HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrowne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska 1982RAI 018 VOL.1S I U;\ s;:; i # : Alaska Energy Authority LIBRARY COPY Browne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume xv Ebasco Services Incorporated August 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska ~, Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 ~~B U II ~". a e e Pacific Northwest Laboratories Browne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XV Ebasco Services Incorporated Bellevue, Washington 98004 August 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Richland, Washington 99352 '-;-f= 'I' .~ '(I .<:") ." _' ot.-_ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The major portion of this report was prepared by the Bellevue, Washington, and Newport Beach, California, offices of Ebasco Services Incorporated. Their work includes the Introduction, Technical Description, Environmental and Engineering Siting Constraints, Environmental and Socioeconomic Considerations and Institutional Considerations. Capital cost estimates were prepared by S. J. Groves and Sons of Redmond, Washington, and reviewed by the Ebasco cost estimating department in New York City. Cost of energy estimates were prepared by Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories of Richland, Washington. iii PREFACE The state of Alaska, Office of the Governor, commissioned Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle-Northwest) to perform a Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study. The primary objective of this study was to develop and analyze long-range plans for electrical energy development for the Railbelt Region (see Volume I). These plans will be used as the basis for recommendations to the Governor and Legislature for Railbelt electric power development, including whether Alaska should concentrate its efforts on development of the hydroelectric potential of the Susitna River or pursue other electric power alternatives. Substantial hydro resources exist in the Railbelt Region. Many of these resources could be developed with conventional (-15 MW installed capacity or larger) hydroelectric plants. Several sites have the potential to provide power at first-year costs competitive with thermal alternatives and have the added benefit of long-term resistance to effects of inflation. Environ- mentally, hydroelectric options are advantageous because they produce no atmospheric pollution or solid waste. However, environmental disadvantages may include the destruction and transformation of habitat in the area of the reservoir, destruction of wilderness value and recreational opportunities, and negative impacts on downstream and anadromous fisheries. High capital investment costs render many sites noncompetitive with alternative sources of power. Based on environmental and economic considerations, the Browne hydro- electric project was among severai hydroelectric projects identified as preferred hydroelectric alternatives to the Upper Susitna project. An individual study of the Browne project was commissioned, partly because of its estimated capacity and energy production, which were somewhat greater than most of the other sites, and also because of its apparently modest environ- mental impact. This report, Volume XV of a series of seventeen reports, documents the findings of this study. v Other power-generating alternatives selected for in-depth study included pulverized coal steam-electric power plants, natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants, the Chakachamna hydroelectric project, large wind energy con- version systems and coal-gasification combined-cycle power plants. These alternatives are examined in the following reports: Ebasco Services, Inc. 1982. Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Power Plant Alternatives for the Railbelt Re 1ion of Alaska. Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battel e, Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska. Ebasco Services, Inc. 1982. Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska. Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska. Ebasco Services, Inc. 1982. Chakachamna Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska. Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska. Ebasco Services, Inc. 1982. Wind Energy Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska. Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle, Paclflc Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska. Ebasco Services, Inc. 1982. Coal-Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska. Prepared by Ebasco Services Incorporated and Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska. vi SUMr~RY Numerous sites showing potential for hydroelectric development have been identified in the Railbelt Region of Alaska. Many, however, appear at this time to be uneconomic to construct due to high capital costs, or appear to have the potential for unacceptably severe environmental impacts. Among the sites of sufficient size to be of interest in the context of a Railbelt-wide electric power planning and that present potentially competitive economic characteristics and acceptable environmental impacts is a site on the Nenana River, approximately 2 miles north of the Alaska Railroad siaing of Browne. The proposed Browne hydroelectric project would be a conventional hydro- electric development, consisting of a dam, reservoir and power plant. The installed capacity of the power plant would be 100 MW. Power from the project would be transmitted to the proposed Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, approxi- mately 3-1/2 miles north of the powerhouse. The estimated annual average energy production would be 430 GWh and the estimated annual firm energy production would be 298 GWh. Cost estimates for the proposed project indicate an overnight capital cost of 4460 $/kW, with operation and maintenance costs of 4.80 $/kW/yr. Based on a 1990 in-service date, levelized busbar energy costs were estimated to be 52 mills/kWh in January 1982 dollars. (Not included in this estimate is the cost to relocate approximately 8 miles of highway and 16 miles of railroad.) Approximately 9 years would be required for project construction, includ- ing preconstruction studies and a 4-1/2 year construction period. Given a mid-1982 authorization to proceed, the project could be in service in late 1990. Environmental effects of the Browne project appear to be relatively minor. Anadromous fish runs are not known to be present in this portion of the Nenana River and no critical terrestrial habitat appears to be present in the area of the reservoir. vii Two engineering constraints may impact the feasibility of the project. P~vious materials underlie the proposed site and the dam would be located within the proximity of a seismically active zone. Pervious materials can be removed by dredging. However, their depth and extent are not known at this time. Structures can be designed to withstand severe seismic loads, but at additional cost. An uncertainty relating to the required seismic design considerations is the presence and extent of soils or sands subject to liquefaction during a seismic event. vii i CONTENTS ACKNOWLE DGMENTS PREFACE SUMMARY 1.0 I NTRODUC TI ON 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION • 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.2 PLANT DESCRIPTION 2.2.1 Overview 2.2.2 Dam and Reservoir • 2.2.3 Power Plant . 2.3 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM • 2.4 SITE SERV ICES . 2.5 CONSTRUCT! ON 2.5.1 General Construction 2.5.2 Construction Schedule Methods . 2.5.3 Construction Work Force 2.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.6.1 General Operating Procedures 2.6.2 Operating Parameters 2.6.3 Plant Life 2.6.4 Operating Work Force and General Requirements . 3.0 COST ESTIMATES • 3.1 CAPITAL COSTS • ix Maintenance iii v vi i 1.1 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.22 2.23 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.30 2.32 2.32 3.1 3.1 3.1.1 Construction Costs 3.1.2 Payout Schedule 3.1.3 Escalation 3.2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 3.2.1 Operation and Maintenance Costs . 3.2.2 Escalation 3.3 COST OF ENERGY . 4.0 ENV IRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERI NG SITI NG CONSTRAINTS 4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CONSTRAINTS 4.1.1 Water Resources 4.1.2 Air Resources 4.1.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecology . 4.1.4 Terrestrial Ecology 4.1.5 Socioeconomic Contraints 4.2 ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS 5.0 ENVIRONIVIENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 SUMMARY OF FIRST ORDER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS. 5.2.1 Water Resource Effects. 5.2.2 Air Resource Effects 5.2.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Effects . 