HomeMy WebLinkAboutPelican Power Alternatives Phase I - Reconnaissance Assessment 1982? ,.. 9803 Final Report j~ :.-.~~! ~ -;m ALASKA POW~R AUTHORITY' On :1 .~ PELICAN POWE~ ALTERNATIVES PHASE I -RECONNAISSANCE ASSESSMENT .~ :~ \ I' '~ i ,~ ~ ~ . "l .. " ,. . O· ',' ., ... } ,.:....~ .. '" ";" ~.' '- APRIL 1982 . . ..... liJ£~' '~-ENGINEERING SCIENCE A-JOINTVENTURE ,Uf . :,. ,,·t·""r .. ~ .. STREET • ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 • 907/276·4245 <, I~ :-. ~ '~~. • '!' . . . ... f j:t:" "" ·--t .,.-. \ < U r- W 'u ' j I u U !l .~ '~ .~ <0 "..... 0) ex> C\I 0 Q ,.... 0 0 LO LO "..... 0 (t) (t) IU I , iU i I W W W , .. , , I W I 0 I U r~ ~, U USKH Report On PELICAN POWER ALTERNATIVES PHASE 1 -RECONNAISSANCE ASSESSMENT Prepared for ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY April 1982 Prepared by USKH-ENGINEERING SCIENCE - A Joint Venture 2515 "A" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Engineering-Science 600 Bancroft Way Berkeley, California 94710 ARLIS Alaska Resources LilmllY & Information SeNI\:' LibraI)' Uuilding. Suite III 32)1 ProviJcnce Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-4614 , M- /LlZ5 pifS (?Y.S /qg2. r 1 U ID W U U ~ IW D !U U IU f 1 W [ 1 U r-l ~ U 0 ,... r-. CD n 'OifI Col I.i II') N Col Col r~ 1 II') W en Col en ~ ('I') U ES ENGINEERING-SCIENCE 600 BANCROFT WAY. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94710.415/548-7970 CABLE ADDRESS: ENGINSCI TELEX: 33-6438 Mr. Jerry Larson Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Street Anchorage, Alaska 16 April 1982 9803 Subject: Pelican Project, Final Phase I Report Dear Jerry: This letter transmits five copies of the final Phase I Report on the Pelican Project. It differs from the copy which Harvey gave you at Pelican dated 9 April in the following re- spects: 1) Appendices E and F are included. 2) The economic analyses are based on a 50-year study period, which represents the economic life of the hydro facility, rather than the 35-year amortization period. The text is edited to reflect these changes. Harvey reports that we are authorized to complete our obligation under Phase I, so the remaining 45 copies will be printed and expressed to you next week. Have a good holiday, and I hope to be seeing you soon. PJC:mmb cc: H. Hutchinson USKH B. C. Haight OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Very truly yours, pa~ ..I.. ~~~g"'awn-­ Vice Pres ent Northwest Region u u '1./ ! r ' u f \ U I :w ! I~' I U ~ jU , ; 1 iW I U , 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Summary Conclusions INTRODUCTION Authorization Pelican, Alaska The Problem SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Location Regional Geology Regional Seismicity Geology at Pelican Damsite Physiography and Climate at Pelican Cove Creek Precipitation Hydrology DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FACILITY Pelican Hydroelectric Station Standby Diesel Plant Water System Power Distribution System CRITIQUE OF PELICAN HYDRO SYSTEM Introduction Dam Flume and Penstock Powerhouse and Generating Facilities 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-4 4-4 5-1 5-1 5-6 5-7 5-8 6-1 6-1 6-5 6-7 Q I~ o o i W I , Cl W { 1 ,w I U u 11 U u SECTION 7 HISTORY OF PELICAN UTILITY COMPANY LOADS AND REVENUES Introduction SECTION 8 PLANNING SCENARIOS SECTION 9 PUBLIC REACTION TO PROJECT Public Questionnaire SECTION 10 WATER AND POWER DEMANDS Introduction SECTION 11 ALTERNATIVES Alternatives Discarded Alternatives Studied Afterword SECTION 12 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE Introduction Summary of Economic Analyses Discussion and Recommendation SECTION 13 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Introduction APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G APPENDIX H APPENDIX I Phase II Studies FERC Application DAM Restoration Application Water Rights Application PUC Rate Adjustment Application REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND INTERVIEWS REPORT OF FIELD INVESTIGATION RESPONSE TO QUESTIONNAIRE HYDROLOGIC BASIC DATA COST ESTIMATES ECONOMIC ANALYSES PHOTOGRAPHS REPORT OF BENJAMIN C. HAIGHT PROJECT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER REVIEW COMMENTS ON DRAFT REPORT 7-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 9-1 10-1 10-1 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-5 12-1 12-1 12-1 12-2 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-3 n - c 1 W u ; 1 ..J U I u u 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 4.1 7.1 9.1 10.1 10.2 12.1 12.2 LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Map of Watersheds Gaging Stations Pelian General Plan Single Line Diagram Section Thru Pelican Dam LIST OF TABLES Mean Monthly Runoff for Study Area Load and Revenue Trends Results of Public Questionnaire Pelican Water and Power Demands, Scenario #1 Pelican Water and Power Demands, Scenario #2 Summary of Cost Estimates and Economic Analyses Analysis of Operating Year (Fiscal) 1980-81 4-3 4-7 4-8 5-2 5-9 6-2 4-6 7-1 9-1 10-2 10-3 12-2 12-4 :w I :U I r 1 11.J u , ) ( 1 W ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We wish to commend the Pelican Cold Storage Company for their outstanding cooperation in this project and to thank them for the hospitality and help extended to us. Specifi- cally, this refers to Jim Ferguson, President; Torn Whitmarsh and Cal Boord at Pelican: and Cavin Philbin at Seattle. J U I u U ,Q o iJ ! U I I U ( ) u I U I I I U I W I U o '0 I U 1° IU SECTION 1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS o u I 1 U ) 1 I~ iW I o r ! U U SECTION 1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY The Pelican hydropower plant, located on Pelican Creek, has been and still is a valuable source of renewable energy. This study reviewed the various reports written on one phase or another of the plant and/or creek. The published infor- mation was used where applicable and augmented with new data to supply needed information. The report points out that the town of Pelican, with its fish processing plant and cold storage, is a vital link in the economy of the Alaskan fish industry. The report also points out that a reasonable cost energy at Pelican will aid the fishing industry in being competitive with the world market. The report concludes that the Pelican hydropower plant facilities are in need of modernization to overcome the low efficiency that the pres- ent equipment is operating at, and take better advantage of available head and water supply. CONCLUSIONS 1. The energy demand at Pelican is increasing. 2. The present hydropower plant does not have the ca- pacity of meeting present load demands without diesel aug- mentation. 3. The diversion dam is in need of immediate repair. This would consist of replacing the lost rock mass. 4. The dam is in need of grouting, to keep the abut- ments from eroding, save water, improve power yield and safety, and extend the life of the facility to 50 years. 1-1 120/5 1/82 r: I W I~ r; .~ I u , Ul i , ! I 'W I , U' l I ' \ 1 U I U I ' U n 11.1 'l W 5. The intake gate needs to be replaced and remotely operated, for protection of the operator. This can be ac- complished by using a simple hydraulic system. 6. Using the full head from the dam to the forebay would increase the hydropower production by 4 percent. It is recommended that a 60" pipe replace the present flume, some of which is in need of replacement. avoid the chronic tunnel caving problem. It would also 7. The forebay should be improved into a surge chamber and efficacious debris basin. 8. The penstock needs to be replaced. 9. The present control valve, turbine, governor, gen- erator and switch gear should be replaced with a new machin- ery package (one 500 kW and one 250 kW turbine). 10. The powerhouse needs to be remodeled for the new equipment and repaired where needed. 11. Additional head should be utilized by extending the draft tube and building a new afterbay with tailwater eleva- tion at MHW. 1-2 120/5 1/82 I jO i I~ ~~ Q iO , SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION D I .~ I o LJ Q ( I ~ U f I - ( I . ) I ';.. U SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION AUTHORIZATION USKH-Engineering-Science (USKH-ES), located at 2515 A Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, was selected by the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in response to its submittal of qual- ifications. After being selected to perform the feasibility assignment of Power Alternatives for Pelican, a letter was received from APA, dated 4 November 1981, notifying it to proceed. The contract between the parties was signed Novem- ber 3, 1981. PELICAN, ALASKA Pelican is a small community governed by a town coun- cil. It has a permanent population of approximately 180 people and 200 temporary residents during the fish process- ing season. It is located on the banks of the Lisianski Inlet at the mouth of Pelican Creek on Chichagof Island, 70 miles west of Juneau. The site for the town was selected because of its central location to service the fishing fleets 500 miles north and south, its harboring facilities, its water supply, and its hydropower potential. The economy is based on fishing and fish processing facilities which are located within the community. It has its own high school and grade school. The water is obtained from Pelican Creek for the community and fish processing plant. It is treated with chlorine before being placed into the system. The electrical power provided by the Pelican Utility Company, regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, supplies about 2-1 120/6 1/82 u u :U I o o u o 2,500,000 k\'lh of electricity to the community and storage company annually. The community is small, but served about 1,500 fishing vessels in 1980 and is critical to the fishing industry in that area. Pelican Potential for the Future with storage and a small diversion on Phonogaph Creek there is a potential of about 1.1 MW of additional hydro- electr ic capabil i ty. The feasibil i ty of that additional power is dependent of whether the cold storage and secondary processing is expanded. The expansion of the fish process- ing plant, which is presently being investigated (Scenario #2, Section 8) by the Pelican Cold Storage Company, calls for only about .66 HW in total production. THE PROBLEM The APA has employed the services of USKH-ES to perform a reconnaissance-level study, as outlined in Section 3! on the power facilities at Pelican, Alaska for the purpose of leading to a feasibility study of a suitable alternative to meet the power needs presently and in the future. The re- quirements are outlined in the APA register 1981 3AAC 94.055, Sec. 4 as amended. 2-2 120/6 4/82 ( } IW I ./l :w I , U I , I 1 \ . I~ o I SECTION 3 SCOPE OF WORK o u o o I :I I~ o iU I I W 'U u u SECTION 3 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for the Phase I Reconnaissance As- sessment of Pelican Power Alternatives is quoted directly from the contract as: "PHASE 1 RECONNAISSANCE ASSSESSMENT "1. Data Research Obtain existing documents and guidelines from Alaska Power Authority in Anchorage. Contact State and Federal agencies in Juneau and Anchorage for reports and projections concerning the project area. Contact the Pelican Utility Company and the cold storage plant at Pelican by phone to obtain data on loads and load projections. Research in- house files of consultants on similar proj- ects. Review regional faulting and seismic data. Interview DNR and COE officials famil- iar with dam safety programs and the Pelican project, in particular. Consolidate the research information. "2. Field Investigation Observe existing crib dam, dam abutments and channel conditions, flume foundation support, wood-stave penstock foundation and anchor support, assess overall slope stability, and tunnel condition. Observe general geologic conditions, and note particular zones of weakness such as faults and shear zones as they may affect the project. Make an initial assessment of cause of "settlement" reported under spillway. Observe power house and foundation conditions. Make initial geotech- nical reconnaissance of overall project area to assess possibility of transmitting water directly from sources at higher elevations in the watershed. Document observed conditions 3-1 120/7 1/82 I 1° U U 0 0 Q 0 U U U 'u I U U '1 I u . n IW I 0 i~l ~ U U 120/7 using photographs, sketch maps and cross sections. Obtain and confirm one-line diagram of sys- tem, distribution plan, nameplate data of generating equipment. Obtain revenue records and daily load records for the past five years, or obtain the best possible estimate for this data. Determine the amount of pota- ble water provided and the impact on the hydroelectric installation. Obtain informa- tion on contemplated load growth and changes in load. Determine to the extent possible the wishes of the community for future power. Obtain data required for environmental as- sessments. Identify potential thermal loads for cogeneration. Prepare a brief report of findings illustrat- ed with maps, photos and sketches. "3. Load Forecast After examination of population growth, eco- nomic activity, future uses, appliance satur- ation levels, anticipated cost of power and existing power generation facilities, a fore- cast using APA's regulations will be made of electrical energy and peak load requirements to the year 2002. "4. Alternatives Review and determine the marketability of the available power generation options. Include, as a minimum, consideration of: repair and improvement of the existing hydro plant, increasing the hydro capability by drawing water from other watersheds, adding generat- ing capacity to the existing hydro plant, or diesel generation. Based on initial screening, formulate three or more energy supply plans to satisfy Peli- can's forecasted power needs over a 20-year planning period. One plan, termed the base case plan, should be based on a continuation of present practices and a minimum level of repair work to maintain an acceptable level of safety. The other plans should be formu- lated using one or more of the options earli- er identified. All plans should incorporate the utilization of waste heat (if any) to the extent that such use is economically justi- fied. 3-2 1/82 o o o u ( 1 U r ) l.I \ 1 \.J o o (1 I~ I \1 '~ I , / 1 ,U "5. Cost Estimates Develop detailed, site specific, cost esti- mates for each alternative that passes the initial screening. Calculate the present worth of life cycle costs for each energy supply plan in keeping with the Alaska Power Authority standard procedures. Collect the necessary data and evaluate the impacts of each energy supply plan in keeping with the economic, environmental and techni- cal indicators specified in Power Authority reconnaissance study regulations. "6. Report Prepare a draft Phase 1 report in 20 copies, respond in writing to comments received on the draft report and prepare a final report in 50 copies. The Phase 1 report should identify the additional data collection and analysis needed to complete a detailed feasi- bilty report and prepare the necessary permit and license applications for project con- struction. The draft Phase 1 report will be submitted not later than January 31, 1982, and final report March 15, 1982." Task 1, Data Research, is reported in Appendix A. Task 2, Field Investigation, is reported in Appendix B, and Sections 5 and 6. Task 3, Load Forecast, is based on response to a ques- tionnaire sent to the Pelican Cold Storage Company. This method of forecasting was used because Pelican is a lIone company town": the company has the only record of power consurnption~ and the company alone knows its plans for power consumption. The completed questionnaire is included in Appendix C and the actual load forecast is the subject of Section 10. Task 4, Alternatives, is the subject of Section 11. Task 5, Cost Estimates, is included in Appendix E. 3-3 120/7 1/82 SECTION 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA [, W o I IQ r~l '~ I I U u i ' i ! ~ u SECTION 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA LOCATION Pelican is a small fishing village (population 175-200) located on the westerly side of Chichagof Island in south- eastern Alaska. Its water supply, used for domestic and industrial con:sumption and for hydroelectric power generation, comes from nearby Pelican Cove Creek on which the Pelican Cove Creek Dam (long. l36°l2.4'W: lat. 57°57.4'N) is situated. REGIONAL GEOLOGY Chichagof Island lies in a broad belt that strikes northwest and southeast in conformance with the prevailing trend in southeastern Alaska. Within this belt, intrusives, made up largely of quartz diorities and other granitoid rocks, have been intruded parallel to the stratified country rock. These intrusions were accompanied by metamorphism of some rocks and extensive deformation of pre-existing rocks including folding, breaking, and moving of rocks by uplift- ing along vertical faults, strike-slip faults and possible thrust faulting. REGIONAL SEISMICITY Chichagof Island lies within the broad region of earth- quake activity that includes much of southeastern Alaska, southeastern Yukon, and northwestern coastal British Colum- bia. , Records are few and of short duration due to the '- 4-1 120/8 1/82 o o D o r 1 , I 1.1 u , r I 'w I ( 1 U o D o U o u meager population and scarcity of seismology stations in the region. The village of Pelican is located on the hidden Peril Strait fault which appears to join the Fairweather fault with the Chatam Strait (Lynn A. Yehle, 1974). The records show that, within a r~dius of SO miles, an earth- quake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale took place in 1927 and one of magnitude 6.7 took place in 1973. The vil- lage is in seismic zone 3. GEOLOGY AT PELICAN DAMSITE The damsite is on Pelican Cove Creek, a deep, steep, narrow gorge running down the mountainside from a narrow plateau to tidewater. Bedrock has been identified as a syenite. At the damsite, the weathered zones have eroded away due to water action and the exposed foundation rock is a moderately jointed, sound, durable material. PHYSIOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE AT PELICAN COVE CREEK The drainage basin (see Figure 4.1) above Pelican Darn is 12.95 square miles and is located about 1/4 mile above the mouth of Pelican Creek which empties into the Lisianski Strai t near Pelican about 70 miles west of Juneau. The drainage basin is one of a multitude of watersheds which drain excess precipitation and snowmelt from Chichagof Is- land. Basin topography ranges from a steep narrow canyon at the damsite to gentle sloping streambeds in the intermediate elevation zone with headwater areas beginning on steep pre- cipitous mountain slopes whose peaks reach about 3,000 feet. Lower elevations of the watershed are covered with dense stands of conifer trees underlayed by a thick blanket of low growing vegetation and a surface mantle of spongy peat. As elevation increases, vegetation decreases. At about 1,500 feet, vegetation is near non-existent with the soil mantle removed to near bedrock by past glaciation. Prevailing maritime storms drench the area with heavy precipitation 4-2 120/8 1/82 I~ o D u u u U I U I 1 'U I I U o u "d',' LOCATION MAP ~. 0. ' ... . ~ " , . FIGURE 4.1 CANADA ::;;.. • N & USKH-ENGINEERING SCIENCE I 1 I o i ,w D Ii i~ I :0 I U I ! u I U , U· 1 : I U I 'U I 10 (I W I~ I , r 1 IW during the summer and cover the higher elevation zones with deep snow in the winter. As temperature moderates in the spring, snowmelt occurs, leaving the island nearly snowfree by the end of July. Late October and early November rain normally produces the most severe runoff condition when 24- hour accumulation reaches 8 inches or more. Long-term cli- matic data are not available at Pelican; however, climatic conditions at Sitka could be used for correlation. Climatic conditions at Sitka for a 99-year period show a mean annual temperature of 43°F with extremes of 90°F and -15°F and average annual precipitation is 97 inches. During the last five years, the Pelican precipitation has averaged ISO" per year, while at Sitka the average was 120" per year during the same period. PRECIPITATION G. O. Balding reports average annual precipitation at Pelican for the period of 1967-1972 to be 126 inches, dis- tributed as follows: January 10" February 12" March 9" April 7" May 9" June 3" July 3" August 11" September 19" October IS" November IS" December 8" HYDROLOGY Any surface water supply or power study requires know- ledge of the hydrology of tributary watershed. When no raw ", 4-4 120/8 REVISED 4/21/82 D D o r I ~ ( ~ , I I . I. I data exist, they must be inferred by correlating to points where there are data. The U.S. Weather Bureau reports that no published pre- cipitation records exist for Pelican. G. O. Balding reports an average rainfall of 126 inches per year at sea level, while others report 180 inches per year to be common. But both are significant because they indicate that Pelican is in one of the wettest spots in the north American continent. Topographically, it produces very high rates of runoff. The land above elevation +750 has been polished through glacial action and will produce almost 100 percent runoff. The land below elevation +750 supports conifers, is steep and has quite a thin soil mantle. Therefore, it will also have a high runoff factor. These observations related to precipi- tation were not used directly in the hydrologic investiga- tions related to the project studies, but were used indi- rectly as checks on the reasonableness of conclusions. There are no runoff records on Pelican Creek, but the U.S.G.S. does have some gaging stations nearby. One is at Black River on the far western slopes of Chichagof Island only about 20 miles southerly from Pelican. Two are on Hook Creek, located about 43 miles southeasterly from Pelican on the leeward side of Chichagof Island. Another is on Tono- lite Creek, sometimes known as Kadashan River, into which Hook Creek flows. Black River has only one year of pub- lished record, while Hook Creek has eleven years. Oddly, the mean runoff of Black River during the year of record (8.91 cfs/sq mi) was exactly as recorded at one of the Hook Creek gages during that same period. Since Black River is judged to be representative of conditions on Pelican Cove Creek, it was decided that Hook Creek would be ideal to use for correlation studies. This was done (refer to Appendix D) and the significant estimates used in project formulation are contained in Table 4.1. 