HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Aid Report Alaska Peninsula Small-scale Hydro Project Perryville Alaska 1982TK 1424 .A4 P47 1982 PLANNING AID REPORT Alaska Peninsula Small-Scale Hydro Project Perryville, Alaska Prepared for u.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Alaska District u.s. FISH & WILDUFE SERVICE Prepared by u.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Western Alaska Ecological Services October, 1982 \ United States Department of the Interior IN RE?L Y REFER TO: WAES Colonel Neil E. Saling District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers ·P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska Dear Colonel Saling: 99510 FISH AND WILDLIFE SER VICE Western Alaska Ecological Services 733 w. 4th Avenue, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 271-4575 The enclosed correspondence transmits for your infonnation our Planning Aid Report, as it pertains to the environmental assessment of the proposed Perryville small-scale hydroelectric project. Information in our report was coordinated with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The report was prepared in accordance \vi th the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.), but does not constitute the report of the Secretary of the Interior within the meaning of Section 2(b) of the Act, nor does it constitute consultation required under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (87 Stat. 884, as amended). If your have any questions concerning any aspect of the report, please contact us. cc: FWS-ROES, WAES ADF&G, NM}'S, Anchorage Field Supervisor ARLIS Alaska Resources Lihrary &. Information Services Librarv B!lildin<!. Suite III 321 f Provide Ill'C Drive l\nchoragc,AJ( 99508~14 UhriW/ U~~ :-;,', ."'; \ ALASKA PENINSULA SI-lALL-SCALE HYDRO PROJECTS Perryville, Alaska PLANNING AID REPORT Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: Wayne 11. Crayton Approved by: Robert G. Bowker, Field Supervisor Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska October, 1982 SUI·mARY The Seattle and Alaska Districts of the U.S. Ar~y Corps of Engineers (CE) are presently studying the feasibility of hydroelectric development for the vi1lage of Perryville, Alaska. In conjunction with the Corps study, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FHS) is environillentally assessing the project alternatives. Thus far, field investigations have sho\/n that the fish and wildlife resources surrounding the project tributary and the proposed transmission power line corridors are substantial. Pink salmon were found spawning in the project tributary. Chum and silver salmon are also speculated to use the tributary for spawning, staging and/or rearing. Bear sign was overwhelm";ngly abundant. Fish carcasses were found along the banks of the tributary \'Ihere bear had been feeding. I~ature and immature bald eagles Here observed in the immediate area proposed for the beach corridor transmission line. Sandhill cranes and several species of vlaterfm/l were found to inhabit wetland and open water areas in the project vicinity. t,1easures must be developed by the CE to reduce w"ildl ife impacts associated with the transmission line corridor. The FWS recommends that the CE not pursue an above ground transmission line. An aerial power line could adversely impact local eagle, waterfowl, and sandhill crane populations. Construct ion act iv it ies assoc iated with the po\verhouse, divers ion structure and penstock wi 11 have mi nor, short ten;] impacts on the fi sh and \/1 1 d 1 ife resources in the ir.unediate vicinity. The HIS recommends that access roads not be built from town to the diversion structure or powerhouse because of the potential primary and secondary impacts on wildlife resources located in the project area. Finally, the FWS suggests that a FWS/CE coordination meeting be held to discuss this project's environmental impacts prior to the project proceeding into Phase II Feasibility. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES •.••.•••••••••.••.•..••••.••.•....•...•.•....•.••••.•. iv LIS T OF FIG U RE S •••.••••••.•••.•••.•.••••.....•..•..••..•...•.••.•..• i v I NTRODUCTI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• 1 FWS OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• 1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••••.••• 2 FISH Arm ~JILDLIFE RESOURCES ~nTHOUT-THE-PROJECT •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Survey of Project Tr ibutary rlorpho logy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Pov~er Generating Facil ities Vicinity •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 8 Terrestrial Resources •••••••••.••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 8 Aquatic Resources •••••••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••••.•••••• 10 Transmission Power Line Corridors ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ll Terrestrial Resources •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ll WITH -TH E -P ROJ EeT E NV I RON tiE NT Al AS SES Sfl[ NT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 nls RECOr1t~ENDATIONS ................................................. 19 LITERATURE CITED ••••••••••••.••••••.••••••••.•.••••••••••.•••••••••• 20 APPENDI XES A -Vegetation Ilap of Perryville and its vicinity ................ A-l B -Ins t r e alil F 1 o\~ 0 a t a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B-1 iii LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Plant species occurring in the vicinity of the power generating facilities, Perryville, Alaska. 9 2. Plant species occurring in the vicinity of the transmission line corridors, Perryville, Alaska. 14 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES 1. Intermediate level project alternatives for hydroelectric development at Perryville, Alaska. 2. Project tributary morphology; upper segment. 3. Project tributary morphology; lower segment. 4. Schematic drawing of the upper, lower reach transect of the project tributary at Perryville, Alaska. 5. Schematic drawing of the lower, lower reach transect of the project tributary at Perryville, Alaska. iv PAGE 3 5 6 12 13 I NTRODUCTI ON The Alaska District of the Corps of Engineers (CE) has concluded their reconnaissance level study which identified hydroelectric power sources at various sites on the Alaska Peninsula. This report will provide the CE environmental information to assist in alternative site selection and impact analysis for small scale hydroelectric development at Perryville, Alaska. The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) became involved in the Alaska Peninsula hydro projects in 1981 \Vhen the CE sol icited our comments and suggestions regarding environmental concerns raised by the projects (February 6, 1981). In June 1981, a joint field trip between the CE and FWS, was conducted. The Fish and Wildlife Service submitted their trip findings in a Planning Aid Letter dated October 6, 1981. Fiscal year 1982 1 s effort centered on refining the environmental informat ion base 1 ine to further assess the projects impacts. In July 1982, the FHS submitted to the CE a field investigation report which summarized field \~ork performed in tlay 1982. FlJS OBJECTIVES AND l1ETHODOLOGY Field reconnaissance trips were conducted at the proposed hydroelectric site from r~ay 10 to 18 and July 27 to August 7, 1982. Our field investigation objectives were as follows: 1. Identification of species composition and distribution of resident and anadromous fish within the project areas. 2. Depth, velocity, and substrate measurements at representative reaches. 3. Site-specific wildl ife observations including wildl ife sign, denning sites, feeding sites, migration routes, winter use areas, and calving areas. 4. Conduct rapt or nesting surveys within the project area. 5. Vegetative description and cover typing. 6. Preliminarily assess the project impacts in regards to the level of engineering detail. Fishery sampling methods included the use of a 1/4" seine, minnow traps, 1/8" fyke nets, drift gill net with variable mesh and a Coffelt BP-3 backpack electroshocker. Minnow buckets were baited with salmon eggs and strategically placed in the creek. Criteria used to determine sampling sites included current velocity, depth, substrate composition and cover. Fish habitat conducive to spawning, rearing and/or overwintering was identified. Physical stream parameters (depth, velocity, substrate composition, stream morphology) were quantified at several stream reaches. Hydraulic controls were also defined. Velocity distribution and discharge measurements were made using a Marsh-McBirney direct readout flow meter. Field data collection procedures for potential use vlith the Physical Habitat Simulation System of the lnstream Flow Group were followed during the course of our investigation. Wildlife habitat and its relative use were defined with the use of helicopter aerial surveys and extensive ground truthing field surveillances. Hr. Glenn Elison -Refuge 11anager of the Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge, at King Salmon, Alaska, assisted in the terrestrial description of the project area. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES The Corps of Engineers Seattle District has developed and will evaluate a set of conceptual project plans for Perryville (CE, 1982). The eE's preferred site is on a small unnamed tributary of the Kametolook River, approximately five miles north-northeast of Perryville, Sections 1 and 12, T. 49S, R64W, (Figure 1). The project is being designed to provide power only for the village of Perryville. Preliminary plans call for a 40 foot wide, 10 foot high diversion structure to be built at 700 foot-mean sea level (t'lSL). The structure would be constructed of timber and have a 30 0 plank facing. Approximately, a one-acre reservoir Vlould be created as a result of constructing the structure. A three thousand foot penstock, constructed of lowhead pipe, would connect the diversion structure to the powerhouse. The CE's preferred powerhouse location would be built at the 200-250 foot elevation-MSL. A raised platform would be constructed to hold the powerhouse. Two sizes of powerhouse are being evaluated, (1) 200 kW unit utilizing 5.6 cfs and 12 inch pipe and, (2) 400kW unit utilizing 10.7 cfs and 16 inch pipe (Sweger, 1982). At this time, the powerhouse tailrace is presumed to enter the parent stream at or above elevation 200 feet-MSL. The Seattle Corps District proposed two power line route alternatives for the Perryvi lle hydropower study: (1) an inland route and, (2) a beach route (Figure n. Each one will be undergo feasibility evaluation as an above ground and buried transmission line. The inland route begins in the project canyon and travels 13,000 to 16,000 feet in a southwesterly direction towards the town of Perryville. The last 4,900 feet of the corridor deviates from a southwesterly direction and travels southeast in order to traverse a saddle in the cliffs which surround the town. Width dimensions for the corridor have not as yet been delineated by the CEo The beach route aHcrnntive originates in the project canyon dr,d Lravels 12,000 to 14,000 feet in a southeasterly direction. This portion of the transmission line lies between the base of the foothills and the Kametolook River. Approximately 5,000 feet from the mouth of the Kametolook River, the transmission line crosses the channel and travels south\vest, paralleling the shoreline. The total length of this route is approximately 28,000 feet. As was the case for the inland route, no width dimensions for the corridor have been developed at this time. Access roads are not proposed to be built by the CE in conjunctions with this project. 2 ALTERNATIVES FOR • TRANSMISSION LiNE CORRIDOR ../ ~ l( * Powerhouse a]ternat sites , I DiverS1()n site SCALE I" = 2640 ' Figure l. Intermediate lovel prl)ject ,11 tcrniltives for hvJropmver :1t Perryville, AJaska. 3 FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES HITHOUT-THE-PROJECT The village of Perryville is located on the south shore of the Alaska Peninsula just south of Chignik and west of Coat Cape in the Stepovak Bay area. The climate of the area is generally considered a moderate, polar maritime climate, characterized by high \~inds, mild temperatures, protracted cloud cover and frequent precipitation. During 11inter, precipitation often falls as rain on the south side of the Peninsula near sea level. Precipitation averages 160 inches in the vicinity of Chignik on the Pacific coast, which is just north of Perryville. Growth of vegetation usually does not occur until late tolay or early June. The first freezing weather, on the Pacific side of the Peninsula, generally does not occur until October or November. SURVEY OF PROJECT TRIBUTARY MORPHOLOGY The mechanics of flow in the project tributary is a cornplex subject that requires special attention. The creek is a dynamic system which contains a variety of fish and riparian habitat. t-lajor factors that contribute to the creeks dynamic nature are: (1) the continual evolution of channel patterns, (2) channel geometry, (3) bars and (4) forms of bed roughness vlith changing water and sediment discharge. The project tributary exemplifies three types of channel patterns: (1) straight (upper, upper reach) (2) braided (upper, lower reach) and (3) meandering (lower, upper and lower, lower reaches) (Figures 2 and 3). Above the diversion site (705 feet-11SL) (Figure 2, Site 1), the stream meanders back and forth between steep sloped hills until at even higher elevations it gradually branches out to the uppermost areas of its watershed. The flow is swift and steady. Discharge measurements taken at the diversion site on July 30, 1982 were 24.7 cfs. Channel width varied between 10 to 15 feet. Large grave 1 and course sand composed the major ity of the stream beds substrate. The channel morphology rernains as previously described for 50 yards downstream of the diversion site. At that point, the creek drops sharply over six falls onto the canyon valley floor, which begins at the 200-300 foot elevation. Large boulders and cobble constitute the major portion of the creek's substrate through the 400-500 foot drop. Between the 200-300 and 50 foot e 1 evat ion-t1SL, the channel meanders between the canyon walls (Figure 2, Site 1). Alternate cobble/gravel bars line the banks. Flow is swift and uniform. Hydraul ic chutes and snags occassionly occur and force the creeks discharge to overflmv its bank and erode a new channel. Shallow pools were not numerous, but undercut banks were found to be numerous in this particular reach. Three sl~lall creeks entered the tributary between the 100 and 500 foot elevation contours. Flows appeared substantial because of heavy rains prior to our field visit. Suballuvial flow was strongly evident. Discharge i,leasurernents taken in the project creek at the 50 foot e 1 evat i on-11SL vlere 1 ess than 10 cf s. PO\verhouse * ,tk'lJ..... allernat' Ie tC,,>'-1 ves 0'\.;)))) A1 1 /r .cer/ '·.l \V] low Figure 2. PI-' "Jeet. -OLver' Slon st . ructurc. 5 i / / / site Low shruhs, aId grasses 1 annuals Het 1 an(} t ype vegetation Alder/willen.;s ow Open water Figure 3 Project trihutary . morph0] 0gV: 1o,veT segment. 6 As the creek channe 1 approaches the base of the northeast canyon wa 11, it makes a turn into the Kametolook floodplain and follows the 50 foot contour (Figure 2, Site 3). The tributary branches into tvlO channels when it flows into a large snag of boulders and dead alder/willow. During our Hay trip, about half of the creek's flow diverted into each channel but during August, all the flow was diverted into the newly formed main channel which flowed away from the base of the foothills towards the lower floodplain. The main channel flows out into a flat, approximately ten acre area dominated by wetland vegetation (Figure 3, Site 4). The channels flow is further distributed through the wetland by distributaries which gradually interconnect to reform a single distinct channel (Figure 3, Site 5). From this point downstream the channel meanders back towards the foothills (Figure 3, Site 6). One small creek enters the main branch of tile project tributary near Figure 3, Site 5 (discharge 2.3 cfs, August 1982), its origin of which is unknown. The meandering channel consists of alternating bends, giving an S-shape appearance to the plan view of the project tributary. Discharge measurements indicated flows between 7 and 11 cfs. Deep pools are found in the bends and shallow crossings exist on the short straight reaches connecting the bends. The lower reaches of the tributary exemplify a pool, riffle, run morphology. The thalweg flo\",s from a pool though a crossing to the next pool forming the typical S-curve of a single meander loop. The pools tend to be somewhat triangular in section with point bars located on the inside of the bend. In the crossings, the channel tends to be more rectangular, widths are greater and depths are relatively shallow. At low flows the local slope is steeper and velocities are larger in the crossing than in the pool. Alluvial islands and mid-channel gravel bars are periodically found in the channel. A single, long chute (side channel which carries appreciable flows at least during high stages) exists between Site 5 and Site 7 (Figure 3). The main channels substrate between Site 5 and Site 6 is composed of small gravel with silt/sand dispersed throughout. The channels width varies greatly between 3 to 30 feet. Portions of the streams bank is in a state of degradation. Severe bank undercutting causes alder/willow snags to occur. As stated previously, the project tributary splits near Site 3 (Figure 2). The channe 1 that para 11 e 1 s the base of the footh ills appeared to be at one time the main channel, but has since cvolvc<Jinto a side channel. During our trip in May, the side channel had SUbstantial flows (Figure 3, Site 4a). Deep pools existed in the bends and point bars developed accordingly. Between Sites 4a and Sa, smaller side channels diverged off and flowed into the wetland area (Figure 3, Site 4). The mechanics for this occurrence are not fully understood at this tir71e. Distributaries and interdistributaries collected the water from the wetland and formed distinct channels, which in turn flowed into the previously discussed main channel. Below Site Sa, the secondary channel (its flow visibly reduced) continued to flow at the base of the foothills, until it discharged its flow into another wetland pocket (Figure 3). Gradually, inter'tributaries collected the water from the wetland and formed a distinct channel in the area of Site 6a. This channel flowed at the base of the foothills and in turn flO\ved into the IIlain channel near Site G (Figure 3). 7 Circumstances in August were quite different than those in t1ay. The previously flowing side channel had no flow in August. All the project tributaries surface flow was diverted into the main channel, which flowed out into the Kametolook floodplain. Suballuvial flow in the secondary channel did form shallow pools in the creek's bends. Suballuvial flow did surface between Site 5a and 6 because surface flow was visible (Figure 3). The vicinity of Site 6 has a wide variety of limnological/hydrological features (Figure 3). Two open water areas lie at the base of the foothills; one is approximately two acres and the other, one acre. Haterfalls and seeps flow from the side of the cliffs and discharge into the project tributary. Proceeding downstream beloH Site 6, the tributary (having now re-collected discharge from its distributaries and side channels) meanders back towards the Kametolook River. Discharge measurements taken just upstream from the mouth indicated a flow of 16 cfs (August 1982). Substrate composition remains as gravel and coarse sand. Deep pools and undercut banks are abundant. The mouth region has a large gravel bar on the left bank and a deep pool on the right bank (looking upstream). Vegetation canopy cover along the banks was more abundant in the mouth vicinity than in those reaches between 200-600 yards upstream. POWER GENERATING FACILITIES VICINITY The project area described as the II power generating facilities vicinity" includes the terrestrial and aquatic habitat between the diversion structure (including the inundation area) and the pO\verhouse (including its tailrace). t·10re specifically, the area bet\Veen the 50 to 705 foot elevation contours