5.2.4 Terrestrial Ecosystem Effects 5.2.5 Socioeconomic Effects 6.0 INSTITUTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS x 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3 6.1 6.1 6.2 STATE REQUIREMENTS 6.3 LOCAL REQUIREMENTS . 7.0 REFERENCES xi 6.2 6.5 7.1 FIGURES 2.1 Area Site Plan. 2.2 General Project Arrangement 2.3 Powerhouse Plan 2.4 Powerhouse Section 2.5 Power Intake Elevation and Typical Section 2.6 Power Intake and Tunnel 2.7 Construction Schedule 2.8 Construction Work Force Requirements 3.1 Cost of Energy Versus Capacity Factor 3.2 Cost of Energy Versus First Year of Commercial Operation • xii 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.11 2.13 2.15 2.25 2.29 3.5 3.6 TABLES 2.1 USGS Gaging Stations on the Nenana River 2.2 Average Monthly Discharge in Nenana River Near Healy, Alaska 2.3 Summary of Project Features 2.4 Reservoir Operation During Average Year. 3.1 Bid Line Item Costs for the Browne Hydroelectric Project 3.2 Payout Schedule for the Browne Hydroelectric Project 5.1 Primary Environmental Effects. 6.1 Federal Regulatory Requirements 6.2 State Regulatory Requirements. xiii 2.5 2.6 2.17 2.31 3.2 3.3 5.2 6.3 6.4 1.0 INTRODUCTION The proposed Browne hydroelectric project will be a conventional hydro- electric development consisting of a dam, reservoir, and power plant located on the Nenana River approximately 65 air miles southwest of Fairbanks. The Alaska Railroad is adjacent to the powerhouse site and the Anchorage-Fairbanks highway is located about 1 mile west of the Nenana River. A dam will be built across the Nenana River to form the storage reservoir. Water will be conveyed from this reservoir through a high-pressure tunnel and penstocks to a power plant with an installed capacity of 100 MW. The power from the project will be brought into the proposed Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie. The advantages of the project may be categorized generically, as related to hydro power, and on a site-specific level. In a generic sense, the perti- nent advantages of hydro power are: zero fuel costs, maturity of technology, simplicity, reliability, and quick responsiveness of the generating equipment to changes in load. More specific advantages of the Browne site are its close proximity to existing transportation facilities, thus minimizing access requirements. Also, transmission corridor requirements will be minimal due to the suggested routing of the Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, which is within 3 miles of the Browne powerhouse location (Commonwealth Associates 1981). Geographically, the site is centrally located and well removed from any natural physical impediments (e.g., mountainous terrain, glaciers, large rivers, etc.). Poten- tial environmental effects appear to be minor. Finally, the conceptual layout developed herein is quite conventional, containing no unusual project features and therefore should not require any unusual construction techniques. The project site, however, possesses certain disadvantages. Seismically, the site is located in an area of major activity, with the powerhouse beiDg approximately 25 miles north of a significant fault zone. Foundation mate- rials along this portion of the Nenana River are not generally well suited for a dam foundation. This is particularly true for that portion of the founda- tion that lies directly under the dam axis. These materials basically consist of coarse pervious sands and gravels. 1.1 Another significant disadvantage of the Browne project is that its devel- opment will require the relocation of the Alaskan Railroad siding at Browne, as well as the relocation of approximately 16 miles of Alaska Railroad track and 8 miles of the Anchorage-Fairbanks highway. At their present locations, these features will be inundated by the reservoir. 1.2 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site will be located at the start of the foothills north of the Alaska Mountain Range. Topography in the vicinity of the proposed reser- voir, along the Nenana River, is relatively flat. This topography rises fairly abruptly to the east of the river valley and more gradually to the west (see Figure 2.1). The dam for the project will be constructed across this valley at its narrowest point. Seismically, the area is very active. In 1937 and again in 1947 severe earthquakes shook the area. The epicenter of the 1947 earthquake was at Clear, 10 miles north of the proposed powerhouse, and registered an intensity of VIII+ on the Mercalli Scale. The 1937 earthquake, slightly less intense than the 1947 event, had its epicenter near Salcha, approximately 50 miles east of the powerhouse. Also, approximately 25 miles south of the proposed powerhouse is a major fault zone that has produced offsets within Holocene sediments dated younger than 10,000 years. The Nenana River originates on the northern slope of the Alaska Range and runs generally in a northerly direction to the Tanana River. The Browne damsite is located approximately 1.7 miles downstream from the railroad siding at Browne, with a drainage area of approximately 2,450 square miles above the damsite. Streamflow records exist for three locations on the river, as shown on Table 2.1. In hydropower simulation studies performed by Acres American, Inc. (1981), the 23-year period of record for the USGS gage near Windy WaS used to generate a monthly streamflow model for the Browne site. This was accomplished by multiplying the records from the gage near Windy times the ratio of the drain- age area at the damsite to the drainage area of the gage (2,450/710 = 3.45). In generating a monthly streamflow model for use in Ebasco1s independent simulation studies, the 29-year period of record for the gage near Healy was utilized rather than the gage near Windy. The Healy gage was considered more appropriate for use than the gage near Windy because the drainage area at 2.1 ~ <' I 1. ,_:' , ) I J r· rJ:' i . ) _jA, ... /-} '- ! n u '1 ~'* ~,-) [/ r ) i r ( ~ r --" 1- \ ." \D ~" CJ) ; , ~ '" I ", z~--- SCALE 163 360 I ---r=-------= FIGURE 2.1. Area Site Plan .. /' 2.3 ---~----t--------' t~ -_.-_. ,,, I\) ... I\) I\) I I I I -, I I I I I I I --'-0-- I I~ , , , ti: ... CJ) , , : , : _L. ___ _ , , , , , , I , , , , ----~ r TABLE 2.l. USGS Gaging Stations on the Nenana River Drainage Gage No. Gaging Station A re a (m i 2 ) ( a) Period of Record 15516000 Nenana River 710 10/51-9/73 Near Windy 15518000 Nenana River 1910 10/50-9/79 Near Healy 15518300 Nenana River 2450 10/64-9/68 Near Rex (a) Drainage area at Browne damsite is approximately 2,450 mi 2 • the Healy gage (1,910 mi 2 ) is closer in size to that at the damsite (2,450 mi 2 ) and the period of record is longer. The average monthly flows for the 29-year period of record as recorded at the Healy gage are shown in Table 2.2. The flows at the damsite were estimated by multiplying the flows at the Healy gage times the ratio of the drainage area at the damsite to the drainage area at the gage (2,450/1,910 = 1.28). The estimated average annual flow at the damsite is 4,500 cfs. 2.2 PLANT DESCRIPTION 2.2.1 Overview The Browne project will consist of a dam, spillway, storage reservoir, powerhouse, and appurtent structures. The storage reservoir will be formed by an earth and rockfill dam. The intake, water conductors, and powerhouse will be located in the left abutment and the spillway will be located in the right abutment. A site plan of the project is shown in plan and section in Fig- ure 2.1 and the general arrangement of project features is shown in Figure 2.2. Detailed plans and sections of the proposed powerhouse are shown in Figures 2.3 and 2.4, and details of the power intake and tunnel are shown in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. A summary of the principal project features is shown in Table 2.3. 