HomeMy WebLinkAboutCordova Power Supply Interim Feasibility Assessment 1982..r,,_, - - ---- .... -- - - • -It. ~. CORDOVA POWER SUPPLY INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT TECHNICAL DATA JUNE 1982 . A Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation J L....-_ ALASKA I·OlVI~R A(T1~11('RI1'Y_---' CORDOVA POWER SUPPLY INTERIM FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME -TECHNICAL DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPLEMENTARY TECHNICAL REPORTS CORDOVA -VALDEZ DC TRANSMISSION TIE LINE FEASIBILITY REPORT PREPARED BY ALCAT ENGINEERING, May 1, 1982 METEOROLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTES PREPARED BY METEOROLOGY RESEARCH, INC., January 25, 1982. METEOROLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED PALMER TO GLENNALLEN TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE PREPARED BY METEOROLOGY RESEARCH, INC., April 23, 1982 SOUTHCENTRAL HYDROPOWER CORDOVA INTERIM, CORDOVA, ALASKA DRAFT COORDINATION ACT REPORT SUBMITTED TO ALASKA DISTRICT, U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PREPARED BY WESTERN ALASKA ECOLOGICAL SERVICES FIELD OFFICE, U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, November 1980 VALDEZ INTERIM SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT STUDY, ALLISON LAKE HYDROPOWER PROJECT, ALASKA FINAL FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT REPORT SUBMITTED TO ALASKA DISTRICT, U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PREPARED BY WESTERN ALASKA ECOLOGICAL SERVICES FIELD OFFICE, U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, May 1980 Southcentral Hydropower Cordova Interim Cordova, Alaska Draft Coordination Act Report Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Paul Hanna, Project Biologist Approved by: Robert Bowker, Field Supervisor Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska November 1980 Table of Contents Page I'ntroduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " • • •• 7 Project Description ..................... ' ..... " ............................. 7 Crater l.a.ke ••••••••••••••••• ,................................ 7 Humpback Creek ................................................. 7 Power Creek ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Description of Resources •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Cordova Vicinity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lO Crater' Lake ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ll Iiump:back Creek ............................................. 14 Power· Creek ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Major Potential Impacts ........... '., •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 46 era ter I..a.ke ••••••••••••••••••• , ••• ' •••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••• 46 Huttrpback Creek •••• , ........................................... 47 Power Creek •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -.... ., ..... 49 Discus si.on ................................................. A ••• 53 Crater Lake •••• ·a •••••••••••••••••• -................ a, ••••••••• 53 Humpback Creek •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 54 Power Creek. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••••• ., ................ 54 Recommendations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• 56 Crater Lake ••••• e-........................................... 56 H~back Creek •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 Power Creek ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57 Literature Cited •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 58 Appendices ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• 59 f:1\.:..,. 7 ... List of Tables Page Table 1. Pink salmon escapement counts, Humpback Creek, 1960-79 .•.••.•••....•...•.•...•••..•..•.•....•••.. 17 Table 2. Power Creek water temperatures from ~~rch 27 to September 17 1980 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 24 Table 3. Spawning depth -water velocity criteria for salmonid fishes found in Power Creek •••••••••••••• 28 Table 4. Summary of trapping results on Power Creek using minnow traps, March 27 and 28, 1980 ••••••••••••••• 35 Table 5. Summary of trapping results on Power Creek using minnow traps, April 18-20, 1980 ••••••••••••••••••• 35 Table 6. Sucmary of trapping results on Power Creek using minnow traps, June 4-7, 1980 •••••••••••••••••••••• 36 Table 7. Summary of trapping results on Power Creek using fyke nets, June 4-7, 1980 ••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 37 Table 8. Summary of fish captured on Power Creek using minnow traps and fyke nets, June 4-7, 1980 •••••••• 37 Table 9. Summary of fish captured on Power Creek during spring and summer, 1980 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 38 Table 10. Percent of tiI!le streamflow exceeds minimum allowable flow for turbine operation on Power Creek (run-of-the-river) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 f} Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. ~ -. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. List of Figures Page Cordova location and vicinity map •••••••••••••••• 8 Potential hydropower sites near Cordova •••••••••• 9 Crater Lake with Eyak Mountain in the background - June 6, 1980 •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 12 Distribution of mountain goats north and. east' of Cordova •.•••••••••••••••••••.••• e· •••••••• 13 Humpback Creek looking upstream towards the head of the drainage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Humpback Creek delta jutting out into Orca Inlet ...•.••..•.•.....••.•.•..•..•...•...• -.....•.. 16 Humpback Creek delta above the normal high tide line •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Uppermost man-made dam on Humpback Creek, June 6, 1980 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Log crib dam on Humpback Creek constructed for power generation in the early 1900's. June 6, 1980 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Upper end of the Power Creek drainage •••••••••••• 21 Ohman Falls on Power Creek ••••••••••• , ••••••••••• 21 Power Creek delta looking west towards Eyak Lake ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 Power Creek prior to entering steep canyon area. Massive landslide responsible for creating Ohman Falls enters from the right •••••••••••••••• 22 Potential salmon spawning habitat in the mainstem of Power Creek, April 19, 1980. Average daily stream flow 61 cfs ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Potential spawning area depicted in Figure 13, June 5, 1980. Average daily streamflow 630 cfs ............•.. e· •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Outlet of only significant tributary to Power Creek within the project area, June 5, 1980 •••••• 31 Photo identical to Figure 15 taken on }~rch 27, 1980 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 Saleen spawning area, tributary to Power Creek •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Salmon spawning area. tributary to Power Creek •..•.•.•...• e-e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Salmon spawning area. tributary to Power Creek.-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e-••••••• 33 Evidence of spawning salmon scattered along the bank by bears the previous year •••••••••••••••••• 33 Length -frequency graph of Dolly Varden trapped on Power Creek June 4-7. 1980 •••••••••••••••••••• 42 Extensive wetland area above Ohman Falls created by groundwater flow and beaver dams •••••••••••••• 44 Appendices Appendix I. Scientific naoes of .vegetation~ maomals~ birds fish, and marine invertebrates appearing in Page the text •...•.........••............................. 59 Appendix II. Drawings of Pover Creek depicting the major physical and biological characteristices from the USGS gauging station to 0.3 miles above the end of the Power Creek road ••••••••••••••••••••• 62 ~.: ... -.. -"iI ~ ... .. '. :'--- " INTRODUCTION Cordova is located on the southcentral coast of Alask.a.~ appro:dJ:Jately 160 miles southeast of Anchorage (Figure 1). The town is situated on Orca Inlet near the eastern entrance to Prince Will1c'l1n Sound. The population of the area is s1!lall and at present has a fishing and fish-processing based economy. Due to the great distance from readily available sources of power, Cordova has developed its own means of producing electricity - diesel generation. Currently Cordova is faced with the problems of burning an lL"tpenaive, non-renewable fossil fuel as its sole source of power. The purpose of the Corps of Engineers (CE) investigation is to eValuate potential hydroelectric power sites near Cordova to see if the town can ult1t:zately replace all or some of i'tS diesel generators. A Reconnaissance Report subt:J1.tted to the CE in September 1979 by CIi 2H Hill concluded that hydropower development in the immediate area of Cordova was a feasible alternative to diesel generation. Three areas were identified for further s~dy: Crater Lake, HUmpback Creek, and Power Creek. Biological investi- gations associated with the project areas were conducted by U.S. Fish and t·1Udli£e Service (FWS) and CE biologists on Harch 27 and 28. April 18-20. June 4-8, and October 2, 1980. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The three potential sites identified include a lake tap (Crater Lake) and two run-of-the-river developments (llumpback Creek and Power Creek). At this time, design plans are not available. Due to low flows and ice problems, hydroelectric generation for Crater Lake and Humpback Creek would only occur from May through October. Power Creek has the potential for year round generation •. Crater Lake -This site is located approximately 2.75 miles northeast of Cordova (Figure 2). It would affect lands belonging to the Eyak ~~tive Corporation and state-owned land withdrawn by Cordova. Development would consist of a lake tap utilizing a concrete diversion da~ 5 feet hibh and 15 feet long and a 4~80o-foot penstoek of la-inch pipe leading to a powerhouse on Or~a Inlet. The rated ~apacity of this project would be 458 Kilowatts (Kw) and would not caet Cordova's present peak demand of 3,150 Kw. Humpback Creek -This site is located 6 miles northeast of Cordova (Figure 2). It would affect lands belonging to the Eyak Native Corporation and the Chugach National Forest. Development would consist J1 of a run-of-the-river project utilizing a 'concrete diversion dam 5 feet high and 30 feet long, a 6,625-foot flume and a 70o-foot penstock of 30-inch pipe leading to a poverhous8 approximately 0.75 ~iles from Orca Inlet. 'l'he rated capacity of this project would be 1,010 Kit and ~rollld not meet Cordova's present peak decand either. Pover Creek -The project area is located 3 miles northeast of Cordova (Figure 2). It would affect lands belonging to the Chugach !lational Forest. The Reconnaissance Report indicates that this site is the ODst feasible for power generation (C!!ZH IIil!, 1979). Development ~Jould consist of a run-of-the-river project utilizing a lO-foot concrete diversion d~ near mile 3.2 on Paver Creek with a tunnel pipeline and .) " ~ ,_ ~ nit'), ."a p . G U L ~-. OF A LAS K I CJl I tlgUll! L., II ylll UIJ~'WL: L .' , I ( ~ '; ; I .: -~. I -1 .. -- '~ . ....... -------,~w s.co..... .,.-,~ '. ;~,.~ ~'_'~ ··:··:~·:I!ll. ... '';' ~ ." ... / .' I·. ~/"~-~}' j .'~ -( .. .. .AdM! :"'"\.('.~ , ... ........ .... -. ,'"\, : ~ f " '~' ... ' /'")' h. 'J ' .. '. " I .. -~'.( ... , o~ ~.~ _ .. " ,"J .. . ,/ .. ' .~. , . . '. ;/r.~;",-,,, 10 ., -.. ' - . ~ , .oj ;' diversion dam flume penstock transmission line power house . I ~ penstock leading to a powerhouse approximately 0.5 to 0.75 miles froe £yak Lake. The ~ated capacity of the project would be 5.000 Kw and essentially ~et Cordova's demands throu~h the year leOO. UESCRIPTICN OF RESOURCES Cordova Vicinity -The fish and wildlife resources present in the vicinity of Corcova are ~epresentative of aquatic species found in Prince William Sound and terrestrial species associated ~th the coastal ~estern hemlock- Sitka spruce forest. S~ient1fie names of vegetation, tnal!m!als, birds, fish, and oarine invertebrates appearing in the text are listed in Appendix I. The Chugach Mountains surround the community, confining it to a narrow band along the edge of Orca Inlet. Rugged east trending ridges and massive lCOuntain peaks are separated by a network of narrow valleys and passes. The area has been heavily glaciated and vast icefie1ds snd glaciers persist throughout. The coast is cut by many fiords and the ridges may extend into the sea as islands. Stre3mG are short, swift, and t"!oatly glacial. The cliJ3ate is controlled largely by the mountain barriers and the Gulf of Alaska. Annual precipitation increases gracually from west to east. lleavy snowfall and frequent rain push avera~e precipitation levels to over 100 inches a year in coastal areas. The moderate climate and hign preCipitation produces forests of Sitka spruce and western hemlock. Dense alder patches occur near t~erl1ne and on 3teep exposures. Timberline is rather low, often around 1,500 feet, but sooet1mes as lov as the shoreline. A heavy undergrowth of devilsclub. ferns, aoases. grasses, and brush is cammon. Cordova lies just west of the Copper River Delta. ~is area produces more ducks per square mile than tlOst known habitats in Alas~. It is also an important stop for migrating geese, swans, cranes, and a ~iad of shorebirds. Several species of ma tine mar:=als occur wi thin the Cordova area. F~wever t only harbor seals, sea otters, and an occasional Dall porpoise are documented as utilizing nearshore waters. Typical terrestrial oarma1s representee around Cordova include, but are not limited to the follow1n~: Sitka black-tailed deer. brown bear. black bear, oountain goat, porcupine, aarten, river otter, short-tailed weasel, mink, beaver, and red squirrel. ~orthern bald eagles are c~n residents. !he entire Cordova area contains a high density nesting population. Eagles nest in spruce or hemlock trees at or near the water l s edge. Concentrations are found on sa1=on spawning 8trea~ during the sucmer and fall. Local waters are lucrative seafood-9roducing areas noted for fish and shellfish. The anadro~us fish populations are dominated by five s?ecies of Pacific salmon. Sa1non used for both commercial and recreational purposes throu~hout the re~ion include pink, sockeye. C1Hll:1, coho, anrl chinook. Other fish in the Cordova region of econo~ic value ~re herring, hali~utt and flouncer. Dungeness, king. anc tancer crabs as well as scallops and shrimp are found within the region. Razor, butter, horse, and surf clams as well as cockles are harvested locally; hoycver, only Based on the best information currently available, no threatened or endangered species as listed by the U.S. Department of the Interior (1979) for which the FWS has responsibility are known to occur in the Cordova area. Protection of threatened or endangered I:lSrine cammals is the· responsibility of the National Harine Fisheries Service (UHFS). The CE may wish to contact the tniFS to deternine the presence of these species near Cordova. Crater Lake -Crater Lake is a clear, alpine lake situated in steep, mountainous terrain between Orca Inlet and Eyak Lake (Figure 3). It has a surface area of approximately 25 acres, a maximum depth of 61 feet, and drains about 0.3 square miles. The lake lies at approximately 1,600 feet elevation aDd is accessible by trail fram the Eyak Lake road. The P~con­ naissance Report (CH 2M Hill, 1979) indicates that Crater Lake has no natural outlet. HoWever, on June 6, 1980, water was observed spilling from the lake. Presumably the flow is intermittent and the result of snowmelt. Vegetation. The vegetation around Crater Lake is characteristic of alpine tundra. Much of this type consists of barren rocks, but interspersed between the bare rocks and rubble are many mat forming herbs, such as moss campion and mountain avens. Comocn shrubs are the law growing cassiopes, nountain heath, Labrador tea, and alpine azalea. ~ Fish According to Hike McCurdy (1979),. a fishery biologist with the Alaska DepartInent of Fish and Game (ADF&G), there were no native fish spedes in Crater Lake prior to planting rainbow trout. The first stocking program was initiated by the Fl'1S prior to Alaska statehood. Presently I the ADF&G stocks the lake every 3 to 4 years Yith rainbows. The lake provides good fishing for those local residents willing to hike uphill for several miles. No creel census data are collected, so catch and gro~h rates are unknown. It is believed that there is some limited natural reproduction in the lake (McCurdy, 1979). The outlet to Crater Lake flows northwest into Orca Inlet adjacent to the Orca cannery. The ADF&G includes the Crater Lake outlet in their index of pink salmon spawning streams but does not usually survey it during annual escapement counts (Pirtle, 1977). Esc:ape~nt information is l1r.lited to 1977 and 1979 when 200 fish were counted each year (Hike McCurdy, ADF&G, pers. comm.). M1.ke !1cCurdy (pers. coma.) believes that the small area where the lake outlet water enters Orca Inlet is only used during odd years when pink salmon runs are norcally highest in Prince William Sound. These fish -may be strays that have been forced to leave overcrowded spawning areas nearby. The data presented in Table 1 tend to support McCurdy's opinion. Table 1 contains escapement counts for pink salmon in UtlI:lpback Creek. a short distance to the northeast. Both 1977 and 1979 were near record runs in that drainage. Mammals The ADF&G (1973) indicates that mountain goats are found in the steep terrain northwest of Eyak Mountain. This area includes the small Crater Lake basin (Figure 4). No estimate of the number of goats near Crater -12- -:::.~ ">,,;,(,, .. : ,";:" _~"'~ __ ...:.....-i.._ .... " ;' -I ,;,;~ .•. f:. ~', J , ~. -~. -.;;;:: . Figure 3. Crater Lake vith Ey~k Mount~in in the background - June 6, 1980. BEST COPY""AVAttABl! and Game, Cordova , ~ ~'(-;~ , I I-' W I population near Cordova has been reduced by hunting pressure due to the proximity of town. Black bears are common and may be found in the Crater Lake vicinity during the spring and summer. Sitka black-tailed deer are also common during the summer and fall. On June 6, 1980. a short helicop- ter flight was taken to view Crater Lake and the surrounding area (Figure 3). The lake was still 95 percent covered Yith snow and ice and no landing was attempted. Mountain goat tracks were observed at the lake near the eastern shoreline. Several sets of bear tracks were also observed paralleling the ridge top. Humpback·Creek -Humpback Creek is a short, steep, coastal stream typical of the Prince William Sound area (Figure 5). It flows generally in a westerly direction before entering Orca Inlet. Presently, there is no road access. The watershed drains 2.6 square ~les, and the mean annual flow is 25 cubic feet per second (cfs). The stream tends to freeze over in the Winter and flows Virtually cease (CHi1 Hill, 1979). Humpback creek provides considerable stream and intertidal spawning for pink salmon on the lower 0.5 mlee of the drainage. A steep canyon area and a series of old log dams precludes any further upstream movement of fish. Vegetation The primary vegetative type in the project area is a coastal western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest. A narrow band of riparian species occupies the Humpback Creek floodplain and marine flora typical of Prince ~illiam Sound inhabit the terminus of the Rumpback Creek delta where it enters Orca Inlet. The western hemlock-Sitka spruce vegetation type is well represented. Sitka spruce and western hemlock are the dominant oe~ers of the community. Blueberries, devi1sclub, and several species of ericaceous shrubs make up the unders tory. Because of the hieb rainfall and resul ting high humidi ty , mosses grow in great profusion on the ground, on fallen logs, and on the lower branches of trees, as well as in forest openings. Alders and willows occupy a narrav band along the streac channel pr~rily near the mouth and above the canyon area. The creek has formed a small gravel delta into Orca Inlet· (Figures 6 and 7). A portion of the delta is being colonized by w111m~, grasses. and forbs. !he rest is barren. The intertidal and subtidal areas off the delta appear to be quite pro- ductive in te~ of marine flora. Roekweed, sea lettuce, wrack, and a species of red algae are all abundant. Fish - Prince William Sound pink salmon stocks are particularly adapted to heavy use of the inte~idal zone and Humpback Creek is no exception. Pink runs typically display an even-odd year cyclicity and those stocks returning to Humpback Creek tend to dominate on odd years (ADF&G, 1978a). Spawning activity usually takes place fram late July to early August. Zscapeoent counts conducted by the ADF&G are shown in Table 1. Dolly Varden are found in lower Humpback Creek and are probably seasonally attracted folloWing migrating pink sal~n. Sport fishing effort for pinks and Dolly Varden is low (Pete Fridgen, ADF&G, Cordova, pers. cacm.). ~ •• > ~ .. ~ ')-•....... >if.: .-: -15- Figure 5. Humpback Creek looking upstream towards the head of the drainage. BEST" CO Pyt"AVAllAB LE ~" ,'_.' \-~, <~: ." ~.1"""""'" --- -16- ."' .. ~- .,.: , -.. -.. ".,--...... ..;,--..:., .... ~ . , Figure 6. Humpback Creek delta jutting out into Q::-ca Inlet. ri)~lIrc 7. Humpback Creek deltn .1bovc the nonn'll high tide line. BEsrCOPY':AVAlLABlE 1. Pink sall!lOR esen ecen"t counts Burn back Creek 1960-79. Year !!o. Year ~ro. "i%O 17390 T970 540 1961 16,010 1971 0,2:30 1962 7,200 1972 1,740 1963 9,860 1973 2,510 1964 3,560 1974 70 1965 1,200 1975 6,800 1966 310 1976 340 1961 420-1977 13,920 1968 550 1978 360 1969 4,730 1979 11,940 Source: Mike McCurdy, Alaska Department of Fish and Ga1!Ie, Cordova. As previously mentioned, Humpback Creek flaws into a canyon appro~te17 1 Idle before it enters Orca Inlet. The canyon area is est1mated to be between 0.5 to 0.75 miles lang. A series of three old log dacs, constructed for power generation in the early 19OO's,-are a1tuatad approxl.wltely 0.25 miles apart beginning with where the creek first enters the canyon. !he uppermoot dam is abeut 12 feet hi~ and i& situated where the creek enters the canyon (Figure 8). Downstream about 0.25 edlC!s in the steepest part of the canyon is another small dam about 10 to 12 feet high. .~out 0.25 o11e8 below the second daa is a large dam about 30 to 100 feet high ~~1gure 9). The big dam vas constructed of log cribbing and is slowly ~eteriorating. The ADP&Gest-i:2tes that 50,000 to 60,000 cubic yards (cu. yds.) ot gravel is backed up ~ehind the strueture (Dick Nickerson, ADF&G, Cordoya, pers. COCitl.). Duriug periods of high flOl~, gravel move- cent over the big dam scours the lower creek channel decreasing the survival of pink sal~n eggs. The bi~ dam does not block sa1!!'1Oll oigration. Natural ve10dty barriers occur dOW'llStrea:ca (Dick Uickerson, ADF&G, pers. co1!\o.). Hot.iever. if the dam collapses, a tremendous amount of gravel vou1d be released and it could take several years for the creek to flush all the gravel out of the sys~em. Pink salcon eggs 1n ~~e lower end of the creek could be phYSically damaged or buried limting the adult returns in !ucure years unt1.1 eh(! lower end of the creek and the expanded delt~ area eventually stabilized. Information on the occurrence of fish species in lluopback Craek above the canyon area is not well docur~nted. The ADF&G states that fish are probably absent (~cCurdy, 197~; Pete Fridgen, .\DF&G, pers. C~6). Information provided by CH.,H U111 (1979) indicates that winter floY8 in r:tumpbac:k Creek can get as lov as 2 efs and have been known to cease. This makes the presence of a resident fish population highly unlikely. On June 6, 1980, biolo~ists sacpled upper Hucpback Creek with minnow traps and traditional sport fishing gear. !~ fish were captured. The creek wus visually estimated to be flowing over 150 cis. Abundant 8trQ~~ ~hank cover and a favorable pool-riffle ratio would make the upper stretcil ~a ,good Do 11y Varrlen strCaI:l if the winter flows did not Ci~3<lppear. !-!amcals Game species present in H~pback Creek include Sitka black-tailed deer. brown bear, black bear, and MOuntain goat. ~·rountaln 30ats are usually found above the timherline inhabitin the ~st rug~ec, inaccessible ~.'.: .. , ~ . JI -l8- Figure 8. Uppermosc man-made dam on Humpback Creek, June 6, 1980. Figure 9. Log crih dam on Humpback Creek constructed for power ~""~ . :.~,," .. terrain. On June 6, no goats ~re observed in Humpback Creek during a brief helicopter flight although suitable habitat is available (Figure 4). Reynolds (1930) estimates no mare than 20 goats are found in the HUIlll'back Creek and Power Creek drainages at anyone tir.le. Goats use the ridges overlooking Humpback Creek but their distribution varies greatly by season. For purposes of this repor~, goat habitat in Hucpback Creek is considered to be above the 500-foot contour line (Reynolds, 1980). Black bear prefer forested habitat but are commonly seen foraging in open meadows, tidal flats, brush fields, and alpine areas. Although no black bear were seen during field investigations, Humpback Creek contains excellent bear habitat. No critical denntng habitat for black bear has been identified in the Humpback Creek drainage (ADF&G, 1973; Reynolds, 1980). The ADF&G (1973) has documented that the salmon spawning area on lower Humpback Creek contains seasonal concentrations of brown bear attracted by the readily available food source. Clumps of brown bea.r hair were found in the brush near the uppermost dam during field investigations on June 6. Skeletal remains of pink saloon were found scattered on the bank along the spawning reach. Biologists assumed that the fish reaains were e~dence of brown bear use during the 1979 spawning season. t~ critical denning habitat has been identified for brown bear in Hucpback Creek by the ADF&G (1973). Reynolds (1980) estimates there are probably six brown bear using the drainage. Biologists encountered frequent evidence of Sitka black-tailed deer while traversing the area from above the canyon to the delta. Deer tracks were present in the sand along the creek above the canyon area and on the delta. Numerous tracks and pellet groups were observed around scalI bogs in the forest parallel to the creek. During the winter, deep snows force deer down to the beach fringe throughout Prince t-lilliam Sound and when populations are high, almost all these fringe areas can become critical winter range. According to the ADF&G (1973), ~inland deer populations in Prince William Sound are law and the eastern shore of Orca Inlet is not considered to be an important vinter range. Even though direct documentation is lacking, there is enough evidence of deer in Humpback Creek to suggest that portions of the beach fringe on the eastern shore of Orca Inlet, inclucing the Humpback Creek delta~ may be w1n~er range for a few ani=als. Birds The Hum~back Creek delta provides feeding and nesting habitat for water- fowl and shorebirds. ~Jenty Canada geese were observed on the delta on June 6. Close investigation revealed that the geese were feeding on succulent forba graving on the higher, dry areas of the delta where permanent vegetation has become established. There was no evidence of goose nesting. Several species of shorebirds nest on the delta although not in great numbers. Species that were displaying protective behavior indicating that they had nests nearby were: tuo pairs of spotted sand- pipers, two pairs of semipalmated plovers, and one pair of black oyster- catchers. Other birds observed in the area were glaucous-winged gulls, mew gulls, black-legged kittiwakes, ravens, scoters, water pipits, harle- quins, northern bald eagles, and savannah sparrows. Northern bald ea les are fre uent visitors all alon 7 Orca Inlet. Creek. During field investigations, biologists used a helicopter to search the shores of Orca Inlet for several ~iles in either direction from the mOuth of Humpback Creek and the lower 5 miles of Hucpback Creek looking for bald eagle nests. None were located in spite of the fact that a dozen adult birds were seen in the area. Martne Biota Besides the abundance of seaweed, the intertidal and subtidal habitats off the delta appear to be productive in terms of marine organisms also. Profuse amounts of barnacles cover all the exposed rocks and cobble. MOllusk shells Windrowed by the surf are abundant -mussels, horse, butter, and littleneck clams. and cockles. In addition, four sea otters were observed feeding a short distance offshore. Power Creek -Power Creek begins at a small glacier in the Chugach Moun- tains at a point about 13 miles northeast of Cordova (Figure 10). It flowa southwesterly for a distance of approximately 7 miles and enters Eyak Lake near Mila 6 on the road leading from Cordova. Miller (1951) investigated the geology of a proposed dam and reservoir on Power Creek for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and gave the following description of the creek. In the upper 2.5 miles of the drainage, Power Creek flows in a shallow eanyon cut in unconsolidated glacial and alluvial deposits. For the next 2.5 miles the creek meanders from one side of the valley to the other on a floodplain of unconsolidated mud, sand, and gravel, fram 0.25 miles to 0.5 ~les in width. At a point about 2 miles from Eyak Lake the creek sWings to the southeast side of the valley and vertically drops 52 feet at Ohman Falls before continuing through a steep walled canyon 200 to 450 feet deep cut in part in bedrock (Figure 11). Less than Q.5 miles frca Eyak Lake the creek ecerges fram the canyon and has formed a delta by filling in the northeast arm of the lake (Figure 12). The valley walls on both sides of the creek basin are steep~ riSing abruptly from 2,000 to 4,000 feet. The valley of Power Creek exhibits the U-shaped profile and flat floor tha~ is typical of glacially-scoured and partially refilled valleys in the region~ except for the lower 2 miles. In this stretch the even fall of the valley is interrupted by a broad, fanlike ridge that extencs nearly across the valley from the northwest side. This feature is respon- sible for the creation of Ohman Falls and the steep canyon in the lo~er portion of the drainage. Miller (1951) concluded that the fanlike ricge was actually a massive landslide that came from the northwest valley wall partially filling the glaciated valley and forcin3 Power Creek to cut through a bedrock spur along the southeas~ side of the valley (Figure 13) • That portion of Power Creek between Ohman Falls and the delta is charac- terized by a relatively straight, stable channel. The only areas of obvious erosion of the streambank are found just below Ohman Falls where several active slides are contributing sedi~ent. The steep canyon area is lined with bedrock and large boulders providing long-tero stability. wnere the canyon widens out prior to entering the delta, the stream also ~dens. Sitka alder, other shrubs speCies, and conifers are well esta- blished along this reach and even during extreoe high flows protect the streambank from significant eroaion. The creek gently meanders and does not contain numerous high water channels. Due to the nature of the -21- /-; , , , .. "-' . . . ' ... ; ". '. ',. -,"<.... • • ~. . .~" ."..'.. "~.. . ~ ..... ~ • .-..... • '.. ~-. ,.., -" ,J • " " •. 1 ':--. ....".~ ... , ..... ,'. \ .. .' .... ".. -;..\;. ~ .< -r,.," -'. ,:.f .. , .'" " ,..:, -:. ""',.il -~ ~'~;""""'::"'''' '<',.. -: ~;;"¥-t; ",.,....¥, "" . i, ,i ;,:.:~ 'ii 1 ~~"'. ' , • ~ <¥. ,,~~ ~, ... ","' "~ -;''-'; r' . • ',-;-; .' # ..... 'h(gf ' ' I ,.1: .• ; ........ .,:'!.~~~.: ~~.,;.fj '.;).~;~">': ...... : !~"""~~\'~' ~~: ... '~. ,. ,,~. ~iN~ ,_. _ •. ~. '. ,', . ,---............ "'., '~:.--:I i "~. • ~ ~ 001' • (I , •. '1' ~ . ' .. ;;'.~L.~. • ..... -~ .... .'~ l (.. --. ~,.,.' , , , .,t .. '~~''';~. "~. \ ,. li" . • ' "j<'", •• '., ....... ". '.. "-, ' "'" , ........ , ." '" 'C"" ~'" ,~ "' •. -c. . " .. ' .' , .,' ~'" • ~ ., .'. '" .," .""""., ""0"... . ~' . , .... .. '.:. .~ .... " r "" -'. , "':';~~(' ''''', ~'~;?":~2~;',-:~, i',:; .. ' .t·" >.}, ·'i. drainage. .~' .. ..... - Powet" Creek end of the Figure 10. Upper / .. , •......... 11 .. -22- Figure 12. Power Creek tlclta looking 1oT'!5t towards Ey<1K Lake. Figure 13. PO\""C'r Creek prior to entering steep canyon area. ~1;l~sivc l.,ndslide responsible for crcilting Ohman Falls enters from the right. 11 cc.,. ,.._ r"l .& '\ I &" &" rI ... ~tra1ght, narrow canyon through which the creek flows, no sign1f1cant I ·:J4ckwater poncs or sloughs are present; no islands or extensive deep 'pools have been formed; few log jams accumulate; and only one significant tributary enters the main stream. Several seeps and small springs occur but they do not appear to contribute significantly to the average annual flow. The extent of groundwater discharge into the creek is unknown. However, the CE plans to gather the data to esticate what the groundwater contribution is (101:1 Murdock, CE, pers. comm.). Power Creek bas a high runoff. but is unevenly distributed throughout the year and is related directly to cl.il:latic conditions. During the winter months when most of the precipitation comes as snow, the streamflow is low. Due to the rugged topography of the basin, much of which is barren, there is very little ground or bank storage (Johnson, 1949). There are no lakes in the basin to provide natural storage. The snow accumulation during the winter months, however, serves as a natural reservoir, releasing the vater With the warmer temperatures of early summer (Johnson, 1949). Daily variations in flow are also directly related to rainfall. Because of the histOric interest shown in developing a hydro project on Power Creek, the USGS installed a gauging station in 1947 to record flow. The gauge has been maintained continuously from that date and flow records are published annually in the USGS ~later Data Reports for Alaska. ~Basel1ne data on water temperatures for Power Creek have not been j1 adequately collected in the past. Consequently, the CE installed a Peabody-Ryan thermograph on r.farch 27, 1980, about 100 yards upstream from the, uses gauge. Table 2 contains daily highs and lows recorded froQ March 27 to September 1. ~"".'."' .. "" " :.".. Ve~etati.on The major vegetative type in the project vicinity is a coastal western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest. t'lestern hemlock and Sitka spruce are the dominant species. Other tree species include a few balsam poplar. The understory environment of the forest is composed primar1.1y of blueberry, devilsc1ub, and bunchben:y. Copious growths of mosses and lichens cover the forest floor, downed logs, and the lower branctles of trees. A thin fringe of Sitka alder borders the edge of Power Creek and separates the stream bank from the forest. Occasional black cottonwood trees occupy the floodplain and the delta area where' Power Creek enters Eyak Lake. Aquatic vegetation of the streambed is cocposed predominantly of a filamentous brown algae. Mosses caver all the exposed rocks in the stream and within the 11.m1ts of normal high water. Fish - Coho Salt:ion The most important fishery resource in Power Creek is coho salmon. The annual coho run into the Eyak Lake system is estimated at 8,000 to 12,000 fish n!cCurdy, 1979). Available information indicates that the great 1!lajor1ty of cohos entering Eyak Lake migrate up Power Creek and the run C) Table 2. 1/ .. .~. Power Creek Water Temperatures- From March 27 to September 1, 1980. DATE HIGH LOW DATE HIGH LOW Mar -4'lay 27 3.5 2.5 1 4.5 3.0 28 3.0 2.5 2 3.5 3.0 29 3.0 2.5 3 4.0 2.0 30 2.5 2.0 4 5.0 2.5 31 2.0 0.5 5 4.0 3.0 Apr 6 3.0 2.0 1 2.3 1.7 7 4.0 2.0 Z 2.0 1.5 8 4.5 3.0 3 3.0 1.5 9 5.0 2.5 4 2.5 2.0 10 3.5 3.0 5 3.8 2.3 11 5.0 3.0 6 4.5 2.2 12 5.5 2.5 7 3.0 2.2 13 5.5 3.5 8 3.4 2.1 14 4.0 3.5 9 4.0 2.1 1.5 5.0 3.0 10 3.0 2.5 16 4.0 3.0 11 3.3 3.3 17 3.0 3.0 12 3.3 0.5 1a 3.0 2.0 13 1.0 0.5 19 5.0 3.0 ') 14 0.8 0.5 20 4.5 3.0 15 2.0 0.5 21 5.5 3.0 16 2.8 1.3 22 5.0 3.5 17 2.7 2.0 23 5.0 4.0 18 3.0 2.5 24 5.0 4.0 19 3.5 2.8 25 6.0 4.0 20 3.3 2.6 26 5.0 3.5 21 3.0 1.8 27 5.0 4.0 22 2.6 2.0 28 5.0 4.0 23 3.0 2.0 29 4.5 4.0 24 3 • .5 2.5 30 4.0 3.0 25 3.0 3.0 31 5.0 J.O 26 3.1 2.6 June 27 3.0 3.0 1 7.0 3.5 28 3.5 3.0 2 6.0 4.0 29 3.5 3.0 3~ 7.5 4.0 (half day) 30 3.5 3.0 1/ All tecperatures in degrees Centigrade • Recording tape changed, new battery installed 0 Table 2 (continued). DATE HII.R LOU DATE ITIGn LOW -June July 4 7.0 3.5 13 6.5 4.0 5 7.0 3.0 14 6.0 4.5 6 7.5 3.5 15 5.0 4.5 7 6.0 4.0 16 6.0 4.5 3 4.5 4.0 17 6.0 4.5 9 7.0 3.5 18 6.5 4.5 10 6.0 4.0 19 8.0 4.5 11 4.5 4.0 20 8.0 5.0 12 4.5 3.5 21 6.0 5.0 13 4.5 4.0 22 8.5 4.5 14 5.0 .. 3.5 23 7.0 5.0 15 5.0 4.0 24 6.0 5.0 16 6.0 4.0 25 5.5 5.0 17 4 • .5 4.0 26 5.5 5.0 18 4.5 3.5 27 6.0 5.0 19 5.0 4.0 28 b.O 5.0 2t) 4.0 4.0 29 6.0 5.0 21 5.5 3.5 30 5.0 S.Q 22 6.5 4.0 31 6.0 5.0 23 6.5 4.0 August 24 5 • .5 4.0 1 6.0 5.0 ~ 25 5.0 4.0 2 7.0 5.0 ~:-'. 26 5.5 4.0 3 6.0 5.0 27 5.0 4.0 4 3.0 5.0 23 5.0 4.0 5 8.5 5.0 29 5.0 3.0 6 3.5 5.0 30 6.5 4.0 7 a.o 5.0 July 8 6.0 5.5 1 7.5 4.0 ~ 6.0 5.5 2 8.0 4.0 10 6.0 5.5 3 5.5 4.0 11 7.0 5.0 4 8.0 4.0 12 ~.O 5.5 5 7.5 4.0 13 7.0 5.5 6 5.5 5.0 14 6.5 5.5 7 5.5 4.5 15 6.0 5.0 8 6.0 4.5 16 6.0 5.0 9 5.5 4.5 17 6.0 5.0 10 5.5 4.0 18 6.5 5.0 11 5.0 5.0 19 6.0 5.5 12 5.0 4.5 20 7.0 s.n ~""".'.' .. -'., .. . ' . /"'''~ f) Table 2 (continued). DAT! ~IIGlt LOW DATE HrGH LOU ----August 21 6.0 5.0 22 5.5 5.0 23 6.0 S.O 24 7.5 4.5 2.5 7.5 4.5 26 B.O 5.0 21 3.0 5.0 28 6.5 5.0 29 7.0 3.5 :30 6.Q S.O 31 6.0 3.0 September 1 6.0 S.O 18 estimated at 7,000 to 9,000 (Pete Fricgeu. ADF&G, pers. comm.). These estimates are based on the o~iuions of ADF&G personnel stationed at Corrlova 8S actual escapement counts are not available for cohos. High flow. and turbid water conditions during the peak spawning period usually ?revent counting spa~ing adults. Spawning fish cannot use the entire Power Creek watershed due to Oh~n Falls. Only the lover 2.5 ciles of the drainage is available. The AD?&G also estimates that nearly half of the annual coho escape~nt utilizes the creek above the USGS gau~ing station (}~Curdy, 1979). This involves about 3,500 to 4,500 fish. The recainder of the run spawns below the USGS gauge dOVtllltrem to Eyak Lake. Spawning takes place from late August to early Decet:lber, usually during periods of peak high water (McCurdy, 1979). Although spawning cay occur in main channels of large rivers., locations at the head of riffles ill shallow tributaries or narrow side channels are preferred. Opticum substrate composition is small-!'lediUlll gravel. However. coho are extr~ly adaptable and will tolerate up to 10 percent mud. Optimum stream discharge 1s 3 •. 4 cfs (ADF&G, 1978a). Table J contains some reported spawning depth-water velocity criteria for coho fr~ the literature. Information on the 1oc.a.t1cm of coho s'Pawning areas in Power Creek lOas ina~eqWlte to determ.ne what iJ:l:pac:ts tiOuld result from a small hydro projec:t, so field il1Vestigations were 1ni.tiated by rus and CE biologists durins the spring and summer of 1930 to find and ma~ sites in Power Creek that were potendAl coho 9pawning areas. FrOtl April 13-20, during 100:1 flows., the streadled was walke<i ft'O:!l the 1JSGS gauge to approximately 0.5 ~1les below Ohman Falls. Using a band held cocpass and a range finder. a rough habitat map of Power Creek ~s drawn on graph paper to 3. sC<lle of 1 n. -60' (See Appendix II). Major characteristics of the s1.1bstrate., stre~bank, streso channel, and potential coho saloon spawnin~ areas were described. Biologists were unable to survey the stream all the way to Ohman falls as the last 0.5 mile ~s in an active avalan~~e zone and uas completely buried by snow slides up to 30 feet deep. In additian~ biolo- gists walked the lower portion of POYer Creek from the U~GS l;auge rlowns~reac to the beginning of the Paver Creek delta. Because ot the snow depths (3-4 feet on the level) only the ~inst~~ of Power Creek was surveyed in April. On June 4, 5, and a inves~igators returned tD inspect the 0.5 mile stretch below Ohman Falls 4r~ to insure that no areas adjacent to the cainste= had been ~s8ed. Co~~equently~ one small tributary was discovered (Appendix II, p. 2). P~ults of the spawning ground su~ys indicate that the bulk of the potential coho sal~n spawning areas in Power Creek are located below the uses gauge. This area was judged to be outside of the project ~luence. }lo~7ever, potential spawning areas were located \/ithin 0.5 mile upstreaCl from the gauge (Appendix II pp. 1-5). TIlis potential spavcing habitat ter1!linates just below the end of the Power Creek road. Areao were judged to be potential spawning habitat by c~aring physical characteristics with areas of known coho spawning elseVhere. SU~~ physical paraceters as substrate cocposition. streac velocity~ and stre~ depth were considered a~onR the prir~ry factors. The nost extensive ~otcntial hab1t~t in the mainstem of Power Creek above the gauge is shown in Appendix II, pp. 3 · \hle 3. Spawning del)th-water velocity criteria for 3aloonid fishes found in Power Creek. !)pec1es lho ~6ho Coho ,ho Sockeye ,ckeye, .. Cutthroat utthroat Depth (Meters) (feet) 1.0-1.25 0.3-1.90 0.6 1.0-1.5 0.2-1.5 Velocity (co/sec) (ft/see) :l 21-70 1.2-1.3 0.5-J.0 1.D-3.0 1.754 a 1.75-1.8 1.0-3.0 0.35-2.37 Reference Chambers et ala, 1955 Sams & Pearson, 1963 !hampson. 1972 Smith, 1973 Chachere at al., 1)j5 Clay, 1961 Hooper. 1973 Hunt.er. 1973 D'o11y Varden 0.7-1.4 1.13-2.15 hunter. 1973 -~t:\ ================================= J ;~!en8ured at 0.4 ft. above strear.bed. ~linimum dource: Stalnaker and Arnette (1976). -29- Figure 14. Potcntinl of Power Creek, April Sii1moti spawning habit.:lt in the mainstem 19, 1980. Average daily scream flow 61 figllre 15. 5, 1980. Pnt0nti~1 spawning Avcrage daiLy strcam area depicted in Figure flow 6JO ds. BEST COpy AVAILABLE 14 , june efs. .-lecreases, water velocity slows down, and sand and gravel are deposited. ~ing material is a mixture of fine sand, small gravel. and cedium 'l'">Jl with less than 1 percent large rock. Depths varied from less than 1 .oot to slightly over 2 feet. No vater velocity meaaurements were aken. Average daily streamflowa from April 18-20 recorded at the USGS gauge were 63, 61, and 61 cfs res?6ctively ana ~ere sufficient to cover 100 percent of the potential spawning areas in the mainstem (Figure 14). )ther sections of Power Creek contain mtat were considered to be l1I:lited >dpawning habitat due to unsuitable substrate, deep water, or the areas were too small to hold more than a few redds (AppendL~ II pp. 1, 4, 5, md 7)., The remainder of Power Creek above the end of the road was not considered to be important to coho spawning as the potential habitat is either ,absent in most stretches or very limited. On June 8, approximately 20 percent of the 0.5 mile sect:ion below Ohman Falls vas still covered by avalanche slides and biologists were once again unable to view the entire streambed. Since the sections of stream that yere open just above and 'below the slides were not suitable spawning habitat due to the stream gradient and the presence of many rocks and rapids, the sections flowing beneath the slides were presumed to be unsuitable as spawning habitat also. As previously mentioned, a small tribut'ary was discovered on June 5 (Y1gures 16 and 17). Just upstream from the USGS gauge on the outside of ~, ...... 900 bend in the creek a small tributary enters Power Creek (Appendix ;:< p. 2). The tributary contains clear water and is not milky like . er Creek is during high flows. The origin of the water is a senes of seeps and groundwater springs coming out of the ~ountain. It vas visually estimsted to be flowing less than lO cfs. The entire tributary contains spawning habitat (Figures 18-20). Salmon bones were scattered along the banks where bears had evidently carried adults to feed on the previous year (Figure 21). This area is shielded from the main stream by spruce trees and a thick stand of alder. During the winter it is blanketed by 4 to 6 feet of snow. Additional verification of spawning areas should be cade by viewing adults later during the spawning penod. On October 2, 1980, biologists were able to partially verify spawning areas by direct observatiou. Four pairs of cohos were observed spawning alo~~ the bank of Power Creek about 300 yards below the USGS gauge. aigh flows and curky water prevented investigators from adequately surveying the main stream. Despite the turbid flows. biologists were of the opinion that the coho run had only recently begun and that one additional trip in tti.d-Novet:lber 1930 would be necessary. Field work during spring and summer 1980 also involved determining 1£ coho salmen juveniles were over-wintering in Power Creek and if the presence of coho spawning areas could be further identified by trapping emer8ent fry. ~OhO' eggs in the gravel develop slowly durin~ the cold ~nnter months, hatching in about 6 to a weeks (ADF~G, 1978a). The sac-fry remain in the gravel and utilize the yolk material until emerging 2 to 3 weeks later (:!ay-June). Upon e1:lergence, the fry school in shall~o1 areas along the shores of the stream. These schools break up rather quickly as fry establish territories. The fry defend these territories from oth~r -31- Figure 16. Outlet of only significant tributLlry to Power Creek within thl! project arc ... , June 5, 1980. Figure! 17. Photo identical co Figure 15 taken on Harch 27, 1980. -32- () Figure 18. S<llmon sp':lwning. '-lrc.:l, tribut<lry to Power Creek . •.•. ; .. ~. ~"'.-, : ':~:~. ~~ -J .. : -' .. '';':'" . f,ll.": Figure 19. S<llmon spawning <lre<l, cribuc<lry to Power Creek. BeST_CO PY'fAVAifABlE -JJ- Figure 20. Salmon spawning area, tributary to Power Creek. Figure 21. Evidence of ~p,Jwning salmon scattered along the bank~ by be.:lrs the previous year. BEST COpy AVAILABLE juvenile eoho with aggressive displays. !his territory is usually along the shoreline or behind a log or boulder. From such a location the young fish do noe have to fight the current, and can da1r~ out: to feee on surface insec~s or drifting insect larvae. Juvenile coho grow rapidly during the early su~r months. and spend the wineer in deeper pool areas of spring- fed side ponds. Cohos also rear in ponds or lakes, where they feed alon~ shoreline areas. The possibility of coho saloon juve.niles rearing in Power Creek over the winter period was discussed with fishery biologists from the ADF&G and the Chugach tta~!.onal Forest.. The general consensus \rclS that Power Creek waa probably not an over-w1nter1ng area even though there were no dat:a to sUPlJOr1: such a conclusion (Pete Fridgen, ADF&Gi Ken Holbrook, Chugach National Forese, Cordoya, pers. camm.). Pete Frid&en (pers. cooc.) felt that Eyak Lake is such a productive environment that cohos cost likely migrate out of Power Creek into the lake after energence And would have no re4son to return prior to outlldgrating as smol t8 to the saa. Fur'ther- more, rearing habitae in Power Creek above the USGS p,uge preferred by cohos vas felt to be 11~ted. Sloughs. backwat:er channels, ~d spring-fed ponds are generally absent. In order to verify Fridgen's' opinion, baited minnow traps vera placed in a variery of streac habitat available to fish over-wintering in Pever Creek. (Trap locations are all identified on the habitat caps in Appendix II.) Approx1I:lately 0.5 t:dle of the strem: was saQPled on ;:iarch 27 and 28, Ap~il 18, 19, and 20. and June 4. 5. 0, anci 7. The results of the trapping effort can be seen in Tables 4-9. No over-w1ntering juvenile coho Yere cap~red. The results support Fridgen's opinion that Power Creek is not a rearing area for coho sa1=on. Coho salmon fry. n~~ly-emerged from the gravel, ~re captured by usi~g cinnov traps and fyke nets from June 4-7 (Tables 6-J). ~enty one ~innow traps and ~ fyke nets were set from the USGS 3auge to just above the end of the Power Creek road (0.5 Qi1e). Dail7 air te~eratures reached 75· F causing the creek to rise rapidly from melting snow and assu:e a milky appearance from glacial flour. ITigh flows hampered the trappiD~ opera-r.ion. One fyke ne"t in the 1:Iain channel of Power Creek ~as rl!!:loveci after one day due to rising wa"ter and one ~innO'W' trn~ vas vashed a~ay. Several traps became plugged with debris and d~dn't fish effectively. Hevertheless, 33 nevIy emerged coho saloon fry ~ere c3?tured :llong with 119 juvenile Dolly Varden. Of the 33 newly emerged coho saloon fry captured, 30 of thee were caUGht near the junction of the small tributary with Power Creek (_~pendix II, p. 2). The oajority of the fry were 25 em in length. Visual obser- vations of the area indicate that the flow of the small tributary appears to be independent of Power Creek except during extrftlely high • .-ater. At . very high flows, Power Creek would oveTflov its normal oanks and inundate the area • .I) O"ly three newly emerged coho fry vere CB?tured in the cainsteI:I of Power Creck. Due to the waro air temparatures and resultant runoff, the creek rose steadily making it impossible to use a fyke net in the ~in stream. Average daily flows recorded at the USGS eauge from June 4-8 ranged fram a low of 455 cfs on June 4 to a high of 630 cfs on June 5 and 7. Any coho fry that ver2 ~rging ..,ould iocediately be swept downstreaR 3S the G r Table 4. Summary of trapping results on Power Creek using ~~nnow trap8 9 ~Arch 27 and 23, 1980. 1'ral) 3/23 1 IDV 2 15DV 3 0 Totnl l(iDV Table 5. Summary of trapping results on Power Creek using minnow traps. April I3-20 t 1980. Trap ':otal 4/19 o * IDV lDV 2DV 4/20 o o "'I'll additi01l 9 one dead DV vas found washed up on the bank. **Trap 7 ~a8 placed outside of the project area in a deep hole vhere the Pover Creek delta begins. ,~ :rable 6. Sumcary of ~rapp1ng results on Power Creek using c1nIlOW tT'Sl's. June 4-7% 1980. ':'ral'l 6/4 6/; 6/7 A IDV Lost 3 3DV 4DV 4DV C 3DV Plugged 2DV D 0 Plugged Plugged E lDV 3DV 1nV* F 0 0 6DV G InV 4DV 2DV IT 1 eoho fry 0 I SDV 4DV J 7DV 3DV K 8DV SDV L 4DV 3DV !1 IDV 2DV. plugged ~ 2DV 2DV, 1 coho fry 0 lDV 4DV P 6 coho try 7 coho fry Q 0 5DV ~ 4DV IDV* IDV* 1DV. 1 coho fry ... 3DV :mV, plugged ... U aDV SDV. plugged Subtotal 9DV 55DV 52DV 7 coho fry 9 coho fry ·*1 unidentified fry escaped Table 7. Suncary of trapping rcaults on Power Cre~k using fyke nets, June 4-7, 1980. Trap 6/4 6/5 6/7 1 0, pulled 2 2DV, 6 coho fry IDV, 11 coho fry Subtotal 0 2DV, 6 coho fry lllv. 11 coho fry Table 8. captured on Power Creek \Ising mr.nuw r; tra'DS nnd nots JUt'te 4-7 1980. .~f· canture method 6/5 6 7 total . ~1nnow traps 55DV 52DV 116DV 7 coho fry 9 coho fry 16 coho fry fyke ne'ts a 2DV InV 3DV 6 coho fry 11 coho fry 17 coho fry Total 9DV S7DV 53DV 119DV 13 coho fry 20 coho fry 33 coho fry ) , ... ,' "," "<.'> " ~.-- Table 9. Summary of fish captured on Power Creek during spring and summer~ 1980. Ca~ture Hethod 3/28 4/19 4/20 6/4 6/5 6/7 Total Ninnow traps l6DV 2DV 0 9DV 55DV 52DV 134DV 7 coho fry 9 coho fry 16 coho fry Fyke nets 0 2DV lDV 3DV 6 coho fry 11 coho fry 17 coho fry I w Total 16DV 2DV 0 9DV 57DV 53DV 137DV (X) I 13 coho fry 20 coho fry 33 coho fry P) .. , ..... .. . ' velocity and de~th of the creek were such that biologists could not wade it safely. High water conditions biased the trapping results and contri- buted to the low number of coho fry captured in the mainstem. n,e potential salmon spawning habitat located during April l~as observed in June to c~are conditions at low flowa (April) with conditions at medium to high flows (June). The potential spawning areas ~'lere eenerally unrecognizable. Depths ranged for 3 to J.S feet cO'tlpared with 0.5 to 2 feet in April. Standing waves and swift water tiere present where slow. even flows were the rule in April. Sockeye Sa lmon McCUrdy (1979) estioates 15.000 to 25,000 sockeye salmon enter the Eyak Lake sys tam annually. but the percentage using Power Creek is un.1tnown. Sockeye spawning takes place along the Eyak Lake shoreline and the lower end of Power Creek from late August to mid-october. The oajority of sockeye that spawn in Power Creek do so in the braided channels in the lower delta. Optimum substrate composition is fine-medium ~ravel with no more than 1 percent of the gravel being 5.9 inches in dia~ter (ADF&G. 1978a). Table 3 contains some reported spawning depth-water velocity criteria for sockeye from the literature. Redd size generally averages 2.09 square yards (.WF&G,. 1978a). According to the ADF&G. no sockeye are known to spawn above the USGS gauge (MeCurdy. 1979). On Oetober 2. 1980, investigators observed sockeye spawning in the rnainstem of Power Creek from the USGS aauge downstream to the beginning of the delta, in the small tributary just above the gauge (Appendix II, p. 2; Figures 18-20), and in another small tributary located about 200 yards below the gauge. From the appearance of the fish, there seemed to be two fairly distinct runs. !he small tributary above the gauge contained the remains of 50 sockeye that had been dead for quite some time. The live fish observed (365) were bright red and still ae~ive1y spawning. In several places it appeared that com?leted redds were being excavated. In addition, 25 dead fish were strewn along the bank having been partially eaten by bears. This area was estioated to contain 1.253 square feet of spawning habitat and is the same area that rncs~ of the coho fry trapped in June came from. The s~ll tributary downstream from the gause is located across Power Creek from the road and enters the ~ainstem near the USGS cable car A-fr~e. Fifty-two live sockeye were enumerated. No dead fish were found. The spawning habitat was estimated to contain 600 square feet of sui tab Ie gravel. Sockeye observed in the mainstem of Power Creek below the USGS gauge were spawning 80lely within 6 feet of the bank on both sides of the creek. Although a considerable amount of spawning habitat exists in the mainst~, it was not being used. Stream velocities appeared to be too fast. Until Power Creek flows decrease substantially, biologists felt that th~ onjority of ~ravel in the mainstclll of Power Creek t-lOuld be unavailablo to spawning salmon (both sockeye and coho). Due to the murky water. th~ number of sal~on observed was undoubtedly low. In spite of the poor conditions, 107 live and 10 dead sockeye were counted. No sockeye juveniles or fry were captured during the s~rin8 and sucmer field work. Under normal conditions, sockeye eggs incubate for a period of 80 to 140 days. '~en the eggs hatch. sac-fry remain in the gravel for 3 to 5 weeks and el!!erge in early spring -April and ~!ay (ADF&G, 1973a). Sockeye spawning in lake inlets move downstream into the lake after ecergence. In this case. it appears that sockeye eoergence was cissed by sa~ling the stream in mid-April and early June. No sockeye were captured in or near the small tributary above the gauge in spite of the fact adults were seen spawning there in October. Another explanation for the absence of sockeye fry in the minnow traps is trap bias. Sockeye fry are planktonic feeders and may not have been susceptible to the bait used - commercially prepared salmon egg clusters. Dolly Va.rden Power Creek contains a good population of Dolly Varden below Ohman Falls. The ADF&G indicates that the sport fishery. although readily available. is not utilized very much by local residents (Pete Fridgen, ADF&G. pers. comm.). No population estimates are available for Dolly Varden. Both anadromous and non-anadromous forms of Dolly Varden occur in the Prince William Sound area. The largest populations of sea-run Dolly Varden are associated with productive salmon systems. Lake systems are of special importance as anadromous fish utilize freshwater lakes like Eyak Lake for over-wintering habitat. Spawning act~vity begins in September and in some systems extends as late as November (ADF&G, 1978b). Inforoation on Dolly Varden spawning areas and peak spawning periods for Power Creek is not Well known. According to the information available, Dolly Varden have been seen spawning in lower Power Creek just before it enters the delta and Eyak Lake (Ken Ro1brook, Chugach National Forest, pers. comm.). No Dolly Varden spawning areas were identified during field investigations. Hovever, several large individuals were seen mingling with spawning ~ockeye in October. Biologists assumed these fish" were preying on sockeye eggs and were not spawners. Since Power Creek was st~ll too high for Dolly Varden to spawn in the main stream, biologists felt that another trip to the area in ~d-November would be necessary.. At that time Power Creek norna1ly drops, the water clears up, and visual sightings of Dolly Varden spawning would be much easier. Dolly Varden eggs develop slowly in the cold water tecperatures usually present during the incubation period. P~tching of the eggs occurs 4 to 5 months after fertilization. usually in March (ADF&G, 1978b). After hatching, young Dolly Va·rden obtain food from their yolk sac and usually do not egerge from the gravel until this food source is gone. According to the ADF&G (1978b), emergence occurs in April or ~~y. Juvenile anadromou8 Dolly Varden rear in streams before beginning their first nigration to the sea. During this rearing period their growth is slow, a fact which may be attributed to their somewhat inactive feeding habits. Young fish often remain on the stream bottom. hidden from view under stones and logs or in undercut areas along streambanks. Dolly ~ardcn young seldom swin near the surface and appear to select ~ost of their food from the strean bottom (ADF&G. 1975b). Power Creek appears to be an important rearing area for Dolly Varden. Trapping results during Ha.rch, April. and June showed juvenile Dolly Varden to be abundant and evenly distributed throughout the stream reach from below the USGS gauge to above the end of the Power Creek road (over 0.5 mile). Eighty percent of all fish captured in Power Creek were juvenile Dolly Varden (Table 9). The data in Figure 22 taken fr01!1 fish captured June 4-7 suggests several age classes of Dolly Varden ~oIere present. Lengths of Dolly Varden captured ranged from 35rnm to lSOrnm and coincide with the age classes that represent the major portion of the rearing fish population -a~e groups 0, I. II. III. and IV. The largest individual caught (not included in Figure 22) was 200mm (3 inches) in length. This fish was taken in a fyke net at the junction of the small tributary with Power Creek. Due to the presence of emerging coho fry in this area. this fish may have been preying on small coho. Cutthroat Trout The Eyak Lake system also contains sea run cutthroat trout. Very little is known of their distribution or abundance. The ADF&G states that they are found in Power Creek (Pete Fridgen, pers. coma.). Prince William Sound is the northern and westernmost extension of the cutthroat trout range in North America (ADF&G. 1978b). According to ~en Holbrook (pers. came.), cutthroat can be caught in Eyak Lake right after the ice goes out. The fish are not large, weighing 0.5 to 2 pounds and 12-18 inches in length. Cutthroat spawn in small, clearwater. gravel-bottoned streacs during April through early June. peaking iu ~y (ADF&G, 1973b). The f~~le digs one or t!lOre redds about 1 foot in diameter and 4-5 inches deep. The eggs are deposited in the redd. fertilized, and covered with 6-8 inches of gravel. Hatching usually occurs in 6 ro 7 weeks. after which the sac-fry remain in the gravel several additional weeks. Spawning activity occurs primarily at night. After spawning. anadr~us fish often survive to return to saltwater. Cutthroat rear several years in small tributaries before !:lOving into larger streams, lakes. or cigrating to the sea for the f1rs~ time. Sloughs, side channels, deep pools, and beaver pond areas constitute important rearing areas. Overwintering at sea .is uncommon. and in the fall, both ~ture and imcature cutthroat return to f~eshwater to ove~vinter in lakes or streams with ~eep holding areas (ADF&G. 1978b). Cutthroat mayor may not overwinter in the 8ame system every year. In-rnigrations occur from April to tloveI!lber. The earliest in-migrants are mature spawners which enter froc April to early July. Both imnigration and emigration occur primarily in darkness. No evidence of cutthroat was found in rower Creek during t1arch, April. or June. ~:o spil'mers or redcis l1ere observed. No juveniles or fry ~ere captured. If cutthroat are spawuing in Power Creek, the population crust he small or they may be using the delta area and not that section above the gauge. .. /',.".-.'.' •... '.-. t-'.-, ':.:;;. , .~ -~.-. . ,0 0:: , ...... =:l ~ 35 30. 25 20: 10. s. _ ... --_ .... _-::.,.:---_. , I I I i i I ,Figure 22. Length -frequency graph of Dolly Varden. trapped!on Power Creek, June ~-7, 1980. , , '--,~-:-~i": .. -..... , I , I , I I :-... ':~-.-. ~~ -r-:---: . I I I I , I , I 20 40 i I I . ...... "'---1---_ .. " --- · I · i ., · i , i I 60 'LENGTH IN MILLIMETERS ,~ESTC6py AVAILABLE, .--" ... ! ..... - -... ... ~ -.. _--... .--, , , ! . ~-~ ~-~ .. j -~~.~ -: i , I i I .. I :; I . : I , , I "I I ----.-~ -----., . I , -~ I ,80 I I i I 100 I 120 ~ ... ' .. --:, Other Fish Species Pink salmon runs into Eyak Lake are ~~n~~l as a result of uplifting by the 1964 earthquake. Picks do not spawn in Power Creek (HcCurdY9 1979). Eyak Lake also contains round wh~tefish and burbot (ADF&G. 1973b; ~furrow. 1980). Both of these species are unco~n in the Prince ~111iam Sound area. ~;either of thee, are found in Pover Creek. SOMe ice fisni!lg for burbot and Dolly Varden takes place on Eyak Lake in the Wi..nter. Upper Pover Creek Above Ohman Falls the Power Creek drainage assumes a cousider3bly different set of ~~aracteristics& The creek is a neancering stream ~~h braided channels and lics in a vida, fla~, U-shaped valley typical of glaciated watersheds. Stee~ countains rise ab~lptly on hath sides of the y,alley floor. The floodpLa~ is ~ensive and LL numerous places clear groundwater enters the main stream. Just above the falls. beaver have succeeded in backing up water creatin~ large ponds and ex~ensive bog areas (Figure 23). Beeause of Oh~ Falls, anadromous fish are prQvented from using the great l'!YJjority of the Pemer Creek drainage. '!'he ADF&G assur:1ed that upper Paver Creek contained a reside~t population of Dolly Varden but no data were available to su~port their assuapt10n (Pete Fridgcn, pers. comm.). On June 5, investigators sampled about 1 mile of upper Fower Creek including two clear groundwater tributaries. !he location of the sanrpling was in the general vicinity of CE DrUl Site iH. The rnainst(!f!l of Pover Creek was flowing too fast to sacple with a handheld seine.'tVio b4.ited minnow traps were set, one in thli! t!'.a:i.nstec behind a 81:\8.11 debris jam. and one at the junction of a clearwater tributary. ;io fish W4:!re captured in the cinnow traps. Because the nain stream was cloudy froo the glacial influence, it was difficult to see any fish except in very shallow areas. Two ~ll fish were observed that biologists asou~eci were Dolly Varden. The two groundwater tributaries were esti~tcd to be flowing 20 to 25 cis and were easy to sample with a handheld seine. Small fish 50 to IOCca long vare frequently observed eacaping the seine and only two -were captured. Both of thet'l were Dolly Varden. In .:ulc1t.ion. one ~olly Varden was found dead along the bank. ~e short perioc of time spent in upper Peuer Cr~ek only verified that Dolly Varden are found in the upper por~ion of the drainage. :b con- clusions can be drBWft as to their abundance or general distribution at this time. !!ountain goats are found in the higher elevations on both sides of Power Creek. A hrief helicopter flight on June 5 above Drill Site 51 confi~d the presence of four goats. Reynolds (1930) esticates probably no mora than 20 f-:0at:s arC! found in ?awer Creek and Hu~pback Creek at anyone time. Gnat habitat is usually =est~ictcd to the riC~etops aud steep, rocky areas but Reynolds (1~8C) considers cverthinp, above 500 fcet in elevation to be nountain coat habitat (Figure 4). ~1oo8e do not occur in the Power Creek drains!;€! (ADF&G, 1973). The closest ocose r:mge is cue south and east of FOlier Creek in the Ibeck -44- Figure 23. Extensive wetland area above Ohman Falls created by grounJwater flow and beaver dams. BEST COpy AVAILABLE Black bear are common near Cordova (ADF&C. 1973) and the Power Creek watershed contains excellent bear habitat. Cne large black bear wae seen foraging on the open slopes east of Ohnan Falls on June 5. As in the ease of Humpback Creek. the ADF&G (197J) has not iceoti.fied any critical deuning habitat in the Power Creek drainage. The ADF&G (1973) has docuoented that the lower Power Creek. watershed harbors seascnal conc~ntrations of brown bear. The bears are attrac~ed hy spawning ~al~n which serve as an ~ort3nt food source. Personnel of the. Cardova offices of the ADF~G and Chugach tiat10ual Forest ind1c.ate that local people tend to avoid the area when sa1!non are spawning eua to the abundance of brown bears (Pete Fridgen; Ken llolbrook. p~rs. comm.). Reynolds (1980) es~imates 12-15 bears utilize Power Creek. CE personnel flying to Drill Site #1 observed a brown bear sow and a large cub several tines just above Ohman Falls ~uring early June (Chuck Floyd. CE, pars. comm.). In addition. brown bear hair and acata uere found along the Pover Creek trail below O~~ Falls by investigators on June 5. 'nte rC!1Daina of a freshly killed porcupine Here located the sar.e dny across Power Creek froc the uses ~auge. Large pav prints in the snow indicated the ?redator was a brown bear. On October 2, nucerous freshly eaten sockeye salmon and hear scats were observed along the sr.lall spawniuS tributary just above the OSGS zauge. Si.tka black-tailed deer are widely distributed throughout the Cordova area. Evidence of deer in ?ower Creek was ~n~l. Two fresh pellet groups were seen on the Power Creek trail on June 5. The ADF&G (1973) states that the mainland ceer population is low and has not identified any vinter range in the Power Creek draina~e. Other tmnm:UIls known to occupy habitats in Paver Creek include: reel squirrel, porcupine, hoary ~arcot, beaver, ouskrat. and river ottar. Birds The coniferous forest is the 008t ext~nsive vegetative type in Paver Creek near the project features. !he majority of the hird species found there are forest dyelling passerines. rnes~ include, but arc not l!=.ited to: t>lilson'a 'i3arbler, yellov warbler • ...nnter \1t'en, ruby and golden-crouneti kinglets, varied and hereit thrushe~. American robin. douny ~ooGpe~~er. Steller's jay~ COl:'lI:"On raven, and several s!'arrous. The oost COt:i1!lOl1 bird found along the Pover Creek corridor was the dipper. S!'ruce grouse. northwestern cr~s. and several avIs are also found in forested areas near Power Creldt. Wetland habitats associated with the project include the Pover Creck -delta and a lar3e series of beaver ponds an~ sloughs above Oh~n Falls~ The large network of beaver ponds has created suit~le nesting habitat for SOT.!e waterfowl and shorebirds. At least one pair or whistling S~'ians and several pairs of C3nada geese ... -ere utilizing the ponci areas for nesting. Other birds observc~ were: arctic tern, spotted santi?iper, varied thrush. and greater yellowlegs. !;o survey of the 'Wetlands in the Pover Creek delta ~TaS oaee because a st:all hydro project upstrelm was helieved to have 'Co impact on this area. Nest1ne habitat is available fer duckD, ~eese, swans, and shorebir~s but no cst~te of the nu~ber of birds nesting on the delta is ~ailable. .. iJ····.~.··,·' .. ~. Aquatic habitat of Eyak Lake adjacent to the Power Creek delta is used by several species of ~terfowl for feeding and ~olting. during the succer and early fall. ~igrating ducks and geese also utilize the lake as a staging area prior to flyin~ south. Species observed durin~ spring and early summer incluce: whistling swan, Canada goose, oallard, green~nged teal, co~n ~rganser, bufflehead, and pintail. Northern bald eagles are numerous throu~~out the lower end of Po~er Creek and all along the Eyak L3ke shorelL~e. Gusey (1973) states that ~uring the winter of 1969. 416 bald eagles were observed feeding on apawnea-out salmon at Eyak Lake. Personnel from the ADF&G and Chugach !~at10nal Forest could not eocuaeut any active or histori~ eBBle nest sites on Pover Creek or the northern am of Eyak Lake (HcCurdy. 1979; Carvin Bucaria, wildlife biologist, Chugach ~lational Forest t pers. comm.). Since suitable nesting habitat is available. a helicopter survey ~as conducted on June 5 to thoroughly search for nests. The entire Power Creek drainage from Drill Sj.te 111 to and including the delta and the shorelj.ne of Eyak Lake v.f.thin 2 Illiles of the t:Xluth of Paver Creek was surveyed. No bald eagle nests vere located. At this point in the CZ's study. design plans for all three proposals are very prelLainary. Therefore. reliable predictions of all adverse L~acts are no~ fully possible a~ th~s time. Prior to submission of a Final Coordination Act rc?Ort, design ?lans and specifications of all project features should be submitted to the rwS. Additional information necessary to cor.plete our analysis is the exact loeation of all project fe3turcs and locations of any necessary access roacis ano tr3nsmissiou line corricors. Crater Lake -The =ajar potential impacts of the lake ta~ proposed for this project can baSically be summed up in three categories: diversion dam construction, land clearing for the penstock, anc cevater~ng the 1aka outlet. According to the Cl!. no road would be b'uilt into Crater Lake (Tom :IurdocSc., CE, pera. comm.). All construction r.~ter1a1s yould be flow~ in by helicopter. The e:act d1~nsions of the diversion cam have not been deteroinea although the l1aconnaissance Report suggests a concrete structure 5 feet hieh and 15 feet long (en ~~ Hill. 1979). The exact loc3tioa of thee lake tOlP has not been establi~ed either. The CE envisions water being drawn off very close to the present level of the lake and not iro~ SDr.e point in deep ~~ter (To~ ~~rcock. CE, pers. comm.). The dL~nsion of the pipe would be 18 inches and capable of carrying a nax~ of 4 efa. Envir~ental i~actB from constructing a small concrete diversion ~uld be minor. Some wildlife habitat WIOuld he covered up by the dOlm itself and ?err.~nently lost. Habitat adjacent to the present lakeshore would also be inundated by raising the level of the Lake enough to draw off '>later. no estimate of the aoount of habitat that ~rould he inundated i::; ~vailable but it is not anticipated to ce very sreat. ?esicient wilc11fc affected by these actions uould ?robabl,. be li::ited to :loall roGents. During construction of the dam ane lake tap, h~n activity and noise associated ~th helicopter traffic yould undoubtedly disturb resicent spee1es of Wildlife, such as ~untain goats, black bear, Sitka black- tailed deer, and passerine birds. This disturbance, huwevcr, ~ould on17 ."l be short-lived. Once construction is finished, disturbances from helicopter traffic and the presence of hucans would return to pre- construction levels. !~o long-term adverse i:mpacts to rlldlife should result. In order for helicopters to land safely, sooe habitat may ~ave to be disturbed for the construction of landing pads. raese areas would prob- ably not revegetate well and may end up as long-te~ scars. The water level of the lake would not fluctuate dratJatically, so the rainbow tTout fishery in Crater Lake should be affected very little. The CE does not envision a large draw down primarily because the project would only be operable from May through October, the period of highest runoff (Tom lfurdock, CE, pers. COUDll.). lfcCurdy (1979) indicates there may be some natural fish reproduction in the lake. Any draw down in late summer could then expose eggs hatching along the lakeshore. The poten- tial loss of any natural reproduction is probably not significant. Even without the project the fishery is only kept viable by stocking hatcllery rainbows every 3 to 4 years. In order to construct a 4,80o-foot penstock of lS-inch pipe frOJ:l Crater La~~ to Orca Inlet, a swath of vegetation would have to be cleared through a dense Sitka spruce forest to the pO~ierhouse near sea level. Bec~use the terrain is 80 steep, the methods used to clear the vegetation and install the pipeline would have a direct bearing on the eventual impacts to the environment pri~~rily from erosion. For example, hand clearing of trees and shrubs would have less detrimental icpacts than the use of tracked vehicles. At this time, the CE has not determined the method of vegetation recoval nor whether the pipe would be buried or elevated. Consequently. evaluation of the icpacts of the penstock placement cannot be adequately assessed at this time. The end result of a cleared strip ~hrough the forest would be visible to boat traffic along Orca Inlet. To soce people, this would be esthetically un~leasant. The powerhouse would be constructed near the Orca canneries adjacent to an existing transmission line from Cordova. Impacts from this action would be localized and may require removal of soee vegetation and ground leveling. The diversion dam would eliminate the natural overflow of water out of Crater Lake during the months of ~~y through October. Pink salmon periodically spawn in the outlet wa~ers at the junction vith Orca Inlet froo late July to early August. The available spawning habitat is small but up to 200 fish have been observed using the area. Unless the tailrace water is returned to the outlet drainage prior to entering Orca Inlet. pink salmon spawning and the survival of eggs would most likely be severely reduced or eliminated entirely, One unq\~ntifiable impact would be what effect the project has on people who are used to trout fishing at Crater Lake. The area is highly scenic and undisturbed. The dam. penstock, and disrupted vegetation would most likely decrease the quality of the outdoor experience for sore people. This impact appears to be unavoidable. HUnpback Creek -I~acts to the environment associated <Nith this project include construction of a small diversion dam. partial dewatering of the creek, land clearing. and the possibility of road construction. AAI in the case of Crater Lake. the actual impacts of construct.ing a small concrete diversion dac on upper Humpback Creek would be minor. The ("""\ d1.version would be built approJd.mately 2 miles upstreac fron the ODuth of J} the creek. The Reconnaissance Report indicates 3. 5-foot x 30-foot struc- ture would be adequate (C1l Z}! 111.11. 1979). The locat:ian of the diversion is well above the pink saleen spawning area and no fish passage facilities would be needed. A portion of the creek behind the diversion \iOuld be inundated. The exact size of the 1mpound~nt is unknown but it would not be very large. Some streambank vegetation would be drowned but the impacts are not considered to be significant. A flume 6~6Z5 feet long and a 70o-foot penstock would carry water from the diversion to a powerhouse about 0.Z5 to 0.5 mile from Orca Inlet. The diameter of the penstock would be 30 inches and capable of carrying a maximum flow of 40 cfs. !be proposed location of the po~rhouse would be very close to the uppermost old log dam on Humpback Creek previously described (Figure 3). !be water that is removed at the diversion yould be returned to the creek above the spawning area. Therefore, ,no reduction in flow through the s~awn1ng gravel would occur. If the powerhouse ~iere situated in the right place, this project could actually enhance the survival of pink salmon eg~ and the fishery by returning water to llucpback Creek below the deteriorated log crib dam further downstream from the proposed powerhouse location (Figure 9). ~ By cutting down the peak high flows and bypassing the large amount of / gravel backed up behind the log crib dam (50,000 to 60,000 cubic yards), egg mortality from gravel scouring downstream should decrease. The project would only operate from Hay through October ~hen floWs in H~back Creek are highest. Drawing 40 c:fs out of the creek above the dam can only help cut down the amount of gravel moving down the stream. The Reconnaissance Report indi~tes that to ensure some ~ter in the stream below the diversion. flows equal to twice that of the 7-day, 2-year low would be allowed to pass the structure at all tices. This minimum flow was found to be 1.4 crs (CH.,M 111.11). :!cCurdy (1979) states that there are no fish above ~he log dami. In addition, sa~ling done L~ June 1980 fa~led to detect any fish in the streao. Adverse icpacts of the reduction in flows would probably result in 3. decrease in the proauc- tiou of aquatic invertebrates in that section of the strcao and pOSSibly eli=ination of some passerine birds like the dipper. At this stage of the study, the CE has not determined the extent or location of any road construction necessary for access to the powerhouse Site, access to the point of diversion, or for cons~ruction of the trans- mission line. Therefore, the FYS cannot adequately assess the impacts of roads until fu~her info~tion is r~ceived. Generally, some adverse impacts of road building include. but are not li~ited to: re~oval of wildlife habitat. interception of ground ~ater flow, increase in erosion. and allOwing motorized vehicles access into areas previously inaccessible. Approximately 3.6 ~les of 15 Kv traU8~ssion line vould be constructed to tie into the present line from Core0V8 that ends at the Orea canneries. Potential 1cpacts cannot be adequately de6Cr~bed until a detailed route for the line has been chosen and whether the li~e ~ould ~~ constructed by road or helicopter. Regardleo8 of ,mere the line is ?laced, erosion would result frca land clearing activities. However, an acequate erosion control plan can niniaize the amount of secioent or debris capable of entering the aquatic environcent. Transmission poles are often used by large rap tors for perching and can be a source of mortality fram electrocution if the lines are not properly s~acecl.. It has been deten:dned that grounding practices on distribution aud transmission 1inee from 4 Kv through 69 Kv can be a sub8tauti~1 cause of raptor deaths (Raptor Research Foundation~ 1975). Because of the density of bald eagles all along Orca Inlet, this is ~ definite concern. However, proper line construc~iou can eli~inate any mortality of ~agles f~om e1ec~rocutiQu. Visual impacts from transuission lines and corridors can be significant. In many instances. it is difficult or impossible to blend th~ ~to the background vegetation. In this ease, a 15 L{v line docs not require huge steel touers and by using woocen ~oles and careful clearing techniques, this tcpact can be c1nimized. During construction of the project when a work force is present, bear- human encounters cay result. !he ADF&C (1973) has docucented seasonal concentrations of brown h~ar drawn to lower Huopback Creek to feed on spawnin~ ?ink salmon. Spawning activity, and thus the presence of be~ro. would occur from early July to mid-September. :h~s saF.e t~e fr~ewor~ would MOst likely be the height of construction activity. Preven~in3 a nuisance bear situation by disposing of all refuse and no feeding of bears ~ould hel~ reduce bear-h~laD encounters. P~er Creek -Oh~n Falls 1s situated at ~le 2.5 on Power Creek and blocks saloon moveQent any further upstream. The Reconnaissance Report identifies a suitable site for a diversion dac above the falls. !here- fore, no a1g~ation block would result. and no fish pansa~e facilities ~ould be requir~d. tlon-anaciror"ous Dolly Varden are che .-mly :ish species that have been identified in ro~~r Creek above the falls. Sone Ynt~rfow1 and shorebirds nest in the wetldnd areas and poncs createG by bedver adjacent to the proposed diversion site. The diversion 110ulJ create no significant ilnpound:lent (C13 211 Hill. 1979) and cons~uently i~act fish and wildlife species for only a short ti~ during construction. A combination of pipeline and p~nstock YOuld carry water from the diver- sion to a powerhouse tentatively located near the present site of the USGS gauging station along the Paver Creek road. Approxi~te1y 1.5 niles of Po~er Creek ~ould then be part~ally de~atered. Alcost the entire 1.5 miles provide rea~ing habitat for Dolly Varden and the 0.5 nile stretch above the ?,aup,e contains spD\oming h<lbitut for aprrox:L~te1y 3,5GG to 4,,500 coho sa.l~n and possibly a few sockeye salr'lOn. The ~ount of ~later left in the creek ~9uld have a direct bearing on ~lcther 2o~er Creek can continue to 9UPpo~t populations of coho salrlOn and Doll:1 V:lrcen to the !!".!lglliturle it does nov. The ~r::!atest ippact on coho salnon ,;ould occur during the winter and early spring ronths -Jecet::ber through April. 'I1d.~ is the ?et'~od of natural low flows ~;hen c1ve~ting t.:ater would take :1 . ro ortionall hi her erclr!nta~e i he stream. Coho e"''''' c atin· ... in ,spawning gravels coulc:! be exposed by removing tlater and result in consid- erable mortality fr~ dehydration or exposure to freezing t~era~ure8 •. ~Table 10 contains a sumcary of the percen~ of the tine the ~Atural streao- p ,flaw in Poyer Creek would exceed the minir.ru.n allowable flov necc!:sary for 3!"!all turbines ra~ed at 1.25 I"Iegawatts efiol) to 10 :!w. It is readily apparent that a 10 }N turbine could no~ operate during the loy flow ~onths (December to April) and therefore cause no inpact on coho eggs in the gravel. However, this would not give Cordova a year rotttld source of hydropower. It is also ap~arl!nt that a 1.25 ~lw turbine could conc:eivnbly take the entire streamflow during the enret'lely low :low nonths in any given year eliminating any survival of cohos above the powerhouse. Since four of the 1.25 Hv plants could he hooked up to provide 5 ~!w of paver curing high flows, L~is scenario is feasible from an ensineering stanupoint (Tolll Murdock. CR. pers. comm.). Direc~ observation by biologists, coupled with recorcs froQ the uses gauge. indicate that for the I:'.onths of Hay throu~h Uovenber, adequate flaws would remain in Power Creek to allow coho fry to outmigrate to Eynk Lake and adult coho to ascend the creek and spaloll1 despite the rC!duction in flow needed to run a 5 ~~., plant. In fact, a reduction in flo~ during that t10e period t:2SY even be benef ictal. The ~~s did not locate any Dolly Varden spawning areas above the USGS gauge, but the presence of young-of-the-ycar (age Class 0) taken in ~nnow traps during early June suggests that spavning ~oes occur above the gau~e. Impacts an Dolly Varden eggs incubating in the gravel -would ~be s1ciliar to those described for coho salnon. Removal of water durinQ "Ccj; the critic:.al lev flev P.lOtlths would expose eggs to dehyrlration and freezing. Inpacts on juvenile nolly Varden over-wintering in that portion of Power Creek that is dewatered would probably not"be as severe. Juvenile fish (age classes 0 through IV) are d~str1buted throughout the strean. TIle great cajority of them were captured in paola which are preferreci hahitat. Reducing winter flovs to zero would ~st likely not dry up the entire stream as the rleeper holes woulc still contain Yatar and 80~ groundwatar would probably still surface in the streambed. H~~ver, c~petit1on for food would increase as the anount of available habitat decreases. In ~he absence of appreciable running ~ter, the ~ools would freeze over and oxygen levels even~ual11 decrease. Adverso icpacts on coho sal~n ~ou1d be eli~1natcd if the powerhouse were located near the end of the Power Creek road. This site is above the potential spawning area. Adverse impacts on Dolly Varden could b~ ~ni­ oized, but not eliminated, if the poverhouse were noved ups~rea~. Dolly Varden juveniles probably over-qinter in Power Creek all the way to Ohnan Falls. In ~ddition9 it is highly likely that Dolly Varcan are spawning above the sauge also. The diversion and eventual return of water to Power Creek should not have any iMpact on Eyak Lake or on the strcac belm~ the selected ~owerhouse si tee t!o change in ~ter tt"tTperaturlls or le.vels of saturatad gases would ~esult as t~ere ~ould be no large stora£e rese~1oir Yith this proposal. ~cour1ng of the stre.am channel below the powerhouse tailrace could be ~1n~ized by installing an cner;y d1ssi?ator. .. ~ Table 10. Percen~ of tine stre~fl~ exceeds ~ni~run allo~able flo~ for turbine operation on Po~er Creek (run-of-the-rivcr). Source: Tom z!urcock, Corps of Engineers • <j) .. '".-..... . ,. r.' ';'-: The FWS did not identify any other fish species using the mainstem of Power Creek above the uses gauge. A minimum of 440 (365 l~ve and 75 dead) sockeye salmon were utlizing the s~All tributary that enters Power Creek above the gauge. H~ever, this stream appears to be inde?endent of Power Creek flows. The source of water is a series of springs and seeps and seems to be relatively constant. Biologists could discern little difference in flow betwe~n June and October although no neasurements were taken. Rcnoval of water from Power Creek upstream should ~ave no effect on this tributary. For that reason, no adverse impacts are anticipated. It is highly likely that some sockeye are spauning in the mainstem of Power Creek within 0.5 mile above the gauge. However, spawning habitat next to the bank is l~ted and stre~ velocities are such that during the peak of the sockeye run the preferred spawning habitat is unusable. The bulk of the spawning area above the gauge probably does not become available to sal~n until the middle of November when streamflows decrease. CoinCidentally, mid-November is when the bulk of the cohos are ready to spawn and the sockeye have already spawned and died. Available data in~icates that anadromous cutthroat trout are present above the gauge. Since the FWS's sampling effort was not intensive, this s~ecies may have been misaed. However, if the population of cutthroat was sufficiently large~ sampling should have detected thee. If cutthroat are spawning in Power Creek~ the population must be small or they are spawning in the delta area. The ADF&G (1973) has documented concentrated brown bear use durine the salmon spawning period on lower Power Creek. }.ny great reduction in the coho run above the gauging station could elic1nate a valuable food source for some of the big bears and force more of them to forage closer to Eyak Lake. This could result in a 8reater feeding density of individuals than the species is willing to tolerate. Younger bears would probably be chased off and have to forage closer to town increasing the likelihood of bear-human encounters that ultimately would result ~ more bears being killed in defense of life or property. Adverse impacts to other big game animals are not anticipated. (~0ge are not found in the Power Creek drainage. Sitka black-tailed deer are not abundant. ~1ountain goats, although present in the drainage, should be affected very little. Their narrow range of habitat preference during most of the year precludes use in much of the drainage except the steep, inaccessible rock cliffs and precipices. Reynolds (1980) indicates goat habitat does extend down to '00 feet. In the area of Ohman Falls and upper Power Creek the SOC-foot contour comes right down to the valley floor (Figure 4). It is assumed that any downward migration of goats is seasonal and coincides with winter snowfall. Since any construction on the diversion dam or penstock is not likely to be done during the winter, no project related impacts on goats should occur if individual goats decide to winter in the rocks near Ohman Falls. Adverse impacts to smaller nsmmals and birds utilizing the coniferous forest habitats have not been quantified but are not expected to be significant. The transt!d.ssion line corridor is depicted in the Reconnaissance Report paralleling the Power Creek road all the way to Cordova 4 !he report also rec~nds that the line be buried. Since bald eagles concentrate all along Eyak Lake during the salmon spawning season, a buried poverline ( ...... "\.~.: fJ would eliminate any chance of electrocution and is preferable. Burying the line would also eliminate any visual impacts. llowever, even if the line is elevated, electrocution can be eliminated by proper line spacing. DISCnSS!ON Crater Lake -Our analysis of the potential adverse impacts of a lake tap hydro project at Crater La~~ indicates that wildlife resources should not be significantly affected. Potential impacts to pink sall'JOn spawning in the outlet waters of the lake adjacent to Orca Inlet could be eliminated by returning tailrace water above the spawning area. Short-term impacts to mountain goats~ bear, and deer from construction activity at the lake would cause these species to avoid or temporarily abandon the area until the project is completed. Due to the short working season at the lake's elevation, setting time constraints to mintoize impacts on wildlife is not realistic. However, if the divarsion and lake tap can be completed during one work season (July through September), impaets from the presence of humans and construction noise should be l!dnil:ta1. Beeause no road would be built to the lake, helicop- ters would be necessary to transport all materials and workers to the site. In order to minimize detrimental icpacts to game species from helicopters~ the CE should insure that contrators use the same access route to and from Crater Lake. tfe reeommend that the ADF&G office in Cordova be consulted and a route chosen that would avoid ~~own concen- trations of big game. primarily mountain goats. The only fish in Crater Lake are rainbow trout. Raising the level of the lake and subsequently drawing it down to release Yater should have little iopact on the trout populAtion. There are soree indications that limited reproduction takes place and drawing the lake dawn could expose eggs hatching along the shoreline. However, the ADF&G stocks the la~~ every 3 to 4 years with hatchery fish because the lake cannot support a naturally reproducing population. One unquantifiable impact would be ~mat effect the project has on people ·~o are used to fishing Crater Lake. The area is highly scenic and undisturbed. The diversion, penstock, and disrupted lancscape would probably decrease the quality of the outdoor experience for so~ people. In order to ~n1mize the visual impacts. any soil disturbances SUcil as helicopter landing pads should be carefully planned to avoid leaving an unsightly scar that would not revegetate for cany years. r~ganic soils excavated during construction should be stockpiled and spread over disturbed sites to eneourage revegetation. Any equipment used to con- struct the diversion should he operated only in the 1cmediate vicinity of the project to prevent unnecessary damage to the fragile alpine vegetation. Waste construction oaterials should be cleaned up and recoved after project completion. In order to build the penstOCk, a swa~h oi tiober would have to be removed from the vicinity of Crater Lat~ down the ~ountain side to the proposed p~~erhouse location near the Orca canneries. Presently, the slope is covered with a dense stand of western hemlock anc Sitka spruce. Impacts from this activity ~~ould result in the elimination of some ~·r.Uci­ life habitat and, depending upon construction techniques, may iopact pink salmon spawning in the outlet waters of Crater Lake acjacent to Orca Inlet. Impacts could be minimized by clearing trees and tall shrubs using hand tools instead of heavy equipt:tent and poaitioning the penstock and powerhouse.a safe distance away from the small watershed that drains Crater Lake. The ~iS will be able to provide the CE with a n1n~uo acceptable distance after a site reconnaissance scheduled for t.li.d-Novecber 1980. The tailrace from the powerhouse should be constructed so that the water is returned to the small watershed draining Crater Lake prior to entering Orca Inlet. This would insure that pink salmon spawning habitat is not eliminated. Any swath cut through the timber would be visible to ferry and boat traffic on Orca Inlet •.. Careful clearing of trees and high brush using hand tools could minimize this visual impact. H~back Creek -Should this proposal be selected, design plans and information pertaining to all project features including the exact location of all roads, stream crossings, and the location of the transmission line corridor should be supplied to the FWS. With the information available, adverse environmental impacts that have been identified ·to date do not appear to be significant. The project location is well above the pink aal~Dn spawning area and no fish passage facilities would be required. No fish have been found in that portion of the creek that would be partially dewatered. Impacts from the impoundment behind the diversion dam are judged to be insi.gnificant. No bald cagle I'~~.. nests are located within 2 miles of the project ares. No long-term :.p impacts on big gace animals have been identified. '~.'." ... ' J Our analysis of the proposed powerhouse location reveals that if the powerhouse were situated dawnstream~rom the deteriorated log crib dam, this project may enhance the survival of pirut salson eggs and the fishery. The tailrace from the powerhouse should return water to Hucpback Creek below the log crib da~. I~ediately below the dam would be prefer3ble. This action WDuld reduce flows over the dam by 40 cfs and help alleviate gravel scouring of spawning areas downstream. An energy dissipator should be installed to prevent scouring of the streambed where the tailrace discharge enters the creek. ' In order to reduce the amount of land clearing, the transmission line should parallel any road that is built for access to the ~outh of Hu~­ back Creek. The line should be built to eliminate any possible chance of electrocution of large raptors. Transmission line construction should be governed by "Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines" (Raptor Research Founcation, 1975) and Bulletin 61-10 prepared by the Rural Electrification Ad~nistration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, dated March 9, 1979. Improper disposal of food-related garbage would attract bears and lead to bear-human encounters. This results in removal or destruction of offending bears. During construction, all food-related garbage should be placed in cetal containers and rc~ovcd from the site daily. At no ti~ shoulci construction crews be allowed to feed bears. ?Cn1er Creek -The ~!S has not received t:luch DOre infor.:tation on this project than what is contained in the Reconnaissance Report. Therefore, any prediction of 3dverse inpacts can only be done on the information available in that report. The Reconnaissance Report indicates that this site is the ~st feasible of the three proposals for paver generation (CH~1 Hill, 1979). Our anal11lu of potenti011 ~acts. also points out tnat this project could be ~he ~s't detril:".eDtal in tel"T,!.s of adverse effects on f:isn, pri::'.arily coho 'Jal~n and Dolly varden. The diversion daD 'muld be built above Ohl:lan Falla, a natural barrier to fish migration. ~erefor~, no fish pasBage facilities are necessary. novever, a cocbination of pipeline and ~eU8tock would draw water frae the creek aDd eventually return it a~pro~tely 1.5 miles downstrcac. This 1.5 mile stretch would be partially dewatered. Al:lOst .the entire 1.5 atlas provide rea~ habi~t and suspected spawning habitat for Dolly Varden and a 0.5 ~e reach above the uses 3auge is spawning habitat for coho' sal~ and ~8t likely a few sockeye salmon. The flau regice in Power Creek 18 such that removal of ~ter would have the greatest ~act aD salmonid eggs 1D the grSgel fr~ Dececber throu~h April -the period of nAtural low flows. By utilizing a series of small turbines, it is po.s~le to t~ke all the surface vater from the cre~k in the low flow cODtha. The eDci result ¥auld be the loss of any saleonid eggs 1ncuha. ting in the gravel in Powe~ C~eek aba.e the powerhouse location. the ground- ~ater coD~r1bution to the s~ream be~en ~An Falls and the gauge is tmknOVft. Unless the a can supply the 1."'lfortlation that sllff~:!.eut ground- ·.a1ater rtft:3jns du:1ng the low flow man'tha to k.eep salconid egoS allve, the PWS c:&mlO't assume groumiwatar flow is a significant factor. ,'nte potential loss in sall:mnid production cguld be eliminated <lne of NO ~va~s: (1) Develop aanthly flow require!!!en~s for Paver Creek necessary ,-or optil::um salMon proeuct1oD and survival. Thia alternative ~ould 'require aeditional field work. and funding in order 'to d~elop recOtl1lX!ndeci flaws. Winter flaws in Power Creek get low enough ~;at it is anticipated that the range of opttcuc !lova would be very narrow O1Dd ~st likely coinc:1c!e with natural flo..,.. Being realistic:, surplus watt:r for power genera~ion would probably nat be av4ilable during the winter ~nths. (2) ~CNe the proposed powerhouse lcc:at1on upstnmll to the t!nd of the Paver Creek road. !his alternative would require the CE to calculate the less in elevation from the uses gauge to the enC of the Power Creek road and dete-mine if the correspODdi::.g loss in head is ~ll enough to oar..a t..'lis recomcencation acce~table. Addi tiona! 1nfor.::1~ian is necessary to docUJ:lent coho sall:':On ilne r-olly Vareen spawning areas by visual observa.ti.on of acults. A field trip is scheduled for ~d-4Jovemher 1930 to provide this inforcation. Re~areless of the powerhouse location. the tailrace should be constructed to preven~ scouring of the streambed where discharge water returns to the creek. In addition. the dischar~ should re-enter the creek so it does not serve ae an attraction tD adult salmon returning to spawn. Land clear1D~ activities and access ronGs for the penstock and pipeline _ tlOuld remove Wildlife habitat me cay S4ilrve as a source of silt froc /~ro8ion. ~ever t until further i:lfornation is received frO!:! the CE on ~he location of those structures and acidition~l road~, ~e cannot co~nt on the potential icpacts of those project features. 7he tTans~ssian line corridor should ~losely parallel ~~e Paver Creek road. This will miuici%e the a~unt oi land clearing necessary ~nd reduce the r~k of erosion. A buried power11ne ~ulc require very little land clearing. eliminate any chance of electrocuting bald eagles, and create no visual impacts. For those reasons, it is preferred over an elevated line. An elevated line can be built to eliminate the electro- cution of eagles (Raptor Research Foundation, 1975; U.S. Department of Agriculture~ 1979) but requires more land to be cleared and creates a significant visual tcpact. Improper disposal of fooe-related garbage would attract bears and lead to bear-human encounters. This results in removal or destruction of offending bears. During construction. all food-related garbage should be placed in metal containers and re~oved from the site daily. At no time should construction crews be allowed to feed bears. REC~~ATIONS The following recommendations are provided to minimize the potential environmental impacts of constructing three small hydro projects near Cordova: Crater Lake 1. That the exact project design plans be provided to the FWS as soon as they are available; 2. that the CX.consult with the ADF&G office in Cordova to choose a helicopter route to avoid traffic in the vicinity of known concen- trations of mountain goats; 3. that any organic soils exc~ated during construction at the lake be stock~iled and spread over disturbed sit~~ to encourage revegetation; 4. that any equipment used to construct the diversion or lake tap be operated only in the imcediate vicinity to prevent unnecessary damage to alpine vegetation; 5. that all waste construction materials be cleaned up and removed after project completion; 6. that the penstock corTidor be cleared of trees and shrubs by workers using hand tools; 7. that the ~JS survey the Crater Lake outlet in uid-Novecber to provide the CE with a recommendation as to how far the pensto~~ and powerhouse should be located away from the stream to pro~ect fishery resources; and 3. that the powerhouse tailrace return water to the small outlet stream draining Crater Lake prior to entering Orca Inlet. Humpback Creek 1. That the exact project design plans complete with all road locations, stream crOSSings, and transmission line corridor be supplied to the FWS as soon as they are available; 2. that the powerhouse be located immediately do~mstreac from the deteriorated log crib dam in the lower stretch of the Hucpback Creek canyon; f-~.: ... 1I 3. that an energy dissipator be installed to 1>revent the tailr;lce dischar~e from scouring the strea~bed; 4. that the trans~1saion line parallel any road cor~t~ctcd fron the Orca canneries to the ~uth of Hu~back Creek; 5. that the transmission line be built to eli~inate ~ny possible chance of electrocution of Lar~e raptors (bald eagles); and 6. that durL~g ccnstruc~ion, all food-related garbage be placed L~ metal containers and renovcd from the site daily to prevent a nuisance bear situation. Pover Creek 1. !hat the exact project design plans be supplied to the ~~s as soon as they are available; z. that the CE func the FWS to dete~ine monthly stream flaw requirements for optm~ !I&lr.tonid production and survival .2!. that the CE t10ve the pro~osec powerhouse location upatream to the and of the Power. Creek roae; 3 that the F\-jS !'lake an add1 tiona1 stream survey in t"dd-tiovcr:mcr to help verify spavnina areas for coho Ba~n and Dolly Varden; 4. that the tailrace be constructed to prevent scouring of the streuobed below the po·~rhouse; 5. that the tailrace d15~,arge enter the creek in such a manner 30 as to 3void attracting adult saln:on returning to sp.mn; 6. that during construction, all food-rcla~ed garbage be placed in ~et3l containers and recoved fr~ the site daily to ?revent a nuisance bear situatiou; and 7. that the transmission line be buried parallel to the Pow~r Cre~~ road fr~ the powerhouse to the substation in Core ova. HANNA:mw:jh:9/1l!80 Diskette: CORDOV OS:6:Job C LI'!l!:ltATURE CITED Alaska Depart!2nt of Fish and Garne. 1973. Alaska's Uildlife and Babitat. Edited by R. LeResche and R. llinman. 143 pp., 5630aps. • 1978a • Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Vol~e I. Compiled by R. McLean and ~. Delaney. 40 pp. , 357 maps. 1978b. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Volume II. Compiled by R. Mcl.ean and K. Delaney. 43 pp. , 269 caps. CP.2M Bill. 1979. Reconnaissance study ot hydropower sites near City of Cordova, Alaska. Submitted to Alaska District, Corps of Engineers, Anchorage. Contract DDACl185-79-J-0019. 51 pp. Cusey, W. 1978. The Fish and Wildlife Resources of the Gulf of Alaska. Environmental Affairs, Shell Oil Co., Houston, !ezas. 580 pp. , Johnson, A. 1949. Prel~na~ report on water-power resources of Power Creek near Cordova, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, unpublished report. Tacoma, Washington. 37 pop. HcCurdy, !1. 1919. Letter, Z!ike McCurdy, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Cordova, to U.S. Fish and ~lildlife Service, Anchora;e, 14 December 1979. ~tiller, D. 1951. Geology at the site of a proposed dam and reservoir on Power Creek near Cordova, Alaska. U.S. Geolggical Survey Circular 136, 8 l'p. Morrow, J. 1980. The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska. Alaska l;orthwest Pub.lishing C01:1pany, Anchorage, Alaska. 243 PI'. Pirtle, R. 1977. Historical pink and chuo salmon est~~ted spawning escapements from Prince Willima Sound. Alaska streams, 1960-1975. Technical Data Report No. 35. Alaska Departcent of Fish and Garne, Juneau. 332 pp. Raptor Research Foundation. 1975. Suggested practices for ray tor protection on powerlines. Briaham Young University. Provo, Utah. 3 pp. and 16 plates. Reynolds, J. 1980. Letter, Julius Reynolds? Alaska Department of Fish and Gat::e, Cordova, to the U. S. Fish and ,-i1ldlife Service 7 Anchorage, 29 Septecber 1980. Stalnaker, C. and J. Arnette. 1976. !lethodologias for the Dete~nation of Stream Resource Flow Requirements: An J\ssessr.ent. Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Hestem tlater Allocation by Utah State University. Logan7 Utah. 199 pp. u.S. Department of Agriculture. 1979. Powerlinc contacts by ea~les and other large ~irds. Rural Electrification Adcinistration, Bulletin 61-10 (revised). i-1ashington. D.C. 7pp. u.s. Depart~Ilt of the Interior. 1979. List of endangered and threatened APPENDIX I. Scientific names of vegetation. mammals. birds. fish. and marine invertebrates appearing in the text. VEGETA.TION Common Name Hestern Hemlock Sitka Spruce Balsam Pop lar Black Cottonwood Sitka Alder Devilsclub Blueberry Willow !1ountain Heath Cassiope T..abrador Tea Alpine Azalea Hoss Cacpion Mountain Avena Bunchberry Rockweed Sea Lettuce Wrack MM1J.!ALS Common Nace Barbor Seal Sea Otter Dall Porpoise .Mountain Goat Sitka Black-tailed Deer Brown Bear Black Bear Porcu~ine Short-tailed Heasel ~tl.nk Uarten Red Squinel Hoary }f.armot Beaver Huskrat River Otter BIRDS Cot:mlOn ~~am.e ~1stl1ng Swan Canada Goose ~fallard Scientific Nace Tsuga hetarophylla Picea sitchensis Populus balsamifera Populus trichocarpa Alnus sinuata Oplopanax horridus Vaccinium spp. Salix spp. Phyllodoce aleutica Cassiope spp. LedUT.l palustre Loiseleuria Drocumbens ~~-----,.;; . .-...;;.;;.;;;;;.;;.,;;,;;;;;. Silene acaulis Dryas inte~rifolia Comus canadensis Fucus sp. Ulva aD. -. Larninaria sp. Scientific Name Phoca vitulina Enhydra lutris Phocoenoides dalli Oreamnos americanus Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis Ursus arctos Ursus arnericanus Erethizon aorsatuo ~~ustela erminea l-iustela vison ~~rtes americana Tamiasciurus hudsonicus 11arI!l.ota caligata Castor canadensis Ondatra zibethicus Lutra canadensis Scientific Uame Olor colut"lbianus _..;o.;;,=~~~ Branta canadensis ~ platyrhynchos ~ .--:J ~.:.' ) :j)":':'~.' .. ;.'< .. "' • . t ;~ Pintail Green-winged Teal Bufflehead Harlequin Scoter Cacmon Merganser Northern Bald Eagle Gyrfalcon Spruce Grouse Ptarmigan Black Oystercatcher Semipalmated Plover Spotted SaDdpiper Greater Yellowlegs Glaucous-winged Gull Mew Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Arctic Tern Downy lloodpecker Ste ller I S Jay Common Raven Northwestern Crow Dipper ~.)'1nter Wren Al:nerican Robin Varied Thrush Hemit 'Thrush Colden-c.rowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet liater Pipit Yellow Warbler ~lilson 's t-larbler Savannah Sparrow FISH COt'lI:1On Name Pink Salr1CJn Sockeye Sa lmon ChUrl Salmon Coho SalIl10n Chinook Salmon Pacific Herring Pacific Halibut Rainbow Trout Dolly Varden Cutthroat Trout Burbot Round Whi tef1sh }!ARlNE INVERTEBRATES Cornmon Name Barnacle Bay Mussel Anas acuta Anas creec:a -~~..;;..;;. Buc:ephala albeola ilistrionic:us nistrionicus ~elanitta spp. ~ferl!us. merR~nser F~liaeetus leucocephalus alascanus Falco rusticolus Canachites canadens~s Lagopus spp. Haematopus bach~an1 Charadrius semipalmatus Actitis macularia Trinqa melanoleuca ( Larus glaucescens Larus canus Rissa trid.actyla Sterna paradisaea Picoides pubescens Cvanocitta stelleri Corvus corax Corvus caurinus Cinclus nexicanus Troglodvtes troglodytes Turdu8 migratorius L"toreus naevius Catharus guttatus Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula Anthus 3Pinoletta Dendroic:a petechia ~ilsonia pusilla Passerculus sand~richensis Scientific Nal!le Oncorhynchus 5orbu5cha Oncorhynchus neri'...a Oncorh,,'tlchus keta . -Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus tshawyt3cha elupes pallasii Hippoglossus stenolcpsis Salea gairdneri Salve linus rnahla Sal no clarki clarki Lota Iota --Prosopiuo cylindraceum SciaDtific Name Balanus sp. Uvtilus edulis < .j> .. ' ..... -",yo .' Horse Clam (Caper) Butter Clam (Washington Clam) Littleneck Clao Cockle Razor Clao Surf Clam Pacific Scallop Shrimp Dungenesa Crab King Crab Tanner Crab Tresus nuttallii Saxidonus giganteus Protothaca staminea Cardiidae Siliqua patula Spisula alaskana Patinopecten caurinus Pandalidae Cancer magister Paralithodes carntschatica Chionoecetes baird! -62- APPENDIX II: Drawings of Power Creek depicting the major physical and biological characteristics from the USGS gauging station to 0.3 mile above the end of the Power Creek road. (Drawings compiled on 4/18/80 and updated 6/3/80 to 6/8/80). ~. J S Y i"l B Q L S ~ -'j).,ail or ....... idil.L~ ~i'%.ed how.ld~,..s o -\t\rq~ 6ow.ld~rs .J ~ I ~ -'(,elfid /)~~ -f'cc I ~ - J o~ jlt'" ~-c\cwr1J!d free. @) -jY'"avel b.tr' t-Con;{ers .J( -b (l,l !i I, (i) -l'W1iM't:I~"; +raf !"C'flI-h'",." ( )"l! . .1 .. ,:" ~".l. 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'" .. , I • . ~ ',: l' F I \ ,; E I \ A ,'I ----""""----,': o I I '--------_. ) Valdez Interim Southcentral Railbelt Study Allison Lake Hydropower Project Alaska Final Fish and ~ildlife Coordination Act Report Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska May 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 AREA DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 RESOURCE INVENTORy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 PROJECT IMPACTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a DISCUSSION ............................... " ••••••••••••••••• 13 RECOMMENDATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l7 LITERATURE CITED ........................................... 20 APPENDIX A: SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF SPECIES ••••••••••••••••• 21 APPENDIX B: TEMPERATURE DATA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22a (.J LIST OF FI~JRES AND TABLES Page Figure 1. Location and Vicinity Map Southcentral Railbelt Study, Valdez Interim ••••••••••••••••••••• 4a Figure 2. Valdez Interim Report, Southcentral Railbelt, Allison Lake, Topographic Plan •••••••••• Sa Figure 3. Valdez Interim Report, Southcentral Railbelt, Allison Creek, Topographic Plan •••••••••• 5b Figure 4. Seasonal Variation Population Density (~ of Haroacticus uniremis •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7a Figure 5. Bald Eagle Nest Sites, September 14 and 16, 1976 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8a Table I Prince William Sound Salmon Catch by Species in Numbers of Fish, 1970-79 •••••••••••••••• 6a Table II Value of Prince William Sound Salmon Catch in Pounds, and Value to Fishermen, 1970-79 ••••••••• 6b Table III Allison Creek Salmon Escapement Data ••••••••••••••• 6e I Table IV Allison Creek -Discharge ~easurements ••••••••••••• 8b ) I~TRODUCTION The Alaska District, Cc=?s of Engineers (CE) is investiga~ing the need for electrical energy at Valdez, Alaska and surrounding commu- nities. In performance of this investigation, the CE analyzed various alternatives and has identified the hydropower potential of Allison Lake. A detailed feasibility analysis of this project is occurring. :bis final Coordination Act report is being provided to the CE by the Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office of the U.S. FiBh and Wildlife Service (~~S) to assist in that analysis. AREA DESCRI?TION Port Valdez is located in the northeasternmost extension of Prince William Sound, and is surrounded by the Chugach ~ountains. The Port is a steep walled, glaciated fiord which is 3 ~les wide and extends in an east-west direction about 14 miles. At its western end the fiord bends to the southwest and constricts to a one ~le width at Valdez Narrows before opening into the Valdez Arm of Prince William Sound. The steep mountain slopes/extend beneath the water, forming a flat bottomed trough 400 to 800 feet deep. The shore of Port Valdez is steep and rocky, except where river deltas and glaCial moraines project into the fiord. Port Valdez is the northernmost ice-free seaport in Alaska, and provides the shortest and most direct route between tidewater and the interior of Alaska. The southern terminus of both the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Richardson Highway are located in Valdez. Approximately 70 earthquakes with a magnitude of five or greater on the Richter scale have been reported at Valdez since 1898, and seven earthquakes have equaled or exceeded a magnitude of eight. The 1964 Alaska Earthquake and the attendant secondary impacts virtually destroyed the original town of Valdez on the Lowe River Delta. A new town has since been constr~cted on the delta of ~lineral Creek on the north side of the bay. Valdez enjoys a maritime climate, characterized by heavy preCipita- tion and relatively mild temperatures. The average annual precipi- tation is 59.31 inches, including 244 inches of snow. The average annual temperature at sea level ranges from 39° to 43° F, with a recorded maxL~um of 87° F and a minimum of minus 28° F. Local winds are influenced by the Chugach Mountains and follow two distinct patterns: (1) from October through ~rch or April prevailing winds are f=om the northeast, and (2) from May through September prevail- ing winds are from the southwest. Maximum sustained winds of 58 m.p.h. and gusts of 115 m.p.h. have been recorded at Valdez. AlLison Lake (Figure 1) is located near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline terminal in a glaCial cirque lying in a north-south trend. A glacial moraine extends across the valley and bnpounds the lake at a surface elevation of 1,367 feet. Tne lake is 1.25 miles long, approximately 0.3 ~ile wide, and over 190 feet deep. Several small glaciers and oermanent snowfields at the head of t~e valley drain into the lake. ~ne outlet stream traverses a gentle gradient for approximately 0.6 mile before descending steeply to sea level. l \ (~ 3 "1 I I ! ,\ J ~ROJZCT DESCRI?T!ON The proposed Allison Lake hydropower facility will consist of a lake tap at 1,250 feet elevation, a rock tunnel from this level to 1,220 feet elevation, and a 48-inch penstock reaching f=om the lake tap through the rock tunnel to one of t~e two proposed powerhouse alter- natives (Figures 2 and 3). Both proposed powerhouse alternatives are lOCated on Alyeska 21peline Ser~ice Company property and either would occupy about 1.5 acres. The Alyeska terminal site road would provide access to either site, with only an additional 50-100 feet of road construction required. Powerhouse alternative #1 is proposed above the existing weir in Allison Creek, rNhich was constructed by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company for a partial source of water for the terminal of the Trans- Alaska Pipeline. lne proposed powerhouse is at an approxi~te elevation of 100 feet (Figure 2). The tailrace would run directly into Allison Creek at this location. The CE has not proposed a dual tailrace configuration at this site as described below for powerhouse alternative #2; however, further consideration of such a feature at this site is contained in the discussion section of this report. Powerhouse alternative #2 is proposed near tidewater at an approximate elevation of 10 feet (Figure 3). A combination of two tailraces are proposed by the CE for this powerhouse. One would discharge directly into Port Valdez, the other would discharge into Allison Creek near the proposed powerhouse. CE personnel have stated that the discharge from the proposed powerhouse could be regulated through each tailrace independently or through each simultaneously. Fo'r example, flow through one tailrace could be constant while flow through the other would vary according to power generation requirements. In addition, a six-inch steel diversion pipe is proposed from the penstock to Allison Creek above the existing weir to provide supplemental water if the tributary flow to the creek is not sufficient for the needs of Alyeska. and resident and anadromous fish. To allow disposal of the proposed spoil, excavated from the rock tunnel, an access road approximately 500 feet long will be con- structed from the lower end of the rock tunnel at 1,220 feet elevation due east to the edge of a cliff. About 45,000 cubic yards of rock is proposed to be dumped over this cliff and into a deep gorge. The proposed transmission line will run 3.5 miles from one of the proposed powerhouse sites to t~e Solomon Gulch substation of the Solomon Gulch hydropower facility, now under construction by the Copper Valley Electric Association. It will closely follow the route of the existing Dayville Road along Port Valdez. RESOL~CE INVE~TORY Lower elevations of thy!coa~tal forest in_ this :egion support dense stands of Sitka spruce-' anu mountain hemlock ~th an understory of ~/ Common names of plant and animal species are used throughout this report. A list of scie~ti£ic names is given in APPE~~L~ A. ALLISON LAKE ~. . .i. - ..... "enor-Valdez In~er~m 0 Souchcencral Rail~~l~ A:lison Lake TOPC"=""'D.:'; -1) e u .............. !..an / ;) /" , " l .. •· ..,., . -. ' L . ... __ / I 'l<llde'" I ~ _ I'!te"'im R ::;outhcent-ai' epot't ~ Railbelt Al.lison C _ ::"Eek lOpog'l"3.ph' __ ~c Plan Figure 3 - 7 alder, salmonberry, blueberry, and devilsclub. The steep walls above Allison Lake and upper Allison Creek support alpine tundra. Tall shrub thickets dominated by alder and some balsam poplar occur in the area of lower Allison Creek. The riparian area above the lake supports mainly willow thickets. The fresh and saltwaters of the Prince William Sound area support a number of valuable fish species which are of great economic impor- tance to the local economy. The short. coastal streams (approxi- mately 700) are important for salmon production. Salmon usage of these small streams is so widespread that, unlike other areas of Alaska, no single stream or small group of streams plays a dominant role in salmon production. In addition, the island-bay complex of the Sound, provides thousands of miles of shoreline distributed in a fiord system particularly suited to early-stage rearing of juvenile salmon. The Prince William Sound area has been a rather consistent salmon producer since 1960. The average total salmon catch of 4.6 million fish represents approximately 10 percent of the statewide salmon harvest (Table I). The economy of the Prince William Sound area is largely dependent on the commercial salmon fisheries (Table II). The sport fisheries in the Prince William Sound area are also important to the economy and are primarily centered around the communities of Cordova, Valdez~ and Whittier. the area supports an expanding marine fishery which is concentrated in Valdez Arm near the city of Valdez. Sport fishing is an important tourist attraction for Valdez and a major source of summer recreation for local residents. Saltwater salmon fishing is popular, with coho salmon being the most sought after species. Pink and chum salmon are also caught in large numbers, and a few chinook are occasionally landed. Dolly Varden, halibut, rockfish, dungeness crab, and butter clams are also harvested in the saltwater fishery. Freshwater fishing activity is minor in the Valdez area. Salmon· fishing is prohibited in all streams draining into Valdez Bay, and trout habitat and populations are limited. No fish are known to occur in Allison Lake, but fish do inhabit the lower 0.5 mile of Allison Creek. Fish migration above this point is blocked by high water velocity and the steep gradient of the stream. The weir in Allison Creek is also a partial barrier to fish migration. Dolly Varden and sculpin are resident in the creek, while spawning populations of adult pink and chum salmon seasonally occur in the summer and fall. Egg development of salmon occurs through the winter months until out-migration of fry in early spring. Salmon escapement estimates are limited and the available data collected between 1960 and 1971 b~ the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) are given in Table III. It is apparent that escapement counts on Allison Creek were not conducted on a regular basis; however, numbers of chum salmon counted in 1963 exceeded 2600 and C I '--.../ Table I ?rir.::e :,Jilliam Sound Salmon Catch by :>pecies, in Numbers: of fish, 1970-79.1./ Year C!1.inook Sockeye Coho Pink Chum -I Total 1970'l:.1 1,031 104,169 ll,485 2,809,996 230,661 3,157,342 1971 3,551 88,368 30,551 7,310,964 574,265 8,007,699 1972 547 197,526 1,634 54,783 45,370 299,860 1973 2,405 124,302 1,399' 2,056,878 729,839 2,915,323 1974 1,590 129,366 801 448,773 88,544 669,074 1975 2.519 189,613" 6,142 4,452,805 100,479 4,751,558 1976 1,044 ll2,309 6,171 3,018,991 370,478 3,509,493 -It 1 97i1/ 632 310,147 804 4,509.260 570,497 5,391,340 * 1978~/ 1,043 220,329 1,464 2,785,156 483,559 3,491,551 * 1979!:../ 2,002 146,468 6,780 15,375,339 323,397 15,853,986 Totals 16,364 , 1,623,597 67,231 42,822,945 3,517,089 48,04i,2.26 10 yr Average 1,636 162,360 6,723 4,282,294 351,709 4,304,722 1/ 2/ Does not Include Copper-Bering Rivers. Source: 1970-76, Alaska catch and production. statistics. Statistical leaflets #21, Commercial fisheries 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. 3/ T; Sou::ce: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1977, Annual Report. Source: Pete Fridgen, Alaska Department 6f'Fish 3~d-Game, -Cordova. * Prellminary results. .. '. l () ~ } ,;' 'Llh I e r [ Prince William Sound S.lImLlIl C.I[ch ill PIHlllds, ------~--------'-------------_.--------------------------------_. y i~ il r P!lllllds All Species TOld_ V:due I'i Ilks f. Cblllllo> C:ltl::' ill llu11.lr:; _._---_._------- .. . I / 1 'J71l-=-I) , En J ,(' HH H'J f)4 $2,~;'7,~U~ 1'171 1l ,21 7 ,(d'i ~I ~) 7 'J / 7,436,51:)-::' 197:! 2,132,51l) UI )0 L, n6,U61~/ 197) 16,3 III , 1 56 70 9J .) / 8 , tJ3 5 , U I b'::' 197'1 3,906,5117 67 7 :) ') 811 b91J~/ , , 1975 18,524,038 Y'I n 5,7':)],6 119 1976 17,038. 1 ti9 86 95 7,395,290 19771/ (2(),432,3]7) 84 (91) data not available 1978Y (17,740,921) 80 (91 ) (6,832,242) 197~/ (68,660,829) 97 (98) (27,391,727) 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ Source: 1970-76, Alaska catch and production. Commercial fisheries statistics. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Statistical leaflets, No.'s 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. Includes value of salmon from the Copper-Bering River districts also. 1977 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Department of Fish and Game~ Anchorage. 1978 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by ADF&G. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Total value of the catch calculated by using the 1978 average dollar value per fish paid to the fishermen. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage. 1979 data in parentheses are preliminary estimates only and not published by ADF&G. Total pounds calculated using 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Total value of the catch calculated by using the 1979 average price per pound for each species paid to the fishermen and the 1976 average weights for each species. Chinook salmon not included. Source: Dennis Haanpaa, Alaska Depart~ent of Fish and Game, Anchorage. C 1976 Average weights by species Sockeye -7.4 1bs Coho -8.5 Ibs Pink -4.2 Ibs Chum -9.1 Ibs Source: ADF&G, 1976 catch and production. Commercial fisheries statistics. Statistical leaflet 1129. 1978 Average price per fish paid to the fishermen Sockeye - $ 7.48/fish Coho 3.59/fish Pink 1.29/fish 'J Chum 3.28/fish Source: Dennis Haanpaa, ADF&G, Anchorage 1979 Average price per pound paid to the fishermen Sockeye - $ 1.400/lb Coho O.390/1b Pink 0.377 lIb Chum O.530/1b Source: Dennis Haanpaa, ADF&G, Anchorage II --i \ -.../' ., . : 1 --r • I ,I.) .. I~ 1 ... 1 All i~on Cr8ek Salcon Escapement Data ----------------_._----------------------- 0: t. "! r Escapement Plnk' Salmon Chum Salrno~ ------ ~li(,() 100 19(' L 750 L962 560 580 lOA] -0-2,660 1%4 -O~ 190 ! 96 5 -0--0- 19fJ6 -0--0- i969 500-1,000 1971 300 1973 25 Source: ADF!.G. :<ute: AlliSvll Creek was not rl:!gularl;' checked for escapement by ri sh ;Jnd C.,lIne bu t only ns c i::Jc <lod funding allowed. A. year which shows zero ~~h':;lpernent ,iccs :1Ot necessarily mean th<lt no fish spawned th.-Lt year. it on1:: inciicat02s that ~lt the time it was checked there ',.;ere no Cisil :-,t'"l?~H:nt. '-I I J I;) ,· .. t (1 the number of pink salmon counted in 1969 reached 1,000. In even years spawning by both pink and chum salmon occurs almost exclusively in the intertidal reach of Allison Creek, an area estimated to be 40 feet wide by 300 feet long. During odd years, when stronger runs of pinks occur in Prince William Sound streams, spawning also occurs in Allison Creek upstream to the existing weir. A basic understanding of the life cycle of pink and chum salmon is necessary to recognize all potential impacts which could occur from the proposed project. Adult pink salmon return to their natal streams to spawn in mid-summer or fall of their second year. Adult chum salmon are predominantly three, four, and five, ye'ar-old fish. Pink salmon enter streamS in the ,Valdez area in July and spawn in August and early September, while chum salmon spawn slightly later. Eggs are deposited in the streambed gravels'where development to the fry stage occurs. -Alevins (embryos which have emerged from the egg) remain in the gravel until their yolk sacs are completely, or almost completely absorbed. The life cycles of pink and chum salmon are very s1m:1.lar. For chums, the alevin stage (from hatching to emergence) is completed in 30 to 50 days, depending on the water temperature. In Port Valdez, fry emergence of pink and chum salmon begins in mid-April and peaks in May. Both pink and chum salmon fry migrate to salt water during their first summer, generally within a few days to a few weeks after emergence. Once in salt water, the young salmon feed in schools near shore until late July or August; some remain near shore until autumn. Be~een mid-summer of their first year and their second summer, they disperse throughout the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. In salt water, main foods of young pink and/or chum salmon have been reported to be cladocerans, copepods, barnacle naupli, barnacle cyprids, euphasids, and tunicates (Bakkala, 1970). Other studies have shown harpacticoids to be a major' component of the stomach contents of post-emergent pink and chum salmon fry (Kaczynski. et. al., 1973; Healey, 1979). The seasonal population density of the copepod Harpacticus uniremis in Port Valdez is shown in Figure 4. Wildlife known to occur in the Allison Lake drainage include brown bear, black bear, mountain goat, wolf, wolverine, marten, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. Upland game birds include willow, rock, and white-tailed ptarmigan and spruce grouse. There is little infor- mation on the occurrence of small mammals and birds in the project vicinity, although lists of species are available for the Valdez area. A general list of species which may occur in the vicinity of Allison Creek is provided in APPENDL~ A. Waterfowl use of Allison Lake and the creek is considered quite limited. The lake may occasionally be used for resting, and feeding may occur in the shallow, upper part and along the braided stream channel. Approximately 18 Canada geese have been obserled resting ·i. ". ". I I .. ; I. - I J I I ~, '. • _ I 4 (j .......... /' ~, .•. / ----J ~.""'...- _. o •• 1 ~ .. L .• _, ___ ~_, _1~.j._.l"""""""' ______ .l_'----1...-4-• .L~-.......-.l...· J ~_...L..-_.i_.~, . ........L........l...-~_.l.._.L-'--..... ----".~) ...... ;,=* k·-·~ _--'----...1._ ....... J.~ .. I ... ..J. :,C ..... '18 ...... 111 /lJa .... , J.-' JUl "'l~ It' OCt "-OW' ole J .................. P" ..... J".' ....... ~ St' (Ji";1 "'0 ... Ole J .............. 111 AlA w ... r I.': ------. -I-·-------------··----•• ,j -------------t------~-------.--,,,,. ----------·--------t-----·--III. -.-----t Seil!.iollal V3rJatlon in Population n.ensity of llarpilc_llyu~ ~E!..!!"::"~_~' feJcr. et al .• 1976. in the fall at the upper end of the lake by FWS personnel. Also, molting geese were observed in the Allison Lake Basin by FWS per- sonnel during 1979. Extensive waterfowl use is made of the intertidal area around llpper Port Valdez and the Lowe River Delta. Numerous seabirds inhabit that area also. Waterfowl present in the Valdez area year-round include scoters, goldeneye, common and red-breasted mergansers, mallards, buffleheads, harlequins, and Canada geese. Others sea- sonally present in the Valdez area include pintails, teals, wigeons, oldsquaws, and shovelers. Northern bald eagles are common in the Valdez area. Personnel of the FWS conducted a survey in 1976, locating 23 eagles and 10 nests within ?ort Valdez (includes all of the shoreline inside of Middle Rock except for the Lowe River flats south of old Valdez). Two nests were identified within three miles on the mouth of Allison Creek, one on each side of the stream (see Figure 5). Congregations of eagles are attracted by salmon to mouths of stream which flow into ?ort Valdez. The carcasses of salmon are an important addition to the diet of both resident and migratory eagles. Other raptors found in the Valdez area include the osprey, red-tailed hawk, sharp- shinned hawk, goshawk, and Peale's peregine falcon. No terrestrial threatened or endangered species are known to occur 1n the Valdez area. The endangered finback and humpback whales have been sited in ?ort Valdez. Peale's peregrine falcon is not listed as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Hunting, hiking, and overnight recreational use in the Allison Lake area appear to be limited, due to the rugged terrain. However, a rough hiking trail to the lake is presently used by local residents. Port Valdez is used, or occasionally visited, by the following marine mammals: northern fur seal, harbor seal, sea otter, northern sea lion, killer whale, humpback whale, Oall's porpoise, and harbor porpoise. The nearshore area from 0.3 mile west of Allison Creek to 0.3 mile west of Dayville Flats Creek has been identified as a feeding area for sea otters and harbor seals. The flow regime of Allison Creek varies from high flow in early summer and fall to low flow in the late winter and early spring. Specific data are lacking and that data available is given in Table IV. PROJECT IMPACTS Impacts which would result from the project are discussed in two categories: construction, and operation and maintenance. Construction: At present, no access road is planned to Allison Lake. This considerably reduces the possible impacts of the project on the upland area. The road and rock dump associated wi!h the tunnel construction will cover existing vegetation, as well as create a scar visible from Valdez. Weathering of the rock will Fi.gu::-e ) -, SaId Eagle ~esc Sites, Sepcember _. , ,-, . --;.-..... --- L I~; S '7 '-.._- 36 D £' Z . Ii"'; If' '; 1 ' 1..4 :6, \ ;1 \ \ • i 19i5 .. : ,Min ... , ChIM' .:" .. , ISla""1 -.' \ .... \.' , ,..';,j"", i ~~ V'I".;~ J, .. """ , • ! , .... _ ... __ .. _. . I~' .1 17 72~~~ IV Allis2~ Creak -~is~~arge Measurements ') -·'):-50 l.-2 3-7 ~ 2-i2-74 2-2]-74 3-15-7'- 4-09-74 t, -2 3-7!, 11-13-7':' lZ-17-7i, 1-25-75 2-07 -is 2.-19-75 3-06-75 3-07-75 3-~3-iS 3-17-75 3-20-75 3-23-75 '.-11-75 .:.-'7-7S 4-;:'",-75 4-25-7 5 5-01-75 6-05-75 6-12-75 4-01-76 4-02-76 4-03-76 1.,.-04-76 4-05-76 4-06-76 4-07-76 4-08-76 4-09-76 4-10-76 4-11-76 4-12-76 ':'-13-76 4-14-7fj 4-15-76 Data collect~d F:ow in cubic feet ?cr second (c.:.s.) by: 5'-.9 11. 9 15.2 7.6 10.9 13.2 12.9 :0.4 20.2 ! ") , .- 7 . 7 10.3 5.15 6. i S.l 3.96 , ... '"'" . " 6.0 7.0 iO.r) 4.6 5.1 5.8 85.0 Sll.O 3.9 !, ") ...... 4. 7 4.9 4.6 4.5 3.3 3.9 3.9 4. 7 5.1 4.4 5.5 4.5 ! ") ..... ..:.. u.s. Geological Survey ~ur:::-:~Jest Hydraulic Consultants, Ltd. jF~';A~, Gel.)rge Perkins l::l!Or :\135\.:.;)" Inc. occur, and may allow the rock to blend in with the surroundings within several years. Blasting for tunnel construction could temporarily disturb resident wildlife. The above ground portion of the penstock will be a permanent scar on the hillside. Increased erosion and subsequent stream sedimentation may result from cleared areas. The extent of this occurrence will be directly related to construction techniques and can be avoided. Adverse impacts which can occur to aquatic species as a result of siltation are numerous and well documented. Major impacts from siltation, as a result of construction of the proposed project, include decreased vigor or death of incub~ting salmon eggs by interfering with or preventing respiration, loss of spawning gravels, and physical disturbance to both adult salmon and other resident species. Clearing of approximately 2l.j acres of vegetation would be required for the transmission line. Visual impact would be significant. Clearing and construction activities could disturb nesting eagles which may result in desertion of eggs and young. Bird collisions with power lines will result in mortality. Transmission poles could be the tallest object in the immediate vicinity and may commonly be used by rap tors as a perch. Improper line spacing presents the hazard of electrocution to large raptors. Construction activities will disturb terrestrial wildlife and may cause avoidance of the area while construction is occuring. This impact should be minor as no wild:ife concentrations or critical habitat areas are known to occur in the bmmediate area. To prevent debris from reaching the turbines, construction of a screen over the penstock intake at the lake will be necessary and could require lake dra~down to the lake tap inlet. This will result in dewatering the upper reaches of Allison Creek. If discharge did not occur directly to Port Valdez or occur in a carefully controlled manner it could create excessive discharge into the lower stream; possible scouring of the streambed; and depending when this occurred, above normal stream velocities could either ~revent returning adults from entering the stream or expose incubating eggs. Also, resident Dolly Varden could be flushed out of the system to marine waters. Operation and Maintenance: Dur~ng projec~ opera~ion, the lake level would be drawn down as much as 100 feet, primarily over the winter months. Biological impacts to the lake resulting from this drawdown would probably be minor, although the aesthetic impact would be significant. Fortunately, the lake itself is not visible from the town of Valdez. Fluctuating lake levels could cause lake shore erosion leading to landslides in steeper areas with accompanying habitat degradation. During winter, shelf ice formed by the dropping lake level could impede movement of mountain goats. The low number of goats in the area reduces the extent of this occurrence. The impacts 'Nhich would result from project operation have the greatest potential for adversely affecting the environment of Allison Creek. The drawdown would dewater Allison Creek at its o 'J r. / I outlet from the lake; however, the CE expects natural seepage through glacial deposits' to provide some flow into the upper creek. Also, tributary flow will provide some stream flow to lower portions of the creek. Water for hydropower production would be drawn from deep in the lake and, based upon available information, will be warmer than Allison Creek water in the winter and colder than the stream's water in the summer. Water at lake tap depth may also be deficient in dissolved oxygen. A minimum dissolved oxygen concentration of 6.0 milligrams per liter (mg/l) has been recommended for coldwater f.ish (Doudoroff and Shumway, 1966). At the present time, dissolved oxygen data at the depth of the proposed lake tap is not available. The passage of water through the powerhouse and energy dissipator is expected to aerate these waters, although the extent of this occurrence in relation to the acceptable limits for fish is not known at present. Temperature has a major influence on the freshwater stages of salmon. Stream temperature data for Allison Creek has been collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and is now being collected by the ADF&G (APPENDIX B). The CE has also collected some temperature data for Allison Lake (APPENDIX B). The ADF&G has also taken intertidal temperatures at Solomon Cr,eek (three mi.les to the east) since September, 1979, and this data would probably be consistent with salt water temperatures off the mouth of Allison Creek (APPENDIX B). No intragravel temperatures have been taken. The effects of warm water discharges on developing eggs and alevins have been studied in laboratory situations and at most major hatchery facilities. Increased mortality and abnormal embryonic development have been shown to occur if the initial incubation temperatures for developing pink salmon eggs is 4.5°C or lower. At 2.0°C or lower, complete mortality will occur (Bailey and Evans, 1971). Preliminary temperature data from the lake (APPENDIX B) indicates that the water through the powerplant would be 4°C or less. Based upon these data, the potential alteration of the temperature regime in Allison Creek could have a significant adverse impact upon the fish resources of Allison Creek. Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen and exposure to light can increase incubation time, bU1: tempera1:ure is the primary factor in regulating the duration and timing of incubation and hatching. Oevelopment is normally expressed in terms of temperature units. A temperature unit is defined as one degree above freezing for a period of 24 hours. A given number of temperature units is required for the eggs to hatch. The number of temperature units required is generally specific to the species of fish and even to the particular stock. Hatching and emergence is delayed in colder water temperatures and accelerated in warmer temperatures. A minor temperature increase or decrease could considerably advance or delay hatching. A change in the natural temperature regime of Allison Creek could change the timing of pink and chum salmon fry emergence. The extent of this impact is difficult to assess with the data available; however, significant early development of eggs would result in early \ :~ 2mergence and outmigration of Erv to Port Valdez at a ti~e when it is questionable that there would be adequate planktonic production to sustain rearing activity. Consequently, a substantial alteration in natural water temperature during the egg to fry development period would negatively impact run strength. With sufficient data, the number of temperature units required for eggs to hatch under natural stream temperatures can be calculated and compared to the number of temperature units anticipated to exist under altered stream conditions. The difference in temperature units will show if early or late emergence will occur, and if so, give the approximate magnitude of change in the time of emergence. !Jhere inter~idal spawning occurs, such as in Allison Creek, the warmer saltwater contributes to higher intragravel temperatures. This adds to the complexity of the temperature regime in intertidal areas because intertidal zone temperatures are influenced by (1) upstream water temperatures, (2) saltwater temperatures exposed to stream gravel, (3) time of e."'Cposure to saltwater, and possibly (4) the permeability of gravels. Should early fry emergence occur, sufficient food sources may not exist. Figure 4 illustrates the seasonal variation in population density of the copepod, Harpacticus uniremis, an organism which could be an important food source for post-emergent fry. Healey (1979) found that H. uniremis made up 50% of the overall diet of juvenile chum salmon in the ~anaimo Estuary and greater than 80% of the diet when fry were most abundant. He also found that the seasonal pattern of abundance of fry and!. uniremis in the estuary was the same, and that fry consumed most of the estimated production of H. uniremis. Large numbers of this copepod are usually not present In-Port Valdez until mid-~rch to early April. Under natural conditions pink and chum salmon fry emergence begins in mid-April in the Port Valdez area. Radical fluctuations in stream flow contribute most heavily to mortality of developing eggs through erosion, shifting of gravel, or dewatering of spawning beds. Flooding also causes mortality by depos ition of sil t on spawning areas, which slows intragravel water movement, decreasing the oxygen supply to the eggs, and preventing removal of waste products. Other factors contributing to mortality of eggs are freezing, exposure to light, parasites, predation, high salinity, shock, and superimposition of redds (spawning beds). The tailrace discharge could cause increased velocity in the stream and scouring of the streambed with subsequent removal or burial of spawning gravel. Alterations in naturalstream:low could also have adverse impacts upon spawning adults as a result of either high or low flows which are not optim~ for spawning. Post-project flow schedules could be beneficial to fish resources by reducing radical flow fluctuations and providing flows optimum for life stage require- ments of pink and ch~m sal~on. 2' As stated previously, two alternative sites have ~een proposed for the powerhouse. Either site ~ould require clearing of approximately 1.5 acres for construction ?urposes. Some alteration of the stream- bank and streambed will result from installation of the tailrace and sedimentation could occur. The magnitude of these impacts could be reduced significantly depending on the construction techniques utilized and the time of ';,lark. Impacts which would result from either of the proposed powerhouse alternatives wer2 described above. Those impacts which would vary, depending on the site selected, are described below. Powerhouse Alternative 41: The discharge of flow from this alter- native is proposed by the CE directly from the tailrace into Allison Creek. Radical flow changes would result and all adverse impacts described previously for alteration of flow would occur. In addition, if instream flows were totally dependent on power generation needs, periods of very low flow could result when the power plant was shut down for maintenance or other reasons. The discharge of all project flows into Allison Creek at this site would also result in temperature and possibly dissolved oxygen- impacts occurring in the total reach of Allison Creek utilized by fish. Flows in the creek above this site may not have any appre- ciable buffering effect for maintenance of natural water quality since they would be low in relation to the flow through the power- house. Powerhouse Alternative #2: Impacts described above for site U1 ~y also be applicable to this afternative. This alternative has two tailraces proposed. If the tailrace waters were discharged directly into Port Valdez during the summer months, a portion of the salmon population could be diverted away from spawning areas in the natural stream by the larger quantities of Allison Creek water issuing from the tailrace into Port Valdez. Diverting water from the powerhouse through the tailrace positioned in Allison Creek would alleviate this impact; however, those impacts discussed above under powerhouse #1 would occur. ~fuen the discharge is diverted back through the tailrace into Port Valdez, some of the redds could be dewatered. Also. the discharge could prove to be such an attractant to adult salmon that they would pool up below the discharge and not utilize other portions of the stream or intertidal area for spawning. Periods of very low flow during powerhouse shut down could also result from this alternative. The proposed 6 inch diversion pipe could be used to add supplemental water to the creek. However, the use of the diversion pipe for long periods to supply water to the stream or as a substantial supplement to natural flows could also cause early fry emergence as dicussed earlier. Diversion of flows directly into Port Valdez during most of the year · .. ould result in a reduction of '.ater velocity in the natural s tream- bed lo1hich could result in sedimenta t':'on of the spawning gravel. ( ... : .;;;,1· ;p Should a major earthqu'ike occur, this site could be severely damaged or ciest=oyed by seismic sea waves. DISCUSSION ~ith fossil fuel prices continuing on an upward spiral, increasing attention is being given to alter-native energy sources. In Alaska, with steep slopes and abundant streams. hydropower is a logical choice. Sites with large hydropower potential close to population centers are limited, but potential small hydropower sites are numerous • . Uaska also has abundant fish resources, which frequently inhabit the same drainage systems suitable for hydropower development. Unfor~unately, these two resources may not be completely ~ompatible. Allison Creek, cumulatively with the other short coastal streams of Prince William Sound, provides an important contribution to the overall sal~on production of the area. Both the commercial and sport fisheries play an important role i:1 the economy of Valdez. In addition, maintenance of natural and TNild stocks of salmon in Allison Creek can be vieTNed as an aesthetic value which cannot be measured in rnoneta~J terms. The most significant impacts upon fish and 'Jildlife resources which would occur from construction of the Allison Lake project are the ~otential changes in the flow and temperature regimes of the creek. All other potential impacts are ~onsidered less significant. An analysis of ~~i5ting data and subsequent impacts indicate that appropriate structural and non-structural features to mitigate major adverse impacts could be incorporated into project design including either of the proposed powerhouse sites which would make the proposal acceptable environmentally. However, baseline data gaps presently exist which preclude a complete assessment of potential impacts. Execution of appropriate studies before or during the advanced engineering and design stage of planning will enable a thorough evaluation of potential impacts to fish and ~~ldlife and refinement/ development of necessary mitigation features. In addition to these studies, a cooperative study jointly seoped by the FWS and CE, and conducted through project construction and operation, would enable refineme:1t of mitigation recommendations; assessment of the accuracy and effectiveness of those recommendations; and provide a comprehensive data base useful in the future planning of similar projects. Available data suggests that ?eaking 0= excess flow should be discharged directly to Port Valdez year round and that regulated flows be discha=ged through the tailrace to Allison Creek. A pre-project instream flow analysis of Allison Creek is needed to derive accurate and specific optimum flow recommendaticns for fish maintenance. The regulated flows would va~r according to life stage requirements of fish and natural streambed flow. For example, from approximately ~d-July to early Septa~ber adult salmon are present in the creek and a cons~ant flow optimum for spawning should occur in Allison Creek. Peaking or excess flow would continue directly to Port Valdez and thi.s discharge should occur sub tidally to at least -10 feet mean :ower low water f~om June through September to eliminate attracting adults. Discharge measurements are sparse and, according to the CE, accurate predictions of the amount of water flowing through the powerhouse cannot yet be determined. Daily discharge measurements of Allison Creek should be taken for a minimum of one year, beginning as soon as possible •. However, collection of data for two years or more is recommended. These data should be provided to the FWS quarterly to assist in refining discharge flow schedules through the proposed powerhouse to Allison Creek. The CE has stated that tributary and groundwater flow to Allison Creek will contribute seasonally to base flow in the creek after project operation. The specific amount of this flow is needed for analysis in the development of flow recommendations to Allison Creek from the powerhouse. The CE expects that tributary and groundwater flow will maintain adequate flow in that reach of the stream below the weir; however, during the low flow period of late winter and early spring it may be necessary to supplement instream flow below the weir to S.O cubic feet per second (cfs). The proposed 6 inch dIversion pipe should be adequate to accomplish this. Temperature profile data of Allison Creek is needed to assess impacts. The CE should conduct temperature profiles in Allison Lake to the proposed lake tap intake depth for a period of one year beginning as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort should include the months of March, June, September, and December. Concurrently, water samples for testing dissolved oxygen, pH, heavy metal, and turbidity levels, should also be taken at the surface and at the same depth and general location of the proposed lake tap. !t may be feasible for the CE to :nodel or accurately predict the thermal regime of Allison Lake with data available for similar alpine lakes. !f dissolved oyxgen concentrations are below 6.0 mg/l, corrective measures may be necessary if the dissipators do not insure dissolved oxygen readings of 6.0 mg/l or above. A temperature probe or similar recording device should be installed in the gravel where intertidal spawning occurs to record intragravel temperature for the same time period. The thermograph now installed in Allison Creek should also be maintained throughout the same one-year period. With knowledge of the existing temperature regime for Allison Creek, the temperature of the water coming from the powerplant, the anti- cipated base flow, and the anticipated flow schedules for project operation, the temperature in the spawning beds could be predicted and the effects on developing salmon embryos calculated. Until the extent of adverse impacts can be identified, it is difficult to predict if any other form of mitigation may be appropriate. !t could be determined that regulation of the thermal regime of Allison Creek may be required to protect fish resources. During the first year of project operations, daily temperature readings should be taken in Allison Creek below the tailrace dis- charge and provided monthly to the ~NS and the ADF&G. Depending on the temperatures, it ~y be feasible that refinement of discharge recommendations could further mitigate potential impacts due to I. I ' . ..-/ alteration of the temperature regime through ~~ng base flows in Allison Creek with project flows. An extension of the one year recording period may be necessarJ. As additional information is a"ailable for a thorough assessment of impacts due to poterttial changes in flow and temperature regimes, other alternatives for the discharge to Port Valdez :nay be acceptable or recommended. For example: (1) operation of the project only for base load power production would eliminate the radical flow variations associated with a peaking facility, (2) alterations in the discharge of flow from the tailrace in response to power demand could be done incrementally by a specified discharge in a gi'len time period (ex. 10 cfs/hour), (3) discharge of excess flows directly into Port Valdez could be done via a flume or manmade channel and discharged sub tidally only from June through September. Recent information on spawning populations in Allison Creek is also lacking. Beginning in 1980, escapement counts should be taken at least once a month in July, August, and September of each year. These surveys should continue through the planning, construction, and operation phase of the project to allow assessment of project impacts upon salmon populations. A dual tailrace design as proposed for the lower powerhouse alterna- tive should be included in plans for the upper powerhouse alter- native as well. The impacts associated with the potential changes to flow and temperature regimes described previously would occur at either powerhouse alternative unless appropriate mitigation features are incorporated into project design. In fact, construction and operation of the upper powerhouse with the dual tailrace feature is favored slightly because stabilizing the flows in that stream reach between the lower and upper site would benefit fish resources in a greater portion of their habitat. To prevent scouring and downstream sedimentation, energy dissipators should be installed in both the tailrace and outlet of the 6 inch diversion pipe to Allison Creek. Design of the dissipators should insure that the velocity of the discharge into ~lison Creek will not exceed the optimum velocity of the natural s~ream for fish maintenance. The timing of construction will be of considerable importance in minimizing impacts to fish. The work should be done to avoid cri- tical biological life stages. Disturbance of the water quality or streambed morphology while eggs are incubating or fry arz emerging can result in direct mortality through suffocation by burial or ph;1sical damage. Disturbance ,.hile adults are present can disrupt or prevent spawning and limit production of future generations. The timing of any inwater construction activity or construction on the banks of Allison Creek should be coordi:1ated ·,.,i th the n-lS, ~ia tional Marine Fisheries Ser.,rice (i:iHFS) ,and the A.DF&G to avoid unnecessary impact on the salmen population. Also, because highest densities of ?opulations of spawning salmon occur in cdd years, major const=uction affecting flows should be done on even years. ,. I Ij ;r Streambed sedimentation can be caused ~y a variety of activities. Improper construction and cleari~g techniques can cause increased runoff and excessive erosion. Clearing for penstock construction above ground should be limited to large shrubs and any trees "4'hich may be encountered to reduce ground disturbance and erosion. A damaged streambank is unstable and can cause sedimentation. Streambanks should be restored to ?re-project integrity during the construction season in "4'hich they are damaged. Transmission line construction should be initiated after the ground is frozen and some snow cover exists to minimize erosion and ruttir:g. Alteration of the streambed or barriers in the channel can cause scouring and downstream sedimentation. Vegetation and debris should be kept out of Allison Creek and any streams crossed by the t~ans­ mission line. Any structures placed in or across streams or "4'ater- bodies, as a result of project work, should be removed before the end of the current construction season. An erosion control plan and a plan for any instream "4'ork (including transmission lines) should be developed prior to construction and presented for review by resource agencies to insure appropriate precautions are implemented. Care should be taken to prevent the introduction of toxic materials into any waterbody. Fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants should be stored in leakproor containers within an area surrounded by a containment berm at a minimum of 300 feet from any stream or waterbody. Improper disposal of refuse can serve as an attractant to bears and other wildlife and lead to bear/human confrontations, usually resulting in removal or destruction of the bear. Feeding of wild- life by construction crews is illegal and should not be allowed. During construction, all refuse should be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and be removed from the site regularly. Nesting eagles can easily be disturbed by human activity which may cause them to desert eggs or young as a result. Nest removal or disturbance of bald eagles is prohibited by the Bald Eagle Act of 1940. When the exact transmission line route i~ established, ~NS personnel should be given the opportunity to survey the route for any nests. Restrictions may be placed on construction activity occurring between April 1 and July 15 if nests are found in close proximity. Improper spacing of transmission lines can cause electrocution of raptors. Transmission line design and construction should be governed by "Suggested Practices for Raptor !?rotection on Pm.,erlines," Raptor Research Foundation, 1975. Use or this information should be made to design the powerline "4'ith proper groundIng, spacing, and configura- ~ion, such that it will prevent the electrocution of raptors. Clearing for the transmission line could create a visually displeasing scar on the landscape. ~o lessen this impact, clearing for the right-of-way should be li~ited to that needed to string the conductors and allow the passage of ~onstruction equipment. To further reduce visual impacts. small shrubs should be left in the right-of-way and along the edge of clearings so the vegeta~icn ~ill blend ~ith the natural surroundings. ... .. J~, Y It is our intent to protect the axisting salmon runs of Allison Creek. Should we be unsuccessful in adequately protecting those resources, other mitigation measures such as providing artificial hatching, spawning, and/or rearing areas ~ay be determined necessary. A final analysis to determine whether or not any of these mitigation measures would be acceptable or are favored cannot be made with data now available. However, based upon present flow and temperature data, we have tenatively determined that excess flows from the powerhouse should be discharged directly to Port Valdez to mitigate potential adverse impacts to fish resources. Additional data needs which have been identified should be satisfied" as soon as possible. Those studies are: a comprehensive analysis of the pre-and post-project temperature regimes, saliIlon escapement surveys, bald eagle nest sur~eys, and an instream flow assessment. These studies should be conducted cooperatively by the FWS and CEo S:tecution of these studies would satisfy data needs for refinement/ development of mitigation recommendations and provide data needed for preparation of a supplement to this report. A cooperative study through project construction and operation would allow further refinement of mitigation recommendations, assessment of the accuracy and effectiveness of these recommendations, and proviae baseline data for use in the planning of similar projects in the future. AD amended scope of work and associated transfer of funds to the FWS would be required. RECOMMErmATIONS 1. That the design of the powerhouse allow the release of regulated flows to Allison Creek through the tailrace and eXcess flows to Port Valdez through the other tailrace. 2. That flows from the powerhouse tailrace to Port Valdez be discharged subtidally to at least -10 feet MLLW from June through September. 3. That the proposed start-up of project operation affecting the natural flows in Allison Creek occur in an even year. 4. That the timing of proposed construction activities in or on the banks of Allison Creek be coordinated with the FWS, NMFS,and the ADF&G. 5. That streambanks be restored to pre-project integrity during the construction season in which they are damaged and debris or vegetation be kept out of streams. 6. That any structures placed in or across streams be =emoved during the same construction season. 7. That clearing for the penstock construction be limited to large shrubs and any trees which may be encountered • !7 8. That during the construction phase, bulk fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants be stored in leakproof containers within an area surrounded ~y a containment berm at a minimum of 300 feet from any stream or water body. 9. That no feeding of wildlife occur and all refuse be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and removed regularly. 10. That transmission line construction be governed by "Suggested ?rc.ctices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines," Raptor Research Foundation, 1975. 11. That clearing for the transmission line right-of-way ce limited to only that area needed for construction and be reduced by leaving shrubs and blending the edges of the clearing with the surrounding vegetation. 12. That an erosion control plan and instream work plan be prepared and made available to resource agencies for review and comment before construction. 13. That the CE collect natural discharge data of Allison Creek continuosly for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. 14. That the CE maintain the thermograph in Allison Creek to collect natural temperature data continuously during the one year period that other temperature data is recorded. 15. That the CE collect intragravel temperature data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. 16. Tnat the CE take temperature profiles of Allison Lake to the lake tap depth and temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metal, and pH readings at the lake surface as well as the depth of the lake tap. These measurements should be collected as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort would include the months of March, June, September, and December. 17. That the CE collect continuous temperature data below the proposed tailrace into Allison Creek for at least the first year of project operation. 18. That the CE determine the base flow in Allison Creek expected above the powerhouse after project operation. 19. That prOVisions be included in advanced project planning for the r~S to survey the selected transmission line route for eagle nests. 20. That provisions be included in advanced ?roject planning for escapement surveys of salmon in Allison Creek by the ffilS or ADF&G. 21. That prov~s~ons be made in advanced project planning for instream flow analysis of Allison Creek by the FWS to determine optimum flow schedules and the velocity of supplemental flows to Allison Creek. ?? _ ..... 23. That a cooperative study of the proposed Allison Creek Hydropower project, jointly scoped by the CE and FWS and funded by the CE, be conducted through project construction and operation. That, if after execution of the recommended additional studies, it is determined that some losses to fish and wildlife are unavoidable, those losses be offset by implementation of mitigation measures mutually acceptable to the FWS and the CEo "., !J 1'1 LITERATURE CITED Bailey, Jack E., and Dale R. Evans. 1971. The low-temperature threshold for pink salmon eggs in relation to a proposed hydro- electric installation. Fishery Bulletin 69(3): 595-613. Bakkala, Richard G. 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon Oncorhvnchus keta (Walbaum) 1972. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 41, Circular 315, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Doudoroff, Peter and Dean L. Shumway. 1966. Dissolved oxygen criteria for the protection of fish. American Fisheries Sociey, Special Publication ~o. 4, A symposium on Water Quality Criteria to Protect Aquatic Life. Feder, Howard M., L. Michael Cheek, Patrick Flanagan, Stephen C. Jewett, Mary R. Johnston, A.S. Naidu, Stephen A. Norrell, A.J. Paul, ArIa Scarborough, and David Shaw. 1976. The sediment environment of Port Valdez, Alaska: the effect of oil on this ecosystem. For: Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Corvallis, Oregon. Healey, M.C., 1979. Detritus and juvenile salmon production in the Nanaimo Estuary: I. Production and feeding rates of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhvnchus ~). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36: 488-496. Kaczynski, V. W., R. J. Feller, and J. Clayton. 1973. Trophic analysis of juvenile pink and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and O. keta) in Puget Sound. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 1003-10OS:- /J 3u APPENDIX A: SCIENTIFIC NM1ES OF SPECIES Plants Sitka spruce -Picea sitchensis ~ountain hemlock -Tsuga mertensiana Balsam poplar -Populu; balsamifera Willow -Salix spp. Alder -Alnus spp. Salmonberry -Rubus spectabilis Devils club -Oplopanax horridus Blueberry -Vaccinium spp. Animals Invertebrates Dungeness crab -Cancer magister Butter clam -Saxidomus spp. Copepod -Harpacticus uniremis Fish Pink salmon -Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Chum salmon -Oncorhynchus ~ Coho salmon -Oncorhvnchus kisutch Sockeye salmon -Oncorhynchus nerka Chinook salmon -Oncorhynchus tshawvtscha Dolly Varden -Salvelin~s malma Trout -Salmo ~. Rockfish -Sebastes spp. Sculpin -Cottus spp. Halibut -Hiopoglossus spp. Birds Canada goose -Branta canadensis Mallard -~ olatyrhvnchos Pintail -Anas acuta Green-winged teal -Anas crecca ~~erican wigeon -Anas americana ~orthern shoveler ~atula clypeata Goldeneye -Bucephala spp. Bufflehead -Buceohala albeola Oldsquaw -Clangula hyemalis HarlequIn -Hlstrionicus histrionicus Surf scater -Melanitta oerspicillata clack seater -Oidemia ~igra Common merganser -Mergus merzanser R.ed-breasted merganser -Mergus se!"!'ator Goshawk -AcciDiter ge~tllis . ' I Shary-shinned hawk -Accipiter s triatus. Red-tailed hawk -Buteo jamaicensis Northern· bald eagle -Haliaeetus leucocenhalus alascanus Osprey -Pandion haliaetus Peale's peregrine falcon -Falco peregrinus pealei Spruce grouse -Canachites canadensis Willow ptarmigan -Lagonus lagonus Rock ptarmigan -Lagopus mutus White-tailed ptarmigan -Lagopus leucurus Mammals Black bear -Ursus americanus Brown bear -Ursus arctos Wolverine -Gulo luscus Marten -Martes americana Short-tailed weasel -~ustela erminea ~ink -Mustela vison River otter -Lutra canadensis Lynx-Lynx canadensis Coyote -Canis latrans Gray wolf -Canis lupus Porcupine -Erethizon dorsa tum Snowshoe hare -Lepus americanus Mountain goat -Oreamnos americanus Marine Mammals Sea otter -Enhydra lutris Northern sea lion -Eumetonias jubata Northern fur seal -Callorhinus ursinus Harbor seal -Phoca vitulina Killer Whale -Orcinus rectininna Harbor porpoise -Phocoena phocoena Dall's porpoise -Phocoenoides dalli Humpback whale -Megantera novaeangliae ~ 1 ..0/ APPENDIX B TEMPERATURE DATA (~ \ , 13 Date 09/23/71 02/15/72 . OS/23/72 . 07/24/72 10/12/72 04/04/73 06/17/73 Allison Creek Temperature Data Source: U.S. Geological Survey Temperature b C 5 .. 0 1.0 3.0 7.0 2.5 2.5 4.0 ThermogTaph ReEl_dings ALLISON CREEK I~ \ '·": •• Jl!/II'/ June 1979 Ju1v 1979 August 1979 0 C High Low Aver. High Low. Aver. High Low Aver. Temp. Temp. TemE· Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. TemE· 1 5 3 4 9 7 8 2 6 4 5 10 7 8.5 3 6 4 5 11 8 9.5 4 6 4 5 10 7 8.5 5 4 10 7 8.5 6 4 9 7 8 7 5 4 4.5 9 7 8 8 5 4 4.5 9 7 8 9 6 4 5 8 7 7.5 10 6 5 5.5 8 7 7.5 11 6 5 5.5 8 7 7.5 12 6 5 5.5 8 6-7 13 6 4 5 8 6 7 14 5 8 7 7.5 15 ., 5 5.5 7 ".J 16 6 5 5-.5 6 17 7 5 6 6 18 7 6 6.5 6 5 5.5 19 8 6 7 6 20 7 5 6 7 5 6 21 7 5 6 8 5 6.5 22 7 5 6 7 6 6.5_ 23 7 5 6 8 6 7 24 8 7 7.5 9 7 8 25 8 6 7 9 7 8 26 3 8 5 6.5 9 7 8 27 3 7 5 6-7 28 3 8 6 7 9 7 8 29 4 3 3.5 9 6 7.5 9 7 8 30 5 3 4 9 7 8 8 7 7.5 ---------- Source: Alaska Department of F-ish and Game. ALLISON CREEK -, I September 1979 October 1979 November 1979 \J CO High Low Aver. High Low Aver. High Low Aver. TemE· Temo. Temo. Temo. Temo. Temo. Temo. Temo. Temo, 1 5.5 3.5 2 8 6 7 5.5 3.5 3 8 5 6.5 5.5 3 2 2.5 4 9 7 8 5.5 2 1 1.5 5 7 6 6.5 5.5 1 6 7 6 6.5 5.5 2 0 1 7 7 5 6 5 2 1 1.5 8 8 6 7 6 5 5.5 3 2 2.5 9 8 6 7 5.5 3 10 7 6 6.5 5.5 3 2 2.5 11 8 6 7 5.5 2 12 9 7 8 5.5 3 13 9 8 8.5 5 2.5 14 9 8 8.5 5 4 4.5 3 2 2.5 15 8 7 7.5 5 4 4.5 2 16 7 5 2 1 1.5 17 7 5 4 4.5 1 .~ 18 7 4 0 19 4 1 0 0,5 20 3 1 21 4 3 3.5 2 1 1.5 22 4 2 23 4 2 24 4 2 0 1 25 4 0 26 4 3 3.5 0 27 6 5 5.5 4 1 0 0.5 28 6 5 5.5 4 2 0 1 29 5 4 4.5 4 2 30 6 5 5.5 4 2 1 1.5 Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. \ ..J .., -,; \ ALLISON CREEK December 1979 Januarv , 1980 Februarv 1980 " Co t "'-HIgh Low Aver. High Low Aver. High Low Aver. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp Temp. Temp. Temp. 1 1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5 2 1 0 0.5 -0.3 0 .• 1 -0.4 -0.2 3 0.5 0.0' -0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 4 Q 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 6 -0.3 -0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1 7 -0.3 0.6 0 .. 5 0.5 0.1 8 -0.3 0.5 0.1 9 -0.3 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.1 -0.1 0.0 10 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 -0.3 0.3 -0.2 0.0 .~ 11 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 0 .• 5 0.3 0.4 .--"",' 12 -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 13 -0.3 --J.l -0.6 -0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 14 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.1 15 -0.3 -0.5 -0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 16 0.2 -0.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 -0.1 0.0 17 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.7 -0.4 18 0.2 -0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 -0.5 19 0.3 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -0.5 20 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.3 21 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 -0.3 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 22 0.2 0.1 0.1 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 0.3 0.0 0.1 23 0.2 0.1 0.2 -0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6 ('0r}) 24 0.6 0.2 O.~ -0.5 -0.7 -0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 ~ -s-;-~. 25 0.8 0.6 0.7 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 0.7 0.4 0.5 ALLISON CREEK ---" December 1979 Januarv 1980 Februarv 1980 I \ ,J CO High Low Aver. High Low Ayer. High Low Aver. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp Temp. Temp. Temp. 26 0.8 -0.5 1.0 0'.7 0.8 27 0.8 0.7 0.3 -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 1.0 28 0.8 0.2 -0.1 0.1 29 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.1 -0.7 -0.4 30 0.3 0.1 0.2 -0.6 Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 37 Allison Lake Tem~erature Data :1ay 7, 1979 () TYEe Probe f.!1 Probe 1F2 Probe f!3 . ..,J Ice Thickness 1 Ft. 3 A 6 Ft. Overflow 1..5 Ft. 0 0.5 Ft. Tem~erature. °c -0.25 0 _0.25 0 Surface (to~ of ice) +0.25 0 1 Xeter -0.25 -0.25 0.00 2 -0.25 0.00 0.00 2.5 +0.25 +0.25 3 0.25 +0.25 0.30 3.5 0.50 +0.75 0.75 4 1.00 1. 25 1. 50 4.5 2.00 1. 90 2.40 5 2.25 2.40 2.50 5.5 2.75 2. 75 6 2.75 3.00 2.90 6.5 3.00 3.00 7 3.00 3.25 3.10 7.5 8 3.25 2.25 3.25 8.5 9 3.25 3.25 3.30 9.5 10 3.25 3.30 3.30. 10.5 J 11 3.25 3.30 3.30 12 Bottom@ 12.25 M 3.30 3.30 13 3.40 3.30 Source: Corps of Engineers. SOLOMON CREEK r . " ' ... ...c/ September 1979 October 1979 0fovember 1979 CO High Low Aver. High Low Aver. High Low Aver. TemE· Temp. Temtl. Temtl. Temo. Temtl. Temu. Temu. Temp. 1 12 5 6 ~ 2 12 6 J 3 9 6 8 3 4 11 6 7 3 5 6 5 7 2 6 12 5 7 1 7 5 8 1 8 5 8 1 9 10 5 8 0 10 12 7 11 5 2 1 11 12 7 5 3 2 12 13 8 5 3 2 13 12 9 5 2 1 14 13 8 5 1.5 15 8 4.5 4.5 1.5 16 8.5 4.5 3.5 6 1.5 I~ 17 7 7 4 6 2 18 7 6 10 4 6 1 19 7 10 4 6 1 20 7 11 4 5 0 21 7 6 10 3 7 1 22 6 9 2 7 1 23 6 9 2 7 1 24 6 9 2 6 1 25' 6 9 3 6 1 26 6 9 3 6 1 27 6 9 3 5 1 28 9 6 8 3 6 1 29 11 6 9 3 5 1 30 6 9 3 6 1 Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. RESPONSES TO RECOMMENDATIONS of the U.S. Fisn and ~ildlife Service in the "Final Coordination Act Report. 1. That the design of the powerhouse allow the release of regulated flows to Allison Creek throught the tailrace and excess flows to Port Valdez through the other tailrace. Response: The selected plan includes a two tailrace system which would allow regulated flows to both Allison Creek and Port Valdez. 2. That flows from the powerhouse tailrace to Port Valdez be disCharged subtidally to at least -10 feet MLLW from June through September. Response: During the advanced engineering and design phase, studies will oe conducted to determine stream temperatures with project operation. If these studies indicate the stream temperature during the spawning would be below the critical level and all the project diSCharge COuld not be diSCharged into Allison Creek during spawning, mitigative measures, such as a subtidal outlet would probaoly be employed. 3. That the proposed start-up of project operation affecting the natural flows in Allison Creek occur in an even year. Response: The initial drawdown for securing the tap and the placement of trash racks WOuld probably occur during the winter months when flows into the Port Valdez tailace and would have no impacts on the incubating eggs within Allison Creek and the intertidal area. Project operation would probably occur with the refilling of the lake the same year as the drawdown. It would be impossible at this time to insure project startup would occur in an even year. 4. That the timing of proposed construction activities in or on the banks of Allison Creek be coordinated with the FWS, .NMFS, and the ADF&G. Response: This recommendation will be included in the stipulations to the contractor. s. That streambanks be restored to preproject integrity during the construction season in which they are damaged and debris or vegetation be kept out of streams. Response: Refer to response to number four. 6. Tnat any structures placed in or across streams be removed during the same construction season. Response: Refer to response to number four. 7. That clearing for the penstock construction be limited to large snrUDS and any trees wnich may be encountered. 8~ That during the const:'uction phase, bulk fuels, lubricants, and other potential pollutants be stored in leakproof containers within an area surrounded by a containment berm at a minimum of 300 feet from any stream or water body. Response: Refer to response to number four. 9. That no feeding of wildlife occur and all refuse be placed in metal containers with heavy lids and removed regularly. Response: Refer to response to numoer four. 10. That the transmission line cOflstrtJcticn be governed by "Suggested Practices' for Raptor Protection on Powerlines," Raptor Research Foundat ion, 1975. Response: The design of the transmission lines will follow the above practices. 11. That clearing for the transmission line right-of-way be limited to only that area needed for construction and be reduced by leaving shrubs and blending the edges of the clearing with the surrounding vegetation. Response: Refer to response to number four. 12. That an erosion control plan and instream work plan be prepared and made available to resource agenci€s for review and comment before construction. Response: Little instream work is anticipated, however the recommendation will be included in the stipulations to the contractor. 13. That the CE collect natural discharge data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. Response: At least one stream gage will be installed on Allison CreeK during the advanced engineering and design phase and it will collect data for several years. 14. That the Cc maintain the thermograph in Allison Creek to collect natural temperature data continuously curing the one year period that other temperature data is recoraed. Resp.onse: The thennograpl1 is in place at this time and will remain col :ecting temperatures well after project completion. i5. That the CE collect intragravel temperature data of Allison Creek continuously for at least one year, beginning as soon as possible. Response: Intragravel temperature data will be collected during the advanced engineering and design phase. 16. That the CE take temperature profiles of Allison Lake to the lake tap depth ana temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, heavy metal, and pH readings at the lake surface as well as the depth of the lake tap. These measurements should be collected as soon as possible. A minimum sampling effort would include the months of March, June, September, ana December. Response: Refer to response to number 15. 17. That the CE collect continuous temperature data below the proposed tailrace into Allison Creek for at least the first year of project operation. Response: The thermograph which is now operating in Allison Creek will continue to collect data for at least the first year after project completion. 18. That the CE determine the base flow in Allison Creek expected aOove the powerhouse after project operation. Response: Preliminary estimates have been completed and are included in this report. A gage will be installed during AE&D and maintained after project completion. 19. Response: An eagle nest survey will be conducted prior to any construction associated with the project. 20. That provisions be included in advanced project planning for escapement survey of salmon in Allison Creek by the FWS or ADF&G. Response: ADF&G, has indicated they would increase their effort on Allison Creek. During AE&D at least one year of intensive an escapement survey will be conducted. 21. That provisions be made in advanced project planning for instream flow analysis of Allison Creek by the FWS to determine optimum flow schedules and the velocity of supplemental flows to Allison Creek. Response: Provisions for flow analysis of Allison Creek will be included in the AE&D phase. Whether an extensive instream flew analysis is reauirea is not known at this time. 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 1(1 11 12 13 14 15 16 , 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 7C: _oJ 26 27 28 "0 ,-, 30 December 1979 High Temp. 6 6 7 7 7 " 7 6 5 1 n.':; 3.8 2.4 4.0 3.7 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.n 4.6 3.7 3.3 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.3 3.2 3.0 2.9 Low Temp. 1 1 1 1 0 (1 0 0 0 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -n.5 -n.S -0.5 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 Aver. Temp. SOLO~ON CREEK Januarv lQ~O High Temp. 3.8 4.1 2.5 3.5 3.7 3.1 3.3 3.2 1.2 7 -_. l 2.9 2.2 2.9 3.4 2.9 3.1 2.8 3..0 2.3 2.6 3.0 2.0 1.R 1.8 2.1 1.5 3.1 2.R 2.4 2.8 L<1w Temp. -0.5 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -n.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.5 -0.5 -0.6 -0.6 -0.3 -n.S -n.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -n.2 -0.2 -n.2 -0.3 -n.5 .-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Aver. Temp. Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Februarv I,?Rn High Temp. 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.2 2.5 2,r1 2.2 2,1') 1.':; 1.7 2.0 1,1') 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.8 2.n 2.5 2.n 2.0 2.0 2. 4 2.3 3.8 Low Tel!lp. -n.4 -0.3 -n.3 -n.5 -n.1 -n.3 -r..t.. -0.5 -n.5 -n.2 -0.4 -n.R -n.':; -n.s· -n.4 -n.7 -n.5 -n.5 -0.4 -0.3 -n.3 -n.3 -0.4 -11.5 .,.0.3 ..,.0.2 -0.2 Aver. Temp. (~ .. 22. That a cooperative study of the proposed Allison Creek Hydropower project, jointly scopea by the C: and FWS and funaed by the CE, be conductea through project construction and operation. Response: The U.S.F.W.S. will be involved in the scoping process for environmental stuaies auring the AE&D. 23. That, if after execution of the recommended additional studies, it is determined that some losses to fish and wildlife are unavoidable, those losses be offset by 'implementation of mitigation measures mutually acceptable to the FWS and the CEo Response: The CE is in full accord.