HomeMy WebLinkAboutBristol Bay Regional Power Plan Interim Feasibility Assessment Volume 3 - Appendices 1982BRISTOL 8;A Y REGIONAL. POW'ER PLAN DEI AILE[) FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT VOLUME 3 -APIJENDICES J~JL.Y 1982 L~ Stone &: Webst,er EngineE:ldn~1 Corporation GENERAL OUTLINE BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN DETAILED FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT VOLUME 1 -REPORT VOLUME 2 -APPENDICES VOLUME 3 - VOLUME 4 - APPENDIX A -ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS A.l ENERGY NEEDS A.2 HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECTS A.3 DIESEL POWER A.4 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY A.5 ENERGY CONSERVATION A.6 WIND ENERGY A.7 POWER TRANSMISSION A.B FOSSIL-FUEL ALTERNATIVES A.9 ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE A.l0 LOAD MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS APPENDIX B -ENERGY SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION APPENDIX C -ENERGY DEMAND FORCAST APPENDICES APPENDIX D -WIND ENERGY ANALYSIS APPENDIX E -GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES -TAZIMINA RIVER APPENDIX F -GEOTECHNICAL STUDY -NEWHALEN RIVER APPENDICES APPENDIX G -ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX H -NEWHALEN SMOLT AND FRY STUDIES APPENDIX I -HYDROLOGIC EVALUATIONS -TAZIMINA RIVER ... .... ,. ill,· • .... ... APPENDIX D WIND ENERGY ANALYSIS =======--------.... _---------=-------.. ---' ------- --_.' _ .. _ .. _._----_ ... _._._ ... ------ ---------- Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan WIND ENERGY ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT _ .. ---...... -._._--. _.--.--.--.' 1....-.--._.__ _ _-... -. '-.. -.' ~----- ---'''~IM~~~ ~ ......•... ~ PREPARED BY WIND 'SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INC. Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan WIND ENERGY ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT FEBRUARY, 1982 PREPARED UNDER CONTRACT FOR STONE & WEBSTER· ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BY WIND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, INC. 1551 EAST TUDOR RD.. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 Mark Newell, .Editor T ABLE OF OF CONTENTS Section One: Wind Resource Assessment 1.1 Power in the Wind • 1.2 Battelle Assessment 1.3 The Wind Resource • 1.4 Data Availability • Section Two: Site Identification 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Coastal Sites 2.3 Naknek to Bruin Bay Corridor 2.4 Inland Areas 2.5 Conclusions . Section Three: Wind Generation Equipment 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Wind Turbine Size 3.3 Axis of Rotation 3.4 Generator Type 3.5 Wind Generator Controls. 3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Section Four: Storage, Monitoring & Systems Integration 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Storage Apparatus . 4.3 Monitoring Equipment . 4.4 Systems Integration 4.5 Conclusions and Recommendations • 1 • 2 · 7 10 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 1 4 • 18 • 21 • 25 • 27 · 1 · 2 · 7 · 14 • 17 Section Five: Power Production Analysis 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Methodology 5.3 Power Production 5.4 Conclusions & Recommendations. Section Six: Restraints Identification 6.1 Assessment of Probable Environmental Inpacts 6.2 Regulatory Restraints 6.3 Regional Restraints 6.4 Conclusions and Recommendations Section Seven: Facility Schedule 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Commercial Availability 7.3 Facility Schedule. Section Eight: Economic Analysis 8.1 Installed Cost 8.2 Power Production Cost Comparison 8.3 Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix A: Wind Data Appendix B: Bristol Bay Wind Generators Bibliography · 1 • 2 • 8 • 15 • · · · · · 1 12 12 13 1 2 5 1 2 · 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 1. WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT The Br istol Bay area shows a very strong wind resource availability. The available data is however very sparse and poor in quality. Maps were developed from the extrapolated data showing the wind power density for the region and a certainty rating was given to each quarter section. The available data indicates the resource is strong enough to justify an indepth monitoring program to accurately quantify it for specific locations. 1. 1 Power in the Wind Traditionally the area of distribution of the wind resource has been described by isopliths of wind speed. However, in defining the wind resource for use in estimating the potential output from wind machines, a more useful measure is wind power density, or the power per unit of cross- sectional area of the wind stream. The power in the wind can be derived from classic momentum theory where P represents power, m is the mass in the moving air, and V is the velocity or speed of the wind. Therefore: P = 1/2 III v 2 Mass is described by air density (p), the area through which the wind passes (A), and its speed (V). III = P AV Substituting into the equation for Power P = 1/2 p AV 3 P = 1/2 p V3 X Where P equals the power density. A This derivation illustrates the important influence of wind speed. Power is a cubic function of wind speed. A doubling of wind speed increases wind power eight times. Slight changes in wind speed produce a corresponding large change in power. For example, increasing wind speed one mph produces a 30% increase in the power available. 1 1.2 Battelle Assessment Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories contracted the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDe) at the University of Alaska to describe the data available on the Alask a wind r esour ce and to map the state IS wind powe r potential. The results of the work for the Bristol Bay area are presented in Figure 1.1 and 1.2 (attached). Note that the map presents wind power in the form of wind power classes. Each class represents the range of wind power likely to be found at well exposed sites. These classes are approximations of the areal distribution of wind power and the demarcation between them should not be construed to represent def ini te boundar ies. Where the data was available, power density was based on the mean temperature, mean pressure (p), and elevation at the station where the wind data was recorded. Because frictional effects of obstructions at the surface retard wind flow near the ground, anemometer height during the period of record was also taken into account. Wind power was adjusted to the 10 meter and 50 meter heights using the 1/7 power law: That is, the increase in wind speed with height above the ground is the ratio of the new height (H) to the original height (Ho) raised to the 1/7 power. This is a conservative estimate of the increase in wind speed with height. 2 pi> o· 5 a:> WIND 0(1) CD - POWER CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WIND POWER DENSITY WATTS/M2 100 150 200 250 300 400 1000 o o CD - 2 g CD 10 -o CD 10 - I LEKNAGIK / I LLINGHAM I o .... 10 - o CD 10 4 o 10 10 - I ( ,_/ ALASKA IWSEI •• FIG. 1;1 ~ ________________ ~ __________ ~======~~3 o C') 10 ... ... 10 ... IWSEI •• FIG. 1.2 600~~~t-----+ _____ -+ ____ ~~~ __ . __ ._~ ______ . __ .L-____ l-____ -b~~---~----+-~~~ • KOLIGANEK WIND DATA CERTAINTY DLOW-INTERMEDIATE DEGREE L ittl e or no data exi sts in or near the cell, but the small vcriability of the resource and the low complexity I·f the terrain suggest that the wind resource ~lll not differ substantially from the resourCC'ln nearby areas with data. 1iii!!I!!!~ HIGH-INTERMEDIATE DEGREE There is limited wind data in the vicinity of tile cell) but the low complexity of terrain and the small mesoscale variability of the resource indicate little departure from the wind resource in nearby areas with data. 4L-________________________ ~~~--~------~~~~------~---------------------------------------J Where data was not summarized into a wind speed frequency distribution, AEIDC assumed a Weibull distribution of wind speeds where: - (i) = 1. 07 P v 3 In these cases, the average annual wind speed and monthly average wind speeds were found by examining only one year of data. This limited sample coupled with use of the Weibull distribution could greatly underestimate the power in the wind. In mountainous areas the estimates are based on the correlation between mountaintop wind speeds and free air wind speeds. AEIDC extrapolated upper air data to lower elevations, e.g., mountain crests-from the mean scaler wind and use of a Rayleigh wind speed distribution to produce a power estimate. To account for frictional effects near the surface, this extrapolated free-air wind speed was reduced by two-thirds for power at 10 meters, and one-third for power at 50 meters. The power classes of Figure 1.1 depend upon the subjective integration of several factors: quantitative wind data, qualitative indicators of wind speed or power, the character of exposed sites in various terrain, and familiarity with mesoscale as well as microscale meteor logical conditions, climatology and topography. Therefore, the abundance and quality of the data, the complexity of terrain; and the geographical variability of the resource together determine the degree of certainty that can be placed on the power classes shown on Figure 1.1. 5 The Certainty Rating ranges from a low of one to a high of four. Figure 1.2 illustrates the certainty rating ascribed to the Bristol Bay region. Much of the study area has a low to intermediate degree of certainty because: -little or no data exists, but there is little variability in the wind resource and the terrain is simple, or -limited data exists, but the terrain is highly complex or the mesoscale variability of the wind resource is large. There is little data available over much of the study area; fortunately though, the terrain within the central portion (Dillingham -Koliganek -Naknek -Newhalen) is not complex, as it is composed of a large lowland plain. e 1.3 The Wind Resource The few recording stations within the study area required that AEIDC infer much of the wind resource from qualitative indicators of wind power. The most widely used technique depends on certain combinations of topographical and meteorological conditionsi one of which is a gap or pass in areas of frequent strong pressure gradients. Another geographic feature suited to a good wind resource is a large plain or valley with persistent strong downslope winds associated with strong pressure gradients. Both features are found in a broad corridor from Naknek to Iliamna Lake to Kamishak Bay. Based on limited data from King Salmon, Iliamna and Bruin Bay this corridor varies from a class 4 to 5 in the west to a class 7 in the east. One year of unsummarized data from Bruin Bay produced an annual average wind power of over 1300 watts/m 2 • The western coastal areas around Cape Newenham and Platinum show a very strong resource which is most likely indicative of the Nushagak Peninsula. Similarly, the western coastal sites along the Alaskan Peninsula of Port Heiden and Pilot Point produced a power class from 5 to 7 which is supportive of a good resource in Egegik. Eastern coastal sites along the Kamishak Bay also have good potential with the Shelikof Strait ranging from 5 to 6. Inland sites north of Dillingham and Iliamna Lake are less promising in comparison to coastal sites and those along the Naknek-Bruin Bay corridor. 7 Data from 9 stations in the Bristol Bay study area is available as shown below. Data from five stations is in digitized and summarized form. Three stations have only summarized data, and there is one station with only unsummarized data. WIND DATA AVAILABLE FOR BRISTOL BAY REGION 1) Bruin Bay-unsummarized data 2) Cape Newenham-digitized & summarized data 3) Dillingham-summarized data 4) Iliamna-digitized & summarized data 5) King Salmon-digitized & summarized data 6) Pilot Point-digitized & summarized data 7) Port Heiden-digitized & summarized data 8) Platinum-summarized data 9) Tanaliam Point-summarized data 8 The following describes the terrain surrounding the recording station at Cape Newenham at the extreme western end of the study area, at Iliamna near the center of the study area, and at King Salmon in the south-central portion of the study area. FIGURE 1.4 SITE DESCRIPTION ~ Newenham Cape Newenham is on a rugged point of land at the northwest end of Bristol Bay. It is sheltered on the east, south and west by a ridge that extends to more than 610 m. It is open to the northwest, and there is a saddleback in the ridge to the southeast. The terrain slopes steeply upward toward the southeast in the vicinity of the station. During the nine-year period of record used in the summary, there was an average of 22 observations per day. Iliamna Iliamna is located near the north shore of Iliamna Lake along the Newhalen River, which connects Lake Clark to Iliamna Lake. The area immediately surrounding the station is relatively level and covered with muskeg, and slopes gently southward to the lake. To the northeast and northwest on both sides of the Newhallen River there are peaks over 600 m within 15 km of the station. This station is exposed to winds from Cook Inlet across the lake from the east-southeast and also from the north from the direction of Lake Clark. During the 16-year summary used in this analysis there were 24 observations per day. Kin.g Salmon King Salmon is located about half a kilometer (one-fourth mile) from the Naknek River, 29 km inland from the shores of Kvichak Bay at the east end of Bristol Bay. The terrain surrounding the station is gently rolling, barren tundra for 50 to 100 km in the north through east to south-southwest. Some 100 km to the east are the mountains of the Aleutian Range with peaks to more than 2,260 m. During the summary period used in this analysis, there were eight observations per day digitized. 9 1.4 Data Availability In Appendix A is a listing in tabular form of the wind speed and power data from eight of the stations within the project area. Where possible, the average annual wind speed is given at the anemometer height. For the three stations used in the AEIDC assessment, the average wind speeds are extrapolated to a height of 10 meters and 50 meters based on the anemometer history. AEIDC also calculated the annual average wind power available at the anemometer's height, at 10 meters, and at 50 meters, using the distribution of wind speeds recorded at the site. The annual average wind speed at two additional stations was found, but was not extrapolated to 10 meters nor 50 meters because the history of the anemometer is unknown. Similarly, the wind summaries (frequency distributions) for seven stations were not used to calculate power density in the accompanying table. The certainty of the resources over most of the project area is low, with a Certainty Rating of 2 as a result of the lack of data. There are only a few cells over the project area with a rating of 3. These cells lie over data points such as Platinum, Dillingham, King Salmon, Pilot Point and Port Heiden. 10 There is a need to confirm the resource along the Naknek -Bru in Bay cor r idor. Add i tional data f rom sever al stations along this corridor would define a resource that could fit neatly into a power generator scheme for the Dillingham, Naknek, and Iliamna areas. .The existing one year unsummarized data for Bruin Bay is insufficient to characterize the resource. This is particularly important when considering a resource of this apparent magnitude. Because of the seasonal variations in the wind resource and seasonal power needs for this area, a correlation needs to be drawn between wind power availability and demand for energy. The type of data needed for this level of analysis would require a microprocessor-based data collection system. At this writing, the Alaska Power Administration has let a contract to collect data in the King Salmon area to determine prospects for wind farming. This information should be integrated into a master plan as soon as it is available. 11 2. SITE IDENTIFICA TION The Bristol Bay region in general shows a very high wind power density. This conclusion is based, however, on a limited number of data points that have a low degree of certainty associated with them. Site selection is therefore based considerably on subjective judgement, and this should be kept in mind. The King Salmon area shows the best potential for current development with Egegik having an equally strong resource. The presence of a fair number of windgenerators in the Bristol Bay area (see Appendix B) helps substantiate the wind power availability. 2. 1 Introduction Using the wind data found in Appendix A and extrapolating to the study villages, the parameter wind power density is used to compare the attractiveness of each site. The wind power density is expressed in watts of power available in the wind per square meter of blade area intersecting it. The following table is a standard classification for wind sites: TABLE 2.1 CLASSES OF WIND POWER DENSITY 10 m (33 ft) Wind Power Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wind Power Density watt/m2 100 150 200 250 300 400 1000 Speed mph 9 .8 11. 5 12.5 13 .4 14.3 15 .7 21 .1 50 m (164 ft) Wind Power Density watts/m2 200 300 400 500 600 800 2000 Speed mph 12.5 14.3 15 .7 16.8 17 .9 19 .7 26.6 2.2 Coastal Sites A very strong resource is indicated along the entire Bristol Bay coastline with the best sites being Egegik and King Salmon (Wind Power Class 5). Naknek & South Naknek (Class 4 ) are good second choices with Ekuk, Clarks Point, Levelock, Portage Creek and Manokotak (Class 3) also showing a coastal influence. On the Shelikof Strait side of the Peninsula, Kamishak Bay (Class 7) exhibits a resource which, if proven to be persistent, could supply power for a major part of the region. Dillingham (Class 2) has some coastal influence but would require more data to be a strong contender. King Salmon has some of the best recorded wind data to work from, with the winter months providing the most consistent winds. From November to March the diurnal variation is almost imperceptible, yet during the summer months the variance is a maximum of only about two miles per hour from the average. King Salmon, being typical of the coastal sites, shows a fairly reliable wind resource from year to yeaI with very directional winds. 2 .. 2.3 Naknek to Bruin Bay Corridor The rei s d a tat 0 sup po r t the ex i s ten ceo f a win d cor rid 0 r from Kamishak Bay through Lake Iliamna following the Kvichak River valley out to the Bay. This corridor yields a good resource at Igiugig (Class 4). The winds through this corridor are not as consistent as the coastal winds. They exhibit a seasonal characteristic with the low wind month being July. Even though Iliamna and Nondalton show a low wind power (class 2) this does not mean there isn't much wind there. On the contrary, the area is known for high wind storms; however, the gusty storms do not make for optimal wind turbine performance. The. presence of several windgenerator systems (see photos-Appendix B) in the corridor testifies more to the high cost of diesel fuel and the desire for independence than to a wind resource strong enough for utility consideration. Additionally, none of the windgenerator owners had documented with a recording anemometer the winds at their sites, nor was any data on kilowatt-hours produced during a finite time period available. working backwards from fuel savings on the diesel generator set/battery/windgenerator systems does show a wind resource substantial enough to make the windgenerator competitive (generally considered to be 12 mph annual average) • 3 2.4 Inland Areas Villages which show a doubtful potential are located away from the corridor and further inland. These villages are: A Ie k nag i k , E k wok, New Sku yah 0 k , and K 0 I i g a n"e k ( C I ass 2). There is however very little data to support this assumption. Dillingham is located in a class 2 zone, yet the winds on the waterfront are typically higher than the winds at the airport (where the anemometer is ). Windmill Hill in Dillingham got its' name from the water-pumper windmills which operated there in the pre-Nushagak Electric Association days. There have been several wind chargers in the city and outskirts (see photo in Appendix B ) as well as a battery charging unit on top of Juant Mountain for the television repeater station (see correspondence in Appendix B). Again, there is not any monitoring of winds or power output from these machines, but there is reason to believe that the resource is present and dependent on localized climatology and terrain. It is also important to consider the channeling effect of mountain passes which could considerably enhance the power available in the inland areas. Such site specific wind information does not exist in this region, and as such leaves open the possibility that as transmission line routes are chosen, very windy terrain could be crossed. This is especially true when the consideration of routes excludes the lowlands and the lines are confined to the high exposed ground. 4 ft ... 2.5 Conclusion Before an area can be further screened for wind power potential, the local terrain must be considered. Additionally, land use, ownership, proximity to end use, and soil conditions would need investigtion. Using the available data as a basis for ranking of candidate sites for development of a utility scale program, the following table is presented: TABLE 2.2 WIND POWER POTENTIAL RANKING Sit e 1) Bruin Bay 2 ) King Salmon 3 ) Egegik 4) Naknek + South Naknek 5 ) Igiugig 6 ) Levelock Newhallen Portage Creek Clark's Point 7 ) Manokotak 8 ) Dillingham 9 ) Iliamna 10) Nondalton 11 ) Aleknagik Ekwok 12 ) Koliganek 5 Wind Power Class 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5.1 Best Sites for Current Development From the preceeding table, Bruin Bay can be eliminated because of its distance from population centers and lack of long term data to confirm the resource. King Salmon and Egegik thus appear to be the best sites for a wind turbine array based on the available information. 2.5.2 Best Sites for Future Development The Naknek/South Naknek area as well as Igiugig would be logical choices for future wind-farming possibilities. Of the two, the Naknek resource is more conducive to wind machine survival, being under a steadier and more consistent coastal influence. 6 ... .. .. 3. WIND GENERATION EQUIPMENT For purposes of this study, windgenerators have been classified in three different ways: turbine diameter (size), axis of rotation and type of gene rat 0 r • The fir st grouping by size defines small, medium, and large turbines, with the smaller machines being the most commercially available and test~d. Vertical versus horizontal axis turbines are discussed with key advantages and drawbacks being pointed out. Four different types of generation are presented: induction- type units being most common, synchronous generators being found on larger units, and synchronous and asynchronous inverters associated with direct-current generators. Typical controls found on most turbines are treated generically; with the conclusions and recommendations on generator types and configurations for Bristol Bay completing the section. 3. 1 Introduction There are approximately 50 manufacturers of windgenerators in the United States today and an equal number overseas·. These machines range from experimental first generation units to well-proven production models with several years of operating experience. Considering the wide variability in size, configuration and output characteristics, there is a need to use a methodology that reduces these variables to a single parameter that reflects potential output capability. This parameter is rotor swept area. The amount of energy intercepted by a wind turbine and converted to useable energy is primarily dependent upon swept area; that is, the area of the windstream intercepted by the wind turbine. Once the swept area is defined, potential output can be calculated by assuming an overall operating efficiency representative of today's high speed wind turbines. In equation form: i x A x % efficiency = Mean Power Output where the power density (i) is found from AEIDC's resource assessment, and (A) is the swept area. Mean Power Output (MPO) is a measure of the average power output of the turbine independent of the generator size. The Mean Power Output can be used to produce an average energy output over any time period. The most often used is Annual Energy Output, which describes the average amount of energy a wind turbine will annually produce. Example: A conventional wind turbine uses a rotor 10 meters in diameter and is to be sited near King Salmon where the power density is 200 W/m2 at a 10 meter height. Solution: The swept area of a conventional wind turbine is found from the area of the circle swept by the rotor. 200 W/m2 x 80 m2 x 25' = Mean Power Output 4.000 W = 4kW = If we wanted the Annual Energy Output we only need to include the number of hours we expect the turbine to operate annually. MPO x 7,000 hrs/yr = AEO 4 kW x 7.000 hrs/yr = 28.000 kWh/yr. As mentioned previously, wind speed and, hence, power increases with height above the ground. (The wind power map shown in Figure 1.1) is based on the wind power at 10 meters above the ground. Wind turbines will normally be erected on towers greater that 10 meters in height. Most small machines will use 60 foot towers at a minumum. Consequently, it will be necessary to increase the MPO or Annual Energy Output estimates to incorporate the increased power available at 60 or more feet above the ground. 2 ... This formula will be used to extrapolate the available wind power to various tower heights. (as shown in the following table). TABLE 3.1 WIND POWER AT NOMINAL TOWER HEIGHTS Power Class Power 60 ft. 80 ft. 200 ft. W/m2 1 100 130 150 220 2 150 195 220 330 3 200 260 300 440 4 250 325 370 545 5 300 390 440 655 6 450 580 660 980 7 1.000 1.300 1.500 2.180 3 3.2 Wind Turbine Size Reflecting conventional power plant design, wind generators have commonly been referred to by the size of their generators. Because wind speed varies widely, it is necessary to also define a wind speed at which the wind turbine's generator reaches its rated capacity. There is no standard rated wind speed and, as a result, generator size is a poor indicator of either the Mean Power Output or the Annual Energy Output. The methodology chosen for this analysis uses rotor diameter to define machine size. The following table illustrates some comparison between rotor diameter, kW capacity, and machine size. TABLE 3.2 NOMINAL kW CAPACITIES FOR ROTOR DIAMETERS KW Capacity· Rotor Diameter Small 0-50 0-15 meters Medium 50-1000 25-75 meters Large 1000-5000 75+ meters .Rated at 30 mph 4 II' ... •• "', 3.2.1 Small Machines All wind turbines installed in Alaska to date have been from the small machine class. They can be broken down further into categories based on use. TABLE 3.3 SMALL TURBINE kW CAPACITIES KW Capacity. Rotor Diameter Cabin Size 0-1 2 - 3 meter Homestead Size 1 -10 3 -10 meter Village Size 10 -SO 10 -15 meter .Rated at 30 mph Wind generators in these sizes are the most readily available and are the most commercially developed. 5 2000 r-----r---~-lIIIIII"'I ... :__..., ~ =1500~--r--~~~--~" aI ~ ..... ~ 1000 I-----+---.+-----i------t o Il: W ~ 500r---r~-+_-~--~ o Q. 10 20 30 40 WIND SPEEO(mph) e 4 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This unit uses a 115 VAC brushless induction gener- ator for direct utility intertie. . CONTROLS The unit requires a utility derived reference to: 1. Operate. 2. Develop a 60 hz output. A tower mounted anemometer is used to monitor wind vel oc i ty and con t rol the operating modes. Cut-in is at 10 mph, cut-out at 40 mph. OPERATION/SAFETY The unit will not operate unless a ut il i ty reference is present. If utility power is lost, the unit disconnects from the utility line and an electro-hydraulic brake is applied, stopping the rotor. Emergency stop due to a power train failure is performed by the automatic deployment of spring loaded centrifugally actuated ro- tor tip-flaps. , .. 6 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE A 230 VAC, 60 hz induction motor/generator is used to provide a direct utility intertie. CONTROLS The unit requires a utility derived reference to: 1. Operate. 2. Develop a 60 hz output. A tower-mounted anemometer is used to monitor wind velocity and control the operating modes (cut-in at 8.5, cut-out at 45 mph). OPERATION/SAFETY The unit will not operate: 1. Unless the utility reference is present or, 2. When windspeed is less than 8.5 mph or greater than 45 mph. If utility power is lost, the unit disconnects from the grid and an electro- hydraulic brake is engaged. Emergency stop due to over speed (or brake engage- ment) is performed by the automatic deployment of rotor tip brakes (aerody- namic). The deployment of the tip brakes is also enabled by a power-train failure. f------------------------" POWER PROFILE 5,...--_--...,...--..,....---,,----, ut ~ 3 ~-~-I-#-__ I-----+~-=i 7 5 o ffi 2~--~---.~----~--~r----; ~ o 0.. 1~-----i-#----+----+---1------I O~~~--~---~-~~-~ o 10 20 30 40 WIND SPEED (mph) 50 7 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE Power is developed by a 3- phase alternator whose output is rectified and processed by a synchronous inverter. The output is in the form of "pulses n of energy timed to occur I within the sine wave enve- lope. A "leading" power factor is claimed for the . synchronous unit. CONTROLS The centrifugally operated governor at the propeller hub maintains rpm rates under normal conditions. The alternator output is controlled through its field windings whose exci- tation is monitored and adjusted by the synchro- nous inverter circuitry. High winds are overcome through the use of an offset tail-vane that turns the rotor out of the wind. OPERATION/SAFETY The synchronous inverter will disengage itself from the utility should: 1. The windgenerator's output drop below pre- set limits or, 2. The utility line fails. The unit also has a manu- ally engaged friction brake for routine service or emergency shutdown. 8 ... ' ... ~, , POWER PROFILE 10r---~----'---~~--~--~~ 8 r----+~--+---~----~~--~ • 10 15 20 25 WIND SPEED (mph) 10 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This unit utilizes an induction motor/generator to provide 440/220VAC 1-3 phase power directly to the utility. CONTROLS Rotor rpm is maintained by the aerodynamic/mechanical properties of the rotor design. The blades automa- tically stall in high winds to prevent overloading of the generator. OPERATION/SAFETY The un i t has wi thst ood winds in excess of 85 mph and specifications claim that it will operate at windspeeds of 100 mph. A unique tower design allows the entire unit to be "tilted" providing ground level maintenance on the windgenerator. ...... ~ ~ .... I- :J Q. I- :J 0 a: w ~ 0 Q. 40 30 20 10 0 POWER PROFILE Cut-In Rated Cut-Out Q- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 WIND SPEED (mph) 9 3.2.2 Medium Machines No units in this size range have been installed in Alaska. Several units have been installed in the lower 48 and in Canada. There are only a handful of manufactures presently building machines of this size and none are in mass production. However, a considerable number of hours have been logged on these machines and data on reliability and performance is available through the Department of Energy's MOD-OA program and tests done by WTG systems. TABLE 3.4 MEDIUM TURBINE CAPACITIES Manufacturer KW Capacity* Rotor Diameter WTG Systems 200 25 meter DAF 230 37 x 24 meter Alcoa 300-500 38 x 27 meter Westinghouse 200 38 meter Voland 250 28 meter *Rated at 30 mph 10 ... ."" ,,;! 16.5 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE Induction 240/480 3-phase 60 hz. CONTROLS N/A OPERATION/SAFETY N/A 11 24.4 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This model uses an induc- tiongenerator of 55 KW capacity delivering 3- phase power at 480 VA</60 hz. The interface is direct utili ty inter tie. CONTROLS An anemometer monitoring average w indspeed deter- mines the cut-in and cut- out conditions. OPERATION/SAFETY The system is operated hydraulically and requires utility power to begin operation. A centrifugally operated switch on the rotor shaft will cause a loss of hydraulic pressure, shutting down the system and applying the brake. 50 .... 40 ~ ~ I-30 ~ Q. l-S 20 a: w ~ 10 Q. o 12 ... ... POWER PROFILE ~ ~ ~ It' ~ " I ~ V ~ V o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 WIND . SPEED (mph) .. " 24.5 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This unit has a 200 KW (continuous rated) syn- chronous generator pro- viding power at 240/480 VAC 60 hz. The system is designed to operate either as a utility intertie or as a stand alone source of utility grade power. CONTROLS The unit utilizes a micro- processor based system for control and also provides data collection and acqui- sition as well as remote control and status display functions. OPERATION/SAFETY ..... POWER PROFILE 300~----~--~----~----~--~~~~ 260 The microprocessor will allow the windgenerator to come up to synchronous speed and compares its output with the utility reference. When they are within 1% the main contactor is enabled. The relationship between wind- generator output and utility power is cantin- uously monitored and synchronization is main- tained by adj usting the rotor tip flaps and/or phasing in auxiliary "dummy" loads. ~ 200 .IC -!; a. § 150 a: w ~ 100 0 a. 50 0 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 WIND SPEED (mph) 13 28 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This unit has two asyn- chronous generato~s rated at 265 and 58 KW that pro- duce power at 480 VAe , SO/60hz. The unit is designed for direct util- i ty intertie. CONTROLS N/A OPERATION/SAFETY The blade pitch is used to maintain synchronous speed as well as for emergency overspeed shutdown. The smaller capacity gen- erator operates at low wind speeds while the larger unit comes on-line during periods of higher winds. 14 300 ~ 250 ~ .II! --200 ~ ::l Go S 150 o ffi 100 ~ o Go 50 o ... POWER PROFILE Rate<b ~ c I Cut-Ou I J , / Cut-'21 , o 10 20 30 40 WIND SPEED (mph) .. ' ----------------I -------- 500 ..... ~ ~ 400 ~ i § 300 a: w 200 ~ o C1. 100 o ---------~. -------- / -"""1----I POWER PROFILE ~ ~ cg Out Rated I I j , ~~t-In o 10 20 30 40 50 60 WIND SPEED (mph) 15 38 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODE This unit uses either induction or synchronous generators rated at 560 and 625 KVA respectively. The output is at a voltage of 4160 VAC, 3-phase 60hz. This unit is designed for direct utility interface. CONTROLS System operation is con- trolled via a micropro- cessor that constantly monitors all operating parameters and maintains rotor rpm, synchroniza- tion, yaw, safety shut- down, and also allows remote control and remote system status reporting. OPERATION SAFETY Normal operation is initialized when wind speed reaches 14.3 mph. The unit is "motored" to synchronous speed and when synchronization is esta- blished the unit is placed "on-line". Normal shut- down includes reducing the unit's power output to nearly zero; followed by the feathering of the rotor as brakes are applied. Emergency shutdown circui- try separate from the main controller disables the unit immediately upon re- ceipt of an abnormal condition; Le., over- speed, or microprocessor failure. 3~2.3 Large Machines Several manufacturing and aerospace firms have entered the large wind turbine market. Most of these firms efforts were tailored to the U.S. Department of Energy's development program. Because of Washington's budget cutting fever the large machine program has been sharply curtailed. Several machines are in operation but no more are planned in the public sector. Private wind farm developers have contracted with two of the manufacturers for megawatt (MW) size machines. However, delivery on these orders is speculative at present. The majority of wind farm developers in the lower 48 will be using machines in the small to medium size range because they feel the technology is more well developed and the technical problems remaining are not insoluable. Large wind machines, on the other hand, should still be considered experimental. Economies of scale are gained by the large machines when multiple units are produced. These machines should not necessarily be disregarded, but should be considered at the time they are proven reliable and production costs are pinned down. TABLE 3.5 LARGE TURBINE CAPACITIES Manufacturer MW Capacity * Rotor Diameter Hamilton Standard 4 110 meters Boeing Engineering + Construction 2.5 91 meters General Electric 1 61 meters *Rated at 30 mph 16 ... 94.7 Meter Turbine GENERATOR TYPE & INTERFACE MODES This unit utilizes a 2.5 megawatt synchronous type generator producing power at 12.5 KV, 60 hz. CONTROLS A microprocessor maintains operation of the unit. Remote status, alarm, and control functions are also utilized. OPERATION/SAFETY The unit will produce power at windspeeds be- tween 14 and 45 mph. The microprocessor will immediately shut down the unit should the windgener- ator suffer damage or begin to malfunction. i as ~ 3.2 & 2.4 j 5 a.. 1.6 5 o ffi 0.8 == o a.. o 17 POWER PROFILE Cut-In Rated Cut-Out Q Q Q • I , / , o 8 16 24 32 40 48 WIND SPEED (mph) 3.3 Axis of Rotation wind turbine rotors spin about either a horizontal or vertical axis. Conventional wind turbines such as the Dutch windmill are known as Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT). Darrieus turbines, on the other hand, rotate about a vertical axis and are known as Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT). FIGURE 3. AXIS OF ROTATION I( 0 " I H 1 VERTICAL AXIS TURBINE Oarrleu8 Rotor I( 0 .,,--" f \ "- HORIZONT AL AXIS ROTOR Conventional wind turbines employ one, two, or three- blade rotors transverse to the wind and normally house the generator and transmission aloft atop the tower supporting the rotor. Conventional wind turbines must turn (yaw) about the tower axis in response to changes in wind direction. 18 .'" ... .. ... III' 1If" ... Vertical axis wind turbines (of which the Darrieus Eggbeater turbine is the most familiar), have two inherent advantages over those of thei r hor izontal axis counterparts. First, the vertical axis of rotation allo~s the generator and gear train to be mounted at ground level, which aides servicing. Second, VAWT's are omnidirectional -they can accept the wind from any direction without swinging the entire rotation assembly about the tower axis. These advantages are offset somewhat by the limited tower heights used in Darrieus turbines; most phi configuration (Eggbeater) Darrieus are mounted atop a short (relative to the turbine's height) pedestal. Other vertical axis configurations are being developed. Phi configuration Darrieus tubines use curved blades that take on a modified troposkien slope when running. Straight blades can also be used in an H configuration, and in Delta, Diamond, and Y configurations. Two manufacturers in this country are developing small and medium size machines that use articulating straight blades. These blades rock or change pitch as they move along the carousel path. None of these giromills, as they are called, have been installed in Alaska. The British are designing a megawatt size straight-bladed VAWT for use in thier coastal waters. Though these other configurations are available, most of the effort to commercialize VAWT's has centered around the Darrieus turbine. 19 Darrieus wind turbines, contrary to popular belief, can perform just as effeciently at extracting the energy in the wind as the more conventional wind turbines, according to tests conducted by Sandia National Laboratories. These machines have not been as commercially successful as HAWT's primarily due to the limited engineering experience with these designs. They do hold the promise of being competitive with horizontal axis configurations because of their simplicity and ease of manufacture. Currently, Alcoa is proceeding with development of medium size Darrieus turbines in this country, and Dominious Aluminum Fabricating (DAF) of Ontario is doing likewise in Canada. 20 ... 3.4 Generator Type 3.4. 1 Introduction A further refinement in classifying and describing windgenerators is to distinguish them by the type of generator they employ. Each of the four types discussed present a different set of output characteristics and as such must be treated differently by the utility. Additionally, the safety requirements for a windgenerator in protecting utility maintenance personnel on grid-interconnected machines are different for each classification. Four basic wind-turbine designs were considered: synchronous and induction generators, and line and self- commutated inverter systems. The induction generator system was judged to be of principal interest, because many manufacturers have selected it over other possible designs in the small to medium machine sizes. Both inverter systems were studied based on characteristics available in published literature, with special focus on the line-commutated inverter. There are, however, many possible inverter circuit designs. This study relied on the basic inverter principles assuming specific DC source characteristics, where appropriate, rather than specific wind-turbine systems offered by manufacturers. General electrical characteristics of machines and inverters were used rather than specific characteristics of state-of- the-art small wind turbines. This is because the small turbine manufacturers do not presently provide sufficiently detailed electrical diagrams and test data to identify electrical characteristics due to proprietary concerns. 21 3.4.2 Direct Current Generators DC power can be developed by two methods in WEC5. simplest is the use of a brush-type DC generator in which voltage produced varies as a function of the rotor rpm. second method is slightly more complex and uses an alternator. The alternator produces a variable frequency output as a function of wind velocity. The output is then rectified to produce the DC voltage. The magnitude of the output voltage can be controlled in many cases by changing the field current- e.g., inserting different resistance values into the field windings. During normal operation the units are usually self- exciting. Most modern DC windgenerators use alternators becau~e of their lighter weight, availability, reliability and reduced maintenance. The the The Most utility applications require AC power as the DC must be inverted to AC before use. There are two types of inverters which will do this; synchronous and asynchronous. a) Synchronous Inverters (51) are less expensive and are available in sizes from 2 kw to 1.5 megawatts. The 51 is designed to synchronize with a source such as a diesel generator to save fuel. These line-commutated inverters are voltage dependent sources that cannot feedback into the utility's system without a source of voltage. b) Asynchronous Inverters (AI) provide their own reference for producing sine-wave power and are available in sizes from 100 watts to several megawatts. AI's are used as stand-alone power sources and are capable of being synchronized with each other or with a utility grid. These self- 22 M.'f-! ' .. ... commutated inverters can feed back into a utility grid (even when de-energized) because they are vol tage sources. 3.4.3 Induction Generators The inductive type type generators are commonly found on small utility intertie wind turbines. With minor control modifications a commercially available, relatively inexpensive induction motor is utilized. At a pre-set cut-in wind speed the motor is brought on line causing a momentary surge of reactive current to be drawn. As the windspeed increases, the power factor increases to within utility tolerances and power is fed into the grid. Power output will increase with windspeed until the hysteresis point of the generator is reached at which point output starts to drop off. Because induction generators are voltage dependent they will not back feed a de-energized section unless very specific and non- normal distr ibution system conditions are present, such as a capacitor bank or some other voltage source. Due to the reactive power requirements of the induction generator, there is a limit to the capacity that can be supported in a distribution and generation system at one time. Careful consideration must be given to the best mix of generation types from both an efficiency and safety standpoint. 23 3.4.4 Synchronous Generators Most of the medium sized turbines and all of the large machine s employ a constant speed synchronous gener a tor. Typically these turbines operate in a narrow band of wind speeds at peak efficiency and are designed to "spoil" the wind to maintain a regulated RPM. Additionall~ these machines are microprocessor controlled so that their output is constantly monitored to maintain utility tolerances. Since these turbines are capable of being a vol tage source they can provide a leading power factor. They are also capable of energizing a downed line and must be programmed to shut down when a fault is sensed. 24 •• 3.5 Wind Generator Controls The control components of wind electric systems are nearly always sold as a package with the windgenerator itself. The complexity of the controls will vary between models of windgenerators, and are usually greater for larger and more expensive machines. The following controls are germane to the windgenerator only and are required regardless of size of turbine or number of machines on line in a utility grid. One control common to all windgenerators is a manually operated shut down system. This allows the windgenerator to be shut down for maintenance, emergency situations, or if the power quality falls below a preset limit. Nearly all machines also have a control device to automatically brake the machine (or turn it out of the wind) when wind speed reaches a dangerous level (the cut-out speed). This can be accomplished by connecting the controller to an anemometer mounted on the tower which senses wind velocity. Its signals are sent to the controller which shuts the machine down at some pre-set wind velocity or by sensing rotor rpm or generator output. There are many other control functions which mayor may not be included with a windgenerator (or may be optional equipment). A useful control is one which restarts a windgenerator that has been shut down due to high winds after the winds subside. In most larger windgenerators, overspeed control is accomplished by hydraulic or electric drives which feather the blades, deploy tip brakes, or turn the machine out of the wind. These controls can be actuated by an anemometer, by a tachometer on the rotor shaft, by a high voltage or high current sensor, or by some combination of these. In many 25 smaller machines, in contrast, overspeed is prevented by mechanical means centrifugally activated. Large wind machines do not use a tail vane to point them into the wind. Instead, yaw control is performed by a wind direction sensor (electronic wind vane) which actuates a drive mechanism to rotate the windgenerator. Other windgenerator control functions can include automatic braking of the machine when excessive vibrations are sensed. On most utility intertie machines, controls are built into the design so that when the utility power is off the windgenerator is not producing power. This is to prevent back feeding power into the utility's lines whenever a repairman may be working on them. Also, some machines have controls which sense the frequency of the sine wave output and other power quality characteristics to prevent the windgenerator from providing power of poor quality to the utility. Such controls also prevent the utility from harming the windgenerator with low-voltage conditions. 26 !"< 3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Despite the proven nature of the residential sized windgenerators, they represent a poor investment from a utility perspective in meeting capacity needs. The difficulty of maintenance procedures and less assurance of plant availability, particularly under user ownership, would reduce both energy and capacity value. Problems associated with the distribution system such as possible modifications to the present relaying, fusing, and voltage control systems to assure prompt fault clearing, personnel safety, and the prevention of damage to utilization equipment will need resolution. Special metering and control equipment at each residential site would involve additional costs and difficulties which in combination could outweigh any advantages for utility application of small turbines. However, individual load center applications of a commercial, institutional or industrial nature where siting is more flexible and technical considerations more controllable may be more attractive, especially for the turbines with a greater than 10 kw output. The medium sized turbines are the most attractive from a utility standpoint. Over 10,000 hours have been logged on machines in the 200 kw size supplying power to remote diesel grids. The extensive DOE/NASA testing of the MOD-OA turbines have proven their ability to provide firm reliable power in Clayton, New Mexico; Culebra, Puerto Rico; Block Island, Rhode Island; and Oahu, Hawaii. WTG Energy System, Inc. has had operational their privately developed 200 kw unit on Cuttyhunk Island, Mass. since June 1977. Having installed a unit in Nova Scotia and the coast of Oregon, WTG has shown this size to be commercial and practical. These turbines utilize the 27 synchronous generator, and as such are programmed to operate efficiently while either intertied to a diesel generator set or in a stand alone capacity with the diesel's on standby. At this time, the large megawatt scale turbines are best not considered practical for Bristol Bay until they are better proven in the lower 48. Additionally, their benefit to the small grid's stability is questionable when compared to multiple medium sized units. The vertical-axis turbines are also not yet well developed enough for use in rural Alaska. 28 • 4. STORAGE, MONITORING & SYSTEM INTEGRATION EQUIPMENT titorage devices have utility ap- plications, but are very site specific or expensive and in some cases unprov- en. Optimism is expressed for the future, particularly if used in con- junction with load management in an integrated system. Considerable data needs to be collected and four levels of monitor ing are descr ibed. Genera- tion equipment compatability and load management are presented with reference to utility grid integration with multiple remote voltage sources. 4. 1 Introduction This section discusses three different but related topics. Storage apparatus information is presented to list the various options, but with the understanding that any scenario (including storage mediums) must be very specific. This is because of the system dependent nature of storage requirements. Both the load characteristics and supply alternatives must be integrated to determine the level and type of storage required. Thus, a detailed monitoring program is necessary to determine these needs. Once the appropriate level of data has been collected the entire load/supply situa- tion can be effectively managed. Therefore, the last topic discussed is system integration parameters. 1 4.2 Storage Apparatus 4.2.1 Batteries Lead-acid batteries are by far the most common type of. energy storage device for wind electr ic systems. "Deep cycle" batteries are preferred. These batteries are designed to sustain repeated deep discharge without damage, and are commonly used in forklifts and golf carts. Batteries for wind electric systems are costly, so it is desirable to use them under conditions which will result in their most efficient operation and longest life. Consequently, batteries as a storage medium are best suited for individual cabin or homestead use where the owner can provide the proper care. Batteries require the periodic addition of water and must be protected from freezing. The owner must see to it that the batteries are never charged or discharged at too high a rate. Battery sets must also be fully charged periodically to equalize the charge on the individual cells. Keeping batteries from overheating can be a problem, though this will rarely be of concern in the Bristol Bay Area. For loads larger than a single homestead, the number of cells involved becomes overwhelming. The maintenance costs alone for lead-acid batteries would be prohibitive in a utility sized battery bank used for anything other than very short term storage. Significant advances are being made in battery technology but it may be as long as ten years before they become commercially available and inexpensive enough to use for a village-scale storage scheme. 2 ... IW' , If the maintenance requirements, cost, and efficiency can be improved in the future, a battery system could be very worthy of consideration. 4.2.2 Compression Air Stor age Compressed air storage involves using all windgenerator power not immediately needed for other uses to operate an air compressor that pumps air into either a metal tank or an underground storage vault. To retrieve the power, the process is reversed, and the compressed air drives a motor-generator combination. For some uses the reconversion to electricity would be unnecessary. The compressed air could be used to drive tools and machinery directly. Air tools, for example, are commercially available. The principle drawbacks to compressed air are the low conversion efficiency and the large volume of storage required. No known naturally occuring storage exists in the study area, which is considered a prime requirement to using compressed air storage on a village scale economically. 4.2.3 Pumped-Hydroelectric Pumped-hydroelectr ic storage is accomplished by pumping water uphill to a reservoir and later using this stored water to dr ive a turbine-generator. In most pumped-hydro systems, the "pump" and the "turbine" are one and the same machine; their operation is reversible. There are a number of pumped- hydro stations operated primarily as peaking facilities by electric utilities using off-peak power to pump the water back up to the forebay. Finding a favorable hydro storage site is 3 difficult; find.ing one in proximity to a favorable windgenerator site is even more so. In addition, the capital cost for these systems is high and their conversion efficiency is low. .. 4.2.4 Hydrogen Storage Hydrogen storage involves electrolyzing water into hydro- gen and oxygen gas and storing the hydrogen. The flammable hydrogen can then be used as a fuel in a more or less conven- tional motor-generator system or in a fuel cell system. The fuel cell is a device which converts the chemical energy of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction directly into DC electricity with higher efficiency than conventional methods of power genera- tion. In operation it is similar to an electrolyzer working in reverse. Hydrogen storage appears to be a reasonably good storage method in theory, although it wouldn't match the efficiency of a conventional battery. At the present time few, if any, of the major components (electrolyzers, hydrogen storage systems, fuel cells, or hydrogen-fueled motors) are readily available. Even if these components could be specially made they would be very expensive. 4.2.5 Flywheel Storage Flywheel storage is accomplished by using excess power in an electric motor to spin a flywheel; the energy is thus stored as kinetic energy. Later, the spinning flywheel can be reconnected to the motor, which will then generate electricity 4 .. • by withdrawing the stored kinetic energy. Like hydrogen syst~ms, flywheel storage is in the developmental stage. Research is being done for applications in many fields, but no practical systems are commercially available. In order to store significant amounts of energy in a flywheel, large masses must be spun at very high speeds. This creates two major problems. One of these is that a heavy flywheel must be perfectly balanced so that the bearings will not be destroyed, the other that special materials must be used that can withstand the tremendous stress. 4.2.6 Thermal Storage Thermal storage uses electr ical resistance heaters or a heat pump to warm up a material in a heavily insulated container. This hot material can then be used later to boil a fluid (water or ammonia, for example) and produce an expanding vapor which can then be used to drive a conventional turbine- generator. A thermal storage system would have a low efficiency for electrical power production. Thermal storage is more practical when heating is the end use, because less energy is lost during transfer from storage. Wind systems have been designed and built based on the principle that surplus power be used to heat water, which can later be used for domestic hot water uses or for a hot water space heating system. This, of course, is just indirect electric heating, which is almost always more expensive than any other means of heating. As a result, this is not usually a cost-effective idea unless the windgenerator is generating power which otherwise would be wasted. 5 Another form of thermal energy stor~ge which is being demonstrated on a commercial basis and is useful in some cases is to store cold, not heat, and use it for cooling purposes. Surplus electricity could be used to run a freezer. This could be advantageous for a community freezer in a village during the summer when fish and game need to be frozen for winter use. 6 4.3 Monitoring Equipment 4.3~ 1 Introduction A classification for levels of monitoring has been defined by Ramsdell and Wetzel in "Wind Measurement Systems and Wind Tunnel Evaluation of Selected Instruments." The four classes of monitoring systems based on storage capabilities are: CLASS I II III DATA STORAGE CAPABILITY None Limited to a single storage register Processed information stored in data logger with more than one storage regis- ter, but sequential information lost. IV Processed or unprocessed information with sequential information retained. 7 4.3.2 Class I Systems Class I systems-have no storage capabilities and require a human observer to record data. This system is used by the National Weather Service (at their manned sites). For the purpose of site evaluation care should be exercised that the operator maintain a somewhat regular schedule when recording data so as not to "bias" the data; i.e., record velocities only when the wind is blowing. The same methodology applies to monitoring a WECS's performance. Typical parameters monitored would be: 1). Wind Speed 2). Wind Direction 3). Temperature 4). Humidity/Barometric pressure 5). KW output (Power) 6). KWH (Wo r k ) (a c 1 ass I I sen s 0 r ) 7). Other WECS parameter s i.e., Vol ts, Amps, Running Time (class II) The advantage of Class I systems is low initial cost. However, the expense involved in reading and tabulation of the data may be somewhat prohibitive. This is especially true if a reasonable degree of accuracy is desired. Operator training is minimal and the primary goals in training would be to stress consistency and vigilance. 8 1It).:- Class I disadvantages would be a loss of accuracy due to meter reading errors of extraplation rounding, etc. Another disadvantage is that the processing of the data obtained to develop wind power spectrums and windgenerator performance must all be done by hand. This is true even if a computer is used, as the data must still be entered manually, and the possibility of human error is increased. 9 4.3.3 Class II Systems Class II systems do have storage capability, though limited to a single parameter. This type of storage applies to two particular parameters: wind speed and kilowatt hours. The device for wind speed is called a wind odometer and records a value related to "miles of wind" that pass the anemometer. This value can then be processed (by hand) to produce an average wind speed over whatever observation period is used i.e.: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The kilowatt hour meter is analagous to the windspeed odometer in that it records total energy produced by the windgenerator. Class II advantages are that the summing of parameters takes place continuously and thus more data is being collected. In the case of wind monitoring, the readings can be made less frequently than a Class I device and provide better average velocity indications. For power measurements the KWH meter represents the only method of accurately depicting total power flow. Class II disadvantages are as follows: I) The applications are limited i.e., a cumulative wind direction sensor reading is somewhat meaningless; 2) They tell nothing of the diurnal characteristics of the parameter being measured. They could be compared to the odometer of an automobile in that it tells only the number of miles driven and not whether they were all highway driving, city stop-and- go or running bootleg whiskey in the hills of Tennessee. 10 ,.- .. ... .- .. p. 4.3.4 Class III Systems Class III devices pertain mostly to wind power potential development. They process the wind data and display several combinations of accumulated results. Processing usually involves raising the discrete data values (windspeed) to various powers (2nd, 3rd and possibly 4th) and summing the results in a cumulative display register. These values are then used to develop the power in the wind and further aid in obtaining an idea of the wind spectrum using statistical analysis. A better picture of the wind's potential is obtained with this device when compared against a class II system. Class III advantages are that the data obtained is already summed and preprocessed for analysis purposes and provides an indication of the diurnal characteristics of the wind at the site in question. Remote operation is possible for unmanned sites. Class III disadvantages are that individual observations on wind speed are lost and the devices may require additional equipment to retrieve the stored data. 11 4.3.5 Class IV Devices Class IV devices have the capability of recording discrete data pOints such as wind speed as individual observations and have the capability to process and present summarized forms of the data as well. The parameters monitored are limited only to the availability of sensors capable of providing an output comparible with the device in question. In most cases any sensor that provides an electrical output is useable with proper signal conditioning. The information obtained can be stored in the form of strip charts that maintain a running record of the parameters monitored. However, removing data from the strip charts can become a tedious undertaking and lends itself to errors in reading and recording data for further processing. A solution to the problems is found in the new generation of magnetic storage devices that employ microprocessors to govern their operation. The data is stored on magnetic digital cassettes. There is currently a commercial system available that allows on-site analysis and is in itself a relatively sophisticated computer. These systems are extremely flexible and can be used for windgenerator performance monitoring as well as analysis (in the case of the computer controlled systems). Class IV advantages are: 1) The storage of real-time data maintaining individual occurrences in sequence; 2) Extreme flexibility as far as parameters to be monitored; 3) Mul ti-channel (parameter) capability; 4) On si te analysis of data is available; and 5) Data collection may be initiated prior to the development of a particular analysis methodology and different approaches used on the same data as it is stored in its original form. 12 .