4-5 120/8 REVISED 4/21/82 u U TABLE 4.1 0 MEAN MONTHLY RUNOFF FOR STUDY AREA (cfs) U Total Upper Pelican Pelican Pelican Month Phonograph >EL+750 <EL+750 @ Damsite 0 Normal Year Average D Oct 19.0 150.0 19.3 169.3 Nov 10.2 80.0 19.3 99.3 U Dec 5.7 45.0 11.5 56.5 Jan 2.5 20.0 13.0 33.0 IW Feb 4.0 31.7 16.7 48.4 Mar 3.5 27.5 11. 5 39.0 I Apr 7.3 57.5 9.1 66.6 U May 19.9 156.7 10.2 166.9 I Jun 16.3 128.4 3.9 132.3 U Jul 6.4 50.8 9.1 59.9 I Aug 3.1 24.2 14.1 38.3 'U Sep 7.8 61.7 24.5 86.2 I Dry Year (75% of Mean) , U Oct 14.2 112.4 14.6 127.0 I Nov 7.6 59.8 14.6 74.4 ,U Dec 4.3 33.6 8.6 42.2 I Jan 1.9 15.0 9.7 24.7 U Feb 3.0 23.8 12.5 36.3 lu Mar 2.6 20.8 8.6 29.4 Apr 5.5 42.8 6.8 49.6 May 14.9 117.5 7.6 125.1 Jun 12.2 96.1 2.9 99.0 ,0 Jul 4.8 38.0 6.8 44.8 I Aug 2.3 18.1 10.6 28.7 'W Sep 5.8 46.2 18.4 64.6 I U I 4-6 IU 120/8 1/82 c (J) A :r: I m Z G) z m m :0 Z G) (J) o m z o -._-_._----_ ... _------ .' \ . + ... ." L I~... ". /.;! /' ""i' \ \ ___ ~-_-~?'_, ~!.;!....I.~. t.W.......h----=::.l.-~_ -",' , '. 31 " MAP OF WATERSHEDS .--.~------------.--------~ -------------- --\ Ii ',-_~, :7 . --, . ,'j ~1t; mL-________________________________________________________________________________ __ r 1 ;W I 'W I U u U I jU I GAGING STATIONS USKH-ENGINEERING SCIENCE I I IJ U U U W D D , 1 W IU I iU I 'W W W IU I~ SECTION 5 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FACILITY D U u u r 1 U U W LJ U W o SECTION 5 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FACILITY PELICAN HYDROELECTRIC STATION The Pelican hydro system, mapped on Figure 5.1, is comprised of a diversion dam, gate structure, flume complex, penstock, and powerhouse. In 1940, the Pelican Cold Storage Company constructed a wood frame powerhouse, 18' x 33', with concrete foundations. Within the foundation wall is a draft tube sump (afterbay) with a 10 I wide weir set above the tidewater level leading to a 6' wide x 5 I deep concrete tailrace. The concrete in these facilities is heavily deteriorat- ed. The deterioration appeared to be caused by freeze-thaw action on outside walls, lack of converting water energy to electrical energy in the afterbays, and saltwater freeze- thaw on the lower foundation outer wall and the raceway walls. The equipment in the structure is a James Leffel & Co. horizontal hydraulic turbine, 23-inch double discharge, constructed in 1906, 26-inch twin draft tubes, 42-inch di- ameter intake and gate valve (Ludlow Valve), 4-7/8-inch diameter shaft, 14-inch pressure relief valve, Woodward Type VR 3000 ft Ib, 5-1/2 x 9, Patents 5/13/1890, 8/2/1898, 7/15/1890, 8/30/1901, and 8/11/1914, hydraulic oil governor that was rebuilt in 1974. The turbine was originally manufactured in 1906 for a Denver, Colorado manufacturing plant to operate under 85- foot head delivering 560 horsepower at 600 rpm with 58 cfs 5-1 120/10 1/82 c (fJ A :J: I m z G> z m m :D Z G> (fJ o m Z o m / .--1 -----' r-PELICAN • COLD STORAGE CO. LJ LJ CJ o 100 200 300 400 500 --- - -GRAPHIC SCALE: PELICAN GENERAL PLAN C> C ::0 fTI 01 Q o u u u r ' LJ u u u o o of water. Two 150 kW generators were originally connected directly on shaft--one on each end. In 1940, the Pel ican Cold Storage Company purchased it. Since that time, the turbine has been partially rebuilt in 1950 when a new runner was installed and the Woodward governor added to the instal- lation. Other items have been replaced or additional items added on the turbine as the need for improved efficiency and greater reliability has arisen. One of the added items was the necessity to lubricate the wicket gates which were sticking under certain loads. However, the system of lubri- cating would prevent the Pelican Storage Company from using the water from the power plant afterbay for a planned fish hatchery due to the water quality during the time of lubri- cation. From tests that have been run recently, the turbine has lost from about 20 to 30 percent of its efficiency. Tom Whitmarsh, the plant superintendent, inspected the interior of the turbine and found some of the sharp edges of the impeller bent in the same manner as the old one that is stored in the powerhouse. The 42-inch shut-off gate valve (Ludlow Type) just ahead of the turbine had developed a crack in an old repair. The cause was determined to be water hammer generated when a tree fell on the penstock and broke it. In 1980, this valve caused a two-month shut-down. The condition of the valve was recorded in Tom Whitmarsh's report, January 1981, where he reported the valve to be in poor shape. Its condition is due to age. The penstock, constructed in 1940, is a continuous wood stave pipe 36 inches in diameter expanded to 42 inches just ahead of the Ludlow Valve in the powerhouse. It is about 310 feet long on a grade of about 19°, on a timber (yellow cedar) trestle. It terminates at a wooden box forebay. In November 1981, a tree fell on the penstock and broke it. The repair necessitated bringing in new material and a spec- ialist to make the repair. Before the repairs were made, 5-3 120/10 REVISED 4/21/82 IU I I~ o Q. : ' iW \ ( I~ 'U I r ) \W U n U the specialist inspected the remaining penstock and found several places that were thin and the H connectors corroded and failed. He felt that the facility was nearing the end of its useful life. This winter at low water and freezing temperatures, the penstock is leaking so badly that it is dangerous for a person to walk along it. The generator is General Electric Schnectady A.C. No. 607224 PFI Type ATB 10/500(750/735) Form C, 500 kW, 2300 volt, 125 amp speed 750/735 Patented 12/15/96, 8/29/99, 11/20/1900, 4/2/1·901, and 12/2/1902. This generator was designed for and driven by an induction motor. It was rated for 500 KVA at unity P. F. and sui table for a 50 percent overload for 2 hours. The field winding was designed for a 125 volt excitation. The calculated field current for 500 KVA at 1 P.F. is 65 amps and at 50 percent overload it is 75 amps. The field resistance at 25°C was measured to be .75 ohms. This type motor-driven generator was not designed for the overspeeds that occur on water-driven turbines. Over- speeds have been recorded on the volt and cycle meters. Those meters pegged out at 3000 V and 64 cycles. The over- speed didn I t seem to do any damage to the generator. The insulation is flaking off, but is being painted over with glyptol. This past summer when water was available, the generator was brought up to its 500 kW capacity. The generator excitor is a Westinghouse 10 kW, 80 A (amps), 125 V, 1150 rpm, Type SK, Fram 63, Style 1167920, serial 244, D.C. driven by a CV belt pUlley. This piece of equipment runs hot and must have a cooling system to oper- ate. The new excitor is a Fidelity Electrical of Lancaster, PA, 10 kW, 120 V, 83.3 amps, serial 046380, 1450 rpm. It has never operated as intended. Both of these excitors are not reliable enough to continue operation for any extended period. The switch gear is as follows: 1 synchroscope, 1 W.C. ammeter, reads to 150 amps, 1 G.E. voltage regulator, (di- rector type GDA-32) 1 AC voltmeter reading 2210 through 5-4 120/10 4/82 U Q U. C I [I U ~U I U I I U I r, 2480-4160 V/240-480 transformer to produce 480 V in engine room, 1 frequency meter, 1 time meter recording hours of operation, 1 G.E. power circuit-breaker (type MG-5B, sole- noid operated, oil-ballast circuit breaker), 1 G.E. type P C-7 time-delay under voltage device, 1 Cutter hammer 180 ohm max late type filed rheostat CR-8000-Bl, 1 G.E. copper oxide rectifier for circuit breaker closing service, 1 transformer 2400 V/240/l20 V for safety cut out trip voltage. Several pieces of the above listed equipment are obso- lete and do not perform within the time of new equipment and they are only partially reliable. The forebay past the head of the penstock has a 3'-6" x 4'-4" rising stem, handwheel-operated gate. This was de- signed to shut the water off for maintenance of the lower system. The gate is too small to handle the flow and does not seal tightly. It also allows the water to flow over the top. The manually-cleaned screens are also located in the forebay. These screens take care of removing about 97 per- cent of the debris, however, at the velocity that the water travels through this structure, some larger sticks and rocks do not get removed and pass into the system. The old impel- ler showed evidence of being struck by objects at high ve- locities which cut the efficiency of the impeller and cause loss of power and revenue. The impeller that is now in the turbine is reported to show the same type of damage. The wooden flume from the forebay to the tunnel is 511 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. Most of this sec- tion was replaced in 1974 and 1977. This section has a variable slope. Some of the slopes appear to be critical and some subcritical so that at the point that the two meet, a small hydraulic jump occurs and water is lost over the side, washing out some of the support system. This has been adjusted by adjusting the flow at the dam, but that doesn't last long because the turbine has a variable demand. 5-5 120/10 4/82 '0 I Q C ID 1° U Q . (l I U 1 0 I .) 1 . ~ u 11 I~ I r 1 J U I[J The tunnel is 5' x 5' X 85' long. The flumes are at- tached at each end and show some leakage at the connecting points. The tunnel has had cave-ins that have closed off about 1/3 of the capacity. The flume from the tunnel to the dam is 5' x 5' X 104' long and is the original structure. This section is in need of replacement due to the condition of the timbers and loss of water. The maintenance of this area is very costly. The intake gate at the dam is worn out and very dangerous to operate. It will not shut the water out of the flume which causes a slowing of the maintenance workers who have to get into the facilities. The rock-filled timber crib dam is 135' long and is 22' high. The spillway is 50' wide and has had as much as 5' flowing over it at one time. Due to the lack of soil and vegetation to cover the drainage areas, the flow over the spillway can vary 5' in a l2-hour period. This variance is not an unusual occurrence. During the cold months, Decem- ber, January, and February, there is rarely enough water to generate much power. Most of the available water is used for the town. During most winters, the hydropower plant is completely shut down for a period of up to 4 weeks. The plan~ing on the lake side of the crib dam is vertical T & G 3"thick and 8" wide. The dam top surface is 2" x 12" double-planked with the lower board joints lapped by the upper boards. The wing walls are vertical planks. The rock fill under the spillway has slumped about 3 to 5 feet. The abutments that did not have a tight seal are showing signs of heavy erosion. STANDBY DIESEL PLANT There are four diesel generators which provide about 25 percent of the electrical power and are used when the hydro- power plant cannot supply the needs. Those periods of time are usually in the summer when the fishing season is at its peak and the winter when Pelican Creek is at low-flow and 5-6 120/10 .. 4/82 Q U r-: U U !W I U u the town system needs the majority of the creek flow to keep the water system from freezing. The generators are: 1. Caterpillar D-333A, 1800 rpm, 100 kW, 480 volts, 3- phase, serial 105 SH 489, purchased 1964. 2. Caterpillar D-333A, 1800 rpm, 100 kW, 480 volts, 3- phase, serial 105SH501, purchased 1964. 3. Caterpillar D-343, 1800 rpm, 285 kW, 480 volts, 3- phase, serial 200TH3669, purchased 1974. 4. Caterpillar D-3408, 1800 rpm, 200 kW, 480 volts, 3- phase, serial 205SHI099, purchased 1974. WATER SYSTEM The water system is supplied directly out of Pelican Creek after it is chlorinated. The Cold Storage Company uses most of the water for its fish processing. The water system is under pressure which is provided from a connection to the penstock. During most of the year, there is adequate water for all users, hydropower, town, and processing plants. In the winter, water from the creek is passed through the system to keep it from freezing. This winter use is a wise use of the heat that is in the water. If this heat could not be taken advantage of, then the town would have to heat the water system with electrical power. The watershed that provides the water has little cover to provide some natural purifying processes. The water, when it rains, will often find its way into the town system within a few hours, too short a time to catch some form of contaminents. Since the water is used for processing food and preserving fish throughout southeastern Alaska in the form of ice made from the waters of Pelican Creek, the sys- tem in the future may need a means of protecting its water quality from some forms of biological contamination. 5-7 120/10 4/82 o u u u ,U I r I I~ r 1 jW U I IU U Iu < ID W POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Appendix H contains the report of Benjamin C. Haight, our project electrical engineer, and describes the status of the power distribution system. Figure 5.2 shows the single line diagrams for that system. 5-8 120/10 1/82 1\1\ 12.0· ZJk> PELICAN C.R.EEK. ~ '( DRO -G.E-~E-R.A.TOR. NOTES I. DISTANCE.S A.R.E A.PPRDx I N\J'o.TE', 2.. RESIDE..NTIAL. )(J:"MR'O-SI~E.5 UNKNowN. 3. N\ETe:R.IN~ C.ONNE:CTIONS NOT "E.R..IF"I~'D. 1-------, ~/20-e40 I l' : i 5 )L.A: lj.) I -:-I i 100' +-_:z~o:..:o:....'---.t-__ ..:z..Io"""-___ --, , __ ~ rlV\!O ~:. 1 i ~~. b;l I ~....., Jv 1U>-lMV'\ I 6. 11\1\. (~ 1<"1- 5"0 I \3)10(, I J c. 1 1 I I 1 /\(\ I~D·2AO : "f'A. I ( 8O~T I HARBOR.. I CANNER.Y I r------------.J --.J I --: ------4e;; V0L:r I l M'::TEL r 1\1\ I eo -Z40 --l 1 : IDI~. ~ 1 OPER,. LJ I b I ( ( (( T50 l~)= I 'I 'I 'I 'I ME"". '"0<40 'f <40: o 0 0 0 ~IGH pOWER I I I L DI£SEL DR.lvEN GENe.RATO~ ~ ------------------- GOLD STORAGE POWER PLANT SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM -DISTRIBUTION S,(STEM r --------------, I I I I I I I I ~E6.No.~ I ___________________ L_, t:1~O ! : F,.~:-~-:~~~=~---L j e:.XC-. "-10.2. ~l~GLE LiNE DIAGBAM HYDRO C':!ENEMTOR NOTE 3 TO LOAD (COLD :':>TORAGE) TO 6.EN!:.. ~ NOl!>.I,2.,S (rip. M.En:.RII\IC ... ) ( SINGLE LINE DlAGRAt-A.-DIE~EL GENERATORS Be HAIGHT CONSUL TINe. E NGI NEE R-C',) i I~ SEWN<,t:> ST. NO. 2. .JUNE.~U I ,e...L~~t<.A ~9BOI (~O-=l-) S·BIo -~1 ~ P> PELICA.N UTIL\TIES E..L-Ec..TR,.IC.A.1-GENERATION ~D DISTRJSUT/ON Ft>...C-ILITIE5 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS FIGURE 5.2 , \ \ ~: NONE bRA,WING.. : E I , , Q U U Q U Q ,w I 'n W , r' W U U U J U 'Q I Q I IQ SECTION 6 CRITIQUE OF THE PELICAN HYDRO SYSTEM (: i~ r I U r I I- , i-I :U I U SECTION 6 CRITIQUE OF THE PELICAN HYDRO SYSTEM INTRODUCTION On the dates of 9 and 10 November 1981, an inspection was made of the Pelican hydroelectric generation system for purposes of surveying the condition of the facilities and determining what would constitute a minimum and required restoration program, and what would constitute a recommended and desirable restoration program to keep the system in operation. Appendix B includes the trip diary of that in- spection. Section 5 describes the system composed of diver- sion dam, gate structure, flume complex, penstock and power- house. This section describes the works in more detail, critiques their condition and discusses remedies. DAM Pelican Dam was constructed in 1941 to divert water from Pelican Cove Creek into a powerhouse about 120 feet below and into the water system serving the domestic and industrial needs of the community. It is a rock-filled timber crib structure about 135 feet long and 22 feet at its greatest height. As-buil t plans of the structure do not exist, but the approximate section, as described in the 1978 COE Phase I inspection report for the National Dam Safety Program, is shown on Figure 6.1. The cribs are skinned logs of Alaska yellow cedar, approximately 8.5 feet on centers. The upstream face, the braced right wing wall and the overflow spillway are all 3 x 8 Alaska yellow cedar planking. 6-1 120/11 4/82 c C/) " :::r: I m z G> z m m ::IJ Z G> C/) o m z o -------------------------------------------- MIN. POOL ELEV. 142.60 22'-AT MAX. SECTION SECTI-ON THRU PELICAN DAM m~ ____________________________________________________________________________ ~ ." m -&. u u r ) IU I , r 1 J.J ;U I U :Q I W f1 I~ I il I- U The dam serves a valuable function but is in urgent need of repair. Should it wash out, it would be difficult and expensive structure to replace. Accordingly, if it survives the spring runoff of 1982, restoration is recom- mended during the next low flow months so as to give it renewed economic life. Pelican Lake, behind the dam, is a shallow reservoir having a volume of perhaps 50 acre-feet or less. Total failure of the dam is envisioned to occur during an excep- tionally high flow, and would probably be progressive. No downstream loss of life or property would be expected from the dam failure itself, although such could be expected from the one-half probable maximum flood. Restoration and up- grading is required to protect the investment and permit continued hydroelectric power generation for the community of Pelican. The dam leaks badly and the rockfill in the cribs is reported to have slumped 3-5 feet. This slumping is judged to be the result of a combination of bottom rock being car- ried away by leakage through the dam and higher rock being sucked out of the downstream face of the dam by negative pressure under the lower nappe of the spill. during high discharge. Abutment abrasion has been reported. This is inter- preted as the effect of jetting action at leaks. The crib logs, connected with iron pins, are reported to be in basically sound condition, with rot around some of the pin holes. The right wing wall also leaks badly and gives the impression of being rather flimsy in the face of high flows, which often reach 1000 cfs. The dam should be made capable of passing 8,000 cfs. The 54" slide gate at the flume intake needs to be re- placed. At the present time, a jack is used to accomplish 6-3 120/11 4/82 o u u o D ( l I~ i I 'l U U U I :U I W U closure. It is located in the right wing wall, which is a precarious and dangerous location for the man being asked to operate the valve. Remote operation is recommended. Minimum maintenance at this time calls for lifting the spillway planks, refilling the cribs with rock, replacing the spillway planks and replacing the valve. That progam is "band-aid" in nature and is at best a temporary solution. The dam would remain unsafe due to its inadequate spillway capacity and would require subsequent repairs at frequent intervals. The recommended program is to convert the dam proper from a rock-filled timber crib with a questionable life to a permanent gravity concrete dam by intrusion grouting of the existing structure. The procedure would be to: 1. Stop seepage by covering the upstream face of the dam with tough temporary construction fabric. 2. Ballast the sheet with 2 feet of gravel. 3. Remove spillway planking. 4. Set 4 heavily perforated pipes 8" ~ steel pipes vertically to bedrock at IS' + c/c along the axis of the dam. 5. 6. 7. 120/11 Backfill these pipes and the dam itself to spillway grade with 3" to 5" open graded gravel or shot rock. Cover the downstream face of the dam with a tough construction fabric. Sheet over that fabric with vertical Ix planking nailed to cribbing. Support the planking with wales bolted to the cribbing. Caulk at abutment contacts. Set 2" ~ grout pipes in the 8" PMPs, and connect these to a flexible header leading to the discharge of a grout pump connected to a grout mixing tank. Each grout pipe will be valved at the header and 6-4 1/82 I I lu u u o u o u U I U U will have a union at 4 t on centers to facilitate gradual withdrawal during the grouting process. S. Intrusion grout the dam. The grout should be a low viscosity but rich mixture of cement and water. The grouting operation should be continuous, and the grout pipes progressively withdrawn--the grout pipes functioning as tremies with the tip of the pipes being maintained about 1 foot below the level of grout in the Stl ~ PMP. 9. Pour a reinforced concrete spillway slab as a cap on the dam. 10. Replace the timber wing wall with a buttressed reinforced concrete wall, anchored into the rock foundations. This wall will include a diversion port covered by trash racks, with the existing gate removed and replaced by a new hydraulically oper- ated gate with remote control. This modification will permit the dam to safely pass the 8,000 cfs design flood, recommended by the COE, by overtop- ping the wing wall: and will provide for a secluded and safe location for the valve operator. FLUME AND PENSTOCK The flume between the dam and penstock is a 5' wide x 4' deep "u" shaped timber channel, supported on timber bents, set on a gentle slope running 104 feet from the dam to a tunnel portal: thence through 85 feet of 6' ~ unlined tunnel dug through a point of rock: thence returning to the bent supported timber channel, to a bar screen and diversion and overflow box: thence continuing as a bent supported timber channel to its terminus at a rock catcher box and surge chamber at the penstock forebay. The length from the tunnel to the rock box is 511 feet, making the total flume system 700 feet long. 6-5 120/11 1/82 U D o o r f W , 1 lJ u u u The penstock is a 36" ¢ nominal circular wood stave pipe with steel reinforcing hoops. It is 326 feet long, running on a straight alignment and about a 19 percent grade. The only way the dam can pass design flood is by over- topping the wing wall. This would take out the flume in that section. In addition, the tunnel has experienced roof spalling from time to time. To eliminate these problems, under Alternative #1, it is recommended that the flume be replaced from the dam to the downstream end of the tunnel with a 5' ¢ pipe, properly anchored and with a timber roof protecting it from being carried away in flood. Phase II studies should determine whether this pipe be wood stave or metal. Under Alternative #3 it is recommended to replace the flume all the way from the dam to the penstock forebay in order to take advantage of full head in the reservoir and elirnnate the need for the overflow structure.- Under Alternative #1 both the bar screen and overflow structure and the rock box surge chamber (penstock forebay) are called to be redesigned and reconstructed. The existing bar screen is difficult to maintain and has passed sticks through the turbine, causing damage to the impeller. The latter is also recommended under Al ternative # 3, so as to efficiently prevent rocks from passing down the penstock. The penstock is worn to an estimated 1/2" wall thick- ness in places and is called to be replaced. Because of construction logistics, redwood wood-stave pipe is selected over steel. It has a life of 35-40 years. The area under the flume and penstock is in need of housekeeping to reduce rot should be guyed back so as potential. Threatening trees to preclude windfalls such as took out the penstock last November. The braced timber bent support structure is in fair on a selected basis, should be condition. Certain members, 6-6 120/11 4/82 U Q u o D J u u U ! u u replaced to give the system a new life. This relates to perhaps 10 percent of the members. The pile members are founded directly on natural ground and can be expected to have a longer life if supported up about l' off the ground with concrete footings. POWERHOUSE AND GENERATING FACILITIES The 42-inch Ludlow Valve is old and has failed. The water harruner which cracked the bonnet was only one in a series of problems in the last three years. In 1980, this valve caused a two-month down time of the hydro-system, at a great loss of revenue. The Leffel Turbine has an impeller that is producing perhaps 20 percent less energy than a new one that would have less down time, and more flexibility to operate effi- ciently over a greater range of flows. The water quality change caused by the lubrication prevents the company from using the water for their proposed fish hatchery. The wall thickness of the turbine casing is 1/2 inch. Certainly, erosion during the 75 years of use has cut into its designed safety factor. A major overhaul of this turbine would be necessary but may not extend its useful life significantly. The turbine was purchased because it was available, not because it was the best suited for the flow of the creek. To continue this equipment's life may not be the best de- cision in lieu of the spiraling cost of energy. The generator needs to be at least rewound. The switch gear needs to be replaced with new equipment because most of the components are old and not reliable during times of stress. The powerhouse needs major repairs to the foundation, especially in the afterbay and tail race sections of the facility. These, as a minimum, would require repair of the walls and installation of new steel liner. For optimum 6-7 120/11 4/82 I u u u u o D n W r ) U U I I U improvements, it is recommended that the draft tubes be extended and a new afterbay constructed that will take ad- vantage of extra head available and thereby increase plant capacity by an additional 10 percent. 6-8 120/11 4/82 r 1 'U I ; 1 I~ ! :1 .~ I SECTION 7 HISTORY OF PELICAN UTILITY COMPANY LOADS AND REVENUES D o o D D o u u u u INTRODUCTION SECTION 7 HISTORY OF PELICAN UTILITY COMPANY LOADS AND REVENUES Table 7.1 is drawn from information contained in Appen- dices C and H. TABLE 7.1 LOAD AND REVENUE TRENDS Gross Revenues Gross Revenues Fisca1a kWh From Water Sold From Power Sold Year Produced Pelicari Utility Pelican Utility 1977 2,350,000 $ 6,000 $ 75,000 1978 2,540,000 6,000 125,000 1979 2,650,000 6,000 140,000 1980 2,450,000 6,000b 144,000c 1981 2,625,000 11,000 210,000 ~pe1ican's FY is April 1 to March 31. Pelican Utility water rates increased about 40% during FY 1981. cPe1ican Utility power rates increased 22% during FY 1980. 7-1 120/22 Revenue per kWh Produced (mils) 31.9 49.2 52.8 58.8 80.0 4/82 D o u U I . { 1 ~ U I r I l.J I r : • I I~ I ,U I : 1 I~ , '1 I U IW I o I J I IW SECTION 8 PLANNING SCENARIOS Ii U U 'U U U r ' U r-' U I D U I , r 1 \ . '~ I , J -1 I .1..-I r \ U I f 1 SECTION 8 PLANNING SCENARIOS There are two planning scenarios: #1 -The industrial and urban power requirements of Pelican will remain more or less at present levels. #2 -The industrial and urban power requirements of Pelican will increase 34 percent within the next few years, due to plans by the Pelican Cold Storage Company to change their regional operations. 8-1 120/9 4/82 I o o u ,.-... w U U D U ,U I ! U r 1 iW I ( 1 'U I , \ ! I I~ U I SECTION 9 PUBLIC REACTION TO PROJECT D u u I '0 I r 1 U U I r 1 U I U I U ! :U I ( \ I W J SECTION 9 PUBLIC REACTION TO PROJECT PUBLIC QUESTIONNAIRE The data of this section were obtained through ques- tionnaires sent by the Town Council to each household in Pelican. There were only six questionnaires returned out of 50 sent out. The results of responses to that questionnaire are tabulated in Table 9.1. TABLE 9.1 RESULTS OF PUBLIC QUESTIONNAIRE (November 1981) Existing Utilities and Appliances Wood Oil Electric Gas Other Heating Cooking Toaster Dishwasher Clothes dryer Washing machine Hair dryer Water heater TV Radio Clock Baseboard heating Other 120/15 3 1 6 5 4 9-1 3 5 1 1 6 4 1 3 2 2 4 1/82 u u u D I :u U u W J IJ ~ \W TABLE 9.1 -'Continued Utilit;t Costs for 1981 Questionnaire Water Electric Fuel No. $ $ $ 1 60.00 540 1950 2 134.40 458 950 3 4 372 1006 5 67.20 480 1380 6 72 577 1200 Even though only six questionnaires were received, they do contain some very valuable information. Out of the six questionnaires received, all said that they now use oil for heating and five use it for cooking. All said that if hy- dropower were cheaper than oil they would change to electri- cal heating. One user reportedbis costs over the last six years for electricity and fuel. follows. That information is as Electrical Bill Year Cost($) Cost( $ ) 1976 300 700 1977 300 700 1978 360 1979 360 Fuel Bill 750 1320 1980 420 1825 1981 480 1950 Increase 60% 178% This points to be beneficial effect that the hydro- generation has had on the price of power. The hydropower costs have ,escalated about 60 percent in the past four years, wH'ereas the fuel costs increased at almost three times that rate. One questionnaire 'pointed out that power: fluctuations have destroyed many radios, freezers, clocks and other major 9.-2 120/15 4/82 u u u U D D U D 'U I i U :U I U I J I electrical items. This is borne out in other parts of the study and is caused by obsolete and worn equipment that needs replacing. 9-3 120/15 4/82 u u W D 0 U :D I 'U , r: iW SECTION 10 : 'U I WATER AND POWER DEMANDS , I U I u I J U W I~ :0 I :J " I [0 D D D u u u D U SECTION 10 WATER AND POWER DEMANDS INTRODUCTION The water and power demands shown in Tables 10.1 and 10.2 are derived from data presented in Appendix C. This is the response of Cavin Philbin, of the Pelican Cold Storage Company, to a questionnaire sent to the company. There is only about a 15 percent growth in power demand anticipated for Scenario #2 over Scenario #1. They estimate that on an average year, 25 percent of their power has been generated at the diesel plant. This agrees well with Lowell's report of 1977 and Haight's report (Appendix H) taken from the annual reports of the Pelican Utility Company: Year % Diesel Generation 1971 23.0 1972 24.9 1973 19.2 1974 36.9 1975 30.6 1977 21.3 1978 31.5 1979 20.4 1980 14.7 Mean 24.7 10-1 120/13 4/82 ~ o D D o u , 'I Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju1 Aug Sep TABLE 10.1 PELICAN WATER AND POWER DEMANDS SCENARIO #1 Water Demands 1000 ga1/mo cfs 2,425 8,625 8,625 8,625 8,625 1,648 1,648 30,648 30,648 30,648 1,648 2,425 .124 .441 .441 .441 .441 .084 .084 1.568 1. 568 1.568 .084 .124 Power Demands a 1000 kWh/mo HP 186 346 186 346 173 322 173 322 252 469 252 469 191 356 191 356 187 348 187 348 324 603 324 603 b cfs 31. 767 31. 767 29.564 29.564 43.061 43.061 32.686 32.686 31.951 31.951 55.364 55.364 Total C cfs 32 32 30 30 44 43 33 34 34 34 56 56 a These are production demands. Comparing Table 7.1 with Scenario #1 in the Pelican Cold Storage questionnaire re- ( .) kWh produced _ 2,625,000 _ sponse Appendlx C , kWh consumed -2,201,000 -1.193 This factor .193 is made up of distribution los5es and ap- bparent1y some unmetered consumption. Assumes 100 percent hydroelectric generation anq an up- graded plant that will have improved efficiency and will utilize 10 feet additional head in the system by extending the draft tube(s), constructing a new afterbay to a lower elevation, and replacing the flume with pressure conduit. 550 HP Q = 62.4(110+10)(.8) CTotal if all power is to be furnished by hydroelectric generation. 10-2 120/13 4/82 U D D u u TABLE 10.2 PELICAN WATER AND POWER DEMANDS SCENARIO #2 Water Demands a Total C Power Demands b Month 1000 ga17mo cfs 1000 kWh7mo HP cfs cfs Oct 2,568 .131 280 521 47.835 48 Nov 9,388 .480 280 521 47.835 48 Dec 9,388 .480 215 400 36.725 37 Jan 9,388 .480 215 400 36.725 37 Feb 9,388 .480 301 560 51. 416 52 Mar 1, 767 .090 301 560 51. 416 52 Apr 1,767 .090 240 447 41. 041 41 May 33,667 1. 722 240 447 41.041 43 Jun 33,667 1. 722 258 480 44.017 46 Ju1 33,667 1. 722 258 480 44.017 46 Aug 33,667 1. 722 464 864 79.327 81 Sep 1,767 .090 464 864 79.327 80 a These are production demands. Comparing Table 7.1 with Scenario #1 in the Pelican Cold Storage questionnaire re- ( .) kWh produced _ 2,625,000 _ sponse Append1x C , kWh consumed -2,201,000 -1.193 This factor .193 is made up of distribution losses and ap- bparently some unmetered consumption. Assumes 100 percent hydroelectric generation and an up- graded plant that will have improved efficiency and will utilize 10 feet additional head in the system by extending the draft tube(s), constructing a new afterbay to a lower elevation, and replacing the flume with pressure conduit. _ 550 HP Q -62.4{110+10){.8) CTotal if all power is to be furnished by hydroelectric generation. 10-3 120/13 4/82 I J u u u o o D r ) U :U I ! f 1 i I jl.l : :U I i U SECTION 11 ALTERNATIVES SECTION 11 ALTERNATIVES ALTERNATIVES DISCARDED Phonograph The alternative of diverting water from Phonograph Creek by a darn at Phonograph Lake was studied in detail. The system would consist of a 10-foot darn at Phonograph Creek with about 1,700 acre-feet of storage which would be diverted into the head waters of Pelican Creek during low flow periods and piped to a new 1.2 MW powerhouse (Power- house #2) that would discharge into Pelican Lake. A pipe- line would also collect the Pelican Creek water at the 750- foot elevation and convey it to Powerhouse # 2. The hydro capacity of the Pelican Utility Company would be increased from .50 MW or .75 MW to 1.75 or 1.95 MW, respectively_ After receiving the questionnaire response from the Pelican Cold Storage Company, it was determined that their expansion requirements were smaller than first anticipated. The pres- ent cold storage rooms were found to be using about twice the energy of similar modern facilities. Phase I I should consider the power savings potential in replacing the exist- ing sawdust insulation with new and more efficient material. It was determined that the Phonograph alternative is viable, but there is no present market for the power. When the town grows, this alternative is a good one to expand its present power supply, and is compatible with the continued operation of the proposed program. 11-1 120/12 4/82 D D o o u I ) u J I r \ U U W 'U 1 '0 I Wind The high electrical load requirements of Pelican are periodic. The electrical demands are greatest during the time of processing, therefore the electrical facilties have to produce energy on call. The wind generated energy is not dependable enough to supply those energy needs on an on-call basis. The town of Pelican is located several miles inland from the mouth of the Lisianski Inlet. The town is sur- rounded by mountains that reach heights above 3,000 feet. These mountains deflect the winds. The winds at Pelican are moderately light compared with sites that are optimum for wind power generators. Since these moderate winds are not steady , it would take a great amount of money to build the storage system to make wind generation even workable. For that reason, it was discarded as not being a viable al ternati ve when compared with hydro and diesel. Solar The solar alternative was considered and judged not feasible due to the generally prevailing conditions found at the Pelican site. The cloud cover, which provides the rains that make an ideal site for a hydropower plant, curtail the opportunity for a productive solar site. The construction of the town on piers due to the steep rock slopes that it is constructed against does not lend itself to burrowing in to provide cover of above 2/3 of the structure for installation purposes. There may be a few sites that could supplement heating by heavier insulation and construction of insulated windows to collect the heat. lectors for water heating. Others could use solar col- Solar generation of electricity is still in its infancy and has no commercial generation equipment. 11-2 120/12 4/82 u o D o r ) 'W I U I u Geothermal The alternative of geothermal was considered. The only si tes that provided any possibilities were on Chichagof Island nearer to Hoonak. There was not enough information on those sites to determine whether they could be economi- cally developed or not. Even so, the long transmission lines of above 30 miles would be required for this alterna- tive to be workable. Due to the high costs of construction and other factors, this alternative was discarded. Fossil Fuel Of all the fossil fuel options, it is obvious that diesel generation would be the most competitive, since a plant exists at Pelican and there would be no capital works to construct except an additional Cat. 3408 size or larger standby generator. Diesel is presented as Alternative #2, under the options studied. ALTERNATIVES STUDIED Three alternatives were studied, each under load condi- tions of Scenario #1 and Scenario #2. The cost estimates for each alternative are included in Appendix E, and each is analyzed on the basis of the present worth of life cycle costs in Appendix F. Alternatives #1 and #3 relate to upgrading the existing hydroelectric generating facilities, and have a minimal environmental impact because they represent a continuation of the status quo. Alternative #2 features abandonment of hydroelectric power in favor of an all diesel supply. This has the negative environmental impact of mining a nonreplen- ishable resource. In addition to the adverse economics of Alternative #2, it would require the continuous annual con- sumption of 6,700 barrels and 7,700 barrels of diesel, re- spectively, under Scenarios #1 and #2. 11-3 120/12 4/82 Q Q u u u r 1 l.. r I W I TO' I ' , I I ~-l I~ n I~ O&M costs (exclusive of fuel) for this reconnaissance portion were not included in Phase I in the economic analy- ses of alternatives because of the way Pelican Cold Storage Company operates. The same crew maintains both the hydro and the diesel system. Since labor is such a large compo- nent of the O&M costs of a modern facility, it was judged that the O&M costs would be comparable for all alternatives. Accordingly, in comparing the differences between alterna- tives, the O&M costs were deleted. this issue in more depth. Phase II will address Heat recovery from the diesel engines in this situation could only be practical under Alternative #2, the all diesel option, because under Alternatives #1 and #3, hydro will be on line for such a high percentage of the time, with the diesels being idle. This waste heat recovery potential for Alternative #2 has not been evaluated since it is judged that only the cold storage plant could benefit from its use. That will be addressed in Phase II. Heat recovery from the refrigeration compressors is a source that needs to be investigated. The existing compres- sors are larger than needed in a current design, because of the improvement in modern insulation. It is assumed that heat recovery off existing equipment would be reduced by about 40 percent due to Pelican Cold Storage upgrading the insulation of the existing cold storage facilities. Using rough figures and assuming a 40 hp motor to drive the re- frigeration compressor, there may be as much as 120,000 Btu that could be utilized for heating or processing that is presently being supplied from electricity and/or oil. This cost saving will be evaluated in the Phase II study. Alternative #1 (Base Case) This alternative calls for: 1. Repairing Pelican Dam and reconstructing the wing wall, as recommended in Section 6. 11-4 120/12 4/82 o D W I I U [ ) I~ i U U U 2. Replacing the upper 189 feet of flume and tunnel with a 60" ¢ pipe. 3. Replacing the diversion valve at Pelican Dam with a 48" ¢ remotely operated sluice gate. 4. Reconstructing both the screen diversion box and the rock box on the lower flume. 5. Replacing the penstock with a new 36" ¢ wood stave pipe. 6. Housekeeping under the total flume and penstock support system. 7. Making minor repairs to the flume and penstock support system, and providing concrete footings for the bent columns. 8. Completely abandoning the now obsolete generating machinery and switch gear in favor of a modern 500 kW package, including: 30" motorized Class 150 butterfly control valve: francis type turbine: Woodward governor: new generator and switch gear. 9. Refurbishing the afterbay. The capital costs for Alternative #1 are estimated at $1.68 million; and the present worth of life cycle costs, including the standby diesel operation, are $ 3.97 million under load Scenario #1 and $8.43 million under load Scenario #2. The essential objectives of Alternative #1 are: 1. Restoration of the entire system to a new economic life. and 2. Replacement of the worn out and obsolete machinery with a system that will operate an estimated 15 to 20 percent more efficiently. Alternative #2 (All Diesel) This alternative assumes abandonment of the Pelican Creek hydroelectric system in favor of relying 100 percent 11-5 120/12 4/82 n U Q D n U D U u ! 1 W u iU '. u' , I I D :0 I '0 I U U on the use of the existing diesel plant to furnish industri- al and domestic power for Pelican. The scheme would be reliable with the addition of a Cat. 3408 or larger genera- tor for standby. The maintenance costs would increase with this alternative, but were neglected. Capital costs for Alternative #2 are $.06 million and the present worth of the life cycle costs for this alternative is very high, being $13.18 million for load Scenario #1 and $17.55 million for load Scenario #2. The all diesel alternative would provide the opportuni- ty for excellent waste heat recovery. The specific applica- tions that the heat could be used for will be covered in the Phase II study when in-plant uses are defined and the capi- tal costs of the facilities estimated. Alternative #3 (Improved Hydro) This alternative is essentially the same in concept and has the same objectives as Alternative #1 (restored life to the existing plant, plus increased efficiency), but in addi- tion, provides the following advantages: 1. Takes full advantage of the head in the reservoir by replacing the flume in its entirety with a 60" ¢ pressure conduit. 2. Further increases plant efficiency and makes better use of both high and low flows by installing two turbines (500 kW and 250 kW) with flexibility for adding another 250 kW turbine. and 3. Further increases of power yields (by 10 percent) may be available through increased use of available head. This is accomplished by extending the draft tube and constructing a new afterbay providing for tailwater at mean high water level. The capital costs for this Alternative are $2.36 mil- lion and the present worth of its life cycle costs, includ- ing fuel costs for the standby diesel operation, are $2.77 11-6 120/12 4/82 u u U D r 1 W U I . r ) :U I r 1 W r ) U million under load Scenario #1 and $7.99 million under load Scenario #2. AFTERWORD Under either Alternatives #1 or #3, the only shortcom- ing of the hydro system is the fact that it is essentially run-of-the-river and must rely to a degree on standby diesel power during low flow periods. The diesel power plant ex- ists, however, and the investigation has indicated that the costs for storage , either at Pelican or through a trans- watershed diversion from Upper Phonograph Creek, simply can not be justified at this time. This is because the escala- tion of power requirements for Scenario #2 over Scenario #1 are really quite modest. The solution is to make optimum use of the naturally abundant watershed by increasing plant efficiency and taking full advantage of available head. 11-7 120/12 4/82 u u u ~ U ID jW I I U 'u U SECTION 12 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE D U r ' W u SECTION 12 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE INTRODUCTION Alternatives #1, #2, and #3 (reference Section 11) were compared under Scenarios #1 and #2 (reference Section 8). The alternatives are engineering options which are the re- sponsibility of the planners; while the scenarios are opera- tions options, exclusively wi thin the prerogative of the Pelican Cold Storage Company. The cost estimates for Alter- natives #1, #2, and #3 are presented in Appendix E. The present worth economic analyses for the six combinations are presented in Appendix F. SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES The economic analyses were made on the basis of the following criteria, dictated by the APA guidelines: 1. 1982 fuel costs at Pelican (from information fur- nished by the Pelican Cold Storage Company) are $1.18/gallon. These are escalated for 20 years at the rate of 2.6 percent per year, and then continue at a constant level ($1.92/gal) for the balance of the study period. 