HomeMy WebLinkAboutSnettisham Project Alaska First Stage Development 1973,------ COpy NO . ., / NETTISHAIVl PROJtCJ . A··.· LA. " S\.,.i7 Ar .. ' '.," ,~~,i: IRST ~ ~~,: " .' DECEMBER .l' ,-4'·"."5~,H!ty'3 . ' \ U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT,ALASK CORPS OF ENGINEERS , , , ,;lPt Y TO ~.TTENrION Of DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. E,OX 7002 AN(~"iOHA(.,,'. AI A'":-)KA ',','-,I<} NPAEN-CW 28 Decelilber 1973 SUBJECT: Snettisham Project, Alaska -Design Memorandum No. 23, Crater Lake Plan of Development Division Engineer, North Pacific ATTN: NPDEN-TE 1. Transmitted under separate cover for your review and approva; are copies one through eight of subject design memo. 2. Comments and recommendations made during the 19-20 June 1973 Design Memorandum review conference have been incorporated into the text and plates. The suggested alternative made during the conference has been reviewed with Mr. Gr~ner, Norwegian consultant, and his comments have been incorporated into the text. 3. No additional design memoranda with the exception of Design Men~ No. 24, "Underground Powerhouse" are planned to be submitted. Letter reports covering hydraulic design computations for final design of the waten'Jays and additional geologic explorations will be submitted for review. In- dividual design analysis will be submitted for Supply contracts and remaining features to be included in the construction contract. This office is proceeding with the design as indicated in the design dnd construction schedule included in the Design Me~ndum. 1 Inc1 (oct) as (fwd sep) Ld -/ CHARLES A. DEBELIUS " ~~lonel, C9fps of Engi ~ s tri.ct--fngi neer eers No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subject HYDROLOGY HYDROPOIlliR CAPAC ITY SNETTISHAM PROJECT? ALASKA Schedule 0: Design Memorandums SELECTION OF PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Revised PRELIMINARY MASTER PLfu~ ACCESS AND CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Revised SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 6. DELETED 7. GENERAL DESIGN MEMORANDlTM SUPPLEMENT NO.1, Concrete Aggregate Investigation 8. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT ON POWERHOUSE Revised 9. TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. SUPPLEMENT NO.1, Direct Current Transmission SUPPLEMENT NO.2, Direct Current Transmission SUPPLEMENT NO.3, Juneau Substation Auto- transformers SUPPLEMENT NO.4, Taku Inlet Submarine C~lbe SUPPLEMENT NO.5, Permanent Communications, SUPPLEHENT NOo 6, Juneau Substation SUPPLEMENT NO.7, Suspension Insulator SUPPLEMENT NO.8, Transmission Line Structures SUPPLEMENT NO.8, Transmission Line Construction SUPPLE}1"JmT NO. 10, Relocation of Power1ine Facilities for Juneau Substation POWER TUNNEL, SURGE TANK & PENSTOCK SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 REAL ESTATE DELETED DAM, SPILLWAY & INTAKE STRUCTURE SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 PERMANENT OPERATING EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS, GROUNDS & UTILITIES PLAN OF DIVERSION DELETED POWERHOUSE PENSTOCK BIFURCATION POWERHOUSE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ~ POWERHOUSE STRUCTURAL DESIGN POWERHOUSE MECHANICAL DESIGN POWERHOUSE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CRATER LAKE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT POWERHOUSE DESIGN REPORT MECHANICAl., ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Date 15 October 1964 31 October 1964 22 January 1965 7 May 1965 22 April 1965 26 November 1965 29 April 1966 6 March 1967 13 November 1965 14 September 1967 29 August 1966 29 June 1967 23 December 1966 19 January 1968 10 February 1969 20 August 1970 3 September 1970 22 September 1970 24 February 1971 30 December 1970 12 February 1971 17 June 1971 11 August 1971 9 September 1966 27 May 1968 27 Harch 1967 30 January 1967 24 September 1971 29 March 1972 11 May 1967 22 July 1966 19 September 1967 13 December 1967 29 December 1967 10 January 1968 21 September 1973 28 December 1973 28 December 1973 September 1975 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST-STAGE DEVELOPMENT PERTINENT DATA (Based upon current and prior design memorandums.) LOCATION: Near the mouth of Speel River, 28 air miles southeast of Juneau, Alaska. AUTHORIZED: PLAN: Flood Control Act of 1962, providing for design and construction by the Corps of Engineers and for operation and maintenance by the Alaska Power Administration, Department of the Interior. Long Lake Construct a concrete weir at the outlet of Long Lake to direct the lake overflow into two natural drainage channels. Drive a power tunnel and a penstock from Long Lake to an underground powerplant at tidewater. Install 2 generators in the powerplant. From the switchyard, adjacent to the powerplant, a transmission line will extend to a substation near Juneau. Crater Lake Drive a power tunnel and penstock from Crater Lake to the underground powerplant at tidewater. Install one generator in the powerplant. PROJECT FEATURES: Reservoir -Long Lake Elevation of existing lake surface, feet Elevation of normal full-pool water surface, Elevation at minimum operating level, feet Initial active storage capacity, acre-feet Weir -Long Lake West elevation -top, feet -low bay, feet Length, feet Height -maximum, feet -average, feet feet Long Lake Crater Lake 815 818 704 138,000 820 818 337 50 5 PERTINENT DATA Sheet: 1 of 3 Nov. 1973 1,022 1,022 820 84,000 Intake Structure -Long Lake Type -dry with top deck elevation, Invert elevation, feet Base elevation, feet Slide Gate -size, feet -maximum oper. head, feet Bulkhead -size, feet -maximum head feet 6.5 7.86 831 684 673.5 wide X 12.5 221 wide X l3.5 221 Gate Structure -Crater Lake Type -dry chamber in mountain, floor elevation Invert elevation, feet Slide gates, No. -size -max. operating head, feet Hydrology Drainage area, square miles Annual runoff, average, acre-feet Annual runoff, maximum, acre-feet Annual runoff, minimum, acre-feet Type-modiifed horseshoe Length, feet Diameter (lines), feet Power Tunnel Long Lake 30.2 324,300 421,000 252,000 Long Lake 8,230 1l.S 684 796+ 772+ 2 6 X 12 270 Crater Lake 11.4 144,590 155,000 1l3,000 Crater Lake 6,100 9.0 800 Intake invert elevation, feet Size, feet l3.5 X l3.5 11 X11 Surge Tank Type-Unlined vertical rock shaft Diameter, feet Top elevation, feet Bottom elevation, feet Height above tunnel invert, feet Type-Unlined modified horseshoe Size, Feet Length, feet Invert elevation, feet Rock Trap Long Lake 17 960 605 350 Long Lake 18 X 18 205 610 Crater Lake 8 1,150 744 404 Crater Lake 15 X 15 125 746 PERTINENT DATA Sheet 2 of 3 Nov. 1973 Type -steel lined in rock Length, feet Steel penstock diameter, feet Number units Installed capacity, kilowatts Operating head, feet Penstock Powerhouse Annual firm output, kilowatt hours Switchyard Capacity, kilovolt-ampere Transmission Line Voltage, volts Conductor, Size MCM, (ACSR) Lenght of O.H. sections, miles Conductor, size MCM (copper) Insulation Type Sheath Armor Submarine Cable Cable, length, approximate, feet Number or cables Capacity, kilovolt-amperes Juneau Substation Capacity, kilovolt-amperes Long Lake Crater Lake 1,200 8.5 1,590 6 Long Lake 2 46,700 704-820 168,000,000 Crater Lake 1 27,000 820-1020 103,000,000 94,000 138,000 795 40.5 350 Paper Oil Filled Lead Aluminum 16,400 If 124,000 90,000 PERTINENT DATA Sheet 3 of 3 Nov. 1973 Paragraph 1. 01 1. 02 1. 03 1. 04 1.05 2.01 2.02 2.0/+ 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.16 2.17 2.18 3.01 3.02 3.07 3.11 3.12 3.14 3.15 3.20 SNETTISHft~ PROJECT, ALASKA DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 CRATER LAKE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Table of Contents SECTION 1 -GENERAL Project Authorization Purpose Scope Prior Investigations Locat.ion SECTION 2 -RECOMMENDED PROJECT PLAN General Stage Development Reservoir Consultant's Report Lake Tap Power Tunnel Penstock Gate Structure Surge Tank Access Road Power Plant Transmission Facilities Buildings, Grounds and Utilities Departures from Project Document Plan Estimated Costs SECTION 3 -ALTERNATIVE PLANS General Intake Structure Alternative Power/Access Tunnel Alternative Penstock Alternative Diversion Tunnel Alternative Bulkhead Gate Structure Alternatives Tramway 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-·1 1-·2 2--1 2--1 2--1 2--2 2--2 2--2 2--2 2--2 2-2 2--2 2--3 2·-3 2-3 2·-3 2-3 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 Paragraph 4.01 4.02 4.06 4.10 4.16 4.17 4.20 4.21 4.24 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.37 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.10 5.12 .01 6.02 6.03 6.05 6.07 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION 4 -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS General History Geographical Setting Climatology Limnology Vegetation Mammals Birds Fish Rare or Endangered Species Recreation Wilderness and Scenic Rivers Environmental Effects -Construction Environmental Effects -Operation SECTION 5 -HYDROLOGY Streamflow Characteristics Glacial and Permanent Snowfield Effects Runoff Streamflow Correlations Peak Discharges Spillway Design Flood Discharge Frequencies Sedimentation Ice Studies Hydrometeorological Data Collection SECTION 6 -GENERAL GEOLOGY AND SITE INVESTIGATION Introduction Project Site Geology Seismic Considerations Geologic Explorations Other Types of Investigations SECTION 7 -GEOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF WATER WAYS General Bedrock Character Power Tunnel Faults Nature of Fault Zones Other Remedial Measures Rock Reinforcement Concrete Lining Other f>'plorations 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-Lf 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-7 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-J 5-4 5-4 6-] 6-1 6--2 6-3 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7.08 7,09 7.10 7" 11 8.01 8.02. 8.03 8.05 8.08 9.01 9.02 lO.O] 10.02 JO.06 10.11 10.12 10.15 11. 01 11.02 11.03 11. 04 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.06 12.07 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION 7 --GEOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF WATER WAYS (Continued) Penstock and Access Adit Geology of Other Watenlays Features Lake Tap Area Dam Area General Energy Losses SECTION 8 -HYDPAULIC DESIGN Economic Sizing of Power Tunnel and Penstock Surge Tank Fater Hanuner Analysis SECTION 9 -TURBINE SELECTION General Net Turbine Heads SECTION 10 -POWER CONDUIT General Power Tunnel Penstock Penstock Trashrack Intake Trashrack Rock Trap and Access Adit SECTION l.1 -GATE STRUCTURE :}eileral Recommended Structure Vep.Lilation Electrical Power SECTION 12 -LAKE TAP Gene"Cal tZock Trap Tapping Operation Tras~rack Installation Two Step Lake Tap Div0rsion Tunnel Lake Tap 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-3 9-1 9-1 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-3 10--4 .L-:L 1"-1 _~._-l 11-1 ~:Z-l 12-1 l7.-1. L2--1 12--2 12-2 Paragraph 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.06 14.07 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 16.21 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION 13 -DAM General Increased Generating Capabilities Damsite Studies Conclusions and Recommendation General Basic Data Layout and Size SECTION 14 -POWER PLANT Turbines, Generators and Electrical Equipment Tailrace Construction SECTION 15 -TRANSMISSION LINE General Juneau Substation Snettisharn Switchyard Communications Maintenance SECTION 16 -ACCESS FACILITIES General Recommended Plan Criteria Road Type Lane Width Shoulders Guardrail Turnouts Grade Horizontal Curvature Sight Distance Vertical Curvature Cross Slope Speeds Clearing Rock Cut Disposal Seeding Slope Dressing Drainage Road ~'l,c, ntenance 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-1 14-1 14-1 14-1 14-2 14-2 14-3 15-1 15-1 15-1 15-1 15-1 16-1 16-1 16-1 l(j-} 16-1 16-1 l6-1 hi-1 16-1 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-2 Paragraph 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 18.01 18.02 18.03 19.01 19.02 19.04 19.05 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 21.01 21.02 22.01 22.03 22 .05 22.06 22.07 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION 17 -BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND UTILITIES Genel:a1 Donnitory Transmission Maintenance Building Tidewater Picnic Shelter Contractor Facilities Water Sewer Sanitary Landfill Electrical Power Other Facilities General Tests Costs General SECTION 18 -CONCRETE AGGREGATES SECTION 19 -PUBLIC USE PLAN Recreation Opportunities Recreation Development -Corps of Engineers Recreation Development SECTION 20 -DESIGN A~~ CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE General Design Schedule Construction Contracts Supply Contracts Funding Requirements SECTION 21 -OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE General Transmission Line SECTION 22 -COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES r;enera1 Forest Service Fish and Wildlife Interests Federal Power Commission Alaska Power Administration OtlF~r Agencic"s 17-1 17-1 17-1 17-1 17-1 17-1 17-1 17-2 17-2 17-2 18-1 18-1 18-1 19-1 19-1 19-1 19-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 21-1 21-1 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-2 Paragraph 22.09 22.11 23.01 23.02 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 24.12 24.13 24.14 24.15 24.16 25.01 25.03 25.07 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION 22 -COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES (Continued) Public Coordination Future Coordination SECTION 23 -COST COMPARISON General Design Memo Cost Estimate Comparison of Current Approved Estimate with Present Estimate SECTION 24 -POWER STUDIES, BENEFITS AND ECONOMICS Introduction Power Output Computations Existing Electric Power Resources Electric Power Requirements Turbine and Generator Efficiencies Power Regulation Studies Normal Full and Minimum Lake Elevations Normal Full Pool with a Low Head Dam Installed Capacity Study Results Annual Power Benefits Limiting Alternative Costs Limited Benefits Average Annual Value for One Foot of Head Annual Costs without a Dam SECTION 25 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion Conclusions Recommendation TABLES Summary Cost Estimate -Recommended Plan Summary Cost Estimate -Intake Structure Alternative Summary Cost Estimate -Power/Access Tunnel Alternative Detailed Cost Estimate -Recommended Plan Detailed Cost Estimate -Alternatives 22-2 22-2 23-1 23-1 24-1 24-1 24-1 24-2 24-2 24-2 24-2 24-2 24-3 24-3 24-3 24-4 24-5 24-5 24-6 25-1 25-1 25-2 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FIGURES Climatological Data Limnological Data Snow Survey Data Long River Sedimentation Data Average Monthly Flows Mean Discharge Data Peak Annual Discharge Data Topographic Features Crater Creek-Long River Correlation Data Area Storage -Area Elevation Curves Tailwater Elevations Juneau -Douglas Peak Load Growth Firm Energy Production and Gross Load Requirements Power Output Tunnel and Penstock Comparative Costs Hydraulic Losses Turbine Output Power-Storage Tabulation Design and Construction Schedule PLATES Location and Vicinity Map Project General Plan -Recommended Plan Geologic Map -Lake Area Geologic Map -Surge Tank Area Power Tunnel Geology -Plan and Profile I Power Tunnel Geology -Plan and Profile II Penstock Geology Recommended Power Tunnel -Plan and Profile Recommended Power Tunnel -Details Recommended Power Tunnel -Rock Trap and Surge Tank Reco~nended Penstock Recommended Power Tunnel -Gate Structure Recommended Power Tunnel -Alternative Gate Structure Plan and Profile Recommended Power Tunnel -Gate Structure Alternative I Recommended Power Tunnel -Gate Structure Alternative II Reco~~ended Power Tunnel -Gate Structure Alternative III Recommended Power Tunnel -One Step Lake Tap Recommended Power Tunnel -Two Step Lake Tap Recommended Power Tunnel -Access Road Plan -Schedule I Recommended Power Tunnel -Access Road Plan -Schedule II Recommended Power Tunnel -Access Road Details - I Recommended Power Tunnel -Access Road Details -II Recommended Power Tunnel -Alternative Gate Structure Access Road Plan -Schedule I vii 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PLATES (Continued) Recommended Power Tunnel -Alternativp Gate Structure Access Road Plan -Schedule II Camp -Plan Powerhouse and Switchyard -General Plan Powerhouse Arrangement -Crater Lake Unit: 3 Project General Plan -Intake Structure Alternative Intake Structure Alternative -Intake Intake Structure Alternative -Diversion Tunnel Intake Structure Alternative -Access Road Plan Project General Plan -Power/Access Tunnel Alternative Power/Access Tunnel Alternative -Gate Structure Power/Access Tunnel Alternative -Tunnel and Surge Tank 25 Foot Dam 50 Foot Dam Tramway Explorations -Log Records No. 1 Explorations -Log Records No. 2 Borrow Areas -Auger Holes No. 1 Borrow Areas -Auger Holes No. 2 Borrow Areas -Test Pits No. 1 Borrow Areas -Test Pits No. 2 EXHIBITS Lake Tap Study by Ingeni~r Chr. F. Gr~ner Report from Anchorage Conference of Feb. 8-9, 1973 by Ingeni~r Chr. F. Gr¢ner Preliminary Turbine Selection Federal Power Commission Letter of 17 December 1971 Alaska Power Administration Letter of 6 July 1973 \'iii SECTION I -GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION. The Crater-Long Lakes Division l)f the Snettisham Project was authorized by Section 204(a), Flood Cont~ol Act 1962, Public Law 87-874, in accordance with the plan set forth in House Document No. 40, 87th Congress, First Session, dated 3 January 1961, as modified by the Reappraisal Report of Nevember 1961. This act also authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to construct, and the Secretary of the Interior to operate and maintain the project. The Bureau of Reclamation was the original operating agency by intent until Department of the Interior Order No. 2900 established the Alaska Power Administration. The Alaska Power Administration will operate the project and market the power generated. Subsequent to project author- ization, the Crater Lake phase was advanced from stage 3 development to first stage development because of increased power requirements earlier than originally forecast. 1.02 PURPOSE. Design Memorandum No.3, Selection of Plan of Develop- ment, reanalyzed the project document plan in light of Corps of Engineers policies and requirements and made recommendations for both Long and Crater Lakes to be used in preparation of Design Memorandum No.7, Gen- eral Design Memorandum. The General Design Memorandum presented the plan of development for the Long Lake phase, each aspect of which has been developed in detail in subsequent design memoranda and supplements. This Design Memorandum presents the plan of development for the Crater Lake phase, including the pertinent featuresof the waterway, powerhouse, transmission facilities, and camp renovation. 1.03 SCOPE. This design memorandum outlines the recommended plan of development for the Crater Lake phase, the considerations which resulted in the plan, and detailed cost estimates for each portion of the plan. The alternative plans considered and alternatives to portions of the recommended plan are also outlined. Significant changes in pmver require- ments, results of additional investigations, experiences in the develop- ment of the Long Lake phase, and other factors since thp issuance of Design Hemoranda 3 and 7, which influenced the recommended plan) are dis- cussed. The scope has been limited to those studies and investi~ations necessary, to develop a comprehenGive plan. Detailed studies anu in- vestigations necessary to the establishment of criteria for and develop- ment of detailed designs of the various components of the plan will be presented in feature design memoranda, supplements to this report, and design analyses, subsequent to approval of this design memorand~m. 1.04 PRIOR INVESTIGATIONS. The (:;ower potentialities 0_ Crater and Long Lakes were initially investigated by private mining interests in 1913, with subsequent studies made by private corporations between 1920 and 1928. Although applications were filed with the U.S. Forest Service and Federal Power Commission, the applicants failed to make beneficial use of the water and these applications lapsed. Reports by Federal agencies included the Federal Power Commission, Forest Service, Corps of Engineers and Geological Survey. The Bureau of Reclamation began more detailed studies in 1958 and completed a feasibility report in 1959. That report, entitled "Crater-Long Lakes Division, Snettisham Project, Alaska", was published in 1961 as House Document No. 40, 87th Congress, First Session. A reanalysis and reappraisal of the report was completed by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1961. The initial House Document No. 40, as modified by the reappraisal report, provided the basis for the project authorization. 1.05 With project authorization, detailed site investigations, mapping, and data collections were accelerated, primarily concentrated on those items necessary to the development of the Long Lake phase. Limited in- vestigations for the Crater Lake phase were also conducted prior to 1972. Added information has been obtained from the construction of the Long Lake phase, commencing in 1967. Additional mapping, foundation investi- gations, and other studiesrequ. ceo {or this design memorandum were started in 1972. 1.06 LOCATION. The project is located in the Tongass National Forest near the mouth of Spee1 River and on the Spee1 Arm of Port Snettisham, a glacial fiord in Southeastern Alaska, (Plate 1). The project is 28 airline miles southeast of Juneau, 45 miles from Juneau by water, and is located geographically at 58 degrees 08' north latitude and 133 de- grees 45' west longitude, approximately the same latitude as Stockholm, Sweden. 1-2 SECTION 2 -RECOMMENDED PROJECT PLAN 2.01 GENERAL. The Project Plan, as presented in U.S. House Document No. 40 and modified by the Reappraisal Report, proposed diversion of water from Crater and Long Lakes through separate waterways to a common power plant at tidewater. Each waterway would include a pressure tunnel, surge tank and underground steel penstock. The location of the project neces- sitated construction of approximately 40.5 miles of transmission lines and approximately 2.7 miles of submarine cable crossing of Taku Inlet. The line terminates in a step-down substation near Juneau. 2.02 STAGE DEVELOPMENT. The Project Plan and Reappraisal Report pro- posed a three-stage development involving the installation of three generating units, rated at 20,000 k.w. each, for a total of 60,000 k.w. Subsequent authorization increased the first two units to 23,350 k.w~ each. The first two units utilize Long Lake water and the third will be supplied from Crater Lake. The Long Lake phase of first stage develop- ment (Plate 2) includes construction of: Long Lake watenJays; the power- house structure, including a skeleton bay for the third unit; the tail- race facilities; all switchyard and substation structures and improve- ments; necessary station service equipment to provide for two generating unit's capacity; the transmission line and all general property; two turbine generators and appurtenant facilities. The Crater Lake phase of first stage development will include construction of Crater Lake waterways and generating facilities and will complete the installation of all switchyard equipment. 2.03 Crater and Long Lakes serve as storage reservoirs for the project. A darn at the outlet to Long Lake was authorized for first stage construc- tion but was subsequently postponed to second stage construction as the result of re-evaluation of the project. No dam has been proposed at the Crater Lake outlet. Storage has been obtained at Long Lake and will be obtained at Crater Lake by tapping the lakes with separate pressure tunnels at elevations sufficiently below the natural lake levels to provide adequate storage by drawdown. Both tunnels were originally planned to be reinforced concrete lined, circular in cross section and partially supported with structural steel ribs and struts. The Long Lake tunnel was constructed as an unlined, modified horseshoe, rock tun- nel partially supported with rock bolts and with short sections of rein- forced concrete. The Crater Lake tunnel will be similar to the existing Long Lake tunnel, terminating at a separate surge tank. Welded steel penstocks will carry the water from each su:::-ge tank to the lmderground powerhouse. 2.04 RESERVOIR. Preliminary area storage curves for the Crater Lake Reservoir are shown in Figure 10. After the lake has been initially drawn down, more accurate surveys will be made and final area storage curves prepared. Initial storage capacity will be about 121,000 acre feet with maximum pool elevation 1022 and about 38,000 acre feet of dead storage at minimum pool elevation 820. Usable storage is, therefore, about 83,000 acre feet. 2-1 2.05 CONSULTANT'S REPORTS. The Recommended Plan is based on the recom- mendations of Ingeni~r Chr. F. Gr~ner, Consulting Engineers, of Oslo, Norway. These recommendations are contained in their reports: "Lake Tap Study with Recommended Arrangement for Crater Lake", dated January 1973 (Exhibit 1); and "Report from Anchorage Conference of February 8, 9-1973" (Exhibit 2). This firm was also under contract to the Alaska District during the design and construction stages of the Long Vlke phase. 2.06 LAKE TAP. The lake tap will be made directly into the power tunnel with the invert at elevation 800, approximately 220 feet below normal lake level, after the power tunnel is excavated and the operating and bulkhead gates installed. Both the bulkhead and operating gates will be closed. A trap will be provided to catch and permanently store the rock from the final plug. The power tunnel branches off from the side of the rock trap above the floor level so the rock from the blast will not be diverted into the power tunnel itself. The lake tap configura- tion and rock trap are shown on Plate 17. 2.07 POWER TUNNEL. The 11 foot wide by 11 foot high, modified horseshoe, unlined power tunnel will extend approximately 5,930 feet from the lake to the upper end of the steel lined penstock, Plates 8 and 9. The down- stream end of the power tunnel will also be a trap to collect any loose rock moving down the tunne 1. A half trashrack will be situated at the lower end of the rock trap, the upper end of the penstock, Plate 10. 2.08 PENSTOCK. A steel lined six foot diameter penstock will extend horizontally, approximately 500 feet, from the power tunnel rock trap, then plunge downward at a 45 degree angle, leveling off immediately up- stream of the existing underground powerhouse valve chamber at elevation 7.5, Plate 11. The penstock will connect with a spherical valve in the valve chamber. Downstream of the valve, a penstock extension will con- nect to the unit 3 turbine. 2.09 GATE STRUCTURE. The gate structure, housing two hydraulically operated slide gates, the upsteam one serving as a bulkhead and the down- stream one as an emergency gate, will be located in a chamber in the mountain approximately 800 feet downstream of the power tunnel entrance, Plate 12. The gate structure chamber will be dry, housing the electrical equipment, a hoist capable of servicing the slide gates, and the hydrau- lic equipment. Access to the gate chamber will be by tunnel from the upper access road. The power tunnel air shaft will be in the access tunnel for part of its length, rising vertically through the mountain above the tunnel to vent. 2.10 SURGE TANK. An eight foot diameter unlined rock surge tank will rise approximately 340 feet above the power tunnel, connected to the power tunnel rock trap by a horizontal tunnel or drift, Plate 10. The surge tank will open vertically to the ground surface. 2.11 ACCESS ROAD. The access adits to the power tunnel rock trap and to the gate structure will be reached by extending the existing Long Lake 'j access adit road around the mountain, climbing at a maximum grade of 10 percent, Plates 19 through 22. The road extension will be approximately 5,600 feet long, surfacing will be compacted gravel fill, and the width will be 12 feet. 2.12 POWERPLANT. A 27,000 k.w. generator, turbine, spherical valve, and appurtenances will be installed in the skeleton third unit bay of the existing underground powerhouse to be driven by the ,Yo.ter from Crater Lake only, Plates 26 and 27. No changes in existing m~n~mum anQ maximum tailwater levels or in the existing tailrace channel are proposed. 2.13 TRANSMISSION FACILITIES. The 3-phase transmission line has 40.5 miles per phase of 795 MCM ACSR overhead conductor supported on a combi- nation of guyed delta and single pole and self-supporting green anodized aluminum towers. The submarine cable portion of the transmission faci- lity consists of 16,000 feet per phase of aluminum armored, lead sheathed, oil filled, paper insulated, 350 MCM copper conductoGone cable per phase with a spare cable (Plate 1). 2.14 The overhead line has a manufacturer listed continuous rating of 215 Mva (900 amperes). This size wire was chosen of larger rating to compensate for voltage regulation. The submarine cable limits the trans- mission facility ampacity with a continuous rating of 383 amperes per cable (91.5 Mva, 3-phase) and with a one hour overload capability, after maximum load, of 437 amperes (104,5 Mva). The Juneau Substation trans- former capacity is 106 Mva OA/FA at 55 degrees C. rise. 2.15 The Juneau Substation status switchboard will include unit 3 status and alarm features, and MW recorder. 2.16 BUILDINGS, GROUND AND UTILI~~IES. The existing camp facilities will be converted to maintenance, operating, and visitors' facilities on com- pletion of the Crater Lake development, Plate 25. A new aerated sewage lagoon will be constructed to replace the existing septic tank. 2.17 DEPARTURES FRON PROJECT DOCUMENT PLAN. The Project Document Plan for the Crater Lake phase proposed a separate diversion tunnel to tap the lake, drawing it down for construction of the power tunnel. The recommended plan to tap directly into the power tunnel eliminates the separate diversion tunnel and its related gate structure. The Project Document Plan also proposed a rei~forced concrete lined power tunnel and concrete lined surge tank witi a wheeled gate in an intake structure at the lake end of the power tunn.2l. The recollunended plan proposes an unlined rock tunnel and surge tan:C within the mountain, and a chamber in the mountain housing two hydraulically operated slide gates. Instead of a trashrack at the face of the intake structure, the proposed plan in- cludes a trashrack over the entra~ce to the unlined power tunnel. Other changes from the Project Document Plan include reducing the penstock diameter from seven feet to six f2et. 2.18 EST1.>11\TED COSTS. The estimated construction cost for the recom- .... --.,,~,~~ ',~ > •• -.~~,.-.. "'.-~-- mcuc1ed r)"'Cr :~ 1,.'1n fcy:" j~~vekpment cf Crater Lake, based on 1973 price levels, is $21,661,000 excluding interest during construction. These estimated costs are summarized in Table 1 and detailed in Table 4. ~ , L-," SECTION 3 -ALTERNATIVE PLANS 3.01 GENERAL. Two basic alternative plans for development of Crater Lake have been ~tlldied in some depth, the Intake Structure Alternative with a diversion tunnel and the PowerjAccess Tunnel Alternative. In addition, a1ternati',rps are r-re~ented for the recOll1mended plan gate struc- ture, lake tap, and aCCE:,:::: roads. 3.02 INTAKE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVE. plates 28 through 31 present an alternative scbeme to the recommer~ded plan , .. herein the lake is drawn down through a lake tap and a separate diversion tunnel on the bouth side of Crater Creek, the power tunnel is "holed through" without a lake tap, and the gate structure is replaced by an intake structure at the lake end of the powel." tunnel. This scheme is similar to the plan used in the development of the Long Lake phase of the project. 3.03 The diversion tunnel, Plate 30, wuu1d be constructed by excavation from the downstrc3;il end to the rock t.rap. The gate structut"e, housing one slide gate, ',lOU 1,1 1,," constructed 3t the dmvtlstn>dm end of the diver- sion tunnel. A small lnlp Vlou1d be provided at tlte tunnel invert immedi- ately downstream o[ the tap area to catch and hold the rock [rom the tap- ping operation temporarily, permitting the rock La escdpe downstream gradually so that J large mass of ruck will not plug tIle gate structure or tunnel. The diversion tunnel gate structure would be provided with a pennanently embedded gatr, frame and the operating slide gate would be used temporarily at this locat ion and (:hen moved to its pennanent loca- tion in the power tunnel gate slructure after a permanent plug is placed in the diversion tunnel. Fragments of rock aud water from the capping operation would be discharged int0 Crater Creek dnd eventucillj transported to Crater Cove. 3.04 The intake structure 'voult! LaUbe a single slide gdte in a dry well and a steel bulkhead in a Het '''eL~> (Pldte ',ct.). The intake structure would be cons trueted in the dry' aiter the 1ab,;s drawn dOW,l, plSS ing the water through the diversion tlili1l2:. DONlls,reci,n of C'll' ~iltCi(e struc- ture, the unlined power tWHlel, :3urg(' t"lk, and p,~asl:ock \·,iOu1d be iden- tical to those prop()3cd in the l:ecOllllnC'idect pi_an. 3.05 Access to the intake structu:ce would be hy bridge a,1'.1 9275 feet of main access road from the existin~ Lung Lak~ adit to Crater Lake (Plate 31). This is 3675 leet :nore oi: m".in access road than is re'..juired for the proposed plan. Ac>::E.~SS must also be provided to the diversion tunnel outlet; a 12-foot wiele (siegle lane) 3,OOO-foot long a.:: .. ess road was en- visioned with d temporary bridge DV2r Crater Creek. The diversion road would have been landscaped and ab~ndoned after construction. 3.06 This alternative requires a separate diversion tunnel with gate structure and more roads. It would result in discharging rock into Crater Creek during the lake tapping process. The esti.mated construc- tion cost is $1,4S9,:;i)U ;Clore than the recomr.ended plan, It would pro- vid<~ a rr;e8.n,c,· (.: '_lmn:.-eri '-i' tIle entire po\Ver tH!mel, a methud for dr:t, i.l1£': "~,.';.,ergt;nc and:3 i"e; srll:':lck ell the upper end of the power tunnel at the time of intial filling. The water in the lake would be wasted in the intial drawdown and construc- tion would take longer, delaying power on the line. Rock excavation volume and disposal site areas would have heen comparahle to the pro- posed plan. This alternative was not selected because of comparably higher environmental and economic costs. 3.07 POWER/ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE. The power/access tunnel alterna- tive scheme (Plates 32, 33 and 34) differs from the recon~ended plan only in that portion of the power tunnel from the gate structure to the upper end of the recommended penstock. The essential difference is that the water conduit would be an 8 foot diameter steel penstock em- bedded in concrete in a trench in the bottom of the unlined tunnel from the gate structure to the upper end of the penstock. The tunnel would serve as the means of access to the gate structure, eliminating that portion (about 4150 feet) of the access road up the mountain from the surge tank access adit (Plate 20). About 1,450 feet of road would still have had to have been constructed from the Long Lake access adit road to the upper access adit. 3.08 The gate structure is very similar to the recommended gate struc- ture, housing 2 slide gates in a dry chamber, (Plate 33). A trashrack would be installed immediately upstream of the gate structure at the downstrean end of the unlined power tunnel instead of at the upper end of the penstock at Sta. 65+40 as in the Recommended Plan. This rack would be inaccessible for cleaning. The access adit from the top of the gate structure to the upper access road and associated disposal area would be eliminated. 3.09 An eight foot diameter steel penstock, encased in concrete, would be buried in a trench in the bottem of the tunnel, (Plate 34). The pen- stock would be designed to withstand full internal pressure with steel stresses limited to 25 percent of minimum tensile strength with no con- sideration of rock restraint because of the tunnel immediately over the penstock. From Sta. 65+65 downstream, the penstock would be 6 feet in diameter and designed to the same criteria as in the recom.'11ended plan. 3.10 This alternative has less impact on the existing environment than the recommended plan because a large portion of the access road, one access tunnel and a disposal area would be eliminated. The related dis- posal volume to be placed in the reLlaining disposal area would be greater (an additional 10,000 cubic yards) because of the increased power tunnel excavation but would not have necessitated enlarging the disposal area. There would have also been enough area for an adequate buffer zone around the disposal area. The length of unlined power pres- sure tunnel would be reduced considerably and the requirements for treat- ment of faults and other undesirable rock conditions in the power tunnel would be reduced. This alternate is estimated to cost $7,554,000 more than the recommended plan. 3.11 PENSTOCK ALTERNATIVE. A study was made of an 8 foot diameter steel lined penstock extending horizontally upstream from the power- house to where the required minimum rock cover was achieved for an unlined power tunnel. This penstock was 1,824 feet long. A full tr:lsh- rack and a rock trap would be required at the upstream end of the steel penstock. Immediately upstream of the rock trap, the unlined power tunnel rose at a 45 degree angle to interce?t the flatter portion of the recommended power tunnel. At the upper end of the inclined portion of the tunnel, a rock trap and surge tank would be located; This penstock scheme is more expensive than the recommended plan because of the in- creased length and thickness of steel required and has no advantage over the recommended plan. Maintenance is also more expensive because of the need for an additional rock trap near sea level with required access to it. 3.12 DIVERSION TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE. The diversion tunnel, shown on Plate 30 as part of the Intake Structure Alternate, is also an alternative by itself to the recommended plan. In this concept, the diversion tunnel would be constructed to draw the lake down and the recommended power tunnel would be holed through without a lake tap into the power tunnel. This scheme would provide a permanent tunnel for emergency drawdown of the lake if it became necessary to gain access to that portion of the power tunnel upstream of the gate structure. 3.13 The additional diversion tunnel, diversion gate structure and ac- cess road make this alternative cost $2,494,000 more than the recommended plan. 3.14 BULKHEAD. A bulkhead at the lake end of the tunnel was considered. The detailed rock surface conditions and configuration above the tunnel are unknown at present and cannot be known with certainty until the ini- tial lake drawdown. Detailed rock su~face information is required to design the track for an operating bulkhead because the guides must be mounted on the rock surface. Ice conditions in the lake for much of the year make maintenance and operation of the bulkhead extremely difficult. A means of access for operating and maintaining the bJlkhead would be required. No detailed study was nade. 3.15 GATE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES. The recorrunendeu gate structure is of the dry well concept, housing two hydraulically operated slide gates in series, in a small chamber in the rock inrrnediately above the power tunnel (Plate 8). Two alternative gate systems in dry wells and 3 alternative gate systems in wet wells were considered. 3.16 One alternative gate system in a dry well that was considered was essentially identical to the recommended gate structure except that the access adit to the chamber was above ::11e maximum pool level wit~ an additional access adit to the lake wall above the tunnel entrance (Plates 13 and 14). This system would provide a means of access to the lake, reduce the length of adit required from the upper access road, and re- duced the length of air vent. It would require a vertical shaft about 280 feet high with an elevator, and increase the length of upper access road. This concert is $1,182,000 more expensive than the recommended structure. 3.17 The other alternative gate system in a dry well is one in which the upstream slide gate would be replaced by a bulkhead in a wet well with the same vertical shaft and access adits discussed in paragraph 3.16 above (Plate 15). This would require a concrete wall extending the entire height of the gate shaft to separate the bulkhead from the dry well. Seismic activity could rupture the wall between the bulkhead slot and dry well flooding the dry well. This alternative would not permit the Geletion of the concrete lining of the dry well as is pos- sible for the other gate structure alternative above. 3.18 The 4 alternative gate systems in wet wells (Plates 14, 15 and 16) require a bulkhead at the lake end of the tunnel, discussed in paragraph 3.14, or a separate wet well bulkhead, discussed in paragraph 3.17. All 4 alternatives require gate operation from the top of the shaft, 280 feet above. Installing and maintaining a slide gate stem that long (Plate 15) in alignment is difficult. 3.19 A dry well with easy access to the operating gate is more desirable. Placing the gate operating machinery adjacent to the gate with only a flexible electrical connection for operational control from a remote lo- cation is less vulnerable to interruption due to seismic disturbances. 3.20 TRA}~AYo A tramway, (Plate 37), was studied as an alternative means of access to the edit to the gate structure in the recommended plan, eliminating the access road beyond the surge tank access adit. The tramway was not considered for the IntaKe Structure Alternate because it would not provide access to the diversion tunnel. It was not required for the Power/Access Tunnel AlterLate. 3.21 The tramway would have consisted of 15 towers; each tower site would have required vegetation clEaring. It would have extended from the existing Crater Cove haul roae to the portal of the upper access adit, and would have. eliminated the necessity for an access road beyond the lower access adit; the 1,450 feet of road from the existing Long Lake road to the lower access adit would still have been required. The tramway alternative was not select.ed because it would have limited flex- ibility in the type and size of construction and maintenance equipment that could have been transported to the upper access adit. It is esti- mated to cost $500,000, slightly in excess of the cost of the upper access road. SECTION 4 -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.01 GENERAL. This section provides an accounting of existing environ- mental conditions and evaluates the environmental effects which would result from construction and operation of the proposed Crater Lake de- velopment. A complete Environmental Impact Statement entitled "Snetti- sham Project -Crater Lake Development and Operation & Maintenance of the Snettisham Project" is being prepared and will be submitted to all interested Federal, State, and local agencies and organized citizen groups for review. 4.02 HISTORY. The Port Snettisham and Speel Arm areas were discovered by Lieutenant Joseph Whidby in 1794 while on an expedition led by the English navigator, Captain George Vancouver. Captain Vancouver named the fiord "Snettisham." At the time, Vancouver was looking for a northwest passage through the American continent. 4.03 Prior to the nineteenth century, the Snettisham region was affected to only a minor degree by man or :nan-made developments. At one time the area was used by fur trappers. The old village site of Snettisham, located near the mouth of the Speel River, was a way-post for travelers passing to and from the Canadian Interior. The village was active from 1900 to 1926 and is still in evidence today. There is a small abandoned pulpmill which sets on the east side of Speel Arm about three miles south of the Snettisham Project area. The pulp mill was the first of its kind in Alaska and was constructed in 1921; it was active until about 1925 when the venture proved unprofitable. Other historical human activities in the Port Snettisham fiord include commercial fishing and mining. 4.04 Intensive development of the Snettisham area was initiated by the Federal Government in June 1967 when the Corps of Engineers began work on the Snettisham project to provide electrical energy for the communities of Juneau and Douglas, Alaska. 4.05 Examination of the "National Register of Historic Places," as required by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, indicates there are no officially designated archeological or historic sites in the Snettisham area. Contact witi the State Division of Parks Histor- ical office revealed that the State's inventory had no archeological or historical sites recorded for the Snettisham area. 4.06 GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING. Crat~r Lake lies in the Tongass National Forest on the Southeast Alaska mainland. It is perched above and about 3/4 mile from an embayment of Speel Arm, a narrow estuary at the terminus of Port Snettisham. Port Snettisham, a 10 mile long fiord, extends northeastward from Stephens Passage about 15 miles southeast of where Stephens Passage, Taku Inlet and Gastineau Channel join. 4.07 Crater Lake is at an elevation of 1,022 feet above mean sea level, occupying 2. narrow trough about 1/2 mi le wide with precipitous sides tha~ rise tc slevarions between 4,000 and 5,000 feet. The head of the Crater Lake basin has the appearance of a glaciated valley and slopes gently back to more precipitous terrain. 4.08 The drainage basin is about 11,4 square mUes in area above the outlet. Of this, 3 to 4 square Diles or aboul 30 percent of the total drainage basin is covered by perr.1anent snow ~md ice fields and glaciers. The average annual runoff in the basinls watershed is about 150,000 acre-feet of water. 4.09 Crater Lake is about two miles long, about 0.4-miles wide and consists of about 503 surface areas at elevation 1022. The maximum depth that has been measured in the lake is 414 feet and is about 1/2 mile from the outlet. 4.10 Crater Lake is principally fed by Crater Creek, a braided glacially turbid stream which threads its way between gravel and boulders until it empties into the head of the lake. The lake is drained by Crater Creek which descends about: 1.4 miles to an embayment of the Speel Arm estuary. 4.11 CLIMATOLOGY. The Port Snettisham region lies within the mari- time climatic zone of Alaska and is in the path of most cyclonic storms that cross the Gulf of Alaska. The region is generally characterized by moderate temperatures at sea level, high precipitation and snow- fall, high humidity, and little sunshine. The effects of orographic lifting of moist maritime air exert a fundamental influence upon local temperatures and the distribution of precipitation, creating con- siderable variations in both weather elements within relatively short distances. 4.12 Detailed climatological data are not available for the area tributary to Crater Lake; however, short records of precipitation and temperature are available for a station at the mouth of Speel River. This climatological station has a thermograph and precipitation gauge and has been operated intermittently since August 1970. The data collected are surmnar i7ed in Figure 1. 4.13 According to precipitation data recorded at the Speel River Station, the average annual precipitation at sea level is about 141 inches. Because precipitation varies considerably with elevation, the station was not considered repres~nLative of the Crater Lake area. Annual precipitation of the Crater Lake area was c~lculated by the Corps of Engineers using the size of the drainage basin and the average annual flow of Crater Creek. Estimated precipitation of Crater Lake is about 230 inches annually. Generally, the months of April through July mark the period of lightest precipitation, with monthly averages at Speel River ranging from about 4 to 8 inches. After July monthly precipitation increases until the peak month of October with an average of about 20 inches. Tnen monthly averages decline from November to April. 4.14 Some temperature records have been maintained in the vicinity of the mouth of Speel River since August 1970 but temperature data are not available for the Crater Lake Area. Temperature variations, both seasonal and daily, are usually confined to relatively narrow limits by the characteristic maritime influences. Differences between average daily maximum and minimum temperatures range from 9 0 F. in December to about 23° F. in June, Seasonal variations range from an average iilonthlytemperature of about 25 0 F. in January to about 55° F. in July. The mean annual temperature at sea level is about 40 0 F. 4.15 Snowfall records are available for the immediate vicinity of the project frO[11 October 1970 to date. Snow depth data (Figure 3) have been recorded since the winter of 1964 -1965 at four stations in the Snettisham area (see Figure 8 for location). While the first snow usually falls in the latter part of October, generally, there is very little accumulation on the ground at low elevations until late November. At higher elevations, snow cover is established in early October. Snow depths generally average over 100 inches during winter months; however, at the higher elevations in the Crater Lake basin snow depths exceed 20 feet. Maximum snow depths usually occur in the month of Narch with heaviest snowfalls from December through April. Snow cover usually disappears by mid-May, except at higher elevations where permanent snowfields persist year-round. 4.16 LIMNOLOGY. Basic information of the chemical, physical, and biological conditions of Crater Lake were collected by the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife in 1958 and 1959. Physical and chemical limnological observations generally included: color, secchi trans- parency; water temperatures, dissolved oxygen and carbor dioxide; and bathymetrLc data. Biology limnological observations consisted of aquatic vegetation and fishery resources. Limnological data is summarized in Figure 2. 4.17 VEGETATION. The Snettisham region lies within the northern coniferous coastal forest biome ~yhere the principal tree spec.Les are Sitka spruce and western hemlock with lesser amounts of w(:stern red cedar and Alaska yellow cedar. ~Che forest cover extends from tide- water to about the 4,000-foot level or to the ice cap. Normally, timber of cormnercial quality does not extend above the 1,000-foot elevation level. 4.18 Although forest cover is s?arse in the Crater Lake basin, the mountain sides are timbered where rockslides and snow avalanches are not common occurrences, The fon}st cover is interrupted in many places by the exposure of bare rock and talus slopes or by the pre- sence of muskeg on poorly drained sites. Alders and willows grow to a height of about 10 feet and doninate the landscape in the upper, gently sloping, Crater Lake valley and on some talus slopes. Other shrub species present are huckleberry, blueberry and devils club. 4.19 N,) c}(iuatic (em€:1"gcnt or submergent) vegetation has been observed \ C1' ;~~,~ ,'(,:, 4.20 MAMMALS. Wildlife species resident in the vicinity of Crater Lake include brown and black bears and Sitka black-tailed deer. Mountain goats are occasionally observed on the higher slopes of the drainage basin. Other manunals inhabiting the area are hoary marmots, beaver, mink, marten, otter, wolverine, wolf, and weasel. In addition, the Speel Arm/Port Snettisham area supports larger numbers of harbor seals. 4.21 BIRDS. There are over 200 species of birds inhabiting south- east Alaska, but an accurate checklist of birds for the Snettisham area has never been assembled. According to the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, upland game birds present in the Snettisham region include willow ptarmigan, blue grouse, and Franklin's grouse. The Northern bald eagle is quite common in the Snettisham area. 4.22 The Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife has reported that the sedge flats or wetlands (primarily Gilbert Bay and Crater Cove) within Port Snettisham receive heavy use by waterfowl. In 1959, the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife reported that waterfowl have been observed to heavily utilize (primarily for feeding) the exten- sive wetlands near the mouth of Speel River and Crater Cove. In September 1963 about 500 waterfowl were observed about 10 miles south of Crater Cove, i.e., in the Gilbert Flats area. In the spring of 1973, the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and Alaska Fish and Game implemented an aerial waterfowl survey of, in part, the Port Snettisham area. On 11 April 1973, 283 waterfowl were observed in the vicinity of Crater Cove (Watson 1973). The mallard and buffelhead counts represented 42 and 49 percent, respectively, of all mallards and buffleheads fed in the entire Port Snettisham area. On 18 April 1973, 110 ducks were sighted in Crater Cove. On 24 March 1973 about 150 waterfowl were sited in the cove. Approximately 100 mallards were observed in Crater Cove on 3 May 1973 and on 10 May, an estimated 200-300 waterfowl were sited in the cove. It appears that Crater Cove is one of three important waterfowl habitat areas in Port Snet- tisham. 4.23 Generally waterfowl use of the Crater Cove area consists of feeding and resting activity during the spring and fall migratory periods. Since Crater Lake is frozen over from November to July, waterfowl utilize Crater Lake only during the fall and, then, only for resting. 4.24 FISH. According to the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife no fish inhabit Crater Lake. Introduction of fish by natural means has been prevented by the presence of impassable cascades in the out- let stream--Crater Creek. Features that have limited the value of Crater Lake as fish habitat are: the lake is turbid from being fed by glacial melt waters; runoff waters contain few nutrients due to a lack of soil. development in the basin; few bottom d\velling organisms; lack of aquatic vegetation; and the lack of or the poor quality of potential soawn:Lng habitat due to glacial silt and the steep gradient of the shoreline. Except for the delta area surrounding the upper end of the lake, the shoreline is steep and rocklined and does not offer habitat that is particularly attractive to any wildlife species. The deltic area at the head of the lake is composed of glacial gravels and boulders and could be invaded by aquatic plant species as the water level is gradually lowered. Although not particularly significant, the emergent vegetation coald provide a small amount of feeding habitat for waterfowl. 4.25 Dolly Varden trout, and pink and chum salmon have been reported to utilize the intertidal channels in Crater Cove; however, there are no accurate or documented reports of the number of salmon that have spawned in the past in the cove's intertidal channels. In May 1973 the National Marine Fisheries Service conducted a survey of the spawn- ing habitat in Crater Cove. The National Marine Fisheries Service indicated they could find no evidence of past spawning activity; how- ever, they did find that the upper intertidal channels near the mouth of Crater Creek contained about 100 square meters of potential spawn- ing habitat. This habitat could accommodate about 100 pairs of spawning salmon. Assuming conditions and fish stocks similar to those in other southeast Alaska pink and chum salmon streams, the National Marine Fisheries Service estimated the potential contribution to the salmon fishery from Crater Creek to be about 500 salmon. A catch of 500 pink salmon would represent about $360 to the fishermen and the same number of ehum at $1,220 at 1972 prices. At Seattle broker prices (June 1973) the w~olesale value of 500 pink salmon in the can would be about $1,030 and $2,460 for chum salmon. 4.26 RARE OR ENDANGERED SPECIES. There are no known rare or endangered wildlife species from the published list '~are and Endangered Fish and Wildlife of the United States~ issued by the Fish and Wildlife Service, inhabiting the Snettisham region. However, the Northern bald eagle, a subspecies of the endangered Southern bald eagle, is quite numerous in the area. 4.27 RECREATION. In the past there was little recreation use made of Crater Lake or of the Snettisham area in general due to the remoteness of the region. There has been some sport salmon fishing activity in the Speel River and some goat hunting in the higher elevations of the region. Since the Corps of Engineers began construction of the Long Lake phase in 1965 and built the airstrip and boat basin, there has been an estimated 250 persons per year visiting the Speel Arm area in pleasure watercraft or aircraft. On some weekends during the SUlmner of 1972, there were seven to nine pleasure boats moored in the Snet- tisham small boat harbor. In 1972 about a dozen organizations visited the Snettisham project. Section 19, Public Use Plan, discusses recrea- tional opportunities at Snettisham. 4.28 WILDERNESS AND SCENIC RIVERS. The proposed development is neither within a designated or proposed wilderness area nor has Crater Creek been proposed for inclusion in the system of wild and scenic rivers. In 1960, the Tracy Arm-lord's Terror Wilderness Study Area was created by the Forest Service. This area is located on the east side of Port Snettisham and extends around the northern side of the project area. Today, the area is being studied for possible inclusion in the wilderness study area syscem. 4.29 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS -CONSTRUCTION. Presently identifiable impacts that will occur with the construction of the Crater Lake pro- ject are: the removal of vegetation for construction of the access road and for disposal of rock excavation from the power eondui t, and rock blasting, excavation, and disposal from construction of the power conduit, access adits and access road. 4.30 There will be about 30,000 cubic yards of rock blasted and re- moved from the power conduit and two access adits. Rock material excavated from the upper access adit will be wasted down the slope near the mouth of the adit and allowed to seek its own path down the steep hill to create the appearance of a natural rockslide. Disposal in this manner will necessitate committing about four acres to a disposal area. There are several natural rockslides in the vicinity of Crater Lake with a large amount of exposed rock, and the hillside is not heavily vegetated; therefore, little change in the natural character of the landscape is anticipated. The hillside is neither critical wildlife habitat nor is the area vital to the maintenance of the surrounding habitat or ecosystem. 4.31 Rock removed from the power tunnel via the lower access adit will be disposed of in about a 4-acre area near the mouth of the adit. This heavily timbered area will be cleared of vegetation prior to stockpiling the rock. The timber will be used to construct a log barrier on the downhill side of the disposal area to help contain the rock. Excess timber will be burned in compliance with Forest Service stipulations. A timbered buffer zone about 200 feet wide around most of the disposal area should adequately shield the disposal area from view from the construction camp/recreation area at sea level and from other sea level areas in Speel Arm. There will be a loss of about four acres of forest habitat and concommitantly the small marrnnal population inhabiting the area. The disposed rock will create new habitat for small mammals, but not necessarily the same types oC marrnnals thatpreferred the forest habitat. The 4-acre area is not considered to be critical wildlife habitat Ci:" Jital to the maintenance of the animal populations in the vicinity. 4.32 Rock excavated from the pe~stock tunnel will be taken out of the powerhouse entrance and used in upgrading the road adjacent to the powerhouse. Disposal in this manner is not expected to have any significant biological or aesthetic impacts as the area has already been disturbed by powerhouse construction activities. 4.33 The major environmental impact of the Crater Lake Project will be the construction of the access road. The road will be about 5,600 feet long, 12 feet wide, extending from t[-,e existing Long Lake adit road to the upper Cracer Lake access adit. To prevent erosion, con- struction will incorporate side drainage ~itches, culverts for cross drainage, and culverts at stream crossings. The existing landscape affected by road construction is very steep terrain which is thinly vegetated with conifers, alders, and willows of varying size. 4.34 Timber and slash cleaned from the road right of way Hill be disposed of according to Forest Service stipulations. 4.35 Rock excavated from the road cut wi 11 be used for fi 11 material in the fill sections of the road and turnouts. Rock that cannot be used for fill will be disposed of in the designated rock disposal sites. 4.36 The Crater Lake phase of construction will require about 17,000 cubic yards of processed sand and gravel. There are two borrow sources, both are eXlsting or developed borrow pits. No new borrow pits will be opened. Both borrow pits wi.ll be landscaped upon completion of the project. Landscaping features will include grading and smoothing the borrow pits to conform to the natural topography of the adjacent area and top soil will be replaced and climate adapted vegetation planted and fertilized to prevent erosion. All solid waste and other refuse will be disposed of in the existing sanitary fill. On all rock faces, loose or potentially dangerous rock will be dislodged. 4.37 EtNJROmlENTAL EFFECTS -OPERATION. Presently identifiable im- pacts associated with the operation of the Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham Project are: seasonal fluctuations in the water levels of Crater Lake; dewatering of Crater Creek below the lake outlet; redistribution of freshwater flmv in the intertidal channAls of Crater Cove; loss of intertidal channel salmon spm·ming in Crater Cove; and economic and social changes associated with a dependabL~ power supply in the Juneau power market areas. 4.38 A change in the hydrologic system will result from the con- struction and operation of the Crater Lake development. The anticipated seasonal fluctuations in the water level of Crater Lake is 202 feet. The water level of Crater Lake will be lowered, due to the use of water for power generation with almost no inflO\" from November through May, with t.he minimum pool level occurring in May. The seasonal water fluct1lation will not have 8n adverse effect on m1y wildlife species. 4.39 The primary hydrologic impact will be the perodic dewatering of Crater Creek, i.e., as the water level of Crater Lake is lowered flows from the J_ake into Crater Creek ,viLl be eliminated. The creek, however, will continue to receive some side flow (less that 50 CFS) from the se\!cral small streams enterin,:; Crater Creek below the outlet of Crater Lake. Durin3 years that have above average runoff from the winter ;::W".·) ,:.£!(:/o!.' Sd!ml1er pr<2cipiLltion, Crater J~3ke \Vil1 refill during the surrnner months to the point that water will be spilled through the outlet into Crater Creek. This spillage is not expected to occur often, so, for all practical purposes, the creek can be considered to be dewatered after the initial operation of the third turbine. The decrease of flows in Crater Creek will significantly affect the aquatic ecosystem of the creek, however the creek has little value as fish habitat. 4.40 The decrease in flow coming from the mouth of Crater Creek would serve to change the salinity of the upper Crater Cove area. The average annual flow of Crater Creek is about 200 cubic feet per second. With the elimination of flow from the lake outlet, the average annual flow in Crater Creek is estimated to be less than 50 cubic feet per second. This should have an effect on the established intertidal biota in the upper cove. There will be freshwater input to the cove from the power plant operation. This freshwater will include the entire diverted flow from Crater Lake plus the flow diverted from Long Lake, increasing the total volume of freshwater in Crater Cove. The National Marine Fisheries Service has stated that general con- figuration of the bottom composition of the substrate, the high probability of low flows and freezing conditions during winter months, leads them to believe that Crater Cove's intertidal area is a marginal salmon producer at best and that any loss will not have a significant impact on the commercial fishery. 4.41 Secondary impacts associated with the project could involve social, cultural, economic, and land use impacts. Operation of the entire project in 1977 will provide the Juneau power market area with 73,700 kilowatts (274 million kilowatt hours annually) of hydro- electric generating capacity. This power supply will provide for a dependable source of electrical energy for residential, commercial, and possibly industrial power uses. The Snectisham power supply is taking the place of the present diesel generated power supply. The replacement of the present diesel generated system with a hydro- electric power system should improve the air quality in the Juneau- Douglas area. The provision of hydroelectric power will serve to decrease the consumption of petroleum based fuels which are presentl y in short supply. In addition, the new power supply is expected to be more reliable than the present diesel generated system and replacement will be at a slightly lower cost than the present system. A more reliable source of power may enco-....:~ge residential, cormnercial, industrial, and recreational growth which in turn may lead to changes in land uses and established social patterns. Problems associated with providing additional domestic water supplies and waste treat- ment and school facilities may arise. SECTION 5 -HYDROLOGY 5.01 STREAMFLOW CHARACTERISTICS. Runoff characteristics of streams in Southeastern Alaska are subject to the maritime influence dis- cussed in Section 4. While flood peaks do occur in May and June due to snowmelt runoff, the annual peaks generally center around the month of September and are a result of intense fall rains. Figure 6 shows mean monthly and annual discharge data for Crater Creek near Juneau for the period of record from 1913 to 1933. Normally about 80 percent of the annual runoff occurs during the six-month period from May through October. In general, there is very little soil over the under- lying rock in the area, hence, the major component of runoff is sur- face flow with some subsurface flow and almost no ground water or base flow. Therefore, except for glacial melt during dry spells, the flow in small surface water streams becomes exceedingly low. Average monthly volumes and their respective percentages of the annual volume for Crater Creek at the lake outlet are given below: Crater Creek Month Average Runoff In Acre-Feet Percent of January 2,920 2 February 1,810 1 March 1,670 1 April 2,400 2 May 8,610 6 June 20,100 14 July 28,600 19 August 29,800 21 September 23,600 16 October 15,200 11 November 6,990 5 December 2,890 2 Total Average Annual -----Period of Record 144,590 Annual 5.02 GLACIAL AND PERMANENT SNOWFIELD EFFECTS. Glaciers and permanent snowfields have a stabilizing effect on the variance of runoff from one year to the next. During a cool summer accompanied by cloudy skies and high precipitation, the runoff from rainfall is high and the run- off from gla~ial melt and snowmelt is low, while during a hot, dry summer the accelerated glacial melt and snownlelt tends to compensate for the lack of rain. Figure 8 shmvs the extent and location of the glaciers and permanent snowfields in the Crater Lake basin. 5.03 RUNOFF. Relative to other rivers in the State, the Crater Creek and Long River streamflow records are quite long, extending back intermittently to 1913. There are 26 years (1916-1924, 1928-1932, 1952-1963) of streamflow records for Long River and 12 years (1914-1920, 1928-1932) of streamflow records for Crater Creek. The two streams, Long River and Crater Creek, drain adjacent basins of comparable size, both of which have permanent snm.,fields and glaciers contributing to the runoff. Also, both have generally comparable weather conditions. The lake storage effect is similar for Crater and Long Lake basins. Stream gaging stations for both 'i)asi:ls are shown on Figure 8. 5.04 STREAMFLOW CORRELATIONS. Hont:l1y flows in Crater Creek 'were correlated with montll flows fo~ the same months at Long River when the records for both sites were available. On the average there were about 13 monthly values at both stations on which to base the corre- lations. Linear regression analyses were made to determine the monthly relationships between Crater Creek and Long River. A separate re- gression analysis was made for each month and an equation was developed using the log of the average monthly flows in c.f.s. Figure 9 shows the derived equations, correlation coefficients, standard error of estimates and a graphical relationship between months. Using the derived monthly equations, average monthly flows were computed for the gaging station on Crater Creek, which has a drainage area of 11.4 square miles. This was done to fill the missing record on Crater Creek from 1913 to 1.970. The gage on Crater Creek was located 100 feet downstream from the lake outlet; therefore, it was assumed that the volume of outflow was equal to the net inflow. The high degree of correlation between Crater Creek and Long River is expected since they have contiguous drainage areas. The average correlation coefficient (i) is .89 and the standard error is estimate is .076. These values indicate the high degree of reliability of the regression analyses results. Figure 5 t;hmvs the flows for Crater Creek as extended by cor~elation from 1913 to 1970. Crater Creek streamflows developed from the correlation studies were used in the sequential routing for the power studieG presented in Design Memorandum No.2, Snettisham Project, Alaska. 5.05 PEAK DISCHARGES. Crater Creek normally has high flows in late spring and early summer due to a combination of rainfall runoff aud snowmelt. The magn~tude of these high flows is primarily dependent upon two conditions (1) melt during clear weather and (2) melt during rain on snow. A large snowpack over the basin will give a large volume of runoff during the spring; however, if the temperatures increase gradually, caw>ing a moderate rate I)f snowmelt, and extreme rainfall does not occur, peak discharge rates will not be except~onally high. If the early spring is colder than normal and then a sevel'e temperature sequence occur.s for a prolonged period accompanied by rain- fall, the flood peak wi:] be extremely high, with the duration of high flows primari 1y dependeut l'pun the total snowpack. Rain floods pro- duce the highest: fall C:ischcnges and genel"ally occur between late July and late October. These flo)d peaks are quite sharp due to the fast runoff caused by the steepness of the drainage basin and the low infiltration loss. Figure 7 shows the recorded peak discharges for Crater Creek. 5.06 SPILLWAy DESIGN FLOOD. Because of the nature of the project and the fact that there is GO d~velGpment along Crater Creek between Crater Lake. and tide\.ater, <1 highly refined calculation of spillway design peak discharge was not needed. however, a peak discharge vIES estimated for Crater Lake based on the spillway design discharge computed for Long Lake and the maximum annual runoff relationship Ichich exists between Long and Crater Lakes. Based on this relationship the peak design descharge for Crater Lake wou:d be 10,500 c.~.s. 5.07 DISC}l.ARGE FREQUENCIES. Annual peak discharge frequencie~ are not pertinent because of the nature of the development proposed, the regulation effects of the lake, the large existing chanuel capacity, and the lack of development in the area. Annual volume frequencies do have a bearing on the power generation of the project. These values are: Crater Creek at Crater Lake Outlet Drainage Area = 11.4 sq. miles Recurrence Interval in Years 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 Annual Volume in Acre .. Feet ------~----- 104,000 139,000 1.52,000 161,000 L69, (lOO l"i I) , ueo Hl6,U0(1 1%,000 5.08 SEDl~,NTATION. A relocaticn of sediments Has cL.;elved '.>ril'.;ll LUili; Lake 'vas Gra,vn down to elevation 680 for constnlctin;J of tlwJoHcr tUll!leL At the 1m. water level, much of the accumulated silt in the .1C"LV':: storage area slid away or was washed from the steep SiOP8S of ··h·.: aelive storage area and ,ms transpo,:ted to ehe dead ::t:Ol',H"P ; ~e.l 0 r reservoir. A similar exchange of sediments bet'wee1, the acUv·c. c"IYr,Ji~t' arcas and the dead storage areas is expected t03ke Iliace regularily in both era ter and Long Lakes as they are drawn down near \Hi ni.retum operating depths. Thus, a gain in active storage at ~e expense of dead storage is expected during the early years of project opalation. Since Crater Lake is confined by walls of quartz dioriLe, it is anticipated there will be almost no erosion of the reservoir banKS once the accumulated sediments have been transported from the active to the dead storage area. 5.09 No data is presently available concerning sediment loads carried by streams tributary to Crater Lake. The streams are predominate11 glacial and carry suspended sediment and bed loads. Because o~ the lack of data on the actual sediment ioad carried into Crater Lake, it is not possible to compute the annual stora;~e depletion by \'.i.rect methods: however, a reasonable estimate has been made by indirect methods, The results are presented in Design HeuoranJU1l1 No.7. 5-3 Sedimentation data has been coll~rted intermittently for Long River above Long Lake since 1967. It is expected that Crater Creek above Crater Lake would show a similar trend in sedimentation transporl to that exhibited by Long River above Long Lake at Station 15-0310. This data is presented in Figure 4, but is not sufficiently complete for the high flow periods to support sedimentation calculations for Crater Lake. The need for establishing sedimentation ranges will be determined by the operating agency. 5.10 ICE STIJDIES. lee thickness measurements have been made at Crater Lake, and the results of these measurements are presented below. Two probings were made about 100 feet apart on Crater Lake by Corps of Engineers personnel on 22 February 1973. Probe Number One O. 0 -1. 5 fee t 1. 5 -4. 5 fee t 4.5 -5.3 feet Probe Number Two o . 0 -1. 5 fee t 1.5 -4.5 feet 4.5 -6.3 feet Dry Snow Wet Slush Ice It is believed that the saturated upper layer of snow is caused by the depression of the original ice layer by the weight of subseque-:1t snow- fall. This allows lake water to overflow onto the original ice surface. The overflow water then freezes and the ice process is repeated. This ice cover will have no significant effect on project operations due to the depth at which the intake will be located. 5.11 Experience at Long Lake shows that, as the lake approaches minimum pool level, the flow of vJarmer water to the outlet tunnel melts the ice near the outlet, opening an area of ice free water. The minimum Crater Lake level of 820 will be sufficiently above the tunnel entrance to prevent floating ice from being drawn into the tunnel. 5.12 HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL DATA COLLECTION. A reservoir stage recorder will be installed in the Crater Lake gate structure. Both a bubbler type, and a pressure transducer are presently being considered. It is planned to have a pipe from the gate structure to the lake to obtain lake head unaffected by flow in the power tunnel. 5.13 Climatological data will be collected in the vicinity of the camp area. The preliminary installation of a standard eight-inch rain gage and maximum-minimum thermometers was completed in September 1964. This equipment was replaced with the permanent installation, including recording equipment in October 1972. A climatological station will not be installed in the Crater Lake basin at this time. The present need for the data does not justi~ the expense of installa- tion and maintenance. 5.14 The snowpack in the area tributary to the reservoir will con- tinue to be meaiill-cc:d. by the U. S. Soil Conservation Service sampling technique. If a satisfactory location is available near the gate structure, a snow pillow and recorder will be installed in the basin and data collected at the snow pillow for use in future analysis of snowfall and runoff. The installation of telemetry equipment on the snow pillow is not necessary at this time and will be deferred until such time as the operating agency determines that snow water equivalent data on a day-to-day basis is necessary to insure efficient utilization of the project water resources. This is not expected until the area power demand approaches the capacity of the project. 5.15 Telemetry and control features will be provided for Crater Lake similar to those provided for Long Lake. Data will be transmitted to the powerhouse as encoded signals on hard wire communications cables attached to the overhead electric distribution pole line. A level recorder on the powerhouse SG panel will indicate both Long and Crater Lake stages. 5-5 SECTION 6 -GEi'lERAL GEOLOGY AND SITE INVESTIGATiON 6.01 iN~R0nUCII0N. Most of the g~ographical and regional geologic;ll seltings for th;-~S;;tLisham Project hils heen submitLed in previous design Il\p\Iloriinda, [wmely DH 01, 7, and 13. The addition of five C:1t'C bori'lgs, unden,i1ler con- tours in chc m'E"i' oC the select(,d tbP s~te, :lIld some ge<llogic surface 11IilP- ping vnIL he included ill Ihis rc-pol:t. 6.02 PROJECT SITE GEOLOGY 0 The predominant rocks which occur within the immediat.e area of the SnettLsham Project consist of quartz diorite, gneiss, and some J,()cillized phases of biotite schist which all occur in a somewhat interwoven illld random distribution pattern throughout the main rock body at the site. Due to recent glacial scour in this area and resultant re- mov3l of most weathered surface rock materials, the majority of the bedrock wh~ch will ~e encountered by proposed engineering structures will be rela- tively fresh, dense and of durable quality. Localized exceptions to this will definitely occur, chiefly in association with the major shear zones which occur in the area. These relatively narrow zones in which the rock has been (:[ushpd aDd broken have allowed much edsier access co percolating ground wClter" and these waters have imposed a substantL1l1y higher degree olf chemical alteration on the sheared rock than is to be found in other non- disturbed portions of the generaL rock body. Granitic type rocks, such as qUilr:z diorite and gneiss, contain high percentages of the felspar min- era 1 pLlgiocLse, which upon chemicCil decomposition by ground waters wi th dissolved c:lrboll dioxide (carbonic acid), yield the cLay mil1ci.'al kaolln. Because of the overall lesser quality rock materials ilss()L'LIt:(~d with the larger shear zones and, to some extent, the systems of closelY spaced joint~\ exact locations and orientations of all such pertinent rock struc- tural features, with respect to the locations of proposed engineering structures is ;C'. factor of considerable design import,3nce. (See geologic maps, Pldtes 3 and 4.) 6. 03 SE.LS~1TC CONSIDERATIONS. Hh He the presence () £ mai ur fatc It zones does testify to the existence of seismic activity in this immediate a:Ced during the geologic past, it is gene:::ally believed that all such movemer,ts along these [;Cll;it;, in·e sufficiently remote in geologic Lirle ilS tu preclude concern of [heir furcLer 3.djustments duriHg the life of the project. To the extent poss~ble, aLtempts to conhrm this premise have been made ly searching for obvious offsets in recent glacial or alluvial strata at points where they cross known major faulls, but thus far no such evidence of recent faulting activity hat; been found anywhere near the immediate project area. The proxi:::i Ly (;.f.' the Snettisilam Project to a major zone of crustal weakness does, how~ver, make it prudenl to design important structures at the pro- ject for fairly substantial earthquake accelerations. The 1957 seismic probability map by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and modified by Corps of EngiEeers, considers the Snetcisham Project as being in Zone III and magni- tLldes of 6.G and above ,\/Quld be anticipated. Use of Zone III magnitude was recommended i.L Design MemoramiuIIl No.3 <l:ld approved by higher authority. 6.04 Excepl [or thL Craler Lake Lunnel and penstock, no lmportant struc- tures will b8 constructed acrOS3 major fault zones. The tunnel will pass three',:'· t .. !·" 6.05 GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS. The power tunnel alignment for the recom- mended plan was the result of carefully selecting the best locations, geo- logically, for the lake tap and the surge tank. Once these two points were determined and the horizontal and vertical cover was checked to be sure of enough rock cover, the tunnel ;llignment became fixed [or the purpose of con- ducting explorations. It was along t~is alignment and location o[ features that initial geological explorations were conducted during the 1972 field season. The contract held by Taku Constructors was modified to include 1446 lineal feet of NX core drilling, underwater survey of that portion of the lake selected for a tap site, and some surface mapping. Those faults and joints which have been studied in the field, have high angle dips ranging from 60 to 80 degrees measured from the horizontal. The geometry of surface traces of these geological structures appear as straight lines, or nearly so, on aerial photographs, which additionally supports the fact that the structures are steeply dipping. Also, the information obtained from First and Second faults as well as Glacier Creek fault, in the Long Lake tunnel, is graphic evidence that they are quite planar along their dip planes. It is expected that the fracture planes along the Crater Lake tunnel will also be planar. Cliffside fault, Sta 10+20, is exposed near lake level and is considered a prominent geological feature. This fault was not sampled at depth by drilling. The next major structure is Hilltop fault, which is exposed on the surface at Sta 12+50. Because erosion processes have removed rock from both sides of the fault plane, an acceptable area could not be located for a dip measurement. Studies of the core of DRI02 indicate that a fault was encountered between 267.4 and 313.5 ft. of depth. Core recovered from the fault zone is very closely broken into small pieces ranging from 0.1 ft. to 0.4 ft. Most of the core lengths that are 0.2 to 0.4 ft. long have healed fractures. The only hole drilled along the mid-portion of the power tunnel, DR 101, was located to investigate the rock conditions of the Junction fault. Some thirteen feet of closely broken core was recovered between 160 and 173 feet. While this small amount of broken rock is thought to represent the Junction fault, it is expected that this reach of the tunnel will have some 90 ft. or more of blocky rock which will require some kind of support. The rest of the core appears to be normally jointed for the area. Drill hole DR 99 was located in an area selected for the surge tank and drilled to a depth of 350 feet. Core recovery was excellent and no evidence of faulting was observed in the core. The site for the surge tank was later moved some 135 ft. up the tunnel for penstock and rock trap design considerations. Additional drilling was done along the power tunnel alignment to investigate certain faults, however, the data is not available for this memorandum. 6.06 The 1973 field season has been very successful from the standpoint of mapping the surface geology along the route of the power tunnel. Many of the lineament features shown on previous maps were the result of studies of aerial photographs. Much of the effort of the field season was spent in ground truthing the previous photographic studies. Geologic structures were mapped by the tape and traverse method and where accurately located where they cross the center line. The mountain side is so steep and rough and covered with dense trees and thick underbrush that clearing the center line of brush was re(JUired in order to SU1"Vey and stake the alignment every 100 feet. Clearing the center line made a tremendous impact on the field work.. Brushing out a narrow swath permitted sufficient visibility which enabled many geologic features to be observed and recognized for the first time" Two fa.ults of major importance were discovered only after the centerline was brushed out when on several previous traverses of the area they had not been observed. Five major faults have now been identified. Beginning at the lake and progressing up stationing towards the pen3tock, they are: Cliffside, Hilltop, Junction, Tlingit and Tsimpsian. (See plates 3 and 4). Field studies proved that the feature previously identified as "Cross Country Fault" is indeed a minor joint and therefore has been deleted from the geologic map. The two new faults which were discovered, the Tlingit and Tsimpsian, cross the tunnel alignment at stations 51+00 and 60+00 respectively. 6.07 OTHER TYPES OF INVESTIGATIONS. The above subsurface explorations have been augmented by geologic mapping, underwater survey and office studies of aerial photographs. Results of these investigations are in- cluded where appropriate in this memorandum. Studies of borrow areas for concrete aggregates have been done previously and the materials from area 'one' and area 'two' have been used in the Long Lake construction phase. Future investigations will include re-examining borrow areas 'one' and 'two' with future concrete requirements in mind, additional NX borings along the power tunnel alignment and the surge tank area, lead line survey to varify underwater contours, unden~ater TV survey of the rock at the tap site will be made from a small 2 man submersible (submarine), and additional surface mapping of fractures, faults, and joints. 6-3 SECTION 7 -G_EOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF WATER WAYS 7.01 GENERAL BEDROCK CHARACTER. Explorations and studies conducted to date indicate the quartz diorite bedrock, which will be encountered by the power tunnel, penstock tunnel, surge tank, shaft, will be generally of good to excellent quality. As mentioned in Section 6, localized exceptions to this general premise will definitely occur at known major fault zones. These zones of ~ighly broken and weathered rock have been identified with relative accuracy, as to their position along the tunnel alignment, as a result of field mapping of the rock structures above tunnel grade and studying of aerial photographs. To the extent possible, all major structures have been located or aligned so as to minimize, if not completely avoid, known faults or closely spaced joint systems in the rock. 7.02 POWER TUNNEL FAULTS. The power tunnel will pass through five prominent and several minor fault zones, see paragraph 6.06 and Plates 3 and 4. Unlike the Long Lake tunnel, Crater Lake tunnel will pass through most of the fractures at less favorable angles. The acute angles range from 20 to 30 degrees. Also, there are considerably more fractures along the alignment which have visible surface expressions. Office studies of these fractures are not complete enough to determine the degree of impact of these features on the design and construction problems of the tunneL Studies to date indicate an order of magnitude to be; (1) Junction, (2) Cliffside, (3) Hilltop, (4) Tsimpsian and (5) Tlingit. 7.03 NATURE OF FAULT ZONES. The central portions, or "crush zones", in each of these faults are expected to be characterized by closely broken, mylonitized, and altered rock, intermixed with definite lenses or stringers of plastic fault gouge. Adjacent to each ceutral crush zone are border phases of less severly broken or altered fresh rock extending outwards to the mass of rock. More extensive remedial measures are therefore anticipated in connection with tunneling operations through these particular five faults; however, experience in the Long Lake tunnel was that the -:ock in the fault zones was sufficiently strong and did not require SUppOl::" of any kind while excavating. While we might be hopeful for a similar condition in the Crater Lake tunnel, consideration has to be given to rock conditions which are less then ideal; therefore, the same consideration will be given this tunnel as was given to Long Lake tunnel in so far as design assumptions for tunnel support are concerned. An exploratoLY "guide" hole will be drilled in advance of the tunnel heading on approaching iiay of the major fault zones to explore for the occurrence of high pressure £lmvs of water or unfavorable ground conditions. Drilling of this guide hole will be phased with the blast hole drilling, shooting, and muck removal operations. 7.04 OTHER REMEDIAL HEASURES. Generally, good rock condLtions are ex- pected throughout a major part of the tunneling operations. Overbreak and running ground are not inherent qualities of this rock, nor is the tunnel expected to be wet. Remedial treatment will be required where rock conditions are unsatisfactory. Rock bolts, concrete lining, wire mesh, shotcrete and grouting will, by and large, be used to take care of all but the most difficult conditions. It is not anticipated that an appreciable number vf, if any, sets wil~ be required, and that they will be limited principally to where rock conditions are closely associated wi th faulting. Loni~ Lake tunnel die. not require any support in the form of sets and, likewise, it is believed that Crater Lake tunnel will not requi.re set support; however, the contract will require five steel sets to be on site as a precautionary and expedient measure. 7.05 ROCK REINIQ..RCFJ:-1ENT. Pattern rock bolting wi 11 be done in those areas of the tunnel where the frequency, dip and strike of fractures re- quires a pattern of bolts for reinforcement, Elsewhere, spot boL:ing \vill be used to provide safety or to supplement pattern bolts where un- favorable geologic conditions exist. The pattern design will be based on engineering principles and rock behavior. Bolt lengths will be varied to prevent a plane of weakness in ':he Cl~own 0 f the tunnel. When required, rock bolts ,,'ill be inf,talled irmnediC'.tely after tunnel excavation to mini- mize stress relief, overbreakage and rock falls. Approximately 4,200 rock bolts will be required fo;' the power tunnel and appurtenant struc- tures. Instrumentation and testing will be restricted to rock nO-Lt deformeters and pull tests of regular rock bolts. In the event o~ latent geological condiUons, additional instrumentation will be consicle::ed, and only chen after careful evaluation of the overall situation. This is not to imply a negative attitude towards instrumentation. Rather it implies a carefully evaluated need for instrumentation, the use of data and, of course, a means of monitoring or collecting the data. 7.06 CONCRETE LINING. Concrete lining wi 11 be required for a L leas t tlve major faults, Cliffside, Hilltop, Junction, Tlingit and Tsimpsian. Cliffside and Hilltop faults are fairly close together, some 130 ~t. at tunnel level, and will probably have. continuous concrete lining \vhich will also extend 100 ft. dmVl1stream of the gates. The next fault which wi.ll require lining is Junction fault. Studies of aerial photographs indicate that !:here are several lineaments passing through the area and they cross one o~~her. R3ther extensive lining .i_s expected through these fau· ... ts. ;::nD- Linll011S lining is ex?ccted between statiO:l 2~+65 and station 31+20. Tile nex, major geolotcic structure which is expected to receive concrete lilling is Tlingit fault at station 61+00. The surface trace of this [<:'-uLt is reflected as a shallow trench like <iepression some 70 feet wide. While thi~; s truc ture has 2. sub stan t ia1 wid th at the sur face the need for ac tua 1 concrete lining would most lil<ely be in the o:.der of 120 feet or the','e about with the resL of the broken reck being sllpported by roc~ bolts. Tsimpsian fault at staL_on 60+00 is some\"hat 5.Lmilar to the Tlingit fault in that the surface expression is that of a trench only '.1arrowel-. Surface conditions indicate d,e Tsimpsian fault to have a more clusely broken zone of fault gouge. An estimated 70 feet of concrete lining is assigned to this fault. 7.07 OTHER Ex..DUJR.I\TIQ~§'o In addi. tion to the sur face geology along the tunnel alignment five NX borjngs have been in ~)rogress during the late summer and fall of 1973. One boring 1.S to explore the rock in which the surge tank will be !-u(ltltn;ci:ed. tile other fouY.' borings are to Bt_udy Junction, Tlingi t and Tsimpsian fa'.llt s. Again, only preliminary information in limited amounts has been made available by the contractor. The penstock alignment will not be drilled because of its close proximity to the existing Long Lake penstock. Geological jata obtained from the existing penstock is extrapolated and projected to the Crater Lake penstock and a surface traverse for geologic data will be made; therefore, the high cost of exploratory drilling is not justified. Also, the reader is reminded that the penstock, in addition to being buried in rock, is a steel pipe encased in concrete. An estimated 940 lineal feet of concrete lining, most of which will be 12 inches thick, will be required to stabilize the tunnel ,,,alls across faults and fractures. 7.08 PENSTOCK AND ACCESS ADIT. For the purpose of this design memorandum, it is planned that rock bolting will be performed in the penstock tunnel and access adit in the same basic concept as outlined for the tunnel in paragraph 7.05. Overbreak conditions are generally similar to those dis- cussed in paragraph 7.04. 'Because of its closeness to the Long Lake pen- utock, much valuable geological information can be projected to thc new penstock with a high degree of reliability. 7.09 GEOLOGY OF OTHER WATERWAYS FEATURES. As stated in paragrapL 7.01, current knowledge of the general project site geology has enabled many of the project features to be advantageously placed in specific areas of highly competent granitic bedrock. Major structures such as the power tunnel and penstock must accept zones of lesser quality rock because of their relatively fixed positions within the project scheme. (Plates 3 and 4) Remedial treatment is discussed in paragraph 7.05. 7.10 LAKE TAP AREA. Probably the most important single area, gee,logically, of the project is the mass of rock iil. which the rock trap wi.ll be con- str.ucted and through which the lake 'will be pierced. The site ,Jaf: ori.g- inally selected in an area having the most favorable geology based on l.imi ted Eiel.d work and studies of aerial photogrCiphs. ALlditioltLll, but preliminary, informatiull obtained from the 1973 field work has served Lo verify the 1.ocation as being the best. A two man submarine \las used by Lhe COEtractor to investigate the bottom of the lake. Video tapes \vcre made of three traverses of the tap area starting some 250 feet deep and moving shoreward, up contour, to where they emerged at the surface near the shore line. Very fine grained sediment covered the rock :0 m.;kward depths ranging up to 3 or L~ feet. An estimate of overburden depth wa~; made by letting the submarine penetrate the overburden materia] unLil the bottom of the submarine struck rock. Assuming the attitude of the sub- marine was level the silt was estimated to be some 3 to it feeL deep in t.hose few places investigated in this manner. Also, in the vi.cin~ty of the 145 fooL contour (depth below su:-face) a mass of trees \V'as encountered. This horizon of trees appeared in all traverses. The rather broad area i.nvestigated with the submarine has encountered the debr:Ls of trees at generally the same depth and across most of the rock face of thL! eilst end of the lake. At this time, and without benefit of office studies, it appears that both sediment anG the debris of trees are inescapable and will have to be dealt with. }-3 7.11 DAM AREA. A small concrete dam located across the lake outlet and Ll separate diversion tunnel has been studied. The rock in the dam site ridge is broken by a least three, and possibly four, high angle faults which are subparalleled to the ridge and cross the creek at right angles. Also, the deep trench through which the lake discharges is an expression of a major fault. 7.12 The faults which cross the creek trend N 27 oE, dip 75 0 to 800 SE, and are spaced about 70 feet apart. The fault which forms the trench in which the creek flows trends N 50OW. The dip is unknown. 7.13 Rock in which the foundation of the dam would be constructed is expected to be unduely broken with shattering adjacent to faults, especially the fault which parallels the creek. Over excavation and remedial foundation treatment is expected to be somewhat greater because of the spacing and orientation of the faults in such a relatively small area. Many of the problems encountered during the study of the Long Lake outlet are expected at this outlet. For geologic reasons a dam is not recommended. 7.14 The diversion tunnel, some 1,670 feet long, is located into the mountain sufficient distance away from the creek to be out of the influence of the Crater Creek fault. Where the NE striking faults pass through the diversion tunnel, dental treatment, similar to that which was done in the Long Lake diversion tunnel, would be required. SECTION 8 -HYDRAULIC DESIGN 8.01 GENER..<\L. The hydraulic des ign of the Crater Lake features is similar to those done for the Long Lake phase of the Snettisham Project, as presented in feature Design Memorandum No. 10, "Power Tunnel, Surge Tank and Penstoc~', Supplement No. 1 to Design Memorandum No. 10. The hydraulic design herein is based on the features as determined by geo- logic and structural considerations. 8.02 ENERGY LOSSES. a. General. Head losses in conduits are primarily caused by the frictional resistance to flow. Additional losses result from trashrack interferences, entrance contractions, bends within the conduit, con- tractions and expansions from lining lengths and gate structure, and other interferences in the conduits. Each feature producing a hydraulic loss was given a loss coefficient (k) to be used in the equation [or head loss. All loss coefficients were totaled [or all project features from the intake to the spherical valve to provide the total head loss for any flow. b. Frictional Losses. Based on experience in Norway by the C. F. Gr~ner finl and construction perfonnance at the Snettisham-Long Lake power tunnel, a Manning's "n" value of 0.028 was used for the expected frictional resistance in the Crater Lake tunnel. Theoretical COITlputa- tions, using the Von Karman-Prandt1 equation for turbulent flow in rough pipes and estimating the height of roughness in the power tunnel, produce similar results as follows: Maximum Roughness (k) = 1 foot Expected Roughness (k) = 0.5 foot Minimum Roughness (k) = 0.25 foot Converting absolute roughness (k) to Darcy's friction factor (f) by the Von Karman-Prandt1 equation: r O k + 1. 74 where rO= radius of the conduit k = absolute roughness height The values of Darcy's friction factor (f) is then converted to Hanning's "n" by f where d = diameter of the conduit The resulting values o[ Manning's "n" then become Maximum "n" = 0.034 Expected "n" == 0.028 Minimum "n" == 0.025 c. Other Losses. All other hydraulic losses were handled in a similar manner. Each feature was analyzed for the type of geometry expected and a value of maximum, expected, and minimum absolute rough- ness was given. The loss of head at the intake to the power tunnel was considered comparable to the loss in a short submerged tube. Losses due to curves in the conduit alignment were related to experimental data on bend losses in smaller pipes. Transition losses in the conduit due to lengths of concrete lining and expansion and contraction of features such as rock traps, were estimated from experimental data given in standard hydraulic texts. The trashrack loss was estimated from pre- liminary sizing of the structural members. The total hydraulic losses are shown on Figure 16. 8.03 ECONOMIC SIZING OF POWER TUNNEL AND PENSTOCK. The unlined power tunnel and penstock sizes were selected by the following procedure: a. The Federal investment costs were estimated for several tunnel and penstock diameters. For the power tunnel, the costs were based on an unlined modified horseshoe tunnel. The tunnel considered has an unlined length of 5,300 feet and 825 feet of concrete lining. These estimated lengths are based on preliminary geological information avail- able and experience with the Long Lake tunnel. The penstock is steel lined. b. Hydraulic losses were estimated for the several considered diameters of tunnels and penstocks. c. Hydraulic losses were converted to equivalent average energy losses based on average plant factor operation. The annual value of the energy losses (See Section 24) was converted to a present worth basis using 3-1/8 percent and a 95 year life. A 95 year life was used because Crater Lake power comes on line 5 years after Snettisham Project power comes on line. d. The investment costs were ~dded to present worths of the hydrau- lic losses for total comparative costs. The results are shown in curve form, Figure 15. 8.04 The Federal investment costs were estimated for tunnel excavation using rail and rubber tired equipment. A tunnel 11 feet wide and 11 feet high and a penstock 6 feet in diameter were selected as the most economical size. 8.05 SURGE TAt-.TK. The Snettisham Project will be serving an isolated load since no other large generation or transmission facilities are available for interconnection. Such operation requires a plant which has capahility for r~pid load pickup, rapid load rejection, and in- herent stabj lity under load changes, A surge tcmk providf's .1 SOllrll' of water tc flllfi 11 the function of allowing rapid load pickup. 1'l'r·- formance of the system wi.thout a surge tank on both load rejection and load acceptar..ce, combir..ed 'dth the stringent operating requirements, indicate the surge tank is required for the Crater Lake power facilities. 8.06 The Thoma Formula (F = AL ..... 2gCH) is a standard tool for selecting the first approximation of surge tank diameters to meet stability re- quirements. The Thoma Formula is designed to provide a tank area (F) which will provide borderline stability under a small load change, assuming turbine efficiency is constant. That is, the surges will neither increaf>e nor decrease in amplitude as a function of time. Stand- ard practice is to increase the Thoma diameter 50 percent. The Thoma diameter plus 50 percent for the Crater Lake surge tank is 8 feet. Future studies will consider the advisability of increasing this diameter, considering construction feasibility and reduction in surge amplit"des. The detailed analysis for the surge tank design will be presented in a design analysis Lo be furnished at a later date. The surge tank for Crater Lake will be of the restrictive orifice type. The orifice, which will provide additional headloss during surge action, will b0 located in a horizonca1 riser or drift, connected to the rock trap. The orifice was designed for the pressure head elevation at the orifice at time t '" a to equal the surge tank water surface at the quarter cycle. 1~~ or~fice will be approximately 4 feet in diameter. 8. a 7 The minimum and max imum surge elevations were approx im;, teo. tLrough use of the Calame-Gaden and R. D. Johnson Curves. The minimulll SU1·~.C \.,ras based on turb ine load acceptance at the minimum power pool ,vleh mHXI.mum hydraulic losses. The elevation of the minimum surge (elevC1i:i.on 752) vias used :::0 set the invert elevation of the surge tank. The n.;]-imum surge l.;as r'ct.2nnined to define the height of surge tank and ,.h. cl~:1amic pressures ,y, the penstock. The maximum surge (elevation 1070: is baSEd on turbine load rejection at maxinum power pool with '1linimurr. hy3raulic losses. 8.08 WATER HAt'1MER ANALYSIS. --_. __ ._- a. MaxilfHlID water p.: __ essure gradient in the penstock due to ' .. Inter ham- mer was determined by use of the Allievi cba.rts. The Allie'J'; CbelL values were based on maximum pool elevat ion, maximum net tur·)ine r-,e:'1': with complete load rejection with a valve closing time of 5 seconds. b. The internal pressure l.vithin the penstock due to water :u:mU11er is assumed [0 vary in il straight line from the maximum surge at tilA surge tanK to the maximum water hammer pressure at the spherilClJ. value. See Plate 11 for a graphical presentation of the intern1l1 Dress"n~ in th,.: Dell~,j": c. For final analysis of surge and water hammer pressures the Alaska District will use MIT computer program "Hydro-Power Plant Transcients" developed for use by Missouri River Division (MRD) and used in designing the Long Lake Surge Tank and Penstock. SECTION 9 -TURBINE SELECTION 9.01 GENER..~. A study was made for the Alaska District by the Hydro- Electric Design Branch, North Pacific Division, to determine if a larger turbine unit could be used in the existing Snettisham power- house blockout than originally provided for. Based on the results of that study (Exhibit 3) a 27 MW (30 MVA) unit is considered to be the largest U\1(t that can be installed in the available space. Al- though the spiral case for that unit is slightly larger than those for the Long Lake units, the increased size should not create any problems. It is recommended that the 27 MW (nameplate) unit be selected. 9.02 NET TURBINE HEADS. The net turbine heads were computed from the application of the following basic hydropower formula: where: KW := Q x H x plant efficiency in percent 11.8 KW = continuous power in kilowatts Q regulated flow in c.f.s. H = net head in feet An overall plant efficiency of 85 percent was assumed for this Gtudy. The formula then becomes: KW = ~ H x 0.85 '= QH 0.072 11.8 Preliminary studies indicate that a 27,000 KW nameplate unit largest that can be accomodated in the existing power planL. i~;.:he Th(-.refore, H P ,000 KW net 0.072 Q From the above formula the maximun:, average, and minimum turb in" h.eads were computed. 9.03 The maximum turbine head was based on the maximum pool e1e'Jation of 1,022 feet, a minimum taibvater elevation and the expected hydt'.'.lulic losses. The average turbine head was based on the average power pool of 966 feet, average tailwater and expected hydraulic losses. The critical turbine head is based on the minimum power pool of 132 1 feet, maximum tailwater and expected hydraulic losses. The following values are derived from the above criteria based on an Il-foot modi.fied horseshoe power tunnel and a 6-foot diameter penstock. Maximum Net Head Averagt:! Net Head -1 Net Turbine Heads 1,003 941 779 9.04 The preliminary turbine selection shows a small difference in the values of net heads used because the study was based on a 10-foot modified horseshoe power tunnel and a 5.5-foot diameter steel penstock. Subsequent economic analysis shows an II-foot power tunnel and a 6-foot diameter penstock to be more economical. This change in sizing will increase the net heads of the turbines by 1 percent at the maximum head and 5 percent at the critical head. These changes will be re- flected in the design analysis. SECTION 10 -POWER CONDUIT 10.01 GENERAL. The power conduit includes a lake tap and related rock trap, an unlined section of power tunnel leading to the gate structure, an underground gate structure, another section of unlined power tunnel, the rock trap, surge tank, penstock, and pertinent features. These structures constitute the waterways to transmit Crater Lake water to the powerhouse. Their locations and relationships to each other and to the remainder of the project are shown on Plate 2. 10.02 POWER TUNNEL. The plan and profile of the power tunnel are shown on Plate 8. The length will be approximately 5,930 feet from the entrance at the lake, through the rock trap and gate structure to the beginning of the steel penstock. The invert elevation will be 800 at the lake and 746 at the surge tank with the tunnel floor slop- ing down at one half foot per 100 feet toward the penstock. The tunnel will be a modified horseshoe, essentially unlined, excavated in rock, 11 feet wide and 11 feet high. 10.03 A reinforced concrete lining will be provided in those sections of the tunnel where poor rock conditions are encountered, as dis- cussed in paragraph 7.07. (Plate 9.) This lining will be designed to withstand a pressurehead in excess of the maximum pool level. 10.04 Supplement No. 1 to Design Memorandum No. 10, "Power Tunnel, Surge Tank, and Penstock," Snettisham project, reported on the feasibil- ity of an unlined power tunnel and related features for the Long Lake power tunnel, including a cost comparisOn with the lined tunnel. The conditions for the Crater Lake power tunnel are similar. Therefore, ;In unlined tunnel is recommended, without a comparative study of a fully lined tunnel, because the findings reported in Supplement 1 to Design Memorandum 10 are considered valid for the Crater Lake power tunnel. 10.05 The criteria for determining where the pOvler tunnel w"il.l he lined, when not required because of rock conditions discussed i~ para- graph 7.07, and where the steel penstock lining commences a.re illustrated on Plate 8 are are: a. Minimum rock cover, in feet, vertically above any point in the unlined tunnel shall tle equal to eight-tenths of the maxi.mum dynamic pressurehead, in feet, to which the tunnel shall be subjected at the tunnel station; b. The minimum horizonta 1 distance, in feet, to the rock sur face at any point in the unlined tunnel shall be equal to one hundred- fifty percent of the maxim~m dynamic pressurehead, in feet, to lJhich the tunnel shall be subjected at that tunnel station; c. The minimum distance to the rock surface, in feet, at d point to the side of the unlined tunnel above the tunnel elevation s~all be equal to the maximum static pressurehead, in feet, to which the tunnel shall be subjected at that tunnel station, measured horizontally, and equal to six-tenths of the may:imum static pressurehead, in feet, to which the tunnel shall be subj<!cted at that tunnel station, measured vertically. d. The m~n~mum rock cover aL any point above and to the side of the unlined tunnel shall not be less than that described by straight lines connecting the three points established by the criteria in a, b, and c above. The power tunne:_ has rock cover in excess a f the above stated minimum requirements for its entire length upstrea~ of the steel penstock lining. With pool elevation 1022, the maximum dynamic head on the power tunnel at the surge tank is to elevation 1070. The maximum dynamic head in the tunne~ is assumed to vary in the straight line between the surge tank and the lake level. 10.06 PENSTOCK. The penstock will be 6 feet diameter, steel lined, encased in concrete (Plate 11). It will be approximately 1,570 feet long, extending horizontally about 500 feet from the rock trap to where it will slope downward at a 45 0 angle, leveling off at Elevation 7.5, immediately upstream of the powerhouse valve room wall. 10.07 Dynamic pressure heads vary from 1,070 feet to 1,360 at the spherical valve. The steel lining to withstand the maximum internal dynamic pressure of the following criteria. at the surge tank will be designed and satisfying all a. With steel stresses limited to one-quarter of the ultimate strength, assuming support is provided by the concrete and rock. b. With maximum steel stresf;ed limited to 50% of ultimate strength or 80% of yield strength, wh~chever is the lesser, assJl1ling no support is provided by the concrete and rock. The steel lining will also be desLgned to resist buckling with an equivalent external pressure head, in feet, equal to the distance to the rock surface immediately abOVE: the penstock with the penstock unwatered. The minimum steel lin:~ng thickness shall not be less than 3/8 inch to provide stiffness for construction handling and placing. 10.08 The steel penstock extends upstream to the point in the power tunnel where the minimum rock cov(;r criteria, outlined in parag::aph 8.05 for the unlined power tunnel is satisfied. Minimum rock cover for the steel penstock shall exceed three times the penstock diameter. 10.09 The tJlpC of steel and thickness will be the subject of a de- tailed study that will be reported in the design analysis. A p::e- liminary analysis has indicated ttat ASTM-A537, Class 2 steel, a normal- izing presure ves 1 quality steel is the mJst economical and the cost (!stimdLe is based Oil this steel. The Long Lake penstock i~ constructed uf thi s s c~;e Land ASTH-A5l6, Grad.! 60 steel, both of which wi 11 L>e '-ncluded iI, Ule detailed study. One hundred percent radiugraphic l~xamin3 ~:i or, 'j f we Ids Hi 11 be required. 1.0.10 ThL [.'c;LSi:.ur:k e;~cavation, a:; presently envisioned, will b2 a g foot J-'.3LlLCi.) Ci:::Cll:d;-cross·-seetion tunnel with onc ioot thick concrete ellCaSe[:1,~llt of the sl":ee~ ·~inei.·. The Long Lake penstock was ~pecified LO have a 10.5 feet diaDete~ excavation with a one iOJC thick c.Ollcrei.2 eUC2.sement of all 8.5 ':eet diameter penstock, but "TaS actually consu:uctcd with r. conc:.ete encasement approaching 3 feet in thicklleGG becauGt:. of the const!'uction techniques and methods elected by the contractor. This will be considered further in preparation of the design and a change Pi'oposed, i: justified. 10.11 ~)ENS1~~)CK TPu'\SIIRi~C:. In the recommended plan, a. ~u;' trashrack with net openinGs of .:" by L~'I :!_s required at the upper Lll'l of the pen- h tack illi l La lL:" becau:,e () f tlle lake ;. ap and drawdown s ·::l,clne. A f:er fhe trashn::ck is irw:ai i _ec1 .l<: the lake, the upper half of ttl: . .' crash- rllck \-,ill b\.~ remo-rt-~<l. '1-'he remain:~Ilg hal f rack will catch any rocks liloving eJong the bot:to1'1 u·= the pouer ~unnel, retaining th",:l in the ~ock trap ared for Llter removal. Since there will be 3. full trash- l'ack at the lake eud of the power tunnel to catch flodting materLal, h half rack i:.i all that is required at the penstock entraclce. 10.12 Tt-;TAKE TRASHRACK. The powe:.: tunnel entrance wi 1 i. be covered by a Rteel trashrack (Plate 10) designed to withstand R SO foot differentia!, pressure head and c8:)able of being covered, ],ll a~l emergency, '.Jith steel stoplogs or a membrane so that the power tunne-. llpscream of the gate structure can be umqater.od. This rack will have net openings () : 2" b) 12" The l'e(~()mmendeJ l.qke tap prGcedure dict.ate: l:hat ~h:Ls trashrack be installed after the ·;.ake tap and initial draWC(MIl ildve b(~en achieveJ. The iTc:shrack w5_l·. be insralled, usi.ng fl. '.lL :,~, ~(IU~P- IIlent: (,11 tl1l-; l.Rke ,11'11.· .;_'" tJ1C HaLer ;ourIa,::e is held at +-·lle ,i elL:1/' .j evel. The lTLlt,h!':l(i.,-\,,'1.-.. not be remuvab~_e and trashrack cle;r:l:.l)rk~l';.l)nS \olj 11 } e po;c-sible on1.y at lou pool:; utilizing divers and, rj":ltillr.; cCluipment: i.n trl!; lake. However., (iebris is not expecter[", d p'oblem lJeC<.ll[;e the i_uJsIlJ~ack niLe be I)n the slope of l', :~-" "vall, <.pprQ},ilTl,-:~_ely 4:) (!.';6:L"'(~.3, "nd the velocity of flow ~:hl'Ol .1[i;.~ gross trashrack. ClIca \;c.11 lle.:_imi_i,;ll to bL~t've0.n 2 and 4 f(!.;~~ l';E':U:lJ. lO.l] The surge: tank will he ,Ill (3 foo!.: diameter vert:· ! -lS;:lg, \\i·.lined ,-OCt· r:;Iw<c:, ·.·i~;ing ':u '::lw ground "l1lrtflCe (PIa:: .(, "" T.o[1 of this roc1r "hart w~ :.1 be c()nc'~eT:e coven~d. Rock bolt::.: .r·d 0,'1.:'-0') will IJe inst'111.cci, a8 required. The Long Lake surge tank (:xtellds !3.b·w€ the ground SU} ~c1ce and har·, El eoncrete cover 't-Jith a steel ·\"cn~. pLIO ~ ~.I.) prevent STem! dri.Hs and s'lides from co"ering it complc t :.<::1'. '~i ':~e the required hl·:it;Lt: 0 C surge tallk for Crat,'!r T,dke does no t-'·(':ch~h? ground l'llrfac:e abolt;, iLl": rl-:e sp.lect,~2. ',oc,'>':·.Ol, tlw concrete ('f.·or!' :;' ))1.'1 t:o prevent: Ul')i'l biocking 0:::-foreigtl material entering the t.:.:.nk. A 10uvf:J: '.>fii 1 De 1)r'rn ri.cect on the Ilounhi 5_1 side to vent the ti.·n~.;:. " -< . -." .J 10.14 The m~n~mum cover requirements for the unlined power tunnel, discussed in paragraph 8.05, dictated the upper extent of the steel lined penstock. The surge tank is located as close to this point as possible with consideration of the geologic conditions in the area. 10.15 ROCK TRAP AND ACCESS ADIT. The reccmmended concept includes a rock trap immediately up£tream of the peLstock (Plate 10) with a floor elevation approximately 6 feet lower than the penstock invert. The surge tank drift will have an invert elevation approximately 5 feet above the rock trap floor to prevent rock moving into the surge tank. The power tunnel access adit location upstream of the rock trap is influenced by the requirements fo~ the access road. The adit will have a concrete plug with a steel door on its upstream face designed to withstand the full dynamic head to elevation 1070. A pipe with a gate valve will be provided at the adit pl~g invert to drain water from the rock trap. 10.16 With the power/access tunnel scheme, the access adit will be located in the same position but will not require a plug. A door will be provided to exclude animals. SECTION 11 -GATE STRUCTURE 11. 01 GENERAL. The recommended gate structure is housed in a chamber in the rock at approximate tunnel Station 13+90, about 750 feet down- stream from the lake. The location was governed by geologic conditions and is subject to relocatio:1 after more detdiled study. 11.02 RECOfmENDED STRUCTURE. ThE gate structure will be a concrete lined chamber immediately above the power tunnel. (Plate 12). Access will be through an adit from the upper access road. The gate structure will house two 6 feet by 12 feet slide gates in series. The dovm- stream gate will be operating gate, designed to withstand pressure head of 270 feet at normal stresses. The upstream gate will serve as the bulkhead for servicing the operating gate. This gate will be designed to withstand the full lake head pressure plus a 50 percent over-pressure to withstand the blast at the time of the lake tap. The bulkhead gate and the tunnel upstream of the bulkhead gate vlill normally not be accessible. The power tunnel air vent will be a 30 inch diameter steel pipe extending along the access adit until it rises vertically in a drilled hole, approximately 250 feet high, to vent at the ground surface above the maximum pool elevation. There will be a 20-ton monorail hoist capable of pulling the slide gate leaf and stem. The machinery to operate the slide gates and a transformer vault will be located in the chamber. A power tunnel access manhole will be provided at the bottom of the chamber. The power tunnel will be concrete lined for a minimum of 100 feet upstream and downstream of the gate structure. 11.03 VENTILATION. A ventilation duct with blower will extend from the gate chamber to the access adit portal to ventilate the chamber and the adi t. 11.04 ELECTRICAL POWER. Overhead electricdl distribution can be tapped from the existing Project 13.8 Kv camp feeder at the pOl'fer- house-switch-yard location. The capacity of the existing 1/0 ACSR line now serving the camp and Lon~, Lake is adequate for additional Crater Lake gate and intake facilities. 11.05 A small unit substation will provide 480 volt power to the gate control units. General lighting ~nd 120 V convenience outlets will be provided ia the gate chamber. Telephones will be provided for communi- cation between the gate structure and power house. Emergency power for the gate structure will be provided by manual traasfer to a power out- let and portable geaerator. This scheme is similar to Long Lake emergency gate control. A suitable generator is available at Snettisham as permanent operating equipment. SECTION 12 -LAKE TAP 12.01 GENER4-. The lake tap will be directly into the power Lunritl with the invert aL elevation 800, approxi:nately 220 feet below llormal. :1 ake level. The tap will be made after the power tunnel is excavated and the c'perating and bulkhead 9;ates ino;ta\led, \lith b,)th the bulkhead and cp8n.;~,n£ gates closed. A rock trar is provided to =atch and permanently store the rock L'rom the final plug. The power tunnel branches off from the side of the rock trap above the Hoar level so tne rock from the blast wi ":.1 ne,t be diverted into the power tunnel itself. The lake tap configuraj~ioL and rock trap are shown on Plate 17. 12.02 ROCK TRAP. A large rock trap will be excavated with a~100r eleva- tion 25 feet lower then the tap invert. It is designed with r1 dca.d end area to permanently hold the rock plug to be removed in the tappir:g operation. The power tunnel joins the rock trap, entering midway in the sid.::, wall with a sill invert 8 feet above the rock trap floor. A second, smH1',~r rock trap with a concrete sill in the floor is positioned in the ilOFer tunnel about half way between the first rock trap and the gate structure (Pla~e 8). ·l2.03 TAPPING CPERA~ION 0 The rock trap and concrete si 11s u:i.ll te con- :;tructed using the power tunnel for access. :he entire power .,unnel and gate structure will be completed prior to the tapping operation. The rock trap must be completely unwatered prior to the final tapping operation so that the rock wi 11 move into the dead end trap. When everythi'IZ 's ready, the final blast "Jill be made with both slide gates fully shut.. The entrapped air in the power tunnel, upstream of the gates, will serve as a ·:.:ushion to (~ncourage the rock to drop into the trap. The upstream slide gatt! wilL be designed to withstand a blast pressure equal to 50 percent more than its normal operating ?rcssure, with one section of the gate 'imd',el' tha:l the rest. The dOvlllstream sLide gate serves as a backup for :::;1--l'il:;t:re 11'11 gate. It is expected that approximately 86 percent of the roc,:: w:_ll re- main in the first rock trap, 11 percent will enter the Jecond".y:L trdp, and 3 percent will be scat!~ered on the tunnel floor. 'rhese~L,,;., e.'> are based on a model. ~:;tudy in Norway of a very similar lakt~ tap l[ ;:Lp; a heac. of 85 meters (approximately 280 feet). 12.04 TRASHRj,CK INSTALLATION, Crater Lake i3 covered by ;e:' 'l't. August t~ach year. To install a trash rack over the tunnel entrdllce, 'iill be necessary to use iloating equipment and divers when there is no i.':: .. ~ pro1,lem. Analyses of ir~flm1 to thE~ lake and rredicted ?ower consump~ 10.1 :!." ':he Juneau area illdic'ltcs that Crater L.ske can be drawn down to ,-he m'~nimum level prior to L June j,"1 ;lilY year by gerlerating the ma:d,mu!J. illilouni: 0 E power with Unit 3. Hmvcve.r, lhe lake canr;ot be kep:: down into Augus': b(:caus(' of the limilLd power consumption anticipated until about the tenth year of operation. Therefore, it will bE necessary, under th~ recounnended ,)lan, to operate without an entrance trasrrack until power demanrl makes installa- tion feasible. Sinee the anticipatEd debris problem is minor, 'l,~j'j,odic reconnaissance of the lake surface end a minimum amount of debris remo1al should prevent' any problem unti 1 tre:shr8,ck installation is posslb~e. At I.:hat ti.me, ,1.0 t,.F' eIl(r:Jf!C'~ ',Jill be trimmed aI1d a trashrack ins:a-_led. The rack will be bolted to the rock surface a~d encased in tremie concrete. After installation of the tunnel entrance trashrack, the power tunnel will be unwatered and inspected and the ~,ppet' half of the penstock trashrack removed. 12.05 There is almost no floating cebris in Crater Lake. During the initial lake drawdown, a close watd and coll'2ction of debris will be maintained. In addition, there will be a full trashrack at the upstream end of the penstock to prevent any cebris from reaching the turbine. 12.06 TWO STEP LAKE TAP. Plate 18 shoY7s the rock trap configuration for a two step lake tap. This is essentially two rock traps with two upper sections of power tunnel joining upstream of the gate structure. It is intended to permit tapping the lake simultaneously at two levels. Such a system is to be used if rock conditions encountered during excavation for the one step lake tap make it unlikely that the one step tap will be successful. In that event, the second rock trap and higher tap hole will be excavated prior to any taP being attempted. The two taps will be blasted simultaneously, resulting ir .. two lake entrances to the power tunnel and requiring cwo trashracks. 12.07 DIVERSION TUNNEL LAKE TAP. The Long Lake tap was made into a sepa- rate diversion tunnel. In that scheme, the gate was opened and the plug rock was discharged into the stream. A small trap was provided at the tunnel invert immediately downstream of the tap to catch and hold the rock temporarily, permitting the rock to escape downstream as a gradual operation so that the large mass would not plug the gate structure or tunnel. The Crater Lake Diversion Tunnel tap would be similar, if this alternative is selected. 12.08 If a diversion tunnel scheme, similar to the Long Lake scheme, is to be selected, the main power tunnel would be excavated directly to the lake wall without a tap. The separate diversion tunnel gate structure would be provided with a permanently embedded gate frame and the operating slide gate would be used temporarily and then moved to its permanent loca- tion in the power tunnel gate structure with a permanent plug placed in the diversion tunnel, (Plate 30). 12.09 The separate diversion tunnel scheme ia estimated to cost $2,623,000 more than the recomnlended plan, would require an access road and disposal area, and would result in a much larger than normal, short time d~scharge of muddy water down Crater Creek into Crater Cove. Therefore, this scheme is not recommended. SECTION 13 -Dfu~ 13.01 GENERAL. The Project Plan and Reappraisal did not propose darning the exit to Crater Lake and there have been no subsequent serious pro- posals for a dam. However, preliminary investigation of two heights of dams are presented. 13.02 INCREASED GENERATING CAPABILITIES. The principal result of a dam will be to increase power output through increased head. Little benefit is gained from increased storage capacity, because with proper reservoir regulation, the entire inflow can be stored within the present Crater Lake limits. 13.03 DAMSITE. Crater Creek drops rapidly immediately on exiting the lake, limiting the available damsites to one location, the narrow ledge at the lake. The narrowness of the ledge and foundation conditions rule out any type of dam except a concrete gravity structure or a shorter base post-tensioned structure. 13.04 STUDIES. Two heights of concrete gravity dams were investi- gated with spillway crest elevation of 25 feet and 50 feet, re~pectively, (Plates 35 and 36), higher than the natural lake exit crest elevation. Both structures are ungated. The estimate investment costs are $3,204,000 for the 25 foot high structure and $6,491,000 for the 50 foot high structure, resulting in annual costs of the investment for a 100-year life of $106,000 and $213,000 respectively. Annual power benefits are $52,000 and $111,000 respectively, use 9.91 mills per k.w.h. for average annual energy. The cost figures do not include consideration of in- creased requirements for the power conduit because of the higher pool levels and resultant increased operating pressures. 13.05 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION. A dam at the outlet to Crater Lake is not feasible at this time. The natural lake outlet presents no danger of failure and consequent loss of storage during project life. Therefore, the natural lake outlet will remain untouched. 13-1 SECTION lL;, -POWER PLANT 14.01 GENERAl:.. Powerhouse plans, basic data, cost estimat(;s and text material concerning the power facilities in this design memorandum were prepared by the Hydro-Electric Design Branch of the North }acific Division. The existing powerhousE; is located underground dnd the existing two units utilize water from Long Lake. The prop0sed :)lan, contained herein for Unit 3, utilizes water from Crater Lake, a:1d final recommendations for a firm basis of design wi 11 be contained iL a future Preliminary Design Report No. 24, Powerhouse and Switchyard. 14.02 BASIC DATA (NEW CRATER LAKE UNIT unless noted). Plant capacity, existing, 1.\.\01 (nameplate rating) 47,160 Plant capacity, ultimate, KW (nameplate rating) 74,160 Type of turbine Francis Turbine rating, hp 37,000 Rating of generating unit, KW (nameplate) 21,000 Maximum pool elevation, Cnlter Lake, feet 1,022 Minimum pool elevation, Crater Lake, feet 82) Maximum tailwater elevation, feet 11.4 Minimum tailwater elevation, feet (no flow) (-)5.5 Tailwater elevation, feet (300 cfs) (-)4.) Elevation centerline turbine distributor, feet ( -):3 .J Elevation bottom of draft tube, feet Diameter of penstock, Crater Lake, feet 6.0 Diameter of penstock extension, feet 6.0 Spacing of main units, feet :::6.0 14.03 LAYOlfI AND SIZE. The powerhouse is an underground type, con- sisting of five general features: Power chamber, valve roonl, access tunnel, service tunnel, and tailrc.ce tunnel. The power chamber is small, measuring overall 174.5 feE.t long by 38.5 feet wide, and 72.5 feet high. This cavity houses thE: erection area, the two exist'~ng Long Lake generating units, the. electrical equipment, and space for:=he installation of the proposed new 27,000 KW Crater Lake unit. The power Chi1.8hcr i,-q!'l:'p,""ci with 6: 75-ton bridge crane for erection"1nd maintenance. Power chamber eXCaV&1:l0n for installa .. ion of the :hird unit is complete. The valve room (102.5 ft. long by 17.5 ft. wide and 25.5 ft. high) is located 35.5 feet upstrea:n of the power chamber. This cavity houses the two penstock spherical valves for the existing units, space for installation of the Crater Lake penstock valve (found- ation excavation completed), and c. small "All frame type gantry crane for installing and servicing the valves. Ac:cess to the valve room is by a 12-foot wide by 14-foot high tunnel at one end and a 6-foot wide by 7.5-foot high tunnel at the otter end. Excavation for the C'.:ater Lake penstock into the valve room has been completed from the valve room upstream for a distance of 150 feet. The access tunnel i3 220 feet long by 13 feet wide by 17 feet high A'.l equipment for:he third unit must pass through this tunnel. Also, all additional excavation below the surge tank access for tte penstock will have to be removed through this tunnel (see para. 12.07). The tunnel connects the electrical equipment area to the Ewitchyard. It is 430 feet long. 10 feet wide by 10 feet high. Personnel access to above ground can be made through the diesel generator building, ap?rox'Lmately 240 feet from the power chamber. The tailrace tunnel, approximatel y 290 feee: long, begins in a trifurcation which combines the three draft tubes into a single l3.5-foot wide by 39.5-foot high tunnel sec':ion. The overall arrangement and location is shown on Plate 26. ~\ more detailed layout is shown on Plate 27. 14.04 TURBINES 2 GENERATORS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. The turb i.ne wi 11 be of the vertical shaft, Francis-type with steel spiral case and con- crete elbow draft tube. Based on studies contained in Exhihit 2, the unit will be designed to produce a guaranteed out~ut (dependable capacity) of 37,000 HP (27,000 KW) at minimLm pool elevation. Best effic~ency will be achieved at the average peol eleva1:ion (Figure 17). A spherical valve will be provided upstream from the unit for emergency shatdown and maintenance. 14.05 The vertical genel:ator THill be rated 30,000 )01A, 0.9 PF, 13.8 Kv, 514 RPM, at 60 0 C rise for contincous operation. A three-phase two- winding power trans former will be located 1::1. the 138 Kv Sv1i tchyard near the powerhouse. Provisions were made for adding 13.8 Kv switchgear and control equipment for the third uc.it. Equiyment is existing in the present 480 volt switchgear and pcwer control centers loads for the third unit. Control features are deslgned for centralized control from the powerhouse and remote costrol from Juneau. 14.06 TAILRACE. As previously dE-scribed, converging draft tube exten- sions connected to a tailrac:e tunnel presen~ly exist with point of convergence 70 feet downstream from the cen':erline of units. From that point, the tunnel is 220 feet long to the tailrace channel. The last 75 feet of tunnel is outside the base of the mouni:ain and is formed by a channel excavated in rock and covered with a reinforced concr8te arch. The covering protects the channel from possible ice, mud, or snow slides originating from the mountain side above. Also, the covering forms a bridge for the access roadway leading to the power chambe ... entrance. 14.07 CONSTRUCTION. Continued operation of the finished portion of the valve room and the powerhouse requires that protection from dust be provided during the Crater Lake construction. Such protection will be provided by means of a temporaj~y dust barrier and temporary .::losure tunnel constructed of wood framing covered with plywood and taped joints. The dust barrier will be located ~_n the valve room and the closure tunnel will be located between the valve room access tunnel and the access tunnel as shown on Plate 2"/. Additionally, a differential pressure between operating areas of the powerhouse and construction areas will be provided by the heating and ventilating system. Waste water from drilling and washing during penstock excavation will be run through a closed system to the existing skeleton bay. The skeleton bay will be used as a settling SUlap, and water will be pumped from the sump to the existing draft tube bulkhead slot. The waste will be cleaned out by other means. All existing concrete floors in work areas during penstock excavation will be protected by wood decking. 14-3 SECTION 15 -TRANSMISSION LINE 15.01 GENERAL. The Snettisham Project transmission facilities include the Snettisham switchyard. 40.5 miles of 3-phase overhead conductors supported on aluminum towers, four 16,000 feet long sub- marine cables, a cable terminal building at each end of the submarine cables" and the Juneau substation and switchyard, Pla.te 1. These facilities are to transmit power ~rom units 1 and 2 to Juneau. Little additional work is required to increase the transmission facility capabilities to transmit power from unit 3, the Crater Lake unit. 15.02 JUNEAU SUBSTATION .• The Juneau substation facilities, including all switchyard equipment, are adequate to handle power from and control of the Crater Lake facilities without revision, except for the addition of a MW recorder and unit 3 status and alarm features to the status switchboard in space provided. 15.03 SNETTISHAM SWITCHYARD. The existing switchyard consists of two transformers, two transformer bays and one line bay with provisions for a third transformer and bay and a future second line. The third transformer and transformer bay will be added for the Crater Lake unit in the switchyard space provided. Provision for the future second line will be retained for use as the need arises. 15.04 COMMUNICATIONS. Remote control, telemetry, and superV1S1on is provided through the existing powerline carrier communications system. This system consists of two duplex channels between the Juneau sub- station and Snettisham. No additional carrier equipment will be re- quired. 15.05 MAINlENANCE. Manpower and equipment requirements for maintaining the transmission facilities will not increase with the addition of Unit 3. The increased power to be transmitted, as the demand increases over the years, is expected to reduce ~he icing problems on conductors and, therefore, reduce maintenance requirements. :i -i SECTION 16 -ACCESS FACILITIES 16.01 GENElZAL. The recommended plan of development and each alternative have their own requiremen'.::s for access. These requirements were briefly outlined ill Sections 2 and 3 and are presented in more detail in this S c'cti on, 16.02 RECOffrIENDED PLAN. The recon:mended plan requires access to two adits, the surg;-tank access adit at approximately Elevation 740, and the gate structure adit at approximately Elevation 820. Both adits will be reached by a 5,600 foot long extension of the road to the Long Lake Surge Tank Access Adit, Pldtes 19 and 20. The lake will be reached only by helicopter. 16.03 CRITERIA. The criteria for the roads was obtained from THS-822-2, "General Provisions and Geometric Design for Roads, Streets, l..Jalks, and Open Storage Areas." 16.04 ROAD TYJ:~. The roads fall under classification "F" of the criteria ----.--for single lane roads in mountainous terrain. The road sl.rface will be compacted earth fill. A two lane road was rejected because of the horizontal curvature LimiL'ltiollS of the criteria. The maximum degree of curve for a two lane road subjected to snow and ice conditions is 16 degrees -30 minutes, which would not be possible in the steep terrain af the project area, als0 the total width of rock cut would be 10 feet wide~ than that required for a single lane road, greatly increasing the cost and the environmental damage. 16.05 LANE WIDTH. A lane width of 12 feet rather than the 10 minimum "~s chosen for the main access road because the average daily traffic (AnT) and percentage of buses, trucks, and track laying vehicles (T) will probably I'lJt fit into the traffic composition pattern shown in the:rLteria. The minimum requirement of a 10-foot lane was chosen for the diversion tunnel access rOdd because it will be abandoned after construction. 11).06 '§h~:)~LL.Q§E-ii. The ITlln~mUm width for shoulders on roacis vlithuut barrier curbs is ii feet. The down slope shoulder is 6 feet because of tr,e ext)~a i feet width requirement for guardrails. The shoulder sleres arE: 4R to IV "r flatter so chey can be utilized by vehicle traffic. 16.07 GUAJWHAIL. The entire length of both roads wi 11 have a guardrai 1 OIL the dmmslope side. Pel'.sonal injury and property damage \voulc'. most likely result ~f a vehicle were to run off the road at any pOint. 16.08 TURNOUTS. Six feet wide by fifty feet long turnou s will be pro- vided a~1/4 mile intervals on each road or closer, if neccessary to be intervisible. 16.09 g~\DE. The absolute maximum grade for the main access ro~d is 10 percent, The absolute maximum grade for the diversion tunnel road is 12 percenL. The grade for the roads as designed varies tlOm just less then 10 percent LO nearly flat. 16.10 HORIZONTAL CURVATURE. The absolute maximum horizontal curvature for Class !IF" roads, where snow and ice are factors, is 58 degrees-OO minutes. There will be as many as three curves on the main access road that approach the maximum. 16.11 SIGHT DISTANCE. The rrnmmum stopping sight distance called for in the criteria is 200 feet. This means that the middle ordinate (c2nterline of lane to sight obstruction) would need to be about 47 feet. This is not feasible for this project because 0= the steep rock slopes involved. The amount of rock excavation required to provide the required middle ordinate would be excessive. It is recommenned that the design be lowered by at least 10 miles per hour on curves that do not meet sight distance criteria. 16.12 VERTICAL CURVATURE. No prob~ems are anticipated in meeting the 60 feet minimum length requirements for vertical curves. 16.13 CROSS SLOPE. The normal cross slope criteria for the road cross section is from 1/4-inch per foot to 1/2-inch per foot. A cross slope of 1/2-inch per foot was chosen for the project roads to provide the best possible drainage. 16.14 SPEEDS. The design speed is 20 m.p.h.; maximum speeds of 10 m.p.h. should be posted on curves where the minimum stopping sight distance re- quired by the criteria cannot be met. 16.15 CLEARING. The limits of clearing are 5 feet outward from the extreme edges of the rock cut or toe of embankment. 16.16 ROCK CUT DISPOSAL. Rock frotn cut slopes will be disposed of four ways: a. For fill in the areas wh,:.re cut and fill sections are feasible; b. For fill in areas where :urnouts are required; c. For fill around culverts at stream crossings; d. Rock that cannot be utilized for the above purposes will be wasted in the designated disposal a~eas. 16.17 SEEDING. The fill slopes will be composed of rock fragments; there- fore seeding of slopes will not be feasible. 16.18 SLOPE DRESSING. Rock cut sl.)pes and cleared portions of the natural slope that are above the roadway will be cle&ned of all loose material (organics, soil and rock fragments.) 16.19 DRAINAGE. Drainage faciliti~s will be provided for two purposes along the roadway: a, <:~tre:li". crossin~os wi 11 be 2 feet minimum diameter corrugated b. Roadway surfaced drainage will be accomplished by providing 12-inch minimum diameter CMP at 400 feee intervals. 16.20 The culvert size and spacing will be optimized in the final design by studying rainfall and snowmelt data. Provisions for dealing with icing will also be studied. 16.21 ROAD MAINTENANCE. Maintenance of the main access road will be re- quired during constructiono Periodj_c grading of the road surface will be required because of use by heavy construction equipment. Snow removal is a major problem if permanent access during construction is to be main- tained. Past experiences indicated that snow removal is a "round-the.;. clock" job during the winter. An e~~pense connected wi th snow removal is replacement of guardrail destroyed by snow removal equipment. Maintenance after construction will be performed only on the main access road. This will consist of occasional grading and clearing of clogged culverts. Snow machines should be used for gate structure access during the winter because snow removal would not be economica:. Maintenance costs for the recommended plan access road are estimated at $;'.0,000 to $15,000 annually. SECTION 17 -BUILDINGS. GROUNDS, AND UTILITIES 17 .01 GENER..'-\L. The existing Govern.ment owned camp facilities, Ilate 25, constructed in the first increment .Jf the Long Lake development and used as Resident Engineer facilities during the lEter increments of the Long Lake development., were scheduled to be converted to housing for operating personnel, maintenance fadli ties a::ld visitors' faci li ties on cOlTpletion of Long Lake development, as discussed in Design Memorandum No. 15, "Building, Grounds, and Utilities." This work also included landscaping the camp area. Most of this work was deleted from the present construction contract so the facilities could be used "as is" during the Crater Lake development. 17.02 DORMITORY. The existing dormitory has been converted to permanent quarters for Alaska Power Administration operating personnel and their families and is currently occupied ~y them. The Resident Engineer staff for the Crater Lake development will be housed in facilities to be rrovided by the main construction contractor under the terms of this contracl • 17.03 TR..4NSY.tISSION MAINTENANCE BUr ... DING. The existing Resident Engi.neer Office will continue to be used as an office during the Crater Lake develop- ment. Upon completion of the Crater-Lake phase, the building wi 11 be con- verted to the Transmission Maintenance Building as described in Design Memorandum No. 15. 17.04 TIDEWATER PICNIC SHELTER. A picnic shelter and visitors ar~a will be provided at the close of the Crater Lake development. Various alter- natives will be studied, including che conversion of the existing concrete test lab. 17.05 CONTRACTOR FACILITIES. The contractor will supply his own bIi.ldings including living quarters, dining facilities, etc. These will be e£ected in the same area as previous camps and connected to existing utilities, \Olhere possible. 17 .06 ~,~TER. Water for domestic and fire use is supplied by an exLshng 30 G.P.M. well and a 45,000 gallon ,3torage tank. Buried water liCles exL:>t in the camp area. 17.07 SE\.JER. Buried sewer lines e:dst in the camp area and the cOltractor will insure that all wastewater is eonveyed by the sewerlines to tn,= sCcNage treatment facility. During construction of the Long Lake phase of:hi.3 project, the existing septic tank and leaching field were constantn'1in- tenance problems and caused an odor nuisance. On at least two Sep&Clt:: occasions, the Alaska Department of Envirorunental Conservation re:].uired immediate action to correct the nuir.ance and health problem cause} ;;y the septic tank and leaching field. The existing septic tank does not meet Federal or State Anti-pollution Standards. A separate sewage treatment system which will comply with the nE:w Federal and State standards ""ill be provided. L?--l 17.08 SANITARY LA~1)FILL. A sanitary landfill, conforming to Alaska State standards, will be provided under t~e Crater Lake construction contract. 17.09 ELECTRICAL POWER. Electrical power is from the existing hydroelectric generators, driven by water from Long Lake. A backup diesel-electric system is also available. 17.10 OTHER FACILITIES. The existing airfield, boat basin, dock and ware- houses will remain as they presently are for use by the operating agency. Landscaping will be accomplished as outlined in Design Memoranduffi No. 15 on completion of the Crater Lake development. 17-2 SECTION 18 -CONCRETE AGGREGATES 18.01 GENERAL.-The primary sourCE: of aggragate to be used in the pro- duction of concrete for the Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham project is contained in the Crater Cove aggregate so~rcc, Borrow Area One, and in the Glacier Creek sand source, cesignated Borrow Area Two. The Gla- cier Creek sand source was formerl) designated as Sand Source B und is shown in the petrographic report, c.ated 10 December 1969, as Sand Source D (See Plate 2). Both areas were Lsed as concrete aggregate sources for construction under the main coctract for the Long Lake phase, It is estimated 150,000 cubic yards of suitable aggregates are available in Borrow Area One and over 50,000 cubic yards of material is available in Borrow Area Two. The Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham Project will require a maximum of 17,000 cubic yards of processed aggregates. 18.02 TESTS.-Testing of the Crater Cove aggragates was accompl~shed by the North Pacific Division Laboratory and reported in March 1971. The tests results for the Glacier Creek aggregates are contained in Supplement No.1 to Design Memorandum No.7. Tests results indicate, that with adequate,provisions and control of processing, concrete aggregate of the quality required can be produced from the Crater Cove source. 18.03 COSTS.-Cost data for the production of concrete contained in Appendix A of Supplement No. 1 to Design Memorandum No. 7 is not JPpli- cable to the Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham project since no dam c.anstruction is contemplated and concrete quantities are considered minor. ~':.:':i.!:.~.:...~J':-~E. 0<: Nov De.c 1913 }. 91 Ii 260 108 38,2 1915 313 10,~ 23.9 '1r.."'i£.. 1 r:r~ L~ _f~ ~ :~ -:-~, .l.;f.l.V _~Vj "> .. ' 1917 270 51 , ... -',,;.,. .t laiC! '" ,,'A~~ ;51 2"" .\., 3~, 1919 202 133 65.( InO 209 67 l:.5 1921 14() 91. f ~ . "i L!.';p • l 1923 202 158 40. 'I' 1924 1927 192f' 13: 48 :E: '-.) 1929 194-~ ~ ..> 13' .-:: 1930 46.~:, 222 60 '\ - l.~~ ~'l J"! .; 2% le!~f 1" -," ~ ';L. " "' ~~ f; .... /< ~.fl. J L. : 1933 316 42.2 26.5 '-q Gl C :JJ iTl en FIGURE 6 ~....Ml DIS(]"~~GE DAT}, CRATER CREL.:( ~~EAR Je~t:AI; D'raLlnge Are.a 11, 4 Squore ~.:5.1e,. Gage Elevation 1.010 Feet J i~;1 Feb MaY" .~.E£ !:~-2_ 47.0 48.3 57.3 203 ~:(j Q 4'l 36.7 S2.f 144 ~J t') 1 17. 2 44.6 74 235 1 , Q 19 44 0('; .LU "" 3',~ . i:. ~4,,5 22.5 23,8 1.42 :';'" '2 16.8 12. ... 20. -l?9 ! t ,jF3~4 14. £. 12 47 118 ' ,".'. eve 35 16 20 53.4 }1': 'j ~~ (.l .. , 3(\. ) f,.,C .v. -, 42. ? i9J I~ li t9 49.4 29, -; 91 ,9 ., -.} j , J' l 1ft. 7 34,'; 11)4 ";l; ~ 1.02 ;~:; . '1 43. " 1 • " J ,J '<'J...l "1,. ') 20, 0 15.0 V.,9 10j ]lm JuI ~ul; ~-~£ The <': ~~l-~_ ---------- 531 830 858 491 277 517 409 2. ')6 18;;; 41~ 1..,91 469 389 2IS "l.7f1 "l."1(. L~6f.; ~ll U JIY j, '10 1 "l?-' ",oR'" J>,.I"- 305 441 539 361 190 347 482 SQ' J>" I{ll 219 ?~7 ..... ..;.,., 417 5 \ . .... 1. L':iO 18'7 171 406 532 262 16:1 lOS 399 360 291 452 483 502 400 584 586 581 350 377 3.57 :'~? 3,'H 528 377 3', '~ 18? 38i 419 404 34., IS'} 3DF'· 420 t.8" 1"" .,J_ v 208 402 417 '-' 4/!.4 361 228 284 362 366 42'1 173 Year 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1923 1924 1927 1928 1929 1930 1911 1932 'q 1933 - Cl C .:0 rn ---J FIGURE 7 PEAK A.\~lJAL DISCHARGE DATA CRATER CREEK ~r:AR JL:;EAC Drainage Area 11.4 Square Xiles Gage Elevation 1,010 Feet Yearly discharge, in cubic feet per second _. ________ Water .. "!_t!.aI. _r.:.~~~~g 5~£~_~~b~!"..1Q. __________ .. ____ . __ _ Momentary Maximum Minimum Runoff in Di.sc~E&"<:' Date _~~L-_ Mean As.!:~Feet_ 6 182 132.000 1~680 1.3 Aile Ie; 10 219 159,000 5 178 129.000 1,270 19 Aug 17 12 190 138,000 2,300 26 Sep 18 10 219 156,000 5 187 135.000 2.100 6 Aug 20 161 117.000 3,100 9 Sep 27 L,890 2~ .lui 28 8 187 136,000 1.380 13 Sep 29 12 185 134,000 1,920 12 Aug 30 208 151,000 228 165,000 1,780 11 Or-~ ... 31 173 126.000 Calendar Year Runoff in Mean Acre-··Feet 185 134,000 204 148,000 185 134.000 207 148 t OOO 206 148,uOU 180 130,000 156 113,000 202 147,000 215 155,000 198 143.000 212 154,OOCl 169 122,000 SECTION 19 -PUBLIC USE PLAN 19.01 GENERAL.-The project lands are located almost entirely within the boundaries of the Tongass National Forest. The Forest Service and Corps of Engineers developed a "Menorandum of Understanding" relative to management of the lands encompa~,sed by the proj ect in 1964 and amended it in 1967. The rorest Sel'vice, upon completion of the ?ro- ject, will assume responsibilicy for the management of project lands and for the development and management of all recreation facilities that were not directly related to structures pertinent to producing electrical power. The Corps of Engineers and Alaska Power Adminis- tration will be responsible for developing recreational facilities related to project features. 19.02 RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES.-The Crater Lake Project will not provide any outstanding recreational opportunities directly connected with project features. There will be neither a large dam structure nor vast reservoir with accompanying water-oriented recreation activ- ities. However, the Snettisham Project, as a whole, will offer several recreational attractions. 19.03 Crater Lake, sitting in a narrow, mountainous drainage basin with very steep valley walls, is not suitable for extensive public use development. The lake is not =_nhabi ted by fish; consequently there is no sport fishing activity. Due to the Lake's cold summer surface temperature, lengthy periods of ice cover extending into the summer months, and poor accessibility, water skiing and swimming are undesirable. 19.04 RECREATION DEVELOPMENT -COI~PS OF ENGINEERS.-The Corps of Engineers and Alaska Power Administration have envisioned providing a picnic/visitor shelter in the canp area. This shelter will be a cooperative effort between the Forest Service, Corps of Engineers, and Alaska Power Administration. 19.05 RECREATION DEVELOPMENT.-In May 1973, the Forest Service ?re- pared a preliminary plan for recreation developments for the Snettisham Project and contiguous area. This plan will form the basis for detailed planning relative to a formal publ~c use management plan. Recreation developments or facilities that tht! Forest Service has indicated they could incorporate into their public use management plan are: small- boat harbor; airstrip; trail systeIJ.; campground; picnic/visitor shelter; restrooms, and possibly a boat and aircraft fueling station. There are no Forest Service spol.1scred recreation facilities planned specifi- cally for the Crater Lake area. SE.CTION 20 -DESIGN A~'D CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 20.01 GENERAL. A condensed scbedu'~e for design ,:md constl'uction of Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham project has been developed, using the critical path method, and is shown \m Figure 19. The following discussion and Figure 18 are made with the assumption tbat there will be no delays in construction appropriations which 'would rE;sult in corresponding delays in the schedule. 20.02 DESIGN SCHEDULE. The demand for power in the Juneau area is increasing steadily. Once the Snettisham Long Lake phase goes on the line, Snettisham will become the sale source of powe~ for the area. Projected power re- quirements indicate a need for the Crater Lake unit in the Fall of 1977. The schedule has been developed usL1.g this as a power on line date. It is recognized that the time available is limited and that this will be a difficult schedule to maintain. 20.03 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. Present planning is based on construction of the project under one main contract, which will be primarily an ex- cavation contract, including excavation of the power tunnel, surge tank, gate shaft, access adits and lake tap. It will also include the gate structure and gates, completion of the power house for Unit No.3, access road to the adit tunnels, final grading and landscaping, and renovation of permanent buildings. The main contract is scheduled for award in August 1975 and for completion in November 1978. 20.04 SUPPLY CONTRACTS Q Several procurement contracts will be required for the power plant and miscellaneoJs equipment with schedules depending upon manufacturing lead time and on installation schedules. The earliest award date for the turbine will be ·::ontingent upon appropriation of con- struction funds. This contract is tentatively scheduled for award in September 1974. 20.05 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS. In ac::ordance vii th the foregoing discussions, fund requirements by fiscal years f~r the Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham project are as shown in the following tabulation: Fiscal Year 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 TOTAL Present PB-2A R3quirement $ 288,000 456,000 1,400,000 5,600,000 12.600.000 1,859,800 $22,203,800 DM 23 Requirement $' 288,000 456,000 1,400,000 9,100,000 9,700,000 4,540,000 $25,484,000 SECTION 21 -OPEiMTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 21.01 GENERAL. The Snettisham Project will be operated and maintained by the Alaska Power Administration, Department of the Interior. Project administration will be located in J'Jneau and routine operation wi 11 be controlled at the Juneau Substation. Three operator/maintenance men are presently stationed at the project 3ite at SLettisham to operate and maintain the existing facilities. jdditional personn~l will be temporarily assigned to the project, as necessa':y, for major maintenance. The per- manent operating equipment, discuss.~d i<1 Design Memorandum No. 14, "Per- manent Operating Equipmentll, wi 11 b.~ adequate for maintaining the additional facilities presented in this design memorandum. No additional permanent staffing requirements are foreseenw:~th the acdition of the Crater Lake phase. The temporary staffing requirements will be extended over a longer period of time at the project site. 21.02 TRANSMISSION LINE. Transmission line maintenance requirements may be reduced with the addition of the Crater Lake phase. The additional power transmission is expected to heat the conductors, reducing ice and snow accumulations and related problems. 21-1 SECTION 22 -COORDIi~ATION WITH OTHER AGENCIL' 22.01 CE!::iER.A~. The hyd·coelectric Dower potentials of CratE1 and Long Lakes weye initiaUy investigated b} a private mining corporc,Uon (Speel River Project, Inc.) in 1913 with subsequent private corpolation studies ffiade in 1920, 1921, 1924, and 1927. Throughout the next 30 years, Federal agencies (Geoiogical Survey, Forest Service, Corps of Engineers, Federal tower Comr:lis~;ion, and Fish and WildLife Service) prepared various reports on the Crater and Long Lakes power }roject. 22.02 Durini:': the preparation of the 22 CorpE of Engineers' Design Memo- randa, primarily covering the Long ~ake phase of the project, coordination was maintained and reports received from various Federal and ~tate agencies. :C2.03 FOREST SERVICE. The project is located almost elltirely \'Jithin the boundaries of the TongassNational Forest. In 1967, the Corps of Engineers and Forest Service developed an agreement entitled "Memorandum of Agree- l;,ent betweel: the Secretaries of Arm} and Agriculture Relative to l1anage- tnent of Land and Water Development Projects of the Corps of Er'gilleers located wi thi.n a Nat.ional Forest." The Memorandum of Agreement involved the granting of permission by the Forest Service for the Corps of Engineers to occupy National Forest lands necessary for the planning a~ti construction (·f the Snettisham Project. It also stated that, upon coruplel~un of the project, the Forest Service would a;3sume responsibility fo:: the management cf project lands and for development and maintenance of land find water- (Iriented recreation resources. The agreement provided for t:lt~ preparation of detailed plans and recommendations for land uses, timber: hc.rvesting, land clearing, fire control, public relations, and recreatioaul facilities. 22.04 Previously submitted Design :1emoranda have been l-eviewcd by the Forest Service, dnd their comments :hereon h2ve been inc'n~pOL1\ed into the project design. Criteria for Lmd clearing, spoi] dispos " and ·;:oad constructic.[l will continue Lo be cOdrdinB ted wi th tht l'uu:::;. .. '",k. L:e. :)2.05 FISH AND WILDLIFE INTERESTS. During ~)re[JaraLi.(r: Oi;,'('8U of RecL;,a,,~i~-r·l~ql initial fea~-iblity rec1 ort, the U.S. Fish ",ld ',:J id.12 Service submi::led their report on the proje~L in accordance with tHe :;':sh and \iildUfe c:oordination Act. The Sta·~(: Department of Fish ;nr' ;~m€ con- curred with the U.S. F:ish and Wildlife Services' evaL1l3t](1~;, j:",th agencies have been l'equested to COTIunent on all (esign memoranda. 2.2.0b fEDERAL POWER COHHTSSION. Th2 San Francisco offie., ')1 i.[l(!. Federal Power CommL,sion has been ke~~-t· ·info:::med of tf.,e generdl ,:'C8rLS cf the Snett:isham Pr',Jject. The Federal PO',oJer Commi::osion tunllshc.l ,,,),\/er values for use in economic analyses. 22.07 ALAS}~\ POWER ADMINISTRATION. The Snettisham Project authorization provided for construction by the Co~ps of Engineers and for operation and maintenance by the Department of Interior. The Bureau of Reclamation was the original operat~ng agency by intent, unLil DeparLmant of the Inter :;1 ()l"1cr N\). 290f) e:,tabU shed the Alaska 1'0"'181.' AdllliLislration as the responsible agency to operate the project and market the power g€.nerated. Therefore, close coordination has been required and maintained between APA and the Corps of Engineers. Nurr.erous conferences and exchang€.s of data and information have taken place during the course of studies leacing to the design and construction of the Long Lake phase as well as design studies for preparation of the CratEr Lake De:3ign Memoranda. All pre- viously submitted Design Hemoranda have been reviewed by the Alaska Power Administration, with app licab Ie comrr.ents inco:: porated. 22.08 OTHER AGE~CIES. Various other Federal} State, and local agencies have been contacted infonnally duriEg the cou:cse of planning stud:'..es. Bonneville Power Administration shared results of their extensive experience in construction and operation of transmission lines, including sait water exposure and submarine cable installations. The U,S. Coast and Geodetic Survey furnished information on survey monuments and bench marks. The U.S, Geological Survey cooperated in establis}lment of a tide gage, and in the gathering of hydrologic data. The Soil Conservation Service assisted in the establishment of snow courses and the D,S. Weather Bureau :i_Ilstalled a climatological station near the mouth of the Speel River. The U. S. Bureau of Land Management, the State Division of Lands 4nd the city of Juneau cooperated during the project investigations. 22.09 PUBLIC COORDINATION. Generally, there was very little public co- ordination effort accomplished during the construction of the Long Lake phase. It was not until 29 May 1970 that a public meeting was held in Juneau, Alaska, to discuss project features, both under construction and proposed. The meeting was conducted pursuant to the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Public Law 91-190, and because of an expressed interest by the pub:ic in the project. The meeti~g mainly involved discussion of the transmisf;ion power line routing from the Snettisharn Project area to the Juneau Substation, a distance of about 45 miles. 22.10 Following the 29 May 1970 public meeting, an Environmental Impact Statement was prepared on the Long Lake phase by the Corps of Engineers and submitted to the Council on Env:·.ronmental Quality on 22 Janua:cy 1971. The statement was never circulated ::or review to Federal, State or local agencies or to citizen organizations. 22.11 FUTURE COORDINATION. A draft and final Environmental Impa::::t State- ment will be circulated to solicit :_nformation from Federal, Stat<~ and local organizations and to publicize the intent of the Corps of E::.lgineers to construct the Crater Lake phase of the project. SECTION 23 .. COST COMPARISON 23. 01 CI~NERAL DESIGN t-'lEHQ., CG?LEST:.HAT~. Design Hemorandum La .. 7, ~;eneral Design Memorandum, presented the fo",lowing estimated costs for Lh., CraLer Lake Phase at the Snettisham Project. (in tho~sands of dollars): Cost Acct No. 04. .4 UJ. .1 .2 ,3 .8 30, 31. Feature Dams Power Intake WOl'ks Power Plant Powerhouse Turbines and Generators Accessory & Misc. Equip., Tailrace Tr.ansmission Plc;nt EngineeLing dW.1 IJesign Supervieion aud Administration TOTAL COST, SECOND STAGE DEVELOPMENT PresCl.t Es ti md ti. Oct 1965:,ase 8,412 (8,412) 2,388 (95) (1,j55) U49) ('.89, 1 > 20li 1) ooe 13 ,IOU 23.02 COMPARISON OF CURRENT APPROVED ESTIHATE \-lITH PRESENT ESTlMJ\TE. The latest approved Detailed Project Scbedule (PB2A) was dated 1 3el'icmiJer 1973. This PL;-2A estimate was based on the detailed cost estimare p:e,,~'nted in the General Design Memorandum, No.7, increased to 196 percen! of the October 1965 base to reflect construction cost increases in 0te 'nt~rvening 8 years. Subsequent to the issuancE of the General Desigll Me,HOlandum, severa 1 aeci[,;ions were made which rcduced the estimate: a. The CHange to an undergrollnd powerhOllSf' reduced the 'ien',L.li ,·1 C·.·S t- of the pc>nstock; b. lou excuvat:ion for the undergroLlnc: powerhouse in the Long ',<'k.,; PLd,.;e included \vork for the Crater Lake Phase, thereby reducing the c· '.:._ l,ited cost for completion of the pow(;rhouse; c. The second transforwe:c at. the Juneau Substation, require" t'l1~ -:I:t.~ Crater Lake Phase, was installed in the original construct:Lon. ·_I·_,U<"' _.ng the estimated cost for completion of the Transmission Plant. 23.03 The present f;stimate aLld latest appr-oved l:'b-2A es:::imaL_~l.ll __ heu- sands of dollars) are: Cost Acct No. 04. .4 07. .1 .2 . 3 .8 08. 19. 30. 31. Feature Darn Power Intake Horks Power Plar:t Powerhouse Tcirbines and Generato~s Accessory Electrical Equip . Transmission Plant Roads Buildings, Grounds, Ut~lities Engineering and Design Supervision and Administration TarAL COST, SECOND STAGE DEVELOPMEW.i Present Estimate Sept. 1973 Base 17,283 (17,283) 3,144 (287) (2,526) (318) (12) 639 595 1,733 2,090 25,484 Latest Approved Es ti;nate July 1973 Base 13,819.4 (13,819.4) 3)896.9 (180) (2,580) (450) (686.9) 1,344.3 60 l,583 1,500.2 22,203.8 23.04 The estimated cost of the po"er intake works exceeds the latest approved estimate by $3,463,600. However, no provision was included in either the General Design Memo or the latest approved estimate for the lake tap and diversion facilities originally envisioned and currently estimated to cost $2,346,000. In addition, the current estimated cost of the power intake facilities on which both the General Design Memo and latest approved estimate are based, is reported in this design memo as the Intake Structure Alternative. This estimated cost is $15,742,000, an increase of $1,922,600 over that which is reported in the PB-2A. This increased cost is the result of more detailed study than that wh~.ch resulted in the General Design Memo estimate, with the added exper::'ence of the Long Lake develop:nent in the intervening years. Therefore, che true cos t comparison for tL1e power intake works is between the $17,28:>,000 recorrunended [llan estimat2 and the $L8,088,000 cost of the power intakl~ works fer the Intake Structure Alter- native plus the diversion facilitie8. 23.05 The estirna.:ed cost of the pouerhouse construction has increased $107,000 over the latest approved estimate. This increase includ2s the costs of the penstock extension, the special powerhouse features to permit penstock construction while maintaining an operatin:s underground :Jower- house, and the adjustments in unit rrices as a result of experience in the Long Lake development. The estimat(!d costs for powerplant accessory electrical ~quipment and for transm:.ssion plant have decreased $132,000 and $674,900 respectively because some of the accessory electrical equip- ment and most of the transmission p:ant have been installed in th3 Long Lake development. 23.06 Estimated costs for roads have decreased $705,300 because :here is no longer a need to extend the road& to an intake structJre or di~ersion outlet structlire. 23.07 Estimated costs for the buildings, grounds and utilities have in- creased $535,000 because the converf:ion of the buildings and some land- scaping has been deleted from the Long Lake development and scheduled to be a part of the Crater Lake development. These facilities are needed in their present condition for Crater Lake construction facilities. The increased cost also includes funds ~or construction of a sewage lagoon to meet State water quality standards, which have changed since the General Design Memo was issued. 23.08 Estimated costs for Engineer:_ng and Design are computed at 8% of construction costs as in the approved estimate. Supervision and Administra- tion estimated costs have been increased because experience has shown that the difficult construction conditions at Snettisham make supervision more expensive than previously estimated. 23-3 SECTION 24 -POwER STUDIES 2 BENEFITS AND ECONOMICS 24.01 n,lTRODLJCTION. The power studies were prepared by the Wate~ Control Branch, North Pacific Division, and economic analyses were prepared by the Alaska District. Electric power load projections, indicating the Crater Lake generating unit will be needed by the Fall of 1977, were "Lade by the Alaska Power Administration. 24.02 PO\o,TER OUTPUT COMPUTATIONS. ~':he electric power potential of both Crater Lake and Long Lake has been investigated by private interests, the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Corps of Engineers. The most recent of those investigat~ons was reported in Design Meillorandum No. 2 -Hydropower Capacity, issued October 1964 and Design Me~orandum No.3 -Selection of Plan of Development, Revised May 1965. Additional power output computations for Crater Lake have been made for this Design Memorandum, to determine optimum size of the installation and to evaluate the feasibility of a low head dam in conjunction with the Crater Lake development. The basic power outpu: computations have been based on average monthly streamflo\Js as regulated by Crater Lake storage operations. There are no requiremt!nts for use of Crater Lake storage other than power produc- tion; hence the operation of Crater Lake storage is wholly power oriented. By using historical runoff records and correlations, a total of688 months of streamflow records were made available for the power regulation studies discussed herein. 24.03 EXISTING ELECTRIC POWER RESOURCES. The Juneau-Douglas area is pres- ently served by the Alaska Electric Light and Power Company (AEL&P) and the Glacier Highway Electric Association, with power supplied from the plants of AEL&P. The Glacier Highway Electric Association is presently a who1e- ~.,a1e customer of AEL&P, but will be~ome a preference customer of Alaska Power Administration (APA) upon com:J1etion of the Snettisham Projer:t. Three small hydroelectric plants in the area, with a combined cal:acity of 7,200 K,,,, were constructed in 1915 to supply power for gold Elining op- erations and the mining camps. All mining activities are now c1csed and these 3 plants are now operated by AEL&P. The AEL&P owns l~nd r'-,'crates seven diesel-driven generators, witl a combh,ed capacity or 13,550 kilo- \latts, and four run-ot-river hydroelectric units totaling 1,600 kilowatts. These run-of-river units are not su)ported by storage, hence their capacity 1-s not dependable. The combi-ned existing dependable capacity therefore totals 20,650 kilowatts, as shown i:1 the fo1l.owing tabulation: Plant Salmon Creek if1 Salmon Creek #2 Annex Creek Gold Creek Gold Creek Lemon Creek Unit '~:~ Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Diesel Diesel Number of Units .. L -' r: -' r, .', '.COTAL Present Firm Capacity (KW) 1,400 2,800 3,000 No f. carage 8,050 5,500 24.04 ELECTRIC POWER. REQUIREMENTS. As a part of their responsibilities, APA ill coordination with the FederaL Power Conunission conducts electrLc power 101ld projections [or the various boroubhs and the state as a whole. A tabulation prepared by APA in January 1973 showing the re- corded electric power use in the JUleau area fo·r calendar years 1950 through 1972 and their forecasts of annual demands for calendar years 1973 through 1990, inclusive, is at the end of this sectio~ 24.05 The obvious increase in growth projections for 1974 are ccnsidered logical in light of planned and anticipated developments. The addition of a new capitol building, an 8 story~partment building and an 8 story Hilton Hotel are all to be completed befora 1977. These extra loads are estimated to have a peak demand of 4,300 Kw. and an energy requirement of 18.5 million Kwh. per year in addition to the normal load growth of the Juneau area (see Exhibit 5). The possibility of fuel shortages and price increases, and the possibility of limited fuel even with price increases brings to light the question of converting to electric heat, not yet considered in present growth projections (See Figures 12 and 13). 24. 06 TURBINE Ar,'1) GENERATOR EFFICENCIES. The efficiency of a turbine varies both with load and with the percentage of the design head at which it is being operated. Generator efficiency varies with the percentage of the full load at which it is operating. Considering the wide range of gate openings at which the Crater Lake turbine will be operating, a factor of 0.073 kw per cfs x Head at full ?ower pool was assumed for the current studies. With the reservoir drawn down to minimum pool, a factor of 0.0675 was used. 24.07 POWER REGULATION STUDIES. T.le first step in a power outpt:t study is to determine the critical power period. Examination of the streamflow records show several potentially critical periods. A differential mass diagram was developed so that each ::Jeriod and the most critical period be- came identifiable. It then became ::l matter of checking out the most severe periods by regulation of the storag~ and in this manner the 43-month stream- flow period, November 1919 through\fay 1923, incl. proved to be the most critical. The [,ower regulations co·"ering the critical period were first made on the basis of providing a cOCltinuous uniform output throughout the period. After the most critical period was definitely established, the storage was then regulated to provide a shaped output over the critical period that would be similar to the Juneau area load shape. The load shape used was given in Tab le 2 -Design.1emorandun No. 2 -Hydro-power Capacity - October 1964. It was found there was very l~ttle difference in project average output whether it vias operated on a shaped or uniform output. There- fore it was considered unnecessary to regulate the storage to provide a shaped output over the entire period of record. 24. 08 NORc"'1AL FU~L AND NgIHU.!"l LAKE ELEVATIONS. The approximate elevation of the natural outlet of Crater Lake is elevation 1022. Therefore, for the power regulation studies, the maximJm power pool if no dam is cOEstructed at Crater Lake outlet ;·L3S been sele::ted at elevation 1022. The rr.inimum power pool of elE'd1"ion 8:,.0 has bee:l selectecl to provide 20 feet: of depth above the invert: elev'~Lion 'Jf the LIke tap. The lake lap elevat:'on has b(:~ei1 determined primarily for ro<:k qualL:y and lack of overburden. Iii addition, examination of the area-capacity curves, Figure la, shm-ls there it; very little storage to be gained by additional drawdown and powcrwi.se the re- sultant head loss would probably offset the storage gain. The pr~jecl was regulated such that lhe total storage available betwpen elnratiolls 1022 and ~20 was fully utilized during the critical period (lj.3 months, Nov 1919 -May 1923, inclusive). Prime power is based on the average energy produced during this period. Figure 18 is a reproduction of the ~ritical period regulation study. In addition, the flows of the full 688-month period ofrtcord were regulated and the average annual ener[;y com Ju;"ed, 24.09 NOR ... l'1AL FULL POOL WITH A LOW-HEAD DAM. In order to JeteJ~mL1(; the feasibilit.y of providing a lm,,-head dam at the lake outlet, aduiti.on;l.l power output computations were made, These studies covered the c:.::it..lcal period only (43 months, Nov 1919 -Hay 1923, incl.). Although the studies were limited to the critical period, they provide an excellent Tl.'3SUle of rhe incremental firm pO\lcr that could be developed. These stud l.e:; assultl"d a t.wenty-five foot and a fifty foot increase in normal filll lak~ el.vation. Following is a comparisun of the project characteristics: No Dam 25-Ft. Inc): SO-Ft, Iocr. -----.... -~ Full lake elevation, Ft. 1,022 1, Oi~ 7 1,07:-' l"ull lake storage, AF 121,000 1.35,000 'L52,000 Min, lake elevation, Ft.. 820 82U 820 Hin. lake elevat.ion, AF 37,000 37,000 3"i,OOO Vsab le storage, AF 84,000 98,000 115,000 24.10 INSTALLED CAPACITY. PrelimiLary studies for the Crater Luke aevelo[- ment, which \vcre based on a project without a dam, indicrl:...ed ,1 :~7 ;,00 lev nameplate unit to be the largest that could be accommodated. Hi1'n VlC higher heads associated \lith a dam, a some,,,hat larger U1Lt mi;;i1t ':"ds,)it., however, one of the controlling factors will :)e the capacity ot t,·! ex.i' l:1li') rrane. Because of these unknown elements, a '21 ,000 ku namep1:it",:'I~I' 1.va·:: used in (Hell of the three fJower regulation studies des~r:i.bec1 al"h"'~' Titl:' turbine \-]ould be designed to rroduce the gene:=ator nat'1epla<:c rae; ell'; "l' minimum head. 24.11 STUQ.LRESULTS. The studies produced the following J'esuli.f . No Dam ~: 5 -}'t. I; :[;1 Average Annual Firm Energy, K • .;rh ----103,000,000 ___ .... £ __ 0,_- 1(l8,60C,nrc :Fi.rm energy is defined as electric eaergy which is intenoe(\ to have aSEured l 1 t 11 a r ' d port';OJl 0'., !,'1i.~. ·,i.oc:d availability to t1e customer ;0 mee a _ or any .~ ee .. ~ ." requirements. 2l~. 12 ANNUAL POW-£R BENEFITS. The b2.ne fi. t val.ue of hyclroe ~ec~:;::L( : ()weJ~:.~o measured b~;-the CCJst of rro';iding the equivalent. power :t::rOPi th(: ll'::O81. likely 1 t e· ... 1"' '; r'[ \', 'lIr C' i' 1 n t b e JUli"";U etC ea the :1:. tern a t i ve 1. s cons i(1 c.r eel b:, chi'- Federal Power Commission to be a pr~vately financed, oil-fired, steam- electric plant located in the outsk~rts of Juneau so that no transmission is required. The power values are divided into two components, the flrm capacity value and the energy value. No distinction is made between the value of firm energy and secondary energy. Taxes and insurance costs, as applicable, are included in the power value. The power values for Snettisham Project, furnished by the Federal Power Commission by letter dated December 17, 1971 (Exhibit 4) are: Dependable Capacity: Average Annual Energy: $78.51 per Kw-yr. 9.91 mills per Kwh Power benefit computations for a project without a dam assuming 6 percent transmission losses on both the capacity and energy components are as follows: Dependable Capacity: Ave. Annual Energy: 27,000 Kw x $78.51 x 0.94 = $1,992,600 103,000 Kwh x $0.00991 x 0.94= 959,000 TOTAL $2,952,000 The average annual value from 96 years of production at Crater Lake is calculated by applying a uniform series factor for 96 years at 3-1/8% interest to the annual benefits as fO.hown above. This present wori.:h value is than adjusted by a capital recovery factor for 100 years at 3-1/8%, giving annual benefits of: $2,952,000 x 26.817 x 0.03276 = $2,593,000.00 24.13 LIMITING ALTERNATIVE COSTS. Comparably financed alternative costs, hereafter referred to as "limiting alternative costs" are also measured by the cost of providing the equivalent power from the most likely a._ternative source, except that these are based on financing comparable to the Federal hydroelectric project under consideration; 1.,=., the same interest rate and without taxes and insurance. These limiting alternative costs are used in project scoping analyses; e.g., project economic feasiblity, sizing of tunnels and penstocks, number and size of generating units, height of dams, etc. This is in compliance with the standards of Senate Document 97, which requires that Federal hydroelectric projects meet a test that there is no more economical means, eva;_uated on a comparable basis, of providing the project services. The limiting alternative costs for Snettisham were furnished by the FederaL Powe~ Commission in the same letter furnishing the power values. Based on Federal financing at 3-1/8 percent interest (the interest rate applicable to boti the Long Lake and Crater Lake develop- ments), the annual limiting alternative costs are: Dependable capacity: $39.99 per kilmvatt-year Average annual eneq;;y: 9.91 mills per kilowatt-hour. 24.14 LIHITLD BEI\EFIT S. Based on the limi ting a 1 terna ti ve cos ts quoted above, the limited power benefits have been (~etermined for (1) Crater Lake Development without a dam, (2) Crater Lake Development with a 2S-ft. dam, .and (3) Crater Lake Development with a SO-ft. dam. a. Crater L:lke Development Witho..lt a Dam: Limited benefit COlf.putations for Crater Lake development without a dam, assuming 6 percent transmission losses on both capacity and energy components, are as follows: Dependable capacity: Ave. annual energy: 27,000 Kw x $39.99 x 0.94 103,000 Kwh x $0.00991 x 0.94 Rounded $1,014,900 $ 9S9,SOO $1,974,400 $1,974,000 b. Crater Lake Based on Firm Ene~gy: As discussed earlier, power reg- ulation ,studies for a 25-ft. dam and a SO-ft. dam were performed for the critical period only. It is recognized that with a low head dam, the additibnal storage would convert some of the secondary to firm ~nd ~he remaining secondary ,.;auld be increased only by the factor of the increased head. Inasmuch as the total average annual energy would not be increased significantly "'ith a low head dam, the incremental analysis for i1 low head dam has been based on firm energy production. Comparisions, assuming 6 percent transmission losse.s on both the capacity and energy components are as follows: No Dam (Based on annual firm energy) Dep. Capacity 27,000 Kw x $39.99 x 0.94 Firm Energy: 103,000,000 Kwh x $0.00991 x 0.94 2S-Ft. Dam (Based on annual firm energy) Dep. Capacity 27,000 Kw x $39.99 x 0.94 Total Rounded Firm Energy: 108,600,000 Kwh x $0.00991 x O. 9Lf Total Rounded Annual incremental limited benefit for 2S-ft. dam SO-Ft. Dmn (Based on annual ;:irm energYl Dep. Capacity 27,000 Kw x $39.99 x 0.94 Firm Energy: 11S,200,OOO Kwh x $0.00991 x 0.94 Total Annual incremental limited bEnefit for SO-ft. dam $1,014,900 $ 9S9,SOO $1,974,400 $1,974,000 ~;l,014,900 _~:,Oll!7Qi! :~~,026,600 $!:,027,OOO s S3,OOO $1,014,900 $: . 073 100 -.. :.::"::"':"'::- S2,088,OOO § 114,000 24.1S AVERAGE ANNUAL VALUE FOR ONE FOOT OF HEAD. For purposes 0= determin- ing economical tunnel and penstock sizes, the average annugl value applicable to head losses has been deter:nined 8S approximately $2, lSO per Ioot. The value has been determined on the basis of limited benefits as discussed in the p:.-,·.'vio " "'-"-' -::~),'a:);', T\w mej-hcde, havp. been emrloyed c's a che.d: on the result. The first met:hod -shown belcM utilizes the limiting benefits, as determined in the previous paragraph, divided by 25 or 50 feet of additional head by construction of a low-head dam at the Crater Lake outlet. It is recognized this is not completely accurate, but is is considered satis- factory for the intended purposes. The second method employs the average annual flow multiplied by the conversion factor for one foot of head to determine the average annual kilowatts per foot of head. Dependable capacity was computed on the basis of the 53 percent load factor shown in the fore- casted power requirements (paragraph 24.04). The average of the two methods result in a value of about $2,150 per foot of head. a. Method No.1 (Refer to paragraph 24.14). (1) Annual incremental limited benefit for 25-ft. dam = $ 52,000 $ 2,080 per ft. (2) A.nnual incremental limited benefit for 50-ft. dam" s1l3,OOO $ 2,260 per ft. Average $ 2,170 per ft. b. Method No.2 Average annual flow = 200 cfs Average Kw per cfs = 0.070 per ft. Average energy equivalent == 200 x 0.070 Annual load factor == 53 percent Dependable capacity = 14 = 26.42 Kw 0.53 Limited Benefit for One-Foot Head: 14 Kw Dependable Capacity Ave. Annual Energy 26.42 Kw x $39.99 x 0.94 == 14 Kw x 8760 x $0.00991 x 0.94 = Total $ 99J $1,142 $2,135 USE 24.16 ANNUAL COSTS WITHOUT A DAM.~rater Lake financial costs include annual interest and amortization at 3-1/8 percent interest on the total investment, and annual operation, maintenance and replacement costs over the 100-year period of analysis. The following tabulation shows the estimated construction, investment, and annual costs based on July 1973 cost index: First Cost Interest during construction (4 yrs. @ 3-1/8%) Investment Cost Amortization Operation & Haintenance Replacements Total Anrrual Charges :::: $25,484,000 = $ 1,592,750 = $27,076,750 $ 887,000 = $ 15,000 = $ 12,000 $ 914,000 a. Beneiit-to-Cost Ratio: Annual power benefits as shown under paragraph 24.12 are $2,593,0000 Annual costs as shown above are $914,000 and the resultant benefit-to-cost ratio is 2.84 to 1. b. Comparability Ratio: Annual limited power benefits for Crater Lake development without a dam as shown under paragraph 24.14 are $1,974,000. Annual costs as shown in paragraph .24.16 are $914,000 and the resultant benefit to cost ratio is 2.16 to 1. pmlER & ENERGY (\EC)LiREJ'lEiHS -SilETTlSHAH PROJECT -JULY 1973 FORECl\ST Year 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 l! 195d 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 B70 1971 2/ 1972 3/ 1973 1974 197::) 1976 lr;;77 1978 1979 19dO 19d1 1932 1983 1934 1935 lS86 1987 1 :iS8 1989 1990 Fiscal Year Energy KI,JH X 1 GUO 14,800 16,450 18,550 20.4S0 22,000 23,350 23,500 23,800 25,400 27,800 30,700 33,500 35,~ 50 39,250 43,350 45,900 48 ,~GO 51 ,150 54.410 58,180 62,470 69,100 76,300 96,500 121,500 135,900 148)700 162,000 171 ,nuo 136,000 208,OLlO_ 227,000 247,uuO 269,000 2;)3.000 319,GOO 342,000 372,LlO(J 411 ,000 447,000 1/ Bill passed for Stutehood. 2/ r\ctual record. Energy K\tH X 1000 14,050 15,522 17,364 1~,771 21,108 22,913 23,810 23,193 24,402 26,437 29,156 32,282 34,712 37,150 41,527 43,472 48,283 49,506 52,791 56,029 60,339 64,606 71,732 79,500 113,600 , 29 ,300 142,500 155,000 168,000 173,000 B9,GOO 217.000 236.000 257,000 280,OGO 3J5,000 332 s JOO 3~1,OOO 393.000 428,000 466,000 Calendar Year net Peak Load Factor K\J 3,200 3,630 4,090 4,350 5,025 5,030 5,353 . 4,747 5,105 5,4G5 5,837 7,750 7,056 9,044 9,424 10,003 10,859 10,510 11 ,145 11,820 13,010 14,420 15,400 17,130 24,400 27,900 30,400 33,OO!J 36,000 39,200 42,700 46,500 50,600 55,200 60,100 65,400 71,20J 77 ,oJO 84,900 92,000 100,200 of 10 50.1 48.8 48.5 51.9 48.0 52.0 50.8 54.7 54.6 55.2 57.0 47.6 56.0 46.9 50.3 49.5 50.8 53.8 54.5 54.1 52.9 51.1 50.4 53.0 53,0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 "!/ Snettishan; Pi'f):':: in OfjF:ratinn Octo~cr of C.Y. 1'}73. SECTION 25 -DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 25.01 DISCUSSION. The plan of dev~lopment for the Crater Lake Phase of the Snettisham Project has been formulated with consideration of the experi- ences gained in the development of the Long Lake Phase of the project and the experiences of others in the de-"elopment of similar projects, primarily in Europe. The changes from the recommendations in Design Memorandum No. 3 are: a. Tap directly into the power t-J.nnel, eliminating the separate diversion tunnel; b. Install the emergency gate in the tunnel, downstream from the lake, eliminating the intake structures; c. Eliminate the concrete power tunnel lining; d. Place the powerhouse underground. 25.02 The concepts for the development of Crater Lake, as origiGally pre- sented in Design Memorandum No.3, have been studied and are presented in this design memo as the Intake Structure Alternative. A third basic concept, the Power/Access Tunnel Alternative was studied and compared with the re- commended plan, as were several variations in gate structures for the re- commended plan. 25.Q3 CONCLUSIONS. The Power/Access Tunnel Alternative has the least impact on the existing environment and the Intake Structure Alternative has the greatest environmental impact. The only essential difference in environmental impact between the Power/Access Tunnel Alternative and the Recommended Plan is the extent of access road construction. 25.04 The Intake Structure Alternative providp.s a means of unwatering the entire power tunnel and a means of drawing the lake level down, if required because of seismic damage to the upper end of the POWE::l' tunnel. 25.05 The Recorrnnended Plan is feasible where the dangers of seismic dis- turbances, disrupting the project operation, are minimal, and where there is almost no debris problem in the reservoir. Of the alternatives considered technically feasible and warranting detailed studies, the Recommended Plan is the most economical. 25.06 Two different height dams were investi.gated to inCl"CaSe storage at Crater Lake. Neither one is economically justified at this time. The suspected foundation conditions at the lake outlet could result in the cost of either dam being more expensive than indicated in this report. Develop- ment of Crater Lake as presented in this report will further increase the costs of later dam construction because the power tunnel, penstock, surge tank and powerhouse facilities will not be adequate for che increased operat- ing head that would result. 25.07 RECOMMENDATION. The District Engineer recommends that the Crater Lake Phase of the Snettisham Project be a~proved for construction in accordance with the Recommended Plan of Development presented in this design memorandum. SNETTISHAH PROJECT, ALASKA RECOMt£NDED PLAN TABLE j -SUH'1ARY COST ESTIHATE Price Level -Sept 1973 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPNENT. CRATER LAKE PHASE Feature or Item 04 DAM 04.4 Power Intake Works Gate Structure Power Tunnel and Rock Trap Lake Tap and Rock Trap Surge Tank Penstock Gate Structure Access Adit Surge Tank Access Adit Amount $ 2,018,000 7,104,000 821,000 642,000 3,476,00C 2,168,00C 1,054,00Q Total Cost, 04.4 Power Intake Works $17,283,000 Total TOTAL COST, 04 DAM ~ 17,283,000 07 POWER PLANT 07.1 07.2 0'J.3 07.3 07.8 Powerhouse Turbines and Generators Accessory Electrical Equipment Switchyard Transmission Plant TOTAL COST, 07 POWER PLANT 08 ACCESS ROADS 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS. UTILITIES Buildings Grounds Utilities $ 287,000 2,526,00Ll 14i,OUU 177.000 12,000 $ 3,144, 000 $ 8'., oeo 35,000 _--.-!!J.. 6 ) 00 I! $ 3,144, ono 639,000 TOTAL COST, 19 BUILDING~ GROUND~ UTILITIES $ 595,000 $ 595,000 TOTAL COST, TABLE 1 $21,661, 000 TABU: 1 ;;ll;i~:~~ t: :).t 1 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA INTAKE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVE TABLE 2 -SUW1ARY COST ESTIMATE Price Level -Sept 1973 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Feature or Item 04 DAM 04.4 Power Intake Works Intake Structure Power Tunnel and Rock Trap Surge Tank Penstock Surge Tank Access Adit Amount $ 3,466,000 7,104,000 642,000 3,476,000 1,054,000 Total Cost, 04.4 Power Intake Works $15,742,000 Total TOTAL COST, 04 DAM $15,742,000 07 POWER PLANT 07.1 Powerhouse 07.2 Turbines and Generators 07.3 Accessory Electrical Equipment 97.3 Switchyard TOTAL COST, 07 POWER PLANT 08 ACCESS ROADS Intake Structure Access Road Diversion Access Surge Tank Access Adit Road TOTAL COST, 08 ACCESS ROADS 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND UTILITIES Buildings Grounds Utilities $ 287,000 2,526,000 141,000 177 ,000 $ 3,131,000 $ 1,176,000 283,000 160,000 $ 1,619,000 $ 84,000 35,000 180,000 $ 3,131,000 $ 1,619,000 TOTAL COST, 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, UTILITIES 299,000 $ 299,000 TABLE 2 Sheet 1 of 2 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item 50 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES (DIVERSIO~ TOTAL COST, TABLE 2 Amount Total $ 2,346,000 $23,137,000 TABLE 2 Sheet 2 of 2 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA POWER/ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE TABLE 3 -SUHMARY COST ESTIMATE Price Level -Sept 1973 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Feature or Item 04 DAM 04.4 Power Intake Works Gate Structure Power Tunnel/Access Tunnel Lake Tap and Rock Trap Surge Tank Penstock Surge Tank Access Adit Total Cost, 04.4 Power Intake Works TOTAL COST, 04 DAM 07 POWER PLANT 07.1 Powerhouse 07.2 Turbines and Generators 07.3 Accessory Electrical Equipment 07.3 Switchyard TOTAL COST, 07 POWER PLANT 08 ACCESS ROADS 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, UTILITIES Buildings Grounds Utilities Amount $ 2,006,000 17,504,000 821,000 684,000 3,476,000 1,054,000 $25,547,000 $ $ $ 287,000 2,526,000 141,000 177 ,000 3,131,000 84,000 35,000 245,000 TOTAL COST, 19 BUILDINGS, GROUND~ UTILITIES $ 364,000 TOTAL COST, TABLE 3 Total $25,547,000 $ 3,131,000 $ 160,000 $ 364,000 $29,202,000 TABLE 3 Sheet 1 of 1 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA RECOMNENDED PlAN TABLE 4 -DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Price Level -Sept 1973 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT. CRATER lAKE PHASE Feature or Item Unit Quantity 04 DAM 04.4 Power Intake Works Gate Structure Slide Gates & Machinery Ea. Miscellaneous Metal Lb. Crane, 20-Ton Monorail & Track Vent Pipe Access Manhole Concrete Reinforcing Steel Excavation, Rock Vent Shaft, 36" Dia. Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Gate Structure Power Tunnel and Rock Trap Excavation, Rock Concrete Reinforcing Steel Rock Bolts Steel Sets Shotcrete Subtotal Contingency 20% Ea. L.F. Ea. C.Y. Lb. C.Y. L.F. L.F. C.Y. Lb. L.F. Ra. e.F. 2 10,000 1 1,200 1 600 30,000 1,250 250 6,100 420 250,000 21,400 5 1,000 Total Cost, Power Tunnel & Rock Trap Lake Tap and Rock Trap Excavation, Rock Concrete Reinforcing Steel L.F. C.Y. Lb. 130 15 1,000 Unit Price $400,000.00 2.25 $ 30,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 675.00 0.75 190.00 350.00 800.00 520.00 0.75 20.00 1,200.00 200.00 $ 1,300.00 675.00 0.75 TABLE 4 Sheet 1 of 6 $ Amount 800,000 23,000 30,000 72,000 3,000 405,000 23,000 238,000 88,000 $ 1,682,000 336,000 $ 2,018,000 $ 4,880,000 218,000 188,000 428,000 6,000 200,000 $ 5,920,000 1,184,000 $ 7,104,000 $ 169,000 10,000 1,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT 1 CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued 04 DAM Continued Feature or Item Unit 04.4 Power Intake Works Continued Lake Tap and Rock Trap Continued Steel Trashrack Ea. Rock Bolts L.F. Lake Tap Job Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Lake Tap & Rock Trap Surge Tank Excavation, Rock (Shaft) L.F. Excavation, Rock (Drift) L.F. Concrete c.y. Reinforcing Steel Lb. Steel Orifice Lb. Rock Bolts L.F. Wire Mesh S.Y. Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Surge Tank Penstock Excavation, Rock L.F. Concrete c.y. Reinforcing Steel Lb. Steel Liner Lb. Rock Bolts L.F. Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Penstock Gate Structure Access Ad it Excavation, Rock c.y. Concrete c.y. Steel Door Lb. Quantity 1 200 1 400 40 57 3,500 700 4,000 1,000 1,590 1,400 11,000 907,000 350 8,570 3 1,000 Unit Price $100,000.00 20.00 400,000.00 $ 950.00 500.00 675.00 0.75 2.25 20.00 12.00 $ 614.00 260.00 0.75 1. 70 20.00 $ 200.00 700.00 2.25 TABLE 4 Sheet 2 of 6 Amount $ 100,000 4,000 400,000 $ 684,000 137 ,000 $ 821,000 $ 380,000 20,000 38,000 3,QOO 2,000 80,000 12 2 000 $ 535,000 107,000 $ 642,000 $ 976,000 364,000 8,000 1,542,000 7 2 000 $ 2,897,000 579 2 °00 $ 3,476,UOO $ 1,714,000 2,000 2,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued 04 DAM Continued Feature or Item . Unit Quantity 04.4 Power Intake Works Continued Gate Structure Access Adit Continued Rock Bolts L.F. Wire Mesh Subtotal Contingency 20% S.y. 4,378 17 Total Cost, Gate Structure Access Adit Surge Tank Access Adit Excavation, Rock Concrete, Plug Reinforcing Steel Steel Gate Rock Bolts Wire Mesh Subtotal Contingency 20io C.y. c.y. Lb. Lb. L.F. S.Y. Total Cost, Surge Tank Access Adit Total Cost, 04.4 Power Intake Works TOTAL COST, 04 DAM 07 POWER PLANT 07.1 Powerhouse Concrete, Substructure C.Y. Concrete, Superstructure C.Y. Concrete, Penstock Braxh C.Y. Cement CWT Reinforcing Steel Lb. Painting Arch. Features L.S. Painting, Equipment L.S. Piping Systems L.S. Heating & Ventilating L.S. Dust Protection and Barricading Misc. Metals Bulkhead Guides, 300 L. S. Lb. S ss Lb. 3,400 310 4,300 10,000 800 17 204 73 66 1,615 33,000 5,100 300 $ $ Unit Price 20.00 12.00 200.00 500.00 0.75 2.25 20.00 12.00 $ 365.00 540.00 100.00 4.30 Oe75 7,000.00 10,000.00 22,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2.80 1.80 TABLE 4 Sheet 3 of 6 $ Amount 88,000 1,000 $ 1,807,000 361,000 $ 2,168,000 $ $ 680,000 155,000 3,000 23,000 16,000 1,000 878,000 176,000 $ 1,054,000 $17 , 283,000 $17,283,000 $ 74,000 39,000 7,000 7,000 2),000 7,000 10,000 22,000 1,000 5,000 14,000 1,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued 07 POWER PLANT Continued Feature or Item Unit Quantity 07.1 Powerhouse Continued Penstock Branch A516 Lb. 26,400 Electrical L.S. Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, 07.1 Powerhouse 07.2 Turbines and Generators Turbine Ea. 1 Generator Ea. 1 Governor Ea. 1 Spherical Valve Ea. 1 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, 07.2 Turbines and Generators 07.3 Accessory Electrical EguiEment 15 KV & Control Equip. L.S. Misc. Electrical Equip. L.S. Subtotal Contingency 20% $ Unit Price 0.90 3,000.00 $830,000.00 840,000.00 95,000.00 340,000.00 $ 65,000.00 53,000.00 Total Cost, 07.3 Accessory Electrical Equipment 07.3 Switchyard Excavation C.Y. 285 $ 3.00 Concrete Foundation C.Y. 10 300.00 Reinforcing Steel Lb. 1,500 0.75 Transformer Ea. 1 123,000.00 High Voltage Equipment L. S. 20,000.00 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, 07.3 Switchyard 07.8 Transmission Plant Status Switchboard L.S. $ 10,000.00 Contingency 201'0 Total Cost, 07.8 Transmission Plant TOTAL COS'i', 07 PO~JERPLANT TABLE 4 Sheet 4 Amount $ 24,000 $ 239,000 48,000 $ 287,000 $ 830,000 840,000 95,000 340,000 $ 2,105,000 421,000 $ 2,526,000 $ 65,000 53,000 $ 118,000 23 z000 $ 141,000 $ 1,000 3,000 1,000 123,000 20 2 000 $ 148,000 30 2 000 $ 178,000 $ 10,000 2 2 000 $ 12,000 $ 3,144,000 of 6 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT I CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Unit Feature or Item UnH Quantity Price Amount -- 08 ACCESS ROADS Upper Access Road Excavation, Rock C.Y. 26,870 $ 10.00 $ 269,000 Clearing Acre 2.9 7,000.00 20,000 Fill, Rock c.y. 12,827 1.00 13,000 Fill, Select c.y. 4,873 5.00 24,000 Guardrail L.F. 4,150 15.00 62,000 Slope Dressing Acre 0.4 7,000.00 3,000 CMP, 24" Diameter L.F. 90 30.00 3,000 CMP, 12" Diameter L.F. 300 15.00 5,000 Subtotal $ 399,000 Contingency 20% 80,000 Total Cost, Upper Access Road $ 479,000 Surge Tank Access Adit Road Excavation, Rock C.Y. 9,730 $ 10.00 $ 97,000 Clearing Acre 1 7,000.00 7,000 Surfacing, Gravel C.Y. 1,300 5.00 7,000 Guardrail L.F. 1,450 15.00 22,000 Subtotal $ 133,000 Contingencies 20% 27,000 Total Cost, Surge Tank Access Adit Road $ 160,000 TOTAL COST, 08 ACCESS ROADS $ 639,000 19 BUILDINGS I GROUNDS, UTILITIES Buildings Transmission Maint. Bldg. Job 1 $ 43,000.00 $ 43,000 Picnic Shelter Job 1 27,000.00 27,000 Subtotal $ 70,000 Contingency 20% 14,000 Total Cost, Buildings $ 84,000 Grounds Landscaping Job 1 $ 29,000.00 $ 29,000 Contingency 20% 6,000 Total Cost, Grounds $ 35,000 TABLE 4 Sheet 5 of .6 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item Unit Quantity 19 BUILDINGS. GROUNDS, UTILITIES Continued Utilities Sewage Lagoon Gal. 400,000 $ Contingency 20% Total Cost, Sewage Lagoon Power Line Power Cable L.F. 1,250 $ Overhead Line L.F. 6,225 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Power Line Total Cost, Utilities (Sewage Lagoon & Power Line) TOTAL COST, 19 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, UTILITIES TOTAL COST, CONSTRUCTION, TABLE 4 Unit Price Amount 0.65 $ 260,000 52,000 $ 312,000 28.00 $ 35,000 16.40 $ 102.000 $ 137,000 27 2 000 $ 164,000 $ 476,000 $ 595,000 $21,661,000 TABLE 4 Sheet 6 of 6 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA ALTERNATIVES TABLE 5 -DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Price Level -Sept 1973 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Feature or Item GATE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES Gate Structure Slide Gates Misc. Metal Crane, 1S-Ton Monorail with Track Vent Pipe, 30" Diameter Access Manhole Concrete, Base Concrete, Shaft Lining Excavation, Rock Gate Chamber Shaft Elevator, 1,000-Lb. Cap. Subtotal Contingency 20% Unit Quantity Ea. 2 Lb. 10,000 Ea. 1 L.F. 260 Ea. 1 c.y. 800 c.y. 1,530 c.y. 4,700 c.y. 4,800 Ea. 1 Total, Cost, Dry Well with 2 Slide Gates Dry Well with Bulkhead §. Slide Gate Slide Gate Ea. 1 Bulkhead Ea 1 Misc. Metal Lb. 10,000 Crane, Monorail & Track Ea. 1 Vent Pipe, 30" Diameter L.F. 260 Access Manhole Ea. 1 Concrete, Base c.y. 800 Concrete, Shaft c.y. 1,530 Excavation, Rock Gate Champer c.y. 4,700 Shaft c.y. 4,800 Elevator, 1,000-Lb Cap. Ea. 1 Gate Valve, Quick Opening 12" 9) Ea. 1 Unit Price $400,000.00 2.25 30,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 675.00 450.00 190.00 130.00 40,000.00 $420,000.00 40,000.00 2.25 30,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 675.00 450.00 190.00 130.00 40,000.00 2,000.00 TABLE 5 Sheet 1 of 7 Amount $ 800,000 23,000 30,000 16,000 3,000 540,000 689,000 893,000 624,000 40,000 $ 3,658,000 731,000 $ 4,389,000 $ 420,000 40,000 23,000 30,000 16,000 3,000 540,000 689,000 893,000 624,000 40,000 2,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item Unit Quantity GATE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES Continued Dry ~ with Bulkhead ~ Slide Gate Continued Subtotal Contingency 20'7. Total Cost, Dry Well with Bulkhead & Slide Gate Wet Well with Bulkhead & Slide Gate Slide Gate Crane, Monorail & Track Bulkhead Vent Pipe, 30" Diameter Concrete, Tunnel Lining Concrete, Bulkhead Slot & Chamber Concrete, Slab (E1. 1040) Excavation, Rock Chamber Shaft Gate Valve, Quick Opening 2000 psi, 12" 0 Subtotal Contingency 20% Ea. Ea. Ea L.F. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. Ea. 1 1 1 260 260 960 10 4,700 1,200 1 Total Cost, Wet Well with Bulkhead and Slide Gate Wet Well with Bulkhead and Tainter Gate Excavation, Rock Gate Chamber Shaft Concrete Power Tunnel Gate Chamber Bulkhead Slot Bulkhead Gate Tainter Gate Gate Hoist Monorail Hoist Gate Valve c.y. c.y. c.y. c.y. c.y. Ea. Ea. Ea Ea. Ea. 4,700 3,410 260 160 620 1 1 1 1 1 Unit Price $420,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 60.00 520.00 $ 675.00 700.00 190.00 130.00 2,000.00 190.00 130.00 520.00 675.00 700.00 40,000.00 150,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 2,000.00 TABLE 5 Sheet 2 of 7 Amount $ 3,320,000 664,000 $ 3,984,000 $ 420,000 30,000 40,000 16,000 135,000 648,000 7,000 893,000 156,000 2,000 $ 2,347,000 469,000 $ 2,816,000 $ 893,000 443,000 l35,000 108,000 434,000 40,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 2,000 ' ... FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT z CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Unit Feature or Item Unit Quantity Price GATE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES Continued Wet Well with Bulkhead and Tainter Gate Continued -------- Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Wet Well with Bulkhead and Tainter Gate Wet Well with Bulkhead and Tractor Gate ------- Excavation, Rock Gate Chamber C.Y. 4,700 $ 190.00 Shaft C.Y. 1,850 130.00 Concrete Power Tunnel C.Y. 260 520.00 Gate Chamber C.Y. 90 675.00 Shaft Lining C.Y. 80 700.00 Vent Pipe, 30" Diameter L.F. 260 60.00 Tractor Gate Ea. 1 150,000.00 Gate Hoist Ea. 1 30,000.00 Monorail Hoist Ea. 1 30,000.00 Bulkhead Gate Ea. 1 40,000.00 Gate Valve Ea 1 2,000.00 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Wet Well with Bulkhead and Tractor Gate TWO-STEP LAKE TAP Excavation, Rock Rock Traps C.Y. Power Tunnels L.F. Concrete C.Y. Trash Racks Ea. Rock Bolts L.F. Lake Tap Job Subtotal Contingency 20% TOTAL COST, TWO-STEP LAKE TAP 1,060 310 20 2 400 1 $ 200.00 800.00 675.00 100,000.00 21.00 500,000.00 TABLE 5 Sheet 3 of 7 Amount $ 2 .. 265,000 453,000 $ 2,718,000 $ 893,000 241,000 135,000 61,000 56,000 16,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 2 z000 $ 1,654,000 331 2 000 $ 1,985,000 $ 212,000 248,000 16,000 200,000 8,000 500 2 000 $ 1,184,000 237 2 000 $ 1,421,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item DIVERSION Diversion Tunnel Excavation, Rock Concrete Slide Gate She 1ter Lake Tap Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Diversion Tunnel Diversion Tunnel Access Road Clearing Excavation, Rock Embankment, Rock Surfacing, Gravel CMP, 12" Diameter CMP, 24" Diameter Guardrail Subtotal Contingency 20% Unit Quantity L.F. C.Y. Ea. Ea. Job Acre C.Y. C.y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. L.F. 1,650 250 1 1 1 3 14,000 10,000 3,000 200 60 3,000 Total Cost, Diversion Tunnel Access Road TOTAL COST, DIVERSION INTAKE AT lAKE Intake Structure Excavation, Rock Concrete Elevator Slide Gate Misc. Metal Vent Pipe, 20" Diameter Hoist, 1/2 Ton Trashrack Access Manhole Bulkhead Gate Gate Valve, Quick Opening 12" 0 Bridge, Steel C.y. C.Y. Ea. Ea. Lb. L.F. Ea. Lb. L.S. Ea. Ea. Lb. 6,200 3,430 1 1 2,400 440 1 21,000 1 1 1 91,000 Unit Price $ 600.00 520.00 420,000.00 15,000.00 400,000.00 $ 7,000.00 10.00 1.00 5.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 $ 35.00 550.00 40,000.00 420,000.00 2.25 50.00 5,000.00 2.00 3,000.00 40,000.00 2,000.00 2.25 TABLE 5 Sheet 4 of 7 $ Amount 990,000 130,000 420,000 15,000 400,000 $ 1,955,000 391,000 $ 2,346,000 $ $ $ 21,000 140,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 2,000 45,000 236,000 47,000 283,000 $ 2,623,000 $ 217,000 1,887,000 40,000 420,000 5,000 22,000 5,000 42,000 3,000 40,000 2,000 205,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT I CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item Unit Quantity INTAKE AT LAKE Continued Intake Structure Continued Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Intake Structure Intake Structure Access Road Clearing Acre 6 Excavation, Rock c.y. 72,000 Embankment, Rock c.y. 51,000 Surfacing, Gravel c.y. 8,000 CMP, 12" Diameter L.F. 600 CMP, 24" Diameter L.F. 120 Guardrail L.F. 7,575 Subtotal Cont ingency 20% Total Cost, Intake Structure Access Road Power Line to Intake Power Cable L.F. Overhead Power Line L.F. Subtotal Cont ingency 2070 Total Cost, Power Line to Intake POWER/ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE Gate Structure Slide Gates & Machinery Miscellaneous Metal Crane, 20-Ton, Monorail & Track Vent Pipe, 30" Diameter Access Manhole Concrete Reinforcing Steel Excavation, Rock Vent Shaft, 36" Diameter Ea. Lb. Ea. L.F. Ea. c.y. Lb. c.y. L.F. 300 8,400 2 10,000 1 1,300 1 540 40,000 1,250 300 Unit Price $ 7,000.00 10.00 1.00 5.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 $ 28.00 16.90 $400,000.00 2.25 30,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 675.00 0.75 190.00 350.00 TABLE 5 Sheet 5 of 7 e .. Amount $ 2,888,000 578,000 $ 3,466,000 $ 42,000 720,000 51,000 40,000 9,000 4,000 114,000 $ 980,000 196,000 $ 1,176,000 $ 8,000 142,000 $ 150,000 30,000 $ 180,000 $ 800,000 23,000 30,000 78,000 3,000 365,000 30,000 238,000 105,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT 2 CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item Unit --Quantity POWER/ ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE Continued Gate Structure Continued Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Gate Structure Power/Access Tunnel Excavation, Rock Sta. 7+00 to 14+00 L.F. 700 Sta. 14+00 to -65+65 L.F. 5,165 Concrete c.y. 22,960 Steel Lb. 1,988,000 Rock Bolts L.F. 21,400 Steel Sets Ea. 5 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Power/Access Tunnel Surge Tank Excavation, Rock Shaft L.F. 400 Drift L.F. 40 Concrete @ Top C.Y. 57 @ Drift c.y. 42 Reinforcing Steel Lb. 3,500 Structural Steel Lb. 16,100 Rock Bolts L.F. 4,000 Wire Mesh s.y. 1,000 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total Cost, Surge Tank Unit Price $ 800.00 860.00 260.00 1. 60 20.00 1,200.00 $ 950.00 500.00 675.00 260.00 0.75 1.60 20.00 12.00 TABLE 5 Sheet 6 of 7 Amount $ 1,672 ,000 334,000 $ 2,006,000 $ 560,000 4,442,000 5,970,000 3,181,000 428,000 6,000 $14,587,000 2 2 917 2 000 $17,504,000 $ 380,000 20,000 38,000 11,000 3,000 26,000 80,000 12 2 000 $ 570,000 114 2 000 $ 684,000 FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PHASE Continued Feature or Item UnH Quantity POWER/ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE Continued Power Line Power Cable L.F. 5,800 Overhead Power Line L.F. 2,500 Subtotal Contingency 207. Total Cost, Power Line $ Unit Price 28.00 16.90 TABLE 5 Sheet 7 of 7 Amount $ 162,000 42,000 $ 204,000 41,000 $ 245,000 Pigure.s FIGUF~E 2 1,IYJ'O:C.lJGlCAL DII'!1\. CRA TER L.r.Kl DAn; S1:ATION DEPTH W'll ter Temp. D02 CO2 UCO) pH See chi ::::01;:'1 ft. 0 F. PPM PPM Pf'H Llsk ---..... -~~''"'" ......... _-< ........ ..-,-_ .. _ ... '--. .--~ .... ,-'--'-- 8-l8-S8 1 0 56.0 10,9 4.0 LU Greenish Hue 8-18-58 1 136 44.0 11.6 5.0 6.9 2 l. it. 8-18-58 272 44.0 10.2 4.4 6.0 8-18-58 1 4W 45.0 9.6 9.1 6.8 (Bottom) -------- - ---. .. -~ ----. . . 8-29-59 2 i) 51.5 11 . .1, 1.1 9.9 G~'~a!H18h BLue 8-29-59 2 160 43.0 11.1 1.4 8.4 i , ':I It. 8-29-59 2 320 43.0 10.5 1.6 6.9 (Bottom) It Source of D.:.ta; Bux'eau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife and /';ational t\8rLH! }'li;hedu Service .~. : ., .. -':'--1 FIGURE 3 SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA SNOW SURVEY DATA MARCH 1 APRIL 1 MAY 1 J~"'E 1 SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER S~OW WATER DEPTH EQUIV DEPTH EQUIV DEPTH EQUIV DEPTH EQUIV YEAR DATE IN. IN. DATE IN. IN. DATE IN. IN. DATE IN. IN. -- CRATER LAKE (Elevation 1,750 feet) 1965 3/ 3 138 54.0 4/ 1 112 37.0 4/30 117 54 .. 0 6/ 5 92 52.0 1966 3/ 2 162 59.0 3/31 171 80.5 4/30 170 83.5 5/31 100 54.7 1967 3/ 1 198 68.0 3/30 182 74.5 5/ 1 168 81.0 1968 2/29 72 23.8 3/29 84 29.4 4/29 96 4302 6/ 6 48 24.0 1969 2/28 163 69.0 4/ 1 186 87.0 5/ 1 148 77 .0 5/29 115 65.0 1970 3/ 2 107 50.0 4/ 1 126 56.0 5/ 3 154 70.0 5/28 168 78.0 1971 2/25 149 44.4 4/ 5 166 70.5 4/28 155 74.0 129 69.0 1972 3/ 1 160E 64.0E NO SURVEY 5/ 3 152 72.8 5/30 158 87.0 LONG LAKE (Elevation 1,080 feet) 1965 3/ 3 110 36.6 4/ 1 91 34.0 4/30 85 41.6 6/ 5 47 23.6 1966 3/ 2 114 38.2 3/31 119 47.4 4/30 103 47 .. 8 5/31 69 34.2 1967 3/ 1 168 56.4 3/30 150 53.8 5/ 1 129 58.6 1968 2/28 63 21.6 3/29 87 27.3 4/29 93 39.8 6/ 6 9 4.0 1969 2/28 104 35.6 4/ 1 109 44.8 5/ 1 83 36.8 5/29 32 16.0 1970 3/ 2 76 30.0 4/ 1 91 37.6 5/ 3 96 40.6 5/28 56 28.0 1971 2/25 123 38.8 4/ 5 135 52.0 4/28 128 55.0 96 44.6 1972 3/ 1 128 46.8 3/31 1t.1 55.7 5/ 3 136 60.4 5/30 94 47.6 SPEEL RIVER (Elevation 280 feet) 1965 3/ 3 92 33.8 4/ 1 73 31.0 4/30 64 29.2 6/ 5 22 10.0 1966 3/ 2 96 30.9 3/31 98 38.6 4/30 74 34.0 5/31 32 14.2 1967 3/ 1 105 38.2 3/30 106 39.6 5/ 1 79 37.1 1968 2/28 48 17.0 3/29 52 19.5 4/29 50 21..4 6/ 6 0 0.0 1969 2/28 77 24.4 4/ 1 74 27.8 5/ 1 43 20.4 5/29 0 0.0 1970 3/ 2 37 16.0 4/ 1 37 15.4 5/ 3 28 13.2 5/28 0 0.0 1971 2/25 97 29.1 4/ 5 104 40.0 4/28 88 41..6 56 25.6 1972 3/ 1 112 40.3 3/31 116 41.6 5/ 3 108 48.8 5/30 69 34.8 UPPER LONG LAKE (Elevation 1,000 feet) 1965 3/ 3 74 29.0 4/ 1 63 28.0 4/30 57 29.0 6/ 5 26 14.0 1966 3/ 2 103 35.0 3/31 no 45.0 4/30 100 46.2 5/31 76 38.5 1967 3/ 1 155 49.3 3/30 138 51.3 5/ 1 120 59.0 1968 2/28 48 16.7 3/29 72 25.2 4/29 84 36.,1 6/ 6 12 5.0 1969 2/28 97 30.7 4/ 1 107 43.0 5/ 1 85 40.3 5/29 42 21.5 1970 3/ 2 65 25.0 4/ 1 79 35.0 5/ 3 94 40 .. 0 5/28 56 27.7 1971 2/25 109 36.0 4/ ') ]28 51.0 4/28 ll8 53 .. 0 42.9 1972 3/ 1 ll9 43.0 3/31 126 53.3 5/ 3 123 59.0 5/30 88 52.0 E -Estimated FIGURE 3 FI GURE 4 LO~G RIVER SE:JlHENTATION DATA Station 15-0310 Station 15-0520 . ___ . __ ._.~~~..& __ ~l~er~~\~~ve Lon..s Lake Long .. Ri~~E __ l)_~l.9Y Long Lake ___ Water Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended Temperature Discharge Sedioents Sediments Discharge Sediments Sediments Date °c c. f. s. _tn.~_ tons/d~ c.f.s. mdl tons/daY --------_.-M ____ .~ __ ----------"'-- .3 Oct 67 3, 36. 12 1.2 19 Dec 67 1" 9.8 2 .05 III .3 .9 29 Mar 68 2. 8.8 2 .05 29 Apr 68 2. 13. 1 .04 22 Jul 68 5. 233. 96 60. 715 8 20. 1 Oct 68 3. 84. 14 3.2 1 Apr 69 O. 2.3 2 .01 1 May 69 1. 25. 2 .14 183 2 .99 29 May 69 2. 14l. 8 3.0 8 Jul 69 945. 569 1450. 16 Jul 69 I~ • 155. 88 37. 8 Aug 69 4. 241. 182 118. 18 Sep 69 4. 67. 39 7.1 18 Dec 69 .5 11.4 4 .12 2 Mar 70 11.5 2 .06 6.6 1 .02 1 Apr 70 1.S 11. 9 .3 .10 28 May 10 1.5 96. 7 1.8 21 Jui 70 2. 205. 22 12. FIGURE 5 CRATER CREEK AT CRATER LAKE OUTLET AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS IN CFS BASED ON CORRELATION STUDIES Water Year Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju1 Aug ~ 1913 47 48 57 203 531 830 858 491 1914 260 108 38 21 45 37 53 144 272 517 409 266 1915 313 104 24 36 17 45 74 235 414 497 469 389 1916 185 45 33 18 18 19 44 90 370 370 464 470 1917 270 51 33 35 45 23 24 142 305 441 539 361 1918 251 250 35 33 17 13 21 129 347 482 591 411 1919 202 133 65 68 15 12 47 118 217 417 511 420 1920 209 67 45 100 35 16 20 53 177 406 532 262 1921 140 92 25 24 31 24 34 138 305 399 360 297 1922 290 75 95 34 10 10 35 145 287 437 471 352 1923 202 158 41 21 28 38 47 160 297 452 483 502 1924 230 198 77 28 17 30 39 229 400 584 566 581 1927 197 124 95 35 27 25 38 161 350 377 357 352 1928 135 48 25 89 31 40 42 193 381 528 377 343 1929 194 113 82 76 19 49 29 92 382 419 404 347 1930 463 222 60 5 9 15 34 104 308 420 484 359 1931 225 256 146 68 102 22 45 211 402 417 474 361 1932 334 73 28 20 20 15 33 105 284 362 366 429 1933 316 42 27 14 13 15 66 211 230 379 367 252 1934 219 170 43 7 12 18 31 100 371 420 565 342 1935 296 92 67 15 10 20 30 90 251 6.06 418 276 1936 274 66 97 16 13 21 42 194 462 454 371 467 1937 762 294 127 26 16 23 35 112 436 379 411 465 1938 615 96 62 55 43 46 32 225 309 423 333 535 1939 327 84 68 37 26 20 33 124 337 520 608 353 1940 373 151 89 28 38 15 43 205 323 485 560 433 1941 311 79 43 15 25 24 51 166 372 491 293 202 1942 276 166 75 40 33 36 37 158 425 538 536 393 1943 361 61 42 45 21 33 56 166 337 585 466 524 1944 637 170 125 41 33 37 38 163 488 448 3Sl6 291 1945 489 151 99 19 15 25 36 209 361 502 357 424 1946 644 55 28 13 15 20 30 255 414 403 457 316 1947 258 141 36 23 19 53 48 212 409 403 330 525 1Q48 291 100 77 44 20 19 25 243 466 461 372 530 1949 208 134 48 35 16 21 37 207 310 410 421 379 1950 224 361 76 10 10 15 25 122 323 436 339 413 1951 110 38 22 17 15 19 33 160 411 489 291 311 1952 114 46 35 12 13 18 42 161 302 511 426 480 1953 515 167 45 20 22 17 29 227 428 44() 45() 376 1954 402 51 51 25 89 21 20 108 31 /~ 384 271 389 1955 184 178 120 33 18 21 24 93 267 506 518 359 1956 126 77 22 9 10 15 25 185 226 497 621 27'13 1957 142 163 115 48 15 13 29 177 342 392 354 444 1958 241 169 44 84 23 18 42 216 490 474 442 216 1959 320 93 52 25 23 21 32 156 404 606 396 240 1960 231 101 71 34 18 25 41 177 361 511 434 422 1961 355 125 99 52 41 33 52 194 473 691 684 301 1962 428 74 23 79 26 31 29 101 340 431 367 480 1963 243 152 101 59 70 36 35 138 306 454 330 543 1964 321 45 76 50 35 24 43 104 458 598 375 198 1965 292 100 72 102 39 41 34 78 279 413 386 242 1966 409 55 42 17 15 23 38 135 341 446 475 483 1967 301 83 22 17 18 17 20 137 566 410 495 585 1968 153 135 45 20 44 68 34 159 259 431 291 565 1969 154 64 35 7 8 20 34 186 573 558 466 361 1970 224 17 88 22 54 33 38 186 995 452 457 466 . , Month Average 295 118 61 35 27 26 37 159 371 464 444 390 2'+1 1('/ ::'~ "') , " ; ~ . Annual I Average 202 FIGURE 5 CONTOUR iNTERVAl 100 FEET ~ ... JtI <: "u,. sa LEVEl D(P""H CuMS 1'\ • !.:--:::.-.'" " "'" J wEAN lOW[q lOW .rER ~cI!IIt( """""" "f~..: .. '., .•. t: ~#"'V.[ _IN( Of 1II{M,q.!.u'Ot fH( Al'(JWGlIIIIIw::.[ 'J ~(I( 5 ~_U£HUFUl 0 " ( > " 0 -0 ~ LEGEND Snow Course Proposed Snow Pillow Stream Gaging Station Climatologi.cal Station Permanent Snow Fields and Glaciers Notes: 1. Drainage area at lake outlet - 11.4 square miles. 2. 28% of drainage area is covered with permanent snow fields and glaciers. Snettisham Project, Alaska First Stage Development TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES Crater Lake R.L.M. Mar 73 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 FIGURE 8 CORPS OF ENGINEERS MONTH ",,"UAItf HBRUA"Y WARCH AP"IL WAY "UHf .JULy AUGUST UPTUIBER OCTOBER NOVEWIER DEI:£WII[" LINEA" REGRESS!QN EQUATION L.OG Of'CRMrER CREEK flOW,. CFS·A+BILOG OF LONG RIYER Flow IN CfSl CRATt". -0.145 + 1.21 Z (LONG) CRATtR. -0.4e4 + 0.t'9 Q.ONG) CRATtR. -0.290 + 0.906 (LONG) CRATtR. +0.' 7 I + 0.' U (LONG) CRATER.-!.III + I.Z85tLONG) CRATtR. -1.442 + 1.31' (LOHG) CRATtR. ~.77' + I. 154 G..OHG) CRATER" ~"14 + 1.011 (LONG) CRATER. -0.'35 + 1.090 (LONG) CRATER. -O.'S' + I. 170 (LONG) CRATtR. -0.567 + 1.054(LONGI CRATt". ~.z10 + 0."4(LONG) ~ .00f--------+--------------~----_+----~~------~.~~ '" ..J ~ .,=-",0 STANDARD ERROR OF ESTIMATE -itT .122 .100 .07' .0.5 .134 . 021 .04' .043 .033 . 057 .065 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT =:tr ... .• 0 .• 5 .'4 .11 ... .7' .• 7 .'7 ... ... U.S. ARMY ), ( ) " , , ) u'" 500, -------~----_,------~------_,~----~.~,~~?~~~--~------74----~~----~~------~------~~------~------l ~~ , JIlTE: ~ffi ~ I ~ 40 ~ lII: '" I~ k U S~ C k U -' ... /' ° zoo 400 .00 100 1000 1200 1400 1100 AVEUGE MONTHLY FLOW IN C FS LONG RIVER AT GAGING STATION 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 1. Correlations are based on about 13 years of 51 .... 1 taneous records. Procedur~ used in the regression analyses are those derived for stAtistiCAl evaluations. Z. This figure reproduced fn. Design MeDora~ No. I, Exhibit 15. SMETTISHAM PROJECT, ALA.IICA ""ST STIIG! O£VI!LQPlfttlT CRATER CREEK -LONG RIVER CORRELATION DATA U. S. A"1IfY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA fl\.ANNIHG AND R!~RTS '''AMeH "ft"A"ED BY e,G,Q, DAT[ SEPT. '"1 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 FIGURE 9 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1300 - IZOO liDO loao - '" 90 0," > 0 ., '" .... e-OJ OJ .. ~ 80 0 z ~ .... '" > OJ -' '" 70 0 1 / 60 0 AREA IN 100 ACRES 5 • , 2 I I I I i I ! V / I I ~: ~ // y ~ S~O . T> V ELEVATION 1022 ! ~ MAXIMUM POWER PO L --7 NATURAL LAKE SURF C E /I 0 I \1 g N I / \ I /1 \", -+ r--- / , I I I , i I I I I I I I 50 100 150 200 250 '00 STORAGE IN 1,000 ACRE-FEET AREA STORAGE FOR CRATER LAKE I I '00 -' :I -~6 0 ., . >- I 200 '" '" .. .. 0 '" -o. z '" '" :0 0 I 100 ...i r >-ori ~ Ji z -'" ~2 > 0 >- '" '" e > '" >--' I 000 '" '" "' .. !! -a ~ .... e > tOO"' ..J "' - 000 - 7 00 - 600 '''' U. S. ARMY DRAINAGE AREA IN PERCENT OF TOTAL, ".2~ SQUARE MILES 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 DRAINAGE AREA IN SQUARE MILES ABOVE A GIVEN ELEVATION AREA ELEVATION CURVE ABOVE CRATER LAKE OUTLET I------------~:-:--------- U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE ~=------1 AREA STORAGE AREA ELEV, CURVES 1'010?=, ._-_ ... __ ._---'----------------------------------------------~:.;=.=.::::=:....,...::....:'I----=-~--------' 10 +12 ~Highest Expected I Tide, Elevation 11.4 Feet Notes: +10 l. Curve shows minimum tai1water - elevations at powerhouse with no backwater effects from ocean tides. 2. Tai1water elevation should be taken from curve or from elevation +8 of tide, whichever is higher •• - ;r; ;...J 3. Sill elevation -5.5 feet. ~ Q f-o (.J +6 t&l ~ p., .. f-o ~Mlnlmum Power Output 300 c.Ls. ± t&l t&l ~ z +4 H Z 0 H ~ > t&l ...J t&l +2 ~ t&l ~ 3: ...J H -< E-< 0 -2 Tai1water at initial startup, assuming no degradation or aggradation in channel • ~ -~---------~ ----------------------- ... -..... ~~ ~-- ",--'" ~ Minimum tai1water assuming critical depth at sill. ~-~ I I I I I -4 o 100 200 300 4qO 300 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 DISCHARGE IN CFS TAILWATER ELEVATIONS FIGURE II M <' O· 1"-o , ) 7 0': ~i ~. t---\ ------<---,-----. -'----:-:--"~---r I t .' , L i),: C 72 < _________ .-.J ') 1: U Z o u iii r,~ o'~ ~ i-'-.i O~ o x- OX -,~ ~ ... ::J :.J " :£ ::::> z z « ~ W D.. Il G, C iTi "-~. .I ,..; r--;-~~-rrm-~I-~:~" I~--,' -rf--•• ,l. __ ,~,-~~ ., .• ~---[---J------r--r----:-:-I ~tI~t'T-~-j ~--. 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'--T.j+ ... i-T;l'·~jl---+"l-+--~t*.r~.'-'--+~--~,--+"-• -', -._Lt-·,.i f--.,_ .. --.-~ "~1. ; '.ilY~111lf::j ~ r; 1#-:Pi1f J' ' ;~: tr ,f~~;l+~f r ~ ;: =:7:1~~~~~: ~ l.~~;· •• I·~; ~~; \X;f'"-,fl.1 ~ ~ r ,-, 0::0 f ' . t r e --i ~ .. -. .. f ---. --" -I ~ ~. /' -'-'1 ,f-''''--! :lE» . ,. !r-~' ~t-CL.-, : ,,-,-"-1' ,----t-".1-. ~.-" ~,~-. d-.c --I ~.[~-:: JTI --i __ ;--: ., __ ~ :. ( : ~_ r ..;.: .~~~-:: ~ , .. ~ r f ~ r~ ~:'-l ~~: ~ ~ ~ -+ .-_~ t-_.-~~::~ __ ~:-:-i-:=:-~ :-=~~ -, ~ r I-f _ • __ :. -J.-+--+:.:r.l :D r'~ ._ ~ > ' ~ ~. ~-t-.~-1---: .-i -~-r-·'--I 1-I t ~~t r -.......... I-t -+ __ 0. t--.. +--.>-.... r -t" ~,I.. .. ~ ~----.~.----<--.. ~ -;-1 ~ "r -•• -r~+t-t.-1· :I) 4 .e '. -I l-, .. r +-_. _·t·! 1--"' tn' r-I '" -~ t,.~, ,-• -, -t ' - . ~-. -t-•• , -• ---, •• , ~ --• , ,-t:.,,,, -' -I __ ~~t -r t-; l Q ,-~ J. • l . >-I : I' .... ~ !--~ ~' 1 ---<--I-, • f"--0 ~ t ~ ....... -... ~.. 4' '-, ~ ~ .... t r , .,. " • ~ -•• ,.-• -._---I "r~--'--r,l '-: r 1 I' !. I r 'T-._-'.~_r~ !=c~,r; ~:t> , " r' !: : i ' . r:~ -I ---. r+~ -c c ~ . ,!. I I r': I . I ' I + r i '-: 1 -I 1" -T ;"",; • --I -'.I' I +_,. __ ;. ~;HU_~~---_fr~:~ ~r; ; +t ~:~~i~:_-jJ: -r :-. ~i' ~~J-: ~J rI: :1' . .~. I , -:~ J CORPS OF ENGINEERS 8 9 .'00°1 t t 8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 (f) 0:: <r ..J 6000 ..J 0 0 ~ 5500 0 0 <::l x 5000 (f) ~ (f) 0 4500 u 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 O~ 8 9 EQUIVALENT DIAMETER UNLINED POWER TUNNEL 10 t RAIL EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT 10 II II .,UIVALENT Ur-LINED POv, 12 12 '~ET TUN'·" 13 14 ! 3 J? RUBBER " .... U,'/ATION f MENT CRATER LAKr UNLINED POWER TU ,NEL COST VS EQUIVALENT DIAMETER (f) 0:: <r ..J ..J 0 0 z 0 0 0 x (f) ~ (f) 0 u PENSTOCK DIAMETER IN FEET 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 I! , I $ 9500f 90001 TOTAL COST 8500 8000 7500 MOST ECONOMICAL DIAMETER 7000 6500 I 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2.500 VALUE OF HEADLOSS 2.000 1500 1000 500 0 t t t 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 PENSTOCK DIAMETER IN FEET 7.5 8.0 / 7.5 8.0 U. S. ARMY CRATER LAKE STEEL PENSTOCK VS COST U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 FIGURE 15 CORPS Of ENGINEERS ]000 980 r ~ ~ i 950. Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = ~ c- ~ = i\8~ 850 I I 780· I ! 76n ! ; 740 . 10 12 14 It 22 24 I, ~I 26 34 36 38 40 42 46 48 50 TUMBI.E OYTPUT -1000 HP U, S, ARMY HOff 1. TU~BrNE cHARACTERISTlrS ":OVIDED BY HYDRO -EL[CTRIC Dl3IGN BRANCH 2, NEr TURBINE YEADS BASED 0, 10' PIlWER TU.NNEL AND 6' P[IETOCK, 55 58 60 U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS Of' ENGINE EM SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA fiRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE TURBINE OUTPUT DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 FIGURE 17 STORAGE TOTAL 121,000 A.F. DEAD 36,430 A.F. USABLE 84 570 A F l ~- WATER YEAR NATURAL AND MONTH CFS CFS 1919 JUL AUG SEP OCT 209 NOV 67 DEC 45 1920 JAN 100 FEB 35 LEAP YR. MAR 16 APR 20 MAY 53 JUN 177 JUL 406 AUG 532 SEP 262 OCT 140 , .' , NOV 92 DEC 25 ---f------ 1921 JAN 24 FEB 31 EAR 24 APR 34 MAY 138 JUN 305 JUL 399 AUG 360 SEP 297 OCT 290 NOV 75 DEC 95 1922 JAN 34 FEB 10 MAR 10 APR 35 MAY 145 JUN 297 JUL 437 AUG 471 SEP 352 OCT 202 NOV 158 DEC 41 1923 JAN I 2l FEB 28 MAR 38 APR 47 MAY 160 JUN 297 JUL 452 AUG 483 SEP 502 OCT 230 NOV 198 DEC 77 1924 JAN 28 FEB 17 LEAP YR. MAR 30 APR 39 HAY 229 JUN 400 JUL 584 AUG 566 SEP 581 POWER -STORAGE TABULATION FOR CRATER LAKE DATE MAR 7l 1973 CAPACITY 27 0/31 0 MW COMP BY RGL - RELEASED REGU---RESERVOIR ._------STORAGE ELEV. POWER PLANT STOR-FLOW LATED "K" REMARKS AGE FLOW END OF AVER- AVER-OUTPUT CAPABIL. MONTH AGE AGE ------- 1000 AF CFS CFS 1000 AF 1000 AF FT. MW MW - I 0 0 209 121. 0 121.0 1022 72.2 15.1 31.0 FULL -5.75 96.65 I 163.65 115.25 118.1 71. 8 11. 75 START CRIT. PD -7.47 ....l.21. ~2+-166. 43 107.78 111.5 70.6 11.75 -4.23 68.82 168.82 103.55 105.7 69.6 11. 75 -7.86 136.66 171.66 95.69 99.6 68.45 11.75 -9.83 159.9 175.9 85.86 90.8 66.8 11. 75 -9.58 161.05 181.05 76.28 81.07 64.9 11.75 -8.20 133.36 186.36 68.08 72.2 63.05 11. 75 -0.75 12.52 189.52 67.33 67.7 62.0 11. 75 +13.58 -220.91 185.19 80.91 74.1 63.45 11. 75 +21.93 -356.62 175.38 102.84 91. 9 67.0 11.75 +5.54 -93.18 168.82 108.38 105.6 69.6 11. 75 -1. 73 28.1 168.1 106.65 107.5 69.9 11. 75 -4.6 77.31 169.31,102.05 104.4 69.4 11.75 -9.07 147.5i -::: :~-t!:: ::-97.5 68.1 11. 75 -9.42 153.23 88.3 66.3 11.75 -8.39 151.17 182.17 75.17 79. {~ 64.5 11.75 -10.07 163.7 187.7 65.10 70.1 62.6 11. 75 -9.58 161. 03 195.03 55.52 60.3 60.25 11. 75 -3.87 62.86 200.86 51. 65 53.6 58.5 11.75 +6.26 -105.17 199.83 57.91 54.8 58.8 11. 75 +12.74 -207.16 191. 84 70.66 64.3 61. 25 11. 75 +10.83 -176.12 183.88 81. 48 76.1 63.9 11. 75 +7.03 -118.15 178.85 88.51 85.0 65.7 11.75 +7.06 -114.75 175.25 95.57 92.0 67.05 11.75 -5.95 99.98 174.98 89.62 92.6 67.15 11. 75 -5.09 82.76 177 .76 84.53 87.1 66.1 11. 75 -9.1 147.75 181. 75 75.43 80.0 64.65 11. 75 -9.85 177.4 187.4 65.58 70.5 62.7 11. 75 -11. 39 185.19 195.19 54.19 59.9 60.5 11. 75 -10.12 170.06 205.06 44.07 49.1 57.3 11. 75 -4.14 67.29 2l2.29 39.93 42.0 55.35 11. 75 +5.06 -85.10 211. 90 44.99 42.5 55.45 11. 75 +14.44 -234.76 202.24 59.43 52.2 58.1 11. 75 +17.34 -281.9!~ 189.06 76.77 63.1 62.15 11.15 +10.19 -171.22 180.77 86.96 81. 9 65.0 11.75 +1.51 -24.51 177.49 88.47 87.7 66.2 11. 75 I -1.16 19.5 177 .5 87.31 87.9 66.2 11. 75 -8.55 .....l39.08 180.08 78.76 83.0 65.25 11. 75 -10.12 164.48 185.48 68.64 73.7 63.35 11. 75 -9.10 164.0 192.0 59.54 64.1 61. 2 11. 75 I -9.95 161.83 199.83 I 49.59 54.6 /58.8 11. 75 -9.67 162.45 209.45 39.92 44.8 56.1 11. 75 MIN. POOL -3.49 56.79 216.79136.43 38.2 825 I 54.2 11.75 END CRIT. PD +4.84 -81.4 2l5.6 41.27 38.9 54.5 11. 75 +15.16 -246.5 205.5 56.43 48.85 57.2 11. 755 +17.95 -291. 9 191.1 74.38 65.4 61.5 11. 753 +19.19 -322.5 179.5 93.57 84.0 65.5 11. 757 +3.47 -56.4 173.6 97.04 95.3 67.7 11. 753 +1.52 -25.5 172.5 98.56 97.8 68.15 11. 756 -5.94 96.6 173.6 92.62 95.6 67.7 11.753 --- -9.19 149.5 177 .5 83.43 88.0 66.3 11. 768 -9.52 165.5 182.5 73.91 78.7 64.4 11.753 -9.75 158.5 188.5 64.16 69.0 62.35 11. 753 -9.37 157.5 196.5 54.79 59.5 60.05 11. 78 +1. 78 -29 200 56.57 55.7 59.0 11.80 +12.26 -206 194 68.83 62.7 60.85 11.80 +24.54 -399 185 93.37 81.1 64.9 12.01 +24.05 -391 175 117.42 105.4 69.6 12.18 +3.58 -60.17 520.83 121.0 119.2 1018 72.0 31.0 FULL-SPILL 6 5M FIGURE 18 ..... 11 .. N .... ~ I--• .Li. I -WL.1..i. I -~ I -... ~ I _ .. ....l.O-.... _ ... --+-+-. I --• ....Lli...-I--.~ .......... ---J..J-.. ---+4-'''''LY~ '''"A&.''~ " ...... ~ .......... ...28..... " ...... ~ ~ A SO .. D'~ ..... A ... ~ ~ A SO .. D'~ ..... A ... ~ ~ A SO .. Dl~ ..... A ... ~ ~ ,. SO .. D:~ l' Ie A ... ~ J A. 0 .. 0 J ..... A ... ~ .I A .0 .. 0 'J ..... A ... ~ ~IA .0 .. D ~ ..... A ... ~ I 1 ! '_ ! , , '! ~ InF:~Tr,N MRMORANnTTM PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT DM #23 II' POWERHOUSE DESIGN REPORT DM x2.ll ...sJll'TI,EMENT TO DH if23 , I i 1 , I ! ! I I ~~~~~C~~R~w~~T~~~A~~T~~~FTr~~MurR~lT~~~~A~T~F~~m~TT~Tr~p~n~M~~~~~~ __ -~~~_~~~~~_~ii _~____ -'=:-~~-~--~~~r~~--~ -: ~_~~I_~~~~~~:~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~---------------------rt-~It-,H----1---t--t--~--!--~+-~ +-t-+-H-+-+-+-~.lt++-~+-+-+-+-+-+-t-+++--+-f-+-+-+-+-I-t-~-t-t-t--+-t-1 I------------~~~~------~_H_t_T_t-t_t_IT I--t-1-i" -I-t-t-t-t--t-t-T I I --:-+1 1-----------------------------++-t-i"-t--+-+++-+-~-~ -~-~t-~ -+t-t--t-t-+---+-t-+-H--+-+-+-+-t-+-t-+-t-++-+--t-+-t--lf-++-tt-+-t-+-t-lH ,n -1 1-++ --, -1 I I L j-t--t-t-t-t--t-+-ti--;--f-+t ! ~~-R-~-~--~-----~~~---------~~~~~-====~:::~tim1 -t---! ---~-~---: -~n~-T~~~t-t~~~w~-~-~~~t~:~::~:~:::~~~~~~ _TlJRlUNE. tv SPHERICAl, VALVE --r--t----tl -*------r -, ---Z ---'/ 1/ -{ -~/;!!!! IT : t----++~~-~--. _ _' GENERATOR ----------------------------~,----++ -t -i-----t ---~ -+ ... ----r -----;---j ---...,--TT, ---I :--1 1-~~t --+-+-+-+--1-+-1 -------------f-r--t-+---1:-f -t~ _.:.r-'/ .. -0= -.(717: r; T -+-H ** t-~-, t-+-H-t-t-t-! +-+-+-t 1-------------------------+-++--I--t + ~-r--t --+ 1-t ~==f= --:.± -f.:o::~ -,Co:::: :!:-i---~-W-+--d-.J--Iiir -j--t-~++ -I ' f-~-+-t-+-t-++-I--t-+-t I I "_ _ _' _ i _ _ _ _, _ _ _ I ,_ .i I.~ I i I 1 _ -1 1_ __ _ j I I r-; -+-1'01, ,1 -ON -tE i MECHANICAL [" ELEGTRlCAL_E0~ ____ --------+-t t ~-f -l-t-t-·,-t-tm ~----' -T' 1--T :;± --T -----.4':f L ,=, -F1--J:-+-+-i--_~ J-~ t-t-__ ,_1. 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'l~ r r" +-:~_~+-___ -Ht-~=-=--=-==:~--~~-=-~==-~~-~~=::-=-~-----~~~=t_ t ~tm~ '-I --ti -r_L _ -tn~ -' --t-=:_:= -~ r~~ lit --tt-t"!-;--~-t-l~~~+=-r~rfJ i -tt t-~~~H--l+-~ : }-+--t-+-H r---------------------------------------------~ f--'+I-' t---++++'-~t---t--t-' ----1--f -+ , ,--t-.-'-+-t ±+-t--l-~-----r- -----------------------------------1 ft~~+ ---t'+----+---+-+-I-i-f--------t-++ -,. I ++-t -t--+ 1 1+ t+ +---1--------------------------_ .. -------~===~:..~= __ -1-H-~:W 1--1--ttt --t _-;_ I--~F r '+H I' , , -j+ f --f-H-i---i+ -~--4--+-+rr H ++-~ T r--+tt-r--+-+-~r --I-, 1 l' tJ :t ----t-itt-,-+ -+-, -+ i---t -t-r-~-t-+-+ r d-' --~+t:t--r-! -t-r ~~t-1-+ ~~ ___ -==~-=-------::-~=-~~-.-f-t $1!:=:r f I.±-'=a.tttff+~~t· .. F~_ n,-L-Tt~ i ~·ft--~'-n=8-tf~--:- t-----------------------------I-J-~t-H+ --I --!-1-+-t--t-J-t-r+ H---f-f--+ -+-t--+ t---' i -t-+-t-++ ,-'-1'-+--t-+-+ +-t-+-+-+-+-t-+-Hlr-++-t-t t-------------------------------t-t-+-t F--t + -r-----t-ti-: -+ I I: -t-1>4--H-+-++-+-t-+-+-jf-++-t-+-t-++-'H -------r-t-~-+ F-t-! --t-i± ! t-t-+-+-+-+-+--+-t--lf-t-+-+-+-t-++-~ ~=======~_-=========::::===--~-----------1 +---;+----+1----~H-i-tt-'+--j--t-~ -Il.r ---I--! 1 H-f--+-+-+-+-+-+-1"-t--t-f1-+-t-+-t-1 DESIGN MEl-'~~=REVIEhT & APPR~~RTISE & AWARD r-IN STALLA rIor; OR CONSTRUCTION ~.z1 _ ~/,/ ____ LPLANS & SPECS ~OP TIME OR MOBILIZATION AND PREPAMTORY WORK NM For .. 104 Dec 65 DESIGN 8 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CRATER LAKE PHASE Rev -Oct 73 FIGURE 19 CORPS OF ENG IN EERS '.-10 ADM R A s L A N / IS' < 1 -t- 41t () + L T Y o JUNEAU SUBSTATION (EXISTINGI pAS S A G WEST TER, (EXISTINGi ./ SUBMARINE C~ CROSSING (EXISTINGI £ '" SCAL( IN .. ILCS VICINITY MAP .~ - + LAKE ) t~ ~~ ~ , V Cl C0 0[;$: EAST TERMINAL (EXISTING) + -<:) "V + U' U' , . = .~ "\7 LONG LAKE POWE~ TUNNEL~ (EXISTING) I CRATER LAKE POWER TUNNEL , \ 13UV OVERHEAD ---------------, TRANSMISSION LINE (EXISTINGI Q «' U. S. ARMY LOCATION MAP NOTES ELEVATIONS OF TIDE PLANES AT SPEEL RIVER REFERRED TO ~EA~ lOI/EIl LO" "ATER AND PROJECT DATUM ARE AS FOLLO\llS HIGHEST TIDE ([ST) ~EAN HIGHER HIGH WATER MEAN HIGH \t/ATER HALF TIDE LEVEL MEAN LO\ll \t/ATER MEAN LOwER LOlli LD\IIEST TIDE MLLIiI 22 5 :59 IIL8 B' 15 0.0 -5.7 PROJECT DATU~ II,ij 4 B 3.7 ., 9 95 ·11 I -15.B TIDAL DATUM PLANES ARE BASED ON 7 ~ONTIiS {' 65 TO 8 65) OF AlITOt.1ATIC GAGE OPERATION BY USGS ALL ELEIJAllONS ARE IN fEET" REFER TO PROJECT DATU~. + POWERHOUSE (EXISTING) U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA ~ ... ~ I[HQINEI[M ~-"'''_1lA SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE LOCATION AND VICINITY MAP Fill ""I,n ... S1, 1~'3 I-SNE -96-01-01-0711 .... co NO. 23 PLATE I CORPS OF ENGINEERS ) / CRATEr'? L ;"r<[ ...... 5.' [II ~ i,C12 J ? \ \ GATE STRUCTURE J>( \ \ ~ CRATER LAKE >.~" r POWER TUNNEL ~~ Q I-EX/Sr"IG , TFrA/o,:v,"/SS/ON L I/vE X , \ ( 1 \ :7 y' / o-.oJ CONTRA<::TOR CAMP \ \ MOUNT AiN BORROW AREA ~m 2./ l"'II'tIP"'OuSE 0-WATER TANK ~PROPOSED SEWAGE LAGOON ( ? BOO _1400 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 / U. S. ARMY U,",SL.'Rv(YED / 1600 ----------»-----.~--I J ___ ~;----J ------------+--- --~-->-~-----j->- U.S ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA !.lBI6HB>: ;::-~ ~ "",~,-- ChlCKW---- .' -,--+--C.::ly "-Ef'AII:Q.I, CORPS OF ENG'NEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PROJECT GENERAL PLAN PLATE 2 CORPS OF ENGINEERS CRATER LAKE ",,' ? 00 GRAPHIC SCAl'! --.!.f' [ ['. 100" o· u "'," , 5, ARMY ENGINEER ",~:c-__ ,-----__ COR ,PS OF EN~i~TRICT, ALASKA ,_ ,"ceo"W AC .. :: R5 SNETTISHAM P FIRST STAGE DEVEL~OJECT, ALASKA PMENT, CRATER LAKE GEOLOGIC MAP ~~~ __ LAKE AREA PlATE 3 CORPS OF ENGINEERS ) -----;_./ ~---~ '\ ~---" ~'-:-'~!_~Oo .. / ,< '. ~ ----------- '.cC~H I ATEDi 100 o· ICO' 200' IIJ •• ..,.ID • .".ol_....;,;====:::J G"",PKIC SC. ... L [. :". 100' -o· CHECKED U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE GEOLOGIC MAP GGREELt:y REF" .L PlATE 4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS '" :J !;; C I- U ... , o a: a. z o I-... > ... --' ... 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 A / I \ f ~ ! A \ \ I: I \ Ii +. SURFACE CRATER lAKE 1020' ~ TO 310' QUARTZ DIORITE ),/\ " \ I DH 98 I DH 100 I 10+00 QUARTZ DIORITE L MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE HEAD (INCLUDING SURGE) ---------- TO 334' PLAN 100' o· 100' 200' ...... ! ! I (HIAPHIC SCALE' ,". 100' -0· QUARTZ DIORITE jMINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE HEAD ---___ L ________ _ POWER TUNNEL 0.005 SLOPE DH 101 SUPERIMP05ED \ '~"4 : \~~:\'~R'~W'~~?" I BROKEN, jAL!fR[O SOFT IGRANO-I DIORITE " 1 DIORIT~ I TZ +: HEAVILY ALTERE GRANODIORITE __ DIOf!I~RANDDIORITE TD 232 \ 15+00 20+00 25+00 30+00 PROFILE ~. 0 ~. 1000.l1li ClRAPHIC 'CAL[' I'· 'o'-O· VERTICAL '00' , ~.~'~KK~f .... .t!O='==~2r' GI""PHIC SCALE, ,". 100' -O· HORIZONTAL GEOLOGIC LEGEND QUARTZ DIORITE FRACTURE (PLAN) WITH DIP DASHED WHERE LOCATION IS APPROXIMATE FRACTURE (SECTION) SHOWING APPARENT DIP DRILL HOLE U. S. ARMY QUARTZ DIORITE U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE POWER TUNNEL GEOLOGY .L. DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 5 CORPS Of ENGINEERS " :0 t-- <t " t-- U W ~ a: Q. t-- W W ... z " t-- <t > W -' W \ I \ i--______ _ ___ I ~\ II!lO 1100 ,'" 1050 --- A 1000 9~0 QUA'lTZ 010" TE 900 B~O BOO 750 700 650 '-----+_ ~. +---. ,---1-- 40+00 GAAf'hl' " A' f ,". 100' ( ------- QUARTZ [ TLINGIT FAULT-:'=-:::::';~ / MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE HEAD (INCLUDING SURGE) / lr ___ ---L-____ _ III -------+rl ------\----III III 1'1 II II II I I I I QUARTZ QIORITE rMINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE HEAD / ------~---------- -.-------------------------- , il': I I -________ 1 I ------------------c'> ----I I DH 99 QuARTZ DIORITE HIGH ANGLE JOINTS TO 350' I . ' ;' 1150 1100 A' 1050 1000 9~0 900 B~O BOO 750 U. S. ARMY ---+-----+-- 4'3 +;}) . +--.: ·-------I---I------+-----·-+----+----j'----+I ---t---+----+----j---6-:-0++-:-00--+----f---t---+--'--::6:5~+:00;:--+-~=:=:~:::c.:=========~".:.:.:.:=:========::::::~ 50+0n 55+00 ~ ~':JFI LE ,>, !lO' 100' II£::-=-==:::10'_ ..... G""PHIC ~ "L(, ,',50 -0' ,~ ",T I CAL laO 0 ~ .... ' 100 200 , ===:::J G""PI-lIC 'leA t ,". 100'-0· ,.(. ' NTAL !.JCC·'Il:) E wAffLE U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS "NCHO""GIE A~ASI<'" SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE '-------------.... -. ._,,-.. _-_._------------- DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 6 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 ~ 700 n. ~ 600 '" "- ~ 500 z a f-« 400 > '" --' '" 300 200 100 a ----- ,-CH 9<:< I SUPERIMPIJSED QJAR'Z DIOFlITf -----+--- 100' ~ ____________ "",,,,"1_~':;,:,OO ~:r' GRAPHIC SCALE ;". 100'-0' ----------- I 70+00 '\ -----------------~ -MAX 1<1'" l I p~ SSU",F -8 v'OINTS AVG (\ P &')0 I 75+00 '> '- \ r---. ------\ U. S.ARMY DESIGN MEMO I" 96-06-19-02/5 RANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 7 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 ~ 1000 ": 950 900 850 800 750 700 TRASH R ~CK -- ROCK TP' ~--""---------t----_.------+- 5+00 10+[ 1!..NLi,~L _ POWER TUNr-.:"'~ MI~~I.UM ROCK COvt.r, --+--------+--- 20+00 25+00 400' ~oa~Dd=d=====~'c===~1 GRAPHIC SCALE' I" -200'-0· 200' o· 30+00 35+00 PROFILE '00' 0 100' 200' ~~~===±I====~I GRAPHIC SCALE 1".100'-0· VERTICA.L GRAPHIC SCALE' 1'·200'-0· HORIZONTAL U. S. ARMY PROFILE 1150 ~,'I:: II 1100 :,1 'I' 1050 TANK ----11 SURC·~ " ,'I u 1000 I- " 0 ... II I-~ <n II ~ 950 II ! II "-900 z 'I 0 0 I-;:: I, 0: BSO « 'II ., > '" I-... <n ..J I, BOO ... " SLOPE O.OO~ I, 750 R8:K TRAP 700 40+00 45+00 50+00 55+00 60+00 65+00 U. S AH\.1Y ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO, 23 PLATE 8 CORPS OF ENGINEERS DESIGN LINE TYPICAL UNLINED SECTION SCALE 1/2" ~ 1'-0" / : ''-BLOCKING I / AS REQUIRED LGROUTED ROCK BOLTS I EACH SIDE OF WEB (TYP.) (DESIGN LINE ,-STEEL SETS / /BLOCKING AND WEDGING \~ STEEL STRUTS AS REQUIRED MODERATE SET SI 'F'QRTED TYPICAL CONCRETE LINED SECTION SCALE 1/2"" 1'-011 " L..AGGING AS REQUIRED HEAVY SET SUPPORTED BLOCKING AND WEDGING OR DRY PACKING AS REQUIRED _____________ "-FULL CIRCLE STEEL SETS 1+----0£ S I G N LI N E TYPI CAL SET SUPPORTED SECTIONS SCALE: liZ"" 11-a" 2' 0' 2' 4' . ........ -~RAPHIC SCALE 1/2::=" ,=,::=, ."0·" _ ..... 6 i) U. S. ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL DETAI LS ~ DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 9 CORPS OF ENGINEERS '-i-ir Li-l I 61 +60 \ ----;-r 61 +')0 ,.--DESIGN LI N~ / J I. I !;l ~_ -0 __ _----->-I UNLINED TYPICAL ROCK TRAP SECTIONS NJT n SCALE ! /-SURGE TANK M ~ORIF'CE ~ rROCKTRAP I b3.J. 55 PLAN SCALE 1"-20' /SURGE.TA" 'R,FT -TRASH RACI( ---::- -¥'----- ____ t. ELEV. 758.5 _/ ~ L I J'Z' -----,--------,-~ -2-0----1i----[-,-5.-0 .. ---,·-,-].-------1 1 63155 -DESIGN LI N[ , I ~' -0' ---J CONCRETE LINED t I (~4i 05 PROFILE ')CALE 1"-20' ROOTI1AP~ '- 65+4D SURGE TANK COVER --- AIR FLOW-~ ~. / )'J ~.------=-11. ~":. _ )a'.i' .1.-____ • .::.' --.fI, SECTION A NOT TO SCALE 10 4- DESIGNED .Il) 8 JCG DRAWN· CHECK~O: JCG ~REPARED: U. S. ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL WRGE TANK NU~'U. 1-SNE -96 -06 -19 -0218 OF DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE )0 CORPS OF ENGINEERS POWER TUNNEL / ROCK TRAP F 65+00 66+00 I 1/2 BEGIN STEEL LINER SECTION SCALE I" = 20' 67+00 A 9 68+00 PROFIL~ SCALE' I"· 50 -0 STA6S+6S~~68+00 --=_= 67+00 66+00 69+00 72+00 70+00 711-00 73+00 74+00 THICKNESS PROFILE PLATE 900 800 lOa 600 '00 400 300 200 76+00 77+00 78+QO O"(""'()~ DISTRICT. ALASKA U.S, ARMY ENGIN~;~GINEER5 U. S. ARMY COR:::~~O"'o. 'c,"" ALASKA ETTISHAM PROJECT'CRATER LAKE SN E DEVELOPMENT, FIRST STAG PENSTOCK RECOMMENDED", PLATE II CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1--- I 48"0" PLAN AT GATE ROOM FLOOR SCALE 1/4"· 1'-0· J_J VENT /-HATCH t--~ --+--+----~----,------,,_. GATE LEAF 6' X 12' I· .L.' ~-- 1\" --.. --~ ! -~l' I \ .._.--._-------_._--~ 'T --. -.---.-~--.. ------~---:-- ----~---.------- SECTIO N SCALE 1/4' '" ;'_0" I Co , i ·i tl ~ .. ~---::"----------- 1 U. S. ARMY 15'-0· -1 ~~ I I, !I l ~ I CT--LI p-" '" I .... ~ SECTION @ U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS DE;IGNEO <} /< SNETTI SHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOp~Er\H, CRATER LAKE CHEO::ro j (~-co' RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL DESIGN MEM6RANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 GATE STRUC;URE 1050 SLOPE OOOO! ~ CRATER LAKE ELEV. 1020! i:' 1000 " 950 z <e 900 >-<[ ~ 850 "' 800 TRASH RACK 750 700 ELEV 1040 ROCK TRAP 5+00 10+00 15+00 ~, c:ll "I ~I . ~I 0.6, STATIC HEA~f I ~ I ~J I, STAJ"IC HEAIl--1 . ~ 1.5 , DYNAMIC HEAD .-------i~ UNLI NED POWER TUNNEL MINIMUM ROCK COVER """ 0 !;; 20+00 U. S. ARMY g' ~ g § g & 0 ~ g 12 12' (to ~ o. 0; 0; I!; PLAN 200' O' 200' 400' IM-._. =::J GRAPHIC SCALE' I'· 200' -0" 1150 ELEV 1080 1100 1050 SURGE TANK '" ~ u 1000 0 >-'" "-:s 950 '!; .. "-900 z 0 0 >->= 0: 850 « « ~ to 800 / POWER_TUNNE_L _ _ SLOPE 0.005 ============~~====.=-=-~-========================4~~ 750 25+00 30+00 35+00 PROFILE 100' 0 100' 200' .~ ••••• ~.~ ...... C===~ GRAPHIC SCALE I", 100 -0· VERTICAL 200' 0 200 400' --------. ===i GRAPHIC SCALE' I"· 200'-0' HORllONTAL 40+00 45+00 50+00 55+00 ROCK TRAP 700 60+00 65+00 U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS 0 .. ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE GATE STRUCTURE PLAN 8. PR ILE I-SNE -96 -06-19-021 II RAN DUM NO. 23 PLATE 13 CORPS OF ENGINEERS A 14 U. S.ARMY 1___ ------____ 2iL~ __ -----------' I PLAN ELEVATION 10400' S":AlE: I 8" . l' -0" PLAN -GATE ROOM FLOOR --t PiJ .... ER TlJ~~EI BULKHEAD ALTERNATE SCALE 3 32 1-0 U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS ..... CHOR ... "a:, "LA""''' SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE -!~:_ '/oJ1'--llAlE.:::: .. r:I~,I'!Il" :.cAlf , ,~/ I~FSNEl~9U6~06-19-02/12 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 14 CORPS OF ENGINHRS U, 5, ARMY PLAN ELEVATION 1040 SCAl.E. I a' t' "('\' U,S, ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENG1NE:ERS "~--'SNETTISHAM'PROJECT,ALASKA hi1S;2---FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE LTERNATIVE U PLATE 15 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 70 0" 11 I II I II I I I r II !I ; I ' II I.J" I II I II I III IJ Q @ V-HOIST "00 0 ./ ~~------------~--~ -C:;::H::::rr===Q-lF~~~ ELEV, 1040 BUU<HEADSLOT /' .', MAX WATER SURFACE ELEY,IO~ r-~~~ t-."-. \ ----~GAHGljtDE I, I "R VENT ! I i I , I II I, 11\ r !T'C •••• ;~ L,'j I: ~\2.>~==--1' ~ ,/ I III ~-----------------'1 -<:::: .. -~~-: II ""-TCAC:'G~". ___ ~ .~ "t '~.~ CC •••••• __ ..j ~.:i~~.~ ~:. • . . :~'-=:::-..:..:.c..-~ TRACTOR GATE ~CAl ! TAINTER GATE 8 BULKHEAD SCALE: I 8 U. S. ARMY 19' 0" .1 h-.-~-~ ~-=.--[ ... ''''ii 1-~-1 --~. 'II~J-----~. ,-~ ~-!d~. '-'----- ',", --'~ ... h~, , , . " ... '.' .J ROLLER TRm ~'-----.!'.i" SECTION (7:;\ SCALE. lill" _ I'-O~ ~ U S ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA . . CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCH"""'G~ ... L ..... " .. SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE CHECKED, JCC RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL GATE STRUCTURE A~ERNATIVE m CORPS OF ENGINEERS / POv.'ER TU~~EL (T~ ~ I. r"'~T .i~l, ... ~!%vr-7 ~-~- I -CONCRETE LIP 1 I~ --DEAD END ROCK TRAP i IQ ;:: // / -----PO' .... ER rUNNEL / PLAN seAL t I "~ 10' SECTION A SCAL[' 1"= 10' 17 v:OS JCG "RAWN CHECKED JCG NOTE PLAN ~AY [JE ()PPOS I TE HAND. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHOR ..... " "'L.A."'", U. S. ARMY SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE POWER TUNNEL ONE I-SNE-96l~06~19 -021 15 0' DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 17 CORPS OF ENGINEERS r- L ~ SECTION SCALE I" 5' 8 18 / f (- ~ ) ~1 / t- al r--HID STAGf TAP -- / TIo,'O STM,E TAP-- SECTION 5:'HE: I I; A 18 ,100 R U, S, ARMY NOH PLAN ~AY [JE OPPOSITE HAND. CORPS OF ENGINEERS Itt ... 000 / / CRATER LAKE j / / /, GRAPHIC SCAl[ I", 100' -o· U. S. ARMY ( /j ---~-----...--/- U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FJRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 19 CORPS OF ENGINEERS IO~O '-----~ ", 0' 100 200' IDo 000",0[110::\0' _...t===::::J C'AA,PHIC SCALE' I'. 100' -O· -+ Cvv U. S. ARMY u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 20 CORPS OF ENGINEERS EXISTING GROUND , "-ROAD i ~1 I ! I .... 5'(TYPL 4'/ SELECT FILL) LI "" T S OF I ~ / ~ I (/ ! CLEAR'NG-z. GUARORA'L~ :=---_.t~T __ LJif.* H ,1 __ 1 1,2L ~ ~r--.) -1 . '~l 1 j l~ ~ __ ~-'-_ "I' 6 + 6 .+ 4' .J TYPICAL CUT SECTION ACCESS ROAD ~lIM\TS L !5'(T_'(fL •. .r--"' OF CLEARING i/ \ " 24 45f-' \ SUWe: '. . ~~' ' ANGL E I ~ (~' J EXISTI,..G ______ (~ GROUND ~ // ,I '--/ i ~ ROAD i 1,'/ 1 LlhilTS / I OF CLEARI"'G~ !S' IT'I"P) _I. t--~--..-l /~ ! SELECT ; IJF FILL SLOPEs I ! -I ,,/ ! FILL i I G:.JARDRA'L-l ~~ ...-/ / I. -{ ,..'FT I i 1FT ~. '4 ,I Lrl,/ ....______---+----I -'-t~ _~ _~4_~.~41H"L---~'7 I .~ I ' I '",1 .j' /~/~., r------_6'_~ ~'____ ~ 4 24 TYPICAL CUT SECTION DIVE RSION TUNNE l ROA D __ 6_' ~ 4 l ,. SCALE' ,", 4' Ii. ROAD I , ~~M~~SEARJNG~ ",5 CrY eL :: 24 ~)~ tifT iiFT /~' I ~~~cc_ ~~.:-==~~ ,2' ;,ccrss/. f,/)AO < 1 ~I ,0 C,'v'ERSION TiJNNEL ROAD ~~L~lJ1-~UJillL ALL R OA.D..S... SCALE "·4' \~ SLOPE A~GLE _.1. _ // \------- r~ I I I I"-ROAD I I DEPRESS I £~=:-:::2t~~\j~~~ ~;' ----~·A~ "DROP 'NLET I ~-" "':'~ -~ I' MIN.OIA CMP, AT 400' WITH GRATING ! MAX_SPACiNG ALONG ROADS TYPICAL CULVERT PROFILE _ --CMP t : T +~ SECTION A A SCALE: i".2' ~----CC~p \----1----i---- BE D TYPICAL STREAM ICULVERT PROFILE SCAl E I ~ 4 ROAD SURFACE ~~~~OC: -~~~ :- ", F'LL~~ ;~'A~<//· ~---/--'" ,--'-----EXISTIt-lG STREAM / BED ( ~2' ~IN OIA. C:MP S':t>.LE I": 4' 22 C/ E'O .n U. S. ARMY NOTES I FOR A SLOPE ANGLE OF 22° OR LESS,USE A CUT"SFILL SECTION FOR ANGLES GREATER THAN 22°,USE CUT SECTION U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS Cii',G"C '--:,Co T-__ SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA l.R;~1i'T------l ~IRST STAGE OEVt:LODMENT, CRATER LAKE:. RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL )" .. ·~4~if',.ll CJ$$~ , L -, ve" 1,<4",,' ,/s'" GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 21 CORPS OF ENGINEERS EDGE OF TURNOU T ED (JE OF ROAD ------;~ I L-I I ---ROCI( FILL SECTION C-C SCALE t ROAD SEE TYPICAL RO~_O :-sUTION-S---------1r- GROUND ," 6" ~ '~~,".'~~ t'dii~ 1-1/2"-,' " !V8"" ,,,",",,' fIe".,' G""PI-1IC SCALES (~ c.'l.iV u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE. RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL DESIGN MEMoRANDUM NO.23 PLATE 22 CORPS OF ENGINEERS -+ CRATER LAKE U. S.ARMY -- u.s ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OP ENGINEERS Dr-;'C''''~Ll --,------------------j ?,,;, SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA c..vv FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE GATE STRUCTURE ACCESS ROAD AN-SH.I PLATE 23 CORPS OF ENGINEERS ( ~) --,- PROVISIONS, tOO' 0' 10 •••• ' GRAPMIC SCALE 100' 200' I I", 100 -0' U. S. ARMY TAP EXIST O.H. LINE U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ALASKA COR::~H~'::'G~N ... :~~;"ERS . SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE RECOMMENDED POWER TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE GATE STRUCTURE ACCESS ROAD AN -SH. II ~ECO M ~ DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 24 CORPS OF ENGINEERS \ \ -I- I '. / ,.'U ", ~\. /,: \"'COHCRUE TESTING Lola "/ ff .}.4~ at 7 COOIIOIl'U,T[, 11'41" [.Ul7 \ I I ",0' 0' ",0' 10' ~~-==--~~I .... .tl====~i G"APHIC SCALE· 1".40'-0' ~I / + - I ----... -- LEGEND NEW CONSTRUCTION r=::J CUT OR F,lll Sl.QPE ~ SEWEALINE --5- U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVEL0PMENT. CRATER LAKE CAMP , CORPS OF ENGINEERS D 200 Toilroa Tl.lnntJ./ / / ~ ------ \_~-~ S,;/fch/ord EJ 20,0 -0' ....-,. -..- ~. 1 '. '. ", I , I ! ___ Addi-J./on.::,( cq<./~P 7I#'nf ;Jr7Cl~d +0,--C ~a"'e'- ... oK!? Un, f /\,'.101.5 FI.-5.':- U, S. ARMY T T NOTE U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DIVISION, N.P. SNEITISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT POWERHOUSE GENERAL POWERHOUSE AND SWITCHYARD GENERAL PLAN DESIGN MEMORANDOM Ni 23 Zi /:; { >-'f, "t?( II! ! c PART PLA'~ F I lJ'~ IT 3 r~cfv1~~C TF :-,,_ ~11, IF< • I - C'c'" ~r ,'v' Pre \,~ S ! 5ECTI_'1\ I 0 5[:O'~; ('':-:/~;: ~'VJ ~/'iQ '(.JI 'oE:JI)~ A-A THPIJ SK[L=:T)N BAY '/8 I' ) ~~-S""e-'!/ Sfcnr5 UAIL -----_ D "-., "--k , F' • ~~ '" U. 5 ARMY ENGINEE~------" _~l Af.D ORE~~~15rON, N P SNETTISHAMPR -F-IRST STAGE ,QJECT ALASKA- DEVELOPMENT POWU,HO'JSE ARRANGEMENT CRATER LAKE UNIT 3 "K~'oc' "IJK'O,ui/:;-,,{" "-,,_,,/JVC;:-~c \~I\<::)'~ I _~'x_":--d£'c:;~HI ,~~ ---'~~S-'-~--L_:1'SNP-O-O-O/I 1 5 ;';:;-:;- MEMORANDOM N.--z3·-----'--~ PLATE 27 COIl'S Of ENGINEUS i rDAM SITE \ STUDIED I CR!1T[R LAX[ .. ::. (l [\; • I '~22 STRUCTURE \ ;CRATER LAKE POWER TUNNEL Q ~:::O ~'"' j;EXfST TRANSMISSION LINE ( , ? X STAR JETTY - x -'--2200 18C:J _ 000 ': AOIT PQRiAL ~~-> EXI5T1NG .Jccess 1101 r ROAD EXISTiNG PEN5TOCK MOUNTAIN ------------', 60:; I tI':JI!Y~ uPPER t.U[;,S ROAD" , / "" __ 4-~-BOBROW AREA NO. a ~) PtE L \ \-PROPOSED SEWAGE LAGOON CONTRACTOR CAMP ~ ,~ POI~~ '\ --<: \ \ \, \ '\ \ " '\ l~<\ "'-.. ,\ 5. x. --:( / ,_ f::.J'[ J / /' X _____ BM)-' ,(1('0 ___ 1200 - u. S. "."'" MOU~TAI," ccOQ x-i>ooo ./ 1800 ~ / - 1600 /r ~20(1 I , r U.S, ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASK" CORPS OF £NQIN££M SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PROJECT GENERAL PLAN INTAKE STRUCTUR RU_ I-SNE-96-01-01-07!3 DESIGN MEMORANDUM 23 PLATE 28 CORPS OF ENGINEERS SECTION ill \tV U. S. ARMY I ---I:~-::'~ 0 _-~::~~~t------l iF~~~~~~c======~~~== -I I i I:IEL~' ------- i ~I L \ BULKHEAD SLOT \ ~ -I L~ ,1 "'[ 11 '0' °l~ ,I .----.-~-l' ~J __ ~r<J~~~:';'(kl-kko(I~oI1\~11 ~III ~I J ----1-~ PLAN 5CALE-' -'-4--1' 0' c U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE INTAKE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVE INTAKf; '\ DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 29 CORPS OF ENGINEERS \ 1150 1100 1050 W.S. ELEV. I020± 1000 950 900 850 80 750 0+00 2+00 4+00 -PLUG GATE STRuCTURE \ / '~ ) Y' SLOPE_ O,OO~ ~~=======================~ --------0: CRATER CREEK 6+00 8+00 CRATER LAKE DIVERSION 200' IO"~riIlll:.I.I.:Io 0, __ t::===:::jl GRAPHIC SCALE r". 100' -0' HORIZONTAL 100' ~o 100' ""c=--~Ji::===?-' ~~I GRAPHIC SCALE. I", ~O· o· VERTICAL 10+00 12+00 14 + 00 16+00 TUNNEL U. S. ARMY U S ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA • . CORPS OF ENGINEERS .... "'CHO" .... "" .... ~ .... M .. SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE INTAKE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVE DIVERSION TUNNEL I-SNE -96~02~16-03/1 SHEEr OF- PLATE 30 CORPS OF ENGINEERS CRATER LAKE w.s. /022:!. c-=== END ROAD STATION --L , ( I I 100' 0' I~O'~O' 10 •••• ' , ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 1"-100'-0 DESIGNED,Fh.c CHECKED (.VY ----\ U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF" ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE INTAKE STRUCTURE ALTERNATIVE ORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 31 CORPS Of ENGINEERS CRATER Lt.KE / / CR4TER c,---a.-;J ( JEXIST TRANSMISSION I LINE I ? X ST.1R pOlr_~I. /f F-~ __ .00 ;;::~ \ x \ - -zOoo / Ui\)suPvE'1'£O CONTRACTOR CAMP MOUNT [lIN PROPOSED SEWAGE LAGOON NO. 2 ,400 -- 200 ~-1000 --- _ BOO 60,) ---~ .-4f]" i f l'j T I'" ~, x / C \ \ DI~[R5Ii)f .. TuNNEL J !)PP[R tJCc::rss RCAD_, ---~ " \ 5, ----------~ U. S. AR"'Y Lcr.,'G :..AK[ pnC VNSuRv['!'ED '0 ~p- , ----:------+-------- ---+----.-----.----------- _I "-------r------------------------------, CHECKED: ;lce; Cvy "IU',uEO: U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS F~ ~~ Ts~~~~ ~~Eto~2~~~.T CR! MS ~A~E PROJECT GENERAL PLAN L ALTERNATE DESIGN MEMORANDUM 23 PLATE 32 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PLAN ~I ."" I,. C:T, JT ~~~ 1 5---'~r I ~ I ---l , f. POWER TUNNEl~ -41 ----------,-' ,. AT GATE ROOM FLooJ SCALE· 1/4"= 1'-0" L .1 lL -------, SECTION SCALE: 1/4"" 1'-0" r -~---~-l- ------.J I ---...,-,-'----,----c- ~~" ~, ---~ r----n --.- ! ]d!;)1 . , II ,I I Ii" I I I' II, :\ I I ! I I i I I !~' r----;Jj SECTIO~@ SCALE !/4'" 1'0" U. S. ARMY ~~-=~-------~~-------- CH!'_~ U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGI"'IEERS SNETTI SHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE POWER I ACCESS TUNNEL ALTERNATIVE DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. PLATE 33 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PQliER ACCESS TUNNEL ~ ~ -. J .. -~ -r-----=--= ---~~ ~-~-=-::-~ . _ -_______ _ -~----1--1----------.. t,,,,,, : ~'ArC~)S ADIT 4--L PLAN SCALE: I SECTION @ 34 :,U,'_f --, II SURGE TANK -.~ i I ~ i I I I' ---J I I U. S. ARMY .... Y ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA U.S. ARM CORPS OF ENGINEERS .. N'-"O .... G£ ... LASKA PLATE 34 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PLAN SCALE I"· 50 ~ o· ELf\! IO!:l7' O+OQ Ir-""""-~""~-"""~~--- CONSTRUCTlO~ JOINT 25' DAM -CRATER LAKE ELEVATION 21' 16 U. 5. ARMY SPILLWAY SECTION B U.S. ARI\-IY ENG;".,[:;:ER DISTRICT, ALASKA OF E.NGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE CORPS OF ENGINEERS PLAN [LEV 99Y "'"00 .,.1..--- ,0 20 PRESENT LAKE LEVEL I~ -\ - ----::::-""--=-- - - - - - ~-----'----- ---------~ ,. ~ -----~-'~'~' ~~--~~~r-~~~ TYPICAL SECTION A SCALE ,". 10'-0' 36 r _~LEV~'~0~12~ ______________ -, _________________________ -, __________________________ ~ O+9~ t-----CONSTRUCTION JOINT_ // ----------'----;---L------- 2'20 50' DAM -CRATER LAKE ELEVATION SCALE' .". IO'-C' SPILLWAY CREST ~ U. S. ARMY \]'0' '0 20 \ -----------\--- .. ------.,: '. ~ [=-=-~~~~-~- l.:-(_:' -----'-----.. -.... ~. -.. ~.~ ... ~---~~-----~7//"-T'-----'-~ 2 +70 SPILLWAY SECTION B ELEV 993' SCALE I"' 10'-0' 36 / ELEv 1082' ----- I ------1--- ~~-~~--=--=-====~=======q O~IG~'>O j( ) DRA"'N~ U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS ---SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE 50 FOOT DAM CORPS OF ENGINEERS QHP TO SWITCHYAAO ji APPROXIMATE LOCATION ~h'---EXISTING CRATER COVE HAUL ROAD U. S. ARMY L r:GE ~o U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS 0. ENG!NEERS CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIAM OF HOLE, % RECOVERY COlllf'lU:O 8'1', DATE ,<><. REMARKS N ~.' E SURFACE EV SUMMARY LOG -----nc_ . ____ ._L __ ... ....5I!E.E.I 4 HOLE NO. E SURFACE ELEV . C";' \ ,,' " ',-',-' _'~/ : I~-::: ,I' ':' >" 2:~5" -_ '';'-/1 ~, .. ·t~~'-;~\ ~ -'-'I 'SURFA E EV P~OJECTS,'~tliSh"c ,'Crat~-rLi'ke ~R~~_L OATES' STAR~ _~~ __ ,?~~QF ~. __ ._~_~!.H __ ~ OVE~BUR~~~ __ =E~~~_~~~~E __ .~ R~~-~~~~~--------+~<?~~_Q·~~----i~-~~~~l ANGLE FROM _VER~ __ l AZIM~.!H FROM HO~~H__ COIllPiLED 8'1', DATE I DISTANCES' V;;:RTICAL ' HORIZONTAL I SUMMARY LOG HOLE NO. '" U. S. ARMY SUAFA EV. PROJECT.,," '~, ,·,·"tc" COMPo -=~~TH "'-HOLE------I-oEI'TH ;;;:~VE'.-"ROEN OI.M. OF HOLE ~~K _~f!ILLEO _________ ~O~~ ___ R_~<?.'!'ERE~ ___ __j_".,..,R,..E"C"'OV':'Ec:R"-Y--_I ~~GLE ~_R.?_~~:r_ AZIMUTH FROM NORTH .____ COIIIPlLlO BT, DATE DISTANCES' VERTIt;AL . HORIZONTAL ,<><. to 1,; ft. 17: lo 112 REMARKS Cere lengt!ls 0,1 to4.0f:. ~Q"~ 1 el',gths 0,3 tQ2.0 ft c('., ~ 1.'ngL'ls L.OS to 1,2 '-t. u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE EXPLORATIONS NO.1 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 38 CORPS OF ENGINEERS I.", ! ~~ __ ~~ ___________ ._'_" __ ~IA~~. ____ '_E_.'_'_'_S ____ ~ II I I :3." PROJECT ~net~l ,nan, I . I 1 PROJECT' 'Jrr"k~ ___ ._ 'i., Lr,C.Lfl. G"·~--­ , ," to I .'J t~. .'J ft. PROJECT HOLE NO. J~ -I 1---- : r C~ 1 {'~~th'i I 1..J.LJ:Q...l...J.J:"' __ _I I SUMMARY LOG ------~~~U_------_,-_-~--~~~ I I Qf ' H 0 L E NO. . , SURFACE LEY ~ROJFC~n ~~" ~ __ QfP~ oy_ ~~L_~_ ~~<:~ O_R!!:-_~~Q_ ..d? ~GLE !'~ .. VERT J ntrcJ hl ~h ,-no"-]e'1 nt5 cherT 111 v ~') qh I, 1 T rt·r~d I , I ;-~, , I -I • I 1 LOr e I ~ n w~ ., J")tc 11"t • 'ecce e~;;;;;;--- 01 '087 r'- • I f--- ,Qre 1 en'i ~I , 0.2 to 1.') F!. / ?'. " , 'I r:J7 I I 'oJ I ' . II I elr ~ I trl', t'" D:' 'I ewe 1,,'"t1S 005 toOSft HOLE NO. SURFA. ELEV PROJECT-"'('lt ,j" .rJ"J lake DRILL QATES'START COMPo _DEP~ O_F_~-----=tOE--;TH OF _~.~.B_":'!!~ __ OIAIII OF HOLE ROCK DRILLED fCORE RECOVERED i% RECOVERY ANGt..E-FROM VE~ A".z-U,iUTH FROM NORTH ·eOIllPlL!O 8'1'. OATE OIST-ANCES~ VERTlC-A-L ----HORIZONTAL 1 REMARKS C~re I en'I';11> 0.02 toO:; Ft. BCTTiJMIJ"rl()LL PROJECT S1eLLI"ram (eratH LM'~, U. S. ARMY IOIAM OF HOLE 1% RECOVERY COIrolPlLEO 8T, OATE , r~nlth; ,1lc I r: f+ HOLE NO. DH I U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE PLATE 39 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1 :J I 1 ).0 I i I SQ'quh,m '1,0-: 1 I j ==+= -:;F=== L ~~~~_ . __ --------L------.L _____________ J P"'C)J£['~ ____ :::"'~~ :~ '.":~ '. '.", I I I IL, 1 ,~P ~,u~etl, ~rQ"", orilsntc ••• !- "ut.~. "o~.J.derabl~ ,'r&8~lc lilt, 0(."" .lay rea,,;ravel _nQ CO.roe .. ~d, .-",",e ,11l' ~ I .~~==~================+=~=========1~: :~ ':::. '.,,, .(~~. ~[~~ ~ ~:::,., .. " ,; wAn-il: [JRAWN U. S. ARMY .-'----.. ~~--- u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE BORROW AREAS AUGER HOLE~ NO. I DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 40 CORPS OF ENGINEERS i '--+,c:",-"-:,,,:::,"',---,,-., -C-O"-,,-•• -"-n8U~;;---~ 1 j I L.l..,L_ ~ __ . ______ _ = ~::~" .. " D["'AR.,. ... E"'~ OF n~[ .... "'y ":~T" .ac,. 'C DIV!SIOII J I i ::J II I J j iii L---'_J~, ___ . :~ ~~:" ..... O::~. F,~~;j;:~-L-" ~""'U~O_" __ _ ~ SILT ~l .ILk, """~ .... 11 And ',.Ar'~ ,and I I __ I --"'-'-"'--,-:C,,,:::,,;:-, ----$,-r~bble., an~ rounded panicle.. -; 1::'*) =========~1 , ~ j . J I _ L_------'---_~ ___ ~ _. ________________ _ !-"Uld'ro SH U !",- ! ~ i -j I •• I"'-"='=-+==~r----~-------""'" 11 j , 1 _ _L __ ,~ ________ . _~ _______ _ ~ '."::""'" U. S. ARMY L'-"-"-~;~-:-O~-'-"-E AR"'Y '5<~""'-_-'---------~" .l~ ..r 5 A:~~'~" .. ,,~:[crA'\I~~~~~\L's¥" _ .... :,\,!.2?~'"', -----(-?~.~~<i" ......... _I~~<.Q.L_~;.~ ~;"'';':lrr---~--------r"'. All )~ I.heh 0. ~ I i,-~c~ : ~1ny I ~:n' .~' -~~ .. :;~: .:, ~-~:~;';'-f:~:::;~:,-... --J~~-;..~"-!~ r.~~:::;;:,;" ·;~:'''':j~~:.~~:d.~~'i' ~,., r'.." ~U''', __ '':"'WWO"__ ':'I:'.'~'~_~k"""'-'~<"_' I <I I I SILT I Or,~nio, p .. ty, .......... orilln I 11 I' : .'o~ ""' ",00'. 1'1: 1 11·oll l'O~i ---+-+-__ I I Sandy SILT Cou,. Il.l> 'lo===Io=i=~';;;;;;';;';;;""===I==fI";;O;;';;"=' ====-~ I I --------,----------------c--1 E J1/, FFL£ [,RA·"''N U'f('·F:.l C"GI'<[Elf U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE BORROW AREAS AUGER HOLES NO.2 DESIGN MEMORANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 41 CORPS OF ENGINEERS TP 37 ~ SA~ Dr GR AVEL G' IO.D '0 0 u 12,0 TP-I./7> TP IUS SILT G' SILT 60 2B OCT 6W J I D. D GRAVELL f 5ANO '~ITH SO~IE COBBLES 15 0 " 6 0 11,2' SANDt "PAVEL 5 Il TY SAND, ORGAN I C TP 3B 5 I LTY SAND 27 UCT. 6W COBBL Y GRAVEL I I '" U 5 I LTv GRA 'iE L L Y SA,~ 0 '" 0 TP -Wi 5 I L TY SAND ~-t SILTY SANOY ',PAm U ,ITH CO'·"<O, COBBLes 10 _ 0 n'"'' " , I GRAVEL R GP SILT G' GP 12,0 '2 0 TP 118 TP-Wg S~N DY GRA VEL '~I TI1 CO~'-1QN COBB! f ", 100 IT,' GAL J -G'~'T YAR I ES ,.,. I TH T I O~ L' S', L T, BLl;[ cray 5()~E 8RCANI'~ '\~TEt;~~l 5 I L TY ",~.\ VEL s! L1Y 5Af.;r;y :;~A \: fI '~ I TH ,-E~' C::8eBl [c, TP 87 " TP ':fO 2G Qe", m ,m,' ~ I I' T:\5:i(:sG:'~iT~LLECSI PEA' '~ITf< '~OBBLES ~ BOIJI_DEPS 12,0 TP 9 I 3D I U GP~, EI I Y SAN I 10, Q SI,NS 2? OCT SILT S 0 ~~ E -) ~WV. Gl, 511.TY C;F'~VElU 5~ND SILTY SANDY GRAVEL PElT GRI,VELl Y l I '~ON I TE GRAVELL' SAN[1 GRAY TP ~ I SANDY GRAVEL 28 OCT. 64 SILT S~NDY GRAVEL ' .. I TH FE'~' caBSL E 5 TP 50 7 NOV. 64 16.0 5 I L T ORGAN' C, PLAST i C I SANDi::' I LT 28 OCT 6W S~N 0 150 rp-51 H n"LT 'CA5T1C. ~Tnp 52 l~~; ;i~;::~"ATERIAL I iso'" ORD" C 'WEWL I Sil TY SArWY GRAVEL GPAVEllY SA'"I(j '7 NO.', 64 I , 'TOV. 6" I j I GP SANOY GRAVEL I 51[ T\ ',"Dl GRAVfL I I I J l_ IU 0 I? (1 10 LEGEND FOR TEST-PIT LOG SHEETS TP 22 -EST PiT ~WI~BC:R SLRFACE ELE',AlIO" 8 n fJSANC" GR' VEL 1 ~ I ELO DESCR I PT I ON SeAVELLY s",J " I -LAB CLASS' f I CATION 9.5 16 NOV 61< -'~ATER TABLE & DATE IJBSERVED , I u~L '~'. T. V~R I ES ,o! TH T (OE DEPTH OF PIT r I ElD CLASS IF,' fA TI ON n CL "' DL SP S< SM GP " PEAT AND ORGANIC SOiL 1140RGAN I C CLAY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE BORROW AREAS U. S. ARMY DESIGN MEMorfANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 42 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY SAND I'll TH FE '~' PEBBL E S SANDY GRAVEL GRAVELL Y SANJ SAN] ~l TH FEI', PEBBLES 18 0 TF 1213 THRJ 136 TEST PIT 5 OIJ~> I N AUG, I '.!(;'J US I NG " CRAWL[ R HAC;TD~ ~'I TH A OOLrR RUe)E TP 98 IjO I I I H I ! H I I U 22,0 Yp i2l :<(j PEAT 11 SAND ::;TAlfiE:l R""'''' '" SAljD FIf.JE" TJ bRAY ",PA,tLLY SAND I "RA ~ f~ED TO COA151'. b ,,"or GRAVEL 8,0 C-.F'A"ELl\ 'lEu. TO GRt,: N GPAi TT I THRU lj4 'F) )IJ~nYs '~'HE f.' 1111 I FOP L:)CATI()~ L ':IF P TP-12'-1 " L GRAVELL Y SAND TOP I FT, RuST S T A I ~ ED GRAHLL' SAND r II L 2C1_G s,v~:!Y 5 I LT '~',~H ORGANIC ')ATE~ ~'" ",,:~ ',EL L ~ SAND L I ~!Dfj I TE S' A I NED GRAVELL! SANG FINE TO CDt,RSE GRA I N £ 'JIFFLt ORAN" GGREE £ NOH S~E '>'EE: 1~5 F1R TEST Pl1 :~[GUJ U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. ALASKA CORPS OF ENGINEERS SNETTISHAM PROJECT, ALASKA FIRST STAGE DEVELOPMENT, CRATER LAKE BORROW AREAS TEST PITS NO.2 I-SNE -96'-OI~08-03/6 rA DESIGN MEMoRANDUM NO. 23 PLATE 43 SNETTISHAM PROJECT ALA~SK.A SECOND STAGE DEVELOPMENT LAKE TAP STUDY WITH RECOMMENDED ARRANGEMENT fOR CRATER LAKE PI(EPARED BY: INGENI0R CHR. F. GR0NER CCNSULlING ENGINEERS ;: h' b 'f I _ X I I SNETTISHAM PROJECT ALASKA SECOND STAGE DEVELOPMENT LAKE TAP STUDY RECOMMENDED ARRANGEMENT FOR CRATER LAKE Oslo, Norway, January 1973. ESol/jb TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.01 REfERENCES........................... 1 1.02 GENERAL.............................. .i 1.03 LAKE TAP ALTERNATIVES .. ..... .... ..... 3 1.04 LAKE TAP RECOMMENDED ARRANGEMENT..... 7 1. 05 1. 0 b 1. 07 1. 08 1. 09 POHER TUNNEL ......................... 12 INTAKE CONTROL GATE .................. 12 INTAKE TRASH RACK............... ..... 15 ROCK TRAP -SURGE TANK -PENSTOCK INTAKE 17 PENSTOCK ............................. 18 1.10 ROAD ACCESS .......................... 19 1.11 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS. ..... .... ..... 20 1.12 RECOMMENDATION....................... 20 DRAWINGS : No 1551-101 - -102 - Power Tunnel alignment -Lake tap " " -Penstock intake -103 -~ake tap, single stage & 31ternative -104 -Lake tap, two stage -0- 1. 01 l<cferellCeS. -'flit.: ful1uwillg Ldkl' lell) study has 1)0cn completed u.ntle l' con tl'J,~ t No. DACW 85-73-C-0023 and is bd~jt;d UIl UIl' following information receiveu. Letter of November 30. 1972 with inclosed: Contour Map, Profile, Geological report. Letter of December 5, 1972 wi~h inclosed: Writeup, Photos, Maps. Letter of December 19~ 1972 with inclosed: Copy of underwater geophysical investigation. Letter of January 3, 1973 with inclosed Boring logs for five drill holes. Letter of January 10, 1973 with inclosed Plan and profiles. It is further referred to our preliminary lake tap study mailed with our letter dated December 13., 1972 and our letter of December 20., 1972 following a phone call of December 19., 1972. 1.02 General. -The purpose of this study is to arrive at a recommended layout for the intake lake tap of the Crater Lake power tunnel. In our - 1 - preliminary study, su~mitted in December of 1972, for this specific lak2 tap, four alternates was considered. The additional information on geol~gy etc. received since t~en, permits at this stage a recommendation for the Crater Lake project. However, as further data is obtained from additional explorations the recommended ')lan must be changed as required, this in connection with lake taps 1S only a normal procedure~ In this connection we notice that a comprehensive exploration program, in the vicinity of the lake tap, is scheduled ~or this summer. In the following the various aspects of the alternates will be discussed, and waterway features, affected by the lake tap, will be referred to as required. The lake tap invert is now established at elevation 800, with a minimum operating pool at elevation 820. With the selected tap invert,the tunnel invert immediately downstream is at elevation 775 in consideration of the lake bottom surface profile. The tentative slope for the power tunnel is indicated as 0.5 percent, and the tunnel cross-section is a 10 ft. diameter modified horseshoe shape . . -2 - IN6ENIIZIR t:HR.F. EiRIZINER Ft=. 1.03 Lake tap alternatives.-Initially, 1n our preliminary study submitted in December of 1972, four alternates were considered for the lake tap. As more information became available the two first alternatives suggested obviously would be less practical than the remaining alternatives 3 and 4. The following study will consequently basically consider the merits of alternative 3 and 4 but a short description of alternative 1 and 2 is included 1n order to complete the picture. (Reference in this connection is made to drawing 1551-01 and 1551-02 of the preliminary study): The basic feature of alternative 1 and 2 1S the very deep invert recess operating as the rock trap. The trap arrangement 1S effective and has been used mostly with low head taps. Before using this arrangement with a high head tap however, a few important questions should be carefully considered. Stable rock conditions and preferably no leakage water in the tap area would be of major importance considering the project safety.As regards cost, the excavation rates should further be relatively reasonable in order to justify the arrangement. Although the trap arrangement is effective, excavation work is, even under the most favourable conditions, time consuming and difficult. Drilling and loading of the final round across the deep recess is a problem that requires special attention. - 3 - IN5ENll2IR HR.F. aRIZINER A.S. If the geology of the tap area should show joints parallel the lakeside rock surface we would even with very little leakage water advice against using this arrangement at Crater Lake. The arrangement is designed to arrest permanently in the tunnel system, rock fragments from the final blast without inter- fering with subsequent operation of the power tunnel. For the Crater Lake project it would, in comparison with arrangement 3, offer no actual advantages. • It is rather so that with a complex geology combined with great depth as the Crater Lake project features, the arrangement must be rated as unpractical in comparison with arrangement 3 of the preliminary study. With the dismissal of arrangement 1 and 2 our present study will consentrate on comparing the arrangement 3 and 4 of our preliminary study. The previous arrangement 3 will be recognized as the recommended arrangement in this study with arrangement 4 as a possible alternative. The two arrangements are shown on drawing 1551-103. The recommended arrangement is designed with a rock trap for permanently holding back the rock fragments from the final blast without imparing subsequent power tunnel operation, whereas the alternative arrangement is designed to dispose of the rock fragments of the final blast through a discharge tunnel to the surface downstream of the gate shaft. - 4 .- \ INIEiENII2lR t:HR.F=. EiRIZINER A.5. With the a.lternative arrangement the illldk.e gdlt~ must be cloGed some time after the filldl blilfit jn order to control discharge velocity dllJ volullle. Until the gate is closed rock fragments from the blast will consequently pass the gate structure. Although damage to gate seats and the gate leaf under these conditions is not likely, the possibility cannot be entirely dismissed. In order to minimize damage to vegetation etc. along the creek bed receiving the discharge water, volume and velocity would mostly be restricted by the authorities. The timing of the gate closure under these condition will always leave the uncertainty as regards distribution of rock fragments on the tunnel invert upstream of the gate. With a relatively short tunnel length between the tap and the gate shaft the timing problem is hardly critical. As soon as this tunnel length increases however the problem becomes progressively more difficult under the above assumptions. If, on the other hand, a large volume of water can be used at relatively high velocity, and with little or no consideration of damage to vegetation etc. along the creek, tunnel length inside reasonable limits would present no difficulty and the uncertainty with respect to rock fragment distribution would be negligible. - 5 - INGENU2JIQ _ tR.F=. ISRIZINER FI.5i. Summarized the alternative arrangement could be of advantage for Crater Lake under the following conditions : 1. Extremely complex geology with unstable rock strata in the tap area. 2. Relatively heavy overburden, where it would be difficult, if at all possible, to estimate the amount of this overburden that would be released following the tap blast. 3. Cost of the discharge tunnel, including temporary power tunnel closure and the later permanent plug of the discharge tunnel, should not be higher than cost of rock traps of the other arrangement. 4. Essentially no :='imitation as to water volume and velocity of discharge following the tap blast. At the present stage of the exploration, point 1 and 2 apparently do not apply to Crater Lake. We further feel that the cost comparison indicated in point 3 would not favour the discharge tunnel. As for point 4; a rather unrestricted discharge even for a shorter perioee would possibly cause severe damage to vegetation along the creek bed receiving - 6 - thp. WOlle'f' .11](1 th<? ~;illliltlon wfl\jlcj ildT'dly l)(' PO!,UJdl' with conservationists. In this section the alternative lake tap arrangements for Crater Lake have been discussed indicating the criteria for eventually selecting these arrangements. Since the explorations for Crater Lake at the present stage does not indicate conditions that would favour any of the above alternatives, the recommended arrange- ment for Crater Lake is presented in the following section 1.04. 1.04 Lake tap -Recommended arrangement. - The recommended arrangement is shown on drawing 1551-101 and -103 and will be recognized as the arrangement 3 of our preliminary study. Since submittal of our preliminary study, we have received general information on the geology of the area together with drilling logs for hole 98, 100 and 102 at Crater Lake and hole 99 in the surge tank area. Although the area at Crater Lake is more fractured than the rest of the project area there is no indication of unusual rock conditions in the ~ap area. The under water geophysical investigation indicate that favourable cond~tions for a lake tap could exist over some 100 ft. of the lake bottom at elevation 800. We agree with you however that further investigation here must be considered in order to - 7 - establish the joints and faults possibly exi~;ting in the tap area. In Norway we have in similar situation3 successfully cdrried out s~ismic SUIV! of the lake side rock struc~ure of the tap are6 through surveyed holes in the ice cover of t1.e lake. The geophysical investigation further shows that no overburden is indicated above elevation 800, this we hope will be confirmed by the additional exploration of the tap area. The information available at this stage indicate that the tap arrangement selected for Crater Lake should be the layout shown as recomme~ded on drawing 1551-103. The recommended arrangement features a dead end tunnel section operating as the main rock trap designed to arrest permanently the ~ock fragDents from the final blast without impairing ~Jubsequelit operating of the power tunnel. The rock trap is connected to the power tunnel through an overflew in the s ide of the dead end sect i on. The drd .... l i llg shows a single stag~ tap with the tap point location in accordance with the lake bottom surface profile. The tunnel section towards the tap rlse lS generally the 10' diameter modified horseshoe shape of the power tunnel but with soffit enlargement for the overflow and a widening from 10 to 15 ft. for the last 45 ft. of the dead end section. In addi tiOll the arrangement features a secondal'y tra.p with wedge shaped concrete sill on the power ~unnel 30me 2 SO ft. - 8 - INEiENllZIR r::HR.F.ISRIZINER R.§;. upstream of the gaTe shaft. The outli)le~; of this arrangement follow the rec,rrtmendat i on:; of mode 1 stu die sea I' r i e dOli t for 1 a k eta p ~~ S tl C c, > :; :; f u 11 y executed in Norway wi th cO:iJitions very mUC,1 the same as for the Crater Lake project. With the recommended arrangement the lake tap is suggested executed with no water in the power tunnel and the bulkhead gate closed. In this system the water entering the tunnel, following the tap blast, will be slowed down by a gradual compresslon of the all' ln the tunnel, and the shock trail:; fered to the closed bulkhead gate will not be critical. In the model studies referred to the efficiency was recorded, with up to 86 per cent of the rock fragments collected in the dead end section, 11 per cent in the secondary trap and the rest scattered along the tunnel invert upstream of the gate. The target for the study was to have no rock fragments reach the gate shaft and this was achieved with the recommended layout. Inspection of the proto'ype in order to establish the relationship between prototype and model has not yet been possible for these projects, but plant operation is reported entirely satisfactory. The excavation cost for the recommended trap arrangement is higher than for the trap of the alternative. - 9 - INGENilZlR IR.F. SRIZINER A.S. For Crater Lake however this should be offset by the cost of the discharge tunnel required with the alternative. Unstable rock conditions will normally not be a special disadvantage with the recommended arrangement since the rock can be secured operating from the normal tunnel invert using conventional tunneling technique. The following maln reasons can be established In connection with our recommendation 1. Unusual rock conditions In the tap area is not recognized from the present geologic exploration. 2. No overburden is suspected above the elevation of the tap. 3. Total cost of recommended layout is not considered higher than for the alternative. 4. Damage to nature through discharge to the surface does no~ apply. 5. The arrangement has bee~ model testet for similar projects in Norway successfully executed in accordance with the recommendations of the model tests. -10 - INEiENII2IR I::HR.F.I5RIZINER R.S. With ret('l'CIlCe to the generally capcltllc r'ock existing in til i~, drc a and the further lcJ.ck. 01 ove rbunh:n we consider a single stage tap entirely feasible at the depth required for Crater Lake. If however later exploration should indicate that conditions of the tap area is somewhat obscure a two stage tap could be advicable for this depth. The same would have applied to the alternative if selected. With obscure conditions in the tap area and with a water depth of 200 ft. or more a second tap point could be introduced for safety. If something should go wrong we would, with two taps even under the most difficult conditions, have established openlngs big enough for a draw-down of the lake. Remedial treatment of the intake could then follow from the outside. We are for Crater Lake positively not thinking that a two stage tap will be required, for general information however we are on drawing 1551-104 showing the geometry of a two stage tap with the recommended arrangement. Our present recommendation for Crater Lake is a single stage tap directly on the power tunnel with no separate diversion tunnel as at Long Lake. -11 - 1.05 Power tunnel. -With the mup material and geologic interprelatlon of the urea received since submittal of our preliminary study, we are now considering the possibility of a straight power tunnel alignment between the gate shaft and the surge tank area. The alignment is shown on drawing 1551-101 and -102. An alignment change if required should not affect the other features of the project. The power tunnel in our opinion could be an unlined structure with dental concrete and shorter sections of lining at the intersection with main joints and faults as for the Long Lake project. Requirement for lined tunnel sections could possibly be greater for Crater Lake than it was for Long Lake. In consideration of the possible type of debris at Crater Lake we are now rather contemplating locating the main trash rack at the power tunnel intake in Crater Lake. Our reason for this will be discussed in section 1.07 Intake {rash rack. 1.06 Intake control gate. -On drawing 1551-101 we have shown what we consider the most favourable location of the intake control gate for Crater Lake. The gate location should be as close to the intake as possible, only restricted by topography, the known joints and faults and the closeness of the tap point. Considering these items we have shown the gate shaft somt 750 ft. from the -12 - tap point. The elevation of the top of the shaft is tentatively established at El. 1040. If the full pool W.S. however is defi~itely no higher than elevation 1020, the 1040 elevation could possibly be set at 1030. Access to the top of the gate shaft is shown through a 800 ft. long tunnel. The same tunnel is further suggested extended approximately 500 ft. to the trash rack cleaning station at Crater Lake. The portal of the gate shaft access tunnel is shown in the same area as the end of your proposed access road. With the steepness of the rock formation of the eastern rim of Crater Lake we feel that a conventional road access to the lake would be both expensive and inconvenient and should favour a tunnel. The gate shaft in our layout contain an upstream bulkhead gate and the main control gate. The gate shaft is a wet well as would be the solution for a similar project in No~way. The major reason for selecting this type of system in Norway is cost. Bonnet type gates for the bulkhead and the main gate and located 1n a dry well would be rather expensive in Norway. Although operation of the gat€s in a wet well is rather inconvenient and espec~ally so for the manually operated bulkhead gate, the situation 1S mostly tolerated. The main gate of the wet well is operated through a steel profile gate stem extending for the depth of the shaft and supported against a number -13 - IN5ENlmR -IR.F. GiRlZlNER R.5. of brackets bolted to the shaft wall. The main gate is hydraulically opened but shuts hy weight of the gate leaf ones the control is engaged. With the bulkhead gate closed the gate shaft can be drained for inspection or repair of the main gate. Hoist maschinery for removing the gate leaf from the shaft is located at top of the shaft. In design, the bulkhead gate should be dimeTi~' iOJicd fur shock as the bulkhead will be closed at the time of the tap blast in accordance with our recommendation. Considering the posibility of severe seismic activity in the Crater Lake area we feel that the long gate stem of the main gate and the gate guide structure for the bulkhead used with wet wells in Norway, should not be adopted for the Crater Lake project. In our opinion the bonnet type gate both for the bulkhead and the main gate,and located In a dry well should be an advantage for the Crater Lake development under the above consideration. The length of tunnel lining required adjacent the gate structure would be dependent on the join~ pattern in the vicinity of the gate shaft. With a competent rock structure only very short sections need be considered. At the bottom of the gate shaft we further suggest a protective concrete slab errected above the gate bonnets in orde~ to absorb the impact of possible minor rock falls in the shaft following seismic activity. -14 - Leakage water to the dry shaft should be considered and a pump well with pump will be required at the shaft bottom. 1.07 Intake trash rack. -Our intake arrangement suggested for Crater Lake eliminates the conventional layout with trash rack and gates in one intake structure. With the control gate and the bulk- head located in the gate shaft,the trash rack is considered at the intake opening in Crater Lake. We are suggesting a removable type positioned following the first operational drawdown of the lake. Rail track would be errected from the trash rack cleaning station towards the intake as the lake water recedes. The support structure for the trash rack at the intake opening should be errected with water at elevation 800. Details of this arrangement should be layed out as soon as the condition at the tap opening is known. The main trash rack for the project is now considered for the intake in Crater Lake. Having studied the photos received we see generally spruce covering the lake rim. If tall leaf vegetation is absent or only rarely presenL in the catchment area we would hardly get the rack clogged by a mixture of twigs and leaves which represent a most troublesome combination for some of our projects in Norway. The lake 1S in addi~ion only operated below its present maximum level which means that no timber covered areas will be submerged. Under these -15 - circumstances we feel that it would be justified to have the ma1n trash rack at the irltake opening in Crater Lake rather than at the penstock intake as suggested in our preliminary study. For the main trash rack the bar spaclng should be selected in consideration of the debris to be expected that could harm the turbine. The turbine runner characteristic will at normal operation permit passage of a certain size of debris. The clear opening between bars of the trash rack should be selected i~ consideration of this. If the Crater Lake turbine will allow, we suggest a 2 inch clear space between bars of the trash rack. With this space sturdy branches and timber that could give trouble in the tunnel is caught whereas lesser twigs should pass. Cleaning the rack would be carried out either by pulling the rack up to the cleaning station or by lowering the cleaning equipment on a rail mounted platform to the water surface above the rack. Errection of a rail track for this purpose is dependent on a reasonable surface profile between the intake and the cleaning station. Lesser problems could at times be expected from the ice in the lake. -16 - 1.08 Rock trap -Surge tank -Penstock intake. - The rock trap arrangement shown on drawing 1551-102 In the downstream end of the power tunnel is based on recommendations from model studies for similar plants in Norway with unlined power tunnels. Provided that the power tunnel is reasonably clean at the start of operation the holding capacity could be sufficient for two years continuous operation. We have tentatively positioned the surge tank as a vertical shaft practically at the location of drillehol/e 99 approximately 50 ft. distant from the nearest known fault. In consideration of this fault, a sloping tank could be favourable for the project, more information however would be required in order to make a recommendation in this respect. With your letter dated January 10. arriving here January 15., we received an unnumbered drawing showing the penstock alignment. Our drawing 1551-102 assumed a possible location of the top of the penstock and the surge tank aroLnd drill hole 99. However having studied the problem we have in section 1.09 suggested a relocation of the penstock. This realignment will possibly also require realignment of the power tunnel in the sugrgetank area. Our drawing 1551-102 is consequently not at this stage representative with respect to final location of the top of the penstock and the surge tank. -17 - As for the connection between the surge tank and the rock trap it is suggested that the opening is located high on the side wall of the rock trap to reduce disturbance of the trap collecting efficiency. The invert of the penstock intake is elevated 6 ft. above the rock trap invert in order to curb migration of smaller rock particles from the tunnel invert to the penstock. With the main trash rack now suggested for the intake in Crater Lake, only a half rack should be required at the penstock intake. 1.09 Penstock. -Reference is made to the penstock alignment and profile shown for the project on an unumbered drawing received with your letter of January 10. 1973. The alignment shown would require a steel liner designed for the full ~ydrostatic pressure in order to minimice load transfer for the rock structure as close to the surface as shown. In order to meet the general requirement for rock cover of an unlined tunnel ein this case the rock trap at the downstream end of the power tunnel) we would recommend the steel lini~g to be installed also in the horisontal connection between the top of the shaft and the downstream end of the rock trap at the surge tank. -18 -Rev. Mar 73 From the plan of the su.rge tank area it appears that it could be necessary to relocate the surge tank, further investigation planned should clarify this. Because of the faults present a tank sloping towards the west could be an advantage. 1.10 Road Access. -The road access shown on plate 2 submitted with your letter dated December 5.,1972 ends in the vicinity of the portal of our suggested tunnel access to the gate shaft and Crater Lake, see our drawing 1551-101. In addition road connection will be reqired to the portal of the power tunnel construction adit shown on drawing 1551-102. Road access to the surge tank ventilation opening should not be required but the decisioD should await the final solution in connection with the surge tank layout. -19 -Rev. Mar 73 1.11 Seismic consideration~. -The Crater Lake power tunnel will be constructed across ma=or joints and faults of the project area. For the power tunnel we assume that as for the Long Lake project remedial treatment in connection with intersection of joints and faults will be directed towards leakage control and replacement of crushed and faulty rock materials with dental concrete. With the layout now recommended for the Crater Lake project seismic damage to the power tunnel downstream of the gate shaft can be repaired as long as gate operation is possible. With damage to the gates or the power tunnel upstream of the gates a secondary outlet from Crater Lake could be required to permit repair work. A separate diversion tunnel however is not required in connection with the lake tap or the normal operation of the project. 1.12 Recommendation. -With the information received since submittal of our preliminary study we are now recommending for the Crater Lake project the layout shown on our drawing 1551-101 and -102 with a reservation in connection with the surge tank area mentioned in sectivn 1.09. The tap arrangement recommended is shown in detail on drawing 1551-103 and a possible two stage arrangement for the same o~ drawing 1551-104. -20 - IN6ENIIZlR EHR.F. EiRIZINER FI.Ei. Our recommendation is for a lake tap directly on the power tunnel omitting the need for a separate diversion tunnel. The intake arrangement with bonnet gates located in a dry gate shaft is favoured over the wet well arrangement indicated on the drawing. The main trash rack is now recommended at the intake opening in Crater Lake rather than at the penstock intake. In connection with the additional exploration planned for the tap area we consider locating joints and faults in the tap area and the immediate vicinity to be of major importance. OSl~a~U ~73. UI'~' C. F. r¢ner -21 - CRATER LAKE Q. IOIO j /' 10 10 rUU POOL .. ~ <?-;-- AA l TAAC"'~ ~_ 1040 ~~~r V-- A • _ GATE ~KAFr PROfllE. s.cAl[ f. lOO ~ __ ~"'I " ....... .,.. .. ,. ... '''-;'' ...----. T;1r~ .... ~ll"N"~H c.£QLOGIC Jro4AP CURP5 Of tN.:JIN[[RS, A4..A~ ~[[T 1& 2 SCALE ,'"lOC POWf.R TlNNfl ALlGNM[NT ING [~ : ("..of.IQJN{R DRAWING 1!1'l1 .:)2 l""( lA" klCOfottoolEND£O ARRAN(,£ .... [NT IN(. L~ '" GR(JNlR OIlAWING l'l'll-10) --JOINTS & FAUlTS POWER TUNNEL ACC[SS ROAD 9' if' " • J~Jr,.""'~" • """T"'-"""""""....-T.,," .IIOQ .1(()9 900 100 r------·--------------.. --,..--Hr "" iii 1 ~ElTISHAW ~OJECT AlAS",A 5[OONO STAGE Q[\I[lOP"'[N T PO'R£R TUNN[l AlIG ...... [,..T INTAKE LAKE TAP R[CO~[NO[O ,JuaNGE ... [Nr / T~ _ ~ __ , ....... 8 ,JAN 7l .' ! ~'" 1551-101 Stiff! 1 OF 2 - I'~- .WI) .,.,. 1 ----- /' .-.' / ( / ....... _" .. i,.. ..... ~ " ............... ~ ............ :....-. . .,.. ........ ~~.-r •• ,.. I I / .1W /~ - ~-------.~--'\ , , 1 ...... ............... ........J..~OP( Op' . .. .,..,.. . ..,."..--. .,... PROFILE ~.l[ UIOO' • MI .... 1 •• _ 115 l. ~1100 -1000 .... f~~~~ ... J. .......... ~ l r -....J..---, _ !Ie _ so ROCK j ? _,~ 'AN"- • 00 I~ .. " -- .....tl ... IN.R'f' UlOlOCWC MAP (()fi'.~ Of U«.JINt lH~, AlA."". ,5ttU.T "', ~L.l ( '-.IOU POwt H TUNNfl AL IvNMt NT lfirfl, ntH' ~WWNUol l.JUWINU 1~~1-101 LA'" IAI' JoftlO"""""t ""'Df 0 .N .... ,.Gt ... (N IN(,t (H"" vH~NI A DNA",IHO ,",-'OJ ,'C''' ,t.,o 122~ /'/ ...... ,,/ 1200----------- 101S PO'ir(ll' TU'UC,l P'Oitttf'ER IUHhlU _CON~TR....::).ohl .401! V[,rotTllATI()tIIj lUHfirf(l ~UAG£ TAN" , ............ SH[TlUJ1 .... PROJECT .l.~". S[.(OfrIIO 5TAC( OlvfulP .... (HT 'IQQ. 1 000 .tiXl , .QQ t ••• _ .... , I .. I" .. I 0... "M .... ' ....... POWER TUNNEL AlliONJr04EhI f PfP6TOCK INUKE R(C~ ... tHot 0 .RA.~""E NT 1551-102 SH(£ T lOf 1 -. ., ..... .".". _., ., .... -.... -- I \ • I " I I \ ' , I \ . , " I. I ' , \ I \ \ \ I' \ I , , I \ , \ 1 • , ' , ' \11 1\ \ \ II, ' , , I .. , ,I \ ~ \ \ . 1\ \ '. \ \ '. I I \ , \ \ I. \ \ \.'1 '. \ I \ ' -,. \ . ~, ' " I , . I, PLAN !C"l[ n 40' I II .1" .. - , \ ".\ ',.1 '-' \. , .. II 1010 'ULI ~L W, P , ,\, \ \ \ • I \' II ,\,' \ '" \ I, \ , 1\\ . I' , , I I' I \ I , .. ' . 0' '100 ~~ 1100 /' f-.. " '.(J'q. . . ., o ., -" I ~~(R TUNN[l 5(CTION ~"l( f~~' PROFILE ~"'Ll '-• .0' , i -~ . t-~I' t ,...........,..-~ ---l -4 ~_~j _ ••. '-"' ____ 7" •. , ,ZO,IO,I?, to \ \ "\\\ , \. ",1\,'\\\\\ ... \ ,,\ \ \1" " l' \11 ~ ",'\'\\\1\\\ 1,\\\1\\ -S . fa. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ..... \\\"\\~:...-- .#-\ I ~ : '. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \' "" \ ... ~ \-" Sl. ....... ~ ~~..- \ \ I \ ' I , \ \ \ , , I \ \ \' \ \ I \' \ J, .... -1""~\ .. ~.l '\\\ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ ,'-'. I, \ ~ \ \ \ \ ~_\ '2: ... ~~ .,..;;:-(.\ \ \ \ II \ I \ I 'I I \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \. r \... ~ J..-...... \ \ \ \ , I \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ I, \ ,\ I) ~ --..,.., .. ~ r ~ ~ I \ .... ~'(\ ~lt1Il .1 \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ , .I. .. '" .I. \.. 1 ~ ........... ,IJ'. ~~.,. \ ''''1 j \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~ ",,\,1 1 I \ n~ lIlY 1'1 II \ \ \ \ \ '., \ ........ ~ I I r t I •• \ ¥ T I I I I I', J I L \ \ \ , , \ \ t \ .... ttl .I ••• I \ I I , J I. 'I \ \ I ~_~ \ ~\ \ \: I' ' , I I ~ II I I I 1/ :/1 I ,I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ' ': : ~ I I I /' / I " 1/ / , \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I J, I \ \ \ \ \ ( \ I I I / I " " \ \ '. \ \ \ \ / I I / I .' / / ' PART PLAN !CAI( 1040' PART PRQFILE ~C"L[ '·.40' / JQlL 'OA OISCHAA(;( IU .... lL 10. USo(O WITH fttl$o .. U£AN .. TIW'I[ !.(I[ O .... WIHO ,,\1-101 lei:. '*c. *1 ~------..~ PlAN AND PROFILE OF ALJERNATIVE LAKE TAP W~ H'f'OAOGIUPHIC 5IJAV[¥ ()tf c .... n .. l .. KI[, NOW' 72 !oHANIO< ... 0 ..,I!>ON INC. ~A""(, "G ).~ ~ W 1000-O' PR(LI~IN"RY C,[OlOGaC .... P c~ ()tf fNa..[["S, .. l .. SIlA , !:tH[[T 1 .. tfO 2, !iCAll. ,It 100' ORllUNQ lOOS IIY OAllUNa "V(III(Y $orco .. ~ MOI...l _, tOO .. NO 102 POW[A lUNNfl "lIGNN[NT INu lHA' ~NI.~, DR .. WING ~\I·l()I,·102 , ...... "' ':)It.Il f11~H"~ J"Nt1JH T "L"C,IIt. .. ~H't""'D '!:ty .. c,[ ll('f'HOP~[NT L""( r .. J' ':oIf'«.,L[ SUlo[ Jl'H 7) FIt lC,1f04f04t N()f: () .... ".."..Gt fo4f NI ""NO ~)·,·.ltH' "llfJ;lN"'I't't 1551-103 , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 N 1',1 \ \ .. .. \ "'-.,\ I I, 1/1 / I I, ! " , " I j f I \ \ \ \ I ' \ ,/ / \ \ '. : : ' ' 'iq.ytf{" \ \ I \ \ I _" _t9.~. ',',' \ \ 'l'J.-~--~+, I : I ",:~", /".' . .l-~ I : ' ; : /I ----I I I j T- ., I too : 1 PLAN SCAL[ "'''0' . . ",. Il::._ , \ \' , \ • r ~ lOOt_ ""'I' " POWtA TUfioIHf l '''~ -' - !ZQQ_- .~r~ "ILJ , ! UltLII.[D ~R TU""'l WC_ ~"'l[ f. to' I ICll[S moo AU[Rt: .. C[S S[ OR ..... G rn. -I()] - SNETTISHAM PROJECT ALASKA REPORT FROM the ANCHORAGE CONFERENCE -------------------- of FEBRUARY 8 9 -1973 ----------~--------- Oslo Norway February 1973. Exhibif .2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...... "..................... 1 1. THE EARTQUAKE RISK ..................... 2 2. BULKHEAD AT THE INTAKE OPENING ......... 3 3. LAKE TAP ALTERNATIVE ................... 4 4. NUMBER OF GATES ........................ 4 5. INTAKE CONTROL STRUCTURE ...... ......... 5 6. ADIT TO TOP OF GATE SHAFT .............. 5 7. TRASH RACK LAYOUT ...................... 6 8. TUNNEL LINING TO RESIST EARTQUAKE ...... 7 9. DISCHARGE THROUGH SURGE TANK ACCESS ADIT 7 10. POWER TUNNEL ALIGNMENT ........ ... ...... 8 11. BLIND TUNNEL ORIENTATION.... ........ ... 9 12. SHOCK LOAD ON CLOSED BULKHEAD. ......... 9 13. VENTILATION, GATE SHAFT ................ 10 14. INTAKE TRASH RACK INSTALLATION ......... 10 15. SURGE TANK ORIENTATION -VENTILATION ... 11 16. ROCK COVER OF UNLINED WATER WAYS ....... 11 17. PENSTOCK SHAFT EXCAVATION .............. 12 18. ACCESS FOR SHAFT EXCAVATION ............ 13 19. PENSTOCK INTAKE WATER VELOCITy ......... 13 20. TIME FOR TAP BLAST ..................... 13 INGENIIZIR t:HR.t=. laRI2INER R.Ei. INTRODUCTION The conference was attended by members of the OCE, APA, NPA, NPD and Alaska District administration. Following a welcome speech by Colonel Mathews, Mr. Oppgave a orientation on the purpose of the conference. Mr. Greely followed with a description of the geological investigation carried out so far for the project, and terminated with outlining the plans for the immediate future. It was understood that the present available topography of the lake bottom in the possible tap area will be verified by measurements from the ice covered lake this winter, and that investigation by TV camera is also considered. Along the power tunnel and the pressure shaft alignment, further investigation will be initiated the coming summer. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Gr¢ner. As the advanced copy of the Lake Tap study had not been received by the District, Mr. Gr¢ner went through the study in some detail. In the discussion following this introduction a number of questions were asked. In the following these questions and the answers are presented as well as memory permits. - 1 - 1. The earthquake r{sk. As outlined in section 1.11 of the study,any damage to the power tunnel downstream of the gate shaft can be repaired as long as gate operation is possible. With the small percentage of the powertunnel length upstream of the gate shaft the chances for seisnic damage here seems remote. With due consideration of the tap blast and the joints and faults in this area the shaft location could possibly be moved another 200 ft in the upstream I direction, thereby reducing the inaccessible tunnel portion to approximately 600 ft. After the plant is put in operation,repair work in the tunnel section upstream of the gate shaft would be practically impossible unless a solution could be found for blocking the intake opening. If damage occur at the intake opening itself, underwater repair work would be extremely difficult with a full power pool. A diversion tunnel at a certain elevation could be the solution in sucn a case. - 2 - 2. Bulkhead at the intake opening. A support structure for the combination trash rack - bulkhead at the intake opening could be unpractical. As the final blast will most probably have damaged the rock structure surrounding the intake opening it could be impossible within reasonable limits to create the structural foundations required to resist the full waterpressure possible with a closed bulk- head. Foundation for the trash rack alone however is relatively simpel to adjust to even an irregular opening. Should the rock structure surrounding the intake opening prove relatively sound even after the final blast a special solution could be tried. The solution would require design of a trash rack and its foundations to resist full waterpressure. In an emergency the trash rack could then possibly be blocked from the outside by divers installing weighted wood planks over the trash rack. This preliminary closure would hardly be as expenslve as provisions for a permanent bulkhead. Our conclusion is that provisions for a separat bulkhead at the intake is hardly justified. We would however recommend designing the trash rack and its foundations for full water pressure if possible. An emergency closure at this point could then be possible. - 3 - 3. Lake Tap Alternative. As outlined in the LQke tap study, section 1.03, page 6, the conditions known at this stage about the rock structure of the possible tap area do not favour the alternative layout. As indicated in the study we are further reasonably convinced that a cost comparison, taking into account the cost of the discharge tunnel and the other elements required with the alternative,including increased construction time, should not favour the alternative. 4. Number of gates. The power tunnel control structure should feature two gates. The main regulation gate in the downstream and the bulkhead gate in the upstream position. With this arrangement the main gate can be serviced or even removed for repair ones the bulkhead gate is closed. -4 - INGENIIZIR EHR.F=. EiRIZINER Ft.5. 5. Intake control structure. As outlined in section 1.06, page 14 of the lake tap study,we recommend using the bulkhead gate in connection with the final blast. Using the bulkhead in this connection saves time since the only other possibi~ity would be a temporary concrete plug ln the tunnel just downstream of the gate shaft. Errection of this structure and removing same takes time. 6. Adit to top of gate shaft. On drawing 1551-101 of our study we suggest the access adit to the top of ~he gate shaft and further to the trash rack clea~ing station at Crater Lake as a tunnel from the e~d of the proposed access road to the area. - 5 - IN!§ENIIZIR IR.F=. EiRIZINER! R.5. 7. Trash rack layout. The intake trash rack lS discussed in section 1.07 of the lake tap study. In our opinion the final selection of the arrangement should not be made until the lake bottom surface between the tap point and the cleaning station is definitely known. In order to arrive at a solution in connection with the question of a fixed against a movable Lrash rack, a number of things must be considered. First of all the type of debris possible ln the area is a most important question, as equipment and cleaning prosedures would be "depended on this. If seasonal clogging with twigs and leaves is suspected cleaning could possibly be scheduled for early spring with the lake at its min. operating level. A fixed trash rack could be the solution in this case, and simpel cleaning equipment on a movable platform lowered to the water surface could possibly be used. However if cleaning for some reason should be required at any time of the year, cleaning the rack with a full power pool could favour a removable trash rack. In this situation however the type of debris is again important. One would for instance hardly attempt to remove the trash rack if timber is suspected at the intake opening. - 6 - INseNllZlR E:HR.F.5RI2INER FtS. With the information available at present a definite recommendation is difficult. It would in this connection be interesting to know what the debris situation is like in Long Lake. Observations here could possibly establish a guide line for the solution at Crater Lake. 8. Tunnel lining to resist eartquake. In section 1.05 of the lake tap study we basically consider an unlined power tunnel for the Crater Lake Project. We assume that remedial treatment will be directed towards leakage control and replacement of crushed and faulty rock materials with dental concrete. 9. Discharge through surge tank access adit. Using the alternative lake tap solution with diversion through the access adit at the downstream end of the powertunnel might for some projects be discussed. On page 5 and 6 of section 1.03 of the lake tap study we have outlined some of the conditions that would favour the alternative. If discharge should - 7 - INSENIIZIR -IR.F. EiRIZINER FI.S. be considered for the entire length of the power tunnel we consider the solution rather unpractical. The amount of water involved would be considerable with the discharge at the very downstream end of the power tunnel. Discharging this to the area above the power plant site, should result in considerable damage to vegetation and possibly to access roads etc. Although a separate discharge tunnel would not be required,additional cost for plugging the penstock intake and a second cleaning of the invert of the powertunnel as far as the gate shaft is required. We would not recommend this arrangement. 10. Power tunnel alignment. As mentioned in section 1.05 of the lake tap study a change of tunnel alignment within reasonable limits should not affect the overal conditions of the project. Driving the power tunnel to intersect faults and joints at a right angle is certainly recommended. - 8 - t:HFii!. F= .IZINER Ft 5. 11. Blind tunnel orientation. The blind tunnel of the lake tap arrangement can be located to the right or left side of the power tunnel. The most favourable :ocation should be selected in accordance with the geological information established through the power tunnel excavation. The final decision in this respect need not be taken until the power tunnel is excavated to the vicinity of the downstream end of the lake tap arrangement. As for the configuration of the final blast, this should, because of the dept, be as regular and simpel as possible. 12. Shock load on closed bulkhead. Blasting the final pj.ug as recommended against an air filled tunnel the shock load on the closed bulkhead should not be severe. The gradual compression of air in the tunnel, as the water is entering , is further reducing the intencity of the impact of water against the bulkhead. An additional bubble curtain in front of the gate would hardly be of practical value in this case. However if shooting the final plug against a water filled tunnel, a bubble curtain could be of value. - 9 - INSENIIZIR HR_F.5RI'ZINER R.S. 13. Ventilation gdl:E:: shaf-:. With a weT gate shaft a ventilation plpe from downstream the control gate should extend vertically for the height of the gate shaft. With a dry gate shaft and the bonnet type gates, the ventilation pipe could possibly be omitted. We assume in this connection that the plant is only operated with the gate fully open and that the gate structure would tolerate the subatmospheric pressure during the short opening and closing operatior.. 14. Intake trash rack installation. Timber entering the tunnel would hardly be a problem in connection with the first drawdown. However as possible saturat~d timber on the drained slopes of the lake could dry out, this material could be floating as the lake again fills up, and could give problems at the following drawdown. If the permanent trash rack for some reason can not be installed following the first drawdown a preliminary arrangement at least should be installed. At the next drawdown the permanent structure should then be errected. -10 - INISENIIZlR t:HR.F. ISRIZINER F=I.S. A full trash rack mig~t be installed for the initi2: operation at the pens~ock intake if the turbine manufacturer consider this necessary. 15. Surge tank orientation -ventilation For technical reasons the surge tank could be an inclined shaft and with rock structure allowing, the top of the tank could be made to penetrate the hill side·to give positive ventilation without an additional ventilation tunnel. Moving the tank location somewhat upstream to a favourable rock structure could also be considered. In order to arrive at the best solu~ion we feel that a cost estimate comparing the vertical against the sloping shaft, should be considered. As for surge tank ventilation, omitting same ralses a number of questions mostly in connection with turbine regulation. T~e problem should in each case be discussed with the turbine manufacturer considered. 16. Rock cover of unlined water ways : The most recent development in Rock Mechanics suggest that the rock cover of an unlined waterway with the internal pressure equal to H, should be at least 0.6 x H at a point ho~isontally H feet closer to .-11 - INGENJIDR the nearest surface than the tunnel. With reasonably tight joints this is at present considered safe regardless of the orientation of joints in the area surrounding the tunnel. Previously the cover suggested was 0.75 H to the nearest surface, this however has proved to be inadequate for certain joint orientations between the tunnel and the surface. We would for Crater Lake recommend following the most recent suggestion for safe rock cover. 17. Penstock shaft excavation. A number of questions in connection with shaft excavation was discussed at the conference, and in a general way other layouts were outlined. We believe however tt.at the present layout shown for the Crater Lake project with the steel liner designed for full hy~rostatic pressure is the most favourable solution in this case. Should other solutions be ccnsidered for ~he penstock, the layouts would have to be studied in some detail in order to arrive at a possible conclusion. -12 - INSENIIZIR CHR. F=. EiRIZINER FI.S. 18. Access for shaft excavation. Using the present powerplant access tunnel in connection with the shaft excavation should be possible. With a tight wall errected against the power station and running the station ventilation to create an over- pressure In relation to the access tunnel in question,the dust problem could possible be managed. As for construction space requirements at the bottom of the shaft we assume this should be no more of a problem with the above solution than with a separate access. We feel that a separate access tunnel to the bottom of the shaft and around the station would be rather expensive. A cost estimate comparing the solutions could probably resolve the problem. 19. Penstock intake water velocity. The water velocity through the rock trap upstream of the penstock intake should be lower than the velocity required to transport harmfuli rock debris to the penstock intake. In your case we feel t~at a velocity of around 2 ft/sec could be right. -13 - INseNIiZIR . 20. Time for tap blast. The tap blast will normally be sheduled relatively late in the construction periode. Before the tap is attempted the power tu~nel inverT should be cleaned, the gate shaft finished with the gates installed and operational, the penstock steel liner should be installed together with the power-house valve. The valve should be operational. The concrete plug with access door in the power tunnel construction adit should be installed. The powerplant errection work in connection with the turbine and the generator etc. need not be finished at the time of the tap blast. In general construction work at a number of places could be sheduled for the time following the tap blast. Oslo, Febru y 1973. ~.WhY. C. F. r¢ner ~. 14 - CRATER LAKE n IOID ' . , .. ,,~I '100. .. , , I I, ' , I I 1/ I I I I I , , I .. Ny ~TATION ACC[SS TO TRASH AA(K eL(A t r PROfILE s.cALl t'. '()O t-._~"'t ! "II ~ --JOIN '5 & FAUt.1S POW[J:J TUNN(L ACCESS ROAD L/ ... f ". ~ " JEeT ALASKA SH£T TlSH .... ~o (jPftr04[N T 5EooNO STAGE O£V(L '100 IIOQ ,Llolo...:...l..o.......lo_. ,..,..~~...--1-~ -.. ~. 0- T~.:-B--t-JAH-71 T~ ... 1------ I. ... '",,.. i 1551-101 St"lff! 1 Of 1100, 900, E ,;; !~ Z ,.., , / --........ ---~ -'-. '-. j \ / 115 j PROFILE \CAl[ 1.1.100' .. . .... ~ .. - Il~O ... i 1000 ROC I< ... I ' lHAP AND SURGE ~"'lt r ... o .0,,'" & 'AI.ILU POwE" TU~IC.L 'lOQ IIOQ '909 SUAGI: TAHO --, ... WI4"'" -----PfIO--J[CT ALAS" Of'WHOPM[NT .... IaNMENT 13 , '11!0 ~"._ -", II ..... _,.,_. \ " \ " '. \ . , \ , \ , , \ ' \ , , ' \ \ , \ , \ \ " \ \ \ , , , \ \ . ' \ . , \ , , , \ 'I \ , '\ " " \ . \ \', I \ \ • \ \ \ \ '. \ , \ \. \ '\ \ \ \ \ I' . \ \ \ \\' , , . , " , , \' \ \ '\ \ \ \ '\ \ \ , \ \ ' " ,'\ \ " , \ '.\ \ \', \ \ \ \ I. '.:",\"" \ " \ '-:-" '\ \ \ "': \ . ... , , ' I' "\" \ \ , , , " f k' , I I PlAN SCALE: "-4.0' • • .1" .... - \' . '" ' '/ / , , , . , " • \ .~ .1,..1) ..... ' • " . . , ' " (. : ," .. ,j ..• I , . '1 ,',: '.' ~ .. ,,' IJOO_ Ift_:.tI ~_Cl\ taIoOllllQ ~TATIQIj. 1 J '..J,~ •.• 10 GAI[ [,1010 ~ULl ~l WI ~~ ... v _ ._ .. _ .. ----------------.-;.t' f .. 1" " 1'" ,< /' UfIIllNEO ~[R TUN ... !.!.. 5LCTIOH SCALE f~ 10' PROFILE 5(AI..( "·.400' 514&'1_ PlAN AND / PART PR)FILE sc AL[ 1'. 40' .IIW.L. 'OA t'ltSC"'AAG( TUM(ll TO'" V!tl.O WiTH THIS Alr[.AHA'IV( !tU: 0" •• ""'0 '~!t1-tOl PROFILE OF ALTERNATIVE LAKE TAP 8EfE8EH CE5 HmROGAAPHIC SUA"(Y ~ CRA'(A L .... E, NOW' 7J SHAHJo()frrij AND 'IIfIIlSOfll INC, Sl,ATTll, 'IG 3-!t r;:, .. 1421·01 PR[lIIwlIHAAy GlOlOGlC NAP C()<P.; CW l"' .... [[.~, AlA5o<A, SHf:[1 , ANa I, 5CAl[ " 100' OAILlIHO lODS BV OAllLlIilO AG(HCY S[CO. fUl HOU: 91. 100 ANa 101 POW(A TUNN(l .t.lIQNNfHT IHV eMIl' GAeH(A, DRAWING ~SI·I()I.· 10J 5N[TTI~tU.Jrr,4 PAQJE(T ... l.S .... SECOND STAGE O('tIElQP .... [HT LU,[ UP SlHCtI..( STAG( R[CO~~[ND£.O AR~NC£I'4UH AND POSSIBI..( ALT [RNA TIII( 1551-103 .... , \ , \ , , \ \ \ \ , , \ , , \ \ , , , , , , , \ \ 1 N S \ \ I \ \ , \ '. ~ t \ , , .~ .. .1 ,\' ' " I I " \ \ \ " ,.. '\ , ~".,\\'\ r> \ ' ~-~', \\" 'iJ ~ ~~, '\ " " \ \. ,,\'", 11\\ ... ~ \ \ \ \ \ ..... , I \ '-\' • \ \ \ \ \ 11& \15 \ \ \ " . ~' \ , \ \ \ \ I \ ',\ ";r. \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \\ \ \ \ i \ ~ \ \ \ \ ' \ '1 \ \ \ " ...... ,...... J.' \\ I \ \ , \ .. ~ \ \ , ',\, \ \ \ , \ .. .' ... r-\-. ... _~ ~-: S:." ~ \>-~. -:. ~ I. " I"aA:'Tm I .. ~KE I, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'r .... -:.;;-~-....... .:.. ................ 1\ \ I' 'I ~ "'""II' '-I;' ,..'" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ~~ __ -~,...... 1 .... ,tl', \ll.aoJO II, \ \~\\\\, 'I/A'/'(.... '1" A,~I \ \~' \\\\1 \/}' ... t,~T···\'1 I/:~/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ .(" ...... , I I I ,i .', I I \' \ I \ \ : \ I • ~; i ' I " I r \ \ .' \ \ ~ .I. • \.: ..t 4(. ,L .... ' _ ~ _: ... _.: ~ ~ _. ~ I .. _ ••. ~ j L _~ '1 .J , I ' '~--.--, ~ \'n .. If ~ .. _ ..... ,,_ .... 1 ._~~-';-';~ ... ~-+~-~ ~ t :'"J -~-• .I-!~:. i-Y t -. -•. ~-----...... \ .. __ ~ \ --\-\~ . I , \' I ',' H" " "ff 4J' Ill' ~ .~ ,~~,' .11.1,' .• 4 I ~ " t t i 1" .,' " ~. .. I ' J J I, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ , I ' , I , I , \ \ \ , 'i Iii { /1 \ , '1'1 I,' I I 1 1/ // I I' I I I ,II" I ,I 1 \ I, I 1 'd~ ':"""f"'. ; ~~ ~t,f1..,~;J.',": . I ~ -L-~-+-!.-.--"--7 -; f I ' /.' I I • T' ..-J-..-~,' /,,",,',fi,'//i ----( I I I j /.' , pt~AN SCALf: n 40' • .. I'll --- 1IoqJ , I UHLIN(O POW'[A fUNN[L S[CTION !.CAl( 1".10' !~ I 01)11 ""[11("'( 5 51: OAAWI"G In' -lQ] L 8EFfftOtCE$ I pow[R Tl)frrII~[L ALlc...JIII[Nf IHG c .... , (iReNER, DRAWING ""-10',-101 5I«"ISHAN PtIlOJ£CT ALASKA SlCOHD STAGI O(V[L.OP"'(~T lAK( TAP, TWO STAG£ A[C'1:lMM(ND(O .AR"""C;O"(~T PROFILE .... SCALl ••• .o~. _____________ ~~~~~~:::J ~~------------------------------ 1551-104 ... 1_-_" ... __ ,_ • Fo .... Ma,ch 1963 Clearprin' 8th CO,:" -RP T,anelucen' U. J. MOIl' EN(,INEEl DJVIS10N. NORTH PACIFIC PROJECT r,<?!~r Lakt!! SUBJECT Pr~//;"n ,/?dry 7:/r6;n~ ~:~_.I- 7..3 CJ~' e Z .s;. /~C -h ~n IY C'rs DATI 2 r _~n 1J" CHECKED ____ PART ___ PI\Gl Z fW 2.3 " /J/9;;~r 5j/~c/r;~ ..::-;:::>~~d' r~4"? rh~/ r~t?v/"~e/ /~r rh/~ ("/'7':1') ~h/~/~d ~ ~/7/r ?.::-,,,c;;r/Y)q/?c-~ ~~/r-V'~s tDF'"tI' /e/'~ /0 e? a4':"'r~ )r/~nt?'/. rr;e- / .- I I ~Mrpc/~r/~~/;'~ "..r" q k~/" .$~e-/j;~ ..::T/,~~d q'~~/?n". A 5% ,nar9,"n /V/// ~~ p/k--J/V~d /~ S/ i! //?? rh~ t://"7; ~ ~&' /rcv>dt: r~~ --"'.e/r .1/;., " ra/~d-~v7/0v~ .5. nt!!' pv~'-a'7~ h~e'J~ //ICI· ... :-a had /~ /nn~?/~~ / /: £o~~d ,en 4/7 art" -r;; /;;~ ~~~/ ~,/e-rh?4 ~~ ;;',16 . ;O~/ ~/ev-/Y?4 x /-"", ~/fi'l ~,od /ri ~/) /;,~?~//n &> //~'I..5 . .4vt"-'ro7 e ;pe~~/ /~ y",/ ~,; ~~.:r ./.:oJ/oS ,:~ ~/~Ve7 //~F;; 9£ /. ~:-r~/?.J ~;;4 NP£? /,C'vVlr .::-.,t.~"d·~.s p -7 /, ~ h/'/ .~,(,,....) ~ ,£,. ~d -'" ~."",'rte>9 e' p ~. Th~ /n~~/7 P7~/? ~h/y ?~r-/ /~./~/.s /..$ e>/c:.-v-=, t'~C"} 9~tG. ~t',., r~~r c'"eJ'n,s/d'iP,-r hr", .. :;-,t; ~t!//~I ~~ 7f:/r~;:.,,~ ~ ?~r/"L;~~ ~~.I$ PI"";!jp. ~>"':;Qa-r~~. ..:s///~~ £j!!!>.;1,t-~~~~; I!"nt'" y /s ? ~,,~ (A~",.'/y ~.3.s err,." "..~~ I!IV.: ~A ;~/4' d v~r.a'?~ /./~dd. L,., /~h#~ / /,r~r.~,.) 7"ht!' .~/, b//d!! /"~/? ......... ;a..-~~,.~r ,"';..~.J £c-~/? r~;:/r~.";~~ 0. /;. A.~Y ;<Wlj~H:V~~ 1;IVliION, NIJI\TH PAnfil( MY"'IG·'I1.."TUC~""'" PROJECT C---~d/~C ,lCd/if.' _________ 7Bc/t!'t! SUBJECT ?rC'//~ ;~d'y N,,I//-u:: ..;)~/ii!!'~ "I./~n IV C'IS DAU 2R :;fa/) 13 c;.H(CKlD PART PAGe: J M 2.3 ,. " p~ rhl ~v~,n7t!1 ~r d r .:rI'j?/7 /)~ / r:~IIR'~ F~r ?~/"";O~.$~S /?~~"'" JI'V/// ~~ tIC>~ ,rh/$ 3r«dy , r.,1c-4v~rd'T~ L5A'.s~d ~/"I ~e?~/ ~kV'~ ~/~n .,t:,~ .. 4.E.:5 ~/n)t:? I-e~ <'/7,;~ ;O~""~;;"r/nDn~r C~tI?rdC~r­ I~f,c.s d'~ :5h~V\//) ~o ~/;o,..-~..!f; -m,.s~ e?r~ .6d.s~d ',en ~/!~ ki'/:,7 L#k~ /7)~d~/ ~~.sr on ~d w" -f-h d ;?1~d/ ';:;c#!"> //~n /// /'htr 4~5co:~/~r;'6' ~ .s~e?k W;;IC~ ~d~ £~~r.; S~//,/~d t'~ rh~ rN r/ph r ~y ,pr7 /;n(('9rl!!~ ,.,,; -"'a-'/ Y-i? /L'/ ~ ~~ ~, ~~-" /:c/, b/fi e tt::J~". 7'-' /..s .. ,",,"/?,n rt:'///,;,.-r r/'; ~~D ~ d/~-h; ~ ~t!-r· I:1're:: ~~n-'ir-I".' ,.£c-"-/ ~.: ~//.:::;...v.s.' L ~ ./ e '7.-r./ t!!"ro /rtr J .., G·£. = .370.00 H'P , /l /. 0 ~. ", :: , FD .... Morch 1963 7{R.,,1 Cleorprint 8th Gri41 -RP T,onalucent u .•. Id04Y ~N{,rNHflJ( fJlVI!JOH. NCkTH PACIFIC 'ROJfCT _ .. (r,:~_I('"c __ £~,(". __ » ____ ._ SUBJECT IY C73 Prt!"'//'n-U/lr7/,y' -;7//",6//.Ie 5t!!'/~C"r"~n ____ PAIfT ___ PAM 4- £..:;; ,t'-"/no,ie c7v~,o7a h~a.d d~.:sV/Y7 //7? /""'C vn/'/J ?I!'r,p ,t',,;.; 9 e7"t t5 .... .;'1 ~ ~~~t::"/~n~¥ I ~ ~ rh,,;',y-d"':1/'~ /~/~? /,1') r~$~r V~ r.rr ~n7~r9t!Y7~~ ~r ;:;~ck/~9. ?tt-r~'//;'n. EtS ~/~}~~~,d d/';~h6"Y'S p~~ 440 t:'~~ (Lcn9 L.o~~ '://'J/:~J .and ¢~tt)~,.t.S (~~p,4.r &/8 t'/,r7/'~). ,4 v~r~ge ~I!"'te'/ ~/~ va ,.t;~17 i-I e~ d /~ ~:5 f'.;t 6 t:) C' /~j ~ .5 / T, W; E/~ v;. (c?:: 9ot" c~~):: -2 .41/9' n~/ h<!"."d I 9/5 , HI? =-c1 . .:J'S (C'. 087> ;J: "_~ ~ t!J Z' 7 di~Ar. I Fo,," , Mard. 1963 7 \R.w) Clear",i"t 8th (Or;" -RP TrOl .. lucent I 49 I IJ. S. ARWY l'.NGINEEk DIVl!iJON, NORTH PACl.FIC NY1)IkI..!ILI'.CT1IJC DOHIII ... _ PROJECT ('".']' "~I'-.J! a ,{('! 7j~/ 2 Z SU8JECT __ ~~~y~~~/~/~e_~~/~~~?&~7~r-Ly __ . __ ~_~_r_~_-_z_//_~ ____ ~_~ __ /~ __ ~_~ __ ~~_~ __________ __ IV C rs ----PAIIT PAG(.5 M Z.J af~ = P?~~7'~/ d/.~. • /r ,. , "w~ d.:st: 5S . 5. 7/S~ ~/';;/;".It::' s,.j C'r//ci tf eo "c-7'~//r"'~ .'/0 / 7~"-~ rt:: a / rp /~;; 9 e:? r /O4!'?~/')7~ t6'~~<''''n:'7'' d~ /,/o/r}?ok,/' r7: ~ ~>;;, ~ ('8,-/ ; ~r? d.$ . F.,.,,,-~/;;,.s P'//,etI ~7; 2c~ H'P e::;/ 9/5'./:-'~.hd: T~e rv~' .~ ~ k __ c 9/5" .ev;// £~ ,,0~-u '/t8~ ~ .. 47 2G~ .H'P " " /~rc:??~~ed . d~-S'/7/') ,I??~/':> / £~ ~ h~~/df.'.-'· ro ~s.s'//~ 7-h ~ 0 ... .,. ~.c,':. /;';;" .... ~. d.-.s "-r, 6~d et:' b~/~ .C'Ch? /'~ ~o /""/'1.$ ttr7 /' c:-,:;7.,:J +~ / /~ ~ ~ Z;~ ~~,p)".n ~ e/';t:',:~/ '~nC')I" d',. r/~''''J ":"D / , do ~- AhJ.Q/y, f!!':: I,f)~ -/Icc.:' -e _u;) / / { " ,,-, ./ ' [; . r", , "0,,", M.,ch 1963 7 (R.,,) CI •• ,p,;n' 8th Griol· RP T,.n,l"c_' IJ.~. MUIY I::.N{.lNI:U" DIVISION, NORTH PACP(C N'n<:>oC-r.t.&Cn~>cDUt4IIa"""" PROJ!CT Ci--:CJ'/O: .Ld',~ 7.$p/ZZ SUBJECT &t1?~~'7/nor;r -;;;'r6/,,,,~ S~/~C ~t!Jn ____ "","T ___ PM€ r:; M 23 e: /1:),0 -/0 (e;, 7(~) -9Z 4 % £x~~r/~/?c: t:' /r; d/co ,{....r ~.w>. ~ ~h 4!!' .: ~ ~ -~ ~ / .: :;lc-, / c-,,-..,. .I"'/y , ; H; -. E/~v, ~~f~", runnt!'r -T. w. 5/~~ Ele:.y: ~~~t"~.1 rV"/~f!8r= -.9-(/.:'1)= -~._. H [H , -PTH! ~ :' H pT;/,5'-'O;i-Tri -"j;4l~ -: e :--' ~ -, I 7.5~ '~ ~5'1! Ca4$1.r~-::;'cje;~M7t~::-;~ r<;'1'~:-9~~;t47si i 800 !" _~43 : a 1"43" i.?~ S"""r M3:-, c, ,'_~O ! ',4 O.,"! 'li, ~ ! 4;:' I I B40 : C. 5.J() !t:J,~ ,':~4c'o (). M2J t?,r:;,fZ'95':7,~ t19. 5 . .~I, 5 4~~ • P'-:O I~' s /~ It'. «>390 144, 9S0 0."919;",,,,295\ P." 8'1 ~ ?/. ~ ~., I i 91.:5' I"" 508 :".0375 !" ~ .?Ct',C.C81 1 !", . ."2": 7.!J 8lr~-1 '1/'!' ~'17 I 9~ C) I c. 49~ !~. t'$58: " 10.075'::: .1'. ~ ~ ~ .~ 4. I ~:-g ql.5 474 ~a,ch~;;; t7rlX2 i C . 4~~._C346~_" ___ L~_~~~~~_:5~. '~--~~~ .. _I./~'J':~ Cleo,prin, 8th G'i~ . RP T,onal"c_t Cl.Clrpri ... 8 .. Gri4 •• ,. T,.lft.lucent Y. S. AlloW iN(JINEIHt OIVIJ.ION, N(IR'rn .PAClJiiC ~·a.tt'l'" .. lC ~ .... PROJ!CT~c-/O/C"r <&11', __ .______ 75~/22 SUBJECT ;::r~/I'~;Ir·r;dry --.rvrbn? ~ S#!'/~C: ~"C!'n IV C T..s . OAT I. 22 ..1d.l? 7.J! GH[CKEO ____ PAItT __ PM( Z M ~ 3. PtIf};n IJ rtjl'rt""..:1'~r' I~d £ y r/;4' ~N c:n7d' Hr; v~/vtt-.s ,t'r-t&';'n ~rl!"c t!"d"~'7 ~4!!'I'bQ'/d'/"M d~ /,/1/> ~,1t!'W' .tflIrJ C?n4r r .5'., ..;5;:/ Fh'c ;~n '" /nti?r,:7';' b' ?'tt?/;~..:s" lPd'...,''',(e:n /.:1 t::? VP//e1'.1~ /0 /~r/n/ /' ",/,il""rb .,t;~/} a / ?'httlll ~v-7t:J"S /;;;d/:Cd/~d .. M /;" //Y.lU /Yl C'4 V ; ."to' .,t" e.r" /, hI' ~ ~A' J ~,e/ II!' t'? 4tt' % ,?e1' ~ rt!'/?'/?:;7 ar~ d~r/vt!"d d.:l ,tl,/.~ W.;f:- 11'1#4 HI1 hiP e ___ ::m __ e t;( 75t::; (). 0378 Ie; SOt:::> 79. :5 I!J/. ~ 2.!/t; 800 C7,,~a9~ 18" .5,S0 1!Jt'* 7 82.7 247 840 0.05'17 2~930 8/.0 83.0 2~7 8~O (7.o4CO 21" t:;40 81.~ 83.~ 2(;.3 9/5 (/). eJ 4" (;, 2~ tiI/o 81.8 133.13 R 71 9~t:J t!).04-11 2§,,(;M 8/.'9 8.:5. '1 281 99Z ",,,41..5 2~240 $Z.t:' 8~.(:) 288 /ot!)S· t:'. 04/(;, 2~840 R t?rt 84.1::J 29' *" Mox/muR:J ~t!"",d ~r ;:'91 C'~$. ~. ~t!1' .::r /,/;-0 / C'n.:s t:-~&'r ~h"s va;'" W" // "til' sh?h,J/y /~r:?l!"'r ,~h4'n r/;C' ~.;?-:7 Ld' "'ttl' e//.?/ '/s. ..,..-: ," '7;-".- /~ de.;(f!* ~c!l' rhd' /4r-:?t!"r-r«,,/n,.,It!',· . ",;, /.e'" / d"tt::Ji'/r:J t1'" /,,.. rl!'*?u/r~~ ~r r,(, h,::,;-vt!"'r ~..oll!!"*e' .,t:;4': . ..:"r'~ t:5"~/';h;/~/~ I' /"'t:!'t:!'/yJ /$ a vp,· ~.llt. ,;';; l"h ~.Jt''''..$',/'''';? /,~~t!"rhU!..se ~/:e,c~tI!!J.U'~ ~ br,c"C'PIH--;Cdd'~ ~'</.s U. S. ARt.lY ENGINEER DIVISION, NORTH PACIFIC PROJt:cr era &r £ q,((~ SUBJECT Pl""~~n-) //?o-ry Tvr6/rI~ ~~"'II. 7.ao/Z2 Sekcl/~n ____ PA'" __ NG( 8 f# 1.3 /'n rhe ..:1/,bC e aVd"'b~~. ~~ h /9h~'-vP/l,c/ ~;.". CLJC'tC//d C'o~~e 9r~tt'1 ~~,-h$"d/"Qv/:.e ~..s..s~s and /eS$ ~/hc/~n;t ~r7,tr)l' k ri<, rvnnt:-r- Yd/7~..s w /'rh v,a /4 vtl!t'r~£./~ ..:f'/d'4 ,,r,r~C' /., rtV""/"/n? /;' v":£'ra-'£/cn t:?nd ~'Yd/"'oc///c. vr;~b,.6./7~e, ~4 rr~~.$~d .27 MW V/l/'" /.:;$ CC7r74/d(O,-,6' rhl /Prp~.sr G//'?; / ~~r/1?/;.:5 /;6/. /A/h /~h ~.s.:s~,.,h~//y /n.ee,<, ~h(!' y~/tt) c,,'/y errl /~/-/d e!'.s/d'£~ .s/:~d' "",:.r rhl L~,a9 Lo£/S un,,: /.s. 7. IBM //~ r/r7!1S c&'v~'-/n9 ~~ 17C-r h~a'd rU;r~/;;4 ?~r~r/Yl.o/7c-~ br~d 9/"&:'5.:5 h~d 9t!'YJc-rCl'("",. /~r,t;,rn?e>",~e <?r~ ~ ~,tt!!Jt::' /:~d. : 'onn Mo,et. 1963 7 (R .... ) . CI.",prj", 81t! G,illl -RP T',,"sluc_' .U I : I 'j ~ ... -'-- I ! .. ..; I I •• . i Ii .. 'I I I I. •• . , \ , I I ~1 -i w4 .. 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UI. ~ I I 1 NO ... ... lOt UIO I I ._ 1)00 "Ult"'" '''''.f' 61 .t.! 1!I~"t.-. tAILYArU MTlI': (\;.~ II .. , 'u, .... "., •.• , r-....... Arr •• ,_' I ..... .. , U . , .A- I , ., . :>. " , :: c F ' , .l ~ ~ --t . i-: ; !': +-~J . ; --t-4 ~ "'1 .. -!.. ~ ; + i -!...) t L ; +--~ I, I .---~-t- i 'j , -ti ~+-.:. ~ ... ~-' ~ ! . ~. • ~. ---. j . : '_'IIJ"'~ . , 1-· -T ~ , ...... ~ ___ -'-J-. ___ .~___'_+~- ! . 4f .--.. , + .. ; ~; . ; -+ 7 -t-' 'I "1. . ~ . ·1' ~. ~.:: f ' __ -E~._'~' .:.1~~... j t -.' : I . L. 1 ' , L ~ f : I ~~i: i .' .' " 1 '.' : -: ~!.~, : : -_~ : l' ;, -' ' . :.~ ~1':-' . ... . .. I-• -t--; r ~ r~-r ~ ! ;. ! I " l .. ~ ... ~-t. I; -<:~~~ . , ·1 -1 -•• -t-:-"-7 r- • -0. , • .. -. ....-... ~ 1 -.... .-. ... ~ : ",.: :-~.I 1,-~ -~ -.... -... ... .j --+ "; T" . " -, 1-+ -I~'H ; ,~, -.j -, j'1';' I ~'--'---',--- --I t ~. t -.. - : ~~ ... -\ t -r--+-4 ~ : -.. ' 1 I ' --. ----~.----i.---------1r----------. i-. , --4 --. .+ . ~j.-t-. i t i . _____ .. .10-+ _______ !... ____ . ____ ~ .. __ " __ . ____ t. ______ • -.,.' --------_ .. ~ ----------;- I '-1 ... -.: .. --I ,. < • -_ ... __ ....... _-.-------~--:---~~ CHART , FEDERAL POWER CO~IIMISSION REGiONAL OFF!CE 555 BATTERY STREET, ROOM 415 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFo 94111 Gordon H. Fernald, Jr., Chief Er.r;ineerinc; Division North Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers 210 Custon House Portland, Orecon 97209 Subject: Snettishem power values. Dear ?-1r. Fernald: Dec~ber IT, 1971 'We I, ReferrinG to your air l":'.:1il letter have updated power values estirrdted 1971 cost levels with the following of 24 Hovenbcr 1971 (HFDEil-HC) 1 for Snettisham Project to July results: Federal (3 1/3';~ interest) ( -~/)~. ) Federal ') j v,J interest Pri vate (S-}r';, cost of money) Capacity Value $I1~H-J'r 39 .. 99 46 .. 90 Energy Value rnills/kHh 9.91 9.91 9.91 'I~;cse vGlues nre l,uscd on cos ~s estir.:.:lted for an oil-fired, steam- electric) ccneratirl{j plant assll.":ed to be located in the cutskirts of Junc3u so tbnt no trGnsr::issicn is::'equired. Costs ,:ere estir.~;.ted on the l:o:::'s 0~'" Gil ~~3S~: . .'_<~ c!:r.\.;.:.~l c~:;-~.;city· i'oc'"vc!,"' of' 5~/:, ~uut "'e t~l.ic\'c thc-.:c rc~:..:..~ . .j"s C:::in 1:'2 t::( .. :1 rL.:JscY"i:,: ... ,ly C"l~2r D ru.;:~e oZ co}):!citJ ~"octcrG vnr.r':' ;,~ .fr0.:: rcr'.C;l):O 3') > to ,') ;~. '.i.he value~i i:1clucie a h:,;d.ro-.;; ;;.ca;1 capacity Bdjustmcnt of plus 5%0 Other dct:::!!];; of' the alternative steam-electric plont cost cstimnte is shm.;n in "the table attached.. F.ll"'ther im~orC'.ntion rec;arding the values c;::1 b~ cU:.::";licd if r:c:c<cd. Attechnent Pro",dinj{ (or Tomorrow's GO,1/s" 1970 'i !! " United States De:partment of the Interi('lr ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION IN REPLY REFER TO: 600 AIRMAIL District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Reference: I~PAEN-Cw Dear Sir: P. o. BOX 50 JUNE;AU. A ... ASKA ggeOl July 5, 1973 As requested by [llr. Weldon Opp of your office, we are fonvarding five copies of our July 1973 load forecast showing the power and energy requi rements for the Snettisham market area. Tile requi rements fo 11 o\'Ji ng the anti ci pated power-on-l ine date include project transmission system losses, station service, and project power use, Transmission line losses are estimated at 6 percent of the n~rket area load. Station service is estimatea at 75,000 K\,lh per month, or 1.000,000 klt/h per year, and project use is estimated at 250,000 kwh per iiionth, or 3,000,OUO kwh per year. You wi11 note a suustantial increase in the Juneau area loa~ for calellaar years 1974 and 'J975. This increase is due to the addition of the Capitol Building, an Edght-story apartment building, an eight-story Hilton hotel in lY74, and a new State Court Building in 1975, all of which are under construction. These additions were not considered in our January 1973 projection, but VJere mentioned in our letter of September 1971. These extra loads are estimated to have a peak demand of 4,30U h: and an energy requi rement at 18.~ million kwh per year, and are in addi~ion to the normal load growth for the Juneau area. iwm,al load gl"owth is estir,lateu at 9 percent annually. An additional factor justifyiing early availability of tt,e Crater Lake unit is the effect of tile current natiom'Jide fuel problerri. 2 The local utili1::y is concerned clDI)ut possible fuel delivery curtail- ment and cost increases. particul'lrly if Snettisham energy is delayed or limited. Also, with tne possibility of fuel shortages and pr; ce i licreases there could b= a move toward a ll-e 1 ectri c installations or conversions not contemplated heretofore. If you require additiona'j information, please feel free to call on us. Enclosures Sincerely yours, l (7)~ ( ,7/.' . U-e // • V. Hp(As ~~ Acting Administrator L/ POWER & ENlRGY REQUIREMENTS -SN~:TISHAM PROJECT -~ULY 1973 FORECAST Fiscal Year Calendar Year Energy t'1ergy Net Peak Load Factor Year KWH X 1000 KWH X 1 ;JOO K~~ % --"---_._,-------------,---------- 1 ~jbO 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 lY57 11 195b 1959 1960 1961 1962 1~63 1964 1965 1966 19U I :.l6B 1969 197() 19;1 2/ 1972 II 1973 1974 1 ~75 1976 1 SJ77 1978 1979 is:0U 198'j 1982 1983 1984 b85 1986 1087 1%6 1989 1990 14,bUG 16,450 lS,S50 20,400 22,000 23,350 23,500 23,(300 25,400 27.800 30,700 3J,SOU 35,950 39,250 43,350 45,900 4B ,900 ~1 ~ 'ISO 54~410 58 s 18U 62 sLUO 69 t 100 1'6,300 ~6~SOO 121 j 5C 10 135 & ~){j() 148.700 162,000 17'! ,(jUG 1b6~J()Ll 208 DUGl) 227~(jLJ0 '1..47,OUO 269»GdO 293,000 319 ~ 'JUt) 34i t(ji.jJ 37:!. rlU,)ij 411 ,OOU 447,000 1/ Siil passed fo'r Statehood. 2/ Actual record. H,,050 ;;~522 17.364 1:),771 21 .10[, ,2,913 23,810 23,193 2/j. .40L 26,437 29,156 3:~ .282 3,~, 712 Jl D 150 i.] ,527 43,472 4<3,283 ~,9 ,506 !)Z,791 56.029 6:) ,339 6~ ,600') /l,76!" 7),500 1 '1 3 ,600 L: l ,3U\J "i ~.~ :~ ~ ;j~.~ d ': 0) tOlL, i 6,.) 1 DC; ') 1 :.'3 ~Oj H,\GCU ;(, ] ,OIJ'J ~~'~ ,0(') CJ, t ,J 2GJ ~uG\) j;j),JCj 3~i~.UO'") 393 J Gl;~) 423.000 46) ,000 3,200 3.630 4.090 4,350 5,025 5,030 5,353 4,747 :),105 5,4fi5 5,837 7,150 7.0G6 9,O411, 9,424 10,003 10,859 10 9 510 11 .145 11 .820 13,0'lO '14,420 1 J ~4GO 11 ,; 30 2,1.400 ;:7 ,:J OU 30,400 33 s 000 36 (iOlj ,j:) I- ~,-'~ 7 ( "'i 't L jI; l \.)tJ 4 1),5:,;J J\.J • 6;~;O 55) 2')0 60 ,100 65 • (~UO 71 • :.:::)<) 77 .l:JO 84,9C:0 92, ;)UO 10J .£:00 'II Snetti~,ham Project in operat'ion C.:tC;;J2f of C.Y. '19/3. i.~-,(: -: el", 8stilijOtf'd a~' ,J, .. , 50.1 48.S 48.5 51.9 48.0 52.0 50.S 54.7 54.6 55.2 57.0 47.6 56,0 46.9 50.3 49.5 50.S 53.8 54.5 54.1 52.9 51. i 50.4 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 03.0 SJ.O 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53,0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0