HomeMy WebLinkAboutBristol Bay Regional Power Plan Interim Feasibility Assessment Volume 4 - Appendices 1982--LIBRARY COpy - BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN DETAILED FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT VOLUME 4 -APPENDICES JULY 1982 & Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation VOLUME 1 -REPORT VOLUME 2 -APPENDICES GENERAL OUTLINE BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN DETAILED FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX A -ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS A.I ENERGY NEEDS A.2 HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECTS A.3 DIESEL POWER A.4 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY A.S ENERGY CONSERVATION A.6 WIND ENERGY A.7 POWER TRANSMISSION A.B FOSSIL-FUEL ALTERNATIVES A.9 ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE A.I0 LOAD MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS APPENDIX B -ENERGY SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION APPENDIX C -ENERGY DEMAND FORCAST VOLUME 3 -APPENDICES APPENDIX D -WIND ENERGY ANALYSIS APPENDIX E -GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES -TAZIMINA RIVER APPENDIX F -GEOTECHNICAL STUDY -NEWHALEN RIVER VOLUME 4 -APPENDICES APPE~~IX G -ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX H -NEWHALEN SMOLT AND FRY STUDIES APPENDIX I -HYDROLOGIC EVALUATIONS -TAZIMINA RIVER , • APPENDIX G ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT IT n Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Environmental Report Prepared for Alaska Power Authority July 1982 Dames & Moore TABLE OF CONTENTS . . .£.age 1.0 INTRODUCTION. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• 1-1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCALE 2.1 Bristol Bay Region 2.2 Tazimina River Drainage 3.0 WATER USE AND QUALITY 3.1 Existing Conditions 3.1 .1 3.1 .2 3.1.3 3.1.4 stream Uses • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • Streamflow •••••• Water Quality and Limnology •••••• Stream Temperature 3.2 Anticipated Impacts 3.2.1 Stream Uses • Run-of-River Concept. Storage Concept ••••••• 2-1 2-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-17 3-19 3-19 3-19 3-24 3.2.2 Streamflow •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 3-24 3.2.3 3.2.4 Run-of-River Concept. • • • • . • • • • •• 3-24 Storage Concept • • • • • • • •• 3-27 Water Qualit y and Limnology • • ••••••• Run-of-River Concept • • •••• Storage Concept •••••••.•• Stream Temperature • • • • • • Run-of-River Concept. Storage Concept 3-30 3-30 3-33 3-34 3-34 3-34 References 3-37 4.0 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES • . 4-1 4.1 Existing Characteristics • 4-1 4.1.1 Terrestrial Communities • • • • • • • • 4-1 Vegetation. • •••.••• 4-1 Birds • • • . • • • • • • • •• • ••• 4-3 Mammals • • • • • • 4-4 Habitat Evaluation of Lower Tazimina Lake Area • • . • • • • • • Endangered Species . • • . .• 4-8 4-17 4.1 .2 Aquatic TABLE OF CONTENTS ( Continued) Communities • • • • • • ••• Field Studies ••••••• Tazimina Drainage Overview • Fish Resources of the Lower Tazimina River • Relationships Between Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Characteristics and Sockeye Salmon Spawning and Incubation Success Relationships Between Geomorphologic and Hydrologic Charactieristics and Resident Fish • • • • • • Fish Resources Between the Falls and and Lower Tazimina Lake • • . • Fish Resources of Lower Tazimina Lake Fish Resources of the Tazimina River Between Lakes . • • • • • • • • Fish Resources of Upper Tazimina Lake 4.2 Anticipated Impacts 4.2.1 4.2.2 Terrestrial Habitats Construction Impacts. Operation and Maintenance Impacts (Run-of-River) •••••••••• Operation and Maintenance Impacts (Storage Concept) .•••• Transmission Lines. • ••• Aquatic Habitats ••••• Lower Tazimina River (Below the Proposed Powerhouse) ••••.• Tazimina River Canyon Area • • • Tazimina River Damsite to Lower Lake • Lower Tazimina Lake • • • • Tazimina River Between the Lakes • Transmission Lines • General Impacts • • • • . • • • • 4.3 Mitigation of Biological Impacts • References eO." ........... Cl ••••••• 5.0 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 5.1 Historical Setting ••••.• 5.1 .1 5.1 .2 Tazimina River-Tazimina Lakes. Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark •.•• Page 4-18 4-18 4-19 4-21 4-36 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 4-49 4-50 4-50 4-50 4-52 4-53 4-56 4-57 4-57 4-60 4-64 4-64 4-65 4-65 4-66 4-66 4-68 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued ) Page 5.2 Existing Conditions Based on Archeological Reconnaissance.. 5-5 5.3 Impacts and Mitigation References 6.0 SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS • 6.1 Introduction • 6.2 Population and Demography 6.3 Socioeconomic Concerns • 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 General Iliamna Subregion • Kvichak River Subregion •• Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion Nushagak Bay Subregion • • • • Nushagak River Subregion • • •• 6.4 Attitudes Towards the Project(s) 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 References General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iliamna Subregion • • • • • • •••• Kvichak River Subregion ••••••• Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion Nushagak Bay Subregion • • • • Nushagak River Subregion 7.0 RECREATIONAL RESOURCES. 7.1 Existing Conditions 7.2 Anticipated Impacts 7.2.1 7.2.2 References Tazimina Hydroelectric Concept Transmission Lines ••••• 5-11 5-13 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-8 6-8 6-9 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-15 6-18 6-18 6-21 6-21 6-23 7-1 7-1 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 8.0 AESTHETIC RESOURCES 8.1 Existing Conditions 8.2 Anticipated Impacts TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 8-1 8-1 8-2 8.2.1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Concept Visual Assessment 8-2 8.2.2 Transmission Lines . • • • 8-3 References 9.0 LAND USE •• 9 0 1 Introduction •• 9.2 Land Use Concerns General 11 i amna Sub reg ion • •• • • Kvichak River Subregion • 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion • • •••••• Nushagak Bay Subregion • • • • •••• I\lushagak River Subregion •••• 9.3 Transmission Lines. 9.3.1 General . . . · . . . . . 9.3.2 Iliamna Subregion . · . . . . . . . . 9.3.3 Kv ichak River Subregion · 9.3.4 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion 9.3.5 Nushagak Bay Subregion 9.3.6 Nushagak River Subregion 10.0 AIR QUALITY 10.1 Climatology 10.2 Existing Air Quality Conditions 10.3 Air Quality Impact • References APPENDIX A -VEGETATION OF THE LOWER TAZIMINA RIVER AREA APPENDIX B -TAZIMINA RIVER SOCKEYE SALMON STUDIES . . 8-4 9-1 9-1 · . . 9-1 · . · . · · 9-1 9-2 9-4 9-7 9-8 9-8 9-8 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-13 9-14 • 10-1 · 10-1 • 10-2 • 10-2 • •• 10-4 APPENDIX C -STUDY OF FISH HABITAT AS RELATED TO POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE TAZIMINA RUN-OF-THE-RIVER CONCEPT LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1 Average Monthly Streamflows in the Lower Tazimina River 3-2 3-2 List of Bottles, Rinse/Preservative, and Parameters. 3-6 3-3 Analytical Methods and Detection Limits • 3-7 3-4 Field and Office Calculations Data 3-9 3-5 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles • 3-10 3-6 Physical, Chemical, Nutrient, and Metal Parameters 3-12 3-7 PCB's, Pesticides, and Herbicides 3-14 3-8 Mean Daily Stream Temperatures (DOC) at Two Locations on the Tazimina River During July and August 1981 • • • 3-20 3-9 Mean Daily Stream Temperatures (DOC) at Four Locations on the Tazimina River During September and October 1981 3-21 3-10 Maximum and Minimum Summer Stream Temperatures (O°C) at Two Locations on the Tazimina River • • • • • • • • • . 3-22 3-11 Maximum and Minimum Fall Stream Temperatures (O°C) at Two Locations on the Tazimina River • • • • • • • • • . 3-23 3-12 Pre-and Postproject Streamflows for Local Run-of-River Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 3-13 Comparison o"f Hydraulic Conditions for Selected Discharges in a Single Channel Segment of the Tazimina River • • • •. 3-29 3-14 Comparison of Alexcy Braid Side Channel Flows to Tazimina River Streamflows • 4-1 Avifauna of the Lake Iliamna and Lake Clark Region 4-2 Mammals of the Lake Iliamna and Lake Clark Areas 4-3 Major Habitat Parameters Used to Evaluate Vegetation Types for Wildlife Habitat ••••••• 4-4 Spawning Ground Surveys on the Tazimina River •• 3-31 4-5 4-6 4-9 4-25 4-5 Occurrence of Peak Spawning Activity in the Tazimina River. 4-29 4-6 Comparison Between 1981 AEIDC and 1962 Fisheries Research Institute Stream Bottom Composition Surveys for the Lower Tazimina River • • • • • . • . . 4-37 6-1 Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Study Area: Village Population and Limited Entry Permits 6-4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 Regional Map 2-2 2-2 Tazimina River Drainage, Lower Portion 2-3 2-3 Tazimina River Drainage, Central Portion 2-4 3-1 Water Quality Sample Locations 3-4 3-2 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles. 3-11 3-3 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Cation-Anion Composition 3-16 3-4 Locations of Temperature Stations in 1981 Field Season 3-18 4-1 Refer to Plate 1 · · · · · · · · Back Pocket 4-2 Optimum Quality Habitat for Brown Bear and Beaver, Lower Tazimina River Area · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4-11 4-3 Optimum Quality Habitat for Brown Bear and Beaver, Lower Tazimina Lake Area · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4-12 4-4 Optimum Quality Habitat for Moose, Lower Tazimina River Area . . · · · · · · · · · 4-13 4-5 Otpimum of Habitat for Moose, Lower Tazimina Lake Area · · · · · · · · · 4-14 4-6 Phenology Chart for Major Fish Species of the Lower Tazimina River · · · · · · · · · · 4-23 4-7 Distribution and Abundance of Sockeye Salmon Spawners in the Tazimina River from Aerial Survey on August 28, 1981 . · 4-27 4-8 Distribution and Abundance of Resident Fish in the Lower Tazimina River from Aerial Survey on September 22, 1981 · · 4-33 4-9 Distribution and Abundance of Resident Fish in the Lower Tazimina River from Aerial Survey on October 14, 1981 4-34 4-10 Sockeye Salmon Spawner Distribution with Respect to Substrate Type . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · 4-39 4-11 Stream Channel Pattern of the Lower Tazimina River · · · · 4-40 4-12 Sampling Locations for Characterization of Sockeye Salmon Spawning Habitat . · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4-43 Figure LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page 5-1 Archeological Survey Sites in the Tazimina River Drainage 5-6 5-2 Archeological Survey Sites in the Tazimina Lakes Area.. 5-7 Plate 1 -Natural Resource Values and Use Patterns in the Bristol Bay Region Back Pocket 1.0 INTRODUCTION A program of environmental and sociocultural investigations was conducted as part of a feasibility study of power alternatives for the Bristol Bay region. Although engineering and economic feasibility were considered for a variety of alternatives, the detailed environmental baseline and impact studies were limited, by necessity, to prev iousl y identi fied alternatives. One of the more promising power alternatives identified during reconnaissance studies was hydroelectric development on the Tazimina River. Therefore, the primary emphasis of the environmental program was directed toward evaluating the potential impacts of this development and its accompanying power distribution system. The sociocultural study reported in Chapter 6 represents a special situation in that its results are more broadly applicable to the overall issue of power development alternatives. This environmental report is organized roughly in concordance with "Exhibit E" as described in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations governing application for major hydroelectric power projects. If a decision is made to pursue the Tazimina project through the FERC application process, the information presented could be readily adapted to the application format. 1-1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCALE 2.1 BRISTOL BAY REGION The area considered by this feasibility study and potentially served by power from a Tazimina hydroelectric facility is indicated in Figure 2-1. The region is essentially a very broad basin of about 104,000 square kilometers (40,000 square miles) bordered by mountains on the north, south and east and by Bristol Bay, an inlet of the southern Bering Sea, on the west. Several major drainages, some with extensive lake systems, cross the region. Terrain tends to be relatively flat, except at the basin margins where changes in relief are more common. Vegetation varies from low growing tundra near the coast to spruce forest adjacent to lakes and rivers in more inland areas and alpine shrub and tundra at higher elevations. Weather patterns are largely controlled by oceanic influences and, therefore, the area has a relatively narrow range of seasonal temperature changes compared to interior Alaska. Clouds, fog and precipitation are frequent but are moderated somewhat inland. Winters are long with moderate snow cover. Village locations are indicated on Figure 2-1. Dillingha'!l and the Naknek/King Salmon areas are the largest population centers. The other villages are all small, with populations ranging from 3 to 325 people. Road development is very limited with no connections between villages (except Dillingham-Aleknagik, Iliamna-Newhalen and Naknek-King Salmon) and no con- nection with other regions of Alaska. Consequently, the region is very isolated as are the villages within the region. 2.2 TAZIMINA RIVER DRAINAGE The Tazimina River (Figures 2-2 and 2-3) flows southwesterly entering Sixmile Lake in the Newhalen River drainage opposite the village of Nondalton. The Tazimina River and its tributaries drain an area greater than 907 square kilometers (350 square miles). The river is about 80 kilometers 2-1 \ -~ .. -·.A~ ALASKA LOCATION OF THIS MAP . , , ~;.: , . , •• _. c· .. REGIONAL MAP Dames & Moore Figure 2-1 (J Jj D -- '~- a 0 v O Q [( 0 () 0 (J 0 \J .. CJ : (J " c} ~ ~ 0 o~ 0 ~C)C;J CJ 0 C7 'fl D 0 D o LOCATION OF THIS MAP "" PROPOSED STORAGE DAM LOCATION USGS Gage House 0 I N -~- I ONE MILE Dames KEY' ® (f) ® @ • T-4 & D HELl PAD THERMOGRAPH STAFF GAGE RIVER MILES HALF MILES UNNAMED TRIBUTARIES TAZIMINA RIVER DRAINAGE LOWER PORTION Lower Tazimina Lake o Moore Figure 2-2 o d LOCATION OF THIS MAP KEY' ® RIVER MILES ~ HALF MILES T-5 UNNAMED TRIBUTARIES I -~- I ONE MILE T AZIMINA RIVER DRAINAGE CENTRAL PORTION Dam •• & Moor. Figure 2-3 (so miles) long including the lengths of two large lakes. Upper Tazimina Lake is about 14 kilometers (9 miles) long and at least 1S0 meters (492 feet) deep. Lower Tazimina Lake is 12 kilometers C7 miles) long, up to 3 kilo- meters (2 miles) wide, and at least 62 meters (203 feet) deep. An impassable waterfall is located at about River Mile 9.S (Figure 2-2), thus isolating the upper portion of the drainage from water travel via Sixmile Lake. The uppermost portion of the river traverses the bottom of a steep-sided valley that widens somewhat as the river enters Upper Tazimina Lake. An 11-kilometer (7-mile) stretch of river connects Upper Tazimina Lake to Lower T azimina Lake. The lakes and the connecting river segment lie within a forested glacial basin. Several small creeks contribute to the lakes; two major tributaries are present, entering Upper Tazimina Lake at its east end and the interconnecting river from the south. The river flowing out of Lower Tazimina Lake traverses a broad flat where the river widens in several locations. After passing through a canyon (River Miles 8-10) the river crosses flat terrain for the remainder of its length. 2-S 3.0 WATER USE AND QUALITY 3.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1.1 Stream Uses There are currently no permits or claims to water rights in the Tazimina River drainage. The area is uninhabited and no water withdrawal or alteration to natural watershed characteristics has occurred. The primary use of the Tazimina River is related to fish resources (see Chapters 4 and 6). Recreational fishing occurs during the open water months with heaviest use on the lower Tazimina River and lighter use of the upstream lake area. Subsistence fishing by residents of the Sixmile Lake area also concentrates on the lower river. In addition, the substantial run of sockeye salmon contributes to sport, subsistence and commercial fisheries that occur downstream and in Bristol Bay. The lower Tazimina River is also used to some degree as a transportation corridor. The recreational fishery employs shallow draft power boats to access fishing areas. Local residents use the river to access hunting areas and to obtain firewood. The depth of this river during some times of the year is marginal for boat use; therefore, sustained flow may be important. 3.1.2 Streamflow Hydrological characteristics of the Tazimina River drainage area have been analyzed in detail in a separate report (Appendix I of the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Interim Feasibility Assessment). Average monthly flows for the lower Tazimina River as estimated within the above report are presented in Table 3-1. It should be emphasized that there are no long-term flow data for the Tazimina River. Continuous flow measurements were not intitated until June 3-1 TABLE 3-1 -AVERAGE MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS IN THE LOWER TAZIMINA RIVER Average Monthly Month Flow (cfs) Jan. 197 Feb. 115 March 113 April 110 May 761 June 2889 July 3254 Aug. 2737 Sept. 1844 Oct. 1388 Nov. 350 Dec. 350 3-2 '" - ... If!' III' .. , .' If, ... -- 1981. Therefore, the figures presented in Table 3-1 should be viewed only as estimates and will undoubtedly be subject to refinement as more measurements become available. 3.1.3 Water Quality and Limnology Little historical water quality and limnological data exist for Upper and Lower Tazimina Lakes, Tazimina River, and Sixmile Lake near the mouth of the Tazimina River. The information presented herein is based on a water quality and limnology survey conducted August 4 and 5, 1981. Six locations were sampled for water quality data (Figure 3-1). The Six mile Lake (near the mouth of the Tazimina River) and lower Tazimina River (at the Dames & Moore gaging station) sample sites were visited on August 4, 1981, via boat from Nondalton. The remaining sites were reached by float plane on August 5, 1981. These sites were the outlet of Upper Tazimina Lake, the inlet and outlet portions of Lower Tazimina Lake, and the upper Tazimina River above the U.S. Geological Survey gaging station. Water samples were collected at each site for laboratory analyses. Parameters measured in the field included dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, settleable solids, and alkalinity. Dissolved oxygen (YSI Model 57 D.O. Meter), pH (VWR Scientific Model 55 pH Meter), and conductivity (YSI Model 33 S-C-T Meter) values were measured by placing probes directly in the water to be tested. Temperature was also measured in situ using a thermometer graduated in 0.1°C increments and having the accuracy within the tolerances specified by the A.S. T .M. Values of the above parameters were recorded after they stabilized. Settleable solids values were recorded after the 1-hour settling period in Imhoff cones. Alkalinity was determined potentiometrically by securing a sample, measuring 100 ml with a volumetric flask, and titrating with standard sulfuric acid to the appropriate end- point. Values appearing in Table 3-4 are generally averages of three separate measurements. Laboratory samples were composited from at least three locations at each sample site. River sample stations were divided so that samples were collected near the right and left banks and from the center 3-3 R QUALITY SA .WATE MPLE STATIONS o J -~- I o 1 2 3 MILES Figure 3-1 QUALITY WATER LOCATIONS SAMPLE as three depth-integrated samples and then composited. Lake sample stations were treated in a similar manner because samples were collected at inlets or outlets. The lake temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles, however, were measured in deeper water approximately 100 meters (30 feet) from the inlet or outlet. Also, the laboratory sample for PCB's, pesticides, and herbicides was composited from six locations, three each at the upper and lower ends of Lower Tazimina Lake. Samples for laboratory analyses were placed in plastic or glass containers depending on the desired tests. Plastic bottles were rinsed in nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, or distilled water, and glass bottles were rinsed with an organic solvent (Table 3-2). All samples were placed in insulated containers to keep the samples cool during shipment to the laboratory. Table 3-3 presents the analytical method and detection limit for each parameter. Laboratory quality control measures were employed for each parameter using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reference standards and/or replicate analyses. Anion-cation balances performed on each sample indicate that the difference between the sums of the anions and cations falls within +1 standard deviation, or between acceptable limits. Field and office calculations data are presented in Table 3-4 for each site, and Table 3-5 and Figure 3-2 present temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles for the lake sample sites. Laboratory data appear in Tables 3-6 and 3-7. The water quality in the Tazimina system and Sixmile Lake at the time of sampling was similar. Because of the similarity, the following discussion generally does not differentiate between sample locations. Alkalinity and hardness values were low, pH was slightly acidic, and free carbon dioxide levels were low to moderate. Turbidity and total suspended solids levels were low, indicative of a clear water system. Settleable solids were less than the detection limit, 0.1 ml/l, at all sample stations. These low levels of solids and turbidity are particularly noteworthy since discharge, measured at the U. S. Geological Survey gaging station, was at its highest peak of the summer on August 4. Because solids 3-5 TABLE 3-2 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LIST OF BOTTLES, RINSE/PRESERVATIVE, AND PARAMETERS Polypropylene Bottle Distilled Water Rinse No Preservative Chloride Color Fluoride Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Turbidity polypropylene Bottle Distilled Water Rinse Nitric Acid Metals 3-6 Polypropylene Bottle Distilled Water Rinse Hydrochloric Acid Nitrogen Species Phosphate Species Polypropylene Bottle Distilled Water Rinse Zinc Acetate Sulfide Amber Glass Bottle Distilled Water Rinse Organic Solvent Rinse Organics ... TABLE 3-3 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DETECTION LIMITS Parameter PHYSICAL Color Conductivity HardnesEi pH Settleable Solids Temperature Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Turbidity METALS Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Strontium Zinc Method(l) SM 204A EPA 120.1 SM 314A EPA 150.1 EPA 160.5 EPA 170.1 SM 209C SM 209D SM 214A GF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA GF AA AA EPA 245.1 AA AA AA GF AA AA AA AA 3-7 Detection Limit(2) 5 Pt Color Units 1 ~mhos/cm @ 25°C 0.1 as CaC0 3 0.1 pH Unit 0.1 ml/l 0.1 °c 0.1 0.1 0.02 NTU 0.0002 0.01 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.002 0.005 0.0001 0.001 0.002 0.0002 0.02 0.005 0.002 0.0005 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 TABLE 3-3 (Continued) TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DETECTION LIMITS Parameter INORGANIC, NON-METALLICS Alkalinity Carbon Dioxide Ch1orid~ Fluoride Nitrogen, Ammonia Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite Oxygen, Dissolved Phosphate, Ortho Phosphate, Total Silica, Dissolved Silicon Sulfate Sulfide (1) SM--Standard Methods for water, 15th edition. Method (1) EPA 310.1 SM 406A SM 407C EPA 340.2 EPA 350.5 EPA 351. 3 EPA 352.1 EPA 354.1 EPA 360.1 EPA 365.3 EPA 365.3 SM 425C AA SM 426C SM 427D the Examination Detection Limit(2) 2 as caC0 3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01 1 0.02 1 0.1 of Water and Waste- EPA-Methods for Chemical Analysis of W~ter and Wastes, 1979. GF--Graphite Furnace AA--Atomic Absorption (2) Values in mg/l unless otherwise noted 3-8 - TABLE 3-4 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FIELD AND OFFICE CALCULATIONS DATA Field parameters(l) Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity, ~mhos/cm @25°C pH, pH Units Temperat,:ure, °C Settleable Solids, ml/l Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Office Calculations Hardness, Ca+Mg, as caC0 3 Carbon Dioxide D.O., % Saturation Field Parameters (1) Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity, ~mhos/cm @25°C pH, pH Units Temperature, °C Settleable Solids, ml/l Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Office Calculations Hardness, Ca+Mg, as CaC0 3 Carbon Dioxide D.O., % Saturation UTL 11.2 22 6.6 9.2 .<0.1 11 6.8 7 97 UTR 10.7 24 6.7 11. 9 <0.1 13 6.4 6 97 (1) Values in mg/1 unless otherwise noted Sample Sites. UTL-----Upper Tazimina Lake Near Outlet LTL-I---Lower Tazimina Lake Near Inlet LTL-I 11. 3 21 6.5 9.7 <0.1 12 6.6 9 98 LTR 10.1 23 6.2 12.1 <0.1 13 6.7 18 94 LTL-O---Lower Tazimina Lake At Outlet UTR-----Tazimina River Just Above USGS Gaging Station LTR-----Tazimina River At Dames & Moore· Staff Gage SML-----Sixmile Lake Near Mouth Of Tazimina River 3-9 LTL-O 11.3 23 6.8 11. 0 <0.1 12 6.8 5 98 SML 11.1 45 6.2 9.0 <0.1 27 20.0 40 95 TABLE 3-5 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TEt-1PERATURE AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN PROFILES Upper Tazimina Lake Lower Tazimina Lake Lower Tazimina Lake Sixmile Lake Near Near Outlet Near Inlet lIear Outlet Mouth of Tazimina River DeEth TemE D.O. %Sat TernE D.O. %Sat TemE D.O. %Sat TemE D.O. %Sat 1 9.6 11. 2 98 10.5 11.1 97 11.4 10.8 97 11. 0 10.3 93 5 9.5 11.2 97 9.5 11.5 99 11. 3 11. 0 98 9.7 10.9 96 10 9.4 11. 2 97 9.4 11. 5 98 11. 3 11.0 98 8.9 11.2 96 15 9.2 11. 3 97 9.4 11.5 98 11. 2 11. 0 98 8.2 11. 3 95 20 9.2 11.2 97 9.5 11.4 98 11.1 11.0 98 7.9 11.4 96 22 Bottom at 22 feet 7.8 11.5 96 \.N 25 9.1 11. 2 96 9.8 11.4 99 Bottom at 23 feet I 0 30 9.1 11.2 96 9.8 11.3 98 35 9.1 11. 2 96 9.8 11.3 98 40 9.2 11.2 97 9.8 11.0 95 45 9.1 11.1 96 Bottom at 43 feet 48 9.1 11.1 96 Bottom at 50 feet Note: Depth is in feet, temperature is in °C, 'dissolved oxygen is in mg/l, and %Sat represents percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen. o 10 20 SML 40 . ,'I • • I I \ \ • I I \ ~UTL \ • I • I • I • LTL-I . . . • . • LTL-O 50+---~----~--~--~----~--~--~~--~ 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 TEMPERATURE, °C Figure 3-2 I I I I i 10.0 10.5 DISSOLVED TEMPERATURE AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN PROFILES • ~ . · . I . · I ~ • · / · LTL-O I • / SML · . I · • /. . LTL-I I I ! UTL i i I ) I I 11.0 11.5 OXYGEN, mg/l TABLE 3-6 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, NUTRIENT, AND l-1ET AL P ARAMETE~S Parameters (1) UTL LTL-I LTL-O UTR LTR SML PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL Turbidity 0.35 0.50 0.30 0.50 2.5 1.4 Total Dissolved Solids 24 28 30 23 23 34 Total Suspended Solids 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 2.0 1.2 Chloride 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.4 Sulfate 6.4 7.1 7.8 6.2 6.5 8.3 DISSOLVED NUTRIENTS Total Phosphate, as P 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 VJ Ortho-Phosphate, as P 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 I N Total Nitrogen, as N <0.38 <0.23 <0.37 <0.20 <0.36 <0.16 Ammonia, as N 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 . Nitrite, as N <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Nitrate, as N 0.32 <0.10 0.31 0.14 0.30 <0.10 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, as N <0.05 0.12 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Silicon 1. 68 1. 64 1. 86 1. 79 1. 76 1. 63 DISSOLVED METALS Arsenic 0.0009 0.0010 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0008 Barium 0.18 0.04 0.11 <0.01 0.08 0.04 Calcium 2.220 2.117 2.136 1. 957 2.090 6.49 Cadmium <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 Chromium 0.006 <0.003 <0.003 0.010 <0.003 <0.003 Copper 0.003 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.007 0.003 I ~ , i 1 , .. ~ 'vJ I 'vJ TABLE 3-6 (Continu.ed) TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, NUTRIENT, AND METAL PARAl-1ETERS Parameters (1) UTL Iron <0.005 Mercury <0.0002 Potassium 6.2 Magnesium 0.316 Hanganese <0.002 Silver <0.002 Sodium 2.3 Nickel <0.005 Lead 0.0003 Selenium 0.0042 .Strontium 0.012 Zinc 0.006 (1) Values in mg/l unless otherwise noted Sample Sites UTL-----Upper Tazimina Lake Near Outlet LTL-I--Lower Tazimina Lake Near Inlet LTL-O--Lower Tazimina Lake Near Outlet LTL-I LTL-O 0.014 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.0002 1.8 3.0 0.309 0.347 0.003 <0.002 0.002 <0.002 5.5 5.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0033 0.0034 0.007 0.009 0.004 <0.001 UTR----Upper Tazimina River Above USGS Gaging Station LTR----Lower Tazimina River at Dames & Moore Staff Gage SML----Sixmile Lake Near Mouth of Tazimina River . UTR 0.016 <0.0002 1.8 0.360 <0.002 <0.002 2.3 <0.005 0.0002 0.0047 0.009 <0.001 LTR SML 0.011 0.027 <0.0002 <0.0002 4.3 3.2 0.358 0.92 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.003 2.4 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0001 0.0001 0.0033 0.0035 0.005 0.025 <0.001 0.009 VI I -" p , Parameters PCB's Phenoxy Acid Herbicides Organochlorides Parameters PCB's Arochlor 1016 (llg/l) Arochlor 1221 Arochlor 1232 Arochlor 1242 Arochlor 1248 Arochlor 1254 Arochlor 1260 ORGANOCHLORIDES Aldrin (llg/l) a BHC (llg/l) o BHC (llg/l) B BHC (llg/l) y BHC (llg/l) « Chlordane (llg/l) y Chlordane (llg/l) p,pl DOD (llg/l) .. " .. " " .. TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PCB'S, PESTICIDES, AND HERBICIDES Lower Tazimina Lake Composite Not Detected Not Detected Not Detected Detection Limits Parameters 0.05 PHENOXY. ACID HERBICIDES 2,4 0 (llg/l) " .. 2,4, 5 T (llg/l) .. " 2,4,. 5 TP (llg/l) .. .. 0.003 p,p1 DOE (llg/l) 0.002 p,pl DDT (llg/l) 0.004 « Endosulfan (llg/l) 0.004 B Endosulfan (llg/l) 0.002 Endrin ( llg/l) 0:005 Heptachlor (llg/l) 0.005 Heptachlor Epoxide (llg/l) 0.012 Toxaphene (llg/l) Methoxychlor (llg/l) Detection Limits 1. 0.5 0.5 0.006 0.016 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.004 0.40 0.01 levels and turbidity are directly related to discharge, the values measured on August 4 and 5 are likely to be among the highest levels measured in the Tazimina system. Concentrations of nutrients were low to moderate at all sites. Nitrite was not detected at any site, and ammonia was low at all sites. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen, the sum of ammonia and organic nitrogen, was only detected at the inlet of Lower Tazimina Lake. Consequently, this site was the only one hav ing a detectable concentration of organic nitrogen. Nitrate and ortho-phosphate concentrations were sufficient to provide for biological uptake at all sites except the inlet of Lower Tazimina Lake and Sixmile Lake. These sample locations exhibited nitrate concentrations less than the detection limit. Mineralization, as measured by conductivity and total dissolved solids, in the Tazimina system and Sixmile Lake was low. This is typical for fresh water in this part a f Alaska. Also, since these measurements were made during a period of high discharge, mineralization in the system would be at a minimum because of the typical inverse relationship between mineralization and discharge. The cation-anion composition of the water at the six sample locations is presented in Figure 3-3. The major anion at all sites is biocarbonate. Sodium and calcium are the major cations in Lower Tazimina Lake, Sixmile Lake, and upper Tazimina River. Sodium, calcium, and potassium are roughly equal in terms of milliequivalents per liter in Upper Tazimina Lake and lower Tazimina River. Cadmium, mercury, and nickel concentrations were less than their respective detection limits. The remaining potentially toxic trace elements, except copper, were below levels considered to be safe for the growth and propagation of freshwater aquatic organisms (ADEC 1979, EPA 1976, McNeely et al. 1979, Sittig 1981, and EPA 1980). Copper was 7 }Jg/I at the lower Tazimina River site, which exceeds the acceptable level of 5 }Jg/I presented by McNeely et ale (1979). However, EPA (1976) presents information stating 3-15 80 70 60 c::: LLJ .-...... ....J c::: LLJ c.. (/) 50 .-z: LLJ ....J c:c: > ...... ::::l 0- LLJ ...... ....J 40 ...J ...... :::E: ~ 0 V'l :: .-z: K LLJ 30 .- z ...... LLJ ....J c:c: u (/) 20 Na Mg 10 Ca o UTL N03 Cl Cl 5°4 5°4 5°4 5°4 K Na Na Na Mg HC0 3 HC0 3 Mg HC0 3 HC0 3 Ca Ca Ca LTL-I LTL-O UTR Figure 3-3 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CAnON-ANION COMPOSITION 5°4 Na N03 Cl Mg 1r¥ - K ;.;,., HC0 3 ... Na Ca HC0 3 .., Ca LTR 5ML that in most natural fresh waters in the United States copper concentrations below 25 ~g/l as copper evidently are not rapidly fatal for most common fish species. The copper concentration that would be fatal to fish in the lower Tazimina River must be in excess of 7 ~g/l because this section of the river supports an abundant fish population; or, this value was a laboratory error. One composite water sample was collected from Lower Tazimina Lake for organics analyses. PCB's, phenoxy acid herbicides, and organochloride pesticides concentrations in this sample were below their respective detec- tion limits (Table 3-3). The water quality in the Tazimina system and Sixmile Lake is pristine, and is characteristically clear, highly oxygenated, very soft, and low in alkalinity. Mineralization is low and nutrient concentrations are low to moderate. 3.1.4 Stream Temperature As with the chemistry' data, stream temperature data other than occa- sional spot measurements have only recently been obtained for the Tazimina River. Two Ryan model J-90 thermographs were installed July 26, 1981 at approximately River Miles 1.7 and 8.3 to record stream temperature data. Two Datapod model DP2321 dual channel temperature recorders were installed September 22 a~ River Miles 18 and 11.6 to monitor air and stream temper- atures. Four additional Datapod recorders were installed in mid-October to monitor air, stream, and intragravel temperatures (Figure 3-4). Maximum, minimum, and average daily stream and air temperatures are being obtained at two locations in the upper Tazimina basin: approximately 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles) below the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake (River Mile 18) and at the USGS stream gage (River Mile 11.6). The same informa- tion is being recorded at the mouth of the river canyon near the proposed powerhouse site (River Mile 8.3). In addition, the average four-hour stream and intragravel water temperatures are being recorded at three locations in the lower river where numerous sockeye salmon spawners were observed: Alexcy 3-17 Statiun J ·1 5 /) I,,, l:dl('(J/l'ulled 7/26 -10/12 10/15 - 10/15 - 10/15 - 10/15 - 10/15 -. . " c 1.-(l • Temperature Stn'am Stream and intrab'Tavel Stream and intrab'Tavel Stream Stream and intra(;Tavel Stream ;--~ ,--~ ;-- Station 7 8 9 10 11 )~ . , 1-._- Imlalled/PlIllpd T('rnperatllre 7/2(; . 10/1·1 ~trt'illll 10/15 -Str,'arn and air 10/14 -Stream and air !l/21 -10/12 Stn'Olm and air 10/12 -SLream and air S1/2} -10/12 Slrt'all1 and air . ~ ~~ --'--, Figure 3-4 LOCA TIONS OF TEMPERATURE STATIONS IN 1981 FIELD SEASON I ~ o 6 D.lllh'S & \fO(Ul' -,- Ryan tlH>rm oJ..:ra ph Data pod thpfln0J..:rapl\ Braid (River Mile 5.5), Hudson Braid (River Mile 2.3), and in a single channel reach of the mainstem below the Hudson Braid (River Mile 1.7). The Ryan thermographs, which were installed July 26 at River Miles 1.7 and 8.3, were reinstalled in the mainstem of the Tazimina River upstream (River Mile 5.7) and downstream (River Mile 4.8) of the Alexcy Braid to monitor anticipated groundwater influence on winter stream temperatures. Insufficient data and time were available as of this writing to provide a meaningful discussion of the seasonal variation of stream temperatures or the relationship between streamflow and intragravel water temperature. However, a cursory review of the available data indicates that mainstem river temperatures were approximately 10° to 12°C (50° to 54°F) from late July to mid-September, then rapidly dropped to the 2° to 4°C (36° to 39°F) range by early October (Tables 3-8 and 3-9). During the July through August period, mean daily water temperatures were approximately 0.5°C warmer at River Mile 1.7 than at River Mile 8.3. From mid-September through mid-October, mean daily stream temperatures are approximately 3°C cooler at River Mile 1.7 than the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake (River Mile 18). Daily temperature variations during August ranged from 0° to 2.1 °c at River Mile 8.3 and 0.2° to 3.3°C at River Mile 1.7 (Table 3-10). A repre- sentative summer daily temperature change for the lower river would be approximately 1° to 2°C. From late September through mid-October, daily temperature variations ranged from 0° to 1.0°C at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake, from 1° to 4.5°C at River Mile 11.6, and 0.2° to 2.0°C at River Mile 1.7 (Table 3-11). Representative fall daily temperature changes would be 0.5°C at the lake outlet and 1.5°C at River Mile 1.7. 3.2 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 3.2.1 Stream Uses Run-of-River Concept With the run-of-river concept, river flows would not be substantially altered except within the steep stream segment between the dam and 3-19 TABLE 3-8 MEAN DAILY STREAM TEMPERATURES (OC) AT TWO LOCATIONS ON THE TAZIMINA RIVER DURING JULY AND AUGUST 1981 July 1981 August 1981 . Canyon River Canyon River Hauth Mouth Mouth Mouth Date RM 8.3 RM 1.7 RM 8.3 RM 1.7 1 . 10.9 11.5 2 10.6 11.4 3 10.7 11.4 4 11.1 12.1 5 11.7 12.4 6 11.5 12.2 7 11. 7 12.3 8 11.7 12.4 9 11.7 12.4 10 11.5 12.2 11 11.2 11.9 12 11.2 11.9 13 10.9 11.1 14 10.5 11.0 15 10.0 10.5 16 10.2 10.7 17 10.0 10.4 18 10.0 10.4 19 10.1 10.5 20 9.6 10.0 21 9.7 10.7 22 10.0 10.5 23 10.1 10.5 24 10.0 10.3 25 10.6 11.5 26 12.2* 12.9* 11.3 11.9 27 11.9 12.6 11.2 1 t .• 8 28 11.7 12.3 11.2 12.0 29 11.4 11.9 ,11.1 11.8 30 11.0 11.6 10.7 11.1 31 11.0 11.6 10.8 11.4 *Thermograph ins talled July 26, 1981. 3-20 ... .. ... TABLE 3-9 MEAN DAILY STREAM TEMPERATURES (DC) AT FOUR LOCATIONS ON THE TAZIMINA RIVER DURING SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 1981 September 1981 October 1981 Lake USGS Canyon River Lake USGS Canyon River Outlet Gage Mouth Mouth Outlet Gage Mouth Mouth Date RH 18 RM 11.6 RM 8.3 RM 1.7 RM IS' RM 11.6 RM 8.3 R.J.'1 1. 7 1 10.9 11.7 7.0 4~5 ** 4.3 2 .10.8 11.5 7.0 4.0 4.2 3 10.6 ·11.1 7.0 5.0 5.0 4 10.7 11.2 7.0 3.5 3.6 5 10.8 11.5 6.0 3:0 2.7 6 10.7 11.2 6.0 2.5 2.3 7 10.7 11.0 5.5 2.5 2.4 8 10.6 11.0 5.0 1.5 1.4 9 10.5 10.6 5.0 2.0 1.7 10 10.2 10.7 5.0 1.5 1.6 11 10.3 10.7 5.5 3.5 3.2 12 10.3 10.4 5.5 4.0 *** 3.7*** 13 9.8 10.2 14 10.0 10.0 15 9.6 9.8 16 9.5 9.9 17 8.1 9.3 18 8.5 8.5 19 8.3 8.3 20 7.8 8.0 21 7.5* 7.2** 7.1 22 9.0* 7.5 6.9 23 9.0 7.5 7.4 24 9.0 7.5 6.8 25 8.5 7.0 6.2 26 8.5 6.0 6.0 27 8.5 6.5 6.3 28 8.0 6.0 5.6 29 7.5 5.0 5.1 30 7.5 4.0 4.5 * Thermograph installed July 26, 1981. ** Chart stopped September 21, 1981; thermograph removed October 12, 1981. *** Thermograph removed October 12, 1981. 3-21 Date Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TABLE 3-10 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM SUMMER STREAM TEMPERATURES (OC) AT TWO LOCATIONS ON THE TAZIMINA RIVER Canyon Mouth River Mouth River Mile 8.3 River Mile 1.7 Mmc Min AT Max Min 11.0 10.6 0.4 11.7 11.3 10.8 10.5 0.3 12.0 11.0 11.3 10.1 1.2 12.3 10.4 12.0 10.5 1.5 13.0 11.2 12.2 11.2 1.0 13.2 11.8 11.8 11.3 0.5 12.6 12.0 12.0 11.2 0.8 13.0 11.8 11.9 11.4 0.5 12.9 11.9 11.9 11.4 0.5 12.8 12.0 11.8 11.2 0.6 12.6 12.0 11.4 11.0 0.4 12.0 11.8 11.7 11.0 0.7 12.3 11.5 11.0 10.8 0.2 11.5 10.8 10.8 10~2 0.6 11.3 10.8 lOA 9.7 0.7 11.0 9.9 10.7 9.7 1.0 11.5 9.8 10.2 10.2 0.0 10.5 10.3 10.2 9.9 0.3 10.8 10.2 10.2 9.9 0.3 10.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 0.7 10.3 9.5 10.3 9.1 1.2 11.3 9.3 10.8 9.2 1.6 11.8 9.5 10.8 9.6 1.2 11.3 10.0 10.3 9.8 0.5 10.8 9.9 11.8 10.0 1.8 12.8 lOA 12.5 lOA 2.1 13.6 10.5 12.2 10.5 1.7 13.1 10.8 12.2 10.3 1.9 13.8 10.5 12.0 10.5 1.5 13.0 11.0 11.2 10.1 1.1 12.0 10.2 11.2 10.5 0.7 12.0 11.0 3-22 - AT 0.4 1.0 1.9 1.8 1.4 0.6 1.2 1.0 "'. 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.5 1.1 OIl' 1.7 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.0 2.3 1.3 0.9 2.4 3.1 2.3 3.3 2.0 1.8 1.0 Date Sept. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TABLE 3-11 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM FALL STREAM TEMPERATURES (OC) AT TWO LOCATIONS ON THE TAZIMINA RIVER Lake Outlet River l\louth River Mile 18.0 River Mile 1.7 Max Min AT Max Min AT 8.0 6.3 1.7 9.0 8.5 0.5 7.8 6.0 1.8 9.0 9.0 0.0 7.8 7.0 0.8 9.0 8.5 0.5 7.2 6.5 0.7 9.0 8.5 0.5 7.0 5.5 1.5 8.5 8.0 0.5 6.8 5.1 1.7 8.5 8.5 0.0 7.0 5.7 1.3 8.5 8.0 0.5 6.5 5.2 .1.3 8.0 7.5 0.5 5.8 4.5 1.3 7.5 . 7.0 0.5 5.2 3.8 1.4 7.0 7.0 0.0 4.2 3.5 0.7 7.0 6.5 0.5 5.0 3.2 1.8 7.5 7.0 0.5 5.4 4.6 0.8 7.5 6.5 1.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 6.5 6.0 0.5 3.4 2.2 1.2 6.0 5.5 0.5 2.8 2.0 1.8· 6.0 5.5 0.5 2.8 1.8 1.0 5.5 5.0 0.5 1.9 0.6 1.3 5.5 5.0 0.5 2.3 1.2 1.1 5.5 5.0 0.5 2.5 0.5 2.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 3.8 2.5 1.3 6.0 5.5 0.5 3.8 3.6 0.2 3-23 powerhouse. That portion of the Tazimina drainage upstream from the dam would not be affected. Impacts to existing stream uses downstream from the powerhouse such as recreational and subsistence fishing and navigation on the lower river would not be significant as a result of hydrological changes. Boat access to the lower canyon area for fishing and scenic viewing could be hampered. Enhanced access to the Tazimina River as a result of construction roadways could alter the extent of use and, thus, indirectly affect the ability of the river to support traditional use (see discussions in subse- quent chapters). Storage Concept The storage concept would significantly alter the flow regime within the Tazimina River below the dam. These alterations could affect fish resources as discussed in Chapter 4, and thus affect stream use. Navigability of the lower river could be enhanced since storage would cause moderation of extreme flows and water levels would not become extremely low. However, boat access to the falls area may be impossible at most times of the year. The Tazimina drainage upstream from the dam would be altered by the presence of the reservoir. Lower Tazimina Lake would become much larger. Traditional uses of this area would be affected to the extent that fish and game populations may be affected. In addition, the fluctuating water level would hamper shore-based recreational activities. Possible biological impacts are discussed in Chapter 4. Enhanced access to the Tazimina River could increase human use and, thus, indirectly affect the ability of the river to support traditional •• "', tt,r uses. ~ 3.2.2 Streamflow Run-of-River Concept The proposed local run-of-river project would withdraw water from behind a small diversion dam and discharge through a powerhouse at the mouth of the 3-24 ... canyon (River Mile 8.3). Average monthly generating flows would range between 58 and 111 cfs; with diversions to meet peak monthly power demands ranging as high as 166 cfs (Critikos, personal communication). Streamflow diversions to meet generating requirements for the proposed run-of-river project would reduce average monthly streamflows through a 2-kilometer (1.2-mile) river segment above the mouth of the canyon, but would not affect streamflows below the powerhouse (Table 3-12). Under postproject conditions, long-term average monthly streamflows within the canyon during the May through October period would be reduced from 2 to 10 percent. Due to the steep rapids and adjoining pools in the canyon, reductions in streamflow of such magnitudes are not anticipated to significantly change the range of depths and velocities normally found in the river canyon during this period of the year. However, if unseasonably low flows occur during late summer and early fall, diversions to the powerhouse would cause wider short-term deviations from natural flow conditions. Insufficient data are available to describe the annual variability of streamflows in the Tazimina River. Therefore, a determination cannot be made as to the effect of the powerhouse diversion on streamflow through the canyon during years of unseasonably low flow. The most significant reduction in long-term average monthly streamflow (30 to 96 percent) would occur between November and the end of April. The effect of decreased winter streamflows on depth and velocities is diffi- cult to forecast due to the presence of ice in the river channel. However, in some years the river between the dam and powerhouse would probably be dry during the late winter months. The presence of ice in a river channel causes a backwater effect, which results in slower velocities and greater depths than would otherwise be associated with that streamflow. Although not observed, the formation of slush ice and anchor ice is expected to be an annual occurrence in the Tazimina River canyon. This would result in a greater depth of flow than 3-25 TABLE 3-12 PRE-AND POSTPROJECT STREAMFLOWS FOR LOCAL RUN-OF-RIVER DEVELOPMENT Generating Flow Postproject Flow Percent Reduction Preproject (cfs) in Canyon (cfs) Pre to Postproject Month (cfs) Avg. Peak Avg. Peak Avg. Peak .. January 197 105 139 92 58 53 70 .. February 115 111 139 4 96 100 .... March 113 89 132 24 79 100 .. April 110 83 111 27 75 100 ... May 761 74 111 687 650 10 15 -June 2889 65 69 2824 2820 2 2 '" , July 3254 58 76 3196 3178 2 2 lilt August 2737 72 138 2665 2599 3 5 .' September 1844 87 125 1757 1719 5 7 October 1388 94 139 1294 1249 7 10 .' November 350 105 145 245 205 30 41 - December 350 105 166 245 184 30 47 --- 3-26 would exist for a similar discharge during the open water season. The magnitude of the increase in depth caused by ice under preproject conditions is unknown. Reduced postproject streamflows may increase the formation of anchor and slush ice in the Tazimina River canyon. The depth of flow associated with such a condition is also unknown. Since the magnitude of backwater effects associated with pre-and postproject icing conditions is unknown, the effect of streamflow reductions on depths and velocities cannot be estimated. With respect to preproject conditions, it is impossible to determine if the depth would increase or decrease under postproject conditions. Storage Concept An 18-meter (60-foot) high dam would be constructed at River Mile 13.1 to impound water and provide total regulation of streamflow from the upper two thirds of the Tazimina River basin. This impoundment would increase the surface area size of Lower Tazimina Lake from 1,659 hectares (4,100 acres) to 3,319 hectares (8,200 acres), principally be inundating three existing pond ages on the Tazimina River between the dam site and outlet to Lower Tazimina Lake. The water surface elevation of Lower Tazimina Lake is expected to increase by 14 meters (45 feet; from 197 to 210 meters [645 to 690 feet]). Water would be withdrawn into a closed conduit at the storage dam, travel through a powerhouse located at approximate River Mile 8.3, and be returned to the Tazimina River. Tazimina River Canyon -Natural streamflow in the Tazimina River canyon would be drastically altered throughout the year. Streamflows would either be stored behind the dam or diverted around this river segment in a closed conduit to the powerhouse. An unknown amount of flow would likely occur from surface runoff and groundwater inflow to the river channel below the dam. Although this flow is expected to be relatively insignificant, the river canyon is not expected to become dewatered. Several deep scour holes exist in the river canyon. These holes would retain relatively large volumes of water even when streamflows were extremely small. 3-27 Spills are expected from the reservoir during late summer and early fall. These spills could provide appreciable but temporary flow in the canyon segment. Spills are not expected to occur every year; it is most likely they would occur during years of high runoff or in association with intense summer rainstorms. Below the Powerhouse -Streamflows below the powerhouse would be reduced during summer months (probably June through September) and augmented during the winter months (November through April). Since very little natural flow is expected through the river canyon, it is most likely that winter stream- flows below the powerhouse would be very close to actual generation flows. Any power peaking or daily load factoring that might occur would be directly ev idenced in dail y or weekI y streamflow patterns. Field investigations during October 1981 documented the inflow of approximately 50 cfs of ground water in the Alexc y Braid. This is probably a very significant factor in maintaining preproject winter base flows in the lower river. However, postproject generation flows are quite likely to negate the importance of groundwater inflows in maintaining mid-winter streamflows. Summer streamflows below the powerhouse would be the sum of the power- house outflows plus the streamflow at the mouth of the Tazimina River canyon. Generally speaking, powerhouse outflows are not expected to dominate daily or weekly streamflow patterns during the summer months to the same degree as during the winter months. Snowmelt runoff entering the river channel below the dam site, reservoir spills, and rainstorm runoff would combine with powerhouse out flows at various times during the open water season to shape the postproject, summer streamflow pattern. Because the single channeled sections of the Tazimina River are rela- tively uniform in gradient and rectangular in cross-section, significant changes in streamflow have relatively little effect on the top width or wetted area of the channel. The most apparent changes are associated with depth and velocity (Table 3-13). 3-28 .. ... - .' .. .. .. .... Date Aug 11 Aug 29 oct 13 Streamflow cfs 2,415 1,582 664 TABLE 3-13 COMPARISON OF HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS FOR SELECTED DISCHARGES IN A SINGLE CHANNEL SEGMENT OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER* Top Width m (ft) 68 (223) 66 (217) 65 (214) Average Velocity fps 4.3 3.7 2.3 Average Depth m (ft) 0.8 (2.5) 0.6 (2.0) 0.4 (1.3) *Information derived from actual discharge measurements. 3-29 Flow Area m2 (ft2) 52 (557) 40 (429) 26 (284) Hydraulic conditions within the braided reaches of the Tazimina River are more affected by changes in streamflow than the single channel segments, but not as much as one might initially suspect. Aerial surveys, staff gage readings, and streamflow measurements were used as a basis for determining the discharge required to maintain surface flow from the mainstem into the side channel braids (Table 3-14). Because of its apparent susceptibility to being dewatered, the Alexcy side channel was selected as an index station. Staff gage readings and discharge measurements were periodically obtained to describe flow conditions in this side channel for corresponding levels of flow in the mainstem. As mainstem flows receded in September, this side channel was one of the first to be cut off from the mainstem and its upstream end. Overflights during the October 13 -19 field study indicated that numerous side channels in the Alexcy and Hudson Braids were either flowing or wetted by intragravel seepage and ponded water but the index station in the Alexcy Braid was substantially dewatered. Therefore, we concluded that mainstem streamflows of 1,000 cfs would provide access for fish throughout most of the existing side channel braids in the lower 10 kilometers (6.5 miles) of the Tazimina River. And, mainstem streamflows in excess of 600 cfs would prevent most of the side channels from being significantly dewatered at their upper end. No winter field investigations have yet been conducted. Hence the degree to which side channels currently dewater during winter months is unknown. However, field observations and streamflow measurements made during October strongly suggest that groundwater inflows maintain base flow in many of the side channels. 3.2.3 Water Quality and Limnology Run-of-River Concept Construction details have not been developed; therefore, construction impacts cannot be analyzed in detail. Construction-induced erosion would be the source of greatest potential impact to water quality and would continue 3-30 - - - ..,. ... Date July 26 August 11 August 12 August 17 August 19 August 28 August 29 September 21 September 25 October 13 October 19 TABLE 3-14 COMPARISON OF ALEXCY BRAID SIDE CHANNEL FLOWS TO TAZIMINARIVER STREAMFLOWS Gage Height m (ft) 0.38 (1.25) 0.37 (1.24) 0.39 (1.28) 0.42 ( 1.40) 0.40 (1.34) 0.13 (0.44) 0.10 (0.35) Dewatered Dewatered Dewatered Dewatered Sidechannel Flow cfs 118 105 8.9 3-31 USGS Gage cfs 2,400 2,380 2,460 2,840 2,470 1,500 1,450 718 654 493 556 until all disturbed areas are stabilized. Construction activity could cause considerable siltation and turbidity, and a possible increase in nutrients. The magnitude and duration of these effects would vary and would be propor- tional to the amount of erosion, gradient, distance from the disturbance to a stream or lake, and erosion control techniques. The ultimate impact of these effects would be reflected in terms of their impact on aquatic biota. It is not known whether the construction work force would be housed in Nondalton or in a temporary camp onsite. Some impact to water quality, either on or offsite, would be expected from water usage and the disposal of sanitary wastes during construction. Some water use would be required during construction, other than for domestic use. Water for mixing concrete would probably be supplied from the Tazimina River. Water used to clean concrete mixing and handling equipment could adversely impact water resources if improperly discharged. The method for disposal of this water is not known but effluents would have to meet State and federal guidelines. The impact of solid waste disposal on water resources should be negli- gible since solid waste would be contained, and removed from the area or incinerated and buried in approved land fills. Accidents such as oil leaks or spills and upsets in waste treatment could affect water quality in local areas. Upsets in waste treatment facil- ities and/or improper waste disposal would increase the BOD and nutrient loading and possibly introduce undesirable elements into the Tazimina drain- age. The magnitude of impact would be proportional to the volume of waste and duration of upset. Spills or leaks of petroleum products reaching a water course would adversely affect water quality by inhibiting atmospheric reaeration. Also, the light fraction from petroleum products would dissolve in the water column, thereby potentially affecting biota. The duration and magnitude of impact would depend on the season, length of time the spill or leak continues, volume, type of product, and location, as well as the effect- iveness and timeliness of containment and cleanup. 3-32 ... .. .' Operation and maintenance of the proposed hydroelectric facility should h~ve little effect on the water quality of the Tazimina River. Downstream from the powerhouse discharge, alkalinity, pH, and free carbon dioxide would be at levels similar to existing values. Dissol ved oxygen concentrations would probably be slightly lower because most of the water would bypass the existing falls. Dissolved oxygen below the falls is probably supersaturated at the present time. Turbulence in the powerhouse and tailrace could offset this effect depending on the final tailrace design. Storage Concept Construction-induced water quality impacts would be similar to those described for the run-of-river concept except that the potential magnitude would be much greater because of the larger dam size and much greater com- plexity of the construction effort. It is assumed that river water would be diverted away from the construc- tion area during dam construction and, thus, would be relatively unaffected until dam completion. During reservoir filling, river flows would be much reduced and some degradation in water quality could occur at this time. Water quality in the section of creek between the dam and powerhouse may experience short-term degradation because of the wide range in potential discharge during low flow periods. For example, conductivity would. be higher during low flow periods. These effects should not adversely affect water quality in the lower Tazimina River because of the dilution factor of the powerhouse discharge. Creation of a reservoir above the dam would greatly increase the size of Lower Tazimina Lake and change its limnological characteristics. Shallow inundation of vegetated areas would lead to decay of organic material, depletion of dissolved oxygen and possible release of some nutrients. Because of the circulation through the lake and cold water temperatures, it is unlikely that these water quality changes would be significant except in localized areas. Localized oxygen depletion would be most likely to occur 3-33 during the winter. Some shore erosion and increased turbidity could occur as a result of wave action on unstable shorelines. 3.2.4 Stream Temperature Run-of-River Concept Since a storage reservoir would not be constructed as part of the proposed run-of-river project, stream temperatures would not be influenced by an upstream impoundment. Stream temperature is most influenced by solar radiation, surface area of the stream, and ambient air temperature. Reach velocity only becomes an important factor influencing water temperature when very large changes in velocity are anticipated. The anticipated effects of the proposed powerhouse diversions on the surface area and reach velocity of the river during the period May through September would result in insignificant changes in stream temperature. Although no data have been reviewed, preproject winter stream temper- atures in the canyon area are expected to be near zero. The proposed 30 to 96 percent reduction in winter streamflow through the canyon is not expected to result in substantially colder mid-winter stream temperatures. However reduced streamflows during the period October through December are likely to accelerate the cooling process, causing stream temperatures in the canyon to reach the near zero mark, and ice to begin forming in the channel earlier in the year. Storage Concept Unless a special intake structure is installed in the dam, it is quite likely that the postproject stream temperatures would be significantly di fferent from preproject temperatures. Although very Ii ttle temperature data are available for the Tazimina River, it is anticipated that winter stream temperatures are near zero, and intragravel temperatures are between 3-34 .... • ... • ., .... 0 0 and 4°C (32 0 and 39°F). Summer stream temperatures during summer 1981 ranged from 8 0 to 12°C (46 0 to 54°F). In general, the proposed reservoir is expected to narrow the overall range between winter and summer stream temperatures. The proposed dam would increase the surface area of Lower Tazimina Lake from 1,659 to 3,319 hectares (4,100 to 8,200 acres) and provide a live storage volume of approximately 184,000 acre-feet. The reservoir is expected to be at high pool elevation in August and at low pool elevation in May. Depending upon the previous year's snowfall and the amount of carry-over in live pool storage, this might represent a reservoir draw down of 9 to 12 meters (30 to 40 feet). Solar radiation, wind action, and inflow to the reservoir are expected to provide ample mixing action. Mid-summer temperatures in the upper 11 to 12 meters (35 to 40 feet) of the reservoir should be quite uniform and similar to preproject water temperatures in the upper 11 meters of Lower Tazimina Lake. Thus, stream temperatures during mid~summer and early fall below the powerhouse are expected to be similar to preproject stream temperatures (in the 8 0 to 12°C range). Dur ing late fall and early winter (late September and November), lake temperatures would cool, and theoretically stratify with surface water temperatures near zero and the underlying water at 4°C (39°F). At the beginning of this period, the reservoir would be nearly full and lake temperatures at the 9 to 12-meter depth would not likel y diffe r from August temperatures. Unless large spills occurred at the dam, nearly all the streamflow below the powerhouse would originate from a depth 0 f 11 to 12 meters beneath the reservoir surface, and be shielded from contact with outside air temperatures until released into the river channel from the powerhouse. As a result, it is quite likely that under postproject condi- tions late September and earl y October stream temperatures would be in the range of 7 0 to 10°C (45 0 to 50°F); November and December temperatures in the 4 0 to 6°C (39 0 to 43°F) range. 3-35 During winter the surface water temperature in the reservoir is expected to be near zero. However, temperatures in the reservoir at the depth of the outlet are likely to be in the range of 4°C. Hence, winter (January to April) stream temperatures below the powerhouse would be in the range of 4°C. Winter stream temperatures would remain about 4°C until the reservoir was drawn down to a level at which the colder surface water would enter the outlet. Some degree of mixing would likely take place in the reservoir near the outlet. Thus it is doubt ful that the temperature of the powerhouse out flows would suddenly drop from 4°C to zero. However, downstream water temperatures could become slightly cooler than 4°C during May when the reservoir is at its greatest drawdown. The temperature of powerhouse out- flows may then range betwen 1° and 3°C (34° and 37°F). 3-36 .. REFERENCES ADEC, 1979. Water quality standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska, 34 pp. EPA, 1976. Quality criteria for water. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 255 pp. EPA, 1980. Guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Register, 45, 79318-79379 (November 28, 1980). McNeely, R.N., V.P. Neimanis, and L. Dwyer, 1979. Water quality sourcebook-- a guide to water quality parameters. Envionment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ottawa, Canada, 88 pp. Sittig, Marshall, 1981. Handbook of toxic and hazardous chemicals. Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 729 pp. 3-37 4.0 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 4.1 EXISTING CHARACTERISTICS 4.1.1 Terrestrial Communities ! Vegetation A detailed description of the structure and floristic composition of each vegetation type and its distribution within the study area is given in Appendix A. Generally, the vegetation can be characterized as interior Alaska boreal forest throughout most of area below 610 meters (2000 feet) elevation with white spruce (Picea glauca) and paper birch (Betula paperifera) forest, black spruce (Picea mariana) woodlands, and several low shrub (heath) communities. The lowland areas adjacent to the lower Tazimina River and on old floodplain terraces appear to be quite dry and wind blown. They support large low shrub stands, principally of dwarf birch (Betula ~), bog blue- berry (Vaccinium uliginosum), labrador tea (Ledum decumbens), and lichens (Cetraria spp., Cladonia spp., Peltigera spp., Stereocaulon spp.). The low shrub areas are interspersed with both white and black spruce trees but total cover is lower than that required for a forest woodland classification. The spruce and birch components are more developed within small microsites that are more sheltered from the wind and have adequate moisture. Many of the trees on the exposed ridges show signs of flagging, a result of high wind stress. The lower, poorly drained areas along Sixmile Lake and north of the river mouth also are dominated by low shrub but have a high percentage of cottongrass (Eriophorum spp.) and sedges (Carex spp.) and resemble wet tundra types. The vegetation immediately adjacent to the lower Tazimina River is strikingly different from the surrounding area and is dominated by mixed 4-1 stands of white spruce and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) with a willow dominated shrub layer on younger terraces and mixed white spruce/paper birch stands on older, less cobbly surfaces. Dense stands of tall shrubs, principally felt-leafed willow (Salix alexensis) occur in areas of periodic flooding and have a lush understory of grasses (Calamagrostis canadensis) and forbs. The mountainous area surrounding the Lower Tazimina and Upper Tazimina Lakes is covered by several plant communities according to slope, aspect and moisture regime. Aspect appears to be the major factor in the distribution of plant communities. The floor of the valley is largely coniferous woodland with dwarf birch, heath and lichen dominating the understory. In areas with northern exposure or poor drainage, the dominant species is black spruce with occasional white spruce. White spruce dominates in areas of slightly better drainage and along streams. Deciduous paper birch forests are best developed on upland colluvial slopes, especiall y on south facing slopes. These stands do have a small percentage of white spruce along with a luxuriant understory of bluejoint grass (Calamagrostis canadensis) and feathermoss (Pleurozium schreberi, ptilium crista-castrensis, Dicranum spp.). In areas of less favorable conditions, primarily along the north side of the lakes, the white spruce becomes more prevalent and develops into a mixed forest type. Tall shrub communities of alder (Alnus sinuata) and willows (Salix spp.) occur in conjunction with rich stands of bluejoint in open subalpine areas. In areas of abundant moisture from late-melting snow fields, a very diverse complement of understory species develops. The alpine area, generally above 762 meters (2500 feet), supports shrub tundra and mat and cushion tundra formations dominated by crowberry, bear- berry (Arctostaphylos alpina), narrow-leafed Laborador tea, white mountain avens (Dryas octapetala) , prostrate willows (Salix arctica, S. glauca) and bog blueberry. At higher elevation, vegetation appeared rather sparse with many barren areas and fell field habitats. In areas 0 f late-melting snow 4-2 ... .. .. - t-' fields, a much more diverse plant community develops with leutkea (Leutkea pectinata), Alaskan cassiope (Cassiope lycopodiodes) and several forb species. Riparian areas along tributaries of Lower Tazimina Lake typically have either low shrub communities of sweet gale (Myrica gale), willows, and shrubby cinquefoil (Potentilla fruiticosa) or white spruce and balsam poplar with a dense understory of willow. Pure stands of willow occur in areas of frequent flooding. Freshwater marshes are rather limited around Lower Tazimina Lake. The largest marsh occurs at the head of the lake where beaver ponds and backwater sloughs provide standing water. Emergent vegetation consists of sedges (Carex aquatilus, .£:. rostratus) and some yellow pond lilies (Nuphar polysepalum) • Centers of late successional stage bogs also support small areas of emergent vegetation. From a successional standpoint, it can probably be assumed that the composition of the major upland plant communities is relatively stable. Some long-term change may be occurring but would not be significant from a practical standpoint. Plant communities within riparian and lakeshore areas are more dynamic because of the intermittant perturbations created by flooding, beaver activit y, and stream channel erosion. Local changes in vegetation type can occur frequently in riparian zones but the overall character of the riparian habitats would be expected to remain consistent in the absence of artificial watershed alteration. Birds Considerable data on the birds of this region are available from prev- ious studies of the Iliamna Lake area (Williamson and Peyton 1962), Katmai National Park (Cahalane 1944) and the Lake Clark National Park area (Racine and Young 1978)". The work of Williamson and Peyton (1962) is the most comprehensive and most applicable to the study area. This study categorized the local bird species according to their affinity for ecological formations 4-3 or habitat types. This region was found to support a mixture of bird species typical of the moist coniferous forest (5 species), coniferous forest (38 species) and tundra biome (20 species). Observations of birds were recorded during the August 1981 field season on an opportunistic basis in conj unction with other field projects. The observations were not sufficient to make any definitive statements on the avifauna of the study area but they generally concured with the findings of prev ious studies. A species list including previously documented birds as well as birds observed during the 1981 studies is given on Table 4-1. A total of 103 species were documented in the Lake Iliamna area by Williamson and Peyton (1962) and an additional eight species were found in the Lake Clark area (Racine and Young 1978). Mammals Mammals of the Tazimina Lake area and the Bristol Bay region are largely representative of interior boreal forest ecosystems. A total of 15 species were documented within the study area during the field season in August 1981. An additional 20 species, which were not observed during this study, could occur in small numbers or at least occasionally inhabit the region. A tentative list of mammals of this region is given in Table 4-2. Tazimina River Drainage - A qualitative small mammal trapping study was undertaken to determine species composition and habitat preference of common small mammal species. The results indicated that the red-backed vole (Clethr~onomys rutilus) and the masked shrew (Sorex cinereus) were the most abundant small mammals and occur throughout a wide range of habitat types. Other major mammal species of the study area include beavers (Castor canadensis), fox (Vulpes fulva), black bear (Ursus americana), brown bear (Ursus arctos), moose (Alces alces), caribou (Rangifer arcticus) and Dall sheep (Ovis dalli}. 4-4 .. TABLE 4-1 AVIFAUNA OF THE LAKE ILIAMNA AND LAKE CLARK REGION *Common loon *Arctic loon Red-throated loon Red-necked grebe Double-crested cormorant *Whistling swan Canada goose *Mallard Pintail Green-winged teal American wigeon Shoveler Greater scaup *Common goldeneye Barrow's goldeneye *Har lequin duck White-winged scoter Surf scoter Black scoter *Red-breasted merganser Goshawk Sharp-shinned hawk Rough-legged hawk Golden eagle "Bald eagle Marsh hawk Osprey Gyrfalcon Peregr ine falcon Merlin Spruce grouse Willow ptarmigan Rock ptarmigan White-tailed ptarmigan Semipalmated plover Golden plover Black-bellied plover Surfbird Black turnstone *Common snipe *Spotted sandpiper Wandering tattler "Greater yellowlegs Least sandpiper Short-billed dowitcher Northern phalarope Parasitic jaeger Long-tailed jaeger *Glaucous-winged gull Herring gull *Mew gull Bonaparte's gull Arctic tern Marbled murre let *Great horned owl Hawk owl "Birds observed on 19B1 field trip. Great gray owl Short-eared owl Boreal owl Saw-whet owl "Belted kingfisher "Hairy woodpecker Downy woodpecker Black-backed three-toed woodpecker "Northern three-toed woodpecker Say's phoebe Horned lark Traill's flycatcher Violet-green swallow Tree swallow Bank swallow Barn swallow Cli ff swallow "Gray jay "Black-billed magpie "Common raven "Black-capped chickadee Boreal chickadee "Dipper Brown creeper "Robin Varied thrush Wheatear "Hermit thrush Swainson's thrush Gray-cheeked thrush Arctic warbler Ruby-crowned kinglet Golden-crowned kinglet Water pipit "Bohemian waxwing "Northern shrike Orange-crowned warbler "Yellow warbler Yellow-rumped warbler Blackpoll warbler Northern waterthrush Wilson's warbler Rusty blackbird "Common redpoll Pine grosbeak Pine siskin White-winged crossbill Savannah sparrow "Dark-eyed junco Tree sparrow "White-crowned sparrow "Golden-crowned sparrow Fox sparrow Lincoln's sparrow Lapland longspur Snow bunting Source: '.~illiamson and Peyton 1962, Racine and Young, 1978. 4-5 TABLE 4-2 MAMMALS OF THE LAKE ILLIAMNA AND LAKE CLARK AREAS Order Insectivora (Shrews) *Sorex cinereus -Masked shrew S. obscurus -Dusky shrew S. palustris -Northern water shrew Microsorex hoyi -Pigmy shrew Order Chiroptera (Bats) Myotis lucifugus -Little brown bat Order Lagomorpha Ochotona collaris -Pika *Lepus americanus -Shoeshoe hare Order Rodentia (Rodents) Marmota caligata -Hoary marmot *Citellus perryii -Arctic ground squirrel *Tamiasciurus hudsonicus -Red squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus -Northern flying squirrel *Castor canadensis -Beaver ~ynaptomys borealis -Northern bog lemming Lemmus trimucronatus -Brown lemming *Clethrionomys rutilus -Red-backed vole Microtus pennsylvanicus -Meadow vole Microtus oeconomus -Tundra vole Ondatra zibethicus -Muskrat ~apus hudsonius -Meadow jumping mouse Erethizon dorsatum -Porcupine Order Carnivora Canis latrens -Coyote **Canis lupus -Wolf *Vulpes fulva -Red fox *Ursus americana -Black bear *Ursus arctos -Brown Bear Martes americana -Marten Mustela erminea -Short-tailed weasel M. rixosa -Least weasel *~ vison -Mink Gulo gulo -Wolverine **Lutra canadensis -River otter **Lynx canadensis -Lynx Order Artiodactyla *Alces alces -Moose *Rangifera arcticus -Caribou Ovis dalli -Dall sheep *Mammals observed during 1981 field trip (directly or indirectly) at Tazimina Lake. **Additional mammals observed by Richard Russell (ADF&G) at Tazimina Lake. Source: (Manville and Young 1965, Racine and Young 1978, Russell 1979). 4-6 ... .' .. '" ... ," Beaver are distributed widely in suitable habitat along the lower and upper Tazimina River, drainages of Roadhouse Mountain, tributaries of the Lower Tazimina Lake and in a few small upland ponds on the north side of Lower Tazimina Lake. A total of 15 active beaver lodges were located by aerial survey of the watershed but actual numbers may be higher. Evidence of fox activity was found in several areas along Lower Tazimina Lake and one active den site was located near the falls on the lower river. Fox appeared to be quite common throughout the area. Black bears were observed twice during the study period but did not appear to be abundant. This region is near the southern limit of their range in western Alaska (Manville and Young 1965). Brown bears were one of the most commonly observed large mammals in the area. Bear were seen mostly along salmon streams such as the lower Tazimina River and the main tributary of Alexcy Lake. Several bears were also seen in the open, low shrub areas on the lower slopes o~ Roadhouse Mountain and in sub-alpine areas. Both adults and sub-adults were using the area during August. A small number of moose were sighted in the Tazimina drainage with most of the animals concentrated along the upper Tazimina River between the upper and lower lakes. Five individuals, probably residents of the watershed, were counted on aerial surveys on August 22. The total population of the water- shed is probably somewhat higher. Caribou occurred in small numbers, usually one or two throughout the open lowland area along the old floodplain of the lower Tazimina River and the lower foothills of Roadhouse Mountain. Caribou are known to occa- sionally occur in this area throughout the year but much higher numbers are found west of the Newhalen River. No major wintering concentrations are known to use this particular area. 4-7 The Tazimina watershed is at the fringe of the southern range of the Dall sheep in western Alaska. Sheep are occasionally seen in the alpine areas of the mountains along the north side of the lakes. Aerial surveys in 1968 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game documented 21 adults and 3 lambs above Upper Tazimina Lake but subsequent surveys in 1973 documented only 5 sheep (personal communication, Dick Sellers, ADF&G). It is likely that no sheep reside in the area year-round. No sheep were seen during the field survey in August. Bristol Bay Region -In order to aid in siting transmission corridors, big game and other wildlife use areas within the Bristol Bay region have been outlined on Plate I along with other resource values. Information was obtained through the literature, interviews with ADF&G personnel, and aerial surveys conducted in September 1981. Habitat Evaluation of Lower Tazimina Lake ,Area Wildli fe habitats were evaluated within and adjacent to the proposed reservoir area in order to assess potential impacts of inundation. Habitat quality was delineated for key species (beaver, brown bear, moose and caribou). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1980) has developed indices of suitablity for selected Alaska mammals as related to various habitat para- meters. These suitability curves provided the basis for determining optimum quality habitats. Habitat parameters used to evaluate habitat quality for each key species are presented in Table 4-3. For each parameter, values corresponding to the upper end of the suitability curves (index 0.8 -1.0) were identified and defined as optimum. Optimum habitats were then identified based on a composite of the various vegetation, physical charac- teristics, and life requisite factors listed in Table 4-3. This delineation was not dependent on actual usage but rather on those criteria that would provide quality habitat. Beaver -Major habitat requirements for beaver revolve around abundant food species (primarily willow and poplar) and low stream gradient necessary 4-8 • ",., ... ....' - .. .' .. .. .. .. SPECIES Beaver Brown Bear Moose Caribou TABLE 4-3 MAJOR HABITAT PARAMETERS USED TO EVALUATE VEGETATION TYPES FOR WILDLIFE HABITAT MAJOR HABITAT CRITERIA t Percent cover by willow, poplar, birch Average DBH Distance to willow, poplar, birch Sinuosity of flowing water Percent Arctagrostis, Calamagrostis, Equisetum Percent berry producing plants Percent alder and willow cover Distance to salmon stream Dominant browse species Percent shrub and sampling cover (in forest) Crown cover Dominant forest type Herbaceous ground cover Interspersion with feedings and cover habitat Sedge and grass composition Lichen cover Shrub community Forbs in ground cover Source: USFWS 1980. 4-9 for dam construction. The highest quality beaver habitat was found along tributary streams that feed into Lower Tazimina Lake, along the braided streambeds of the upper Tazimina River (between the lakes) and along the lower Tazimina River (Figures 4-2 and 4-3). No significant beaver activity was noticed within Lower Tazimina Lake, suggesting lower habitat quality compared with the tributaries. The drainages of Roadhouse Mountain that run just south of the lower Tazimina River into Alexcy Lake also provide good habitat for beaver. Upland terraces along the northern shore of Lower Tazimina Lake provide some beaver habitat, but only a few areas were actually used. The mouths of tr ibutaries along the lake were used by beaver but activity along the lake shore was minimal. Optimum habitat was generally restricted to areas along streams and braided rivers. Moose -Moose are primarily associated with upland shrub and lowland bog communities and early successional communities created by disturbance (LeResche et a!. 1974). Percent willow, percent sapling and shrub cover, and interspersion with wetlands were the major considerations in this evalu- ation. Areas of high quality moose habitat were generally limited to the riparian open spruce forest between Upper and Lower Tazimina Lakes, mixed spruce-birch forests and tall shrub communities along the tributaries of the lower lake, the aluv ium of the lower Tazimina River, and along the tributaries to Lake Alexcy (Figures 4-4 and 4-5). The spruce woodlands around most of Lower Tazimina Lake were ranked less suitable due to the lack of low willows and lack of cover. Snow depth may limit the amount of winter habitat around the upper portion of Lower Tazimina Lake but this was the only area where significant "hedging" of browse species was noticed. Most all observations of moose occurred either in riparian or aquatic habitats at the head of Lower Tazimina Lake. 4-10 • ""," ... • ~:::?:.?:/:~;: ....... : • ! .-..... -..... -........ OPTIMUM QUALITY HABITAT FOR BROWN BEAR AND BEAVER Lower Tazimina River Area Figure 4-2 OPTIMUM QUALITY HABITAT FOR BROWN BEAR AND BEAVER Lower Tazimina Lake Area Figure 4-3 OPTIMUM QUALITY HABIT AT FOR MOOSE Lower Tazimina River Area Figure 4-4 ,... ..... OPTIMUM QUALITY HABITAT FOR MOOSE Lower Tazimina Lake Area Figure 4-5 Brown Bear -Because of the rather wide range of habitats used by brown bear within a year, the highest quality habitats were not as easily discern- ible as for other key species. As the seasons progress, the bear's life requisites change (Erickson 1965). In the spring, grasses and herbaceous plants are the major food items. The bears then turn to berries in late summer and fall (Murie 1944, Erickson 1965, Berns and Hansel 1975) and will feed on spawning salmon when available. Suspected optimum habitats are delineated on Figures 4-2 and 4-3. Within the study area, the subalpine tall shrub habitats have the richest diversity of forbs and grasses and probably prov ide the highest quality spring and early summer habitat. The lowland spruce woodland areas along Lower Tazimina Lake have an abundance of berry producing species, such as bog blueberry, bearberry, and crowberry. These species are also prominent components of the low shrub communities along the lower Tazimina River. Bear denning habitat on the Alaska Peninsula most likely occurs on the higher east facing subalpine slopes vegetated with alder, willow and grass with the greatest number of dens occurring around 396 meters (1,300 feet) elevation (Lentfer et al 1972). This type of habitat is common along the upper slopes of the watershed, but no data are available on actual denning sites. The major salmon streams within the study area available to brown bear are the lower Tazimina River between the mouth at Sixmile Lake and the falls, and the tributaries and outlet of Alexcy Lake south of the Tazimina River (Plate 1). Erickson (1965) believed that browl1 bears on the Alaska Peninsula were at or near optimum abundance in those areas where the habitat consists of subalpine grassland interspersed with willow-bordered salmon streams and patches of alder. This would suggest that overall habitat conditions within the Tazimina watershed are generally good with the subalpine areas and salmon streams the more important habitats. 4-15 Brown bears have been found to require 26 to 39 square kilometers (10 to 15 square miles) of habitat in Mt. McKinley Park (Dean 1957). This finding would suggest that the entire Tazimina watershed may support as many as 12 bears, considering the available habitat. Caribou -Caribou use a wide range of habitats and forage species during their yearly migration. The broad spectrum of habitats and life requisites makes it difficult to evaluate an area based solely on vegetation since it is only one factor in the complex ecology of the caribou. Since caribou more commonly occur within this region during the winter, vegetation types were rated on the basis of prov iding winter range habitat. Ice and snow cover are major physical factors effecting winter range (Hemming and Pegau 1970); however, no information is available for these specific factors in the study area. Forage lichens are a major food source in the winter throughout most of Alaska, but the Alaska Peninsula herd subsists largely on sedge due to the general lack ().f lichens (Skoog 1968). The lowland around the lower Tazimina River and along Sixmile Lake have woody shrub species, forage lichens (Cladonia, Cetraria, Sterocaulon), and herbaceous sedgegrass formations that would indicate good potential winter range. Actual use of this area by caribou appears to be less than the habitat quality would indicate, but car ibou are known to shi ft ranges over time, thus emphasi zing the need "to retain large areas of suitable habitat that allows unrestricted movement" (Hemming 1975). Areas west of the Newhalen River are of a much higher quality, which would suggest that the Tazimina area would be secondary winter habitat. Birds -Terrestrial birds of the Lake Iliamna region have been cate- gorized by Williamson and Peyton (1962) according to affinities for certain ecological formations. Most of these formations are represented within the study area. Williamson and Peyton (1962) found riparian woodland habitats to support the largest number of species (28) and mixed spruce and paper birch 4-16 .. • .. - forests to support the second largest number of species (27). Spruce wood- land formations had a lesser number with 19 species. These observations would suggest that forest communities around Lower Tazimina Lake provide large areas of habitat for a majority of local avifauna. Riparian habitat may provide higher quality habitat than adjacent forests because of the diversity of the vegetation, but no definitive data is available. The riparian communities adjacent to the lower Tazimina River would probably have a significantly higher usage by birds than would the adjacent low shrub (heath/lichen) communities. Waterfowl habitat includes the shallow "tundra" ponds of the low lying areas as well as the deeper, oligotrophic Lower and Upper Tazimina Lakes (lacustrine habitats). All flowing waters, which include upper and lower Tazimina Rivers and tributary streams (fluvial habitats), and freshwater marsh areas around Tazimina also prov ide waterfowl habitat. Williamson and Peyton (1962) found that lacustrine habitats support the largest number of species (33) in the Lake Iliamna region, suggesting that the lakes would have a relatively high diversity of waterfowl species although total numbers may be low. A slightly smaller number of species (26) were found to have a high affinity to streams and rivers. In contrast, only six species were found in freshwater marsh habitats. Dabbling ducks were found to be rather uncommon in this region with green-winged teal the most commonly occurring dabbler (Williamson and Peyton 1962, Racine and Young 1978). Diving ducks (greater scaup, white-winged scoters, black scoter, harlequins) and red-breasted mergansers appear to be the major breeding waterfowl species. This reflects the higher number of species associated with lacustrine and fluvial habitats in comparison to freshwater marsh habitats. Overall numbers of waterfowl using the Tazimina watershed are low. Endangered Species PlanEts -Murray (1980) has proposed several plant species in Alaska for protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Critical habitats of endangered plant species are also protected under this act. 4-17 Although some rare and unusual plant species have been found in the Lake Clark area (Racine and Young 1978), these plants do not fall under the category of endangered species. None of the species considered by Murray (1980) as threatened or endangered have been found to occur in the area studied during the field investigation in August, 1981 or on any prev ious survey. Birds -The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrfnus) occurs in this area (Williamson and Peyton 1962). Any falcons found in this region would probably be the endangered subspecies ~ preregrinus anatum. Surveys for nesting peregrines were conducted in the Iliamna area (Haugh and Potter 1975), but no evidence of any nesting activity was found. Hough and Potter (1975) concluded that the peregrine could not be considered a resident of the Lake Iliamna area. No sightings of falcons were made during the August, 1981 field investigation. No other endangered animal species are known to occur within the poten- tial zone of influence of the Tazimina hydroelectric project. 4.1.2 Aquatic Habitats Fish species from the Tazimina River drainage provide important com- mercial, sport, and subsistence values both on and 0 ff site that could be influenced by proposed hydropower projects on this system. Field Studies During the period from late July to mid-October 1981, five field trips were made to the Tazimina system (mouth upstream to Upper Tazimina Lake). The objectives initiated in 1981 included: o An evaluation of sockeye salmon spawning locations/numbers in 1981. o An evaluation of "resident" fish distributions in the system including identification of spawning and rearing areas. 4-18 - III - o An evaluation of physical parameters (depth, cover, velocity, and substrate) affecting sockeye salmon use of the lower Tazimina River to lay groundwork for instream flow modelling studies. o An evaluation of the physical factors affecting resident fish of the lower and upper river areas. o A temperature monitoring program.* o An evaluation of streamflows downstream of the USGS stream gage. * The biological surveys involved the use of beach seines, monofilament gill nets (sinking and floating), backpack electroshocker, dip net, and hook-line. Approximately 600 fish were captured with the various gear types from the Tazimina River system (from the mouth to the lower end of the upper lake). Fish were primaril y examined in the field (numbers, species, fork length or total length dependent on species, scales/otoliths, and limited stomach samples). Weights taken were limited because accurate field measurements were not practical in most cases to allow fish to be returned unharmed. made. General observations of aquatic biota other than fish were also A supplemental field survey was conducted in May 1982 to assess habitat value and grayling use of the stream reach immediately upstream from the proposed run-of-river diversion dam. In addition to field surveys, the existing data base (including 1979 field notes of Richard Russell, ADF&G) as well as unpublished data from the University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) were reviewed. The FRI data analysis and summary is presented in Appendix B • Tazimina Drainage Overview In general, the aquatic system is greatly influenced by the high falls at River Mile 9.5 (Figure 2-2). These falls are impassable to upstream fish migration and contribute to a different aquatic structure in the river *Results presented in Chapter 3. 4-19 system above and below this area. Downstream of the falls, the major di fference in the system is the area I s use by sockeye salmon and one or two runs of rainbow trout (trophy class area). Arctic grayling are season- ally numerous, but to some degree transitory, below the falls. Fewer large char are present in the lower river than in upstream areas. Salmon carcasses introduce an outside energy supply into the system and the other salmonids also bring and take lesser quantities of energy to and from the system. In contrast, the system above the falls is isolated from external aquatic/marine energy sources and is different both in the availability of energy as well as in fish species composition (mainly Arctic char and Arctic grayling). There is a likelihood that some fish species do pass downstream over the falls and survive to occupy the lower river segment. The reverse or upstream movement cannot be accomplished by the fish, but unconfirmed reports indicate people have carried lower river fry (likely rainbow trout) into the upper lakes. The lakes themselves provide a different kind of habitat and contribute to the physical difference that exists between the river system above and below the falls. These lakes provide habitat to greater numbers of indiv i- dual fish than would be possible without these water bodies. The lakes are probably a winter sanctuary for many individual fish. The river both above and below the falls has limited winter habitat for the salmonid species. The Tazimina River system was divided into five segments to facili- tate further descriptions. These are: 0 Lower Tazimina River (mouth to falls) 0 River segment falls to Lower Tazimina Lake 0 Lower Tazimina Lake 0 River segment between lakes 0 Upper Tazimina Lake 4-20 ... ' ... .. Fish Resources of the Lower Tazimina River One of the principal fishery resources of the lower Taximina River is sockeye salmon. The Tazimina River sockeye stocks comprise a signi ficant portion of the Kvichak River stock, which is the largest sockeye salmon run in Alaska and of major economic value to the Bristol Bay salmon fishery (Appendix B). Like other streams in the Kv ichak Drainage, Tazimina River rainbow trout and Arctic grayling populations serve as the basis for a trophy sport fishery. These fish, particularly rainbow trout, are much sought after by sportsmen and contribute to the success of the local commercial guiding industry. Arctic char/Dolly Varden are also present in the lower Tazimina River but their numbers appear to be relatively small. Chinook salmon are found in the lower Tazimina, but numbers are very low. Two were observed during the 1981 field season. Slimy sculpins and ninespine sticklebacks were also captured during the 1981 field season. Round whitefish, longnosed suckers, and threespine sticklebacks have also been reported in the lower Tazimina River (Russell 1980). Limited site-specific information exists that would allow definition of the seasonal distribution, relative abundance and life history requirements of fish species inhabiting the Tazimina River. However, a general descrip- t ion 0 f the fishery resources 0 f the Tazimina can be assemb led from information for the same species inhabiting nearby drainages in the Iliamna area, and from information for the Naknek and Wood River systems. Because of their importance to the commercial fisheries, most of the available information pertains to sockeye salmon. Escapements, as reflected in spawn- ing ground index counts, have been monitored since 1920 and general life history information has been collected by FRI and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) for sockeye salmon throughout the Iliamna area. The National Marine Fisheries Service has had an extensive research program on sockeye salmon in the Naknek drainage, the results of which are summarized in Buck et a1. (1978). 4-21 Existing information pertaining to resident fish in the Tazimina drain- age is also limited. ADF&G conducted a survey in the Tazimina River in conjunction with a fishery inventory of the Lake Clark area (Russell 1980). ADF&G also conducted life history investigations of rainbow trout in two tr ibutar ies to Iliamna Lake. Li fe history information for Arctic grayling and Arctic char/Dolly Varden in Bristol Bay is virtually nonexistent. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) and Dames & Moore personnel collected some incidental information on the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of resident fish in the lower Tazimina River during the 1981 field season. Many of the species inhabiting the Tazimina River appear to use the river seasonally or only during a particular life history stage. Using information from the Tazimina River, Iliamna area, and the adjacent Naknek and Wood River drainages, the available data on life history and seasonal distributions were summarized in a generalized phenology chart indicating which species/li fe stages are likely to be present in the Tazimina River during various months of the year (Figure 4-6). Sockeye salmon -Al though sockeye salmon use the lower Tazimina River throughout most of the year, the various life stages are present only seasonally. Although much of their lives are spent in lake or marine environments, sockeye depend on the Tazimina River for reproduction. Summer spawners deposit eggs in the streambed gravels. The eggs then incubate through the winter and hatch in late winter. Emergence occurs in the spring, immediately followed by outmigration from the river to lake nursery areas. As much as a month may elapse between the end of the outmigration period and the first return of the spawners, but in some cases the two events overlap. Maturing adults move from ocean feeding areas to freshwater spawning areas in early summer. Returning Tazimina River spawners are subject to commercial fishing in Bristol Bay. As they ascend the Kvichak River and the Newhalen River, they are harvested by the subsistence fisheries located near the villages. A few fish are also taken by sport fishermen. Spawners gen- erally begin to enter the Tazimina River in early to mid-July. Returns 4-22 ... fill .. Life Stage Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun I Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Adults/ 1J..~ -.- Spawners .--.~ a •• --g L?_ •• ~ ~/DV ? ••• Adults/ • $B I. N onspawners GR .-_ .. AC/I V** Alevins/ RS i RS Incubation ~--~ .. I RB --.. - I I I I I Q.R_ -?-• I AC/D\ ? AC/DlT ? ... ._-- Rearing RB GR** ? I Ac/DV**? Outmigration RS .~ -- I ~J3J.9 ?Timing data is limited and inconclusive **Current data indicate these fishes do not extensively utilize the river t Adults and subadults Legend -----May be present but not abundant GR Arctic grayling Abundant RS Sockeye salmon AC/DV Arctic char/Dolly Varden RB Rainbow trout Figure 4-6 PHENOLOGY CHART FOR MAJOR FISH SPECIES OF THE LOWER T AZIMINA RIVER ~t ------ Dec continue to increase throughout August, and the peak of spawning activity generally occurs in late August or early September. In most years, few live sockeye remain in the river by mid-September (Poe, personal communication). Sockeye spawners in the Tazimina River have been monitored since 1920 (Table 4-4). Prior to 1949, periodic spawning surveys were conducted. Since 1955, FRI has conducted spawning surveys annually as a part of the Kvichak River sockeye salmon studies. Surveys indicate that peak sockeye spawner index counts in the Tazimina River have varied from zero to almost 500,000. In recent years, the escape- ments to the Tazimina River have increased. Calculations made by Dames & Moore based on the data presented in Appendix B suggest that the Tazimina, for the years of record, has contributed about 2 percent of the total Kvichak River sockeye run and also has contributed about 2 percent of the Kvichak River sockeye salmon commercial catch. Estimated numbers of sockeye salmon in the commercial catch contributed by the Tazimina River for the last 3 years are as follows: 1979 1980 1981 1,222,600 salmon 239,600 salmon 161,700 salmon The Tazimina stocks are on a 5-year cycle with 2 years of high escape- ments, a subdominate year after or before the dominate year, and 2 or 3 years of average or fairly low escapements. Peak returns are predicted for 1984 and 1985 in Bristol Bay. Tazimina sockeye generally return after 2 or 3 years in the ocean (Anderson 1968). During the 1981 season, the first spawners arrived at the Tazimina River in late July. By the first week of September, spawning activity had peaked. Schools 0 f spawners moved into the river and remained schooled in pools and scour holes located near spawning areas throughout mid-August. By the last week of August, most spawners were spread out and defending territories within the spawning areas. 4-24 - ." .. - - TABLE 4-4 SPAWNING GROUND SURVEYS ON THE TAZIMINA RIVER Peak Spawning Peak Spawning Ground Index Ground Index Year Count Year Count 1920 50 1960 55000 1924 40000 1961 30000 1940 14250 1962 4000 1941 7650 1963 0 1944 6600 1964 150 1945 7500 1965 41900 1946 8500 1966 4880 1947 36700 1967 1560 1948 24700 1968 250 1949 12000 1969 22610 1950 7500 1970 85450 1951 4000 1971 12925 1952 17000 1972 20* 1953 17000 1973 12* 1954 3400 1974 104470 1955 85 1975 149950 1956 32300 1976 16390 1957 10000 1977 7205 1958 600 1978 146900 1959 150* 1979 503750 1980 128500 1981 28215 RANGE o to ***** 503750 ADITH MEAN 41054 Source: Fisheries Research Institute (Appendix B) * Survey conditon on timing inadequate. 4-25 No optimum escapement projections have been made for the Tazimina River; therefore, one can only speculate as to these values. Demory et ale (1962) indicated Tazimina had 662,449 square meters (792,308 square yards; 62 hectares [163.7 acres]) of total accessible spawning area of which 22 percent or 145,682 square meters (174,240 square yards; 15 hectares [36 acres]) was labeled potential sockeye spawning area. The accuracy of these area estimates was not checked in 1981 surveys. Various numbers can be used to describe the optimum density of sockeye spawners in a river. One value is one female per 2 square meters (Burgner et ale 1969). If the area is divided by 2 to get females per square meter and multiplied by 2 to add the males, the resulting estimate of the optimum number of sockeye spawners is 145,682. This value is questionable based upon the assumed values used. This value is not a total capacity. Peak spawner index counts have exceeded 500,000 and ADF&G biologists estimated total Tazimina escapements of 800,000 in 1978 and over 1 million in 1979. Additional investigation would be necessary to evaluate escapement potential. Sockeye salmon spawner distribution was determined by helicopter survey on August 28, 1981 and noted on a 1 :15,840 scale drawing of the lower river (Figure 4-7). The majority of observed sockeye spawners were found in the lower 10 kilometers (6.5 miles) o,f the river; of 21,900 returning spawners, 70 percent were located in the lower 5 kilometers (3 miles) of river, and 90 percent were counted downstream of River Mile 6.5. Al though the spawning surveys conducted on the Tazimina River did not record spawner distribution, some of the field notes indicate that the majority of the fish were observed in the lower 5 to 8 kilometers (3 to 6 miles) of the river. Demory et ale (1962) also note that the majority of the sockeye spawning occurs in the lower 8 kilometers of the river. However, in years of high abundance, sockeye spawners are found throughout the entire 15 kilometers (9.5 miles) below the falls (Russell, personal communication). Poe evaluated his spawner index data for 1976 to 1981 (8 years) and found that sockeye spawners observed in the canyon area ranged from 0 to 5.24 percent of the total spawning ground index for these years (Appendix B). A single wave of spawners comes into the Tazimina River and most spawning 4-26 .... .... .. -.. .. .. ""., ) "'\ . Figure 4-7 _ . DlSTRlBUIJON. AND ABUNDANCE OF SOCKEYE SALMON SPAWNERS IN THE TAZIMINA RIVER FROM AERIAL SURVEY ON AUGUST 28~ 1981 LEGEND fff River mile marker _ Z -)Iiiiii Intensity of spawning Heavy SCALE 1 : 48,000 o .5 1 Mile 1(·1 Light D None '1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1:::=1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1:::===11 ( ) Number of fish activity appears to be restricted to a 2 to 3-week period in late August to early September. Data indicate that peak spawning activity generally occurred in a 16-day period from August 28 to September 13 (Table 4-5). This short spawning period may help reduce the problem of superimpo- sition in years of large returns. Female spawners in the Brook River, Naknek drainage, reportedly defended redds for an average of 9 days after spawn- ing (Hartman et a1. 1964) and for a max imum 0 f 16 days (Hoopes 1962). Thus, it appears that females would probably be able to defend their redds from disruption by other spawners. Information collected by FRI in Sixmile Lake may indicate that superimposition was not a problem in 1979 when Tazimina River spawning surveys indexed just over 500,000 fish. Poe (1981) reported that towing results in Sixmile Lake suggested that production from the large return was very good, although the tow net results in Sixmile Lake reflect production in all of the Lake Clark system. Average fecundity for female sockeye in the Naknek drainage was found to be about 4,000 eggs (Merrell 1964). The eggs are buried in the gravels at a depth of 23 to 30 centimeters (9 to 12 inches; McAfee 1960). Redds located in the Tazimina River by Dames & Moore were also in this depth range. Fertilized eggs incubate in the stream gravels and hatch SOl1]e time in midwinter. Incubation rate and fry development are related to water temper- atures and level of dissolved oxygen present in the spawning gravels. Low temperatures and reduced levels of dissolved oxygen can slow embryo devel- opment. No site-specific information is available on incubation or fry emergence in the Tazimina River. A study conducted in the Iliamna area provided some information on egg development. Mathisen et ale (1962) deter- mined that hatching generally occurred from late February to mid-March from eggs spawned in late August to September 20, with emergence occurring the end of April through. mid-May. Nelson (1964) reported that hatching occurred in Wood River drainage in February and that development time in Wood River closely parallels that of the Iliamna-Lake Clark district. 4-28 - - - ... TABLE 4-5 OCCURRENCE OF PEAK SPAWNING ACTIVITY IN THE TAZIMINA RIVER* Date Date 8-29-64 9-02-73 8-31-65 9-01-74 8-28-66 9-03-75 8-30-67 9-01-76 9-01-68 9-02-77 9-04-69 9-07-78 9-05-70 9-06-79 9-13-71 9-02-80 .9-06-72 9-01-81 *data from Poe (personal communication) 4-29 The alev ins generall y remain in the gravels until emergence in the spring, which generally coincides with breakup. In the Naknek drainage, emergence spanned a period from late April to mid-June. Emergence is influenced by water temperatures during development and at the time of emergence. After emergence, fry generally move immediately downstream to lake nursery areas. However, not all depart, as indicated by the seven sockeye fry observed on August 19, 1979 (Russell 1980). In 1981, a few sockeye fry were observed in the Tazimina River in late July. Most migration to nursery areas occurs during darkness (Hartman et ale 1962). During migration, fry are subject to considerable predation by rainbow trout, Arctic char/Dolly Varden, lake trout, northern pike, and various birds. After reaching the lake, sockeye fry generall y concentrate in the shallow shoreline areas but disperse to deeper mid-lake waters in midsummer (Merrell 1964). Young sockeye from the Tazimina River remain in fresh water for 2 years before outmigrating to Bristol Bay (Anderson 1968). Upon leaving the Tazimina River, fry probably remain in Sixmile Lake for a time, but exact length of residence in the lake and movements between lakes is unknown. Some evidence from the Naknek drainage suggests that fry generally occupy rearing areas downstream from their spawning areas and movement through the system is a function of drainage pattern. Young fish tend to move in a downstream direction even in a lake environment (Ellis 1974). Sockeye smolts begin leaving the Kvichak system in May and continue to outmigrate through June. Resident Fish Several freshwater species including rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, and Arctic char/Dolly Varden have been identified by the ADF&G as resident populations of the lower Tazimina River. These species appear to be most abundant during the open-water season. Little information exists regarding the seasonal distribution and life histories of these fish. Reconnaissance of the Tazimina River by ADF&G in 1974 (Russell, personal communiction) and in 1979 (Russell 1980) and incidental observations by AEIDC and Dames & Moore personnel in 1981 prov ide some insight into the general life history and seasonal habitat use by these fish. 4-30 ., .. - .. .' .. Tazimina River rainbow trout may become sexually mature at age 5 or 6. Russell ( 1980) ex amined 14 sexuall y mature fish ranging in age from 5 to 10 years. Life history studies conducted on lower Talarik Creek tributary to Lake Iliamna indicate that trout matured at age 6 or 7 (Russell 1974). In the Bristol Bay region, rainbow trout usually spawn from late April to early June. However, spawning has been reported as early as mid- March (Russell, personal communication). The 1981 field investigations commenced after the rainbow trout spawning season. Rainbow tro!-lt spawning activites may be closely related to stream temperatures. Russell (1974) reported that peak spawning activities occurred on May 10, 1973 and June 6, 1972 in lower Talarik Creek. Water temperatures on these dates reached 7°C (45°F). Exact locations of rainbow trout spawning areas have not been identified in the Tazimina River. Rainbow trout probably spawn in the side channels of the braided areas. In lower Talarik Creek and the Copper River, tributaries to Iliamna Lake, rainbow spawning activity occurs in similar habitats (Russell, personal communication). Newly emerged fry were found at several locations in Alexcy Braid and near River Mile 7.5. In addition, young-of-the-year rainbow trout were captured in the side channel near the mouth of the canyon and within the canyon itself. Rainbow spawners have been reported in the canyon on River Mile 8.7 (Sims, personal communication) and Dames & Moore personnel captured young- of-the-year trout near River Mile 8.8. However, due to the apparent limited availability of suitable substrate in this area, spawning habitat present in the canyon probabl y does not account for a significant portion of rainbow trout production in the Tazimina River. Russell (1974) reported that after spawning, rainbows left lower Talarik Creek and entered Iliamna Lake or Talarik Lakes. Some postspawn rainbows may remain in the Tazimina River. Local sport fishing guides report that the Tazimina River has a good population of trout throughout the open water season (Sims and Baluta, personal communications). Before the arrival of sockeye spawners in July 1981, numerous fish, presumably rainbow trout and grayling, were observed throughout the Tazimina River below River Mile 8.3. 4-31 Postspawn rainbow trout are reported to remain in the Copper River, tributary to Iliamna Lake for the summer period (Siedelman et al. 1973). During the 1981 field season, the abundance of resident fish appeared to increase as sockeye salmon spawning progressed. This increase may have resulted from an influx of nonspawners and/or subadults moving into the river to feed on salmon eggs. The increase may also be the result of a change in habitat use patterns influencing their visibility. Siedelman et a1. (1973) reported that rainbow trout moved from deeper water into shallower runs where sockeye were spawning. In the Tazimina River, resident fish were frequently observed in association with sockeye spawners and rainbow and grayling were captured by angling in sockeye spawning areas. As fall progressed, resident fish in the Tazimina River moved down- stream, many apparently leaving the system. Maps prepared from aerial surveys conducted in September and October 1981 show a general downstream movement with 56 percent fewer fish observed in October (Figures 4-8 and 4-9). Dames & Moore angling results generally support the conclusions of the aerial surveys. Fewer fish were captured in the upstream reaches as the field season progressed. In October, a large school of grayling was observed in Sixmile Lake just off the mouth of the Tazimina River. These observations are consistent with the results of investigations conducted in other drain- ages in the Iliamna area that reported that most fish leave the streams in the fall and seek lake environments for overwintering (Russell 1974, Siedelman et al. 1973, Siedleman and Engle 1972). Young rainbow trout were numerous in the lower Tazimina River. Although no systematic sample program was undertaken, they were observed in slow, shallow water along stream margins, in side chann~ls, and in backwater areas. A few young-of-the-year rainbow trout as well as mature adults were captured in theocanyon just below the rapids, indicating that the entire length of the lower river is used by juvenile rainbow trout. Most of the good rearing 4-32 ,..,. - .. ... ' - Figure 4-8 DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF RESIDENT FISH IN THE LOWER TAZIMINARIVER FROM AERIAL SURVEY ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1981 SCALE 1 : 48,000 o "5 1 Mile t;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;I::::::=::::::I;;;;;=I::::::=::::::l1 & River mile marker () Number of fish Figure 4-9 DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF RESI DENT FrSH IN TH E LOWE R T AZIMrNA RIVER FROM AERrAL SURVEY ON OCTOBER 14, 1981 SCALE 1 : 48,000 - IN. - ,... .... o .5 1 !\tile lilt & ( ) , River mile marker Number of fish habitat is located in the braided reaches and side channels farther down- stream. Outside of these areas young fish appear to be restricted to stream margins. No data are available for Arctic grayling spawning activities in the Tazimina River. t-tlst of the available data in the literature have been collected in interior and arctic streams. In interior Alaska, grayling generally spawn during "breakup." Grayling spawn in the Iliamna area in May and June (Russell, personal communication). Upstream migration and spawning activity may be related to water temperature. Tack (1980) reported that spawning activity commenced when stream tempera- tures reached 4 Q C (39 Q F). Spawning has been observed in a wide variety of habitats, including shallow backwater areas to lake margins and riffles and runs. No redds are constructed. The slightly adhesive eggs sink to the stream bottom and become attached to the substrate. Embryo development is rapid and eggs generall y hatch in 13 to 32 days. Development time is influenced by water temperatures. Fry generally remain in their natal streams during the summer. Young grayling occupy habitats similar to those selected by young salmonids (shallow low velocity areas with cover). Only one young grayling was collected in the lower Tazimina River. Few observations of Arctic char/Dolly Varden were made during the 1981 field season. Char reportedly move into the Tazimina River to feed on salmon eggs and remain to spawn in late September through October. Spawners were captured near River Mile 6.2 in September. A school of fish was observed in this location during the September aerial survey and an even larger number was observed during the October aerial survey. Since most resident fish appeared to be leaving the system, an increase in this section would seem to indicate an influx of spawners. However, no fish were captured in October to ver i fy species identi fication. Few young Arctic char/Dolly Varden were found in the lower Tazimina River during the 1981 field season. 4-35 Relationships Between Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Characteristics and Sockeye Salmon Spawning and and Incubation Success The lower 15 kilometers (9.5 miles) of the Tazimina River was subdivided into relatively homogeneous segments based upon biologic, geomorphologic, and hydraulic considerations. Reach-specific substrate characteristics, stream- bank stability, cross-sectional geometry, and the distribution of sockeye salmon spawners were noted on a 1: 15,840 scale map. Representative areas were photographed, and the river segmentation was confirmed by follow-up helicopter and foot surveys. Substrate composition and spawner distribution -The predominant stream- bed materials observed in the Tazimina River graded from silty sands at the river mouth (River Mile 0.0) to bedrock and large boulders in the canyon area (River Mile 8.5 to 9.5). Streambed and streambank materials upstream from River Mile 6.5 are of volcanic origin. Available spawning substrates between River Miles 6.5 and 9.5 are primarily sharp, angular, plate-like particles of metamorphosed volcanic tuff. Downstream of River Mile 6.5 the river flows through an extensive glacial deposit. Hence, the characteristric spawning substrate downstream of River Mile 6.5 consists of smooth river gravels and large sands intermixed with small angular volcanic particles that have been transported downstream. Spawning ground surveys were conducted on the Tazimina River by FRI in 1961 and 1962 (FRI unpublished data). Due to differences in classification methodologies and the inability to reliably determine river mile indices for the FRI transects, a comparative analysis cannot be made between the earlier stream survey data and our 1981 observations. However, it can be concluded from a comparison of the AEIDC and FRI data that the general gradation of streambed material sizes from silty-sands to boulders has not changed appre- ciably in 20 years (Table 4-6). Both FRI and AEIDC surveys indicate that the most suitable sockeye salmon spawning areas are found in the lower 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the river. The 1981 survey also identifies the braided reach between River Miles 5 and 6 as an important sockeye salmon spawning area. 4-36 - .. .. I -- Iti\'cr River Sq:ml'nt r.lile 1 0,0' 0,3 2 0.3 ·1.15 . 3 1.15· 1.95 4 1.95·2.2 5 2.2·3.25 6 3.25·3.6 7 3.6·4.9 8 4.9·5.8 9 5.8·6.4 10 6.4·7.9 11 7.9·9.5 TABLE 4-6 COMPARISON BETWEEN 1981 AEIDC AND ~q·i2 FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE STREAM BOTTOM COMPOSITION SURVfYS FOR THE LOWER TAZIMINA RIVER 1981 AEIDC Survey 1962 Fisheries Research Institute Survev Bottom Composition Tl'ansect Estimated Bottom Composition N~rrntive Description Number River Mile < l/S" 1/8 • 3" 3 ·12" Silty sands through small gravelsi few lar!:/! 1 0.0 40% . 30% 20% cobbles and boulders in mainslem scour holes on outside bends. Predominately 1 to 21/2 in gravels; sand bars, 2 0.6 30% 30% 30% and interstitial sand deposits with few large cobbles and boulders . . 80% or the gravels under 3 1/2 In; little 3 1.2 30% 30% 30% sand in bars or gravels. 4 1.8 40%', 20% 30% - 50% sand and 50% 2 to 41n. , Predominantly 11/2 to 3 1/21n with approxl· 5 2.4 20% 30% 3 o 'To mately 10'To sand. Few large cobbles and boulders 6 3.0 20% 30% 30% in deep pools. , ; 2 to 3 In gravel armored with 6 In cobbles appro xl· . 7 3.6 20% 20% 30% mately 10% sand in streambed. \ l' : Predominately large cobbles and boulders; 70% 8 4.5 20% • 20% 30% streambed materials greater than 7 in. Predominantly 1 1/2 to 3 1/21n particles In side channelsiapproximatcly 30 to 40% of particles in mainstem are 6 to lOin. 3 to 6 in material. 60 to 70% 6 to 12+ln material: volcanic origin. 9 6.5 20% 20% 20% Sharp, angular, plate·like particles. 10 7.5 20% 20% 20% Bedrock and boulders predominate, smnll Isolated 1P 8.0 10% 10% 30% deposits of 1 to 3 in angular particles exist in 12· 9.0 10% 10% 30% eddy areas. *10% substr~te material unknown size (assume bedrock). >12" 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 30% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% During the 19B1 season, sockeye salmon were observed in significant numbers within discrete river segments (Figure 4-10). Spawners were well distributed in the three braided reaches. However, sockeye were observed onl y in signi ficant numbers in the single channel river segment between River Miles 1 and 2, and in the short transitory single channel segments immediately upstream of Hudson Braid (near River Mile 3.4), and Alexcy Braid (near River Mile 6.1). Spawners made limited use of the remaining 7 kilometers (4.4 miles) of single channel habitat below the falls. Lack of suitable spawning substrates and high velocities appear to be the principal reasons for its limited use by spawners. The adult sockeye observed in the single channel segments from River Mile 3.6 to 4.9, and River Mile 6.4 to B.3 occupied the few isolated pockets of suitable spawning substrate available in the reaches. Poe (un- published data) indicated that spawners have used the river segment from River Mile 3.6 to 4.9 more extensively in past years. Limited use is made of the canyon area (River Mile B.3 to 9.5) by sockeye spawners. A few fish were observed in the canyon during the 19B1 field season. No fish were observed here during the helicopter survey; high velocities and turbulence limit visibility in this reach. As with the other single channel segments of the river, spawning appears to be limited by a lack of suitable substrates. Canyon substrates are dominated by large boulders and bedrock. However, small isolated pockets of suitable spawning substrates are present, and probably accommodate a limited number of spawners. The analysis presented in Appendix B suggests that 0 to 5.24 percent of the observed sockeye spawners used the canyon area during the years 1967 to 19B1. Hydraulic conditions and spawner distribution -The lower 14 kilometers (9 miles) of the Tazimina River consists of two basic types of stream chan- nels: three very stable, rectangular single channel reaches of nearly uni form gradient; and three relatively stable, braided segments possessing irregular streambed profiles and non-uniform cross-sections (Figure 4-11). 4-3B - M- "" ,.. ,.. l ,,'" l, (1*" River River S.1tmltnl Mill! 0,0-0,3 SUty .sands thfOUIl\ ,m.alI .:ravels; fl!w luel! cobbln and bou'den ion nta.instem scour hole, on ou't$ide o.ndt.!o PHdominantly 1 to 2 1/2 In cravebaand bars~ .nd inientif.ial sand dePOsits '!.I.'ith few lup" cobbles and boulden. D 2.2· 3,2~ PredominanUy 1 1/2 to;1 1/2 in with a-PPloi~ mately 10':". PIId. Few lule eobbles and bouldl!rs In du" pools. 3,2~. 3,6 2 to J in crave! armored wUh 6 in cobble~ 10~e sand in E 3.6 ·.,9 Predominantly tarae cobbla and boulden+ 'TO%- ,tft'ambed materiaJl peater than 7 in. F •. 9· ~,8 Pndomina.n.tly 1 1/2 to 3 1/2..in partiele$ in ~lde channeb: approxim.tely 30 to 4~ of particles In mainst"m ar. 6 k; 10 in. 7.9' 9,~ Bedroc:k .nd boulders pr"duminace •• mall h:olat.ed df'pOsiu ot 1 to,3 in ani."\llar puticlu exl.t in .ddy.re .... H I 6,300 1.860 1.595 615 202 E LEGEND Figure 4-10 SOCKEYE SALMON SPAWNER DISTRIBUTION WITH RESPECT TO SUBSTRATE TYPE fif River mile marker Intensity of spawning Heavy I%:~~~\H Light o None SCALE 1 : 48,000 o .5 1 Mile ) Canyon Mouth RM 8,3 Alexcy Braid RM 4.9 to RM 6.4 Figure 4-11 . STREAM CHANNEL PATTERN OF . THE LOWER TAZIMINA RrVER SCALE 1 : 48,000 .. u,,;., o .5 1 Mile" 1;;;' _;;I:=:=::Iii;_t=::::::J1 & River mile marker Within the single channel segments, streamflow velocities are relatively high and quite uniform. Little variation exists in the velocity pattern due to the uniform streambed gradient and cross-sectional shape. At moderate and high flows, low velocity areas are principally restricted to narrow, sometimes discontinuous, zones adjacent to the streambanks. Hydraulic conditions within the braided reaches are non-uniform. Depths and velocities vary markedly throughout the reach due to irregular streambed gradients and stream channel cross-sections. At moderate and high flows, low velocity areas are quite abundant within the braided reaches due to backwater effects near the numerous junctions of the merging side channels. Velocities associated with high streamflows during the spawning season may at times adversely affect sockeye salmon production in the Tazimina River. In addition to providing a potential for scouring streambed gravels, high velocities are suspected of denying spawners access to suitable mainstem spawning area. The high river stage also provides access to overbank areas, which then dewater as the river returns to more "normal" seasonal levels. During an August 17 overflight, adult sockeye observed in the single channel river segments were concentrated in narrow discontinuous bands along the streambanks and immediately downstream of partially submerged debris jams. The distribution pattern was far more coincident with the limited low velocity areas in the river segment than with readily available spawning substrates. It is suspected that these fish were seeking shelter from mainstem velocities during a time when flow was exceptionally high (3130 cfs) • This supposition was supported when, during the same overflight, adult sockeye were observed to be dispersed and defending territories throughout the braided segments of the lower river where velocities were lower. In both the Alexcy Braid and the Hudson Braid, the adult sockeye were observed holding over suitable spawning substrates in pairs and small groups. Obser- vations and fish captures during a follow-up foot survey confirmed that these fish were still green, actual spawning still being 2 to 3 weeks away. 4-41 On August 28 and 29, at streamflow of 1600 c fs, adult sockeye were well distributed over the suitable spawning substrates that were available throughout the lower river. In the single channel segments where adults had previously occupied the stream margins and other low velocity zones, they were observed spread out across the width of the channel and defending territories. Streamflow measurements were made at the same single channel segment (River Mile 1.7) in which numerous sockeye were observed. Mean column velocities between 3.0 and 4.0 fps were frequently recorded at a streamflow of 1,582 cfs, and between 4.5 and 5.0 fps for a streamflow of 2,415 cfs. Stream velocities were not measured at this site for the August 17 discharge of 3,130 cfs, but they are estimated as having been in the range of 6 fps. In a somewhat similar manner, shallow depths associated with low flows during the spawning season may deny adults access to desirable spawning areas in the braided reaches. Low flows may not prevent adults from entering the side channels, but the accompanying shallow depths and low velocities could deter spawners from using these areas. In either case, fish may be forced to use less suitable habitat such as that available in the mainstem between River Mile 3.6 to 4.9 and River Mile 6.4 to 9.5. Within the mainstem spawning areas, spawners are likely to be concen- trated in mid-channel areas. This reduces the potential for eggs to be dewatered. Some spawners may be forced to use less suitable habitats as low flows reduce the available area in traditional spawning areas. Field measurements were made to describe the characteristic range of the specific hydraulic and substrate conditions sele~ted by spawning sockeye salmon. Adult sockeye were located by helicopter survey and the locations of several typical habitat types noted on the field map (Figure 4-12). Char- acteristic spawning areas were selected that encompassed the range of hydraulic and substrate values used by sockeye salmon in the lower Tazimina River. At each sampling area, the location of individual spawners was noted in a field sketch. Every effort was made not to disturb the fish until their 4-42 - Alexcy Lolze 7 1 5 Figure 4-12 SAMPLING LOCATIONS FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF SOCKEY SALMON SPAWNING HABITAT _Z-)IIii SCALE 1 : 48,000 o .5 1 Mile IiII -=:i:=::===i'-=;;;;;I:::=l1 @.. River mile marker locations were mapped. Field personnel then entered the stream and measured water depth and mean column velocity, and visually classified the substrate at each location where individual spawners were obtained. Point measurements were obtained using a top set wading rod and a Marsh McBirney Model 201 electromagnetic current meter. Sockeye salmon spawners selected areas that possessed specific hydrau- lic and substrate conditions. Spawners were observed in areas with mean column velocities ranging from 0.2 to 4.4 fps and in depths ranging from 0.2 meters (0.6 feet) to more than 1.4 meters (4.5 feet). However, the majority of fish were observed in water flowing at 0.5 to 1.5 fps and in depths rang ing from 0.3 to 0.6 meters (1 to 2 feet). Dominant substrate particle size ranged from 0.6 to 10 centimeters (0.25 to 4 inches). Fish were obser- ved over substrates with up to 40 percent sand, but generally appeared to use areas with 0.6 to 7.6-centimeter (1 to 3-inch) gravels and less than 10 percent sand. A literature rev iew was conducted to determine the applicability of published habitat suitability criteria to evaluate sockeye salmon spawning habi tat in the Tazimina River. Resul ts of this survey indicate that published criteria curves were not transferable to the Tazimina River. Measurements collected in the Tazimina River indicate that Tazimina River sockeye salmon use a broader range of habitat values than those expressed in published curves (Burgner 1951, Chambers et a1. 