled with appropriate local, state and Federal agencies and on the public level, and continued as required. f. A periodic review and re-evaluation of the system loads should be made, and the program of generation development adjusted accordingly. g. Improvements to the existing facilities of the City to be initiated immediately should include the following: (1) Oil storage tanks and a reserve storage of fuel oil of 125,000 gallons should be provided at the diesel plant. This amount should be in addition to storage for normal operation during the next five years. (2) The tie line between ALP and the Blue Lake Project should be improved to conduct 5,000 kVA in either direction. (3) The transformers at Blue Lake Project and Marine Street Sub- station are inadequate for the combined capacity of the present Blue Lake units and tie-line from ALP, and should be replaced with larger units. The replacement will not be required, however, until about 1979 or until system loads have devel- oped to the level of the combined capacity. (4) A capacitor bank of 1,000 kVAR should be installed in the Marine Street substation. XI-3 (5) Installation of new valves on the fish release pipe should pro- ceed as soon as possible and a program for monitoring release discharges in co- operation with personnel from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Service, should be initiated. ._----------------- ..---COLD STORAGE LAKE TAKATZ BAY PROPOSED TAKATZ r----,"" PROJECT TRANSMISSION LINE PROPOSED GREEN LAKE PROJECT ~VODAPAD RIVER ... "r-LAKE 1 ~ DIANA -... .... -""'\ 5 o 5miles .. ~~--~~--.. ~======~ Scale RW.BECK and ASSOCIATES Analytical and Consultino EnQlneers Seattle ,Washinoton Denver,Colorado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM LOCATION MAP area Releases to mill I \ I I ~ ) Drainage area = 37 square miles Topooraphy from U.S.G.S quadrangle Sitka, (A-4) Alaska Scale I: 63360 fOOO 1°L.P..u?u.;'"LJ.,' k'c" ~~-;-:-_I-,OpO' Scale ntour Interval 200 Feet R.W.BECK and ASSOCIATES ANALYTICAL ANO CONSULTING ENGINEERS Seattle, Waoh ington Ou.er,Colorado DATE: CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTE M BLUE LAKE PROJECT EXISTING ARRANGEMENT FIG: APR. 1974 2 .... LLJ LLJ I.L I z 0 I- <t > LLJ ...J w AREA -ACRES 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100' /000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 400~~----~--------T--------+--------~-------r-------1--------+--------+--------~------~------~~~----+ ~~ ~ -' ~-380~~~--~~~ '~----~~~~~~~------4-~~~--+-~~~~~ ..................... ~----~~~~+-~---~ ~~ I~ ~/---- ~ ,NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR EI.342 ~ 340 +---+====F==~ ==f=======Fjs¢:.~~=======l===, ===l=1======I:; ~.",.~-----!- '" t:; ~ ~ ~ CAPACITY -~v----- (!) w ~ w '" v------1--~---------+-, ... ~ ~ ~ ---+----: ~ v< ~ g ~ ~./' '-----L./I AREA 300 -4-~~----+-~~ ~ 00 ~~AXIMUM DRAWDCWN EI. 252 I ~ ~ ~--~------±,~4/~'~~ (RU~E CURVE OPER~ION) ~---------~-~~----~------~--------~--------~------~ ~ MINIMUM RlsERVOIR EI 1 230 ~ 260 /V ~ 220 180 / ~ / \ 140-r------~--------r_------~------_+------~--------+_------~------_+--------~------~------~------~ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 CAPACITY -1000 ACRE -FEET NOTES: I. Power storage determined by rule curve operation of reservoir in minimum water year. 2. Rule curve operation is proposed only during interim period until unit '3 is in -service. 160 180 200 220 240 RW. BECK and A sse elATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Sea tt Ie, Washi n9 ton Denver,Colorado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM BLUE LAKE RESERVOIR AREA -CAPACITY CURVE 3 ..... UJ UJ u.. I z 0 -..... e:{ > UJ ...J UJ a:: -0 > a:: UJ (f) UJ a:: 350 34(; :.330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 ~ r---r----f----_~SPILLW~~CRESTJL:..:~ _____ ~ ____ ..;- ~~ // _t_---_+---3000.