2.5 TABLE 2.2. Average Monthly Di scharge in Nenana River Near Healy, Alaska (cfs)(a,b) Water Year Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. ~ June ~ ~ Sept. 1951 1,354 610 565 545 465 430 627 5,874 7,211 8,155 7,032 8,461 1952 1,929 1,092 830 600 500 480 510 2,348 10,050 11 ,290 7" 355 4,701 1953 3,074 1,300 800 430 360 430 600 3,640 10,990 9,082 8,460 5,978 1954 1,702 750 650 570 488 390 450 3,130 7,618 7,386 9,580 5,260 1955 2,429 1,200 552 500 460 440 380 2,97<) 9,906 10,760 9,154 6,290 1956 1,858 825 640 550 510 440 437 4,222 11,240 10,010 9,80S 6,003 1957 2,213 875 715 689 608 514 510 5,451 12,370 7,573 6,4:'0 6,185 1958 2,474 1,765 1,387 771 457 369 550 3,133 10,260 7,805 8,212 ",132 1959 1,503 745 549 568 481 339 400 4,472 8,963 11,280 7,420 4,475 1960 2,535 1,250 760 688 561 516 580 6,442 5,480 8,069 7,737 6,107 1961 1,995 795 764 730 454 422 635 5,281 9,638 9,034 10,530 4,386 1962 2,208 1,200 760 610 470 420 520 4,443 15,060 10,860 8,035 6,926 1963 2,370 1,160 670 540 500 470 520 5,558 9,883 13,970 12,680 5,450 1964 2,818 1,225 580 580 420 360 505 919 12,,,80 10,260 6,573 3,609 N 1965 2,713 1,200 740 520 440 430 595 4,129 10,630 11 ,080 6,369 7,168 . en 1966 2,944 1,200 697 500 500 500 540 2,450 12,440 7,589 7,913 4,963 1967 2,375 740 624 555 491 460 450 3,899 11,910 15,340 13,090 4,816 1968 1,829 900 713 660 625 599 632 4,749 14,180 10,310 6,064 2,941 1969 1,287 404 262 228 220 220 468 4,132 7,434 !:i,876 4,307 2,109 1970 1,034 659 530 477 452 440 507 3,953 7,882 11,110 7,284 4,3Ui 1971 1,880 756 546 540 540 540 533 3,716 14,500 10,730 10,410 4,865 1972 2,384 1,293 877 678 539 462 434 3,361 10,330 8,9n 6,638 3,999 1973 2,532 1,667 794 600 500 450 524 3,287 6,201 7,709 7,178 3,136 1974 1,416 767 415 247 190 190 202 2,536 5,721 7,339 6,434 4,907 1975 2,366 913 955 500 500 500 533 2,864 10,390 9,877 6,630 5,410 1976 2,045 800 627 474 400 3bO 448 3,316 7,216 5,871 !:i,436 i,747 1977 1,694 967 700 600 500 450 483 3,278 12,030 10,010 8,129 5,b21 1978 3,511 1,613 844 651 576 510 806 4,350 6,336 8,418 6,796 3,678 1979 1,853 927 705 579 500 450 535 4,749 7,494 10 ,180 6,603 4,165 ( a) From USGS Gage No. 15518000, Nenana River near Healy (Drainage Area = 1,910 mi 2 ). ( b) Flows at damsite computed by multiplying recorded flows by ratio of drainage areas (2,450/1,910 = 1.28). -----~ 8RID6£ 00 - I NORMAL MAX W.::s _ EL. ~75 CRE::JT EL. Cf 'f5 PLAN :jPILL WAY DI;5CHAR6E CHANNEl... . --...... .. , " --""'- / NENANA RIVE:R ", c::: .,----.L-"--'" j.7TAILWAT£R I ) . EL 780 ./r " IDDC INV, EL.i!l50 I I I I I I ,,-' ~ :$TE:.EI..-LINED PEN:5TOCK WITH .:$UBEtIIU~T DOUBI..E. BIFURCATION INTO FOUFf S'~ PEN:$TOCK:5 I \ I \ 7001--0~----~/~--~~------~--~/OO~O--------~1;5~OX-\--------~2~OOOO()-- II \ I DI::$TA NeE, FT. .:5ECTION THROUGH WATER CONDUCTOR~ \ FIGURE 2.2. General Project Arrangement :5GALE 0 0.' O.z. MIL.E:5 ~I~~~_~! 2.7 PLAN AT EL. 7<1/ .. I ~ I> IS' G ,u.s: 41' q., -t PLAN AI EL. 780 , ----~~ ILRItCTltllI A~I" If'" 61.. 791 , , , , I I , , PLAN AT i DISTKIBIJr()/f £1. 77.(. I (TYI'IC,fL) - FIGURE 2.3. Powerhouse Plan ./ I I f I , I , I I I .PlANAT ACCESS GALLE~YS (TYPICAJ.';- 2.9 (\ I -;g · !'/ lZ .... ' SECTION THRU C£NTER-I.IN£ OF UNIT Nor TO SCALE VALVE 1'17 ACCESS fiALLlRr FIGURE 2.4. Powerhouse Section 2.11 TDp PD."" I'H! £J. '16- ""U" ,..u I: tlII.ttI I"itl,r Htlf SAtI""H .----,- , I I I • I , I • t • I I l-___________ ....J I • I I I I I T,.."" ,ltcl -ttl rtlll, 9"1i1#" 80ffo", POIN/lI" Pool £1.895 FIO/N ,.. 099.2' I~O' .... .... " .J- Em4rl,,,ey /~ 1 gafe sIn // I',.! App,o.~A c.=ha==~~ne~!~~~~~~~~ ____ ~~~~-L~~~~~~-.~~ ____ ~~ __ ~ ~-_L... ___ -.:.C~~~....:l..:.LU.._-..J~_-;---1 £1. 850 . ! .. r-_~ •. • • .: :. r-~'---"""'"""i Z.5' 44.0' (}PSTRlAM lL£VATION I • • • /5,0' .ID.() 7i-.nsifJ~ul -~--.~.-----·--------"'LL----j---;;-#JIl.;;""'Ar--- &; ,v .. -------------.,..-------tot StCTION THRtI 6AT£ FIGURE 2.5. Power Intake Elevation and Typical Section 2.13 ... ---I -1 L __________________ _ , r-r'----j-rr'----r~ I, '~IIII@1 : I I I I :, I' _._ I I: : : I ( .. t.~l-' I I I • I I ~ 'I I I" I I If I I • I I '.1 ,I: ~ 1\ f-i~ I I I' I I '-_... ~_I>_J I I . ,I I • I I " ~., I I I I I I I If: , I' I I I I I ••• I I t _..I L • ..L. ____ .l.J .... .J ____ .1 __ .. . t---. ·1 . ~ l ... . . ' . ----1 ~ . i' loS ~ , ~ . , I I .! --;--'1 j' ~ ---, . -, . . '" -'<) --/~. b, n ;:0' ~ ~ t . I ~ (). I I . .. ,; .~ \t'i "'i . . .-j (:) I : J ... 14. 10.0' f~.t' PLAN SECTIONAL PLAN SECTIONAL PLAN -,,--. ~-r-.~ ..• . . . .• i---I----f~~ :-. .. • . .:........tC---()-+ ~·~·~O~~.~---< , • .r--+-.--O:: .. ..L---..: • ."...=---+-+--+.:......:...--'-~--I-• ...}. _----lL...-..L. r .......... r'-----+ ___ ~ • __ -t--+~_O-+-__ Itl.C ' ~O· _____ ~~r~. _____ r-_/~~~O~·_~~/O~O~·~ v .. ,.,j,J 2 S. O· ~q ~:l.=_-~!~~ ____ .~~ ~~~a-.o~.---~~~I~~~-----1--~----~2'O .. ~.~ __ ~ oJ" !lIO' r,.",,,.i.!;ort .f!2 O· ______________ _ Not 1-0 SCQ/I! SECTIONAL PLAN SECTIONAL PLAtI AT g TUNNEL 2.15 FIGURE 2.6. Power Intake and Tunnel TABLE 2.3. Summary of Project Features Intake Structure Outside dimensions: width -39 ft length -60 ft height 145 ft Two intake gates Power Tunnel: 700 lineal feet 23 ft inside diameter concrete 1 i ned Penstocks: 1 -400 lineal feet 16 ft inside diameter steel-l tned 4 -100 lineal feet 8 ft inside diamter steel-lined Powerhouse: 100 MW installed capacity 4 Francis Turbines, 34,600 hp, 170 ft net design head 4 Generators, 27,800 kVA, 225 rpm at 0.90 PF Outside Powerhouse rlimensions: width: 75 ft length 244 ft height 75 ft (35 ft above grade) Transformers (2): 3-phase 240 MVA, 13 kV to 138 kV Tailrace Channel: width = 90 ft depth = 23 ft length = 500 ft Dam: Earth and rockfill, zoned embankment length = 3,000 ft maximum height = 200 ft crest width = 25 ft upstream slope 2.5:1 downstream slope 2.0:1 Damsite Excavation: 2 ft under entire dam plus 30 feet beneath the impervious core in the streambed tapering off to 10 feet at the top of the dam (these values are assumed no data was available for deptn of gravels at damsite) River Diversion (2): 12 ft diameter concrete encased diversion conduits -600 ft long Spillway: 190 ft wide tapering to 150 ft wide 40 ft deep at the crest 850 ft long 4 tainter gates (40 ft x 40 ft) Spillway Discharge Channel: 1000 ft long, approximately 250 ft wide and 10 ft deep Switchyard Dimensions: 300 ft x 100 ft Access Roads: 3.5 miles Transmission Line: 3.5 miles 138 kV (all new corridor) Relocations: Alaska Railroad siding at Browne 16 miles of Alaska Railroad track 8 miles of Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway 2.17 The maximum gross head at the project will be 195 feet and the average net operating head is estimated to be approximately 170 feet. Maximum reservoir storage will be 1,100,000 acre-feet at the normal maximum pool elevation of 975. Dead storage will be 340,000 acre-feet, which provides a total usable storage of 760,000 acre-feet. It is estimated that approximately 88 percent of the total flow available from the drainage basin will be used for power proauction. The installed capacity of the plant will De 100 MW and the average annual energy production from the facility is estimated to be 430 GWh with a 49 percent plant factor. Access to the site will be by road ana will utilize existing transporta- tion facilities as much as possible. Suggested plant access routes to be constructed are shown in Figure 2.1. Power transmission from the site will tie into the projected Anchorage- Fairbanks grid system and will be along the corridor shown in Figure 2.1. 2.2.2 Dam and Reservoir The dam will be constructed of zoned earth and rockfill. It will be approximately 200 feet high (crest elevation 995 ft) over most of its 3000- foot length and will have 2-1/2 to 1 upstream and 2 to 1 downstream side slopes. The central portion of the dam, approximately 15 percent of the width, will consist of an impervious clay core and the outer portions will consist of rockfill. Sand and gravel filters will separate the central core from the rockfi1l. The concrete-lined spillway will be cut deeply into the left abutment. It will be 190 feet wide, 40 feet deep, 800 feet long and"will be equipped with four 40 ft by 40 ft tainter gates. The crest of the spillway will be at elevation 955 feet. The spillway discharge channel will be cut in the river sands and gravels and will be approximately 1000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and 10 feet deep. As discussed previously, the maximum reservoir pool will be at elevation 975 feet, with a maximum reservoir storage of 1,100,000 acre-feet. At this level, the reservoir will extend south "of the dam for approximately 11 miles. The formation of the reservoir will require the relocation of approximately 2.18 16 miles of Alaska Railroad track and 8 miles of the Anchorage-Fairbanks highway. The reservoir will also inundate a railroad siding referred to as Browne, which is shown on the USGS Fairbanks A-5 quadrangle as five structures adjacent to the Alaska Railroad about 2 miles south of the damsite. Discus- sions with personnel from the Alaska Railroad indicate that the Brown siding is uninhabited. 2.2.3 Power Plant The powerhouse will be an indoor-type, above-ground powerhouse located on the east bank of the Nenana River. The structure will be reinforced concrete, with the approximate dimensions being 244 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 75 feet high, with 35 feet above grade. The general layout of the powerhouse is shown in Figure 2.3. The power- house will contain four vertical water wheel generating units rated at 27,800 kVA, with a 0.90 power factor. The generators will be driven by four Francis-type turbines at a synchronous speed of 225 rpm. The powerhouse will consist of five monoliths, with the end bay being designated as the erection bay. The erection bay monolith will be in line with the axis of the powerhouse and its ground floor will be approximately at the same level as the turbine floor. The steel superstructure will house the generator floor, public facilities and access, office, control, and equipment areas. The principal elements of the concrete substructure will be the turbines and waterways, but it will also house service functions, including the dewatering sump and pumps, oil storage and purification, potable water and sewage systems. The generator floor will have the actuator cabinet, potential transformers and surge cubicles, switchgear, battery room, and cable vault. The control room will be located at the same level as the generator floor. Adjacent to the control room will be the heating and ventilation (H and V) equipment room. Additional powerhouse H and V equipment rooms will be located at this level at the rear of the powerhouse. 