HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeasibility Report Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project 1987= Alaska ower A uthority FE A I B I LITY R E PORT TAZI MINA IVE HYDRO ELE CTRIC P R JE CT Mar ch 1987 & Stone & Webster Engineering orporatio CD 198 7 A laska Power Auth o rity ..,... o o LO ~ C') C') FEASIBILITY REPORT TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT March 1987 Prepared for: ALASKA POWER AUTIIORITY ARLIS Alaska R~SOI.HCC~ Uhrary & Information Services Ubnln BuilJing, Suite 111 321 i Providence Drive Anchorage, AK. 99S08-4614 by STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION 14007.27-H(D)-1 jK 1t/2.V ''/ .A , -r 3ft' 1 '-1 (,-:1- I I " TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 SUMMARY 1-1 2 INTRODUCTION 2-1 2.1 BACKGROUND 2-1 2.2 GENERAL 2-2 2.3 PURPOSE 2-3 2.4 SCOPE OF WORK 2-3 '3 ENERGY DEMAND 3-1 3.1 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS 3-1 3.2 ENERGY FORECASTS 3-2 4 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 4-1 4.1 FLOW RECORDS 4-1 4.2 METHODS 4-1 4.3 FLOW DURATION CURVES 4-2 / 5 POWER STUDY 5-1 6 GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS 6-1 6.1 AVAILABLE INFORMATION 6-1 6.2 SITE GEOLOGY 6-1 6.3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS 6-3 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7-1 7.1 GENERAL 7-1 7.2 INTAKE 7-1 7.3 PENSTOCK 7-2 7.4 POWERHOUSE 7-3 7.5 ACCESS ROAD AND TRANSMISSION LINE 7-6 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SECTION TITLE PAGE 8 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 8-1 8.1 GENERAL 8-1 8.2 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 8-2 8.3 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY 8-6 8.4 WATER USE AND QUALITY 8-7 8.5 HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 8-8 8.6 AESTHETIC RESOURCES 8-9 9 PROJECT COSTS 9-1 9.1 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS 9-1 9.2 RESULTS 9-1 10 ECONOMIC EVALUATION 10-1 10.1 METHOD OF ANALYS I S 10-1 10.2 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS 10-2 10.3 RESULTS 10-4 11 PROJECT SCHEDULE 11-1 12 CONCLUSIONS 12-1 APPENDICES A TAZIMINA RIVER FLOW RECORDS B SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY REPORT C 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE -DAMES & MOORE D RESULTS OF FISH HABITAT SURVEY, MAY 1986 -ADF&G E ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE, MAY 1986 -DAMES & MOORE F ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY, MAY 1986 G DETAILED COST ESTIMATE -HYDRO ALTERNATIVE 1 H SAMPLE PRESENT WORTH PRINTOUT I LIST OF PROJECT PERMITS ii TABLE 3.1 3.2 3.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 9.1 10.1 10.2 10.3 LIST OF TABLES TITLE Monthly Peak Demands Keyes Point Load Growth Forecast Load Growth Forecasts Sample Hydro Capability Evaluation Turbine -Generator Characteristics Comparison of Hydro Versus Diesel Monthly Generation Requirements -Years 1991 & 2005 Cost Estimates for Hydro Alternatives Summary of Economic Analysis Parameters and Input Diesel Replacement/Capacity Schedule -Backup for Hydro Alternative 1 Diesel Replacement/Capacity Schedule -Base Case iii FIGURE 2.1 2.2 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 6.1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Project Area Map Load Forecasts TITLE Estimated Average Monthly Flows Annual Flow Duration Curve Flow Duration Curve -November Flow Duration Curve -December Flow Duration Curve -January Flow Duration Curve -February Flow Duration Curve -March Flow Duration Curve -April Flow Duration Curve -May Geologie Map Project Arrangement Intake Structure Alternative 1 -Well Scheme Alternative 2 -Canyon Powerhouse with Access Down Canyon Wall Alternative 3 -Underground Powerhouse Alternative 5 -Downstream Canyon Powerhouse with Vertical Shaft Index Map of Photo Mosaic Coverage (Figures 7.8-7.11) Access Road/Transmission Line Alignment -Sheet 1 Access Road/Transmission Line Alignment -Sheet 2 Access Road/Transmission Line Alignment -Sheet 3 Access Road/Transmission Line Alignment -Sheet 4 iv FIGURE 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 11.1 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) TITLE Tazimina River Hydro Medium; Percent of Total Present Worth Diesel Base Medium; Percent of Total Present Worth Comparison of Medium Cases (Cumulative Present Worth vs. Year) Variation in Load Growth Tazimina River Hydro, Variation in Discount Rate Tazimina River Hydro, Variation in Load Growth Tazimina River Hydro, Variation in Fuel Escalation Diesel Base, Variation in Discount Rate Diesel Base, Variation in Load Growth Diesel Base Variation in Fuel Escalation 700 kW Hydro: PWR vs. Initial Fuel Cost 1000 kW Hydro: PWR vs. Initial Fuel Cost Project Schedule v SECTION 1 SUMMARY The purpose of this feasibility study is to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project. The proposed hydro development would provide power to the system of Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC) which serves three communities of the same name in the Iliamna Lake/Lake Clark area. The project site is at Tazimina Falls on the Tazimina River north of Iliamna Lake. The project is a run-of-river development. The features of the project are an intake, penstock, and powerhouse at the falls and transmission line and access road. Evaluation of the proposed project has included consideration of various factors as discussed below. Energy Demand Load requirements are much less than the hydraulic potential of the site. A "medium" load growth of 3 percent per year is the design basis. This gives annual energy requirements of 1834 MWh in 1986, increasing to 3216 MWh at the end of the planning period in 2005. There is the potential for significant increases in energy demand when development of a resort community proceeds at Keyes Point on Lake Clark. However, the timing of these increases is somewhat speculative. Therefore, Keyes Point is considered only in the sensitivity case of "high" load growth. Hydrology Tazimina River flows peak in July and August with a monthly average discharge of nearly 2100 cfs. Flows are significantly reduced in the low flow season of November through May. Therefore, flow duration curves for each of these months are developed to appropriately define hydro generation capability on a monthly basis in the power study. Power Study The power study defines hydro generation capability of a given installation to meet load requirements. This is done by evaluating ability to meet peak demands, ability to operate at low loads, and sufficiency of river flow for generation. Power study methodology allows consideration of appropriate hydro generation in the economic evaluation of any hydro scheme. Economics decide the optimum installed capacity by identifying the hydro scheme which has the lowest total present worth cost. The· optimum installed hydro capacity is 700 kW with two units at 350 kW each. Annual hydro generation varies through the planning period as the load grows. Based on load growth projections, hydro generation is 1971 MWh in the first year of operation in 1991 and levels off at 3025 MWh in 2005. Project Features The shoreline intake structure is approximately 250 ft upstream of the falls on the left bank. Provisions are included for a stationary fish screen, to be installed if necessary, to exclude adult char and grayling. The 4 ft diameter penstock extends 270 ft from the intake structure to the powerhouse and is buried in the left bank. It is routed along the terrace roughly adjacent to the river. Substantial cut and fill is required because the adjacent terraces are high relative to river water level. The steep ruggedness of the canyon below the falls limits options for powerhouse siting to obtain reasonable access for construction and for normal operations. Several alternatives are considered. Civil costs for viable powerhouse concepts are the dominate factor in defining total capital cost of the hydro project. The preferred hydro alternative is one which reduces civil capital costs and provides the lowest total present worth. The preferred scheme (Alternative 1) uses a vertical turbine/generator arrangement. It is shown on Figure 7.3. The unit is designated as TKW by the manufacturer. The turbine runner is at the end of a water column/ lineshaft assembly at the bottom of a drilled hole. Flow returns to the 1-2 river channel by a tailrace tunnel. This machine arrangement is similar to a pump in a well. However, it is a turbine with adjustable wicket gates which is needed to meet the widely varying load requirements. At full output, the total hydraulic capacity of the two units is about 100 cfs. The project access road is from the existing Newhalen-Nondalton road to the project site. The road is routed north of Alexcy Lake to avoid stream crossings and associated aquatic impacts. The transmission line is a 24 kV system buried along an alignment immediately adjacent to the access road. The line ties into the existing line running north to Nondalton. The access road and the transmission line are both 6.7 miles long. Alternatives Alternative powerhouse arrangements and locations studied in the process of selecting an appropriate scheme of hydro development are as follows. Alternative 2 -Canyon powerhouse with access and penstock routing down canyon wall. Alternative 3 -Underground powerhouse Alternative 4 -Canyon powerhouse with access and penstock routing in vertical shaft Alternative 5 -Downstream canyon powerhouse with vertical shaft The second least costly concept (Alternative 3), is an underground powerhouse as shown on Figure 7.5. This arrangement provides personnel access and penstock routing in a vertical shaft. The more conventional powerhouse layout allows the use of one 700 kW crossflow unit to meet load requirements. Other alternatives using powerhouse arrangements within the canyon were considered. Increased civil requirements, particularly for additional buried penstock, result in higher project costs. 1-3 Environmental Assessment The major factor in assessing environmental impact of the proposed hydro project is consideration of fishery resources. Sockeye salmon spawn on the lower Tazimina River below the falls. Sport fishing for rainbow trout is significant below the falls. Arctic grayling and char occur throughout the Tazimina drainage. Field investigations include a general survey of the Tazimina River below Upper Tazimina Lake in 1981. Site-specific work occurred in May 1982, July 1985, August 1985, and May 1986. High velocities and hard substrates at the falls offer poor habitat. Little if any successful spawning occurs in the canyon near the falls. With proper mitigative measures, the powerhouse and tailrace should not have a negative impact upon fish. Low numbers of resident grayling and char occur at the intake site. The construction of the access road to the project site will improve human access to the area. pressure on resources. This is project. This will result in increased fishing perhaps the greatest impact of the An archeological survey of the project area was done in May 1986. The project site at the falls has no archeological potential. The river terrace above the Tazimina River has a very high archeological potential. Two cultural remains were found during the survey along the edge of the river terrace northeast of Alexcy Lake on the access road alignment. Prior to or during construction, further investigation of the river terrace area will be required. This is not expected to be a significant impact on project feasibility. Based on the above findings, there are no impacts from the project that would preclude its development. Project Costs To estimate direct costs for hydro alternatives, quantities are developed from layouts and site-specific unit costs are applied. The total estimated 1-4 capital cost of each hydro alternative is given below. Alternative Description 1 Well Scheme 3 Underground PH with vertical shaft 2 Canyon PH with access down canyon wall 4 Canyon PH with vertical shaft 5 D/S Canyon PH with vertical shaft Total Estimated Capital Cost ($000) 7,400 7,900 8,500 8,900 10,200 Each estimate includes allowance for indeterminates at 10 percent of direct costs. Also included are the indirect costs of engineering and design, construction management, and interest during construction. Cost of land is not included in the estimates. Economic Evaluation To analyze economic feasibility of hydro development, alternatives are compared to the diesel base case on a total present worth cost basis. The base case is the continuation of diesel power generation. Comparison is by present worth ratio (PWR). Present worth ratio is obtained by dividing the present worth of the hydro scheme into the present worth for the diesel base case. A PWR greater than 1.0 indicates that the hydro case is more economically attractive than the diesel base case. Conversely, a PWR of less than 1.0 indicates that the diesel base case is more attractive than the alternative being compared. Hydro alternatives and their economic feasibility versus the diesel base case are evaluated on the basis of "medium" parameters. These represent the most likely scenarios for future load growth, diesel fuel escalation, and discount rate. Sensitivity cases for the preferred hydro alternative consider economic feasibility for variations in parameters to "high" and/or "low" values. Diesel fuel base cost is based on actual 1986 prices and is escalated 1-5 accordingly to reflect changing fuel prices through the economic study period. The base price of fuel used in this study is $1.10 per gallon. For the "medium" case, diesel fuel escalation is 2.8 percent per year from 1987 through 2005. This results in a fue I price in 2005 of $1. 86 per gallon. It is assumed that fuel costs remain constant with no further price escalation in the remaining years of the economic analysis. Hydro Alternatives 1 and 3 were evaluated in present worth analyses to determine the preferred scheme. These alternatives have the two lowest capital costs. The present worth comparison using "medium" case criteria is given below. Diesel Hydro Base Present Present Worth Present Worth Cost Worth Cost Ratio Alternative ($000) ($000) (PWR) No. 1 -Well Scheme with 2 TKW units @ 350 kW (700 kW) 11,181 12,510 1.12 No. 3 -Underground powerhouse 1 crossflow @ 700 kW 11,768 12,510 1.06 Alternative 1 is the preferred hydro scheme because it has the lower total present worth cost. Furthermore, the PWR of 1.12 shows that Alternative 1 is 12 percent less costly than continuing with diesel generation. The sensitivity of PWR for variation in parameters is considered for Alternative 1. This includes analysis of a 1000 kW hydro development to meet the high load growth forecast. The results indicate that the 700 kW hydro scheme has an advantage over diesel for high load growth when the benef it of additional hydro generation is realized. The PWR is 1. 36. For variation in other parameters, diesel generation is less costly with PWR's from 0.87 to 0.99. The 1,000 kW hydro development shows a slight advantage with a PWR of 1.05. It has a substantial advantage over the diesel base case in meeting high load growth requirements. Results of the economic evaluation are sensitive to diesel fuel cost. The 1-6 1986 cost of fuel is relatively low compared to recent years. Using the current fuel cost of $1.10 per gallon, the hydroelectric development has some economic advantage over the base case. Future change in diesel fuel prices could bring a more favorable advantage to development of the hydroelectric project. Project Schedule The initial operation of the hydro project is anticipated at the beginning of 1991. This is based on filing a FERC license application by July 1987. Then, allowing 15 months for the FERC process, a license should be issued by October 1988. Construction could start in May 1989. Conclusions The Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project is found to be technically and environmentally feasible. It is also economically feasible based on "medium" criteria. However. its economic feasibility is sensitive to assumptions regarding future load growth in the area and future cost of diesel fuel. 1-7 SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 BACKGROUND The state of Alaska in recent years has been taking steps to address energy problems in remote regions of the state. The state has undertaken studies to evaluate potential alternative sources of electrical energy production. Hydroelectric power is recognized as one of the renewable energy sources which could provide an economical option to more expensive diesel generation, the prevalent source of electrical energy in many remote areas. The Bristol Bay region (see Figure 2.1) relies primarily on diesel fuel for electricity generation. The cost of energy production has increased rapidly in recent years, due not only to world-wide price escalation of fuel oil, but also to regional factors. EVen though fuel oil prices have declined in the mid-1980 's, the cost of electrical energy production in remote areas served by small diesel generator systems is substantially larger than that of interconnected central systems in larger population centers of Alaska and in other parts of the United States. In 1980, a reconnaissance study by R. W. Retherford Associates for the Alaska Power Authority CAPA) , evaluated the feasibility of potential hydroelectric developments in the Bristol Bay region. Projects were identified which were considered attractive for limited areas. The Retherford study also evaluated a regional hydro site on the Tazimina River. Based on the Retherford recommendation, the Power Authority retained Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) in July 1981 to undertake the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan and Detailed Feasibility Analysis. The purpose of this study was to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of regional alternative electric power generation plans. A specific objective of the study was to evaluate in detail the feasibility of a regional Tazimina Hydroelectric Project. The results of this study are presented in the Interim Feasibility Assessment 2-1 (IFA) dated July 1982. The IFA identified the attractiveness of developing a 16 MW Newhalen River Hydroelectric Project. Fisheries investigations on the Newhalen River were conducted in 1982-1985 to evaluate potential impacts of hydro development. In 1985, SWEC conducted an updated economic evaluation of selected promising alternatives from the IFA. Updated economic parameters including current diesel fuel prices were used to reassess economic feasibility. Based on the results of this evaluation, the Power Authority concluded that the Newhalen Project and other regional projects are not economical at the present time due to declining oil prices and the relatively large capital cost of the projects. Although a regional power grid system for a power supply system could still be the long term answer for reliable power for the Bristol Bay Region, current electrical loads are too low to justify the magnitude of the required capital investment. High diesel fuel prices are prevalent in the northeast portion of the Bristol Bay region around Iliamna Lake and Lake Clark. Charges for river barge transportation add to the cost of diesel fuel. The communities of Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton are served by Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC). In addition, there is the potential for significant increases in energy demand as development of a resort community proceeds at Keyes Point on Lake Clark. The Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project evaluated in this feasibility report is an alternative generation source for the area served by INNEC. This subregional project was previously identified and considered in the IFA. The 1985 economic update indicated an apparent benefit for its development. This was further substantiated in the Power Authority's Findings and Recommendations dated February 1986. The present, more detailed feasibility study provides the basis for deciding whether to proceed with further licensing activities and engineering and design. 2.2 GENERAL The site of the proposed project is at Tazimina Falls on the Tazimina River north of Iliamna Lake. It is about 12 miles northeast of the community of 2-2 Iliamna and about 175 miles southwest of Anchorage. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 define the project location. The Tazimina River lies in the Alaska-Aleutian Range physiographic province. Broad glaciated valleys lie between rugged, snow-capped glaciated ridges. Many lakes, such as the Tazimina Lakes upstream of the project site, occupy parts of these glaciated valleys. The Tazimina River has its headwaters in the Aleutian Range and flows to the west. Lower Tazimina Lake is approximately 8 miles upstream of the falls. Immediately below the falls a rugged, steep-walled canyon extends for about one mile. The river runs on a steep gradient through a series of rapids in the canyon. The river enters Sixmi1e Lake in the Newha1en River drainage approximately 9.5 miles downstream of the falls. Weather patterns are largely controlled by oceanic influences and therefore the area has a relatively narrow range of seasonal temperature changes compared to interior Alaska. Clouds, fog, and precipitation are frequent but are moderated somewhat inland. Winters are long with moderate snow cover. The project is a run-of-river development. The components of the project are an intake, penstock, powerhouse, transmission line, and access road. These features are discussed in detail in Section 7. 2.3 PURPOSE The purpose of the feasibility study is to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of the subregional, run-of-river Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project. A specific objective of the study is to compare the benefits of the project with continuing dependence on diesel generation for the area's electric power needs. 2.4 SCOPE OF WORK The work completed for the Power Authority by SWEC during the feasibility study is defined in the following specific tasks. 2-3 Energy Demand Analysis: Review and evaluate electrical energy requirements of the three intertied communities (Iliamna, Newhalen, Nondalton) and identify appropriate energy forecasts. Potential load increases from development at Keyes Point are also considered. Environmental Assessment: Evaluate the proposed development with respect to aquatic, terrestrial, archeological, water use, and aesthetic factors. Hydrologic Analysis: Evaluate available flow records to estimate Tazimina River flows for power production. Power Study: Evaluate hydro generation capability and determine range of installed capacity to suit energy demand forecast. Geotechnical Analysis: Review and evaluate available geologic information for the area. Develop site-specific geotechnical information through limited field work to provide input to preliminary engineering. Preliminary Engineering: concepts. Layouts are comparative cost estimates. Identify and evaluate various alternative project developed in sufficient detail to support Cost Estimates: estimates. Develop comparative feasibility-level capital cost Economic Evaluation: Define optimum installed hydroelectric capacity by evaluating total present worth of the preferred hydro concept and evaluate economic feasibility of the hydro scheme versus diesel generation. Feasibility Report: Prepare a feasibility report documenting the results of the above tasks including methods and conclusions. The folloWing sections of this report present the methodology and results of the work performed in accordance with the above scope of work and our conclusions regarding project feasibility. 2-4 \ \ ( , , . , / I , '-' KEYES POINT \PROPOSED DEVHOPMENTI PORT ALSWORTH / NEWHALEN RIVER TAIIMINA RIVER '. NONDAL T ! SEE FiGURE 2.2 • IliAMNA LAKE .-.~ , . • • NAKNEK ....... , KING·" SALMON NAKNE LAKE KAKHONAK UKAKLEK LAKE <~:J~ \ / ""., . r· '" '\" . . ,,-' " -".l·· "SKA . .... , VO" 1"\ 1"\ ,., , ..... ~ , FIGURE 2.1 LOCATION MAP • T AZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY & STONE & WEBSTER '-"" ENGINEERING CORPORATION FIGURE 2.2 PROJECT AREA, MAP SECTION 3 ENERGY DEMAND 3.1 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC) operating records provide monthly generation requirements for January 1984 through February 1986 for Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton. Monthly peak demand information is available for November 1983 through June 1985. Monthly demand information is complete for 1984. This defines the relationship of monthly peak to annual peak given in Table 3.1. The annual peak occurs in December. It is assumed for all months that the minimum load is 25 percent of the peak. Evaluation of monthly peak demands allows definition of monthly energy requirements. This leads to definition of appropriate hydro energy capability based on consideration of seasonally varying river flow. The information for 1984 defines an annual load factor of 45.4 percent which means the maximum load is 2.2 times the annual average load. This relationship is used in this study to define peak annual load based on energy forecasts. INNEC energy forecasts are defined as fixed percentage annual growth based on actual requirements in 1985 of 1,780 MWh. The medium load growth forecast defined in Section 3.2 is approximately one-half of that formulated by the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) for the Iliamna/Newhalen/Nondalton area during work on the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Detailed Feasibility Analysis, Interim Feasibility Assessment, July 1982. The reasonableness of the ISER forecast is shown in the 1985 projection of 1,712 MWh which is close to actual generation. Therefore, use of a 3 percent annual growth rate is conservative. Keyes Point is a planned resort community located north of Nondalton on Lake Clark. Initial phases of development are presently beginning. The majority of the homes would be occupied part-time from May to October during fishing and hunting seasons. Light commercial development including 3-1 lodges is also anticipated. Estimated energy requirements and timing of their occurrence are somewhat speculative at this time. Therefore, Keyes Point is considered only in the sensitivity case of "high" ,growth. The Keyes Point forecast is defined in Table 3.2. Other communities in the area may at some time in the future join the existing intertied system. These include Port Alsworth, Pedro Bay, and Kakhonak. The loads are relatively small and the timing of any intertie work is undefined. Therefore, these three communities are not included in load forecasts for this study. 3 . 2 ENERGY FORECASTS Three load growth forecasts are defined for this study. "Medium" growth is the design basis and "low" and "high" growth are sensitivity cases. In accordance with APA guidelines, it is assumed that after the last year of the planning period (2005) no further load growth occurs. Load growth assumptions for INNEC are as follows; Low growth: 1.5 percent per year Medium growth: 3.0 percent per year High growth: 3.0 percent per year plus Keyes Point These three load forecasts are tabulated in Table 3.3 and graphed for comparison in Figure 3.1. Table 3.2 shows the Keyes Point load growth forecast. 3-2 TABLE 3.1 MONTHLY PEAK DEMANDS RATIO OF MONTHLY PEAK MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK* January 0.74 February 0.79 March 0.70 April 0.67 May 0.63 June 0.49 July 0.55 August 0.55 September 0.86 October 0.88 November 0.97 December 1.00 *Based on INNEC records for 1984. 3-3 TABLE 3.2 KEYES POINT LOAD GROWTH FORECAST ANNUAL YEAR ENERGY USE , MWH* 1986 0 1987 128 1988 294 1989 552 1990 902 1991 1012 1992 1266 1993 1376 1994 1511 1995 1596 1996-2040 1681 * APA letter March 25, 1986 3-4 TABLE 3.3 LOAD GROWTH FORECASTS YEAR Low Growth 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005-2040 (1) 1.5 percent per year (2) 3 percent per year (1) 1807 1834 1862 1890 1918 1947 1976 2006 2036 2066 2097 2129 2161 2193 2226 2259 2293 2328 2363 2398 ANNUAL ENERGY USE t MWH Medium Growth (2) 1834 1889 1946 2004 2064 2126 2190 2255 2323 2393 2465 2539 2615 2693 2774 2857 2943 3031 3122 3216 (3) 3 percent per year plus Keyes Point 3-5 High Growth (3) 1834 2017 2240 2556 2966 3138 3456 3632 3834 3989 4146 4220 4296 4374 4455 4538 4624 4712 4803 4897 1,300 5,000 1,200 144"(~ Grr-O :::z:: 4,500 ~\G~ 3: 1,100 :!: . z 0 i= 4,000 « 1,000 a: w Z W 900 C!:I I-N-N (3% PER YEAR) ...I 3,500 + KEYES POINT « ::> z z 800 « 3,000 144"(~ Grr-O O\U'" 700 I-N-N (3% PER YEAR) ",€ 2,500 600 2,000 I-N-N (1.5% PER YEAR) 500 400 1,500 L..-. ______ -'--______ --i-______ ......&. ______ --'" 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 YEAR FIGURE 3.1 LOAD FORECASTS TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 3: :III:! o· z « :!: w 0 :III:! « w Q. ...I « ::> z z « o o .. • .. o 0( SECTION 4 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 4. 1 FLOW RECORDS Available flow records on the Tazimina River are from a USGS gage 2.1 miles upstream of Tazimina Falls and the project site. There are 52 months of Tazimina River flow records from June 1981 to September 1985. Of these, 41 months (May 1982 to September 1985) are coincident with flow records for the Newhalen River. On the Newhalen River, 236 months of data are available from July 1951 to September 1967 and May 1982 to September 1985. Tazimina River flow records are included in Appendix A. discharge of record is 5,560 cfs on September 30, 1985. 4 . 2 METiiODS The maximum Average monthly flows are used in the hydrologic analysis to define correlations for estimating Tazimina River flows and to define flow duration curves. This is appropriate since the short term of Tazimina River flow records provides a limited basis for evaluation. Previous work to analyze Tazimina River flows was done for the Interim Feasibility Assessment CIFA) of July 1982. At that time, due to lack of Tazimina River records, two methods using multiple regressions were defined for estimating Tazimina River flows. This work is documented in the 1982 Interim Feasibility Assessment, Volume 4, Appendix I, Hydrologic Evaluations -Tazimina River. For the current feasibility study, these two methods are reviewed and evaluated using available flow data. Then a third direct correlation is developed based on the available term of coincident Tazimina/Newhalen record. The three methods are then compared to actual records to determine the best method for estimating a , onger term of Tazimina River flows. Method 1 from 1982 relates Newhalen River flows to those on the Tazimina River. The relationship was derived from extension of Newhalen River flows 4-1 by correlation to temperature and precipitation at Iliamna. Then by a second correlation, Newhalen River flows were related to Tanalian River flows and thus to the Tazimina River. The Tanalian drainage is directly north of the Tazimina River and the drainage area is of similar size. This method was tested by comparison to actual Tazimina River flows for the 41 coincident months. Method 2 from 1982 relates temperature and precipitation at Port Alsworth to Tazimina River flow. Port Alsworth is on Lake Clark near the mouth of the Tanalian River. The relationship was derived from extension of Port Alsworth temperature and precipitation by correlation to temperature and precipitation at Iliamna. Then by a second correlation, Port Alsworth temperature and precipitation was related to Tanalian River flows and thus to the Tazimina River. This method was tested by comparison to the 52 months of existing Tazimina River records. Method 3 of estimating Tazimina River flows was developed during the present study effort. Based on the 41 months of coincident record, a direct correlation was established between Newhalen River flows and Tazimina River flows. Two relationships were defined to account for seasonal effects during the year. One correlation relates to the "wet" season of June through October, the other applies to the "dry" or low flow season of November through May. By comparison to actual Tazimina River flows, this direct correlation provides the best estimate from the three methods. 4 . 3 FLOW DURATION CURVES Using Method 3, the 236 average monthly flow values for the Newhalen River are used to estimate Taz1mina River monthly flows. Average discharge ranges from over 100 cfs in March and April to nearly 2100 cfs in July and August. This is depicted in Figure 4.1. Annual and seasonal flow duration curves are also developed as shown in Figure 4.2. This shows the significant difference in flow regime in each of the two seasons. During the high flow season, discharges exceed 1000 cfs. In the low flow season, discharge is significantly reduced to affect hydro capability. Monthly 4-2 flow duration curves are defined for November through Mayas shown in Figures 4.3 through 4.9. respectively. This allows proper consideration in the power study of water shortfall for hydro generation to meet energy requirements defined on a monthly basis. 4-3 2,500~-----------------------------------------------------------------------'~ 2,000 ~ () s: 9 1,500 u.. >-...J I I- Z o ~ 1,000 W (!) « a: w ~ 500 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUl 2,098 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC FIGURE 4.1 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS TAZIMINA RIVER, 2.1 MILES UPSTREAM OF FALLS o 1.0 CO l() o ~ 2,800 .....-------------------------_, 2,800 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 CI) t 1,800 ~ ...I 1,400 u.. a:: w > -1,200 a:: ',000 800 600 400 200 DURATION CURVE BASIS: AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS EXTREMES OF RECORD AS OF SEPT 1185: MAX IMUM • 5,580 eft MINIMUM -14 eft o~-~---~-~--~-~--~-~~-~--~-~ o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % TIME EQUAL OR EXCEEDED FIGURE 4.2 80 90 100 ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVE TAZIMINA RIVER, 2.1 MILES UPSTREAM OF FALLS N C C ... • ... C C( V) u. u ~. 0 ...J U. ex: w > ex: 900~---,~------------------------------------------~ 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 10 20 30 FLOW DURA nON CURVE· NOVEMBER T AZlMINA RIVER FIGURE 4.3 40 50 60 70 80 90 % TIME EaUAL OR EXCEEDED 100 ... .. CI .. • .. CI C v.I ... u ?:" 0 ...I ... c:: w > c:: 900~----------------------------------------------~ 800 700 600 500 400 200 100 FLOW DURATION CURVE -DECEMBER T AZIMINA RIVER RGURE4.4 °0~---1~0----~~---3~O----4~0----5~0----6~0----~--~----~--~100 ... TIME EQUAL OR EXCEEDED .. N o ... CD .. o <t en \.a. U ~: 0 ..j \.a. a: w > a: 900~------------------------------------------------' 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 FLOW DURATION CURVE -JANUARY T AZlMlNA RIVER FIGURE 4.5 °O~--~----~--~----~--~----~I----~--~----~---..I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 " TIME EaUAL OR EXCEeDED 900r-------------------------------------------------~ 800 FLOW DURATION CURVE· FEBRUARY TAZIMINA RIVER FIGURE 4.6 700 600 <f.I 500 LI. U ~. 0 ....I LI. a: Ij,j :> a: 400 300 200 100 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 " TIME EQUAL OR EXCEEDED (I) u.. u :l: o ..J u.. a: !.OJ > a: 900~------------------------------------------------~ 800 FLOW DURA nON CURVE -MARCH TAZNINA RIVER F1GURE4.7 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 °0~--~----~~--~----~40-----~~---6~0----~--~80----~OO----'~00 % TIME EQUAL OR EXCEEDED .... N o <II • • o < en 110. U ~. 0 ...l 110. c: UJ > 'c: 900r--------------------------------------------------, 800 700 600 500 400~ 300 200 100 flOW DURA1l0N CURVE -APRIL TAZIMINA RIVER FJGURE4.8 % TIME EQUAL OR EXCEEDED • ... C> ,. • • C> 0( (1,1 1.1.. U ;:' 0 ....I 1.1.. a: w > a: 900~--------------------------------------------------, 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 00 10 20 FLOW DURAT10N CURVE -MAY TAZlMINA RIVER FIGURE 4.9 30 40 so 60 70 " TIME eQUAL OR exceeDeD 80 90 100 o .. o .. • • o « SECTION 5 POWER STUDY The purpose of the power study is to trial-size the hydroelectric installation and to develop and evaluate a formulation to define dependable hydro capability. Initial sizing of the hydro installation is based on consideration of the peak and minimum demands for initial operation in 1991 and the ultimate demand as forecasted for 2005 for medium load growth. The objective is to provide sufficient capacity toward meeting peak demands while not sacrificing capability to operate in lower load ranges. Analysis of various installed capacities shows that the incremental expenditure for higher capacity turbine-generator equipment is offset by the benefit of increased hydro generation through the years. Once trial sizes of hydro development are identified, it is necessary to evaluate hydro generation capability of a particular scheme. In this study, three types of turbine equipment are considered as discussed in Section 7.4. They are horizontal Francis, crossflow, and TKW units. Purely on the basis of energy production, crossflow units are beneficial because of the ability to operate over a wide range. The definition of hydro capability is affected by deficiency to meet peak demands, deficiency to operate at low loads, and inability to generate due to lack of river flow. Consideration of these factors gives an accurate estimate of dependable hydro generation. The three factors are systematically evaluated on a monthly basis for each trial capacity. The evaluation is based on load requirements) available river flow, installed capacity, and turbine characteristics. The formulation for evaluating hydro capability is shown in the sample worksheet in Table 5.1. A constant net head of 100 ft is used in this study. Variation in net head is insignificant for power estimates at this site and is neglected. Referring to Table 5.1, columns 2-7 and 16 analyze peak demand. Monthly system peaks are defined on the basis of data in Table 3.1. Columns 8-15 evaluate river flow deficiency. The monthly flow duration curves for November through May, as defined in Section 4, are used. Columns 17-22 5-1 analyze low load capability. The estimate of hydro generation, or capability, is in Column 26. This includes an additional 2 percent reduction for downtime of the hydro plant. For this example, the year is 1991 as defined by the peak annual load of 534 kW. For this year, the hydro generation capability is 1,971 MWh. This calculation is just for one year. A separate calculation is needed for the varying load of each year of the 20-year planning period. The hydro capability evaluation is incorporated as a subprogram into the economic evaluation present-worth computer worksheet discussed in Section 10. This allows flexibility to provide appropriate hydro generation input to any hydro scheme to be economically evaluated. The sample hydro generation evaluation in Table 5.1 depends on the type of turbine equipment considered and the corresponding equipment characteristics of overall efficiency and operating range. Turbine-generator characteristics used in this study are summarized in Table 5.2. This data is derived from manufacturers' information. The power study defines hydro generation on the basis of load demands. The results are input to the economic evaluation. Economics decide the optimum installed hydro capacity by identifying the hydro scheme which has the lowest total present worth cost. The optimum installed capacity is identified in Section 10 as two TKW units at 350 kW each. The annual hydro generation varies through the planning period as the load grows. Hydro generation is 1,971,000 kWH in the first year of operation in 1991 and levels off at 3,025,000 kWH in 2005. Table 5.3 shows a monthly comparison of river flows, hydro capability, and diesel generation requirements for the years 1991 and 2005. Initially, the hydro installation is deficient at minimum loads because of unit sizing. In later years as the load increases, additional diesel generation is needed to meet peak demands. Future diesel requirements to supplement hydro generation remain at a reasonably low level. For medium load growth, Table 5.3 shows a maximum future annual diesel requirement of 191 MWh which is about 6 percent of total generation. 5-2 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 5.1 , SAMPLE HYDRO CAPABILITY EVALUATION (YEAR 1991) , TAIIHHlA ~IV[R HYDROEl[CTRIC rnOJECf pm ANNUAL LOftD (Y,WI" m "'N !lYD~ O. , IIH HEAD~ 100 INSTALlED CAPACITY (KVI= 100 UNIT 5TlE,KV J~O DVERALL me 0.79 PEAr. SYSTEH HYDRO SYSTE" HYDRO l HYDRO t ASSN" 0 AVS ASSN'O REO'O l TIME AVG t TINE DEFICIENT DIESEL SYSTEH HYDRO "I~ "ONTH RATIO rm r£AK S(U SYS PK SYS SEN HYDRO SEN HYDRO LOAO PLANT Q g AVAIL U(lQOI omcJnIT Q DH ICIENT HYDRO BEN PK SEN ~IN I SYS Pk tw IW NWH t HWH tV rrs t crs [fS "WH "~H f.V 2 5 6 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 ___________ ~ ____ ~ ~_ ~ ____ ~_ A~ ~_ M __ ~ M_M ____ ~ ________________________ • __________________ M .. __________________ • __________________________ ~ ___________________________________________________________________________________ JAil 0.137 m 194 166.9 100.0 100.0 166.9 128.6 34.1 99.2 20 21.1 0.8 t.1 0.0 98.4 35.6 fEB 0.189 m 421 182.1 100.0 1('0.0 182.1 249.4 31. ~ 98.5 31 34.1 1.5 2.4 0.0 1~~.3 3U HAR o.m m 312 162.8 100.0 100.0 162.8 213.0 3303 100.0 42 0.0 0.0 O.C 0.0 n.o 37.6 APR 0.611 358 358 150.1 100.0 100.0 m.1 20'U 30.7 91.1 20 15.4 7.9 9.8 0.0 8906 39.1 HAY o.m m m 149.1 100.0 100.0 149.7 205.0 30.6 100.0 m 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 84.4 41.S JUM 0.481 260 260 \43.4 100.0 100.0 143.4 19~.5 29.> 100.0 10<)0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.0 51.8 JUl o.m 295 m \41.7 100.0 100.0 141.1 194.1 29.0 100.0 1000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.8 41.4 AIJG o.m 295 m 156.9 100.0 100.0 156.9 7\4.9 32.1 100.0 1000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.8 47.4 SEP 0.855 m m 19;' .3 100.0 100.0 1n.3 nl.4 39.3 100.0 1000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 114.1 30.7 OCT 0.882 4/1 471 211.6 100.0 100.0 217.6 298.1 44.5 100.0 1000 0.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 111.7 29.1 NOV 0.914 510 520 m.7 100.0 100.0 227.7 311.9 46.6 100.0 165 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m.o 26.9 DEC 1.000 534 m 234.4 100.0 100.0 m.4 321.1 48.0 100.0 81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ill. 5 2&.2 TOTAL 2\25.6 2125.6 13.> 0.0 5-3 Page 2 of 2 TABLE 5.1. co~t'd. , TAlIHWn RIVER HYOROllfnRIC PRO.lEe1 I liME OF nVG I 11HE CAPABIlITY W~TER PEA~ ~ROSS AClunl IIYDRO 'liN DEFlCIEUU DHtCIEHT OEr IC IEllCY DErI CIE IJcy OEFICIEm HYDRO SEN HYDRa GfN fM I MVH HWH r,WH HWH HWH 19 1fJ 21 n 13 14 25 26 -~~----~-----~----------~---~---~----------------~ ~--~-~--~--~--~--~ ---~ -------------_.--------- 9t.2 IIU 0.8 1.1 1.1 U 158.2 155.0 95.2 121.7 6.8 6.1 2.4 0.0 113.5 170.0 89.5 116.5 10.5 8.9 0.0 0.0 153.9 ISO.B eu 114.0 11.1 9.8 9.8 0.0 130.5 121.9 8U 112.2 n.l 11.2 0.0 0.0 138.4 135.6 16.0 JI)1.S 24.0 18.0 0.0 fI.O 125.5 t22~ If Sl.~ 1~6. 9 18.1 14,6 0.6 0.0 m.1 12U OI.J 106.9 IB.l IU 0.0 0,() l42.l m.s 95.3 121.1 4.1 4.4 0.0 0.0 191.9 IOU' 96.\ m.9 l.9 3.1 0.0 0.0 213.9 209.6 ~8.4 m.o 1.6 \.6 0.0 0.0 216.1 m.6 ~9.0 m.B 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 133.4 128.1 101.5 n.l 0.0 2010.1 1910.5 5-4 TABLE 5.2 TURBINE -GENERATOR CHARACTERISTICS TURBINE TYPE Horizontal Francis Cross flow TKW vertical turbine MINIMUM HYDRO CAPABILITY, PERCENT OF DESIGN OUTPUT 40 10 40 5-5 OVERALL UNIT EFFICIENCY, PERCENT 83 76 79 AvERAGE HINIHUM TALIHINA TAZIHINA R I liEF; F;l liEf; SYSTEM 6ENERHTlON TABLE ~.3 COMPARISON OF HYDRO VERSUS DIESEL MONTHLY SENERATION REQUIREMENTS Hvdro Alternative I YEAR= 1991 YEAR= 2005 (Initial year of hydro oDerationi (End of load growth and fuel escalatio~ 10recastsi REQUIRED REQUIRH HYDRO HYDRO PROJECT PROJECT DISCHARSE DISCHARGE AVERAGE FOR HYDRO DIESEL SYSTEH AVERASE FOR HYDRO DIESEL mm AIIERASE GENERATION GENERATION SENERATION SYSTEH AVERASE GENERATION SENERioiTlON MONTH FLOw.CFS FLO~.CFS KWH LOAD,ktl LOAD,CF5 KWH KWH KIiH LOAD, kill LOAD,CFS KWH KWfi JAN FEB M",R APP MAY JU~ JUL AU5 ==~, ".'_! r","'''' Ul' NOV " -r L!t~ TOH~L 1 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 3 4 ~ b 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203 20 167 m 34 155 12 134 31 lB2 m 37 170 12 118 42 163 223 .. ~ ,.\.} 151 12 121 2() 15(; 205 31 128 22 3Bb 15Q 150 205 31 136 14 1530 >1000 143 196 29 123 20 2055 >1000 142 195 29 125 17 2091:, ) 100,) 157 215 32 140 17 1883 >1000 192 2b3 39 lB4 B i36l ;. 1(1(10 21B 299 45 209 9 t.IO 265 22B 312 47 221 7 328 Bi 234 321 48 229 r .J 2126 1971 155 (1) Frof Fi~ure 4.1 (2i Fro; estimated Ta:ilina River flows, discussed in Section 4.3 (~,) Based on lediuli load forecast in Table 3.3 and lontllly Dea~ ratio in lable 3.1 (4) Based on 730 hours oer lonth (5) Froll klri=eGH/ll.8 (e=0.79. H=100) (6) Based on hydro capability evaluation. as in Table 5.1 (7j Svstel. ~eI1eration (3) -hydro Ql!nention (b) 253 347 52 245 B 2i6 378 5b 251 .,t L,I 246 m ~O 207 39 'Z17 311 46 lB9 38 226 310 46 220 b 217 297 44 205 . ~ ,~ 214 293 44 205 9 237 ~.,r ~ .. ~ 48 m 9 291 m 60 2B5 ~ m 451 67 322 7 345 473 71 330 15 355 486 73 338 17 3216 3025 191 SECTION 6 GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS 6.1 AVAILABLE INFORMATION The general area of the Upper Tazimina River was previously investigated to support consideration of a regional Tazimina project for the 1982 Interim Feasibility Assessment (IFA). Shannon & Wilson performed field work from August to October 1981. The emphasis was on potential dam sites a few miles upstream of Tazimina Falls. Work included geologic mapping, seismic refraction studies, test drilling, digging test pits, and topographic surveying. The results of this work are documented in IFA Volume 3, Appendix E, Geotechnical Studies -Tazimina River. Only three seismic lines are in the vicinity of Tazimina Falls and these are not at specific locations of proposed Tazimina River Project components. Additional field work was performed in August 1985 to obtain site-specific information at the immediate project site directly above and below the falls. R&M Consultants, Inc. (R&M) completed seismic refraction work and SWEC engineers were at site for reconnaissance. R&M's seismic work is documented in their October 1985 report included herein as Appendix B. 6.2 SITE GEOLOGY Detailed information on area geology is presented in Sections 4 and 5 of IFA, Appendix E. Specific input at the falls site is included in Section 5.7 thereof. Based on available information, the following observations are made. 1. The general surficial geologic conditions at Tazimina Falls and the deep canyon gorge immediately downstream are glacial till and/or glacio-fluvial outwash and terrace debris overlaying bedrock. The gorge is cut into bedrock. The bedrock is megascopically classified as tuff and/or andesite. Geologic features are mapped on Figure 6.1. 6-1 2. Seismic refraction work by R&M correlates well with previous work by Shannon & Wilson. Three lines run on the left bank at and about 600 ft upstream of the falls indicate depths of unconsolidated materials and/or highly weathered rock in the 10-40 ft range. This correlates well with Shannon & Wilson work in nearby, but not identical, locations. 3. Bedrock seismic velocities are 12,000-14,000 fps for both surveys. This suggests normally fractured rock below the terraces at the general elevation of the top of the falls. This is in contrast to the closely jointed and moderately to severely weathered condition of outcrops in the canyon. It is inferred from these observations that significant weathering does not extend to depths greater than 10 to 15 feet. 4. A number of aerial photo lineaments, aligned generally perpendicular to the course of the Tazimina River, cross the canyon. These are particularly prevalent in the area from the falls to about 1000 ft downstream. In some cases, these lineaments can be identified in thick glacial outwash as well as in bedrock and thin glacial deposits. These features probably represent zones of very close jointing and/or shearing. 5. The canyon walls must, in general, be considered unstable. The walls consist of rock spires and numerous scree slopes. Bent tree trunks are observed on more vegetated portions. Therefore, high potential exists for rockfall in outcrop areas and creep and landslides in soil-filled gullies. 6. Potential powerhouse sites in the canyon appear to be located in areas of shallow bedrock covered with thin, sometimes discontinuous, deposits of alluvial cobbles a~d boulders. 7. No unusual conditions are anticipated in the area to be traversed by the access road. Most soils appear to be silty sands and gravels, probably of glacial outwash and/or ground moraine origin. 6-2 Localized bogs and kettle lakes are common. A high groundwater table should be anticipated throughout the area. 6.3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS The steep, rugged terrain and the jointed, weathered exposed rock in the canyon complicate the technical factors of siting the hydro project at Tazimina Falls. The following items were considered in developing the project alternatives defined in Section 7. 1. Surface powerhouse locations within the Tazimina River canyon would be subject to continuous rockfall unless extensive slope protection/stabilization is installed above the location. 2. Powerhouse locations should avoid any of the lineaments identified on the geologic map. Blocky, fragmented, and/or squeezing ground could be encountered in such areas. An underground powerhouse probably requires at least roof support and possibly a full lining. Rock bolts, mesh, and shotcrete should provide adequate protection for access openings. 3. It is considered highly inadvisable to incorporate any scheme which would involve a conduit located on the wall of the Tazimina River canyon. It would be extremely difficult to adequately anchor such a conduit and the subsequent installation would be subject to continuous rockfall. 4. Any road built on the wall of the canyon would require extensive cuts and slope stabilization and would probably still require continuous maintenance due to rockfall. 5. For the alignment of the access road, the main consideration is to avoid bogs and areas of seasonal standing water. Such areas can be accommodated in road construction, but only with increased cost. It is also possible that localized pockets of permafrost might be encountered. 6-3 6. It should be possible to develop suitable gravel sources almost anywhere in the area to be traversed by the access road. It is likely that constraints other than geologic/geotechnical, such as surface and subsurface estates, gravel costs, convenience, etc, will determine the optimum gravel borrow area or areas for the project. 6-4 STATION NORTHING ROADHOUSE AZ 2 2140823.50 PICK 2177995.30 Til-I 2152213.09 TR-2 2154365.63 TR-3 2157508.01 TR·4 2157015.65 1/4 CORNER 2143972.90 --- AU~:AI 5ufNfVS tNt: a. RaM CONSULTANTS j INC MRMH/OEP 4/~}/86 EASTING ELEVATION 377994.17 3231.88 382273.99 22 I L 53 370888.28 701. 06 370298.29 630_ 37 372713.46 703.80 374413.42 830.75 371246.03 2570.97 /" ) ~ ~ I. THIS MAP IS BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Of SEPTEMBER 20, 1985. 2. THE BASIS Of HORIZONTAL AN~ VERTiCAL CONTROL IS TRILATERATION STATION ROADHOUSE AZ 2. THE BASIS OF AZIMUTH ORIENTATION IS THE BEARING BETWEEN ROADHOUSE AZ 2 AND TRIANGULATION STATiON PICK_ 3 THIS MAP IS A TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION BASED ON ALASKA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE 5, NAO 27. 4. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET_ 200 400 ; I t-iORIZONTAL SCALE: lit. 200' CONTOUR INTERVAL'S' LEGEND Qu undivided alluvial and glaciol deposita 00 outwash Of 'erroce materials Om moroinal deposits basaUje dike / attitude of beddinl" 1.'" ~ aUi tude of s heor lone ~ a';ol trend and plunql 0' .moll syncline /"" /""" pfominant lineament (air photo) /" /",,,,, moderate lineoment fa p) /" /...... min(... lineament (a p) -' -,;,,-,,'-' contact "'... /'eismit refraction traverse / '"SL"-1962 "nt-1965 GEOLOGIC MAP TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY !!~~ ~c!,:!!,":'L!~y,!!, .. ~,:,,!.9: ANCHOAAGE, Al.ASKA 551130-T-lof Figure 6.1 SECTION 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7.1 GENERAL The Tazimina River project is a run-of-river development. There is no forebay dam or structure for water storage. The components of the project are an intake, penstock, powerhouse, transmission line, and access road. The relative location of the intake, penstock, and powerhouse at the falls is shown on Figure 7.1. The project features are discussed in detail in this section of the report. This includes various alternatives considered during the study, as defined below. Alternative 1 -Well scheme with turbine and lineshaft assembly in a drilled hole. Alternative 2 -Canyon powerhouse with access and penstock routing down canyon wall. Alternative 3 -Underground powerhouse with access routing in vertical shaft. Alternative 4 -Canyon powerhouse with vertical shaft. and pens tock Al ternative 5 -Downstream canyon powerhouse with vertical shaft. 7.2 INTAKE The layout of the intake and river channel features are shown on Figure 7.1. The intake structure is defined on Figure 7.2. The shoreline intake structure is approximately 250 ft upstream of the falls on the left bank, at a naturally occurring riffle extending toward mid-channel from the left bank. The trashrack is submerged below minimum water level to avoid ice problems, and it is sized for 2 ft/sec to avoid ice entrainment. Provisions are included for a stationary fish screen, to be installed if 7-1 necessary, to exclude adult char and grayling. Velocities are limited to 2 ft/sec through the open area of the screen surface. If used, the stationary screen would be removed in winter. Hoist equipment is provided at the intake to handle the shutoff slide gate or the stationary screen panels, if necessary. The slide gate is normally open, but can be closed to isolate the penstock. Excavation will be required in the stream bed in front of the intake to assure adequate water flow to the intake. The excavation will be concrete lined as indicated in Figure 7.2. A concrete sill approximately flush with the existing bed level will extend from the right bank across the stream for about 85 ft or one-half the channel width. This sill will avoid degradation of the right side of the stream bed which could adversely affect flow of water into the intake structure. A buried pipe extends downstream from in front of the intake to sluice away sediment deposition. 7.3 PENSTOCK The 4 ft diameter penstock extends from the intake structure to the powerhouse and is buried in the left bank. The penstock length is 270 ft to the powerhouse. It is routed along the terrace roughly adjacent to the river to avoid increased burial depths at higher ground away from the river. As discussed in Section 6, it is not advisable to route the penstock along the canyon wall to the powerhouse because the weathered rock makes anchoring difficult and continuing rockfall could damage the installed pipe. The pipe is fiberglass reinforced (FRP) which is s ignif icant ly lighter in weight than steel. This should be beneficial in reducing costs for shipping, handling, and installation. The difference in elevation of the intake invert versus the surface elevation on the left bank downstream near the powerhouse area is significant. Substantial cut and fill is required with burial depths at some portions of the alignment exceeding 30 ft for gravity arrangement of the flow line. The powerhouse location for Alternatives 2 and 4 is further downstream. The penstock extends an additional 230 ft for a total length of 500 ft. This penstock extension is costly since large cuts and fills continue. 7-2 Burial depth exceeds 40 ft for gravity flow. Raising the vertical alignment of the penstock extension for siphon operation was considered to reduce cut and fill quantities. About one-half of the total 500 ft alignment can be raised approximately 18 ft. The siphon system reduces the total capital cost estimate of the hydro scheme by about $400,000 or 5 percent. However, a siphon penstock increases operational complexity and maintenance due to requirements for a priming system, valves and controls. Although a siphon system may be considered in further design work on the project, for the purposes of this study, further consideration of a siphon penstock was dropped in favor of the operational simplicity of the gravity system. 7.4 POWERHOUSE The steep ruggedness of the canyon limits options for powerhouse siting to obtain reasonable access for construction and for normal operations. Cutting a road for access into the canyon is not an acceptable option because extensive cuts and slope stabilization would be required. Civil costs for viable powerhouse concepts are the dominant factor in defining total capital cost of the hydro project. Thus, the preferred hydro alternative is one which reduces the civil capital costs and provides the lowest total present worth as defined in Section 10. Several powerhouse al ternatives, identified in Section 7.1, were investigated in order to select a preferred alternative for the feasibility study. 7.4.1 Preferred Scheme The preferred hydro scheme (Alternative 1) uses a vertical turbine/generator arrangement. This allows the machine to be set at the proper elevation relative to tailwater by lowering turbine, water column, and shaft down a drilled hole (see Figure 7.3). The shaft length from generator down to turbine runner is about 150 ft. This is similar to a pump in a well. The shaft with lineshaft bearings is proven pump technology. This alternative is referred to as the "well scheme". For the purposes of this study, we have considered TKW turbines by Byron Jackson, although similar equipment from other manufacturers may be available. The 7-3 TKW unit is not just a pump running in reverse. It is a turbine with adjustable wicket gates which is needed to meet the widely varying load requirements. This vertical arrangement allows the "powerhouse" to be at the surface on the left abutment and provides easy operational access. Maintenance on the turbine will require piece-by-piece removal of water column and shaft. As the assembly is pulled from the hole the turbine equipment is removed at the top of the hole and is thus accessible within the powerhouse. The installation is two units for a total installed capacity of 700 kW. The 900 rpm turbine is coupled through the lineshaft to the generator mounted at the surface on the floor of the powerhouse. Individual generator output is 350 kW at full gate turbine operation. At full output, the total hydraulic capacity of the two units is about 100 cfs. The net head is considered constant for this study at 100 ft. Load requirements are much less than the potential energy output of the site. Energy generation varies to meet load requirements. Estimated hydro generation is initially 1,971 MWh in 1991 and 3,025 MWh at the end of the planning period. Wicket gates and turbine speed are controlled by a governor. Accessory installation includes electrical controls and protection equipment. The hydro plant will be operated remotely from the existing diesel station in Newhalen. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) equipment is provided. A powerhouse crane is provided to handle the generators and lineshaft assemblies. Electrical equipment includes switchgear and a 480v -25 kV three-phase step-up transformer rated 1000 KVA. 7.4.2 Turbine Equipment Three types of turbine units are considered for this study: horizontal Francis, cross flow , and the TKW unit. Alternative 1 is a unique solution for the hydro scheme using the TKW turbine-generator units. The remaining alternatives, discussed below, have the normal powerhouse arrangement. Any of the three types of generating equipment can be used. Crossflow units offer the benefit of a wide operating range. The present worth analysis in 7-4 Section 10 indicates that the most beneficial installed capacity is 700 kW. This is provided by two TKW units at 350 kW each for Alternative 1. Alternatives 2 through 5 have one crossflow unit at 700 kW. 7.4.3 Alternatives The second least costly concept (Alternative 3), is an underground scheme as def ined in Figure 7.5. This provides personnel access and penstock routing in a vertical shaft. The 15 ft diameter of the shaft is the minimum constructible size. Increased costs for the shaft excavation and for the powerhouse are significant. This scheme allows tailrace excavation material to be removed to the left abutment surface via the vertical shaft. This would reduce construction activities within the confines of the canyon. Other alternatives with the powerhouse in the canyon were considered. Acceptable powerhouse sites within the canyon are somewhat downstream of the falls. The increased cost for additional buried penstock to these sites is significant and results in higher total project costs. Alternative 2 has a powerhouse in the canyon at the base of the rock wall downstream of the falls. The penstock is routed down the canyon wall in a notch excavated in the rock to remove undesirable weathered material. Extensive rock bolting is used to stabilize the rock face. Access to the powerhouse is by inclined elevator routed down the wall in the same notch. This scheme is shown in Figure 7.4. There are operational drawbacks to this arrangement. Access in and out of the canyon will be complicated by adverse weather conditions including ice effects from spray from the falls. Also, personnel moving within the canyon, as well as the powerhouse structure therein, are subject to the possibility of falling weathered rock from the canyon walls above. Furthermore, the excavation on the canyon wall will result in increased aesthetic impact. As a modification to the underground scheme, Alternative 4 was considered which moved the powerhouse out into the canyon at the base of the wall, and retained the vertical shaft for access. The resulting tunnel from the bottom of the shaft to the powerhouse is costly. Alternative 5, a 7-5 variation of Alternative 4, sites the powerhouse 400 ft further downstream. This alternative is shown on Figure 7.6. The buried routing of the penstock for an additional 400 ft adds further to the total project cost. 7.5 ACCESS ROAD AND TRANSMISSION LINE The project access road is routed along the alignment shown on Figure 7.7 from the existing Newhalen-Nondalton road to the project site at the falls. The road is 6.7 miles long with a 16 ft wide gravel surface. Appropriate cross drainage is provided by 24 in diameter culverts. As indicated in Section 6, it is anticipated that gravel sources in the area are adequate for road construction. The primary intent in routing the road is to avoid aquatic impacts at stream crossings. There are no stream crossings in the chosen route. This is not possible for any alignments south of Alexcy Lake. The transmission line is a 24 kV system buried along an alignment immediately adjacent to the access road. Its length is likewise 6.7 miles to a point of tie-in to the existing line running north to Nondalton. Telephone line will be buried in the trench with the transmission cable. This telephone line will be the remote control link to the unmanned hydroelectric plant from the operational control point at the existing diesel station in Newhalen. The width of clearing for the access road/transmission line corridor is approximately 60 ft. The alignment is shown in more detail on photo mosaics in Figures 7.8-7.11. 7-6 • ... " • :: ,.,.., .' -t-,." r ......, (t) -t -' TAZIMINA FALLS .. ' ,." T'-" .J POWERHOUSE SITE FOR AL TERN A nVES 2 AND 4 SCALE: 1" '" 50' o 25 50 100 PRCUECTARRANGEMENT TAZlMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY o t:... Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ~ DENVER. ca.ORAOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1; '" ., MAX W.S. El577.7 v MIN W.S. El573.2 V TOP OF DECK El579.5 APPROX RIVER BED, El570.6 TRASHRACK E l564.8 / / / / / / / / / / 1I4"MESH STATIONARY SCREEN - 2 PANELS @ 7'H x 12'W / / !IF NECESSARY) SLIDE GATE ./ / / .-.. , ~ ...... ' 10' 18' ~I·.---------~~--------~·I ~I~.--------------------~~----------------~.I A~ INTAKE CROSS-SECTION II\! ! I! 111 o .... 0 48" CIA PENSTOCK 12' SECTION A-A SCALE: 1" = 5' o 5 10 >1 24" DIA SLUICE PIPE DOWNSTREAM TOWARD FAllS INTAKE STRUCTURE TAZlMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY co o CIl F:gure 7_2 Ir\ s.-tone & 'Vebster Engineering Corporatiom ~ DENV£R. ca..OAAOO 1 GOV CONTROL 30' GOV 467± NORMAL TWl_ I'" 18' .. I GRATING WITH COVER PLATE (TYp) ~----,-Ii. UNIT 18' -----'-Ii. UNIT PLAN -POWERHOUSE SCALE: 1" = 10' o 5 10 20 -5,0 CROSS-SECTION SCALE: 1" = 10' o 5 10 20 EL 600 ----~--LADDER L_-l EXCAVATION LINE ~ ENCLOSING COLUMN 47"CASING " . .,'" ";.' . :, " " CASING GENERA TOR, 350 kW OlJTPUT (2 UNITS FOR INSTALLED CAPACITY OF 700 kW) 48" DIA PENSTOCK --INVERT EL 533' LlNESHAFT 30" PENsvOCK (WATER COLUMN) MAX DIMENSION OF TURBINE EQPT L1NESHAFT CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE PENSTOCK (WATER COLUMN) ALTERNATIVE 1 WELL SCHEME TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Figure 7.3 _-TURBINE RUNNER, EL 457 &stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ~ DENVER, COLORADO 5' ~---~ 20' ROCK BOLTS (TYP) SECTION A-A NOTCH IN ROCK WALL OF CANYON o SCALE: 1":: 5' 5 10 FOR POWERHOUSE PLAN SEE FIGURE 7,5 SLIDE GATE AND OPERATOR / 467± NORMAL TWL ~~ ~"'_±_LO_W __ TW __ L ____________ __ . . '. ~. -. . ELEV MACHINE ROOM .~- L] I L--l , -----------------~--, : I --- - - - ----t_::.:::'-=::!--INVERT El 562 48" orA PENSTOCK CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1" = 10' I) 5 10 20 -UNIT £. EL 475 700kW CROSS FLOW TURBINE Figure 7.4 ALTERNATIVE 2 CANYON POWERHOUSE WITH ACCESS DOWN CANYON WALL TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY & Slone & Webslcr Engineering Corporal ion ........ DENVER. COlORADO TAZlMINA RIVER / 467± NOAMAL lWL FLYWHEEL BREAKER PLAN· UNDERGROUND POWER PLANT SCALE: 1" = 10' o 5 10 20 1,000 L B ELEV CAGED LADDER 700kW CROSS FLOW TURBINE SECTIONA·A SCALE: 1":: 10' o 5 10 20 ROCK LINE ------- SHOTCRETE 5' 0 SLIDE GATE AND OPERATOR '" I ELEV MACHINE ROOM SH,AFT HOUSE "' r 48" OIA PENSTOCK -t>r'-"-'-'-_c-INVERT EL563' SHOTCRETE , 15· OIA SHAFT ELEVRAILS _rr-..,....JI LADDER LANDING CAGE --iiTt-1lH--UNIT <t ~~~------~~ EL4~' Figure 7.5 ALTERNATNE3 UNDERGROUND POWERHOUSE TAZlMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY & Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ..... DENVER, COlO!WlO 453± NORMAL TWL SLIDE GATE AND OPERATOR , '., . .'.,' . ~ FOR POWERHOUSE PLAN SEE FIGURE 7.5 700kW CROSS FLOWTURBINE TUNNEL SCALE: 1" 10' o 5 10 20 " ELEV MACHINE ROOM SHAFT j "'" wi' "'" "","" #~~~1 HOUSE SHOTCRETE I I 15' DIA SHAFT '. '. < ELEV RAILS --,.,.-__. SHOTCRETE .' '. '. ~ i. .. ELEVATOR PENSTOCK El630 i··-.J ~ EXCAVATION LINE r..J I 48" DIA PENSTOCK (FOR SHAFT CROSS-SECTION, SEE FIGURE 7.5) LADDER I.ANDING CAGE Figure 7.6 ALTERNATIVE 5 DOWNSTREAM CANYON POWERHOUSE WITH VERTICAL SHAFT TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY R\ Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation ~ DENVER, COlORAOO --~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 24 ' HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~ STONE & WEBSTER .,., ENGINEERING CORPORATION FIGURE 7.7 INDEX MAP OF PHOTO MOSIAC COVERAGE (FIGURES 7.8 -7.11) o OJ) ., ., o <t J 1 , , " :i 'f ' 1 J 1 J ,.,-, . FOR LOCAllON OF COVERAGE ON THIS SHEET, SEE FIGURE 7.7 SCALE: 1" = 200' 200 400 ANCH OR A GE, ALASt< ... STO:-;E .\' WEIISTEH E:'-o'(;j:'-o'nWI:'-o'(; ('O I!I'OI!ATIO:-; DENVER, COtOFUOO I D~AWI"'Q !\IUWBE .. ; 55 II 3 0 -M -10 of I 0 Figure 7.8 1 . ",' :~. " .. - 1 . .-. 'f/ ~:, :. :.!~: t · ;;~:T~: ~,;.'::. :~:~~;~:;~¢\~. <'/ ;r.r". '~~\':?,.Y":""'·· .. ~*. -, ~"~:~.i ~'~~frJ2 :':~<;:'~!;~'-: ~~\~~~ .. "c:-" :;.... .. '~~'s' .' . _, •.•.. , .~.,;"I S<. 1 1 1 FOR LOCATION OF COVERAGE ' ON THIS SHEET, SEE FIGURE 7.7 SCALE: 1" = 200 ' , 00 200 400 ACCESS ROAD I TRANSMISSION LINE ALIGNMENT SHEET2 TAZIMINA RIVER HYOROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AN C H O R AGE , ALASt<A 5511 30 -M - 9 of 10 STO NE & Wlm STEI! 1,::W ;INEI ':H1N(; ('O JlI'O IlATION OfN'iER , CO LO R A DO Fig ure 7 .9 1 1 1 1 SHEET 4 FOR LOCATION OF COVERAGE ON THIS SHEET, SEE FIGURE 7.7 SCALE: 1" = 200' o 100 200 400 ACCESS ROAD / TRANSMISSION LINE ALIGNMENT SHEET 3 TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~~'!~, S~ .. ~~,t;~:~ .. ~:~!._~~~; ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DfIIAWINQ NU ... f": 551130-M-50f 10 ....... 0 FO.,& STONy.; & WEnSTER y.;NGINI':ERING conpOHATION Dill ... """'0 H uw IE": OfNYER, COLORADO Figure 7.10 1 1 1 1 f END OF COVERAGE FOR LOCATION OF COVERAGE ON THIS SHEET, SEE FIGURE 7.7 SCALE: 1" = 200' a 100 200 400 ACCESS ROAD I TRANSMISSION LINE ALIGNMENT SHEET4 TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ",.,CHOAAGE, ALASK ... 551130· M -7of 10 ~"E""'AED FOA : STON~: &< WEOSTEIl E:>I(; IN EEIlIN(; r.OHI'OflA TlON DENVER, COLQRAOO D""WItIllQ HUW. f": Figure 7.11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 8 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 8.1 GENERAL The development of a small hydroelectric plant at Tazimina Falls will involve an intake, penstock, and powerhouse immediately at the falls. There is no forebay dam or structure for water storage. Water surface elevations in the river will not be increased. Access to the site will be by a new access road from the existing Newhalen-Nondalton Road. Power generated at the plant will be transmitted to the existing Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC) system via a 24 kV transmission line which will be buried beside the access road. Meetings have been held with affected federal, state, and local agencies and organizations to discuss concerns and potential impacts related to the proposed project. These consultations have identified fishery resource related impacts as the major issue concerning hydro development in the 1 area. Enhanced access to the uninhabited area of Alexcy Lake and Tazimina Falls could alter natural resource use and affect recreational wilderness experience. Yet, the way of life in surrounding communities should be essentially unchanged. Existing sport and subsistence use of the area IS fish and wildlife resources can continue. At the same time, customers of INNEC will enjoy less expensive electrical energy production from hydro. Thus, overall proj ect impact is expected to be minimal. The Tazimina River drainage was previously investigated for environmental considerations to support study of a regional Tazimina project for the 1982 Interim Feasibility Assessment (IFA). Dames &, Moore performed field work which is documented in IFA Volume 4, Appendix G, Environmental Report. 1 Letter from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Alaska Power Authority, August 14, 1985. Letter from Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game to Alaska Power Authority, August 20, 1985. 8-1 As part of the present feasibility study, additional field work has been performed in 1985 and 1986 to address site specific aquatic and archeological issues. This additional field work is specifically discussed in Sections 8.2 and 8.5, below. In general the following discussion of project environmental issues is based on the details in the 1982 IFA as supplemented by input from 1985/1986 field work. If a FERC license application is prepared, this environmental assessment will be the basis for development of Exhibit E, Environmental Report. Exhibit E would include documentation of agency consultations in accordance with regulatory requirements. The scope of permit requirements for construction of the project is indicated in Appendix I. 8.2 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 8.2.1 Fishery Resources Four species of fish are found in the Tazimina River in the area of the proposed hydro project. A discussion of habitat follows. 1. The Kvichak River drainage, of which the Tazimina River is tributary, is the largest producer of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Bristol Bay Management Area. Sockeye spawning has been documented in the Tazimina River upstream from the Newhalen River confluence to Tazimina Falls. Sport, commercial, and subsistence utilizations of sockeye comprise major roles in the socioeconomic viability of Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton. Impacts to the life cycle of the sockeye salmon and its habitat are a most important factor in assessing hydro development. 2. Although not fished commercially, the Tazimina River population of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) supports guiding and sport fishing opportunities. Access to these fish is gained by air transpor- tation, riverboat travel from local villages, and float trips 8-2 on the Tazimina below the falls. Relatively large numbers of rainbow trout exist in the I liamna watershed because they are not overexploited. Although the designation of the Bristol Bay Wild Trout zone has focused angler attention on these large resident rainbows, area remoteness, inaccessibility, and management considerations have limited sport harvesting. Terminal gear restrictions, spawning fish protection, and catch and release fishing promotions are actions instituted by the Alaska Board of Fisheries to maintain vigorous rainbow populations. The rainbow trout feed on all life stages of aquatic insects, small fish, and salmon eggs. As rainbows follow spawning sockeye salmon, the magnitude of the salmon runs may affect the juvenile rainbows survivability and the adult rainbows winter condition. Any adverse impact to sockeye salmon may contribute to the detriment of the rainbow trout in the Tazimina drainage. 3. Characteristically found in clear water, Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) are common in the Tazimina River drainage. As such, they are susceptible to man-made habitat changes such as pollution, stream siltation, and abrupt variances in water temperature. Additionally, their slow growth and ease of capture render these populations susceptible to overharvesting which might occur with increased accessibility to the area. 4. Char (Salvelinus spp.) occur throughout the Tazimina drainage, both above and below the falls. Detailed migration and spawning patterns have not been determined in this watershed. The economic value of char in terms of subsistence and sport fishing is unknown. 8.2.2 Field Investigations Dames & Moore made five field trips to the Tazimina River from late July to mid-October in 1981 to support the regional effort for the Bristol Bay IFA. The study area extended from the mouth of the river upstream to Upper Tazimina Lake. This 1981 effort provided a general definition of fishery habitat and resources in the river. Tazimina Falls is at River Mile (RM) 8-3 9.5 and the mouth of the canyon is downstream at RM 8.5. The main 1981 study focus was from the mouth of the river to the mouth of the canyon and was on sockeye salmon. The other study focus area in 1981 was from the vicinity of the USGS gage station to Upper Tazimina Lake and was on resident fish. The river area from the mouth of the canyon (RM 8.5) up to the USGS gage (RM 11.5) was not studied in any detail in 1981. Based upon limited 1981 observations and personal communications from Pat Poe (now with University of Alaska, Juneau), the canyon area below the fa1ls (RM 9.5 to RM 8.5) is occupied seasona1ly by rainbow trout, grayling, and char. In most years, relatively few adult sockeye salmon enter the canyon area to spawn. In large escapement years, more individual sockeye adults enter this area but this is sti1l a relatively sma1l part of the entire run. A cascade at RM 9 is a partial barrier to upstream migration. However, some sockeye adults have been seen all the way up to the base of the main fa1ls (Poe, personal communications). Sockeye salmon eggs have been seen in back eddies in the canyon during spawning, suggesting the substrate and or density of spawners to available substrates results in many eggs being lost. Visual observations of most of the river substrate in the canyon indicates it is solid rock or large boulders with little gravel. Small rainbow trout taken in the lower canyon suggest some spawning may take place in that area. Solid rock substrate and high river velocities in many areas of the canyon limit available fish habitat there. In the spring of 1982 (May 22-24), Dames & Moore made a field investigation to provide specific information about conditions immediately upstream of the falls. Limited resident fish habitat, characterized by high velocities and hard substrates, persisted over a distance at least 500 ft. above the falls. Gillnet, electro-shocking, seining, and angling operations failed to capture any fish. Some cottids were sighted. No grayling, rainbow trout, or char were seen by foot or helicopter within the first mile above the falls. To supplement information on conditions at the immediate project area and to assess low-flow habitat, Dames & Moore made field trips to the site on July 1-7 and August 18-19, 1985. Findings are documented in their report 8-4 dated September 24, 1985 (see Appendix C). During these survey periods, flow conditions were unusually high which frustrated efforts to sample in the immediate vicinity of the falls. River flows ranged from 3,500 cfs to 4,100 cfs. Under the observed flow conditions, fish habitat is severely limited within approximately 600 ft. of the top of the falls. However, minnow trapping efforts within 300 ft. of the falls did demonstrate the presence of cottids in both early July and late August, as well as the presence of small char in late August. ADF&G personnel conducted a fish habitat survey at the falls on May 14 and 15, 1986. The purpose was to assess rainbow trout spawning below the falls and to determine the need to screen the intake above the falls. This survey was timed to coincide with the peak period of rainbow trout spawning in the river. Their findings are documented in a letter report to the Power Authority dated June 25, 1986 (see Appendix D). Visual observations, electrofishing, hook and line fishing, minnow traps, and gillnet were used. Two char and five scu1pins were collected below the falls. Two char were caught above the falls. Surveys also addressed aquatic impacts of access road alignments. This was investigated during the field trips in July/August 1985 and on May 13-16, 1986. Routes to the north and south of Alexcy Lake were evaluated. The findings of the 1985 work are documented in Appendix C. The report for the 1986 work is in Appendix E. 8.2.3 Findings Observations indicate that little if any successful spawning occurs in the canyon near the falls (Appendix D). During construction and operation of the hydro project measures will be implemented to mitigate impacts. These will include adherence to Title 16 permit requirements and APA best management practices for erosion and sediment control and handling fuel and hazardous materials. Based on these considerations, the powerhouse and tailrace should not have a negative impact upon spawning, rearing, or migration of fish in the Tazimina River (Appendix D). 8-5 The May 1986 field work also addressed the need to screen the intake. Information from this and other surveys indicate that low numbers of resident grayling and char occur at the intake site (Appendix D). Furthermore, the project design does not alter the stream in a manner that would attract fish to the intake site. Therefore, provisions are for a stationary screen with a mesh size of 0.25 inch to exclude fish from entering the system. These screens will be used if required by final agency resolution of this issue. If used, the stationary screen would be removed in winter. The Alexcy Lake system with its associated inlet and outlet streams is used by sockeye salmon spawners. It constitutes the second largest drainage, after the Tazimina River, tributary to the Newhalen River downstream of Sixmile Lake. Access road alignments south of Alexcy Lake cross significant tributaries feeding the lake. Field observations indicate the presence of sockeye salmon, char, and cottids. The chosen alignment of the road north of Alexcy Lake does not cross any streams or ponds. This avoids any direct impact on fish habitat. The only sensitive consideration is proximity to Alexcy Lake. This will be mitigated by control of erosion and runoff. The construction of the access road to the project site will improve human access to the area. This will result in increased fishing pressure on resources in the lower Tazimina River, Alexcy Lake area, and Tazimina Lakes region. This is perhaps the greatest impact of the project. Access might be controlled by gating the road. 8.3 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY The access road/transmission line corridor is the major consideration for terrestrial impacts. The transmission line is routed immediately adjacent to the access road in the same 6.7 mile-long corridor. Terrestrial habitat along the road varies from open low scrub and lichen communities to a sparse, white spruce woodland (cover 10-25 percent). Essentially, the area is interspersed by short, stunted white spruce which appear to be dominant 8-6 but overall cover is generally less than 10 percent. This vegetation type extends over most of well drained upland areas adjacent to the Tazimina River and extending to the project site. The access road/transmission line corridor will require the clearing of approximately 50 acres. Wildlife in the project area include brown bear, moose, fox, beaver and caribou. Wetlands and riparian areas south and east of Alexcy Lake provide important habitat. Moose and brown bear attract many resident and non-resident hunters. Because of relatively easy access from the communities of Iliamna, Newhalen, Port Alsworth, and Nondalton, moose in the area are a highly prized subsistence resource. Brown bear is relatively common in the area. The transmission line will be buried to avoid raptor impact. The location of the access road avoids wildlife habitat areas south and east of Alexcy Lake. The primary impact on wild life may be increased hunting pressure resulting from improved access to the area if allowed by land owners. 8.4 WATER USE AND QUALITY The project area of the Tazimina River drainage is uninhabited and no water alteration to natural watershed characteristics has occurred. The primary use of the Tazimina River is related to fish resources. Recreational fishing occurs during the open water months with heaviest use on the lower Tazimina River and lighter use of the upstream lake area. Subsistence fishing by residents of the Sixmile Lake area also concentrates on the lower river. The substantial run of sockeye salmon contributes to sport, subsistence, and commercial fisheries that occur downstream and in Bristol Bay. The water quality in the Tazimina River is pristine, and is characteristically clear, highly oxygenated, very soft, and low in alkalinity. Mineralization is low and nutrient concentrations are low to moderate. The project is not expected to have any adverse impact on water quality except during construction when soil erosion and sedimentation is 8-7 possible. These construction related impacts will be mitigated by management practices as discussed in Section 8.2.3. Furthermore, it is anticipated that in-stream work at the intake area will be within containments (dikes, cofferdams) which will mitigate sedimentation effects and maintain local streambed stability. River flows will not be altered except immediately at the falls. Generating flows will be diverted through the shoreline intake above the falls and discharged back into the canyon at the base of the falls. Discharge over the falls could be greatly reduced during the low flow months of January through April. At times the diversion could nearly equal total streamflow and essentially dry up the falls. 8.5 HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Previous work relating to historical and archeological resources was conducted in the Tazimina River-Tazimina Lakes area in 1981 in conjunction with studies for a regional hydroelectric project. A literature search and preliminary field reconnaissance of the area were done. The results of these efforts are documented in the Interim Feasibility Assessment, July 1982, Appendix G -Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Environmental Report, Section 5.0 Historic and Archeological Resources. The following discussion summarizes the findings therein. The literature search revealed that there are no previous ly known cultural resources in the area. A surface survey was conducted at two previously considered powerhouse sites on the Tazimina River in T. 3S, R. 32W, Section 26, approximately one mile downstream from the presently proposed powerhouse location. No evidence of cultural resources was found at either site. An aerial reconnaissance of the shoreline around Lower Tazimina Lake was also completed. Discoveries were limited to two recent campsites. Surface inspection of these campsites indicated that neither appeared archeologica1ly significant. A more site specific archeological survey of the project area was done on May 14 and 15, 1986 by Cultural Resource Consultants. Their findings are documented in a report dated May 21, 1986 (see Appendix F). The only cultural remains located during the survey were a fragment of a microb1ade 8-8 core and a retouched flake. Both were found exposed on the surface along the edge of the river terrace northeast of Alexcy Lake on the access road alignment. The river terrace above the Tazimina, especially the section of the terrace which separates the northeast corner of Alexcy Lake and the river valley, has a very high archeological potential. The project site at the falls has no archeological potential. Prior to construction, the river terrace area will be further surveyed and tested. This is not expected to be a significant impact on project feasibility since minor adjustments to access road alignment should avoid any sites. It is anticipated that there are no extremely large sites along the terrace edge. 8.6 AESTHETIC RESOURCES Facilities at the falls would constitute an intrusion into an otherwise undisturbed area of special scenic values. People come into the area to observe the falls and canyon. The intake structure will be set back into the terrace along the left bank looking downstream. The powerhouse building will be on the left bank immediately adjacent to the falls. Within the canyon, the tailrace outlet will be visible. These features are of a size and jor layout which affords relatively minimal visual impact compared to the scale of natural features at the canyon setting. Project features will present intrusion when viewed from the air. This is especially true of the access road. It will be visible to sports persons flying into the area and it will degrade the wilderness experience. The intrusion of transmission line structures is avoided by burial of the cable. 8-9 SECTION 9 PROJECT COSTS 9.1 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS Quantities are developed from layouts for each hydroelectric alternative. Site-specific unit costs were applied to estimate direct costs. The estimates include costs for turbine-generator equipment from written budgetary quotes from manufacturers. Each estimate includes allowance for indeterminates (AFI) at 10 percent of direct costs. Also included are the indirect costs of engineering and design, construction management, and interest during construction (IDC). The construction period is assumed to be May 1989 to December 1990 (see Section 11, Project Schedule). The allowance for IDC is $500,000 which might not be appropriate if the work is undertaken by the Power Authority. Mobilization/demobilization is estimated to be $400,000. Cost of land is not included in the estimates. 9.2 RESULTS The total estimated capital cost of each hydroelectric alternative is given below. Alternative 1 3 2 4 5 Description Well Scheme Underground PH with vertical shaft Canyon PH with access down canyon wall Canyon PH with vertical shaft D/S Canyon PH with vertical shaft Total Estimated Capital Cost* (SOOO) 7,400 7,900 8,500 8,900 10,200 *Includes AFI and indirects (engineering/design, construction management, and IDC). Civil costs are a significant majority of the direct costs for any hydro scheme at Tazimina Falls. Major items are cut and cover of the penstock at relatively large depth and construction of 6.7 miles of access road. 9-1 Although penstock lengths vary, these two items are common to all al ternatives. Differences are seen in varying powerhouse locations and arrangements. Alternative 1 has the lowest cost because drilled shafts for the TKW units replace powerhouse construction. Furthermore, this concept allows the "powerhouse" to be located adjacent to the falls. This significantly reduces penstock length. Alternative 3 is $500,000 more than the well scheme. As for Alternative 1, the powerhouse location adjacent to the falls significantly reduces penstock length compared to Alternatives 2, 4, and 5. Alternative 3 incurs the increased expense of underground excavation for the powerhouse and the vertical shaft. The unique cost item for Alternative 2 is rock excavation and rock bolting on the canyon wall. Alternative 4 has a higher total cost due to the vertical shaft and horizontal tunnel to the powerhouse. Alternative 5 has the highest estimated cost because of penstock costs to the furthest downstream powerhouse site. The breakdown of the cost estimates by FERC line items is given for Alternatives 1 through 5 in Table 9.1. For the preferred scheme (AI ternative 1), additional details, including quantities and unit costs, used in developing the estimate are given in Appendix G. 9-2 TABLE 9.1 COST ESTIMATES FOR HYDRO ALTERNATIVES fERC ACCT DESf.;RIPTIQN ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 3 ALTERNATIVE 2 ALTERNATIVE 4 ALTERNATIVE 5 330 L and and Land Rights (Not included) (Not included) (Not included) (Not included) (Not included) 331 Powerplant $659 $1,450 $1,248 $1.963 $2,358 332 waterways 1,443 1.233 1,987 1,668 2,398 333 Turbines and Generators 556 412 412 412 412 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 300 300 300 300 300 335 Hi sce 11 aneous Power Plant Equipment 115 115 115 115 115 336 Roads 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 352/353 Substation and Switching Station 50 50 50 50 50 354 Transmission 500 500 500 500 500 Mobilization and Demobilization ~ ~ ~ 400 400 5,523 5,960 6,512 6,908 8,033 Allowance for Indeterminates ~ -.MQ ~ -----.ill -----'lliZ Direct Cost $6,100 $6,600 $7,200 $7,600 $8,900 Engineering and Design 500 500 500 500 500 Construction Management 300 300 300 300 300 Interest During Construction ( a 11 owance ) --lli ~ ~ ~ -.ill Total Cost $7,400 $7,900 $8.500 $8,900 $10.200 1779R SECTION 10 ECONOMIC EVALUATION 10.1 METHOD OF ANALYSIS 10.1.1 Installed Hydro Capacity The purpose of the economic evaluation is to identify the optimum installed hydro capacity and to analyze the economic feasibility of the chosen hydro scheme. In order to compare the economic rating of hydro project schemes, a consistent, systematic evaluation method is used. The present worth of all costs and differential benefits associated with each scheme is the basis for economic comparisons. The schemes are compared with each other in terms of their ability to supply power at the lowest total cost by comparing present worth. The scheme with the lowest total present worth cost is the least costly alternative on a life-cycle basis and is the preferred hydro installation. By evaluating different schemes of varying unit size and number, installed hydro capacity is selected for Alternatives 1 and 3. 10.1.2 Economic Feasibility To analyze hydro economic feasibility, the preferred hydro scheme is compared to the diesel base case on a total present worth cost basis. The base case is the continuation of diesel power generation. Additional diesel capacity as required on the basis of load and energy demand forecast is installed at intervals through the study. Comparison is by present worth ratio (PWR). Present worth ratio is obtained by dividing the present worth of the hydro scheme into the present worth for the diesel base case. A ratio greater than 1.0 indicates the amount by which the diesel case present worth cost exceeds the present worth cost of hydro. Ratios less than 1.0 indicate the savings in diesel case present worth compared to hydro. Present worth ratios are affected by variations in input parameters. The 10-1 sensitivity of PWR is analyzed with respect to these variations using "low" and/or "high" values of input parameters. The low and high values are defined by the Power Authority for this study. 10.2 INPUT AND ASSUMPTIONS The base year for the economic analyses is 1986 with a 55-year analysis period. The length of the analysis period results from the assumed initial operation of the hydro plant in 1991 which, when combined with a 50-year hydroelectric lifetime, extends the analysis from the base year of 1986 through the year 2040. In accordance with APA I S procedures for economic analyses, inflation is assumed to be zero. All costs and present worths are expressed in terms of 1986 dollars. A discount rate of 3.5 percent is used to calculate the present worth of annual costs. The economic parameters used in all analyses to calculate present worth costs are given in Table 10.1. This includes sensitivity values for parameters. Also, in Table 10.1 is the definition of economic lifetimes for equipment. It is assumed that any equipment items that reach the end of their economic lifetimes during the period of analysis are replaced with identical units. Thus, the initial capital cost of a given equipment item is incurred at the completion of each lifetime cycle and reflected as appropriate replaced capacity. Salvage values consider credit for capital costs of equipment whose economic lifetime is not completed at the end of the study period. Diesel generation is part of any hydro alternative and the base case. When considering hydro development, diesel generation is needed as backup. The economic lifetime of reserve diesel generators is assumed to be 30 years. For the base case, diesel is the single source of generation and the economic lifetime is 20 years. The basis for determining the necessary system installed capacity, whether hydro /diesel mix or all diesel, is to meet the annual peak demand with the largest unit out of service. The existing installed diesel capacity of the INNEC system is 990kW, consisting 10-2 of three units at 330 kW each. On the above basis, diesel capacity requirements and timing of equipment replacements are defined for each different load forecast for the 55-year period of the economic analysis. This a110ws proper evaluation of capital cost expenditures for replacement diesel equipment in the present worth analyses. Diesel replacement schedules and installed capacity are tabulated for hydro Alternative 1 and the base case in Tables 10.2 and 10.3, respectively. Diesel fuel base cost is based on actual 1986 prices and is escalated accordingly to reflect changing fuel prices through the economic study period. The fuel price is applied to fuel usage based on diesel generation to give annual fuel costs. The 1986 cost of purchasing bulk diesel fuel at Naknek is $0.82 per ga11on. Transportation costs to Newhalen are about $0.28 per gallon. The resulting base price of fuel used in this study is $1.10 per gallon. Diesel fuel escalation, as defined by the Power Authority, is 2.8 percent per year from 1987 through 2005. This results in a fuel price in 2005 of $1. 86 per ga11on. It is assumed that fuel costs remain constant with no further price escalation in the remaining years of the economic analysis. Other assumptions used in present worth analyses are given below. 1. Diesel fuel usage is calculated using a fuel rate of about 12 Kwh/ ga11on. 2. The installed cost of diesel equipment is $800 per kW. 3. Costs developed in this study represent bus bar costs and do not include all costs that would comprise the true consumer cost. For example, cost allowances are not made for administration, taxes, depreciation, insurance, etc. The present worth of consumer costs would be significantly higher than the present worth of bus bar costs determined in this study. However, the inclusion of the additional consumer costs would not affect comparison of alternatives since the cost would be common to all cases. 10-3 10.3 RESULTS 10.3.1 Preferred Scheme Alternatives 1 and 3 were evaluated in present worth analyses to determine hydro installed capacity. These alternatives have the two lowest capital costs. Alternative 1 has the unique TKW vertical turbine-generator units. Alternative 3 represents the more conventional powerhouse arrangement of the other alternatives. Economic evaluation shows that the total present worth of Alternatives 1 and 3 is at a minimum in the range of 600 to 800 kW installed capacity. Furthermore, in this range present worth costs are insensitive to unit size variations. Present worth varies by about one percent. Therefore, it is appropriate to use an installed hydro capacity of 700 kW. This installed capacity is provided by two TKW units at 350 kW each for Alternative 1. Alternatives 2 through 5 have one 700 kW cross flow unit. The present worth comparison of Alternatives 1 and 3 is given below. These results are based on design basis ("medium") parameters including a discount rate of 3.5 percent and diesel fuel escalation of 2.8 percent between 1987 and 2005. Hydro Present Worth Cost Alternative ($000) No. 1 -Well Scheme with 2 TKW units @ 350 kW (700 kW) 11,181 No.3 -Underground powerhouse 1 crossflow @ 700 kW 11,768 *PWR = Base Case Present Worth Alternative Present Worth 10-4 Diesel Base Present Present Worth Worth Cost Ratio* ($000) (PWR) 12,510 1.12 12,510 1.06 Alternative 1 is the preferred hydro scheme because it has the lower total present worth cost. Furthermore, the PWR of 1.12 shows that the hydro scheme is economically attractive in comparison to diesel generation. Hydro Alternatives 1 and 3 are significantly different concepts, yet the evaluated cost of Alternative 3 is about the same as for Alternative 1. Both alternatives could be considered in more detail during project design. A sample computer worksheet showing the calculation of present worth for Alternative 1 is in Appendix H. This worksheet is representative of the detailed input and timing of costs which are the basis for present worth analysis. Figures 10.1 and 10.2 show the break down of total present worth cost into the categories of capital, 0 & M, and fuel costs. These figures illustrate the weight of capital costs in the hydro scheme. Conversely, the major factor in the base case is diesel fuel. Figure 10.3 shows cumulative present worth versus time for hydro and diesel. This illustrates relative rate of expenditures through the analysis period. 10.3.2 Sensitivity Cases The results of sensitivity cases for Alternative 1 are given below. This includes analysis of a 1000 kW hydro development to meet the high load growth forecast. The installed capacity of two TKW units at 500 kW each is defined on the basis of lowest total present worth cost. Parameter Variation Hydro Alternative 1 Present Worth Cost (SOOO) 2 TKW Units at 350 kW (700 kW) Low Load Growth (1.5%) High Load Growth (with Keyes Point) 10,800 13,491 10-5 Diesel Base Present Worth Cost (SOOO) 10,283 18,300 Present Worth Ratio (PWR) 0.95 1.36 Parameter Variation Hydro Alternative 1 Present Worth Cost ($000) 2 TKW Units at 350 kW (700 kW) Zero Fuel Escalation 10,963 High Discount Rate (4.5%) 10,154 2 TKW Units at 500 kW (1000 kW) High Load Growth (with Keyes 13,059 Point) Medium Load Growth Sensitivity (3.0%) 11,866 Diesel Base Present Worth Cost ($000) 9,498 10,085 18,300 12,510 Present Worth Ratio (PWR) 0.87 0.99 1.40 1.05 This shows that the 700 kW hydro scheme has an advantage over diesel for high load growth when the benefit of additional hydro generation is realized. For variation in other parameters, diesel generation is less costly. The 1,000 KW hydro development shows a slight advantage with a PWR of 1.05. It has a substantial advantage over the diesel base case in meeting high load growth requirements. Figure 10.4 shows change in PWR with load growth. Figures 10.5 through 10.10 show cumulative present worth versus time for variation in a given parameter for hydro and diesel. They illustrate how parameters vary the growth of present worth through the analysis period to give the total present worth costs which define PWR's. Results of the economic evaluation are sensitive to diesel fuel cost. The 1986 cost of fuel is relatively low compared to recent years. Using the current fuel cost of $1.10 per gallon, the hydroelectric development has some economic advantage ,over the base case. As shown in Figures 10.11 and 10.12, future change in diesel fuel prices could bring a more favorable advantage to development of the hydroelectric project. 10-6 TABLE 10.1 SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS PARAMETERS AND INPUT 1. Base year: 1986 2. Planning period, load growth: diesel fuel escalation: 20 years, 1986-2005 20 years, 1986-2005 3. Load growth rate: 3 percent/year (Sensitivity: "low growth" at 1. 5 percent/year and "high growth" with Keyes Point) 4. Diesel fuel escalation rate: next 19 years (Sensitivity: o percent for 1986, 2.8 percent/year for o percent for 20 years) 5. Economic analysis period: 55 years, 1986-2040 6. Inflation rate: 0 percent (all costs expressed in 1986 dollars) 7. Real discount rate: 3.5 percent (Sensitivity: 4.5 percent) 8. Diesel fuel base cost (1986): $1.10/gal. 9. Economic lifetimes for major equipment Diesel generators Primary units: Reserve units: Hydroelectric: Transmission line: 20 years 30 years 50 years 30 years 10. Initial installed diesel capacity: 3 x 330 = 990 kW 11. Diesel fuel consumption: 0.0836 gal./kWh 12. Diesel installed cost: $800/kW 13. Diesel O&M cost: Primary operation: $60,000 + $0.0175/kWh Reserve operation: $0.0175/kWh, but not less than $20,OOO/year 14. Hydroelectric O&M cost: $60,000 + $0.015/kWh, except first year add $75,000 for initial manned operation 15. Hydroelectric startup date: 1991 10-7 TABLE 10.2 DIESEL REPLACEMENT/CAPACITY SCHEDULE Backup for Hydro Alternative 1 LOAD GROWTH ADDED REPLACED INSTALLED FORECAST* YEAR CAPACITY, kW CAPACITY, kW CAPACITY, kW Low 1986 990 2006 -660 330 330 2036 330 330 Medium 1986 990 2006 -490 500 500 2036 500 500 High 1986 990 2006 990 990 2036 990 990 * Load growth forecasts are defined in Section 3.2. 10-8 TABLE 10.3 DIESEL REPLACEMENT/CAPACITY SCHEDULE Base Case LOAD GRO\l;'TH ADDED REPLACED INSTALLED FORECAST* YEAR CAPACITY, kW CAPACITY, kW CAPACITY, kW Low 1986 990 2001 990 990 2021 990 990 Medium 1986 990 1999 150 1140 2001 990 1140 2019 150 1140 2021 990 1140 2039 150 1140 High 1986 990 1990 330 1320 1995 240 1560 2001 990 1560 2010 330 1560 2015 240 1560 2021 990 1560 2030 330 1560 2035 240 1560 * Load growth forecasts are defined in Section 3.2 10-9 Capital Cost (60.6%) TAZIMINA RIV R HYDRO: MEDIUM % OF TOTAL PRESENT WORTH O&M Cost (27.5%) Figure 10.1 -BAC" MEDIUM 'ESEL 0. 0, WORTH) TOT AL PRESENT 'tal Cost (6.4% 'Z OF -COPI .0 Cost (20.9%) O&M Figure 10.2 COMPARI Of',~ OF :v1EDIUM C/\ 13 - 12 - r-, 1 1 0 0 0 10 . 0 0 0 9 ~ "-" I 8 I- 0::: a ~ 7 I- Z lU 6 - Ul W 0:: 5 n.. w > 4 i= :5 ::J 3 -::z ::J 0 2 o -~I--------~--------~--------~---- o 20 40 60 YEAR NUMBER (PERiOD 1986-2040) <> DIESEL BASE X TAZIMINA HYDRO Figure 10.3 o l- <:( et:: I l- et:: o 3';: !- Z IJJ ttl W et:: 0... ROVv'TH 1.4 .----.-----.---------------.--.-.-~.--- 1.3 1.2 1.1 --"-'.--_._._ .... _--_. -.----.------- 0.9 0.8 ----------------------,--_._--_. __ ._-----_. LOW MEDIUM H!GH LOAD GROWTH Figure 10.4 TAZI~v1INA RIVER tlY[)r~O VARIATION IN DrSCOUNT RATE 12 ---------. 11 ""' 0 10 0 0 . 0 9 0 0 #t '-/ 8 I I- 0:: 7 0 3: I-6 -z w UJ w 5 0:: n.. w 4 > ~ ~ 3 ::J :2 ::J 2 u o ~--------~--------~---------~--------~--------~---------~ o 20 40 60 YEAR NUMBER (PERIOD 1986-2040) HIGH DISCOUNT RATE X MEDIUM Figure 10.5 """' o o o o o o ~ '-/ I I- [t: o 3: I- Z W (f) W [t: n.. w > ~ ::J :2 ::J o T,L~ 1f\~IN.A RIVER HYDRO VARIATION IN LOAD GROWTH 14 ,---------,-----------,---------------------- 13 12 11 - 10 9 8- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o 4--------~----------~--------~-----~--------~--------~ o 20 40 60 YEAR NUMBER (PERIOD 1986--2040) LOW LOAD L\ HIGH LOAD X MEDIUM LOAD Figure 10.6 r--. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ~ '-" I l-n::: a ~ I-z w (I) w n::: !L w > i= 5 :J ~ :J 0 l-AZIMINA IVER HYDRO VARIATION IN FUEL ESCALAT!ON 12 ----------------------------------------~---------------------- 11 10 9 8 7 6 - 5 4 3 -- 2 o ~--------~------------~--------~----------~--------~--------_4 o 20 40 YEAR NUMBER (PERIOD 1986-2040) LOW FUEL ESCALATION 60 x tv1EDIUM Figure 10.7 "...... 0 0 0 -0 0 0 #} '-/ I I- 0::: 0 5 I- Z w U1 W 0::: a.. w > i= 3 :J L :J U DI SEL B/\S VARIATION IN DISCOUNT RATE 13 12 1 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o ~----------~----------~----------~----------~--------~----------~ o <> 20 YEAR NUM HIGH DISCOUNT RATE 40 (PERIOD 1986-2040) 60 x MEDIUM Figure 10.8 Ul SEL BASE VARiATION IN LOAD GROWTH 1 9 18 17 ,..,.. 16 a a a 15 --a 14 a a *" 13 '--/ I 1 2 ~- n::: 1 1 0 S: 10 f- Z 9 w (Il 8 w n::: (L 7 w 6 > i= S 5 ::J 4 2 ::J 3 u 2 o ~~--------~---------~----------~----------~-----------~---------4 o 20 40 60 YEAR NUMB (PERiOD 1986-2040) <> LOW LOAD 6. HIGH LOAD -x MEDIUM LOAD Figure 10.9 0-I E c' F· L B A C' E -~ ----,--) ... VARIATION IN FUEL ESCAl.ATlON 13 12 " 1 1 0 0 0 10 . 0 0 0 9 ~ '-./ I 8 l- n::: 0 S 7 I- Z w 6 (f) w n::: 5 [L w > 4 -i= :5 :::J 3 - :2 :::J U 2 o -+---------~----------~--------~----------.---------~~--------~ o 20 40 60 YEAR NUMBER (PERIOD 1986--2040) <) LOW FUEL ESCALATION X MEDIUM Figure 10.10 .... c II) I/) II) l. n. M DIUM LOAD GROWTH C/\S Diesel Base vs. TKW Scheme-2 @ 350 kW 1.5 ,--------------.----- 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 ~---~------~------... ~---_r.---~---~-------~----~ 80 100 120 140 160 Initial Fuel Cost (Cents/Gal) Figure 10.11 HIGH GROW-rH CASE Diesel vs. TKW Scheme-2 @ 500 kW 1.8 1.7 1.6 - 1.5 0 / :;::; 1.4 (] r:t: ...c 1.3 t 0 S: .... 1.2 c 11) Ul 11) 1.1 L n. 0.9 / 0.8 0.7 -+------....-------,,.-----.----.--.---.-----.-------r-----r-.. -----.-----,-----.-------i 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Initial Fuel Cost (Cents/Gal) Figure 10.12 SECTION 11 PROJECT SCHEDULE A project schedule has been formulated for the principal project activities of licensing, design, construction, and turbine -generator equipment. It is shown on Figure 11.1. The project on-line date is December 31, 1990. The schedule allows 15 months for the FERC process from submittal of the license application to issuance of the license. The construction effort starts in May 1989. It is anticipated that work through the 1989/1990 winter season would be minimal or entirely suspended. Award of the turbine-generator contract is scheduled to support project design in a timely manner. 11-1 FEASIBILITY STUDY LICENSING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TURBINE GENERATOR EQUIPMENT FINANCE PlAN DEVELOPMENT I APAISTATEREVIEW I DRAFT LICENSE APPLICATION I 2nd STAGE OF AGENCY CONSULTATION I FINALIZE LICENSE APPLICATION I FERC PROCESS FERC LICENSE ISSUED START CONSTRUCTION I ~ __ -+ __ ~~-. __ ~ ______ .-CONS~U~~-. ______ ST~ARTU~~P I I I BIOI I J TIG AWARD .tSPEC. TIG , FABRICATE, DELIVER, INSTAll TIG -----..... -------01---......;--------. Figure 11.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE REV. FEBRUARY 1987 PlANT OPERATION SECTION 12 CONCLUSIONS This feasibility study evaluates the technical, environmental, and economic aspects of the run-of-river Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project. The following conclusions are derived from the work effort. 1. Annual "medium" energy requirements for INNEC are forecast at 1834 MWh in 1986 and increasing to 3216 MWh in 2005. This excludes the potential development at Keyes Point. Including Keyes Point, the forecast increases to 4900 MWh in 2005. 2. Tazimina River summer flows substantially exceed the foreseeable energy requirements of the INNEC system. Flows peak in July and August with a monthly average discharge of nearly 2100 cfs, while project requirements are only about 100 cfs. River flows are significantly reduced from November through May. These months are critical for appropriate definition of hydro generation capability. 3. The power study indicates that optimum plant capacity for the "medium ll growth scenario is 700 kW. For "high" growth projection including Keyes Point the plant capacity is increased to 1000 kW. 4. The Tazimina Falls site is technically suitable for several project arrangements. However due to the steep topography and the ruggedness of the canyon, relatively costly civil works are required to construct the hydro project. The preferred and most economical arrangement uses a vertical turbine/generator with lineshaft assembly in a drilled hole on the left bank adjacent to the falls. All feasible alternatives employ a shoreline intake approximately 250 ft upstream of the falls, a relatively short penstock of varying length to the turbine, and a tailrace just downstream of the falls. 5. The environmental assessment which considered aquatic, archeological, water use, and aesthetic factors found no 12-1 terrestrial, impacts from the project . that would preclude its development. Although initial consultation has occurred with State and Federal regulatory agencies, review of this study and further consultation with appropriate agencies will be required if a FERC license application is to be prepared. Further archeological investigations along the access road alignment will be required prior to or during construction. 6. The preferred project arrangement is estimated to cost $7.4 million including allowance for indeterminates, engineering and design, construction management, and interest during construction. Cost of land is not included in the estimate. 7. The discounted cash flow economic analysis shows that on the basis of total life cycle present worth costs, using the Alaska Power Authority's 1986 economic criteria, the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project is about 12 percent less costly than continuing with diesel generation for the "medium" load growth case. For the tthigh" load growth case with Keyes Point included, the project is 36 percent less costly than diesel. On the other hand, for "low" load growth projections and low diesel fuel escalation, diesel generation is less costly. 8. The economic analyses are sensitive to diesel fuel cost. The 1986 cost of fuel is relatively low compared to recent years. Future change in fuel prices could bring a more favorable advantage to development of the hydro project. In summary, the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project is found to be technically and environmentally feasible. It is also economically feasible based on "medium" criteria. However, its economic feasibility is sensitive to assumptions regarding future load growth in the area and future cost of diesel fuel. 5349f, 5525f APPENDIX A TAZIMINA RIVER FLOW RECORDS SOIJ'l'l:llES'l' AI..\SU 15299'00 TAZIHlKl lIVER ~ ROR~R LOCA%lOM.--Lac ,,-,,'05*, lon, 1'4-34'34*, 1n S~ lec.la, T.3 S., 1.31 V., a,drololic Unit 19040002, on laft ~ at 1 .. 11 lab _c.let, 2.1 iii (3.4 Jr.a) ,.ICZ'._ of lar .. _udall. 7.5 111 <12.1 n) loat.beuC of Honc:l.alt:.oa. &rid. 14.3 iii (%3.3 ka) nor:bealt of Il1iamDa. DIlAlKAct A.lE.A.--l%7 =1 (147 ltal), Pt1l.IOO Of' HCOID. --Jt.Ule to Septembu 1981. GAct,--~ater-It&le recorder, Altitude of sa.e il 610 ft (la6 m), from taporraphic -.p. lEHAItS.--aecorda lCod. EXTREMES rei CCl~ TtAl.--Kazimua dilchar,e, 3,260 ft'/I (92.3 aJ/I) AUS. 3, la.e belshe. 3.93 ft (1.19' a)l minimum. during period Jun_ to September. 577 ft~/. (16.3 a'/I) Sept. 30, sa .. helcbt. 1.61 ft (0 •• 91 a), a dilcharle of 224 ftl'l (6.34 _l/I> vee ... .ur.d on Apr. •• . OISCRAltct, Itf CUBIC FE!:T PEl. SECOND. JllNE TO SUT!KIEI ( 198"1) HEA1I V AJ..UES DAY ROV O£C JAN FD MAl A1'1l HAt J1lR JIll. AUG $'a 1 30'0 2050 1%10 2 2930 2690 1240 3 2740 3180 1200 4 2'70 3190 1200 3 2400 30%0 1110 b 2290 2810 1150 7 2240 2620 1110 8 ,t224 2190 2430 1070 9 2240 2350 1040 10 2460 2.390 1020 11 2840 2.380 982 !2 3000 2460 9511 13 2980 2560 9S0 14 2820 2800 8'94 l!I 2840 3080 146 !6 3000 3020 809 17 2990 2840 781 18 2170 2880 26110 767 19 2.310 2800 2470 746 20 25%0 2690 2.330 7!53 :ll 2740 2590 2170 767 22 2860 2460 2000 739 23 12'5 2780 2380 1820 711 24 2690 2360 1700 711 25 2620 2400 1620 704 26 2S30 2400 1570 690 27 2460 2320 1530 684 .L8 2.390 2190 1300 678 29 2380 2130 1450 660 30 2800 2080 1390 642 31 1980 1350 TOTAl. 79240 71430 26962 MI.AN 2556 230.5 899 HAX 30.50 3190 1280 KIN 1980 13.50 642 erSt'! 7. S2 7.05 2.75 IH. 9.01 S.13 3.07 AC-" 157200 141700 534.40 .; "1\llt of dilch.rl_ ... .ur ... nt. SOUTHWEST ALASItA 111 1.529,'00 '1'AZIMIIU. IttVER NUR MOI'lDALTOR 'OCATION.--Lat 59·55'05", lon, 154"34'34", in SE%NE% -.lC s_l1 lake outl.e, 2.1 1Ili (3.4 1m) upau'e_ of sec.18, '1'.3 5., 1.31 V., Hydrolo,ic Unit 19040002, on left bank large ~terfa11. 7.5 mi (12.1 1m) southeaat of Nondalton, and 14.5 mi (23.3 K1Il) DOrtheaat of 111iaana. DRAIHACE AREA.--327 til (847 laal). WATER-DISCHARGE RECOIDS PEItIOD Of .s,tCOILD --June 1'81 to curreat ftar. GACE,--Watsr-stage recordar. Altitude of gage datum 3.00 ft (0.914 .) hi&ber. ia 610 ft (186 .), fro. topo,r.phic .. p. Prior to Oct. 1. 1981 at REMARKS.--Recorda good ezeept those for Oct. 30 to Kar. 26, ~lch are poor. EXTR£KES FOR P!RIOD OF IltCOao.--Kaximua di.char,e, 4,950 ft'/. (140.'1.) Sept. 17, 1982, ,.,e-height, 7.92 ft (2.414.), minimum, 140 ft)/. (3.96.'/.) Apr. 20-22, 1982, but "1 have beao le.e durin, period of ice effect. EXTREKES fOR CURRtHT TEAR.--K&xi1Ilua diachar!e, 4.950 ft'/a (140 .'/s) Sept. 17, ,a,e height. 7.92 ft (2.414 .1I min~. 140 ft'/s (3.96 .'/.) Apr. 20-2 , but "1 have been lea. during period of ice effect. DISCHARCI:. Uf CUUC·FEET nit SECOND, VATER lU.It 'OCTOB!R 1911 TO SEP'1'!KBI!:lI.(1912) H!AK VALUU DAY OCT NOV DU; JAN FEB HAlt APR KAY JUN JlJl. AUe SEP 1 624 880 470 260 330 200 175 180 10'90 2540 2380 1240 2 594 840 450 260 350 200 175 179 1240 2300 2200 1280 3 588 810 440 260 360 200 175 180 1390 2100 2030 1270 4 582 800 420 260 370 200 175 182 1500 1910 1860 1230 5 570 800 410 260 370 200 165 189 1710 1740 1720 1300 6 546 790 400 250 370 190 165 211 2620 1630 1600 1730 7 522 780 390 250 360 190 165 242 3160 1550 1510 2160 8 500 760 380 250 350 190 165 275 2880 1630 1440 2350 9 485 740 380 250 350 190 165 358 2720 1730 1370 2410 10 465 720 350 250 330 190 155 415 2720 1780 1320 2380 11 500 700 350 250 320 190 155 420 2790 1820 1460 2280 12 546 680 350 250 300 190 154 425 2730 1870 1540 2160 13 564 660 350 250 290 190 152 410 2580 1840 1530 2210 14 564 630 350 250 280 190 150 410 2350 1780 1490 2180 15 570 610 350 250 260 190 148 420 2150 1710 1480 2370 16 606 590 320 250 250 185 146 435 1980 1700 1460 3760 17 636 570 320 250 240 185 146 445 1860 1780 1420 4760 III 636 560 320 250 235 1115 144 460 1820 1840 1390 4800 19 618 550 320 250 235 185 141 460 1850 1800 1340 4490 20 612 540 320 250 250 185 141 460 1900 1740 1280 4080 2l 690 530 300 250 245 185 140 470 1970 1720 1230 3790 22 760 520 300 250 217 185 140 495 1980 1760 1170 3860 23 830 520 300 250 203 185 143 516 1930 1850 1120 3640 24 893 520 300 250 200 185 151 528 1920 2080 1100 3250 25 972 520 300 250 200 185 158 546 1980 2350 1070 2880 26 1020 520 280 260 200 185 162 582 2100 2760 1070 2620 27 1030 520 280 260 200 185 166 648 2230 2840 1030 2450 28 1020 520 280 260 200 177 171 739 ·2490 2760 988 2270 29 988 510 280 260 175 175 788 2840 2620 996 2210 30 950 490 280 280 175 119 837 2160 2600 1040 2190 31 900 280 310 175 948 2540 1170 TOTAL 21381 19180 10620 7930 7865 5822 4742 13853 65240 62670 43804 79600 MEAN 690 639 343 256 281 188 158 447 2175 2022 1413 2653 MAX 1030 880 470 310 370 200 179 948 3160 2840 2380 4800 H.III 465 490 280 250 200 175 140 179 1090 1550 988 1230 CFSM 2.11 1.95 1.05 .78 .86 .58 .48 1.37 6.65 6.18 4.32 8.11 Ill. 2.43 2.18 1.21 .90 .89 .66 .54 1. 58 7.42 7.13 4.98 9.06 AC-FT 42410 38040 21060 15730 15600 11550 9410 21480 129400 124300 86890 157900 WTlt YI 1982 l'O'TAL 342707 KU.IC 939 KAX 4800 KIN 140 CFSH 2.&7 tlf 31.99 AC-FT 679800 ~.--No lage-hei&ht record ~. 30 to Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 to Kar. 26. SOU'rmlEST ALl.Sr.A. 15299900 TAZIHIM UVD IUJt IOlIDAL1'01I LOCATIOK.--Lat 59-55'05". loac 15.-39'34" (r..t.ed), ta ~ •• c.ll. T.3 S •• 1.31 V" Rydrolocic Onit 19040002. on 1att benk at ... 11 laC. outlet. 2.1 ai ~.tr ... ot 1arce .. tarfal1. 7.5 ai .ouch.a.t of Nondalton, and 14.5 ai north.a.t of Il1ia.na. DRAIMCZ au.--327 a1 J • VATER-DISCHARGE IECOIDS PEIIOD OF lECOID.-·Juna 1981 co curr.nt ,..ar. C,\CZ.--Wat.r-.tace recorder. Altitud. ot CaC. b 610 ft. fr_ topo&raphic -.p. Prior to Oct. 1. 1981 at daema .l..00 It l:U.pu It!KAllES. --bcorda Cood .:z.c.pc I:b.a.. for Oct. 23 to Jan. 2. vbich are fair. and tho.. for Jan. 3 to Ka,. 30. 'Which are poor. EXTREKES FOR PElIOD OF I!coRD.--Kas~ d1acharc •• 4,950 ft'/a Sepc. 17. 1982. CaC.-b.iCht, 7.92 ttl minimua recorded. 124 ft l /a Apr. 1. 1983, bur: .. ,. have be.n 1 ••• durinc pariod of ic. effect. EXTREMES FOR CURIENT YEAI.--Mas1.ua diacharce. 2,140 ft'l. Oct.l. rca •• fa11tag. p.ak occurred Sept. 17.1982; .. ~ paak diacharg., 2.110 ft l /a Jun. 9, cac. heisht. 6.20 ftl ain1mum record.d, 124 ft'/a. ,a.e h.ighe. 2.96 fe,: Apr. I, fro. ran.. 1rI .eac.. but .. ,. bv. be.n 1... dur.1n& pariod of ica effect. DISCHARGE. III CUI1C PUT PO SECOND, V,\TU TL\Il OCTOBEI 1982 TO SEl"TtHBtRll!!? 1 KIWt VALUES - DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL Hf.A.N HAX HIN CFSK IH. AC-rr ocr 2100 2030 1930 1810 1700 1580 1470 1370 1280 1190 1120 1080 1010 964 932 932 940 893 916 900 831 746 .594 .570 .570 .570 570 .564 .5.58 .5.58 5.52 32836 10.59 2100 .5.52 3.24 3.74 6.5130 IIOV 558 .570 .5.52 516 49.5 480 47.5 485 470 4.50 460 45.5 46.5 410 44.5 425 410 400 390 31.5 366 350 362 362 350 338 330 324 318 318 12764 42.5 .570 318 1.30 1.4.5 25320 Dre 310 310 300 300 290 290 280 280 270 210 260 260 250 24.5 242 232 22S 219 217 213 213 21.5 210 210 210 210 207 223 292 334 334 7924 2.56 334 201 .78 .90 15720 JAN 330 321 300 290 270 240 220 200 ISO 170 160 1.50 1.50 145 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 .5.506 178 330 140 • .54 .63 10920 I'D 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 3920 140 140 140 .43 .4.5 1780 MAIl 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 4340 140 140 140 .43 .49 8610 API 140 140 140 14.5 145 150 1.50 1.50 155 155 160 165 170 170 175 180 18.5 190 195 200 210 220 225 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 .573.5 191 290 140 .58 .65 11380 KAY .300 320 330 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 .510 .540 570 600 630 670 710 750 790 850 900 950 1000 1050 .1150 1200 1300 13.50 1450 1520 22720 733 1520 300 2.24 2 • .58 45070 1790 1940 2.020 2070 2040 1990 1990 2040 2080 2080 2010 1920 1850 1800 1790 1800 1780 1760 1800 1850 1860 1840 1820 1870 1920 2020 1960 1960 1920 1900 57470 1916 2080 1760 5.86 6.54 114000 JUt. 1860 1870 1860 1800 1730 1670 1650 1640 1600 1540 1480 1420 1360 1370 1410 1410 1400 1370 1320 1260 1190 1130 1080 1020 988 912 948 908 879 858 8.51 41844 1350 1870 8.51 4.13 4.76 83000 CAL TR 1982 'l'OTAL 345050 K!AH 945 HAX 4800 KIM 140 CTSH 2.89 IN 39.25 AC-rT 684400 WTI YR 1983 'l'OTAL 245069 KEAB 671 HAX 2100 KIM 140 CrSK 2.05 IN 27.81 AC-FT 486100 fIO'fE. --110 .... -h.ishe r.cord Kar. 11 co Kay 30. AOO 858 851 830 , 830 900 924 940 1080 1280 1410 1450 1430 1380 1320 1240 11.50 1090 1020 879 886 872 858 823 802 767 725 697 672 642 636 630 29872 964 14.50 630 2.95 3.40 592.50 SEP 624 612 624 648 654 648 636 618 606 594 570 .552 594 672 704 704 684 612 660 612 690 725 746 746 725 71S 718 711 746 865 20138 671 865 552 2.0.5 2.29 39940 202 SOUTHWEST ALASKA 15299900 TAZIMINA RIVER NEAR NONDALTON LOCATION.--Lac .59'.55'OS", long 154'39'34", in SEltNElt sec.18, T.3 S., R.31 W., Hydrologic Unit 19040002, on left bank ae outlet of small lake, 2.1 m1 upstrea~ of larle wacerfall, 7.5 ~i southeast of Nondalton, and 14.5 ai norcheast of Ilialln •• DRAINAGE AREA.--327 ai". WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1981 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stale recorder. Altitude of ,age i. 610 ft, frOB topographic .ap. Prior to Oct. 1, 1981 at datull 3.00 ie higher. RL~S.--Record. good except tho •• for Jan. 2 to Har. 13, which are poor. EXTRL"fES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--M.xi~ diSCharge, 4,9.50 fts/s Sept. 17, 1982, lage-height, 7.92 ft; lIinimuB recorded, 124 ft'/. Apr. 1, 1983, but •• y have been Ie •• during period of ice effece. EXTRL~ FOa CURRENT YEAR.--Maxiau. discharge, 3,500 ft'/. Oct, 13, ,age-height. 7.12 it; .inimum recorded, 189 ft'! Apr. 19, but .ay have been 1e •• during period of iee effect. DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEA1 OCTOBER 1983 TO SEPTEMBER 1984 MEAN VALUES DAY . OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAl!. APR HAY JUN JUl. AUG SEP 1 1000 726 1270 300 210 210 2.55 327 893 2370 1020 1860 2 1180 711 1350 290 210 210 255 338 900 2270 1000 1660 3 1260 711 1340 260 210 210 250 334 940 2150 988 1500 4 1270 678 1310 280 210 . 250 245 327 1020 1980 980 1360 5 1260 631 1250. 270 210 330 245 321 1120 1930 964 1240 6 1310 600 1170 260 210 390 245 321 1250 1910 972 1140 7 1310 636 1090 260 210 400 240 324 1380 1920 964 1060 8 1270 876 1000 250 210 410 238 330 1540 1930 948 997 " 1350 947 909 250 210 410 228 334 1650 1920 932 941 10 1710 924 852 240 210 400 221 346 1740 1860 908 880 11 2630 886 809 240 210 380 215 358 1790 1800 971 837 12 3340 851 756 240 210 360 215 366 1790 1720 980 795 13 3490 809 712 240 210 340 211 374 1810 1630 940 788 14 3270 754 680 230 210 327 211 386 1900 1590 900 767 15 2950 714 630 230 210 300 209 398 1970 1520 865 746 16 2630 704 597 230 210 290 207 425 2050 1440 830 725 17 2350 690 564 230 210 288 203 450 2230 1370 795 704 18 2100 666 534 230 210 283 203 470 2420 1370 816 697 19 1890 624 505 220 210 275 195 490 2450 1370 864 690 20 1740 606 500 220 210 270 195 522 2370 1370 886 690 :1 1600 624 505 220 210 268 201 564 2300 1340 900 666 22 1470 618 475 220 210 265 207 612 2250 1280 1020 648 23 1360 594 450 220 210 260 203 660 2210 1250 1160 642 24 1260 547 430 220 210 255 201 710 2250 1210 1410 648 25 1140 528 410 220 210 250 195 759 2390 1180 2130 648 26 1040 522 390 210 210 250 197 802 2570 1130 3160 630 27 981 505 380 210 210 26.3 221 837 2610 1100 3370 624 28 917 557 360 210 210 265 279 858 2520 1080 3120 636 29 859 793 340 210 210 263 290 879 2440 1060 2790 666 30 816 1060 328 210 260 303 886 2420 1040 24~0 666 31 774 309 210 258 89.3 1020 2110 TOTAL 51527 21092 22205 7350 6090 9190 6783 16001 57173 48110 42113 26551 ~IEAN 1662 703 716 237 210 296 226 516 1906 1552 1358 885 MAX 3490 1060 1350 300 210 410 .303 893 2610 2370 3.370 1860 MIN 774 505 309 210 210 210 195 321 893 1020 795 624 CFSM 5.08 2.15 2.19 .73 .64 .91 .69 1.58 5.8.3 4.75 4.15 2.71 IN. 5.86 2.40 2.53 .84 .69 1.05 .77 1. 82 6.50 5.47 4.79 3.02 AC-Fi 102200 41840 44040 14580 12080 18230 13450 31740 113400 95430 83530 52660 CAL YR 1983 TOTAL 286369 MEAN 785 MAX 3490 HIN 140 CFSM 2.40 IN 32.58 AC-Fi 568000 \o1TR YR 1984 TOTAL 314185 MEAN 858 HAX 3490 MIN 195 CrSM 2.62 IN 35.74 AC-Fi 623200 5 C 1..1 T.., ",' : S 'r ~ t. J $ j(..l 1~2;;~GC T~ZIM!~. ~IvE~ "!~~ ~O~:llTCh LOCATION.--Lat S~.55 'CS", l?,..; I <"Q3~' ;1.", 1" S :~~H' s.c.l" T.3 5., ~.31 ... , H'Idf'OlO ;10 'J.,lt P';~~.J02, bank ,t o~~~.t ~f i~311 1 W~, ~*1 ·1 ~P3tr.~~ of la r ;_ waterf3ll, 7.5 Ml !O~thiQ't of N~ncalton, 3nd nort"f~St =4 :lllwna. -:: l-?' II ] " :. ~ Ii : ~ -: : T. 1, ,,: ~ 1 :~;, l~ Q1J f~ J~OV~ ~.tio"31 ~#od.tic V~rtic!l :3t~m of 1C2:, ~~ C~t~~ :.:J ft ~l;~.r. ~c"' ... ;(I\:'.-"'::-.... r.iti::! ;'\':.1., e_iC""J'-;);: ';'11. :5-7, L~' 3':, j.@(: .. 7, ;ec. :; to :'cr .. l~, ':'::;:r" 27, Z~, J.Jly 1-;., ';""1-: ~u~. 1-:. =a:;r ;;)J tV gt ~=,.. ~.rl~C3 :t ne ;a;.-hil:~t rt:ord, July 1-2Q ~~o ~~;* 1-~, ~"icr ar. 'ai-, a~: P~~l; ul·~ ~ ~ ~~.~:~, ~ :. 12 ~= ;~r* 1~, Jr::~ 13 :e~r. :(T'c."'=~ "1:3 r • c 7 1 c I: i, 1 _ 1. 1 ~ < 1 ,., ~I 31 t,JI ..... l~ t;; -" ,,,,,".l A ~ .. ~ f;; 1'j 8'1 .. i~ I:" 1985 ; ::.1 e 0"1 '80Z Ie \ .'60 7 -9 ," B IJvO sse S&q. 5'10 Sib 1j6S 470 '\ 115 .II eo 45'S ~30 : -II ~;B :8 _ -0 : ·6 ~-b •• < , . - , ~ . ~ .-.. :> ' ...... ~~. If lSS 7 - : : 5 ; . • l ~ . s- 1 ; ; '. , ZS0886 ~.. ~: 1 .; ': ,. 1 : I 1· " , .. ~ : , ;: ': • ~ i . j ~ i ":. 1- 1 • ,'" :;: , 1"'" .; :730 'Ii: ~O; 1 ' • .57 1 i : '0 ... "; :. '. ~ .. 1 J :~~T r~: !~::~:, ~JT~~ ,~~O ::T:,~~ 1~~4 rJ 1 7 .; ,. 1 ... ~ ,.- i· _ 1, I ' : 50~O I ' _ ....... 1 c: ~ 1 0 : 1 c ;; 1 c:;' 1 : ; : :; j 1--, " 1 ' • 1': 1 : : 1 : : -13:: 1; _ 1 : :: 1 ~ '" . _ . ., . 6530 "l:l'~ .':'L] 1 ~ j 1 : • 1 ~ '\ I ;: 1 ' , 1 ; : 1 ; :- l' . 1 ' , , , ' 1 ,. ~:'-17J .., I\;1 ? :l' _.1 : , .:. '7 1 '0 1 ,. C;:$""' 2.1) C;S~ 3.:3 1 5 : 1 -, 1 ':! ; . -.: , , - 1 : C 357 , . : c 127~ 1 5 ~ C , .:..!;( ~ ~ i.: 2' .. : 1 ' • 1 • ~ j 2. C ~ 3: .4l ,;:: Z 5 1 ,~ 27: : 27;: ; ,7: .. 2,,; : : ? 3 1 : 22: .: -:? ': ;"H 2? ~ ,~ ~ ~ 1 • t '):.;. f .... .:: ~ .: ! ~b ... (. 21 :: , • ~ 1 15:12': : 10.. '-~ • 5 ;.. ! '1 41,': J " 31 j.: 'l ":: : : ~ : ~ t! ~ -" : -: ': c 2 ~ ( _ : 7 : ~ 2'-::: ::!.:i( .:.? :< .2 1 ;: t: ~ : ~ , ~ ,""t r 1 ;:~' , : ';1: , ~ :iC 1;'::; 1 7 1 ~ 10'(: " 1 :': 1 ! .. : ,.23 '" ;? ~ ~ : 71 ' 1 : ~ 1~~C , I.. .., :: 1;'1,.- , 'I;." 1 3. : 1 3 ;: 1'-<, 15; ~ 1 !: :J ~ 1 ; 2: 2 1 5 : : ~ ~ ) _ 1 : : ;. : :: ) : c ~ ~ c:;:. .... 2 S :: ... 2 ' , .. " . -'-' 2 't: , ~ ~.~ 1 ~.:., :: 17:; _ 1 : 7 . 1 ~ 2 ~ 1::. : 7. < 8. 3 ~ 1'-5': . 1 ,: ~ 1 ,. , , 1 ,~ , ... ~ r: 1 , ~ : 1 " ~ : 1'::-:;_ 1; . 1 : 7- 1 : : ~ 1 : .., 1 ... :" 1 ". 1 _ . , :: :.. 1 , _ 2" ': . ! ~ ., -~: ;, : ~ , 1 .;: ::- ~. 1 b.90 1 ~:;: - APPENDIX B SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY REPORT 4/38 1 SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared For: Stone &. Webster Engineering Corporation Denver Operation s Center Denver, Colorado Prepared By: R&.M Consultants, Inc. Anchorage, Alaska OCTOBER 1985 ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 50.24 CORDOVA. BOX 60~7 • ANCHORAGE ALASKA 9950~ • PH 9075611733 [:NGIr\Jl-E~··; GEOLnr,lsT~ PLr..Nr~E"ns SLlQV£ YOr:l:~, October 8, 1985 Rf..M No. 551130 Stone f.. Webster Engineering Corporation Denver Operations Center P.O. Box 5406 Denver, Colorado 80217-5406 Attention: Mr. D.L. Newman Re: Contract No. 14007-0014, Seismic Refraction Study, Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Newman: Rr,.M Consultants, Inc. was contracted by Stone f.. Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) to perfor'm a seismic refraction study for the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project. The general study area is shown on Figure 1. We have recently completed the subject work and the results are contained herein. This work was author'ized by your letter of August 16, 1935 and was conducted under the terms of Contract No. 14007-0014. Location and General Site Conditions The Tazimina River lies north of Illiamna Lake and flows from its headwaters in the Aleutian Range west south westward to Six Mile Lake and the Newhalen River (Figure 1). The variable river profile includes two large and several small lakes, an approximately 100 foot high waterfall a nd a gorge with rapids. The steep gradient of the waterfall portion of the river is interpreted to have significant hydroelectric power generating potentia I. Wahrhafting has identified the Tazimina drainage as lying within the Alaska-Aleutian Range physiographic province which consists of high rugged glaciated pea ks a nd broad U -s haped valleys. The bed rock geology of the pr'oject area is dominated by early jurassic granitic batholiths intruding highly deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks deposited in an early Mesozoic magmatic arc. Outcrops near the project facilities investigated by this study have been mapped as volcanic tuff and andesite (Shannon f.. Wilson, 1982). The entire project area was repeatedly glaciated during the Pleistocene and displays classic geomorphology including horns, arete ridges and broad U-shaped valleys. Most of the lower side slopes and valley bottoms are mantled with unconsolidated glacial drift including outwash, till, alluvium, colluvium and probably a thin discontinuous blanket of loess. The 4/38 ANCHORAGE ALASKA FAIRBANKS ALASKA JUNEAU ALASKA SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Stone & Webster Engi neeri ng Corporation October 8, 1985 Page 3 surficial materials in the area of the R&M seismic lines have been mapped as outwash and terrace deposits (Shannon & Wilson, 1982). Sporadic to discontinous permafrost occurs throughout the project area. Preliminary studies related to the Tazimina River Hydroelectric project have been conducted and/or sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Authority, U. S. Geological Su rvey, Retherford Associates, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., and C.C. Hawley, Inc. Vegetation consists of white spruce and birch on the well drained soils and black spruce in poorly drained areas. A thick organic mat covers much of the ground surface in the low elevation portions of the project area including the R&M seismic line locations. Project Description Several diffel'ent project facility configurations have been investigated in the past. The present ar-rangement being considered is a run of-river project which includes a gated intake structure above Tazimina Falls and a penstock leading fl'om the intake around the falls to a powerhouse in the canyon below the falls. Additional pI'oject facilities incl ude an access road, switchyard, and transmission line. Scope As described in the Stone & Webster request for proposals and R&M's subsequent proposal, the original scope of work identified five seismic lines totaling approximately 1,800 feet. Pr'oject facilities to be investigated by this work included the intake structure, penstock route, powerhouse a rea (canyon rim), powerhouse site (bottom of canyon) and an alternate powerhouse site. Adverse field conditions forced a modification of the field program (ie., two seismic lines in the Tazimina River Canyon were inaccessible due to high water). The modified program consisted of three 520 foot seismic refraction lines, located at the intake structure, penstock route, and powerhouse area on the rim of the Tazimina River Canyon. Stone & Webster field personnel at the site observed work, provided technical direction, and determined the seismic line locations. Methodology R &M Consu Itants employed standa rd seismic refraction su rvey tech n iques as described in "Seismic Refraction Exploration for Engineering Site Investigations (Redpath, NTIS, 1973)" and· numerous other texts. Initial site work consisted of laying out, clearing and topographically surveying the three 520 foot lines. These lines are located on the southeast bluff above the Tazimi na River canyon as shown on Figu re 2. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Octobe r 8, 1985 Page 4 The seismic refraction survey was performed on August 21, 1985 using a Geometries Model 12lOF seismograph and a string of 12 geophones spaced at 20 foot intervals. Geophones were set into the mineral soil beneath an average of one foot of organic mat where possible. Charges were set one to two feet into the soil. One half pound explosive charges were used as the energy sou rce with one shot 20 feet from each end of the geophone string and one at the center of each string. For each 520 foot line, six shots were recorded allowing a more accurate interpretation. Printed records were collected and read in the field to ensure the quality was adequate for interpretation. The printed records were interpreted to extract the first arrival times for compressional waves. Plotting the arrival times against distance allowed the determination of soil and rock velocities and time intercepts. This data was used in computer-aided analysis to determine the thicknesses of, depth to, and undulations in various soil and rock layers. Additionally, the velocity data may be used to estimate rippability and blasting cha racteristics. Limitations The R&M seismic refraction data has an interpreted accuracy of approximately :!lO oo in terms of mater'lal velocity and layer depth/thickness. Note that velocities and thicknesses probably show variation throughout the investigated site, and that seismic refraction work has well documented I imitations in identifyi ng s low velocity layers underlying faster layers and thin hidden layers. Most of any error in the R&M data is probably contributed by varying thicknesses of very slow surficial organics. Also, note that the seismic interpretations wet'e not corroborated by test holes located on the seismic lines. Results The results of the R&M seismic refraction survey are presented on Figures 3, 4, and 5 in the form of time-distance plots and smic velocity profiles (velocity cross-sections). Each line was interpreted as a three layer situation, with a low velocity (800 fps to 1,100 fps) surficial layer; a middle layer with velocities ranging from 3,500 fps to 6,000 fps; and a high velocity lower layer ra ng ing from 12,000 fps to 14,000 fps. The high velocity layer is interpreted to be bedrock (probably the tuff and/or andesite mapped by Shannon & Wilson). The middle layer overlying bedrock may include glacial till of the Newhalen Stade and/or glacio-fluvial outwash and terrace debris as mapped by Shannon & Wilson. The thickness of the materials varies along each line with a general depth to bedrock ranging from about 10 feet to almost 40 feet. Along R&M seismic lines the unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock appear to be thinner closer to the river. Details concerning depths and thickness are best scaled from Figures 3, 4 and 5. These data appear consistent with the previous seismic refraction work. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation October 8, 1985 Page 5 If you have any questions or desire additional information please contact R&M at your convenience. Very tru Iy you rs, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ~L~ In Gerald Williams Senior Geologist/Geophysicist CHR:KSM;bje LawrenceJ. Acomb, C.P.G. Senior Geologist R, 34 W R 33 \', R 32 W "-~~ ""~ :} r..J Xe\\'baleri::, ~Tenmde I " 1 OWN OEP CKO KSM R&M CONSULTANTS. INC . OATE SEPT. 1985 • NOfN.... CIkDt"OQ •• l'. _ ..... NN..... au .. v_yo_. SCALE I: 250000 + Triangle If _i ~"" f C', \t'S \.1 c c ...::" --';"<> ,oli~ , --":;. (' ~:--~;.~~"~--, -, ~ -- SITE LOCATION MAP Fe T AZIMINA HYDRO PROJECT GRID Prepored For: PROJ NO Stone a Webster Engineering Corp, FIGURE Seal Is " °C 551130 I U> 0 n ~ ~ z r ,.., I Vl ;.::!o Vl IT! ::r: "U VlIIT! 0 :-i s: "U ~ CD z ro (Jl iD ~~ :~ • 0 0 DO 02 ~Ul ~C ,~ OS ~2 =004 .111 c· J (-~2 ~O .. Vl"U ~ -'" 0111 »-:3'0 "" 0 N .. -r-IllIII ~ Q. --z :lE" z m ""0 »-tT'" III o-r--J: 0 a> .. -< 0 IT! 0 »- :3 JJ ~ .c 0 ;;J 0 (II '"0 Z a> JJ .. 0 ~ ;;J .c c.. »- n m '"0 0 0 ... ~ :0 " "(t CI ", G) ;l) ;l) III 0 P c ~ ;u Z IT! 0 (Jl N (Jl - Oi 0 GENERAL PLAN T3S,R32W, SM 1'!:!:±1.~ ___ """"""" _____ ~ seQ 250 0 5eQ 1000 ---~ / LEGEND: r----I SE IS MIC TRAVERSES ON RIM OF CANYON BY RaM_ PREVIOUS. SE ISMIC TRAVERSES BY nTtJIl:"t:><l I, .----/ GATED INT AI<E STRUCTURE ---.~ NOTE: DRAWING PROVIDED BY SW EC. 50 40 x: :30 u OJ U') .. E I- 20 10 TIME DISTANCE PLOT NORTH SOUTH O_~ ________ ~ __________ ' _____ ¥. __ -'--_____ -'------__ --I~ ______ -., ____ --____ , ____ --~L-r-________ .-________ r--L __ Elellalions Approlimale 50 150 ( fI) 600-l·---------------------------L -------..... -_ ..... --------- .c. -_/-:=...- Q. .. o SUBSURFACE VELOCITY PROFILE Vp' 3,500 fp~ ------ ...... ~---.--,....,.--- Vp= 12,000 fps 550-NOTE I Seismic Velocilies are represenlolive, materials cnd velcellies moy vary along Ihe seclion. 450 ---~--------- 0 !<) 10 r() 10 0 w '" cr ::! .., ::> 0 ~ ED 13 '" ... fl. I.L. l-n. 0 0 w u .., "" 0 .5 a: 0.. .. .. I 0 c: J: ·0 a: <: I-0 W W >-~ Z J: .e ., ..J < ~ .a Z o " "-3; ::i' ~<Il N (; .. « 0.<: I-o. 0 ~ -0..(1) U: Z~ -' • -, 1/1' .... Z; ~; :.J' J. III; Z; m u· . ~: ta! a! If) Q) z m 3: ~ 0 a. ::Ii: 0.. :r w <1'1 W '" 0 !.:: U') "' w -' j 0 ~ " '" ... u a U a I/) 50 40 ,., I 9 30 x U '" <II I.IJ ~ 20 I- 10 NORTHWEST 0-+------ o 700 Elevotions .:: 650 .c. D- ID o 600 ApprOXImate ~------~ TIME DISTANCE PLOT 100 Horizontal Distance (fl ) SUBSURFACE VELOCITY PROFILE 800 Ips Vp~ 4,000 Ips ..1--;......------------ ------------~---------Vp '12,500fps NOTE: Seismic Velocities 0(6 representative, materials and velocities may vary along the ssction. ,;---_/ /' ./ ----:;:---- 0 ,.., II) II) 'T 0 I.IJ '" t:r:: ~ -, :::) Cl " III !'5 0:: IL. u.. a.. ci I-~ 0 <.) UJ C> ..., c: 0 ~ '" ex: .. 0-c: '" C> I 0 c: :t ex: UJ I-0 UJ >-., Z :t -., '" ..J ~ .Q « 0 .. Z "-3: ::a -0 .. 0;) ~ N 0., « 0.':: I-ID 0 L.- a.tfl I.H 2: -~ uji .... 2i cO ti' J: UJ! Z~ m u' ~~ f.&~ II! II) Q) z ~ 3: ::E ..: 0 0-J: I.IJ (/) a. (/) w 0 l-' tfl "' ~ '" ~~ <-'" -< u a I.J a V1 !'l I o x 40 30 ·20 <.> ., III 10 SOUTHWEST TIME DISTANCE PLOT NORTHEAST o~--------~--------_.-----1--_.--------_.--------_.~L-----_,r_--------._------L-._--------._--------._~-- -:: 0. ., o levation pproximole -~--~--- Vp' 14,000 fps Honlontol Distance (It l SUBSURFACE VELOCITY PROFILE -...----:::.---- Vp' 1,000 tps -~-- --5-/ ----Z\' NOTE' Seismic Velocities are reprnentative, moterlals and velocities moy vory olonll the sec lion. --~----" ------~-- 0 "" '" '" '" 0 w <; '" Q ;:) ::::> C) ttl 5 '" "-"'-Q. I-0. ~ (.) 0 UJ (.) .., '" 0 .'!' e: ~ <'l Il. .. II I 0 c J: ., l-e: c Q w UJ > ~ Z l: '" ..J « ~ ., 0.0 Z u.. ., :::E .,,3i: ~al N " \\I « o.c I-~.2 Il.IIl tH z; -~ .J U" 1-. Z; 4:! ~i J: In! z~ D~ u· ~( ~i lO ~~ '" CD Z ~ 3i: ,..: 0 11. ::;: 0.. Z w (f) W (I) 0 '" VI ~, ., ~ a .... « '" « U Q U Q til APPENDIX C 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE -DAMES &. MOORE FINAL REPORT PREPARED FOR STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE OF POTENTIAL ROAD ROUTES TO THE PROPOSED TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER 24, 1985 12023-023-020 Dames & Moore Dames & Moore .:c~~ 800 Cordova, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279·0673 Telex: 090-25227 Cable address: DAMEMORE September 24, 1985 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation P.O. Box 5406 Denver, Colorado 80217 Attention: Mr. Donald Matchett Dear Don: Enclosed please find three copies of our report of the Environmental Reconnaissance of Potential Road Routes to the Proposed Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project. This report has been expanded from the July 26 version to incorporate results from our late summer field trip. Please call if you have any questions or need any further information. JPH/lav Sincerely, DAMES & MOORE Jonathan P. Associate -$;Ik- Houghton, Ph.D. Dames & Moore ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE OF POTENTIAL ROAD ROUTES TO THE PROPOSED TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (REVISED SEPTEMBER 1985) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Field investigations were conducted during early July and late August 1985 to evaluate fish habitat and resources near the diversion and tailrace areas (at Tazimina Falls) and along several al ternati ve road access routes to the powerhouse location for the proposed Tazimina River Hydroelectric project. Specific objectives of this reconnaissance were to: o Obtain low altitude videotape coverage of al ternati ve routes from a helicopter. o Conduct a ground reconnaissance of potential route crossings of streams, noting hydraulic, topographic and biological features of each. o Recommend and justify a biologically-preferred route from the two primary alternatives given; suggest and justify minor reroutes to further reduce impacts to aquatic resources. o suggest mitigation measures to reduce aquatic impacts of access road construction. o Build on existing knowledge (especially under low flow con- ditions) of fish habitat and use of areas in the immediate vicinity of the major falls (Tazimina Falls) that would provide the head for the proposed project • The surveys were conducted by Dr. Jonathan Houghton, Senior Fishery Biologist with Dames & Moore, with the assistance of biologists from the University of washington, Fisheries Research Institute (FRI). 12023-023-1 -1- ~~ 2.0 BACKGROUND Dames & Moore ~ The Tazimina River is the major tributary of the Newhalen River below Lake Clark. The Newhalen River is the largest river entering Lake Iliamna and, wi thin the Kvichak system, the largest spawning tributary for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)--the major economic resource in the Bristol Bay region. portion of the stream The Tazimina River provides a significant pro- spawning habitat for sockeye in the Newhalen system with spawning escapements of as many as 500,000 fish in some years (Poe and Mathisen 1982). The fish resources of the Tazimina River (along with other pertinent environmental characteristics of the area) have been previously reported by Dames & Moore (1982a,b) using data from a series of surveys conducted during the late summer and fall of 1981 and in late spring 1982. Based on this earlier work, the primary fish usage of the area immediately above and below the falls is by resident fish, primarily grayling (Thymallus arcticus), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), and char (Salvelinus alpinus or S. malma). Relatively few sockeye spawners have been documented in the canyon, which extends for about a mile below the falls. A lower falls or cascade about midway up the canyon probably constitutes a significant barrier to upstream migra- tions. Access to the powerhouse just below the falls would be gained from the newly constructed Newhalen-to-Nondal ton Road, via one of several al terna ti ve routes eas tward across a broad rolling plane in the Alexcy Lake area (Figure 1). The alternative routes join just south of the mouth of the Tazimina River canyon and ascend more steeply to the east and then to the northeast along the south rim of the canyon. None of the road route al ternati ves considered crosses any tributaries of the Tazimina River itself. Next to the Tazimina River, the Alexcy Lake system with its associ- ated inlet and outlet streams constitutes the second largest drainage tributary to the Newhalen River downstream of Sixmile Lake. Fish usage of the Alexcy Lake system has been documented with approximately 20 years of sockeye salmon spawner counts by FRI (e.g., Poe and Mathisen 1982). 12023-023-1 -2- o • Job No. 12023-023 . IISel Gigo =~ ':!.",.' 'l' <D I'IlvCII' Mlleo m Accllloo RelltCil Numb.f. 8elllie In Mllell lower Tazlmina River Access Route Alternatives • Dames & Moore Figura 1 Dames & Moore However, these published records do not specify use of stream areas in ~ question for this project; therefore, the Alaska Power Authority author- ized this effort to evaluate aquatic conditions along these access routes. 3.0 METHODS An A-Star helicopter, chartered from ERA Helicopters, Inc. of Anchorage was used for flying the low al ti tude video taping routes and for transportation to all other study areas during the July survey. Video equipment was provided by the Power Authority and all tapes have been delivered directly to them. A Jet Ranger, chartered from Trans- Alaska Helicopters, Inc. of Anchorage provided transportation during the August survey. Aerial surveys of Alexcy Lake tributaries and of the Tazimina River were conducted to document the general nature and extent of aquatic habitats of concern as well as the distribution and abundance of spawning sockeye salmon (late summer only). Ground surveys were con- ducted on tributaries that would be crossed by any access al ternati ve. These tributaries, and the Tazimina River near the falls were also sampled by baited minnow traps and by electrofishing with a Smith-Root Type XI battery-powered backpack electroshocker. 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 VIDEO TAPING The video tape delivered to the Power Authority contained the following sequences: o The lower Newhalen River near the falls below River Mile (RM) 7. o Scenes of outmigrant sampling at RM 7, including both the large and the small inclined-plane traps. o Scenes of fish sampling on tributaries to Alexcy Lake. 12023-023-1 -4- o Dames & Moore The southernmost access alternative from the area of the ~~ Tazimina River canyon mouth flying southwest and then west to the Nondalton Road (Route 1 on Figure 1). o An al terna ti ve alignment of the westernmost portion of this route (Route 1A) from east to west. o The northernmost access alternative (Route 2) from the Nondalton Road east to near the mouth of the canyon. o An alternative alignment of the western part of the northern route (Route 2A) from the Nondalton Road east to just past the northern end of Alexcy Lake. o Scenes of the Tazimina canyon, Tazimina Falls, and the area around and immediately upstream of the falls. Time was not available to review this tape prior to submittal to the Power Authority and some portions were not recorded due to low camera batteries. 4.2 FISH HABITAT ALONG ALTERNATIVE ACCESS ROUTES ROUTE 1 As shown on Figure 1, access Route 1 crosses two significant tribu- taries feeding into Alexcy Lake. The southernmost of these is by far the smaller with an estimated 0.06 to 0.12 cubic meters per second (2 to 4 cubic feet per second cfs) of flow in early July. At the crossing location shown, the stream forks several times receiving flow from the numerous small ponds to the east as well as from some springs in the area. Electroshocking in the area just below these forks and springs did not produce any salmonids but several cottids (probably Cottus cognatus) were taken. However, the habitat appeared very suitable for small resident salmonids with a good mixture of riffles, pools, and low- veloci ty glides. It is likely that more exhaustive sampling would demonstrate their presence--at least seasonally. Visual surveys in July near the mouth of this stream revealed numerous spawned-out sockeye 12023-023-1 -5- Dames & Moore salmon carcasses from the fall 1984 run. Sockeye fry (29 to 35 mm) were ~~ also abundant in quiet eddies and shallows of this lower reach as demon- strated by electrofishing. Run size cannot be estimated at this time but is probably on the order of scores or a few hundreds of fish (cf., thousands) based on the limited extent of habitat available. Only about 400 meters of stream habitat above the lake are likely to be accessible to adult sockeye. Extremely poor weather conditions during the August sampling prevented enumeration during the spawning period, but some adul ts were present, both in the creek and in the lake near the creek mouth. Lake spawning of sockeye was observed along the east shore of Alexcy Lake. The confirmation of sockeye runs in these Alexcy Lake tributaries (see below) will greatly heighten sensitivity of the regulatory agencies to upstream disturbances. In addition to sockeye salmon and cottids, small resident char (140 to 150 rom) were also taken in minnow traps near the mouth of this tribu- tary in July. A school of about 25 large fish (e.g., 400 mm plus) was seen from the air off the mouth of this stream. These may have been either northern pike (Esox lucius preying on sockeye fry as they entered the lake from the creek or an early school of adult sockeye waiting to spawn in the creek. The northern tributary entering Alexcy Lake is considerably larger than the southern tributary and drains a majority of the northwest quadrant of Roadhouse Mountain. This stream flows through a dense willow/cottonwood thicket in contrast to the much more open vegetation at the southern tributary. At the crossing, the gradient is moderately high, and the stream flows in a U-shaped channel with few gravel bars. Stream velocities were very swift (e.g., greater than 2 meters per second); flow appeared to be near a seasonal high in early July and was es tima ted to be on the order of 1.4 to 2.3 cubic meters per second (50 to 80 cfs). As a result, fish habitat was very poor and no fish were taken in electroshocking of the few limited areas of lesser flow velo- city. At lower flows or in other reaches of the stream where the gra- dient is lower, it is likely that this stream supports salmonids and thus, for regulatory purposes would be treated as a fish stream. 12023-023-1 -6- Dames & Moore As the northern tributary approaches Alexcy Lake, its gradient drops considerably and the stream splits into several distributaries. Like the smaller tributary to the south, this area is used for spawning by sockeye, as evidenced by the abundance of carcasses and fry seen in July. Because of the larger size and swollen state of this tributary during our visits, it was not possible to estimate how far upstream adults might spawn. A third aquatic habitat on access Route 1 lies in the vicinity of a pond in the northeast 1/4 of Sec. 6 (T. 4 S, R. 32 W). Smaller ponds lying to the southeast of this pond are shown on the U.S.G.S. 15-minute quadrangle as isolated. However, they are actually connected by a shallow arm of the larger pond that would require bypassing. Since the larger pond is connected by a small outlet stream to the main outlet of Alexcy Lake, it is likely that this pond contains fish. sampled during our surveys, however. It was not ROUTE 1A A variation that would eliminate the need to cross the pond area described in the previous paragraph (and uneven ground to the west) is shown as Route 1A in Figure 1. This route would, however, require crossing of the small outlet stream from the pond. Although it was not surveyed, it can be assumed that this stream does contain fish. ROUTE 2 The northernmost of the route alternatives considered (Route 2 on Figure 1) does not cross any surface waters and would therefore have no direct impacts on fish habitat. The route would pass very close to Alexcy Lake I s northeast corner, where care would be required to avoid the potential for runoff from disturbed areas entering the lake. A small draw in this area may have atone time been an outlet from the lake to the Tazimina Lake. However, at present, there is a divide in this draw; the southern 200 m (approximately) of the draw drain south into the lake while north of this point drains north toward a small creek which flows to the river. 12023-023-1 -7- ROUTE 2A Dames & Moore ~~ An alternative to Route 2 that would reduce the distance to be traveled is shown as Route 2A on Figure 1. The aquatic impacts of this route would not differ greatly from those of Route 2 except that a wet area south of the lake occupying the northeast quarter of Sec. 20 (T. 3 S, R. 32 W.) would require crossing. This could have minor associated engineering and aquatic impacts. Neither category of impact would present unusual problems, but both can be avoided by Route 2. 4.3 THE PREFERRED ROUTE From the standpoint of avoiding impacts on aquatic resources, the preferred route is clearly Route 2, which has no crossings of streams or significant wetlands. Since 2A is shorter than 2 and would thus have less potential for construction area runoff problems, this route would be slightly preferable to 2 were it not for the small wetland area described above. The maj or aquatic impact of either of these routes (assuming use of standard practices to control erosion and runoff) would be the aesthetic impa~t on sport anglers using either the Tazimina River or Alexcy Lake. Either of the Route 1 alternatives would cross the two major tribu- taries of Alexcy Lake, both of which are known spawning streams for sockeye salmon. While these crossings could certainly be constructed in • a manner that would not have a long-term effect on the system's produc- tivity, the short-term construction impact and the potential for long- term disturbance by humans of spawning in the lower reach of the smaller stream would be avoided by selection of either of the northern routes. 4.4 MITIGATIVE MEASURES Regardless of route selected, the major impact will be aesthetic. While not typically considered an aquatic impact, we have placed aesthe- tics in the realm of an aquatic consideration because the primary human use of this area at present is for fishing, usually by guided parties who fly, or fly and boat, in for a "wilderness fishing experience." Subsistence use of the area, especially by Nondalton residents is also 12023-023-1 -8- Dames & Moore significant. construction and subsequent presence and use of the pro- posed access road would severely degrade the feeling of wildness and undisturbed natural beauty that can now be gained in the area. The road will be a significant man-made visual feature in an area that currently has none east of the Nondalton Road. As an additional indirect effect, the road will encourage motor vehicle access to the Alexcy Lake area and to much of the Tazimina valleyo This will further degrade the enjoyment of those seeking "wilderness" and may greatly alter the way natural resources (fish and wildlife) are utilized in the area • . To mitigate the full extent of these impacts will not be possible; those flying in to Alexcy Lake or the Tazimina River or lakes will know that the road is theree However, there are certainly measures that can be applied to make the visual impact far less severe than is the case for the Nondalton Road. Width of the disturbed area can be kept to the minimum actually required for construction; alignment can be adjusted to minimize the extent of cuts and fills; to minimize the duration of maxi- mum disturbance, disturbed areas can be reveqetated as soon as work is complete in the area. In the Alexcy Lake area, the alignment can be kept largely out of view of boaters on the lake by staying on the Tazimina side of the crest of the low ridge north of the lake (assuming Route 2 or 2A). Taller trees along the lower Tazimina River should largely shield the road from the view of anglers on the stream (of., those flying in). To exclude unofficial traffic by cars or trucks, thereby reducing traffic, it might be possible to gate the· roade However, there likely would be considerable local pressure to leave it open to all. Road control will need to be resolved by the group owning and operating the proposed facility. The potential for direct impacts on-aquatic habitats from construc- tion of all access alternatives would be reduced by use of the best practicable methods to: o Minimize the extent of surface area disturbed. 12023-023-1 -9- - Dames & Moore o Control runoff from disturbed areas (e.g., by mulching, :~ reseeding, and/or use of fabrics; construction of retaining ponds in drainage ways). o Minimize the angle and extent of cuts and fills. o Maintain a 100-m buffer between the route and the nearest sur- face water wherever possible. o Minimize construction activity in the canyon. In addi tion, on the southern routes (1 and 1 A), care would be required to design and construct stream crossings that conform to Alaska Department of Fish & Game and Alaska Power Authority standards. At this· point it would be necessary to assume that both tributaries of Alexcy Lake are fish streams. Culvert design to allow fish passage both up and down stream would therefore be required along with associated bed and bank protection to prevent erosion at each installation. 4.5 TAZIMINA RIVER HABITAT To supplement data gathered in previous surveys and provide data for assessment of impacts in the vicinity of the proposed water diver- sion and the project tailrace, an evaluation of fish habitat just above and just below the falls in the Tazimina River was desired. High flows during both field periods limited efforts in this area as the river was nearly bank full. Access to the first mile below the falls was impos- sible even with a helicopter. Above the falls, the waters' edge could be approached at only two points within the first 400 m of the falls. Viewing the river from the limited available vantage points, how- ever, served to confirm the general concensus from our earlier (Dames & Moore 1982a, b) studies: fish habitat within 100 to 200 m of the falls is severely limited by high velocities and hard substrates (boulder/ bedrock) • At the observed flows, there would be very few resident fish in areas immediately above the falls that would be affected by the low 12023-023-1 -10- diversion berm planned (assumed to be within 200 m electroshocking of the two accessible streambank Dames & Moore of the falls). July . ...-~ areas in this reach failed to take any fish. Three days of effort with baited minnow traps took only three cottids (87 -100 mm) in July; one day of trapping in August produced one char (147 mm) and one cottid (96 mm). In contrast, similar trapping effort at the U.S.G.S. gauge at RM 12 produced 20 small char (98 -164 mm) in July and 6 (91 -155 mm) in August. July electrofishing in this area took one char (165 mm) while angling in each survey took several small grayling (280 -350 mm). Clearly, the slower water in the gauge vicinity is excellent fish habi- tat compared to that immediately above the falls. In spring (May) of 1982 Dames & Moore biologists surveyed the area immediately above the falls in some detail under low flow conditions that permitted wading the entire width of the stream (Dames & Moore 1982b). Gillnet, electroshocking, and seining operations failed to cap- ture any fish, although some cottids were seen during electrofishing (J. Isakson, Dames & Moore, personal observation). It remains to be seen if surveys under similar flow conditions in late summer or fall would show similar low fish usage. At the flow conditions encountered in these surveys, extreme tur- bulence and high velocities would virtually eliminate use by both anadromous and resident fish in much of the reach immediately downstream of the falls. The mid-canyon falls or rapids at about RM 9.3 would likely discourage upstream passage of fish. Aerial surveys of spawning sockeye salmon in August showed that several schools, each containing several hundred adults, were distrib- uted in the limited slow-water eddies throughout the canyon below this barrier. None were seen above it, although a few adults have been reported to spawn in the reach up to the base of the main falls (P. Poe, University of Alaska, Juneau, personal communication). July electrofishing in slower water areas adjacent to an island near the entrance to the canyon (RM 8.5, the closest landing site to the 12023-023-1 -11- Dames & Moore base of the falls) produced no fish. Five days of minnow trapping in ~ the same area in July and 2 days effort in August also took no fish. In August, a school of about a hundred sockeye adults was holding in the lee of the island. It is likely that with lower late summer flows these areas may be used by fish moving up from the lower river, perhaps to feed on eggs shed by the sockeye. Electroshocking under much lower flow condi tions in 198', Dames & Moore (1 982a) captured young-of-the-year rainbow trout at RM 8.8 and large adult rainbow trout were reported well up in the canyon. Concern has been expressed that the intake diversion berm for the project might interrupt bedload movement of gravels essential to the maintenance of important sockeye and rainbow spawning habitat below the canyon. A very large gravel bank at RM 11 is the only potential source for such gravels above the falls. There are numerous scree slopes in the canyon and a large gravel bank at RM 8 just below the canyon that, along with the extensive glacial deposits along the lower river are far more important in the lower river's gravel budget than sources above the falls. It is our opinion that the diversion berm contemplated will not affect spawning habitat in the lower Tazimina River. 5.0 ADDITIONAL STUDIES Summer 1985 surveys were disappointing in that flow conditions remained unusually high, frustrating efforts to sample in the immediate vicinity of the falls. The single char taken just above the falls (cf., the absence of salmonids in July 1985 and in May 1982) may be indicative of increased use of this area later in the summer-fall season. To more fully understand the potential impacts of the proposed project on fish resources of the area, we recommend a follow-up, fall survey to document the following: o Habi tat availability in areas of concern under low flow con- ditions. o Fall fish usage of these areas. o Potential fall downstream movement of fish above the falls. 12023-023-1 -12- '-- 6.0 REFERENCES Dames & Moore ~ Dames & Moore. 1982a. Bristol Bay regional power plan, preliminary environmental report. prepared for Stone & webster Engineering Corporation, Inc. and the Alaska Power Authority, February. 1982b. Study of fish habitat as related to potential impacts of the Tazimina run-of-the-river hydroelectric concept. Appendix C. In Bristol Bay regional power plan, interim feasibility assessment. By Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Inc. for the Alaska power Authority, July. Poe P. H., and Mathisen. 1982. 1981 Newhalen River sockeye escapement studies. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington. FRI-UW-8211 • Final Report to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract No. 81-827. 12023-023-1 -13- APPENDIX D RESULTS OF FISH HABITAT SURVEY, MAY 1986 -ADF&G ,1 , .:..!. ' ' :,-1:"-'--... -.... _--.... DEP .. l\.RTMENT OF FISH .l~ND G"'\'~IE June 25, 1986 Eric Marchegiani Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Mr. Marchegiani: Bill SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 333 RASPBERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502·2392 267-2342 Re: Results of Fish Habitat Survey, Tazimina'Falls Hydro Site. On May 14-15, 1986, Kim Sundberg and Denby Lloyd, both Habitat Biologists on my staff, accompanied you to Iliamna to conduct a fish habitat survey at the proposed Tazimina Falls Hydroelectric project site. The purpose of the survey was: (1) to ascertain the fish habitat values at the base of falls where a powerhouse and tailrace would be constructed, especially as this might effect potential spawning habitat in the lower Tazimina River and (2) to survey the fish resource and habitat above the falls in the vicinity of the proj ect intake to determine the need for screening to prevent fish entrainment or impingement in the intake. The survey was timed to coincide with both ice-free low water conditions and with the peak of rainbow trout spawning in the lower Tazimina River. . Study Area and Methods . The study area was defined at the lower end by a series of low falls approximately 400 feet downstream from Tazimina Falls and at the upper end by a gully on the southwest bank approximately 500 feet upstream from falls (Figure 1). The study area encompassed all pr9posed inwater construction locations for the project. Five sampling techniques were employed in the survey: 1. Visual observations with polarized glasses on the ground and from a helicopter of all potential fish habitat. 2. Electrofishing of all 40 percent of the study (Smith-Root Model II-A). wadable areas (approximately area) using a backpack shocker OCl .£L '~------'trl L B GENERAL PLAN SCALE. ,'.!>CO' PLAN -fONERI 0JSc: SCAlE.I'_u 10 :I 0 10 } / / i/L B-B $CAI C,f-ID' 10 v ~'\JRBINE ;rt.-•.• / TAZIMINA RIVER DEVELOPMENT LOCA I. POWER pnOJECT BRISTOl,. P"-Y REGlOttAL PONEA PlAN ALASKA PCMlER AUTHORITY STOllE .. WU1STfA fllGIEUljQ CDlPOAAIIOII .10. H001 «'INfli. COD . -----------------------------FIGURE 1 Eric Marchegiani -3-June 25, 1986 3. Hook and line fishing using single hooks baited with salmon eggs or Mepps spinners. 4. Minnow traps baited with salmon eggs and soaked overnight (approximately 18 hours). 5. A variable mesh gillnet (0.5 to 2.0 inch stretched mesh) set across the lower end of the plunge pool below the falls. Results 1. Visual observations below falls. Approximately 6.0 observer hours were spent in visual observations below the falls. No fish were observed in the study area. Visual observations above falls. Approximately 4.0 observer hours were spent in visual observations above the falls. No fish were observed in the study area. 2. Electrofishinq below the falls. The entire south side of the river including the tailrace site was sampled with a backpack shocker. The total shocking time was 520 seconds. Because 0 flow conducti vi ty , the shocker was set at 1,000 V.D.C. at a pulse frequency of 90 Hz. At this setting, the approximate region of galvanotaxis was one meter from the anode •. Three sculpins (Cottus sp.) were collected below the falls. Electrofishing above the falls. Both sides of the river were shocked including all wadable portions and the proposed intake site. The total shocking time was 296 seconds. No fish were collected by shocking above the falls. 3. Hook and line fishing below _ the falls. Approximately 4.5 angler hours of effort-were expended in fishing below the falls. No fish were caught on hook and line. Hook and line fishing above the falls. Approximately 3. a angler hours of effort were expended in fishing above the falls. No fish were caught on hook and line. 4. Minnow trappinq below falls. Seven baited minnow traps were set within the study area below the falls. Two char (Salvelinus sp., fork length = 121 rom, 146 mm) and two sculpin (Cottus sp.) were caught. 5. Minnow trapping above falls. Three baited minnow traps were set within the study area above the falls. Two char (fork length = 108 mIn, 89 rom) were caught. Gillnet below falls. Approximately 60 feet of variable mesh gillnet was set across the lower end of the plunge pool below the falls. The net was in the river for approximately Eric Marchegiani -4-June 25, 1986 0.5 hours. The net was fished by hauling the free end across the river and alternately stretching it taut perpendicular to the flow and then relaxing the free end and allowing it to drift downstream with the current. No fish were caught in the net. 6. Birds. Birds observed in the study area included dipper, conunon merganser, harlequin I goldeneye (probably Barrows) and sharp-shinned hawk. We did not observe any feeding activity by diving ducks. TemDerature. The water temperature below the falls on May 15, 1986 was 39°F. The air temperature was 44°F. Substrate. The bed and bank material below the falls consisted primarily of cobble-sized talus, angular boulders, bedrock shelves and small pockets of gravel and sand. The substra te composition is substantially similar above the falls except that the cobbles and boulders are less angular and more water worn. Accumulations of coarse sand were found on top of the remnant snow and ice on the banks below the falls. This sand may be deposited by anchor ice carried over the falls at breakup. Discussion The lower Tazimina River supports very valuable sockeye salmon and rainbow trout resources. Previous studies by Poe and Mathisen, 1982 noted that during years of large escapements, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) can be found up to the base of the Tazimina Falls. However Poe (pers. comm.) felt that because of the scarcity of suitable spawning habitat in the Tazimina Canyon, little if any successful spawning and inCUbation could occur there. Concerns had been raised that there could be rainbow trout spawning near the base of the falls where the project outlet and tailrace would be constructed. Our May 14-15 survey was timed to coincide with the peak period of rainbow trout spawning in the river. Observations of rainbow trout in the lower Tazimina River confirmed that spawning was occurring further downstream during the time of our survey. The failure to collect or observe rainbow trout within the study area strongly suggests that it was not used for spawning this year. A low series of falls approximately 400 feet downstream of the Tazimina Falls may discourage fish from ascending into the project area. Moreover, our observations of substrate indicates that there is very little sui table spawning habi ta t wi thin the study area. These observations would support previous investigators' speculation that little if any successful spawning occurs in the vicini ty of the falls. If contractors closely adhere to the terms and conditions of the Title 16 permit that will be required for the portion of the project below the falls as well as APA's Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control and Eric Marchegiani -5-June 25, 1986 for Handling Fuel and Hazardous Materials, the construction and operation of the powerhouse and tailrace should not have a negative impact upon spawning, rearing, or migration of fish in the Tazimina River. The question of whether screening is necessary to prevent fish entrainment or impingement in the proj ect intake is also an issue. The available information indicates that low numbers of resident grayling and char occur at the intake site. Because no salmon can migrate above the Tazimina Falls, screening the intake to protect anadromous fish is not an issue. The Bristol Bay Area Plan (BBAP) Guideline No. 6 to Habitat Alteration and Destruction and the draft Coastal Management ·Program (BBCMP) Policy No. 10.4 the following: Prevent Fish Bristol Bay both require Tideland permits or leases, water appropriations, and/or Title 16 permits for water intake pipes used to remove water from fish bearing waters will require that the intake be surrounded by a screened enclosure to prevent fish entrainment and impingement. Pipes and screening will be designed, constructed, and maintained so that the maximum water velocity at the surface of the screen enclosure is not greater than 0.1 foot per second. Screen mesh size will not exceed 0.04 inch unless another size has been approved by ADF&G. Other technology and techniques which can be demonstrated to prevent the entrainment and impingement of fish may also be utilized. Deviation from this guideline requires that (1) no fish use the intake waters, or (2) that alternate technology or techniques provide adequate protection for fish. Information collected during this and other surveys (Grabacki, 1982) suggests that there is no migration of fish through or into the project area. Some of the fish that occur in the vicinity of the intake site are likely swept over the falls and lost from the Opper Tazimina River system. Given that fish use of the intake site appears to be very low, and the project design does not appear to alter the stream in a manner that would attract fish to the intake site, there seems to be little benefit in designing a screening system for the intake specifically to prevent fish entrainment or impingement. We suggest that instead you incorporate measures into the location and design of the intake and trash screens which would minimize the likelihood of fish entering the systa~. Fish exclusionary screens with a mesh size of 0.25 inch would. adequately protect the adult char and grayling that use the site. The feasibility and cost of installing and maintaining 0.25 inch mesh screens at the intake should be determined before the screening issue can be finally resolved. This analysis should be accomplished in order to determine the consistency of the project with the BBAP and the BBCMP. Eric Marchegiani -6-June 25, 1986 Finally, during aerial observations and video taping of the preferred access route (Route No.3) we did not note any streams or other flowing water that could support fish. It appears that no Title 16 permits will be required for road crossings associa ted with Access Route No.3. However, Alexey Lake and Alexey Creek are in the vicinity of the road and they are important for salmon spawning and rearing. Contractors should be advised that any work affecting Alexey Lake and its tributary streams, including water pumping, will require a Title 16 permit from ADF&G. Based upon this survey and our review of other pertinent project information, we believe that with continued close coordination between ADF&G and the developer, and close adherence to all biological stipulations on Title 16 and other permits, this project can be constructed and operated with minimal. impact to the environment. If you have any questions concerning this report please contact Kim Sundberg (267-2334). Thank you for the opportunity to work with APA on this project. Sincerely, Lance L. T asky Regional Supervisor Region IV Habitat Division cc: Jim Hemming, Dames & Moore ~on Matchett, Stone & Webster Dick Russell, ADF&G, King Salmon Hank Hosking, USFWS-WAES Tim Hostetler, Bristol Bay CRSA Bob Arce, Iliamna Natives, Ltd. Brad Smith, NMFS Eric Marchegiani -7-June 25, 1986 Literature Cited Grabacki, S.T. 1982. Study of fish habitat as related to potential impacts of the Tazimina run-of-river hydroelectric concept. Dames & Moore. in Volume 4, Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Detailed Feasibility Analysis. Alaska Power Authority Contract No. CC-08-2108. July, 1982. Poe, P.H. and O.A. Mathisen. 1982. Tazimina River sockeye salmon studies. Fisheries Research Institute. University of Washington. in. Volume 4, Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Detailed Feasibility Analysis, Alaska Power Authority Contract No. CC-08-2108. July, 1982. APPENDIX E ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE, MAY 1986 -DAMES & MOORE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL RECONNAISSANCE OF AN ALTERNATE ROAD ROUTE TO THE PROPOSED TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT by David E. Erikson DAMES & MOORE A reconnaissance level field survey was conducted on May 13-16, 1986, of a proposed alternate road alignment which bypasses the lower two and a half miles of the Tazimina access road. This alternate alignment separates from the old route approximately 3 miles south of the proposed powerhouse site and travels southwest to intersect with the Iliamna-Nondalton Road one mile above the landing on the Newhalen River (Figure 1). The specific objectives of this sur- vey were to: o Conduct a ground survey of the new route documentjng any crossings of streams and survey each for anadromous fish. o Assess the overall biological features of thJs area including wetlands and waterfowl habitat and identify sensitive areas. o Note any obvious sources of gravel near the road route. o Photograph the proposed location of the intake structure above the Tazimina falls. This survey was conducted by Dave Erikson, staff ecologist with Dames & Moore and by Mike Yarborough, an archeologi st with Cultural Resources Consultants. The environmental survey was done in conjuction with an archeolo- gical survey of each route. The old access road route from the proposed powerhouse location to the Iliamna-Nondalton road was previously surveyed for stream crossings in the summer of 1985 (Dames & Moore, 1985). More detailed environmental baseline stu- dies of the Tazimina drainage were conducted in 1981 (Dames & Moore, 1982). : . .~ (,(:.) ;.:~L· "", : I) o -- FIGURE 1 STUDY AREA 2.0 METHODS In order to document fish stream crossing and assess overall habitat con- ditions along the proposed road routes, each route was walked by the field party. Lakes and ponds adjacent to the road routes were surveyed wi th bi nocu- 1 ars for waterfowl acti vity and general notes and photographs were taken of habitat features. The starting point of the ground survey was the ridge between Alexcy Lake and Tazimina River. A Jet Ranger helicopter, chartered from Trans Alaska Helicopters, Inc. of Anchorage, provided transportation to the sites and was also used for low-level aerial surveys of the road routes and to survey adjacent lakes for waterfowl. The material site survey was conducted at the same time as the biological survey, but the ground was still frozen so only surface deposits of gravel were noted along the routes. Areas of exposed gravel were photographed and marked on the map. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Upland Habitats· Terrestrial habitat along alternate road route varies from open low shrub and lichen comnunities dominated by narrow-leafed laborador tea (Ledum decumben s) , crowberry (.Empetrum ni grum) dwarf bi rch (Betu 1 a .!!!!!!) and wi 11 ow (Salix sp.) and by several species of lichen (Cetraria sp., Sterocaulon sp., Cladonia sp.), to a sparce, white spruce woodland (cover 10-25%). Essentially, all of this area ;s interspersed by short, stunted white spruce which appear to be dominant but overall cover is generally less than 10% (the minimum required to classify it as a woodland vegetation type). Thi s vegetation type extends over most of well drained upl and areas adja- cent to the Tazimina River and occurs throughout most of the area traversed by both road routes. There appears to be no significant difference in the upland vegetation between the two routes. 3.2 Wetlands The proposed alternate access road route passes through an area of well- drained soils and does not intersect any significant areas of wetlands. Minor re-alignment around some small potholes could easily avoid all wetland habitats. This is similar terrain to the old road route which also crosses no wetlands. Wet 1 and areas adjacent to the road route occur in conj unct i on with sma 11 ponds and lakes, some of which have little open water with mostly emergent vege- tation. The development of the access road should have no effect on these areas. 3.3 Fish Habitat The proposed alternate road alignment would not cross any areas of surface water and thus would not have any effect on fish habitats. The small lakes and ponds along the route are isolated from other waterbodies, so would not likely support significant fish resource which 'could be affected by road construction. 3.4 Waterfowl All of the lakes and small ponds along the alternate road route and the present road route were surveyed for any waterfowl· concentrations. The 1 ake with the most activity was Alexcy Lake. Red-brested mergansers were common with sma 11 er numbers of common mergansers observed. A few pi ntail s, ma 11 ards, and green-winged teal were flushed from the edges of the lake. The smaller isolated potholes and Jakes adjacent to the lower access road and the alternate route supported only a small number of diving ducks (Barrow1s goldeneye, red-brested mergansers), that probably nest in the area. Many of the ponds had no waterfowl present duri ng ei ther the aeri a 1 or ground survey. Overall waterfowl density in the area adjacent to both routes appeared to be low. A pair of tundra swans were located in a small pond north of the existing access road route during aerial survey but no nesting activity was observed on that pond. They may be usi ng anyone of the other ponds or 1 akes in the area but no nest site was not found. It di d not appear that these ponds and 1 akes support more than one pai r of swans. No geese were seen in any of the areas surveyed. 3.5 Gravel Sources The terrain along the proposed alternate appears to be part of an old gla- cial moraine with many small ridges and depressions, a few of these depressions support small isolated ponds. Many of these ridges have large, exposed area of unvegetated gravel which suggests much of the parent material may be suitable for road construction. Since the ground was still frozen, it was not determined how far below the surface the gravel went, but there appeared to be no shortage of gravel, especially along the alternate road route. Typical examples of these exposed gravel deposits are given in the attached photomosaic and locations of these sites along the alternate route are given in Figure 2. Site Number* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *Site numbers TABLE 1 LOCATIONS OF POTENTIAL DEPOSITS FROM LORAN C. COORDINATES Latitude Longitude N 59 53 30 W 154 47 06 N 59 53 54 W 154 47 30 N 59 53 30 W 154 48 30 N 59 53 36 W 154 49 00 N 59 53 30 W 154 49 00 N 59 53 30 W 154 49 12 N 59 53 1B W 154 49 24 correspond to the map in Figure 2. 3.6 Intake Area Two photomosai cs of the area intake structure above the fa 11 s and are included as attachments to this report. These photos cover approximately 150 m of the south side above the falls of the Tazimina River taken from the opposite si de. . \ ,: '{. I I 112 I . j I i ,'. ~9JW~ . 'L' ~iG FIGURE 2 ~1 LOCATION OF POTENTIAL MATERIAL SITE! '. ALONG ALTERNATE ACCESS ROAD 4.0 DISCUSSION 4.1 Overall Comparison of Road Routes After walking both the old proposed route and the alternate road alignment it would appear there is no significant biological difference between the two routes. Nei ther route crosses any area of surface water such as streams or ponds and the vegetation community types are very similar between the two routes. The area of surf ace di sturbance wou 1 d also be very compari b 1 e si nce both routes wou'd be the same length. Although both routes do pass by lakes and ponds., these habitats appear to have only marginal waterfowl use. A small amount .of disturbance would be expected during construction of the road. Swans do nest in the general area, but only one pair were observed using the ponds adjacent to the northern route. There were no indications of any concentrated nesting activity. No ecologically sensitive or unique habitats were identified along either road route which would be affected by the development of an access road from the proposed powerhouse site to the Iliamna-Nondalton road. 5.0 REFERENCES Dames & Moore. 1982. Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan, Environmental Report. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Dames & Moore. 1985. Environmental Reconnaissance of Potential Road Routes to the proposed Tazimina River Hydroelectric project. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. APPENDIX F ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY, MAY 1986 - - Archeological Survey of Two Access Road Routes and the Proposed Sites of a Powerhouse and Penstock for the Tazimina River Local Power Project by Michael R. Yarborough Submitted to Dames and Moore Consulting Engineers May 21, 1986 Cultural Resource Consultants Anchorage, Alaska Introduction The following report describes an archeological survey of two possible access road routes and the proposed sites of a powerhouse and penstock associated with the Tazimina River Local Power Project. This work was conducted on the 14th and 15th of May, 1986, by Michael R. Yarborough of Cultural Resource Consultants. Project Areas The prefered access route to the site of the powerhouse and penstock would run northeast from the Newhalen Road, through a convoluted terrain of discontinuous glacial ridges, knolls and small lakes without outlet streams, to a point just south of the edge of the terrace above the Tazimina River (Figure 1). From here the road swings back away from the terrace edge for approximately four-tenths of a mile before running along the northern edge of a ridge that separates the northeastern corner of Alexcy Lake and the Tazimina River valley. East of Alexcy Lake the road would again turn away from the terrace edge across a wind-swept plateau. All of the glacial features along the first portion of this route are marked with extensive patches of exposed gravel. There are also numerous barren areas along the edge of the river terrace. Portions of the route back from the terrace edge were covered with unbroken alpine tundra. The first segment of the alternate route, from the existing Newhalen Road to the southwest shore of a lake along the southern margin of Section 17, Township 3 S, Range 32 W, would run through an area of flat tundra dotted with white spruce. From the lake, the route crosses a rolling terrain of discontinuous ridges, knolls and hummocks before turning to the southeast to the edge of the terrace above the Tazimina River. The road would then roughly parallel the edge of the terrace for approximately nine-tenths of a mile to where it joins the prefered route. In the vicinity of the lake in Section 17 and to the southeast of where the alternate road joins the prefered route there are numerous and extensive areas of exposed gravel. Other areas of the alternate route are covered with tundra. The powerhouse will be located in the river canyon below the falls, while the penstock will be above the falls in the bed of the river. In this area, the river runs through a narrow canyon with high, vertical, rock walls. Along the eastern edge of the river, upstream from the falls, are a series of low terraces rising above the rim of the canyon. Here, except for a series of holes left by seismic testing, there are few areas of exposed soil. Previous Archeological Surveys The only previous archeological work in the project area was done in September of 1981 by Kathy Arndt. She conducted a surface survey of two potential powerhouse sites on the Tazimina River and an aerial reconnaissance around the perimeter of Lower Tazimina Lak~. Two recent campsites were the only cultural remains found during this survey. Her report (Dames and Moore 1982) contains a detailed summary of the prehistory, history, and ethnography of the Tazimina Lake area. Field Research Both the prefered access route, from the Newhalen Road to approximately the common boundary between Sections 26 and 27, and the alternate route were inspected from the air and surveyed on-the-ground. The proposed sites of the powerhouse and penstock were also looked at from the air, and the terraces on the eastern side of the river were walked for a distance of approximately 100 meters (m) upstream from the falls. During the surface survey, the approximate routes of the access road and the alternate, as depicted on a 116),)60 U.S.G.S. map, were followed using landmarks and compass bearings for direction. Areas of exposed gravels, which were numerous, were inspected for cultural material. Except in the vicinity of the lake in Section 17, the ground in the project area was frozen just under the cover of moss and lichens. The latitude and longitude of the two artifacts found during the survey were determined using the helicopter's Loran navigation system. Field Results The only cultural remains located during this survey were a fragment of a microblade core and a retouched flake. Both were found exposed on the surface along the edge of the river terrace northeast of Alexcy Lake (Figure 1). The core fragment, measuring 18.6 by 7.9 by 10.5 mm, is from a patch of exposed gravel approximately 12 m back from the edge of the terrace in the northwest corner of Section 27 (latitude 59 53'30" N, longitude 154 46'54" W). It is made of a fine-grained, dark red chert covered with small black spots. The fragment includes a portion of the core's fluted face and striking platform. Numerous hinged flake scars and some crushing on the platform attest to the attempted removal of front-struck rejuvenation flakes from the platform surface. Only one blade scar is present on the face of the core. This piece is apparently from a wedge-shaped core which fractured along several flaw lines in the material. Wedge-shaped microblade cores are a characteristic artifact of the American Paleo-arctic tradition. Assemblages of this tradition have been previously found on the Alaska Peninsula at Ugashik Narrows, Igiugig, and Graveyard Point at the mouth of the Kvichak River. The assemblage at Ugashik Narrows dates between 7,700 and 9,000 B.P., while that at Graveyard Point dates to 7,800 to 7,900 B.P. (Smith and Shields 1977123-24, 36). The site at Igiugig is undated. In addition to wedge-shaped cores, artifacts recovered from these sites have included microblades, core rejuvenation flakes, large and small projectile points, scrapers and bifaces. The retouched flake was found along the edge of the terrace approximately 250 meters to the west (latitude 59 53'36" N, longitude 154 47'6" W) of the core fragment. It is a large, 33.1 by 43.1 by 11.6 mm, flake of fine-grained chert with bifacial retouch along both lateral margins. Conclusions and Recommendations One of the recommendations from Arndt's 1981 work was that "terraces above the present river bed" be tested, since "prehistoric sites have been found high above present day rivers and lakes in the Iliamna-Lake Clark region ••. " (Dames and Moore 1982,5-12). This conclusion is supported by the results of this second survey of the project area. The river terrace above the Tazimina, especially the section of the terrace which separates the northeast corner of Alexcy Lake and the river valley, has a very high archeological potential. The terrace offers a convenient route of travel and an excellent vantage of the Tazimina River valley. The river and Alexcy Lake are rich in both anadromous and fresh water species of fish, and beaver and waterfowl are found around the lake. Other portions of the prefered and alternate routes, away from the edge of the terrace, have a much lesser archeological potential. The prefered route crosses numerous glacial ridges and knobs, but, because of the convoluted nature of the terrain, no single feature offers much of an advantage in terms of view. Much of the alternate route--the segment southwest of the lake in Section 17--is flat and featureless tundra. The lakes skirted by both routes are small and have no outlet streams. Indeed, neither route crosses any streams. , The sites of the penstock and powerhouse have no archeological potential. These locations are virtually inaccessible and offer no advantage, other than scenic, over other more accessible areas further up-or downstream. Based on the results of this survey, it is recommended that, once an access route has been selected, the portion of the road that parallels the edge of the river terrace be intensively surveyed and tested. Barren patches within the road right-of-way should be checked for artifacts exposed on the surface, and vegetated areas tested for in situ cultural material. Given the number of "blowouts" examined during this survey, it can be reasonably predicted that there are no extremely large sites along the terrace edge. However, the isolated core fragment and retouched flake do suggest that there may be other small "chipping stations It, "lookouts". or ·'hunting camps" overlooking the Tazimina River valley. Bibliography Dames and Moore 1982 Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Environmental ReDort. Submitted to the Alaska Power Authority. Smith, George S. and Harvey M. Shields 1977 Archaeological Survey of Selected Portions of the Proposed Lake Clark National Park. Lake Clark, Lake Telaquana, Turquoise Lake, Twin Lakes, Fishtrap Lake, Lachbuna Lake and Snipe Lake. Anthropology and Historic Preservation, Cooperative Parks Studies Unit, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Page 7 Legend Figure 1-Project Area Map 1. Prefered access road alignment 2. Alternate access road alignment ). Falls and site of penstock and powerhouse 4. Microblade core fragment 5. Retouched flake 6. Approximate eastern limit of access road survey FIGURE 1 PROJECT AREA MAP APPENDIX G DETAILED COST ESTIMATE HYDRO ALTERNATIVE 1 A 501080 HYDRo ALTe:-RNA1i"€ i ESTIMATE } CLIENT APA STATION Ta;~,VV) ,'",-a.,.. !±Loire Feas'( ESTtM~~~ JO NO SHEET NO Of ~ hi-! . _J!:t!22 7-2. 7 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK '2. @ 350 kIN (yYl<Gd~U:Yh. L~) OUANTITIEAn.U CHECKED BY p~~ ~ 'Sl.l Y\'\ (Y\ 1; \<.~ ~ Well Op-t-LOv\.... IAS~9 B:r TKW un~ts DATE q/Bb APPROVED V ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANmlES UNIT COST MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL MAN-HOURS NO_ MArl MH/RATE -----7 f-----------1----f-f---~ 1-.330 ~ a.-1AC1 L~ R;o!.d::; I )t Jlu d.~ ! IIv 1"'-' .---// -" ,~-- ~31 P.ov,r,z.:c:p~ -f-.-~~ 1'1 Q~ Q 332.. lAJ<rl:c-Y'v...n ¥ s / f---f-14 l.(3 (lOr ~-~ ____ ~btMl?~ ~ Ge.YlQ_r~::l nY'S ". ,. / 55 f,o 0'-' f-----~----f-- 33Lf .i}C£'..IZSS0r"( E.lJ2..c...±r~ ~1U,I'D me.n.:6 / 30 11.1"1 o If') / ~ -+-I-~-- 335 I l~' I X III c:;o .Qlc «ltsc. 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'2 .• 7 SHEET NO 6:, OF ~ -------~~ --~ DESCRtPTlON OF WORK T.4 'l.1 fY\ I N A .: 2 @ 350 kvJ t rnruifA.LrYl loa..d.) QUANTlTI~ CHECKED BY Pi#1h- op-ho~\f\.:.. . • f-Wtcll tA~ J:!.::r TkW lJ.-Y\ct s DAlE ,lela APPRoveD -ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANTITIES UNIT COST MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL MAN~HOURS NO~ MArl MHIRATE ~ ~ / 33£.... Roo...d ~--~--f-I-I--~I- c..loflr~n 5D~ ~~ ~ ~-~-,-'--of-~ 1-l!:Q Q 10" I--F.x.ca_~a.±~ C!VI... -CJ!>Yh '(Y\.O\I\.. 55!J~'i 1j5/ 'c~ ~I~ 00 Q r:;U J C-OM r'Y) ott.. ~-be! ~(jO ~ C-'f 4J~l! ~ .1-L i tic '2IC 00 Ie FLIt -ctf'cweL 19 I-;;ioQ ~'l J2?L ~ -I--If~ lfo Idc d . 2tt'/ q. c.c.Jv~p~~ __ -.-JJJ2QM r~ So/ V 18.~ 00 r, _ .~ ~@tY\a.ga.. - / I ~ ~ H- ----,-. ~[ f-'-~ i I--~I-'-i-I-1-1-1-1-I-! lie 00 !CO Ie / I l-I-~I-~ i-I-~ / " / I-I- -I-f~-I-~ / 1--~ -1-!~ /-~ / I--f-- / I ~ / 1-1--• / / I-I-I-I--,-t-~ --~ I-~f-I ~ f---~-~I-I-I-I-I-I-- I-1-1-!~-I-~ l-f-L-, -/ ~- 1-/ '--I / J ~ - APPENDIX H SAMPLE PRESENT WORTH PRINTOUT - TAZIMiNA RIVER HYDRD D!SCDlJIHED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS FEASIBILITY STUDY TAZ!~!NA RiVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BRISTnL SAY RE6!DNAL POWER PLAN AL~SKA POWER AUTHORITY ELECTRIC! iY W1ERATIDri Y!!ak Dema::d (un R::nual Energy Us~ [MW~:; t'. iESE.L EENERATI0N Added Ca~a:ity mil Re~licEd Capacity IkW) Installed Capacity (k~) Energy Ger.eration IMWhi Diesel FUEl Escalation Rat! (1) Di?se} Fue: Cost (Cents/oal) Di~sel Fuel Used ISa! 000) Capita: Cost ($000) D,~~ Cost ($000) FUEl Cost ($0001 De~t Service ($000) Sa;vage Value 1$(00) Subt:tal ($0(1(;) i-iy'DRCE:..ECTRIC Ad"ed Capa:i:y (kW) installed :apacity '.WI ?er:ent cf Annual Generation (11 Energy 6eneration !MWh) Capital C05~ ($000) G~~ Cost ($001)) S:J b t ::ital \$000 j iRAt~SMla5!Or-.; Capital test ISOCO! D~!'1 Cr:s: i$O(!l)) S.;\ {age Value ($OOOi Suhtota} ($OO!),' SUt:r.ARY Total Cost ($000) Dis:ountee Cost ($OOCI Cu~ulative Present Worth (SOODI CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTED VALUES 1996 1 461 1834 (I C 990 1834 0.0 11 !)' 153 o 92 169 o (; 261 (J I) (I o o I) (I o c I) I) 261 252 252 CAPITAL COST ($OOO!_~__________ 6771 O~M CCST ($OOOi________________ 3073 F~£L COST ($000)_______________ 1337 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH ($000) 11181 Case:WELL SCHE~£ -2 UNITS AT 350 kW PA6E 1 of 6 19Ei :: 474 1889 o o 990 1889 2.8 113 158 o 93 17e o o 271 o o o o 211 253 505 1988 3 429 1946 (I o 990 1946 2.8 116 It.3 o 94 189 (I o 283 c o o 650 o t.50 (I o (I o c~ .. .,,).l 841 1346 Discount Rate (Ii............................ 3.5 Diesel Fuel Base Cost (Cents/Sal)............ 110 Diesel Fuel Consumptior. (Sal/kWh) •••.•.•••••• 0.0836 Loae Growth Rate {II......................... 3 Diesel D~~ Variable Cost ($/kWhl ••••••.•••••• 0.0175 Hydro D~M Variabie Cost {$/~Wh).............. 0.015 1989 4 503 2004 o o 990 2004 2.B 119 168 o 95 199 o o 294 o o o o 3050 o 305e o o o o 3344 2914 4261 1990 5 2064 (I C 990 20b~ 2.B 122 In (I 96 211 o (I 3C7 (I (I o o 3050 o 3050 650 o (I 650 4007 3373 1634 1991 6 534 2126 o o 990 155 2.B m \'l' .... o 20 16 (I o 36 70e: 700 93 1971 o 16:: 165 o 10 (I 10 211 171 7a06 1992 7 550 2191) C 990 151 2.8 129 13 I) 20 16 (I (. 36 (I 100 93 2039 (J 91 91 (I 10 o 10 137 lOB 79!3 1993 e Sbo 2255 o o 990 147 2.8 133 12 o 20 16 o o 36 o 700 93 2108 o 92 92 o 10 (; 10 13B 105 B018 1994 9 o o 990 l·g 2.B 12 20 16 o o 36 (l 700 94 217~ (1 93 93 10 o 10 139 102 8120 199:: 10 601 2393 o (0 990 139 2.8 141 12 16 C I) 3, o W' 9~ 2254 C 94 94 o It 140 9,' 8220 TAW!iNA RIVER H'fDRD ELECTF;~cm SEttERAT!DN Pea): D~i!lanc (kill i Annual Energy Use 01Wh) DI~SE~ SENERATIDN Added Caaa:ity (~W) Replate~ Capacity IkWI In;tal1ed Capacity (kW) Energy 6ene:-ation fMWhl Diesel Fuel Escalation Rite {!i Dles~l Fuei Cos: (Cents/Sall Die;el Fuel Used (Sa! 000) Capital Cost ($OOO) O~~ C:lst ($000 FUEl Cost ($00(;;' Debt Service (fOGC) Sa: vagE Val ue (!()OOi Subtotal ($(lOOi ~dded Capa:ity (kW) !nstal:~: Capacity (kW) F'2r:::e;;t Df Annual Qeoerati on m Energy Generation (I'!Wh;' Capital tost (5000) L!tr: Co:;t (~,O~i):' TRAt·!EtHSE lOti Ca~jta: Cost ($000) D~~~ Cast ($O(!O; Salvage ValuE ISOaC] SiJbto:al ($(;00) SUMMARY iotal Cos: ($000) DiS:Dunteti tost (1000) CU3ula~jv; Present W~rth If (00) 1996 11 619 2465 o o 91'0 136 2.8 1~5 1! o 20 16 Co 36' o 700 94 2329 (I 95 95 o 10 (I 10 141 97 8316 Cas2:WELL SCHE~E -i UNITS Ai 350 ~W 1997 12 638 2539 o o 990 132 2.B 149 11 o 20 16 o o 36 o 700 95 2407 91; 96 o 10 o 10 143 94 B411 199B 13 657 2615 (I o 990 130 2.8 153 11 o 20 17 (I o 37 o 700 95 2485 o 97 97 HI o 10 144 92 8503 1999 14 67b 2693 o o 990 146 2.8 157 12 o 20 19 o o 39 o 700 95 2547 I) 9B 98 o 10 o 10 147 91 B594 2000 15 ~97 2774 o o 990 149 2.8 161 12 o 20 20 o o 4(: o 700 95 2625 o 99 99 o 10 (I 10 149 89 B683 2001 16 718 2857 o o 990 155 2.B 16b 13 o 20 22 o o 42 o 700 95 2702 o 101 101 o 10 o 10 1"') 8S B77! 2002 17 739 2943 o o 990 165 2.8 171 14 o 20 24 \) o 44 o 700 94 2779 o 102 102 o 10 o 10 B7 a857 2003 18 7bl 3031 o C 990 173 2.8 lib 14 o 20 25 45 o 700 94 2858 o 103 103 o 10 I} 10 158 85 S94~ PASt 2 of 6 2004 19 784 3122 o o 990 182 2.8 is: o 20 28 o C 48 o 70::, 94 2941) o 10 () 10 162 84 902j 2005 20 BOB 32i6 o o 990 191 2.8 lat 16 o 20 c:', .. N c 94 o 10 o 10 165 S3 9110 TAW:IN~ RIVER H\'DRO ELECTRICITY SENER~TION ?eak Demand IkWl Annual Energy USE (HWhl DIESEL 6E~ERATION Added Capa:ity IkWI Replaced Capacity Ik~) !ns:a!led Capacity (kW) Energy Gene!" at i an (/1l;;h I Di!sel Fuel Escalatinn Rat~ IIi DiEsel Fue! Cost (Cents/Gall Dies~: Fuei Used IGal 000) Capital Cost (SOOCI O&M Cost !t)(iCI) De~: Sefvite ISODOI Si!vage Value (SOOOI Sc~total (tOO:)) HvnRDELECTRIC Added Capacity IkWI Ins~alled Capacity (kW: Pert~nt of Rnn~21 8eneration (ll EnE!"gj G~ne!"ation I"~h! Ca~i~a: tcst ($000~ C~~ Cost !iOO(i) Sut'tctal t $000) Salvage Value (SOODI Total Cost (tOCO) D~s:c~:tej [cst (SOOO) Cu~u!ativ2 Present Worth ($COO) Case: WELL SCHE!1E -~ UI~ITS AT 350 kW 2006 21 2007 ')'" .... BOS 80B 3216 32ib -49(1 0 500 0 500 500 191 191 0.0 0.0 186 IS6 16 16 400 (I 20 20 30 30 (l C o 0 450" 50 o 700 94 3025 {. v 105 10~ (I 10 (I 1(; 565 274 93B4 o 700 94 3C·25 o 10 (I 10 165 7i 9451 200B 23 B08 3216 o C 500 I'll 0.0 lSb 16 o 20 30 o (I 50 (I 700 94 3025 (l 105 105 o 10 o 10 165 75 9536 2009 24 80S 3216 o o 500 191 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3025 c 1e5 105 (I 10 o 10 165 72 9bOB 2010 25 BOB 3216 o o 500 I'll 0.0 lS6 16 20 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3025 o 1~5 105 o 10 o 10 165 70 9678 2011 26 80B :3216 o o 500 191 0.0 196 16 2C 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3025 o lOS 105 o 10 o 10 165 67 9nb 2012 27 SOB 3216 o o 500 191 (l.0 186 16 o 20 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3025 (i 10 (I 10 165 65 9811 2013 28 BOS 3216 I) o 500 191 0.0 lab 16 o 20 30 o o 50 (I 700 94 () 1C5 105 (I 10 o 10 16: 63 9B74 PASE 3 of b 2()1~ 80B 3216 (1 I) 500 191 0.0 IB6 16 o o o 50 10e 94 30~5 o 10: 105 10 o 10 165 61 CQ't~ f , .... ~ 2015 30 SOB o () SOO 191 0.0 tat. 16 20 70e 9~ 3025 o 10 165 :;~ _ i T~ZIHIN~ RIVER HYDRO ELECTF;ICm GENERATION Feak De:.1anj Ik~l Ann~aJ Energy Use IMWh) DIESEL 6ENERATION AdO!?j Capa:ity mn Replaced Ca~acity IkWl Installed Capacity IkWI Energy GEneration (MWh) Diesel F~El Escalation Rate (I) Di esel Fue: Cost (Cents/Gall Di ese~ FUI!: Used (6al 000: Capita! Cost ISOOO) 01l'; CGst ($(!~O) Fue: Cost (rOOO) ~2bt Service ItOOO) Salvage Value (fDDDI H\"D~QELECTRIC 2016 31 BOB 3216 o o 500 191 (t.O 186 16 C 20 30 {) (l 50" Added Capa:ity (kWI 0 In5tiJIE~ Capacity IkWI 700 Per:ent o~ Annual Senerabor. (l) q4 E~.e~~y Eene:-atio:1 !MWn: 30::5 C3~i ta: C~st {;fOOl)} O~r. tost ($000;. Ca~: to: Co:.t ($000) (!;M C:,~t (t (;t!O j Sa!va;e V~lue (SOOOI Su.btotal (SOOO) :!j~!1ARY Total Cost (fOOO) [iSCDuntl~ Cost (SOODI C:.cul ati U: Prese.lt iiorth ($00(:<) o 105 1:15 {, '.' 10 o 10 165 57 10051 Case:WELL SCHEME -2 UNITE AT 35(' kW 2017 BOB 3216 (I o 500 191 , 0.0 1St 16 o 20 3C- (I (. 50 o 700 94 3025 (\ 10: 105 2018 BOS 3216 o o 500 191 O. (: 186 16 o 20 30 (1 o 50 -0 70e 94 3025 (\ 105 10~ o 0 to 10 o (t 10 1(1 165 165 55 ~ 53 10!05 10159 2019 34 80B 3216 o o 500 191 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3C25 10 165 51 10210 2020 Tr, .h' Be'8 321b (I o 50'0 191 0.0 1St. 16 o 20 30 (I (l 50 (I 70C 94 3025 le (I 6bO 815 10454 2021 36 BOS 3216 o (I 500 191 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 D o 50 o 70C 94 3025 o 105 lOS o 10 D 10 165 48 1 f\C"~'''' .V,H!': 2022 37 aOB :m6 o o 500 19: C.O lSb 16 o 20 30 o (j 50 o 700 94 3025 o 105 105 o 10 o 10 165 46 10548 2023 3E 80a 3216 (I I) 500 191 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 o o 50 o 700 94 3025 o 105 IC5 (I 10 o 10 10593 PASE 4 o~ 6 2024 39 809 3216 (: o 500 191 0.0 186 It o 20 30 o o 50 {! 70C 94 30::5 (I 10~ 105 11) o 10 165 43 10636 2C25 808 3216 o o 191 0.0 l Q , vw o 20 o lO( 9~ o 105 o 10 (1 1(: TAZ!!!IN~ f:IVER HYDRO ELECj~!CljY 6ENERAiIDN r.!!ak Denna lUI) Anr.~al Energy Use (~Wh) DIESEL GENERATION Added Capacity (k~) Replaced Capacity {kW) Installed Capacity ikW) Energy Generation (l1Wh) Diesel Fuel Escalation Rate (~l Diesel FUel Cost (Cents/Sa! I Diesel Fuel Used (6al 000) Capita! Cost ($000) O~M Cust ($000) Fuel Cos: ($00(1) Deb~ Service ('000) Saivige ValuE IIOOD! HYDRDELECTR!: Added Capacity (tWI Instilled CaJa:~ty (kWI Percent of Annual Senerati on m £n£'1';y Generation !MlIlhl ~a;ita! Cost 110001 DJ.(~ Cost ($00:;) 511bto:al ($000) Cap~ta; Co;t ($O~Q) D~M Cos: ($000) Salyag~ Value (50001 Subtct .. l (SOC,;)) 5U!'lMAF:Y ID~I! Cost (SOOO) Case:WELL SCHEME -i UNIT5 AT 350 k~j 2026 ~1 2027 42 Boa eos 3216 3216 o I) o 0 500 500 I'll I'll 0.0 0.0 IB6 186 16 16 o 0 20 20 30 30 o 0 o " 50 .' 50 o 700 94 3025 (; 105 105 o w o 10 165 40 o 700 94 3025 o 105 lCS 165 37 202B 43 BOB 3216 o o 500 191 0.0 186 16 20 30 o o 50 C' 700 9~ 3025 o 105 105 o 10 o 10 165 38 2029 44 B08 3216 o o 500 I'll 0.0 186 16 o 20 3C' o o 50 o 700 94 3C2~ I) 105 105 o 10 o 10 165 36 2030 45 BOB 3216 I) (> 500 191 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 o o 50 o 700 9~ 3025 (l 105 105 o 10 o 10 165 2031 46 808 3216 o o 500 191 0.0 1Bf. 16 o 20 30 (; o 50 o 700 94 3025 o 105 105 o 10 C' 10 165 2032 ~7 B08 3216 o o 500 !9l 0.0 186 16 o 20 30 o () 50 o 7C'O 94 3025 o 105 105 o o 10 165 4E BOB 3216 o C 500 191 0.0 18b 16 o 30 o 50 o 700 9~ 3025 c 105 105 o 10 o 1(: 165 PAa~ 5 of 6 2034 49 80B 3216 o o 500 19: 0.0 186 16 1) 20 3t o (I 50 o 700 94 3025 () 11"10:: 105 e- 10 o 10 2035 50 3216 () o lQl O.C 186 16 () 20 3G o 7M , 9~ 3C25 105 o 10 3C 10718 10757 10795 10831 10Bbb 10900 10933 10964 10995 1!~25 .. TAZI~IN~ RIVER HYDRO Case:WELL SCHE~E -l UNITS AT 35" kW PAGE b of b '" 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 "I .1 • 52 53 5~ 55 .. ELECTRICITY SEUERATION Pea!:: Demand IkWI Rli" ~ .. B08 SOB BOS BOB Annual Energy USE IMNh) 321b 321b 3216 321b 3216 ,. DIESEL GENERATION Moe:! Ca~a:::ity I~W) 0 0 0 0 0 Replaced Capacity lUll 500 0 0 0 (I ., Install e:! Capa:ity (kill 500 SOO 500 50C' 500 Er.ergy Generation IHWhl 191 1 C'l .. 191 191 191 Diesel Fuel Escalation Rate (Il O. (1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Diesel Fual Cl'\~+ ~~. (Cents/Gd) 18b 186 186 186 186 ,. Di 2sel Fue; Used (Sal 000) j' 16 !b 16 16 .0 Capital Cest (tOOO) 400 C-O 0 0 OH! Cost ($1)00) 20 20 20 20 20 FUc:l Cost ($01)01 30 30 30 30 30 !Jeb: Servi ce {fOOOI (I 0 0 0 0 Salv~ge Value ($i\!)OI 0 0 1) 0 200 Subt:ltal 1$0(0) 45(1-' SO "'. 50 -ISO .111 HYDROELE:TRIC ?ldded Capacity (kW) (; 0 C 0 0 Ins::allec Capacity (kIon 70e 70(1 700 700 700 f'er:.ent of linnaal Senerati on m 94 9~ 94 94 94 Ene!"g',' Sener ation (!1I:h) 3025 3C·25 3m " .. ~ 3025 3025 .. Capital Co~t (.$(:~Oj 0 0 0 0 0 rH .... Cos: (!(II)I}I 105 105 105· 105 105 ~'Jii, Subtctal (tOOO) 105 105 105 105 lOS -TF:ANSMI5S!DN Capj tal Cost ($000) (; 0 0 0 0 [:&M Cost (tOe-O) 10 leI 11:' 10 10 S.alva;e ValuE' ($000; 0 0 0 0 108 Sucto:al ($000) 10 10 10 10 -98 SU~~ARY Ictal Co~t (tOOO) 5~" ww 165 Ib5 165 -143 Di scounts.>d Cost ItCOO) 98 28 27 2b -22 Cumulative Present Wc:-th ($OON 11122 11150 11177 11202 111£1 ... ,- APPENDIX I LIST OF PROJECT PERMITS LIST OF PROJECT PERMITS The following permits are recognized at this time as required for construction of the project. This list is intended to address major permitting requirements and may not be all-inclusive. As the project proceeds, any additional permits or other authorizations will be identified. AGENCY U.S. Corps of Engineers U.S. Corps of Engineers Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Natural Resources Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 5525f PERMIT TYPE Material Extraction Access Road and Construction Land Fill Waste Water Discharge Potable Water Waste Disposal Anadramous Fish Stream Water Rights Hydroelectric Project License