1955, Bovee 1978, Hoopes 1962). Channel geometry and incubation success - A major factor influencing the survival of fertilized sockeye salmon eggs is the potential of low streamflows during the winter months to dewater redds. Normal stre.amflows during the spawning season provide easy access to spawning habitat along the stream margins and throughout the braided river segments. Mid-winter water surface elevations drop appreciably below those present during the spawning season. As a result, spawning areas along the stream margins and in the braided segments may become dewatered. If not maintained by some subsurface 4-44 source, intra-gravel flow through these spawning areas will cease and the incubation success within these streambed gravels will be substantially reduced. The difference in the cross-sectional shapes and streambed profiles of the braided and single channel segments are important to recognize when evaluating the effects of changes in river stage on incubating eggs and alevins. The single channel segments of the mainstem possess a near uniform gradient and rectangular cross-sectional shape. Only at a few river bends and isolated scour holes near debris jams does the cross-sectional shape and streambed profile change. Therefore, it is possible to have a substantial change in water surface elevation with no appreciable loss of wetted peri- meter. Streambed grad ients within the braided segments are non-uniform and the cross-sectional shape of the channel is quite irregular. Small changes in water surface elevation can result in significant reductions in wetted perimeter. Streambed elevations at the upstream ends of the side channels within the braided segments are generally higher than those of the main channel in the braid. Thus as streamflows recede, spawning areas within the side channel braids are the first to potentially become dewatered and theoretically the most vulnerable to dessication and freezing. During the second week of October 1981, mainstem Tazimina River stream- flows were in the range of 650 cfs. Few side channels observed were completely dewatered, but many were no longer connected at their upper end to the mainstem by surface flow. These side channels were dry or contained isolated pools of standing water in their upper reaches, with streamflows reappearing in the lower reaches. This indicates that signi ficant intra- gravel flow enters these side channels from either a local aquifer or the mainstem river. Some spawning areas were dewatered in the upper portions of these side channels. Spawners had been observed here but no redds could be located by digging in the dewatered areas. Areas within the side channels, which held 4-45 the largest numbers of adult spawners in August, were still covered by flowing water during the second week of October. Spawning areas have been marked in several locations for purposes of visually determining the degree of dewatering that naturally occurs during winter. Groundwater inflow is suspected of maintaining intra-gravel flow at some of these locations even though the stream channel may be dry during the winter months. Relationships Between Geomorphologic and Hydrologic Characteristics and Resident Fish Relationships between the biologic requirements of resident species inhabiting the lower Tazimina River and the river's geomorphologic and hydraulic characteristics can only be discussed in general terms since limited data exists. Before substantiated statements regarding project effects on resident fish can be provided, additional field studies would be required. Typical spawning habitats of rainbow trout and Arctic grayling, which are present in the Tazimina River in considerable numbers, have not been identified. Furthermore, little is known about the specific location and character of the areas used by immature fish within the lower 15 kilometers (9.5 miles) of the Tazimina River. statements regarding the availability or quality of rearing habitat in relation to streamflow or stream channel characteristics are, at best, subjective. Due to the large size of the rainbow trout, it was suggested that the steelhead criteria developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Cooperative Instream Flow Group (IFG) might be used to evaluate rainbow spawning habitat in the Tazimina River (Isakson, personal communication). Discussions with ADF&G area biologists indicate that the depth and velocity criteria curves developed by IFG generally cover the range of habitat values used by rainbow trout spawners in the Iliamna area (Russell, personal communication; Bovee 1978). The substrate criteria was determined not be 4-46 .' Il10' - applicable to the Tazimina River due to the wide range of substrate sizes included. We recommend that field investigations be conducted to verify the ranges expressed by the depth and velocity curves and to determine the optimal habitat values for Tazimina River rainbow trout. In addition, habitat preferences for substrate should be characterized. Fish Resources Between the Falls and Lower Tazimina Lake The physical character of this area includes both river and small lakes in the river mainstem with substrate varying from solid rock, boulders ~ and gravel in the more downstream area to sands and mud substrate in portions of the small lakes in the river. River gradient is quite low, increasing somewhat as one approaches the falls area. Several small tributaries enter this mainstem segment. Limited sampling in this river segment captured Arctic grayling, Arctic char, and slimy sculpin. The latter were by far the most numerous. Sampling in and at the mouth of tributaries (T-4 mouth, River Mile 13.5 and T-3 mouth, River Mile 16.5 on Tazimina River) captured Arctic char, a few Dolly Varden, and numerous slimy sculpins. Most Arctic char in the mainstem river were fry in gravel patches in nearshore areas. While mature grayling were taken in this area, no fry were captured here. Sculpins were also associated with gravel areas but were more widely distributed than char fry. The major sport fish species found was grayling. No small juveniles «85 mm fork length) were observed. Based upon Russell's (1980) data, the young grayling not observed would be 1 to 2 year olds. Sampling techniques (electroshocking and beach seining) would be expected to capture this size grayling. Possibly these fish move to Lower Tazimina Lake or segments of the river not sampled. The importance of the side tributaries are not fully known. The presence of char fry in these tributaries suggests that spawning of Dolly Varden/Arctic char occurs in the system. Numbers of fry observed in these locations were not great, al though some fry could have moved out of the tributaries prior to the first sampling effort (mid-August 1981). 4-47 A field investigation in May 1982 looked specifically at fish and fish habitats within the river section immediately upstream from the proposed run-of-river diversion structure (Appendix C). This section is characterized by high current velocity and boulder/cobble substrate. It does not represent important habitat and fish use appears to be minimal. Fish Resources of Lower Tazimina Lake Lower Tazimina Lake is 12 kilometers (7.3 miles) in length with a maximum width of 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) and a maximum measured depth of 62 meters (203 feet; Russell 1980). This lake has extensive shoal areas in the outlet and inlet vicinity as well as along much of the southern shore. The northern shore in some segments lacks this shoal area. The shoal area has visible "boulder patchlf or bands of gravel and small cobbles that are appar- ently created and maintained by wind/wave action during seasonally low lake levels. The limited fish sampling in 1981 in Lower Tazimina Lake resulted in adult catches similar to those of Russell (1980). Arctic char dominated with lesser numbers of grayling and a few Dolly Varden. Hook and line sampling in August and September was very successful, indicating good sport potential. Later in the fall, both char and grayling became more difficult to capture with sport gear. Electroshocking indicated slimy sculpin were the most numerous fish species in the lake. One Arctic char was taken near the bottom and center of the lake by hook-line. Perhaps the most significant new information acquired in 1981 concerned the importance of the above-mentioned "boulder patch" areas on the lake shoals as rearing habitat for char fry. The char were most numerous over extensive shoal areas containing these small cobble areas. One small grayling (61 mm) was located in the 1981 survey. No winter data are available. However, it is likely that Lower Tazimina Lake provides overwintering habitat for at least a portion of the river dwelling char and grayling. Four small tributaries to this lake were examined. Sculpins dominated all tributaries with sticklebacks the next most numerous. A few char fry and 4-48 some large grayling were taken in these tributaries. Again, it is possible that sport species had moved out of these areas prior to our initial observations (mid-August). Fish Resources of the Tazimina River Between Lakes The Tazimina River between lakes was drifted by rubber boat on one occasion and, on another occasion, visited at one location by helicopter. This river segment is generally different than that below Lower Tazimina Lake in that the gradient is steeper. The river velocities are greater and substrate material s are coarser except in the ex treme downstream segment. The river has numerous side channels and log jams. Large holes and long riffle chutes dominate this river segment. No lakes exist in the mainstem as below Lower Tazimina Lake. Substrate is varied but generally includes good spawning gravel up to large boulder substrate. Sands and finer substrates were generally less prominent except at the lower end. The hook-line sampling in this area located onl y grayling. Grayling seemed quite numerous in this river segment. Electroshocking indicated slimy sculpins were the most numerous species with sticklebacks second. No grayling fry were taken with this method. A single char fry was located at the mouth of a side tributary, suggesting that char spawning may occur somewhere in this vicinity. However, this fish could have travelled down- stream from Upper Tazimina Lake. Russell (personal communication) reported that this section of the river is an important grayling spawning area. Fish Resources of Upper Tazimina Lake Upper Tazimina Lake was visited briefly even though it would not be directly influenced by the proposed project. Upper Tazimina Lake is approximately 14 kilometers (8.5 miles) long and averages about 1.2-kilometer (0.75-mile) wide with a maximum measured depth of 115 meters (377 feet; Russell 1980). The shore of the upper lake is generally more steep as compared to the lower lake. The shoal areas in the upper lake are also reduced except in the area north of the outlet of the 4-49 lake. Tributaries to the upper lake appear less accessible to fish in most cases because of the steeper shore gradient. The outlet portion of Upper Tazimina Lake is shallow, which may interfere with fish movements in and out of the lake at some times of year. Fish species taken in 1981 generally agree with those taken by Russell (1980). Arctic char dominate with grayling occurring in lesser numbers. Electroshocking in 1981 captured char fry in shallow gravel beaches near the lake's outlet. Slimy sculpin appeared to be the most numerous species present. No side tributaries were sampled. All work on the lake in 1981 was confined to the outlet end of the lake. 4.2 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 4.2.1 Terrestrial Habitats Construction Impacts Development of a Tazimina hydroelee.tric facility would result in a direct loss of approximately 1720 hectares (4250 acres) of natural habitat due to construction of access roads, borrow sites, powerhouse site, dam and spillway. An associated impact would be the short-term loss of habitat for both birds and mammals as a result of noise and hUman activity. The vegetation from the dam site to the powerhouse is mixed white spruce-paper birch forest in protected well-drained areas along the river, spruce woodland in poorly-drained areas, and low shrub and lichen communities in exposed areas. These vegetation types are extensive throughout much of this region and do not represent unique habitat types. The access road from the existing road to Iliamna would traverse through open, mixed spruce-birch forest and open low shrub areas of dwarf birch/Labrador tea and lichen. Some riparian tall shrub habitat would be encountered in crossing the major tributary to Lake Alexcy. The road from the powerhouse to the dam site would cross through exposed low shrub com- munities with scattered spruce trees. The habitat loss in the placement of 4-50 .. .. access roads would depend on the exact alignments. This habitat loss would be permanent because of the gravel road overlay. Borrow sites for material used in dam construction have not as yet been selected and impacts from this activity would depend on exact locations. Construction of transmission lines to the various villages would have minimal effect on the vegetation since trees would be cut only along the corridors and placement of poles would occur during the winter months. Impacts on terrestrial birds would include direct loss of habitat from excavations of material sites, construction of roads, and clearing for the powerhouse site. Short-term habitat loss would also be expected from areas adjacent to construction sites due to noise and human activity. Impacts on waterfowl would probably be limited to disturbance from construction activity and should not be long in duration. Total displacement of birds as a result of this activity would not be great. Construction activities along access roads and at project sites would displace both small and large mammals in the immediate area. The major tributary of Lake Alexcy, which supports beaver and provides a salmon fishing area for brown bears, would be traversed by the access road from Iliamna. This may result in the loss of a small amount of beaver habitat depending on the exact alignment and may also displace bear which traditionally feed on salmon in late summer. Construction activities should not affect bears feeding along the lower Tazimina River. Wide-ranging species such as moose and caribou should not be adversely affected by the habitat lost during construction. The operation of a construction camp would consitute a significant disturbance to wildlife in the camp vicinity. Depending on camp policies, workers could further affect wildlife populations through hunting activities. Some animals, particularly bears, could be attracted to centers of human activity. Animal behavior could be altered, reducing ability to survive under natural conditions, and some nuisance animals may have to be killed. 4-51 Operation and Maintenance Impacts (Run-of-River) The run-of-river concept would necessitate the construction of a forebay dam or wier, resulting in the inundation of a relatively small amount of habitat along the upstream side of the dam. Since the gradient of the river at this point would be rather steep and the river valley is rather narrow, a very small amount of riparian habitat along the river would be lost. This concept should have no significant impact on terrestrial communities further upstream from the forebay dam nor should it have a significant affect on vegetation downstream from the powerhouse site. The operation of this project would have little affect on the birds of the area. Some avoidance could occur around the powerhouse site as a result of noise but this should not be significant. Bird populations and habitats downstream from the powerhouse would not be affected since flow levels would not be greatly altered. Since no inundation of the lower lake would occur, waterfowl populations would not be affected. Wide-ranging mammals such as brown bear, moose and caribou should not be significantly affected by the operation of the project. There may be a certain amount of avoidance of the areas around the powerhouse as a result of noise. Since no significant amount of habitat would be flooded to create storage, beaver habitat within the watershed would not be affected. However, increased access to the lake systems could increase trapping pressure. Beaver habitat downstream from the powerhouse should not be affected since flow levels would not be significantly altered. Permanent zones of disturbance would be created adjacent to roadways and other sites of human activity. Habitat value of areas within the zone would be reduced to some extent and wildlife abundance would probably decrease. 4-52 • Probably the most significant impact to wildlife resulting from the project would be related to enhanced access to remote areas provided by the access road and transmission lines right-o f -way. The project development road would allow residents of Newhalen and Iliamna to easily reach the Alexcy Lake and Tazimina drainages. Hunting and trapping pressure would increase in the vicinity of the roadway and big game and fur bearer abundance would decrease. Operation and Maintenance Impacts (Storage Concept) The major environmental impact of this concept would be the loss of approximately 1660 hectares (4,100 acres) of terrestrial habitat as a result a f filling the storage reservoir. Since the area of inundation would be flooded seasonally and exposed with the drawdown of the water level, a nonvegetated zone would form between the present lake elevation of 196 meters (645 feet) and the-maximum proposed reservoir level of 210 meters (690 feet) • This zone is covered by a wide range of habitat types. The vegetation along the southern shoreline of Lower Tazimina Lake is largely black spruce woodland with small areas of riparian habitat along tributary streams. Approximately 637 hectares (1,575 acres) would be inundated south of Lower Tazimina Lake. Along the northern shoreline, the vegetation is also predominately black spruce woodland but near the head of the lake a more open, mixed spruce-birch forest develops. Riparian habitats are similar to the south of the lake but are rather limited in extent. A series of shallow ponds north of the lake would also be inundated along with associated marsh vegetation and low shrub habitat. Approximatel y 546 hectares (1,350 acres) along the northern side would be lost as a result of flooding the reservoir. Upstream from the inlet of Lower Tazimina Lake, inundation would result in the loss of approximately 470 hectares (1,160 acres) of the valley floor between the two lakes. The habitats that would be lost is mostly open white spruce forest and tall shrub communities along the river, braided stream, and 4-53 tributaries and a large marshy area associated with beaver ponds at the head of the lake. This freshwater marsh is the largest area of wetland habitat around the lower lake. The remaining riparian habitats would be confined to side tributaries and a small area downstream from the upper lake. Terrestrial habitats downstream from the powerhouse should not be signi ficantly affected since flow level will not be greatly changed. The deletion of the 1,660 hectares (4,100,acres) of terrestrial habitat from the Tazimina watershed would displace birds presently using the area for nesting or feeding activity. These birds would either move to similar adjacent habitats or attempt to use areas of lower habitat quality since areas of higher quality would be at carrying capacity. The total number of terrestrial birds using the area would decrease. Waterfowl species would lose a certain amount of nesting habitat around the lake but total numbers using this area are believed to be low. Major considerations affecting waterfowl habitat would be impacts on the quality of the aquatic system. The inundation 0 f the lowland areas around the lake would directl y displace all the small mammals presently occupying the area. Animals not able to become established in adjacent areas would likely succumb to preda- tion. This loss of habitat should not significantly affect areas remote from the actual areas of inundation. The storage concept would have a major effect on the beaver population of the Tazimina watershed. The two major concentrations 0 f beaver, between the Upper and Lower Tazimina Lakes and tributary T-4, would be lost along with beaver dams at the mouths of the smaller tributaries along the lower lake. The fluctuation of the water level would prevent use of the inundation area. Beavers presently occupying these areas would be displaced to other areas or would be eliminated. The only beaver habitat not directly affected would be the small ponds along the bench area north of the lake and a small portion of the upper Tazimina River just below the upper lake. 4-54 - ... .. • .. .. Beaver habitat downstrearr. from the powerhouse should not be signi fi- cantly affected by this design concept since flow regimes would not be greatly changed. The major impact on local moose populations would be loss of high quality riparian habitat along the upper Tazimina River, and along tributary T-4 along the south side of Tazimina River. Along the upper river area between the two lakes, approximately 465 hectares (1,150 acres) of terres- trial habitat of mostly open spruce forest with dense willow understory and tall shrub communities (primarily willows) would be eliminated as a result of filling the reservoir. The area represents a majority of the high quality moose habitat between the lakes. The only remaining riparian habitat would be confined to tributaries draining into the river area. Valuable wetlands habitat at the head of the lake would also be lost. A total of about 650 hectares (1,600 acres) of optimum quality moose habitat would be inundated. Tributary T-4 flows into the Tazimina River 0.4 kilometer (1/4 mile) above the proposed dam site and drains a broad low valley to the south. The alluvial fan of the stream and areas adjacent to the stream also support high quality moose habitat. Filling the storage reservoir would inundate this area to a distance of 3 kilometers (2 miles). Habitats downstream from the powerhouse along the lower Tazimina river should not be significantly affected by the project. The deletion of high quality moose habitat would significantly decrease the overall quality of the Tazimina watershed for moose and would likely reduce the total numbers of animals using the area. The increased size of the lower lake could also restrict movement to some degree. Brown bears use a wide range of habitats throughout the year and gen- erally require 26 to 39 square kilometers (10 to 15 square miles) of habitat. The surface area of habitat lost to inundation amounts to somewhat less than that needed to support one bear. No optimum quality habitat (Figures 4-2 and 4-3) would be flooded. The main life requisite for brown bears that would be lost as a result of the inundation would be the berry producing species such as bog blueberry, lingonberry and cloudberry. All are common ground cover 4-55 species throughout much of the spruce woodland areas along the lake. In addition to direct habitat loss, human activity could further reduce bear habitat in the watershed. The increased size of the lower lake could also restrict movement. The inundation of the lower lake should have little impact on local caribou populations since numbers are low and they are generall y a wide- ranging species. As with the run-of-river concept, one of the more signi ficant impacts on wildlife is likely to result from enhaqced access to remote areas (Section and continued low level disturbance adjacent to project facilities. Transmission Lines Transmission line routing to serve the Bristol Bay region would traverse a variety of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. During the course of this study, potential transmission corridors were surveyed from fixed-wing air- craft and interviews were conducted with local residents, guides, and resource managers. The transmission line corridors would provide winter trail access and a reference for local navigation through many areas that are not heavily exploited at this time. Direct habitat loss would be minimized, consisting of only the area occupied by power poles, if winter construction techniques are employed. However, if winter hunting or trapping activity became concen- trated along transmission corridors, increased harvest of large mammals and fur bearers would be anticipated. In recent years, ADF&G (Faro, personal communication) has identified occasional mortality to migrating eiders when they strike power lines during bad weather. As a result, some increase in waterfowl mortality should be anticipated, particularly within the proposed transmission corridor between Kvichak River and Egegik. 4-56 ., ... ... 4.2.2 Aqu~tic Habitats Lower Tazimina River (Below the Proposed Powerhouse) Run-oF-River Concept -Streamflows in the lower Tazimina River below the proposed powerhouse would not be altered by a run-oF-ri ver project. ThereFore, no impact to Fish as a result of hydrological changes would occur below the powerhouse. Water quality or temperature during plant operation would also not be signiFicantly diFFerent From the natural condition. Some impact to fish could occur during construction as a result of sediment transport into the river and possible sediment deposition. Because of the relatively small scale of the construction effort, these impacts would probably not be signi ficant, assuming that good construction techniques are followed. Interruption of natural river flow may occur at various stages of construction. The magnitude and extent of the effects of the interruption would depend upon the timing of the activity and the altered flow regime. Insufficient information is available at this time to identify these effects. Storage Concept -Stream flows below the powerhouse would be reduced during summer months and augmented during the winter months as described in Chapter 3.0. The majority of sockeye salmon spawn in the lower 10 kilometers (6.5 miles) of the Tazimina River. In 1981 Alexcy, Hudson, and Sixmile Braids as well as a single channel reach the mainstem from River Mile 1 to 2 were heavily used by spawners. Mainstem spawning habitats are less susceptible to degradation from flow reduction than side channel habitats. A discharge of 700 cfs at River Mile 1.7 provides almost as much spawning habitat as does a discharge of 1,500 cfs. Side channel spawning habitats, however, could be adversely aFFected if flows drop below 1,000 cfs during spawning season. Depending on the channel geometry, some mainstem areas may be similarly affected under reduced flows. For example, spawning habitats along the 4-57 gravel bars at River Miles 2.1, 5.5, and 5.8 would likely be adversely affected if streamflows were below 1,000 cfs in late August. During the 1981 field season, sockeye salmon spawners were not observed in depths less than 0.2 meters (0.6 feet) or velocities less than 0.2 fps, even though shallower, lower velocity areas with suitable spawning substrate were observed in the vicinity. These observations indicate that depths lower than 0.2 meters or velocities less than 0.2 fps are undesirable for sockeye salmon spawning. If postproject streamflows would cause depths or velocities at existing spawning areas to be reduced below these levels, then it is quite likely the value of the spawning habitats would be considerably reduced. High velocities also appear to limit use of some areas. Sockeye salmon spawners were not observed in water flowing faster than 4.4 fps. Most adult sockeye observed in single channel mainstem reaches at a distance of 3,130 cfs were concentated in low velocity areas, either in a narrow discontinuous band immediately adjacent to the stream banks, or downstream of debris jams. Mean column velocities across much of the river in these areas were estimated to be near 6 fps. The proposed project would limit the occurrence of high summer flows, and perhaps pro v ide suitable spawning habitat in some areas. However, many of the areas afflicted with high velocities also have large substrate. Since substrate is not expected to change, few new spawning areas are likely to be available under reduced flows. Lower flows during the spawning season may also benefit spawners by preventing access to lateral areas subject to dewatering under lower winter flows. Fish would be encouraged to use spawning habitat less vulnerable to dessication and freezing. This may increase incubation success. In years of high escapement, concentration of spawners may cause some egg losses due to superimposition. Sims (personal communication) observed many loose eggs in the Tazimina River during 1979 when escapement was extremely high. Postproj ect streamflows during winter are expected to be significantl y greater than naturally occurring winter flows. This may result in flow over some spawning areas presently subjected to dewatering. Eggs and developing embryos in these areas would be protected from dessication and freezing. 4-58 ... .. "" This may result in better production. However, stream temperatures in the winter period may be as warm as 4°C (39°F). These elevated winter water temperatures may accelerate incubation. Intragravel water temperatures may be directly influenced by stream temperatures, resulting in elevated intra- gravel temperatures. Incubation may then proceed at a faster rate, causing early hatching and emergence. The effects of early emergence in the Tazimina River system have not been determined. In other systems, early emergence has been associated with reduced survival due to prolonged exposure to cold stream temperatures and reduced availability of food organisms (Baily et ale 1976). However, some areas in the Tazimina River drainage may be influenced by ground water. If the intragravel temperatures are controlled by ground water, then embryo development in these areas would be less affected by the predicted change in stream temperatures. Streamflow alterations during the spawning period for resident fish species such as rainbow trout and Arctic grayling (April-June) may signifi- cantly affect these species. Tazimina River side channel habitats are probably important to rainbow spawners. Although no field data have been collected to sUbstantiate spawner use of the side channels, this type of habitat is very important to rainbow populations in several other Iliamna rivers including lower Talarik Creek and Copper River (Russell, personal communication). Grayling spawners also use this type of habitat in other areas of the state (Tack 1972). Cooler water temperatures in May may delay resident spawning. Spawning is correlated to rising water temperatures in spring. Rainbow trout have been observed to spawn in 7°C (45°F) water in lower Talarik Creek and Copper River (Russell 1974, Seidelman and Engel 1972, Seidelman et ale 1973). Grayling spawning has also been correlated with increasing spring water temperatures. Tack (1980) reported grayling spawning behavior commenced when water temperatures reached 4°C. If April and May temperatures are depressed below these levels, rainbow trout and grayling spawning may be delayed. 4-59 Interruption of natural river flow may occur at various stages of construction. The magnitude and extent of the effects of the interruption would depend upon the timing of the activity and the altered flow regime. Insufficent information is available at this time to identify these effects. A dam would further isolate the populations of fish within upstream and downstream portions of the drainage. While upstream movement is prohibited by the existing falls, some downstream movement of fish, particularly juvenile char and grayling, probably occurs over the falls. Downsteam movements of juvenile fish over the dam would be limited to periods when water is escaping over the spillway. The ecological importance of outmi- grating upstream juveniles to downstream fish populations is not known and impacts cannot be predicted. Tazimina River Canyon Area Run-of-River Concept -Sockeye salmon spawning in the canyon area are probably limited by lack of suitable spawning substrates. Suitable substrates are present along stream margins and in deep scour holes and spawning may occur in these areas. Appendix Banal ysis suggests that less than 5 percent of Tazimina River spawners use the canyon area, and few spawners were observed in the canyon during 1981 field studies. The proposed run-of-river development is unlikely to adversely affect sockeye salmon spawning within the canyon. Project-induced streamflow reductions during the period August through September would not appreciably change depths and velocities over the available spawning substrates in this segment. Water temperatures and dissolved gas levels are also expected to remain unchanged from preproject conditions. Thus the habitat conditions for spawners are not expected to change significantly. The effect of the project on incubation success in the canyon cannot be projected. In the fall, low flows naturally dewater the stream margins, probably exposing any eggs present to dissication and freezing (it is un- likely that intragrevel flows would be maintained by groundwater infiltration in this reach). Spawning that may occur in deeper portions of the channel would probably be more successful as these areas are not dewatered under 4-60 ", .. .. .. .. .. .. natural conditions. Because of the present inability to estimate the depth of flow in the river canyon when the river is ice covered (for both pre-and postproject streamflows), the effects of a 30 to 75 percent reduction in mid-winter streamflows on incubation success cannot be identified. Stream temperatures under the postproject conditions are not expected to be significantly different from preproject temperatures for much of the year. However, postproject stream temperatures are likel y to cool to near 0° C OZ°F) earlier in the fall (October/November) and may affect embryo devel- opment. Colder water temperatures may slow the development process and delay hatching and emergence. If the reduction in stream temperatures occurred before the eggs have reached the eyed stage, embryo survival would be significantly reduced. Substrates in the canyon are not expected to become silted as the natural sediment input is low and unlikel y to increase from project opera- tion. In addition, no change is anticipated in dissolved oxygen levels. Emergence and outmigration, which generall y occur in May and June, are unlikel y to be signi ficantl y affected. Since outmigration occurs on the rising limb of the hydrograph, sufficient water for fry transport is antici- pated. Preproject flows are only expected to be decreased from Z to 10 percent from mid-May through June. Field studies indicate that some rainbow trout spawning occurs in the canyon. Spawning habitat in this reach appears to be very limited, restricted primarily to gravels located in some deep holes and small isolated deposits behind boulders. Project development is not expected to signifi- cantly affect spring spawners. Streamflow reductions anticipated from mid-May through June are not expected to be significantly different under postproject conditions. Therefore the run-of-river project is not expected to influence rainbow spawning in the canyon in the spring. Rainbow trout incubation occurs from the time of deposition until August. No detectable changes in habitat conditions. associated with egg 4-61 development are anticipated during this period. A 2 to 3 percent reduction in streamflow is forecast for the June-August period. Changes of this magnitude are not expected to effect preproject water surface elevation, reach velocities, sediment transport, water temperature, or water quality conditions. Thus, rainbow trout incubation is not expected to be adversely affected by the propused run-of -ri ver development for those fish that spawn in the spring. Rearing hab itat for rainbow trout and other species in the canyon area is confined to narrow discontinuous zones along the stream margins and to isolated low velocity areas behind large boulders. The availability of rearing habitat in the canyon is not expected to change appreciably during much of the year. The proposed powerhouse diversions are unlikely to have a detectable influence on the availability or quality of rearing habitats during the period mid-May through October. The forecasted changes in average monthly streamflows are too small to cause notable changes in the amount of shallow, low velocity water along the stream margins. Under reduced winter flows, the availability of rearing habitat may change. However the magnitude or direction of this change cannot be pre- dicted. Due to the uncertainties regarding pre-and postproject ice conditions in the river canyon and the magnitude of the effect ice has on depth, it is impossible to state whether the postproject river stage will be higher or lower than mid-winter preproject levels. During winter months, immature rainbow probabl y spend a considerable portion 0 f time within the streambed gravels. The reduction in mid-winter streamflows could increase the amount of anchor and slush ice forming in the canyon area. increase mortalities by fish being frozen into the substrate. This may Although Arctic grayling are known to inhabit the river canyon, little information is available on their seasonal use of this area. If grayling spawn in the canyon, spawners would be present between late April and early May. The effect of decreased streamflows during this period on the availability of grayling spawning habitat cannot be forecasted due to uncer- tainties regarding the location of such habitat and effects of postproject flows on ice conditions in the river canyon. 4-62 ... .. .. - ... Field studies indicate that grayling may use the canyon only during the open water season. Adult grayling were captured by angling in the canyon throughout the 1981 summer field season. No grayling were captured in October, however. Physical characteristics of the canyon during the period May through November are not expected to be markedly different under post- project conditions. Therefore postproject use of the canyon by nonspawning adults is not anticipated to be significantly different than that presently occuring. Very little information exists on the seasonal use of the canyon by Arctic char/Dolly Varden. None were observed in the canyon area during the 1981 field season. If char spawn in the canyon, they would probably be present from August through October, based on other studies in the region. Streamflow reductions projected for these months range from 3 to 7 percent and are not considered of sufficient magnitude to signi ficantl y change the availability of spawning habitat in the canyon area. However, as with sockeye salmon, the general effect of the reduction in midwinter streamflows on incubation success cannot be anticipated. The effects of cooler stream temperatures discussed for sockeye salmon incubation would also apply to developing char embryos. Storage Concept -Streamflows within the Tazimina River canyon area (between the dam and the powerhouse) would be drastically reduced for most of the year. Under such altered streamflow conditions, the existing aquatic habitat within the Tazimina River canyon would essentially be lost. The associated fishery resources would either be displaced or eliminated. Were it possible for resident fish from below River Mile 8.3 to enter the river canyon, the deep tranquil pools that are expected to ex ist may prov ide suitable rearing or feeding areas. During portions of the year, fish may become trapped in these pools. The greatest probability of flow occurring in the canyon is during late May and from late August through September. Since access to the lower river would exist in the fall when resident species are normally mov ing downstreawm, it would be possible for fish to leave the canyon area. 4-63 Tazimina River Damsite to Lower Lake Run-of-River Concept -Impacts would be limited to that portion of this river segment directly affected by the dam structure, intake pond. and intake structure. Entrainment and entrapment 0 f young fish, particular! y gray ling, could occur at the intake depending on the intake design and mitigation measures used. Field investigations (Appendix C) indicate that the river segment that would be altered by the intake pond does not contain high quality fish habitat and fish use is light. The very small impoundment would probably not have a significant impact on fish above the dam. Storage Concept -In addition to the above run-of-river impacts, impoundment of wate~ behind the dam would greatly alter the character of the area. The primary impact to fish would be the conversion of about 6 kilo- meters (4 miles) of riverine habitat to lake habitat. Grayling and the more numerous sculpins would be the main species influenced in this system. Arctic char, Dolly Varden, and unidentified char fry were not as numerous in this area as in other portions of the drainage. The anticipated impact would be the loss of grayling habitat and possible increase of Arctic char habitat. Existing spawning and rearing habitat for grayling and char would be lost. New shoreline (in currently terrestrial areas) of this reservoir could be unsuitable indefinitely for shore spawning. Reservoir fluctuation could dewater attempted spawning of Arctic char where it may occur~ Stranding mortalities could occur in side area ponds during drawdown periods. Lower Tazimina Lake Run-of-River Concept -No direct impacts would occur. Storage Concept -The surface elevation of Lower Tazimina Lake would increase by up to 11 meters (35 feet) as a result of the storage dam. The lake would increase in length by about 2 kilometers ~7 miles) and the surface area would double. It is difficult to predict the effect on fish 0 f such an alteration. Total lake surface area and amount of littoral (shallow water) 4-64 .. ... ... habitat would increase, thus suggesting a potential increase in carrying capacity for lake dwelling species. On the other, hand water level fluctu- ations could prevent the establishment of natural shoreline patterns. Spawning and rearing habitats, such as the "boulder patch" areas could be eliminated. Arctic char, the dominant sport species, could be adversely affected if critical nearshore habitats are removed and not re-established. However, the life histories of char and the other species such as grayling and Dolly Varden are not sufficiently well known to accurately predict impacts. Decaying terrestrial vegetation in the impoundment area could reduce dissolved oxygen in parts of the lake, especially during the winter, and potential y harm fish. However, the flow of river water through the lake suggests that this would not be a critical problem except in isolated areas. Tazimina River Between the Lakes Run-of-River Concept -No direct impact would occur. Storage Concept -That portion of this river segment above the maximum extent of inundation would not be directly impacted. From this location downstream, the riverine environment would become part of the storage reser- voir for varying parts of the year. The major loss would be the productive Arctic grayling habitat now present. Some Arctic char habitat may be gained to compensate for the grayling habitat lost. Depending on the frequency and magnitude of elevation changes, stranding mortalities are possible in the inundation area. Approximately 60 percent of the riverine habitat in this segment would be lost or greatly modified. Transmission Lines Many rivers and streams would be crossed by transmission lines in the Bristol Bay region. Assuming winter construction and placement of power poles away from flowing waters, minimal impact to aquatic habitat or fish- eries is anticipated. Selection of routes to avoid air traffic zones, including high use sport fishing areas, would further reduce potential 4-65 aquatic impacts. However, the use of submarine cables (if feasible) at major river crossings would cause sedimentation during the construction period. General Impacts Beyond the direct effects to the aquatic env ironment discussed above from a run-of-river or water storage hydroelectric project at Tazimina are the more subtle but often more important influences of an indirect nature. The following are types of such impacts: 1. Increased access to the general area over what now exists would occur both during construction and in later operat ion. Salmonid resources, which appear bounti ful , are in fact slow growing and some species may not be able to support a substantial increase in sport or subsistence fishing without adverse effect. Most vulner- able would be trophy sized rainbow trout, grayling and char. The presence of trophy fish is dependent in part on a low level of fishing pressure. More rigid regulations to protect these fish would be a probable consequence of project development. Enforce- ment of such regulations could be difficult because of the nature of the area. z. The convenience prov ided by a power supply could encourage more settlement. These activities could include more lodges (increasing sport fishing pressure) as well as possible industrial activ Hies (e.g., mining), which could impact Tazimina and other systems. 4.3 MITIGATION OF BIOLOGICAL IMPACTS Design, construction, and operational details for the Tazimina project alternative concepts have not been sufficiently refined to allow an indepth consideration of potential mitigation measures. Furthermore, critical environmental parameters such as hydrological characteristics of the Tazimina drainage, fish utilization of stream habitats, and instream flow requirements need further investigation to provide a basis for recommendations. 4-66 -. .. • .. .. ., WIt· .. ... ... It is uncertain at this time whether hydrological development on the Tazimina River will proceed and, if it does, which project concept will be selected. It is appropriate, there fore, that discussion of mitigation be postponed until a particular project has been selected for detailed feasi- bility study. 4-67 REFERENCES Anderson, J.W., 1968. Sockeye salmon spawning ground studies in the Kvichak • River system, Alaska, 1965, 1966, and 1976. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Circular 68-12. 34 pp. Bailey, J.E., J.J. Pella, and S.G. Taylor, 1976. Production of fry and adults of the 1972 brood of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus ~orbuscha, from gravel incubators and natural spawning at Auke Creek, laska, rishery Bulletin. 74(4):961-970. Baluta, E. Interview, August 12 and August 17,1981. Fishing guide, Nodalton, AK. Berns, V.D., R.J. Hensel, 1972. Radio tracking brown bears on Kodiak Island. - ... International Con ference on bear research and management. Union for the II!!' .• Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Series No. 23. Bovee, K.D., 1978. Probability-of-use criteria for the family salmonidae. Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, CO. Instream Flow Information Paper No.4. 80 pp. Buck, E.H., et a1., 1978. Bibliography, synthesis, and modeling of Naknek River aquatic system information. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK. Report for the National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of Interior. 244 pp. Burgner, C.J., 1951. Characteristics of spawning nests of Columbia River salmon. Fishery Bulletin 611:7-10. Burgner, R.L., C.J. DiCostanzo, R.J. Ellis, G.Y. Harry, Jr., W.L. Hartman, O.E. Kerns, Jr., O.A. Mathisen, and W.F. Royce, 1969. Biological studies and estimates of optimum escapements of sockeye salmon in the major river systems in southwestern Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 67(2):405-469. Cahalane, V .H., 1959. A biological survey of Katmai National Monument. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection 138(5). 246 pp. Chambers, J.S., G.H. Allen, and R.T. Pressey, 1955. study of spawning grounds in natural areas. Fisheries, Olympia, WA. 175 pp. Research relating to Washington Dept. of Dean, F.C., 1957. Investigations of grizzly bears in interior and arctic Alaska. Report No.1, work done in Mt. McKinley National Park. Report to Arctic Institute of North Am., Unpublished. Demory, R.L., R.F. Orrell, and D.R. Heinle, 1962. Spawning ground catalog of the Kvichak River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. Special Scientific Report--Fisheries 488. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Contribution 168. 292 pp. 4-68 ... ... Ellis, R.J., 1974. Distribution, abundance, and growth of juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, and associated species in the Naknek River system, ~961-64. U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries 678. 53 pp. Erickson, A.W., 1965. The brown-grizzly bear in Alaska: Its ecology and management. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Hartman, W.L., T.R. Merrell, and R. Painter, 1964. sockeye salmon in Brooks River, Alaska. Mass spawning behavior of Copeia. 1964(2):362-368. Hartman, W.L., C.W. Strickland, and D.T. Hoopes, 1962. Survival and behavior of sockeye salmon fry migrating into Brooks Lake, Alaska. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 92(2):133-139. Haugh, J.R., J.P. Potter, 1975. Evaluation of raptor populations; Tuxedni Bay, Iliamna Lake, Noatak River Valley, and Fortymile River Valley of Alaska. Report to USDI Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Serv ice. Hemming, J.E., R.E. Pegau, 1970. Caribou project annual segment report. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fed. Aid Wildlife Report. Juneau, AK. Hemming, J.E., 1971. The distribution and movement of caribou in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Tech. Bull. No.1. Juneau, AK. , ,1975. Alaskan problems and prospects. In Proceedings of First ---=Ir:-n-:-t-e-rnational Reindeer and Caribou Symposium, FaIrbanks, Alaska. 551 pp. Hoopes, D. T., 1962. Ecological distribution of spawning sockeye salmon in three lateral streams, Brooks Lake, Alaska. Ph .D. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 235 pp. Hulten, A., 1967. Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories. Stanford University Press. Isakson, J. Inteview, Awgust 29, 1981. Fisheries biologist, Dames & Moore Consulting Engineers, Seattle, WA. LeResche, R.E., R.H. Bishop, J.W. Coady, 1974. Distribution and habitats of moose in Alaska. Naturalists. Can. 101:143-178. Lentfer, J.W., 1972. Remarks on the denning habits of the Alaska brown bears. International Conference on bear research and management. Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Series No. 23. Manville, R.H., and S.P. Young, 1965. Distribution of Alaskan mammals. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Circular 211:74 pp. Mathisen, O.A., R.F. Demory, and R.F. Orrell, 1972. Notes on the time of hatching of red salmon fry in Iliamna District, Bristol Bay, AK. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Circular 1973. 12 pp. 4-69 McAfee, W.S., 1960. Redds of the red salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in three streams of the Alaska Peninsula. M.S. Thesis. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 39 pp. Merrell, T.R., 1964. Ecological studies of sockeye salmon and related limnological and climatological investigations, Brooks Lake, Alaska, 1957. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special Scientific Report-- Fisheries 456. 66 pp. Murie, A., 1944. The wolves of Mt. McKinley. National Park ServIce. Fauna No.5. Wash. D.C. Murray, D.F., 1980. Threatened and endangered plants of Alaska. USDA Forest Serv ice. Nelson, M.L., 1964. Spawning ground survey of red salmon eggs and larvae in Bristol Bay 1963. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Information Leaflet 40. 7 pp. Poe, P.H., 1981. Kvichak salmon studies. Presentation for the Bristol Bay Interagency Meeting, February 4-5. Anchorage, AK. 1 Vol. , Interviews, August 27 and December 1, 1981, telephone conversa- -----';"'t"'io-n-, February 2, 1981. Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Racine, C.H., S.B. Young, 1978. Ecosystems of the proposed Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. Contributions from the Center of Northern Studies No. 16. USDI and Natonal Park Service. Russell, R., 1974. Rainbow trout life history studies in lower Talarik Creek--Kvichak drainage. Sport Fish Div., Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Vol. 15. Study G-11. 48 pp. , 1979. Field notes and data sheets for reconnaissance investi- ------gaEion, July 16-20, August 11-23 and September 6-16, 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. ,1980. A fisheries inventory of waters in the Lake Clark National --.-:----Monument area. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game and U.S. National Park Service, Anchorage, AK. 197 pp. , Memorandum, January 23, 1980. Commercial Fisheries Division, --"'-r..---:-Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, King Salmon, AK. Memorandum to Russ Redick, Sport Fish Division, Anchorage, AK. , Telephone conversation, February 2, 1981. Commercial Fisheries ----..:0..,.-.,.... Division, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, King Salmon, AK. Siedelman, D.L., P.B. Cunningham, and R.B. Russell, 1973. Life history studies of rainbow trout in the Kvichak drainage of Bristol Bay. Sport Fish Div., Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Vol. 14. Study G-11. 50 pp. 4-70 - ... .... W· Siedleman, D.L., and L.J. Engel, 1972. Studies of trophy game fish in Kvichak and Alagnak (Branch) drainage of Bristol Bay. Pages 41-66 in Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Vol. 13. Study G-11. Sport Fish Div., Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Sims, William. Interviews, August 19 and September 22, 1981. Lodge owner, Nondalton, AK. Skogg, R.O., 1969. Ecology of the caribou (Rangi fer tarandus Granti) in Alaska. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 699 pp. Tack, S., 1972. Distribution, abundance, and natural history of the Arctic grayling in the Tanana River drainage. Sport Fish. Div., Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Vol. 13. Study G-11. 34 pp. , S., 1980. Distribution, abundance, and natural history of the -~-:-Arctic grayling in the Tanana River drainage. Annual Report. Sport Fish Di v., Alaska Dept. 0 f Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish , Restoration. Vol. 21. Study R-I. 32 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1980. Terrestrial habitat evaluation criteria handbook -Alaska Division of Ecological Services, USFWS, Anchorage. Williamson, F.S.L., L.J. Peyton, 1962. Faunal relationships of birds in the Iliamna Lake area" Alaska. Biological papers of the University of Alaska, No.5. 4-71 5.0 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 5.1 HISTORICAL SETTING 5.1.1 Tazimina River-Tazimina Lakes The Tazimina River-Tazimina lakes area is rarely mentioned in the anthropological literature. A discussion of past native use of the Tazimina area is mentioned in a study of subsistence use of the Lake Clark area completed for the National Park Service by Steven Behnke (1978). Behnke reports that the Tanaina Athapaskan name for Tazimina is taz' in~, which means "fish trap lake." In the past, salmon were taken in fish traps placed at the outlets of many streams in the region, including some in the vicinity of the Tazimina lakes. Rainbow trout were also taken in fish traps here (Behnke 1978). Nondalton residents still catch rainbow trout around the mouth of the Tazimina River in the spring, though the importance of this resource has decreased in recent decades due to over fishing by sportsmen (Behnke 1978). A second major use of the Tazimina lakes was as a trapping ground. The area was particularly good for trapping beaver, but marten, fox, and other furbearers were taken as well (Behnke 1978). A third use of the Tazimina lakes in the past was as a major travel route between Lake Clark and the village of Old Iliamna. According to Behnke's informants, the route went from the Tanalian River up the first valley to the south as far as the Tazimina lakes. From there. one route led south to the village of Chekok while the other continued to the head of the lakes and then down a river to Pile Bay (Behnke 1978). James Kari, a linguist at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, has collected the Tanaina names for four geographic features in the area. Two of them, taz'in ~ ("fish trap lake," Lower Tazimina Lake) and unqeghnich'er taz'in ~ (Upper Tazimina Lake) as already noted, reflected the subsistence use of the area. The others, sata'iy (untranslated, a mountain on the north shore of Upper Tazimina Lake) and ungeghnich'en z'uni ("upper protrusion," a mountain on the south shore of Upper Tazimina Lake), probably identified local landmarks for the trapper and traveler (Behnke 1978). Past or present Tanaina use of the area is also reflected in several native allotment claims 5-1 at the head of the lower lake and on the river between the upper and lower lakes (Stephen Braund, personal communication). Neither the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey Inventory, through July 22, 1981, nor the National Register of Historic Places, through mid-November 1981, lists any cultural resources located on the Tazimina River or Tazimina lakes. Speci fic references to the Tazimina River-Tazimina lakes area are also rare in the historical literature. The Russian-American Company, which in the first half of the 19th Century sometimes manned a fur-trading station in the Iliamna region, may have been unaware that the Tazimina lakes existed or at least considered them to be unimportant. A Russian map of the north Pacific, dated 1849, shows Lake Iliamna, a body of water to the north that is probably Lake Clark, and a smaller unidentified lake, possibly part of Lake Clark, still further north, but includes no indication of the Tazimina system (Teben'kov 1852). The earliest well-known expedition to the region in the American period, sponsored by Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1891, "discovered" and named Lake Clark and descended the Newhalen River. The expedition continued no further to the east, however, and took no note 0 f the T azimina system (Schanz 1891). The names 11 Tazimeena River" and "Taziminah Lakes" were recorded in 1902 by W.H. Osgood of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and A.G. Maddren of the U.S. Geological Survey, respectively, in the course of a biological reconnaissance of the region (Orth 1967). Osgood's map of the expedition's route shows the Tazimina River and both the upper and lower lakes (Osgood 1904). The hydroelectric potential of the Tazimina River was noted by a later Geological Survey expedition, which mapped the area in 1909 (Martin and Katz 1912). Orth (1967) notes that the names "Nulhutno," "Nohutno," and "Nulkutno" have also been applied to the Tazimina system, but no further mention of these names was found in the literature. It appears from what little information is available in the literature that the types of historic and late prehistoric sites likely to be found on the Tazimina River-Tazimina lakes will consist of temporary camp sites used for fishing, trapping, and as travelers' rest stops. These sites may be small and shallow or may be quite large as a result of repeated use over the years. This hypothesis has not, however, been verified by any systematic and 5-2 - - - .. .. thorough archeological survey of the area and other types of sites may be represented. 