2.19 The turbine floor will support the actuator cabinet, pressure tank, excitation control and rheostat cubicles. The dewatering pumps and motors will be locatea on a platform in the sump pit, just under the turbine floor. A butterfly valve will be located immediately upstream of each turbine. Hatches with removable covers will be located in the upstream service parking area for installation and maintenance of the valves. To supply water to the powerhouse, a concrete intake structure will be constructed in the upstream right abutment. Details of this structure are shown in Figure 2.2. A power tunnel will be excavated through the right abutment connecting the intake structure to the powerhouse (see profile in Figure 2.1). This tunnel will have a 23-foot inside diameter and an invert elevation of 850 feet at the intake. The 600-foot-long upstream half of this tunnel will be reinforced concrete lined and slope to elevation 780 feet where it will then connect to a 16-foot-diameter steel-lined penstock tunnel. This subhorizontal tunnel reach will continue to the vicinity of the powerhouse where it will, through double bifurcations, reduce to four 8-foot-diameter steel-lined penstock tunnels connecting to the turbines. A tailrace channel with an average width of 90 feet will be excavated to the natural river channel from the downstream end of the powerhouse draft tubes. The average tailwater elevation will be 780 feet. A two-bay, one-and-a-half breaker switchyard containing six breakers and measuring approximately 300 x 100 feet will be located adjacent to the power- house. Two main 240 MVA three-phase transformers will transform the voltage from 13 kV to 138 kV transmission voltage. 2.3 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Transmission of power from the site will be over a 138-kV line and will utilize the Fairbanks-Anchorage intertie as suggested in the Commonwealth Associates (1981) report. The proposed location of the interconnection of the transmission line from the Browne project with the Fairbanks-Anchorage inter- tie is shown in Figure 2.1. 2.20 Basically, an overhead line will start in the switchyard close to the powerhouse and head northward along the flood plain of the Nenana River for approximately 3.5 miles. At that point connection with the Fairbanks- Anchorage intertie will be provided. The exact location of this intertie has not yet been finalized, however. The suggested 3.5-mile transmission corridor is so short and direct that no alternative routing is considered necessary. Selection of transmission line structures is based on strength require- ments, terrain, and visual appearance. Towers and angle structures will be composed of tubular steel-guyed columns, 50 to 80 feet high and pin-connected to their foundations. Steel H-pile foundations will be required, with suffi- cient penetration to withstand the active freeze-thaw zone as well as the normal. structural uplift forces. This overall structure will combine the necessary strength with an inconspicuous appearance ana will be economical to construct. 2.4 SITE SERVICES Access to the site will be provided by road to both abutments. The left abutment/spillway will be reached by the relocated Anchorage-Fairbanks highway and via a 1/2-mile access road. The right abutment will be provided access via a 3-mile road paralleling the existing railroad and connecting with the Anchorage-Fairbanks highway. In addition. the existing railroad will be utilized for transportation of major equipment items to the powerhouse during construction. These access routes are shown in Figure 2.1. The formation of the reservoir will require the relocation of· approxi- mately 16 miles of Alaska Railroad track to higher ground about 1/2 mile to the east. Similarly. about 8 miles of Anchorage-Fairbanks highway will require relocation 1 mile to the west of its present alignment. No pipeline. air, or waterway access will be required. Living facilities during construction will be provided by either a trailer park-type arrangement or by temporary housing. No formal living facilities will be required during operation because the plant will be remote-controlled. 2.21 2.5 CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 General Construction Methods Prior to the start of construction of the dam, its entire foundation and abutments will be cleared and grubbed. Information on the amount of sands and gravels that will have to be excavated from beneath the dam impervious core alignment is not available and considerable quantities may prove to be involved. In addition, any other unsuitable material, such as excessively compressible materials, will be stripped from beneath the other dam zones. For estimating purposes, it was assumed that 2 feet of stripping were required beneath the entire dam, and 30 feet of excavation beneath the impervious core, tapering off to 10 feet at the top of the dam. Concurrently with the above operations, the Nenana River will be diverted. This will be accomplished in two phases. First, the river will be allowed to flow along its present course while a double barrel concrete-encased diversion conduit with a gated intake is constructed to the west of the river. Diver- sion dikes and temporary cofferdams will be used to contain the river in its present location. With the completion of the conduit the river will then be routed from its present course to run through the conduit. This river diver- sion will remain in effect throughout most of the dam construction. Ulti- mately, the conduit intake gates will be closed and the conduit filled and sealed with concrete and grout. Construction of the dam will utilize standard accepted practices except for some restrictions. All fill zones, for example, will have to be con- structed fairly uniformly and simultaneously. No single fill zone w-ill be allowed to be constructed significantly (more than a few feet) ahead of any other zone. Also, placement of impervious core materials will not be permitted during freezing weather and rain. Excavation of the intake structure, power tunnel, penstock, spillway, and powerhouse will utilize conventional drilling and blasting methods and will be performed concurrently with the dam construction. The intake structure and powerhouse will be conventional in size and location, and should therefore not require any unusual construction methods or techniques. The only special 2.22 consideration is the harsh winter climate, which could shorten the construc- tion season by approximately 5 months, particularly during early stages of construction. To compensate for this, extended work shifts may be utilized in the summer months. Construction of transmission lines, as well as access roads and rail- roads, should not require any unusual construction features or methods except for those required to cope with permafrost areas wherever encountered. Neither will the relocation of existing transportation facilities require other special consideration. However, these relocations will have to be performed without interruption of the facility's normal operation. 2.5.2 Construction Schedule A complete project schedule from preliminary field studies though licens- ing, design, construction, startup testing, and commercial operation is pre- sented in Figure 2.7. The schedule is broken down by major project activities versus calendar months; month zero representing July 1 of the base year. From the start of work authorization at month zero it is estimated that approximately 18 months will be required to perform the preliminary field and office work necessary to support the conceptual engineering and licensing efforts. Part of this work will consist of field surveying and mapping, as well as preliminary geotechnical, hydrologic, and environmental studies. These efforts will utilize existing published information, as well as data gathered through preliminary field work. Conceptual engineering will be performed concurrently with the field studies and will identify and evaluate possible alternative project layouts and features that best utilize the water resources of the Nenana River drainage basin. Power production analysis will consider a range of opera- tional alternatives; and installed capacities will be investigated to define an optimum plant size and operation scheme. The selected plant size and operation scheme will maximize power output benefits and also incorporate any identified environmental constraints on project operation. 2.23 JULJ -I JAN I --..