within the project canyon (Figure 2). Terrestrial Resources The tributary valley floor slopes gently until it reaches approximately the 200 to 250 foot-MSL at which point it begins to rise rapidly to about the 700 foot contour. Above the 700 foot contour, the va 11 ey is narrow with steep, grassy meadows. The valley floor is dom-inated by alder (Alnus crispa). The slopes surrounding the valley floor are approxi~ately 50% a1der and 50% herbaceous meador/so The grass association gives I'/oy to heath as elevation illcreJses. The llreJS surroullLlin~ the poLellLilll pOI'lerhouse sites Jre relatively flat. I'loss-lichen mats are scattered throughout the alternative sites. The predominate vegetation cover at all the sites is a alderhvillow mix. The substrate beneath the tall shrubs is composed of cobble and gravel. It was noted that dur-ing high flows, the creek v/Ould flood the valley floor and erode away the topsoil, exposing the unstable cobble and gravel substrate. As a result of this flooding, alder and willO\v are sv/ept into the creek and form snags. Appendix A graphically delineates the vegetation types found in the power generating facilities vicinity. Table 1 lists those plants species found at the diversion and powerhouse sites and along the penstock route. Wildlife use of the valley appears to be low. A lightly used game trail, probably bear, was evident on the south side of the tributary valley floor. One set of moose tracks \vas found on the slope above the proposed dam site. 8 Table 1. Plant species occurring in the vicinity of the power generating facilities, Perryville, Alaska. Common Name Sitka Alder Dwarf arctic birch Netleaf willow Wi 11 0\'/ (1) Wi 11 ow (2) Rusty menziesia Dev"ils club Salr.tonberry Pacific red elder Alpine blueberry Alpine bearberry Narrow-leaf Labrador-tea Kamchatka rhododendron Alpine-azalea Aleutian mountain-heath Yellowcress Yarrow Potent i 11 a Rubus Thyme-leaved saxifrage ~/ild flag Lady fern Cotton grass False hellebore Cow parsnip Fireweed TREES AND SllRunS notanical Name Alnus sinuata netula nana Salix retTCulata Salix ~. Salix m-. Menziesla ferru~inea Oplopanax horri us Rubus spectabilis Sambucus cal1icarpa Vaccinium uliginosum Arctostaphylos alpina Ledum decur.tbens Rhododendron camtschaticum Loiseleuria ~rocumbens Phyllodoce a eutica ANNUALS AND PEREIHHALS Rorip~~ is1andica 7\c11lT1e abo re aTiS Potentillal\ilTTOSa Rubus arct icus---- ~lTra~a serpyllifo1ia Iris setosa AtKYr1UIT1l'llix-femina Eriophorum ~. Veratrum escnscholtzii Heracleur.t lanatum Epilo5iur,1 angustifo1 ium Taxonomic sources: Hulten, 1974; Viereck and Little, 1972; I/hite, 1974; Pot t e r , 1979; and ~J e 1 s h, 1974. 9 On the surrounding hillsides one set of old bear tracks was evident as \'Iere scattered diggings which may have been attributable to brown bear. Surrounding slopes appear suitable for bear denning though no dens were evident. Cricetidal burrows, runways and feces were abundant throughout the marshland and upland areas. One willow ptarmigan was seen near the Perryville diversion site in May. Willow buds were heavily being fed upon by ptarmigan. Their droppings were abundant near alder and willow thickets above 600 feet-l~SL. Perryville residents report ptarmigan by the "hundreds" in the mountains surrounding town. One shrike vias observed near 400 feet-t·1SL near the hydropower site. Near the mouth of the canyon, one immature bald eagle was seen flying overhead. Magpies ravens, chickadees, and dippers were found throughout the project canyon. Aquatic Resources Because of adverse hydraulic conditions in the upper reaches of the project tributary, fish use is severely limited. Some areas do exist in the upper reaches which are conducive to fish spawning and/or rearing; however, fish blocks prevent access to these areas. The streams upper most reaches have a substrate that consists of large cobble and boulders. Hydraul ic chutes are abundantly scattered throughout the upper most reaches. Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) were found to inhabit the stream segments on the canyon floor. Waterfalls above the 300 foot-tlSL contour, physically impair upstream fish movement. Stream segments sampled above the diversion site were void of any fish species. Aquatic macro invertebrates were found to inhabit the entire upper reach of the project tributary. Some of the more abundant species were represented by the genera Ephemerella, Ironodes and Limnephilius. High numbers of Coleoptera and Turbellaria were also collected. All the aforementioned invertebrates are a common source for fish food. Periphytic algal mats were not observed to occur; however, diatomaceous films covered most of the silt and rocky substrate throughout the creek course. Phytoplankton nor zooplankton were sampled for during, any of our field invest igat ions. Because of the 1 irnited age of the creeks water, low water temperatures, and its severe turbulence, we do not believe the plankton community to be extensive or well established. Favorable anadromous fishery habitat exists throughout the lower reaches of the tributary (Figure 3). During our May investigations, juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuschaJ vlere collected with the use OTrilinnov/ traps and/or fyke nets. Adult pinks and Dolly Varden were captured in the lower reaches of the project tributary during August. Adult chum were seen on only one occasion in the mouth of the tributary near the Kametolook River. The Kametolook River, has documented chum, pink and coho salmon runs (ADF&G, 1978). Pinks were seen spawning throughout the entire lower reaches of the project tributary, particularly in pool/riffle segments. He estimate that 300-500 pinks \vere using the tributary during our August trip. The uppermost extent of pink salmon use occurred in the vicinity of Site 5 (F"igure 3). Water temperatures at the spawning sites ranged from 10 to 11.5 0 C. 10 The majority of aduH pinks and Dolly Varden were seen using the deep pools and vegetated undercut banks which exist throughout the lower reach. A large number of gravel bars offer excellent spawning habitat. Gravel sizes ranged from one to six centimeters. Discharges for the tributary ranged from 9.9 cfs in t1ay to 15 cfs in August. Particular segments of the creek could pose to be a fish block if flow drops a yet to be determined amount. For the aforementioned reason, we began to collect instream flow data during our August trips. Figures 4 and 5 graphically illustrates two representative reaches used in our instream flow measurements. Figure 4 represents a riffle-run segment which in turn depicts spalt/ning habitat and potential fish blocks (related to flow). Figure 5 represents a pool-riffle segment as related to staging and rearing habitat for adults and juveniles. Appendix B contains the field data, discharge and cross sectional profile data for all the August transects. Further instream flow \vork may be required should the proposed project affect downstream releases. This topic will be discussed in latter portions of this report. TRANSt1I SSI ON LI NE CORRIDORS Terrestrial Resources Both the inland and beach corridors have diverse vegetation types which are conducive to supporting a variety of fish and/or wildlife (Appendix A). The main vegetation types represented include coastal alder thickets, floodplain thickets, treeless bogs, moist and wet tundra and palustrine/lacustrine systems. Table 2 lists the plant species occurring within the hID transmission line corridors. There are two d i st inct "hab itat type" segr.lents to the beach route: (1) the foothill segment and (2) the beach segment. The foothill segment can be defined as that area on the Kametolook River flood plain between and foothills/cliffs to the north and the river channel to south. The beach segment consists of a 3,000 foot wide bank of habitat that parallels the shoreline (Appendix A). The lower reaches of the project tributary are included in the foothill segment of the beach route. ~1ore diverse wildlife habitat exists in this reach than that in the upper tributary reaches (Figure 3). IJetland areas and pockets of open v/ater at the base of the cliffs are conducive to supporting watcrfmJl; ten pair of unidentified \;laterfOl~l I/cre seen in the aforerlentioned area during tlay. It \;las unclear as to whether Itlaterfowl I/ere nesting or not. A female green-winged teal and nine ducklings Ivere found using the mouth of the project tributary. t~allards were seen flying through the area as they headed up the Kametolook River valley. Shore birds were observed using the 10lver reaches of the project tributary. Sandpipers, black-bellied plover, greater yellowlegs and snipe \vere seen in low wetland areas on either side of the river. Magpies were common throughout the area. Nests were observed in several alder th i ckets at e 1 evat ions of 1 ess than 200 feet-tlSL. K i ngfi shers Ivere abundant ly found throughout the foothill segment. 11 GRAVEL' BAR " 28.5 Ft ~ NORTH RHP4 SLOUGH BANKS AND UNDERCU TTING <..n <>l .J::. --~~----------------~-----.RHP2 LHP2 35.2 Fi Clwnnc 1 lied: s11I;]1! ttl mer] !11I11 vrnv(' 1 covered \-lith diatomaceous growth, silt/sand substrate in shallow areas, BENCHMARK + _-J------~~~----~--RHPI 32.9 Pi LHPI Figure 4. Schematic drawing of the Upppr 10wer tr:lnSl'ct of tllf' project tributary at Pcrryvil1l', Alask<1. NOTE: nrmving not to s(',11(!. " 12 SLOUGH BANKS AND UNDERCUTS :~ CJ ;.' CJ VEGETA TED ,,'RH P3 GRAVE L BAR 0) '0) LHP-'2--~~--------3-I,6-F-t.------~--~~HP2 Figure <2- ChanneJ Bed: small to med ium g r<lve] covered with diatomaceous growth, RHPI BENCHMARK ... silt/sand substrate in shaJ]ow areas. \0 ~ Deepest deptl1s aJ ong J ef thank unoey ) ,J ~ willow/alder cover. (l \.0 ~ ~ ~ J ld t -j ~\r) \:J ~ J ~\\;J\J ~ 5, Schematic drawing nf~tile Lower ]o\ver transect nf the prniect tributary at Perryville, AJaska. NOTE: nrHwin~ not tn scale. 13 Table 2. Plant species occurring in the vincity of the transmission line corridors, Perryville, Alaska. Common Name Sitka Alder Netleaf willow Willow (1) Willm~ (2) Narrow-leaf Labrador-tea Crowberry Rusty menziesia Bog blueberry Bog cranberry Yellow marsh marigold t·1arestail Buckbean Yellow cress Yarrow Avens Potentilla Rubus Wild flag Oyster leaf Monkshood Beach pea Lady fern Star fl ower Indian paintbrush Cotton grass Indian rice Hild rhubarb vJildflower Grass of Parnassus Marsh fivefinger Wild geranium Fireweed Dwarf fireweed Cow parsnip Jacob1s ladder 1·10nkey fl mver Broomrape Bluebell Fleabane Bluejoint Seabeach senecio Heather TREES AND SHRUBS Bot anTc a 1 Name Alnus sinuata Salix reticulata Salix ~. Sa 1 i x:;jJQ. Ledum aecumbens Empetrum nigrum Menziesia ferruginea VaccinTUm uliginosum Vaccinium oxycoccos ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS 14 ~~ palustri~ 111ppuris vulg~?l Hinyanthistrl 0 iata "Ror i H3TsfancrJca- Achi ea borealis Geum Rossii POfentilla villosa Rubus arcticus Iris setosa nerfensia maritima Aconitum delehinifolium Lathyrus marltimus Athyrium filix-femina Trientalis europaea Castilleja unalaschcensis Erioehorum ~. FritllrarTa camschatcensis Polygonun! aletnum Anemone parvl Tara P~assia Qalustrfs PotentTTTa ealustris Geranium erlanthum EP~iobium iug~ftifolium Epl 0l.)fUiil atl olium Heraclium lanatum Polemonium pulcherrimum llimulus ~uttatus Boschnia ia rossica Campanula lasiocarpa Erigeron ~. Calamagrostls ~. Senecio ~elUCo-arnica phyl1odoce _~. Table 2 con't: Common t~ame Northern bedstraw Bunblebee flower Lupin [3otanical Name Galium borcale Pedicularis verticil1ata Lupinus nootKcitensis Taxonomic sources: Hulten, 1974; Viereck and Little, 1972; vJhite, 1974; Potter, 1979; and Welsh, 1974. 15 Adult and immature bald eagles were seen commonly along the cliffs of the foothills segment. Preliminary surveys indicate the presence of three adults, two immatures (dark phase) and two to four immatures (1 i ght phase). Rock outcroppings in the foothills provided the raptors perching sites. On several occasions, immature bald eagles were seen perched on dead, standing alder trees that 1 i ned the project tr i butary and Kameto look River. Nest i ng sites were not observed during our field investigations. Large mamma 1 use of ~he footh i 11 s segment was evident. Numerous bear tra i 1 s were seen crisscrosslng the project tributary and also seen leading from up the Kametolook River valley down to the mouth. The foothills also had trails up and down its face. Fresh bear sign was abundant. Hardly a gravel bar or stream bank was untouched by bear. Partially devoured salmon were found among the alder thickets. Moose sign was not abundant. Isolated tracks were occasionally found along the tributary. Evidence of small mammal use was limited to fox and wolverine tracks. Cricetidal burrows, runways and feces were abundant throughout the marshland and upland areas. The beach segment of the beach route alternative consists of a series of low-ridged sand dunes, which have been stabilized by alder and grasses. Lakes are commonly found in the depressions (Appendix A). An "island" of high ground (sea level to 535 feet-MSL) is situated north of the ridges behind the town of Perryville. Vertical, rocky cliffs up to 150 feet high face the ocean front. Waterfowl use of the beach segment was extensive. Red-throated loon, pintail, red-necked grebe and ma 11 ard were seen on the long narrow 1 akes para 11 eli ng the beach. A flock of twenty harlequins were seen in the surf near the mouth of the Kametolook River. White-winged scoter were observed in the mouth of the Kametolook River and severa 1 red-breasted mergansers were seen flying over the Kametolook River. Plovers, cormorants, and tufted puffins were observed along the surf. Bald eagles were observed within the beach segment. TI'IO imrnatures (light phase) were seen perched on drift \'iOod along the beach. One adult eagle was found perched on a rocky outcrop in the cliffs overlooking the beach front and coastal ponds. Bear and moose sign I'lere observed. I'loose tra i 1 s I'lere found shoreline of the lakes and ponds, and in the high ground Perryville. Bear trails were not as numerous as those found foothills segment. Bear use was limited to the area along the River. Bear were reported to occur frequently near the mouth of Small mammal use was limited to fox, wolverine, and voles. along the surrounding along the Kar.letolook the river. The inland transmission route has a more uniform habitat base. Palustrine emergents and moss-l ichen habitat types cover large areas. Sections 14 and the northern portion of 23, T49S, T6411, consist largely of sedges, mosses and other moist soil plants (Appendix A). In the vicinity of the project canyonts I~outh, scrub-shrub cor~rnunities become established and alder/willOl'/ provide the majority of canopy cover. The Kametolook Rivers floodplain is made up of volcanic gravels that have scattered islands of alder/willow. I'losses and 16 lichens as well as annuals and perennials provide some successional stability. The area immediately behind the town of Perryville consists largely of open-taTl shrubs. Alder thickets are weTl established on ancient sand dunes. Grassy meadows are scattered throughout the th i ckets and on the slopes of the foothills and cliffs that surround the town. Small ponds exist in the depression between the sand dune ridges. TViO pair of green-winged teal and three pair of mal1ards and pintaiTs \~ere seen in May at a marsh behind Perryville. Parasitic jaegers, one dark and one light phase, were also seen in a marsh behind tovm. Three sandhill cranes were seen flying along the Kametolook River during ~1ay and t\~O were seen in August. Perryville residents report that a few cranes nest in the marsh behind the vil1age. ~Jhistling swans were not observed; however, they, too, were reported by 10ca1 residents to nest in low numbers in a marsh behind Perryvi11e. Adult and immature bald eagles were seen commonly along the beaches at Perryville and on the marsh behind the town. Mamma1 use of the inland transmission 1ine corridor was much more reduced than that of the beach route. Caribou sign was not seen at Perryvil1e; however, residents report that scattered bands of caribou do exist in the area. Fox sign was common and wide1y scattered; residents of the area trap fox. One w01f track was seen on a sandbar a10ng the Kametolook River. Mink are reported1y trapped on the marsh direct1y north of town. Perryville residents report trapping otter in the marsh adjacent to the Kamet0100k River. One bear trai1 was found fo110wing the 50 foot contour around the c1iffs north of town. WITH-THE-PROJECT ENY I RON/1ENTAl ASSESSt1ENT The environmenta1 impacts associated with hydroelectric deve10pment at Perryville, have the potentia1 to be adverse. The instaTlation of aeria1 transmission lines represents the greatest area of concern. POvler line and associated structures have long been recognized as a direct and often substantial mortality source to birdlife (Olendorff, ~1iller and lehman, 1981; Avery, 1978; Wil1ard, Harris and Jaeger, 1977). Long-term impacts associated with aeria1 transmission 1ines involve alteration of 10ca1 bird movements and disruption of migration routes. Bald eagles in the project area would be threatened by an above ground transmission line. RafJtors are electrocuted by pOller lines because of lila seemingly unrelated yet interactive factors: (1) the distribution, size, behavior, and other biologica1 aspects of raptors, and (2) designs of electric industry hardware which place electrical wires close enough together that raptors can simutaneously touch two or more of them with their wings or other parts of the ir bod ies. Between 70 and 90 percent of all raptor morta 1 it ies a10ng e1ectric distribution lines are eagles. Raptors are basica11y opportunistic and thus use power lines and support structures for perching, nesting and as hunting perches. "St"ill" hunting from a perch is an energetical1y conservative way to find prey provided good prey habitat is within an eag1es vie\-I frolil the perch. 17 Some power poles are preferred by the eagles because they provide considerable elevation above the surrounding terrain, thereby providing the birds a wide range of vision, easy takeoff, and greater attack speed when hunting. During our field investigation, bald eagles were seen perching on the rocky outcrops located in the cliffs paralleling the Kametolook River. One immature eagle was also seen perching on a 10 foot high dead alder along the river. Studies have shown that most eagle mortalities along power lines are immature or subadult birds. This susceptibility of immature and subadults to electrocution involves several factors, but none is more important than flying and hunting experiences. Immature eagles are generally less adept at maneuvering than adults. ~\inor and short term environmenta 1 impacts are expected to occur as a result of constructing a powerhouse, penstock and diversion structure. Large mammal use is limited to bear and/or moose trails leading through the vicinity of the project structures to the Kametolook River floodplain. Individuals using such trails will be displaced to different areas, and in turn, create nevi trails. Because steep, rocky cl iffs border the penstock route, raptor use can be speculated to occur; however, no sightings \'iere made in this area during our trips. Hore seasonal observations are needed to conclusively state that no eagles inhabit or nest along the proposed penstock route. The area proposed to be inundated by the diversion structure has minor wildlife use. The steep, herbaceous slopes bordering the impoundment site offers little habitat for large mammal use. Even though bear feces were found along the stream, itls more likely that bear use the stream as a traveling corridor rather than an area used for denning and/or foraging. The approximate one acre impoundment would temporarily displace mammals from using the impacted area. Fish use \."as not documented in the impoundment area even though macro-invertebrate food organisms were plentiful. Anadromous fish have been documented as inhabiting the lower reachers of the project tributary. Field studies have shown that the upper limits of anadromous fish use is in the vicinity of Site 5 which is well below the powerhouse. If a run-of-the-river alternative is chosen by the CE, lileasures will have to be taken to insure an instream flow and stable seasonal discharge to the lower reaches. In light of the possibility of a run-of-the-river project, we have initiated collecting instrealll flO'd data (AlJPcndix 8). Because of the remoteness of the project site the use of helicopters would be anticipated. An access road from the powerhouse and diversion structure to the village may be required. Any access road would have to cross the Kametolook River and traverse the river valley. Construction activity and subsequent secondary use (increased hunting accessability, wildlife harassment as a result of increased recreational use) of the access road could alter bear movements through the valley, the degree of which is not known at this time. Local residents and preliminary engineering preferences suggest that a transmission route should follow the base of the foothills on the southeast side of the Kametolook River. Field observations have shown that the base of the mountains offer diverse viildlife habitat, similar to an "edge effect". r·! it i gat i ve me a sur e s \'iO u 1 d h u vet 0 bed eve 1 0 [) e d if t his t ran s III iss ion cor rid 0 r were chosen. 18 FWS RECOM~ENDATIONS Based on our current knowledge of engineering and environmental information for the hydroelectric project at Perryville, Alaska, the FWS makes the following recommendations: 1. ~1easures must be identified to reduce wildlife impacts associated with the transmission line corridor. a. Our preferred ranking of transmisson line corridor alternatives is as follows: 1. Inland corridor; buried line 2. Beach corridor; buried line 3. Inland corridor; above ground line 4. Beach corridor; above ground line b. If an above ground power line alternative is chosen, measures must be taken to raptor-proof the entire line's length. 2. The powerhouse and tailrace complex should be placed in the project canyon above the 100 foot contour. 3. I n order to protect the anadromous fi sh use of the 10lver reaches of the project tributary, the CE must recognize that an instream flow exercise may be necessary to deterr.line stable and seasonal releases. 4. Penstock and diversion structures should be constructed with the use of helicopters. 5. An access road to the diversion and powerhouse site should not be built because of its primary and secondary impacts on local wildlife (waterfov/l, large r.lar.lrnal and bald eagle). As advanced engineering and design data becorile available, additional studies will be needed to quantify specific impacts, which in turn will provide information to formulate a mitigation package. Such an effort must be completed before Final Phase II Feasibility is determined by the CEo The F\~S suggests that a FIJS/CE coordination r.leeting be held to discuss the aforementioned recownendations before the project proceeds into Phase II Feasibility. Finally, it has come to our knowledge that the desired level of engineering detail needed for us to initiate our draft Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (FHCAR) is not yet available. Subsequently, we ~Jill not be able to submit our draft FWCAR by the 15 November, 1982 deadline. A new draft and final FWCAR due-date will need to be negotiated once the necessary environmental studies have been completed and detailed engineering plans have been submitted to us for our review and incorporation. 19 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1978. Alaska's Fishery Atlas. 40 pp. + Appendixes. Avery, M.L. 1978. Impacts of Transmission Lines on Birds in Flight. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. nJS/OBS-78/48. 151pp. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F. Golet and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wet 1 and san d Dee pw ate r H a b it a t s 0 f the Unit e d S tat e s . B i 0 log i cal Services Program; FWS/OBS-79/31. 103pp. Hulten, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 1008 pp. Olendorff, R.R., A.D. ~1iller and R.N. Lehman. 1981. Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Power 1 ines. The State of the Art in 1981. Raptor Research Report No. 4 Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota 111 pp. Potter, L. 1979. Wild Flm-Jers Along tlt. t1cKinley Park Road. Camp Denali Publishing, McKinley Park, Alaska 200 pp. Sweger, D. 1982. Personnel Communications. Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. July 21, 1982. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1982. Commander, Alaska District. Study, 1 July 1982. 10 pp. Letter Report from Seattle District to Subject: Perryville, Alaska, Hydropower Viereck, L.A. and C.T. Dyrness. 1980. A Preliminary Classification System for Vegetation of Alaska. General Technical Report PNW -106. Forest Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 38 pp . . and E.L. Little. 1972. Alaska Trees and Shrubs. Agriculture -------;-.---Handbook No. 410. Forest Serv i ce. U. S. Department of I\gr i cu lture. Welsh, S.L. 1974. Anderson's Flora of Alaska and Adjacent Parts of Canada. Brigham Young University Press. 724 pp. White, H.A. 1974. The Alaska-Yukon Wild Flowers Guide. Northwest Publishing Company, Anchorage, Alaska. Editor. Alaska 218 pp. Willard, D.E., J.T. Harris and N.J. Jaeger. 1977. The Impact of a Proposed 500 KV Transmission Route on Waterfowl and Other Birds. Final Report submitted to the Public Utility COI~missioner of the State of Oregon. 89 pp. 20 A-l APPENDIX A VEGETATION nAP OF PERRYVILLE AND ITS VICINITY The classification system contained in this report incorporates two systems. (1) Cm/ardin, L.t,1., V. Carter, F. Golet and E. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS -79/31. December, 1979. (2) Viereck, L.A. and C.T. Dyrness. 1980. A preliminary classification system for vegetation of Alaska. U.S. Forest Service. General Technical Report PNW-106. May 1980. Miscellaneous vegetation descriptions v/ere specifically developed for those areas not clearly categorized into either of the above classification systems. A textual narrative is provided below for each of the codes used on the vegetation map. Additional studies will help to refine and standardize future vegetation r.laps for the Perryville area. Riverine System The system is bounded by the banks forming the outer limits of the depression within \'/hich the stream occurs. Water is usually, but not always, flowing. Upland islands or Palustine wetlands may occur in the channel, but they are not included on the Riverine System. Elements of the Palustine Syster.J may occur adjacent of the Riverine System, often on a floodplain. Subsurface water controls, to a great extent, the delineation of wetlands. RUPOSS -Riverine u errenial, 0 en scrub-shrub The grad1ent 1S 19 an ve OC1ty 0 t1e water fast. The substrate consists of rock, cobbles, or gravel with occassional patches of coarse sand. The flora is characteristic of running water, and there are fevi or no planktonic forms. There is very little floodplain development. Alder/willow occur along the banks with a herbaceous understory. t·leadO\'is occur on nearby slopes and among the willow/alder thickets. RUPSS -Riverine, upper perrenial, scrub-shrub The gradient is high and velocity of the water fast, the substrate consists of rock, cobbles, or gravel with occasional patchs of coarse sand. The flora is characteristic of running water, and there are fe~'i or no planktonic forms. There is very little floodplain development. Alder/willow dominately occur to form dense stands. Herbaceous understories are present but herbaceous r.leadows are not. RISS -Riverine, intermittent, scrub-shrub In this subsystem, when the water is not flowing it may remain in isolated pools. Suballuvial flow is present. Scrub-shrub areas are dominated by Hoody vegetation less than 6 III (20 feet) tall. The species include true shrubs, young trees, and trees or shrubs that are small or stunted because of environmental conditions. Alder-willow stands dominate the stream banks. Herbaceous understories are present. A-2 RUB -Riverine, unconsolidated bottom This section refers to substrate \~ith vegetative cover less than 30%. Unconsoldidated bottoms are characterized by the lack of large stable surfaces for plant and animal attachment. The entire length of the Kametolook River's river bed is included in this category. Aquatic vegetation was not found to be established in the river channel. Palustrine System The Palustrine System includes all nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens. It also includes the small, shallow, permanent or intermittent water bodies often called ponds. Palustrine wetlands may be situated shoreward of lakes, river channels, or estuaries on river floodplains, in isolated catchments, or on slopes. PML -Palustrine moss -lichen This c1ass inc1udes areas where mosses or lichens cover substrates other than rock and where emergents, shrubs, or trees make up 1 ess than 30% of the areal cover. The only water regime is saturated. PE -Palustrine emergent This class is characterized by erect rooted herbaceous hydrophytes, excluding mosses and 1 ichens. This vegetation is present for most of the grovling season in most years. These 'detlands are usually dominated by perennial plants and occasional patches of open, standing water. PAB -Palustrine aquatic bed This class includes wetlands and deep\~ater habitat dominated by plants that grow principally on or below the surface of the water for most of the growing season in most years. PSS -Palustrine, scrub-shrub The class scrub-shrub includes areas dominated by \~oody vegetation less than 6 m (20 feet) tan. The species include true shrubs, young trees, and trees or shrubs that are small or stunted because of wetted environmental conditions. Lacustrine System This system includes wetlands and deepwater habitats with all of the following characteristics: (1) situated in a topographic depression or a dammed river channe 1; (2) 1 ack i ng trees, shrubs, pers i stent emergents, emergent mosses or 1 ichens with greater than 30% area 1 average; and (3) tota 1 area exceeds 20 acres. Similar wetland and deepwater habitats totaling less than 20 acres are also included in the Lacustrine System if the 'dater depth in the deepest part of the basin exceeds 6.6 feet at low water. Islands of Palustrine wetland may be within the boundaries of the Lacustrine System. LAB -Lacustrine aquatic -bed This class includes wetlands and deep\~ater habitats dOrilinated by plants that grow principally on or belo'd the surface of the water for most of the growing season in most years. LE -Lacustrine emergent This class is characterized excluding mosses and lichens. growing season in most years. Shrubland System A-3 by erect rooted herbaceous hydrophytes, This vegetation is present for most of the Perennials dominate. Most Alaskan shrubland communities are dominated by willow, alder, or birch. CTS -Closed, tall shrub Shrubs genera lly over 5 feet in height and having a shrub canopy cover greater than 75 percent. Herbaceous understory is present as midgrass. OTS -Open, tall shrub Shrubs generally over 5 feet in height and having a canopy cover ranging from 25 to 75 percent. Herbaceous understory is present as midgrass. Miscellaneous System G -Grass This generalized class refers to midgrass, and/or sedge grass". herbaceous annuals. R -Rock "significantly large areas of tall grass, It also includes understories of flowing Largeoutcroppings of solid, consolidated rock material, sometimes vegetated with annual and perrenial plan species. o -Sanddune A sand hi1 r or ridge formed by ~dnd and wave action. Predominant vegetation covering the coastal dunes in the Perryville vicinity are beach rye and blue-joint grass. us -Unconsolidated shore Th i s c 1 ass refers to the vo 1 an i c sands that compr i se the beach substrate along the coast. KGSS -Kametolook gravel floodplain, scrub-shrub The dynamic nature o:r-the Karneto look R ivers course a lters the vegetat ion zones within its floodplain. This class refers to those areas previously unindated by the Kametolook River and are now successionally revegetating. Fireweed, short alder and willow dominate. Patches of moss and lichen cover the volanic gravel and sand. ErUB -Estuarine, intertidal unconsolidated bottom This class consists of tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands that are usually semi-enclosed by land but have open, partly obstructed, or sporadic access to the open ocean, and in which ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater runoff from land. The bed of this estuarine system is composed of volanic sands. Marine algae species dOI;linate the intertidal area. Beach-rye grass vegetates the banks surrounding the areas. B-1 APPENDIX B Instream Flow Data for the project trihutary at Perryville, Alaska. (August, 1982). Flow ReQime 8ein9 Measu~ ElevatIon of water's EdQe: Before Velocity Measurement After Ye locity MOQIurement B-2 Left BOI'tk Right Bonk Distance I JOboe_J~t fran I Flow V'ebc Ily {p$ Head PIn C~1f C~/I (tt) An9le Depth -Depth lutions' Time 7J~ Width Art'O' Flow r-LS RS Coef. (tt) Eltwation : % .# (sec) Pont Verticat (II) (fl ) (fthec/ I 0 / 0 ,(0 0 0 0 0 ;l/ / 0 ,(/J 0 :;,j 0 0 ;·5 / 0 ,b 0 7JY n 0 :1. g / ,7 JEJU .(p .1) 03 ·'::U ,1;6 33 / ,7 ,b 0 ,5 ,:--x) 0 3.'6 / Ii .6 1,7 ,j 170 ;jCIO 13 / j,,') ,t) 2j5 ,j' ,75 :;,375 '/.'1 / 11 .(/J :3.:; ,j ,75 ::!,Q';5 5-3 / /,:5 ,7:;; 'j,0 ,) ,b:5 ;'Q5[) 5,8" / Ii .0 d.LJ ,5 ,70 /, 65{;) &7.3 / /7 ,ft; .33 ,5 ,F) d&05 (p,?, / /.7 ,0 9:3 ,5 .S5 3.&5:5 13. J ill .6 3.2 .S ,70 ;?;?iO 7/ / i~ .-0 17 ,S ,70 IJb{) Y3 / /0 .0 ----if .5 I Xt-I) iI/if) 13 / // .6 ()9 .j .5:'i ·t;95/J 1,3 / 10 .6 Ib ,j ,50 ;itL/)D q,~ / OS' 6 I), . ~ , tfO , '1;{OO 10.3 / 0,7 .f? !J.7 ,.~ . ,J5 ,/;'/50 lOt F / 05 ·b .cB ,5 ,A:; ,0/25 //.3 / o.i .6 0 ,e; 'riO 0 . /:1.0 / 0 /J'Ew 6 r, .7 0 0 l/ /{: rj / n ._ {I .... ~ r 1/ r' n __ 0 ..J... . ...J.~ .. -,~ ..... " -" _., ..... ,. , .... " .. -~ .,----. ./ I' ---I. Ir--- --~---~----- --f--._--f-------f-----1----- -, .. - ----f--------'---f-----?fi?7fJ .-1(.-/"7/ / '7 cIs :)Iscnoq. for this Transecl .,{/, / Type of flow meIer I D Number _______ _ B-3 VELOCITY DATA Transect~ of ___ _ Stream I lOW I I MED I Flow ReQime BeinQ Measured Elevation of Water's EdQe: Left Bonk Before Velocity Measurement After Velocity Meosurement Distance It I I fran ,0 bsero'Ot ion I Revo-I Head Pin Flow (ftl AnQle Depth ~ Depth lutions Time LB RB Coat. (tt) £ltwaltCn : I 0/0 # (sec) 7,/) I .0') ,f;> /.~'i ) ,5D / I (.'7 flO / ,r:;O ,0 ;1.!J 7 ,W ,t; q.o / 11) ,f;; 35 / ,hI) .b Lj,O / -k() .0 1./5 / 1,0 .i2 J,{) / 1./.1) .(:, 55 I /./5 ,(; ~.D I /,!{) b , , 6,~) / /20 b 7[) / 00 . [7 75 I lO .b (,0 I /If) /,) ?j I ,(If) .k eo / (IU ,h {Lf / 173 .(7 /0,0 / ,''0 .(; JuS / ,50 I I) I/O / fl[J , I ,b 1/..5 / ·ft) .f' <1',1, /1 , .....,f"! / ify' . 1 _#-~ --1 '-; ,'-----T-- - y , '1' L: .J.' /,.,1,7 / 0 .6 - RiQht Bonk ~/i'yfp$ Cell Cell MtK1f1 Widlh Ar~ Flow Point Vert;cal ({I) (fl ) (It ~(fc) () / ,(j5 0 () ,f 1,15 0 ,./0 ,5 1;1 ) J)J5 I/O 15 ,;?j ,0;1:J //() ,) .:?) /;;;;;5 <15 ( ,3D 13'15 /.10 ')/ / '3D 1 ~/ct'10 I (7() 0) ·57 13f)f) .3t) .S ,55 j(/J5 ;)0 :; ,57) , ;Ix:! , JO 5 , c5) , Ijl.j [) ,(PO ,S ,bD .?0D ( L/O ,~ 1 ~:55 .2dD ,(of) ,)' ,sa .pO 6[) ,,) l/j , ?./{) .Iv 0 .) .i/'5 ,;f70 ' '/0 ·s , '/0 , /60 I ':)D , J ,375 , //3 /.1.? .5 ·30 ,075 :;;;/) , ·v 'S ~)j . L1' ,075 ,3i) .J . :<0 . ()fc;[) . . 1·r ) .5 II ;~JL!) ,060 / ~,~ . ) ;' /'"\ r'/ ~ _. .-' l. . ,:.. __ l j () II C; /) _0 0 " .... < --- ---------------f-- -1 -- - -------------V;?I/ DlscMrql for thiS TransecT Type of f low meter Il/aWr 1M' &t.H/{,j / 10 Nurnber ______ _ Checlled by ___ _ I B-4 VELOC I TY ,Q AT A , /1 (l 1 -------- Transect.... of____ Stream !2/~-> }1t«tL!It~/k!aff Flow ReQlma BeinQ Measured I LOW I I MED I ~ Dote (f/1/g2 Elevation of Water's Edge: Left Bonk Before Velocity Measurement Af ter Ve locity Measurement , II 1 I Distance I He~ln FlOWObserwtioni Revo-! Vebcli'.r fps (ft) AnQle Dep1h ~~ Depth lutionslTime I M~ LB RB Coef. (ttl £lt1votial i % # (sec) Point Vertical I Cell Width (tt) Right Bank Cell Area (ft) Flow (ff~~c) '0 / ,'/3 ,(jJ (J l/ ,/0 () 1 :lb j ,75 .0 (/0 ij 3tJ ! OJO 1---+---4---+-------+-------+---+------t-----~----. ~----. -----+----1 r---+-----+----+----+-------+---+---+.----I-----~.----------t----j r----+----+----+-----+----~---+---.~-I---+----~--_+----~ r----+-~--+-----+------+--~--~--~-----------~~J07 ;./'l / 11/ ;t, , / Type at flow meter j/ltZUI/ljli:7 U tVf!4;L / ~/),~ (! jJ5 Dischorq. for this T rcnsect _' --,-,-' '-=~,-/ ____ _ I 0 Number Checked by ____ _ Transect..... of ___ _ Flow ReQime Being Measured Elevation of Water's Edge: Before Velocity Measurement After Velocity Measurement B-S Left Bonk Distance I I I I He~ln Row Observotionl Revo-I VeOcli'y fps (ft) Angle Depth S~ Depth IlutionslTime 7J«n 1.8 R8 Coef. (ft) £1twa1ia7 j % # (sec) Pont VVf;cai -:1-3 I ,7 If;; 0 3,g' ) / It? 120 ,,); 3 / 7/ ,b 1'10 ~,/( / // I 6 I '3,1 ,r,~ / 7f) ,~ ;'11 tl.% / IJ 6 17:1) //,3 I 1/ ,t; 110 1/;'" I /v ,f/ ,50 1'/3 7 T1J ,0 ,50 15S / j,tJ .0 ,5D IJ '3 / /,7 b I :JD IcfJ / ;4 I {1 ,50 /(tJ3 / I?! I t:-. I ,~(J ;?;,t 7 /3 10 15{) 133 / /:1 / (p~ ,-90 :ly;,~/ / /1 ,1/ 3/) I L, eli',3 / 11 ,b ,~)O :T7.l / ,t! ,f/:J I/O ,:;{9:3 / ,l ,h. () Right SanK Cell Cell Widtll Area (II) (ft) ,;5 /Oy- <5 /' ~50 /) /6c? 15 1// ./,. JjL.:') 15 /50 /5-It'5 /j /65 /5 /50 /J /30 /5 /50 /,) ! /~JjO I,:) /KO /j ,,;yv /) /,/5 /5 ~ rfO ;:5 -.L~~ {,-15 /5 I/o''? {J /j / t,tJ /~ 5 ./~ - -+- ---.---. ~----~ -_., --. ~ ,,-.---¥ ~ ,,,. . -... -----_.-... ---'-r--~----. ----.-e--- -~-----f------- -~ f-------'---------f------ - .- ----------- DischarGe for this Transect Flow (fl /S4C) () /300 1'195- ,57% IhO{) 106:J ,0t;{J 17'50 ,~5u 17itJ , V/JO 19tL1 ' !l1J/) .Y}j 17-;;7u , ~r?5 -' ,/7{0 I a/-;0 () , - 10,7rJY ill. / (1/ /). Type ot flow meter /;/,iU.J1f/f 2edj-U(I{{ i 0 Number _____ _ --; 1111/ /it../ 1"'1 Computations by "Wi" /""r z,~, Checked by ___ _ ):c/!/ B-6 FIELD FORM /.~. -L//l Q If J /. 1/ / J / ,-r' /'7 I't'J pr. IV I U/ ~)CC L SIiJ/'f j"E/j' SV/i/ /IIjIUL C&wtf /[t(U!.q location 7 Stream TRANSECT DATA Transect# ,/ of f ------- PhotoQrophs {~:f}r ~ Horizontal Distances; LBHPtORBHP ______ 3_~_~,_~_7 ______ _ L8HP to~~ 0 r.~~Jf to LEW 1(( Top Width /}t' ~J /' '/ REW t~W,f () /'L! ~~!toRBHP v], / Elevations: Left Bank ~1oad P,n /?(' 7"7/ , , /r!1 Work Pin / Water 's Ed~e ti7 7) Longitudinal Distances: Distance From 3.19 Total Right Bank '1( 5'/ ---.-.. --~ ..... :,. .• _-- ( '. /;f •. 1' //Y Dote Adjacent Downstrecm ___________ _ . Iron!.ecf Left Stream Sank RiQht Stream Bonk .• I B-7 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA Transec1 -# / of .; Stream iXfjf,Zkf ./LtawP/ /UiU'A 7 j!!JtJ,O{) ~5S //fJ:!53 Bose Pomt Elevation BOCk Site Instrument Hel(~ht Ool..,ne. fro,. GOI.o.1I fro", Gro",.' Head p," "Od ".ad'"" StrH'" Cb_ 5 ..... " ... H •• d PI'" IItod ~HI~I"" SIr.tJnt Clttllf"-' .. Iftl .. S_di"9 E.r"_ L! 1111 (II) to I (rt, or 50,",,,41"" £I,,,a,,,,,,,, La ~ 111, rf,) LHP 0 fi;,OCJ Q}{,L!7' (!,RJiSS LEB ,(0 (P,3% C!i(/j br<JASS LEW d ~,gj 97, 7:1 /MUD VV5EL 1'3 iff f6 q167 M VD ,1,5 l 'it 96,95 f.lVD!GPAVt:L J,5 792 111,6 j MUD/MAUEl -------------------------------------.----------------------------- --------------~--------_._-----------------------.--~--------------------------- 96 l-·--,·-----.-;: --. ~~~~~~~~~~I~'~I~'-r'~I~'~I~' ~'~'~'-'-I ~·~l~I~'~I~'~I-rl~I~'~'~'- ~-----.. ---~---------,-.---..... -, .. o 5 /0 /5 20 25 30 3, DISTANCE FT. LJ I B-8 fiELD fORM TL/9S k(;:Vltc/ . .5l2?/2 SE;/'/ 5.;-1'1 ~C;U/I;I Location TRANSECT DATA iftet-~~/f Stream Transect# ,2 of ----- Photo9raphs ~ M:lgnetic Beaflng Dote Horizontal Distances: 3 '5-/) LBHPtoRBHP _______ V_'_A ______ __ LBHP to}/./HIt 0 l ~~'! to LEW 1 ;') ,fj /'7 1 '7 Top Width .1' /' J Total REW to~ a JBtORBHP ~u E levot ions: Left eonic ,?,rl Head Pin (7/7""-"'1 ( / , RiQht Bank . ' , Wcxk Pin ,-I~!;/ /77/;'I Weter', EdQe L>; / /1',-7 -:?~ ,- Longitudinal Distance'S: Distance From / /f) ? 4- Adjacent DownstreaTt ___ -::-7-:(:----~/_/_J ____ _ . Trannct Lat t Stream Bonk l./ / If-/ I, / ' Riqht Stream Bank " ' B-9 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA Tronsect# :l ot_~i __ _ Stream __ il..,../'-tT! ...... )_-_--------_~_~_UH!A __ ./'L_tb--_-_1!_-4_-__ /~~Jkif //7/J IJ./l I L' c/, L-U ease Point -----;Er."le-va-'-lo-n-- c.. to Na fro,. 6'Oflll# H.aO PI" IIa.l'looO, ... S_", CI>_ S_tr ... + "'1 .. S_Oi., £1,,,,,_ Ill! 1111 (III rff) 13,() 7 'lJ q ~ 70 &PJWn '/53-/iJ~~5-~3 BOCk Slle Instrument Height D ..... ...,. frQ'" G'"fIIlIf~ M •• d Pl,. ltod ~"ciI'U' SIr.tIIfI C,.~ ~oel'a,. (PII .r Sa.".,., £1.".,'011 LII 'IS (III (r'l ;;;.5,0 !-/37 1ft; I... f:;[JIUJfibf6PAIJ /OO~ __ -_~==~I ====~~~~--~~==~~~==~~~~ I 1 I , I I I I I I I ; I I --L-.- I I 1 , I ! ~-I 9 9+-.---";",.:...~===========--=--=-~-=---=--=---=---=----~------::-,::-,::--:~~==:::, -_-_~_~~ _ _:~_-:-=::=========-_--_ -_-1--::-_-.::-.::--= ,,-----_._---------.--------------r----=:1'-------'.-.. ---.. -.----"1 .--.--_ •. --.• -----.-..• --------. -.--.---•. ---------- ~-.-=--.. ----.----\-----------$~;:~lt;==t~~~=~-.---- 98 -----: L __ ---=--==:=---r------.:_:~: . i L _ _ __ • -.-_.-~ _ _._ lA :JJ:::.J.. lUSEr< \ : ---t -+..-----.-_______ ----\;.:....' ------:------41------------------. ___ . ________________ -/-__ _______ .....l::::-.,.""'""". __ -:--,.~-------___ --. _~~~=: ==--==~==~_:~=~-== _____ -.... _.:~=-_~_---:=.-+----- ------------------........ -~'----"----.------.-----.-----.---------------------t-l.--- 9 7+ __ -~-_-----=.=.-_-.:::..--=-=~-_=_=_=_~-... _-=-_-.::._ -_-~::: "'-.;_~:-_._-_--:---=--__ -~-__ ~=__=__-_-~-=~-:~~ .-"~.~-.•• ~-"~~---------.~-=----------:--~-=---...J.-__ ~---~---. _-. --~=-~---.-~-1-f.----.---==- ----_._--------<----------------.-,---~-.---~-------------"------_._----"--- ------------~----"----.-------_._----------------_._-_ .. _ .. -.. --.--.---------.- ---------------! I ___ •• _._ •• __ • ________ • _____ _ -----_.-...... , -------------.----~------------------------------"-_.------- .----------------------------.-. --'------.---•. ---"'='1,,-,,-=" ::;;C':;:-~=' ==;':::;7--.--.--.. -.-------------96 -.--------11---.-.---.-.---~----~-;_~:::;._--~----;--, --,---,--. --or; ----rr ----....... ;---..,.--l.-:--rl---r;-----T"",---::-, --"'1 --'--1 - o 5 / 0 /5 20 25 30 3 O/S TANGE FT. Stu~ B-10 FIELD FORM -Tf/7S /? (~tj iii SE(' 12 l<J£)~ S EJi S()jl'/ Location (itfU1;/~( /{j/kl! Stream - Crew Members tvayl(J (1~1 V'YJ ~ !f1Mj!t~ AJw/uv1(!lt/S) V(1A1 j;Au{lJcl/r! ~~) Weather Conditions -~~I sAy / /<1-(~1~11-~/{lLL';Je J) (> TRANSECT DATA Transect.#' 3 of 'I PhotOgraPhS~ ~ Sj15/f2 M:ignetlc Bearing Dote Horizontal Distances: L8HP to R8HP /)/ J ;:1 {/', _ L8HP tof/:$: 0 ~ to LEW LJLj Top Width /fS REW t~! a ~toR8HP /7/ -? , Elevations: Left Bonk Head Pin {ll,7? F0 Work Pin _/ / Weter', Edge tJ13/ L.ongitudlnat Distances: Distance From Adjacent Oownstrean ___________ _ . Tranuct Lef 1 Stream Bonk , , To tat Right BanK . /fc/1/~}> ;;:) f " I 1 / .//'V {I 7 / c.:- / ,/'/ '-/ Right Stream Bank <: a ----f---- :'Z ~ LL j ---J ltJ B-lJ CROSS SECT ION PROF IlE DATA # 3 '-J /~JtlA' -j/ -// )///( /1 fA' ! Transec1 of____ Stream Lcv:xv-au V (-/-c-:"/ ~-(.(f.l.(..L? , / CVV;0V( ,/ 1/ LE'N L()JSE Jl/1a1 lua-clsla4 / t)c1. () () 9ase Point --:r.EI-evo-t 1-00--- 0. .... "". tr 0" G, '14"lti "'Od Pl~ "ad Road"", S~,., c_ ., (tf! w S_di." £1#.""- ~ qll (tl) ro) SloAatreu ;/3.2 73f CJ7 1:1 rIrJIJWJJM,-'-Wb-f3,MJK / Back Site !)1.-f'Gl"Ce from Instrument Height Iot.ad p,., Rood ~.ad'no Str,O/Ift C/f01l"'; (,,) or SQu"d,,.., £1*"<1"""" L!I!ttI (r" (,,, /()() __ ~_~_s£ __ J_3_.~~ __ ~_/r_Y ____ <1_7_~;'~ __ L_~_:~_O_U6_~~~_D~_-______ ~ ______ ~~/ __ ~ ____________ ~1 / ;======-=_=-=--=.::..-=--=---=---=--_-_~ _ __:_-_..L...t-_~-_-_-_-_-__ -_-_--i--_-_~ _-_-__ -_-_-_-_-_ -,--t-i _--=--=-=-.-=_-==----+:-/-+-". -_ -_ -_ -_-~_--_ -__ § 1 f-----~-----'-------~------'-----.. ------.---~---------------9 9 ~------~_-__ -_-__ -----------~---------_. _____________ _ 98 97 , ._-_____ ------1' ---------, ---~----~-==~>---=~":.-.~~= _ _= ______ ._ -'"------ ----\-~-.----.. ".--,-.-.. ""¥.-.------. ~-. -~----" ~ -..... -_. ------'-~ ~-. ----------"~ .-.--.----~--.----.• == -\-~, -~~=~C-==~~:-~~·i~~~:~~_~~~.~~~-t ~=~~~~~~-. ~~.:~~---~~;~~;~~~~= ~--__\--_+_------+i --------L.---..L------------t--------------- t-------=l"r--------------------------. --------~ ---~-------.------­ I-------",c~----i_--------.----------.--'--.---+-~. -------------\.. ___ . .1 ./ r--____ ~---~",-~-------~-------------j+L--~----------- ........ --r---------------= ... -.........."--~-------_+_----------.. -.---------------------_.--""-------------------------------.. _._-------~--------- 96 --------~,--.-----! --~~=:~~-=~::?~~:~~~~;~~~ ~.~~ o 5 ;0 /5 2C) 2\.5 30 3~ D /S TA NeE FT. B-12 Study Site Crew Members fi;~1{I}(f tL(~-frw i il//UI! J-iJttul/ilinl{FM) /~ i:u<'jlii(tl:) / 2 I ~/ / TRANSECT DATA / / t-/ Transect.# 7 of_--,/:...-__ ?hotoc;lraphs m~~~ ~ M.J<Jnetic 8eortn<J Dote Horizontal Distances: /1 c7 ~ LBHPtORBHP _____ ,_~_J_"_j_' ______ __ L8HP tol$~/ ~~~to LEW Top Widtrt REW to,fifi~! ~13PHVto R8HP Elevations; Hoad Pin Work Pin Water's Edge Lon<;litudinot Distance'S: Distance From () .;/J /j/) { /" 1/,,-, () ,15" Left Bonk elf /: /; / ( I (I ~ . '/J ~./ /J '7"7// S ,/ v / Adjacent Downstream _____________ _ -Trom.ect Lef t Stream 8anl!. , I Total Right Bank /(:)! / (' / I ,:' 'J ' () / , /, RiQht Streom BanI!. B-13 ;2t6tu ~/alt / tJ U, lJ {J Bose Pomt --=E':-evo-tl-on--- tilt JEN /-W5E Q.ttGr"C1 fro", Heoer Ptft RCl4 ReOClIl'\f S".."" CJI...-..I SwD.Itr.r. ., ,", ... S~4Iift' E .... ',.. I (8 Ita (II) /fI) J(/)J5E AWP /tJ~53 Back Site Instrument Height Ott1'ane • fro"," Gro"I'Id H •• cr p,,, Ftood JteOdu"J $7'.am C hattAtf,/ s..._".t. 1"1 0' SO\l"dl"9 £I'tI"",t1iIf La '"' /"1 Iff ) ;:Ci,D rJi, 'lJ t7J beY v1{uf)j5JlT ;76,5 ({ir if / C/7/"< ""06/J1JK, IdY~D /1~1j-/~tJ I)' &fJlS5 215 iJ =>5 7/-/tJl) Ii' 6iKA5 1-----+-----r--.-----+----~ --------"-----+---------t---------~--~--------~:_------f-------- ----------------.~-------.-------- ---::-------~------~.::-----.::--:::--.::--_t----~--.::----.::.::.I--..:~---------~--~--~: ----:-=--=-~=-=--==----~------~--=-=,;I-=--=---===-=====~ -----.---~---"'---------r=-=~~~~-===t-~--------- ------------------_._--------------------~-- r------------------~---~---.-.---------------.. ----.-~ .. ---.-------.-~----.----. --~------~ .. --.--,,-._----,- ----.-----~ --.-,~ -. - -----\--------~--.. -~----... ---.~-. ~----. 1-----+----------:-------.---~-.. --.----.------<---.--. -.--------.. ----.--~ ------.--' -,-----------1----+---"------1 .------... --:-------~'-----------.---.~----______ ~ __ H'-__ . ___ L~ ______ _ r-======-:t==========-==~i ====--~------i-'--~--:-.-----.. -.------------.----.. --------~---------_1 ,--.---------------------,---.-----+---_ .. _-----------1 B-14 LJ VELOCITY,1JATA : /7/;,_.i &?tJ-?f ~£I2afl.?1~ Transect'*_..:...I_of_...J.L___ Stream t:~~ / Flow Re<;Jime BeinQ Measured Elevation of Water's Edge: I LCNi I I Meo I ~ Dote P/l)Y2 Left Bonk Right Bonk Before Velocity Measurement Af ter Ve locity Measurement Distance , \, I I I frcrn o bservation I Revo-I Vebc/lyfps Head Pin Flow Cell Cell (f1) Angle Depth S~ Depth lutions· Time Mea7 Wldlll k-~ Flow L8 RB Coef. (ft) Elevation : % # (sec) Pant VerllCa1 (II) (fl ) (It Age) t I 3,7 / ,JtJ It:; ./0 ,:5 j50 ;015 tlJ / ,30 ,& ,50 ,S ./)0 lo}5 1/7 / J5 .~ (65 ,5 ,/7) ,/;;/ ):'7 ' "-/ tfcry I () I/U 'S ·;;DO ,1'/0 5.7 / ,7(0 10 ,bj , .'5 "JtJ() ,/'30 ft·) / 50 .f£. ' ~O .J ,;?5{) , ,10(! v.7 / 11;5 I ~" ,8'u ,5 ,J2.'i ,;(6tJ 7;( / 1 &'0 h ' RD .) ,ijJO ,3){) 77 ! 160 .& , X'D ,) ,L/i/O (3)0 J,) 7 ,f5 .f:' , ?;D .) ,7'';)5 ,310 V'7 J ,{(O lb ,75 ,) ;LjJ?J ,33{y C .J / , YO ,G? I~O ,j ILjP]) I .'3;{ D ~17 ! ,XV , ? 1 kO .S '7./)/' ,3:;0 10,') '7 170 .t:? 80 ") ,55D ,A g'() it! 7 / ;b'O ' &'1 7) .S ,,300 ,2;15 I/, J, l Jd) .6 ,i:; .J ,'3DO ' ;1.;15 / /. 7 / ,S!J .b 7) .) ·;150 /Iyg- I},~ / . 'Ii -0 .1:; 5 'L:?':{ 5 ,/6X/ 11.7 ) ,70 .&2. ,70 .) ,,AOO /!I/O /3. ::; / , '10 b , '-;0 ·5 ,100 ,/'1tJ 137 -; , 'Ii) (:: i ,-' ,75 ' ,-;; . :lOO ,/50 . 1'-/, ] / 'If) .b ,]0 ,) ,(2!N) ,/fc/ 17'. 7 7 iiI) .. _.. _'. rJ:. ... __ .!../(~ ,r i ;'7{7[) . /7"<-') .!-L.-'-_._-----.. ~. ._-------~'<. --... . --_.-.----'-.:i/) 15, ;,") / ,,){) 11 l() ,5 ' :(1) /) -f-----!-JL.-f-. 15,7 / ,50 .~. , 10.' .) _'p?i() ./63 /~" / -2-. --=--~- ,50 ,0 , ? () .. 5. ,;J5D ,/7) 10,7 / If? .0 ,7/) ,5 ;{75 ' 1t?:J. /7) / ,60 .f) .65 'S ·300 , /CJ.1- /J/ / liJO ,t ff ~ ,300 /f({) I r_, ____ If) / 1105 ·b -.:..!£~ -.) ,37'7 ' ;?// --It; 7 / 1]0 . f.~ /'[; ,.. ,35'0 ,;';/6-• t ' .) DlschorG' for this Transect . C();(;T/A/(JEO ,//EY/ P""-''/(Jr7'6c:.T.:=) -- 10 Number ______ _ / (/ r{ Jt ! Computal'ons byL!!.:!0'(M«1l!! Check.ed by ___ _ ;:'I(/)I B-lS VELOCITY [UTA " /_. / ... f7;~///_}""//d;1f /C#tdU~h Transect of____ Stream _ 'V~Gf ~ 1'-/ Flow ReQime 8ein<~ Measured IlCNIj [MID I ~ Date I r/z/r2 Elevation of Water's Edqe: Beton! Velocity Measurement Af ter Ve tocit)' MlOsurernenf Left Bonk Distance' II I I fran IObseNOtionl Revo-I Head Pin Flow (ft) AnQle Depth S~ Depth ilutions'Time LB RB Coef. (ft) £lf1Votian : 0/0 # (sa<:) 1 I ic;l 7 ,l:;() ,(:;> /17 / ' (c) 10 ",'7a:l 7 ,7::/) ,(y )0,7 / ,_'JJ ,0 :Ii] / ,S5 ' (,.') 217 / . '/5 ,ft; 22,;( / ,il) ,(0 :127 / ,I/O .(; 23,7 7 ,30 ,~ - --- .... -.------- ---1--- -- - ----_ .. - Ri~ht Bonk Vbtx"1i'y fps C~II C~II I Mem Widlh JJrM Flow A::»?f Ver#ccw1 ('I) (fl) (fth6C) I{;,) ,:; ,300 .Iq~ ,60 /' ,3J5 ,(<15' , j ,/0 ,) ,3CO ,/s/o ,55 ,j ,;05 ,15:2 ,6tJ ' ) , ;:05-,/(;S 160 ,) ,?:l:! ./35 , J/J ,j ,a)S .//2 , _W If ,,-;jOO ,/00 / ) 'j/ , '/ ,j , Jj() ,06y' . f------~-- f--' - f----1----1-----1--- ._-,-1--._--r---- - ------,. -'----_.-1--._.-. 7~1;!6 Dischorg. for I his T ransec! Type of f low meter !J;:!kJlr /J/( ikULh( J 10 Number _______ _ /II("~ / C()mputat Ions by_:~ry!!/ Checked by f /1/\' B-16 FiElD FaRM /!vt-t,J1t ~tudy Site -;;-''1115 j(, i/),//{/ SE( 13 fo,?{')V ;f/FV! //FJy j (9iu-U; c/U~f /UtX~ Location Stream Weo t her Cond i t ions ___ C_7/_Lt_'a1 __ v_/~_Iz:i~ . ...::/_,-_~_J.._l:{..-:;· ,J-4_/{_I_---.-:::.::f~1-a:.::;.,./tt~(~------u .r 0 TRANSECT DATA Tronsecf# / Of ___ 1 __ _ PhotoQraphs 'im~ ~ ~gnatlc Beertng Dote Horizontal Distances: LBHP to RBHP 33,0 L8HP toA4~ 0 if~tr to LEW 3,0 Top WidtP1 11, g; Total REW to~~f 0 ,# .. ~:#l to RBHP if) r; / /! c\ Elevations: Left Bank Right BanK Head Pin tJr:1 0 ') , ' , .. ~ 99/"73 /v,10 Work Pin ___________ _ Wa1er'~ EdQe ___ q_L~_'7,_'-_/_/ _____ _ LonQitudinol Di'tanc~: J ///i.-1 Distance From /v/. 'I Adjacent Oownstrean ___________ _ . Tranuct l.f t S treom Bonk RiQht Stream Bonk '. I B-17 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA Transect# / Df_ ...... l___ St ream __ A_' ~_~{ /,-~_,_~ __ {_./_~_t_(X-_e-_;{ ___ _ Jr?uku MM!5-!dk 100,00 Base Point --""'EI'-eva-t I-on---SOCk Site Instrument Height o.stor-e. fro", GNH,Jlfd "oaa PI. ~.d " •• dll\Q Sir'MJ'" CII-' .. 