5.1.2 Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark Because of the lack of archeological information on the specific study area, a discussion of the types of sites that have been or may be found in the broader Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region may be appropriate since these sites would probably be representative of the types that may be present in the project area. Some previous archeological work has been carried out in this broader region. Townsend and Townsend (1961) completed a preliminary survey of the north shore of Lake Iliamna in the summer of 1960 and excavated a late prehistoric Tanaina site at Pedro Bay. VanStone and Townsend (1970) excavated at Kijik, a Tanaina village of the historic period, on Lake Clark in 1966. Smith and Shields (1977) conducted a survey of the shores of Lake Clark and seven small lakes to the north of it in 1976 in connection with the proposed Lake Clark National Park. Throughout the early 1970s, various native groups identified a number of sites of historic importance to them in connection with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The prehistory of the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region is poorly known. Small sites representing Eskimo and land-based hunting traditions and spanning the past 9,000 years have been found scattered to the south on Bristol Bay and the Alaska Peninsula and to the north as far as the sources of the Mulchatna and Stony Rivers (Smith and Shields 1977). Many of the inland sites are small camps, located on ridges and terraces high above present-day lakes and rivers, whose ages have been estimated on the basis of the types of tools found in them (Smith and Shields 1977). Additional archeological survey. and excavation in this region appear to have a great potential for yielding data that will clarify our understanding of the early cultural history of southwestern Alaska. Most of the known archeological sites in the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region date to the late prehistoric and historic periods. Many can be attributed to either the Eskimos or the Tanaina Athapaskans, the native 5-3 groups resident in the area today. The latter group has occupied the eastern two-thirds of Lake Iliamna and the entire Lake Clark region to the headwaters of the Mulchatna and Stony Rivers since at least the end of the 18th Century, when some Tanaina may have moved west from their Cook Inlet homeland to escape the Russians (VanStone and Townsend 1970). The Tanaina subsisted upon the important salmon resources of this region as well as upon large game animals such as caribou and moose. A relatively dependable food supply allowed them to maintain semi-permanent villages of semi-subterranean log houses or, later, above-ground log cabins. Other types of Tanaina settlements were summer fish camps along the rivers and lakes and summer and fall hunting camps in the hills and mountains. Light, temporary shelters of poles and bark or canvas were used at such camps (Behnke 1978). Evidence of Tanaina fish-storage pits, raised meat caches, caribou fences, and summer foot trails might also be found in the study area (Behnke 1978). Some historic sites in the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region may relate to Russian and American activities there. The Russians began exploring the Alaska Peninsula at least as early as 1785 (Bancroft 1886) and had established a fur-trading post in the Iliamna area some time before 1798, when it was destroyed by the native inhabitants (Bancroft 1886). Although the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region was never a major site of Russian occupation, periodic trading expeditions were sent to the Iliamna area in the first decades of the 19th Century and a trading post had evidently been re- established there by 1821 (Liapunova and Fedorova 1979, Townsend and Townsend 1961). Other Russian activities in the region included a brief and illfated religious mission to either Iliamna village or Kijik village in 1796 (Bancroft 1886, Townsend and Townsend 1961) and several expeditions that explored parts of the Alaska Peninsula in the early 19th Century (Townsend and Townsend 1961). Archeologists have not yet positivel y identified the sites of the Russian posts or other activities in the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region, but such sites are potentially present. After 1867 American merchants continued in the fur trade established by the Russians. Very few whites lived in the region until early in the 20th Century when a number of prospectors and miners arrived to search for gold, primarily around Lake Clark and in the Mulchatna River drainage. A few other whites operated 5-4 .. - support services, such as the small lumber mill established near Tanalian Point in the 1930s (Behnke 1978). Archeologists have located a number of cabins and buildings in the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region which date to the early 20th Century and may be related to these activities (Smith and Shields 1977) • 5.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS BASED ON ARCHEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE An archeological reconnaissance of the proposed project area (Figures 5-1 and 5-2) was conducted on September 21-22, 1981. A surface survey was at two potential powerhouse sites on the Tazimina River. No evidence of cultural resoures was found at either site. Site A is located on the south side of the river, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 section 26, and site B is located on the north side of the river, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 of the same section, T 3 S, R 32 W, Seward Meridian. Locations were based on the verbal descriptions of poten- tial sites and the sites described may not correspond to those finally selected. Site A lies approximately 23 meters (75 feet) above the river on what appears to be the second of three terraces above the floodplain. The site is above a riffle in the river where several fishermen were observed on the day of the survey. The floodplain, just above the river, was quite wet on the day of the survey. It supports a stand of spruce, poplar, and willow with an understory of shrubs and grasses. Remnants of the first ter.race above the floodplain are visible about hal f way up t.oe face of the second terrace. This narrow shel f is covered with mosses and lichens, as are the faces of both terraces. The second terrace is broad and relati vel y flat. Vegetation is patchy, consisting primarily of mosses, lichens, lowbush cranberries, and blueberr ies. Coarse gravel and sand. are exposed in many areas. There is a small stand of stunted spruce near the east edge of the terrace. The second terrace terminates on the south in a steep hill that may represent yet another terrace. The main survey area was bounded by the edge of the terrace on the north and east and by the foot of the hill or third terrace on the south. The west edge of the area was located approximately 91 meters (100 yards) west of an 5-5 o n \ \ ) J V ;--7.0 I ' "'\ o cJ !;J o () o o LOCATION OF THIS MAP (] o o O KNOWN HISTORICAL SITE AHRS NO. ILl 004 AREAS COVERED ON FOOT AT :WA,B PROPOSED POWERHOUSE SITES AREAS COVERED ON FOOT AT ~ 1,2 RECENT CAMPSITES ,,-----, AREAS COVERED IN l ) AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE "" --\..-- ~ -~- I ONE MILE ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY SITES IN THE TAZIMINA RIVER DRAINAGE Dames & Moore Figure 5-1 --, \ \. ...... / ( \ I / I \ \ \ ) ~ 1 2 AREAS COVERED ON FOOT AT ~, RECENT CAMPSITES (,----'_ AREAS COVERED IN , '_/\..., ..... -.... AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE LOCATION OF THIS MAP ~ -~- I ONE MILE ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY SITES IN THE TAZIMINA LAKES AREA Dam •• & Moor. Figure 5-2 orange-flagged survey line that ran from the edge of the terrace down to the floodplain. A series of six transects, each approximately 274 meters (300 yards) long, was walked parallel to the edge of the terrace. The first transect was along the terrace edge itself, the second and third transects were spaced at 6-meter (20-foot) intervals from the first, and the remaining three transects were spaced at 9-meter OO-foot) intervals from the third. An area of approximately 274 meters by 40 meters (900 feet by 130 feet) was covered. No holes were dug, but a number of sandy blowouts and exposures of coarse gravel were examined for evidence of cultural material. A series of small holes was also examined. They appeared to have been blasted out as some sort of test associated with the survey line mentioned above. It was later learned that the survey line was associated with topographic mapping of the area and the blasted holes were the results of a seismic testing program. No cultural material or evidence of cultural stratigraphy was visible in either the natural or man-made exposures. Brief forays down to the floodplain along the survey line and back to the hill marking the south boundary of the terrace were also made. No evidence of cultural resources was found. Site B lies somewhere between a gravel knob approximately 9 meters (30 feet) above the river and an abandoned beaver dam on the floodplain. The floodplain is a tangle of dead standing and fallen trees around a large drained beaver pond with a small stream running through it. It once supported some sizeable spruce and poplar. The first terrace above the floodplain is very low, wet, and spongy with standing water, moss, lichens, some grass, and a few stunted spruce. The second terrace 0 ffers a firmer footing but is still rather spongy. Vegetation consists of moss and lichens with a few spruce. The terrace rises slightly as it approaches the foot of a steep-sided gravel knob to the north. This knob and several others of similar height in the area may be remnants of a third terrace. Vegetation atop the knob is patchy and consists of moss, lichens, lowbush cranberries, and a small stand of stunted spruce. Coarse gravel and sand are exposed in many places. 5-8 The entire surface of the small gravel knob was examined by walking back and forth across it at 3-meter (10-foot)intervals. No holes were dug but all blowouts and gravel exposures were examined for cultural evidence. If the powerhouse is built here the gravel knob may serve as a staging area or source of fill. No surface indications of cultural resources were found. The second terrace was traversed along the base of the gravel knob, along the edge of the terrace, and about half way between those two transects. There were no natural exposures and no surface evidence of cultural resources. No test pits were dug. The first terrace was too wet to examine thoroughly. Because of standing water, the terrace was skirted and the survey confirmed across to the floodplain and abandoned beaver dam. As noted above, the beaver pond was drained, but the remnants of the dam and the single lodge were of impressive size. There were moose tracks in the pond basin. The river bank was traversed for approximately 15 meters (50 feet) but no evidence of cultural resources was seen. The opposite bank of the river here is extremel y high, nearl y vertical, and appears to be composed of gravel. On September 22 aerial reconnaissance around the perimeter of Lower Tazimina Lake was completed, concentrating upon any areas adj acent to the lake less than 213 meters (700 feet) above sea level. The 213-meter contour is above the maximum water level expected if the proposed dam is built across the outlet of the lake. The vegetation of this area appears to consist primarily of mosses, lichens, and low shrubs with scattered stands of spruce. Many of the spruce are stunted, but those in better-drained areas and in the river valley between the upper and lower lakes are large and vigorous. There are a number of old beaver dams on streams feeding into the lower lake and on some of the channels of the river connecting the upper and lower lakes. A moose with a calf was observed in the connecting valley. The beaches of the lower lake range from narrow ones with small cobbles to broad ones of fine gravel. In a number of areas a series of several low beach berms were noted. These may represent either former levels of the lake or storm berms. All are vegetated. Narrow boggy swales lie between the berms. The reconnaissance was carried out from a helicopter flying slowly at a relatively low altitude. Starting on the north side of the lower lake outlet, 5-9 ... ... • ... .... .. '"", the survey was flown along the lake shore in a clockwise direction. Guided by the USGS topographic maps of 1:63,360 scale, detours inland were made to fly over all areas which appeared to lie below the 213-meter contour. At the head of the lake the survey continued east up the braided river that connects it with the upper lake approximately as far as the 213-meter contour before returning to the south shore of the lower lake. Throughout the reconnais- sance the ground was scanned for areas of unusual or disturbed vegetation, pits, cairns, cabin foundations, or any other signs of human activity. Only one recent site, described below, was spotted from the air. The helicopter landed to allow examination of a modern campsite on the south lake shore, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 section 20, T 2 S, R 30 W, Seward Meridian. The site lies just above a broad crescent of beach composed of fine gravel. To the east is a stream with beaver ponds, apparently abandoned. To the west is another small stream. There are two low, older beach berms in this area, both grown over with moss and lichens. The site itself consists of a recent meat or drying rack of poles, vestiges of a camp fire, and recent trash. Associated with the site is a weathered wooden skiff, with a square bow and empty square fuel cans in the bottom, which has been pulled up off the beach. In the same area are weathered, ax-scarred tree stumps, rusty cans, and some small sawn sections of a log. Muskeg vegetation stretches from the beach inland about 15 meters (50 feet) to a stand of stunted spruce. Several beer cans, more faded than the trash at the recent camp, lie among the trees. It is apparent that people have used this area repeatedly. A traverse along the water's edge was made from west to east as far as the point of land east of the beaver stream and from east to west along the inland edge of the beach as far as the stream west a f the site. A short distance upstream to the beaver ponds was also walked. No test pits were dug, but the beach, cut banks, and other n~tural exposures were examined for cultural material. No evidence of cultural resources older than perhaps 30 or 40 years was found. At the end of the aerial reconnaissance the helicopter also landed to allow examination of the river bank and the shores of a small pond on the south side of the lake outlet, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 section 35, T 2 S, R 31 W, Seward Meridian. Although nothing was seen from the air here, the area had 5-10 been marked as a good camping place on a map compiled by personnel of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1980). Working under the assumption that today's good camping place may have been used in the past as well, it was decided to explore the area. No surface evidence of human activity was found along the north shore of the pond, on the isthmus between the pond and the river, or on the hill northeast of the pond. The area is covered with mosses, lichens, low shrubs, spruce, and willow and, except for the hill, is rather wet for camping. The survey continued out to the river bank and along the west side of the point marking the lake outlet. The river bank here is very stony but rises gradually, providing a small crescent of beach. Above the beach evidence of two camp fires, trash, firewood, and ground disturbance was found as if someone had camped here. The camp appeared to be quite recent. On the point some small sawn stumps were found but no other surface evidence of human activity. 5.3 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION There are no previously known cultural resources on the Tazimina River or Tazimina lakes. Aerial reconnaissance of the potential inundation area around Lower Tazimina Lake and surface survey of two potential power- house sites did not reveal any cultural resources of obvious significance. The survey methods used, however, are designed to detect only relatively large and readily visible cultural resources and produce data suitable only for general studies of project feasibility. If the lower Tazimina dam project is determined to be feasible, it is recommended that the following addi tional archeological studies be conducted before project construction begins: o Subsurface testing at the two recent campsites discovered during the aerial reconnaissance of Lower Tazimina Lake. On the surface, neither site appears archeologically significant. Both sites may, however, contain buried evidence of earlier and potentially signi ficant camps. It is obvious that at least one of the camps has been used repeatedly over the years. The old beach berms at that site may contain older remains. As both sites would probably be damaged if the lake were dammed, they should be more closely examined. 5-11 o Surface reconnaissance of the more heavily forested areas of the potential inundation area, especially along the Tazimina River between the lower and upper lakes. As noted above, the sites within the inundation area are likely to be small, temporary camp sites that would be difficult to spot from the air under the best conditions and easily obscured by heavy vegetation. o Subsurface testing at the speci fic sites where construction excavation is planned, especially on the terraces above the present river bed and on the floodplain. As noted above, prehistoric sites have been found high above present-day rivers and lakes in the Lake Iliamna-Lake Clark region and late prehistoric and historic Tanaina fish camps may be located next to the modern river. Some of the prehistoric sites may be deeply buried and not readily detectable in surface survey. Subsurface testing and intensive survey at construction sites and material sources are more efficient when the specific area of potential disturbance has been defined and marked on the ground. Unfortunately, the most deeply buried sites may not be discovered until a contractor has removed the overburden with heavy equipment. In such cases an on-site inspection may be required. o Surveys of additional areas of project impact. In this study, potential transmission line corridors; substation sites, access roads, or other areas of potential disturbance were not examined. Transmission line corridors and any access roads should at least be examined by an archeologist from the air and portions should be examined on the ground as well. SUbstation sites and other speci fic areas of ground disturbance should be examined on the ground. 5-12 REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980. A fisheries inventory of waters in the Lake Clark National Monument area. Alaska Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Department of Interior-National Park Service, (n.p.). Bancroft, H.H., 1886. History of Alaska,1730-1885. A.L. Bancroft and Co., San Francisco. Behnke, S.R., 1978. Resource use and subsistence in the vicinity of the proposed Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. Anthropology and Historic Preservation, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Occasional Paper No. 15. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Liapunova, R.G., and S.G. Fedorova, 1979. Russkaia Amerika v neopublikovannykh zapiskakh K.T. Khlebnikova. Nauka, Leningrad. Martin, G.C., and F.J. Katz, 1912. A geologic reconnaissance of the Iliamna region, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 485. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Orth, D. J., 1967. Dictionary 0 f Alaska place names. Geologic Survey Professional Paper 567. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Osgood, W.H., 1904. Peninsula. U.S. North American D.C. A biological reconnaissance of the base of the Alaska Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey, Fauna 24. Government Printing Office, Washington, Schanz, A.B., 1891. Our Alaska expedition. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, vol. 72:337; vol. 73:138-139, 156, 188, 208, 224, 240. Smith, G.S., and H.M. Shields, 1977. Archeological survey of selected portions 0 f the proposed Lake Clark National Park: Lake Clark, Lake Telaquana, Turquois Lake, Twin Lakes, Fishtrap Lake, Lachbuna Lake and Snipe Lake. Anthropology and Historic Preservation, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Occasional Paper No.7. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Teben'kov, M.D., 1852. Atlas severozapadnykh beregov Amer iki. •• St. Petersburg. Townsend, J.B., and S.-J. Townsend, 1961. Archaeological investigations at Pedro Bay, Alaska. Anthropo~ogical Papers of the University of Alaska 10(1):25-58. VanStone, J.W., and J.B. townsend, 1970. Kijik: an historic Tanaina Indian settlement. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 59. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. 5-13 6.0 SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 INTRODUCTION < , The Bristol Bay region is generally defined geographically as the area represented by the 30 communities within the boundaries of the Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC). This study does not include this entire area, but rather represents only 18 communities within the larger region. Two villages west of Dillingham (Togiak and Twin Hills) and Alaska Peninsula communities south of Egegik are not included. In this chapter, the "Bristol Bay region" re fers to the entire area incorporated with BBNC' s boundaries, while "study area" only refers to the 18 communities within the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan study area. For purposes of analysis, the 18 study communities are organized into the five subregions ~isted below. Although these subregions do not coincide with local schemes, they do correspond to the five "energy zones" identi fied by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC). Iliamna Subregion 1 Iliamna (25) Newhalen (11) Nond alton (16 ) Kvichak River Subregion Levelock (25) Igiugig (12) Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion Naknek (13) South Naknek (10) King Salmon (10) Egegik (9) Nushagak Bay ~ubregion Dillingham (11) Aleknagik Portage Creek (4) Clark's Point Ekuk (1) Manoktak Nushagak River Subregion Ewok 0) New Stuyahok (9) Koliganek (20) -;---n;e numbers in parentheses represent the number of persons interv iewed in each community. 6-1 Research was conducted during November and December 1981 as well as January 1982. Most of the information was gathered during informal inter- v iews with local residents, inc Iud ing v BIage counci I membe rs, city administrators, resource managers, and other knowledgeable people. These interviews consisted primarily of open-ended questions that. allowed residents to express their thoughts related to a number of relevant topics. Depending on community preferences, two types of interviews emerged in the field: ind i v idual and small group or community meetings. Relevant information related to the power plan (developed by SWEC) was presented. The project, status of research, and various alternative scenarios where described. All people interviewed were shown U.S.G.S. 1:250,000 series maps of the proposed Tazimina Project and corresponding transmission lines and were asked to comment on the routes as well as make recommendations. Because the various alternative plan scenarios (blue line maps) devel- oped by SWEC were not available when visits were made to the Iliamna subregion as well as Igiugig, these residents did not see them. In these communities, the Tazimina Project and related transmission lines and the Kukaklek al ternati ve were primaril y addressed. In the remainder of the communities, all of the maps were reviewed by interviewees. It is important to remember that the Bristol Bay region is currently affected by a number of forces that originate outside of the region. Local residents I attitudes and concerns should be seen in the context that the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan is only one of many governmental "plans" for the region. Others include: o State of Alaska proposed public land disposals. o Proposed federal offshore oil and gas development lease sales. o Bristol Bay Cooperative Management Plan mandated by d-2 legislation. 6-2 .... o The urban threat to the State's subsistence priority law. o State of Alaska proposed onshore oil and gas lease sales. All of the above, including a regional power plan, could cause long- term changes in the social and economic infrastructure of the region. More important, most of these developments are viewed as threats to existing lifestyles and cause stress and worry related to an uncertain future, especially in the smaller, more isolated villages. 6.2 POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHY Table 6-1 represents population figures for the communities in the study area for 1950 to 1980 as well as the approximate number of limited entry fishing permits per community. One of the most apparent demographic char- acteristics of the Bristol Bay region is the low population density. In 1980, the aggregate popul ation of the 18 study communities was onl y 4,177 persons, and 57 percent of these people live in either Dillingham, King Salmon, or Naknek. The remainder of the population is located in scattered villages ranging in size from 7 to 325 persons (Table 6-1). Given both the nature of the environment and the importance of subsistence activities, this low population density is probably related to locally important subsistence harvests that require large land areas around each settlement. Reflecting the region's dependence on water for both a transportation network as well as commercial and subsistence fishing, all 18 study communities are located on either a lake, river, or bay. According to Kresge et ale (1974), the small rate of population increase from 1960 to 1970 (Table 6-1) was lower than the rate of natural increase due to births and deaths and thus implied that people migrated from the Bristol Bay region during the decade. They attributed this slow growth rate to both a reduction in military personnel stationed in the area as well as signifi- cant Native out-migration. The net increase in civilian Native population was less than the natural increase, while two-thirds of the growth in the civ ilian white population was due to net migration into the area (Kresge et a1. 1974). 6-3 1950 1 Aleknagik 153 Clark's Point 128 Dillingham 577 Egegik 119 Ekuk Ekwok 131 Igiugig Iliamna 44 King Salmon Koliganek 90 Levelock 76 Manokotak 120 Naknek 174 New Stuyahok 88 Newhalen 48 Nondalton 103 Portage Creek South Naknek Subtotal, 18 Communities est. Remaining 12 BB Communities est. Total: 30 BB Communities 1Source: U.S. Census 2Source: Langdon 1981 3Not Available 4Excludes King Salmon TABLE 6-1 BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN STUDY AREA: VILLAGE POPULATION AND LIMITED ENTRY PERMITS. Percent Approx. No. of Percent of 1960 1 1970 1 19801 Change Limited Entry 1980 1970-1980 Permits (1980)2 Population with Limited Drift Set Total Entry Permit 231 128 154 20.3 30 19 49 31.8 138 95 79 -16.8 10 9 19 24.1 424 914 1,535 67.9 136 93 229 14.9 150 148 75 -49.3 24 30 54 72.0 40 51 7 -86.3 2 9 11 157.1 106 103 79 -23.3 16 17 21.5 36 36 33 -8.3 6 6 18.2 ,... 47 58 94 62.1 12 21 33 35.1 227 202 536 165.3 NA3 100 142 116 -18.3 15 3 18 15.5 - 88 74 80 8.1 11 8 19 23.8 149 214 293 36.9 37 27 64 21.8 249 318 317 -0.3 47 66 113 35.7 ... 145 216 325 50.5 30 4 34 10.5 63 88 87 -1.1 6 3 9 10.4 205 184 170 -7.6 12 13 25 14.7 60 50 -16.7 10 2 12 24.0 142 154 147 -4.5 15 34 49 33.3 .' 2,580 3,185 4,177 31.2 419 342 761 20.94 .. 1,020 1,079 1,356 25.7 NA3 3,600 4,264 5,533 29.8 ,. However, during the same 10-year period, a number of Native villages in the study area experienced signi ficant population growth: Koliganek, New Stuyahok, Manokotak, and Newhalen (as well as Togiak and Twin Hills outside of the study area). With the exception of Newhalen whose residents, according to the 1970 census, are pr imaril y Aleut, v irtuall y the entire population cif the other villages is Eskimo. These Eskimo settlements are relatively isolated from the more urban population centers, the Eskimo culture and language is very strong, and residents rely on local resources for subsistence hunting and fishing as well as trapping. Kresge et al. (1974) attributed the rapid growth in these Eskimo communities to migration either from other villages or from outside the region and described this pattern of population change among Bristol Bay Eskimos as a process of "de-urbanization." Between 1970 and 1980, the Bristol Bay region, as well as the 18 study communities, increased in population approximatel y 30 percent. This repre- sents an increase of slightly over 2.5 percent per year, and is nearly twice the growth rate as the previous decade. Because detailed 1980 census data is unavailable at this time, the reasons for this growth are unclear, but it may be associated with migration into the region. Increased services associated with both the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) as well as State and federal programs have resulted in an influx of non-Natives to administer these services. Reasons Natives may have moved back to the villages include: perceived increased economic opportunity in the villages associated with ANCSA; higher fish prices and catches in the late 1970 's; construction 0 f village high schools and other capital projects; and preferences for a return to village life. The communities with the largest growth in the 1970 I S are Dillingham, King Salmon, and Iliamna, primarily non-Native, commercial, transportation centers. In Dillingham, growth may be due primarily to increased govern- mental services, more job opportunities, and larger commercial salmon catches as well as higher -fish prices (especially in the last 5 years). Iliamna's growth is related to its emergence as a subregional transportation and recreational center. The population of the entire Bristol Bay Borough 6-5 (Naknek, South Naknek, and King Salmon) declined slightly from 1970 to 1980 1 (Alaska Department of Labor 1981), while Naknek and South Naknek remained relativel y constant. Therefore, the phenomenal growth in King Salmon is likel y explainable in that the air force base is included in the 1980 population while it was not included in 1970. The majority of the region's population is concentrated in Dillingham and the Bristol Bay Borough. In 1970, these relatively urbanized areas represented 50 percent of the population in the study area, while in 1980 they represented 60 percent. Writing in the early 1970's, Kresge et a1. (1974) saw no reason these urban population centers would continue to grow. According to controversial 1980 census figures, the Bristol Bay Borough lost approximately 5 percent of its population between 1960 and 1970, while Dillingham's population rose 68 percent. This growth is likely a result of its role as a governmental service, transportation, and employment center, as well as increased commercial fishing catches and prices. According to available 1980 census data, the rapid growth in the Eskimo communities identified in the 1960's did not, in all cases, continue in the 1970's. In the study area, only Manokotak and New Stuyahok exhibited sub- stantial growth. Part of the reason for the decline in population in many Native villages may be due to population shifts within the region. It is not uncommon for villagers to move from village to village. For example, most Portage Creek residents are originally from Koliganek, many families from Levelock have moved to Igiugig, and New Stuyahok and Manokotak are likel y attracting residents from other villages. Additionall y, this popul ation movement within the region may also help to explain Dillingham's growth as people move to find employment. According to the 1970 census, 71 percent of the Bristol Bay population (exclusive of the King Salmon A.F.B.) were Alaska Native (Eskimo, Indian, or Aleut). The majority of non-Natives, which comprised approximately 29 1~ugh officials believe that 1980 census figures are low by nearly 600 persons (see Kramer, Chin & Mayo 1981). 6-6 ... percent of the population, were concentrated in the relatively urbanized communities of King Salmon, Naknek, and Dillingham. If these three com- munities are not considered, 87 percent of the region's population were Native. In 1970, Eskimos constituted 41 percent of the Bristol Bay popula- tion. The majority of Eskimos in the region lived in Togiak, New Stuyahok, Manokotak, Koliganek, Aleknagik, Ekwok, Kokhanok, and Dillingham. Aleuts, which represented 23 percent of the region's population, lived primarily in Dillingham, Newhalen, South Naknek, Naknek, Levelock, and communities further south on the Alaska Peninsula. Aleuts comprised the largest ethnic group in Dillingham. Tanaina Indians, located primarily in the Iliamna subregion villages of Nondalton and Pedro Bay, made up only 7 percent of the Bristol Bay population. (Corresponding 1980 figures are unavailable.) Although the region's population is comprised of all three Alaska Native groups as well as non-Natives, no one ethnic group predominates. Representatives of the various cultures are dispersed throughout the region. Dillingham's population has a sizeable number of all ethnic groups. There are, however, predominantly Eskimo (Koliganek, Manokotak, New Stuyahok, Kokhanok, and Togiak) and Indian (Nondalton and Pedro Bay) communities, which suggests that ethnic groups have tended to concentrate in specific communities (Kresge et ale 1974). The population figures in Table 6-1 do not reflect the enormous influx of people into the region during the summer as a result of both the commer- cial salmon fishery and sport hunting and fishing. During the summer salmon runs, the commercial fishing industry provides the largest source of private employment in the region. A sizeable number of commercial fishermen and cannery workers come from outside the region and leave at the end of the season. Most Bristol Bay residents also participate in this fishery, which may be their only source of employment for the year. This is especially true for Natives who leave their v illages for commercial fishing and return home at season's end. Because they have canneries, Dillingham, Naknek, South Naknek, and Egegik are inundated with people during the fishing season. Although 6-7 canneries are not presently active in Ekuk and Clark's Point, both of these communities are basically cannery towns whose populations swell in the summer months. On the other hand, residents in the Nushagak River subregion (Ekwok, Koliganek, and New Stuyahok), the Kvichak River subregion (Levelock and Iguigig), and the Iliamna subregion (Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton) generally tend to leave their communities to participate in the commercial fishery. Because they are located inland from the coast, these communi ties are not subject to large population increases associated with commercial fishing. Although villages in the Nushagak River, Kvichak River, and Iliamna subregions are relatively isolated from the direct impacts related to com- mercial fishing, these settlements are experiencing seasonal population pressures of another type -non-local sport hunters and fishermen who often, from the villagers' perspective, compete with them for wildli fe resources. The Nushagak River, Kvichak River, Lake Clark, Lake Iliamna, as well as numerous smaller streams and lakes within the study area increasingly attract more and more recreationists, who are viewed with growing alarm by residents in these relatively isolated, predominantly Native communities. Because the region has both a relativel y small population as well as a low population density, sport hunters and fishermen who travel by motorboat and aircraft can impact local subsistence harvests of fish and game. Village concerns related to the increasing number of non-local recreationists in the region are reflected in their attitudes toward a regional power plan. 6.3 SOCIOECONOMIC CONCERNS 6.3.1 General Because the commercial salmon fishing industry is the economic base of the Bristol Bay region, residents in all 18 study communities are very concerned about the effects of hydroelectric development on the region's fisheries. With few exceptions, commercial fishing or fish processing represents the primary source of cash for Bristol Bay residents. Evidence of the Bristol Bay Native reliance on commercial fishing is apparent in 6-8 Langdon's 1981 report where he summarized the findings of the Bristol Bay Native Association's (BBNA) fishermen questionnaire conducted in the fall of 1980. According to this survey, respondents, who represented approximately 25 percent of all Bristol Bay Native permit holders, indicated that 83.1 percent of their annual income comes from salmon fishing, and 58.4 percent indicated that salmon fishing was their only source of income (Langdon 1981). Langdon (1981) also found that approximately seven Bristol Bay residents are dependent on the fishing earnings of the median sampled resident fishermen. Villages with a high dependent-to-fishermen ratio included Newhalen, Iliamna, Koliganek, Manokotak, New Stuyahok, and Togiak. Communities with a low dependent-to-fishermen ratio were Dillingham, Naknek, Egegik, and Aleknagik, while South Naknek occupied an intermediate position (Langdon 1981). Even the remote possibility of a negative effect on the salmon fishery is gener- ally too big a risk for cheaper, or cost stable electrical power. As one resident said, "What good will cheap power be if it harms the salmon runs. Without salmon, I will not be here to enjoy the power." 6.3.2 Iliamna Subregion All three study communities in this area desire bulk fuel storage facilities. Fuel is delivered only during the summer months when high water allows barges to ascend the Kvichak River, and each resident is responsible for his own storage. Generally, local residents run out of fuel before the end of winter and consequently have to fly in fuel at great expense. In addition, the overwhelming majority of interviewed residents in these three communities expressed a strong desire for a centralized electrical system. Currently, all three communities generally rely on individual, privately owned generators, which, as discussed below, result in maintenance intensive, expensive electricity. In Iliamna, most people, because of higher economic opportunities unrelated to commercial fishing, have private gener- ators that support relatively large houses and lodges. Because many lodge owners maintain their facilities year-round, they require dependable electricity. Whereas summer is the peak period for the sport hunting and fishing lodges in Iliamna, residents in Newhalen and Nondalton often leave 6-9 their villages for commercial fishing, subsistence fish camps, or fire fighting. Although most Newhalen residents have electr ic it y, many house- holds share one generator. In Nondalton, although most people do without electricity, they pay high prices for blazo and kerosene, which are used for lights and cooking. Although residents in this subregion realize the local benefits related to the Tazimina Project (centralized power system, cheaper electricity, potential employment during construction, and possible economic stimulus), many of those interviewed expressed concern about undesirable construction impacts. Generally, residents were worried about the potential effect of 300 to 500 construction workers in the Iliamna/Lake Clark area should the large- scale Tazimina project be built. The following is a summary of some of the major concerns: o There is very little land available for community growth. o Rumors that from 30 to 60 famil ies would move into the area has caused concern related to the affect on the local school in Newhalen (which serves both Iliamna and Newhalen). o Of the people who come to work on the project, the general feeling was that many would elect to stay in the area after project com- pletion. Residents did not favor this permanent growth. o Residents feared the potential boom/bust cycle associated with large construction projects. Local residents were concerned about the real problems that would begin when the construction period ended and the area contained more people than it could adequatel y support. o More people in the general area would mean greater competition for local resources. 6-10 o The desire to keep the area relatively isolated and unpopulated was not consistent with a large construction project that would attract new people. o Related to the current population of the nearby communities (Iliamna: 94; Newhalen: 87; Nondalton: 170), the potential size of the construction crew would be alarmingly large. o Currently, Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton are small, rural communities based on a wilderness environment. Both local sub- sistence and sport harvests are predicated on a relatively low density of population. Consequently, many of those interviewed feared the possible changes that would be caused by an influx of construction workers and/or a larger permanent population. o Because of the potential impact on the communities, all of those interviewed preferred that construction workers be housed in an isolated, single-status camp, rather than either establish a new community or inundate existing communities. o No facilities exist for workers in town (except the lodges in the winter). o Residents did not want construction workers in town on Saturday night. Although residents expressed concerns related to potential socioeconomic impacts related to the Tazimina Project (see above), they were overwhelmingly in favor of the facility because: o It is located above the salmon spawning areas. o The benefits of a centralized, cost stable electrical system seemed to far outweigh both socioeconomic concerns as well as any conflict with current land use in the immediate area. Because local Iliamna area residents are both in favor of the project and have serious concerns related to potential socioeconomic impacts, 6-11 mitigation measures are very important if hydroelectric development occurs in either this area or the larger region. For example, isolated, single status construction camps with strict regulations on transient construction workers related to village visiting and hunting and fishing in the immediate area may di ffuse many of the local concerns. Additionall y, if the road into the hydroelectric facility were kept under a limited access policy, especially during the construction period, potential conflicts could also be so ftened. Primarily because of inconveniences and high transportation costs associated with transporting fuel and other goods from Iliamna, Nondalton residents who were interviewed unanimously favored a road connection to Iliamna. Currently, the "portage" road extends to a "landing" on the upper Newhalen River, approximately 13 kilometers (8 miles) below Nondalton. In the past, Nondalton villagers voted against the completion of the road because they desired to protect their Tanaina village lifestyle. Now, the lack of local economic opportunities and rising fuel and freight costs have apparently caused villagers to decide the benefits of a road to Iliamna exceed the disadvantages. 6.3.3 Kvichak River Subregion Related to the Kukaklek hydroelectric alternative, Igiugig and Levelock residents did not want construction or maintenance personnel to move into the area on either a temporary of full-time basis. Although residents recognized that they could probably obtain needed employment on the project, they felt this economic opportunity was not worth potential construction and environ- mental impacts. 6.3.4 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion The Bristol Bay Borough (especially Naknek and King Salmon) is the transportation and governmental service center for the Kvichak side of Bristol Bay. Consequently, any development projects on the Kvichak side that utilize the services of the borough could have an impact on it. But, because none of the proposed hydroelectric facilities are located near Naknek, King 6-12 ..... Salmon, South Naknek or Egegik, direct socioeconomic impacts related to project construction are not addressed. Because commercial salmon fishing and fish processing is the basis of the local Naknek, South Naknek, and Egegik economies, residents in this subregion are very concerned about the potential effects energy development may have on salmon. These three communities have a relatively high per- centage of residents with Limited Entry Commission permits (Table 6-1), and salmon canneries, which form the tax base of the Bristol Bay Borough, are located in each community. Consequently, any negative effect on salmon could result in significant economic impact in this subregion. 6.3.5 Nushagak Bay Subregion Located in this subregion, Dillingham is the transportation, communi- cation and service center for the Nushagak side of Bristol Bay. Although only one of the proposed hydroelectric facilities is located in the Nushagak drainage (the Chikuminuk Lake site), if it is developed, Dillingham will likel y serve as a preliminary base of operations and therefore be impacted. In addition, depending on how construction equipment and materials are transported to the site, the Aleknagik road as well as the village of Aleknagik could also be impacted by the development of this site. As shown in Table 6-1, residents in the six communities in this sub- region represent over half of the limited entry fishing permits in the study area. developed, will probably have little affect on Nushagak salmon, residents in this subregion are very concerned about the general welfare of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery. If hydroelectric development harms the salmon runs on the Kvichak side, fishermen who normally fish near Naknek may move to Nushagak Bay and therefore compete with fishermen already established there. Consequently, any negative impact on salmon in either the Kvichak or Nushagak drainage could have an economic affect on fishermen in this subregion. 6-13 6.3.6 Nushagak River Subregion Although onl y approximatel y 13 percent of the residents in the three communities (Ekwok, New Stuyahok, and Koliganek) of this subregion hold commercial fishing permits, these villages have a high dependent to fishermen ratio (Langdon 1981). In add it ion, salmon fishing prov ides the 1 argest source of income to most residents. Consequently, any impact on Bristol Bay salmon, as discussed above, will also affect these communities. At the same time, because of their isolation and relatively conservative orientation, these communities depend on and greatly value local hunting, trapping, and fishing practices. Any disruption of current harvest levels could cause stress as well as economic and cuI tural hardship in the communi ties. 6.4 ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE PROJECT(S) 6.4.1 General Generally, most Bristol Bay residents who were interviewed did not favor a regional power plan to meet Bristol Bay energy needs. Local residents continually asked about the possibility of smaller scale, village power generation systems, or at least subregional plans. At a minimum, residents see the study area as at least three distinct subregions: Iliamna/Newhalen subregion; the Kvichak River drainage; and the Nushagak River drainage. Consequentl y, based on the interviews, they preferred separate power gener- ation and distribution systems designed to meet the needs of these three subregions. Most of the people interv iewed in Dillingham and Naknek questioned the idea of connecting these two subregional service centers together, especially under diesel generation. The local preferences for subregional or smaller scale power plans are understandable when one examines the similarities and differences in the Bristol Bay region. Although commercial fishing and subsistence hunting and fishing are very important throughout the study area and give residents a degree of commonality, the Bristol Bay region is not necessarily politically, socially, or economically united. First, this region, which encompasses 6-14 nearly 144,000 square kilometers (44,000 square miles), is comprised of three distinct ethnic groups: Eskimos, Indians, and Aleuts, and therefore is not culturally homogeneous. Second, political disunity and factionalism exist at various levels in the region --between subregions as well as the small Bristol Bay Borough, often within and among communities, between regional corporations, and in some cases, between the regional profit corporation and the villages. Third, 'although commercial fishing forms the primary economic base in the region, the various subregions are not economically interdependent upon each other. Fishermen in upper Bristol Bay generally fish either the Nushagak or Kvichak side, and Egegik residents fish at Egegik. In this context, when Bristol Bay residents were asked to comment on large-scale, regional power schemes that united the entire study area into one electrical system, they generally failed to see any reason to combine such a large area. Thinking in terms of existing cultural, economic, political, and land use patterns, smaller, more subregional or local systems made much more sense to them. Except for the Iliamna area (Section 6.4.2), this was a general trend throughout the study area. Because of the high cost of fuel oil, it is a common perception through- out the region that if electricity is cheap enough, it may be economical to heat with it. 6.4.2 Iliamna Subregion Because they have inadequate community storage facilities for fuel as well as no community electrical distribution system, residents of Iliamna/ Newhalen/Nondalton were generally very receptive to the Tazimina Hydro- electric Project. Presently, individual residents produce their own electricity with privately-owned generators. Fuel must be barged in at great expense. Inadequate fuel storage and the lack of necessary funds to pay for a year's supply of fuel often necessitates some people to fly-in fuel in the spring. If the large-scale Tazimina Project is not feasible, then the majority of residents in this subregion who were interviewed favored a smaller hydroelectric facility that would serve local needs. 6-15 Five of the fishing lodges in Iliamna have conventional heating systems (e.g. hot water baseboard heat), which require the buildings to be maintained dur ing the winter. With one exception, these lodge owners, as well as the vast majority of Iliamna area residents who were interviewed desire a cheaper, cost-stable, centralized electrical system, such as that offered by the Tazimina Project. Among the problems associated with the current, independent electrical systems are: o Logistics problems and high costs of barging fuel up the Kv ichak River. o Necessity to buy and pay for a years supply of fuel at one time. o Numerous maintenance problems with individual generators, espec- iall y in winter. o High costs associated with individual generators, storage tanks, freight for fuel, and maintenance. In contrast to other subregions, residents in the Iliamna area were so concerned about getting a centralized, cost-stable power system that they did not question the large-scale regional power plan concept to the same degree as residents in the other communities. Residents who were interviewed in the Iliamna area were willing to live with transmission lines extending west from the Tazimina site, as long as they received power. Although Iliamna area residents could have expressed a preference for a small-scale Tazimina project that would only serve their subregion, and consequently avoid the necessity of power lines to points west, they took a more regional perspec- tive. In other words, if the study identified the Tazimina River as the regional power source, they were willing to accept power lines in their area that would serve the remainder of the region. At the same time, if the power source were located in another area, they wanted the power lines to bring power to their subregion. 6-16 .. Local residents realize that the Tazimina Project has many logistic advantages over other possible sites in the region: o Airport large enough to accommodate jet aircraft. o Iliamna is a regular port of call for barge system from Naknek. o A partial road system to the site exists (Newhalen "portage" road). Generally, people in the Iliamna area are aware that salmon do not spawn above the falls. Consequently, they are not overly concerned about any potential impact on this resource. If they believed there were any threat to the red salmon that ascend the Tazimina River, their feelings towards the project would likely be very different. (Sport fishing lodge owners who utilize the Tazimina River are concerned about potential impacts caused by increased access to the river). Once it is constructed and in operation, the Iliamna-Newhalen Electrical Co-op., which would prov ide diesel generation at Newhalen and transmission lines to Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton, may have an effect on local attitudes towards future hydroelectric projects. Based primarily on its role as the transportation and service center for the Iliamna subregion as well as its sport fishing potential, the Iliamna area has a strong potential for economic growth. At the same time, this area has the poorest electrical generation and distribution system in the study area --independent, priv- ately-owned generators. Consequently, residents in this area are desperate for electrical relief and as a result are very much in favor of the Tazimina Project. Once the diesel co-op is in operation, people's attitudes may change. It may be such an improvement over the existing method of electrical generation that the potential impacts of the Tazimina Project may, from the local perspective, outweigh the benefits. This discussion is meant to put Iliamna residents' strong feelings in favor of Tazimina Project into a regional context (e.g. no other subregion was equally in favor of the project). 6-17 6.4.3 Kvichak River Subregion Because Igiugig and Levelock residents are related and share common hunting, fishing, and trapping areas, both villages share similar concerns for the effect transmission lines and associated energy development plans will have on the local environment. As one Levelock woman said, "I would rather pay for oil and gas than see the fish and game disappear. II One of the first questions asked in this as well as the Iliamna Subregion was, "What about Pedro Bay and Kokhanok?" Because salmon do not spawn above the proposed hydroelectric site, and because it is apparently not close to important subsistence hunting and fishing areas, Igiugig residents believed the Tazimina site was acceptable, although they do not like transmission lines. On the other hand, if Kukaklek Lake is identified as the site for a hydroelectric facility, they preferred to live without hydroelectric power. These strong feelings against the Kukaklek Lake site extended into the local high school where students wrote essays against this project. One Igiugig man said "The use of Kukaklek Lake for electrical generation is worse than burning oil." One community leader in Levelock feared that if the Tazimina River project is constructed, more people will move into the area and the Kukaklek Lake facility will be required to serve these additional people. Therefore, he was opposed to the Tazimina plan. Similarily, residents in these two villages believed that even if Kukaklek Lake were only developed for local needs, that once developers got this far, they would expand the facility later. 6.4.4 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion Related to hydroelectric development in the Bristol Bay region, resi- dents in the Bristol Bay Borough can be divided into two groups: 6-18 .. o Those who are in favor of cheaper or cost-stable power, as long as hydroelectric development does not damage the fisheries. These people realize that any development is a compromise, but they also recognize that the region needs power and cannot continue to buy oil to produce it. A regional power plan was acceptable to these people, and they believed that power lines, without roads, would probably not harm the surrounding country. o Those who are opposed to any hydroelectric development because they believe it will result in a negative impact on the salmon fishery. As one Naknek man said, "I can get along without electricity, but I cannot get along without fish." Generall y, these people are not concerned with transmission lines, but with the potential disrup- tion of the salmon fishery. It is important to note that even those who are in favor of hydro- electric development onl y support it as long as it will not harm the fish. One Naknek man said, "This whole town revol ves around fish. The whole communit y caters to fish in everything it does --water, dock development, sewage disposal, and so forth. We do everything we can to promote fish. Maybe people in this area are less desirous 0 f hydroelectric power than the Iliamna area. There are not as many permit holders in the Iliamna area, and they pay more for diesel fuel.1I Regarding a regional power concept, residents in smaller communities (e.g. Levelock and Igillgig) who do not favor large-scale regional power plans believe that they will pay the costs of development while large population centers (e.g. Naknek, King Salmon, and Dillingham) will receive the benefits. In Naknek, another perspective emerged: With a regional concept, the larger communities with the larger power demand end up paying for the smaller villages with lower demands. 6-19 Many residents in this subregion were unhappy with the identification of the Tazimina River as the only major hydroelectric site. They preferred that other sites be equally investigated. Some resource managers in King Salmon considered Bristol Bay the last great salmon fishery left. Consequently, they believed that potential fisheries impacts should greatl y outweigh other consider at ions (e. g. engineering and cost). As one manager said, "Alternatives to hydro (wind, geothermal) are not given enough consideration. People who favor a large-scale hydroelectric project do not realize the long term impacts. More facilities and more people means increased demand on resources, which will result in a decline in lifestyle out here." Resource managers and other informed individuals believed that the Bristol Bay Cooperative Management Plan should take preference over Tazimina or other hydroelectric projects. Development projects should wait until the recently mandated (December 2, 1980) management plan is in place. Unfortun- ately, the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan study will likely ,be concluded before the management plan is implemented. One man in Naknek was very concerned about a back-up generation system should something happen to a regional generation and transmission system. He was skeptical of'having only one system that generated and transmitted power to the whole region. If something happened to the large system, he wanted to know if the plan included a back-up. If not, he concluded that smaller run-of-the-river plants on local creeks would be better. As long as fisheries were unharmed, Egegik residents tended to be more development-or iented than other communi ties. The majorit y of those inter- viewed favored growth, jobs, increased economic opportunity, cheaper power, and a road to Naknek. 6-20 6.4.5 Nushagak Bay Subregion Consistent with concerns throughout the region, most people interviewed in Dillingham questioned the merit of hundreds of kilometers of transmission lines to serve the smaller communities, many of which declined in population over the past decade (Table 6-1). These people believed it would be cheaper to subsidize local diesel generation than subsidize an expensive hydro- electric facility. Generally, residents in this subregion preferred more local power sources as opposed to a regional power scheme. The rural attitude of Dillingham residents is represented by one woman who said, nPeople in Dillingham are not in favor of either development or roads. The reason they moved out to Bristol Bay was to be in an uncivilized place." 6.4.6 Nushagak River Subregion Although many residents in this subregion do desire cheaper power, they do not view electrical improvements to be as critical as people in the Iliamna subregion. Above all, Nushagak River villagers fear potential impacts on local fish and game. They believe that transmission lines will tend to open up the country and increase non-local access into the area. "Transmission lines now, trails next year, and roads the following year" is a common feeling in this subregion. One man said, nS ure we pay too much for electricity, but fish and game are more important. An access road into this area would ruin it for us. This country should be used just as it is --by the rivers and by air only --no roads. It New Stuyahok residents preferred a subregional or local power concept rather than any regional plan. The larger network of transmission lines associated with a regional power plan represented too large an incentive for roads in the region. 6-21 Koliganek, on the other hand, preferred a local generation system only. Koliganek residents' strong feelings against any power lines included a feeder line from New Stuyahok under a subregional power concept. Bluntl y put, the overwhelming majority of Koliganek residents who were interviewed did not want any power line into their v illage even if power were 1 O~ a kilowatt. At a community meeting in the village, one man said, "You could promise us no road now, but in a few years, if they put in transmission lines, they will put in roads. Look at the only power lines in this area now: between Dillingham and Aleknagik -- there is a road; between Naknek and King Salmon there is a road; and between Iliamna and Nondalton (proposed) --there is a road. We can do without power." A woman at the meeting said, "I fear for my children with roads. There will not be anything left for them to hunt and fish unless we protect it now. Maybe it will be cheaper for electricity with the lines, but we will pay for it with the loss of our lifestyle. We lived without electricity in the past, and we can live without it again." To these two statements, villagers present at the meeting (approximately 20) gave unanimous approval. 6-22 ..' REFERENCES Alaska Department 0 f Labor, 1981. overview. Juneau, Alaska. Alaska 1980 population. A preliminary Alaska, University of, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1973. Age and race by sex characteristic of Alaska's village popu- lation. Alaska review of business and economic condition. College, Alaska. 10(2). Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Inc., 1981. Bristol Bay Borough coastal management program. Volume 1 -resource inventory. Kresge, D.T., S.R. Fison and A.F. Gasbarro, 1974. Bristol Bay, a socio- economic study. Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Langdon, S., 1981. The 1980 salmon season and Bristol Bay native fishermen: performance and prospects. Prepared for Bristol Bay Native Association. 