- -CALENDAR YEARS I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 ---CALENDAR MONTHS 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 4,8 54 6,0 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 12 o WORK ACTIVITY I PRE CONSTRUCTION FIELD STUDIES SURVEYING a MAPPING GEOTECHNICAL' (PRELIMINARY) ENVIRONMENTAL· HYDROLOGIC STUDIES I--- CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING -Rel/iew of License Application • IT LICENSING ------------------------- ill DESIGN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' (FINAL) DETAILED ENGINE ERING DESIGN ----AND SPECIFICATIONS - N PROCUREMENT GENERATING EQUIPMENT ~ 0 1Z: CONSTRUCTION !ci ACCESS ROADS AND RAILROADS -a::: DAM ClEARING AND EXCAVATION -r--~ RIVER DIVERSION 0 r-- ()\M CONSTRUCTION--~ - SPILLWAY EXCAVATION AND -~ CONSTRUCTION INTAKE EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION TUNNEL/PENSTOCK EXCAVATION AND -~ CONSTRUCTION POWERHOUSE/TAIlRACE CONSTRUCTION SWITCHYARD- TRANSMISSION LINES HIGHWAY AND RAILROAD RELOCATION JlI START UP AND IESTING FIGURE 2.7. Construction Schedule 2.25 The above 18-month effort will terminate with the preparation and sub- mittal of the necessary documentation for a license application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). For schedule estimating purposes, it is assumed that 2 years will be required by FERC for processing of the license application. Upon submittal of the FERC license application, detailed design will commence for the dam, power plant, and conveyance systems. This will also include design of the structures and the mechanical, electrical and control systems, as well as provision of support services to assure that the work is performed with appropriate management controls and that materials are avail- able to support project schedules. Specifically, this work will include the following: • Preparation of detailed design criteria and the development of project design drawings. Design drawings will accommodate all of the construction-related activities required by the project. This includes solicitation of bids for services, construction and erec- tion activities, as well as actual construction of the tunnel, powerhouse, and transmission facilities. In addition to the detailed design drawings, the architect/engineer will prepare bills of material for supply of miscellaneous electrical, mechanical, and civil materials. • Performance of engineering calculations required for preparation of drawings, specifications, and other pertinent data used in the design of the project, consistent with the requirements of regulatory bodies and design codes and standards. • Preparation of technical specifications in sufficient detail to allow for project procurement and/or construction. • Establishment of quality assurance requirements based on the detailed project design, as well as on information provided by vendors and contractors. These requirements will serve as a basis for construc- tion and for erection of structures, for procurement, and for instal- lation, testing, and operation of equipment. 2.27 It is estimated that 2.5 years will be required to carry out these design efforts. Procurement activities that will commence after receipt of a FERC license will consist of the following: • Preparation of bid documents and evaluation of bids. • Review of vendor documents and drawings for conformance to architect- engineer specifications and for confirmation of physical interfaces with related systems. • Monitoring and control of procurement contracts. • Vendor quality assurance services to assure that purchased items are supplied in accordance with the requirements of applicable procurement documents. • Expediting services to assure the timely arrival of purchased items at the site. Full-scale construction activities on the main features of the project will start in the spring after receipt of the FERC license. It is estimated that construction 0f the entire project could be accomplished in about 4-1/2 years. As shown on the project schedule (Figure 2.7), this estimate is based on the yearly cessation of outdoor construction activities for a 5-month period during the winter months. Indoor activities will, however, be per- formed year-around. Startup testing of all major equipment and auxiliary appurtenances will be performed before commercial acceptance. This testing will start during the last year of powerhouse construction and will continue for a period of approxi- mately 4 months after construction has been completed. Slightly less than 9 years would be required for development of the project, including preconstruction studies, licensing, design, construction and startup. Given authorization to proceed in mid-1982, the project could be fully operational by late 1990/early 1991. 2.28 2.5.3 Cons on Work Force ~~~~~~~~~~~ The number of workers necessary for construction of the 100-MW hydro- electric power plant will vary over the approximate 4-1/2-year construction period. The distribution of this work force over the schedule duration is shown in Figure 2.8. Construction is estimated to peak in year 2, requiring a work force of approximately 515 personnel • .)(J 5I:v '" it) -I' 3> 400 80 '"' "" I..t.J .I> \J 3eto ~ ~ 80 '" ~ 4fJ ~ ZfI /II '0 .,., 2D I.d 81 ,,0 4q -:D ., II il '* MONTHS NO T£: Does 170f Inc/wit!' Yt!'nclol" ptf!rsonl1l!J; ownl!,. Pt!'rJ'ol1l1t1j, A-£ t!'l7gil'lelrS, or frt:fll'ls.I1'IisJ';Cn bj,4 C'ol'lsfr"lt:'rion pttr.ronn,/ /oC'Pf4"eT t:fIf s/tt!'. FIGURE 2. Construction Work Force Requirements 2.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.6.1 General Operating Procedures The Browne project will be operated as a conventional hydroelectric facility, with releases being made through the power plant on a daily basis as required to meet load demands. The project will ordinarily operate 24 hours a 2.29 day, with the greatest releases being made during daytime periods of peak load. During off-peak periods, the plant discharge will vary depending on system requirements but will never fall below a minimum discharge require- ment. The reservoir level will vary on a seasonal basis as a function of load characteristics and available streamflow. The details of the operating characteristics are discussed in greater detail below. 2.6.2 Operating Parameters Forced Outage Rate The estimated forced outage rate for the project is 1 percent. Scheduled Outage Rate The scheduled outage rate for the plant is estimated to be an average of 5 days per year per unit over the 1 ife of the project. Power Output and Project Operation Characteristics A hydropower simulation study was performed for the Browne project by Acres American, Inc (1981). This study involved utilization of a reservoir and power plant model that simulated the operation of the project on a monthly basis for the 23-year period of hydrologic record. As discussed in Sec- tion 2.1, the Acres American study generated monthly inflows for the damsite using recorded flows from the USGS streamgage on the Nenana River near Windy. To provide an independent check to the Acres American study, Ebasco performed a similar operation study using the 29-year period of record of the USGS gage near Healy as a basis for developing monthly inflows at the project site. As indicated in Section 2.1, it was felt that the recorded streamflows at Healy were more appropriate than those from the Windy gage in view of the fact that the drainage area of the Healy gage is closer in size to the damsite than that of the Windy gage, and the period of record of the Healy gage is longer. Several parameters used in Ebasco's simulation study were obtained directly from the Acres American study. These include storage-elevation data, maximum and minimum storages, average tailwater level, minimum downstream release requirements, monthly demands, load factor, the discharge coefficient, and average overall efficiency. The results of Ebasco's operation study have 2.30 been utilized herein as a basis for estimating the power output and opera- tional characteristics of the project. On an average annual basis, the reservoir level will vary between the normal maximum level of elevation 975 feet and a minimum of elevation 919 feet, with the average reservoir level being elevation 956 feet. The estimated average tailwater level at the Nenana River at the powerhouse site is eleva- tion 780 feet, which provides an average gross power head of 176 feet. The monthly variation in reservoir level during an average year of operation is shown in Table 2.4. Based on the results of the power operation studies for the period of record, the estimated average annual energy is 430,300,000 kWh, which compares favorably to the value of 408,091,000 kWh obtained from the Acres American study. The annual firlTI energy obtained from Ebasco's operation study is 297,660,000 kWh, which ;s approximately 27 percent greater than the value obtained from the Acres American study. This difference is due to the difference in dry year streamflows between the two models of estimated monthly streamflow at the site. TABLE 2.4. Reservoir Operation During Average Year Average Reservoir Month Elevation (feet) October 975 November 969 December 959 January 949 February 939 March 928 April 919 May 936 June 972 July 975 August 975 September 975 Annual Average 956 2.31 The plant discharge into the Nenana River will vary from a maximum of approximately 8,400 cfs, under conditions of maximum reservoir level and power output, to a minimum of 700 cfs during offpeak hours. 