-------------I----+-----------------I----------t------+-------------jl________-----------+______---+----_t_____--JL--\----___f_ ~~ // ~ // ~ /~--+--1----1--------------l- -+-----------~-------+-------__t---_'It,'\.__+_-----------I-----t-------+l~---+----------+----t-------Ir- -I---------f----t-----+------+!\-"'r--__t L \ / \, / --~f~----r_-----+_---;_----_r------_;_ ~ / -+-----\-------------t------------+-------+~----_r ---~_+-----____.I__t--------------I__----------+-------I------t-,,~ / 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 _t_------+ ------+------~-_t_____~----------_+___---_t_---_+------___I------,--------t-------------t-----------------1-------'1-2 4 0 --------\-----------+ ---------I-----~I---------------I-----------I---------~----+______-------\-----_+___-~---_l_ 2 3 0 2 2 O-t~------------+_--------+-------------------+------~-+-~---.---__t---------____+----_+------+-------+_----------+----1-22 0 November December January February March Apri I May June J ul y August lSeptember October ..... UJ UJ IJ... I Z 0 - l- e:{ > UJ ...J W a:: -0 > a:: w (f) w a:: R..W.BECKandASSOCIATES Analylical and Consuiling Engineers Sea tile ,Was hing Ion Den'er,Colorado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTI LITY SYSTEM BLUE LAKE PROJECT RESERVOIR RULE CURVE Transmission Line 69 KV MON LAKE: ! ~ \ f ! f ~ I ! f ( f ( Drainage area = 28.9 square miles ~ "\ Topography from U.S.G.S. quadrangle \ Port Alexander CD 4). Alaska "'-Scale I' 63,360 ,'" " ~ / o 1000 I interval 100 feet R.W.BECK and ASSOCIATES ANALYlICAL ANO CONSULTING ENGINEERS S eo t fie 1 Wo s h i n 9 tOn De nveT f Colora do AND BOROUGH OF ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM GREEN LAKE PROJECT PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT 5 TUNNEL INTAKE GATE fIt t" ....... '. " .... =Xv ','i' ••••• , •..•.•......•...• ~~ ............................. '.' SCALE R.W.BECKandASSOCIATES Analytical and Consulting Engineer, Seattle,Wa,hington Oenver,Colorado CITY 4NO BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM GREEN LAKE PROJECT PROPOSED DAM ARRANGEMENT 6 ,.-------------------------------------------------------------.--..•. ----------------~.- I- W UJ LL. Z 0 -I-« > UJ ...J LLl 1600 500 400 AREA -ACRES 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 \"'~! i // ~'2 g V '( ~V NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR EI. 420 ~V v ..... , I-, UJ t:i LLl ......... (!) LLl LLl « LL. LL. ~ I /iAREA I 0 LLl W I-~ 200 o 300 ~ Wu ., ~i V~CAPACITY ~ ~ ---=~t-.-'-,-,-......... -....... -+-,-------1------+------1 w ~ MINIMUM RESERVOIR EI. 300 " ~ '---- 20') L-_____ ~ ____ ~ _____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ _____ ~ ____ ~ ____ _J o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 CAPACITY -1000 ACRE -FEET L..-_______________ .... _ ... ___ .. ______ _ ---.--.. -... R.W.BECKandASSOCI ATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Se a It I e, Was hi ng ton Denver,Colorado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA E LECTR IC UTILITY SYSTEM GREEN LAKE RESERVOIR AREA -CAPACITY CURVES AApRJ974 I ° EtSB IA;;Jp:lf". 7 I / / f ! I i \ \ ~ \ \ ~ i " '\. , i f I J I /' Drainage area = 10.6 square miles rj 1 f / f / I / Line /' / /' 1 f I Tunnel f-Limit of drainage \ \ / /' \ 0 ~ \ .--.--'-:~ ~ ,/7 -\ / "--.-/ o Topography from U.S.G.S. quadrangle Sitka (A-3), Alaska Scale I: 63,360 area 1000 0 1000 I'llrlll!!' I Scale Contour interval 100 feet R.W.BECK and ASSOCIATES ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS Seot t Ie jWash inoton Denver, Co lora do CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM TAKATZ PROJECT PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA -ACRES 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 1100 ~ V V '\ /NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR EI. 1040 ./ \ , / 1000 I-w W LL. I z 900 0 I-« > w .....I W - j "'" v ~ w en w w '" LL. I-a: w w (J w « a: -w V (J (!) LL. I-0 « « I w ¢ I 0 a: w ,.... 