6-23 7.0 RECREATIONAL RESOURCES 7.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS The abundant natural resources within the Bristol Bay region, including the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Mt. Katmai National Park and Preserve, and the Wood-Tikchik State Park, at tract people from around the world. Of special interest are quality fishing, hunting and wilderness values. Recreational opportunities in the region have been defined by Stenmark and Schader (1974) for the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission. Recreational use is primarily by persons living outside the Bristol Bay area. Local residents utilize the area extensively, but much of the activity is more related to subsistence than recreation. The remoteness and expense of gaining access to the area tend to limit useage by non-residents to the more affluent tourists. Access to recreational areas is by air and/or water. Flight services operating out of King Salmon, Iliamna and Dillingham provide float plane access to many locations. River float trips are an increasingly popular recreational activity that combines a wilderness experience with fishing or hunting opportunities. Both resident Alaskans and non-residents take advantage of these opportunities. Waterways frequently used for float trips are shown on Plate 1. The primary regional transportation corridors are from Bristol Bay to Iliamna Lake via the Kvichak River for boat and barge traffic and from Cook Inlet to Iliamna Lake via the Pile Bay road. Aerial patterns are usually straight line routes between villages. There are at least 28 resorts serving the Bristol Bay subregion. Most operate from June through September and prov ide fishing or hunting c guide service. Only a few resorts operate year-round. Guest capacities range up to 36 guests per lodge. The resorts cater mostly to out-of-state and foreign guests. This regional industry approaches $12 million annually. Fly fishing is the major activity. The usual procedure for fishermen is to sleep at a lodge facility, but travel daily via single-engine float plane to various 7-1 lakes and rivers around the region. The fly-out day trips may exceed 161 kilometers (100 miles) in some cases. Other resorts emphasize guided float trips of 3 to 5-day duration. Some of the more popular trips include the Alagnak River, Battle River, Koktuli River, Kaskanak River, Lower Talarik Creek, Copper River, and Mulchatna River. Big game hunting for brown bear, moose and caribou are seasonally important but the best areas are well removed from the project area. Resort locations and fishing areas are shown on Plate 1. Tazimina Lakes are located within the boundaries of the preserve portion of the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve established in 1980 by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. The primary purpose of the National Preserve designation is to preclude establishment of any additional summer homes or cabins and yet attract increasing numbers of people seeking temporary outdoor recreation opportunities. Park management goals encourage such activities within the framework of maintaining wildlife and fish popu- lations at desireable levels. Recreational activity is expected to increase within the park in future years as the area's park status and recreational opportunities become more widely known. The Tazimina hydroelectric project site, however, has been withdrawn from the preserve designation and dedicated for potential power development. Recreation activities along the Tazimina Lakes and River emphasize sport fishing, primarily downstream of the falls, with minor hunting activity around the lakes. Sport fish species in the Tazimina River are primarily rainbow trout and arctic grayling, which grow to trophy proportions. Upper and Lower Tazimina Lakes prov ide some of the best fishing in the region for Arctic char. However, the lakes are lightly used for recreation because of the required air access and because of the availability of more highly prized sport fish (rainbow trout) in nearby waters. The aesthetic value of the falls and canyon area offers an additional recreational opportunity. Guide serv ices bring people to the area to photograph the scenery and observe jumping salmon. Currently, access to the lower river is provided by charter boat from the two lodges on Sixmile Lake or by floatplane to Alexcy Lake and Hudson's Lake and then by foot trail to Tazimina River. A crude airstrip is located adjacent to the Tazimina canyon. 7-2 7.2 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 7.2.1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Concept Potential detrimental impacts to fish resources resulting from altered river flow, as described in Chapter 4.0 could have serious impact on recre- ation values of the Tazimina River. Since trophy fishing is one of the primary attractants, any effect on sport fish would be signi ficant. On the other hand, flow regulation that would occur with the storage concept could enhance boat access on the river if it eliminated extreme high and low flows. The proposed access road would link Iliamna and Newhalen to the Tazimina River area. Convenient vehicle access would alter use patterns and increase use of the area by local residents. Resident users could replace visiting fishermen and hunters to some extent. Increased use of Tazimina River fish and game resources could decrease its rank among the significant recreation streams in the Bristol Bay area. More rigid regulations may be required to protect fish stocks. 7.2.2 Transmission Lines Actual recreational use patterns by nonresidents would probably not be greatly affected by the presence of transmission lines. However, alterations in use patterns by resident users (primarily subsistence and sport hunters) could represent signi ficant project impacts. Transmission line corridors would probably be used as trails, primarily by snow machine travelers in the winter, and thus would provide access to areas that are currently only lightly utilized. This enhanced access could affect game populations and, therefore, impact recreational values for area reside'nts and nonresidents alike. Winter construction from snow or ice roads would sharply reduce surface disturbance and resulting visual impacts. S~ting of transmission lines away from known high density sport fishing areas would also minimize visual impacts. Submarine power line crossings of streams and waterbodies would eliminate visual and aircraft safety impacts. 7-3 REFERENCES Stenmark, R. and T. Schader, 1974. Recreation and preservation oppor- tunities, inventory, southwest region. Resources Planning Team, Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission. 7-4 8.0 AESTHETIC RESOURCES 8.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS In the Bristol Bay subregion, the landforms and vegetation combine to create a relatively homogeneous landscape. The rolling stretches of wet and dry tundra are interrupted only by meandering river valleys and scattered patterns of shrubby vegetation. Evaluation of the visual resources of the study area is based on a methodology of grading visual resources according to the degree of land- scape absorption. The resource maps prepared by Stenmark and Schroder (1974) were used as a basis for the visual analysis. Within the study area, the river corridors and lake shores comprise the greatest degree of visual diversity consisting of sloping shorelines, heavy shrub thickets, and changing viewsheds. A viewshed is the total area visible at one time. Viewsheds from the waterbodies are confined by vegetation and topography. So while people using the water resources may be sensitive to the v isual intrusions of development, their v iewshed is for the most part confined. Therefore, v iews from these rivers and lakes offer a moderate degree of landscape absorption. Substantial areas are categorized as primitive landscape and are char- acterized by the absence of human habitation or use and the number of contiguous undisturbed acres. Several areas rank as moderately primitive landscapes and one area, !Jetween Naknek River and Egegik River, ranks as high quality primitive landscape because of the tremendous vastness of the undisturbed landscape. This one high quality primitive landscape is char- acterized by consistent patterning of water bodies and tundra vegetation over a relatively flat terrain. These areas are open and viewshe~s are in no way confined or directed. However, primitive landscapes are relatively unused and unv iewed by humans. viewed from small aircafL These vast landscapes are merely flown over and 8-1 Sightseeing opportunities were based on variety of form, line, color, and texture. The greater the variety of these four factors, the higher the ability of the landscape to absorb development. The vast majority of the study area ranks low in sightseeing quality, with most valleys and lake shores ranking moderate. The Tazimina River and Lakes and Aleknagik Lake are the only areas that ranked high in scenic quality. Special scenic values associated with the Tazimina River drainage include the falls and canyon area. Guide services bring people to the area to observe the scenery and observe jumping salmon. 8.2 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 8.2.1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Concept Visual Assessment Facilities associated with power generation for the Tazimina alternate include the dam, penstock, powerhouse transmission lines, and access road. These facilities would constitute a significant intrusion into an otherwise undisturbed area and, therefore, would detract from the pristine nature of the area. Visual disturbance would be greatest when viewed from the air and from the perspective of persons travelling on foot in the immediate vicinity of the facilities. Facilities would not be visible from most of the lower Tazimina River (below the falls); therefore, impacts resulting from wilderness intrusion would probably not be significant from the standpoint of recreationists on the most heavily used portion of the river. The Tazimina hydroelectric generation facilities would present signifi- cant intrusion when viewed from the air. Fortunately, the visual diversity of the Tazimina area could absorb the impacts or confine the visual intru- sion to a smaller area. The reservoir created by the storage concept would appear as a natural body of water except during times of the year when the water level is low. The shoreline exposed during draw down would create an adverse visual impact. There are several methods to reduce or confine visual impacts. Use of dull natural brown finish on the structures would help blend these masses with the landscape. Recontouring the disturbed site to natural contours 8-2 ... would help fit the structure to the landscape. Revegetation with native grasses would help reduce soil erosion. Such methods would reduce visual impacts for v iews from boats and small aircra ft • 8.2.2 Transmission Lines The transmission line net work, would represent a signi ficant int rusion into a wild area. Visual impacts would be greatest from the air and would affect a large area. Transmission line stream crossings would be highly visible to river travellers. In general, visitor appeal will probably diminish as a result of these intrusions. The primary mode of transportation in the region is by small aircraft and above ground power lines could be a signi ficant safety hazard for small planes, especially during poor weather. Large rivers such as the Kvichak, are used by all local pilots for line of sight navigation. Elevated power lines over larger rivers are strongly opposed by local residents. The proposed power line network would consist of wooden poles that would be easily absorbed by the majority of the landscape. The linear quality of the power line alignment would be the major visual intrusion. Considering that a major characteristic of the primitive landscape is the number of contiguous, undisturbed acres, the only solution to minimizing impacts is by locating the power line out of popular flight patterns and at the outside edge of the primitive zone. Then the visual quality of the primitive landscape would be least impacted. Power lines crossing rivers should avoid popular fishing areas and clear-cutting of shoreline vegetation should be avoided. When traversing flat lands, the power line should avoid crossing ponds and follow the darkest soil and vegetation patterns. Popular air traffic routes should be avoided by power line development. 8-3 REFERENCES Stenmark, R. and T. Schoder, 1974. Recreation and preservation opportunities, inventory, southwest region. Resources Planning Team, Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission. 8-4 9.0 LAND USE 9.1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this chapter is to identify potential land use and assocaited conflicts related to the proposed Tazimina hydroelectric project and other selected alternative plans. The research and writing for this section was performed in conjuction with that for Chapter 6.0 of this report. The same subregional classification related to methodology and study area, see Section 6.1 of this report. 9.2 LAND USE CONCERNS 9.2.1 General Although the principal economic base of the Bristol Bay region is commercial fishing, many local residents, especially in the smaller, more isolated villages, also depend on the harvest of natural resources for food. In many respects, subsistence harvests of natural resources and commercial fishing compliment each other. For example, the short seasonality of commer- cial fishing allows villagers adequate time to subsistence hunt and fish, as well as trap. In some cases, such as New Stuyahok, most villagers move down river to fish camps in the summer, and, while men drift commercial fish in the bay, the women subsistence fish with set nets. Commercial fishing also provides the income necessary for villagers to purchase boats, motors, snow machines, and other supplies used in subsistence harvests. If a fisherman or a village has had a particularly poor fishing season, the reliance on locally harvested fish and wildlife may increase. In addition, cultural preferences further enhance Bristol Bay residents' desire to hunt, fish, trap, and gather local natural resources. Although the harvest of these resources is important to residents in the entire study area, the dependence and intensity of subsistence pursuits is especially apparent in the smaller, more isolated communities such as Levelock, Igiugig, New Stuyahok, Koliganek, Ekwok, Manokotak, and Nondalton. 9-1 In summary, because a high percentage of residents in each of the study communities rely on the Bristol Bay commercial salmon fishery for the majority of their yearly income, and because subsistence fishing has cultural, nutritional, and economic importance throughout the region, the majority of all residents interviewed were primaril y concerned about any negative effects the various hydroelectric projects might have on salmon and other fisheries. Also, because the predominant land use in the study area is local hunting and fishing, a related concern that was most apparent in the more isolated villages, centered around potential conflicts between these existing land use patterns and any possible influx of people or increased access caused by energy development. 9.2.2 Iliamna Subregion Related to potential resource use conflicts caused by the Tazimina Project, local Iliamna area residents' views are generally represented by two opposing perspectives: o Sport hunting and fishing lodge owners who perceive that without adequate regulations that would reduce the bag limits, local rainbow stocks in the Tazimina River would be depleted if an access road were constructed. Air charter serv ices in Iliamna reported that they fly sport fishermen to Alexcy Lake, who then walk to the Tazimina River. In addition, two sport fishing lodges on Sixmile Lake use river boats to transport clients to the river to catch trophy rainbow as well as red salmon. Generally, lodge owners who use this river practice a hook and release policy, and only allow their clients to keep one trophy rainbow. These businessmen believe that a road from Iliamna to the project would greatly increase public access to this river, and, without strict bag limits, would likely reduce the quality of fishing. Depending on the season, sport fishermen (who may number 15 to 30 per day in summer) report they use the Tazimina River from its mouth at Sixmile Lake to the falls. They harvest all available species (trout, grayling, and red salmon). In addition, lodge owners point 9-2 ... out that reduced flow in the river could affect their river boat access as well as impact side channel spawning of red salmon. o Long-time, primarily Native residents who explain that there is little game left in the immediate area due to too many hunters, especially non-local sport hunters. Consequently, they believe a hydroelectric project and related power line will not hurt the area anymore than sport hunters and fishermen already have. Al though these people make high use of local red salmon for subsistence, they are not concerned wi th the fate of the trophy rainbow. Because of the high cost of fuel and associated independent elec- trical generation, and because they do not perceive that the project will have any negative affect on the red salmon runs, the local Natives in all three communities are overwhelmingly in favor of the Tazimina Project. As one local Eskimo resident explained, It I see no problem with land or water use because we all know that this electrical project will benefit everybody more than what we use the nearby land now. A dam will not hurt us because no salmon spawn above the falls, and a centralized electrical system will make living around here a lot easier. Those people who operate their own generators will not oppose power lines. Cheaper, easier electricity will be one of the best things that happened around here." In summary, except for certain sport fishing lodge owners, residents of Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton generally believe that the location of a hydroelectric facility on the Tazimina River is where it will not bother anything. Because most local Iliamna and Newhalen residents primarily use the area west of the Newhalen River for hunting and trapping, they did not identi fy conflicts between the Tazimina Project and present land uses in the" immediate area. Although some Nondalton residents catch subsistence red salmon in the Tazimina River, based on available biological information, they do not perceive any conflict with the project and this resource. 9-3 Although Nondalton residents did not believe that the operation of the Tazimina Project would necessarily conflict with present salmon stocks or village land use patterns, they were very concerned about policies related to the project road. Because this Tanaina village is located very close to the proposed project, the majority of residents interv iewed favored a limited access road to the site so tourist traffic would be kept to a minimum. Additionally, they opposed any roads along the transmission lines. Nondalton residents utilize the upper part of the Newhalen River for subsistence salmon fishing. Numerous fishcamps are scattered from the outlet at Sixmile Lake for several miles downstream. In addition, two Nondal ton residents have Native allotment claims on the upper end of Lower Tazimina Lake. Preliminary ev idence shows that these allotments will be inundated with water if a dam is constructed at the lower end of the lake. All of the Nondalton residents who were interviewed opposed the Kontrashibuna Lake hydroelectric proposal because they identified Tanalian Point as a local subsistence fishing area, and they did not want this activity affected. In addition, many people also mentioned that they hunt in this area. 9.2.3 Kvichak River Subregion Related to hydroelectric development in the general Iliamna area, residents were concerned about the potential need for deep draft vessels in the Kvichak River and their potential effect on salmon. Igiugig and Levelock residents were very concerned about the proposed Kukaklek Lake hydroelectric plan. They stressed that both Kukaklek and Nonvianuk Lakes as well as the Alagnak (Branch) River are important spawning grounds. As one resident exclaimed, "That lake is our hatchery." Addition- ally, residents in both villages identified the area around Kukaklek Lake and the Alagnak River as important for subsistence fishing, hunting, and trapping. 9-4 That both communities have strong ties to the Alagnak River and Kukaklek Lake is apparent from migration patterns in this subregion. A number of Igiugig people said they were born at an old village site on the west end of Kukaklek Lake. Others, as well as some Levelock residents, were born at an old village on the lower Alagnak River. Although it was difficult to deter- mine how often they use it, Igiugig residents identified an old fish camp at the east end of Kukaklek Lake near Narrow Cove. Local people have Native allotment claims and cabins near both of the abandoned village sites as well as other locations along the Alagnak River. When asked why they moved into the two villages, most people mentioned the availability of schools. Villagers in Levelock indicated that many Native allotment claims along the Alagnak River may not be on BLM records because many applications were lost in the mail. Present use of the Alagnak River occurs primarily in the summer, fall and winter. For example, in late summer, after commercial fishing season and when the water is high enough to travel, Igiugig and Levelock residents report that they. take skiffs up this river to hunt, fish, and pick berries. During this season, the trip is often a family outing. In winter, the Alagnak River is an important trapping area for both Igiugig and Levelock. Major concerns Igiugig and Levelock residents have with the Kukaklek Lake proposal include: o Because they use the Alagnak River for hunting, fishing, and trapping, residents were concerned that the Kukaklek project would di vert too much water to Lake Iliamna and consequent ly the water level in the Alagnak River. They feared this would impact both fish stocks as 'well as their travel on the river. As one local trapper said, "The Branch River is already too low without taking anymore water out of it. We already hit bottom in the fall. When the water is low, you cannot come out with a boat loaded with moose meat. The Branch is a braided river with lots of channels and islands. In some places there is only 6 to 8 inches of water. Even a 2-inch drop in water level will affect our access. II 9-5 o In addition to the effect lower water in the river would have on fish, residents were also concerned about fingerlings and other small fish being sucked into the penstock in Kukaklek Lake. They feared the lake would lose many fingerlings to Iliamna Lake, and these fish would then be unable to find their way back to either system to spawn. They also questioned the possibility of disease being transmitted between lake systems. Without healthy fish populations, residents expressed concern for the future of the younger generation. o People in Igiugig wondered what would keep both ends of the pen- stock from freezing. o If too much water were diverted from Kukaklek Lake to Iliamna Lake, Igiugig residents feared it may flood their village, especially during east winds which cause the water level to rise. o Residents pointed out that 10 years ago they had 5 to 10 feet of snow. Now.they only receive 2 feet. They concluded that long-term climate and water flow data was necessary before these projects should proceed. Related to areas not presently used by villagers, Levelock residents expressed a desire to keep their options open in case they wanted to harvest resources there in the future. This illustrates how subsistence patterns are flexible and may change from year to year related to variation in fish stocks and game populations. As either local or non-local hunting pressure affects game populations in one area, game may rebuild in areas where it was prev iously hunted out. Local subsistence hunters are aware of this and are especially anxious to protect habitat not accessible by aircraft. The series of creeks northeast of Levelock is such a place. Igiugig residents said the small-scale Kukaklek scheme (water diversion from Kukaklek Lake to a small lake nearby) would likely cause water to spill over into the surrounding lowlands. They were concerned that this would conflict with local trapping in the area. 9-6 ... .. .., 9.2.4 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Subregion People from Naknek, South Naknek, and King Salmon hunt caribou primarily between the Naknek and King Salmon Rivers and are therefore concerned about any potential impact in this area. Local residents do little hunting in the area immediately northeast of Naknek. Egegik residents hunt in the general vicinity of their community, and some residents expressed concern about power lines crossing the Egegik River. Because Naknek, South Naknek, King Salmon, and Egegik land use patterns related to the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan are related primarily to the location of transmission lines, they are dis- cussed there. Related to the proposed Kukaklek Lake hydroelectric plan, resource managers in King Salmon had the following concerns: o Because the Alagnak River is classified as a Wild and Scenic River, it may take a Congressional Act for this project. a A reduced flow in the. Alagnak River may cause damage to salmon. a A reduced flow in the Alagnak River may have an impact on recrea- tion in the area. Currently, many sport fishermen and other recreationists float from Nonv ianuk Lake down the Alagnak River. Related to the proposed Tazimina Lake hydroelectric plan, resource managers in King Salmon had the following concerns: a Concern for the effect of dewatering downstream side channels in the Tazimina River during the salmon spawning season when impound- ing water behind the dam. a Fluctuations in water level will affect all organisms in the river, including fish food items. The Tazimina River is a rearing habitat for fish. 9-7 o Withholding water will decrease the river's ability to flush itself out. o A low water year in the Tazimina drainage could coincide with a I arge salmon run. Impound ing water in the summer could result in inadequate water for salmon spawning. o At least one cycle of salmon (5 years in the Tazimina River) should be studied in order to insure a minimal impact on salmon. 9.2.5 Nushagak Bay Subregion Because most of the proposed hydroelectric facilities are located out of this subregion, transmission lines represent the major area where the project may conflict with local land use. The Chikuminuk Lake site is located beyond local, high subsistence use areas. If this site is feasible, additional data related to transmission lines and residents' land use in both the Nushagak Bay and Nushagak River Subregions will be necessary. 9.2.6 Nushagak.River Subregion Because residents in this relatiyel y isolated subregion depend on the harvest of local natural resources, they are concerned about anything that may affect current land use patterns. Related to energy development, increased access and potential roads along transmission line corridors presented the largest threat. 9.3 TRANSMISSION LINES 9.3.1 General Residents in the entire study area are very concerned about the possi- bility of any access roads along electrical transmission lines. With a few exceptions (e.g. some residents of Egegik), the overwhelming majority of 9-8 those people interviewed were adamantly opposed to any increased access to or within the Bristol Bay region. The message was loud and clear: No roads along the transmission lines regardless of the routes chosen. Study communit y residents were not in agreement whether transmission lines, without access roads, would affect existing land use patterns, hunting and trapping areas, or wildlife populations. It was difficult to determine a trend in the differing opinions. Some residents simply believed that trans- mission lines, as long as they were not accompanied by roads, would not disrupt either existing wildlife populations or hunting and trapping prac- tices. On the contrary, others believed strongly that because there are no roads in the area, wherever transmission lines are built, hunting and trap- ping pressure would be funneled to that area. Consequently, those people believed that a network of transmission lines would change present resource use, change the way people move within the region, would concentrate hunting and trapping pressure along these corridors, and would likely ruin critical wildlife habitat. Bristol Bay residents identified a potentia). problem with power lines and small aircraft traffic, especially in the summer months when many non-local recreationists frequent the region for sport fishing and hunting. Often, during poor weather, small aircraft fly very close to the ground. It is possible to avoid some of the potential conflict between low-flying aircraft and power lines by line placement away from high use air corridors. Aircraft in the Iliamna Lake area often. follow the shoreline of the lake between Iguigig and Iliamna, therefore if the transmission lines are kept inland from the lake the con flict is mitigated. Between South Naknek and Egegik, aircraft often fly along the coast. 9.3.2 Iliamna Subregion Local residents generally preferred that transmission lines were routed and/or camouflaged so they do not detract from the visual enjoyment of the area. Numerous sport fishing lodges in the Lake Iliamna area utilize the Newhalen River, as well as Upper and Lower Talarik Creeks and nearby lakes 9-9 for hunting and fishing. These lodges generally sell high quality, wilderness trophy hunting and fishing experiences, which may not be compat- ible with nearby power lines. Consequently, some of the businessmen who cater to non-resident recreationists preferred the lines to be situated further north, and to be hidden wherever possible. In addition, many local residents identified the area around Upper and Lower Talarik Creeks and the surrounding small lakes as a high use area for local hunting and trapping efforts. Many residents use Lake Iliamna as a transportation route (boat in summer and snow machine in winter) to this area west of 11 iamna/Newhalen and go inland to hunt and trap both the coastline and inland area north 0 f the lake. Consequentl y, these people expressed a concern that any transmission lines going west from the Tazimina site be kept away from the lake and be located more towards the mountains north of Lake Iliamna. 9.3.3 Kvichak River Subregion Igiugig and Levelock residents unanimously opposed any roads along the transmission lines. Related to a main transmission line coming from the Tazimina site, Igiugig residents unanimously favored that this main line be located along the proposed alternative that is furthest from both Lake Iliamna and their village, with only a small feeder line extending into the community. Resi- dents hunt caribou and moose along the shoreline (by boat in summer/fall and snow machine in winter). In this area, they identified Kaskanak Creek as an important hunting and trapping area. Related to the substation located near Levelock, both Igiugig and Levelock residents believed it was situated too close to Yellow Creek (mis- named on the U.S.G.S. map), a local hunting and trapping area. Upriver from Levelock, there are a series of small creeks (Levelock, Charlie Jensen, Tommy, Grants, and Yellow Creeks) that support locally utilized game popu- lations. Igiugig and Levelock residents have cabins and Nat! ve allotment 9-10 .. ' ... claims in this area that they use for subsistence hunting and trapping. Generally, residents indicated that transmission lines and substations should avoid creeks wherever possible. Levelock residents expressed concern that the main transmission line should be located 16 to 19 kilometers (10 to 12 miles) from the village, beyond easy access to kids who travel .on snow machines. Residents also were worried that power line breakages during dry summers may cause fires. Levelock residents indicated that a desirable place to cross the Kvichak River with a powerline was on the State lands between Levelock and Igiugig village corporation lands. 9.3.4 Kvichak-Egegik Bay Suqregion Related to transmission lines, residents in this subregion were asked to comment on routes between the Levelock area, Naknek, and Egegik. Generally, the proposed routes between Naknek and the Levelock area appeared satis- factory to residents interviewed in the Bristol Bay Borough. The tundra area northeast of Naknek to the Alagnak River apparently supports few moose and caribou and is not heavily hunted by local residents. Consequently, borough residents has relatively little concern about transmission lines location in this area. Residents in Naknek, South Naknek, and King Salmon preferred the coastal route between South Naknek and Egegik because: o The inland route may disturb the caribou migration. o The coastal route has the potential to provide power to the numer- ous set net cabins along the coast below South l\Jaknek. o In the future, more and more people will likel y live along the beach. 9-11 The only concern local residents expressed related to the coastal route was potential erosion, which would require the power poles to be placed inland from the beach. Although either the inland or coastal route could have deleterious effects on wildlife, resource managers in King Salmon preferred the coastal route between Naknek and Egegik. Their reasons included: a Because in inland area between the King Salmon and Naknek Rivers is the wintering area for caribou, it would be undesirable, from a biological standpoint, to provide additional overland vehicular access in this area. o There is already a trail along the beach. o Eventually a road may be constructed along the transmission line, and from a wildl He perspecti ve, it is better along the coast. Although residents in Naknek, South Naknek, and King Salmon were not in favor of any roads along the transmission lines, people interviewed did believe that the transmission lines should be located where a future road may be built. If a road were built (for any reason) between the Naknek area and Egegik, most people interviewed preferred the coastal route. Egegik residents were split on transmission line locations as well as road construction. Some people preferred to locate the line on the coast in order to sell power to set net cabins. I f it is not feasible to sell to these seasonal users, then the inland route was better because it was short and therefore cheaper. These people were not concerned with the impact a road would have on caribou because they believed there were plenty of them. Consequently, a road to Naknek was acceptable, as long as it did not extend to Anchorage or Dillingham. Other Egegik residents were not necessarily concerned about which transmission line corridor was selected as long as no road accompanied it. 9-12 ." '" Many residents in this subregion expressed concern about ice build up on the power lines which would result in breakage. 9.3.5 Nushagak Ba~ Subregion One area Dillingham resource managers specifically identified related to the possible effect transmission lines may have on land use patterns is along the main transmission corridor where it crosses the Nushagak River. Persons interviewed were presented with two alternatives related to this crossing: one route approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) north of Portage Creek where the river is split into two main channels (Keefer Cutoff) and another route further north where the Nushagak has only one channel. This more northerly route also causes the power lines to cross the Iowithla River further west. Because the Iowithla drainage supports a healthy winter moose population, local resource managers expressed concern that a power line crossing this river would encourage winter moose hunting. Most of the surrounding area is open tundra, which is relatively easy for cross-country travel by snow machine or dog sled.. If the transmission corridors became winter trails, hunting pressure in these areas would likely increase. Consequently, those who wish to restrict access to the Iowithla River favor a transmission corridor crossing the Nushagak River south of the confluence of these two rivers. The majority of Nushagak village residents, on the other hand, preferred the power lines, if built, to cross the Nushagak further north where there is only one channel. Dillingham residents suggested that the transmission line west of the Aleknagik road should follow along an existing easement and road extending west into the State land disposal area in T. 12 5., R. 56 W., S.M. The proposed route is through this township, but it is north of the access road into the land disposal area. Related to the Nushagak River crossing at Portage Creek, local residents were concerned that the line be kept high enough to facilitate the heavy summer boat and barge traffic on the river. In addition, they suggested that the line cross the Nushagak River where there is only one channel. 9-13 According to Portage Creek residents, the location of the power line north of their village should remain on the west side of the Nushagak River. Residents reported that they do not hunt much in this open, flat country north of Portage Creek. They generally hunt on the east side of the Nushagak River. Also, related to hunting practices, people preferred that the trans- mission lines be kept out of the wooded areas near the rivers and streams. A favorable route for the transmission line east of Clark's Point would be along an old dog team trail that extended due east of Clark's Point for approximatel y 29 kilometers (18 miles). Clark's Point has apparentl y pro- vided for a snow machine easement along this trail, and therefore a power line that parallels this easement (with no road) would likely receive the least resistance. A potential problem with the transmission line corridor from Clark's Point to Ekuk may be the numerous Native allotments which span nearly the entire area. 9.3.6 Nushagak River Subregion Nushagak River villagers' general reaction to a Bristol Bay regional power plan centered on the hundreds of kilometers of transmission lines that span the region. In general, their response was one of amazement and dis- belief. One v ill age leader caught the common feeling when he said, "That is crazy. There are too many lines throughout hunting areas." Although most people did not really know what transmission lines would do to impact local harvest activities, the general opinion was that the lines would do nothing to enhance hunting, trapping, and fishing opportunities for local people. In fact, the lines represented the first step towards roads in the area something no villager desired. Specific comments related to transmission lines in this subregion include: 9-14 ... o Because local residents from all three Nushagak River villages hunt, fish and trap the area between the Wood-Tikchik Lake systems and the Nushagak River, they were concerned about the location of any transmission 1 ines from the west (e. g. or iginat ing at Chikuminuk Lake). Specific local use areas include the Nuyakuk River into Tikchik and Nuyakuk Lakes, Klutuk Creek and beyond Kemuk Mountain, and the Kokwok River. In addition, local residents hunt caribou between the Nushagak and Kvichak Rivers. o If a transmission line is constructed between Portage Creek and Ekwok, local people desired it to be placed up on the open, flat tundra, well away from the Nushagak River. They continually emphasized how the rivers and creeks prov ided good game habitat. o o Related to the main transmission line crossing the Nushagak River, most Nushagak villagers preferred it to cross where there was only one channel (e.g. north of Keefer Cutoff). If a line connects New Stuyahok and Ekwok, New Stuyahok residents suggested that it follow the winter trail between the two villages. (In future public meetings, Ekwok residents should be questioned related to this route.) o Villagers expressed concern that winds would break the lines and start fires in the dry season. They were also concerned that wet snow and ice would build up on the lines and break them. o New Stuyahok residents were susceptible to the zone concept (e.g. electrical generation at New Stuyahok with feeder lines to Ekwok and Koliganek) as long as there were no impacts to fish and game. If the lines were put in during the winter, no road would be necessary, and local villagers expressed an interest in employment on the project. New Stuyahok residents considered this zone concept because it had no connection to the larger population center of Dillingham. 9-15 o Koliganek residents unanimously opposed any transmission lines regardless of location. 9-16 - 10.0 AIR QUALITY 10.1 CLIMATOLOGY ( The climate of inland portions of the Bristol Bay basin, including the area encompassing the proposed Tazimina project site, is dominated by continental climatic conditions (Searby 1965). It is characterized by relatively warm summers, cold winters, and lesser amounts of precipitation than found in the coast maritime zone. Surface winds are generally light. The nearest stations where long-term climatological data are available fnclude Iliamna, Port Alsworth, and Intricate Bay, all within 48 kilometers 00 miles) of the project site. Based on 29-years data taken from Iliamna (approximated 32 kilometers [20 miles] southwest of the project site), mean temperatures range between 3°C and 17°C OSoF and 62°F) in the summer, and between _14°C and -SaC O°F and 1S°F) in the winter. The extreme maximum and minimum temperatures recorded were 33°C and _44°C (91°F and -47°F) , respectively. Annual precipitation amounts to 66 centimeters (26 inches). Prevailing winds are from east-southeast with an average wind speed of 10 miles per hour (Selkregg, no date). Seasons are well defined in the project site area, with winter extending from mid-October to mid-April, and being characterized by cloudy mild weather alternating with clear cold weather. The Alaska Mountain Range lies in a long arc from the southwest, through northwest, to northeast, approximately 64 kilometers (40 miles) distant from the proposed project site. During the winter, this range is an effective barrier to the influx of very cold air from the north side 0 f the range. Extreme cold winter weather, associated with a high pressure system over interior Alaska, may lead to a succession of clear days in the proposed project site area, with temperatures dropping to _40°C (-40°F) or below, as contrasted to the _46°C (-50°F) and even _51°C (_60°F) readings in the interior. Normally the annual snow fall in Iliamna amounts to 163 centimeters (64 inches) (Selkregg, no date). Spring occurs from mid-April to June and during this period ice break-up occurs on the major streams. The season is characterized by warm pleasant days and chilly nights with little precipitation. 10-1 Summer occurs between June and early September with the latter half of the season accounting for approximately 50 percent of the annual precipi- tation. Autumn is brief, beginning shortly after mid-September and lasting until mid-October. The frequency of cloudy days and precipitation drops sharply in early October. Measurable amounts of snow are rare in September, but sub- stantial snowfalls sometimes reaching 25 centimeters (10 inches) occasionally occur in mid-October. Some of the stronger southerly winds, a few with damaging effects, occur in the late summer or fall; these are post-frontal winds following the movement of a storm from the southern Bering Sea or Bristol Bay, northeastward across the Alaska interior. 10.2 EXISTING AIR QUALITY CONDITIONS There are no ambient air quality monitoring data available in the proposed project site area. However, the area is considered to be pristine air and for the purpose of impact assessment the following assumed background concentration values (EPA 1978) can be applied to the project site area: S02 20pg/m 3 CO 1 ppm NOZ 0.01 ppm TSP 30-40 pg/m3 10.3 AIR QUALITY IMPACT The proposed project would have minor impacts on air quality during the construction stage. Construction impacts would consist of relatively small amount of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons; particulate matter emitted from gasoline and diesel-powered engines of heavy construction equipment required for site preparation; and fugitive dust resulting from land clearing and unpaved roads. Other than an occasional temporary impact in areas adj acent to the construction site, ambient air quality outside the site boundary is not expected to be significantly affected by gaseous emissions from construction equipment. 10-2 ..,. During construction, fugitive dust emissions occasionally may cause slight to signi ficant impact. Ground excavation and various land movement operations would cause this increase. The degree of construction-caused impacts would depend on day-to-day weather and the intensity of construction activities. Various control techniques would be implemented as necessary to meet State criteria, which specify that reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent particular matter from becoming airborne. Due to the nature of the proposed project, no significant impact on air quality is expected during the operation stage. 10-3 Searby, H.W., 1968. Services, ESSA. REFERENCES Climates of the states: Alaska. Environmental Data Climatolog y 0 f the United States No. 60-49. Selkregg, L.L., editor, Alaska regional profiles, Volume III: southwest region. University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978. Ambient monitoring guidelines for prevention of significant deterioration (PSD). Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 10-4 APPENDIX A VEGETATION OF THE LOWER TAZIMINA RIVER AREA by David Erikson and Loren Hettinger Dames & Moore TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 METHODS. 3.0 RESULTS. 3.1 Forests. 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 Tundra Open Coniferous Forest • Coniferous Woodlands • Closed Deciduous Forest Open Mixed Forests • 3.3 Shrublands 3.3.1 3.3.2 Closed Tall Shrubland Open Low Shrublands 3.4 Herbaceous Vegetation 4.0 DISCUSSION S.O REFERENCES . A-1 A-1 A-S A-S A-S A-S A-7 A-7 A-11 A-11 A-11 A-14 A-18 A-21 A-24 1.0 INTRODUCTION A field investigation of vegetation types in the vicinity of Lower Tazimina Lake (R30, 31W, T1, 2S; 60 o N, 154°45'E) was conducted between August 13 and 19, 1981. The objectives of this investigation were to identify, map and describe the vegetation types that delineate the various habitats of the area. 2.0 METHODS Major vegetation types were initially identified using color infrared aerial photography (1 :16,250 blowups). These units were then inspected by aerial and ground reconnaissance and entities were revised as necessary so that the total range of habitats in the area were represented. The agglomer- ative hierarchical classi fication system of Vierick and Dyrness (1980) was used to classify the vegetation. The various vegetation categories are listed in Table 1. Distribution of vegetation types within the study area are given in Figures 1 and 2. Representative stands of each type were quantitatively sampled using a 100-meter (328-foot) baseline and 10 O.25-square meter quadrates for percent cover estimates. A wandering quarter technique was used to assess tree height and,diameter. In addition, observations were made regarding physical characteristics of the site including landform, topography, moisture regime, evidence of disturbance, type and amount of ground cover, and occular estimate of vegetation cover by strata. Observations were made on the floristic composition and distribution of alpine and subalpine vegetation although impact on these areas would be remote. Field sampling information served as the primary means to map vegetation/habitat types and to describe their structural and floristic composition. A total of 16 sites were sampled within the study period. Species nomenclature follows Viereck and Little (1972) for trees and shrubs and Hulten (1968) for herbaceous species. Community type nomenclature is proposed, although it should be recognized as preliminary or tentative since the amount of stand data are limited. A-1 ---------~-Primary Forest (canopy cover >10%) Tundra Shrublands Herbaceous TABLE 1 Vegetation Classes and Component Community Types (Preliminary) of the Lower Tazimina River Area (Classes follow Vierick and Dyrness, 1980) LEVELS --------~~------------------------Secondary Coniferous Deciduous Mixed Mat &: Cushion Tall Shrublands Low Shrub land Herbaceous Sedge-grass Tiertiary Open Coniferous Forest Coniferous Woodland Closed Deciduous Forest Open Mixed Coniferous- Deciduous Forest Open Mat Cushion Mixed Shrub Tundra Closed Tall Shrublands Birch and Ericaceous Shrubland Wet Sedge-grass , , ~ , , • I Communit y Type Picea glauca/Salix spp.SphaQnum spp. Picea mariana/Ledum decumbens/lichens P. mariana/Betula nana!lichens .... ------- B~tula papyrifera/CalamaQrostis canadensis !feathermoss Picea Qlauca-Populus balsam~fera/ CalamaQrostis canadensis P. glauca-Befula pap rifera/ Vacclnlum vitis-idaea ~ylocomium selendens Dryas octapetal,a Salix spp./Aretostaphylos rubra- Dryas octape£ala ,?alix alaxensis/Cal~magrotis canadensislfeathermoss Ala~us sinuata:SaIix pulchra/Spiraea Beauverdiana!Calamagrostic canadensis Betula nana-Empetrum nigrum/lichen Salix f~scens/Earex kelloggii! SehaQnum spp. Myrica Qale-Potentilla fruticosa/ Carex magellanica irrigua!lichen , Carex kellogQii-C. macrochaeta/moss ~arex aquatialis f. rostra~us , k -~- I VI heathIIidMD o o () o o j VI heath!lichen I I I I ,---~ , '1 ,/ I VI / heath! I Erl .. I LEVEl ONE FOREST TUNDRA SHRUBLAND HERBACEOUS LEVEL TWO I • CONIFEROUS II • DECIDUOUS III -MIXED DECIDUOUS & CONIFEROUS IV -MAT CUSHION! SHRUB TUNDRA V • TALL SHRUB VI -LOW SHRUB VII -HERBACEOUS SEDGE-GRASS R -RIPARIAN HABITAT (J I Pimallicheu ;i~ I ? /' \ (7 m-R , PIIIJ!Popa/Salla ';'" '--'-./ ---{ , I / \ , I Plmalllcha m Pigl/Beplo VI _~--- heathlErl.o ~-1::..------ 4"''''-q-'/ ,J ,-~ll \0} ~ I Pimailichen LEVEL ONE FOREST TUNDRA SHRUBLAND HERBACEOUS LEVEL TWO I -CONiFEROUS Ii -DECIDUOUS iii -MIXED DECIDUOUS & CONiFEROUS IV -MAT CUSHION f SHRUB TUNDRA V -TALL SHRUB Vi -LOW SHRUB Vii -HERBACEOUS SEDGE-GRASS R -RiPARIAN HABiTAT Dames & Moore Fi-gure A-2 3.0 RESULTS A rather typical boreal forest vegetation was found throughout the study area with white spruce/paper birch forest and woodland types, black spruce muskegs and bogs and deciduous forest. Four basic formations were identi- fied from field investigation; forest, tundra, shrublands, and herbaceous vegetation. 3.1 FORESTS Forest types were categorized according to the dominant overstory species (i.e., coniferous, deciduous or mixed) and the degree of crown cover (Le., closed [60-100 percent], open [25-60 percent], or woodland [10-25 percent]). 3.1.1 Open Coniferous Forest Open coniferous forests comprise only a minor part of the total vegeta- tion, occurring as open white spruce (Picea glauca) forest on alluvium. This vegetation characteristically contains a prominent shrub understory of willow (Salix spp.). The herbaceous component contains a variety of species (Calamagrostis canadensis, Stellaria spp., Carex spp.), although dwarf shrubs, including nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) and lingonberry (~ vitis-idaea), are more prominent. However, the understory is characterized by a thick moss carpet mainly of sphagnum. Community type and species cover percentage by stratum is presented in Table 2. 3.1.2 Coniferous Woodlands Coniferous woodlands exhibiting a prominent heath and lichen under- story are common on silty upland knolls, especially those with northern exposures, and are the major forest type along Lower Tazimina Lake. Black spruce (Picea mariana) is the principal tree species, although white spruce is as soc iated with slight! y better drainage, and some integration of both A-5 TABLE 2 Species and Percent Cover for the Picea glauca/Salix spp./Sphagnum spp. Community STRATUM AND SPECIES TREES Picea glauca TALL SHRUB (>2m) Salix spp. LOW SHRUB (30 cm-2m) Spirea beauverdiana Potentilla fruticosa Betula nana STRATUM AND SPECIES HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB Vaccinium uliginosum V. v His-idaea Rubus arcticus Empetrum nigrum Equisetum arvense Carex rostrata Calamagrostis canadensis Stellaria spp. BRYOPHYTE AND LICHEN Sphagnum spp. Barbilophozia spp. EXTRALIMITALS (Present in stand, but not in quadrats) Swertia spp. Potenilla palustris Sanguisorba stipulata Pyrola asarifolia Viola spp. A-6 MEAN PERCENT COVER 25 60 1 2 1 20 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 65 2 "'. ... ,. species was observed. Most trees were around 3 meters (10 feet) tall and 5 to 6 centimeters (1.9 to 2.4 inches) diameter at breast height (dbh) although some trees 11 meters (36 feet) tall and 28 centimeters (11 inches) dbh were observed. Two communities were recognized within the coni ferous woodland vegetation (Table 1); one having dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana) as the main understory shrub, the other containing mainly narrow-leaf Labrador tea (Ledum decumbens). Both communities are characterized by a dense lichen ground cover. Species and percent cover for these communities are presented in Tables 3 and 4. 3.1.3 Closed Deciduous Forest t « Upland colluvial slopes, especially those occurring on south-exposed slopes north of the lake support closed paper birch forests. Although paper birch is the principal tree species, white spruce occurs as an occasional associate. This forest is characterized by a luxuriant under- story dominated by bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) and a heavy moss carpet. Trees are relatively short, 9 meters (30 feet), and up to 14 centimeters dbh (5.5 inches), including the scattered white spruce. Paper birch exhibit a multi-stemed habit, ususally with the older trunks decayed by heart rot. Although white spruce appears to be successionally replacing paper birch, the low number of seedlings and saplings would indicate the process is quite slow. The designated community, and species and percent ground cover are presented in Table 5. 3.1.4 Open Mixed Forests Mixed coniferous and deciduous forests occur mainly on alluvial terraces along the lower Tazimina River and streams entering Lower Tazimina Lake. Balsam poplar (Populus balsami feral is associated with white spruce on many of the younger secondary terraces, whereas paper birch and white spruce form mixed stands usually on the older, less cobbly surfaces. Both types are distinguished by a dense ground cover of feathermosses. Trees ranged in size A-7 TABLE 3 Species and Percent Cover for the Picea mariana/Ledum decumbens/Lichen Community STRATUM AND SPECIES TREES Picea mariana HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB «30cm) Ledum decumbens Vaccinium uliginosum Arctostaphylos alpina Betula nana Empetrum nigrum Vaccinium vitis-idea Calamagrostis canadensis BRYOPHYTES (Sphagnum spp. Hylocomium splendens, Barbilophozia spp., Polytrichum juniperinum) LICHENS (Cetraria alpestris, f· cucculata, f. islandica, Sterocaulon spp_, Cladonia spp.) MEAN PERCENT COVER 2* 25 20 10 5 10 5 <1 20 80 *Sample size did not provide good cover data for P. mariana but total stand cover was about 10 percent. A-8 .. ' .... ". TABLE 4 Species and Perment Cover for the Picea mariana/Betula nana/Lichen Community STRATUM SPECIES TREES Picea mariana LOW SHRUB (30cm to 2m) Potentilla fruticosa HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB «30cm) Betula nana Vaccinium uliginosum V. vitis-idaea 'i:.... oxycoccus Myrica gale Equisetum arvense Andromeda polifolia Empetrum nigrum BRYOPHYTE (Sphagnum spp., Dicranum spp.) LICHEN (Cetraria cuccculata, f. alpestris, f. islandica, Cladonia spp., Stereo- caulon spp.) EXTRALIMIT ALS Diapensia lapponica Rubus chamaemorus MEAN PERCENT COVER <1* 5 30 15 <1 <1 5 2 <1 2 15 60 *Sample size did not provide good cover data for P. mariana but total stand cover was about 10 percent. A-9 TABLE 5 Species and Percent Cover for the Betula papyrifera/Calamagrostis canadensis/Feathermoss Community STRATUM AND SPECIES TREES Betula papyrifera Picea glauca LOW SHRUB (>30cm-2m) Spiraea beauverdiana Rhododendron camtschaticum HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB Rubus arctic us Calamagrostis canadensis Corn us suecica Eguisetum arvense Vaccinium vitis-idaea Trientalis europaea Dryopteris fragans Epilobium augustifolium Bromus spp. Vaccinium uliginosum Linnaea borealis Lycopodium annotiun BRYOPHYTE (Pleurozium schreberi, ptilium crista-castrensis, Dicranum spp.) LICHEN Peltigera aphthosa A-10 MEAN PERCENT COVER 65 2 1 <1 50 60 30 t 2 5 10 3 7 10 3 <1 70 5 -- - .. - from 8 to 22 meters (26 feet) in height and 8 to 40 centimeters (3 to 16 inches) dbh with 60 percent composition of white spruce. Upland stands of mixed white spruce/paper birch also occur in areas of good drainage and a southerly aspect. Species and percent ground cover for these two communities are presented in Tables 6 and 7. 3.2 TUNDRA A few of the tundra forms were catagorized under low shrub and herb- aceous sedge grass communities since these communities occur within the boreal forest and are largely the result of microclimate and topography rather than components of tundra. For this study, tundra types were defined by elevation. The remoteness of mat and cushion tundra, above 610 meters (2000 feet), did not warrant detailed coverage but qualitative observations were made from one excursion to the higher alpine areas. The type found throughout the upper alpine slope was ~ominated by dryas (Dryas octapetala), forbs, and prostrate shrub. 3.3 SHRUBLANDS Vegetation dominated by both tall and low shrubs occurs along back swamps and oxbows of the lower Tazimina River, especially near the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake (see Table 1 for classes). 3.3.1 Closed Tall Shrubland Tall shrub vegetation occurs as an early successional stage of forests on alluvial terraces along the river and as subalpine thickets below timber- line. White spruce forests appear to be the climax community in riparian areas, although mixed wood (white spruce, paper birch, balsam poplar) with a prominent willow or alder (Alnus sinuata and A. tenui folia) understory is common due to periodic flooding. However, feltleaf willow (Salix alaxensis) dominates a closed tall shrub stratum in this successional vegetation type. A-11 TABLE 6 Species and Percent Cover for the Picea glauca-Populus balsamifera/Calamagrostis candensis Community STRATUM AND SPECIES TREES Picea glauca Populus balsamifera LOW SHRUB (>30cm to 2m) Viburnum edule Spiraea beauverdiana HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB Calamagrostis canadensis Corn us suecica Rubus arcticus Vaccinium vitis-idaea Pyrola asarifolia Vaccinium uliginosum Empetrum nigrum Betula nana Linnaea borealis Rosa acicularis MOSS (Hylocomium splendens, ptilium crista-castrensis, Pleurozium schreberi) EXTRALIMITALS Potent ilIa fruticosa Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum arvense A-12 MEAN PERCENT COVER 30 10 2 1 20 15 5 1 1 3 3 3 5 <1 50 ., ... ... ... ... TABLE 7 Species and Percent Cover for the Picea glauca-Betula papyrifera/Vaccinium vitis-idaea/Hylocomium splendens Community STRATUM AND SPECIES MEAN PERCENT COVER TREE Picea glauca Betula papyriefera LOW SHRUB (>30cm to 2m) Rosa acicularis Viburnum edule HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB Vaccinium vitis-idaea 'i. uliginosum Pyrola asarifolia Empetrum nigrum Cornus suecica Epilobium angustifolium Deschampsia caespitosa Pyrola secunda Linnaea borealis Calamagrostis canadensis Dryopteris fragrans Eguisetum arvense BRYOPHYTE (Hylocomium splendens, ptilium crista-castrensis) EXTRALIMENTALS Angelica lucida, Polemonium acutiflorum, Trientalis eUFopaea, Salix spp., Dicranum spp., Sphagnum spp. A-13 10 2 7 <1 15 5 5 2 2 2 <1 2 10 2 15 1 90 vegetation type. Dense thickets of white spruce 4 to 6 meters (13 to 20 feet) in height with a dbh of 6 to 10 centimeters (2.4 to 3.9 inches) were present, although scattered in the community. The understory is dominated by bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) and a thick carpet of mosses. Community type and species percent cover by stratum are presented in Table 8. Alder thickets occur in conjunction with moist, silty soils on north exposed slopes and on steep, well-drained slopes. The stands are also associated with late-melting snow fields and reflect relatively moist, rich habitats with a diverse understory composition. Quantitative cover data were not taken since this community occurs above the expected influence of the proposed project. However, the designated community type and principal species by strata is presented in Table 9. 3.3.2 Open Low Shrublands Back swamps and oxbows with organic material contain low shrub/sedge (Salix spp./Carex kelloggii) marsh vegetation characterized by hummocks covered with sphagnum. Willows (Salix spp. Salix fuscescens) dominate the shrub stratum of this community, al though heaths are also common. Sedge (Carex kelloggii) is prominent especially in the water-filled depressions; however, mosses (Sphagnum spp., Pleurogzium schreberi, Barbilophozia spp.) dominate the ground cover. Table 10 provides the designated community type and species cover by stratum. A second low shrub type occurs in rock-filled channels near the outlet of the lake and the area adjacent to north bay. This type was distinguished by open areas of water (25 centimeters [10 inches] deep) over angular rock, interspersed with mounds of organic matter containing mosses. Sweet gale (Myrica gale) and cinquefoil (Potentilla frutucosa) are the dominant shrubs, although dwarf birch, bog blueberry and willow commonly occur. Lichens dominate the ground cover occurring occasionally with leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata) above the water level on the hummocks. Conversely, sedge (Carex magellanica irrigua) and wild flag (ll!! setosa) are most prevalent in the water inundated depressions. Water and rocks comprise about A-14 TABLE 8 Species and Percent Cover for the Sal ix al axensis/Cal amagrostis c anadensis/Feathermoss Communi t y STRATUM AND SPECIES TREE Picea glauca TALL SHRUB (>2m) Salix alaxensis LOW SHRUB (>30cm-2m) Viburnum edule HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB (30cm) Calamagrostis canadensis Rubus arctic us Triantelis europaea Artemisia arctica Viola epipsila Polemonium acutiflorum Pyrola secunda P. asari folia Athyrium filix-femina BRYOPHYTE (Tomenthypnum nites, Hylocomium splendens, Ptilium crista-castrensis) EXTRALIMITALS Thalictrum sparsiflorum Sanguisorba stipulata Epilobium augustifolium Ribes triste Populus balsamifera A-15 MEAN PERCENT COVER 21 72 5 22 4 4 8 4 <1 <1 (1 <1 60 TABLE 9 Principal Species Within Alnus sinuata-Salix pulchra/Spiraea beauverdiana/ Calamagrostis canadensis Community TALL SHRUB STRATUM (>2m tall) Alnus sinuata Salix pulchra ~ barclayi S. arctica arctica LOW SHRUB STRATUM (30cm-2m tall) Spiraea beauverdiana Menziesia ferruginea Viburnum edule HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB «30cm tall) Rubus chamaemorus Calamagrostis canadensis Deschampsia beringensis Athyrium filix-femina Cornus suecica Pedicularis sudetic a Gentiana platypatala Senecio lugens Arnica chamissonis Saxifraga caespitosa ~ punctata Thelypteris phegopteris Erigeron peregrinus Lycopodium annotinum .!:...:.. alpinum Aconitum delphinifolium Veratrum viride eschscholtzii BRYOPHYTE Hylocomium splendens ptilium crista-castrensis Sphagnum spp. A-16 - "" .. TABLE 10 Species and Percent Cover for the Salix fuscescens/Carex kelloggii/Sphagnum spp. Community STRATUM AND SPECIES LOW SHRUB (30cm to 2m) Salix fuscescens Salix spp. Betula nana MEAN PERCENT COVER 2 20 10 HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB «30cm) Vaccinium uliginosum Andromeda polifolia Eriophorum scheuchzeri Carex kelloggii BRYOPHYTE (Sphagnum spp.,· Pleurozium schreberi, Barbilophozia spp. LICHEN 20 5 <1 15 60 (Cladonia spp., Cetraria cucculata, 15 C. islandica) A-17 60 percent of the total ground cover. The designated communi t y type and species percent cover by stratum are presented in Table 11. Ridges above treeline contain low shrub communities dominated by heath and lichen (Table 1). This vegetation, in addition to occurring on wind- exposed uplands, is also associated with stone-gravel soils and covers much of the old outwash plane and low lying areas of the Tazimina River. Heaths, including lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), diapensia (Diapensia lapponica), crowberry and dwarf birch form a low shrub mat over a continuous cover of lichens (Cetraria cucculata, C. islandica, Usnea spp., Stereocaulon spp.) The designated community type and species ground cover by stratum are presented in Table 12. A similar community occurs at higher elvations forming much of the alpine tundra above the lake and river (762 meters [2500 feet] elevation). However, a number of additional species are instrumental in forming a tundra physiognomy including red-fruit bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra), narrow-leaf Labrador tea (Ledum decumbens), dwarf and prostrate willows (Salix arctica arctica, S. glauca), white mountain avens, and tofieldia (Tofieldia coccinea). This community (Salix spp./Arctostaphylos rubra-Dryas octapetala) intermingles with wet sedge meadows and, at the lower elevational limit of the alpine zone, with a niveal (snow bank) community dominated by Alaska cassiope (Cassiope lycopodoides), Luetkae pectinata and a rich herbaceous flora. In poorly drained areas, this community develops a strong component of cottongrass (Eriophorum spp.) and sedge (Carex spp.). 3.4 HERBACEOUS VEGETATION In areas of standing water found at the centers of bogs, at the edges of small ponds and in other areas of shallow water, small stands of sedge (Carex aguatalis, .£:. rostratus) can be found. Late successional stage bogs are often covered by cotton grass (Eriophorum Scheuchzeri, E. vaginatum) and sedges. A-18 .. TABLE 11 Species and Percent Gover for the Myrica gale-Potentilla fruticosa/Carex magellanica irrigua/Lichen Community STRATUM AND SPECIES LOW SHRUB (>30cm-2m) Myrica gale Betula nana Potentilla fruticosa Salix barclayii HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB (OOcm) Vaccinium uliginosum Chamaedaphne calyculata Carex magellanica irrigua Arenaria prostrata Calamagrostis canadensis Scirpus caespitosus Iris setosa BRYOPHYTE LICHEN MEAN PERCENT COVER 12 10 25 5 7 <1 6 >1 >1 2 >1 (Centraria islandica, ~ cucculata) 45 A-19 TABLE 12 Species and Percent Cover for the Betula nana/Empetrum nigrum/Lichen Community STRATUM AND SPECIES MEAN PERCENT COVER HERBACEOUS AND DWARF SHRUB «30m) Betula nana Vaccinium vitis-idaea Empetrum nigrum Diapensia lapponica Salix glauca Oxytropis nigrescens BRYOPHYTE (Dicranum spp.) LICHEN (Cetraria cucculata, ~ islandica, Cladonia spp., Peltigera spp., Usnea spp., Stereocaulon spp.) EXTRALIMIT ALS Pedicularis verticillata Erigeron spp. Antennaria monocephala Campanula lasiocarpa A-20 18 2 20 6 <1 2 <1 52 .. \i"" """> ." - Wet sedge meadows on mountain plateaus are dominated by sedge (Carex gmelinii, .£.:.. macrochaeta), rush (Juncus drommondii), sweet coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus), angelica (Angelica lucida), bistort (Polygonum bistorta), and mats of mosses (Hylocomium splendens, Pitliam crista- ) castrensis, Pleurozium schreberi Sphagnum spp., Dicranium). This community is characterized as Carex gmelinii/.£. macrochaeta/moss. Since these areas were quite limited no quantitative data were taken. 4.0 DISCUSSION The plant communities of the Lower Tazimina Lake region are generally representative of western Alaska boreal forest and alpine types. Similar types have been described for the lake Clark region north of the study area (Racine and Young 1978) and the Lake Iliamna area immediately south of the study area (Williamson and Peyton 1962). None of the vegetation types appear to be unique to this region. Plant species identified during the August 1981 field investigation are listed on Table 13. No evidence of recent fires was observed in the watershed nor was any evidence of human disturbance to the vegetation (i.e., logging, land clear- ing). Overall condition appeared to be rather pristine. A-21 f N N LICHENS Cetraria alpestris C. cucculata C. islandica Cladonia spp. Peltigera aphthosa Peltigera spp. Stereocaulon spp. Thamnolia spp. Usnea spp. BRYOPHYTES Barbilophozia spp. Dicranum polysetum Oicranum spp. Hylocomium splendens Sphsgnum spp. Polytrichium juniperinum ptilium crista-castrensis Pleurozium schreberi Sphagnum spp. Tomenthypnum nitens LYCOPOOIACEAL Lycopodium annotinum L. selago L. alpinum EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arl/ense E. flul/iatile ATHYRIACEAE Athyrium filix-femina ASPIDIACEAE Dryopteris fragrans Gymnocarpium dryopteris THELYPTERIDACEAE Thelypteris phaegopteris TABLE 13 Plant Species Identified in the Tazimina Lake Region, 1981 PINACEAE Picea glauca P. mariana GRAMINEAE Alopecurus alpinua Arctagrostis latifolia Agrostis scabra Calamagrostis canadensis Deschampsia caespitosa arientalis (1) D. beringensis Poa glauca, Poa spp. Bromus pac! ficus 8romus spp. Hierochloe alpina Phleum commutatum CYPERACEAE Eriophorum angustifolium Eo vaginatum Eo scheuchzer i Scirpus caespitosus Carex rostrata C. rad flora C. KeUoggii C. magellanica irrigua C. gmelinii C. macrochaeta C. saxitilus laxa C. pluriflora C. enanduri C. lael/ iculmis C. pauci flora C. aquatilis JUNCACEAE Juncus alpinus J. castaneus J. bufonesis J. drummondii Lusula mutliflora LILIACEAE Tofieldia coccinea Allium schoenoprasum Veratrum I/iride eschscholtzii I , IRIDACEAE Iris setosa ORCHIDACEAE Spiranthes lomanzoffiana SALICACEAE Populus balsamifera Salix glauca S. Scouleriana S. alaxensis S. pulchra S. barclayi S. arctica arctica S. fuscescens S. reticulata reticulata Salix spp. MYRICACEAE Myrica gale BETULACEAE Betula nana B. papyrifera Alnus sinuata Alnus tenuifolia POL YGONACEAE Polygonum bistorta plumosum Rumex arcticus CARYOPHYLLACEAE Stellaria spp. Arenaria prostrata NYMPHAECEAE Nuphar polysepalum RANUNCULACEAE Aconitum delphinifolium Thalictrum sparsiflorum f N IJ.I CRASSULACEAE Sedum rosea integrifolium DROSERACEAE Drosera rotundifolia SAXIFRAGACEAE Saxifraga caespitosa S. punctata S. hirculus Heuchera glabra Parnassia palustris Ribes priste ROSACEAE Spirea beauverdiana Luetkea pectinata Sorbus scopulina Rubus chamaemorus R. arcticus R. idaeus Potent ilia fruticosa p. palustris Dryas octapetala Sanguisorba stipulata Rosa acicular is LEGUHINOSAE Oxytropis campestris Lupinus nootkatenais Viela sp. GERANIACEAE Geranium erianthum VIOLACEAE Viola spp. ONAGRACEAE Epilobium palustre [. angustifolium E. latifolium UHBELLlFERAE Angelica lucida TABLE 1J (continued) Plant Species Identified in the Tazimina Lake Region, 1981 CORNACEAE Cornus suecia PYROLACEAE Pyrola asarifolia P. secunda EHPETRACEAE Empetrum nigrum ERICACEAE Ledum decumbens Rhododendron csmtschaticum Menziesia ferruginea Cassiope lycopodioides Andromeda polifolia Ohampaedaphne calyculata Arctostagphylos rubra A. alpina Vaccinium uliginosum V. vitis-idaea V. oxycocus DIAPENSIACEAE Diapensia lapponica PRIHULACEAE Trientalis europaea GENTIANACEAE Gentiana platypatala Swertia perennis Menyanthes trifoliata POLEHONIACEAE Polemonium acutiflorum SCROPHULARIACEAE Pedicularis verticullata P. sudetica P. parv i flora OROBANCHACEAE Orobanche fasciculata CAPRIFOLIACEAE Linnaea borealis Viburnum edule CAHPHANULACEAE Campanula lasiocarpa COHPOSITAE Solidago multiradiata Erigeron spp. Eo peregrinus Antennaria monocephala Artemisia arctica Arnica chamissonis Senecio lugens Senecio spp. Taraxacum spp. Aster sibricus Achillea borealis APPENDIX A 5.0 REFERENCES Hulten, A., 1967. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring territories. Stanford University Press. Racine, C.H., S.B. Young, 1978. Ecosystems of the proposed lake Clark National Park, Alaska, Contributions from the Center of Northern Studies No. 16. USDI and National Park Service. Viereck, L.A., and E.L. Little, Jr., 1972. Alaska trees and shrubs Agric. Handbook No. 410. Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Wash. D.C. 265 pp. Viereck, l.A., T.C. Dyrness, 1980. A preliminary classification system for vegetation of Alaska. Fourth Edition General Technical Report PWN-105. USDA Forest Service. Williamson, F.S.l., l.J. Peyton, 1962. Faunal relationships of birds in the Iliamna lake area, Alaska. Biological papers of the University of Al aska, No.5. A-24 .' ... APPENDIX B PISB.D.lES RESEARCH DStl1'UIE School of .P:l.shar.ies ~versity of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 TAZIMINA RIVER SOCKEYE SALMON STUDIES Evaluation of Spawning Ground Survey Data by P. B. Poe and O. A. Mathisen Pinal Report Contract No. 12023-006-20 Dames & Moore Submitted 31 January 1982 Approved Director TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 ABSTRACT · . .'. . . . 2.0 INTRODUCTION 3.0 THE STUDY AREA 3.1 3.2 Physical Description • . Sockeye Salmon Runs ••••• 4.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS. 4.1 Materials . · · · · · · · 4.2 Survey Methods · 4.3 Data Analysis · · 4.3.1 Period 1920-1938 · · · · 4.3.2 Period 1939-1957 · · · · 4.3.3 Period 1947-1954 · · · · 4.3.4 Period 1955-1981 · · · · · · · · · 4.3.5 Use of Data · · · · 4.3.6 Criteria Used in Selecting Peak Index Values 4.3.7 Direction . · 5.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Relative Importance of Taztmina Sockeye Salmon Runs ..••. . • . . . . . 5.1.1 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Kvichak Escapement Count · · · · · · · · · 5.1.2 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Sapwning Ground Index · · · · · · · · · · · 5.1.3 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Index of Stream Spawning Areas · · · · · 5.1.4 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Four Major Rivers Routinely Indexed 5.1.5 Tazimina River Index as Percent of Newhalen River-Lake Clark System · · · · · · · · Escapement Counted Above the Newhalen River Proper · · · · · · · · · · 5.1.6 Differences from Values Presented in Earlier Publications · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Page 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 "'" -. I$fJ .. 5.2 Trends in Tazimina River Sockeye Salmon Production • • • .. •. • . . . . • 5.3 Portion of Salmon in the Canyon-Falls Area. 5.4 Limitations of Data •..• 5.4.1 Impact of Subsistence Fishery on Tazimina River Salmon Runs 5.4.2 Other Limitations •.••... 5.5 Other Sources of Possible Information 5.5.1 HCF Photographic Surveys of Tazimina River • • • • . • 5.5.2 1979 Photographs of High Density Spawning in Tazimina River 6.0 SUMMARY .. 7.0 REFERENCES CITED Page 12 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 18 20 Table No. 1 2 3 LIST OF TABLES Tazimina River. (1) Peak spawning ground index (PSGI), (2) PSGI as PeNT total Kvichak escape- ment, (3) PSGI as PCNT total accounted for in stream surveys, (4) PSGI as PeNT total of stream spawners accounted for in stream surveys, (5) PSGI as PCNT of 4 major river systems indexed routinely over time, (6) PSGI as PCNT of Lake Clark escapement. Sockeye salmon, Kvichak River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska ••• Percent of Tazimina River peak spawning ground index of sockeye salmon documented in the Canyon-Falls area during the period 1967-1981 • Kvichak River system sockeye salmon sub- sistence information . . • • • . . 21 22 23 Figure No. 1 LIST OF FIGURES Location of the Tazimina River system in the Newha1en River-Lake Clark system. of the Kvichak River system • . . • • . • . . • . . 2 Tazimina River peak spawning ground index as a percentage of total Kvichak River system escapement ••••• • • . • 3a 3h 3c 4 5 6 7 Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total Kvichak River system escapements, 1955-1981 Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total index accounted for in Kvichak stream surveys, 1955-1981 •• " •.••••••. Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total index of Kvichak system stream spawning areas, 1955-1981 • • • . • • • . • • • Tazlmlna River peak spawning ground indexes as a peTcentage of total index accounted for in Kvichak system stream surveys, 1955-1981 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total index of Kvichak system stream spawning areas, 1955-1981 . • . . • • . • • • • Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total index of 4 major river systems routinely sur- veyed, 1920-1981 • • • • . • • • • • Kvichak River total escapements and Tazimina River peak spawning ground index information during the period 1920-1981 24 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 30 1.0 ABSTRACT Available data on the relative magnitude of the sockeye salmon escapement to Tazimina River have been summarized. No counts or estimates of absolute escapement have been made. Some early evidence is almost anecdotal while recent stream survey data can be used as relative but quantitative abundance indexes with unknown but presumably wide confidence limits judging from experience elsewhere. The relative number of salmon observed in the canyon-falls area of Tazimina River over the period 1967- 1981 have also been summarized. Escapements to Tazimina River were low in the 1950's as were the total Bristol Bay salmon runs, which had declined in relation to earlier decades from excessive commercial harvest and unfavorable environmental conditions. Superimposed on this was an intensive subsistence fishery on Tazimina River stocks, especially during years of small runs. A strong resurgence of the Bristol Bay sockeye salmon runs commenced during the last salmon cycle and is also reflected in recent escapements to the Tazimina River where the trend follows an exponential curve. H-1 TAZIMINA RIVER SOCKEYE SALMON STUDIES 2.0 INTRODUCTION The Tazimina River is one of the major producers of sockeye salmon in the Newhalen River-Lake Clark component of the Kvichak River system in Bristol Bay in southwestern Alaska (Figure 1). Records of observa- vations on the spawning grounds of sockeye salmon in the Tazimina River system date back to 1920. Over the period 1920-1938 management agents and wardens of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (BCF) conducted ground, and to a much lesser extent, aerial surveys of the Tazimina River. The inconsistency of the coverage and timing of the surveys during this period do not generally permit a quantitative comparison of numbers, except in some years when index counts of spawners were made. From 1939-1957, except during the war years, 1942 and 1943, BCF personnel conducted systematic aerial surveys of a select group of index areas within the Kvichak system which also included the Tazimina River. Since 1955 the relative abundance of spawners in the Tazimina River has been routinely assessed by personnel of the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI). This report was assembled under a contract with Dames & Moore ($3,500). All FRI original field observations 1947-1981 were financed by grants from the Bristol Bay salmon industry, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 3.0 THE STUDY AREA 3.1 Physical Description The Tazimina River is a tributary of the Newhalen River. and empties into Six-Mile Lake across from the village of Nondalton (Figure 1). Its total length is 54.0 mi, however, a falls 9.5 mi from the mouth presents a total block to salmon. The total accessible spawning area has been set at 792,308 yd 2 (163.7 a), from measurement of total river length and estimated average width below the falls. By visual inspection of gravel 2 suitability for spawning, 22%, or 174,240 yd (36.0 a), was classified as potential spawning area (Demory, Orrell and Heinle 1964). The river us- ually runs clear and seldom floods during the period of sockeye salmon spawning (exceptions 1959 and 1980) and is one of the few spawning areas in the Newhalen River-Lake Cla~k system where salmon can be consistently assessed by visual means. 3.2 Sockeye Salmon Runs The time of occupancy of adult sockeye salmon in most years is from mid-July to mid-September, however, during some years of large runs, live salmon have been observed into mid-October. The period of spawning occurs from 15 August to 10 September in most years, but can be appreciably ex- tended in years of large runs. Distribution extends to the falls in years of large abundance, however, most spawning occurs below river mile 7 where several heavily braided areas containing numerous side channels are util- ized in most years. 4.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.1 Materials All existing BCF and FRI spawning ground records for the Kvichak River system were thoroughly reviewed for information on Tazimina River The BCF data covering the period 1920-1957 were acquired from semi-monthly and Annual Management Reports, Reports of the Commissioner of Fisheries to the Secretary of Commerce (Alaska Fishery and Fur Seal Industry Reports), and considerable unpublished information acquired in 1975 from the archives of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Lab in Auke Bay, Alaska. 4.2 Survey Methods Since 1955 FRI has conducted systematic aerial, and to a much lesser extent ground, boat and scuba, surveys of many of the more than 100 spawn- ingareasutilized by sockeye salmon in the Kvichak system. The common pro- cedure has been to conduct aerial surveys on calm, clear days, between 1000 hand 1500 h whenever practicable. Optimal airspeed and altitude have ranged between 70 to 100 mph and 300 to 500 ft, respectively. Observers wearing polaroid glasses have made counts of live and dead salmon, usually in units of 100 and 1000. It is recognized that estimates of salmon abundance at anyone time do not correctly estimate the total number of spawners returning to the spawning gravels of an individual spawning area, as spawners are not a stationary population and new entrants arrive to take the place of those that die after spawning. Therefore, in practice it has been attempted to cover all major spawning areas at least once and sometimes two or three times during the season to assure observations during the peak of spawning, here defined as the time of the maximum abundance of spawners. B-4 • It is also recognized that counts of every fish in a stream, pond, or beach spawning area cannot be made by an observer flying overhead at 70 to 100 miles an hour. Spawning populations often number up to several hundred thousand in years of large runs and may be distributed over only a few miles of river or beach with spawner densities of several to a square meter. Thus, the objective has been to obtain an index of relative abundance, during or near the peak of spawning when the maximum observed abundance of spawners are present. In practice this maximum observed abundance has been used as an index to the number of spawners and is used for year to year comparisons. This index represents at best a measure of peak abundance, or some unknown portion of the true population returning to a spawning area. 4.3 Data Analysis All quantitative data for Tazimina River were grouped into four periods of information. but with some overlap. 4.3.1 Period 1920-1938. BCF personnel conducted ground, boat, and to a much lesser extent, aerial surveys of a number of important Kvichak spawn- ing areas during most years over the period 1920-1938. The consistency of the coverage, timing of the surveys, together with the overlap of personnel during this period, generally only permit a qualitative comparison of abund- ance. Assessments of overall abundance to the Kvichak system were usually presented as descriptions of completeness of utilization of available spawning grounds. However, during some years, for a number of important spawning areas, oftentimes including Tazimina River, index counts of spawners were obtained. 4.3.2 Period 1939-1957. From 1939-1957, excluding 1942 and 1943, BCF personnel established a program that systematically surveyed a group of index areas and this data was then used to obtain an estimate of Kvichak 8-5 1 escapement (Eicher 1952). Ground and boat surveys were less extensive during this period with aerial surveys becoming the major method of assess- mente 4.3.3 Period 1947-l9~ From 1947-1954, FRl, financed by the salmon processors of Bristol Bay, made occasional spawning ground surveys of some of the major spawning groups. Generally the coverage and timing of these surveys was not as conducive towards obtaining estimates of peak spawner abundance as were the BCF surveys conducted during these same years. 4.3.4 Period 1955-1981. Beginning in 1955, FRI established a much expanded stream survey program with increased funding from BCF. Since 1955 FRI has systematically conducted spawning ground surveys in the Kvichak system. The number of stream, pond, and mainland and island beach spawning areas routinely indexed has increased considerably in relation to earlier survey periods. Aerial surveys have continued to be the major method of assessment. 4.3.5 Use of Dat, In this report all the presented peak index values for the Tazimina River prior to 1955, except 1949, are from BCF records. Data presented for 1949 and 1955-1981 are from FRI stream survey records. 4.3.6 Criteria Used in Selecting Peak Index Values. During many years the Tazimina River was surveyed more than once during the season. For these years the following criteria were used in selecting the peak index values presented in this report. p-,t 1) The experience and consistency of the observer. It is statistically better to use only one observer over a number of years. 2) The quality of the survey; light, wind, and other visibility criteria were considered. lEicher, G. J. 1952. Bristol Bay stream survey indices, 1939-1951. U. S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., unpublished manuscript. 9 pp. 8-6 3) The extent and coverage of the survey. 4) The timing of the survey was carefully considered. If the survey was too early some fish may not have arrived and a large portion of fish present may have been schooled both in the stream and off the mouth. Accuracy decreases rapidly when fish are densely schooled and some portion of fish schooled off or in the vicin- ity of the mouth may have been destined to spawn in other areas. Surveys made past the peak of spawning tend to err on the low side. Counts of morbibund and dead fish tend to be much less reliable than counts of the same population live and distributed evenly over the spawning gravels. Salmon carcasses in streams tend to become concentrated and silted down in deep pools, eddies, and along and under banks. During those years when only one spawning ground survey was made, even though it was not always made during the peak of spawning, unless the timing and survey conditions were too inadequate for reasonable compari- son to other years, the index values were used. In this work the index values recorded for the years 1959, 1972, and 1973 were not used in the calculation of range and mean values because of poor visibility and late timing. 4.3.7 Direction. The data analysis was directed towards determining the past relative contribution of Tazimina River to the total salmon es- capement to the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system, and the Kvichak system as a whole. No attempt is made to incorporate catch data from the Bristol Bay commercial fishery which on the average takes 40 to 50%. of the Kvichak run. In practice, this does not change the relative importance of the Tazimina River salmon resource, but it certainly underestimates its abso- lute production. In addition, the portion of salmon in the canyon-falls 8-7 area (RM 8.5-9.5) of Tazimina River was determined from magnetic tape re- cordings of descriptive accounts of estimated numbers made during aerial surveys conducted over the period 1967-1981. 8-8 5.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Relative Importance of Tazimina Sockeye Salmon Runs All available information concerning Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes is presen~ed in Table 1. Since no absolu~e escapemen~ values have been made for Ta%imina River its importance can only be assessed in relative terms. The relative importance of Tazimina River salmon production was examined in a number of ways. 5.1.1 Ta:zimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Kvichak Escapement Count The relationship of the Tazimina River peak spawning ground index to the total Kvichak escapement shows it represents 0 to 4.49% and .80%, range and mean, respectively (Table 1, Figures 2 and 3a), during the years 1955-1981, the only period for which there exists absolute estimates of the Kvichak escapement. It should be cautioned that in this particular case we are comparing an index of escapement. which only represents the abundance of spawners at one time~ and not the total number of spawners, to an absolute estimate of escapement obtained from a systematic count over time, with no adjustment being made to expand the index to represent the true Tazimina River escapement. 5.1.2 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Spawning Ground Index Comparison of the Tazimina River index to the total index of spawners accounted for in Kvichak system spawning ground surveys shows it contributing o to 17.65% and 4.22%, range and mean, respectively (Table 1. Figures 4 and 3b), during the years 1955-1981. The total index of spawners accounted for represents the total peak spawning ground counts of salmon from all stream, pond, and mainland and island beach spawning areas surveyed. 8-9 5.1.3 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Total Index of Stream Spawning Areas The Tazimina River index as a percent of the total index of stream spawning areas shows it contributing 0 to 24.93% and 6.16%, range and mean, respectively (Table 1, Figures 5 and 3c), during the period 1955-1981. The total index of stream spawning areas represents the total of peak spawning ground counts of salmon for all stream spawning areas surveyed. This comparison within the same spawning area type is made because indexes between different spawning area types are not directly comparable due to differences in visibility and other conditions. 5.1.4 Tazimina River Peak Spawning Ground Index as Percent of Four Major Rivers Routinely Indexed Considering the Tazimina River index as a percent of the total index of four major rivers routinely surveyed (Copper, Iliamna, Gibraltar and Tazimina) shows it contributing 0 to 43.7% and 13.38%, range and mean, respectively. This comparison is made to utilize available quantitative information prior to 1955 to further investigate the relative importance and trends through time. 5.1.5 Tazimina River Index as Percent of Newha1en River-Lake Clark System Escapement Counted Above the Newhalen River Proper The Tazimina River peak spawning ground index as a percent of the total escapement to areas above the Newha1en River in the Newhalen River- Lake Clark system can only be reasonably estimated for the 3 years 1979-1981, when the escapement up the Newhalen River was systematically counted from intermittent visual counts. These 3 years of data show the Tazimina River index representing 7.05 to 13.03% and 9.57%, range and mean, respectively, of t~e escapement to spawning areas above the Newhalen River, here defined as above the outlet of Six-Mile Lake. Salmon catches of the Nondalton subsistence fishery were subtracted from the Newhalen River escapement 8-10 - - estimates before this comparison was made. Once more it is cautioned that we are comparing an index of escapement (Taximina River spawning ground index) to an estimate of escapement obtained from a systematic count over time with no adjustment being made to expand the index to represent the true Taziminia River escap~ent. 5.1.6 Differences from Values Presented in Earlier Publications The only significant difference in Tazimina River peak spawner indexes presented here from earlier publications is the value for 1940. In Demory et al., (1964) the only survey recorded for 1940 reports 500,000 salmon on the 26 July. The details of this survey (Lucas 1940 2 ) were looked at closely. The statement is made that "there appeared to be over 500,000 reds in the river and just off the mouth. Very few of these fish had begun spawning as yet." Tazimina River was flown again on 21 August and the index of spawners numbered 14,250. Eicher (loc. cit.) uses the 21 August index of 14,250 as the peak index in his report. Examination of the Naknek- Kvichak catch data and str.eam. survey :lndn data for other IJ i amna Lake and Lake Clark spawning areas surveyed in 1940 gives no indication of a run size large enough to obtain an index of 500,000 for the Tazimina River. The 26 July survey was flown almost 1 month prior to the normal time of peak spawning in the Tazimina River. Experience tells uS that the 26 July survey was too early to assess the relative number of spawners returning to the Tazimina River. Many of the salmon seen in this survey were probably densely schooled near the mouth and others concentrated in adjacent side sloughs along the shore of Six-Mile Lake. For there to be such a difference in the two indexes, considerable numbers must have been destined to spawn in other areas of the Lake Clark system. Similar situations have been observed in FRI surveys over the years. 2 Lucus, F. R. 1940. Kvichak watershed escapement. Pages 21-22 in Bristol Bay District Annual Rpt. in 1940. 8-11 5.2 Trends in Tazimina River Sockeye Salmon Production Examination of Xazimina River peak spawning ground indexes, relative percent contribution relationships, and Kvichak River escapement counts (Table 1, Figures 2-7) shows a recent increasing trend of higher contributions of Tazimina River sockeye salmon to the total Kvicbak escapements. Explanation of the recent buildup of the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system, which includes Tazimina River, is documented in internal FRI reports which will soon be published and will not be discussed further here. We do know from historical records that back in the 1920's and 1930's there were a number of years of very strong runs to the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system. Unfortunately no quantitative data presented as index counts for Tazimina River, or other important Kvichak spawning areas, were obtained during these years. However, reliable qualitative descriptions exist and leave little doubt that several runs in the 1930's equaled, and most likely far exceeded, any of the large runs that have since occurred in this system, with the possible exception of the large run of 1979. This suggests that the Tazimina River may have not achieved its full potential since most of the quantitative historic studies of this system have occurred during a period when the entire Kvichak system was in, or recovering from, a depressed state. The full potential of Tazimina River is not known since no measurements of total es.capement have been made. Index counts range from 0 to 500,000. Spawners do not represent a stationary population as new entrants arrive to take the place of those that die after spawning. The degree to which subsequent spawners utilize spawning gravels occupied earlier in the spawning season has not been studied. B-12 5.3 Portion of Salmon in the Canyon-Falls Area The results of the evaluation of the portion of salmon that have been observed in the canyon-falls area of the Tazimina River is summarized in Table 2. The percent of the peak spawning ground index observed in the canyon-falls area ranged from 0 to 5.24% over the period studied, 1967-1981. Generally the portion of salmon observed in the canyon-falls area was proportional to the size of the return. This area is highly unsuitable habitat for successful spawning because of bedrocks and high water velocity. Loose eggs were observed in one eddy in the canyon during an aerial survey in 1974. 5.4 Limitations of Data There are a number of limitations to the data presented here which affect their usefulness and must be considered when interpretations are made. 5.4.1 Impact of Subsistence Fishery on Tazimina River Salmon Runs Considerable limitations concerning the results presented here are imposed by the impacts of personal use, or subsistence fisheries, on Taz±m1na River sockeye salmon stocks. The cumu+ative total subsistence catch of sockeye salmon in the Kvichak River system as a percent of the cumulative total Kvichak escapement, for the years of complete records, 1955 and 1963-1981, represents 1.21%, while the annual subsistence catch as a percent of the Kvichak escapement ranges from .29% to 32.53% (Table 3). Tazimina River stocks, like all other Kvichak stocks, are first impacted by the low level subsistence fishery at the outlet of Iliamna Lake (Igiugig), just upriver from where the Kvichak escapement is systematically counted (Figure 1). Next, Tazimina River salmon returns are moderately impacted by the village of Newhalen personal use fishery as they pass up the Newhalen River. 8-13 However, by far the greatest impact on Tazimina River salmon returns comes from the Nondalton subsistence salmon fishery which is centered in Six-Mile Lake directly adjacent to the Tazimina River. The Nondalton personal use fishery has accounted for nearly 40% of the cumulative total recorded subsistence catch for the Kvichak system from 1955-1981, and its annual catch as a percent of the total Kvichak subsistence catch ranges from 15.60% to 64.78% (Table 3). Annually this fishery catches some unknown portion of the salmon returning to Tazimina River and other spawning areas of the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system. Recorded catches of sockeye salmon over the period 1955-1981 range from 8,000 to 49,000, and average nearly 28,000 (Table 3). There is a recent declining trend of catches due to reduced effort, however, this has been partially compensated for by a concurrent increase in the sport catch of salmon, predominately as they migrate up the Newhalen River enroute to Tazimina River and other spawning areas. It is not possible to reasonably estima4e the portion of the annual salmon run to Tazimina River that has been taken by the Nondalton fishery since salmon destined for other spawning areas of Lake Clark have also been vulnerable to this fishery as they passed through Six-Mile Lake. However, it is known that salmon returns to the Tazimina River in years of low and moderate abundance have been significantly impacted (Figures 2 and 7). In this report no attempt was made to adjust for the effects of the subsistence fishery except in section 5.1.5. Therefore, the information presented here on the past relative importance of the Tazimina River sockeye salmon resource errs on the conservative side, and should be treated, or accepted, with caution. 8-14 - - 5.4.2 Other Limitations 1) As may be expected, the accuracy of aerial surveys is inversely proportional to the density of populations and the variance in an observer's estimate is proportionate to the size of the estimate. Experiments conducted elsewhere have indicated that an observer will detect differences in population size of plus or minus 50% (Bevan 1961). 2) Estimates made at anyone time do not correctly estimate the total number of spawners as the population is not stationary and some fish remain unobserved in deep pools, under overhanging brush or trees, or below the limits of visibility in turbid or glacier-fed rivers or lakes. Observations will give at best an index, or a relative fraction, of the true number of spawners. Assuming that the length of life of individuals on the spawning beds is relatively constant from year to year we can use the maximum observed abundance as an index to the number of spawners. 3) Timing is critical as the objective is to obtain indexes at the peak of abundance, or peak of spawning. Accuracy decreases rapidly when fish are densely schooled or when many are dead and discolored and oftentimes silt covered or washed under and along stream banks. 4) Varying weather and visibility conditions, different observers, pilot ability and other problems common to all aerial surveys contribute to the extraneous variance. 5) Visibility differs between areas and area types, which greatly influences the indexes obtained. The prime example of this is the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system where glacial flour restricts visibility in many areas, especially along Lake Clark beaches and in the Newhalen River (not so much recently but during many 8-15 years prior to the 1970's). 6) Typically our aerial survey counts have accounted for less than 20% (range 8-33%) of the total Kvichak escapement in anyone year 3 (Poe 1981). No attempt has been made to expand survey counts to account for the entire escapement. For these reasons the numbers presented in our stream surveys must be considered as indexes of escapements only and not as actual escapements. 7) The effectiveness of our surveys increased through the years as we became more familiar with the spawning areas and the timing of peak spawning in different areas, but the extent of this is difficult to assess and it does not effect a comparison of indexes between areas over a series of years. 5.5 Other Sources of Possible Information 5.5.1 BeF Photographic Surveys of Tazimina River From 1947-1955 photographic surveys of sockeye salmon spawners were conducted in Bristol Bay river systems by BeF personnel (Kelez 1947 and Eicher 1953). Photographically, index areas within index areas were used. The Tazimina River was one area that was routinely photographed. The area photographed is the first straight stretch above the mouth ~ (RM 1.5-2.0). An unsuccessful search was made for these records at the NMFS Auke Bay Lab in 1975. It is not known if these records still exist. Mr. George Eicher was contacted. The last time he saw these records was in 1956 in Seattle. 3 Poe, P. H. 1981. Kvichak Sockeye Salmon Studies -1981 Kvichak spawning ground surveys. Univ~ Washington, Fish. Res. lnst. Unpublished Preliminary Report, 15 December 1981, 14pp. .t, 8-16 5.5.2 1979 Photographs of High Density Spawning in Tazimina River A unique series of high quality photographs were taken by Mr. Tom Kline, a graduate student working on the FRI project on 24 August. The Tazimina River peak spawning ground index for 1979 is the highest on record (503,750). Analysis of these photographs could provide valuable information on optimum utilization, distribution, and high density spawning. 8-17 6.0 SUMMARY Historic BCF and FR! spawning ground surveys were evaluated to determine the past relative contribution of Tazimina River to total counted salmon escapement to the Newhalen River-Lake Clark system and the Kvichak system as a whole. Catch data from the Bristol Bay commercial fishery, which on the average takes 40 to 50% of the Kvichak run, was not incorporated in the analysis. Although this does not change the relative importance of the Tazimina River salmon resource, it certainly underestimates its absolute production. The relative portion of salmon that were observed in the canyon- falls area of Tazimina River over the years 1967-1981 was also evaluated. The peak spawning ground indexes of Tazimina River sockeye salmon have represented 0 to 4.49% of the total Kvichak River system counted escapement, 0 to 17.65% of the total index of sockeye salmon accounted for on the spawning grounds, and 0 to 24.93% of the total index of stream spawning areas of the Kvichak system. Peak spawning ground indexes of the Tazimina River the last 3 years have represented 7.05 to 13.03% of the total estimated escapement to areas above the Newhalen River. A recent trend of higher contributions of Tazimina River salmon to the total Kvichak escapements is indicated. The percent of the peak spawning ground index observed in the canyon-falls area of Tazimina River ranged from 0 to 5.24%. Considerable limitations are imposed on all of the relative quantitative abundance indexes presented because of extraneous unknowns concerning the relationship of indexes to true escapement values and the impacts of the subsistence salmon fishery. While recorded Kvichak escape- ments have varied 3 orders of magnitude Tazimina River indexes have varied 5 orders of magnitude. Part of this difference is attributable to the high vulnerability of Tazimina River salmon to the subsistence fishery in years 6-18 of low level Kvichak escapement. Thus it should be understood that the information presented here on the relative importance of the Tazimina River sockeye salmon resource errs on the conservative side. 8-19 7.0 REFERENCES CITED Bevan, D. E. 1961. Variability in aerial counts of spawning salmon. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 18(3): 337-348. Contribution No. 61. ColI. Fish., Univ. Washington. Demory, R. L., R. F. Orrell. and D. R. Heinle. 1964. Spawning ground catalog of the Kvichak River system. Bristol Bay, Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep.--Fish. 488. 292 pp. Eicher, G. J., Jr. 1953. Aerial methods of assessing red salmon populations in western Alaska. J. Wildl. Mangmt. 17(4): 521-527 • . Ke1ez, G. B. 1947. Measurement of spawning populations by means of aerial photography. Pac. Fishm., 45:46~5l. B-20 - Table 1. Tadlll1lUl 1l1ver. (1) 'Peak spawlli:q grOU1ld 1Dclex (PSGI). (2) 'PSGI as 'PeNT total Itviehak _c:a~nt. (3) PSGI _ PCIT total accOUDCeci for ill .tr ... nrv.ya. (4) PSGI ... PQIT tot&l of etr ... epavnen acCOUAted for ill stream surveya. (5) PSG! all 'PCHT of 4 aajOT l'iver a,at ... adezed rout1De1y over 'tDe. (6) 'Psc:I .. l'CR!' of I.aJra Claft. esc" it • SDCkeJe sal:llon. ~ ti....-r ."rt.-. 81'1111:01 .lay • .&l_ka. yrA!> III (2) (3) C4 ) (5) (6) y~Ag fll (r) I'} ( I. I (~ ) (~ ) •••• •••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• • ••• " ...... • •••• • •••• • ••• c-• ••• 0 ••••• JI~?O ~ , .5n • .. • • • ", -. lQ7C; llo9Qc;n 1.14 <;.66 9.('5 11".53 .. 1I~?4 4nOOl' • • • 10.'92 • lQ7~ 11'>39n .81 ••• ••• 13.1>110 .. 1940 142'51.\ • • • • • 1077 7"nc:; .5,. ••• ••• 7.?1f .. lq41 765n • • • 17.83 • lQ7~ 14~90n a.5.r. 1"'.7? 21.69 43.70 .. 1Q79 "I!W37S{1 4.40 17.f:tS ;t1o.9'\ 43.33 7·05 1944 66no • • • 39.29 • lQ45 7500 • • • 19.11 • 1980 1Zl!son. .57 1').52 7.95 14.40 8.62 1946 ~50n • • • 15.37 • 1981 29215 ].67 R.40 ]O.OC; IS.lob 13.03 1947 3~70n • • • 25.74 • 19411 24701' • • • 23.96 • RANGE (I 0 1\ n 0 7·(15 1949 120no • • • •• • ••••• TO TO T(1 TO Tn TO 5017C;1) 10.40 17.615 ?1o.Q3 ..3.70 13.03 1q'50 ?C;On • • • 11.19 • 195] 40011 • • • 2.50 • APITH IqC;2 noon • • • 5.15 • HrAN 4]054 .80 4.22 h. 1" 13.16 9.57 1Q'53 17000 • • • 20.48 • •••• N=39 ..,=24 N=22 N=22 N=31, N=3 1954 3400 • • • 9.94 • 19'55 85 .03 .26 .3n .58 • ]c~56 323nn .34 2.43 3.21 6. HI • 1Q157 10001'1 .315 2.83 3.'" 6.92 • 1958 flon .11 .61 .91) 2.54 • • IfIISIJ,"F'ICI£t,JT OAT~ FOR cmolPARISDN. )~9 1'50 •• •• •• •• •• • •• St1DV['f 1:1)""'l1'IOII5 OR TIM1Nf; I .. AOEOt""Tf: • 1960 ~.,oo .'!tI 1.93 4.1! IO.ts • DA'TA tfll'T USED 'TO ""II,E Cf)MPA1t1SO"lS OR 1961 '30onl\ .81 •• 'SA ".6'5 10."),! • IN CALt::UL~TION~ Of' M£Atj VAUJ~C;. 11t6? • .,on .15 1.40 1.11 2.93 • 1~63 n .00 .00 .00 .00 • _ . ~'T4 'TA~E~ -UT ~£S£HTL¥ HOT S~ARIZED 1964 lIS" .01 .16 .ll • 50 • IN TH16 FORM. 1965 4'9100 .21) 1.34 3.92 6.64 • 196~ 48AO .13 .79 I.l~ 2.04 • IQ67 1560 .05 .29 .43 .56 • !;OIJPCE 1920~1954 (El(CEPT Ilf4q) RCF RECOQOC; 1968 250 .01 .07 .Ii' .20 • ANI') Rtl:)O~T~. 1969 2261n .27 3.32 5.57 12.29 • 1955~JQAl • 1949 FRY STREfo'" SURVEY DATA. 1Q70 854'51'1 .61 3.25 6.53 12.76 • 1971 12925 .54 2.96 4.10 7.42 • 1972 'n·· •• •• •• •• • 1973 I?·· •• •• •• •• • 1974 104471) ,.31, 11.66 17.79 41.69 • B-21 Table 2. Percent of Tazimina River peak spawning ground index of sockeye salmon documented in the Canyon-Falls area (river miles 8.5- 9.5) during the period 1967-1981. Index Total Percent in Year Date Canyon-Falls index Canyon-Falls .... 1967 14 Aug * 1,560 * 1968 12 Sep * 250 * 1969 5 Sep *** 22,61o!.l *** . 1970 25 Aug 2,500 85,450 2.93 1.~71 2 Sep ** 12,925 ** 1972 27 Sep **** **** **** 1973 28 Sep **** **** **** "1974 5 Sep 5,470 104,470 5.24 1975 10 Aug 1,400 149,950 0.93 1976 23 Aug 245 16,200 1.49 1977 1 Sep 0 7,205 0 1978 23 Aug *** 146,900 *** 1979 6 Sep 13,500 503,750 2.68 1980 6 Sep 2,600 128,500 2.02 1981 6 Sep 220 28,215 0.78 Range 0-13,500 250-503,750 0-5.24 MEAN Arithmetic 3.242 92,922 2.01 Geometric 660 27,344 1. 75 n - 8 n -l3 n = 8 * No coverage of upper river as survey terminated after running out of fish in lower reaches. ** Coverage mouth to falls but no breakdown by sections. *** Fish distributed from mouth to falls but no breakdown by sections. **** Survey too late to be representative. Source: Dictabe1t and cassette tape records of stream surveys conducted by P. H. Poe, 1967-1981. 1/ -Peak spawning ground index count is from 11 Aug. survey when fish extended to 1 mile below falls; fish d1Stribution extended to falls on 5 Sep. 8':"22"" Table 3. Kvichak River system sockeye salmDn subsistence information (1) Kvichakescapement, (2) Kvichak system total subsistence catch, (3) Total Kvichak subsistence catch as percent of total Kvichak escapement, (4) Nondalton subsistence catch, and (5) .. Nondalton subsistence catch as percent of total Kvichak ,~', . ","'. subsistence,ccatch, 1955 and 1963",:,1981. ·.C ' Year· (1) (2) ., (3) .(4) (5) **** ******** ****** ***** .;***** ***** 195~ 250,546 81,510 :32.53 ., 27,360 ' , , 33.57 1963 338,760 56,600 16.71 25,000 44.17 1964 957,120 79,000 .8.25 . 35,000 . 44.30 1965 24,325,926 69,500 .29 35,500 . , 51.08 1966 3,775,184 70,700 1.87 ,,45,800 64.78 1967 3,216,208 . 63,600 1.98 ·29,600 46.54 1968 2,557,440 68,600 2.68 33,700 ··49.13 1969 8,394,204 74,200 .88 ·44,000 59.30 1970 13,935,306 105,651 .76 ,42,880 40.59 1971 2,387,392 61,709 2.58 22,089 -35.80 '1972 1~010,oob 50 1l i.56 -4.97 "i4.,057 47 .. 96 1973 226,554 39,127 . 17.27 8,545 21.84 1974 4,433,480 98,015 2.21 29,509 30.11 1975 13,140,450 115,516 .88 48,704 42.16 1976 1,965,282 75,936 3.86 20,490 26.98 1977 1,341,144 71,940 5.36 27,175 37.77 1978 4,149,288 83,859 2.02 17,289 20.62 ,1979 -11,218,434 65,520 .58 . 14,749 22.51 1980 22,505,268 72,556 .32 11,316 15.60 1981 1,754,358 75,554 4.31 15,153 20.06 ·.Total. " 121,882,344 1,479,249 . 557,916 Mean 6,094,117 73,962 1.21* 27,896 37.72* , ~ange 226 t 5?4 39,127 .29 8,545 15.60 "" ~-' ' . to to to to --to 24,325,926 115,516 ···-32.53 48,704 64.78 . ~-" .. ,.,. ..: ~ .. r. " *---.. " .~,. . Represents percent of cumulative totals. Data Source 1955 and 1963-1964 FR! records 1965-1981 Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Dick Russell) 6-23 ! ... I, l .A" ~ .. 1:. LOMI11EJIi8 1-5 to 10 70 MIL •• Fig. 1. Location of the Tazimina River system (shaded area) in the Newha1en River-Lake Clark system of the Kvichak River system. 6-24 .. .... ", iii RELATIONSHIP OF TAZIMINA RIVER SPAWNING GROUND INDEX TO TOTAL KVICHAK ESCAPEMENT. 1955-19i 8-25 -10% line RANGE 0 -4.49% MEAN .80% Fig. 3a. Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes aSa'pereentage of total Kvichak River system escapements, 1955-1981. RANGE 0 -17.65% MEAN 4.22% Fig. 3b. Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of tota 1 index accounted for in Kvichak stream surveys, 1955-1981. RANGE 0 -24.93% -MEAN" 6,'16%- Fig. 3c. Tazimina River peak spawning gr,oundjndexes as a percentage of total index of Kvichak system stream spawning areas, 1955-1981. 8-26 "'"" ~, '" .... '" ::'<Otl : \-... ~ )( LIJ Cl Z - Cl Z :::l 0 ~ t!) 2 -2 3: a: 0... (f.) ...J a: I- 0 I- u.. 0 -.)( , ILl· e '2 "-.. a::: c:r 2 -2: --,.." a: I- M 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 , ; .. 4 2 TAZIMINA RIVER PEAK SPRWNINING GROUND INDEX AS!; OF TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR IN KVICHRK STREA~.SURVEYS. 1955-1981 I!l ./ MEAN PERCENT 4.22% RANGE 0-17 .65 1~50 1955 1970 1975 1980 1985 YEaR OF STRERM SURVEY Fig. 4. Tazimina River peilk"'5patlning ground indexes as a percentage of total index accounted for in Kvichak system stream surveys, <~C>':;':;,." ~'" ;';1955:'1981.';,: ·'"f':: '.:,','. - 6-27 ct.:I ::r: c: UJ a::: t- If.) a::: 0 1.1.. X ~; z .... ' ! ..J c: t- 0 t- 1.1.. 0 1 , XI UJ c::J, z' ..... .. 'D::- ci" z ..... ::r: .... N c: t- liIIt TAlIMINA RIVER PEAK SPAWNING GRDUND INDEX AS % DF TDTAL lNOEX OF KV1CHAK SYSTEM STREAM SPAWNING AREAS, 1955-1S81 so 28 :26 [!] ~4 -, i , 22 I / I!l 20 ; 18 [!] l6 r ; r a 1!J ," .... " 6 4 21 oL- 1950 1985 . ".: YEAg Qf eTRERI'1 SURVEY Fig. 5. Tazimina River peak spawning ground indexes as a percentage of total: .. index' :of-:Kvi.cnaksystemstream spawning areas, 1955-1981.··'~ ~~;:':;'l':_'~ . -' ~ 8-28 JI!O" 'h .. III!>- 0..' • .. .. .. .. TAZIMINA RIVER PEAK SPAWN1NG GROUND INDEX RS % OF TOTAL INDEX OF 4 MAJOR RIVER SYSTEMS RDUTINELY SURVEYED. 1920-1981 50 U'J 45 J: UJ I- ~ 40 U'J ~ UJ > .... ~ ~ o .., ~ .. LL.. 25 o x ~ 20 z .... . ~ 15 " {) '1920 ,:: \ _ --' [!r~ . ,------#-,~.-. -----~-~ wI"" .~ ...... .-, -.",.. .... ; YEAR OF STREAM SURVEY ~~!c.; ·Y~ ", en t: -: '¥. ?8." t;· ;,. /f: ""f~' '": .A ~':~>'-1 (l,q -i!' ~ . . -- ::.: . -= - [!] ";:::. ... ~, --I. ':'.: ... , - : " -, I!I ", Y t!l -.. [!] MEAN PERCENT 13.38 RANGE 0-43.70 1980 ,.~,":t ::-;'''\Fjg~ 6~·"';·:Taz:imjnaRiv.er .. peak spawning'ground indexes as a percentage of total index of 4 major river systems routine1y surveyed, 1920-1981 (Copper, Gibra1tar,I1iamna and Tazimina River systems). , 3-29 C) -0 0 ....J x LI.J Cl Z - Cl z a: a::: LI.J ID ~ ::l :z: :z: 0 %: ....J a: (f) LI.J >- LLJ ~ U 0 (f) 10 5 2 10 5 10 5 KVICHAK RIVER SYSTEM TOTAL ESCAPEMENT AND TAlIMINA RIVER PEAK SPAWNING GROUND lNDEX INFORMATION DURING THE PERIOD 1920-1981 • i I!l., . • I ,} -' ), 1925 (!) 1935 ., ,1945. c. )%5 YEAR 1965 1975 1985 ~ YEAR VERSUS TAlRINDEX RANGE o -503,750 (!) YEAR VERSUS KVISESCAPE RANGE 226,554 -24,325,926 Fig. 7. Kvichak River total escapements and Tazimina River peak spawning ground index information during the period 1920-1981. 8-30 - "" APPENDIX C ~ ;7) " <) ,'!'"'-j ,'-" ~ .:. T'. ,.... TC l r', . ,- 11 ,sTUDY! Or f"jISrrjiAB'IJAT AS,~ELATED TO POTENTIA!:' IMPACTS 6fI: THE_ rAZIMINA' RUN-Of:::' niE~RIVE~-~HYDROELECTRIC CONCEPT " -~ . ~'c-" e." i: , - , ' by ',' ~, ,J. -Stephen T. Grabacki ________ ,, __ ,_"_ ,-,,",. ___ ._ ..... _0 __ ~,_~ ____ . __ - -c- -" ~ l , - FISH HABITAT STUDY AS RELATED TO POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE TAZIMINA RUN-OF-THE-RIVER HYDROELECTRIC CONCEPT One of the major fisheries-related issues of the Tazimina sub-regional run-of-the-river concept is the local impact to grayling. Life stages that could be affected include spawning adults, holding adults, incubating eggs and fry, and rearing fry and juveniles. A field investigation was conducted May 22-24, 1982 to help identify potential impacts. The primary area 0 f interest was the 300-foot stretch 0 f river immediately upstream of the falls (river mile 9.6). This area coincides roughly with the river section that would be inundated behind a run-of-the- river diversion structure. It is characterized by high velocity current and large substrate (cobble and boulders). Pools, backwaters, slow water areas, and gravel or sand substrates are almost non-existent. This means that habitat for grayling holding, spawning or rearing is very limited. This type of habitat persists for a total of at least 500 feet above the falls. The gill nets used in this study were 6 x 30 feet with three 10-foot panels of 1, 2, and 3-inch stretch mesh. Two gill nets were set from the south shore of the study area in the slowest water available, and allowed to soak overnight (approximately 18 hours). Two men operated an electrofisher along the north shore for over 80 seconds of electric current flow at maximum amperage. Five kick seine passes (3 x 8 feet net of 1/8-inch mesh) and 30 angler-minutes of hook-and-line (spinning gear) sampling were also performed along the north shore. No fish of any life stage of any species were captured in the sampling efforts or sighted during surveys performed on foot and by helicopter. The aerial survey continued upstream out of the study area: the first sighting of a grayling occurred approximately one mile above the falls. Hook-and-line sampling (30 angler-minutes; spinning gear) at the Tazimina USGS gauge station (river mile 11.7) yielded three grayling: one mature male that appeared to have spawned weeks previously, one immature C-1 male, and one mature female. Based on theappe,arance of the mahure male grayling and on the high water temperature (5° tJr 6°C), it may be that the grayling in this part of the Tazimina had already spawned. A female grayling captured from a school in the lower river released eggs when handled~. Tht:ee lar9F schools (approximatel y 50 ,fish each) were si.qp.te,Q'in the Newb:alen River off the mouth of the, Ta;;:imina. Grayling of interior Alaska, (e.g~, Chena River) appear to move upstre~ out of their oYepwint,ering aress in the spring and follow the advaneing 411C isotherm up riv~c to ~paWn. After $pa.wning, interior grayling raay or m<iY not move som~what fUJ-lther Llp~traam to, SUlJll1lal' feeding a~flas. It, is not cle~r if Tazill'lina Rivltl', grayling follow this pattern, It i6 possible that spawning and rearing above the falls contribute to the mainten.-:, apoe of the stoc,ks below, the falls" If this is the case, the study site should be examin,ed as a pOssible' sutiiRe,Il or fall, downstream migration cot'"ridor (o'v'er the falls) for grayling, juv~niles, or adults,. In summary, it ~pears that th~ Ta,Zimina River immediately upstream from t,he proposed run-of: ... the..,.r.ivel' dam site contains very limited' grayling spawn~nq" rearing", and holding habitat and that it receiveS limited use by grayling during late May. However, the ather fisheries-related iss~s should be considered. C-2 - .... .. - 55 Hl~tz -co~.3 ?)~i~ i N4\1.tJr cr...J ~~ V~\"t S Plate 1 NATURAL RESOURCE VALUES & USE PATTERNS IN THE BRISTOL BAY REGION EXPLANATION OF MAP SYMBOLS ~ MULCHATNA CARIBOU HERD ~ Summer & Winter Range ~ ALASKA PENINSULA CARIBOU HERD ~ Winter Range o HIGH DENSITY MOOSE o HIGH DENSITY BROWN BEAR o MODERATE TO HIGH DENSITY WATERFOWL ~ LOCAL HUNTING, FISHING & TRAPPING AREAS ~ FISHING OR HUNTING RESORT ...... ,....--...... WILDERNESS FLOAT TRIPS APPENDIX H NEWHALEN SMOL T AND FRY STUDIES o o c o o BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN NEWHALEN SMOLT AND FRY STUDIES Prepared for Alaska Power Authority l July 1982 Dames & Moore TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • •• 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Net Sampling Analytical Procedures (Nets and Trap) • Acoustical Sampling • Gear Limitations RESULTS AND DISCUSSION •• Spacial Distribution Temporal Distribution Enumeration • • • • • • Other Fish Observations • CONCLUSIONS • • Ii 3 5 12 15 18 20 20 27 31 32 34 REFERENCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 37 -i- LI ST OF FIGURES Figure 1 -The Kvichak River System Showing the Location of Newhalen RM7 Study Site • • • • 2 -Cross Section of Newhalen RM7 with Water Levels for 10 May, 2 June, and 11 June 1981 •••••• 3 -Cross Section of Newhalen RM7 Showing Locations of Shore Nets and Cable System Net Stations - o to 5 with Two Water Levels • • • • • • • • • • 4 -Overhead View of RM-7 Study Site Showing Relative Positions of Gear Type • • • •••• 5 -Block Diagram of the Primary Acoustic Sampling System Used at RM-7, Newhalen River" 1982 6 -Relative Horizontal Distribution of Outmigrating Sockeye Smolts Indicated from Net Sampling RM7 from 10 May through 5 June • • • • • • • •••• 7 -Sockeye Smolt Vertical Distribution (percent) with Depth and Time • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 -Relative Horizontal Distribution of Outmigrating Sockeye Fry Indicated from Net Sampling RM7 from 4 6 7 10 16 21 24 23 May through 16 June • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •• 26 9 -Estimated Daily Sockeye Smolt Catch RM7 on the Newhalen River, 1982 ••••••• 10 -Estimated Daily Sockeye Fry Catch with the Inclined Plane Trap, RM7, Newhalen River, 1982 -ii- 28 30 INTRODUCTION As a modification to Dames &: Moore's involvement in the Bristol Bay Feasibil ity Assessment, we were requested by Stone &: Webster Engineering Corporation to prepare a study plan to define the spacial distribution of sockeye outmigrants at River Mile (RM)-7 on the Newhalen River. Sockeye fry and smoH information was required for interim feasib ity analyses of a proposed run-o f-the-r i ver hydroelectric project that would remove water at about RM-7. The study reported herein was required because no relevant field information existed about this part of this river system. Since relevant information was lacking on the Newhalen River, Dames &: Moore sought the assistance of Patrick ,Poe, Fisheries Research Institute, University of ~/ashington. Based upon his experience further upstream in prior years, Mr. Poe provided a best estimate of smolt and fry movement. The field sampling period was determined on the basis of this estimate. Dames &: Moore was later requested to attempt some enumeration of the sockeye fry and smoH outmigration past RM-7. \vhile this parameter was secondary to the sampling design set for spacial distribution of smolt and fry, the spring 1982 data do prov ide approximations 0 f the sockeye out- migration for the period of sampling. A more detailed report of this spring 1982 fisheries study on the Newhalen River will be submitted in August 1982. -1- ACKNmlLEDGEMENTS Financial support by the Alaska Power Authority (APA) through stone & I'/ebster Engineering Corporation, APA' s prime contractor, made this study feasible. Dames & Moore is also indebted to many other individuals and organizations for their assistance in this effort. Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) at the University of Washington provided input and field labor. Prior work by Richard Tyler and Asko Hamalainen provided the major design for the mobile (cabled) fyke net system used at Rt~-7. Robert Donnelly and Patrick Poe of FRI assisted in modifying these past designs to fit the RM-7 situation. On very short notice, Warner Lew and Ward Johnson agre~d to participate and subsequently spent the entire 7-week field period on site. BioSonics, Inc. (Seattle) constructed and rented sonar equipment for this study on 30-days notice, allowing the acoustic effort to be made as a part of the spring 1982 study. Also on short notice, Eastside Net Shop (Bothell, \~ashington) provided the required sampling nets. Ed Nunnallee, National Marine Fisheries Serv ice, generously loaned a 4-channel AM tape recorder and blank tapes to record acoustic results. Field support in the Iliamna vicinity was provided by Trans Alaska Helicopters Inc. (helicopter charter) and Iliamna Air Taxi (room, board, and fixed-wing plane service). In addition, numerous local people provided a variety of support equipment or services. FRI' s equipment base in Iliamna and Porcupine Island pro v ided much needed equipment (at no cost) without which mid-course changes in field emphasis would not have been possible. A special thanks is due to Dick Parent, a Dames & Moore field engineer, who participated in mobilization of the sampling gear and camp facilities. -2- MATERIALS AND METHODS A brief field trip by two biologists in April 1982 was completed to evaluate the RM-7 site and finalize gear designs to sample in spring 1982. At the time of this trip and into the actual field period (May and June), only general intake concepts existed relative to actual location and design. The finalized sampling site (Figure 1) was actually located at about RM-7.2 since rapids and dangerous falls downstream precluded work at RM-7 itsel f. The generally straight and continuous river channel from the sample site down to RM-7 permits extrapolation to yield data for RM-7 if final design calls for the intake to be placed at the latter location. The study design took into consideration only those water conditions and associated fish outmigrations in 1982 and cannot address other more wet and/or higher water years. The completed studies also cannot represent significant seasonal changes to the 1982 condition that would be created by project withdrawals at RM-7. While water levels were lower than average in spring 1982, they are representative and may present a worst-case scenario in terms of the smaller transportation corridor available to sockeye out- migrants past RM-7. Based upon limited information, a field period was initially selected from May 3 to June 11, 1982 (6 weeks). Due to the numbers of fry being taken near the end of the original period, another week of field activity was negotiated and completed. Demobilization was completed on June 18. The original sampling scheme called for an emphasis on acoustic (sonar) data with net sampling as backup and confirmation. Gear requirements and field crew sizes were determined on this basis. For reasons discussed later, site conditions were not fully conducive to sonar detection of fish the size of smolt (80 to 100 mm) or the smaller fry. A decision was made in the field (first 2 weeks) to reverse the study emphasis and use sonar as a backup to net sampling. -3- ~ -SIX-MIL.