2. Diesel generators have a 20-year life. 3. Hydroelectric facilities have a 50-year life; ex- cept that the runners are assumed to be replaced after 20 years and the wood-stave pipe after 35 years. 12-1 120/19 4/82 fl U r 1 W u 4. Inflation rate is assumed at 0 percent. Therefore, replacement costs are assumed to be 1982 costs. 5. The discount interest rate is 3 percent. 6. O&M costs (except for fuel) are assumed the same under all options and therefore are not included in the analyses. 7. A 35-year study period, equal to the amortization period on capital works, is used. Table 12.1 recapitulates the analyses. TABLE 12.1 SUMMARY OF COST ESTIMATES AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES Mi 11. kvJh Generated during 35- Year Study Alt. # Description Capital Cost million $ Present Worth million $ Period P.W./kWh $ Scenario #1 1 Base plan 1.68 3.01 2 All diesel .06 9.92 3 Upgraded base plan 2.36 2.78 Scenario #2 1 Base plan 1.68 4.54 2 All diesel 0.06 11.42 3 Up graded base plan 2.36 4.31 DISCUSSION AND RECot1MENDATION 86.905 86.905 86.905 100.319 100.319 100.319 .035 .114 .032 .045 .114 .043 Al ternative #2 is presented to show the economic im- portance of preserving the hydroelectric plant. Nei ther 12-2 120/19 4/82 ( 1 I~ ,U I o o 1'1 I U [D IU Al ternative #1 or #3 is a "band-aid" solution, but rather refurbishes the existing facilities to a new 50-year life. Alternative #1 features dam, flume, penstock, and powerhouse improvements and a modern and efficient 500 kW turbine. Al- ternative #3 features dam, flume, penstock, and powerhouse improvements with a modern and more efficient 500 kW and 250 kW pair of turbines, pI us provision for a future 250 kW unit; plus replacement of the fl ume with a pipeline that will take advantage of the full reservoir head; and an ex- tended draft tube to gain suction head on the turbine. Us ing the very same flows, Al ternative # 1 increases power output over present conditions by a conservatively estimated 15 percent, and Alternative #3 by 27 percent. Al ternative # 3 is recommended. It goes a long way toward totally firming the power supply to Pelican by hydro. Table 12.2 is very interesting in that it shows the effect on the Pelican Utility Company for fiscal year 1980-81 if either the Alternative #1 or Alternative #3 plans had been on line. This assumes using the very same water that ran through the turbine. 12-3 120/19 4/82 ~-----.------.-~ ---------._-- I-' I\) I .;:.. Total Month Produced Apr 205,440 May 192,160 Jun 237,440 Ju1 259,680 Aug 296,640 Sep 206,880 Oct 199,360 Nov 107,780a Dec 161,280a Jan 124,480 Feb 227,040 Mar 198~080 10 Mo. Totals 2,147,200 ---------------------- TABLE 12.2 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING YEAR (FISCAL) 1980-81 (kWh) Actual Alternative #1 1.15 x Remaining to Produced Produced Hydro be Produced by Diesels by Hydro Produced by Diesels 63,040 142,400 163,760 41,680 8,160 184,000 211,600 0 15,840 221,600 254,840 0 14,080 245,600 282,440 0 67,040 229,600 264,040 32,600 11,680 195,200 224,480 0 147,360 52,000 59,800 139,560 100, 480 a 7,300a . a 161,280a Oa a 6,080 118,400 40,640 186,400 59,680 138,400 433,600 Actual Alternative #1 Alternative #3 136,160 0 214,360 12,680 159,160 38,920 265,440 Diesel Production as % of 10-Month Total 20.2% 12.4% 8.6% a a Alternative #3 1.27 x Remaining to Hydro be Produced Produced by Diesel 180,850 233,680 281,430 311,910 291,590 247,900 66,040 a 150,370 236,730 175,770 a 24,590 o o o 5,050 o 133,320a o o 22,310 185,270 a apower plant was down for repair of the Ludlow Valve. Q 'U W 'LJ D '0 Q o SECTION 13 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION fl '~ I i W I U LJ o o u i~ U I ( ~ U u u u U ~ W U SECTION 13 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION Certain information, beyond the scope of services al- ready authorized for the Pelican project, must be gathered in order to complete: The Phase II Studies The FERC Application The Dam Restoration Application The Water Rights Application and The PUC Rate Adjustment Application. PHASE II STUDIES Under Alternative #1 (base plan -restoring existing facili ties) , a topographic survey of the existing works, includ'ing floor plans and sections through the powerhouse, should really be made to more accurately estimate the re- habilitation costs. Alternative #2 (all diesel system) requires no additional information. Alternative #3 (re- stored and upgraded hydroelectric generation system) will require that survey cited for Alternative #1 and supple- mental topographic surveying of the tailrace channel. Alternative #1 Right now the only topographic information that exists is an unreliable profile of the penstock. Three field party days and four designer-draftsmans office days are estimated to produce: 13-1 120/14 1/82 U D o _ .. , . I I~ U I 'U I . , ( 1 11.J U I U , ) U [Q :u I[J 1. A plan of the system from Pelican diversion dam to the end of the tailrace. 2. Topography, axis profile and cross sections through the dam. 3. Profile and cross section through the flume. 4. Cross section of the tunnel. S. Plan and cross sections of rock box at head of the penstock. 6. Structural sections through penstock support fram- ing, including member sizes. 7. Floor plans, elevations and cross sections through powerhouse. Alternative #3 In addition to the surveys specified for Al ternati ve #1, Alternative #3 will require detailed topography of the tailrace channel from the existing afterbay to mean sea level. FERC APPLICATION If there is an increase of hydropower capacity (Alter- native #3), it would be necessary to submit a request to the FERC for an Exemption from a Permit or License. The request for Exemption is not as detailed or complex as one for a Permit or License. The Phase II feasibility study agreement should satisfy the requirements for this exemption. No EIS is anticipated, since neither Alternative #1 or #3 modifies existing environmental impacts. DAM RESTORATION APPLICATION Application should be filed with the Stage Forest Land and Water Division Office (Dam Safety) for the restoration of Pelican Dam. The technical information required in that Application will be contained in the Phase II report. 13-2 120/14 4/82 (1 'i.- I U ( ) U u u WATER RIGHTS APPLICATION This Application must be made to the State Forest Land and Water Division Office (Water Rights) under Alternative #3. No supplemental information beyond the Phase II report will be required. PUC RATE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION This requires no supplemental information at this time. Actual construction costs and O&M costs will serve as the basis for any rate adjustment for the Pelican Utility Com- pany. 13-3 120/14 1/82 • I :u I I U n IJ I I Q Q n IU I 'I i~ 0 n ~ APPENDIX A D REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND INTERVIEWS U , ) ! , W ( 1 U [j 'LJ 0 J 0 U u o Cl u u IU I U I r 1 IW U o w o o 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. APPENDIX A REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND INTERVIEWS Interviews with Jim Ferguson, Cavin Philbin, Tom Whitmarsh, and Cal Boord of Pelican Cold Storage Co. Interviews with State Forest Land and Water Division Rindy Patterson -Water Rights Paul Janke -Dam Safety U.S.G.S. water supply papers U.S.C.&G.S. topographic quad sheets Pelican Cold Storage Company questionnaire (Appendix C) Citizens/Town Council questionnaire (Section 9) Phase I Inspection Report for the National Dam Safety Program. COE 1978 Water Reconnaissance Study of Pelican Alaska. Balding, U.S.G.S. 1974 Electrical Study of the Pelican Utility. Lowell and Associates 1977 Pelican Hydro System Repair Requirements. Whitmarsh January 1981 Pelican Hydroelectric Plant Modernization. Whitmarsh August 1980 G. O. Leonard Thomas Thomas Engineer's Report. Corporation 19S5 Hubbell and Waller Engineering Correspondence from the James Leffell & Co. 1978; May 1968 October Preliminary Appraisal Report to the Alaska Power Au- thority on the hydroelectric potential for 10 Alaskan communities, including Pelican. Robert W. Retherford Associates 1977 A-I 120/21 1/82 I u n U o II I..l , ) I W ( 1 I W . f) , \ . I W U I U ~ :Q I U ID IU 15. Increasing Generator Capacity and Saving Fuel by System Power Factor Improvement. Thomas Whitmarsh July 1981 16. J. W. McKinley work report to Pelican Cold Storage Co. 1966 A-2 120/21 1/82 I :0 I , \,1 I~ , IW 'U I , C ~ D o iU !U I IU ! ( ) W APPENDIX B REPORT OF FIELD INVESTIGATION I ;n '~ I U ~ o D D D ( ) W I IU I 'U I o o o Ll U USKH-E~·JGINEERING SCIENCE A ,JOINT VENTURE 2515 "A" STREET. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 • 907/276-4245 December 23, ',-198) Alaska Power Authority 334 WQst Firth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Jerry Larson Dear Jerry: This letter is a diary report of the visit or myself and Pat Creegan to Pe 1 i ean and Anchorage, 1\ 1 aska, Novr~mber 9-] 3, 1981. The purpose of this visit was outlined ill Alaska Power Author- ity's "Pelican Power Alternative;" Scope or Work; Phase I: Reconnaissance Assessment; Phase II: Field Investigation. The team of Creegan and Hutchinson arrived at Pelican on the after- noon of November 9, 1981 .• Jim Ferguson, President of Pelican Cold Storage Co. was also in Pelican to investigate the break of the power plant penstock. The timing of our visit was due partially to the shutdown of the power station that was necessitated when a large tree fell on the power penstock and ruptured it. The shutdown allowed access to critical areas of the facilities. When we arrived, Pelican Power Company was using the auxiliary diesel generator to take the place ()r the hydropower plant. This allowed us the opportunity to review the auxiliary and supplemental power supply under operation. Special thanks should be given to Jim Ferguson and Cal Boord ror their holp and cooperation in giving us an understanding or the overall picture 01' the impact that the existing (or an nxpanded) hydropower ["aei lity has or would have on the town 01' Polican and the fishing industry in the area. One item discussed at length was the impact fixed-cost hydropower energy could have over the next 50 to 80 years on the Alaskan fishing industry. It was concluded that a stable source of energy would help to keep the Alaskan fish industry competitive with those in the world who had to rely on inflating oil as their source of energy. Jim explained that the fishing area of Alaska now serviced out of Pelican was 500 miles in both directions. The number of rishing boats serviced last year was about 1500. Much ()f the ice and freezing was done using energy from the -.....,."..--Pelican Hydrupower Plant, however, at the peak of the "ff~l:f'YQ d~es:~.power had to bt) us(~d which raised the costs 1'0 f1rYJctfrj~~ sIgn 1 f 1 can tl y . ~...,),' Ui/tl\ ~ ~ .~ Uti', - .., 4 C; 1981 Engine;. .. • llllg .. - Berke' v\:It:f)Ce ley 'n U n J 2- I n r<~v i c:wi og tile h i~tory and !'('(:ords. i l was round tha t the town ur Pelican was establishC'c\ becau~~ 01' its ideal site for a hydropower plant and waleI' supply, One key item that was dis(:ussed with ,Jim was: "What would the company do if more hydropower w(~r(;;, deve loped?" The company was going to study and respond to that question. The records and studies 01' the present status of the town, pro- cessing plant and service company indicated that they are at their maximum capacity unless an addition;ll energy source, and a water supply less susceptible to contamination rrom outside sources are developed. The low-water ppr';od is when the maximum energy is needed and presently not avai.lahle withuut diesel generator aug- mentation, Thes(~ low periods arc in t1w months of June, July. August, January, February and March. DUI'jng the summer, due to I ow-wa tel', the company has to opera te j ts d h:se 1 generators to conserve water 1'01' the town, I'ish processing and ice plant. Ono or th(: most cri.tical items pvaluat(:d was the timber crib dam. An evaluation (J1' the timber in the crib dam could not be made due to t he heavy ra ins wh ich (:ause the wa te r to spi 11 over the dam, nut allowing aecessibility to thn str'u(~tural members, However, a repof't from the chior openlLor r<!veal(~d that when the timbers wer<~ accessib]o this past yt:ar, th(~y round the najlings and lag bolts tight, but the wood was rotten adjaL:t!l1t to some connections. The depths of rot were not noted. The reports indicated that about 4 feet of rock had been lost out of the upper portion or the dam. After seeing the dam and reviewing the pictures, we suspect the loss of rock is due to erosion 0 f the ] ower rock by water f1 owing' through the dam which caused a slumping (If mass. This loss or rock mass reduces the dam's stability, The lost roek should be replaced as soon as possible. Some r(lt in the timber connections also causes some immediate concern. It is reeommended that rock be added and a well-designed intrusion groutjng be done as soon as possible. The intrusion grouting would make a concrete dam instead of a crib dam. The wing' walls were unstable to handle a high flood. The abutments and channel conditions seemed adequate to take care of the ultimate flood. The height of the dam could be raised, however, a careful design or the spillway will have to be done to dissipate the higher energy water paHsing over th(~ dam. By heightening the dam, water which now is spilled could be stored and used for peaking power when it is needed. An evaluation of the new dam height should be made based on available water supply, town, processing and power loads, An evaluation or the I'lUIlH' foundation supports was made. show s()m(~ r'ot. The company, in its rna in tenance program, They has iO I I r) W I 1 U u n U U U -J- periodically replaced the supplJrts that became unstable as well as other portions oJ the flunH'. The maintenance of these appears to be a constant and costly errort. The woodstave penstock was noted to h~ve several problems. The foundat)on supports had the same pi'oblem as the flume supports. The penstock appeared to have some thin sections at the top where the wa ter-f1 ow 1 ines from the J'] ume are forced to change direction. The company records indicated that other locations where t h(~ r 1 ow-1 i. nes were forced to chan~e were a] so th in and in ne(:!d or replacement. TIl<: rnatprja1 rrom the section where the tree had hroken th I'ou~h wa sci OS(\ to t1w new material' B thickness, A seric)us problem on the: penstock and rJume is trying to maintain it sarely. Two men have to traverse the 10n/-;th twice a day. That takes about an hour each time. The sarety problem is com- pounqed j n the win ter when the wa 1 kways al'C covered wi th ice. It is dif'rj(,'Ilt, if not impossibl(\ to mak!~ the existing facilities safe under that condition. The slopes in the area or the power racility appeared to be stable. The local terrain is bedrock. No faulting was noted, however, the Lishtnski Inlet was mad(! by J'au]Ung, so whatever is constructed at Pc] iean should be constructed to Zone :3 requirements with a credible earthquake estab] ished t() del"ine the design requirements for structures. The /-;eology of the Pelican Creek drainage basin will be included in the final report. The flume tunnel was not accessible for inspection, so an evaluation of that facility could not be made, however, a review of past reports reveals that some caving was experienced in the last two years. The powerhouse superstructure was in good condition as can be seen in the various pictures, however, the aging process is beginning to show on the concrete foundations, especially in the afterbays. The pr()cess 01 wear on the turbine's impellers appears to be caus- ing more and more erosion or concrete in the at'terbays from the erosion of high energy water. The upper sections of Pelican Creek were inaccessible due to the rain and snowstorm that had moved in. However, a Quad sheet and a geologic map reconnaissance was made using J1m Ferguson, who has flown in and photographed the upper reaches of Phonograph Creek, especially the lar/-;e lake at its head. This lake picture is ineluded in this report. From the information gathered, it appeared as if the upper lake with a small dam on Phonograph Creek could be used to store water in the dry months. The elevation differencl' between the upper lake and the present power plant is about 2000 reet. It appears that small flows delivered in a penstock to a turb.ine above the existin/-; crib dam from the lake at thf~ 1H:~ad 01" Phonograph Creek eould generate 1100 kw to give I , 'l .J I :1 W o D o ( \ :W I :U I I U u n . : I !~ I ~D o IU -1- a good reliuble supply or power and wat(~I' during the dry period when the town, l:old stol'age, and fish p,'ocC'ssing needs are greatest. In the wet months, use 01' Pelican Creek's upper reaches through the same facility could be acc.omplished. This would supply about 1100 kw. One big item that pould not be addressed at Pelican was the reljability oj' the:,watpl'. The water quality supp 1 j eel 11~()1ll the Phonog I'aph Lake and upper Pe 1 i can Creek source would b(: less susceptible to contamination. The Pelican Power could have plac.ed a starr gauge on their dam and rocorded the height ell' the water whenever anyone regulated the water. This type or rt:cord would be very valuable. We recommend that a stall gauge be instal led at the dum. The intake at the dam js dangerous to personnel at high flows as shown in Photo #7 and should be high on the list for modi- f"ication in combination with 1.118 other jrnpl~ovements that may be necessary. The turbine: and gen(:r~at()r are almost 75 years old and appear to work, but the records indicate that then~ has been a necessary increase () r the; n ow to produee the sanH: amount 0 r energy. The internal wear 01" the Lur'bine could n()t. 1)(· (~valuatnd, but the a r tt~rhay shows (:1'os jon r rom high (:nel'gy W:l t('r coming 0 r f the turbine, indicative or worn turbll1P blud(!s. The generator was evaluated and round in need of improvement. In order to generate at its past capacity, it was necessary to install a cooling fan. This is not a serious condition, but indicative of the condition of the facilities and equipment. The generator and system is hHyond its design life and may need replacement or a major overhaul. A c.omparison between the two a 1 terna t i V(!s wj II have to be l1lad(-~ as a port ion 0 f the final report, A vi.sj t by the cdectrjeal engineer is to be made and his letter will inelud(: the olwl jnt~ diagram or the system distribution plan, Al"ter a day at Pelican, we traveled to Anchorage. November 11, 1981 was. spent at USKII's ol"l"iees detailing tasks for the final report, reviewing data that had been obtained from previous reports, getting copies of reports that had not been available previously, obtaining informati()l1 from agencies and meeting with Jerry Larson of APA. Arter Wednesday, the most critical item had not been resolvcd--the obtaining of the precipitation and run-off records. W.ithout some good records of the Pelican Creek or a creek or river elose enough to extrapolate data from, all that cou.ld be clone was guess at what the hydropower potential of Pelican Creek was. Most () r Thursday, Novemb(~rl 2, was spent researching the water records 0 r Sou theast ern Alaska, try i ng to rind records of Pe 1 ican o n U 11 U U~ , ) W r ) W IU (-1 ·IJ I U { 1 ~ -5- Creek or creeks and'ri.Vf:r in the: near vicinity. The type record that we sought was long-term that would have a record of a dry year. The longer the record, the m()re reliable and dependable would be our conclusions and recommendatiolls. At the USGS we were able to j'ind such records. T~e stream records that were round were Hook Cr(~ek near Tenakee",and Tonol ite River near T(:nak(~e as shown on Map #1. The BlaL:k Htver at the windward side oj' P(~l ican had a 3-year record. lIook Creek and Tonolite RiveI' had 13-year records. Hook Creek is on the leeward side or the mountain from Pelican and has a gauging station on the stl'cam at eh:vutions comparahl() to 75){, or Pelican Creek. After 1'!:(:(;1v111g the l'e!',()l'ds, it W:IS c(}n(:lud(~d that these records were adl.~quatu tu nxLr'ap()I:tL(~ <lat.:1 i'l'<lJil Lo pl'ovid(! a reliablp hydro- POWCI' (:valuation or P('1 i("':11l CI'c(:k. Fl'iday was spent traveling. Arter ar-riving home, questionnail'es w()re s('nL to th(;: Pelican Town Coun(;i 1 and Pel i can Storag(~ Company. WI: are waiting a rospollse. Wh(~n those are reeei vc:d. tlH: I'i nal report ean be (;ompleled. A book is enclosed which has thu appropl'jate maps and several photographs of our visit. II' you have any questions, please call. cc: Yours truly, ~ 0~~------H~. Hutchinson p~'JManager USKH Peli('an Cold Slot'agp Co. Pal Cn}ugan I I J 10 I 'Q I :u I 'U U ;l W :U I U ' I I 11 , !.j I I iU I : 1 U r 1 ~ r ) U 0 0 !Q I :J I W 1. 2. APPENDIX C RESPONSE TO QUESTIONNAIRE Pelican Cold Storage Company Response Included Response from Citizens Summarized in Section 9 f \ . I ~ u u D r I~ I ;'1 .~ I o Hl..CE i V L 0 JiiN 11 m LOCATIONS POBOx 60' PH leAN At A$;r.A 99B3? PO 80x 12b SANDPOIN1. ALA9-.A 99bb~ UTILITY COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: 653 N.E. NORTHLAKE WAY, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98105· PHONE (2061632-9000 GENERAL OFFICES MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX SS38, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98105 January 8, 1982 Mr. Harvey Hutchinson USKH-Engineering Science 2515 "A" Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Harvey: The following power and water usage figures are offered for use in Engineering Science's study of Pelican's hydro resource. They are based on calendar 1981 production figures from Pelican, Port Alex- ander and Sand Point. Before any Phonograph suited for products. final plans are made to utilize additional water from Creek, it will be necessary to determine if Pelican is a terminus for storage and boxing of all the company's Some questions that still need to be answered are: 1. Is shipping from Pelican to the marketplace economically feasible? 2. Is shipping from Sand Point to Pelican economically feasible? 3. Will the costs associated with developing the hydro and the additional storage space at Pelican be more or less than is presently being spent for storing and boxing products in Washington and for fuel for product storage in Sand Point? If you have further questions, please call. Sinc~rely, /J. I ~/·I! . 0t---'~ .I,~~ cavin w. Philbin General Manager cwp/ak Enclosure cc: Jerry Larson, Alaska Power Authority rl ~ PELICAN COLD STORAGE COMPANY QUESTIONNAIRE Under the assumption that hydro can be developed to meet 100 percent of Pelican's ~ industrial and domestic needs, please describe the potential of Scenario #2, i.e., o A. How the Sand Point operation would be cut back (See attached sheet.) B. Additional plant and community expansion potential when certain Sand Point and Seattle processing activities are shifted to Pelican (See attached sheet.) U SCENARIO ill -MAINTAIN PRESENT HYDRO SYSTEM Water and Power Consumption , r 1 Estimated omitted) 1 ~ Water Consumption (000' s Power Consumption -KWHs (OOO's omitted~ Month Industrial Domestic Total Industrial Marina Commercia1/ Total Month U (PCS) Residential J 7,200 1,425 8,625 204 25 61 290 Dee/Jan '81 F 7,200 1,425 8,625 340 25 57 422 Feb/Mar '81 W M 1,000 648 1,648 A 1,000 648 1,648 256 8 56 320 April/May , f W M 3_0,000 648 30,648 J 30,000 648 30,648 248 6 59 313 June/July 'E :l J 30,000 648 30,648 .~ \ A 30,000 648 30,648 465 14 65 544 Aug/Sept '81 S 1,000 648 1,648 D 0 1,000 1,425 2,425 217 6 89 312 Oct/Nov '81 N 7,200 1,425 8,625 0 D 7,200 1,425 8,625 Annual Total: 2,201 Annual Total: 164,461 W 106/19 1 Gallons per month -1-2 utility bills bi-month1y 11/81 ·W '0 o 0 0 0 'U U u I 1 I : W I 1 U ( ) I '. fl I ~ i W U :1 .. REVISED 3/25/82 SCENARIO # 2 -AMPLIFY HYDRO SYSTEM TO FULLY ACCOMMODATE POTENTIAL PLANT AND COMMUNITY EXPANSION WITH HYDRO POWER Water Consumption (OOO's omitted) Power Consumption -KWHs (OOO's omitted) Industrial(1)Domestic(2)Total Industrial Marina Domestic Total 7,920 1,468 9,388 269 25 66 F 7,920 1,468 9,388 M 1,100 667 1,767 417 25 62 A 1,100 667 1,767 M 33,000 667 33,667 333 8 61 J 33,000 667 33,667 J 33,000 667 33,667 362 6 64 A 33,000 667 33,667 S 1,100 667 1,767 694 14 70 0 1,100 1,468 2,568 N 7,920 1,468 9,388 369 6 94 D 7,920 1,468 9,388 Annual Total: 180,089 Annual Total: (1) Industrial water use increases est. 10% over scenario #1. (2) Domestic water use increases est. 3% over Scenario #1. Boat Days @ Marina Employees Residents (1) Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Month 111 112 #1 112 111 112 I I J I 50 60 175 180 I I F 4,500 I I 50 60 175 180 I M I 60 70 175 180 I j A I 65 75 175 180 1,830 (l) 0"> M s:: 90 100 200 205 to J ) ;£! u 110 120 200 205 (l) 130 205 J ) 7,360 r-l 120 200 ~ A ) .,.,j 120 140 200 205 u Q) S $.i 40 80 175 180 0. 0 3.,720 0. 40 80 175 180 to 0 N z 40 60 175 180 D 3,050 50 60 175 180 360 Dec/Jan 504 Feb/Mar 402 Apr/May 432 June/July 778 Aug/Sept 469 Oct/Nov 2,945 Homes (1) Scenario Scenario 111 il2 75 78 (1 ) Increases in residents and homes only reflect change in processing strategies and do not . 1 account for an estimated 5% increase in population over the next 5 years due to a natural I~ influx of people. I J 106/19 -2-11/81 "0 ! Business Trends (OOO·s omitted) i --------------- o I (1) Year Gross Sales Pelican C.S. Gross Revenues Water Pelican U. Gross Revenues Power Pelican U. ; Q -±9:j~· Seafood Store I FY 1977 Fn 1978 FP 1979 Fn 1980 F~1981 6,438 682 7,234 679 9,888 923 14,861 13,658 964 712 6 6 6 6 (3) 11 75 125 140 144 (2) 210 Ci lJwnat do you anticipate the 1982 cost/kilowatt-hour for diesel generation will be at Pelican? Assuming fuel costs at $1.18/ga1 and diesels generate same amount of KWHs in 1982 :las 1981, expect cost/KWH should be 23.5¢/KWH. Costs associated with this include labor for ~maintaining diesels, supplies, fuel, generating equipment annual depreciation and 25% of Dis- tribution and Transmission Line Expense. This is based on the diesels supplying about 25% U of the total power generated. What do you anticipate the 1982 costs per gallon of diesel will be at Pelican? ~AVerage 1982 price for diesel (heating fuel #2) will be approximately $1.18/ga110n . . \ U , I U J , 1 I U (1) . 1 (2) J (3) Pelican's FY is April 1 to March 31. Pelican Utility power rates increased 22% during FY 1980 . Pelican utility water rates increased about 40% during FY 1980. -3-11/81 o D D r ' :U I , 1 , 1 J Pelican Cold storage Company Questionnaire A. How the Sand Point operation would be cut back. The Sand Point operation could be cut back in the areas of product storage and boxing. By storing more product in Pelican and utilizing the location to box seafood into a final marketable form, electric power that is used to run refrigeration equipment at Sand Point to store products could be saved. If this project were undertaken, a slight reduction in employees is possible at Sand Point. The big savings, however, would be in discon- tinuing Pelican Cold Storage Company's reliance on Seattle cold storage companies for product storage and secondary processing. B. Additional plant and community expansion potential when certain Sand Point and Seattle processing activities are shifted to pelican. Plant Expansion. Additional storage capacity will have to be added to the Pelican facility to store product from Sand point, Port Alexander and Pelican throughout the year. Pelican is presently able to store roughly two million pounds of product and if the Sand Point and Port Alexander facilities utilized the Pelican location to store products, it is estimated that Pelican would need space for over 4 million pounds during the months of August, September and October, providing the three plants produce on a scale comparative to 1981 season poundage. This assumes salmon roe, opilio crab and roe herring are sold FOB plant and 1981 levels of salmon are canned. This also assumes utilizing Pelican totally for storage and secondary processing. Additional storage requirements would pro- bably necessitate an additional load of 175,000 KWHs per year for the additional refrigeration needed. Boxing operations would not require a substantial in- crease in power demand except for an increased use of heat, lighting and employee power needs, creating an additional power demand approximately 100,000 KWHs/year. An additional annual use of 50,000 KWHs per year would be needed for heat, lighting and miscellaneous other needs to support the added cold storage area over and above the refrigeration requirements. An additional 325,000 KWHs per year would be required at Pelican providing this project were undertaken. Based on 1981 storage amounts from the three plants and estimated product life in storage at Pelican, the 325,000 KWHs were spread over the six bi-monthly billing periods in the following percentiles, (see Scenario #2 power consumption estimates): December/January February/March April/May June/July August/September October/November 15% 10% 10% 15% 30% 20% · . -2- The domestic load would only increase by 15,000 KWHs as a result of Pelican's expansion. There would be no effect on the harbor's power use. Conserving energy will become an increasing effort by all users but as electric power becomes more readily available and fuel prices continue to increase, any savings from conserving will be negated by converting over to electric power from fuel powered machinery. I :J I ID ! 'e I o ,~ ,~ u o ~ J j > ~ r ) I U. I ! I~ IW i 'J I J I W 'J :J I APPENDIX D HYDROLOGIC BASIC DATA n U iJ In W r 1 I~ TABLE D.1 COMPARISON OF GAGING STATIONS, 1977-1978 (cfs/sq mil Month Black River Hook Creek Hook Creek Tono1ite Creek (24.7 sq mil (4.48 sq mil (8 sq mil (14.5 sq mil Oct 25.2 31.3 26.6 34.1 Nov 6.15 13.7 15.0 12.3 Dec 3.15 8.1 5.41 7.83 Jan 5.14 1.21 .75 1.30 Feb 7.41 .75 .44 .70 Mar 5.06 4.22 2.83 2.48 Apr 10.2 8.35 5.65 6.97 May 15.1 17.5 10.9 13.2 Jun 10.5 8.86 6.26 7.17 Ju1 6.92 5.13 3.49 4.54 Aug 4.49 2.66 1. 70 2.79 Sep 7.65 5.09 2.76 4.4 Total 106.97 106.87 81.79 97.88 Mean 8.91 8.91 6.81 8.16 Upon analysis of Table D.1, Hook Creek (4.48 sq mil was selected for correlation to Pelican Cove Creek. The statis- tics used are: HOOK CREEK Area: 4.48 sq mi total 3.82 sq mi above EL 750 0.66 sq mi below EL 750 Period of record: Historical peak: since August 1967 1290 cfs max. 1.5 cfs min. 12 year average runoff: ·20,810 AF/yr or 85.5 in/yr or 28.2 cfs D-1 120/16 1/82 u D o i ' U. U IU I D r 1 W J J I J ID Year Runoff 1978-79 1977-78 1976-77 1975-76 1974-75 1973-74 1972-73 1971-72 1970-71 1969-70 1968-69 Mean PELICAN CREEK Area: 12.95 sq mi total 10.53 sq mi above EL 750 2.42 sq mi below EL 750 UPPER PHONOGRAPH (acre-feet) 29,070 16,050 21,980 23,070 28,980 16,820 22,140 17,450 17,950 21,480 13,920 20,810 Area: 1.34 sq mi total (all above EL 750) D-2 120/16 1/82 -------------------------... ---- TABLE D.2 HOOK CREEK RECORD (cfs/ sq mil Year Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 78-79 31.3 13.7 8.1 1. 21 .75 4.22 4.35 17.5 8.86 5.13 2.66 5.09 77-78 16.4 4.4 1.4 2.12 2.18 4.09 6.54 10.9 4.38 1.6 .83 4.35 76-77 12 11.2 6.67 6.05 12.60 3.21 8.46 7.48 6.92 2.39 .77 4.24 75-76 8.37 2.34 6.54 3.62 2.68 3.1 5.71 17.3 15.2 7.52 2.61 10.1 74-75 23.9 14.2 8.86 2.88 1.27 :'.; .98 3.62 17 16.6 7.25 2.86 7.19 0 73-74 10.1 1. 72 1. 33 .73 3.66 1.21 6.18 15.5 11 4.73 1. 54 4.46 I w 72-73 14 6.83 1. 77 1.6 2.66 1. 79 7.14 16.4 12.6 5.6 5.54 5.78 71-72 7.28 7.46 1 0.7 .5 1. 79 1.49 14.6 13 4.64 5.67 6.21 70-71 9.02 4.87 1.46 2.75 1. 78 2.23 3.84 11. 3 15.2 4.2 3.57 6.23 69-70 4.83 11.3 7.87 2.46 7.49 5.15 5.33 10 8.47 6.11 3.68 8.01 68-69 6.99 4.84 2.05 1.91 3.4 4.05 3.6 5.8 3.0 1.2 1.08 9.16 Mean 13.11 7.53 4.28 2.37 3.54 2.89 5.11 13.07 10.47 4.58 2.80 6.44 Mean % R.O. 17.3 9.9 5.6 3.1 4.6 3.8 6.7 17.2 13.7 6.0 3.7 8.4 LJ IL:] LJ TABLE D.3 HOOK CREEK MINIMUM FLOWS (cfs) Year Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 78-79 21 18 9.4 4.2 2.4 3.4 9.6 48 18 8.7 3.9 4.2 77-78 7.5 7.6 4.4 2.9 3.0 4.0 12 29 6.6 4.3 2.6 3.0 76-77 10 17 14 11 25 6.9 10 20 20 5.0 2.0 1.7 75-76 11 6.4 5 5 5.5 5 6.7 38 45 14 5.5 7.1 74-75 22 14 11 6 2.5 2.9 5.6 25 46 14 6.3 8.4 0 73-74 13 3 3.5 2 2.6 4 9 4.2 33 9.2 2.6 2.3 I ~ 72-73 12 11 2.5 2 3.5 4 12 41 29 12 10 7.1 71-72 11 11 1.5 1.5 1.7 2 4 9 35 9 7.4 7 70-71 16 3.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 5 5 18 35 5.3 5 6.1 69-70 6.2 9.9 9.4 4 9.4 9.7 12 20 23 7.4 5.7 9.9 68-69 8.2 9 4.5 2.8 5 8.5 8 16 8.2 3.5 2.1 13 Mean 12.5 10.0 6.1 3.9 3.6 5.0 8.5 24.4 27.2 8.4 4.8 6.3 lu I I I W Q U D U U 0 U APPENDIX E I ( ) COST ESTIMATES U 'LJ 1° :U I (1 ~ IU I '1 ~ J J r 1 J o u I W 10 J (l ·w I :J I lJ / 1 l~ APPENDIX E COST ESTIMATES Cost Estimate Alternati ve #1 Description of Item Uni t Quanti ty Mobi li zati on & DemobiIi. zati on L. S. Dam Restorati on Vi squeen Fad ng (Upstream) Vi squeen Ba llas ti ng Remove Spi llway Replace Rock in Dam Seal Downstream Face Set Grout Pi pes Grout Dam Replace Wi. ngwall Toppi.ng Dam Flume Restoration New Trash Racks Replace Flume w/60"foJ Pi. pe through Tunnel New 48"foJ Sluice Seal Tunnel Portals Upgrade Diversion Box Reconstruct Rock Box @ Penstock Forebay Misc. Flume Repairs Penstock New 36"foJ Woodstave Penstock Demoli tion Flume & Penstock Substructure Cleanup Misc. Repairs Powerhouse Modify & Repair (500 kW) New Machinery Package Freight & Installation 120/26 S.F. C.Y. L.S. C.Y. S.F. EA. C.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. 6,000 250 250 1,450 5 18,000 510 189 326 600 Subtotal Contingency @ 25% TOTAL E-1 Um t Price Cost $100,000 $100,000 2 20 5,000 20 10 1,000 20 30 7,500 4,000 250 12,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 150 5,000 5,000 10,000 80 400,000 200,000 12,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 14,500 5,000 360,000 15,300 7,500 4,000 47,250 12,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 48,900 5,000 5,000 10,000 48,000 400,000 200,000 $1,346,450 336,650 $1,683,100 4/82 o o o o u J Descri pti on of Item CAT 3408 FAS Seattle CAT 3408 Installation 120/26 Cost EStimate Alternati ve #2 Uni t Quantity Uni t Pri ce E.A. 38,000 L.S. 10,000 Subtotal Contingency @ 25% TOTAL E-2 Cost 38,000 10,000 $48,000 12,000 $60,000 4/82 o (1 ~ o u , w I J T1 J Descri pti on of Item Mobilization & Demobilization Dam Restorati on Per Alt #1 Flume Restoration Per Alt #1 Replace Flume from Tunnel to Surge Chamber Rock Box Penstock Per Alt #1 Cost ESti mat e Alternati ve #3 Uni t Quanti t y L.F. 511 Flume & Penstock Substructure Per Alt #1 Powerhouse Modi fy & Repai r New Machi nery Package (750 kW) Freight & Installation Extended Draft Tube New Afterbay 120/26 S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. 600 Subtotal Contingency @ 25% TOTAL E-3 Uni t Pri ce 400 80 600,000 300,000 10,000 25,000 Cost $100,000 429,300 100,250 204,400 53,900 15,000 48,000 600,000 300,000 10,000 25,000 $1,885,850 471,450 $2,357,300 4/82 o o I " iU' , \ U D : (1 I~ ! : :,"1 I~ I U ( " \ i W APPENDIX F ECONOMIC ANALYSES I' • 1 ~ o I (! ~. u o ,~ I : 1 1--I J I J APPENDIX F ECONOMIC ANALYSES INTRODUCTION The economic analyses are based on the present worth of the following combinations of three alternative projects and two load scenarios: Description Required kWh of Annual Combination Alternative Power Production (kWh) Alt. # 1 , Scenario #1 500 MW hydro + diesel standby 2,626,000 Alt. #1, Scenario #2 500 MW hydro + diesel standby 3,516,000 Alt. #2, Scenario #1 All diesel 2,626,000 Alt. #2, Scenario #2 All diesel 3,516,000 Alt. #3, Scenario #1 750 MW hydro + diesel standby 2,626,000 Al t. #3, Scenario #2 750 MW hydro + diesel standby 3,516,000 Assumptions Assumptions are: 1) Inflation rate is 0 percent. 2) The discount interest rate is 3 percent. 3) Except for fuel, the O&M costs are the same under all options and therefore are not included in the analyses. Fuel costs are $1.18/gallon in 1982, escalating at 2.6 percent for 20 years (to 1.92/gal in the year 2202) and thereafter remaining level. 4) The economic life of hydro facilities is 50 years, except that runners are assumed to be replaced at 20 years and wood stave pipe at 35 years. 1982 runner costs are taken at 10 percent of in- stalled machinery costs, i.e., $60,000 for Alt. #1 and $90,000 for Al t. #3. F-1 120/27 u o )' U u i 11 J J J :, '1 ~ 5) The economic life of diesel generators is 20 years. The data on these costs are: Unit * #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cat D333A Cat D333A Cat 343 Cat 3408 Cat 3408 Exists Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Service Prime Prime Existing rating 100 kW 100 kW Purchased 1964 1964 Replace 1984 1984 2004 2004 2024 2024 Life remaining at 50 years 13 13 1982 equivalent Cat 3306T Cat 3306T New rating 130 kW 130 kW 1982 cost FOB Seattle $24,000 $24,000 Ship & install $10,000 $10,000 New constr. cont. 25% 1982 replacement cost $34,000 $34,000 * Required for Alt. #1, Scenario #2 Alt. #2, Scenario #1 & #2 Alt. #3, Scenario #2 Standby Prime Prime 285 kW 200 kW 225 kW 1974 1974 1982 1994 1994 2002 2014 2014 2022 3 3 11 Cat 3406T Cat 3408 Cat 3408 300 kW 225 kW 225 kW $35,000 $38,000 $38,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 12,000 $45,000 $48,000 $48,000 6) A 50-year study period is used, because this is the longest eco- nomic life among the options compared. 7) Straight-line depreciation is assumed in calculating the salvage value of diesel components at the end of the study period. 8) No growth period is assumed for the load scenarios. That is to say that under Scenario #1 the required power production is 2,626,000 kWh per year for each year in the study period, and under Scenario #2 is 3,516,000 kWh (refer to tables 10.1 and 10.2) • 9) Fuel costs per kWh for diesel production are taken from a) $1.18/gal -information furnished by Pelican Cold Storage Co. and b) 111.1 gal of diesel and .6 gal of lube oil required per MWh of diesel production - a figure approved by APA. F'-2 120/27 o o u u u IU ~ 1 .. Then, 111. 1 x $1. 1 8 = $131.10 0.6 x 3.95 = or 2.37 $133.47/MWh $.133/kWh 10) Waste heat recovery is only practical under Alternative #2, and even then it is questionable. The points of use are believed to be only at the cold storage plant and realistic capital costs for the system that would utilize it are not now known. Accordingly, waste heat recovery is not included in these analyses but will be looked into in more detail in Phase II. Peak Demands Assume industrial peaking = 1.2 x Aug/Sep load (ref. Appendix C). Assume domestic peaking = 2.0 x Aug/Sep load (ref. Appendix C). Assume distribution and "non-metered" losses = 19.3% (tables 10.1 and 10.2) • Scenario #1 ....;4....;.6-i:5"""_0..,,.0_0_k....;.W_h....;. x 60 days 79,000 kWh x 60 days Scenario #2 694,000 kWh x 60 days 84,000 kWh x 60 days Plant Capacities Alternative #1 Days x 1.193 x 1.2 24 hrs Days x 1.193 x 2.0 24 hrs Total Days x 1 .193 x 1 .2 24 hrs Days x 1.193 x 2.0 24 hrs Total Installed hydro 500 kW 462 kW industrial peak = 131 kW domestic peak = 593 kW = 690 kW industrial peak = 139 kW domestic peak = 829 kW Installed diesel 685 kW (existing) Total = 1,185 kW Scenario #1 • Required capacity = 593 kW <685. Scenario #2. Required capacity = 829 kW >685, <1,185. Since August is a peak month of industrial production and the low month of runoff, diesel unit #5 is recommended for standby to give complete F-3 120/27 o o Q o o ( l W r 1 \ I ~ reliability to the system in the event of outage at the hydro plant. In- stalled diesel kW = 685 + 225 = 910 >829. Alternative #2 * Installed diesel = 685 + 225 = 910 kW .( Scenario # 1 & #2) • * NOTE: Diesel #5 added even for Scenario #1 as a required standby under the year around load factor Scenario #1. Required capacity = 593 kW <910. Scenario #2. Required capacity = 829 kW <910. Alternative #3 Installed hydro 750 kW. Installed diesel = 685 kW (Scenario #1). Installed diesel = 850 kW (Scenario #2). Scenario #1. Required capacity = 593 kW <910. Scenario #2. Required capacity = 829 kW <910. Production The following table is derived from Table 7.1 and page 10-1. Produced Produced Year kWh Produced by Diesel by Diesel (%) (lis) 1977 2,350,000 21.3 500,550 1978 2,540,000 31.5 800,100 1979 2,650,000 20.4 540,600 1980 2,450,000 14.7 360,150 Mean (existing) x 1.15 = hydro production (Alt. #1) = x 1.27 = hydro production (Alt. #3) = F-4 120/27 Produced by Hydro (lis) 1,849,450 1,739,900 2,109,400 2,089,850 1,947,150 2,239,200 2,472,900 rl ~ o u o u u ( 1 ~ Table--Continued Year kWh Produced Produced by Diesel (%) Accordingly (ref. tables 10.1 and 10.2) Required annual production Alt. #1 hydro production Alt. #2 diesel production Alt. #2 diesel production Alt. #3 hydro production Alt. #3 diesel production Present Worth of Diesel Costs Alternative #1, Scenario #1 Produced by Diesel (% ) #1 (kWh) 2,626,000 2,239,200 386,800 2,626,000 2,472,900 153, 100 Scenario Produced by Hydro (%) #2 (kWh) 3,516,000 2,239,200 1,276,800 3,516,000 2,472,900 1,043,100 Present worth of the escalating annual amount for years 1-20. A = 386,800 kWh x $.133jkWh = $51,444 PW 1 _20 = e = .026 escalation factor i = .03 discount factor n 20 PW 1 _20 = A (19.204) = $51,444(19.204) = $987,931 Present worth of fixed annual amount for years 21-50. A = $51,444(1.026)19 = $83,779 @ 3% discount PW 21 -50 = PW50 -PW 20 = A(25.73-14.877) = $83,779(10.853) = $909,253 Alternative #1, Scenario #2 A1 _20 = (1,276,800 kWh) ($.133/kWh) = $169,814 PW 1 _20 = ($169,814)(19.204) = $3,261,108 A21 _50 = $169,814(1.026)19 = $276,550 PW 21 -50 = ($276,550)(10.853) = $3,001,397 F-5 120/27 " rl '~ I o ~U o I) W o u u u r' U ( 1 : i .. u J Alternative Scenario #1 A1 _20 = (2,626,000 kWh) ($.133/kWh) = $349,258 PW 1 -20 = $349,258(19.204) = $6,707,151 A21 -50 = $349,258(1.026)19 = $568,782 PW 21 -50 $568,782(10.853) = $6,172,991 Alternative #2, Scenario #2 A1 _20 = (3,516,000 kWh) ($.133/kWh) = $467,628 PW 1 _20 = $467,628(19.204) = $8,980,328 A21 -50 = $467,628(1.026)19 = $761,553 PW 21 _50 = $761,533(10.853) = $8,265,135 Alternative #3, Scenario #1 A 1 _ 20 (153,100 kWh) ($.133/kWh) $20,362 PW 1 _20 = $20,362(19.204) = $391 ,032 A21 -50 = $20,362(1.026)19 = $33,160 PW 21-50 $33,160(10.853) = $359,885 Alternative #3, Scenario #2 A 1 _20 = (1,043,100kWh) ($.133/kWh) = $138,732 PW 1 _20 $138,732(19.204) = $2,664,209 A21 -50 = $138,732(1.026)19 = $225,931 PW 21 -50 = $225,931(10.853) = $2,452,029 Recapitulation Al terna ti ve # 1 Al terna ti ve #2 Alternative #3 120/27 PW/Fuel Costs Scenario #1 Scenario #2 $ 1,897,184 12,880,142 750,917 F-6 $ 6,262,505 17,245,463 5,116,238 Cl ~ Ll o o u u r l , I ~ n I~ I J I " J I :W ECONOMIC ANALYSES Present Worth, Alternative #1, Scenario #1 Capital Cost Replacement Costs Runners at yr. 2002 $60,000(.5537) at yr. 2022 $60,000(.3066) Penstock and flume at yr. 2018 $373,550(.3553) Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1 at yr. 1984 $34,000(.0426) at yr. 2004 $34,000(.5219) at yr. 2024 $34,000(.2890) #2 at yr. 1984 $34,000(.9426) at yr. 2004 $34,000(.5219) at yr. 2024 $34,000(.2890) #3 at yr. 1994 $45,000(.7014) at yr. 2014 $45,000(.3883) #4 at yr. 1994 $48,000(.7019) at yr. 2014 $48,000(.3883) Salvage Value of Diesels 120/27 #1 (13/20)($34,000)(.2281) #2 (13/20)($34,000)(.2281) #3 (3/20)($45,000){.2281) #4 (3/20)($48,000)(.2281) Total F-7 Present Worth $1,683,100 33,222 18,396 132,760 1,897,184 32,048 17,745 9,826 32,048 17,745 9,826 31,563 17,474 33,667 18,638 (5041) (5,041) (1,540) ( 1 ,642) $3,971,978 o o D o , r ) W r 1 !jJ I \ 1 ~ u Present Worth, Alternative #1, Scenario #2) Capital Costs Diesel #5 + Replacement Cost Runners, penstock and flume per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 #5 at yr. 2002 $48,000(.5537) 2022 $48,000(.3066) Salvage Value of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 #5 (11/20) ($48,000) ( .2281 ) Total Present Worth, Alternative #2, Scenario #1 Capi ta I Cos t Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, per Alt.#l, Seen. Salvage Value of Diesels # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, per Alt. # 1 , Seen. Total Present Worth, Alternative #2, Scenario #2 Capi tal Cost Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, per Alt. Salvage Value of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, per Alt. 120/27 #1 , Seen. # 1, Seen. Total F-8 #2 #2 #2 #2 Present Worth $1,683,100 60,000 184,378 6,262,505 220,580 26,578 14,717 (13,264) (6,022) $8,433,572 Present Worth $ 60,000 12,880,142 261,875 (19,286 ) $13,182,731 Present Worth $ 60,000 17,245,463 261,875 (19,286) 17,548,052 o o D I fi U r 1 W ( ) W u , i J Present Worth, Alternative #3, Scenario #1 Capi ta I Cos t Replacement Costs Runners at yr. 2202 $90,000(.5537) at yr. 2022 $90,000(.3066) Penstock & flume per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 Salvage Value of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, per Alt. #1, Seen. #1 Total Present Worth, Alternative #3, Scenario #2 Capi tal Cost Diesel #5 Replacement Costs Runners, penstock & flume per Alt. #3, Seen. #1 Fuel Costs Replacement Costs of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, per Alt. Salvage Value of Diesels #1, 2, 3, 4, & %, per Alt. 120/27 + #1, Seen. #1, Seen. Total F-9 #2 #2 Present Worth $2,357,300 49,833 27,594 132,760 750,917 220,580 (13,264) $2,774,803 Present Worth $2,357,300 60,000 210,187 5,116,238 261,875 (19,286 ) 7,986,314 , II ~ D APPENDIX G PHOTOGRAPHS (Sul::mitted with Diary Report) o D IU 10 o o w U J 1° I r \ , I jl-J I I , 1 W : ~ 1 I~ , '1 I~ ~ I 'W I 'J I IJ APPENDIX H REPORT OF BENJAMIN C. HAIGHT PROJECT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER D o D D o o o , r 1 \J 1 0 :l I~ IJ January 21,1982 USKH 2515 "All Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ATTN: Mr. Richard Mayes, P.E. B.C. HAIGHT Consulting Engineer RE: Pelican Electrical System Study Dear Rick: I have completed a survey of the Pelican Utility Company System as you requested in your letter to me on January 8. Enclosed is all the information that you requested, plus graphs of the energy usage and energy production by the two power plants. Due to the short length of time that I was there, I could not visually checK the control and instrumentation connections. My single line diagrams assume some connecti ons based upon standard 'practi ce, and are intended to primarily show the operational relationships of the equipment. . As you may note from my enclosed report, a certain amount of system rehabilitation is necessary just to optimize the energy consumption by the existing facility, to optimize the'operations time by the plant engineers, and to maintain the past good record of reliability. This rehabilitation should include reconditioning the hydro generator and exciters, installing a new control and switch gear panel with a new voltage regulator for the hydro generator, adding remote controls and supervision of the hydro plant from the diesel plant, adding protective relaying and more metering to the diesel generators, and testing and calibrating the existing equipment. You may also observe in the single line diagram that there appears to be no protection of the feeders, transformers, and panel boards for the cold storage plant. This should be corrected. Also note in the nameplate data that diesel generator no. 3 must be derated for continuous operation. Please call if you have questions or a need for additional information. Enclosures c.c. Mr. Thomas Whitmarsh C.e.. Nt." Io-\"'~\I'~ t...l1.4-tc.k~~r;,o~ Ben Haight, P.E. • 119 Seward St. NO.2. . Juneau, Alaska 99801 • (907) 586-97 88 o D r-' U o u ( , I 1 W : 1 W : I I~ r \ I U J I . I 1 I~ :J I 'l I~ 'J I 'l I~ IJ Pelican Utility Company Electrical Generation and Distribution System 1. Hydro Electric Generator This generator is located in a building on Pelican Creek near the south end of town. The generator is driven by a James Leffel & Co. horizontal hydraulic turbine. Detailed information can be obtained from a report written by the chief engineer, Tom Whitmarsh, January 1981. The generator field is excited by a rotating d.c. generator. In 1978 a second d.c. generator and regulator was purchased and installed as backup excitation. This unit has never been functional. The existing excitation equipment has operated a long time with minimal maintenance. The controls-and switchgear are an accumulation of equipment mounted in a single open panel. A. Generator: The generator is still a very functional machine. It is dirty, losing its paint. The winding and lead insulations are questionable. A tele- phone call was made to Lloyd Electric in Seattle, Washington, seeking recommendations and an estimate to entirely rewind the unit. Due to the fact that it is still a functional unit with no apparent problems, they do not recommend a rewind. They do recommend what they call a "basic," which is defined to be an inspection and test of the unit in their shop for an approximate cost of $450. They expect that the most that they would propose to do would be to clean, dip the stator and rotor in type H insulation, bake, replace the bearings, balance, and retest the machine. The scope of work would be best determined during the "basic.1I A total rewind cost is approximately $22,000 in Seattle. B. Excitation: The original excitation system needs replacement. At the time of the field survey, January 13 and 14, 1982, this unit was non-functional, and attempts were being made to troubleshoot the problems. The second excitation system utilizes a modern Basler regulator and is arcing badly at the brushes while in operation •. The regulator is mounted on the wall separately from the main control panel. The excitation systems can be rebuilt and tested by Lloyd Electric when the generator is rebuilt and tested. C. Controls and Instrumentation: The controls and instrumentation are very minimal and in poor condition. , The control panel has been modified many times with no indications left of the internal wiring and connections. Much of the equipment and wiring is unaccessible for connection verification. The control wiring o o o o is located with the 2400 volt conductors. The entire control panel needs to be replaced with a standard designed panel with new controls and instrumentation. D. Protective Relaying: The only protection to the generator is an undervo1tage device on the circuit breaker and overcurrent· fusing. It is recommended that new relaying in accordance to today's standards be installed with the above mentioned new control panel. E. Turbine Safety Devices: The unit is provided with standard safety devices monitoring bearing oil temperatures, governor oil pressure, governor belt condition, and turbine water pressure. There is no overspeed sensor; overspeed condi- tions have occurred. These devices need 'overhauling and reca1ibration. They should be reconstructed to show their alarm condition at one annunciator panel assiciated with the main control panel. 2. Diesel Power Plant The diesel power plant which contains four diesel driven generators is 10Gated on the opposite end of Pelican from the hydro plant in a building which also contains the refrigeration equipment for the cold storage plant. Each generator unit is a standard packaged, skid mounted unit. The controls and safety devices are all self-contained. The engines are all cooled via radiators mounted to their skids. The building is in good condition. A. Controls and Instrumentation: The generator circuit breakers and instruments are enclosed in indi- vidual enclosures floor mounted against a wall at one end of the room. Two additional enclosures contain the outgoing feeder and cold storage feeder equipment. The control and instrument connections were not verified. The meters should be tested and calibrated and the circuit breakers should be adjusted and tested. B. Protective Relaying: The only protection for each generator other than the circuit breakers are reverse power relays. It is unlikely that these have been cali- brated since installation. It is recommended that new additional relaying in accordance to today's standards be installed. 3. Distribution System The distribution system consists of a 2400 volt insulated overhead line routed the length of the town. The overhead line consists of three conductors on pin insulators and crossarms. The poles and crossarms are being replaced on a regular basis and appear to be in good condition. jl w U U I U '0 I - w , IU U U J , ~ 1 I~ ! ( \ :(J I j U iJ 1 !~ I J With the exception of the crab cannery and the cold storage plant, all secondary services are developed from pole mounted transformers. Most of the residential transformer containers are rusted with no visible size markings. Their sizes are estimated to be 15 KVA each. The other trans- former sizes are shown on the drawing. The overhead line size was identi- fied by Leonard Lowell & Associates in his report of 1977 to be No.2 AWG. This was not verified. Loads through the various transformers were not determined. The primary fuse sizes were not verified. A. Controls: The system has three control pOints: (1) The hydro generator circuit breaker, (2) a main circuit breaker at the diesel power plant, and (3) a remote operated sectionalizing switch which separates the cold storage plant, the diesel power plant and cannery from the remainder of the system. The circuit breakers are both localiy operated. The sectionalizing switch is operated from the diesel power plant. The controls were not verified for safety interlocks preventing connection of the two buses with the sectionalizing switch. 4. System Controls The main operations center is located in the diesel power plant. The only remote instrumentation monitored is the ampere output of the hydro generator. The only remote control is for the sectionalizing switch. The generator loads are monitored via the demand needle on the KW/KWH meters. There are no kilowatt, var~ or power factor meters. It is recommended that kilowatt and var or power factor meters be permanently installed with each generator to aid in operating the generation systems more efficiently. It is further recommended that these indications plus the ampere and voltage indications from the hydro plant be remoted to the diesel plant. The remote indications and controls for the hydro plant should also include a general alarm, and voltage and speed controls. 5. Buildings A. Hydro Generator Plant: This building is a wood frame structure on a concrete slab. It appears to be structurally sound with a good exterior appearance. The interior is unfinished and difficult to maintain. The building needs a general upgrade. B. Diesel Generator Plant: This building is a metal building on a concrete slab. The overall appearance is good. Although the generator plant space is minimal, it is adequate. o I~l U \ U U U U U 'U \ :u ' I \ ' I 1 dj 1 6. References A. Report by Leonard Lowell & Associates, dated 1977. B. Report by Mr. Thomas Whitmarsh, Chief Engineer for Pelican Utility Company, dated August 1980. C. Report by Mr. Thomas Whitmarsh, dated January 1981. O. Report by Robert W. Retherford Associates, dated 1977. Benjamin C. Haight, P.E. January 22, 1982 o U ! U I r-- U \u . ; 1 \W J IJ ! iJ 1 J \ I J I i J NAMEPLATE DATE 1. Hydro Generator: General Electric No. 607224 P.F. 1.0 . Type ATB 10-500-760/735- Form C 500 KW 2300 Volt 125 AMP 760/735 RPM 2. Diesel Generator No. 1 3. 0; esel 4. Diesel 5. Diesel Caterpill a r D333A 1800 RPM 480 Volt 150 AMP TOO1<w Generator No. 2 Caterpillar D333A 1800 RPM 480 Volt 150 AMP TOO1<w Generator No. 3 Caterpillar D343 1800 RPM 460 Volt 447 AMP ~KW STANDBY ~. Frame No. 449 Generator No. Caterpillar 1800 RPM ~KW 4 3408 480 Volt 412 AMP 1Q5°c TEMP RI-sr- 6. Hydro Generator Governor 7. 8. Woodward Type VR No. 479"3 FOOT POUNDS 2,000 Hydro Voltage Regulator No. 1 General Electric Diactor N.P. 76964-B Hydro Voltage Regulator No. 2 Basler 11 W W U W D r~l W i W I IU r 1 I U !J i I J ,J I :J I IJ iJ iJ 9. Hydro Undervoltage Device General Electric Type PG-7 CAT 6300140 G38 230 VOlt 10. Diesel Generators Power Relay General Electric ,Type 1CW Model 121CW5242A Pick up 25/100 11. Kilowatt/Kilowatthour Meters General Electric Type DSMH-53 15 mi n I nterva 1 ,/ ELECTRICAL ~ N E RG. Y I,OtII> CDN'&U NlPTION (MW~) 1500 18 YEAR5 81" PEl-lCAN EN~R.G.'{ CONSUMPnoN 0~ft-l~el) .. DEC. VA.LUI:: ~VE~A(.El:> F"R,OM. PRE."'OlJ~ '(EA-R'& ~OWN E'L.:.e.C.TRICAL 2J:» ENERG.V eON~UMPnON (MWI-t) ,00 J '-'11415. (.MONTHS) ----------.------ PEUCAN ENERU'( CONSUMPTION 1'311 e:NE~V co NSUMPTION (N\wJ.l) too J F M A M J rlM.E (MONTHS) PELICAN EN ERG. Y CONSUN\PTION 1~1-e ToT"'-L. o '" , Za> EL..E.CTRICt\L- ENERa'(' C.Ot-lSUMPTION (MWH) 100 -~~~------------------------------- TI Me ltol\ONr\-\S) PEL\CA.N E.N ERG '( CONSUMPTION 19t9 El.ECTRlCAL EN e.Rc;. y CON QUMP1'lON (MWI-l) 100 ----------- -'" TIME. lMONTI-I'S) -------------------------.------- PELICAN EN ER.,.G..'( CONSUMPTION l<laO ELECTR\CA.L S).1E.RG. Y CON!>UMPrr ON (tw\WI-l) P~LICMl . EN ER.C:. Y CONSU""PTION (qal I :Q I o :U I , D I D W LJ J U 'J I U U IU ~ U o W p ~ APPENDIX I REVIEW COMMENTS ON DRAFT REPORT I D )1 • o r ') W ! 1 ~ u U r , U fl W APPENDIX I REVIEW COMMENTS ON DRAFT REPORT The following items, 1 isted below, contain comments which were incorporated into the final report. o o o o o o o o 120/17 10 March 1982 letter from State of Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources 25 March 1982 letter from Calvin Philbin 24 February 1982 submittal from Tom Whitmarsh 9 March 1982 letter from Pelican Utility Company 3 March 1982 review of draft report from Alaska Power Authority 4 March 1982 letter from U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife 16 March 1982 letter from Department of Energy, Alaska Power Authority 16 March 1982 letter from Alaska Fish and Game 1-10 REVISED 4/21/82 Ii W D Q u U J j J DEPART1UENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ._ LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT March 10, 1982 Eric P. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: JAY .t HAMMOND, GOrCRNOR 555 C ordolll Pouch 7·00S An!:horage, Ali 9951)) (9071 276-2653 REvEIVi.:'J " .... - I have reviewed "A Report to Alaska Power Authority On Pelican Power Alternatives, Phase 1 -Reconnaissance Assessment. II The Water Management ·Section has management responsibility for water quantity and dam safety. I offer the following comments in those areas. Water Quantity The Pelican Utility Company has water right certificate 43665 for 60 cfs associated with this facility. If more water than this ;s required after the modification, an Application for Water Right must be filed with this Division for the additional quantity needed. Dam Safety Page 6-3 of , the report indicates that total failure of the dam is envisioned during an exceptionally high flow, but no downstream loss of life or property would be expected. This is in partial disagreement with the Phase I Inspection Report of the Pelican Cove Creek Dam by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Page 6 of this report states that this dam has a downstream hazard category of 2(significant) based on the potential loss of life downstream of the dam. Because of this hazard the Corps of Engineers has identified, and becuase of the impending dam failure, the dam should either be destroyed or modified as soon as possible. As mentioned on page 13-2 of the report to the Alaska Power Authority, and according to 11 AAC 93.160, no work on the restoration or demolition of thi s dam may begin until fi 1 ;ng an Appl ication to Construct or Modify . ,.: . ,. n W o Q i D , '0 o { -, I~ .. I , I i- u , J\ Eric P. Yould -2-March 10, 1982 a Dam and recelvlng approval from this Division. Therefore, I would like to be kept informed as plans continue. Thank you for the opportunity to review this report. Sincerely, J.W. SEDWICK Director 'Po BY: , P.E., Civil Engineer Water Management Section pc: Leila Wise, DNR u ' , ' t_"WIiifi//iIldiI;~-, a&W!l!SZll'r we RWWiNl!#. d • M '~ u '1 ~ u u r I .J March 25, 1982 Harvey: As we discussed Scenario No.1 will remain the same, which is a recap of 1981 power sales. Add 5% for line loss if you want actual power generated. Also, please remember to take out Gross Sales and Gross Re- venues in the Business Trends section of my original question- naire response. Thanks. Sincerely, Cavin W. Philbin CWP/ak cc: Jim Ferguson n :W u D o () I~ I J I 'U I 'U I ') \.J - I..OCAT1ONS ~~, ... ~' QIf;, , ... ...,4... .. ~A9963: ~ i:'.-~~:,It..* .. ::.'''''~''~''~l:.~' UTILITY COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: 653 N,E, NORTHLAKE WAY. SEATTl.E. WASHINGTON .105· PHONE (201) U2-toOO GENERAL OFFICES UAIUNG ADORESS: P.O, BOX 5538. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON .105 March 25, 1982 Mr. Harvey Hutchinson Engineering Science 242 S. Main street Alpine, Utah 84003 Dear Harvey: Re: Electric Load Forecast Revision for Phase II of Pelican Hydro study Enclosed are 'load rev~s~ons for Scenario No. 2 of my original questionnaire response to you dated January 8, 1982. We have had a chance to look more closely into the power required to store an additional 2 million pounds of ~roduct and run a secondary boxing operation at Pelican. The annual total on Scenario No. 2's power consumption increased from 2,541,000 KWHs to 2,945,00G KV.:ls. 7he methodology for applying this increase remained the same. I have also rewritten the paragraph on plant expansion as follows: B. Additional plant and community expansion potential when certain Sand Point and seattle processing activities are shifted to Pelican. Plant Expansion. Additional storage capacity will have to be added to the Pelican facility to store product from Sand point, Port Alexar:der and Pelican throughout the year. Pelican is presently able to store roughly two million pounds of product and if the Sand Point and Port Alexander facilities utilized the Pelican location to store products, it is estimated that Pelican would need space for over 4 million pounds dur ing the months of August, september and October, provi~h.ng tRe three- plants produce on a scale comparative to 1981 season poundage. This assumes salmon roe, opilio crab and roe herring are sold FOB plant and 1981 levels of salmon are canned. This also assumes utilizing Pelican totally for storage and secondary processing. To store two million pounds in a new, fully insulated facility would require a 38HP com- pressor running 70\ of the time which would use about 175,000 KWHs per year. Fans and a condenser pump would be rated at a total of 10HP Which, running continuously, would use another 65,000 KWHs for a total cold storage usage of 240,000 KWHs consumed annually. Lighting and office heat for the cold storage would amount to another SO,OOO KWHs per year. I I In '~ ID 10 I ID D r ) \ I ~ u IU i . . : ) .~ I J u J March 25, 1982 Mr. Harvey Hutchinson - 2 - It is estimated that boxing product in pelican would require increased heat, lighting and small motor use demanding 100 ,000 KWHs per year. Bunkhouse power demand would increase 15\, or 45,000 KWHs per year. Pelican Cold storage Company is also planning on adopting conservation measures as part of an on-going program to cut back power use. The cold storage could save a large amount of power by re-insulating the facility and decreasing in- filtration through doors and other openings. Other energy savings realized through cutting down on electricity use would be negated by increased dependence on electrical power instead of diesel powered machinery as fuel prices increase faster than electric rates. The domestic load would be expected to increase by 30,000 KWHs (two to three homes) as a result of Pelican's expansion. There would be no effect o~ the harbor's or commercial users' power use as a result of the expansion. Based on th~5e :igures, Pelican could expect an additional 435,000 KWHs to be.consumed if a boxing operation were undertaken, not taking into account energy savings. Based on 1981 storage amounts from the three plants and estimated product life in storage at Pelican, the 435,000 KWHs were spread over the six bi-monthly billing periods in the following percentiles, (see scenario No.2 power consumption estimates): Sincerely, Cavin W. Philbin General Manager cwp/ak December/January February/March April/May June/July August/september October/November 15\ 10\ 10\ 15\ 30\ 20\ cc: Jim Ferguson, Cal Boord, Tom Whitmarsh, Jerry Larson, APA p' .. "r,;~,; . . 'r,. J. U · SCENARIO' 2 -AMPLIFY HYDRO SYSTEM TO FU1.LY ACCOMMODATE POTENTIAL PLANT AND lr COMMUNITY EXPANSION WITH HYDRO POWER . 1 I I ~ Month Water Consumption (OOO's omitted) Indu6tr1al(1)Domestic(2)Total Industrial J 7,920 1,468 Pover Consumption -KWHs (OOO's omitted) Marina Domestic Total 9,388 360 Dec/Jan F 7,920 1,468 269 25 66 9,388 H 1,100 667 1,767 417 25 62 504 Feb/Mar ;. 1,100 667 1,767 M 33,000 667 33,667 333 8 61 402 Apr/May 33,0~::l 667 33,667 .,~r , , .~ T ~ J J ;. s 33,OCD 667 33,000 667 1,10:) 667 33,667 362 6 64 432 June/July 33,667 1,767 694 14 70 778 Aug/Sept ( 1 :~ I ! ~ IT ~ ~ ~ j I I 1 IW o 1,100 1,468 2,568 N 7,920 1,468 9,388 369 6 94 D 7,92Cl 1,468 9,388 k~nual Total: 180,089 Annual Total: (1) In=ustrial water use increases est. 10\ over Scenario il. (2) Dc:-:-.estic water use increases est. 3\ over Scenario 11. Month J F A J J A s o II J) ) Boat Days @ Marina Scenario Scenario #1 12 ) 4,500 1,830 ) ) 7,360 ) ) ) 3,720 ) ) 3,050 Employees Scenario Scenario 11 12 50 50 60 65 9J 110 120 120 40 40 40 50 60 60 70 75 100 120 130 140 80 80 60 60 Residents (1) Scenario II 175 175 175 175 200 200 200 200 175 175 175 175 Scenario 12 180 180 180 180 205 205 205 205 180 180 180 180 469 OCt/Nov 2,945 '(. Homes (1) Scenario II 75 • Scenario 12 78 (1) Increases in residents and homes only reflect change in processing strategies and do not account for an estimated 5\ increase in population over the next 5 years due to a natural influx of people. I ' D ["Puge 4-4 ~ D I I ( ) W'acc , .~ I U J ( 1 I.J j ':; ,'C L, W Ii , ,.. l -t; CO!,:11EN7S ON " A HEf()H1' '1'(' J\ 1 ,J\:;Y ... \ j.'(J'!-IF;i; i, U'~'l~( FIi";' ON P:'~I.JC Iii; W':J1-J~ ALTF.nN;\TIVf.S: PHA.')!: I -R'FCCNNAISf:.t.NC1:; /\!~:~l'::) .~r[J~Tn (.T.r~:;U!<FY lSI?)?') C] "l\l~On k~!>!'fi recnrds for th~ 1~"lti()nl1l ',~eilther Service. Fidelity Exci tE:r 1450 H!'I~ iIl;;tead of 145 RlH. '!'he fourth Cat is n 3408 per D.C. iI<lieht repcrt. 