- .. ,.. II' ",,' Class IV disadvantages are: 1) The high cost in setting up the system as well as its purchase price; 2) Although some do lend themselves to remote applications, they generally are not able to function in extreme environmental conditions; and 3) Devices that employ strip chart recorders are generally difficult to use when retrieving data. 13 4.4 Systems Integration It is possible to gain the economics offered by storage (increased consum~tion of power when wind is available, the reduction of power use when it's not) through region wide system integration¥ With a mix of different machine sizes and capacities spread"'across a diverse region there is a certain probability that a'level of capacity will be available at all times. Studies doAe by the Electric Power Research Institute conclude that a capacity credit can be given to wind genera- tion capacity on a grid system, depending on the grid charac- teristics and the wind regime. Substantial operating experience on intertied systems has demonstrated the ability of a wind generator to run a remote grid unassisted if a load dump is employed to maintain a reserve margin. The key to a sustained high penetration of wind energy on a grid is enough knowledge of the wind resource~so that utility personnel can plan operations around its availability. The study area offers diverse terrain, from its· coastal environments to its mountain passes, and is large enough in area to make for a good likelihood of this occurring if all the villages, all the wind turbines, and all the other generating sets were interconnected. 14 "" 4.4.1 Generation Equipment Compatibility As already discussed, the type of generators on line and their location on the distribution system are critical to system stability. More experience needs to be gained before anything conclusive can be stated about voltage-dependent wind systems and their value to a grid. It is clear, however, that there are limits to the penetration level these type of units can efficiently make. The best currently available information indicates 30% penetration is a reasonable limit, and for purposes of this study is deemed a maximum. 4.4.2 Load Management Most utility systems in the country today can benefit from end use load management. Because of the diurnal varitions in demand, small grid systems such as found in Bristol Bay will typically have peaking requirements many times greater than average demand. The major contributors to the problem are the large users such as the schools, water plant and commercial users. Distributed microprocessor controllers in these key facilities can save a consumer as much as 30% through use of the following techniques: Demand Limit Control reduces the peak rate of electrical energy usage. Demand Control measures the rate of energy consumption in the building and when the rate exceeds a limit selected by the owner, the Demand Limit Control will temporarily turn off energy-consuming loads on a preprogrammed basis. When the energy usage rate drops below the limit, equipment is automatically restored to normal operation. The type of equipment this would apply to would be: freezers, pressure pumps, fans and possibly some lighting and resistive heaters. 15 Duty Cycling is defined as repetitively turning energy- consuming loads OFF and ON during a preprogrammed cycle. The purpose of the Duty Cycler is to reduce unnecessary equipment operation and also to increase equipment efficiency. A sophisticated Duty Cycler will match the amount of duty cycling with actual load conditions. For example, as outside air temperature drops, the load on a heating system increases, and the load management system reduces duty cycling. Time-of-Day Prograaming allows the owner to individually program precise OFF and ON times for energy consuming devices with different programs for each day of the week. The Time- of-Day Programmer is also a labor-saving device by automating those tasks that are frequently overlooked in manual operations. These distributed load management systems can easily be programmed to respond to a signal from a central controller operated by the utility which requests loads be dropped or added to maintain maximum generation efficiencies. Fail Safe operation is thus made possible by programming the remote units to be independent of the central controller in the event of loss of a signal. With additional software, the utilities' central load manager can perform billing functions and provide operation and maintenance information, as well as minimize record keeping requirements. 16 .. ... ' 4.5 Conclusions and Recommendations According to computer modeling done by General Electr ic for the Electric Power Research Institute, dedicated storage to wind generation equipment is not beneficial, either from the viewpoint of wind power viability or minimum generating system cost. Non-dedicated, general system storage, however, has many times been shown to be economic when operated and dispatched as part of the total generation system, and there are many successful pumped storage hydro plants in operation on utility systems today. There is considerable research and development work underway to produce new storage systems which can be used in areas where pumped storage hydro is impractical. Monitoring to determine utility load characteristics and wind power availability is best done with a microprocessor based data collection system (class IV). This must be tempered however with preliminary screening, to determine the appropriate level of collection warranted due to the increased cost associated with more sophisticated levels of data gathering. Load management technologies should be considered regardless of the generation mode. The benefits in peak shaving and the ability to optomize generation efficiency are significant. With higher degrees of penetration of wind equipment, load management becomes more necessary to maintain system stability. 17 5. POWER PRODUCTION ANALYSIS This section analyzes the potential contribution of wind power to the Bristol Bay electrical demand forecast for the year 2000. The penetration levels are based around a matrix system consisting of two distinct categories of parameters. Several combinations of these two categories are presented. The first set of parameters assumes three levels of penetration in the region: 1) 10% penetration without utility involvement; 2) 30% penetration with utility involvement, and 3) 70% penetration with load management and concerted utility involvement. The second set of parameters assumes three different utilization scenarios: 1) a disaggregated base case; 2) all villages intercon- nected; .and 3) a two network grid in the region. Several tables are presented illustrating the potential number of genera- tors required for each case; they are broken down into size classifications that are representative of commercially available machines at each given penetration and intertie scenario. Throughout the method- ology presented herein, the assumption is made that several small and medium size windgenerators are desired over single large units. Though several arguments for this course of action are presented, the major benefits revolve around availability of both machines and replacement hardware, as well as the reliability of the grid to provide power in case of windgenerator failure or down-time. 5. 1 Introduction In Section Three, the size and type of wind turbines available today or expected to be available in the near term were described. A methodology was outlined for determining the potential performance of machines in the various wind regimes of the project area. Because village utilities are concerned about the dependability of power from wind generators, and considering the variability of the resource, it is necessary to look at the maximum number of machines possible within a village generating system at selected levels of grid penetration. Once the maximum number of machines has been found, the technique described in Section Three can be used to calculate the energy contribution from the selected mix of machines within each village or zone of the study area. 1 5.2 Methodology Wind machines can be added to a generating system through either private action-such as when homeowners install a wind turbine for their own use-or through institutional action, when the village utility installs a large wind turbine(s) for community use. In the present economic climate (low-interest State Alternative Energy loans, high electric rates) homeowners and small businesses will continue to install small wind machines irregardless of action by village utilities. Consequently, this study has assumed that 10% of the Year 2000 electrical load will be met by small wind systems. Utilities have access to greater financing than homeowners, and can take advantage of the expected economies of scale offered by larger but more expensive wind turbines. Moreover, the utilities are able to manage and maintain larger units. As a result, two levels of penetration have been chosen for integration into a small utility by wind systems: 30% and 70%. These levels of penetration incorporate the 10% to be contributed by small private machines. Utilities are capable of handling 10% penetration without any alteration of their generating system or its management. At 30% penetration some load management may be advantageous. At 70% penetration, load management and complete integration of the wind systems with the utility's other generators is necessary. Data to date indicates that load growth in the study area is approximately 6% per year or roughly an average of the high and low growth forecasted by R.W. Retherford Associates in a February, 1981 report for the Alaska Power Authority. The following projections assume an average of Retherford's high and low forecasts. 2 .... .' LOAD FORECAST YEAR 2000 Village kW MWh/yr Dillingham 6155 30.744 Naknek/King Slamon 7220 37.128 Clarks Point/Ekuk 1159 3.205 Egegik 1085 2.688 Ekwok 207 902 Iguigig 87 380 Koliganek 217 946 Levelock 198 863 Manokotak 340 1,481 New Stuyahok 250 1,101 Portage Creek 79 346 Iliamna/Newhallen 1105 5,210 TOTAL 17.852 84.994 3 From the load forecasts, the maximum capacity (kW) contributions at each pentration level from the wind turbines were estimated. Once the maximum capacity contr ibution was determined the next step was to project a machine mix and the number of machines of each type that would be needed. The concern here is with potential maximum output of the wind systems. Consequently, neither MPO or rated capacity of the wind turbines being considered could be used. This study used each machine's potential kW output at an instantaneous wind speed of 30. mph (assumed to be peak output on the machines investigated), with the smaller machines performing at an efficiency of 20% and the bigger units operated at a 30% efficiency. This approach resulted in estimates roughly approximating the maximum rated output of several commercially available wind turbines. SMALL & MEDIUM SIZED TURBINE OUTPUT 30mph/25% Efficiency Rotor Diameter Maximum Output 4 meter 3 kW 7 meter 10 kW 10 meter 25 kW 17 meter 69 kW 4 ,," II' ... 1 .. .. .... LARGE TURBINE MAXIMUM OUTPUT 30mph/30% Efficiency Rotor Diameter Maximum Output 25 meter 200 kW 91 meter 2,500 kW The 30% penetration level is made up of the 10% contributed by small machines and 20% of maximum capacity by medium size machines ( in this case the 17m and 25m turbines). Similarly, the 70% penetration level is comprised of 10% from small machines and 20% from medium size machines, with the remaining 40% from the large turbines. As mentioned, the 30% and 70% levels assume utility invol vement. utili ties generally prefer the biggest machine possible to gain economies of scale. However, there are also advantages to a multiple number of medium sized machines, particularly in the remote villages within the project area. With multiple smaller units there is less loss of capacity when anyone turbine is down for repairs or cycled-off as load declines. Also, it is easier to stock spare parts when more than one machine is in the same vicinity. The value in multiple units is assumed in our scenario by limiting the medium and large machine mix. Whenever there was insufficient load to use the maximum combined output from at least three to four units, the load was met by a larger number of smaller machines. 5 Below is an elaboration of the argument for multiple units of small to medium size wind turbines: 1) Smaller machines are easier to maintain since the moving parts are smaller and lighter. 2) Smaller units are manufactured in greater numbers, thus making parts more readily available. 3) The mor e dispersed the machines a re around a grid or terrain, the higher plant factor will be achieved because of the microclimate effects. 4) Reliability is increased because if one unit fails a smaller percentage of capacity on line is lost. 5) The controls are typically more complicated as a windgenerator gets larger. 6) Small and medium size wind machines can be added incrementally to the system as load increases because of their short lead time for construction. This allows for flexibility in forecasting the load growth. The number of new units planned can be altered to reflect change in demand. After the maximum number of machines that can be absorbed in the system at each penetration level is found, the potential energy output (using the rotor diameter and the wind power in the area where the machines will be sited) is calculated. 6 ... • ~i .' .. An important consideration in both the 30% and 70% levels of penetration is power quality and reactive Vars needed to support thegr id network. Thus, an important requirement in operating a grid when the wind generators are providing a significant portion of the load requirements is use of a synchronous generator. Both the 25m and 9lm turbines use the more expensive controls and circuitry required to maintain a leading power factor. Because of this, the smaller villages in the non-intertied scenario may have potential problems with high penetration levels using smaller line-commutated machines. 7 5.3 Power Production The following figures tabulate the machine mix at each of the three penetration levels for the Base Case; i.e., each village remaining independent of the others (except for Clarks Point and Ekwok where their close proximity would make an intertie probable). The same estimates for a series of interconnection possibilities where then tabulated. The first case assumes that all villages within the study area are interconnected. The second case assumes that zones (as shown in Figure 5.5) C, D, and E are interconnected and zones A and B form a second network. It was assumed that the wind turbines would be sited within the windiest areas of each network rather than equally dispersed throughout. Consequently, in Figure 5.4, when all the villages are interconnected the machines are sited in an area of Wind Class 5. In similar fashion, Figure 5.6 uses a Wind Class of 5 for the interconnection of Zones C, D, and E. A Wind Class 3 was used for the interconnection of Zones A and B. .. - ... .' "" .. FIGURE 5.1 OISAGGREGRATEO BASE CASE POTENTIAL NUMBER OF UNITSI ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION (MWh) 10c)(' PENETRATION LEVEL Power Demand 4. 7. 10. Total Village Class (kW) #u nit s ( M W h / y r ) #u nit s ( M W h / Y r ) #u nit s ( M W h / y r ) M W h/ y r ------ Dillingham 2 6155 104/577 18/292 / 5/171 1040 Naknek/King Salmon 5 7220 120/1,330 22/715 6/410 2460 II) Clarks Point/Ekuk 3 1159 19/141 6/130 271 Egegik 5 1085 18/200 3/98 1/68 366 Ekwok 2 207 7/39 39 Iguigig 4 87 3/37 37 Koliganek 2 217 4/22 1/16 38 Levelock 3 198 3/22 22 Manokotak 3 340 8/59 1/22 81 New Stuyahok 2 250 5/28 1/16 44 Portage Creek 3 79 3/22 22 Iliamna/Newhalen 3 1105 19/140 3/65 1/46 251 FIGURE 5.2 DISAGGREGATED BASE CASE POTENTIAL NUMBER OF UNITSI ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUT.ION (MWh) 30" PENETRATION LEVEL Power Demand Total Village Class (kW) 4. 7. 10. 17. 2S. MWh/yr Dillingham 2 6155 104/577 18/292 5/171 9/872 3/870 2782 Naknek/King Salmon 5 7220 120/1330 22/715 6/410 14/2720 3/1740 6920 ~ Clarks Point/Ekuk 3 1159 19/141 6/130 9/410 681 0 Egegik 5 1085 18/200 3/98 1/68 3/582 984 Ekwok 2 207 7/39 4/65 104 Iguigig 4 87 3/37 2/54 91 Koliganek 2 217 4/22 5/81 103 Levelock 3 198 3/122 4/86 208 Monokotak 3 340 8/59 8/172 231 New Stuyahok 2 250 5/28 6/97 125 Portage Creek 3 79 3/22 3/65 87 Iliamna/Newhalen 3 1105 19/140 3/65 9/410 615 , , , FIGURE 5.3 OISAGGREGATEO BASE CASE POTENTIAL NUMBER OF UNITSI ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION (MWh/yr) 70 .. PENETRATION LEVEL Power Demand Total Village Class (kW) 4. 7. 10. 17. 25. MWh/yr Dillingham 2 6155 104/577 18/292 21/2030 21/2030 6/1740 4,810 Naknek/King Salmon 5 7220 120/1330 22/715 6/410 25/4850 7/4050 11,400 Clarks Point/Ekuk 3 1159 19/141 6/130 9/410 8/1030 1,711 ~ ~ Egegik 5 1085 18/200 3/98 1/68 7/1360 1,730 Ekwok 2 207 7/39 8/130 3/68 237 Iguigig 4 87 3/37 5/136 173 Koliganek 2 217 4/22 6/97 3/103 222 Levilock 3 198 3/122 4/86 3/137 345 Manokotak 3 340 8/59 9/194 5/228 481 New Stuyahok 2 250 5/28 6/97 4/137 262 Portage Creek 3 79 3/22 6/130 152 Iliamna/Newhalen 3 1105 19/140 5/108 9/410 7/903 1,560 FIGURE 5.4 ALL VILLAGES INTERCONNECTED POTENTIAL NUMBER OF UNITSI ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION (MWh) Power Demand Class (kW) 5 18,099 5 18,099 5 18,099 10% PENETRATION LEVEL 4. #units 301 MWh/yr 3,340 30% PENETRATION LEVEL #units MWh/yr 4. 301 3,340 PI;NETRATION LEVEL #units MWh/yr I 4. 310 3,340 , 7. 55 1,790 7. 55 1,790 7. 55 1,790 , , 10. 14 956 10. 14 556 10. 14 956 1 17. 13 2520 17. 13 2520 25. 14 8,100 25. 14 8100 Total 6,100 16,700 91. 3 33,900 50,600 1 , FIGURE 5.5 TRANSMISSION LINE INTERCONNECTION I I I , I I :~~~L:\ '-;'~P'tlBRISTOL BA Y ,'p~, STUDY AREA " ~ ~... ') t-"' ) ( -J' ... ---~ L :{' (.o, I~ONDALTON '. ' ~ ... ----... " Zone E ILIAM1!A~~~?) --~ /. \ NEWHALE ~ /KOLIGANEK .. ··~ '~F!!!f/If1f;jiO ~Zone B) ~\ NEW STUYHOK~r. __ ~ ~_~~~OK~/ Z ... o)le~'" IGUIGlcY ~ "f........'" / -----Z nEr ~ ALEKNAGIK (~L~VELOC ~ ..,r···~ ~$) I INGHAM-.... C--, ~ / . \ ~ I MANOKOT ~K . :PORT AG ' '-"\ , CR. ,,-' '--CLARKS PT. ~ ...... ~"....,.. KUK ." ~ ". _/ ". ~G ~---""'III ~~~ " N KNEK SALMON f .. ' I Zone 0,' .. /' .. ~. I / '- Bristol Bay 'EGEGI~~ ~.'" -'" BRISTOL BA V REGION L.JL...SL..:1North o 10 20 30 40 50 13 FIGURE 5.8 TWO NETWORK GRID SYSTEM POTENTIAL NUMBER OF UNITSI ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION (MWh) 10% PENETRATION LEVEL Zone Power Total Class 4. 7. 10. C, D, E 5 #units 161 79 8 MWh/yr 1,790 940 550 3,280 A, B 3 #units 140 26 6 MWh/yr 1,040 562 274 1,876 30% PENETRATION LEVEL 4. 7. 10. 17. 2S. C, D, E 5 #units 161 29 9 14 5 MWh/yr 1,790 940 614 2,720 2,900 8,964 A, B 3 #units 140 26 7 14 4 MWh/yr 1,040 562 274 1,800 1,544 5,220 70% PENETRATION LEVEL' 4. 7. 10. 17. 2S. C, D, E 5 #units 161 29 10 17 19 MWh/yr 1,790 940 683 3,300 11,000 17,700 A, B 3 #units 140 26 9 14 17 MWh/yr 1,040 562 274 1,810 6,560 10,200 , , J r J " , , 5.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The proceeding tables are not a recommended or predicted mix of wind turbines; rather they are representative of a reasonably diverse grid system. It would be to a utilities advantage to standardize the turbines for maintenance purposes. However, the size and type machine selected is very system dependent and site specific, and may belie standardization. Based on the diverse mix chosen in our methodology, the following table represents the annual energy contribution to the total electric consumption in the region for each scenario: FIG 5.7 PERCENT ANNUAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION FOR EACH SCENARIO (total of all villages) Penetration level Contribution To Total Energy Demand Base Case Two Ne tw ork All Interconnected 10% 5% 6% 7% 30% 15% I 17% 20% 70% 27% 33% 60% The advanta;c of interconnecting the village is seen clearly in terms of energy contribution. Further benefits in load leveling, increased reliability and economies of scale are possible with the larger grid networks. The 70% penetration level does not appear to be practical in the base case plan because of the fairly small increase in demand contribution over the 30% level. It is only when all villages are interconnected that this higher penetration level becomes justified. 15 6. RESTRAINTS IDENTIFICA TION This section attempts to identify any constraints which might impede a plan to develop wind energy in the Bristol Bay Region. Environmental factors are discussed in detail with potential impacts broken into the construction and operational phases. Safety concerns are discussed with a risk analysis describing possible failure modes and their consequences. Regulatory and regional restraints were identified to provide a guide to a planner unf amiliar with Alaska. In general, the probable impacts and restraints are site specific and can be mitigated through careful planning and analysis of the problems. 6. 1 Assessment of Probable Environmental Impacts 6.1.1 Introduction Possible enviro~mental consequences associated with wind energy systems include primary impacts; i.e., those directly related to the construction, operation and decommissioning of the windgenerators. In some cases, site location can exacerbate or minimize the machine's impact on the environment. Secondary impacts such as those environmental effects associated with the manufacturing of the basic materials (steel, aluminium, etc.) used in constructing wind turbine machines are considered inconsequential compared to U.S industrial production and are not discussed in this report. The primary impacts are broken into those caused by construction activities and those caused by operation of the turbines. When no distinction is made herein about the size of a windgenerator, it is assumed that the smaller turbine would have less of an impact. 6.1.2 Construction Impacts (a) Site Preparation: The area immediately surrounding the proposed location will require clearing for an adequate staging area. This clear zone need only be large enough for the wind turbine and erection equipment. This area should be fenced off for safety reasons. (b) Access Roads: In most cases access roads will need to be constructed. These roads could be seasonal as in a winter ice road or a summer haul road. These would be used exclusively by four wheel drive vehicles and would have the same requirements and 1 impacts as transmission line haul roads. Year round access to the site by road after construction is not necessary. (c) Construction Equipment: Most windgenerators do not need a large mobile crane because the turbine and tower design include provisions for erection of the system using a simple gin pole. The gin pole would be erected on site and could be retained at the site to facilitate possible future repairs. The foundations used in Alaska typically involve pilings or some type of deadman anchor system, and not necessarily expensive concrete pads. A pile- driving rig or backhoe is thus required for installation of anything but the smaller turbines. (d) Technical and Construction Personnel: Preparation of the site will require a limited number of workers to operate grading equipment, place the foundation, and install transmission cables. On a larger megawatt scale turbine a small number of outside construction, technical and supervisory personnel, generally on the order of less than 40 or 50, will be required during site preparation and windgenerator construction activities. No housing or commercial development is expected to result from the construction project. (e) Restoration of the Site: After construction or upon decommissioning the site can be restored or allowed to revert back to its natural state. Such 2 .. ... ... III ... "" ... restoration may include refilling of excavations with earth, planting of grass or other vegetation, or other actions needed to satisfy local government requirements and/or sound environmental practices. 6. 1.3 Operational Impacts (a) Biophysical: The biophysical environment will require that site specific parameters be studied. These would include: Geology, Topography, Seismology, Hydrology, Climate, Vegetation, Mammals, Insects and Birdlife. No significant impact is anticipated on any of these parameters even with the largest turbines. This is based on environmental impact assessments performed for the DOE-MOD program for specific wind turbine sites. Birds: DOE analysis has shown that there are potential bird kills by rotating blades at a wind turbine. The primary hazards relate to nocturnal migrants when considerably below their normal flying altitude due to storm or overcast conditions or when landing near the site to feed or rest. In addition, there may be some hazard to low-flying diurnal migrants that cannot see the turbine due to fog or low-lying clouds. However, no significant bird kills have been recorded to date at any of the wind turbine sites. 3 Animals: Animal life near the sites may be disrupted due to activity associated with construction, operation and maintenance. Development sites are relatively small in area and it is expected that disturbance of animals would only be in terms of a minor relocation rather than as a threat to their existence. Vegetation: A slight decrease in wind speed and and increase in soil moisture and plant vigor near the turbine may result from machine operations. Protective measures may be required to halt possible erosion resulting from the loss of ground cover or degredation of the tundra near the base of the tower due to the movement of vehicles and personnel. (b) Socio-Economic: The follow ing socio-economic parameters should be considered: demography, land use, local economy, historical and cultural factors, communications, noise, and visual quality. The most sensitive areas are: Communications: Large horizontal-axis wind turbine rotors can cause interference with high frequency radio propagation in some locations. The signals which may be affected are in 4 .. II' ." the FM radio, television and microwave frequencies at reception points where geometries favorable for interference occur among the wind turbine, transmitter, and receiver. The incidence and severity of this interference will depend mainly on the distances between the transmitter, windgenerator, and receiver; strength and frequency of the signal; character of the antenna; and blade speed and scattering area. Careful siting of the turbine can mit.igate most of the problems that may occur. Proper selection of blade materials and rotor design can also lessen the degree of reflection. Noise: Noise levels associated with the operation of large horizontal axis wind turbines are insignificant. Noise monitoring studies of the lOOkW MOD-O at the NASA Plum Brook site indicate that a slight gear noise and the sound of wind passing over the blades are not audible above the natural wind at distances greater than 400 feet from the turbine tower. However, experience with the MOD-l turbine at Boone, North Carolina (which has 6lm blades) has shown that the wrong blade design sited without forethought to sound 5 6. 1.4 Safety transmission, can cause some problems. The slowly oscillating blades at Boone produce low frequency (1 to 20 Hertz) inaudible sound waves, called infra- sound which magnify in an eardrum effect through the valley. The blades are being redesigned and a new site looked for to mitigate the infrasound problem. Visual Quality: Visual impact can be influenced by the public's attitude toward the concept of obtaining energy from the wind. DOE experience with their MOD-OA and MOD-l units has been favorable. At most of the proposed sites, the wind energy project has been enthusiastically supported by the public as well as local and state officials. These earlier machines are considered aesthetically acceptable to most viewers and in some cases are considered a tourist attraction. On the other hand, some viewers will find any wind turbine unattractive. Although wind turbine components have been designed to withstand severe wind conditions (in excess of 150 mph), there exists a slight danger that a wind turbine blade might fail or that the wind turbine tower might collapse due to severe wintl load ing or other ex tr erne env i ronmental condi tions. To 8 .. ... .. .. .... "". minimize risks posed by blade or tower failure, reliable safety features have been engineered into wind turbines and are being accomplished by the institution of strict safety precautions and procedures. Previous studies by DOE with the MOD-OA and MOD-I systems and the MOD-2 program have analyzed safety concerns for structural failure of the tower or blades and other hazards associated with tall rotating structures and electrical equipment. As a result, reliable .safety features have been engineered into the MOD-2 wind turbine. For example, an early crack detection system has been incorporated into the MOD-2 blades so that if a crack begins to develop, the machine will automatically shut-down hundreds of hours before serious damage occurs. In addition, strict safety precautions and procedures are to be instituted by the responsible utility. (a) General Safety Precautions and Procedures: The tower structure and blades should be inspected at regular intervals by the utility or it's contractors to identify and repair potential structural defects. The turbine should also be inspected immediately following severe wind or other conditions, such as earthquakes. A limited radius of about 175 feet (53.3 meters) has been maintained around the MOD-OA turbine. Visitor access to the restricted use area would be controlled according to procedures detailed in a visitor control plan developed by the utility. 7 Technical personnel should be thoroughly trained to follow safe operating procedures and should be fully informed of risks associated with the wind turbine's electrical equipment, rotating machinery, and any cable hoist. Wind turbines should be designed to fully incorporate OSHA safety regulations and specifications. (b) Categories of Risk: Four categories of risk have been identified for a large, horizontal-axis wind turbine: (1) tower collapse or component blow-off; (2) blade failure; (3) injury due to unauthorized access; and (4) collision by low-flying aircraft. These are defined below, together with factors which would precipitate or limit the risk mode. (1) Tower Collapse or Component Blow-off: In the event of tower collapse or component blow-off, the wind turbine or component may fall in any direction. Maximum horizontal extension of the turbine, if a 91 meter rotor retained its integrity, would be 165 feet. Since the rotor would be feathered and braked far in advance of the occurrence of wind speeds exceeding tower design limits (in excess of 150 mph), blade throw is not expected to accompany tower collapse. However, the rotor may break due to striking the tower or the ground and may therefore increase the area of impact, depending upon the orientation of the rotor and the attitude of tower collapse. Degree of risk -Tower collapse is considered highly unlikely, even during periods of extreme wind. The only 8 II> conditions which are viewed as potentially hazardous are tornadoes or freak gusts which exceed design limits. Other possible causes of tower collapse include foundation undermining due to ground settling or a sudden geologic calamity such as an earthquake. Foundation undermining would be a relatively gradual process and would be noted and corrected during regular maintenance and inspection activities. Ground acceleration forces associated with a nearby earthquake of up to 7 on the Richter scale are less than those associated with high wind loading and are not a significant danger with structures of this type, although some risk cannot be discounted. The risk to technical personnel or visitors near the wind turbine is not expected to be high in the event of tower collapse or component blow-off due to the severity of conditions which would precipitate the failure. It is unlikely that people would be in exposed areas near the turbine during periods when winds approach or exceed 120 mph. During an earthquake, the turbine would pose less risk than many other structures due to its high structural integrity, relatively low mass, and the absence of loosely attached overhangs or facades. (2) Blade Failure: computations performed by NASA Lewis Research Center indicate that an unrestrained MOD-OA wind turbine blade could be propelled up to 550 feet from the tower base if it broke away from the hub at 40 rpm and at optimum blade throw angle. Blade throw distance would be significantly reduced if shedding occurred at less than optimum blade angle. 9 Safety features and precautions have been instituted to identify structural problems and decrease the risk of blade failure due to the uncertainties regarding blade loading experienced by the early machines. A wind turbine system could be equipped with automatically monitored sensors that would shut down the turbines for an unusual load as signalled by excessive vibrations or dynamic imbalance. Remote or automatic restart would not be possible, and the turbine would only be restarted by resetting the system at the site. Degree of risk -Given the safety and design features incorporated into modern wind turbines, blade failure is highly unlikely. Two additional factors limit the potential for injury of people within the limited-use area: (a) Most turbines will not be rotating when wind speeds exceed 40 mph. (b) It is not probable that people (particularly visitors) will be in exposed areas within or near the exclusion radius during high wind or storm conditions. (3) Inj ury due to Unauthor ized Access: Safety risks associated with unauthorized access to the wind turbine include falls from the tower and injury caused by coming into contact with power equipment near the turbine. To discourage climbing of the tower, care should be taken to eliminate provisions for footholds which would allow its to be scaled easily. All hoist controls should be securely sealed to prevent tamper ing. In addition, all ground level electr ical equipment should be shielded and/or caged in compliance with OSHA specifications and regulations. 10 .. (4) Low-Flying Aircraft: If sited out of the clear zone of a runway and outside the regular traffic lanes, a windgenerator will poise a limited hazard to aircraft. FAA requires a installation of an obstruction light on any tower approaching 200 feet. These measures should serve to reduce the risk of aircraft/turbine collisions to safe levels. 11 6.2 Regulatpry Restraints Legal and statuatory constraints for a wind system are extremely site and machine specific. Zoning ordinances are practically non-existent in the study areas. However, native allotments, parks and reserves will require extensive research into land use parameters. Limitations on height are expected to be c en t ere dar 0 un d FAA air po r t reg u I a t ion s. The Nat ion a I Environmental Policy Act reporting requirements for large windgenerators have been limited to a brief environmental report and a statement of no signif icant impact. Histor ical or Archeological sites should not be impacted by law. The endangered species list should be consulted to avoid any possible impacts in the siting of the turbines. The coastal zone management plan should be consulted if the machines are sited within the coastal bounds. 6.3 Regional Restraints An extremely important regional restraint is the short construction season which is complicated by the fishing season that overlaps it. The socio-political make-up of the region is unique and should be factored into any major development program. The land ownership constraints need to be put into a regional context. 12 ... ... ... 6.4 Conclusions and Recommendations Pew of the restraints identified in this section are likely to be troublesome with respect to feasibility. Careful siting and good planning will mitigate most anticipated impacts. By power company standards windgenerators are relatively benign. Most of the impacts discussed are not even relevant to wind turbines smaller than 25 meters. We anticipate the majority of installation in the Bristol Bay area to be in the under 25 meter category. Utilities should of course be sensitive towards the issues raised in this analysis -especially the publics attitude towards windgenerators. 13 7. FACILITY SCHEDULE This section defines "commer- cial readiness" of windgenerators for Bristol Bay with a chart showing the number of units built and the year that a particular turbine size is ready for utility use. Based on this chart, a selected schedule. medium-sized turbine is to develop a facility The phases for the program outlined are: Design Development, Assembly and Testing, Site Prepara- ..,tion/Construction, and Training/Data Collection/Transition. 7.1 Introduction In developing a facility schedule for a typical wind power generation site, a large number of assumptions and generalizations need to be made. In our example, we have assumed that an easily accessible site is available. King Salmon, Naknek, or Dillingham would be typical locations that would meet the above assumption. We have also assumed that a 17 meter to 25 meter turbine is to be installed. 1 7.2 Commercial Availability The DOE has defined "commercial availability" in their wind program development very loosely. If a manufacturer had built three windgenerators, sold one, and had one operational, it was a "commercially available" turbine under DOE guidelines. For purposes of this study we are defining "commercial readiness" for the Alaskan Market differently. The remoteness and extreme environmental conditions require a substantially more developed machine than in most other locations. It is our opinion that until a large number of windgenerators in a size range are built and installed they should not be considered for a utility application. Unfortunately for both the consumer and manufacturers, there is not presently a strong well established trade organization in the wind industry. In other industries figures on number of units manufactured, installed, and number of hours of operation are readily available through a trade organization. Because of the lack of maturity of the wind industry as a whole, production information is considered proprietary and not released. We estimate that there are at least 1,000 of the 4 meter size turbines manufactured to date and that as a class it has achieved commercial readiness for Bristol Bay. Based on the approximately 400 machines in the 7 meter category, another year is needed to work the bugs out before introduction can be made into this state on anything but a demonstration basis. The following chart was prepared to establish our best guess on commercial availability based on the number of units manufactured for the size categories studied. The exact date of maturity for the turbines is dependent on successful 2 .. ' III ' .. .' "", demonstration and manufacturing production. Both the demonstration projects and the production capabilities are 'variables the state can alter through a comprehensive wind program. The economy and energy prices will effect this graph dramatically as well1 they are totally out of the state's control. 3 FIGURE 7.1: ANTICIPATED DATE OF WIND GENERATOR COMMERCIAL READINESS FOR BRISTOL BAY U8E 1250---------------------------------------- c ~ 1000 ______ ~4~M~e~te~r-T~ur~b~in~e~------------------------- ::J fllml t-m~m~l~ 5::a l~l~lll~l~ ~ .. :.:.:.:. U. :~:~:~lm ~ 750------~~~t~i~--------------------------------------< tm;l~ ~ t~~~~~i en Imm . ~ 500------~::'~·,.: .. :':] ... ::~lj:;.:~:' ... i::~~7~M-e-te-r--T-u-rb-'-·n-e--------------------------.... ,... J;lt~ 10 Meter Turbine 25 Meter Turbine ftlf! 91 Meter :.;.;.;.;.; ::::'.':'.':::: Turb',ne :: .. : ...•• : .. :.: .. :.: .. :.: .• : ... -. . ::::::::::: 1980 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1990 YEAR 4 ,.' II' .. .. 7.3 Facility Schedule 7.3.1 Design Development The first phase starts with a detailed assessment and site selection process. This comprehensive planning step should identify all the participants in the project and elicit their involvement. The equipment manufacturer would be identified in the schematic design phase and long lead items identified. Community meetings would be held before final design is initiated. Working drawings and design development completion would then follow through to final design. 7.3.2 Long Lead T,me The second phase begins as soon as the long lead items can be identified during the design process. Material take- off and procurement would start when final design is initiated and any items that require barging would be expedited. Logistic problems would be worked out in this phase as well as preliminary site preparation and equipment mobilization. 7.3.3 Assembly & Test The windgenerator components would be tested separately at the point of manufacture and then shipped to a test bed in the lower 48 fo r as sembly and chec k-out. This step is intended to solve most of the hardware problems before the machines reach Bristol Bay. 7.3.4 Site Preparation/Construction Beginning early in the construction season, the site staging area would be prepared. Having the proper tools, equipment, and materials on-site is crucial to completing the project in a single season. The construction should proceed with as much local involvement and cooperation as possible. Upon completion of the installation the turbine will go through testing and start-up shakedown. 5 7.3.5 Training/Data Collection /Transltlon This final phase would begin with a concerted training program to teach the local operators how the system works and how to maintain it. The training program could be coordinated with the local community Voc-Tech center so that an ongoing program can be established which is in-line with the needs of the community. gradually over local utility. This phase is also a transition period which a period of·months turns the system over to the The data collection could be phased into a statewide information network so other utilities could benefit from the experience. e ... II' FIGURE 7.2 T ot~1 Progr Time DECIJANIFEB MAR APRIMAY JUN JUL AUG SEP oCTINOV 1. Design Development Long Lead Time Mat'ls Take-off, Procurement, etc. Assembly & Test Installation Start-up 7 8. ECONOMIC ANAL VSIS 8. 1 Installed Costs The cost information developed for this section was based on installed costs in the lower 48. The information was from actual installations and represents in most cases an average value using 1981 dollars. Prices are turnkey costs with construction being performed within a single year time frame. Cost of engineering, turbine, controls, tower, foundation and wiring are included. To estimate Bristol Bay costs an Alaskan construction cost index was used. A large village scenario was chosen and an index of 1.69* selected as roughly representative. FIGURE 8.1 COST COMPARISON BY SWEPT AREA Turbine Lower 48 diameter Cost 4m $10,000 7m $22,000 10m $34,000 17m $100,000 28m $380,000 9lm $6,000,000 .Bristol Bay Cost $16,900 $37,200 $57,500 $169,000 $642,200 $10,140,000 *Source: HSM, INC. -Anchorage, Alaska 1 Swept Area $/Swept Area 13m 2 $1300 38m 2 $1000 80m 2 $700 227m2 $700 490m 2 $1300 6500m 2 $1500 These costs represent a broad spectrum of possible installations. The 10-17 meter size range is the most cost effective turbine based on this analysis. There are a number of factors which contribute to the variability in installed cost estimates. The first is the price of the hardware itself. The lack of mass production and a true price competitive market make the cost for the turbines high. The larger the turbine, the more handmade they become, so that any economies of size that should hold true are not found. Addi tionally, when the jump is made f rom the 17 meter to the 28 meter size the type of generator goes from simple induction to a synch ronous generator. The power from a synchronous type generator, as discussed earlier in this report, has more value to a utility than an inductive machine. 8.2 Power Production Cost Comparison Using some gross parameters for purposes of estimating relative power production costs the machines can be compared. The following assumptions are made to allow a straightforward analysis of the different turbines. A typical good wind site for Bristol Bay would have a high wind power density (King Salmon area is class 5). Assumptions: Wind Power Class - 5 Economic Life -15 years o & M Costs -not considered Rate of Return -0% (for comparison only) Amortization method -straight line 2 .. ... II'" .. •• ... .. .,. FIGURE 6.2 POWER PRODUCTION COST COMPARISON Turbine Annual Energy Output Installed $/MWH* diameter Power Class 5 Cost 4m 10 MWH/yr $16,900 113 7m 37 MWH/yr $37,200 67 10m 60 MWH/yr $57,500 64 17m 220 MWH/yr $169,000 51 28m 580 MWH/yr $642,200 74 91m 9,000 MWH/yr $10,140,000 75 *These costs are for comparison only -actual utility costs would be much higher. This analysis does not include costs of operating a utility such as insurance, taxes, billing, management, land, debt service, operation and maintenance. Operation and maintenance costs are usually estimated at 1% to 5% of installed costs for a w indgenerator. Much more operating exper ience is needed before these numbers can be accurately estimated for Bristol Bay. 3 8.3 Conclusions and Recommendations Before a utility could begin to estimate the cost of a wind power program, very site specific information would need to be lilt developed. Once a program has been established, economics can be developed from multiple turbine installations using the same crew. Labor and transportation are the biggest unknowns for bush windgenerator construction estimating. A phased introduction of windgenerators is the most prudent approach to successful utilization of wind energy. As the larger machines mature and are proven through demonstration projects in Alaska they can then be added incrementally to a grid. This would allow a utility to learn operation and maintenance costs before fully committing large capital expenditures. 4 ... '" lilt .. APPENDIX A Wind Data FIGURE A.1 MONTHLY DIURNAL VARIATION-KING SALMON Wind speed/diurnal variation ···~·······r~"''''~---/ : .~ .... ;,,'-"' :-,,\ 1. I I. ~ -+ . ~ 'x j ~'" I' ·/"1 I· I / I ! ·· ... .,.r············r:.···· . N"",b., of ob •• rvotion, Meon wind .peed (.nol.1 by ho~r (GMT and Local Ti",e, and lor all ho~,. ----In.. _ witttl.,...,.". "'" '- 21 GMT 116 locaIl _ 20 ._1 Map· Scalar mean wind BL ... CK LINE· Scalar ",eon wind (lno,.' /1 o~~~~~--~~--~--~~--~~ -r;, or.OI of high "e,.i,'eM. 0' direction. ,h. mOGnitud. of ,h. vedor "'.an wincl. .ho~ld clo.ely approach ,ho' of 'he .color "'eon w;nd. .... In"" of 'he ",orine obi. notion, or. recorcl.d at Ii. hour intenol., disregard ,h. plotl for other thon 00, 06, 12, 18, GMT ho~,. on the Inor;ne oreo graph. ~~~Al ~ f ;; SIt OIS. Ot 0' King Silmon 01 07 fl., It ., ... 'lI .. ~n , aIG ~ !" . "D I 8.:, DO D' LOCAt. Ie 11 ... ,. 011- January D. ,. King S.lmon Dt " " '0 -0''''- 12 •• "II( II " " .. 01'""" ,5 D • It .. GO AU " II " " iUNO '''UD-a~~ ,!lUI .'ID. I I I ; ; I i ! i '" I i ( i , I I ! , I I , ! . DO 01., " I,. I -k i , i 1-! l "----i.. I I T • I I I 0 ! O. 12 1$ eft, 00 01 QI Lao ... & 11 10 U 02 os Inl DIS. " .. April "./ II .. I I " 1\ DO ... , " 1 King Salmon • • :!n ! a'" ~ r' , .. I - .,. ""'" .. .. February King Salmon Dt U -OIU .... 'I" .'If* ,I o. "" '5 .. It .. II " - DO .... " .~----+-----~-----+----~r---~ :!n~----~----~------+------+----~ I =-r------+------+-----~-------r----~ i 1'·r------+------+------4------~----~ ;1I1---t~.:::.....-===F====~::::;:::>...::.J.--t! -I , • I "" lID DJ .. at .. " ,. " DO ... , ,OC ... " " , .. " .. .. D. " " • UI -. " .. March Kint Salmon • ., ... _, • I \ ! I,. I! ~ t 1 t '-l. • I • I ·01 ............. 'I11M i 1 ! V ! 1/ ; I I , CIt' oa OJ (II M 12 I' II 2' OD",L Lit... HI 11 lI' uno. 01 II ,. I.n ... 'I" May King Salmon " .. i' i I, r • , • • i 1 1 I I i i I .... 'H' ·GllHI .... , .... T IaN I I , I I ! \ 1 -----+ !----r I i ~ i . • GIlT GO n 01 at ., IS I' 21 .. "'L Lie... 14 J'J '0 n 012 os 0. II .. 1 .. 5 OIl. 'I" July King Salmon ,,1110 ,. .. ,no.nlu_MaI. ,Att'ATIM I j i I ! ! i ,. .. , j I I 1 i I I \ -\ I L--• "'-. ./ I . , I i , I I , I • Al GIl' DO OJ OIl Ot 11 15 l' 21 DO LIKAl I' II 10 n 02 os 01 II 14 un 0". fI" September 2 Kint Salmon "LIiIIL"f"([D·al~ ,All IIflOM I \ I I I I J ! I I 1 • .. :!n ! .... ~ i" i I, I! • -+----t i j--- 1 ______ , i T I I • I I i ! I I ! -----. GIlT 00 OJ 01 0' 12 IS I' ,. .. AlL LOCIIL II Il lQ n 02 01 01 II U un GA. TIM' June King Salmon • If'. SHU·OllMlllllliL 1M "fllIII • ~" ! .. II 5 I" • .,. I I • -'-- ----- I -. . OR' 01 01 O' " II IS ,. II .. IO.L lOCM. lot 17 II" II at ~ .. II II .U, ••. fI_ ugust King Salmon "1_~fJl.:JUU~ ,liM '''10lIl I I I I I I ! r " .. I ! ! I 1 i , I , ; i i i ; i i \ 1-~ i ! j , I /1 . I ! , • 1 I I GIlT 00 DJ 01 Ot U IS I' 'I 00 AlL UX:'" 14 17 701 1J 012 as 01 II It lUI GU. riM October ... "" ... .. lit. .. - .. ," ... ." ",. King S.lmon _~ __ -r~·UI~~~'~ff.~'.~IUI.~"~'"~.~II~~~--__ ~ .. ~ I ~~-----+------+!------+------1------~ :ft~--~-----+-----+-----r--~ ! om~----~------+-----~------f_----~ ~ ,,,1-----+-----+---+----+-----1 i ~" r--"'-1====t===:\=====r--"----1 g..r aa QJ 01 \.ot ... It I' lG tI"O on. November a II 'I II lIdOS. II .. DO ... , to 3 King Salmon ,.r-~---r-.~"~~~ .. '.~[[.~ ..• ~IU·~-~T'·~·~·~"~···~----~ ! 1 I.r-----~------+------+------f_----~ \ :,.r------+------f_-----+------f_----~ ! I ilO r:r----==t====t====;::====t===-~I ~, 00 OJ 01 LOC.... ,& t7 20 .... , alt. December ! i I)f II 15 l] 02 05 TI"( II .1 aD l-.... , to I FIGURE A.2 INTERANNUAL WIND POWER AND SPEED ----.+ WIND POWER LEFi ORDINATE -WA'ITS/M z .---.... WIND SPEED RIGHT ORDINATE -MIS ..... ·m.wIII ... 'O ABSCISSA -YEAR V AND P ADJUSTED FROM Z TO 10 M BY 1/7 POWER LAW KING SALMON AK IlJAWNA AK 2!5C503 25608 :IIIHffff : o 3 :T11fIfJI : o 3 40 44 48 S2 58 eo M ea 12 18 80 40444852588OM88121880 FIGURE A.3 MONTHLY AVERAGE WIND POWER AND SPEED CAPE NEWENHAM AK 25623 600 ........... -.....•..... -......... -.....•..... -..... ,..... 7 ~J!·~t1iEt ~ o 1 404448S2588OMea121880 --WIND POWER LEFi ORDINATE -WATIS/M z -------WIND SPEED RIGHT ORDINATE -MIS PN.·m.WIII ... ,O ABSCISSA -MONTH V A!':lD P ADJUSTED FROM Z TO 10 M BY 1/7 POWER LAW KING SALMON AK 02/62-12/78 IlJAWNA AK 07.48-09/64 21500II Z-U R. v-4.8. p.. 152 ~ Z-8.1 G. v-~ p-2bl IlOO .. · .. ~ .... ~ .... r .. ·r .. ·~ .... ·' .. ···: .... ·;· .. T .. ·T· .. · 8 : :~trrrrtrrtr: : 200 : ..... L .. L...:. ... : 2 ~t81±JiIW~ ~ ~ j o 0 o 0 J , W A W J J A SON D J F .. A .. J J A SON D FIGURE A.4 DRJRNAL WIND SPEED BY SEASON --.+WINTER ·----4SPRING ar--41 SUMMER III---AUTUMN PNl-l1H wt:1II""10 KING SALWON AK 02/62-12178 25503 z-8.1 C. v-4.8. P-183 1: :.:::::l::::::I:::.:I:::::t:::::::r:::T:::::C:J 4~~~~~~~~ 2 · .. ···;· .. · .. ·; .... · .. ; ...... ·i·· .... ·;-...... t-.. · .. :---.. ; O+-~-+~--~T-~~~ o 3 e g ~ ~ ~ a u ORDINATE ABSCISSA IlJAWNA AK 07A8-{)9/64 25608 Z-U R. v-4.8. P-151 10 .. · .. ··;· .. · .. ·l······T ...... '·· .. ··']'· .... T .. · .. r .... ' : ::::::I:::::J~:::::t::::T::::r:::I:::::r:::::] : .:~==="C~::::l.::::I:::I=0 0+-~-+~--r-+-4--r~ o 3 e g n ~ ~ a u 4 CAPE NEWENHAW AK 04/61-12/70 2S823 Z-4.0 G. v-~.8. P-~£ IlOO 8 IlOO 400 200 o 0 MIS HOUR J , W A W J J A SON D CAPE NEWENHAM AK ().4/61-12/70 25623 Z-4.0 C. Vz 5.1. P2 242£ 10 8 61=~~~_~. ~.~.~~.~ 4~··fi .. ~ .. i=J 2 .... , ............... , ............... ; ....... ;-...... . 0+--r-+-;--~~4--r~ o 3 8 g ~ ~ ~ a u "" ... ... l'" .. .... "'" .. FIGURE A.5 DIRECTIONAL FREQUENCY AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED PERCENT FR~QUENCY LEFT ORDINATE -PERCENT WIND SPEED RIGHT ORDINATE -MIS '''l·3'KW(AA-'O ABSCISSA -WI NO 01 RECTI ON KI NG SALMON AK 02/62-12/78 25503 Z-6.1 G. v_ 4.8. p-183 40 ···,···~···,···,····c··"· .. ,···,····:"···,··,···;···,···.... 12 30 ···i···~··~···~···;··)···~·)····~·)···~···;···~·.)··· 9 o 0 H HE E SE S SW W HW IlJAMNA AK 07,48-09/84 211608 Z-I.e R. V-4.8. P. 151 ~ f.ft)tti~Jilft ~ o NNEESESSW"N" o FIGURE A.8 ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND SPEED FREQUENCY --ACTUAL 0 I STR I BUTI ON ORO I NATE PERCENT ._--._-RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION ABSCISSA -MIS ''''L·3''' _1".·10 KING SALMON AK 02/62-12/78 25503 Z-6.1 G. V-4.8. P. 18:J 40 ······r····'·······,······r·····'······-:-····"]""·····; 30 ....... 1.. ..... ; .......•....... 1.. ..... 4 ••.•••• .;. •••••• L ..... l : ····"Llr:q=1 O~~~~~~~~-'~ o 2 4 e a w ~ u ~ IlJAMNA AK 07.48-09/&4 211608 Z-t.a R. V -4.8. P. 151 40 ·······,······-;-· .. ···j·······r·····'·····T·····' .. ·····, 30 20 10 o~~~~~~~~~~ 024 a a w ~ u ~ FIGURE A.7 ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND SPEED DURATION ORDINATE PERCENT ABSCISSA -MIS PNL·Jl" WfR .... 'O KING SALMON AK 02/62-12/78 25503 Z= 6.1 G. V= 4.8. p. 163 100 80 eo 40 20 o+-~~~~~~~~~ 024 e a w ~ u ~ IlJAUNA AK 07A8-09/84 211608 Z-9.8 R. V-44 P. 151 ~Hfi+f#tInlnl 20 o~~~~~~~=.~~ o 2 4 e a w ~ u ~ 5 CAPE NEWENHAN AK 04/61-12/70 25623 Z .. 4.0 G. V.. 5.1. po.. 242E 40 30 . , r " . ~. ,. : :: .~: : .. ::. : .. : . . ,.: 1:2 20 •• ~ ,-~~',;:: '-";-~"~~ .. :.:_:_: .. ~~ 6 10 ..... , .. , _..... .....•. ... '-' .... -.. ... 3 . ~ .. o 0 HHEESESSWWHW CAPE N£WENHAM AK 04/81-12/70 2!5e23 Z-4.0 G. v. 5.1. P. 242E 40 ·······,·······,·······:·······,·······,······T·····'· ...... , 30 ··~···· .. ·f······T······t····-··~······t·· -f·······i 20 ............. , ....... , ....... ; ....... , ....... j ....... , ....... ; 10 O~~-+~r-T-~~~~ o 2 4 e e w ~ u ~ CAPE NEWENHAM AK 04/61-12/70 ~ z-4.0 G. V= 5.1. p. 242£ 100 ...... , ... , ....... , ....... , ....... , ................ , .......... . 80 Ll! : lihfIH!THHr: 0+-~~~~~4-~~~ o ~ 4 e awn u ~ FIGURE A.S ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND POWER DURATION ORDINATE -PERCENT ABSCISSA -WATTS/M z "'l·ll" _R •. 10 IlJAWNA AK 07-48-09/84 ~ Z-11.8 R. y. 4.8. P. 151 tOO -~ .... -.--.. --.-....... -.-..... , ..... -..... ,.-..• : ~r:t±~LJ ttt:tJ 40 ou ~ ..... ~ ••••• ~J.-.~ .... ~ .... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~-.. ~ 3) ... + ..•... L·i·····!···+····!·····t··+··! o o 200 400 eoo eoo 1000 6 CAPE NEWENHAW AK 0./61-12/70 523 Z-4.0 G. Y-5.1. P. 242£ 100 .. ,. ···"····T····"·····,·····"·····!·····~·····'·····' 8O.''-..... i ..... ~ ..... ; ..... ~ ..... ,..... • ; . -~ ..... i 60 ··f·-····~·····~··-··~-···-~·····+····+····~·····~·····~ 40 20 O+-~-L~~~~~ o 200 400 eoo aoo 1000 _. .. ' ., . "' . ... ... .. ... . ' .... ... ... fE.ta.C.E.NT I\~E FIZ-E.e:.U£NC.Y of WIN 0 DI~EC.TION ANO SPE.ED (FR.OI'\ HOUR.LY O£'~ER.VATIONS) . 1...,11.""1" I!./I/ (It .. d. -r!. _ -; E P I ;u.,...r,rEl7. -'---' ~F~CO r1EAN ~~' 1-3 4--(' 1-10 II -\6 11-2\ 2.l-n 2.1 -33 34--40 4f-55" ~ fib % w,"o Ol~, 'iI-41 $ I't;f. 0 N I" 1) <t> 'iT (j)--ij--W---' W , OJ -----.- NNr: NE II' ''}) I/II@ I (I) , cP I'''' (5) '"'''''169 nr~v ~'J5 iiilTW-jilllHrr--iJll11 110-II I~j-rr-w---w"'G)-- E.l-lc 69 ~ ,,~ ~'t0 n----'-"'----iifTlTr J) --Ullin il!) 1"11 QY I @ E. 1111' ® II1IUff<@ iI1l1IIl(@ m~ I"' m Q) III (~) IQ) mlll'l (!) 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OF 06~E.It.III\TIOJ.l~ --'/.(...:...'L,I.c..:i ____ _ "TI S C lJ m )0 Co m .., c: --:l cnm c:~ 3'< 3~ (I) __ "':l a. o Q) P+ Q) I~ tNti'i DIIe. 1-3 lj.-" N 1111 oJ 1'" 0> NtH, II @ 1IIfQ7- NE I'll l!:!) 1\lff1Y ENa III/ L'Y I"II~II\'_~) Eo -!Iff (~) Jiofl~ E.~E ~II. '" "/1'y----SE ~--~iI~--'-SSE , ::, 1Itf1(!) 1II1111® r---"'1 ev \ffl(T.) Ssw SW JltJ JUfI 11'6) iJlIllI@ Ws'.v I." \HI I UP -~ \".j 11 1111 '0 1If\ll1I1\X~ 't1ll1A! ~ 11\1 C> ~~ 11,1 & 1111)/ tl) N~l\.J flIT ('!) ITII-CV VI\P_~L c.A.L.t1 III/ U11~~e~ 'II ) ,') '2%, ' 6lc, II Rho;-' . PE.'lC.E.NTf\<ZE FI~EQ.UENC.'1 OF WIIIIO DI~EC.TION ANO SPEED (FR.Ot1 HOIJR-L.Y OBifR.VATIONS) 1--10 11-16 11-2.1 U-2.r 2.., -33 31f-40 1111 (!j) 0 ~-n (f) fll (}) »1I11I1I1'l:~) l~nlfl1 '(jJ) (J) 1l1li11 CP 11111'& IJttrIl 6) IIIrn~_ 1~~"~Ift~ ifffJIf$ lIfirr1{1;'" ~..,~-~; jJHJI/I(~9 \iIIUIIJ I'@ JIll "111Wl;";y ~;f.I'~~1 /I.~~n'r ~~ 1fII1I1@ III'''''''liD ~~:-.. ~-Tf~!..-i{1I'I~ I~_~_J@ Jrff(9--iilI'-@-----(j}---- 0 ~If~-" II '-'(p' .... _. _ .. --.---.. -~ .. II" ~T--,-_. ,------.---.~-- III f.9 I (,J '"fill (9) III (t) , (jl-~~~--'---- r.~![q~' ~;Jtm,~ fIll~fljr ~:-.~ ~II' (oj) ~WUAI r~ ;\' iiilo"YI q 1i"~'UtiiiJ(l~ , nil ~~ff(%1fiT .':iIfil~ir,R ItI1 (J S 'II, (tV 111\1'1\ "'If''-) '""(,s) ""III}!Il-l-.""II'/ :} j IUIlI/fIIl(IV (j) " OJ ~ I I 1(9 IiIN'-r------cv i'f.? .L --CElL I fll.;7, d;.kl. I Ie, .J,,), Ii ;P"/';'~~ ;;Zr;i IOr-e---::-; (",' .1/,"1 I 41-111' ~@- '1() IJ1\ 19 ---- _._-- ~-GJ /I (~ --- :;~7'2 ' ~ .. 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II NE ,I -~ ~-- E E.::.e: Sf. ~II S~E yr---- ~-fI SSW II 5\J I"" WS'I,j W 'II 'tmw ~w NN\..} \It\~i!;L. -''P' c. 1\ 1-1'1 . lj.-", 1--10 I 1"11 II. III [lI\'Ilr- PEa.C.E.NTI\G-E fitEG.lJENC.'1 Of WINO OlItEc.TIOr-\ ANO SPf.ED (FItOI'\ HOIJR-LY OIUfIl.VATIONS) 11-16 1"1-2.1 2.2-2.r 2. S -33 31f-40 11I1Mfl1ll11111 , ........... , ~-iMli MIl )mIl ------ 'iI-If:} 11ItI1lllt<1IMI III I"" I*"'pr--111\ ,--II" I" '" 1111 IH ~-r----ir----.----.~ -------------------- -~------~ --_. __ ... -.. -~ --.. -.. ,--.~" .. --.' .. ~. --------- "'---1-------'---.. _-- rrr---n---- 1lH1~ 11*" "' 1'\ 1"1\-------Ir----- liJIIltIlliI\Ufi iffl~ iiIIllIfIIIIiTJr-~run1lll1ll1l\1 I ~N''''' 11"l1li11\ '111\ Illfl I~III. I"'1IlflIllr il'IIUfIlmI ~lR1l11n ~ 1IIf~11I11I~_'1 , PII 1\1,(\' ill I" " f'" 1111\ I' I lIT ---- ---------'.----_._-------"--- -~ .... -"_._-----.. -~--------- .. 1 t , 1 % I1£.A'" ~r-55" ?"Sb w,"o SP/Ii/!.." 1""'"'1111 I"" --........ - .. _---~------- II{! ~A. ,.,.."" m- I -----~--.--!--- ------------ 1 CAPE NEWENHAM ALASKA AFS 53-10 ALL STATION NAill '''' .. 110 NTH ALL WEATHER ALL • HOUII (L.S.T.I CLASS " (') G5 CONDITION c: Dl :D m "C ~ .... CD 0 SPEED MEAN Z (KNTS) 1 • 3 "'·6 7 • 10 11 -16 17 • 21 22 -27 28 -33 3'" -"'0 "'1 -"'7 "'8 -55 ~56 % WIND DIR. SPEED N • e .2.2 2.8 3.1 1.4 .5 .1 .0 11.0 11.0 CD ~ NNE .4 .8 .9 .6 • 1 .0 .0 .0 2.8 8.2 CD NE • 3 .8 .6 .3 • 1 .0 .0 .0 Z.Z 7.7 ENE .2 .S .6 .6 .2 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 x,.Z 10.8 E .4 .9 1.4 1.4 .6 .4-.1 .1 .~ .0 .0 !'J.Z 12.0 ESE .2 .6 1.2 1.9 1.2 .1 .3 • 1 .0 .0 .0 0.3 15.0 SE .3 .9 1 • 7 2.5 1.5 1.0 .5 .2 .0 .0 8.6 14.9 SSE .It 1 .2-1.8 2.4 1.1 .6 .1 ,1 .0 .0 7,7 12.6 ~ :::r Dl 3 S .5 1.' 2.1 3.3 1.3 .It • I .0 '.8 11.6 ssw • 1 .6 1.3 i.i .It • 1 .0 .0 3,8 10.8 sw • 1 .6 1.1 .6 • 1 .0 .0 .0 ~.8 '1. it ~ -. wsw .1 .It .8 ., .1 .0 .0 1.9 9.5 ~ W .2-.7 1.3 .9 .1 .1 .0 3.3 9.4 WNW .2 .5 1.1 1.0 .3 .1 .0 .0 3 .. 2 )0.6 a. NW .4 1.1 1.7 1.8 .6 .2-.0 .0 ~.'1 10,8 NNW .4 1.1 1.7 2.2 1.1 .It .1 .0 7.1 11.'1 VARBL 0 Dl CALM >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< 1b.3 ..-+ Dl , .1 14.4 2!.6 2.4 .7 10.2 4.7 1.It .5 .1 .0 .0 100.0 9.8 TOTAL NUMBER OF OBSERVA liONS 130834 fI';OJJrll ~fi-tJ FE-fl Mf}(l. APfl. "" tty JutJ IUL- fJUlr S!;" ~C,T lJ~v f}E~ II/JNlJJll I A ti!I'U j£) I" \!JI./ j) .s t-l ~'j~:'~l/l fl Y Y~r.:...3,,''':.! Z/)£I.I(f ~ IEP/.l)l...Ci-. /VW'1lIiE/~': ___ _ --------... --.--.--------.---~-···--~-----l -CA1..1'· 1--3 l/-6 7-/0/' "/G 17-ill ;.). ... ~? ~ r-31 :s &.j-f', ~ Y'l '1~f J'.r,-N~M6 p7L~v. tlfJll'- 0/0 % ~" '7~ _" % % ozc, 0'/,,, () ~ ~ .013> DiP. s IiF~ $", ~ 0.3 J~.'1 3'1.'-/ '3" B' '1,'1 /.6 114r lJ,Je 5.1 £'.3 ILJ·'1 -;. 'J..!-[ 3~.o I 'to L( 2& D.} O.~ , '118 ,J '1/1 d.~ .. 1£.0 '3;;1, ~ 1t. "'-~ ?" c. t./ I11I ,J --- ~.'7 /, 'A IL/.~ 7/)·g 30.' S-·7 (). t..J . JI YLI EfJE 'S.D ~.(:, 13.(, 3?,~ 3), ~ 1,9 ",7 tJ./ IJ()?~EtJc S'? 0.3 IS:S-'3j~~ '3t, r '1. I I, 'b' /0 '1'/. S q./ l. () ?3,o '1/S-r?.¥ ~.Y (),S-tt>&S-S 2.'8 II~ ~l.~ ~'t1. /9. .'t. . "". '1 ~-lOS' V ~ I"), L{ t!>.9 ?-;l.~ Y/19 ~:3." ~1'7 ". 'I a. / IO~t/ }J r, J..._.-.2£. l.lt.~J .~1~.1 ?:/.·,.i .~',~-.mL.'£: 10'31 ~ • -:p·.....,.--.-.".. .... _r.··_ -...... .,.. .~."'''' .. ~ ...... -..... ~ ........ -... IS·s /1 I L'2:t_ } .. gD ~r.,-1}.9 tP. ? .~ 1I~l) 11 9.:.!:L. I. ~ ,'1, , J_fu ~L,~ E.a I, / o. / 1()91 V N 1.0 fJ·1_. 1'2·fo .~J": ? .?:9·o ?,l) ..I. (, ". ! J ~'iO~ .---.--,~ ----" .- c ------:::J CO :::T ~ 3 ~ -- \I , I , ' , l , E " 10 1\ I: '("" ,0 1\ I: € ~" ~TRT'O'" ILIAMNA • 2S~Ob' 9 a "[T[t; "()rt .an'OI '0 .. '0";0 'H['[~[ .ovr Ii. I3v(PQ(j( \.f NO ~P((O 'M~S(( I 8' H('o .... Af<l "f').",h4 Nurs(. 0' Uf'llIO O'~('A"ON:' ,,,':":.Q HvU' It 8" ~"e ~It 8 It Q It' It q It' It J It q It' ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 It Q,,'1t 91t Q It q It Q Itb .. ~It~ ~ltbItSIt"It~1t ".,ltt, eIt6 .. ,.ltb .. IltIt .... w .. ItIt~ .. ~ .. ItJIt .. Itt, .. ~ .. ~lttjlt .. ~ .... t, i'lte .. QlteIt81t~1t .. 1t 10IjI1 .. ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ i ~ 1 ! i ~ ~ : • : : ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ i ; , ~~~1~~6i~i1l:~a ~:9~;~~~;~~~n n~~~e ~,~ 1 It Q .. Q It ~ I!. It ~ ... ID .. a 10IjI :. S • , I bl']']blbJ b]"2.~.7 9~0~2~ ~ ~o ,01"]8 1:~:~:~1t : :~:~~r~i~!~~~!~:~:~~::1t ~ itS: : ~ ~] ~ ~' ~ ~ I ~ I ~ 2 ~ , ~ ~ S S S , S ~ ~ ] ~ I ~ I ~ IS' S 2 ~ • ~ '.' ,~. 'b' 8'''~0~0~OSOSISO~0'9'8'E' '8'9, .. , It'lt ItZ"'''11t 1 ~ltbIt8~O~'~.:~:~ ~f)ItQ .... b ...... ]1t .-.( IGHT .. S 10 0 ~O 0 R\I~PR(j( ~.u'[P , 8 , 8 b 0 UIHO $P((O 1"/<:(('8)' $PP I Nli ~tJnn( P It ; 14 1 4 It It .. S ~ S 1 S[ AS:" ~U"JMN . .. , ~ 10 : IJ"('RG( \.fIHO POU£P IUR'TS/MII;:. 8Y HOIJP AH(' "(",rt4 HUMB(P or vAllO v8S(IF:Q';'If)tf$ 11t'::'bO "OUP 00010: OJ 0' 'JS 010 O~ OS 0910 \I I: .] I_ I~ '10 I~ 18 I" :0 :1 18~ ", 1:-J I ~ 1 IS~ 1,'0 1~' nl4 S' SI :-S "", SI Itq 8: 8e 1\' 1\' It'b 1:"1 191.0 IQ£ lit .. tltb ,;r"I:1 19Z IS: Iblt tb9 lS: I'; I" I: :"0 bit 148 .. .- S£ 89 1\8 tI~ IbS I ~~ :0: :C. .I!,': " .. ":1 I: I I ?IJ :00 I"~ ,Q .. 'S:- tb q ,"" ";: 1:0 8: 9~ '"It :"9 ,~ ~, 810 8~ I'''' ll q lIDS 10: :0: 18: Iltb 1 SJ ! ,-I ~ : toI[ 1(jJ-tT , < 10 G ~IJ 0 A'I[PRI"J( I-oIH.T(P '''9 I ~ 1 :10' 19: ,,: I ~I :: 1 b .. 11 110] 1108 '~S '80 I:S ,~: 91t 9b I;:S 118 I b; I ~b '8' ,QS :0' :0' I '0 I ~7 I.: I ~I '9~ '101 '::19 Ilb 'Sb I ~I 10: 117 , 'b :00 :O~ 1b~ , " ~IU(' P(I-oI(P SPJ lUG 1<' I ~, :010 :1!. I~' ::9 IE' 181 181 113 "~ lEO 1~9 :t9 1" I S I j I-oIRTT5 -nl.:' SUMME P , ,0: '03 ':fJS ::1;' ::IQ 1:" I 'fa 18~ 171t 13" 130 lit':: I:! t"~ 13b II: 910 1:0 101 t!<:1 , ... : It-b 1"'3 19, '~b It,:: 1 b ... ,~~ ,~~ 8 I :[A:.t)~1 r,hJTIjMH , , , '. :~, QtullJQl I t:~ , ~ ~ ~ :c. IS: I ~] 1 €';. lib 2'; E, L' Qb ,., '80 '" I r, I .. v ~ .. , S • b "ll ~o: I', IE;: , .. I':'., II' ----- --::l a. KING SALMON AFS AK 07-70,73-79 ALL ITAlIOIi IIAII' TU •• 110"'11 "T1 " is ALL WEATHER ALL CLAII IIOU" 11 .... '.1 c: --:u ~ m ?* CO ~ CONDITION (0) CJJ S» - SPfED MEAN 3 (KNTS) 1 • 3 .c·6 7 • 10 11 • 16 17 • 21 22 • 27 28·33 3.c • .cO .c 1 • .c7 .ca·55 . ~j6 " WIND DIR. SPEED 0 N .8 !.6 4.8 3.1 ·4 • 1 13.0 8.7 ~ NNE .6 2.8 1.8 1 .0 .2 .0 .0 5 •• 7.8 NE .(, 1.1t 1.0 .6 .2 • 1 .0 .0 3.9 a.1 ENE .5 l .4 1 .2 .9 .3 .1 .0 It.it 8.5 ~ --E • 7 2.9 2.9 1.6 1 .1 1 • I .3 • 1 .0 12.4 12.5 ESE .Ii 1.2 1.2 .7 .2 .1 .• 0 .0 "3.9 8.4 SE .4 1 .4 1.2 .7 .3 .2 · ] .0 .1) 'i." 9.6 ~ a. SSE • S 2.0 1.8 I ., .9 .If • 1 .0 7.5 10.7 5 .5 1 .8 2.6 2.2 .7 .2 .0 .0 8.8 9.9 0 ssw • 3 1.1f 2.6 1.i1 .2 .0 .0 .0 8.1 8.9 S» sw · 3 1.0 1.4 1 .2 .2 .0 .0 £fool 9.3 r+ wsw .If .9 1.2 1 • 1 .3 • 1 .0 3.9 9.5 S» W .6 1 .3 1 .6 1 .3 .'1 • 1 .0 5.1 9.0 WNW .3 • 9 .8 .11 .1 .0 .0 2.5 7.5 NW .3 1.0 .9 .4 .0 .0 .0 2.7 7.1 NNW .7 2.5 2.7 loti • 1 .0 .0 7.S S.O VARBL .[1 .0 9.0 CALM >< ~ >< >:s: ~ ~ >< >< >< >< >< 5.1 . ; ! . B.O 25.9 29.6 22.2 6.1 2 •• • 5 • 1 .0 , 100.0 6.9 , TOTAL NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS 8159'2 . . I 1 II 1 , , I 11390 3 Oba. Daily. PERIOD SUMMARY BY COMBINED VELOCITY GROUPS DEC. 19:38 - STATION PILOT ponrr, AI.A:SEA 'imUaIi( AlnmAL PERIOD APn. 1941 'TI -0 is c: --::a -m 0 .,.. ..... .... .,. -0 0 ~ TOT. N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW sw I~ w ~ NW NNW °/0 MP . 08S. --:J ..... 4-15 I.?S .., It) ) 13) ..)8 _'7.r8 .rr 1 If)) I J J..{J. I '0 ~ lIS /0 .... 01 16.31 .3.f J )/. .., If) ) 1.tI-'I j.2 S ..3/ 'IJ ::.? I..tt.") ;).x ~ --:J !Z-47 / ~ "I 7 tt / .:l~ / .. OVER a. 47 C Dl CALM '11 I.J... ..... Dl TOT. Des, I'll i ~o,(J' I¢. ).'Ii I I)j I Jl ~ l."I-, f:, I:'JJ .) 1../1 I.J Jt'l-o °/0 CALM /I I..J IJ'" 71 ~ ~1/.r 71· ) I I~. 100 .ft-I 11-" 'til 10 1 I , :-" \ -~ :' . . -'.' .~, ~ . -. ~', .. ~' • .' , • ~ ~ • • _. • .! ..r.. .I1IJ1II-II1I11 •••••• IIIIIIr-:;:= -- PORT HEIDEN ALASKA APT ALL "AtIOM N'IIE YlAi. 1I01lt" ALL WEATHER ALL CUSI 10011 .. (L.'.Y.) "T1 -U C5 COIODIYIO. c 0 :a m .., ?-r+ ... ." :J: SPEED MEAN (KNTS) 1·3 "·6 7· 10 II • 16 17·21 22.27 28·33 3 ..... 0 .. I ... 7 .... 55 ~56 '" WIND CD -. DIR. SPEED a. N • S_ .B 2& .9 .5 .3 • 1 ,0 S. \ lO./t NNE ~ 5 ~~ _Z~ -L-%-1.0 .6 ',1 ,0 1.9 1 1 , e NE .6-1 .0 2.6 1,9 .1 .3 • 1 ,0 7. 1 100 CD :l ENE ,) .7 c----!~~ 1 _ 1 .£i .) .1 .0 ,0 .0 4.6 11 .1 E ,5 ,7 1 • 1 ---:7 .6 .6 • l .1 .0 .0 It,i 12,5 ,4 -. 1. S' 1.6 1,7 l.l .6 .2 , 1 8,7 17. 1 ESE .s .0 .n r-----.5 - l.! 9 -1.9 1.4 1.4 .5 1,6 ----rs~ SE ,8 .2 .0 ,0 .u r- SSE .4 .7 1.6 1·'1 1.2 1.0 .5 ,2 .0 ,0 7.0 15.2 S ~4 --•. !-__ 11!t .. .5 .2 • 1 .0 .0 .0 3.4 8.8 ~ _. :l a. ssw .4 ,1 1.7 1. 1 .6 .4 • 1 .0 .0 '.0 11.7 sw .4-,6 -~~ 1.5 .6 .5 .1 .0 .0 .0 6.0 lZ.4 wsw ,. .!.!-_hl _~.2 1.4 1. 1 ,t .0 .0 .0 8,2 la.9 ---1.Z .3 .0 ----"-.--14,-3 W .3 ,6 1!9 1.7 .9 .1 .0 ,0 '. 1 _._- ~6 L4 1 .2. 5.9 WNW ,3 .9 1.0 .3 .1 .0 l~ • 7 0 Q) r+ Q) NW .3 .5 1..l .9 .6 ,5 • 1 .0 ".4 19.0 NNW ~. ,4-.6 1, (\ .5 ,5 .3 • 1 .0 If,O 11.7 VAR8L CALM .~ ~ e~ l~ ~ >< >< >< >< 2< >< 2.9 .. . - 6.1, lL4 2.8.0. 21.3 131.6 11.6 3.3 1.1 .2. • 1 .0 100.0 12.9 TOTAL NUMBER Of OBSERVATIONS 58055 \1390 3 Observatlona lJally. PERIOD SUMMARY BY COMBINED VELOCITY GROUPS If.lY 1939 - PERIOD "TI ~ C5 Ql c :JJ m ::l ?-Ql .... ...... ---Ql ::l STATION TJ'tNAIIAN ro TIlT. iU..A.SKA. AltYC"AL !:lli TL 1)41 ~ TOT. N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S s:m SW ~ W ~ NW NNW °/0 MP. . OBS. -C 4-1!5 ? 60 ~/O 7 I; 19f 7:J ~ ..... d77 1-1 0 --::l .... CD 1&-31 / i &1.. ;J i' I / 11 & ~ 32-47 / ~ " J j!:. ~ OVER 47 -- CALM 6~1 "..i ::l a. I 0 Ql ~ Ql I TOT. r ~ 7t/-ItZ 17 ZCJtJ l76 6 'J'If lOBS. 7tJ CALM I 0/0 / 'J-~l I I If ~-I ,£/-) IOC FIGURE A.18 ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION MONITORING PROGRAM Department Of Energy Alaska Power Administration P.O. Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Mr. Eric Yould Executive Director Alaska Paoler Authority 333 West 4th Ave., Suite 31 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: REC~IVt=D " OJ :' 1981 • 1.... ~ August 25, 1981 We wanted to bring you up to date on our wind power investigations for the Bristol Bay area. We have contracted with AeroVironment, Inc. of Pasadena, California, to perfonn wind energy noni toring and appraisal analysis for potential wind fanns in the Naknek-King Sa.1.roon and Dillingham areas of Bristol Bay. In this appraisal analysis, the contractor will (1) review miscellaneous available wind data and obtain, reduce, and evaluate existing reoorded data to detennine sites to be nonitored; (2) funrish, install, operate and rraintain rronitoring equiprent, and utilize the assistance of two local utilities to operate and maintain the equiprrent; (3) evaluate data obtained fran the nonitoring and prepare an appraisal estim3.te of the wind pc::1.Ver generation potential to supplerrent the present utility systen5, including preparation of conceptual wind farm layouts, cost estimates, and operation characteristics; (4) recommend a scope of work for subsequent rronitoring and analysis to result in a feasibility level evaluation of a utility operated wind farm system; and (5) recommend a location and criteria for possible installation of single SWECS generator. The two utilities, Naknek Electric Association and Nushagak. Electric Cooperative, will assist with site selection, instrumentation installation, data retrieval, and instrument checking. APA will perfonn economic and cost analyses. 19 The schedule is: Monitoring site selection and instrumentation 8/30/81--9/05/81 (approx.) Monitoring equipment fully operational and beginning of data Status Rerort (draft not to be final) End data collection for analysis, but continue data oollection AV draft rerort to Jl:PA End data oollection, restore sites, public meetings in Bristol Bay Jl:PA ccmnents to AV AV final report to Jl:PA Sincerely, 10/01/81 4/15/82 9/30/82 11/15/82 11/30/82 (approx.) 12/13/82 1/15/83 Administrator 20 ... .. p, - .. ... ... APPENDIX B Bristol Bay Wind Generators FIGURE B.1 WIND GENERATORS IN THE BRISTOL BAY AREA 6. Installed & Operating (year Installed) &. InstaHed-Not Operational (year Installed) A Presently Not In Use (year Installed) D· System Planned and/or Purchased (year to be Installed) (1) 6. Afognak Island, 2kw Aeropower, Battery Charger (1981) (2) ~ Chignik, 2kw Aeropower, Battery Charger (1981) (3) 0 Dillingham, 10kw Jacobs, Utility Intertie (1981) (4) A Dillingham, 300 watt Aerowatt, Battery Charger (1974) (5) A Dillingham, 200 watt Wincharger, Battery Charger (1960 I s) (6) 0 Egegik, 4kw Enertech, Utility Intertie (1982) (7) ~ False Pass, 2kw Dun1ite, Battery Charger (1977) (8) 6. Fox Bay, 1.8kw Jacobs, Battery Charger (1978) (9) 6. Illiamna, 2kw Jacobs/Dakota, Battery Charger (1979) (10) 6. Illiamna, 2kw Jacobs, Battery Charger (1979) (11) 0 King Salmon, 4kw Enertech, Utility Intertie (1982) (12) 6. King Salmon, 300 watt Aerowatt, Battery Charger (1975) (13) 6. King Salmon, 2.2kw Enertech, Utility Intertie (1979) (14) A King Salmon, 2.2kw Enertech, Utility Intertie (1981) (15) ~ Kodiak, 1.5kw Aeropower, Battery Charger (1981) (16) 6. Kodiak, 10kw Jacobs, Utility Intertie (1981) (17) 6. Lake Clark, 3kw Jacobs, Battery Charger (1977) (18 ) (19 ) (20) (21) (22) & 6. 6. 6. A Nikolski, 2kw Aeropower, DC motor, lights & heat (1980) Naknek, 2.2kw Enertech, Utility Intertie (1980) Naknek, 10kw Jacobs, Utility Intertie (1981) Nelson Lagoon, 20kw Grumman, Utility Intertie (1977) Nelson Lagoon, 15kw Grumman, Utility Intertie (1981) (23) A Newhallen, 8kw Stormmaster, Battery Charger (1980) (24) 6. Port Alsworth, 2kw Jacobs, Battery Charger (1978) (25) A Port Heiden, 2kw Aeropower, Battery Charger (1981) " " ,I !," • .' Bob Costello • 224 26th N.W. Olympia, . Wa 98502 . Dear Mr. Costello: \ .. I .. fIGURE B.2 DILLINGHAM WIND INFORMATION' :, ... . CITY OF' 01 LLI NGHAM .. :~", .. :.,~ II '. "4 . .'. .'. :.,' .. : .•. '. '.III!!' . P.O. BOX 191 DILLINGHAM, ALASKA 99576'.:· '.'i .. ';'" .! .. ' • " • r '. __ ..,.:" _.' ." f .• r • I .. ' :"" , . " . J ". j' :.' .. ' . . . . , ,- . TELEPHONE (907) 842·5211 or'842.S212· ,,~.;~: <:).~.:: .,,< .. .' ..... "c . ", . ..' :'., . /' :.' .. ~'. ~_'::i./.:, .: .. /;:.~,::~:':::-':; ':?~:~;' ""~:~··f~. ". (' :2?~ ~:'.~ l,'.::~.:;.::";' : "':':.:<":.'.: .. ·~:/~ .. ,l.;r,:L,:':> .. '~"~.'. ~)~~: r r r .... l~.~ . ~..;. ~ .. '.February3 ;1978'·"'" ...... ,-' ,., "', .. .:. ~ • • I ~ ,. ~ • '. ~ '''",::, J' :. ,. '~ ... ~ .: . 'j: • ;. .• . •• j. I _ -.. ~ ,'. , _" •. ,.' • ,I:' '" I', . ... , ' . ,;:'':'. . -. '. ",. . , . . " . Your letter was forwarded' to me at and answer most of your questions, the City of DillinghSJI" o·so·1 will' try".;. ::. ,( one at a time.. ........ 1 :~ •••• ,. ..... I, .. :,. \. . ; f. ". . ~" ....... '. \ •• :', .. .:." .. . . • I. . .' (", .. '~ <. I", •. ~' :'~'~'. ~ .... I .' ~.: ;,: "::;'" ~ 1. . type of Wind Turbine?' All '1 can give you is the make which.: is an . ,.: .. , ... ,' :. · Automatic Power Inc. Turbine •. ' They.are a division of Pennwalt.Corporation;,·~ .. located at 213 Hutchesen. St. , Houston, Texas ~ . I, think if :.You'-:would· write .:--.• , .. ' /.:", ~o them theY,could give you more .. exa~t.·~peC;ifi~'~~oi~ris. ";~;/\-,;-}.:~: .... ~~:.< ... ~.~~~~~:: :;:-," :<~ .. ,~.~ ._ .... • I • .', ~ :' ',' :.~ • • ~ •• ~ ~"i ... , ,', . ~~ ~7'-":).~" ~'.; .. -:~ .... ' .'-. : ~., . -. -- 2. Our Wind Generator is mounted :6n a 'section . of 6Itst~el' ~pipe ,abo1:l t ' .;;,o,;'.:'.;.t 15' long, 5' .in the ground. With two 3'. blades, you have .. io·becareful~;':· \:;:.' walking up to it. . . . )!'>~;;\<.~: ... :',:,.';":~".:.{(~\' :.~., ..... . \ .. ! . .':~,' . " ,-III- 3~ The Generator's capacity is 24 volts -6 amp, with.:a separat.e;.voltage '.' regulator that can be adjusted manually.·. . '. :: .. ~.:. :.~. ~i; "~:.:''-\:<':'':':' · .. i •. ~ ~ .~:-.~ 4 .. ' Wind ·speeds. average between a minimum of 12· kts to· a maximum {)f'60 kts. ' .. The area around where the generator is 10cated is' relatively 'flat •. ·and. the·' ... Wind sometimes ,gets over 75 kts but' not too often.: "The' 'generator requl~es a ,_. · ininimum of 6 kts to a maximum of 16 kts. to -operate ·:efficiently; :::'Anything over ' .• ·16 kts has no effect on increasing the voltage as it is regulated as such. . \ '. • '. . . : : ..... ,: _,~'" t. ',.' Ii " .', ~ '. ~ ." . " s. Our. system has been operating since 1974~ .and have'n~~';incu~red any· .. ··.· ,," ... · storm damage or .vandali~m~ due to its. rem9te location, I imagine/:' > .'.:'~ ":::', . !·.c.\:· .': ;' . ~.' . >;J_'" .,,::~~-;,::,~,-:>,,.,<~,\~~,:.,,,,, .. 1..<" ~< . '." 6. Operational problems. So far we have experienced ve-ty', fe~:' real ~probiems '., ; with our generator. The Dynamic breaking failed after some:·maintenance.,personel·'" tried to stop the rotation of the blades during high· winds ·.and . corresponding . R.P~M.t· so I can't really blame the equipment for that •. However,·a·more·efficient .·way of stopping the blade rotation should be devised. WeexPerieri.ced, blad~.:pitch"" . , . ". ... . ,.... .. .:' \" '. , .. failure once due to not greasing the mechanism ·that operate8.~the .pitch ... ~·.-S~nce ., .. . >. thEm and '"after contacting the factory, ·we installed a sealed )earing lin'.'that area.'.' • • J • .' • • ",'., • , ' •••• ,-~ ••• ~'.\ ',':' ':: "~'. : .' :"" •• ;~ .', .' • ~ .... ~.: . The only other problem we have had is .the overchar~1ng 'of :t:he"storag'e batteries:,~ Originally 'we used regular automotive 'batteries, and the generator was 'set :too . ~. high and boiled the water out. Thereafter we replace~ them. with Caten>illar~ a .... · big truck battery, and have had no further problems •. Our·T. V." repeater will -." continue to operate for at least two weeks without the generator op~rating. " The T.V. ;repeater_'pulls about 4 amps when transmitting, and:'abouti~am~,"'hen idle. 'I-'".' • ',. -...• .. . ;', . 2 , . .. ~. . .' ." : . : ,-~. :' : ~~ .. ~:~. ~~.: ~ -'~'--~------------~-,. . :" ..... , FIG. B.2 CONT. February 3, Page two -All in all 'our system even during some real Don Caswell Public Works Director DC/lh' .. ,1' , " ".! " ' .. ' -, .. ' ".'. :". '. .~ .. ;' .. - " ',- " " r ';. . ' , • I: • , , ,.: .. , •• \ • ': T' ?' (',,' J .... ,. ',-,-," " I.' .! " ., l. .. , ~ - ',: . 3 .,' . ;,. '. ~ . I. I" "'.':,' . . ..: '., ..•.. ',:,.,1, . " . '.' ; - ~ . '. , :" ..' ': ,\ " ' '" . ',-......... .. ', . '.~ . \~:" .. > ~''' ... '::: ~~ .. -., :'1' .:,>:'.' .... " '·t·> ,~"~.~'~.,-" :.~ .~ .. :';' .. < -. ' " ~' " .. , ' .. \. ' .. 10 ~ ~ . ' " .'-' ,.' ',' ... .'.\ :: ... J ; ;-. '''. ,~ '. ~,-.... . -. .•... " . ' .: ~ . ,! : '-. -'. '.' . , ,. '" '!"', . I . ' \', :~,' , . , ...... ,,' '; ';~·i;!}:~:~t(1i';' .. ;,.,' , .. , . . ..', .' , , : . " . -'. ~ ;." . - ~-- \ :. "i _,' '''''' . ....... -. , .... , ------------------:-- , FIG. B.2 CONT. -'C,tT'Y OF DILLINGHAM P.O. BOX 191 DILLINGHAM, ALASKA 99576 TELEPHONE (907) 842·5211 or 842·5212 November 26, 1979 Mr. Mark Newell Project Manager, Gambell Project Public Health Service P.O. Box 7-74l Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Sir: Perhaps with some of my wind and your knowledge we can set up a feasible sounding wind-energy project for Dillingham. I am going to attempt a grant through the U.S. Department of Energy Small Grants Programs next funding cycle and I need technical assistance. As you may be aware, the city does have a wind powered generator at Juant Mountain near Portage Creek. This has been in service several years and has minimal maintenance required. Our televison translator is powered by this source. . Let me know what,you "think of windmill supplying power .for the heat on new water line to storage tank. , ~_" Sincerely •. ,'_ , .' ~4(~~ Laura M. Schroeder City Manager LMS/jen ..... ' •. r .' __ ._-" • _ ~ ___ .-;-_ .. , __ • _ . ____ ~ _ '-_ '... ••• .. ,, __ ..1 ___ .. _ ......... ~~&.f& ... ~_ -.: :-..&.... __ -. .._ __ _ ... ... ... .. .. .. .. - ----"'10' •• -_--.--- ----. ~_ .-•• ~, -~--' -~ - -., ...... --. -_ • -~".-. ------.~ -... "'":' ,,;.=--r--'-------_. ---.-_. - , 01 4 . -", ,,: .. . ..... ~ ....... ':; : -".: . 4 " .!..r!, . .., .. . '. I " " I FIG. B.2 CONT. :-CITY OF DILLINGHAM P.O. BOX 191 01 LliNGHAM. ALASKA 99576 TELEPHONE (907) 842-5211 or 842-5212 December 5, 1979 Mr. Mark A. Newell Assistant Sanitary Engineer Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare AANHS P.O. Box 7-741 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Mark: The city just hosted an Energy Workshop sponsored by Bristol Bay Native Association. Alaska Dept. of Energy, Naknek Electric and Nushagak Elec- tric, as well as a representative from Grumman Wind Mills of New York were present. It was stated that wind data from this area and any documentation on windmills was about non-existent. Our Juant windmill has been in operation since about '72 or '73. It costs the city under $1,000 yearly for maintenance. The State of Alaska provides repairman and I do not know actual costs accrued by them. I believe under $2,000. We have probably two periods a year when we must charge batteries by gas generator due to windmill problems. 'Then a resident of Portage Creek must travel to site by snow machine .to fuel it. Currently its been down .about 1 month. Parts are in Italy.."Thi s has happened past 2 or 3 years, always under $600;n .parts. ' .. " . I am enclosing the particulars on windmill. As far as I am concerned its relatively maintenance free in comparison to $150/month lights for each of two other translator sites. The last set of batteries I talked State Alcoholism into funding some 2 years ago. They are large heavy duty ones. Carl Larson of local State Div. of Transportation is our local maintenance man. However, Harlan Adkison of State Div. of Transportation Communication -Branch -;n' Anchorage 1<iiows-iriore' about wi ndmi ii than most. -. '" Sincerely, ~LA_ Laura M. Schroeder • FIG. B.2 CONT. '~EN\JWU.T . . " , . . , .; "'~ --: I . ... ., " . ~AUTIJMATlt PllWER" . . :~[ .: .. " ","'!t', - ~; .', 't, ,,1. ,> :0 .-.' ~ Manufacturers and Designers of SIGNAL AND POWER SYSTEMS NAVIGATIONAL AIDS AEROWATT MODEL 300 FP 7 WIND-GENERATOR .. , . ,'- . . .. P. O. BOX 18738. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77023 • (713) 228-5208 e .' , , ; ''-.... ,.' .' 'fII' .' ':' .. ":'" , , :. " . . -.~ ~ . '.:. . . , , .,' f·· • ". ~ • • • • .I' t . ." . ~ ',' .-.; . " 1 • l1li, '. ,.r1iI .. .... .". .... THRUST 200 Kg. (440LBS) -FOR WIND OF 120 MIH e e o~ o· N CD "., ~ '8- 484mm (19.36") (92111 ) 32 BHCl..ES ~ 13""" ON ~ 2501N11 B.C. (I/2M ) 3260 (130.4M) WIND GENERATOR TYPE 300 FP7 T-AW 2704 73 FIG. B.2 CONT. IVI TECHNICAL DATA -Hominal wind speed (wind speed over which the rated data are obtained) : 7 mls (13.6 kts -15.7 mph).! ~ average starting wind speed: 1.5 mls -rated regulation wind speed: 7 mls -rated propeller rotation speed: 420 rpm -propeller maximum rotation speed (wind speed over 7 mIs, mach i ne off load) : 450 rpm -maximum wind speed : 60 mls speed regulation operation: wind speed over 7 mls -maximum aerodynamical thrust 200 daN -rated voltage : (24 V) ~ .(12V)A -rated intensity:(24 V) (12 V) -rated frequency -winding resistance IV.3 -DIHENSIONS ---------- -propeller diameter : 3.200 -chord of an arc . 125 mill t . -weight of a blade : 2.4 kg -O. D. length : 4.315 mm :t 10 -weight : 165 kg or 364 lbs -attachment : flange 280 mm circle of 250 18.2 V ~. 1 V 12 ,5 A 25 A 7 Hz 0.61 n mm ~ 5 1 dia with 8 mm . . . . / ... holes 13 mm dia on a a The wind generator begins rotating when the average wind speed exceeds 1.5 m/s. But it delivers power only when the voltage is such that the rectified voltage of the battery bank, i.e. when the rotation speed is about 300 rpm, which corresponds to a 3 mls or 4.8 kts or 6.7 mph wind speed approx. 8 II .. .. .... FIG. B.2CONT. N 3600 WIND ROSE -DILLINGHAM AIRPORT SOURCE: DIVISION OF AVIATION, STATE OF ALASKA, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DATA JAN.'72 TO DEC.'75 9 FIGURE B.3 VARIOUS EXISTING SYSTEMS IN THE BRISTOL BAY REGION - ... LAKE CLARK, 1.8 JACOBS BATTERY CHARGER DILLINGHAM, 200WATT WINCO BATTERY CHARGEA ... FISH a GAME BATTERY CHARGER ROUND ISLAND, BRI'STOL BAY 10 FIG. B.3 CONT. LAKE ILLIAMNA, 32 VOLT BATTERY SYSTEM I ~ LAKE ILLIAMNA. 1.8 KW JACOBS IDAKOTA BATTERY CHARGER LAKE ILLIAMNA,1.8 KW JACOBS BATTERY CHARGER 11 FIG. B.3 CONT. ... NEWHALLEN,8 KW STORMASTER-UNDER REPAIR .. .,.. NEWHALLEN, 120 VOLT 320 AMP-HOUR BATTERY SYSTEM ." BIBLIOGRAPHY Brower, William A. Jr., et ale ~matic Atlas QL ~ Qute, Continental Shelf Haters .arui Coastal Regions QL Alaska, YQL. IlL Be,ing ~ Alaska: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1977. Cromac k, D.E. Invest igation .QL ~ Feasibil ity .QL Us ing H.irui £Qli~ ~ Space Heating in Colde, ~mates. University of Massachusetts Energy Alternatives Program. Amhurst, October 1979. Curtice, David, and James Patton. Ope,ation QL Sm~ H.irui Turbines .Qll.a Utility Distribution System. Wind Publishing Corporation, August 1981. Eldridge, Frank R. H~n~ H.a~h~n~£, Second Edition. San Francisco: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1980. Electric Power Research Institute. Proceedings.2:f. ~ Workshop ~ Economic .and Ope,ational Regui,ements and Status 2! La,ge Scale Hind Systems. Monterey, California, March 28- 30, 1979. Electric Power Research Institue. Regui,ements Assessment 2! H.irui £Qli~ Plants in Elect,ic Utility System~ Volum~ ~li~. Palo Alto, California. January 1979. Electric Power Research Institute. ReQuirements Assessment ~ H.irui £Qli~ Plants in Electric Utility System~ yolum~ ~ Appendixes. Palo Alto, California. January 1979. Energy Task Force. Windmill ~~ ~ ~ People. Community Services Administration (C.S.A.) Damphlet 6145-8. Washington. D.C.: US. G.R.O. 1977. Gipe, Paul. Fundamentals ~ Hind Ene,gy. Harrisburg, PA. 1979 Going liith ~~. EPRI Journal, March 1980, pp 9-17. Hiester, T.R., Pennel, W.T. ~ Siting Handbook ~ Large Nina Ene,gy Systems. Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Richland, Washington. January 1981. Hunt, V. Daniel. H~n~~~li~~ A R.an~~~~K ~n H~n~ ~n~Lgy Conve r s ion System£a. San Fr anc isco: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981. Inglis, David R. Arbor, Michigan: H.irui £Qli~ .and Othe, Energy Options. The University of Michigan Press, 1978. Ann Koeppl, Gerald W. Putna~ £Qli~ .f..t...Q.m ~ H.irui, Second Edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1982. 1 Lindsay, T.J. ~li~ Inverter Technology: Technical Report. Manteno, Ill.: Lindsay Publications, 1978. Marier,Don. Nind Power. Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1981. M c G u i g an, De r mot. H a r n e s sin g ~ li.i.ru1 .f.Q..t. li.Qm~ Ene r g y • Charlotte, VT.: Garden Way Publishing, 1978. National Electrical ~ un. Boston, Mass.: National Fire Protection Association, 1981. Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Preliminary Evaluation ~ Hind ~n~~s~ ~~~~n~i4~ = ~~~k ~n~~~ A~~~ A~4~k4. Richland, Washington. June 1980 Park Gerald L., et ale Planning Manuel .f.Q..t. ~ utility Application ~ Hind Energy Conversion Systems. Michigan State University, Division of Engineering Research. East Lansing, Michigan. June 1979. Par k, J a c k. .l:..h.e. li.i.ru1 ~li~ Boo k, Cal i for n i a: C h e s h ire Boo k s , 1981. Ramsdell, J.V., and Wetzel, J.S. liind Measurement Systems And H~ Tunnel Evaluation ~ Selected Instruments. Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Richland, Washington. May 1981. Reckard, Matt and Newell, Mark. Alaskan Hind Energy Handbook. Fairbanks, AK: State of Alaska, Departement of Transportation and Public Facilities, July 1981. Reed, Jack. Hind ~li~ ~matology in ~ United States. Document # SAMD 74-0348. Springfield, VA: N.T.I.S. 1975. Schlueter, Robert., et ale ~m~4~~ ~~ S~~~m ~~~n~~ ~n Utilities li.i.ll H~ Arrays. Michigan State University, Division of Engineering Research. Lansing, Michigan. October 1979. U.S. Department of Energy. Bonneville Power Administration. Environmental Report -Goodnoe Hills Hind Turbine Generation. December 1979. U.S. Department of Energy. Prospective MOD-2 li~ Hashington Installation County, Washington. Environmental Assessment-Eighteen Turbine Sites-The Goodnoe Hills Site. December 1979. Klickitat U.S. Department of Energy. ~nyi~~nm~n~4~ A~~~~~m~n~= .. ," ... -... .. - Installation .arui Field Testing ~ 4 Large Experimental H~ III> Turbine Generator System Near Kahyku Point ~ ~ Island ~ Oahu. Hawaii. December 1979. 2 u.s. Department of Energy. .£..i.L:il S~miann.l.!.a~ Repo~ .RQ~~ f..l.ail Sm.il.l N.in..d Sy~m.s T..e..s.t C.e..n.t...e...t. A&tiY i tie s. R F P # 2920/3533/78/6-1. Springfield. VA.: N.T.I.S., 1978 ~veg1ey, Har ry L., et al. A .sJ..tingHandbook ~ Sm.ali 1l'.in.d. ful~.I.g~ CQuyers,iQn Syst~.m.s. Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Richland, washington. 1980. ~ N in d c ytl~.d.i.,g. G e n e sse De pot, Wi s : The Power Com pan y Midwest, Inc. 1980. W is e, Jam e s L., eta 1 . N.i.n..Q £..n~g~ ~.s.Q.J.U.~ At 1 as...;,. Y.Q~.l.lm~ ln~A~.,g.sk.,g. Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Richland, Washington. December 1980. . 3 .. APPENDIX E .. GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES T AZIMINA RIVER Tazimina River Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. January 1982 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants 5111 2055 Hill Road P.O. Box 843 Fai rbanks, Alaska 99707 (907) 452-6183 I \ Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Geotechnical Studies Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. Denver Operations Center P. O. Box 5406 Denver, Colorado 80217 February 1982 :-o:;Ht\NNON & WILSON, INC. K-0469-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1.2 Organization of Report 2 1.3 Limitations 2 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 2. 1 Site Description 4 2.2 Project Description 5 2.3 Literature Review 5 3. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 7 3. 1 Genera 1 7 3.2 Geologic Mapping 8 3.3 Exploratory Borings 9 3.4 Test Pits 10 3.5 Seismic Refraction Survey 11 3.6 Topographic Survey 13 4. GEOLOGY 15 4. 1 Regional Geology and Tectonics 15 4.2 Sei smi city 17 4.3 Site Geology 20 4.3. 1 General 20 4.3.2 Summary of Geologic History 21 4.3.3 Glacial History 22 4.3.4 Stratigraphy 23 Bedrock Units 24 4~3.4.2 Surficial Units 27 4.3.5 Structure 28 5. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 32 5. 1 General 32 5.2 Lower Tazimina Lake Site 32 5.3 River Mile 12.9 Site 33 5.4 Roadhouse Site 34 5.5 Forebay Site 35 5.6 Lower Site 5.7 Powerhouse Alternatives 5.7.1 Base of the Falls 5.7.2 Powerhouse Sites Below the Canyon 5.8 Penstock Locations 6. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Geologic Hazards 6.1.1 Faulting Hazards 6.1.2 Design Earthquake 6.1.3 Volcanic Hazards 6.2 Dam Design Considerations 6.2.1 General 6.2.2 Storage Dam Sites 6.2.3 Forebay Sites 6.3 Dam Safety 6.4 Construction Considerations 6.4.1 Materials 6.4.2 Tunneling 6.4.3 Penstocks and Flumes 6.4.4 Slope Stability 6.4.5 Spillways ~ 6.4.6 Cofferdamming, Dewatering and Excavating 6.4.7 Work Areas and Access Roads K-0469-01 Page 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 41 43 43 43 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 Figure No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Plate (in pocket) Plate 2 (in pocket) LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Summary of Boring Logs Seismic Refraction Profiles, Lower Tazimina Lake Site Seismic Refraction Profiles~ Roadhouse Site & Forebay Site Seismic Refraction Profiles, Lower Site, Powerhouse Site & Lower Tazimina Lake Site Seismic Refraction Profile, 12.9 Mile Site - Left Abutment Seismic Refraction Profile, 12.9 Mile Site - Right Abutment Seismic Refraction Profiles, Penstock Site Generalized Tectonic Map of South-Central Alaska Large Earthquakes in Alaska, 1899-1964 Regional Tectonic and Earthquake Epicenter Map (Focal Depths 75 km) Regional Tectonic and Earthquake Epicenter Map (Focal Depths 75 km) River Profile Geologic Map of the Canyon Location of Suggested Powerhouse & Penstock Sites -Above Ground Cumulative Frequencies of Earthquakes in the Tazimina Project Region Site Plan Geologic Map List of Figures (cont.) K-0469-01 Table Summa ry of Permeabi 1 ity Tests Table 2 Earthquakes Equal To Or La rger Than Magnitude 4.0 Or Intensity V Photos 1-8 Site Photos Photos 9-10 Geologic Photos Photos 11-12 Core Photos K-0469-01 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope The Alaska Power Authority retained Stone and Webster Engineering Corporat i on to perform a feas i bi 1 ity ana lys i sand prepare a Federa 1 Energy Regulatory Commission license application for the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan development. One of the alternative regional power plans considered in the Bristol Bay region is the Tazimina River Hydroelectric project. Geologic and geotechnical investigations of the Tazimina River project area were performed by Shannon and Wilson, Inc. to assist Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation with the feasibil ity analysis and conceptual design of the Tazimina River Hydroelectric project. The scope of our geotechnical studies was in basic agreement with the "S cope of Services for Geotechnical Consulting Services, Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project" dated July 30, 1981, revised October 30, 1981. This proposal was developed jointly by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation and Shannon and Wilson, Inc. and submitted to the Alaska Power Authority. Our studies included a data search and review, prel imi nary assessment of alternate dam and powerhouse si tes on the Tazimina River, geologic mapping, seismic refraction surveys, subsurface explorations, and laboratory testing. Based on these data a geotechnical engineering evaluation of the project was conducted including evaluation of geological hazards, seismic and tectonic history, geotechnical engineering, and construction considerations of the design of dams, penstocks, tunnels, spillway, and powerhouse which will comprise hydroelectric development on the Taz;mina River. During the 1981 field season, which began in mid-August and was concluded in early November, the proposed dam sites were mapped by teams 1 K-0469-01 of Shannon and Wilson geologists; 15,450 lineal feet of seismic refraction survey was performed and 4 borings totaling 308 lineal feet were drilled and sampled. In addition, 9 shallow test pits were excavated to assist in mapping the overburden soils and to obtain samples of potential dam construction materials. This work was performed under Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation professional services contract number 14007-0005 14007, which was agreed to on July 27, 1981 and reaffirmed on October 30,1981. 1.2 Organization of Report The geotechnical studies for the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project is presented in one volume with three appendices. Large plates are included in a pocket at the back of the report. Smaller figures and photographs are included in the report. The text of the report consists of six chapters; an introduction, project description, field explorations, geology, and description of subsurface conditions followed by our geotechnical engineering eval uations of various aspects of the proposed project. References sited, a detailed description of the exploratory borings together with descriptive boring and test pit logs, and the results of the laboratory testing program are presented as appendices. Large plates showing the location of our borings and geophysical lines and the geologic map developed for the project are contained in the pocket at the back of the report. Smaller figures and photographs are at the end of the text. 1.3 Limitations The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and further assume that the exploratory borings, test pits, and seismic refraction data are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site (i.e., the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the exploration). 2 K-0469-0l The geotechnical studies for this project are preliminary in nature and were designed to assist Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation and the Alaska Power Authority in assessing the feasibility of hydroelectric development on the Tazimina River. In our opinion, additional site specific field investigations will be required before definitive geotechnical recommendations can be developed for the project. 3 K-0469-01 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description The Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project is located north of Lake Iliamna, Alaska. A location map is presented in Figure 1. The genera1~ topography and the vegetative cover at potential dam sites on the project can be seen in Photos 1 through 8. The Tazimina River system has its headwater in the Aleutian Range and flows to the west and into the upper Tazimina Lake at an elevation of 715 feet. The outlet of the upper Tazimina Lake is controlled by a rock outcrop. The river then flows as a braided stream of very low gradient (7.6 feet/mile) through an area covered with dense forest and enters the lower Tazimina Lake which is at an elevation of 655 feet. From Lower Tazimina Lake, the river flows through a series of small lakes at an average gradient of about 2.8 feet/mile. At this point (river mile 11.8) the river channel becomes better defined, and the average gradient increases to 18.8 feet/mile. The river passes over a small rapid and then a larger (5 foot) rapid and then over a 100 foot falls. Downstream from the falls, the river runs at an average gradient of 83.2 feet/mile through a series of rapids and falls and eventually slows down after emerging from the canyon at river mile 8. From here until it enters Six ~1ile Lake, at the approximate elevation of 260 feet, the Tazimina is a braided, meandering river, especially along the lower reaches. Because of the 100 foot waterfall, Tazimina River seems to be a natural candidate for consideration for hydroelectric development. The river system was i dentifi ed as fa vorab 1 e for hydroe 1 ectri c development by Robert W. Retherford Associates in a December 1979 report to the U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration. 4 K-0469-0l 2.2 Project Description The various scenarios for development of hydroelectric power on the Tazimina River all take advantage of the head manifested by the falls of the Tazimina River. Four possible storage dam sites have been suggested by others. A USGS map of the Tazimina Lakes (Dam Reservior Sites, Alaska 1966) shows potential storage dam sites at the Roadhouse site (river mile 11.8), the river mile 12.9 site, the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake, and also at the outlet of Upper Tazimina Lake. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation identified two possible forebay dam sites, one at each of the rapids above the falls of the Tazimina River. For this study two concepts are being considered; a two dam concept consisting of a forebay dam just above the falls to fill the penstocks and a regulating or storage dam located further upstream, and a run-of-the-river type project which would consist of a low forebay dam to~ divert river flow to the penstocks. Numerous factors, including geotechnical, environmental, socio-economic, load forecasts, and others go into the selection of, if, and how hydroelectric power will be developed on the Tazimina River. For our geotechnical studies, we have assumed development scenarios in which the storage dams would raise the level of Lower Tazimina Lake 20 to 30 feet and the forebay dam woul d have a hei ght of about 30 to 40 feet. Forebay dams for a run-of-the-river project would be lower. 2.3 Literature Review In reviewing the available literature concerning the Iliamna area, two major publications were found to be the most helpful. The surficial deposits of the Iliamna area are discussed in Surficial Deposits of the Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska, by Robert L. Detterman and Bruce L. Reed, 1973, U.S. Geol. Survey Bulletin l368-A. The bedrock geology of the Iliamna area is discussed in Stratigraphy, Structure and Economic 5 K-0469-01 Geology of Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska, by Robert L. Detterman and Bruce L. Reed, 1980, U.S. Geol. Survey Bulletin 1368-B. In additi on, severa 1 standa rd USGS topographi c maps were used, especially the Iliamna Quadrangle map (1:250000 for regional aspects) and the Iliamna (0-5) Quadrangle (1:63,360, 1954, revised 1973) as the base map for our f.ield work. We also utilized available air photo coverage of the area especially for detailed information on the complex sequence of glacial events shaping the Tazimina drainage. The hydroelectric potential of the Tazimina River has been recognized for a long time. Two USGS maps entitled Tazimina" Lakes Dam and Reservoir Sites, Alaska, 1966, show the suggested dam sites, bathymetry of the Tazimina Lakes, and a profile of the Tazimina River. A scheme to develop the potential was presented in the Retherford report, Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential, (phase 1) by Robert W. Retherford Associates, Arctic District of International Engineering Co., Inc., Anchorage, Alaska for the U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration. Data on seismic events in the project area were obtained in part from the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, and from the Environmental Data Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations. A list of references used in the development of this report are presented in Appendix A. 6 K-0469-01 3. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 3.1 General Field studies began with a three day site reconnaissance trip on August 13 through 15, 1981 by Robert Deacon, Vice President-Geology; and Robert Pope, P.E., Staff Consultant-Dams from our Portland office; and Rohn Abbott, Vice President and Manager and John Cronin, Sr. Associate Geologist with the Fairbanks office. During this trip the field investigations were planned and outlined for presentation to Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. Locations were selected for bor-ings and seismic refraction lines and marked in the field during this trip. Following the initial reconnaissance, detailed field investigations began on August 26, 1981 and consisted of geologic mapping, seismic refraction studies, test drilling, digging test pits, and topographic surveying. Field work was coordinated by Nils I. Johansen and the geology of the area was mapped by geologists with our firm. Sixteen seismic refraction lines, totalling approximately 3 miles, were run in the area to del ineate depth to bedrock on both abutments at each dam site. A total of nine hand dug test pits were completed to obtain samples of the surficial materials for laboratory analyses. Survey profiles and cross sections were run at each dam site to provide topographic control for the seismic and test drilling data as well as tying the various dam sites and elevations together. The initial mapping, surveying, and seismic refraction surveys were completed by September 9, 1981. The test drilling program consisted of drilling one boring at each of the four dam sites. Although multiple borings had been planned at some sites, these plans were changed when the initial borings at the two storage dam sites encountered deep depos its of permeable overburden substantially increasing the estimated time for completion of each hole. The last boring was completed just as the winter weather set in, and the drilling drew was out of the field by October 19, 1981. 7 K-0469-01 At the request of Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, additional field work was carried out from October 26 through November 3, 1981. This field work was concentrated at the potential dam site at River Mile 12.9. The helicopter supported field party consisted of a geologist, a seismic crew and a survey crew. Seismic lines were run along the proposed dam axis, the abutment geology was mapped, and the site was surveyed and tied in with the previous survey. In addition, further seismic exp 1 orat i on was performed in the proposed penstock/powerhouse area in the vicinity of the falls. The seismic lines are shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1. 3.2 Geologic Mapping The geology of the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project site was mapped by geologists David Sussman and Kathy Goetz from our firm, during the peri ods of August 25 through September 9, and October 26 through 29, 1981. The area was mapped on 1 inch = 1000 foot scale maps enlarged from the USGS Iliamna (0-5) Quadrangle (1 :63,360 series topographic maps dated 1954, revised 1973). High altitude color infrared photography aided preparation of the geologic map. Background information was obtained from the two USGS publications on the Iliamna Quadrangle referenced in Section 2.3 of this report. During field mapping, the proposed sites were traversed to observe rock outcroppings, nature of the overburden sons, and stability of the slopes around the proposed reservoirs. At each outcrop such characteristics were noted as weathering, lithology, structure, and jointing. From this information, contacts between the geologic units were located on the map. Air photo interpretations were verified during the field mapping before being plotted on the map. The results of the field mapping and photo interpretations are discussed in Section 4.3 and are shown on the geologic map, Plate 2. 8 K-0469-01 3.3 Exploratory Borings Four proposed dam sites were explored by borings in the Fall of 1981. Each site was explored with one borehole, advanced by rotary and diamond drilling techniques with a J.K. Schmidt 300 skid-mounted rig. This particular rig was light enough to be broken down into pieces that could be moved using a Bell 206 B-III Jetranger helicopter. The dam sites explored were: Lower Tazimina Lake for a storage dam site, Roadhouse Site for a storage dam site, Forebay Site for a forebay dam site, and Lower Site for a forebay dam site. The storage dam site at River Mile 12.9 was not explored by drilling because of the late time of year. The locations of the borings are shown on Plate 1, and a summary of the borings is shown on Figure 2. Detailed information about the drilling operation and detailed field logs are found in Appendix B. Typical core obtained from the borings is shown in Photos 11 and 12. The boring program had several purposes. The primary objective was to gain information about the material types at the dam sites, and such information was obtained by sampling and testing. In addition to the standard penetration tests performed during sampling, information was a1 so obtained from the drill ing action itse1 f. In-situ testing was performed to as ses s the permeab i1 ity cha racteri st i cs of the so i 1 sand rocks encountered. Falling head permeability tests were performed in the overburden at about 10 foot intervals, and in rock, single packer tests were performed at 10 foot intervals. The results of the permeability tests are summarized on Table 1. The boring program was terminated after 4 borings, one at each proposed dam site; Lower Tazimina Lake (left abutment), Roadhouse (right abutment), Forebay (right abutment), and Lower site (right abutment). The termination of the program was due to the onset of winter weather. Near the end of the program, a substantial amount of time was spent on thawing the equipment each morning and also in keeping it thawed during drilling and testing. The light, helicopter-transported rig used during this phase of the exploration had difficulty in penetrating the glacial 9 K-0469-01 overburden .soils encountered at the dam sites. In general, faster drilling progress was experienced once rock was encountered. Soil samples and rock core from the borings, together with bag samples obtained from the hand-dug test pits were returned to our laboratory for detailed visual examination and testing. For this project, the laboratory testing program consisted of running a number of tests including water content, dry unit weight, grain size analysis, Atterberg 1 imits, and standard compaction. The results of the laboratory tests together with a detai 1 ed expl anati on of the test procedures and the methods used to describe the soils and rock encountered are presented in Appendix C. 3.4 Test Pits A total of nine hand dug test pits were excavated in the project area. The purpose of these test pi ts was to determi ne the nature of the surficial deposits at depths ranging from 3 to 5 feet. Most of these test pits were located at or near several of the proposed dam abutments, as shown on Plate 1. Representative disturbed bulk samples were obtained and sent to our laboratory in Fairbanks for testing. The materials encountered are shown on the test pit logs found in Appendix B. In a few of the test pits, shear strengths and unconfined strengths were measured us i ng pocket penetrometers and torvanes in order to determi ne the relative consistency of the materials. The results of these measurements are reflected in the classifications of the soils as shown on the test pit logs and Summaries of Test Results (Appendix C). Test Pit 3 was excavated at a cut bank on the Tazimina River, referred to as Big Bend on Plate 1, downstream from the Roadhouse site. The cut bank, approximately 65 feet high, consisted of 16 feet (at the highest point on the bank) of clean sands and gravels overlying dense glacial till that was found to be silty, gravelly sand. This was the only 10 · K-0469-01 observed occurrence of any extensive amounts of silty material in some place other than the valley bottom. 3.5 Seismic Refraction Survey A seismic refraction survey was undertaken at five potential dam sites on the Tazimi na Ri ver. The survey was conducted in two phases. The fi rst phase, from August 26 to September 7, 1981, covered the Lower Tazimina Lake site, the Roadhouse site, the Forebay site, the Lower site, and the proposed Powerhouse. The second phase, from October 26 to November 3, 1981, covered the River ~lile 12.9 site plus four lines through the proposed penstock route. The locations of the lines are shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1. The results are presented in the form of Seismic Refraction Profiles in Figures 3 through 8. The total length of seismic refraction survey accomplished in the 1981 field program was 15,450 feet. Equipment and Field Method The geophysical equipment used during this' investigation included a GeoMetri cs Nimbus ES-2400, 24-channe 1 sei smi c system, se; smi c cables, and Mark Products M-15, 14Hz geophones. Geophone spacings of 10 and 20 meters were used in this survey. Spacings were shortened to 5 meters at the ends and middle of spreads to increase surface-layer definition. Seismic energy was generated by detonation of Atlas Kinepak two-component explosive charges. The charges were shot in shallow hand-dug holes or on the ground surface after the moss ground cover had been removed. Quantity of explosives per shot varied from 1/3 to 12 pounds, depending upon the position of the shot relative to the seismic spread and upon soil propagation characteristics. The density of shots along individual seismic lines varied from four to seven shots. It was often necessa ry to repeat shots at a shot poi nt to enhance the di gita 1 record qua 1 ity. 11 K-0469-01 Horizontal and vertical control for this survey was established by surveys from Ellerbe Alaska of Fairbanks. Interpretive Methods The technique used for determining seismic velocities and the configuration of refracting boundaries consisted of a computer analysis and manual methods. The computer program employed is a modification of the program, FS1Pl, developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Manual methods utilized are modifications of those described by Hawkins (1961) and Redpath (1973). Limitations of the Seismic Refraction Method Seismic data interpretations on the Seismic Refraction Profiles (Figures 3 through 8) show the refraction boundaries, the average seismic velocity of each layer, and available drill hole information. The seismic refraction method has limitations resulting from the geometry of elastic wave propagation. The main limitation applicable in the survey area is the "hidden layerll. A hidden layer results when a relatively thin intermediate layer is not detected because the wave front propagating through a deeper, higher velocity layer arrives at the surface first, such as the 15,000 feet per second layer underlying the 5,000 feet per second layer on SL-6 (Figure 4). The intermediate layer must be thick enough to be detected as a first arrival, otherwise, refracti ons from the hi gh-ve loci ty deeper 1 ayer wi 11 be erroneous ly identified as the next layer. On SL-6, a hidden layer was identified by comparing the seismic data with the drill hole information. This condition is possible on lines where the high-velocity layer is very near the surface and no intermediate velocity layers are seen, such as SL-5 and SL-7. If present, the upper bounda ry of the hi gh vel oci ty 1 ayer may occur at a depth up to twi ce that shown on the profil es. Drill hole information should show the existence or absence of the potential hidden layers identified above on lines SL-5 and SL-7. 12 K-0469-0l Other factors governing the reliability of a refraction survey include: 1) record picking accuracy, 2)true layer velocities, and 3)velocity inversions or IIBloind Zones ll • The seismic records were mostly of fair to excellent quality; thus, arrival times were usually determined to within 1 millisecond. An average arrival time accuracy of 1 millisecond would produce a calculated delay time accuracy of 0.5 millisecond, using manual depth calculations. In areas where the principal overburden velocity is 5,000 feet per second, a 1 millisecond error would produce a depth calculation error of about +3 feet. Layer velocities were computed manually and confirmed by computer analysis. Velocities have generally been averaged throughout a given area as this is inherent in the analysis. This averaging generally results in a depth calculation with a resolution equal to! 10% of the actual depth. The velocity variations shown on SL-12 (Figure 7) were determined manually by plotting differences in arrival time (Redpath, 1973, p. 20). Velocity inversions are masking effects resulting from a higher-velocity layer overlying a lower-velocity layer. An example of. a velocity inversion would be a compact till overlying a gravel layer with no appreciable water. Velocity inversions could be confirmed by drilling. No velocity inversions were found on the si te where drill ing information was available. In some seismic literature the term IIBlind Zone" can be confusing as it has referred to the hidden layer and/or the velocity inversion. In our study, only a velocity inversion is referred to as a IIBlind Zone ll • 3.6 Topographic Survey The topographic survey control for the borings and seismic refraction 1 ines was provided by Ellerbe Alaska under subcontract to Shannon and Wilson, Inc. The surveying work consisted primarily of furnishing boring and seismic survey end point locations and providing profiles along the seismic refraction lines to assist in interpretation of the 13 K-0469-0l geophysical data. Cross sections were al so performed at selected dam sites to assist in the geotechnical engineering evaluations of the sites. Horizontal control was provided by existing BLM/USGS section corners in the field. Vertical control was obtained by establishing the elevation at an intersection of a BLM surveyed section corner and a major contour line on the 1:63,630 scale USGS map. All elevations were then adjusted to this datum. 14 K-0469-01 4. GEOLOGY 4.1 Regional Geology and Tectonics The Tazimina Lake Hydro Project is situated on the Tazimina River north of Lake Iliamna near the northern end of the Alaska Peninsula, 125 miles southwest of Anchorage. The Tazimina River, which has its headwaters on the eastern flank of the southern part of the Alaska Range, lies in the Alaska-Aleutian Range physiographic province (Wahrhaftig, 1965). Here, broad glaciated valleys lie between rugged, snow-capped glaciated ridges. Many lakes, such as the Tazimina Lakes, occupy parts of these glaciated valleys. The site region is arbitrarily defined as the area encompassed within approximately 100 miles (160 km) of the proposed project. The regional geology and tectonics of this part of Alaska are summarized in the reports and maps compiled by Beikman (1974,1975); Burk (1965); Capps (1932,1935); Detterman and Reed (1973,1980); Magoon and others (1976); and Martin and Katz (1909,1912). Most of the Alaska Range in the site region is underlain by large granitic batholiths that were intruded during late Early Jurassic time into moderately metamorphosed and highly deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The site region is part of a mobile, orogenic belt that borders the Pacific Ocean (Detterman and Reed, 1980). This belt has been tectonically active throughout much of the recorded geologic history. The region was part of an early Mesozoic magmatic arc that was nearly coincident with the modern Aleutian volcanic arc. Large volumes of breccia, agglomerate and tuff were produced during that episode. Subsequently, these rocks were intruded by the batholiths and uplifted. Later, northward underthrusting produced the modern Aleutian Arc-Trench system subparallel to, and south of, the old system. As a consequence, volcanism, which began again in early Tertiary time, has continued intermittently throughout Tertiary and Quarternary times. 15 K-0469-01 The present landforms are largely the product of erosion and deposition that occurred during Pleistocene and Holocene glaciations. Deposits of two Wisconsin glaciations, the Mak Hill and Brooks Lake Glaciations, and the Alaskan Glaciation of Holocene age have been recognized in the site region (Detterman and Reed, 1973). Tectonically, the principal structural elements of the region are related to the Aleutian Arc-Trench system, one of the major arcuate structures that ring the Pacific Basin. This structural element is characterized by: 1) an arcuate deep oceanic trench which lies about 200 miles offshore and which is convex toward the ocean basin; 2) a subparallel volcanic chain, the Aleutian volcanic arc, on the concave side of the trench; and 3) a belt of concentrated seismicity between the trench and the volcanic chain. All of these features are attributed to the differential movement and interactions between the Pacific and North American lithospheric plates. Thus, the present orogenic cycle, which probably began in Pliocene time (Plafker, 1969), has resulted in regional compressive deformation 'in a general northeast-southwest direction in the site region. Major linear thrust faults, or zones of faulting, have accompanied this compressive deformation. Within the site region these include the Bruin Bay and Lake Clark faults. Figure 9 shows a generalized tectonic map and an idealized cross-section of south-central Alaska, which includes the project site (Plafker, 1967). The Bruin Bay fault (Figures 11 and 12) extends along the west side of Cook Inlet for a distance of about 320 miles from Becharof Lake on the southwest to near Mount Susitna on the northeast, where it is believed to intersect the Lake Clark and Castle Mountain faults (Detterman and others, 1976a). Within the site region, a later Tertiary, or possibly Quaternary, intrusive plug shows no evidence of offset along the fault, and Quaternary lava flows from Iliamna Volcano are not displaced where they cross the fault (Detterman and Hartsock, 1966). These relationships, plus the lack of any evidence of displacement of the Holocene or Pleistocene deposits that mantle many parts of the fault in 16 K-0469-01 the site regi on, 1 ed Detterman and Reed (1980) to cons i der that the Bruin Bay fault ha~ been inactive in the site region since late Tertiary time. A few miles outside of the site region, however, a lineament believed to be a trace of the Bruin Bay fault is projected through glacial deposits on Kustatan Ridge, which have been dated as older than 42,000 radiocarbon years in age (Detterman and others, 1975, 1976a). The Lake Clark fault (Figures 11 and 12) is a major structural and topographic feature that is on strike with the Castle Mountain fault and is probably a pa rt of that system (Detterman and others, 1976a). The Lake Clark fault extends from Lake Clark, a few miles northwest of the site, northeasterly to its probable junction with the Bruin Bay and Castle Mountain fault system in the Susitna Lowlands southeast of Mount Susitna, about 50 miles outside of the site region. Again, no evidence was found by U.S. Geological Survey geologists along the fault trace in the site region for displacement of either Holocene or Quaternary depos i ts (Pl afker and others, 1975; Detterman and others, 1976a) that overlie many parts of the fault tract. Thus, although both the Bruin Bay and the Lake Clark faults are major structural features in the site region, no clear evidence has been found of movement occurring on either fault system during Holocene or late Quaternary time; i.e., for more than 42,000 years. Both fault systems, however, are likely extensions of the Castle Mountain fault system, parts of which have been active during Holocene (Detterman and others, 1974) and other parts of which appear to have been active during latest Quaternary time (Detterman and others, 1976b). However, no compelling evidence exists to suggest that any part of the system has been seismically active during historic time (Detterman and others, 1976b). 4.2 Sei smi city Southern Alaska and the adjoining Aleutian Island arc are part of the nearly continuous circum-Pacific seismic belt and, as such, they comprise a region of high seismotectonic activity. Despite the high level of seismicity in this part of Alaska, the historical record is 17 K-0469-01 imperfectly known. Prior to the 20th century the sparse population that existed throughout much of Alaska precluded obtaining more than a very fragmentary record of the activity in the region. Although instrumental data became available in the early part of the century, it is only in the last two decades that networks of seismograph stations have increased suffi ci ently enough to provi de more complete and accurate seismic data in the area. It is likely, however, that the historic record of the larger events in the region can be considered to be relatively complete (see Figure 10). The significant earthquakes that have occurred during historic time within approximately 100 miles or so of the project site are listed on Table l and their approximate epicentral locations are shown in Figures 11 and 12. Owing to the large numbers of events within the site region (nearly 9,000, according to Steve Estes, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, written communication, 1981), only those with magnitudes equal to or greater than 4.0, or with intensities equal to or greater than M.M. V, based on the Modified Mercalli scale of Wood and Neumann {1931J, are listed on Table 2. These data were supplied by the Environmental Data Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, 1981). Figure 11 shows all events from Table 2 with a magnitude equal to or greater than 4.5 that have occurred at hypocentral depths in excess of 75 km (45 miles); while Figure 12 shows all events from the table with magnitudes equal to or greater than 4.0, or of V, that have occurred at depths of 75 km (45 miles) or less. Where focal depths are unknown, to be conservative they have been assumed to be less than 75 km (45 miles) in depth. Dates and times of these events are given in Universal (Greenwich) time. In order to avoid excessive clutter on the epicenter maps, only the larger events are identified by their corresponding numbers on Table 2, and only those events equal to or larger than magnitude of 4.5 are shown on Figure 11. Several different magnitudes are shown on Table 2. These include body wave magnitude (m b ), local magnitude (M L), and the surface wave magnitude (M S)' Other magnitudes refer to values obtained from various sources, principally those from Pasadena and Berkeley, California, 18 K-0469-0l stations. Local magnitudes (M L) are principally those reported by the Alaska Geological Survey and the Geophysical Institute of Alaska, based on the magnitude stale defined by Richter (1935). Dillinger and Algermissen (1969) present some comparisons between these magnitudes for south-central Alaskan and Aleutian Island earthquakes. As the Environmental Data Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration primarily reports body wave magnitudes (m b ), first preference was given to these magnitudes' on the epicentral maps of Fi gures 11 and 12. A total of 395 earthquakes have been reported to occur within the site region during the period of 1786 through February 11, 1981, that are equa 1 to or greater than M = 4. a or MM = V (Table 2). Because the accuracy of the location of these epicenters is estimated to range-from ± 50 km (31 miles) to probably no better than ± 10 km (6 miles), the list also includes several events outside of the lOa-mile radius of the project site. It is apparent from Table 2 and from the epicenter maps of Figures 11 -and 12 that the deeper events comprise: 1 )the majority of events in the site region; 2)they tend to be concentrated in a broad area underlying Il iamna' Volcano, with only a few scattered events occurring northeast and southwest of the volcano; 3) none of the epicenters of these events occur in the immediate vicinity of the project site; and 4)none of the epicenters of the deeper events occur west of an imaginary line trending north-northeast that lies apprOXimately 15 miles east of the site. The shallower events shown in Figure 12, on the other hand, tend to be concentrated east of the Bruin Bay fault and underlying Cook Inlet. These shallower events, however, also tend to have more scatter than the deeper events, as they occur sparsely throughout the entire site region, including in the immediate vicinity of the project site. Of the 395 earthquakes reported during historic time that are equal to or larger than M = 4.0, or MM = V, only seven have been large shocks, i.e., with magnitudes of 6.0 or larger, and most have been less than 19 K-0469-01 magnitude 5.0. The largest shallow earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.0 (event No.5), occurred -in June 1912 at an epicentral distance of approximately 90 miles from the project site. The largest deep earthquakes reported both had magnitudes of 6.75 (events Nos. 9 and 15) and occurred in June 1934 and October 1954 at approximate epicentral distances of 130 miles from the site. Only one of the reported events (No. 26, mb = 4.4) is reported to have occurred within 10 miles of the project site, and only three events larger than magnitude 5.0 have occurred within approximately 40 miles of the proj ect site. These inc 1 ude event No. 40 (April 1964), with a magnitude (m b ) of 5.6 at a depth of 10 km (6 miles); and event Nos. 62 (January 1965) and 341 (August 1978), both with magnitudes (m b ) of 5.4 and at depths of 122-123 km (76 miles). Based on these data, it is estimated that vibratory ground motion at the projected site probably has not exceeded that of a strong intensity VII during historic time. 4.3 Site Geology 4.3.1 General The project area generally consists of extensive glacio-fluvial deposits overlying a glacially scoured bedrock surface; the extent of glacial scouring evidenced by depth to bedrock is shown on Figure 13, Tazimina River Profile. The local bedrock is mainly composed of a complex sequence of volcanic rocks, consisting of pyroclastics and lava flows. According to the USGS, the bedrock in this area ranges from· lower Jurassic to Tertiary in age. Locally the bedrock has been faulted and folded and intruded by small (1 to 10 feet thick) basaltic dikes. These features are best exposed in the canyon below the falls on the Tazimina River (Figure 14). All of the exposures reveal very closely to moderately closely jointed rock with joint spacings ranging from less than 2 inches to 3 feet. Local shear zones are present in association with minor faults, folds, and dikes. There is evidence of minor 20 K-0469-01 hydrotherma 1 a 1 terati on throughout the study a rea. No evi dence was observed to indicate that there has been recent (post-glacial) movement along any of the mapped faults in this area. The bedrock surface appeared to be relatively flat on either side of the faults underneath the overburden, and the terrace and morainal deposits showed no displacement attributable to the faults on the ground or in the air photos. The results of the field mapping and photo interpretations are shown on the geologic map, Plate 2, delineating both surficial and bedrock units. These units have been simplified for the purposes of this report. Because of the limited number of bedrock exposures, the complex volcanic sequence, and limited mapping time in the field, a detailed geologic sequence could not be constructed. The mapped units extended well outside the small field area, and no attempt was made to interpret the few exposures observed on a regional scale. 4.3.2 Summary of Geologic History The geologic history of the Tazimina River area, summarized from Detterman and Reed (1980) and evidenced by present exposures, involves a sequence of igneous and volcanic activity with episodes of faulting and folding. According to the USGS, during Late Triassic time this part of Alaska was a volcanic arc, providing for later deposition of interbedded volcanic and sedimentary units as seen in the northwestern corner of the map area. In Early Jurassic time numerous flows were extruded and by Middle Jurassic the emplacement of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith began. Magmatic activity was renewed during Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary time and continued throughout the Tertiary, resulting in the emplacement of numerous small plutons and extrusions of volcanic material. Plate tectonic activity, primarily subduction occurring along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska to the east, may be partially responsible for some of the structures observed in the map area including faults, folds, and dikes. 21 K-0469-01 The present topography of the Tazimina River area is predominantly the result of glacial scouring followed by backfilling with extensive glacial deposits and subsequent modification by fluvial processes. 4.3.3 Glacial History This summary of the glacial history of the project area is based on an internal report to Shannon & Wilson, Inc. by Geological Consultant Robert M. Thorson, Ph.D., air photo interpretations, published work by Detterman and Reed (1973), and field work by Shannon & Wilson geologists. The field work, however, was designed to study the suitabil ity of the area for hydroelectric development, rather than to verify the glacial history. During the culmination of the Brooks Lake Glaciation of Late Pleistocene age, the Lower Tazimina Valley was extensively scoured by glacial ice from coalesced small alpine valley glaciers. The scouring appears to have had an appreciable west-east asymmetry, as the area between Lower Tazimina Lake and the Roadhouse site was overdeepened and subsequently backfilled with glacial outwash; this profile is shown on Figure 13. This overdeepening is related to the confluence of two glaciers, one in the Tazimina Valley and one in the Pickerel Lake Valley to the west (refer to Figure 1 for map of area). The Pickerel Lake glacier scoured its valley to lower levels than the Tazimina River glacier. Near the i nterl obate area, just downstream from the Roadhouse site, a thi ck gravel fill was deposited during the time of confluence. Alternating periods of deglaciation and readvances occurred. The course of the Tazimina River downstream from the Roadhouse site was diverted to the southeast, from a more westerly course, to a position superimposed over bedrock. Recession of the Pickerel Lake lobe resulted in a lowered local base level and initiated incision of the Tazimina River. The absence of significant sediment load, once the glaciers had sufficiently retreated, probably is responsible for the stability of the present waterfalls. The falls have certainly been modified in Holocene time, 22 K-0469-01 but there probably has not been appreciable headward migration of the fa 11 s. During glacial time, many ice marginal channels were incised; these are readily apparent on the air photos as linear and arcuate depressions north and south of the lower Tazimina River. This area, downstream from the mouth of the canyon, also received extensive fan and outwash deposits. The low gradient from the Roadhouse site to the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake may have resulted in slow partly subaqueous retreat. Drift was probably deposited largely by ice stagnation with the sediment reworked by meltwater streams. The presence of streamlined bedrock knobs and the regularity of the lake shore 1 i ne together wi th the absence of extens i ve moraines and dri ft patches indicates that retreat above the Lower Lake outlet must have been rapid. 4.3.4 Stratigraphy The lithologic units on the geologic map (Plate 2) have been simplified with the intention of addressing the engineering properties of the rock rather than the detailed geology. Within each map unit many and varied rock types occur, which complicates classification. A wide variety of extensive volcanic rocks were mapped, ranging from andesitic lavas to airfa11 tuffs and pyroclastic deposits. In the project area, a wide range exists of tuff of different compositions and fragment sizes, rangi ng from crysta 11 i ne and 1 api 11 i tuffs to volcani c brecci a. The same is true for the lava flows; they range in composition from latite to dacite and from andesite to basalt, and, in texture, from aphanitic to porphyritic. Rock identification was further compl icated' by rocks such as local andesites containing lithic fragments. Also, difficulties were encountered in determining field relationships between the flows and pyroclastics because of the lack of exposures. 23 K-0469-0 1 . The strengths and joint patterns of the rocks are important factors in engineering designs. For this reason, the tuff unit has been subdivided delineating highly fractur~d zones which may be the result of shearing, weaker composition, a lesser degree of welding or some combination thereof. The surficial units were divided primarily o~ the basis of morphology rather than materi a 1 types, as these units were pa rtly mapped from the air photos. Test pits were dug to determine the nature of the surficial deposits. The moraines, terra-ces, and areas of outwash were found to consist predominantly of clean sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders. As with the lithologic units, the surficial units have been oversimplified, addressing their engineering properties rather than their complex origins. The following is a description of the basic mapped geologic units. The lithologic descriptions are supported in part by petrographic microscopic thin section identifications. Their-listed order does not imply relative ages. The geologic map is more detailed than that produced by the USGS, and our geologists· field observations did not always agree with lithologic identifications by the USGS. The USGS maps are based primarily on air photo interpretation with ground checking, and fairly broad lithologic units were applied to the rocks mapped in this portion of the quadrangle. However, at our scale of mapping, it is fairly easy to show major lithologic changes as opposed to using broad a 11-i nc1 us i ve uni ts. For these reasons, the more general i zed formational names and ages used by the USGS were not used; but their lithologic symbols have been used, as it is reasonable to assume that the basic ages and rock types are the same. Bedrock Units ANDESITE: This unit contains interbedded lava flows of various lithologies of which the most common is a true andesite. The other flow rocks include dacite and latite porphyries, andesite and basalt. The co 1 ors range from gray to da rk green to pi n k, and the textures range 24 K-0469-01 from aphanitic to porphyritic. Occasional lithic fragments were observed in some of the andesite samples. Locally, green volcanic breccia was observed associ~ted with the andesites. Joints in the lavas ranged from very closely to moderately closely spaced, and the rocks were hard to very hard, according to the ASCE classification of joint spacing and rock hardness, Table B~l. In outcrop the andesite commonly exh-ibited columnar jointing. Minor flow structures were observed, but bedding could not be determined. A small exposure of basalt mapped in the andesite unit crops out in a stream valley on the south side of the lower 1 ake, as shown on the geologic map, Plate 2. This basalt is significantly different from minor basalts observed in other areas in that they contain what appear to be pillow structures. A few other mi nor flow-type rocks also were observed in this gully. METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS: The rocks mapped in this unit consist of slightly metamorphosed conglomerates and quartzites which contain rounded to subrounded pebbles of igneous and metamorph i crock. These metasedimentary rocks crop out on several elongate ridges north of Lower Tazimina Lake (Plate 2). Attitudes measured on bedding surfaces were" generally N500E, with both northerly and southerly dips ranging from 44 to 81°. These rocks are very hard, and they range from very closely to widely jointed. Bedding is usually indistinguishable as it is masked by extensive jointing, however, features that resemble cross-bedding were observed. The metasedimenta ry rocks are interbedded wi th andes i te and basalt. INTRUSIVES UNDIVIDED: The only outcrops of intrusive rocks in the project area of any great areal distribution occur on the north side of the Tazimina River, on the mountain at the River Mile 12.9 site. The intrusives include granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite, gabbro, and associated rocks. Igneous intrusives also were noted on Roadhouse 25 K-0469-0l Mountain, just south of the project area. Small andesite dikes were observed in the outcrops of intrusive rocks. These rocks are hard to very hard, and joint spacing ranges from very close to wide, producing a columnar effect. Frequent epidote alteration was observed in phenocrysts and veins. Infrequent minor slickensided surfaces were noted. TUFF: Although many types of tuff were observed in the project area, for the most pa rt they can be descri bed as a gray to green, welded, lithic or lapilli tuff. Exposures of both volcanic breccia and fine-grained tuff was observed in the canyon below the falls. The tuff was generally gray, green, white or blue in color. A wide range of lithologies was-observed as lithic clasts in the tuff, including angular fragments of basalt as large as 8 inches in diameter. For the most part the tuff is very closely to closely jo-inted and is medium hard to very hard. Joint spacing and the amount of staining generally decreased with depth below ground surface, as observed in borings B-2 and B-3 at the Forebay Site and Lower Site, respectively .. Most of the tuff observed outcropped along the Tazimina River, from the Forebay site downstream. The source of the tuff, according to the USGS, was volcanic events of Roadhouse Mountain. All of the tuff observed in the project area was at least sl ightly welded. Welding tends to strengthen the rock, as this process indurates the pyroclastic material by the combined action of heat from the particles, weight from overly-ing material, and hot gases. Welded tuff does not weather as rapidly as on-welded tuff, nor do the fragments in the welded tuffs differenti ally erode. The degree of we 1 di ng affects the strength of the rock, and the varying degrees of strength within the tuff are well displayed in the falls and on the walls of the canyon, where loose spires of rock and scree slopes are common. Highly fractured zones within the tuff were delineated on the geologic map. These zones may be the result of shearing or the reaction of 26 K-0469-01 weaker tuffs to the same stresses that affected all of the rocks in this a rea. All of these hi gh 1y fractured zones occurred in fi ne-gra i ned, light colored tuff, and, in one outcrop, associated sulphide mineralization was observed. These fractured zones develop deep scree slopes of platy angular chips. DIKES: Small basaltic dikes, ranging from 1 to 10 "feet in width, were found throughout the map area. Some of the features mapped as dikes may actually be sills, but since bedding could not be determined, the features were all classified as dikes. In some outcrops, small chill zones were observed along the dikes in the host rock. Dikes were observed cutting the tuff and the intrusive units, suggesting a younger age for these dikes. Photo 10 shows a typical dike in the tuff unit. Surficial Units TERRACE DEPOSITS: These terraces were formed by fluvial and/or glaciofluvial processes. They have level or gently sloping upper surfaces and can sometimes be correlated across the river. Clean sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders were observed in test pits in terraces. The terraces were also found to contain scattered small lenses of f"iner-grained and sil ty material. Several terrace levels were observed along the Tazimina River Valley whose relative ages were not distinguished on the map. The terraces found along the Tazimina River are probably the result of lowered local base levels or local uplift associated with the retreat of the glaciers in both the Tazimina Valley and the Pickerel Lake area. OUTWASH DEPOSITS: Glaciofluvial deposits, in the form of outwash plains in the Tazimina River Valley, are characterized by pitted textures and braided channel scars. The pitted texture is a result of melting out of buried ice following deglaciation. These deposits primarily consist of clean sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders. 27 K-0469-0l MORAINAL DEPOSITS: This unit includes all types of moraines as identified in the map area; ground moraine, end moraine, recessional moraine, etc. Moraines are readily identified by their characteristic knob-and-kettle topography with irregularly shaped, non-directional mounds. The drift observed in the moraines is generally water-washed clean sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders, with occasional lenses of sil ty materia 1. True dense cl ayey ti 11 of any extent was only observed in one location, Big Bend, marked by Test Pit 3. Minor amounts of clayey till were observed in some of the borings in the form of stringers and lenses. COLLUVIAL DEPOSITS: This unit includes colluvium as well as talus and rubb 1 e along the re 1 at i ve ly steep sides of the knobs and mounta ins in the area. Both talus and rubble are formed primarily by frost action on bedrock, the main difference being that talus is moved downslope and rubble remains in place. Most of the colluvial deposits were covered by vegetation. UNDIVIDED ALLUVIAL AND GLACIAL DEPOSITS: This unit includes both alluvial and glacial deposits that are not readily identifiable and/or covered by veget~tion. These deposits may be in such forms as modified terraces, abandoned channel deposits, reworked gravels, and recent a 11 uvi urn. 4.3.5 Structure The geologic structures found in the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project area are shown on the geologic map, Plate 2, and, more clearly, on the map of the canyon, Figure 14. More structures were mapped in the canyon because of better and more extensive exposures. A brief description of some of the prominent structures encountered follows: FAULTS: Nine small scale faults were mapped in the bedrock of the canyon walls at and below the falls of the Tazimina River. Most of these faults were identified by shear zones or gouge zones that ranged from a few inches to a few feet thick. It is very likely that other 28 K-0469-01 faults occur in the canyon, or in the rest of the project area, but are buried by glaciofluvial sediments. Several other 1 inear features were observed in the canyon walls, but, because of their inaccessibility, their exact nature could not be determi.ned. All of the faults appear to be relatively high angle, but the relative movement could not be determined, partly owing to the degree of weathering and shearing along the faults, and partly due to the fact that lithologic correlations across the faults sometimes yielded the same rock types. Across-fault correlation also was complicated by the fact that abrupt lithologic changes are common in volcanic terrain. Slickensided surfaces were observed in scattered outcrops, in the intrusives undivided terrane, and above the left abutment of the Roadhouse site. The location of the fault evidenced by slickensides above the Roadhouse site is shown on the geologic map, Plate 2. No evidence of post-glacial movement was observed along any of the mapped faults. The terrace and mora ina 1 depos its overlyi ng bedrock above the faults show no evidence of displacement, and the bedrock surface appears to be relatively flat above the faults. One possible way to determine more accurately the recency of movement on these faults would be to strip the organic cover and unconsolidated deposits to reveal the bedrock surface. Glacial scour marks, elevation differences, slickensides, or fresh fault gouge could then be examined for evidence of movement along the faults. The largest fault observed in the project area occurs on the left side of the river at the falls. Again, the bedrock surface appears to be relatively flat across this fault. The gouge zone, 1.6 to 3.0 feet wide, contains blue-gray clay with rock fragments and boulders of the andesite which bounds the fault on both sides. This fault, which trends N800W and dips 75°5, could not be traced across the river. Most features could not be traced across the river, suggesting the possibility that this section of the Tazimina River valley is, at least 29 K-0469-01 in pay·t, a fault line valley. One feature, a near vertical contact between a white lithic tuff and a green volcanic breccia, was observed on both sides of the river, offset by approximately 1300 feet. Although the two exposures are not on strike with each other, their similarity suggests a relationship that has been significantly offset by fault movement. Another possible explanation for the lack of correlation evidence across the river is that some of the geologic features may trend nearly parallel to the river, making them almost impossible to trace. It is conceivable that a fault or several small faults lie in the river valley, but no concluding evidence was observed during the fall 1981 mapping program. Several small faults and shear zones were observed on the right side of the Tazimina River at the falls. This exposure showed a structurally complex arrangement of folded, faulted, and sheared tuff and breccia. Covered areas prohibit tracing of any of these features in any direction for more than 50 feet. FOLDING: Both syncl ines and anticl ines were observed within exposed bedrock in the canyon of the Tazimina River. Their locations are best shown on the geologic map of the canyon, Figure 14. Two steep-sided, plunging synclines are visible on the right side of the falls. Many arcuate patterns of undetermined nature were observed in the rocks of the canyon walls; these could be folds, faults, shears, or joints. The structure of the canyon is more complex than the geologic map shows; unidentified structures were purposely left off the map. JOINTING: Joints are very prominent features observed in all of the outcrops at all of the locations visited. Because jointing essentially obliterated bedding, in most cases it was imposs"ible to distinguish between the two. The spacing on the joints ranged from very close to wide (less than 2 inches to 10 feet), and the joints were usually closed and slightly iron stained. All of the rock types exhibited vertical and/or poorly developed columnar jointing in the larger exposures, 30 K-0469-0l especially the tuff exposed at the river at the Lower site, and the granodiorite at the lowest outcrop on the right abutment of the River Mile 12.9 site. The columns were generally 2 to 2.5 feet wide, as measured in the andesite around Lower Tazimina Lake. The rocks in most of the exposures also have undergone extensive freeze-thaw fracturi ng wh i ch has extended into the rock severa 1 inches. The staining along the joints generally extends 1 to 2 feet into the outcrop. In general, the less welded, finer-grained tuffs are more highly jointed and fractured. An average of several measurements taken along the Tazimina River of 43 joints per cubic meter was noted in some of the lithic tuff. Photo 9 shows a typical exposure of lithic tuff with joints and fractures. The trends of the primary joint patterns allover the site were found to be N85°W and N35°W. These joint patterns could be interpreted as shear fractures due to compressive forces. Such compression could be the result of tectonic stresses associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate. Both of ~hese joint trends have steep dips on the order of 7-0 to 90°. A secondary joint trend was observed as N75°E, with dips ranging from 40 to 60°. 31 K-0469-01 5. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5. 1 Genera 1 The potential dam sites on the Tazimina River are influenced by the glacial geology. In general, the surfifia1 soils consisted primarily of glaciofluvial outwash type materials with very little clayey till present. The bedrock encountered in the abutments and in the bori ngs consisted of volcanic tuff, often highly jointed or fractured near the surface. The borings indicate that these materials become tighter with depth. The location of each dam site is shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1, and on the Geologic Map, Plate 2. Seismic profiles of each of the sites, showing layers of different velocity, are shown on Figures 3 through 8. Summary logs of the borings are shown on Figure 2. The subsurface conditions, including the site specific geology of the potential dam sites, powerhouse sites, and penstock routes are discussed below. 5.2 Lower Tazimina Lake Site The Lower Tazimina Lake site appears to be a very promising location for a storage dam from a topographical viewpoint. A narrow point almost closes the lake off at the outlet (this feature is shown on Photo 1). An abandoned overflow channel is present on the right abutment, probably dating from the time of glacial retreat and a higher water level in Lower Tazimina Lake. The present day outlet was measured to be about 30 feet deep. At the time of our field work we observed essentially no current through the outlet, indicating very slow movement of water, and again emphasizing the great depth of the outlet. 32 K-0469-01 In our opinion, the topographical feature at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake is a recessional moraine. Boring B-1, located some 36 feet above the lake level at Station 12+00 on the left abutment survey line, encountered granular materials (sands, sandy gravels and gravelly sands) wi th mi nor zones of fi ne-gra i ned soi 1 s to a depth of 89 feet where the boring was discontinued. Falling head permeability tests were attempted at several locations in the boring, however, in most instances the soils were so permeable that the drill rods could not be filled. Test Pit TP-5 was excavated in the southwest side of the recessional moraine and encountered washed gravels similar to what was encountered in Boring 8-1. The seismic refraction survey lines indicate that the surface of bedrock is 200 to 300 feet below the level of Lower Tazimina Lake at its outlet. The bedrock level is assumed to be the 13,500 to 16,000 ft/sec reflector on Figure 3, 5.3 River Mile 12.9 Site The next potential storage dam site below the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake is in the vicinity of river mile 12.9. The Tazimina River at this point flows through a wide U-shaped valley, shown in Photo 2. Rock outcrops in both abutments are separated by a distance of about a mile, measured along the centerline of the proposed dam. The bedrock on the left side of the valley is a dark gray andesite while the rock in the right side of the valley consists of undivided intrusive rocks, predomi nant1y granodi orite. The contact 1 i es somewhere in the valley, buried by glacial drift or glaciofluvial outwash. On the left side of the river, the 1300 feet of the valley floor nearest the river is low and marshy. Geophysical data indicates that the bedrock is relatively flat-lying and about 170 feet below the valley. The bedrock begins to rise into the left side of the valley some 1700 feet from the river(the seismic refraction profiles of the left abutment are shown on Figure 6). 33 K-0469-01 Geophysical data suggests that bedrock is about 15 feet below river level at the right bank and slopes upward, mantled by possible terrace, morainal, till, and outwash deposits on the right side of the valley (the seismic refraction profile of the right abutment is shown on Fi gure 7). Because of the length of dam required at this location, it was not scheduled for explorations during the initial site reconnaissance. No exploratory borings were drilled at this location during the 1981 field season. 5.4 Roadhouse Site The proposed Roadhouse dam site is located at the downstream end of a string of lakes which the Tazimina River traverses prior to confining itself to a single, well-defined channel of somewhat steeper gradient. Small exposures of andesite and volcanic breccia were observed on the slope of the left abutment, approximately 50 to 60 feet above river level. The surface deposits on both sides of the river, however, consist of a series of terraces of coarse fluvial gravel (these features are shown in Photo 3). The bedrock surface is overlain by 30 to 40 feet of glaciofluvial deposits on the left abutment and by 170 to 180 feet on the right abutment. The geophysical data indicate that the bedrock surface does not ri se on the ri ght side of the vall ey but instead slopes to the northwest. The seismic refraction profile for this site is presented on the upper portion of Figure 4. Boring B-4 was drilled at Station 8+05 on the right side of the river, about 6 feet above river level. Some near-surface, relatively impervious soils were encountered in this boring (possibly glacial till) as well as in Test Pits TP-l and TP-2, which were excavated on the right side of the river. These soils were underlain by very permeable sandy gravels and gravelly sands. Only sporadic or intermittent return of drilling water was encountered between depths of 12 and 47.5 feet in 34 K-0469-0l this boring. Falling head permeability tests and total loss of drilling water returns indicate that the soil s on the right abutment of the Roadhouse site are very permeable. 5.5 Forebay Site The site known as the Forebay site is located at the first small rapids encountered downstream from the Big Bend a rea (see Pl ate 1). Bedrock crops out at river level at this location, creating a small rapids (shown in Photo 4). The river flows relatively straight in this area, suggesting possible bedrock fault control of the valley at this point. The bedrock, predominantly gray, welded, lithic tuff, forms a fairly continuous outcrop from the rapids downstream to the canyon along the left side of the river. The river from this point downstream becomes incised into the bedrock. Boring B-2, drilled on the right abutment 120 feet from the ri ver, encountered bedrock at about 21 feet below ri ver level. The bedrock is highly fractured and closely to very closely jointed. According to the geophysical profile for this site (lower portion of Figure 4) bedrock is 10 to 20 feet deep on the left abutment. Bedrock crops out ina knob above the 1 eft abutment and occurs as scattered outcrops at higher elevations. This, together with other seismic data and the topography, suggests that the bedrock surface slopes gently to the west. The material overlying bedrock was found to be permeable outwash sand and gravel. Apparent massive end moraine deposits occur at higher elevations above the terraced outwash deposits along the right side. Test Pit TP-7, on the left abutment in the outwash terraces, yielded clean sandy gravel with occasional lenses of fine-grained material. 5.6 Lower Site Continuing downstream, the alternate forebay or Lower Site is located at a prominent rapids where the river falls 4 to 5 feet just upstream of the major falls of the Tazimina River. At this point, the river is entrenched approximately 15 feet into bedrock (see Photo 5). 35 K-0469-01 The bedrock exposed at the river is predominantly gray, welded lithic tuff, with numerous, very closely to moderately closely spaced joints. The dam site was explored with Boring B-3 which was located on the right abutment about 26 feet above river level. This boring encountered 4.9 feet of silt, sand, and gravel overlying the welded tuff. Several fractured zones were observed in the rock core from this boring. At the lower elevations in the valley, the bedrock is overlain by relatively shallow, permeable drift in the form of terraced outwash and end moraines. Relatively clean sandy gravel with cobbles was encountered in Test Pit TP-4, which was excavated in the high level morainal deposits on the right side of the river, suggesting that this entire high knob consists of permeable materials. Geophysical data (seismic line SL-8 on Figure 5) indicates that the bedrock in the right abutment is overlain by about 50 feet of overburden at a di stance of about 100 feet from the ri ght bank of the ri ver. Evidence from the geological mapping effort, geophysical data obtained during the study at this site and the forebay site upstream, in addition to geophysical data obtained by others, suggests that the bedrock surface beneath the right abutment is relatively flat. Bedrock outcrops observed some distance from the river on the left side indicate that the bedrock surface rises towards Roadhouse Mountain. 5.7 Powerhouse Alternatives While the potential dam sites discussed above had been previously defined by others, specific locations for a powerhouse were not identified prior to the start of the field program. Several locations were suggested as poss i b 1 e powerhouse sites in the fi e 1 d by Shannon & Wil son and Stone and Webster Eng"j neeri ng Corporati on personnel. These sites are: 1. At or near the base of the falls of the Tazimina, above ground on the left side of the river. 36 K-0469-01 2. At or near the base of the fall s on the left side of the river, underground. 3. Outside the canyon on a bar on the left side of the river. 4. Outside the canyon on a bar on the right side of the river. These sites are shown on Figure 15 .. The anticipated subsurface conditions at these sites, based on geoiogical mapping and seismic refraction profiles are discussed below. 5.7.1 Base of the Falls One possible location for a powerhouse is the rocky talus bench at the base of the fa 11 s, shown in Photos 6 and 7. . The bedrock formi ng the canyon walls above the bench consists of andesite, volcanic breccia and tuff. Two faults were mapped just upstream from this bench. As can be seen in the photos, the canyon walls consist of rock spires and numerous scree slopes. Bent tree trunks were observed on the more vegetated portions on the right side of the canyon and are evidence of creep. Problems anticipated in constructing a powerhouse at this site include difficult access, potential rock falls, and stability of penstock foundations on a creeping slope. For the above reasons, an underground powerhouse may be more des i rab 1 e than a structure on the surface. Potential problems with tunneling and underground powerhouse construction below the falls are related to the numerous joints observed in the bedrock and the faults in the vicinity of the falls. Plastic gouge in an inactive fault indicates that there may be a problem with swelling ground resulting in localized tunneling costs. The limited explorations indicate that underground rock excavations will have to be supported. Shotcrete and rock bolts are probably the most desirable method of reinforcing. Geophysical data indicate that the bench above the canyon on the left side of the river has 30 to 50 feet 37 K-0469-01 of unconsolidated glacial deposits overlying bedrock. Much of a penstock tunnel excavation in this area would be in granular soils. 5.7.2 Powerhouse Sites Below the Canyon The powerhouse sites located below the canyon are on bar deposits in the river. No evidence of frequent major flooding of these bars was observed. All three are covered by trees. The site which received the most attention during the 1981 field program was site "B" on Figure 15. This site was explored with Test Pit TP-6 and Seismic Line SL-9 (Figure 5). The soils in the area appear to be glacial deposits. Rock outcrops were not observed in the valley walls in the immediate vicinity of this 1 oca t i on a lthough the 9650 ftl sec refl ector on SL-9 may be bedrock. However, outcrops were observed just downstream from the bench. 5.8 Penstock Locations Tentative routes from a dam located above the falls to the various powerhouse sites are shown on Figure 15. When the 1981 field program was in progress, the powerhouse locations, "A", at the base of the falls and "B", on the left side of the river below the mouth of the canyon were considered to be the most likely locations. Seismic Lines SL-9, 13,14 , 15 and 16 were performed on the proposed penstock route along the left side of the river to assist in determining subsurface conditions along this route. Geophysical data indicate that bedrock is 20 to 50 feet below ground surface along the proposed penstock route on the left side of the river. Granular soils, i.e., sandy gravel and gravelly sand, are anticipated beneath a thin mantle of tundra and topsoi 1 development. Subsurface conditions are expected to be favorable for founding the penstock above ground or for shallow burial. Similar subsurface conditions, i.e., relatively deep deposits of granular glaciofluvial or granular fluvial soils, are anticipated along the penstock route on the right side of the Tazimina River to powerhouse locations "e" and "0". 38 K-0469-01 6. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Geologic Constraints 6.1.1 Faulting Despite the fact that the Tazimina hydro project borders on, and is a part of, a very tectonically complex region -the Aleutian Arc-Trench system -active faulting does not appear to constitute a potential hazard to the site area based on existing data available. The tectonic relationships of the site region were briefly discussed in Section 4.1 (see Figure 9), as well as the two major fault systems in the area -the Bruin Bay and Lake Clark faults (Figures 11 and 12). None of the faults mapped or inferred in the-site region or site area, including the Bruin Bay and Lake Clark faults, are known to have been active in Holocene time or during the past 10,000 years. Although both of these two major fault systems may be extensions of the Castle ~10untain fault system farther to the northeast, parts of which have been active during Holocene and other parts of which have been active during latest Quaternary time, there is no evidence in the site region that either of the two faults have been active during late Quaternary or Holocene time (see Section 4.1). Furthermore, as can be seen from Figures 11 and 12 and from other sei smi city maps of southwestern Alaska, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that any of the faults in the site region have been seismically active during historic time. 6.1.2 Design Earthquake The seismicity of the site area and surrounding region are discussed in Section 4.2. The regional tectonics and faulting are discussed in Section 4.2 and 6.1.1. The significant earthquakes that have occurred during historic time in the site region are listed in Table 2 and their approximate epicentra1 locations are shown in Figures 11 and 12. It is apparent from these data that the historic record is not only brief but a 1 so imperfectly known. Although the record extends back nearly 200 years, it is probably only essentially complete for events with 39 K-G469-01 magnitudes of 6.0, or larger. Data on earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.5 or less are probably incomplete prior to the early 1960 1 s. It is also apparent from Table 2 that the majority (more than 70~;) of the significant events listed have occurred at depths of 75 km or more. However, because attenuation of energy is largely a function of distance from the source, most of these deeper events tend to be less hazardous to the site than the shallower events. Unfortunately, very little is known about attenuation rates in Alaska, as very few isoseismal curves have been drawn for Alaskan earthquakes. The low population densities throughout much of Alaska account for this paucity of intensity distribution data. The most detailed study of intensity distribution in Alaska was made by Cloud and Scott (1972) after the Prince William Sound earthquake of 1964. Their isoseismal map indicates intensities as large as VI were felt in the site area from this very large earthquake, which occurred -about 250 miles northeast of the site, with a Richter magnitude estimated at 8.3 to 8.6. Figure 16 shows a plot of the frequency of occurrence versus magnitudes for the events 1 isted in Table 2. Based on this recurrence curve, a magnitude 6.0 event might be expected to occur in the site region on the average of about once in every 15 years; a magnitude 6.5 about once every 40 years; and a magnitude 7.0 about once every 200 years or so. During historic times, however, only one of these larger events has occurred within an epicentral distance of approximately 65-70 miles of the project site; the remainder of the larger events have all occurred at epicentral distances of 90 miles or more. If one also considers hypocentral distances for these larger events, all have occurred at distances in excess of 100 miles. The largest event to occur near the site (No. 26) had a magnitude (m b ) of about 4.4 and an estimated depth of 33 km. The lack of any known active faults in the site area or region precludes assigning the design earthquake to any specific structure, and the historic record is too brief to conduct any reasonable probability analysis for the design earthquake. As a consequence, three 40 K-0469-01 hypothetical earthquakes were considered in developing the design earthquake for the proposed project. Although classified as hypothetical earthquakes, the occurrence of any of these events is believed to be entirely possible. The three events include: 1) a nearby, shallow event, (such as event No. 26 on Figure 12), 2) a larger, more distant, shallow event (such as event No. 40 on Figures 12), and 3) a very large, but distant and deep, earthquake (such as events Nos. 9 and 15 on Figure 11). These three different events are tabulated below, along with the estimated peak accelerations that might be generated at the site from each event: Estimated Peak Potential Estimated Acceleration Earthquake Magnitude (g) Moderate -Nearby -Shallow 4.5 -5.0 0.20 -0.30 Larger -Distant -Shallow 5.5 -6.0 O. 15 -0.20 Very Large -Distant -Deep 6.5 -7.0 0.10 -O. 15 The estimated accelerations are largely derived from attenuation relationships that were developed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS, 1974), based on data from both shallow and deep earthquakes. Based on the estimates in the above tabulation, a near field, shallow event appears to be the most hazardous to the proposed site, as it might produce peak accelerations at the site in the range of 0.20 to 0.30 g. Response spectra prepared for design purposes, however, should include earthquake parameters that might be expected both from near field, shallow events and from far field, deep events. 6.1.3 Volcanic Activity Although the proposed Tazimina hydro project is situated on the inner, or concave, part of an active, major magmatic arc -the Aleutian Volcanic Arc -the potential effects of volcanism on the project appear to be minimal. The geologic record indicates that volcanism has occurred along this major arc intermittently throughout Tertiary and 41 K-0469-01 Quaternary t"imes (Detterman and Reed, 1980), and that all of the large stratovolcanoes in the site· region have been active at least several times since 1700 (Coats, 1950; Henning and others, 1976). The larger stratovolcanoes include 11 iamna and Redoubt Volcanoes, about 55 miles and 80 miles, respectively, northeast of the site in the Alaska-Aleutian Range, and Augustine Volcano, which occurs on an island in Cook Inlet about 60 miles east-southeast of the site (Figures 11 and 12). Other volcanoes also are known to be active outside of the site region, both to the northeast, south, and southeast of the site. The recent eruptive evidence from Augustine and Iliamna Volcanoes suggests that they are dissimilar in their styles of eruption and, hence, they are in differing phases of their eruptive cycles. According to Detterman and Reed (1973, 1980), Augustine Volcano has produced extensive deposits of pumice, but only minor amounts of lava; whereas, Iliamna Volcano has produced mainly lava flows but only very little pumice. Because a ~opographic divide separates the headwaters of the Tazimina River from the slopes of Iliamna Volcano, the closest major volcano to the site, any significant amounts of eruptive products from this volcano, such as lava flows, mudflows, ashflows, etc., are essentially precluded from entering the valley and affecting either the damsite, its reservoir, or the Tazimina Lakes. Airborne ash, on the other hand, probably has been deposited in the site area several times during Pleistocene and Holocene times. However, even the cataclysmic 1912 eruption of Novrarupta Volcana and Mount Katmai, south of the region, left only a thin layer of ash in the site area; and the most recent ash eruption from Augustine Volcano (1963) did not extend to the vicinity of the site area (Detterman and Reed, 1973). Thus, potential volcanic hazards at the proposed Tazimina River hydro project appear to be restricted to occasional light falls of airborne ash; other types of eruptive products do not appear to constitute any potential hazard to the site. It should be understood that this is a qualified prediction, because the current state-of-the-art does not permit very precise predictions of the time, kind, or specific locale of 42 K-0469-01 a future volcanic event. The size of the eruption, along with the direction and velocity of the prevailing upper winds at the time, will largely determine the rate and thickness of air-laid ash deposited at any specific site. 6.2 Dam Design Considerations 6.2.1 General Our initial understanding of the proposed development on the Tazimina River to supply power to the Bristol Bay Region was a storage dam that would raise the level of Lower Tazimina Lake by about 20 feet and a much higher dam, possibly 100 feet, located above the falls. In our opinion, the deep deposits of permeable glacially deposited soils in the river valley and on the hill forming the right side of the valley will make this type of hydroelectric development difficult. The primary geotechnical constraints associated with dam design on the Tazimina River are the loss of water due to underseepage and abutment seepage. The potential for underseepage at the storage dam sites are best illustrated by the Tazimina River Profile shown on Figure 13. The depth of the glacial deposts overlying bedrock at both the Lower Tazimina Lake site and the River Mile 12.9 site are over 150 feet. The Roadhouse site is underlain by at least 60 feet of permeable sand and gravel. Geologic mapping, air photo interpretation, and geophysical data all suggest that much of the right wall of the Tazimina River valley within the study area consists of permeable glacial deposits. Seepage in the right abutment of most of the dam sites is believed to be a significant source of leakage as is the right side of the reservoirs behind the higher dams. The importance of reservoir leakage will depend on whether the losses are important for power generation. Treatment can be designed to provide for the stability of the embankment structure. 43 K-0469-01 6.2.2 Storage Dam Sites All three of the storage dam sites on the Tazimina River explored in the fall of 1981 are underlain by permeable soils. The Lower Tazimina Lake site is underlain by deep deposits of permeable glacial soils. Several attempts were made to run falling head permeability tests in Boring B-1. The soils were so permeable that the drill casing could not be filled, i.e., the water ran out of the hole as fast as it was pumped in. Drilling fl.uid returns were often sporadic or not present. Geophysical data indicate that bedrock is 300 to 400 feet below ground surface on the 1 eft abutment and 150 to over 200 feet below the ri ght abutment. Seismic Line SL-10, which was run across line in the natural spillway on the right side of the Lower Tazimina Lake site, indicates that bedrock is in excess of 100 feet below the ground surface in this area. The Roadhouse site appears to be more favorable since the left abutment of the dam could be carried to rock. The right abutment is underlain by deep deposits of permeable granular soils, and the topography on the right side of the river is relativ~ly flat, requiring a long axis for a low storage dam. The right abutment consists of granular glacial materials. Underseepage and abutment seepage on the right abutment are considered to be a major leakage path at this site. The provision of a cutoff in this area is impractical. The storage dam at River Mile 12.9 has the advantage of having bedrock in both abutments. Geophysical data indicate that the depth to bedrock along the left side of the river is 150 to 180 feet, and on the right side of the river some 40 to 50 feet. This was the only site explored in which the bedrock surface rose with the topography on the right side of the valley. Zones of 9000 ft/sec material 50 to 100 feet wide were encountered in the 13,000 ft/sec (bedrock) zone on the right abutment at River ~lile 12.9. These zones may indicate the presence of jointed or fractured rock which could permit leakage at the right abutment if not grouted. Such leakage would be expected to be of lesser magnitude than that anticipated in the granular soil materials. 44 K-0469-01 The River Mile 12.9 site would require a long axis of about 4000 feet. However, this is one site where a complete cutoff could be installed to limit reservoir leakage if economically justifiable. 6.2.3 Forebay Sites On the right side of the river at the Forebay sit~, bedrock is about 30 feet below the ground surface, or at about elevation 575. Approiimately 700 feet from the right bank of the river, geophysical data suggests that the bedrock surface slopes up to about eleva~ion 600. There is no indication that bedrock in the right abutment rises significantly above elevation 600, and the regional trend is for the bedrock surface to remain flat or dip to the west. A major dam could be constructed at this location, as the depth to rock on the right side of the river is easily within reach by a variety of constructi on approaches. The bedrock surface on the 1 eft bank is even closer to the ground surface. However, seepage in the right abutment is considered to be a major source of potential water loss for dams over 20 to 25 feet in height.· In our opinion, a relatively high dam (100 feet) at this location would be subject to major reservoir leakage along the right side of the valley. 6.3 Dam Safety The geologic analyses did not reveal major threats to the safety of the project from faulting or volcanic activity. The three design earthquakes might produce peak acceleration at the site in the range of 0.2 to 0.3g. In our opinion, in addition to the earthquake accelerations, the major factor influencing the safety of dams on the Tazimina River is the potential for a piping type failure from underseepage or abutment seepage. Proper treatment can precl ude such potential. The slopes within the potential reservoirs are generally comprised of granular glacial deposits. From our observations of the aerial 45 K-0469-01 photographs, geological reconnaissance and aerial reconnaissance of the site, the potential for slope failure around the reservoir is limited to small, near-surface sloughing during development of a new shorel~ne. 6.4 Construction Considerations 6.4.1 Materials There is an abundance of relatively clean, granular material in the project area in the large areas of glaciofluvial drift. These granular materials should produce materials suitable for construction of earthfill dams and the production of concrete aggregate. Granular materials, such as those sampled from Test Pits TP-2, 4, 6 and 7, should produce concrete aggregates with very little processing (see grain size curves C-12, 14, 16, 18 & 19 in Appendix C). These materials should also be suitable for the production of graded filters. Impervious core or blanket materials may be difficult to obtain in the necessary quantities. Glacial t"ill is exposed in the cutbank in the Big Bend area downstream from the ~oadhouse damsite. The cutbank, which is approximately 65 feet high, has till exposed in the lower portion of the cutbank. It is overl a in by more than 10 feet of outwash sands and gravels in most places, and the aerial extent of the till deposit is not known. A grain size analysis and moisture density relationship was performed on samples from the till cutbank. The results of these tests are presented in Figures C-13 and C-22 of Appendix C. Rock for erosion protection on the upstream portion of earth dams may be difficuli to produce. Most of the rock mapped had closely spaced joint paiterns and durable, massive riprap, if required, may be difficult to obta in. Our bori ngs whi ch di d encounter rock found that the rock generally became more competent with depth. 46 K-0469-01 6.4.2 Tunneling If an underground powerhouse scheme is utilized, rock from this excavation could be utilized in the outer zone of an earthfill dam. As previously discussed, we anticipate that reinforcing of the underground penstock and powerhouse wi 11 be requi red because of the jointed nature of the rock. 6.4.3 Penstocks and Flumes The granular soils should provlde adequate foundation materials for penstock support. Because of the permeable nature of these materials, open flumes would have to be lined. The granular soils overlying the bedrock shou 1 d permi t ready buri a 1 of penstocks 1 eadi ng to the powerhouse. 6.4.4 Slope Stability The primary area of potential slope instability is the canyon below the falls of the Tazimina River. The slopes on the left side of the canyon show evidence of creep. There are areas where the talus on the slope and the granular soils overlying the rock appear to be at or near the angle of repose. Jointed rock in spires and loose frost-shattered rock are present on the lower portions of the slope. Unless corrective measures are initiated, there is a potential for rock falls and talus slides activated by construction activities in the canyon if the powerhouse is sited in the canyon. The slope above Powerhouse Site IIBII appears to be more stable than the steeper slopes in the canyon upstream. The geophysical data indicates that the glaciofluvial soils mantle bedrock in this area. Above ground support of a penstock, or a buried penstock, both appear to be feasible at this site. 47 K-0469-01 6.4.5 Spillways Erosion of the downstream tailrace is always a concern in the design of dams. The preferred location of spillway structures is on rock in order to minimize the volume of concrete tailrace. A bedrock based spillway appears to be feasible on the left abutment of the Roadhouse, Forebay and Lower sites, and possibly the River Mile 12.9 site. At the Forebay and Lower sites, it may be desirable to utilize the existing channel of the Tazimina River, which is running on rock at these locations. 6.4.6 Cofferdamming, Dewatering and Excavating Dewatering excavations in the permeable glaciofluvial soils in the Tazimina River Valley is expected to be a major construction consideration. The slurry trench method of constructing impervious cutoff walls is expected to be the most feasible construction method. Cutoff walls of soil-bentonite are not recommended in the very permeable soils. Cement-bentonite for cutoff walls 50 feet or less in depth and lean concrete for cutoff walls over 50 feet deep are recommended. Dewatering excavations in the glaciofluvial soils can be accomplished by large diameter deep wells, or by pumping from sumps in the excavations with numerous large pumps. Pumping from screened wells is the preferred method of dewatering adjacent to structures to minimize the loss of ground through the dewatering system. We anticipate that embankment fill cofferdams incorporating dewatering systems will be installed. Cobbles were observed in the coarse gravels in some test pits, and there is the potential for encountering large ice rafted glacial erratics in the glaciofluvial materials. Embankment fill cofferdams will avoid the difficulties inherent in attempting to drive sheet piling in materials containing cobbles and boulders. 48 K-0469-0l 6.4.7 Work Areas and Access Roads In our opinion, the topography and surficial soil conditions favor development of the left side of the Tazimina River. The surficial topsoil and tundra development is relatively shallow and is underlain by granular soils. The lower slopes of Roadhouse Mountain are well drained and an access road from 11 i amna, or from the end of the Iliamna-Nondalton Road, to the site could be built and a permanent bridge over the Tazimina River would not be required. The shallow tundra soils and the presence of granular soils within a few feet of the surface should permit ready development of construction camps, staging areas and material sites adjacent to the potential damsites within the study area. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. BY~n~ Rohn D. Abbott, P.E. Vice President & Manager RDA/mhh 49 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF PERMEABILITY TESTS Lower Tazimina Lake Site Forebay Site Lower Site Roadhouse Site Depth Permeability Depth Permeability Depth Permeability Depth Permeability (ft) (cm/sec) (ft) (cm/sec) (ft) (cm/sec) (ft) (cm/sec) SOIL SOIL ROCK SOIL 9.1 .192 11 .1 0.01 7.0 1 .3 to 1. 5x 10 -3 5.0 tight hole 14.2 20.7 0.01 14.0 2.5xlO-4 11 .6 0.01 soil was too 19.4 porous to fi 11 30.7 0.02 21.0 practically 20.1 .0.01- dri 11 rod impermeable 30.2 ROCK -4 29.2 too porous to 7.1x10-5 33.0 1.3x10 to fill drill rod 49.5 33.0 practically 1.5 to 1.8xlO-5 impermeable 39.1 0.18 42.9 -4 <10-6 45.0 2.6 to 4.1xlO 49.9 too porous to 53.0 <10-6 fi 11 dri 11 rod <10-6 57.0 63.0 73.0 <10-6 83.0 practically impermeable 93.0 practically impermeable TABLE 2 EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100 + miles of damsite) Time lV1 agni tude No. Year Date (UT) Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 1 1786 59.0 154.0' 2 1883 10-06 18:00 59.0 154.0 3 1901 12-30 60.5 151.0 4 1912 06-07 09:56 59.0 153.0 5 1912 06-10 16:06 59.0 153.0 6 1931 12-24 03:41 60.0 152.0 7 1932 10-06 17:05 59.5 151.5 8 1933 04-27 03:03 59.5 151.5 9 1934 06-18 09:13 60.5 151.0 10 1936 05-18 17:22 61.0 153.0 11 1938 12-30 12:11 59.0 153.0 12 1940 10-11 07-53 59.5 152.0 13 1942 12-05 14:29 59.5 152.0 14 1944 08-14 11:07 59.0 155.0 15 1954 10-03 11:19 60.5 151.0 16 1958 01-24 23:17 60.0 152.0 17 1959 06-04 12:32 59.5 153.0 18 1959 12-26 18:19 59.74 151. 38 Intensity Other (M1\1) V V V 6.40 7.00 6.25 IV V V 6.75 V 5.75 5.50 6.00 6.50 6.25 6.75 VIlI 6.50 IV 5.50 6.25 K-0469-01 Page 1 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 7U 70 130 90 25 90 100 92 115 115 80 130 170 92 100 90 25 97 97 100 68 100 130 60 92 100 65 115 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Time JVIagni tude No. Year Date (UT) Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 19 1960 01-03 11:38 61.0 152.00 20 1961 09-25 02:27 60.50 153.00 21 1963 06-11 04:16 59.90 152.90 4.7 22 1963 06-24 04:27 59.50 151. 70 5.7 23 1963 06-24 05:44 59.40 151. 50 4.8 24 1963 06-24 06:19 58.80 154.30 4.0 25 1963 07-09 17:23 60.00 154.50 4.4 26 1963 07-30 17:38 59.30 151.70 4.4 27 1963 09-10 11:30 59.30 151. 60 4.2 28 1963 09-28 14:04 59.60 156.20 4.4 I) c 29 1964 01-06 18:31 59.50 151. 50 ~ 30 1964 02-27 23:57 60.40 153.20 4.5 ~ ) 31 1964 03-08 04:55 60.40 153.40 4.2 ~ ~ 32 1964 03-29 10:39 59.20 155.10 4.1 ~ 33 1964 03-29 12:33 59.20 153.80 4.8 -- I) 34 1964 03-29 20:59 59.20 153.00 4.6 ) ~ 35 1964 03-29 21:10 59.50 152.50 4.0 -~ 36 1964 03-29 23:26 59.20 152.60 4. 1 1 Intensity Other (MM) V 5.88 6.75 VII V l{-0469-01 Page 2 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 115 125 70 78 52 110 56 117 33 60 33 30 33 130 165 118 10 20 60 20 20 33 Time No. Year Date (UT) 37 1964 04-05 12:30 38 1964 04-09 22:13 39 1964 04-10 12:06 40 1964 04-10 21:44 41 1964 04-18 21:55 42 1964 04-26 23:19 43 1964 05-05 14:47 44 1964 05-08 05:56 45 1964 05-08 11:15 46 1964 05-12 12:58 47 1964 05-16 16:49 48 1964 05-19 13:19 49 1964 05-21 15:36 50 1964 05-29 21:11 51 1964 06-10 23:25 52 1964 06-28 19:56 53 1964 06-30 05:47 54 1964 07-23 05:48 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) IVI agni tude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 58.90 154.30 4.1 59.80 155.70 4.4 59.60 152.20 4.3 60.10 153.70 5.6 59.00 153.81 4.0 60.23 151. 68 4.6 58.87 154.56 4.2 59.20 153.90 4.4 59.93 153.05 4.3 60.04 153.38 4.2 58.94 153.12 4.0 59.70 152.30 4.2 59.00 153.50 5.3 58.93 152.61 4.1 59.10 153.80 5.1 59.10 153.10 4.4 59.10 154.00 4.6 60.79 154.01 4.8 Intensity Other (MM) 1(-0469-01 Page 3 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 10 33 25 10 34 20 76 20 25 20 10 20 33 15 77 21 14 56 33 17 15 55 Time No. Year Date (UT) 55 1964 08-08 01:08 56 1964 08-10 01:08 57 1964 09-09 03:37 58 1964 09-13 19:41 59 1964 10-03 15:05 60 1964 10-18 21:45 61 1964 10-30 20:05 62 1965 01-04 03:41 63 1965 01-06 18:28 64 1965 01-10 13:18 " c 65 1965 02-02 16:37 I> ~ 66 ~ 1965 03-18 16:50 ) 67 1965 04-24 10:21 ~ p 68 1965 05-19 05-25 E 69 1965 05-20 22:52 -- " 70 1965 06-24 05:51 ) ~ 71 1965 07-21 09:08 -~ 72 1965 07-28 14:26 ") TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 59.80 151. 80 4.2 59.80 151.80 4.2 58.90 152.80 4.6 58.80 154.90 4.7 59.10 153.20 4.1 60.30 152.30 4.1 59.20 152.60 4.1 59.90 153.60 5.4 5.1 60.00 151.80 5.2 58.70 157.10 4.6 60.70 154.30 4.5 59.70 155.90 4.8 58.60 153.20 4.7 60.90 155.70 4.1 59.80 152.60 4.3 59.60 157.10 4.7 59.10 153.90 4.5 59.00 153.80 4.5 Intensity Other (1\1 lVl) K-0469-01 Page 4 of 22 Approx. Epicentl'al Distance from Depth· Site (km) (mi) 33 33 33 83 60 96 33 122 35 53 98 33 10 33 48 58 33 96 33 53 34 Time No. Year Date (UT) 73 1965 11-25 06:31 74 1965 12-02 15:58 75 1966 02-06 23:28 76 1966 02-20 02:09 77 1966 06-07 06:46 78 1966 06-13 12:03 79 1966 08-15 19:37 80 1966 09-13 05:30 81 1966 11-05 21:37 82 1966 11-05 21:37 83 1966 12-24 22:29 84 1967 01-18 10:43 85 1967 02-06 03:27 86 1967 02-21 00:25 87 1967 02-24 18:18 88 1967 04-04 20:16 89 1967 04-30 11:12 90 1967 05-09 14:48 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS ., 59.50 154.70 4.0 59.60 153.30 4.2 60.40 152.30 5.3 60.75 152.20 4.4 59.50 153.40 4.3 59.20 152.00 4.5 61.00 152.00 4.3 58.80 154.30 4.3 59.50 152.20 4.5 58.90 154.00 4.3 59.80 153.40 5.0 60:48 152.44 4.5 60:15 152.77 4.9 60.07 152.43 4.6 60.29 153.74 4.0 59.82 151. 67 4.1 59.88 153.94 4.4 59.68 154.24 4.1 Intensity Other (MM) 1\-0469-01 Page 5 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 14 68 91 86 99 83 11 10 33 102 112 43 96 108 114 166 49 149 152 Time No. Year Date (UT) 91 1967 05-12 22:17 92 1967 07-02 12:20 93 1967 08-07 11:15 94 1967 09-03 11:31 95 1967 12-01 20:31 96 1968 01-29 18:54 97 1968 02-23 12:14 98 1968 03-28 15:04 99 1968 03-31 17:34 100 1968 08-13 11:59 101 1968 08-14 12:10 102 1968 09-05 10:45 103 1968 09-18 23:08 104 1968 10-03 09:09 105 1968 10-23 15:38 106 1968 11-01 20:49 107 1968 11-03 12:36 108 1968 11-06 01:59 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximat~ly 100+ miles of damsite) !VI agni tude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS .~, 60.15 154.49 4.7 59.80 153.30 4.0 58.70 154.60 5.1 60.50 151. 60 4.7 60.10 151. 90 4.0 59.70 153.20 5.2 59.10 153.60 4.3 59.80 153.70 4.3 59.60 153.30 4.5 60.32 153.71 4.3 60.20 153.00 4.6 60.30 152.20 4.2 60.15 153.13 4.4 59.92 151. 80 4.7 59.07 152.82 4.8 59.06 152.69 4.3 59.52 152.01 4.1 59.88 152.66 4.3 Intensity Other (MM) K-0469-01 Page 6 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from lJepth Site (kill) (rni) 95 108 37 86 79 68 131 52 67 126 79 127 103 80 11 78 n 53 88 107 Time No. Year Date (UT) 109 1968 11-20 22:22 110 1968 11-23 05:56 111 1968 12-17 07:04 112 1968 12-17 12:02 113 1968 12-17 19:53 114 1968 12-18 03:00 115 1968 12-19 08:27 116 1968 12-21 20:23 117 1968 12-22 16:07 118 1968 12-22 23:14 119 1968 12-23 01:22 120 1968 12-25 23:46 121 1969 01-21 17:00 122 1969 01-25 15:53 123 1969 01-28 13:30 124 1969 02-03 06:38 125 1969 03-12 09:25 126 1969 03-21 09:46 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 58.96 153.92 4.3 58.94 154.00 4.0 59.32 151. 65 4.6 60.20 152.80 5.9 60.07 152.57 4.9 59.79 153.90 4.2 60.05 152.68 4.1 60.04 152.54 4.3 60.01 152.73 4.2 59.97 152.69 4.4 59.99 152.69 4.7 58.71 153.83 4.1 60.06 152.55 4.0 60.08 151. 88 4.4 59.67 152.02 4.4 58.99 152.47 4.1 59.63 152.78 4.5' 59.90 152.70 4.5 Intensity Other (MM) 6.5 VI 1\.-0469-01 Page 7 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 46 33 11 86 65 115 237 110 80 114 105 116 81 83 68 46 60 33 105 Time No. Year Date (UT) 127 1969 05-05 03:37 128 1969 06-19 11:24 129 1969 07-16 14:48 130 1969 07-20 01:04 131 1969 08-03 10:57 132 1969 08-13 00:48 133 1969 08-13 14:30 134 1969 08-13 17:33 135 1969 08-27 04:53 136 1969 08-27 06:55 ~ c 137 1969 09-08 04:04 ~ 138 1969 09-16 22:44 ~ ) 139 1969 09-26 11:25 140 1970 01-14 20:28 141 1970 01-16 08:06 ~ 142 1970 02-08 01:24 ) ~ 143 1970 03-17 16:42 144 1970 04-18 08:51 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 60.04 153.25 4.0 58.93 154.00 4.1 59.18 152.04 4.3 59.29 152.44 4.4 59.98 153.53 4.4 59.07 153.47 4.0 60.07 151. 80 4.5 61.01 152.65 4.0 60.10 153.00 4.5 60.41 153.61 4.5 59.83 152.51 4.2 60.31 153.01 4.7 60.10 153.00 4.0 59.62 153.78 4.3 60.30 152.70 5.6 6.0 59.59 153.64 4.3' 58.64 153.63 3.8 4.1 59.90 152.80 5.7 Intensity Other (M1VJ) III V V K-0469-01 Page 8 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from lJepth Site (km) (mi) 132 95 71 89 135 92 69 130 107 161 64 110 97 104 91 72 95 33 94 65 Time No. Year Date (UT) 145 1970 07-13 16:01 146 1970 10-04 06:55 147 1970 11-01 17:12 148 1971 02-18 15:57 149 1971 02-24 18:39 150 1971 04-01 17:16 151 1971 04-08 05:26 152 1971 04-12 12:07 153 1971 04-17 19:46 154 1971 04-22 19:40 155 1971 05-31 08:48 156 1971 07-14 15:41 157 1971 07-15 05:36 158 1971 10-05 19:15 159 1971 10-29 13:17 1 160 1971 11-01 06:25 ) ~ 161 1971 11-12 16:23 -~ 162 1971 11-24 08:04 ) TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 60.40 152.00 4.8 60.04 152.82 4.0 60.30 154.20 4.4 60.46 153.33 4.4 58.97 152.38 4.1 60.29 153.04 4.4 58.76 153.82 4.1 60.05 152.81 4.0 59.67 152.65 4.0 60.10 152.96 5.1 60.06 152.54 4.0 59.98 152.70 4.0 60.06 153.32 4.4 60.12 153.68 4.1 60.22 153.46 4.7 59.70 152.11 4.2 60.11 153.46 4.4 60.21 151. 75 4.0 Intensity Other (MM) l\-0469-01 Page 9 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 104 90 182 145 49 111 26 89 75 110 59 78 82 150 162 141 57 134 60 Time No. Year Date (UT) 163 1971 12-09 00:22 164 1971 12-26 09:38 165 1972 01-01 20:03 166 1972 01-02 18:16 167 1972 01-20 09:24 168 1972 02-05 03:08 169 1972 02-13 22:40 170 1972 02-27 13:49 171 1972 03-01 20:38 172 1972 03-28 19:39 173 1972 03-29 21:01 174 1972 04-02 13:08 175 1972 04-07 03:16 176 1972 04-20 15:15 177 1972 04-20 17:27 178 1972 05-04 06:32 179 1972 06-10 22:51 180 1972 06-14 00:53 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) lVlagni tude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 60.13 153.11 4.1 59.81 152.98 4.7 58.67 153.52 4.1 59.34 153.75 4.5 60.70 153.24 4.6 60.30 153.62 4.6 59.94 154.20 4.9 59.16 151. 62 4.0 59.64 152.77 4.6 59.76 153.36 4.3 59.86 153.10 5.1 60.11 153.57 4.9 60.13 152.75 5.1 60.19 152.14 4.7 59.89 153.58 4.5 60.14 152.75 4.6 59.93 152.64 4.5 60.50 153.41 5.2 Intensity Other (lVllVt ) I V V K-0469-01 Page 10 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 104 95 60 96 138 142 153 50 101 34 126 53 123 98 66 85 88 138 84 114 152 57 Time No. Year Date (UT) 181 1972 06-20 04:16 182 1972 08-19 06:28 183 1972 08-22 06:10 184 1972 11-28 01:33 185 1972 12-18 02:54 186 1973 01-18 21:35 187 1973 05-20 18:18 188 1973 05-26 23:05 189 1973 07-15 02:15 "190 1973 07-19 15:05 191 1973 09-05 18:59 192 1973 09-28 14:02 193 1973 10-13 23:44 194 1973 10-27 20:43 195 1973 11-11 16:45 196 1973 11-17 22:41 197 1973 11-23 04:18 198 1973 12-19 01:19 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within appl'Oximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 59.56 153.56 5.1 59.08 153.35 4.2 59.87 152.18 4.4 59.72 153.45 4.8 60.84 153.34 5.0 60.14 153.42 4.0 60.97 152.44 4.9 60.16 153.96 4.4 59.37 152.44 4.1 60.23 151.76 4.7 59.90 152.84 4.3 60.73 153.31 4.4 60.12 152.89 4.0 59.84 152.78 4.4 60.00 153.51 . 4.4 59.82 153.26 4.5 60.02 153.25 4.0 59.65 153.17 4.0 Intensity Other (MIVJ) II II K-0469-01 Page 11 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (ml) 98 46 76 71 127 165 76 144 118 171 79 95 124 167 147 118 141 128 119 140 Time No. Year Date (UT) 199 1974 01-07 08:27 200 1974 01-22 10:43 201 1974 01-23 22:39 202 1974 02-10 22:06 203 1974 03-04 18:56 204 1974 04-13 13:35 205 1974 07-02 12:03 206 1974 07-08 13:15 207 1974 07-29 11:38 208 1974 08-06 02:38 209 1974 09-08 19:13 210 1974 09-10 05:26 211 1974 09-15 10:03 212 1974 09-15 10:14 213 1974 09-24 15:39 214 1974 10-04 08:57 215 1974 10-06 01:41 216 1974 10-06 13:38 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 59.81 153.72 4.9 60.13 153.34 4.6 58.66 153.28 4.0 59.13 152.50 4.6 59.51 152.78 5.0 58.81 153.70 4.3 59.52 152.61 4.0 59.54 154.28 4.0 59.71 152.73 4.5 60.25 153.32 5.0 60.89 152.48 4.0 59.90 151.71 3.7 3.7 59.83 152.84 4.1 59.89 152.89 4.5 59.71 153.36 4.0 60.11 153.08 4.1 60:02 153.26 4.1 60.26 152.66 4.0 Intensity Other (1VllV1 ) V IV V K-0469-01 Page 12 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 128 152 62 61 122 70 19 76 152 84 68 136 50 127 86 101 93 95 131 123 126 98 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Time Magnitude No. Year Date (UT) Lat. N Long. W mb ML lVl S 217 1974 11-06 09:23 60.19 153.85 4.4 218 1974 11-14 04:49 58.80 154.62 5.5 5.4 5.6 219 1974 11-14 06:04 58.65 153.60 4.4 220 1974 11-14 07:35 59.37 153.42 4.1 221 1974 11-15 03:02 58.74 154.64 4.8 4.1 222 1974 11-15 05:44 58.84 154.45 3.8 223 1974 11-22 18:04 60.27 153.30 4.6 224 1974 12-13 15:34 60.03 152.88 4.2 225 1974 12-19 22:15 60.86 152.56 4.1 226 1975 01-25 03:59 59.93 152.64 4.5 4.2 227 1975 02-05 01:14 60.06 152.73 4.2 228 1975 02-10 ·14:04 60.10 153.46 4.8 229 1975 02-18 19:02 59.89 153.92 4.0 4.8 230 1975 02-22 20:21 60.01 152.95 4.1 231 1975 03-06 09:02 58.76 154.94 4.0 232 1975 03-09 18:49 60.07 153.25 4.0 233 1975 03-20 01:21 59.70 153.00 4.0 4.4 234 1975 03-25 12:17 59.64 153.65 4.0 Intensity Other (MM) 5.3 IV V 1\-0469-01 Page 13 of 22 Approx. Epicentrnl Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 194 37 80 33 97 42 84 60 78 158 105 129 114 128 162 97 109 153 128 118 95 Time No. Year Date (UT) 235 1975 04-19 00:26 236 1975 04-30 04:29 237 1975 05-04 07:56 238 1975 05-21 22:57 239 1975 06-01 13:11 240 1975 06-06 11:26 241 1975 06-17 14:48 242 1975 06-24 07:15 243 1975 06-29 10:45 244 1975 07-15 02:57 245 1975 07-29 22:02 246 1975 08-22 15:50 247 1975 08-23 06:40 248 1975 08-24 04:40 249 1975 09-12 23:40 250 1975 09-19 21:46 251 1975 09-24 08:40 252 1975 10-05 11:58 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN lVIAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 58.71 154.15 4.6 60.08 153.24 4.9 60.13 153.35 4.5 59.56 154.11 4.6 59.79 153.75 4.2 59.12 151. 75 4.4 59.94 152.24 4.3 60.10 153.37 5.0 59.73 153.11 5.5 60.13 153.42 4.3 60.20 153.40 4.4 60.12 153.44 4.7 4.6 59.01 154.26 4.5 59.73 153.44 4.4 59.79 152.63 4.0 59.81 153.52 4.2 59.87 152.91 4.1 60.28 153.24 4.3 Intensity Other (iVllV1 ) 1\.-0469-01 Page 14 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from lJepth Site (km) (mi) 93 152 151 100 141 44 80 163 45 110 160 154 160 167 134 78 130 106 161 Time No. Year Date (UT) 253 1975 10-08 15:33 254 1975 10-16 13:12 255 1975 10-22 19:36 256 1975 11-02 14:32 257 1975 11-04 04:11 258 1975 11-07 17:07 259 1975 11-22 12:14 260 1975 11-25 18:51 261 1975 12-14 03:49 n 262 1975 12-27 22:38 r 263 1976 01-04 23:29 ~ ~ 264 1976 01-06 02:07 ~ ) 265 1976 01-23 19:14 ~ " 266 1976 01-26 01:42 ~ ~ 1976 02-05 22:42 -267 - J'I ) 268 1976 02-13 19:58 ~ 269 1976 02-19 09:04 -~ 270 1976 02-28 18:28 ) TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML lViS 60.06 152.86 4.1 60.20 153.18 5.3 59.81 153.28 4.0 59.36 153.54 4.8 4.9 61.00 152.77 4.1 59.01 154.16 4.1 59.41 153.17 4.3 60.10 153.34 4.3 59.77 153.43 4.3 59.93 153.63 4.3 58.98 153.63 4.8 4.4 58.95 153.80 4.0 60.01 152.88 4.1 60.13 153.17 4.6 4.8 60.15 153.29 4.3 59.89 153.06 4.1 59.80 153.49 4.5 59.66 152.92 4.2 Intensity Other (MM) K-0469-01 Page 15 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from uepth Site (km) (mi) lUI 99 53 125 112 157 102 102 155 136 155 29 76 33 ·125 148 146 119 138 88 Time No. Year Date (UT) 271 1976 03-14 03:32 272 1976 04-09 06:18 273 1976 04-10 19:37 274 1976 04-18 07:22 275 1976 04-18 10:33 276 1976 05-03 17:47 277 1976 05-09 00:10 278 1976 06-09 08:57 279 1976 07-27 18:27 280 1976 07-27 20:23 281 1976 08-22 02:02 282 1976 08-30 08:18 283 1976 08-30 19:03 284 1976 10-25 12:27 285 1976 10-31 23:14 286 1976 11-06 00:08 287 1976 11-30 06:23 288 1976 12-17 18:33 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb lVIL lVl S 60.10 153.35 4.1 5.1 60.88 152.49 4.1 59.61 152.54 4.2 60.09 152.74 4.3 4.1 59.80 153.34 4.9 58.91 154.40 4.7 59.86 153.07 4.7 3.9 59.32 153.35 4.4 59.21 152.30 4.2 59.37 152.67 4.1 60.22 153.30 5.5 5.8 59.87 153.24 4.9 59.70 153.27 4.0 59.77 154.03 4.2 59.83 153.17 4.6 60.05 153.52 4.9 59.92 153.36 4.7 60.16 152.61 4.0 Intensity Other (iVl M) IV V IV K-0469-01 Page 16 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 146 128 79 100 139 142 38 103 85 72 144 50 .117 105 163 131 119 127 118 Time No. Year .Date (UT) 289 1976 12-24 14:39 290 1977 01-04 14:57 291 1977 01-09 03:53 292 1977 03-06 22:41 293 1977 03-24 16:13 294 1977 06-01 07:13 295 1977 06-10 04:45 296 1977 06-16 01:25 297 1977 06-25 20:36 298 1977 07-18 20:17 299 1977 07-20 18:06 300 1977 07-21 18:08 301 1977 08-05 20:30 302 1977 08-08 07:37 303 1977 09-17 18:26 304 1977 09-19 08:08 305 1977 09-19 22:18 306 1977 09-26 18:22 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 60.37 151.78 4.3 59.53 152.99 4.2 59.93 153.36 4.2 59.71 152.66 4.1 59.96 153.38 4.4 60.13 153.30 4.0 59.75 153.46 4.5 60.02 153.59 4.7 59.96 153.18 4.4 59.90 152.96 4.0 60.13 152.47 4.1 4.4 60.00 153.32 4.3 59.91 152.12 4.0 60.25 153.07 4.3 61.03 152.92 4.8 4.5 59.91 152.84 4.8 4.2 60.19 152.53 4.5 60.38 152.92 4.4 Intensity Other (MM) IV 1\.-0469-01 Page 17 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (km) (mi) 89 119 132 106 149 152 131 176 132 123 107 141 52 134 150 116 104 137 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Time Magnitude No. Year Date (UT) Lat. N Long. W mb ML lVl S 307 1977 10-12 12:56 59.97 152.30 4.1 3.4 308 1977 10-16 04:26 59.88 152.55 4.6 309 1977 10-16 16:29 59:05 153.06 4.7 310 1977 11-21 13:35 59.26 152.55 " 4.4 311 1977 12-16 21:49 59.77 153.45 4.9 4.5 312 1977 12-27 15:10 60.39 153.70 5.2 6.0 313 1977 12-28 07:02 59.52 152.39 4.2 314 1978 01-22 02:03 60.22 152.24 4.7 315 1978 01-27 18:53 60.37 151.12 4.7 4.4 316 1978 02-12 08:57 59.45 152.62 5.4 4.8 317 1978 02-13 01:17 59.86 153.76 4.9 4.6 318 1978 02-26 10:53 60.07 152.85 4.4 319 1978 03-05 00:34 59.96 153.60 4.5 4.4 320 1978 03-05 13:53 60.03 153.38 4.2 321 1978 03-06 20:47 58.95 154.30 4.89 322 1978 03-10 02:34 60.23 154.81 4.3 323 1978 03-20 03:59 60.18 153.61 4.9 4.9 324 1978 03-20 08:16 59.80 153.24 4.3 Intensity Other (M l'v1) V I IV III V II 1\-0469-01 Page 18 of 22 Approx. Epicenh'al . Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 115 83 72 87 !H 118 175 45 77 120 70 72 80 131 125 46 163 129 44 153 145 Time No. Year Date (UT) 325 1978 03-31 00:19 326 1978 04-09 17:13 327 1978 04-16 08:49 328 1978 04-19 01:49 329 1978 04-21 10:01 330 1978 04-25 07:36 331 1978 05-29 06:25 332 1978 06-21 22:59 333 1978 07-11 15:44 ~ 334 1978 07-15 12:21 --335 1978 07-20 05:45 ~ 336 1978 08-01 05:21 ~ ) 337 1978 08-04 00:01 ~ 338 1978 08-06 14:22 339 1978 08-09 07:46 340 1978 08-14 01:59 341 1978 08-18 18:52 342 1978 08-19 21:28 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 on INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 60.33 152.52 4.5 4.1 60.69 151. 84 4.5 4.5 59.48 152.73 4.2 .'~ 60.14 153.54 4.6 4.8 60.00 151. 83 4.1 60.05 153.46 4.5 4.3 60.08 153.42 4.1 59.42 153.03 4.0 60.93 151.78 4.4 59.59 152.67 4.1 4.4 60.69 152.76 4.10 59.63 152.56 4.3 59.93 153.47 4.5 59.79 151.?? 4.6 59.57 152.87 4.1 60.23 153.47 4.4 59.88 153.53 5.4 5.9 59.97 153.26 4.3 Intensity Other (M lV1) III 11 5.7 1\ -0469-01 Page 19 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 128 101 78 158 92 171 152 20 103 156 86 171 97 112 184 123 38 136 Time No. Year Date (UT) 343 1978 08-22 19:45 344 1978 08-23 12:49 345 1978 08-29 23:07 346 1978 09-01 17:39 347 1978 09-02 07:33 348 1978 09-08 09:26 349 1978 09-13 05:24 350 1978 09-13 15:07 351 1978 09-15 18:09 352 1978 09-22 18:14 353 1978 09-24 19:41 354 1978 10-14 18:09 355 1978 12-06 11:06 356 1978 12-09 00:51 357 1979 01-25 19:30 358 1979 02-01 12:29 359 1979 02-09 18:49 360 1979 03-07 12:11 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W· mb iVl L MS 60.27 152.86 4.2 59.96 152.76 4.55 60.24 153.64 4.5 59.76 153.41 4.2 4.4 59.55 152.16 4.0 60.06 153.54 4.2 59.93 152.39 4.0 60.35 152.03 4.35 59.96 153.11 4.7 4.0 60.43 153.26 4.3 59.28 153.28 4.13 59.85 153.38 4.3 60.14 153.26 4.5 60.36 152.29 4.4 60.13 153.12 5".5 5.5 60.24 152.84 4.8 4.7 60.06 152.59 4.8 5.0 59.72 153.11 4.3 4.3 Intensity Other (IVlM) IV K-0469-01 Page 20 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Depth Site (kill) (mi) 135 118 209 139 69 185 117 39 128 191 98 154 137 117 105 54 109 88 121 Time No. Year Date (UT) 361 1979 03-31 14:25 362 1979 04-04 02:34 363 1979 04-04 08:16 364 1979 04-16 11:11 365 1979 04-20 08:43 366 1979 06-04 05:07 367 1979 06-26 04:27 368 1979 07-04 08:16 369 1979 07-09 02:54 370 1979 07-13 04:06 371 1979 07-16 23:46 372 1979 10-27 22:17 373 1979 11-25 14:21 374 1979 12-22 10:26 375 1980 01-01 07:53 376. 1980 01-08 19:18 377 1980 02-10 02:32 378 1980 03-06 17:00 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 Ok INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 58.82 152.94 4.4 60.38 153.36 4.3 60.32 153.60 4.5 59.18 154.07 4.1 59.32 152.36 4.4 59.85 153.21 4.2 4.0 59.84 153.30 4.0 59.83 153.65 4.4 4.73 58.84 154.43 4.22 58.96 152.58 4.36 60.86 153.02 4.6 59.38 152.90 4.1 60.23 153.03 4.1 4.2 59.15 153.98 4.3 60.20 152.33 4.2 4.0 59.94 153.41 4.2 61. 27 152.17 4.0 59.76 153.23 4.1 Intensity Other (1Vl,vJ) 1\-0469-01 Page 21 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Distance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 93 166 174 156 85 121 132 153 124 88 141 77 152 139 93 146 140 127 Time No. Year Date (UT) 379 1980 03-17 07:38 380 1980 06-15 19:02 381 1980 06-17 09:16 382 1980 08-12 14:44 383 1980 08-13 03:53 384 1980 08-25 13:38 385 1980 08-30 00:18 386 1980 09-01 19:47 387 1980 09-05 05:46 388 1980 09-13 07:24 389 1980 09-21 21:00 390 1980 11-22 16:27 391 1980 11-25 00:05 392 1980 11-28 17:44 393 1980 11-30 "21:32 394 1981 01-31 23:59 395 1981 02-11 16:02 TABLE 2 (cont) EARTHQUAKES EQUAL TO OR LARGER THAN MAGNITUDE 4.0 OR INTENSITY V (within approximately 100+ miles of damsite) Magnitude Lat. N Long. W mb ML MS 59.98 153.14 4.9 4.3 60.04 153.30 4.4 60.28 153.46 4.4 59.98 152.84 5.0 59.25 151.78 4.0 59.95 152.53 4.8 3.1 59.52 152.84 4.5 59.37 154.81 4.3 3.6 60.16 153.21 4.0 59.84 152.25 4.3 60.10 152.93 4.2 59.33 154.57 4.6 60.46 152.26 4.3 60.24 152.24 4.6 59.43 153.28 4.9 58.99 152.10 4.8 59.32 153.12 4.1 Intensity Other (lVlM) III III K-0469-01 Page 22 of 22 Approx. Epicentral Uistance from Uepth Site (km) (mi) 132 120 171 110 61 53 33 75 81 33 153 100 130 137 112 111 87 62 115 109 C 1&1 (I) " Z a: 1&1 ID IIAP OF ALASKA SCALE IN IIILES o 200 400 ----- SIX MILE LAKE ___ NEWHALEN RIVER --.. KUKAKLEK LAKE ~ NONVIANVK LAKE TAZIIiINA RIVER STUDY AREA TAZIMINA LAKE LAKE AUGUSTINE ISLAND G COOK INLET ~ SCALE IN IIILES o 25 50 -~- 75 LOCATION IIAP T.zlmln. River Hydroele c Irlc ProJ e c I Slo.e a Webeler Engr. Corp. December 1881 SHANNON' IILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-04e8-01 FIG. 1 " j') I I I I • I Depth ln Feet 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 I I I • • I I I B-1 Lower Lake Site Left Abutment Surface Elev. '""676 I 1. 0 r:~:.,..,~...,.~~.~:.~ .... SILT • I I I I I B-4 Roadhouse Site Right Abutment Surface Elev. """632' 1.0 0."\1: ~SILT '.'p. I I 0. ... . P.· .. sandy GRAVEL ·QO /'(i: ::.:':; gravelly SAND 00" 15. 0 ;~~: ...sL..15. 7 19.4 30.0 ~ ~ ... ~:: ...... :. :: . ': .. :. ", " ': -: .. ' :·t, ," . . . . . . ' . '. sandy GRAVEL ..5L34.8 ·E·· SAND ... ": .. '0. ", ' .. ".,: . , ... " .. .... : " i~:: . ·.·.'.1 1: ,:. 68.0 / // clayey SILT 74.3 89.0' 31.0 "0 ...... . ?:~'$. gravelly SAND ... " .: " .. ;'6< 59.9' GRAVEL I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I B-2 Forebay Site Right Abutment. B-3 Lower Site Right Abutment Sur'f~ce Elev. ~608' Surface Elev. ~621' 0.5....,.,,= .... 30.7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · . • • · . • • • • • • · . • • • • • • • • • • · . . • • • • • • • · . . • • · . . • • · . . • • · . . • • • • • • • · . . silty SAND sandy GRAVEL. welded LITHIC TUFF (closely to very closely jointed) ~f6~ gravelly SAND 4.9 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · . . • • welded LITHIC TUFF ••••• ..5L 25.8 · . . • • · . . • • • • • • • · . . • • · . . • • · . . ••••• (closely to • • • • • • • · . . • • · . . • • · . . • • • • • • • • • • • • · . . • • • • • • • · . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 69.0' very closely jointed) SUMMARY OF BORING LOGS 100.1' Tazimind River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-0469-01 FIG. 2 r--, i I , j , , , , j r--, , I , , J I , , , , ,....., ! j , ; 750 r-EAST' 700 I- ""--650 -------600 ----'"" w W 550 II. Z -w 500 0 :::l l--I-450 ...I « 400 350 r--------300 250 I I I I a 100 200 300 750 r-SO UTH EAST 700 -LOWER TAZIMINA /LAKE ______ 650 ---' I-w w II. 600 -Z - W 0 :::l 550 l-I--I- ...I' « 500 I- 450 -V-- 400 I I I 0 100' 200 300 Prepared By I,D rafted By Reviewed By Approved By: 1~5o'n' %r ~ "lgl M1"c.,/ L·.4' /~kl h1.:b.!/1!d/iJr 1.1/$ r LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE SITE SL·' ---LEFT ABUTMENT 1500 FT/SEC ,-~ ~ 4450 FT/SEC -./ ,../ /'" - 5350 FT/SEC ~ ~ --~ 3,500 FT /SEC I I I I I I 400 500 600 700 ,800 900 1000 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE INl='EET LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE SITE SL·2 R GHT ABUTMENT 1500 FT/SEC - 5300 FT/SEC . ~ ---...- 6,000 FT/SEC . I I I I I I I 400 500 600 700 800 900 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET WEST -750 700 B-1 - LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE~ 1500 FT/SEC LEGEND :-650 4450 FT/SEC c \/ .... ~ NUMBERS ON PROFILES ~ 1500 FT/SEC ARE AVERAGE P.WAVE .-600 VELOCITIES THROUGH SAND and ~ V , THE GROUN,D GRAVEL I-w ----INTERPRETED CON,TACT ,-550 w BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS, II. z B·1 -1 500 w ,LOCATION OF TEST ,- 0 BORING iM 5350 FT/SEC I :::l I- 450 I-SL·10 INTERSECTI()N OF SEISMIC ,-...I I PROFILES « -~ -400 ~ r------, 13,500 FT/SEC -350 NOTES -300 PROFILES ARE VIEWED DOWNRIVER . 'LOCATIOflj OF PROFILES ARE SHOWN ON, I I I I I I I I 250 SIT'E'PLAN (PLATE 1) 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 J GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED \ UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED NORTHWEST -750 METHODS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR· -700 FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDERING THE 1500 FT/SEC , SL~10 . GEOPHYSICAL RESULTS AND ALL OTHER -I INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE -650 RESULTS ARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURE 1-" AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A REASON-w ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF w II. EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE , . -600 Z LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS 5300 FT/SEC -EMPLOYED. w 0 -550 :::l l-----j..----' l- 6,000 FT /SEC ...I « -500 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES -450 LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE SITE Tazimina River I I I I I I I 400 Hydroelectric Project 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Stone &. Webster Engr. Corp. DECEMBER 1981. K-0469-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. 3 Gootochnical Consultants l ; I ; l ; r: ! , j .-, I I : ; r r , I , ! 800 r-SOUTHEAST SL·3 LEFT ABUTMENT 750 - ____ rt'300 FT /S E C ~ 700 ~~~ -r-....... 6000 FT/SEC ~O,500 FT/SEC 650 TAZIMINA RIVER I-............ w ~~-A • w. II. 6000 FT/SEC 2 600 --w C ::::I 550 . I-PROBABLE UNDEFINED LAYER 7 -I-(13,000 FT/SEC7) ..I <C 500 --450 400 350 , I I I 1 L , 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 750,-SOUTHEAST' SL·5 LEFT ABUTMENT 70'0' f- ...:::::--1300' FT /SEC 1-. w ~ --..~ 650 w :::---... II. 5,00'0' FT/SEC 2 -w 60'0' C ::::I l- I-550 ..I <C 500 450 I j L I I 0 10'0 20'0' 300 40'0' 500 Prepared By Drafted By Reviewed By Approved By "/v ;r, ~ If/B/ ~;~ I /V!,J':" II ed7J, a/B! '7!hr ROADHOUSE SITE B·4 ~ <-SAND and GRAVEL , I I I 700 800 900 1000 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET FOREBAY SITE 6 -6 I I TAZIMINA RIVER -~ / I I , l' 60'0 70'0' 800 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET . SL·4 NORTHWEST-800 RIGHT ABUTMENT LEGEND -750 " NUMBERS ON PROFILES " 1300 FT/SEC ARE AVERAGE P-WAVE -700 VELOCITIES THROUGH THE GROUND INTERPRETED CONTACT 1300 FT/SEC --BETWEEN VELOCITY 650 UNITS 1-' W 5000 FT/SEC w INTERPItETED PROBABLE I· II. ---CONTACT BETWEEN 600 2' VELOCITY UNITS - w ~ TAZIMINA RIVER C 550 ::::I. 6 ANGLE POINT BETWEEN 9750 FT/SEC I-SEISMIC LINES -I- ..I B-4 -~ <C 1 LOCATION OF TEST -----500 .; BORING -~ 3,000 FT/SEC STATIC WATER LEVEL 2.. MEASURED DURING 450 DRILLING 400 NOTES PROFILES ARE VIEWED DOWNRIVER I I I I I I , 350 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 180'0' LOCATION OF PROFILES ARE SHOWN ON SITE ,PLAN (PLATE 11 GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED METHODS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED SL-6 NORTHWEST-750' UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR' RIGHT ABUTME'NT FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDERING THE GEOPHYSICAL R ESUL TS AND ALL OTHER -700-INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTS ARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURE 13DOFT/S~ AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A REASON' . ~ I-ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF w ___ /~5~D FT/SEC -650 w EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE 130'0' FT/SEC"\ I II. LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS B-2 1----2 , . EMPLOYED. --.1Sl-"r----~OOO FT/SEC --r----600' w " ----1---' --~-c 1\ '--GRi VEL ---::::I 5,000' FT/SEC I---550' I- ,;"J '-TUFF <C SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES -ROADHOUSE SITE & FOREBAY SITE -50'0 Tazimina River I L J I I I 450' Hydroelectric Project 900 10'0'0' 1100 120'0' 1300' 140'0 1500 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. DECEMBER 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants FIG. 4 . , I 1 • n : i ,-, , I , I I : , , : i I ; i1 , Prepared By I /{,'j;~ ~lyS[ I-w w u.. z w c ::::> l- I- ...I <t I-w w u.. z -w c ::::> I--I- ...I <t 800 -EAST LEFT ABUTMENT 750 - 700 - 650 t- LOWER SITE WEST -800 RIGHT ABUTMENT -750 1300 FT/SEC~ -700 3000 FT/SEC~~ L 1 ____ -650 "" 600 £1300 FT/SEC ,/ ~========~~~~~~t=====~~~~~~~~T~A~Z~I:M~I:N~A~R~IV~E:RvvvvVV~Y/~~B~·~~~~~~-'~1~0~,0~0~0~F~T~/~S~E~C~ . -600 3,500 FT/SEC ' t--F\ SAND TUFF 550 r----------r---------t----------t----------r---------t----------t-----t----r---------t~----~-550 500r----------r---------t----------t----------r---------t----------t----------r---------t----------500 450 I I, I I I I I I 450 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET I-w w u.. z w c ::::> I- I- ...I <t 550,NORTH POWERHOUSE SITE SOUTH-550 SLog 800, SOUTHWEST LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE ~ITE SL-10 NORTHEAST -800 500 f- 450 f- 400t- 1300 FT/SECpr::---- 3200 FT/:C y 350 r==~~===::::::::~--t--9650 FT/SEC 300r----------r---------+------ 250r---------~---------+------ 200r----------+----------+------- -500 -450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 150~---~1--~----1~--~--~~--~150 o 100 200 300 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET I-w w u.. z w c ::::> l- I- ...I <t I-w w u.. z w c ::::> l- I- ...I, <t 750 t--750 700 t--700 -650 600r---------4----------+----------~--------~---------+--------600 5300 FT/SEC ----550 6,000 FT/SEC 500r---------4----------+----------r---------~---------+--------500 450~--------4----------+----------~--------~---------+--------450 400L-__ ~I ____ ~ ___ L-L __ _L __ _J~ ____ ~ ___ ~I __ ~--~I--~~---~I~~400 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 41i:fJted By Reviewed By Approved By ~/B/ /?n#I,/!_'L ,yP/ h1J?i/k:trA pil/ . I-w w u.. Z -w C ::::> I--I- ...I <t 1300 FT/SEC LEGEND NUMBERS ON PROFILES ARE AVERAGE P·WAVE VELOCITIES THROUGH THE GROUND ~ _______ INTERPRETED CONTACT BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS INTEI'IPRETED PROBABLE -- -CONTACT BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS. ~ TAZIII'IINA RIvER' SL·2 INTERSECTION OF SEISMIC I PROFILES Bl-3 LOCATION OF TEST BORING STATIC WATER LEVEL 5L MEASURED DURING DRILLING' NOTES PROFILES 7, 8, AND 9 ARE VIEWED DOWN RIVER, PROFILE 10 IS PERPENDICULAR TO PROFILE 2 LOCATION OF PROFILES ARE SHOWN ON SITE PLAN'(PLATE 1) GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED' UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS' MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED METHODS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR- FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDER ING THE GEOPHYSICAL RESULTS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTS ARE INTER'PRETIVE IN NATURE AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A REASON- ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS EMPLOYED. SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES LOWER SITE, POWERHOUSE SITE, & LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE SITE Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. DECEMBER 1981 K .. 0469-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. G eotech nical Consu ltants FIG. 5 , , n , ' i ! I , rj I : , , , " , , I ,1 I. , i , , : J r; , , ; , i , , ; I-w w u. 2 w 0 :::) l- I- ..J ~ I-w w u. 2 w 0 :::) l- I- ..J ~ 1000 -SOUTH :::.:::--950 ~ 900 .850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 o 700 - 650 - ,600 - 550 f- 500 f- 450 - 400 ....... L 100 . I 1800 ----= r---- . I I 200 I 1900 2000 ·12.9 MILE SiTE SL-11 LEFT ABUTMENT (0-1800 FT,) ~ :--r-_ ~ ~ ~ ~~1000 FT/S·EC , ~ :OOOFTI~~ ~ --'::::::::::::r--~OFT/SEC~ ~ 13,500 FT/SEC ------t:::::::::==r--~ ? -1500 FT/SEC ~ 5000 FT/SEC - .3,500 FT/SEC . I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 12.9 MILE SITE SLg11 (Cont.) (1500 FT/SEC --:500 FT/SEC \ LEFT ABUTMENT (1800·3500 FTol -to - 5000 FT/SEC 5000 FT/SEC '-~3,500 FT/SEC p,500 FT /S.EC 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100, . HORIZONTAL DISTANCE INFEET -I- 1 1 1500 I 3200 3300 ~ --- 1600 ----r-- .1 I 1700 -1000 -950 -900 -850 -800 -750 -700 650 600 550 500 1800 NORTH -700 A TAZIMINA RIVER~ _ .~ 650 -600 -550 -500 ........ 1 -450 1 I 400 3400 3500 ,I-w w u. 2 w Q :::) I- I- ..J ~. I-w w u. 2 w 0 :::) I- I- ..J ~ 1500 FT}SEC --- LEGEND NUMBERS ON PROFILE ARE AVERAGE P-WAVE VELOCITIES THROUGH THE GROUND ZONE OF LATERAL VELOCITY CHANGE INTERPRETED CONTACT BETWEE~ VELOCITy'UN-ITS INTERPRETED PROBABLE CONTACT BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS' TAZIMINA RIVER ANGLE POINT BI!TWEEN SEISMIC LINES NOTES PROFILE IS VII'WED DOWNRIVER LOCATION OF PROFILE IS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN (PLATE 11 GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED METHO.DS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR- FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDERING THE GEOPHYSICAL RESULTS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTS ARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURE AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A REASON- ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS EMPLOYED. SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 12.9 MILE SITE -LEFT ABUTMENT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. DECEMBER 1981 K.0469"()2 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultanu FIG. 6 !I I , I I! I , , , , , n I : I I , J n : I ~ ! I n , I , I n I ' , I n , . , [l ! ! I, , r : I i1 I • i ) I-w w II. 2 -w c ::I I- I- ...I « 1000."" SOUTH 950 - 900 - 850 - 800 - 750 - 700 - 8 ~SL'11 I 650 TAZIM INA RIVER 8 I 12.9 MIL,E SITE SL-12 RIGHT ABUTMENT 5000 FT/SEC NORTH -1000 5000 FT/SEC......, ~ .. ~ 950 L -1500FT/SEC ~~~--- _ -~ -r-__ -=---~ 900 ~ -----=-=----~ ~ \ ,.. . 13,000 FT/SEC 1500 FT/SEC ~~~~--r-----~~_r----------+---------~----r-----~----------r_--------_r----------+_--~850 __ ....... -::;' ;...rf--::::,-~,OOOIFT/SEC 7000' FT/SEC ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~"---~--~(r----------+----~----r_---------+----------~--------~r_--------_r----------+_---------+----~800 . ~ k:-::: 5000 FT/SEC~f.-~ 9000 FT/SEC . '\~ . /""';./' ~ 13,000 FT/SEC ,~~~./~~'~'../'--+--------+--------r--------r--------r-------~------~--------~-------+--------r--------r--------~~700 ::;.-~ ..... ~ _~r'"'"---~ ~ . .....--1"\ - 750 ~9r.I~--.~-~----r~----~~-4r---+-.-----+----------~--------~-----------r----------r----------r----------+---------~----------~--------~r----------r----------+---~650 r-9000 FT/SEC ~-r----t 600 r-1/ 3,000 FT/SEC r_--------r_--------+---------~--------_r--------_+--------~--------~r_--------r_--------+_------~~--------_r--------_r--------~--------~r_--------r_--------+_--------~--------~--~600 550r_--------~--------_+----------r_--------~--------_+----------r_--------~--------_+----------+_--------_r--------~----------+_~------_r~------~r_--------+_--------_+--------~~--------4_--~550 500r---------r_--------+-------~~--------_r--------_+--------~--------~--~------r_--~----+_--------~--------~--------~--------_+--------~r_--------r_--------+_--------4_--------~--~500 r--1 450r---------r_--------+---------~--------_r--------_+--------_+--------~----------r_--------+_--------4_--------~--------~--------_+--------~r_--------r_--------+_--------4_--------~--~450 400 L I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I 400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 450.0 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET Prepared By Drafted By R~viewed By Approved By I~~ //8/ ~11/81 /nu'L '~N/!/ m,RUBJjj, 11/8/ I-w W II. 2 w C ::I l- I- ...I « 1500 FT/SEC --- LEGEND NUMBERS ON PROFILE AREAVERAGEP.WAVE VELOCITIES THROUGH THE GROUND ZONE OF LATERAL VELOCITY CHANGE INTERPR EtED CONTACT BETWEEN VELOCITY UNLTS INTERPRETED PROBABLE CONTACT BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS TAZIMINA RIVER ANGLE POINT BETWEEN SEISMIC LINES NOTES PROFILE IS VIEWED DOWNRIVIiR LdCATION OF PROFILE IS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN (PLATE 11 GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED METHODS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR' FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDERING THE GEOPHYSICAL RESULTS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTS ARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURE AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A REASON- ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS EMPLOYED. SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 12.9 MILE SITE· RIGHT ABUTMENT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp, DECEMBER 1981' K·0469·02 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants FIG, 7 750 -SOUTHEAST PENSTOCK SITE NORTHWEST-750 SL-13 -, -700 :::::::~ -700 /1350 FT/SEC ....... ,. 650 ~AZIMINA RIVER ~ -650 l- i I----3200 FT/SEC w w i , W W u.. 4,000 FT /SEC u.. 2 60.0 -600 2 " --w w Q Q ::J ::J 550 -550 I- 'I l- I-I- oJ oJ '<I: <I: 500 -500 r-> , , -450 450 r 400 I I I I I I 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 .-, HORIZONTAL DisTANCE IN FEET r " , 'I 700, SOUTHEAST PENSTOCK SITE NORTHWEST -700 SL·15 650 r--650 r-, /1350 FT/SEC -TAZIMINA RIVER~ 600 r--600 ,I---........ -,-, W -' 4500 FTiSEC w ---r---u.. 550 I--550 2 3,500 FT/SEC -r-: W Q I ; ::J 500 I-500 l- n l- oJ <I: 450 450 - ,I! , ' , I 400 -400 I : 350 I I I I I I 350 0 100 200, 300 400 500 600 r-> HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET - I: Prepared By tffiJ!lted By Reviewed By Approved By ,I I ;p)J~ %1 ~/z/P i ,: ~/'/8f trJ.£>. [/~ /;/9;1 I-w w u.. 2 - W Q ::J I--I- oJ <I: I-w w u.. 2 w Q ::J I- I- oJ <I: I-w w u.. 2 w Q ::J l- I- oJ <I: 800 r-SO UTH EAST PENSTOCK SITE SL a 14 NORTHWEST-800 750 --750 '-...", 700~~=---~~~~~ ~~500F~~ I ............... ~ SL-16 TAZIMINA RIVER'~ 65or---------r;,;~~~~~==::::~::::::==::~~I;' ~~~~~~~~ -650 3,500 FT/S;C------......... 1- ~ --. 600 r---i---+---+----=~'=::::===*---.-;;:::r 1350 FT/SEC -700 -600 550~--------+---------~--------~~--------~--------_r--------~---550 500~--------~--------+_--------~--------_r--------_r--------_+---500 450~ __ ~1 ____ ~ ___ ~1 __ ~ __ ~1 ____ ~ ___ L_1 __ ~ __ ~1 ____ ~---1~~~--~450 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET I-w w u.. 2 w Q ::J l- I- oJ <I: 700 -NORTHEAST PENSTOCK SITE SL·16 SOUTHWEST -700 -UPSTREAM SL-14 /13,50 FT/SE~ 650 -I -650 t _____ ::::::::~::::::::l=::::::::l=::::::::t4=5=0=0=FtT=/~S=E=Cr=========f=~~===9 600L---==~~~~~~~=t~==~====r===~~~~~::::~;r==--~===1F_~==~~600 I -_ 3,500 FT /SEC 550~--------~--------+_--------~---------r---------r--------_+--------~550 500~--------~---------+----------r---------;----------r--------~r-------~500 450~--------~---------+----------r---------;----------r--------~r-------~450 400~--------~--------+---------~---------r---------r---------+--------~400 350L-__ JI ____ ~ ___ L_I __ _L __ _JI ____ ~~· __ L_I __ _L __ ~I ____ ~ ___ L_I~~--~I--~350 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 HOR IZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET . I- W W u.. 2 w Q ::J I- I- oJ <I: LEGEND NUMBERS ON PROFILES 1350 FT/ ARE AVERAGE P·WAVE SEC VELOCITIES THROUGH THE GROUND INTERPRETED CONTACT --BETWEEN VELOCITY UNITS ' .,' SL·14 INTERSECTION OF SEISM,IC I PROFILES NOTES PROFILES 13. 14. AND 15 ARE VIEWED DOWNRIVER. PROFILE 16 IS PARALLEL TO RIVER - LOCATION OF PROFILES AR.E SHOWN ON SITE PLAN (PLATE 1) GEOPHYSICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON GEOPHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS MADE BY GENERALLY ACCEPTED METHODS AND FIELD PROCEDURES AND OUR INTERPRETATION OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSUR- FACE CONDITIONS CONSIDERING THE GEOPHYSICAL R ESUL TS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTSARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURE AND ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A'REASON- ABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS OF METHOD OR METHODS EMPLOYED. SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES PENSTOCK SITE Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. DECEMBER 1981 K-Il469·02, SHANNON 8< WILSON. INC. Geotechnical Consultants FIGo 8 ] 62' J """~ ...... - A a o ) 100 I 100 I 200 I -J 200 I SUBMARINE CONTOURS IN METERS J --] 300 MILES 300 KILOMETERS I Late Mesozoic Late Cenozoic 1 outcrop belt outcrop belt ~~----------+Io;-------+<---------'''l AlBulian TrBnch Axis 'A' ] 136' MILE~ -1.~:::::~~~~g~~~~&~~8:8::~@~~~~~XMiz~~~1J)~~fb:;x~~w-~~~;;:Z~?-J:lf..,==~I==;:;::;:-i.:t~c;;z;;u~.;n;d~M~zU~lr-.~ILOMETERS 10 20 Czu, Cenozoic rocks. undlflerentlated Miu, Mesozoic rocks, undifferentiated 20 L-____ L-__________________________________________ ~ ________ ~~ ______ ~ __________ ~40 o Itl!1il Andesltlc extrusive rocka of active or dor- mant volcanoes Late Cenozoic bedded rocks Lighter paUern where projected offshore 1:1gHhl Early Cenozoic bedded rocks Lighter pattern when projected f!/fshore lM,Z:-1 Late Mesozoic bedded rocks Light~r paUern where projec~ed offshore Paleo~oic and early Mesozoic bedded rocks Liuhter pattern where proiultd offshore [5/~\~~ Granitic plutonic rocks D Undilfer~ntiated rocks 100 I 100 200 KILOMETERS I 200 MILES I EXPLANATION App.roximate contact Inc[udel possible JouU contact!!, Dashed where in/erred or concealed t •• ,..&.-"OOA..A.- Thruat or reverae Cault Dashed where in/erred. Sawltelh on upper platt. Optn tedh indicate maior lault --~--'l'"j---- Steeply dipping Cault Da8hed where infured. Arrows indicate relative laleral displacemlmt,' bar and ball on feiaHt/till downthrown sid(! . ....::::::::.. ~ Trend lines showing strike of bedding, schistosity and Colds , Major Caults and Caults with known Holocene movement Asterisk indicates known Holocene movementj double asterisk indicates historic movement No Fault I Data Source 1·· Fairweather Tocher (1960);'1'arr and Martin (1912);Plafker (1967) 2. Chugach-St Elias (probable Miller and others (1959, p. 42); PlaCker (1967) Holocene movement) 3" Denali St. Amand (1957); Hamilton and Myers(1966);Grantz (1966) ,4· Castle Mtn-Lake Clark Martin and Katz (1912, p. 72-75);JCelly (1963, p. 289); Grantz (1965, sheet 3) 5. Bruin Bay Burk (1905, p. 139); R. L. netterm",n, (oral commun .• 1967) s •• Patton Bny nnd Hnnning Bay Plnll,.r (1968) 7" Ragged Mtn Miller (1961) S" Holitna-Togink Honre (1961, p. 608-610) 9. Kenai lineament This paper I(possible f964 movement) Generollzed tectonic !lDD.p and Idealized vertical sedlon showing selected rock units and structural features of south-centrnl Alaska. Indicated dlBplace- ment dlredlon on faults Is the net late Cenozoic movement only. Geology modified from a manuscript tectonlc mnp of Alaslm by ~. BJ:{Ing and !rom unpublished U.S. GeologiCIII Survey data; the thlclrnesB of crustn:l layers and the structure shown 1n the section are largelyhypothetlCIII(fr<;im Plafker, 1969). GENERAi.lZ~jj TECTONIC MAP OF soUt~".~ENTRALALASKA . 'u. I ..... ~Taz;'m ina River 'H yd roeiectric Project Stone~ ,!JYepster Engr. Corp. Decem ber',19Jiii K-0469-0 1 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geo,technlcal COnsultants FIG. 9 175· I 40· 100 a 100 200 lOO .00 sao AHA ' KrLOMUUS 170· 40· Earthquakes with magnitude ~ 6.0 during the period 1899-1964, Alaska (USC & GS, 1966) LARGE EARTHQUAKES IN ALASKA, 1899·1964 Tazimina River H vdroelectric Project Stone & Webster E ngr. Corp. December 1981 K·0469·01 SHANNON a. WILSON. INC Geotechnical Consultants FIG. 10 158" cb'i 6", 0 :17 o i (~ ST. AUPUSTiNE o 158" : : : : ! _. __ ._-----------~ 15€F ....... ~ •........ ~~.~ ....... _ ...... ....--i 1530 1520 r- i i 150) -----1 61.5" , , 0 I 0 R _-----' 58.5 c 15F H E3 MAGNITUDE 4.5 -4.9 5.0 -5.4 5.5 -5.9 6.0 -6.4 ~ 6.5 INTENSITY LEGEND > 75 km IN DEPTH o o o o o NOTE 1: NUMBERS REFER TO EARTHQUAKES LISTED IN TABLE NOTE 2: EVENTS WITH MAGNITUDES LESS THAN 4.5 NOT SHOWN. 20 40 60 Ed I I REGIONAL TECTONIC AND EARTHQUAKE EPICENTER MAP (FOCAL DEPTHS "> 75 KM) SCALE IN MILES 25 50 75 ~ I I SCALE IN KILOMETERS Tazimina River Hydroelectric Projec t Stone & Webster Engr. Corp December 1981 SHANNON & WILSON. INC. Geotechnical Consultants K-0469-01 FIG. 11 58'-' KVICHAK BAY 15€F- 156') 155" 154" ~i 53" 155 "1 KENAt_.~j 60" --6~E·!\iiNS U L A,:' ; MAGNITUDE 4.0 -4.3 4.4 -4.7 4.8 -5.1 5.2 -5.5 5.6 -5.9 2' 6.0 INTENSITY LEGEND <75 km IN DEPTH o o o o o o EARTHQUAKES LISTED NOTE: NUMBERS REFER TO IN TABLE o 20 40 H Fd I SCALE IN MILES 50 o 25 I HHH .-~ 58:5" i 51 (} SCALE IN KILOMETERS 75 I 60 I REGIONAL TECTONIC AND EARTHQUAKE EPICEN7~E~M~AP (FOCAL DEPTHS < Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp December 1981 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geotechnical Consultants K-0469-01 FIG. 12 650 . 600 550 ~ w W I.J... 500 z ......... w § 450 ~ ...... ~ -' c:( 400 350 300 7 - TAZIMINA RIVER PROFILE and CROSS SECTIO~l Roadhouse F orebay S it ~~e __ --.:::--L_a_ke_---r-___ ~-----:----'--I-----I------.::-:-:::--L_a_k_e---=?"r----...;;:::::--------l L~~~; :ite _ _ ? _ 0 "l--/ I I ~'r---------\ Rivermi1e 12.9 Site Lower take Site Lower Tazim1na Lake Tazimina River Fa11s~/ X/ " \ ~ -~ * ,,! -{} ------ut-----------------r --I )~ I / ' "/ '\.! /" i 0 lOG 1 a cia 1 r \ 1 \-!--+ --r-x--\ I i ?~ ~-J ------r --------r------Dep~~~-~1---------------- Pow~~~~use ,, _____ i -----------+ ------'-------t-----x--~ ~----=-C!... ---~4 ? -=0 --~---_9 ____ 1 0 __ ~rJboL__+----_?")--+_-'-------~ ~------___ ~_~d_~O~~ __ -tl ~ -1 t: ! '-/ 'i L Surface '1 B;!-Ck? -Q ~/ -" ? ~_ 0 : . C: ~ ~ .. Alternate ')l... i '>< I I -----------------------i--:/\ I -------, _H ____ -l-----------:::--=------......... _-::l*d--__ ----liiL---<-~l-----i ~~i~ / ;-: j i : ---t--.. m--L-------~--~ ---1---~ ~-1------.A y ___ \-___ ;'+I-_~ __ -_X_? _ _____4- " /" 8 -~9---------1(1-------~11-------~1---L __ J__ .. I J 12 13 14 -----15------------'6 --------------17-----------1.--±:8:----------"Jl>:.1 *Deoth to bedrock determined by seismic data PROFILE Vertical Scale 1 inch = 160 feet Horizontal Scale 1 inch = 6600 feet RIVER PROFILE Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-01 T 3 S ------------F')~-t_ 26 BASE MAP FROM U.S.G.S. POWERHOUSE SITE ( .I ?rP ILIAMNA (D-5), ALASKA 1:83380 (1954/REV. 1973) 24 MINOR ZONES ( SCALE 1 INCH:: 1000 FEET o P\h- 500 1000 CONTOUR INTERVAL 50 FEET 2000 FORE BAY SITE R31 W 19 LEGEND ~ TUFF/HIGHLY FRACTURED TUFF 0"" -DIKES CONTACT CONTACT, LOCATED APPROXIMATELY ss· :L FAULT, SHOWING DIP OF FAULTPLANE --? ~ -+- ..Jib' 150• --!!" FAULT, LOCATED APPROXIMATELY FAULT, EXISTENCE UNCERTAIN AXIAL TREND & PLUNGE OF SMALL ANTICLINE AXIAL TREND & PLUNGE OF SMALL SYNCLINE STRIKE & DIP OF BEDDING STRIKE & DIP OF POSSIBLE BEDDING STRIKE & DIP OF JOINTS GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE CANYON Tazlmlna River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 SHANNDN & WILSDN. INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-0489-0 1 FIG. 14 II II 11.1 11" I I I I I I I II II II" II I. II II LEGEND SEISMIC LINE ---SUGGESTED PENSTOCK ROUTE POWERHOUSE SITES ~ FALLS SITE ® ALTERNATE SITE (Susse.ted by SWEC In the field) @ NIJ LOCATION ® RETHERFORD AND SWEC REPORT LOCATION LOCATION OF SUGGESTED POWERHOUSE a PENSTOCK SITES -ABOVE GROUND Tazlmlna River Hydroelectric ProJect Stone and Web.ter Ensr. Corp. DGcember 1S81 SHANNON, IILSON, INC. 'EOTEC.NlcaL CON'uLTaNT. K-0488-01 FIG. 15 -•• -- --------- - - - - - - ------- - - 3r-----------r-----------r-----------r-----------~----------~--------~ 1.0 9 8 7 2 !--------t--------t0--\-, +--------------------+-------1 , \ \ 6 6 4 a: c( 3 w > a: 2 w \ A- U) W ~ c( j o 0.1 l: 9 I-8 a: 7 c( 6 w U-6 0 a: 4 w !XI :::!: 3 j Z 2 \ \ \ '\ 0.01r---------~--------_+----------r_--------~--------~--------~ 9~----------~----------~----------~----------~---------~\----------~ 8~--------_r----------+_--------_+----------+_---------~~--------_4 7~------~--------_+--------~--------4_--------~1l------~ 6 r-----------r-----------r-----------r-----------r---------~I~~--------~ 6~------_+--------~--------~------_+--------~U~.~----~ 4 r-----------r-----------r-----------r-----------~--------~~--------_4 3 r-----------r-----------r-----------r-----------r---------~~--------_4 0.002 L-__________ ~ __________ ~ __________ ~ __________ ~ __________ ~ ________ ~ 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 MAGNITUDE CUMULATIVE FREQUENCIES OF EARTHQUAKES IN THE TAZIMINA PROJECT REGION Tuimin. River Hydroelectric Project Stone III Web,ter Engr. Corp. December 1981 I SHANNON' II LSON, INC, GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K.Q469.Q1 FIG. 16 Appendix A List of References ---'. --- -,. - -• -• ---- ----.. .. - .. REFERENCES Aerial Photography, high altitude color infrared p~otography acquired by NASA for the Federal-State High Altitude Photography Program: August 1978, 1 to 65,000, acquisition no. 02667, frames 7723-7725 and 7762-7764. Aerial Photography, U.S. Geological Survey aerial mapping photography: Project HM065 , August 1955, approx. 1 to 43:'000, roll 116, frames 14830-14833 and 14848-14850; Project BM4H29, August 1954, approx. 1 to 43,000, roll 1, frames 60-61. Beikman, H.M., 1974, Preliminary geologic map of the southwest quadrant of Alaska: U.S. Geo1. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-372. Beikman, H.M., 1975, Preliminary geologic map of Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands: U.S. Geo1. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-674. Burk, C.A., 1965, Geology of the Alaska Peninsu1a--Is1and arc and co·ntinenta1 margin: Geol. Soc. America Memoir 99,250 p. Bush, B.O. and Schwa.rz, S.D., 1965, Seismic refraction and electrical resistivity measurements over frozen ground, Nat. Research Council of Canada, Tech. Mem. No. 86, Ottawa. Capps, S.R., 1932, The Lake C1ark-Mu1chatna region: U.S. Geo1. Survey Bull. 824, p. 125-154. Capps, S.R., 1935, The Southern Alaska Range: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 862, 101 p. Coats, R.R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc: U.S. Geo1 . Survey Bull. 974-B, 49 p. Detterman, R.L., and Hartsock, Iniskin-Tuxedni region, Alaska: . 78 p. J.K., ,1966, Geology of the U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 512, Dettennan, R.L., Hudson, T., and Hoare, J.M., 1975, Bruin Bay fault inactive during the Holocene, in Yount, M.E., ed., United States Geological Survey Alaska Program, 1975: U.S. Geol. Survey C i rc. 77 2, p. 45. Detterman, R.L., Hudson, T., P1afker, G., Tysdal, R.G., and Hoare, J.M., 1976a, Reconnaissance geologic map along Bruin Bay and Lake Clark faults in Kenai and Tyonek quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Rept. 76-477. -------• -• ---• ---- - - ..... - - ---- .- -. II Detterman, R.L., Flafker, G., Hudson, T., Tysdal, R.G., and Pavoni, N., 1974, Surface geology and Holocene breaks along the Susitna segment of the Castle Mountain fault, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey ~1isc. Field Studies Map MF-6l8. Detterman, R.L., Plafker, G., Tysdal, R.G., and Hudson, T., 1976b, Geology and surface features along part of the Talkeetna segment of the Castle Mountain-Caribou fault system, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-738. Detterman, R.L., and Reed, B.L., 1973, Surficial deposits of the Iliamna quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. l368-A, 64 p. Detterman, R.L., and Reed, B.L., 1980, Stratigraphy, structure and economi c geo logy of the Il i amna quadrangl e, Alas ka : U. S. Geo 1 . Survey Bull. l368-B, 86 p ... Dillinger, W.H., Jr., and Algermissen, S.T., 1969, Magnitude studies of Alaska earthquakes; in Leipold, L.E., ed., The Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake of 1964 and aftershocks: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Pub. 10-3, v. 2, pt. B, p. 5-48. Hawkins, L.V., 1968, The reciprocal method of routine shallow seismic refraction investigations, Geophysics 26, 808-819. Henning, R.A., and others, 1976, Alaska's volcanoes, northern link in the ring of fire: The Alaska Geog. Soc., v. 4, n. 1. Magoon, L.B., Adkison, W.L., ~:and Egbert, R.M., 1976, Map showing geology, wildcat wells, Tertiary plant fossil localities, K-Ar age dates, and petroleum operations, Cook Inlet area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Inv. Series Map 1-1019. Martin, G.C., and Katz, F.J., 1909, Outline of the geology and mineral resources of the Iliamna and Lake Clark region: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 442, p. 179-200 . Martin, G.C., Katz, F.J., 1912, A geologic reconnaissance of the Iliamna region, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 485, 183 p. Palmer, D., 1980, The general reciprocal method of seismic refraction . interpretation, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa. Plafker, G., 1969, Tectonics of the March 22, 1964 Alaska earthquake: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 543-1, 74 p. P1afker, G., Dettennan, R.L., and Hudson, T., 1975, New data on the displacement history of the Lake Clark fault, in Yount, r~.E., ed., United States Geological Survey Alaska Progra~ 1975: U.S. Geo1. Survey Circ. 772, p. 44-45. Redpath, B.B., 1973, Seismic refraction exploration for engineering site investigations, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Exp. Sta., Explosives Exc. Res. Lab., Livermore, Tech. Report AD-768 710. -- - - WIIIItl ,- . - ' .... - .. ... R I Retherford. Robert vL, and Associ ates, 1979, Bri stol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential, Phase 1, report for the U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration. Richter, C.F., 1935, An instrumental earthquake scale: Seismol. Soc. Am. B u 11., v. 25 , no. 1, p . 1 -3 2 . Ringstad, C.A., and Schwarz, S.D., 1978, Computer techniques in engineering geophysics, Presented 48th Annual International Meeting Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Scott, J.B., et al., 1972, Computer analysis of seismic refraction data, St. U.S. U.S . U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Dept. Interior, Bur. Mines, Report of Investigations 7595. Amand, P., 1957, Geological and geophysical synthesis of the tectonics of portions of British Columbia, the Yukon Territory, and Alaska: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 68, no. 10, p. 1343-1370. Geological Survey, 1954, Iliamna (0-4) Quadrangle, Alaska, 1 :63360 series topographic map. Geological Survey, 1954, (minor revisions 1973), Iliamna (0-5) Quadrangle, Alaska, 1:63360 series topographic map. Geological Survey, 1954, Lake Clark (A-4) Quadrangle, Alaska, 1:63360 series topographic map. Geological Survey, 1954, Lake Clark (A-5) Quadrangle, Alaska, 1:63360 series topographic map. Geological Survey, 1957 , Iliamna, Alaska, 1 :250000 series topographic map. U.S. Geological Survey, 1966, Plan and Profile, Tazim;na Lakes Dam and Reservoir Sites, Alaska, 2 sheets. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1981, Computer printout, 1786-1981, Tazimina project earthquake data file: Environmental Data Service, 12 p. WPPSS, 1974, Nuclear Project No. 3, Pre~iminary safety analysis report: Washington Public Power Supply System, Packet No. STN-50-518, v,.3, Fig. 2.5.58j. Wahrhaftig, Clyde, 1965, Physiographic divisions of Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 482, 52 p. Wood, H.O., and Neumann, F., 1931 ,Modified Mercal i intensity scale of 1931: Seismol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 21, no. 4, p. 277-283 . --- ill, •• ... .iII1 .... •• ... •• ... •• •• •• ... ... •• ... .... ... .... ... ... .... • 11 ",. ' .. •• •• ... •• ... •• ,. Appendix B Subsurface Explorations .... •• ,... - - --- - .... .... '!!III - '. ,- it.· ,-------- - - TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix B Subsurface Explorations DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURES DESCRIPTION OF ROCK PROPERTIES LOG OF BORING B-1 LOG OF BORING B-2 LOG OF BORING B-3 LOG OF BORING B-4 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-1 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-2 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-3 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-4 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-5 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-6 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-7 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-8 LOG OF TEST PIT TP-9 Page B-1 thru B-6 Table B-1 Fig. B-1 Fig. B-2 Fig. B-3 Fig. B-4 Fig. B-5 Fig. B-6 Fig. B-7 Fig. B-8 Fig. B-9 Fig. B-10 Fig. B-11 Fig. B-12 Fig. B-13 ------ - - .. -- - --- - - ------- - DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS DRILLING AND SAMPLING METHODS Borings B-1 through B-4 were completed between September 9,1981 and October 12,1981. The actual drilling was subcontracted to Alaska Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska. Drilling was accomplished with a skid-mounted JKS 300 wireline drilling rig, which was able to be dismantled and transported from site to site with a Bell Jet-Ranger III helicopter. Drilling methods used to advance the borings for this study consisted of various modes of rotary wash drill ing and diamond coring with fresh water. Rotary wash methods including the use of both BW bicone and NW tricone wire line casing advancers were employed in the unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock. In bedrock, fresh water diamond coring was employed using an NQ single tube wireline core system (1-13/l6" core diameter). A BQ single tube wireline core system (1-3/8" core diameter) was also used when downhole conditions necessitated stepping down. Sizes of casing and dr"ill rod employed included 4-1/2" x 4" HW casing, 3-1/2" x 3-1/16" HQ, 2-3/4" x 2-3/8" NQ and 2-3/16" x 1-13/16" SQ size drill rods. Sampling and field testing of ·the zone of unconsolidated materials in the fo~r borings consisted of split spoon drive samples taken at approximately 5 foot intervals as well as falling head permeability tests performed at approximately 10 foot intervals throughout the zone. In bedrock, single packer pressure tests were performed at approximately 10 foot intervals. Both NQ and BQ size packers were employed as down hole conditions permitted. Field permeability test results are summarized in Table 1. B-1 ----- -.. -- ---.. -- - - ----- - - .. - Appcnoix 3 Split spoon drive samples were obtained using 1-1/211, 211 and 3 11 . 1.0. samplers with either a 340 lb: or 140 lb. drop hammer with a 30 11 drop. Spl it spoon sampler sizes used were controlled by the rod or casing diameter present in the zone being sampled. HW size casing permitted the use of a 311 1.0. sampler. HQ drill rod permitted the use of a 211 I.O. sampler and NQ drill rod a 1.5 11 I.O. sampler. The small inside diameter of BQ drill rod prevented the use of split spoon samplers. INSTRUMENTATION Closed-end, l-inch diameter PVC pipe was installed in Borings B-2 and B-3 to serve as casing for thermistor strings to measure ground temperatures. The holes were backfilled with pea gravel in five foot lifts as the casing or drill rod was pulled (or '.'/ith caved native materials in holes which did not stand open as the casing or rod was pulled) . The PVC pipe was filled with a solution of glycol and water to serve as a heat transfer medium. The thermistor string was allowed to stabilize in the hole for 24 to 48 hours, and was then read with a digital ohmmeter. Temperatures were then calculated using ice point resistances for the individual thennistors which made up the strings. The below ground temperatures calculated for several readings, in Borings B-2 and B-3, were found to be above freezing. Observation wells consisting of l-inch diameter, closed-end slotted PVC pipe were installed in all four borings. This allowed measurement of water tables following the completio~ of the borings. Boring B-1 Boring B-1, locfrted on the left abutment of the proposed Lower Tazimina Lake dam site, encountered unconsolidated materials including silts, sands and gravels to a depth of 89.0 feet. The drilling method employed telescoping sizes of both casing and drill rod through each other to advance the boring. The boring was begun by advancing HW size casing to B-2 ---.. -"--"---~--~,------------------ ----- - - - - - -- ----- -- ------ - Appenaix B a depth of 13.3 feet. At 13.3 feet, difficult conditions in the overburden required stepping down to HO size drill rod whlch was then advanced to 35.0 feet. At 35.0 feet, down hole conditions required further stepping down to NO size rod which was advanced to 83.0 feet. At 83.0 feet in depth, due to continuing high torque conditions, a final reduction to BO size rod was made and the boring was then advanced to a total depth of 89.0 feet. Total fluid circulation loss was encountered at 8.0 feet and continued to 34.8 feet in depth where a static water table was encountered. From 34.8 feet to 50.0 feet, only sporadic fluid returns were observed. From 50.0 feet to 89.0 feet, total fluid returns were again present. A zone of heaving sand was encountered between 77.4 feet and 89.0 feet. Due to the presence of heaving sands below 79.3 feet, and the reduction to BO size drill rod preventing further drive sampling, the boring was probed for material changes to a total depth of 89.0 feet. The boring was terminated at 89.0 feet due to continuing high torque conditions and constriction of drill rods by the surrounding unconsolidated materials preventing any further advanceMent. In this boring a total of seventeen split spoon drive samples were attempted from the surface to 79.3 feet in depth. Four 2-inch I.D. samples and seven 1-1/2 inch 1.0. samples were recovered using a 140 lb. drop hammer with a 30 inch drop. A total of five falling head permeability tests were performed in this boring. The tests were performed at 9.1, 14.2,19.4, 30.2 and 49.5 feet. The instrumentation installed in this boring consisted of an observation well set to a depth of 38.7 feet. Boring B-2 Bori ng B-2, located an ri ght abutment of the proposed upper forebay damsite consisted of 30.7 feet of unconsolidated materials including silts, sands and gravels and 69.4 feet of bedrock, composed of hard, gray, lithic tuff. The drilling method employed both NW tricone and BW bicone casing advancers and BO wirel ine diamond coring to advance the B-3 ------- -.. - --- - --- --------• ---- - boring. The boring was begun by advancing HW size casing to a depth of 5.4 feet. At 5.4 feet, high torque conditions in the overburden required stepping down to HQ size drill rod which was then advanced to 23.5 feet. At 23.5 feet, down hole conditions required further reduction to NQ size drill rod which was then advanced to a depth of 30.7 feet. At 30.7 feet bedrock was encounte~ed and BQ wireline coring was initiated. BQ coring continued from 30.7 ·feet to a tot~l depth of 100.1 feet. Total fluid circulation loss was encountered at 9.4 feet and continued to 10.7 feet where a static water table was encountered . From 10.7 feet to 100.1 feet, total fluid returns were again present. The boring was terminated at the target depth of 100.1 feet. In this boring a total of six split spoon drive samples were taken from the surface to 30.7 feet in depth. Two 3-inch 1.0., three 2-inch 1.0. and one 1-1/2-inch I.D. samples were taken using a 140 lb. drop hammer with a 30-inch drop. A single 3-inch 1.0. sample was taken using a 340 lb. hammer with a 30-inch drop. Three falling head permeability tests were performed in the overburden at 11.1,20.7 and 30.7 feet in depth. ~­•. A total of seven single packer pressure permeability tests were performed in this boring. The tests performed at 33.0, 42.9, 53.0, 63.0, 73.0, 83.0 and 93.0 feet. The instrumentation in this boring consisted of an observation well set to a depth of 18.6 feet and a thermistor casing set to a depth of 100.1 feet. Boring B-3 Boring B-3, located on the right abutment of the proposed Lower forebay damsite, consisted of 4.9 feet of unconsolidated materials including silts, sands and gravels and 64.1 feet of bedrock composed of hard, gray, welded lithic tuff. The drilling method employed utilized a N~J size tricone casing advancer in the overburden materials and NQ size wireline coring in bedrock. The boring was begun by the advancement of HQ size drill rod using a NW size tricone casing advancer to a depth of 4.9 feet. At 4.9 feet in depth bedrock was encountered an i~Q size B-4 --------.. --- ------ -------- .W -- - Appenolx S wireline coring was initiated. NO size wireline coring continued to a total depth of 89.0 feet. Substantial fluid circulation return was present from 4.9 feet to 45.8 feet in depth. A static water table was encountered at 25.8 feet. Between 45.8 feet and 46.0 feet in depth a small zone was encountered in which total fluid circulation loss was experienced'. In this zone the drill rod string appeared to drop freely for approximately 0.2 feet, indicating the possibility of a void in the zone. At 46.0 feet in depth, fluid circulation returns were again prese~t and continued to a total depth of 69.0 feet where the boring was terminated due to loss of drilling equipment down hole. In this boring a total of three samples were taken in the zone of unconsolidated materials. The samples consisted of a surface grab sample and two 3-inch 1.0. split spoon drive samples taken with a 140 pound drop hammer with a 3D-inch drop. In this boring a single falling head permeability test was performed at 4.9 feet. A total of six single packer pressure permeability tests were performed in the zone of bedrock. The tests were performed at 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 33.0, 45.0 and 57.0 feet. The instrumentation installed in this boring consisted of an observation well and thermistor casing, both of which were set to a depth of 61.0 feet. Boring B-4 Bori ng B-4, located on the ri ght abutment of the proposed Roadhouse damsite, encountered unconsolidated materials, including silts, sands and gravels to the bottom of the boring at a depth of 59.9 feet. The drilling method employed the use of both NW tricone and BW bicone casing advancers to advance the boring. The boring was begun by advancing HW size casing to 9.9 feet. At 9.9 feet, high torque conditions "in the unconsolidated materials required stepping down to HQ size drill rod, which was then advanced to a depth of 20.4 feet. At 20.4 feet down hole conditions required further reduction to NO size drill rod, which was B-5 " .........•.•... " .. _--.. _._-------------------- --- --------'. -- - '- - ., - ------ i--Ipperc~x S advanced to 37.8 feet. At 37.8 feet in depth, due to continuing high torque conditi ons and constri cti on of dri 11 rods by the surroundi ng unconsolidated materials preventing any further advancement, a final reduction to BQ size drill rod was made. The small inside diameter of the BQ drill rod prevented further split spoon drive sampling below 37.8 feet and the boring was probed for materials changes to a total depth of 59.9 feet. Substantial fluid circulation was present from surface to 12.0 feet. From 12.0 feet to 47.5 feet, only sporadic, partial returns were observed with zones of total fluid circulation loss encountered at 26.0 to 27.0,32.0 to 33.2,35.0 to 37.6, and 39.1 to 42.2 feet. A static water table was encountered at 15.7 feet. Total fluid circulation loss was encountered aga i n at 47.5 feet and continued to the bottom of the boring at 59.9 feet. The boring was terminated at 59.9 feet due to loss of drilling equipment down hole. In this boring a total of ten split spoon drive samples were attempted from the surface to 37.8 feet in depth. Two 3-inch 1.0., three 2-inch I.O., and three 1-1/2-inch I.O. samples were recovered using a 140 lb. drop hammer with a 30-inch drop. A total of six falling head permeability tests were performed in this boring. The tests were performed at 5.0, 11.6,20.1,29.2,39.1 and 49.9 feet. An observation well was set at a depth of 39.0 feet in this boring. B-6 I I • I I I I I I J I I , t I I • I I • • I I I I j f i I • I I I j TABLE 8-1 DESCRIPTION OF ROCK AND SOil PROPERTIES Fresh -Rock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hallIHer if crystalline. Very Slight -Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show clay if open, crystals in broken face show bright. Rock rings under hanmer if crystalline. Slight -Rock generally fresh -joints stained and discoloration extends into rock up to I in. Open joints contain clay. In granitoid rocks some occasional feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer. Moderate -Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks most feldspars are dull, discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hanIHer and shows significant loss of strength as compared with fresh rock. Moderately Severe -All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks all feldspars dull and discolored and majority show kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick. Rock goes "clunk" when struck. (Saprolite) Severe -All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" clear and evident but reduced in strength to strong soil. In granitoid rocks all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left. (Saprolite) Very Severe -All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible but mass effect i vel y reduced to "soi 1" with on ly fragments of strong rock rema i ni ng. Complete -Rock reduced to "soil." in small scattered locations. Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only Quartz may be present as dikes or stringers. Very Hard -Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows of geologist's pick. Hard -Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer reqUIred to detach hand specimen. ' Moderately Hard -Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point of geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow. Medium -Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in small chips to pieces about 1 in. maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pIck. Soft -Cdn be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches in size by moderate blowS of a pick point. SIIMlI thin pieces can be broken by fwger pressure. Very Soft -Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces an inch or more in thickness can be broken by finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by finger nail. • For EngineerIng Description of Hock not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals. Less than 2 in. 2 into 1 ft. ft. to 3 ft. 3 ft. to 10 ft. More than 10 f t. Joints Very close Close Moderately close Wide Very wide Very thin Thin Ml'dium ThIck Very thick Aller Oeere, 1963a iiOTE: Joint spacing refers to the distance normal to the plane of the joints of a single systen or "set" of jOints which are parallel to each other or nearly so. RQO .in 1 100 x L~n9thof Core in Pieces 4 in .. and !()(lger --"Length of Run' RQ[) Di agnoSl ic De,cript ion Exceeding 90::; E XCI'II ent 90-75 Good 75-50 Fair 50-25 Poor Less than 25% Very Poor After Oeere,I967 b NOTE: Oiagnostic Oescription is intended primarily for evaluatinlJ problem, with tunnels or excavations in rock. aOeere, D. U. "Technical Descriptlon of Rock Cores for fn'llfll'erinq Purposes" Felsmechanik und Inqenierqeologie. Vol. 1. No. I, 1963, pp. 17-2;'. bOeere. D. U. et al.. "Design of Surface and Near Surfd[C C()J"truction in ko(~" Proceedings, 8th Symposium on Rock MechanICS, The Amencan Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineer, Inc., New York 1967, pp. 237-302. FROM: American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Soi I Mechanics and foundations DiviSion, Vol. 98, No. SM6, pp. 56!l-569, June 1972. -.. ----.• _._----------------------------------,----------.. -- --... -j-.- , ... ,- ' . . -'. .-J. .-:-,- • -... SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: .... 676 ' Stiff, brown, sli. sandy, peaty SILT ~w/roots and occ. small wood frag. Very dense, gray to gray-brown, fine to coarse gravelly, fine to coarse SAND w/occasiona1 zones of sandy gravel, and frequent cobbles and boulders ----------------- Dense to very dense, gray, silty, fine to coarse sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL, w/occasiona1 zones of silty, gravelly sand, w/frequent cobbles and boulders (cont.) LEGEND .~.:.:: n .0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE (140 lb ••• i Iht, 30· drop) ... Blows per foot 20 40 :6::::1::::::::: .!: .... . . . . . . . . .. ~ . . . . -r II 5 ......... i .... n 2/0 .. 6 ~ •••••• :,: : : : • : .-:-- 1 0 ::::::::: 1 : : : : :: 82 • . -i ~ i . . 15 : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~6· •• ............. : : : : : : : : : i : : : : : : : : : p~?~19.4 S-5U-±-20 ~::p( ................. . . ..... ~. ~~ '::::::::l::::::::: ~4~ ••••••••• ~ ••••••••• ~i)~ *S-6~ 25 ::::::::: I :: :3:6!3~~: ·?·:b:( ; .... ~ ~.~::: .. ' ...... : .. . ... . ~t~ 5-7 .. .r: _ ..... _ ... __ .. __ .:}: : 20 40 08oo~ °0 °0. j &~~ J..-Falling Head Permeability Grave I _ Test • ~ Water content Note: The stratllicatlon Ilnls repres.nt the IpprOllmlte boundlrles blt ••• n loi I types Ind the trlnlltlon mlY DI Iradual. Frozen >'.:):.:'~.: Ground l :. : .. ,. ", , "', , ''l' , ~ i Ii1!.!i. Sand S i It Clay Pea t Organic Content .I- U I II ]]I * Water level Bottom of Obnervntion Well 1.5" ID 5plit spoon sample 2.0" ID nplit spoon sample 3.0" ID split spoon sample Sample not recovered Tazimi na River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNDN , 'ILSON, INC. SHEET 1 of 3 FIG. B-1 •• ... - •• -.- •• ... ... ,- .a •• ,---- ,- ,- --- - • - .... c:a -= PENETRlT I ON RES I STANCE ~ ~~ = (140 lb •• eight, 30· drop) SOIL DESCRIPTION ; ~= ~ A 810 .. per fODt 1~~~~~ __ ~7~~1 __________ ~~~~~ ! .. _~~~O ______ ~20~----440 ~urface Elevation: ~ ~ S-81 30: : : -: : I : : : : : : ~ : Medium dense to dense, gray, silty, fine to coarse SAND, wloccasional zone$ of silty, gravelly sand, wi occasional cobbles and boulders Frozen Ground *S-9II ____ --IF:i:i~,2 60. oy (cont.) LEGEND Gravel Sand S i It Clay Peat {Jrganlc Content I Falling Head Permeability -1-Test .1 U I IT m * Water level Bottom of Observation Well 1.5" IO split spoon sample 2.0" IO split spoon sample 3.0" IO split spoon sample Sample not recovered :~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~ . : ........ . : 35 :::::: :i5>~;1 :",: : : : .. . ......... ~~ ..... . u 20 • ~ Water content 40 Note; The stratlflcatlDn lines represent the apprOlimate boundaries bet.een soi I types end the transition may be aradual. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 (cONT.) December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON'IILSON,INC. ClOflCN.ICAl CO.SUlfA.fS SHEET 2 of 3 FIG. B 1 ... •• ..• •• .... ... •• •• .. ,. - •• •• ,--.--.- .-.- .- •• .. - -.. - SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: .... 676' Medium dense to dense, gray; silty, fine to coarse SAND, as above ---------------- Very stiff, gray, clayey to slightly clayey SILT, trace of fine to medium sand -------------------- Medium dense, gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, w/occasional thin zones of silty, sandy, gravel Bottom of Boring @ 89.0' Completed 9/12/81 NOTE: Descriptions from 79.3-89.0' based on drill action and cuttings only. Observation well installed w/bottom @ 38.7' w/2.7' stickup LEGEND o8oo~ Gravel ~ Falling Head ~ ~~~~o Test Frozen .. : ...... : ~'. Sand .1 Water level Ground :. : .. ,. ....... //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// S-l~ 68.0 J S-151 //// S-16 //// 1 //// Permeabi li ty l ", " U ""/,, / S i It Bottom of Observation Well /// / / '///// I 1.5" split sample ~ 10 spoon Clay II il,JJil 2.0" 10 split spoon sample Peat ill 3.0" 10 split spoon sample " I Organic ;"1'/ Content * Sample not recoverp.n I!L!..i..!.J. . - 60 65 70 80 85 PENETRATION RESISTANCE (1'0 lb. uiaht, 3D" drop) A Blo .. per loot 20 40 I :::::::: :.: :.::: ::: · ...... . · ...... . · ...... . :::::::::!::::::::: :::::::::!~.::::: · . . . .. .. ~ . . . . . . . . . .................. .................. · ................. . · ................. . · ............. . ::::::::: ~: .. ::::: · ................. . · ................. . · ................. . · ................. . :::1::::: · .... : ........ . · . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . · ........ : .. . .... . &d' 90 .--.. -.---i-.-----~ ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ......... ·-···· .. ·· .. ·-·-·-·~··:-:t-~·:: .. ·----- 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratif,cat,on I,nll raprasent thl apprOllmlt. boundarlls bet •• ln soi I types and the transition may bl Irldull. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 (CGt-JT,) December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' IILSON, INC. ;(OUCM.ICAl CONSUlTA.TS SHEET 3 of 3 FIG. 3-1 .- ,- lW .- - •• _. .- ,- - ,- <--.. ,---'. -- . SOIL DESCRIPTION -u -.... ~---J :.: .... :z: r.=o -=~ _I:' :z: C-J ~ =-I:'c C --en ~. r.=o .... ~ Surface Elevation: '" 621 ' h'lery' .. dense, dark brown, Sllty tlne I \ SAI~D. VJ/orqanlC': materlal S-4IT u . --PENETRATION RESISTANCE .: (140 1 b. .. i ah I. 30" d r Q p ) ~ A810" pef foal -~O 20 40 30/9" .: I ' 5 1-----+--.-;:"'24=-=0:-;'/ :;";7,:-1, A • 20i6'l 1 5 ................. -----r------i . . . 128 .a. .•. ...:..:.:;;:.~ [. -L S-5 20 .. ~A , O~~QO l ~o Frozen "0: '::':~ ~'. Ground l . . .. .. /~~/~ /~// ........ //// ~ WJ~ ./ IJJ..:../..!..t (cont. ) LEGEND Gravel Sand S i It Clay Pea t Organic Content I Falling Head Permeability J-Test .1 U I II ill * Water level Bottom of Observation Well 1.5" ID split spoon sample 2.0" ID split spoon sample 3.0" ID split spoon sample Sample not recovered 25 .......... . . . . . . . _··· .. _··--·--T o 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratIfIcatIon lInes rlpr"lnt thl apprOllmatl boundarlls bet ••• n loi I lyPes and the transition may be af.dUal. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp . LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' IILSON. INC. HOUCH.lelL eo.sULll.TS SHEET 1 of 3 FIG. B-2 ... ... •• IIiiii' . - ..... -- ,- ,- ,- ------ SHANNON & WILSON, INC. . SUMMAaY LOG OF lORING: B-2 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS JOB NO: 1 DATE: r-------------------------------------------~ K-0469-01 9/13-9/23/81 PROJKT: Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project ~----------..L.--...;..;.,..--;.......;.----....ol DEPTH IN FEET -------- =--35 --------~40 f- I-- ~ ------1--45 f0-r- ~ ----- =-50 ~ I--,.. ---,...- l- f-- ::-55 l- I------,...- i- ,...- ~O --------- =--65 -----------70 ------l- f- I- Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. STATION: 9+40 I UEV: .... 621' . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ ~.a ....... 6 ...... -. . :.:.:. ..... ~. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .... -.. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ . • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. DESCRIPTION Of MATERIALS (cont. ) Very hard to hard, gray to greenish-gray, welded LITHIC TUFF; highly silicic, fresh to slightly weathered, highly fractured. Fractures and joints weakly cemented w/ calcium carbonate. Occasional zones well bonded w/silica, pyrite, and epidote Frequent pyrite replacement and occasional alteration of lithic fragments to epidote. -very closely jointed @ 0-90° to 42.7' ",\1 2 3 4 66 Or 80 18 100 17 100 14 GROUND TEMP. (Ocl 10/28/81 2 3 4 •• •• .. ................................ _ .................... . •• REMARKS Began BQ diamond coring @ 30.7' -closely to very closely 1---...... --+ .................................... _ .................... . jointed, @ 30°& 60° commonly to 58.5' . -closely to very closely jointed, @ 30° to 45 0 and o 90 commonly to 100.1' -58.5-65.0' frequent gouge zones w/secondary pyrite, pyrrhotite, & galena -65.0-74.0' frequent small gouge zones (cont. ) 5 6 7 8 100 64 100 16 100 a 100 46 • •• f----+---l ..................................... _ .................... . 9 10 100 ---;:] 100 a • I--l-l---lr-.l'r-:08~0~···· .. ·· .. ···· .. ··•··· .. ·········-··· .. ·· ............. . 12 100 a •• f----+---I ..................................... -.................... . 13 14 f-" 15 100 a 100 a lOO:\... r-=tr" •• •• SHEET 2 OF 3 ;-IG. B-2 •• .. •• ..... .- ' ... -'. ,-'. ---.. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B-2 GEOTECHNICAl. CONSULTANTS I I--____________________ ~Joa NO:K-0469-0 1 DATE:9 /13 -9/23/81 PROJECT: Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project l----,;......;..,;...----..L.--....;,.,..-.....;.-....;.------t DEPTH IN FEET Stone & l'lebster Engr. Corp. STATION: 9+40 I UEV: '" 621 ' DESCRIPTION Of MATERIALS LITHIC TUFF, as above 74.0-100.1'-fresh to very slightly weathered, joints poorly to moderately well bonded w/calciurn carbonate, occasional joints well bonded w/silica, pyrite, and epidote Bottom of Boring @ 100.1' Completed 9/23/81 Falling head permeability tests performed @ 11.1', 20.7', and 30.7' Packer tests performed @ approximately 10' intervals from 30.7'-100.1' ~ i ~!s~ 16 17 °4IEC '¥o"'iQD 100 0 100 o I---+---,,,..,....-t 1\ 18 if2r 1\ 19 ~ 100 GROUND TEMP. (0 c: ) 10/28/81 2 3 4 '. ........................................................ 20 0 .............. . 1----+-.......:;:.,-+ ..................................................... .. 21 22 100 31 100 31 ....................................................... t---+---t ...................................................... . 23 100 33 BQ ing .--., REMARKS diamond cor- ~bservation Well installed w/bot- torn @ 18.6' w/ 2.4' stickup ~hermistor casing installed w/bot- torn @ 100.1' w/ 2.4' stickup SHEET 3 OF 3 FIG, B-2 "" ~ ... •• •• .... .- ,- , .... ,- ,-'. ..- ,- •• - • SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B-3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS JOI NO: 1 DATE' ~----------------------------------------~ K-0469-01 '9/25 -10/1/81 PRCUKT: Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project DEPTH IN FEET f- f-- l- I-- f- I-- l- i-'- ~5 l- I-- f- I-- f- I-- f- I- ~10 r- I- ~ l- I- ~ f- t- ~15 l- t- ~ ~ l- I-- l- I-- :::-20 ..... f-- ~ ~ l- I-- ~ I-- I-.-25 I--~ I-- ~ I-- ~ ~ ~30 ~ l- I- I-- '- I-- I-- 10- ~35 ..... I--..... 10-..... I-- l- I-- ~40 f- ~ l- I--- l- I--..... I-- ~ Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. STATION: 6+60, 3'L IEUV: ~608' II I!' •.•• · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . • • • · . . · . . • • • · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. • • • · .. · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · .. • &.~ .& · . . · .. · . . · . . • • • • • • • • • · . . · . . · . . • • • • • • · . . • • • • • • • • • .:.:.:4 · . . · . . • • • .. ·.·.~6 ........ ....... · . . · .. ~. .......... ~. .......... &. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . • • • · . . • • • · .. · . . · . . · . . • • • · . . · . . · . . · . . • • • · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . ~' · . . · . . · . . · . . • • • · .. · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . . ...... · . . · . . · . . · . . DUCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Loose to medium dense, brown to red-brown, silty, fine to coarse SAND, w/occ. zones of silty, fine to coarse, sandy gravel, w/trace of clay Very hard to hard, greenish- gray to gray, welded LITHIC TUFF; highly silicic, fresh to very slightly weathered, closely to very closely jointed @30-60o common; w/ occasional joint sets @80-90o Joints moderately to poorly cemented w/calcium carbonate. Occasional joints well bonded w/silica and epidote Frequent pyritic replacement and epidotic alteration of clasts Very slight iron and manga- nese staining on joint sur- faces to 54.0' ..,SL10/14/81 25.8' 37.0 to 69.0', closely to moderaaely close16 jointed @ 0-20 and 30-60 common. Joints poorly cemented wi calcium carbonate (cont. ) i-; GROUND TEMP. ( ·cl ~ 10/28/81 YoRQO 2 3 4 S-2 S-3 1 •• . ............................................................... 1 100 --0 ' .. ................. _ ................... _ ...................... 100 2 24 •• 1....-3 --+_l..::::~-,~r .~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~.~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ; .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ .. 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 100 33 •• 43 ................. ; ..................................... . 71 100 25 100 38 100 20 100 • •• °r.: ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... ~ .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : .. 100 51 100 67 lo~l 40 ••• ....................................................... '-' SHEET REMARKS "N"=8/5/8 "N"=10/10/50 S-2, S-3 taken w/3.0" sDlit spoon and 140 lb. hanuner Began NQ diamon~, coring ~ 4.9' 1 OF 2 FI~, B-3 "ow - •• ... .- . - --- - .-'. - - SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B-3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 1 JOB NO: K-0469-0l DATE: ~~ ____ ~~~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~~~~ __ ~~~ 9/25 -10/1/81 PRCUKT: Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project DEPTH IN FEET I- ~ l- i- I- ~ l- i- =--50 -------~ 1=-55 I- ~ ~ --------60 ----l- i- ~ i- h5 f- I-- f- I-------70 --l- I-- l- i-,--l- I-- l- i- I- ~ .... ----I--- f0o- l-- I----I-- l- I-- l- I--- l- i-- '- r----I- ~ I- Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. • • • · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . &.& & · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · . . · .. · . . · . . · . . & & & 4 · . . & & & .4i · . . & & & .4i · . . & & & .c · . . & & & 4 · . . & & & .. · . . & & • .c DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (cont. ) Very hard to hard, greenish- gray to gray, welded, LITHIC TUFF, as above Bottom of Boring @ 69.0' r:ompleted 10/1/81 Palling head permeability test performed @ 4.9' Packer tests performed @ approximately 10' intervals from 4.9' to 69.0' 1.3 STATION: 98 66 6+60, 3'L GROUND TEMP. (Oc) 10/28/81 2 4 ............... l-----+-_---+ .....................•........... H .................•••• 14 15 16 17 18 98 20 100 72 100 44 100 68 100 45 I ELEV: "608' REMARKS NQ diamond corin~ Observation well installed w/bot- tom @ 61. 0' w/ 2.4' stickup ~hermistor casing installed w/bot- tom @ 61.0' wi 2.4' stickup SHEET 2 OF 2 FIG, B-3 •• .... - •• .... .... ' ..... .---- ,------ . -~ ...., SOil DESCRIPTION -' ::~ . --= :: c -' 10--c a --~ ...., CI Surfaci Elevation: ""632 ' Very stiff, brown SILT w/organics \. and trace of f'j ne sand //// ill ///1.0 Sl ~~.~ - ~.~.~: Dense to very dense, tan to gray, ::~::.{: trace of silt to silty, fine to coarsE§·:c?:.~ GRAVEL, w/frequent co~b 1 es and 'r:~6: boulders, and 'I,/occaslonal clayey ·.~:o·.:.fQ·· zones ~q~': ;'.'.0 ••. ~r:::S9.:· ~~d:o ~~.:·2 . ~·O····o ::o~.A; ~"'~'~: ;~·o: ~~J ...... " Q"., ~~:~ ____ ---- - - - - - - - - -.'.'::':';:::::::: 15.0 Very dense, gray, slightly silty to :t(.~.\%~~: S-4II silty, fine to coarse gravelly, fine ;{).}:}i{( Cia z...., =10-=c ~- . - = .... a.. ::;;:0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE (140 lb. .. i Ih t. 3D-d r 0 p ) ... Blou per foot 20 40 ::::::1::::::.:: ·I::T 5 -:::::::::i::::::~A :1:::;;: • ~ •••••• , •••••• 98, • ::::~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~ 15 -:-.~-:-.. : ..... ~ .... 50/2" • I. ::. . to coarse SAND, w/occasional slightly:jifiiHEU clayey zones, w/frequent cobbles and ~:{3!(;~';';!' *S-5u -L. 201-:-:-:-:-: -: -: -: : .... !-: : : : :~O~~';~ .. ::: ~:::: ~::::::ii( A 25~------'~------~ : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : 1 00/5'~ .. · : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : ~ ~ · ................. . · ................. . : : : : : : : : : 1: : : : : : i6i A 3 0 -::-:":~:::-: r: : : : : : ~ f----------------Very dense, gray, slightly silty to t<Sb . silty, fine to coarse sandy, fine to :'.0 ... coarse GRAVEL ~b~~~~ : : : : : : : . : :.' : : : : : : : : : :$:j"~5 _____ ....p.;.;CJ.tye: 35.OV -+---3 5 .. : ... : ... : .. ~.~.~~ .. ~-~.~ .. ~.~ ~.: : : : o~~~ ~oo ~ Frozln . ':' .. :.': ~'. Ground l :. :.:t., ", " ///" / I ",,~ I ""1"/ ~ (cont.) LEGEND Grave I J-. Falling Head Permeabi li ty Test Sand 1 Water level Si It U. Bottom of Observation Well Clay I 1.5" ID split spoon sample II 2.0" ID split spoon sample Pea t ill 3.0" ID split spoon sample Organic Content * sample not recovered · .... : ,: : : I : : : : : : : : : J 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratificatIon lInes represent the apprOllmaU ooundar In oet .. en SOil types Ind the transition may oe Irldual. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Enqr. Corp. LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' "LSON, INC. ;(OT(CN.ICAl CONSUlrA.rs SHEET 1 of 2 FIG. B-4 " .. III. .... - ' .... - fl. ,- ..... ..... I. ,1IiI ,-'. '----,-'. -.. "",",-"-----~-------------------------- SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: "'632 ' (cont.) GRAVEL, as above Very dense, gray, slightly silty to silty, fine to coarse sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL w/occasional cobbles and boulders, and w/occasional zones of gravelly sand and silty sand Bottom of Boring @ 59.9 ' Completed 10/12/81 NOTE: Descriptions from 37.8-59.9 ' based on drill action and cuttings only Observation well installed w/bottom @ 39.0 ' w/3.1 I stickup ~ -=~ A.. = c ...... ,. ~ . --. ::I: -A.. ..... = ..... ....J A.. -c .... *5-9 f 5-101 LEGEND I Falling Head Permeability Grave I -1-Test ~ °0 °0" Water level Bottom of Observation Well 1.5" ID split spoon sample Sand .1 S i It U Clay I II Pea t J[ Organic Content * ~ t;o Frozen : '~:'.:' :.:'~.: Ground I :. : .. ,. .. ' .... /~//~ /// / / tm IIII I ,,~ I 'oj ,·l 1;-1."1 2.0" ID split spoon sample 3.0" ID split spoon sample Sample not recovered =,. z ..... =-Ct c ~. . -- 35 PENETRATION RESISTANCE (I~O lb. nishI, 3D-drop) A Bini per 1001 20 40 bUlo :l~. J..U 40 45 .-.--.--+----~ -L 50 _._ ... _._ .. _---+-------1 551r-------~------__4 · ........... . · ......... . · ........... . · ........... . 65 --.--+--.-----1 ...... . . . . . . . . 7 0 .~ ... ~-: ... ~..:..-... :...:..+.-_-----1 .. 20 40 • ~ Water content Nate: The slralllicalion lines represenl Ihe approllmate boundar liS be Iween 10 II Iypes and Ihe Iransilion may De iradual. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 (cONT ,) December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' IIlS0N, INC. 'EGTECH.,cal Co.sulTa.TS SHEET 2 of 2 FIG. B-4 II II II I j II I SHA •••• I IlLS.. INC. I(tUCII.ICAl CO •• fUAlfI FIELD Lex; (F TEST PIT TP-l SOIL DESCRIPTION l REIARIS Brown, silty, fine to medium SAND, w/roots and organic material Brown, silty, fine SAND Soft, organge and gray. laminated. organic SILT, w/scattered organiC material (MH-OH) i Medium stiff to stiff, tan, slightly clayey, silty, gravelly SAND (ML-SM) ~ ________________________ ~SL Bottom of Test Pit @ 5.0 feet 0:::1 I Vl *Test Pit on Right Abutment, Roadhouse Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location S-l S-2 f 1 f i f I I II iii iii I. .. I 10. K-0469-01 •• 1£ ~-6-81 LICI". Roadhouse Slte* PROJfCT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz S KETCH OF Wes t PIT SIDE SURfACE ELEVATION AI 631 feet HORllONTAL DISTANCE IN FEEl 2 6 8 '0 12 I I I I • I I I I I I SHAMMDM I ilLS. IIC. . IUUCIllICAL ct .. IILTnn FIELD L~ (F TEST PIT TP-2 SOil DESCRIPTION & REIARKS ORGANIC ~1AT Brown, sandy, gravelly SILT, w/roots Reddish brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL Gray, medium to coarse sandy, GRAVEL, trace of fine sand, w/scattered cobbles and boulders (GP) Bottom of Test Pit @ 4.0 feet *Test Pit on Right Abutment, Roadhouse Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location -0 QJ t S-l QJ III ..c o QJ t: o z: I I I I i i i i i ; I i JOI 10. K-0469-0l DATE ~-81 LOCallOI Roadhouse 5ite* . PROJECT TaZimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz SKETCH OF West PIT SIDE SURFACE ElEVATION rV661 feet HDRllONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 2 4 6 B 10 12 \ . . . . .. ORGANIC l'1AT . If ........ : . \ : :: :: : : i : : SILT ' > :: 1 : : : : : : : I: > . I : . : :: :: : : I. : . ; . ; ; : .. \ ..... i .. l ... j .... i········:······· : . : . : : : : : ~ . GRAVEL : 1 : : : : . . . :: :::: : : : : . : : : : . : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . ...... : ....... . 8 12 . . . ~ ~ ~ . ; . . . . . .. .. i ........ . II II II II I j I INAMMDM , IILIIN. INC. OUUCII.leAl C"SlIl"'" FIELD L(x; (F TEST PIT TP-3 SOIL DESCRIPTION' REMARKS i""""\Orangish brown, silty fine SAND / Orangish brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL, w/cobbles and boulders Gray, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL, w/cobbles and boulders, w/occasional sand 1 enses Dense, gray, gravelly, silty SAND, trace of clay (SM) Below 25 1 covered by slope wash *Test Pit on Big Bend, see Site Plan, Plate 1, for location "0 OJ > ~ OJ VI .0 o OJ c o z: ell .... ~ =~ ......... . ... c c:az: ell i I I i iii i II Ii JOI 10. K-U4oY-UI DATE ~81 LOCATIOI Big Bend* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A.Goetz S KETCH OF North 5 PIT SIDE SURfACE ELEVATION tV 670 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 1 a 15 28 25 ~AN . . . . . . .. :. ·······1··· : : : : : : : . : : : : : : • • • • • • • • .1. • • • • • • • . ! • GRAVEL .• ••••••••••••••••• ~ .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... :---: ... : .. -1--.: ... : ... : ... : ... :.··:···:···:···:···1···:···:···:···:···:···:···:···:···:"'1"':"':"':"':"':"':"':":"':"-\--':"':"':'··:···:···:···:···:······l··:··:·······:·······:···:··.: ... S-l SAND::: I:::···· :~:::::: I:::::· :.':: I::::::::: I:::::::: : . : : ~ : : ~ ~ i . : : : : . : : :! GRAVEL'.!:::::·::::!::::":·: I : : : : : : : . II II II I I I t;O I OJ SHANNON' IILSON INC. ""UIIIIUl " •• ULTlln FIELD Lex; (F TEST PIT TP-4 SOl L OESCRI PYlON & REIARKS Brown, sandy SILT-ORGANIC MAT Redd, sn Drown, sandy -S-IL T, w/roots and trace of gravel Brownish gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt, w/cobbles (GW) Bottom of Test Pit @ 5.0 feet *Te~t Pit on right side of river, Lower Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location "0 Q) > s- Q) II) ..c o Q) c: o :z: I S-l • I , I i I Iii iii i Ii ii JOI 10. K-0469-0l DATE ~81 LOCATIO. lower s, te* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz SKETCH OF West PIT SIDE SURfaCE ELEVATION AI 700 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 2 6 8 10 12 ~: : : : : . : ~ SILT : ~ : : : : . : : .. : ... .I .. . .. : : : : : : : : 1 : ...... . 1::::.:::.1>:-:'" .. \ ..... 1 ... 1: ....... \ .. / .. : :: :: :: : :: I SILT : ; : . :: : : ... I· . -: . .......: . ~ . . . . .. .. '" ..' .:.........:........ 2 ··.···.···.···.···.···.·I~~~~~~I.l: 1.···· .•...•...•...•...•...• ·.···.··\··.···.···.···.···.···.···.···.·····1.···.··· •...•...•...•...•...•. . . . . . . '.: . . . . .. ... ~: : : : : : : : : : : I : : : ..... " : . : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : I : : . : .... : I : : : : : : : : 8 ....... 12 .. . .... II II I t I j 11'1 I 11 C> tJ:1 I La SHANNON & IILIIN. INC. .. IUCIIIICAl CO.IIILTUJI FIELD L~ (F TEST PIT TP-5 SOil DESCRIPTION & REMARKS Dark brown, fine sandy, organic SILT - ORGANIC MAT Reddish brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL, w/occasional cobbles \ raY1sh blue, Sllghtly clayey, r silty, gravelly SAND '--------' Grayish brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL, w/occasional cobbles (GW-GM) ~ ____________________________ ~SL Bottom of Test Pit @ 4.0 feet *Test Pit on Lower Lake Site moraine, on west side of moraine, on· left side of river See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location I 11 'I f t I i Ii II IIII li.1 Ii JOI 10. K-0469-01 lATE 9-6-81 Loca"o. l ower Lake Sl te"" PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz .,. :z::;:; SKETCH OF North PIT S IDE SURFACE ElEVATION N 650 feet ~ .... '" ~ ~~ HORIZONTAL OISTANCE IN FEET :: caz 2 4 6 8 10 12 5-1 2 N\; ::~:EL 1/ ......! T I ..•...•...•...•••••• I.G::::L ••• :·.···.·1\1 · • . •..•• f • • . . • . ~ . . . . . .. . ~ . . . . : . •. .....: ..' 4 .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : .. + .. : .. ' .. : ....... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... ! ... : ... : ....... : ... : ....... : ... : ... : ... ! ....... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... ! ... : ... : .. ·: .. ·:· .. :· .. : .. ·: .. ·:···:· .. 1 .. ·: .. ·: .. ·:· .. :· .. :···:···:···:··· ... . : : :-: :: :: I : : :: : : :: : 1 :: : : : :: :: 1 ... : . : : : ! : :: : :: : : : I :: :: : : : : : : : : : : . BI::i!I.;I.~. : : : : : . , ....... : ......... :. . ...... :. . ...... : ......... : ........ , : : : : : :::::::::\:::<::::!':.! ':::.1:::::::::1::::::::: :: :: 8 ..•...•. ..........I ...•... ·.........................J ..•...•...•...•...•..•.•...•...•... : ...•...•...•...•...•...•...•...•...•. 1 ••..• 1 ..•...•...•.•...•.. 12 Ii" I J II I j II I J Iii i I 'j II II I ••• Ii Ii I. I. INAMMIN I WllllN INC. 11"IC •• leal c'.'~lra.,. FIELD Lex; IF TEST PIT TP-6 SOil DESCRIPTION' REIARKS Dark brown organic SILT -ORGANIC MAT Brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt, w/cobbles (GP) Bottom of Test Pit @ 4.0 feet *Test Pit on left side of river, on slope just above the Alternate Power- house Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location ""0 Q.) > ~ Q.) VI ..a o Q.) s::: o z: S-l ·2 JO. 10. K-0469-0l lATE 9-7-81 lICII •• Alt Powprhouse Site* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz PIT SIDE SURFACE ElEVATION -v 417 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 6 8 10 12 SIlT . • .• i •• / • . ••.• i ••• • • • ........•.••. : . ~ ., . . ...... 1 GRAVEL :: I : . . .. :.: . .. . ..... ; , .&.1 I. j I • • I SHANNON I IllSIN, INe. II.UU.IClL C' •• UlU ... FIELD L~ (F TEST PIT TP-7 SOIL DESCRIPTION & REIARKS Dark brown, fine sandy, peaty, organic SILT -ORGANIC MAT Lt. brown,grave11y,sandy,peaty SILT,ML Light brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt, w/cobbles and boulders (GP) Gray after 4.0 feet Bottom of Test Pit @ 4.5 feet *Test Pit on Left Abutment, Forebay Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location Iii S-3 "'0 S-l Q) > ~ S-2 Q) III ..0 0 Q) t: 0 Z I I j I i II Ii Ii Ii If II II JOI 10t~ K-0469-0l DATE 9-7-81 LOCATIOI Forebay S1 te* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz SKETCH OF East PIT SIDE SURFACE ELEVATION tV 647 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 2 4 6 8 10 12 K~~:. ::1···:···17·······:.·: ...... . I :: ~ : ~ : SILT I:'·:: : Y' I < :: :: :: i :: .... . 2 .. : ... : ... :, .. : ... :, .. : ... : ... :\:~ _........;;.S..;;...I L_T~ __ '~' Z,:.,l".:, .. : .. ,: ... :, .... ":.,,.,',: ... : .. 1,., .... : ... : ... : ... : ....... : ... : ... : ... 1 ... : ... : ... :, .. : ... :".:".: .. ,"" •••• • • • • • , • • . GRAVEL I •• • • · •••• : • • • • • • . .. • •••••••• : •••••••• : . : . : : : : : ~ : : ~ : : . . : : ~ : : : . . .. .:.... .. ....... 8 ...... . . . . . . • . . • • • • • ·1. • • • • • • • .1. • • • • • • · • ! • • • • • • • • .1· • • • • · • · .1. • • • • • • • • : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : : :': : I : : : : : .. 10 .. · .. ·:··~···~····· .. ~···: .... · .. , .. ·l···:· .. : .... · .. : .. ·:··: .. ·: .. · ....... '1' .... :··· .. :...:· .. : .. ·: .. ·: .. ·· .. '1"·: .. · .... :···· .. ·: .. ·: .. ·· .. ' ... ·: .. ·1 ...... ·: .. ·: .. ·:··: .. ·: .. ·:· .. : .. ·:· .. 1 .... < .. ·: .. ·: ..... ·: .. ·: .. · ... 12 •••••••• ·1 •. · · · · • •• 1. • • · · .... ! • • • • . • • • .1 •••••• • •• 1 •• • • • • • • • L-________________________________ ~ __ ~ __ ~~I~ ________ ~_ II II I'll I. II I J I j I CJ SHANNIN I IILSIN IMe • • "HClllleAl cal.duAln FIELD La; (F TEST PIT TP-8 SOil DESCRIPTION' REMARKS East Half- very hard, gray VOLCANIC BRECCIA -in-place bedrock t~est Half- Grayish brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL Bottom of Test Pit @ 4.0 feet *Test Pit on Left Abutment, Roadhouse Site See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location -0 QJ > s- QJ III .D o QJ C o :z: ... .... ~ ~~ It. eL .... . ... c az ... 4 8 I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I iii JOI 10. K-0469-0l DUE ~7 -81 LOCaTiOI Roadhollse sjte* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz SKETCH OF South PIT SIDE SURFACE ElEVATION /\J 678 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 2 4 6 8 JJI. 12 ! I . . . . . . • •.• • • • • • • i • . • • .. .• ••••• . . ... • ! • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • . . . . ......... i . . . . . .. GRAVEL : : : : . : . : : : : i . I ....... . ~L-________________ ~ ________ ~-J~-L~12L-______ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~ _______ ·~·_·· ______ ~_"_·_._._.~. I j. i I j. II II I t II I '~ I SMANNON 'IILSON INC. , .. T(CMlICAL CO .. UUlI" FIELD L~ (F TEST PIT TP-9 SOIL DESCRIPTION' REMARKS Gray, slightly silty, fine to medium SAND, trace of coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel Bottom of Test Pit @ 3.0 feet *Test Pit on a moraine, south of the fa 11 s See Site Plan, Plate 1, for location -0 QJ > ~ QJ Vl S-l g 6 QJ C o z: I II II II II II II II 11 Ii JOI 10. K-0469-01 DATE 9-8-81 LOCATIO. Mora j ne SOllth of Fall s* PROJECT Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project INSPECTOR K.A. Goetz S KETCH OF ~Jes t 2 SAND: : : : ...... . PIT S IDE SURFACE ELEVATION tV 855 feet HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET 4 6 8 10 .. : : : : : : : I· : : : : : : : : I : : . l . ~ . 12 G:i 12 . : ! . . . i ........ . -.. -.. -.. - -.. -.. -.. -... - - ". -... --- - - -... - - Appendix C. Laboratory Test Methods and Results ,---------... - --- --- .. ----- ------ General Classifications Water Content Dry Unit Weight Grain Size Analysis Atterberg Limits Standard Compaction From Borings: TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix C Laboratory Test ~'ethods and Results LABORATORY TEST METHODS LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Summaries of Test Results Grain Size Analyses From Test Pits: Summaries of Test Results Grain Size Analyses Compaction Test Page C-l C-l C-3 C-3 C-4 C-4 C-4 4 sheets Figs. C-l thru C-10 2 sheets Figs. C-ll thru C-2l Fig. C-22 ~. -----.. -- - - - - --- - ------- .. LABORATORY TEST METHODS General Laboratory tests were conducted on representative test pit sampl es, penetration test samples from the borings, and a sample of fault gouge. The results of the laboratory tests are shown on the Summaries of Test Results included in this appendix. The laboratory testing program consisted of running a number of tests including water content, dry unit weight, grain size analysis, Atterberg limits, and standard compaction. The fault gouge sample was taken from the major fault on the left side of the fa 11 s . Classifications All samples tested were classified; the results of which are shown on the Summaries of Test Results. These classifications are combinations of the laboratory test results and visual classifications done in both the lab and field. The methods used for classifying and describing soil samples are discussed below. Soil Classification -Shannon & Wilson uses a soil classification system that draws certain features from the Unified Soil Classification System (USC), ASTM Methods 0-2487 (Classification of Soil 5 for Engineering Purposes) and 0-2488 (Description of Soils, Visual-Manual Procedure). Soils were classified according to the following characteristics: a) density or consistency b) color c) minor constituents d) major constituents e) trace constituents f) geologic characteristics C-l --- ----- - - - - - - - - - - ------- Relative density or consistency is approximately determined by the results of the Standard penetration test as follows: Blows1Ft. 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 Over 50 Granular Soils Density Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Very Dense Blows/Ft. Below 2 2-4 4-8 8-15 15-30 Over 30 Silts & Clays Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Relative consistency can also be determined by torvane and pocket penetrometer measurements as follows: Pocket Torvane Penetrometer Relative SPT Shear (Unconfined Consistency N-Value Strength Strength} Term {blows/ft} {tst} {tsf) Very soft <2 < 0.13 < 0.25 Soft ·2-4 0.13-0.25 0.25-0.50 Medium Stiff 4-8 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 Stiff 8-15 0.5-1.0 1.0-2.0 Very Stiff 15-30 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 Hard > 30 > 2.0 > 4.0 Color descriptions are generally kept as simple as practical, using such basic soil colors as brown, gray, and tan. Color is generally used to distinguish different layers or to indicate weathered or other special zones within a single soil type layer. Major, minor and trace constituents of a soil are determined by visual-manual procedures or by measurement. Major constituents are those comprising more than 50% of the soil and may be either gravel, sand, silt, or clay, or occasionally some' combination of those types. Organic silts and clays and peat may also appear as major constituents. Minor constituents are those comprising 12% to 50% of the soil mass and are written as modifiers to the major constituent(s). Trace constituents are those comprising less than 12% of the soil mass. When describing trace constituents whose particle size is smaller than C-2 ---.. ------ - - .. - - - ---- - --------- the particle size of the major constituent(s) the following terminology is used: % of Soil Mass Less than 5% 5 to 12% Modifier "trace of" "slightly" When describing trace constituents whose particle size is larger than the particle size of the major constituent(s) the following terms apply: Water Content % of Soil Mass Less than 12% Modifier "trace of" This value is determined by drying the sample in an oven. The water content is calculated by dividing the weight of the water contained in the sample by the oven dry weight of the sample. The test follows .the standard procedures of ASTM 0-2216-71 (Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soil). Dry Unit Weight' Dry density values were determined on penetration test samples obtained in brass liners, hollow ~ylindrical brass tubes that fit inside the samplers. The calculation uses the volume of the sample obtained by measuring the liner and the weight of the sample contained in the liner. Wet density values were'obtained by dividing the sample wet wei ght by the volume. After the water content of t,he sample had been determined, the dry density was calculated. Density values obtained from split-spoon liner samples should be considered lower than the actual' in situ density due to disturbance by driving. C-3 -- --- --- - - - - ..... --- -------- - ---- Grain Size Analysis Grain size determinations combined washed sieve analyses on the coarse material and hydrometer analyses on the materi'al passing the no. 10 sieve. If a sample was predominantly coarse grained it received only the washed sieve analysis. Both tests were run in accordance with the standard method for particle size analysis ASTM 0 422-72 (Particle-Size Analysis of Soils). An average value of 2.67 was used for specific gravity in hydrometer calculations. Atterberg Limits Atterberg 1 imi ts were determi ned in genera 1 acco.rdance wi th ASTM o 423-72 (Liquid Limit of Soils)' and 0 424-71 (Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils). The limits obtained were used for classification of samples, in accordance with the Standard Plasticity Chart modified from ASTM 0 2487-75 (Classification of Soil s for Engineering Purposes). Atterberg1imit determinations were conducted on samples at their natural moisture content. Standard Compaction One compaction test was conducted on a till sample consisting of gravelly, silty sand. The method used foll ows the standard procedures as outlined in ASTM Method D 698-78 (Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures .•. ). This method uses a 5.5 pound hammer, dropping 12 inches for 25 blows for each of 3 layers in a standard 4 inch mold. Maximum dry density and optimum water content can be calculated from this test. C-4 II II.i iii j I I I t I I ~ ~ Z C) Z P OJ I I----' I----' o 11 N SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO B-1 . ~i~~ ~~ ~~ li{, :Jt~ ~ ~ I .;'$ "'~ ZOot ~~ './,! 1$ ,t.! ,,~ ~ if $'¢ ., ,. ~ ~~~.t ~ ., " t1 ~ ~~J' I~ ~ I Ii $j~ ,f~~Ij-/ ~ a~ $ tt u ~ 0 'f .tP «II B-1 3 9.1-GH 10.6 Fia. C-1 7 ?C; 1 GP 26.6 FiQ. C-1 8b 31. 2-15 113 SP-SM 31.7 Fig. C-2 13b 57.0-13 80 S~1 57.5 FiQ. C-2 14a 61 0-20 106 SM 63.5 Fig. C-3 14b 63.5-20 95 SM 64.0 Fia. C-3 15a 68.0-27 92 685 - I I II I, II II I SHANNON & WILSON JO. NO K-0469-0l . DATE Dec. 81 CLASSifiCATION Verv dense orav sandv GRAVEl Medium dense orilv snnrlv ~RA~EI • trace of 5j 11 Dense, gray, sl ight1y silty, gravelly SAND Medium dense, Qray, silty, fine SAND. trace of medium sand r~edium dense ora v. siltv. fine SAND - Medium dense, gray, silty, fine SAND, trace of medium sand Very stiff, gray, clayey SILT, trace of fine Sil nrl .. • i U) :r m ~ N o 'TI N I I • i I i I j . I • I J I I I • I i I ! I SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO. B-] ftJ%l~ ~i~ ~ Ii:; ~ -l' ~ ~ J q.$ A I t>.I I!~ I" il l/ ,-"J ~I;/ll'/ II/1M , I ct <I '.I v ~J' ¥ c1... .;:j"'" ,,~ ,)P v, 0" B-1 15b 68.5-ML 69.0 .... iq. C-4 16a 72.8-25 73.3 16b 73.3-t·1L NV-NP 73.8 Fiq. C-5 --- -~ - f------r----~ f-~-- f--- 1 I I f I I I • I • I I I I j SHANNON & WILSON ~ JOI NO. K-0469-0l DATE Dec. 81 CLASSlflCAnON Very stiff~ gray. slightly clayey, fine sandy SILT, trace of medium to coarse SAND Very stiff, gray, slightly clayey SILT, trace of flne sand Very stiff. gray, slightly clayey SILT, trace of fine to medium sand . --. I i·1 I I I I I I I I Ii 't II I I m o ~ Z C) z p \----' o 11 1'0 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS · I BORING NO 8-2 3&4 0i~~~~1i 11/. :: ~ f-. f ~~,,~ N ~f-. II; ~I ~.t .. "I ~/.fl /1.:" h~ /Il .! ~ .t ~ 'l-~C; ~ ~~ ~ " CJ ~.::J"" ~ ~ ~ C; 0 ~ B-2 2 5.4-GW 6.5 Fia. C-6 4a 16.8-6 129 GW-GM 17.3 Fig. .~ C-6 6 25.6-G~J-GM 26.4 Fig. C-6 B-3 2 0-(;,., 1.5 Fig. C-7 B-4 2 5.0-GP 6.5 Fia. C-8 3b 12.1-5 129 GW-G~1 12.6 Fig. C-8 ~-~. ___ -__ "-a-_~ I I II II It II 't SHANNON & WILSON JO& NO K-0469-0l DATE.D..e.C 81 I CLASSifiCATION Very dense. arav. sandy GRAVEL trace of silt Verv dense arav sl iahtl v s i 1 tv sanrlv f,RAVFI Very dense. arav. sliahtlv siltv sandv (;RAVFI Medium dense. brown. silty. sandy GRAVEL. trac of c1av Dense. graIl. slightly sandy GRAVEL. trace of sil t Ver~ dense, gray, s] i 9 b t] ~ s i 1ty • saudy GIHHlEL -- I I I I I j i I Ii Ii I I I • j I I z p N o -n N SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS . a BORING NO B-23&4 ~ ~ ~ !o.. f ~ ~.... N ~!o.. ~i1;j;q~ ~ / l~ /~I Ill/.t711:/III/ //j /Il B-4 4 15 5-sr~ 16. 1 Fig~ C-9 6b 21. 9-9 130 S~I-S~1 22.4 Fig. C-9 8b 30.2-10. 126 SW-S~1 30.7 FiQ. C-lO 10 36.3-GW-G~1 37.8 Fig. C-10 -- t---- I I II II Ii II II SHANNON & WILSON JOa NQ K-0469-0l . DATE Dec 81 ~~ CLASSifiCATION ~~ o A.;: Very dense. arav. silty. aravellv SAND Very dense, gray, slightly silty, gravelly SAND, trace of clay Ver.v dense, gra.v, slight1.v silt.v,gravell.v SAND ~ .. o. Ver.v dense, gray, slight1.v silt~, sand~ GRAVEL I J I I I j I i I I I I I I • • I I I I I I r t I I I I I I • I I I SIEVE ANALYSI S HYDROIETEI nAUSI S L S liE Df O.lIIllIG III IltHES I IIUUU If lUll .£1 IIiCII U .1. "UUII I lUll un I" .11 I ... • • ... ~ .... ... .. .. a "' . ... ... a '" "" "-"-" D D a co a :~ .. ... ... a a a a a a -• .. ... ... --.. on_ ... -.. -.. ... • -D~CI D a a a a a a 1110 '0 --;.------,----_.--~-- " --. r---. r-------\. 1\ --._--- \ .. -'""" ---- 10 II a f.-1 .--. -_. -,-r---f------.. ,-,'-~ ... -------- f---.. ----. ----.-------.--.--.----to U .-... _, --~---. . -... _---._-_ .. . --.. -.. . _._- ---. -. ,-. '-.... -_.--'--... ----. ----- lD -JO .... 1 .-. ----. ,,"-_ .. __ . t- :.:: _\ :.l. --~ .. ----_. . _---.~-- _ . .. --. ---:.: UI .1 &0 -----.. -. -_. 1----" -... -----. -------L;j -1------_. ~ -----. -------------_ .. ---. .--. &U • 10 h. to • " . --_._._-.. _ .. -.. ,------.~ Jo-Jo-!-.-----" ~ --. -'--I -.. --------------.~. -..... -...... -. .-.----"' "' I-t'\. I ...... ,~" .... --. -.-----.. ------.-. ----------.----- a; r---------f------I-i--i---'-1------------a; LaJ lID " II LaJ -= -" " ----'---'----.. -1--"----------'" -..... a; I&-...... . -I' '-' ---"" --.-. ----Q .... .-. " " -.-.. -----U -= 40 " , II LaJ !--1--' -.. .... U ~ -i5 a; I' , U LaJ .... , IL JG .. '-, II a; LaJ .'\. -1-r-1---IL , .... .-r--._---.... 20 "'-.... II .... .... r--"-1----....... "-...... ..... .. -S .. 10 ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... .. r--.. ....."" -I 1--' '1-"-----0 ' I I I I I I IT ... a CI ell ell ell D ell D a • • ... .. ... ... --... .. .. ... • ... ... ... • • ... PO ... 0 a a a_ -... .. ... -. . . . • a ell a a ell 00 .,. .,. a a PO .. .. lilA IN IUE IN MILLIMEUIS . . .. a .,. a a a . CainES I coun I 'II' I nun I III lUI I '11' I I .... n I .... I fiNES .. MIll DE'III·,.-u.l.e. eLASSlf leu ION UI, 10. i.C_ s LL fl .. Tazimina River I B-1 Hydroelectric Project 3 9.1-10.6 G~J • Very dense, gray, sandy GRAVEL GUill Sill CUSSlfICAJ' .. 7 25.1-26.6 GP • t'1edium dense, gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of Boring B-1 silt Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-0l SHANNON' IILSON 'U"'IIIIC1L UIlIULU ... I I I I I • I r I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I SI EVE AMALYSI S HYDROMETER ANALYSI S I , S liE Of OPENING III IlieNE S , IIUIIIU OF IUIN PEl IIICIi. U .•. IUIIUIO I IUIII IllE III 1111 , N D D .. .. .. ... N a ~ .... N .. .. • .. ... ... a D D D D D ... "-"-"-"-"-D D D D D D D .. D D D D D D D D -... .. ... ... --...... -.. -.. -.. .. • -... '0 100 --~---------------.. -i-. . r-' .. -. -"-i----. -----... .. -----.": -i----. . -. ---.------. -f------r--f---\; . 10 10 , 1----------,---1-----------'''' ---- 1---f-----f--"-------_. -... --_.----"------.----------_._-----------f-.. --------- --------------.. ------1---.----------ID ao , ,., .-----._--'--------. --_.-._--e-. ,., -_ .. --.-------. -.-----f----I------,\ .--------........:.------------. -.-----lD ,\ -30 u ----I------------l-I---f--~--------.--:a:: I- \\ ---------:c ----_.-1--------I-1---_.-.. --. ---It!I C!I I--I--i------------------.. 1---1---1------------------------_. ---------r----_ .. ----. ---. W w I--.. ----------- 40 • -= 10 1\=---'--._. --_._------------' ~ ---------_. --"-----.-------------------.--.--_ .. -.. ---_ .. ---".--------a:a a:a f----... --.. ------.. ---.. -- - -.... ---1------I-.-.n._ -.. _." _. --.... . ----.--. ---.--\t--ffi ------1------------------.----_ .. _ .. . ---.---_ .. .. -. ------.. -.------ar: so w itO \, ---III Z 1---u -------"-----iIII:: -----.--. -------LL. ~ --.-----C --- U ---. -I------.. -. --. --.---I------f-------~ II z 40 I-W .. --. ---.. I-I-~ U -I--1----I--r---1--------- ar: -1---U 1--i-f-._--l-t--w JI ar: A-U w f----l-I---A---l-f------------ao II ----' . -----. ------------------I-i--._- II 10 -------r-'--.1-----l-I----rt,--,-,---"1 I I I 110 0 D D D D D D D D D .. • .. .. ... -• ~ .. .. .. -.. • .. ... ... a .. .. .. .. ... a D D D. • .. .. .. -. .. .. .. .. D .. • D D D ... ... -GIlAiN IIZE IN IIILLIIiElUI . • D D .. D D COBBLES , COUll I 'IU I COUll, IUDIUM , 'IU 1" FINES , I"VEl I UID I UMPll U.I.C. CUIIiF ICU ION IU. LL 'L 'I 110. IlP"-f' -i.c. , Tazimina River B-1 Hydroelectric Project 14a p3.0-63.5 SM • f4edium dense, gray, silty, fine SAND 20 GRAIII SUE CUSSIF I CAli 011 Boring B-1 14b p3.5-64.0 S~1 .. Medium dense, gray, s i 1 ty, fine SAND, trace 20 Stone & Webster [ngr. Corp of medium sand December 1981 K-0469-01 IHANNON & II LION IUIICUIUL UIliULUI .. n I L:" II I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I i SI EVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSI S r S I IE 0' 0'(111 N& III IIiCHE S I IIUIliEi 0' IIlIN '11 IIiCII. U.,. 'UIIOUD I UAIII I IlE IN 1111 I ... • -. PO .. ~ •• N • • .. .. ;;; N "-,,-"-"-"-.. co .. .. CI .. • . PO N ; .. .. .. .. .. -... • .. N --.. .... -PO -. -.. • • -.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 '0 --------1-~ f.-I-~ ----.. -.-....... ~ --_. ----- 0- ,. ...... -1---1-----110 " 10 I-.----I--.--1------~ r--' . .---... "-.. ---.. _-_. ---t-----_. -'.--· . .. .-..• ----- .--f-------1\ 1·-._-----. -.-. -._--'-'-"-10 iii ---I------ . --.--. ---. f-r -----._--.. -.--------- "--.------.--.-------lD ---30 I--I-~-. ----.--" '---.-_. I- % .---t---t----------.---.•.. -. -._----:s: CD CD -.. I--f------.----". -------, -,...---.... --_ .. --.-----UJ ---. -.. -1----I----_.----.-. -'-.. ---,.--. -----UJ • DO 40 -.: -f-f--------.---.-.. .. ._---- ~ ~ -.-------~---------------._----... ----a:a .. -_ .. ------.----f\ a:a -1---1-1-1·-"-'. ---.'---. -------f-r---.-.-.. ------.---... ..:------I----1------._--.-.-1--------I-"" -. --. ---' -----.----L&..I lID III UJ z .------I-.---. --· . -. -_. ----.-.--"" .-------~ >.--.--k--------.. .. . -. ------.: l&.. -----_.------.-------. -' '-'-a t--_. --._---.------.-.. -. .-----u _ .. \ Z 40 ,. DO t-L&..I .-f-~_o_ --I-.. '-I--,-_ .. 0 l' m -------_. , --------' -.--1---I-~-f~ i-I-----u UJ I-I---I---'-1-------A-U JI L&..I j r--' -" 1-·· .-A- I--.~ I-"" -1---.------"" --.. . -...... I-I--. 10 .. ------.. --_. --i._ --.. --------------I-r--.--f-f-I-10 10 -._--....... ---I---1---.. l-f-._--"-----....... I TI rl'] "-T--I I I I 1 0 1 1.---1-----a 110 co .. .... a .. .. .. .. • -• .. ... --• • .. .. ---• PO .. ; • -. PO .. ; .. .. .. • • • .. .. -.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... -GRAIN SIZE IN IILLlIlElEIS . .. .. 0 .. a .. COIBLES COUll I fiNE I COUll I MUIUM I flU I .f •• I UAVEl I IAIID I FINES UII'lE IIPlII-I1. U.S.C. CLASSIFiCAtiON UI. 10. '.C. II II 'l PI Tazimina River B-1 Hydroelectric Project 15b 68.5-69.( r~L • Very stiff, gray, slightly clayey, fine GRAIM SIZE CUSSlflCATIOIl sandy SILT, trace of medium to coarse sand Boring B-1 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp_ December 1981 K-0469-0l SHANNON , IILSON .. IUClllICAl cauUluUI .- n I V1 I I I I I j I j I i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANAlUI S I Ill( OF 0' Ell I KG IN INCHES I NUll IE • O' IIESH 'EI IIICH. U. I. IUNDAlO I IUIN IIZE III 1111 I .... .. .. .. ... ... ~ ..... ... -.. co co ~ ... ........ "-, .... co co co a 0 co .. .. ... ... ~ 0 0 0 a a 0 • co 0 0 0 0 co 0 co -... .. ... ... --"'111 -... -.. -... .. .. -... 100 '0 ------- ~-f-----r---1--------e------------- ~---~ -I-------I---------_.- 10 .:t" 10 --f--f------------1----1--------- '-c-I-i--.~---I----f---f--------------------- ----------f--1----f---f-------------'-- ,------------1----------_.- 10 2Il --------------------.. . --_. -------.. ---------.--.----- ----. ------------- JD IT U ~ ---r-.-----_ .. _. ~ "T-::.: :c --.----1----r---.------1 --------.--------CD CD --~ ------_._------... '-'------I---"'--- ------------L&J 1--1---1---_ ... ------.---------1-------------... --.. ----------. -----. -----L&J • 10 40 • -------.--------------~ ~ f-------------.------------_.-.. --------1--f-------. . ---.-------ID ID I-f---.. -------.. ---. -'--'----1----•. -. --..... --1---.--. ----- l1:li::: ------------..• ---1--------I-I---f-1---------.--. ----l1:li::: L&J U II L&J z: ----------1--f-------II) III: --~-----~----I-------.: ..... ---------------a ~ ,---f------~ --t-f---~--------~ z: 40 00 L&J --e-\ --~ g \ i5 ---\ - l1:li::: \ ~ L&J 1---f--"T -A-U JO L&J 1---A-.. -~ ------ " -.. """ U , .. --"" ---.--------t------10 II ---I' I--"'" ........ 0 II Itl--ITI I I I I I -.... .. I e> 0 a a 0 co 0 0 co .. .. .. .. ... -.. ~ .. .. ... -.. .. .. ... ... ~ .. .. .. ... .. ~ 0 0 co .. .. .. ... ... -'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co D ... ... -aRUN SIZE IN IIILlllinUS . 0 co 0 0 0 co callus I CDUIE I • lIE I CDAlIE I IUIUI I 'IU I flNU I nAVEl I ... 0 I IAM'LE Dl"I1"'-U.S.C. ClAS$lf ICU ION Ul. LL 'L 'I Tazimina 110_ •. c. I River I B-1 Hydroelectric Project 16b 173.3-73.8 f·1L • Very stiff, gray, slightly , clayey SILT, NV NP GUlli SIZE CUSSIFI CAT 1011 trace of fine to medium sand Boring B-1 Stone & \~ebster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-0l SHANNON & IIUON .. IIItUIUL COUULU", -- I I I i I I I j I j f I I I , I I I I I I I _ i I SI EVE ANALYSI S HYDROMETER AII'USI S I S liE 0' O.EIIIII& III IIiCHU I NUIlIE • Of IIESH • Ell INCII U.' . IUIIOUO I iliA III IlZE III 1111 I ... .. .. ~ ... N ::, ~ .. N .. ~ D D .. ~ PI N D D D D D ; N "" " " " D D D D 0 =~ ; -... ~ ... N --"'''' -PI -~ -... • .. -.. D D D D D D D D 100 '0 --c------------- ---------1------- I--i-,------------------ ----I----DD 1\ 1'-I D "-I---f----.... -------.-- \-1-1 ----------------- f--'-l\.--~ -------------------------- I-'l-,-------------_ ... -- -------._---- II II \ \ --------1----------\. 1----------_.----- ---_\.. \. -. ----------------------.---------1----l' -1\ ---.--------. --. --' ----JD \. -30 t--1 1----,--.-".-.-.--' t---~~ :.: :a:: ~ ~ :x= --------f-------.. -------------UI CD ~ ---------------. i----.--_._------------.. -----1---------t---.. ------I-. -I-----------. ----"" "" .. -. DD tD • ~ '-, .. ------1---------._._-- ~ ..----~ -~ ------~---------I-i----------_._---.-. ---CD CD 1-1-~ -----.. ---_. .. -------O' ----._----.. -1-------.. ------._---------. __ ._-r-------I---I-------...... .-.-----"" U U "" I~'--~ &II Z f--t---. ---_.--._-.. ---.-.. -._-_._-l1li:: -f--f------I-1---1--.-.--_._---_.---._-. ---C LA------.), ~-%=-------_. ----C) - t---_. --._---~ ----.. --.. ,---._--U Z to _.J DO t-"" i----I--I--.-f-,-. _. 1-----e5 u 1--~----I-f--. --I-._-----------.-.-~~ -1----------I--.------f-----'-f--1-_.------U "" 1----I------------- A-U " " ..... JD l1li:: "" '-" -I-I-I---f-----A-" 1-----l-i------" "---I--I-.-------.-- -------~ " --------f----I---'--- I---e---" "-_. ~---I-I--.--.- II " ~ II ----. -----~ ....... ..... 1---------------- -l-t-."--.-.. _. ...... ....... ...... -.-----_. -------....;;; --t--....... ...... I-1----f------1-.. -I---1-1·-t-----._---............ r--,. ~ t.:...----I-I-I-I-----------I D ........ DD ..... -------I---.--I--t--.----... ---I--I--t--.---I-~ -----1-- f-----J -_. -.------ I tt--1.---.. ----'-1------D I I I I IOD D D 00 D D D D D .. ... • PI ... -.. .. • .. ... -.. .. ~ ... ... ;;; .. .. ~ PI ... ; D D D .. .. • PI ... -D 0 .. D D D D D D D PI ... -GRAIN SIZE IN IIILLIIIUEIS . D D D D D D COBBLES COUIE I fllIE I COUIEI lEI lUll I , I lIE I fiNES I luwn I UIID ~ SAII.LE DE"N·" -U.S.C. CLAlSlf ICU ION Uf. H 'L " 110_ I.C. • Tazimina River B-2 Hydroelectric Project 2 5.4-6.5 G~J • Very dense, gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of GRAil SIZE CUSSI FI CATIOII silt Boring B-2 4a 16.8-17.3 G\~-GM • Very dense, gray, slightly s i 1 ty, sandy 6 Stone & l4ebster Engr. Corp. GRAVEL December 1981 K-0469-0l 6 25.6-26.4 G\~-Gr1 • Very dense, gray, slightly s 11 ty, sandy GRAVEL SHANNON & IIUON UDUCUIUl CDUUlUUI .----~--.--- I I I I " t-i G"") (J ~ t-:z: c:I u...e. • ...- ~ -u...e :z ~ t-:z u...e u -u...e A- "1I'1i 110 B-3 2 I i • i I ; I I I I I I t I I I I I It It··. I I I • • I I SI EVE ANALYSI S HYDROMETER ANALYSIS , III Of DPIIIIII5 ;;-.. IIiCHIS """IiIiIUEi !!LIIUII ". '"~II.U.'. HU!!'n ....L 5U .. 1111 'II 1111 I ... ~ .. _ .... _ .. CI D . -. ....,.... ... " ,,'"'' 0 D • D D 0 -........ -0 0 0 0 II tI I III lA-Mil ilA-1 i l i I Hilil .. r~:, -• .. ... 100 10 , -1-1--- r ... .. ~ -f-f--. I I-I-----f-f--f- I I I I"' '.1-.- 1 I 1 I 1 I I I . -I-f-:" II I I I --~ - --. - -.---__ ._ . 1_ r\ ---. ~ . -. --b.. _. ------1----. ... -- -... --, " "'"" __ _ •• 1-_ --:s~ --. . -I . . --... -.. ~ -. -.-. . -. --" . ::::s.-.. _. f-.' . -' -.--1 ""'. I_I-_ _ -1_ I-l----,-1--._- , ~,-" L I I ---L--- L 1 I 1-. l-.......; . ----" , -r .-- H-II II JO II II .. .. U I I I I 1 I 1 II I I I I. I· 1 '1 I 1 I N: I I I Hili I I I J :j ,. ~ t-:a:: CD au .. .... IIa a: au III c.: .. D La t- e5 La a: ~ IL II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I Ii l-txl I Itttt:H I I . I .. DUIII-ll. 0-1.5 -~ I IIJd till tt Iltl 69 .. ~ III ~ I I Irl:rH H=-1Irn tnl, I I III! , 1 I I! 1 I 1 I .. " I I I rH...1 U.I.C. Gt1 . -----... -........ IIAIN IIIE IN MILLIME'EII I'I'UI , 'III' lUI CUUIfICAIION • Medium dense, brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL, trace of clay -.. .. fit .. ••• • •• . . =t 1Ii"f:"""" I II .1 .l 1 .. I.C .• •• • fit .. • D. • D • D • • • D •• • fiNES Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project 'lAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION Boring B-3 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' IILSON '1IIICIIIIIC'l C ••• UlI'.I. I I n I 00 I I .-:z:: ell w -= -ID iii: W z -.... t-z w U iii: W A.. 'UUll •• 8-4 2 3b I I I I I I sur II N -• .. ... • DO OD U n to to .. II II II D 'I CI • o • co • • • .. ... .. tOlIUS I I lI'lI·fl. U.S.C. 5.0-6.5 GP l2.l-12.f Gl4-Gr1 I I I I I I r I 51 EVE ANALYSIS '." OPINING I • IICKES I MUIIUO 01 IIElIl '" un u .•. IUIIDUD I ... ~ ~_N -.. ell "' . .......... .... ..... ..... ell • • ... co -co .. --..... -... -.. -.. .. • -... . !'""II "'" ..... -\ ~ \ - , \ ~. , \ \ , " -I'\. ----'--~ ~-<------. .. I'\. .-----or\----'~ -------,---... ~--"--~. I'\. .... ------- " .... -'" -'\. '" . - '" \ "- \ ..... "- ..... -" \ -...... --" :...... '\. ........ '" "'" ~ '. --....... -- I '1', I I I I I I I I • • • co • • • .. .. ... -. • .. .. .. .. . -• .. ... ... -. . . ,. • GIAIN SUI IN In,Ulln .. , . nuu I ... , I CUUI I .UDUI I ... , I 'UUi I .... I tUllifatAlION I". I.C . .. • Dense, gray, slightly sandy GRAVEL, trace silt • Very dense, gray, slightly s 11 ty, sandy, 5 GRAVEL IIII 11.1 It Ii HYDROMETER ANALYSI S 'U III 1111 1M lUI I • • · .. ... ;. .. ... ... _ . • • ell ell • • D • • • • • • ... '. --- ,- II -· -f-l'-.- II --. . -.-----' -. ---'-~ --II -----...... -· . I-.-. :r: CD -----, . . .---'--w .. • --_ .. ------.-.. .. ---.----._---'-._.-DC II w "" .-DC --"'" --... -C) · r--.--u .. --t- a'j U U iii: W '-A.. II '- II .... .. ... ... --• .. ... ... ;. • • • • • • • .,. • . . . . • • -• • . . fiNES LL tL tl Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GlliM SIZE CUSSlflClllOIl Borinf) B-4 Stone & 14ebster Engr. Cor December 1981 K-0469-0 SHANNON , IllSON '1.,IC •• ICAl C •• 'Ul'A." I I I • I j (I I LD ..... x: UI -u.I • -ID -w Z -"-..... z w u -u.I A.. UII'li .. B-4 4 6b I ... -I DO ID DO )D ID to ., U II II 0 a a .. I 01"11'" - 15.5-16.1 21.9-22.~ I I I I I I I I • I J , SI EVE lIIALYSIS III E If DUIlIIIIi III INCHU I IIUIIIU Of IIUII .EI nCII, U.I. I"IIDAID I ... ~ . -... • • a a _ • " , , , • • a a Q aa • -• .. ... --.. ... -... -• -.. • --.. , ~ - Ll "-. , " 1-" ~ " , \. I'... ~ " , " , ~ .'l. ,-.----- I-I-i- __ .'l. -1-----.-, ------I-.-.-----I' ----" ------~ -------.---,-------~------_._------.-----\:---r----r-----I---------._--,-----I-f-~-, ., -" , , --, --.---r--, , i--~ ~ .'l.. ~ , , , , -~ ~ " ~ -r-~ ~ ---_ ..... I'. ,-'I ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ Do. ...... ~ -- ,Ir" I I I I I I I I CO 00 0 a a D Q • • • .. .. -. • • .. .. -. • • a o. • • '" .. -. . . . •• • • N -GIA IN IIZE IN IIIUllinUl . COnLU I CUI .. I flU I CDun I In I UI I flU I .1 UAVEL I lUI 1 U.S.C. CLASSifiCAtiON u" II .'c . ,. S~1 • Very dense, gray, s i1 ty, gravelly SAND SW-SM • Very dense, gray, slightly silty, gravelly 9 SAND, trace of clay I I I I I I j I I , J HYDROMETER ANALYSIS U&III IIIE III 1111 I • • . .. ... .. ... a a a a a ; a a • a a a a a a '0 -_.- -. I---II --~ r-----" 1--------- II I-I---- l-I--1------. ----- -t------ U -l-t---t-:.= -----------~ -- ----------------u.I .. • -------------- ---.. ---II) f---------.-.. ------------------g: II w &.'l --I-I---III: ----...: ---Q ---U II ..... -r-es - U -II u.I --A.. .. ------ f-r----,----.. r-- .. I ... .. --• • ... .. ; • • • a a ID a 0 • II ID ID 0 0 II flNU PL PI Tazimina River Hydroe 1 ectric Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSifiCATION Boring B-4 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp, December 1981 K-0469-0l SHANNON' IILION U"lnIlIUL ct .. ULUII,. --.. --. I I I I I i I I j I I f I I r I I I II I J II II ,. .~ SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SUE 01 1'(1111111 IN INCIIIS I IIUMIE. II ME'N PII IIiCIi U.' .• "tlDUD I IiUIN SIll III Mil I N N ::. •• N _ .. D ... • • .. ... .. D ........ " .... .... D D D D D .. .. ... _ D D ... D D -• .. ... ... --ftll't_ .. -.. -... • -::~ • • D D • D D D D .. , DO .. -•• "" 1---- -eo ,. -- 1-,- . --f-,.--- II \ --It , --------------- \ \ -_.--. --- 10 \ -. ~ ----.... " U :c --c------.- ~ ·1--.... ~. r---. --------.-:.: UJ I-f-----.-------1-----r--- L&.I eo ---~ ------------------L&.I • " .. .. ------------.-~ CD '------------f-1------------..... lID 1---.-------------I------ go: II --f-------I--I-I--------------.,.: L&.I " II ~ :II: '\ --I-c---." " QI: &&.. " " --oC " " -------c .... -------u :.: .. " " L&.I 1--I-- II .... u " I-I--. l:5 " " go: " U L&.I A-U "-"-II -L&.I ....... "' --A---I'- ....... i- It ''''' II ~ r-.... -............... ..... ='" ---'---, I .......: .. - rr-' -. I I I I I I I a .. ..... ... D ... ... ..... .. .. N -.. ! .. I .. .. ... -.. ... a a. • .. .. ... -. . .. .. ... -.. .. .. D .. ... .. . . . • a • . .. a • ... a • D IIAIN 111E IN IILLIIEIEII . . • • a • • • .. '. CUILEI I tlUI( I flU I C .... E I IU'U T flU I r IiUI(" I UtID I flNEI ... "U "PlII-" . U.S.C. CUSSlflCAtION .", .. I.e. " L\ "-" Tazimina River B-4 Hydroelectric Project 8b 30.2-30.7 SW-SM • Very dense, gray, slightly silty, gravelly 10 GRAIM SIZE CLASSIFICATION " SAND Boring B-4 ....-. 10 Stone & Webster Engr. Cor G") 36.3·-37.8 GW-GM • Very dense, gray, sl ight1y silty, sandy . GRAVEL December 1981 K-0469-0 (I , SHANNON' IILSON I-' 0 1'1"'11""" , •• IU"".'I 11 II It Ii I. I i I I , I I I I I I II II I. I. II i -I m ~ -u --I U> I----' o -n N SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS TEST PITS it ~ ,..,. #: ~$ ... ,... 1ti1l~ ~~ / ~ 'If /~l Illl~~t I~/? $~l!/ /(,1 Ill/I TP-l 5-1 3 0 64-NP MH-OH 5-2 4.5 ML-5M 37-31 Fig. C-ll Ml TP-2 $-1 3.0 GP Fio C-12 TP-3 15-1 16 0 10 SI\1 NV-NP Max)' d=131 Fio C-13 pef Opt w/c=9.9% Fio c- TP-4 S-l 3.5 GW FiQ. C-14 TP-!1 S-l 3 !1 GW-GN f----------'----.._ ... IFio C-J5 TP-6 5-1 3.5 GP ,(:;0 C-16 .., ITP-7 5-3 2.0 ~1l NV-NP ~ ... 'Fig· C-J7 SHANNON & WILSON . . Joa NO K-0469-0l DATI Ope: H CLA551FICATION ~ ~ .. " .. --~---... -- ~o~ or-ange and gr:a~ laminated m:gaoic SI! I w/scattered organic material ~1edium stiff to stiff, tan. sl ightty clayey. siltv. qravellv SAND Grav. medium to coarse sandv. GRAVEL~ trace 01 fine sand Dens~t gray, gravelly, silty SAtlD, trace of C! ... --~-... - -"_ .. __ .. ~ .. __ .. Bro\\lnish~),,~1.L~andyGRAVEL, trace of silt Gravisb brown, s]igbtl~ si]t~. saod~ GR8~EL Brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt ... ~ .. - ... Light brown, gravelly. sandy, peaty SILT II II II II II I t I I I I I I -I rn (f) -I -0 .-. -I (f) In X ~ Z P o -n tv SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS TEST PITS :t~ ~ ~ t::-~if .a. ~ "'~ . ~ t1;f;'lj;~ ~l:; /~I Ill/~~~$ll.l? ll/ I..~'l/~ II TP-7 5-1 4.0 GP IFia C-18 5-2 4.5 GP FiQ.C-19 TP-9 S-l 2.0 sp-sr" !Fia. C-20 FG --22 SM 40-29 Fin C-21 ~1L ,~' 1----- ~- I I II II II I •• i SHANNON & WILSON --. JOB NO K-0469-0l DAll oee: B I CLASSIFICATION light brown, sandy GRAVEL~ trace of silt , Gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt Gray, slightly silty, fine to medium SAND, trace of coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel Grayish blue, clayey, si1ty~ gravelly SAND sized fragments of predominantly tuff and calcite: FAULT GOUGE ... -~ .. -- I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I • I I I I I SIEVE ANAlYSIS HYDROIIETER ANALYSI S I SIZE OF OPENING IN IIICHES I NUIiBER OF IIESH'EI INCH. U.S. SUIIDUD I GUill SIZE III 1111 I ~ ~ ~,~ D 0 0 0 ~ D IQ ... M N -:,~ ~:;;:;: Q I 0 0 ,---~"'r----.-"'----,"'r----r---.----a-~"'-"'r-'-.--"'.,..---.--________ ,.-----, ... ..---... r----. .. --T---':::"'-'O, . .-o~T°,--.C>,--__ ~C>...:.-.C>r'.,....C>~--.:C>'---,C>.:..... •. -~_. ___ ~ 0 -:::-::--=: ::.~ _-=-r--~ -::-:.,-_-. \ ---.-,-_. - -,----._------.---.-.... _-_ ... __ . -_._ .. -. .. . ... -._._------------... -----.. -..... _ ... _'_.' -_. _._.. -----.-.. --.----.---... -..... ----. - -.. ------.. ---r-" ----' ... .. __ .. _-_. ..--.----.-.-.-.--.----------.---.. ---1----.. -. -.. -.-------f- .-----···---~+_H-_I_4-"--->-------I 0 --~-:: :\,:-::: .-fIo.. ~.-I-. -+----'--:-~:-::.~.' ----_.. _. _______ f----__ . __ 80 .. -" .. __ ._-_._ .. __ .•.. -.-I~, 1---. -- 80 ~.'-::-~. --.. ~ --------~~lK:~·~ ... --'-.-~ -==---=-~~~~--.- .:~:~ ___ ::_~:~~= -=_-:.-____________ --.---:ts -~~~~--_~ ... =-~=~---~:.-= ~.:.:.~--~.~._--~ -. _. __ t:::_ ------ ----.--. -. -~ . --1-"~:~ ~:_= ;:_:'-:-= _ .• ::: __ ~ ... . .C_·I __ ~-_.-.~.' __ -~_ -.::-~=~_~~_-~_~_.~_~_~_~~_~.~-~-~:.~ ~ --,~ ----- 80 ------1-.-I .-~~~ .- _. __ . _ . __ .. ----I-f.-I--.-------.-.---~ --1-::' .-----~--r__-- 50 ~~=~~~ .. ~ :'1--'~. ----_____ ~_--~::-.~ ~~~'§h~~~::-,· -H-+--I----I---+--1---- '·1· ----.-.---40 -.--.... ----3 0 -----50 ~--~.~_ .-.=~ :~-= .'~ ___ ::-.:::~. -~+ _ .. ______ .:._ --.-_=f-------. -.--------.------r-s --- 1-.------------::-= -.-= I~ ____ ~_ ~~-=--~.--.f__--.~::-_:~ -~~~-~~ ::-~.~ 40 t-I--._-. -_+_-_--+_-_--1~-+__--I_-._-__ -_ +--+-1f-.--1_ -._+_-._-._+.-._I----t-----I----I---I----l----.... --t-t·-~-. -------+If+I-+-+-+-+-+---I 80 30 ::--------.~ ~~=~~'~=~ .~~ ~-----==I~ ~~.= ==1=-~~--=.---:.-.-. '.; ~~; I; j :-.I~~r\:~----~:~= .. --- 1-______ 1--_ 1---1--___ 1---___ ~_ ._ .. _____ ._.. _-..-:.... ___ . _ _____ __ _ _ _ __ . ~-.----~.-_-. _H-II+-&-_-'-__ +--. _4:~.----f-.::--= J 0 --.-----.-t--.-....:.,.. 1--1----.-.----. -- . --.---. -. ------ --.--------f---.----------~-.--.-... ---------1----.-------..-- 20 -.. ----'.--.------.------.----'---------1----.----. ----+------1r-----1i--r---+---I--+-JHf--I--·------+1~f_I_-+--~-I---.T_-~ 10 ----,------------_. _.----". --~ ---.,---'_._--._-_. ------... ----1---.. ----------.. f--1-. _____ -___ ._. ___ ._. __ . _._ -_ ._. _. ._ .. ____ .. _______ .. _ . __ . __ . _____ ._._ . r"~-... -.. ----.-1--------.-----.---I-~-.-.-1--.-..... ---.--=------------.-------··----_-+-+-..,1---.. I~"·~ .--.:-----to -.. ------.... --------.-----f---I·--.. -.. ---.--- . - ----.-. . ~ .- ____ 1-__ 1-_1-_ __ __ _ --~ .~-: ________ 1-_____ . ___ -::-::-: _-.. -___ -_ f---+-_+_-_+.-__ -~-+-.-.-.--.. -.--.-f-++-f-J-+-_. _ b~ -----10 ----. -----.--.-'--."----.. --·1-.---. . -..... -.--.--.. --------.. ---.-.. - -.... ------. ------1-------.----.. ---. . ....... -----1---.--... -.-.-----_. -.. _ .. -... --'-' -.. --_.--_._-- .. --o --·-1----. 1.--,-',' -. I'~IT 1"1 III 1 -,-.------·-ntrrrrt.---.--r----n )1.-.. .---Q~~C>~L-~C>~C>~C>~-C>~~C>~,C>~~~C>~_~"'~~ ... ~ ... !-~N~--~_~.~.~~~-L-L-l--U~LlJLJL~~l ___ ._~LL~.L-_I_~ ___ L_ __ ~IOO a 0 0""''''''' N ... .., N -.. II) ...., --'" ... ... ... ... C> C> ,., N • • • 000 Q 0 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS . C> C> C> C> • C> ° ° C> <> COBBLES I I 1 I IUD I COUSE IIEDIUII I FIIIE COUSE FINE I nAVEl FINES o <> SAII'LE NO. OEPIN-FI. U.S.C. CLASSIFICATION UI. ,_c. s II 'l PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION TP-l S-2 4.5 ML-SM • Medium stiff to stiff, tan, slig~tly clayey, silty, gravelly SAND 37 31 6 TP-l Stone & Webster Engr. Corp_ December 1981 K-0469-01 (I I SHANNON' IILSON ~L-------J----------L--------~--------------------------------__________________ _1 ______ L_ __ JL __ _1 __ ~L_ ______ ~.~I~.~I~I'~II~.~.I~'~A~L~'~.~.~I~UL~I~A~.~I~I ____ __ I I "'T1 H G") . I I ac: k-I a.. S .. ,.U 110 TP-2 5-1 I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I SI EVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIl( Of Or£NING IN IIICHES I IIUMBU Of IlESH PU IIICH. U. S. STANDARD I II U INS I Zf IN 1111 I -~ ~ ~ S ~ 0 :! : :;: ~ E ~ ;!:; ~ ;; :: ~ E: :: I 00 r---.---__y__..--~.-,~__y___. . .,.._,_-r--""T.-_ .. _' __ .----.-r---r---y--·-y-----.--,-.-T-..,.:..-',.:....--....,..:.~T_r_~_r__r_· -,:..-.. --'0 1-,-l-' -. . ----.--. --. -. ,-.. --. - --~-== ,~-, -= ~-~-'::-...: :...~-~-:-~'-- --, ---.... --------f------------.--- ---.-... --.... 1-... , - --.. -.. 80 . ---~,--, f----...: -=-- --~=--...: --~ ~--~ ,::-,-:..~ ,-=----...: ...:-~' '-~-~~' -'_', .. ----'---f-I----.----.... -+--:::.=-+--_'_ .... '_ .... +._-_. -'---'1---1-'-+--.+-'----1---.=. ~:.:_. ~-~-~::= ~-~:-:.-"': :~\ = ~...:~ .. :-:-~ ---,-~: .. ~:-~:,: ~:: -, ,,------.--1----.... --,-"---.... ' ... ---I-----c---- ----------------" , .. 1---, -.-.... ---.-10 --.. ----.. --.. -----.... --.. ,--. '---r--'---....... -.. ---... . .. " .... , 80 I---_I--+-I_-+~.__I-_+_+_+__+__+--+-_I.-_._--1-,,-----.-.-.. '.-~~-' .. ' ~~~ ~~ '.~:~.J::t ~:-I~ ~-,~~~ ~ '=~.:~-~:~~ :~: ~~_~~~:~~ ~-= =~_~.~ .. ~: .. ~~'~ I~~"': :.':;: JO ----f-'-I-. -.-. .. ---. ~---I-I-~ . , ------------------, .... --.----.. -- 80 ~~ ~-=-" ~.;~ ~.~ t ~~::-l~ ... _ c-.-f-____ ._~-~~:-~~~~~~~=+-__ ._-.-1-. __ 1---_ .. -: .. :"': -::-==!~-.==-~-=~ ------ . . I\. '" _ .... ,__ __ "'._.. ___ ._ ..... ______ .. :,~:':~. ~'.. ::r~ .... ________ , . -r---I---------"-"-2 ° ... -"-"------4 0 .. -.-.. ----30 50 f----. --f--.-.---------i---i----r---+---il-.-f-<I--i-..,I---- ,.---.-.. --,-,,---. --........ _ .... -) ... -...... _ .. ---.------------_ .. --.----......... _--_ ... --"-"---I-+·j...4·-4-4f--.--.---50 ~--== :::--: =~="f~~~~' =.-...: = .~ .. ~-~' ~~ :-=~--:-:-....:" .... _. ____ r--.. --.... r--.~~._~ : . .-~ .. =:= :-: ~: ..... __ _ 40 I"~ '1----1-----+li-+-j~-4--~ 1--"---80 ~::-~= 1--= :::~ .-::::-~-:. == -:. 1-: ~=::= J~ : .:-.-.... = -----1----.~...:: :..:.. .. :~-:.: .. =. _ -... --- ---..... 1-------11-----.... -.. -1--.--1,-.. -----...... -----.. 30 1-----, .-----. -.---.-------f..s.x· .. -.. ,--,----. ._--.. ---.. -------f---f-'--I---....... ~-.. -. ---.-......... -. ,-...... -". ..._- 1------... ---Iff-.f4-I--4-j.-J------J 0 -,'" .. - =~~:,. ~:~~~,~~~-= _~f~~f= ~~.-= -== ~.~~~.~ _______ ....:~:.. .. :--:::=:-:='. .. . ....... --,....... -I,:':': ~=-~ .:,,-.. . " ~:::::~=;~-=-::~ :-~= ••• ~~~ ~~ ~.~::==.~~= =~:~~ •.. ~:_=~"=r7-~ .. --:-----~·-_~-:..u--I--I-.... --.~ 10 10 . --.. ---I-+-I--I--+--I----H-I-I-+-~HI___l ----'-10 =~.=t-:::::.. ~~~.= .=-~ :.= :: .. : -.-..... -_.'_'."_'._-.. _--,---_-----.~:: : .. _-'-'~ .-_'-.. ,::~ .. '.' ... _-.... -,.-1 .. -'.... ----.----.. --. .. _ ..... --"-___ .. _ .. _ .. _--,----~-_._ ... _-.. ---..... ,_ .. -......... --..~. -,-._-----_ .... ,-.. _ ....... -.--.,-- O---T-f---I..-Ir-I, .... ., -llrnrJ)"·· .. · ----TItr:r:I-, __ :.a---'''11 .. ---...... -- a a ... a a N COBBLES I I a,a ~ ... CDUSE a N I GUUl a .. '" ~ ... .. -.... ~ ... ... GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS fiNE I COUSE I NEOfUI I fiNE I I'ND -.. .. ~ . a a a I "I .. ... N a a -.... a a a . a a fiNES ~ ... a a a a ... a a a a 100 I OEPlH-fl .. U.S.C. 3.0 GP CLASSifiCATION • Gray, medium to coarse sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL, trace of fine sand I.C. I II 'l PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIM SLlE CLASSIFICATIOM TP-2 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-01 ~ SHANNON' IILSON ~ IEIlECNNlcaL CONIULlaNl. N~ __ ~ ____ J-__ ~~ __________________________ ~ __ ~ __ L_~_L ________________ __ I • I I saMPLE 110. TP-3 5-1 I r I I t I I I f I I I SI EVE ANAllSI S Silf OF OPEIIING III IIICHES I NUMBER Of IIESH 'Ell IIICH. U.S. SUIIOARO T • CI c.....:11 • '" '" '" Q Q Q '" --.., D II> D D I --.., co D I I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS GUill SIZE III 1111 .... co .. ... _ co co co co co --.., co co co co I I N CI co I I I -D D D ... o D N -Man_PI -. N" I DO .-----.---.---r--~......,-_r_..,....,~~,____r.--___ . __ :--___ y--__ ,..-_y--_ ~--~__._~-r-_r_-,.-'----r,.--rT-r-.....-r--,.:·'---,..:.-------'0 :: ~--~,-~-~2 ~~s~~~ :'~~ ~~: .•• ~ ~~~ :~=~ ~i1·~.~: l::-~ -.. .J-++__+_+_~~ ~'-~~--=~~ :: " ~~:~~S~}~~:-:= = .:.': =~~ ~:i_:-.--.. ~.~_:.._--_~_~--~_-~_~,,_~-----_·----:_l_--_-~_~-:_:~_E_~_'~_--. ·.·-+--~~"4_4-~--~. __ . f--.--.-----.------.--.. - ----. -. --.--__ .1 60:---~:::-= :=~ -: :..--:..---:..~-__ 1-_-: -: == ==-: f\:--------____ _ _._-_.----_. --. ----_. _.--_. ---_._-------_.'\ ----~. - --- ------3D _.---40 1---- --.. --------... ---.~ . --.. ~= =-=---.~ ~ .-~ ... -.. -~-=. ----I--4-------l-~1_-_I-++-+---.. f----------.-.. - ----.-1------ -----------f-------- !i0 .1---1+ ........ ~4 --4.----f-.----!i 0 -.-----------.. -.---.-f..--.-----.--. ------.. -----. .--.. --.•.. ---_ .. -.- f----------1----. -.---.--.. -.-.--.----_-_--_-_-_--_.-.-_ --._ .. :_ -_.-----.-- ----------.-------------.-. ----.. ---------f------------------. ~-------. --.- ~----.---. . . -----.-- -'-r--.--f-----.- 40 --~--~~~~~-~--I---4_----~80 f------f------.--------.-.-----------I--.------.------!I\ ... --- 1-----------1------.----I--. -~-f--------------------.--__ ... _ -_-_-___ ---_. !..;,,-.-_-----+---1--f-----------.-----.-·-·---~--+--4 .-1'" --.... --.-.-.---.. -.. --.- 3D f---.----.---._.-- ---... --.---.--.-----------I\: -.--. -.. --··--·----41-+4~-I-.. -·-+-------+·--·-----·----__ll0 f-------_.f---------1---.-------.-----f------.------1\-- 1------. --------------.------------.-------.------. ---------- .------------.-1-------~-I-----.---------f---------------- -----.----.---- 20 ---------------------1------.--1------------. --.-----1----------. -.---I\. __ -_._-_. -_-~ HH+-,-+f--1-~_-_+ __ +-_--{ 10 ::~>== =~~:~ :~ .~~ ~~=,;:-~;::C:=;=-.• ~ __ ~~~ == -':::-:~= ,~ --:-~-=~~: _ . -- ---.--------.- 10 _ __+--~-~-I-~~-~-~~~+__+_+_~_+-------80 -----_.- --.------._.-----.--_. ~-._-- -----------f·---------.--. -------1---_._--.---------------'" - ------ -------.--.-----. -----1-.--------. -----"" I-----1---.. ------ I --I-·----+--------·-=~IJ,;:,-;:::,-;-I-T--I~r_;--~~:-~-~ 1.-=1--.•. ::-~-~.-~:~-~~:.:: : _b~~~ :~-:-~-= 100 o ---.--f----1rT tT r 1"-'1.--1---1--, IT 1"1 tt co CO co co ... N 00 0 0 0 0 0_ ID ~.., ,... co.. ID --... ... -.. ..... N -.. II> • CO CO GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES 11~~C~O~A.~S~(~~~I~~f~I.~(~--~C~O~A~.~S~(~ 1 __ ~M~(~O~IU~II~~L-I--~f~I~II~(----~ IUVEl I Sl.O "l --.., co co N co -..... co 0 0 • 0 CI FINES --... co co co co N co co co co i OEPlH-F' . Ul. I.C. " U.S.C. CLASS IF ICATlON II 'l PI 16.0 SM eVery stiff to hard, gray, gravelly, silty SAND, trace of clay 10 NV NP Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAil SIZE CllSSlflCATIOI TP-3 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp_ December 1981 K-0469-01 CI SHANNON , IlLSON I Illllc ••• caL C •• IUl,a.'1 ~L---~----~----~------------------__ --------~--J-~--L-~--~------~------- I j • I I • • I I t f I I I t I I I • I I I I I I I SIEVE ANALYSI S HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIl( Of OPENIIIG IN INCKES I IIUII8£1 Of IIESH "U IIICH. U.S. SUNOUO I GRAil SIZE IN 1111 I ... .,r..._... 0 0", .:llea"'M r... ... M _ ;:;:;:,:::;:; " ... 0 0 : : 0 :=0 ~ ~ ~ ;; ~: :: ~ : I 0 0 r----r----r-..... ---y----,.----r--.---.-.-r--r---~.--r----.-.---: --.-~.---~-~--,---..--.,---,,,--,--r -·--.-:.--rr·r.-......-',.:-· -r'-. -r" . --. 0 ,,~~~:~~~= ~~~~::~ ~ ~--. :.:.~: .. ~ e--"--'-"-~~~-~ 0~~-~ -::.-.-~~- t--_-.-.. -_-I_I-.. -.. -.. +--+--l--.-__ ......... ~~r--+-... +. '+-'_+_'_+_.-~f--=--=-:~.-::-_':-.. _ .. _ ~. _____ . _ -_'.-i I--.. -._-.-.---._+---f-+--ll·--I--.--. .. _--:. ------10 1-•... -•• 1--.----.-.. ---------------1-... r---.. . ... j .. .---... ----.-.-. 101--·----1· I-f--_'--+-_'--j' _+_.-+-._ .... -+I\~-.+. +"-1' ~I-_ .. -+-.. --... -I-.= __ " ___ ... _. .-._-.-.. ----.-. ...: f-___ ._.~ .. -.. _._ 20 "-""-"-'-'--'" ---1-\· ...... -.-.... -... -. --......... --.. -... -.--... ---- ::.~=-... ~. -::~ = ~ . --.---. ~j' .. ......._ .. ~::.:~ -:-:-~~.=::.::. :=--=-~:= .. .. " ~:~= =~ :---j= --~~'--:--~= -C-~--:--:~ ~~::::.~~: :+. --..... - 60 .-_.f-.. -.--".'_-,.: .. __ .~. ...-----.---...... -". . ____ ._ -,.-._ ... _----_ .. -.. --.. ------.... -_... . ---_. -. -_. _ ... -_ .. -.- --.. ---.-'- f---- ... -30 --.. -40 ---... ---. ---.. -.. -----.-.. -. '-'-'-' 50 ::.-:..~=-:.....~-:~~ -::':~~.~.::.' .\-.. ---.-.. --.-~:: ~=-----:-:--.~-=-.. -.. ~:=:: : ::: ::: ~-=. ~ ~-:----:-~ ~ .~: .. :~= -~=:=:===~ =-=:::.:-;:.:~, --+-, 4 0 .--. -----lr+-i-H-. ,... .. " § ~~ ;:;::~ ~~,= -:: ~=; ~-~'-'~ .... -.-====.tl---=~--=~--~~I--=~'=-=~:"-'~'-~~~~::"~~" .~ -. ---...... --'-C-'-'" -1----.-50 ---+i-HH-4-r-r--' ---70 .. - -4-·+-·---80 --. ~~~~~~ ~::~:= ~::.~ ~~ ~:' ~-.= ~--.~~~~ ~'~ .. _. -_.-~~ ~== ~--:--~:. 2 0 t---tr--t--t---t--t--t--+-t-+--t---+--t-·---·+-~--t---t---I-'--f----I-·H-t--I-----I ----,f-HI+·-!--.-r------10 ..... _ .. _-.--._. -.. ---.. , ._---~:~==-~-~--:--= ~~ =~= ~~~ ~~::--~.~ ~~ =-'.=--"---~~' .~.~~~~=---==~~~ =-:-=.~: ~ •. ~~ == ~ .~ ~~ .:-'~~--.. - 10b------i~-+_;--~_;---+·-1·_II__+_-l----4--~ ~----_++rf-+4·~4-_+·-- --... _ ...... -- o o ... <:> o ... COBBLES 00 0 o .... I I o 0 ...... COUSE o ... I nAVll -_-_~ __ :=.~=== _____ -==-~.--.~~~ =-~~:: __ ~ _-.' :_=: r-~ ~.~~ :=-.:~~:.=:. _. --'iTl"I!1 ).) -.. '---HITT ',_.! ----TTl \_ ... --10 ..-..... _-- .. _.-._- o ...... ... .. ..... -ID ID . . • 0 0 ORAIN SIZE IN MILLIMEtERS f UE I COUSE I liED lUll I fill( I SAID 1 ... ... ... 0 0' 0 __ . __ -LLLL4-L_~_~ __ -L ____ ~IOO -..... 00 0 • 0 0 FINES ... ... o a o a ... a a o a I SA.'ll 110. OEPTH-f' . U.S.C. CLASSIFICAtiON 1IA1 . LL 'l PI •. c. TP-4 5-1 3.5 G\~ I • Brown-gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIM SIZE CLASSIFICATION TP-4 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-01 ~ SHANNON' IILSON ~~------~--------~--------~--------------------------------__________________ ~ ______ L-__ ~ __ ~ ____ L-______ ~I~I~.~'~IC~II~.~I~C~.~L_C~.~.~.~U~L'~.~.~'~. ____ ___ I • I J I j I » I B I I I I I I I I I I • I I • ,.. t-I G") . SAIIPLE NO. TP-5 S-l SIEVE ANALYSIS . I SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUIIIU OF IIESH PEl INCH. U.S. STANOUO I ... ... ... .. ... a a "-"-"-"-"-g a a a a a -.., on -.., -... ... ... .. ... '" ... .., a a a HYDROMETER ANALYSIS GRAIN SIZE IN 1111 _ 10 ..,., N ... _OCt 00 Ct a aDo 00 Ct I a a ~-~----------,.----,.---'....-.,..--.. ----.-T""1r-1,-;---T'----n-rT--r-...--r--r--· -r-'---. 0 " }--;~; ~ ~_:: ~_~ .•. -:.:---~~ _~~:~:~_~~ ;_.~_~~ ~_:-~_:~.~ -:~ ~ ~_ ~--< __ .-t11-f-'-t-t_·t-·-f· :-t-'--t~' .~:'-~:..~-10 .. -.---'.. . I·-·'\. .. '" ----.. . .... . .--....... ---. --- 80 ._. ______ . • __ .-. -++++4-4--+-. r--' ----.--20 10 t----+ .... _.-.-... ----. -_. ----'-_. -----. _ ..... -._-_._---.---.. . -_.-.. -. -----.-------.-.--..... .. -.. ---------.-.. -.......... -.-. . t--". - . _ ..... _-----. . "... . ....... -------'-_ .. . . -..... -.. _.: .... r-.-.. "' ... ------.-- 80 .... " .. -..... -. f-. .. '. -.--.-----.... ..... __ '_'_ ,'_ _ f-.• f-. _ . ----------... . ....... . . ---.---._.---.'--. -.. ---------- ~ 0 -------..... --. ..:..... ~--,-=-.----. --. , ..... -.. r' r--i--' ---.. -'----.-J 0 .. . .. -.--.--.. -40 ---~O ... E=--~~~ 1= '~~~ ~~ 2~ t---. --.. ~~ ~~~k=~ =~=~ -=-~ ,~~.~ :~~.~~:~~ -+ 40 .~ ,-.--·~t~~_+ ---H-I-t-l---. '----1---10 1--"--.-.... , .. -... --.-~._. --... -...... - r-----··--.-.-.. . .. -------., . -.,,--.. " .'-r--'---- J 0 ~-,-... -.-: =-~ .~= ::~-=--~ " 1-::::..: ~ ~-=:: r:.---. ~. ---.-::.:.=..'~=' -I-- 1---. --... ---'-.. -r--, .----. .-. , .. '-' ... -. " '--'----.----. ----r---.---.-.-.,. r-f--_. ---.--.. ---"'--. " .. -.. -.. ,.--.... -----.-------c---.-. ----·-f--=-~ .=--=-~:"." --:.::: '=-:"--=:_I--~~ --..::=-r=.=~' ~==-20 --------.. ---... ---. . __ . __ _ . .. I··· --+j-HH--f-+-+-· -11-----1 10 .-...... -.. -.... _ .. f-.- +--+---+---+---.--10 _ ... -r~~:=~~~~=~~===·~ --·:~r~r~: ... ·~-. ' __ '.;~~'~~ · __ ~~=F· .. ~~t=g~=~ ~~.'~ =. '0 ----.-,,-... '----.... --.,,-... ~ .-, ---+----1-+-++-+-+---1---1--- -'-80 -... -. r---. -.-. ---_. --' .. ' .. _.-" "'-"" ._-.. -----.-.. ---.. .-_.-.. 0" '1'-r"-~n rT r Ir-, .'1 a a .., O£""-fT . a a ... COBBLES a a a a ..... I I U.S.C. a a ...... CDUSf a ... I navEl ---. t------r---.----.... -. ---.. -. -.._ ....... ... __ .-------_._. -.""-.--.---_. -"-"'-.- --+-----1--.-.-t---.---... -"-'---"-1-'"'' ............ -.. --... - Tl·----·-n Irrr·rir--.-i-'l-' . --, T I Ir ... a ..... ... ... -.... ... ... -.. .. ... .., ... . a a a 'a a GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I I FINES I CDUSf I liED lUll I FlU flU I .uo MAl. LL PL PI '.C. I CUSS IF ICU ION 3.5 GW-Gf1 • Gray-brown, slightly sitly, sandy GRAVEL -.. "---... --.... _.- . __ ............. -- ... .., a a a a ... a a . -- a a 100 Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAI. SIZE CLASSIFICATIO. TP-5 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. \) December 1981 K-0469-0l I 'NANHON , IILSON ~ 11.'IC •• IClL C •• SUL' •• 'S ~--~------~----~--------------------__________ ~~ __ L--L __ L--L ____ ~ ______________ __ "T'1 H tn . I I I I -~ a: U.I z u... ;- Z &1.1 o I , II I I I I I I I I i I I • I I I I I I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROIIETER ANALYSI S I slzr OF O,rIlIIlG III IIICHrS I IIUIIIU OF IIUH 'U IIICH. U.S. SUIIOARO I 8UIII SIZE III 1111 1 -co .. ... • M co co "CDN _ .. a DII) .. .., N co ;; : : co co ... co co "'-'-"" 0 a CI a CI a a a a a I 00 r-_--,,-_.-r-......... __ ... r--.-__ -r-,,M_ .... ......,-,-"'..-.--._.-____ ._ • ... .. ... ,---T ... -r-.-+...,..:--r-·----,~~.....,r_.,.-..:--.:... -r'----.--. 0 '-:-.'==~'= -=-~ .= :::==~ ~. 1 .. -' _.: _:. ' ... _~:-"."--'--.-=-_ .. _.-_. =~..:'-=" ..... ..: ... ~ .' .. :::' ..:' ·f-"': ....... . ' .. ~ .. . : .. :---=..:: ~.::. --~ .:'~: ::. ::: .-..: .... :.= . : -. --~~:--.. -== -" --'--:.=.' :..===-:"::::: ~ ~~~ . =' .... _. - 80 f--. f-'-r-f--.-.--.-I---.. .J+._I_l-.J.......J--I------4.--;------: 10 :: '''::'1--:''-: --~: =:-~=It\-·· .... -..... 1-._-1----_ .. ' -.. ------. --. -"-' . . . '--' ---.-f--.. -...... ---.---.. 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'-1--.... -.. ---.-.. f-------. . -. --1------I· f----------1----1----1-----. ---'--1--' --.. _-. - 1--._-... -" .. -._.-. ---" . .-....... f---.-----1-------.. -... ---. . ~ -....... --.. ----... --.. J 0 .-.. -.. ---I~~--I--I-l~--<I--.. ----J 0 f-.--.. '='::::~::: ~:::~ -:-~.:: _--:-.:' ..::~=_~~:::= ....... -::.::: -=.:~::...:::~ -..... -...... ~:~:::.-"'. ~ .. -_ :=_ ....... - 20 ..:-:..:::::~..: ..:~.'.:::~ .=~~= ,-=-"':'.~=~ ":':~-~f~-----.-.. -;-.::-.:..::~= ..... ' -... -.. ------~ .. ....j.+_I~-._I_---+-... -... -._I_-~ 10 ~~~~=~=~ =~ == == ~.~. == ~.~:== ~~.~ -" ;~ .• ~~_-~ ~_ .. ~ .... ~ ~-~-=~ :.-:= .~~~.~~ ~:.":~~ L~I~'~ ~.~.~~~:~~:~ .1-.. ----.. . .... --.... -. -_.-.----- --.. -.. -.----. ..-------.---'I~---. -. ..-... f-. f- 10~---_I_~~f___+~f__-+~~-_b_+--~~-----~------_b--~dr--_+---~----_I·~-f-+_~---~---~Hr~~f--t--~:':'-=-~-::-. ..:-:::.. .=== :.~ ..:-..:" .~~~ ':''' ... :_= ..... _.-~.-~-. ~ ___ .-==-:-.~.~~~.-t:..::'-=.~.= ~_~~.~~.~=-~:.-.--10 .. -" .--..... '-''''--- ... -... ---'-"'''--- ... _-_.-----------.. -.. --. 1--,. ,---. •• --.... -. .-.. _ ... --.-_ .... - o -',' "'--IrTITT ',1-1' 1-,"--ITl'! II I ''1--'---1 I -.-'111'''-... co CO ... o COD co co co co ..... -__ ~Pl N -.. o o. tel ~... ... • co GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMEtERS COBBLES 1,~~C~O~'~.~s~r~~I~--~F~III~r~--~I~cO~'~I~S~r~IL-~II~r~O~I~U~II~~IL_ __ ~F~I~II~r ____ ~ 'I'vrl I SAIIO J I ... CO . M CO co ... co -..... co co CO • co co FINES . .-_ ... -"-"'-.... co co co co ... co co co co 100 , I -ID SAII'LE liD. OUIII·FI. U.S.C. UT. •. C. CLASSIFiCAtiON II Pl PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION TP-6 S-l 3.5 GP • Brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of s i 1t " TP-6 Stone & Webster December 1981 Engr. corp_ K-0469-0l c-> SHANNON & IILSON ,~ IIOTICIIIICAL CO.'ULTA.T' . cnL------L--------L-------L-------------------________________________ -L ____ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ____________________________ __ i i • i ; i i i I Sll( OF OP(NING IN INCH(S if 11 SIEVE lNALYSI S II • • • II • I IIUMI(R OF M(SH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD I II "' I ,. I I I I I I I I I • HYDROMETER ANALYSIS GRAIN Ill( IN MM I ...... ~ _ ~ S S ~ ~ <> ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ .;:;: S ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , :: r~-_'---~=-.~-~~"'e--.. ~-~--Y-O-~-:_~-Y. _.~--.:=-~r-----~--'.-r-~~-_:-~_·.~r-~-'1t....--:T._-;T~--_=-'. -=~-~-_---_~T ___ ---""'; r{~_~_; -~;i ~~ ~ ~--~~-'=~-L-~-~~' _"'-'~f-~---.1----.-'--.--. -''--'--~~~_~~:~::._-'.:'''~ ~~~~: • -. - ---.--. -'-.... ---.. --f------... ---.-... ---.. ---.. -- ~ .-----~=::= ~.-~= :::::~::'--:::: .. -----.-_.-. 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IT 1-' tI C> C> ... <> <> ... COBBLES co co C> <> .. .. I I co C> ... ... tOUS( <> ... I ClUH <> ..... FIN( ---.. ---------1--. __ . _._ .... -1-..... _- ------._-----. --1- -----.1I--------J------1-----------... --'- 1 . -,----T ----11 I 1.--...... N -.... ... PI ... GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS tDAII( I M£DIUII I FIN( I "NO -..... • co co 1 =-~ :~ -.~ ~-~ . .. -.. -_.,_. ---- -".'---rw,..._--. ...... <> <> ... <> -..... - D : : co <> fiNES -- --~IO ---_ .. -------._- ... ... <> <> <> <> ... <> <> -- <> <> 100 I UMPLf 110. O(PTH-FT. U.S.C. CLASSifiCATION UT. LL Pl PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION I) H G"l . TP-7 S-3 2.0 r1L eLight brown, gravelly, sandy, peaty SILT I.C. " NV NP TP-7 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-01 ~ SHANNON I IILSON I IIOTICNMIC'l COM'UlT'MT' ~L---~----~----~------------------__ ------~~~--L-~~ __ ------------------ i SA .. 'LE liD TP-7 5-1 = ; i I .. • ; i SIl( OF OPfNlNS IN INCHES SI EYE ANALYSI S • • : • I: • I NUIlIER OF IIESH PEl INCH. U.S. SUNDUD I : " II • ! ! ! HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ··GIA IN S Il£ IN· 11111 ... 410,....,... Q 0110 .. ea ~ .., C> C> C> C> ! ! ... C> a 1 -C> C> _ ;;;~:::;;;" a ~ ~ ~ 0 ~o ~ ~:;: ;; ~: I 0 0 ~--~~'---<"'-~'-""'--~""'-T-"--'T---r--.--.--:.--.-y----.-""T""'~_r_..,..:.-"T:....--. :'..-,.:""",,--r---.'--'-_ ... --. 0 -_._--~.-. .-.---_ .. _.-_. '-".--_ .. -_._.-... _--_. __ ... --.-'.~ .. ~~-.~; ~~:-~~.~ ~=> --~ ---_ .. -.,. ----.. ---~:.-:---~-~: -~ -~= --=--~= ::. ... =~=~-=:.---+- 90 .-f-,-----f------.- ~----_.-=\t -~ .. - --r\--. .. 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'-'--'" ---------- I 0 = .... -.~~ -=_ ---~=;; ~; ~-=I-: ~= :~~ .~~ I'~ ....... _ .. _-_._-._.-_ ~~_ .. =i== ?~_-~ ~~._.~.~ ~~~-.~ ,~-. :-~ ~ ---I----+H-H-+-+__If-------80 --_ .. - ------._---.. - -----.--.---.-~---_ .. -----.-----.f---"-.-. ,-, , -.--'w--,- o ~--_+I--.....L.--·-~Ir~nh...l_:!--l ,JJ-L--:!ll----,!-I-...l--;-1~·-1-_"-.Lf--'~ITl~-~rtl..JL.L-I.J..··1 _'--:' L_-_"-_-n~trn...L...1-L.1ll-...LL·_-T.L·-_.L_·-_·luiT1....lALr.-..L·-1· .........L---L--....J. __ ---.JLL.L.L.L._.L...._1 _____ ...L...._--J 100 a Q Ooa 00 Q 0-., __ ,.,,... __ _ 00 0_ CD ~ M .... ..... .., ... GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE I FINE I COUU I liED lUll I flU I UAVEL I SA.D -., ID • c> c> 1 1 ~ .., C> C> ... C> c; :: : C> C> FINES ~ .., a c> c> c> ... a c> c> c> ! DUYM·n. U.S.C. CUSS IF ICU ION .Al. i.c. " LL Pl PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION 4.0 GP • Light brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt TP-7 Stone & Webster December 1981 Engr. Corp. K-0469-01 ~ SHANNON I IILSON ~ IIO,IC •• ICAl CO.IUl,A.'1 OOL------L-------..L-------L----------------__________________________ J-____ L-__ L-__ L--JL-__________________________ _ I I I i >- al cr::: lLI z: u... I-z: lLI o I • L I t I 1 SIEVE ANALYSI S I SIl( Of OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBEI Of .. ESH PER INCH. U.S. SUNDAlO I ........... ........ "''' "'- ... ..... <> <> ... <> rD <> <> <> ... <> <> ... I ...... <> <> I I I I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS GRAIN SIZE IN .... ... <> .. ... <> <> <> <> <> ... ... <> C> C> <> I ! ... <> <> 1 -<> <> <> • 100 r-____ ... r-~ ... -~M~-~._.~_.-_.M.-~._-._M.r__. .. .~~:.:_-~~ L ~= ~..... ... +:=f~~~=~: --... -__ .. ---_=--_~-._~-::-~-::--=--~----------=-.--:~~.~~~~:~~:---.~---=-:-~:-.-.,~--.~-.-.~-.---~~-_----~.TI_-.. ~-:---...,:::..-.~r-=-~-:---:-~'I--'-.. _~~ . 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OEPJH-fl . u_S.C. CLASSIFICATION MA' . I.C. 1l LL Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project TP-7 5-2 4.5 GP • Gray, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION TP-7 lLI • cr::: lLI CI') cr::: -o U I-z: lLI U cr::: lLI A.. Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. CI December 1981 K-0469-01 I SHANNON , II UON ~L-------~---------L--------~--~-----------------------------------------------l~----1---JL---1----1---____ ~.:E~.~':EC:M:.~I~C:A:L~C:.:.:.:U:L:'A:.~'~.~ __ ___ • n I I I ~ CD a:: l&J z ..... I- Z l&J o I I I = I t I j I I I f I I I I I I I I I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIZE or OPENING IN IIICHES I NUIIBER or IIESN PER INCH. U.S. STANOUD I SU INS I ZE IN 1111 I N m m ~ M N _ co.. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Q 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:;:: ;; ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ I 00 ~.-... _--:-:-._.-~"'~-.' .-_~"'-_~_"'~=_.~. -T=r~l-r"'fr-T""~':-f;."'~~~~'-=l~·~···~'~]-.~_.-.. -... 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I-~ ... -.... --. --"--. ___ .. -f-.-.... 1 ° ~.--'--+--+--I---l---1I---,H·-+-+-- . _ .. -.. _--.,-_._---_. --_. _.-... :-::':" ._-' ,.:': ... -._-- .. - ... . --.. -1--" -. f-'-'-"-f-.-. -..... .-... --. ° --T-----In T r 11-1'1' 1-1 -111'111 L' l··---·--Tllrrrrlr-,-r· -)1 -" .. co ... .. .. ... co a .. co .. .. .. .. ... ... co N co ..... ... ... -.... ... ... . . GRAIN SIZE IN 11LLIIETERS -.... ..... I COUSE , IN( I cOAin J IIEOIUIi I , IN( COBBLES 1~~~~~'~.~A!V(~l~~~--~I~~~-~~~S~I~K~O-L--~~---;l ... ... co co ... co _ .... -.. -.... co co co • co co FINES -....... _-....... _.- .-. .~.--'-------' 1 00 ... ... co co co co ... co co co co I SAIIPLE NO. DEPTN-'l. U.S.C. CLASSIFICAT ION III .. '.C ... II Pl PI Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAil SIZE CUSSIFICATlOIL TP-7 TP-9 5-1 2.0 SP-S~1 • Gray, slightly silty, fine to medium SAND, trace of coarse sand and fine to coarse grave 1 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 K-0469-0l SHANNON' IILSON 1.llICKKIC.l COK.Ull.Kl. ~L-~ __ L-____ ~ ______ L-____________________________________ J-__ -L __ JL __ L--L ________________________ _ I I SAMPLE 110 I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I 81 EVE AMALYSI S HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIZE Of OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER Of MESH PER INCH. U.S. S'ANOARO I G U IN $1 ZE IN MM I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q 0 a Q ~ ~:......, N .-:;g ~ ci ~ -C> C> .... f") .-...,.,., _ M C"oI ... co _ C"oI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) I 00 -=-=-__ -.. --,_r-.• ~-.--._~----~-----.T.---.--~ ...... -~"'". ~'-~.-~·~~i~~~~~~~~~:~'_ . ~ -~ ~------~T ----. 901--__ -_-+_-.-.-+_ -_--' .. -+--. +1--' -.+-.. -+-=---'-. i"\ -:-:~---.:-.-.-~~:.-::..-=f-~---~ ..... -.. -.. ---.--------r .---10 80 I-~-_ .. -._-._-._+-_-._+--+---I~-..j.. . ~ ~ ____ ~ _~~. -~.-~-'.~ --.. ~:~-:~~~I~~·~ -~ . __ . ___ I~~_:I-·I:.-------.-... --20 .-... -... --. -.. ' --.-.--.. -f---------- -_._.-_. ----.. _ .. _----- -........ _ .. . :: ~~~~: -.~.= .--.:~_ ~ --=~_ :._ --~:ISlli~·=~:-c i __ ..•.... ~ :-r --.. :-~ ~ -'~~.~--~ -. ~--&--.-.. -.--····----4----ILo---+---4-----' .-------. ~ ..._-_._-. ! • - -__ 1_--__ ._ . . 50 f_----1---1--f--. I-- 40 f----.:-.-.. -_.'.I-_--.-.. t-._-+. -__ -.--1. -+--+.--+-+---+-.-------.-----~~:.:~~_= ~=-~~ .~~~ ~ .•.. .. -.'-- - -, ._.-_._-...... 1_ =~~ -=:~ ----.--.--------== ~.~:~~ . -:.~-:= :=.' f'\ - JOI-----I~_t__-_._+-.-._--I-_._-_+----I---I-_~ .. ~_I--_.t-_-__ 4-_-~----~---___,~-__+-._-_-__ -_4-_-.-__ 4------1-.-~~ ... ----. ..j..~+~4~- --:.=:----~-.-:-'=------~=t=~=~ -~.-.. __ . _ ._. . ~. __ ~:_._~ --.-.. -.--..... 1--... -.' ---... ------.-.-----'1---' _.-1-._---.. -.. ----- 10---.. _.- 1__-·4-+_-l----l----r-~-+--I- -___ .. _. '_' __ ' _._ .. _ .. ____ ._._ I ~ -.. -f---. --- . '--' ... __ .. _-.. _. -------... --_ .. ------.-----_._------.--.-. ... --. -.---------f-----.-.. .---. .----- --.------ .. -. -----.. --------_ .. . ----. ---f-------1---"'-+-4---I~----+4-+4-~",,",--l-- ---.. ----f--.. -.. --.. ---.. --- - . .- --'--... _------.----_. ._--._.-_ .. ----_ ... -_.- -.---.-- - -. ---.-... 1-.----.-.. ---.---.----I' - o ~__:-I!:__···....,J-·f-L..-· --!!lrT~...Ll·_::r~II~·-!!----~l=_ .. ..J.·I~-,-....L.-L-~·· LLITl!:-·.L.IliI~L~I:l:_I·....,.·-L·----··-·-....J·llWLllT..L...1.1-..J.T....IIL-r,L·-.L---TL-_·.J _-.'.1..I .L.J IILAJlr....,J-L-..--L.......L-..L __ .L_. ___ I...L...L.1J-L-... ____ .L......_-I 100 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • CD -... ...., C"oI _ _ _ .. M N __ CD ..., ::: ~ c>. CD ..... ... GRAIN SIZE IN IIIlllllIIEJEiS . C> C> C> C> C> ~ :::: ~:: ... C> C> COUSE I L fillE COBBLES I CUVEl I COUSE I MEDIUM I fiNE I I SAIIO I FINES C> C> I J OlPTH-fT U.S.C. CLASS IF ICAIION II AI . •. C. I Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project GRAIN SIIE CLASSIFICATION Fault Gouge NA SM • Fault Gouge: Grayish-blue, clayey, silty, gravelly SAND sized fragments of tuff and calcite 22 40 29 11 Stone & Webster Engr_ Corp_ December 1981 K-0469-01 SHANNON' IILSON :. I ~ L-______ L-________ L-______ -L ________________________________________________ ~L_ ____ 1_ __ JL __ _1 __ _1~--~1:E~.~':EC:N:.~I:C:IL~C~O:.S:U~L~':I:.'~S~ ___ __ ..... .. ..... 140 - -135 --130 ---125 · I--""" · ~ ~ a:: 120 "'" -a.. · U) .. = .... 115 110 • -105 • --100 -• -95 ---90 - 85 .. -~~---~\--r----\ Y , : , , , , , , , , , : , \ , , , _1 , , , -. \ , 1 , \ \ I 1. \ , , , ,. , , , \ , , , , \ ~ \ , ! , , ." " , , , , ' .. .\1 \ , I ,. 1. , . I ,. , , ! , ... , .. , '" \; "-, , ., ~ \ , . , ~ , .. , , \ l., \ 1. ,! I '-' \_,j':r M'-' 1 ... 1..111 Ii:...) I SHANNON,& WILSON, INC • II] STANDARD AASHO ( AASHO T~9-57. AS D MODI FI ED AASHO (AASHO T180-57.AS 1M 0698-58 T) 1M 0 1557 -58 T D OTHER P ROJ ECT Tazimina R. H~dro Project JOB NUMBER K-0469-01 DATE SAMPLE NUMBER TP-3, S-l DEPTH 16.0 feet wi1 TESTED BY CALCULA TED B w,l Y---- CHECK.ED BY Wil UX. DRY DENSI TY 131 .0 LBS/CU. FT. OPTI MUM W. C. 01 .0 9·~5 N ATUR AL W. C. 10.0 01 .. HAMMER WT •• LBS 5.5 12 DROP. IN. NO. LAYERS 3 NO. BLOWS/UYER 25 01 A. MOLD IN. 4 \ " I' HEI GHT MOLD IN. .-l.' l.' " \f 1. \ " \ ,l. , : " , , . . . , I • , . , I , j • I· • , , I . , 0 5 1 0 15 'II \ 0.033j "' YO L •• MOLD CO. FT. , 1. COMPACrl YE , EFFORT-FT. L BS/CU. FT. I. '\. , \. \. ~ . \:: "' fC" '" \~ SAMPLE CLASSIFI CATION Gra~z \ '\~ silty SAND, trace'of c1 ~ '\. '\. '\.~ .. : ." " ,~ , ." ~ '\.1'1. Was not ab.le to plot '\. T f"l.' a '\. '\.I :'~ point as material ·was \. I \.~ past wet point. '\.! --.;-\. '($1 1. Y. '(? Va ,~ " \.' .. , , . .... ,~ -:\. \. :, "\ .~ "\ , , , '\.! '\.. \. "" "" "\ , \. " " . '" ..... , "\ .. '\.. --\ ~ y' •. '\.. , '\. '\.. '\.. -.... "" "\ f---.. " , -.... "\ '\.. '\. , -...... "" ;'\., , , '\.. , '\.. , -.... -.... " , , , '" .... \f " --, , , "-, l"\ " ..... """ "' '\. , , '\. , , , -. , , ., ---=+=----, , '\. " "-"-.---t-------, " ---+ '\. " "-"- gravelly, ay 12% way , ~ '\. -.. ,-~-"- 20 25 30 3 5 ENT -PERCENT NOTE: In the photographic descriptions and through- out the report, right and left abutments are determined by looking downstream. PHOTO 1 LOWER TAZIMINA LAKE SITE, VIEW DOWNSTREAM This photo of the Lower Lake Site shows the narrow outlet created by moraines in the right center of the photogra~h. The natural spillway of the lake, to be used as the potential dam spillway, is located at the right edge of the photo, just to the right of the spit pointing upstream. Boring B-1 was drilled on the moraine forming the left abutment, which rises 68 feet above the lake level. No bedrock outcrops can be see n in this view of the valley. PHOTO 2 RIVER MILE 12.9 SITE VIEW ACROSS VALLEY TO THE NORTHWEST The direction of flow is to the left in this photo taken from the lowest bedrock outcrops on the left side of the Tazimina River along the centerline. Although the right side of the river along center- line is just out of view (to the right), the exten- sive muskeg lowlands, over which the dam centerline traverses, are well depicted. The bedrock surface slopes down into the valley to a depth of 80 feet e10w the river at the base of this hill, and bed- ock is at depth of 170 feet at :the river. · ,~ ...•• __ .J .... PHOTO 3 ROADHOUSE SITE, VIEW UPSTREAM The prominent terraces of the right abutment (upper left side of photo) can be seen in this photo taken from just downstream of the centerline on the left abutment. The left abutment consists of a core of bedrock capped by glacio-fluvial deposits. Boring B-4 was drilled on the right abutment 130 feet from the river. PHOTO 4 FOREBAY SITE VIEW ALONG CENTERLINE FROM LEFT ABUTMENT The topography of the right abutment can be clearly seen in this photo taken from the left abutment. Bedrock can be seen outcropping at river level. Moraines of clean sand and gravel constitute the highest hills above the river. Boring B-2 was located on the first bench above the river near the center of the photograph. ( I -I PHOTO 5 LOWER SITE VIEW ALONG CENTERLINE FROM RIGHT ABUTMENT Bedrock outcrops to 15 feet in height along the Tazimina River can be seen in this photo. Seismic data indicate that overburden in the form of sand and gravel overlies the bedrock to thicknesses of up to 10 feet, for a distance of 300 feet from the river on the left abutment, and 30 feet of over- burden was noted on the right abutment 120 feet from the river. This photo was taken from a prom- inent high level moraine above the right abutment. PHOTO 6 FALLS, AERIAL VIEW UPSTREAM This view of the falls shows the talus beach at the base of the falls, on the right in the photo a potential location for a powerhouse. The rapids of the Lower Site can be seen in the upper right corner of the photo. Loose rock spires and blocks are common along the walls of the canyon. ( PHOTO 7 FALLS POWERHOUSE SITE, VIEW DOWNSTREAM This is a close up view of the rocky beach.shown in the previous photograph, one of the potent1al power- house sites. The characteris~ic stee~ rock walls of the canyon and whitewater 1n the r1ver can be seen in this photo. PHOTO 8 ALTERNI\T.f POWERHOUSE SITE, MOUTH OF CANYON ; Another potential powerhouse site, a bench support- ing a substantial growth of trees, is shown in this . photo. The terrace above the bench rises 100 feet, and a narrow slough, parallel to the river, runs through the middle of the bench. Spawning salmon were observed at this location in the Tazimina River, which, from this point downstream, has a very gentle gradient and low banks, as opposed to the steep canyon walls and rapids common upstream. ( PHOTO 9 JOINTED LITHIC TUFF This photo, taken at the Lower Site, shows a blue- gray welded lithic tuff, typical of the lithic tuff mapped in the project area. Jointing is closely to very closely spaced (less. than 2 inches to 1 foot). This outcrop also shows the degree of fracturing common in all of the exposures. PHOTO 10 DIKE IN FRACTURED TUFF The basalt dike, shown in the center of this photo- graph, intrudes a highly fractured crystalline tuff at this location. Dikes of this size, about 10 feet wide, are common throughout the project area. Just downstream, to the right of the photo, several more dikes and two small faults were observed. This cut- bank is 50 to 60 feet high. PHOTO 11 HIGHLY FRACTURED BEDROCK CORE The core shown i~ this photo is from Boring B-2, 6~ to 73 .9 feet ~ln depth. ~ This zone was 10qged as hlgh1y fractured, containing frequent small gouqe zones. Bedrock below 73.9 feet is less fractured and, in general, of better quality. PHOTO 12 GOOD QUALITY BED RO CK CORE This photo shows good quali ty bedrock core from a zone with joint spacing ran ging from close to moderately close (2 inches to 3 feet) in Boring B-3, 60 to 69 feet deep. The li thic nature of the tuff is readily apparent. A hea led joint can be seen in the bottom tray of core; th e ce menting agent in this case is silica. Calcite an d ep idote were observed along poorly healed joints. 0"'-_' . ./_<. "c. , I ".:.. _ .. LEGEND SL-2 SEISMIC LINE BORING LOCATION ,EST PIT LOCATION ..... " ".~ "~ ,,/ ?, /,., / 'i., '~'. \, ./ ! ." SCALE 1 INCH ~20-00 FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL 50 FEET .... DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 25 FOOT CONTOURS BASE MAP FROM USGS ILIAMNA (0-5), ALASKA 1:63,360 (1954/REV. 1973) \ .. ~ / ' ___ . ___ i ", Lake / / . -. ' .. SITE pLAN Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 Shannon & ·Wifsonlnc. K~ 0 469::· O.:t. 1 , .. MAP UNITS '.~ UNDIVIDED ALLUVIAL & GLACIAL DEPOSITS TUFF/HIGHLY FRACTURED TUFF TALUS, RUBBLE & COLLUVIAL DEPOSITS INTRUSIVES UNDIVIDED MORAINAL DEPOSITS METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS OUTWASH DEPOSITS ANDESITE TERRACE DEPOSITS DIKES --.- \ ""\. , ........... \ ""-au " MAP SYMBOLS CONTACT CONTACT, LOCATED APPROXIMATELY FAULT, SHOWING DIP OF FAULTPLANE --FAULT, LOCATED AFPROXIMATELY FAULT, EXISTENCE UNCERTAIN '-t.;: . ,: '-: ;,' r" '-__ J -< \ 50' -L 56' _1- I AXIAL TREND & PLUNGE OF SMALL ANTIJINE AXIAL TREND & PLUNGE OF SMALL SYNOLINE STRIKE & DIP OF BEDDING STRIKE & DIP OF POSSIBLE BEDDING STRIKE & DIP OF JOINTS STRIKE & DIP OF VERTICAL JOINTS I I / y ! ./ SCALE: 1 INCH = 2000 FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL 50 FEET DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 25 FOOT CONTOURS BASE MAP FROM USGS ILIAMNA (0-51, ALASKA 1:63,,360 (1954/REV. 19731 / / GEOLOGIC MAP Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. December 1981 Shannon & Wilson Inc .. K-0469-01 PI~te 2 -.. -.. - -.. - - -.. -.. - -.. - -.. - --- -.... -.... -.. APPENDIX F GEOTECHNICAL STUDY NEWHALEN RIVER Preliminary Geotechnical Feasibility Study Newhalen River Canal Diversion Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Geatech n ical Cansu Itants 5111 2055 Hill Road, Box 843 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 (907) 452-6183 ... -.-,. .--,-.. . - •• •• ,- ,* - .iIM .... Preliminary Geotechnical Feasibility Study Newhalen River Canal Diversion Project Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. Denver Operations Center P. O. Box 5406 Denver, Colorado 80217 April 1982 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. K-0517-01 ____________________ ._·_H __ X8_,_' ________ ~----- -- •• •• ------------ - - - - ---- ---- ... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Site Description 2.2 Project Description 2.3 Site Regional Geology 3. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 3.1 General 3.2 Exploratory Borings 3.3 Resistivity Survey 3.4 Topographic S'urvey 3.5 Geologic Reconnaissance 3.6 Laboratory Test"j ng 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 General 4.2 Soils 4.3 Bedrock 4.4 Groundwater 4.5 Frozen Ground 5. DISCUSSION 5.1 General 5.2 Be.drock Depth 5.3 Groundwater Conditions 5.4 Excavations 5.4.1 Soil Excavations 5.4.2 Rock Excavations 5.5 Slope Stability 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL STUDIES 6.1 General K-0517-01 Page 1 3 3 4 5 7 7 8 9 10 12 12 13 13 13 15 17 19 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 26 26 -.. . ---.. ---- -- -- .... - ------.---- ------______ . __ , __ . ______ .l_. __________ P ___ . ___ ,_, __ ...... _________ t·t __ "' ______ ~------____ --_ TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) K-0517-01 6.2 Geophysical Studies 6.2.1 Seismic Refraction Survey 6.2.2 Vertical Electric Soundings 6.3 Exploratory Borings 6.4 Field Reconnaissance 6.5 Topographic Surveys 7. LIMITATIONS Table Table 2 Table 3 Fi gure 1 Figures 2 thru 9 Figures 10 thru 15 Photo Plates 1 thru 4 Photo Plates 5 thru 14 Plate 1 Plate 2 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Summary of Subsurface Explorations Summary of Vertical Electric Soundings Description of Rock Properties Map of Portion of the Newhalen River Boring Logs of Borings B-1 thru B-8 Grain Size Classifications t. Aerial Oblique Photographs Core Photographs Location of Borings and Resistivity Surveys Subsurface Profile Along Canal Alignment 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 --'. ----------- - , .... -.. ------ - K-OS17-01 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation has been retained ~ by the , Alaska Power Authority to perform feas i bil ity ana lyses and prepare a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license application for the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan. One of the alternative regional power plans considered in the Bristol Bay Region is the Newhalen River Cana~ Diver- sion project. Prel iminary geologic and geotechnical investigations of the Newhalen project area were performed by Shannon and Wilson, Inc. to assist Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation with the feasibil ity analysis and conceptual design for the Newhalen River Canal Diversion. The original scope of our geotechnical studies consisted of the drilling of three exploratory borings, as discussed in our proposal dated March 17, 1982, and authorized by Stone and Webster in a letter dated March 23, 1982. Consideration had' previously been given to performing seismic refraction surveys to provide information on depth to bedrock at the site. However, it was felt that if bedrock was relatively shallow that the seasonally frozen ground would made interpretation of the seismic refraction data difficult. This led to the decision to mobilize a drill rig to the site. Based on the conditions encountered in the original three borings, the scope of our exploratory work was expanded to include additional borings and several vertical electric soundings (resistivity profiles). A total of eight exploratory borings and seven vertical electric soundings were completed at the site. Limited geologic reconnaissance of the project area was performed by our geologist concurrent with the drilling 1 .... --------------. - ----- ------ ----- - ______ " __________________________ M~ __ I_". ____ I __ ____ K-OS17-0l operations. A more detailed reconnaissance, planned following the completion of the drilling program, was curtailed by a heavy snowfall. The scope of Shannon and Wilson1s involvement in this feasibility assessment of the Newhalen River Canal Diversion project was limited to the gathering of geologic and geotechnical data in the field. Limited discussion of the engineering implications of this data is contained in this report, with recommendations for further studies if the project is pursued beyond the feasibility stage. The discussions and recommendations should not, however, be considered exhaustive. 2 ... •• ... •• -... ----------------- ,. ----,. ------ r ... K-0517-01 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Site Description The proposed site of the Newhalen River Canal Diversion is well suited to hydroelectric development from a topographic standpoint. From river mil e 7, where the ri ver begi ns a seri es of rapids, it flows south and then turns east (see Figure 1). By river mile 2, the water surface has dropped about 110 feet. The proposed canal alignment (see Plate 1) traverses a highland to the east and north of the river where the topography has been shaped by local glacial and fluvial influences. Stream erosion is evident throughout the study area in the form of terraces, and is boldly reflected in the sharp risers and broad treads of a series of prominent terraces found at the southern area of the alignment. Here the tundra-covered banks describe the meandering mouth of the Newhalen River as it drains into Lake Iliamna. A relatively abrupt drop in elevation coincides with this terraced area at the proposed outlet structure location, as the topographic profile drops about 120 feet to the river within about 1500 feet along the alignment. From this drop northwesterly to the intake structure area, the land surface is relatively gentle, with occasional southwest facing shallow terraces. This broad highland area above the river achieves its peak elevation of about 200 feet in the area to the east and south of the intake structure. Aerial oblique views of the project area are shown in Photo Plates 1 through 4. Except for occasional grasslands found just above the river, the entire area is covered with a mat of tundra. This organic layer varies in 3 - ------------- - --,. --- - - '- ------------------------------------,---- K-0517-01 thickness from six inches to three feet throughout the area. Thick willow and alder stands grow at the banks of the river, and willow is found randomly throughout the area. Some spruce trees grow along the river and in thin forests at the perimeters of the project area. 2.2 Project Description As currently envisioned, the Newhalen River Canal Diversion project consists of 14,000 feet of canal, with adjunct intake, spillway, pen- stock, and powerhouse structures. The intake structure would be located near river mile 7, and the spillway near river mile 2 (see Figure 1 and Plate 1). The canal invert will drop 1 foot in every 1000 feet, and its elevation can be seen on the cross section drawn along the canal alignment (Plate 2). We understand that the invert elevation is controlled by the need to pass an adequate flow at low river levels and with a potential for a thick ice cover on the water in the canal. This results in a depth below existing ground surface to the bottom of the canal of about 45 to 55 feet along much of the cana 1 ali gnment. Although the cana 1 side slopes were originally planned to be quite steep, the depth of overburden now known to exist will require flatter slopes (at least down to the bedrock surface) and we understand that consideration is being given to using roller compacted concrete to line the portions of the canal which are not in rock. We further understand that the intake structure and portions of the spillway system will consist of concrete gravity structures and that it is very desirable that these structures be founded on bedrock. 4 -.. -.. .. -- ---- ---.. ---- -.. ---- K-05l7-0l The hydroelectric development presently being considered is not related to previously proposed development on the Newhalen River which was described on the two sheet map "Plan and Profile, Newhalen River, Alaska, Damsite" published by the U.S.G.S. in 1967. That project involved consideration of a damsite at about river mile lH, some 4! miles upstream from the proposed intake structure of the diversion canal. 2.3 Site Regional Geology Both the surficial and bedrock geology of the area of the proposed Newhalen River Canal Diversion have been mapped by Detterman in his studies of the Iliamna Quadrangle 1 ,2. The volcanic bedrock at the site is generally mantled by glacial and glaciofluvial deposits. The project area was probably covered by glacier ice most recently during the two oldest stades of Brooks Lake Glaciation of late Wisconsin age. It may also have been glaciated during early ~Jisconsin time. Surficial deposits at higher elevations in the project area have been mapped by Detterman as "hanging delta and outwash fan deposits". These may be the result of later stades of Brooks Lake Glaciation, whereas the subsurface deposits of apparent till and outwash encountered in our borings may relate to the earlier stades. Deposits at lower elevations along the Newhalen River in the project area have been identified by Detterman as IIstream terrace depositsll. In addition, Detterman has mapped a high strandline of glacial Lake Iliamna, about 150 feet above present lake level, as crossing the upper end of the project area . At this feas'ibil ity study stage of the project, no rigorous attempt has been made to reconstruct the glaciai history of the area as related to conditions observed in our borings. 5 --- ---------------.. -.. - --.. -.. - -.. .. • .,. lith K-0517-01 The volcanic rocks exposed along the banks of the Newhalen River through the project area are mapped by Detterman as Tertiary "basalt and andesite", with minor rocks of other composition. Tuffaceous volcanic rocks are mapped to the east of the project area. Regarding recon- struction of the volcanic stratigraphy of the area, Detterman comments that "l ava flows, tuffs, and rubble flows are intimately mixed and change rapidly within a short distance." IDetterman, R.L., and Reed, B.L., 1973, Surficial Deposits of the Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1368-A, 64 p. 2Detterman, R.L., and Reed, B.L., 1980, Stratigraphy, Structure and Economic Geology of the Iliamna quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1368-B, 86 p. 6 --- ----------., - ----., - -- - --- - !;~ , '*IiU Ii fl I III A !iii K-0517-01 3. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 3.1 General A drill crew from our Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories division was mobilized to the site on March 28, 1982 by a chartered Hercules C-130 aircraft. Field work was supervised at the site by Geologist Roger Troost. Project coordination in Fairbanks was provided by Rohn D. Abbott, Vice President and Manager of the Fairbanks office, and by John Cronin, Associate Geologist. Borings were drilled at a total of eight locations during the period of March 29 through April 10, 1982. Only one of the originally planned three borings encountered bedrock within the 50 foot target depth, and additional drill tools were mobilized to the site to allow drilling to a greater depth. Four of the additional five borings encountered bedrock. To supplement the information obtained from the exploratory borings, vertical electric soundings (resistivity profiles) were performed at seven locations at the site. Geophysicist Clyde Ringstad, president of Geo-Recon International, Ltd., of Seattle, performed the resistivity work between April 3 and April 5, 1982. Surveyors from the Fairbanks office of Ellerbe-Alaska, Inc. were on site twice during the field work. The initial survey work consisted of locating the three original borings and two alternate boring locations. The later work involved locating the additional borings and resistivity profile locations. 7 -- ' .. . ., .------------ --- ---.. - ------ ..... - K-05l7-0l A limited geologic reconnaissance was performed by our geologist concur- rent with the drilling program. A more detailed reconnaissance, planned fo 11 OW"j ng the comp 1 et i on of the dr-i 11 i ng , was cu rta i 1 ed by a heavy snowfall on ~pril 10, 1982. 3.2 Exploratory Borings The project ~rea was explored with a total of eight exploratory borings. Seven of these were dri 11 ed on or near the proposed canal ali gnment; boring B-8 was offset about 1250 feet from the alignment. Boring locations are shown in plan view on Plate 1, and logs of the borings are contained on Figures 2 through 9. The borings were drilled to depths ranging from 20.3 feet to 69.5 feet using a track-mounted eME-55 drilling rig equipped with continuous flight, hollow stem auger. Drilling operations were supervised and logged by Roger Troost, a geologist with our firm. As the borings progressed, soil samples were generally obtained at 2.5-foot intervals to a depth of 20 feet, and at 5-foot intervals below 20 feet .. Sampling was accomplished by driving a 3-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler 18 inches into the soi 1 at the base of the auger with a 340-pound drop hammer falling 30 inches onto the drill rods. For each sample, the number of blows required to advance the sampler the final twelve inches is the penetrati on res i stance and measures the rel ati ve dens ity of granul ar soils and the relative consistency of fine-grained soils. Soil samples obtained using this technique were visually classified in the field, sealed in airtight containers, and returned to our laboratory for testing of selected samples. Penetration resistance is presented graphically on the borings logs. 8 ------.. ----------------- - ---- --- 1M K-0517-01 When rock was encountered, the bori ng was advanced by diamond cori ng with an NXD4 double-tube core barrel to determine if the rock was a boulder or bedrock. If the rock was a boulder, further attempts were made to advance the auger, and if unsuccessful the boring was abandoned and relocated. Because of the difficulty in advancing casing through the overburden materials, coring was often limited to a single 5-foot run. Photographs of the rock core obtained during our explorations are included as Photo Plates 5 through 14. The drilling program consisted of a total of 363 feet of soil drilling and 45 feet of rock coring. In borings B-5 through B-8, observation wells were installed to allow more accurate measurement of depth to the water table. These "instal- lations consisted of a short length of slotted PVC pipe connected to a solid PVC riser pipe. In the other borings, groundwater information was obtained during drilling by measuring water depth on the drill rods when they were extracted from the hole after a sampling attempt. Pertinent information for each boring, such as location and elevation, and depth and elevation of bedrock and water table, are shown in Table 1. 3.3 Resistivity Survey Vertical electric soundings (resistivity profiles) were performed at seven locations along the canal alignment to supplement the information obtained from the borings. The soundings were made with an ABEM SAS-300 earth resistivity meter, using a conventional Wenner electrode array. The resultant resistivity values were reduced with the aid of a computer program to simplify interpretation of the results of the soundings. 9 -.... -.... - ---.--- ",. ,. •• ,.,. '. '. i. - . '" K-05l7-0l Resistivity profiles developed by the soundings were correlated to subsurface conditi ons observed in the exploratory bori ngs to ass i st in the interpretation. The interpreted depth to bedrock and water table in each of the sound- ings is listed in Table 2. Locations of the soundings are shown on Pl ate 1. High ice content in the seasonally frozen surficial soils interfered with the res i sti vity soundi ngs at three 1 ocati ons, VES-2, VES-3 and VES-9. The low conductivity of the icy soils at these locations limited maximum penetration of the soundings to 57, 49 and 30 feet, respectively. Problems with ice-rich surficial soils at other locations may also have affected the resistivity data, but this was not readily apparent . Interpretation of the resistivity data was limited to the picking of apparent depth to bedrock and water table as depicted in Table 2. The complex stratigraphy of the site, with interbedded outwash sands and gravels, till, and silts precluded a more detailed analysis of the data at this time. 3.4 Topographic Survey Topographic survey work for the project consisted primarily of estab- lishing locations and elevations for the borings and vertical electric soundings. With the exception of boring B-7, which was relocated following the demobilization of the survey crew from the field, all borings and soundings were located by the surveyors. Boring B-7 was located by hand level, Brunton compass, and string chain from surveyed boring B-6 . 10 .... ... .... '. '. •• ,- •• -... •• , ... ,- --.. - -.. K-05l7-0l In addition to location of borings and electrical soundings, various features such as river elevations, rock outcrops, springs, and ground elevations were located horizontally and vertically, and are shown on Pl ate 1. Due to the lack of BLM section corner monumentation in the field, horizontal control for the surveying was established by using the scaled location of the FAA Flight Service Station from the original drawing of Plate 1 and the bearing of the centerline of the east-west runway at the Iliamna airport. This results in the horizontal locations being some- what approximate, both as located in the field and as shown on Plate 1. The survey has been ti ed into airport monumentati on, photo panels of unknown origin, and a BLM section line river crossing monument discover- ed at the completion of the surveying program. If the project proceeds beyond the feasibility stage, further research should allow refinement of the surveyed locations. Vertical control for the survey was established by referencing all elevations to the ice surface of the small lake shown as elevation 177 to the southwest of Pike Lake on the U.S.G.S. 1 :63,360 map. It is our understanding that the topographic base for Plate 1 was prepared by Stone and Webster by enlarging portions of the Iliamna 0-6 and C-6 1:63,360 U.S.G.S. maps. The locations of surveyed features from our field explorations depicted on Plate 1 were plotted referenced to the corner of sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 near the Iliamna airport. The inherent lack of detail in the original U.S.G.S. maps, complicated by the enlargement process, results in some features being shown as apparently mislocated with respect to physiographic features on Plate 1. For instance, resistivity sounding VES-10 was actually located below the bluff in section 17, rather than above the bluff as shown on the Plate. 11 ., .. . ., .... ,-- •• -'. .. .- ... - II1II .- -- - -.. I r K-0517-01 Likewise, the rock outcrops in section 20 were actually adjacent to the Newhalen River; the river elevation at the intake structure was measured in the river, not on land as shown on the Plate; and the spring south- west of station 67+50 was actually at the base of the bluff, rather than at the top of the bluff as shown . 3.5 Geologic Reconnaissance A limited geologic reconnaissance was performed by our field geologist, Roger Troost, during the course of our field explorations. The findings of this work are incorporated "into the discussions of the subsurface conditions in Section 4 of this report . 3.6 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was performed· on a representative selection of samples from the eight borings drilled for this investigation. The tests were performed as a supplement to the field observations of the samples to verify classifications and to provide a general indication of the soil properties. Water contents were determined on selected samples obtained from above water table, and grain size analyses, including hydrometer and specific gravity analysis, were performed on representative samples of the soil ~ypes encountered. Atterberg Limits were determined on samples from the silt beds found in borings B-3 and B-8. Resul ts of the water content and Atterberg Limits determi nati ons are shown on the boring logs, Figures 2 through 9. Grain size gradations are plotted on Figures 10 through 15. 12 ,,,", .- . .,. -M '. '. . - , .. - . ..., - -.... .. .. ".. ,.., .-.. - • , iU • K-OS17-01 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 General Two basic geologic influences are represented in the subsurface materials encountered in this investigation. Glacial drift deposits, which Detterman states can locally be more than 100 feet thick in the Newhalen area, overlie bedrock of volcanic origin. The variable depositional environments suggested in the profiles observed in the borings from this exploration program depict a complex sequence of glacial events, reflecting the recent geologic history of this area. However, limited available information about the underlying bedrock types encountered precludes anything but a very general regional view of volcanic history and bedrock configuration . 4.2 SO'ils Except for the mat of tundra that blankets the landscape, all of the soils found above bedrock appear to be of glacial or proglacial origin . Considering the complex nature of events in a once glacially active region, with the advance, retreat, or stagnation of ice masses influenc- ing many agents of transportation and deposition, it is not surprising to find different sequences or magnitudes of deposition represented at each of the locations explored. Clean to slightly silty sands and gravels, products of glacial outwash, are the predominant representatives of a glacial environment, and were randomly encountered in various amounts at each location explored . These medium dense to very dense stratified deposits range from we ll-sorted to poorly-sorted in compos i ti on and the constituents are 13 ,. , . .... - ... - .- - ' .... '. .... -- 1M ,- - •• -- HI K-05l7-0l generally subrounded to rounded. These deposits occasionally contain silty interbeds. In a few instances, specific clues to the regional glacial history are presented in the properties of the outwash samples. In boring B-5, a clean sand sampled from about 19 feet was found to be very dense, relatively uncharacteristic for the outwash sands sampled elsewhere in this exploration program. This suggests a glacial readvance over the previously deposited outwash sands. In boring B-2, samples from about 10 feet to 20 feet were predom"inantly subangular and were generally greenish in color, implying a relatively short transport of these gravels from a common local source area. Glacial till was found in various thicknesses in all of the borings except B-2 and B-4. This poorly sorted material is generally very dense and commonly contains cobbles and boulders. The coarse-grained constit- uents are subrounded to rounded and the fines segment is non-plastic . Two distinct zones of till were encountered in all of the borings southeast of about station 95+00, and from about station 104+00 southeast to the outlet structure area, a surficial deposit of till was found at each of the four locations explored. While the complexity of subsurface conditi ons and the di stances between the bori ngs precl udes any correlation of buried till beds, the surficial deposits could be related. Another correlation might be speculated from the fact that in four of the five borings in which bedrock was confirmed at depth, it is directly overlain by glacial till. In one of the borings, B-8, a sample of till taken from 54 feet, just above the soil/bedrock contact at 58.0 feet, contained fragments of weathered bedrock, suggesting plucking during glacial advance over bedrock. 14 - '. .. ,-.. .- .- - ... -'. ..... .. -.. --.... .. - K-0517-01 Silt beds were encountered in two of the borings, B-3 and 8-8, in thicknesses of 17 feet and 8t feet, respectively. These non-plastic deposits contain traces of sand and fine gravel. While the silts found in 8-8 were laminated (1/16" to 1/811 thick), those from 8-3 showed only a trace of lamination structure. Although correlation of these beds is improbable, considering the 8500 foot distance between the two borings, in both cases the alluvium directly overlies glacial till that has been deposited on bedrock. 4.3 Bedrock 'The bedrock units encountered in the exploratory program are of volcanic origin. Andesitic rocks of varying composition, apparently extrusive flows, were cored in borings B-3, B-4, and B-7, north of about station 98+00. In the southern area of the a1 ignment, south of about station 130+00, pyroclastic rock, volcanic breccia, was found in borings B-5 and B-8. Bedrock was not encountered in bori ngs with i n the 3200 foot distance between stations 98+00 and 130+00, therefore a contact between the bedrock units identified cannot be verified. The relationship of bedrock units can be seen in Plate 2, Subsurface Profile Along Canal Alignment. The rock classification system used by Shannon and Wilson is presented in Table 3. Bedrock was found to be as shallow as 10 feet "in bor-ing B-4, at the intake structure area near the river, and as deep as 59 feet in boring 8-7, at approximately station 98+00. Aside from the apparent thinning of the overburden layer near the north end of the alignment, and again, slightly, in the vicinity of the outlet structure area, depth to bedrock along the alignment is apparently fairly consistent, at about 50 to 60 feet . 15 ,- ,,'"' '. -- till. - _. ... ' ... •• -- 1M "'. - -.... - K-0517-01 The limited data available from this investigation suggests that the bedrock surface dips in a general southerly direction on the order of one-half degree. Although depth to bedrock at any given location along the alignment might be estimated from this trend, actual rock integrity cannot be assumed when factors such as weathering and jointing are considered. Both rock types encountered in our borings show evidence of lessened competence within the depths explored because of jointing and weathering characteristics. In general, the bedrock was very closely to closely jointed within the depths explored. Joint spacing varied throughout each core run, and only in borings B-5 and B-7, in volcanic breccia and basaltic andesite, respectively, did joint spacing spread to moderately close in deeper runs, suggesting increased competence of bedrock within immediate depth. Joint inclination ranges from 15° to 90° in the basaltic rocks, and from 15° to 45° in the breccia. Numerous healed joint sets are apparent in the andesitic rocks and are commonly filled with quartz; healed joints were not apparent in the volcanic breccia . Weathering of the bedrock examined, in most cases, becomes less signifi- cant with depth. The extrusive rocks from borings B-3, B-4, and B-7 tend to show a marked decrease in clay filling of joints and weathering stains on joint surfaces with depth. A significant difference exists between the pyroclastic breccia samples taken from bori ngs B-5 and B-8. In bori ng B-5 the rock becomes re- latively competent after about three feet of depth. However, the core from B-8, which appears to be the same rock type as that from B-5, is generally very severely to completely weathered, and, in fact, appears substantially more weathered at depth within the depth explored. Yet the elevation of top of bedrock at boring B-8 is about 16 feet lower 16 - - '*. - -.... - .... - .... .... .-... .-... • __ ,_,_~ _____ >_.",,_",,~. _________________________ illg_f 11 ____ • _. _,_II(lJ ___ • ------ K-0517-01 than at boring B-5. This grea~er depth could be the result of overdeepening in the area around B-8 by glacial processes or an abandoned channel of the Newhalen River at this location. Bedrock crops out at many 1 ocati ons along the Newha 1 en Ri ver between both ends of the proposed alignment. Undulations in the top of bedrock surface were observed along the river near the upper rapids which should be considered in a regional concept of bedrock configuration. A single estimation of this undulation noted a drop of 15 to 20 feet from the top of bedrock outcrop to river level over a distance of about 400 feet. 4.4 Groundwater The complex arrangement of subsurface conditions encountered throughout this exploration program is reflected in variations of the depths at which water tables were encountered. Groundwater was observed in all of the borings except B-4, at the north end of the alignment where bedrock was found at 9.7 feet; however, the distances between the borings and the observed elevation differences of the water tables make correlation between them diffi cul t. Water tables observed in borings and interpreted from electric soundings are shown in cross section on Plate 2 . Because all of the water tables were observed at elevations well above river level at their respective locations, it must be concluded that the origin of groundwater in this area is from other distant sources. The relatively clean nature of the predominant gravel and sand soil types encountered would not only provide a relatively large groundwater reservoir, but their high permeability could allow high rates of flow into an excavation. Indeed, heaving conditions were usually encountered 17 ,_. __ . __ . _~. _____ ._,_._, ___ ._. ______________ ._-_w 1_' _._. _lOll ........... ' ........ 15_. ________ _ ' .. - -.. ' ... .c )- .. .- " .. .. ,. .... . - o • ... ,. , .. K-05l7-0l during drilling wherever clean gravels and sands were sampled below a water table, confirming the permeability of these materials. The existence of relatively impervious strata in this region allows the possibility of more than one water table to exist at any given location. Perched water tables are not uncommon in glacial soils, where till layers and silt zones can provide a seal which will hold water. Because of groundwater conditions observed during the drilling of boring B-1, it was originally thought that two water tables might exist at this location. However, subsequent interpretation of the subsurface materials and drilling conditions de-emphasized this speculation, and we now believe that only one water table exists there at about 25 feet. During drilling of boring B-5, the groundwater level was interpreted as being at about 14.3 feet, however later measurement showed water at about 20 feet. In boring B-6, sand samples from about 17 feet to 29 feet were saturated when extracted from the ground, yet subsequent monitoring of groundwater level in B-6 showed the water table to be at 29 feet. In both of these cases, the possibility of a perched water table exists. Frozen spri ng flows were observed atop rock outcrops at the ri ver at both ends of the alignment, suggesting the possibility of groundwater flowing directly on top of bedrock. Frozen conditions prevented any measurement of this flow, but it was observed as minimal. Another spring was observed in the field area at the base of a bluff southwest of the alignment at about station 67+50. The existence of this minor flow suggests groundwater flowing above some impermeable strata at this location . 18 .j'" . ,. . .. - " ... d • . ,,. .. ,' .. ua "' .. iU' • b .. , dr' ,-1\ -~ r Wi K-0517-01 4.5 Frozen Ground The possibility of sporadic permafrost exists in this region, however, none was encountered in our exploration. The surficial mat of tundra was, in most cases, frozen, and the observed visible ice content was as high as 40%. In borings B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-8, surficial soil deposits were frozen, and the deepest penetrati on of frost was 4 feet in B-1; however, no visible ice was observed in these frozen strata. The shallow frost penetration observed in our exploration suggests that it is seasonal frost . 19 - - , ..... .... ,,,. till tilt 1111 .... ~I' -o.f. K-05l7-0l 5. DISCUSSION 5.1 General The geotechnical implications of conditions encountered at the site for the Newhalen River Canal Diversion project are discussed in this section. Sections are presented on depth to bedrock, groundwater conditions, excavations, and slope stability. These discussions should not be considered a complete analysis of geotechnical conditions in the project area, as the scope of Shannon and Wilson's studies was primarily exploration and not engineering. 5.2 Bedrock Depth The elevation of the bedrock surface with respect to invert elevation along the canal alignment can be seen in the cross section on Plate 2. This bednpck surface has been interpreted from a combination of informa- tion obtained from borings and electric soundings . As can be seen, only the fi rst approx'imately 6000 feet of the canal invert as presently planned is interpreted as being on or in bedrock. Only about the first 3000 feet of the canal would require more than 10 feet of excavation into rock, as interpreted. The cross section depicts a relatively uniform dip of the bedrock surface from station 0+00 to near station 100+00. Southeast of this point, two interpretations are possible, depending on whether or not Boring B-8 is projected into the section from 1250 feet to the north- east, and whether the depth to rock interpreted from electric sounding VES-10 is believed. Without this projection, the bedrock surface appears almost flat from station 100+00 to the river, although control 20 .... --.... ---- - tI·_. -..... - ,.. .... ----- ttl U! K-0517-01 from either borings or electric soundings is absent for about 4600 feet along the section. Acceptance of the projection of 8-8 and the inter- pretation of VES-10 implies an overdeepening of the bedrock surface of about 20 feet near statipn 140+00. In our opinion, such overdeepening is possible in this area; either as a r.esult of glacial processes or as a result of burial of an old channel of the Newhalen River. We under- stand that depth to bedrock may be critical in this area because of the need to found gravity CORcrete structures for the spillway on bedrock. In most of the bori ngs where encountered, the upper few feet of rock were sl ightly to moderately weathered. In boring 8-8, however, all 10 feet of rock cored was very severely weathered, with the rock almost completely weathered to soil. This boring was located in the creek about 1250 feet northeast of the alignment near station 130+00. It is not known whether the rock under the alignment is similarly weathered. It is not likely that water flow in the creek caused this weathering, because the measured water table is about 21 feet below ground surface at this location. Most of the rest of the area has a water table at a similar depth, yet the rock does not show similar weathering. Though no faults have been mapped in the area, it is possible that a fault or shear zone at the location of boring 8-8 could be responsible for the weathering observed in the rock. Alternately, if the location is part of an old buried channel there maybe increased groundwater flow which could be responsible for the increased weathering . Anomalous resistivity values in electrical sounding VES-7 below a depth of 62 feet may represent another zone of severely \'Jeathered rock, or possibly a very old till deposit which was buried by a volcanic flow . 21 .. -.. .a • 111 ...... .... .... - ... - .. - .. rill Ur, K-05l7-0l 5.3 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater table was measured in borings or interpreted from resis- tivity profiles significantly above canal invert elevation at almost all locations. As many of the overburden soils at the site consist of clean sands and gravels which are assumed to have a high permeability, the possibility exists of significant rates of flow of water into an excavation. No pumping or permeability tests were performed as part of our field explorations, and it would be difficult to quantify rates of flow at the present time . Additionally, observed perched water tables present the possibility of encountering water in an excavation at elevations above the main water table . Problems were experienced in many of the borings with heav·ing sands below the water table. If an excavation encountered deposits of sands below the water table which are confined by till or other impervious materials, these sands could be expected to "run" into the excavation. 5.4 Excavations 5.4.1 Soil Excavations The overburden soils at the site are not expected to be difficult to excavate, although groundwater flow may present problems as outlined in the previous section. The volume of material which wilT require excavation to cut the side slopes at a stable configuration will be 1 a rge . 22 ... , 'Ii. - " .. -.. - ,-- ,,. - ---.. .. . ,. - ---- i lil 1$ j a, UN @ T I K-OS17-01 The granular soils encountered in our borings were generally medium dense to dense. Where encountered, cobbles comprised about 10 to 20% of the material, and boulders up to about two feet in diameter were encountered. Given the glacial origin of the overburden, larger boulders or glacial erratics might be encountered in the overburden. Only seasonally frozen surficial soil s were encountered in our ex- plorations. In our opinion, the chance of encountering permanently frozen soil (permafrost) in the excavation is fairly slight. Although the till and till-like silty soils encountered in our ex- plorations might be stable at a steeper cut slope than the granular soils, in our opinion the canal excavation should be planned for a uniform stable slope. Determi nati on of what constitutes a stable slope will require detailed slope stability analyses, taking into account the groundwater table. Pore pressure will be particularly critical following installation of the canal 1 ining but prior to fill ing of the cana 1. Preliminary plans called for use of the material excavated from the canal to construct a road embankment adjacent to the canal. Any major embankment close to the edge of the canal can be expected to influence the stability of the adjacent slope . Construction safety for personnel and equipment working on excavation of the canal should al so be considered during planning of the canal side slopes . 23 - .... ·'W ... ... ... -.• -- - .. .-.. .. - --... - K-0517-01 5.4.2 Rock Excavation Based on limited observations of the bedrock at the site, both in outcrops and in the cored portions of the borings, it is anticipated that stable excavations in the rock can be made with relatively steep side slopes. More detailed geologic mapping of the area, including comprehensive studies of the spacing and orientation of joints and other discontinuities, would be required as input to rock slope stability analyses . The upper portion of the bedrock which was cored in our borings was generally very closely to closely jointed. It may be possible to excavate this jointed rock by heavy ripping, but in our opinion, drilling and blasting may be necessary to facilitate a significant amount of the rock excavation at the site. Seismic refraction studies, if performed to further define subsurface conditions at the site, would help in determining rippability of the rock. Another possibility which should be anticipated is encountering unfore- seen zones of severely weathered rock, such as that observed in boring B-8. Such zones might require overexcavation or other special treatment beyond the planned scope of excavating work. 5.5 Slope Stability Stability problems associated with the excavation of the canal have been discussed in the previous section. This section deals with the stability of natural slopes at the site . From discussions with Stone and Webster, we understand that two areas of concern exist. The first is the prominent bluff near station 140+00 24 '-- ... -- - • - - ' .. .... ... - ' ... - ... .... -- K-05l7-0l which the spillway structure traverses. The second is the bluff south of the proposed alignment in the vicinity of station 80+00. While these slopes may be stable in their present natural state, changes in the groundwater regime because of seepage from the canal could adversely affect their stability. Spring flow caused by increased groundwater could result in erosional failure, or an increase in pore pressure could cause more massive failures. In our opinion, the bluffs to the west of the canal alignment at the PI near station 30+00 may also be subject to the same types of potential instability as the two areas of concern described above. Field reconnaissance in the area just above the Newhalen River at the proposed site of the spi 11 way structure revealed what appeared to be rotated slump blocks of material. It is possible that this area has been subject to slope failures in the past, and'it should be studied in more detail if the project proceeds beyond the feasibility level. 25 - -... - -... - -.. -.. .... - -- - --.. ... -... -.. - K-05l7-0l 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL STUDIES 6. 1 General The geotechnical studies discussed in this report were performed to assist Stone and Webster in a preliminary analysis of the feasibility of hydroelectric development by a diversion of the Newhalen River. Addi- tional studies will be required to assess the feasibility of the project in greater detail. The studies which in our opinion would be useful in further feasibility assessment or design engineering are outlined in this section of the report. 6.2 Geophysical Studies 6.2. 1 Seismic Refraction Survey In our opinion, a seismic refraction survey performed along the entire t length of the canal alignment would provide a more detailed profile of depth to bedrock along the proposed alignment. In addition, it should be possible to interpret the varying stratigraphy of the overburden soils, and differentiate between some of the till and outwash deposits. In addition to developing a seismic profile along the canal alignment, seismic surveys performed perpendicular to the alignment at selected locations would assist in developing three dimensional information on the bedrock surface. There are several problems inherent with the use of seismic refraction methods at this site. The first involves the presence of seasonal frost; a refraction survey would preferably be performed after the surficial soils were entirely thawed. The other problems with the 26 - ---- .. • -• -• -.. - -• -- -------------- • 'x'" t T K-OS17-01 method involve hidden layers and blind zones resulting from velocity inversions. A hidden layer results when a relatively thin intermediate 1 ayer is not detected because the wave front propagating through a deeper, higher velocity layer arrives at the surface first. Velocity inversions are masking effects resulting from a higher-velocity layer overlying a lower-velocity layer. An example of a velocity inversion would be a compact till overlying a gravel layer with no appreciable water. The "interpretation of the seismic records can be performed with less uncertainty when subsurface information from another source is avail- able. Either direct information from exploratory borings, or substanti- ating information from another geophysical method such as resistivity, would be helpful. Seismic refraction work at the site would also be useful in estimating the rippability of the bedrock. 6.2.2 Vertical Electric Soundings Difficulties were encountered in performing and interpreting the results of vertical electric soundings (resistivity profiles) at the site during this field program due to the high ice content of the seasonally frozen soils. Resistivity work performed after the seasonally frozen surficial soils had thawed would be very helpful when correlated to seismic refraction work or additional exploratory borings. 27 ----------.... ... •• •• - - - .... .... .I. .- . "" -.- •• .. - 1 r • K-OS17-0l 6.3 Exploratory Borings In our opinion, detailed design work for the proposed river diversion should be preceded by the drilling and sampling of additional explora- tory borings. These borings should be used both for correlation with geophysical explorations and for site-specific foundation studies of soil and rock conditions at locations of major structures. In addition, pumping tests or in-hole permeability tests should be performed to assess the magnitude of groundwater flow which can be expected into excavations at the site . Information 'gained during our preliminary studies regarding subsurface conditions at the site and depth of exploration required should allow mobilization of the necessary drilling equipment to obtain the informa- tion required during any future studies. 6.4 Field Reconnaissance Geologic reconnaissance of the project area during this preliminary study was limited by time constraints associated with the drilling program, and later by a heavy snowfall . Additional geologic mapping, primarily in the area along the banks of the Newhalen River where bedrock is exposed, would further our under- standing of the nature and distribution of bedrock at the site. De- tailed studies of the frequency and orientation of joints and other discontinuities would be essential to determining the angle at which rock slopes would be stable in the canal excavation . Additionally, a general reconnaissance of the site after the ground was thawed might reveal the location of other springs in the area. This 28 .--... .• ------------.. - - ---... .. ------- J i K-OS17-0l information would be useful in developing an understanding of the groundwater regime. 6.5 Topographic Surveys Detailed topographic survey information on the area proposed for the diversion canal is presently lacking. Such information will be vital for further geotechnical studies, including slope stability analyses, interpretation of seismic refraction data, and correlation of boring and resistivity data. Although the information obtained from a series of profiles and cross sections could be utilized, in our opinion, a photogrammetric survey in conjunction with these traverses would be quite useful. 29 - -- - ------ -- - ..... - --.. - ---- K-OS17-01 7. LIMITATIONS The scope of Shannon and Wilson's involvement in this feasibility assessment of the Newhalen River Canal Diversion project was limited to the gathering of geologic and geotechnical data in the field. Limited discussion of the engineering implications of this data is contained in this report, with recommendations for further studies if the project is pursued beyond the feasibil ity stage. The discussions and recommenda- tions should not, however, be considered exhaustive. The analyses, discussions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and further assume that the exploratory borings, and soil resistivity data are representa- tive of the subsurface conditions throughout the site (i.e., the subsur- face conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the exploration). The geotechnical studies for this project are preliminary in nature and were designed to assist Stone and ~~ebster Engineering Corporation and the Alaska Power Authority in assessing the feasibility of hydroelectric development by diverting the Newhalen River. In our opinion, additional site specific field investigations will be required before definitive geotechnical recommendations can be developed for the project . SHANNON & WILSON, INC. BY-R~~ Rohn D. Abbott, P.E . Vice President & Manager '; I . ,." 30 I I . , • i I • I J I I I I • I t I • I I I I I j I i I j TA!lLE 1 SU~IARY OF SUBSUQFACE EXPLORATIO'lS ';PPROXIMATE STATION AND GROUND SURFACE TOTAL BEDROCK WPTER TABLE PROPOSED CANAL INVERT [lORING NO. OFFSET ELEVATION DEflTH DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATIO~ DEPTH ELEVATION REMARKS: 3-1 129+35 175.0' 50.0' 26.0' 149.0' 43.0' 132.0' -lO'l B-2 90+20 182.0' 53.0' 25.0 157.0' 46.0' 136.0' 20'l B-3 46+00 194.0' 53.0' 48.0' 146.0' 16.0' 178.0' 54.0' 140.0' 50'l B-4 250' N of 0+00 188.0' 20.0' 10.0' 178.0' 43.0' 145.0' *B-5 -Bedrock is' moderately 200'l severely to very severely B-5 144+50 143.0' 43.0' *33.0' 110.0' **14.0/20.0' 129.0/lZ3.0' 12.0' 131.0' weathered from 32.5' to 35. 290'R **B-5 -Possible perched water tab 1, B-6 103+30 184.0' 52.0' 29.0' 155.0' 49.0' 135.0' at this location 155'l 8B_8 -Bedrock is moderately B-7 97+90 174.0' 68.0' 59.0' 115.0' 6.0' 168.0' 39.0' 135.0' severely to completely 45'l weathered within depth g-8 130+00 152.0' 70.0' 858 .0 , 94.0' 21.0' 131.0' 132.0' explored 12'JO'L TABLE 2 SUIlMARY OF VERTICAL ELECTRIC SOU~DINGS VERTICAL APPROX HIA TE ELECTRIC STATION AND GROUND SURFACE INTERPRETED BEDROCK INTERPPETE~ WATER TABLE PROPOSED CANAL INVERT SQlJ~lDING NO. OFFSET ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION RE~·IARKS : '/ES-l 46+00 194.0' 46.0' 148.0' 21.0' 173.0' 54.0' 140.0' 50'L '/ES-2 90+20 182.0' >57.0' <125.0' 21.0' 161.0' 46.0' 136.0' Penetration limited to 57 ft. b.v 20'L seasonal frost '/ES -3 129+35 175.0' >49.0' <126.0' 26.0' 149.0' 43.0' 132.0' Penetration limited to 49 ft. by 40'L seasonal frost '/ES-7 26+00 199.0' 44.0' 155.0' 28.0' 171. 0' 57.0' 142.0' Possible weathered rock or till CL below 62 ft. depth '/ES -8 66+80 180.0' 44.0' 136.0' *39.0' 141.0' 42.0' 138.0' *Water table may be as high as 190'R 29 ft. depth '/ES -9 109+80 185.0' >30.0' <155.0' 18.0' 167.0' 51.0' 134.0' Penetration limited to 30 ft. by 20'L seasonal frost VES-10 140+90 150.0' 61.0' 89.0' 13.0' 137.0' 19.0' 131.0' 40'R :WTE: All depths and elevations have been rounded off to the nearest foot. I I , I I I • j • f I I I I i I I , I j I I I I I I I j I I TABLE 3 DESCRIPTIDN OF ROCK PROPERTIES WEATHERING Fresh -Rock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline. Very Slight -Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show clay if open, crystals in broken face show bright. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline. Slight -Rock generally fresh -joints stained and discoloration extends into rock up to 1 in. Open joints contain clay. In granitoid rocks some occasionally feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer. Moderate -Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks most feldspars are dull, discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hammer and shows significant loss of strength as compared with fresh rock. Moderately Severe -All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks all feldspars dull and discolored and majority show kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick. Rock goes "clunk" when struck. (Saprolite) Severe -All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" clear and evident but reduced in strength to strong soil. In granitoid rocks all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left. (Saprolite) Very Severe -All rock except quartz discoiored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible but mass effectively reduced to "soil" with only fragments of strong rock remaining. Complete -Rock reduced to "soil." in small scattered locations. Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only Quartz may be present as dikes or stringers. Very Hard -Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows of geologist's pick. Hard -Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen. Moderately Hard -Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point of geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow. ·Medium -Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in small chips to pieces about 1 in. maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick. Soft -Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches in size by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. Very Soft -Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces an inch or more in thickness can be broken by finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by finger nail. • For Engineering Description of Rock -not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals. JOINT BEDDING AND FDLIATION SPACING IN ROCK Spacing Less than 2 in. 2 in to 1 ft. ft. to 3 ft. 3 ft. to 10 ft. More than 10 ft. Joints Very close Close Moderately close Wide Very wide Bedding and Foliation Very thin Thin Medium Thick Very thick After Deere, 1963 a NOTE: Joint spacing refers to the distance normal to the plane of the joints of a single system or "set" of joints which are parallel to each other or nearly so. RQD in % = 100 !!!lQ. Exceeding 90-75 75-50 50-25 Less than ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATOR (RQDl Length of Core in Pieces 4 in. and Longer Length of Run Diagnostic Description 90% Exce 11 ent Good Fair Poor 25% Very Poor After Deere 1967 b NOTE: Diagnostic Description is intended primarily for evaluating problems with tunnels or excavations in rock. aDeere, D. U. "Technical Description of Rock Cores for Engineering Purposes" Felsmechanik und Ingeniergeologie, Vol. I, No. I, 1963, pp. 17-22. bDeere, D. U. et al .• "Design of Surface and Near Surface Construction in Rock" Proceedings. 8th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and PetrOleum Engineer, Inc., New York 1967, pp. 237-302. FROM: American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Vol. 98, No. SM6. pp. 568-569, June 1972. J I ... - --- • -• -• ---------- -----.. ------- : l I • I ---------------~-~--------- I 7 13 24 From Sheet 1, "Plan and Profile. Newha1en River, Alaska. Damsite" USGS. 1967 Scale: 1 Inch = 2000 Feet Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. MAP OF PORTION OF THE NEWHALEN RIVER April 1982 K-05l7-01 SHANNON' 'ILSDN. INC. FIG UOHCUICIL COISULUI" • 1 -----.. -.. -.. -----... -- ... -----... .. ------ SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 129+35, 40 'L Surface Elevation: 175' u Z~ A. Q ... ~ -~ . -..... ~ . A. :I: .... • Q. ... ..... "" _ Brown sandy SILT to silty SAND wi ;:;;;."~ 1.0 ~~~!n1~~si~u~~ri~4~r/Vx -40%. wi / ~ .. ~~ ... ~. s-ll Very dense, gray-brown to gray, sl. 7~-~~ silty to silty, sandy, fine to p';~. r.c,-o_a--,r_S_e_G_R_AJ~§i~ . .l~ all!' c;':~l.§~L.!~_~L'~L' ~U~_~(1)_fr_o_z_e_n_---,r-r.~.::"t?~~~:.?~,:~. 5.6 S-21 Very dense, gray, clean, sandy, ./ ~ -. 311 ..... = .... Q ... ~ . . - Z .... A. ~O PENETRATION RESISTANCE (340 lb. .. I lIh t. 30" drop) A Slows per foot ?O 40 ::::::l.Q.. A ...... 5!'· 5 .................................... -r ........ _._ ........ __ .-.....•... ······66· A ............... ~ . •....... vine to coarse GRAVEL .. :; ...... :.~:.; 7.0 ~~d ~~~ ; ~~n ~~N D : r~~;~~o~~ · c~! ~:~. :~ ~~ II11 10 . 0 s-J ~ ""\\::a:.:..n:..:::d:......:...f...:..i!.!.ne=-Cl~r:....:a~v:..!e:...:l _________ --" '9;;:( S -'[ :3 . . . . . . .. . ....... . 1 0 .. : ... : .. ·:· .. : .. ·: .. ·: .. ·:· .. : .. -:-.. r .. : .. ·:· .. ~ .. : .. ·~ .. :-'SJL-A Dense to very dense, gray-brown, ~:P:·.I ~ clean, sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL ~:~~" S-5I: §5 : : : : : : : : : l : : : : : : ? ~' : . : : : : : ~ : : : : : : '-; 5.: A : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : : : 5 ~' : Medium dense zone ~15' -19' ~~o9~ ':~:b' ~,~.:~~ ~'~'.::.,\, ~~q 0"",'/'1 . ·0 ..... " J~~ '€5f~' ~~:~ ql'cl .~., ";;".~:~ ~XC s-81 .............. 1 5 .. : ... : ... : ....... ~ .. : .. ~ ... : .. .:...~ .. : ... : ... :...-.. ':"-' '-' ••• ••• ·.1 •• • •••• · :::::::::I:~:::::: 20 .. : ... :· .. :· .. : .. ·~ .. : .. ·: ... : .. ~ .. r·~ .. ·~ .. : .. ·~·~ii .. A IT ':~ .... Y ti· .. ··• "::~' ~r:o: J SZ ~---------------~~~;~~~~~~~25.9 S-91 25 -:-:.-:.~~~-- Medium dense, gray to qray-brown, clean to slightly silty, fine to medium SAND I~~I 0 00 j 0 Frozen ... ' . . ':'.:.,: ~'. Ground l : ....... ... ', .. I/~~/~ /// // ~//// ~ I I I oIoIi I '" ." Ij I. II A (cont. ) LEGEND Gravel Sand S i It Clay Peat Organic Content r Imper~ious seal .eter le~el § Piezometer tip 181 Thermocouple I 3-0.0. split spoon sample n 3'" O. O. t h i n-W8 I I samp I e * Samp Ie not recovered At terber II I imi t s: I • ,_ Liquid limit '~.ater contlnt Plastic limit · ................. . · . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . · ......... . 30 ..................... -.............. ~ ................. -.............. - :i:A:::: . . . . . . . . ~_-I--PvE .. : ... : ....... : ... : ....... : ....... : ... ~ .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : .. J 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundar lIS bet ... n so i I types and the transition may be lIradual. Stone & l~ebster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Arri 1 1982 SHANNON' II LSoN, INC. ;EOTECHIIICAL COIISULIlIIIS K-0517-01 FIG. 2 -------- • -• .---------- - --.. --.. -- -... SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 129+35, 40'L Surface Elevation: 175 ' u Zc:::J A. c=I -~ lii: c:::J . -. Z ~ A. .u -=a .u -=a • ~ -.u A. ~~ • -=a_ -~-M . -PENETRATION RESISTANCE (HO Ib, .'illht, 30" drop) & Blows per loot 20 40 Very dense, brown, silty sandy GRAVEL (Glacial Till?) Dense, gray, slightly silty fine SAND, trace of medium to coarse SAND ~"9'0'-11-35150/5" A NOTE: Subsurface conditions from 41.5 to 50.0' interpreted from drilling action .':;:.!t.{:'.::::: .lt8 0 P:~·· . S-12 I 40 .................... _ ...... __ .. 1..-... _._ .. _-- : ~ : : : : A: : ....... . . . . . . . . Bottom of Exploration Completed 3/30/82 45 --'---.-::. -:.!:::::::.:. -:.:.: .... --......... __ ... - ~.~ . cO.O-----r------r---------r-------~ Frozen Ground ~ 1 LEGEND I~~m Gravel :-~:...::.:>: ; ...... . Sand .. ' '.,. S i It Clay Pea t "" '.; ~J 0 r ga n i C ~j'/.J, Content r-Im,Pllv I ous seal later level ~ Piezometer tip ~ Thermocouple I 3-O. D. sp lit spoon samp Ie II 3" O. D. t h I n-WI I I samp I e * Samp Ie nat recovIIed At terber II I imi t s: I • ,_ Liquid limit '~I.ter content PlastiC limit --·----1 • ---- -·-·-·~T---····-··· ..................... _ .............. f'.: ................... _ ........ _. ................................... n.;..u ••••••• u ••••••• un ............. .. . . : i : . 20 40 • ~ Water content Nate: .The stratificatIon lInes represent tne apprOllmate boundar liS bet ... n so i I types and tne transItIon may De IIradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 (CONT ,) April 1982 SHANNON' WILSON, INC. ilOTICHMICAl COMSUlTA"TS K-0517-01 FIG. 2 - ------------- -- ----- , ',.. -------- SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 90+20, 20 l L Surface Elevation: 182 1 //// jjjj 1. S Brown, sandy SILT, w/organics(Tundra Soft, red-brown, fine sandy SILT, ~~~~ tr. of roots, scattered.fine gravel ~~~~~ T 5-11 r--BJ!£~~~2i!!lE.i~!::!litlLd~Q..tlL ____ ~ ~i. 4.0 ~1ed. dense, red-brown to gray-brown, rj/rt!·~ I silty fine S~ND, w/occasio~al thin ~f~11 5-2 J~n~~s_oi.2l:J 9.h,!lj' _slJiY_u 1]S!3~nQ. - -f~: 7.0 Dense, gray-brown, cl ean, sandy ,~~~. S-3T fi ne GRAVEL ;:.~'.:---:: 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~~ 9. S Dense to very dense, gray-brown to ~~ S_4T gray-green, clean to slightly silty, ~.~:.~:: .. <S':: :J... sandy, fine-coarse GRAVEL. subangul ar ~::.b3 <l' ...... ()~". I ~ ,o. .. d:.~~.: 5 -S -.J "'o·.~~~ ;:: ~\j~}~ T ~ ~~~~ 5-61 ~ :o·§::~ 18 0 ;r §5 ~----------------+.:~;OC-Q·.~:: ... 5-71 0 Medium dense to dense, gray-brown to ~~~ ~ brown, slightly silty sandy GRAVEL ~)i:!~ _ I ~ ~~'J; 5 8 V1 R9~:; ~ ~.<>: ~:.5?'.1I'. :o·.··T~ ~~: ... r.-"~~ :.~j;~~ ; f9i·.~~. :.~.~~ ~-;;:::::.;~:: 30.0 T ~if{;V{ S-J 01 6~ .......... .i 5 -:---------H,--• -~ 142 •• 1 0 ":"':"':"':"':"':''':''':''~''~'';'''~'''~'~-~~7'r~ • ..... ~ ....... ::.:::: :': i::::::41.;.. • . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . 1 S .. ~ ... : .. ·: ... : .. ·: .. ·: .. ~· .. ; ... ~ .. l·~ .. ; .. ~·~~~B·~ • :£: 2 0 ":"·:"·:.":"·:"·:"':":r~";·~"·~: : ~'2::' • : I: : : : ..... 25 -----~--h--• • --- 30 .................................................................... - Interbedded, medium dense to dense, clean to slightly silty gravelly SAND and sandy GRAVEL dS?:5.:;; Ilt.~,~ ..... r:;;:';;~~I-----'1 . __ -+-_-'\ .,. , , l------y -------f="1.-A ,-r ":"':"':"':"':''':''':''':''':''r:''':''':''':''':''':''':''':'''~' FrOZln . j Ground l (cont. ) LEGEND 08~~ ~~0atf Grave I ... ' . '::' .. :.:; :'. Sand : . : ': .. Peat I " "'J I J 0 r ga n i c ~j-'/", Content r Imp"erv i ous leal later level ~ Piezometer tip ~ Thermocouple I 3-0.0. split spoon sample II 3" 0.0. thin-wall sample * Samp Ie not recovered Atterbera I imitl: I • I-L.iquid limit '~llter content plastic limit 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratification lines represent the apprOllmate boundaries betwun soi I types and the transition may be aradual, Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 April 1982 SHANNON'"L.SON,INC. i(OT(CNNICAL CONSULTANTS K-OS17-01 FIG. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - • • • • SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 90+20, 20 l L Surface Elevation: 182 1 u ::z: ~ Q. c:I c~ • c.:I . -. = ... Q. ..., c:I ..., c:I • ~. Z..., Q. = ... • c:l c C ::-- . -PENETRATION RESISTANCE (340 I b, WI i /lh t, JO H d rap) ASloWi per foot 20 40 Interbedded SANDS and GRAVELS, as above ~~1 S-111 35 ... ' .' .' .' .•.• ::':.1 .•......... ~.;.::l.'or.:.l.r].~.~~.~l.~.~.l ~. 5-12 I 40 -.-----:-: ;::::! -: ..•. ': ..• : -~.--:- ~.~.!.,~ ;..v..~ ... q S-13 I 4 5 .... · .......... ······ ...... ·· .... _·T': .. ·: .. ·i:·:· .. ·- 1'-••••• ".0'. . ............. . '"O.~ .............. . ;;i~~:::-.·::·:· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,~~~ .............. . 1---------------~:~:.·.:.,~:;t~·:!i:50.0 I 50 ........................................... -...... ----- I-;_~_: ~_:_e...:.~_~_~~_:_<_~_~_~_~_:_n 0_' f_s_~_~_~_~_~_~ Y_s!_~_· ~_t_~_n_d_-fr_tir;.;.:.&k""'~r'""'lt3 0 5_-_1_4_+-__ ---1 Bottom of Exploration Completed 3/31/82 NOTE: *Subsurface conditions from 51.5 1 to 53.0' interpreted from drill action. LEGEND I~il Gravel r I mp II v i au s sa a I j 'I t II live I Frozen : '~: ... :.::'~-: Sand Piezomltll tip Ground I ;. :·'0· ... ', .. "~/I'~ S i It 181 Thllmocoup II I' '/ / / I 3-O. D. ~//// spl it spoon sampll ~ Clay II 3'" o. D. thin-WIll sample * Salllple not rlcovlrld It I I Attlrbll/l limits: Peat I ~LiQUid limit iij I.; Organic ~ 'It II contlnt " , Content Plastic limit ./;'/,," ·--·~~~I-__ ~ .. ........ _ ........ -.-..... _ .. r-:--..... _._ ....... - ..................................... .;...: ................................. . · .... · .... · .... · .. · ............ · .. : .. r·:·· .. ··· ............ ·· .. · .. · .. · .. .. i:::U 4U • ~ Water content Note: The stratification lints represent the approximate boundar lIS bet .. en so i I types and the transition may Oe /Iradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 (CONT,) April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & IILSON,INC. ;EOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS FIG. 3 .... -. -.... •• ------ --- - - - - -- --- .--- SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY'LOG OF lORING: B-3 (cont.) GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS JOB NO: I DATE· I-'-R-QJ-EC-T-•• ---------------....... K-05l7 -01 . 3/31/82 Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion STATION: ........ 46+00, 50 l L luEV: 194 1 DEPTH IN FEET i III i GROUND TEMP. (0 F) 9 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 5 ~Z. 04 RIC Thermi stor cas i ng 3 ~ "0 RQO not i nsta 11 ed ~ ~~ Glacial till, as above f-~,;j'- :-~~ 48.0 --~~~---------------------------+~~+---~ .............. . -++++ Moderyitely hard, gray, ':-+ + PORPHYRITIC ANDESITE. Very :--50 +++ closely jointed from 15°_90°. :-++++ 48.5 1 -51.5 1 joint spacing 100 o --++ + commonly 111 at all angles, =-+ cl ay to 1/8 11 in joints. r+""5=2 ...... ~9+-_-t : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -50.5 1 -51.0 1 very severely'to --=--55 om!) 1 ete 1 y weathered zone. _ 51.0-52.9 1 joints spaced --111 to 2 11 , stained, trace ---of clay on joint ~ ~~~illL~fa~lc~:'e~~:s ____________ ~ ~ Bottom of Exploration ~ 60 Completed 3/31/82 l- i---------~65 r- I-----------=--70 ~ ~ l- i-- l- I------=--75 ------------=-80 ------------=-85 --------- -:: 90 REMARKS Began NX diamond coring @ 48.0 1 '- --- , .. .. -- .. '-- - -- --- -------- III -.. ----",,----._----------------------------------UI j --SOl L OESeR I prl ON -Station: Approx. 250' N. of Z~ • Q" _ Z Sta. 0+00, 200'L =~ ~ Surface Elevation: 188' CoD ~ ~rown, sanoy ::'lLI, wlth orgamcs J ////h ~r~T~:~::: brown, slightly silty ~".O to silty, sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL ~~~~·c ~~j '~d Very dense, gray-brown,clean to slightly silt~ sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL (cont. ) .. LEGEND o~i~ Gravel r Imperv I ous seal j 1~~oQo later level Frozen : '~:":-.::':.~ Sand Piezometer tip Ground 1 :-' .. :., ' ... v~//'/ S i It (gI Thermocouple ///// I 3'" O. D. '///// split spoon sample ~ n 3'" O. D. thin-wall samp Ie Clay * Sample not recovered III I Atterbera limits: Peat I ~LiqUid limit ""'.; I, Organic ~ later content ~j./.;'''I Content Plastic limit ..... .-J ~ -c - S-lI S-2I S-3::t -. a ..... ~-°c ~. (!j z -.....J .....J -c::: Cl (!j Z -c::: => Cl Cl lLJ ::::-c::: lLJ V'l co 0 lLJ Z 0 Z --PENETRATION RESISTANCE . z (340 lb •• "aht. 30 N drop) -AlloWi per loot Q" ~O 20 4C ZL~ : 4'~ 5 .. ~ .. : ... : ...• ' .. ~ ... ~.~ .. .:. .. ~.~ .. ~ . ..: ... :-~-.: . .6 d':" ~ : - 15 ......... ~ ...... 5" . j: :!?L.. l : 3'~ : . ...................................... ;. .......... _ ......... __ ... _- Began NXl diamond: .. coring @! 9.9 ' .••••• -~·~~·:·~-r-~ ------r--- .... ······-· .... ·· .................. ·r-··-.... ---.. -.. ·-.. ·· .................................... -••• !" •••••••••••••• _ ...... _ ••••••••• _. .. ·· .. ·· .. , .. ·· ................ · .... ·l .............. · .............. · .. ·_· .::::u £tl • ~ Water content Note: The stratlf,cat,on I,nes represent the apprOXimate boundar liS bet ... n so i I types and the translt,on may be aradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Apri 1 1982 SHANNON & IIlSDN,INC. ;(OT(CHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-0517-01 FIG. 5 -.. ------. - -- ..... - , ... .... ... ."" •• .. -.• -.-I. .,. •• SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B-4 (cant.) GEOTKHNICAL CONSULTANTS Joa NO: lOATE: 4/3/82 ~~------------------------------~~ ____ K~-~0~5~17_-~0~1~ ____ ~~~ ______ ~ STATION:-250 ' N of 0+00 I ELEV: 188 ' PROJKT: Stone & Webster Newha1en River Canal Diversion DEPTH i~ IN DUCRIPTION OF MATERIALS FEET ~ !.~. GRAVEL, as above t ~~ GROUND TEMP. (a f) a4REC Thermistor casing 'Ya RQD not i nsta 11 ed ;:.. ~~~ _ ~J',..:.l-'4\I 9 . 9 ~ 1 0 ~+~+~+1MMo~d;r;e:;:r::-;;a:+t~e'l y;-;-1h~a:::r::id-, ....,l;-:i;:g~h~t"""'i:'"b r::o::-w:::n~t-..::':"":"'...J---I,········· ...... · ...... · .... · .. ·· .... ·-.. · .. ·· .... · .. ··· .. ·· :-+ + + to gray DACITE/RHYOLITE, very _ t '+ closely jointed @ 30°-45° ~ + ++ 9.9'-11.9' joints spaced 1" to --+++ 2", joint faces irregular @ ~ + + ",,45 0 w/c1ay coating :-15 + ++ 11.9'-15.1' joints snaced 2" - + + to 6" (4" to 6" common) :.. + + + + 15. l' -16.7' joi nts spaced 1" ~ + ++ to 3", stained ~ +++ 16.7'-20.3' joints spaced 2" __ + + + to 8" (5"-8" common) 100 3T 1-1.:..:5~. ~1 1----1 ................ _ .................. _ ................... .. 2 100 3T REMARKS auger refusal @ 9.7' Began NX diamond coring @ 9.9' t:-20 T 19.1' -20.0' near vertical ..t--"'2;.;;;0..:.,.,;;;.3+--_-I .......... -... -................. -.................... . ~ . joint, stained I t-----------I ~ Numerous healed joint sets ~ throughout --~~~~~------~ ~ Bottom of Exploration ~ 25 Camp 1 eted 4/3/82 I- -----------30 -------------35 -----I-- ~ ---I-~40 ~ ---.... -----f-~ 45 I- ~ ------- FIG. C; .,,," - -.. ., .. -------_ . .... -- - ... - - ... ----.-.-~.--.--,--_. --- SOIL DESCRIPTION Sta ti on: Approx. 144+50, 290 'R Surface Elevation: 143 ' Very dense, brown, silty, sand~ fine to coarse GRAVEL, with cobbles (Glacial Till) cobbly zone 3'-5 ' NOTE: auger refusal @..., 3 I. Tri -cone and coring through materials allowed further auger penetration (NX core run 1,4.7 '-9.9 ' , L=5.2, Rec=3.0) Medium dense to dense, gray-brown clean to slightly silty, fine gravelly, fine-coarse SAND u -Z C:I ~Q ... -' -= UI ~~:lj)~ ~~9'O':~ ~-i :0.'(;6<5 &~~~ ?f'ii't ~t!'~: . -- Z .... ~ ...., Q I~~ ~10.0 ~ _________________________________ ~~16.3 Medium dense, gray-brown, slightly :~ ~_ ~i~~~~~~,_ ~~i~~t.:~,_ :r:. ,:f_ c.; ~y 18.5 Very dense, clean to slightly silty, fine SAND, with local silty lenses and occasional thin laminae of sandy clayey silt ...., -' ~ • ... "" ___ 0<._ Q • 31:...., =» .... Q ... =- Cl L.J..J > c::: L.J..J Vl S-ll ~ ,~-; . • It_ --. z .... ~ ~O --~-.---.-----'" PENETRATION RESISTANCE (340 lb. Wlillht, 3D" drop) .& 810n ~~r f 00 t 40 ................ ................. TiT 5 -------1----• __ 1 0 .. ~ ... : ... : ... ~ ... : ... ~ ... : .. ~ ... :-t .. ~ .. ~ ... ~.:.-~~~.~.: ••• ~ -•.• i·· •• -• _ • .'~ 1 5 .. : ... : ... : ... : ... ~ .. : .. ~ ... : .. ~.~.: ... ~-.~~~~-~ . ... J+ 20 ---~~--~r~~~-... Very dense, brown, silty. sandy GRAVEL,~23.5 S-i: i~~ ~th cobbles (GlaCA;al Till) V 24.8-----1;-25 ··········-·B·;·g·~·~···N·X .d-i.~-~ond .. -.-A 08!~ I~~~~o ~ F r Olen .:: '::':; ~ .. Ground I .. ... ', .. ", " v. " "" " ,,"" "" ""///,, ~ III I "./~·I '" i-' I; I" "I (cont.) coring ~ 25.4' LEGEND Gravel r Imperv i ous seal later level Sand Pi ez ome tift i p ~ Thermocouple S i It I 3"" O. D. split spoon sample Clay n 3'" O. D. th in-wall samp I e * Sample not recovered Atterberll limits: Peat I • I .. Liquid limit ,~ Iller content Organic Content Plastic limit 3 0 .. : ... : ... ~ .. : ... : .. ~-.: ... : ... : ... ~ .. : ... : ... : ... : ... ~.~ ... : .. ~...: .. 20 40 • ~ Water content Nate: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundartes bet .. en soil types and the transition may be IIradual. Stone & rJebster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 April 1982 SHANNON' "LSON, INC. ;[OT[CHNICAL CONSuLTANTS K-0517 -01 FIG. 5 - - ---..... --- - - ... .... .. ' ... .- ---- .... .-.... -----------~ .......... ---------.--.--.-... -----------~-~-----.. . SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B - 5 (C 0 n t. ) GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS JOB NO: 1 DATE: 4/5/82 ~PR-~-EC~T-:--S-t-o-n-e--&-W-e-b-s-t-e-r------------------_L-----K---0_5_1~7_-0~1~~ ____ ~~~ ____ ----~ Newha 1 en Ri ver Canal Oi vers i on STATION: ""144+50, 290 I R I ELEV: 143 I DEPTH IN FEET f- f-- l- t-- ~ I- ~ I- ~5 --------~30 l- f-- f- l- I- I- ~ ~ ~35 - ~ l- I- f- I- ~ t-- ~O f- I------- ~5 ~ l- I- f-- l- t-- f- fo.- HO f- l- I- l- f----~5 l- I-- f- fo.- l- t-- f- ~ ~O ----l- I- f- ~ 65 DUCRIPTION OF MATERIALS )h~.~ ~; Glacial Till, as above f-J:i ~;i6.~ ~~-r~ ~~5 :S"6"~ ~~. ?a GROUND TEMP. (OF) 04REC Thermistor casing Yo IQD not i nsta 11 ed ~2=.::5~ . ..,;;:4~ _ _I···························· .. ·······-······ .............. . 2 89 NA ~-~ I~~~ ~:~"( :i~ Is rown, modera te 1 y seve re 1 y 1-3"'-lw.~0~ _ _I· .. ··-........ •• .. ••••• .. • ...... • .. ·-.... • ...... • .... • .... ~~A) weathered VOLCANIC BRECCIA, 3 100 ~" •• ' 'w/local very severely '-11 n Nlf :.:.:.: weathered zones. Joints @ ••••••• 15°-60° spaced 1 "to 2", thi ck • • • .:.:::~~ <:'~a..Y _ <:.<:.a!~ ~g.: _ ~n_ ~<:s_t _ -!.o~ ~!:._ 4 :.:.:.: Gray, very slightly to .:.:.:. sl ightly weathered VOLCANIC ••••••• BRECCIA, closely to moderate~~1J-::::3~8.:...l!.4-_-I :':.:.' closely jointed @ 15°-45° (15° .:.:.:' common, .5 ' and l' -2' spaci ng ... , ) •••••• , common .:':':.38.7'-39.3',40.3'-40.7' zones :.:.:.: of very closely spaced joints Bottom of Exploration Completed 4/5/82 5 42.7 100 fJf REMARKS Began NX diamond coring @ 24.5' FTr,. r, - -,. -.. .- ... --- - - - ---- -... - • ... - ... SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 103+30, 155 1L Surface Elevation: 184 1 u = CoD A.a c -' l1li: CoD . -. = ... A. w.J c:a Brown, sandy SILT, with organics (Tundra) Very dense, brown to gray-brown, silty sandy GRAVEL, with cobbles (Glacial Till) //// //// , / / / / '//// ~ ... 2.4 . :~.~ .... o~. rr·:~~:··· .0'0·<) ~~:~~ ~q.;L\. ~<;>;6\o ~t()· '.~ . NOTE: Auger refusal at 11.41 required ~;~1 Nx coring to advance borehole. ~\:7.~:;.( Auger was. ab 1 e to penetrate j:~J>'~~ after COrl ng run 1, 11.41 to :6t:~ 12.21 (L=.8, Rec=.5) tte:r D:-'~~/ 14.0 Medium dense to dense, gray to gray-bro\'Jn, clean to slightly silty fine SAND, laminated . ~1edium dense, gray-brown, clean to },\Yi% slightly silty, fine to coarse SAND, ~ri1fii wi th occas i ona 1 1 enses of s i 1 ty fj ne ~!1:~~/~k sand to fine sandy silt {{;:%j;~~\\:: A ~ (cont.) LEGEND o~~~ Gravel r Impervious seal ~~coo j ... ' . liter level Frozen . ':,.:.,: ~'. Sand Pinometer tip Ground l :', :'::.:. r;,~/ .... '/ S i It ~ Thermocouple /~ // I 3-D. D. '///// split spoon sample ~ Clay II 3" D. D. th in-Will samp I e * Sampl. nat r.covered IIII I Atterbera limits: Pea t. I • , .. Liquid limit oIoI'J I" Organic '~'Iter content 'Jjl./II Content Plastic limit w.J c:a. -' Zw.J A. ~ ... • Q c c ~. c.'J S-l l S-2- S-4- * S-5- * S-91 ~ S-lol N c:c ....... en ....... "<T --:- PENETRATION RESISTANCE . = ... (340 lb. wei aht. 30 H drop) A. ~O 4 Blon 20r foot 40 : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ : I : : : : : : ~~: ~ ·········l······~ .. • ••••.••• 1 •••••• 5 ---H-4--•.• W • :.:::::::1::::::~6 : : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : :3-J I~ I 1 0 .. ; ... ; ... : ... : ... ; ... : ... ; ... ; ... ~ .. ~ .. : .. ~ ... ;_.; ... ~ .. ; ~ ~~ 6 :::::::::i::::::~6 • •••••••• ! •••••• 1 (2' 15 .~.:-.--~--r----. ~ 2o .. __ L __ nLt • _._ ::::::::1::::::::: : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : 25 "-2 .. --LL..-___ --- ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... · ................. . 30 ·····~···················· .. ··· .. ·r····················· ........... _. · ....... : ; : . : : : : : : : ....... · '. . . . . A -....L.....t-L _1V..33L .. : ... : ... : ... : ........... : ... : ... : ... f .. ~ .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ....... : ... : .. J 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratification lines represent the apprOllmate boundaries between soi I types and the transition may oe aradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Apri 1 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. ;(OT(CHMICAl COMSUlTAMTS FIG. 7 - ----------- - .. - --.. ... ,. '-- .. 1 SOIL DESCRIPTION 1;1' Station: Approx. 103+30, 184 ' Surface Elevation: Bottom of Exploration Completed 4/6/82 c.,) - 155 I L :I: UI A. = C -' CI: UI F r OlBn Ground LEGEND Gravel Sand r Impervious seal later level ~ Piezometer tip ThermoCDUp I e . --. :I: ~ A. w.I = S i It Clay l'gI I II 3· D.O. split spoon sample 3"" D.O. thin-wall sample Pea t "'J 1/ Organic ~j 1./11 Con t en t ... Sample not recovered Atterbera I imi ts: I • ,_ Liquid limit ~~ later content Plastic limit PENETRATION RESISTANCE (3~0 lb •• ei aht. 30" drop) A Blo .. per fODt 20 40 ································· .. ·r·················· ................. . . . . . . . . . ·····,,·· .. ,·,························r················ .................... . 20 40 • \ Water content Note: The stratification lines represent the apprOllmate boundaries bet •• en soi I types and the transition may be aradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 (CONT,) A~ri 1 1932 SHANNON & IILSON, INC. &EOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-05l7-0l FIG. 7 ----------.. -.. ---.. --.. .. --.... -.. SOIL DESCRIPTION . --= UI • Station: Approx. 97+90, 45'L =~ e Surface Elevation: IV174' UI ~ Brown, sandy SILT with organics ] /:;':;':;' (Tundra)(Top 0.5' is ice) 1 8 I-S=-t':";,;:':· f':';f;:';,~b:"">'r-'-o-=wCJ:n-,-=-=-s'::'a-n-'d";"y~S';-I L:=-;T=-'-, -t:-r-a-c-e-o""'f=-;:;'; ;.: . fine Qravel 5;~~'3.5 l~:~~i!!i::~~;:1~i~~;~:i:~~~i:::~~ !III! 705 orange-brown to gray-brown, sl i ghtly .~ .. ~. silty. sandy. fine to coarse GRAVEL and :~~;~r3. gravelly, fine to coarse SAND iff0~i;'! Medium dense to dense, gray-brown, clean to slightly silty, gravelly, fine to coarse SAND and sandy fine coarse GRAVEL ~::.~;~ f..!...o ~;~.~~ til ~~~~~ 16.0 o.D o· ta 11[~ R:·Q:·~ ~:.C?:.,:­ ".~.~:' " ~~~$ ..., -' A. • .. "'" S-ll s-21 s-31 s-41 S-51 S-61 S-71 S-81 * 10' .\,,) •• 0 .~~3~ iT . ,0',;D S-1 01 Itt 3 0 f-' Medium dense, gray, silty, sandy GRAVEL (Glacial Till) ~~ . S-ll .-t""""':';;'~"&:j-"'~""'}:t"3,-,4,-" . ..:5 __ I V h~1edium dense, gray, clean to sl . I ,Silty gravelly SAND and sandy Frozen Ground Sand S i It Y (cont ) ~ Impervious seal later level Piezometer tip Thermocoup I e c::a • z...., ~..-c::a .. :i- ~ (,!j z: ..... -I -I ..... c::: Cl (,!j :z ..... c::: => Cl Cl LJ.J > c::: LJ.J V') c:J 0 ---PENETRATION RESISTANCE . (3.0 I b, .. i ah t. 30 H drop) = ..-... Blows per foot L ~O ?O 40 ............. :::.:::1::::::::: . : ~ : : : : j : : : : : : : : . 5 ~--+-+-· W~ • ·;::;:':1:::::::·: ......... ~ ...... ~. 1 0 ··: .. ·: .. ·~ .. :· .. :· .. :···: .. ·: .. .:. .. t .. : .. ·:···:..·~-:...:...s~·.:.. [)6. A ......... l ...... 78 •• 1 5 .. · .... · ................ ·: .. ·: .. :-r .. :-: .. :·:::·:: .•••• :.:. i: ••••• fA 2o--J-r~-T 2S..:. ............... ~~~ . . . .. " ... . 3 0 .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : .. ~ ... L.: ... ~ .. : ... : ... ~ .. ~ ... ~.~ .. y ..li ____ __ ~ .• _._ .. __ .~ .. _._ 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratification I,nes represent the approximate boundaries bet.een SOl I types and the transition may be aradual. Stone & \~ebster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska Clay 13-0.D.splitspoonsample n 3'" O.D. thin-wall sample * Sample not recovered LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Pea t " .; '.; I, 0 r ga n i C ~jI.;'''1 Content Attlrbera I imi ts: I • I .. L i qu i d lim it ~':""-,atlr .content Plastic limit April 1982 SHANNON' IILSON, INC. ;lOTlCHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-05l7-0l FIG. 8 - ... .. ----- - - .. - . ' - - - -.. -- SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Apprdx. 97+90, 45 1 L Surface Elevation: ",174 1 Gravelly SAND, and sandy GRAVEL, as above c.:I ZU:It Q. = .. ~ • c:I p::-'····~:k ~~.§5~. I Ii -..... ~ . Q. Z ..... • .. Q. "" ..... _ S-11..J.. -. PENETRATION RESISTANCE z ..... =-..... . (340 I b, WI i ah t. 30 H d rap) Z = .. ..... A810 .. per foot ::;-Q. ~O 20 40 35 occasional zones of fine sand : .':I:'::Q' :~:D:c .0.' "',i :~t~~~f . S 1 21 l . . •. ::i;::.::~:'::!: -40 ................................. __ ..... :::::::::::::. -.:: .... :: ... -:: ..... ::--. :"-:-~'1 '~"~1" 'o':~"<::,,, p.p:~ .. o·.~ s: 131 : : l : • : : : : \,'j I--v-e-rY-d-e-n-S-e-,-g-r-a-Y---b-ro-w-n-,-S-'i -It-Y-S-a-n-dy--t:l~r'i'?O':'1~~'~;~--52 0 5 - 141 50 _. __ ._-------y- GRAVEL (Glacial Till) I--------v------+=I· . 59.1 (cant. ) Frozen Ground LEGEND Sand S i It Clay Pea t ,,~ I, Organic ~jI/"1 Content r Impery i ous seal ,.ter lenl ~ Piezometer tip ~ Thermocouple I 3-0.0. split spoon sample n 3" O. D. t h i n-u II samp I e * Samp Ie not recovered Atterbera limits; I. 1 .. L.iquidlimit ,~,.ter content Plastic limit 55 --~-.......... _ ......... __ .: ... :_~.~_~ .. ~~ .. ~_. _. r:: 60 Began NX diamond: .c~~~~g. @ 60.5 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··· .. ·· .. ·_·· .. ·· .. ···· .. ········· .. ··r······aau ••••••• _ •• _ .......... --.. · .... · .... ·· .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .... ···T····· .. ·· .... · .. ·· .......... · .. · .... 20 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratification lines represent thl apprOllmate bound~rles bet •• en soi I types and the transition may be aradull. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 (CONT,) April 1982 SHANNON & IIL.SON, INC. ;[OT[CHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-0517-01 FIG. 8 - - -,-.. ---- - - - .. - - ... ,. .- ' ... .. -.. til1ANNON & WIL.SON, INC. SUMMARY LOG OF lORING: B -7 (con t. ) GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS JOB NO: I DATE' I--pR-QJ-EC-T-:----------------K -051 7 -0 1 . 3/9/82 Stone & Webster Newha1en River Canal Diversion STATION: "",97+90, 45 1L IELIY: ....... 174 1 DEIPTNH i ~ I i GROUND TEMP. (OF) ~ DESCRIPTION Of MATERIALS ~ z. 04 RIC The rm i s to rca sin g FEn ::I %"'iQD not installed I-I/~~:" I-'9..' G1acia1Ti11,asabove ~ ~;~~ ~ ~.o/.~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~--~--~~--~~------~ ~ 60++++ Moderately hard, dark gray ~ ++t+ to black, very slightly ~ + + weathered BASALTIC ANDESITE, ~ ++++ closely jointed at all angles. ~ + + Serpentine coating on irregu-t:.. + + 1ar joint faces. ~ 65 +1-++ Numerous healed joints I-++++ throughout. ~ + + Common joint spacings: I-+ + 60.5 1-63.0 1 3"-5" ~ ++++ 63.0 1-64.5 1 1"-2" ~ 1\ 64.5 1-66.5 1 10"-15" ~ 70 66.5 1-67.5 1 1"-2" ~ 67.5 1-68.11 "']" P-.... I- ~ I-.... ~ ~75 I-- ~ ~ I--- ~ I- ~ I--- ~ 80 ~ I--- ~ I-- l- I---.... l- I- I--85 ~ I--- I- ~ I-- ~ I--....- ~90 ~ ~ I-- I--- ~ ....- ~ ~ ~ I---95 ~ l- I- ~ .... l- I-- ~ ~ 100 Bottom of Exploration Completed 3/9/82 / 60.5 1 100 63.0 40 2 68 1 100 39 REMARKS Began NX diamond coring @ 60.5 1 FIG. 8 ,i!ililt - ... ----- - - - - - - - - ------ SOIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 130+00, 1290'L Surface Elevation: 152' Very dense, gray-brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL, with cobbles (Glacial Till) . -y z ut ... c:t Z .. ~ ~ -... c:I ..... c:::I !'.:~.: -..... c:::I • PENETRATION RESISTANCE ~ z ..... 0(340 Ib, uiaht. 3D" drop) ... ~~ ::z:: -c:::I .. ~ .810 .. per foat .. :-... "" ~O 20 40 . . . ~ . . . . . S-l I :~:i:":::5L6 ... 1 ••..•. 5" . ~ : : : : : : : : : I ~----------------------------~~. ~.' 4.8 S-21 ~~::~~:~~:~::~~:~~~~~n~e~~~~ !~N~ -119 0 0 5-31 5 .. : ... :-.: ... : ... : .. ~ .. ~-~ .. ~+.~.~~.~~~.~i- J~ Loose to medium dense, gray, clean ;;i:(:~:NU.~{ S-41 1 o~:~·---·-.-r~~~ Medium dense, gray, clean, fine to medium SAND, with scattered layers of silty fine sand !;:: Dense to very dense, gray-brown, slightly silty fine SAND S-5 I S-9 I S-l 0 I A' 15 .. : .. ·:···: .. ·~··:· .. :· .. : .. ~-·t~···:· .. ~··~·~~~~ :: .::1: ..... :: : : : : : : : :.::::: : ........ . 20 .-.~-~~-.-¥-______ ._ ....... . . . . . . 25 -~.--~~l±4_ 3 0 .. : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... : ... ~.~ ... J .. : ... : ... ~ .. :.-: ... ~ .. :?-~~. • -------------------------------iiil..ii:.:.32 0 Hard, gray SILT, laminated, trace of jjjj . f · t d d f' //// lne 0 coarse san an lne gravel //// . __________________ ~~~£/~j-~~---O~~-ll T V Frozen Ground (cont.) LEGEND Sand S i It Clay Peat r Im.pervious seal liter IIVII ~ Piezometer tip [gl Thermocouple I 3-O. D. sp lit spoon samp II II 3'" 0.0. thin-wall sample * Samp Ie nat rlcavered Atterbera limit.: I • I_Liquid limit '~Ilter ocontent Plastic limit o LO 40 • ~ Water content Note: The stratificat,on I,nes represent the apprOl imate boundar I es Olt ... n so i I types and the transition may oe aradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 April 1982 SHANNON & IILSON, INC. ;[OT[CHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-05l7 -01 FIG. 9 - - .. --- ---- - .. --.... -.. - ---.- • .. --------SQIL DESCRIPTION Station: Approx. 130+00, 1290 'L Surface Elevation: 152 ' SILT, as above V//// ~//// ~/jj/ ~///~ vjjj/ //// 5-1 I..L //// I //// S-12 ~ ______________________________________________________ ;/~/~/~/ 40.5 .. ~:){: Very dense, gray, silty, sandy GRAVEL (Glacial Till) from 54 ' Till color is locally mottled red and/or blue-gray with weathered bedrock fragments ~~ ~i'<J/, ~ I~~~'~ I.;.~'. 0 ~~ "M :~./j? :~Lo ,~~ r···>;,:· jW~ g~ ,.~&: ··o·~:<:) ~t:~ " '\1.. '.:. :: S-13 I ~~I~'~"~''': ··)r9 ~~58.0 --. :z: .... Q. ~O 35 PENETRATION RESISTANCE (340 lb. Wliaht, 30" drop) & 810 .. per foot 20 ....... ....... 40 . ........ .. 40 ......... i······ 'A' ......................... __ ...... , N P ....... _ ........ ,- .1110 ," _A 50 0 -- 0 --_ 0 ] __ -00 -50-.. 55 oo~o~~oo:...:...:...:...:...:..r:...:...:...:...:..se- Severe ly weathered Bedrock ........., ......... _~'1~~ 59 ~ ~ / V " ... i ~-+---"'V60 ; Beaan Nx diam9nd cor.;n9 @ 59r~'" Frozen Ground (cont.) LEGEND Pea t ",,~ I, Organic "JjJ/"1 Content r Impervious seal 'Iter level § Piezometer tip ~ Thermocouple I 3· O. D. sp lit spoon samp I e n 3'" 0.0. thin-wail sample * Sample nat recovered At te rbar a I imi tl: I • I .. L.iquid limit ~~'Iter ,content PlastiC limit ·················_ .. ················r·················· ................ .. ·····································r················ .......•......•..... • ~ Water content Nate: The stratification lines repreSint the approximate boundaries bet ... n sail types and the transition may be aradual. Stone & Webster Newhalen River Canal Diversion Newhalen, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 (CO~JT,) Apr; 1 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & IIL.SON,INC. ;EOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS FIG. 9 - ------- ---,. .. - - --- - - - ----.. --• ~HANN(J", ~ WIL.SON, INC. SUMMMY LOG OF lORING: D -0 \ corn. ) GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I ___ ~ __ ~~ __________ ----IJOI NO: K-0517 -01 I DATI: 4/10/82 PROJECT: Stone & \~ebster DEPTH IN FEn f- f-- f- f-- f- I- ~ I- ~60 ---r------ ~65 f- l- f- f-- ~ ~ f- ~ ~70 -----f-- f- f-- ~75 r- foo-r--~ f--r- I-HO ~ l- f- l- i- f--- f-- I--1--85 f- foo- i- f--r- 1-. r- f-- I-1--90 l- f--r- I-- l- I-- f- f-- f-1--95 ... ---- f-- l- I- t- Newhalen River Canal Diversion STATION: ..... 130+00, 1290 l L IELIY: 152 1 10·····. 10·.···. 10·····. 10·.·.·. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ...... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DISCRIPnoN Of MATERIALS Glacial Till, as above ~ND TlMP. tOF) 04RIC thermlstor caslng ;riQO not installed Soft to very soft, blue-gray, 5 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : moderately severely to very a..-.-.:-9...:.. . ..:..6--J-_--a .............. . severely weathered VOLCANIC BRECCIA. Weak, easily frac- tured. Highly fractured zones spaced 0.3-0.6 ft. 100 NA . ..................................... _ .................... . apart. Clayey texture, 64.5 ::::::::::::::: especially in fractured zones.I-----J-----1··············· ................. _ ........ -..................................... . from 66.5 1 -68.5 1 , very 2 severely weathered, brown, local completely weathered zones 69.5 -\ Bottom of Exploration Completed 4/10/82 100 NA REMARKS Began NX diamond coring @ 59.6 1 FIG. 9 I I ., 1--1 G) I----' 0 I • • I >- CIl a:: UJ :z u.. I-:z UJ o a:: UJ 0.. SAMPLE NO. B-1 S-3 B-1 S-6 I DEPTH-FT. 7.5-9.0 15.0-16.5 I I I • I I I I j I • • I I j I J I I SI EVE ANAlYSI S SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARO T '" ".., COBBLES I U.S.C. SP GP COARSE I F IHE I COARSE I MEDIUM FINE GRAVEl I SANO CLASSIFICATION • Medium dense, gray-brown, gravelly, fine to medium SAND, trace of coarse sand and silt . • Medium dense, gray, slightly sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL I NAT . w. C. % 4 5 LL I • I I • • I J I l PL HYDROMETER ANAlYSI S GRAIN SIZE IN MM I PI FINES ".., '" 000 000 -o o I-:z UJ ~ a:: UJ 0.. ~~ewha 1 en River Canal Diversion Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-1 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I I >- £D cc:: LLJ :z: LL. ;- :z: LLJ o cc:: LLJ D... SAMPLE NO. B-2 S-5 • I I 1 I j I j I I • I I • I • • I i I • I i I I I SI EVE ANALYSI S HYDROMETER ANALYSI S SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD I G RA INS I ZE IN MM I CD U) ...,. COl <'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ;; :;:; :; ~:; ~ o IS) 0 0 -MItl_C"l N .. to 100 r----~r-_r--r--_r-.~--_._.~._,,--r_~-------r._-----_r----·_.--_.---~----~_T_r,r_r--~----TrTr~r-r-T-~~---~'O .. =~ :=::= ~:/:=\c-..::C':. .-.' -I-fe.----+ __ Ie.--____ -+_-_··-= ___ = ~-t==.:-.===:====~~--I-I_ 4_+ -_ 4+-_ -I:f-. -_ -_~+---_ -_ -_ -_ --I~:j~~~f--+-+--1:_ -1-+ -_-_-.... 1_ -_--l-f--____ -~~ 10 1----_4----~ --~.=±~=.~'=t=tj=±:j===t~jl======~======t=====~==t===~====t=~~==t==t=====+t+tl=t~=t==~==~ 1----~f_.__+___t---1_-----~.~-+-+~-+--_+_~------1------~-----+----+---~----4I_4_+__+___+_-1f_._----++-+~~t_+~--_+----~ ~--·4--+-+--~-·-~~·-~·~-+~~~====J=====j====±===t==j====fjtt~~=t====~~~±=±==t~~~ 8 0 .--------' ---l4-l-l-I-I--I---If-.---4----2 0 ~·----+---I~~-I---j---4~\-I-+-I--~---~~======1======~=====+==~~==t=====~~=+~===t====--~~=t~t·=~-=~~==t====~ 1-----~f_.__+___t--4-·~--+~\1_-+__f_._+__·4--._----_+------·+_----+_--~--~-----~-1-4·-+-4----I------ 1------Ie.----+-4--~-+--~-... +-+-+__-4--1------+------4_----+_--~·-~-----I__+__t-+___+_--I_--~_t_I+_tf-f--,.---------- 10 t===~C==±=i==:t=±===t=f~i=j===±=1=======t======t====~===t==~=====t=t~~=t==t=====tttt1=t=r_-=+-==~==~1 30 ~--.. ---~ ~-. ----+-+-I-'\rt-~--_I_-I_-------.I__----_t_----4_---1---_+-----1·-+_+_+-4------···---H-IH-I-+·-+---I----.-. -.... ___ ." --··--I+-II-+.-l--I-I---l·------.-- 6 0 .... ----.~-~-_. --_+_--·-~1'=--=--=--=--=-=-~t:=.=--=--=--=--=--=-t_-=--=--=--=-~t=_-=--=--=-t-=--=-=-1-=--=--=--=-~I--+-.+----+-·--if-.f--__ -+--___ ·-·_---Hf-.l-l-+~4__+_-_lf---·-----·· -1-4 0 ------.. --~-~---1--1-f-I-\" --f--------.--... -.. - --.f---+-+---I--+-.---... _'::-1 ----=-~--::..-. .-f-..--.----.-I--.. ---~.-.-.-r-~-'~ -I--~.---------. -f-.-f--I---.-I--.. ---. e.---.-.... 1--.-. -_ ... -c -----. >-~ 1-.1--.--. -.-.-.-. ..-'_.--:=-=--= 5 0 " ~.:. ' :=-~~~ .= ;c.-~ = == :;~==;:= _____ .-~=. I=f~~~~ ~-;~~:=~==._j.l_I_j,.I--~~-=-_l ... --. =.-. ~~~ ~~~.~. ~~ 40 f-.. i--.. - - ---~~-.j.-I___+ ----I-I-·H··.j-~__I--I-.--.-60 f_-....... -. --f-.--.-.. _-f--. -f---... ---.. ---.------.--....... . ~---.----f---.. _.. -. -- --._.-.. 1---.-------.. -----f---f----I·· ---.. _ .... -.--.. . .. _. ---~----~ -----+ .. _-.-.. _-- 30 I------f-..-f-. 1----~-.-. --. f----._-. --I--I--~-.. --+-... -r-.-.--. -. -. -----.---... -. ---... -------- .. __ ....... -.. ~.... ...' --. '.--_._---. ---.-_._-. -..... - ..... ... .. . .. ---_.'.--.1-.. -... ---.--.. ---.. -- --------~-. - -------" --- 20 ... --------..•........ ---f--. .-f-----.-.--. -----. --------... -------- ... --~ -.-.. ~.----.----------- - ----------_.-_ .. -H++-f--·\-·j··---.-....... .... . ... -.-. -._-.. _ .. f··· -----I-I-·~4_I--I--.-f--... . -1 0 ·f·· f--.. -, .... --. .-•... 80 ..... ~ . .... . __ ._ .. -.. : ~.--.. .... . __ ..... ~ .. '.~ -.~~ .. --.--------~.~~=.= ~~-=~ .~~.~~~~ ~~.-.-.-=~. -~f--~-. -._--.. I-+.j..' •• }'-+I.-.~"-... ' .. _~._· ... l ....• = ••. -....• ---.. -....... 90 .. .. •. " .... .... : :-:::::=: r=::--b.:.~~ " .. .. . , J o .... :L ___ ._ 1. 1.1. L. I .. LL _J []r L I J ... ..1 .. _ _ __ rJ L LLL L . .1-:. _.J_.=-... _ .lJ1 I ..... --.. .. _. -_ --100 10 00 000000 CCOCO..,.M N _COIO...,.M N _COU)..,.M N 00 CCOeD...,.Pl N 000000 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE COARSE I MEO I UM I FINE I FINE I I SAN~ I GRAVEL -<D IS) .. M <> 0 0 o 0 o 0 FINES '" o o -o o • ..... :z: LLJ ~ cc:: LLJ D... NA T. u. S. C. CLASS I F I CAT ION OEPTH-FT. w. c. % LL PL PI Newhalen River Canal Diversion Project 12.5-14.0 GW • Dense, gray-brown to gray-green, sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL, trace of silt 6 GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-2 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I j • I I I 'l 1--1 G") ~ -CD = ..... :z: u.. I-:z: ..... o = ..... D.. SAMPLE NO. B-3 S-9 B-3 S-13 I 0 .... <> <> P) OEPTH·fT. 24.5-26.0 ~4.5-46.0 I I • I I I • • • • • J I • I SI EVE ANALYSI S SIZE Of OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER' Of MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD I ... ... <> <> '" ...... '" "-"-"-"-"-<> <> <> co <> <> -P) on _ P) '" ... '" --"-_ I--1- _L .. .•. .. tl. I I j I 1-._-j n I. j I 1 .. 1 ~ -.. <> c <> <> <> <> '" '" ... P) <> '" ... P) '" _Q)ID ..... M '" <> GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 1 I COAR'SE FINE I COARSE I MED IUM I fiNE COBBLES I GRAVE L I SAND NA T. ,.C. % U.S,C. CLASSIFICATION I I I J I • I ... P) <> <> -"-'---~- ... P) <> <> LL PL HYDROMETER ANALYSI S GRA IN SIZE IN MM I ... '" ... P) '" -<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> --. '" -COlO.-M N -• <> o Q 0 Q Q 0 <> Q 0 Q Q <> FINES PI Newha1en River Canal Diversion Project • Stiff, gray-brown SILT, trace of sand 20 25 NP GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-3 GM • ~1edium dense, gray-brown, silty, sandy, GRAVEL Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS • I "'TJ H en t;j • I • • I-:c c::::J ...... ;s: >-co a: ...... :z: LI- I-:z: ...... c.:" a: ...... a.. SAMPLE NO. B-6 S-3 B-6 S-7 <> '" .., OfPTH-fT 7.0-8.3 17.3-19. • • I • I I I I I I I I I I • t I I • I SI EVE ANAlYSI S S lIE OF OPEN ING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD '" '" COBBLES U.S.C. GP SM COARSE fiNE MEDIUM GR A Yf l SANO CLASSIFICATION • Very dense, gray-brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of silt .. Medium dense, gray-brown, silty fine trace of medium to coarse sand FINE NAT. LL •. C. % 3 SAND, 19 I I I I I i I • I • i HYDROMETER ANALYSIS PL GAl I K S llE IN MM FINES PI -. f-- f--- l-.- .--- r------ f----.. -,.- 1--'-"'-- 1----._-- 1-. -'-.. -_., .. - 20 30 40 r-:z: ...... ~ a: ...... a.. Newhalen River Canal Diversion Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-6 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS , . I I >- eD 0:: LLI :z:: u... ;- :z:: LLI o 0:: LLI D- • I I I I I I I I I I I I • • I I I SI EYE ANAlYSI S SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD 20 10 ...... _ ... _ .. _ o o o M I. '" o N I·· 11.1. I j I J 00 '" <0 o 0 ... M '" N . 1 i ! j I I i o ao <0 ... M GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COARSE FINE MEOIUM FINE I I • I • I I I I ... M o 0 HYDROMETER ANAlYSI S N o GRAIN SIZE IN MM ... M o 0 o 0 N o· o t--r--~r:-~ .. -COlD .... M N 000 ClO C) o 0 CI CI I -o o 80 -'. 90 o o 100 I-:z LLI c..> 0:: LLI D- FINES GRAVEL SA NO L~-~==~=====================~~===;=~=;=====~~~=---_" Newhalen River PL PI Canal Diversion Project GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-7 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp. April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I I I I--:c CJ I--:z: LLJ ~ = LLJ c.... SAMPLE NO. • j I • • I I I • I I I I • I I I • I I I I I SI EVE ANALYSI S SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD I .... '" CI N CI .... CI '" CI CI CI '" CI CI 4 0 .~._ •.. _ .. ___ ~ _____ ._/--. 30 20 o CI CI OEPTH-FT. ....... --I -I I·· ... -.. --•.. _-.... I·· . -.. ---1-.... _. . .. -.-.-... -. "--'-.'-f-----'. --..--. ...... _ .. -_. - 1---~ .1.. II I I I I <> CI N COBBLES CI CI CI CI '" '" I u. S. C. o .... COAR'SE .-.. CI N GR A VE l . .. .. ~ .. i , N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS FINE I COARSE I MEOIUM I FINE I SAN~ CLASSIFICATION -'" '" • CI CI NAT. •. C. % lL I I I I t HYDROMETER ANAlYSI S GRAIN SIZE IN MM .... '" N CI CI CI .... '" CI CI N <> .... '" <> <> <> CI .... '" CI CI CI CI FINES ! N CI CI I I -. 70 80 1 ... ..... 90 _ .. 100 -CI ! I >- al = LLJ ' en = '"'" c U I--:z: LLJ u = LLJ c.... PL PI Newha1en River Canal Diversion Project B-8 39.0-40.5 S-12 ML • Hard, gray, SILT, trace of sand and gravel 27 26 NP GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING B-8 Stone & Webster Engr. Corp~ April 1982 K-0517-01 SHANNON & WILSON GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS PHOTO PLATE 1 Intake Structure Area View from east side of river, which is flowing towards the south, right to left. The upper rapids would be at the right edge of the photo. PHOTO PLATE 2 Intake Structure Area View from east side of river, looking northwest. River flows right to left. Boring B-4 was drilled just off the right margin of the photo. -------=- PHOTO PLATE 3 Outlet Structure Area View looking northeast. River flows left to right. River mouth opening begins at left edge of photo. PHOTO PLATE 4 Outlet Structure Area View looking northeast. River flows to the right. Boring B-5 was drilled in small clearing at left center of photo. _-,Ii\/ PHOTO PLATE 5 Boring 3 PHOTO PLATE 6 Boring 4 PHOTO PLATE 7 Boring 4 PHOTO PLATE 8 Boring 5 PHOTO PLATE 9 Bori ng 5 PHOTO PLATE 10 Boring 5 Photo Plate 11 Boring 6 Photo Plate 12 Boring 7 Photo I P.1 ate 13 Boring 8 Photo Plate 14 Boring 8 .(J' ·z o I- <t > W ...J W 200 180 160 140 120 80 60 ,RIVER W. S. 162 FROM SURVEY MARCH 30, 1982 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ALONG CANAL. ALIGNMENT VES-7 VES-I, ( EXISTING GROUND SURFACE B-.:~~ ____ ----------__ ---------------------+---------------------------~B-"O'+.03.:. VES-8 VES-2, (PROJECTED ONTO SECTION) B-2 B-6 ~-:~--~ ________ ~~=:~~~~~~~~~~___ B-7 . ~d .bg .,..... __ ---+ VES-3, VES-9 06 t<;: + _------'--~-~1,;l:-',.,.-~ ------_______ -.:o~~--~B~-1 B-8 (PROJECTED . 9 .. ZJ.··. ."p -':2 _ 9, ,; ~. ifJ". v .sL :v,o .., ""= '0"1]' t ---___ -, ;++ - -__ _""_ 'o:Q p 'fjo ~K ~ • . ;-+ --? ".... . P ..5L >? :.g; f"7 -." • --___ ~ /...;, D' 0-. ,~ ! . ..[) -.... _ ~:!]. ... \ \ \ \ \ \ _ /// '" " U tJ'< . . _ • v Q";' tJ '0" // ' .. • ... 7 '-' ". -D ? - -~/; SL g~. -~-~'O, r? ~~~ ---_ /,~ q "' .,' . O· ...sL :o·~·; ·.D . ROCK? -? -Z9 -~-;~ ~ ~~" ;¢J ROCK >30' (3;!9 - -? __ ~ ROCK? 0 ~ ~ ~ _2_ SL <i6.~ -----____ ~!~ -----? - _ _~.l._ ~.~ f9R: 9J ~~~%: - - - - - - - - ------- - - 7 _ " Q 0" 9ti ~ 1> •..• .=-=? -= -:..:..: - --- - - - - - - --- ---~« ------~g --- -~~ -- ---- - - -. ~ ~~ ,-- - - - --- --- ---- -.--- ----, FROM 1250' TO N.EJ VES-IO +~-5 1;0. l" ~ "(3..1. _Jot -lJ/U /6 , /0 RIVER W.S.53 FROM SURVEY , \ , i. __ , TILL OR WEATHERED ROCK ROC K? -? . ~ Ob <= - ------ - ---~:~ SL • • ---__ 0 . ;<):6 Po I.' .,: ------, .sL,PE- I r;. ,·r "v· I SL P6 MARCH 30, 1982 -~ -ROCK >57' ~ R>04C9~' %:~ --__ ~ 0.. _ ? ++ 77; PROPOSED CANAL INVERT FROM DATED SWEC DRAWING APRIL 14,1982 • ___ '.J..1 ? //' --? .. / +t --...:;:::: • -_ ? ' // .. ++ -----? -~ -~ __ ? _ . <:Fe -~ - ? INFERRED. TOP OF BEDROCK t>/, -----~! SURFACE BORINGS SURVEY PROJECTED BETWEEN AND RE SI STIVITY POINTS, NOTE TWO / --. --.-- 7 if, 1.'), ----? "p ,," POSSIBLE BETWEEN CONFIGURATIONS STATIONS 100 + 00 AND 144+00. ~'66 -fei'" \ ~ "" I "'''' --~ & I'" /1 • 1\. I / I I r--I ROCK? I f 1 __ , I I I I I I I I \ I I - I I \ I I I __ J 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40~~---,-------------,------------_,------------_,-------------,-------------,-------------,--------~---,------------~----~------_,------------_,------------_,--~--~----_,------------_,------------_,------------_,----------L40 0+00 20+00 40+00 60+00 STATIONING ALONG CANAL LEGEND: B-3 LOCATION OF BORING VES-4 LOCATION OF RESISTIVITY SURVEY + ELEVATION DETERMINED FROM SURVEY • ELEVATION FROM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ..5L WATER TABLE MEASURED IN BORING _'L WATER TABLE INFERRED FROM RESISTIVITY' SURVEY :::" . df SAND S' GRAVEL ... CJ "7 /// SILT :LL ~ GLACIAL TILL B ANDESITIC BEDROCK l"'" VOLCANIC BRECCIA 80+00 100+00 GEOPHYS I CAL I NFORMAT ION LSBASED,UPON GEOPHYS.\CAl MEASUREMENTS MAOEBYGENERALL Y ACCEPTEO METHODS ANDfIHD PROCEDURES AND OUR I NTERPRETAJiQN OF THESE DATA. GEOLOGI CAL I NFORMA ~I ON. I S BASED UPON OUR BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CONSIOERIN.GTHE GEOPHYSICAL RESULTS AND ALLQTHERINFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US. THESE RESULTS ARE INTERPRETIVE IN NATURUND ARE CONSIDEREO TIl BE A REASONABLY ACCURATE PRESENTATION' OF EXISTINGCONDIT.IONS WIITHINTHELlMITATlONS'OF METHOD OR METHODS EMPLOYED . THE.PROFILES ARE GENERALIZED FROM THE MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED IN THEBDRIN~S AND VARIATIONS BETWEEN THE PROFILES AND ACTUAL 10NDITIONS MAY EXIST. . , REVISED APRIL 26, 1982 • 120:+00 140-+00 STONE B WEBSTER ENGR. CORP NEWHALEN RIVER CANAL DIVERSION APRIL 1982 SHANNON a WILSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS K-0517-01 PLATE , 'I 2