2.6.3 Plant Life The economic life of the project is estimated to be 50 years. 2.6.4 Operating Work Force and General Maintenance Requirements It is anticipated that the Browne project will be a remote-controllea facility and will not require resident operating personnel. Weekly trips will, however, be made to the plant to perform routine maintenance and inspection. These weekly inspections could be performed by one or two operators. Major overhauls and maintenance work will ordinarily be performea on an annual basis by a larger crew. Major components of the generating machinery are not expected to need to be replaced during the life of the project. Repair to the runner blades are likely, and certain parts of the turbine may have to be replaced during the turbine life, such as bearings, wicket gates, wear rings, and face plates. Generator bearing and windings are other items that might have to be replaced during the plant life. In addition, many pieces of auxiliary or supporting equipment may have to be replaced at least once during the project life. As frequently is the case, this may be caused by the equipment item having become obsolete and replacement parts not being available. Replacement is then often less costly than fabricating special parts. 2.32 3.0 COST ESTIMATES 3.1 CAPITAL COSTS 3.1.1 Construction Costs Construction costs have been developed for the major bid line items com- mon to hydroelectric power plants. These line item costs have been broken down into the following categories: labor and insurance, construction sup- plies, equipment repair labor, equipment rental, permanent materials, and subcontracts. Results of this analysis are presented in Table 3.1. Total overnight construction cost is estimated to be ~446.1 million.(a) The equivalent unit capital cost is £4,461 per kilowatt. 3.1.2 Payout Schedule A payout schedule has been developed for the entire project and is pre- sented in Table 3.2. The payout schedule was based on a 58-month basis from start of project to completion. 3.1.3 Escalation Estimates of real escalation in capital costs for the plant are presented below. These estimates were developed from projected total escalation rates Materials and Construction Equipment Labor Year (Percent} (Percent} 1981 1.0 0.5 1982 1.2 1.7 1983 1.2 1.7 1984 0.7 1.3 1985 -0--0- 1986 -0.1 -0.1 1987 0.3 0.3 1988 0.8 0.8 1989 1.0 1.0 1990 1.1 1.1 19Y1 1.6 1.6 1992 -on 2.0 2.0 (a) January 1982 dollars, not including land or land rights, owner's costs or transmission costs beyond the switchyard. 3.1 L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. w 14. . 15 • N ( a) (b) TABLE 3.1. Bid Line Items Costs for the Browne Hydroelectric Projecd a) ( January 1982 Dollars) Construction Equipment labor and Construction Operation Equipment Permanent Sub-Total Bid line Item Insurance Su~~lies Cost Rent Materials Contracts Oi rect Cost Improvements to Site 89,500 6,700 99,900 76,300 7,400 £7':t,8UO Earthwork and Pili ng 18,581,000 17,781,000 31,384,200 21,121,400 47,966,500 240,000 137,074,100 Concrete 14,236,600 1,600,500 1,759,900 1,079,100 7,704,100 26,380,200 Structural Steel and lift Equipment 1,163,900 140,300 35,300 344,100 5,092,500 6,776,100 Buil dings 93,000 28,800 7,000 191,000 319,800 Turbine Generator 3,234,200 23,000 10,000 13,800,000 17 ,067 ,200 Other Mechanical fQuipment 258,200 22,400 75,000 652,000 1,007,600 Piping 782,600 28,800 15,000 950,000 1,776,40U Instrumentation 62,300 2,300 500 50,000 115,100 Electrical Equipment 934,500 23,000 15,000 1,500,000 2,4n,500 Painting 301,800 34,500 15,000 220,000 571,300 Off-Site Facilities 7,705,100 2, 965, 400 9,715,000 7,612,5,00 20,484,300 48,482,300 Substation 603,600 11,500 5,000 1,700,OUO 2,320,100 Construction Camp Expenses 5,246,900 16,809,500 22 ,056,400 Indirect Construction Costs and Architect/Engineer Services(b) 14,948,900 56,392,900 2,149,500 1,405,700 74,897,000 SUBTOTAL 68,242,100 95,870,600 45,143,800 31,781,600 100,317,800 240,000 341,595,900 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 44,500,000 Contingencies 60,000,000 TOTAL PROJECT· COST 44b,O!:l5,900 The project cost estimate was developed by S. J. Groves and Sons Company. No allowance has been made for land and land rights, client charges (owner's administration), taxes, interest during construction or transmission costs beyond the SUbstation and switchyard. Also not included are the costs associated with removing approximately 8 miles of highway and 16 miles of railroad. Includes ~44,500,OOO for engineering services and ~30,396,900 for other indirect costs, including construction equipment and tools, construction related buildings and services, nonmanual staff salaries, and craft payroll related costs. TABLE 3.2. Payout Schedule for Browne Hydroelectric Project (January 1982 Dollars) l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Cost per Month, 0011 ars 3,561,500 3,718,300 4,060,300 6,314,200 6,314,200 6,892,700 6,838,300 6,838,300 6,838,300 4,584,300 4,481,900 4,481,900 4,481,900 7,720,500 7,720,500 9,947,200 9,947,200 9,947,200 9,947,200 9,947,200 7,720,500 7,720,500 6,193,200 6,193,200 6,193,200 10,209,800 8,615,900 13,741,300 13,741,300 13,741,300 13,741,300 13,741,300 11,514,500 11,514,500 4,599,400 4,599,400 4,599,400 9,974,400 9,974,400 11,564,900 11,564,900 11,564,900 11,564,900 11,564,900 11,564,900 11,564,900 5,173,900 5,173,900 5,173,900 5,207,300 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,936,800 3,943,100 3.3 Cumulative Cost, Dollars 3,561,500 7,279,800 11,340,100 17,654,300 23,968,500 30,861,200 37,699,500 44,537,800 51,376,100 55,960,400 60,442,300 64,924,200 69,406,100 77 ,126,600 84,847,100 94,794,300 104,741,500 114,688,700 124,635,900 134,583,100 142,303,600 150,024,100 156,217,300 162,410,500 168,603,700 178,813,500 187,429,400 201,170,700 214,912,000 228,653,300 242,394,600 256,741,300 267,650,400 279,164,900 283,764,300 288,363,700 292,963,100 30'2, 937, 500 312,911,900 324,476,800 336,041,700 347, 606, 600 359,171,500 370,736,400 382,564,900 393,866,200 399,040,100 404,214,000 409,387,900 414,595,200 418,532,000 422,468,800 426,405,600 430,342,400 434,279,200 438,216,000 442,152,800 446,095,900 (including inflation) and subtracting a Gross National PrOduct deflator series which is a measure of inflation. 3.2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 3.2.1 Operation and Maintenance Costs The annual operation and maintenance cost for the Browne hydroelectric project, expressed in 1982 "Alaskan dollars," is estimated to be &480,000 (4.80 &/kW/yr). All operation and maintenance costs are assumed to be fixed costs that do not vary appreciably with the plant's kilowatt-hour output. 3.2.2 Escalation Estimated real escalation of fixed and variable operation and maintenance costs are as follows: 3.3 COST OF ENERGY Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Escalation {Percent} 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Estimated busbar energy cost for the Browne hydroelectric project is 52 mills per kilowatt-hour. This is a levelized lifetime cost, in January 1982 dollars, assuming a 1990 first year of commercial operation, and full utilization of the average annual power output of the facility. Estimated busbar energy costs for lower capacity factors and later startup dates are shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. These costs are based on the following financial parameters: 3.4 Debt Financing-100% Equity Financing 0% Interest on Debt 3% Federal Taxes None State Taxes None Bond Life 50 years General Inflation 0% The escalation factors given above were employed. Weighted average capital cost escalation factors were derived using a labor/material ratio of 25%/75%. f- VI o u >-(J 0:: UJ Z UJ 0:: « to VI :::> to o UJ f-« :;; f- VI UJ 90 80 60 so 40 30 20 10 o o 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 CAPACITY FACTOR (%) FIGURE 3.1. Cost of Energy Versus Capacity Factor (January 1982 Dollars) 3.5 90 100 .l: 3: .:t:. If> E f- IJ') 0 u >- <..:l 0::: w z w 0::: < CO IJ') ::J CO 0 w f-< ::E f- IJ') w 80 70 60 50 ijO 30 20 10 0 ~ - 1990 1995 2000 YEAR OF FIRST COMMERCIAL OPERATION FIGURE 3.2. Cost of Energy Versus Year of First Commercial Operation (January 1982 Dollars) 3.6 - 2005 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAI Because it would be licensed by the federal government, the Browne hydro- electric project would likely require the preparation of an environmental impact statement. Council of Environmental Quality regulations implemented pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 require that an environmental impact statement include a discussion and evaluation of alterna- tive projects. This requirement is usually satisfied tor hydroelectric proj- ects through the evaluation of alternate sites, hydroelectric projects, and often, evaluation of other energy generating technologies. The purpose of such a study is to identify a preferred site and possibly viable alternative projects to supply the required energy. Presented in this section are many of the constraints that will be evalu- ated during a siting study, with special attention given to their applicability to the location considered in this study. It should be realized that many of the constraints placed upon the development of a hydroelectric plant are regulatory in nature; therefore, the discussion presented in this section is complemented by the identification of power plant licensing requirements presented in Section 6.0. 4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITING CONSTRAINTS 4.1.1 Water Resources Water resource siting constraints generally center about two topics: water availability and water quality. With a hydroelectric project, there are additional locational constraints placed upon the water resource, e.g., loca- tional suitability of the reservoir formed by the project. Hydrological impacts due to the change in flow regime and creation of a reservoir must De identified and reviewed in the siting report. The resulting impacts on water quality, espeCially suspended sediment and dissolved gases, must also be evaluated. 4.1 At present, it does not appear that any of the above consioerations will prove to be a significant constraint with the Brown hydroelectric project. This will have to be confirmed during siting activities. 4.1.2 Air Resources There may be some changes in microclimatology relating to the creation of the reservoir. However, no significant environmental constraints relating to air resources are anticipated. 4.1.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecology An inventory of the species present in the river will need to be per- formed, with emphasis on game fish, significant benthos, and aquatic vegeta- tion supporting terrestrial life. Anadromous fish are not known to exist in this portion of the river; however, this will need to be verified as the dam will create a barrier to upstream and downstream migration. Identification of threatened or endangered species, or significant game habitat, could constrain project development. This is, however, not anticipated at the proposed project location. 4.1.4 Terrestrial Ecology Since habitat loss is generally considered to represent the most sig- nificant impact on wildlife, the prime siting activity of the terrestrial ecology group will be identification of important wildlife areas, especially critical habitat of threatened or endangered species. Based upon this inven- tory, potential restrictions on reservoir size and/or configuration may be determined, together with preferred locations for access roads and transmis- sion routes. At present, no significant terrestrial constraints are antici- pated at the proposed location. 4.1.5 Socioeconomic Constraints Major socioeconomic constraints center about potential land use conflicts and community and regional socioeconomic impacts derived from the external effects associated with project activities. Potential exclusionary land uses include lands set aside for public purposes, areas protected and preserved by legislation (federal, state or local laws), areas related to national defense, 4.2 areas in which a hydroelectric installation might preclude or not be com- patible with local activities (e.g., urban areas or Indian reservations), or those areas presenting safety considerations (e.g., aircraft facilities). Avoidance areas will generally include areas of proven archeological or historical importance not under legislative protection, and prime agricultural areas. The proposed location does not appear to fall under the above constraints. Regarding other socioeconomic concerns, minimization of the boom/bust cycle will be a prime criterion. Through the application of criteria pertain- ing to community housing, population, infrastructure and labor force, this important consideration should be evaluated and preferred mitigative measures identified. Due to the fact the site is close to several small communities, and the project will require relocation of portions of the Alaska Railroad and Anchorage-Fairbanks highway, socioeconomic criteria will be heavily weighted in the overall site evaluation process. 4.2 ENGINEERING SITING CONSTRAINTS The project contains two principal engineering constraints. Potentially, the most significant constraint is that the dam foundation materials are not well suited as impervious foundation. Published literature indicates that surface deposits in the site area along the Nenana River consist of coarse pervious sands and gravels. The depth of these deposits is not known with certainty. At best, the dam foundation will require a considerable amount of excavation of these materials beneath the impervious core to provide a suitable water cutoff. The second siting constraint is that the project is located within 25 miles of a major or seismically active fault zone. In 1947 an earthquake of intensity VIII+ occurred 10 miles north of the proposed powerhouse location. An earthquake of this size can be adequately designed for but will require more costly and massive structures. High seismicity may also result in a liquefaction of any fine sands that might be present beneath the dam or along the reservoir slopes. However, the presence and extent to which liquefiable soils exists is not known at this time. 4.3 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 SUMMARY OF FIRST ORDER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The construction and operation of a 100-MW hydroelectric generating facility will create changes or impacts to the land, water, and socioeconomic environments in which it is located. These impacts are directly related to various power plant characteristics that represent the primary effects of the plant on the environment. A summary of these characteristics is presented in Table 5.1. These primary effects are then analyzed and evaluated in light of existing environmental conditions to determine the significance of the impact and the need for additional mitigation measures. 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS 5.2.1 Water Resource Effects The construction and operation of the Browne hydroelectric facility will impact the hydrologic regime of the Nenana River. The construction of the dam will create an 11-mile-long reservoir, changing a portion of the river from a flowing water to a stillwater regime. This will tend to increase water losses from the watershed through increased evaporation. In addition, creation of the reservoir may change certain water quality parameters. The parameters most likely experiencing change will be dissolved oxygen and temperature, due to possible stratification in the reservoir; and suspended sediment, due to change in flow. Dissolved gas concentration may change due to passage through the spillway and penstock. Possible downstream erosion and/or sedimentation may occur due to discharges from the tailrace. This effect, however, can be minimized by proper design of the discharge structure. 5.2.2 Air Resource Effects Since the anticipated reservoir will be relatively small, no noticable meteorological changes in the immediate vicinity are anticipated. Hence, no effects to the air resource are expected. 5.1 TABLE 5.1. Primary Environmental Effects Air no first order impacts Water Land Streamflow Regulation Water Quality Pl ant Site Plant Access Transmission Relocations: Road Socioeconomic Construction work force Operating work force Relocations Average: 3800 cfs Maximum: 8400 cfs Minimum: 700 cfs To be determined during siting activities; impacts anticipated to be decreases in down- stream suspended sediment and increases in downstream dissolved gas concentration Approximately 16 square miles Approximately 3.5 miles of road Approximately 3.5 miles of 138-kV overhead line Approximately 8 miles of highway Approximately 16 miles of railroad. Peak requirements of approximately 515 1-2 operators for weekly inspection None 5.2.3 Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Effects There are no reported anadromous fisheries in the project area. Hence, there will be no impact to important commercial species. However, grayling, burbot and possibly dolly varden (arctic char) exist in the project area, based on the best available information. The dam will act as a barrier, preventing upstream and downstream migration. It is uncertain whether the creation of a reservoir will enhance or impede these populations. Baseline data will be required to assess this impact. Benthic commmunities will likely shift from those favoring a high energy (flowing stream) environment to those favoring a low energy (reservoir) environment. 5.2 5.2.4 Terrestrial Ecosystem Effects The primary potential wildlife impacts of the hydroelectric aeve10pment will be from river level fluctuations and habitat loss. River level fluctua- tion and creation of the reservoir may have a minor impact on the black and brown bear feeding patterns, as well as on the vegetation that is used by moose and the winter range caribou. There is a fairly low density of waterfowl in the area; therefore, these species are not expected to be significantly impacted. Creation of access roads may result in a loss of habitat. 5.2.5 Socioeconomic Effects The construction and operation of a hydroelectric plant has a high poten- tial to cause a boom/bust cycle on surrounding small communities, causing significant impact on community infrastructure. This impact can be mitigated to some degree by drawing the work force from the more distant, larger com- munities of Nenana and Fairbanks. The installation of a construction camp will not mitigate the impacts on the social ana economic structure of the surrounding small communities. The expenditures that flow out of the region account for investment in equipment and supervisory personnel. For this large-scale project, a larger proportion of the expenditures can be attributed to civil costs. Approxi- mately 35 percent of an investment in the project will be made outside the Railbelt region, while 65 percent will be made within the Rai1be1t. The breakdown of operating and maintenance expenditures for a hydroelectric project will be approximately 11 percent spent outside the Railbelt and 89 percent spent within the region. 5.3 6.0 INSTITUTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS This section presents an inventory of major federal, state of Alaska, and local environmental regulatory requirements that will be associated with the development of the Browne hydroelectric project. The discussion of this inventory is divided into three subsections that set forth feaeral, state, and local environmental requirements, respectively. 6.1 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS A hydroelectric project is not subject to many environmental regulatory programs that are applicable to a fossil fuel-fired power plant. For example, a hydro project may be exempt from the National Pollutant Discharge El imina- tion System (NPDES) permitting program that is operated for Alaska by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to section 40~ of the Clean Water Act. The NPDES permit applies to discharges from a "point source." As this term is defined (40 CFR 122.3) it is unclear whether the Browne hydro- electric project will include a point source discharge into navigable waters, as EPA generally does not require NPDES permits for hydroelectric projects if water merely passes through a turbine from the reservoir to the receiving waters. However, an NPDES permit may be required if during construction of a dam, water is discharged from settling basins, or if floor drains, sanitary systems, etc., are discharged during operation. This issue can only be resolved with the development of additional information regarding project design. On the other hand, a hydroelectric project is subject to some environ- mental regulatory programs not applicable to a fossil fuel-fired facility. The most important of these, which could have a substantial impact upon the licensing schedule, is the license that must be obtained by each individual who wishes to construct a water power project of more than 2000 horsepower installed capacity. These licenses are issued by the Federal Energy Regula- tory Commission (FERC) as requirea by the Federal Power Act (16 USC 792-828c). FERC issues these licenses according to the regulations in 18 CFR 4. 6.1 An application for a FERC license for a new project is quite complicated, requiring the preparation of seven exhibits (18 CFR 4.41). Among these is a requirement that the applicant show evidence of compliance with requirements of state laws with respect to water appropriation and use of water for power production (18 CFR 4.41 Exhibit D). This is accomplished by showing that state permits have been obtained, and that the state has certified that water quality will be maintained as is required by section 301 of the Clean Water Act. As a result, submission of a complete FERC permit cannot occur prior to receipt of those permits and certification. Furthermore, the FERC review process is lengthy, even after submittal of all requisite documentation. Licensing of a hydroelectric project in Alaska could be completed, barring any major difficulties in obtaining a FERC permit, in 42 months. The critical element in the schedule will be the FERC permit, which FERC cannot approve before the applicant has submitted its environmental report (18 CFR 4.41 Exh'ibit) and state water use permits. This schedule assumes that all neces- sary environmental monitoring can be completed in 12 months. As climatic conditions in Alaska could impede the collection of necessary field data, the licensing schedule could be delayed. Note also that NEPA compliance, includ- ing EIS preparation, for a hydroelectric project is generally the responsi- bility of FERC. In the scoping sessions between federal agencies and the applicant, FERC is generally selected as the lead agency for a hydro power project. These and other federal requirements are summarized in Table 6.1. 6.2 STATE REQUIREMENTS In addition to the FERC permit, a hydroelectric project will be 'subject to some specialized permits required in Alaska, such as the state dam permit and water use permit issued by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the permit to interfere with salmon spawning streams and waters issued by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The State of Alaska also imposes special requirements upon some projects if the project site is located on lands that have been reserved by the state requirements restricting use of 6.2 Agency Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Federal Energy Regulatory Commission National Marine Fisheries Service/ Fish and Wildlife Service Advisory Council on Historic Preservation All Federal Agencies TABLE 6.1. Federal Regulatory Requirements Requirement National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Activity in Navigable Water Discharge of Dredged or Fi 11 Materi al Environmental Impact Statement License for Major New Hydropower Project Threatened or Endangered Species Review Determination that Site is not Archeologically Significant Determination that Site Does Not Infringe on Federal Landmarks Executive Order No. 11990 Executive Order No. 11988 6.3 Scoee Di scharges to Water Construction Water Discharges to Water A 11 Impacts Construction Hydropower Project Air, Water, Land Land Use Land Use Development in Wetlands Development in of in Floodplains Statute or Authorit.l: 38 USC 1251 et ~.; section 1342 33 USC 401 et seq.; section 403 33 USC 1251 et ~.; section 1342 42 USC 4332 section 102 16 USC 792 et ~. 16 USC 1531 et ~. 16 USC 402 aa et ~. 16 USC 416 et ~. land (due to preservation of the land by state government or native Alaskans) under one of several special programs. The state requirements are summarized in Tab 1 e 6.2. Agency Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Department of Fish and Game TABLE 6.2. State Regulatory Requirements Reguirement State Certificate that Discharges Comply with CWA and State Water Quality Requirements Solid Waste Di sposa 1 Permit Permit to Interfere With Salmon Spawning Streams and Waters Water Use Permit Rights-of-Way Easement Dam Permit Anadromous Fish Protection Permit Critical Habitat Permit Fishways for Obstruction to Fish Passage 6.4 Scope Discharges to Water So 1 id Waste Construction in Water Appropriation of Water Right of Way on State Lands Construction of Dam 10 Feet High or More Statute or Authority 33 USC 1257 et ~.; section 1341 Alaska Statute 46.03.100 Alaska Statute Alaska Statute 46.15.030-185 11 Alaska Administrative Coae 58.200 Alaska Statute Fi sh Protection· Alaska Fish and Game Protection Fish Protection Statute 16.05.870 Alaska Statute 16.20.220 and .260 Alaska Statute 6.3 LOCAL REQUIREMENTS The Browne Hydroelectric project, located on the Nenana River near browne, south of Fairbanks, will be located in an unorganized region in which no local permitting requirements or land use restrictions have been identified. 6.5 7.0 REFERENCES Acres American, Inc. 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Development Selec- tion Report -Subtask 6.05. Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. Commonwealth Associates, Inc. 1981. Feasibility Study of Electrical Inter- connection Between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Engineering Report R-2274, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. 7.1