11 E' C E" V'ED. MAR 2 )982 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Second parar,raph: No rocks ever found in bottom of turbi.np. CFVle ... although steel H sections which rURt:~ff on in5ide of penstock nre • found there. All the blAde dRm~ee is due to sticks being jammed aeninGt thp.m. A much better trFlRh rnck syd,(?r.l i ~ rel1uircd. The pr:.J':;~nt r;lck can pluG in l'lS lit!:l"! an three hnUrf; durin/: hi~h run- off pp.riods. Rerl.'.lci:1c the flunc to the rlo''fn Gtr~alr. f'llrl 01' tl;~ tunne) with r1)/''' i:::; a [:ood idea, but it \,/ould be v~r'J di.ffi.cI1L to huild', wood .'.;tavp. ch~c;'-, m:Hle f)f usinr; 0Juminurr. culvt1!"'t inr-.lt;;:r1 of \-lo(,d ~:t:l\'!; !\ip~'? Durin~ thin winter, 19S1-82, ~~n; more ~n~ll le~ks have occurred in in th~ flu!':le ju::t l..l.f :·;t!'C~;,;.r.1 fror:: the pell~;tock. 'l'h:is sC'c~i:.,n \:3:; it up. .c;ubgtantia1 amountn of \I.:lt(?l' itre 1e:1l.i:1[;' So p:r:l repluci~c the entire f1ur:Jc should be :,;trr:nr:1y c(;nsidcr"rl. (Rp.tter tr:l!ih r;-,ck at d~m would th~n be required). ~':al1 thici:ne,:;:, of tt;rbine: Hole::> driller! D:lti t;'I~ped in to;" ::,f cnse fe·,:" L:reusQ fitt:.rw ,~ICces:; r:hnVl(d ::tb~'..It WI ~J[\ll thickncc!J. I 1.3('1 J:of believe U:crc is ten feet of 3d,:ition.,l head ~n the tl'd.l- r:lC~. There r.liGht he ten f~:.::t;. tot:.tl he:~d inc!'e"ne if the t!l.ilr.:lcc 'f;:.!:; J.olwred and thp. r:Ur:11! wa:, rcp1,!cerj 'I'ith ! ire' 111,1 tl;{' ·,w.y to th~ F,_,:, ',drjitir:,!\';l hf'?:u.l, anot.!H:r ;!ltr:rn'It.ivp. " .. , ",: :n:,t.'lll :1;'1 cntir'''ly I: .', ,1"1:. in t!w 'n·,tt::', 1(':\ ",.,;! ,Inl'!!: ,:tr"',Il' fr ", t:-.I" T··r,<.,,:,t d'\~',. "'hi" = ¥..A. _, e"" / .~ , .. ' \ '. I •• '(I ~ w 0 W I (lee D D rl ~ 0 U U :1 ~ Paee D ( 1 W LJ II .\ age I 'j W Pabe W J 0 11-1 11-2 11-3 1)-4 dam could easily be 50 feet higher than the exist ing d:un <.:.r,d ,,-;onld eliminate the need for lCO feet of wood stnve pipe and rcp~irine th~ pre~cnt dam includine the wine walls. The S322,550 sav~nes on rp.pair could go toward the new dam. The higher dam would require an er.vironmentnl imFact :::tatement hC'..fever. Expansion requirements: I believe the cstim3tcs for KWI! for a larger cold storage and packinE operation are too 10',1. In mid vlinter 1981 wi th no fish beinG froz.en, the elec trieal lo~<d fror.; the enGine room and fishhcuse is averagine abo)lt 1960 KEH l~er day or over 700,000 KWH over a year. It seems reasoncble to use this fiEure DO a bD~e)oad for a two million pound cold storilge. If the cold stort'gc wng upped to four million pounds it would likely double the power requirements because moot of the load is compre~sors ond l'UMpn for rflfrigeration. AlGa the estimate for the increase in dcmer.:tic load \vas only 15.000 KWH per year. This might be equivalont to ahuut two new hOU~CG. It se':ml; reas~nable to me that the anciition:ll steady work Dvailablc with a p~ckagine operation would result in considerably more town growth than this. 75,000 to 150,000 KWH mic;ht be a more reasonable e:-:timate. So the additionol power usa~e could easily !'\,;.n 600,000 K\m hic;her. than the estimates in the report. Fossil fuel: The all diesel plan indicates no capital works are required. but this is incorrect. At the prenent time we do not have adeq~te capacity w~teh diesel pow('r to opcr':lte the plc.nt 3t peak load in the summer high load period. Thifi is with all engines running:at peak ~utput and no back-up for maintenance down time. At least one additional Cat of 3408 size or larger would be required t . ~. for an.~1.lldiesel operation • . , l,. " .. ~ Heat recovery: Hight be ~o6sible from refrigeration compressors 'I regardless. of power source. ., ' I Alternative #2: Diesel power in called relinble; however, in my experience with the Pelican and Sand Point plantG, numerous brenk- downs and rebuilds require extra engines for standby and consicerable maintenance expense. • I I" jlJ I wge Page I' U 0 I :1 j l.J I u 0 r 1 ~ U ,~ 1 ~ . I , I ~age r , I W J I ' I, I Page " 1 U ; 1 _age I U J r 1 'IJ I I '1 .. 12-3 12-3 ? 3 5 -- 3 .. Typo: 500 KI~ turbine not 50 KW turbine,o Estimates based on s~me flo~s a3 used by prcRcnt turbine ~o not come close to utilizing the available water resource. During the last six years, during the erring, mo~t of the summer, and the fall large amcunts of water flow over the dam tc wo~t~. This water could be used to generate more pOHer if turbine cO:;;;lci ty vIEW ''\Vuilable. ~ven this sum~er when the turbine was finally able to run at full capacity, 500 KVA, there was lots of exccss water. If our present turbine is only operating at 5O'.t efficiency ann the efficiency could be raised to 75 ,; with new turbines, than the same amount of water would be required for a 250 KW nnd 500 K\oI ecnerator as is required for the present inefficient 500 KW ecnerator. Thin doc~ not allow for the 10 % increase in power available due to hi~h~r head or the fact that much more wuter i.:; avuilllblc for 13.;vcn months of the year. Possibly a 750 KW and a 250 KI'} cene)'ator wC)uld r,c;re fully utilite tl~ powcr availuble. USKH letter to Alnska Power Authority, Dece~ber 23, 1981 • Third paragri:l.ph: Low water in summer during last six yean:. h .. s only been in last two weeks of August and sometimes nnt even then. However, we often need diesel suppliment power from late Nover.lber to mid April. 'tto. • ', . .iI!:" ;'~'i I ~'" ~'-: 1[;~i~ ~ rhird ~'f~~faph: 0n::(~one man checks flume and dam daily 1 and it takes abo~t 15 minutes.' : The safety problem with ice in winter is very .~;~~ 'a~d getting' worse. ~ I :" . : " ~; r.;;~ ~ , Fifth p~~gr~ph: Only one cave in in tunnel noted in last four years. • :~ > The tunnel 18 larger inside than the flume so some blockage does not make that much difference. WM 'e 'iI¥ fOJ?"'1'4 .~ .. -' .. 0 0 r--; W 0 n W 'l U r~'l W - Pelican Cold Storage Suestionn~ire Assumption of the same amount of diesel burned in 1982 as in 1981 is already incorrect as the 1981 .... inter .... as very m~.ld and the hydro l-/as used extensively. 1980 \"as /.J.lso a mild .... inter nnd production .... as do,,'na as .... ell, requiring les~; rower. So I the last hw yeurs have seen lo .... er thor. normal diesel usaee. Ass~~ptions on additional po .... er required for n secondary processing operation are probably way too low. The rlomectic lo~d increase is also too lovl. '11 ' -r : I USKH letter from B.C. Haight, January 21, 1982 1. H:;dro EJ ectric Generator ;l ~ A. Generator: The Babbit bearing wos new two yeurs ago. The down ; ) W , 1 l.J r ) W time cost for sending the gener,ltor out for rebuild could easily exceed tho cost of a rewind. If the job could he done iri Pclic~n it probably should be. B. Excitation: G. E. Guarranteed tIle new exciter when they worked on it last summer. It still has the same arcine problem, 50 they will be co~inG to Pelican to trouble-shoot it when there is enoueh water to run the turbine again. Thin .... ill probably not be before April. 'l .;. Distribution System While polcs and cross arms are being replaced when time there are at least ten questionable poles and we are only changing one or two a year. Host of the distribution transformers nre 25 't~VA. A peaking AI-lP probe has been installedpn mont of them to check for ovp.rloads. only the one by the bunkhouse is ~arginnlly overloaded nnd that load will be split this spring. A. Controls: There is no snfety interlcck preventing conncction of the t .... o buses with the sectionnlizing switch. Tom \~hitr.:arsh Feb!,IIFlry 24, 19.'32 "UII.Dip , , .~ o u ! 1 1..- r ' U u ~:"l~': ~. :~· • .!~L·l"."w.:.·.; I :: "~"'.;~.;:' .. '.'j...~~"./..~'-J* UTILITY COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: 6!>3 N.E. NORTHLAKE WAY. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 18105· PHONE (206) &32-111000 GENERAL OFFICES MAILING ADDRESS,: P.O. 80X !>5.3e. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 18105 March 9, 1982 Mr. Jerry Larson Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99500 Dear Jerry: Enclosed for your information are recommendations from our company for the second phase of the study involving Pelican's power alternatives. Of prime importance to the company is to have a survey done of the entire water system. One particular area that needs surveying is the dam. The survey drawings should includedeteImining the dimensions, amount of voids in the rock, abutment conditions and information needed for a grouting en- gineer to step in and grout the dam. Included in the dam survey should be cost figures, drawings and additional power gained as a result of in- creasing the height of the dam. In addition, it is important that the IIL~~ survey team document their investigation and analysis of building a new dam downstream adjacent to the notch where the tunnel is located. The documentation should be supported with engineering feasibility and costs, comparing them to the costs associated with grouting the dam. Replacing the wood stave pipe in the tunnel should be looked at more closely to determine if it wouldn't be more practical and less costly to install a metal pipe instead of a wood stave pipe. A detailed feasibility and cost analysis of replacing the flume upstream from the penstock should be done, particularly to determine if installing a metal pipe is a better solution than wood. The penstock will have to be replaced in the near future. When this is done, the collection box will have to be upgraded also. What would be a sound means of handing the trash collection upstream from the collection box at the time of this upgrading? It would be beneficial for the survey team to analyze the trash removal, collection box and penstock replacement, remembering that ~~=r~~ some time in the future there will be two turbines instead of one. R£CdVED Finally, the survey investigation should look at whether 10 feet of ditional MP\R 1 1, 10;,)') \ j I '.\. E~gi~gerjng'Scjence j,' ,""~d I' w 0 D iD I U I r 1 I U J I I :1 I~ ~ OJm~DOC&~ March 9, 1982 Mr. Jerry Larson - 2 - head would be derived from lowering the tailrace. Tides should be taken into account with measurements and costs associated with lowering the tail- race. The final economic analysis should offer Pelican Utility Company an idea of 1.o;ha:: 0. ::::':-.al cost per installed. Ki': would be after the proposed upgrading and as a result, the cost per KWH generated by the hydro system. Please include savings from not relying on diesel power which, except for standby power, ~ill eliminate diesel fuel and maintenance costs. In addition, we are aware that there are discrepancies in the additional power figures required for plant expansion included in phase 1 of the study_ We plan on rectifying these discrepancies before the end of the second phase of this study. Sincerely, Cavin W. Philbin General Manager CWP/ak cc: Jim Ferguson Cal Boord Tom Whitmarsh ~at creegan, USKH-Engineering Science, 600 Bancroff Way, Berkeley, CA 94710 Harvey Hutchi~son, USKH-Engineering Science, 242 S. Main Street, Alpine, Utah 84003 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (901) 216-0001 (901) 2n-1641 l;I"/(;~/"'C£It(,/~ Go St:::j}p!._C-t:;: 11"1 E!Prr ?~t"f,o. '1:11 ~ ~~ .. A1-p/~ R (tI.1AJ...... ~oo3. __ . ,------- WGENTLEMEN l ___ . ___ .. . a--2-.J~~,beLi t:.Pr{ ~ "---~----~~-., ~ HUnhl~'.Jo- , ----.~~ .-. -~ -------- -.-. - WE ARE SENDING YOU .. Attached 0 Under separate cover via _______ the following items: o Shop drawings o Prints -::; Plans ~ .. i Samples 0 Specifications I o Copy of letter rJ Change order ~ ---L.C'-I-M1'A!:\,j"''V-i~C.J::.t.''''\--+'.cN~~e,""O.u.U.t.}Ju:A~f[.ao!~'Lte:llr.!A:....!..L~_~f-_____ _ rl~, __ ~ ________ ~ ______ ~ ______________________________________________ ~ ':OPI[S DAl[ NO ·:~~~-.~--,"-~2-1-~---+-P-J2..-,J-'JIc..-·-:L:I·--_ --Hrj;~fJ~--m/!~~--pA-e;.(l~ ~(J"n'\ ~:---+-___ t--_-+-+R~o' c..t""'-=L-'t'---t.-~--ID,,",,-,! R ........ J4.-E!L. __ 7J:J_ .. _'£_R.. ... _.~C()~M~'':! .eii...!od~.t2t._~'-!.." ____ ---1 , ) I '.,t .4 I .' f I ( ,r~ , 1 ~:--~----4---4--------- ... -.--. ---------------1 -----_._-----------1 Jl~~---~-~----------__ -----------------~ U I~. ~ _____ ~ __ ~ _______________________________________ ~ WTHESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below r i 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted C Resubmit copies for approval ){ For your use n Approved as noted n Submit copies for distribution 0 As requested [I Returned for corrections lJ Return corrected prints ~ For review and comment :. I ---'-----"--' o FOR BIDS DUE 19 __ '! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US W REMARKS tfAlfUey - . L tv I. (. L Ruf4?!..UJ91fJD d-n" t9n cI ,4-«-~ 1€R.Ue.Hf auf Ur»tYrl-42J rA s ~~=~ r-1 Atf&u.e. G;rtr< m..e A cpu. IF_y~~~ ~ c.lMiFt'~ ~ &1'7 ~. _. __ .. ---_ ... _._._._--------------------- w ---------------------.--.... ,.~. -----------------',,'--- -------------------.-~------.. ------.... U --------------------------_ .... _._._ ...... _---... _-_ ... _-_. __ ... _------------------ .--.-.-.. ------------ --------------------------------- COpy TO _________________ _ J u j 1 W ( , I IJ : : ] .~ I ~ u u I~ storag __ --... __ electricity to the community and The community is small, but ~ "'113 r Oil8Ftl:1I13 ili60L eerved about 1,500 fishing vessel s in 1980 and is critical to the fishing industry in that area. \ Pelican Potentiul for the Future With storage and a small diversion on Phonogaph Creek there is a potential of about 1.1 MW of additional hydro- electr ic capabil i ty. The feasibil i ty of that additional power is dependent of whether the cold storage and secondary processing is expanded. The expansion of the fish process- ing plant, which is presently being investigated (Scenario # 2, Section 8) by the Pe 1 ican Cold Storage Company, call s for only about .66 MW in total production. THE PROBLEM The APA has employed the services of USKH-ES to perform a reconnaissance-level study, as outlined in Section 3, on the power facilities at Pelican, Alaska for the purpose of leading to a feasibility study of a suitable alternative to meet the power needs presently and in the future. The re- quirements are outlined in the APA register 1981 3AAC 94.055, Sec. 4 as amended. 2-2 ~ 7 .. : :,2()/G 1/R2 / r 1 U J r ' W J r, : 1 ~ ( 1 U U ,W o I !u U W U a_ The penstock is a 36" ~ nominal circular wood stave pipe with steel reinforcing hoops. It is running on a straight al ignment and about grade. 326 feet long I a 19 percent The only way the dam can pass design flood is by over- ng the wing wall. 'I'hi s would· take out the fl ume in section. In addition, the tunnel has experienced roof from time to time and rocks have actually passed the rock box and entered the turbine causing serious blade damage to the impeller. To eliminate these problems, under Alternative #1, it is recommended that the flume be replaced from the dam to the downstream end of the tunnel with a 5' ¢ wood-stave pipe, properly anchored and with a timber roof protecting it from being carried away in flood. Under Al- ternative #3 it is recommended to replace the flume all the way from the dam to the penstock forebay in order to take advantage of full head in the reservoir and elimnate the need for the bar screen and overflow structure. Under Alternative #1 both the bar screen and overflow structure and the rock box surge chamber (penstock forebay) are called to be redetailed and reconstructed. The latter is also recommended under Alternative #3, so as to effi- ciently prevent rocks from passing down the penstock. The penstock is worn to an estimated 1/2" wall thick- ness in places and is called to be replaced. Because of construction logistics, redwood wood-stave pipe is selected over steel. It has a life of 35-40 years. The area under the flume and penstock is in need of housekeeping to reduce rot potential. Threatening trees should be guyed back so as to preclude windfalls such as took out the penstock last November. The braced timber bent support structure is in fair condition. Certain members, on a selected basis, should be replaced to give the system a new life. " This relates to n-fl 120/11 1/82 J.J.. : i i i I i perhaps 10 percent of the members. The pile members are founded directly on natural ground and can be expected to have a longer life if supported up about l' off the ground with concrete footings. POWERHOUSE AND GENERATING FACILITIES The 42-inch Ludlow Valve is old and has failed. The water hammer which cracked the bonnet was only one in a series of problems in the last three years. In 1980, this valve caused a two-month down time of the hydro-system, at a great loss of revenue. The Le ffel Turbine has an impeller that is produc ing perhaps 20 percent less energy than a new one with less down time, and more flexibility to operate efficiently.,....(a~!'I=:::s ....... The water quality change causeJ by rication prevents the company from using tn't:l"'-'W'Cr'1:, eir proposed fish hatchery. The wall thickness of casing is questionable. Certainly, erosion during the 75 years of use has cut into its designed safety factor. A major overhaul of this turbine would be necessary but may not extend its useful life significantly. The tur- bine was purchased because it was available, not because it was the best suited for the flow of the creek. To continue this equipment's life may not be the best decision in lieu of the spiraling cost of energy. The generator needs to be at least rewound. The switch gear needs to be replaced with new equipment because most of the components are old and not reI iable during times of stress. The powerhouse needs major repairs to the foundation, especially in the afterbay and tail race sections of the ~ facility. These, as a minimum, would require repair of the walls and installation of new steel liner. For optimum improvements, it is recommended that the draft tubes be 6-7 120/11 1/82 . -_._ .. _------- I P ~ I r , W J n I~ 0 r ) :U I '1 1.J W U U i , . I U ( , J :... 'I ~ 0 c, I w , - J f--i ~ 7 INTRODUCTION SECTION 7 HISTORY OF PELICAN UTILITY COMPANY LOADS AND REVENUES Table 7.1 is drawn from informution contained in .l1.ppen- dic.;e~; C und Il. '1'l\I~Lr': 7. 1 LOAD AND HEVENUE 'l'EEl\DS riscal (il) Year Gros:; llevenues Gross Sales P~lic3n C.S. KWH From Water Sold $eafood Pelican Store Produced Pelican U. 1977 L,08,OOO S~B3,OOO :l,)~n,OU() S 6,000 1978 ;,234,000 6 7 9,000 2,540,000 6,000 '),866,UOO 92),000 2,(,50,000 6,000 1980 14,661,OOU 964,OUO 2,·1~O,OOll ~,UUO «:) 1.:,6!>I!.OOO 712,OOU 2,6:.!!:>,OOO 11,000 (3) Peliciln':; fY 1:, APlll to M.1l'cll )1. (Ill P"lic.:srl Utility pow"r rate!; incTu3st:d 2~ .. '!Ll11!I<1 !'Y 1980. (c) Pelican Utdity water rilte,; in::r"J~,;,d .)lJout 40\ durillg FY 19~1. 7-] • Gross Revenues From Power Sold Pelican U. S 75,000 125,OOU 140,UOO 144.000 (b) 210,OOU / • ) I \ t''''' \ /1" . I J I IW ( I .~ o , f I !~ I i~ SECTION 8 PLANNING SCENARIOS There are two planning scenarios: #1 -The industrial and urban power requirements of Pelican will remain more or less at present levels. ';Jtl:1aIt .. t:"'e "PQI'IU' lJ'lppl~{ to caRle .;oem & refglt:ilifleil aY8:l"eelle l lic .l'c;!; am (p:5'liIiI!Ient: scheme) ead\ed up bj t#i •• ;:&Plee~f 8i e #2 -The industrial and urban power requirements of Pelican will increasJ~i thin the next few years to ... :i'l:ft tofte pe'w .. IH· 8-1 120/<) ----------------------.... ------.. ~--.~.~.~,~=-----~--........................ ~ .. r n :.. (, W U J U D r~: J 0 : ': ..J U ( / \ \. , 1, \ t~. '. . I L ( I - { 1 --. , ? • ( '.' , , j::Z t: C /, .. .",' I I ,I ' I. I I I r -(-1 ;': I" ~ .,.r" ._------ ("os T rOlf' Sf':) Plc.(2 t--I~ (I "rJ ~ ----- .-------~--.--------- ') --- eM I._J p.-I fa 6 IN 7' I 1>..( 7/ J;",,< tv 0 J ( jJ Til (' J /7'G :;r ({ fI.p./, () r:~tNf 'j!.A J..J o-.~ p. ep. ..e S~ ;:;, ,/ . .;5 '-Dv,J;vJ ()(?l1ril r:r~k IJ I • I i i i n I I~ i -~ 1 . Questionnaire No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE 9.1 -Continued Utility Costs for 1981 Water 60.00 134.40 67.20 72 Electric $ 540 458 372 480 577 Fuel $ 1950 950 1006 1380 1200 Even though only six questionn~ires were received, they do contain some very valuable information. Out of the six questionnaires received, all said that they now use oil for heating and five use it for cooking. All said that if hy-------dropower were cheaper than oil they would change to electri------------------- cal heating. One user reported his costs over the last six ------- years for electricity and fuel. That information is as fOllows. I , cr.-. 1· _~ rJ. t.. ,.:J t:W 1977 Electrical 1978 1979 Bill 1980 1981 Increase ,/ Year 1976 Cost ($) 300 300 360 360 420 480 60% G Fuel Bill Cost ($) 700 700 750 1320 1825 195 ~ 1_ "7 () I.,: I ~-- This points to be beneficial effect generation has had on the price of The hydropower -----costs stayed the diesel costs increased al One questionnaire have destroyed many radios, freezers, clocKs and other major electrical items. This is borne out in other parts of the study and is caused by obsolete and worn equipment that needs replacing. 9-2 120/15 1/82 J \ ;, . r II.; I :fl AdM SECTION 10 WATER AND POWER DEMANDS INTRODUCTION The water and power demands shown in Tables 10.1 and 10.2 are derived from data presented in Appendix C. This is the response of Cavin Philbin, General Manager of the Peli- can Cold Storage Company, to a questionnaire sent to the company. There is only about a 15 percent growth in power demand anticipated for Scenario #2 over Scenario #1. ---~. _--..:. e 1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 Mean 120/13 estimate that on an average year, 25 percent of at the diesel plant. This with Lowell's report of 1977 and Haight's report taken from the annual reports of the Pel ican % Diesel Generation 23.0 24.9 19.2 36.9 30.6 21.3 31.5 20.4 14.7 24.7 10-1 ! .. I ,J I D 11 U (l W 11 /U 'u U SECTION 11 ALTERNATIVES ALTERNATIVES DISCARDED Phonograph The alternative of diverting water from Phonograph Creek by a dam at Phonograph Lake was studied in detail. The system would consist of a 10-foot dam at Phonograph Creek with about 1,700 acre-feet of storage which would be diverted into the head waters of Pelican Creek during low flow periods and piped to a new 1.2 MW powerhouse (Power- house # 2) that would discharge into Pelican Lake. A pipe- line would also collect the Pelican Creek water at the 750- foot elevi)tion and convey it to Powerhouse #2. The hydro capacity of the Pelican Utility Company would be increased from .50 MW or .75 MW to 1.75 or 1.95 MW, respectively. After receivin3 the questionnaire response from the Pelican Cold Storage Company, it was determined that their expansion requirements were smaller than first anticipated. -It was determined that this alternative is viable, but there is no present market for the power. When the town grows, this alternative is a good one to expand its present power sup- ply, and is compatible with the continued operation of the proposed program. but dis- 11-1 11L", ___ ,1 20 /12 .. _----------- I u o D u o ( 1 W o c, : . I Solar 'fhe solar alternative was considered and judged not feasible due to the generally prevailing cloud cover. € \. P .,Pry>.C' -::2.. <> [--' I' ~ /'1'/ ,<:: ,c; ~\. I; . Geothermal The alternative of geothermal was considered. The only sites that provided were on Chichagof I s 1 and n ear e::.r=-,,;t:.:o~H:.:.;:o~'!s:A.,.o:'-:;""'-+H:H; . whether th~y cally r{ ... : .. <t.'/l.'~ , .• .: ( r····'· . .''''':'r-'', .. 1/= r;~'If"-"""'" d veloped I.or not. Even Ya-o-; the lines require 1S alternative makes it infe Fossil Fuel Of all the fossil fuel options, it is obvious that diesel generation would be the most competitive, since a plant exists at Pelican and there would be no capital works to construct. Diesel is presented as Alternative #2, under ~/ . the options studied. I NUU D.J(? l.() A~I-< ~ rtJ Il S..)h ~ $ Ct:lS r c.!1 Tl-ru.... R.JL.q)~o, I IV 7II;.s f'r/f .t:J,ttCJ. ALTERNATIVES STUDIED Three alternatives were studied, each under load condi- tions of Scenar io # 1 and Scenario # 2. The cost estimates for each alternative are included in Appendix E, and each is ~nalyzed on the basis of the present worth of life cycle costs in Appendix F. Alternatives #1 and #3 relate to upgrading the existing 1-u.o~""""5"4-""""'~+-ric generating facilities, and have a zero envi- mpact because they represent a continuation #2 features abandonment of of quo. Alternative hydroelectric power in Lavor of an all diesel supply. This has the negative environmental impact of mining a nonreplen- ishable reource. In addition to the adverse economics of Alternative #2, it would require the continuous annual con- sumption of 6,700 barrels and 7,700 barrels of diesel, re- spectively, under Scenarios #1 and #2. 11-2 I~ i ~: ........ 1_2_0./.1.2 ........ ______________________ ~ 1/fL2 f 1 W ~ o D o I u o '~ O&M cos economic ana. Cold Storage the hydro aT large compon. was judged t alternatives. Duwe I\,ove A /jP 0 I m tJ 5 I"" t. 5 e:.N\ e.. 11--< ,,..J • c... d1 Am 011::-.6&- l:~I(~~ -.3 -SAir.it w 4-1-9) . -" ::I ....J.J.I::!,LCII<.:es between alternatives, the O&M costs were deleted. Heat recovery in this situation is only practical under Alternative #2, the all diesel option, because under Alter- natives #1 and #3, hydro will be on line for such a high percentage of the time , with the diesel s being idle. Ac- cordingly, the capital cost~ for a heat recove~~system were not estimated. The allowance was made fgrpt~ computing differences in fuel costs bet~eD.~Jternatives, however, by ~r / .... (> varying the assumed e_tfic.ienc ,"of th'e diesel plant from .5 .(. ~ ~." under the hydro options to .~under the all-diesel option . • , ? 7O'D4<..-SiN~f7 Alternative #1 (Base Case) This alternative calls for: 1. Repairing Pelican Dam and reconstructing the wing wall, as recommended in Section 6. 2. Replacing first 189 feet of flume and tunnel con- veyance from the dam with a 60" • wood stave pipe threaded through the tunnel. 3. Replacing the diversion valve at Pelican Dam with a 48" ¢ remotely operated sluice gate. 4. Reconstructing both the screen diversion box and , the rock box on the lower flume. 5. Replacing the penstock with a new 36" ~ wood stave pipe. 6. Housekeeping under the total flume and penstock support system. 11-3 120/12 1 fA? - /A~ AJJt1l.A.>--, oft W:?tS (Zf ~~( ((~~'1 Op~ WLG,L MO~{Fy -:.,~~ 7 . Mal sUF the ~ 'T1vt tI (=-tfd~e ~ roll 1), ~ , Il--'-r.t{en,o..--tl ~ • CAN 7J...tc. ~ f.(~ e. ~ 1..J)4!--r..e ~? 8. COtT mac I-{ J....,4~1 Co. au; 1&"...(<.., I"" cJoS ~ P 120')1 ~ h\ /ti {u po ~ e.~ 'it...(. -: kW butterfly control valve: francis type turbine: Woodward governor: new generator and switch gear. 9. Refurbishing the afterbay. The capital costs for Alternative #1 are estimated at $1.37 million; and the present worth of life cycle costs, including the standby diesel operation, are ~_~~ million under load Scenario #1 and $5.11 million under load Scenario #2. The essential objectives of Alternative #1 are: 1. Restoration of the entire system to a new economic life. and 2. Replacement of the worn out and obsolete machinery with a system that will operate an estimated 15 to 20 percent more efficiently. Alternative #2 (All Diesel) This al ternati ve assumes abandonment of the Pel ican Creek hydroelectric system in favor of relying 100 percent on the use of the existing diesel plant to furnish ~ndustri­ al and domestic power for Pelican. 'l'he scheme would be reliable and would involve no capital expenditure. The present worth of the life cycle co.s~tAllli;,.....,alternative is very high, however, being $lo.~~oad Scenario #1 and ..-.-.. $11.86 million for,load Scenario #2. Alternative #3 (Improved Hydro) This alternative is essentially the same in concept and ~ has the same objectives as· Alternative #1 (restored life to the existing plant, plus increased efficiency), but in addi- tion, provides the following advantages: '. 11-4 1~()/12 1 'A 2 o u I 1 \ ' ~ u n I ! \~ 1 0 n W 1. 2. ~ 3. Takes full advantage of the head in the reservoir by replacing the flume in its entirety with a 60" ¢ wood stave pipe. Further increases plant efficiency and makes better use of both high and low flows by installing two turbines (500 kW and 250 kW). Further increases power yields (by 10 percent) through increased use of available head. This is accomplished by extending the draft tube and con- structing a new afterbay providing for tailwater at mean high water level. The capital costs for this Alternative are lion and the present worth of its life cycle costs, includ- ing fuel costs for the standby diesel operation, are $2.4 million under load Scenario #1 and $4.41 million under load Scenario #2. ~~7~. Under either Alternatives #1 or #3, the only shortcom- ing of the hydro system is the fact that it is essentially run-of-the-river and must rely to a degree on standby diesel power during low flow periods. The diesel power plant ex- ists, however, and the investigation has indicated that the costs for storage, either a t Pelican or through a trans- watershed diversion from Upper Phonograph Creek, simply can not be justified at this time. This is because the escala- tion of power requirements for Scenario #2 over Scenario #1 are really quite modest. The solution is to make optimum ) use of the naturally abundant watershed by increasing plant efficiency and taking full advantage of available head. 11-5 120/12 I/A2 SECTION 12 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE INTRODUCTION Alternatives #1, #2, and #3 (reference Section 11) were compared under Scenar ios # 1 and # 2 (reference Section 8). The alternatives are engineering opt.ions which are the re- sponsibility of the planners: while the scenarios are opera- wi thin the prerogative of the tions options, exclusively Pelican Cold Storage Company. Th e cos t est ima t e~s~:'f:::o~r".-JA:b!...:t..e~-------.., natives #1 and #3 are presented in Appendi costs are associated with Alternative #2 . {no capi tal_ gx' tp7/l:Jt\ __ -------'--,. .'" w ,q~,.t f'f-'h The present ,:>~, worth economic analyses for the six combin ions are sen ted in Appendix F. SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES The economic analyses were made on the basis of the following criteria, dictated by the APA guidelines: 1. 1982 fuel costs at Pelican (from information fur- nished by the Pel ican Cold Storage Company) are $l.18!gallon. These are escalated for 20 years at the rate of 2.6 percent per year, and then continue at a const~nt level ($0.218/kWh) for the balance of the study period. 2. Diesel generators have a 20-year life. 3. Hydroelectric facilities have a 50-year life; ex- cept that the runners are assumed to be replaced after 20 yec-'Ls and the wood-stave pipe after 35 years. 1> I "0(10 u o · · U i • I I i U · · I~ U I • I , I \ i I!' :U I I I ( 1 ~ • n .~-. Alt. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4. Replacement rat~_of 0>£= 5. The discour 6. O&M costs under all · the analys tJ./:) 7. A ~-year Table 12.1 re( SUMMARY OF # Description Base plan All diesel Upgraded base plan Base plan All diesel Upgraded base plan Capital Present Cost Worth million million $ $ Scenario #1 1. 37 3.19 0 10.32 Z. I ~. 2.49 Scenario #2 1. 37 5.11 0 11.86 .~ 4.41 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION ate at the ~d the same included in ~ALYSES during 35- Year Study Period P.W./kWh $ 86.905 .037 86.905 .119 86.905 .029 100.319 .051 100.319 .118 100.319 .044 I. i terni:t ti ve # 2 is presented to show the economic im- porta!l.~'e of preserving the hydroelectric plant . Neither 12-2 12U/J ,. o o D o o r l ;\.J \ r 1 !W I f ) W : I IW I u , { 1- 'U I , I I ~ ( I I I I..i 1. A plan of the system from Pelican diversion darn to the end of the tailr.ace. 2. Topography, axis profile and cross sections through the darn. 3. Profile and cross section through the flume. 4. Cross section of the tunnel. 5. Plan and cross sections of rock box at head of the penstock. 6. Structural sections through penstock support fram- ing, including member sizes. 7. Floor plans, elevations and cross sections through powerhouse. Alternative #3 In addition to the surveys specified for Alternative #1, Alternative #3 will require detailed topography of the tailrace channel from the existing afterbay to mean sea level. FERC APPLICATION If there is an increase of hydropower capacity (Alter- native #3), it would be necessary to submit a request to the FERC for an Exemption from a Permit or License. The request for Exemption is not as detailed or complex as one for a Permit or License. The Phase II feasibility study agr should satisfy the requirements for this exemption is anticipated, since neither Alternative #1 or #3 existing environmental 'impacts. DAM RESTORATION APPLICATION -----~ Application should be filed with the Stage Forest Land and Water Division Office (Darn Safety) for the restoration of Pelican Darn. The technical information required in that Application will ue contained in the Phase II report. 120/14 1 1)1'.) .J I) U o O· , \ I r " U TABLE '\ COMPARISON OF .<- (cf Month Black River Hook Cr To te Creek (24.7 sq mi) (4.48 sq (14.S sq mi) Oct 2S.2 31. 3 26.6 34.1 Nov 6.1S 13.7 15.0 12.3 Dec 3.15 8.1 5.41 7.83 Jan 5.14 1. 21 .75 1. 30 Feb 7.41 .75 .44 .70 Mar 5.06 4.22 2.83 2.48 Apr 10.2 8.35 5.(,5 6.97 May 15.1 ]7.5 10.9 13.2 Jun 10.5 8.86 6.26 7.17 Jul 6.92 5.] 3 3.49 4.54 .Z\ug 4.49 2.66 1. 70 2.79 Sep 7.65 5.09 2.76 4.4 Total 106.97 106.87 81.79 97.88 Mean 8.91 8.91 6.81 8.16 Upon analysis of Table D.1, Hook Creek (4.48 sq mil was selected for correlation to Pelican Cove Creek. The statis- tics used are: HOOK CREEK Area: 4.48 sq mi total 3.82 sq mi above EL 7S0 0.66 sq mi below EL 750 Period of record: Historical peak: since August 1967 1290 cfs max. 1.5 cfs min. 12 year average runoff: 20,8l0AF/yr or 85.5 in/yr or 28.2 cfs D-1 120/16 ~ I U.: 11 ~.L'/.PPCMJ t:V' /~ .lJ/9d1 ~~t:JAJ ;f~~<ilJ ,c:;4c/,(/< tt,/hJ'le~) ~~1I'6fFIt.J "kcA:11'7«- .e ':::AYlOW" S"~ ~c t1IfJ"..." If"~'k~ kCK /~.t'/I~ ~ ~n&'A,!H~ ~ Q~r ~/l:-.s G~T P."rf4? ~~..P~a¥~~ R SIII/FOI? (l!() tPMt-!)~ (,11' R~,;?f6" ~T?~ <!<!."T .::;:.r. <::y ~ . .s. Cor. :::r.r: F.tP- C-t. ::>r ~- ~ T.R4:s# IIf?ACe> ~ . .r. Rc~C"'E ra""'E' u( dxJ;t ~If/lr/~ r~~ ~F ,t/6:c) 4b "C/ ~Ut'cr ~.s. 5~ 7dAMJCi; /bt2nfc>' t.S. uP6~ ~/t.JCil'5/od h L·S:: R~"~dcr A?oc.e &:w- @ ~.QS'~ ~d~ L.::S: ~~ ~v",€ ,€b>A<,4s {-5. )?~~~~C~ . ...dG-U..76;£ ~ ff~ P~Ot:.lno,J HU/lfc c( kAJf~ J'v~~//C11l~ C~t!S9~(,/p /7//k'. ~P/h,e>- CF' t.. '5. L·'>. t. -5. QU JlllWl7l"f' Q.(Jlr &rtCE ~ 2''50 ?~O /¢1f""o .5 /~ 5/0 ¢,ooa /S? ~tt!'~o ¢7z:s-o ~ctXJO /2'000 lIEa::o .a::t:lo #/oe(:)o /00<:)0 iZooco 2ocao "~tX:O rc::>oo 3z~ 1/-5'"0 489co -#='~ ='001I:I l-sooo ~ooo ~/ooao IOOce:> \ ':/ 1 :1 1 I~ :~ In 1 Ii .~ ~ i~ I~ (l Ii ~ • III rl ! I .£)/1;11 ~477o.tJ P6'2· t'1r:r * / h~~~RA77~ 'p~,e,4r' / Rt#'~*"~ F~u,4'IC ~",,{ n"A.J~ ro ~qI2Cc-'" CH~ -tt:cc &x ?~~~k:. p~ tIcT."/ ~ u;l!: "Pt£AJ:S~ -G(JSJ"JI'K7CIA!tF p~ ~r.JI/ ~SiF //;bP/~q ~~,~ . N~~~u~ fik-c;ArC F~(ll'H-q /~S"I?f'Cc.AtVo#u (!!!'K~~P k/lrr N44' ~~dAl-r ?"I/ ~. S. - fBo f SOo 000 t ;:."00000 tlDOOo I t~c:2'O /00 c:$'O ~<3JClYi'<­ ~.or7~"" @ i"s • -~ fTt'"'6-t tltf: f>t~8 (,15 7" '7 A l-1/5"8 r.;; £;s 0 I L 1 tJ I:> { /J,f. 1-1013 , I {} tJ; t)" () \ ~'J:~e"~ B 5-() L ti ttl 11 AI (;../i IV t Y' 2S;2) 4 2./, Cf {, 2- !C 2. /{)7 3/ 2.-/ (t ~/5 IE. $i I tJ~ tJ() 0 I /" i I)lui~-~-~-:~-:~-:~-~G-,s-c'-EN-c-E------P-R-O-JE-C-T~.~~n-.4-~--.-._-_-.-_-_--J-OB~~~.~. ~--------~-~-M-T-... -I(--.. ....... , c. 114710 c _"' . . Mot;r"""",-, -_~.?::...JJ#.:;t __ _ . • ~:S7 tPF ~~ ~ ~ _-.. /1'8? ~c~~,.c O/~ Gl ::.k,cA<V ~ ~/./8 ft-?~«>-<) I"· . ' •. /' 1-'. ',. {pNeJda ~n,.~,;<JK oF~6('~O .. ~ , ... ~ ,:~;:.(-/~O ~~ Ore: CG$r;: (tlft;-RT:. )(7.()~ tt4lk«N:J~ en,) Q"" .' 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C~· ~·::'O DETAIL 8Cb.._.: =___ "''' .. ~ ('l . I ~ J I ('l 'W I J United States Departlnent of the Interior IN REPL Y REFER TO: FISH AND WII.I)I.II·E SL:RYJCI P. O. Box 1287 Juneau, Alaska 99802 N<l ('C h 4, 1982 RECI::IVC:O '.! '\ f") I .... :. ALAS'(f~ P'1"'r:n t'IPI:' I r\..~ \. \ ••.. il ,-" " .. l. IV Mr. Eric P. Yould. Execut i ve Di rec tor Alaska Power AuthorI ty 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Pelican Hydro Project Dear Mr. Yould: This responds to your letter of FebruLlry 16, 1982, requesting our comments on the Pelic:an Power Al ternat i ve PIt;'lse I--Reconna.i ssance Assessment. Pelican currently receives most of .i.ts pO\ver from an old hydroelectric facility at Pelican Cove Creek. 1111s is supplementec1 by diesel generators which provide the community with 25 percent of its power. The recommended alternaUve \vould restore and upgrade the eXisting hydroelectric facility. There are limited existing data on fish ilnd Ivildlife resollrces for the project area. However, int('rt:id;ll sp.lwning of a small run of pink and possibly chum salmon Iws het'll j'l'pnrted at the mouth of Pelican Creek Cove. The project prohahly ~v(l\lld have minor impacts on the fishery provided that pollutants such as sediment and petrochemical discharges are controlled during construction. However, we would 6uegest that you surv\~y tlw fish and wildlife resources in the area so specific ~rote(:llve measures can he incorporated in the project pLlllS. . ~: "~:';~ .,~ .. We appreciai'e the opportuni ty 1.0 comml'nt. Please keep us informed of any nev~d.~elopments on the project. ," ;1. \,;, Sincerely yours, !! rt~ Field Supervisor ··.·7 ' . · .. -·-~. ____ -'-'7···'" .---..:..-..------__ _ ( , J o D J I ( l ~ J I I l J J ~- Department Of Energy Alaska Power Administratiorl P.O. Box 50 Juneau. Alaska 99802 Mr. Eric Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: ~la )'ch 16, 1982 We have reviewed the USKH-Engineering Science report on Pelican Power Alternatives sent by your February 16 letter. The investigation seems to have been thorough for the reconnaissance level scope of effort and the recommenddtions accordingly well founded. We agree with those recommendations. Floyd Summers discussed our observations with Jerry La rsen by telephone t1a rc h 5. We suggest that the report could provide a little more narrative explana- tion about the cold storage plant and water system operation. Specifically, it appears there are high water requirements in November-February to prevent the water system from freez'ing, high power requirements in February and March for ice production for the beginning of halibut fishing, and high power requirements in August and September for ice production and flash freezing. Vie donlt have specific comments about the st)'ucturlll llIeasures proposed. However, we note that corrective measures for the tunnel are not addressed. Information on estimated flow capacities for the flume, tunnel, and penstock would be helpful. A feasibility study might include an(1lysis of electric heat, and waste heat recovery frol:! the freezing units. t~e acknowledge that electric heat is secondary to other electric needs, but would affect design of the generation system. Electric heat could include direct resistance and/or air or water source heat pumps. We have had an informal suggestion from a heat pump suppl ier famil iar with Pel ican that conditions may be favorable for those units. Sincerely, /?<,/ ~'(" Robert J. Cross Administrator -_ .. _ ......... ". __ ... I I f, I~ J I J I ~ l ~ J I I W IJ I {l IW I .J I J I J J J J J • State Office Building P. O. Bo~ 499 Sitka, Alaska 99835 Habitat Division . PHONE: 747 -5828 Ma rc h 16, 1982 Mr. Perrick T. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear r~r. Yould: n[CEIV~O ~ r u:\) 1 ') 1Se2 .,,' .. n.t.:J'l\ PO\\'~B t.lJTH'jf1ITY The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, as requested in your letter of February 16, 1982, has rl::vieY/ed the draft Pelican Power Alternatives Phase I Reconnaissance Assessment. Our concerns relate primarily to the maintenance of anadrolnous fisheries values in Pelican Creek, anadromous stream #113-95-03. This systeills supports primarily pink salmon and a few chum salmon which utilize that portion of the stream from about 50 feet to the east of the boardwalk through the intertidal area to salt water. ~Je believe that the primary impacts of the project will be as- sociated with const~uction activity Jnd also with the alteration of flow 1 evel s for the 1 QVler portion of the s trealil. Speci fi c comments preceded by page and puragraph number fo 110\'/; Page 3-J,_.,_~umbel~: apparently not going deadlines noted will thi s proposed. Tile deadlines required of the consultant are to be met for tlli s document. We hope that the not i ntcl'fere with tile careful eva 1 ua ti 011 of p'.a..ge 4-4, edl"dJjrapll 1: the :;tateillent is made that climatic conditions at Sitka are representative of those at Pelican. We do not believe this is an accurate statcillent. The rainfall, the winds, solar reception all vary tremendously in Southeast depending on slope aspect, altitude, and other factors. !-hate- Pa e 4.5, Para ra h 2: Similarly it does not seem reasonable to assume that Creek would be "ideal to use for correlation . studies" to determine runoff for Pelican Creek. The U.S. Geological Survey should be contacted and their methods used to correlate stream flows discussed prior to making such a broad brush statement. ~5-5, Paragraph 2: The statement is made that several pieces of electrical equipment are o~~olete and do not perform well. It would be appropriate to state which pieces are obsolete and why IJ I ~ I~ J I ,w I J I J J I IJ I J I I J J I ! 1 [oJ I J '''> :J I J J J ~ • , Mr. Perrick T. Yould they do not perform v!e 11. - 2 - Ma rc 11 16, 1982 Page 9-2, Paragraph J: The statement is made that if electricity becomes cheaper the number of peop 1 e in Pe 1 i can wi 11 change from oil for heating and cooking to electricity. It should be pointed out that thi s woul d increase the cOlillTIuni ty dependency on e 1 ectri city and would increase the cOilllllunity costs should the electricity not be reliable. Page 9-2. Second Table: The percentage increase calculated for the / fuel bill from 1976 to 1981 is listed as 7m". The change from 700 to 1 ,950 represents considerably more than a 78~ increase. Pa~ 9-2, Paragraph 3: A statement is made that power fluctuations have destroyed many electrical items in Pelican. We hope that the improvements under this study will reduce those impacts. as well as, reduce fluctuations in stream flow. ~e 11-2. ya)~dyraQh 5: The statement is made that alternatives 1 and 3 will hClve a zero environmental impact because they represent a continuation of the status quo. If the construction aspects of the project and the long tenn results of the project are that the flow regime down Pelican Creek is altered then this statement is inaccurate. Page 11-3, Para9c.~: A statement is lIlade that the operation and management costs would be com~ilrable for all alternatives. The evidence does not support this conclusion. Page 11-5, Number' 3: Apparently tile construction of a new after' bay under this option would ;rovide for tail water release at the mean high water level. Obviously this option would remove anadromous fisheries habitat that currently exist. IlHplimenting tllis option would run counter to the statement t'lilt no environmental illlpacts would occur. In summary because the project vli11 result in the upgrading or modification of an existillg facility, the impacts on anadromous fisheries habitat are less than would be the case otherwise. However, some impacts are expected to result from the project. If the project results in the augumentation of downstream flow at times of natural low flm'i, through waters that have been held up by the dan1, then the net consequence of the project may be to improve anadromous fisheries habitat. Hovlever, if the flow regimes are altered in any matter which l1Iight negatively effect fish spawning, incubation, and rearing then tIle project may ,'1ell have negative environmental impacts. ----------.. --.---.--~-.-.'--------- Mr. Perrick T. You1d - 3 -March 16,1982 Also, the construction phase may be expected to result in altered flows and perhaps turbidity and sedimentation in the downstream areas. Thank you for the opportuni ty to comment. Sincerely, 1h~H~ Dave Ha rdy Area Habitat Biologist Si tka 'K ~ cc: Ri ck Reed DH:kk