HomeMy WebLinkAboutTenakee Springs Small Hydropower and Related Purposes Letter Report 1984--- --.. - - - - - - - NAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER AND RELATED PURPOSES LLETTER REPORT r:'Pr.'I I.;.:!:.:.I -US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Di~trict APRil. 1984 Tenakee Springs, Alaska Hydropower and Related Purposes Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment LETTER REPORT April 1984 Alaska District· U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 NPAEN-PL-P Anchorage, Alaska 99506 PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 OVERVIEW The Alaska District conducted a study of small hydroelectric potential for Tenakee Springs, Alaska. A Draft Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment was completed in September 1983. The selected hydropower plan was not economically feasible based upon an evaluation of the anticipated power demand, the cost of diesel fuel, the expected escalation of fuel prices, and the estimated cost of construction of a 265-kW project. This LETTER REPORT summarizes that evaluation and then explains recent changes which make hydropower even less competitive with diesel generation. SUMMARY The Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers investigated the feasibility of hydropower development for Tenakee Springs, Alaska, in response to a United States Senate Resolution dated 1 October 1976. The planning objective was to determine the technical and economic feasibility of developing hydroelectric power generation facilities that would replace the diesel power generators currently in use. Various combinations for hydropower development of both Harley Creek and Indian River were evaluated, including five different dam sites, four different dam heights, and six different power house locations. All alternatives were based on October 1983 price levels, an 8 1/8 percent annual interest rate and a 50-year period of analysis. Of the hydropower plans considered, the 265-kilowatt (kW) run-of-river hydroelectric facility on the Indian River with an annual energy capability of 1,870 megawatt-hours (MWh) was the most cost effective. This plan also incorporated a provision for a needed water supply system as well as fisheries mitigation. The estimated investment cost of this project, including water supply was $3,676,000. Potential benefits for the hydropower project included the cost of diesel fuel avoided, the savings in future fuel price increases, and the reduction in operations and maintenance costs. There are also water supply, recreational, and employment benefits. The project would not be economically feasible since the estimated costs exceeded the potential benefits. Thus, electricity produced by hydropower would be more expensive than electricity produced by a modernized diesel system. 1. Background a. Authority. Evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 October 1976 United States Senate Resolution, which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. b. Purpose and Objective. This letter report summarizes the plan background, formulation, costs, benefit analyses, and conclusions and recommendations of the Tenakee Springs Small Hydropower Study conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The objective of the study was to determine the technical and economic feasibility of hydroelectric pqwer generation development for the city of Tenakee Springs. c. Scope. Studies conducted for the evaluation of hydroelectric power generation at Tenakee Springs reflect the level of detail required for plan formulation evaluations of a general investigation feasibility study. Design, cost, and economic analyses of all plans were accomplished. Additionally, environmental evaluations of the two most cost effective hydropower plans were made and coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service. d. Area Location and Description. Tenakee Springs is located on Chichagof Island, the second largest island in the Alexander Archipalego of Southeast Alaska. Tenakee Springs is 50 air miles northeast of Sitka and 45 air miles southwest of Juneau (see Figure l)and has a population of approximately 141 people. Tenakee Springs is accessible by air or sea only. e. Coordination. Meetings and discussions were held with community leaders to determine current and future electrical needs for Tenakee Springs. Agency coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the U.S. Forest Service was accomplishea. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Planning Aid Letter and final Coordination Act (CA) Report were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The CA report is summarized in papagraph 4b. f. Needs. Tenakee Springs currently receives electricity from two 90-kilowatt diesel generators owned and operated by the city. Fuel oil is used for space heating, cooking and heating water. Several residents have also installed wood heaters in response to the rising fuel oil costs. Demand for electrical power is likely to increase in the near future due to both the increased efficiency of the new distribution system and the 2 / : ~~" I ';FE FIGIJR(.J ; t;;\~ '.' ' AT RIGrlT ~. I ~IJ .,Sj -". ' \~ .~ \ TENAKEE SPHINGS---- PACIFIC OCEAN o \ I SC.JII .n Wilts 100 TENAKEE SPRINGS ALASKA location & Vicinity Map FIGURE: I '"TJ ...... lC c: -s f1) N TENAKEE SPRINGS. ALASKA -+ --"----:-:0.:: __ I I \ I \ PoWE~HOUSE: " ,," ~ II u " II II " /" US. FOREST SERVICE HAUL ROAD " .s. ~' .:.. . ....... ~ , "'f'~~f I, I, " " " ~/~ • ... • #II .",'" •• , (f III " .+ INDIAN RIVER • .. .., • • ~ . • + .... .. Iff, fI' ,.. "" -It ....... n projected increases in population. The population of Tenakee Springs is estimated to increase by 6 to 8 percent annually for the remainder of the decade, decreasing to between 1 and 2 percent for 20 years and remaining stable thereafter. Because per capita electrical consumption in Tenakee Springs is well below the average of the rest of the communities in the Southeast Region, the opportunity for load growth in Tenakee Springs is great. Provision of a cheaper source of electricity would probably induce increased appliance use (e.g. washing machines and dryers). In addition, loads will grow as more homes are built, a 6,500-square-foot addition to the school is constructed, harbor improvements are made and reconstruction of the cold storage plant occurs. 2. Formulation of Alternatives a. General. Two nonstructural and nine structural energy alternatives were formulated, evaluated, and compared. Of these, only hydropower was reasonably competitive with continued reliance on diesel generation. Hydroelectric plan configurations studied included five potential dam locations, six potential powerhouse locations, nine different dam material designs (including several variations on height and width), and over two dozen combinations of hydroelectric plant capacity. This project was in the unique position of having more than the typical hydrologic and environmental data available for Alaskan studies, and less than the normal amount of economic data with which to formulate the optimum plant for the community. The Indian River gage provided 7 years of mean daily discharge. Prior to 1983, the community was able to furnish only an estimate of the total annual energy consumption but no monthly or daily records because the city consumers were unmetered. Potential project benefits were primarily based upon diesel fuel costs avoided and the reduction in operation, maintenance, and replacement costs. b. Hydropower. Harley Creek and Indian River were the drainages evaluated. Although an abandoned pelton wheel system had generated seasonal power, insufficient year-round flows ruled out economics of the former. Indian River offered up to 150 feet of head and reliable streamflows in excess of instream flow requirements for aquatic biota for all but about 43 days annually on the basis of 7 years of streamgage data. The 21.2-square mile drainage basin yields an estimated average annual runoff of about 150 cubic feet per second. A plant sized to use this much water would clearly exceed the anticipated needs of Tenakee Springs. c. Alternatives. The three prime development plans would take advantage of one or more cascades which, depending on the combination, would provide between 40 ana 100 feet of gross head and use up to 60 cubic feet per second of the available streamflow. Indian River flows through a steep canyon in the lower reaches where hydroelectric potential would be realized. Access and civil works development through the rock canyon would be very expensive and difficult for a small project. The sites selected for detailed evaluation were in the upper part of the canyon 5 where these construction problems would be minimized. The uppermost site would provide the most energy for the least cost. This plan would also easi ly accommodate a water supply system and have the least impact on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. 3. Plan Selected a. Plan Selected for Consideration. This plan consists of a rock filled log crib diversion structure 7 feet tall and 90 feet wide located about one mile upstream from tidewater. A 265-kW unit would be housed in a 20 X 20-foot wood frame building a half mile downriver. A 7.2 kV transmission line about 3/4 mile long would connect with the 7.2 kV city distribution system near the boat harbor (Figure 2). b. Primary construction access would follow an existing heavy duty dirt road which begins at a log dump about 2 miles east of the city. A short spur from this road would lead to the dam. A penstock installation access trail would be cut into the hillside rock along the opposite river bank. The planned penstock would consist of 2000 feet of 42-inch diameter high density polyethelene pipe and 400 feet of steel pipe. The plastic pipe would be mounted above ground on railroad ties and about 250 feet of the steel pipe would be buried. The powerhouse would be constructed using this 18-foot wide penstock trail and a 10-foot wide cat trail along side the transmission line to the community. c. The power potential and costs for this plan were developed based on the selection of a single 265-kW horizontal francis type turbine. The low available head (net = 71 feet) precludes use of an impulse type turbine. Although other types of turbines would work, they were not evaluated in detail when it became apparent that the structural costs were the critical cost element and low demand was the critical economic constraint. d. The hydroelectric plan would have the average annual potential to be in operation all but 43 days. The hydroelectric system could operate at design (52 cfs) a maximum of 250 days of the year. The remainder of the year the plant would able to operate at less than the 265 kilowatt capacity. The annual plant factor would be about 81 percent. Gross maximum potential would be about 1,870,000 kWh and usable AAE energy would be about 776,300 kWh annually. The total hydroelectric project cost including interest during construction would be about $294,000 annually to recover the initial capital investment. e. Water supply plans were evaluated also. Gravity feed designs proved infeasible so a pumped project was included taking advantage of an intake near the tailrace and a pump inside the powerhouse operating off station service. The limited needs of the town could be satisfied at a cost of about $41,000 annually for a conduit which could follow the alignment of the transmission line. The water supply system could operate year-round. 6 .. 4. Draft Interim Report Evaluation of the Selected Plan a. During the study several load growth scenarios were formulated. The mid-range scenario used for analysis assumed an average annual equivalent (AAE) usable energy from the plant of 776,300 kWh. The average annual equivalent demand was estimated to be 928,400 kWh indicating a need for 153,100 kWh of additional diesel generated power AAE. Usable energy is less than the community demand because low streamflows during several months of the year limit hydropower production. b. The environmental cost associated with the plan could be mitigated for about $5,000 annually. Indian River has minor salmon runs below the project area, but has tremendous potential rearing habitat above the project. The mitigation plan called for transplanting fry, hatchery raised from eggs of silver salmon stripped at the mouth of the river, to pools upstream of the diversion structure. There would be no significant impacts on the rest of the project as long as eagle nests were avoided and at least 10 cfs released below the diversion structure during low flow periods. c. Based on the cost estimated in Table 1, the project has a hydroelectric benefit to cost ratio (BCR) of 0.71 and an overall BCR of 0.84 when water supply benefits and costs are included. Table 1 Estimated Project Costs---Hydropower Only Mobilization $ 260,000 Lands and Access 145,000 Diversion and Intake 281,000 Penstock 841,000 Powerhouse 513,000 Transmission 148,000 Contingencies 437,000 Engineering Design Supervision & Administration 394,000 First Cost 3,019,000 Interest During Construction 240,000 Total Investment Cost $3,259,000 Annual cost $ 269,000 Mitigation 5,000 Operations, Maintenance, and Replacement 20,000 Total Annual Cost $ 294,000 d. These costs could not be recovered by the displacement of fuel at $1.37 per gallon escalated according to the 1982 Data Resources Institute (DRI) rates of increase. Total energy benefits were estimated to be 7 $208,000 annually. This is the sum of fuel displacement benefits, the avoidance of escalating fuel costs, and reduced operations, maintenance, and replacements costs. Recreational use benefits and increased employment benefits are additional non-energy credits. The benefit from water is treated as equal to the cost of providing the water supply, $41,000 annually. No fisheries enhancement benefits were claimed because the hydroelectric plan was not justified, therefore no enhancement plan was finalized, in accordance with current policy. Also, the fisheries plan appears capable of implementation without a hydropower project, even though each would mutually benefit the other. Table 2 Project Benefit Categories Diesel Costs Avoided Fuel Cost Escalation Reauced 0 & M and Extended Life ••• Subtotal Water Supply Employment Fisheries Enhancement Recreat ion TOTAL 5. UPDATED EVALUATION a. The following discussion, as stated in the summarizes the changes and their consequences. reflected in the Draft Report, but provide the update. $107,000 64,000 37,000 208,000 41,000 32,000 -zero- 1,000 281,000 overview, briefly These changes are not current study status Upon completion of the study in September 1983, the Corps learned in October and November: .that 12 months of metered data compiled by the city indicated lower than expected electricity use, .that the community was paying a reduced rate for fuel, .that the DRI fuel cost escalation rates changed. b. Decrease in Oemand Estimate. A review of Figure 3 of this letter report illustrates the effect of the change in energy demand estimates between the time the Interim Draft Report load forecasts were prepared (1981) and when the forecasts were revised upon receipt of meter records of generation. The original demand estimate called for a requirement of 652,560 kWh in 1986 grOWing to 1,441,230 kWh by the end of period 2036. The average annual equivalent (AAE) of this demand was about 928,400 kWh. For this same period, the hydroelectric plan offered a potential usable AAE energy of 776,300 kWh. 8 E N E R G Y D E M '.0 A N D I N M • H ~l ..... J ·os "i) ,.-) 1.5 ENERGY DEMAND ESTIMATES FOR TENAKEE SPRINGS 1980 -2036 POL 1986. 50 YR LIFE ---DEMAND USED IN THE DRAFT PREPARATION ----USABLE ENERGY OF THE DRAFT MODEL 1.25 -.. -NElLY REPORTED DEMAND 1 ----------------------.. -------.. - --------------- ------------0.75 0.5 0.25 o 1980 I .. , .. -, ~ -" -" 1990 -.. -- -" - 2000 -" ------ 2010 YEAR ------------ 2020 2030 '. 1 0 0 0 ~ K C) U H 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 o ESTIMATED ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION BY MONTH Old Scenario versus Current View or Growth UPDATED DEMAND 1983 UPDATED DEMAND BY 2010 DRAFT DEMAND FOR 1983 DRAFT DEMAND BY 2010 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUH JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC The data received in November 1983 reduced the estimated AAE demand to about 555,000 kWh. The projected 1983 power demand was 11 percent below previous estimates. Also, fewer homes are being added to the system and/or planned for construction in the near future than had been predicted in the Draft Report. The anticipated expansion of the boat harbor has been delayed and commericial demand is lagging that previously predicted. Furthermore, the summer peak power demand anticipated during preparation of the Draft Report does not appear to be materializing as shown in Figure 4. September now appears to be the peak month followed by December. This decrease in expected summer demand makes hydropower less practical because much of the available flow is not needed for power generation. The combined effect of these factors and the compounding of projections for a 50-year period of analysis has reduced expected power demand by 30 percent compared with that originally predicted for year 2036. This change is the difference between the top and bottom curve of Figure 3. Accordingly, the maximum usable energy for the newly reported demand situation WOUld be the lower curve of Figure 3, or the demand itself. In most years, the actual usable energy would be somewhat less because low streamflows during dry periods limit hydroelectric'generation to less than required by consumers. The decrease from 776,300 kWh to 555,000 kWh of AAE energy production would make hydropower much less attractive than diesel generation. Savings in reduced diesel fuel use and lower operation and maintenance costs would be less than previously estimated. Using the same estimated construction cost, the benefit-to-cost ratio would be significantly below the 0.84 reported in the Draft Report; which means the project as defined is not economically feasible. c. Decrease in Fuel. A 1982 diesel fuel cost of $1.37 per gallon was used in the study. However, the cost to Tenakee Springs utility had decreased to $1.21 in September 1983. This decreased the cost of diesel generation about 3 cents per kilowatt-hour making hydropower even less attractive. The table below shows how estimated fuel prices would change with the updated fuel costs and the new escalation rates. Table 3 Fuel Escalation Rates and Equivalent Costs Updated Previously Cost per Projected Years DR! Rates Year Gallon Cost ~er ga 11 on 1983-1985 0.59 percent 1983 $1 .21 $1.37 1986-1990 6.12 percent 1990 1.65 1.66 1991-1995 3.98 percent 2000 2.31 2.27 1996-2000 2.86 percent 2013 2.65 3.33 2001-2013 1.07 percent 11 6. CONCLUSIONS Based on the updated economic analysis the selected Federally-sponsored hydropower projected as defined does not appear economically feasible for Tenakee Springs at this time. The benefit-to-cost ratio would be significantly below 0.8. Thus~ continued use of modernized diesel generation appears to be the only reasonable option until demand increases or a more innovative penstock installation technology is available. New diesel generators with higher fuel efficiencies should be considered by the city. Fisheries enhancement measures for Indian River should be investigated. No further study by the Corps of Engineers appears warranted at this time. 12 (A copy of the detailed Draft is available upon request~ if not attached.) TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER AND RELATED PURPOSES INTERIM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT September 1983 SUMMARY The development of alternative energy sources to replace the use of nonrenewable resources, such as oil and gas, has assumed great importance in recent years. In many isolated Alaskan communities, the reliance on previously inexpensive diesel fuel for electrical generation has caused electricity rates to more than double. Tenakee Springs, located in southeast Alaska, currently receives electricity from two 90-kilowatt (kW) diesel generators. Rising fuel prices have more than tripled the cost of electricity in Tenakee Springs, from 11.1 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in July 1979 to 42 cents per kWh in August 1983. This study considered various alternatives to either supplement or replace diesel generation. Of those, only hydropower appears to have the capability to reduce Tenakee Springs· reliance on diesel for electrical generation. However, hydropower would not totally eliminate the use of diesel. During times of low streamflow, typically in January, February, March, and August, diesel generation would be needed. The average cost of a hydro-plus-diesel system is estimated to be greater than the cost of the existing plant or the new diesel plant alone. The plan studied consists of a new 265-kW run-of-river hydroelectric facility on the Indian River with an annual energy capability of 1,870 MWh. This plan incorporates a provision for a needed water supply as well as fisheries mitigation. Overall annual project benefits of $281,000 yield a benefit-to-cost ratio of 0.84 to one under the most reasonable assumptions. Total project first cost including water supply is $3,676,000. No further Corps of Engineers studies of Indian River hydroelectric development at Tenakee Springs are planned at this time because cost of construction and operation are not shown to be recoverable, and a project would not be competitive with diesel generation. GENERAL DATA Installed Capacity Number of Units Type of Turbine PERTINENT DATA SHEET TENAKEE SPRINGS Average Annual Energy (maximum) Estimated Usable Energy (1986) Estimated Usable Energy (2000) Average Annual Equivalent Usab1~ Energy Average Annual Equivalent Demand Dependable Capa~ity 100-Year Flood Design Flow Gross Head Des i gn Head Penstock Diameter Penstock Length Dam Height 265 kW one Horizontal Francis 1,870,000 kWh 524,600 kWh 692,200 kWh 776,300 kWh 928,400 kWh none 5,670 cfs 52 cfs 80 feet 71 feet 42 Inch 2,400 feet 7 feet ECONOMIC DATA (October 1983 Price Level, 8-1/8 Percent Interest) HYDROPOWER Project First Cost Project Investment Cost Annual OM&R Cost Annual Cost of Mitigation Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit Cost Ratio Total Estimated Energy Cost WATER SUPPLY Project First Cost Project Investment Cost Annual OM&R Cost Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefit Net Tangible Annual Benefit Benefit Cost Ratio Total First Cost Total Investment Cost Total Annual Project Cost Total Annual Benefits Total Annual Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement and Mitigation Costs i $3,011 ,000 3,251,000 20,000 5,000 294,000 208,000 (86,000) 0.71 To 1.0 $0.38 per kWh $301,000 425,000 5,000 41,000 41,000 o 1.0 to 1. 0 $3,312,000 $3,676,000 $335,000 249,000 30,000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary Pertinent Data Sheet List of Figures List of Tables INTRODUCTION 1 • 1 AUTHOR ITY 1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS 1.4 STUDIES OF OTHERS AREA PROFILE 2. 1 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2.2 REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2.3 ENERGY USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITY STATEMENTS 3.1 LOCAL POWER SUPPLY 3.2 WATER SUPPLY . 3.3 FISHERIES OPPORTUNITIES 3.4 SUMMARY OF THE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS PLAN FORMULATION 4. 1 OBJECTIVES 4.2 PLANNING ACCOUNTS POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES 5. 1 NONSTRUCTURAL 5.2 STRUCTURAL ENERGY ALTERNATIVES 5.3 WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES PLAN SELECTION 6. 1 COMPARISON OF PLANS 6.2 RATIONALE FOR SELECTING A PLAN 6.3 RATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF NED PLAN 7.1 Overview of the Tentatively Selected Plan 7.2 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 7.3 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION CONCLUS IONS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT i i iv v 1 1 1 2 5 11 13 19 29 3() 31 35 35 36 37 45 46 49 52 53 59 59 62 TABLE OF NOMENCLATURE AND DEFINITIONS APPENDIXES APPENDIX A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS APPENDIX B CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT APPENDIX C SECTION 404(b)(1) SUMMATION APPENDIX D RELEVANT CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX E INDIAN RIVER FLOW DURATION CURVES APPENDIX F INDIAN RIVER POWER DURATION CURVES APPENDIX G USFWS COORDINATION ACT REPORT ; ; i FIGURES 1. Location and Vicinity Map 2. Regional Employment 3. Indian River Basin 4. Residential Electrical Expenses 5. Energy Demand Plot 6. Preliminary Plant Size Optimization 7. Average Daily Streamflow of the Indian River T-1. Indian River Suspended Sediment T-2. Estimated Peak Annual Discharges T-3. Probable Maximum Flood T-4. Annual Power Duration and Demand Plot T-5. Estimated Average Annual Energy Distribution T-6. Energy Allocation in Tenakee Springs, Alaska PLATES 1. Project Site Map 2. Geology 3. Dam Plan, Profile and Intake Structure 4. Penstock Plan and ·Profi1e 5. Powerhouse Plan, Profile and Section 6. Water Supply System 7. Transmission Line 8. Single Line Diagram 9. Schedule TABLES 1. Population 2. Population Composition and Age Distribution iv Page 4 8 10 15 26 50 56 T-6 T-9 T-10 T-13 T-14 Page 5 5 TABLES (cont.) 3. 1980 Residential Energy Use in Various Alaskan Communities 16 4. Average Monthly Household Energy Consumption 16 5. Gross Generation and Estimated Distribution 21 6. Summary of Electrical Conditions 22 7. Diesel Generation Conversion Rates at Various Alaskan Towns 23 8. Load Scenarios for Power-On-Line 1986 25 9. Load Forecast Models for Tenakee Springs 30 10. Diesel Alternative Capacity Cost Analysis 33 11. Fuel Escalation R~tes 34 12. Preliminary Assessment of Hydropower Plans 49 13. Plant Size Optimization 50 14. Average Periods of Operation 56 15. A Partial Listing of Contacts and Coordination During Report 59 Preparation 16. Comparison of Alternatives 64 T-l Indian River Basin Characteristics T-2 T-2 Climatologic Records for Tenakee Springs T-4 T-3 Local Water Quality T-5 T-4 Indian River Flows Calculated from Forest Service Regression T-8 Fonnul ae T-5 Usable Energy From A 265-kW Hydroelectric Unit T-15 T-6 Preliminary Comparison of Dam Designs T-22 T-7 Preliminary Penstock Materials Selection T-29 T-8 Water Supply Cost Estimate T-41 T-9 Separable Hydropower Project Costs T-47 T-10 Period Energy Sources EA-l Relationship to Environmental Requirements EA-2 Effects of the Preferred Plan on Resources of Principal National Recognition v T-52 INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORITY The evaluation of small scale hydroelectric systems was authorized by a United States Senate Resolution dated 1 October 1976. That resolution directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated communities throughout Alaska. The full text of the resolution reads as follows: RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, that the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors be, and is hereby requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on Rivers and Harbors in Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 414, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Southeastern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 501, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 34, 85th Congress, 1st Session; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 182, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, Tanana River Basin, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 137, 84th Congress, 1st Session; Southwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 390, 84th Congress, 2nd Session; Northwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 99, 86th Congress, 1st Session, Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 218, 88th Congress, 2nd Session; and other pertinent reports, with a view to determining the advisability of modifying the existing plans with particular reference to the feasibility of installing 5 MW or less prepackaged hydroelectric plants to service isolated-communities. 1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY Faced in April 1980 with an obsolete electrical system and high operating costs, the community of Tenakee Springs requested the Corps of Engineers to conduct a small hydroelectric feasibility study of Harley Creek and the Indian River. This report describes and evaluates the past, present, and future roles of alternative energy sources in the social and economic structure of Tenakee Springs. The study also includes evaluations of potential water supply and salmonid fishery developments. 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS Responsibility for this study was shared by the Alaska District and North Pacific Division of the Corps of Engineers. Pertinent drainage basin information was contributed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and Geological Survey. The Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, the State Department of Fish and Game, and the State Historical Preservation Office also provided assistance as did the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association, the Alaska Power Administration, the Bureau of Land Management, the Alaska Department of Labor, and the Alaska Power Authority. Especially important was the contribution of the residents of Tenakee Springs. Coordination has been conducted with the USFS and will continue throughout continued planning and engineering and project construction to insure that a memorandum of understanding is prepared and followed regarding implemen- tation of the plan on national forest land. 1.4 STUDIES OF OTHERS The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations MAP-I-388 (1963) "Reconnaissance Geology Map of Chichagof Island and Northwestern Baranof Island, Alaskan and USGS Professional Paper 792 (1975) "Reconnaissance Geology of Chighagof, Baranof, and Kruzof Islands, Southeastern Alaskan were used. The Tongass National Forest Land Management Plan (LMP), prepared by the U.S. Forest Service in 1979, is important to the community because part of the Federal lands bordering the town were transferred to the State and the City of Tenakee Springs according to the provisions of the Alaska Statehood Act. This LMP covers the activities of the region which directly and indirectly influence the economy of Tenakee Springs. The State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveying has researched and mapped southeastern Alaska hotsprings, including Tenakee Springs. The State Divison of Energy and Power Development (DEPD) drilled test wells at Tenakee Springs in 1981 in search of a geothermal heat source for space heating of community buildings. Adequate reservoirs and temperatures were not located. A study by the Corps of Engineers evaluated the potential for construction of a breakwater at Tenakee Springs. Another Corps' study concerned p connecting Tenakee Inlet and Port Fredrick Narrows by cutting through Chichagof Island. Neither of these studies, conducted between 1945 and 1975, proved feasible. U.s. Fish and Wildlife Service and Forest Service surveys have identified the upper Indian River to be one'of southeastern Alaska's best unestablished salmon spawning and rearing habitats. Natural barriers presently prohibit upstream migration of fish. Tenakee Springs was included in a 1979 Corps report entitled Regional Inventory and Reconnaissance Study for Small Hydropower Sites in Southeast Alaska. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' October 1981 Preliminary State Transportation Policy Plan assessed transportation needs throughout the State. Improvements proposed at Tenakee Springs include a $1,000,000 reconstruction of the breakwater and float facilities, a $500,000 Alaska Marine Ferry transfer terminal, a $7,000,000 airport, and a $1,000,000 seaplane float expansion and reconstruction project. 2 In February 1982, the Alaska Power Authority (APA) conducted an assessment of the electrical distribution system at the request of the community and the State Legislature prior to seeking funding for necessary improvements. The first phase of a renovation plan was completed by a $200,000 grant. Expansion of the system is anticipated by 1990. This and other APA studies provided comparative information used to develop growth projections for Tenakee Springs. The Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Community Planning contracted the preparation of a photomosaic base map of Tenakee Springs. Completed in September 1982, the map will be used to plat subdivisions, rights-of-way, and other land lines for a community land use plan. The Tenakee Springs City Council hired Quadra Engineering, Inc., in December 1982 to conduct a water supply feasibility study before filing for a legislative or a Rural Development Agency (RDA) grant/loan. 3 o 100 210 300 5c ... , Mil •• Sf( FIGUII(~ 1 AT RIGHT I I -{ TENAKEE __ .... , ..... -.:L.' SPRINGS PACIFIC OCEAN .. o t 5<olol.WU .. 100 TENAKEE SPRINGS ALASKA location & Vlclnlt~ Map AI ..... 0 .. " Ie I COtP, 0' Engln ..... FIGURE I 2. 1 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2. 1. 1 LOCATION AREA PROFILE Tenakee Springs is located on Chichagof Island, the second largest island in the Alexander Archipa1ego of Southeast Alaska. Tenakee Springs is 50 air miles northeast of Sitka and 45 air miles southwest of Juneau (Figure 1). 2.1.2 POPULATION Historically, Tenakee Springs has grown about one percent a year except during the cannery years when the population increased to 350. The 1982 permanent population was 141 as reported by the mayor in July. The Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs provided the data contained in Tables 1 and 2. YEAR 1982" 1981 1980 1970 1960 1950 TABLE 1 popULATION TOTAL 141 132 138 86 109 140 The permanent population has not changed significantly over the 30-year period. However, the community experiences a seasonal increase in population during the summer as summer residents, tourists and loggers arrive. Population for this 3-month period may rise to 200. Since 1950, the population has changed little in composition. Caucasions account for 92 percent of the total with the balance composed of Alaska Natives. The male to female ratio has remained relatively constant. 1980 Pop.% Total 138 100 1970 86 Pop.% 100 Male 72 52 49 57 TABLE 2 POPULATION COMPOSITION AND AGE DISTRIBUTION Female 66 48 37 43 5 White 127 92 76 88 Black 1 1 o o Alaskan Native 10 7 10 12 under 5 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65 and over 1980 Total 5 20 14 49 19 31 Pop.% 4 14 10 36 14 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1970 Total Pop.% 3 3 7 8 4 5 16 19 33 38 23 27 Tenakee Springs is considered a retirement community. The 1980 median age of 33 for the city's citizens is somewhat higher than the 1980 statewide median of 26.1 years. However, comparing this figure to the 1970 median of 57 years, it is evident that the city's population has become considerably younger. The most dramatic changes have been the tripling of the 15-44 age group and the halving of the 45-64 age group. This change came about as a result of an influx of younger families during the 1970's. 2.1.3 GOVERNMENT AND SERNICES Tenakee Springs was incorporated as a second class Alaskan city in 1971. The government is composed of a seven member city council and a five member city planning commission. The city council holds public meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month. Regular elections are held on the first Tuesday in October of each year. The duties of the council generally concern overseeing the local services, which are supported by State revenue sharing entitlements, $24,743 in 1981, and a one percent sales tax on tobacco, liquor and fuel. Police The city has a part-time Chief of Police and a full-time State funded Village Public Safety Officer. Fire The community has a part-time Fire Chief and assistant Fire Chief. There are no full-time fire-fighters, but, because the population is small, a crisis effectively volunteers the entire town under the guidance of department heads. The fire station is well equipped and is serviced by a new pumper-tank truck that the city council recently purchased. There is no hydrant system due to the lack of a community water system. Therefore, the pumper truck draws water from surrounding creeks or, most often, from hoses placed in the inlet. Education Tenakee Springs has two one-room school houses that are located next to each other. The school is administered by the Regional Educational Authority and serves 21 primary grade students, kindergarten through the eighth grade. In addition, the township has four correspondent secondary school students, tenth through twelfth grade. One full-time teacher is present year-round and a second teacher is in the community for half of the year. Both teachers stay in an apartment annexed on to the new school building. 6 Health The community has recently completed construction of a health care center. The center is capable of handling regular and emergency medical care needs. The facility is staffed by a full-time health aide; two public nurses and a physical therapist visit the city twice monthly. The facility is available to physicians and other medical practitioners staying in the city during the summer fishing months. Cases that require treatment not available in Tenakee Springs are flown to Juneau or to the native hospital in Sitka. Communications The city has six telephones, one each located in the Snyder Mercantile building, the school, the public service building, the bathhouse, city hall and the health center. Television is relayed by satellite and the two receivable radio stations are broadcast from Juneau and Sitka, respectively. Transportation Tenakee Springs joined the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System in 1978. The ferry picks up foot passengers going to Sitka once a week each Friday night and returns for foot passengers traveling to Juneau each Saturday night. The township has no roads or motor vehicles except for a few all terrain vehicles, the small fire pumper, and one fuel oil delivery truck. Thus, transportation to and from Tenakee Springs is restricted to air and water modes. Small fishing and pleasure craft frequently dock or refuel at the small boat harbor. A regularly scheduled mailplane on floats will carry passengers who choose not to charter available small float planes. Other A Juneau attorney serves under contract as the city·s legal advisor. A Juneau civil engineer, with a Tenakee home, is the city·s consulting engineer. A full-time public works director manages a part-time staff to provide snow removal, dock maintenance, building maintenance, and street and trail improvements. An aluminum recycling program is sponsored by the volunteer fire department. The city provides library service on weekends and has two part-time librarians. The Senior Center is jointly sponsored by the city and Catholic Community Services. 2.1.4 ECONOMY Figure 2 illustrates the 1976 average proportions of employment for the Chathanl area of Southeast Alaska. The Chatham area is described in the 1977 Tongass Land Management Plan (LMP) as including Haines, Skagway, Yakutat, Tenakee, Sitka, Angoon, and the smaller communities in their vicinities. Little specific census related or precise economic data is available for the community of Tenakee Springs. The number in brackets indicates the percent of the population dependent on a nonsubsistance income. The 1980 Census indicates a regional per capita income of about $8,400; the statewide average was $11,152 and the national average was $8,781. A precise number is not available for Tenakee Springs but per capita income is estimated at between $5,000 and $6,000. 7 OTHER 1776= 32.56~o GOVERNMENT OR GOVT. INDUCED 1624 a 29.ncyo Figure 2 Regional Employment LOGGING 1055= 19.34% TOURISM 2OO=3.67~o Total Population 12,039 Total Employment 5,455 Projected 1990 change: Up 36 percent Commercial fishing and fish processing constitute about 10 percent of the total panhandle region's employment. In 1968, the Tenakee Springs docks moored 26 fishing and commercial vessels and 40 pleasure craft. The Corps' harbor study, cited in Section 1.4, noted that 100 transient craft refueled or berthed for the fishing season. At that time, Totem Seafood crab cannery and Panhandle Seafoods were the local purchasers (Figure 2). Prior to local logging in the mid 1970's, crabbing and fishing followed retirement and subsistance as predominant lifestyles. Fishing forecasts are closely keyed to continued private and governmental enhancement efforts, maintenance of the limited entry program, which places quotas on the number of fishing vessels, and technologic improvements in the processing sector. The natural beauty of the southeast draws thousands of international tourists each year. Tourism accounts for three percent of the regional employment. Many visit the Tenakee Springs hot springs and others photograph, hunt, fish and hike on Chichagof Island. In 1978, 752 passengers traveled to Tenakee Springs from eight cities of origin in Southeast Alaska; 640 were from Juneau and 88 from Sitka. Tourism will continue to playa role in the regional economy if discretionary income and leisure time are available. The Snyder Mercantile Company recently doubled its overnight cabin space from three to six units and plans further expansion. 8 Regionally, the logging industry employs 14 percent of the employees. Ninety-five percent of the harvest is exported (1/2 to Japan) as either pulp or cants. Provisions of the Tongass LMP call for a 50-year harvest of 4.97 billion board feet (Bbf) in the vicinity of Tenakee Springs, with 280 million board feet (Mbf) cut between 1976 and 1981. The first phase of logging in the Indian River basin was completed 31 December 1981, and is scheduled to resume 1 January 1996. The regional logging industry responds to national construction new starts and import quotas set by other nations. On 15 April 1982 the Japanese owned Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company (ALP) closed five of its camps, including the Tenakee Springs-Corner Bay Camp (Figure 3). The local impact of this closure has not yet been determined. The camp is scheduled to resume operation in 1983 for work adjacent to Tenakee Springs. 2.1.5 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT General In 1975, the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs reported that over 40 percent of Tenakee Springs residents received Social Security and that per capita income was much lower than the statewide average. Despite this economic base, the majority of the residents have actively chosen residence in Tenakee Springs and have sought its particular lifestyle. Employment opportunities for those not living on retirement income seem to have been erratic over the past decade with some opportunities in timber, fishing and fish processing and the local retail trade. Arts and crafts cottage industries have become increasingly important as a means of support for the younger and highly educated families. Subsistence pursuits are very important through both necessity and choice. After the demise of the fishing industry, which was important in the early half of the century, the recreation consumer remained the town's most stable economic resource. Tenakee Springs' residents frequently express preference for their present lifestyle which depends on isolation, simplicity and enjoyment of their natural surroundings. Activities, such as logging, which threaten community cohesion and isolation through increased population and potential danger to subsistence and commercial fishing, have intially induced strong protest from Tenakee Springs residents. Key concerns of the residents recorded in the Tongass LMP include limiting the sights and sounds of further logging development, protection of key streams and estuaries, no road connections to other communities, and no new logging camps. Some Tenakee Springs residents do work in the timber industry, however, and the camps do provide income to local retail business and children for the school, so the timber industry has supplied some economic and social stability to the community. 9 0 z 2 » z ::u < 1"'1 :u 0 ::u » z !) ". OJ » en z " '" .... :::::::::::::::::::::::: .. Sar.em Oeg. I o I :,u;~ ... ::.:. .. . . .. . . y!!!!!!= e k2iEI:Jln Change The residents of Tenakee Springs value the preservation of their retirement, subsistence, and recreational lifestyle. They have expressed a desire to reduce their dependency on foreign oil, conserve their local resources, and preserve or improve their local economy. They acknowledge the inevitable growth of the city on a personal level as they watch the numbers of children grow. A decade ago there were only 6 children in Tenakee Springs. As a community, they have recognized impending growth by planning an efficient municipal generation system. They have encouraged access to their town by constructing a public dock, heliport, urging small boat harbor expansion, adding a ferry stop and by considering improvements for air traffic. These and other actions are tangible evidence that Tenakee Springs is a dynamic community, but one whose development is actively guided by recognition of its quiet history. There appears to be no objection by most residents to orderly development, and the Planning and Zoning Commission plays an exceptionally strong role in this community. There is objection, however, to any sharp increase in development activity which would result in adverse social impacts. Basically people desire a moderate, careful approach with emphasis on maintaining the natural environment. Visual intrusion of industrial development would depreciate peop1e 's enjoyment of their town. Sharp population increases that would place a burden on local services, housing and subsistence resources would be particularly worrisome. Social change will accompany population, economic, and energy growth in Tenakee Springs. Quite likely, a modest fishing industry will be revived. The DOT-PF predicts the need for a 40-boat capacity harbor expansion. Harbor designs sent to the Governor have prompted his recommendation to include Tenakee in the next transportation bond plan. Crab, salmon, and bottomfish harvests from adjacent waters will enhance the local economy. Boats now traveling to Angoon, Hoonah, and Pelican could instead sell or store their catches and purchase their supplies at Tenakee Springs. This added income could induce the purchase of new appliances and amenities. Installation of nonfossi1 fuel energy alternatives at Tenakee Springs could reallocate fossil fuel to other productive portions of their economy and lifestyle. 2.2 REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2.2.1 GEOGRAPHY Tenakee Springs is located in southeastern Alaska. The region is dominated by a large group of islands which parallels the mainland for 300 miles between Dixon Entrance on the south and Icy Strait to the north. Collectively the islands are the Alexander Archipelago. Six islands have areas exceeding 1,000 square miles. Chichagof Island, the location of the study area, is the second largest with an area of 2,062 square miles or the size of Delaware. 11 2.2.2 CLIMATE Southeastern Alaska is under the general influence of the cyclonic Alaska Current, which creates maritime precipitation and temperature patterns east of the Gulf of Alaska. Easterly moving moisture-laden air masses typically cause about 80 inches of precipitation annually at sea level and more than 120 inches in the mountains. Yearly snowfalls total about 130 inches. Persistant southeasterly breezes may develop into 40 knot storm winds with 5-to 6-foot seas. The mean diurnal tidal range is about 14 feet. Significant variation in local weather patterns away from the coastline can be attributed to orographic influences. Overall, temperatures average about 62 degrees F in the summer and 33 degrees F in the winter. 2.2.3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The scenic rugged Alexander Archipelago reflects the convergence of the North Pacific and Continental tectonic plates of the earth's crust. Major fault zones create the Tenakee Inlet and Chatham Strait. Minor faults are evidenced by smaller lineal features such as the Indian River basin (Figure 3). Southwest of this fault, between the river and the community, are ridges of igneous composition. The mountains to the northeast of the river are quaternary limestones that were downthrust along this nearly vertical fault. Pleistocene alpine glaciers enlarged the river basins of the island and left a mantle of unconsolidated sediments over the metamorphic marbles and gneisses along the faults. Geothermal aquifers are captured in the disturbed porous formations along some faults and the beach where marine deposits have sealed the fault breaks. 2.2.4 ~EGIONAL BIOLOGY The continuous coastal temperate rainforest of Southeast Alaska is the most dominating feature distinguishing Southeast from the rest of Alaska. This old growth forest rises from sea level to 2,500 to 3,000 feet. Species diversity is reduced with latitude; only 9 conifer and 22 broad1eaf species attain tree size. Commercially harvested western hemlock, Alaska cedar, and Sitka spruce forests located on well drained soils cover most of the non-alpine island areas. In lower, less well drained areas, muskeg and sedge meadows dot the landscape. A variety of understory species vegetate slopes and low areas, dominated by ferns, berries, and devils club. The forest provides habitat for b1acktai1 deer, varying hare, brown bear and several bird species, including eagles, blue grouse, ptarmigan, and songbirds. The fish and wildlife resouces of the area rivaled the forests as inducement for settlement and exploitation. The abundant and easily accessible salmon runs, fur bearing land and marine mammals, whales, and bottomfish have been important in both native and contemporary cultures. The five species of Pacific salmon found are: pink (humpback), chum (dog), sockeye (red), chinook (king), and coho (silver). Halibut, rockfish, king crab, dungeness crab, and several varieties of shrimp and clams are still much sought by local residents, as well as by commercial fisherman. Waterfowl are abundant throughout the area, particularly during the periods of migration between northern nesting and southern wintering areas. Hunters enjoy fine shooting in many bays and tidal flats. The Sitka black-tailed deer and the brown bear are the major big-game species on Chichagof Island. 12 The fish and wildlife resources of Southeast Alaska have gone through four distinct phases of utilization (Federal Field Committee 1968): (1) the aboriginal phase--oriented primarily toward marine resources, easily harvested, with negligible drain on productivity; (2) the exploration and colonization phase--the heavy hunting of sea otter, to the point of extinction on Southeast Alaska; (3) the commercial fishery phase--from 1878 when the first salmon canneries were built to the dramatic exploitation and depletion of the salmon resouce; and (4) the recent developmental phase--hunting and fishing for recreational interests have become very important, although commercial fishing and subsistence hunting still continue. 2.2.5 REGIONAL ANTHROPOLOGY Before the European American settlement of the town of Tenakee Springs in the late nineteenth century, the Tenakee Inlet area was utilized by several Tlingit Indian groups. The Hoonah people used to portage to the head of Tenakee Inlet from Port Frederick to hunt seal and fish. The Angoon people lived at the lower part of the Inlet and had smokehouses and houses there at least during the early years of the cannery industry. Indications of prehistoric settlement in Tenakee Inlet include a pictograph located at Cannery Point, a petroglyph reported at the town of Tenakee Springs, and a chert flake found near Kadashan Bay (Appendix B). As one of Southeast Alaska's older communities, Tenakee Springs was originally known to miners, prospectors, and hunters as Hooniah Hot Springs. In 1899, steamboat travel was the only means of transportation. When cold weather halted mining operations in Nome, Fairbanks, and Dawson, the miners would journey to the coast. Many spent the winter awaiting breakup in the "therapuetic" hot springs. About 25 people wintered over by 1894. In the 1890's a hole was blasted in the bedrock to provide a soaking tub; other improvements including a concrete bathing pool and the concrete structure which now completely encloses the pool, were built over the years. Another mainstay of the town was Snyder Merchantile which was started in 1899. The present Tenakee General Store building was constructed by Snyder in 1905. The post office was established at that time. The town of Tenakee Springs itself is listed as a historical district on the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey file. 2.3 ENERGY USE 2.3.1 ELECTRICAL From 1914 until 1953 the Superior Packing Company's cannery on Harley Creek generated a small amount of hydropower for its own use. Tenakee Springs as a community was electrified in 1954 when the general store installed a small generator and a few hundred yards of distribution wire to serve the store and a few households. Between 1954 and 1972 several different generators were purchased. In 1972, Snyder Mercantile purchased two Caterpillar 90-kW generators. The original distribution system was replaced in November 1982 when the city formed a municipal utility. 13 Electrical use has always been limited and relatively constant. The annual load shape is essentially uniform. The use by greater numbers of the summer residents about equals winter use by fewer people. There has been no significant change in spring and fall as has been noticed on regional, statewide, and national levels. The peak demand pattern determines the capacity requirements of a utility. Whereas most of the contiguous states have a summer peak demand, Alaska generally has winter peaking. In 1981, Tenakee Springs' peak load was about 80 kW with an average load of 30 kW and 38 percent load factor. Because of the poor and unreliable condition of the original distribution system, the generation system responded as if the load factor were 60 percent. The average consumption was only 14,700 kWh per month, about 175 kWh per residence, or roughly one-quarter that of an Anchorage residence and one-half that of a residence in the neighboring community of Hoonah. Tables 3 and 4 compare electrical costs, consumption, and market data compiled by Alaska Power Authority and the Alaska Power Administration in several cities. Tenakee Springs households averaged about 2,100 kWh/year (Figure 4). In comparison, the statewide average was 10,500 kWh/yr and about 4,700 kWh/yr for the smaller isolated communities primarily dependent on diesel power. The 1979 national average residential electrical consumption was 8,800 kWh/year. Alaska's 1980 Statewide Energy Plan reports an average capacity utilization factor of 29 percent compared to the nationwide average of 43 percent. Southeastern Alaska and the bush regions have a 24 percent utilization factor. The low consumptions in Tenakee Springs and other rural Southeast Alaskan communities are attributed to the lack of power pool networks which normally allow utilities to meet their reliability requirements more efficiently. Because diesel can be flexibly sized to meet load demand, it remains attractive to the small communities across Alaska. This is particularly true in Southeast because of access to major fuel depots and barge routes. However, electrical history in small communities such as Tenakee Springs is not indicative of the potential consumption if constraints' to power use and development were absent. There is opportunity for rate reduction if load increases, but load growth requires capacity growth. Conversely, reduced electrical use will increase rates due to increased operating costs unless the number of customers dramatically increases. 14 11 G) c ::u JT1 ~ M W H I H 0 U S E H 0 L 0 I I K W H 8 I H 0 U S E H 0 L 0 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL EXPENSES 1981 FROM DEPD COMMUNITY ENERGY SURVEY AND SNYDER MERCANTILE 14 12 10.9 10 rs;:S"SJ ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION 8 6 4 2 0 05~--------------------------------------------------------------, 0.4. C·:·:·;·.·.·., ELECTRICAL PRICES 03- 0.2 0.1 • 0 1000 800 600 400 200 - 0 r •••••••...•...•••••••••••• .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...• 5~ I· 1I·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:t! I2S&S&$&l ELECTRICAL EXPENSES 655 390 SOU RAL SOUTH EAST 40~ 25~ .................... · .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · . '.' ........... . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · .............. . · ............... . .:.: .:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. · ............... . · .............. . · ............... . · .............. . ::::: ::::: :::::::::: :::: ::::::::: : :::::::: ::::::::: ::: :::::::::::: -840 630 BUSH TEN ,KEE REGIONS SPRINGS TABLE 3 1980 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE IN VARIOUS COMMUNITIES Name Plate 1/ Per Capita Unsubsidized Conmunity Population Capacity Consumption Tenakee Springs 138 180 kW 1,278 kWh Angoon 465 575 kW 806 kWh Cordova 1,879 8,400 kW 3,016 kWh Craig 527 1,085 kW 3,000 kWh Haines 993 4,270 kW 2,471 kWh Hoonah 680 1,100 kW 1,173 kWh Hydaburg 298 530 kW 2,200 kWh Juneau 19,520 43,662 kW 2,655 kWh Kake 555 800 kW 1,263 kWh Kasaan 25 115 kW 1,461 kWh Klawock 318 875 kW 2,350 kWh Scal1'l11on Bay 250 345 kW 1,240 kWh Sitka 7,800 16,600 kW 2,356 kWh Skagway 768 3,885 kW 2,335 kWh Valdez 3,079 10,173 kW N/A Wrangell 2, 184 7,745 kW 1,705 kWh Yakutat 449 2,025 kW 2,938 kWh 1/ Total installed capacity including backup units 2/ December 31,1981 TABLE 4 AVERAGE MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD ENERGY CONSUMPTION AVEC THREA Craig Pel ican Sitka 168 kWh 343 kWh 700 kWh 498 kWh 706 kWh Petersburg Metlakatla Hydaburg Yakutat Wrange~l 530 kWh 1,498 kWh 600 kWh 597 kWh 390 kWh Cost/kWh 40¢ 38¢ 16¢ 24¢ N/A 39¢ 24i 6¢ N/A N/A N/A 48¢ 6¢ 18ft 23¢ 14¢ 26¢ 1:./ As reported in the Corps I 1981 Nat i ona 1 Hydropower Study, about 45 percent ,"' of the total statewide electrical production was al10ted for residential electrical use in Alaska. In Tenakee Springs it was nearly 80 percent. As of June 1983, the primary consumption was for incandescent lighting followed by refrigeration, television, and radio. Although desired by nearly all residents of the damp Southeast, there were only four electric clothes dryers in town as of June 1981. There was one electric cook stove, a few electric blankets, and very few of the appliances COl1'l11on to metropolitan households. What little hot water is used domestically is heated on stoves; segregated community bathing is done in the mineral hot springs. 16 Excessive electrical use has been curtailed by exorbitant cost. Residents on fixed incomes state that tney are nearing the threshold of willingness to pay for diesel generated electricity. The 1983 price per kWh was 42¢ based on a wholesale fuel cost of $1.21 per gallon used with an efficiency of 6.5 kWh/gallon. The nonfue1 operation, maintenance, service and replacement costs during 1983 were about 10.4¢ per kWh. Distribution costs and any earned surplus were about 13 cents. The entire situation prompted the city council to initiate efforts to organize a municipal utility on 8 July 1982. Renovation of the distribution system started on 15 July 1982. A $200,000 grant was appropriated by the 1982 legislature and the city has appropriated an additional $72,000 for thi~ project. Construction of the first phase of the new distribution system was completed in November 1982 (Table 6). By 1985 the existing units will be fully taxed and will need replacement. A review of electrical use in several similar communities shows that the demand for power will significantly increase if additional energy is available. The city expects a sUbstantial increase in demand between the new system and the State Power Cost Assistance Program (PCA). The reduction of line losses from 28 percent to about 8 percent should cause an equal demand increase as predicted by the APA and city officials. The PCA for 1984 will subsidize up to 95 percent of the residential operational costs which exceed 14¢/kWh and are less than 45t/kWh, with the lower limit increasing 1¢ each year (providing funding for this program is continued). There are 64 metered homes in town, 37 cottages, four commercial buildings, a sawmill, a school, a firehouse, and a health clinic. On the west end of town, six newer residences are not served, but will be added during the next phase of expansion. The older residences are small and consume an estimated 2,100 kWh/year each, 175 kWh per month (Table 5). The newer homes are larger, better insulated, and contain more appliances and amenities than the older homes and cottages. Served by independent generators, each new home uses about 3,600 kWh/year or 300 kWh per month. The 37 cottages are used most of the year by different parties. These smaller units use about 150 kWh in April and September and 100 kWh per month in the summer. Around 10 of these units are occupied in the spring and fall, and all are occupied to some length in the summer. 2.3.2 OTHER SOURCES There are no automobiles in Tenakee Springs, so gasoline consumption is limited to a few "3 wheelers", service trucks, small engines, outboard motors, and cruisers. Tenakee Springs consumes about 10,000 gallons of gas annually and has a 20,OOO-ga110n storage facility. Diesel fuel is consumed at a rate of 60,000 gallons per year from a 50,OOO-ga110n storage tank. Fuel oil is relied upon for space heating, cooking, and heating water. The typical residence consumes about 1,150 gallons annually. Snyder Mercantile reports that 6,500 gallons are typically sold in December and 2,000 in July. Some residents cook with propane, using about 10,000 pounds a year. Residences are primarily small cabins of 300-to 350-square-feet each. The total community residential floor space is about 42,000 square feet. Because most of the buildings predate construction practices that 17 incorporated manufactured insulation (some are 75-year-old log cabins) only 15 to 20 percent have fiberglass insulation. Those that are more energy efficient were built in the last few years. Several residents are also installing wood heaters in response to rising fuel oil costs and an abundant supply of wood. No estimate of the number or cords used per year is yet available. At the present time, Tenakee Springs has no other sources of energy. Some of the newer homes have passive solar architechtura1 designs. The feasibility of geothermal space heating utilizing heat pumps will not be determined unless legislative funding for exploration is restored. 18 • PROBLEM AND OPPORTUNITY STATEMENTS 3.1 LOCAL POWEH SUPPLY 3.1.1 GENERATING FACILITIES AT TENAKEE SPRINGS At present, the municipal electrical capabilities are severely limited by the age and reliability of the diesel generation system. The generators themselves have had limited and infrequent maintenance while producing about 176,400 kWh per year since their purchase in 1972. Until October 1981, one generator (Table 5) operated 24 hours a day for over a year after its companion unit broke down. An inspection sticker on the operating generator indicated that the last maintenance took place 10 October 1978 after 18,977 hours. This implies that the unit had been serviced and restored three times since its 1972 purchase and has now logged over half its operational life and has exceeded its economic life. Although the operational lives can be prolonged with periodic overhauls, the repeated expenses of repairs decrease the economic efficiency of the generators. In October 1981, the two units were repaired and transferred to a new powerhouse. Further major maintenance was completed in May 1982. Each unit runs continuously for alternating periods of two weeks. The maintenance should prolong the life of the units until 1985 or 1986, presuming continued maintenance and efficient autosynchronous operation. 3.1.2 FUTURE ACTIVITIES It is difficult to accurately predict the future electricity demand in rural Alaskan villages because it is difficult to predict the economic growth of an individual community. Economic growth depends on the development opportunities that occur as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), P.L. 96-487 Alaska National Interest Lands Construction Act (ANILCA), the general economic development of the State and region, and the availability of electricity to the community. In addition, each village is a small isolated unit. A change in the habits of a few households or the local school can have a dramatic effect on the total level or composition of electricity demand in a community. Also, the level of demand in any bush village largely depends on government decisions made outside the control of the community. For instance, the defeat of the capital move issue in the October 1982 election will insure a flow of Juneau based people into Tenakee Springs for recreation. Because per capita electrical consumption in Tenakee Springs is well below the regional average, the opportunity for load growth is great. 3.1.3 LONG TERM OUTLOOK The Power Authority has commonly reported 6 to 8 percent annual increases in population in the southeastern cities that they have under study. They project these rates to continue into 1986, increasing annually by 1 to 15 percent to the end of the century. The consulting firm CH2M-Hill has 19 TABLE 5 GROSS GENERATION IN TENAKEE SPRINGS ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTION IN NOVEMBER 1982 (IN KILOWATT HOURS) SI X NEW MONTHLY EXISTING FACILITIES ON LINE HOMES DISTRIBUTION SCHOOL AND KESTAURANTS, STORE, OFF SYSTEM PERCENTAGE 64 HOMES 37 COTTAGES TAVERNzTHEATRE NET MONTHLY 21 AVERAGE 300 8.33 175 100-2,963 USE 11 JANUARY 2,220 10.00-15,500 3,330 FEBRUARY 2,140 9.07 14,060 3,270 MARCH 1,720 7.77 12,040 3,270 APRIL 1,890 8.56 13,270 3,250 MAY 1,710 7.76 12,030 1,630 2,940 JUNE 1,660 7.53 11,670 4,040 3,380 JULY 1,740 7.89 12,230 4,040 3,510 AUGUST 1,850 8.39 13,000 4,040 3,520 SEPTEMBER 1,810 8.23 12,760 1,630 2,870 OCTOBER 1,920 8.71 13,500 820 2,850 NOVEMBER 1,690 7.68 11,900 3,160 DECEMBER 1 z850 8.41 13,040 3,350 TOTAL 22,200 100.00 155,000 16,200 38,700 Conmunity Total: 232 2 100 kWh per yearll II Residential averages from the 5-vi11age T1ingit-Haida Electrical Association monthly generation reported in 1980. II Ten cottages using 150 kWh each in May and September, 5 using 150 kWh in October, and all 37 using 100 kWh June-August. 31 Sum of the sales (176,000 kWh) in 1981, estimated use of four new homes and a sawmill added in 1982, 6 homes not on line, and estimated line losses. Energy losses = Power Loss (%) (0.3LF + 0.7(LF2)) (net use), where LF = 0.5. 20 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS OLD CONDITION RENOVATED CONDITION GENERATION Date on 1 ine 1972 1984-85 Fuel Diesel Diesel Units Cat 0330/90 kW Two 150-kW units Cat 03304/90 kW Consumption 80 gpd 120 gpd Voltage 120/208 three phase 120/240 three phase House Next to store Next to school waste heat recovery DISTR IBUTION Date on line 1954 November 1982 Poles 30 random dimension 50 treated untreative native class 4-40 ft. Crossarms Same 70-6 ft. treated Insulators Glass Ceramic 7.2 kV Transformers None 3-50 kVa service 8-25 kVa distribution Wiring Unknown 17,200 ft. #2 ASCR 5,200 ft. #4/0 RES IDENTIAL Random 32V 13,200 ft #2 triplex Interior wiring Upgraded interiors Meters Glass fuses Circuit breakers Single phase Single phase 21 TABLE 7 DIESEL GENERATION CONVERSION RATES AT VARIOUS ALASKAN TOWNS Annua 1 Fuel Energy 1981 Consumption Sold Rate Location ~ga11ons} ~ Kilowatt-hours) (kWh/g) Tenakee Springs 25,516 176,400 6.9 Angoon 107,630 819, 113 7.6 Cordova 1,321,000 17,049,600 12.9 Hoonah 200,421 1,972,342 9.8 Kake 179,083 1,496,976 8.4 Kasaan 19,901 69,080 3.5 Klawock 116,608 1,086,853 9.3 Old Harbor 34,100 274,000 8.0 Ouzinkie 19,800 158,000 8.0 Sand Point 141,625 1,770,000 12.5 Scammon Bay 31,000 269,300 8.7 Tanana 200,000 2,000,000 10.0 predicted a 1 percent per year population increase. The USFS Tongass LMP forecasted changes in the four primary regional industries and then computed population growth based upon employment growth. Using this procedure, the population of Tenakee Springs would increase to 167 in 1985, 188 in 2000, 208 in 2010, and 253 in 2030. These figures are similar to regional projections by the State APA and DEPD. Three thousand acres for city expansion have been transferred to the city from the State through land selection program. Some residents have predicted at least six new year-round residences by 1983, several more seasonal cottages, and a significant population increase as a result of city land sales west of town and homesite disposals by the State east of Indian River. A new school and gymnasium and conversion of the existing school into apartments are being designed and a small seafood processing plant and an airport are possibilities. Logging will continue to employ some residents throughout the mid-to-late 1980's, depending on the future of Alaska Lumber and Pulp operations. More residents will subsistence fish as the young and middle age groups expand. The State DOT planning group expects the harbor to double in 1984 and electricity would be needed for lights, pumps, and hand tools. The city's purchase of a new municipal generation and distribution system is evidence of Tenakee Springs' intention to promote moderate growth and to meet the needs of that growth. Although the growth in the 1980's will be great by local standards, growth beyond the 1980's will be controlled by statewide management of oil, natural gas, coal, and mineral wealth. Allocation of State revenues from these sources will influence the futures of all isolated communities. Community and individual lifestyle changes are keyed to the filtration of this wealth to local levels, bringing with it energy demanding amenities seen on TV and in catalogs. 22 3.1.4 LOAD FORECASTS Prediction of load growth in small Alaskan communities is difficult because adequate records of past use are unavailable. Three electrical growth scenarios are suggested, each of which draws from a number of specific studies and experiences reported by the State APA, the Federal APA, DEPD, DOT-PF, USFS, and the Corps. Each of these is an extent ion of the existing condition previously discussed in Section 2 and Table 5. Models are graphed in Figure 5. Each of the three load growth scenarios uses a common base value of 232,100 kWh. This figure represents the total estimated net consumption plus anticipated line losses (Table 5). The community total of 232,100 kWh is the sum of three user categories: those structures on line prior to November 1982, those added in November 1982, and six homes not yet connected. Table 8 presents the base figure escalated to the 1986 power-on-1ine date along the guidelines of each scenario. All three scenarios synthesized reflect a burst of energy consumption for a short period following the municipal upgrading of the electrical system. The subsequent growth rates are less than the regional averages because Tenakee Springs will remain a community in which the residential sector is a greater consumer than planned commercial developments. Many other communities of southeast are both larger and have some industrial base which grows faster than the residential rate. The scenarios assume the new distribution system improves the overall system efficiency, and individual customers use their currently owned appliances more frequently, and for longer periods. In the low growth scenario residents would purchase few new appliances, but the opposite holds for the other scenarios. Residents would replace 60 watt bulbs with 100 watt bulbs, buy clothes dryers, electric blankets, and other items that were previously unreasonable to own because energy was unavailable. New homes would use 360 kWh monthly. Consequently, energy demand would dramatically increase as soon as the distribution and generation systems are upgraded. The unsubsidized cost of electricity would drop because the community base load would increase. The individual customer using more energy would not notice a monthly cost reduction because the increased use would offset any savings eliminated by replacing the distribution system. Additionally, the peA program will encourage consumption because of lower consumer rates. All three scenarios are possible for Tenakee Springs and depend, in part, on the regional and State economy. As a recreational/retirement community, Tenakee Springs should continue to grow as long as the residents can afford to purchase new amenities and nonresidents can purchase land, building materials, and boats for recreational use. In all three scenarios the rate of growth decreases substantially after the turn of the century. The assumption is made that any fuel source used in the early 21st century will be finite, and cost will react to laws of 23 N .p. TABLE 8 KIlOWAll -~ The low Growth Scenario lhe HOst likely Scenario The Greatest load Scenario Population -159 people !' Population -178 People !' Population -192 People l' Pereent l' Cc.-or Annual Basic }/ Hal'bor ) New &asic l' New ,!, HarbOr il 9 New .reial §! 8asicl' New Y COIIIIIe re ia 1 and Generation FacUlties E aosion ~s facll1Ues School E sion Houses Dewl nts FacilIties School HarbOr Devel Jaruary 9.1 2),110 1,180 26,600 5,9110 ),520 11,8110 28,660 7,800 11,940 February 8.0 20,8)0 1,0lI0 2),380 5,940 ),090 11,)70 25,190 7,800 11,1160 March 7.9 20,570 1,020 2),090 5,940 ),060 4,8110 211,870 7,800 4,940 Apr11 7.6 19,790 4,)20 2,980 22,200 5,940 6,500 2,940 9,360 2),910 7,800 16,180 May 7.6 19,790 4,460 2,980 22,210 5,940 6,100 2,940 9,610 2),910 7,800 16,100 ..A.Jne 8.6 22,iIOO 7,560 1,100 25,120 1,480 10,800 ),))0 46,800 27,070 ),900 58,750 .l.Jly 8.0 20,8110 7,810 1,0)0 2',)80 1,490 11,160 ',100 48,360 25,190 ',900 60,710 August 8.8 22,920 1,560 1,140 25,120 1,1190 10,800 ',iIOO 116,800 27,710 ',900 58,150 Septelltler 8.8 22,920 4,1160 1,140 25,720 5,940 6,100 ',400 9,360 27,110 1,800 16,l8O October 8.8 22,920 4,120 1,140 25,120 5,940 6,500 ',1110 9,670 27,710 1,800 16,500 November 8.4 21,810 1,090 24,4)0 5,940 ',240 11,680 26,440 7,800 4,170 Oecellber J.:l 22,610 ...h!1!L 25,460 5,940 3,370 4.8110 27,400 7,800 4,940 Annual Total 100.0 261,2)0 40,490 12,960 29),010 51,920 59,160 38,880 203,590 315,170 81,900 268,020 Grand Total 314.680 kilh 652.560 kilh 111,710 kWh !~ IncreaSe 'rom 1982 population of 141 people -penranent residents only, )IIi growth In low scenario, 6tI In medii .. , 81 in high growth scenario • .. , Eleven cOlll1U1ity average of monthly reSidential percentages as reported by the /!pAD for Pelican, TtflEA, Sitka, Wrangel}. f.1 From Table 5 escalated from 1982 to 1986 according to the appropriate growth rate listed in Table 9. .. )0 kill 9 hours per day, 22 days per month, 75$ reduction in s..-r. 5' 30 kill summer load factor .5, spring'fall .3. 61 Cola storage, meat locker, shop tools, welder, street lights, town improvements _ 65 kill loea load in summer, ~ sPrlng/fall, 10. wtnter. l' )0 kill, 10 hours per day, 26 aays per month 50lIl reCluCtion In SUlllllef. ~ greater than medium growth scenario (population growth rate). 19 New Houses 2,720 7,450 2,400 6,550 2,360 6,460 2,270 6,220 2,210 6,220 2,570 1,040 2,400 6,550 2,6)0 7,200 2,6)0 7,200 2,6)0 1,200 2,510 6,870 2,610 7.120 )0,000 82,080 E N E R G Y ~I D E M A N 0 I N K W H ..,. (i') c :::u m UI MILLIONS 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1975 ENERGY DEMAND PLOT FOR TENAKEE SPRINGS 1975 -2036 POL 1986. 50 YR LIFE -CEPC REGIONAL MODEL RATES -----AM HYDABURG MODEL RATES _. -CORPS HIGH GROWTH RATES +++ CORPS MEDtUM GROWTH RATES (SELECTED FOR PLANNING) - -CORPS lOW GROWTH RATES 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 YEAR supply and demand. Small communities such as Tenakee Springs will be unable to compete on fuel markets for discount rates on small allotments of fuel. There is no indication that energy growth would continue at a rate greater than population growth and the U.S. Census Bureau forecasts a nationwide stabilization. after the year 2000. Low Growth In the lowest probable growth scenario, very little change would take place in Tenakee Springs. Several other studies have presented low growth scenarios wherein Southeast Alaska communities would experience a 14 percent total increase in electrical demand between 1981 and 1986 as they experience more of the conditions of modern cities. These are communities with adequate generation and distribution systems serving residential, small commercial, and public customers. In these communities, a 1.5 percent annual growth rate is commonly tendered until the end of the century. By comparison, the low growth scenario for Tenakee Springs predicts that the city remains a small. retirement community with no further residential, commercial, or public development. Tenakee Springs would experience a 3 percent annual energy growth between 1982 and 1986. After 1986 annual growth is estimated to hold at 1.0 percent until 2010 and be zero thereafter. This is based on a total of 73 year-round residences and 37 cottages by 1986. The six homes of modern construction not on line in 1982 are included in the least growth scenario. Three additional homes would be constructed and put on line by 1986. These nine homes would be larger and contain more appliances. Although well below the residential averages reported in Table 4, the combined annual demand for these nine newer homes would be 38,950 kWh once connected, or 360 kWh each per month. The city would also provide 40,490 kWh of service to the small boat harbor annually. At the power-on-line date of 1986, the energy demand for this scenario would be about 314,680 kWh, or 165 kWh per capita per month (Table 8). In 2010, technologic improvements, lack of available land, finite fuel sources, and energy consciousness, should have slowed growth as shown in Table 9. The city regards this scenario as unlikely. Most Probable Growth This medium growth scenario predicts that Tenakee Springs' consumption would more closely parallel that of its neighboring communities. Small developments in the near term would be followed by a slower growth of energy demand. Community lifestyle would be preserved but there would be a slow shift away from the Uretirement" lifestyle as the number of children increased. Births of new residents would slightly offset the number of deaths from 1986 to 2006. Per capita consumption in the still residential community would lag behind the regional average. By 1986, the prosperity experienced in the more populated Alaskan cities should trickle down to 26 villages like Tenakee Springs. Appliance use would increase. This scenario includes additional electrical energy demands of some intermittant1y used small space heaters and a few domestic heat pumps for use in new energy efficient homes (domestic heat pumps have been used successfully in the Juneau climate) and public buildings constructed in town. As indicated by local residents, several State and Federal agencies, and studies on past regional development, several new buildings would be built before 1986. These buildings would include a 6,500 square-foot addition to the school, the nine homes of the low growth scenario as well as the six additional homes. Harbor improvements and the reconstruction of the cold storage plant would take place by POL 1986. Forty more boats would dock at Tenakee Springs and could temporarily hold their catches, both commercial and sport, before transporting a number of fish enmasse to Pelican or some other regional facility. Development of a "safe water system" and the resulting facilities, such as centralized showers and laundry, will make Tenakee a more likely stop for the commercial and pleasure fleets. Commercial and public demands would increase in response to the above changes. The required capacity would be dispersed approximately as follows: Residences - 1 kW per building School - 4 kW per 1000 square feet Commercial - 4 kW per building Harbor expansion Cold storage building, meat locker, shop tools, street lights, domestic heat pumps, floor heaters,centralized showers and laundry, and miscellaneous improvements 1986 most likely scenario PEAK DEMAND 116 kW 30 kW 20 kW 30 kW 65 kW 261 kW Historically, the APA and DEPD average residential, public, and small commercial energy demand in isolated southeastern communities has increased 5 to 7 percent annually. As a smaller than average community, both population and energy growth in Tenakee Springs will parallel this trend at a lower rate, 6 percent annually until 1986. The 6 percent growth period reflects community access to an upgraded power system in 1982. Reduced growth rate beyond 1986 fo110ws,a burst of appliance purchases. In 1986, per capita consumption should average 305 kWh monthly for each of the predicted 178 permanent residents. The new distribution system would encourage consumption,a1though not as dramatically as in Napakiak, where a new transmission line induced a monthly per capita jump from 170-200 kWh to 800 kWh in one year. Most dramatic growth would occur between 1982 and 1986. Even as a small community, the combined affect of the new distribution system and the PCA program should induce sustained energy growth averaging 2.5 percent for 20 years. A paced electrical expansion after 1986 would more closely match population growth reflecting Tenakee Springs small size. A smaller town does not develop the commercial base which would induce substantial energy demand. With only cottage industry, energy consumption would be primarily 27 residential. The larger southeastern communities carry more weight in the averaging process yielding the'7 percent figure used by DEPD for forecasts to 2000. The 2.5 percent rate used in this scenario reflects continued moderate lifestyle changes as the mean age decreases. This rate is similar to the 3 percent rate used in the Hydaburg model (Table 9) until 2000. Beyond 2006 the rate drops to 1.0 percent as the community stabilizes in size and lifestyle. Both population growth and growth of an electrically oriented population would stimulate small increases in electrical consumption. The city considers this scenario realistic, and the most probable. High land values may impede housing construction, other than seasonal, for the first few years after early land sales and before power on line in 1986. The PCA Program will likely reduce rates and encourage increased consumption to or above predicted levels. High Growth Tenakee Springs would remain a residential community in"this scenario, but more emphasis is placed on the consequences of the recent lands transfer. In the high growth scenario, the facilities listed in the medium growth scenario are augmented by a 28-unit second home development three miles east of the Indian River, as predicted by local and State officials handling the lands transfer on Columbia Point. Separated from town, this complex would be electrically interconnected in 1990. Ten new homes would be built in town. There would be 89 year-round residences and 37 cottages serviced in this scenario. A subsidized senior citizens housing facility would be constructed. The city has land available for the project, but has delayed proceeding, preferring to await development of a safe water system and sewer facilities. This facility could demand an average 2,500 kWh monthly. Because of the influx of people, commercial facilities would be upgraded. The school building would not be enlarged over the medium growth size but would be used more often for community functions. By regional standards, Tenakee Springs would remain a small community. The annual growth between 1982 and 1986 would be 8 percent. From 1986 to 2006 , energy demand would rise at a rate of 3.5 percent annually, 1.5 percent thereafter. By comparison, the State APA high growth scenarios used a 4.5 percent rate, and DEPD used 7 percent to 2000 and 3 percent thereafter. Table 8 shows the distribution of 777,770 kWh in 1986, which results in a monthly average of 338 kWh per capita. Figure 5 graphs the growth of all three scenarios from 1982 to 2036, showing a 67,125-kWh jump in consumption in 1990 due to the residential housing complex and increased commercial electrical use. 28 .. p,. TABLE 9 LOAD FORECAST MODELS FOR TENAKEE SPRINGS GROSS GENERATION {kWh~ Low Medium Year High DEPD Regional APA Hldaburg 1982 II 232, 100 232,100 232,100 232,100 232,100 . 1986 314,680 652,560 777,770 304,230 271 ,520 1990 327,450 720,310 959,630 1/ 398,790 308,560 1995 344,150 814,960 1,139,730 559,320 357,710 2000 361,710 922,060 1,353,640 784,470 414,680 2001 365,320 945,106 1,401,020 808,000 427,120 2006 383,960 1,069,300 1,663,970 936,700 427,120 2010 399,540 1,112,710 1,766,070 1,054,260 427,120 2036 399,540 1,441,230 2,600,900 2,273,580 427,120 Annua 1 1~ 1986-201 0 2.5~ 1986-2006 3.5~ 1986-2006 7"1. 1981-2000 4% 1981-1986 Rates 0% 2010-2036 1.0% 2007-2036 1.5~ 2007-2036 3~ 2001-2036 3"1. 1987-2000 O~ 2001-2036 11 Number derived in Table 5 and Section 3.1.5. 21 A 49,125 jump as a 28-unit recreational complex comes on-line and commercial facilities use increases another 10 percent. 3.2 WATER SUPPLY 3.2.1 PRESENT FACILITIES Hillside streams and seeps are tapped for the village water supply. Along Tenakee Avenue, several 1-inch black plastic pipes and wooden troughs collect water wherever a rivulet intersects the lane. In winter and dry seasons, many of these sources are dry. Where these sources are not sufficient or not available close to an individual home, water is carried in buckets from a small stream on the edge of town. Potential contamination is a constant problem. Water is conserved because of its limited avai1ab1ity. Domestic water consumption in Tenakee Springs is less than 10 gallons per day (gpd) per person whereas the typical American residence averages 64 gpd per person. Nationally, municipalities estimate a total daily use for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes to be 125 gallons per person. The age and construction of the buildings in Tenakee Springs makes fire a major concern. The community has one pump truck in its volunteer fire department. Although equipped with salt water pumps, a fire occuring at low tide would have ample time to engulf a great deal of the town by the time hoses were coupled in sufficient length to descend the warf and reach the inlet water. The seriousness of fire potential is aggravated not only by the problem of pumping, but also from the dryness of the wooden structures and organic soil materials and the dependence on flame heating sources. 29 3.2.2 FUTURE NEEDS Modest population growth is expected in Tenakee Springs. This growth would also induce greater water demand. Regardless of the rate of growth, the present water sources are insufficient. The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) water supply objective in bush villages is 50 1itres or 13.2 gpd per person delivered to homes via a piped system for drinking, cooking, bathing, and laundering. As recommended by the EPA Cold Climate Utilities Delivery Design Manual, an upgraded system at Tenakee Springs would be designed for a peak demand of 230 percent of the average demand. One cfs would be required to meet projected demand. Commonly used nonstructura1 measures such as metering, recycling, pressure reduction, watershed management, and leak detection and repair are clearly inapplicable to this community until a system is created. Any in-town housing expansion is limited to the hillside above Tenakee Avenue. Development would eliminate many of the seeps, springs, and rivulets currently used by the residents. The chance of surface water contamination will increase with more sanitary and septic systems p1aced"on the hillside. Residential and commercial development and expansion would need new sources of water. These new sources must be sufficent to accommodate the predicted gradual increases in population in future years. Because of the potential for a major fire, a pressurized fresh water reservoir would be an asset, not only for fire protection, but consumption as well. A reserve water supply may also encourage commerical fish processing development. 3.3 FISHERIES OPPORTUNITIES After the closing of the Superior Cannery, the local commercial fishery declined. Local commercial fishing opportunities are limited partly because catches must be transported to other communities. The costs of transportation discourage extensive local commercial fishing. Opportunities are also limited in part because salmon populations within Tenakee Inlet (Figure 1) are finite. Some local streams support large fish populations while others, like Indian iver, do not. Studies of the Indian River conducted in recent years by the Forest Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service have determined that nine-tenths of the river is used only by Dolly Varden. These studies indicate that full utilization by salmon is naturally prohibited by physical barriers to upstream migration. In similar situations at other streams, man has helped migrating salmon bypass obstacles. Although Dolly Varden and some salmon are caught in the lower Indian River by local subsistence and" recreational users, Indian River has little commercial value. This interim feasibility study has the opportunity to incorporate fisheries enhancement into the planning objectives. The USFS and USFWS have projected commercial benefits of between $307,000 and 30 $438,000 annually, if the upstream habitat is fully utilized for coho, pink, and chum salmon. Work on the overall plan can address potential improvements in the commercial value of the Indian River fishery as part of the evaluations of hydropower alternatives. There also exists an opportunity for improved recreational and subsistence uses. 3.4 SUMMARY OF THE WITHOUT-PROJECT CONDITIONS 3.4.1 DESCRIPTION The without-project condition is defined as the most likely condition expected to exist in the future in the absence of a project, including any known changes in law or public policy. The City of Tenakee Springs plans to operate the two 90-kW units in service now for the near future. The city will probably supplement these units with larger units by or in 1986. Diesel generation will continue as the electrical source for the period of analysis. The without project condition for water supply and fisheries habitat does not change. Surface water of limited quality and quantity will remain the community's potable water source despite increased use because it appears subsurface waters are inadequate sources. Limited potential exists for expanding use of one or more intermittant streams closer to town providing small dams are installed for storage. Resultant potential health hazards will continue unless sewerage and water distribution plans are improved via yet unknown state grants to the city which cannot afford such improvements by itself. Salmon will continue to utilize the present habitat, which includes only the first half-mile of the Indian River above tidewater. The most significant impact of the future conditions described is economic. Laws of supply and demand outside the control of the city would continue to escalate fuel costs because diesel fuel is a finite resource in high demand. Continued dependency would leave the city susceptable to fuel shortages and potential service interruptions. Although the Power Cost Assistance program will lower electricity costs for the consumer, it will not lower the actual cost of diesel generation. The environmental impacts of continued diesel generation are air and noise pollution. Diesel generation has no impact on water supply or fisheries unless a fuel spill occurs. Some potential exists for fire as a result of continued fuel handling. 3.4.2 GENERATING FACILITIES -ECONOMIC LIFETIMES Because diesel generators are reliable and flexible, they are the popular choice for providing power to bush villages. But many villages install a single large unit which is usually not optimally sized to match average need. A diesel engine running at full power is relatively efficient, but, the same engine running for a fraction of the rated power, will wear out three times faster than necessary. Emerson Diesel representatives in Anchorage estimate that the average lifetime of a medium capacity generator operating under ideal conditions is 40,000 hours. (Other dealers have 31 reported shorter lifetimes). Assuming 12-hour switched operation, this translates into nine years. With maintenance, a unit could last 20-25 years under ideal conditions where the rpm is constant and the unit is closely matched to demand. With infrequent maintenance, generator life expectancy is reduced to 4 or 5 years. Economic evaluations of replacement diesel capacity generally reference a 20-year lifetime in an urban or military situation. Because Alaskan bush community lifestyles are not urban or regimented, a shorter economic life may more accurately represent the replacement diesel capacity of Alaskan bush communities. The life of a diesel generator in the bush is substantially reduced because factory prescribed servicing rarely occurs. Parts are unavailable or cannot be delivered in a reasonable time frame because of weather, distance or lack of sCheduled transportation. Sometimes a trained mechanic is not available and the local people may not have the expertise or the facilities to make repairs. For these and other similar reasons, machinery in bush villages is more often abandoned rather than repaired if the cost is not too great. T1ingit Haida Regional Electric Association (THREA) reports that a unit operating at a constant 1800 rpm will typically last 10 to 12 years while the same unit operating at 1200 rpm lasts 20 years. However, small communities usually own one large unit and a nearly equally sized backup unit. Using a 100-kW unit to meet a 30-kW average demand with frequent jumps to 80 or 90-kW peaks wears the unit out rapidly. Inadequate dissipation of high temperatures, inefficient operations, and frequent maintenance outages also reduce energy production. Because Tenakee Springs is similar to THREA communities, a 15-year diesel generator lifetime is used in our economic analysis. 3.4.3 COST, OF THE DIESEL ALTERNATIVE Diesel generators have relatively low initial costs, but high operation, maintenance t and replacement (OM&R) costs. High temperatures, which induce wear, and the tendancy to use oversized units inefficiently, precipitate early replacement. In 1983 the capital cost of a complete medium size diesel generator system installed in Alaska was about $850.00/kW of capacity. The first cost of a 500 kW (primary and reserve units combined) system for Tenakee Springs would be $425,000. Assuming no salvage value with replacement every 15 years (Table 10) the annual capacity cost is about $50,000. This annual cost of the basic plant includes replacement costs and is called the capacity value or cost. The capacity cost/kWh for the system discribed would be $.059 based on the 1986 (POL) medium growth projection of 653 t OOO kWh. Table 10 demonstrates the annual cost of replacing and updating the diesel system needed to meet area demand over the next 50 years. The estimated cost/kWh is based on the average annual equivalent (AAE) demand of mid-range projections shown in Table 9 or 928,400 kWh. 32 The cost per kWh of generating energy with the present diesel system is a function of fuel cost per gallon and the efficiency of the unit. Table 7 shows an average of 9 kWh per gallon of fuel after eliminating the biases of the very large efficient units and the very small inefficient units. New units properly maintained by conscientious factory trained operators may achieve a 12 kWh/g efficiency. Expecting bush villages to improve their record, but not to be able to achieve top performance, a 10 kWh/g efficiency is used in this study. Sensitivities to fuel efficiency are discussed at the end of the Technical Appendix. An efficiency of 10 kWh per gallon of fuel and a fuel price of $1.37 per gallon gives a fuel cost/kWh of $.137. To this must be added the current O&M cost of 8 cents. This rate is a typical representation from AVEC, THREA, and other reports from small-system communities. Structural modifications and/or enlargement of the diesel generation building (excluding normal maintenance) would be needed when additional units are required. As estimated 300 square feet would be affected at a cost of $18,000 in each of the 15th and 45th years. This is an effective $0.0129/kWh AAE in addition to the $0.080 fuel and normal operations and maintenance costs. Tenakee Springs· fuel storage requirements would remain unchanged by any capacity increases. TABLE 10 COST ANALYSIS OF FUTURE DIESEL SYSTEMS 1986(POL) 2001{15th yr) Units 2-250 2-325 Capacity (kW) 500 650 $/Unit 850 850 First Cost $425,000 $553,000 P.W. Factor 1 .31 P.W. $425,000 + $171,300 + Combined P.W. $660,000 2016(30th yr) 2-350 700 850 $595,000 .096 $ 57,120 2031(45th yr) 2-400 800 850 $680,000 x 1/3 .030 + $ 6,793 Annual Cost of Capacity, $660,000 x .08292 = $54,730 Capacity Cost/kWh = $54,730 + 928,400 = $.0590 Without Escalation With Escalation Item $/kWh tscalation $/kWh Capacity .0590 1 .0590 Fuel .137 1.6 .2192 O~ .0929 1 .0929 Total Cost/kWh .2889 .3711 Annual costs/kWh for diesel generation are estimated to be $.289 without fuel cost escalation and $.371 when fuel cost escalation of 1.6 is allowed as shown. The 1.6 is a mathematical condensation of the DRI rates shown below. Fuel costs escalation rates were used to determine future fuel costs. Fuel prices in Tenakee Springs have jumped 328 percent between 1970 and 1981. For the same period, the inflationary increase reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Anchorage (none is available for Tenakee Springs) was 134 percent, and 143 percent nationally. 33 For the purpose of this study, the fuel cost escalation rates, adopted by Development Resources Incorporated (DRI) for 1982 are used. Both proposed annual escalation rates and the prices that would result in Tenakee Springs are shown in Table 11. (A diesel efficiency of 10 kWh/gal is used.) YEAR 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 TABLE 11 FUEL COST ESCALATION RATES Year 1982-1985 1985-1989 1990-1994 1995-2000 2001-2012 DRI COST PER kWh $0.135/kWh $0.166/kWh $0.199/kWh $0.227/kWh $0.270/kWh $0.333/kWh 34 DRI Rates -0.53 Percent 4.23 Percent 3.71 Percent 2.65 Percent 3.53 Percent PER GAL $1.37/gal $1. 35/gal $1.66/gal $1. 99/gal $2.27/gal $2.70/gal $3.33/gal ,. PLAN FORMULATION 4. 1 OBJECTIVES 4.1.1 PLANNING OBJECTIVES Planning objectives summarize the primary concerns of the study area residents. They are operational statements identifying the subject of study, prescribing a general course of action, and setting the parameters of land and water resource management used to enhance National Economic Development and Environmental Quality. For this study these objectives are to: Stabilize or reduce the real cost of producing electricity at Tenakee Springs, Alaska for the period of analysis from 1986 to 2036. Provide a continuing supply of fresh water to the community of Tenakee Springs, adequate in quality and quantity for drinking and living needs during the period of analysis from 1986 "to 2036. Preserve or enhance the commercial resource for pink, chum and coho salmon in Tenakee Springs area during the period of analysis of 1986 to 2036. Preserve, and if possible, enhance the terrestrial environment of the region. Preserve the archeological significance of any important sites discovered within the Tenakee Springs project area. 4.1.2 NATIONAL OBJECTIVE Congressional acts of the last decade directed Federal land and water resource development studies to incorporate a mu1tiobjective planning process. Those local needs that can address national objectives with the goal of promoting the quality of life become the planning objectives. These objectives are used to evaluate the alternatives on the basis of equally weighted economic, social, and environmental assessments. The Federal objective of water and related land resources planning is to contribute to national economic development consistent with protecting the Nation's environment pursuant to national environmental statutes, applicable executive orders, and other Federal planning requirements. 4.2 PLANNING ACCOUNTS Planning accounts are used to organize the information pertaining to the effects of alternative plans to promote the quality of life. These accounts are: National EconomiC Development (NED), Environmental Quality (EQ), Regional Economic Development (RED), and Other Social Effects (OSE). The Comparison of Alternatives (Table 15) indicates the degree to which these criteria are satisfied by each alternative. 35 POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES 5.1 NONSTRUCTURAL ALTERNATIVES 5.1.1 NO GROWTH, NO ACTION, LOAD MANAGEMENT These plans essentially represent maintaining the status quo at Tenakee Springs. Since the existing generation system would need replacement by 1985, and the water supply is unreliable, a plan of No Action is unacceptable to local interests. A No Growth situation is unlikely because as the population grows; the demand will increase. Even if a centralized system were not developed, individual generators would be installed for new housing. Load management has value in a large community with a broad power base but with limited supply. Large users of electricity can be encouraged to use their allotment of power at an "off" time thereby reducing the peak load. Tenakee Springs does not have the necessary power facility to utilize load management; a 90-or l50-kW generator is not a sufficiently broad power base. Similarly, a graduated rate schedule is not appropriate for such a small community. 5.1.2 CONSERVATION Description This alternative requires the implementation of various methods that would reduce or restrict the use of energy. Adding additional insulation, installing storm windows, weather stripping, converting to flourescent from incandescent lighting, replacement of worn out older appliances with newer energy saving models, and construction of smaller volumed structures are all solid conservation measures. Impact Assessment This alternative has virtually no negative environmental impact while having very positive economic and social impacts. If implemented, significant savings in heating costs could be realized by the community. The DEPD has estimated that thermal losses in Alaskan structures can be reduced by 10 percent, saving $180 annually if $300 worth of conservation improvements are made. A $1,000 to $2,500 expenditure could yield a 30 percent or $500 per year savings on energy costs. The impact on electrical use would be negligible because no electricity is used for heating and the overall city energy use is minimal when compared to larger communities. The cost of electricity is so high that minimizing its use has become a way of life. Evaluation Energy conservation is probably the simplest method to reduce overall energy consumption in the village. Insulation would greatly reduce space heating costs. Implementation of this alternative is ongoing. 36 Implementation Responsibility The basic responsibility for implementing this alternative lies with the local residents, both individually and as a community. To aid in this responsibility and to lessen the burden, various State and Federal programs are available. The State offers energy auditing services, conservation grants and low interest loans, and the Federal Government offers income tax credits. These opportunities should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the community. 5.2 STRUCTURAL ALTERNATIVES 5.2. 1 ~ASTE HEAT RECOVERY Description Potential energy recovery from existing diesel generators may be possible. One end use is direct waste heat recovery for hot water or building heating. ~aste heat from the exhaust of the diesel generators heats another fluid that is piped away. Direct waste heat recovery requires that the generators be close to the building or water supply being heated, otherwise heat is lost to the atmosphere. A second end use is electrical generation using the Rankine Cycle. This requires vaporization of fluid such as freon by the waste heat from the diesels. The freon, which is under high pressure, is then used to drive a turbine which will produce shaft horsepower to turn the generator for additional electrical power. However, the Rankine Cycle energy recovery systems are now in the development stage. ~hen they do become commercially available it will probably only be for units above 1000 k~, too large for consideration here. Impact Assessment The primary impact for this alternative is economic. The buildings in Tenakee Springs are close together and several are near the generator building. Such a system could benefit a few, but the rest would receive no benefit. Currently, the investment in a waste heat recovery system most likely would be the joint responsibility of Snyder Mercantile, the most likely recipient of the extra energy because it owns the nearest building to the generators, and the municip1e utility. The new generators would be housed in a building to be constructed next to the existing school, or the new school when it is constructed. In this case the school would be the beneficiary. Evaluation Waste heat recovery may require the maintenance of a supply of water and a degree of sophisticated engineering and plumbing not available locally. The water at Tenakee Springs is in limited supply and is very high in mineral content. Using local water would necessitate frequent maintenance to remove the mineral scale. The use of distilled water or a special chemical agent would add a discouraging degree of design complication and expense. 37 Implementation Implementation of a future waste heat recovery system would be the responsibility of the City of Tenakee Springs perhaps with aid from the State of Alaska. 5.2.2 WIND GENERATION Description A wind energy conversion system (WECS) transforms the force of wind moving past a tower mounted generator into direct current (DC) electricity. DC use is generally limited to lighting, resistance space heating, or water heating. WECS commonly are used to charge battery banks in many remote installations. Where batteries are not desired, a synchronous inverter is required to transform DC into alternating current (AC) matching the voltage requirements of most appliances. Expensive inverters are necessary if conventional appliances are to be used or if the WECS is to be placed on line with thermal or hydropower generators. Wind is highly variable in velocity, duration, and direction. WECS are designed to operate at velocities between 12 and 35 mph with relatively constant direction and long duration. As the variability of each of the wind vector components increases, WECS design complexity and cost escalates. Relatively complicated maintenance requirements require extensive operator training, and operation in subzero conditions may create disruptions due to blade icing, lubrication freezeup, tower damage from strong gusts, and other site specific conditions. WECS technology has established an expanding market for units in the 1.5-to 15-kW range, suitable for individual residences or farms and small industrial complexes. Technology has not proven that larger units capable of meeting the needs of small communities are competitively priced against thermal generators. Evaluation Limited sustained wind observations are available for Tenakee Springs. The community is subject to prevailing westerly breezes in the evenings and strong east winds are common in the spring and fall. The city is wind she1terd by the surrounding heavily forested mountains. WECS could not be relied upon for base load generation; they would be limited to intermittent use. A WECS to serve the needs of Tenakee Springs would involve a concept called wind farming. A large number of small (3-to 12-kW) units are constructed on several acres of ideal terrain and interconnected by an electrical grid intertied to a distribution system. Wind farms are not well established in the marketplace probably because the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of wind farming creates noncompetitive costs. They must be added to an existing thermal or hydropower backup electrical generation source. WECS siting is the most crucial element in a successful installation. Offshore floating units have not been proven in the United States. 38 In Tenakee Springs, acreage for development is not readily available. Also, standard support towers are equal to or smaller than local tree heights. Clearcut areas in the Tongass National Forest are distant from town, and mountain tops are inaccessible. Further, development such as this could not proceed without detailed wind records. No adequate instrumentation is available at Tenakee Springs. An inherent problem with Alaskan WECS development is that those who could most profit from their potential are the individuals and small remote communities least able to afford the high cost of installation, operation and maintenance. A 10-kW WECS has a basic price in Alaska of about $25,000. Installation and typical add-on equipment for improved operation and the reduction of television and radio interference substantially increase costs. Because reactive power problems limit induction systems such as WECS to about 25 percent of the required capacity, wind could not reasonably be expected to serve all community needs. Diesel backup would be required. A state-of-the-art WECS on the marketplace does not appear to be a competitive diesel alternative for Tenakee Springs. Impact Assessment The primary impact is economic as previously described. The residents of Tenakee Springs are not likely to absorb the costs of a WECS on an individual basis and the community does not appear capable of committing itself to a large WECS and a required diesel system. Further, the residents of Tenakee Springs place a high value on the aesthetics of their surroundings. A large number of structures resembling very high voltage transmission line towers would not be welcome on the local hillside rising above the forest canopy. Operational noise has become an issue at other WECS installations around the country. Residents may not appreciate anything that disturbs their lifestyle. A wind farm would take up much residential space and may conflict with the planned expansion of the city. Aside from the loss of available land, felling of trees or remodeling the landscape can alter WECS performance. Zoning may be required. Implementation The implementation of this alternative would be the responsibility of the city or individual, aided by the State of Alaska or the Department of Energy. Various income tax credits, investment allowances, and grant programs can assist a local WECS program. The responsibility for the installation of recording instrumentation appears beyond the capability of the city. 5.2.3 WOOD GENERATION Uescription Wood is used for space heating and cooking. Wood could be used to heat water to steam in a pressurized vessel. Subsequently this steam could turn a turbine producing electricity. Because coniferous wood is in great supply in Southeast Alaska, its use as a fuel is an attractive option. 39 Evaluation As identified in the Alaska Power Authority's March 1981 Hoonah Wood Generation Feasibility Study, small scale plants are generally not economical due to high O&M costs. Transportation, handling, and storage costs generally remain dependent on oil costs. Despite its attractiveness as a near future space heating fuel, long range use for electrical generation is inhibited by a number of items. Use of wood at Tenakee Springs would compete with higher priority industrial pulp or lumber uses. Cutting restrictions on Tongass National Forest lands may complicate acquistion of sufficient fuel reserves for the project lifetime. Environmental concerns associated with logging practices, necessary road networks, clearcutting, drainage and erosion, dust, leachate, and changes in mature forests affecting wildlife populations do not make wood as a base load fuel more attractive than the established diesel generation system. As noted in the discussion of waste heat recovery, the mineral water of Tenakee Springs would be unsuitable in quality and quanity for a steam plant. The large size particulate matter, creosote, gases, and ashes associated with softwood combustion would have significant impact on the air and water quality and accelerate the solid waste disposal burden of Tenakee Springs. Sparks and creosote buildup would also add to the already great fire hazard. 5.2.4 COAL/PEAT Use of coal/peat as a replacement for diesel at Tenakee Springs is not feasible due to the small scale of the project and long distances from these resources. Problems associated with establishing the infrastructure, mining, transporting, and air quality standards would have adverse impacts both locally and at some distance from the source. On a nonlocal level, coal/peat use augments serious problems associated with acid rain, the carbon-dioxide (greenhouse) effects, land and water contamination between the mine and the source, and promotes technologic status-quo rather than advancement and innovation. Adverse environmental impacts of this resource favor continued use of diesel at Tenakee Springs. 5.2.5 NATURAL GAS This alternative is not considerd feasible because no local supply exists and one is not likely to be developed for Southeast Alaska. 5.2.6 SOLAR The high latitude and cloudy maritime climate preclude serious consideration of active solar electrical generation at Tenakee Springs. Passive solar technology is far more advanced, less expensive, and effective for water or space heating in conjunction with modern conservation measures. 40 5.2.7 GEOTHERMAL This alternative was considered to have some applicability for space heating at Tenakee Springs. However, investigations conducted by the State of Alaska have failed to locate an aquifer with sufficient quantity and temperature to meet that purpose. Use of geothermally heated water to turn steam turbines and produce electricity is not practical at Tenakee Springs based upon DEPD drilling logs. This resource will more likely be developed at other locations in the State of Alaska as the research continues and technologies improve. In the event heat pumps were to be used on any source developed locally, electrical demand would increase. 5.2.8 TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Description The Alaska Power Administration and the Alaska Power Authority have been studying the potential for a 69-kV intertie between Hoonah and the Snettisham Project near Juneau. Tenakee Springs could possibly pull power off this system if it were constructed. Evaluation In this case, this is not an alternative but a potential alternative. Most of the data collected to date is presented in the December 1981 Power Administration Juneau -Hoonah Transmission Line Reconnaissance Evaluation. The premise of an intertie is based upon sufficient demand from the Tlingit Native community and a potential Noranda Exploration mining operation near Hawk Inlet on Admiralty Island. Hoonah is located approximately 25 miles north of Tenakee Springs on Chichagof Island. Hoonah has about 1,000 permanent residents and has some light industry. Hoonah has an average annual load of about 2000 MWh, which has been projected to increase to 16,600 MWh before the end of the century. By comparison the Tenakee Springs population has fluctuated between 140 and 200 people and has a load of only 176 MWh projected to increase to 790 MWh by year 2000. Costs for a small Tenakee Springs -Hoonah intertfe would be about $150,000 per mile for a total of about 30 miles. Total cost of this alternative would be about $4.5 million. The variable annual per kilowatt hour rate would be about 51 cents. Two of the normally larger items associated with transmission line costs are the required clearing and road construction. These two items have been eliminated or reduced substantially in the course of ALP's operations between the two communities. A line could be constructed at greatly reduced cost in comparison to one requiring virgin right-of-way construction. The Power Administration's report concluded that service between only Juneau and Hoonah is not economically justified. However, they also indicated that if the Noranda Exploration mining operation is constructed, an intertie between Juneau, Hoohah and Noranda may be economically 41 justified. In this case, the Power Administration feels that a feasibility study would be warranted. The Power Authority is currently conducting a feasibility study at Hoonah, but the results of that study, and how they would affect a potential intertie between Hoonah and Tenakee Springs, are not yet available. In response to a question from the ADF&G, the Power Administration stated on 6 July 1981: "There is no relation between this project and the small Indian River project near Tenakee under investigation by the Corps of Engineers. Certainly service to Admiralty and Chichagof Islands leads to thoughts of service to other communities. However, a transmission line is not justified on the basis of fairly large loads for Hoonah alone, and very small loads elsewhere requiring several miles of line are not viable under conventional financing mechanisms. II The State APA February 1982 Hoonah Load Forecasts working paper reiterated the position that a line from Hoonah to Tenakee is unlikely. At this time, construction of an intertie does not seem economically feasible. Impact A transmission intertie has unknown economic impacts at this time. However, Tenakee Springs residents have repeatedly expressed that preservation of the isolated, placid lifestyle at Tenakee Springs is very important, and that they would not favor any alternative that includes a possible road interconnection, such as a transmission corrider. An intertie would have limited environmental effects, provided that adequate controls were exercised during construction and restoration. Water supply and fisheries benefits are unaffected by this potential alternative. 5.2.9 HYDROPOWER Description Hydropower is one of man's oldest and proven technologies. Both Harley Creek and the Indian River near Tenakee Springs have apparent hydroelec- tric capabilities. Each of these streams have elevation drops sufficient to transform the energy in water, descending from a diversion structure to generators at a powerhouse below, into electricity. No sizable storage potential is afforded by the terrain, so only run-of-river projects were considered. Evaluation The Superior Cannery once used 3,000 feet of wood stave pipe to conduct Harley Creek waters to a 10-kW generator (FPC minor license number 831, original in 1927 as renewed in 1952.). However, the electrical demands of Tenakee Springs exceed 10-kW. The streamflow of Harley Creek is about one-fifth of that recorded in the Indian River (Table 12). Drainage basins are 4.1 and 20.1 square miles, respectively. An examination of hydrologic records reveals that Harley Creek would not have sustained flows capable of 42 meeting energy load projections for Tenakee Springs. Further, the expense of transmitting power from Harley Creek renders that alternative uneconomical. The Harley Creek site was therefore dropped from further consideration. Evaluation of hydroelectric development on the Indian River appears to hold more potential for meeting Tenakee Springs' needs. At least three separate damsites allow for several design options with different dam heights, penstock lengths, and installed generator capacities. For instance, a small dam about 0.8 river miles above tide water could divert sufficient flows to a powerhouse at river mile 0.4 to produce 1,860,000 kWh annually. Because streamflow decreases in the winter when demand is the greatest, diesel standby power would also be required to meet the projected winter demand. This alternative could also incorporate a community water supply to meet one of the local objectives. A diversion of water from the river to the community would serve both local and national interests of improved quality of life and health. A water source tap could be provided at either the dam or the powerhouse. A small pipeline along the transmission line right-of-way could feed a storage tank on the edge of town or an impoundment developed in upper Kushtahini Creek with pumped assistance. Impact Assessment The primary impact of this alternative appears to be the stabilization of energy costs. Social impact appears positive at this time. The community has an avid interest in hydropower development as indicated by the cooperation expressed during the study. Adverse environmental impacts associated with this alternative are relatively minor. Temporary impacts are likely during construction, but long term adverse impacts are negligible compared with the potential benefits. No salmon are currently able to utilize the 10 miles of river above the proposed diversion structure. About 3,000 feet of the river environment between the diversion pool and powerhouse would be affected by construction activities and diversion of streamflows. The significant fisheries and aquatic resources below the powerhouse site would not be significantly affected. An excellent opportunity exists for combining fisheries enhancement with this hydroelectric alternative. The utilization of habitat by salmon could be expanded from 10 to 30 times. Projected benefits from increased salmon production is under investigation. The terrestrial environment would be temporarily disturbed during the construction period. Some erosion and sedimentation potential exists but can be controlled either by design or restricted seasonal work. Access roads are, for the most part, existing as a consequence of prior logging activities within the watershed. Some clearing will be required for the project features. Edge effects created along transmission line and penstock corridors will probably benefit the bird and small mammal populations. Impacts on Sitka blacktail deer and brown bear movements are not considered significant. Detailed analyses of this alternative are provided in the Technical Analysis Appendix and Environmental Assessment of this document. 43 Implementation The responsibility for implementation of the hydroelectric portion of this alternative would lie with the Federal Government, the State of Alaska. and the city. The Corps of Engineers would require the assistance of the USFWS, USFS. and ADF&G for planning, design. and implementation of fisheries mitigation or enhancement measures at the hydroelectric facility. The State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Health. U.S. Public Health Service, or the community may assume responsibility for the implementation of any water storage and distribution system if water supply were incorporated. The first cost and annual costs would be 100 percent repaid by the users over a period not to exceed 50 years. 44 5.3 WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES Water supply alternatives are rather limited. The city apparently favors a gravity system which would alleviate future O&M costs, particularly those associated with running pumps. A city study is underway on SChoolhouse and Kushtahini Creeks. These proposals have some attraction because a small reservoir could be developed in lieu of a standpipe, and sufficient pressure would be avai1abe for fire flows. There may be potential for a small (10-15 feet) dam to impound up to 20 days supply. However, records from the Indian River streamgage suggest that the probability of these streams being essentially dry at two or more times during the year is high. This study therefore focused investigation on the Indian River for dependable water supply. Desalinization of sea water is too costly for local application. Wells and streamf10ws are the most reasonable options. A proposal for well sources can consider the findings of the DEPD. Their geothermal investigation indicated difficult drilling through dense, hard quartz diorite and dense meta schists. Drilling rates tended to be very slow regardless of the combinations of bits, speed, and pressure used. Flows described from six test wells were less than 0.6 gallons per minute (gpm); a 7 to 15 gpm well is desired for domestic use. The waters were noticeably high in mineral content and were quite hard (Table T-3). Use of wells appears to be an inadequate source of potable water for Tenakee Springs because of inadequate flow and undesireable mineral content. The test holes by DEPD indicated total dissolved solids are present in levels exceeding PHS maximum limits. Working with information provided by DEPD, PHS, several Juneau and Anchorage well drillers, DEC, and local residents, it was determined that the first cost of drilling wells, installing pumps, and operating them would exceed $120,000, excluding desalinization and distribution costs. Although it appears underground water quantity is no problem if enough "wet" holes are drilled, reducing the objectionable taste and odor is a costly problem. A desalinization unit used on the North Slope cost $47,000 in 1975, and required two 175-kW generators and support equipment (not included in the $47,000) to produce 600 gallons of potable water a day. Another system used in Barrow requires manned operation 24 hours a day. Desalinization of well water is not a practical choice for Tenakee Springs. A comparative review of a surface source cost estimate was made on the Indian River because of the uncertainty of the quantity and quality of water from a subsurface source. Three possible solutions were investigated: (1) a strictly gravity fed ice proof conduit; (2) a conduit from the proposed dam, along the penstock and transmission line corridors, with pumped assistance; and (3) a conduit from the powerhouse tai1water along the transmission line route with pumped assistance over the 130-foot rise between the powerhouse and town. In the first option, 6-inch diameter insulated underground polyethylene pipe run 8,600 feet from the Indian River by qravity flow along the shortest distance is estimated to cost about $1,236,250 or $107,509 annually. This is based on $100 per lineal foot of pipe including all materials, valves, housings, and installation required; and 25 percent for 45 contingencies, 15 percent for engineering, design, supervlslon, and administration evaluated at 8 1/8 percent interest. Five thousand dollars annual operation and maintenance costs are assumed in all options. In the second option, a pumped system 6,000 feet long from the hydropower dam, along the penstock and transmission line routes to the edge of town could cost $862,500 or $76,518 annually. Water would always be available from the dam pondage. Although, this source would have adequate quality and quantity for Tenakee Springs, a less expensive and probably more practical system would pump water from the powerhouse tailrace and eliminate the additional cost of 2,000 feet of pipe between the dam and the powerhouse. This, the third option, would cost about $425,000 or $40,000 annually. Federal, State and local interests are served by insuring a healthy population. A separate water supply development on the lower Indian River would duplicate many of the facilities needed for the hydroelectric plant. Combining these saves about $12,000 annually. For a separate system, no intake location holds any particular advantage. A development near the footbridge (Plate 2) and along the trail would require longer pipe length. The necessary intake or diversion structure would be built on shifting fluvial deposits. A pump and pumphouse would be needed, as would a power1ine from town. Access would have to be improved. A french drain style intake in the riverbed could be constructed to act as an inlet even during low water flows (when no water passes through the penstock). A pump would be placed inside the relatively spacious powerhouse without interfering with electrical generation. No separate pumphouse is needed. The pump(s) would operate off the same electrical system serving the hydroelectric plant. The maintenance trail along the transmission line could be used to install the water supply conduit. No additional clearing or road improvements would be necessary. Section T-8.3 of Technical Appendix explains these savings in greater detail. Water filtration and chlorination would be necessary in any plan using surface water supplies. These are associated project costs which must be included in the evaluation, but are not Federally funded items. 6. 1 COMPARISON OF PLANS The projected energy demand could be satisfied by several hydropower options on the Indian River. All of the plans studied for power generation on the Indian River take advantage of elevation differences between at least 2 of the 5 cascades. The individual cascades are 8 to 15 feet high and are numbered 1 through 5 upstream. Several dozen combinations of dam and powerhouse locations, dam heights, installed capacities, and instream flow releases were evaluated. Table 12 summarizes the options for decision evaluation. The options with the lowest numerical impact ratings were evaluated in more detail. This table is only a guide to show which plans are the most promising. 46 6. 1. 1 OPTION 1 The first option considered a 15-foot-ta11 dam above Barrier 5 (Plate 2) with a 350-kW powerp1ant below Barrier 1. The dam would have an overall length of 108 feet with a 45-foot spillway 9.5 feet above the streambed. Concrete was considered too expensive so gabions were proposed instead. Gabions have a limited lifetime, are labor intensive, and would result in high installation and maintenance costs. Rock filled timber cribs, rock filled bin walls, and concrete weir and sheetpile dams may be competitive alternatives. About 600 feet of construction access road would be needed to reach the dam from the Indian River logging road. Another three-quarters mile of access is needed to reach the powerhouse from town along the proposed transmission line. This option would have a 36-inch diameter fiberglass penstock to divert 40 cfs over a distance of 6,800 feet, with a gross head of 130 feet. The river would effectively be dewatered at times of low flow. At least three important salmon pools would be destroyed as year-round habitat. Mitigation would probably require at least five fish1adders and high instream flow releases which could curtail plan operation. The estimated first cost in October 1983 dollars is over $6 million, making this plan uneconomical. 6. 1.2 OPTION 2 Option 2 calls for a 55-foot-ta11 concrete gravity dam at Barrier 1 sufficient in height to flood Barrier 4. Fish ladders would be provided over the dam. Regulation would be required to meet the energy demand of Tenakee Springs, and would require enlargement of the dam to dampen floods. Regulation would reduce the value of downstream fisheries habitat during sustained releases. A powerhouse below the dam would use 40 cfs and have a maximum capacity of 135 kW. The cost for this option is substantially greater than Option 1 because both the dam and powerhouse are located on highly faulted and fractured weathered rock that would be impractical to stabilize to reduce seepage and the prob.ability of failure. The value of benefits would be considerably less than the costs of production. 6.1.3 OPTION 3 Option 3 places a 25-foot concrete gravity dam at Barrier 4 with a powerhouse located about 1,100 feet downstream. The required flow would dewater the river in this run-of-river option and capacity is limited to about 150 kW with a net head of only about 50 feet. The expense of concrete, excavation, and access exceeded the annual energy benefits in the preliminary analysis. 6.1.4 OPTION 4 The fourth option explored three variations in dam height at Barrier 4. The preliminary analyses suggested that a 15-foot dam optimized energy 47 production and minimized first cost. The optimization attempted to determine the best combination of penstock length (the most expensive unit item) versus powerhead which, in part, would dictate installed capacity. Refinements of Option 4 included a powerhouse located just below Barrier 2 connected to the dam by 1,800 feet of 36-inch steel penstock on a gentle uniform grade. An operating range of between 20 and 55 cfs over a net head of 64 feet would allow an installed capacity of 250 kW. Other than minimal impacts on one pool adjacent to the tailrace. no known salmon habitat would be affected. A minor mitigation requirement would be imposed for Dolly Varden habitat and potential salmon habitat. A prefabricated dam of wood or sheetpi1e would be 160 feet wide and have a 75-foot spillway. About 1,400 feet of access road for construction would be excavated west of the logging road. Minimal inspection access to the powerhouse would be provided along the transmission line. The preliminary annual cost of Option 4 slightly exceeded the annual benefits. 6.1.5 OPTION 5 The fifth option includes a low rock filled timber crib dam 175 feet wide at Barrier 5 with the powerhouse located just below Barrier 3. The net head is 72 feet with the spillway crest at 156 feet MSL and the tailrace at 75 feet MSL. The range of operating flows and the installed capacity is essentially the same as for Option 4. The length of penstock is 2,500 feet, 700 feet longer than that of Option 4. The slopes the penstock crosses, however, are slightly less steep in the upstream portion of the canyon. Total excavation quantities are similar. Option 5 utilizes low pressure plastic pipe for an enclosed flume over most of the penstock route. Only the last few hundred feet are 1/4-inch steel pipe. The tailrace is above any known salmon habitat. Because some sidecast material excavated from the penstock route would be allowed to enter the stream for cost effective disposal, the nonstructural mitigation plan of Option 4 would also be applied in Option 5. This option would cost about $300,000 annually and would have marginal net benefits. The summary in Table 12 uses engineering constraints for a general comparison. The impact of construction access subjectively rates the length, amount of excavation, and time for installation. Maintenance access accounts for the relative difficulty in getting to the site after construction. The hydraulic design deals with the complexity of dam design to pass flood requirements and to make enough water available for power. A medium rating for installed capacity suggests that potential capacity is close to the demand. A high or low rating indicates capacity and demand are poorly matched in the particular option. Salmon impacts rate the amount of habitat affected. Geology rates the acceptability of the site. Land ownership can have a high rating if the city, the State, and Forest Service are all represented whereas a low rating would have only one party involved. Dam and penstock materials impacts reflect expensive items, or hard to obtain and/or install items. The lowest total number of points indicate the least relative impact of the project options. 48 TABLE 12 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF HYDROPOWER PLANS Options Decision Im2acts 2 3 4 5 Construction Access 2 3 3 2 Maintenance Access 2 2 Hydrau 1 i c Design 3 3 3 2 2 Salmonoid Impacts 3 4 2 Geology 3 4 Land Ownership 3 2 2 3 Dam Materials 3 4 4 2 2 Penstock Materials 2 2 4 3 Penstock Length 4 2 3 3 Preliminary Cost 3 4 2 3 3 Installed Capacity 2 4 2 2 Total 28 26 26 26 22 Degree of Impact *Impacts of aesthetic, archeological, equipment, and streamflow variations 1 -Slight between options have been assumed to 2 -Moderate be equivalent. 3 -Considerable 4 -Severe 6.2 RATIONALE FOR SELECTING A PLAN 6.2.1 SITE SELECTION The selection of a hydroelectric alternative to diesel generation was based on the availability and accessibility of the resources available. Coal, gas, solar, and wood fuels held no advantage over diesel fuel. By process of elimination, only the water energy from either Harley Creek or Indian River were found realistic. Harley Creek was soon eliminated from contention because of limited flows and greater distance from the community. Harley Creek would cost more to build per unit of energy produced than would a project on Indian River. 49 In the ratings of Table 12, Option 5 appears to be the best candidate for evaluation and Option 1, the worst. The high cost of Option 2 associated with the poor geotechnical conditions caused it to be dropped in favor of equally rated Option 3 or Option 4. But because Option 3 has insufficient capacity in comparison with the needs of Tenakee Springs, Option 4 becomes the second best choice. Both Option 4 and Option 5 would be capable of producing sufficient energy to meet a large portion of the demand projected in the most likely growth scenario. (No hydroelectric scheme could meet all the annual demand due to periodic low stream flows). The design of Option 4 would require longer and more costly access features across steeper terrain than that of Option 5. The dam of Option 4 is more complex and costly than that of Option 5. Impacts on fisheries near the powerhouse in Option 4 are likely to be more of a concern than those of Option 5 because the pool at Barrier 2 is known salmon habitat. The powerhouse site in Option 5 is above known salmon habitat. Option 5 is selected as the candidate for detailed technical analysis because it appears to be more accessible, more constructable, less complicated structurally, less aquatically disruptive, and less costly. Option 5 best meets the objectives and criteria set forth in Section 4. 6.2.2 PRELIMINARY PLANT SIZE OPTIMIZATION Preliminary annual power duration curves were created for 100, 200, 300, and 400 kW. Projected annual demand curves for the years 1986, 1995, 2001, 2006, 2016, and 2036 were overlain on the power duration curves, using the same scale. The areas common to both curves were digitized and converted into estimated annual energy. The energy values for the various plant sizes and the estimated annual project costs were entered into the HPWRECON computer program for preliminary annual benefits calculation. Net benefits are the annual benefits less the annual costs. These are plotted on the left side of Figure 6. The right side of Figure 6 shows the various usable energy limits of each plant. Table 13 lists costs, benefits, net benefits and the benefit to cost ratios for these plant sizes. TABL~ 13 PRELIMINARY PLANT SIZE OPTIMIZATION 100-kW 200-kW 300-kW 400-kW Annual Benefits $238,660 $290,140 $290,760 $291,370 Annual Costs 201,400 241,700 290,000 330,300 Net Benefits 37,260 48,440 760 [38,930J B:C Ratio 1.18 1.003 1.00 0.88 50 N E T B E N E F I T S I THOUSANDS 4O-V 20 • o . -20 - -40 * I I , 150 250 ~ 450 KILOWATTS CAPACITY U S E A B L E E N ~ G Y K W H 1200 - 1000 - 800 • 800 - ,. , I I , I • I , I .-. --- . -------------- I " I , I / I , 1/ 1/ , , -1988 .• __ . 2006 ---2038 I I I 150 250 380 450 KILOWATTS CAPACITY TENAKEE SPRINGSh~LASKA SMALL HYDROnJWER FEASIBI LlTY REPORT PRELIMINARY PLANT SIZE OPTIMIZATION Alalka Dlltrlct, CarpI of En,ln .. ,. FEBRUARY 1983 The projected demand at Tenakee Springs exceeds the output of a 100-kW unit, and is less than the production of a 400-kW unit. Optimal plant size is between 200 and 275 kW based on comparisons of projected demand, hydrologic constraints, and costs. For this small range in capacity, most project features and associated costs, remain the same. A study of multiple units for this project yielded no improvements over the performance of a single unit. Refinements are discussed in the technical appendix. Because the range in size was small, marginal avoided costs methods and more elaborate scoping analyses were inappropriate. The selected plant size may be governed by available off-the-shelf standardized turbine units implied by the authorization rather than the maximization of net benefits. (More refined evaluations are presented later in the document.) 6.3 RATIONALE FOR DESIGNATION OF NED PLAN The National Economic Development (NED) objectives are achieved by increasing the value of the nation's output of goods and services and improving the national economic efficiency. Based on these criteria, hydropower Option 5 would be the NED Plan. This plan would allow the displacement of expensive petroleum products, create a much needed reliable community water supply, and/or maintain local fisheries. 52 THE SELECTED PLAN 7.1 OVERVIEW OF THE TENTATIVELY SELECTED PLAN For Tenakee Springs, a hydroelectric system on Indian River is designated as the tentatively selected plan. Since it provides the best over all scheme to meet national and local objectives this hydroelectric plan also includes measures that improve the value of the local salmonoid fishery and can supply the community with needed domestic water. Net benefits are maximized with this plan. It would reduce reliance upon imported fossil fuels and use renewable resources. The selected plan also meets Environmental Quality objectives by making a significant contribution to the cultural and natural resources of the study area if the enhancement option is exercised. The selected plan provides a balance between demand, capacity, and cost and satisfies the planning objectives of the study. The selected plan is close to town and has reasonably good access. The selected plan includes a 265-kW Francis turbine operating under 71 feet of head. The system would operate reliably 7 months of the year and meet a significant part of the demand for the remaining months of the year. It could produce about 1,870,000 kWh of energy annually. Local labor could be employed. The system could be placed in service in a little more than one year from start of construction. A low weir would be installed at river mile 1.0. A 39-inch inside diameter pipe would carry water to a small powerhouse at river mile 0.4. About three-quarters of a mile of 7,200 volt transmission line would connect directly with the city distribution system. The river features which make ideal damsites also make penstock routes and construction difficult and costly. Reducing the length of the penstock and the amount of excavation required, for both access and the penstock, became the critical cost component of the study. The selected plan described in Appendix A, Technical Analysis, best optimizes the costs and minimizes the extent of environmental disruption of the project site. The selected plan has the tentative acceptance and support of all environmental agencies involved in the study. 7.1.1 POWER COMPONENTS A rock filled timber crib diversion structure at river mile 1.0 would serve this run-of-river project. The 39-inch inside diameter plastic penstock would convey a maximum design flow of 52 cfs to a 265-kW horizontal Francis turbine 2,400 feet downriver. Gross head is 80 feet with a 9-foot head loss. This plan is capable of producing approximately 1,870,000 kWh of energy per year on the average, of which 538,500 kWh would be usable the first year of operation. The connection to town would be made by 3,800 feet of 7.2-kV line. The three phase system on wooden poles would be fully compatab1e with the new city distribution system of the same voltage. A return line for station service is also provided. The powerplant at Barrier 3 would be 53 unattended with automatic shutdown due to low flows. It would operate synchronously with automatic diesel startup capability. Diesel backup generation would be needed primarily in the months of January, February, and August; intermittently in March, April, September, November, and December due to reduced streamflow (Table 14). It is anticipated that the two existing 90-kW units, now overhauled, and/or additional 150-kW units should be capable of meeting total demand during periods of reduced hydrogeneration. The summaries of Table 14 show that had the unit already been installed, it would have overaged 322 days of operation annually since 1976. There would have been 43 days of total diesel reliance, and 73 days of partial reliance if peak demand exceeded 104-kW. The unit would operate at capacity about 80 percent of the time, half capacity 85 percent of the year, and at minimum capacity 87 percent of the time annually. The purchase of any additional diesel capacity could be postponed indefinitely by synchronously operating different sized diesel backup units in parallel to closely match demand. Schedules could be derived based upon streamflows and energy demand at given times across the calendar. A high degree of efficiency could be attained because the generators could operate at uniform speeds for fewer total hours using less fuel each year. Hydroelectric power would meet the base load most of the time and the diesel generators would come on line as needed to meet peak loads. Diesel efficiency should increase and the lifetimes of the diesel units could be extended due to their standby status. Standby 250-kW diesel units would not be required when the more rugged and flexible hydroelectric development is installed. Smaller multiple backup units could be operated more efficiently than a single large diesel unit. SUMMARY OF COSTS AND BENEFITS -POWER ONLY Investment Cost Annual Cost OM&R and Mitigation Costs Annual Energy Benefit Annual Capacity Benefit Annual Extended Life Credit Annual Employment Benefit Benefits -to -Costs Ratio: $240,000, $294,000 7.1.2 WATER SUPPLY COMPONENTS $3,251,000 269,000 25,000 $170,000 Zero 38,000 32,000 0.82 to 1.0 Tenakee Springs has no developed sewer or water supply system. The community is attempting to develop a Village Safe Water Program. In conjunction with hydroelectric development of Indian River, the plan would run an insulated 6-inch inside diameter polyethylene pipe along the transmission line route from the powerhouse to the edge of town. Joint hydro-water supply development appears to be most cost effective. The community will need about 7,500 gpd for average daily residential use if the population grows as outlined in the most likely scenario for energy growth. About 15,000 gpd for peaks will be needed. 54 If the city develops a small resorvoir on Kushtanhini Creek prior to the implementation of the Federal plan, the Federal plan can be modified to intertie with the city development at little or no increase in cost. Instead of continuing the pipe to the edge of town along the transmission line, the same length of pipe would divert right at the 125 foot contour and enter the Kushtahini resorvoir. The Federal system would pump upon demand as the reservoir is drawn down. The city has not expressed any option to construct at this time. Therefore Federal plan assumes that at the edge of town, a filtration and chlorination system, storage tank, laundry and shower complex, and/or valve complex could be constructed by others. A pump at the powerhouse would run off station service. Water supply development has been a Corps project purpose in several situations nationwide. Corps participation is limited to the development of the source, its protection, and in some cases, its conveyance to (but not the distribution to) the population center. In Tenakee, all costs of Corps water supply projects must be recovered from the city within a period of 50 years from first use. Costs equal benefits in this simple evaluation. 7.1.3 FISHERIES COMPONENTS General The major fisheries resources of Indian River consist of pink, chum, and coho salmon, and Dolly Varden char. Pink and chum salmon use the Indian River only for spawning and egg incubation (Figure 7). They spawn in late summer to early fall. Fry emerge from late March to early April and migrate to sea. After 1.5 to 3.5 years in the ocean the adults return to the stream to spawn and die. Escapement records from surveys conducted by the ADF&G are provided in the USFS Coordination Act Report. Coho salmon enter Indian River from late August through October (Figure 7). Fry emerge around December; however they remain in the stream for one or two summers before migrating to sea. No escapement records are available for coho salmon; however,it is estimated at a maximum of 100 fish with less than 50 fish being probable. Coho would be the initial target species for any mitigation and enhancement feature of the selected plan. Resident and anadromous Dolly Varden char utilize Indian River. Resident Do11ys would be principally affected in the reach of river between the dam and powerhouse. Detailed information is provided in the EA and FONSI. Mitigation The USFWS recommended in their 1981 Planning Aid Letter a minimum flow release between the dam and powerhouse of 27 cfs between December and April, and 41 cfs during May through October. 55 ut en ""T1 (i) C ::0 fTI -J , £ o r I 300 J50 JOO INDIAN RIVER DISCHARGES AT THE USGS GAGE-TENAKEE SPRINGS 1976-1981 I I I I .I ! I -"A. .....• IItIIUI IIA. 'Lor _.-STA.DARD DIVIATlor • 150 c , S 100 • cO ~ -• jJ ': .::.' •• ' • I ' ,. 1 ,." I "',. J \" • :,': 'wI o o OCT I • If''': .: 50 NOV 19 tOO JAN 8 150 200 FEB 27 APR 18 DAYS Z50 JUN 7 STAY IN STREAM TWO SUMMERS a OUTMIGRATE IMPRINT a OUTMIGRATE 300 JUL27 350 SEP 15 TABLE 14 AVERAGE PERIODS OF OPERATION 265 kW Francis Unit , DAYS SHUTDOWN , DAYS BETWEEN 25 AND 52 CFS QArrR YEAR j;JATE~ YEA~ RONTR 1976 1977 1 g711 . 1q7g 19S0 1981 19S2 AVG RONTH 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 AVG OCT 0 OCT 6 3 3 1.7 NOV 0 NOV 18 11 5 4.8 DEC 13 24 3 5.7 DEC 2 6 9 15 4.5 JAN 10 21 19 11 8.7 JAN 3 6 12 31 13 9.4 FEB 13 6 28 2 29 11.1 FEB 6 14 13 11 6.1 MAR 10 4 8 8 4 23 8.1 MAR 13 14 12 6 15 4 7 10.1 APR 8 1.1 APR 5 1 2 13 10 4.4 MAY 0 MAY 0 JUN O' JUN 6 11 2.4 JUL 8 1.1 JUL 1 20 8 13 16 14 10.2 AUG 3 3 6 11 8 23 7.8 AUG 10 26 23 16 8 3 5 13.0 ~ SEP 6 9 1 6 3.1 SEP 2 9 4 9 8 1 8 5.8 TOTAL 49 9 70 39 22 7 1M 43.0 TOTAL 65 52 101 60 95 59 75 72 .4 POTENTIAL PLANT FACTORS AND GENERATION MONTH 20 cfs-l04 kW 35 cfs-184 kW 52 cfs-265 kW % 1000 kWh % 1000 kWh % 1000 kWh JAN 71.8 54.8 66.7 90.2 59.4 117.6 FEB 61.0 43.1 5R.7 73.4 53.8 99.6 MAR 73.9 57.2 70.2 96.2 63.3 126.7 APR 96.2 72.0 94.4 125.0 91.3 177 .8 MAY 100.0 77.4 100.0 136.8 100.0 201.1 JUN 100.0 77.3 99.4 131.0 98.1 187.2 JUL 96.3 74.6 94.3 129.2 87.8 177 .9 AUG 74.7 57.9 67.8 92.9 58.8 118.4 SEPT 89.6 67.0 87.4 115.8 83.3 162.7 OCT 100.0 77 .4 100.0 136.1 9R.0 193.1 NOV 100.0 76.5 98.7 1?9.3 96.1 183.4 DEC 81.6 63.2 7Y.0 lOR.? 70,.6 151' .0 Annual 87.2 794.5 [fen 1,366.6 80.5 1,871.1 The minimum flows are desired to sustain the aquatic habitat of the river. Upon consulation with the USFWS, an additional field survey was conducted. It was determined that a minimum instream flow of 10 to 12 cfs would be sufficient to sustain the aquatic resource for the 2,700 feet of river above the powerhouse. Implementation of 27 and 41 cfs as minimum flows would preclude the hydropower facility from being economically viable. A mitigation program was proposed that could easily be expanded into an enhancement program, with mutual hydropowe~water supply, and resource benefits. The most likely species of salmon to be impacted is coho. The coho mitigation program would consist of an egg take during the late spawning run in Indian River or adjacent watershed. The eggs would be fertilized on site, packed in trays and sent to a fish hatchery in Juneau or Sitka. The eggs would be incubated, hatched and raised until the finge~ling weighed approximately 1 gram. Fingerlings would then be flown to Indian River for release above the dam site. Approximately 25,000 fry per planting period is targeted at a cost of about $12,500 per plant or $4,850 annually, decreasing in future years as equipment is reused and a routine is established. A l-in-3-year planting program is planned with l-in-2 or 4-year programs also to be considered, as well as additional species. A l-in-3-year program would provide a split age of fish between 3 and 4 years old. An estimated adult return and harvest of 250 coho salmon is reasonably expected from a release of 25,000 fry. The 250 adult returns are based on a 10 percent fry to smolt survival and 10 percent marine survival resulting in a 1 percent survival rate. Turbine mortality to salmon smolts is estimated at 2 to 12 percent. This estimate is based on the assumption that less than 25 percent of the smolts would enter the penstock and turbine which could produce 10 to 50 percent mortality. - Spill would be the rule during each spring freshet. Presumably the outmigrating juveniles concentrate on the top of the pool. Most would bypass the turbine by traveling over the spillway or the through the constant release notch in the spillway. Spillway mortality should be less than 2 percent; overall system mortality should be 5 to 15 percent, excluding avian and piscatorial predation. Table 14 gives an idea of the timing and duration of the turbine inflows and the potential for turbine mortality when there is little or no spill in excess of 10 cfs. The penstock intake is hydraulically designed to have a lower velocity than that of the constant release weir so few outmigrants should be attracted to the penstock and turbine. The mitigation plan includes a turbine mortality monitoring program because no studies have been made for small projects of a similar nature. A structural mitigation program using fish ladders was also considered but was dropped from detailed consideration due to lack of support from various resource agencies as well as not being engineeringly acceptable because of high potential for damage by floods. The selected operational program provided the more cost effective mitigation as compared to structural alternatives. 58 7.2 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Various options are possible for the implementation of this plan. Under the first two scenarios it is anticipated that the local utility would be responsible for the operation of the plant by contracts with the State or Federal agencies. The options available are listed below: 1. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with Federal funding. 2. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State or local funding. 3. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State of Alaska using State grants or loans. 4. Cost shared State and Federal construction by the Corps of Engineers. 5. Construction by a private firm with State or local funding. 6. Construction by a private firm with private funding. 7.3 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION Throughout the course of this study public involvement was accomplished primarily through public meetings, individual discussions with community leaders, utility owners, and telephone conversations and correspondence with interested parties. The input from these sources early in the study process helped to direct the study and provided data needed to develop a plan. State and Federal agencies contacted directly or through the State Clearinghouse reinforced the developing plan throughout the entire study process. Some of the important contacts and coordination efforts are listed below. TABLE 15 A PARTIAL LISTING OF CONTACTS AND COORDINATION DURING REPORT PREPARATION May 1980 August 1980 August 1980 thru March 1981 December 1980 Public Workshop Public Workshop North Pacific Division U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 59 Notice of start and intent of the study; initial data gathering mission. Additional scoping work and data collection. Plan formulation and design work cooperation. Initial coordination for planning aid letter and instream flow requirements. December 1980 December 1980 January 1981 February 1981 June 1981 June 1981 October 1981 December 1981 December 1981 March 1982 March & April 1982 u.s. Forest Service Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development u.S. Forest Service Snyder Mercantile Public Workshop u.s. Forest Service, Sitka and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sitka Alaska Department of Fish and Game Snyder Mercantile T1ingit-Haida REA Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Power Authority 60 Description of Indian River cascades systems and potential fisheries improvements possible in conjunction with a hydropower project. Obtained data from their geothermal drilling program which could influence planning for electrical and water supply in town. Basin hydrology, forestry, geology interpretations. Electrical load history, sales records, general community history and economic setting. Progress report, discussions of energy usage patterns, alternatives to be evaluated and potential hydropower site descriptions. Plan of study; sizing and location of potential project; coordination of involvements; sharing of information; joint field trip. Obtained designs and plans for possible installation of fish ladders. Preliminary description of planned improvements in the local electrical system. Energy costs, usage patterns, and equipment typical to small Southeast Alaska villages. Discussion of facilities and improvements planned for Tenakee which could influence energy changes. Evaluation of the electrical distribution system and potential future requirements; regional forecasts applicable to Tenakee's electrical growth rates. •. April 1982 May 1982 May & June 1982 June 1982 June 1982 Nov 1982 January & February 1983 u.s. Public Health Service Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation City of Tenakee Springs Juneau Based Well Dri 11 i ng Fi rms Alaska Power Administration u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage u • S. Fish and Wildlife Service, City of Tenakee Springs Discussion of potential designs, problems, needs, and costs of incorporating a water supply into the hydropower project. Received comments supporting preliminary load forecasts and and local descriptions to be used in draft report. Obtained costs, schedules, anticipated difficulties for installing a system at Tenakee. A review of load projections. Resolution of instream flow requirements and mitigation measures to include 10 cfs constant release, controlled low flow spillway, screened low velocity intake, avian protected transmission line design, and strip-rear-release fisheries program. Received final CA report for a prior draft plan at Barrier 4. The recommendations are included in this plan. An amendment to the CA report -is attached to the report. Provided private consulting firm with information relative to a separate water supply feasibility study. 4 October 1983 U. S. Fish and Wildlife All three agencies sign a November 1983 Service, U.S. Forest letter of cooperative intent Service, and Alaska to enhance fisheries benefits Department of Fish in conjunction with a Corps and Game hydropower projection Indian River. City of Tenakee Springs 61 Reduced electrical demand information is furnished which forces termination of the Federal-hydropower study. CONCLUSIONS Continued use of diesel power generation appears to be the most economical way to meet the electrical generation needs of Tenakee Springs. However, the Indian River could provide a water supply source for Tenakee Springs. Details of the hydropower alternative and the water supply system are contained in the Technical Analysis. A detailed description of mitigation measures and a potential fisheries enhancement program is outlined in the Environmental Assessment. By 1986 Tenakee Springs would need about 260 kW of peaking capacity. By 2031 the required capacity could be about 410 kW. Hydropower could meet a significant portion of that demand, but not economically. Tenakee Springs is currently upgrading their system and hydropower would help stabilize electrical costs. During periods of low stream flow diesel generation would be needed to meet the remainder of Tenakee's future energy demand. Hydroelectric potential is sometimes advantageous because its cost per kilowatt hour remains uniform while diesel fuel generation costs tend to rise. The economic advantage of Indian River hydroelectric development disappears at low energy consumption levels because of the high fixed costs for construction of the facility. This is the present case in Tenakee Springs. Potential production exceeds demand, so sales are insufficient for cost recovery. Indian River would provide a dependable source of water for domestic and commercial use. An alternative water supply plan to withdraw water from the river above the diversion site (Barrer No.5) would enable gravity flow in the pipe. However, an additional mile of pipe would be needed and all of the pipe would have to be a larger diameter due to the increased frictlon losses in the longer pipeline. Also the amount of water diverted through the water supply pipeline would not be available to produce electrical energy. The city of Tenakee Springs retained a consultant to prepare a water supply plan and a draft of the consu1tant 's report was completed in July 1983. The findings of that report are being evaluated the Tenakee Springs City Council. The opportunity exists to greatly enhance the salmon resources of Indian River. The five natural barriers to fish, completely block upstream migration to the 10 miles of prime spawning and rearing habitat. A potential enhancement measure would specify 1addering or physically altering the configuration of the cascades which act as barriers to movement. The proposed diversion structure is designed to be adaptable to 1addering if an enhancement program is selected. The sponsoring agency would install ladders or modify the barriers. The expected commercial and sport catches of not only coho but also pink and chum salmon would more than offset the costs of enhancement program initiation and operation. Because the enhancement program is not dependent upon the hydropower project, could be implemented by any of several organizations. 62 An alternative commercial anadromous fisheries enhancement program could involve expansion of the mitigation program by the frequency of fry planting as well as the number of fry planted. This operational enhancement program would evaluate planting of coho and king salmon for the greatest economic return for the program. The ADF&G, USFS and USFWS have expressed a preference to this type of program versus the structural (ladder) alternative. In addition, this alternative when combined with the mitigation program would reduce the cost per fish planted and would increase the economic return. A commitment to this development plan would require monitoring of flows, detailed upstream habitat surveys and refinement ,of mortality estimates both natural and project induced. A means should be developed for continued operation of the USGS/USFS cooperative streamgage. Additional hydrologic data would improve the- reliability of design and plant sizing. Current Federal guidance endorses the development of joint Federal and State cost sharing or local sponsorship of Federal development through an innovative financing agreement with a nonfederal interest. Unless totally financed by nonfederal interests, it is anticipated that power marketed from remote small hydroelectric facilities, such as this project, would be allocated by the Alaska Power Administration. It appears likely that the APA would contract with the local utility for operations and maintenance services in remote communities. The cost of power and such services would depend on how the project was financed. The consumers would be expected to repay development costs of the project as part of their monthly bills. The residents of Tenakee Springs have expressed an interest in helping to building, operate, and maintain any hydroelectric facility built there. Sufficient skills are available for the successful execution of at least half of the construction and OMR phases. These skills are available for less than Davis-Bacon Act wage rates. The use of simple design techniques and the more basic the labor and equipment provided, the better chances of operation of a facility as intended. The benefit calculations included all categories which may be reasonable to expect. Some of these, such as secondary energy benefits and intermittant capacity credits, are supported by very weak arguments and are therefore, excluded from the ultimate evaluation of the project to avoid being overly optimistic in a project where so many variables are unknown or estimated based on very limited data. It is concluded that this project as defined and prepared according to Federal criteria is infeasible and does not warrant further study by the Corps of Engineers at this time. 63 I. lS!!I!!!!lS 1!I!!!iU A. 1IJd_' I. ',ojoct _.1 •••• flt 2. 'rojoct _.1 Colt l. Tot.1 I .... _t Co.t 4. .... ftt/CO.t R.tto 5. ' ...... t, WlI ... •• Til ......... •• W.II, S..., I, I. ',ojoct. _.1 .... ftl r. 'rojoct _.1 Colt l. TOil I 'rojoct Co.t 4 ..... ftl/COIt R.tlo I. ' ...... t, WlI ... II. En!t"M!!!U' IlItSt! A ..... tte I. Ho~tt.1 I. To,,..I,tol I. ~ttat C. w.t., Qu.ltt, D. w.1I< _ttl, I. At, ,.11.11. ,. ,".11 , .. , III. ~1I1 1!lISSI A. a.c_, .. tcoI I. Ro,t. 1Irwl~ C. 1-.10 __ D. ...tM I. Iotll"tcs ,. M,I ... _I, •• C-II, 1Irwl~ .... CeIIo.I. IY. ""'"1"' a.Jocstn, A. SI .. lltn or _, COli 0' ,_I., • Ioct,te tt,. I. ' ..... 1 ...... t •• , .... 1, .,,1 •. c. COIIlln' ... _Me. c __ rc •• ' N •• rc. of .. 1_. I. Con .. ," or _lftC •. tI,,..,trt,' 811"''''. _to (. .... ... n •• re~_I .. t. .. 1.tI ... TABLE 16 HtbRbPtMN BIII1RIU • 211.000 219.000 n.25I.000 0.17 ..... Id toe,. ... .., .. 41.000 41.000 421.100 1.0 Would 'ne,. ... R.MII"" of ~.~llIt ... ttt, b, !"HUCH I1IMI Iftd construc- II .. I .... t • ."'0.1 .. 1.,, l.OOO f"t of .1 .. , .ffOCIH. RHUCIl .. of fh~ _,.tl .. ollllllH I~"""" ........ 11 ... ' fh~ _, •• ~ro.I"III, 10 oc,.. of to,.11 .1 .. ,1.,. TOlll ..... I_t .,.. • ,ro.I .. III, 20 OC,. •• C ... tructl ............ t I .. I.,oct. ... Id .ffoct 1..-Mar _t to 111_ ,t ... ,,,, .re ... 11o ... _t.~_. 1 •• II.lft .... t dtn"t .. f .. ._tt, .. t ... "",,1, ./A ... I.,oct ... re_l .. te.' ,. ... re .. I. tile ,rojoct .,. •• .... ~- .. It! Iltflll'l, I"',. ........ 0..-_,t .. IIt .. . SltlU toe,. ....... t., .... 1 .... 110. 0' ,roJoct. Me HW'II 'ft'UI' Iffecta ,,, t_. WI ••• I .~_ It ,rojoct .tlo, ...... 'er I, ,ttl" _11, Q,I. W .. ,d ,ro.loIo ... I ....... 1, .,,1. 'or t ... _It,. Wow Id CIUI' .,..,.t, c.-.."t t, ~:"'~:;r.~~~:!:t~~:I:-, .:,~III trlU d"trH II lhe gr.lt., • .,., I. Ib'lltyat .tlCtr'ctt, CI ..... ttte c.-..nlt, to Iwltctl ,,,.. • r.tlr._ ... t .nd ,..,..11 ... , '"111,1. to ON .UtI ... re ca-erctal b ..... Would ,oduc ... '1o~t1t" .01' 0' .locl.I.II,. ..... Id ,,., ....... t ....... 1, .,.t •. E.~.ncll t .... ,_ ...... htt .. b, ,ro,ldt., _. ~.~Itlt. COIIllnOi ~lIle , • .,.U,III .... ffoct 64 "¥tildPtiWtN MIilIU 4 271.000 m.ooo 13.160.000 .77 W .. ld tftC,.. ... ..I .. 54.000 '4.000 1l1.000 1.0 W .. ld loe,. ... S_ D ..... I I.,oct, .,,..1· .. UI, 2000 'nt of , .... ,ffoctlll. S_ II __ ,h •• ""ro.I .. UI, 7 oc,.. of f .... 1 .'u,I... Total "nl_, .,. • .....,..1 .. 111' II OC,. •• S_ II ___ 'I ... . S_ II roc_,I .. . ./A S_ II roc_,I ... S_ .. for __ ,1 ... S_ II fo. __ ,I .. S ... '1 fOf' rlCa-eMed pl." but It ...... t., 4, rh., .n. 0.1 • S_II , .. __ ,1 ... S_ "' 'or __ ,I ••• S_II,.._,I ... S_ .. '0. roc_ ,h •. S_II roc_'I .... S_ •• roc __ 'I .... .... ffoc' DIESlL •• 1 .. Me ."oc' I .. .... ffoct .... ffoct Mo "'oct No .'f •• t No .ffoct .... ffoct ... .ffocl 110 .ffocl 110 .ffocl ... .ffOCI ... offoct SlIlIIt .ffoct letull •• Spr1ftQI .auld ca,,- ttnul to rely aft 'allt1 fu., 'or IllCtrtCil gln.,._ ~~d r~::t .:' c:!r=!;t:~!f rail, Ind ttl. eO"w,rll. S_ II , .. ,oc_cIod ,h •. .... ~ .... Ie eN", ... .~ .... ... ...... ... .~ ... " ... .~ .... CoU .f .'ocl,I.lt, _Id ,tM II "tco 0' al ... l f.1 rail • ... .ffoct ... .,focl ... frltel ... .ffoct ~ . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SMALL HYDROELECTRIC POWER DEVELOPMENT INTERIM FEASIBILITY STUDY TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska Anchorage, Alaska September 1983 NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION The community of Tenakee Springs, faced with an obsolete electrical system and hi gh opera ti ng cos t, reques ted the Corps of Engi neers to conduc t a small hydroelectric study of Indian River and Harley Creek in April 1980. The community also requested the Corps to investigate incorporation of a water supply system to meet the residential cOlTlTlunity needs in conjunction with the hydroelectric power study. PROJECT SETTING Tenakee Springs, located approximately 50 air miles from Juneau, is a small cOlTlTlunityon the north shore of Tenakee Inlet on Chichagof Island, Alaska. Chichagof Island is part of the Alexander Archipelago that comprises much of Southeast Alaska. The townsite of Tenakee Springs consists of about 200 acres located on a narrow strip of land near tidewater. The community has a year-round population of 130, with a seasonal summer high of about 200 people. Tenakee Springs has 97 buildings that are connected to electric power. Tenakee Springs households use an average of about 2,100 kWh per year. Electric power is supplied by a 90-kW diesel generator. The community has neither a centralized water supply nor sewage system. Transportation to and from Tenakee Springs is restricted to water and air modes. The cOlTlTlunity has no roads or motor vehicles except for a few all terrain vehicles, fire equipment and one fuel oil delivery truck. Small fishing and pleasure craft frequently dock or refuel at the small boat harbor. Additional information concerning the general regional and project setting may be found in the main report under section 2.2 Regional Environmental Setting. Aquatic Resources The watersheds of Indian River and Harley Creek are relatively long and U-shaped as a result of previous glacial action. Indian River, located approximately 1 mile east of Tenakee Springs, has a watershed area of approximately 26 square miles, a main stream length of 11 miles, and a mean annual flow of 156 cubic feet per second (cfs). Harley Creek, located approximately 4 miles east of Tenakee Springs, has a watershed area of 4.3 square miles, a main stream length of 3 miles, and a mean annual flow of 29 cfs. The Harley Creek site is not a feasible site for producing hydroelectric power for Tenakee Springs and is hot considered in this Environmental Assessment. The major fisheries resources in Indian River consist of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), chum salmon (0. ketal, coho salmon (0. kisutch) and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma).-Pink and chum salmon utilize the freshwater habitat of Indian River only for spawning and subsequent egg incubation. Spawning takes place in late summer and early fall, eggs hatch generally from late November to January. After hatching, the fry emerge from the streambed from late March to early May and migrate to sea. After 1.5 to 3.5 years in the ocean, the adults return to the stream of their.origin where they spawn and die. 2 Salmon escapement records for pink and chum salmon are presented in Table 2 of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report. In summary, pink salmon escapement observations (1976 to 1980) varie'd between a low of 970 and a high of 6,150 fish. Chum salmon escapement observation varied from a low of 20 to a high of 1,OlD fish. No escapement records are available for coho salmon. Coho escapement is estimated at less than 100 fish. Coho salmon enter Indian River in late August through October. Their activities and life requirements are somewhat similar to pink and chum salmon; however, the young continue to use freshwater as rearing habitat, usually for two surrrners, before migrating to sea. Comparatively, the coho salmon is the strongest of three salmon and is able to migrate further upstream over natural barriers in Indian River than pink and chum salmon. Analysis of river features i ndi cate fi ve natural barri ers or di scouragements to fi sh passage between river mile 0.4 and 0.9 (Plate 1). The five barriers are located below the preferred dam site. Barrier 1 is located at river mile 0.4 (elevation 30 feet mean sea level, fmsl) and consists of two cascades. The upper cascade is a barrier to pink and chum salmon, but not to coho salmon. The lower section of river (mile 0 to 0.4) provides excellent spawning and rearing habitat for pink, chum and coho salmon. The second barrier is located at mile 0.5 (elevation 50 fmsl) and consists of a 12-foot-high falls and cascades. No coho fry were observed above this point in 1980 and 1981. The falls is probably a barrier to coho passage; however, coho passage may be possible at flows less than 150 cfs. The alternative proposed powerhouse site is between barrier 2 and barrier 1. Barrier 3 is located at mile 0.7 (elevation 80 fmsl) and is a velocity barrier created by a hydraulic jump with a 2-foot vertical drop. It is believed that coho could negotiate this barrier under certain flow conditions. The proposed powerhouse is located between barrier 2 and barrier 3. Barrier 4 (mile 0.8, elevation 113 fmsl) is a 15-to 17-foot-high falls and cascade system and is considered a barrier to all fish. The alternative damsite is located just upstream of this barrier. Barrier 5 (mile 0.9, elevation 145 fmsl) consists of a 10-foot-high-cascade system. The cascade would be a barrier to pink and chum salmon; however, it is believed that coho salmon could negotiate the barrier under certain flow conditions were they able to pass the downstream barriers. The preferred dam site is located 50 feet upstream of this barrier. Instream habitat between barrier 2 (mile 0.5) and barrier 5 (mile 0.9) is considered poor to moderate due to the high stream gradient. A stream gradient profile is provided in the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report. Only resident Dolly Varden were observed and captured above barrier 2. Good, but unutilized spawning habitat for salmon is located between mile 0.9 and mile 2.7. From mile 2.7 to mile 3.9, the stream gradient decreases . and several beaver darns and backwater areas are located along the stream course. There is little spawning habitat, but excellent potential rearing habitat for coho salmon in this reach. From mile 3.9 to mile 11.6, the river offers a variety of good to excellent salmonid spawning and rearing habitat. 3 The U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Corps of Engi neers (COE), and the Alaska Departmen t of Fi sh and Game (ADFG) have acknowledged the fisheries enhancement potential for the Indian River. At least 10 miles of good to excellent spawning and rearing habitat for salmon is above the last upstream barrier at mile 0.9. The USFS conducted a preliminary fisheries enhancement feasibility survey for Indian River, which indicated that a commercial value of $437,700 per year could be realized if fish passage above the natural barriers could be realized. This $437,000 in commercial value is based on the harvestable population (adult returns) increase of 30,000 chum salmon; 96,000 pink salmon and 3,300 coho salmon that could occur based on stream surveys. The above information was extracted from field investigations, reports by the USFWS and Corps, meetings with various agencies and from the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) report prepared by the USFWS. Additional information concerning the fisheries resource can be found in Appendix A, FWCA Report. A summary of water quality data collected by the USFS, with a comparative evaluation to acceptable drinking water standards of the State of Alaska, is provided in Table 15. In general, the pH of Indian River is between 7 and 8 and the water quality meets drinking standards. Suspended sediments however, vary from 0.1 mg/l at a flow of 15 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 500 mg/l at 1,000 cfs. A summary of suspended sediment data collected by the USFS is presented in Figure T-l. Terrestrial Resources Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) are the two major big games species that inhabitat the project study area. Both species are dependent on the coastal forest ecosystem. Preferred spring and summer habitat for brown bear is along grassflats, tide-influenced meadows, forest fringe, and anadromous fish streams such as Indian River. Well used game trails are evident on both sides of the river from tidewater to the headwater. During salmon migrations bear use may be concentrated in the area below barrier one. The riparian zone of Indian River provides habitat for mink (Mustela vision), marten (Martes americana), river otter (Lutra canadensis), and beaver (Castor canadensis). Various species of waterfowl occasionally use the upstream muskeg and beaver pond areas for resting and feeding. Raven (Corvus corax) and northwestern crow (Corvus caurinus) are common along the riparlan zone and tidal grassf1ats. Shorebirds, gulls, waterfowl and other seabirds are found in the marine waters of Tenakee Inlet. Bald eagles (Ha1iaeetus leucoceShalus) are very common near tidewater areas within the study area. Nine bal eagle nest trees have been identified between Tenakee Springs and Harley Creek. Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), and the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) are commonly observed in Tenakee Inlet. Endangered Species No known endangered terrestrial mammal or avian species are known to exist in the project area. The humpback whale is listed as an endangered species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1969. Al though common to waters of Tenakee Inlet, it is not anticipated that the project will effect the whale or its habitat. 4 The bald eagle is not classified as an endangered species in Alaska. The bald eagle is protected by the Bald Eagle Protection Act (16 USCC 668-668d) and the Bird Treaty Act (16 USC 703-711). Bald eagles and their nest trees are further protected through a cooperative agreement between the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), which restricts all disturbances within a 330-foot radius about each nest tree. Additional information concerning the environmental resources of the Tenakee Springs study area may be found in The Forest ECOStstem of Southeast Alaska, 1974,: Vol. 1, "The Setting"; Vol. 3, iiF,sh Aa hat"; Vol. 4, iiw,ldl,fe Habitat"; Vol. 7, "Forest Ecology and Timber Management". The referenced documents were prepared by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. ALTERNATIVES The following "action" alternatives to hydroelectric power were evaluated during the course of the feasibility study: waste heat recovery; wind generation; solar generation; alternative fuels (coal, peat, natural gas and wood) ; geo thermal; and transmi ss i on in terti e (e 1 ec tri ca 1 transmi ss ion interconnection with other utility systems). The above alternatives are addressed in Section 5 of the main report. In summary, they were not considered feasible alternatives in addressing study objectives relating to corrmun ity needs. These study objec ti ves requ ired tha t a genera ti ng sys tem: (a) be capable of generating sufficient electricity to meet projected demand, (b) be socially and environmentally acceptable, (c) be of proven technology, and (d) provide electrical power at the lowest cost convnensurate with other project objectives. Hydropower Two sites were considered. Both sites, Indian River and Harley Creek have apparent hydroelectric capabilities. However, Harley Creek does not have the sustained flows capable of meeting projected energy loads for Tenakee Springs and was dropped from further consideration. Evaluation of hydroelectric power development on Indian River is feasible to meet Tenakee Springs electrical needs. However, diesel standby power will also be required to meet projected energy demands during low streamflows during various periods of the year. The Preferred Alternative The preferred alternative consists of a diversion dam on Indian River, which would divert between 20 to 52 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water through a penstock to a powerhouse 2,440 feet downstream. The proposed locations of the project features are shown in Plate 1. The alternative is a run-of-river project and does not include water storage. A diesel power generator would serve as a backup for electrical supply during periods when flows were insufficent to meet electrical power demand. The dam would be located approximately 50 feet upstream of barrier 5 (river mile 0.9). Crest height of the dam would vary from 5 feet to 16 feet above the streambed. The dam width (length across the river) is 84.5 feet with a 5 length of 22 feet. The structure would be constructed of timbers and rock salvaged from the project area. The upstream face of the dam would be planked to reduce seepage. Left of center (facing downstream), between two rock-filled sections of the dam, would be a timber bulkhead spillway. Under normal conditions flows would flow over the bulkhead spillway and/or the bulkhead notch. A narrow vertical notch (1.35 feet wide and 3.9 feet deep) is incorporated into the bulkhead spillway to provide a minimum instream flow release of 10 cfs during periods of hydropower operation. The bulkhead spillway is deSigned to pivot at flood flows in excess of 4,200 cfs. A flow of 92 cfs is required before flows pass over the bulkhead spillway and 132 cfs before flows pass over the rock crib spillway (157 fmsl) during maximum hydropower operations. A 10-foot non-overflow section (16 feet in height) on the right side of the dam would protect the penstock below the intake structure. The intake structure has a crest height of 165 fmsl and would be constructed into the riverbank. Twenty feet upstream of the intake structure, a l6-foot- long weir would be built with a crest elevation of 153.1 fmsl to protect the water intake for the penstock. The center height of the penstock at the intake structure is 148 fmsl. The penstock would be about 2,440 feet in length and follow the right (southwest) bank of the river (Plate 4). The first 250 feet would be steel pipe with an inside diameter of 42 inches and would lie in a rock cut. A 39-inch diameter plastic pipe would compose the middle section, 2,040 feet in length. This section would be above ground supported by rail road ties every 10 feet. The last 150 feet of penstock above the powerhouse would be steel and laid above ground. The powerhouse (Plate 5) is a wood frame structure 20 by 20 feet and would house a single 265-kW turbine unit. The proposed unit is standardized horizontal shaft Francis type with a throat diameter of 1.78 feet. The powerhouse tailrace is 50 feet in length traversing a cut section to the stream edge. The downstream end of the tailrace would be riprapped to protect the streambed and form the water supply intake. The water supply intake would consist of a cross channel trench cut into the streambed to a depth of at least 64 fmsl (approximately 2 feet below streambed). Gravel would fill the trench creating a French drain. A buried 6-inch plastic pipe would transport water to the conmunity of Tenakee Springs following the route of the transmission line right of way. Construction of the preferred alternative. The primary access to the project would be over an existing Forest Service logging road east of Indian River and 3 miles from Tenakee Springs. This road runs from the logging camp at sea level through the eastern Indian River drai nage. A permanent 700-foot access road woul d be cons tructed from the Forest Service road to the dam site. The access road would be unpaved and of single-lane construction (12-foot travel width and 2-foot shoulders) constructed to standards adequate for construction access and maintenance of the project. 6 The access road would traverse through a Forest Service c1earcut area. Approximately 0.28 acre of clearing (400 feet by 30 feet) would be required near the river. An estimated 210 cubic yards of excavation and 625 cubic yards of select fill (gravel-rock) is required for road construction. Minimal grubbing is anticipated. The road would be cu1verted and/or constructed so that natural drainage would not be adversely affected. Coarse gravel or rock water bars placed within the road would provide cross drainage and minimize erosion. The existing forest Service quarries would provide fill material required for road construction on a pennit basis. The access road to the dam would have a grade of 11 percent dropping from 225 ms1 to 150 fms1 (Plate 1). A 10-foot high bank would be cut to a maximum 20 percent grade for the river crossing approach on both sides of the river. Materials excavated for the river crossing would be used for a diversion structure during construction of the dam and spillway and within other project areas. The stream crossing would require excavation of approximately 480 cubic yards of rock and 240 cubic yards of cOl1lTlon material. Vehicular access across the river would probably be a native log stringer bridge unless c1earence is given by the Forest Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game to cross the bedrock streambed. An alternative stream crossing approach would be evaluated in the refined engineering design phase of the project to include use of the dam surface for the purpose of small construction vehicle crossing. However, large equipment would still be required to use the stringer bridge or bedrock crossing. Dam installation would occur during the summer when flows are generally less than 150 cfs. Flows would be directed away from the dam section being installed through the use of the diversion struture. The diversion structure would consist of logs and approximately 50 cubic yards of rock. Construction of the rock and timber dam and intake structure would require excavation of 110 cubic yards of rock 320 cubic yards of rock fill, 11 cubic yards concrete, and 100 cubic feet of grout and about 9,000 board feed of lumber. Approximately 0.8 acres of clearing would be required to accolTlTlodate a 50-year flood. Primarily the area to be cleared would be to elevation 160 fms1, a distance upstream of 500 feet. Clearing of vegetation would preceed construction and would occur in late fall or early winter. Construction of the penstock route would follow the right bank because rock banks are less fractured and are cabab1e of holding a 1 horizontal to 4 vertical cut. The penstock would be installed on a bench cut from the river bank. The route would require excavation of 9,000 cubic yards of rock and 1,500 cubic yards of cOlTlTlon material. Excavated material would be sidecast on the downside, on a 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. Cleared trees would be salvaged and used as retaining walls for fill sections where needed. Lost fill below the embankment should be limited to less than 100 cubic yards. A 30-to 50-foot wide corridor would be cleared for the penstock route, about 2.3 acres. Excavation and terracing of the dam site and penstock corridor would occur between May and July. The powerhouse site would be created primari 1y by rock excavation. Estimated excavation amounts to 1,100 cubic yards of rock and 125 cubic yards of common material. Vegetation clearing would be within a 0.1 acre area. Access to the powerhouse would be along the transmission line corridor. The trail along the transmission line would require only those improvements necessary to 7 facilitate passage of equipment to construct the transmission line and the powerhouse. A two track trail would remain to provide a low use maintenance trail for the powerhouse. Construction of the transmission corridor would require a 30 to 50-foot wide right-of-way (ROW) below 175 fmsl. The route would avoid terrain involving extensive surface modification. The access road would consist of a bladed and graded bulldozer trail with minimal upgrading done only as necessary to permit passage of construction and maintenance vehicles. Vegetation clearing would generaly be within the 50-foot corridor. However, selective clearing of danger trees (diseased, leaning, or dead trees) within a 300-foot area would als9 be cleared for a safe conductor zone. A water supply conduit would be placed within the transmission corridor. The conduit would be 3,800 feet of 6-inch polyethylene pipe with a preformed 1.4-inch thick insulation layer. The pipe would be buried in a shallow trench excavated by backhoe or trenching tool. Additional loose earth for the transmission line access road would be mounded on top of the buried pipe for additional insulation. The water supply conduit intake would be sited in the lower half of the tailrace. A cross channel trench would be blasted into the bedrock streambed about 2 feet in depth. The trench would be fill with gravel creating a French type drain. Other Hydroelectric Alternatives Variations of the preferred plan were considered. were evaluated and included various dam heights, locations. Two additional dam sites powerhouse and penstock Dams having overflow weir crest heights up to 25 feet were found to be less cost effective. A tall concrete dam, in excess of 80 feet at river mile 0.4 near barrier one, which would have included a fish ladder system and eliminated the natural fish barriers behind the dam by flooding, was recommended by the USFS for evaluation. This option was determined infeasible as a result of geological and power analysis. The next best alternative dam site to the preferred plan is at river mile 0.8, just upstream of barrier 4. This option has the advantages of less penstock, but the disadvantage of the added road construction, increased cost, and greater potential effect to fisheries resource due to the powerhouse location near active salmon spawning areas. The environmental effects are considered to be basically the same as for the preferred plan. Similarly, a dam at barrier 5 could divert water to a powerhouse at barrier 3. A powerhouse location on the east bank of the river would require greater foundation cost and would increase construction disturbances to the environment. Turbine choice could be modified prior to construction as more instream flow data and data regarding potential for fish mortal ity (as a result of mechanical damage from the turbine) becomes available. A crossflow turbine as compared to the Francis type turbine is an alternative choice. Crossflow turbines are less efficient, but can operate at reduced flows. A crossflow turbine would require greater diversion of water during maximum operation of the hydropower facility. 8 .' Additional information concerning project feature alternatives is discussed in the technical appendices and the main report. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Aquatic Resources The proposed run-of-the-river hydropower facility with a water diversion structure would not include any major water storage. The normal operating pool (elevation 156 fms1) would flood a total of 1.4 acres of which 1.1 acres is currently inundated by Indian River. Due to the steep slopes on the river bank, 0.3 acres of stream bank would be inundated. A 50-year flood would result in a total of 1.9 acres being flooded and 4.5 acres for a 100-year flood. The flooding of the limited operation pool could cover and destroy some spawning habitat for Dolly Varden. However, the pool would probably increase rearing habitat and overall adverse impact should be minimal. During periods of operation, the project would diivert between 20 and 52 cfs of water from the dam site near barrier 5 to the powerhouse located between barrier 2 and 3. The diversion would reduce the flows proportionat1y in the 2,700-foot distance between the dam and powerhou~)e. During periods of nonoperation (streamf10ws less than 32 cfs), the water would flow unobstructed from the dam to tidewater. At various times during the year, when stream flows are less than 64 cfs and greater than 31 cfs the project could divert all but 10 to 12 cfs from this reach. The 10 to 12 cfs discharge has been established as a minimum instream flow for the affected reach (see FWCA report) and would be provided by a notch 1.35 feet wide and 3.9 feet deep in the bulkhead section of the dam. It is expec ted tha t mi nor seepage through the~ stream and i nfi ltra ti on downs tream will produce another 2 cfs for a minimum total of 12 cfs. An average worst case analysis resulted in 73 days per year in which only minimum instream flows (10'-12 cfs) would be discharged in the affected (2,700 feet) reach of river. The average worst case is based on a hydroelectric power facility that would have been operating constantly at maximum operation during the 6 years of recorded data wi th the yearly freqU4~ncy of minimum flows averaged. In addition, the facility would not have beE~n operating an average of 43 days per year (range 9 to 105 days) requiring total diesel generator backup, and supplemental diesel power up to 160 days per year. Additional information concerning minimum flow release data is presented in Table 14 of the main report. During field surveys conducted by the USFWS and Corps, only resident Dolly Varden char were captured or observed between barri ers 2 and 5. Coho sa 1mon could util ize the addi tiona1 but 1 imi ted spawning habi tat between barrier 2 and 4 during certain reduced flow periods. However, this habitat potential is not considered significant because of the bedrock substrate, although some pools with gravel substrate do exist. The diversion flows would return to the r'iver below the powerhouse and project operation would not affect downstream aquatic resources below the powerhouse. Supersaturation of water by atmospheric gases and/or significant changes in wa ter temperatures are no t expec ted to occur as a resu 1 t of projec t opera ti on. 9 USFWS recommended in their January 1981 Planning Aid letter that to mitigate potential adverse impacts and to sustain winter flows for rearing habitat associated with water diversion in the 2,700 feet of river, a base flow of 27 cfs be maintained during the months of December through April. The USFWS did not anticipate water use conflicts during the summer, however they recommended 41 cfs minimum flow releases for the months of May through October. Upon consulation with USFWS, who conducted an additional field survey in July 1981, it was determined that a reduced minimum flow could be incorporated into the plan design to satisfy hydropower and fisheries requirements. It was concluded that a minimum flow of 7 to 12 cfs would be sufficient to sustain an adequate aquatic resource for the affected reach of river above the natural fish barrier, provided that a mitigation program is incorporated into the proposed project. . The mi ti ga ti on program cons i dered by the Corps and Fi sh and Wi 1 d 1 i fe Servi ce would compensate for the reduction of flow through the 2,700 feet of river. The reduction in flow could affect the fisheries habitat for resident Dolly Varden char and the potential habitat for coho salmon. The preferred mitigation program would consist of a basic operational program, which could be expanded to a commercial anadromous fisheries (salmon) enhancement program. In addition to streamflow maintenance, the operational mitigation program would consist of 1 year in a 3-year program of capturing 10 to 20 coho salmon during the mid-to late-spawning run in Indian River or adjacent watersheds (e.g. Kadashan River). The fish would be stripped and the eggs fertilized on site, packed in trays, and sent to a fish hatchery (probably in Juneau or Sitka). The eggs would be incubated, hatched, and raised until the fingerlings weighed approximately 1 gram. Fingerlings would then be flown back to Indian River for release above the dam to the previously unutilized but good salmon rearing habitat. Approximately 25,000 fingerlings would be released every 3 years at Indian River. Release of fingerlings every 2 to 4 years would reduce intraspecies competition and should improve survival rates. The coho fry release program could easi ly be expanded beyond the mitigation program provided that a cost-sharing commitment can be obtained by USFS, ADFG, or other agencies, subject to ADFG approval. Additional information concerning the operational mitigation and enhancement program is presented in Section 6.1.3 of the main report. A moni tori ng program to eva 1 ua te the mi ti ga ti on program is inc 1 uded in the preferred plan. The monitoring program also would estimate the percent of smolt migration entering the penstock and evaluate mortality to outmigrating smo 1 ts caused by passage through the pens tock and turbi ne. The moni tori ng study would also provide information on turbine mortality for other small hydropower plants in Alaska. An additional mitigation feature conSisting of a intake wall and optional screening has been included in the proposed plan to prevent or discourage fish from entering the water intake for the hydroelectric power facilities. When incoming streamflow is less than 32 cfs, a penstock valve would close causing streamf10ws to pass over the bulkhead spillway and/or through the . bulkhead notch. When streamflow is between 21 and 64 cfs, the intake weir would allow passage of operational water (20 to 52 cfs) and maintain a minimum of 10 cfs discharge through the bulkhead notch. It is expected that coho salmon smolts, resulting from the mititation plant program, would travel near 10 the surface of the stream and be attracted by the faster current of the notch and spillway. The estimated velocity over the intake crest is 3 fps while 7 fps would occur at the bulkhead during a minimum flow release. During times of salmon smo1t migration, average streamf10ws are greater than 90 cfs resulting in flows over the a-foot bulkhead spillway in addition to the spillway notch. Aquatic resources would also be affected during construction activities. Construction activities for the dam, powerhouse, tailrace and penstock routes cou1 din troduce s i 1 t and soi 1 sin to the! ri ver affec ti ng the aqua ti c resource downstream. However, the predominant material to be excavated would be rock. Those activities that could introduce slignificant silt and soils in the river would be restricted to a construction window of 20 May to 15 July as recommended by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Those activities that would involve the use of explosives in or near the stream would also be restricted to this time period. In addition, instream sediment control measures would be incorporated in the construction plan as necessary to reduce potenti a1 impacts resulti ng from i ncreasE!d turbidi ty and sedimentati on. Construction of the 2,440-foot penstock route would involve excavation of about 9,000 cubic yards of rock and 1,500 cubic yards of common material. Basically the penstock would be installed on a bench cut from the river bank. Most excavated materials would be retained in 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V) embankments on the river side of the bench, cut above the river high water mark. However, some of the excavated (rock) material and shot rock (resulting from the use of explosives) may enter the river. A maximum estimate of 100 cubic yards of rock is predicted with 50 cubic yards as being the most probable estimate. This quantity of rock is not anticipated to affect water quality or Significantly alter downstream habitat provided that mitigation measures to limit the rock quamties are implemented. Construction of the dam would require the temporary construction of a diversion structure. The diversion structure would divert water away from the current area of dam construction. The diversion structure would be constructed of rock (50· to 200 cubic yards) and logs. Inwater and related construction activities of the powerhouse and tailrace that could Significantly effect salmon migration and egg incubation, would also be confined by a construction timing restrictions. Terrestrial Resources Effects to the terrestrial environment \~ou1d result from construction of the proposed action. Short term or minor impacts would occur as a result of cons truc ti on ac ti vi ti es and long term i mpac t wou 1 d occur as a resu 1 t of habitat alteration. Although impacts would occur, no significant impacts have been identified for the proposed action. Habitat alteration would occur as a resLl1t of vegetation clearing, excavation and fill material placement, placement of structures and maintenance of facilities. Approximately 8.9 acres of clearing forest could be required as follows: Access road (0.3 acres); dam, including intake structure and work area (2.0 acres), penstock (2.3 acres), transmission corridor (4.2 acres) and powerhouse (0.1 acres). The largest area to be cleared, the transmission corridor, would transect primarily through a western hemlock (Tsuga 11 hetero~h~lla) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forest. Revegetation of dlstur e sltes along the transmisslon llne corrldor has been included in the preferred alternative. Revegetation species considered would be sod-producing species that would reduce long term maintenance as well as for erosion protection. Natural revegetation would also be considered where feasible. Earthwork required for the proposed project would involve the excavation of about 11 ,000 cubic yards of rock and 4,000 cubic yards of soil. The dam, including the left bank work area and stream crossing, would require about 590 cubic yards of rock and 630 cubic yards of common excavation; the access road, 1,300 cubic yards of common material; the penstock route, 9,000 cubic yards of rock and 1,500 cubic yards of common material; the powerhouse and tailrace, 1,100 cubic yards rock and 125 cubic yards common material; and the transmission corridor with maintenance trail, 700 cubic yards rock and 1,300 cubic yards common material. Approximately 2,300 cubic yards of select fill rna ter i a 1 for road cons truc ti on wou 1 d be ob ta i ned from the ex is ti ng quarry located near the project. Construction activities at or near the powerhouse during the summer and fall salmon runs could discourage or prevent brown bear from using the lower sec ti on of the ri ver as a feed i ng area. Cons truc ti on of the pens tock rou te and transmission line corridors would cross some established game trails and cou 1 d alter natura 1 movemen t and mi gra ti on patterns. Human-bear encounters and conflicts can be anticipated during construction phase of the project. Although short term effects during the construction phase of the project may be severe for individual animals, the long term effects to the population should not be significant. The introduction of a transmission line could increase the probability of electrocution to large birds such as the bald eagle and raven and line strike mortality to all birds flying through the corridor. However, the transmission line would be designed in coordination with the U.s. Fish and Wildlife Services to minimi.ze this potential. In addtion, the transmission line and all other project features would be aligned as to maintain or exceed a minimum 330-foot undisturbed buffer around any eagle nest tree. The small pool area created by the dam would destroy some existing riparian habitat for some furbearers, microtines and birds. However, a new riparian zone should develop around the edge of the pool. The pool is estimated to hold 5.2-acre-feet during normal operations. The pool may also attract waterfowl as a resting and feeding area. The potential benefits and adverse impacts of the pool are minor. A breakdown of acreage to be utilized for project purposes within the 13,888 acre Indian River watershed basin is presented in Table EA-l. 12 Table EA-1. Land Ownership Within Project Study Area Involving Project Features FEATURE 1. Dam and pool 2. Roads 3. Penstock 4. Powerhouse 5. Transmission corridor including maintenance trail to powerhouse 6. Moorage 7. Borrow pits TOTAL LAND O~NERSHIP (ACRES) FEDERAL 1.8 2.2 0.8 o o o O. 1 4.4 STATE o 8.5 1.8 1.0 4 " .j;. 0.2 0.3 16.iJ TOTAL 1.8 10.7 12.6 1.0 4.2 0.2 0.4 20.4 TOTAL ACRES REQUIRING DEVELOPMENT 1.8 0.8 2.6 1.0 4.2 o o 10.4 An estimated 11.4 acres of the 20.4 acres needed for hydropower development have been developed for logging. Therefore 10.4 acres of unimproved lands would be developed. Impacts resulting from operation of the hydropower facility, although not considered significant in magnitude, are generally long term in nature. Primary impacts activities include reduction in flow in the 2,700 feet of effected reach of river removal of sediment build-up behind the dam, and transmission corridor maintenance. Reduction of flows in the affected reach of river results from diversion of 20 to 52 cfs of water from dam to the powerhouse a di stance of 2,700 feet. Fisheries habitat conditions are not considered significant in this reach of river due to limited pools and bedrock conditions of the stream bed. natural barriers below the powerhouse prevents pink and chum salmon from utilizing the upstream reaches. Coho salmon, a stronger swinrner may be able to utilize the affected reach of river from the powerhouse to barrier 4 (river mile 0.8) during certain flow conditions. However, sampling conducted (1981 and 1982) resulted in coho fingerlings observed or captured only below barrier 2. Only Dolly Varden char were captured above barrier 2. In order to maintain a viable aquatic system a minimum instream flow requi rement was estab 1 i shed at 10 cfs for release duri ng hydropower operat i on during times of low flow. The 10 cfs flow requirement was a reduction from that first recolTlTlended by the USBtJS provided that a mitigation program was included in the operational program, as previously defined. Further information on the program and rationale is presented in the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report prepared by the USFWS. It also should be noted that the 30-day winter low flow (November-April) is estimated at 10 cfs with a 7 day sUlTlTler low flow of 19 cfs. The proposed dam designs does not include a seperate sluice gate. The operational plan calls for sediment removal to occur about one every three years during periods of non hydropower operation (low flows). The bulkhead 13 would be pivoted or removed and sediment worked through the opening. Rising waters subsequent to maintenance 'would carry sediment downstream. Although turbidity would occur for a short time during low stream flows, material should settle out before reaching its powerhouse. The USFS has collected several years of Indian River sediment information, and is in the process of completing their analysis. Interim data analysis has been included within this studies report. The actual timing of sediment removal behind the dam would be coordinated with the USFWS, USFS and ADF&G. Coordination with these agencies in determining timing of sediment removal behind time should mitigate aquactic impacts. Transmission corridor maintenance would result in maintaining a low height growth area the length of transmission like primarly through an old growth western hemlock and Sitka spruce forest. The corridor, 30-to 50-feet wide, would be hand cleared of larger trees. In addition, due to the height of mature trees through which the corridor passes selective clearing of danger trees (diseased, leaning, or dead trees) within 300 feet of the corridor would also be cut. The typical transmission line under the recolTll1ended plan is of an armless configuration. The armless configuration (plate 8) minimizes raptor electrocution by limiting potential raptor perching primarily to the top of the insulators and placement of conductors alternately on the sides of the pole. Raptor collision with power lines is not considered a significant mortality factor due to the type of surround habitat, prey availability and high visual acuity of raptors. Social Resources Most of the socio-economic effects of this project will be posi tive. The major long term effect will be the stabilization of electrical costs to the commun i ty, bo th in terms of cos t per k i 1 owa tt hour and in terms of a more reliable power flow. Present fluctuations in power leave lights dim in houses near the end of lines and cause damage to appliances and loss of refrigerated goods. Residents have suggested that a more reliable source of electricity will enable construction of other amenities such as a marina, a welding shop, a centralized shower and laundry. Residents feel that a more reliable electrical system may attract some new services and businesses of the type they find compatible with the Tenakee Springs way of life. It is unlikely that a project of this scale would attract any large industrial development that would be undesirable in terms of environmental or social effects. Lifestyles and incomes in the community suggest that energy conservation would continue to be the rule, rather than the exception, even with a new system on line. The implications of this are that, in general, there would be no major changes in the pattern of appliance use or associated lifestyle changes with this project. An exception is that residents frequently conmented on the difficulty of washing and drying clothes with the present electric and water distribution system. This situation could improve in the future if this project is constructed and thereby improve the perceived quality of life. 14 Expans i on of the present system to servi ce the new construct i on expected on the city land selections would be difficult. The proposed project would enable reasonable and orderly extension of service to new buildings and be less intrusive visually and audibly than a series of individually owned generators. The lands within the project area are government owned and excluded from assessment and taxation. There would be no tax loss as a result of this project. Temporary impacts wou ld occur to the soci a 1 resources duri ng constructi on. However, they are considered minor due to the short term duration and minor magnitude (e.g. noise from required blasting and temporary increase in population). There would be no relocation of families, structures of personal property as a result of this project. No relocation of roads, footpaths, or utilities are expected. Historical and Archaeological Resources An archaeological field survey indicated that hydropower development on Indian River and power transmission to the town of Tenakee Springs would have no effect on cultural resources. Although there are several potentially eligible sites near the project area described in the main report, no known potential National Register sites will be impacted by the project as currently designed. A copy of the Corps' Tenakee Spring Cultural Resource Assessment (appendix B) was provided to the State Historic Preservation Officer who concurs with the above. findings. Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination The proposed hydroe 1 ect ri c power deve 1 opment wi 11 be undertaken ina manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. This determination is based upon the description of the proposed project and its effects, and upon an evaluation of the relevant provisions of the management program. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The Environmental Assessment the National Environmental Environmental Quality. The impact. was prepared under the procedural prOV1Slons of Policy Act as established by the Council on assessment indicates a finding of no adverse 15 Table EA-2 Federal Policies Relationship to Environmental Requirements Preferred Alternative Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Estuary Protection Act Federal Water Project Recreation Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 River and Harbors Appropriation Action of 1899 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act Water Resource Planning Act of 1966 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Flood Plain Management E.O. 11988 Protection of Wetlands E.O. 11990 Full Compliance Partial Compliance Partial Compliance Partial Compliance Full Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Full Compliance Not Applicable Partial Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Not Appl icable Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Not Appl icable Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance The compliance categories used in this table were assigned based on the following definitions: a. Full compliance --all requirements of the policy and related regulations have been met. b. Partial compliance --some requirements of the policy and related regulations remain to be met. c. Noncompliance --none of the requirements of the policy and related regulations have been met. Partial compliance would be changed to full compliance upon review of comments received, signing of the Finding of No Significant Impact and authorization by Congress. 16 Table EA - 3 EFFECTS OF THE PREFERRED PLAN ON RESOURCES OF PRINCIPAL NATIONAL RECOGNITION Types of Resources Air qual i ty Areas of particular concern within the Coastal Zone. Endangered and threatened species critical habitat Fish and wildlife habi ta t Floodplains Historic and cultural properties Prime & unique farmland water qual i ty Principal Sources of National Recognition Clean Air Act as ammended Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management National Historic Preser- vation Act of 1966 as arrmended CEQ memorandum of August 1, 1980. Analysis of Impacts on Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands in Implementing the National Environmental Pol icy Act Clean water Act of 1977 17 Measurement of Effects No effec t No effect No effect Temporary disruption during construction; reduction of flow in 2,700 feet of river would reduce the quality of fisheries habitat. Inclusion of the mi tigation program makes available 10 miles of salmon rearing habitat 100 year floodplain in- creased immediatey up- stream of dam by 3.4 acres. No effect Not present in planning area Increase in turbidity during construction, no long term impacts anticipated with exception of reduced (24-60 cfs) flows in 2,700 feet of river Types of Resources Wetlands Wild and Scenic Rivers Table EA-3 continued Principal Sources of National Recognition Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands Cl ean Wa ter Ac t of 1977 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act as amended 18 Measurement of Effects No significant effect Not present in planning area APPENDIX A TECHNICAL A~A[YSIS APPENDIX A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Page Ll HYDROLOGY T-1 L2 GEOLOGY T -17 T.3 PROJECT LANDS AND PERMITS T-18 T.4 DAM, SPILLWAY, AND INTAKES T-20 T.5 PENSTOCK T-28 T.6 POWERHOUSE T-36 L? TRANSMISSION LINE T-38 T.8 WATER SUPPLY T-39 T.9 PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE T-43 T. 10 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES AND SCHEDULING T-45 T.11 CONSTRUCTION CAMP AND LABOR T-46 L 12 PROJECT COSTS T-4? T.13 PROJECT BENEF ITS T.1 HYDROLOGY T. 1. 1 BASIN DESCRIPTION The Indian River follows a fault trace through a glacially enlarged valley. The maximum elevation within the 21.7-square-mile drainage basin (Figure 3) is 3,909 feet MSL. Other pertinent data is presented in Table T-l. Alpine ecosystems comprise most of the basin above 1,500 feet and represent about 33 percent of the basin. The forest, on gentler terrain below, covers 65 percent of the basin and muskeg covers 2 percent. The lower valley overburden consists of undulating well drained young granular soils, 2 to 4 feet deep, underlain by impervious marine alluvium and bedrock. Runoff is relatively rapid through this porous medium with limited storage in the organic horizon and moss/fern complexes. Soil storage capabilities or precipitation runoff lag times appear not to have been impacted by the limited amount of clear cutting within the basin. The length of the main channel is about 12 miles. The stream gradient above river mile 8 is quite steep. From river mile 1 to 8, the stream gradient decreases to about 36 feet per mile. Below river mile 1 to sea level, the gradient increases, dropping about 130 feet over several cascades. I"n general, the lateral gradient changes from a broad valley floor into steep valley walls at about the SOO-foot contour. Most of the muskeg and organic soils are adjacent to the meandering channel below elevation 400 feet. It is this elevation that generally receives 110 inches of precipitation annually, as indicated by the Water Resources Atlas for USDA Forest Service -Region X. The greatest depths of snow (estimated 9.5 feet) occur at the higher elevations on the lee sides of the mountains. The accumulations persist longest in the shaded pockets and beneath the coniferous vegetation. Snow usually begins to fall in October, ceases in April, and persists on the valley floor in measurable depths until May, lingering until June at the higher elevations. TABLE T-l INDIAN RIVER BASIN CHARACTERISTICS RIVER POINT ELEVATION AREA % OF AREA % DISCHARGE (FEET) (SQ. MILES) ABOVE 500 FT. RELATIVE TO GAUGE USGS GAUGE 330 12.90 86.7 100 Tributary 1 118 0.83 88.0 N/A Tributary 2 220 1.54 92.9 N/A Tributary 3 325 1.24 94.4 N/A Tributary 4 335 1.04 84.6 N/A Tributary 5 450 1.26 92.9 N/A Tributary 6 450 1.46 95.2 N/A Tri butary 7 425 2.34 97.9 N/A Tributary 8 375 0.97 90.7 N/A Barrier #5 145 20.46 80.3 160 Barrier #4 113 20.71 79.8 162 Barrier #3 80 21. 66 80.0 170 Barrier #2 50 21 .71 79.8 170 Barrier #1 30 21.76 79.6 170 Bridge 10 21.80 79.2 170 T. 1.2 STREAMFLOWS The USGS and USFS have cooperatively measured streamflow at two locations on the Indian River. One gauge, at elevation 500 feet on the southwest headwater tributary, was installed primarily for water quality analyses. The gauged area is 1.16 square miles, adequate for only intermittent records. A second gauge, at elevation 330 on the main channel, has provided daily records beginning with water-year 1976. It measures 12.9 square miles. Figure 7 is a plot of average mean daily flows at gauge #15107920. These gauges have been discontinued pursuant to USFS soils and watershed research program funding reductions. High flows generally occur from mid-April to June and from September to November. Generally, the greatest sustained discharge is in the spring when rains and snowmelt combine. Over 44 percent of the total annual flow occurs from 1 April through 31 August as a result of this combination and latent percolation. The average mean daily discharge at the gauge, from December to April, is 87.4 cfs while the average June to October flow is 74.8 cfs. Peak discharges occur in the fall as a result of intense rains. The instantaneous maximum discharge of 1,900 cfs took place on 15 September 1976 and the minimum of record was 5 cfs on 19 and 20 February 1979. T.1.3 SMALL SAMPLE STATISTICAL VALIDITY It was necessary to determine if the years of record on the Indian River presented an unbiased, representative statistical sample of long term characteristics. Using the long term records of the adjacent Pavlov River (Figure 1) and nearby Kadashan River for regional correlation, it was T-2 determined that the Indian River record is not biased toward wet or dry years. The Student's t-test of the means of each sample streamflows, and the F-test of the variances of sample streamflows were both upheld at the 10 percent level of significance. The USGS computer data file WATSTOR was obtained for the referenced gage site. This data file, containing 7 years of record, was corrected for damsite location relative to the gage and used to calculate potential hydroelectric plant capacities and energy productions as described in Section T.l.8. T.l.4 WATER QUALITY AND SEDIMENTATION A 'summary of water quality and sedimentation rates monitored by the USFS are presented in Table 7 and Figure T-l and compared with drinking water standards for the State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. Valley shape and stream configuration appear to cause the waters to have a high organic material content. In the steep reach, river mile 8, rainfall quickly washes material into the stream. Below mile 7, the stream channel meanders through mature forest and muskeg. Fallen trees and overhanging alders and sedges contribute much organic material, particularly during high flows. Normally a high organic content causes waters to be tea colored and acidic. Rain water normally has as pH of 7 or slightly lower. In the case of Indian River waters, calcareous rocks appear to adequately buffer any acid contributions of precipitation and rotting vegetation. Indian River waters have pH of between 7 and 8. Indian River waters meet acceptable drinking water standards as specified by the State of Alaska. Standard treatment of surface waters used as a community water supply requires sand filtration and chlorination. Treatment would be necessary if the intake would entrap salmon carcasses or if Giardia spp. are present. Indian River sediments are generally cobble size or smaller. The gentle gradient above river mile 1.0 (Barrier #S) causes most gravel or larger sized sediments to settle out. Immediately upstream of Barrier #5, the gradient and velocity increase. Cobbles cover the streambed as finer particles are carried downstream to below Barrier #1. The streambed below river mile 1.1 is predominantly bedrock and the cobble armor is generally thin except where fissures or meanders lower streamflow velocities and induce settlement of bedload. Gravel bars and cobbles, with occasional boulders probably derived from the collapse of the riverbank's glacial soils, are most evident above river mile 1.1. Below mile 1.0 cobbles and rocks cover the streambed. Waters are turbulent down to river mile 0.2 as the valley gradient increases. Several cascades (Appendix B) occur at minor fault strikes. In mile 0.4 to 0.8 some rock debris falls from canyon like walls covered with dense herbaceous growth. At the mouth of the river, a history of sediment transport is displayed by a moderately sized cobble and gravel delta. T-3 -I I ~ TABLE T-2 .CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY STATION NUMBER 9121 (!)I) IDlN<EI SPRII'KJS J t\l..ASKA LAT. 5JO ll7' LONG 135° 13' TEMPERATURE (OF.) PRECIPITATION TOTALS ( INCHES) WIND MEANS EXTREMES SNOW AND SLEET ~~ ~~ (/);: I-~o I :E ~ (f)>-~~ I~ ! O:::E O....J :E .... n::: :l __ u..W I-::> .... Z a::: a::: I-Z a::: ~t a:: <n a:: W-l Z :J I <noo ~~ om ~ ::> I (/) <! <:! <! W>-Z ~ oW <! OW <! 1--<! ~I-<! W z <! 0 X r a:::I: 0::3 W <!<! W ~-l .... ;:x::l 0::0 G~ Z z oC!> W 0 0 W W Xz W W 41-0 W zW ~~ w Z ~ >--~ WO >-<!O 4n.. cn 4 ....J:E 0 or >-0....J >-~ >-w<! >-Wn..O:: >-~ ct w n:: ~~ 0::0 O::W(!) W(/) g:o ~o W :::IN 0 0 ~ 0:: 0:: 19 19 (!)o ::!! zlO JAN )I) 124 2h 148 1942 -3 19'3) -6 :i l!}YB 12-26 199) -5 19L14 - --E 31 --. FEB ZJ ?f) 31 50 1945 -I, [958 5 1 19115 15 41 1q-X) 14 : 191!3 ---E Z2 MAR 41 28 .35 52 19L19 13 9L13 5 1 19lQ B 27 1943 J2 19113 ---E 25 APR 47 33 lj() 65 1943 14 91Jl1 4 1 19!3 2 11 l<¥!Lt 8 1944 - --E 11 MAY S7 39 Lj6 79 l~ 25 9116 q 1 191~1 --E 4 ---- -- JUN E3 4ft 52 83 19£il1 33 9sa 3 1 1947 ---E a ----- JUL 64 qB )7 82 1950 36 ~943 II '} 1~2 --E 0 ------ AUG 65 l~ 57 82 19113 )J a9l17 5 2 19117 ------ --E 0 SEP 59 ltS 51 78 19112 33 ~942 8 ~. 1943 -E 0 ------- OC1 49 3R '13 ff) 1950 19 ~9115 12 5 19119 0 2 19119 20 1949 ---E 6 NOV 39 2G 32 ~ 19119 8 [l95f} 8 3 19119 12 211 19113 8 1942 - --HE 19 DEC 35 26 2..q 44 1941 2 ~9L'9 7 2 1Yl!9 19 301 19119 8 19111 ---mE 27 NOT E S: 1B1lPATIlRE MID PrJIIPITI\TIIJI MTA KEPT BEJVffN 1941-1950. mTA KEPT Bffi£EN 1970-1900 IlIS t()T mCLUDE r'v\xI~u'SJ MItmU~J OR Dl\JLY PHORDS. r.o RECORD KEPT (f EXTRF1[ SfDJ OCPTII.OR HINDSPEED. MISCEllAN- -EOUS DATA DE PO TESTS '" ~ ~ ~ o::~ VlW:£ ~I-~ f4:8 < -' <3. ~~ VI ~~~ < 0 ... ~~ l!l l!l l!l ~~~ z: :z: ~ ~ ~ ~~I-R5 '" /l.. 0.. "-VlCVI "'..., VI VI VI INORGANICS Mg/l Alwninwn None ----Arsenic 0.05 ----Barium 1.0 ----Bicarbonate I None JO.O -Il1.1! 18.1 Cadllli ",n 0.1 --0.01 0.01 Calcium ugll None 6.9 --- Chromium 10.05 --~6~~ 0.01 Chloride None 3.6 3.40 60.5 Fluoride 2.40 0.1 -5.4 4.2 Iron u.1 - - --Lead 0.05 --0.01 0.01 Maqnesiwn None 1.1 - --Manganese lJ.O~ --U.Ul 0.1 Mercury 0.002 ----Total Nitrates 10.0 0.3 -0.5 0,:> Total Phosphates None --~:~ 0.1 Potassium None 0.2 0.8 -Selenium 0.01 --0.1 10.1 Silica ROne 1.1 40.Z 54.0 42 Silver 0.U5 ---- Sodium 250 -120.0 205 - 'SUlTate "orie u.u 1~4.U JJJ.J 1':411.~ Tdnnin None -- - - Tin None --0.1 0.1 ,jljY~L M911 Alka Ii nity None -8.7 2.25 -Color 15 75.0 --- Conductivity (uMHO) tiQpe 163.0 -O~~ 798.0 Oissolved solids None 39.0 -704.0 560.0 Hardness NOlie 22.0 -- - Suseended solids fiOOle -3.0 13.0 pll None 7 -9.4 8.8 Turbidi ty 1.0 - - --Q..RGANill M9/1 Elldrin 0.000 Lindane 0.000 Methoxychlor 0.1 TQX~Jlh~ne 0.005 2.4.-D 0.1 2.4.5-TP Sl1vex 0.01 Tota 1 Trihalolllethanes Q"J Max. Trihalolllethane Pot. 0.1 HAD I OACT I V lTV pCifl Gross Alpha 15 RddiulII 226 & 228 5 I~r·{)f., f., ~~QJ~._ ~f1 ----,-,-- iUIll-91 co .... ~ .n w z ::> ..., 0.5 --------111.7 --- 2.24 -'0 --- .5 ----- .O~ - 01: - .631 - -- 1. 929 - IABLE T-3 LOCAL WATER QUALITY USFS TESTS ON THE INDIAN RIVER ~ ~ OJ ~ OJ Ch OJ '''' '" 0> '" ... '" ... OJ :;; ~ ... co co '" co ~; OJ .... Q) .... !:"~ .... en en en > '" .... ~ ~ .-< .-< en .... '" ~ ~ §~ .... ~ .-:-t! ~ en'" ;; ~! .... ~ .... a. M N .n ",0. N ID .-< ~~ ~ .-:-~E :I: -' '" W >-l>-I-Ll ~ W ;--oIl :z: -' --' l!l 0.. O! >-Z --' ::> ::> ::> ~!:! W ~.:! ~ ~ ::> =>N ..., ..., ..., VI ..., ...,~ -.08 .03 -.03 .10 .07 .02 -.08 --- - --- ---------- --- - ----- - ---------1:>1; 21.Ji. -112.68 116.3 14.2 11 A _1 II I?n R ------ -----2.01 1. 97 -2.21 12.4 5.54 5.15 2.75 3.64 -----------0 .113 -.027 0 0 .005 -.Oll --------11.6 1.4 -.728 11.6 0 In "I :n 1 1~ ------ ----- ---- ---141 no -.093 ,146 14Q o~? Mn 12Ji -.054 .0323 -.037 .014 .01 .024 .016 .032 -.804 .828 -.456 .607 .322 .407 16.71 .479 ---------- ~ OJ ~ Ch '" ~ ... OJ en> .D .... '" en N "'QJ :-~~ "" <~ co'" ~., ° oil '" I-'" uw '" o~ "- .02 0.4 ------- 13.2 18.3 -- 3.13 4.72 -- .0213 .UU6 -- 2.095 1.3 ---- ,110 .225 .052 .UtU .486 .473 -----2.871 2.Y36 -1.348 1.602 .663 0 1.859 2.246 1. 78410 ----------- 1.543 --?127 2.104 -2.664 4.093 lRQ3 11,7R? 11 17R ~t 12.095 2.049 .Il --JZ.J 2.401 -1.163 3.41 1.82 .97 .SO 1. (J82 1.85 -1.0 - --1.0 -1.0 --1.0 0.2 .20 .20 .16 .10 .55 .31 -- ------------ 8.76 --13.34 14.70 -8.34 8.56 5.88 .120 7.01 12.95 8.52 11.53 0.0 --10.0 15.7 10.0 69.0 20.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 12.5 55 25 73 0 --~30cLL W~L Ilg.,L Z9.~_ lH~§" 21h*-m,-~ ~2. 152.8 Ill. I 148.96 -1.0 --69.3 60.0 35.4 93.0 74.0 120.0 61.0 'YD)-:071 ~oii- 31. 67 --72.35 ---I~ ~ - 8.2 --7.5 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.3 7.6 7.2 7.0 ------ --- ----- State of Alaska requires tes ts for Pesticides. Radioactive Isotopes. lIeavy meta Is. & Co Ii fon" BdC teri a. These tes ts were Hot perfonlll~d Of} lhe specific State Standards generally oa"nJdte SdllJ fillralioll field salllples shown here. of surface waters tOI' JOllies tic con::,ulllpll on. W I I I .~. I.~ I I ~-I --, ------ I . 1 ~. '" 0> ° '" ... '" 0", 0 0> co> ,D ~ ~'" ~ .D '" ~n ~ N NE: ~ :I: '" U ~oIl >-'" 3N --' ~ ::::> ...,~ ..., .10 -------- --- --- 15.1 17.663 - --- 3.72 3.38 ---- .015 ---- 1.4 1.144 -- -- .033 .090 .080 . UII .013 .O,O( .632 .824 .261 .316 t 2.494 .949 --1. 74 1. 58 . III .13 -- 61.71 14.2fi 20 10 138.48 119. fl9 :06-7 --~0a7-- F----7.2 7.4 -- I'~ -- -~ - f---. - - 1 I 7 • "T1 (i) C :::u fTI --i _. en &I- 0 -3: 0 -1 lL. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT (mg/I) .1 .5 1.0 5 10 50 100 500 IPOO I.OOCH-____ -JL-_...L-____ ---II __ ........ ____ ......... __ ..L-_ ....... ---:.-----& __ ..... 500 100 o • • • • • • • • • • .. • NOTE: (I) DATA MEASURED BY U.S. FOREST SERVICE IN 1977. (2) mg/I = ppm"' 8.345 Ib •. /mlllion gollon. = 1.11513 IIO-6Ib •. /clI.f •. • • • • • TENAKEE SPRINGS I ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY INDIAN RIVER SUSPENDED SEDIMENT ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS I~--------------------------------------------------~----------------------------.-. T.1.5 DESIGN FLOODS Prior to beginning design of a structure. it was first necessary to determine the most severe combination of meteorologic and hydrologic conditions anticipated for the Indian River. Because streamflow records are limited. two methods for developing peak discharges were investigated. The first method used regression equations developed by the USFS for Alaska National Forest regions. These general equations provide quite satisfactory results. They are based on exponentially weighted values for precipitation. drainage area. percent of lakes in the channel. and elevation. Table T-4 provides results of these equations for comparison. The Corps developed a second method, a computer program,'HEC-1, designed to simulate the surface runoff response of a river basin to precipitation. This method was selected for design use. The reconstitution/optimization option allows for input of observed precipftation and runoff data and, using these, will calculate basin runoff coefficients. The coefficients can then be used in subsequent runs as input along with observed precipitation to generate corresponding flood hydrographs. The Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) was estimated prior to calculating the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). Usually the National Weather Service prepares the PMP for a basin when requested. Because no PMP was available for the study area, the one for Takatz Creek/Lake Grace near Takatz, Alaska, located 50 miles south of Tenakee Springs, was used. The basins are very similar in all climatological respects. The result of the PMP input was a peak PMF of 9,685 cfs at the proposed Indian River dam site. Eleven years of climatological records were available at Tenakee Springs for determination of the precipitations for the 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year floods (Figure T-2). Using the recorded maximum 24-hour precipitation weighted for elevation differences by 1.25, a frequency curve was prepared. The curve was calculated using the Log-Pearson Type III method as described in the Water Resources Council Bulletin 17A. The 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year peak events were distributed over 24 hours and input to the calibrated HEC-1 model. Additional input was a base flow of 80 cfs and a drainage area of 21.1 square mile for the study site. The computed peak discharges are presented in Figure T-2 and Figure T-3. T.1.6 SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD The structures proposed are classified as small, having a height of less than 40 feet and storage of less than 1,000 acre-feet. The hazard potential classification is low with no permanent structures for human habitation downstream of the dam and minimal potential for economic loss. Normally, the COE recommends a spillway design for the 50-year or 100-year flood under these conditions. However, preliminary designs which would pass these floods while sustaining no damage proved too costly to yield positive projects. The selected plan will pass the 25-year flood without structural damage. Floods up to the 100-year event would be safely passed with only minor and easily repairable damage as discussed in Section T.4, T.9, and T.13. T-7 10-Year Peak Flow TABLE T-4 INDIAN RIVER FLOWS CALCULATED USING FOREST SERVICE REGRESSION FORMULAE Q = 19.8 Pl.15 A.898 L-.352 E-.417 Q = 19.8 (112)1.15 (21.1 .898 (1)-.352 (1110)-.417 = 1585 cfs Q-25 Year Peak Flow Q = 23.7 pl. 12 A.905 L-.355 E-.403 Q = 23.7 (112)1.12 (21.1)·905 (1)-.355 (1110)-·403 = 4375 cfs 50-Year Peak Flow Q = 26.2 P1.09 A.903 L-.356 E-.384 Q = 26.2 (112)1.09 (21.1).903 (1)-.356 (1110)-.384 = 4770 cfs 100-Year Peak Flow Q = 30.3 p1.06 A.904 L-.359 E-.371 Q = 30.3 (112)1.06 (21.1).904 (1)-.359 (1110)-.371 = 5260 cfs Mean Annual Flow = 0.0312 (112)1.13 (21.1)1.03 = 150 cfs 50% Exceedance Flow Q = .00391 p.991 A1.02 L.0692 E.343 Q = .00391 (112).991 (21.1)1.02 (1).0692 (1110).343 = 105 cfs Where: P = Mean Annual Precipitation in inches A = Drainage Area in square miles L = Percent of main channel in lakes E = Mean Basin Elevation in feet T-8 7 ~ .." G) C ::0 fT1 -i I N F L 0 LJ • C F S X 1 0 0 e 12 10 8 6 4 2 o -10 -----25 I---50 -160 10.25,50 & 100 YR. PEAK DISCHARGES AT DA" INDIAN RIVER NEAR TENAKEE SPRINGS, AK VR (33 (;3 • ~FS ) VR (41 52 4 ~FS) VR (48 is ~ ~FS ) VR (56 11 C ~FS .. J " I ..... \ I \ I ...... , \ I I 1/ \ , I • , , )1 , , , I ' . r\ " , . , " I , " \ \ I • , ,." I. """ .: , .. , /// ;11 "-'\' ~ ,,~ y ',~, , /~ ".( " ~ ~ '.~ ~ # 2 4 6 3 10 12 14 16 1S 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 HOURS -f I (5 "'TJ G) c: ::0 fT1 -i I ()J F L 0 lJ # C F 5 )( 1 9 " 9 12 19 8 6 4 2 o f" V ~ o 24 PROBABLE ftAXIHUA FLOOD AT DAH INDIAN RIUER_ TENAKEE SPRINGS_ AK ~-~ PPIF 9685 / ~ / 7 \ \. \ ~ / ~ ~ CFS '-- 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 HOURS T.l.7 ICE No record of the frequency of ice accumulation on structures at Tenakee Springs exists that could be indicative of future effects on project facilities. Expected loading, frequency, and control measures will be addressed in future design memoranda. Surface ice thicknesses based upon freezing degree day calculations should not exceed 12 inches. Because full-time operation is not anticipated, frazil ice will rarely be a problem. During cold ice prone periods water levels are expected to be below turbine limits. The nearby Pelican Cold Storage hydroelectric system experiences minor lClng inconveniences. The plant is generally inoperable in December and January because of insufficient inflow. When cold enough, the pond has 1 to 4 inches of ice cover, and with buildup at the penstock intake, and icicles form from leaks in the old wood stave penstock. A period of subzero temperatures would have to exceed a length of 9 days before the insulated water supply line would freeze solid. After 11 hours of QOF temperature, dendritic ice could be a problem if the water was stagnant the entire time. The record low temperature at Tenakee Springs is -3°F. If flow is induced in the water supply system twice daily, 2 inches of insulation on aboveground pipe and 1 inch on be10wground pipe should prevent freezing. T.1.8 PLANT SIZING Energy Calculation The Power Duration Plot Program (JPOWDURR) was used to optimize power plant capacity. Designed by the North Pacific Division for use in specialized small hydropower studies, this routine uses mean daily discharge and turbine head, flow and, efficiency limitations to calculate the frequency of operation of various selected plant sizes. The power potential is based on the formula: Average Power in kilowatts = Head x Flow x Unit Efficiency Conversion factor All studies were made using an assumed average turbine-generator efficiency of 85 percent. The minimum net head was taken as the difference between the spillway crest and the tailwater, less penstock friction loss; both head and head loss were assumed constant. The flow of the Indian River is quite variable and there is no appreciable regulating storage. Therefore, the generating capacity at the sites could not be considered firm or dependable and energy generated would be classified as fuel-saver. Although the energy from the sites would not be firm, such generation would be seasonally dependable and could, therefore, be seasonally relied upon in the planned operation of an integrated diesel system. That seasonally dependable energy is called usable energy. T-11 Usable Energy The primary goal in selecting a plant size was to create the maximum amount of usable energy. Repetitive trials of JPOWDUR for different sized units performed much like a sensitivity analysis of capacity versus available streamflow. Varying the operational limits of different turbine sizes caused the energy producton to change. The study optimized on the usable energy from a 265-kW unit. The calculation of usable energy is simplified when a utility can supply hourly or daily consumption records from which a demand duration curve can be synthesized. This plot can then be superimposed on the power duration curve when common scales are selected. The area beneath and common to both curves gives a good approximation of usable energy for that month or year. Figure T-4 illustrates this method. Using the sum of monthly duration curves avoids the slight overestimation of energy from the use of annual curves. However, this method can introduce small errors due to the underlying assumption that the timing of demand and production are coincident. Since energy use records were not available until 1983 at Tenakee Springs, power forecasts were compiled using other communities as models. The average annual energy capabilities of Indian River are graphed in Figure T-4. The power duration curve (line p) represents the gross annual power potential, that is if all generation were usable from the system. This amounts to 1,870,000 kWh annually. Line D could approximate the expected demand in 1986. The stippled area beneath and common to both curves would be an estimate of usable energy. Secondary energy is the shaded area above line D. This is energy which could be produced, but for which there is no present market. Line P would remain essentially constant from year to year, but line D would rise as energy demand grows. Consequently, usable energy also grows, capturing secondary energy, until the area under line D exceeds the area under line P. Diesel power would be used for peaking demand above line P and for the unshaded area on the right beneath the demand curve. If demand is high at a time when streamflow (therefore energy produced) is high, there is a large amount of usable energy. If demand and streamflow do not coincide, less energy produced by the system is usable. Over the long term it is expected that demand and available energy will not always coincide. Neither will the two be totally asynchronous. A relatively flat demand curve shape is typical of small communities which use electricity primarily for residential purposes. Several small Alaskan communities were studied to develop a reliable load curve shape. Communities with a substantial industrial or commercial base have a sigmoid shape with a large range in capacity and attenuated ends. Tenakee Springs lacks, and probably will not develop a sizable commercial and industrial base. The flat shape used for Tenakee Springs is a reasonable approximation of the average condition over the 50-year period of analysis. T-12 The flat demand curve shape was used because the Tenakee Springs utility could not supply the information from which a load shape could be prepared. Therefore, another community of 200 people with a similarly sized utility, serving mostly small residences, in a maritime climate at similar latitude (similar daylight hours) was used as a model because its utility records were available and reliable. This curve was used to shape the block of energy presented by the most likely scenario of Table 8. The expected energy demand in 1986 is about 6S2,S60 kWh. Figure Sand Table 9 show the escalation over the period of analysis. The demand curves for 1986, 1995, 2001, 2006, 2016, and 2036 are shown on Figure T-4. The monthly distribution of available energy and demand is shown in Figure T-S. The sum of the monthly usable energies is the annual usable energy. Table T-S provides a breakdown of the estimated usable energy. Installed Capacity The selection of installed capacity was made by using estimated annual energy needs and probable load factors to calculate peak capacity demands (Tables T-S and T-6). Initially separated in Section 3.1.S, monthly energy needs were easier to predict than the minimum, maximum, and average capacities. The monthly curves were re-synthesized for the annual energy values and fitted to the flat load shape. The results conform well with the description of Section 3.1.5. The 26s-kW unit selected satisfies more monthly scenarios and hydrologic capabilities than substantially larger or smaller units. A larger unit requires more water, therefore, operates fewer days (Table 14). More diesel would be required for either a larger or smaller unit as suggested by Figure T-s. In the description of the most likely growth scenario (Section 3.1.S), an expected peak capacity of 261 kW was projected for 1986. The 261 kW is the total of all electrical devices. It is unlikely that all would be on-line, at maximum use, at the same instant for a long duration; thus the narrow "spike" of Figure T-4. In June, the month of greatest projected demand, the school is not always in use, fewer light bulbs are on because of longer daylight hours, and the recreational season is just beginning so all commercial facilities to serve patrons are not drawing their full load. For instance, patrons inside the store are not using appliances at home while in the store. Therefore, the peak demand is unlikely to equal the peak installed capacity early in the project life. The review of this small scale study should not place great importance on the peak intercept of Figure T-4. While the figure would be of critical significance in a study of large plants, it is less demonstrative for the study of Tenakee Springs. For this study, a 2S-kW change in peak capacity demand would not significantly alter the final conclusion of the study or the cost of the project. Energy production from this small capacity plant would be used in effect as a self-fulfilling prophesy: whatever the capacity, its energy would be used. T-13 Multiple units are not of value in this project. The flow duration curve (T-4) shows that very little energy tan be picked up by decreasing the lower turbine limits. Most flows not used by a single 265-kW unit are single digit values; too low to be of value even ;n a small unit. These flows are also reserved for instream flow needs. Reducing the capacity deprives the plan of more energy at the peak (more valuable) than ;s gained at the base end (less valuable) over the life of the project. Also two or more units would probably increase the operations and maintenance cost. T-14 TABLE T-5 USABLE ENERGY FROM A 265 kW HYDROELECTRIC UNIT YEAR MONTH 1986 1995 2001 2006 2016 2036 JAN 28,207 36,360 41,064 46,260 51,026 62,520 FEB 23,993 30,319 45,490 39,816 44,294 53,846 MAR 25,355 31,651 37,015 41,947 46,142 56,515 APR 41,832 52,070 60,329 68,832 75,910 92,357 MAY 42,286 54,691 61,200 69,487 76,716 93,611 JUN 82,000 103,421 119,533 135,252 148,529 171,425 JUL 77,962 97, 121 112,788 126,554 139,846 160,610 AUG 64,706 76,697 89,539 97,826 109,627 109,483 SEP 43,031 54,533 63,048 71 ,366 78,703 96,077 OCT 45, 180 61,344 65,754 74,398 82,692 100,474 NOV 34,344 42,696 49,943 56,398 62,474 76,172 DEC 29 2 570 36 2 655 42 z768 48 z 154 53 z489 65 2 095 TOTAL 538,466 677,558 788,471 876,290 969,448 1,138,185 in (1,000 kW-hr) 538.5 677.6 788.5 876.3 969.5 1,138.2 DEMAND 652.6 815.0 945. 1 1,069.3 1,181.2 1,441. 2 SECONDARY ENERGY 1,331. 5 1,192.4 1,081. 5 993.7 900.5 731.8 TABLE T-6 ESTIMATED GROWTH YEAR PEAK DEMAND LOAD FACTOR ENERGY DEMAND (kW l (%) (1 2 000 kWh) 1980 80 25 174.4 1986 261 28.5 652.6 1995 310 30 815.0 2001 327 33 945. 1 2006 349 35 1,069.3 2016 355 38 1,181.2 2036 411 40 1,441.2 T-15 TENAKEE SPRINGS I ANNUAL POWER DURATION AND DEMAND PLOT • 4~ ------------------------~ 400 3!50 • 300 • D E , II ~ 2S0 ~ 200.1 K w 100 so o o LINE P ----.. ~ -----.---- 2036 2016 2006 2001 1995 1986 ::::::::::' ;;;;;: :J!llllll!l!l!!l!!!l! r r 20 40 60 80 PERCENT OF TI ME EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED '", 100 TENAKEE SPRINGSl..~LASKA I I I I I I I I I I I I I SMALL HYOROt"UWER FEASIBILITY REPORT DURATION a DEMAND PLO~ ~ Alaska District, Corps of Engineers FE8RUARY 1983 J FIGURE T-4 o o 2 ESTIMATED AVERAGE ENERGY DISTRIBUTION IN TENAKEE SPRINGS INDIAN RIVER BARRIER e FOR 2Se kW PLANT 2~~------------------------------------------~ AVERAGE MAXIMUM 200 HYDROELECTRI ISO 100 PRODUCTION r,.,.,.:.:.:.:.:, AVERAGE USABLE HYDROELECTRIC PRODUCTION O~------~----------~----------------------~ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT ~ DEC FOR YEAR 2006 -r -17 TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY REPORT ENERGY DISTRIBUTION Alaska District, Corps of Engineers FEBRUARY 1983 FIGURE T-5 Tenakee Springs, like most small bush villages, is under-energized by conventional standards. When an "un1imited" power supply is made avai1a~le at a competitive or stable cost, its energy will be used. This was the case in Napakiak when a transmission line intertie from Bethel was created. Per capita consumption tripled. The optimum plant size in Tenakee Springs is clearly more than 100 kW and less than 400 kW. Although Indian River is capable of producing over a megawatt at times, the practical limit is substantially less. For the small sized units under consideration the overall plan changes very little in design or cost. Essentially only the size of the penstocks, intake valves, and turbine-generator units changes with capacity. The dams, excavations, roads, powerhouse buildings, transmission connections, and mobilization and percentages of contingencies, engineering and design, and supervision and administration remain the same. Optimum plant size at Tenakee Springs is, at present, dictated by hydrology, community energy demand, and instream flow requirements for salmon. The range of unit size is very small. Increasing turbine size above about 265 KW requires greater stream flow diversion. Diversion of more than 20 to 52 cfs deprives fish of needed water at critical times. Instream flow requirements would then be raised if the hydropower plan threatened to dewater signficant portions of the river. The net affect would be reduced periods of operation. Consequently, a larger unit would not produce significantly more usable energy, and a smaller unit would produce less usable energy. Figure 6 indicated optimum plant size near 200 kW. The large 265 kW size was selected partly because it more closely matches anticipated peaks. Fish mortality is reportedly reduced if turbines are run at 70 percent of maximum capacity~ A larger unit running below capacity could yield the same energy as a smaller one running at full capacity, and have a less detrimental impact on any outmigrating smo1t passing the fish screens. The larger amounts of secondary energy produced could be used for off-peak heat storage, heat pumps, to run water supply pumps, electric hydro10sis for development of any oxygen and hydrogen production plant, an off-peak sawmill, and any other potential source of employment and income that Tenakee may add in the future. Also, the selection of a larger unit offsets some of the uncertainty regarding sizing based upon the flow duration curve without regard to the sequence of the loads and flows. Because the flow duration curve may not be timed synchronously with demand, the secondary energy of a 265-kW plant would partially compensate when the relative curves shift position. Although a 265 kW appears to be the optimum size unit at this time the choice between a 225-kW, 250-kW, 265-kW, or similarly sized unit will depend upon what is in stock or can be most rapidly fabricated. The authorization (1.1) of the Alaskan small hydro studies specifically intends for the rapid deployment of small prepackaged hydroelectric units for projects indicating feasibility. Thus, some flexibility in selecting the plant size during final design studies is appropriate for this small scale, remote project. T-18 T.2 GEOLOGY The Indian River lies near the contact (Plate 2) between the Kennel Creek Limestone formation, and older, igneous intrusive rocks (chiefly biotite trondhjemite) which resemble granite. This contact is the result of several kilometers of right-lateral movement along the Indian River fault zone, which influences the a1inement of the Indian River, for which it is named. Unconsolidated sediments originating from both the limestone and the igneous rocks fill the stream channel and the valley floor upstream of river mile 1.1, and form the delta at the mouth of the Indian River. Several minor fault strikes cross the Indian River in the first mile above tidewater. Each of these create small cascades of between 2 and 15 feet. The five largest cascades are referred to e1swhere in this report as fish barriers, designated in numbers ascending upstream. Hydroelectric alternatives on the Indian River would take advantage of these cascades. Barrier #1 at river mile 0.4 consists of two cascades. At this point the river passes through a narrow canyon with banks rising abruptly for 50 to 85 feet. The banks are covered with herbaceous growth rooted into highly faulted and fractured igneous intrusives. There is no consistant joint pattern and the riverbanks are porous and unstable. The right wall above the lower pool is suggestive of a locally large collapse 100 feet across. Ascending upstream from Barrier #1 to Barrier #2 at river mile 0.5, the walls are steep with signs of local failure. Faulting and fracturing patterns are not as severe as downstream. Barrier #2 is a 10-foot cascade. Geologic conditions are less severe but similar to Barrier #1. Upstream of Barrier #2 to Barrier #4, river bank walls rise less steeply and are stable enough to support large trees with straight trunks. Bank failure is less than noticed below. Barrier #4 is a series of cascades rising over 20 feet in 100 feet. Rock at this point is granitic and displays a consistant joint pattern. Joints are random and blocky but tight. Solid abutments to the stream rise about 30 feet at a pOint where the channel is about 45 feet wide. The riverbanks open considerably between Barrier #4 and #5 and have about a lV to 3H slope. They are densely vegetated and appear stable. Barrier #5 at river mile 1.0 and elevation 150 exhibits minor fracturing and a consistent joint patterns in granitic rock. The major joint strikes N 75° E dipping 29° S; the minor joint strikes N 35° Wand dips 51° S. The cascade at barrier #5 is about 10 feet high and 125 feet wide. River banks rise sharply about 5 feet and level off in mature forest. Upstream of Barrier #5 the river valley opens and the stream meanders gently over deep gravels. Outcrops are noticed in the streambanks below elevation 150 feet. The overburden in the valley masks rock until it is exposed next in the quarries at elevation 700 or above. All quarries are in limestone/dolomite/marble rock. Several quarries are open and accessible over heavy duty logging roads installed by ALP under the auspices of the USFS. The closest is about 4,000 lf below the project and others are located more than a mile above the project. The State (city) now controls the closest quarry; one which contains a large quantity of road quality material. as well as rock. T-19 T.3 PROJECT LANDS AND PtRMITS Three primary ownership parties have interests in the proposed project: the city of Tenakee Springs, the State of Alaska, and the U.S. Government. The State has selected 3,000 acres in the vicinity of Tenakee Springs which encompass most of the area under study. Most of the lands have been conveyed to the State and are administered by the State. Any unconveyed lands are tentatively administered by the Forest Service. According to information provided the Corps by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), State lands begin 200 feet downstream of Barrier 4 (Plate 1). BLM Master Title Plat T.47S., R.63E., Copper River Meridian suggests that the boundary with Tongass National Forest lies along N2179,000. However, the USFS indicates that the line is along N2179,640. If the USFS line is accurate, all of an alternative development at Barrier 4, except for a little of the access road, would be on State lands. The proposed selected plan development at Barrier 5 would straddle both the State and Federal lands. The dam, access road, and about 1,000 feet of the flume would lie on Federal lands. The remaining 1,700 feet of flume-penstock, powerhouse, quarry, and most of the transmission line and water supply conduit would lie on State land. The planned substation and lower end of the transmission line and water conduit fall within city limits. The Alaska DNK requested additional lands selection to include all parts of the Indian River basin which might be affected or included by any potential hydroelectric development. As of August 1983 no action had been taken on this proposal. Prior to the initiation of construction, developers of the tentatively selected plan would have to secure several permits. Corps development would preclude the need for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license. Alaska ADFG would require a stream crossing permit and a habitat protection permit; a State tidelands permit may be needed; Alaska DEC would require a water quality permit; the city would need to pass a zoning ordinance; the USFS would require an Exceptional Use Permit; and the Alaska DNR would require a quarry permit, a clearing permit, and a water rights permit. The pool behind the dam is estimated to hold 5.2 acre feet at normal pool. The average annual fluctuation is about 2 feet in head or 4 acre feet. The existing area of the river bed that would be flooded is about 1.1 acres. At normal operating pool about 1.4 acres would be flooded; the 100-year flood would cover about 4 acres. The 50-year flood pool area (elevation 160 fms1, 1.9 acres) would be cleared of potentially hazardous vegetation as preventive maintenance and to provide materials for the dam construction. Decomposing vegetation could impair the water quality, damage or corrode machinery, or physically impede free water movement. A breakdown of acreage to be utilized for project purpose follows, but note that much of the road network, moorage area, yards and pits already exists. The total development would amount to only about 20 acres. T-20 Feature: Watershed Pond age (Normal) Transmission Roads Penstock Powerhouse Moorage Yards and Pits Total Federal 13,248 1.3 o 2.2 0.8 o o O. 1 13,252.4 Land Area Acres State 640 o 4.2 8.5 1.8 1.0 O. 1 0.3 655.9 Total 13,888 1.3 4.2 10.7 2.6 1.0 O. 1 0.4 13,908.3 The proposed construction should have minimal fish and wildlife impacts. No additional lands are to be acquired for mitigation. The lands are essentially unimproved and unzoned. Use status is as timber, watershed, wildlife habitat, and recreational. Terrain and remoteness preclude high density development. The lands within the project area are government owned and excluded from assessment and taxation. There would be no tax loss as a result of this project. There would be no relocation of families, structures, or personal property as a result of this project under PL 91-646. No relocations of roads, footpaths, or utilities are expected. There are no known outstanding mineral or water rights or block ownership within the project area. There is harvestable timer that could be salvaged or used by the contractor. Timber values and land values would be discussed in future project studies. Rights for construction and maintenance of the project features across State and Federal lands would require a perpetual (50-year) utility easement. T-21 T.4 DAM, SPILLWAY, AND INTAKES T.4.1 ACCESS The primary construction access to the dam and intake facilities would be over the existing USFS haul road. This heavy duty gravel road runs from a log boom and staging area at the sea level through the entire Indian River drainage basin (Plate 2). ALP upgraded the road from the USFS 14-foot specification to about 20 feet. A permanent 700-foot spur road (Plate 1) would be constructed from this road to the damsite. The travel width would be 16 feet with 2-foot shoulders. A work and staging area near the stream and a widened section along the access road would allow 2-vehicle passage. The construction access road would be primarily a 2-foot thick fill section traversing a clear cut area. Only 400 feet of the access road would be cleared to 30 feet wide (0.28 acre). Stumps would be cut flush with the ground surface and the root systems would be left in place. The material for the spur road construction would be obtained from local sources as permitted by onsite material inspection. Where the excavated material is deemed unsuitable, select borrow for embankment and surface courses will be obtained by permit from existing USFS quarries. A quarry is located about 4,000 feet from the intersection of the haul road and the dam access road. A typical section is shown in Plate T-l. Waste material would be stockpiled and graded onsite where possible. Minimal grubbing is anticipated although the clear cut area would require some work to dispose of slash and tall stumps. Uepending on USFS or State preferences at the time of construction, grubbed material could be stacked, stacked and burned, stacked and buried, stacked in windrows, or transported to a specified disposal area, probably near the quarry. The road to the dam would have a grade of 11 percent dropping from 225 fmsl to 150 fmsl. Coarse gravel or rock water bars would provide cross drainage to minimize erosion. The 10-foot high bank would be cut to a maximum 20 percent grade for the river crossing approach. The radius of curvature and any upgrading of the specifications would remain the contractor's option, to suit the dimensions of the largest equipment chosen. The access across the river would also involve a bank cut of similar dimensions and another work area, primarily for stockpiling of penstock materials. T.4.2 DESCRIPTION The sole purpose of the small hydroelectric dam is to divert water into the penstock intake. The diversion structure dimensions for this plan are held to a minimum. Downstream safety is not a critical issue, so a massive structure is not needed. A small structure would require the importation of few costly materials to the site, and have fewer local ecologic impacts than a larger dam. This structure is designed to function for the project life of 50 years. Its simple features are designed to accommodate the passage of floods by controlled collapse of the structure. T-22 As shown on Plate 3 the dam is a low rock filled timber crib. The upstream face is planked to reduce seepage and to help control overtopping. The deck of the cribs at 155 fms1 is planked to retain core rock during overtopping. Also the decking will provide a surface for equipment access when the bulkhead is repositioned. Left of the center is a 8-foot wide bulkhead section which incorporates a specialized opening for fisheries purposes. The overall width of the structure is 90 feet. Crest height varies from 7 feet to 15 feet. The penstock exits from beneath the right side of the structure and follows the right riverbank to the powerhouse. The bulkhead section generally overlies and takes advantage of a natural flume on the left of the cascades at Barrier 5. This section is designed to pass most of the expected annual flows. For events exceeding the 25-year flood or about 4,200 cfs, the bulkhead would pivot downstream when Indian River stages reached elevation 162.5 fms1. If flows and stages continue to increase, the short plank extensions of the upstream dam facing would shear when the flow reached 4,750 cfs under a stage of 163 fms1. This event would have a frequency of about 43 years. The 100-year event would have a stage of about 164 feet keeping the waters within the natural channel as a result of the folding of the fisheries bulkhead and the loss of the plank extensions. These extensions and the bulkhead would be replaced after flows receeded. The remainder of the structure would be undamaged. Successive yielding of components according to flood stage maintains the basic integrity and function of the hydroelectric diversion structure. The operations, maintenance, and replacement (OM&R) costs of this design are greater than a conventional design of no-failure, but the overall combined . annual cost of initial and OM&R costs is lower. Risks and costs are explained in Section T-9 and Section T-13 T.4.3 MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION Most materials for the dam would be salvaged. Trees felled along the access trail, dam site and pondage area, and the penstock corridor are to be cut into logs for the cribs, stream crossing protection, and diversion during construction. The rock fill for the dam core and diversion during construction is to be salvaged and selected from onsite excavation. The planned dam construction will take place during the low flow (less than 150 cfs) summer periods. Nevertheless, installation will involve working in shallow water. Temporary diversion berms around particular features would be built on an as needed basis by placing a log in the stream and adding fill around the log. This method' should be quite effective as evidenced by trees now jammed at top of the barrier. Once the concrete cutoff sill and the first log of a crib is in place, no diversion would be necessary since the normal inflow will pass through the bulkhead. Once all the cribs are constructed, the bulkhead would be installed and raised into position to effect operation of the structure. T-23 The small amounts of concrete required are expected to be mixed onsite. The decking, planking, and bulkhead timbers would be untreated tongue and groove lumber. This should provide better quality control and better fit for seepage control than would rough hewn local lumber. All steel components would be precut and formed by the offsite supplier(s). T.4.4 INTAKE STRUCTURE The right side of the diversion structure houses the penstock intake. The structure with its crest at elevation 164 fmsl is designed not be overtopped. The intake is a 16 x 6-foot box constructed into the granitic riverbank. A 16-foot long weir with crest elevation of 153.1 fmsl is built above the stream bed 20 feet upstream of the dam. This weir operates in conjunction with the bulkhead notch to pass the instream flows as described in Section T.4.5. Low velocity water entering the intake box flows through a trashrack into the penstock gate valve. Because the intake box is recessed into the riverbank, logs and large debris are unlikely to impact the trashrack. The weir is above the riverbed so most fine sediment should be trapped outside the intake box. Larger sediment particles would be dropped farther upstream in the pool area. The gate valve operated from atop the non-overflow structure is accompanied by an air vent to prevent penstock collapse in case of sudden unscheduled dewatering. The penstock below the valve is incised and incased in the dam structure to provide protection from high water in floods. T.4.5 FISHERY FEATURES To reduce potential mortality rates of the outmigrant smolt a few design features are added to the planned hydropower design. The bulkhead section shown on Plate 3 has a notch 1.35 feet wide and 3.9 feet deep designed to always pass a minimum of 10 cfs, the minimum instream flow release. It is expected that minor seepage through the structure and infiltration downstream will produce another 2 cfs for a total of 12 cfs minimum instream flow between the dam and the powerhouse. When incoming streamflow (inflow) is less than 30 cfs insufficient water will pass over the intake weir crest to operate the turbines. When inflow is between 30 and 62 cfs the weir will allow passage of operational water (20 to 52 cfs) and maintain the 10 cfs minimum flow through the bulkhead notch. Salmon smolts are expected to travel near the surface of the stream and be attracted to the faster current of the notch and spillway. The low velocity over the intake weir crest (because of its larger dimensions) should reduce the attraction of smo1ts significantly thereby reducing potential entrainment and turbine mortality. The anticipated velocity through the notch is about 7 fps and over the intake weir crest is about 3 fps at average April through June discharges. T-24 The mitigation program of this plan includes monitoring turbine mortality of coho smolt. If these studies reveal significant losses provisions can be made to mount a 1/2-inch mesh screen between the trashrack and the gate valve. If this screen were needed, it would probably be installed for about a month during the spring outmigrant period. The screen is not incorporated at this time because the other mitigation measures are believed adequate. The low dam height should cause no nitrogen supersaturation of passed waters. The dam facilities could accommodate the installation of a fish ladder if future conditions warrant. At this time, a local sponsor for fisheries enhancement is not available and mitigation requirements do not mandate a ladder at the dam. These measures are addressed in the Environmental Assessmment (EA), and the Coordination Act Report, Appendix G. T.4.6 SLUICING No separate sluice gate is provided in this plan. Hydroelectric operation is expected to cease for one or more weeks during the year (Table 14). As explained in Section T-9 removal of sediment would take place during those months of non-operation on the average once every three years. The bulkhead would be pivoted or removed and sediment worked through the opening using a locally available backhoe or similar equipment. Rising waters subsequent to maintenance would carry the sediment downstream and renew spawning sands and gravels. The actual timing would be coordinated with the USFWS, USFS, and ADF&G to mitigate downstream impacts on the fisheries. Although siltation downstream may be critical for a short period when streamflow is low, this is felt to be the best economical alternative. A sluice gate is not used because it will be hydraulically incapable, under only 7 feet of head, of moving enough sediment without mechanical manipulation. Earthmoving equipment cannot realistically operate in deep water to remove sediment; and removal of the sediment from the stream altogether would interrupt transport of gravels needed for downstream spawning redds. Captured floating debris would be periodically removed by hand and machine. The clearing of the pondage area to the anticipated high water mark of a 50-year flood should reduce this problem. The U.S. Forest Service has collected several years of Indian River sediment information, and is in the process of completing their analyses. Continued planning and engineering of the selected plan will use the updated information when the USFS report is completed. The preliminary sediment and bed load data suggest that 2.S-inch rocks are the largest normally expected to move as bed load above the planned damsite. It is expected that the largest of the bed load materials will settle out 200 feet above the dam as they enter the planned pond age area. Only the finest of bed load materials and a portion of the suspended load would accumulate in the deepest and calmest waters adjacent to the dam. T-2S Although the penstock invert would be 3 feet below the bottom of the dam. a weir (Plate 3) at the mouth of the intake channel would block debris from entering the intake structure. T.4.7 OPERATION The intake structure is designed to operate year-round regardless of flow. During the warmer months. with streamf10ws in excess of power requirements. some water would flow over the intake weir into the penstock with the excess passing over the dam. When flows drop below the combined turbine minimum and consumption uses. the hydropower system would not operate. All flows would then be diverted over the fish bulkhead. Turbine operation requires flows between 20 and 52 cfs and instream flow needs are 10 cfs. When the penstock flow drops below 20 cfs the plant would shut down and the diesel plants would start. If the plant is shut down for an extended period during the winter. the intake valve at the dam would be closed and the system drained to prevent freezing. The hydroelectric and diesel plants would interface automatically if demand exceeded the power capability of the natural inflow, and/or if streamflow decreases below 30 cfs. Automatic shutoff of the system at a power output of less than 110 kW (20 cfs) would be designed into the turbine/generator unit. Diesel units would switch on line, if demand has not already called for capacity above 110 kW. An alternate set of pressure controls would automatically switch on backup diesel units if loads suddenly increase or if heads diminish below minimum operational levels. A simple floating remote sensor would be installed to signal turbine shutdown if the pond is drawn below the minimum operational level. Manual operation would also be designed into the plant. Depending on the energy demand at the time. some portion of flows in excess of the turbine minimum could be diverted for other instream or consumptive needs. If for example, the community electrical and water supply needs were such that 40 cfs were needed, and the streamflow at that time was 55 cfs. it would be possible to operate the plant and release 15 cfs for fisheries downstream, 5 cfs above the minimum instream flow needs. The full-flow turbine capacity would not be met if the demand were greater than 215 kW (40 cfs). but all three needs would be met to some degree. On the average. diesel supplements may be needed 160 days per year. Of these, total diesel reliance is expected 43 days annually. Statistics indicate that. for instance, 250 kW of hydropower would be available 51 days in the critical low flow months of December, January, February. March. and August (Table 14). During this same period, there would be sufficient water for at least a minimum production of 104-kW on at least 40 days. T-26 T.5 PENSTOCK T.5.1 DESCRIPTION Development of the tentatively selected plan calls for about 2,400 feet of penstock. The first 250 feet of pipe below the intake would be below the original ground surface. The remaining 2,150 feet would be placed above ground on supports. The route (Plate 4) would follow the right or southwest bank. The pipe would drop approximately (0.5 percent slope) from elevation 146 at station 0+00 to elevation 135 at station 22+50. From this point to the powerhouse at station 24+00 the penstock would drop approximately 21 percent to elevation 78 feet. The design startup time is 20 to 60 seconds. Because the plant is to be used for supplementary base load (rather than peaking) the longer-than- normal (5 seconds) time allows more design flexibility. The pressure downsurge is reduced and the need for a surge tank is eliminated. No water hammer problems are anticipated. The maximum water hammer pressure calculated was 145 feet or 63 1b/in2g. Under 80 feet of gross head the rated flow (52 cfs) would have a velocity of 6 fps and a head loss of 5 feet. The penstock would be placed above the 100-year flood stage to reduce the probability of damage. T.5.2 Material Selection Five materials available are: concrete, high density polyethylene, steel, ductile iron and wood stave. Concrete was dropped because of the excessive weights. Shipping and handling would be expensive and would entail too much heavy equipment. Ductile iron pipe was dropped for similar reasons. Plastic, wood,'and steel all compete for combined weight, handling, corrosion, and durability advantages. Because the first 250 feet of pipe below the dam is to lie in a rock cut 1/4-inch thick coated steel pipe with a 42-inch outside diameter (0.0.) was chosen. Because of 63 psi pressures near the powerhouse, steel was selected for use in the 150 feet of conduit above the turbine valve. The steep terrain between the dam and powerhouse would require either a flexible conduit to fallow the contours, or a steel penstock requiring massive side slope cuts to provide a constant alignment. To minimize the amount of excavation, woad and high density polyethylene pipe were compared for use in the middle 2,000 feet. • Wood stave pipe has performed adequately in many Alaskan water projects. Wood stave pipe can be installed with unskilled labor using small handtoo1s. Little heavy equipment, hence minimal access, is needed for its installation. However, shipping and handling costs are high. Additionally wood pipe was rejected for this plan because any pipe selected must be dewatered during winter low flow months. Annual maintenance costs would be high to repair joints after repeated differential shrinkage and swelling of the wood stave pipe. T-27 Plastic pipe was selected because it is relatively lightweight and requires only a small crew and a few pieces of machinery to install. It can follow the terrain with only relatively minor site preparation. Although it has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, polyethylene goes into tension as temperature drops and becomes a stronger material. Temperature induced movement should be alleviated by installation during the warmer surmner period, following natural contors with slight curves, and strategically placing blocks and pylons. The overall material (weight) and shipping costs of steel and plastiC pipe of the same diameter are comparable. Plastic should require less labor and time to install because it does not have to be welded. Plastic is also smoother than steel, so a smaller diameter p"ipe can be selected. A steel or wood penstock of 42 or 45 inch 1.0. would be needed for comparable head losses and performance; therefore the additional weight would add more costs than those of the selected 42 inch 0.0. polyethylene pipe. T.5.3 ROUTE PREPARATION The selected penstock route essentially follows the contours of the river. Bedrock underlies shallow soils under the entire route. The right bank is favored over the left because the rock tends to be less fractured and competent enough to hold a 1H to 4V cut. Clearing will be kept to a minimum. The timber volume in this mature forest is too great to clear a right-of-way of sufficient width to insure that no massive tree would fallon the penstock. Further, full-width clearing could induce undesirable soil creep on the steep slope. Only a 30-to 50-foot wide corridor would be cleared. Leaning, rotten, dead, or diseased trees on the edge of the right-of-way would be culled, and 1imbing used where desirable. As built dimensions would vary from station to station. Basically the penstock would be installed on a bench cut from the river bank. Because the construction period is short, and the penstock route is not intended to perform as a road (there would be no vehicular traffic after the pipe is installed), exception is taken to both the Corps access standards and the USFS l4-foot minimum travel width for light duty single lane forest roads. The estimate was prepared assuming the penstock platform to be about 14 feet wide or the minimum needed to accommodate the contractor's equipment, and composed of sidecast fill from the cuts where possible. Construction of the access route would conserve and salvage native material as much as possible. Clearing would remove only that vegetation within or overhanging the work area. Larger trees could be felled and used in conjunction with steel cable, and/or welded wire baskets to form retaining walls for the fill sections on an "as needed" basis, particularly where sidecast material could be eroded in floods. Most of the excavated materials would be retained in the planned 3H:1V embankments. In this manner, "10st" fill material below the embankments should be limited to less than 100 cubic yards. Gravity would take only the largest of the 110st" excavated pieces to water level, posing a minor and temporary sedimentation problem. The contractors could be required to install additional sediment control devices or to rescu1pture the rock entering the T-28 stream into fisheries habitat, or to otherwise mitigate for deterimental impacts. The bench created would essentially follow a 0.5 percent gradient for most of its length. The last 250 feet would drop to the powerhouse along a 21.4 percent grade, steep but negotiable by a bulldozer using a winch and tag line if necessary. Because the plastic pipe is somewhat flexible, minor variations within the hydraulic grade line were considered to make installation easier. The pipe will rest on railroad ties and anchored down with steel straps rock bolted as diagrammed on Plate 4. The trenched sections near the dam and powerhouse are also held to minimum dimensions for economy. These sections call for steel pipe and burial is not necessary. The pipe near the dam will be the last to be installed. The area where the trench is to be dug would be graded for downstream access first, and excavated just prior to pipe placement. A foot trail would remain along the penstock route after pipe placement. T-29 T.6 POWERHOUSE T.6.1 POWERHOUSE GENERAL Installation of a single 265-kW capacity unit is proposed, which will be housed in a wood frame structure measuring 20-by 20-feet in plan. The penstock rock-cut and transmission line cut will lead to the powerhouse door. A work area, a powerhouse site, and access routes in and out of the work area would be created primarily by rock excavation. The building would be framed on bedrock and then leveled by placing a grout/concrete pad. The floor would be at elevation 75 fms1, above the 100-year flood stage. The draft tube would empty into a concrete-lined drop box. The tailrace weir would be wood timbers held in place by channel iron rock bolted to the excavated and grouted walls of the excavated drop box. A 4-ton rolling hoist would be provided to install and remove equipment and tools. Plan view and sections of the powerhouse are shown on Plate 5. The tailrace would be about 50 feet long fully traversing the cut section to the stream edge. A timber weir would control the level at elevation 73 fms1. The walls of the tailrace would be 0.5 feet above the weir. The bottom of the tailrace would be at elevation 67 fms1. There would be 3 feet of clearance beneath the draft tube providing 3 feet of submergence. The downstream end of the tailrace would be riprapped to protect the stream bed and to form the water supply French drain intake. The river water level at the outlet of the tailrace is about elevation 66 fms1. T.6.2 ACCESS TO THE POWERHOUSE Two options are available for powerhouse construction, helicopter or overland. Because a large helicopter would be required to lift and place the machinery in a forested canyon, the difficulty would precipitate great expense. Therefore, the overland road option was selected in this level of study. The transmission line associated with this plan would require only a minimal access trail. Within the limits of the designated cleared area, only a light duty cat trail would be constructed. Grubbing of the tree stumps and a minor amount of fill would be needed along the trail. This trail would require only those improvements necessary to facilitate transmission line construction equipment passage and that required to construct the powerhouse. All powerhouse materials and equipment, the steel penstock pipe and valves used at the powerhouse, and the water supply pipe materials would be off loaded at the beach between Kushtahini Creek and the Tenakee Springs boat harbor. From this point they would be transported to the powerhouse site along the improved transmission line trail. Very few improvements are expected to be needed along most of the route. Only the last few hundred feet descending the canyon to the powerhouse will entail heavy earthwork. T-30 From the powerhouse (Station 24+50) to the crest of the river canyon (Station 29+00) the transmission line would follow a cut and fill access trail. This would be only about 10 feet wide, and excavated material would be sidecast. This cut would have a 18 percent grade; steep but negotiable. About 700 cubic yards of rock would be excavated. T.6.3 POWERHOUSE MECHANICAL The reaction turbine originally selected for estimating in this study is a standardized horizontal shaft Francis type with adjustable guide vanes and a throat diameter of 24 inches. The runner is rigidly attached to the generator shaft. A butterfly shut-off valve is provided in the inlet pipe. The turbine would be rated to produce 356 HP while operating under a net head of 71 feet at 85 percent efficiency. At full load the unit would discharge 52 cubic feet per second. Intake and penstock losses are approximately 10 feet. Rated generator output would be approximately 265 kW, which corresponds to 85 percent turbine and 95 percent generator efficiencies. The speed of the turbine is estimated to be 900 RPM. A hydraulic power unit would provide power to the guide vane adjusting servo~tor and the butterfly valve cylinder actuator. An accumulator would be provided for emergency shutdown of the turbine. The advanced engineering work on this study suggests that other turbine packages are or will be marketed in the next few years which could be used to advantage here. A turgo type unit may perform nearly as well for less expense. Pumps used as turbines may also perform well. A large capacity (150) and small capacity (75 kW) pump combination would more fully utilize the flow duration curve. Although pumps have narrower efficieny ranges, they are less expensive and less sophisticated -an advantage for rural area maintenance techniques. The point in this discussion is that although costs and designs were presented around a 265-kW horizontal Francis, other units could be adopted for no significant change in cost. Each of these has specific sets of advantage and disadvantages inappropriate for discussion now since the overall project is not significantly altered. T.6.4 GENERATOR AND BREAKER The generator would be a horizontal shaft synchronous type with the shaft directly connected to the turbine. The generator would be rated 265 kW (325 KVA @ 0.8PF), 3-phase, 60 Hz, 0.40 kV. A drip-proof enclosure would be provided for the generator. The generator would be open ventilated with an 80°C rise Class B insulation system without provisions for overload. The generator would have full run-away speed capability. The governor would be of the oil pressure, distributing valve, actuator type with mechanically driven, speed responsive elements designed for regulating the generator speed by controlling the wicket gates. The governor unit would consist of an actuator, restoring mechanism, motor driven pumping unit, pressure or accumulator tank, sump tank, oil piping, and accessories. In addition, an automatic gate limit control would be provided for positively limiting turbine gate opening. On load rejection, the governor would first allow the generator to go to overspeed, then open the bypass valve, and lastly close the wicket gates shutting down the unit. T-3l The connection between the generator and breaker would be with cable. The generator and station service breakers would be metal enclosed switchgear type. The breakers would be combined in a common switchgear lineup along with instrument transformers. The excitation system would be specified to be the generator manufacturer's standard. This could be either a direct connected brushless exciter or a bus-fed power potential source static excitation system. Solid-state continuously acting dynamic type voltage regulators would be used and would be incorporated in the unit switchgear. T.6.5 UNIT CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A complete complement of generator protective relays (differential, overvoltage, overcurrent, etc.), start-up and shut-down controls, and other unit control relays would be provided in the metal-clad switchgear lineup containing the generator circuit breaker. Synchronizing would be accomplished by speed switches. The generator breaker would close at 95 percent speed, with the static excitation system being energized at 98 percent speed. The generator would be provided with a connected amortisseur winding to facilitate pull-in with the system. The unit would be a package type unit and would have electrical and mechanical protective devices as indicated on the one-line diagram. T.6.6 STATION SERVICE The station service equipment would consist of a 480-volt panel board, a 480-208Y120-volt lighting transformer and lighting panel. A pump, lights, outlets and a 4-kW heater would run off station service. The station service transformer connection would be made in the powerhouse and as shown on the one-line diagram (Plate T-8). A 125 volt battery would be provided for unit control. Station service would also be available during periods of shutdown by in-town diesel sources. T.6.7 CONNECTION TO LOAD A single pole-mounted 7.2/0.48 kV, delta-grounded Wye, 3-phase, AA Class, 500 kVA transformer with the minimum nonpremium impedance specified would be connected by about 3,800 feet of transmission line. The 7,200-volt winding would be connected to the existing distribution system. T-32 T.7 TRANSMISSION LINE Approximately 3,800 feet of 7.2 kV transmission line would run from the powerhouse to the edge of town. The three phase #2 ASCR line would be mounted on single 30-to 50-foot tall wood pole (Plate 6). The connection at the harbor would consist of a set of fuse gear and jumper loops to connect with the planned community distribution system. This design would be fully compatible with the new distribution system. There would be no associated costs in this plan. The proposed corridor would enclose a 30-to 50-foot wide right-of-way (ROW) below elevation 175 feet. The ROW would avoid terrain involving extensive surface modification. The access road is envisioned as a bladed and graded bulldozer trail with minimal upgrading. The heights of the mature trees through which the corridor passes would require an impractical clearcut of 300 feet, so selective ROW edge clearing of diseased, leaning, or dead (danger) trees and selective trimming of borderline trees is anticipated to complement the SO-foot clearcut for a safe conductor zone. Felled trees would be limbed and salvageable logs piled at designated points along the edge of the right of way. Slash would be chipped, piled and burned, or compacted by bulldozer to provide small animal habitat. Site restoration along the transmission line, access roads, and penstock route may consist of grading, seeding, and mulching as appropriate. T-33 T.B WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM T.B.l GENERAL Three design options for the water supply system (Plate 7) from the Indian River are possible: (1) combined use of the penstock with a tap taken off above the powerhouse, (2) a separate conduit from the dam for each purpose, or (3) a tap from a pool in or near the tailrace. No supply system in association with the hydropower plan could rely solely on gravity feed; all would require pumping. A tap taken off the penstock at some point above the powerhouse would ensure water virtually all year because of the pool above the penstock intake. However, with a full penstock in winter, when the power plant is inoperative, cold temperatures and icing could rupture the penstock. Restarts of the turbine could endanger the units if loose ice chunks were trapped in the penstock. Maintenance costs an associated problems delete this option. A separate conduit from the dam would insure water even when the penstock is empty. However, a smaller cost is involved when the conduit begins at the powerhouse rather than the dam 2,500 feet upstream. A water supply using the powerhouse is the tentatively selected plan because it is simple, lower cost, and dependable. T.B.2 DESIGN T.B.2.1 Intake/Outlet The water supply conduit intake would be sited in an infiltration gallery in the river channel below the tailrace. A cross-channel trench would be -excavated into the streambed to elevation 64 fmsl. This trench would capture instream water during low flow periods when the powerplant is shut down. Captured water would percolate into a sump for the village water supply. To insure flow and reduce any surface ice problems, the water supply intake would be submerged in the sump below the stream bed. A pump located inside the powerhouse would operate off station service from the diesel/hydro sources. The community would have the responsibility for design construction, and operation and maintenance of all facilities at the end of the Federally supplied conduit. The outlet system could consist of a series of valves possibly in a treatment facility housed in a small wooden structure with a passive solar roof. The community has the option of improving this outlet with a distribution system and/or a storage tank. Also the community could direct the water to a Kushtahini Creek development if that option (Section 5.3) is independently developed. T.B.2.2 Conduit The conduit would be 3,BOO feet of 6-inch polyethylene pipe with a preformed 1.4 inch insulation layer. The EPA Cold Climate Utilities Delivery Design Manual states that insulation achieved by burying a foam board above the pipe is less expensive but has a greater installation cost T-34 and is a less effective insulator. The pipe would be buried in a shallow trench excavated by backhoe or trenching tool. Additional loose earth and, peat waste from the transmission line access road would be placed on top of the buried pipe. Although the pipe would not shatter if frozen under pressure, the extra material would offer additional insulation and protection from vandalism and bears. Burial would help control the expansion and contraction of the pipe by increasing wall friction. A 6-inch diameter water supply pipe with 2 inches of insulation above ground and 1 inch of insulation where it is buried 1 foot would be adequate if water is flowing on an hourly basis. If water is stagnant for long periods of time, more insulation and/or larger diameter pipe would be needed. The water outlet system in the village would be designed with a small constant discharge valve to prevent freezing. T.8.3 COST ANALYSIS Several concepts for single purpose water supply development other than the tentatively selected plan appear to be more costly than the multiple objective plan. The terrain conditions are such that gravity would not feed to the village from the nearest point on the Indian River. The cost of pipeline clearing, excavation, and installation is over $600,000. A system pumping water from the tailrace could not guarantee the water supply that a system diverting from a dam could insure. The separable cost for a water supply system incorporated into the hydropower project is presented below. Right-of-way features are about 20 percent the dimensions of the transmission line features presented in Table T-9. T-35 Table T-7 WATER SUPPLY COST ESTIMATE Feature Units Unit Cost Total Cost Pumphouse Intake and Valve Structure Pipe Materials and Installation Access Cut Between Sta 24+00 and 28+00 Clearing, Disposal, and Uozer Trail SChedule 40 pipe and fittings Valves, flanges, fittings Excavation, Burial, and Restoration Outlet House 11 Outlet Valve TI Filtration Housing 11 Chlorinator 11 - Pump - Powerl i ne Sub Total Contingencies (20%) 100 sf 1 @ 3,800 lf 700 cy 3,800 1 1 job 1 job 730 cy 100 sf 3,800 1f Engineering, Design Supervision, and Administration Interest During Construction Total Cost Annual Cost (8 1/8%) O&M Cost 21 TOTAL ANNUAL CO~ 45 $5,500 $ 65 $ 30 job 1 s $ 20 $ 25 $ 17 ( 13%) $ 4,500 $ 5,500 $247,000 $ 21,000 $14,000 $ 3,200 $ 6,700 $ 14,600 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 11,500 $64,600 $406,100 $ 81,200 $ 63,200 $ 23, 100 $573,600 $ 47,600 $ 5,400 $ 53,000 11 Cost sharing to be arranged by non-Corps authority. II Labor, materials, chlorine, replacement equipment, electricity. Savings if constructed in conjunction with the hydropower plan would eliminate the duplication of: 1. The pumphouse 2. Access excavation between Sta 24+00 and Sta 28+00; 3. Clearing and disposal between Sta 24+00 and 61+00; 4. The dozer trail between Sta 28+00 and 61+00; 5. Restoration, and; 6. The powerline T-36 7. Shipping charges, because all the water supply pipe could be nested inside the penstock pipe. The sUb-total for water supply would be reduced to $301,500. The total first cost would be $425,900 The total annual cost would be $35,300 plus O&M of $5,450, or $40,750. T-37 T.9 PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE If constructed as a Federal project, the Federal APA would own and operate this project. The APA would probably. contract with the local utility for operation and maintenance in conjunction with the backup diesel generators. It would be the responsibility of the city to maintain the intake works, penstock, powerhouse, transmission line, substation, distribution system, and water supply system. Spring startup and winter shutdown, including penstock bleeding, would be required. The water supply tap would require extra observation and maintenance during the winter. The hydropower unit would be capable of matching the necessary load during the times of the year when flows equal or exceed demand, less instream flow and water supply releases. During the periods of insufficient flow, usually December through March, the hydropower unit would operate at a base load mode or shut down temporarily while diesel assumes primary status. Automatic and mechanical sensors at the intake and in the powerhouse would start/stop diesel units to pick up/drop as loads and hydroelectric output changes with available streamflow. If a major powerhouse overhaul is ever required, a backhoe or similarly sized machine would be brought up the transmission line trail from the beach. To cross the tailrace to get to the powerhouse door, fill material from the disposal area (Plate 5) would be placed in the tailrace for a temporary crossing while the plant is shut down and the tailrace is dry. The in-house portable hoist would move the dismantled equipment to the door where the backhoe or bulldozer would transport the part(s) back to town and the shipping dock on skids. The operations and maintenance of the combined diesel and hydroelectric generation and distribution system would require one permanent, part time person all year. Two additional people would be required for an estimated 2 weeks every third year for hydroelectric plant maintenance, primarily sediment and trash removal. The year-round duties associated with the hydroelectric system are primarily inspection walks of the substation-transmission line, penstock and dam, and the cleaning and lubrication of the valves, gates, and powerhouse equipment. The permanent, part-time employee would distribute half his time to the hydroelectric system (because it is further from town) and half to the distribution and diesel systems. The basic time allotted to hydroelectric O&M is 520 hours annually. Every 3 years, he would spend another 100 hours supervising two co-workers in repairs, overhauls, and debris removal. There are additional O&M allotments for periodic repairs of a substantial nature (for example, trash rack replacement), equipment rental, and small tool purchases. The estimated annual O&M cost is: T-38 Basic Annual Cost: Labor - 2 hours X 5 days X 52 weeks X $25 per 11 Grease -20 tubes X $5 per Misc. Hardware and Tool Allowance Additional Costs Every Third Year: Labor -30 mandays X 10 hours X $25 per Backhoe -50 hours X $50 per Combined fuels (chainsaw, backhoe, generator) Sub total Effective Annual Cost Sub total = $ 7,500 = 2,500 = 500 = $1O~00 (8 11 ) Estimated Total Annual O&M Cost = $13,000 = 100 = 200 $13,300 $ 3,220 $16,520 Replacement costs are an additional category to consider. In this plan it is expected·that certain replacement costs will be incurred by the dam design, intake arrangement, and access features. The diversion structure is designed to withstand and pass the 25-year flood with negligible damage. Controlled damage will occur in larger events. The repairable damage is associated with the risk of the damaging event occurring within the 50-year project life. Risk analysis permits reduction of the high initial cost of a dam built to withstand the 100-year flood, a cost determined to exceed the limits for a feasible project. The probability that flooding will not occur for n successive years ;s equal to: ~ _ +) n Where T equals the return period of the flood. The probability R, called risk, that flooding will occur at least once in n successive years is equal to: R= 1-{ -! ~ The figures below summarize the risks of occurance of floods greater than the 25-year design flood, the value of repairs for anticipated damage to the plan features, and the equivalent annual cost of repairs and rep 1 acement • FLOOD EVENT RISK ESTIMATED COST OF DAMAGE PRODUCT 12-year 0.5811 X 0 = 0 15-year 0.4984 X 0 = 0 17-year 0.4546 X 0 = 0 20-year 0.4013 X 0 = 0 25-year 0.3352 X $3,700 = $ 1,257 30-year 0.2875 X 4,700 = 1,350 T-39 35-year 0.2516 X 6,000 = 1,510 40-year 0.2237 X 7,500 = 1,680 45-year 0.2013 X 10,000 = 2,013 50-year 0.1829 X 20,000 = 3,660 75-year 0.1256 X 30,000 = 3,770 100-year 0.0956 X 45,000 = 4z300 SUM $19,540 A 25 percent contingency factor is applied to compensate for uncertainty, and to aproximate intergration of all years, then an effective annual cost calculated. 1.25 x $19,540 = $24,525. $24,425 x 0.08292 is the effective annual cost of $2,025. Aside from flood damage, normal wear and tear is expected to add to replacement costs. Assume that normal costs can be approximated by the values below if every 16 years there is a need to Replace a complete ,transmission pole assembly Replace trashrack Replace powerhouse roofing and siding Replace/repair 20 lineal feet of penstock Sub total $ 500 10,000 12,100 12,000 $34,600 Effective Annual Cost (8 1/8%) $ 1,125 In summary the estimated annual cost of operations, maintenance, repair, and replacement is: Annual OM&R The rounded cost of $20,000 is used in Section T.12 $13,300 $ 3,220 2,025 $ 1,125 $19,670 This estimate is substantiated by results of a survey of small hydroelectric installations across the Nation. Findings suggested that annual replacement costs average 23 to 24 percent of the annual operations and maintenance costs. An additional mitigation cost of $4,850 annually is explained and used elsewhere in the report. T-40 T. 10 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ANU SCHEDULING Access to the project features presents the most difficulty. Any needed gravel and borrow material could be prepared, stockpiled, and protected in the Forest Service quarries or work areas in the late summer or autumn preceding construction (Plate 9). Surveying and clearing of vegetation would be planned to precede the construction season, taking place around October or November. Timber salvages for on site use, lumber, pulp, or fuel would be incorporated. Pioneer access roads could be built the following spring, incorporating the appropriate cross drainage and sediment retention features. The stream crossing and dam and intake rock could be drilled and blasted in late spring. Excavation and terracing of the damsite and penstock corridor between May and July would not coincide with the incubation of eggs or the outmigration of pink, chum, and coho salmon (Figure 7). Construction activities causing sedimentation during this period would have the least impact on the riparian ecosystem. The streamflows would be relatively high and no eggs would be incubating. Later in the summer, the fish would fan away any settled silts prior to spawning,. Some excavated rock would be placed in deSignated areas along the margin of the cut and in a few low areas where fill is required. The remainder would be used in/or near the dam or disposed in existing quarries. Rock debris should include little soil. Flows diminish in August, at which time construction of the dam would be scheduled. At this time, the pink and chum' redd are incubating. Instream sediment control measures would be used and should be effective during this low flow period. Powerhouse installation would be well underway at this time also. Instream activity would be less at the powerhouse (primarily inside work), but sediment control would be closely monitored because of the proximity to the Indian River1s largest spawning and rearing areas downstream of the pool at Barrier #1. The installation of the penstock would begin as soon as heavy equipment is no longer needed at the powerhouse. After the penstock is placed, travel width along the penstock cut would be reduced to about 3 feet. Some small equipment could travel the access route on the transmission line or along the penstock. Transmission line and substation construction could be scheduled either the preceding autumn or in July. Installation of any water supply features would also take place in July. Finishing details beyond September would be held to a minimum to avoid weather problems. Cleanup and restoration would be completed by October. T-41 T.ll CONSTRUCTION CAMP AND LABOR Many residents of Tenakee Springs are accomplished laborers having skills in surveying, logging, earthwork, distribution system construction, carpentry, equipment operation and maintenance. If these residents are employed during construction of this project, camp requirements are substantially reduced. Only housing for supervisory and administrative personnel would be needed. Rental of some of the existing 37 cottages could easily satisfy their needs. Office trailers could be moved to on-site work areas. All construction materials are assumed barged in from Seattle or Portland. Pelican Cold Storage operates a direct barge line serving Pelican and Tenakee Springs. Dock and shelterd moorage is available at or adjacent to the eXisting ALP/USFS log dock and rafting area. Only limited improvements would be required. No dredging is expected. Because logging is not scheduled to resume until 1990, no conflict is anticipated for use of the dock, road, and storage areas during project construction. The contractor would be required to maintain user agreements with ALP/USFS. Equipment and materials needed for the transmission line, water supply line, and powerhouse could be (all or in part) delivered to the hard beach between the small boat harbor and Kushtahini Creek. Landing craft have beached hera before to offload heavy equipment. This is adjacent to the planned switchyard and water supply outlet, so a small staging area should be easily arranged. Equipment and materials storage areas would be provided at the project. Waste material from road, damsite, river crossing and penstock excavations would be graded to create work areas. A batching and storage area would be built adjacent to the dam access road near the 17S-foot contour. Another longer and narrower staging area would be created along the intake and upstream portion of the penstock. T-42 T.12 HYDROPOWER PROJECT COSTS Estimated project costs are detailed below. Listed items include all costs associated with furnishing, shipping, and installing the items. Operations, maintenance, and replacement costs are estimated at $20,000 per year. The expected project life is 50 years. Annual costs are computed using a 8 1/8 percent discount rate as anticipated for Fiscal Year 1984. Costs are given in October 1983 price levels. No plan considered in this study had any associated historical and archeological salvage operation costs, relocation costs, nor hand water and mineral rights costs. Remaining costs are shown in the table below. Fish and wildlife mitigation costs are inherent to the proposed design. The estimated costs for this and other similar small, remote hydroelectric developments will be high. The economy of scale is missing. Aggregates must be imported from afar because onsite materials are unavailable or insufficient in volume to make crushing and screening plants economical. The use and installation of items like steel penstock concrete and heavy or specialized equipment drastically increases project costs due to rough terrain and distance from established ports and markets. At this level of study all selected fill, aggregate, sand and cement are expected to be barged in from Juneau, Seattle or Portland. No local sources are available. Later phases of study may find cost savings if the contractor were to import a crusher and screener. Project costs include all line items and materials used in project construction plus Engineering and Design (E&D) and Supervision and Administration (S&A) and a contingency factor to cover unforseeable changes. To this cost must be added the cost of using money during the 18 month construction phase of the project when no product or a service is being realized. By considering these phases a project investment cost is developed. The following table shows project costs, investment costs, and the hydropower development of annual costs associated with the Tenakee Springs Project. The costs developed in this study represent busbar costs excluding additional expenses to the consumer associated with distribution, administration, taxes, insurance, or depreciation. T-43 TABLE T-8 SEPARABLE HYDROPOWER PROJECT COSTS (October 1983 Prices) FEATURE: LANDS: Government owned; USFS (dam) State (powerhouse) UNIT 3.5 5.5 MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION PONDAGE AND SPILL AREAS: Clearing and Disposal 0.8 acres ACCESS TO THE DAM: (700 1f) AND LEFT BANK WORK AREA: Clearing Grubbing and Disposal Excavation (common) Fill (select) (common) (75 X 110 1f) 0.8 acres 1.2 acres 1,300 cy 2,300 cy 1,800 cy UNIT COST $5,000 $5,000 $ 3,000 1,000 2,000 15 25 10 STREAM CROSSING, DIVERSION, DAM, AND INTAKE STRUCTURE Clearing and Disposal Excavation (Rock) (Common) Fill (Diverson) (Mixed) (Crib Dam) (Rock) Concrete Log Dam 2"x12" Planking 2"x12" Decking Trashrack Penstock intake gate Penstock reducer (6 l to 1 acre 590 cy 630 cy 200 cy 420 cy 50 cy 1 job 2.6 MBM 3.8 MBM 1 ea 1 ea 3.5 1 )1 ea T-44 3,000 50 15 8 10 1,200 L.S. 2,500 1,850 L.S. L.S. L.S. LINE TOTAL $44,500 $ 17,500 $ 27,000 $260,000 $ 2,400 $ 98,000 800 2,400 19,500 57,500 18,000 $281,280 3,000 29,500 9,450 1.600 4,200 60,000 134,000 6,500 7,030 5,000 12,000 9,000 PENSTOCK: 42 inch outside diameter Clearing and Disposal Excavation (rock) (common) Concrete Anchor Assemblies Wood (RR ties) Supports Steel pipe 42" Ring Stiffners Plastic Pipe 42" Pipe Transition 2.3 acres 9,000 cy 1,500 cy 10 cy 230 230 45,000 1bs 2,300 1bs 2,000 1f 2@ 2,340 ft 3,000 30 15 1,200 253 110 2.00 1.80 168 3,600 TRANSMISSION LINE (3,750 1f, 7,200 kV 3 phase) Clearing and Access Wood Pole Line POWERHOUSE WOOD ENCLOSURE Work area 4 acres 0.8 mile Clearing, Disposal, Stripping Building 1 job 400 S.F. Powerp1ant 5,000 160,000 L.S. 60 Turbine, Governors, Intake valve, Installation, Shipping, Duty Generator and Cooling System Accessory Electrical Equipment Auxilary Systems and Equipment Mobile A-frame and 4-ton Chain Hoist and Frame 42" diameter gate valve Foundation and Tailrace Excavation (Rock) Concrete Contingencies (2~) 1,100 cy 10 cy Engineering and Design (~) Supervision and Administration (7~) TOTAL FIRST COST Interest During Construction (18 months) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST Annual Interest and Amortization 50 1,000 Annual Operations of Maintenance, and Replacement Cost Annual Environmental Mitigation Cost TOTAL ANNUAL COST (rounded) T-45 $840,630 6,900 270,000 22,500 12, 000 58,190 25,300 90,000 4,140 344,400 7,200 $148,000 20,000 128,000 $512,800 3,000 24,000 170,000 75,000 130,000 25,000 10,500 10,300 55,000 10,000 $ 433,390 208,000 182,000 3, all, 000 240,000 $3 2 251 z000 269,000 20,000 5,000 $294 z000 T.13 PROJECT BENEFITS T. 13. 1 INTERMITTANT CAPACITY BENEFITS (ICB) The capacity value and benefit is the cost to recover the investment cost, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and major repairs to a thermal (diesel) alternative plant. Traditionally capacity credit has been given to a hydroelectric project for only the capacity considered to be fully dependable. That is the load carring capacity of the project under the most adverse combination of system loads, hydrologic conditions, and plant capabilities. Federal evaluations now recognize that this results in a very conservative estimate of the hydroelectric project's dependable capacity, which is completely unrelated to the dependable capacity of the thermal alternative and which gives no credit for capacity which may be available for a substantial percent of the time. In Tenakee Springs demand is estimated to grow from 652,560 kWh in 1986 to 1,441,200 kWh in 2036. The AAE is 928,400 kWh. The hydrologic record of Indian River suggest that the proposed plant could supply much of the required energy 7 months of the year. This amount could delay the purchase of smaller diesel units providing the plant operates during peak summer (July) months when demand is greater than that of winter months. This claim assumes summer demand curves rise at a greater rate than winter demand as the community base expands ov~r the next 50 years. The recently revised Water Resources Council (WPC) procedures (adopted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,FERC) state that when intermittant capacity is available, a credit should be taken. The credit is approximated by computing the ratio of the expected availability of the hydroelectric plant during peak load to the expected availability of the thermal alternative during the same period. The anticipated peak demand period in Tenakee Springs is expected to be July. Additionally the expected period of availability and hydroelectric operation is about a 300 day block of time, not the full calendar year. This hydroelectric plant will shut down during several days in the winter and a few days in late summer. The actual availability period may average (Table 14) 322 days annually, but will coincide with water year, not ca1andar year characteristics. The intermittant capacity credit benefit calculation for Tenakee Spring is based on this period (cautiously reduced due to limited records) of a 300 day "year". A redefinition of the "year" which acknowledges a summertime critical period may allow a small ICB because the summertime peak demand is less than the anticipated winter peak demand. T-46 The dependable capacity benefit (DCB) is computed as follows: DCB = IC X HA X HMA/TMA X CV X (HF) Where: IC = installed capacity in kilowatts; HA = hydrologic availability, the same as critical period plant factor; HMA = hydropower mechanical availability, 97.5 percent as suggested by FERC; TMA = thermal plant mechanical availability, 93.5 percent for diesel as suggested by WPC; CV = The annual capacity value per kilowatt of diesel at 8 1/8 percent financing. F = Additional flexibility factor for hydropower, zero for a run-of-river project as stated by FERC. For simplicity in calculation the July Power Duration Curve (Appendix F) is segmented at 110-kW, 184-kW, and 265-kW. The annual capacity value of hydropower on Indian River is: 110 X 0.963 X 97.5/93.5 X $71 X 1.00 = $ 7,843 74 X 0.943 X 1.0428 X 71 X 1.00 = 81 X 0.886 X 1.0428 X 71 X 1.00 = The 265-kW Intermittant Dependable Capacity $ 5,166 $ 5,313 Benefit equals each year $18,322 Traditionally the capacity benefit computed for a hydropower project is intended to reflect the capacity costs saved by not constructing alternative power generating facilities. This credit has usually been applied to large interconnected systems with several sources of generation. In the case of the remote, isolated, small system such as proposed in Tenakee Springs, the intermittant dependable capacity benefit is taken to reflect the delayed purchase of smaller reserve diesel generators. The installation of a dependable hydroelectric plant would require supplemental power during periods of low flow. When the hydroelectric plant operates at less than rated capacity and when demand is greater than the hydroelectric capacity, small increments of diesel are required. Because the increments are small, diesel reserve generators can be purchased in smaller size, at lower total cost to the community, and would operate near the maximum efficiency because they would be closely matched to incremenal load. Operating at a constant rpm, the lifetime of the units would be extended, and operations and maintenance costs reduced. On the days when there is not hydroelectric generation available due to adverse flow conditions, demand is generally significantly lower than that of the peak demand month, September. Again because demand is lower, the required diesel capacity is also smaller. One or more small diesel units (parallel connected) would suffice in lieu of significantly larger thermal units. T-47 This approach in allowing intermittent capacity benefits is analogous to derating or complete shutdown of the thermal unit due to a forced outage. Unlike a diesel unit which can be represented as either on, off, or at discrete levels of partial output, the hydropower plant has capacity availability in a wide range of outputs on a nearly continuous distribution. The FERC and WPC modeling has accepted the average hydrologic availability of the plant's capacity as the most easily derived and comparable value to thermal capacity value. In the case of Tenakee Springs, $18,300 (rounded) of average annual benefits represent the best estimate of intermittant capacity value for periods of greater value versus periods of no hydroelectric value, i.e., greater availability versus insufficient str~amf10w. Other benefits associated with the project are water supply, fisheries enhancement, and employment. Each benefit category is defined and assessed and includes a description of the methodology used to determine the benefit value. At the end of the section a summary of the benefits is presented. T.13.2 ENERGY BENEFIT The primary benefit value for hydropower is measured by the cost of the next least expensive alternative. In the study area, the most likely alternative energy source is diesel powered generators. The energy benefit that could result from the proposed hydro project on the Indian River is the cost of diesel fuel displaced by hydropower in meeting the projected future demand for energy. The hydropower plant at Tenakee Springs is expected to generate in 1986 538,000 kWh of a total demand of 652,560 kWh for the area. By the end of the project life area demand will be 1,441,230 kWh and the proposed hydrop1ant will supply 1,138,200 kWh of projected demand (Table T-5). The annual equivalent output of the project is 776,300 kWh over the project life. FUEL COST Specifically, the energy benefit is derived by assigning each marketable kWh of hydro output a value equal to the cost of fuel used in producing a unit of energy (kWh) by diesel. Figure T-6 graphically shows how the Indian River hydro project is expected to contribute to the area demand on a annual basis over the project life. To determine the value that can be assigned to the hydroproject, it is necessary to identify the current and estimated future diesel cost per kwh that can be eliminated by the hydropower alternative. The hydrop1ant being considered has the potential of eliminating the use of diesel fuel during the months of high water flows in the area. Fuel Cost Escalation Fuel cost escalation is calculated to demonstrate the savings realized by avoiding the use of fuel source for which the real costs are increasing faster than the inflation rate associated with general construction costs. T-48 FIGURE T-6 ENERGY ALLOCATION IN TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA MILLIONS 1.4 1.3 K 1.2 I L 1.1 TOTAL DEMAND DIESEL 0 W A --t T , T ~ 1.0 0.9 H 0.8 0 U 0.7 R S 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 YEAR OF THE ANALYSIS PERIOD By directive, escalation rates associated with diesel fuel have been assigned by Development Resources Incorporated (DRI) to estimate future fuel prices that exceed average inflation levels (Table 11). These growth rates are applied undiscounted to the power-on-line (POL) date then discounted to the end of the 30 year escolation period and held constant through the remaining years of project life to 2036. This process (Section 3.4.2) gives a multiplier of 1.6 which is used to adjust the fuel portion of diesel the next least costly alternative generation costs. The savings that can be eliminated is $0.1370/kwh without escalation and $0.2192/kWh with escalation. The net energy benefit is $0.2192/kWh X 776,300 kWh = $170,160. T.13.3 EXTENDED DIESEL PLANT LIFE The introduction of a hydroelectric plant would allow the diesel system to be used more as a peaking plant for fewer total hours of annual usage. Also the unit would be used when flows are restricted. Local dealers estimate that a direct relationship exists between reduced operation and extended life. By decreasing the hours of use the diesel plant has an extended life and a reduction in O&M costs which can be claimed as a diesel cost prevented. The 1983 price of diesel at Tenakee Springs was $1.37/gallon. The generator efficiency of current and future plants is estimated to be 10 kWh per gallon giving a diesel fuel cost per kwh of $.137. The average O&M cost reported in 1982 is $0.08/kWh. By assigning the diesel unit to a standby statues plant life expectancy will increase allowing an extended use life. This extended use and with the associated O&M prevented has been estimated to be worth only $0.048/kwh. Full credit cannot be taken because the diesel plant is not totally replaced. The net operations, maintenance, and extended life benefit is $0.048/kWh X 776,300 kWh = $37,260. Uther benefits associated with hydro development at Tenakee Springs are water supply, fisheries enhancement, and employment. T.13.4 SECONDARY ENERGY BENEFITS As shown on Figures T-4 and T-5 the proposed hydroelectric plant is capable of producing more energy than is required at certain times. This is energy for which thare is no specific use now, but were the energy available, a market would likely arise by laws of supply and demand. This is secondary energy, and it is traditionally marketed during off peak hours at a reduced rate. AS shown in Table T-5 about 1,331,500 kWh of surplus energy could be generated in 1986, decreasing to 731,000 kWh over the years as demand increases. Most of this potential secondary energy is available early in the period when demand is lowest. There would be little secondary energy T-50 marketed in the early years. It is assumed that 7.5 percent of the available secondary would be marketed in 1986 (about 66 kWh per building). Secondary energy sales would increase until all available secondary is consumed in 2036. The effective annual sales of secondary energy is estimated to be 116,000 kWh. Because Tenakee Springs is small, and so is the estimated volume of secondary energy sales, it is not likely that a rate structure would be devised. All sales of electricity would be at the same flat rate. However, because the surplus secondary energy creates a market which probably would not exist if the town relied solely on diesel, no reduced O&M and extended life of the diesel plant is claimed for the sales of secondary energy. The benefit claimed is 116,000 kWh x $0.2192 = $25,427 annually. T.13.5 NED EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS A hydropower project is credited with an employment benefit to show the impact of the project construction phase on the local economy. The Tenakee Springs area meets the criteria for an employment benefit since it experiences substantial and persistent unemployment. The benefit is attributed to the amount unemployed labor of the region that would contribute to the construction of the project.The total amount claimed is amortized and expressed as an annual benefit for project construction. Computation of the NED employment benefit is detailed below. Employment opportunities for local nonski11ed labor exist for this project. The clearing and disposal of trees and brush on the project features, and the brushing associated with surveying work could employ Tenakee Springs residents. Some, if not all, timber could be salvaged by the residents for use as fuel or sawtimber. Manual labor such as materials handling, camp construction, culvert installation, carpentry, and restoration work could also employ several individuals (See T.13). As mentioned in T.6. 1. 1, all materials would be imported. Local employment benefits could be reaped if a crusher and screening plant were delivered on site the season before most construction were to take place. Local residents could operate the plant and stockpile needed material. Local labor would also be used in the annual operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric and water supply facility, including the mitigation/ enhancement program. T-51 NED Employment Benefit Computation Project Construction Cost (less E&D, S&A, IDC) = $2,601,000 Labor Cost (55%) = $1,430,550 Skilled Labor Amount = Local Amount = Cost (60%) $858,330 Contribution $309,000 (36%) Percent Claimed (43%) Amount = $132,900 Unskilled Labor Cost (40%) $572,220 Local Contribution $429,200 Percent Claimed (58%) $249,000 Combined Amount = $381,900 (75%) Annual Benefit $381,900 X 0.08292 = $31,660 (rounded to $32,000) T.13.6 BENEFITS WATER SUPPLY The assessment of health benefits that would supply is difficult to monetarily quantify. estimated from sick time 10sse~ to commerce. type are kept in Tenakee Springs, the values estimate. result from an improved water The time value can be Because few records of any are most difficult to Studies conducted by health agencies have shown that the incidences of diarrheal disease morbidity, Shingel1a bacterial infections, Ascaris round worm infections, tape worm infections, and chemical reactions have been reduced when an adequate central treated source ;s introduced to communities provious1y relying on unprotected and untreated sources. Because no lesser cost alternative appears possible, Federal guidance suggests that the benefits of the proposed conduit would be exactly equal to the costs. The advantage of the proposed project is that the water supply installation would be less costly if executed simultaneously with the hydropower installation. Because no comparable water supply system for the project area can be constructed more efficiently, the annual cost of meeting these needs as a development phase of the hydrop1ant is taken as a benefit to hydro deve1pment. This estimated water supply system has a first cost of $425,900 or an annual cost including O&M equalling the benefit value of $40,750 for a ratio of 1.0 to 1.0. T.13.7 BENEFITS RECREATION The average Tenakee Springs household income has been documented to be largely subsistance reliant. Approximately 1.5 deer are harvested per household. The transmission cooridor not only only would provide easy access to the Indian River watershed but also would create a small edge effect which may make deer more accessible. Assume that 10 hunters per T-52 year make 3 trips each along this corridor. Engineering Pamphlet 116S-2-1, Chapter 16 suggests that a hunting user day has a value of $20. A hunting benefit of $600 is claimed annually. Recreational hiking, photography, picnicking, and fishing using project created features such as the transmission corridor and dam pool are expected. An estimated 10 people a month each making 2 trips during May through September assign a benefit of $SOO annually to the project. Total recreational benefits of $1,100 annually are claimed. T.13.8 ENHANCEMENT COST ANALYSIS The mitigation program of this plan consists of an operational fish planting program and a monitoring program. About 2,SOO smo1t (coho only) are targeted at a cost of about ~4,8S0 annually or $12,SOO every 3 years. This migation program can be easily expanded to increase the number of smo1t above the 2,SOO mitigation level. Returns exceeding the 2S0 adult cohoes could be claimed as enhancement for a benefit, because most of the operational costs would be borne by mitigation. A $4,000 increment above the $12,SOO assigned for a 1-in-3 year plant program could produce $2,000 in annual benefits if the number of coho fry is tripled for an incremental BCR of 1.2S the overall BCR is 1.17. The BCR could be substantially improved by going to a 1-in-2 year program considered viable by the USFWS. These benefits again are considered only for commercial harvest and ignore the sport fisheries aspects, value of nonadu1ts, and excess value o·f program fish as compared with costs of hatchery raised adults. Another enhancement program that could be implemented independently of the hydropower and water supply project has been evaluated by the USFS. Laddering or dynamiting rock pools to act as 1addering in the Cascade system could cost about $1,000,000 or $82,920 annually on a SO-year period of analysis at 8 1/8 percent interest. The cost would be distributed over returns of not only coho, but also pink and chum salmon. An annual return is estimated worth about $430,000 for a BCR of S.2 to one. It is likely that the BCR could rise if the enhancement and hydropower plans are developed simultaneously through interagency agreements because some construction costs could be shared and reduced. For instances, the major item common to development of both power and fisheries is adequate access provisions for equipment needed to construct the penstock and to modify or excavate the natural barrier to fish passage. If the penstock route proposed in Section T.S were moved downslope, a hydraulically preferrab1e a1inement would be created. A trail would generally follow the river just above flood level. More excavation costs would be incurred with this a1inement, however it appears that costs could be separable for enhancement purposes as well. Removal of rock from the natural barriers would probably be the best structural modification measure. Drill rigs and excavation equipment could not travel the riverbed in its present ·state to accomplish this work. This T-S3 equipment could travel a route prepared for the penstock installation. Only minor changes would be needed to permit access to the barriers themselves. Additional information regarding potential fisheries enhancement is presented in the EA and CA report and its amendment of 20 September 1983 later in this report. Under present guidance a Corps-sponsored project for fishery enhancement cannot be recommended unless the primary reporting purpose (hydropower) demonstrates feasiblity. Because Indian River hydroelectric potential is shown (in the next subsection) not to be cost effective by present Federal standards, no benefits are claimed for enhancement. Similarly, no credits are taken for intangible benefits from decreased (albeit minor) air and noise pollution from decreased diesel use. No credits are taken for saltwater sport fishing. No credits are taken for community self-reliance and independence of a locally operated hydro plant. T.13.9 TOTAL PROJECT BENEFITS Project benefits are made up of power supplied by the hydroplant, water supply benefits, fisheries enhancement benefits, and employment benefits. Power benefits are shown as the current effects of diesel fuel costs eliminated, the effect of escalation costs and other associated costs prevented. Power benefits 1. Present Diesel Costs Eliminated 776,300 kWh X $0.137 = $106,350 2. Fuel Cost Escalation 776,300 kWh X $0.0822 = $63,810 3. Reduced O&M and Extended Life 776,300 kWh X $0.0480 = $37,260 4. Secondary Energy Available 116,000 kWh X $0.2192 = $25,425 5. Intermittant Capacity Benefit = $18,300 Water Supply Benefits Fisheries Enhancement Benefit Employment Benefit Recreation Benefit Annual Project Benefit Power Costs Mitigation Costs T-54 Subtotal $250,000 (rounded) $41,000 o 32,000 1,000 $324,000 $289,000 5,000 $294,000 Water Supply Costs B/C Analysis: $324,000 t 335,000 = 0.97 T.13.10 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 41,000 $335,000 If no secondary energy is claimed the overall BCR becomes 0.89 to one. The hydro-only BCR is 0.77. If no intermittant capacity benefit is claimed the overall BCR becomes 0.91 to one. The hydro-only BCR is 0.79. If neither secondary energy nor ICB are claimed the BCR is 0.84 to one. This is the most likely case and is the basis for recommendations. The power only BCR is 0.71 to one. If a 25 percent contingency is used, the BCR becomes 0.92 to one. If the 20 percent contingency is used but the direct labor and materials costs have been overestimated by $260,000, the total annual project cost drops to $306,000. Including secondary energy benefits the BCR becomes (306 t 306) 1.00 to one. The state-of-the-art new diesel plant in the bush may have a fuel efficiency of 11 kWh per gallon. The BCR drops to 0.90 to one. A 9 kWh/g efficiency shows a BCR of 1.00 to one. If mitigation were deleted the BCR would be 0.99. Mitigation may be required for the EQ plan, but not for the NtrrlPran. If the useable energy and/or demand is overestimated the BCR drops to 0.87 to one if 600,000 kWh/yr is used. -- If use is underestimated, an 850,000 kWh/yr use creates a 1.10 to one BCR. If the project is financed with 3 percent money the net benefits are $125,000 for a 1.85 to one BCR. But 12 percent money yields a BCR 0.73 to one. If 50-50 cost shared at a 3 percent State rate and eight and one-eighth Federal rate the BCR is 1.02 to one. Changing the POL to 1996 moves the BCR to 1.10 to one. Evaluation using a 35 year payback period at 3 percent interest results in a cost of $0.235 per kilowatt hour; and at 8 percent $0.41 per kWh. This is essentially the Alaska Power Authority test. T-55 ADF&G ALP ANCSA ANLICA AVEC CVEA Capacity Capac i ty Factor Capacity Utilization Factor cfs Demand DEPD TABLE OF NOMENCLATURE AND DEFINITIONS, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Alaska National Lands Interest Conservation Act Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Copper Valley Electrical Association The maximum power output or load for which a machine, apparatus, station or system is rated. The ratio of the average load supplied to the capacity rating of a machine or equipment for the period of time considered. The percentage of generation over a given time period relative to full use of the system equals(actual generation x lOO)/(installed capacity x hours) Cubic feet per second -the rate of streamflow The rate at which electric energy is delivered to or by a system, part of a system, or to a piece of equipment expressed in kilowatts, kilovolt- amperes, or other suitable unit at a given instant or averaged over any designated period of time. Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development Division of Energy and Power Development T-56 TABLE OF NOMENCLATURE AND DEFINITIONS (cont) Dependable Capacity DNR DOT-PF Energy EPA Fi nn Power Francis-Type Unit GVEC ·Head kW, Kilowatt kWh, Kilowatt-hour LMP Load Load Factor The capacity, which for specified time interval and period, can be relied upon to carry system load, provide assured reserve and meet firm power obligations, taking into account unit operating variables, hydrologic conditions, and seasonal or other characteristics of the load to be supplied. Alaska Department of Natural Resources State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Energy is defined as the ability or capability to do work. United States Environmental Protection Agency Power intended to have assured availability to the customer to meet his load requirements. A reaction-type turbine which uses the combined action of pressure and velocity of the water to drive generating equipment. Water enters the unit radially and leaves axially. Golden Valley Electrical Cooperative The elevation between the headwater surfaces above and the tailwater surface below a hydroelectric powerp1ant. One thousand (1,000) watts, 1.341 horsepower, 3412.9 BTU's. A measure of ENERGY. A 1,000 watt light bulb left on for one hour would use one ki10watt- hour of energy. Land Management Plan The amount of power needed to be delivered at a given point on an electric system. The rate at which electric energy is delivered to or by a system or to a piece of equipment expressed in kilowatts, kilovolt-amperes, or other suitable unit at a given instant or average over any designated period of time. The ratio of average load supplied during a designated period to the maximum peak load occuring in the same period. T-57 TABLE OF NOMENCLATURE ANU DEFINITIONS (cont) Mbf MBF MW, Megawatt MWH, Megawatt-hour FMSL PCAP Peak load Penstock Pond age Power Power Factor rpm Run-Of-River Plant PMF SDF Million board feet; also B (billion)-bbf b-bf=1"x12"x12" Thousand board feet measure One million (1,000,000) watts. One thousand kilowatt-hours. Feet Mean Sea Level Alaska's Power Cost Assistance Program. A program which subsidizes diesel generation costs in bush villages. This program is politically and economically uncertain because it appears to encourage consumption while other major programs and ethics encourage conservation. The greatest of all load demands of the load under consideration which has occurred during a specified period of time. A conduit or pipe for conducting water to an electric powerhouse. Storage of water of sufficient magnitude for daily or weekend regulation of flow, generally applies to storage at run-of-river plants. Power is defined as the rate at which energy ;s used, i.e. the amount of energy used per time. The ratio of the amount of power, measured in kilowatts, used by a consuming electric facility to the apparent power measured in kilovolt- amperes. Revolutions per minute A hydroelectric powerplant using the flow of a stream as it occurs and having little or no reservoir capacity for storage. Probable Maximum Flood Spillway Design Flood T-58 THREA USFS USGS USFWS W, Watt WECS TABLE OF NOMENCLATURE AND DEFINITIONS (cont) Tlingit -Haida Regional Electrical Authority, cooperative based in Juneau for Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock. United States Forest Service United States Geological Survey United States Fish and Wildlife Service A measure of POWER. A watt is def; ned as one joule per second. Wind Energy Conversion System T-59 CORPS Of ENGINHRS ~ i E2384paa f Tl)POGRAPHIC PLAN ~~.~Ifi,"" 'CO"., .. " I "1 ", .. pro I b i ACCESS ROAD TO TENAKEE SPRINGS DAM \: Y· 5l~=NG'" , ON 8EDROCK "'~)(,E"".'50· GRA,OE: NT[ 2O"JI. AQ ... ow ... v ...... TER1 ... L STREAM CROSSING PROFILE U. S AI,,",Y . I ~L+-,,-.. t~-,·=---=+----;-l I [lUSTING ORClI.MO ~E _ 'I~_=-----==-__ ~, ACCESS TRAIL TYPICAL SECTKlN TEN"'KEE SPIUNOS .... L ... SX,l SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASI81L1TY STUDY TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN 6 ACCESS TRAIL PROFILE AND SECTIONS ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PlATE 1 +- _ ACCESS ROAD PENSTOCK ~~UNE S'i INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS =::~~ONTACT BETWEEN KiNEOUS JUNE t9EM FIELD ~kS OBSERVED ClJRlNG TENAKEE SPfIINGS. SMALL ALASKA HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY SITE GEOLOGY MAP PLATE 2 coos Of II!NGINlI!fRS ,,,,' ,," ,oc' ,.,' 140' .... t u 1----lL .... _ ··1 '~~--rf'.::..a:~"'-. 1 .... ~OT ... _T'l..-rtMID __ .D SEyTION ,A-A. mah ,---,---~---,----,'---'----'I---'----'---'----'---'----,,---,---,­ 0' . . ~ --- DAM PR9Fl.E I ,eo' I Il10' U.S. ".MY ----------------_"'!?_'!"'!!'_- ~tC-C Il10' ,,,,' ",,' ,.,' I I """ ".' ",,' aMALL HYDROPOWER FEASI BILITY STUDY DAM PLAN, PROFILE, a SECTIONS .... ASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEEMI PLATE 3 CORPS OF ENGINEERS ___ ";II'!':----- ~-EXISTIiIG GROtJNJ ~-PENST()Q( _____ ~EXISTIIfQ RIVEIIIIIED --DAM SITE }w:- ~ ~ TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN ? 100 m !ll:Al£,""ffT STAT'O'N~~ IN Hu'NMrOS OF' ' .. 00 PENSTOCK PROFILE FEET POWERHOUSE WOOD P("" TRANSMISSION LINE SMALL H~~~~:~ SPRINGS. AlASKA WER FEASIBiLITY STUDY PENSTOCK PLAN 8 PROFILE ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PLATE 4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS ""l 14d1 .. TDiAlln .,;n'::A:~~:~Y STUDy SMAll HYDROPOWE POWERHOUSE PLAN a PROFILE ALASkA DISTRICT, CORPS (JiF ENGINEERS U. 5. ARMY PLATE 5 ALONG TRANSMISSION LINE STORAH. 'ILTRATION. ~-., AND CHLORINATION BY PASS REDUCER OUTLET HOUSE FRENCH DRAIN INTO IV'-L----CREEK TO PREVENT FREEZING LIMIT OF CORPS' RESPONSIBILITY - TENAKEE SP~NG~ALASKA SMALL HYDRO POWER FEASIBILITY STUDY Water Supply Schematic AI •• II. District. Cor.,. of Engln •• rs PLATE 6 I • • LIGHT ANGLE IN LINE CROSSARM E SPECI FIC A J"ER NATE CONDU ir---------50'(TYPICAL) --------~ 40' (TYPICAL) T -61 . BURIED WATER SUPPLY LINE ----",- TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY Typical Transmission Line AI .. k. District. Corp. 01 Eqln..,. FEBRUARY 1883 PLATE 7 GENERATOR BEARING TEMP. DEVICE I TRANSMISSION LINE (7.2 kV) 500 kVA 7.2/0.48 kV STEP UP TRANSFORMER STATION SERVICE GENERATOR STATOR TEMP. DEVICE r---------, r~ 325 kVA STATIC EXCIT. SYSTEM a V.R. EQUIP. 0.8 P. F., 480V. 60 HZ, 900 RPM TURBINE BEARING TEMPERATURE DEVICE STATIC EXCITOR '==~ POTENTIAL TRANSF. r-------------------------* TENAKEE SPRINGS,ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY HYDRO UNIT ONE-LI NE DIAGRAM ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEER ~-------------------T-_6-2----------------------P~LA~~~E~8 ',.. CONSTRUCTION ~EDULE DESCRIPTION 1984 1985 1986 oj A S 0 N I:t J f M A M ., J A • 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS MOBILIZATION: CAMP CONSTRUCTION SURVEY QUARRY AND STOCKPILE CLEARING MATERIALS DELlYERY ACCESS ROAD: EXCAYATION AND SURfACING ~- RESTORATION DAM: COffERDAM CONSTRUCTION EXCAYATION -• CONCRETE WORK STEEL WORK I RESTORATION I , PENSTOCK: £XCAYATION -PIPE INSTALLATION a fAB RESTORATION POWERHOUSE: TAILRACE EXCAYATION -fOUNDATION WORK -~ STRUCTURE EflECTION -~ TURBINE MANUfACTURE TURBINE INSTALLATION -~ RESTORATION ~ -TRANSMISSION LINE: ACCESS GRADING EXCAYATION -~-r-------- ----- POLE SETTING • ~ --~----- ----- WIRE STRING ------------- - PUNCHLIST ~. POWER ON LINE -~ DE MOBILIZATION -~ PLATE T-9 APPENDIX B TENAKEE SPRINGS CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Appendix B Tenakee Springs Cultural Resources Assessment The Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is studying the feasibility of a hydroelectric dam on Indian River to provide power to the nearby town of Tenakee Springs. The project is located on Chichagof Island (see map). Aboriginal Background Before the European American settlement of the town of Tenakee Springs in the late nineteenth century, the Tenakee Inlet area was utilized by several Tlingit Indian groups. The Hoonah people used to portage to the head of Tenakee Inlet from Port Frederick to hunt seal and fish (Goldschmidt & Haas 1946:101-102). In the past, houses, smokehouses and cabins, were located near the portage. The Angoon people lived at the lower part of the Inlet and had smokehouses and houses there at least during the early years of the cannery industry. (Goldschmidt and Haas 1946: 118-119). Other possible indications of prehistoric settlement in Tenakee Inlet include a pictograph located at Cannery Point, a petroglyph reported at the town of Tenakee Springs, and a chert flake found near Kadashan Bay (Ackerman, n.d.). Historical Background A bit more is known about Tenakee Inlet and the town of Tenakee Springs during the historic period. Tenakee Springs was established as a resort for miners, fishermen and prospectors shortly after the establishment of Juneau. It was first called Hoonah Hot Springs and had about 25 people overwintering by 1894, attracted by the therapeutic water of the spring. In the 1890's a hole was blasted in the bedrock to provide a soaking tub; other improvements inlcuding a concrete bathing pool and the concrete structure, which now completely incloses the pool, were built over the years. Another mainstay of the town was Snyder Merchantile which was started in 1899. The present Tenakee General Store building was constructed by Snyder in 1905. The post office was also established at that time. Several canneries were built near the town around 1918 and the population climbed to approximately 400. The population began to decline when these canneries closed down in the 1930's and 1940's (Roppel 1978). Known Cultural Resources of Tenakee Springs Area The town of Tenakee Springs itself is listed as a historical district on the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey file. The AHRS number is SIT 084. Besides the well preserved historic structures near the spring, field investigation established that the beach area between the present small boat harbor and the town was the site of the Indian section of town during the cannery period. The ruins of several poorly preserved structures can be seen along the footpath along with a fairly well preserved smokehouse. SIT 167 is the Indian River Burial ground. This is located on both sides of the footpath just to the west of the mouth of Indian River, about a third of a mile east of the boat docks (Sealaska 1975:594-595). The site was used from the 1930·s on, after the graveyard on Indian Islana became full. SIT 048 is the reported Tenakee petroglyph. This is supposedly located on one of two points that jut out from Tenakee Springs (AHRS file: Sealaska 1975:594). SIT 181 is the Grave Island or Indian Island Burial ground. A small wooden gravehouse in a state of disrepair is located here as well as many marble headstones dating to the turn of the century (AHRS file; Sealaska 1975:686). Field Investigation My investigation focused on the coastal strip between the town of Tenakee Spri ngs and Indi an Ri ver and on the area at the mouth of Indi an Ri ver si nce these were high probability areas of finding remains and mign.t be indirectly impacted by construction activities, although there should be no direct impact in these areas. The banks of Indian River at the dam, penstock, and powerhouse sites were also investigated as were the less steep portions of the powerline alignment (see inclosed map) although the likelihood of finding cultural remains in these areas seemed low. Three person days were spent in visual inspection. Shovel test pits were excavated in areas judged to have a probability of cultural remains, and natural exposures were closely inspected in hopes of locating the reported petroglyph. This was done at two different times of the day, so the 1 i ghting on the rocks was different. No petroglyphs were found, however. The mouth of the ri ver was scruti ni zed from shore and from a boat for the presence of fish weirs or other cultural features. None were noted. Overa 11, no prev i ous ly unknown cu 1 tura 1 resources were discovered. The two historic cemeteries were located and it was ascertained that the project would have no impact on them. Further, the project wi 11 have no impact on the standing structures that comprise the Tenakee Springs Historical District, or on the ruined historic Indian section of town. Recorrmendations Hydropower development on Indian River and power transmission to the town of Tenakee Springs should have no effect on cultural resources. Should the project design change, or unexpected resources be uncovered in the course of further study or construction, the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer should be contacted irrmediately. 2 Bibliography Ackerman, Report to the U.S. Forest Service: Archaeological for Five Year Cutt;n Pro osal, A.L.P. Goldschmidt, W.R. and Theodore H. Haas, 1946, possesorl Rights of the Natives of Southeastern Alaska. A Report to the Commissioner 0 Indian Affairs. Roppe1 P., 1978, Vacationing at Tenakee Springs Alaska Magazine, June 1978. Sea1aska Corporation, 1975, Native Cemeteries and Historic Sites of SE Alaska. 3 APPENDIX C SUMMATIOO Section 404 (b) (1) Preliminary Evaluation APPENDIX C SUMMATION Section 404 (b)(l) Preliminary Evaluation Small Hydropower and Water Supply Project Interim Survey Study Tenakee Springs, Alaska I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tenakee Springs is located on Chichagof Island, the second largest in the Alexander Archipalego of Southeast Alaska. Tenakee Springs air miles northeast of Sitka and 45 air miles southwest of Juneau. River is located approximately one mile east of Tenakee springs. island is 50 Indian The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District has conducted a feasibility study for the purpose of developing a hydroelectric power facility and a water supply system for the cOlTlTlunity of Tenakee Springs. The project would require development of 10.4 acres of Federal and State 1 ands. The total project woul d requi re approximately 20.4 acres, however 11.4 acres have previously been developed for logging activities. (roads, mooring facilities and borrow pits). In sUlTlTlary, a 16-foot high dam with a 8-foot high spillway would divert 20 'to 52 cubic feet per second of water from Indian River to a powerhouse site approximately 2,700 feet downstream. The powerhouse would be equipped with a 264,-kW turbine and generator. Diverted water would be returned to Indian River above the natural barriers for anadromous fish migration. A minimum instream flow requirement of 10 cfs has been established with an operational mitigation program. The water supply system would divert approximately 1 cfs of water from the tailrace area along the transmission corridor by the buried pipe to the powerhouse substation near the city dock. For additional information, refer to the Environment Assessment (EA), and the main survey report. II. FACTUAL DETERMINATIONS The following determinations have been made with a finding of no significant impacts, based on the evaluation process and on information presented in the Environmental Consequences section of the EA: a. Physical Substrate Determination b. Water Circulation, Fluctuation and Salinity Determinations c. Suspended Particulate/Turbidity Determinations d. Contaminant Determinations e. Aquatic Ecosystem and Organism Determinztions f. Proposed Disposal Site Determinations g. Determination of Cumulative Effects on the Aquatic Ecosystem h. Determination of Secondary Effects on the Aquatic Ecosystem III. FINDING OF COMPLIANCE FOR TENAKEE SPRINGS SMALL HYDROPOWER AND WATER SUPPLY PROJECT 1. No significant adaptations of the guidelines were made relative to this evaluation. 2. Structural alternatives included a variety of locations for project features as well as varying sizes, as discussed under the alternative section of the survey report and EA. 3. The proposed action will not violate any applicable State water quality standards. The action will not violate the Toxic Effluent Standards of Section 307 of the Clean Water Act. 4. The proposed action will not affect any endangered species or their critical habitat. 5. The proposed action will not result in any significant adverse effects to human health and welfare, including municipal and private water supplies, recreational and conmercial fishing, plankton, fish, shellfish, wildlife and special aquatic sites. The various life stages of aquatic organisms and wildlife will not be significantly affected. Significant adverse impacts to aquatic ecosystem diversity, productivity and stability, and recreational, aesthetic and economic values will not occur. 6. Appropriate steps have been taken in project design to minimize potential impacts. These include site location for the dam, powerhouse, and transmission corridor; engineer design of the diversion dam to incorporate a minimum flow release, establishment of an instream flow requirement; an operational fisheries egg take and transplant program for an estimated adult salmon return of 250 fish; establishment of a construction window for in water or near water activities that could introduce material into the river between 20 May and 15 July; restoration of disturbed sites with potential for erosion with vegetation; and, a reduction in quantity of vegetation clearing required for project features. 7. On the basis of the guidelines the proposed disposal sites for the discharge of fill material is specified as complying with the requirements of the guidelines as specified in 40 CFR part 230. APPENDIX D RELEVANT CORRESPONDENCE ) ~ V :lefore CO;'·L.1s:;ioners: .1n t:~~ }.;ltter or u;a'ri':; ST,\Tc.5 I.J: ':'J.S~j r .. Ff!.:::f,,·,.L r-,j'."jEit clJ~s:;rr.;; .J, rc:-,. t:. K:,:-·k':IIG'lll., CL ... im.·.:l; ~'-:l ... r., uet;; Cl :'J~':-I.. l/r·lpo.-!'" t ) ) ) .... . 1 •• .. ~ , . Applic~tl~n ~as tiled ~ctoter 20, 1~52 by Superior Packine -C~~)~nj~ ot Seattlt', Wash1n~..on. tor a ne; 11=er.se IlnCer the I-'e~eral i'o't;er Act (bereir.a!ter re!'er!'ed to as the Act) tor construct.ed cinor ~jc~t. ~jo. 8)1 locat<..d.;.-:Cout L CJ!.l!.s ear.st of 'l'e.la.kee .sprine;.s on a cree.k of Chichagof Island flo .. d~1g into TE:na~8 I:lle:t, First Jw!icial Divis!O:/ Alas!r.a, and. affect;.ing l .. r!<is of t!le ~ttitecl Slates ",1 thin Tor.gass :;a tio:"_l rorest. or-be or1g1 • .al license !-')r t.he project ~os b3uec1, 71ithout c.'largG, to the licensee on :io"e:!l~ er 26, 1:'"27 tor' a pe:-io..!. or 25 yo!ar:J t.h~2 e!'":r-oo~ and e.'t?!re-:1 en (:oveClber 25, 15152. . . . '.-. I The proje_~tc~nsi~ta of: (a) All lar.u:c co:-.stit· .. ting the pr:>ject C!.r~, tne l.bits -~f '1Jhich are 50 Ic:et on each side of the ct'nt.t:r line· or . the wood-stave pl1le~, da::1 and or. eacn site of t.he er:e" or a:r..j (b) All project "";)1'0.:.3; cc~r1s1ng a 10. dive':Jion ca.";!, 24 .. teet loot: ar4 6 teet. h1~bj a sh.:l:-t :strate.): 1.'[ 'I'I-')OQ Ili.1 ... ,e; ·~o 1tOo..l-:'i ..... ve pi}1e:J, Oi.e b inchd:J £.nd the ether 12 1nc~s in d1A.:lf:ttt:r, eac!l ilbout. ),0iXl feet in leJ".gth~ three_ .. Pe!-: t.7n to:.tcr -:o:beels, O:le 24-incn a.Jd tl'fo J6-1nchj ~a(.d 009 _·/t-{.: 10-1C.f g~ne:-a tar 1:1 the C3:lr.er,r bil.::initJ:- (c) Ail other :strJctures, tixt.o.res, e .. ~ulp!:)E!:lt, oi" faciliUes \.:!Ie~ or U$:.t'ul 1."1 tr.e na1:lt.e:uocs &II(! operation of th~ P~Je<;t. and loca~d on t.he PT'Oj~ct at'ea, n(l~ all ri,;ht.3 and interesta, tae possession of ~;tich-1s nac~s~~rj or appropria.te in the ::a1ntenance a~d ·operat.ion '~r th.f proj- f!ct.., -rbe proj~ct lar.ci5 a..:..ct prvjE:ct -;roi'ie3""'C'O' i::oro Bpeci!i- call,y' 3ha:7n and descrl~d ~)" a ce:-tG1n r::.ap' '"hich fOr=;1~ '" part ot t;le ar.plication tOl' llcE:-..,e by reJ.·e~t'~e· the:-eto, ar.d "Meh ilS t!!scri~ed ::.~= ..... . --·_c~ t. ( ~ '. v·,".-!\.-_ .. ,~, ;'.LkS ... -. March 13, 1980 [·Iir. Lee R.. Nunn Colenel, Corps of Engineers Dept. of the Aroy P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Ak. 99510 Dear r·II!'. Nun..'1.: Your letter and report were disc~ssed at length at ~lr rec~~~ Ci t;y Council m.eeting. The Co· .. ,;.ncil is very i:'1"Cer2s"':~;·,,:, i:-~ al terna ti ve energy sources J 3.::1.d is prese:ltly i::1.ves '~':.:..g2.. -:L·.; geothermal possibili ties vii th respect to Oi.i.r :'cc s)r':'::--.gs. tve wccid also like to have a. -;; ..... c:..ic ;-r,ee ti:-:g a::lci/cr -;·-::-ks:-.:~..; vlith your sta=f, at ycur ccnvsr..:"e::--~cs, ~':a ~~2.v= ..::.i2. ____ :::,=:~ hyd-f"Q"r"'\cv'er dev"':loD~e:1~ \'~i t h -~ .. ~" ~a-Y" ~on";--:.'~ .. :. -:--....... ,. .. .:. --"--": .. • _ ~. ~ ...... " w ., "' .... _ •• !-.... <::_ .... "~ ........ _<c __ •• _ .•• ___ -=_-.... and also wi"t!:. t!1.6 Ce:partrr_er~:: 0= :':a "'c-v.ral ~es()·~.:::·,:>~::;, ':,.'-'-.,_ intel~ested irJ. furthering cur k:--;J·-;/:t:;~5e; as \. ""':.:.. 8.3 .-~ -':l~~-:.' "_ rnetilccis of fur:d.in@; suer. a P:'1;:,j2C·;:;. If possible, a meeti~g sc~adule~ fer late d~:::~_ would be good, as there are ~3v6~a:" ~oi.i.~ci~ =2~~~r out ef "tovrr... \~e would wa:1.i: ::... 1\,;.11 CG'J.Dci2. fo::.. .... S-";'C.·. ..... .:;.. Please contact r:.e and advise as -:0 vf!".en sue!. :=. ~.:a·-,,' ---:'6 (;.: .:~ take place. ~har_~ yeu. Sin~erely, San~ra L •. Andersor. City Clerk .. .. t· t· ,. ., II' • '~ CITY OF POST OFFICE BOX 52 TfnAHff SPRinGS May 16, '1980 Mr. Loran R. Baxter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Ak. 99510 Dear Mr. Baxters TENAKEE SPRINGS ALASKA 99841 The City of Tenakee Springs wishes to express our sincere thanks to you and your department for your continuing interest and assistance to our community. Your recent . visit was very informative, and many of the citizens have expressed their support for continuing study of the development of hydro-electric power for our town. Enclosed is a resolutl.on passed by the City Council at a special meeting last night, requesting the Army Corps of Engineers conduct a feasib~lity study of the sites near Tenakee Springs. We look forward to hearing from you on this, and will offer any assistance we can give to aid in this endeavor. Sincerely, p£-r,d-za .. ;( a'u-b~ Sandra L. Anderson City Clerk cc: Rep. Ernie Haugen SLA/aw • .. '. .:.. • & & •• r - I i 1 I CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS RESOLUTIOr; aO-2 In the Council May 15, 1980 Introdueed by C ouncil l~ reside"nt WHEREAS WHEREAS WHEREAS A'RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONDUCT A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF POTENTIAL HYDRO-ELECTRIC ENERGY NEAR TENAKEE SPRINGS, ALASKA. preliminary studies of Harley Creek and Indian River for potential hydro-electric sites have been COffilllcted, and, funding is available for feasibility studies to be done in potentially favorable areas, and, the City of Tenakee Springs is interested in developing alternative sources of energy, to become less dependent on increasingly scarce and expensive fossil fuels for heat and energy, then t therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Tenakee Springs, .. ~ ------ .r' : r .. '. :' ~l', ,. ,', ,,'J, -/ t '" , ' '. ,(., .ft '; ... ~ :. t ,-,'! •..•. ! .. '.' " " "" . ) ... ' (~~;TTES~I ' .. I, .~,\' , ) ", ,I , ','. :.~, "'", ~ .. . l , " • '\.. ;:. I'~ ', •• that it respectfully request the Army Corps of Engineers conduct a feasibility study of the potential hydro-electric sites near Tenakee Springs. 1"-,") DAY OF , ~i/;.;.'~' ,1980. j Council Preside)1f • ex officio MaY6r Sandra L~a Anderson, City Clerk · , ~. , . (. June 10, 1980 Re: 1130-2-1 Harlan E. Moore, Chief Engineering Division Corps of Engineers Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 ---_ ..... _-_ ... -,--....-..--.. -~------------- ( DIVISION OF PARKS JAY S. HAMMOND, GOVERNOR 619 Warehouse Dr., Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 274-4676 Subject: Tenakee Springs Hydro Project Dear Mr. Moore: We have revie\"ed the subject proposal and \'JOuld I ike to offer the following comments: STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER The proposed work may adversly impact AHRS site # SIT-084, Tenakee Springs Historic District. This site may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. In addition, sites SIT-048 (Tenakee Petroglyph) and SIT-167 (Indian River Burial) may also be impacted. Therefore, per 33 CFR 325.2{e) (draft), a survey is recommended. ~' t II ~" , "" ...L <:" L1 y.J L ..... ~ '4' "-oJ ,Ce1"I?A t J-L.l ~1, 1 .J / v I ~WilJiam s. HanabJe (I . State Historic Preservation Officer STATE PARK PLANNING This office has strong concerns over any construction activity \o/hich \o/ould alter the natural scenic qualities of the area and result in a deragation of the recreational and scenic enjoyment of this area. LWCF No comnent. Sincerely, ./ IN REPL V REFER TO: .---.----.--.. ~ ... _------ ( United States Department of the lnteri. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1011 E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99503 (90l) 276-3800 flPAPO Colonel lee R. Nunn District Engineer 6 fL ....... .!l Alaska District, Corps af Engineers P.O. Box 7002 . Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: Re: Tenakee Springs proposed Hydropower Development 'rhis letter transmits copies of U.S. Forest Service correspondence con- cerning fishery enhancement opportunities at. Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. (Ref. Kanen ~o Vaught, USDA memo dated 12/15/80 and Fish, USDA, to Hughes, FWS, letter dated 1/16/81). The alternative proposed would involve construction of a dam with sufficient crest height to flood all the natural barriers to upstream fish passage. The facility would be designed to assure fish passage to upstream spawning and rearing habitat. We are not necessarily advocating this proposal, but we believe that it is a viable alternative that could be considered in your feasibility studies for the Tenakee project. Sincerely, Regional Director Attachment Ed Ob .. I r Bi 11 Hugh2s (. ( UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Sitka Ranger District Post Office Box 504 Sitka, Alaska 99835 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P. O. Box 810 Sitka, Alaska 99835 L Dear Bill: 7500 2630 January 16, 1981 . r 6 FEB i~i ~ ". Since we are aware of the Corps of Engineers interest in looking at Indian River as a potential hydroelectric site for Tenakee Springs, 1 thought you might be interested in the enclosed letter from Dale Kanen, our fisheries engineer. Dale visited Indian River last summer in the normal course of our annual pc;>tential fish\1ay investigations. Further field investigations are necessary of course to detennine how usable Dale's suggestion is. . If we can be of any help in the course of the project, please let us know. Sincerely, ·£-y3"~~ ROBERT B. FISH District Ranger Enclosure .~, (1/69) • " .J 1} ~, ... ..u ,;:Uc:lll::=:S R~~jl Department of ~ Agriculture Forest (-ViCe TI\'F -Ct-'A " ' . ( Reply 10: 7500 \'/ater storage and Transmission 2600 \"lildli fe and Fish t.1anagement December 15, 1980 Su::.jec:: Indian River Fish Ladder 6 FEb I~bl To: • Robert Vaught Sitka Ranger District This is in response to your request for in formatio;'"", concerning Indian River. On Aug:..!st 1, 1979, r·latt Longenbaugh and I hiked up the Indian River gorge from Salt \':ater. It was our main intent at the time to inventory any barriers to the upstream mmigration of coho salmon. The following is an excerpt from my field notes:" ••• sa\,1 ten small falls ranging from 2' to 5' in height. There was one eight foot falls and one 10' falls. Banks of stream are sheer for 100' above stream bottom. This stretch is approximately 112 mile long and full of rapids \"Ii th good resting pools in between". ,There also follo...,s a . comment by biologist Matt Longenbaugh that none of the falls observed would be a complete barrier to coho migration by itself. Most of the barriers had a ramped face (instead of a vertical drop) thus creating a high velocity zone for the fish to negotiate. Immediately bela~ these, the standing waves on the leading edge of the hydraulic junp tend to be too far downstream from the falls. I would expect this to cause disoriented leaping behavior in salmonids. This survey was incomplete in that forward progress up the river \'las halted by a lack of good hand holds and foot holds. We traversed roughly a 1/4 mile of ~orge area in our survey and it appeared that roughly a 1/4 mile of high energy gradient remained before a fish reached the spa~~ing and-rearing habitat above. Due to the extreme difficulty we had traversing this stretch of stream above the foot bridge, all plans to engineer a passage solution appeared impractical for the near future. A separate structure at each falls would be cost prohibitive. The 100'+ high vertical walls of th~ canyon make logistics all but impossible. Extreme stage fluctuations in this confined stretch of stream would jepardize work schedules, equipment and personnel safety. Construction of a dam with ladder works might be feasible at the lower end of the gorge. A dam could possibly be constructed such that the crest height would flood out the existing rapids and barriers upstream. Such a structure might take advantage of the low width to height ratio of the canyon. Access for heavy equipment coul~e relatively easy, needing only to traverse the intertidal zone and the relatively flat alluvial slopes to the canyon entrance. The cost of such a project simply to utilize the upstream habitats would probably not be economical. If sufficient demand could be found for the potential hydroelectric paner available a dual purpose project might be desired. The to\'tnS of Tenekee Springs and Hoonah both need an inexpen~ive source of hydroelectric prn1er. This dam could also serve as a reservoir for the Tenel<ee ~/ater source. Tenekee now has a critical shortage of good water. --_ .... ". i would be very interested in updates as ~tudies continue on this praject. If we may be of further help., please let us Knao'i. IJ~ ,f Jra,--~ O.o.!..E VJ\r-.=:N Civil Engineer . .. _-' . ;: -:C'ITY OF e I TEnAKEE" SPRinGS J '-- POST OFFICE BOX ~ .... jut'! I ,- ..... Department of the Army Alaska District Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 . Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Att: Harlan E. Moore Dear Mr. Moore: TENAKEE SPRINC March 2, 1981 RE: NPAEN-PL-R In your letter of January 28 to Mrs. Sandra Anderson, former city clerk, you re- quested additional information on the Indian River site in connection with the hydro- 'electric feasibility study you are conducting. In a phone conversation with Mr. Shoup, h . suggested that we outline a history of Tenakee Springs. I will start with the history and then attempt to answer your questions. Tenakee Springs is one of Southeast Alaska's older communities. Shortly after the founding of Juneau, prospectors and hunters came to know the place as Hooniah Hot Springs It was a halfway point betweeB Juneau and Sitka for boat trave1--the only transportation at that time. In 1899, Ed Snyder started a general merchandise business which is 'sti11 i existence. The main hot spring was enclosed by a log bu~lding and Mr. Snyder built a number of cabins to accomodate visitors who soon learned of the therapeutic value of the mineral baths. A post office was estab1i.shed in 1903 and the name "Tenakee" was adopted. It became a favorite wintering resort for miners and fishermen. When cold weather halted mining operations in the fall in such places as Nome, Fairbanks, Dawson etc. the miners would journey by dog team to the coast, take a steamer to Juneau, thence by mail boat to Tenakee where many of them would spend the winter until breakup time in the north. About 1918 two large salmon canneries were built four and five miles east of the helping to boost the summer time economy. By 1930 there were slightly more ~han 300 permanent residents. One cannery ceased operations in the 1930's; the othe~fina11y shut down in· the late 1940's. A drastic population decline could be attributed to (a) lack of industry to support the permanent residents and (b) convenient plane transportatic became conmonplace enabl ing the fonner northern visitors to fly "outside" for the winter . A small crab cannery kept the town alive from 1948 to 1974 when it too closed down. Currently, logging and fishing are the mainstays of the economy. The present population is 1 54. • I . ! "", .. " .• . _. '1. ",.'~ ~·(,,"'.i'-· \.0, 'It!'! \. .' ~ . ' .. 'I'. £-(1,-1.1 t··1 _ . ,"" ;.:.J ._ ~ •. j , ~...' ,I.. '. Prior to 1952, there was no community electric system. The crab cannery required an increase in power for some new machinery that was installed and it was decided to expand the e1ectrie system to include the entire community. Currently, two 100 kw diesel generators, one of them a standby, are used for local power. Both are in need of comp1et overhaul which, at today's prices, is extremely costly. Rates for electricity must necessarily reflect these expenses which when cougled with ipnstaotly rising fuel costs creates a hardship for the consumer. The present owners of the electric system cannot afford to upgrade the system and have indicated that in the event of plant failure, they would have to cease operations. The most logical alternative is hydro power. The Indian River site which you favor seems to be the most logical selection. It lies about 1~ miles east of the tm'ln of Tenakee Springs and within a few hundred yards of a log dump which marks the beginning of a logging road that courses some 10 or 11 miles along the Indian River valley. Heavy equipment could be brought in over C'tTY OF i TfnAHff SPRinGS POST OFFICE BOX 52 :. TENAKEE ALASKA SPRINC" 99841 I the logging road. There are no indications of archeological or historical sites in f, this area. As for concerns about the salmon, the State Dept of Fish & Game voiced no Ii • opposition to logging, stating that Indian River was not considered an important corrmercial.~ salmon stream. {here should be no problem with eagle nests. ! ~ I • ~ The present cost of electricity is 30¢ kwh and it has been announced that an increase .~.: to 35¢ will take effect on the first of April. Since decontrol of oil prices there have • been several fuel price increases making it more costly to operate the generators. Diesel I fuel is now $1.40 per gallon. The generators use about 75 or 80 gallons per day. Due to the high cost of electricity, residential consumers restrict themselves to what they consider necessities. There is only one electric range in use-in the community. ~.' Almost all cook stoves are oil burning. There are some who cook with propane. The ~ average home uses a few 1 i ghts. Many have refri gerators and freezers and numerous small I apP],i_ances. No home is electrically heated. Since the closure of the crab cannery, there is no cOlllTlercial machinery on line except for limited commercial refrigeration. However, it is anticipated that in the very near future=-probably this year--a seafood processing plant will be established and \>';11 ~ undoubtedly require considerable power for cold storage equipment, pumps, compressors, etc. ~. Residences, for the most part, are small cabins. Average size would be about 300 or 350 square feet. Total floor space of the community, about 42,000 square feet: About 15 _ or 20% of the buildings are insulated with 5ibreglass blanket type insulation. The . typical small residence consumes about 1150 gals of fuel per year for both heating and ~ cooki ng. Some propane is used for cooki ng, probably about 10,000 1 bs per year. More and .. more homes are using wood for fuel but statistics as to the number of cords is unavailable. ~, There is no community water system. The residents obtain water from numerous small .' surface streams. The city has a new tank type fire truck and some portable sdlt water Construction equipment is limited to one dump truck and one front end loader and back hoe owned by the city. Local labor is available. Our community is on the verge of unprecedented expansion, having finally received its ~.~. long awaited land selection. Final conveyance is expected to take place in July, 1981 and invoi1ves about 3000 acres. It is expected there will be quite a bit of building activi and resu1tant1y, a demand for electricity. The city's corporate limits extend 11 miles E. along the shoreline of Tenakee Inlet. Tenakee's lifestyle, unique as it is, would under-.~ go some changes if an unlimited supply of electricity were available at a reasonable rate, e.g. 6 to 8¢ kw--not 27¢ or higher. Additional power will be required for contemplated expansion of heliport and also, an airport is planned for 1986. A new school and gymnasium is being planned for construction within a couple of years. All in all, we can expect a greatly increased demand for electricity in the very near future. I Mayor I. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 8c HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Refer to: A-D (A-EHB) Colonel Lee R. Nunn District Engineer December 2, 1981 Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Co~onel Nunn: ALASKA AREA NAT IV. H.ALTH S."VICE 80x 7·7.1 ANCHORAG •• ALASKA 1111510 This responds to your request dated November 20, 1981 for any information that we have that might be useful for the interim hydroelectric feasibility study being conducted for Tenakee Springs, Alaska. No sanitation facilities projects have ever been provided to Tenakee Springs under the auspices of the Indian Health Service (IHS). Therefore, we do not have any information in our files that would be useful to the Corps. According to the 1981 U.S. Census, Tenakee Springs has a population of 138, 95 percent of whom are non-Native. Since IHS can only build sanitation facilities for communities in which a significant portion of the community is Native, it is. doubtful whe.ther the IHS will ever be involved in a future sanitation facilities project at Tenakee Springs. I regret that we are not able to provide you with the information and data you requested. Also, since none of our engineers have any familiarity with the area, we are not in a position to comment on any of the hydropower options. If I can be of assistance in other matters, please contact me. Sincerely, t'·~4~..L ,~;' G: H. Ivey P Dl.rector Alaska Area Native Health Service Department Of Energy Alaska Power Administration j~~~~~.x~~ska 99802 .: ~<~--;' .. -. _. --~-.::::--.:~;_:~:~::~ ~;~-;0-~~=--=-~ ·::·~··=·:~I;'~~·:~.~:~· ... ;~~~~, -~ ::~~~-2:-~'~'~~;J~~ -:--. ::.~.:~-,~":".-. . '--..-:.-_ .. -~ -" - .. , ... -,- Colonel LeeNunn :.,., . -, .-'~ . .:, Distiic-t-Engineel;' , .... -_::-:. Alaska. -District. .,-','.~-.::~'-:~:::.} ~ . _. _corps~£Engirieers--.. -.-:-:~~~-:;.~--- ···:-···o:../;;..:-·p~o. Bo-x::]002-' .. -::-;:., -:~-- .--~Ar1chorage, AK 99510 _ . ", ...... Dear Col~' Nunn: ... ~ . -'--. . '-.,:.------.--. -;'-...... -. . '.: :. -' .. -... '.- _ .. _ . December '19, 1981 ".' . " ~~ ",''';. '7":-' ,' •• . ---.-. '. ..,..... - --:-~'-. _.-, .,. ::-~""-'-''-.-'. . -' 'Thank you for the information on the progress of t.he Corps' investigation of hydropower for Tenakee as explained in your November 20 letter. Since we have not had an opportunity to review your plans, we do not have specific information to provide. This is particularly true for the fisheries aspects, construction access.and floods. However, in your project design planning you may want to consider an additional parameter. In our recent c!icu!?sionswith the Forest Service, it was determined that long range Forest. Service plans include a road system from Hoonah to a point near Tenakee. This of course, raises the possibility of electrically interconriecting Hoonah and Tenakee. If a larger project (that which exceeds projected Tenakee loads) could be developed, excess power could possibly be market.ed in Hoonah. To reflect the interconnection possibility ~e are including a rough estimate of Tenakee loads in our update of the Hoonah load forecasts. The3e s:H:mld be L.---ompleted in about two weeks and a copy will be furnished to you. We would be willing to make a brief power market analysis of the Tenakee area early next spring to assist the Corps analysis. This would include better load estimat.es, effect.s of land acquisition by the cOIlb-uunit.y under P.L. 96-487, commercial developments reported to be under consider- ation, and transmission alternat.ives bet. ... een Hoonah and Tenakee. This , ' ... -'-' '~-'- -.analysis~would_be closely. coordinated and_scheduled so as ."to provide:._ :.::: __ -:o::-;::·_~'::::. ': ::~--:." t~~~~f.:in.p~t .. fo~_. ~~_~r'''f:~~~; .. ~~e~~~,~~~~7,~:~-.·.~:'-:'-~: :-:'_ ;~ .. :-:-:.--'.: __ :.' __ ...... -~:.:.~" -.' ._.:.!~~:;,._ : .. ~ .-;.~~~~ . -:_ :::;:;-~e ~w~cf:-6a-gl,icI. 'io" :dI~cuss-thrs::~a:~irYoU'~-to~:'-~('-ordillate-~u~-~f-fort's~:-. ''1"--~_ ;::-., -:.--.~:?~~ . --.". ~":"": .. " --_." . . --. . --:. "--. . - ':<:·":·~:~;:?::-:'"7~;:_.::--~~.sj\{Cu·~_el;"~: ::"'~ .:' .', ... . A?-f ~/Y.J- Robert J. Cross Administrator -- • ". r '.' ...... _ . tJORTHERN _. ( REGIONAL AQUACULTURE ASSOCIATION, INC. w .... -- p. 0_ BOX 781 17 December 1981 Hr. Hod Moore Chief, Engineering Division us Army Engineer District P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Hr. Moore: SITKA. ALASKA 99135 (IU) 147-U50 Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA) wishes to express its interest in working with the Corps of Engineers in developing a cost-sharing salmon enhance- ment project at Indian River (Tenakee springs) to benefit commercial fishermen in the area. As you may be aware, NSRAA is a regional, nonprofit association supported by commercial fishermen. The primary purpose of this organ- ization is to increase the production of salmon in northern Southeast Alaska. . \ve have discussed several enhancement projects with Bill Hughes of the US Fish and ~Nildlife Service and we \Olere able to visit the si te.. ~ie would welcome the opportunity to develop these ideas with your staff. If you see potential benefit in our involvement with the enhancement aspects of your hydroelectric project at Indian River, could you so indicate in a reply? It \OlOuld also be helpful to knm'T of the time constraints under which a project would be developed. Sincerely, /.1 -/' /.-/7 .4 ~t ':',L!':-e'( u .... --=-r,. C::-. {-r+ -,'-"----- Bruce Bachen operations Manager BB/pd Colonel Lee R. Nuun District Engineer BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Alaska State Office 701 C Street, Box 13 Auchorage. Alaska 99513 Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Your Reference: NPAEN-PL-R Dear Colonel Nunn: IN •• PI.Y Il&.I • 2013 (932" DEC 2 1 31 The enclosed copy of our Master Title Plat for T.47S., R.63E., Copper River Meridian illustrates the land status in the Tenakee Springs area. The area under study for hydroelectric feasibility on Indian River lies within the longass National Forest, and most of the area has been selected by and tentatively approved to the State of Alaska. " " The" lands couveyed to the State are now administered by the State and the unconveyed lands within the national forest are administered by the US Forest Service. As the lands are not UDder the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Managemen~ we do not have any spetial stipulations to place on UlnU use. Sincerely yours, /J /-0ft~) =a.J -l,':i·~r ... Curtis V. i~cVe " State Director ED~osure / CITY OF T£nAH£f SPRlnHS· Decabar 31, 1981 La. L l\Tuzm Coloaal, Corpa of 1D11 n _ra DepublBt of. the ArtaJ P.O. Boz 7002 ADchoras., ~ 99510 Dear Hr. BUDIl: POST OFFle! Box TENAKE SPRIN AlASKA 99~ I apolosU. for the clelay in oar reply aDd &l.o·for tba substance of it.. lJDfortullauly. .. jut dAm't hna the raaourcu to. raspcmd. with accuracy to-your quast1aaa.Baw •• c, 1 have c:ouuJ.t8f1rith UDy people aDd c:oma up . rim the fol.l.awm& 1Dfcmaadoll. . . . . 1 bel1 ... Hr. Shape .,aka rith Doll p .... of Snyder HEc:&Iltile i_ed 1 a tely before va rKa1vecl yom: lat~ar aDd .... h1a my 1Dfcmu.d.oll .".11 able ra- prcl1Da CiUxat loads, .te. W. wou.ld atimat. that the l"aad:"'1Dc:ruaas in. q&a. ... n1Da·1Iou .... ad:--u·-~y· a:U'··duriDl th.··ught: AI: pr .. ant. the 11.Du clo DOt H1:'ft ~ .houM 1D tCNII. LaDA title baa DOt p .... d from ehe Stat. to' cha .. City yet. BeN •• ar. a Stat. ci1spoaal 1a sc:haduled for ll~ fall of 1982 in ColUlibia Cove, ... t of t ... tee aDd beyOl1d Indian It1ver. ther. vill b •• ."rmd.matel,...ZQ····tr&et. :La. ~_subcliviaiou. the Ci1:y u- pnaHd tha1J: cl .. ire that DO road lJ.Dk the aUbcl1v1aiOll with the City proper; hovwvar, 1t 18' poaa1lile that power at lDcliall It:1v.r or wat.r would be 1:1m to the subcl1.v1a:1all. tba Stat. baa _t1aatacl that half of the . trK" wauld be ~1t .. aDd half lott.ry, ao yCN can ap.ct that:'·tan.- -of'. ~l0~~~ .... C" • .lau1:.:b·]f~ City. laDcl. after traDaf.rof title, w1ll probably b. cl1.apoHd of 011 the vut ancl of town but it 18 cloabeful that such cl1apoaal vill taka plac. th1a year. !!y eazol1eat _t1mat. wou.1cl be ill twa ,.us. tba City 18 ill the proe ... of acq1d.r1Da DeW ,eDenton and baa purchased utility pol .. for 1Da1:&llat1Oll -puhapa tlU.a ." .... r. Our teDcative plans are to ruD pcNU' f1'Ola the "'!V..J'.O&t.P.,~~;t.~_.~~~.,· Again, though. thes. plaDa are v.ry taud.ve aDd have DOt bUD authoriz.d officially 'by the CotJDC11 Dar have va had all 4IDIiDaer devis. my proc:.aclure to follow. w~ do apac~ populad.oll to iDer .... but ita barcl to say how that w1lJ. affact our p0W8r or . vatu ___ • Moat laDd chat will b. available will b. sm. clia1:allc. out of the Ci~ itsalf but' within the City limits. It is 'po .. %blaal.dla~""~ari~t:h.·-h1ll -f~TeDaai(' Aveniie -wurbe op __ ~~~.~ but DO lalla us. plan DDr disposal ordinanc:.e has yet. bHD writt_. w. have begun discu.sions with the O.partmanc of EDv~ronmencal Conservation regarding vat.r and/or sewer systems for the City. A survey is being _ .. ..:--::;~ ••• J ••. , .41' ......... ... ,.' e···· Lee R. Nunn December 31, 1981 2-2-2-2 developed which should be circulated in January which will ascertain the community's feelings on a feasibility study fora water and/or sewer system. If the community feels a study is in its best interest. we will ask for funding from the legislature to conduct it. The study ~hould produce-the information on water use a~d needs and project such need for several years as well as identify potential sources. Currently, though, water use per household is very small. Most ()eople haul their water, have outhouses and bath! at the hot springs so household use would be for washing dishes or clothing. Should the populat:lon swell to any degree, though, bathing at the hot springs might become l~ss prevalent. A1~o, if water were available, many people would install flush toilets. I think you would find that here, population would follow devel- -opment rather than the reverse • Our year round population in 1980, according to the U.S. census, was 138. In 19S1, the State determined our population to be 112. With demand for land here as high as it is, prices have skyrocketed. In many cases, these prices have squeezed out the local resident in favor of the part-time resident who holds a higher paying job in nearby population centers such as Juneau and Sitka. I would imagine this trend will continue. As I promised earlier. the substance of our reply is disappointing. However, we are in hopes that we will hAve a feasibility study conducted on our water' audsewer'nHas and that information will dovetail nicely with the study being'conducted by the Corps. In addition, we are asking for a highschoo1._ facility.' for Tenakee as the number of school-age children will soon require it. More school facilities will also attract more people. Please let me know if we can be of further help. For your information, the mayor is DOW Robert Pegues. Sincerely, TERESSA C. MOE3 City Clerk/Treasurer UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Sitka Ranger District Post Office Box 504 Sitka, Alaska 99835 2630 January n~ 1.982 Mr. Harlan E. Moore Chief, Engineering Division Department of the Army Alaska District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 ~nchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Mr. Moore: This letter and corresponding enclosures refers to your request dated 23 November 1981, and concerns information related to the Corps' hydropower study at Tenakee Springs. ~/e trust this infor- mation will be helpful to your evaluation of alternatives. The enclosure letter dated 14 December 1981 relates to requests c,f, g and h of your letter and the enclosed binder contains all our available soil and water resource data (requests a, b and e). With regard to your request (d), the amount of timber salvage on National Forest land tied with any of your proposed options would be either negligeable or non-existant, depending on the option selected. Most of the proposed work would occur on State lands. At this time I do not foresee timber salvage on the National Forest portion as a major issue in the scope of the proposed project. Although disposal of salvable material must be considered we would prefer to discuss this item after the proposal is well defined and specific detail is required. There could be some very definite conflict regarding your request item (i), depending upon your scheduling of this project, planned Forest Service use and resolution of ROW on the lower Indian Ri ver road system through State ownersh"j p. We realize that some unknowns remain pertaining to your request, but .hopefully the included information will pennit maintenance of your study schedule. Si nc'ere 1y, . i , ,././' , ,;/£---_. ~~l-' I. l 7 ./";' ';;;;//' ;p~~:,'ttr'l /' / JERRY-S. HAmL TON Acting District Ranger Enclosures UO~l1 (1,6t) I I --) , l i .1 " I I i , I I , I ~ I II cITy OF ( TEnAKEE SPRinGS April 30, 1982 Lee R~ Nunn Colonel, Corps of Engineers Department of the Army P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: POST OFFICE BOX 52 TENAKEE SPRINr~ ALASKA 99841 The City of'Tenakee Springs is in the process of applying for a rural development assistance grant for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for a water distribution system within the areas of our community encompassed by the outer boundaries of USS 1418. One of the requirements in applying for this grant is to obtain the promise of cooperation from agencies that will be involved in the project. To the extent that the Corps of Engineers is simultaneously conducting a feasibility study for the hydro potential of Indian River, your agency will be involved in our water feasibility study. I believe I mentioned the possibility of this study in my letter to you dated December 31, 1981. At this time, I would appreciate it if you could write a letter to the City of Tenakee Springs describing your ongoing study at Indian River and offering to cooperate with and endorse a water feasibility study for the community. That letter would become a part of our grant package. I am enclosing a copy of the survey we used to ascertain the wishes of the local citizenry and a resolution passed by the City Council in response to that survey. These may give you an idea of the scope of the study we wish conducted. Certainly it seems that the water feasibility study would take into consideration the various options the Corps is eXam1n1ng in relation to Indian River -particularly those options that would provide a year-round consistent supply of water. I hope you will be able to help us as I requested. Please let me know if you need further information. Sincerely, V(!r)~~ TERESSA C. MOEN City Clerk/Treasurer p' In the Council March 25, 1982 ( CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS Resolution 82-11 ( Introduced by Council President A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CITY'S REQUEST FOR STATE FUNDINC FOR A .WATER FEASIBILITY STUDY TO BE CONDUCTED IN THE CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS. WHEREAS, The first step in obtaining a city water system is a fe:lsibility study, and WHEREAS, a water feasibility study will indicate what sources of water are ~vailab1e and the quality of each source, and WHEREAS, such a study would indic'ate various methods of construction and operating costs as well as suggest options available to the community for sewer systems and waste treatment facilities, and WHEREAS, a poll taken of the citizens of Tenakee Springs was taken and the majority are in favor of such a feasibility study, then THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit'y of Tenakee Springs formally requests the State of Alaska to provide funding for a water feasibility study to be conducted to provide safe water service for residents of U.S.S. 1418. . . , .1./1) /; ADOPTED THIS ___ ..... ..:--_. _, _.5 ________ DAY of_'-:;;''ln~if ..... {...:..C.=..l.:.,,rt_,,,,,,j ______ , 1982. ATTEST: ' . ., ." ""/Ii ~. ( . vli.¥~ (. t. CITY CLERK c __ _ ( POST OFFICE BOX 52 CIty OF TEnAKEE SPRinGS TENAKEE SPRINC ALASKA 9: December 21, 1 ~ PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY To the residents of Tenakee Springs: At the City Council meeting of November 24, a representative of the State Department of Environmental Conservation spoke to the Council and citizens of Tenakee Springs describing various types of sewer and water systems available with total or partial State funding. The first step in obtaining such a system is conducting a fcasibilit~ study. This feasibility study would cost bet1-reen $30-40,000 and wO'lld provide the community with the following preliminary engineering information: 1. Sources of water available to the community. 2. Quality of each available water source and costs and methods of treatment necessary to insure a safe water supply from each sourL~ 3. Various methods and~construction costs in bringing water from each source to the community.· -. 4. Costs of operating and maintaining a continuous, quality ,-rater distribution system; s. The options available to the community for selier systems and was!€ treatment facilities including costs of both construction and operation of each option. Treatment facilities may not be requi.~ 6. The total costs and scheduled time needed for completion for eac· option. The study will take into account legal responsibilities connected wi~~ the operation of each optional system. Public hearings will be con- ducted to determine what the community's opinions and needs arc in relation to a water and/or sewer system. The feasibility ~tuJj riculd obligate the City to construct either a sewer or water system but would outline options to choose from so that the community may make an educated choice. The community would be able to choose any one option, a combination of options, or none of the options named i" the study. TO HELP THE CITY COUNCIL MAKE A DECISION ON THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, DO YOU THINK THE CITY SHOULD SEEK FUNDING FROM THE STATE TO HAVE ·SUCH A FEASIBILITY STUDY CONDUCTED? YES NO --- Please return this survey to the City Clerk or drop into the boxes provided at Snyder Mercantile or the Shamrock. f . May 20, 1982 File No: 1130-2-1 Harl an E. Moore Chief, Engineering Division USDA, Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 99510 Dear Mr. Moore: DIVISION OF PAR;CS F I I I / / i)L-EAJ JAY S. HAMMOND, GOVERNOR 619 WAREHOUSE DR .• SUITE 210 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 PHONE: 274-4616 We have revie\'ied the "Tenakee Springs Cultural Resource Assessment" report submitted to this office. We concur with all conclusions and recon~endations of the Corps archaeologist. Should there be any changes in the project plans, we would like the opportunity to review them. If any cultural resources are discovered during the course of the work, we request that the project engineer halt all work which may disturb such resources and contact us immediately .. Sincerely, Dan Robinson Acting Director T~a~,[)/5Pv"Y sHl'o By: Ty L. Oil'! i plane . ~.,,: State HistOl~ic Preservation Officer OR/jdg f ' r .. CITY OF POST OFFICE BOX 52 ., TfnRKff SPRinGS TENAKEE . SPRINGS ALASKA 99841 ' June 16, 1982 Major Michael R. Foster Acting District Engineer Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 99510 Attn: NPAEN-PL-H Dear Major Foster: Thank you for affording me the opportunity to review the Corps' energy growth projections for Tenakee Springs. The preliminary draft was one of the best of these types of documents that I have seen in some time. Th~ draft was circulated to various individuals locally, generating a number of suggestions which I hope will prove. to be useful. The draft I received was apparently missing a page and appeared to be out of sequence at one point. Never the less, this did not hamper our review. The comments offered on the attached pages summarize the suggestions of myself; T.C. Moen, City Clerk; Mr. Don Pegues, current electric utility operator; and Mr. A. Dermott O'Toole, long-time resident and the former utility operator. The comments are offered in response to statements in the preliminary draft and may add some helpful clarification for preparing the final report. Please extend my thanks and compliments to Mr. Shupe and to all those others in the District whose di11igence and dedication are reflected by the Draft Report. Their effort and skill is commendable, and very much appreciated. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance. Again, thanks! Sincerely, ~~~ MAYOR RAP/tcm Enclosure APPENOIX E INDIAN RIVER FLOW DURATION CURVES ~J tJ rJ <:> .:::":." ':::".~ r J ":." 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" .J .J) r~NAK[[ SPR[NGS -26S K~. lacr~ ~O~[R CCRATION ~GRV[ ro~ C~C ,:; G::;LNG SAIL" CAn --, zt] a l- cC c:: '0' ~<~ z.r::" L'~ :..::J r J f- -:? :C"'" ,,,,", ~ . u c--, ~ (. (. , J . z o r~NAKr.F. SPR[NGS -265 KW. lOcrs COMSINF.O ~ONT,S POWF.R OURAT[ON CURVF. ~ USiNG ~A[LY DAT~ °0.00 2 oc~o DF.RCF.NT OF r[M[ F.aUALLF.O OR F.XCCF.OED APPENDIX G" USFWS COORDINATION ACT REPORT United States Department of the Interior IN REPLY REFER TO: Colonel Neil E. Sa1i~g District Engineer FISH AND WILDLIFE SER VICE IOIl E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 1 a OCT 1982 Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Re: Coordination Act Report Tenakee Springs Small Hydropower Dear Colonel Saling: This letter transmits the attached Coordination Act (CA) Report under the authority of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401 as amended: 16 U.S.C .• 661 et seq.) for the proposed hydroelectric development on Indian River at Tenakee Springs. Alaska. We support the Corps' basic preferred alternati've hydropower development plan. However. we recorrunend that measures to mitigate adverse effects to fish and wildlife resources. as outlined in the attached CA Report. be incorporated into the development plan. If a ,decision is made to initiate an operational fishery management program on Indian River. then additional interagency consultation with our agency as well as the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. U.S. Forest Service, National Marine Fishertes Service, and other interested agencies will be required to develop and finalize an appropriate management plan. In that event. we will submtt an amendment to our CA Report whi ch wi 11 address the speciftcs of the program. We appreciate the opportuntty to cOl1111ent and advise on matters regarding fish and wildlife resources associated with the proposed hydropower develop- ment plan. Attachment cc: ADF&G. Juneau. Sitka USFS, Sitka FWS. ROES, Juneau, Si'tka FWS, Federal Projects, woe NMFS, Juneau Sincerely yours • • f('~. '/ P %v~ <)~ I~l /"'-~/ Regional Director Northern SE Regional Aquaculture Assn. Tenakee Springs Proposed Small Hydropower Development Coordination,Act Report Prepared By William A. Hughes, Fish and Wildlife Biologist Sitka Substation Southeast Alaska Ecological Services U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Juneau, Alaska September 1982 TAB L E Introduction. . Project Description • Project Alternatives. Description of Resources. Fishery Resources •.• o F CON TEN T S Fishery Enhancement Opportunities .• Wildlife Resources Endangered Species Discussion of Potential Impacts and Recommendations . Instream Flow Needs. . . • . • Mitigation Options •..••• Future Fishery Enhancement Efforts Turbine Mortalities ••. Construction Impacts •••• Gass Bubble Disease. • • Loss of Spawning Habitat • Bald Eagles. • • • • • Brown Bear • • • • . . Right-of-Way Clearing. . . . . . . . Summary • . References. . . . . . . . i 1 1 4 5 5 9 9 9 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Appendices -List of Tables, Figures, and Appendices - Proposed Alternative Hydropower Development Facility Sites and Eagle Nest Tree Locations at Tenakee Springs, Alaska .......................... . Location of Proposed Project Features on Indian River, Tenakee Springs, Alaska ............... . Fish Sampling Catch Results for Indian River Near Tena- 2 3 kee Springs, Alaska. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .6,7&8 Salmon Escapement Observations in Indian River and Har- 1 ey Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Selected Stream Discharge Parameters at Proposed Dam Site on Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska .. 10 Appendix A Fishery Mitigation/Enhancement Proposal for Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska .......... . . A-I _, Appendix B Stream Survey Results for Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska .•.•..........••...... A-2&3 Appendix C Enhancement Opportunity Estimates of Habitat-Area and Potential Commercial Fishery Values for Pink, Chum and Coho Salmon. • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . A-4 ii INTRODUCTION The following is a Coordination Act Report to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) under the authority of the Fish and Wildlife Coordina- tion Act (48 Stat., 401 as amended: 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) for a proposed hydroelectric power development project on Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. The project area is located on the north shore of Tenakee Inlet on Chichagof Island, Alaska (Fig. 1). Chichagof Island is part of the Alexander Archipel- ago that comprises southeast Alaska. The climate is maritime with small temperature variations, high humidity and high precipitation. Annual preci- pitation in the project area var~~s from about 80 inches near tidewater to 120 inches at higher elevations.~ Although there are no permanent snow fields or glaciers on Chichagof Island, the major landscape features have been formed by recent glaciation. The lower elevations are forested with western hemlock, Sitka spruce and some Alaska cedar. Timberline occurs at about 1,500 to 2,000 feet elevation. The valley floors are interspaced with forest openings occupied by muskeg-type vegetation. Alder and devil's club are common along the river banks and disturbed areas. The Indian River watershed drainage area is approximately 22 sq. miles with a main stream length of 12 miles. Mean 1i?nual discharge of the drainage basin at the proposed dam site is 118 cfs.-, Most of the forest lands in Tenakee Inlet vicinity are under U. S. Forest Service (USFS) management as part of the Tongass National Forest. For manage- ment purposes the USFS has classified the federal lands within the project area as LUD (land use designation) III. LUD III units are managed to provide a combination of both amenity and commodity values. The Indian River water- shed has been recently logged as part of a USFS timber sale to Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company. The current population of Tenakee Springs is approximately 132. The actual townsite consists of about 200 acres of private and State lands located on a narrow strip of land near tidewater on the north shore of Tenakee Inlet. The State of Alaska has selected about 3,000 additional acres of adjacent National Forest Lands for transfer to the City of Tenakee Springs and for public land sales and homesite disposal. Some additional population growth can be anticipated in the future. Electrical power is currently provided to Tenakee Springs by a 90-kW diesel generator owned and operated by Snyder r1ercanti 1 e. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The preferred development plan would involve construction of a 21-foot high concrete and steel sheet pile dam with a IS-foot high spillway at River Mile 0.8 (Fish Barrier 4).* The dam would divert water for hydropower generation * Barriers 1 through 5 in this report refer to natural waterfalls or cascades located between Mile 0.4 and Mile 0.9 on Indian River. The barriers are pro- bable barriers or discouragements to upstream passage of anadromous fish. -1- I N I Figure 1. Proposed Alternative Hydropower Development Facility Sites and Eagle Nest Tree Locations at Tenakee Springs, Alaska. LEGEND 1 • propo8ed powerhou8e ~ propo8ed dcun propo8ed pen8toak • • • propo8ed tran8mi88i ® eagle ne8t tree ~ ~I'&-ALTERNATIVE #l ~ ~ TENAKEE SPRINGS CHICHAGOF ISLAND unnamed fish stream ADF&G #112-42-008 Columbia Pt. o Grave I. Cannery Pt. TENAKEE INLET 1 inch = 4000 ft -. -1 , ... , " Figure 2. Location of Proposed Project Features on Indian River, Tenakee Springs, Alaska. LEGEND eagl.e nest tree possibl.e fish barrier trail. '::'::::'~:;'::'= intertidal. area .... ...... ':\ Map redrawn from uSPS col.or aerial. phot Scal.e: 1 inch ~ 1320 ft "', " , , , ... " " " " " " " .... , .... , " , , .... , .... , " , .... , , .... " .... , , , , .... " "" .... , " arri~ 5 ... ' .:-~ \\ \\ , , Barrie~:4 I S LAN D " rri er 3''... ... .:..... U'(' -3- ..... ::... ..Jps , .. ... Ii. ..... ::;: ..... afJI ..... ~ .... ROad "~' ........ '~ 1 " .... .... ~" ~ .... , .. .. , -'~ ..... .... .,..,...,...--.--.-..-........ :~ TENAKEE I N L E'T to a steel 42-inch diameter penstock. The penstock would transport water 1,926 feet downstream to a powerhouse located at Mile 0.4 midway between Barriers 1 and 2. Electrical power would be generated by a Francis-type turbine with a rated output of approximately 200 to 250 kW. Electricity would be transmitted 3,700 feet to the community of Tenakee Springs via an above ground transmission line. After the diversion water has passed through the powerhouse, it would be returned to the natural stream channel below Barrier 1. The turbine would operate at diversion flows of between 19 and 48 cfs. Streamflows in excess or below hydropower operational re- quirements levels would flow over or through the dam to the natural stream channel. A 6-inch diameter tap and separate pipeline carrying approximately 1 cfs of water to the community for domestic use would be incorporated into the design of the penstock intake works. A valve or pipe would be imbedded in the dam to provide required instream flows. A manually operated gate and sluice system would provide the capability to flush debris and sediment from the upstream reservoir pool. Diesel backup generation capacity would be required when turbine flow capacity cannot be met due to reduced natural flows. An existing logging road parallels the river valley and would pro- vide access to the dam site from tidewater. Construction ofa ~-mile spur road to the dam site would be necessary. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES A concrete dam, in excess of 80 feet high, at River Mile 0.4 was proposed by the USFS and evaluated by the Corps. The dam would inundate the natural upstream fish passage barriers and provide a single fish ladder at the dam site to access the upstream spawning and rearing areas for anadromous fish. This option was determined to be infeasible as a result of geotechnical, economic and power analysis. Another alternative dam site was considered at River Mile 0.9. This alterna- tive would have involved the construction of an additional 1,800 feet of penstock and was eliminated because of economic consideration. An alternative powerhouse location on the west bank of the river was evaluated by the Corps and found to have significantly greater foundation cost and was eliminated for economic reasons. Turbine choice has not been finalized and could be modified prior to construc- tion pending refined project flow requirements. A crossflow turbine is a possible alternative to the proposed Francis-type turbine. Crossflow turbines are less efficient, but can operate at reduced flows. An alternative hydropower development site on Harley Creek located about four miles east of Tenakee Springs was considered during the early planning stages of the project. However, this alternative has been discounted as techni- cally infeasible by the Corps because of insufficient sustained flows to meet project energy requirements. -4- DESCRIPTION OF RESOURCES Fishery Resources: The major fishery resources in the project area consist of pink, chum and coho salmon and Dolly Varden char. In early July, pink and chum salmon adults return to freshwater to spawn. Spawning takes place from early summer to late fall with the eggs hatching from November to January. After hatching,' the resultant fry emerge from the streambed from late March to early May and migrate to sea. Peak oU~ligration periods for pink and chum salmon fry from the Kadashan River in Tenakee Inlet occurs during the third week of April. After 1.5 to 3.5 years in the ocean, the adults return to the stream of their origin where they spawn and die. Coho salmon enter freshwater somewhat later (late AUgust through October) than pink and chum salmon. Their activities and life requirements are somewhat similar to pinks and chums, however, the young continue to use freshwater as rearing habitat, usually ~Qr two summers and two winters, before smoltifying and migrating to sea.-1 After one or more years (usually two summers) at sea, the adults return to the stream of their origin where they spawn and die. Dolly Varden char have both resident and anadromous populations. Dolly Varden spawn in the fall, however, unlike pacific salmon, they do not nec- essarily die after spawning. Anadromous adults return to the sea, while resident adults remain in the stream. Indian River and several of its major tributaries were surveyed by FWS bio- logists from tidewater to a point about 11 miles upstream. Survey results and descriptions of fish barriers and habitat quality are given in Appendix B. In summary, the lower section of the river (Mile 0.0 to Mile 0.4) pro- vides good to excellent spawning and rearing habitat for pink and chum sal- mon and Dolly Varden char. Cottids (COttu8 aZeuticu8) were present in this section. A series of five barriers or discouragements to upstream fish pas- sa~~ exist between Mile 0.4 and Mile 0.9 (Fig. 2). The presence of coho salmon fry indicate that adults are able to negotiate upstream at least to the base of the second barrier at Mile 0.5. The habitat was judged to be moderate to poor quality due to the relatively high stream gradient. A set of 13 fry traps captured 67 juvenile Dolly Varden and 13 coho salmon fry in this section of the river. Good but inaccessible spawning habitat for pink and chum salmon is located between Mile 0.9 and Mile 2.7. From Mile 2.7 to Mile 3.9 the stream gradient decreases with several beaver dams and back- water areas located along the stream course. Dolly Varden were abundant. There is little spawning habitat in this section, but there is excellent potential rearing habitat for coho salmon. Mile 3.9 to Mile 11.6 provides a variety of good to excellent salmonid spawning and rearing habitats for coho, pink and chum salmon. However, Dolly Varden were the only species observed or captured. There ara unconfirmed reports of the presence of cutthroat trout in this section of the river. A steep falls at Mile 11.6 prohibits any upstream fish passage. Fishery habitat upstream of the falls is judged to be poor due to the steep gradient. Catch results from fish sampling efforts are listed in Table 1. There are three streams within the project area that arylisted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game as anadromous fish streams. Catalog number and selected salmon escapement reports are listed in Table 2. -5- Table 1 . Fish Sampling Catch Results for Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Unless otherwise noted, samp- ling was done with Gee-Type Minnow Traps. Sampling No. Time Fi shed Location** Date Species Captured Fork Length (em) (Hours) Mile 0.1 7/25/80 Dolly Varden (D.V.) 13 5.0 -7.4 5.8 coho salmon 26 2.5 -7.4 Cottid (c. aleutious) 1 7.6 Mile 0.4 6/16/81 D. V. 19 5.0 -9.0* 1.2 150' upstream of Barri er 1. 7.5* coho 10 6.5 - ~1il e 0.4 6/16/81 D. V. 2 6.5 -9.0* 1.2 170' upstream of Barri er 1. Mile 0.4 6/16/81 D. V. 3 5.0 -6.5* 25.5 300' upstream • of Barri er 1. 0\ 7.5* I 6/17 /81 coho 2 Mile 0.4 6/16/81 D. V. 2 7.5 -11.5* 0.9 400' upstream of Barrier 1. r~il e 0.4 6/17/81 D. V. 13 2.5* (1/8-i neh mesh 450' downstream minnow seine) of Barrier 2. Mile 0.5 6/17/81 D. V. 4 7.5 -9.0* 22.0 200' upstream 6/18/81 of Barrier 2. Mile 0.5 6/17 /81 D. V. 25 6.5 -15.0 * 22.0 350' upstream 6/18/81 of Barrier 2. Table .1 (continued). Fish Sampling Catch Results for Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Unless otherwise noted, sampling was done with Gee-Type Minnow Traps. Sampling** No. Time Fished Location Date S(!ecies Ca(!tured Fork Length (cm) (Hours) Mile 0.5 6/17/81 D. V. 8 6.5 -11.5 * 21. 9 400' upstream 6/18/81 of Barrier 2. Mile 0.8 6/17/81 No Catch 0.7 400' downstream of Barrier 4. Mil e 0.9 6/17 /81 D. V. 4 10.0 -14.0 * 1.5 350' downstream of Bard er 5. Mile 0.9 6/17/81 No Catch 1.5 300' downstream of Barrier 5. Mile 0.9 6/17 /81 No Catch 1.3 , 200' downstream "'-J I of Barrier 5. Mile 1. 5 7/25/80 D. V. 5 11.0 -13.0 2.0 D. V. 1 14.5 Mile 2.4 7/25/80 D. V. 1 12.0 2.0 Mile 2.8 7/25/80 No Catch 2.0 Mile 4.0 7/24/80 D. V. 7 10.0 -11.9 19.7 16 12.0 -14.9 25 15.0 -16.9 3 17.0 -17.9 Mile 4.7 7/24/80 D. V. 5 5.0 -6.9 20.3 3 7.0 -8.9 I co , Table 1 (continued). Fish Sampling Catch Results for Indian River Near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Unless otherwise noted. sampling was done with Gee-Type Minnow Traps. Sampling** Location Mile 7.3 Mile 10.2 *Total Length Date 7/24/80 7/24/80 **Miles upstream from tidewater Species D. V. D. V. No. Captured 3 20 22 13 4 13 Fork Length (cm) 5.0 -6.9 7.0 -8.9 9.0 -10.9 1l.0 -13.9 5.0 -7.9 8.0 -9.9 Time Fi shed (Hours) 3.5 Table 2. Salmon escapement observations in Indian River and Harley Creek. (Personal communication with Jim Dangle, ADF&G, 7/30/82) 1970 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Indian River (cat. #112-42-008) Pink salmon 970 6150 1500 4703 4410 Chum salmon 20 123 1010 430 460 Harley Creek (cat. #112-41-010) Pink salmon 550 Fishery Enhancement Opportunities: Indian River has definite upstream fish- ery enhancement potential. The USFS has identified the river as a potential enhancement opportunity if fish passage facilities ,ere constructed over the natural barriers in the lower section of the river.-1 There are at least 10 miles of good to excellent spawning and rearing habitat for anadromous fish upstream of Barrier 5 at Mile 0.9. Estimates of habitat area and potential commercial fishery values for pink, chum and coho salmon are given in Appendix C. Wildlife Resources: Two species of ,big game inhabit the project area--Sitka black-tailed deer (OdocoiZeus hemionus sitkensis) and brown bear (Ursus arctos). Both species are dependent on the coastal forest ecosystem. Preferred spring and summer habitat for brown bear is along grassflats, tide-influenced meadows, forest fringe, and anadromous fish streams such as Indian River. Four brown bear were observed feeding on salmon in the lower portion of Indian River dur- ing the 1980 stream survey. Well used game trails are evident on both sides of the river from tidewater to headwater areas. Habitat for mink (MusteZa vis- ion), marten (MartesamePicana), river otter (Lutra canadensis) and beaver (Castor canadensis) is found along the riparian zone. Various species of water- fowl will occasionally use the upstream muskeg and beaver pond areas for rest- ing and feeding. Raven (Corvus corax) and northwestern crow (C. caurinus) are common along the riparian zone and tidal grassflats. Shorebirds, gulls, water- fowl and other seabirds are found in the marine waters of Tenakee Inlet. Bald eagle (HaZiaectus ZeuaocephaZus) are very common near tidewater areas. Nine bald eagle nest trees have been identified between Tenakee Springs and Harley Creek (Fig. 1). Harbor seal (Phoca vituZina), steller sea lion (EUmetopias jubata) and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangZiae) are commonly observed in Tenakee Inlet. Endangered Species·: There are no known endangered terrestrial mammal or avian species known to exist in the project area, The humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangZiae, is listed as an endangered species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1969. Although common to waters of Tenakee Inlet it is not anticipated that the project as proposed will affect the habitat of the species. The bald eagle and brown bear, while threatened or endangered in other parts of North America, are not so designated in Southeast Alaska. Two species of peregrin falcon (FaZco peregrinus anatum and F.p. tundrensis) could migrate through the project area; both are on the Federal Threatened and Endangered Species List. -9- Table 3. Selected stream discharge parameters at proposed dam site on Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska.* Mean annual flow (at proposed dam site) 7-day winter low flow (November-April) 7-day summer low flow (may-October) 30-day winter low flow (November-April) Mean January flow Mean February flow Mean March flow Mean April flow Mean May flow Mean June flow Mean July flow Mean August flow Mean September flow Mean October flow Mean November flow Mean December flow Peak Flow (Recorded 9/15/76) Low flow of record (Recorded 2/79) 118 cfs 8 cfs 19 cfs 10 cfs 86 cfs 66 cfs 61 cfs 114 cfs 194 cfs 150 cfs 85 cfs 54 cfs 135 cfs 254 cfs 136 cfs 86 cfs 3040 cfs 5 cfs *Six-year data average (1976-81) from USGS-USFS stream guage on \~~ian River and adjusted by a factor of xl.6 for proposed dam site location.-- -10- DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Instream Flow Needs ~ Since the proposed project is essentially a run-of-the- river design it is not anticipated that pink and chum spawning habitat be- ·low the pO\,/erhouse outfall would be significantly affected by upstream water useage (i.e., the limited storage capacity of the low-head dam would not affect the downstream flow regime). However, we anticipate that water use conflicts would occur during periods of low flow in that section of river between the proposed dam and the powerhouse outfall. Diversion of all or a significant portion of the natural flows for hydropower needs could reduce or eliminate about 1,950 ft and 500 ft of instream habitat respectively for Dolly Varden char and coho salmon. There are no tributaries that would sign- ificantly supplement the flow within the affected stream reach. Calculated mean monthly flows and selected discharge parameters are listed in Table 3. According to the predicted flow duration curves, natural instream flows at the dam site would exceed the t~rbine's upper operational flow requirement of 48 cfs only 72% of the time.--' When flows are less than 48 cfs, the only water that would be available for instream use would come from leakage around the dam. One cfs for domestic water supply would be withdrawn under all flow conditions. Different methodologies with varying degrees of resolution and required ef- for~ §qn be used to detenmine instream flow requirements for aquatic resourc- es.~ In consideration of the scope of the propos~d project, the method- ology developed by Tennant was used, for this report.-' Tennant states that various percentages of the average annual flow for a stream can be used to detenmine the quality of instream habitat that can be maintained under those minimum flow releases. With an average annual flow of 118 cfs at the dam site, the calculated instream flow requirements for the following habitat quality would be: Excellent Good Fair Poor (minimum) 30-50% of 118 cfs = 35 to 59 cfs 20-40% of 118 cfs = 24 to 47 cfs 10-30% of 118 cfs = 12 to 35 cfs 10% of 118 cfs = 12 cfs The Corps has proposed that a constant flow release valve or pipe could be incorporated in the dam to provide required instream base flows. When nat- ural flows would drop below the lower operational limit (1.e., 19 cfs), all stream flow could be passed through or over the dam for instream aquatic habitat uses. Recommendations: To prevent or mitigate the loss or degradation of fishery nabltat due to water withdrawl from the affected stream reach we recoomend that the Corps incorporate either of the two following options into the design and operation of the proposed hydropower facility: Option I--Maintenance of Adequate Instream Flows Minimum instream flows needed to support fish and other aquatic life below the diversion dam should be assured. To sustain adequate flows during the winter periods, we recommend that a base flow of 24 cfs (fair habitat qual- ity) be required during the months of November through April. During the summer growing season, we recommend an increased base flow minimum of 35 cfs (good habitat quality). In either case, downstream flows should not be less than inflow to the dam if operations cannot provide the specified flow requirements. Option I is FWS preferred option. -11- Option IInMinimum Instream Flow Requirements with Mitigation If adequate minimum instream base flows for fishery concerns as described in Option I above cannot be provided within the technical and economic feasibility of the project, a reduced instream base flow regimen of 7 to 12 cfs could be implemented along with additional measures to mitigate for the loss/and degradation of aquatic habitat due to the reduced flows. Tennan~ states that instream flows below 10% of the average annual flow (i.e., 12 cfs for Indian River) would significantly reduce width, depth, and velocities and degrade the aquatic habitat. Although this base flow regimen would severely reduce the quality of the aquatic habitat, some fishery habitat could be maintained in the pools. Under this option, two alternative mitigation alternatives are proposed and would be required only if the recommended flows under Option I cannot be provided. Mitigation Alternative A: Fish ladders or step-pool passage fac- ilities over the dam and natural barriers would be constructed. These facilities would provide passage for anadromous fish to the 10 miles of rearing habitat above Barrier 5. The target species would be coho salmon. Design criteria would be easier to meet for coho than for either pink or chum salmon. At present only Barriers 2 and 4 are considered impassable to coho. The proposed dam would present an additional barrier and would have to be laddered as well. Additional field studies would be required to determine if construction of fish passage facilities are technically and econ- omically feasible within the scope of the project. Annual main- tenance of the passage facilities would be required and would be included as a cost of the project. Preliminary indications are -' that construction and maintenance cost may be too high to justify this alternative. Mitigation Alternative B: Alternative B would be an operational management plan with no physical structures required on the river. It is the FWS preferred mitigation alternative. Adult coho salmon would be captured downstream of the first barrier; the eggs stripped from the females and fertilized in the field; transported to rear- ing facilities in Juneau or Sitka; raised to fry stage; transported back to Indian River and stocked in the upper reaches of the river. The fry would disperse in the river and pond systems, rear to smolt size, and outmigrate naturally to the ocean. Returning adults would be captured to repeat'the operational cycle. Initially, there may not be sufficient numbers of adult coho in Indian River to pro- vide the required numbers of eggs and fry for a saturation stocking program. Implementation may require the capture of brood stock from another watershed in Tenakee Inlet such as Kadashan River. A min- imal stocking program to mitigate only the loss of Dolly Varden char and coho salmon habitat would require a target number of 2,500 coho smo1ts--the estimated number of smo1ts that could be produced in a stream reach of comparable size with good rearing habitat for coho. Species for species mitigation for Dolly Varden char is imprac- tical since proposed upstream rearing areas are already utilized by that species. Mitigation target numbers were derived as follow: -12- Affected stream area Potential smolt production (1000 smolt/acre x 2.5 acre) Number of fry to produce 2500 smolt (assume 10% survival fry to smolt) Number of eggs to produce 25,000 fry (assume 85% survival of egg to fry) Number of adults to yield 30,000 eggs (assume 3,000 eggs per female) 2.5 acres 2,500 smolt 25,000 fry 29,412 ( 30,000) 10 adult female coho For efficiency of operations, we suggest that egg-take and fry stocking operati2?s be conducted every other year. Since the Sashin Creek studie~ show that most coho salmon in that area spent two summers and two winters in fresh water and two summers and one winter in the ocean, a once every two-year program may reduce competition between year classes of juvenile salmon. Expanding the egg-take operations to a three-year cycle may not coincide with the maximum adult returns for a year class to the river. The numbers of fry stocked could be increased to compensate for off years and to mitigate for other project impacts such as turbine mortality and downstream siltation of pink and chum salmon spawning areas from construction and oper- ation of the hydroproject. A proposal to fully utilize the upstream rearing habitat for production, of coho salmon is attached (see Appen~ dix A). Potential cooperators include Alaska Department of Fish & Game, the U. S. Forest Service, and the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association. Future Fishery Enhancement Efforts -The U. S. Forest Servic 7/has identified Indian River as a potential fishery enhancement opportunity.-The laddering of the barriers or initiation of an upstream fry stocking program may be a viable fishery enhancement opportunity with'in the life of the hydroproject. The construction of a dam upstre~ of Barrier 4 without fish passage provi- sions would present another obstacle to fish passage and possibly preempt future fishery enhancement programs for the river. Recommendations: Project design should provide the option for upstream pas- sage of adult salmon and assure that the dam would accommodate passage fac- ilities at a reasonable cost if a decision were made at a later date to breach the natural barriers. Unless fish passage is considered as a mitigation or enhancement measure for this project, the construction of passage facili- ties would not be required at this time. This concern could also be met by making a commitment to provide passage over the dam should a future enhance- ment project be implemented. Turbine Mortalities -If upstream fishery enhancement programs are initiated, the proposed dam and penstock could entrap outmigrant salmon smolts in the power generating equipment. Significant mortalities could occur. Recommendations: If fishery enhancement of mitigation efforts are initiated, project design of the diversion flume and turbine should assure that signi- ficant numbers of outmigrant smolts are not passed through the generating equipment and killed or injured. The Corps has proposed construction of a diversion wall and screening device to prevent or discourage fish from enter- ing the water intake for the generating facilities. -13- Construction Impacts -Instream constructicin activities, rock waste disposal from penstock installation, vehicular and heavy equipment access across the stream, and flushing of sediments from the reservoir would all intro- duce considerable quantities of sediments into the river system. These in- troduced sediments may settle out in d~wnstream spawning gravels, cause mortalities to rearing fish, and lower the quality of the spawning areas. Recommendation: State-of-the-art erosion and siltation control efforts should be maintained throughout the construction phase of the project. Major instream construction activities should be scheduled for the time period of 20 May through 15 July--the time when pink and chum salmon adults or fry would not be present in the river system. Indiscriminant side casting of spoil or rock waste into the river as a result of penstock construction act- ivities should be prohibited. The penstock should be aligned so as to mini- mize encroachment on the stream and river banks. Excess rock or spoil should be disposed of in an approved site. We would recommend that vehicular access across the river at the dam site should be by bridge built to USFS specifica- tions--probably a native log stringer bridge. Gas Bubble Disease-Depending upon the effective head and amount of air entrainment at the powerhouse outlet, supersaturated dissolved atmospheric gas (particularly nitrogen) may cause gas bubble disease to fish exposed to the discharge water. Large numbers of pink, chum, and coho salmon congre- gate in a pool immediately below Barrier 1. A critical level of 110% satur- ation has been identified for fish confined to waters of one meter or less in depth.~ Recommendation: The design of the flume, penstock and powerhouse must assure that air entrainment and the resulting supersaturation of discharge water with atmospheric gases will be minimized and not exceed 110% saturation at the powerhouse outfall. Loss of Spawning Habitat and Riparian Vegetation to Reservoir Pool -The flooding of the limited reservoir pool could cover and destroy some spawning habitat for Dolly Varden. However, the reservoir would probably increase rearing habitat and the ~verall adverse effects should be insignificant. Likewise, the loss of riparian vegetation to the reservoir pool should not be significant. A new riparian zone would develop around the edge of the new pool. Bald Eagle Nest Trees -The bald eagle is classified as endangered in the contlguous Onlted States, but it is not on the endangered Jist for Alaska. The bald eagle is protected by the Bald Eagle Protection Act of June 8, 1940, as amended (16 USC 668-668d) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 USC 703-711). Bald eagles and their nest trees are further protected through a cooperative agreement between the FWS and the USFS which restricts all disturbance within a 33Q-ft radius about each nest tree. A bald eagle nest tree is located in the vicinity of the proposed transmission line to Tenakee Springs about 300 feet north of the Tenakee Small Boat Harbor. The nest was active and con- tained two eaglets during the 1982 nesting season. Construction activities in the vicinity of eagle nest trees may cause abandonment or destruction of the nest. Improper transmission line and support pole design can cause elect- rocution of large birds such as bald eagles. - -14- Recommendations: The transmission line· (or any other project feature) should be aligned so as to maintain a minimum 330-foot undisturbed buffer around any eagle nest tree. Pole design should assure that the possibility of accidental electrocution of bald eagles is minimized. Design suggestions for minimizing this potential can be obtained from the Edison Electric In- stitute Raptor Research Foundation·pub1ication, Suggested Practices for Rap- tor Protection on Power Lines, the State of the Art in 1981, Raptor Re- search Report #4, University of Minnesota. A copy of this report has been submitted to the Corps under separate cover. Additional design criteria can be found in REA Bulletin #61-10 (attached). Brown Bear Conflicts -Construction activities at or near the powerhouse during the summer and fall salmon runs could discourage or prevent brown bear from traditional use of the lower section of the river as a feeding area. Construction of the penstock route and transmission corridors would cross some established game trails and could alter natural movement and migration patterns. Human-bear encounters and conflicts can be anticipated during the construction phase of the project. Although short term effects during construction of the project may be severe for individual animals, the long term effects to the populations should not be significant. Right-of-Way Clearing -Clearing of old-growth climax forest conditions could reduce habitat for wildlife species dependent on these conditions (i.e., deer, marten, etc.). Approximately 12 acres of forest would be cleared for project features. Recommendation: Although overall project impacts from clearing are consider- ed minor, the amount of ROW clearing should be minimized to prevent the pos- s'i bi 1 ity of unwanted blowdown of the adjacent forest. Summary The FWS would support the Corps' basic preferred alternative hydropower de- velopment plan for Indian River. We recommend that the fish and wildlife mitigation measures contained in this report should be incorporated into the plan. If our recommended minimum instream base flows (i.e., 24 cfs for the time period November 1 through April 30 and 35 cfs for the period May 1 through October 31.) can be met then no direct mitigation for fishery con- cerns would be required. If additional water withdraw1 below our recommended base flows are necessary for the technical and economic feasibility of the project, then we would accept severely reduced base flows (e.g., 7-12 cfs) with an appropriate operational fishery management program such as described in this report. Any fishery management or enhancement plan must have the full concurrance of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. -15- References 1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1975 Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning and Migration of Anadromous Fish. Juneau, Alaska. 2. Crone & Bond. 1976. Life History of Coho Salmon in Sashin Creek, South- east Alaska. Fishery Bulletin: Vol. 74, No.4, pp 897-923. 3. Sheridan, Wm. 1979. Enhancement Projects. Production of Salmon in Relation to Fishery Habitat Unpublished USFS Report, March 1, 1979, Juneau, Alaska. 4. Tennant. 1975. Instream Flow Regimens for Fish and Wildlife, Recreational and Related Environmental Resource. USFWS, Billings, Montana. 5. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1979. Water Resource Atlas for Region 10, Juneau, Alaska. 6. 7. USFWS (OBS). 1976. Flow Requirements: Methodologies for Determination of Stream Resource An Assessment. Utah State University. Vaught, R. 1980. Biological Enhancement Feasibility Survey. USFS Report. Sitka, Alaska. Unpublished 8. Weitkamp and Katz. 1977. Dissolved Atmospheric Gas Supersaturation of Water and Gas Bubble Disease of'Fish. Water Res. Sci. Info. Center, USDI, 10/77. 9. -' Bayha, K. 1981. Instream Flow Information Paper #13 (In process). 10. U.S. Fish & Wil'dlife Service. 1981. Planning Aid Report--Tenakee Springs Proposed Hydropower Development. Unpublished FWS Report, Juneau, Alaska. 11. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1982. Personal communication with Lloyd Fanter, Project Biologist, Anchorage, Alaska. -16- Appendix A. Fishery Mitigation/Enhancement Proposal for Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Proposal: Stock ten-mile portion of Indian River above barrier falls with coho salmon fry. All available rearing habitat would be utilized. Fry would rear under natural instream conditions in the river and associated ponds and side channels. Stocks would be maintained by yearly (or two-year interval) stocking of coho fry obtained from returning adult fish for the life of the proposed hydro- power project. Survival estimates are conservative and probably represent mini- mal returns and benefits to the fishery. Project Components: 1. Stream length 2. Estimated available rearing habitat 3. Potential number of coho smolts produced ~n available habitat (assume 10 smolts/100 m of habi tat) . 4. Number of catchable size adult coho produced (assume 8% marine survival) 16,000 m 160,000 m2 16,000 1,280 5. Number of fry req~ired to saturate available rearing 160,000 habitat (based on a 10% survival of fry to smolt) 6. Number of eggs required to produce target number of 190,000 fry (assume 15% hatchery mortality of egg to fry) 7. Number of adult female coho required to produce 63 target number of eggs (assume a fecundity of 3,000 eggs/female)* *This number of adult female coho salmon probably would not be available for egg-take until the first returns from the initial stocking efforts are realized. Therefore, a saturation stocking program probably would require brood stock from adjacent watersheds in Tenakee Inlet such as Kadashan River or Corner Creek. A-I Appendix B Stream survey results for Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Stream Reach Comments Mile 0 to Mile 0.3 Mile 0.4 to 0.9 Mile 0.4 (Barrier 1) Mi 1 e--0.5 (Barrier 2) Mile 0.7 (Barrier 3) Mile 0.8 (Barrier 4) Mile 0.9 (Barrier 5) Mile 0.9 :. Mile 2.7 Exceptionally good salmonid spawning habitat. Pink and chum salmon abundant. Dolly Varden char, coho salmon and sculpin (Cottus aZeutiaus) present. Fairly high stream gradient (2 0 -50) with five falls or cascade systems that are barriers or discourage- ments to upstream fish passage. Poor to moderate instream habitat for resident Dolly Varden and coho salmon. First upstream barrier (Barrier 1) or discouragement to fish passage. Barrier 1 is actually a series of tw,o separate cascades separated by a 60-ft. long run of high velocity flow. The first cascade is a 2-ft. high vertical step-falls and is a significant discouragement to most of pink and chum salmon. The second cascade . is a high gradient chute dropping about five feet in 40 feet. Although no adult salmon were observed above Barrier 1, adult chum salmon were observed in the run between the two cascades. Juvenile coho salmon' were c tured in fry traps set in the 900-ft. stream reach be- tween Barriers 1 and 2. Second upstream barrier--12-ft high falls/cascade. Probably a 'barrier to coho salmon, but may be passable under certain flow conditions. Third barrier or discouragement. Possible velocity barrier under some flow conditions. However, salmon should be able to negotiate under most conditions. Fourth barrier. 15-17-ft high falls/cascade system. Probable barrier to all salmon species. Possible steep-pass fish passage construction opportunity at left hand side (looking upstream) of falls. Fifth barrier. Ten-ft high cascade. Barrier to pink salmon, but should be negotiable by coho salmon. This is last barrier to fish passage until the large falls at Mile 11.5. Moderate stream gradient (1 0 -30 ); good spawning hab- itat in gravel-cobbl e substrate. Dolly Varden capture' in pools and side channels. Poor to moderate rearing habitat. No salmon observed. A-2 Appendix B (cont.). Stream survey results for Indian River near Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Stream Reach Mile 2.7 -Mile 3.9 Mile 3.9 -Mile 9.5 Mile 9.5 -Mile 10.2 Mile 9.6 MUe 10.2 -11.6 Mile 11.6 COlTlllents Low gradient (<:1 0 ); slow meandering stream flow; muskeg ponds, beaver dams, silty substrate. Ex- cellent rearing habitat for salmonids. Undercut, unstable stream banks; gsavel-sand sub- strate with moderate gradient « 1 ). Good rearing habitat in pools and side channels; good spawning habitat in riffle areas. Depositional alluvial area from confluence of two major tributaries; unstable stream channel with cobble-gravel substrate. Braided stream channels; alder bank cover. Good rearing and spawning hab- itat. A major tributary enters main stream from northeast. Tributary appears intermittent in the alluvial area; however, about 0.5 miles of moderately good rearing habitat exists in the upstream portion of the drain- age. Stream gradient increase (1 0 -30 ); cobble-gravel substrate; steep side slopes; moderately good hab- itat. Steep falls (50 ft. high). Fish passageoimpossible. Stream gradient above falls too great (5 ) to sup- port significant fish habitat. A .. 3 Appendix C. Enhancement Opportunity Estimates of Habitat Area and Potential Commercial Fishery Values for Pink. Chum. and Coho Salmon. Chum Salmon Stream length Stream width Stream area Usable spawning area Commercial fishery value Net commercial value Pink Salmon Stream area Usable spawning area Commercial fishery value -' Net commercial value Coho Salmon Stream length Stream width Habitat area No. of smolts/100 sq. m No. of smolts produced Marine survival (8%) Required escapement Harvestable fish Commercial value @ $10/fish A-4 5.100 meters 10 meters 51.000 sq. meters 40% x 51,000 m2 = 20.400 m2 = 5.0 acres $48,000/acre/yea~ 5 acres x $48,000/acre/year = $240,000/yr 51,000 sq. meters 30% x 51,000 m2 = 15,300 m2 = 3.8 acres $15,000/acre/yea~ 3.8 acres x $15,aOO/acre/year = $58,000/yr 16,000 meters (10 miles) 10 meters 16,000 m x 10 m = 160,000 sq. meters 10 smoltsY 10 x 160,000/100 = 16,000 smolts .08 x 16,000 smolts = 1,280 adults coho 200 adults 1,280 less 200 = 1,080 adult coho $10 x 1,080 fish = $10,800/yr United States pepartment of the Interior IN REPLY AEPER TO: SEES Colonel Neil E. Saling District Engineer o FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1011 E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE, A1.ASKA 99'03 (907) 276-3800 2 0 SfP 19B3 Corps of Engineers, Alaska District Pouch 898 Re: Amended Coordination Act Report Tenakee Springs Sma,' Hydropower Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Colonel Saling: The enclosed .. terial constitutes. an ~ndment to our September 1982 Fish and Wl1 dl1fe Coordination Act (CA) report dated Septlllber 1982 regarding the Corps of Engineers Interill Small Hydropower Feasibility study at Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Since sublrission of our final 1982 CA report, your agency has incorporated several design Changes. into the recoaaended alternative. The preferred dam site would now be located at river llile 0.9 and the powerhouse site woul~ be IIOved to river mile 0.5.· The new prefel"1'"ed alternative is described in your recent cornspondence (ref. Moore to Bayha letter dated 26 July 1983). The attached _nciDent evaluates the recent design ·changes and provides additional rationale and justification for the proposed mitigation program. We commend the Corps of Engineers for their preparation of a hydropower develor:-nt plan that fully incorporates envirollllllntal concerns into the project design and llitigates unavoidable adve"e impacts to inst1"e1lD fishery resources. We believe that the Tenakee project is an excellent example of how small hydropower projects in Alaska can be developed in a IIInner that meets the power and water needs of small rural c~nities and also lritigates and minimizes adverse effects to fish and wildlife resources and their habitat. Attachment cc: ADF&G, Juneau, Sitka USFS, Sitka NMFS, Juneau Northern SE Regional Aquaculture Assn. FWS-ROES, Juneau, S1 tta FWS-Federal Projects, woe • Amended Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act Report for Tenakee Springs Hydropower Study, September 1983 The anticipated impacts to fish and wildlife resources resulting from the· Corps of Engineers 1983 alternative development plan are similar to those described and evaluated in our September 1982 Coordination Act report. The proposed dam and powerhouse locations in the 1983 plan would increase the stream length and corresponding amount of aquatic habitat which would be affected by water withdrawals as described below. 1982 Al ternative 1983 Alternative Stream Length (Ft.) 1,900 2,700 Area (Acres) 2.5 3.5 Coho Habitat (Acres) 0.6 0.0 Dolly Varden Habitat (Acres) 2.5 3.5 However, the 1983 alternative would. locate the powerhouse outfall upstream of Barrier 2 and thus, eliminate out-of-stream project water use in the 500 feet of coho habitat between Barrier 2 and the 1982 powerhouse site. We consider the 1983 plan to be environmentally preferable to the other action alternatives. We still anticipate adverse effects to Dolly Varden char and other aquatic habitats in the 2,700 feet of stream that would be affected by hydropower water withdrawal. The Corps has calculated that the average worst case analysis of stream flows resulted in 73 days per year in which minimum instream flows of 10-12 cfs (10% of average annual flows) would be discharged in the affected stream reach. Tennant!! states that a discharge of 10% of average annual flow is a minimum short-time survival flow at best, and is a minimum instantaneous flow which will sustain short-term survival habitat for most aquatic life forms. Kraf~ reported that the total number of brook trout age I and older in three runs of a Montana stream was reduced approximately 62% when 90% of the normal flow was diverted for 3 months. We, therefore, continue to recommend that our mitigation proposals as described in our 1982 CA report (see Mitigation Alternative B, page 12) and in the Corps' Draft Environmental Assessment dated August 1983, be incorporated into the Tenakee Springs Hydropower Development Plan. 1/ Tennant. 1975. Instream Flow Regiments for Fish and Wildlife, recreational -and related environmental resources. USFWS, Billings, Montana. 2/ Kraft. 1972. Effects of controlled flow reduction on a trout stream. -J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 29:1405-11. , On-s1te species-for-species mitigation for Dolly Varden char is impractical since available habitat areas in Indian River are already utilized by that species. Therefore, coho salmon, which ara also indigenous to Indian River and have similar but not necessarily competing habitat requirements, are considered the best species choice for the management mitigation proposal. The amount of mitigation required would be based on an approximate 60% reduction in habitat qua1ity~~ in the 3.5 acres of affected riverine habitat over the 50-year life of the project. Mitigation would be provided by stocking coho salmon fry in the upper reaches of Indian River, which has excellent habitat for coho salmon that is presently inaccessible to that species because of natural barriers in the river. Calculations and rationale for determination of the amount of mitigation required are presented in Appendix I. Since the habitat value of the area proposed for mitigation management is greater than that in the stream reach affected by the project~ the area or management effort required to adequately mitigate project impacts would be correspondingly reduced. Also, one coho fry stocking effort will utilize the new stream habitat for two years (i.e., the average freshwater residency of presmo1t coho salmon). Therefore, each stocking effort would be equivalent to two years of mitigation effort. The number of years of mitigation management could be varied in any manner such that the 325 habitat units (see Appendix I) required for mitigation could be achieved. However, obtaining sufficient numbers of broodstock female coho salmon for the program may be a limiting factor--especially in the first few years of the program. We therefore . recommend a 10-year management program that would require five alternate year stocking efforts to mitigate for the 325 habitat units lost over the 50-year life of the project. The logistics of the management plan are outlined in our 1982 CA report. We anticipate that the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the U. S. Forest Service, the Army Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be active cooperators in the mitigation program. 3/ Personal observation indicates the reduction in habitat quality will be very similar to that found by Kraft. J • t 1 ~ . ! .J f l j I l i 1 • APPENDIX I Comparison of riverine aquatic habitat valu.es with and without the proposed hydropower .project on Indian River, Tenakee Springs, Alaska. without with Project Project Project Mitigation Target Years 1-50 1-50 1-10.v Area (Acres tV 3.5 3.5 3.6 Habitat Unit Value (HUV)2/ 3 1.14 9 Percent Change in HUV 0 -62!1 +125 Total Annualized Habitat Unit~ 10.5 4.0 32.5 Life-of-Project Habitat Units 525 200 325~ 1/ Acres of aquatic habitat affected (stream reach is 2,700 feet long by 57 feet wide = 3.5 acres. 2/ Based on subjective rating scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being optimum habitat value. Ratings were jointly agreed to by FWS and Corps biologists familiar with the project. 3/ One acre of aquatic habitat of a HUV of 1. 4/ 62% reduction in habitat value from: Kraft,1972. Effects of controlled flow reduction on a trout stream. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 29:1405-11. 5/ Total required mitigation habitat units (325) divided by annualized mitigation habitat units (32.5). 6/ The number of habitat units necessary to mitigate project impacts due to stream flow reductions over the life of the 50-year project. Without Project (525 HU) = With Project (200 HU) + Mitigation (325). , Forest Service '/\'Sitka Ranqer District Box' 1866 Sitka, Alaska 99835 -_ .. _-------- Reply 10 2600 j :! Date: October 4, 1983 1 I Lloyd Fanter Environmental Resources Section Alaska District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 99510 L Dear Mr. Fanter: The proposed Tenakee Springs Hydroelectric project involving the damming and diverting of water from Indian River has brought to light both concerns over potential impacts on anadromous fish and possible opportunities to improve natural runs. Investigations and discussions to date appear to indicate that adverse impacts to salmonids can successfully be minimized through design and operation specifications, and compensated for through mitigation measures. . Habitat surveys above the proposed construction sites have shown a large amount of 900d anadromous spawning and rearing area that is presently not utilized due to a series of barriers in the first mile of stream. We ~re in favor of considering cost effective ways to make this habitat available to anadromous species. We feel that there is some real potential for expanding whatever mitigation program is proposed along with the hydroelectric project -to t~e realm of enhancement. Our agencies are interested in cooperating in any mitigation or enhancement program which may be developed as a result of this project. ~ If ~ct4uGHb.t.v ~:~~-H~RDY ~-:"'1 Fish and Wildlife Biologist Area Habitat Bi010g;s U.S. Fish & Wildlife Alaska Dept. of Fish & Service Game P~O. Box 810 P.O. Box 510 Sitka, AK 99835 Sitka, AK 99835 FS-6200·"o 1716 ~ I