1"1 .. S ..... d'"9 £1 ••• '_ L~9 "8 (II) rn I £ !It 0 5 ;7'1 :;q &5 J 5 ~<I qg 5'i :3 5 'If qq '1/ LEW 3,b !Pi! qf7/ W 5 £ L 3, b 5'0 ttl '( VJ '-/, 0 b ""'f C/o (,{J ~,O (y'l" C;t'l5 /),D ~ 5/ q tf3 /'j,[) 4 Sir-t;('j'j ----------------------~-------- T~=-~------------~:·-----~-----~"\t i ! r-----~\~~------~-----~------~----~----- B-18 fiELD fORM TRANSECT DATA :# ./ of II Transect ' ' __ 1 __ _ Photographs trrifaY ~ Magna tiC 8 earl ng Dote Horizontal Distances: LBHPtOR8HP ____ ~j_/_,~b ______ __ LBHPto~ ______ ~()~ ________ - _ to LEW ___ .-:..)_7,_L;...../ ____ _ /1./) 7 Top Widt~ _____ ' __ /_' __________ _ REW to~;#H---__ ~c;~!-------­ / /3 t J' ;,i~W~toR8HP __ --/-'-/-'~--------- Elevations: Left Bonk ',r'i c i , Head PI n _____ ,_l_, ,_'_'!_I_' ___ _ I{/ ,'lJ Work Pin ____ --.: _______ _ Woter':s Edge ____ tl_P_'_,5_j_/ ___ _ Longitudinal DistancH: ,/77 ,'J Distance From ,1".-.. Adjacent Downstrean ___ ~~:---_______ _ -'ram.ecf Left Stream 50nk , I ,')/ ~) iotal RiQht Stream Bonk R-19 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA I ~ If -# /) Li ; J-U~1 ~-t~-f /~({)!c~ L Transect ;::: of / Stream ______________ _ !Jj~v~-It /00,00 Bose Point ElevatIon BOCk SIte Instrument HeIght o..tor'ICe Ourf'ON:. fro,.. G'f~ ""~ frol't'l GI"O'U'~ H •• d Pt. ".d 'h.a, .. S"-",,, C"'_ ..... <1 P1,. Rod I=tMdll'HI Sk."", C" .. IfirM t 1"1 .. S_Cli., £"'~.,-..u 'I' (II) ('II (") at S ouftdl ft, £1 • .,.fICllf La "8 (III ("1 f/iP J) :, 03 10/ fr-Vt6.wJlJY (JJ< ! '3 03 I () 1 r i' 1/13'!-'ANiJ'./h/( /02 h /0/ O /3, h 7/;1. r; 7 77 lrt16.,'j~'P / 0 ;~---=---~=..::-~-\-~\=--~=~~=--~=--~=..::-~=--~=i--~=--~=..::-~=..::-~=-f=i--~=----=-=--__=_=..::_~=_:_,~=..::_~=_~~~=_~:-~_ =_~'_~-=_-==~_:=~::=~:=_=-:__=_d.-=~_-=~_-~--1~ ----~-~-------~-------~,-------Ll ---------------------~ I j I \ , 'X , ~S1tJD/~~.Eb~~====================~'====~~~~'5l.~~'r.={=-===============-~-======~---~ --__ --_____ ---+ _____ ~ _______________ -----;;>L"------______________________________ . __ r-------~,.--+-------+-.-.-... "'-.. ---.. '"-_.-.-. ~,-,,_ .. - . + +, -. ~.-•• -.--••. ~ .. ". -----.--. -'-'.---'-'----t-----~j'r---~ ____ ~---_---i--------~------------L--------.----"--------t-~ 98 :~_-_--_----'~-h--'-: -_--~-~; __ j~~---=t: -=~-_ ~-----====:=:,==-------------.:---1-1 I I' ------J..---~---____1I---------·---____1 '---------==-;=---=-===-~~-:~-=-----1=---~=~=~=-----~--==------------j f----------l?-. --~---:-:-:::--=-=------=--=-=:r=~==:=r-=====-__===__=___ -------------1 ltJ i----------H-----------------'-----------.----~-----------------------------_I I---------+-----~--_____, ______ -J ___________________ -.------_________ --1 9 7 1:--· -----~~;:====--=-==-=-~. 1. _-==-___ L __ =--__ -------_-· ___ --_+' _-._--~---~~~---_--_ .. ~-~=~~-_:_--=---------------------1 ----------------~ ~__±-----' --------------------------------1 9 6:=:-~-~-------,-,-'~?~~~~~·~~~~=~~~~-,~~~~,~;-~~ ·~~TI o t; /0 /5 20 25 30 3~ DiS rANGE F StuY 51 te B-20 FIELD FORM ~/'-7'qs J!r;/(L<) 5ECl3 /J (jJ )/'1 )/£ /<; )JP :t Location Weather Cond it ions ____ ~_/ __ 1 ,;".,~_. -:;-'1'-...,:;a:.:..M.?.-:....-.:.../_~.L-=-I...:...t..;·LtJ::... ::...::H~··...!:;v::..:fz::::f-iU;~Ij.:::/ _____ _ J " V TRANSECT DATA Transect.#' 3 of __ 1 __ _ Photographs ~¥~ ~ Mcignetlc 800flng Date Horizontal Distances: LBHP fo RBHP S:c.q LBHP 'o;#,~ () .t(-$WH to LEW ,16 '1') / Top Widt'" /1' ~ I 1./.) C REW to~ ~toRBHP 9 7 I I Elevations: Left Bank Heod Pin /oo,:;F Work Pin l;«J \Yater', Edge ?~~~, Longitudinal Distanc~: Distance From Adjacent Downstrean __ _ -Tran!ect Le'-f-' -S-tr-e-am-Bank " , Total Right Bank cl9'cf2 RiQht Sireom Bank B-21 CROSS SECT ION PROF ILE DATA Transect# 3 I / . I of 7 Stream ,:~ flUi.?f ~(JLttJ..t1 /{/~t!-/[ LEW WSEL ilku liuulslair / tJ (), tJ 0 Bose Point -~Er.-Ie-vo-t-Io-n-- C). lei...:. fro I'll GI'Ofl"~ HIOd ,It)" .-.od ".odINJ s.....,,. C .. ~ S.-tratl + (HI .. S_di"t £J,,~.,_ I Le 'UI (II) ,,,, Bock Site Instrument Height from GI'Ofllf~ ~d ~"dl"9 S7r.~ Cit"..",.; ~De"OI' (I'll or SOUl'lf""V £1 • .,alIIM ~8 ~I! (II) rN' R£W :t3, 2 t) C(t, If Y '13 5/JAJ'fJY ? 'I {J .2-or oq i? I SIW fJl ____________ • ________ • ____ -_________ . -_0 ____ • ________________________ _ f----I-~-_______ ~ ________ o_ 96 -.----, --~ I o 5 r ----,-----., .. -. . --------------- B-22 FIELD FORM Study S,te T '175 A~ 6Lj 11/ .':>¥C'1 /y /(/&11/ #£}o/ )lFff /~V?l /~ ~/; LocatIon Stream TRANSECT DATA '/ of_-"--__ ~gnetlc Bearing Dote Photo<;lraphs _ ~ Horizontal Distances: L//j L8HPtoRBHP ________ I_'/'_0 ______ __ L8HPfO~! 0 ~to LEW 5-/ , I; Top Width d0,tj Total REW toSSW9 0 ~"to R8HP r?S J Elevations: Left Bank Right B(]nk Head Pin_ /0/ '1/ ??;.f7 ~/i(4 Wak Pin _____ ' ______ _ tlf,S'6 Woter', Edge ___________ _ Longitudinal Di'tanc~: Distance From 3/'[ !~ ') / {//.-L ... Adjacent Downstre(JT1 ___ -:--:-_____ _ . Tran~ect Lett Stream BonK Right Stre{]m Bonk , I B-23 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA # '1/ Transec1 _--, __ of J / / / L. /' tUU--?1 _/c(j--C-~ r t/~~/1. / Slreom ___________________ _ ~{/Ut30lSte~'e /O?:U{J Base PolOt Elevcllion 0. ... tor<. r,oltll HtU PI_ (H) LB 'Ie 3J,0 51,0 a'O'J1'~ R.~ "ud'''' $_'" Ch-.l ... 'OVI\Qi"9 £M""'~ II" (f/) 5 IA),IU ett ~--+-----+-------+----------- ~--~----_r-----~----- OIIftlN:. "0'" H,. d P, '" (tI) LB ~II Instrument Height I Grt>",.; Rud R'eoQI"O SIr."", CII(IIIf"'; Of SOUl"ldlt'lq I EI't'tUldIII 1"1 I rtf I r---+----+--------t---------i -------------1-1 ______________ , ______ --,. ________________________ _ i 1 I ~-----c--------------- : ----------------+-----------:-------+--------~---------------------I I : i I : I --- l --~---------------- I I L-! ! ---'------------!-------------+--------- I i I i ----------------~------____1>------------------------------------------------------------------------ §-----~ '-1 ------------------------------------------------ I--_______ --I-~ ____ i ----~~.--.• -. -.-.--~ .• -----.,.----.--. ' ...... _-. .. .... . '~.'--" .--• ¥_ ... ,. "--.---~~~~=_~=~=-_i. __ =1~=~ -----~=~~i~=:-~--=~~~~~i~=~_~=:=;~~=~_-~~~~~-~=--==-=~_--T=:~=----- !-------_-----~ ---t-----+--+--------'---~---- I __ ~ ____ "_ ________ L ___________ ____' ----.-~-----------------.-------~--------,---___________ ~~ _____ ~ ____ . _______ l-________ ; _________________ ~ _________________ _ ----------------------i----------L-__________ • _______ -----------------------------__ f---------~.-------_-_-__ -._-_-_-_-i~' ___ ---~ ~_===__:.~ _ _=__:_-I_========:=-__ =---=---==-=-=---------- e---------.------------------, -------------------.------------------.----------------------f-------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------------- I----------------~----------<---------------------------------------------------------------_____________ ------------.1.-------------------_________________ _ ---~-----~-----------------------------------~------------------ -----------------.-----------.-------------.----------------------- -------------~------------~----------------------------.----------------------- ----------------+----------------.-------------------.------------------------------------------.----- --------------------------------.-------------_. ------- I -----------------.. ------------.--------.. -,--.--------------------------- --'.----~-. ----------------~--=-----=-:::---=-=---= ----~---:.-::::-:_---::--------------------~=----:-:=-=---~====-------------==- - -------..--._--'----_ ... ---'-"-"' -_._-,j. ----_ .. --------~ --------.----.------------------.----. ------------------- ) J J J B-24 CROSS SECTION PROFILE DATA # L/ L;! / tJ-0U.~1 ~~(;.b( v~~ Transect I of Slream ______________ _ ~Jcu !uJUJ~ ,I CO, OD Bose Point ElevaTion Back Site Instrument Height Transect'" of ___ _ Flow ReQlme BeinQ Measu~ Elevation of Water's Edge: Befont Velocity Measurement After Ve locity Measurement B-25 Left Bank Distance I I I I' Right Bank frcrn I I 'I I I I I VeIOcdy fps Head PIn Flow iObser\'01ion Revo-. C~/I Cell (ft) AnQle Depth Stream1>«J1 Depth 'iutions'Time I' MfJa'l W/dln Ar~ Flow LB RB Coaf. (tt) £/svutKYI i % # (sec) Pc::ant Vertk'at1 (tl) ((I) (It /S~c) /Lf,J 7 ,30.0 0 1'5~ /5 () Dischorol for Ihls Transect __ ' _____ _ Type of f low meter I D Number _______ _ Chec\<.ed by ___ _ 1'.-26 Flow ReQime Being Measured Elevation of WOler', Edge: left Bonk Before Velocity Measurement Af ter Ve locity Meoaurement Dist~ ! 1 I I fran !o bservot ion I Revo-i HeadPin Flow (tt) AnQle Depth S~ Depth Ilulio", i Time LB RS Ccef. (tt) E/twotim : I °/0 # (sec) I {~Ilb / /;f . (:7 30/ 7 7 10_ '3!}, (p / 17 ,~ '3/./ / ,05 ' {:: '1), i:J / I o---:r ,b --- ---- c----- ... __ M_ .---, --_ .. _----~ --.~. ~ .. ~ _ ... ", ~ --- ------ "--- Right Bonk Vebcdyfps Ct!// Ct!// MtJa'I W/dlll Area Flow ibnl VertiCal (tf) (If) (fi /S6C) .(O() /) ,/(1 ,{}O IYO .".--Ie'! ( 0;; I) ;31) I:J ,05 10/5 I/O {S , ();?s loa2 ,ll5 ,() Cyj I CJ'72 ---_. _.- ----- I --,~ --->-------------1 -----~·-~f··=J -------- -----e----- ---~- ----- ------f--------/? {~-p} Dlscnorql for this Tronse<:t / ~ ,j .-J ')--. , ~ / I ,_ T _) Type of flow meter I 0 Number Cheded by ____________ _ , I , _ .... • ,,10 Q 0I!i0 .. • 's:::> , • ... • "'-" ~ • • • (,J 0 • • I ...... <Pi., ..... ~ '" , \ .. ~ "'. , , • .. .. " ..... .. , Q ,. , • G , .. I 8 B 8 e I ," • • ,,'" Q t> 0 V (J " Lu~ I--U() () --~S: Lw G::f5 -:-::, Q.O LuO) CC Cf) ..c..j "(0... Lu 0 ~ () I------0 It.(!) cc Lw --0 I--0 Lw () 0 .....j..c..j C\J It.. CJO Lw --0 .....j() ..c..j . . <Lw --0 --Lw ~~ C)O Lw 0 --__ cc ..c..j " CJ~ f--~ ~ G () <~ ~:t: 0) ~ "(..c..j LuLw --::r::~ ~..c..j Cf)< ltJ::::! __ cc ~:::,. It.~ >-. Q:: .0) Q:: Cf)Lw Lw ::j:s Q. I VEGETATION KEY I IRUPOSS I RiVERINE UPPER PERENNIAL I RUPss I RISS RUB PML PSS PE PAS L LE LAB CTS OTS US R D OPEN SCRUB-SHRUB RIVERINE UPPER PERENNIAL SCRUB-SHRUB RIVERINE INTERMITTENT SCRUB-SHRUB RiVERINE UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM PALUSTRINE MOSS-LICHEN PALUSTRINE SCRUB-SHRUB PALUSTRINE EMERGENT PALUSTRINE AQUATIC BED LAKE LACUSTRINE EMERGENT LACUSTRINE AQUATIC BED CLOSED TALL SHRUB OPEN TALL SHRUB UNCONSOLIDATED SHORELI NE ROCK SAND DUNE G GRASS I KGSS I KAMETOLOOK GRAVEL FLOODPLAIN SCRUB-SHRUB r£IUBl ESTUARINE INTERTIDAL ~ UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM