HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin 1981E ---~ -~-~ for and the Copper River B-~ ~ ~-f AI3 . a Po ver Aut ority 3:r W. 5th A I • Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ~~~------------------~ J8t8R111 FEASIBILITY REPORT AND FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (W] United States Army ~~.r"'l.n Corps of Engineers ~ ... Mrvlng d wArmv ... SrFlJl ng til#' Nat/on Alaska District SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT AREA, ALASKA INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT AND FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ELECTRICAL POWER FOR VALDEZ AND THE COPPER RIVER BASIN MARCH 1981 SYLLABUS The geographic area considered in this study encompasses the coastal community of Valdez and tne interior communities of the Copper River Basin (Glennallen being the largest). In past years this area has been impacted by various economic "booms" and "busts." The latest boom was the construction of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, followed by the post-pipeline construction slump, the latest DuSt. During these periods there have been corresponding increases and decreases in electrical usage. Although the econm~ is currently in a "slump," the outlooK for the future is for a large increase in the construction industry as the Alaska Petrochemical Company (ALPETCO) begins worK on their complex in Valdez. This, in combination with the current expansion of the port facilities, will greatly increase electrical demand. Furthermore, ALPETCO anticipates approximately 720 permanent employees to remain for plant operation. Additional population increases would be associated with the employees' families and support facilities such as housing, stores, etc. The proposed plan consists of two elements to meet the future needs of the study area. The elements include the installation of a pressure reducing turbine (PRT) in the oil pipeline by 1984 followed by hydropower development at Allison LaKe approximately 6 years later. The PRT would produce approximately 7.4 megawatts of power based on an oil flow rate of 1.5 million barrels per day. Tnis project has the advantage of providing a relatively continuous amount of power year-round allowing for more flexibility in the utilization of the Solomon Gulch and ultimately the Allison Lake hydropower systems. Implementation of this project would be the responsibility of the local utility and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Tne second part of the plan, a lake tap at Allison Lake, would produce ap~rox;mately 32,200 megawatt hours (MWH) of firm annual energy with S,050 MWH of secondary energy from an installed capacity of 8 megawatts. The estimated first cost is $34,301,000. Associated annual operation, lfIaintenance, and replacement costs are estimated at $200,000. ALLISON LAKE AND ALYESKA PIPELINE TERMINAL 3720-&1 PERTINENT DATA ALLISON LAKE HYDROPOWER RESERVOIR Water Surface Elevation, feet mean sea level r~ax imulll Average r1inimum Surface Area at Maximum Elevation, acres Usable storage, acre-feet HYDROLOGY Dra i nage Area, squa're mi 1 es Annual Runoff, cubic feet per second Average r1aximum Minimum POWER AND ENERGY Dependable Capacity, kilowatts Firm Annual Energy, megawatt hours Average Annual Energy, megawatt hours FIRST COSTS (October 1980) Federal r'lon-Federa1 Total ANI~UAL COSTS 100-year life @ 7-3/8 percent interest rate Operation, Maintenance & Replacement Total Annual Cost ANNUAL !3ENEFITS Total Annual Benefits (Assumes Pressure Reducing Turbine in oil pipeline) Net Annual Benefits Benefit -Cost Ratio iii 1,367 1,335 1 ,267 258 19,980 5.7 49 68 36 8,000 32,200 37,250 $30,871 ,000 3,430,000 $34,301,000 $3,034,000 200,000 $3,234,000 $4,985,000 $1,751,000 1.5 to 1 SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT AREA. ALASKA INTERIM FEASIBILITY REPORT AND FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Item INTRODUCTION STUDY AUTHORITY SCOPE OF THE STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY PARTICIPANTS AND COORDINATION STUDIES OF OTHERS THE STUDY AND REPORT PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION NATIONAL OBJECTIVES ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND NATURAL RESOURCES ECONOMY AND POPULATION EXISTING SYSTEM AND FUTURE NEEDS CONDITION IF NO FEDERAL ACTION TAKEN PROBLEMS. NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES PLANNING CONSTRAINTS PLANNING OBJECTIVES FORMULATION OF PRELIMINARY PLANS ALTERNATIVES WORTHY OF FURTHER CONSIDERATION ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES DIESEL CONSERVATION T~ANSMISSION INTERTIE PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE ALLISON LAKE HYDRO COMPARISON OF DETAILED PLANS SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS RATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF NED PLAN RATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF EQ PLAN RATIONALE FOR SELECTED PLAN PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATION FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (YELLOW) iv Page 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 8 18 18 20 20 20 22 27 28 28 29 31 32 34 40 45 49 49 50 50 51 51 APPENDIXES A HYDROLOGY B EXISTING SYSTEM AND FUTURE NEEDS C ECONOMIC EVALUATION D PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATE E ENVIRONMENTAL DATA F CULTURAL RESOURCES G FOUNDATIONS AND MATERIALS H FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT REPORT AND CORPS OF ENGINEERS RESPONSE I MARKETABILITY ANALYSIS J PUBLIC VIEWS AND RESPONSES v INTRODUCTION Due to continued growth and incre~sing electrical energy costs in the Valdez-Glennallen area, the need for development of renewable electrical resources is oecoming imperative. The current dependence on diesel-fired generation and its associated cost escalation is taking a larger propor- tion of personal income each year. Increased demand due to an expanding population associated with the planned petrochemical plant in Valdez (ALPETCO), the port facilities in Valdez, and exploratory oil drilling in the Glennallen area, dictate the need for expanded energy production. The need to obtain this energy from either renewable or less expensive resources is critical to the economic and social well-being of the area. Expansion of diesel-fired generation, which currently accounts for all commercial electricity produced in the study area, Inay prove questionable at a time when future availability and price are doubtful. )TUDY AUTHORITY On 18 January 1972 the Committee on Puolic Works of the United States Senate adopted a resolution requesting a review of the feasibility of providing hydropower to the southcentral railbelt area. The resolution is quoted as follows: That the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Haroors created under the provisions of Section 3 of the River and Harbor Act approved June 13, 1902, be, and is hereoy requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on: Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, puolished as House Document Number 34, Eighty-fifth Congress; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, published as House Document Number 182, Eighty-third Congress; Tanana River Basin, Alaska, pUblished as House Document Number 137, Eighty-fourth Congress; Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, pUblished as House Document Number 218, Eighty-eighth Congress; and other per- tinent reports with a view to determining whether any modifica- tions of the recommendations contained therein are advisable at the present time, with particular reference to the Susitna River hydroelectric power development system, including the Devil Canyon Project and any competitive alternatives thereto, for the provision of power to the Southcentral Railbelt area of Alaska. This interim feasibility report is in partial response to the above resolution. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study was originally intended to determine the energy needs, and the alternatives available to meet those needs for the Valdez area. However, since the completion of the initial evaluation of alternatives in April 1978, which identified Solomon Gulch and Allison Lake as the two Dest alternatives, a number of changes have taken place. Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) has undertaken the construction of Solomon Gulch. This 12 megawatt (MW) installation will produce approximately 55,600 megawatt hours (MWH) of average annual energy with 38,600 MWH oeing firm. The estimated date for completion is Novemoer 1981. In conjunction with the Solomon Gulch project, CVEA is constructing a transmission line from Valdez to Glennallen. This will significantly increase the early utilization of the Solomon Gulch plant and set the need for additional capacity and energy at an earlier date than previously assumed. Due to transmission line construction, the scope of the study has been increased to include any other potential hydropower sites which are in the area. With the Valdez-Glennallen intertie, sites which had been previously considered uneconolnical for development have Decome worthy of further evaluation. STUDY PARTIClPANTS AND COORDINATION During this study contact has been maintained with interested Federal, State, and local entities. PUblic meetings were held in Valdez on 26 April 1977, 24 July 1978, and 18 November 1980. The earlier meetings were primarily designed to gather puolic comments and information to help guide our study process. The last meeting included a report on the study findings, and an opportunity for puolic comment on the study. Sesides input from public meetings, close contact and cooperation was maintained throughout the study with Fish and Wildlife Service and the State Department of Fish and Game. The Department of Fish and Game was instrumental throughout the study in gathering lake and stream temperature data. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was responsiole for providing the power values which represent the cost of the most likely alternative. The Alaska Power Administration provided load forecasts as well as the marketao"ility analysis for the study. Copper Valley Electric Association assisted with the study by supplying updated generation costs and load requirements. R.W. Retherford and Associates provided information on the pressure reducing turoine. The cooperation that Alyeska Pipeline Service Company provided, particularly with field investigations, was essential to the successful completion of this study. STUDIES OF OTHERS A number of investigations have been conducted in the study region, particularly in the Valdez area, since it is the farthest north ice-free port in Alaska. Following is a brief summary of reports done for the study area. Much of the information utilized for this report was ootained from these sources. Copper Valley Electric Association conducted a 15-year power cost study in 1976 and updated it in 1980 for the Valdez-Glennallen area. The study conside~ed diesel generation, oil pipeline turbine generation, and hyuropower development. The study concluded with the construction of the Solonlon Gulch hydroelectric project. 2 The city of Valdez conducted environmental, social, and economic studies of the Valdez area as a part of their proposed port facility environmental assessment. The study was completed in September 1979. Alyeska Pipeline Company conducted many studies in the Valdez- Glennallen area prior to the construction of the oil pipeline and the oil terminal located near the city of Valdez. Their studies included the impacts on the environment as well as socio-economic impacts from the construction, operation, and maintenance of the oil pipeline and related port facility. Alaska Petrochemical Company is now studying the effects of their proposed refining and petrochemical facility to be located near the city of Valdez. Tne draft environmental impact statement was released for public review in December 1979 and the final document was made available in March 1980. The city of Valdez completed an Inventory Report in June 1979 which is a progress report on work accomplished by the Planning Department toward development of the City's Coastal Management Program. Tne report contains an inventory of natural and cultural resources in the Valdez coastal area, analyzes potential changes in management, use, and ownership of major coastal land and water resources. THE STUDY AND REPORT This report is organized into a main report and accompanying appendixes. The main report gives an overview of the study, the findings (including the environmental impact statement), and the recommendations. The appendixes provide oackup and a data source for the findings in the main report. 3 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION The followinq section of the report gives an overview of national objectives, a profile of the area's environmental setting and natural resources~ a summary of the existing electrical system~ and an expla- nation of the problems and needs of the study area. In addition~ planning constraints and objectives for the study are addressed. NATIONAL OBJECTIVES Federal water and related land resource planning is directed toward achieving National Economic Development (NED) and Environmental Quality (EO) as equal national objectives. NED is achieved by increasing the value of the nation's output of goods and services and by improving national economic efficiency. Tne EO oDjective is achieved by the management, conservation, preservation, creation, restoration, or improvement of the quality of certain natural and cultural resources and ecological systems. Tnose resource management needs specific to the stUdy area, that can be addressed to enhance the national objectives, become the planning oDJectives for the study. These, in turn, serve as the yardstick against which the various alternatives are evaluated. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND NATURAL RESOURCES The study area is separated into three distinct regions; the coastal area south of the Cnugach Mountains, tne Chugach Mountains, and the Copper River Basin. Climate: Inland of the Chugach Mountains is an area characterized by a semiarid climate with relatively clear skies and extreme temperatures. South of the mountains the temperature is moderate, with cool, rainy summers and high winter snowfall. Topography: Tne coastal area is a glacially created fjord, composed of a fairly flat outwash plain with some moraine deposits leading rapidly to steep sided mountains. The remainder of the study area includes parts of the Alaska Range, the Wrangell and Chugach Mountains, and the Copper River lowland. Hydrology: Hydrologic ddta is scarce in the Valdez basin. The Lowe River, with its 3l0-square mile drainage basin, is the largest contributor of freshwater to Port Valdez. Moderate to heavy rain, snow, and glacial melt generally provide a plentiful water supply. Streams at the study area are mostly short and steep and in many cases, glacial fed. The 4 ~ --'" ~ r .' ~ '. ',', PORT VAL FIGURE I: HYDROPOWER STUDY AREA FOR VALDEZ AND COPPER RIVER BASIN ~,~ , -' -CHITINA average annual runoff is approximately 10 cubic feet per second (cfs) per square mile in coastal regions, with peak runoff sometimes exceeding 150 cfs per square mile. These peaks usually result from rainstorms in the fall. High runoff can also occur with winter rain combined with snowmelt. The principal watershed of the study area is the Copper River system with a 24,400-square mile drainage basin. It drains the south slopes of the Alaska Range, south and west slopes of the Wrangell Mountains, most of the Chugach Mountains, the Copper River Basin, and a small section of the Talkeetna Mountains. Geology: The Chugach Mountains within the study area are composed mainly of a thick section of alternating dark shales and graywackes known as the Valdez Group. Outwash planes of the Robe and Lowe Rivers and Valaez Glacier Stream coalesce to form a delta on the east end of the port. Although borings in the area have not contacted bedrock, inference from geophysical data within Port Valdez indicates that sediment thickness is probably in excess of 600 feet. For the interior portion, no formation or bed has a distinctive enough character to be recognized over any large area, however, much of the area shows signs of folds and faults with the beds standing at steep angles and striking parallel to the axis of the range. Bed dip angles range from 45 to 85 degrees over long distances. Studies have assigned local rock to the upper cretaceous age. Geophysical Hazards: The study area is one of the most seiSmically active areas in the world. Although land shaking can be destructive, most past damage has been caused by the accompanying tsunami. Tne sediments within the Port Valdez basin are porous gravels which experience ground failure or slumping. Agriculture ana Range: Potential agriculture and range resources of the stUdy area are mainly along the Copper and Chitina River Valleys. Narrow coastal strips and stream deltas might be grazed during the summers, with removal of the animals imperative for the balance of the year due to snow conditions. Forestry: Most of tne timDer in the stUdy area is noncommercial oecause of its slow growth due to poor site conditions. The lowland spruce-hardwood ecosystem covers 2,484,000 acres and is noncolllmercial tnroughout. The total standing volume in the interior forest is 1.5 billion board feet consisting of 1.4 Dillion board feet of spruce and 52.5 million 6 board feet of hardwoods, half of which is birch. The total volume of coastal forests is about 19.8 billion board feet, 67 percent of which is Sitka spruce and 28 percent Western hemlock. Minerals: Metallic minerals occur in several areas. Lodes in many parts of the Copper River region contain copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, antimony, nickel, iron, lead and zinc, but only gold, copper and by-product silver were mined commercially. Fisheries: Since mucnof the area is mountainous, the fisheries habitat is characterized by many short, steep, coastal streams which are utilized by pink and chum salmon. Cono salmon are also abundant in the study area, however they require somewhat larger streams where the young can survive in the stream for at least 1 year. Sockeye salmon are found primarily in drainages that contain a lake which is necessary to part of their life cycle. Dolly Varden are present throughout the coastal streams with rainbow and cutthroat trout present to a lesser extent. Important marine fish and shellfish include salmon, herring, halibut, rockfish, black cod, king, tanner and dungeness crab, shrimp, scallops, and razor clams. Birds: The study area is an important migration route for many species of waterfowl and other water related birds. The Copper River Delta is one of the most important waterfowl nesting areas in Alaska. Along with its unique nesting population, the delta is probably most important as a staging and feeding area for migratory waterfowl bound to and from the arctic and subarctic nesting areas to the north. The entire coastal area is habitat for seabirds of various species. At least 48 major seabira colonies have been identified in the study area, and undoubtedly many more exist. Resident game birds of forest, treeless, and other habitats are spruce, ruffed and sharp-tailed grouse; willow, rock and white-tailed ptarmigan. Wildlife: The three geographical regions of the study area, coastal, mountain, and interior dictate the wildlife distribution and abundance. Several wildlife species may be found in more than one area, however, they are generally more numerous within a specific area. Sea otters, fur seals, northern sea lions, harbor seals, harbor porpoise, Dall's porpoise, killer and hump-backed whales are either residents or regular visitors to the coastal waters of the stUdy area. Terrestrial animals associated with the coastal region in~lude the Sitka black-tailed deer, which are primarily confined to tne is1ands of Prince William Sound (although some occur on the mainland near Cordova), and the blaCk bear. 7 The mountainous region of the study area contains some of the most important Dall sheep range in tne State. Mountain goats are also abundant in the mountains of Prince William Sound, but are present in low numoers in the Wrangell Mountains and the interior portion of the Chugach Range. Tne interior portion of tne study area supports several species of large mammals. Moose are relatively abundant throughout the interior region and concentrate in the river basins during the winter months. Brown/grizzly bears are present in the area and become most visible about streambanks during the salmon runs. Other large mammals include the Barren ground caribou which utilize the interior portion of the study area as a winter range. Two distinct bison herds, the Cnitina and Copper River herds, have been established and appear to be sustaining healthy populations. Wolves, wolverines, lynx, red fox, land otter, mink, marten, short-tailed weasel, beaver, muskrat, and snowshoe hare are present throughout the study area to varying degrees. ECONOMY AND POPULATION Tne physical differences between tne coastal portion of tne study area (Valdez) and interior portion (Glennallen-Copper Center) are strongly reflected in tneir nistory, economy, and population. Valdez: Valdez ;s tne largest population center in the region. Tne city is ;n a setting of natural beauty situated in mountainous terrain at the head of Port Valdez. It is the farthest north ice-free seaport ;n Alaska and serves as the southern terminus of both the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline and the Ricnardson Highway. Hi story: Valdez was estaulished in 1890 as a debarkation point for men seeking a route to Interior Alaska and the Klondike gold fields. A post office was established in the community in 1899, and Va1aez soon became a supply center for gold and copper mining in the immediate area. Until the Alaska Railroad was completed in 1923, Valdez was the only all-season port of entry to the interior. In the winter months freight and passengers were hauled weekly to Fairoanks in horse-drawn sleds over the "Valdez Trai1." Construction of the Alaska Railroad from Seward to Fairuanks and emergence of Anchorage as the largest city in Alaska, combined to eliminate the vital role of Valdez as a port of entry to the interior. Old Valdez was destroyed by tne 1964 Alaska Earthquake and the resultant seismic wave. The new relocated townsite near Mineral Creek has been growing rapidly, especially witn the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Terminal located in Port Valdez. The construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline has had notable permanent effects on tne populations ana economies of Valdez and the Copper Valley basin. 8 VALDEZ Transportation: Although served by air, road, and sea, Valdez is relatively isolated from other population centers in southcentra1 Alaska. Anchorage is located 115 miles to the west, but physical barriers increase the distance by highway to 306 miles. The airport layout comprises a single 5,000-foot runway in an east-west orientation. Valdez is currently served by two air carriers on a regular basis. The principal carrier is Valdez Airlines. The vast majority of air passenger traffic originates in or is destined for Anchorage. Valdez is one of eight cities served oy the Southwestern Marine Highway System. This system provides ferry service to Whittier, Valdez, Cordova, and Seward, within the Prince William Sound area. Passenger traffic totaled approximately 44,000 riders in 1976. The Valdez to Whittier route, which passes the scenic Columbia Glacier, accounts for nearly 20 percent of this total traffic. Thus the ferry system nourishes a sfllall but growing tourist industry in Valdez. Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project: Tne ongoing construction of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project oy the Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA), is due to be completed in late 1981. Tnis 12 MW plant (including transmission line) is expected to cost in excess of $61,000,000 upon completion. The project has helped to decrease unemployment resulting from the post-pipeline wind-down. Approximately 35 percent of the project's total cost has gone to labor, generating aoout 100 full-time jobs over the construction period. In addition, two permanent positions will be created. £:.~~h i ~l~ : The Valdez fishing fleet is haroored in a 10-acre boat harbor constructed by the Corps of Engineers in 1965. The fleet consists of 25 vessels averaging 40 feet in length. Primary target species include salmon, herring, shrimp, and crab. In recent years the Valdez fishing industry has provided an average of 77 seasonal joos to the community. Until recently the town had no processing capacity of its own. Historically, fishermen SOld their catch to canneries in Cordova and Seward. This practice changed in February of 1979 when Farm and Sea of Alaska established a processing plant at Valdez. Tne facility handles fish as well as shrimp and crab. All products are frozen rather than canned. Statistics concerning capacity or annual output are not readily available. However, it is known that the plant cannot process the local catch single-handedly and sales to Seward and Cordova continue. Farm and Sea of Alaska employed about 100 people in Valdez during the peak of the 1979 salmon season. Port of Valdez: By Alaskan stanaards, Valdez continues to be a significant port (even exclusive of pipeline activity). The volume of waterborne commerce, both preceding and following the pipeline boom, is depicted in tne following table. Petroleum based products are shown separately for clarification. 10 ALYESKA PIPELINE TERMINAL Tao1e 1 Port of Valdez Waterborne Commerce (Tons)* Year Petroleum Based Oth~r Freight Total 1972 247,801 5,704 253,505 1973 293,885 7,191 301,076 1974 273,516 84,451 356,967 1975 412,420 242,094 654,514 1976 403,029 104,643 507,672 1977 10,653,755 13,217 10,666,972 * Waterborne Commerce of the U.S. As can be seen, petroleum based products represent the bulk of port traffic. This is a pattern dating back to the early 1960's. Further examination reveals that this is primarily the result of the region's electricity demand which is met by diesel-fired generation. Post- pipeline data indicates that the level of nonpetro1eum related commerce has been permanently increased. This finding cannot be positively verified for the lack of more recent data. However, population statistics offer strong supporting evidence. Citizens of Valdez have long expressed interest in reviving the city's role as a major deep water port. To some extent this goal will be realized given the export of seafood products by Farnl and Sea of Alaska and refined petroleum from the soon to be installed ALPETCO plant. (ALPETCO's capacity will oe far in excess of local needs.) In antici- pation of these and other events, Valdez voters approved in April 1979, by a margin of almost 5 to 1, the sale of $48 million in general ooligation bonds to improve the Port of Valdez. The groundbreaking ceremonies for this undertaking were held on 16 August 1980. Port expansion will generate an average of 33 jobs over a period of 2 years. In addition, 20 permanent positions will oe created. ALPETCO: On 9 September 1980, groundbreaking ceremonies were held in Valdez for the Alaska Petrochemical Company (ALPETCO) refinery. Originally this refinery was to have a daily capacity of 150,000 barrels and include petrochemical as well as refining capaoi1ity. Under this plan, the plant would have employed a construction work force averaging 1,127 persons per month for 42 months and direct permanent employment for 1,180 persons. The plant currently under construction has been revised downward somewhat and is planned strictly as a 100,000 barrel per day refinery. The construction work force is expected to average 940 persons per month for 42 months. Permanent employees are expected to number 720 with an incremental population growth of 1,290. That figure does not include the additional population growth associated with support facilities for this work force. This undertaking is by far the largest economic event to occur since the pipeline. The total cost is expected to exceed $1.25 billion. Labor costs for the construction work force alone will total approximately $220,000,000. The payroll for the operations personnel will approach $11,600,000 per year. 12 Other Activities: Nonseasonal stable sources of employment in Valdez include, but are not 1 imited to: 1. A State Highways District Headquarters employs approximately 160 people. 2. Harborview De~elopment Center, which cares for the State's mentally retarded, employs about 130 people. 3. Alyeska Marine Terminal employs an estimated 280 full-time employees. 4. Tne new U.S. Coast Guard Station located in Valdez is manned by approximately 25 personnel. smploxment_Overview: Table 2 shows employment in Valdez by industry for the years 1968 and 1978. It should be noted that the increased employment from the ALPETCO project alone (not considering support facilities) will nearly double the total employment figure for 1978. A declining relative role for government is also apparent. 13 Table 2 Employment Estimates City of Valdez 1968 and 1978 1968 1978 1978 (Part-time) Industry Number Percent Number Percent Number Mining 0 0 0 Construction 15 4.7 209 15.8 15 Manufacturing 10 3. 1 0 0 Transportation* 35 2 7 15 4.7 283 21.4 17 Communication & Utilities 35 2.7 8 I\Iholesale Trade 8 2.5 6 .5 2 Reta il Trade 23 7.2 218 16.5 77 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 3 .9 28 2. 1 6 Services 26 8. 1 102 7.7 69 Government 220 68.8 404 30.6 34 TOTAL 320 100.0 1,320 100.0 228 *Transportation, communications and ut il it ies combined in 1968 data. 1968 data source: Alaska Department of Economic Development (now Commerce and Economic Development), Standard Industrial Survey of Valdez, 1969. 1978 data source: City of Valdez, Overall Economic Dev~lopm~nt Plan, June 1978. Population: --------- Tne population and employment mix of Valdez has grown in accordance with these developments. Table 3 indicates the population of Valdez at the close of each decade since 1900 with selected years for the early to late 1970's. The influence of pipeline construction over the last decade is quite apparent. From a town of just over 1,000 people in 1970, Valdez grew to a peak of some 8,000 inhabitants in 1976. By 1978 construction activity had receded and the population stabilized at 4,481 as certified by the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs. There is SOllie evidence (oased on school enrollment, occupied dwellings, etc.) that the population has declined somewhat since. In keeping with other recent studies concerning Valdez, a 1979 base population of 3,500 has been adopted for this document. 14 Table 3 Historical Population of Valdez 1900 351 1920 466 1930 442 1940 529 ( 1 ) 1950 554 1960 555 1970 1,008 ------- 1972 1,106 1973 1,760 1974 2,271 1975 6,670 (2 ) 1976 8,253 1977 7,483 1978 4,481 1979 3,500 (1) Source -U.S. Census (2) Source -City of Valdez and U.S. Census aata utilizea for Revenue Sharing. The Copper River Basin: Approximately 110 miles from Valdez, near the intersection of the Glenn and Richardson Highways, lies Glennallen, the next largest population center in this region of the study area. Numerous villages dot the highway leading from Valdez to Glennallen and radiating to the north and west of Glennallen. The largest of these conrnunities is Copper Center. Copper Center is located south of Glennallen on Mile 103 of the Richardson Highway. Other villages include (but are not limited to) Coppervi11e. Gu1kana. Gakona. Chistochina. Paxson. Taz1ina. To1sona. Ne1china, Eureka. Tonsina, Ernestine, Kenny Lake, Old Edgerton Cutoff, and Chitina. Like Copper Center, these settlements are unincorporated villages within an unorganized borough. History: Historically. Copper Center and Chitina are the more significant settlements of Copper River region. Unlike Valdez, Native Alaskans have been known to occupy tne area for at least 5,000 years. Rich copper deposits were discovered at the turn of the century along the northern flanKs of the Chitina River Valley, bringing an onrush of prospectors and settlers to the region. The Copper River and Northwestern Railroad was built in 1908 to accommodate the growing traffic of are, supplies, and 15 passengers. But Chitina·s prominence was short-lived. By 1939 the principal mines ana the railroad were closed, and virtually all sources of support moved to Copper Center and emerging Glennallen. The present settlement of Copper Center developed from a trading post established in 1896. Hundreds of gold rushers passed through the area in 1898--1899 on their way to the Klonaike fields; many stayed on to prospect in the Copper River Basin. A telegraph station was set up in Copper Center by tne U.S. Army in 1901. More recent activities in tne basin include construction of the Glenn and Richardson Highways, and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Highway construction intne late 1930·s and early 1940·s made the region more accessible to other more populated parts of the State. Settlement ana expansion since then has paralleled the road. Tne Trans-Alaska Pipeline had massive but predominately temporary impacts in the Copper River Basin. However, like Valdez this project tended to leave the area on a higher plateau of population and economic activity. Iransportatio.!!: Glennallen: By most standards Glennallen is a very remote rural community, linked to other communities only by air and road. Like Valdez,Glennallen is not endowed with a rail connection. Although physically more distant, Glennallen is only 187 highway miles from Ancnorage, considerably closer than Valdez. Otiler communities: In most cases the highway and small bush airstrips are tne only link to the outside for minor communities. Highway and Pipeline Maintenance: Tne malntenance of tne Glenn and Richardson Highways is a basic activity in the region. In addition to the work force originating from tne State Highway District Headquarters in Valdez, 65 persons are employed in highway maintenance within the area. This is also a major source of employment for tne area's youtn as activity peaks in the summer. Pipeline maintenance is one of the few permanent occupations left in tne aftermath of the construction boom. Forty people are engaged in the maintenance duties associated with mainline Refrigeration Sites 1, 2, and 7, Pump Station 11, and several remote gate valve locations. Government Services: The Copper River Bdsin has a variety of government services which correspond to the needs and population of the region. Government and municipal occupations inclUde fire fighting, law enforcement, education and other social services, and natural resource management. There is also a Federal Aviation Aaministration facility located at Gulkana Airport. 16 Transportation and Tourism: Detailed information concerning tne work force of the Copper Valley is not obtainable. But it is known that the non-Native population is engaged primarily in transportation and tourism. Tne scenic beauty of the area coupled witn hunting, fishing, and boating opportunities make this region a favorite for recreation. These activities generate jobs in gas stations, stores, bars, lodges, local trucking firms, wholesale oil distribution, and finance. Should the city of Valdez develop as anticipated, the demand for these services will undoubtedly be enhanced. This is particularly true in the case of transportation. Minjng ~~d_Resource Extraction: As mentioned, the study area is highly mineralized and has historically been the center of extensive mining activity. Currently there are no significant local mining operations. Early in 1980 reports by State geoloqists sparked interest in the region about 60 miles west of Glennallen. These findings triggered a flurry of gold mining claims. Although that region has yet to yield any significant finds, this episode is highly illustrative. The Copper River Basin is always a primary candidate for mineral extraction and interest in the basin rises and recedes witn the price of gold, silver, and copper. The Glennallen vicinity has recently been subject to oil and gas exp I or at ion. The AI'~OCO Company in conj unct i on witn AHTNA Inc. has been conducting test drills since 1979. As yet, no commercial quantities of oil or gas have been aiscovered. A commercial strike would be particularly advantageous given Glennallen's proximity to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Native Corporations: The Native population participates less extensively in the area's cash economy but does enjoy employment opportunities created by three Native corporations. Tnese are AHTNA Inc., tne Copper River Native Association, and the Copper Valley-Tanana Development Corporation. Many villagers (including non-Natives) still rely on hunting, trapping, and fishing to supplement their cash incomes. Population: The hignly volatile nature of economic development in this area is reflected by its population. Unfortunately, population data for the rlurllerous unincorporated villages of the area is limited. Satisfactory data is expected to be available in the 1980 census. However, Table 4 depicts the populations of Glennallen, Copper Center, and the total for the service region for which information is available. Copper Valley Electric Association, the area's electrical utility, estimates a population of 2,500 within the Glennallen service area (March 1979). 17 Table 4 Historical Population of Glennallen, Copper Center, and the Glennallen Service Region Year Glennallen Copper Center Glennallen Service Region 1950 142 90 1960 169 151 1970 363 206 2,090 4/ 1971 1,875 1972 2,358 1973 1,808 1974 260 3/ 1,562 1975 1,070 433 2,969 1976 5,517 1977 433 2,422 1978 2,384 197~ 363 2/ 143 2,500 1/ Population figures for Glennallen and Copper Center for the years 1950, T960, 1970, and 1975 are taKen from the Solomon Gulch Final EIS March 1978. 2/ Population data for Glennallen and Copper Center for the year 1979 is Yaken from an October 1979 issue of the Tundra Times Energy Special. 3/ Copper Center data for the years 1974 and 1977 are from Copper Center tOlTlrTlunity Profile, July 1977, prepared by the University of AlasKa Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. 4/ Population Datd for the Glennallen Service Region derived from Upper Susitna River Project Power Market Analyses, March 1979, Alaska Power Administration. EXISTING SYSTEM AND FUTURE NEEDS Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) is the sole electric utility in the study area. Currently CVEA relies entirely on diesel-fired generators to serve the stuay area Dependence on diesel generation will De noticeably reduced upon completion of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project. This proJect also includes a transmission line intertie between Valdez and Glennallen which will allow the utility to operate more efficiently under a single system. Tne area's nistorical, current, and projected power demand is presented in detail in Appendix B of this document. CONDITION IF NO FEDERAL ACTION TAKEN Without Federal action, diesel generation will be required to meet system demands above the output of Solomon Gulch. Even if the proposed pressure reducing turbine (PRT) is installed, CVEA will be forced to return to diesel generation in the late 1980's. A more detailed explanation of the PRT is included under the section "Assessment and Evaluation of Alternative Plan Elements." 18 The following tables show the future use of diesel generation which would occur if no Federal action is taken. Both tables reflect the addition of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project in 1981. Table 5 assumes additional generation would come from diesel, Table 6 assumes tne PRT would be constructed. Table 5 Projected Energy Generation of CVEA Without PRT Total Load Hydro Diesel Year (gwh) (gwh) (gwh) 1980 47.9 0 47.9 1985 77.5 38.6 38.9 1990 97.6 38.6 59.0 1995 123.0 38.6 84.4 2000 146.0 38.6 107.4 Table 6 Projected Energy Generation of CVEA With PRT Total Load Hydro PRT Diesel Year (gwh) (gwh) (gwl1) (gwh) 1980 47.9 0 0 47.9 1985 77.5 38.6 38.9 0 1990 97.6 38.6 52.0 7.6 1995 123.0 38.6 * 52.0 32.4 2000 146.0 38.6 ** 52.0 55.4 *This figure represents 80 percent of the total energy possible based on a flow of 1.5 million uarrels per day (the current flow is 1.5 MBD with no plans for increase to the 2 MBD capacity). **Based on known oil reserves, the useful life of the project may end before the year 2000; however, additional discoveries may be made, extending the life of the pipeline. The preceding tables correspond to Figures 2 and 3 on the section "Comparison of Detailed Plans." For purposes of simplification and more direct comparability to the hydropower alternatives, additional diesel generation, as evaluated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, is assumed. This alternative is the economic standard against which each of the hydropower plans are tested. Tnat is, the power benefits of a given hydropower system represent the cost of producing the same amount of power by constructing and operating a conventional state-of-the-art diesel generation system. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission determined that the appropriate 19 diesel plant at Valdez-Copper Valley consists of a 2,625 kW unit with a heat rate of 9,370 BTU/kWh. The capital cost is estimated at $710 per kW with a service life of 35 years. PROBLEMS, NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES Given existing and planned generation, this community will be forced to continue its reliance on diesel generation if the load requirements grow as anticipated. To rely on diesel fuel is to expose the community to the likelihood of extremely high cost power. Further, reliance on diesel power is contrary to present State and National energy policy. The Valdez area has the unique potential to utilize oil flow from the pipeline in addition to nearDy hydropower potential. Tne opportunity of developing these resources should De pursued. PLANNING CONSTRAINTS Selection of the Dest plan from among the range of alternatives involves evaluation of their comparative performance in meeting the study oDJectives as measured against a set of evaluation criteria. These criteria derive from law, regulations, and policies governing water resource planning and development. Tecnnical criteria require that power generation development, from any source or sources, be of appropriate scale to satisfy the projected energy needs, and tnat tne plan be technically feasible. Economic criteria specify that the power must be marketable. Plan Denefits should exceed the costs to the maximum extent possible, and each separable plan feature must provide benefits at least equal to its cost. The benefits arid costs are expressed in comparable quantitative terms to the fullest extent possible. Annual costs and benefits are based on a 100-year period of analysis, an interest rate of 7-3/8 percent, and October 1980 price levels. Power benefits are based on providing equivalent output by means of the least costly, most likely alternative, in this case diesel-electric generating plants. Environmental criteria require the identification of impacts to the natural and human environment. Adverse environmental effects should be minimized and measures taken to protect or enhance existing environmental values. Otner criteria specify that plans be formulated with consideration for social well-being and regional development. Consideration was given to the pOSSiDility of enhancing or creating recreational values, to the effects on personal income, employment, and population, to the effects on cultural and archeological resources, and to the conservation of nonrenewable resources. PLANNING OBJECTIVES The stUdy oDJectives are derived from the problems and needs that are specific to the study area and can be reasonably addressed within the 20 framework of the study authority and purpose. The planning objectives selected for tnis study are: To meet tne intermediate and long term electrical energy needs of tne Valdez-Glennallen area. To preserve, conserve, or ennance fish and wildlife in tne study area. To reduce, to the greatest extent possible, the study area's and the ndtion's depenaence upon petroleum products as a source of energy, particularly for producing electricity. 21 FORMULATION OF PRELIMINARY PLANS A number of possible solutions exist which could aid in the availability of power and energy in the future for the study area. Outlined below are the various alternatives considered, with a brief statement about each. No Growth: "No growtn" is an alternative future scenario, not a "plan" per se. It appears here to indicate one possible outcome in the absence of add it i ona 1 power deve 1 opment. Tne opt i on of a no growth economy in tne Valdez-Glennallen area is no longer a realistic prospect. The past construction of the Trans-AlasKa Oil Pipeline and tanKer terminal, the ongoing construction of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project and transmission line to Glennallen, oil exploration in the Copper River Basin, ongoing expansion of the port facilities at Valdez, and the proposed Alaska Petrochemical Company plant speaK for themselves as to the validity of a no growth option. Conservation: Conservation is beginning to play an important role in future energy needs for the study area. New commercial and residential structures are incorporating better insulation and energy saving systems into their construction. The Alaska Power Administration has taKen into account conservation measures and increasingly efficient use of energy in its load projections. However, conservation of electricity beyond that anticipated by APA would require massive efforts. Until a standardized approach is taken to either strongly encourage or require energy conservation, an accurate assessment of its impact will be difficult to ascertain. A more detailed discussion of conservation appears as the nonstructural alternative in the following section. Coa 1: Although coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the nation, no known sizable coal resources are in the Valdez area. The Matanuska coal field on the Glenn Highway is the closest known site. It was in operation a number of years ago for a relatively short period. In general the coal beas were too tnin and impure to be economically mined. Additional fields include the Healy field on the Parks Highway which is currently in operation and the Beluga field northwest of CooK Inlet which is not developed. The primary obstacle to be overcome is the cost of transportation to tne Valdez-Glennallen area. In addition to this, the problems with meeting air quality standards, and the associated environmental impacts of strip mining dO not make this an attractive alternative for the study area. 22 Nucl ear: Nuclear energy development is not seen as a likely alternative for the study area. The relatively large size of a nuclear powerplant, the prooaoility of a major earthquake in the area, the growing national sentiment against them, and the existence of other viable alternatives has precluded this alternative from further investigation. Natural Gas: Natural gas is not considered a viable alternative for the study area. Although it has oeen used in the Anchorage area, Valdez and Glennallen lacK the necessary transportation facilities making feasibility dOUbtful. Furthermore, national priorities may preclude its use for electrical energy production on a nationwide level in the near future. Oil : The study area currently relies entirely on diesel-fired electrical generation. The completion of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project will be the first opportunity to break away from the grip of escalating fuel costs. In Valdez and Glennallen respectively, the cost of diesel has increased from 41.3¢ and 44.4¢ per gallon in January 1979 to 79.2¢ and 84.3¢ per gallon in April 1980. As of Feoruary 1981 these costs stood at $1.00 for Valdez and $1.02 for Glennallen. Even with these factors in mind, diesel generation is still seen as the short range solution. However, with adequate planning, it will be possible to greatly limit the use of diesel fuel. This will be of great benefit to the study area as well as fulfilling the State and Federal policies for utilization of renewable resources. Geothermal: Geothermal resources could eventually provide significant power generation in Alaska. The southcentral railbelt area has sUbstantial geothermal potential primarily in the Wrangell Mountains; however this area has been included in the new Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Due to this change in land status further stUdy of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. Solar: The radiant heat of the sun is another renewable source of energy that has potential for generating power. Use of solar energy to produce electrical power on a large scale is not presently feasible due to the lack of technology to generate and store large amounts of electricity produced by the sun's radiation. The most successful methods for capturing the sun's rays have been through active and passive solar. heating. However, feasioility for heating may be limited in the Valdez 23 area due to a high incidence of cloud cover. The Glennallen area may hold more promise, out it will also De limited due to reduced sunlight in the winter. Therefore, additional study of this alternative has not been undertaken. Wind: Research and development proposals for wind generators should improve future capaoilities of wind-powered electrical generating systems. With increased diesel fuel costs, wind-generated electrical power is a possi- ole a lternat i ve power source for remote areas of the State with sma 11 loads. However, wind is not currently felt to De a viable alternative for the study area. Wind is very difficult to adapt to present energy demands because it is unpredictable and erratic. To effectively utilize wind energy, winds must De of sufficient speed and long duration. As further developments are made in wind power, it may prove feasiole to feed electricity into a grid system displacing other expensive forms of energy; however, standoy capacity would still be required for calm periods. Tidal: The Port of Valdez might be developed for tidal energy. The mean lower low water elevation is 0.00 feet and the mean higher high water is 12.00 feet, which would provide a total gross head of 12 feet. However, such an installation would require a low dam spanning the width of the Valdez Narrows (a massive cost item in itself) as well as a deep draft lock system to allow supertankers into the Port of Valdez. The dam would change the entire flow regime of the Port of Valdez with a significant potential for extensive adverse effects on major ecosystems. Further study of this alternative is not deemed justified for this report. Wood: Wood fuel, as an energy source for the load center, is limited by local availaoility, transportation costs, and environmental consider- ations. The region surrounding both Glennallen and Valdez is forested; however, in terms of ooard feet and sustained yield this resource is noncommercial. Furthermore, the legal status of much of this land is either unresolved or prohioited to logging. Realistically, the forest reserves of southeast Alaska would have to be utilized if wood were to make a significant contribution to the region's power load. But like coal, the primary oostacle ;s the cost of transportation to the Valdez-Glennallen area. Other prohioitive factors include strong competition to maintain this resource in higher uses such as lumber, pulp, paper, and environmental concerns associated with the large scale harvesting, and incineration of timoer. At best, it is concluded that wood can make a modest energy contrioution to the community, most likely through increasing private suostitution of wood heat for oil heat. Such factors are considered in the discussion on conservation and the Alaska Power Administration's marketaoility analysis. 24 lntertie: With the deciSlon by the Copper Valley Electric Association to construct the transmission line between Glennallen and Valdez, the opportunity exists to intertie this area with Anchorage-Fairbanks area via the Glenn Highway. This POSsibility was considered under the Alaska Power Administration's (APA) 1978 Upper Susitna Project Power Market Analysis. Based on the load growth assumptions and costs at that time, transmission costs were estimated at 3.3 cents/kWn. However, reevaluation based on 1980 price levels and revised load forcasts show tnat tne cost per kWn nas significantly increased. A more detailed discussion of this alternative appears in the following section. So 1 i d Wa s t e : Power generation from solid waste has severely limited prospects in the study area. Typically, successful solid waste operations are located in regions of hign population density where economies of scale pennit the efficient gathering, transport, and incineration of solid waste. In addition, sucn operations playa dual role by relieving population centers of solid waste, a less acute consideration for smaller communities. The Valdez-Glennallen region does not produce a sufficient volume of solid waste to enable practicable power generation. This is eviaenced oy similar findings in a recent study made for the Municipality of Anchorage. Although the burning of solid waste on an individual basis may have some substitution potential for heating, it is not expected to be a significant factor during the forecast period. Oil Pipeline Turbine: ----- A pressure reducing turbine (PRT) has been proposed for installation in the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. This turbine would produce electricity by taking advantage of tne nead drop as the pipeline descendS Tnompson Pass. This project, as originally conceived, would have an installed cdpacity of 9 MW Dased on the pipeline design flow of 2 million barrels per day and would produce approximately 63,000 MWH of energy per year. However, tne pipeline is currently pumping at about 1.5 MBD and tnere are no plans to increase this in tne future. Based on this output the PRT WOUld produce approximately 7.4 MW of power and 52,000 MWH per year of energy. These figures are based on a plant factor of 0.8. Hydroelectric Power: A large number of potential hydroelectric sites are available in the study area; however, most have been eliminated due to size, location, or environmental proulems. The Stage II report, completed in April 1978, considered sites in the Valdez area only. Sites considered included Gold Creek, Sheep Creek, Wortmann Creek, Silver Lake, Solomon Gulch, Allison Lake, Unnamed Creek, Mineral Creek, and Lowe River. Of these only Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek demonstrated tentative feasibility. 25 With the construction of Solomon Gulch by Copper Valley Electric Association, only Allison CreeK was left as a viable alternative for future nydropower generation. However, since the decision was made to construct the transmission line to Glennallen, the POSsibility existed that otner sites near tne transmission line corridor could be available to serve the increased needs of the expanded service area. Although a number of sites are available, all sites east of the Copper River have been eliminated from further consideration. With the establishment of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, development of a hydroelectric project would be incompatible with its current status. Some of the drainages affected include Tebay Lakes, Bremmer River, Kotsina River, Chitina River, Kennicott River, and Nizina River. Other potential sites within the study area that were evaluated are Tsina River, Tiekel River, Tonsina River, and K1utina River. Of these, Tsina River and the Tieke1 River sites would provide less than 2,000 MWH and 10,000 MWH of firm annual energy respectively. Both sites would require lOa-foot dams. Based on a 50 percent plant factor, the installed capacity for Tsina River Would be only 425 kW. Installed capacity for the Tieke1 River would be about 2,200 kW. Neither of these projects would provide significant energy or capacity to contribute to the combined loads of Valdez and Glennallen. Due to their small size and the great expense of tne required dam to achieve such a limited amount of firm energy, these projects have been dropped from further consideration. A 35-foot dam on the Tonsina River could provide almost 2,500 kW of capacity (50 percent P.F.) and 10,700 MWH of firm annual energy. However, to realize this potential a penstock nearly 6 miles in length would be required. The environmental impact of diverting the river through the penstock and effectively drying up the stream during much of the year would be totally unacceptable from an environmental standpoint. The Tonsina drainage is a productive salmon stream and no1ds significant numbers of sockeye, chinook, and coho. Due to the environmental concerns alld the relatively small amount of energy available this alternative has been eliminated from further consideration at this time. A project on the Klutina River could produce an estimated 75,000 MWH of firm annual energy with an installed capacity of almost 17 MW. This project would require approximately 6,700 feet of 16-foot diameter penstock to develop 90 feet of head available from a 50-foot dam. As witn the Tonsina site, this development would adversely affect tne productive lake and river system which supports excellent runs of Sockeye, chinook, and coho salmon. Tne lake is of major importance to sockeye runs which utilize lake residence for a portion of their life cycle. Estirnates from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game indicated that in excess of 73,000 salmon utilize the river above the potential dams ite on good years. All of these are either chinook or sockeye which provide the highest price per pound to the fishermen of the Prince Wi 11 ialll Sound area. 26 If the powerhouse were moved to just below the dam, a firm energy output of 32,200 MWH would be realized with an installed capacity of 7,340 MW. However, even if this were the recommended development, significant impacts on the salmon runs could still be expected. In addition, the dam would inundate critical moose habitat presently utilized during winter months. Other major impacts would likely take place on the black and brown Dear populations that utilize this area throughout the spring, summer, and fall. ALTERNATIVES WORTHY OF FURTHER CONSIDERATION The alternatives which were seen as the only viaDle solutions to help meet demands for future electrical power generation in the study area inclucea diesel-fired generation, conservation, transmission intertie, oil pipeline pressure reducing turbine, and Allison Lake Hydro. A detailed assessment and evaluation for these alternatives is included in the following portion of the report. 27 ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Tne purpose of this section is to evaluate the various alternat',ves that could be utilized to meet the needs of the study area. Although eacn of tnese alternatives is discussed separately, it appears that the best overall plan may combine one or more of the alternatives. The section "Comparison of Detailed Plans" discusses the possible combinations of alternatives on a comparable basis. DIESEL De s c rip t ion: Tnis alternative is effectively the without condition, the probable future if no Federal, State, or local action were taken to provide electrical energy through alternative means. There is currently enough installed capacity at Glennallen and Valdez, when combined with the soon to be finished Solomon Gulch hydroelectric, to meet the needs of the intertied system until the mid-1990's. Based upon the diesel scenario, between 1981 and 2000 CVEA will De burning an estimated 70 to 75 million gallons; this is based upon expecteo population and industrial increases associated with ALPETCO and the expanded port facilities. Impact Assesslllent: From an environmental stanapoint the impacts of continued use of diesel for electrical generation are primarily associated with noise and air pollution. However, in comparison to other alternatives, such as the transmission intertie, and hydropower, these are seen as relatively minor. Social impacts associated with continuing energy cost escalation are already affecting business, industry, and the average household. Continued reliance on diesel generation will force the local economy to divert a growing proportion of its resources to electricity generation. Evaluation: Power costs associated with this alternative would be directly tied to the escalating cost of diesel fuel. As shown in Table 1, Appendix B, the cost of fuel increased 136 percent between 1974 and 1979, with the cost of energy increasing 170 percent over the same time period. Increases during 1980 enforce the probability that this trend will continue for some time. Besides this economic deterrent, the fact that petroleum is a non- renewable resource of limited quantities dictates that it should be utilized for higher priority uses SUCh as transportation. To continue to use diesel fuel for energy production when other alternatives are avail- aDle is unwise from an economic stanapoint not to mention that it is contrary to State and National policies. 28 CONSERVATION: THE NONSTRUCTURAL ALTERNATIVE Description: Various measures exist which could aid in the implementation of energy conservation. Many of the steps discussed here are already in effect in tne stuay area and other parts of the nation. Local measures include energy auditing services, a public awareness program, the utilization of waste heat from diesel-fired generation, and the preheating of diesel fuel in winter for more efficient combustion. State and nationwide efforts involve increased tax incentives and deductions for money spent on conservation measures and direct grants or low interest loans for conservation. The newly estao1ished energy auditing service conducted by the State Division of Energy and Power Development has provisions for grants up to $300 and low interest loans up to $5,000 for energy conservation purposes. Tnese programs are providing important incentives for energy conservation. Their effect on individual energy consumption could be sigrlificant in the years to come. However, the most important gains will be in the reduction of fossil fuels for heating, not for electrical generation. As it now stands space heating in the service area is provided almost entirely by heating oil with wood heat running a distant secona. There are virtually no structures in the region which utilize electric space heating (the Totem Inn of Valdez being a notable exception). The present generation and distribution system likewise affords little opportunity for added efficiency. The operating measures taken for diesel generation have already been described. Also, it is assumed that the retirement of older diesel units will gradually improve the efficiency of the system. Glennallen's distribution is handled by 1/0 ACSR cables (14.4 kV) which currently sustain an 11 percent annual line loss. The distribution system in Valdez likewise consists of 1/0 ACSR lines (7.2 kV). Although some sections of Valdez are serviced by smaller gage 2 ACSR cables, the relatively short distances enable an overall annual line loss of 8 percent. Officials at CVEA regard their distribution system as oeing fairly modern and efficient. They do not believe that improvements to the system will yield significant electricity savings. Possio1e conservation methods that would influence electrical consumption inclUde pricing decisions and incentives, minimum efficiency standards ana growth restrictions. One method that would be effective (though not acceptable) is to artifica1ly raise the price of electricity to tne level necessary to bring about reduced use. The virtue of this approach is that individuals could make their own decisions on how to reduce tneir consumption oy comparing the relative costs and merits of their electric appliances ana consumption habits. Given that this is not palatable, tne only recourse would be for the utility to dictate to the consumer how to save. This could be done by offering "discounts" for off hour usage or to consumers who meet certain efficiency standards. Such standards might entail increased insulation for hot water heaters, the introduction of microwave ovens, and minimum efficiency ratings for 29 stoves, washers, dryers, and other electric appliances. The utility COuld insist on these measures for all new customers and coordinate more closely with builders. More extreme steps might include rate reductions for households whicn share certain appliances (e.g. washers/dryers) or for households which do without discretionary items sucn as electric hairdryers, toothbrushes, knives, water oed heaters, etc. Finally, the community could embark on a policy of severely restricted growth or no growth. Puolic users could reduce use and/or reschedule their hours by direct regulation. These communities might also reexamine their public electricity requirements (e.g. street lighting). Tne total impact of these various measures is very difficult to ascertain. Much would depend on the responsiveness of individual households to such a program or conversely, the magnitude of the incentives. Consumer reports indicate that the energy efficiency of some appliances, such as refrigerators and dryers can vary as much as 40 . percent, whereas ranges, washers, and toasters vary by 15 to 20 percent. Realistically, more efficient appliances would have to be phased in as old appliances are replaced. In addition, it is likely the appliances currently in use are not woefully inefficient. Thus the full savings possibilities implied by these efficiency variances could not be realized irrmeoiately. Given a stringent incentive system, and considering the most typical and demanding household appliances, an electric energy savings of 10 percent over tne forecast period beyond the conservation already predicted to occur is Quite optimistic. This would include gains from reduced pUblic and private use as well as efficiency improvements. Evaluation: As mentioned, various conservation n~asures are already in effect on both State and National levels and represent the most attractive, inlplemental policies. Tnese will undouotably play an 'increasingly important role in future energy conservation for the study area, particularly for heating; however, their impact on electrical consumption will be much more modest. currently, electricity is used primarily for horne app'liances, hot water heaters, and lighting. Because of this, the opportunities for reducing electrical consumption are not nearly as significant as in other parts of the country where electric heating is more common. Many residents and some commercial structures in the study area nave installed lower wattage light bulbs and eliminated unnecessary lighting. Therefore, it is oelieved that the energy conservation assumed in tne Alaska Power Administration load forecast gives a reasonable estimation of future demands including conservation. Although additional reductions may be possiDle by raising the price of electricity above its actual cost, this method is considered extreme and could result in severe soc i a 1 impacts. 30 TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Description_: This alternative consists of a 136-mile transmission line extending east from Palmer to Glennallen. The single circuit, 138 kV line would allow power to be brought in from the Anchorage-Fairbanks area. To prove feasiDle, the power transmitted would have to De of a low enough cost to justify the transmission line. This power would probably be produced by the proposed Susitna project or possiDly from coal-fired generation. The availaDility of inexpensive Cook Inlet gas is fast coming to an end with increasingly higher prices. This, coupled with recent Federal policy changes regarding the utilization of natural gas, eliminates it as a viaDle alternative. The Alaska Power Administration's Upper Susitna Power Market Analysis estimated the total transmission construction cost, including interest during construction, for the Palmer-Glennallen intertie at $40,800,000 as of OctoDer 1978. Assuming a 10 percent inflation rate of construction costs, the updated cost estimate for OctoDer 1980 is $44,880,000. Assuming the Power Admini-stration's figure for operation, maintenance, and replacement, and amortizing the cost over 100 years at 7-3/8 percent, yields the following results: Amortization OM & R Total Annual Cost $3,312,000 144,000 $3,456,000 The Federal interest rate was applied to evaluate the intertie on a comparaDle basis with the other alternatives. Based on the transmission of 50,000 MWH per year, and the 7-3/8 percent interest rate, the cost per kWh for transmission only would be 6.9¢/kWh. This, coupled with the current cost of electricty in the Anchorage area, would Dring the total cost to approximately 13¢/kWh. Impact Assessment: The long term environmental impacts associated with this alternative would De primarily visual. Approximately 825 acres would have to be cleared along the Glenn Highway for the transmission route. Short term impacts associated with construction would include the prObable displacement of various species of wildlife in the area. Evaluation: For the Palmer-Glennallen intertie to be considered a viable alternative Dased on current price levels, two requirements must be met. One, the system must transmit enough energy to bring down the transmission cost/kWh to a reasonaDle level, and two, a stable, reasonaDle cost source of energy must be made available to transmit. 31 Based on the most up-to-date load forecast for the Glennallen-Valdez area (including ALPETCO), the energy required to meet system demands aoove the output of Solomon Gulch is relatively small. This is further reduced oy the possiole presence of the pressure reducing turbine. Besides the limited demand, the lack of a stable, reasonable cost source in the railoelt area tends to eliminate the interties as a viable alternative at present. However, if the proposed Susitna Project is ultimately constructed, it may be able to supply a stably priced energy source. If the current studies prove favorable and the State pursues FERC licensing and construction, current estimates call for a Susitna power on-line date of 1994. Even if this were the case and power was available by the mid-1990's, the intertie would not be feasible based on current demand expectations. Therefore, at this time, the intertie has been dismissed as all but a very long range alternative. PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE Description: The Trans-Alaska Pipeline hydraulic energy recovery turbine facility would consist of a single hydraulic turbine installed in parallel with the 48-inch main line block valve located approximately 5 miles east of the Valdez terminal. Diversion of crude oil through the turbine by closing the main line block valve could generate nearly 65,000 MWH of energy per year at the pipeline flow rate of 1.5 MBD. This recoveraole energy is contained in the crude oil stream as it reaches the main line olock valve #125 and, if not extracted by the hydraulic turbine, would be dissipated in pipeline friction. Crude oil flow through the PRT facility would be controlled by pressure reducing and bypass valves. A standard multifunction integrated electronic control system would be provided responding to both load changes and pipeline conditions. The deSign provides overriding control of crude oil flow through the PRT facility to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. All station valving suoject to utility control would be interlocked with Alyeska block valve control. The paramount operational consideration is that of maintaining staole continuity of flow of the crude oil stream. Inasmuch as this facility would De an integral part of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, its design, construction, and operation would be sUbject to all applicaole criteria established for the pipeline as well as tne approval of the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Alaska State Pipeline Coordinator, and the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. If approval could be reached, the PRT could be on-line oy 1984. The primary disadvantage to this plan is its tenuous ability to provide firm energy. Whenever a routine or emergency shutdown of the oil pipeline occu~red no energy could be produced. This is not uncommon, particularly during winter storms when the loading of tankers is 32 impaired. As a result, standoy generating capacity would almost certainly have to be maintained at all times. Such standoy capacity would undouotedly oe provided oy existing diesel generators. The percentage of time that this would be necessary cannot be predicted. However, given that no energy source is entirely firm, and in the interest of conservatism, power produced by the PRT will be regarded as firm and assigned a dependency factor of 80 percent for purposes of this report. Another concern worthy of further consideration is that of project life. Estimates of the total Prudhoe Bay field are approximately 9.6 billion barrels. Based on a flow rate of 1.5 MBD, the known oil reserves will last between 15 and 20 years. The potential of additional oil discoveries, particularly in the Beaufort Sea, are relatively good; however, due to the uncertainty of future finds it will oe assumed that the oil will last untn 2000. Pertinent data for the project follows: Capacity (kW) 7,400 (1.5 MBD) Annual Energy (MWH) 52,000 (PF=0.8) First Cost $9,700,000 The above estimates of capacity and energy were derived from information available from R.W. Retherford1s 1976 report on the pressure reducing turbine. Capacity and energy figures were reduced to account for an oil flow of 1.5 MBD and an 80 percent power availability factor as previously stated. The first cost of $9.7 million was obtained from R.W. Retherford Associates who are currently updating their previous study. The estimated annual costs based on October 1980 prices and financing over 16 years at 7-3/8 percent are as follows: Interest and Amortization Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Average Annual Cost $1,052,000 $ 200,000 $1,252,000 Based on these prices the cost per kWh would be approximately 2.4i. The inability of the turoine-generator to follow the power demand for the system would restrict its operation to baseload. This may reduce the usaole output until the minimum system demand exceeds the unit1s capacity. Impact Assessment: The proposed site for the pressure reducing turbine (PRT) is located 5 miles east of the pipeline terminal, approximately 3/4 mile off the Dayville Road. The PRT site is adjacent to the proposed transmission corridor on the south side of the Lowe River. The powerhouse and parking facilities would utilize an area improved during the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. 33 The impacts associated with the PRT action are minor with little construction occurring in nondisturoed areas. The main impacts would oe disturDance of wildlife species during the construction phase. Increases in dust, noise, and air pollution would occur, but these would be short lived and end with the construction phase. Evaluation: Based on the preceding information, the PRT is the lowest cost energy alternative availaole to the study area. It would operate as a oaseload energy source allowing for the utilization of Solomon Gulch to meet peak demands. Besides oeing inexpensive, the PRT has the advantage that it can oe orought on-line in a relatively short period (oy 1984), thereby greatly reducing or temporarily eliminating the need for diesel generation. The primary disadvantages to the PRT are: (1) its energy production is only a secondary function of the pipeline, (2) it would not produce energy during pipeline shut downs, whether due to emergency, maintenance, or weather (i.e. winds), (3) it would no longer operate when the oil flow ceases (this may cause an energy shortage for nonpipeline related activities which would not cease to function with the loss of the oil), and (4) the administrative proolems of reaching an agreement oetween the affected parties. However, these disadvantages are relatively minor when compared to the oenefits that could be derived from the system. Plan Implementation: Implementation of this plan would be the responsibility of the local utility and the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Due to the sensitive nature of pipeline security, a number of questions need to be resolved. Questions as to whom would own and operate the system and what guarantees would be required to insure the system does not affect normal pipeline operations are proDaoly the foremost concerns. These are primarily questions of security and will have to be addressed by Alyeska and the local utility respectively. ALLISON LAKE HYDRO Description: Allison Lake is located just south of Port Valdez (Figure 1). A project here would consist of a lake tap at approximately the 1,250-foot level, 117 feet below the current lake level. A dam was considered at the lake outlet; however, surficial geological investigations indicated that the terminal moraine near the outlet would not be an adequate foundation for a dam. The lake tap plan would require a combination of a concrete lined 6-foot circular and an unlined 8-foot horseshoe shaped power tunnel. This lO,200-foot tunnel would transport the water from Allison Lake to 34 ALLISON LAKE just inside the tunnel portal where it would enter a 4-foot diameter penstock. This above ground penstock would extend from the tunnel portal to either one of the identified powerhouse sites. Powerhouse Site #1 is located approximately 20 feet MLLW and Powerhouse Site #2 is located at 100 feet MLLW. Either powerhouse would have an installed capacity of 8 MW. This was Dased on the recommended 50 percent plant factor provided by the Alaska Power Administration. A transmission line of 3 to 3.5 miles would be required to tie into the Solomon Gulch Substation. A detailed description of this plan is included in Appendix D. Evaluation: Pertinent data fur both alternatives follow. The estimated first costs for the two plans are based on October 1980 dollars. The prices include a 20 percent allowance for contingencies. Also included is the cost for environmental mitigation. Altern at i ve #1 Capacity (KW) Firm Annual Energy (MWH) Average Annual Energy (MWH) First Cost ($1,000) A lternat i ve #2 CapdcHy (kW) Firm Annual Energy (MWH) Average Annudl Energy (MWH) First Cost ($1,000) 8,000 34,300 39,350 37,250 8,000 32,200 37,250 34,301 Annudl costs are computed by amortizing the investment cost, which includes interest during construction, over the life of the project and adoing the operation, maintenance and replacement costs. Interest during construction is computed as compound interest on a uniform expenditure over the 4-year construction period. Adding interest during construction gives an investment cost of $44,644,000 and $41,109,000 respectively. The following estimated annual costs dre based on a 100-year project life and interest at 7-3/8 percent. Alternative itl Interest and Alliortization Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Averdge Annual Cost Alternative #2 Interest Mid Amortization Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Average Annual Cost 36 $3,295,000 200,000 $3,495,000 $3,034,000 200,000 $3,234,000 From the time of pO\'Ier-on-line, only the operation, maintenance, and replacement costs are subject to inflation. With these representing only a snall portion of the total, annual costs are relatively insensitive to the effects of inflation. The costs per fi rm kWh for Al tern,',ti ve #1 and #2 are 10. 2ft and 10. oct respectively. Besides being more expensive, Alternative #1 could be exposed to possible seismic waves (Appendix G), and the environmental impact woul d be greater due to a reducti on in spawni ng area (tai 1 race discharge being closer to tide-water). Therefore, Alternative #1 has been eliminated from further evaluation. Alternate #2 was analyzed at 4, 6, 8, and 10 MW to determine the optimum si ze power pl ant from an economic standpoi nt. Power benefi ts were based on the load forecast provi ded by the A1 aska Power Administration. Fuel cost escalation, as determined by the U.S. Depa rtment of Energy, for the 1980 Annual Report to Congress was also used. Below is a summary of the annual benefits (excluding employment benefits) and costs of the various units. (Benefits and costs are in thousands of dollars.) SUMr~ARY Plant Capacity Energy Total BIC Net Size Benefits Benefits Cost Ratio Benefits 4 r,n~ $398.9 $4,262.2 $2,946.0 1. 58 $1,715 6 HW $585.9 $4,772.6 $3,036.0 1.77 $2,323 8 1,1104 $748.0 $4,882.9 $3,234.0 1. 74 $2,397 1 0 r~w $897.9 $4,827.7 $3,456.0 1. 66 $2,270 The above economic sUMmary indicates that the 8 r~w alternative maximizes net I~ED benefits. By "including employment benefits of $182,000 for the 8 r~\~ unit, the total benefits are $5,813,000 compared to the total costs of $3,234,000. This provides net NED benefits of $2,579,000 and a benefit-cost ratio of 1.8 to 1. The benefits shown above have been computed under the assumption that the PRT would not be built. The results of the net benefit maximization would not change significantly if the PRT were assumed as part of the without project condition. Various benefit outcomes of different assumptions concerning the load forecast, PRT, and fuel cost escalation are presented in the Economic Analysis of the selected plan (Appendix C). The method used in deriving NED employment benefits is also discussed in Appendix C. Impact Assessment: The major environmental effects of Alternative #2 are associated with changes in water quality \'Ihich may impact the fishery resources in Allison Creek. The introduction of higher flows and warmer water during the wi nter months coul d cause rapi d egg i ncubati on and early emergence of salmon fry. The early emergence may cause the fry to enter Port Valdez at a time when food sources are scarce. Determination of the potential 37 effects on the salmon run and the resultant fishery are being assessed. A stream gage has been installed to aid in the determination of existing winter flows. A recording thermograph has been in operation since 1979 in Allision Creek. The data for that period is included in Appendix E. Two additional thermographs will be installed to determine spawning gravel temperatures within the stream and the intertidal area. Mitigation includes providing a two tailrace system which would discharge fully into Allison Creek in the summer. Winter discharge would be to Port Valdez with partial diversion to Allison Creek to maintain adequate ; nstream flow. Other impacts include disturbances to wildlife during the construc- tion phase, clearing of approximately 22.5 acres of spruce/hemlock forest for the transmission rigllt-of-way, and decreases in the visual quality of the area. For further information on project impacts, refer to the envi- ronmental impact statement. ~Ii ti gati on: Proposed mitigative measures are for a tailrace to Port Valdez in addition to the one to Allison Creek. The rationale behind the two tailrace system is to divert winter powerhouse releases directly to Port Valdez, thus reducing water temperature impacts on Allison Creek during salmon egg incubation. Mitigative costs for the additional tailrace and gating systems are $925,000 including 20 percent contingencies, 8 percent engineering and design, and 8 percent supervision and administration. Annual costs were calculated at $68,300. Determining the monetary value of the Allison Creek fishery is not feasible. Population estimates are not complete and reflect minimal data collection. Biomass originating from salmon production in Allison Creek is large enough to be an important contributor to the Port Valdez derived food web. Fish originating from Allison Creek also add to the commercial and sport fisheries. Esthetic values and other intangibles are also illportant to the human envi ronment of the study area. The spawni ng activity can be observed where the creek is crossed by the Dayville Road. The probability of losing of the fisheries resource of Allison Creek is high without mitigation. This loss would have an effect on the Port Val dez ecosystem and to the human envi ronment of the study area. Implementation Responsibilities: The United States would design and construct the lake tap, powerplant, and transmission facilities. Project operation would be supervised by personnel from the local utility from a centralized operati ons control center. Project mai ntenance woul d be performed by Federal maintenance/operators assigned to the project who would be supplemented by utility maintenance personnel. These individuals would operate the project under emergency situations. Overall project administration including power sales contracts, billing, accounting, and annual inspections would be provided by the Alaska Power Administration headquarters office in Juneau. 38 Technical services such as electronic systems maintenance and repair, meter relay mechanics. and staff for major maintenance activities would be provided on an as needed basis by utility personnel supplemented by staff from APA headquarters and from the Eklutna and Snettisham hydroelectric projects. This amounts to sharing the skills of the staffs of several small projects in order to minimize total operation and maintenance costs. Transmission line maintenance and major powerplant maintenance, such as turbine overhaul. would require additional manpower provided either by the utility staff or personnel detailed from other APA projects. The project benefits are attributable to power and the utilization of otherwise unemployed labor resources. All project costs would be repaid \/ith interest through revenues derived from the sale of project power. 39 COMPARlSON OF DETAILED PLANS No single alternative was seen to be the best solution to the needs of the study area. Of the alternatives considered, various possible combinations were looked at to determine the "besC plan for the study area. Besides the all diesel alternative considered under the previous section (designated Plan A), the plans that were evaluated include diesel plus pressure reducing turbine (Plan B), diesel plus Allison hydropower (Plan C), and PRT plus Allison hydropower (Plan D). All of these plans include the utilization of Solomon Gulch hydropower which will be in full operation by 1982. In all cases diesel is utilized up until the power-on-line date of the various alternatives. Figures 2 through 5 give a graphic representation of the energy available from the various plans considered. A detailed summary of the plans is given in the system of accounts table that follows. The power-on-line date for the PRT is assumed to be 1984 for all cases. The on-l i ne date for All i son hydropower is 1990 for P'I an C and Pl an D. The energy load growth was based on the Alaska Power Administration most recent forecast for the area. A higher growth rate would require additional diesel consumption to meet energy needs. A lower rate would delay the required power-on-line dates for the projects. When evaluating Figures 2 through 5 their actual significance must be considered. The graphs represent the study area's yearly energy demand in gigawatt hours (GWH) and the ability of the various plans to meet the demand. The figures shown are based on firm energy rather than average annual. This was done to give a more accurate representation of usable energy available from the hydropower projects. Secondary energy is produced duri ng tile summer months \'1hen load requi rements are down renderi ng most of the energy unusabl e at 1 east until the year 2000. The follO\'1ing table sUf.1marizes the energy potentials for Solomon Gulch, Allison Lake, and the PRT: Project Solomon Gulch All i son Lake PRT Firm Energy (MWH) 38,600 32,200 52,000 Secondary (MWH) 17,000 5,050 -0- Total 55,600 37,250 52,000 Although Solomon Gul ch produces s i gni ficantly more total energy, the actual amount of firm energy is not much greater than Allison Lak.e. This is due to greater reservoir regulation of Allison Lake. The system of accounts tables following the graphs give an accurate comparison of the various plans. In all cases, a 100-year evaluation period was used. The beginning date of evaluation is 1984, corresponding to the power-on-line date of the PRT. By this approach, a future project (Allison hydropower) is econo- mically discounted to the 1984 base. Annual benefits and costs can 40 175 150 125 100 .J:::. ........ 75 50 25 -::I: ~ (!) - C Z <X ~ L1J C >-(!) 0:: L1J Z L1J FIGURE: 2 ENERGY DEMAND -REVISED APA PROJECTION DIESEL ONLY DIESEL SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO o+-~~~--~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 ~ N 175 150 125 -z ~ (!) -100 0 Z <t ~ W 0 75 >-(!) Q: w z w 50 25 FIGURE: 3 ENERGY DEMAND -REVISED APA PROJECTION DIESEL a PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE DIESEL PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE DIESEL SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO o~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 175 150 125 -::I: !t (!) - 100 0 Z <t ."", :E w I.aJ 0 75 >-(!) a: I.aJ Z I.aJ 50 25 FIGURE: 4 ENERGY -REVISED APA PROJECTION DIESEL a ALLISON HYDRO DIESEL ALLISON HYDRO SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO 1980 1985 1990 1995 --.. -.... -.. --- 2000 175 FIGURE: 5 150 125 100 0 Z <t ~ W o 75 >- (!) 50 25 Q: lAJ Z W ENERGY -REVISED APA PROJECTION PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE a ALLSON HYDRO ALLISON HYDRO PRESSURE REDUCING TURBINE DIESEL SOLOMON GULCH TURBINE o+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 4'> Ul Accounts l. National Economic Development (NED) a. Beneficial Impacts Power Production Employment Benefits TOTAL NED BENEFIT~ (annua 1 ) Location of Tmpacts Power Production Employment b. Adverse Impacts Construction Costs TOTAL NED COSTS (annual) SYSTEM Plan A All ~iesel Generation (Without Condition) Power will be utilized in the Copper Valley Electric Service Area Glennallen-Valdez & vicinity. Employment would re- main approximately the same as present. OF ACCOUNTS Plan B Plan C Plan 0 f)i ese 1 & PRT Diesel & Hydro PRT & Hydro 1984 1990 1984 1990 2, 100,000 3,835,000 5,234,000 119,000 119,000 2,100,000 3,954,000 5,353,000 Same Same Same A slight in-Employment would Same crease in be gained by employment Valdez, Alaska. may take place; however it should not be a substan- t i a 1 increase. 852,000 2,110,000 2,962,000 ~ ~ Accounts Location of Impacts Pro.iect rnsts c. Net NED benefits (annua 1) d. Benefit Cost Ratio 2. Environmental Quality (EQ) Location of Impacts a. Envi ronmenta 1 Quality Enhanced b. Enviromental Quality Destroyed Pl an A All Diesel Generation (Without Condition) Costs of continued use of diesel fuel will be incur- red by the local ~tility and passed on to the consumer. o o None Local air pollution and noise during construction. Plan B Diesel & PRT lq84 Costs of the PRT will be incurred by either the local utility or Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. $1,248,000 2.46 None Temporary displace- ment of wildlife for construction. Plan C Diesel & Hydro 1990 Ninety percent of con- struction costs for hydro development would be charged to people of the U.S. and 10 percent to State of Alaska in accordance with the President's guidelines for cost shari ng. Interest and principal would be paid back through sale of the power to consumers of the area. $1,844,000 1.87 None Possible long term detrimental effects for the pink and chum salmon in Allison Creek. Short term displacement of wild- life during construc- tion as well as noise and air pollution. A decrease of the visual qua1iLy of the area. Plan D PRT & Hydro 1984 1990 Combination of Band C $2,391,000 1.81 None Combination of Plan B and C Accounts 3. Social Well Beinq (SWB) a. Beneficial Impacts Displacement of People Enerqy Costs Community Cohesion b. Adverse Impacts Noise Esthetics Plan A. All Diesel Generation (Without Condition) None Energy costs will con- tinue to increase directly with fuel costs. Electri- city will continue to claim a larger and larger portion of individual income. Higher energy prices may force potential employers to seek sites elsewhere, with lower costs. Noise will not increase substantially. No change from current situation. Plan B Diesel & PRT 1984 None Energy costs will stabilize and drop during the life of project; however, as soon as the oil stops flowing sub- stantial increases will take place. Increase should be negligible. Noise impact during construction, no long term effects. Temporary change during construction. Long term impacts are negligible. Plan C Di ese 1 & Hydro 1990 None The project will help stabilize energy costs throughout its life; however, the amount of diesel needed above the hydro's capabilities will force prices up. Increase will be a more significant than Plan B due to longer construction period. Long run impacts will be small. Same as B only greater noise levels during con- struction due to blast- ing, drilling and longer construction period. There would be scars left from the blasting and removal of rock that would be at least partially visible from Va 1 dez. Plan D PRT & Hydro 1984 1990 None Energy costs should drop and remain relatively consistent at least until the year 2000 Effects shoul be a combina- tion of Plans Band C. Same as Band C. Same as Band C. Accounts 4. Regional Development (RD) a. Beneficial Impacts Additional Power Production Employment b. Adverse Impacts Tax Revenues Public Services All Diesel Generation (Without Condition) The cost of additional energy will continue to rise with fuel prices. This would have a stifl- ing effect on the develop- ment of the area. Any change in employ- ment would be limited to maintaining additional diesel units. No Chanqe No Change Diesel & PRT 1984 Additional power should stabilize and lower enerqy costs at least 15 years. This should encour- age the development of the region. A temporary increase in employment during construction with a smaller permanent increase for opera- tion. No Change No Change niesel & Hydro 1990 Same as B except the total energy is not as great; however, this would have a much longer term effect than the PRT. Same as B except the construction work force would be much greater and the duration of construction is much longer. No Change No Change PRT & Hydr 1984 1990 Same as Band C. Same as Band C No Change No Change then be determined for the 100-year evaluation period. This will portray both benefits and costs reduced with a corresponding reduction in net benefits; however the ratio of benefits to costs will remain the same. In the case of the PRT the total benefits and cost were present- worthed to 1984 and then spread over the 100-year evaluation period. These economic evaluation procedures have the effect of evaluating the plans on equal ground. RATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF NED PLAN The ~Jational Economic Development (NED) objectives are achieved by increasing the value of the nation's output of goods and services and improving national economic efficiency. Based on this criteria the NED Plan is Plan D, the pressure reducing turbine plus Allison hydropower. This plan would provide net annual benefits exceeding any of the alter- nate plans. The combination of the PRT with hydropower would allow the displacement of exceedingly precious and expensive petroleum products. Although a number of questions regarding implementation of the PRT remain to be resolved between the local utility and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, these are the responsibility of those organizations. Funding for the PRT would be private whereas it would be primarily Federal for the hydropower portion of the plan. The average net annual NED benefits over the life of the proposed plan, are $2,391,000. ~ATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF EQ PLAN The Environmental Quality (EQ) Plan is an alternative which makes the most significant contribution to preserving, maintaining, or enhancing the cultural and natural resources of the study area. Of the detailed plans considered, none would provide an actual enhancement of the environment; however, Plan B (PRT plus diesel), would cause the least environmental damage (LED). Therefore, this alternative has been designated the LED plan. The continued use of diesel has the impact of noise and air pollution, but this is relatively minor compared to the impact of hydropower construction. The fact that the generators are already in place, and no additional units would be required until the mid-1990's, would eliminate any environmental impacts from construction. The pressure reducing turbine would have some minimal impacts from construction, but there would be less impact from noise and pollution during operation. Located immediately adjacent to the oil pipeline, the facility would be in an area that has been previously disturbed. The PRT would be housed in a building approximately 60 x 170 feet. The total area required for the building and grounds would be approximately 1.5 acres. 49 RATIONALE FOR SELECTED PLAN Under realistic assumptions regarding future economic conditions and fuel costs, Plan D, PRT plus hydropower, is the most economical means of meeting the long term future needs of the study area. This plan would help meet both the short and long term needs of the study area and reduce the current dependence on diesel-fired generation. The PRT would have a much shorter construction period than Allison Lake hydropower allowing for faster implementation. The PRT would function as a baseload operation with Solomon Gulch and the existing diesel generators providing back up and peaking capability. Allison Lake hydropower would come on line in 1990 at a time when additional energy, above and beyond the capability of Solomon Gulch and the PRT would be needed. The project would meet the estimated energy and capacity needs until 1995 and 1998 respectively. In 1995 additional energy would come from either diesel generation or possibly additional hydropower. The following table provides a summary of the Federal and nonfederal first cost apportionment for the selected plan. First Cost (October 1980 Dollars) Federal PRT -0- ALLISON HYDRO $30,871,000 Non-Federal $9,700,000 $3,430,000 The above cost apportionment for Allison Lake hydropower is in accordance with the President's proposed cost-sharing policy. This policy requires 10 percent State participation in Federal projects having a "vendible" output. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION Throughout the course of this study public involvement was accompl i shed primar"ily through three publ i c meeti ngs hel d at vari ous times during the study process. The purpose of the earlier meetings was to obtain input from the public to help direct the study, where the latter meeting was to receive comments on the results. Input from State and rederal agencies was obtained by either direct contact or through the State Clearing House. Nearly 200 copies of the draft report were sent to various agencies, special interest groups, and interested individuals. 50 Comnents received from the city of Valdez, Copper Valley Electric Association, Alaska Power Authority, and the Governor's Office basically concur with the findings of the repor~. The primary concern voiced by various resource agencies related to the environmental impact of warmer water being discharged over the developing salmon eggs in winter. Appendix J, "Public Views and Responses," includes comments received on the draft report and Corps of Engineer's responses. CONCLUS IONS Based on the analysis and proceedings used in this report, the combined plan of the pressure reducing turbine and hydropower from Allison Lake appears to be the best solution to meet both National and local objectives. Implementation of the PRT at the earliest possible date should be pursued jointly between the local utility and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. This represents a rare opportunity for an unusual energy source to provide low cost power to a region with minimal environmental impact. Detailed analysis and final design should resume on the Allison Lake hydropower project by 1984. This would allow adequate time for design and construction to provide needed power by 1990. Approximately 4 years would be needed to construct the Allison Lake project. RECO~I:~ENDATIOIJ I recommend that the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project be authorized for construction generally as described in this report, with such modifications as in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers may be advisable, at a Federal cost estimated at $30,871,000. The estimated annual operation and maintenance cost and replacement is $200,000. Former President Carter, in his June 1978 water policy message to Congress, proposed several changes in cost-sharing for water resources projects to allow states to participate more actively in project implementation decisions. These changes include a cash contribution from benefiting states of 5 percent of the first costs of construction assigned to nonvendible project purposes and 10 percent of first cost of construction assigned to vendible project purposes. Contributing states would share with the Federal Government the revenue from vendible outputs in proportion to their shares of project costs. Application of this policy to the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project requires a contribution from the State of Alaska of an estimated $3,430,000 in cash (10 percent of $34,301,000 total estimated first costs of construction assigned to vendible project purposes, based on October 1980 price levels). The State of Alaska will share 10 percent of the net power revenues from the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project. Net power revenues are defined as the gross receipts from power outputs less all 51 operat ion and rna i ntenance costs allocated to power. I reconmend construction authorization of the Allison Lake Project in accordance with the President's proposed cost-sharing POliCY.~~ ~ dl'( /U.--- LEE R NUNN Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer 52 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Proposed plan for a hydroelectric powerplant at Allison Lake, (South- central Railbelt, Valdez Interim), Valdez, Alaska. The responsible lead agency is the U.S. Army Engineer' District, Alaska. Abstract: The Corps of Engineers was authorized by Congress to study the feasibility of hydroelectric power in the Southcentral Railbelt area of Alaska. The proposed plan would provide an additional 8 megawatts of power from hydroelectric generation and an estimated average output of 7.4 megawatts from a pressure reducing turbine (PRT) in the oil pipeline to serve the Valdez-Glennallen area. The hydropower portion of the plan would be Federal responsibility while the PRT would be local. Possible adverse environmental impacts include increased winter water temperatures which could cause early emergence of pink and churn salmon fry. Positive impacts include reducing the use of fossil fuels as electrical generating power and decreasing air and noise pollution associated with diesel generation. SEND YOUR COMMENTS TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER BY: If you would like further information on this statement please contact: Mr. William Lloyd U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska ATTN: NPAEN-PL-EN P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Name .John A. Burns (EIS r.oordinator) Loran Baxter Sam Murray Charles Wellinq L i zette Boyer Julia Steele LIST OF PRFPARERS Expert i se Fisheries Biology King crab research, NMFS Kodiak, Alaska Civil f:.:nqineer A.laska District Economics North Pacific Division 9 mo Economic Studies Alaska District Economics Alaska District ,A.nthropo logy Social Studies, Alaska District Arc h aeo logy Management Experience, MS in Anthropology. Experience 2 yrs EIS studies, Alaska District, 1 yr 3 yrs, Feasibility Studies 2 yrs Economic Studies 18 yrs, Economic Studies 2 yrs Anthropological and Cu ltura 1 Stud i es 5 years Cultural Resources Discipline Fisheries Biologist Civil Engineer Economist Economist Anthropoligist Anthropologist SUMMARY The purpose of the proposed project is to provide electrical power for the Valdez-Glennallen area. Presently the electric power is supplied by ale~el generators located botn in Valdez and Glennallen. PrOjected population growth and the increasing cost of petroleum products will cause increasing demand for electrical power generated from alternative energy sources The selected Plan (D) will generate 8 megawatts (MW) with 32,200 megawatt hours (MWH) of firm annual energy from the hydroelectric project and 7.4 MW with 52.000 MWH of annual energy from ttle pressure reducing turoine (PRT). Other plans include combinations of diesel PRT, and hydroelectric. Adverse environmental impacts associated wltn the selected plan are to the fisheries resources of Allison Creek. Changes in winter water temperatures may cause accelerated egg incubation and early emergence of salmon fry. An increase of stream temperature of 2° C could cause fry emergence 1 to 2 months earlier, a time when adequate food sources for the fry do not exist in Port Valdez. Mitigative measures include an additional tailrace which would divert powerhouse discharge directly into Port Valdez, thus not chanqing the natural temperature regime of Allison r:reek. MAJOR CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS None of the alternatives make significant contributions to preserving maintaining, or enhancing the cultural ana natural resources of the stuay area, and therefore. do not meet the criteria of an Environmental Qual ity (EQ) Plan. For this study. Plan B, the diesel ana pressure reducing tUrLJlne alternative, has been established a~ the Least Environmentally Damaging (LED) Plan. Th~ National Economic Development (NED) Plan addresses the planning objectives which maximize net economic oenefits. Plan D, Allison Lake Hydrupower and the PRT, would provide the "lost power output, and coupled with the increasing costs of petroleum products, this alternative may be considered to be the NED Plan when viewed on an overall oasis. A Section 404(b) (1) evaluation for the proposed project is included in Appendlx E. Water quality requirements set forth under the Clean Water Act will be met through Section 404(r) exemption criteria. All the alternatives fulfill Federal, State, and local legal require- ments and comply with the requirements of all applicable environmental laws, executive orders, and policies. iii -I. < PLAN A (Diesel, no action) PLAN B (Diesel, PRT) PLAN C (Diesel, hydroelectric) PLl\N D (PRT, Hydroelectric) COMPARATIVE IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES WETLANDS NONE NCNE minor loss at location of tailrace at Allison Creek same as Plan C VEGETATION NONE all activities will occur in disturbed area loss of 24 acres for transmission line and Powerhouse same as Plan C HISTORIC SITES NONE NONE NONE COMPARATIVE IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES (cont) ECONOMY WATER BENEF IT -COST QUALITY FISHERIES ESTHETICS RATIO PLAN A NONE NONE NONE N/A (Oiesel, no action) PLAN B NONE NONE minor local Refer to Economic (Diesel, PRT) decrease in Appendix visual quality impacts not visible from Valdez PLAN C change in flow loss of egg noticable Refer to Economic (Diesel, flydroe 1 ectri c) and temperature incubation changes in Appendix to Allison Creek habitat due visual < to temper-qua 1 ity ature change. impacts Possible loss would be seen of fishery from Valdez PLAN 0 same as Plan C same as same as Refer to Economic (PRT, hydroelectric) Plan C Plan B Append i x and C AREAS OF CONTROVERSY To date no specific area of controversy has oeen associated with project study. REI ATIONSHIP TO ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Federal Policies and Regulations o o 0 0 0 0 0 u o o Federal Water Project Recreatiun Act Water Resource Planning Act of 1966 Fisn and Wildlife Coordination Act National Historical Preservation Act National Environmental Pulicy Act Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Anadromous Fisn Act Flood Plain Management EO 11988 Protection of Wetlands EO 11990 Archeoloqical and Historic Preser- vation Act Clean Air Act Estuary Protection Act Land and Water Conservation Fund Act Marine Protection. Research and Sanctuary Act vi All Plans Fu 11 Cump1iance Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Full Comp 1 i ance Partial Compliance; requirements will be met completion of Final EIS review. Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Compliance Full Compliance Full Compliance Partial Compliance; requirements will be met completion of Final EIS review. Fu 11 Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance upon upon o o o Rivers and Harbors Act Clean Water Act Watershed Protection and FloOd Prevention Act Wild and Scenic Rivers Act State State Coastal Zone Management o State Water Ouality Certification vii Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Partial Compliance, requirements will be met under Section 404(e) upon congressional approval Full cornplaince N/A Partial Compliance; requirements will De met upon completion of Final EIS review. N/A COVER SHEET FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROPOSED PLAN FOR A HYDROELECTRIC POWERPLANT VALDEZ, ALASKA LIST OF PREPARERS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Item SUMMARY A. NEED FOR AND OBJECTIVES OF ACTION B. C. D. Study Authori ty AL TERNATI VES 1. Plans Eliminated 2. Without Conditions (Plan A) 3. Diesel -Pressure Reducing Turbine (Plan B) 4. Diesel -Hydroelectric (Plan C) S. Pressure Reducing Turbine -Hydroelectric (Plan D) AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 1 Pnysical a. General D. Hydrology and Water Quality c. Esthetics 2. Biological a. Vegetation b. Wildlife c. Birds d. Fish e. Mar; ne f. Rare and Endangerea Species 3. Socio economics 4. Cultural Resources ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 1. Pnysical a. General b. Hydrology and Water Quality c. Esthet ics vii i iii EIS-l EIS-l EIS-l EIS-2 EIS-2 EIS-2 EIS-3 EIS-4 EIS-4 EIS-4 EIS-S EIS-S EIS-S EIS-7 EIS-7 EIS-7 EIS-8 E1S-8 EIS-8 E1S-8 E 1 S-lO 2. Biological a. Vegetation b. Wildlife c. Birds d. Fish e. Marine f. Rare and Endangered Species 3. Socio-economics 4. Cultural Resources E. MITIGATION F. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS G. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 1. Public Involvement Program 2. Required Coordination 3. Statement Recipients H. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX ix E I S-11 EIS-12 EIS-12 EIS-13 EIS-14 EIS-14 EIS-14 EIS-15 EIS-15 EIS-17 EIS-18 EIS-18 EIS-18 EIS-18 EIS-20 EIS-21 A. NEED FOR AND OBJECTIVES OF ACTION Study Authority The Valdez Hydropower Study was authorized by a resolution of the com- mittee on PUDlic Works, United States Senate, 92 Congress, 2d Session. The Southcentr~l Railbelt (SCRB) resolution was adopted on 18 January 1972. This resolution specifically stated that the upper Susitna was to De studied first for potential hydropower. The feasibility report on the upper Susitna did not find it economical to transmit power by transmis- sion intertie facilities in the Valdez area. Therefore, the feasibility of hydropower in proximity to Valdez was also investigated under the SCRB resolution. B. ALTERNATIVES 1. Plans Eliminated Numerous sites for hydroelectric development were analyzed and found to be infeasible due to size, location, and environmental constraints. Sites eliminated in the immediate Valdez area include Gold Creek, Sheep Creek, Wortmann Creek, Silver Lake, Unnamed Creek, Mineral Creek, and Lowe River. All sites east of the Copper River have been eliminated due to estaDlishment of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. The Tsina and Tiekel Rivers located between Valdez and Glennallen were eliminated because they could not provide sufficient energy to contribute to the power loads of Valdez and Glennallen. The Tonsina and Klutina Rivers were eliminated because of extreme adverse impacts to the fisheries resources which contribute to the Prince William Sound salmon harvest. For further information, refer to the section titled "Formulation of Preliminary Plans.1I 2. Without Conditions (No Action -Plan A) The no action alternative is the least environmentally damaging of the alternatives as it would preserve a rather unique glacial fed drainage. However. power consumption for the Valdez-Glennallen area is projected to exceed the capability of the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project by the time it comes on line in late 1981. With the cost of diesel escalating and its availability a concern. hydroelectric projects, like the proposed project. would be more cost effective and efficient. The city dock expansion and ALPETCO plant will increase the population of Valdez, thus increasing power consumption. The need for additional power will result in the construction of a project such as Allison Lake whether it is constructed with Federal, State, or local funding. EIS-l 3. Diesel -Pressure Reducing Turbine (PRT) (Plan B) The proposed PRT would be located 5 miles east of the oil pipeline terminal at a site on the Trans-Alaska pipeline, Block Valve No. 125, where the necessary tap was installed during construction. This area was selected to take advantage of the head available as the pipeline descends Thompson Pass. The PRT would produce approximately 7.4 megawatts of electrical power based on a flow of 1.5 million barrels per day. The advantages of this plan are the relatively low installation costs and the low environmental impacts. The disadvantages include the relatively short life of the pipeline project and the assurance of constant oil flows. The oil reserves in the Prudhoe Bay area may be depleted within 15 to 20 years which would terminate the PRT project. Maintenance and emergency shutdown of the Trans-Alaska pipeline would cease electrical generation. During the periods of shutdown, a standby diesel generation system would be utilized. This system would have to be maintained year- round to insure dependable power when the PRT is nonoperational. Only minor environmental impacts associated with disturbance and the transmission corridor would occur with this plan. It should be noted that the Corps of Engineers has no authority to construct or fund either diesel generation or the pressure reducing turbine. 4. Diesel -Hydroelectric (Plan C) The hydroelectric portion of this alternative will consist of a tap of Allison Lake, power tunnel, above ground penstock, powerhouse, and a transmission line intertie with the Solomon Gulch substation. The hydro- electric generation will provide approximately 8 megawatts of installed capacity to the Valdez-Glennallen area. The hydroelectric alternative will require mitigative measures to sustain the salmon run in Allison Creek. Sug-gested mitigation includes a two tailrace system to maintain water quality and flow in Allison Creek, and a comprehensive biological monitoring study to insure the quality of the fisheries resource is maintained at preconstruct ion levels. The diesel portion of this alternative would be utilized to meet load requirements above the capabil ity of the hydroelectric project. Both systems would be necessary by the time Allison Creek comes on line. (See Figure 4 under the section "Comparison of Detailed Plans.") The hydroelectric portion of this alternative is under the Corps of Engineers· authorization, and can be constructed or funded for construction under this authority. 5. Pressure Reducing Turbine (PRT) -Hydroelectric (Plan D) The design of both portions of this alternative are identical to those previously discussed. This alternative would utilize the PRT for the base load and hydro- electric for peak load demand and back-up. The power generated from this EI5-2 alternative has been estimated to provide sufficient energy to the study area until about 1995. When the power generated from the PRT terminates, an intertie with the Anchorage-Fairbanks area may be feasible. C. AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 1. Physical a. General: Two specific sites are possible for development; the Lowe River flats and Allison Creek. The proposed PRT site lies at the head of Port Valdez on the south side of Lowe River. The valley is of glacial origin and is filled with out- wash aeposits of the Valdez and Corbin glaciers. The site is bounded on the north by the Lowe River, and south by the Chugach Mountains. Allison Lake is located on the south side of Port Valdez, directly across from the present city of Valdez, filling approximately one half of a glacier formed hanging valley. Allison Creek, which originates at Allison Lake, decends 1,360 feet in 2-1/4 miles to Port Valdez. It is an extremely high graaient stream for the first 2 miles with the last quarter mile leveling considerably. The area is underlain geologically by the late Cretaceous Valaez Group, a series of metagraywackes, shales and slates with occasional beds of pillow basalt. This is indicative of a rapid, unsorted deposition in an ocean environment. The beds are highly disturbed and no regional structures have yet been defined. The Port Valdez area is located in Seismic Zone 4, approximately 46 miles east of the epicenter of the 27 March 1964 earthquake. Prior to 1964, there were approximately 70 earthquakes, magnitude 5 or greater, in the Valdez vicinity. Excluding the 1964 earthquake, magnitude 5 earthquakes have averaged approximately one per year. Magnitude 8 or greater events have occurred three times this century, consequently, there is a good probability of a large earthquake occurring during the life of the project. There has been no evidence of ruptures in area bedrock. Most destruction in port Valdez has been causea by tsunami and submarine mass movement of unconsolidated Lower River delta deposits. The site for the proposed powerhouse (Alternate #2) is located at the 100 foot elevation. Powerhouse Alternate #1, located on delta deposits at the 20 foot elevation has been dismissed from further consideration. The delta deposits would make good foundation material for a small surface powerplant; however, the area may be subject to tsunami to an elevation of +85 MLLW. During slide induced sea waves, runup at Anderson Bay, 7 miles west of Allison Creek, was measured at 70 feet. Measurements at Shoup Bay (Cliff Marine) on the north side of the arm show a runup of 170 feet. No runup measurements were made at Jackson Point or Fort Liscum, but the cannery at Jackson Point was destroyed. EIS-3 b. Hydrology and Water Quality: The water quality of the Allison Creek dra1nage 15 11ttle affected by conditions other than natural, and is considered typical of a small, glacial fed system. A recording thermograph was installed in Allison Creek at the weir in June 1979 and the data will be collected for several more years. The recordings indicate tnat high temperatures occur in August and low temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius first occur in early November (Appendix E, Table 1). Two additional tnermographs to record intergrave1 temperatures of Allison Creek and the intertidal area are proposed for installation. A stream gage was installed in Allison Creek in March of 1981, and will continue to monitor stream flows until at least project completion. Calculated flows have been established for the drainage basin using meteoroloq;cal data from 1948 to 1977 (Appendix E, Table 2). The data inaicate unregulated flows and predict flows which would occur upon project completion. Estimates were also calculated to predict average inflows to Allison Creek below Allison Lake (Appendix E, Taule 3). Tnese estimates were derived only to predict flows whicn may occur in addition to the diverted flows. It should be noted that these flows are only estimates and may not precisely indicate actual flows. Water qua 1 ity ana lys i s for All i son Creek was performed for A lyeska Pipeline Service on several occasions between 22 February 1975 and 11 April 1977. Water quality analysis of Allison Lake was performed by the Alaska District on 7 May 1979 (Appendix E, Table 4). The proposed PRT action would not affect the aquatic environment. c. Esthetics: The scenic value in the Valdez area is still considered high. The view from tne city of Valdez of the proposed hydroelectric project area is of steep mountainous terrain with the natural values marred by the Alyeska Oil Terminal. Neither the lake nor the creek can be seen from the city and the creek cannot be viewed by the general public due to its location on restricted Alyeska property. The proposed site for the PRT is located south of the Lowe River in an area changed by the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. The esthetic values have been changed in this area where the pipeline is unaerground, however the values are not considered poor. 2. Biological a. Vegetation: The transmission line corridor between Allison Creek and the Solomon Gulch substation is typified by dense coniferous forest of Sitka spruce ana mountain hemlock with an Llnderstory of alder and other shrubs. The area of the proposed powerhouse and lower reaches of penstock support tall thickets consisting primarily of alder with some salmonberry, blueberry, ana devils club. Portions of the area have been disturbed by the Alyeska terminal and pipeline construction. Tne steep EIS-4 slopes surrounding Allisorl Lake are almost exclusively covered by alpine tundra. At the head of Allison Lake is a small vegetated wetland area. Detailed information and vegetative species lists concerning this wetland area are lacking as well as the significance to the wildlife species of this area. The affected marine vegetation, which may oe impacted by the proposed project, visually consists mainly of rockweed (Fucus distichus) and coraline algae (Lithothamnion sp.). Tnese two algal representives are abundant in the intertidal area around the mouth of Allison Creek. The PRT site is located in a spruce-hardwood forest. Tne hardwoods consist of birch and cottonwood with an understory primarily of alders, salmonberry, blueberry, and devils club. b. Wildlife: Wildlife species known to occur in the project area include brown Dear, black Dear, mountain goat, wolf, wolverine, marten, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. Moose are also present in small numbers along the Lowe River delta. The densities of the respective populations are unknown. Very little information is available on small mammals in the project area. A list of known species living in or around Valdez is in Appendix E, Table 5. The most conmlOn ly observed mammal near the proposed All i son site are black bear. Both black and brown bear have been observed near the PRT site with the highest concentrations occurring during the salmon runs. c. Birds: Approximately 150 species of birds have been observed witnin the Port Valdez area. Waterfowl are numerous seasonally, with some seabirds residing year-round. Waterfowl utilize Allison Lake to some extent. Canada geese and dabbler ducks have been observed on the lake, however, not in large numbers. The lake appears to support waterfowl for resting, possiole feeding, and molting. Tne intertidal area probably supports waterfowl and water related biras year-rouna, mainly for feeding. The Port Valdez area contains most of the major bird habitat groups found in Alaska (see Appendix E, Table 6 for species list). Northern bald eagles are commonly observed in the Port Valdez area. Several eagle nests have been documented in the area of the proposed sites by the joint State/Federal Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team and the U.S. Fish and Wilalife Service. Refer to Figure 6 for the locations of the nests. d. F1Sh: Allisun Creek is a high gradient creek wnich restricts fish movement to the lower reaches, approximately the lower quarter mile. Spawning habitat for pink and chum salmon occurs from the existing E1S-5 ALLISON LAKE FIGURE 6: LOCATIONS N EAGLES NESTS EIS -S weir to the mouth, with the majority of spawning occurring in the intertidal area. There are approximately 500 lineal feet of suitable intertidal spawning habitat. Prior to the construction of the weir by AlyesKa Pipeline Service Company for a water gallery, it is believed pinK salmon spawning, in odd years when stronger runs occurred, existed above the weir. A fiSh passage facility was incorporated with the weir construction, however, it has proven unsuccessful. Escapement for Allison CreeK has been estimated by the AlasKa Department of Fish and Game and indicates a high of 750 spawning pink salmon in 1961 and a high of 2,660 chum salmon in 1963 (Appendix E, Table 7). The Alaska Department of Fish and Game attempted an escapement count in August of 1980. Due to high turbidity, the count was unsuccessful. Dolly Varden char, and sculpin have also been identified as using Allison Creek. Allison Lake has no known fishery population. e. Marine: The intertidal area at the mouth of Allison CreeK con- sists of gravel, small cobble, and boulders. There is little saltwater intrusion of Allison Creek because of the gradient of the creek near the mouth. Dense populations of rockweed and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) are the most conspicuous species. Smaller populations of gastropods, arthropods, and other marine invertebrates typical of a rocky, semiprotected shoreline occur within the area which may be affected by the proposed project. Although no finfish were observed, the area probably supports those fish typical of the nearshore habitat. Port Valdez supports and is visited by several marine mammals which may be affected by the proposed project. HIe shore area from 0.3 miles west of Allison Creek to 0.3 miles west of Dayville Flats Creek has been identified as a feeding area for sea otters and harbor seals. Species lists for the marine environment in the Valdez area are included in Appendix E, Table 5. f. Rdre and Endangered Species: No rare and endangered species were identified for the proposed project area. Refer to U.S. Fish and Wildlife letter, Appendix E. 3. Socio-economics Prior to the construction of the Alaska Railroad, Valdez was the only all-season port of entry to the interior. The AlasKa Railroad estab- lished the rail system from Seward to Fairbanks through Anchorage which eliminated Valdez as an important port of entry to the interior. During the perioo preceding the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline, government was HIe largest employer. Although its importance has lessened, government is still the largest single employer today. The population of Valdez has fluctuated dramatically in the past decade because of the local construction boom associated with the Trans Alaska EIS-7 pipeline and marine terminal. The population in 1969 was approximately 1,000, grew to 8,000 in mid-1976 and steadied to 3,350 by 1979. Future population fluctuations will occur with the construction of Alaska Petrochemical Company (ALPETCO) plant. During the construction phase ALPETCO will employ nearly 1,000 people and the operational phase will employ over 700 persons. Table 2 of workforce. members of dependents the main report presents employment estimates for the Valdez Approximately 35 to 40 percent of the Valdez population are the 1abur force. This means there are approximately 1.5 for every member of the workforce. 4. Cu ltura 1 Resources There are no cultural resources in the affected area of the Valdez hydropower project. The area had the potential of yielding prehistoric Chugach Eskimo evidence because of the traaitiona1 land use of these people in Prince William Sound. Historical events surrounding early Valdez, such as Army exploration, mineral mining and settlement is very rich. No remains, however, are left in the affected area. For a more complete account see Appendix F. D. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 1. Physical a. General: The plans discussed in the report all utilize two methods of power generation. Since the impacts associated with diesel generation already exist, no new diesel plants are proposed. The hydroelectric project will have its own unique impacts on the environment whether associated with diesel or the Pressure Reducing Turbine. For reasons of clarity and continuity, the impacts of the hydroelectric project and the Pressure Reducing Turbine will be discussed separately. b. Hydrology and Water Quality: Hydroelectric Project: The proposed laKe tap would withdraw water from a depth of 117 feet below the existing normal lake level. Lake temperatures have only been collected on one occasion, 13 April 1978. The temperature profile indicates that no stratification occurs and little temperature change occurred past 8 meters. Although no summer temperatures were taken, using the worse case basis, the area for withdrawal will oe approximately 4° C. The discharge of 4° C water into Allison Creek may cause the stream temperatures to be reduced below the powerhouse during the summer months. The actual impacts on the downstream temperature regime are unknol'm. Pred ict i ng downstream changes in stream temperatures is 1 imitea due to problems in estimating the degree of mixing in a lateral stream and in evaluating convective and evaporative heat losses under conditions of local atmospheric stability. Estimates made of the average inflow EIS-8 expected to Allison Creek below Allison Lake indicate the highest flows occur in June, July, and August. July and August are the most critical months because of spawning salmon. Winter withdrawals from the lake wOUld be warmer than the natural stream temperatures. Thermograph readings show water temperatures in the winter months to be near 0° C while lake temperatures are at 3.5 0 C. Since winter is the high power demand period, the project would probably be running at maximum output part of the time. The maximum power release has been estimated at approximately 100 CUbic feet per second (cfs) with a predicted streamflow above the powerhouse Detween 1 to 5 cfs. Hydroelectric projects tend to even flows. Natural high summer flows would be utilized to refill the lake, therefore reducing outflows from the lake. During the winter months when natural flows are low, the water used for electrical generation would SUbstantially increase the flows. The entire stream would be impacted by the proposed project with both summer and winter flows decreased above the powerhouse location. The proposed powerhouse site is located above the existing weir, approximately one quarter mile from Port Valdez. At this location, the water would reenter Allison Creek. Tne natural flUShing process woula be affected by the hydroelectric project, thereby reducing streambed scour and possibly increasing sedimentation of spawning gravels. Allison Creek has a stable streambed, consisting mainly of boulders and slaty cobbles with very small amounts of sands and gravels. Little fine grain material appears to be entering the system, consequently, sedimentation of the spawning bedS may not occur. During high water years, the extra quantities of runoff may provide adequate flows for flUShing. The intertidal area supports the majority of spawning activity, and tidal fluctuation should keep the spawning area free from sedimentation. Winter is the tinle of high power consumption and also the time of low flows into the lake. The increased flows through the powerhouse would cause the lake to De drawn down a maximum of 100 feet from the natural water 1 eve 1. The tailrace to the creeK would consist of a 5-foot diameter steel pipe at a 10 percent slope. The length would be 20 feet with a 10-foot transition to a 2.5-foot diameter steel pipe on the sanle slope. An energy dissipater Ivould be built on tne banks of the creek with very 1 itt le instream construct ion. Tne impacts occurring with the construc- tion of the dissipater should be minimal; however, in order to assure no impacts occur on either spawning salmon or their incubating eggs, con- struction could occur between early June and mid-July or during the winter months when construction could be accomplished out of the stream because of the reduction in flow. Approximately 5 cubic yards of riprap would be placed in the creek just below the energy dissipater. Tne riprap would be approximately 1.5 feet thick and cover about 10 square yards. The riprap WOUld assure that water from the powerhouse would not cause scour or erosion. EIS-9 The lake may be drawn down to the level of the tap upon completion of the project to secure necessary gating and screening structures. Tne drawdown would decrease water quality in Allison Creek by increasing turbidity and flows, and by changing the temperature regime. Because water quality degradation could have an effect on the fisheries resources of Allison Creek the drawdown for lake tap structure placelnent would occur at the optimal time for the fishery. During the operation of the proJect, the lake would be drdwn down approximately 100 feet during the winter months when the lake is ice covered. Little erosion is anticipated because of the large boulder shoreline which surrounds most of the lake. A small delta is located at the head of tile lake which consists mainly of fine grain glacial outwash. This area could experience some erosion during drawdown, but to what degree is unknown. The Snettisham hydroelectric project near Juneau taps Long Lake which is similar in configuration to Allison Lake. Althougn the depth, size of the lake and size of the delta are greater, Long Lake experiences a drawdown of 114 feet. To date, little water quality degradation is occuring and the delta area appears to be stable. The drilling of the penstock tunnel would require approximately 300 gallons of water per hour which would probably be pumped from the lake. The discharged water from the drills would be allowed to flow out of the tunnel, and diKes and diversion ditches would be used to assure that the water does not enter Allison Creek. Pressure Reducing Turbine: Tnere would be no hydrology or water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the PRT. c. Esthetics: Hydroelectric: Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of tunnel tailings would be disposed of on a dense stand of alder, devils club, red elderberry, and salmonberry. Tne talus created by the disposal would be visible from Valdez. The natural landscape of weathered rock and vegetative cover would be visually marred by tne deposition of lighter colored rock. If the disposal site is visually offensive, a revegetation program coula be initiated in attempt to cover the talus. Other aspects of the project would probably not degrade the visual quality of the area. The powerhouse is small and located in an improved area. The majority of the aboveground penstock would not be in view except by air or pOSSibly boat. The lake can only be viewed by air and visual impacts of the drawdown could only be seen by a few. Pressure Reducing TurDine: The constructlon of the housing for the PRT unit would distract from the existing natural visual environment, however, it appears the structure would not be visible from Valdez or the road system. The transmission line would connect with the proposed Valdez-Glennallen intertie, and little aaditional clearing would be required. EIS-1D 2. Biological ,r-. a. Vegetation: Hydroelectric: No direct vegetative impacts would be associated with the underground penstock, however, the tailings from the tunnel would be renwved from the portal and dumped into a canyon located to the east. The material would De dumped over a near vertical cliff and cover an area of a dense alder stand with devils Club, red elderberry and salnlonberry understory at the bottom of the canyon. Revegetation of the impacted area witn simi lar species proDably WOuld not occur for nlany years due to the different nature of the tunnel material and the existing disposal site material. Alternative methOdS and sites for tailings disposal have been eliminated mainly because of physical constraints. Road construction to the tunnel portal would require consideraole excavation into the mountain side which would cause esthetic degradation and greatly increase the possibilities of erosion. No alternative sites are near the tunnel portal with gradual slopes that could contain the tailings. The proposed disposal site does not drain into either Allison Creek or Solomon Creek and any increased sedimentation would not affect anadromous fish. The above-ground penstock would require a 2,8S0-foot right-of-way approximately 10 feet wide. The lower portion of the proposed right-of- way consists of a dense alder thicket while the upper portion of the right-of-way is either unvegetated or consists of alpine tundra. All large bushes and snrubs would be removed, with the low ground cover remalnlng. Sixteen concrete anchor blocks and 190 concrete support piers Would be utilized to support the penstock above ground. In these areas all vegetation would be cleared. In the exposed areas where the vegetative cover would be removed, revegetation with suitable species would occur upon project completion. The transmission line would impact tne Sitka spruce/mountain hemlock forest located along the 3.S-mile long, 50-foot wide corridor. The entire line would require essentially continuous clearing regardless of the exact alignment. Small shrubs and bushes would remain and all other materials would be burned, chipped, or left in place as determined by the U.S. Forest Service which is the administrator of the land. The terrain exclUdes establiShing the transmission line next to tne Dayville Road (refer to Photo on page ii of the Feasibility Report and the topographical map. Plate D-A-3 in Appendix D). Although the Trans-Alaskd Pipeline Corridor has been clearcut, Alyeska Pipeline Service is reluctant to allow any construction tnat would hinder their access along the corridor. The tentative route would De as near the Dayville Road as possible. The powerhouse would only occupy an area large enough to house the two turbines. The proposed powerhouse site is in an area co~ered mainly with alder with a portion of the site having been previously cleared. A proposed mitigative tailrace leading to Port Valdez would cross an area which has been cleared and covered with gravel and supports little vegetation. E I S-11 Some impacts would occur to the intertidal algal vegetation in the area designated for tne riprap. Tne riprap would cover fairly dense growths of rockweed (Fucus disticus) and encrusting algae. Colonization of the riprap material would occur, probably to a lesser extent than prior to disposal, because of the freshwater introduction and the force of the falling water. Pressure Reducing Turbine: Tne site for the PRT structure is locate~ on the Trans-Alaska pipeline corridor. The pad and road are already existing and little vegetative alteration would occur. The exact location of the transmission line has not been determined at this time. If it is allowed to follow the existing oil pipeline route, little vegetation impact would occur. Any other route would impact a 50-foot wide corridor for the length of the transmission line. b. Wildlife: General: projects and conaucted to transmission Act of 1940. Prior to construction of either the hydroelectric or PRT their transmission line corridors, a survey would be ascertain the exact locations of eagle nests. The line corridors would be routed to comply with the Bald Eagle Hydroelectric: Tne transmission corridor would cnange approximately 24 acres of mature Sitka spruce/mountain hemlock forest, located between tne Dayville Road and the AlyesKa oil pipeline, to a small brush ana shrub habitat. Utilization of the proposed transmission right-of-way by large mammals is low partially because the surrounding area has moderate human activity to act as a deterrent to migratory or resident mammals. The construction and maintenance of the transmission line corridor would increase the influence of man's disturbance forcing the animals farther south. The proposed construction of the project would have varying effects during different phases of construction. Blasting and drilling of the penstock tllnel could cause mountain goats and other highly mObile anima1s to evacuate the area temporarily. Winter construction could disturb the resident black bear causing them to locate alternate dens. Bear-human conflicts could increase especially if stringent regulations concerning feeding or harassing of bears are not enforced. Pressure Reducing Turbine: Bear have been observed along the Lowe River in the area of the PRT site. The construction of the PRT facility and transmission route may cause alterations in their movement to the Lowe River during salmon spawning. Operation and maintenance of the facility may also impede bear movement. This impact appears to be unavoidable and its significance is unKnown. c. Birds: Hydroelectric: Waterfowl utilizing the lake for resting and feeding would probably not be affected except during the construction phase. EIS-12 Waterfowl and water related birds found at the mouth of Allison Creek may avoid tne immediate area during the construction phase with no long term adverse effects expected. The possible increase of freshwater into the bay may cause minor shoreline icing during winter months and could decrease the available habitat. Slignt changes in tne marine habitat would occur through the increase of winter freshwater and the placement of 5 cubic yards of riprap. The marine habitat changes are considered minor. Pressure Reducing Turbine: Clearing for the transmission corridor would change blrd nabltat from dense woodland to woodland edge. Some nesting habitat would be lost, but it does not appear to be a significant impact. Prior to transmission line routing, tne area would be surveyed to assure bald eagle nesting would not be impacted and an adequate buffer zone would be estaDlisned near nesting activity. d. Fish: Hydroelectric: The impacts which would occur to the fishery resources of All1son Creek are associated with changes in water temperature and tne flow regime. Adult pink and cnum salmon spawn from July through Septemoer when the natural high water temperature of Allison Creek is from 8 to 11 0 C. Spawning is directly related to stream temperature; salmon spawn earlier in the season in colder streams and later in the season in warmer streams. Intertidal spawners also spawn later in the season. Because of the timing of spawning, intertidal and freshwater spawning salmon of the same stream are of different genetic stock; interbreeding does not occur. Although it is not known at this time, Allison Creek probably has two distinct runs of pink salmon in the odd years, the majority of the early run enters and spawns in freshwater with a later run spawning almost exclusively intertidally. Tne most plausible explanation for tne relationship between time and stream temperatures is that they are coordinated to provide optimulTI survival and the most advantageous timing for emergence. The lake tap WOUld substantially cnange water temperatures at tne time of spawning. The proposed project would draw water from the lake bottom at a temperature of approximately 4 0 C. Although there would be natural flows occurring from the drainage basin Delow the outlet, (Appendix E, Taole 3) stream water temperatures would decrease. A temperature above 4.5 0 C is critical for normal embryonic development. With temperatures below 4.5 0 C, mortality increases, and spinal deformities occur. At 20 C, complete mortality results. It appears during normal water years with normal runoff into the stream below the lake outlet, water temperatures with the proposed project would be above the critical level, however, low water years may cause temperatures oelow 4.5 0 C. EIS-13 Intertidal spawning, which is the majority of spawning activity, may also be affected by reduced temperatures, however, it is not known to what extent. The t ida 1 range is approx imate 1y 18 feet ana depend i ng on what tidal level spawning occurs, the effects would vary. The most successful spawning occurs above the -8 to -10-foot line from MHHW and at low tides when only freshwater would occur during early incubation. Whether the perioas of marine influence would compensate for the colder freshwater is unknown. Winter water temperatures of Allison CreeK would be warmer with tne proposed project than occurs naturally. Winter temperatures in the lake at the depth of the tap are approximately 3.5 0 C while the present winter temperature of Allison Creek is near 00 C. The timing of emergence and downstream migration of salmon fry depend on the temperature regime because the development rate depends on temperature. Warmer water from the proposed project would decrease incubation time, possibly by one month. If early emergence occurred, the likelihood of an adequate food source for the fry would be low. Intertidal incuoation and emergence would also be accelerated, however not to the extent of instream spawning. As discussed earlier, spawning probably occurs in Allison Creek prior to intertidal spawning. The time-temperature coordination of spawning and development is a result of adaption, to assure that the norlllal time for seaward migration of the fry is the most opportune time for food avai 1abil ity, and possibly saltwater temperatures. The proposed project would alter both temperatures at the time of spawning activity and during incubation. Deviations from the existing temperatures caused by project operations cannot but influence survival. Pressure Reaucing Turbine: No impacts to fish would occur with this project. e. IViarine: The additional freshwater in the winter months may have some impact on the intertidal area. Much of the affected area receives freshwater during higher flows and marine productivity appears to be equal to the areas where high concentrations of freshwater do not occur. Whether part of the species' life history necessitates periods of no freshwater influence is unknown: however, it appears that increased winter flows would have little effect. Mitigative measures require tne placement of approximately 5 cubic yards of riprap below the tailrace for erosion protection. Approximately 10 square yards of marine habitat at the MHHW mark would be covered. Recolonization may occur, but probably not to the extent of precon- struction productivity. f. Rare and Endangered Species: There are no rare or endangered species in the project area. 3. Socio-Economic Tne construction pnase may employ as many as 100 persons. No construc- tion camp is likely to be built, the employees would have to fino lodging EIS-14 within the local community. The impact of the employees on the local econon~ would probably be minor; however coupled with the construction of the city dock and the ALPETCO plant, the cumulative effects may cause a surge in the Valdez econorr~. Proposed construction times indicate the Allison project would be built after the above projects are completed. The power generated at Allison Creek may have a long term positive impact on the economy of Valdez and Glennallen area. Initially the cost of the power would De approximately equivalent to the present power costs based on the October 1980 cost estimate. Once constructed, future price increases would be related to tne increase in operation and maintenance costs. Increases with diesel generation is directly related to the price of diesel, which is escalating rapidly. The operation and maintenance of the facility would require very few persons. ana their presence would have little impact on the socio- economic structure of the study area. 4. Cultural Resources There are no cu ltura 1 resources in tne affected area, thus no impacts. E. MITIGATION The proposed hydroelectric project on Allison CreeK may eliminate the natural runs of both pink and chum salmon over a period of time. Although the fiShery resource of Allison Creek is not large in comparison with other river systems in Prince William Sound, the resource should be maintained as close to its preconstruct ion strength as is practicable. A two tailrace system was devised to regulate the amount of water being released into Allison Creek. The system consists of an additional tailrace which would empty directly into Port Valdez. Both tailraces would incorporate a gating mechanism which could regulate the amount of flow through a particular tailrace. Thus, all the water, any portion of the water', or none of Ule water can be regu 1 ated through either tailrace. The upper powerhouse location would help protect both the intertidal and Allison Creek fisheries. This was one of the contributing factors for the selection of the upper powerhouse site as the preferred alternative. The discharge from the powerhouse would be diverted into Allisen Creek during the periods of salmon spawning to provide adequate flows for spawning. During the winter monthS when temperature is critical for egg incubation and emergence, the discharge would be diverted directly to Port Valdez. A 4 cfs minimum during the winter months was suggested by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for maintenance of egg incubation. An adaitional 3/4 cfs is required for Alyeska's water supply. If natural flows are below 5 cfs, the tailrace to Allison Creek can be utilized to augment that portion belo~ 5 cfs. Studies on similar ldkes in Alaska indicate that bottom temperatures during the spawning season are higher than 4°C used in this report. If E1S-15 Allison Lake limnology is similar to Bradley Lake near Homer and Crater LaKe near Juneau, water Deing drawn through the lake tap would be approximately 7°C. Due to the lack of data, the worse case basis was used. Prior to any construction, temperatures would be determined and measures to prevent less than optimal temperatures would be employed, if necessary. Without mitigative measures, major adverse impacts to the fishery are expected to occur. If the change in water temperature causes accelerated egg incubation and early fry emergence, there is a high probability that the majority of the salmon run would be destroyed. Environmental studies to fill the data gaps associated with the impacts on the salmon resources have been scheduled for the advanced engineering and design phase. The study would begin prior to construction, monitor the effects during construction, and assess the impacts of the project on the fishery resource of Allison Creek. The proposed stUdy would collect background information on numbers and species of spawning fish, hatching time with regard to water temperature and the effects of saltwater flooding to incubation time. The study would provide specific information on the effects of a hydroelectric project on Allison Creek and would also provide general information on the effects of hydroelectric projects on short coastal streams throughout Alaska. The information would be utilized in future hydroelectric planning processes to assure environmentally sound projects. Determining a monetary value for the Allison Creek fishery appears to be infeasible. Population estimates for Allison Creek were not scheduled and counts were made on a time-available basis. Tne counts were not made daily during the entire run and the estimates must De considered as the least number of spawning adults. Commercial fishing catches show only a small portion of the value of a salmon run. Based on research statistics for this region of Alaska and using the highest number of spawning chum salmon (2,660) with half being females (1,130), approximately 3,657,500 eggs are deposited. Mortality is high and approximately 75 percent of the eggs either do not hatch or the fry never migrate to the ocean. Successful fry may number in excess of 900,000 individuals. To maintain the species, at least 2,660 fish will return to spawn, or 0.3 percent of the successful fry. For a statewide average, commercial catches equal escapement or 2,660 fish. This leaves over 909,175 fish which enter the food web. The exact amount of biomass added to the next trophic level is unknown but is considerably more than that taken in the commercial harvest. Other nonquantifiable values are the contribution to the sports fishery, esthetic values, and the contribution to the human nonconsumptive knowledge of the natural environment. EIS-16 Cumulative impacts to the Port Valdez fishery are now occurring. The construction of the ALPETCO facility and docK, the city docK expansion and the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project and proposed development on Mineral CreeK are reducing salmonid fishery resources by both direct impacts to habitat and migration routes and indirect impacts associated with the additional stress placed on the fish. The proposed and actual development in Port Valdez adds to the value of the Allison fishery, again in an unquantifiable amount. Maintenance of the powerhouse and penstock system would occur periodi- cally. During penstock maintenance, no water would be added to the creek. If this occurs for an extended period of time while natural flows are low, adverse impacts on the fishery resources could occur. The probability of maintenance of the penstock system is low and any scheduled maintenance would occur during periods of high natural stream flows. Turbine shutdown would occur more regularly. However, at least one of the two turbines could be run at a lower output to meet fisheries needs. F. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Diesel -Pressure Reducing Turbine (PRT) 1. Diesel generation alreadY exists in the Valdez area and this plan would not increase the number or output of diesel generators. The addition of the PRT would not cause cumulative adverse effects, but the new impacts would only occur with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the PRT facility. Diesel -Hydroelectric 2. The cumulative impacts of this plan are similar to those described below. Pressure Reducing Turbine -Hydroelectric 3. The cumulative impacts of this plan are both biological and socio-economical. The construction of both power sources and their ancillary facilities would create a disturbed area between Port Valdez and the Chugach Mountains on the south side of Port Valdez. This may impede movement of wildlife species and offers no areas of relief between the two projects. The extent of this impact is unknown, but superficially appears minor. The combination of labor an effect on the economy facilities and services. consist largely of local economy. forces to construct the two facilites may have of Valdez. At this time, Valdez is limited in The addition of a labor force which does not residents may place a strain on the local EIS-17 Pressure Reducing Turbine -Hydroelectric and Other Proposed Regional Activities 4. Several other activities have either been proposed or are under construction in the study area. These include the construction of the city dock, transmission line to Glennallen, improvements on the Richardson Highway, and the construction of the Alaska Petrochemical Company (ALPETCO) refining facility. Concurrent construction activities in the Valdez area could cause a "boom -bust" type situation causing extreme economic impacts to Valdez. Tnis impact could be reduced with proper preparedness by the city of Valdez. G. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 1. PUblic Involvement Program Formal public hearings were conducted at Valdez on 26 April 1977, 24 July 1978, and 18 November 1980 to obtain public opinion describing the need for power generation, and alternative preference. Local response is strongly in support of the selected plan. Coordination with Federal and State agencies, and local interest groups during the course of the study include: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Department of Fish and Game State Historic Preservation Officer Copper Valley Electric Association Aleyska Pipeline Service Company 2. Required Coordination The final EIS was filed with tne Environmental Protection Agency concurrently with circulation to all parties on the project mailing list. EPA will publish a notice of availability in the Federal Register which will begin the 30-day review period. All comments received from the draft EIS are addressed in Appenaix J. The Feasibility Report and FEIS will be submitted to Congress and an exemption under Section 404(r) of the Clean Water Act will be obtainea. 3. Statement Receipients A list of statement recipients is in Appendix I. H. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT The proposed project has been reviewed to assure that it will be undertaken in a manner consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program to the maximum extent practicable. Coordination through the A-95 Clearinghouse review for processing has been accomplished and agencies reviewing the DEIS did not comment on any major Alaska Coastal Management EIS-18 Program-related issues. The Alaska District has determined the proposed hydroelectric project is consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. E1S-19 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bailey, Jack E. 1964. "Incubation of pink salmon eggs in a simulated intertidal environment." Reprint from Proc. of Northwest Fish Cult. Conf., 1964. p. 79-89. Bailey, Jack E. 1969. Alaska1s Fishing Resources. The Pink Salmon. Dept Inter. USFWS BCF. Fish. Lent. 619. 8 pp. Bailey, Jack E., ana Evans, Dale R. 1971. liThe low-temperature threshold for pink salmon eggs in relation to a proposed hydroelectric installation." Fish. Bull. Vol 69, No.3: 587-593. Combs, Bobby D. 1965. "Effect of temperature on the development of salmon eggs.1I Prog. Fish. Cult. 27(3): 134-137. Dames and Moore. 1980. City of Valdez Port Expansion Project. Environmental Assessment. Anchorage, Alaska. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 1978. Solomon Gulch Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement. Washington, D.C. Helle, John, H. Williamson, Richard S. and Bailey, Jack E. 1964. IIIntertidal ecology and life history of pink salmon at Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, Alaska.1I USFWS, Dept of Spec. Studies. 26 pp. Roberson, Ken. 1980. Personnel Communication. ADF&G, Glennallen, Alaska. Sheridan, William L. 1962. IIRelation of stream temperatures to timing of pink salmon escapements in Southeast Alaska." Reprint from Symp. on Pink Salmon, H.R. MacMillan lectures in Fisheries, 1960. Univ. Brit. Col. p. 87-102. State of Alaska. Valdez. Alaska.1I 1980. IIInventory report district program phase one, Alaska Coastal Management Program. Juneau. Alaska. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1980. IIAlaska petrochemical Company refining and petrochemical facility, Valdez, Alaska Final Environmental Impact Statement. II Seattle, WA. Feder, Howard M., Michael Cheek, Patrick Flanagan, Stephen C. Jewitt, Mary H. Johnston, A.S. Naider, Stephen A. Norrell, A.J. Paul, Arla Scarborough and David Shaw. 1976. liThe sediment environment of Port Valdez, AlaSKa; the effect of oil on this ecosystem.1I EPA-600/3-76-086. Corvallis, Or. 322p. Cooney, R. Ted, David Urguhart, Richard Neve, John Hilsinger, Robert Clasby and David Barnard 1978. IISome aspects of the carrying capacity of Prince William Souna, Alaska for hatchery released pink and churn salmon fry." Sea Grant Report 78-4, IMS Report R78-3. Fairbanks, Alaska 98 pp. EIS-20 13.10 Subjects Affected Environment Alternatives Areas of Controversy Comparative Impacts of A lternat i ves Environmental Effects List of Preparers Need For and Objectives of Action Planning Objectives Plans Described in Detail INDEX Draft Environmental Impact Statement E1S-3 to 8 EIS-1 to 3 vi iii to iv EIS-8 to 15 i i EIS-1 Relationship to Environmental vi to viii Requirements Report Recipients Study Authority EIS-1 Summary iii to vii Table of Contents viii Without Conditions E1S-1 EIS-21 Feasibility Report 4-8 21-37 20 27-49 APPENDIX iii 18 I APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY Item INTRODUCTION CL rr~ATE Temperature Precipitation Snow Wind Storms STREAMFLOW APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Extension of Streamflow Records Estimated Damsite Streamflows Evaporation Flood Characteristics Past Floods Flood Frequencies Probable Maximum Flood ESTIMATED MONTLY STREAMFLOWS Lowe River and Solomon Gulch (Table A-l) Klutina River (Table A-2) Tonsina River (Table A-3) Power Creek (Table A-4) Allison Creek (Table A-5) ALLISON LAKE -RESERVOIR REGULATION (Figure A-l) Page A-l A-l A-5 A-10 A-15 I NTRODUCTI ON The area considered for possible hydroelectric alternatives included the coastal area around Valdez, the Chugach Mountains, and portions of the Copper River Basin. This area corresponds roughly to the service area bf Copper Valley Electric Association, over whose powerlines the electricity from any potential hydropower development would be transmi tted. This appendix describes the climate of the study area and the streamflows derived for the five sites considered as hydropower alternatives. These sites include Allison Lake, Tsina River, Tiekel River, Tonsina River, and Klutina River. They are shown on the basin location map, Figurp 1 page 24 of the main report. The final page of this appendix is a plate which portrays reservoir regulation, including estimated lake elevations, regulated and unregulated streamflows, as well as firm and secondary energy for the favored development at Allison Lake. This was done on a monthly hasis for the years 1948 to 1977. CLIMATE There is a wide variation in climate throughout the study area. The region adjacent to the coast is under maritime influence, with high precipitation and relatively mild temperatures. The interior area has more of a continental climate, with extreme temperatures and less precipitation. Between these two areas is a mountainous transition region whose climate is a hydbrid of maritime and continental conditions. Valrlez, the primary load center of the coastal region, is located on a well sheltered extension of Prince William Sound. Snowcapped mountains containi~g extensiv~ glacier areas surround Valdez on three sides, with rugged but unglaciated mountains to the south and southwest. Active glaciers extend t~ within 5 to 10 miles of old Valdez to the north and reach down to the level of the glacial plain on which old Valdez is located. This level glacial plain is a well forested area except for the tidal marshes south~/est and the glacial drainage area to the east. The terrain surrounding Valdez exerts a pronounced influence on practically all aspects of the local weather and climate. The sheltering effects of surrounding mountains channel local winds into two distinct channels. From October through April prevailing winds are from the northeast; from May through September prevailing winds are from the southwest. Precipitation is abundant year-round, but builds up noticeably during the late summer and fall. The heaviest precipitation usually occurs in September and October; almost 25 percent of the total annual rainfall occurs in these 2 months. Snowfall during the winter months is very heavy. There is considerable cloudiness during the entire year, but slightly less tha~ is realized at Alaskan points farther southeast. About 1 day in 6 can be classified as clear. Although the high mountain ridges to the north provide considerable barrier to the flow of cold continental air from the interior during the winter months, there is a definite off setting factor in the downslope drainage from the high A-l snowfields and glacier areas on the southern slopes of these mountains. The lowest temperatures recorded at Valdez appear to be due to the downslope flow of cold air, since the lowest temperatures on retord have occurred durinq periods with 1 ittle or no wind, providing ideal condi- tions for the cold air to flow down onto the flat glacial plain. The nearby snow and icefields combine with the ocean areas to provide a moderating effect on summertime high temperatures which seldom reach the middle 80's. The surrounding mountains tend to produce considerable variations in practically all weather elements within relatively short distances. The continental region, whic~ covers Klutina and Tonsina Lakes and most of their watersheds, has mean maximum summer temperatures in the mid to upper 60's, and mean minimum winter temperatures around 20 below zero, Fahrenheit. The mean annual precipitation is between 10 and 20 inches, at least in lower elevations. Heavier amounts occur in the upper elevations. Surface winds are light compared to those found along the coast. In the transition region, where the conditions are between those of the maritime and continental regions, temperature extremes most resemble th~ continental zone's, while precipitation amounts range from light to heavy enough to maintain glaciers. The Tsina River and Tiekel River drainages are considered to be in the transitional zone. Surface winds in the transition region range between coastal and interior conditions, including some channeled winds through mountain valleys. While the climatic data from the Valdez weather station is fairly rppresentative of the sea level conditions in the study area, lower temperatures and greater precipitation will occur over most to the higher drainage basins. Based on 7 years of streamflow records, which typify the amount of precipitation in the areas being studied, the Solomon Gulch gage recorded an average annual discharge of 104,300 acre-feet for a 19-square mile drainage basin, yielding a basin average of 103 inches runoff per year. Temperature: The four climatological stations in the area are located at Copper Center, Glennallen, Valdez, and Cordova. The records for Glennallen and Copper (enter are incomplete and are not presented in this analysis. A summary of the average monthly temperatures for Valdez and Cordova is presented below. A-2 L ,1an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AVERAGE MONTHLY TEMPERATURES (OF) Valdez 1 7.8 22.4 2 i). 8 35.1) 43.8 51.2 53.3 52.0 46.5 37.5 26. 1 19.5 Cordova 23.0 26.7 29.2 36.0 43.7 50.4 53.4 53.0 48.0 39.6 30.6 24.6 The Valdez data are recorded by the National Weather Service at an elevation of 87 feet mean sea level (MSL). The Cordova data are recorded by the Ferleral Aviation Administration at an elevation of 41 feet MSL. The temperatures range between 42° F and 60° F during the summer and between 11° F and 43° F during the winter for Valdez with the extremes being _28 0 F and 87° F. The temperatures range between 44 D F and 61° F during the summer and between 21° F and 39° F during the winter for Cordova with the extremes being -23° F and 86° F. 80th locations average a growing season of about 4 months. Normally, the first freeze occurs early in September and the last freeze occurs in mid-May. Summertime temperature gradients follow the traditional pattern of decreasina temperatures with increasing altitude. During periods of extreme winter cold, how~ver, a strong temperature inversion may exist in the lower layers of the atmosphere as a result of radiation cooling and cold air drainage for the surrounding mountains. Under these conditions, the temperature gradient will be reversed. Precipitation: Precipitation over the basin varies from moderate amounts in the low elevations to heavy in the mountains, to moderate amounts again in the Klutina and Tonsina drainages. The orographic effect of the Chugach Mountains insures heavy precipitation in the upper elevations of the basin and lower amounts in the lower basin. Storms are generally light in intensity, with few convective-type storms of cloudburst magnitude. The only climatological stations in the study area with reasonably complete precipitation data are located in Valdez and Cordova. Average monthly precipitation for these communities is presented below. A-3 AVERAGE MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (inches) Valdez Cordova Jan 5.06 6.14 Feh 5.30 6.42 Mar 4.33 5.89 Apr 3.06 5.71 l"1ay 3 .20 5.99 ,lu n 2.70 4.67 Ju 1 4.31 7.08 Aug 5.80 8.94 Sep 7.74 13.53 Oct 6.75 12.34 Nov 5.67 8.37 Dec 5.39 7.45 ANNUAL 59.31 92.53 These data were collected by the National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Administration for Valdez and Cordova respectively. Snow: Snowfall records are available in the vicinity of Valdez~Glennallen. Snowfall is generally confined to October through April and comprises approximately 27 percent of the mean annual precipitation. Snow course data for four stations within the basin are presented in the following tahulation. Average Water Snow Cours e Years of Record Elevation (ft) MSL Content Per Month Tsina River Worthington Glacier Lowe River Valdez 7 21 7 7 1 ,500 2,400 550 50 March 13.6 16.9 14.3 15.7 (inches) Apri 1 14.9 20.5 15.2 18.0 The water content of the May snow mass provides a good index of expected spring runoff. Wind: May 13.8 23.2 1 3. 1 18. 1 The wind records available are scarce. The National Weather Service monitors the station in Valdez which has about 3 years of data. Observa- tions there indicate that the highest winds occur between October and A-4 l April. The winds tend to follow the contours of the terrain and, thus, adjacent areas can have average winds of opposite direction. The follow- inq is the average fastest 1 minute wind speed for the period of record. Storms: AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul ~g Sep Oct Nov Dec 23 25 25 25 20 18 18 19 19 2n 26 27 Because of the dominating maritime influence, thunder and hail storms rarely occur in the study area. ~wever, the area is subject to fall and winter storms of heavy precipitation intensities. These storms are cyclonic in nature and are generated by the semipermanent, Aleutian low pressure system. This cyclogenesis takes place as a result of the cold flow of southeasterly air from Asia, which generates a wave on the polar front. These storms move eastward from their point of origin into the Gulf of Alaska, where they cause high winds and low ceilings for a period of 2 to 3 days. Storms of this nature usually cause copious amounts of precipitatio~ to fallon the coastal mountain ranges. STREAMFLOW Runoff characteristics for the study area vary substantially between the coastal and interior regions. Tn the coastal region, the maritime influence areatly increases the runoff per square mile and also changes the ti~ing of high flood flows from those experienced in the interior region. While flood peaks do occur in May and June, due to snowmelt, the yearly maximum peaks generally center around the month of September. Streamflow records were available for several streams, in the study area. In all, a total of five streams were used for alternating flows. Two streams in the immediate vicinity of Valdez which have been gaged by the U.S. Geological Survey are Lowe River and Solomon Gulch. In addition, several other streams between Valdez and Glennallen have had streamflows recorded by the USGS. Two of these, Klutina River and Tonsina River, are close to sites considered in the present study. There are discharqe data for each station and some measurements for chemical constituents and water temperature. The recorded monthly runoff for the A-5 gages at Lowe River near Valdez, Lowe River in Keystone Canyon near Valdez, and Solomon Gulch near Valdez are shown on Table A-l. The streamflows for Klutina River at Copper Center and Tonsina River at Tonsina are given in Tables A-2 and A-3, respectively. The gage at Solomon Gulch was on the right bank at the tidewater, 1/2 mile downstream from a small lake and about 3 miles south of Valdez. The records that are available are July to December 1948 and October 1949 to September 1956. The average annual runoff is 104,300 acre-feet per year or 144 cfs. The gage on the Lowe River in Keystone Canyon near Valdez is located on the left bank, 500 feet south of the south entrance to Richardson HighvJay tunnel in Keystone Canyon. The records that are available are October 1974 to the current year. The average annual runoff is about 1,200 cfs. The other Lowe River gage (Lm"e River near Valdez) was upstream from this one about 4 miles. The gage was discontinued in September 1974. The Klutina River gage was near the left bank on the downstream side of the RiChardson Highway bridge, 0.7 mile south of Copper Center. Records are available from October 1949 to June 1967 and July 1970 to September 1970. The mean streamflow is 1,670 cfs. The Tonsina River gage is near the right bank on the downstream side of the RiChardson Highway bridge at Tonsina. Recorded streamflows extend from October 1950 to September 1954 and from October 1955 to September 1978. The mean annua 1 flow is 836 cfs. txtension of Streamflow Records: Extension of t'le streamflow records for Solomon Gulch and Lowe River was performed by linear correlation with the long term records of Power (reek near Cordova. In an attempt to observe visual relations between the stations, the respective monthly strEamflows for the two stations were plotted against the correlative Power Creek monthly streamflows, as shown in Table A-4. Depending on the shapes of the relationships ohserved, the data were split into time groups ranging from 1 month to 3 months. After transformation, a linear regression analysis was performed for each data group and, based on the correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate, a relationship for each group of data was adopted for streamflow extension. In general, there was good correlation for the months of April through December. The winter months of January, February, and March were grouped together and still had a low correlation coefficient. It may be explained by the lowflow characteristics of Power Creek which did not dl"scribe the same 1m" flow on the other two gages. The equation on the Lowe River for August was adjusted since it was not consistent with the A-6 L slope of the two adjacent months of July and September, therefore, no correlation coefficient was derived. The relationships derived for the two stations are shown in Table A-4. The monthly streamflows for Allison Creek were not correlated with Power Creek sinc~ there were no records available for Allison. Solomon Gulch's drainage area of 19.5 square miles better approximates the size of Allison's, so its extended streamflow values were used to derive 'StreamflO\'I values for Allison Creel( rather than the Lowe River streamflows with a drainage area of 222 square miles. Allison and Solomon are also iYl very close proximity to each other so they should have similar hydrologic characteristics. The following table lists the oertinent characteristic'S of each basin. Area Mean Elevation % Area Creek (M i 2) (Feet) in Gl aciers Allison 5. F)8 2,800 24 Power 20.8 2, 140 25 Solomon Gu 1 ch 19.5 2,300 21 The monthly streamflow values for Power Creek were used to extend the period of record for Solomon Gulch; this extended period of record is shown in Table A-5. These values in turn were used along with a basin area relationship to determine streamflows for those basins without data. Allison Creek estimated streamflows were derived in this manner and are shown in Table A-6. The four damsites considered as alternatives to the Allison Creek development had streamgages in fairly close proximity to two of them. The Klutina River and the Tonsina River are both gaged, but at locations downstream from the proposed damsites. For the Tonsina River, the average annual precipitation was estimated for the area above the dam and for the area above the gage by use of isohyetal maps presented in a 1977 U.S. Forest Service Water Resources Atlas. The ratio of the two area- wide average precipitation values was then determined, and the ratio of the project-drained area to the gaged area was also determined, then these two were applied to the gaged streamflows to give the expected flows at the sites. At the Klutina River site, no isonyets were available for most of the drainage area, so streamflows were modified only on the basis of area drained considering the Tsina River and Tiekel River sites, no streamflow records exist for these rivers. Solomon Gulch was selected as most closely representing the Tsina River, since it was the only fairly heavily glaciated stream with flow records in the vicinity. Average annual precipitation and drainage area comparisons were again made in order to adjust the Solomon flows for the Tsina. Only the 7 years of recorded data from Solomon were used. Because of the approximately similar glaciated percentages, overall drainage areas, and the proximity of the watersheds, Tiekel River flows A-7 were estimated based on Tonsina River flows. As with the Tonsina site, precipitation and area rati()s were used to generate the Tiekel flows from the Tonsina's. The pertinent characteristics for each site are shown below: Gage % Average Average Area in Annual Gage Annual Overa 11 Creek Gage Used Area Glaciers Precip. Area Precip. (mi2) ( in) (rli2) ( in) Klutina Klutina 826 5 -1 0 880 Tiekel Tonsina 367 15 53. 1 420 28.0 Tonsina Tonsina 263 10 32.9 420 28.0 Ts ina Solomon 5'1 50 70.4 19 1 14 Estimated Damsite Streamflows: It has been assumed that the streamflows determined through the previous analysis would be the estimated damsite streamflows. ~v aporat ion: Ratio 0.94 1.66 0.74 1. 79 The normal high relative humidity, high percentage of overcast days, and cool climate preclude any appreciable loss from evaporation. Estimates of flow were based on records of existing or historical gaging stations near the project areas, and include evaporation from the stream surface. Due to the nortllern latitude and prevailing maritime climate, additional evaporation from the reservoir surface would be insignificant. Flood Characteristics: Snowmelt-type floods are dependent upon two conditions: (1) the amount of accumulated snow; and (?) the temperature sequence during the spring melt period. A 1 arge snowpack over the basin will give a 1 arge volume of runoff during the spring. However, if the temperatures increase gradually, causing slower snowmelt, the flood peak will be just slightly above normal. If the early spring is colder than normal and then tile temperatures rise rapidly for a prolonged period, the flood peak will be extremely high with the duration of flooding dependent upon the total snowpack. On the streams in the southern portion of the study area, rainfloods produce the highest flm ... s. These occur in the fall, generally between late August and October. The flood peaks are quite sharp due to the fast runoff, which is caused by the steepness of the terrain and the low infiltration losses into the underlying rock. On the Klutina and Tonsina Rivers, the flooding characteristics are mixed. The annual peak flows on A-8 the Klutina generally occur at any time throughout the summer, as a result of rainstorms. However, the maximum recorded flow there was in June, during a snowmelt runoff. The Tonsina's highest flows yearly range from early June to mid-September, being caused either by snowmelt or rainfall flooding. Past Floods: The maximum instantaneous recorded discharge for the five recording stations utilized in the study are: Lowe River Klutina River Tonsina River Pov.Jer Creek So 1 omon Gu lch Flood Frequencies: Date 9/11/75 fJ/29/53 6/17/62 9/25/49 9/04/51 Pe ak (cfs) 12,600 9,040 8,490 5,540 2,420 The following is a tabulation of the peak discharges for the various recurrence intervals: Peak Discharges -cfs Recurrence Lowe Power So lomon Interval River Creek Gulch (years) 5 11,900 3,750 2,200 10 14,900 4,650 2,600 25 18,800 5,750 3,200 50 23,000 6,900 3,750 100 27,500 8,000 4,300 Probable Maximum Flood: The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) is used for spillway sizing and for estimating downstream impact. Since Allison Creek has a lake tap and no associated dam, no spillv.Jay shall be required. Thus, the PMF derivation is also not necessary. Also, since the other proposals investigated have not been judged worthy of further consideration at this time, no PMF was derived of these sites. A-9 LOWE RIVER NEAR VALDEZ STREAMFLOW -CFS 'fUR r)c r , -. n:c JA~ FEEl "'A~ APi1 '~A Y J \.J '; JUL A.J'; ---, ~"''' ~E ---.---.-----------.-____ we. -.----------.------------.---------------- ------- --.----.------._._--- 1 'H 2. -I: •• ~!.L • 72. bl4. ':11. ':18. b7. 380. 1 103. b2t>2. -IOw5. S; -. : "3 ~. 1 '173. ')~~. 1 ~ ~. 88. 57. 45. 35. 52. ijbl. 1789. 320b. "023. ; "':;7. l'n,. • 22: • 1 G 1 • 71 • ':17. 1.18. 33. 145. b74. 2197 • 14137. 3771. -:228. -- LOWE RIVER IN KEYSTONE CANYON NEAR VALDEZ STREAMFLOW -CFS 'fC:~" uc T .,.j f ,.--JAN FE3 ~A" A;J<:/ "'AY JU~ JUL A j'" S~;:> , --.' ~ - )::0 .... •• :,-ooI.J~ I ____ we. ---.-.-----------------.-------.-------------------------.------------.--------------_.---- 0 1 9 7:; • ..j::>:>. 22!J. 101 • bb. 50 • 45. 49. 71)0. 253-1. ':1191.1. 251:'5. 2 = : = . : = 15. l'n" . b3). '2. b4. b3. ':l6. 52. bOo (l51. 287u. 4179. 307-1. 1 3: : • : :" 7. SOLOMON GULCH NEAR VALDEZ STREN~FLOW -CFS ----_. ---------- ~~~01 c;:r ", j" )E: JAN FE3 ~AR AP~ ~'AY JU~ JUL A ... .; ~:. -~ . ~~AGE --------------.. -------.-----------------------------------------------------------------.... -.... --- 1950. : ! • !l4. 3b. 16. 12. 9. 7. 99. 3b8. 277. 25". =::. 125. 1951. .. e • 22. 10 • 1 • 4. 7. 10. 54. 2bl. 346. 25'-. . . 133 • 1952. 75. 74. 21 • 1 4. 11 • 10. 9. 45. 3b6. 419. 2~2. ' -. .. 130. 1 'h3. 3 ) ... 131. 30. 18. 12. 11 • 10. 2214. " 5~ij. 408. 3 ... 0. :: -. 1-12. --t 1954. l w 3. 3~. 17. 11. 12. 8. 11. lb4. 357. 277. 35b. -. 13b. ~ 1955. 133 • 74. 12. 12. 11. 10. 8. 37. 320. 514. 3b1-::. 135. \,j r-1950. S::. 27. 1 7. 21. 12. 8. 1 4 • 90. 371. 507. "'-'2. ::; . 1"8. ..., l> I - J::> I YEAR ------- )::0 I N 1950. 1951. 19')2. 1953. 1954. 1955. 195b. 1957. 1958. 1959. 19bO. 19b I. 1902. 19b3. 19b4. 19b5. 19bb. KLUTINA OCT ·';Jv J~C J (.', --------------------------.- 1b59. 7 1 7 • 370. 22j. 941. 350. 289. .: 5 ( .• 1498. b07. 270. 1 c C • 177 b. 911 • 710. SOC'. 893. lj15. 2bO. 2 C' C'. 893. 557. 295. 270. 725. 227. 195. 1 be. 1045. '113-382. 251. 2089. 1079. 1.191. 30 4 • 827. 523. 215. 100. 1192. bUS. 454. 30.J. 1509. ')35. 358. 323. 1353. 550. 330. 25(). 904. -lo4. 350. 330. _. -' 1222. __ 413. ___ 370. 300 •. Q17. 455. 370. 300. 1313. .,j80. 310 • 21 J • RI VER NEAR COPPER CENTER STREAMFLOW ~ CFS ~::3 I.L."'{ .:,:)~ t·A Y JU;~ JUL AUG S~;> AvERAGE ---.--------------.----------.-------------------------. ------- 135. 135. 1 t> 7. 1370. 35ll2. ll810. 4703. 2ljOo. 1b50. 230. 24C:. 2:10. 051. 2393. 5573 • 40b8. 5,)62. 1735. 1bO. 1 5 f: • 1 !J () • -l9b. 2358. 490b. 4b23. 1920. 11.1 lj 3. ~OO. 2 b O. 250. 1017. 5bBb. 7071 • 5529. 2591, 2225. 1 bO. 13' .• 127. 1 1 05. B05. 41 '17 • 57bb. 2732. lb08. 220. 1 q S • 1 1 0 • 2b5. 2000. 5395. 3885. 23(jo. 13b9. 150. 1t r;. 2(;0. 957. 3192. 5'120. 5132. 2200. 15b4. 175. ,255. 2bO. 1251. 5941. 51b8. 451.13. 52~5. 2079. 2b 1. 23:;. 223. 879. 49'::10. SOUl. 4502. 1892. 1833 • 105. 10'i • 140. 1032. 5117. 5411. 4122. 1 7 ~.,. lb3b. 240. 2,)5. 240. 1552. 3757. llbt>7. u729. 3b76. 1808. 271 • 225. 215. 1051 • 3153. 4BO. '1680. 2859. lbl.l7. 230. 220. 2';)0. bb4. 42b2. 5b53. 4b75. 2 .. 57. 1744. 320. 30S. 210. 949. 2302. 5b95. 5140. 2927. lb04. 320. 230. 220. 354. , , _ 47 b 1 .. 507b. 4402. 2341. lb72. 270. 230. 200. 527. 2080. 4309. 3489. 2771.1. 1327. 1 70 • 190. 2 u o. '::112. 3792. 4791. 3805. 2220. 1503. --.., I -J l> I W TONS INA RIVER AT TONSINA STREAMFLOW --. -,----------- r::AR OCT r-.:. J~: J;' '1 :~S J:'~ ;.;,;; r·iAY ----------------------------____ we. .. _---.----------.----------- 1'150. 305. : ! : • · ..... 10: • 100. I 1 (j • : .. ~. U18. 1957. 253. : ::. C~:. 9~. 01. I 0 iJ • ~ 3 J. 985. 1958. 1057 L . ------= .... -· . -."1...,. -175. 115. 105. ~ i • 500. 1959. 30b. 2: : • 1 : :: • 81. 73. 73. :: ... 5c.7. 1900. 558. 2 -:-:. ! :: : • 12 C • '10 • B5. :: I • 1395. 1901. U80. c: : : • 1:;:. 175. 121 • 91. ~ 0 • 794. 1962. U92. c: .. w'. 12: • &<:. e3. 79. = = . 431 • 1963. 420. 2:~. 15 : • 12 ': • 11) 0 • 99. . ~. 019 • 1964. __ 300 L _____ t ,,=,. · .. 13C. 11 O. 100. : 30. 359. · -.... 1905. 411. 5::;. 2:-. 12e. 120. 120. l 2 J • 257. ~960. 51.0. __ __ ,2~: .• ' :''-' liS. 100. 90. ;j. 304. " ....... 1907. 497. -., ~: ... 1: : • 12~. 95. 00. 7':). 510. 1908. 359. : :. : . : ! ~. I 3: • 137. 155. : ~ 5 • 889. 1909. 274. · -· :-, . ~-:. 127. I J 5 • &7. 1 ~ , • 378. 1970. ___ 26J,o. ____ :..:2._ .. 1 : :: • _. 97. ~O. 81.. ' --. ., .., . 441. 1971. 319. ! :: :: . I::. 90. 82. 72. : 7 • 314. 1972. 409 .. _ 25~. I:::. 13 e. 109. 95. ;5. 828. 1973 • 567. 3 :'3. 157. 1(j~. 80. 77. :2. 240. 1974. 2&5. !~~. 7" 5'5. 013. 37. 3~. 527. 1975. <137. · --70. 75. 73. n. 305 • ... :7J. -· 1970. 5&1.. ---------: ~ · 1 : e2. 73. 70. 7:. 510. 1977. U37. · . · 2: · 210. 216. 190. 1'2. 093. 1978. 505. 2: · ::: · 1£;.;. 125. 107. : : ~ . 375. -CFS JUN JUL AJG ;;~;> .:. .:: .... :. ~E ____ we. ---------------------------- 2307. 3071. 18UI. 07,). 731. 37u 1-1955. 2080. 2317. 1 ~ 2 ~ • iJ200. 25~(j. 1<l0~. 61'1. 901. 4031. 2522. 2015. :. 1 7. ~~~. 2839. 2055. 2106. 1073 • l(;~5 • 2305. C(l3S. 2387. 11 7C. ~50. 3021. 2815. 2222. 722. 9 I ... 177<1. 3717 • 2309. l.H5. ~10. 31100. 2953. 1920. 507. 66b. 1249. 22~2. 10(17. 1271l. 678. 2735. 2302. 1057. 12 ill • 79iJ. 229(1. 2105. 1594. 1030. 7,-I • 2779. 285b. 1702. 7~iJ. ::. ... 1871. 2215. 1017. 523. S5:J. 1500. 2059. 1801 • 781. =32. 1 H8. 2075. 2001l. 7H. 712. 2054. 2830. 2123. 11 n. 85&. 1530. 1571. 1531 • iJ!S3. 505. 1<150. 205J. 1910. lU2b. :00. 19 tH. 3,,92. 1782. 1455. :B. 2tltlO. 2245. 1915. 75". 7 .. 9. 30<11. (l05~. 2050. I 218. 1177. 159tl. 16~0. 183<1. oB. bSe. POWER CREEK NEAR CORDOVA -CFS YEAR JC T :-mV )EC J I\r, FEd 'iAR I\pq MAY JUN JUL AJ:; S::? AvE~AGE --------------------------------, .... ----.--. --------------------. -.---------.-. ---------------------1948. 252. 327. 103. 87. 53. 28. 24. 218. 566. 6bl. .. 53. 478 • 274. 19~'1. 3~'5. 1'19. 59. 49. 30. 43. 3:'. 142. 376. 454. "~5. 74~. 246. 1950. ... '3 7 • 319. 73. 36. 22 • 25. 2':1. 141 • 571. ~ J 0 • ..24. :.32. 203. 1951. 123. '53. 37. 25. 29. 33. 34. 120. 35:'. 539. 397. 102 ... 23l. 1952. 250. 232. 50. 35. 25. 20. 20. 94. 427. 897. .. 55. 358. 244 • 1"153. 594. 2b7. 65. 50. 33. 32. 50. 259. 595. 542. 1020. 45l. 2'18. 195:l. 3 .. 3. 103. 59. 50. 47. 27. 30. 189. 412. ... 51-10 12. 4:.1 • 232. 1955. 307. 290. 52. 00. 43. 29. 24. 102. 372. 671. 603. 294. 244. 1956. 151 • bO. 38. 35. 23. 10. 22. 177 • 356. 612. 710. 425. 219. 1957. 134. 2H. 100. 49. 23. 23. 24. 180. 422. 457. o.J5~. 973. 260. 1'158. <J 0 U • 334. 69. 113. 46. 45. 65. 297. :'98. 925. 073. 256. 31B. 1959. 38!:l • 1 12. 83. 43-34. 24. 37. 236. 464. '=>92. 331. 2b5. 217. 1'160. 32~. 165. 78. 84. 59. 33. 35. 271 • 465. 628. 530. 471-263. 1961. 219. 1 0 1 • 164. 129. 06. 42. 59. 308. 420. 506. 557. 486. 257. :--" 19102. 291. 11 b • 61. 87. 45. 42. 43. 173. 399. 472. 355. 3!>3. 204. 1963. 2':; 8. ---lB9. 128. 92. 156. 98. 104. 240. 382. 593. ...32. 326. 249. (-) 1964. 255. 05. 11.10. 63. 69. 47. 44. 100. 1.196. 610. o.J90. 291. 222. 1965. 253. 196. 11 1 • 43. 39. 47. 96. 187. 428. 433. J3o. 556. 236. 1966. 320. BO. 54. 33. 23. 22. 39. 146. 382. 431 • 56!> • 713. 235. 1967. .3ob. 178. 48. 36. 49. 59. 89. 181. 455. 497. 49~ • 736. 265. 19bB. 174. 2bO. 102. 58. 175. 134. 53. 274. 401. "52. 33 7. 311 • 228. 196 9. 184. 109. 59. 27. .36. 93. 94. -228. -458. 399. 252. 218. 180. 197 O. o.J4B. 204. 190. 1 0 1 • 143. 1 14. 104. 173. 428. 527. 6.10. 3b 7. 287. 1971. 259. 162. 74. 56. 45. 27. 47. 116. 466. 681 • 559. 318. 234. 197 2. 287. 81-39. 25. 19. 15. 16. 1 0 1 • 328. :;b5. 505. 5 ... 2. 210. 1973 • 3.JO. 90. 61. H. 30. 21. 37. 189. 351. 449. i.&78. 234. 193. 197:J. 155. 56. 48. 36. 28. 19. 48. 180. 354. 352. 340. 531. 1 79. 1975. 460.--2511. 811. 56. 43. 26. 40. 179 • 382. 632. 388. b04. 262. 1976. 267. 49. 41. 30. 36. 21. 90. 46il. 803. 546. ..69. b96. 292. 1977 • 4"2. 548. 195. 187. 257. 54. 85. 183. 454. 571. 522. 51.10. 336. 1978. 330. B 1 • 35. 80. 75. 47. 50. 21B. 405. 435. 41 ... 339. 209. ALLISON CREEK ESTIMATED STREAMFLOW -CFS YEAR OCT i'OV DEC JAN FEB ~AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SE? !.::~AGE -------____ we. ._---------.-. .. ---~.-._------------------. ----... --------... -----.... _------... ---..... _-191.18. 36. 35. 14. 7. 5. 3. 3. 59. 152. 11&. 9i. S3. 50. 19149. 52. 23. 7. 5. 3~ 1.1. ... 30. 111 • 103. 89. 13..1 • 14 7. 1950. 29. 28. 12. 5. ". 3. 2. 3u. 121.1. 91.1. 81:>. S!). ~2. 1951. I!). 7. 3. o. 1 • 2. 3. Pi. 88. 117. 60. 1."1 ... 45. 1952. 25. 2S. 7. 5. 1.1 • 3. 3. 15. 1211. 255. q9. 7 .... 53. 1953. 1 u 3. 44. 10. 0, U. 14, O. 7&. 104. 138. 117. ~~. bS. 1954. '10. 12. &. ". u. 3. u. 55. 121. 91.1. 120. 53. '10. 1955. 1.17. 25. LI. ". LI. 3. 3. 12. 108. 1711. 122. .3. II 1:>. 195b. 19. 9. O. 7. 1I. 3. 5. 31. 125. 171. lU9. 72. 50. 1'157. 17. -27. 13. 5. 3. 3. 3. lI'1. 121. 1011. q~. 17:.. 51. 1958. 5~ • 35. 9. B. ". 1I. 7. 89, 159. 261.1. 151.1. -1. e 7. 1959, 5.3. 11.1. 11. 5. u. 3. U. bb. 110. 150. 70, ...2. "0. 1900. U· 19. 10. 7. S. 3. 4 • 79. 130. 101. loa. 51. S .... ... 19b1. 29. 13. 21. 9, 5. 4. b. 93. 120. 121. 118. =-... 52. ");:a 19&2. H. 15. 8,. 7. u. 1.1. 5, u 1 • 110. 109. 7u. ~l. ~o. I 19b3. H. 22. 17. ? 10. 7. 11 • 07. 112. 151. 0'1. 5 ... 46. --' 19bU. .3:.1. 10. 19. 6. 6. Ii • S. 13. 131 • 157. 100. .. 7. us. .0:::-1905. 35. 22. IS. 5. 'I. 1I. 10. 47. 122. Qb. 9v. =17. ..~. 19b&. ij,;.,. 11 • 7. lI, 3. 3. 5. 31. 112. 95. 11 U. 127. 116. 19&7. u9. " 20. b. iI. 1I. 5. 9. 41.1. 128. 1111. 101. 131. 51. 19b8. 23. 28. 11.1. 5. 11. 9. O. 80. 110. 101. 71. 51. 113. 19('9; ---~2iJ.----I(j.---7~---1.1;--"i4 ~ 1. 10. 62; -129; -8~. 55. H. 3:'. 1970. bl. 23. lb. 8. 10. B. 11. 111. 122. 128. 128. 01. 52. 1971. 35. 19. 9. S. Q. 3. S. 20. 130. IB1. 113. 52. ;'8. 1972. 39. 11. 'I. 1I. 3. 2. 2. 111. 100. 1111. 103. 95. ..3. 1973. . II O. 12. 8. II. 3. 3. q. 1I8. 105. 102. 98. H. 3'1. 1911.1. 20. 9. b. U. 1. 3. 5. 4b. lOb. bB. 7t • 'n. 51>. 1975. o3~ 28 .• 11. 5. " Q. 3. 5. lIQ. 112. 1011. SO. lJb. 52. 1910. 30. B. S. 4. 1I. 3. 9. 1511. 2140. 135. 90. 122. boo 1977 • b::l. 55. 27. 12. lb. 4. 9. us. lZ8. 11.13. lOb. 9~. 5il. , I : I I ,--: ! iii , I 1360 z 1320 L __ _ o ....... I-ex: > w ....J W W ~ 1280 _ _ "--: i _". --__.1 : -~ --_ _ i I -V r-------I - :5 1240 I I I H;,todc El,:UOO.' 13~7.00 ft., _, iii i I -+--___ _ "1, I I r! I i '" 4- U w ~ ex: :r: u V1 ....... Cl >- <.!l 0::: w z: I i 'i" I ! 'I 'I I ': 1200 ~~--~--------__ --~~ __ ~--__ ----__ --~-+ __ ~I __ ~ __ +--4 __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~--~!'--~--~-r'--~'--~--~------~ , ! I! I ~ , I! i i ! I i 300 1---.: _____ .. _~--------:-_---------L------~ ____ ~----. --+ I J I i I: ':, ---i ---r ----r-t-----+-, -----~-T---' ---:::"-T----i--;------- I ! ; 250 1- 200 I I 50 7000 i . I . ______ , -----i--------+---+----+----~----j.--- I 6000 ~--- , r i , I , 5000 .------~ . I _1+ _I+---.+--I-i--'---i i I 'I' i ! i ! I : ! ' I i ----c._ ---1_ -t,-i ---------r-, ----'-----T----+----+ I '-I I i I I : I ~ j i -1------ ---- , r ' , I I I +I __ ~---L--_+-~:-4-~~,-+~' ~-~--~--~-~--I-~-+-+--+--~l---~,!-,- i[i ~,!:,-~Hi----~~+-~-~!.!/~r--~se~c-on~d~a-ry~E-n~er-g-y+-~-_~I _+_.-~~~-+_~--~--'--U,-- II! : V: ! I II ~ ~ I ; , t, , ' . r F; '" 'o"gy_ I! I ! , _ l ~ : ------1 -----'--- w 4000 1-_ --------j---i Iii·' : J .. ~' ii, \ 3000 .. ~ h. b1 If " fL ,~ I~ " I, ,~ ~ .. ~ rL ~ ,-t'lf'11f-~/]r, .. +~--a+JJ.,+-I::,.lI'1+ ~ lr. ~ ~ lr. ~ r. ~ ~ \ I \ n rlJij! \ ~ i \ "1:, , :\:1 !\ '. ! ~ 'i \j \ I \ I \ \ ~:~! \1 \~ ~ 1(A 2000 ~~~-~c:';,d 'li '.l;,H!~C!~C!T;Cs~j\:;~;nn~HHliHnH: § :l§ i ~ ,q"~~H~HH;"nlnlHH~ ~r\ 1947 I 1948 1949 I 1950 1951 1952 I 1953 1954 1955 1956T1957 I 1958 I 1959 I 1960 I 1961 I 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 I 1968 I 1969 I 1970 I 1971 I 1972 I 1973 1974 I 1975 1976 11977 Interim Report SOUTH CENTRAL RAILBELT VALDEZ HYDROPOWER STUDY Allison Lake -Reservoir Regulation Alaska District, Corps of Engineers WCW July 1980 FIGURE A-I APPENDIX B EXISTING SYSTEM AND FUTURE NEEDS Item INTRODUCTION APPENDIX 13 EXISTING SYSTEM AND FUTURE NEEDS TABLE OF CONTENTS VALDEZ SYSTEM GLENNALLEN SYSTEM FUTURE NEEDS EXCERPT FROM POWER REQUIREMENTS STUDY, COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, MARCH 1979 Number B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 13-7 B-8 B-9 B-lO LIST OF FIGURES Tit 1e Price Increases to CVEA CVEA Utility Rates 1970~1979 Peak Energy Requirements, CVEA 1964-1979 Energy Demand Projections: Valdez-Copper Valley Peak Power Demand Week, Oecember 1990 Average Power Demand Week, April 1990 Minimum Power Demand Week, July 1990 Peak Power Demand Week, December 1995 Average Power Demand Week, April 1995 Minimum Power Demand Week, July 1995 Page B-1 B-1 B-2 B-8 B-19 B-3 B-4 B-7 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 IIHf{ODUCTION This section is devoted to a detailed description of the region's present utility system. Topics will include the community's current stock of diesel-fired units, the cost of fuel and electricity generation, industrial versus residential use, and the historical demand for power. Also included is a brief examination of ongoing and probable additions to the system. Finally, the recent projections of future power demand are reviewed. The selected forecast is the basis for benefit derivation as shown in Appendix C -Economic Evaluation. VALDEZ SYSTEM , The Valdez system came into existence following the March 27, 1964 earthquake which demolished the town. Studies following the quake determined that the townsite should be abandoned. A new Valdez was built at a location approximately 5 miles west of the original townsite. The Valdez Light, Power and Telephone Company served the Valdez area prior to the earthquake. The generating and distribution facilities of this company were purchased by the Urban Renewal Agency which, in turn, sold the facilities to Copper Valley Electric Association. The old facilities were obsolete, in poor condition and were used only until new facilities were operable. The Copper Valley Electric Association obtained a Certificate of Convenience from the State of Alaska and a franchise from the new city of Valdez to own and operate the electric system serving the new Valdez. The Certificate of Convenience covers the general area and is not confined to the limits of the new townsite. The Valdez system presently serves approximately 1,153 consumers over about 21 miles of distribution lines. The system serves the new city of Valdez, the old Valdez area and consumers from old Valdez to the airport area and 10 miles east of old Valdez along t~e Richardson Highway. The existing powerplant contains the following diesel and gas turbine units: 3 -600 kW, 720 rpm, Fairbanks Morse (1967) 1,800 kW 1 -1,928 kW, 400 rpm, Enterprise (1972) 1,928 kW 1 -965 kW, 360 rpm, Enterprise (1975) 965 kW 1 -2,620 kW, 450 rpm, Enterprise (1975) 2,620 kW 1 -2,800 kW, gas turbine (1976) 2,800 kW Total Installed Capacity 10,113 kW B-1 GLENNALLEN SYSTEM The Glennallen system serves approximately 890 consumers over about 250 miles of distribution lines. The present system extends from about 70 miles west of Glennallen along the Glenn Highway to about 39 miles north and 55 miles south of Glennallen along the Richardson Highway. The existing power- plant contains the following diesel electric units: 2 -320 kW, 720 rpm Fairbanks Morse ( 1959) 640 kW 1 -560 kW, 720 rpm Fairbanks Morse ( 1963) 560 kW 2 -600 kW, 720 rpm Fairbanks Morse (1966) 1,200 kW 2 -2,624 kW, 450 rpm Enterprise (1975-76) 5,248 kW Total Installed Capac ity 7,648 kW The load factors of these two separate systems average 53.3 percent and 54.7 percent over the years 1970-1977 for Glennallen and Valdez, respectively. The utility1s nearly absolute dependence on diesel fuel results in a close correlation between the cost per kWh sold and the price of diesel. This interrelationship is demonstrated in Table 1 which depicts both rates for the 1970 1s. Table 1 Year Year end cost of fuel (per ga 1. ) Total Cost per kWh sold (busbar) 1974 .302 .0368 1975 .361 .0478 1976 .366 .0629 1977 .410 .0687 1978 .415 .0736 1979 .714 .0995 1980 (April) .814 Due to the continuing escalation of fuel costs, high maintenance and operations costs, and the relatively short operational life of diesel driven turbines, the community strongly desires to lessen its dependence on this energy source. To that end, the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project is expected to add 12,000 kW of capacity to the system by 1981. That addition is expected to hold the $/kWh cost of the total system to $.08677 in 1982 and below $.0900 throughout the 1980 1s. Copper Valley Electric Association also has prospects for the construction of an oil pipeline pressure reducing turbine, as described in the section concerning alternatives. In the future, the Association intends to dispose of its small diesel generating units and retain the larger diesel units for emergency standby. There are however, no near term plans for acquiring additional gas or diesel turbines. The following tabulation gives the installed generation capacity, peak demand, and energy load for the Valdez district for the years 1973-1979. 8-2 FIGURE: B-1 PRICE INCREASES OF DIESEL FUEL TO CVEA * *' WEIGHTED AVERAGE ACCORDING TO USE IN EACH SERVICE AREA 1.00 .90 - -.80 _ en a:: <l: .....J .....J 0 Q .70 .- .....J W en W .60 -Q LL 0 Z g .....J .50 <l: C> a:: W I' a. .40 ~ en 0 u .30 .20 .10 o 71 , 72 73 74 75 is TIME (YEARS) B-3 ( 10/80 EST.) 77 78 7'9 80 120 110 FIGURE: B-2 CVEA UTILITY RATES 1970-1980 100 ::r:: ~ 90 ~ ...... (J) ..J ::! ::I 80 -0:: co « I ~ m (J) 70 :::::> m -t- (J) 60 0 u >-~ 50 '" z '" 3O~--~--p---~~--~--~--~--~--~--~~--~--~--~--~--~--~~~~--~. 1970 1971 1972 73 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Installed Generat.or Peak Energy for Load Year Capacity (kW) Demand (kW) (kWh) 1973 3,719 1,280 6,469,830 1974 3,719 2,470 9,457,380 1975 7,304 4,750 18,250,705 1976 10,113 4,875 26,006, 160 1977 10,113 4,700 23,323, 183 1978 10,113 4,750 21,100,542 1979 10,113 4,225 21,415,721 For the Glennallen district, the historic trends of installed capacity, peak demand, and energy for load are as follows: Instalied Generator Peak Energy for Load Year Capacity (kW) Demand (kW) (kWh) 1973 2,394 1,220 6,120,940 1974 2,394 1,340 6,166,760 1975 2,394 2,360 8,635,810 1976 7,642 3,500 13,280,530 1977 7,642 4,290 19,049,912 1978 7,642 4,000 17,232,102 1979 7,642 3,470 16,017,863 The per customer residential use of both service regions increased from 3,846 to 6,423 over the years 1970 to 1977. Per customer residential use was 5,735 in 1979. Industrial consumption has grown rapidly in recent years, accounting for about 75 percent of total demand during the 19701s. The current commercial-industrial share of CVEAls generation is 74 percent (1979). The Alyeska Marine Terminal became electrically self-sufficient in 1977. The impending ALPETCO plant will likewise generate its own power utilizing waste steam. . The specific current power requirements of the community have been classified by CVEA as rural residential, small commercial, large commercial, and public buildings and street lights. An examination of each category became the basis for a forecast by CVEA which was in turn adopted by APA and ultimately by this study (with some modification). A detailed rationale for the future needs of each of these categories is offered in the back of the appendix. B-5 The steady but uneven growth in CVEAls net utility generation is presented in Table 2 and Figure 8-3. Table 2 UTILITY NET GENERATION (GWH) 1/ GLENNALLEN-VALDEZ AREA Upper Susitna Project Power Market Analysis (APA) Year CVEA Growth % 1960 3.2 1961 3.4 6. 1 1962 4.0 17. 1 1963 4.5 12.2 1964 4.2 -6.5 1965 6.5 55.8 1966 8.0 22.4 1967 8.2 3.7 1968 8.6 5.9 1969 9.7 17 .8 1970 10.7 11.3 1971 11. 7 8.5 1972 11. 8 0.8 1973 12.6 6.2 1974 16.6 29.2 1975 26.9 58.2 1976 39.3 44.3 1977 47.4 20. 1 1978 43.8 -8.0 1979 41.6 -5.0 1/ Net generation does not include line losses and therefore exceeds total consumption. 8-6 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 -~ ..-: -3000 a:: LLI ~ 2000 0 a.. 1000 FIGURE: B-3 PEAK ENERGY REQUIREMENTS, CVEA, 1964-1979 SYSTEM ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR CONTINUOUS DEMAND ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR % 1.0 0.8 _-_-Y'" 0.6 0.4 o 6~ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 TIME . (YEARS) FUTURE NEEDS There have been three recent projections concerning electricity demand in the Valdez-Glennallen service area. The earliest was produced by the Alaska Power Administration and subsequently appeared in a March 1979 report entitled Upper Susitna River Project Power Market Analysis. This report considers the Copper Valley utility district for intertie with the proposed Susitna hydrelectric project. The forecast provided by APA was made during a period of unprecedented growth in the study area. Consequently it is the highest of the three load forecasts, as will be illustrated. The second projection (chronologically) appears in the Power Cost Study 1979-1993 prepared for CVEA by Robert W. Retherford Associates, also in March of 1979. Contrary to the APA forecast, this projection was formed during the post-pipeline wind-down and reflects the reduced expectations of that period. Like the APA analysis, it does not take into account the recently initiated ALPETCO refinery. The third and most recent load forecast was also conducted by APA, and appears in their marketability analysis provided for this report. The relative position of APA's 1980 projection can be seen in the following comparative tables: Table 3 VALDEZ-GLENNALLEN AREA UTILITY FORECASTS Upper Susitna Project Power Market Analysis Energy (gwh) Peak Demand CVEA lL CVEA lL Year Glenna1len Valdez Total Glennallen 1976 12.5 24.5 37.0 39.3 2/ 3. 1 1977 21.0 27.0 48.0 47.4 2/ 4.2 1978 22. 1 27.2 49.3 43.8 2/ 4.4 1979 24.0 27.6 51.6 41.6 ]j 4.6 1980 45.9 27.9 73.8 7.3 1981 48.5 30.5 79.0 7.7 1982 50.0 33.0 83.0 8. 1 1983 52.2 35.5 87.7 8.5 1984 55.0 38.2 93.2 9.0 1985 57.6 41.4 99.0 9.5 1986 60.0 45.0 105.0 10. 1 1987 63. 1 48.5 111. 6 10.6 1988 66.0 52.5 118.5 11. 1 1989 69. 1 56.8 125.9 11.7 1990 72.3 61.4 133.7 12.4 1991 75.0 66.4 141.4 13.0 1995 180 2000 240 2025 1,025 1/ Copper Valley Electric Association Forecast from 1976 REA Power Requirements Study. 2/ Historical values B-8 (MW) Valdez 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 6.3 6.8 7.4 8.0 8.6 9.3 10. 1 10.9 11.8 12.8 13.8 Table 4 VALDEZ-GLENNALLEN AREA UTILITY FORECASTS Retherford Associates Energy (,Wh) Peak Demand {MW~ Year Glennallen Va dez Total Glennallen Va"dez 1980 21.4 26.5 47.9 4.4 5.4 1981 22.0 28. 1 50. 1 4.7 5.7 1982 22.5 30.0 52.5 4.9 6. 1 1983 23. 1 31.9 55.0 5.2 6.5 1984 24.6 33.7 58.3 5.5 6.9 1985 26.3 35.5 61.8 5.8 7.3 1986 28.0 37.6 65.6 6.2 7.7 1987 29.8 39.8 69.6 6.6 8. 1 1988 31.8 42.0 73.8 6.9 8.6 1989 33.9 44.4 78.3 7.3 9. 1 1990 36. 1 47.0 83. 1 7.8 9.6 1995 111.2 2000 148.8 2025 638.6 8-9 Table 5 VALDEZ-GLENNALLEN AREA UTILITY FORECASTS 1980 Marketability Analysis Energy (gwh) Peak Demand (MW) Historical 1976 1977 1978 1979 Forecast 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2000 3/ 2025 !/ Glennallen Valdez 13.3 21.4 20.4 18.5 21.4 22.0 22.5 26.0 27.7 29.5 31.4 33.5 35.7 38. 1 40.6 43.3 46. 1 49.2 70.0 293.4 26.0 26. 1 23.4 23.0 26.5 30.0 ~/ 33.0 '!:../ 35.0 2/ 34.0 ~/ 35.6 37.6 39.8 42.0 44.4 46.9 49.6 52.4 55.4 80.0 335.3 Total 39.3 47.5 43.8 41.6 47.9 52.0 55.5 61.0 61.7 65. 1 69. 1 73.3 77 .8 82.5 87.5 92.9 98.6 104.6 150.0 628.7 Glennallen Valdez 3.5 4.3 4.0 3.5 4.4 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.2 6.6 6.9 7.4 7.8 8.2 8.7 9.2 14.0 56.7 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.2 5.4 6. 1 '!:../ 6.7 ]j 7. 1 '!:../ 7.0 '!:../ 7.3 7.7 8. 1 8.6 9. 1 9.6 10.2 10.8 11.4 16.0 67. 1 1/ Copper Valley Electric Association Forecast from January 1980 Power Cost "S"tudy. ~/ Additions for ALPETCO facility have been included. 3/ APA extrapolation. 4/ Corps of Engineers extrapolation based on APA growth rate. 8-10 As footnoted, the Alaska Power Administration adopted future power demand estimates front CVEA's 1976 power requirements study. The study included estimates of demands through 1991; APA made a rough extension to the year 2000, assuming a 6 percent rate of increase. Also footnoted is the actual performance of the utility from the beginning year of the APA forecast to 1979. This projection was fairly accurate for 1976 and 1977 but diverged considerably in the years 1978 and 1979. These later years represent a lull between the wind-down from the pipeline activity and the initiation of the ALPETCO refinery. The Retherford Associates projection is too recent to test against historical data, however, a corresponding forecast made by Retherford in 1976 per- formed inversely to that of APA, with the greater inaccuracies appearing in the earlier years. Although the current Retherford projection will probably out-perform the earlier APA forecast, it is ill-suited for the expected high activity years of the early 1980's. The load forecast which is considered to be most accurate and was adopted for this study is APA's 1980 estimate. Much too recent to test against historical data, this projection represents the best compromise between the other two, and incorporates the most current information available. This extrapolation is essentially a variation of Retherford with the earlier year adjusted to account for ALPETCO construction and subsequent maintenance, and a later period of reduced growth rates in the face of energy conservation. A graphic comparison of the various forecasts is shown on Figure B-4. Annual load factors are expected to remain in the 50 percent range. The incentive for the Valdez-Copper Valley community to avoid diesel generation is better understood in view of the fact that 1981 costs for the system are expected to reach 114 mills per kWh. New hydro construc- tion, with its high capital investment, does not appear resoundingly preferred to diesel at this time. However, developments since 1973, including the abrupt price adjustments of 1979, cast considerable doubt on the standard analysis based on fixed relative costs. Figures B-S through B-10 on the following pages portray how the system would look for the minimum, average, and peak weeks in 1990 and 1995 with the addition of the PRT and Allison hydropower. The load shapes are based on actual data for the combined systems of Glennallen and Valdez. The various shaded areas on the graphs represent the amount of firm energy available during the respective weeks. It does not represent the actual ,mode in which it will operate. For example, Figure B-5 shows Allison hydro operating in a base mode with a continuous output of about 4 megawatts. In reality, it may be used primarily for peaking. With the proper interfacing of the PRT with the Solomon and Allison hydroelectric projects, it may be possible to increase the winter output from the hydropower projects. This could be accomplished by increased utilization of the PRT during periods of less demand. However, this was not taken into account for the graphic representations. B-11 200.0 co I ~ r'0 100.0 >-(!) a: UJ z UJ FIGURE: 8-4 ENERGY DEMAND PROJECTIONS: VALDEZ -COPPER VALLEY REVISED APA PROJECTION .890 I.e R.W. RETHERFORD PROJECTION 2000 CD I 20 15 10 .: ... :. T. .' !', ~. '., . ~~ .. 5 SUN WED F'1GlR£ ~ PEAK POWER DEMA~ WEEK, GLENNALLEN -\tllEZ, .: ~.' . ,: ~.' . /" THU SAT DEC. t9IO. BASED ON "79 LOAD SHAPES. flGU. a-. AYllAOI POWel DeMAND Will, GlINMALllN-VAI.8IZ, ANN. 1990. IASlD ON 1979 LOAD SHAHS. -------------------------- SOLOMON HY I.IICU'-__ 'lOUIE 1-7 MlNtMUM 'oweR DlMANO Will, OlINHAU.1N -VALDII. JULY 1990. lAUD ON LOAD SHAHS fROM 197 •. 25 20 1 WID 'JGUII I-a NA« POWIt DEMAND Will, OlfNNAlLIN· VALOIZ, Dlel .... ''". 1ASi0 ON 19'9 LOAD SHl\m. , .. ,·.AYI.AG! fOWl. DlMANO WHit, GLENNAllEN. YAlDlZ, APlIL 1'"'. "'10 ON 1'" LOAD SMAPlI . • 10 MUll 1-10 MINIMUM POW.I DeMAND Wltl, _"""ALLIN. YAlDlZ, JUlY'"', lASED ON LOAD IIWtIS NOM "'9, The following is an excerpt from the Power Requirements Study, Alaska 18 Copper Valley, Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc., Glennallen, Alaska, March 1979. VALDEZ Rural Residential Included in this consumer classification are single and multi-family dwelling units, and approximately six trailer courts. The number of rural residential consumers in Valdez declined substantially during 1977 and moderately during 1978. A further moderate decline may occur in 1979. However, this trend is expected to stabilize and gradually reverse itself. According to information from Mr. Cal Dauel, State Economist, and other available information it appears that most individuals who could be expected to leave the Valdez area due to completion of the pipeline facilities, have in fact left. In estimating future growth of residential consumers, it was assumed that the average number of consumers in 1979 and 1980 would remain at approximately the 1978 level. After 1980, additional growth would occur due to increased activity in shipping and oil transportation. A gradual increase in the number of consumers is also expected as the Fluor Staff Housing Units are transferred to private ownership -28 were transferred in 1978 and 118 a~e projected in 1979-1980. Average usage is also expected to reverse its downward trend as the possibility of continued mild winter conditions appears remote. Small Commercial The historical data indicates a significant increase in the number of consumers and average monthly usage during the period 1973 through 1977. This is attributed to a deficiency of small commercial establishments prior to pipeline construction. Since completion of the pipeline and related terminal facilities, this class of consumer has not shown a signifjcant decrease although kWh usage has dropped. There are several reasons for the decreased consumption, including above average winter temperature in 1976 and 1977 and fewer hours of operation during the day for small commercial establishments such as restaurants, fast food outlets, etc. It was assumed that a deficiency of small commercial establishments existed prior to the pipeline activity and the services which were provided during the construction era will remain and continue to grow at a rate at least comparable to that of prepipeline activity. Public Buildings This class of consumer consists of schools, churches, and government buildings. There has been a gradual increase in the number of consumers since 1969 although there were years of static growth. Public building consumers and average usage was projected to increase as consumer demands for more and better services, comparable to those normally found in 8-19 Power Requirement Study (excerpt) Anchorage and other larger cities, also increases. Information from Alaska Labor Force Estimates also indicates an increase in the government workforce in the area. Street Lights Normal usage for street lights was assumed to remain at present levels. Three additional street light installations are expected within the next 10 years as normal expansion of the community occurs. Large Commercial The average annual kWh for this class has been estimated to show a moderate increase. Consumers have shown a slow but gradual increase the past 10 years. Consumers have increased from 22 in 1974 to the present 33 in 1978. Consumers were projected to increase during the future 10-year period at approximately one-half the rate previously experienced. Over 350 kVA The system presently serves 4 loads in excess of 350 kVA, namely: 1. Valdez Memorial Hospital 2. Valdez City Schools 3. Fluor Staff Housing 4. Farm and Sea of Alaska The Fluor Staff Housing load consists of a housing development which is presently being reclassified to residential. 54 units have been completely removed from the area, 28 have already been reclassified in 1978 and the remaining 118 units are scheduled to be transferred during 1979 and 1980. Therefore, this load has been phased out of operation after 1980. Farm and Sea of Alaska is a new load which was connected February 2, 1979. No historical data is available for this load. Estimates have been prepared based on information supplied by the consumer. A potential load which exists, but has not been'considered in the estimates, is the expansion of the Valdez City Dock. The bond issue for the port facilities is sCheduled to go before the voters April 10, 1979 and, if approved, construction would begin in early 1980. Completion of the dock facilities would be expected in 1981. 8-20 Power Requirement Study (excerpt) GLENNALLEN Rural Residential Rural residential consumers in the Glennallen area consist primarily of single family units. Significant consumer growth was experienced in this class of consumer during the 1974 to 1976 period due to construction activity related to the A1yeska Pipeline construction. Beginning in 1977 and 1978, growth continued in the number of rural residential consumers but at a much slower rate than experienced during pipeline construction. This was due to a return to an economy more normal to the area. The number of consumers has not experienced a decline subsequent to the completion of the pipeline. It is expected that any consumers which would have departed the area have already done so. Many of the transient workers (workers from outside the State of Alaska not bringing their families during pipeline construction) were housed in the Glennallen Camp (large power load) and would not appear in rural residential statistics. In projecting future growth in this class, it is expected that a preconstruct ion (1968-1974) growth rate will be followed. There is enough economic activity in the Glennallen area to assume this type of growth. It is expected that the usage will, after several years of decline, begin a steady upward climb due to a return to more normal temperatures for this area. The Glennallen area experienced rather warm weather in 1976-1978. Another item which may affect residential usage is the possibility of installation of electric hot-water heaters as the cost of propane gas increases. Small Commercial The small commercial class consists of primarily small businesses which provide specific services to the area residents such as food, hardware, lumber, etc. The growth of small commercial consumers has seen a rather consistent pattern since 1968 with the exception of a sharp increase during 1976 and 1977. From all available information, it appears that the Glennallen area will not suffer an economic letdown now that the pipeline is completed and growth of small commercial consumers will continue. Although average monthly usage has shown a leveling trend since 1975, this is expected to increase as more severe winter weather conditi~ns are anticipated and as the growth rate returns to a more consistent level. Street Lights It was basically assumed that the number of street lights would double over a lO-year period as normal growth occurred within the area. The average usage per installation is expected to remain at approximately the same number of hours each year. B-21 Power Requirements Study (excerpt) Public Buildings This particular class of consumer consists of government offices, schools, churches, and other community type organizations. Since 1973 there has been a steady growth in the number of consumers. Continued growth is expected but at a slower rate experienced during prepipeline construction era. Average monthly consumption was projected on the basis that some consolidation would occur within this class and larger facilities being constructed in the future which could accommodate more than one type of activity. Large Commercial The average annual kWh usage for this class has been estimated to show a moderate increase during the study period. Consumers ranged from 24 in 1974, 39 in 1976 and 19 in 1978. The erratic growth is largely attributed to pipeline activity and the subsequent completion of this project. In view of this, growth is expected to normalize and increase moderately to 21 consumers in 1983 and 24 in 1988. Both consumer and energy requirements were estimated on a group basis. Over 350 kVA The system is presently serving 4 loads in excess of 350 kVA, namely: 1. Alyeska Mechanical Refrigeration No. 2. Alyeska Mechanical Refrigeration No. 2 3. Alyeska Housing @ P.S. 12 4. Alyeska Pipeline Pump Station No. 12 The Alyeska Pipeline Glennallen Camp has been completely phased out of operation. Alyeska Pipeline Pump Station No. 11 is expected to come on line beginning 1983 as capacity in the pipeline is increased from the present 1.2 million barrels a day to 1.6 million barrels a day. It is felt that increasing the capacity in the line must occur as the demand for oil in the Continental United States continues to increase or as oil exchange agreements between foreign countries are eventually finalized. Therefore usage is expected to be approximately equal to that of Pump Station No. 12. The refrigeration loads are necessary to freeze underground sections of pipe to prevent melting of permafrost areas. These loads were projected on the basis of existing usage. The pump station loads include all power to the station except for the actual pumping load. The pumps are run by customer self-generation. B-22 APPENDIX C ECONOMIC EVALUATION Item APPElmIX C ECONOMIC EVALUATION TABLE OF CONTENTS ItHRODUCTIOtJ PROJECT COSTS Interest During Construction Annual Costs Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Costs Total Average Annual System Costs PROJECT BENEFITS Updating of FERC Power Values Transmission Losses Credit for Energy and Capacity NED Employment Benefits ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SELECTED PLAN Comparability Test Sensi ti vi ty Tests Low-load Growth Assumption Alternate Discount Rate Fuel Cost Escalation Without Pressure Reducing Turbine Matrix Table of Multiple Conditions HYDROPOWER BENEFIT COMPUTER PRINT OUT i Page C-l C-l C-2 C-7 C-ll INTRODUCTION The purpose of this section is to outline the basic assumptions used in making the economic analysis for hYdro development in the Valdez- Copper Valley area. Evaluation is based exclusively on economic benefits that can be derived from hydropower development. Evaluation of the Allison Lake development was accomplished by comparing the benefits to accompanying costs. The benefit value of hYdroelectric power is measured by the cost of providing the equivalent power from the most likely alternative source (diesel). The base condition of the selected plan calls for the installment of the PRT by 1984. The proposed Allison hydro project would then augment the system with a power-on-line date of 1990. These projected installment dates are derived from the community's future power needs, as posited by the Alaska PO\ter Administration's load growth forecast. The All i son hYdro component of the sel ected pl an is the subject of a margi nal analysis in the latter half of this appendix. PROJECT COSTS A detailed cost estimate of the selected project is contained in Section D of the appendix. Interest During Construction: For the purpose of the screening analysis, interest during construction was based on the formula of simple interest (7-3/8 percent) applied to a uniform expenditure over the construction period. Annual Costs: The compound interest charge on costs incurred during the construction period of any project is considered a logical cost of the construction phase and is added to first cost to establish the investment cost. This investment cost can then be transformed into an average annual fixed cost by applying the appropriate capital recovery factor associated with the 7-3/8 percent interest rate and 100-year economic project life. By adding operations, maintenance, and replacement costs, a total annual cost is establ i shed for the purpose of determi ni ng comparabil ity and feelsi bil i ty. Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement Costs (OM&R): Annual or~&R costs were provided by the Al aska Power Admi ni strati on (APA) and a more detailed discussion appears in the section on assessment and evaluation of detailed plans. An OM&R cost of $200,000 has been established for the Allison Lake project. C-l Total Average Annual System Costs: The average annual costs for the various plans of development are based on a 7-3/8 percent annual interest rate and a 100-year economic life. These costs also reflect transmission facilities, access, land acquisition, replacement costs, annual operation and maintenance, and other associated project costs. PROJECT BE~EFITS The benefit value of hydroelectric power is measured by the cost of providing the equivalent power from the most likely alternative source. The types of alternative power sources appropriate for the Valdez-Copper Valley area and the annual unit costs for those alternatives have been detennined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and updated for current fuel costs by this organization. For derivation of benefits the energy and capacity-producing capabilities of these projects will be adjusted to account for transmission losses and marketability considerations. Updating of FERC Power Values: Escalating prices of petroleum products have made it necessary to include the effects of recent increases on project feasibility. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission provided the Corps of Engineers with energy and capacity values for the most likely alternative (diesel) to be implemented if hydropower were not developed (see 1 February 1980 letter, Appendix H). These values were based on 1 July 1979 fuel prices of 58.8 and 57.1 cents per gallon at Glennallen and Valdez respectively. As of September 1980 these prices had increased to nearly 90 cents per gallon. In order to account for these increases and to bring them up to date with the Ocotber 1980 cost estimate for hydropower development, certain adjustments were made. The values given for capacity were assumed to remain the same, the majority of these costs are fixed, with fuel cost escalation having little effect. For the economic analysis the capacity values (Federal financing) of 93.86$/kW-yr and 97. 52$/kW-yr for Valdez and Glennallen were ~i ghted accordi ng to energy use in the respecti ve porti ons of the study area. A weighted value of 95.43$/kW-yr has been used. The energy values provided by FERC include the cost of fuel and operation and maintenance costs. Based on heat rates of 138,000 BTU/gallon and 9,370 BTU/kWh the proposed diesel units would produce 14.73 kWh/gallon. By subtracting the weighted cost of fuel from the weighted energy value, a weighted value for O&M of 5.82 mills/kWh was determined. This value was assumed to remain constant. To determine the updated energy values the projected cost of diesel fuel (90.0i/gallon / 14.73 kWh/gallon = 6.11¢/kWh or 61.10 mills/kWh) was added to the O&M cost (5.82 mi 11 s/kWh) to arri ve at an updated energy C-2 value of 66.92 mills/kWh. This figure was the basic mill rate used for economi c eval uati ons throughout the report. Its primary shortcomi ng is that it does not take into account any inflationary changes in the capacity values or the O&M of the energy value which would put it on par with the hydropower cost estimate. As a result these figures are seen to be conservative. Transmission Losses: Benefits must be based on prime power which represents project capabilities less losses. The highly favorable location of the Allison Lake project necessitates only 3.5 miles of additional transmission line. Thus, for benefit evaluation purposes capacity losses are assumed to be 2.0 percent. Whil e there "Ii 11 be addi ti onal losses through the transmission network, this would be absorbed by the local utility and reflected in their rates to users. This practice is consistent with the (modified) power values provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. For purposes of the final screening analysis, a 2 percent capacity loss ,,,as applied to each project variation. Credit for Energy and Capacity: Opportunities exist for displacing energy which could theoretically be produced by exi sti ng thermal pl ants. If the cost of hydro energy is cheaper than the cost of producing energy with the existing thermal plants, it is to the utilities· advantage to shut down the thermal plants and purchase hydro energy. This I'lould conserve fossil fuel, which would otherwise be burned. The value of thennal energy that would be displaced is dependent on prevailing fuel costs. For the Valdez-Copper Valley region it is apparent that maximum possible displacement of thermal energy is desirable. Although CVEA is expected to fully employ all hydro capacity at the earliest opportunity, the capacity costs of displaced existing diesel units cannot be claimed as a benefit. Thus the proposed project is not given any credit for capacity until 1994. Capacity credit is thereafter IIstepped in ll according to a diesel retirement schedule provided by the Alaska Power Administration. As illustrated in Figure C-l, the communities projected pOI'ler demand over the year 1997 will exceed the total firm energy output of Solomon Gulch, the PRT and Allison for nearly every interval in that period. By the follOl'ling year, the power demand exceeds the system·s firm energy output at every poi nt. The proposed project is therefore gi ven full credit for firm energy as it is absorbed into the system. Figure C-2 is similar to the previous figure except that it includes secondary energy and is adjusted to reflect conditions in the year 2000. r~ote -the absence of the PRT (caused by the exhausti on of the Prudhoe Bay field). C-3 15 10 5 o FIGURE C-I: PRT, SOLOMON GULCH, AND ALLISON LAKE FIRM ENERGY PROJECTED ENERGY DEMAND FOR THE YEAR 1997. J F M A M J J A SON 0 15 10 " 5 o FIGURE C-2: SOLOMON GULCH ALLISON LAKE APA REVISED PROJECTION ALLISON LAKE SECONDARY------ ENERGY PROJECTED ENERGY DEMAND FOR THE YEAR 2000 J F M A M J J A SON D (-5 As can be seen from Figure A-l, Appendix A, the availability of secondary energy from Allison is very erratic, and secondary energy is a small proportion of firm energy. Early in the project life, little of the All ison secondary energy would be usuable because loads would be lm'/er and secondary energy \'Iould also be available from Solomon Gulch. Consequently, no secondary energy benefits are claimed before year 2000. After year 2000, however, it is estimated that an equivalent annual average of 65 percent of Allison secondary energy will be usable for displacing diesel generation, considering load growth and monthly distr'ibution of loads, and the availability of energy from Solomon Gulch. tJED Employment Benefits: Project benefits for employment are claimed to show the impact of project construction on a local economy. A cornmunity is declared eligible based on a condition of persistant and continuous unemployment, for which Valdez qualifies. Project labor requirements for skilled and ullski 11 ed \'Iorkers can be partly filet by the unemployed workers of the area. The amount earned by thi s group is amorti zed over the project 1 ife and claimed as a project benefit, because there is no economic cost entailed in the use of otherwise unemployment resources. Data from and evaluation of the Public Works Impact Program (PWIP) indicates that 30 percent of the wages paid to skilled labor and 45 percent of wages paid to unskilled labor can be expected to flow to previously unemployed or underemployed \'/orkers, based on records from other large public works projects. These are broad, general averages. Labor market conditions in Alaska tend to be different from those in the rest of tile country. There are adequate numbers of unemployed workers in the affected eligible labor areas (3,500 unemployed out of a labor force of 30,000 in the Valdez and Fairbanks area) to supply project needs. Rather large proportions of the project construction jobs can be expected to be filled by immigrants, based on previous experience. The percentages from PWIP evaluations were consequently reduced by 36 and 75 percent for skilled and unskilled labor, respectively, based on recent experience with other multimillion dollar construction projects. This approach provi des what may be a conservati ve estimate of ~JED employment benefits, but the magnitude of the benefits does not warrant the e~tensive labor market analysis which would be required to refine these percentages further. To estimate rJED employment benefits, it is also necessary to determine what proportion of construction costs would flow to skilled and unskilled \'Jorkers. Based on experience with other project, 42 percent of construction costs can be expected to accrue as \'lages. Of these wage payment, a 60/40 split beb/een skilled and unskilled workers is expected. Computation of r~ED employment benefits is detailed below. Employment Benefits Computation Project Construction Cost (less E&D S&A IDC) = Labor Costs (42%) = C-6 $29,407,000 $12.351.000 Er.Jployment Benefits Computation (cont) Skilled Unsld 11 ed Labor Cost (60%) Unemployed (.30x.36) $7,411,000 800,000 Labor Cost (40%) $4,940,000 Unemployed (.45'x. 75) 1,667,000 Total Payment to Under or Unemployed 784,000 + 1,679,000 Annual Benefit 2,538,000 x .0738 Fuel Cost Escalation: $2,467,000 182,000 Olle of the most practical features of a hydroel ectric pl ant is its contribution to fossil fuel conservation. The real price of petroleum has increased dramatically in recent years and will continue this trend to the forseeable future. Real increases in diesel fuel costs create corresponding real increases in the value of diesel generation displaced by the hydro p1 ant. For purposes of this report, diesel fuel price forecasts developed by the U.S. Department of Energy have been used. Real diesel fuel price escalation rates for Region 10 (Alaska) are estimated as follows: from 1980-84, 3.1% from 1985-1990, 2.2% and 4% for the next 20 years. The values for energy received from the Federal Energy Regulation Corronission (FERC) have been adjusted to the power-on-line date (1990) to establish a starting value. Energy values are then escalated by 4 percent for the next 20 years and held constant for the remaining project life. The values are applied to each future year and are discounted to 1990 at the current project interest rate and expressed as an average annual benefit value. The tables showing power benefits at the end of this appendix give the details of yearly fuel price escalation for each condition considered in the report. ECO~OMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SELECTED PLAN The selected plan has net benefits of $1,751,000 annually when the pressure reducing turbine is treated as part of the without project conditi on. Project economics are summari zed below. Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio Sensitivity Tests: 4,985 3,234 1 , 751 1. 54 Several tests of economic justification wey'e made for the selected plan to demonstrate the effect of departures from the assumptions that underlie the analysis. Each of the tests was conducted under the criteria outlined earlier in this section, but with the specific changes noted below. C-7 Fuel Cost Escalation: For the base case, the assumptions concerning fuel costs have been outlined. Should the prOV1Slons for fuel cost escalation prove too modest, the proposed project would yield greater benefits that anticipated. Conversely, if fuel costs do not increase in real terms, the projected benefits of Allison are reduced. This sensitivity test examines the effects of reduced fuel cost escalation and no fuel cost escalation. Assuming that CVEAls current diesel costs remain unchanged throughout the project life the resulting costs and benefits are as follows: Average Annual Cost ($1,000) Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio 3,234 2,812 -422 .87 In the absence of fuel cost escalation project benefits are substantially reduced with a BC rati 0 fall i ng belo\,1 uni ty. When fuel costs are escalated until the pO''Ier-on-line date and held level thereafter, the feasibility of the project improves as shown bel 0\'1: Average Annual Costs (1,000) Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio Without Pressure Reducing Turbine: 3,358 3,234 124 1. 04 Although the selected plan anticipates the presence of the PRT, this is not necessarily a foregone conclusion. Furthermore, the projected output of the PRT has recently been subject to downward adjustments as a result of more modest expectati ons concerni ng the rate of oil flow. Thi s uncertai nty coupled with the unusual nature and performance of the PRT makes its possible absence an appropriate subject for a test of sensitivity. The impact on power benefits of this possibility is shown in the summary which follO\~s: Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs ($1,000) ~et Annual Benefts ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio 5,813 3,234 2,579 1.80 The preceeding table shows a significant increase in project benefits. The effect of the without PRT condition, combined with varing fuel cost escalation rates, is summarized in the matrix table of end of this text. Low-load Growth Assumption: The economic analysis has been based 011 the Alaska Power Administrationls revised load growth projection. Based on present knowledge, this is considered the most reasonable estimate of future conditions. An economic downturn and lower growth in power demand are \'tithin the realm of possibility and woul d affect pm'ler benefits of the proj ect. Lesser demand coul d mean a delayed power-an-line date, or a longer period of underutilization. With the 10\ler load growth a ssumpti on proposed by Retherford and Associ ates pri or to ALPETCO, an additional 2 years would be required before the projectls firm C-8 energy would be fully utilized. As a result the annual power benefits are reduced by approximately 9 percent to $4,534,000. A summary of the resulting economic justification for the low case is as follows: Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs (1,000) Net Annual Benefits $1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio 4,534 3,234 1,300 1.40 The above sllmnary is based on the power-on-1ine date of the selected plan (1990). A delayed power-on-1ine date of 1995 under the low growth assumption reduces the problem of underuti1ization. Nevertheless, 2 years must elapse before the project is fully absorbed. Resulting benefits and costs have been brought back to a 1990 base for the purpose of comparison. Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio 4,334 2,266 2,068 1. 91 The effects of various fuel cost escalation rates on the low load growth scenario and the 1990 power-on-1ine date are shown at the end of this text. Impact of Solomon Gu1ch 's Secondary Energy: As previously stated, benefits for the selected plan were estimated under the assumption that the availability of secondary energy from Solomon Gulch would not reduce the usability of Allison Lake's firm energy. In reality, Solomon Gu1ch 's secondary energy \'lou1d probably render some of Allison's finn energy surplus for short intervals during high flow years early in the project life. Due to the lack of data on Solomon Gu1ch 's secondary energy output and due to the limited significance of the potential effect, the SUbstantial analysis effort required to quantify the effect was judged to be unwarranted for a small hydro project. To test the sensitivity of the analysis to this simp 1 ifyi ng assumpti on, however, benefi ts \~ere reestimated based on the assumption that all of the Solomon Gulch secondary energy would displace Al1ison 's firm energy. This is clearly an extreme test, but it provides an upper-based estimate of the significance of this assumption. As shown, benefits are reduced to $1,717,000 under this extreme test, a reduction of 5 percent. Ttli s confi rms that no si gnifi cant change in study fi ndi ngs wou1 d occur by quantifyi ng the di sp1 acement of All i son Lake IS fi rm energy by Solomon Gul::h I s secondary. Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio Alternate Discount Rate: 4,717 3,234 1,483 1.46 Interest rates for evaluation of civil works projects are annually established by law for use by all Federal water resource agencies. The current applicable rate is 7-3/8 percent, but some higher rate is likely for C-9 ensuing years. To test the sensitivity of project economics to changes in the discount rate, the analysis was reevaluated at a rate of 8 percent. The higher figure was used in the discounting of both benefits and costs, although the power values in this alternative analysis are still based on the official rate of 7-3/8 percent. The results of this sensitivity test are presented below: Average Annual Benefits ($1,000) Average Annual Costs ($1,000) Net Annual Benefits ($1,000) Benefit-Cost Ratio C-10 4,867 3,234 1,633 1. 50 ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF HYDROPONER MODE~ ALASKA DISTRICT, ARMY CORPS OF ENGI~EERS ____ . ~ _____ AL~ISON HYDRO: n/PRTI REvISED APA; Nt ... FUEL ESC, 8Mr. PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT MARKETABLE FIRM PRES. NORTH MAR~ET. VALut Of PRESENT ______ YlOR TH MAR!<J; T AB\, E_'{~l. UE:._DE-._riORltLOt_ fIRM __ "!) L l S/K I'Ib __ E NE fiG ~ ___ E NE R G Y S ~ C O'JD AR L S[ C. ___ NDR T H. TOT AI. ----yEAR FACTOR CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY ENERGY H'C.O&M BENEFITS BEI,EFITS Er.ERGY BEr,ER~y SEC. ENERGY 8LNEFITS ._ .. _---- (MW) (~IOOO) (SIOOO) (GNH) ($1000) (~IOOO) (GwH) (11000) (11000) (!1000) I '1'10 1 ,00 a Q _____ ~ 0 • Q 0 , 0_ 0, Q ___ 7 , 0 B 4 , 4 /j 4 'I 5 'II ,4 5 'II , tj U , 0 0 • 0 0 , 0 5 'II , ~ 1'1'11 0.'1313 0,0 0.0 0.0 11.7 87.6315 1025.3 '1,4.'1 0.0 0.0 0.0 '1'~.'1 ____ 0'12 ___ 0_!.f\~J3 O.L0 9-L.9 ____ ~9. 9 ____ ) 6.5 __ '1Q. '1Q ~ Q __ L4 9'1. '1 ___ 13 Q 1. O_~__ _ 0,0 _ Q. L_ __ Q. Q _ 1301. 0 1'1'13 0.8078 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.6 '14.3074 2037.0 1645.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1645., _1'1'1Il ____ Q.752:5~ ___ 3,~ ___ 314,9 _____ Z36.'1 27.11 '17.6~6'1 21161.0 2016.'1 0.0 0.0 0.0 22,3.8 1'1'15 0.700b 4.6 1l39.0 307.6 32.2 101.527'1 326'1.2 22'10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2SQ6.0 1'1'16 ______ 0,6525 ~ __ 5,8 ___ 553,5361.2 32.2 105.3563 3392.5 2213.6 0,0 0.0 0.0 2,74.7 1'1'17 0.6077 7.1 677.6 411.7 32.2 10'1.3377 3520.7 213'1.5 0,0 0.0 0.0 25,1.2 I'I'IB 0.565'1 7.6 7~tj .. .£l._~ __ 42!.3 ___ J2,L_113,4184 __ 3b54,O ___ ?06~.g___ 0,0 _____ 9.0_0.0 __ ~2tj~9.2 -----If;'1 '1--~5 271 7 • 6 744 • Ll 392 • 3 32 • 2 1 I 7 • 7 8 4 7 3792 • 7 1 '1'1'1 • 0 0 • 0 0 • CO. 0 23 'II • 3 2000 0.4'10'1 7.6 744.Ll 305,4 32,2 122,2633 _ 3'136,'1 1'132,5 3,2 3'11,2 1'12.1 2489.'1 n 2001 0;Ll572 7~8 71l4.4 340.3 32.2 126.'1211 4066.'1 1868.3 3.2 40e.1 185.7 23'14.3 I 2002 0.4258 7.8 744.4 316.'1 32.2 131,7651 4242.8 1806,Il 3.2 421.6 17'1.5 2302.'1 ::: 2003 0.3'165 -7~8 744.4 295.1 32.2 13b.802'1 4405.1 174b.7 3.2 ~37.8 173.6 2215.~ __ ----;2004 0.36'13 7.8 741l,Ll 274.'1 32.2142.0422 4573.8 Ib89.0 ~3.?~ __ ~S4.~ ____ !Q.7.'1_Xl~!L7 2005---6-:-343'1 7:S---i4~--2-56--:-6---32-: 2-1-4 7 ~4q i 1--474~-:2--i 633 .3----3.2 472.0 162.3 2051.6 2006 0, 3203 ____ J ~ 8 ___ 744.4 ______ 238,4 32,2_1 S3, 158Q _____ 4'131, 7 _____ 157'l, 6 3.2 4'10. I 15? 0 1'175,0 2007 0.2'183 7.8 744,Il 222,0 32.2 15'1.0515 5121,5 1527.7 3.2 50'1.0 151.8 1'101,b 2008 0.2778 7.8 741l,4 206.8 32,2 _11>5,1807 _ 5318.8 1477,6 3.2 528.6 146.8 IB31.2 200'l----0~2587------7:8-----744:4 192:6 32.2 171.5552 552~.1 142'1.2 3.2 S~<O 142:0 17b3:8 ___ ~.Q) 0 0.2410 7. 8 7LJ~_L_~ __ 17c~ -'--Ll 32.2 17_8.1 84b 573?-,-_5 __ I.3~8~ ... 5 ____ ~_2 __ S7Q, ?~ __ IE.!!-I __ !~'l'l !2_ 5018.7 352'13.0 5230.1 17'1b.1 42107.7 7.8 32--:--2---17 S:-Z---5737. 5--1-8b77-:8-----~--3. 2----~--570. 2 ~-1-85-b~2--2iq57-. j--------- _?3 '170,? 5800,3 3652,2 65064,'1 CRF= O.0!38 AV ANN BENEFITS = 549.3 3'183,8 2b'l,6 4802,7 CAPACITY VALUE: '15.43 FUEL ENERGY VALUE (1'180): 61.10 AVE ANNUAL PONER BENEFITS: 4802.7 EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFJTS: 4'184.7 ---~-----~------ANNUAC--COSTS:-3234 -: 0-----~-~--~-- 8/C RATIO: 1.54 YEAR ECONOMIC EVALUATIOII OF HrDROPO .. ER "'ODEL ALASKA DIS1R]CT, ARMY CORPS OF E~GINEERS ALLISON HrDRO: W/PRTJ REvISED APAI FuEL E~~ TO 1990; 8~W PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT MARKETABLE FIRM PRES. WORTH MAR~ET. wORTH MARKETABLE VALUE OF WURTH OF FIRM M!LL5/K~H ENERGY ENERGy SE~D~DAR, FACTOR ---CAPAC! T Y--CA PAU t V-CAPAC if Y --E NE f<Gy J NC • -o!:.t~---BE ~E.F i T S-SE r,EF f I-S-" [I.U'G Y VALUE OF SEC. BENERGr PRE SEIIT .. _~D~TH TOTAL SEC. E~ERGY 6E~EF]T5 ------.---------.-.-----.---------------------.-.-----.---------------.-------.--.------.---------.----- ------------------( t-Hot) t 5 1 000) (S i 600) (G .. ,,1) (! 1 000) ( ! 1 000) ( G" h) ( $ 1 000 ) ( ~ 1 0 0 0 J ( ~ 1 000 J 1990 1.0000 0.0 0.0 _______ 0.0 7.084.4849 _591,4 5'11.4 0,0 0,0 0.0 5'11." 1'19 1 --0: 93 i 3 -----0 :-0 --------O. 0 O. 0 1 I • 7 1\ 4. 4 B 49 '188 • 5 920 • b O. 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 920.0 ___ 1'1'12 O. 8b73 0.0 0 !..0 _____ 9-'O _____ I?, 5 __ 84,484 'I. ___ 13Cf4 ,0_---.1 20~JL _ 9! 0 0, Q _______ 0,9 __ .1 2 0'1.1 ('I '13--O:-if6 7 8 O. 0 0 .0 0 • 0 21 • b 8 ... 484'1 1 82" • 9 1 4 7 4 • I 0 • 0 0 • 0 O. 0 1 474. 1 I 'I 9 4 0 • 7 5 2 3 3 • 3 ~ 1 4 • 'i _____ n b • 9 _ 2 7 • 4 8 4 • 4 8 4 9 2 3 1 4 ! 'I ___ I 7 4 I , '5 _ _ 0 , 0 0 , 0 . 0 , 0 1 9 7 8 ! 4 I 995--6: 7006 -----Q ~ b 439. 0 307. 6 32.2 84 • 4849 2720 • 4 1 'lOb. 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 22 I 3. 5 1'I9b 0.b525 S.8 553.5 3bl.2 32.2 ~4.48~9 2720.4 1775.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2]3b.2 1997 0.b077 -----7.1 677.b 411.7 3?2 -b4.4849 2720.4-1053.2 0.0 C.O 0.0 2064.'1 I 9 9 8 0 • 5 b 5 9 7 • 8 7 4 4 • 4 42 I • 3 3 2 • 2 8 4 • 4 8 4 9 2 7 2 0 • 4 I 5 3 9 • 0 0 • 0 0 , Q Q ,_0 1 9 b 0 • 9 ---1 '199--0-: 5271 7. 8---7 4-4-:-4----3Q2~ 3---32 :2--8~:-48Lj-9--2726:4---1-4 33-:"9 ---0.0 0.0 0.0--1826: 2 n I I-' N 2000 0.4909 7.8 744.4 3b5.~ 32.2 8Ll.48Ll9 2720.4 1335.4 ~.2 270... 132.7 1633,5 2001-0.4572 -----7:8 744:4 340.3 32:2 84.4849 2720.4' 1243.7 3.2 270.4 i23:b 1707.5 2002 0.4258 7.B 744.4 31b.9 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 1158.2 3.2 270.4 115,1 1590,3 2 0 0 3 0 • 39 b 5 --7 -. 8 7 I< I< : .. 29 5 : 1 3 2 • 2 8 4 : 4 B " 9 27 2 0 • 4 I 0 7 8 • 7 3 • 2 2 7 0 • 4 1 0 7 • 2 I 4 6 1 • 0 2004 0.3b93 7.8 744.4 274.9 32.284.4849 2720.4 1004.b 3,2 ______ 270,4 99.B ____ q7~!~ ______ _ 2005---0:3Ll39----r:-B---7L14~-4--25b-:O -----32 :2--8~-: 484Q--2720: 4--935: b --3.2 27 o. ~---93 :-6 12B~. b 200 b 0 • 3203 7 • 8 7 4 4 • 4 23 B • .. 32 • 2 84 • 4 B 4 9 _____ 27 2 0 , 4 ___ 87 1 , 3 3 , 2 27 0 • 4 80 • 0 I I 90 , 3 2007 0.2983 7:8 744.4-222.032.2 84.484'1 2720.4 Bll.5 3.2 270.4 80.b 111~.2 2008 0.2778 7.8 744.4 20b.8 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 755.7 3.2 270.4 75,1 1037,b 2009 O.2SS7 7.8744:4 192.b 32.284.4849-2720.4 703.8 3.2 270.1, b9.9 9bo.4 20 I 0 0.2410 7.8 744 ._~ ___ J?_9.!~ 32.2 84.484'1 2720.4 b55 ... _? ____ ......l!f ___ ?7 O~~ _____ .!>?L ___ 'IQ.Q.Q __ _ 5018.7 24798.3 2973.9 1048.8 30Bb5.9 2011 ---2090--3:-ZSS11 7.8 74/j~lj-.l"4~a:~---32-:-2---8~5 2720.4 8BS~---3:-2---i7 0.4 33b54,3_ ~244 ,2 880.1 1'128,9 12159.2 43025.1 PRESENT ~ORTH BENEFITS 7441.9 -._----- CRF= 0.0738 AV ~NN BENEFITS = 549.3 --_._--------------------------- CAPACITY VALuE= 'lS.43 FUEL ENERG1 VALUE (1980): bl.IO AvE ANNUAL PO~ER BENEFITS= 3175.9 EMPLOYMENT 8E~EFITS~ 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS= 3357.9 ----ANNU-Al.-COST3-"-3234-:-0-- ___ _______ B(~ __ ':!~ T ~9= 1.011 _2IJ84,? 3175,9 ECONOMIC EV~LUATION OF HYDROPO~ER MODEL ALAS~A DISTRICT, A~MY CORPS OF E~GINEERS __ _ __ ALL ISO N H Y Q R 0 I ~ I ~ R T IRE V I SED A P A; NO F U E L ESC; 8"1 W PRESENT TOTAL PRESE~T MARKETABLE FIR~ PRES. ~ORTH MARKET. PRESENT WORTH MAR~£TABLE VALUE OF wORTH OF fIRM MILLStKr'lH __ ~NEI!!!.Y ____ ENE~~Y ___ ~ECOIWARr ---Y-E AR---F A C TOR--t A-PACITY--CAPAC iiy-CAPAC IT Y-E-NE RGY--i ~C:. cii.M BE NE FIT S BE r,EF ITS U.[RG Y VALUE OF SEC. BEr-ERGY . "'QRT t1 TQTn SEC. E~EkCY BENEFITS -------------, M W )----( i i 0 00 ) ( 1 I 0 00 ) ( G w H ) ( 1 I 00 0 ) ( ~ I 0 0 0 ) ( G W H ) ( S I 0 0 0 ) ( S I 0 0 0 ) ( S I 0 0 0 ) 1'1'10 ___ 1.0000 _______ 0,0 _______ 0,0 .0.0 7.0 __ 6(>.'1200 _468.4 .4/)8.tj 0,0 0,0 0.0 4be.4 1'1'11 0.9313 0.0 0,0 0.0 11.7 6b.'1200 783.0 72'1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 72'1.2 ___ 1J_92 __ Q.~6D ____ 9_.0 0 ,Q _____ 9. 0 ___ I./) .. ~_/)Q.92Q 0 ____ IJQ4 .'--____ 951 .. 1 __ 0, Q ______ 0.0 ________ 0. Q _957. L 1'1'13 0.8018 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.6 66.<;200 1445.5 1167.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1167.6 ____ I'I'I". __ 0,}52~ _____ 3,~ ____ ;314,q nb.9 21.4 ___ 66.'1200 _1833.b. ____ 1379.4 _ 0.0 0,0 0.0 1610.3 1'195 0.7006 4.6 439.0 307.6 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 1509.7 0,0 0,0 0.0 1817.3 1'196 0.6525 5.8 553.5 361.2 32.2 bb.<;200 2154.8 __ 1406.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 1767.2 19'17 0:6017 -----":i -677.6 411.7 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 1309.5 0,0 0.0 0.0 1721.2 1'1'18 0.5659 7.8 744! 4 4f1.l~ ___ n.f_/)I:>_L9fOQ ___ 1L5~. ~ __ ) n 9.5..__ 9.90. Q ________ 0 .. L ___ l!i~Q • .e __ . ---1-'19'1--0-:-5271 1:8---7~L!.~----3'l2.3 32.2 66,9200 2154.8 1135.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1520.1 2000 0.1l909 7,8 744.4 3b5,4 ____ 32,2 66.9200 2154.8 1057.7 3.2 214.1 105.1 1528.2 (J 2001 0.4572 7.8 744.4 340.3 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 985.1 3,2 214.1 97.9 1423.3 I 2002 0,4258 7.8 744,4 316,9 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 .. _917.4 3.2 214.1 91.2 1325.5 t;. 2003 0:3'165 7.8 744.4 295.1 32.2 bb,'1200 2154.8 854.4 3.2 214.1 84.'1 1234.5 ' ___ 2004 0.3693 1.8 744,4 274J. 32.l2 __ ~6, 92QQ ___ f L~.E..Jl ___ IJ~ ... L__ _~. ~ ____ ~ 1 ~ .1 ____ 19. L __ llll'l. 7 __________ 1 2005--0:-3 Q:3 q '1:-8 ----7 -44: 4 ---2 Sb • 0 32. 2 66 • '1200 2 154 • 8 74 I • I 3.2 2 I 4 • I 73.6 I 070.7 2006 0.3203 ______ 1.1l 744,4 ____ 238,4 ___ J2.2 ___ 66.9200 __ 2154.8 ___ 690,2 ;'.Z ~1~.1 b8.i> '1'1],2 2001 0.2'183 7.8 14~.4 222.0 32.2 66,9200 2154.8 642.8 3.2 21~,1 63.'1 '128.7 2006 0 • 2778 _______ 1. 8 7 ~ ~ • 4 2 0 b • 8 32 • 2 _ 66, '120 0 _ 2 I 54 • 8_ _ 598 ,I> 3 • 2 2 I 4 • 1 .. 5'1. 5 864 • 9 2009 -0: 2581 1 • 8 14 /1.4----I 92 , b 32.2 66 .9200 2 I 54 • 8 557. 5 :1.2 2 I ~ • I 55 • 4 805.5 2010 O. 211 I 0 7.8 144 ,Il U~L4 3L.2 __ ~~ .. 9fOO __ 2.1~.!I-L§ ___ ~J~~ ____ ..J.~ ____ ~ l!l. L_---.5I .. b __ ~_5Q.2. ___ . __ ' 5018.7 1'1642.6 2355.6 830.8 25q'l2.1 ------------- 2011 ----20 q 0--3 -:-25511 7.8 21511.8 70lIJ,7 3.2 ,- PRESEtH _WORTtt. BENEFIT~ CRF= 0.0736 AV ANN BENEFITS: -------------------------_._----------------. CAPACITY VALUE= '15.43 fUEL ENERGY VALUE (1'180)= 61.10 AVE ANNUAL POWER BENEFITS= 2629.8 EMPLOl~ENT BENEFITS= 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS: 2811.8 ----ANNUAC-COSTS=-32:111.0----- BIC RATIO: 0.87 - -. -- 26657, q ___ _ l'Ib1,L I! 2.8 262'1.8 ---------.-------.------.------------.------- ECONO~IC EvALUATION OF H~OwuPO~ER ~OOEL A LA 51\ A DIS T R I Cl, A R,.. ~ COR P S 0 FEN G I I. E E R S ALL!SON ~YDRO:~O(PRTI REVISED APAJ NEw FUEL ESCI 8~~ ----._------ PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT ~ARKETABLE FIRM PRES. WORTH ~A~KET. VALUE OF PRE~ENT ___________ WQRI fL"'ARKEJ A!lL~_Y_~~Ul_ QF_~Q8.TH Qf __ J I R~ __ ~ ILL ~tK.!'/H~_E_Tlj~ 8~r __ ETljEg~L_?~ q,)r.[lA~L _ ~tC IiQRT H TOTA\. YEAR FACTOR CAPACITY CAPACITY C'PACITY ENERGY INC. O&~ BENEFITS &E~EFITS E~ERGY BENERGY SEC. ENlRGY blNEFITS --.----. -----.-. ---------------- -------------------.------------- -- (MW) (SIOOO) (SIOOO) (Gr"'1) (!IOOO) (11000) (Gr.H) (11000) (SIOOO) (tIOOO) __ .1999 ___ l.Q9QO _____ 3.18 ___ 362,6 )b2.6 32.2 64.484'1 2720.4 ___ 2720.4 :'>.2 '70.~ 270.4 3353.4 1991 0.9313 5.3--505.8----471.0 32.2 87.6315 2821.7 2627.9 3.2 280.4 261.2 33bO.1 1992 0.8673 6.7 H~_.~ ___ 5?!I.6 ______ 32,? __ 90,9Q~Q __ 2_921.I __ f?:.\!I.!L_ _ 3,'-____ 2'1Q.9 _____ 252,3. ___ ~345.7 ---1-9 q 3--6 :-807-8 7 • 8 7 4 4 • 4 6 0 I • 3 3 2 • 2 9 u • 3 0 7 4 3 0 36 • 7 24 5 3 • 0 3 • 2 3 0 I • 8 2 4 3 • 8 3 2 'i 8 • 0 I 994 __ 0!}?2} _?8 ___ 7tj4.-,! __ 560,032.2 __ 97.84/:>9 _____ 3150.7 _____ 2370.2 3.2 313.1 235.0 3165.8 1995 0.7006 7.8 744.4 521.5 32.2 101.5279 3269.2 2290.5 3.2 324.'1 227.6 3039.6 I 99 b 0 • 6 5 2 5 7 • 8 7 44 • 4 _ Q 8 5 • 7 3 2 • ? __ _ I 0 5 , 3 5 6 3 .3 3 9 2 ,5 ___ 2 2 I 3 • b 3 , 2 3 3 7 • 1 2 2 0 • 0 2 'I 1 9 • 3 1997--0:/;077"-----7:8 --7Q4~4------452.3 32.2 10'1.3377 3520.7 2139.5 3.2 349.9 212.6 2804.4 __ --:1998 0.5659 7_.8 ___ 7 ~4 .'L __ 4f 1,3 ___ }?. f __ ln ,-,!? 84 3t>5 ~,Q ____ Z06fl.Ji_ __ _ __ ~,' HL I _____ , Q5, 5 ___ 'Q~4 ... L___ ___ _ 1999---6-:-5271 7. 8 744 .4 39 2.3 32.2 I I 7. 7847 ;3 79 2 • 7 19 '19 • 0 3.2 376 • 9 198. 7 2590 • 0 2000 0!4909 ____ 7.8 74Q.4 365,4 32,2_ 122.2633 3936,'1 1'132,5 3,2 3'11,2 1'12,1 248'1,9 2001 0.4572 7.8 744.4 340.3 32.2 126.9211 4086.9 le68.3 3.2 400.1 185.7 23'l~.3 2002 0.4258 7.8. 7Q4,4 ___ 316,'1 32,2 131,7651 _4242,8 1806,4 3,2 u21.6 179.5 230Z.9 2003 0.3965 7.8 744.4 2'15.1 32.2 136.802'1 4405.1 1746.7 3.2 437.8 173.0 2215.4 2004 0.36'13 7 I 8 7_Q.:!, ~ ____ ?7_4, 9 ______ 32 .1_1.~? .9.!<..?2 45J 3_.~ __ 1 k~,!.Q_ .3. 2 _____ ~54, 5 _____ 101. '1 __ 2111_. L ----2005--~-0:-3439 7.8 744.4 256.0 32.2 147,4'111 47Q9.2 1633.3 3.2 472.0 162.3 2051.6 2006 0.3203 ______ 7.8 ____ 744,~ _____ 238'4 __ 32,2 153.158_Q ___ ~931.7._-_157_'1.6 3.2 4'10.1 157.0 1975.0 2007 0.2983 7,8 744.4 222.0 32.2 15'1.0515 5121.5 1527.7 3.2 509.0 151.0 1'101.6 2008 0.2778 ____ 7~8 74Q!4 ___ 206,8_ 32.2 _ 165,180L_53!8.8 ___ 1477,/:> 3.2 526,~ Itj6,8 1831.2 200'l----0~2567 7,8 7144.4 192.6 32.2 171.5552 5524.1 1429.2 3.2 549.0 142.0 1763.8 ___ 2=-.010 0.2410 7.8 744.4 U9 ... 4 32.2178,1646 573].5 1382__'5 ____ ~.f __ ?7Q.L __ U]__'~ ___ L~'!j.' ____ _ 7710.4 41493.7 8438.6 4123.b 53327.7 :l.~013 .1 10133.5 !2-;2 --(7-8~--573-7--=-5--f6b77:-S---~ -'-'3--:~2----570 -:-2--185b-:2--2-i9sr:-l .------ CRF: 0.0736 AV ANN BENEFITS: 746,0 CAPACITY VALUE: 95.43 FUEL ENERGY VALUE (1960)= 61.10 AVE ANNUAL POwER BENEFiTS: 5630.9 EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS= 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS= 5812.9 ---------------------------'----'---ANNUACCOSTSi: -3234~-0 _______ __ ________ ___ _ B/~ __ R~ TI9= 1.80 60171;5 900,8,8 597,~,8 H28Q.8 ------~-~ ECONO~IC EVALUATION OF HYDROPO~ER MODEL ALASKA DISTRIC1, ARMY CORPS OF Er.GIr>EERS ALLISON HYDRO:~O/PRT, REVISED AP,; FUEL ESC yo )990; 6~w PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT MARKETABLE FIR~ PRES. ~ORTH ~A~KE1. VALUE UF PRESENT WORTH MARKETABLE VALUE OF WORTH OF FIRM MILLS/~WH ENEAGYENERGYSECONO&RI ----YTA R--FAe {OR--CAP A C-I TY-C APACI T Y-C A PAC i i y-~ ENE RG Y --INC ~ -oi~1 ~-~-BE I,E FiT 5--bE ;;u ITS E rde R G Y SEC, ~ __ ~OR1H lOYAL BENlRGY SEC. ENl~GY Bl~EFI1S ----.--. -.-----------------------------. -----------------.-----. -.-----. ---.-.-. -------. -.---.-. ~------- n I I--' U"1 (MW) (SlOOO) ($1000) (G~H) (~IOOO) (11000) (G~H) ($1000) 1990 1.0000 3.~ 302.b ~ 362.0 32,2 ~4.4~~9 2720.4 2720,4 3.Z 270,4 1991 0.9313 5.3 505.8 471.0 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 2533.0 3.2 270,4 ____ J 9'12_ ~_O--, 80 7 ) ____ ~ ,J ___ ~o ?"--J 1! ___ ??4, b __ 32, 2 _ 84, 4b4"-_~ __ 212 0, 9~ n';.'l. 5 _ 3.2 27 Q. ~ 1'193 0.8078 7.8 744.4 601.3 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 2197.5 3.2 270.4 1994 0.7523 _ 7,8 744,4 _ 560,0 32.2 84.4649 2720." 2040.0 3.2 270,4 1995 0.7000 7.8 744,4 521.5 32.2 e~.u849 2720.~ 1900.0 3.2 270.4 1990 0.6525 7.8 744.4 485.7 32.2 84.4849 2720,4 1775.1 3,2 270.4 1997 0.b077 7.8 744.4 452.3 32.2 84.4649 2720.4 1053.2 3.2 270,4 I 998 0 • 505'1 7. 8 7 44 • 4 42 1. 3 32 • 2 84 • 4 8 ~ 9 ___ 27 2 Q.'I __ ~ _ 1 5 39. ~__ 3 • ;> 2 7 Q • 4 199'1---0-:-5271----7:8---7~~:4--3'l2:3--32.284.4849 2720.4 1433.9 3.2 270.4 2000 0.4'10'1 7,8744.4 365.4 32.2 84,4649 2720.4 1335,4 3,2 270,4 2001 0.4572 7.8 744.4 340.3 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 1243.7 3.2 270.4 2002 0.4258 7.8 744.4 310.9 32.2 b~.4849 2720.4 1158,2 3,2 270,4 2003 0.3905 7,8 744.4 295.1 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 1078.7 3,2 270.4 2 0 0 4 0 • 3 b 9 3 7 • 8 74 4 • 4 27 4 • 9 3 2 • 2 il 4 • 4 8 4 9 2 7 2 0 • 4 I Q 0 ~ , L _ ~ • 2 _______ nO. ~ 2CC5--0~343'1 7~8---7"4-;~---25b.0-----32;2--84;4849--2720~~----935.0 :1.2 270.4 200b 0.3203 7.B 744.4 238.4 32.2 8~.4849 2720,4 .. 871,3 3,2 270.~ 2007 0.2983 7.8 744;4 222.0 32.2 84.4849 2720,4 BII.5 3.2 270,4 2008 0.2778 7.8 74~.4 206.8 32.2 84.484'1 2720.4 755,7 3.2 270,4 2009 0.2587 7.8 744;4 192.6 32.2 84.4849 2720,4 703.8 3.2 270.4 2010 0.2410 7.8 744.4 179.4 __ g,1 ___ ~!!.,~84? ____ :._f}I9__'~ b55,5 __ ~!~ ___ ~ 279.li -------------------------71io:~4 ---3071~:3---5077.4 2 011 2090 3.255q 7.8 PRESENT wORTH BENEFITS CRf= _0.0738 AV ANN BENEfITS = eI~~3,1 10133.5 748.0 32.2 84.5 2720.4 8855.9 39575.2 2921.2 ------------------------------------------------ -------------------- CAPACITY VALUE= 95.43 FUEL ENERGY VALUE (1980): bl.IO AvE ANNUAL POwER 8ENEFITS= 3959.5 --EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS= -182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS= 4141.5 ---------A t, NU A C C O-S T S=3 2 34; 0 ------ BIC RATIO: 1!28 3.2 270.4 5947,7 ($1000) ($1000) 270,4 3353.4 251.8 32511.'< 234,S __ :!>14~.b 218.4 3017.1 203,4 2809.9 189.4 2010.'1 176,~ 2437.2 104.3 2209.8 . ___ 1 ~ 3 • Q _ _ ? I I ~ , 'I 142.5 19bEl.7 132.7 1833,5 123.0 1707.., 115.1 1590.3 107.2 1461.0 99.8 1~79,L ----~-~93 : 0 I 284 • 0 8b.b 11'10.3 80.& 1114.2 75.1 1037.6 69.9 900.4 65.1 900.0 ---305 2:S ---~ I-~ b 2 : ~- 880. I 3932.9 290.3 1215Q.2 53041,7 3959.5 ECUNOMIC EVALuATIO~ OF HYDRGPO~ER MODEL ALASKA DISTRICT, ~R"'Y CORPS OF EI.GI',E!:.RS ___ ~,=L I SON HYDRO: l'o0tPRT I REV I SED APA I ~iO FulL ESC 18M" --------- PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT ~ARKETABLE FlAM PRES. ~ORTH MARKET. VALUE OF PRESENT WORTH MARKETABLE VALUE OF WORTH Of ____ FIRM MILLS/KrtH -----yEAR --FACTOR --O:p""jCI T Y-CAPAC I fy-CAPAC IT Y ENE RGY---r NC -0&1'1 ENEFlGY ENERGY _ SECO"liA~! _ SEC, BEN EF IT oS -b ui E F f T S fI, ERG Y BEN ERG Y wORTH TOTAL SEC,E:itRGY bt:"U 1 T 5 ---------------------------------.-.---. ------.-----.-.----------------------------------------. -------- ,-----~--. --"--- ( M w ) ( S 1 0 0 0 ) ( S -1 0 0 0 ) ( G w ~ ) ( ~ 1 0 0 0 ) ( 11 0 0 0 ) ( G ~ ,., ) ( $ 1 [I 0 0 ) ( S 1 0 0 0 ) ( 1 I 0 0 0 ) 1'1'10 1.0000 LB :H2.6 :'>62.6 32,2 6b,9200 _ 215~.8 2154,8 :'>.~ 21~.1 ZI~.1 2731.1> 1 '1'1 I ----0 : '13 1 3 -----5 : 3 -505 • 8 ~ 71 • 0 3 2 • 2 66 • '12 0 0 2 I 5 ~ • B 2006 • 8 :'> • 2 2 1 " • I I '1'1 • ~ 2 b 77 • :'> ___ -'I'--c:'1'12 0.8673 6.7 b3'1.~ ~.2!!.Lb ___ n.f ___ bb,'12QO ___ fl?!J..8 _____ 18~'1,9 ~,? 2)4.1 1~5,7 _2QQ9,3 1'193 0.B078 7.-8---7il~-:-~----601.3 32.2 06.'1200 215~.6 17~O.6-3.2 21~.1 17:'>.0 251~.'1 1'1'14 0.7523 ?!~ ___ 7~4,~ ___ 5~Q.O ___ 32,2 __ 66,'1200 ____ 215~,8 ____ lb21.1 3,2 214.1 )bl.l (342,1 I q q 5---0 :-" 0 0 b 7 • B 7 4 ~ • 4 5 2 I. 5 3 2 • 2 6 6 • '12 0 0 2 I 5 ~ • 8 1 5 0 'I • 7 3 • 2 2 1 4 • I 1 5 0 • 0 2 I 8 1 • 3 1'1'16 0.6?25 7.8 74~.4 485,7 32,266,'12002IS~,8 ____ 1~06.P 3.2 21~.1 13'1.7 2031.4 1'1'17 O.b077 -----7:a------7411.4-----452.:'> 32.2 66.'1200 2IS~.8 130'1.5 ~.2 2)~.1 130.1 15'1).'1 _____ I_'1~_8 ___ 0..!..~~?~ 7. a 7411.4 421,332,2 66,9209 __ ?J.5~ ,8 121 'I .. 5 _~, , _____ 21 ~. '--__ \ 21.2 ___ 1 H2. Q __ _ 1'1'1'1 0.5271 7;1i---74Li:Il---3Q2.3----32.2--bb.9200 21S ... 8---1-135.8---3.2 21~.1 112.'1 :~~I.O 2000 0.4'10'1 7.a 74~.4 365.4 32.2 66.'1200 215~,8 1057,7 3,2 21Q,I 195,1 IS26.2 2001 0.4572 ---7:8 744:~ 340.3 32;2 66.9200 2IS~.8 985.1 3.2 214.1 Q7,9 1423.3 2002 0.4258 __ 7!8 7~4.4 316,'1 32.2 6b.'I200 215~,B '117,4 3.2 21~.1 9),Z 1325.5 2003 0.3965 7.8 7~~.~ 2'15.1 32.2 66.9200 2IS~.8 854.4 3.2 214.1 84.'1 12:'>4.5 2004 0.3693 7.8 74~. ~ ____ ~ 7 jj ,'I _____ 32L? __ ~t> .9_2 99 __ JI 5jj, ~ ___ 7'12, L 3, ~ ____~) ~ , l ____ J'! .. 1. ___ 11 ~5. 7 __ ----2-00S--0:"3u3'1 7.-8 744.~ 256.0 32.2 60.'1200 2154.8 741.1 3.2 21~.1 73.6 1070.7 2006 0._3203 _______ 7~8 __ 744,4 238,4_ 32,2 6b,9200 ____ 2154,8 ___ 690,2 3.2 21~,) i:>8,b __ '1'17.2 2007 0.2'183 7.8 744.4 222.0 32.2 60.'1200 2154.8 642.8 3.2 21Q.1 6:r,.'1 QU.7 2 0 0 B 0 • 2 7 7 8 7 • 8 7 4 4 • Q 2 C 6 • 8 3 2 • 2 b b , 'I 2 0 0 2 I 5 4 ,8 ~ ____ 5 'I 8 , b 3 • 2 2 I ~ , I 5'1 • 5 8 6 4 , 'I 2 0 0 'I 0 • 2 5 8 7 -------7 : a ---H 4 • 4 I '12 • 6 3 2 • 2 6 6 • 'I 2 0 0 2 I 54 • a 557. 5 3 • 2 2 1 4 • 1 55 • 4 8 0 5 • 5 2010 0.2410 7.8 744.4 I}"_.~ 32.2 6b, .. ?Q.0 ___ fJ.5...IlL8 51'1-'_2 _____ },f __ ?!~.I _____ ~I.!> ____ I~Q.' __ _ 7710.4 24332.6 ~4'17,0 2418.1 34~61.1 7014,7 ;\P~?3 ---------~~----3,2 21~.1 0'17.1 10135.0 CRf= 0.0738 AV ANN BENEFITS = 748.0 CAPACITY VALuE= '15.113 FuEL ENfRGY VALUE (Iqeo): 61.10 AVE AN~U.L PO~ER BENEFITS: 32'11.8 EMPLOYMENT BENEfITS= IB2.0 AN~UAL BE~EFITS: 3473.8 --ANNUACCOSTS=3234: 0 -------- _______ . _______ B! ~ _ R. A T I 0.: I . 07 471 I 'f 31}5,3 445'16,1 _ 23p,'1 no, Q 32'11,B -. -----------------.---------I i --.. -~------------.. ----------"----------, n , ........ '-.J ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF HYDROPO~ER MODEL A~.SKA DISTRICT, ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS __________ ALLISON HY[)RO: r./PRTI RETHERFORD, NEr. FuEL ESCI BMw . ---------- PRESENT TOTAL PRESENT MARKETABLE FIR",· PRES. \'IORTH "'AR~ET. VALUE OF PRESENT ________ IIQRTtt "'AR~U!BL~_~~LUE_ClE __ "'O~TH Qf_JI R':1 ___ MI~LS/K",H __ ~r!~RG't ___ P~ERGY __ s~CONDA~L _ SEC, ____ "'QRTH __ TOr A~ YEAR FACTOR CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY ENERGY INC. OtM BENEFITS BENEFITS E~fRGY BENlkGY SEC. E~£RGY BENlF11S ------.----.---- ------.---------------------------.-.-------.-----------------.---------.-------.------- ----------------------(Mwf--1S1000) (51000) (GwHJ 01000) (~1000J (GrIH) (11000) (1000) (11000) 1990 1.0000 ______ 0~0 ______ 0,0 _______ 0.Q_ 0,0 B~,~81<9 O.Q 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 1991----0:9313 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 87.6315 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 __ ----'1992 0.8673 o.g 0.0 0.9 2le __ 90r90~L __ f2~-,'? __ f?O.§ Q,Q o,Q _______ O.O ___ nO,e_ 199-3 ---0 :e-oYil 0 • 0 0 • 0 O. 0 8 • ~ 9 ~ • 307 ~ 7'12 • 2 639 • 9 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 639. 9 ________ 19911 0.7523 1..d ____ 105 .. O _____ 79,_0 _____ ! ~. 3 __ 97. B~ 69 _____ .1399.2 _____ 1052.1:> 0,0 0.0 _ 0.0 1131,6 1 995 ---0: 7 0 0 b 3 • 0 286.3 200 • 6 20 • 6 I 0 I .527'1 209 I. 5 I ~ 65. 3 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 1 065. Q 1996 0.6525 ~.9 ~67.6 305.1 27,3_ 105,3563 2870.2 1870,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 2161.9 I 997 0 ~ b 0 77 -----b ~ 7---b 39 • Q 38 b • 5 32 • 2 1 O'l , 337 7 3520 • 7 2 1 39 • 5 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 2525 • (; ____ :1998 O. 5b59 7, 8 7~~..!.~ ___ ~_21 !~ ____ ~~! ~_!t3,-~ 7 ~ ~ __ .ll>,?~,-Q __ f9!::>§,Q ______ 9. Q ______ 0.9 _____ Q. Q _____ f~~~.2 1999--6-:-5271 '7 , 8 7 'l ~ • ~ 39 2. 3 32.2 1 I 7 • 7 '0 ~ 7 37'12 • 7 1 999. 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 239 I • 3 2000 0.~909 7,8 71.l~.'< 365.~ 32.2 122.2633_. 3936.9 1932.5 ~,2 391,2 _192,1 2~89.9 2001 ~~4572 --7:8 7~4.~ 3QO.3 32.2 126.9211 ~oe6.Q 1868.3 3.2 ~Db.l 185,7 2394,3 2002 0.~256 7,8 7~,<,4 316.9 32.2 131,7651 1.l2~2.8 1806,4 3,2 ~21.6 _ 179,5 2302,9 2003 0.3965 7.8 7~1.l.4 295.1 32.2 13b.8029 4~05.1 17~6.7 3.2 ~37.8 173.6 2215.4 ___ 200~ __ 0.J69? 7.8 74~~~ __ ?7~-,-_~ ___ ~2-,-2_1.4.2-,--9~_~_2 ___ I.l21~--,-~ ___ I~~'!.....il _______ ~!? ____ ~5Q L~ ____ 1 !:>7~9 __ ?!}1 ~7 _____ I 2005 0.3~39 7.8 7~~.4 256.0 32.2 1~7.1.l911 47~q.2 1633.3 3.2 1.l72.0 162.3 2051.6 2006 0!3203 ____ 7.8 ___ 7~~t'< ______ ne,~ _______ 32,2_!5~,15~0 __ ._1.l9)1.7 __ I,?.?9,6 _3,2 1.l90,1 __ 157.0 ___ 1975,0 2007 0.2<183 7,8 744.4 222.0 32.2 159.0515 5121.5 1527.7 3.2 509.0 151.8 1'101.6 2008 0.277B 7.8 74~.4 206,8 32.2 lb5,1807 ___ 531~,8 __ 1477.L__ 3,? 528,6 l~b.8 __ !8~1,2 2009 O:258f--~--7:8---7~4~4---192.6 32.2 171.5552 552~.1 1429.2 3.2 5~9.0 1~2.0 lH3.8 2010 0.2410 7. 8 74~ .'< _\79_. I.l 32.2 178 oJ 8 ~b 5737.5 13~? ____ 3-,-_2 ___ ~?9-,-L_ J}I .~ ___ 1_6~~-,L-___ _ CRf= 4bH.6 29534.7 5230.1 179b.l 36005.3 21.l~3.1 7097.7 0.0738 AV ANN BENEFITS: 523.9 32,2 176.2 ---------------- CAPACITY VALUE= 95.43 FU[L ENERGY VALUE (1980)= 61.10 AVE ANNUAL POwER BENEFITS= 4352.3 EMPLOYM[NT BENEFITS= 162.0 57J7.5 16677.6 ~8212.5_ ANNUAL BENEFITS= q53~.3 ----~ ANNUAL-COSTS:-f23ci:0-------------------- _ ~ I ~ R_A T I ~= _1 ,40 570.2 5800.~ _ 185b.2 3b52,2 22957.1 569b2,4 q352,~ Eco~o~rc EVALUllrO~ OF HYDROPO~ER ~ODEL ALASKA DISTRICT, ARMY CORPS OF E~GINEERS PRESENT------TOTAL-PRESENT MARKETABLE FIR~ PRES. I'oORTH ~AfiKET. VALUE OF PRESENT lIOR TH~J5E.T A BL~ __ ValUE _Qf _IIj:lR Tt:1_QE __ El f!M __ ~! L qt~\'I~_~NE RG! ___ ~ NE;RG L_g C Or,O A ~ L __ ~E ~._ _ _~:OR T rt T QT ~b. ----YEA-R--(A-CTOR CAPACITY CAPACITY-CAPACITY ENERGY INC. 0&'" BE~,EFITS BENEFITS EI.ERGY BUiERGY SEC. EI,ERGY bE~EFITS ----_. (Mr.) (SIOOO) (1000) ((OWH) (11000) (11000) (GI'tH) (SIOOO) (SIOOO) ($1000) 1990 1.0000_0,0 0.0_ 0,0_ 0,0 ~4,~8Lj9 ____ O.Q __ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19Q"i--6:CnI3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 84.4849 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ___ 19q2~~~73 Q .... Q 9_.0 _____ 2_.0 , ... 8 __ !l1l. 4 8~'1 ___ 230. Q ___ Z05.2 ______ 0. 0.. _______ 0. L ____ O .Q ______ 20~. 2 _____ _ 1993 0.8078 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.Q 84.4849 709.7 573.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 573.~ _____ 1994 __ 0.7~2~ ____ I.L ____ 195.0 _____ 79.0 _14.3 __ 84.484'1 ___ 1208.1 _____ 908.9 0.0 0.0 ______ 0.0 967.E 1995 0.7006 3.0 28b.3 200.6 20.b 84.4849 1740.4 1219.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1414.9 ____ 1996 ___ 0,b525 _____ 4,9__ 4b7.6 305.1 27,3 _ 84.4849 __ 2306.41505.0 0.0 0.0 __ 0.0 1810.1 1997 0.b077 6.7 639.4 388.5 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 Ib53.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2041.7 ___ 1998 0.5659 ? ... 8 ___ 7.~~L_4 ____ 42 L.3 ____ ~2.~ __ 8~ ,~~~~ __ U10.E ___ t5~9 ... L_ 0.0 _____ O. 0 ____ 9 ... Q __ 19~Q. 'L ____ _ 19qq---O~-527i 7.8 7~Q.4 392.3 32,2 84.4849 2720.4 1433.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 182b.2 2000 0 • 4909 _ ____ _ 7. 8 _ 7 /J 4 , lj 3 b 5 ,4 _____ 32.2 84 , 4 e 4 '1 _ 2720 • 4 13 3 5. /j 3.2 nO. 4 I ~ 2.7 1 8.> 3.5 2 0 0 1 ----0: ~ 5 72 7. 8 7 4 4 • 4 3 4 0 • 3 3 2 • 2 8 4 • 4 8 4 9 2 7 2 0 , 4 1 2 4 3 • 7 3 • 2 2 7 0 • 4 I 2 3. b I 7 0 7 • 5 n 2002 0.~258 7.8 744,4 31b.9 _____ 32,2 ___ 84.4849 2720.4 1158.2 3,2 270.4 115.1 1590.3 ~ 2003 0;3965 7.8 744.4 295.1 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 1078.7 3.2 270.4 107.2 1481.0 (X) 2004 0.3693 ? .!..~ ___ 7_4~ ,-~ ___ 2 71J.! 9 ____ ?2_.? __ ~!l,.484_9 __ ?U9 ,"-__ 19 Olj .. b___ _ _ ~.? ___ ?1 Q l~ _____ ~'!. ~ ___ 1 E9. L ____ _ ---2-6-0 5--6:-3 ilj q 7.8 744.4 25b.0 32.2 84.4849 2720.4 935.b 3.2 270.4 93.0 1284.6 2006 0.3203 __ ~_7,B _744,4 236,4 ____ 32.2 __ B4,4Bq9 ___ ._2720,~ ____ 871.3 3,2 nO,<I ~6l~ 1196,3 2007 0.2983 7.8 74'1.4 222.0 32,2 84.4849 2720.4 811.5 3.2 270.4 BO.b 1114.2 2008 0.277B 7.8 7q4.~ 20b.B 32.2 8Q.Q849 2720,4 755.7 3,2 270,4 75.1 10~7lb 2009 0;2587 7.8 74~;4··· 192;b 32:2 84:4849---2720.~-----7()3.8 3.2 270.4 b9.9 9b6.4 20 I 0 0.211 I 0 7.8 744.4 17'1_.4 32.2 6Q. 4849 272_Q~ b55.1._5 _____ 1.2 _____ f7 O. '!. ___ f!2.t ! ___ ~9Q ...9 ___ ._ CRF= IIb74.b 19592.3 2973.9 1048.8 25~15.7 0.0738 ~v ANN BENEFITS: ;''i a3. I 7097.7 523.9 32.2 84.5 2720,11 6855.9 3,2 680.1 12159,2 ___ f~q~8.?_ . . 1 ~ ? 8 , 9__ 3 1 q 7 4 • 9 _ • ?7bb,2 -------.. _--------------------------- CAPACITY VALuE= 95.43 FUEL ENERGY VALUE C1 980) = b I. 10 AvE ANNUAL PO~ER BENEFITS= 27bb.2 EMPLOYMENT BENEFIlS= --182.0 ~t/NUAL BENEFITS= 29~8.2 _______ . _______ _ ------ArINUAC-COS1'S=3234-;0---- SIC RATIO: 0.91 ._"----".+---+ ECONO~IC EVALUATION OF HYDROPOwER MODEL ALA9KA DIS1RICT, AR~Y CORPS OF E~GI~[ERS -----_._-- --------PR-E 9 ENT -----TOTAL PRE S£ NT--",.A RKE T ABL E FIR'" PRE 9. ",ORT H ~A R KET • VALUE UF PRESENT WORTH ~ARKETABLE VALUE OF wORTH OF FIRM MILLS/K",H EN~R~L ____ EfiERGt SECQrIDA~r YEAR--F AC T OR--CAPAcITY-CAPAC 1 TY-C APAC J T Y-Ei;"E:RGY-INC~--O&-M--BENEF ITS 8EN£F ITS E r.ERG Y ~E~. ______ ~QRTH TQTAl,. B[NEkGY SEC. E~ERGY B[~~FITS --------. . ---------_.-_. -------------------------(MW5---(SI000) (SIOOO) (GwH) (SIOOO) (SIOOO) (GI'lH) (SI000) (SIOOO) (SI000) -- ----- -_ . 1990 1. 0000 O. 0 0, Q ________ 0 , 0 _____ 0, Q ____ ~ 6.9200 __ ____ _0, 0 _____ 0 .9 _ 0 , 0 0 , Q _ ___ o. Q 0 • 0 ----lqq1--O:-QJ13 0:0----0,0 0.0 0,0 b6.'1200 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 ___ ---'1992 O. S6B 0.0 9. 0 o!o_ 2~_8 __ ~~,~20_9 ___ ~].~ ___ I!?g, ~___ 0, o ________ n. Q ____ Q. Q _____ I ~~.~ 1993--6-:eo-78 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 66.9200 562.1 45~.1 0.0 0,0 0.0 ~5~.1 _____ 1994 ____ 0,7523 10I ___ J05,O _______ 19,0 ____ !4.} __ ~i:1.9?OQ _____ 9S7.O" __ 719,9 0,0 _ 0,0 0.0 798.9 1995 0.7006 3.0 286.3 200.6 20.6 66.9200 1378.6 ~65.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 116b.4 1996 0.6525 4.9 467.6 305,1 ___ 27.3. _____ 66.920Q ____ 1826,9 1192,1 0,0 O.Q 0,0 )497.( 1997 ---0:6077 ----1;,:7---639.~ 38e.5 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 1309.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1690.0 1998 O. 5659 1.!.S ___ 74.~!4 ~ ?J_,J ___ n-,-? __ 6..t!L~?Q.Q. __ 2J2.!:1_,_~ __ !'?J9.~ _______ Q, 9 ___ 0, L ___ Q .. 9 ___ 1 Q~9, ~ _____ _ ---1-999---0--:-5271 7.8 744.4 392.3 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 1135.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1528.1 2000 0.4909 7.8 744.4 365.4 32.2 66.9200 -2154.e 1057,7 3.2 ?14,1 !05,1 _1528,2 2001 0~4572--------7.8 744.4 340:3 32:2---66:9200 ----2154.0 985.1 3:2 21~.1 97.9 1423.3 2002 0 • 4258 _________ 7.8 744 .4 31 6. 9 32.2 66.9200 ___ 21 54 • 8 ___ 9 1 7 , 4 3 • 2 21 4 • 1 91 .2 1 325 , '; 2003 0.39b5 7.8 744.4 295.1 32.2 6b.9200 2154.8 854.4 3.2 214.1 84.9 1234.5 ____ 29_0tl O. 3~J3 7_L8 ___ 7_~~....'I. __ ?? ~-,-9 32. 2 6~-,-~?9_0 __ f L~'!.L.§ ___ 7'!~ .. ] ________ J.f _______ f!~. ! ____ 1~. L __ J 1 ,,~.] ____ _ 2005 0.3439 7.8 744.4 256.0 32.2 66.9200 2154.8 7 U l.1 3.2 214.1 73.6 1070.7 2006 0.3203 7.8 _ 744.4 __ 238.4 _____ 32,2 ____ 66.9200 __ 2154.8 ___ ~_90.2 __ 3.? 2!~. 1 _____ 6§.~ 997.? --2007 --0: 2 q 8 3---7: 8 -----'7 4 ~ : 4 --222. 0 32.2 b 6. 92 0 0 2154 • 8 642.8 3 • 2 2 1 4 • 1 63.9 926 • 7 2008 0.2778 7.8. 7~4.4206.8 _32!2~_66.9290 __ 2154,8 ___ 598,6__ 3,2 214,1 ________ 59,5 _tl64,9 -----2009--0":2587 7:8~------7~":4---1'12:b---32.2 66.Q200 21S~.8 557.5 3.2 21i.i.l 55,4 605.5 2010 0.2QIO 7.8 7~~.4 179.4 32.2 bb.9200 2154.8 519.2 .3.2 211l.1 5h~ ____ 7~Q_.? ___ _ IIb74.6 -15~fI6-:-9---------2355-:-6 830.821024.3 32.2 CRF= _____ 0.0738 AV ANN BENEFIT~ = 523. ~ __ _ bb.9 21511.8 70111.7 ?25D.7 _. -------------- CAPACITY VALUE: 95.43 FUEL ENERGY VALUE-(i980)= bl.l0 AvE ANNUAL PO",ER BENEFITS= 2300.0 EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS~ 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS= 2~82.0 --------------------------ANNUAC-fosis= 3234:0------------ ___________________________________ ~L~ __ RATIQ=_ 0.71 3.2 21 Q • 1 _?5~9. 7 b97.1 __ 1 ~ ~ 7. 9 _ 112. S 10135.0 31159,3 2309,Q ---------------------- ------------------ __ ECONOMIC: EVALUATION OF HYDROPOWER MODEL. ALASKA DISTRICT, ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS _____________ ~LLISON hYDRO: W/P~TI REVISED APAi '"E ... FUEL ESCI SOLOMON SECONlHIHI 8Mr/ -------------PR-ESENT TOTAi-----PRE-SENT MARKETABLE FIR'" PRES. WORTH MARKET. VALUE OF PRESENT w_()R1H.~~TAB~~L\!E_g_F _~QBJIj Q_F __ U RIoI_~nl.~LI\\'!t1_~J,!~R~l ___ Ltj~BG)' __ ~~t;ONQA:f<'t ___ ~EC ,_ !!Qf<iH_ JQHI. YEAR FACTOR CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITy ENERGY INC. O~'" BENEFITS BENEFITS EhERGY BENERGY SEC. ENERGY BE~EFITS --------.. ------.-------.-... ---------------:--~-~~.-.---.--------:~.~~.-.:-: . .::::-,:-:,-:-----~: ---:":'~~~::-------.---------- ----------------C"1Wf---:-C-SIOOOJ---CSIOOO) (GWH) ($1000) ($1000) (GYIHl (11000) (1000) (11000) 1990 1.0000 ___ Q-lQ _____ O,Q ___ O.Q _ 7.L8~.1l8L19 ______ 5.91.~ _____ 5'11.4 O.Q 0.0 _ 0.0 5'1l.~ --I 99 ! --0 :<1 313 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 1 I • 7 8 7 • b 3 I 5 I 025 • 3 95 q • 9 0 • 0 0 • 0 a • 0 95 LI • 9 __ -,1992 O. BbB 0.0 0.,0 O. 0 !b'-~ __ '1Q~90<JQ_1~jJ~ __ U9 LL ____ 0, Q ______ Q. o _____ 0 .L ____ 130 1~ 0 _____ ----1 I 99-3 --0-:-8078 o. 0 o. 0 o. 0 2 1 • b C; ~ • 30 7 ~ 2037 • 0 I b ~ 5. 5 O. 0 O. 0 O. 0 I b LI 5 • 5 I ____ 19'1/l __ 0172~3 3.~ ___ ~I/l.'1 ___ ~~6.'1 ____ 22.~ __ '17,Bl.lb9 ___ n91,f;I_ 16/l8~L 0.0 _____ 0.00.0 _ letl5.e 1995 O.700b /l.b /l3'1,O 307.b 22.LI 101.5279 2274.2 15'13.Q 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900.9 19'1b 0!...b525 ____ 5.8 ____ ?53,5 ___ 3Id,2 22,L1 _105,35b3 __ 23!>O,O ___ 15~'1,'1 0.0 9.Q. 0.0 .. 1901.0 1'1'17 0.b077 7.1 b77.b L111.7 22.4 109.3377 21.1~9.2 1488.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900.1 ___ 1 998 __ 9 !...~~~'1 7,8 7--,!.,! ____ L1 1J,.l. ~ ___ ~, .~_ll ~~ /J]§'~-Z5.!lL ___ 'L __ ..J_I.j~~.b __ . ___ 9~Q ______ 0. Q _____ Q.Q ___ HS9. 8 _____ _ 1'199 0.5271 7.8 744.4 392.3 22.4 117.7B47· 2b38.4 1390.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 17B2.9 2000 0.~q09 7.8 7~4./l 3b5,4 _ 32.2122,2b33 ___ .3 9 3b,9 ___ 1'l32.5 3,2 ~,!I,? 192,1 __ 21.189,9 2001 0:"572 7~8---744.4 340.3 32.2 126.9211 L108b.9 IBbB.3 3.2 ~Ob.1 185.7 239~.3 (J--2002 O.4258 ____ .J,8 _____ 7~L1.4 ____ 316.9 ___ 32.2 131.1651 ___ 1.1242.8 180Q.4 3.2 ~21.Q 179.5 2302.9 I 2003 0.3965 7.8 7~~.L1 295.1 32.2 13c..802'1 L1405.1 171.1b.7 3.2 ~37.8 173.b 2215.~ l N 2QQ./l __ 0...l~93 7,8 H~-----" n_'!.~9 32. "_l't2, Q~?2 ___ 42.U.§ __ IQ.§'L_9 __ . ___ ~ .f ___ ~?'L. 5 ____ H>7. 9 __ , UJ..~_. __ i a 2005-0.3439 i.8 744.4--25b.0 32.2 1'17'-~'111 L17~'1.2 Ib33.3 3,2 /l72.0 Ib2.3 2051.b ____ 200b __ 0! ;!203 ___ h~ ___ 74L1 • .E __ 238, 1l _____ 32, 2 _ 153, 15~0. __ l!9n. 7 __ 1 ~ 79. b_ 3. 2 ~ 90, J ___ 157,0 ____ 1975. ° 2007 0.2983 7.8 744.4 222.0 32.2 159.0515 5121.5 1527.7 3.2 509.0 151.8 l'IOI.b 2008 0.2778 7.8 741l./l 20b.8 32.2 IbS.IB07 5318.B 1~77.6 3,2 528.b \/lb.8 1831 t 2 2009--6-:2587 7;8--744;4---192:b 32.2 171:5552 552/l-:1---142'1~2--3.2 549:0 ---142:0 ·~·i7b3.8 2010 0.2/l10 7.8 74L1.4 179.4 32.2 178.IBLlb 5737.5 1382.5 3.2570.2 137.4.1699." 56,:8:7 ----31 bbS-.-2-------S230.1 1791:-1 -~f8480:0-· --------- ---------_. 3-2--:2---178.2 5737.5 18b77,6 ___________________________ ~O~/l~! L_ CRFz: 0~Q!3~ AV ANN BENEFITS = ----------------------------------------------- CAPACITY VALU~= G5.43 - ---" ----------. FUEL ENERGY· VALUE (1980): b 1.1 0 AVE ANNUAL POWER BENEFITS= 453~.9 .--------.----... ~-------... EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: 182.0 ANNUAL BENEFITS: 471b.9 ANNUAL-COS T 5-=-32 34: 0 _~I ~ RAT I Q =_ _ I. 4 b ___ __ _ _ __ ~ 7 1 ~. ~ _ :3 • 2 0:))0--:2--1 B 5 b • 2--2 2-Q-S 7 • 1 ___ ~ 8 0 9 • :3 ___ ~ ~ 52.2 ___ ~.I 43 7. L 2b~. ~ . __ ~53~, 9 -I I I __ 1 ·1 1 --j -----1 APPENDI X D PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATES RESERVOIR ALL ISON CREEK PERTINENT OAT A (Alternate Plan No.1) Water Surface Elevation, feet MSL Maximum Average Minimum Surface Area at Maximum Elevation, acres Usable Storage, acre-feet HYDROLOGY Drainage Area, square miles Annual Runoff, cfs Average Maximum Minimum LAKE TAP Lake Entry Invert Elevation, feet MSL Spilhvay POWER TUNNEL Tunnel Size, feet Tunnel Length, feet Tunnel Grade, percent PENSTOCK Type Length, feet Diameter, inches Shell Thickness, inches Maximum Minimum Support Spaci~g, feet Type POWERPLANT Numher 0 f Un its Turbine Type Installed Capacity, kW Plant Factor, (average) percent Plant Factor, (firm) percent Design Head, feet Generator Rating, kW Power Factor, percent Voltage, kV 1,367 1 ,335 1 ,267 258 19,980 5.7 49 68 36 1 ,250 Natural Outfall 6 (lined circular) 8 (unlined horseshoe) 10,200 0.5 Steel, ASTM A537 Grade A 4,050 48 1.50 0.75 40 concrete Pier 2 Impulse 8,000 56. 1 48.9 1,220 4,350 90 13.8 PERTINENT DATA (Cont) POWERHOUSE Type TRANSMISSION LINE Voltage, kV Type Length, mi les Conductor Transmission Losses, percent PROJECT OUTPUT Dependable Capacity, kW Firm Annual Energy, MWH Average Annual Energy, MWH Steel Structure on Concrete Fou~dation i i 115 Wood Pole 3 #1/0 ACSR 2 8,000 34,300 39,350 ALLI SON CREE K PERT! NENT OAT A (Alternate Plan No.2) RESERVOIR Water Surface Elevation, feet MSL Maximum Average Mi n imum Surface Area at Maximum Elevation, acres Usable Storage, acre-feet HYDROLOGY Drainage Area, square miles Annual Runoff, cfs Averaqe Maximum Minimum LAKE TAP Lake Entry Tnvert Elevation. feet MSL Spi llway POWER TUNNEL Tunnel Size, feet Tunnel Length, feet Tunnel Grade, percent PENSTOCK Type Length. feet Diameter, inches Shell Thickness, inches Maximum Minimum Support Spacing, feet Type POWERPLANT Numb e r 0 fUn its Turbine Type Installed Capacity, kW Plant Factor, (average) percent Plant Factor, (firm) perce~t Design Head, feet Generator Rating, kW Power Factor, percent Voltage, kV iii 1 ,367 1,335 1 ,267 258 19,980 5.7 49 68 36 1, ?50 Natural Outfall 6 (lined circular) 8 (unlined horseshoe) 10,200 0.5 Steel, ASTM A537 Grade A 2,450 48 1.50 0.75 40 Concrete Pier 2 Impulse 8,000 53.2 45.9 1, 170 4,350 90 13.8 PERTINENT DATA (Cont) POWERHOUSE Type TRANSMISSION LINE Voltage, kV Type Length, mi les Conductor Transmission Losses, percent PROJECT OUTPUT DepennableCapacity, kW Firm Annual Energy. MWH Average Annual Energy, MWH Steel Structure on Concrete Foundation iv 115 Wood Pole 3.5 111/0 ACSR 2 8,000 32,200 37,250 Item GENERAL SECTION D PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND COST ESTIMATES TABLE OF CONTENTS WATERWAYS Lake Tap and Rock Trap Power Tunne 1 In take Tr ashrack Gate Control Room Access Ad it Penstock POWERPLANT TRANSMISSION SYSTEM BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILTTIES COST ESTIMATES NumfJer Dl D2 D3 D4 Number D-A-1 D-A-2 D-A-3 D-A-4 D-A-5 D-A-fi LIST OF TABLES Title Summary Cost Estimate, Alternate Powerhouse Site No.1 Summary Cost Estimate. Alternate Powerhouse Site No.2 Detailed Cost Estimate, Alternate Powerhouse Site No.1 Detailed Cost Estimate, Alternate Powerhouse Site No.2 L 1ST OF PLATES Tit le Site Plan, Location and Vicinity Maps Photo Mosaic Topographic P1 an Waterways Profiles Lake Tap and Rock Trap Detai ls Gate Structure, Powerplant, Power Tunnel Sections and Portal v Page D-l D -1 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-14 D-18 D -19 D-20 D-21 D-22 D-23 VALDEZ HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT GENERAL A lake tap scheme for lake entry at Allison Lake was studied. Two sites near the lower outlet of Allison Creek were considered for the location of the powerp1ant. The first alternate site for the powerplant is located approximately 200 feet uphill from the mouth of Allison Creek at elevation 20 feet MSL and the second alternate site is located about 2000 feet from the bay of the Port of Valdez at elevation 100 feet MSL. Access to both powerplant sites during construction and operation would be by road. Access to the tunnel portal and other work areas would be by helicopter. The first alternate powerplant site would require a water pump system to pump adequate water back to the main creek channel above Alyes~a's weir to provide for their water supply and fishery water requirements. After economic evaluations it was determined that the lower powerhouse site, Alternative 1, could not be incrementally justified for the additional energy it would provide. However, both alternatives are presented here. WATERWAYS The method of lai<e entry would be by a lake tap. The lake tap would be 100 feet below the existing lake surface. The tap would be accom- plished from the 8-foot horseshoe tunnel which would be excavated from a portal located at elevation 1,000 feet MSL on the east side of Allison Creek. The excavated material would be disposed of to the east of the portal by means of mechanically operated railroad gondola cars. The rock trap would be excavated near the lake, perpendicular to the rock contours. After careful investigation and analysis, the final holes would be d rill e dan d c h a r9 edt 0 b 1 as t the fin a 1 roc k wall s epa rat i n g the 1 a k e and rock trap. This scheme would include a trashrack and a rock trap, a power tunnel leading to an underground control gate structure and terminating at a tunnel portal, a secondary rock tap, a gate room access adit, a penstock, and other features shown on Plates D-A-5 and D-A·6. These structures const itute a method to convey water from the All i son Lake reservoir to the aboveground powerhouse located near the channel of Allison Creek. Lai<e Tap and Rock Trap The lake tap IA/ou1d be made directly into the power tunnel with the invert at elevation 1.250 feet MSL, approximately 110 feet below the existing normal lake level. The trap would provide space to catch and permanently store about 97 percent of the rock from the final blast. The control gates would be closed when the final remaining wall is blown. The power tunnel branches off from the side of the rock trap above the floor level so the rock from the t:>last would not be diverted into the power tunnel itself. D-l Power Tunne 1 The power tunnel would be partially concrete lined 6-foot circular and oartially unlined 8-foot horseshoe shaped tunnel approximately 10,200 feet lonq, from the lake tap chamber to the tunnel portal. About 100 feet downstream of the gate structure, the power tunnel would drop at a 45-deqree angle to elevation 1,050 and would continue down at 0.5 percent slope until it would daylight at elevation 1,000 at the tunnel portal. ApproximatAly 300 feet from the tunnel portal, a transition from a power tunnel to a steel penstock would occur. Intake Trashrack The power tunnel entrance would be covered by a steel trashrack to prevent debris from entering the intake and reaching the turbines. The trashrack would be placed partially in the wet after the lake is drawn down through the power tunnel and aboveground penstock during the low inflmv period. Gate Control Room The gate control room would consist of a hoist machinery room, a vertical access shaft and a gate room. The hoist machinery room, located at elevation 1,456, would house a crane rail hoist and an elevator. The vertical access shaft, which is approximately 200 feet long and 16 feet high by 16 feet wide. would have a ladder from the hoist room to the gate room. The elevator shaft would be adjacent to the access shaft and the elevator would be an overhead hoist cable operated system. The gate room would contain two 6 by 16 feet slide gates, one heavy duty and one standard type, set in tandem. There would be a crane rail hoist at the gate room above the heavy gate for lifting and shifting the gate to the area below the upper hoist during maintenance. An access hatch and a vent would be provided at the gate room floor. The 18-inch diameter vent pipe would run from the power tunnel to the gate room and up through the vertical access shaft, to the hoist machinery room then finally out through the access adit. Access Adit Access to the gate control room would be through the access adit. The adit would be an 8-foot diameter horseshoe shaped tunnel, approxi- mately 100 feet in length and located at elevation 1,456. A 100-by 100-foot staging area and heliport would be cleared adjacent to the access adit portal. Penstock The penstock would be a 48-inch diameter, all welded structure supported on concrete piers at approximately 40 feet on centers. The steel penstock would emerge from the power tunnel portal and would continue downstream to the aboveground powerhouse following the existing ground contours. At alternate powerhouse Site No.1, the penstock would bifurcate into two penstocks immediately upstream of the powerhouse valve room. Each penstock would connect with a valve in the valve room, and downstream of each valve, a penstock extension would connect to a 0-2 turbine. The penstock would bifurcate into two penstocks immediately upstream of the Alternate No.2 powerhouse valve room. Each penstock would connect to a turbine. Some of the water discharged from the turbines would be diverted into the existing weir on the creek for A1yeska's water supply and for the Department of Fish and Game salmon hatchery f ac i 1 it i es. pm~ERPLAN T Two alternative sites of the aboveground powerhouse would be located near the channel of the Allison Creek. The centerline of the bifurcation would be at the same elevation as the powerp1ant. The powerhouse would contain two synchronous generators driven by Pelton wheel turbines with design heads of 1,220 feet for the alternate Site No.1 and 1,170 feet for the alternate Site No.2. The turbines would have nameplate ratings of 4.0 MW each. The powerhouse structure would house the generators, turbines, a 15-ton bridge crane, and all other equipment required for operation and maintenance. Remote control of the powerp1ant would be from Valdez accomplished through the use of a carrier communication system. The tailraces of the alternate powerhouse No.2 are longer in length than that of the alternate powerhouse No.1. On both alterna- tives, stoplogs would be installed near the upstream end of the tailrace pipes to regulate flow during the summer and winter operations. Energy dissipators at the Allison Creek end of the tailraces would be of concrete construction. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM The Valdez project power would be delivered to Solomon Gulch sub- station and then transmitted over the Copper Valley Electric Association system for distribution. The transmission line route was located in the field based on aerial and map reconnaissance. The route runs along the south side of the existinq road Qetween Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch. The terrain is of a moderate ro11inq mountains and close to tidewater of the Port of Valdez. The project installed capacity is 8.0 MW and the transmission system capacity would be 10 MVA. The transmission line from Allison Creek powerp1ant to Solomon Gulch sUbstation would be a 115 kV line. There would be approximately 3.0 miles of single wood pole construction. The overhead conductors would be #1/0 ACSR with no overhead ground wires. The 115 kV system was chosen for power transmission to match existing facilities. Vo1taqe regulation from Allison Creek powerplant to Solomon Gulch substation is 2.5 percent and is acceptable. An addition to the Solomon Gulch sUbstation is proposed to provide switching and power enerqy to the existing system. An oil filled circuit breaker would be remotely controlled from Valdez via a carrier communication system. The proposed right-of-way would be a 50-foot wide corridor and would run over lands administered by the U.S. Forest Service. Based on USGS maps with vegetation overprint, the entire line would require essentially continuous clearing. Small shrubs and bushes would remain and all other materials would be burned, chipped or left in place as determined by the D-3 U.S. Forest Service when the line location is established. Construction and maintenance of the transmission 1 ine would be by road and helicop- ter. A cleared 10-foot wide hiking trail would be provided for inspec- tion access. The transmission 1 ine would be approximately 0.5 mile longer for the alternate powerhouse No.2 but the terrain is of similar characteristic throughout the transmission line. BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES No permanent housing and maintenance facilities would be required except for a small warehouse for maintenance equipment and supply storage. Existing dirt roads would be used as necessary during construction and operation of the project. No sewer and water systems would be required except those in the powerhouse. COST ESTIMATES All estimates are based on October 1980 price levels. The contingency used for all alternatives was 20 percent. Engineering and Design, and Supervision and Administration costs are each 8 percent of construction costs. The cost data was obtained from bid prices on recent major power projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and adjusted to reflect current price levels, Alaska labor costs, and transportation costs to the sites. T~e construction time was estimated to take 4 years and power-on-line would be 1988 or 1990. D-4 Account Number 01 04 07 19 30 31 TABLE D-l SUMMARY COST ESTIMATE OCTOBER 1980 PRICE LEVEL VALDEZ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALTERNATE POWERHOUSE SITE NO.1 Item MOBILIZATION AND PREPARATORY WORK LANDS AND DAMAGES INTAKE WORKS AND PENSTOCK POWERPLANT Powerhouse Turbines and Generators Accessory Electrical and Powerplant Equipment Tailrace Switchyard Transmission Facilities BUILDINGS, GROlJNDS, AND UTILITIES SUBTOTAL 20% CONTINGENCIES CONTRACT COST ENGBIEE~ING AND DESIGN SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PROJECT COST 0-5 Feature Cost ( ~ 1 ,000 ) 1 ,560 700 20, 07 4 4,009 270 26,613 5,323 31 ,935 2,555 2,759 37,250 Account Number 01 04 07 19 30 31 TABLE D-2 SUMMARY COST ESTIMATE OCTOBER 1980 PRICE LEVEL VALDEZ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALTERNATE POWERHOUSE SITE NO.2 Item MOBILIZATION AND PREPARATORY WORK LANDS AND DAMAGES INTAKE WORKS AND PENSTOCK POWERPLANT Powerhouse Turbines and Generators Accessory Electrical and Powerp 1 an t Equ i pmen t Tailrace Switchyard Transmission Facilities BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES SUBTOTAL 20% CONTINGENCIES CONTRACT COST ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PROJECT COST D-6 Feature Cost ( ~1 ,000) 1,340 724 17,563 4,629 250 24,506 4,901 29,407 2,353 2,541 34,301 TABLE 0-3 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE VALDEZ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALTERNATE POWERHOUSE SITE NO.1 Cost Unit Tota 1 Account Cost Cost Number Description or Item Unit Quant i ty ilL ($1 ,000) r~OB AND PREP WORK LS 1 ,560,000 1,560 01 LANDS AND DAMAGES Government Admin Cost LS 400,000 400 Powerhouse and Trans-LS 300,000 300 mission Facilities (Private Lands) -- TOTAL -LAND AND DAMAGES 700 04 I NTAKE WORKS AND PENSTOCK 04. 1 LAKE TAP AND ROCK TRAP Excavation CY 350 75 26.2 roncrete CY 30 600 18 Reinforcement LB 3,000 0.75 2.2 Trashrack LB 30,000 2 60 Rock Bolts, 1"x7' EA 25 210 5.2 Lake Tap LS 1 420,000 420 TOTAL -LAKE TAP AND ROCK TRAP 531 .6 04.2 GATE CONTROL ROOM Sl ide Gate, heavy duty LB 10,000 5 50 Slide Gate, std. type LB 6,000 5 30 Access Ha tch LS 1 1 ,500 1.5 Ladder (w/cage) 200' LS 1 3,000 3 Hydraulic Unit & E 1 e v a to r, 1,000 # cap LS 1 60,000 60 Vent, 8" 0 pipe LF 300 40 12 Ho i s t , 1 0 -ton cap. EA 2 30,000 60 Excavation, Rock CY 2,790 250 697.5 Concrete Lining CY 754 700 527.8 Reinforcement LB 37,700 1 37.7 Rock Bolte;, 1" 0 x 7' EA 350 250 87.5 TOTAL -GATE CONTROL ROOM 1,567 0-7 TABLE 0-3 (cont) Cost Account Number Description or Item Un it Quant ity 04.3 ACCESS ADIT AND STAG1NG AREA Excavation 04.5 Rock CY Common CY Concrete CY Reinforcement LB Excavation (Adit) rock CY Rockbolts, 1" x 10' EA TOTAL -ACCESS AOIT POWER TUNNEL Tunnel Excavation (Rock) CY Concrete Lining CY Reinforcement LB Rock Bolts, l"xlO' EA Portal (Including Secondary Rock Trap, Transition, Staging Area and Haul Road) Rock Excavation CY Overburden CY Concrete CY Reinforcement LB Rock Bolts, 1"x14'. EA Roc k Bo lt s, 1" x 7 ' E A Rails and Track~ . Lf Trestle LS TOTAL -POWER TUNNEL 04.5 PENSTOCK 3, 180 1,360 95 4,800 .215 130 21,763 4,889 244,450 8,338 17,014 150,009 . 172 11, 100 90 130 800 1 Steel, 48"0 Ring Stiffeners, Exp. LB 1,976,600 LB 138,362 Anchors, Anchor Supports Concrete Support Piers Concrete Anchor Block~ TOTAL -PENSTOCK 07 POWERPLANT 07. 1 POWERHOUSE CY 296 . CY 25 Mobilization & Pre-LS paratory Work Excavation and Concrete LS 0-8 Uri it Cost ilL 75 15 600 0.75 200 300 225 600 0.75 210 30 10 700 0.75 460 275 50 100,000 2.50 3 300 300 120,000 230,000 Tota 1· Cost ($1,000) 238.5 20.4 57 3.6 43 39 401.5 4,896.7 2,933.4 183.3 1,751.0 510.4 1,500. 1 120.4 8.3 41 .4 35.7 40 100 12,120.7 4,941.5. 415. 1 88.8 7.5 5,452.9 120 230 TABLE D-3 (cont) Cost Unit Tota 1 Account Cos t Cost Number Description or Item Unit Quantity ilL (~1,000) 07. 1 POWERHOUSE (cont) Building Superstructure LS 1 72,000 72 Misc. Building Item LS 1 97,000 97 Bifurcation & LS 1 36,000 36 Branch Pipe Valves EA 2 145,000 290 TOTAL -POWERHOUSE B45 07.2 TURBINES AND GENERATORS Turbines, Governor & EA 2 30B,500 617 Coolinq System Generators & Excitation EA 2 600,000 1,200 Equipment -- TOTAL -TURBINES AND GENERATORS 1,B17 07.3 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Switchgear, Breaker & LS 211,000 211 Busses & Station Service Unit Supervisory Control LS 317,000 317 System Misc. Electrical System LS 36,000 36 TOTAL -ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 564 07.4 AUXILLARY SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Heating & Ventilating LS 7,000 7 Eq u i pment Br i dge Cr ane LS 120,000 120 & Misc. Mechanical Systems -- TOTAL -AUXILLARY SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 127 07.5 SvJI TCHYARD Power Transformer LS 222,000 222 Disconnects & Electrical LS lB,OOO lB Equ i pment TOTAL -SWITCHYARD 240 0-9 TABLE 0-3 (cont) Cost Un it Total Account Cost Cost Number Description or Item Unit Qu ant i ty ilL ($1,000 ) 07.6 TAILRACE CHANNEL Overburden Excavation CY 48 10 0.5 Rock Excavation CY 20 25 0.5 Concrete CY 38 300 11.4 Reinforcement LB 1,900 0.75 1.4 R i prap CY 30 30 0.9 Steel Pipe LB 40,040 2.25 90. 1 Misc. Steel LB 4,004 2.50 10 Stop1ogs EA 2 7,000 14 TOTAL -TAILRACE CHANNEL 128.8 07.7 TRANSMISSION LINE (WITH INSPECTION ACCESS TRAIL) Clearing AC 37 2,500 92.5 Line Conductors & MILE 3 65,000 195 Single Wood Pole Structures (55 pcs) TOTAL -TRANSMISSION LINE 287.5 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES Maintenance Equipment & Supply Storage Warehouse LS 250,000 250 Water Supply System & Fish Facilities Water Pump System LS 20,000 20 TOTAL -BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES 270 SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION COSTS 26,613 20% CONTINGENCIES 5,323 TOTAL -CONTRACT COSTS 31,936 30 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN (8%) 2,555 31 SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION (8% ) 2,759 TOTAL -PROJECT COST 37,250 . 0-10 TABL E D-4 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE VALDEZ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALTERNATE POWERHOUSE SITE NO.2 Cost Unit Tota 1 Account Cost Cost Number Description or Item Unit Quant ity ilL ( $1 ,000) MOB AND PREP WORK LS 1 ,340,000 1,340 01 LANDS AND DAMAGES Government Admin Cost LS 1 400,000 400 Powerhouse and Trans-LS 1 324,000 324 mission Facilities (Private Lands) -- TOTAL -LAND AND DAMAGES 724 04 I NTAKE WORKS AND PENSTOCK 04. 1 LAKE TAP AND ROCK TRAP t::xcavation CY 350 75 26.2 Concret e CY 30 600 18 Reinforcement LB 3,000 0.75 2.2 Trashrack LB 30,000 2 60 Rock Bolts, 1"x7' EA 25 210 5.2 Lake Tap LS 1 420,000 420 TOTAL -LAKE TAP AND ROCK TRAP 531.6 04.2 GATE CONTROL ROOM Sl ide Gate, heavy duty LB 10,000 5 50 Slide Gate, std. type LB 6,000 5 30 Access Hatch LS 1 1 ,500 1.5 Ladder (w/cage) 200' LS 1 3,000 3 Hydraulic Unit & E1 evator, 1,000# cap LS 1 60,000 60 Vent, 8" 0 pipe LF 300 40 12 Ho is t, 10 -ton cap. EA 2 30,000 60 Excavation, Rock CY 2,790 250 697.5 Concrete Lin i ng CY 754 700 527.8 Reinforcement LB 38,000 1 37.7 Rock Bolts, 1" QJ x 7' EA 350 250 87.5 -- TOTAL -GATE CONTROL ROOM 1 ,567 D -11 TABLE 0-4 (cont) Co st Unit Total Account Cost Cost Number Description or Item Un it Quant ity ilL ( ~l ,000) 04.3 ACCESS AOIT AND STAGING AREA Excavation Rock Cy 3, 180 75 238.5 Common CY 1 ,360 15 20.4 Concrete CY 95 600 57 Reinforcement LB 4,800 0.75 3.6 Excavation (Ad it) rock CY 215 200 43 Rockbo lts, 1" X 10 1 EA 130 300 39 TOTAL -ACCESS AOIT 401.5 04.5 POWER TUNNEL Tunnel Excavation (Rock) Cy 21,763 225 4,896.7 Concrete Lining CY 4,889 600 2,933.4 Reinforcement LB 244,450 0.75 183.3 Rock Bolts, l"xlO' EA 8,338 210 1,751.0 Portal (Including Secondary Rock Trap, Transition, Staginq Area and Haul Road) Rock Excavation Cy 17,014 30 510.4 Overburden Cy 150,009 10 1 ,500. 1 Concrete CY 172 700 120.4 Reinforcement LB 11 ,100 0.75 8.3 Rock Bolts, 1"x141 EA 90 460 41.4 Roc k Bo lt s, 1" x 7 1 EA 130 275 35.7 Rails and Tracks LF 800 50 40 Trestle LS 1 100,000 100 TOTAL -POWER TUNNEL 12,120.7 04.5 PENSTOCK Steel, 48"0 LB 1,063,000 2.50 2,657.5 R i n9 Stiffeners, Exp. LB 74,410 3 223.2 Anchors, Anchor Supports Co ncrete Support Piers CY 190 300 57 Concrete Anchor Blocks Cy 16 300 4.8 TOTAL -PENSTOCK 2,942.5 07 POWERPLANT 07. 1 POWERHOUSE Mobilization & Pre-LS 120,000 120 paratory Work Excavation and Concrete LS 230,000 230 D -12 TABLE D-4 (cont) Co st Unit Tota 1 Account Cost Cost Number Descr-iption or Item Un it Quantity ilL ( ~l,OOO) 07. 1 POWERHOUSE (cont) Building Superstructure LS 72,000 72 Misc. Building Item LS 97,000 97 Bifurcation & LS 36,000 36 Branch Pi pe Valves EA 2 145,000 290 TOTAL -POWERHOUSE 845 07.2 TURBINES AND GENERATORS Turbines, Governor & EA 2 308,500 617 Cool ing System Generators & Excitation EA 2 600,000 1,200 F:quipment TOTAL -TURBI NESAND GENERATORS 1 ,817 07.3 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Switchgear, Breaker & LS 211,000 211 Busses & Station Service Unit Supervisory Control LS 317,000 317 System Misc. Electrical System LS 36,000 36 -- TOTAL -ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 564 07.4 AUXILLARY SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Heating & Ventilating LS 7,000 7 Equipment Bridge Crane LS 120,000 120 & Misc. Mechanical Systems TOTAL -AUXILLARY SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 127 07.5 SWITCHYARD Power Transformer LS 222,000 222 Disconnects & Electrical LS 18,000 18 Eq u i pment TOTAL -SWITCHYARD 240 D-13 TABL E 0-4 (cont) Co st Unit To ta 1 Account Cos t Cost Number Description or Item Unit Qu ant ity ilL (~l,OOO)· 07.6 TAILRACE CHANNEL Overburden Excavation CY 48 10 0.5 Rock Excavation CY 20 25 0.5 Concrete CY 38 300 11.4 Reinforcement LB 1 ,900 0.75 5.2 Steel P·i pe LB 270,440 2.25 608.5 Misc. Steel LB 27,044 2.50 67.6 R i pr ap CY 42 30 1.3 Stoplogs EA 2 7,000 14.0 TOTAL -TAILRACE CHANNEL 709 07.7 TRANSMISSION LINE (WITH INSPErTION ACCESS TRAIL) Clearing AC 40 2,500 100 Line ro nductors & MILE 3.5 65,000 227.5 Single Wood Pole Structures (55 pcs) TOTAL -TRANSMISSION LINE 327.5 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES Maintenance Equipment & Supply Storage Warehouse LS 250,000 250 -- TOTAL -BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES 250 -- SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION COSTS 24,506 20% rONTINGENCIES 4,901 TOTAL -CONTRACT COSTS 29,407 30 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN (8%) 2,353 31 SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION (8% ) 2,541 TOTAL -PROJECT COST 34,301 D-14 ,:.:: L D E Z -. , ..... , .. ,; \ (I) > "----f . '-.. - \ 1 /)1: L------f _-I 29 --,,~.~---~'-- ! V ~_~; -" ~ ~-------- ""---: I :~ ... ! ;':'Val(!ez '., " ~'_" A !tN:~" :,,::,:, "'C"}'" ~ , ,;;;:;,:;;::Y"', .... ): I .' Islands " • '-• . / ' , / 'l~ .'-" ___ ,,"~ ;~~,,:;t:i~-./;, -_ ,i, <,/,: .. :.;, ; .. ~.F;'\ :'\Cl; ..' (~<: ' , ;' ---=-...: ,-,/" , Old Vald":,,;,:;;~:; "D)' ,3[:i;;) ""';' <~t:j'~G~1~~2~ 4C /":,-/,.;}~~~-·~~u;, <S~t-_______ "~_, ':.:r~.</~ .: "'. '7'"<." v • .' a s ~ '::'': 0' Sa 5'- -0- I I LOCATION MAP ...... ,~. --_'",-'- --------~,---.------ VALDEZ. ALASKA VALDEZ INTERIM REPORT SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBEL T VICINITY MAP ALASI(A DISTRICT. CO::lPS OF U1G!NEERS PLANNING AI~ REPORTS BRANCH Pf:EPARED BY DATE ______ _ D-18 PLATE D-A-I 1>-J9 u.s. AIOIIY ENGINEER DlflWICT. AL.A.cA -,.,,-_MMM ALLISON CREEK PHOTO MOSAIC I "'~~TAPAND ROCK TRAP 1600 .•. -~ 1400 i ~\ "00 ? \ '; DISTRICT ALASKA NGINEERS CORPS OF E LASKA ANCHORAGE, A REPORT VALDEZ INTEAR~M RAILBELT SOUTHCENTR ALLISON CREEK ~ 1"\00 "00 TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN. __ APPROVED, __ _ SHUT 0, PLATE D-A-3 CORPS Of ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY cOOO ~ 1500 I- 1000 I- 500 I- 0'-- '<)' ;::01 ALLISON LAKE ] ZOOO "--. '-"1K;ccess Add ........ Lake Tc!f} EL 12500 h ~A ~ ire~tn9\ ",+-====-";E.?,:L"/~,,,l;;;=7.~O~---:M7,(. Flood vWS.EL 1360.1 V EL.IZ67.0 /.1 Power Tunnel Min. Pool ~E1L~.~/a~o~0~.~0~~~d~~~================================~====~======~~==============================~================~~~~E~L~.~/O~S.~O~.o ~Z.O EL. 0.00 1 MS.L. 1 140+00 130 +aD 120+00 110 +00 100+00 90+00 ~I.... \ a Slope O. 005 " ,. -Power Tunnel ,. ~ f2IQ:j eo +00 ' . . , ~:;g '-"1,,,- 70 +00 PROFILE POWERHOUSE All NO. / 50+00 40+00 30+00 ~ ... ~~ ~ i-~ ~ ALLISON LAKE -cOOO ~ ~ ~ ~t£:Access Add Lake Tap EL. 11:50. 0 SO, ~ ~ _==--------~ /, . ..,. 1500 ~ CS Sfagtng Area~ VJ';:: ~_ . vEL.l367.0/~aK Flood \7 Ws. EL.l360./ --'SZfL IZ6('0 Mltl Pool ?; ~p~ pecn"bSc'f0'r-Cl(;k~()~~ \L~V===I=================;===r=========~~~~~~:==================11/~II~E~L~.-"10[)'5;cO[)'.""O . ~o;:;4;~;eI ~"'~~~~=~-= ~ ~ ~Il:) ;;L /000.0 I -1000 : ~ ~ '" I \ . Slope 0.005 I ~ ;t '" ~ '" ~Power Tunnel '" "'6: '" '" ,§ ,. Co Clio ~"'" C) "'113 -500 ~ ~~ i-~ ~ ~ ':J ~ ~ f ~L 100.0" ~~ S'.'tl ~ ~I<:) 130-00 ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~I ~ ~ -0 Tatlrace Channel -,,~ -, -; "--, _,.::; (To /illison Creek) I I 1 1 1 1 IcO+OO 110-00 100+00 90+00 80+00 70100 60+00 PROFILE POWERHOUSE ALr NO. 2 500 -Scale in Feel o 500 1000 - 50+00 40+00 cO+OO 10 +00 o I(X) CAMERO _w 'EEL CH~ SUPERVISED: 0-21 ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANC,..ORAGE, ALASKA VALDEZ INTERIM REPORT SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT ALLISON CREEK PROFILES APPROVED: ""'''' IDA'" AlE NUIoIIER SHEET OF PLATE 0-A-4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS f----4,oprox. ,500. 0. ' 1 4 ,o,orox. Zlo..o. StagmlJ IIrpo Calt? flaisl U. S. ARMY ./ l . ,// MOc/lmenj Roam n--' : II .. 1456.0 __________ ~~~~~~.!:i§Q.J..,@'~~-----------------------==::iSZ~~M~a=x=.~F,~/o=O=d===E~L~.=/~:J='6=?=O=====_I-----i-----~:=----7 -)~" ll~i --;'ale Shari e' Horsesha.e : r y ~s. a U60J(MS" Ac~,dd" 1'_/00' : : I, I Bol/om or lake n. lieD. 0. Power Tunnel -Concrete Lip Dead End Rock Trap SECTION o Nol fo Scale 60' 'b-- sz Min. Pool EL. IZ6? 0 Lake Tap EL LAKE ENTRY PROFILE Nof 10 Scale Gafe Room~ l i i, Tunnel Inyerl "'~ '00 ' 400 EL IZ4Z.0 EL.IZ5i5:0._UWJ ELIZ . --_____ ~~=~ ~---____ -_-_-_-~~_~~====-=-~ ltt-===-=-_--_--_--:.--_--_;.,:"',', ~" .-f-'L't:,2::~=:::::J:::::~=~== \8' Horseshoe "': ~ Fbwer Tunnel ", " An'lie dependinlJ on slo,oe conddion EL 10.50.. Q~~~~~~_-_-_-_ _=__=__=__======={ Slope \> Trash Rock-- // -\ I. ---/ /; / ~ -----Power Tunnel n. 1250..0 ~An9le d,opending {In slop~ condihon -Top Area 8' Power Tunnel --~~r~~~~~--~ 3- SECTION o Nof 10 Scale '--C oncrele Lip D NED: C.i\ME RO DRAWN: EF! PEP ED= all •• SUPERVlSED= '0, ... ~'" R t.4MEN ED: 0-22 Dead End Rock Trap ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA VALDEZ INTERIM REPORT SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT ALLISON CREEK LAKE TAP PROFILE. PLAN 8 SECT. APPROVED: SCALE: FILE NUhlBER SHEET OF PLATE 0-A-5 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Concrele Lining -:!.:J r venl- Gale Room ;//cce55 HOTch EL. 1240.0 ···~6'x 16' GATE STRUCTURE SECTION 0 Nof TO Scole TYPICAL UNLINED SECTION Naf to Scale r 1 I l' ! U. S. ARMY 1 ;.::;,,,;;,,, Genera/or Roon/ 10' 1'0'- L I/alvt? Room f, 1 __ <1: r----~ .c 1~ 6'~: B,roM!'"" :~0 ~ PLAN-GATE ROOM FLOOR SECT/ON ® Nol 10 Scale ~[t~&;~~.l el ~~ 1 ~; -b0;I~.·i~."I. I /'.. ,?, --"' SecondarlJ-····-· I" Rock Trap ! r--",~~ 1-1 _~'i-A'-0 __ _ /"Roclr BOIIS'J / /Is Required \\ '\ ~ Nol fa Scale Conuele Plug 48"¢ Sled Pensloclr SECTION-POWER TUNNEL PORTAL Nol to Scale , }l ~ft--:: " l Tunn!"1 Porlal r- . I 'D! [. 't:::::-:-- Sioplog· To /I Ilison Cr!"!"Ir--------- ._-T-......... -Slaplog )~ -60"¢ Steel PIp!" Ta//roc!? --36"¢ Sleel Pipe Tailrace 48"1' Pensloclr Energy Disslpatar Allison Creelr~ POWERPLANT PLAN VIEW Nol 10 Scale T-- r I' , :' I' " " " , I' " I' " II rr-r,- Lc " " " rT" I, I, " II ______ -~-L ______ I..!.... l---18' ENERGY DISSIPATOR PLAN VIEW Nol fa Scale ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE. ALASKA Sleel Pipe TOI/race _¥~_o _.!{3_'0 " _0 .----r-- VALDEZ INTERIM REPORT SOUTH CENTRAL RAILBELT ALLISON CREEK GATE STRUCT" POWERPLANT, TUNNEL PORTAL a TUNNEL SECT. SECTION ® Nal 10 Scale TYPICAL CONCRETE LINED SECTION PO SUI'ERVI$ED: APPRO~ Nof 10 Scale SCALE: DAn: ALE NUtr.IIER SHEEr 0' D-23 PLATE D-A-6 APPENDIX E ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Item APPENDIX E ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS Table TEMPERATURE RECORDING OF ALLISON CREEK AND SOLOMON GULCH lA WATER TEMPERATURE PROFILES OF ALLISON LAKE lB UNREGULATED FLOWS FOR ALLISON CREEK 2A REGULATED FLOWS FOR ALLISON CREEK 2B ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS OF ALLISON CREEK WATERSHED BELOW ALLISON LAKE WATER QUALITY DATA FOR ALLISON CREEK WATER QUALITY DATA FOR ALLISON LAKE MAMMALS OF THE PORT VALDEZ AREA BIRDS OF THE PORT VALDEZ AREA ALLISON CREEK SALMON ESCAPEMENT ENDANGERED SPECIES LETTER -U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SECTION 404(b)(1) EVALUATION 3 4A 4B 5 6 7 ALLISON CREEK JUNE 1979 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1979 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 28 29 30 TABLE 1A TEMPERATURE RECORDING OF ALLISON CREEK AND SOLOMON GULCH HIGH LOW TEMP. TEMP. 4 3 5 . 3 HIGH LOW TEMP. TEMP. 5 3 6 4 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 4 6 5 6 5 7 . 5 7 6 8 6 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 8 7 8 6 8 5 7 5 8 6 9 6 9 7 AVER. TEMP. 3 3 3 3.5 4 AVER. TEMP. 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.5 5.5 5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 6 6 6 6 7.5 7 6.5 6 7 7.5 8 TABLE 1A (cant) ALLISON CREEK (cant) AUGUST HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEt~P . TEMP. 1 9 7 8 2 10 7 8.5 3 11 8 9.5 4 10 7 8.5 5 10 7 8.5 6 9 7 8 7 9 7 8 8 9 7 8 9 8 7 7.5 10 8 7 7.5 11 8 7 7.5 12 8 6 7 13 8 6 7 14 8 7 7.5 15 7 16 6 17 6 18 6 5 5.5 19 6 20 7 5 6 21 8 5 6.5 22 7 6 6.5 23 8 6 7 24 9 7 8 25 9 7 8 26 9 7 8 27 7 28 9 7 8 29 9 7 8 30 8 7 7.5 SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 2 8 6 7 3 8 5 6.5 4 9 7 8 5 7 6 6.5 6 7 6 6.5 7 7 5 6 8 8 6 7 9 8 6 7 10 7 6 6.5 11 8 6 7 12 9 7 8 TABLE 1A (cont) ALL! SON CREEK (cont) SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEI"1P. TEMP. 13 9 8 8.5 14 9 8 8.5 15 8 7 7.5 16 7 17 7 18 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 5 5.5 28 6 5 5.5 29 5 4 4.5 30 6 5 5.5 OCTOBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 5.5 2 5.5 3 5.5 4 5.5 5 5.5 6 5.5 7 5 8 6 5 5.5 9 5.5 10 5.5 11 5.5 12 5.5 13 5 14 5 4 4.5 15 5 4 4.5 16 5 17 5 4 4.5 18 4 19 4 20 3 21 4 3 3.5 22 4 23 4 TABLE 1A (cant) ALLISON CREEK (cant) OCTOBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 24 4 25 4 26 4 3 3.5 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 NOVEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 3.5 2 3.5 3 3 2 2.5 4 2 1 1.5 5 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 1 1.5 8 3 2 2.5 9 3 10 3 2 2.5 11 2 12 3 13 2.5 14 3 2 2.5 15 2 16 2 1.5 17 1 18 0 19 0 .5 20 1 21 2 1.5 22 2 23 2 24 2 0 1 25 0 26 0 27 1 0 .5 28 2 0 1 29 2 30 2 1.5 TABLE 1A (cont) ALLISON CREEK (cont) DECErvlBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 1 2 0 .5 3 .5 4 0 5 0 6 -0.2 -0.3 7 -0.3 8 -0.3 9 -0.3 10 -0.3 11 -0.3 12 -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 13 -0.3 14 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 15 -0.3 -0.5 -0.4 16 -0.2 -0.2 -0. 1 17 0.-4 0.3 0.4 18 0.2 -0.3 -0. 1 19 0.3 -0.2 O. 1 20 0.6 0.4 0.5 21 0.5 0.2 0.3 22 0.2 O. 1 O. 1 23 0.2 O. 1 0.2 24 0.6 0.2 0.4 25 0.8 0.6 0.7 26 0.8 27 0.8 0.7 0.8 28 0.8 29 0.8 0.5 0.7 30 0.3 O. 1 0.2 31 O. 1 -0.3 -0. 1 JANUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 -0.3 2 -0.3 3 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 4 O. 1 0.0 0.0 5 0.4 O. 1 0.2 6 0.6 0.5 0.5 7 0.6 0.5 0.5 8 0.5 9 0.5 0.0 0.4 10 0.0 -0.4 -0.3 TABLE 1A (cont) ALLISON CREEK (cont) JANUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 11 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 12 -0.5 13 -0. 1 -0.6 -0.3 14 0.2 -0. 1 O. 1 15 0.2 16 0.6 0.2 0.3 17 0.5 O. 1 0.2 18 0.3 O. 1 0.2 19 0.4 O. 1 0.2 20 0.2 0.0 O. 1 21 O. 1 -0.3 0.0 22 -0.4 -0 5 -0.5 23 -0.5 24 -0.5 -0.7 -0.6 25 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 26 -0.5 27 -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 28 0.2 -0. 1 O. 1 29 O. 1 -0.7 -0.4 30 -0.6 31 -0.3 -0.7 -0.5 FEBRUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5 2 O. 1 -0.4 -0.2 3 O. 1 0.0 o. 1 4 0.0 5 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 6 O. 1 0.0 O. 1 7 O. 1 8 O. 1 9 O. 1 -0. 1 0.0 10 0.3 -0.2 0.0 11 0.5 0.3 0.4 12 0.4 0.2 0.3 13 0.2 0.0 O. 1 14 O. 1 15 O. 1 0.0 0.0 16 o. 1 -0. 1 0.0 17 0.0 -0.7 -0.4 18 -0.5 19 -0.4 -0.7 -0.5 ALLISON CREEK (cont) FEBRUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP TEMP TEMP. 20 -0.2 -0.4 -0.3 21 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 22 0.3 0.0 0.0 23 0.8 0.4 0.6 24 0.9 0.7 0.8 25 0.7 0.4 0.5 26 1.0 0.7 0.8 27 1.0 MARCH HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 0.9 0 2 0.9 0 3 1.0 O. 4 1.0 0.8 5 1.0 0.7 6 1.0 0.7 7 1.0 0.8 8 1.0 0.8 9 1.0 0.8 10 1.0 0.3 11 0 0 12 0 -0.2 13 -0.2 -0.5 14 -0.5 -0.5 15 0 -0.8 16 0 0 17 0.5 0 18 0.5 0 19 0.5 0 20 0 -0.9 21 1.0 0 22 0.9 0 23 0.5 0 24 1.0 0.5 25 1.0 0.5 26 1.0 0.9 27 1.2 0.9 28 1.2 0 29 1.2 0 30 1.1 0 31 1.0 0.8 TABLE lA (cont) ALLISON CREEK (cont) APRIL HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 0.9 0.7 2 1.0 0.6 3 1.0 0.5 4 1.0 0.7 5 1.3 1.0 6 1.8 1.0 7 1.7 1.0 8 2.0 0 9 2.0 1.0 10 2.0 1.0 11 1.8 1.0 12 1.2 1.1 13 1.1 0.9 14 1.3 0 15 1.8 0.9 16 1.8 1.0 17 1.8 0 18 2.2 0.9 19 2.8 1.5 20 2.8 1.5 21 1.8 1.2 22 1.8 1.2 23 2.3 1.2 24 3.5 1.0 25 2.1 1.0 26 2.5 1.2 27 2.2 1.0 28 2.8 1.1 29 2.5 1.0 30 2.9 1.2 MAY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 3. 1 2 2.0 1.2 3 2. 1 1.0 4 2.9 1.0 5 2. 1 1.2 6 2.0 1.3 7 2.5 1.2 8 2.5 1.2 9 2. 1 1.2 10 1.2 1.2 11 1.9 1.0 12 2.5 1.0 13 2.9 1.0 TABLE lA (cant) ALLISON CREEK (cant) MAY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 14 1.9 1.1 15 2.0 1.0 16 1.9 1.0 17 1.6 1.1 18 1.8 1.1 19 2.0 1.2 20 1.8 1.1 21 1.9 1.2 22 2.0 1.2 23 2.0 1.2 24 1.8 1.2 25 2.0 1.2 26 1.8 1.6 27 No reading 28 No reading 29 No reading 30 No reading 31 No reading JUNE HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 No reading 2 No reading 3 No reading 4 1.5 2.2 5 1.0 2.2 6 2.0 1.0 7 2.0 1.5 8 2.0 1.8 9 2.8 1.8 10 2.8 1.8 11 2.0 1.8 12 2.0 1.8 13 2.2 1.8 14 2.3 1.8 15 2.5 1.8 16 3. 1 1.8 17 2.0 3.0 18 2.2 1.8 19 2.5 1.8 20 2.4 2.0 21 3.0 1.8 22 3.2 2.0 23 3.3 2.2 24 2.9 2. 1 25 2.5 2. 1 26 3.3 2. 1 27 3.3 2.3 28 3.0 2.2 29 3.2 2.5 30 3. 1 2.2 TABLE 1A (cant) ALLISON CREEK (cant) JULY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 3.9 2.2 2 3.9 2.2 3 3.9 2.4 4 4.0 2.3 5 4.0 2.4 6 3.0 3.0 7 3.0 2.8 8 3.2 2.8 9 3.2 2.8 10 4.0 2.8 11 3.5 2.8 12 3.0 2.9 13 4.4 3.0 14 4.8 3.0 15 4.6 3.5 16 4.2 3.5 17 4.8 3.8 18 4.8 3.8 19 5.2 3.8 20 5.8 4.0 21 5.0 4. 1 22 6.0 4.1 23 5.5 4.2 24 5.2 4.5 25 5.0 4.5 26 4.8 4.5 27 4.8 4.5 28 4. 1 4. 1 29 4.3 4.1 30 4.8 4.2 31 4.8 4.2 SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 7.0 5.0 2 5.0 4.0 3 3.0 5.0 4 5.5 4.2 5 5.0 4.9 6 5.3 4.0 7 4.5 3.2 8 4.5 4.5 9 4.5 4.5 10 4.5 4.5 11 4.5 4.5 TABLE 1A (cont) ALLISON CREEK (cont) SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 12 4.5 4.5 . 13 4.5 4.5 14 4.5 4.5 15 5.5 5.0 16 5.5 5.5 17 7.0 5.5 18 5.5 5.5 19 5.5 5.5 20 5.5 5.5 21 5.0 4.8 22 3.3 3.3 23 3.3 3.3 24 3.3 3.3 25 3.3 3.3 26 3.3 3.3 27 3.3 3.3 28 3.3 3.3 29 3.3 3.3 30 3.3 3.3 OCTOBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 1.8 1.8 2 1.5 0.8 3 2.0 0.9 4 2.2 1.2 5 2.2 2.0 6 2.0 2.0 7 2.0 2.0 8 2.0 2.0 9 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 11 2.0 2.0 12 2.0 2.0 13 2.0 2.0 14 2.0 2.0 15 2.0 2.0 16 2.0 2.0 17 2.0 2.0 18 2.0 2.0 19 2.0 2.0 20 2.0 2.0 21 2.0 2.0 22 2.0 2.0 23 2.0 2.0 24 2.0 2.0 25 2.0 2.0 TABLE lA (cont) ALLISON CREEK (cont) OCTOBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 26 2.0 2.0 27 2.0 2.0 28 2.0 2.0 29 2.0 2.0 30 2.0 2.0 31 2.0 2.0 NOVEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 1.0 1.0 2 1.0 1.0 3 1.0 1.0 4 1.0 1.0 5 1.0 1.0 6 1.0 1.0 7 1.0 1.0 8 1.0 1.0 9 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 11 1.0 1.0 12 1.0 1.0 13 1.0 1.0 14 1.0 1.0 15 1.0 1.0 16 1.0 1.0 17 1.0 1.0 18 1.0 1.0 19 1.0 1.0 20 1.0 1.0 21 1.0 1.0 22 1.0 1.0 23 1.0 1.0 24 1.0 1.0 25 1.0 1.0 26 1.0 1.0 27 1.0 1.0 28 1.0 1.0 29 1.0 1.0 30 1.0 1.0 TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK -HIGH VALUES EFFECTED BY TIDES SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW 1979 TEMP. TEMP. 10 12 7 11 12 7 12 13 8 13 12 9 14 13 8 15 8 16 8.5 17 7 18 7 6 19 7 20 7 21 7 6 22 6 23 6 24 6 25 6 26 6 27 6 28 9 6 29 11 6 30 6 OCTOBER HIGH LOW 1979 TEMP. TEMP. 1 12 5 2 12 6 3 9 6 4 11 6 TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) OCTOBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEtJIP. TEMP. TEMP. 5 6 5 6 12 5 7 5 8 5 9 10 5 10 11 5 11 5 12 5 13 5 14 5 15 4.5 16 4.5 3.5 17 7 4 18 10 4 19 10 4 20 11 4 21 10 3 22 9 2 23 9 2 24 9 2 25 9 3 26 9 3 27 9 3 28 8 3 29 9 3 30 9 3 NOVEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 6 3 2 3 3 8 3 4 7 3 5 7 2 6 7 1 7 8 1 8 8 1 9 8 0 10 2 1 11 3 2 12 3 2 13 2 1 14 1.5 15 4.5 1.5 TABLE 1A (cant) SOLOMON CREEK (cant) NOVEf>lIBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 16 6 1.5 17 6 2 18 6 1 19 6 1 20 5 0 21 7 1 22 7 1 23 7 1 24 6 1 25 6 1 26 6 1 27 5 1 28 6 1 29 5 1 30 6 1 DECEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TElviP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 6 1 2 6 1 3 7 1 4 7 1 5 7 0 6 6 0 7 7 0 8 6 0 9 5 0 10 1 -0.7 11 -0.6 12 0.6 -0.6 13 3.8 -0.6 14 2.4 -0.5 15 4.0 -0.5 16 3.7 -0.5 17 4.5 -0.7 18 4.4 -0.5 19 4.5 -0.3 20 4.6 -0.4 21 4.6 -0.4 22 3.7 -0.3 23 3.3 -0.4 24 4.8 -0.2 25 4.8 -0.2 26 4.4 -0.2 TABLE 1A (cant) SOLOMON CREEK (cant) DECEMBER HIGH LOW AVER. 1979 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 27 4.3 -0.2 28 3.2 -0.2 29 3.0 -0.3 30 2.9 -0.5 31 3.3 -0.5 JANUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP. TEIVlP. TEMP. 1 3.8 -0.5 2 4. 1 -0.3 3 2.5 -0.4 4 3.5 -0.2 5 3.7 -0.2 6 3. 1 -0.2 7 3.3 -0.2 8 3.2 -0.2 9 1.2 -0.5 10 2.7 -0.5 11 2.9 -0.6 12 2.2 -0.6 13 2.9 -0.3 14 3.4 -0.3 15 2.9 -0.5 16 3. 1 -0.3 17 2.8 -0.2 18 3.0 -0.2 19 2.3 -0.2 20 2.6 -0.2 21 3.0 -0.2 22 2.0 -0.3 23 1.8 -0.5 24 1.8 -0.5 25 2. 1 -0.5 26 1.5 -0.5 27 3. 1 -0.4 28 2.8 -0.5 29 2.4 -0.5 30 2.8 -0.5 31 3.2 -0.6 • TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) FEBRUARY HIGH LOW AVER. 1980 TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. 1 2.9 -0.4 2 3.0 -0.3 3 3. 1 -0.3 4 2.2 -0.5 5 2.5 -0. 1 6 2.0 -0.3 7 2.2 -0.4 8 2.0 -0.5 9 1.6 -0.5 10 1.7 -0.2 11 2.0 -0.4 12 1.0 -0.8 13 1.7 -0.5 14 1.9 -0.5 15 1.8 -0.4 16 1.7 -0.7 17 2. 1 -0.5 18 2.0 -0.5 19 2.8 -0.4 20 2.6 -0.3 21 2.5 -0.3 22 2.6 -0.3 23 2.0 -0.4 24 2.0 -0.5 25 2.4 -0.3 26 2.3 -0.2 27 3.8 -0.2 TABLE 1A (cent) SOLOMON CREEK (cent) MARCH HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 3.0 -0.5 2 2.5 -0.5 3 2.8 -0.5 4 2.9 -0.3 5 3.0 -0.4 6 3.0 ':0. 1 7 3.0 -0. 1 8 3.0 -0.1 9 2.8 -0. 1 10 2.4 -0.4 11 2.0 -0.4 12 2.0 -0.5 13 2.0 -0.5 14 3.0 -0.5 15 2.9 -0.5 16 3. 1 -0.3 17 3.5 -0.3 18 3.2 -0.3 19 3.5 ':0.5 20 3.0 -0.5 21 3.9 -0.2 22 3.5 -0.5 23 3.3 -0.5 24 3.8 -0.2 25 3.8 -0.2 26 3.8 -0. 1 27 3.2 -0. 1 28 3.2 a 29 3.4 a 30 3.5 -0.2 31 3.0 -0.4 APRIL HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 2.8 -0.5 2 2.8 -0.2 3 4.0 -0.2 4 4.0 -0.3 5 4.5 .02 6 4.3 .02 7 4.9 .05 8 4.5 .02 9 5.8 .05 10 4. 1 0 11 * * TABLE lA (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) APRIL HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP 12 * * 13 * * 14 * * 15 * * 16 * * 17 * * 18 * * 19 * * 20 * * 21 * * 22 * * 23 * * 24 * * 25 * * 26 * * 27 * * 28 6.2 0 29 5 .02 30 5 .08 *Machine malfunctioned -data not avail ab 1 e MAY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 5.2 .08 2 5.8 .08 3 5.2 0 4 6.0 0.8 5 6.8 1.0 6 6.8 .05 7 7.4 .09 8 7.8 .09 9 7.9 1.0 10 7.8 .08 11 7.5 .08 12 9.5 .08 13 8.4 .05 14 8.2 0 15 9.8 0 16 9.8 .05 17 9.0 .09 18 9.0 .08 19 8.5 .08 20 8. 1 .08 21 7.4 .08 TABLE 1A (cant) SOLOMON CREEK (cant) MAY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 22 7. 1 .08 23 2.5 .09 24 3.0 .09 25 3.3 .08 26 3.0 .09 27 1.09 .08 28 3.01 .08 29 3.0 .09 30 8.1 0 31 4.0 .08 JUNE HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 5.3 0.8 2 5.3 0.8 3 3.5 0.8 4 3.0 0.5 5 4.8 4.8 6 1.2 3.0 7 4.5 1.3 8 5. 1 1.3 9 3.0 2.0 10 3. 1 1.8 11 4.0 2.0 12 4.8 2.0 13 4.5 2.0 14 5. 1 1.8 15 7.0 2.2 16 4.0 2.2 17 3.8 2.0 18 4.2 2.0 19 4.6 2. 1 20 7. 1 2.1 21 7.2 2.6 22 5.9 2.9 23 5.0 2.2 24 4.8 3.0 25 7.6 3.0 26 6.2 3.0 27 4.0 3.0 28 6.0 3.0 29 7.4 3.0 30 9.0 3.0 TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) JULY HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 9.2 3.0 2 5. 1 3.0 3 9.5 3.0 4 7.0 3.5 5 4.5 3.8 6 5.0 3.8 7 6.0 4.0 8 5.5 4.5 9 6.5 4.0 10 7.0 5.0 11 7.0 5.2 12 6. 1 5.0 13 7.0 5. 1 14 8.0 5.2 15 9.2 6.2 16 9.0 5.8 17 8.0 5.2 18 7. 1 5.5 19 6.3 5.0 20 5.0 6.2 21 5.5 5.0 22 6. 1 5. 1 23 5.3 6.5 24 8.4 5.5 25 8.4 5.0 26 9.0 6.0 27 9.0 5.0 28 7.5 5.0 29 6. 1 5.5 30 7.3 5.0 31 9.0 5.3 AUGUST HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 9.0 5.2 2 7.0 5.2 3 7. 1 5.0 4 8.2 4.5 5 6.5 5.6 6 7.0 4.8 7 9.5 5.2 8 9.5 5.2 9 10.8 4.2 10 11.5 4.2 11 12. 1 7.0 12 11. 1 6.8 13 9. 1 6. 1 14 11.8 5.2 15 11.8 5.8 16 7.2 7.0 TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) AUGUST HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 17 6.0 6.0 18 6.0 6.0 19 6.0 6.0 20 6.0 6.0 21 6.0 6.0 22 6.0 6.0 23 6.0 6.0 24 6.0 6.0 25 6.0 6.0 26 6.0 6.0 27 6.0 6.0 28 6.0 6.0 29 6.0 6.0 30 6.0 6.0 31 6.0 6.0 SEPTEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 6.5 6.0 2 7.2 4.6 3 6.3 4.4 4 10.2 4.5 5 9.8 4.8 6 9.8 5.3 7 9.8 5.8 8 9.8 6.0 9 10.0 6.0 10 10.5 4.8 11 10.8 4.8 12 10.5 5.0 13 10.0 5.2 14 5.5 5.4 15 6.0 5.5 16 6.4 6.0 17 5.4 7.5 18 5.0 6.0 19 5.0 5.9 20 8.9 4.8 21 9.5 5. 1 22 9.5 5.5 23 9.9 5.4 24 10.0 4.9 25 10.0 4.9 26 10.0 5.5 27 10.0 5.5 28 10.0 5.0 29 9.9 5.0 30 5.9 5.4 TABLE 1A (cont) SOLOMON CREEK (cont) OCTOBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 5.5 5.0 2 5. 1 5.0 3 9. 1 4.8 4 9. 1 4.0 5 9.5 4.0 6 8.5 4.5 7 5.0 4.8 8 5.0 3.8 9 8.8 1.8 10 7.8 1.8 11 8.2 2.0 12 8. 1 1.0 13 9.0 1.0 14 8.9 2.0 15 7.4 2.0 16 3.5 3.5 17 7.5 2.5 18 7.0 2.2 19 7.5 2.2 20 7.5 2.2 21 8.3 2.8 22 8. 1 3.0 23 8.2 2.8 24 8.0 2.4 25 7.4 2.8 26 6.5 0.9 27 6.4 1.3 28 7.2 1.8 29 6.8 2.0 30 6.5 1.8 31 6.5 1.8 NOVEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 6.5 2.5 2 5.5 1.8 3 5.8 1.5 4 5.0 1.5 5 5.8 1.5 6 4.0 1.5 7 4.0 1.5 8 4.0 1.5 9 4.0 1.5 10 4.0 1.5 11 4.0 1.5 12 4.0 1.5 13 4.0 1.5 14 4.0 1.5 TABLE 1A (cant) SOLOMON CREEK (cant) NOVEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 15 4.0 1.5 16 3.0 1.0 17 3.0 1.0 18 3.0 1.0 19 3.0 1.0 20 3.0 1.0 21 3.0 1.0 22 3.0 1.0 23 3.0 1.0 24 3.0 1.0 25 3.0 1.0 26 3.0 1.0 27 2.5 0 28 2.5 0 29 2.5 0 30 2.5 0 DECEMBER HIGH LOW 1980 TEMP. TEMP. 1 2.5 0 2 2.5 0 3 2.5 0 TABLE 2A Calculated Flows of Allison Creek Using Meteorological Data from 1948 to 1977 (Unregulated Flows) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL· AUG SEP AVG 1948 38. 35. K To 5. 3. 3. 59. 152. 176. 93. 83. 56-. - 1949 52. 23. 7. 5. 3. 4. 4. 30. 11l. 103. 89. 134. 47. 1950 29. 28. 12. 5. 4. 3. 2. 34. 124. 94. 86. 86. 42. 1951 16. 7. 3. O. l. 2. 3. 18. 88. 117. 86. 194. ~ ~. 1952 25. 25. 7. 5. 4. 3. 3. 15. 124. 255. . 99. 74. 54. 1953 103. 44. 10. 6. 4. 4. 6. 76. 184. 138. 117. 89. 65. 1954 48. 12. 6. 4. 4. 3. 4. 55. 12l. 94. 120. 83. 46. 1955 47. 25. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 12. 108. 174. 122. 43. 46. 1956 19. 9. 6. 7. 4. 3. 5. 3l. 125. 17l. 149. 72. 50. 1957 17. 27. 13. 5. 3. 3. 3. 44. 12l. 104. 99. 176. 5l. 1958 54. 35. 9. 8. 4. 4. 7. 89. 159. 264. 134. 4l. 68 . . 1959 53. 14. ll. 5. 4. 3. 4. 66. 130. 150. 70. 42. 46. 1960 44. 19. 10. 7. 5. 3. 4. 79. 130. 163. 108. 8l. 55. 1961 29. 13. 23. 9. 5. 4. 6. 93. 120. 12l. 118. 84. 52. 1962 39. 15. 8. 7. 4. 4. 5: 4l. 116. 109. 74. 6l. 40. 1963 33. 22. 17 . 7. 10. 7. ll. 67. 112. 15l. 89. 54. 49. 1964 34. 10. 19. 6. 6. 4. 5. 13. 137. 157. 100. 47. 45. 1965 35. 22. 15. 5. 4. 4. 10. 47. 122. 96. 90. 97. 46. 1966 44. 1l. 7. 4. 3. 3. 5. 3l. 112. 95. 114. 127. 46. 1967 49. 20. 6. 4. 4. 5. 9. 44. 128. 114. 10l. 13l. 5l. 1968 23. 28. 14. 5. ll. 9. 6. 80. 116. 103. 7l. 5l. 43. 1969 24. 14. 7. 4. 4. 7. 10. 62. 129. 84. 55. 33. 36. 1970 6l. 23. 26. 8. 10. 8. ll. 4l. 122. 128. 128. 6l. 53. 1971 35. 19. 9. 5. 4. 3. 5. 20. 130. 18l. 113 . 52. 48. 1972 39. ll. 4. 4. 3. 2. 2. 14. ' 100. 14l. 103. 95. 43. 1973 46. 12. 8. 4. 3. 3. 4. 48. 105. 102. 98. 36. 39. 1974 20. 9. 6. 4. 3. 3. 5. 46. 106. 68. 7l. 93. 36. 1975 63. 28. ll. 5. 4. 3. 5. 44. 112. 164. 80. 106. 52. 1976 36. 8. 5. 4. 4. 3. 9. 154. 240. 135. 96. 122. 68. 1977 60. 55. 27. 12. 16. 4. 9. 45. 128. 143. 106. 94. 58. AVERAGE 4l. 2l. ll. 6. 5. 4. 6. 50. 127. 137. 99. 85. 49. TABLE 1B Water Temperature of A 11 i son Lake 13 April 1979 Site #1 Site #2 Site #3 Ice Thickness 1 ft. 3 ft. 6 ft. Overflow 1. 5 ft. 0 0.5 ft. Temperature °C Surface (top of ice) -0.25 -0.25 +0.25 1 Meter -0.25 -0.25 0.00 2 -0.25 0.00 0.00 2.5 +0.25 +0.25 3 0.25 +0.25 0.30 3.5 0.50 +0.75 0.75 4 1.00 1.25 1.50 4.5 2.00 1.90 2.40 5 2.25 2.40 2.50 5.5 2.75 2.75 6 2.75 3.00 2.90 6.5 3.00 3.00 7 3.00 3.25 3.10 7.5 8 3.25 3.25 3.25 8.5 9 3.25 3.25 3.30 9.5 10 3.25 3.30 3.30 10.5 11 3.25 3.30 3.30 12 Bottom Cd 12.25 M 3.30 3.30 13 3.40 3.30 14 3.40 3.30 15 3.40 3.30 16 3.40 3.50 17 3.40 3.40 18 3.40 3.50 19 3.50 3.50 20 3.50 3.50 30 3.50 Bottom @ 22.25 M Bottom @ 37 M TABLE 2B Calculated Flows of Allison Creek Using Meteorological Data from 1948 to 1977 (Regulated Flows) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP AVG T948 19-4"5"":-48"-:-j7-: 4lf": jT. 14-13. "j"j."" 96. 82. 78. W. 1949 47. 45. 49. 37. 40 32. 34 33. 34. 32. 34. 77. 4l. 1950 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 39. 37. 1951 39. 46. 49. 38. 4l. 32. 35. 34. 35. 33. 35. 39. 37. 1952 39. 46. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 65. 88. 69. 38. 1953 98. 45. 48. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 33. 120. 106. 84. 47. 1954 43. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 72. 59. 1955 42. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 64. 39. 40. 1956 39. 46. 49. 38. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 87. 67. 40. 1957 39. 46. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 135. 44. 1958 49. 45. 48. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 33. 227. 123. 39. 45. 1959 46. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 35. 59. 39. 62. 1960 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 67. 97. 76. 40. 1961 39. 46. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 33. 32. 103. 79. 49. 1962 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 33. 32. 34. 39. 46. 1963 39. 46. 49. 38. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 50. 49. 37. 1964 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 5l. 32. 40. 1965 39. 45. 49 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 68. 39. 1966 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 33. 34. 76. 40. 1967 44. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 40. 126. 40. 1968 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 39. 45. 1969 39. 46. 49. 38. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 34. 39. 37. 1970 39. 46. 49. 38. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 37. 56. 37. 1971 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 32. 84. 47. 39. 1972 39. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 33. 34. 39. 42. 1973 40. 45. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 34. 33. 34. 39. 37. 1974 39. 46. 49. 38. 4l. 33. 35. 34. 35. 33. 35. 40. 37. 1975 40. 47. 50. 38. 4l. 33. 23. 34. 35. 33. 35. 39. 38. 1976 39. 46. 49. 38. 4l. 32. 35. 33. 7l. 124. 85. 117. 59. 1977 55. 50. 48. 37. 39. 3l. 34. 33. 33. 84. 95. 89. 52. AVERAGE 43. 46. 49. 37. 40. 32. 34. 33. 35. 5l. 58. 62. 43. TABLE 3 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS OF ALLISON CREEK WATERSHED BELOW ALLISON LAKE MONTHS cfs (Average) Oct 29 Nov 14 Dec 4 Jan 3 Feb 2 Mar 2 Apr 2 May 24 Jun 86 Ju1 103 Aug 86 Sep 69 1\ilr1Ua 1 j6 TABLE 4A Water Quality Data of Allison Creek Collected by Alyeska Pipeline Service from 1975 to 1977 PARAMETER Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Aluminum Zinc Arsenic Copper Barium Cadmium Charomium, Hexavalent Lead Silver Mercury Chloride Fluoride Cyanide Silica, Total Silica, Dissolved Su If ate Nitrate Phosphate, Total Solids, Total Solids, Suspended Solids, Dissolved Hardness, as CaC03 Calcium Magnesium Alkalinity, Total, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC0 3 Hydroxide, as CaC0 3 Turb i d ity Color, Apparent pH (Laboratory) 22 February 1975 VALUE 0.5 o. 1 O. 1 0.01 0.01 6 mg/l 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 0.01 1 mg/l 10 mg/l 2 mg/l 2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 0.33 0.05 0.05 2.5 3. 1 6.4 0.5 1.2 43.8 0.7 43. 1 31.2 10.0 1.5 19.6 19.6 o 19.6 ° o 3.0 JTU 5 Color Units (at pH 7.2) 7.2 pH Units PARAMETER Calcium Magnesium Sodium TABLE 4A (cont) Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Sulfate Chloride Iron Aluminum Silica (Total) Silica (Dissolved) Total Dissolved Solids Turbidity, JTU Color, Color Units Hardness, as CaC0 3 Ammonia Copper pH (Laboratory), pH units Temperature (Field), 0C Dissolved Oxygen (Field) Carbon Dioxide (Field) 13 FEBRUARY 1975 VALUE 8.7 1.1 0.98 18.5 o o 18.5 o 6.5 0.24 O. 1 0.2 7.0 2.2 35.0 2.2 5 26.0 0.48 0.02 7. 1 3 18.4 3.75 PARAMETER Calcium Magnesium Sodium TABLE 4A (cont) Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC0 3 Hydroxide, as CaC0 3 1'1 Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 P Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Su Hate Chloride Iron Aluminum Si 1 ica (Total) Silica (Dissolved) Total Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Turbidity, JTU Color, Color Units Hardness, as CaC03 Copper pH (Laboratory), pH Units Temperature Carbon Dioxide 4 APRIL 1975 VALUE 8.4 0.8 0.80 20.7 o o 20.7 o 7.7 1.2 O. 1 o. 1 4.0 3.5 1.5 35.2 1.1 5 24.3 O. 1 7.0 70 C 4.0 PARAMETER Turbidity, NTU Color, Color Units TABLE 4A (cant) pH (Laboratory), pH Units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC0 3 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Hardness, as CaC03 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron Manganese Potassium Sodium Aluminum Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium-Hexavalent Copper Lead Mercury Silver Zinc Cyanide Fluoride Ammonia Nitrate Phosphate, Total Silica, Total Silica, Dissolved Su lf ate Solids, Total Solids, Suspended Solids, Dissolved 23 MAY 1975 VALUE 1.2 5 7.3 13.8 o o 13.8 o 20.8 7. 1 0.8 0.3 o. 1 0.01 0.7 0.90 0.2 10 mg/l 0.2 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 26 mg/l O. 17 8.84 0.4 0.3 11 3.4 4. 1 33.0 1.5 31.5 PARAMETER Turb i d ity, NTU Color, Color Units TABLE 4A (cont) pH (Laboratory), pH Units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Hardness, as CaC03 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron t~anganese Sodium Su If ate PARAMETER Turbidity, NTU Color, Color Units TABLE 4A (cont) pH (Laboratory), pH Units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Hardness, as CaC0 3 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron Manganese Sodium Su If ate 24 JUNE 1975 VALUE 1.3 5 7.0 10.7 o o 10.7 o 18.5 5.8 1.0 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.6 4.7 AUGUST 1975 VALUE 4.3 5 7. 1 11.8 o o 11.8 o 15. 1 5.7 0.2 0.5 0.15 0.01 0.50 3. 1 TABLE 4A (cont) PARAII,jETER Turbidity, NTU Color, Color Units pH (Laboratory), pH units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 P Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Hardness, as CaC0 3 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron Manganese Potassium Sodium Aluminum Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium-Hexavalent Copper Lead Mercury Silver Zinc Cyanide Fluoride Ammonia Nitrate Phosphate, Total Silica, Total Silica, Dissolved Sulfate Solids, Total Solids, Suspended Solids, Dissolved 19 AUGUST 1975 VALLIE 4.4 5 7.0 11.9 11.9 16.3 5.8 0.5 0.4 O. 15 0.01 O. 14 0.5 O. 1 10 mg/l O. 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.3 mg/l 0.01 0.01 0.05 O. 1 O. 10 0.5 0.3 8 1.3 4.8 41.5 2.0 39.5 TABLE 4A (cont) PARAMETER Turb i d ity, NTU Color, Color Units pH (Laboratory), pH Units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Hardness, as CaC03 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron Maganese Sodium Sulfate b OCTOBER 1975 VALUE 7.0 10 7.2 23.9 o o 23.9 o 16.3 5.6 0.5 0.5 0.86 0.01 0.4 3. 1 TABLE 4A (cont) PARAMETER Turbidity, NTU Color, Color Units pH (Laboratory), pH Units Bicarbonate, as CaC03 Carbonate, as CaC03 Hydroxide, as CaC03 . M Alkalinity, as CaC03 P Alkalinity, as CaC03 Hardness, as CaC03 Calcium Magnesium Chloride Iron I"'anganese Sodium Sulfate 9 DECElvlBER 1975 VALUE 1.6 5 7 • 1 21.2 o o 21.2 o 26.0 9.0 0.7 0.9 0.25 0.01 0.9 8.5 TABLE 4A (cont) 22 APRIL 1977 ELEMENT RUN #1 RUN #2 ELEMENT RUN #1 RUN #2 Silver .005 .005 Magnesium 0.8 0.7 Aluminum .009 .009 Manganese .002 .00 Arsenic .02 .02 Molybdenum .004 .00 Gold .02 .021 Sodium Boron .001 .001 Nickel .006 .00 Bari urn .001 .001 Phosphorus . 1 . 1 Bismuth .03 .03 Lead .02 .02 Calcium 8.6 8.6 Platinum .05 .05 Cadmium .01 .01 Antimony .016 .01 Cobalt .03 .03 Selenium .01 .01 Chromi urn .01 .01 Silicon 1.40 1.38 Copper .017 .016 Tin .001 .00 Iron .001 .001 Strontium .003 .00 Mercury .025 .025 Vanadium .002 .00 Potassium .2 .2 Zinc .025 .02 TABLE 4A (cont) PARAMETER TOTAL Si02, ppm DISSOLVED SiO Allison 3.00 2.95 TABLE 4B ALLISON LAKE WA TER QUALI TV May 1979 SAI~PLE DEPTH Alkalinity mg/l as CaC03 Aluminum mg/l as Al Ammonia mg/l as N Arsenic mg/l as As Barium mg/l as Ba Cadmium mg/l as Cd Chloride mg/l as Cl Chlorine mg/l as Cl Chromium mg/l as Cr Color pt-co unit Copper mg/l as Cu Flourine mg/l as F Iron mg/l as Fe Iron Bacteria Lead mg/l as Pb Magnesium mg/l as Mg Manganese mg/l as Mn Mercury mg/l as Hg Nickel mg/l as Ni Nitrate mg/l as N Nitrite mg/l sd N Kjeldahl mg/l as N Petroleum or derivatives mg/l ph Potassium mg/l as K S-ilver mg/l Ag Sodium mg/l as Na Sulfate mg/l (S04) Total Dissolved Solids mg/l @ Total Settleable Solids mg/l Turbidity NTU Zinc mg/l 6 Feet 11.0 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.03 1. 15 0.33 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.0 0.01 none 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 O. 11 0.004 O. 14 0.00 7.52 0.09 0.00 0.06 6.5 103C 20.0 0.0 0.01 0.00 70 Feet 11.4 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.90 0.36 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.0 0.01 none 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.006 O. 11 0.00 7.81 0.08 0.00 0.07 7.2 19.0 0.0 0.01 0.00 Mammals Black bear -Ursus americanus Brown bear -Ursus arctos Wolverine -Gulo ~ TABLE 5 Mammals of the Port Valdez Areal Marten -Martes americana Short-tailed weasel -Mustela erminea Mink -Mustella vision River otter -Lutra canadensis Lynx -Lynx canadensis Coyote -Canis latrans Gray wolf -Canis lupus Porcupine -Erethizon dorsatum Snowshoe hare -Lepus americanus Mountain goat -Oreamnos americanus Marine Mammals Sea otter -Enhydra lutris Northern sea lion -Eumetopias jubata Northern fur seal -Callorhinus ursinus Harbor seal -Phoca vitulina Dolphin -unidentified Killer Whale -Orcinus orca Harbor porpoise -Phocoena-phocoena Dall's porpoise -Phocoenoides dalli Hump-backed whale -Megapetera novaeangliae Compiled by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Ecological Services, Anchorage, Alaska. TABLE 6 BIRDS OF THE PORT VALDEZ AREA Common Loon Yellow-billed Loon Arctic Loon Red-throated Loon Red-necked Grebe Horned Grebe Short-tailed Albatross* Black-footed Albatross Laysan Albatross Fulmar Pink-footed Shearwater* Pale-footed Shearwater* Sooty Shearwater Slender-billed Shearwater Scaled Petrel* Fork-tailed Petrel Leach's Petrel Double-Crested Cormorant Pelagic Cormorant Red-faced Cormorant Great Blue Heron Whistling Swan Trumpeter Swan Canada Goose Black Brant Emperor Goose White-fronted Goose Snow Goose Mallard Gadwa 11 Pintail Common Teal Green-winged Teal Blue-wi nged Tea 1 European Widgeon American Widgeon Shoveler Redhead Ring-necked Duck Canvasback Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Common Goldeneye Barrow's Goldeneye Bufflehead White-winged Scoter Surf Scoter Common Scoter Hooded Merganser Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Goshawk Sharp-shined Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Harlan's Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle Bald Eagle l"1arsh Hawk Osprey Gyrf a 1 con Peregrine Falcon Pigeon Hawk Sparrow Hawk Spruce Grouse Willow Ptarmigan Rock Ptarmigan White-tailed Ptarmigan Sandh ill Crane American Coot* Black Oystercatcher Semipalmated Plover Killdeer American Golden Plover Black-bellied Plover Surfbird Ruddy Turnstone Black Turnstone Whimbrel Bristel-thighed Curlew Spotted Sandpiper Solitary Sandpiper Wandering Tattler Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Knot Rock Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Oldsquaw Harlequin Duck Steller's Eider Common Eider King Eider Western Sandpiper Gray Jay Steller's Jay Black-billed Magpie Common Raven Northwestern Crow Black-capped Chickadee Boreal Chickadee Chestnutbacked Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Dipper Winter Wren Robin Varied Thrush Hermit Thrush Swainson's Thrush Gray-cheeked Thrush Wheatear Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Water Pipet Bohemian Waxwing Northern Shrike Starling Red-eyed Vireo* Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow Warbler Myrtle Warbler Townsend's Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Northern Waterthrush Wilson's Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Common Grackle* Pine Grosbeak Gray-crowned Rosy Finch Hoary Redpoll Common Redpool Red Crossbill White-winged Crossbill Savannah Sparrow Slate-colored Junco Least Sandpiper Dunlin Short-billed Dowitcher Long-billed Dowitcher Semipalmated Sandpiper Hudsonian Godwit Sanderling Red Phalarope Northern Phalarope Pomarine Jaeger Paras it ic Jaeger Long-tailed Jaeger Skua* Glaucous Gull Glaucous-winged Gull Herring Gull Mew Gull Bonapart'sGull Black-legged Kittiwake Sabine's Gull Arctic Tern Aleutian Tern Common Murre Thick-billed Murre Pigeon Guillemot Marbled Murrelet Kittlitz's Murrelet Ancient Murrelet Cassin's Auklet Parakeet Auklet Rhinoceros Auklet Tufted Puffin Screech Owl* Great Horned Owl Snowy Owl Hawk Owl Great Grey Owl Short-eared Owl Boreal Owl Annals Hummingbird* Rufous Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Yellow-shafted Flicker Hairy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Northern Three-toed Woodpecker Red-shafted Flicker Say's Phoebe Western Flycatcher Oregon Junco Tree Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Fox Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Song Sparrow Lapland Longspur Snow Bunting Western Wood Peewee Olive-sided Flycatcher Violet-green Swallow Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Barn Swa 11 ow Cliff Swallow TABLE 7 All i son Creek Escapement -.--~ .. -. YEAR Escapement Pink Salmon Chum Salmon .-.---~---.--. 1960 100 1961 750 1962 560 580 1963 -0-2,660 1964 -0-190 1965 -0--0- 1966 -0--0- 1969 500-1,000 1971 300 1973 25 Source: ADF&G. Note: Allison Creek was not regularly checked for escapement by Fish and Game but only as time and funding allowed. A year which shows zero escapement does not necessarily mean that no fish spawned that year, it only indicates that at the time it was checked there were no fish present. UNITED STf-lrES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFF SERVICE 1011 E. TUDOr: H[). IN FH:Pl.Y REFf:~1 TO (8£) M,CHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (9071 276-30:00 III I Colonel Lee R. Nunn, District Engineer Attention: Mr. Jay Soper Department of the Army Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: This responds to your letter of Novemher 9, 1979, requesting a list of threatened and endangered species H'hich may be affected by construction of a hydroelectric power facility on Allison Creek near Valdez, Alaska. Based on the best information currently available to us, no listed or proposed threatened or endangered species for ,,,hich the Fish and Wild- life Service (FWS) has responsibility, are known to occur in the Valdez area. Therefore, you may conclude that the hydroelectric power project on Allison Creek will have no affect on those species, and that formal Section 7 consultation ,,,ith the FWS is not required. Protection of threatened and endangered marine mammals is the responsi- bility of the National Marine Fisheries Service (m1FS). Hhereas Allison Creek is a tributary to Valdez Arm, you may \I1ish to contact the NMFS to determine potential effects of the project on those species. New information indicating the presence of currently listed threatened or endangered species administered by the n~s or the listing of new species which might be affected by the proposed project will require reinitiation of the consultation process. Thank you for your concern for endangered species. Please contact us if you have questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, "I .. ~/I?/~ AS~rea Director .:. Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation Southcentral Railbelt Valdez Interim 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of a lake tap at Allison Lake, power tunnel, above ground penstock, powerhouse, and a transmission line intertie with the Solomon Gulch Substation. Approximately 5 cubic yards of riprap would be placed in Allison Creek below the tailrace as an erosion protection measure. Five cubic yards of riprap would also be placed below the tailrace to Port Valdez at the MHI~~ mark for erosion protection. 2. AREA DESCRIPTION: a. Physical: The area impacted at Port Valdez would be approximately 90 square fe8t of rock and cobble wi thin the intertidal area near the mouth of Allison Creek. Five cubic yards of riprap would be placed in Allison Creck above the existing weir. The impacted area is wi thin the banks of the stream on a rock and cobble area. b. Biological: The proposed disposal site in Port Valdez would be at the MHI-tN level which supports little attached vegetation and minor populations of benthic organisms. The Allison Creek disposal site is above any salmonid spawning or rearing and is in an area where the velocity is high. The area contains typical algae and juvenile invertebrate species associated with short, glacial fed, coastal streams. 3. CONFORMITY WITH GUIDELINES: Evaluation Under 404(b)(1) Guidelines (40 CFR 230) a. Physical Effects: The direct ~hysical impact of this discharge involves the elimination of 20 square yards of a water resource from the physical, chemical, and biological systems. The work is exempt from testing since the material to be used does not represent a possible source of contamination to the surrounding aquatic ecosystem. b. Water Column Effects: Turbidity would increase during work operations. Accordingl \f, light penetration would be decreased. Turbidity caused by runoff at the project site would not be significant. High nutrient concentrations or toxic materials would not be discharged into the water column. The water column, as a whole, would not be significantly impacted. c. Effects on Benthos: The proposed discharge would eliminate a portion of the benthic community due to smothering from sedimentation. It is likely that this community will recolonize the project site. Overall, the benthos would not be adversely impacted. d. Chemical-Biological Effects: The material to be discharged would not significantly impact the chemical integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The project site is not located in a biologically sensitive area. Thus, the chemical-biological system would not be significantly disrupted. 4. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND OBJECTIVES: a. This project would not significantly disrupt the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. b. The food chain would not be significantly disrupted by the proposed work. c. This activity would not inhibit the movement of fauna. d. The filling activity would not destroy wetlands having significant functions in maintenance of water quality. e. The filling activity would not destroy wetland areas that retain natural high or flood waters. f. The proposed work would be conducted in a manner so as to minimize turbidity. g. The activity would not degrade aesthetic, recreational, and economic values. 5. DEGRADATION OF WATER USES: a. The discharge is not in the vicinity of a public water supply intake. b. The discharge is not in an area of concentrated shellfish production. c. The discharge would not disrupt fish spawning and nursery areas. d. The discharge has been designed to minimize impact on wildlife. e. The discharge would not adversely impact recreation areas or water oriented recreation. 2 6. ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES: No endangered or threatened flora and fauna, as listed in the Federal Register, Vol. 44, No. 12, 17 January 1979, "List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants" and subsequent updates, would be impacted by the proposed project. No critical habitat would be destroyed or modi fied which would jeopardize the continued existence of an endangered or threatened species. 7. WETLANDS: Wetland species impacted by this proposal include: rockweed (Fucus disticus) and coraline algae. The project site is not considered to be a productively vegetated wetland. This project would not adversely impact the wetland resource. 8. SUBMERGED VEGETATION: The project site is vegetated with submerged vegetation. The following species are located on the site: rockweed and coraline algae. This project would not adversely impact this wetland resource. 9. APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVES: a. No Action: The no action alternative may cause erosion and scour in both Port Valdez and Allison Creek. This alternative would not be environmentally acceptable. b. Reduced Fill Size: The fill is at the smallest practicable size. c. Modi fy Fill Location or Dimensions: The location is below the outfall at the MHHN level and cannot be located at any other site. 10. WATER DEPENDENCY: The purpose of the project is water dependent or water oriented. All activities taking place on the fill are water oriented in nature. There is a water dependent need for the proposed project. 11. DISPOSAL SITE SELECTION: The disposal site has been selected to be the least environmentally damaging. There are no alternate disposal sites available which are less environmentally sensitive and still feasible for the proposed project. The disposal site has been limited to its smallest practical size. 3 An ecological evalu~)tion as required by Section 40 LI(b) (1) of the Clean \~() ler Act has bO::cn made following the evaluation guidance in 40 CFR 2~XJ. 5. ApprofJI iate measures have been identified and incorporated in the proposed plan to minimize adverse effects on the aquatic and wetland (~Co~;ystems as a result of the discharge. Consideration has been given to the need for the proposed activity, the availability of alternate sites and methods of disposal that are less damaging to the environment, and such water quality standards as are appropriate and applicable by law. Impacts on wetlands at the site would be unavoidable. Approximately less than one-ten th of an acre of aquatic habitat would be eliminated. All activities upon the fill would be water oriented or dependent. There are no other viable or foreseeable practical alternatives. The discharge site does conform with the Guidelines. As such, the discharge site can be specified through the application of Section 404(b)(1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 as amended by the Clean Water Act of 1977. . APPENDIX F CULTURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENr OF lW&nJRAL RESOIJRCES November 12, 1980 Re: 1130-2-1 Col. L. R. Nunn Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 DIVISION OF PARKS Subject: Electrical Power for Valdez, etc. Dear Col. Nunn: JAY S. HAMMO~D. GOVERNOR 619 WAREHOUSE DR., SUITE 210 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99601 PHONE: 2744676 We have reviewed the subject proposal and would like to offer the follow- ing connnents: STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER No probable impacts. Should cultural resources be found during the construction, we request that the project engineer halt all work which may disturb such resources & contact us innnediately. The proposed action is consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program's historic, prehistoric and archaeological resources standard. i 7) A-;~ f/~~ l .. I~ ~i~L pi Douglas?R. Reger, D~puty State Historic Preservation Officer STATE PARK PLANNING Page 20 of the EIS states that consideration was given to the possibil- ity of enhancing or creating recreational values, yet there is little text given to the recreational and scenic values or opportunities. These elements appear to be dismissed due to the restricted land use control and existing site modifications. Col. L. R. Nunn November 12, 1980 Page 2 LWCF No connnent. Sincerely, ~~~~.{~£, \' ~--­~'. ~ Chip Dennerlein Director CD:mlb CULTURAL RESOURCES Aboriginal Setting: Prince William Sound is the home of the Chugach Eskimo, or Cuatit, as they call themselves. The Chugach Range and the mountains of Kenai Peninsula form material boundaries between the Chugach and the Tanana Athabaskans of Cook Inlet and other Athabaskan groups in the interior. The Chugach hunted primari ly marine rather than 1 and animals. Present in the sound were harbor seal, fur s~al, sea otter, sea lion, and beluga whale. Fish of all kinds were abundant. In the 1 ate winter and early spring when bad weather prevented hunting, the natives relied on shell- fish. This is evidenced by the accumulation of shells that mark almost every village site or camping spot. Federica de Laguna surveyed Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet during the summers of 1930 through 1933. She was able to reconstruct much of the Chuqach material culture as it must have been within 500 or so years preceeding first contact with the white man. The following is a summary of her conclusions. Archeological evidence indicated the population of the sound was very small. There were long stretches of shoreline where no sites were reported or observed. The material evidence shows that they had an elaborate social and religious culture. The Chugach were impressive craftsmen in woodworking, evidenced by a rich asortment of tools, especially common was the heavy splitting adz, present in some of the oldest sites. There was a reliance on chipped flint and chert that were grinded on wet stones. Native copper was worked by hammering, heating, and grinding for weapons, needles, spear points, and decorative uses. Village sites were usually on the shore, usually in protected waters, for travel was almost all by sea. The village was frequently placed in a strategic position with a view of the approaches. This seems to be a more important consideration than a neighborhood of a salmon stream or a rich bead of shellfish. Thus, it is thought, no permanent villages were located at the heads of bays in spite of the presence of some of the best salmon streams. Temporary summer camps were set up at fish streams during the salmon runs. Small rocky islands or cliffs which were diffi- cult to climb were used as refuge places or forts. Hunting camps were set up on small islands for the pursuit of sea mammals. Rock shelters or caves near the shore might be used as camping places and burial grounds and the rock walls of such sllelters were sometimes used for pictographs. There were no permanent settlements in the interior. The dwell ings of the Chugach were generally underground with spruce bark for roofing, although there is evidence of wood plank houses above ground. There is also evidence of the Chugach using bath houses. F -1 The closest site investigated by De Laguna to the Valdez area was Galena BiiY. It was reportedly a fish camp. There '/Jere two semi-subterranean houses which have since washed away. The only trace of early occupation was a 2-foot layer of humus and fire cracked rock at a sand beach. A spitting adz, a broken pestle and an unfinished hunting lamp came from a bank near tl'lO existing cabins. A cultural resou~ce survey conducted in connection with the proposed right-of-way for the Alyeska pipeline checked out the area being cleared for storage tanks. This area is located just south of the remaining buildings of old Fort Liscum which is in the affected area of Allison Creek hydropower project. Th e 0 pi ni on was t he a rea conta i ned 1 itt 1 e promise of archeological value (Workman 1970). Historical Setting The Spaniards are credited with the initial discovery of Valdez Bay by Don Salvador Fidalgo in 1790. He named the bay for a fellow naval officer Antonio Valdes y Basan. In 1884, Captain William Ralph Abercrombie of the U~S. Army surveyed a portage route from the interior to Port Va 1 del; Around 1889, the early beginnings of what 10 years 1 ater was to be a booming stamped town began to make an appearance at Port Valdez. Early miners came to seek routes leading to their fortune in mineral wealth. The discovery of gold in the interior established Valdez as one of the three Alaskan routes to the gold fields. There was prospecting done around Valdez, also. The streamer and transport companies were making a fortune bringing men to the port towns (Wartan 1972). Captain Abercrombie was responsible for establishing a military road to Fort Egbert in Eagle, exploring the Copper River valley and maintaining some order in Valdez. Fort Liscom, across the east end of Port Valdez "'Ias established for this purpose in 1900. Company C, 7th Infantry a r r i ve d tog a r r i son For t Lis com 0 nAp r i 1 2 9 , 1 9 00 . ( Arm yin A 1 ask a 1972). Fort: Liscom was also the base of operations for the Washington DC-Alaska military cable and telegraph system connecting Alaska to the lower 48 via Canada. The follol'ling is taken from a report written by C.I"1. Brown for the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, 1975. Of the 1,600 acres which comprised the Fort Liscum military reservation (reduced to 660 acres in 1903) the post buildings occupied only a few acres. The buildings were located closely to one another, with plank walks linking most. Officers' quarters were arranged in a row, forming the western boundary of tIle parade ground. The barracks, gymnasium, post exchange, hospital, and guardhouse formed the eastern and southern boundaries of the parade ground. Large structures, such as the hospital and barracks, were located some distance from the shore, while smaller huildings such as the sheds and storehouses, were placed nearer to the F-2 shorp--probablv to facilitate easier transport of supplies and equipment from the l,o,iharf. Civilian quarters and stables formed their own complex. a short distance west of the post. Both permanent and portable buildings were constructed at Fort Liscum. Nearly all of the permanent buildings, such as the barracks, officers ' quarters, offices, amusemet hall, hospital, etc., were occupied in 1900; they were frame structures with wood foundations and corrugated iron roofs. Additional permanent structures were constructed in 1904-05 when the post garrison was increased to two companies; these buildingw were essentially the same in architectural style as earlier structures. The exception was the commanding officer's quarters, the only building at Fort Liscum with concrete foundations, basement, and closed porch. Most portable buildings at Fort Liscum were assembled from sheets of corru- qated iron in 1901; many had boarded interiors, while others were metal shells. For a community of its size. Fort Liscum was provided with a remarkable number of modern facilities. The post had its own telephone system, connecting all of the offices and several officer's quarters. The "centra 1" was located in the guardhouse, and operated by a member of the guard on duty. The post also had a telegraph office which, by means of a submarine cable to Valdez, allmved communications with almost any point in Alaska and the contiguous United States. Also, the post had a govern- ment launch, which made trips to Valdez on a regular basis. Fort Liscum W(jS not an isolated post in the wi lderness. In the early 1900 's, water was obtained primarily from a barrel sunk into the bed near the mouth of Allison Creek. Water \',as dipped from the barrel, and then del ivered by water cart to the post. Thi s arduous method was modified somewhat in early 1903 when a small pipe was installed to conduct water from Allison Creek to the company and hospital kitchens, and bath house. Water for the officers ' quarters and barrack lavatories was still obtained oy water cart. Late in 1903, however, Chief Surgeon of the Department of Columhia, Lieutenant-Colonel Wilcox, inspected the post and recommended the installation of modern water and sewage systems, noting also that Allison Creek might prove a source of electricity. In 1904, a dam was constructed to form a reservoir, and a temporary pipe system installed. The next season, modern plumbing facilities began to be installed. Completed in 1906, the new water system eliminated the old method of transporting water by cart to post buildings and disposing garbage and refuse in dry earth closets. A 4-inch main conducted water from Allison Creek to distributinq pipes with a pressure of about 75 pounds to the square inch. Barracks, officers ' quarters, the hospital, and other buildings were thus equipped with enamel bath tubs and wash bowls, shower baths in the barracks, wash sinks and closets. Two sewer mains drained into the bay near the limit of low tide. Fire hydrants were conveniently located about the grounds. Water pressure on the lower levels of the reservation was sufficient to throw two fair streams of water over two- F-3 story buildings. At higher points the results were not satisfactory. By 1913, Ilydroelectric dams with an aggregate rated capacity of 700 horse- power were operating in Solomon Gulch, providing electricity for lights, heat, etc. for the post. (U.S. Geological Survey 1914: 78). For several years after Fort Liscum was abandoned in 1922, the post buildinqs remained vacant and unused. In 1925, however, President Calvin Coolidge ordered (No. 4131) the Fort Liscum military reservation placed under the control of the Secretary of the Interior. Several private citizens then applied for permission to acquire the buildings. In July 1925, the Reverend T. Lavrischeff, Rector of Russian-Greek Orthodox Mission in Prince William Sound, requested the removal of any two build- ings at Fort Liscum, to Cordova where he intended to establish a "temple and church house (Lavrischeff 1925). The appl ication was denied. There must have been numerous requests to obtain the post buildings, for in 1926 the district General Land Office was instructed to send an inspector to Fort Liscum and appraise the improvements. In the meant-ime, tIle Alaska Road Commission was permitted to salvage several of the post buildings (Nos. 20 and 30). (General Land Office, February 26, 1926) In early 1928 the General Land Office submitted an appraisal of the Fort Liscum military reservation at $2.50 per acre. Each post building was appraised separately, the inspector arriving at values considerably less than the original cost of tIle buildings--reportedly because the wood foundations of most structures were in poor condition and because the roofs of some structures had collapsed. In any case, the reservation, buildings, and miscellaneous objects were valued at $2,288. (General Land Office, January 9, 1928) Shortly thereafter, on October 2, 1928, the Alaska Road Commission received permission to salvage all buildings on the reservations. A special survey (U.S. Survey No. 1746) was made of the military reservation, with the Interior Department accepting the plat on March 11, 1929. (General Land Office, February 8, 1934) The Alaska Road Commission moved a number of the post buildings to other sites; it also sold various buildinCjs to private citizens, who in turn salvaged the structures. One of these individuals, A.S. Day, applied for a homestead on the mi 1 itary reservation, and converted several former post buildings for use as a residence and salmon-canning operations. In the mid-1Q30's, the Interior Department cancelled U.S. Survey 1746 and Day acquired a patent to his homestead, 160 acres of USS 1746. Day subsequently applied for permisstion to purchase an additional number of buildings. Referrinq to Day's application, a special agent to the District Land Office reported: "the Alaska Road Commission at Valdez stated that during the time the buildings were in their possession, they had removed everything they considered to have any salvage value, and that what remained on the ground was not worth transporting to any other place, and tlley as well stated that had not Mr. Day been right at Fort Liscum, no other person in all probability would ever have offered $1 for what rem2ined." (General Land OffiCe, December 7, 1937) On December 7, 1937, 11 buildings, the dock, water pipes, telegraph poles, etc. were sold to Day for $500. F-4 Today the Alyeska oil terminal encompasses the original site of Fort Liscom. Impact Investigation A cultural resource reconnaissance was conducted for the Allison Creek hydropower project. The 10catiCln tested for cultural remains was within the confines of the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal across Valdez Arm from the city of Valdez. The proposed pm"erhouse site area was specifically tested. The area is reached from a short gravel road on the west side of Allison Creek that leads to an exist-ing pUlTlphouse. The general terrain slopes to the north yet the area in question has been flattened and graded. It is presently a material source, approximate 50 meters in diameter. The edges of this gravel pit seemed to have been disturbed at some point in the past based on the evidence of the vegetation which consists of low growing alders and other brush. The cleared area was visually inspected for cultural remains, because test pits were useless in the gravel substratum. A number of rusted metal parts were noted scattered through- out the gravel pit. It was difficult to ascertain just how old they were. On the western side of the pit several large chunks of concrete that seemed old and eroded \'Jere found. The gravel incorporated into these blocks was not of uniform size as it is in more recent concrete; however, it is probably pre-World War II. The concrete and metal parts may be the remains from Fort Liscum. Three test pits were dug on the alder covered hillside to the south of the gravel pit. Bedrock was only an inch or two below the surface so natural exposures were looked at instead of digging test pits. No cultural remains were found. Cultural resource clearence is recommended for the proposed powerhouse site. In the unlikely event that any unknown cultural resources are discovered during construction activities the Corps of Engineers Cultural Resource Coordinator wi 11 be contacted. No properties included in or that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places are located within the area of environmental impact, and this undertaking will not affect any such property. The latest edition of the National Register and monthly supplements contained in the Federal Register have been consulted. F-5 APPENDIX G FOUNDATIONS AND MATERIALS Item INTRODUCTION LOCAL LINEAR FEATURES SEISMICITY LAKE TAP POWER TUNNEL POWERHOUSE COMMENTS ADDI TIONAL WORK BORING LOGS APPENDIX G FOUNDATIONS AND MATERIALS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page G-l G-l G-l G-l G-2 G-2 G-3 G-3 G-4 INTRODUCTION Allison Lake is located on the south side of Port Valdez, directly across from the city of Valdez, filling approximately one-half of a glacier formed hanging valley. The area is underlain by the Late Cretaceous Valdez Group, a series of metagraywackes, shales and slates with occasional beds of pillow basalt. This is indicative of a rapid, unsorted deposition in an ocean environment. The beds are highly disturbed and no regional structure has yet been defined. LOCAL LINEAR FEATURES Aerial photographs and regional mapping show three strong lineaments near Allison Lake. They are: Jack Bay, east-west leg on the north side of Jack Bay, and an east-west trend approximately 1 mile north of Jack Bay. These features have been mapped as faults by the U.S.G.S. (Bulletin 989-E dated 1954) . SEISMICITY Allison Lake is located in Seismic Zone 4, approximately 46 miles east of the epicenter of tne 27 March 1964 earthquake. The major source of seismic activity in this region is the relative motion of the Pacific and North American plates. The Pacific plate is plunging under the North American plate and it is active along the Benioff Zone which controls the tectonic setting of the area. Prior to 1964, there were approximately 70 magnitude 5, or greater, earthquakes recorded in the Valdez vicinity. Magnitude 5 earthquakes have averaged approximately one per year in recent years. Submarine landslides have been associated with several of the larger events. Magnitude 8 or greater events have occurred three times this century, therefore there is a good probability of a large earthquake occurring during the life of the project. Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) should be tentatively set at magnitude 8.5 at 40 miles. It is important to note that there has been no evidence of rupture in area bedrock. Most destruction in Port Valdez has been caused by tsunami and submarine mass movement of unconsolidated Lowe River delta deposits. LAKE TAP Allison Lake valley has the very typical "U" shape of glacier scouring. Sidewalls are extremely steep metagraywacke cliffs with extensive talus deposits and fans at lake elevation. Lake bottom slope changes indicate talus slopes continuing to the bottom. DH-l, drilled near the original tap location, went through 33 feet of pourous sandy boulders. Metagraywacke bedrock is highly fractured to 70 feet and from 130 feet to 168 feet. A zone of liqht to moderate fracture extends from 70 feet to 130 feet and from 168 feet to the bottom of the hole at 176 feet. Artesian water was encountered at approximately 110 feet. Shutoff pressure of 50 psi indicate approximately G-l 100 psi pressure at depth. The source is located in or above the cliffs bordering the lake. Precisely locating the tap will require underwater photography and possible use of diver inspection. Additional drilling will be required during the General Design Memorandum phase to determine exact overburden thickness and rock characteristics. Artesian conditions encountered in the vicinity could pose a problem during construction and will require further investigation. POWER TUNNEL As noted, Allison Lake sits in a glacier scoured valley. The lake outlet is in what appears to be deep till deposits. DH-2, located approximately 4,000 feet downstream of the lake outlet, did not penetrate bedrock at a depth of 64 feet. Assuming a relatively flat rock line, bedrock may be at an elevation between 1,150 and 1,200, 170 to 220 feet below lake elevation. This is based on the elevation of the falls downstream of the outlet. DH-2 was drilled from an elevation of 1,350 feet, 1,200 feet east of metagraywacke cliffs. This reinforces the suspicion of deep tills in the valley. Plans call for a power tunnel invert elevation of 1,050 feet. The tunnel has been alined to be under the metagraywacke cliffs to assure that it was located in rock. Additional postauthorization explorations and studies may locate suitable rock in the valley floor which would permit a shorter tunnel alinement. The cost estimate for the proposed tunnel was based on an 8-foot unlined horseshoe tunnel for 50 percent of the length and a 6-foot diameter concrete lined circular tunnel for 50 percent of the length. During postauthorization studies, additional drilling will be done to determine the extent of overburden and condition of underlying rock. POWERHOUSE One hole DH-3, has been drilled in the lower powerhouse area, penetrating 69 feet of Allison Creek delta deposits before encountering moderately to highly fractured metagraywacke. While the delta deposits would make good foundation material for a small surface powerp1ant, the area may be subject to tsunami below an elevation of +85 MLLW. During slide induced sea waves, runup at Anderson bay, 7 miles west of Allison Creek, was measured at 70 feet. Measurements at Shoup Bay (Cliff Mine) on the north side of the arm show a runup of 170 feet. No runup measurements were made at Jackson Point or Fort Liscum, but the cannery at Jackson Point floated away. Maximum high tide in Port Valdez is approximately +14 MLLW; therefore, to include the 70-foot runup at Anderson Bay the powerhouse elevation should be at least +85 MLLW. For this reason the upper powerhouse, located at approximately +100 MLLW was selected. Additional reconnaissance and explorations will be required for final powerhouse location during postauthorization studies. G-2 COMMEIHS Permeability of the glacial till and the artesion water will have to be assessed after additional drilling and e~ploration~ to determine the extent of and solution to the problem. ADDITIONAL WORK Due to preliminary nature of the work performed to date, additional drilling and regional and local mapping will have to be done during the General Design Memorandum phase. The particular questions to be addressed wi 11 be: a. Condition and permeability of bedrock on proposed tunnel alinements for lining requirements. b. Depth and permeability of tills. c. Source of artesian water in lake tap area. G-3 -1'~~ ·/~-IU-'J\·-----'~r-.-;-,~ __ .. 3t!;tiv.ll:£~ onILLOAT£9' START 22 ~) 1978~. .8apW·j. 17!1.8' O£,.TH O'F OVEnOUROVi 33.2' OIAM .• tQ.I • CORE RECOV£r.EO 138.3' 'R. ft£"" .., rz-•. nOCK D~I~LL~E~O ____ 1'_12_._6_' +-~~~~~~~ ________ ~ __ ~M-~~ ____ _ AtR'.1\ITH mo:'J NOilT.1 .-1M NJGLE f'RO:'-A VERT. 00 r------.-----------"----h.----------=---1t OIST'SICES: VERTICAL. .. • H<r.l'ZO~T~"". 6-.Af't(~ ELEV. C:::P1'H LOG DESCRIPTION Of IMTEf'IAL$ 1380 0 '~": Overburden. brraywa<.:kc boulders 1n "!~' . tl sand and sil t rmtrix. Boulders to . '6' 4. feet in diameter -I.' .,,' : : .. /~ .~~~: 10-.,' ., Sand and silt .: .. / .. >I l ./·: ... " . . ' .... :~. Bouldery sand; sand fine to ·b· ::. medium, boulders to 1 foot diAmeter :setup on ~ ~ .. ~' I_let. Artesian flow, lIMIt (1):ff pt c 9I.U"e SO psi. SWL 4.0' 9.6' 15.0' , ()ye~'burden I!JIIftt)We ClOnIIwt 20' ". ;.::. '-.... f>. of boulder fniJuiliiu. _ :~.::.::.:~ -'::6''-0.:, •. ".': 27.5' ~A 0 ::;anay DOIHoers; OOUloors t;o ;t reet 3p_ :&".~ in diameter _ 1347 ?J:~ Top of Rock 1-'33=:,.2=--' _________ " -:f):': Metagraywacke, noderat;ely weathered C8J to 32.8' 11.:. nodcratcly hard, fine to n~clhrn n~ . rained. mas.<;i vc except in sh8Jle ' ..... :. ~O_ :~:.~: '.Ones, highly fractured, gray; : .-:. ': staining on fractw-es oc:mron. qtz r .... . 'c!l'.' veins ccmoon. t -':.: :·,:iL Thin gray plastic mud at 38.5', L' Qtz veins 'JJfJ to fIfJ . '~.. 39.1'. 41.4'; 0.1' at 43.5' w/occ. veiRfJ at tJJifJ , ." : ~ iI··· 1'-"'-".1)' . .. . " 'A: '. -:::~.~.:. ...... ' 60 .. ·.·ii:·.· .. ·:: Oce. sulphides 011 jOints belo.v -.. :'Ii: 57.7' . .. . . ~<A":- " .... DO_ .:?l'::::'. .':' :-. (.1. :4: :.~ .::' -: -:'i.:i: J2R3 . . "- 1280 100 -'.~:' .::. :'.:. Sandstone. lrr'c1ilUJl gl'a i ned, grny. . .... .' Qtz. ve i.1J~; llQarYCr J;j~1: 1. NP;~ f()Tm _"(1'" I) APR. C3$ ., rnOJECT An ison L:l.k(' G-4 Core lengths 33. 2' <0.1' -1.8' Mostly <0.5' Core lengths 71. 0 ' 126.7' <0.1' -3.0' Mostly 0.5' -1. 0' 97.0' f 100.0' . IHo~E ..G. -- . ~ . -- ~l =! , W-l .1 r---s\.J~,f'~~.RY LOG ' -,.' -;: ~-.. it: ; , .,'" :-i,,\"I,(,.),mlk \ __ ._~cu.~EI 1. Of 1 1 --1:LO LEN O. I ~I-:.! ~ __ SU:1rACs..~b~V,_1 PROJECT Allison l:lko DRILL [d.TES I START 3 Oct 1978 COMPo 18 OctlU1K1 .... ,~ CE?TII OF HOLE 61.0' ~"" O'F CVEnaUROEft 64.0' 0111:.1. OF 1t000E NX/Blt 1 . ROC'( OniLLEO 0.0' COR( RECOVEr.EO NA ~\ RECOVERY NA ANt:;LE' FROM VERT. rP AZIrJUTH mo.J HOaTH ~D8Y. DAT!: ! ! _. " /#~?9 I OlSTAI'JCES I VERTICAL. i H~IZOHTAL. I IOIWttG DESCRIPTION Of k'ATERIALS .,. I £LFi. OEPTH LOG J:mt REMARKS u _ 11." ~! Bouldery silt, red-browo. metagray-1 ~j,l, wacke boulders, non-plastic fines. 3---5' TIlL I j -~~.:<J 50% Boulders / j ~~o.' ~ Fines .,~ , ~ ........... ' . " ' 10.-': ?$~ .. Q Gravelly, sandy boulders. gray. o.=m Boulders to 3.5' in diameter. 1 :' .:~ . .. -7r1fo boulders ~-.a' -,:·pd 2r1fo Sand. \1l~1i. 1r1fo Gravel riQi' .-.. .20.2' 00, '.' . ....... :.; Gravelly sand, dark gray, frozen Pennafrost (7) ...•.. No, terperature readinp - '.~ .. :':: -.. -. -...... -........ · ...... • •• s· •• • - ~ ·:,;.~·:h ~' -• ••• t. ';F" . Silty sand, dark gray, frozen, ~ • 1~~f.1 55% Sand -2r1fo-3O% Silt °1·' $-15% gravel '" :,. 1r1fo Boulders 14°-.,.'V.'\ Occ, clay serurs 'j · ... Gravels round to sub-round. -; , ',1".', • .1 :l -'J~"j ~ I' 'oO · , . , 48.9' :1 ., .... 50_ 'D ;0 Silty, oobbley sand, tan to gray, Weathered surface -3 o'jo: possibly frozen. TIlL II ..:. lor-4!i'J, sand Ess~ltially the same 1 ·.· •. jo: 35$ cobbles parent naterial as upper · .f) .,,' 15% silt rrIIL I -VI .\ ~ gravel · "'' .~ ~-.. '., . ·i~:~1 I . -LM.1)'. 'j at ' . ., -W.rro.f OF IDLE 1 Total Depth 64.0' ~I 10_ 1 i j ~ J I 80--=-! .' -; -· - '~ -'. , po---: . --. , -0' I - 100 j l , NPA form lrrCiln APR,EG PROJECT Allison lAke I "JLUft(). 111-2 • G-5I r~UMi'.'j~'~Y!lfG .-- 1-'---f3~fJ 1 Pa.w'rlnllsc Q~ ! l 11.[-3 AJ"C:l t IOL~ N . , -.~',.--. ....~ • SURr-A£:_~~V. I PRO·JECT All bOil Lake OmLL CV\TES I SlArrr :t OI:t 1978 COMPo 19 (kt197; i f---. OEPTIf OF HOLE 90.0' DEPTH Or OVEnaunOEN 68.S' DIAU. OF .. OLE NCQ • ! noc" DrlILLED 21 2' COrtE RECOVEfiEO 21.2' % RECOVEnv ~ . j FROM VERT. ....... . ANGLE 0° AZIMUTtI FROM r-!OiITti ..NA ~~D BY. DAT£. i ---' Val--<f1!:1~"?f~ DISTAtlCES' V:~.RTICAl t HC;'lIZONTAL. ~c DESCRIPllON ,. .. I ELEY. OEPTH LOG OF '.!IATERIALS CORE: REMARKS I u _ t7 ",l>. Overburden; fill, (',obbley gravel .! CIlc)~ :! () •• 0 ~ -'" D " 6.0' . -l~·· ~at r O.t! ••• Gravel with minor cobbles, _:1 10 '" &)._ graywacke origin. Creek outwash 0.0'-17' drilled with ,I o. ,.. ·1 "'., . Trioone bit J -.~ ""].0." 17' .1 , -i~~ Boulders (95%) with 5% gravel ., I f20 20' .: rr. Boulder till, gray, occ . 0% DI~'R 0' -23' . R 'O' •• -I ,-~. Clay layers and sand layers, lQ<:J$ D\\'R 23'-50' ) .' iirD. 25% -45% boulders .i , . "., CJfo -'.!I.1k cobbles -:1 I~ro': 5% -lax. gravel 17' to botton N~ roring :j 30.-' ~~;~@.. 20% sand ... 0% -20% silt -~ • IqIO''; " Graywacke origin. '! ,~ .. J -·f·C).' -, .~.j~ -I :t ~O ,0, ~.' 40' r":' Cobbley, silty sand, dense, gx-ay " '0:' : to tan Dec. layers of :; }·tl: rounded gravels (1"-3" dia) -: and clay layers . . ', 0, ..: ~ .1~:I::I .. 0% DWR 50'-51' in I:,rravel -! -: " ,.0, j ,. , -a .:-::' ~~ay clay with Occ. sand and 75% ~m 51' -56' ,-_~4. ock fragrrents, 52.5' to 56.5' 100% llVR 56' -66' 1 .. -. ----~)~.~~~; , ,.j Q ,.' , TIU. 100% llYR 66' -73' .' :. .0, :1 ,-·iv·· 'I: CSG to 66.0' I F "\ -, : t· .. :' :r,'~ : 68.8' .1 . • f; " .... 70_ .... .. .... ~ MGtagra~'\mcke, troderately \\'eathert:.'<1 Core lengths -· .... ~ .. : ':'A:: sarl, fine b'l'nuK-'CI, nl:Jdcrately to <0.1' to 2.0' , highly fractured, dark gray. Avg.O.33' . "'}j: i -"!i: .: Pyrite comoon on fractures. Materia ; IJ.· .; *~; grades ootween lOOtnf,'Tuywueke and 0% D\\'R 73' to bottan · ·,~tr. shale, QTZ veins eamon, 80 . -:~::'::: --'-j . :::::h:: ... . .-: ;;;:':.:: ". 190 ,~::tl·. 00.0' -, • <;«"' ... . OOl'lOjl OF l/Ol..J~ :I '11icklles.og of overburden 68,8' .J .: 100 1 Rock fnl'fvl 21.2' l --' Core recovered 21.2' .; % Core reeovcrccl 100 .! I tl PA Form 1~ t) I HOLE NO. I APR. 66 O~ PROJ~CT A ll.i son Lnl,e DI-3 I ~ A # i"'$U~,~~·"hV (00 .. ~ -1J~.~,I,;-. no. Ilil··1 Pf(OJECT Allison Lake! 1--' 1-. ~~ __ ~~ HOlE 111;.1:5 ' AOCI< OfULLEO lt12.G' NlGlE FRO~1 VERT. 00 r------- OISTA!.!£.ES: VERTICAL. conE nECOVEnfO 138.3' AZ !:':Ntli FAO~A NonrH Nfl i HO:nZOttTAL. pwn~ ELEV. I>~PTH LOG DESCRIPTION OF "'ATERIALS ,. CCAE "A nECOYEAY 97 I rw~i) BY. DATl I ,~ IJ~'"it REMARKS .......,P'I'rV'I+-.?<>r+.-.-:--+~-----:-~~------t---t----------.. ~ lUU :','.:.:. Metagraywacke, IBID .; :.:A::·~ ., -::.~\\ " .:': (j.:-::ll'::': Sanci"itone, ] ight 1 Y wea the red , hard, medilun grained, light to rroderate fracture, gray 1261 12n -'~'.i\,~' 1259 ~~~·~'·~H.~.~~~I~e~la~lgr~:a~w\'a~ck~e~I~B~I~J) __ ~~ ______ ~ :: . .'.:': SandstOne, IBID. Dec. shale :rones. -':..;:..:.:.: --." .. " . ...:- 1251. -.. :-;-:- 1249 1~~·~:~~·~~'~~·'-:~-A-~-l-~,-.t-·a--~v-ac-'k-e-'--II-ll-D-.------------' 1247 . I .. .. • Sandstone, mID. 1237 . --=-:::: Sha 1 e, rroderalely weath('nxl, ==_-rroderate!ly harel, fill(! gl'ainecl, --- 14~ -_-- .:.....::::--- thin bedded, highly fractured dark gray . _ {/:// Sandstone, mID., highly fractured. 1230 150 ::.'.:.::: 1212 1204 ;. ':-:(::i Metagraywacke, m!D., highly ::'."4,::. fractured. ~linor clay cOlmun on -·.'jii joinls. . __ . ::~~~·S:/ 1...-' ·:,n;· _ -Shale, mID. Dec. SS. lay~rs '-=.==: _ .~ .. ,~:::. SS. 161.4' -161.9' and 167.3' - _ -167.8' -.. : .. ' .: 17Q......:: '::-~ ,.:': Sandstone!, IBID, Oce. Irctagr;I)"I'.<lcli.e. .":~:': Lightly fractured 168.8' to boltull. -j~'~.:.~.: .. :': -~ ..... '. 100.-: - 19~ 200 . - rUnD\! OF HOW 1\'pl h !) r hole 'Jh i Ckllf.'SS (l [ O\'cl'lJul'li<.'1I Hock C'()I'l~d Coi'(' rCl'O\'('n'<I <;;, Con~ rccovered 1111 i SOil LHk(~ 17;). R' :n.2' 112.6' l:l:-i.3' 97 109.0' 1.19.0' 121. 3' 129.2' 131. 5' Qtz. veins continue ooonOl 11.50.0' Core lengths 126.7' - 1G8.8' <0.1' -1.2' Mostly <0.5' C 160.0' 168.0' Olre lenglhs 168.8' - 175.8' 0.2' -2.7'; AvgO.~ 11 boxes 0 r core I\rt.C':·;i;Ul flow 1\ 'plh !j{()- lOG.O - llG.()- 12(;.0 - 1:16.0 - 1116.9 - IG1.7 - 161.3 - GI'AI 107.6 0-:-0 117.6 2.6 127.6 2.4 l:l7.G 8.0 1·17.6 0.6 ]!)8.5 12.0 JG3.3 1.8 175.8 13.0 UI·· .' ; ; ; Ii; Z II ;;; II til, ;;; : i;; ; II APPENDIX H FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT REPORT AND CORPS OF ENGINEERS RESPONSE A Ii ,Ii, I ' !jiil' "',,1' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE II\lTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1011 E. TUDOR RD. IN REPL YREFFR TO: ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 R7·1 Co.lonel Lee R. Nunn. District Engineer . Alaska District Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: This correspondence transmits the final Coordination Act report of the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, 48 stat. 401, as amended, for the proposed hydro- electric project at Allison Lake near Valdez, Alaska. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service participation in this project was initiated on December 17, 1976, through a letter from the Corps of Engineers. Project design information was obtained via a preliminary report dated April, 1978, and through correspondence and conversations with Corps of Engineers personnel. Information provided is based on the analysis of field investiga- tions, a . literature review, and discussions with personnel from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Service, Corps of Engineers, the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, the City of Valdez, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Review comments of the draft Coordination Act report by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Corps of Engineers were considered in preparation of the final document. Should you or your staff have any questions concerning the contents of the report, please contact the Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office at 271-4575. , Sincerely, ~r"·""f' Vc,..V C<7 A""~t Area Director ((- cc: AOES, WAES Valdez Interim Southcentral Railbelt Study Allison Lake Hydropower Project Alaska Final Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers· Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska May 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 AREA DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 RESOURCE INVENTORy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 PROJECT IMPACTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 DISCUSSION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 RECOMMENDATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 LITERATURE CITED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 APPENDIX A: SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF SPECIES ••••••••••••••••• 21 APPENDIX B: TEMPERATURE DATA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22a LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Page Figure 1. Location and Vicinity Map Southcentral Railbelt Study, Valdez Interim ••••••••••••••••••••• 4a Figure 2. Valdez Interim Report, Southcentral Railbelt, Allison Lake, Topographic Plan •••••••••• Sa Figure 3. Valdez Interim Report, Southcentral Railbelt, Allison Creek, Topographic Plan •••••••••• 5b Figure 4. Seasonal Variation Population Density of Harpacticus uniremis •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7a Figure 5. Bald Eagle Nest Sites, September 14 and 16, 1976 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8a Table I Prince William Sound Salmon Catch by Species in Numbers of Fish, 1970-79 •••••••••••••••• 6a Table II Value of Prince William Sound Salmon Catch in Pounds, and Value to Fishermen, 1970-79 ••••••••• 6b Table III Allison Creek Salmon Escapement Data ••••••••••••••• 6e I Table IV Allison Creek -Discharge Measurements ••••••••••••• 8b INTRODUCTION The Alaska District, Corps of Engineers (CE) is investigating the need for electrical energy at Valdez, Alaska and surrounding commu- nities. In performance of this investigation, the CE analyzed various alternatives and has identified the hydropower potential of Allison Lake. A detailed feasibility analysis of this project is occurring. This final Coordination Act report is being provided to the CE by the Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to assist in that analysis. AREA DESCRIPTION Port Valdez is located in the northeasternmost extension of Prince William Sound, and is surrounded by the Chugach Mountains. The Port is a steep walled, glaciated fiord which is 3 miles wide and extends in an east-west direction about 14 miles. At its western end the fiord bends to the southwest and constricts to a one mile width at Valdez Narrows before opening into the Valdez Arm of Prince William Sound. The steep mountain slopes extend beneath the water, forming a flat bottomed trough 400 to 800 feet deep. The shore of Port Valdez is steep and rocky, except where river deltas and glacial moraines project into the fiord. Port Valdez is the northernmost ice-free seaport in Alaska, and provides the shortest and most direct route between tidewater and the interior of Alaska. The southern terminus of both the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Richardson Highway are located in Valdez. Approximately 70 earthquakes with a magnitude of five or greater on the Richter scale have been reported at Valdez since 1898, and seven earthquakes have equaled or exceeded a magnitude of eight. The 1964 Alaska Earthquake and the attendant secondary impacts virtually destroyed the original town of Valdez on the Lowe River Delta. A new' town has since been constructed on the delta of Mineral Creek on the north side of the bay. Valdez enjoys a maritime climate, characterized by heavy precipita- tion and relatively mild temperatures. The average annual precipi- tation is 59.31 inches, including 244 inches of snow. The average annual temperature at sea level ranges from 39° to 43° F, with a recorded maximum of 87° F and a minimum of minus 28° F. Local winds are influenced by the Chugach Mountains and follow two distinct patterns: (1) from October through March or April prevailing winds are from the northeast, and (2) from May through September prevail- ing winds are from the southwest. Maximum sustained winds of 58 m.p.h. and gusts of 115 m.p.h. have been recorded at Valdez. Allison Lake (Figure 1) is located near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline terminal in a glacial cirque lying in a north-south trend. A glacial moraine extends across the valley and impounds the lake at a surface elevation of 1,367 feet. The lake is 1.25 miles long, approximately 0.3 mile wide, and over 190 feet deep. Several small glaciers and permanent snowfields at the head of the valley drain into the lake. The outlet stream traverses a gentle gradient for approximately 0.6 mile before descending steeply to sea level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I GLENNALLEN VALDEZ LOCATION A ~J () V I C I NIT Y M /\ P s au THe [ N T R A L n A I L. [3 E L T S H; 0 Y ----_._------_._--------------------_.-------------------- 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Allison Lake hydropower facility will consist of a lake tap at 1,250 feet elevation, a rock tunnel from this level to 1,220 feet elevation, and a 48~inch penstock reaching from the lake tap through the rock tunnel to one of the two proposed powerhouse alter- natives (Figures 2 and 3). Both proposed powerhouse alternatives are located on Alyeska Pipeline Service Company property and either would occupy about 1.5 acres. The Alyeska terminal site road would provide access to either site, with only an additional 50-100 feet of road construction required. Powerhouse alternative #1 is proposed above the existing weir in Allison Creek, which was constructed by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company for a partial source of water for the terminal of the Trans- Alaska Pipeline. The proposed powerhouse is at an approximate elevation of 100 feet (Figure 2). The tailrace would run directly into Allison Creek at this location. The CE has not proposed a dual tailrace configuration at this site as described below for powerhouse alternative #2; however, further consideration of such a feature at this site is contained in the discussion section of this report. Powerhouse alternative #2 is proposed near tidewater at an approximate elevation of 10 feet (Figure 3). A combination of two tailraces are proposed by the CE for this powerhouse. One would discharge directly into Port Valdez, the other would discharge into Allison Creek near the proposed powerhouse. CE personnel have stated that the discharge from the proposed powerhouse could be regulated through each tailrace independently or through each simultaneously. For example, flow through one tailrace could be constant while flow through the other would vary according to power generation requirements. In addition, a six-inch steel diversion pipe is proposed from the penstock to Allison Creek above the existing weir to provide supplemental water if the tributary flow to the creek is not sufficient for the needs of Alyeska, and resident and anadromous fish. To allow disposal of the proposed spoil, excavated from the rock tunnel, an access road approximately 500 feet long will be con- structed from the lower end of the rock tunnel at 1,220 feet elevation due east to the edge of a cliff. About 45,000 cubic yards of rock is proposed to be dumped over this cliff and into a deep gorge. The proposed transmission line will run 3.5 miles from one of the proposed powerhouse sites to the Solomon Gulch substation of the Solomon Gulch hydropower facility, now under construction by the Copper Valley Electric Association. It will closely follow the route of the existing Dayville Road along Port Valdez. RESOURCE INVENTORY Lower elevations of thi/coastal forest in this region support dense stands of Sitka spruce-and mountain hemlock with an understory of I' hi _T Common names of plant and animal species are used throughout t s report. A list of scientific names is given in APPENDIX A. ~ ~. r t~ -~ . i ~ ; Valdez Interim Report Southcentral Railbelt Allison Lake Topographic Plan Figure 2 I \ g g : ,. -I Valdez I nteri Southcentral m ~eport Radbelt Allison C To reek pographic Plan Figure 3 - 7 alder, salmonberry, blueberry, and devilsclub. The steep walls above Allison Lake and upper Allison Creek support alpine tundra. Tall shrub thickets dominated by alder and some balsam. poplar' occur in the area of lower Allison Creek. The riparian area above the lake supports mainly willow thickets. The fresh and saltwaters of the Prince William Sound area support a number of valuable fish species which are of great· economicimpor- tance to the local economy. The short. coastal streams (approxi- mately 700) are important for salmon production. Salmon usage of these small streams is so widespread that, unlike other areas of Alaska, no single stream or small group of streams plays a dominant role in salmon production. In addition, the island-bay complex of the Sound, provides thousands of miles of shoreline. distributed in a fiord system particularly suited to early-stage rearing of juvenile salmon. . The Prince William Sound area has been a rather consistent salmon producer since 1960. The average total salmon catch of 4.6 million fish represents approximately 10 percent of the statewide salmon harvest (Table I). The economy of the Prince William Sound area is largely dependent on the commercial salmon fisheries (Table II). The sport fisheries in the Prince William Sound area are also important to the economy and are primarily centered around the communities of Cordova, Valdez, and Whittier.· the area supports an expanding marine fishery which is concentrated in Valdez Arm near the city of Valdez. Sport fishing is an important tourist attraction for Valdez and a major source of summer recreation for local residents. Saltwater salmon fishing is popular, with coho salmon being the most sought after species. Pink and chum salmon are also caught in large numbers, and a few chinook are occasionally landed. Dolly Varden, halibut, rockfish, dungeness crab, and butter clams are also harvested in the saltwater fishery. Freshwater fishing activity is minor in the Valdez area. Salmon fishing is prohibited in all streams draining into Valdez Bay, and trout habitat and populations are limited. No fish are known to occur in Allison Lake,but fish do inhabit the lower 0.5 mile of Allison Greek. Fish migration above this point is blocked by high water velocity and the steep gradient of the stream. The weir in Allison Creek is also a partial barrier to fish migration. Dolly Varden and sculpin are resident in the creek, while spawning populations of adult pink and chum salmon seasonally occur in the summer and fall. Egg development of salmon occurs through the winter months until out-migration of fry in early spring. Salmon escapement estimates are limited and the available data collected between 1960 and 1971 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) are given in Table III. It is apparent that escapement counts on Allison Creek were not conducted on a regular basis; however, numbers of chum salmon counted in 1963 exceeded 2600 and Table I· 1 Pr ince William Sound Salmon Ca~ch hyS.pecies, in Numbers of ·fish, 1970-79.-1 Y~e-a-r----~Ch~in-o-o~k~----~S~o-c~k-eX-e--·----~C~o7h-O------~Pi7n~k~------~C7h-u-m Total 1970ll 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 * 19772./ *1978!!../ *197¢.1 Totals 10 yr Average 1,031 104,169 3,551 88,368 547 197,526 2,405 124,802 1,590 129,366 2,519 189,613 1,044 112,809 632 310,147 1,043 220,329 2,002 146,468 16,364 1,623,597 1,636 162,360 11,485 30,551 1,634 1,399 801 6,142 6,171 804 1,464 6,780 67,231 6,723 2,809,996 7,310,964 54,783 2,056,878 448,773 4,452,805 3,018,991 4,509,260 2,785,156 15,375,339 230,661 574,265 45,370 729,839 88,544 100,479 370,478 570,497 483,559 323,397 3,157,342 8,007,699 299,860 2,915,323 669,074 4,751,558 3,509,493 5,391,340 3,491,551 15,853,986 42,822,945 3,517,089 48,047,226 4,282,294 351,709 4,804,722 1/ IJ Does not Source: include Copper-Bering Rivers~ 1970-76, Alaska catch and production. statistics. Statistical leaflets H21, 29. Commercial fisheries 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 3/ ~/ Source: Alaska Department of Source: Pete Fridgen, Alaska * Preliminary results. Fish and Game, 1977, Annual Report. Department 6fFish arid-Game, -Coidova. Table II Prince William Sound Salmon Catch in Pounds, and Value to Fisherrr:en, 1970-79 Pounds All Species ~( Catch % Catch hy wei~ht Tot<1~ Value Pinks & Chums Pinks & Chur.!s Cate;"; in Dollars 197 o-!-I 13,R77,688 89 94 $2,277,582 1971 31,217,634 91 97 " 7, 4 3 6 ,5 1 s1-1 1972 2,132,510 18 30 2,926,061.Y 1973 16,314,156 70 93 8,635,016~J 1974 3,906,587 67 75 5,81l,69&~l 1975 18,524,038 94 92 5,733,649 1976 17,038,169 86 95 7,395,290 197711 ( 2 6 , 4 3 2 ,337) 84 (91) data not available 1975!!) (17,740,921) 80 (91 ) (6,832,242) 1979~J (68,660,829) 97 (98) (27 ,391, 727) 1/ 2/ 3/ ~/ Source: 1970-76, Alaska catch and production. Commercial fisheries statistics. Alaska Depart~ent of Fish and Game. Statistical leaflets~ No.'s 21,23,25,26, 27, 28, and 29. Includes value of salmon from the Copper~Bering River districts also. 1977 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage. 1978 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by ADF&G. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Total value of the catch calculated by using the 1978 average dollar value per fish paid to the fishermen. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage. 1979 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by ADF&G. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Total value of the catch calculated by using the 1979 average price per pound for each species paid to the fishermen and the 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage. 3/ 4/ 5/ - - - 1976 Average weights by species Sockeye -7.4 Ibs Coho -8.5 Ibs Pink -'4.2 Ibs Chum -9.1 Ibs Source: ADF&G, 1976 catch and production. Commercial fisheries statistics. Statistical leaflet 1129. 1978 Average price per fish paid to the fishermen Sockeye - $ 7.48/fish Coho 3.59/fish Pink 1. 29/fish Chum 3.28/fish Source: Dennis Haanpaa, ADF&G, Anchorage 1979 Average price per pound paid to the fishermen Sockeye - $ 1.400/lb Coho 0.390/lb Pink 0.377/lb Chum 0.530/lb Source: Dennis Haanpaa, ADF&G, Anchorage II T:lhlc III ALlison Creek Salmon Escapement Data· Y l':\ r Escapenien t Pink Sa lmon Chum Salmon 1%0 100 1961 750 1962 560 580 1963 -0-2,660 190 1965 -0--0- 1966 -0--0- 1969 500-1.000 1971 300 197] 25 -.---.---------------------------' Source: ADF&G. ~\utC': Allis,)!! Creek W<lS not regularly checked for escapement by Pi f;lI drid C;J[ile bL! t only as time and funding allowed. A year \-,hich shows zero (~:;cilpemcnt docs niJt necessarily mean tho t no fish spawned that year, it only indicates that at the time it was checked there were no fish pres('l1t. (1 the number of pink salmon counted in 1969 reached 1,000. In even years spawning by both pink and chum salmon occurs almost exclusively in the intertidal reach of Allison Creek, an area estimated to be 40 feet wide by 300· feet long. During odd years, when stronger runs of pinks occur in Prince William Sound streams, spawning also occurs in Allison Creek upstream to the existing weir. A basic understanding of the life cycle of pink and chum salmon is necessary to recognize all potential impacts which could occur from the proposed project. Adult pink salmon return'to their natal streams to spawn in mid-summer or fall of their second year. Adult chum salmon are predominantly three, four, and five year old fish. Pink salmon enter streams inthe.Valdez area in July and spawn in August and early September, while chum salmon spawn slightly later. Eggs are deposited in the streambed gravels' where development' to the fry stage occurs. . Alevins (embryos which have emerged from the'egg) remain in the gravel until their yolk sacs are compietely, or almost completely absorbed •. The life cycles of pink and chum salmon are very similar • . For chums, the alevin stage' (from hatching to emergence) is completed In 30 to 50' days, depending on the water temperature. In Port Valdez, fry emergence of pink and chum salmon begins in mid-April and peaks in May. Both pink and chum salmon fry migrate to salt water during their first summer, generally within a few days to a few weeks after emergence. Once in. salt water, the young salmon feed in schools near shore until late July or August; some remain near shore until autumn. Between mid-summer of their first year and their second summer, they disperse throughout the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. In salt water, main foods of young pink and/or chum salmon have been reported to be cladocerans, copepods, barnacle naupli, barnacle cyprids, euphasids, and tunicates (Bakkala, 1970). Other studies have shown harpacticoids to be a major' component of the stomach contents of post-emergent pink and chum salmon fry (Kaczynski et. al., 1973; Healey, 1979). The seasonal population density of the copepod Harpacticus uniremis in Port Valdez is shown in Figure 4. Wildlife known to occur in the Allison Lake drainage include brown bear, black bear, mountain goat, wolf, wolverine, marten, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. Upland game birds include willow, rock, and white-tailed ptarmigan and spruce grouse. There is littleinfor- mation on the occurrence of small mammals and birds in the project vicinity, although lists of species are available for the Valdez area. A general list of species which may occur in the vicinity of Allison Creek is provided in APPENDIX A. Waterfowl use of Allison Lake and the creek is considered quite limited. The lake may occasionally be used for resting, and feeding may occur in the shallow, upper part and along the braided stream channel. Approximately 18 Canada geese have been observed resting "0 [-----.-. i 100 f-- , r ~ '"'r ; i • r , -:: ~:r- t i ."r-: ---1--------1.1) Seasonal Variation in Population Density of Harpacticu~ uniremis. Feder, et. al., 1976. 1 ] I ~ / OE'= J",N n.B ....... Y I .. ,. -----II in the fall at the upper end of the lake by FWS personnel. Also, molting geese were observed in the Allison Lake Basin by FWS per- sonnel during 1979. Extensive waterfowl use is made of the intertidal area around upper Port Valdez and the Lowe River Delta. Numerous seabirds inhabit that area also. Waterfowl present in the Valdez area year-round include scoters, goldeneye, common and red-breasted mergansers, mallards, buffleheads, harlequins, and Canada geese. Others sea- sonally present in the Valdez area include pintails, teals, wigeons, oldsquaws, and shovelers. Northern bald eagles are common in the Valdez area. Personnel of the FWS conducted a survey in 1976, locating 23 eagles and 10 nests within Port Valdez (includes all of the shoreline inside of Middle Rock except for the Lowe River flats south of old Valdez). Two nests were identified within three miles on the mouth of Allison Creek, one on each side of the stream (see Figure 5). Congregations of eagles are attracted by salmon to mouths of stream which flow into Port Valdez. The carcasses of salmon are an important addition to the diet of both resident and migratory eagles. Other raptors found in the Valdez area include the osprey, red-tailed hawk, sharp- shinned hawk, goshawk, and Peale's peregine falcon. No terrestrial threatened or endangered species are known to occur in the Valdez area. The endangered finback and humpback whales have been sited in Port Valdez. Peale's peregrine falcon is not listed as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Hunting, hiking, and overnight recreational use in the Allison Lake area appear to be limited, due to the rugged terrain. However, a rough hiking trail to the lake is presently used by local residents. Port Valdez is used, or occasionally visited, by the following marine mammals: northern fur seal, harbor seal, sea otter, northern sea lion, killer whale, humpback whale, Dall's porpoise, and harbor porpoise. The nearshore area from 0.3 mile west of Allison Creek to 0.3 mile west of Dayville Flats Creek has been identified as a feeding area for sea otters and harbor seals. The flow regime of Allison Creek varies from high flow in early summer and fall to low flow in the late winter and early spring. Specific data are lacking and that data available is given in Table IV. PROJECT IMPACTS Impacts which would result from the project are discussed in two categories: construction, and operation and maintenance. Construction: At present, no access road is planned to Allison Lake. This considerably reduces the possible impacts of the project on the upland area. The road and rock dump associated with the tunnel construction will cover existing vegetation, as well as create a scar visible from Valdez. Weathering of the rock will I~ Figure 5. Bald Eagle Nest Sites, September 14 & 16, 1976. \ '-I / -:.~ ~-r/' -~_./.-~:: /'~.='~-: /-:~.:~ =/--~ .. -~ . • _" -.,",",-'-. ____ . __ ;;; • ~ ,\.:,"/" . -I • =;~-.-=~+-'-/-~5 C.bi~.\ • C"~JI" .36 'I . .'t.~ (,';:~J ! " ~ I V A L [) 1..,' 7. ~ .1. " c." P, \ . I _ J-----, ) .::....----- . ':.t", ~ 't· ". ' . . L::. 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I .: I J \'-'-T-- . , (;.'i~~#it!~ Furt I.i~.·um i ': ~ J 17 Table 1 V Date 9-01-50 1-23-74 2-12-74 2-23-74 .1-15~74 [j-09-74 !,-2J-7!, 11-18-74 12-17-7LI 1-25-75 2-07-75 2.-19-75 3-06-75 3-07-75 3-13-75 3--17-75 3-:1.0-75 3--2b-/'l 11 -] 1-75 Ij -l7-}) 1,-24-75 1,-25-75 5-01-75 6-05-75 6-12-75 L,-01-76 Ij-02-76 L,-03-76 4-04-76 4--05-76 4-06-76 4-07-76 4-08-76 4-09-76 4-10-76 4-11-76 4-12-76 1.-13-76 4-14-76 4-15-76 Allison Creek -Discharge Measurements Flow in cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) 54.9 11. 9 15.2 7.6 10.9 13.2 12.9 20.4 20.2 7.2 7.7 10.3 5.15 6.7 5.1 3.96 11. 7 6.0 7.0 10.0 4.6 5.1 5.8 85.0 80.0 3.9 4.2 4. 7 4.9 4.6 4.5 3.8 3.9 3.9 4.7 5.1 4.4 5.5 4.5 1,.2 D3ta collE:'ctL'd by: U.S. Geological Survey Nurthwest Hydraulic Consultants, Ltd. JFI·JAT, George Perkins Fluor Alaska, Inc. occur, and may allow the rock to blend in with the surroundings . within several years. Blasting for tunnel construction could temporarily disturb resident wildlife. The above ground portion of the penstock will be a permanent scar on the hillside. Increased erosion and subsequent stream sedimentation may result from cleared areas. The extent of this occurrence will be directly related to construction techniques and can be avoided. Adverse impacts which can occur to aquatic species as a result of siltation are numerous and well documented. Major impacts from siltation, as a result of construction of the proposed project, include decreased vigor or death of incubating salmon eggs by interfering with or preventing respiration, loss of spawning gravels, and physical disturbance to both adult salmon and other resident species. Clearing of approximately 21.5 acres of vegetation would be required for the transmission line. Visual impact would be significant. Clearing and construction activities could disturb nesting eagles which may result in desertion of eggs and young. Bird collisions· with power lines will result in mortality. Transmission poles could be the tallest object in the immediate vicinity and may commonly be used by raptors as a perch. Improper line spacing presents the hazard of electrocution to large raptors. Construction activities will disturb terrestrial wildlife and may cause avoidance of the area while construction is occuring. This impact should be minor as no wildlife concentrations or critical habitat areas are known to occur in the immediate area. To prevent debris from reaching the turbines, construction of a screen over the penstock intake at the lake will be necessary and could require lake drawdown to the lake tap inlet. This will result ·in dewatering the upper reaches of Allison Creek. If discharge did not occur directly to Port Valdez or occur in a carefully controlled manner it could create excessive discharge into the lower stream; possible scouring of the streambed; and depending when this occurred, above normal stream velocities could either prevent returning adults from entering the stream or expose incubating eggs. Also, resident Dolly Varden could be flushed out of the system to marine waters. Operation and Maintenance: During project operation, the lake level would be drawn down as much as 100 feet, primarily over the winter months. Biological impacts to the lake resulting from this drawdown would probably be minor, although the aesthetic impact would be significant. Fortunately, the lake itself is not visible from the town of Valdez. Fluctuating lake levels could cause lake shore erosion leading to landslides in steeper areas with accompanying habitat degradation. During winter, shelf ice formed by the dropping lake level could impede movement of mountain goats. The low number of goats in the area reduces the extent of this occurrence. The impacts which would result from project operation have the greatest potential for adversely affecting the environment of Allison Creek. The drawdown would dewater Allison Creek at its 1'1 outlet from the lake; however, the CE expects· natural seepage through glacial deposits to provide some flow into the upper creek. Also, tributary flow will provide some stream flow to lower portions of the creek. Water for hydropower production would be drawn from deep in the lake and, based upon available information, will be warmer than Allison Creek water in the winter and colder than the stream's water in the summer. Water at lake tap depth may also be deficient in dissolved oxygen. A minimum dissolved oxygen concentration of 6.0 milligrams per liter (mg/l) has been recommended for coldwater fish (Doudoroff and Shumway, 1966). At the present time, dissolved oxygen data at the depth of the proposed lake tap is not available. The passage of water through the powerhouse and energy dissipator is expected to aerate these waters, although the extent of this occurrence in relation to the acceptable limits for fish is not known at present. Temperature has a major influence on the freshwater stages of salmon. Stream temperature data for Allison Creek has been collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and is now being collected by the ADF&G (APPENDIX B). The CE has also collected some temperature data for Allison Lake (APPENDIX B). The ADF&G has also taken intertidal temperatures at Solomon Creek (three miles to the east) since September, 1979, and this data would probably be consistent with salt water temperatures off the mouth of Allison Creek (APPENDIX B). No intragravel temperatures have been taken~ The effects of warm water discharges on developing eggs and alevins have been studied in laboratory situations and at most major hatchery facilities. Increased mortality and abnormal embryonic development have been shown to occur if the initial incubation temperatures for developing pink salmon eggs is 4.SoC or lower. At 2.0°C or lower, complete mortality will occur (Bailey and Evans, 1971). Preliminary temperature data from the lake (APPENDIX B) indicates that the water through the powerplant would be 4°C or less. Based upon these data, the potential alteration of the temperature regime in Allison Creek could have a significant adverse impact upon the fish resources of Allison Creek. Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen and exposure to light can increase incubation time, but temperature is the primary factor in regulating the duration and timing of incubation and hatching. Development is normally expressed in terms of temperature units. A temperature unit is defined as one degree above freezing for a period of 24 hours. A given number of temperature units is required for the eggs to hatch. The number of temperature units required is generally specific to the species of fish and even to the particular stock. Hatching and emergence is delayed in colder water temperatures and accelerated in warmer temperatures. A minor temperature increase or decrease could considerably advance or delay hatching. A change in the natural temperature regime of Allison Creek could change the timing of pink and chum salmon fry emergence. The extent of this impact is difficult to assess with the data available; however, significant early development of eggs would result in early emergence and outmigration of fry to Port Valdez at a time when it is questionable that there would be adequate planktonic production to sustain rearing activity. Consequently, a substantial alteration in natural water temperature during the egg to fry development period would negatively impact run strength. With sufficient data, the number of temperature units required for eggs to hatch under natural stream temperatures can be calculated and compared to the number of temperature units anticipated to exist under altered stream conditions. The difference in temperature units will show if early or late emergence will occur, and if so, give the approximate magnitude of change in the time of emergence. Where intertidal spawning occurs, such as in Allison Creek, the warmer saltwater contributes to higher intragravel temperatures. This adds to the complexity of the temperature regime in intertidal areas because intertidal zone temperatures are influenced by (1) upstream water temperatures, (2) saltwater temperatures exposed to stream gravel, (3) time of exposure to saltwater, and possibly (4) the permeability of gravels. Should early fry emergence occur, sufficient food sources may not exist. Figure 4 illustrates the seasonal variation in population density of the copepod, Harpacticus uniremis, an organism which could be an important food source for post-emergent fry. Healey (1979) found that H. uniremis made up 50% of the overall diet of juvenile chum salm~n in the Nanaimo Estuary and greater than 80% of the diet when fry were most abundant. He also found that the seasonal pattern of abundance of fry and H. uniremis in the estuary was the same, and that fry consumed most of the estimated production of H. uniremis. Large numbers of this copepod are usually not present in Port Valdez until mid-March to early April. Under natural conditions pink and chum salmon fry emergence begins in mid-April in the Port Valdez area. Radical fluctuations in stream flow contribute most heavily to mortality of developing eggs through erosion, shifting of gravel, or dewatering of spawning beds. Flooding also causes mortality by deposition of silt on spawning areas, which slows intragravel water movement, decreasing the oxygen supply to the eggs, and preventing removal of waste products. Other factors contributing to mortality of eggs are freezing, exposure to light, parasites, predation, high salinity, shock, and superimposition of redds (spawning beds). The tailrace discharge could cause increased velocity in the stream and scouring of the streambed with subsequent removal or burial of spawning gravel. Alterations in natural streamflow could also have adverse impacts upon spawning adults as a result of either high or low flows which are not optimum for spawning. Post-project flow schedules could be beneficial to fish resources by reducing radical flow fluctuations and providing flows optimum for life stage require- ments of pink and chum salmon. As stated previously, two alternative sites have been proposed for the powerhouse. Either site would require clearing of approximately 1.5 acres for construction purposes. Some alteration of the stream- bank and streambed will result from installation of the tailrace and sedimentation could occur. The magnitude of these impacts could be reduced significantly depending on the construction techniques utilized and the time of work. Impacts which would result from either of the proposed powerhouse alternatives were described above. Those impacts which would vary, depending on the site selected, are described below. Powerhouse Alternative Itl: The discharge of flow from this alter- native is proposed by·the CE directly from the tailrace into Allison Creek. Radical flow changes would result and all adverse impacts described previously for alteration of flow would occur. In addition, if instream flows were totally dependent on power generation needs, periods of very low flow could result when the power plant was shut down for maintenance or other reasons. The discharge of all project flows into Allison Creek at this site would also result in temperature and possibly dissolved oxygen impacts occurring in the total reach of Allison Creek utilized by f ish. Flows in the creek above this site may not have any appre- ciable buffering effect for maintenance of natural water quality since they would be low in relation to the flow through the power- house. Powerhouse Alternative 1t2: Impacts described above for site Itl may also be applicable to this alternative. This alternative has two tailraces proposed. If the tailrace waters were discharged directly into Port Valdez during the summer months, a portion of the salmon population could be diverted away from spawning areas in the natural stream by the larger quantities of Allison Creek water issuing from the tailrace into Port Valdez. Diverting water from the powerhouse through the tailrace positioned in Allison Creek would alleviate this impact; however, those impacts discussed above under powerhouse 1t1 would occur. Hhen the discharge is diverted back through the tailrace into Port Valdez, some of the redds could be dewatered. Also, the discharge could prove to be such an attractant to adult salmon that they would pool up below the discharge and not utilize other portions of the stream or intertidal area for spawning. Periods of very low flow during powerhouse shut down could also result from this alternative. The proposed 6 inch diversion pipe could be used to add supplemental water to the creek. However, the use of the diversion pipe for long periods to supply water to the stream or as a substantial supplement to natural flows could also cause early fry emergence as dicussed earlier. Diversion of flows directly into Port Valdez during most of the year would result in a reduction of water velocity in the natural stream~ bed which could result in sedimentation of the spawning gravel. Should a major earthquake occur, this site could be severely damaged or destroyed by seismic sea waves. DISCUSSION With fossil fuel prices continuing on an upward spiral, increasing attention is being given to alternative energy sources. In Alaska, with steep slopes and abundant streams, hydropower is a logical choice. Sites with large hydropower potential close to population centers are limited, but potential small hydropower sites are numerous. Alaska also has abundant fish resources, which frequently inhabit the same drainage systems suitable for hydropower development. Unfortunately, these two resources may not be completely compatible. Allison Creek, cumulatively with the other short coastal streams of Prince William Sound, provides an important contribution to the overall salmon production of the area. Both the commercial and sport fisheries play an important role in the economy of Valdez. In addition, maintenance of natural and wild stocks of salmon in ~llison Creek can be viewed as an aesthetic value which cannot be measured in monetary terms. The most significant impacts upon fish and wildlife resources which would occur from construction of the Allison Lake project are the potential changes in the flow and temperature regimes of the creek. All other potential impacts are considered less significant. An analysis of existing data and subsequent impacts indicate that appropriate structural and non-structural features to mitigate major adverse impacts could be incorporated into project design including either of the proposed powerhouse sites which would make the proposal acceptable environmentally. However, baseline data gaps presently exist which preclude a complete assessment of potential impacts. Execution of appropriate studies before or during the advanced engineering and design stage of planning will enable a thorough evaluation of potential impacts to fish and wildlife and refinement/ development of necessary mitigation features. In addition to these studies, a cooperative study jointly scoped by the FWS and CE, and conducted through project construction and operation, would enable refinement of mitigation recommendations; assessment of the accuracy and effectiveness of those recommendations; and provide a comprehensive data base useful in the future planning of similar projects. Available data suggests that peaking or excess flow should be discharged directly to port Valdez year round and that regulated flows be discharged through the tailrace to Allison Creek. A pre-project instream flow analysis of Allison Creek is needed to derive accurate and specific optimum flow recommendations for fish maintenance. The regulated flows would vary according to life stage requirements of fish and natural streambed flow. For example, from approximately mid-July to early September adult salmon are present in the creek and a constant flow optimum for spawning should occur in Allison Creek. Peaking or excess flow would continue d:i.rectly to Port Valdez and this discharge should occur subtidally to at least -10 feet mean lower low water from June through September to eliminate attracting adults. Discharge measurements are sparse and; according to the CE, accurate predictions of the amount of water flowing through the powerhouse cannot yet be determined. Daily discharge measurements of Allison Creek should be taken for a minimum of one year, beginning as soon as possible. However, collection of data for two years or more is recommended. These data should be provided to the FWS quarterly to assist in refining discharge flow schedules through the proposed powerhouse to Allison Creek. The CE has stated that tributary and groundwater flow to Allison Creek will contribute seasonally to base flow in the creek after project operation. The specific amount of this flow is needed for analysis in the development of flow recommendations to Allison Creek from the powerhouse. The CE expects that tributary and groundwater flow will maintain adequate flow in that reach of the stream below the weir; however, during the low flow period of late winter and early spring it may be necessary to supplement instream flow below the weir to 5.0 cubic feet per second (cfs). The proposed 6 inch diversion pipe should be adequate to accomplish this. Temperature profile data of Allison Creek is needed to assess impacts. The CE should conduct temperature profiles in Allison Lake to the proposed lake tap intake depth for a period of one year beginning as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort should include the months of March, June, September, and December. Concurrently, water samples for testing dissolved oxygen, pH, heavy metal, and turbidity levels, should also be taken at the surface and at the same depth and general location of the proposed lake tap. It may be feasible for the CE to model or accurately predict the thermal regime of Allison Lake with data available for similar alpine lakes. If dissolved oyxgen concentrations are below 6.0 mg/l, corrective measures may be necessary if the dissipators do not insure dissolved oxygen readings of 6.0 mg/l or above. A temperature probe or similar recording device should be installed in the gravel where intertidal spawning occurs to record intragravel temperature for the same time period. The thermograph now installed in Allison Creek should also be maintained throughout the same one-year period. With knowledge of the existing temperature regime for Allison Creek, the temperature of the water coming from the powerplant, the anti- cipated base flow, and the anticipated flow schedules for project operation, the temperature in the spawning beds could be predicted and the effects on developing salmon embryos calculated. Until the extent of adverse impacts can be identified, it is difficult to predict if any other form of mitigation may be appropriate. It could be determined that regulation of the thermal regime of Allison Creek may be required to protect fish resourCeS. During the first year of project operations, daily temperature readings should be taken in Allison Creek below the tailrace dis- charge and provided monthly to the FWS and the ADF&G. Depending on the temperatures, it may be feasible that refinement of discharge recommendations could further mitigate potential impacts due to alteration of the temperature regime through mixing base flows in Allison Creek with project flows. An extension of the one year recording period may be necessary. As additional information is available for a thorough assessment of impacts due to potential changes in flow and temperature regimes, other alternatives for the discharge to Port Valdez may be acceptable or recommended. For example: (1) operation of the project only for base load pmver production would eliminate the radical flow variations associated wi th a peaking facility, (2) alterations in the discharge of flow· from the tailrace in response to power demand could be done incrementally by a specified discharge in a given time period (ex. 10 cfs/hour), (3) discharge of excess flows directly into Port Valdez could be done via .a flume or manmade channel and discharged sub tidally only from June through September. Recent information on spawning populations in Allison Creek is also lacking. Beginning in 1980, escapement counts should be taken at least once a month in July, August, and September of each year. These surveys should continue through the planning, construction, and operation phase of the project to allow assessment of project impacts upon salmon populations. A dual tailrace design as proposed for the lower powerhouse alterna- tive should be included in plans for the upper powerhouse alter- native as well. The impacts associated with the potentfal changes to flow and temperature regimes described previously would occur at either powerhouse alternative unless appropriate mitigation features are incorporated into project design. In fact, construction and operation of the upper powerhouse with the dual tailrace feature is favored slightly because stabilizing the flows in that stream reach between the lower and upper site would benefit fish resources in a greater portion of their habitat. To prevent scouring and downstream sedimentation, energy dissipators should be installed in both the tailrace and outlet of the 6 inch diversion pipe to Allison Creek. Design of the dissipators should insure that the velocity of the discharge into Allison Creek will not exceed the optimum velocity of the natural stream for fish maintenance. The timing of construction will be of considerable importance in minimizing impacts to fish. The work should be done to avoid cri- tical biological life stages. Disturbance of the water quality or streambed morphology while eggs are incubating or fry are emerging can result in direct mortality through suffocation by burial or physical damage. Disturbance ,",hile adults are present can disrupt or prevent spawning and l:Lmit production of future generations. The timing of any inwater construction activity or construction on th.e banks of Allison Creek should he coordinated with the FWS, National Marine Fisheries Service (ID-IFS) ,and the ADF&G to avoid unnecessary impact on the salmon population. Also, because highest densities of populations of spawning salmon occur in odd years, major construction affecting flows should be done on even years. Streambed sedimentation can be caused by a variety of activities. Improper construction and clearing techniques can cause increased runoff and excessive erosion. Clearing for penstock construction above ground should be limited to large shrubs and any trees which may be encountered to reduce ground disturbance and erosion. A damaged streambank is unstable and can cause sedimentation. Streambanks should be restored to pre-project integrity during the . construction season in which they are damaged. Transmission line construction should be initiated after the ground is frozen and some snow cover exists to minimize erosion and rutting. Alteration of the streambed or barriers in the channel can cause scouring and downstream sedimentation. Vegetation and debris should be kept out of Allison Creek and any streams crossed by the trans- mission line. Any structures placed in or across streams or water- bodies, as a result of project work, should be removed before the end of the current construction season. An erosion control plan and a plan for any instream work (including transmission lines) should be developed prior to construction and presented foy review by resource agencies to insure appropriate precautions are implemented. Care should be taken to prevent the introduction of toxic materials into any waterbody. Fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants should be stored in leakproof containers within an area surrounded by a containment berm at a mintmum of 300 feet from any stream or waterbody. Improper disposal of refuse can serve as an attractant to bears and other wildlife and lead to bear/human confrontations, usually resulting in removal or destruction of the bear. Feeding of wild- life by construction crews is illegal and should not be allowed. During construction, all refuse should be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and be removed from the site regularly. Nesting eagles can easily be disturbed by human activity which may cause them to desert eggs or young as a result. Nest removal or disturbance of bald eagles is prohibited by the Bald Eagle Act of 1940. When the exact transmission line route is established, FWS personnel should be given the opportunity to survey the route for any nests. Restrictions may be placed on construction activity occurring between April 1 and July 15 if nests are found in close proximity. Improper spacing of transmission lines can cause electrocution of raptors. Transmission line design and construction should be governed by "Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines," Raptor Research Foundation, 1975. Use of this information should be made to design the powerline with proper grounding, spacing, and configura- tion, such that it will prevent the electrocution of raptors. Clearing for the transmission line could create a visually displeasing scar on the landscape. To lessen this impact, clearing for the right-of-way should be limited to that needed to string the conductors and allow the passage of construction equipment. To further reduce visual impacts, small shrubs should be left in the right-of-way and along the edge of clearings so the vegetation will blend with the natural surroundings. It is our intent to protect the existing salmon runs of Allison Creek. Should we be unsuccessful in adequately protecting.those resources, other mitigation measures such as providing artificial hatching, spawning, and/or rearing areas may be· determined necessary. A final analysis to determine whether or not any of these mitigation measures would be acceptable or are favored cannot be made with data now available.· However, based upon present flow and temperature data, we have tenatively determined that excess flows from the powerhouse should be discharged directly to Port Valdez to mitigate potential adverse impacts to fish resources. Additional data needs which have been identified should be satisfied as soon as possible. Those studies are: a comprehensive analysis of the pre-and post-project temperature regimes, salmon escapement surveys, bald eagle nest surveys, and an instream flow assessment. These studies should be conducted cooperatively by the FWS and CEo Execution of these studies would satisfy data needs for refinement/ development of mitigation recommendations and provide data needed for preparation of a supplement to this report. A cooperative study through project construction and operation would allow further refinement of mitigation recommendations, assessment of the accuracy and effectiveness of these recommendations, and provide baseline data for use in the planning of similar projects in the future. An amended scope of work and associated transfer of funds to the FWS would be required. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the design of the powerhouse allow the release of regulated flows to Allison Creek through the tailrace and excess flows to Port Valdez through the other tailrace. 2. That flows from the powerhouse tailrace to Port Valdez be discharged subtidally to at least -10 feet MLLW from June through September. 3. That the proposed start-up of project operation affecting the natural flows in Allison Creek occur in an even year. 4. That the timing of proposed construction activities in or on the banks of Allison Creek be coordinated with the FWS, NMFS,and the ADF&G. 5. That streambanks be restored to pre-project integrity during the construction season in which they are damaged and debris or vegetation be kept out of streams. 6. That any structures placed in or across streams be removed during the same construction season. 7. That clearing for the penstock construction be limited to large shrubs and any trees which may be encountered. 17 8. That during the construction phase, bulk fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants be stored in leakproof containers within an area surrounded by a containment berm at a minimum of 300 feet from any stream or water body. 9. That no feeding of wildlife occur and all refuse be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and removed regularly. 10. That transmission line construction be governed by "Suggested Pr&ctices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines," Raptor Research Foundation, 1975. 11. That clearing for the transmission line right-of-way be .1imited to only that area needed for construction and be reduced by leaving shrubs and blending the edges of the clearing with the surrounding vegetation. 12. That an erosion control plan and instream work plan be prepared and made available to resource agencies for review and comment before construction. 13. That the CE collect natural discharge data of Allison Creek continuosly for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. 14. That the CE maintain the thermograph in Allison Creek to collect natural temperature data continuously during the one year period that other temperature data is recorded. 15. That the CE collect intragravel temperature data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. 16. That the CE take temperature profiles of Allison Lake to the lake tap depth and temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metal, and pH readings at the lake surface as well as the depth of the lake tap. These measurements should be collected as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort would include the months of March, June, September, and December. 17. That the CE collect continuous temperature data below the proposed tailrace into Allison Creek for at least the first year of project operation. 18. That the CE determine the base flow in Allison Creek expected above the powerhouse after project operation. 19. That provisions be included in advanced project planning for the FWS to survey the selected transmission line route for eagle nests. 20. That provisions be included in advanced project planning for escapement surveys of salmon in Allison Creek by the FWS or ADF&G. 21. That prov1s1onsbe made in advanced project planning for instream flow analysis of Allison Creek by the FWS to determine optimum flow schedules and the velocity of supplemental flows to Allison Creek. 22. That a cooperative study of the proposed Allison Creek Hydropower project, jointly scoped by the CE and FWS and funded by the CE, be conducted through project construction and operation. 23. That, if after execution of the recommended additional . studies, it is determined that some losses to fish and wildlife are unavoidable, those losses be offset by implementation of mitigation measures mutually acceptable to the FWS and the CEo LITERATURE CITED Bailey, Jack E., and Dale R. Evans. 1971. The low-temperature threshold for pink salmon eggs in relation to a proposed hydro- electric installation. Fishery Bulletin 69(3): 595-613. Bakkala, Richard G. 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1972. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 41, Circular 315, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Doudoroff,Peter and Dean L. Shumway. 1966. Dissolved oxygen criteria for the protection of fish. American Fisheries Sociey, Special Publication No.4, A symposium on Water Quality Criteria to Protect Aquatic Life. Feder, Howard M., L. Michael Cheek, Patrick Flanagan, Stephen C. Jewett, Mary H. Johnston, A.S. Naidu, Stephen A. Norrell, A.J. Paul, ArIa Scarborough, and David Shaw. 1976. The sediment environment of Port Valdez, Alaska: the effect of oil on this ecosystem. For: Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Corvallis, Oregon. Healey, M.C., 1979. Detritus and juvenile salmon production in the Nanaimo Estuary: I. Production and feeding rates of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36: 488-496. Kaczynski, V. W., R. J. Feller, and J. Clayton. 1973. Trophic analysis of juvenile pink and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and O. keta) in Puget Sound. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 1003=-10OS--:- 30 APPENDIX A: SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF SPECIES Plants Sitka spruce -Picea sitchensis Mountain hemlock -Tsuga mertensiana Balsam poplar -Populus balsamifera Willow -Salix spp. Alder -Alnus sp~. Salmonberry -Rubus spectabilis Devils club -Oplopanax horridus Blueberry -Vaccinium spp. . Animals Invertebrates Dungeness crab -Cancer magister Butter clam -Saxidomus spp. Copepod -Harpacticus uniremis Fish Pink salmon -Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Chum salmon -Oncorhynchus keta Coho salmon -Oncorhynchus kisutch Sockeye salmon -Oncorhynchus nerka Chinook salmon -Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Dolly Varden -Salvelinus malma Trout -Salmo ~. Rockfish -Sebastes spp. Sculpin -Cottus spp. Halibut -Hippoglossus spp. Birds Canada goose -Branta canadensis Mallard -Anas platyrhynchos Pintail -Anas acuta Green-winged teal -Anas crecca American wigeon -Anas americana Northern shoveler -Spatula clypeata Goldeneye -Bucephala spp. Bufflehead -Bucephala albeola Oldsquaw -Clangula hyemalis Harlequin -Histrionicus histrionicus Surf scoter -Melanitta perspicillata Black scoter -Oidemia nigra Common merganser -Mergus merganser Red-breasted merganser -Mergus serra tor Goshawk -Accipiter ~tilis Sharp-shinned hawk -Accipiter striatus Red-tailed hawk -Buteo jamaicensis Northern bald eagle -Haliae~tus leucocephalus alascanus Osprey -Pandion haliaetus Peale's peregrine falcon -Falc6 peregrinus pealei Spruce grouse -Canachites canadensis Willow ptarmigan -Lagopus lagopus Rock ptarmigan -Lagopus mutus White-tailed ptarmigan -Lagopus leucurus Mammals Black bear -Ursus americanus Brown bear -Ursus arctos Wolverine -Gulo luscus Marten '-Martes americana Short-tailed weasel -Mustela erminea Mink -Mustela vison River otter -Lutra canadensis Lynx-Lynx canadensis Coyote -Canis latrans Gray wolf -Canis lupus Porcupine -Erethizon dors~tum Snowshoe hare -Lepus americanus. Mountain goat -Oreamnos americanus Marine Mammals Sea otter -Enhydra lutris Northern sea lion -Eumetopias jubata Northern fur seal -Callorhinus ursinus Harbor seal -Phoca vitulina Killer Whale -Orcinus rectipinna Harbor porpoise -Phocoena phocoena Dall's porpoise -Phocoenoides dalli Humpback whale -Megaptera novaeangliae APPENDIX B TEMPERATURE DATA j3 Date 09/23/71 02/15/72 . OS/23/72 ·07/24/72 10/12/72 04/04/73 06/17/73 Allison ereekTemperature Data Source: U.S. Geological Survey Temperature °e 5.0 1.0 3.0 7.0 2.5 2.5 4.0 · Thermograph Re8(/ings ALLISON CREEK June 1979 July 1979 AUBust 1979 0 C High Low·· Aver. High· Low. Aver. High . Low Aver. Temp. Temp. Tem:e. Tem:e. Tem:e. Tem:e. Tem:e. Tem:e. Tem:e. 1 5 3 4 9 7 8 2 6 4 5 10 7 8.5 3 6 4 5 11 8 9.5 4 6 4 5 10 7 8.5 . 5 4 10 . 7 8.5 6 4 9 7 8 7 5 4 4.5 9 7 8 8 5 4 4.5 9 7 8 9 6 4 5 .8 7 7.5 10 6 5 5.5 8 7 7.5 11 6 5 5.5 8 7 7.5 12 6 5 5.5 8 6 7 13 6 4 5 8 6 7 14 5 8 7 7.5 15 6 5 5.5 7 16 6 5 5.5 6 17 7 5 6 6 18 7 6 6.5 6 5 5.5 19 8 6 7 6 20 7 5 6 7 5 6 21 7 5 6 8 5 6.5 22 . 7 5 6 7 6 6.5 --------23 7 5 6 8 6 7 24 8 7 7.5 9 7 8 25 8 6 7 9 7 8 26 3 8 5 6.5 9 7 8 27 3 7 5 6 7 28 3 8 6 7 9 7 8 29 ·4 3 3.5 9 6 7.5 9 .7 8 30 5 3 4 9 7 8 8 7 7~ --_ ... --~ ----.... --.-- Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ALLISON CREEK September 1979 . October 1979 . November 1979 CO High Low Aver. High Low Aver. High . Low Aver. Temp. TemE_ Teme· Teme·· Teme· Teme· Teme· Teme· Teme· 1 5.5 3.5 2 8 6 7 5.5 3.5 3 8 5 6.5 · 5.5 3 2 2.5 4 9 7 8. · 5.5 2 1 1.5 5 7 6 6.5 5.5 1 6 7 6· 6.5 5.5 2 0 1 7 7 5 6 5 2 1 1.5 8 8 6 7 • 6 5 5.5 3 2 2.5 9 8 ·6 7 5.5 3 10 7 6 6.5 5.5 3 2 2.5 11 8 6 7 .. 5.5 2 12 9 7 8 · 5.5 3 13 9 8 8.5 5 2.5 14 9 8 8.5 5 4 4.5 3 2 2.5 15 8 7 7.5 5 4 4.5 2 16 7 5 2 1 1.5 17 7 5 4 4.5 1 18 7 4 0 19 4 1 0 0.5 20 3 1 21 . 4 3 3.5 2 1 1.5 22 4 2 23 4 2 24 4 2 0 1 25 4 0 26 4 3 3.5 0 27 6 5 5.5 4 1 0 0.5 28 6 5 5.5 4 2 0 1 29 5· 4 4.5 4 2 30 6 5 5.5 4 2 1 1.5 Source: . Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ALLISON CREEK December 1979 Januarl 1980 Februarl 1980 CO High Low Aver. High· Low Aver. High Low Aver. Temp •. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp· Temp. Temp. Temp. 1 1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5 2 1 0 0.5 -0.3 0..1 -0..4 -0.2 3 0.5 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 4 a 0..1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0 0..4 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 6 -0.3 -0.3 0..6 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1 7 -0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.1 8 -0.3 0.5 0.1 9 ·-0.3 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.1 -0.1 0.0 10 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 -0.3 0.3 -0.2 0.0 11 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 12 -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 13 -0.3 -0.1 -0.6 -0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 14 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.1 15 -0.3 -0.5 -0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 16 0.2 -0.2 001 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 -0.1 0.0 17 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.7 -0.4 18 0.2 -0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 -0.5 19 0.3 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -0.5 20 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.3 21 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 -0.3 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 22 0.2 0.1 0.1 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 0.3 0.0 0.1 23 0.2 0.1 0.2 -0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6 24 0.6 0.2 0.4 -0.5 -0.7 -0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 25 0.8 0.6 0.7 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 0.7 0.4 0.5 I .- ALLISON CREEK December 1979 Januarl 1980 Februarl 1980 CO High Low Aver. High Low ',Ayer. High Low Aver. " Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp Temp. Temp. Temp. 26 0.8 -0.5 1.0 0.7 0.8 27 0.8 0.7 0.8 -0.2 ' -0 .. 5 -0.3 1.0 28 0.8 0.2 -0.1 0.1 29 0.'8 0.5 0.7 0.1 -0.7 -0.4 30 0.3 0.1 0.2 -0.6 Source: Alaska Depart~ent of Fish and Game. 37 Allison Lake Temperature Data May 7, 1979 Type Probe Itl Probe 1t2 Probe 1t3 Ice Thickness 1 Ft. 3 A 6 Ft. Overflow 1.5 Ft. 0 0.5 Ft. TemperatureoC ~O. 25° o· Surface (top of ice) -0.25 +0.25° 1 Meter -0.25 -0.25 0.00 2 -0.25 0.00 0.00 2.5 +0~25 +0.25 3 . 0.25 +0.25 0.30 3.5 . 0.50 +0.75 0.75 4 1.00 1. 25 1.50 4.5 2.00 1. 90 '2~40 5 2.25 2.40 2;50' 5.5 2.75 2.75 6 2.75 3.00 2.90 6.5 3.00 3.00 7 3.00 3.25 3.10 7.5 8 3.25 2.25 3.25 8.5 9 3.25 3.25 3.30 9.5 10 3.25 3.30 3.30 10.5 11 3.25 3.30 3.30 12 Bottom@ 12.25 M 3.30 3.30 13 3.40 3.30 Source: Corps of Engineers. A SOLOMON. CREEK SeEtember 1979 October 1979 November.1979 CO High Low Aver. High Low Aver. . High Low Aver. Tem:e. Tem:e. TeriJ:e. . Temp. TemE·· Tem:e. Temp. . Tem:e. Tem:e • 1 12 5 6 3 2 12 6 3 3 9 6 . . 8 3 4 11 6 7 3 5 6 5 7 2 6 12 5 7 L 7 5 8 1 8 5 8 1 9 10 5 8 0 10 12 7 11 5 2 1 11 12 7 5 3 2 12 13 8 5 ·3 2 13 12 9 5 2 1 14 13 8 5 1.5 15 8 4.5 4.5 1.5 16 8.5 4.5 3.5 6 1.5 17 7. 7 4 6 2 18 7 6 10 4 6 1 19 7 10 4 .6 1 20 7 11 4 5 0 21 7 6 10 3 7 1 22 6 9 2 7 1 23 6 9 2 7 1 24 6 9 2 6 1 25 6 9 3 6 1 26 6 9 3 6 1 27 6 9 3 5 1 28 9 6 8 3 6 1 29 11 6 9 3 5 1 30 6 9 3 6 1 Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game~ .. 31 RESPONSES TO RECOMMENDATIONS of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Final Coordination Act Report. 1. That the design of the powerhouse allow the release of regulated flows to Allison Creek throught the tailrace and excess flows to Port Valdez through the other tailrace. Response: The selected plan includes a two tailrace system which would allow regulated flows to both Allison Creek and Port Valdez. 2. That flows from the powerhouse tailrace to Port Valdez be discharged subtida11y to at least -10 feet MLLW from June through September. Response: During the advanced engineering and design phase, studies will be conducted to determine stream temperatures with project operation. If these studies indicate the stream temperature during the spawning would be below the critical level and all the project discharge could not be discharged into Allison Creek during spawning, mitigative measures, such as a subtidal outlet would probao1y be employed. 3. That the proposed start-up of project operation affecting the natural flows in Allison Creek occur in an even year. Response: The initial drawdown for securing the tap and the placement of trash racks would probably occur during the winter months when flows into the Port Valdez tai1ace and would have no impacts on the incubating eggs within Allison Creek and the intertidal area. Project operation would probably occur with the refilling of the lake the same year as the drawdown. It would be impossible at this time to insure project startup would occur in an even year. 4. That the timing of proposed construction activities in or on the banks of Allison Creek be coordinated with the FWS, NMFS, and the ADF&G. Response: This recommendation will be included in the stipulations to the contractor. 5. That streambanks be restored to preproject integrity during the construction season in which they are damaged and debris or vegetation be kept out of streams. Response: Refer to response to number four. 6. That any structures placed in or across streams be removed during the same construction season. Response: Refer to response to number four. 7. That clearing for the penstock construction be limited to large shrubs and any trees whi~h may be encountered. Response: Some clearing to base ground would be required for the footing of the pensto~k brac~s. Stipulations to the contractor would include revegetati6n in areas where erosion could possibly occur. 8. That during the const:'uction phase, bulk fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants be stored in leakproof containers within an area surrounded by a containment berm at a minimum of 300 feet from any stream or water body. Response: Refer to response to number four. 9. That no feeding of wildlife occur and all refuse be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and removed regularly. Response: Refer to response to number four. lO. That the transmission line construction be governed by "Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines," Raptor Research Foundation. 1975. Response: The design of the transmission lines will follow the above. practices. 11. That clearing for the transmission line right-of-way be limited to only that area needed for construction and be reduced by lea~ing shrubs and blending the edges of the clearing with the surrounding vegetation. Response: Refer to response to number four. 12. That an erosion control plan and instream work plan be prepared and made available to resource agencies for review and comment before construction. Response: Little instream work is anticipated, however the recommendation will be included in the stipulations to the contractor~ 13. That the CE collect natural discharge data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. Response: At least one stream gage will be installed on Allison Creek during the advanced engineering and design phase and it will collect data for several years. 14. That the CE maintain the thermograph in Allison Creek to collect natural temperature data continuously during the one year period that other temperature data is recorded. Response: The thermograph is in place at this time and will remain collecting temperatures well after project completion. 15. That the CE collect intragravel temperature data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. Response: Intragravel temperature data will be collected during the advanced engineering and design phase. 16. That the CE take temperature profiles of Allison Lake to the lake tap depth and temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metal, and pH readings at the lake surface as well as the depth of the lake tap. These measurements should be collected as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort would include the months of March, June, September, and December. Response: Refer to response to number 15. 17. That the.CE collect continuous temperature data below the proposed tailrace into Allison Creek for at least the first year of project operation. Response: The thermograph which is now operating in Allison Creek will continue to collect data for at least the first year after project completion. 18. That the CE determine the base flow in Allison Creek expected above the powerhouse after project op~ration. Response: Preliminary estimates have been completed and are included in this report. A gage will be installed during AE&D and maintained after project completion. 19. Response: An eagle nest survey will be.conducted prior to any construction associated with the project. 20. That provisions be included in advanced project planning for escapement survey of salmon in Allison Creek by the FWS or ADF&G. Response: ADF&G, has indicated they would increase their effort on Allison Creek. During AE&D at least one year of intensive an escapement survey will be conducted. 21. That provisions be made in advanced project planning for instream flow analysis of Allison Creek by the FWS to determine optimum flow schedules and the velocity of supplemental flows to Allison Creek. Response: Provisions for flow analysis of Allison Creek will be included in the AE&D phase. Whether an extensive instream flow analysis is reqUired is not known at this time. 22. That a cooperative study of the proposed Allison Creek Hydropower project, jointly scoped by the CE and FWS and funded by the CE, be conducted through project construction and operation. Response: The U.S~F.W.S. will be involved in the scoping process for environmental studies during the AE&D. 23. That, if after execution of the recommended additional studies, it is determined that some losses to fish and wildlife are unavoidable, those losses be offset by implementation of mitigation measures mutually acceptable to the FWS and the CEo Response: The CE is in full accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 1979 High Temp. 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 6 5 1 0.6 3.8 2.4 4.0 3.7 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 3.7 3.3 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.3 3.2 3.0 2.9 Low Temp. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -n.s -0.5 -0.5 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 Aver. Temp. SOLOMON CREEK January 1QRO High Temp. 3.8 4.1 2.5 3.5 3.7 3.1 3.3 3.2 1.2 2.7 2.9 2.2 2.9 3.4 2.9 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 2.0 1.R 1.8 2.1 1.5 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.8 Low Temp. -0.5 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 ~0.2 . -0.2 -0.5 -0.5 -0.6 -0.6 -0.3 -n.S -0.3 -0.3 --0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Aver. Temp. Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. February 19RO High Temp, 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.2 2.5 2.n 2.2 2,f) 1.6 1.7 . 2.0 1.f) 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.0 2.n 2.4 2.3 3.8 Low Temp. -n.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.2 -0.4 -n,R -n.S -0.5 -n.4 -0.7 -0.5 -n.S -0.4 -0.3 -n.3 -n.3 -0.4 -0,5 ~b.3 .... 0,2 ,""0.2 Aver. Temp. APPENDIX I MARKETABILITY REPORT Val d ez - G len n a lie n Povver Market Anal'ysis January 1981 U.S. Depart ment of Energy Alaska Power Administration Juneau, Alaska 99802 Department Of Energy Alaska Power Administration P.O. Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Colonp.l Lee Nunn District Engineer Corps of Engineers Alaska District P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: January 27, 1981 This is Alaska Power Administration's power market report for the Valdez-Glennallen area. The power market analysis includes load projections, power market size and characteristics, a review of available alternatives, and a deter- mination of marketability and financial feasibility. APA considered various alternative power supply alternatives as follow-on projects after completion of the Solomon Gulch Project. They were: 1. Allison Creek. 2. Pressure reducing turbines (PRT's) in the Alyeska Pipeline. 3. Interconnection of CVEA system with Railbelt power supplies. 4. Use of diesel generation. The marketability findings were: 1. PRT' s appeared to have a tremendous cost advantage over other alternatives. 2. If PRT's are constructed, Allison Creek could be deferred a few years. If not, Allison Creek would be needed as soon as possible after completion of Solomon Gulch. 3. Allison Creek represents generally a higher cost of power compared to other projects now under active consideration in the State. 4. Railbelt power supplies made available through interconnection could be competitive with Allison Creek. 2 APA concludes that the outlook for financial feasibility is sufficiently favorable to warrant steps towards project authorization, but recommends rep-valuation of the power markets and alternative costs prior to construc- tion. Enclosure Sincerely, ·/-7 /7 I{-:'-V. @~ Robert J. Cross Administrator Chapter Valdez/Glennallen Power Market Analysis CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION............................................... 1 Purpose and Scope..................................... 1 Project Plans and Costs............................... 1 Previous Studies...................................... 1 I I • SUMMARY. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 III. POWER MARKET DESCRIPTION AND OUTLOOK....................... 7 Location.............................................. 7 Economy. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Population and Employment............................. 9 IV. EXISTING POWER SySTEMS..................................... 11 System................................................ 11 Installed Capacity.................................... 11 Historical Loads...................................... 12 General.......................................... 12 Energy Growth Relationships...................... 12 Load Factors ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Rates................................................. 16 V. FUTURE POWER AND ENERGY ASSUMPTIONS AND REqUIREMENTS....... 17 Energy and Peak Demand Forecasts...................... 17 Installed Capacity Forecast and Future Needs.......... 18 Energy Distribution................................... 18 VI. ALTERNATIVE GENERATION AND COSTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 Hydropower............................................ 23 Tidal Powe r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24 Steamplants........................................... 24 Coal-fired....................................... 24 Oil-and Gas-fired............................... 24 Biomass-fired •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Solar............................................ 25 Nuclear •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Combustion or Gas Turbines............................ 25 Diesels ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Geothermal Powerplants................................ 25 Wind 'Ma.chi-nes ••.•• "................................... 26 Exogp.nous Supply •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 Other Altprnatives.................................... 26 VII. LOAD/RESOURCE ANALySIS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Installed Capacity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Ne t Energy............................................ 30 i Chapter VIII. IX. FINANCIAL ANALySIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Co'st Summary ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Average Rates •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B IBL IOGRAPHY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii 39 39 45 59 Table III-1 IV-1 IV-2 V-I V-2 VII-1 VII-2 VII-3 VIII-1A VIII-1B VIII-2 VIII-3 VIII-3A. VIII-4 VIII-4A VIII-5 VIII-6 VIII-7 VIII-8 VIII-9 VIII-lO· VIII-lOA VIII-ll VIII-12 List of·Tab1es Demographic Data •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Historical Loads •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 Historical Growth Rates and Energy Use................ 14 Valdez/Glennallen Area Utility Load Estimates......... 19 Installed Capacity Estimates and Existing Generation •• 21 Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with Allison Creek Supply.. 31 Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with PRT Supply............ 32 Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with Allison Creek and PRT Supply ........• -••••••• e, •••••• '.......... ••• •• 33 Summary Cost Estimate Allison Creek Alternate No. 1. 40 Summary Cost Estimate Allison Creek Alternate No. 2. 41 Summary Cost Estimate Pressure Reducing Turbine ••••• 42 Summary Cost Estimate Railbe1 t Area to Glennallen Intertie •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 43 Average Rate Determination -Anchorage Portion of Railbel t System ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• CVEA Diesel Generation Expenses -Historic •••••••••••• CVEA Diesel Generation Expenses -Future •••••••••••••• Average Rate Comparisons •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• Average Rate Determinations -Allison Creek 44 46 47 48 Al tp:rna t ive No.1 ••.•••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• e-. • • 50 Average Rate Determination -Allison Creek Alternative No.2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 Average Rate Determination -Pressure Reducing Turbi~e ••••••••••••••••••.••••• e._.... .. ... 52 Average Rate Determination -Interconnection with Rai1be1t System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Average Rate Determination -Continued Diesel Generation-(5 Percent Fuel Escalation) •••••• Average Rate Determination -Continued Diesel Generation-(2 Percent Fuel Escalation) •••••• Average Rate Determination Allison Creek Case ••••••• Average Rate Determination -Intertie Case •••••••••••• iii 53 54 55 56 57 List of Figures Figure III-l Utility Market •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 V-I Valdez/Glennallen Area Energy Forecasts •••••••••••••••• 20 VII-l Valdez/Glennallen Capacity/Resource Diagram •••••••••••• 34 Plan 1 Allison Creek Alternative 1 or 2 •••••••••• 34 Plan 2 Pressure Reducing Turbine ••••••••••••••••• 34 VII-2 Plan 3 Continuing Thermal Generation ••••••••••••• 35 VII-3 Valdez/Glennallen Net Energy/Forecast Resource ••••••••• 36 Plan 1 Allison Creek Alternative No.1 ••••••••••• 36 VII-4 Plan 2 Pressure Reducing Turbine ••••••••••••••••• 37 VII-5 Plan 3 Continuing Thermal Generation ••••••••••••• 38 VIII-l Valdez/Glennallen -Alternative Generation Sources' -Busbar Costs .•...•••••..•.•• 0 •••••••••••••• 49 iv Valdez/Glennallen Power Market Analysis CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Purpose aQd Scope This power market analysis evaluates alternatives for meeting the power needs of the Valdez/Glennallen areas after full utilization of the Solomon Gulch hydro project, now under construction. Included are power market forecasts, analyses of various alternatives for supplying the projected needs, and estimates of future energy costs. The Valdez and Glennallen areas are considered as one, for the purposes of this report, since the Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) line between the two areas is presently under construction. The analysis primarily focuses on the Allison Creek Hydro Project as a potential to meet area power needs after full utilization of Solomon Gulch. It also looks at the alternatives of (1) pressure reducing turbines in the Alyeska Pipeline, and (2) interconnection with Railbelt area power supplies. Project Plans and Costs The Corps of Engineers Southcentral Railbelt Stage II Checkpoint report of April 1978 titled, Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes for Valdez, Alaska, identified the Allison Creek project lake tap scheme as having the best potential of several alternatives considered. Since that report, the Corps designed two alternatives for using a power tunnel and a penstock between lake tap and powerplant. Alternative 1 uses a "lower" powerplant near the shoreline and alternative 2 an "upper" one on the mountainside. The following chart outlines these: Powerplant Location Installed Capacity Average Annual Energy Firm Energy Plant Factor (firm) Project Cost Unit Power Cost Average Annual Cost Unit Energy Cost Transmission Line Alternative 1 Lower 8 MW 39,350 MWH 34,300 MWH 48.9% $37,250,000 $5,029/kW $3,489,521 10.2¢/kWh 3 miles Previous Studies Alternative 2 Upper 8 MW 37,250 MWH 32,200 MWH 45.9% $34,301,000 $4,63l/kW $3,229,176 10.0¢/kWh 3.5 miles An inventory of potential hydroelectric sites in Alaska was done by the Alaska District of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (now the Alaska Power Administration) in the 1960's. Several sites near Valdez, including Allison Creek, were part of this inventory. However, when the inventory 1 list was classified into the 76 most economical, Allison Creek was not included. Higher fuel co~ts have since changed the economic outlook. Allison Creek project has not previously been studied as a lake tap scheme, other than in the above mentioned, Corps report. However, the project with a dam has been included as an alternative or an adjunct to Solomon Gulch in studies by Robert W. Retherford Associates (see bib- liography items 8, 10, 15). Retherford, as well as the Corps, concluded that the scheme with a dam was not feasible. Load forecasts of the Valdez/Glennallen area have been reported in several reports •. Copper Valley Electric Association and REA jointly study future loads about every two years. Results are shown in several Solomon Gulch studies and in the Robert W. Retherford Asssociates reports of po~er supply (see bibliography items 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18). The ,Upper Susitna River Project Market Study completed by APA in 1979 and the Alaska Water Study Committee S.C. Alaska Level B Phase I study include sections on the Valdez/Glennallen area. 2 CHAPTER II SUMMARY Valdez and Glennallen, both served by Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA), and the Alyeska Pipeline terminal in Valdez are all presently supplied from oil-fired electric generation. CVEA is currently into . construction of the l2-MW Solomon Gulch hydro project. Assumed project- on-line-date is 1981. A l38-kV transmission line between Valdez and Glennallen is also assumed to be completed in 1981. This report dealt primarily with alternatives the Valdez/Glennallen areas have for meeting their electric power needs after full utilization of Solomon Gulch. . The Valdez area and, toa lesser extent, the Glenallen area experienced rapid growth during the Alyeska pipeline construction period of 1974 to 1977.· The following table shows a summary of historical annual growth rates. Residential Period Growth (%) Valdez 1970-1973 7.7 1973-1977 50.0 1977-1979 -9.4 Glennallen 1970-1973 15.9 1973-1977 24.0 1977-1979 -7.5 Energy use per customer in 1979 was: Residential 6,666 kWh Valdez Commercial/Industrial 62,350 kWh Commercial/Industrial Growth (%) Residential 4,708 kWh 3.4 38.2 -3.9 5.0 42.6 -9.8 Glennallen Commercial/Industrial 55,171 kWh CVEA retail rates for electric energy in 1979 were: (revenue per kWh) Residential l2.7e Valdez Commercial/Industrial 10.ge Residential l4.le Glennallen Commercial/Industrial 13.4e The annual cost of generation in the CVEA area in 1979 averaged 8.le per kWh. Preliminary input from the utility indicates close to lOe/kWh in 1980. 3 It was found that there are considerable uncertainties in making load forecasts for this area. For example, there are many questions on precise timing and numbers of jobs associated with the construction and operation of the State's Alaska Liquid Petroleum Company Refinery (ALPETCO) scheduled for Valdez. Because of such contingencies, both Valdez and Glennallen have potential for growth appreciably different than the assumed forecast. The basic forecast adopted was presented in the CVEA Power Cost Study of January 1980. That forecast then was extrapolated to year 2000 and adjustments made to reflect conservation and estimated additional loads during ALPETCO construction and operation. Future power requirements are estimated as follows: Valdez EnerSil (GWH) Demand (MW) caj2acityl/ (MW) Historical 1978 23.4 4.8 10.1 1979 23.0 4.2 10.1 1980 26.5 5.4 7.2 1985 48.0 9.8 13.1 1990 57.0 11.7 15.6 1993 63.0 12.9 17.2 2000 76.0 15.2 20.3 Glennallen EnerSil (GWH) Demand (MW) CaEacityl/ (MW) Historical 1978 20.4 4.0 7.6 1979 18.5 3.5 7.6 1980 21.4 4.4 5.9 1985 29.5 5.8 7.7 1990 40.6 7.8 10.4 1993 49.2 9.2 12.3 2000 70.0 14.0 18.7 1./ Forecasted capacity is computed from peak demand + 75% (assumes 25 % reserves). Various alternative power supply alternatives were considered as follow- on projects after Solomon Gulch: 1. Allison Creek 2. Pressure reducing turbines (PRT's) in Alyeska Pipeline 3. Interconnection of CVEA system with Railbelt power supplies 4. Use of diesel generation Load/resource and cost analysis were performed to compare the forecasted loads with the alternatives listed above. The load/resource results indicated: 4 A. Assuming Allison Creek follows Solomon Gulch: 1. CVEA needs energy and capacity immediately after completion of Solomon Gulch. 2. Allison Creek firm energy would be fully utilized by 1985. 3. Allison Creek capacity plus Solomon Gulch can supply the area peak demand until 1991. B. Assuming PRT's follow Solomon Gulch: 1. Allison Creek energy would not be needed until about 1990. 2. Solomon Gulch, Allison Creek, and PRT capacity and firm energy would all be fully utilized before 2000. The cost analyses showed the following: 1. Allison Creek alternative 1 has slightly higher power cost than Allison Creek alternative 2. Both are about 10¢ per kWh, under current prices, assuming 50-year payout, and with 8 percent interest rate. 2. PRT unit costs are about one-fourth of Allison Creek. 3. Allison Creek power costs appear comparib1e with 1980 diesel generation costs. 4. Based on rough studies from the March 1979 Upper Susitna Power Market Study, with allowance for inflation to the present, cost of power supply obtained through an interconnection to the Rai1be1t may be comparable to or slightly higher than Allison Creek. The marketability findings are as follow: 1. PRT's appear to have a tremendous cost advantage over the other available alternatives. 2. If PRT's are constructed, Allison Creek would be deferred a few years. If not, Allison Creek would be used about as quickly as it could be brought on line after Solomon Gulch. 3. Allison Creek represents generally a higher unit cost of power than other projects now under active consideration elsewhere in the State. 4. It appears probable that power supplies made available through interconnection with the main Rai1be1t area load centers would be competitive with Allison Creek. 5 5. Marketing vagarities (loads, Railbelt intertie, local or state construction) make present comparisons uncertain. Interest rates for repayment of Federal investment in power projects are keyed to long-term borrowing costs, with an annual determination by the Secretary of Treasury. The formula is based on average costs of govern- ment securities with 15 or more years to maturity at the beginning of each fiscal year. Changes in the rate to be applied to new investments are limited to one-half percent per year. Studies for this re.port used an 8 percent interest rate, which was the rate to be applied for new Federal investment in FY 1980. A larger increase in borrowing costs was experienced in FY 1980, as reflected in Tn~asury' s determination that the average rates for the long-term securities as of October 1, 1980 was in excess of 10 percent (10.25). Thus, if Allison Creek Project is constructed in the mid to late 1980's, it is likely that the project interest rate will be 10 percent or higher. Under the 8 percent assumption and October 1980 price levels, annual reserves $3,229,000 are needed to cover operations, maintenance, and amortization costs for Allison Creek. Under a 10 percent assumption, annual reserve requirements would be $3,937,000, an increase of 22 percent. Average rates for repayment would reflect similar increases. These figures do not reflect future inflation. Changes in interest rate and future inflation would have similar impacts on costs for alternative power sources. APA concludes that the outlook for financial feasibility is sufficiently favorable to warrant steps towards project authorization, but recommends reevaluation of the power markets and alternative costs prior to construc- tion. 6 CHAPTER III POWER MARKET DESCRIPTION AND OUTLOOK Location Valdez, situated in the northeast corner of Prince William Sound, is now ~~ll known as the southern·· termim,ls of the Alaska oil pipeline. It is als~ . the·southern termin~s of the Richardson highway, which leads to Fairbanks, 363 miles·north. Anchorage is 306 miles by road from Valdez. The Alaska Marine Highway connects Valdez to Whittier and Cordova. It is served by air, but not mainline schedules. Glennallen, about half way between Valdez and Fairbanks, is 115 miles north on the Richardson highway. It is the eastern end of the Glenn highway, 189 miles from Anchorage. Figure 111-1 locates Valdez and Glennallen geographically. Economy Valdez economy before the oil pipeline was based on fishing and govern- ment. Before the 1964 earthquake, shipping played a part. The pipeline activity has had heavy impact since 1970 when the first pipe stockpiling started. Oil storage and shipping facilities have been operating in Valdez since the middle of 1977. Stability is returning after the extreme economic and demographic fluctuations caused by pipeline con- struction between 1974 and 1976, and construction "wind-down" in late 1976 and early 1977. The following chronology summarizes economic activity in Valdez since 1970: 1970 -Beginning of pipe delivery to Valdez and other areas along the pipeline corridor. 1971 -Value of pipe dropped off but delivery of pipe continued. 1972 and 1973 -No pipe delivered in this period. Business receipts decreased by SO percent in 1972 and continued to decrease in 1973. 1974 to 1976 -Pipe delivery resumes with seven-fold increase by 1975. Community experiences an ll-fold increase in business receipts from 1974 to 1975 and a four-fold increase from 1975 to 1976. 1976 -Peak of pipeline terminal construction. Pipe delivery eight times less than 1975 activity. 1977 -Operation of pipeline and terminal began in late summer. CVEA service of some pump station utility type loads commenced. Since 1977, Valdez economy, judged by employment, dipped for several months after pipeline operation commenced, then recovered with cyclic 7 1:0DI Il.!C-8[iTCL r Kor SlNmEGION 8 Figure III-l ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION o UTILITY NARKET AREAS MARCH 1979 increases. Municipal construction has been perhaps the major vehicle of economic stability in the last two years. Three municipal buildings, port and airport improvements, and the start of Solomon Gulch hydroproject have been the major activities. Along with "gearing-up" for the proposed ALPETCO refinery, the city is working towards re-establishing its pre- earthquake status as a significant port for more than oil tankers. No indications point towards a future economic downturn for Valdez. Glennallen and its neighboring towns are crossroad and tourist dependent places. Interior Alaska government functions also contribute to the economy. The pipeline activity had a definite influence but not as severe as in Valdez. No definite activities appear in the offing to alter the area economy. The proposed gas pipeline in the Alaska highway corridor is not within commuting distance of Glennallen; so its impact is expected to be minimal to negligible. Recent oil exploration activity near the area appears now to be small and uncertain. The Glennallen area will expand with the state tourism industry. Population and Employment Available demographic statistics do not separate Valdez and Glennallen. Statewide data is disaggregated into census divisions and both places are included in the Valdez-Chitina-Whittier census division. Table 111-1 shows annual historic values of population, employment, and housing starts, which come from Alaska Department of Labor and Department of Housing and Urban Development publications (see bibliography items 2, 7,14,16). The peak of Valdez pipeline terminal construction, the dip at the end of construction, and the increase with recent construction activity clearly show in the employment statistics. Preliminary 1979 data indicates population decline has leveled off. Housing starts also indicate an increase, from 14 starts in 1978 to 29 starts in 1979. Overall, it appears the pipeline boom-bust cycle left Valdez on a somewhat higher economic plane than before the pipeline. The future outlook is continuing moderate (compared to pipeline construction years) growth until the ALPETCO installation is completed, then steady but smaller growth at least to the year 2000. The Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Impact Statement of December 1979 estimates 2,800 employees may be needed at ALPETCO construction peak and 1,200 for operations. 9 TABLE III-1 Demographic Data--Valdez/Chitina/Whittier Census Division 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Population 3,098 2,932 3,464 3,568 3,833 9,639 13,000 9,905 5,000 5,OOO(p) Employment 1/ 831 1,085 904 985 1,526 . 4,626 7,818 3,768(r) 2,043 2,140 (1st 9 Employment 2/ 1;209 2,023 3,054 2,794 2,143 2,239 Unemployment 2/ 8.8 6.9 9.3 14.1 18.1 11.4 (Percent) Housing Starts 1 0 6 6 161 85 39 33 14 29 (p) = preliminary. (r) = revised since previous use. 1/ Nonagricultural wage and salary employment by place of work (based on jobs). 2/ = current population survey (CPS) labor force statistics (based on people). Source: Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Division Alaska Power Administration August 1980 mas) CHAPTER IV EXISTING POWER SYSTEMS System The Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) utility serves both Glenn- allen and Valdez. Radial distribution lines of CVEA extend from Glenn- allen 30 miles north on the Copper River, 55 miles south on the Copper River to Lower Tonsina, and 70 miles west on the Gl~nn Highway. The utility is constructing a 138 KV transmission line between Valdez and Glennallen in conjunction with the Solomon Gulch hydroplant construction •. The area contains no national defense installations significant to the study, but self-supplied industry is represented by a sizable powerplant at the Valdez oil terminal. Oil pipeline pumping is not electrical; . however, CVEA supplies utility-type loads at pumping stations within their market area. Installed Capacity The installed capacity for utility and industry by type of prime mover is listed on the following table: 1979 INSTALLED CAPAC I TY--MW Utility Copper Valley Electric Association --Glennallen . --Valdez Self-Supplied Industry Valdez Oil Terminal Pumping Station Standby Gas Turbine (oil) 2.8 1.2 1.2 Diesel (oil) 7.6 7.3 2.5 0.05 2.5 Steam (oil) 37.5 37.5 Copper Valley Electric Association is now cortstructing the Solomon Gulch hydro project, a l2-MW plant across Valdez Arm from Valdez. It is scheduled for completion in 1983. 11 Total 7.6 10.1 40.0 ·1.2 41.2 Historical Loads General Valdez and Glennallen utility loads divide into residential, commercial/ industrial, and other. "Other" includes street lights, public buildings, utility use, and losses. The only load that may be considered indus- trial is the CVEA supplied non-pumping requirements at a few pipeline pumping stations. Table IV-1 lists CVEA loads from 1970 through 1979. Energy use, customers·,. and peak demand are shown. The "other" sector is not listed separately, but the totals include it. Peak demand data is not metered by sector, so only annual totals can be shown. Some earlier year customer information is not available for this study as designated by '~A" in the table. Self-supplied industrial loads were non-existent until 1977 when pipe- line operation commenced. Table IV-1 shows this Valdez terminal steam- plant load. Energy Growth Relationships Table IV-2 shows historical growth rates and energy Use per customer. The unsettlednati)re of the area is depicted in growth rate variances and extremes. Valdez residential energy, for instance,. jumped from no growth in 1973 to 135 percent in 1975. Other extremes were less, but similar. Business depressions followed cessation of pipe deliveries in 1972 to 1973 and pipeline construction in 1977. Extreme economic up- turn from 1974 to 1976 co-existed with pipeline construction. Examination of Table IV-2 also shows some lack of correlation between customers and energy use. Valdez residential energy growth peaked a year earlier than residential customers, for instance. Customer growth dropped off more sharply than energy. Pipeline construction employment characteristics can help explain some of this. It is only necessary to point out he.re, however, that these facts emphasize the difficulty in projecting the historical data. The energy use (kWh/customer) statistics show the variations too. A measure of constancy can be noticed until 1975, the year of peak pipe- line construction. Then, a large usage increase occurred--much more so in Valdez than in Glennallen. After 1975, residential use moderated somewhat but at a higher level than before 1975. A large jump in the Glennallen commercial/industrial sector in 1977 reflects the utility assumption of pipeline pumping station non-pumping loads. 12 TABLE IV-1 HISTORICAL LOADS--VALDEZ AND GLENNALLEN VALDEZ GLENNALLEN TOTAL eVEA VALDEZ YEAR RESI C/I TOTAL RESI C/I TOTAL RESI e/I TOTAL INDUSTRIAL ENERGY (MWH) 1970 1,200 3,800 5,912 900 3,200 4,790 2,134 7,072 10,702 1971 1,483 4,010 6,363 1,128 3,447 5,363 2,610 7,457 11,726 1972 1,500 3,800 6,202* 1,300 3,400 5,601* 2,796 7,173 11,803 1973 1,500 4,200 6,470 1,400 3,700 6,121 2,887 7,942 12,591 1974 2,110 6,176 9,457 1,641 3,802 6,167 3,751 9,979 15,624 1975 4,966 10,894 18,251 2,690 4,692 8,636 7,656 15,586 26,887 1976 6,966 14,353 26,006 3,269 7,570 13,281 10,235 21,923 39,287 1977 7,589 15,330 26,060 3,306 15,287 21,401 10,895 30,617 47,461 39,420 1978 6,455 14,222 23,411 3,090 13,738 20,425 9,545 27,960 43,835 54,750 1979 6,393 14,153 22,977 2,961 12,027 18,522 9,354 26,181 41,499 PEAK DEMAND (kW) 1970 1,160 1,030 2,190 1971 1,266 1,060 2,326 I-' 1972 1,270* 1,130* 2,400* w 1973 1,280 1,220 2,500 1974 2,470 1,340 3,810 1975 4,750 2,360 7,110 1976 4,875 3,500 8,375 1977 4,850* 4,290* 9,140 38,560 (capacity 1978 4,750 4,000 8,750 40,000 (capacity 1979 4,225 3,470 7,695 CUSTOMERS 1970 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 542 219 786 1971 348 107 467 329 117 464 677 224 931 1972 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 651 235 918 1973 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 680 245 957 1974 494 178 685 413 137 575 907 315 1,260 1975 637 209 860 531 150 708 1,168 359 1,568 1976 1,052 231 1,297 621 171 823 1,673 402 2,163 1977 1,040 222 1,276 651 203 887 1,691 425 2,163 1978 892 229 1,140 666 194 894 1,558 423 2,034 1979 959 217 1,209 629 218 882 1,588 445 2,091 * = estimated Alaska Power Administration April 1980 TABLE IV-2 Historical Growth Rates (%) and Ener~.l Use (kWh/customer) VALDEZ GLENNALLEN TOTAL eVE A Year Resi C/I Total Resi C/I Total Resi C/I Total ENERGY GROWTH RATES (%) 1971 23.6 5.5 7.6 25.3 7.7 12.0 22.3 5.4 9.6 1972 1.1 -5.2 -2.5 15.2 -1.4 4.4 7.1 -3.8 0.7 . 1973 0 10.5 4.3 7.7 8.8 9.3 3.3 10.7 6.7 1974 40.7 47.0 46.2 17.2 2.8 0.8 29.9 25.6 24.1 1975 135.4 76.4 93.0 63.9 23.4 40.0 104.1 56.2 72.1 1976 40.3 31.8 42.5 21.5 61.3 53.8 33.7 40.7 46.1 1977 8.9 6.8 -0.1. 1.1 101.9 61.1 6.4 39.7 20.8 1978 -14.9 -7.2 -9.9 -6.5 -10.1 -4.6 . ...,.12.4 -8.7 -7.6 1979 -1.0 -0.5 -1.9 -4.2 -12.5 -9.3 -2.0 -6.4 -5.3 1970-1973 7.7 3.4 3.1 15.9 5.0 8.5 10.6 3.9 5.6 1973-1977 50.0 38.2 41.6 24.0 42.6 36.7 39.4 40.1 39.3 CUSTOMER GROWTH RATES (%-) 1971 24.9 2.3 18.4 1972 12.4* 18.5* 13.6* 7.9* 5.4* 7.4* -3.8 4.9 . -1.4 ~ 1973 12.4* 18.5* 13.6* 7.9* 5.4* 7.4* 4.5 4.3 4.2 .p.. 1974 12.4* 18.5* 13.6* 7.9* 5.4* 7.4* 33.4 28.6 31.7 1975 28.9 17.4 25.5 28.6 9.5 23.1 28.8 14.0 24.4 1976 65.1 10.5 50.8 16.9 14.0 16.2 43.2 12.0 35.2 1977 -1.1 -3.9 -0.8 4.8 18.7 7.8 1.1 5.7 2.5 1978 -14.2 3.2 -U.4 2.3 -4.4 0.8 -7.9 -0.5 -6.4 1979 7.5 -5.2 6.1 -5.6 12.4 -1.3 1.9 5.2 2.8 ENERGY USE (kWh/CUSTOMER) 1970 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,937 32,292 13,616 1971 4,261 37,477 13,625 3,429 29,462 11,558 3,855 33,290 12,595 1972 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,295 30,523 12,857 1973 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,246 32,416 13,157 1974 4,271 34,697 13,806 3,973 27,752 10,725 4,136 31,679 12,400 1975 7,796 52,124 21,222 5,066 31,280 12,198 6,555 43,415 17,147 1976 6,622 62,134 20,051 5,264 44,269 16,137 6,118 54,535 18,532 1977 7,297 69,054 20,367 5,078 75,305 24,126 6,443 72,040 21,942 1978 7,237 62,105 20,546 4,640 70,814 22,832 6,126 66,099 21,551 1979 6,666 65,221 19,005 4,708 55,170 21,000 5,890 58,834 19,847 1978 7,237 62,105 20,546 4,640 70,814 22,832 6,126 66,099 21,551 * Average annual from 19JL to 1974 Alaska Power Administration April 1980 Load Factors The following chart lists historical load factors, showing the relation- ship between e.nergy and peak demand in percent: Valdez Glennallen Total CVEA 1970 58.2 53.1 55.8. 1971 57.4 57.8 57.5 1972 55.7 56.6. 56.1 1973 57.7 57.3 57.5 1974 . 43.7 52.5 46.8 1975 43.9 41.8 43.2 1976 60.9 43.3 53.6 1977 61.3 57.0 59.3 1978 56.3 58.3 57.2 1979 62~3 60.9 61.6 Avg. 55.7 53.8 54.9 Load factor equals energy divided by the product of peak demand and hours (8,760 hours annually). A peak load and subsequent installed capacity forecast can be obtained from the energy forecast by using an average assumed load factor. The load factors are fairly constant except. during the years of greatest pipeline activity. Revised averages obtained by excluding those years are: Valdez Glennallen Total CVEA Rates 58.7% (1974-1975 excl~) 56.7% (1975-1976 excl.) 57.3% (1974-1975 excl.) Rates to residential customers as stated in the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) annual report of 1979 were as follows (in C/kWh): For . Valdez Glennallen 100 kWh 16.8C/kWh 17 .5 500 kWh 15.5 16.2 1;000 kWh 14.0 15.7 1,500 kWh 13.2 14.8 Another form of customer rate (costs/kWh), as shown in the following chart, illustrates averages of all users. The values are calculated by dividing annual revenue for each sector by annual energy sold in each sector. 15 REVENUE/KWH (¢/KWH) YEAR VALDEZ GLENNALLEN TOTAL CVEA R C/I Total R C/I Total R C/I Total 1970 N/A N/A 9.1 7.0 7.5 1971 8.4 6.2 6.8 9.9 8.1 8.6 9.1 7.1 7.6 1972 N/A N/A 9.0 7.3 7.8 1973 N/A N/A 8.9 7.1 7.6 1974 8.1 6.3 6.8 9.5 7.9 8.4 8.7 6.9 7.4 1975 7.6 6.2 6.6 10.5 9.3 9.7 8.6 7.1 7.6 1976 9.6 6.6 7.6 11.1 11.7 11.5 10.2 8.4 8.9 1977 9.4 7.7 8.3 1101 9.8 9.9 9.9 8.8 9.0 1978 10.8 9.3 9.7 12.5 11.5 11.7 11.4 10.4 10.6 1979 12.7 10.9 11.5 14.1 13.4 13.5 13.1 12.1 12.4 Note: 1975 and 1976 include sllrcharge revenue--other years the surcharge was not separately specified. R = Residential C/I= Commercial/Industrial The annual generation cost rates are shown on the following table which is a summary of Table VIII-3. These values were compiled from data submitted by the utility to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC). The annual investment cost was calculated using production plant-in-service data times the capital recovery factor for 7.5 percent discount· rate and. assumed 20-year diesel generator life. Energy Production Expense Rates (¢/kWh) 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 O&M Excluding Fuel 1.0 103 104 106 2.0 O&M Including Fuel 3.2 3.9 4.1 4.7 5.2 Investment Cost/Year 104 102 2.0 106 1.7 Total Annual Cost 4.6 5.1 6.1 6.3 6.9 Data for 1977-1979 indicates about 55 percent of the total operation and maintenance expenses, including fuel, occur at Valdez. In 1975, it was 66 percent. Data for the other years is not available. The last line of the production expense table shows that total annual costs had about a 15 percent average annual growth during the pipeline construction years. The average from 1974 through 1979 is 12 percent. A large increase in fuel cost occurred in 1979. 16 1979 2.1 6.3 1.8 8.1 CHAPTER V FUTURE POWER AND ENERGY ASSUMPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Energy and Peak Demand Forecasts Any forecasts in the Valdez/Glennallen area have a high measure of uncertainty, not only from lack of a stable historic base but also from vagueness of the future. Future contingencies include the ALPETCO petrochemical plant proposal, expansion of Valdez port activities, some petroleum exploration activity near Glennallen, and possible electrical interconnection to the Railbelt area. Periodically, Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA), in conjunction with the Rural Electric Administration (REA), commissions a power re- quirements or power cost study. The last one available was dated January 1980 and made load estimates for the 1980 to 1993 period. It has been adapted for this study as shown in Table V-I, which lists energy and peak demand by year for Valdez, Glennallen, and the total CVEA area. Growth rates and load factors are also shown. The CVEA forecast does not include the proposed ALPETCO petrochemical facility near Valdez nor adjustment for conservation. Therefore, the estimates have been altered by Alaska Power Administration to reflect these contingencies. The Valdez forecast was derived by first decreasing the CVEA 6-percent.average annual growth rate in five-year increments then adding 17 GWh for 1982 peak year construction and 12 GWh per year for ALPETCO operation. The following average annual growth rates were applied to the CVEA base 1980 energy: 1980-1985 6% 1985-1990 5% 1995-2000 3% The 17 GWH and 12 GWh were developed from the 1970 to 1978 net generation per employee statistics and estimated numbers of employees. During the oil terminal construction in Valdez, CVEA supplied 5 to 6 MWh per employee. The other years these values were 10 to 14 MWh. The Environ- mental Protection Agency Environmental Impact Statement of December 1979 indicated almost 2,800 peak construction employees and about 1,200 operational employees. (6 MWh/employees x 2,800 employees = 17 GWh; 10 MWh/employees x 1,200 employees = 12 GWh). The Glennallen forecast comes directly from the CVEA study. It was assumed growth factors and conservation would cancel any need for revision. Peak"loads can be determined by using the following load factors from the CVEA study: 1980-1993 1993-2000 Glennallen 57.8% 57.1% 17 Valdez 55.8% 57.1% Total 56.7% 57.1% Figure V-I pictures the forecast of the total CVEA area. It also shows the 1980 CVEA power cost study load growth, the forecast from the CVEA 1976 Power Requirements Study, and a projection that averages these latter two. The 1976 forecast was presented in the March 1979 Susitna Power Market Study and the Y~rch 1979 AWSU S.C. Alaska Level B Phase I Technical Memorandum (see bibliography items 5 and 6). The projected average was used as an interim forecast by the Corps of Engineers in their Allison Creek draft report. It could be cons~dered a high range forecast for this power market report. In addition to these utility forecasts, self-supplied industries should be mentioned. The only ones considered were the oil pipeline terminal and the proposed ALPETCO project. The terminal commenced operation in 1977 with a 37.5 MW oil-fired steamplant, about four times the total CVEA 1977 peak load. The ALPETCO installation may have up to 55 MW installed capacity as reported in a CVEA/REA Power Requirements Study of March 1979. These industries, with their large loads compared to the utility, were considered unlikely to be utility supplied. Therefore, the forecast did not combine utility and industry. Installed Capacity Forecast and Future Needs In'stalled capacity is equal to peak load plus system reserves. The 1979 Susitna Power market analysis assumed a 20 percent reserv,e in urban areas and 25 percent in towns and rural areas. This study assumes that peak load is 75 percent of installed capacity. Table V-2 expands the peak load forecast by dividing each value by 0.75. Existing installed capacity is listed also for each year, decreasing according to an assumed retirement schedule. Solomon Gulch capacity (12 MW) shows for Valdez in accordance with its assumed on-line date of 1981. An interconnection is assumed under "CVEA Total"; so Valdez and Glennallen capacity estimates and existing generation are totaled. A last column adds Solomon Gulch to existing thermal capacity. Energy Distribution Assuming current energy use patterns will not change significantly in the future, the annual energy forecast values divide into the following monthly distribution. This distribution is arranged in water year order, October 1 through September 30. The assumption of no significant change in percentages is justified as long as the utility remains isolated electrically from a large industry. Expanding use of electric space heating in the residential and commercial sectors may modify the distri- bution somewhat also. 18 -\0 Table V-I VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN AREA UTIUTY LOAD ESTIMATES Enpr~:z: (GWh) Glennallen Valdez Total Historical 1976 13.3 26.0 39.3 1977 21.4 26.1 47.5 1978 20.4 23.4 43.8 1979 18.5 23.0 41.6 Forecast* 1980 21.4 26.5 47.9 1981 22.0 (28.2) 30.0** 52.0 1982 22.5 (30.0) 33.0** 55.5 19B3 26.0 (31.9) 35.0** 61.0 1984 27.7 (D.n 34.0** 61.7 1985 29.5 35.6 65.1 1986 31.4 37.6 69.1 1981 D.5 39.8 73.3 1988 35 .• 7 42.0 77.8 1989 38.1 44.4 82.5 1.990 40.6 46.9 87.5 1991 43.3 49.6 92.9 1992 46.1 52.4 98.6 1993 49.2 55.4 104.6 2000*** 70.0 80.0 150.0 Avera!le Annual Growth Rates (%) 1910-1973 8.5 3.1 5.6 1973-1977 36.7 41.7 39.3 1977-1979 -6.0 -7.0 -6.4 1970-1979 16.2 16.3. 16.3 1980-1993 6.6 5.8 6.2 1993-2000 5.2 5.4 5.3 * Copper Valley E1pctric Association Forecast from January 1980 ** Additions for ALPETCO facility have been included. Values in *** APA extrapolation. *4 Average excluding pipeline construction impact. Peak Demand (MW) Glennallen Valdez 3.5 4.9 4.3 4,9 4.0 4.8, 3.5 4.2 4.4 5.4 4.7 (5.7) 6.1*'" 4.9 (6.1) 6.7** 5.2 (6.5) 7.1** 5.5 (6.9) 7.0** 5.8 7.3 6.2 7.7 6.6 8.1 6.9 8.6 7.4 9.1 7.8 9.6 8.2 10.2 8.7 10.8 9.2 11.4 14.0 16.0 Avera!!,e Load Factors 54.3 (56.6)*4 54.1 (56.4)*4 57.8 55.8 57.1 57.1 Power Cost Study. ( ) are from original forecast. Alaska Power Administration April 1980 Total 8.4 9.1 8.8 7.7 9.8 10.8 11.5 12.4 12.5 13. 1 13.9 14.7 15.5 16.4 17.4 18.4 19.5 20.6 30.0 54.1 (56. n*4 56.7 57.1 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Hist<)rical .VALDEZ/GLENALLEN AREA ENERGY FORECASTS For"casts Figure V-I 5.9% 5.7% August Annual growth-from 19BO O~------~ ____ ~L-______ L-______ ~ ______ ~ ____ ~ 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 lqq5 2()()O 20 N I-' Table V-2 INSTALLED CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS AND USE OF EXISTING GENERATION (MW) VALDEZ GLENNALLEN CVEA·TOTALS Solomon Existing Existing Solomon Existing Total Year Estimate Gulch Diesels Estimate Diesels Estimate Gulch Diesels Generation 1980 7.2 10.1 5.9 7.6 13.1 17.7 17.7 1981 9.1 12.0 10.1 6.3 7.0 15.3 12.0 17.1 29.1 1982 12.8 12.0 10.1 6.5 7.0 19.3 12.0 17.1 29.1 1983 12.5 12.0 10.1 6.9 6.4 19.5 12.0 16.5 28.5 1984 12.5 12.0 7.3 7.3 9.2 19.9 12.0 16.5 28.5 1985 13.1 12.0 7.3 7.7 9.2 20.8 12.0 16.5 28.5 1986 13.6 12.0 7.3 8.3 8.0 21.9 12.0 15.3 27.3 1987 14.1 12.0 7.3 8.8 8.0 22.9 12.0 15.3 27.3 1988 14.4 12.0 5.5 9.2 8.0 23~6 12.0 U.S 25.5 1989 15.1 12.0 5.5 9.9 8.0 24.9 12.0 13.5 25.5 1990 15.6 12.0 5.5 10.4 8.0 26.0 12.0 U.S 25.5 1991 16.1 12.0 5.5 10.9 8.0 27.1 12.0 U.S 25.5 1992 16.7 12.0 3.6 11.6 8.0 28.3 12.0 11.6 23.6 1993 17.2 12.0 3.6 12.3 8.0 29.5 12.0 11.6 23.6 2000 20.3 12.0 0.0 18.7 0.0 38.9 12.0 0.0 12.0 Notes:' 1. Installed capacity estimates = peak demand in table V-I ~ 0.75 2. Totals are derived from unrounded components 3. Existing diesels decrease according to an assumed retirement schedule Alaska Power Administration August 1980 Monthly Energy Distribution Valdez Glennallen Total Utility October 7.5 7.4 7.5 November 8.9 8.9 8.9 December 9.2 10.0 9.6 January 9.5 10.4 9.9 February 9.4 10.3 •• 9.9 March 8.3 8.9 8.6 April 8.6 8.7 8.6 May 7.7 7.2 7.5 June 7.6 6.8 7.2 July 7.4 6.6 7.0 August 7.8 7.1 7.4 September 8.2 7.7 8.0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% October through April 61.3% 64.7% 62.9% These values are averages of historical monthly energy from October 1969 through September 1979. Year to year values for anyone month vary less then 2 percent from the average--even during the pipeline construction years. The total utility percentages vary less than the components. The winter months, October through April (58 percent of the year), consume over 60 percent of the annual energy. 22 CHAPTER VI . ALTERNATIVE GENERATION AND COSTS· Focus of this chapter is selection of feasible power and energy supply possibilities for the Valdez/Glennallen area. As follow-up to the Solomon Gulch hydro project, now under construction, only three alterna- tives appear reasonable: 1. Allison Creek hydro (two options) 2. P~essure Reducing Turbines (PRT's) in the Alyeska pipeline 3. Interconnection to the Railbelt area (Palmer-Glennallen trans- mission line). Discussion of the alternatives considered follows: Hydropower Several sites in addition to Aliison Creek and Solomon Gulch have been inventoried in the Valdez and Glennallen areas. These are part of a statewide list of 252 published in February 1980 in an Alaska" Power Administration report titled Hydroelectric Alternatives for the Alaska Railbelt. Sizes and evaluations are given in the following list: Valdez Lowe River 0.2 -55 MW Silver Lake 10 MW Mineral Creek 0.4 -1.3 MW Gold Creek ? Unnamed Creek 3.6 -10.4 MW Cleave 820 MW Wood Canyon 2,600 Glennallen Tazlina 104 MW Lower Gulkana River 9MW Sanford 80 MW Currently classed as not feasible econ- omically or environmentally. Requires much longer transmission than Allison Creek. Can perhaps be the next increment. Currently classed as uneco~omical. Currently classed as uneconomical. Currently classed as uneconomical. Far too large for area. Far too large for area. Previous studies show less feasibility than Lowe. Previous studies show less feasibility than Lowe. Previous studies show less feasibility than Lowe. 23 These are the sites closest by. Other sites could also be considered but are judged not alternative to Allison Creek~ If the very large projects, Wood Canyon or Cleave, are developed for energy export else- where; feasibility of serving the Glennallen-Valdez interconnection should be considered. Tidal Power Tidal power is not considered an 'alternative to Allison Creek. The main reason is sizing and economics. The size needed for.tida1project 1 feasibility is much too large for indigenous use. In qddition, a Valdez area tidal project would certainly conflict with port traffic (oil tankers, etc.). If a tidal project is· constructed in the Cook Inlet area, it would be considered as exogeneous supply to the Valdez/Glennallen area by new transmission facilities. Steamp1ants Steam turbines can use many types of resources: coal, oil, gas, nuclear, biomass, sun heat. The availability of each resource, economics, and institutional constraints preclude steamp1ants from consideration as alternatives for the Valdez/Glennallen area. Coal-Fired Coal is Scarce in the Valdez/Glennallen area. One deposit has been defined in the Chugach Mountains, east of the Copper River delta. No others are evidenced. This deposit is ranked low in probability of development. A State report of Alaska's resources (see bibliography reference 13) lists it as ninth out of a dozen possibilities. Several recent report~/ have indicated small size (less than 50 MW) coal-fired steamp1ants cost between $4,000 and $5,000 per kW. This includes scrubbers. Other environmental equipment would increase capital costs. Adding escalating fuel costs, fuel transportation costs (coal would have to be imported), and high maintenance costs would cause steamp1ant energy to be more expensive than Allison Creek. Oi1-and Gas-Fired Oil and gas provinces in the Gulf of Alaska area are evaluated in the State study of Alaska's resources (see bibliography item 13). Evalua- tions rank an off-shore province as promising, a province surrounding Glennallen as possible, and a province east of Cordova as very improbable. In addition to the lack of local fuel supplies, oil-and gas-fired steamp1ants are considered as unlikely alternatives to Allison Creek because shortages and national policy indicate that in a few years these fuels will not be availablp for powerplants. In the sizes needed for generation at ValdeZ/Glennallen, other forms of energy supply are more practical and economic. 1/ 1979 Susitna Power Market Study; Alaska Study Committee Southcentral Alaska Level R Studies. 24 Biomass-Fired Although of many forms, biomass, for current applications, assumes the burning of wood and wood residues in steamplants. The pulp mills in Southeast Alaska burn mill waste as part of their process, but very little has been done to inventory biomass generation possibilities statewide. Biomass-fired steamplants may be a possibility if wood is proved avail- able. However, because of the limited state-of-the-art and lack of local studies, they are not, at this time, considered an alternative to Allison Creek. Solar The state-of-the-art also eliminates solar as alternative to Allison Creek hydro. The solar boiler technology for steamplant power is still in the development stage. Also, sun incidence during high energy usage is low in the Valdez/Glennallen area. Nuclear The economics of nuclear steamplants preclude this as a possibility in the ValdeZ/Glennallen area. Nuclear plants, apart from questionable sociability, require a minimum 200 MW to 400 MW for economic feasibility. This is too large for the area. Combustion or Gas Turbines Because of their relatively low capital costs, continued use of oil- fired combustion turbines could be an alternative to Allison Creek. However, escalating fuel cost and national objectives for use of petro- leum preclude this option. Alternative cost comparisons are therefore not pursued. Diesels Other than one small gas turbine installed in 1976, diesels now supply all electric power and energy requirements in ValdeZ/Glennallen. Most of these will most like.ly be on standby service when Solomon Gulch hydro comes on line in the early 1980's. If oil conservation and high costs were not factors, bringing these diesels off standby status and adding more would be a likely alternative to Allison Creek. However, by the time additional capacity is needed, diesels are expected to be allowed only if no other alternative is available. Geothermal Powerplants The most promising geothermal sites in Southcentral Alaska occur in the Wrangell Mountains near Glennallen. This may be a source of electric power and energy for the ValdeZ/Glennallen area for the long-term. 25 However,techno10gy has not yet developed enough to consider it as an alternative resource in the. area before the year 2000. Wind Machines This resource only supplements a basic power supply. Energy storage technology needs to develop before wind can serve as primary energy. The Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development report dated January 1979 and titled, Alaska's Energy Resources, Phase 1. Volume III has ranked wind power sites in Alaska. Based on sketchy data, out of a list of 67, Valdez is number 54 and the Glennallen area number 41. Demonstration units (under 100 kW) in Colorado are presently estimated a t over $5, OOO/kW not including installation. Costs will undoubtedly decrease as the technology develops. Overall, for the Valdez/Glennallen area, wind machines cannot be considered an alternative to Allison Creek. However, they certainly must be investi- gated as supplemental power to any future electric supply system. Exogenous Supply Exogenous to the Valdez/Glennallen utility system are several possibili- ties for generation import: 1. Rai1be1t interconnection. 2. Other large hydroprojects; such as Rampart, Porcupine, Wood- chopper. (Wood Canyon and Cleve, within the Valdez general region, were mentioned under hydropower.) The large hydro projects should not be considered as alternatives for this area or any other area, at this time. The 1979 Susitna power market study included a section on costs of a Palmer-Glennallen transmission line. A $40.8 million investment and $3.3 million annual cost result in 3.3~/kWh transmission costs at a transfer of 100 million kWh (1978 costs). 50 million kWh would more nearly fit the Valdez/Glennallen system; so the unit cost would about double. This would probably be economically feasible. Delivery to CVEA at Glennallen would supply Valdez over the Glennallen-Valdez transmission line. The Susitna study indicated Railbe1t generation costs average about 5~ per KWh to 6~ per KWh at 1978 prices. Other Alternatives 1. Pressure Reducing Turbines (PRT's) in the A1yeska pipeline. 2. A1yeska pipeline terminal generation at Valdez. 3. ALPETCO petrochemical installation at Valdez. 26 A Solomon Gulch article in the December 1978 issue of Alaska Construction and Oil magazine and a January 1980 CVEA power cost study both discuss pressure reducing turbines in the trans-Alaska oil pipeline. A two million barrel per day (MBD) oil flow can produce 77,263 MWh with a 9.8-MW installed capacity. However, a more likely flow of 1.6 MBD and a capacity factor of 80 percent results in 56,000 MWh energy and 8 MW capacity. Investment W0uld be $9.7 million or $1,200/kW. This is definitely an alternative to Allison Creek, but requires industry/utility agreements. A 1974 power cost study for Copper Valley Electric Association by Robert W. Retherford Associates suggests oil pipeline pressure reducing turbines in conjunction with hydro pumped storage at Solomon Gulch. This scheme appears quite favorable and therefore worth more investigation. The interties to the industrial installations at Valdez (Alyeska pipeline terminal and ALPETCO) conceptually are feasible but considered unlikely. The industries would not have excess firm energy; so these were not included as Allison Creek alternatives. 27 CHAPTER VII LOAD/RESOURCE ANALYSIS This chapter analyzes three plans that relate feasible alternatives to the Valdez/Glennallen load forecasts. addresses installed capacity and energy separately. A transmission is assumed so total CVEA loads are used. power supply The discussion Valdez-Glennallen Chapter VI indicated three viable alternatives for consideration: Allison Creek; pressure reducing turbines (PRT) in the Alyeska pipeline; and an interconnection with Railbelt power sources. An all thermal case has been added for comparison. The following plans are illustrated on Figures VII-1 through VII-5. Bases for the curves are Tables VII-1 and VII-2. Table VII-3 combines plans 1 and 2. Figure Number Page Number Plan 1 Allison Creek alternative VII-1 and VII-3 34 and 36 Plan 2 Pipeline PRT alternative VII-1 and VII-4 34 and 37 Plan 3 Continuing thermal generation VII-2 and VII-S 35 and 38 A Railbelt interconnection has not been separately illustrated. It can fit in the cross hatched areas in the diagrams or displace Allison Creek. Installed Capacity Figures VII-l and VII-2 illustrate how the installed capacity forecast can be supplied. The analysis assumes that much of the existing thermal generation of both Valdez and Glennallen will be put in standby status when Solomon Gulch comes on line. The diagrams show clearly the need for capacity in addition to Solomon Gulch. Further, they show that more than one of the three alternatives is required before 1990 (see Figure VII-I). Allison Creek as part of an interconnected system could be fully utilized to supply load demand plus reserves by 1985. If diesels are used for reserves, then Allison Creek full utilization would come in 1991 (see Figure VII-l and Table VII-I). From a capacity viewpoint, PRT's have the same schedule. Figure VII-2 indicates existing generators, if not displaced by hydro, will not be adequate after 1981. Retirement schedules for the existing diesels and gas turbine are based on an assumed 20 to 2S-year life. Solomon Gulch plus existing capacity will not be adequate after 1989. 29 Net Energy This section discusses the relationships between alternative generation and total energy load plus losses. Time scheduling of alternatives is somewhat different than for peak demand because the PRT'fOl, while equal in capacity to Allison Creek, have about 60 percent more energy capability. Figures VII-3 through VII-5 and, again, Tables VII-1 through VII-3 show the energy load/resource analyses. Firm energy for Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek is depicted in the graphs and listed in the Tables. Average annual energy would add secondary generation as additional displacement of diesel g~neration and as contirtgency supply. From an energy standpoint, installation timing would not be affected in the interconnected system if average annual was used in place of firm for the analyses. ~ith an interconnected system, generation in addition to Solomon Gulch is needed immediately to displace diesels. Allison Creek would be fully loaded when it comes on line in 1985. The PRT's would gain full energy output by 1990. Figure VII-5 indicates existing generation, if operated at 75 percent plant factor, would meet the load until 1988. However, economics and national policy, as stated in the recent national energy act, would preclude this case. 30 Table VII-l Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with Allison Creek Supply Energr (GWH) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2000 Energy Forecast 47.9 55.0 69.5 72.0 73.7 77.5 81.4 85.5 R8.7 93.1 97.6 102.3 107.1 112.2 14&.0 Solomon Gulch ( finn) 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& 38.& Energy Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 35.1 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54:5 59.0 fin 68.5 73.& 107.4 Allison Creek ( firm) 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 3t,.3 34.3 Further Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 35.1 4.6 ---s:s 12.6 IT.8 20.2 24.7 29.4 34-:2 J9.) 7D Existing Diesel (75% Plt.Fac.) 116 112 112 108 108 lOR 100 100 88 88 88 88 76 76 0 Demand and C3~3city (MW) Peak Demand 9.8 1l.5 14.5 14.6 14.9 15.6 16.4 17.2 17.7 18.7 19.5 20.3 21.2 22.1 29.2 Solomon Gulch 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 PeAk Need ~ -0.5 2"":S 2:6 2.9 3.6 ~ 5.2 5.7 ----r;:'i 7.5 8:3 ~ 10.1 17.2 Allison Creek 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Further Peak Need 9.8 -0.5 2.5 2.6 2.9 -4.4 -3.6 :'2.8 -2.3 -1.3 -0.5 <J:3 1.2 -2.1 9:-2 w ...... Reserves Required 3.3 3.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 9.7 Capacity Need 13.1 3":3 1":J ----y-:s . -r:9 --o.s I:9 2.9 J.(; 4":9 r;:o 7.1 -8.3 ---g:-s 18.9 Existing Diesel Capacity 17.7 17.1 17.1 16.5 17.5 16.5 15.3 15.3 13.5 13.5 13.5 lJ.5 11.6 11.& 0 "'Reserves (Peak Demand + 75%) -Peak Demand Table VII-2 Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with PRT Supply Eners:!:: (GWH) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2000 Energy Forecast 47.9 55.0 69.5 72.0 73.7 77.5 81.4 85.5 88.7 93.1 97.6 102.3 107.1 112.2 146.0 Solomon Gulch (firm) 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 Energy Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 35.1 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54.5 59.0 63.7 68.5 73.(; 107.4 PRT (80% capacity factor) 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 Further Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 -20.9 -T7.l -13.2 =-9:1 -5.9 -1.5 J":O 7--:7 12.5 17.6 51.4 Existing Diesel (75% Plt.Fac.) 116 112 112 108 108 108 100 100 88 88 88 88 76 76 0 Demand and CaEacitl (HW) Peak Demand 9.8 11.5 14.5 14.6 14.9 15.6 16.4 17. 2 17.7 18.7 19.5 20.3 21.2 22.1 29.2 Solomon Gulch 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Peak Need 9:8 -0.5 2-:s 2:6 ~ 3.6 4":4 5.2 5-:7 6":7 1"":5 --s:J 9:2 10.1 17.2 w PRT 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 N Further Need 9:8 o:s 2.5 2.6 -5.1 -4.4 -3.6 -2.8 -2.3 -1.3 -0.5 o.J 1":2 2.1 9:2 Reserves Required* 3.3 3.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 9.7 Capacity Need 13.1 3:J 7-:J 7-:s -0.1 ----o.a .--:9 ~ ~ l;"-:9 6":0 ----r:l" --s:J 9-:s 111.9 Existing Diesel Capacity 17.7 17.1 17.1 16.5 16.5 16.5 15.3 15.3 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 11.6 11.6 0 *Reserves s (Peak Demand + 75%) -Peak Demand Table Vll-3 Valdez/Glennallen Forecast with Allison Creek and PRT Supply EnerSI (GWH) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2000 Energy Forecast 47.9 55.0 69.5 72.0 73.7 17.5 81.4 85.5 88.7 93.1 97.6 102.3 107.1 112.2 . 146.0 Solomon Gulch (firm) 38.6 38.6 38;6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.6 Energy Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 35.1 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54.5 59.0 .63:7 68.5 13.6 107.4 Allison Creek 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 Further Need 29.4 34.2 39.3 73.1 PRT 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 .56.0 56.0 Further Need 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4. -20.9 -17.1 -13.2 -9.1 -5.9 -1.5 ~ 26.6 -21.8 -16.7 T7.T Existing Diesel 116 112 112 108 108 108 100 100 88 88 88 88 76 76 0 Demand and CaEacitI (HW) Peak Demand 9.8 11.5 14.5 14.6 14.9 15.6 16.4 17.2 17.7 18.7 19.5 20.3 21.2 22.1 29.2 Solomon Gulch 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Peak Need --u -0.5 ~ ~ 2:9 J":6 4":4 ---s:2 s:7 ~ 7-:s a:J ~ 10.1 17 .2 Allison Creek 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 \..,) Further Need ---o.J l.2 ~ 9":2 \..,) PRT 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Further Need --u -0.5 ~ ~ -5.1 -4.4 -3.6 -2.8 -2.3 -1.3 -0.5 -7.7 -6.8 -5.9 Reserves Required* 3.3 3.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 9.7 Capacity Need 13.1 3.J 7:J --=r:s -0.1 0.8 1:9 2:9 J":6 4:9 6.0 -0.9 0.3 --y:s 10 .. 9 Existing Diesel Capacity 17.7 17.1 17.1 16.5 16.5 16.5 15.3 15.3 13.5 lJ.5 lJ.5 13.5 11.6 11. 6 0 *Reserves -(Peak Demand + 75%) -Peak Demand !>'" H H U 40 35 30 25 ~ 20 < u o w H H ~ en Z HIS 10 5 o 1975 APA 9-30 Plan 1 plan 2 VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN CAPACITY/RESOURCE DIAGRAM Figure VII':"'l Allison Creek Alternative lor 2 Pressure Reducing Turbine (Includes 25% Reserves) . UNSPECIFIED ADDITIONAL CAPACITY Allison Creek Hydro or Pressure Reducing Turbine 8MW 38.9 20 ~------~------------------------------~12 1980 1985 History Forecasted Need 34 Solomon Gulch Hydroproject 12 MW 1990 1995 2000 YEARS 40 35 30 25 10 5 VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN CAPACITY/RESOURCE DIAGRAM (Includes 25% Reserves) ·Figure VU-2 Plan 3 Continuing Thermal Generation Existing diesels and gas turbine-retired at end of amortized life F recast Additional diesels and gas turbines History o--------~~--------~------~~------~--~~~~ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 APA 9-30 YEARS 35 150 140 120 100 ......, ~ ~ 80 0 .,-l ..-l ..-l .,-l f3 '-' >< c..!l ~ w 60 z ~ H ~ Z 40 I I ~I 00 20 ·,-ll ..-l .., . Q) 00 00 ',-l I Q) ~ .,-l ~ A I 0 1975 1980 [History I Forecast Figure VII-3 VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN NET ENERGY/RESOURCE Plan 1 Unspecified Additional Generation ~~+-~~ ____________ ~~~~~~~72.9 38.6 55.0 1985 Alternative #2 Allison Creek Hydro Alt~rnative #1 -34.3 GWH firm; 39.4 GWH avg.annua Alt~rnative #2 -32.2 GWH firm; 37.25 GWH avg. ann. Solomon Gulch Hydroproject GWH firm energy GWH average annual energy 70.9 8.6 1990 1995 2000 YEARS 36 150 140 120 100 40 I ~I U) "r-! l..-i ~ Q) U) U) 20 or-! Q) >< I"r-! w c:l I I 0 1975 I History APA 9-30 1 Forecast Figure VII-4 VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN NET ENERGY/RESOURCE 38.6 55.0 1985 Plan 2 Pressure Reducing Turbine 56 GWH at 80% Capacity factor Solomon Gulch Hydroproject GWH firm energy GWH average annual energy 1990 1995 YEARS 37 38.6 2000 >-< ~ w z 150 140 120 100 W 60 H W Z 40 20 VALDEZ/GLENNALLEN N'ET.ENERGY/RESOURCE Existing Diesels and Gas Turbine-Retired at End of Amortized Life Diesel capability assumed=capacity X8760XO.75 ·Figure VII-5 Additional Diesel and Gas Turbine Generation °1~9:75~.-----t1~9~8:0--------19~8-5--------1~99-0-------1-9j9~5--~~~2~OOO I History I Forecast YEARS APA 9-30 38 CHAPTER VI II . FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The costs developed in this chapter compare the alternatives identified in Chapte~ VI as future energy supply possibilities: . (1) Allison Creek No.1 or No.2, (2) pressure reducing turbines (PRT's) in .the A1yeska Pipeline, and (3) the Railbe1t interconnection. An indication of the expenses related to continued use of diesels is also presented. Costs for the PRT's are taken from the January 1980CVEA power cost study. Chapter VII indicated the PRT's and Allison Creek are more complimentary than a1ternative--they are both needed. Therefore, costs are presented more for prospective than comparison. The Rai1be1t interconnection appears a close alternative to Allison Creek asa follow-up to the PRT's. Costs come from the March 1979 Susitna Power Market Study. Cost Summary Cost summaries are shown for all of the above possibilities. These summaries include investment, OM&R, and interest during construction (IDC). Investment and IDC total costs are converted to average annual costs by use of a capital recovery factor at 8 percent discount rate and 50-year repayment for Allison Creek and 30-year for the PRT's. Allison Creek investment costs were submitted by the Corps of Engineers in August 1980 with an October 1980 price level. Project OM&R is taken from Mahoney Lake criteria (see bibliography item 12). Annual costs are assumed to inflate at the same rate for all alternatives; therefore no inflation has been applied. A busbar (losses included) cost comparison value is computed by adding OM&R to annual investment costs, then dividing the sum by firm annual energy. Tables VIII-1A and VIII-1B give the Allison Creek cost summary for alternate powerp1ant sites 1 and 2. The pressure reducing turbine cost estimates are shown on Table VIII-2. The investment and OM&Rcosts are given in the January 1980 CVEA Power Cost Study. They have been given an increase to reflect an October 1980 price level. Amortized life was assumed to be 30 years, as suggested in the CVEA study. A cost comparison value was computed similarly to Allison Creek. Annual energy assumes an 80 percent capacity factor. Table VIII-3 adapts costs of the CVEA-Rai1be1t interconnection in the March 1979 Susitna Power Market study to this Valdez/Glennallen study. The October 1978 prices have been raised 10 percent to agree with the Allison Creek level of October 1980. However, an 8 percent rather than the Susitna study 7.5 percent was used to calculate annual costs. The Susitna study used 100,000 to 300,000 MWh per year energy transfer. However, 50,000 MWh annually compares better with Allison Creek, the PRT's, and the load requirements. Unit costs, therefore, of the trans- mission line have more than doubled. Costs of purchasing Rai1be1t energy come from average rate determinations as shown in Table VIII-3A. 39 TABLE VIII-IA Summary Cost Estimate October 1980 Price Level Allison Creek (Lake Tap) Alternate No. 1 8 MW; 34,300 MWh firm annual energy; 39,350 MWh average annual energy. Lands and Damages Hydraulic Works Powerplant, Switchyard, and.Transmission System* Miscellaneous (Mobilization, Buildings, etc.) Contingencies (20%) Engineering and Design (8%) Supervison and Administration (8%) Subtotal -Contract Cost Interest During Construction (8% for 2 years) Total Investment Cost Average Annual Cost (8% for 50 years) =Total Investment x 0.081743 Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement Total Average Annual Cost or $5,029/kW =10.2¢/kWh (firm) $ 700,000 20,074,000 4,009,000 1,830,000 5,323,000 2,555,000 2,759,000 37,250,000 2,980,000 $40,230,000 3,288,521 201,000 $ 3,489,521 * Allison Creek powerplant to Solomon Gulch transmission line tap; 3 miles. 40 TABLE VIII-1B Summary Cost Estimate October 1980 Price Level Allison Creeek (Lake Tap) Alternate No. 2 8 MW; 32,200 MWh firm annual energy; 37,250 MWh average annual energy. Lands and Damages $ 724,000 Hydraulic Works 17,563,000 Powerp1ant, Switchyard, and Transmission System* 4,629.000 Miscellaneous (Mobilization, Buildings, etc.) 1,590,000 Contingencies (20%) 4,901,000 Engineering and Design (8%) 2,353,000 Supervision and Administration (8%) 2,54l,000 Subtotal -Contract Cost $34,301,000 Interest During Construciton (8% for 2 years) 2,744,080 Total Investment Cost $37,045,080 or $ 4,631/kW Average Annual Cost (8% for 50 years) =Tota1 Investment x 0.081743 $ 3,028,176 Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement 201,000 Total Average Annual Cost $ 3,229,176 =10.0C/kWh (firm) * Allison Creek powerp1ant to Solomon Gulch transmission line tap; 3.5 miles. 41 TABLE VIII-2 Summary Cost Estimate Pressure Reducing Turbines (PRT) Cost from January 1980 CVEA Power Cost Study (Inflated to October 1980) 8 MWj 56,000 MWh at 80 percent capacity factor Total Investment Cost ($9,727,300 + 8% inflation* $10,500,000 from January 1980 to October 1980) Average Annual Cost (8% for 30 years) = Total Investment X 0.088827 Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement Assumed** Total Average Annual Cost 2.4¢/kWh (firm) 932,684 432,316 $1,365,000 * Water and Power Resources Service Cost Index indicates a 6.5% increase in pump and prime mover costs between January 1980 and July 1980. ** Agrees with average of escalating costs used in CVEA Power Cost Study, January 1980. 42 TABLE VIII-3 Summary Cost Estimate October 1978 Prices from March 19}9 Susitna Power Market Study (Inflated 10% t~ October 1980)* Rai1be1t Area (Palmer) to Glennallen Intertie 138 kV; 136 miles; 50,000 MWh. at 8 MW and 70 percent load factor. T~ansmission Line ($33,100,000 + 10%) Switchyards and Substatioris Subtotal· ($4,800,000 + 10%) Interest During Construction ($2,900,000 + 10%) Total Investment Cost Average Annual Cost (8%; 50 years) $36,410.000 5,280,000 41,690,000 3,190,000 $44,880,000 10%) = Total Investment X 0.081743 Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement ($131,000 + Total Average Annual Cost $ = 7.6¢/kWh 3,669,000 144,000 3,813,000 Cost of Rai1belt energy Total Cost 5¢ to 6¢/kWh** 12.5¢ to 14¢/kWh * The. Corps of Engineers inflated the powerp1ant and transmission line costs of Allison Creek, alternative two, about 10% between January 1979 and October 1980. Alternative one costs were decreased in that period. ** Wholesale energy prices in the Anchorage area were about 1.5¢/kWh in 1979. See also Table VIII-3A. 43 Table VIII-3A Average Rate Determination Anchorage Portion of Rai1be1t System 8% Discount Rate Low Case 1 Case 2 Medium Case 1 Case 2 High Case 1 Energy System System Energy System System Energy System Year Forecast Costs Costs Forecast Costs Costs Forecast Costs (GWH) * * (GWH) * * (GWH) * 1985 3,433 84.1 84.1 4,329 187.6 187.6 6,849 317.0 1986 3,594 84.8 84.8 4,657 193.7 193.7 7~357 368.6 1987 3,754 141.0 141.0 4,985 233.0 233.0 7,864 375.0 1988 3,915 136.6 136.·6 5,313 231.9 231.9 8;372 454.8 1989 4,075 173.4 173.4 5,641 272.0 254.5 8,879 457.7 1990 4,285 175.0 175.0 6,063 274.2 293.8 9,589 463.3 1991 4,495 185.7 185.7 6,485 324.2 343.8 10,298 541.0 1992 4,705 223.3 223.3 6,907 387.5 409.9 11,008 606.2 1993 4,915 227.2 227.2 7,329 391. 7 414.1 11,717 615.2 1994 5,125 270.9 252.4 7,751 398.9 421.3 12,427 686.7 ~ 1995 5,385 306.6 290.2 8,311 463.7 486.1 13,477 778.6 ~ 1996 5,645 367.3 327.9 8,871 549.0 571.5 14,526 852.3 1997 5,904 369.4 389.8 9,431 615.9 578.7 15,576 927.7 1998 6,164 376.4 396.7 9,991 627.7 650.2 16,625 1,008.2 1999 6,424 457.2 397.9 10,551 694.4 657.2 17,675 1,102.6 2000 6,489 450.2 470.6 10,863 691.8 714.3 18,584 1,169.8 2001 6,555 452.1 472.5 11,175 698.6 721.1 19,493 1,187.8 2002 6,620 449.4 469.8 11,487 760.3 723.1 20,402 1,260.1 2003 6,686 452.3 472.8 11,799 767.9 789.8 21,311 1,339.9 2004 6,751 454.4 474.8 12,111 776.0 798.5 22,220 1,359.6 2005 6,817 517.1 477.8 12,423 864.0 807.1 23,129 1,460.3 2006 6,882 520.2 480.9 12,735 872.8 815.9 24,038 1,541.9 2007 6,948 523.3 484.0 12,047 881.9 904.4 24,947 1,564.3 2008 7,013 526.4 487.1 13,359 891.1 913.6 25,856 1.,647.0 2009 7,079 529.6 490.3 13,671 901.6 932.1 26,765 1,730.3 2010 7,144 532.9 493.6 13,983 969.9 932.7 27,674 . 1,754.5 Average ~/kWh 5.3 5.2 5.7 5.7 5.7 * Millions of dollars. Case 1 is without Anchorage to Fairbanks interconnection and without the Susitna hydro project. Case 2 is with the Anchorage to Fairbanks interconnection and without the Susitria hydro project. Case 3 is with both the interconnection and Susitna but is not shown because its costs are lower. The higher cost comparisons are adequate. Source: March 1979 Susitna Power Market Study -0 percent inflation values. Diesel costs came from historical data up throt,lgh 1979. TableVIII-4 shows expenses for several years. Fuel costs per kWh generated have averaged almost 14 percen~ growth per year for the last 5 years; therefore, it is assumed to continue increasing'at something above the inflation rate. The study used 5 percent and 2 percent fuel cost escalation rates as shown in TableVIII-4A. TableVIII-5 gives a summary comparison of Allison Creek and its alter- natives. ThePRT undoubtedly does not include all costs. Nevertheless, it seems to be the most economical. The diesel comparison value is given for 1979 and estimated for 1980. Figure VIII-1 graphs these relationships. . Average Rates Tables VIII-6through VIII-9 indicate project payback rates for the different alternatives. For comparison, continuation of diesel genera- tion at 5 and 2 percent fuel escalation is shown in tables VIII-10 and VIII-lOA. The rates, summarized below, are not much different than those shown in Table VIII-S. 45 Table VIII-4 CVEA Diesel Generation Expenses -Historic Annual EXEenses ($) EXEense Items 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Production Operation w/o fuel 117,698 284,556 473,161 653,248 778,609 713,288 fuel 344,038 695,218 1,069,900 1,479,667 1,363,869 1,733,009 Total Production 461,736 979,774 1,543,061 2,132,915 2,142,478 2,506,297 Operation Production Maintenance 33,732 57,370 83,752 102,218 116,088 114,117 Total Production O&M 495,469 1,037,144 1,626,813 2,235,133 2,258,566 2,620,414 Production Plant- in-Service (2,239,181) (3,392,115) (8,025,424) (7,593,779) (7,712,880) (7,718,781) Annual Investment .po. Cost (at 7.5% and a-20-year Life) 219,646 332,740 787,231 744,890 756,570 757,150 Total Annual Costs 715,115 1,369,884 2,414,044 2,980,023 3,015,136 3,377,564 Net Generation (kWh) 15,624,140 26,886,515 39,286,690 47,461,390 ·43,835,350 41,498,633 Energy Production Expense Rates (¢/kWh) O&M Excluding Fuel 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.1 Total O&M Including Fuel 3.2 3.9 4.1 4.7 5.2 6.3 Annual Investment Cost 1.4 1.2 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.8 Total Annual Cost 4.6 5.1 6.1 6.3 6.9 8.1 Note: Preliminary information indicates 1980 annual generation cost may be close to 10¢/kWb. TAHLE VIII-4A CVEA Diesel Generation Expenses -Future Contingencies Fuel Energy Fuel Cost Generation Cost O&H Cost OMI + Fuel ----------Year Used Efficie~ w/o Fuel ollq~ut Historic Escalated For Fuel Total Costs (Gab;) (kWh) (kWh/G,~l) (S/Gal) ($/G,~l) (S/Gal) (s/kwhf----(S/kWh) (S /kWh) ($/kl~h) ($/kWh) Historic 1975 1,954,092 26,886,515 13.76 .356 0.026 0.013 1976 2,962,176 39,286,690 13.26 .361 0;027 0.01[, 1977 3,377 ,640 47,461,390 14.05 .438 0.031 0.016 1978 3,336,027 43,835,350 13.14 .409 0.031 0.020 1979 3,140,000 41,[.98,633 13.22 .552 0.04.2 0.021 13.49 avpragp Forecast Fuel Escalation Percentage: 5% 2% 5% 2% * 5% 2% 1980 13.49 0.900 0.900 0.067 0.067 0.040 0.107 0.107 1981 13.49 0.945 0.918 0.070 0.068 0.040 0.110 0.108 1982 13.49 0.992 0.936 0.074 0.069 0.040 0.114 0.109 19R3 13.49 1. 0[,2 0.955 0.077 0.071 0.040 0.117 0.1 Ll 1984 13.49 1.094 0.974 0.081 0.072 0.040 0.121 0.112 1985 13.49 1.149 0.994 0.085 0.074 0.040 0.125 0.114 1986 13.49 1.206 1.014 0.089 0.075 0.040 0.129 0.115 1987 13.49 1. 266 1.034 0.094 0.077 0.040 0.134 0.117 1988 13.49 ).330 1.054 0.099 0.078 0 .. 040 0.139 0.118 1989 13.49 1.396 1.076 0.103 0.080 0.01.0 0.143 0.120 .p. 1990 13 ,1,9 1.466 1.097 0.109 0.081 0.040 0.149 0.121 -...J 1991 13.49 1.539 1.119 0.114 0.083 0.040 0.154 0.123 1992 13.49 1. 616 1.141 0.120 0.085 0.040 0.160 0.125 1993 13.49 1. 697 1.164 0.126 0.086 0.040 0.166 0.126 1994 13.49 1.782 1.188 0.132 0.088 0.040 0.172 0.128 1995 13.49 1.871 1. 211 0.139 0.090 0.0[.0 0.179 0.130 1996 13.49 1. 965 1. 236 0.146 0.092 0.040 0.186 0.132 1997 13.49 2.063 1.260 0.153 0.093 0.040 0.193 0.133 1998 13.49 2.166 1.285 0.161 0.095 0~040 0.201 0.135 1999 13.49 2.274 1.311 0.169 0.097 0.040 0.209 0.137 2000 13.49 2.388 1. 337 0.177 0.099 n.040 0.217 0.139 *Note that these costs include annual investment costs of 1.8e/kWh. Table VIII-5 Average Rate Comparisons Annual Firm Annual Cost Energy Rate Allison Creek 1 $3,489,521 34.3 GWh 10.2¢/kWh Allison Creek 2 3,229,176 32.2 10.0 PRT 1,365,000 56 2.4 Railbelt Interconnection 3,813,000 50 12.5 to 14 Diesels -1979 3,377,564 41.5 8.1 -1980 estimate 10.7 From Chapter IV: 1979 Residential Rate for 1,000 kWh/month Use Valdez 14.0 15.7 1979 Revenue Received per Energy Unit Sold CVEA Residential 13.1 CVEA Total 12.4 Valdez Total 11.5 48 Figure VIII-1 14 ~ .,.",0 Intertie '" ':),'t!-12.5 to 14 v't!-¢/KWH .. <vqj ~ 4,.<> 12 ~\. I I Allison Creek Alternative 1 10.2 ¢/KWH 10 I Allison Creek Alternative 2 10~0 ¢/KWH I 1 8 I I 6 I I I I 4 I I I I el:~S~iiUlte i~dll~j;Q~ Iutbj;Q~ 2.4 ¢/KWH 2 I J 1 I 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 YEARS 49 V1 0 Table VIII-6 Average Rate Determination Valdp.z/Glennallen System Allison Creek Hydro Project -Alternative 1 Need* Project Project Present 1st Year Annual Year (Table VII-I) Capabilit~ Output Worth Factor Energ~ Eg,uivalent (GWH) (GWH) Firm (GWH) 1980 47.9 1981 16.4 1982 30.9 1983 33.4 1984 35.1 1985 38.9 16** 16 1986 42.8 34~3 34.3 1987 46.9 34.3 34.3 1988 50.1 34.3 34.3 1989 54.5 34.3 34.3 1990 59.0 34.3 34.3 1991 63.7 34.3 34.3 1992 68.5 34.3 34.3 1993 73.6 34.3 34.3 1994 34.3 34.3 1995 34.3 34.3 1996 34.3 34.3 1997 34.3 34.3 1998 34.3 34.3 1999 34.3 34.3 2000 107.4 34.3 34.3 2001-2035 34.3 annually 34.3 Annual Energy = Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Energies = .081742 X 403.2 = 33.0 GWH per Year Annual Cost Average Rate = An 1 E nua nergy $3.489.521 = 10.6¢/kWh 33.0 (@ 8%; 50 yrs) .9615 11.3076*** * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from forecast -includes losses. ** Assumed output for last half of year. *** Present worth factor for 1986-2035. (GWH) 15.38 387.85 403.2 VI ..... Table VIII-7 Average Rate Determination Valdez/Glennallen System Allison Creek Hydro Project -Alternative 2 Need* Project Project Year (Table VII-I) CaEabilit~ Output (GHW) (GWH) Firm (GHW) 1980 47.9 1981 16.4 1982 30.9 1983 33.4 1984 35.1 1985 38.9 15** 15 1986 42.8 32.2. 32.2 1987 46.9 32.2 32.2 1988 50.1 32.2 32.2 1989 54.5 32.2 32.2 1990 59.0 32.2 32.2 1991 63.7 32.2 32.2 1992 68.5 32.2 32.2 1993 73.6 32.2 32.2 1994 32.2 32.2 1995 32.2 32.2 1996 32.2 32.2 1997 32.2 32.2 1998 32.2 32.2 1999 32.2 32.2 2000 107.4 32.2 32.2 2001-2035 32.2 annually 32.2 Annual Energy = Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Energies = .081742 X 378.5 = 30.9 GWH per Year Annual Cost $3,229,176 10.4~/kWh Average Rate = = ~ Annual Energy 30.9 Present Worth Factor (@ 8%; 50 yrs) .9615 11.3076*** 1st Year Annual Ener~~ Eg,uivalent (GWH) 14.42 364.10 378.5 * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from forecast -includes losses. ** Assumed output for last half of year. *** Present worth factor for 1986-2035. VI N Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001..;..2012 Annual Energy Need* (Table VII-I) (GHW) 47.9 16.4 30.9 33.4 35.1 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54.5 59.0 63.7 68.5 73.6 107.4 Table VIII-8 Average Rate Determination Valdez/G1enna11p.n System Pressure Reducing Turbine Project Capabili ty (GWH) 80% Plant Fac. 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 Project Output (GHW) 33.4 35.1 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54.5 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 = Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Energies = .081742 X 557.5 = 49.5 GWH per Year Average Rate = Annual Cost $1,365,000 = 2.8¢/kWh = Annual Energy 49.5 Present Worth Factor (@ 8%; 50 yrs) .9259 .8573 .7938 .7350 .6806 .6302 .5835 6.0514** * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from forecast -includes losses. ** Present worth factor for 1990-2012. 1st Year Annual Energy Equivalent (GWH) . 30.93 30.09 30.88 31.46 31.92 31.57 31.80 338.88 557.50 V1 w Need* Year (Table VII-l) (GWH) 1980 47.9 1981 16.4 1982 30.9 1983 33.4 1984 35.1 1985 38.9 1986 42.8 1987 46.9 1988 50.1 1989 54.5 1990 59.0 1991 63.7 1992 68.5 1993 73.6 1994 78.4 1995 84.4 1996 88.7 1997 93.1 1998 97.7 1999 103.5 2000 107.4 Stim Sum X Capital Recovery Factor Required From Intertie (GWll) 38.9 42.8 46.9 50.1 54.5 59.0 63.7 68.5 73.6 78.4 84.4 88.7 93.1 97 .• 7 103.5 107.4 Table VIII-9 Average Rate Determination Valdez/Glennallen System Interconnection with Rllilbelt System (PIIlmer-Glennallen Transmission Line) 8% Discount Rate RIIUbelt** Energy Rate (C/kWh) Cost of Energy $1,000 Cost of Intertie $1,000 4.3 1,672.7 3,813 4.2 1,797.6 3,813 4.7 2,204.3 3,813 4.4 2,204.4 3,813 4.5 2,452.5 3,813 4.8 2,832.0 3,813 5.3 3,376.1 3.813 5.9 4,041.5 3,813 5.6 4,121.6 3,813· 5.4 4,233.6 3,813 5.8 4,895.2 3,813 6.4 5,676.8 3,813 6.1 5,679.1 3.813 6.5 6,350.5 3,813 6.2 6,417.0 3,813 6.6 7,088.4 3,813 Average Rate = Annual Cost = $7,291,120/year = 11.3C/kWh Annual Energy 64,537,300 kWh/year * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from foreCIIst -includes losses. Totlll Cost Annually $1,000 5.485.7 5,610.6 6,017 .3 6,017.4 6.265.5 6.645.0 7,189.1 7,854.5 7,934.6 8,046.6 8,708.2 9,489.8 9,492.1 10,163.5 10,230.0 10,901.4 ** These rates COllIe from Harch 1979 Susitna Power Harket Study Csse 2, 0% inflation (see tllble VIII:-3A). 1st YeltrAnnual Cost. Equivalent $1,000 5,079.4 4,810.2 1.,776.7 4,423.0 4,264.2 4,187.5 4,194.8 4,243.5 3,969.3 3,727.1 3,734.8 . 3,768.5 3,490.2· 3,460.3 3,224.9. 3,182.0 64,536.4 7,291.1 1st Year Annulll Energy Equivalent (MloIH) 36,01.8.5. 36,6<]4.1 37,230.7 36,825.0 37 ,09i. 8 37,180.0 37,168.3 37,008.4 36,818.3 j6~314.4 36,197.7 35,224.0 .34,232.7 33,263.0 32;627.5 31,349.0 57.1,243.6· 64,537.3 V1 ~ Table VIII-IO Average Rate Determination Valdez/Glennallen System Continued Diesel Generation (5% Fuel Escalation) 8% Discount Rate Need* Existing Required Present Year (Table VII-I) CaEabilitl': OutEut Worth Factor (GWlI) (GWH) (GWH) (at 8%) 1980 47.9 116 47.9 0.9259 1981 16.4 112 16.4 0.8573 1982 30.9 112 30.9 0.7938 1983 33.4 108 33.4 0.7350 1984 35,1 108 35.1 0.6806 1985 38.9 108 38.9 0.6302 1986 42.8 100 42.8 0.5835 1987 46.9 100 46.9 0.5403 1988 50.1 88 50.1 0.5002 1989 54.5 88 54.5 0.4632 1990 59.0 88 59.0 0.4289 1991 63.7 88 63.7 0.3971 1992 68.5 88 68.5 0.3677 1993 73.6 69 73.6 0.3405 1994 78.4 69 78.4 0.3152 1995 84.4 62 84.4 0.2919 1996 88.7 62 88.7 0.2703 1997 93.1 11 93.1 0.2502 1998 97.7 0 97.7 0.2317 1999 103.5 0 103.5 0.2145 2000 107.4 0 107.4 0.1987 Annual Energy ~ Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Energies z .099832 X 520.2 ~ 51.9 GWh per Year Annual Cost ~ Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Costs ~ S7,873,500/year Average Rate = Annual Cost ~ $7,873,500/l':ear =15.~/kWh Annual Energy 51.9 GWh/year * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from forecast -includes losses. 1st Y .. ar Annual Enersl': Eguivalent (GWH) 44.35 14.06 24.53 24.55 23.89 24.51 24.97 25.34 25.06 25.24 25.30 25.30 25.19 25.06 24.71 24.64 23.97 23.30 22.64 22.21 21. 34 520.16 ** Output from 1993 thru 2000 includes diesel additions to thermal generators existing in 1980. Yearly Cost of Ot.M and Fuel with 1st Year'Annual 5% Fuel Escalation Cost Eguivalent (SI,OOO) (w/fuel escalation of 5%/yr) (SI,OOO) 5,112 4.733.1 I,R05 1,547.4 3,509 2,785.4 3,916 2,878.1 4,250 2,892.7 4,868 3,067.8 5,539 3,231. 7 6,279 3,392.2 6,942 3,472. 'J 7,821 3,622.5 8,772 3,762.0 9,817 3,898.3 10,947 4,025.2 12,203 4,154.7 13,492 4,253.3 15,082 4,402.3 16,466 4,450.1 17,960 4,494.6 19,595 4,540.3 21,589 4,631.9 23,308 4,630.2 78,866.8 \J1 \J1 Table VIII-lOA Average Rate Determination Valdez/Glennallen System Continued Diesel Generation (2% Fuel Escalation) 8% Discount Rate Need* Existing Required Present Year (Table VII-I) Ca~abilit~ Output Worth Factor (GWH) (GW\l) (GWH) (at 8%) 1980 47.9 116 47.9 0.9259 1981 16.4 112 16.4 . 0.8573 1982 30.9 112 30.9 0.7938 1983 33.4 108 33.4 0.7350 1984 35.1 108 35.1 0.6806 1985 38.9 108 38.9 0.-6302 1986 42.8 100 42.8 0.5835 1987 46.9 100 46.9 0.5403 1988 50.1 88 50.1 0.5002 1989 54.5 88 54.5 0.4632 1990 59.0 88 59.0 0.4289 1991 63.7 88 63.7 0.3971 1992 68.5 88 68.5 0.3677 1993 73.6 69 73.6 ** 0.3405 1994 78.4 69 78.4 0.3152 1995 84.4 62 84.4 0.2919 1996 88.7 62 88.7 0.2703 1997 93.1 11 93.1 0.2502 1998 97.7 0 97.7 0.2317 1999 103.5 0 103.5 0.2145 2000 107.4 0 107.4 0.1987 Annual Energy ~ Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Energies a .099832 X 520.2 : 51.9 GWh per Year Annual Cost = Capital Recovery Factor X Sum of Yearly Costs = $6,30l,820/year Average Rate ~ Annual Cost = $6,301,820/year =12.l/kWh Annual Energy 51.9 GWh/year * After Solomon Gulch output is subtracted from forecast -includes losses. 1st Year Annual Energ~ Eguivalent (GWH) 44.35 14.06 24.53 24.55 23.89 24.51 24.97 25.34 25.06 25.24 25.30 25.30 25.19 25.06 24.71 24.64 23.97 23.30 22.64 22.21 21.34 520.16 ** Output from 1993 thru 2000 includes diesel additions to thermal generators existing in 1980. Yearly Cost of O&H -and Fuel with 1st Year Annual 2% Fuel Escalation Cost Egu.ivalent ($1,000) (w/f"el escalation of 2%/yr) ($1,000) 5,112 4,733.1 - 1,772 1,519.2 3,381 2,683.8 3,701 2,720.1 3,939 2,680.7 4,421 2;786.2 4,928 2,875.3 5,470 2,955.4 5,920 2,961.6 6~525 3,022.5 7,158 3,070.1 7,832 3,110.2 8,536 ,3138.6 9,296 3,164.9 10.038 3,164.3 10,954 3,197.5 11,672 3,154 • .5 12,421 3,108.4 13,218 3,062.7 14,199 3,046.5 14,943 2,968.6 63,124.1 T'lble VIII-J 1 Average Ra te Determination -Allison Creek Case (A 1 tern;)te 2) Va1dez/G1ennallpn System Energy Cost Energy Su!:,!:,ly for Need PreSE'nt Annual Cost of GE'Tlera t iOTl ·PrE'sen t Cost - ----~------Year Need'~ PRT Allison Cr. Diesels Worth 1980 PRT Allison Cr. DieselS Total Worth 1980 Energy (GWH) (GWll) (GWH) (GWH) (GWH) ($1,000) ($1,000) ($1,000) (IT, 000) ($1,000) (C/kWh) ** 1980 47.9 47.9 44.35 5,112 5, J 12 4,733.3 10.67 1981 16.1. 16.4 14.06 1,805 1,805 1,547.5 11. 01 1982 30.9 30.9 24.53 3,509 3,509 2,785.6 11. 36 1983 33.4 33.4 24.55 1,365 ],365 1,003.3 4.09 1984 35.1 35.1 23.89 1,365 1,365 929.0 3.89 1985 3R.9 38.9 24.51 1,365 1,365 860.2 3.51 198f> 42.8 42.8 24.97 1,365 1,365 796.5 3.19 1987 46.9 46.9 25.34 1,365 1,365 737.5 2.91 1988 50.1 50.1 25.06 1,365 1,365 682.R 2.72 1989 54.5 54.5 25.24 1,365 1,365 632.3 2.50 ] 990 59.0 56.0 3.0 25.30 1,365 3,22':1 4,594 1,970.3 7.79 1991 63.7 56.0 7.7 25.30 1,365 3,229 4,594 1,824.3 7.21 1992 68.5 56.0 12.5 25.19 1,365 3,229 4,594 1,689.2 6.71 1993 73.6 56.0 17.6 25.06 1,365 3,229 4,594 1,564.1 6.24 1994 78.4 56.0 22.4 24.71 1,365 3,229 4,59 1, 1,448.2 5.86 1995 84.4 56.0 28.4 24.64 1,365 3,229 4,594 1,340.9 5.44 VI 1996 88.7 56.0 32.7 23.97 1,365 3,229 4,594 1,241.6 5.18 0'\ 1997 93.1 56.0 34.3 2.8 23.30 1,365 3,229 540 5,134 1,284.8 5.51 1998 97.7 56.0 34.3 7.4 22.64 1,365 3,229 1,481, 6,078 1,408.3 6.22 1999 103.5 16 .0 31, • 3 13.2 22.21 1,365 3,229 2,759 7,353 1,577 .6 7.10 2000 107.4 56.0 34.3 17.1 21.34 1,365 3,229 3,711 8,305 1,649.8 7.73 Sum 520.16 31,707.1 Sum X Capital Recovery Factor 51.93 3,165,1. Sum X CRF Cost $3,165,400 = 6.l/kWh Average Rate = Sum X CRF Energy 51,930,000 * Energy need = forecast ~ Solomon Gulch firm energy output. 1,* From table VIII 4A. 2nd to last column X diesel supply in 5th column of this table (VIII-ll. \J1 -...J T<'Ible VIlI-12 Average Rnte Determin<'ltion -Tntertie Case Valdez/Glennallen Sy"tem Energy Cost Energy SU!,[ll:tfor Need Present Annual Cost of Generation Present Year Need* PRT Intertie Diesels Worth 1980 PRT Intertie Diesels Total Worth 1980 (GWH) (GWH) (GWII) (GWH) (GWII) ($1,000) ($1,000) -($1,000) . ($1,000) .($1,000) ** 1980 47.9 47.9 44.35 5,112 5,112.0 4,733.3 1981 16.4 16.4 14.06 1,805 1,805.0 1,547.5 1982 30.9 30.9 24.53 3,509 3,509.0 2,785.6 1983 33.4 33.4 24.55 1,365 1,365.0 1,003.3 1984 35.1 35.1 23.89 1. 365 1,365.0 929.0 1985 38.9 38.9 2' •• 51 1,365 1,365.0 860.2 1986 42.8 42.8 24.97 1,365 1,365.0 796.5 1987 46.9 46.9 25.34 1,365 1,365.0 737.5 1988 50.1 50.1 25.06 1,365 1,365.0 682.8 1989 54.5 54.5 25.24 1,365' 1,365.0 632.3 1990 59.0 56.0 3.0 25.30 1,365 3,957.0 5,322.0 2,282.5. 1991 63.7 56.0 7.7 25.30 1,365 4,221.1 5.586.1 2,l18.3 1992 68.5 56.0 12.5 25.19 1,365 4,550.5 5,915.5 2,175.1 1993 73.6 56.0 17.6 25.06 1,365 4,798.6 6.163.6 2,098.5 1994 78.4 56.0 22.4 24.71 1,365 5,022.6 6,387.6 2,013.6 1995 84.4 56.0 28.4 24.64 1,365 5,460.2 6,825.2 1~992.2 1996 88.7 56.0 32.7 23.97 1,365 5,905.8 7,270.8 1,965.1 1997 93.1 56.0 37.1 23.30 1,365 6,076.1 7,44L1· '1,862.1 1998 97.7 56.0 41.7 22.64 1,365 6,523.5 7,888.5 1~827.9 1999 103.5 56.0 47.5 22.21 1,365 6,758.0 8,123.0 1,742.8 2000 107.4 56.0 51.4 21.34 1,365 7,205.4 8,570.4 . 1,702.6 .. Sum 520.16 36,588.6 Sum X Capital Recovery Factor 51.93 3.652.7 Sum X CRF Cost $3,652,700 7.0/kWh Average Rate = Sum X GRF Energy 51,930,000 * Energy need = forecast -Solomon Gulch firm energy output. ** Intertie costs represent Narch 1979 Susitna Power Market Study Case 2, 0% inflation: Anchorage to Fairbanks interctmnection hut without Susitna hydro project. Costs are calculated by multiplying the energy rate from the 4th column of table VIII-9 by the intertie supply need of this table (VIII-12) then adding the Palmer-Glennallen intertie cost in column 6 of table VIII~9. Cost - Energ:t (¢/kWh) 10.67 11.01 11.36 4.09 3.89 3.51 3.19 2.91 2.72 ; 2.50 9.02 8.77 8.64 8.37 8.15 8.09 8.20 7.99 8.07 7.85 . 7 .. 98 CHAPTER IX BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Power Cost Study, 1980-1993; Copper Valley Electric Association Inc.; January 1980 • 2. "Total Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits and Public Contractors in Selected Alaska Urban Areas"; Department of Housing and Urban Development; 1979. 3. Power Requirements Study; Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc.; March 1979. 4. Phase I Technical Memorandum, Electric Power Needs Assessment; Electric Power Work Plan Committee; draft report, March 1979. 5. Upper Susitna River Project Power Market Analysis; Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration; March 1979. 6. Southcentral Alaska's Economy and Population, 1965-2025: A Base Study and Projections; a report of the Economics Task Force; Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Study (Level B); Alaska Water Study Committee; February 1979. 7. Alaska Labor Force Estimates by Area: revised 1974-1977; Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Division; November 1978. 8. Transcript of Proceedings -Report on Valdez Hydropower Public Meeting; Corpos of Engineers; 24 July 1978. 9. The Proposed Glennallen-Valdez Transmission Line -an Analysis of Available Alternatives; Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. by Robert W. Retherford Associates; May 1978. 10. Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes for Valdez, Alaska - Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska, Stage II Checkpoint Report; Alaska District, Corps of Engineers; April 1978. 11. Solomon Gulch Project No. 2742 -Alaska: Final Environmental Impact Statement; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Electric Power Regulation; March 1978. 12. Operation and Maintenance Plans and Costs -Mahoney Lake, Swan Lake, Lake Grace; Alaska Power Administration; February 1978. 13. Alaska Regional Enf'.rgy Resources, Planning Project -Phase I: Findings and Analysis; volume 1; Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, Department of Commerce and Economic Development; October 1977 • 59 14. Quarterly Statistics; Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Division; 1970-1977. 15. Environmental Report for Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project - Exhibit W FPC Project No. 2742; Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc.; by R.obert W. Retherford Associates; 1976. . 16. Current Population Estimates by Census Division; Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Division; 1970-1976. 17. Definite Project Report -: Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project - Exhibit·T FPC Project No. 2742; Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. by Robert W. Retherford Associates; March 1975. 18. IS-Year Power Cost Study-Hydro/Diesel; Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc.; by Robert W. Retherford Associates; October 1974. 19. A Proposed Electric Generation and Transmission Intertie System for Interior and SouthcentralAlaska -Phase I; Trans-Alaska Electric Genera- tion and Transmission Cooperative, Inc. by CH2M.Hill; April 1972. 60 : I,B'I II Ii ::1: iii, APPENDIX J PUBLIC VIEWS AND RESPONSES Recipients of Valdez Draft Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement Federal Senator Ted Stevens Former Senator Mike Gravel Conqressman Don Younq Dir~ctor, Office of ~nvironmental Project Review, U.S. Dept. of Interior Deputy Assistant, Secretary for the Environment, U.S. nept. of Commerce Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X Director, Alaska Operations Office, Environmental Protection Agency Director, Environmental Impact Division, Office of Environmental Programs Advance Council on Historic Preservation Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Washington, D.C. Area Director, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Pacific Northwest Region, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration .l\rea Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Director, National Marine Fisheries Service Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration National Park Service National Oceanographic Data Center, Environmental Data Service, NOAA U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Re~ion X State Director, Bureau of Land ~anagement Director, Bureau of Land Management, District Office Manager, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf, Bureau of Land Management Area Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Supervisor -WAES, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Supervisor -NAES, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.h.S. Water Resources Division Special Assistant to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Interior, Anchorage Study Director, Water Resources Studies, U.S. Department of the Interior Pipeline Coordination Office Alaska Resources Library, Federal Building State Governor Jay Hammond Executive Director, Alaska Power Authority Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development, Div. of Energy and Power Development Department of Natural Resources, Southcentral District Director, Division of Land and Water Management Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources Director, Division of Community Planning Commissioner, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Commissioner, Department of Fish and Game Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks Department of Environmental Conservation, S.C. Regional Office Alaska Denartment of Environmental Conservation State-Federal Coordinator, A-95 Clearinghouse Recipents of Valdez Draft Interim feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (cont'd) Organizations Dr. Paul Friesema, Butler University Paul Johnson, Knik Group/Sierra Club Roland Shunks, Denali Group/Sierra Club Alaska Native Foundation Executive Secretary, Alaska Conservation Society Anchorage Audubon Society President, iHaska Geological Society Alaska Society of Professional Engineers Lin Sonnenburg, Sierra Club-RCC AHTNA Inc. Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage Z.J. Loussac Library, Anchorage Director, Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Arctic Information and Data Center State Representative, Friends of the Earth Executive Director, Fairbanks Environmental Center Trustees for Alaska American Society of Civil Engineers Alaska Center for the Environment Atomic Industrial Forum Indiana University-Political Science-Public and Environmental Affairs Marine Biological Consultants Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers Mr. Jay Greenwalt, Tenneco Building Mr. Sherman Feher Technical In~rmation Center, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. Librarian, Energy Impact Associates Fluor Ocean Services Fred Schmidt, Colorado State University Larry !~i 1 ki nson, Foundation Sci ences Local Mayor of Valdez Valdez City Manager Postmaster, Glennallen Postmaster, Cordova Postmaster, Valdez Postmaster, Copper Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clifton Ho 11 i s Henri chs Recipients of Valdez Draft Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement (cont'd) Charles F. LaPage Mr. Herbert W. Lehfeldt Mr. Perry Lovett Mr. Chalres E. Maxwell Mr. Frank H. Tatro The Valdez Vanguard, Valdez The Valdez Vanguard, Cordova The Cordova Times Station KCAM, Glennallen Mr. Max Faucher, Executive Director, Copper Valley Native Association Copper Valley Electric Association General Manager, Copper Valley Electric Association, Glennallen Valdez Chamber of Commerce Copper Valley Telephone Co-op Chief, Volunteer Fire Deaprtment u. s. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION X 3 DEC ~ Colonel Lee R. NunG District EnginEer 1200 SIXTH AVENUE SEATTlE. WASHINGTON 98101 Alaska District, Cerps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska Q9510 RE: Electrical Po~er for Valdez, Draft Interim Feasibility Report and Environmer.tal Impact Statement Dear Colonel Nunn: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ccmpletea its review of the Draft Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement on Electri:al Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin. 1. We believe Jhat the two tailrace system below the powerhouse and the plannea use: of the pressure reducing turbine are desirable aspects of the plan.-We also appreciate the discussion of alternative power sources and :locaticr,s for nydropower. However, we believe that the [IS lacks adequate information regard>-,g the impacts expected from lake arawaO\'m, durr'ring of tunnel tailings, ana -..ater temperature modification by the tailrace section. We also believe that public involvement and en=rgy conservation shiluld be expanded ana discussed in greater detail, ~nd that transmiss'on corridors and mitigation measures should be ;'inal izea. Our specific cCI1'rr:ents 01' these issues are enclosed as an attachment. We have rateo this oIS as ER-2 due to this lack af information and the project's potential impact on water quality. This ER-2 rating will be Dub"tished i~ the FedEral ReqistEr in accoroance 'Hith our resDcnsiblity to inform the public of our views as required in Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. If you have any questions regarding our C()OOlents or would 1 ike to discuss them, please feel free to contact either me or Scott Berg of my staff at (206) 4~2-1285 or (FTS) 399-1285. Sincerely yours, ~Lkrl; Gu~r-- Elizabeth Coroyn, C~ief Environmental Evaluation Branch Attachment 1. Report findings were based on available data including hydrologiC computer analyses, recording thermographs and a field check of the Allison Lake temperature profile. Information on fisheries resources was obtained from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In all cases where detailed information was lacking, a worse case basis was assumed. The section on lake drawdown, disposal of tunnel tailings, and transmission corridors have been revised for clarification. Data collecton measures are now in progress and several more are proposed for the near future. During the Advanced Engineering and Design (AE&D) phase, intensive effort by the Alaska District and the U.S. Fish and ~ildlife Service would be accomplished to obtain detailed information necessary prior to project implementation. During the AE&D phase, an environmental document will be prepared as appropriate. The Alaska District is looking forward to continued close coordination with your agency as "'ell as other interested resource agencies in assuring environmentally sound development which would preserve the fisn and wildlife resources and also provide hydroelectrical generation to the project area. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 2. Involvement in the project by Federal, State, and local governments appears to be extensive. However, we find no mention nor indication that the public has been involved in the scoping process. We believe that agressive public involvement is essential and should be conducte<:: as soon as possible. Scoping should be conducted as a conscientious effort to identify issues of concern and suggestions for project imprGvement. ENERGY USE 3. The IIS lacks adequate discussion of conditions in Valdez such as who will actually use the energy provided by increasea hydropower. Would future housing use electricity or natural gas for heating? ENERGY CONSERVATION 4. The draft interim feasibility report states that aggressive energy conservation should be consioered a partial solution of last resort. Such aggressive me~~ures are said to include: offering discounts for off-hour usaort or to consumers who meet certain efficiency standards; increased insulation for hot water heaters; the introduction of microwave ovens; and minimum efficiency ratings of electric appliances. We do not believe that these measures are ·unreasonable" nor would cause "numerous and perhaps unacceptable inconveniences." In fact, numerous studies recOOlll1end measures such as these as the most cost-effective and environmentally sound means of conserving energy. 'Because few buildings in Valdez presently use electricity for heat, we recognize that insulation may not contribute "to immediate reductions in electrical demand. However, insulation as part of an overall conservation plan c,n reouce demandS on scarce fossil fuel~ now used for rJome heating. rYolJ state that a primary goal of converting to hydropower ishc reduce deoendence on fossil fuels. If the previously mentionedkonservation measures are implemented now, immediate expenditures for fossil fuels and demand for additional energy in 1995 can be reduced. This effort is especially critical as 1,200 new employees are exoected from the Alpetco refinery. TUNNEL Til I II NGS ~e note that ~oproximately 20,000 cubic yards of tunnel tailings will be disposed of over a very steep cliff of over SOD feet. Dumoing the tai 1 ings over the cl iff may wipe out the dense stand of alder and any other vegetation for the length of the slope. This material would continue to erode long after the dumping has ceased, causing long term water quality problems. The light colored rOCK would also be highly visiole and very oifficult to revegetate. 2. Three Publ ic Meetings were held during the study process. The dates of the meetings were 26 April 1977, 24 July 1978, and lB November 19BO. The initial meeting was held prior to the Council on Environmental Quality's requirement for a scoping meeting, but the Corps realized the need to obtain public input to help guide the study process. The final meeting was to present our findings for public comment. Additional information regarding our public involvement program has been included in the final report. 3. Hydropower from Allison Lake would be used primarily to accommodate the expected growth in population due to future development such as the port and refinery. Most of the energy would be utilized for lighting, appl iances, etc., with very 1 ittle, if any for heating. Future housing would probably not use electricity initially because it would be more expensive per BTU of heat. Future housing will probably not use natural gas either because it is not readily available in the area. Most housing will probably continue to be heated by oil with an increasingly proportionate amount being supplemented with wood. 4. The final report has been modified to give a better understanding of the conservation alternative and its possible, impacts on the study area. A more detailed description is given of the potential for energy reduction by insulation, weather stripping, etc., and how this could significantly lower the consumption of heating ~il, but have a lesser effect on electricity use. 2 5. ~e str?ngly recOTmend that an alternate disposal site and methods be 1nvest1gated. It appears from the photo on page ii that a bench ne~r the portal could serve as a disposal area. Re~egetation of th1S area would be much easier than the cliff. In addition, if a haul roa? could safely be constructed down the most gentle slope, the ta111ngs could represent a source of fill or ballast. WATER TEMPERATUR~ MITIGATION 6. We note that the rationale behind the two tailrace system is to di~ert win~er powerhouse releases directly to Port Valdez, thereby not affect1ng water temperature 1n All1son Creek d~ring salmon egg 1ncubat1on. ,However, the most critical months, because of spawning salmon, are uuly and August. The lake tap would sUbstantially lower water Lemperature~ at the time of spawning, thereby delaying development. It 1S not clear what flow regimes will occur in the stream channel be~ow the powerhouse during these critical months. What proport10n or the total flow would originate from to the powerhouse ve~sus the natural channel and what temceratures could be expected? What provisions will be made fort low water years? 7. 8. t; PRESSURE REDUCING TuRBINE i! The feasibili~y stud~ for the pressure reducing turbine states that one.of 1ts pr1mary d1sadvantages is that "it would only function unt1l the 011 runs out." It would appear that once the oil Goes run out, the refinery and most otner economic activity dependent JPon the oil resource will .also cease. The PRT would then supply energy f?r the 11fe ?f the p1pellne and woula efficiently cease just at the t1me wnen 1t 1S no longer needed. An explanation of why this is seen as a disadvantage should be included ~n future reports. WATER (JUALITY I A lake level fluctuation of 100 feet could ~ause sUDstantial erosion of eX1st1ng Deltas and the lake shore. Tht effects of sediment reaistribution can be deleterious because of the excessive resusoension of sediments into the water column. This increased turbidity could result in adverse fish impacts downstream from the powerhouse: ~hes;, impacts are briefly mentioned but not adequately d1scussed 1n .he C1S sect10n. Future reoorts should discuss :he POSS1~111ty of clogging the intake with sediment, expected levels of d1ssolve~ oxyqe~: the cegre~ of fisheries aegradctior: resulting from 1ncreas~~ rurD1D1ty anc sed1mentat10n, and possible mitigation r::c-~sti!'es • 5. The text has been revised for clarification. Refer to section D.2.a. of the FEIS. Alternative disposal sites have been investigated and eliminated mainly due to engineering constraints. Although a bench may be interpreted from the photo in the Feasibility Report, that area is steep and would require extensive diking to contain the tailings. It is the opinion of the biologists who have visited the site that the proposed disposal area is the least environmentally damaging alternative. 6. 7. 8. As stated in the DEIS and FEIS, 40C temperature was employed as a worse case basis because of the lack of specific data at Allison Lake for this time period. Temperature data from similar Alaskan lakes indicate that temperatures at the depth of the lake tap would probably be 2 to 30C higher. Tables 2 Band 3 of Appendix E are calculated flows of both powerhouse discharge and the contribution of the watershed below the lake. Estimated percentages of the regulated water from the tailrace are 33 percent for July and 40 percent for August of the total Allison Creek flow. When actual intake temperatures are obtained for Allison Lake during July and August, provisions to refine the mitigative measures would be employed. " Although the stUdy area may enter an economic slump when the ofl is depleted, the extent and long tenn effects are impossible to assess. It is probable that if the pipeline did cease to operate for lack of oil, the refinery would remain open and receive oil from elsewhere. Even if loads dropped significantly. additional energy would be needed above Solomon Gulch's output. This would have to come from other sources, most likely diesel or possibly a railbelt intertie. In either case the cost would be higher than the PRT. Text has been revised fer clarification. The shoreline of Allison Lake is composed mainly of large boulders with little fine grain materjal present except for the delta at the head of the lake. Although the erOSion possibilities of this delta are unknown, the Alaska District believes it would react similarly to the delta at Long Lake near Juneau. Long Lake is a glacial fed lake of similar configuration to Allison Lake. The lake was tapped for hydroelectric power generation several years ago and the Alaska Department of Fish and G~€ has established a hatchery in its tailrace. Water quality parameters are monitored regularly and no degradation has occurred. The shoreline has not experienced erosion and the delta underwent a change in slope and stablized after the first year. 9. 10. 3 TAAN5~!SSJO~ CORRIDOR ine ·1 Dcati on of tne transrrlss lon I ine for the PRT has not been oetermi'lf'Cl at this time. We believe that the locatio~. ~nould be . finalized as ,oon as possible. Visual sersitivity ShOUlD bea maJor consideration, Wltr tnE clearing of vegetatiofl kept to ~ mlnlmum. hgf' US-l1 states that 3.S miles ~f dense conifer ~orest would be c.ieared for tne transmission line Trom the Alllson lreeK prOJect. It dPoears tr-,at the transmission 1 ire could parallel the road thP~eby eliminatinG the n<:ec to clear an additional oath. The Alyeska Pipelinp coulc also proviOE an alternatlVe (ornoor. PENSTOCK CONSTRUCTJO~ Impacts associated with the construction of the penstock from the portal to the powerhouse arE not discussed. An.area 2,850 feet long bv 10 feet wide "ould be cleared of all vegetatlon on what appears t~ be a very steeD SlopE. What constru~tion a~t!vities a~e anticipated and how ",ill they affect sOll staDlllty. eros~on potential, and water quality? What mitigation measures wlll b~ used to reduce disturbance and wl11 the rlght-of-way be revegetated. A thorough discussion of these activities and impacts is needed. Thank you for the opportunity to review this draft ElS and feasibi 1 ity n~PQrt. 9. Although an e~act transmission corridor has not been established to the PRT site, it would probably parrallel the e~isting access road as closely as possible. The transmission line route for Allison lake hydropower will be finilized during the AE&D phase. Although the proposed transmission line would closely parallel the Dayville Road, the clearing of 3.5 miles of dense conifer forest would still be necessary. Portions of the road were constructed b~ ~utting into the hillside, leaving a steep sloped bank whlCh cannot be utl1lzed as a transmission corridor. At the top of the slope, the dense conifer forest begins. The proposed corridor' is indicated on Plate D-A-3, Appendix D. For reasons of access a~d maintenance, Alyeska does not allow any construction on the oil pipeline corridor. 10. The te~t has been revised for c]arificaton. The placement of the penstock wou 10 occur with the use of a he] icopter. As stated in the DElS and in the FElS, the only place where all vegetation would be cleared would be the areas covered by the support footings. Colonel Lee R. ~~unn Alaska District. Corps of Eugineers Department of the Army Post Office Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 [lear Colonel :iunn: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF CO!'!MERCE The Assistant SecrHary fDr Policy :. =1-"--:;l:'~" [ :. ::---- This is in reference'·to your draft environmental impact statecent entitled, "Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin." The enclosed COOlI!lents from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are forwarded for your consideration. Thank you for giving uS an opportunity to provide these co~ents, which we hope will be of assistance to you. ~e would appreciate receiving five (5) copies of the final statement. Sincerely, Robert T. Miki Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Policy (Acting) Enclosures: ~emo from Hr. Robert \J. HcVey National Marine Fisheries Service -NOAA Mr. Robert B. Rollins National Ocean Survey -NOAA Oate To From Subiect: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Se1"'Jice P.o. Box 1668 Junea~, Alaska· 99802 November :;, 1980 Reply to A 1::n. at: PP/EC -;,et::~ ff b-,~ y/AKR i./Ir;w. McVey Review of :casibi1ity Report and DEIS No. 8010.0S -Electrical Power for Valdez anc the Copper River Basin Southcentral Railbelt Area, AK We have re7iewed the sUbject document and offer the following comments: Feasibil ~:-> Report The inter~ feasibility report appears to have adequately investigated the vario~ alternatives for energy production in the Valdez area and to have reac~2d a logical conclusion. We have no additional comments to offer on :iis·report. Draft Env::onmental Impact Statement GENERAL C~ENTS It is apF~rent from reviewing the DEIS that additional data are needed on Allis,,:: Creek before sound decisions can be made. 1. a) 2. b) Allio0n Creek does not have a gauging station so flows have been calc~~ated for the drainage basin using meteorological data. It may :e beneficial to p.stablish a gauging station on the stream to obtc~"1 some recorded streamflow data. Even if data would be col:'~cte.d for only a few years prior to project construction, they woc:: provide a basis of comparison for determining the accuracy of the ::eteorological data for the area. Add::ional temperature data should be collected prior to project ,:ono:ruction. Table lA in Appendix E provides temperature data for Allioon Creek from June 26, 1979 through February 27, 1980. Temperature dat~ from Allison Lake have been collected on only one occasion. Th"~,, data provide an inadequate base from which to draw sound con::"J.sions. SPECIFIC :OMMENTS Section :, Subsection Ib, page EIS-9, paragraph 3 It is st~:ed that ..... the natural flushing process will be eliminated and poss::le sedimentation of spawning gravels may occur. During high water yE~:3, it may be necessary to spill quantities of water, this may 1. A recording stream gage was established in Allison Creek in March 1981 and will continue to operate through project construction. 2. The temperature data from Allison Creek has been updated (refer to Appendix E, Table 1). Two additional thermographs are proposed for Allison Creek, one to record intergravel temperatures within the stream, and the second to be placed in the intertidal area to record intergravel temperatures and the changes due to tidal influence. The theromographs will be installed prior to the 1981 spawning season. During the Advanced Engineering and Design (AE&D) phase, numerous temperature profiles of Allison Lake would be accomplished during all seasons. 3. have adequate flows for flushing of the gravels." Does the Corps have any additional mitigating measures, such as mecha~ical flushing, planned for cleaning spaw~ing gravels if necessary? This topic needs to be discussed in greater detail in the FEIS. Section E, page EIS-15 4. This section discusses, among other things, the concept of a two tailrace system to regulate the quantity of water being released into Allison Creek. It appears that water from the powerhouse .... ill be available to supplement the flow in Allison Creek as needed. It is imperative that this water does not differ substantially from the normal flow in Allison Creek with respect to temperature, dissolved oxygen, etc. This project should be designed to ensure that adequate natural stream flows are available if needed (Le. if the powerhouse is shut down or if the quality of water from the powerhouse is inadequate with respect to temperature, etc.). 5. This section also contains a brief discussion of the potential for cumulative impacts resulting from construction of the ALPETCO facility and dock, the city dock expansion, the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project and some proposed development on Mineral Creek. This section should be expanded to include a description of each of these projects and some discussion of the potential impacts. CLEARANCE:;!,/ ~TIJRE F/HP: Ken ROberts~\ rt, U---z"¥----= tUm DATE: I i -, : . 3. Allison Creek is relatively free of small grain materials and fines. The periodic spilling of Allison Lake and the expected SUrm1er flo .. s '.;auld probably be sufficient; therefore, no sedimentation of the stream is anticipated. However, if additional studies show that sedimentation of spawning gravels does occur, the problem would be rectified by methods agreeded upon during the AE&D phase prior to construction. 4. If a moderate to large percentage of the flow is discharged from the powerhouse it is possible that a temperature change could occur. Most of the spawning occurs intertidally and the effects of the warmer discharge on incubation is unknown. The planned installation of an intergravel, intertidal thermograph and expanding knowledge of the winter flow regime will aid in refining mitigative measures. Adequate flows would be maintained by scheduling turbine maintenance during times when sufficient natural stream flow for egg incubation is available. 5. The Alaska District agrees the cumulative impacts in the Valdez area are an important aspect to further development. Environmental Impact Statements or Environmental Assessments have been published for these projects and are reasonably available. In accordance with NEPA guidelines, this information has been incorporated by reference. rfS>\\ \\:~~, ~~ .... -,';' ,~1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMOJT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and A.tmospheric Administratiol :"jA::C'.:"L I~<~~':"·. -?: .. ..J-1 • .:.. ~GC~.'!~·.~.: 2_-?:::'2 NOV 21 \860 OA/CS2x6:Jl~ TO: PP/EC -Joyce M. Wood FROM: OAICS -Robert B. Rollin?;' SUBJECT: DEIS #8010.05 -Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Basin, Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska The subject stacement has been reviewed within the areas of the National Ocean Survey's (NOS) responsibility and expertise, and in terms of the impact on the proposed action on NOS activities and projects. 1. Geodetic control survey monuments may be located in the proposed project area. If there is any planned activity which will disturb or destroy these monuments, NOS requires not less than gO days' notifica- tion in advance of such activity in order to plan for their relocation. NOS recommends that 7unding for this project includes the cost of any relocation required for NOS monuments. <:) I ;i 1. Final alignments, locations, etc., would be set during the Advanced Engineering and Design Phase of the project. At that time, construction activity that could disturb any monument would be identified dnd coordinated with the National Ocean Survey. Cnitc:d Srat6 [)c'~,artmcnt of the: I:-::-;::rior F () Bo\ 120 \f,c-i't ·r,,!.,!y \1.1\l ... l..~r5HI ER-SCo/ 1:51 :'t~e!:lber Lt, 1.980 COlO:l~: Lee n. N~...rln ~i5t!"ic~ Engineer Alask~ District, Corps of E~~~neers P. G. Box 7002 Ancnorage, Alaska 99510 ~ear Celonel Nunn" In response to yoOJr Sep"tembe!" 8, 1980, rectuest 'We flE.,"e reviewed the Draft In"te:-':'!: Feasibility ::tepor:. ar::' Environmental :z::.pac-: ::..a:~ement (r:EIS) for Elec~rical Power for Valdez and the Copper River Eao~~. We offer the fol- lowing C-Ol!lDenT..S for yOlU' consideration. Gener~l Co~ents 1. From our perspective, projec: information anG the dis~ussion of alterna~ives in the repor"!. and DEIS appea:-~o be gene:-ally aae,:;.u.c.:e. Hoyever, "e believe both aocumen"!.s are lacking i~ specific info~tio~ related to fisheries resources and vater quality, flows, and temperatures. We understand that additional studi~s are bein, Flanned as per reconoer.:ations contained in the Fish and Wildlife Service's May 21, 1980 Fish a~d Wildlife Coordination Act Report. Upon:. completion of these studies, a SUFplemental Coordination Act Report ,till be prepared ty the Fish a"d Wildlfie Service. Specific Comments 2. FeaSibility Report: Page 32, lmnact Assessment: oil spill be addressed. We suggest that the possibility of an 3. Page 36, Impact Assess~ent: We believe an assesssment of the impacts cf Alternative 1 should also be discussed in this section. Environmental Impact S~atement: 4. Page 9, Hydrology and ~ater Quality: We sugges~ that the EIS discuss the design of features ~d methods for providi~g vater release should it be necessary to spill excess vater during bigh vater years. 1. Refer to response No.1, EPA Comments 2. The installation of the Pressure Reducing Turbine ~robability.of an oil spill because the necessary l~stalled wlth the construction of the pipeline. plpeline would be required. should not increase the piping and valves were No alteration of the 3. Text revised. Refer to page 36 of the Feasibility Report. 4. Text revised. Refer to section D.l.b of the FEIS. 5. Pag" lU, Hydr~log\' <ind \-idter Quality: Th" drawdown scenario for ~stablishing th~ lake tap, i.e., ti~ing, flow duration, etc., should b., addressed. 6. Page II, ~ldlife: w~ suggest that the document reflect the requir.,- ment for maintaining minimum distance. of 300 feet oet\Jeen eagle n.;:st.s and proj.,ct f~atures. 7. Page 13, fish: Experienc~ with similar projects has indicated that atypical high flow and cold water may cause sallllon to delay migration into spawning streams, potentially reducing production. The ElS should indicate that temperature studies are proposed prior to development of final project deSign. B. Page 15, Mitigation: The EIS should reflect the n~ed for determining the effect of increased winter flows on the fishery resourc~, and for obtaining mor~ accurate information as to· the number of salmon which utilize Allison Creek. 9. Page 16, Mitigation: It is sugg~sted that the EIS indicate that the results of proposed water studies be published in a form which will make the information wid~ly available for similar future projects. Also, th~ document should indicate that provisions will be made for monitoring the ~ffectiveness of mitigation meaSures during project operation. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on these draft documents. Sincerely, 5. Text reviseo. Refer to section D.l.b. of the FEIS. 6. During the Advanced Engineering and Design phase, the transmission route will be surveyed to assure compliance with the Bald Eagle Act of 1940. 7. Text revi.sed. Refer to sect ion C.l.b. of the FEIS. 8. Text revised. Refer to section C.2.d. of the FEIS. 9. An environmental report containing all information gathered for the Allison project would be included during the Advanced Engineering and Design phase. Any information gathered prior to the distribution of the document can be mad~ ~vailable upon request. , . . Advisory Council On Historic Preservation 1 ~Z2 K Street. NW W.shlO~lon . .oC 20005 Occober 24, 1900 ri~:!'"ict. E:-:.~inee!" Cc!"'ps of E:lgineers, _lJ.as~c.. J:'strict DE';B.!'""Cme:i..'t 0: the Army P. C. Box 7002 ~chorage, ~~aska Llee.r CoJ.ODel Nun~: 99510 Lake Ptaza South. SUIte 6: 44 Umon Boule~ard LHkPwood. CO 80228 r.l'h5.:J.}: you fo!" yOUl~ requf'st of ~,~;)"Le:::"~er 30, :980, for c~:;:nments on t ne Draft Irl"teriI!. Feasi bil:' ty Repor~_ and: t.he Envircnrne~tal sts.7.~ment for Soutbcent:-al Railbel:. Area, Alaska, fo!" electrical "Do-,e!" for "valdez and the COPDer Rive!" E2.sin. p...J.rsli.ant to Section i02(2)(C) of the National E~:"i,·on:;tenccal Folicy Act of 1969 and the CQuncil' s regulc.tj o~~s, "P:LD:'e27. _G.:: of Historic and-CU: tural ?ro:;.ercies 1t (36 CFR Part 300), we '":.2..1/2 de~,er~ined that yOll!" e:-.v.: . .:'0!1ID.P!1tal sta--:'e!Ilent fl.;Jpear-s adJ?q'L.a'"e cancer-nine; our area of iL~erest, find ~w.:: have no ~urther co:r..m.en'ts at this tiDe, Sincer,> ly, ~~~ .1/ C{e!(~f Chief, Western Division o~ Frojec'"V Review 1. Comment Noted • November 4, 1980 Col. Lee R. Nunn District Engineer' Alaska uistrict, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: JA r s. HAIIIIOIilD. 60YfRIIOII Re: Electrical Power for Valdez -Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has reviewed the referenced draft feasibility report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In general. we feel the report and EIS provide an adequate description of the proposed project, potential environme'1tal impacts and mitigation measures. 1. Our biggest concern re1~tes to the potential impacts on the anadromous fisheries resources in Allison Creek. While we have no objection to the project as proposed this Department will require measures to mitigate conflicts. We support the concept of the U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service recommendations; however, we feel the additional studies described in both the Coordination Act Report (page 17) and the EIS (page EIS-16) should be conducted before any specific recommendation on mitigation is made. The Department of Fish and Game desires to participate in both' the scoping and actual conduct of the studies which should be accom-. plished during the advanced engineering and design phase of the project. In addition to these general comments on the report and EIS we have some specific input which will be transmitted directly to your staff. ~, The ~laska District will be gathering additional physical and bio10 ical lnformatl0n,durlng the,Advanced Engineering and Design (AE&D) phase /stream gage on All1son Creek 1S now operational and two intergrave1 recordin t~erm?grap~s are p~oposed for installation in the near future. The A~aska D1strlct w11l cont~n~e close coordination of all future studies with your dep~rtment and SOllC1t your recommendations to assure the project is env1ronmenta11yacceptab1e. Corps Of Engineers - 2 - Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Ronald O. Skoog, Commissioner ~~ '\ 27 ~A"R7 /t.,1 BY: Bruce M. Barrett Project Keview Coorci,lator Habitat Protection Section Telephone 3440541 cc: R. Logan, ADFG M. Whitehead, OPOP (State 1.0. # 80101501ES) 11/4/80 \:'~ VI" ,,In,I,I, vr i,~ m, r, 'II, ,I,' r-I., n I'" ~'riJ rv7 ~ " r II := -,,} \ !, t~ I, \,' I,' " I" '\\' ; ..... i I (, 'J~' I r' U v r LJ r\J I, , i ! '\ I I \ I . ;~ L: Lf'J U,~ v U L:lJ b Lr'J ,_/ L. \j u\..l OFFICE OF THE GO~'ERNOR DIVISION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PlANNING Mr. Loran Baxter U.S. Department of the Army Alaska Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 December 29, 1980 JAY 5 HAMMO'-ID, Go •• rnor POUCH AO JUNEAU. ALASKA 99817 PHONE,' 465~573 SUBJECT: COE Electrical Power for Valdez Renewable Energ;-Project DEIS State lOt FD214-80101501ES Dear Mr. Baxter: The Alaska State Clearinghouse (SCH) has completed re~iew of the referenced DElS. The City of Valdez commented: L "The City of Valdez has reviewed the COE DIFR/EIS and found it consistent with community objectives. The impact of the recon~ended action upon Valdez will be positive in supplying energy to meet forecast power demands':, "The growth that is projected for Valuez in this decade will surpass the capacity of the current power generation sys tem. The proposed acti on of the CDE wi 11 benefit Va 1 dez and the Copper River Basin through ad~anced planning for forecast energy demands and, ultimately, supplying power in advance of critical shortages. "Considering the amount of power generated by the proposed action, relatively little environmental impact will result. We feel that the COE has adequately addressed the' environmental impacts of their EIS section." The following comment was received from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR): "1. Of the various alternatives presented to help meet the needs -of the electrical power as projected in the report. a combination of the hydro-electrical facility at Allison Lake and the Pressure Reducing Turbine to be installed in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline along with increased conservation programs appear to be the most reasonable methods if it can be demonstrated that the need for additional electrical power sources ex is ts. 1. COiTr.ient Noted 1. Based upon current information th t' t ' are the best available' Ho • \ e~ lma ,ed future energy requlrements future demand COuld be'eith~~v~~'h~r ~s ~ulte Possib~e that the actual happens versus What is prOjected~ rower dependlng on what actually -2- '2. Most of the State 1 and encompass i ng the project at Allison Lake is classified Watershed under the State Classification system. This area was identified as an alternative source of water for the City of Valdez. "3. The t~ansmission line now under construction by Copper Valley Electric Association was finally permitted following widespread controversy and was subject to numerous stipulations pertainina to environmental impact. Would this line as it is now being constructed be sufficient to handle the additional power to be generated by these additional sources, or would it have to be upgraded or altered in any way? "4. It apPears that there would be a significant impact on the fisheries resource th~t utilizes this stream. This aspect of the project needs to be more thoroughly reviewed. "5. Installation of a Pressure Reducing Turbine in the lrans-Alaska Pipeline for electrical powe~ generation should certainly be taken advantage of for the reasons stated in the report. In light of the potential power thJt can be developed from this source, a closer look should be given to the projected popula.tion and power demands in the near future. It is rep~rted that the facility being constructed at Valdez by Alpetco will generate, via gas turbines run by by-products of the petro-chemical process, more power than could be consumed by the operation of that facility. Therefore, during the life of that project, no additional electrical power would be required for its operation. Given that the Alpetco facility as well as much of the other development in this area is based on the existence of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and given the finite amount of oil available for transport through the pipeline, it follows that after the oil is depleted, such facilities as Alpetco and the Pipeline Terminal will no longer exist to support the populations of this area. It is conceivable that electrical power requirements will decrease rather than increase as projected. "6. The location of the power tunnel and appurtenances for the Allison Lake Project is within an active fault zone identified during pipeline construction. Has this been taken into account in the design of this project? 2. If the water from Allison Creek were needed at a future date Dy the city of Valdez, it would be possible to extract it from the tailrace. 3. Tnf power line between Valdez and Glennallen would be a6~q~ate for transmitting power from the proposed projects without rurtner upgrading. 4. The Alaska District will perform physical and biological studies during the Advanced Engineering and Design (AE&D) p~ase when a thorOllgh analysis of the fishe~ies impacts will be accomplished. 5. It is possible that the energy demand for the study area would decrease after the oil is depleted; however, it is doubtful that ~emand would fall to present levels when considering increases in other business activities in the study area such as the port expansion. Even if demand did fall to the current level, the output from the Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project would be exceeded, forcing the study area to once again depenq on diesel generation as a primary source of power. Also, with construcUion of a new oil refinary in Valdez, it is likely that oil would be brough~ in from elsewhere rather than allow the refinary to lie idle after ju~t a few years of operation. 6. The fault zone has been taken into account in the feasibility study. Additional detailed geotechnical work will be undertaken during the Advanced Engineering and Design Phase to identify specific problem areas. To date, the primary problem is with tsunamis rather than ruptured bedrock. Because of this, the powerhouse is located at +100 feet MLLW. Appendix G, Foundations and Materials includes additional information. -3- "while there is a significant amount of inTermation provided in the DEIS, and from a cost/benefit point of view it has been shown .that the Allison Lake Project along with the installation of a PRT in the lrans-hlaska Pipeline appears to be the most feasible, some basic questions as discussed snould be addressed in future planning for the Copper River Basin." The Department of Fish and Game (DF&G) commented: 7. "The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has reviewed the referenced draft feasibility report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). "In aeneral, we feel the report and EIS provide an adequate description of the proposed project, potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures. "Our biggest concern relates to the potential impacts on the anadromous fisheries resources in Allison Creek. While we have no objection to the project as proposed this Department will require measures to mitigate conflicts. We support the concept of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommendations; however, we feel the additional studies described in both the Coordination Act Report (page 17) and the [IS (page EIS-16) should be conducted before any specific recommendation on mitigation is made. The Department of Fish and Game desires to participate in both the scoping and actual conduct of the studies which should be accomplished during the ad~anced engineering and design phase of the project." This comment was received from the Office of Coastal Management: 8. "The Office of Coastal Management (OCM) has reviewed the 'Electrical Power for Valdez and the Copper Basin' Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Statement (State 1.0. No. 80101501; COE No. 800930). OCM has no comments at this time concerning the consistency of this project with the Alaska Coastal Management Program (AC~'P). Reviewing agencies have not brought up any major ACMP-related issues in their review. OCM will issue a consistency determination when the Final Environmental Impact Statement is submitted to DPDP for review." 7. Refer to answer Number I to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. 8. Comment Noted / / -~- The SCH has no objection to this proposal; however, DF&G an~ DNR have specific concerns which should be addressed as further studles are conducted. we would like to rec:orrmend that the COE coordinates future studies and planning with DNR and DF&G prior to completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). when the FEIS is submitted to the SCH, it will be placed in review for consistency with the Alaskan Coastal Management Program (ACMP) and for final A-95 review. Thank you for your cooperation with the review process. 1. cc: Commissioner Skoog, DF&G Torn Barnes, OCM Rob Ridgway, City of Valdez L.A. Dutton, DNR Bruce Barrett, DF&G Sincerely, 1 J,~kL~ Mi\hael Whitehead . State-Federal Coordinator 9. Tne Corps will work closely with the Departments of Fish an: ~ame and Natural Resources during the Aovancea Engineering and Desi~' ~hase of the Project. At tnat point the specific detailed studies neces!!py will be .conoucted to refine the project design and mitigative plan. 23j:,~'-.~. -.' .. ' :/~· ; COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. SERVING VALDE:Z A"<D THE COPPER RIVER 8ASIN <!, HEADQUARTERS: P.O. BOX 45 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 i907! 827·3211 February 25, 1981 Mr. Loran Baxter Alaska District, Coros of Enaineers U. S. Department of the Army p. O. Box 7002 Anchoraqe, Alaska 99510 . Attention: NPAE!\-PL-R fiear-Mr. Baxter: DISTRICT OFFICE: P,O BOX 927 VALDEZ, AK 99686 19071 835·4301 I have reviewed your report entitled "Electrical Power for valdez and the COPDer River Basin, Draf~ Interim Feasibility Report an~'Enviromental ImDact Statement". I apolooize that my schedule has prevented me from res- ponding to you sooner on your report. 1. I agree with the basic conclusions and recor:-unendations in your study. With construction of the Solomon Gulch Project nearing completion the most logical next steps for meeting the ene~gy needs of Valdez and the Copper River Basin are installation of the PRT and establishing an intertie with the Alyeska terminal power plant, followed by de"'elopment ,)f Alliso" Lake hydro power. As pointed our in your study, implementation of the PRT program is currently planned to be undertaken by the local utilities. As to administrative responsibilities for construction, ooeration and m2intenance of the Allison Lake hydro project,' provi sions should be nude whereby these responsibilities can be shifted at an appropriate point. in time to best fit. the power requirements of the various areas. Development of hydroelectric projects throughout. Alaska should be one of the top priorities of Federal, State, and Local Governments. We would appreciate being kept informed of your progress on Allison Lake and look forward to it becoming a real- ity. Sincerely yours, COP~ELECTRIC ~s F. F,lin General Manager JFP/RGY/pls ASSOCIATION, INC. I. Tne possibility of an intertie with the Alyeska terminal power plant to. supply needed energy may be a realistic consideration in the future. ~owever, _ all pf Alyes~a's energy is currently supplied through Giesel t lred COll1bUS~lOn turblnes WhlCh are generally less efficient than the existi~g dierklgenerators used to supply the stUdy area's needs. One obJectlv~ of ~hlS study was to decrease the utilization of diesel as an en:rg,Y ~Iternative. Relying on Alyeska to provide additional generation USl ng dlesel 1S not conSidered real istic at this point. However, if the hydropower projects come on line as antiCipated, it may be pOSSible to sell or trade second~ry hydroelectric energy to Alyeska during the summer, therebY,reduc1ng the1r energy costs. This may provide incentive for them to provlde excess energy to meet peak winter demands for Valdez and Glennallen. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 333 WEST 4th AVENUE -SUITE 31 -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Colonel Lee R. Nunn Alaska District Engineer U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: February 25, 1981 Phone: (907) 277-7641 (907) 276-2715 The Alaska Power Authority would support state funding of 10% of the costs of construction of the Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project near Valdez, Alaska if the project is determined to be feasible and the best future source of power for the market area. As you know, the State of Alaska is currently completing feasibility studies of Susitna and a Rail- belt transmission line, and either the Copper Valley Electric Association or the City of Valdez may install a pressure reducing turpine on the Alyeska oil pipeline. Therefore, the definite decision to proceed with development of Allison Creek should await decisions on these projects and refinement of demand forecasts in the market area. State funding participation in the project would require legislative appropriation once a clear decision can be made. With this in mind, I will request that Governor Hammond prepare a letter of support for con- tinued field investigations and preparation of a General Design Memorandum for Allison Creek, with the understanding that State funding of a portion of construction costs must be delayed until other studies are completed and the need for the project becomes more definite. cc: Governor Hammond Sincerely, cc.. ~.\J~ Eric P. Yould "\ Executive Director