£ LAKE, FRI NEWHAlEN R. . ENUMERATION SITE NEWHALEN RM7 STUDY SITE KILOMETERS 9 10 20 Job No. 12023-009-20 o 5 10 The Kvichak River System Showing the Location of Newhalen RM7 Study Site MILES Dames & Moore Figure 1 NET SAt,1PLING side with nets, June A field camp was located on the east bank (or the Iliamna Airport of the river). several unique fish sampling 17, 1982. The An intensive net sampling effort ·was made at RH-7.2 approaches. After 1 week of field experiments with with nets commenced on May 19 and continued through sampling was designed to provide the bulk of the data the horizontal and vertical distribution of sockeye outmigrants as well as to support acoustic observations. used to determine The final net sampling scheme involved three net types: a cable- operated wingless fyke net, shore-mounted wingless fyke nets, and an inclined plane trap. Sampling was· completed on a rising river that dramatically changed the RH-7 cross section as the field period progressed (Figure 2). The cabled net system was the most complex system used. A cable (7/16-inch steel) was strung from east to west banks (approximately 712 feet), and an adjustable tower (15-to 25-foot) was placed on a gravel bar extending from the west bank to mid-river to support the cable (Figure 3). Nets of two sizes were used in sampling -at different times. A 4x8-foot net (3/10-inch knotless nylon-square measure* and 16.5 feet long) was fished from fvlay 14 through June 12, 1982 with a focus on sockeye smolt expected to peak in that period. A 3x9-foot net with 1/8-inch knotless nylon was fished from June 14 through 16, 1982 with a focus on sockeye fry in the time remaining during the sampling period. Both nets had floating live cars (connected to the net via a 7-foot length of 6-inch hose) to facilitate fish removal and reduce net mortality. Both nets were fished vertically or with the long axis of the net perpendicular to the water's surface. Six stations labeled 0 through 5 were selected along the cable length behveen the east bank camp and the mid-river tower located about 360 feet from the east bank (Figure 3). These stations were located 45, 80, 115, 225, *Note: All mesh values reported are square measurement. -5- 5.00 4.50 4.00 , , 3·50 " - -3.00 " , , 2.50 2.00 1.50 :' 1. 00 .50 :r: 0 r-.50 a... w LOa 0 l!.J 1.50 > r-2.00 IT 2·50 --.J w 0:::: 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5·50 6.00 6.50 +------Tota 1 of Cross Section Distance -712ft Approximately 10,900 cfs USGS equivalent 3.83ft Water level 11 June _ _ .. ----_ .. _. --_ .. -... --_.- , , , ,- \ . ' , \ , , " ; , 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 . .50 o .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.00 020 80 140 200 260 320 380 440 500 560 620 680 740 OISTRNCE FROM RIGHT BRNK (WEST) NOTE: Vertical scale exaggerated. Job No. 12023-009-20 Cross Section of Newhalen RM7 with Water Levels for 10 May, 2 June and 11 June 1982 Dames & Moore Figur0 2 w u z <C I-c.n ...... Cl W :;::-...... I- <C ....J W 0::: 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 SPRUCE SUSPENDED 20 TREE 7/16 11 CABLE 18 I 16 14 12 10 -~360ft- B TRIPOD TOWER ....... -~360ft- 4 4 LOCATIONS OF NET SAMPLING STATIONS 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 o 2 6 4 2 o 2 4 6 8 1 0 L..W...i..LL.L.L.LL.L.L. 4 6 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 o 20 80 140 200 260 320 380 440 500 560 620 680 740 DISTANCE FROM RIGHT BRNK (hIESTJ (FTJ NOTE: Vertical scale exaggerated; water levels on 10 May and 2 June shown. Cross Section of Newhalen RM7 Showing Locations of Shore Nets and Cable System Net Stations -0 to 5 with Two Water Levels Job No. 12023-009-20 Dames & Moore and 275 feet, respectively, from the east bank. Equal spacing between stations was desired but existing bottom conditions determined the final station locations. Of the six stations on the cabled fyke net system, two were deleted after limited sampling: Station 0 (near the east bank) was deleted from random sampling after a wingless fyke net (shore-mounted) was placed upstream of the cable area. Station 5 (near the tower and west bank) was deleted after insignificant catches were made. A wingless fyke net was also used to sample upstream and closer to the west shore than Station 5. To define the horizontal distribution of sockeye smolt, the 4x8-foot net was fished at all stations (0 through 5) for 10 nights on a random basis (die roll) during peak hours of outmigration (2200 to 0300 hours). On 4 nights in June, Station 2 (mid-channel and high station for smolt catches) was subdivided into three substations (2E, 2C, and 2W). Station 2C was the standard Station 2 location, wh 2E and 2W were east and west 0 f 2C by 10 feet. Random sampling at these substations of Station 2 provided some detail on horizontal distribution in this high smolt density area and a measure of in-site variability. On remaining nights, the 4xS-foot net was fished continuously at station 2, providing an index for determining the seasonal and diel migration patterns (when compared to downstream mid-channel inclined plane trap catches) and in the enumeration of the smolt outmigration. Shore-mounted and anchored wingless fyke nets comprised the second gear type used on site. As many as two nearshore fyke nets were fished near the east and west banks wi th the major it y 0 f attention to the camp or east bank. From May 23 to June 7, a 4x4-foot wingless fyke net (1/S-inch knotless nylon and 1S feet lang) with live car was fished continuously on the east bank just inshore of the Station 0 cable position. For a brief period, a 3x3-foot net of the same net size and 13 feet long and with a live car fished on the shore (and inshore 0 f the 4x4-foot net). On the west bank (tower on gravel bar), an old 4x4-foot fyke net of 1/4-and 1/S-inch mesh net with a live car was fished for 13 nights. After the gravel bar was flooded -S- (June 6) by high Newhalen River flows, a second net (the 3x3-foot fyke net with live car) was moved from the east bank to the flooded gravel bar on the west bank and the old 4x4-foot fyke net was removed from operation at RM-7. The third gear type included an inclined-plane trap (opening 18 inches deep, 30 inches wide), which was deployed off two temporary docks and fished upstream of the cable but about at the Station D location from May 10 to May 16. From ~1ay 17 to June 5, this trap was fished downstream of the cable and in mid-channel (about at the Station 2 location). This gear was sunk in a June 5 storm and could not be replaced due to high river velocities and Increased danger to personnel maintaining the gear. The first gear type, the cabled ne,t, was moved on most days it was used. The other gear t ypes--shore fyke nets and inclined-plane trap--were generally fished at one location until conditions (i.e., water depth and/or velocity) forced them to be moved or in some cases removed. Figure 4 indicates the relative location of gear types as they were finally set in the spring studies. To summarize, the following gear types and locations were fished in the spring 1982 studies at RM-7: Number of Gear Type Dates Fished Observations* 4x8-foot cabled net 5/14 to 6/14 258 3x9-foot cabled net 6/14 to 6/16 21 4x4-foot new fyke net (4x4 E) 5/17 to 6/17 245 3x3-foot fyke net Ox3 E) 5/18 to 6/6 130 3x3-foot fyke net Ox3 vI) 6/7 to 6/18 36 4x4-foot old fyke net (4x4 W) 5/23 to 6/11 41 Inclined-plane trap 5/11 to 6/5 212 *Times between observations ranged from D.5-hour to multiple hours, depending on gear type, concentrations of smolt or fry in the river, and access to the sample site. -9- .. I -~ Gravel Bar . 3X31J ~placed after . . ba r was floodeq) Cable ... NOTE: Scale is as shown in Figure 3; River Flow 1 Newhalen River o Inclined-plane Trap .cabled Fyke net is shown on Station 3. Overhead View of RM-7 Study Site Showing Relative Positions of Gear Type. Job No. 12023-009-20 Dames & Moore Figure 4 After conditions forced the inclined-plane trap out of the mid-channel RM-7 location, it was placed for 4 days at the end of the sampling period in the lm'ler staff gauge position (RM-1.7) on the Tazimina River. This effort was to verify a source of Newhalen River fry. In addition, the old 4x4-foot fyke net with live car was placed for 4 days just below the outlet of Lake Clark (east bank) where the Newhalen River begins. This effort was to see if smolt or fry were moving from Lake Clark to the Newhalen River. 80th activities were beyond the scope of RM-7 studies and were done only with gear types no longer suited to RM-7 sampling. Several parameters in addition to catch data for all species (including incidental resident fish) were recorded during index hours and throughout the day, as possible. These parameters included: (1) water and air temperatures (mean, minimum, and maximum every 4 hours in a Data Pod Model DP2321), (2) water level on a loaned USGS staff gauge, and (3) general weather conditions. Fish processing consisted of species separation and counting with selected sockeye subsamples taken for length frequency measurements. As requested by Alaska Department of Fish and Game, scale samples with length and weight measurements were taken from-selected sockeye smol t at varying times during their outmigration. Scales were field-mounted on slides. Fry and smolt mortalities were preserved in buffered 10 percent formalin for possible future evaluation of smolt otoliths and other parameters. Net catch data analyses included an evaluation of the proportion of catches along the cable's axis to determine the horizontal distribution of smolt in the river. Horizontal distribution of fry was determined from the limited use of the smaller mesh 3x9-foot net on the cable as well as catches from the fixed gear types (shore fyke nets and inclined- plane trap). The literature indicates diel changes in the seasonal migration pattern are likely. These changes could influence both horizontal and vertical positions of fry and smolt. Proportional catch rates for May and June were compared with appropriate diel migration rates. Vertical smol t -11- definitions were aided by comparing data on inclined-plane trap catches with 4xB-foot cabled net catches at Station 2. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES (NETS AND TR~P) Extrapolation was required in net and trap catch results to attempt smolt and fry distribution and enumeration. These procedures are described below. A similar method for calculating the horizontal distribution of smolt and fr y was used. The horizontal distribution calculated was then used in the enumeration effort. A daily index, Iik' was defined as the number of sockeye migrants (smolt or fry) passing through a 4-foot width at Station 2 during the peak index hours (2200 to 0300 hours). This index is taken directly from catch results in the 4x8-foot net for smolt or the inclined-plane trap for fry where the catches for the index hours exist. An estimated daily index, t:,. Iik' was used for days or hours of days when catch data for smolt or fry were lacking. This process of calculation is discussed separately for smolt and fry. Catches at randomly selected stations, Cijk (catch at Station i during Hour j in Day k), are compared with the daily index, either Iik t:,. or Iik' to arrive at the relative horizontal proportion, Qi (the propor- tion of catch and hence fish density at Station i relative to Station 2): n m n t:,. Q. = L: L: Cijk / L (1 2k + I2~' where 1 k=1 j=1 k=1 n = number of days 0 f observations m = number of observations made on each day -12- It is assumed with the above model that there are no seasonal or diel trends in horizontal distribution. Later evaluations in the more detailed report may try to correct for such trends. . t. s Smolt: A method for estimating a smolt index, I ik, was required on nights 0 f random sampling where real catches for the full index period did not exist. A close relationship between the inclined-plane trap and the 4x8-foot net smolt catches (both at about Station 2) was found and can be described as follows: 1 s 0.176 15k , where I represents the inclined-plane trap catch. t:.. s The appropriate expected Station 2. catches, C 2jk' were then summed and divided into the sum of actual catches at alternately randomly sampled stations for all available data points: n Q. = E 1 k=1 n t:..s C. 'k / E C2 "1 IJ J < k=1 Qi was taken as the density of fish at Station 1 relative to Station 2. The enumeration of smolt for the sampling period at RM-7 required even further extrapolations to expand values from an index value to total daily outmigrating smolt. To achieve this enumeration a coefficient of expansion for each station was determined by multiplying the station's Q~ by 1 the total river cross section taken to be represented by that station. These were summed and multiplied by the sum of the daily index. Daytime catches were expanded for Station 2 onl y, and for the entire river during a 6-day period (May 21/22 to 26/27*) of significant daytime catches near Station 0 (in the 4x4 E fyke net). For example, the expansion coefficient for Station 2 was 11.875, which represents the ratio 0 f the width that Station 2 was taken to represent to the width of area sampled (4-feet). *The indicated 2-day date is to denote smolt catches that occurred from late evening of the first day to early morning of the following day. -13- The dail y index, I fk' for fr y was a total dail y catch in the inclined-plane trap at about station 2. The relative horizontal distri- bution, Q~, was determined using data gathered during the period 1 Hay 23/24 through June 4/5. During this time continuous daily catches are available for all sites fished for fry (inclined-plane trap, and fyke nets: 3x3E, 4x4E, and 4x4W). Daily ratios were compared for each site for each day. A visual comparison of these ratios showed a reasonable correlation and no significant seasonal trend. The weighted average of the proportion of fry catches at each station to Station 2 (inclined- plane trap catches) was computed and taken to be a close approximation F of 0i' The enumeration of fry required the expansion of daily index catch values. Catch rates, Q~ for Stations 1,3,4, and 5 (without real 1 fry data), were determined from the following linear regression model for catch rates in relation to water velocities. This relationship was deter- mined from catch rates and near-surface water velocities for the three fyke nets and the inclined-plane trap: Yx = 0.31 + 0.30 (X-5.93) where, Yx is the expected catch at a velocity x in fps relative to the index catch Catch rates were multiplied by appropriate cross-areas represented by each station (including east and west banks) and were summed. The resulting coefficient, 41.6, was then multiplied by the accumulative index catch for an approximation of the fry outmigration for the period sampled. It must be noted that the data base was limited. More real catches and more replicates of catches were necessary to complete enumeration without substantial extrapolation and assumptions. As indicated, the study design was oriented to spacial distribution of sockeye fry and smoH and not enumeration. As a result, confidence intervals cannot be accurately calculated for the enumerations made. -14- other Analyses: Vertical distributions of smoH and fry were made by comparing gear types sampling at similar times at different depth strata. For example, catches of smolt in the 4xB-foot net at Station 2 were compared with inclined-plane trap catches downstream at about the same location but offset of Station 2. Unfortunatel y, gear could not be developed to sample concurrently at a river station to prov ide a more refined vertical distribution picture. In the case of smoH, acoustical sampling aided the vertical definition of RM-7. ACOUSTICAL SAMPLING The hydroacoustic data-acquisition system consisted of a 420-kHz transceiver, an B-channel multiplexer, a strip-chart recorder, and five transducers (rented from BioSonics Inc., Seattle). Ancillary gear included a 4-channel Atv! reel-to-reel tape recorder and an oscilloscope from National Marine Fisheries Service and the University of Washington, respectively. Figure 5 is a block diagram of the system. The BioSonics Model 101 Scientific Sounder was chosen for its flexi- bility and high quality. Some special features that made it suited to the marginal site conditions for juvenile fish assessment included: (1) a digitally controlled 40 log R time-varied gain accurate to +0.5 dB (2) linear amplification at all gain settings (3) an excellent noise figure (4) an internal calibration circuit (5) transmit power variable from 50 to 500 W in 3 dB steps (6) receiver gear variable over a range of 42 dB in 6 dB steps (7) a selectable transmit pulse length from 0.1 to 9.9 msec in 0.1 msec steps. A range of transducers was used, all having very low transmitting and receiving sensitivities at angles beyond the main lobe of the acoustic beam. Beam widths of transducers used were 2, 6, and 15 degrees. -15- REEL TO REEL AM RECORDER BIOSONICS MODEL 101 TRANSCEIVER CHART RECORDER \BI' '---I: 0: 0 :: ~ ••• 1-----1 .1 DOD 0 .1 • It • • mrumm BIOSONICS MULTIPLEXER c:::::J CJ . TRANSDUCERS Block Diagram of the Primary Acoustic Sampling System Used at RM-7, Newhalen River, 1982 Dames & Moore Job No. 12023-009-20 Figure 5 The chart recorder was the primary nonhuman signal-processing instrument used for the study. Acoustic features were displayed on paper (echograms) as they were received. The primary functions of the tape recorder were to store acoustic returns in the event of a chart recorder fail ure and to provide a permanent record of the data. Recorded acoustic returns can be played back into a chart recorder or other signal processing instruments for display or additional processing and analysis. Smolt were detected as they passed through acoustically sampled volumes of water. ~'lounted just below the surface in the main channel (Station 2) were two horizontally aimed 2° transducers and one vertically aimed 6° transducer. Also at Station 2 was a bottom-mounted vertically aimed 15° transducer. Mounted on the east bank was a horizontally aimed 2° transducer. Sampling began on May 13 and continued through June 11. Observations were made mainly at night, but daytime sampling was also carried out. More frequent daytime observations were made during the peak of the smolt migra- tion. Reverberation levels varied Rt1-7 with increasing flow and were marginal for smolt detection. In late May values ranged from -50 to -53 dB while in June these values ranged from -54 to -58 dB. All pertinent information was recorded on data forms and included: date, time at beginning and duration of sample sequence, multiplexer port, receiver gain, blanking distance, range, transmit power, band width, pulse length, mark threshold, taping parameters, reverberation level, target strength, water level, and weather. About 30 hours of acoustic returns were recorded on high bias tape. All of the acoustic data presented in this report were taken from the echograms of the chart recorder. The system components and operating parameters allowed most smolt to be resolved as individuals (with only a few exceptions); thus, a constant (time-variant) detection threshold could be used. In anal yses, only traces on the chart records greater than 1 milli- meter in length and well defined were used in the analysis The trace was -1 recorded in millimeters to its midpoint to determine its range. Traces that indicated multiple detections were few and were treated separately in the analysis. In determining the relative vertical distribution of smolt, the fre- quency of detections was divided by the range to account for the increase in sample volume with increasing range. This value was then treated as a measure of the relative density for the given range. Hourly average fish depths were calculated. Acoustic feasibility at RM-12 on the Newhalen River was investigated on t-1ay 15. Lower velocities and greater depth at this location as compared to RM-7 provide better conditions in cert~in respects for acoustic sampling. Reverberation levels were approximatel y -70 dB with a 2° transducer, well below average smolt target strengths. On Hay 30, a visit was made to Alaska Department of Fish and Game's (ADFG) acoustic smolt enumeration project site on the Kvichak River. On hand was ADFG Director of Research for Bristol Bay, Charles t-1eacham, and Bendix acoustics engineer Al Menin. With an oscilloscope linked to the counter, the vertical distribution could be observed at three points in the river's cross section. A Dames & tv100re aide remained on the site for two consecutive nights and some very useful information was gathered. GEAR LIMITATIONS Each gear type had some limitations. All net gear types had associ- ated avoidance problems. The assumption was made that 4-foot net openings in slow and faster velocity waters compensated for smolt and fry avoidance both by permitting the fish to move and miss the net opening or to move and enter the net. The 3-foot net opening was likely avoided to some degree near shore in slower velocities and was expected to be as efficient as the 4-foot opening where velocities were higher in mid-channel. -18- The 4xB-foot net of 3/10-inch knotless nylon did not retain most fry entering the net opening and was not efficient in fry sampling, espec- ially in higher velocity, mid-channel areas. The 3x9-foot net of 1/8-inch knotless nylon was nearly as efficient as the inclined-plane trap at night, al though some fry were lost through this net's mesh. The shore-based fyke nets in lower velocity periods were very efficient in terms of fry capture and less efficient in capturing smalL The large openings and darkness likely allowed most smolt to enter these nets and remain there. No estimates of the percentage loss of smolt or fry from any net type were obtained from the data collected. The inclined-plane trap's sampling efficiency declined proportionally with increasing light and amounts of gebris plugging the inclined-plane screens. Routine cleaning of debris mitigated the latter problem. Avoidance by smolt (not fry) was substantial near the water's surface, where more light was encountered. However, catches in an upstream 4xB-foot fyke net indicated that smolt moved deeper in the water column during periods of more light, further compounding evaluations of this trap's efficiency. Debris, increasing water velocities; and changing river channel config- urations on the west bank contributed to the gear limitations experienced at RI'-1-7. At the time of demobilization, river velocities were approaching the maximum velocities under which a safety factor of 2 for cable strength could be retained; that is, strains of 2 to 4 tons were being placed on the 7/16- inch cable. Nets and net frames were also approaching their design capacity in water velocities approaching 8 feet per second (fps). Acoustical sampling limitations were mainly centered around the shallow cross section of the Newhalen River near the proposed intake site. All of these site conditions contributed to much higher acoustic reverberation than anticipated. Even with the high flexibility of the acoustic gear used, this reverberation limited acoustic sampling to most smolt, but not to fry. -19- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the period May 10/11 to June 17/18, 1982, Dames & Moore assisted by FRI, completed over 940 observations of sockeye smolt and fry catches in the three gear types fished at RM-7. In this period, 9,726 smolt and 42,773 fry \'iere captured and enumerated. Of these fish, several thousand smolt and fry were additionally processed for length-frequency data and about 600 smolt were processed for scales, length, and weight. Several hundred smolt and fry were labeled and preserved. All smolt and fry samples are available to ADFG from FRI. Detailed catch records (including length- frequency data, physical data, water/air temperatures, river gauge heights, and general climatic conditions) will be appended to the final report on the spring 1982 effort prepared by Dames & Moore. Limited observations at the end of the sampling period (June 15 thro~gh 18) indicated large numbers of smaller sockeye fry were still migrating past RM-1 .7 on the Tazimina River. In addition, a few fry, one-third of which were large (40 to 42 mm), were observed moving along the east bank of the Newhalen River near its origin. The larger size of some of the fry taken in the Newhalen River would indicate they 'had completed some rearing in Lake Clark before moving into the Newhalen River. The destination of the Tazimina fry is presumed to be past RM-7 and into Lake Iliamna. The destination of the smaller numbers a f presumed Lake Clark fry is unknown. Some 0 f these larger fry were recovered in small numbers at RM-7 downstream during the spring 1982 sampling period. As noted in earlier report figures, the Newhalen RM-7 site was under- going dramatic increasing flow changes during the stu,dy period. Additional features included the changing amount of light along with generally increasing air and water temperatures. The RM-7 site was thus not a static sampling situation but one of a very dynamic nature. SPACIAL DISTRIBUTION Smolt: Figure 6 illustrates the relative proportion of smolts in the horizontal cross section at RH-7 as determined from net sampling. As shown, -20- I- Ll... w u z e:( l- t/) I-< 0 w > I-< l- e:( ....J W a: 50 48 46' 44 42, 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 B 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 a 20 Station 2 115ft Off East Bank 80 140 200 260 320 380 440 500 560 620 680 740 DISTRNCE FROM RIGHT BRNK (WEST) (FTJ NOTE: Vertical bars approximate 4ft strata of different sampling stations and water levels on 10 May and 2 June shown. 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 . 1 a Relative Horizontal Distribution of Outmigrating Sockeye Smolts Indicated from Net Sampling RM7 from 10 May through 5 June ;:0 m ,.... )::> -l ...... <: m "'I:l ;:0 0 -" 0 ;:0 -l ...... 0 ::z 0 ." VI 3: 0 ,.... -l VI Dames & Moore Job No. 12023-009-20 Figure 6 sockeye smolt were highly concentrated in the mid-river channel in an area of greatest depth and velocity. In these calculations, over 84 percent of the smolt were estimated to migrate down a 95-foot width of river represented by Station 2 catches. Factors influencing sockeye smolt spacial and temporal distribution include temperature, light, precipitation, and currents. At RM-7, smolt distribution seems primarily dependent on current and light, though other factors cannot be ruled out. A random subset of Station 2 (2E, 10 feet east of Station 2; 2W, 10 feet west of Station 2; and 2C, on the original station) on 4 nights was made in June in an attempt to detail the Station 2 area of high smolt concentration. Numbers caught at these three subsets were compared with diel patterns for June. Consistently higher smolt catches were observed at station 2W as compared to Station 2C and 2E. In-site variability between Stations 2C and 2E was great. The general conclusion, based upon this limited experience and the catch gradient depicted in Figure 6 (which favors the west bank), is that more sockeye smol t were moving in a narrowly defined area somewhat to the west of the actual station 2 location. It is anticipated that catches at Station 3 (Figure 6) would have been higher than observed if the area of smolt concentration was much further west' than Station 2W. Horizontal smolt distribution information from acoustic sampling is limited and was not required to better define the patterns illustrated by net sampling. Vertical smolt distribution was determined both by comparing catches obtained by gear types sampling different depth strata at or near the same time as well as by upward and downward looking sonar. Smolt catches indicate a change in water depth with light so that vertical distribution varies over a 24-hour period. Comparing Station 2 catches of the inclined- plane trap (sampling only about 18 inches on the surface) with the 4x8-foot net (sampling the full water column) indicates that for each gear type, the number of smolt captured per unit of cross sectional area was approximately equal. This is interpreted to mean that all smolt are not within the upper 18 inches of the wafer column in peak hour migrations. -22- Acoustic sampling of smolt in the mid-channel area (during the period June 6 to 11) indicated that about one-third of the smolt traces were in the upper 18-inch area fished by the inclined-plane trap from 0000 to 0200 hours. As indicated in Figure 7, acoustic results indicate that few fish were taken immediately below this area (18 to 26 inches) while the larger numbers of smolt were taken in an area from 26 inches to just above the bottom. These acoustic results generally reflect the net and inclined-plane trap compar- ison. It should be noted that larger smolt may in fact dominate the acoustic sampling effort due to their size and the existing site reverberation condi- tions. Therefore, a possible bias may exist in the vertical distributions displayed in Figure 7. Observations made at the ADFG smolt enumeration site on the Kvichak River lend support to general conclusions drawn from the acoustic survey at RM-7. The diel vertical distribution of smol t on their outmigration was closely timed to light, with appreciable numbers at or near the surface occurring only at night. The area of maximum density appeared to always remain at an intermediate depth (approximately 5 to 6 feet), while the tendency to avoid the area in between these areas was also observed. Diel and seasonal patterns in the horizontal position of smolt is apparent in both catch records and acoustic sampling. Smolt showed a noticeable preference for migrating at night. Comparison of net and inclined-plane catches indicate that smolt are in higher numbers nearer the sur face from midnight (0000 hours) for about 2 hours. A 1-hour peak shift was noted between May and June 4x8-foot net catches (0000 hours in ~1ay and 0100 hours in June). The data appear to support a seasonal and light-related shift; June 4x8-foot net catches peak more sharply in the index period as compared to t~ay 4x8-foot net catches. Another diel pattern was noted when peak May catches of smolt in Station 2 (4x8-foot net) catches were compared with Station a (4x4E net) catches. An inverse relationship 0 f smolt abundance was observed. Station 0' s major peak was at 2200 hours and declined sharply by midnight (0000 hours) while the number of Station 2 catches increased from low values at -23- c:... 0 0" Z 0 ...... I\) 0 I\) C,.) I 0 0 (0 I I\) 0 ., III 3 ., ." III AD 10 C .... (I) a:: o o "'.J ; 2 6 10 14 -(/) Q) 18 ..r::. u c: -22 ..r::. ..... c. 26 Q) Cl 30 34 38 42 2200 to 0000 hrs. I • • I I • • - • Time 0000 to 0100 to 0200 to 0300 to 0100 hrs. 0200 hrs. 0300 hrs. 0400 hrs. • -• -• -I -• • • • -I • • • • I • -• -I --• - -- NOTE: Data from upward looking 15° transducer, at about Station 2, June G to 11 combined . Sockeye Smolt Vertical Distribution (percent) with Depth and Time 2200 hours to a broad peak from 2300 to 0100 hours. The Station 2 catches then declined to low values at 0300 hours at the same time that a minor peak was appearing at Station O. A seasonal and diel pattern existed in smolt results when daytime (0300 to 2200, mostly in the first 9 hours) catches were compared with hours of greater darkness (2200 to 0300 hours). The general trend was that smolt movements in 5 hours of darkness and twilight were more constant with time compared to fair! y erratic appearances of smolt in the daytime migration. A seasonal characteristic was that the bulk of the daytime smolt catch was in a relatively brief period from May 21/22 through May 26/27. The net and trap catch data also tend to indicate the greater daytime catches are concentrated in the deeper mid-channel areas where light and predator avoidance are most suited for survival. Fry: Defining horizontal fry distribution is more difficult than for smolt since few gear types succeeded in fry capture. The 4x8-foot cabled fyke net, which served to define smolt distribution in the horizontal plane, did not capture fry with any real efficiency. Figure 8 illustrates the fry horizontal distribution at RM-7 with the data available. As with smolt, the bulk of the fry (about 80 percent) passing RM-7 were located in mid-channel (Station 2). Fixed fyke nets on the east bank sampling about at Station 0 and inshore of Station 0 had about 11 and 5 percent, respectively, of the total fry catch. The west bank fyke net captured about 4 percent of the fry taken. The horizontal picture is incomplete since sampling was not completed for fry at Stations 1, 3, 4, and 5. However, the available data indicate a heavy use of the mid-channel area by fry. Vertical distribution of fry could not be determined with acoustic sampling because of the small fry target size and existing conditions. No net types sampling different depth strata at the same time were available since the inclined-plane trap sank on June 5 and the 3x9-foot net with 1/8-inch net was not av able until June 14. When the 3x9-foot net catches -25- I-u.. w u z e:( l- V) ....... 0 w >-....... l- e:( -J W a:: 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 J6 14 12 10 B 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 " o 20 Station 2 ~115ft Off East Bank 4 3 80 140 200 260 320 380 440 500 560 620 680 740 DISTRNCE FROM RIGHT BRNK (WEST) (FT) NOTE: Vertical bars approximated 4ft strata of different sampling stations and water levels on 10 May and 2 June shown. Suitable fry catches at stations 1, 3, 4, and 5 were not available. 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 . 1 0 Relative Horizontal Distribution of Outmigrating Sockeye Fry Indicated from Net Sampling RM7 from 23 May through 16 June <: rn '"'0 ;:0 0 '"'0 0 ;:0 -I ....... 0 ..,., ..,., ;:0 -< Dames & Moore Job No. 12023-009-20 Figure 8 are compared to expected inclined-plane catches (based upon shore fyke net catches) and both standardized to a 4-foot river width, the net catches were found to be 60 to 80 percent of the expected inclined-plane trap catches. This limited information suggests most fry are located near the surface. The compar ison is weak since extrapolated val ues are used for one gear type and the 3x9-foot net did not sample the entire day extrapolated for the inclined- plane trap. The literature indicates that sockeye fry concentrate in surface waters of higher velocities (McDonald 1960, Hartman et ala 1962). A strong diel pattern of fry appearance is apparent with the peak fry catches between 0200 and 0300 hours on almost every night fished with the inclined-plane trap and the 3x9-foot net. Station 2 catches by these two gear types sharply peaked in the 0100-to 0300-hour period, while shore-located fyke nets have much less distinct peaks. The latter gear did have some minor peaks on either side of the mid-channel peak migration time. Visual observations in the daytime indicated fry schools holding or moving slowly along the low velocity nearshore areas. Therefore, the shore-located fyke nets would sample these fry. The schooling and nearshore shallow water location in daylight periods is likely a predation avoidance response in these fry. TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION The temporal pattern of downstream migrant sockeye smolt at RM-7 is shown for the sampling period in Figure 9. A generalized peak is indicated from May 19 to 26, representing about 72 percent 0 f the total outmigration during the sampling period. Large smolt catches were made on the first night the 4x8-foot net was fished at Station 2 (May 13). Newhalen River smolt may have been moving downstream in some numbers prior to our field mobili- zation and the initiation of sampling. The numbers and temporal distribution of those earlier smolt are not known. The degree to which catches trailed off by June 11 would indicate most smolt activity was over although some minor smolt activity likely continued later in June. -27- 3000 - - - 2500 .. - - 2000 .. - - - 1-~ 1500 <lJ >, <lJ .:>L. U a (/) >, rtl o "'0 <lJ +-' rtl E 1000 III 500 w - - - -.. - - - -.. - - - - , ..... r- C. E rtl I I I I I • I ~ I I • o I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I 13 15 20 25 30 May NOTE: This data represents real and extrapolated daily catches for station 2 only. Job No. 12023-009-20 Estimated Daily Sockeye Smolt Catch at RM7 on the Newhalen River, 1982 5 10 11 June Dames & Moore Figure 9 Twenty-three percent of the total smolt outmigration passed RM-7 during daylight hours (0300 to 2200 hours). Of this percentage, 86 percent passed during the period from May 21 to 26. During this 6-day peak in daytime migration, catches in the inclined-plane· trap remained at insignificant levels. Another temporal pattern in smolt noted was the appearance of 1+ and II+ smoH at RM-7. The ratio of II+ smoH to 1+ smoH was greater in the early season as compared to the mid and later sampling period when II+ smoH near! y disappeared from the samples. Of interest was the appear- ance of much smaller smolt numbers dominated by 11+ smolt at the end of the field period. More data analyses of length-frequencies and scales are needed before smolt age/length frequency can be ~ully analyzed. The temporal distribution of sockeye fry is much more dramatic yet di fficuH to accurately estimate due to gear failure. The inclined-plane trap sank on June 5 due to high winds and rapidly increasing river flows. The Newhalen sockeye fry apparently (based upon shore-based fyke nets) responded to these increased flows and began swimming downstream in high numbers. The inclined-plane trap numbers after June 4 are therefore extrapolations 0 f shore-based fyke nets using relationships between these nets and the inclined-plane trap when it was still in operation. If these assumptions are correct, the resulting fry movement in Figure 10 occurred. The field sampling ended on June 16 and fry were still being taken in shore- based fyke nets. Sampl ing with the inclined-plane trap at R~~-1. 7 in the Tazimina River (a major fry source) through June 18 indicated numbers of fry were still exiting this Newhalen tributary. Limited observations by FRI as late as July 15 indicated small numbers of fry were still in the Newhalen River in the Fish Camp vicinity downstream of Nondalton. These fry could be still migrating past RM-7 to Lake Iliamna at that time; however, numbers of fry passing the spring study site are 1 ikel y very low compared to those shown on Figure 10. FR1 tow net data on fry in Lake Clark and Six-Mile Lake in the fall of past years indicate a general gradient of increasing fry abundance as -29- 35,000 - - - - 1-30,000 - - - - ,-25,000 - - - -.s::. ~ 20,000 -10 U t' I.J.. Q) >, Q) -t; 15,000 o Vl >, 10 Cl "'Cl 2 10,000 10 E .,... 5,000 o - - - -- - - - -- - - - --- - - - % en en c:: c:: .,.... .,.- r- Oo E 10 111111111 Vl o 0 :z:: :z:: I I I I I I I I I I I 23 25 30 5 May NOTE: Catches after June 4 are extrapolations from other gear types. 10 June Estimated Daily Sockeye Fry Catch with the Inclined Plane Trap, RM7, Newhalen River, 1982 Job No. 12023-009-20 15 16 Dames & Moore Figure 10 one moves down these two systems. Thus, there seems a likelihood of a fall fry outrnigration in the Newhalen River if these fish leave the Lake Clark system to enter Lake iamna. These are larger fry (0+) than observed in the spring 1982 studies and would likely have different migration activities past RM-7 as compared to the spring fry. ENUMERATION Sockeye smolt and fry enumeration at RM-7 on the Newhalen River was a secondary effort to the spacial distribution task assigned to Dames & Moore. The study plan did not incorporate sufficient net sampling effort to enumerate smol t or fry wi th any great accuracy. The "complete enumeration" interest of some individuals was not pO,ssible. The estimated numbers of smol t and fry are there fore rough estimates based on a great deal of assumption. Smolt: The estimate 0 f smolt passing RM-7 from May 13 through June 11 in 1982 was 217,000 based upon an actual catch of 9,726 smolt. An accurate confidence interval could not be calculated for this smolt enumeration but possibly equaled 50 percent or more. 'The sampling strategy to determine horizontal distribution for the spacial evaluations of smolt calls for a static position within each station sampled. For enumeration, a stratified random sampling method, which randomly samples multiple locations within a station, is desirable (Robert Donnelly, personal communication). In other words, the spacial distribution sampling scheme is distributed equally across the river's width and does not resul t in sampling where the majority (80 to 90 percent) of the smolt are located. The limited substation sampling at Station 2 indicated high variability in catches at the three substations, as well as a great density gradient between areas about 10 feet apart. This condition in the mid-channel smolt "highway" could influence the accuracy 0 f both the horizontal distribution evaluation as well as the sockeye smolt enumeration. -31- Fry: Loss of the inclined-plane trap at the onset of heavy fry movement at RM-7 impaired the enumeration of Newhalen sockeye fry. The estimate of fry passing RH-7 from May 23 through June 16, 1982 was about 7 million based upon an actual catch of 42,773 fry. An accurate confidence interval could not be calculated, but could be 50 percent or more with the limited catch data available. Shore fyke net catches (4x4E) of fry at about Station 0 and on both banks showed a fairly close relationship to the inclined-plane trap catches while it operated. After the trap was lost, this relationship could no longer be monitored or characterized. The 3x9-foot net with 1/8-inch mesh used briefly at the end of the sampling period confirmed that large numbers of fry were still present in the Station 2 area. The 3x9-foot net catches (sampling the full water column) cannot be related to what a trap sampling only the upper 18-inch surface may have captured. Hartman et a1. (1962) reported the density of sockeye fry increased in a greater-than-linear fashion with increased velocity. Therefore, the pre-high flow fry relationship of shore fyke nets to inclined-plane trap may have changed. This could cause the extrapolated inclined-plane trap value after June 4 to be low and thus contribute to an underestimate of fry numbers. OTHER FISH OBSERVATIONS Few other fish species and numbers were taken with the nets and traps used at RM-7. Cottids were by far the most abundant of the other fish taken and were generally more numerous in shore fyke nets and therefore lower velocity areas. Of interest were a few dead sculpins taken in May and also seen on the bottom in shallows near shore. These fish had apparently spawned and died. Least cisco were also taken in the 4x4E net and in fewer numbers in the 4x8-~ot net on the cable. Most individals caught were taken at night in late May. One small grayl ing and several small char were taken with nets. -32- Visual and hook-and-line sampling indicated that few (if any) larger resident fish were in the area when field program began. However, in ear I y June, char began to appear and be taken near the east bank and just below the field camp. Numbers present seemed to increase dramatically each day. As the west bank gravel bar became flooded, large-sized grayling began to appear and be captured between the tower position and the west bank. Both char and grayling appearances seemed tied to increasing numbers of sockeye fry at RM-7. Of interest was the fact that no rainbow trout were taken or observed at RM-7 when they were observed and captured upstream at about RM-12 and just downstream of the study site below the rapids and in the river bottleneck located there. -33- CONCLUSIONS 1. A 7-week field effort consisting of net, trap, and acoustic sampling was mobilized, tested, and completed on RM-7 (actually about RM-7.2) on the Newhalen River, Alaska as part 0 f an ongoing hydropower feasi- bility study. 2. Sampling was completed at a river site that was very dynamic with increasing water flows, depths, river cross section, and temperatures. 3. In the period May 10 to June 17, some 940 observations of sockeye smolt and fry catches with three gear types located 9,726 smolt and 42,773 fry. Some smolt and fry were sampled for length, weight, and scales. 4. Both sockeye smolt and fry had a strong preference for the mid-channel area (Station 2) of this river with the bulk of the movement occurring during the darker hours of the day (2200 to 0300 hours). There were exceptions, including sizable smolt catches in the late morning on some days. 5. A diel change in horizontal smolt positions was seen with some preference for shallower nearshore areas at 2200 and 0300 hours, while mid-channel smolt concentrations peaked from 2300 to 0100 hours. 6. A diel pattern in fry appearance was sharply focused in the 0200 to 0300-hour period on most days during which sampling occurred. 7. The diel pattern in smolt appearance noted was that June 4x8-foot net catches peaked more sharpl y compared to simil ar t~ay catches. A 1-hour peak shift was noted in smolt catches (0000 hours in May and 0100 hours in June). -34- 8. Vertical smolt d istr ib ut ions v ar ied with time with moderate numbers near the surface in peak migration hours at night (2200 to 0300 hours) and few smolt near the surface in lighter periods of the day. Acoustic sampling indicated that even between 2200 and 0500 hours, changes in smol t distributions occurred with more fish above and below a mid- section of the water column. Similar distributions were seen by staff members during several nights on the Kvichak River. 9. Vertical fry distribution information was limited due to gear failure. The limited data indicate that in the peak outmigration hours most fry are near the surface (upper 18 inches). 10. The temporal distribution of fry showed a generalized peak in catches from May 19 to 26. Smolt catches were moderate on the first sampl ing day (Hay 13), indicating that smolt movement was well underway when this field program began. Observed smolt data indicated that 11+ smolt were numerous in the early part of the season, then all but disappeared only to return and dominate some catches late in the field season. 11. The temporal fry distribution seemed sharply cued to increasing river flows that also led to the loss 0 f an important inclined-plane trap. Fry were still migrating to the Newhalen River from the Tazimina River as late as June 18; FRI observers found a few fry in the Newhalen River (Fish Camp vicinity) as late as July 15. There is some indication, based upon FRI tow net information from prior years, that a fall fry outmigration (0+ fish) may occur on the Newhalen River. 12. The estimated numbers 0 f smol t passing RM-7 from May 13 through June 11 was 217,000 with a rough confidence interval of 50 percent or more. The estimate 0 f fry passing RM-7 from May 23 through June 16 was about 7 million with a rough confidence interval estimate of at least 50 percent. These enumerations were made wi th a sampling design set to evaluate spacial distribution of smolt and fry. Many more samples in a more random sampling scheme focused on the location of -35- the majority of the smolt or fry in the river cross section would be required for better enumeration. The physical characteristics of RM-7, especially the changing water depth and velocity, were not ideal for enumeration-oriented sampling. 13. Other fish species taken at RM-7 in this sampling were in small numbers and included cottids, least cisco, char, and grayling. Hook-and-line and visual observations noted a sharp increase in char and to a lesser extent, grayling numbers at the time sockeye fry were beginning to peak at RM-7. No rainbow trout were observed or taken at RM-7 even though they were observed upstream at RM-12 and just downstream in the Newhalen River bottleneck just below the rapids. -36- REFERENCES Donnelly, R., Fisheries Research Institute, 1982. Personal communication. Hartman, W.L., C.W. Strickland, and D.T. Hoopes, 1962. Survival and behavior of sockeye salmon fry migrating into Brooks Lake, Alaska. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 91(2):133-139. Hamalainen, A.H.E., 1978. Effects of instream flow levels on sockeye fry production in the Cedar River, Washington. M.S. Thesis, University of Washington College of Fisheries, 90 pp. McDonald, J., 1960. The behavior of Pacific salmon fry during their down- stream migration to freshwater and sal bvater areas. J. Fish. Res. Board. Can. 17(5):655-676. Tyler, R.W. and T.E. Wright, 1974. A method of enumerating blueback salmon smolts from Quinault Lake and biological parameters 0 f the 1974 out- migration. University of Washington, Fisheries Research Institute. FRI-UW-7414. 29 pp. -37- APPENDIX I HYDROLOGIC EVALUATIONS T AZIMINA RIVER n o o o REPORT ON HYDROLOGIC EVALUATIONS FOR THE BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL POWER PLAN OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY IN THE TAZL~INA RIVER BASIN FOR STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION Dames & Moore -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SUMMARY 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 AUTHORIZATION 2.2 OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND 3.0 GENERATION OF MEAN MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS 3.1 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE DATA 3.2 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO GENERATE MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 3.2.1 METHOD 1 3.2.2 METHOD 2 4.0 RESULTS OF STREAMFLOW ANALYSIS 4.1 MEAN MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS OF TAZIMINA RIVER 4.2 DAILY STREAMFLOWS FOR LOW FLOW PERIOD 5.0 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 5.1 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS 5.1.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY 5.1. 2 SOILS 5.1.3 VEGETATION 5.1.4 CLIMATE 5.2 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION 5.3 UNIT HYDROGRAPH 5.3.1 TIME OF CONCENTRATION 5.3.2 OTHER PARAMETERS 5.4 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 5.4.1 SEQUENCE OF INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION 5.4.2 DIRECT RUNOFF 5.4.3 SNOWMELT RUNOFF 6.0 REFERENCES Page 1 3 3 3 6 6 10 10 15 21 21 28 35 35 35 35 37 38 38 39 39 44 44 44 48 51 55 -ii- LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY FLOWS OF NEWHALEN AND TANALIAl."l' RIVERS 11 3-2 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN PRECIPITATION, TEMPERATURE, AND STREAMFLOWS OF NEWHALEN RIVER AT ILIAMNA 12 3-3 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 1 14 3-4 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA 16 3-5 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA 17 3-6 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TANALIAN RIVER, Al."l'D TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AND MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AT PORT ALSWORTH 19 3-7 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 2 4-1 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER - AVERAGE OF METHOD 1 AND METHOD 2 4-2 COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER 4-3 AVERAGE ANNUAL RUNOFF OF SELECTED STREAMS IN SOUTHWEST ALASKA 4-4 ESTIMATED DAILY STREAMFLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER FOR THE la-YEAR LOW FLOW PERIOD 5-1 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN, ALASKA 5-2 TIMES OF CONCENTRATION -TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-3 SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDRO GRAPH PARAMETERS TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-4 CRITICALLY SEQUENCED PRECIPITATION INCREMENTS TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 5-5 COMPARISON OF PMF HYDROGRAPHS USING THE GENERALIZED AND OPTIMAL SEQUENCES OF INCREMENTAL EXCESS RAINFALL 5-6 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER Al."l'ALYSIS BASED ON SOILS AND VEGETAL DATA -TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 20 23 24 25 34 41 43 45 46 47 52 -iii- LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 SITE VICINITY MAP 5 4-1 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR TIlE MONTH OF JANUARY FOR TIlE TAZIMINA RIVER 30 4-2 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR THE MONTIl OF FEBRUARY FOR THE TAZIMINA RIVER 31 4-3 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR TIlE MONnI OF MARCH FOR TIlE TAZIMINA RIVER 32 4-4 PLOT OF MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS FOR TIlE MONTIl OF APRIL FOR TIlE TAZIMINA RIVER 33 5-1 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN 36 5-2 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -DEPTIl-DURATION CURVE 40 5-3 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 1-10, 1981 49 5-4 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -HYDRO GRAPH AND RAINFALL August 11-20, 1981 50 5-5 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN -PROBABLE MAXL~ FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 53 1.0 SUMMARY This report documents the methods used to perform a preliminary hydrologic evaluation of the streamf10ws of the Tazimina River at the location of a proposed dam site for hydroelectric development in Alaska. These investigations were performed under a contract with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. The results of this study are to be used to in- vestigate the technical and economic feasibility of the above-mentioned hydroelectric project of Alaska Power Authority. The hydrologic informa- tion generated during the course of this study consists of three sets: o Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site for a drainage area of 327 square miles for the period 1941 to 1977; o 10-year low daily flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site for the low flow months of January, February, March and April; o Probable maximum flood hydro graphs for the proposed reservoir on the Tazimina River with a drainage area of 273 square miles for the PMP event alone and for the PMP event coincident with a reasonably severe snowmelt runoff. Computations for the mean monthly and 10-year low daily flows have been made for a drainage of 327 square miles which represents the catch- ment of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site. The inflow hydro- graph has been developed at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake where the drainage area is 273 square miles. The estimated mean monthly flows for the period 1941 to 1977 are presented in Table 4-1. The daily flows for January, February, March and April are given in Table 4-4 and the PMF hydro graphs are shown in Figure 5-5. The estimated peak flows for the PMP event alone and for the PMP event coincident with snowmelt are 190,000 and 225,000 cfs, re- spectively. -2- A comparison of the mean monthly flows estimated in this study with those obtained by previous investigators (Ref. 1) is shown in Table 4-2. It is noted that the mean monthly flows estimated in this study are about 20 percent lower for the months of January, February. March, April and November but are significantly higher for the months of May, June, July. August, September and October than those obtained in the previous study. The flows for December are only 9 percent higher. There is very little information on recorded streamf10ws and c1i- mato1otica1 parameters, i.e., precipitation and temperature, for the Tazimina basin. Therefore, approximate correlations were developed using regression analyses between streamf1ows, precipitation, temperature and drainage areas for nearby streams. Even in these cases, the data available were not sufficient for a satisfactory statistical analysis. Therefore, the results presented herein should be treated as qualitative and approxi- mate and should be updated by refined analyses after more site-specific hydrologic and climatologic data have been collected. .. -.. .. .. • .. --.. .. .. .. .. .. • ., - -3- 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 AUTHORIZATION The hydrologic analyses and results documented in this report were authorized through PR l4007-W034Y dated November 2, 1981 issued by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Denver, Colorado to Dames & Moore. The scope of services to be provided under this contract included collection and review of hydrologic data, streamflow development, and determination of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and probable maximum flood (PMF) applicable to the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project for the Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan of the Alaska Power Authority. 2.2 OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND The Phase I report on Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential (Ref. 2) identified Tazimina Lake as a potential site for the development of hydroelectric power with an available head of approximately 300 feet and an average flow of 1,440 cfs. A conceptual report on the Tazimina River Hydro- electric Project was prepared in January, 1980. This included the construc- tion of a storage reservoir with a 45-foot-high dam at the mouth of the Lower Tazimina Lake. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, with Dames & Moore as the Environmental Consultant, is currently evaluating the environmental and technical feasibility of this project. This report provides information- on the probable maximum flood hydro graph to be used in sizing and designing the spillway capacity for the proposed reservoir and simulated mean monthly streamflows to perform reservoir operation studies to determine the power generation potential of the project. The Tazimina River has its headwaters on the western slopes of the Alaska Range north of Iliamna Lake. The river flows westerly through two large lakes, the Upper Tazimina Lake with its mouth at river mile 32.2 and the Lower Tazimina Lake with its mouth at river mile 18. From the Lower Tazimina Lake, the river flows through four small lakes up to river mile 9.5 -4- and then joins the Newhalen River near the outlet of Lake Clark. The pro- posed dam site is located at river mile 10.44. The drainage area of the Tazimina River at the USGS gaging station near the proposed dam site is 327 square miles. The drainage area at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake is 273 square miles (Fig. 2-1). Hydrologic characteristics of the drainage basin and development of the PMF hydrograph are described in Section 5.0. For a feasibility-level evaluation, simulation of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for a period of approximately 36 years is con- sidered adequate. Simulation of daily streamf10ws for 50 years or more would be desirable for a detailed reservoir operation study. Methods used to develop sequential mean monthly flows for the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site are described in Section 3.0 and the corresponding results are presented in Section 4.0. Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River have been independently estimated by R. W. Retherford & Associates (Ref. 15) and E. Woody Trihey of AEIDC (Ref. 1) using different approaches. Both these estimates were based on the ratio of the drainage areas of the Newha1en and Tazimina rivers coupled with appropriate refinements by judgement. The drainage area of the Newha1en River at the water-stage recording station of the U.S. Geological Survey, approximately 8 miles north of Iliamna, is 3,478 square miles. Because of the large difference in the drainage areas of the two rivers, this variable is not considered sufficient to define the streamflows of the two rivers. Therefore, two prominent climatic variables, i.e., temperature and precipitation, were also used in the correlations developed in this study in addition to the size of the drainage area. A detailed description of these correlations is presented in Section 3.0. .. -.. .. .. .. • • • • .. .. -.. .. .. .. .. f -_..J. • , o? ~ , , -;f-~ t' J-~.- /:' , I . . , " , ) ,-~ "' : ;~ ___ ro_ 'VI I .. I"" I~" I I ·~ .... ,;., ~ , I". ~. ..... • 1 .... _ ~ ( r ! ' . 20 MILES , i Tommy ,.land '" n III N tJ" ---r rial I ~-----. -.. River Basin Tazlmrna SITE VICINITY MAP & Moore Dames -6- 3.0 GENERATION OF MEAN MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS 3.1 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE DATA Review of available hydrologic and climatic data indicated that suf- ficient information is not available to develop and calibrate a deterministic streamflow model or to develop a stochastic model. Also, such sophisticated models are not considered necessary for a feasibility-level evaluation. Therefore, available information was assembled to perform appropriate cor- relation and regression analyses to generate a sequence of monthly stream- flows. Pertinent available climatological data include: (i) Monthly average temperature at Iliamna for the period 1941- 1977 (Ref. 3); (ii) Total monthly precipitation at Iliamna for the period 1941- 1977 (Ref. 3); The location of Iliamna is shown on Figure 2-1. The climato- logical station at Iliamna is still operative. This station is located near the downstream edge of the drainage basin of the Newhalen River, and is about 140 miles southwest of the upper edge, and approximately 4,000 feet lower in elevation than the highest point in this basin. Therefore, the climatology of the upper portion of the Newhalen River Basin may not be accurately reflected by the records at this station. The available record for this station is not complete and has approximately 14 percent of the total number of months of temperature and precipitation records missing. (iii) Monthly average temperature at Port Alsworth for the period 1960-1977 (Ref. 3); (iv) Total monthly precipitation at Port Alsworth for the period 1960-1977 (Ref. 3); The location of Port Alsworth is also shown on Figure 2-1. This climatologic station is still operative. It is located • - -7-., ., near the downstream edge of the Tanalian River Basin which is _ approximately 200 square miles in areal extent and lies directly ~ north of the Tazimina basin. The climatological records at this station are fairly complete with only 2 percent of the total number of months with missing data. Pertinent available hydrologic data include: (i) (ii) Daily streamflows of the Newhalen River near Iliamna for the period October, 1951 to September, 1967 (Ref. 4); The drainage area of the Newhalen River at this station is 3,478 square miles. This station has a water-stage re- corder located 8 miles north of Iliamna. At this station, gage heights cannot generally be recorded during the low stream- flow months of January, February, March, April and the first half of May. The stream£lows for such periods are estimated and reported by~ th~ USGS on the basis of a few actual discharge measurements, weather records, records for a stream-gaging station on the Tanalian River near Port Alsworth, and records of streamflows for other nearby streams. Daily streamflows of the Tanalian River near Port Alsworth for the period October, 1951 to September, 1956 (Ref. 4); The drainage area of the Tanalian River at this station is approximately 200 square miles. This station has a water-stage recorder located 2 1/2 miles southeast of Port Alsworth and 3 miles east of Tanalian Point. At this station also, gage-heights cannot be recorded during the low streamflow periods generally including the first half of December, January, February, March, April, and the first half of May. The streamflows for such periods are estimated and reported by the USGS on the basis of a few actual discharge measurements, recorded ranges in stages, weather records, records for the Newhalen River near Iliamna, and records for other stations on nearby streams. .. - ,. • - • - • • • .. .. -8- There is a large glacier in the headwaters of the Tanalian River which is believed to act as a reservoir and tends to moderate its flows. Meltwater flow from the glacier increases as the summer advances and declines gradually with the approach of fall and winter. The Tanalian basin is reported to be heavily forested with spruce~ birch and cottonwood (Ref. 1). However, in the absence of adequate concurrent streamflow data for the Tanalian and Tazimina rivers, there is no way to quantify the effects of these features on the monthly flows of these streams. Glaciers are reported to alter the seasonal streamflow pattern of affected streams by extending the duration of high flows into the fall season and reducing the magnitude of stream- flows during the winter. However, as demonstrated subsequently (see Section 4.1), on an annual basis, the net effect of the glacier and vegetation does not appear to be significant. Also, the qualitative nature of the monthly streamflows for the Tazimina River estimated in this study does not warran arbitrary refinement for these features. (iii) Daily streamflows of the Tazimina River for the period June 19, 1981 to September 9, 1981 (Ref. 14). These records were supplied by the USGS and are provisional and subject to revision. This stream-gaging station is located near Nondalton and is designated as USGS Station Number 15200099. Since the time the computations documented in this report were made, provisional monthly streamflow data at this station for the period September, 1981 through February, 1982 have become available (Ref. 14). This information has been used to test the validity and accuracy of the sequence of estimated flows of the Tazimina River. It is to be recognized that the period for which streamflow data for the Tazimina River are available is too small to be used for a reservoir operation study. Therefore, two alternative approximate methods were in- vestigated to develop regression equations between temperature, precipitation and monthly streamflows of the Newhalen and Tanalian rivers. The computed -9- monthly flows of the Tanalian River were adjusted in the ratio of the drainage areas to estimate the monthly flows of the Tazimina River. Description of these two methods is presented in Section 3.2. A • .. .. ... .. .. .. • .. - • - • Ill" .. ... • .. • .. • --III • --,.,. .. ....," .. "" .. .. ---.. -10- 3.2 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO GENERATE MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 3.2.1 METHOD 1 This method included the following sequential steps of computation: (i) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly flows of the Newha1en and Tana1ian rivers at Iliamna and Port Alsworth, respectively, using available data for both rivers for the period October, 1951 to September, 1956. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3-1. The two types of equations given in Table 3-1 (y = ~ and y = A + BX) were selected after exam- ining the physical possibility of different mathematical re- lationships. The choice between these two equations was based on a comparison of the coefficients of determination for each case. In view of the fact that only five to six data points were available for regression, the coefficients of determination are considered reasonable except for December. For this case, the inverse relationship between the total monthly streamf10ws of the two riVers appeared to be spurious and was rejected. As an alternative, it was assumed that the December flows of the two rivers are proportional to their respective drainage areas. (ii) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly pre- cipitation and mean monthly temperature at Iliamna for the period October, 1951 to September, 1967 with the total monthly flows of the Newha1en River for the same period at the USGS stream-gaging station near Iliamna. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3-2. The computer analysis used for this multiple linear regression re- sulted in unrealistic correlations for January, February, April, May and July and was unsuccessful for the months of October and December. For these months, a graphical method for multiple linear regression was used (Ref. 5). The values of the co- efficients A, Band C for these months shown in Table 3-2 were -11- TABLE 3-1 REGRESSION EQUATIONS-BBTWEEN TOTAn MONTHLY FLOWS OF NEWHALEN AND TANALIAN RIVERS Selected Coefficient of A Month Eg,uation Determination Coefficient January Y=AXB 0.55 0.13 February Y=A+BX 0.55 90.19 March y=AJ!3 0.56 1.20 April Y=~ 0.33 0.79 May Y=A+BX 0.48 -6677.66 June Y=A+BX 0.83 "':43620.10 July Y=A+BX 0.79 -8795.19 August Y=A+BX 0.48 -68914.18 September Y=AX B 0.77 0.16 October Y=A+BX 0.46 -23799.24 November Y=~ 0.71 0.03 December Y=~ 0.14 39182.82 Y = Total monthly flows of the Tana1ian River in cfs-days. X =T_ota1 monthly flow of the Newha1en River in cfs-day. B Coefficient 0.91 0.04 0.68 0.72 0.09 0.22 0.11 0.17 0.92 0.11 1.02 -0.18* *Theoretica1 regression analysis resulted in a physically unrealistic relationship. Therefore, this equation was rejected and the mean monthly flows of the two rivers for December were assumed to be pro- portional to the respective drainage areas. Month .January* February* March Aprll* Hay* .June .Ju1y* August September October* November December* TABLE 3-2 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN PRECIPITATION, TEMPERATURE, AND STREAMFLOWS OF NEWHALEN RIVER AT ILIAMNA A B 12,000 41,905 28,000 7,451 39,167.78 4,701. 537 -212,228 27,692 -2.021,500 12,433 -717,896.1 54,488.77 -6,450.000 83,750 232,734.6 25,721.53 -653,968.1 14,831.60 -1,446,875 127,451 93,179.58 33,372.02 -23,000 65.652 e 1,053 1,2/,1 713.8943 7,778 51,500 21,009.52 125,000 5,749.535 24,460.49 43,750 1,895.635 3.767 Std. Error of Y 13.900 66,900 94,800 95,400 55,/,00 Y = A + aX l + ex 2 , where, Y "" Total Monthly Flow in da-days. Xl = Total Monthly Precipitation in inches. X2 c tlean Monthly Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. *Regression equation based on graphical method. Std. Error of B 3,457.809 16.942.91 12,366.83 9,800.163 17 ,176. 78 Std. Error 586.5202 6,623.244 15.891.18 I 13,181.51 I-' N I 2,436.528 -13- obtained from this graphical analysis. The standard errors of the dependent variable and the regression coefficients were not~computed for these months. (iii) Compute the total monthly flows of Newha1en River for the period 1941 to 1977 using the regression equations of Table 3-2 and the monthly precipitation and temperature data for the same period at Iliamna. These computations resulted in negative values of streamflows for some cases, which is unrealistic. Also, climatological data were not available for some months and flows could not be computed. For such cases, the values for the preceding and following years were averaged to estimate the missing total monthly flows. (iv) Compute the total monthly flows of Tanalian River at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 from those of the Newhalen River using the regression equations developed previously. For cases where the total monthly flows of the Newhalen River were negative or could not be computed due to non-availability of climatologic data, the regression equations of Table 3-1 were not used to compute the total monthly flows of the Tanalian River. Instead, the computed total monthly flows of the Tanalian River for the closest preceding and following years were averaged to estimate such missing values. (v) Compute the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site (drainage area = 327 square miles) from those of the Tana1ian River at Port Alsworth (drainage area = 200 square miles) using the drainage area ratio. The resulting values of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for all months for the period 1941 to 1977 are given in Table 3-3. It may be noted that this method does not make use of the climatological data at Port Alsworth. Year January 194J 42 206 184 43 60 146 44 201 119 45 238 151 46 243 ]26 47 118 142 48 169 Ll8 49 337 UI 1950 126 13 51 118 144 52 )07 19 53 280 ]47 54 144 ]06 55 288 148 56 98 83 51 154 105 58 328 201 59 115 120 1960 223 155 6) 243 159 62 118 155 63 209 178 64 ]61 105 65 230 112 66 243 152 61 218 181 68 ) 58 133 69 85 13L 1970 68 178 71 **113 **152 72 **113 **]52 73 158 126 14 U] 51 **116 75 **151 **116 76 156 106 17 271 191 TABLE 3-3 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 1 (cfs) April ~ June July August September October 688 3.154 3.601 1,589 1.911 1.121 113 216 1.316 **3,.236 **3.193 2,450 1.908 483 109 122 625 3.321 2.178 2.511 1.535 3.297 108 16 666 2.603 3.888 2.940 1.627 1.693 101 60 * 441 1.811 3.081 2.591 1.645 2.466 UO 128 441 3.133 3.182 2.631 1.681 5.815 114 109 216 1,811 3.340 1.711 1,594 *3.151 101 94 419 2,362 2.561 2.156 1.430 486 U5 12 * 286 1.549 1.896 2,584 1.113 1.635 110 140 93 3,643 2.494 2,788 1.681 1.021 98 111 388 2,769 3.186 2.154 1,122 755 17 92 143 1,668 3,279 2,891 1,212 1,638 168 232 165 3,813 3.561 3,205 1,819 755 90 101 511 1, 71.9 2,100 2,508 1.880 863 132 121 217 1.576 3.957 2.634 1,417 413 82 96 268 1,694 3.143 2.376 1,607 298 88 105 171 3,321 2.834 1.133 1,900 1,006 127 126 516 4,319 3,485 2,298 1,252 314 88 90 84 2,048 2.611 1.801 1.964 386 101 80 444 2,911 2.804 2.311 1,490 811 ]01 85 204 2,646 3.418 3.035 2.203 2,275 120 145 281 3,118 3.580 1.395 1.456 101 ] 21 108 491 2,171 3,666 3.391 2.034 1.151 88 85 8 4,621 3.411 1,244 1,382 419 131 140 201 1.311 2,486 1.884 1,841 1.704 10) 94 60 2.012 2,828 2.543 1.513 1,128 119 123 560 3,935 3.851 4,510 1,806 * 955 no 103 1,059 2,603 3,568 1.825 1.496 182 115 ]26 485 3,291 4.511 2.159 1,685 4,413 126 120 ** 306 **2,114 **3.150 **2.162 *·1,832 **4.092 **120 **125 ** 306 ·*2,714 **3,750 **2.162 **1.832 **4.092 **120 **125 ** 306 **2.114 **3.150 **2.162 **1.832 **4.092 113 **125 ** 306 **2,114 **3.750 2.165 **1,832 3,112 **110 **125 ** 306 **2.114 **3.150 **1,953 **1,832 2,319 110 **125 ** 306 **2,714 2,990 1.140 1.918 1,046 101 131 121 2.131 3.445 1,860 1.646 *1,311 108 121 229 3,669 3,953 2.164 1,821 1,588 "The estimated value was negative. The value given is the average of the preceding and following "non-averaged" years. **1'he climatological data were not sufficient to develop an estimated flow. The value given is the average of the preceding and "nou-averaged" years. November 381 571 353 * 933 509 1,295 402 561 303 210 335 620 412 669 301 638 443 193 262 183 320 189 610 441 I 320 224 I-' 564 292 J:.. I 231 160 240 310 615 625 250 244 320 345 505 531 545 334 281 322 352 326 370 389 505 498 550 561 640 699 328 ]89 399 516 **361 ** 433 **361 ** 433 335 ** 433 403 ** 433 *332 ** 433 261 351 526 ** 259 266 168 following -15- 3.2.2 METHOD 2 This method included the following sequential steps of computation: (i) Develop regression equations correlating the total monthly pre- cipitations and mean monthly temperatures at Port Alsworth to those at Iliamna for the period 1961 to 1977. After examining the physical possibility of different mathemati- cal relationships, two physically viable equations, i.e., y = ~ and y = A + BX, were selected for the aforementioned regression analyses. Between these two equations, the one re- sulting in a higher coefficient of determination was adopted. For cases where the coefficients of determination were found to be equal, the simpler relationship, y = A + BX, was selected. The results of these regression analyses for precipitation and temperature are summarized in tables 3-4 and 3-5, respectively. Except for the months of February, April, June and December, the coefficients of determination in Table 3-4 are reasonably high and indicate fair correlations. The coefficients of de- termination in Table 3-5 indicate even better correlations except for the month of July. (ii) Compute the total monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 from those at Iliamna using the regression equations of tables 3-4 and 3-5, respectively. (iii) Develop regression equations between the total monthly flows of Tanalian River near Port Alsworth and the total monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature at Port Alsworth for the period 1951 to 1956. There being only five to six data points, the computer program for multiple linear regression could not be used. The regression was performed using a graphical method for multiple linear re- gression (Ref. 5). The results of this regression analysis -16- TABLE 3-4 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATIONS AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILL~A Coefficient of A B Month Equation Determination Coefficient Coefficient January Y-A+BX 0.72 0.04 February Y=AX.B 0.31 0.45 March Y=AX.B 0.83 0.47 April Y=A+BX 0.39 0.01 May Y=A+BX 0.49 -0.12 June Y=A+BX 0.28 0.71 July Y-A+BX 0.51 0.89 August Y=PJ!3 0.54 0.47 September Y-A+BX 0.80 -1.07 October Y"PJ!3 0.57 0.86 November Y-PJ!3 0.79 0.76 December Y_AXB 0.37 0.60 Y -Total Monthly Precipitation at Port Alsworth in inches. X -Total Monthly Precipitation at Iliamna in inches. 0.78 0.93 1.07 0.58 0.66 0.50 0.41 1.15 0.84 0.66 0.85 0.64 -17- TABLE 3....,.5 REGRESSION EQUATIONS BETWEEN MEAN MONTHLY TEMPEBATURES AT PORT ALSWORTH AND ILIAMNA Selected Coefficient of A B Month Equation Determination Coefficient Coefficient January Y=A+BX 0.98 -7.26 1.24 February Y""~ 0.95 0.43 1.27 March Y""A+BX 0.96 -3.24 1.13 April Y=~ 0.74 0.93 1.04 May Y=A+BX 0.94 -0.32 1.03 June Y""AXB 0.50 3.69 0.67 July Y=~ 0.21 4.84 0.61 August Y=A+BX 0.79 1. 75 0.96 September Y=A+BX 0.88 -4.73 1.08 October Y=~ 0.73 1.26 0.93 November Y=~ 0.94 0.57 1.16 December Y=A+BX 0.97 -5.33 1.21 Y = Mean Monthly Temperature at Port Alsworth in Degrees Fahrenheit. X = Mean Monthly Temperature at Iliamna in Degrees Fahrenheit. -18- are summarized in Table 3-6. (iv) Compute the total monthly flows of Tanalian River at Port Alsworth using the previously estimated total monthly pre- cipitation and mean monthly temperature data at Port Alsworth for the period 1941 to 1977 and the regression equations of Table 3-6. These computations resulted in negative values of streamflows for some cases, which is unrealistic. Also, climatological data were not available for some months and flows could not be computed. For such cases, the values for the closest preceding or following year were averaged to estimate the missing values. (v) Compute the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the proposed dam site (drainage area = 327 square miles) from those of the Tanalian River at Port Alsworth (drainage area = 200 square miles) using the drainage area ratio. The resulting values of the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for all months for the period 1941 to 1977 are given in Table 3-7. This method does not make use of the streamflow data for the Newhalen River. -19- TABLE 3-6· RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION BETWEEN TOTAL HONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TANALIAN RIVER, AND TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AND MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AT PORT ALSWORTH Month A B C January 1,860 1,237 84 February 950 989 9.6 March 1,125 1,171 13.3 April 1,475 327 6.7 May -150,800 27,000 3,600 June -132,000 55,556 2,000 July -682,000 10,851 13,000 August -27,404 5,441 1,194 September -163,400 7,571 3,900 October -75,800 14,500 2,000 November -6,600 4,133 259 December 1,650 3,088 41 y = A + BX1 + CX 2 y = Total Monthly Flow in cfs-days. Xl = Total Monthly Precipitation in inches. X2 = Mean Monthly Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. TABLE 3-7 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER USING METHOD 2 (cfs) Months Year Januar~ Febrtlar~ March April ~ June July August Se(!tember October Nuventber December 1941 2.399 2,700 3,534 2,213 2,552 1,063 159 272 42 290 101 115 86 2,627 """2.917 """3.301 2,849 2,403 563 95 107 43 100 93 97 101 652 3,134 3,069 2,911 1,440 1.675 43 408 44 227 105 106 91 2.766 2.071 3.668 3,275 1,847 1,058 242 268 45 312 93 99 95 1,070 1,212 3,282 2,948 2.190 1.346 * 156 171 46 253 87 161 108 1,814 3,930 3,265 2,961 1.884 2.523 69 282 1.7 113 85 135 94 1.377 1.631 3,310 2,235 1.833 212 312 295 48 ] 5] 72 100 97 513 2,309 2.846 2,528 1.019 558 * 331 288 49 284 83 111 93 81 1.713 2.650 2,924 1,734 1,048 350 174 1950 .114 55 80 101 141 6,073 2,935 3.164 1,912 802 * 335 168 51 135 101 96 96 244 3,804 3,387 2.571 2,350 155 320 189 52 107 79 77 92 143 1,668 3,279 2,891 1,212 1,638 610 441 I 53 280 147 168 232 765 3,873 3,561 3.205 1,932 755 320 224 N 54 144 106 90 101 517 1.749 2,100 2,508 1,880 863 564 292 a 55 288 148 132 121 217 1,576 3,957 2.634 1,477 473 237 160 I 56 98 83 82 96 268 1.694 3,143 2.376 1.607 441 1 135 57 315 19 95 99 996 1,044 3,549 2,511 1,857 1,425 541 221 58 2(i0 83 114 100 1.619 3,319 2,918 2.583 1,248 893 132 231 59 148 105 62 103 1,117 1,043 1,783 3,140 **1,505 539 251 230 1960 326 81 72 100 2.334 3,033 4,536 2.706 1,763 1,354 205 245 61 301 87 73 105 1.066 5,785 2,964 2.523 5,055 1.755 2/tI 371 62 192 98 83 96 2,069 5,100 5,003 2.789 962 1,248 196 210 63 305 74 235 111 894 7,205 6,296 3,624 2,474 600 189 453 64 214 III 128 99 1,916 6,401 2,218 2,811 2,058 2,240 182 222 65 1/.8 83 182 111 *1,556 1.511 2.291 2,813 4,415 *1.635 164 203 66 168 135 90 102 1.196 *4,580 2.717 2.816 1,971 1,031 545 154 67 155 (if! 140 109 615 7,649 5.755 3,194 2,061 * 584 1,069 44 68 182 88 78 100 2.678 1.988 3,320 2.526 739 138 98 165 69 JI3 87 106 92 555 1,249 3.114 2.415 1.171 2.55/, 82 197 1970 104 87 128 111 89/, 3,162 1.58) 2,658 616 473 506 445 71 69 135 119 94 * 117 2,455 1,430 4,727 1,563 2,417 207 760 72 189 85 100 93 541 833 3,136 2,384 2,446 1,428 197 181 13 136 79 170 91 206 7,009 1,688 3,258 1,079 211 25 325 74 )48 66 156 105 889 632 3.081 2,553 2,488 507 348 221 75 199 70 97 lot 1,080 6.259 3,489 2,108 3,054 757 * 457 196 76 19] 76 124 95 290 262 4,087 2,094 2,279 344 565 285 77 ]]6 88 124 141 3,156 651 3,108 2,486 3,206 236 * 457 196 "'The estimated vs Iue was negative. The value given Is the average of the preceding and following "non-averaged" years. *"'The ct:!nltltolng{r.al dats were not 611fflclent to develop an estimated flow. The value given 1s the sverage of the prededing and following unon-averaged" yeat's. -21- 4.0 RESULTS OF STREAMFLOW ANALYSIS 4.1 MEAN MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS OF TAZIMINA RIVER Mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River for the period 1941 to 1977 at the proposed dam site computed by the two methods described previously are given in tables 3-3 and 3-7. respectively. As stated previously. the first method does not utilize the climatological data at Port Alsworth. and the second method does not utilize the streamflow data for the Newhalen River at Iliamna. To reflect both these sets of information in the final result. the averages of the mean monthly streamflows obtained from the two methods were computed. These values of mean monthly streamflows are pre- sented in Table 4-1. As stated in Section 3.2, theoretical simple and multiple linear re- gression analyses failed to provide physically realistic results in a number of cases. For such cases, alternative approaches were adopted by judgement. Adoption of such arbitrary computational methods makes it too complicated to estimate the statistical standard errors of the predicted streamflows. Ap- proximate computations for the standard errors of forecast for the month of July for Method 1 indicated that the prediction error for the multiple linear regression between the monthly flows of the Newhalen River and pre- cipitation and temperature records at Iliamna would be approximately t48 percent. The prediction error for the linear regression between the monthly flows of the Newhalen and Tanalian rivers would be approximately t27 percent. Thus, the total error of a single predicted value could be as much as +88 or -62 percent. Similarly the standard error of forecast in the simple linear regression component of Method 2 is estimated to be about tIS percent, and that for the mUltiple linear regression component of Method 2 is estimated to be t74 percent. Thus, the total error of a single predicted value for Method 2 could be as much as +100 or -78 percent. These errors could in- crease further depending upon the error in estimating the streamflows of the Tazimina River from those of the Tanalian River using the ratio of the two drainage areas. However, the errors could tend to be zero for the -22:- forecasts of long-term average monthly flows. In view of the approxima- tions used to develop these estimates of errors, computations for standard errors of forecasts for all the months are not considered necessary. The above-mentioned values provide an approximate idea of the largest expected errors of forecasts. In view of the discussions provided in the previous sections, the in- formation given in Table 4-1 is considered to be a reasonable estimate of the mean monthly sequential streamflows of the Tazimina River at the pro- posed dam site. A comparison of the mean monthly flows estimated in this study with those obtained in a previous study (Ref. 1) is shown in Table 4-2. It is noted that the mean monthly flows estimated in this study are about 20 percent lower than those obtained in the AEIDC study (Ref. 1) for the months of January, February, March, April and November, but are significantly higher for the months of May, June, July, August, September and October. The flows for December are only 9 percent higher. A brief discussion on the results of these studies is given in the following paragraphs. The average annual runoff per square mile of drainage area for six streams in the southwest region of Alaska, which is the region of interest for this study, is shown in Table 4-3. The average annual runoff for the Tazimina River estimated in this study and that of AEIDC (Ref. 1) is also shown in Table 4-3. As demonstrated by the values in Table 4-3, the runoff yield per square mile of drainage area decreases with the size of the watershed. An empiri- cal relation between annual runoff, precipitation and temperature developed from 27 small watersheds in the Nilgiri hills of the Indian Peninsula is given below (Ref. 18): Q = 1.511 pl •44 / Tl •34 AO.06l3 In this equation, Q = annual runoff (em), P = annual precipitation (em), .11 .!II. til. •• •• ., .. •• 1liii' •• •• Year Janu,,~y' 1941 42 2/,8 43 80 44 217 45 275 1.6 248 41 1/,6 48 160 49 ]11 1950 150 51 121 52 107 5] 280 54 144 55 288 56 98 51 265 58 294 59 162 1960 275 61 272 62 185 63 257 64 188 65 189 66 206 61 211 68 170 69 99 1970 86 1l 91 72 151 7J 147 74 15) 75 178 76 174 77 ]04 TABLE 4-1 ESTIMATED ~tEAN MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER -AVERAGE OF METHOD 1 AND METHOD 2 (cfs) February AprH ~ June July ~UgU8t Sel!tember October November 1,544 2,927 3,571 1,901 2,335 1,395 270 143 114 151 1,972 3.017 3,247 2.650 2.156 523 226 120 10] 112 639 3,228 2,923 2.741 1.488 2.486 276 142 107 84 1,716 2.331 3.118 3.108 1,137 1,376 322 125 103 18 156 1,542 3,182 2,173 1,918 1.906 230 107 136 U8 1.128 3.532 3.224 2.199 1.186 4,169 202 114 125 102 791 . 1.724 3.325 1,91] 1.114 1,682 ]62 95 104 96 496 2.336 2.701 2.342 1.255 522 316 97 11] 53 184 1.6]1 2.213 2,154 1.724 1.]42 ]97 64 95 12 /• 117 4.858 2.115 2,976 1.800 915 299 12] 91 104 316 ],287 3,281 2,]6] 2,0]6 155 ]20 79 77 92 14] 1,668 ],219 2,891 1,212 1,6]8 610 lit 1 168 232 165 3,813 3.561 ],205 1.906 755 320 ]06 90 101 511 1,149 2.100 2.508 1.880 86] 564 148 132 ]21 211 1,516 ],951 2,6]4 1,411 473 231 83 82 96 268 1,694 3.143 2,316 1.607 370 121 92 92 102 584 2,163 3.242 1,822 1.819 1,216 611 11.2 121 113 1,068 3,819 3.202 2,441 1.250 634 191 113 15 97 601 1,546 2,1.91 2.414 1.135 463 286 118 90 90 1.389 2.915 3.610 2.509 1,621 1.113 355 123 87 95 635 4.216 3.191 2.179 3.629 2,015 393 121 102 121 118 4.109 4.292 2,092 1.209 675 242 126 181 110 69] 4,688 4.981 3.511 2.254 876 27] 108 108 92 962 5,514 2.815 2,028 1.720 1.]]0 276 128 J57 126 882 1,441 2.389 2, ]49 3,128 1.670 335 14/, 96 98 628 3,326 2.113 2,680 1,742 1.080 548 125 130 116 588 5,192 4,806 4,182 1,934 170 855 III 94 102 1,869 2,296 3,444 2.116 1,118 460 213 109 111 109 520 2,270 3,813 2,287 1,428 3,514 241 13] 127 116 600 2,9]8 2,666 2,410 1,224 2,283 437 144 120 110 512 2,585 2.590 3,445 1.698 3.255 287 119 110 109 424 1.174 3.443 2,213 2.139 2.160 266 103 142 108 256 4.862 2.119 2,112 1.456 1.962 214 91 133 115 598 1,613 3,416 2.253 2.160 1,443 340 9] 104 113 693 4.481 3.240 1.924 2.516 902 359 91 lJ6 1] ] 209 1.200 3.166 1.911 1.963 8]1 546 140 116 131 1.69] 2.160 ].531 2.325 2,511 912 362 December 422 520 852 415 191 451 482 463 184 176 189 441' 224 I 292 N l;.) 160 I 223 423 238 288 391 353 266 390 306 351 358 372 117 351 439 597 307 379 327 274 272 182 ~!!nuary AIUnG Stlllly !lamea t. H"on~ Study 2~O J97 TABLE 4-2 COMPARISON OF ESTIMM'ED AVERAGE MONTHLY STREAMFIJOWS FOR TilE TAZIMINA RIVER (ds) February March April ~ June July August September October November 190 170 170 ~20 1,260 1,890 1,980 1,620 990 570 115 113 110 761 2,889 3,25~ 2,560 1,8~~ 1,388 350 December --- )20 ]50 Avelage All IIUaJ_ 820 1,168 I N .p- I Stream Tanalian Tazimina* Newhalen Kvichak Nushagak Kuskokwim -25- TABLE 4-3 AVERAGE ANNUAL RUNOFF OF SELECTED STREAMS IN SOUTHWEST ALASKA Drainage Area (5q mi) 200 327 3,478 6,500 14,100 43,600 Runoff (cis/sq mi) 3.18 3.56 Dames 2.51 AEIDC 2.67 2.65 1.4 1.4 *Estimated values Source Ref. 4 & Moore Study (Table 4-2) Study (Table 4-2) Ref. 4 Ref. 16 Ref. 17 Ref. 17 -26- A = watershed area (sq km), and T = mean annual temperature (OC). Although this equation was developed for a region far removed from Bristol Bay, the fundamental re1ationahip between the variables will have the same form for any region. It is interesting to note that the drainage area component of this relationship (i.e., Q varies as A-0.0613) fits the Newha1en and Tana1ian River data almost exactly, and the Newha1en and Kvichak River data within an error of 4 percent presumably because of the differences in P and T for the two basins. This information also demonstrates that the runoff yield per square mile of drainage area decreases with the size of the basin and is not con- stant as assumed in the AEIDC study (Ref. 1). In fact, the net effect of the adjustments in the AEIDC study has resulted in an opposite trend. Note that the runoff yield of 2.51 cfs/sq mi estimated by AEIDC for the 327 squ&re mile drainage area of the Tazimina River is less than the 2.67 cfs/ sq mi for the 3,478 square mile drainage area of the Newha1en River (Table 4-3). In addition, the contribution of other variables, e.g., precipita- tion, temperature, etc. is also significant. As shown in Table 4-3, the runoff yield of the Tazimina River basin estimated in this study is slightly higher than that of the Tana1ian River basin, even though the areal extent of the latter is smaller. This is possible because the average annual pre- cipitation in the Tazimina River basin is estimated to be higher than the Tana1ian River basin, and the hydrologic response of the latter is affected by the storage and moderation provided by the glacier located in its upper portion. According to the NOAA isohyeta1 map for mean annual precipitation in Alaska with an iso1ine interval of 4 inches (Ref. 19), a major portion of the Tazimina River basin lies between the 24-inch and 60-inch isohyeta1s, that of the Tana1ian River basin lies between the 20-inch and 24-inch isohyeta1s, and that of the Newha1en River basin lies between the 16-inch and 60-inch isohyeta1s. The area in the Newha1en River basin between the 24-inch and 60-inch isohyeta1s is almost the same as that in the Tazimina River basin and forms a very small portion (less than 10 percent) of the -27- total drainage area of the Newhalen River. This indicates that the average annual precipitation in the Tazimina River basin is higher than that in the Newhalen or Tanalian River basin. According to another National Weather Service isohyetal map with an isoline interval of 20 inches (Ref. 17 or 20). the Newhalen River basin lies between the 20-inch and 40-inch isohyetals with small pockets bounded by 80-inch isohyetals. This is in general agreement with the isohyetal map in Reference 19. The interval of the isolines on this map is too large to distinguish the average annual precipitation in the Tanalian River basin from that in the Tazimina River basin. The climatological station at Port Alsworth is located near the mouth of the Tanalian River approximately 24 miles northeast from the mouth of the Tazimina River. The climatological station at Iliamna is approximately 14 miles south of the mouth of the Tazimina River (Fig. 2-1). Therefore, it appears reasonable to assume that the precipitation in the lower portion of the Tanalian River basin is nearly the same as at Port Alsworth and that in the lower portion of the Tazimina River basin is between the recorded values at Port Alsworth and Iliamna. The average annual precipitation at Port Alsworth (1961-77) is 17.65 inches and that at Ilimana (1943-68) is 26.21 inches (Ref. 3). There are no climatological records available for any station in the upper portions of the three watersheds except the iso- hyetal maps mentioned previously. These isohyetals indicate that the annual precipitation in the upper portions of the Tazimina. Tanalian and Newhalen River basins is much higher than that at Iliamna or Port Alsworth. The average annual runoffs of the Tanalian and Newhalen rivers are 44 and 36 inches. respectively (Table 4-3) which are much higher than the above- mentioned average annual precipitations at Iliamna and Port Alsworth. This confirms that the annual precipitation in the upper portions of the three drainage basins is much higher than that at Iliamna or Port Alsworth. The aforementioned climatologic information demonstrates that the average annual precipitation in the Tazimina River basin is generally • .. - -.. --.. • ., .. -.. .. .. - - • .. .. -28- higher than that in the Newhalen and Tanalian River basins. Therefore. the annual runoff per square mile of drainage area for the Tazimina River basin is expected to be higher than that for the Newhalen or Tanalian River basin which is the trend displayed by the results of this study shown in Table 4-3. Provisional data for the mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River at the USGS gaging station from June, 1981 to February, 1982 (Ref. 14) indi- cate that the mean runoff for the 9-month period was 3.6 cfs/sq mi against the estimated mean runoff of 4.43 cfs/sq mi for the same 9-month period (Table 4-2). The total precipitations for the period June. 1981 to February. 1982 at Iliamna and Port Alsworth were 18.04 and 17.4 inches. respectively (Ref. 16). The average precipitation at the two stations for this period is 17.72 inches. The long-term average precipitations for the period June through February at Iliamna and Port Alsworth are 23.47 and 15.17 inches. respectively. with an average of 19.32 inches for the two stations. This indicates that the period June. 1981 to February. 1982 was drier than normal for the Tazimina River basin. Therefore. as a consequence of reduced pre- cipitation alone. the observed Tazimina River flow for this period should be less than the estimated long-term average for this period. This trend is correctly displayed by the above-mentioned actual and estimated mean runoff values. 4.2 DAILY STREAMFLOWS FOR LOW FLOW PERIOD The mean monthly flows of the Tazimina River presented in Table 4-1 indicate that January, February, March and April are the months of critical low flows. To determine the storage capacity of the proposed reservoir and the corresponding firm power. information on the daily flow~ of the stream during these critical low flow months is required. To generate a sequence of daily low flows for these months. the following computational steps were used. (i) (ii) -29- Rank the mean monthly flows for the months of January, February, March and April for the period 1941 to 1977 in an ascending order of magnitude. Plot the four sets of data on normal probability paper using Weibull's plotting position (Ref. 6). These plots are shown on Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. (iii) From the probability plots of Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4, obtain the lO-year low flow for each month. These lO-year low flows for each month are indicated on Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. (iv) Fr.om the recorded daily flows of the Tanalian River for the months of January, February, March and April for 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956, obtain the 5-year average daily flows for each month. This gives an array of 5-year average daily values for each month. (v) (vi) For each of these months of low streamflows, compute the frac- tion of the total monthly flow attributed to each day in that month. Use the above fractions to compute the daily flows for each month from the lO-year low total monthly flows for these four months computed previously. The resulting daily flows for the lO-year low flows for January, February, March and April are shown in Table 4-4. .. - -.. .. -.. .. --., ... - -.. .. • - _._JABIL Z LOc-LES KEUFFEL &: ESSER CO MADE IN USA ., 10 99.999.8 99 98 95 90 60 50 40 9 8 7 6 5 4 200 -- CI.l f.L< U CI.l f't;.l t..:i ~ 9 u 8 CI.l H 7 ~ 6 4 :1 2 5 60 30 20 10 5 2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 I • I 90 95 98 99 99.899.9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I--' N o N W I o o CJ\ I w 0 I 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 (/) j:>;, U (/) r3 100 ~ 9_ 8 U (/) H 7 0 6 4 3 2 99 98 ,,~.JA 81 Lo·.. ,,2 LO", _. ~ ~ES KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. MAm IN USA, l 50 40 30 20 415 80~u 10 5 2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 90 99.899.9 99.99 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I-' N o N W I o o 0\ I w I-' I CIl ~ U ~ '-' ~ u CIl H ~ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 100 9 8 6 4 3 2 10 ... ~..,ABIL •.. ,,2 LO(" " __ ES KEUFFEL 8: ESSER CO, MADF IN tJ S A '* 70 60 50 40 30 20 -~ 0,01 0.05 0.1 0.2 5 80 415 804u 10 5 2 0.5 0,2 0,1 0,05 om 90 95 98 99 99.899,9 99.99 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I W N I f-' N 0 N W I 0 0 0' 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 20 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 99.99 99.999.8 --, -~ ... ,,_JABIL, 2 LO~ LES KEUFF£:L Be ESSER CO MADE IN USA • 99 98 95 90 80 70 60 2 5 10 50 40 30 20 10 5 2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 95 98 99 99.99 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 i-' N o N W I o o 0\ I w w I -34- TABLE 4-4 ESTIMATED DAILY STREAMFLOWS OF THE TAZIMINA RIVER FOR THE 10-YEAR LOW FLOW PERIOD (for the critical-months of January, February, March and April) Streamf10ws (cfs) Day January February March April 1 107 94 86 80 2 107 94 86 80 3 107 94 86 80 4 107 94 86 80 5 107 94 86 80 6 107 94 86 80 7 107 94 86 80 8 107 94 86 80 9 107 94 86 80 10 107 94 86 80 11 107 94 86 83 12 107 94 86 83 13 107 94 86 83 14 107 94 86 83 15 107 94 86 83 16 99 93 85 99 17 99 93 85 99 18 99 93 85 99 19 99 93 85 99 20 99 93 85 99 21 99 93 86 101 22 99 93 86 101 23 99 93 86 101 24 99 93 86 101 25 99 93 86 101 26 84 93 86 101 27 84 93 86 101 28 84 93 86 101 29 84 86 101 30 84 86 101 31 84 86 -35- 5.0 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 5.1 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS Basin characteristics for the Tazimina River watershed at the mouth of Lower Tazimina Lake are presented and discussed in the following sec- tions. These characteristics are general in nature and represent physi- ography, soils, vegetation, and climate. Subsequent sections of this report utilize these characteristics in estimating the probable maximum flood (PMF). 5.1.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY Located within the Bristol Bay region of southwestern Alaska, the drainage basin of the Tazimina River at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake encompasses an area of approximately 273 square miles (Figures 2-1 and 5-1). Bounded on the north, east and south by mountainous terrain, the basin has a maximum elevation of approximately 6,000 feet (MSL) and a minimum eleva- tion of approximately 660 feet (MSL). The mean elevation is approximately 2,500 feet (MSL). The drainage basin (Figure 5-1) is elongated in shape with a length of approximately 32 miles and an average width of approximately 8.5 miles. TWo large lakes, Upper Tazimina Lake and Lower Tazimina Lake, account for approximately 4 percent of the basin area. Average gradients for the Tazimina River range from approximately 171 feet per mile near the head- waters to 9.5 feet per mile for the reach between Upper and Lower Tazimina Lakes. The total length of the river including both lakes is approximately 36 miles with an overall average channel slope of 65 feet per mile. 5.1.2 SOILS Geologically, soils within the basin are classified as humic cryorthods FIGURE 5-1 T AZIMINA RIVER BASIN I w 1(3\ I -37- and rough mountainous lands. The humic cryorthod association occupies the foot slopes of the mountains and moraine hills, while thin and stony soils over the bedrock make up the steep, rocky slopes of the rough, mountainous lands (Ref. 7). Within the mountain foot slope areas, silty volcanic ash, 10 to 24 inches thick, is underlain by very gravelly glacial fill. Valleys and depressions consist of very poorly drained fibrous peat with shallow perma- frost. Ridgetop soils are well drained, shallow over bedrock and consist of silty volcanic ash containing rock fragments. Conversation with Mr. Louis Fletcher of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in Anchorage indicated that the soils in this area could be placed in the B or C hydrologic soil classification. 5.1.3 VEGETATION Vegetation within the basin consists of both wetland and upland types. In the Ouskeg wetland areas, which commonly occur within depressions and valley bottoms, the vegetation is predominately sedges and mosses. Upland vegetation includes forest ranges, woodland and shrubs. Forests of white spruce and paper birch are dominant on steeper slopes while black spruce is dominant on more gentle slopes. On high ridgetops and slopes above treeline, the vegetation is dominated by dwarf birch, low shrubs, willow, alder, grasses and mosses (Ref. 7). Ground cover within the forested areas consists chiefly of a thick moss carpet or dense lichen. Estimates of the percentages of this ground cover range from 5 percent to 80 percent depending upon the type of forest. Humus depths vary from 2 to 6 inches. 'Based on USGS topographic maps, the forested area including muskegs was determined to be approximately 129 square miles or 47 percent of the entire basin. -38- 5.1.4 CLIMATE The climatic characteristics of this region are influenced by both maritime and continental characteristics and, as such, the region is generally placed within the transitional zone. Though open to the ocean, the waters of the Bering Sea are cooler than those of the North Pacific. This, combined with the lack of major orographic barriers,precludes any sharp boundary between maritime influences along the coast and continental characteristics of the interior. The region loses much of its maritime influence during the winter due to ice cover over a large part of the Bering Sea. Low-pressure systems moving northeastward across the Bering Sea are primarily associated with heavy daily precipitation in the region. The monthly distribution of large daily precipitation amounts indicates the heaviest precipitation occurs during the months of July through October (Ref. 8). Currently, no weather recording stations are located within the Tazimina River basin. However, two weather stations, one at Iliamna and one at Port Alsworth, are located within the region. Both these stations are located adjacent to large lakes, Iliamna Lake and Lake Clark. re- spectively. As such, the climatic records of these two stations may be somewhat affected by the lakes. 5.2 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION As input to the development of the PMF hydrograph, estimates of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) were made for the basin. Isohyetal maps and procedures presented in the United States Weather Bureau, Tech- nical Paper Number 47 (T.P. 47), "Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall Frequency Data for Alaska" (Ref. 8), were utilized. • • --.. .. .. -.. - .. • .. .. -39- Precipitation depths (point values) for 6-hour and 24-hour durations were estimated from the isohyeta1 mans and plotted on a depth-duration diagram obtained from T.P. 47 (Ref. 8). Using this diagram, precipitation depths for intermediate durations between 6 and 24 hours were determined. An additional depth-duration diagram from T.P. 47 was further utilized to determine depths for durations less than 6 hours. All of these values were then adjusted for the drainage area and a site-specific depth-duration curve constructed. This curve is shown on Figure 5-2 and a tabulation of precipitation depths for various durations is presented in Table 5-1. 5.3 UNIT HYDROGRAPH Because of a lack of streamflow data for the Tazimina River, synthetic unit hydro graph methods were utilized to develop the PMF hydrograph. A synthetic unit hydrograph was developed to represent streamflow conditions at the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake. In developing the synthetic unit hydro graph , it is assumed that the precipitation event occurs within a specified unit of time and is uniformly spread over the contributing drainage basin. Procedures developed by the SCS as described in the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) publication "Design of Small Dams" (Ref. 9), and the SCS "National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology" (Ref. 10) were used to develop the unit hydro graph for the basin. 5.3.1 TIME OF CONCENTRATION Initial input to the hydro graph development consisted of determining the time of concentration or travel time for the basin. Because of the presence of the two large lakes, the basin was divided into four separate reaches and individual times of concentration were calculated and summed 9 V) w 8 :::t: U Z t-' Z ....... :::t: t-o.. w 6 Cl -J -J <::( lJ... 5 z ....... 4 3 2 -40- 1/2 1 2 3 4 TIME DURATION SOURCE: UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU TECHNICAL PAPER NO. 47 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION AND RAINFALL-FREQUENCY DATA FOR ALASKA 6 8 10 12 24 IN HOURS FIGURE TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN DEPTH-DURATION CURVE Duration (hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -41- TABLE 5-1 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION UZDln1A RIVER BASIN. ALASKA Precipitation (inches) 1.9 3.7 4.8 5.9 6.8 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.2 9.8 10.2 10.5 Duration (hours 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Precipitation (inches) 10.9 11.3 11.6 12.1 12.3 12.5 12.7 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 -42- to obtain the total time of concentration. The first reach consisted of the Tazimina River from the headwaters to Upper Tazimina Lake, the second reach consisted of the length of Upper Tazimina Lake, the third reach con- sisted of the Tazimina River between Upper and Lower Tazimina Lake, and the fourth reach consisted of the length of Lower Tazimina Lake. For the first and third reaches (river sections), the following equa- tion (Ref. 9) was used to develop the time of concentration: where {Jl. 9 L 3)0.385 Tc =\. H Tc = time of concentration in hours, L = length of watercourse in miles, and H -elevation difference in feet. For the second and fourth reaches (lake sections), the time of con- centration was calculated by first determining the flood wave velocity through the lake and then dividing by the length of the lake. Since the depth to length ratio for both lakes is less than 0.1, they can be con- sidered as shallow and the following equation used (Ref. 11): where Vw = flood wave velocity in feet per second, . 2 g = gravitational acceleration, 32.2 feet per second , and Dm -mean water depth in feet. Summation of the individual times of concentration resulted in a total time of concentration from the headwaters of Tazimina River to the outlet of Lower Tazimina Lake of approximately 7.5 hours. The individual reach parameters and times of concentration are presented in Table 5-2. Reach 1 2 3 4 -43- TABLE 5-2 TIMES OF CONCENTRATION TAZIMINA RIVER BASL.'I Length. Description (miles) Tazimina River headwaters to 13.4 Upper Tazimina Lake Upper Tazimina Lake 8.3 Tazimina River Between Lakes 6.3 Lower Tazimina Lake 8.0 Total 36.0 Times of Concentration (hours) 2.7 0.2 4.5 0.2 7.6 -44- 5.3.2 OTHER PARAMETERS After determining the times of concentration, the remaining unit hy- drograph parameters were calculated. A triangular-shaped unit hydrograph was assumed and the corresponding equations as presented in Reference 9 were utilized. These parameters are presented in Table 5-3. The shape of the unit hydro graph and corresponding ordinates are shown on Figure 5-5. 5.4 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH The incremental PMP and unit hydrograph ordinates were combined to produce the probable maximum flood hydrograph. Two PMF hydrographs were developed; the first using the PMP event alone, and the second using the PMP event combined with snowmelt. Both hydro graphs are shown on Figure 5-5. Discussions regarding their construction are presented in the following sections. 5.4.1 SEQUENCE OF INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION Since the hourly sequence of a rainfall event cannot be predicted with certainty, the hourly increments of the PMP hydro graph were rearranged to produce the optimal sequence of precipitation that would produce the maximum flood peak. Two separate methods were used: Method A: Generalized sequence as proposed by the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) (Ref. 12); Method B: Optimal sequence as proposed in the Journal of The Hydraulics Division, ASCE, December, 1978, Technical Note, "Optimal Sequence of Incremental Precipitation" (Ref. 13). The sequences of incremental precipitation resulting from both the methods are presented in Table 5-4. The peak of the PMF hydro graph using Method B was approximately 1 percent higher than the one produced by using Method A. As a result, the rainfall sequence utilizing Method B was used. A comparison of the flood hydro graph ordinates reSUlting from each method is presented in Table 5-5. -45- TABLE" 5-3 SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS TAZL'1L'lA RIVER BASIN Parameter Duration Time of Concentration Time to Peak Time of Base Peak Discharge 1 hour 7.5 hours 5 hours 13 hours 26,500 cfs -46- TABLE 5-4 CRITICALLY SEQUENCED PRECIPITATION INCREMENTS TAZTMINA RIVER BAS IN Generalized Optimal Time Sequenc.e Sequenc.e (hours) (inches) (inches) 1 0.2 0.2 2 0.2 0.2 3 0.2 0.2 4 0.2 0.3 5 0.3 0.3 6 0.4 0.4 7 0.4 0.4 8 0.5 0.5 9 0.6 0.5 10 0.7 0.7 11 1.1 0.9 12 1.8 1.1 13 1.9 1.8 14 1.1 1 .9 15 0.9 1.1 16 0.7 0.7 17 0.5 0.6 18 0.5 0.5 19 0.4 0.4 20 0.3 0.3 21 0.3 0.2 22 0.2 0.2 23 0.2 0.2 24 0.2 0.2 -47- TABLE 5-5 COMPARISON OF PMF HYDROGRAPHS USING THE GENERALIZED AND OPTIMAL SEQUENCES OF INCREMENTAL EXCESS RAINFALL PMF Hldro~raEh t:. Runoff t:. Runoff Generalized Optimal Generalized Optimal Time Rainfall Sequence Rainfall Sequence Sequence Sequence (hrs) (inches) (inches) (cfs) Ccfs) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.01 0.01 53 53 2 0.10 0.10 636 636 3 0'.13 0.13 1,908 1,908 4 0.16 0.24 4,028 4,452 5 0.25 0.26 7,473 8,374 6 0.36 0.37 12,740 14,171 7 0.38 0.37 19,160 21,068 8 0.48 0.48 27,004 29,389 9 0.58 0.49 36,544 38,240 10 0.69 0.69 47,588 48,509 11 1.08 0.88 61,256 60,256 12 1. 79 1.09 81,138 74,592 13 1.89 1. 79 106,904 94,283 14 1.10 1.90 133,537 119,857 15 0.89 1.09 159,276 145,596 16 0.70 0.70 179,855 167,897 17 0.50 0.60 188,198 184,785 18 0.50 0.50 183,741 189,769 19 0.40 0.40 173,124 181,735 20 0.30 0.30 157,690 167,129 21 0.30 0.20 139,407 149,144 22 0.20 0.20 119,798 128,675 23 0.20 0.20 99,228 107,244 24 0.20 0.20 79,846 86,341 25 63,809 66,463 26 51,452 50,790 27 41,016 44,662 28 31,806 30,481 29 23,192 21,867 30 22,198 15,241 31 10,934 10,272 32 6,959 6,627 33 3,977 3,977 34 1.989 1.989 35 663 663 36 0 0 -48- 5.4.2 DIRECT RUNOFF Because of infiltration, evaporation and transpiration, some precipi- tation falling within the basin does not contribute to storm runoff. To predict the amount of direct runoff resulting from the probable maximum precipitation, the SCS "Runoff Curve Number Method" (Ref. 10) was utilized. This method is based on antecedent moisture conditions and soils, vegetation and runoff characteristics of the basin. To estimate the curve number applicable for the Tazimina River basin, the runoff characteristics and the soils and vegetation characteristics were analyzed independently. Discharge records from a USGS gaging station located on the Tazimina River were compared with rainfall records at Port Alsworth. Although con- tinuous discharge records were available only for the months of July, August and September, 1981, two prominent storm event hydro graphs wera evident, August 1 to 10 and August 11 to 20. The hydro graphs for each storm are shown on Figures 5-3 and 5-4, respectively (Ref. 14). Assuming a baseflow discharge for each hydrograph, the storm runoff volume was calculated. Rainfall depths at Port Alsworth for the corres- ponding storm periods (Figures 5-3 and 5-4) were assumed to cover the entire drainage basin upstream of the USGS gage and the volume of rainfall calculated. Using this volume and the runoff volume, the runoff coefficient and applicable curve number were calculated for each storm. The first storm resulted in a curve number of 83 and the second in a curve number of 84. The antecedent preCipitation amounts for both storms were such that AMC II conditions could be assumed. Since the occurrence of a PMF event assumes AMC III (saturated) conditions, the curve numbers obtained were adjusted for this condition. This resulted in a curve number of 93 for the basin. 0 Vl w 0.5 :x:: u z ....... z 1.0 ...... .....J .....J 1.5 <C u... z ....... 2.0 2.5 -49- . !:: +----~-+---~.~~--r--+--, 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 DATE HYETOGRAPH Vl w :x:: u z ...... z ....... .....J .....J <C u... z ....... <C a:: Cl W I- <C .....J :=> ~ u u <C 2.5 I I I 2.0 2.07 incheS~ If'" / 1.5 / 1.0 / 0.5 I / 0 31 1 2 3 DATE MASS-RAINFALL 4000~--~~--~--~--~~--~--~--~~--~--~--~--I _ 3210 CFS ~ 3000 r '~ Vl u... u / ................... i'--._- ./ ESTIMATED BASE FLOW ~ I '~ - -+---~ ....... t.~-t-t-t-----1-,---7' ~ z .............. ....... .............. w 2000 c.o ASSUMED BEGINNING .ESTIMATED ~ a:: <C :x:: RAINFALL EXCESS RECESSION CURVE u Vl ....... Cl 1000 11 O~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~ 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JULY 1981 AUGUST 1981 HYDROGRAPH DRAINAGE AREA =327 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =2.07 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF =0.72 INCHES 5-DAY ANTECEDENT RAINFALL=0.38 INCHES ESTIMATED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 83 FIGURE 5-3 SOURCE: RAINFALL FROM PORT ALSWORTH STATION HYDROGRAPH FOR USGS RECORDS TAZIMINA RIVER, STATION AT RIVER MILE 11.6 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 1-10 ~ I..I.J ::t: U Z - z - ..... ~ I..i... U z - -50- ~ 2.5 1 ::t: U Z ..... 2. 0 +-+-~I--!-+-+~-I z ..... 2.0+---~-4--~--4---~-4--~--~ 8 9 10 HYETOGRAPH 11 12 DATE 13 14 15 9 10 1112131415 16 DATE MASS-RAINFALL 4000 ~--~~--~--~--~~I--~--~--~~--~--~--~~ 3100 CF~~ -3000 +--+--t---t--t--+-+/--:a-"'~-=F-~ ..... d-,,-+--+--r---+---I .,/ ~ ........... -...... .--+-........ .-.::;~;;.. -------. _. --r ~ .............. \ I ESTI~ATE~ BASE FLOW.7 .............. 2000 +---r-~---r~+-~---r--+--4~-+--4---~-.--~--4 ~ ASSUMED 1 BEGI1N N IN~ RAINFALL EXCESS I 1000 +---+---r--4---r--~--+---~-4--~--~--~--~-4--~ O~~~~I~i~~~~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 HYDROGRAPH AUGUST 1981 DRAINAGE AREA =327 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =1.36 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF =0.33 INCHES FIGURE 5-4 5-DAY ANTECEDENT RAINFALL=0.04 INCHES ESTIMATED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 84 SOURCE: RAINFALL FROM PORT ALSWORTH STATION HYDROGRAPH FOR USGS RECORDS TAZIMINA RIVER, STATION AT RIVER MILE 11.6 T AZIMINA RIVER BASIN HYDROGRAPH AND RAINFALL AUGUST 11-20 -51- As an independent check, a curve number was calculated using the available soils and vegetation data. Assuming that 47 percent of the basin is forested, 4 percent water-covered and the remaining 49 percent mountainous, a weighted curve number of 79 was determined for AMC II con- ditions. This corresponds to a curve number of 91 for AMC III conditions, slightly less than the 93 developed from the rainfall-runoff analysis. The data and assumptions used in this analysis are presented in Table 5-6. To develop a conservative estimate of the probable maximum flood, the curve number was adjusted upward to 95 to reflect frozen ground and/or snow-covered conditions. Also, because of the shallow permafrost depth, it was assumed that any deep percolation would be negligible. The PMF hydro graph resulting from the PMP alone is shown on Figure 5-5 along with the corresponding rainfall hyetograph. The peak discharge is approximately 190,000 cfs and the runoff volume is approximately 12.9 inches, or 187,800 acre-feet. This corresponds to a 24-hour rainfall depth of 13.8 inches. 5.4.3 SNOWMELT RUNOFF Since the possibility exists for a PMP event to occur at a time when the basin is covered by snowpack, a PMF hydro graph was developed combining both rainfall and snowmelt runoff. Because snowpack and water content data are not available for the basin, a generalized equation developed by the USACE was used to estimate snowment resulting from rainfall on snow. The equation is as follows (Ref. 6): where M = (0.029 + 0.0084 kv + 0.007 Pr) (Ta -32) + 0.09 M -snowmelt per 24 hours in inches, k = basin constant, v = wind speed in miles per hour, Pr -rate of precipitation in inches per day, and Ta = air temperature of the basin in degrees Fahrenheit. Land Type Forest Lakes Mountains -52- TABLE 5-6 RUNOFF CURVE NUM:BER ANALYSIS BASED ON SOILS AND VEGETATION DATA TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN Percent of Hydrologic Curve Basin Soil Grout) , Number 47 B 70 4 100 49 C 85 Weighted Curve Number 33 4 42 Actual Weighted Curve Number 79 (/) W :::I: W z z z 0 l- ~ l-........ CL w w n::: 0- (/) LJ.. w 0 0 0 r-I z w ~ ex: ~ :::I: W (/) ....... Cl 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 NOTES: ~ -t----,. i i DRAINAGE AREA ~273 SQUARE MILES VOLUME RAINFALL =1308 INCHES VOLUME RAINFALL + SNOWMELT =18.6 INCHES VOLUME RUNOFF RAINFALL = . -.--+-. i i SNo\~MEL T . . t r . T ._-+ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 DURATION IN HOURS 24-HOUR SYNTHETIC STORM HYETOGRAPH ..\---' -l- ~--. --+ 1 --+ i -+-__ -1--__ 1 __ .1_ -: -t I I i t-----+----t --t- +----il-----+ -t -+---t-~I----T+ J-----+--j -~----+ -----+--I----I---#-. ! t 24 26 1209 INCHES 187800 ACRE-FEET VOLUME RUNOFF RAINFALL + SNOWMELT = 17.7 INCHES 257,700 ACRE-FEET RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 95 ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION ~ III I -l. j t -t- : t ; I ---~--+- I , I t I r +- I ---+ -_.--r I -, . I ~ J ~ - .). -+ l---.. I I I I -.-.-+-+ .~---+ i --+ ---,- PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD FOR RAINFALL EVENT (PMPj ~~--+-~-t ---t-I -l'~'--+-----t _-.... -+. -------i--.--;:----I I --T'----+-! I-----l--+----+..' --+---I--------i~_I_+_--__r__-----+-.--+- +-I . PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD FOR RAINFALL (PMP) + SNOWMELT EVENT ---+--- +---'-T--'" -<----+------+--+-+---+-+----1----t-----1-. -----t-.. ----1 I----+--1-----+-----+------~_-4----i -t---+-.L ----1 .. --,--- ! I 1 1-1-' ! iii --t---t---.. --+ _. --t--r--+---+-------r- J------4---+ l--t -. t----t-~---~----+--~I--t +----t ~,;-:1t 1 -~L-----l-- I : ~_-/'i __ .-,1. i ---·t---+- , , oj. t . +-----~ t---+- --l- --~ , ), ::,). ' ._-.+ f -+- i . +- ! (/) LJ.. w z w ~ ex: ~ :::I: w (/) 0 l' G~~~~-r---------------__ ~--~~~--4-~--4-~~~~~+-~ o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 DURATION IN HOURS 24-HOUR PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 16 14 (/) 12 w :::I: W z 10 ........ z ::r:: 8 I- CL w 6 Cl z ....... (/) 4 ~ co w ~ 2 c::( ex: w > ~ 0 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 t + PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION FROM U.S. WEATHER BUREAU T. P. 47 t I I i I ~ ESTIMATED SNOWMELT RUNOFF -- + t 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 DURATION IN HOURS DEPTH-DURA TION CURVE t .;. I I -+ --t- I TIME OF CONCENTRATION = 8 HOURS I I t --4 i i ---+ ----.l.--i-I t UNIT HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES TIME DISCHARGE (HOURS) (CFS) -1'-5300 2 10600 3 15900 4 21200 5 26500 6 23188 7 19876 8 16564 9 13252 10 9940 11 6628 12 3316 13 0 0~--~~~-+---r--~--~1-+---+L-----L------~ o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DURATION IN HOURS 1-HOUR SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH FIGURE 5-5 TAZIMINA RIVER BASIN PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH In T !I II; I: 1 ! I , i I: I :, I '1 I I il 1! -54- In the absence of adequate information, the variables included in the equation have to be estimated by judgement. The basin constant, k, varies between 1 and 0.3 with 1 representing unforested plains and 0.3 heavily forested areas. For the forest-covered Tazimina River basin, a conserva- tive value of 0.5 was used. Wind speed data for Port Alsworth were not available; however, records of some measurements at Iliamna are available. Using these data, an average wind speed (v) of 10 miles per hour was as- sumed. The rate of precipitation, Pr, was assumed to be equal to the 24-hour PMP, 13.8 inches. The heaviest precipitation generally occurs during the months of July through October. During this period, snowpack has only been recorded in October. Therefore, the maximum recorded tempera- ture for October at Port Alsworth was used as a basis to estimate the vari- able, Ta. This temperature was 66 degrees Fahrenheit which was reduced by 3 degrees Fahrenheit per 1,000 feet of elevation to account for the difference in elevation between Port Alsworth and the mean elevation of the Tazimina River basin. The resulting temperature value, Ta, was 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Use of these variables in the equation resulted in a 24-hour snowmelt of approximately 4.8 inches. In the absence of de- tailed site-specific information, this total snowmelt runoff was assumed to be uniformly distributed during the 24-hour PMP and over the entir basin. This resulted in 0.2 inches per hour of runoff contributed by snowmelt. The PMF hydro graph resulting from this condition is shown on Figure 5-5 along with the corresponding rainfall plus snowmelt hyetograph. The peak discharge is approximately 225,000 cfs, and the runoff volume is approxi- mately 17.7 inches, or 257,700 acre-feet. This corresponds to a 24-hour rainfall plus snowmelt depth of 18.6 inches. -55- 6.0 REFERENCES 1. Methodology for Estimating Pre-project Streamflows in the Tazimina River, Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 2. Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential, Phase I, U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, December, 1979. 3. Climatological Data, Alaska, Volume 67, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, North Carolina, 1981. 4. Water Resources Data for Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Water- Data Reports for Different Water Years. 5. Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions, W. A. Spurr and C. P. Bonini, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, Revised Edition, 1973. 6. Handbook of Applied Hydrology, V. T. Chow, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964, Sections 8 and 10. 7. Exploratory Soil Survey of Alaska, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, February, 1979. 8. Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall Frequency Data for Alaska, Technical Paper (T.P.) 47, U.S. Weather Bureau, 1963. 9. Design of Small Dams, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Revised Print, 1977. 10. National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, August, 1972. 11. Open Channel Hydraulics, V. T. Chow, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. 12. Standard Project Flood Determinations, EM 1110-2-1411, Civil Engineer Bulletin No. 52-8, Department of the Army, U.S. Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., March, 1965. 13. Optimal Sequence of Incremental Precipitation, Anand Prakash, Journal of The Hydraulics Division, ASCE, December, 1978. 14. Provisional Streamflow Records (Subject to Revision), Tazimina River near Nondalton, Station 152999000, Water Year 1981 (Personal Communi- cation). • • .. .. .. -.. --.. • • .. - • --.. --.. .. -.. - • .. • • -56- 15. Reconnaissance Study of the Lake Elva and Other Hydroelectric Power Potentials in the Dillingham Area. R. W. Retherford Associates, Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. I, 1980. 16. Personal Communication, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (Alan Bjornsen), July, 1982. 17. Water Resources of Alaska, U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Alaska District, Open File Report, 1971. 18. Engineering Hydrology, R. S. Varshney, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee, India, 1979. 19. Climates of the States, Vol. II, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974. 20. Environmental Atlas of Alaska, C. W. Hartman and P. R. Johnson, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2nd Edition, April, 1978.