0 W LL. 0 I-a: I 0 (/) (J '" ~ « w to w a:; ¢ > 0_ (J - ----~--« V ~ - I-0 (J ¢ 0 r.( -0 (\J ~ ~NIMUM ro RESE~VOIR EI. 90~~ ro to 1 ~ ~CAPACITY / - 800 / j L AREA --\ / \ / ~ 700 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 CAPACITY -1000 ACRE -FEET ---------------------------~--- o 200 RW.BECKandASSOC I ATES Anolytical aod Coosuiling lngineers Sea tt Ie, Wo s hi ogton Denver,Colo rado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA EL ECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM TAKATZ RESERVOIR AREA -CAPACITY CURVES DATE lORAWN !APPROV 4 E_D",' F;;, APR 19741 BBB ~2 I 9 ~ ~ 1 >-.... o « Q. « o ~ « laJ Q. 36,000 32,000 40,000 '+t+f-H+. 3 2 ,000 TAKATZ UNIT I 28,000 r-------~-.----~~"-------r_------r_------r_------r_----~r_----~----................. -1------~------~~ -1 12,500 KW 24,000 20,000 16,000 12,000 8,000 4,000 o LOAD Q R ESERVES ~ ~~?: ------t----/------if---"---t--'\ BLUE LAKE UNIT 3 -4000 :W -:-------, i --~ .. ---- ---- 24,000 20,000 16,000 12,000 8,000 4,000 ~ ~ I >-.... o « Q. « o ~ « LLJ Q. --f-~~=-=--.~~:-~ ~1_9_7_4_-_7_5~1_9_7_5_-_7_6~' __ Q7 __ C_7_7~19_7_7_-_7_8~1_9_7_8_-_79_L1_9_7_9_-_8_0~1_9_8_0_-_8_1~1_9_8_1-_8_2~····~19_8_2_-_8_3_L1_9_8_3_-_8_4~1_9_8_4_-_8 __ 5~-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 o POWER YEARS NOTE: I. Resource capacity Is dependable ,delivered at load center. 2. Power years extend from July I,through June 30. R.W. BECK and AS SO elATES Analytical and ConsultlnQ Engineers Sea ttlt, WoshinQton De nver,Colo rodo CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM LOAD GROWTH CURVE PEAK LOAD FIG: 10 140 120 100 ---+------- TAKATZ UNIT I 140 120 100 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-801980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-841984-85 1985-861986-87 1987-881988-89 1989-90 POWER YEARS NOTE: I. Resource capacity is dependable, delivered at load center. 2. Power years exten d from July I, through June 30. RW.BECKandASSOCIATES ARalytlcal and ConsultlnQ EnQlneers Sea ttle,WashinQ ton Denver,Colorado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITK A ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM LOAD GROWTH CURVE ENERGY LOAD II 14000 12000 10000 en t-t-8000 OIl ~ 0 ...J :ac: 6000 4000 2000 SYSTEM IN 1974-75 SYSTEM IN 1976-77 ------~----~----~----~----~----~-----r----~--~14000 14oo~----~----~----~----~-----'-----'-----'-----'----~14000 ~----~-----+-----+----~----~~----~----+-----4---~~20oo 12000+-----4-----~----~-----+----~----~~-----~----~---+12000 +-----~----~-----+-----4----~------~----+_----+_--_r10000 10000+-----4-----4 en t- t- ~----~----~----~----~----~----+IOOOO 4-----~----_+----_+----~----~~----~----+_----4_--_+8000; 8000~----4-----~----~-----+----~································~~----~----i----8000 o ~~~~~~~~=-~--~4~-~----+-----+-----+-----~----r---~~--~----+6000 ~ 6000~~~~~~F;;;~h::::Jt:==~----~----_r----_r--__r6000 1~~~·~~·~~i~~~~~.~~-~-~-~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~;;:::1~----1_----_1----~ 4000 ·-i-----.-1-. .-,:...--:-: .. :-:.... ~ _____ c~ ~_-_ ____ .-:1-:-.... ._~-, .... -:. __ . __ ,~-___ -,-...,,~ ::.:=::.:::':::.:=::.:== __ = ==_=_-_====---. Hydro.leetrle(Blu. Lak,) == I_-----·?-':'""'-..c-_'--?-c:...l~ ---------:.---1-------. -- - --_-1.-.---' 1---::.--:--~::.:-::.:-~ ~ 1-_____ . .:1._ ......... --·Di .... Unit '5 r ::::-t-=-::-I-··-.:=---....:-.c--------------_-_-_-~ 2000 ::':::.:=::.:=::.:=::.:=::.:===::.:-:=---:::=---:..: I=Z~··:'" ------L=-...:'Oi, •• fUnit T::.:---==-:::F:=====::':=::':::.:=::.:= ~==::.:=::.:::.: -- - --- - - - --- -:1., -- ----... .::": :..:...:~~t:=--;~_~_-_::::-: 1_-_-_-_-:== f-= ---:.~ ---- o I I 0 O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1400 0 120 00- t! 10000 t-oe II g 80 00 :ac: 60 00 40 00 20 00 0 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8760 HOURS SYSTEM IN 1978-79 14000 12000 10000 l ==~ 8000 ----------'" ~ -..:.. ............ :c-.:-c-c -f-~ ----- :::--I-=---::.:-= ---------- H yd ro .Ie etrie (Shl' Lak'L __ == ~ -_. - ~ =-=-=----1----.:-_------ -----1-Di I U 't 2 "".:i=------------r _____ -_-~ ----.... ····c .. t.r-::J ft, nl Dill.i-un't 3 -----;:::------------.-::.: ---~ =~.....---~ :::-;~:::~;::;~ = :::~-& . . -~----;:;;.-0.11.1 Unit I -:-_ :....--~ ............ I-. ... .-c'::::' ':..: - ... D i •• ,I Unit 4 I-:-_ ,.... ,..=-:..-.- ..-' -,::::-!--. .-' I-::.. [---=--I-:..::.. I 1000 4000 2000 o o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8760 HOURS o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8760 HOURS R.W.BECKandASSOC I ATES Aft.lytlc.1 aM Coullltl", EnQln .. n s •• ttl •• W.ahift,tOll Denver,Colorado CITY AND IOROUIH Of SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM LOAD DURATION CURVES 7 POWER PRODUCTION DELIVERED TO LOAD CENTER AL TERNATIVE CAPACITY FIRM SECONDARY 6 ENERGY ENERGY (KW) (IOOOKWh) (lOOOKWh) DIESEL 15,000 52,000 0 GREEN LAKE 15,000 52,000 10,000 5 TAKATZ 15,000 91,200 0 (J) a:: <l -l ~ On -line dote -l 0 4 a z 0 ~~ ..... -l ..J :E I 3 ~ ~ ""... I- (J) 0 0 ..J <l ::::> 2 z Z <l o 1979 1980 1981 1982 ~ ~ DIESEL ALTERNATIVEl> ~ ~ TAKATZ PROJECT ~ / ~ ( First Stoge Development) I /GREEN LAKE PROJECT / 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 CALENDER YEAR ~ 1989 ~ 1990 RW.BECKandASSOC 1 ATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Seattle,Wa&hlngton De nver,Col 0 rado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM COMPARATIVE COST OF POWER 13 4,000,000 3,500,000 II V II / I 3,000,000 / Vt/ DIESEL" 2,500,000 " / / en VS 1 [/ a:: « In 1982, diesel fuel cost alone ..,J ... ....J is equal to debt service 0 for Green Lake Projecf / / ~ Cl q~ 2.,000,000 V// ~' z 0 \ -....J ....J / ~i{ -~ 1,500,000 I, Debt service plus .6. /' I-Debt Service '" fixed operatingv--:: //, ~ IA-GREEN LAKE PROJECT / 1:000,000 ./ // ~, v/ / ~ I--Diesel Fuel v/ ~------.."./ ~---500,000 ~ ----~-----f- ..,......"""'" --~----~ ----~--- .-"".-"" ...-~ Operating Costs -f-----• 0 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 CALENDER YEAR R.W.BECKandASSOCIATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Sea It Ie, Washino ton Denver,Colorodo CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM COST OF CONTINUED DIESEL GENERATION VS. GREEN LAKE PROJECT ~- A~~.19?4IDEA~t7JJP;IF1G 14 SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ANAL. OF ELEC. SYSTEM FISH RELEASE VALVES AND MONITORING OIL STORAGE TANKS AND SUPPLIES NEW TRANSfORMER -BLUE LAKE CAPACITORS GREEN LAKE PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT FEASIBILITY REPORT FPC LICENSING FINAL DESIGN ACCESS ROAD MAJOR EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION TRANSMISSION BLUE LAKE EXPANSION FEASIBILITY REPORT AMEND FPC LICENSE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS MAJOR EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION TAKATZ PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT FEASIBILITY REPORT EVALUATION REPORT GREEN l-AKE, SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FPC LICENSING . I I I I I : I I I I I I FINAL DESIGN FINAL FEASIBILITY,FPC LICENSING GREEN LAKE ACCESS ROAD I I I I I I I I J----M-A-JO-R-E-Q-U-I-P-M-E-N-T-------+-+-+1 -+-+-+-+ t-+-+++-+ FIRST STAGE DESIGN , LUlJlJLLll_U--l-U-ll-ll--LU-UjjJjlLUU~~t!tt~~~u~U,rN.I~T~I~ll_U___U__L_U_U_WlLUUJ_l~ ACCESS ROAD, ORDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT,GREEN LAKE TRANSMISSION ++++++++ SELL BONDS SELL BONDS --------,----t--1r--t-r-t--t-1"--r-lH -+-+--1f-+-+-+++ BLUE LA K E E XPANSI ON T A KATZ UN IT I t-++-+-+--1f-+-t-+-+++-+-+-t-+-+++-+--+-II-t-t-++-t-t-lf-+-+-++++-t-+-l FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1978 1979 1980 LEGEND FEASIBILITY STUDIES FINAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 R.W. BECKandASSO elATES Analytical and Consulting Engineers Sea tt le,Washington De nver,Colo rado CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE