HomeMy WebLinkAboutScammon Bay Small Hydropower Study and Environmental Assessment 1981.. Scammon ~:1l\'; ay / Small Hydropower Study and Environment Assessment TK 1425 .832 1J 54 1 98 1 '-------:~my Corps of Engineers Alaska Distnct ..,--.' '" • SUtf1ARY Like most isolated villages in Alaska, Scannon R~ has been plagued \'Iith ever i ncreasi ng electrical costs. Although at one time relati vely inexpensive, diesel fired electrical generation costs h~veskyrocketed since Sca~on B~ became electrified in 1974. This study considered various alternatives that could either supple- ment or replace diesel generation. Two alternatives '1ereidentified that could have a significant impact on electrical generation, '-lind generation and hydropower, neither of ,.,hich could totally eliminate the use of diesel. Wind generation appears to have good potential during the ,,,inter months when high winds of long duration occur; however, wind potential duri n9 the Sllr.\ll1er nonths appears relati vely poor. The exact extent of Scammon Bay's ,,,ind resource has never been assessed, making detailed evaluation difficult. Even i.f this infomation were available, the state- of~the-art in wind generation is such that no units are currently comercially available that could r.Jeet the village's need for 60 cycle AC current unless they are induction generators, ,.,hich would only rneet a' very small portion of the energy needs at any one tir.Je (approximately 15-25 percent). . Hydropotler generation, the selected plan, 'fOuld totally replace diesel for approximately five mOnths of the year and partially. replace it for, another three nonths. The hYdropm1er systeM would consist of a small dam, 3500 ... foot penstock, and a pO'1erhouse t/ith a 100-kilowatt turbi ne- generator unit. The estioated first cost in October 1981 dollars is $1,130,000, with operation and maintenance estimated at $20,000 annually. This system could produce an es~imated 432,000 kWh of energy during the months of April through Noveober. Approximately 55 percent would be us~ble during 1983, the first year of operation. If a cot1r.1ercial1y vi'able wi nd systern becomes avail able that could function as an i ntergal part of the ScamonRay sy stel':1 , it appears that it could COMplement .thehYdropower system. Wind potential is greatest duriog· the \11 nter tlhenihe, tiydrosystem '-IOU 1 d be shut down and 1 east ,i n the sun;ner ,.,hen hydropo~r 'p()tential is greatest. . . i ( SCAMMON BAY PERTINENT DATA SHEET SCArf10N BAY GENEI'tAL DATA Project"Insta11ed Capacity Nunber of Units Type of Turbi ne . Average' Annual Energy (kWh) Estinated Usable Energy (1983) Estinated Usable Energy (1990) Dependab1 e Capaci ty Gross Head Oesign Head ECONoruc DATA Project InvestnentCost Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit Cost Ratio iii 100 kW 1 Inpulse 432,000 kWh' 239,000 306,000 o 485 Ft. 430 Ft. $1,130,000 $108,400: ~ $125,300 $16;900 1. 16 to 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 , .1 AlJTHORITY ••• e,e ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUgY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1.4 STUDlES BY OTHERS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 2.1 COt1r1IJNITY PROFILE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · ••••• 3 2.2 NATURAL SETTI NG ••••••••••••••••••.•••• , •••••••••••••••••• 6 2.3 ELECTRICITY USE .••...•.•................................ 9 PJWB LEns, NE EDS, AND STUD Y OBJ E CTI VES ............................ 1 4 3.1 POWER SUPPLY AND FUTURE DEr1AND ••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 14 FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES •••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 4.1 ALTERNATIVES •••••••••.•.••.•••.••.•.••.......••••••••.• 19 4.2 Sur,1t1ARY OF BEST ALTERNATIVES (SOA) ••••••••••••••••••••• 28 4.3 NED PLAN ............••.......•......................... 32 4.4 EO PLAN •••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~3l, 4.5 SELECTED PLAN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · •••••••• :.32 CONCLIIS IONS AND RECOt"1ENDATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 5.1 CONtLuSIONS •••• ~ •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 5.2 RECO~1t1ENDATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• 33 TECHNICAL T .1 T.2 T.3 . T.4 T.5 T • .6 T.7 T.8 T.9 T.10 T.11 T.12 " ,I " ANALYSIS., •• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 35 GENERAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 HYDROLOGY ••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••• 35 GEOLOGY ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• w •••••••••• ~ ••• 45 DAU:AND SPILLWAY, AND INTAKE. •••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• 45 PENSTOCK •••••••••• *.* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e' •••.•• 47 POWERHOUSE ...•••..•..••......••..••.••..•..••••••.•••.• 48 TRANS~lISS ION SYSTEt1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 ALTERNATIVEpESIGNS CONSIOERED ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 CONSTRUCTION PROCEI'IURES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE •••••••••••••••••••••• 51 PROJECT COST •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 53 PROJECT ECONotHCS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · •••••••• 54 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT In'PACT. ~ ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• ye11ow ENVIRONnENTAL ASSESSr1ENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ye 11 ow FISH AND lHLDLIFE COORDINATION ACT REPORT •••••••••••••••• Appendix A iv a .. INTRODUCTION . 1 • 1 AUTHOR ITY The evaluation of small scale hydroelectric syst~s was authorized by a United States Senate Resolution dated 1 October 1976. Tbat resolution directed the lJ.S.Arqy Corps of Engineers to detemine the feasibility of install i n9 small. pr~packaged hydroelectric units in i sol ated communities throughout Alaska •.• The full text of the resolution reads as foHolls: ... , ' RESOLVED BY THE COf.1ITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE,That the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors' be, and is hereby requested to; review the reports. of the Chief of Engineers on Rivers,and Harbors.,in Alaska, puhlishedas House nocur.aent Numbered 414, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Southeastern Alaska, published as House Docur.aent Nut:1bered 501, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 34, 85th Congress, 1st Session; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, publ ished as House Document NUr.1bered 182, 83rd Congress, 1 st Session, . Tanana River Basin, Alaska, puhlished as House nocur.1ent Numbered 137, 84th Congress, 1st Session; South''#estern Alaska, published-as House nOcur.leht NUr:1bered 390, 84th Congress, 2nd Sessi on; Not hue stern. Ala~ka, publi shed asHouse Document NlJr.'Ibered 99, 86th Congress, 1 st Session, Yukon and KUskm-,in River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered· 218, 88th Congress, 2nd Session; and other , pertinent reports,Hith a vie,., to detemining the advisab11ity of r.1Odifying the existing plans with particular reference to the feasibility of installing 5 ru~ or less prepackaged hydroelectric plants to service .isolated connunities. . . 1 • 2 . SCOPE OF THE ST~nY This interir.1 studyuas undertaken to detemine if econonically and environmentally feasible alternatives exist that could meet orsuppiement the futureelectricar'energy . needs of Scamon Bay. Potentially feasihle alternatives ·\'fere .e.valu.atedin sufficient detail to allow expedited inple~ntation. This studY.considered only electrical enerQ..,!needs si nee total energy needs \'#ere, evaluated in the Alaska Potier Authority's (APA) energystudy~ recently conpleted by fJorthern Technical Services (NORTEC). A sumary of findings forthe'Scamon Bay portion of theAPA study is given llnder Section L 4 STUDIES BY OTHERS. 1.3 STUDY )ARTICIPANTS A nultidisciplinary tean conposed of the follo\'1ing agencies assisted the Alaska' District, Corps of Engineers in preparation of this report. , -U~S. Fish and Wildlife Service -U.S. Public Health Service -U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs -Alaska PO''ler Adninistration (Federal) -Alaska POHer Authority (State) -Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative -Northern Technical Services {NORTEC} The cooperation of the people of Scarnm~n Bay is also gratefully acknoH1edged. 1.4 STUDIES BY OTHERS The United State's Departr.1ent of Energy, A1a'ska PO\'fer Administration, prepared the "S ma 11 Hydroelectric Inventory Of Villages Served By Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative" in Decel7lher 1979.' This study assessed the potenti;a1 for hydroelectric deve10pr.1ent at over 40 villages in ,';estern Alaska. SCar.1r.l0n Bay \'las found to be the Most likely village of those studied to have a feasible hydropo\'1er site. This preliminary investigation considered tHO potential dave10pment scher.1es, one \'1ith an installed capacity of 170 ki10\'iatts (k~n, the other,\'1ith 285 kW. These pre1ir.1inary estir.1ates Here based on an estir.1ated average streal7lf10w at the damsite of 9 cubic feet per second (cfs}.Subsequent investigatio;ns and streanf10\l,r.1easurer.1ents hy the Corps of Engineers ;'ndicated an average annual streamf10\'1 of about 2.5 cfs, well be10\'1 that assumed. NOn-TEC prepared a draft report for the A1 aska Pouer Authority' entitted Reconnaissance Stud Of Ener Re uirements And Alternatives, To iak, 'Go'o neHS ay, ,)car.11710n a, n ra 1n e ruary e OR study a resse a "energy nee s on a reconnaissance level. including 'electrical, heating, cooking, and transportation. It projected future energy needs for electrical and heating purposes and evaluated' nUl7lerous alternatives to r.1eet these needs. Alternatives determined \'/orthy of further consideration included energy conservation. direct \'faste heat capture, hydropO\'1er, and possibly Hind generation. The first two a1 ternatives, energy co'riser-vati on and \'1aste heat recovery i , related pril7lari1y to the heating load. Hydropo\'ler and \'1ind \.,ou1d provide electrical energy, with diesel providing backup in both cases. Other alternatives considered, but detemined infeasih1e, included Rankine Cycle \'1aste heat capture, fueJce11s. geothema1. tidal. solar photovo1taic" stear.1, and,gasification. ' NORTEC'S projected energy der.1and ,for Scalllnon Bay took' into account the recent addition of a 6,500-square-foot high school and the planned 1981-1982 "addition of 24 housing units by u.S. Depar'tr.1ent of Housing and Urban nevelopr.1ent (HUn). Ahove that, a conservati ve gro\,/th 'i n energy demand, of 0.9 percent \'1as usedbegi nni ng in 1982. The o. 9 pe~ent estir.1atedgrO\,rth ratei s \'/ell be10u the historical grO\1th 'rate for Scar:1r.1on Bay, but past increases Here largely due to the initial ' acquistion of electrical appliances during electrification •. NORTEe as'sumed that increasing costs, coupled \'/ith conservation \'1ou1d tel7lper future gro\'/th;, houever, \'lith, passage of the "Po\-fer Cost Assistance Progral7l" by the Alaska Legislature in August 1981, pO\'1er costs will be subsidized (in Scamon Rav) to a level be1o\'1 the 1975 consur.1ercost. Therefore, the 'NORTEC forecast will be consider the low load grO\1th scenario. 2 , , , EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 COt1r1LlNITY .P!lOFILE Scar:non nay is an ES,kir:lO village located .in,theYukon:"Kuskok\'lim Delta region of southl'lestern Alaska. The village, orfginal1ynamed r1ariak. was officially renaned Scamon Ray in honor of Captain Charles M. Scarnnon who served as marine chief of the \~estern Union Telegraph Expedition in A1askafron 1856 to 1867. . 2. 1.1 Popul ati on Prelininary data fron the 1980 census indicate a population of 251 at Scammon Bay. This represents an average population increase of over 4 percent per year si nce the 1970 census. HO\,/ever, the actual yearly growth rate has varied considerably as can be seen below: Table 2.1 HISTORIC POPULATION OF SCN·1MON BAY Year 1940 1950 1960 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 .1979 1980 . ;" ."; '. 2.1.2 Government and Services Population 08 103 . 115 166 165 192 225 193 232 251 ScamonBay \,/as incorporated as a second class city in 1967. The seven nenber city council selects the to\'m mayor and administrator. In addition, the city enploys a clerk. secretary/treasurer. police, and maintenance personnel. These positions are funded through the Compre- hensive Emp10ynent Training Act (CETA) program. Other government supported employment sources include the Bureau of Indian Affairs School. the !lura1 Parent-Child Progran, and seasonal fire fighting for the Qureau of Land r1anagement. Scannon Bay's native population is represented hy a 5-nenber traditional council which is the official tribal governing body for the village. The council is e1igihle to adninister a variety of Federal programs, including local health care, employment assistance, college assistance, social services, etc. . 3 2.1.3 Transportation and Communication Scar.1r.1on Bay is accessible by air, \'/ater, and \'/inter trail. Fuel and bul k supplies are barged to the community from June to September. The Kun P.iver. se~ves approxinately 60 privately o\'1ned boats, providing transport.ation to fish and berry car.1ps. '~.' ' . A 2,BOO-foot gravel airstrip north of the city enables daily sched- uled cOr.1r.1ercial air service. Principal air carriers include Sea Airrno- tive and Hei n. ScaMMon nay has approxinately 1 nile of gravel road for use by thefew vehicles in tmm. Sno\'nnach,ines, owned by nearly every household ~in the comunity, are the r.1ajor fom of transportation in Hinter. The cOr.1Dunity r.1enbers have access to one telephone located in the; conmunity'hall. Television is also available from the Alaska Statewide Satell ite "ColT.1unications neb/ork. 2. 1.4 Economy Year-round er.1p10Yr.1ent f n the city is avai 1 able through local govern- ment and trade. In the trade sector, employers include the airport, four small stores, and the general store. Some residents also sell handmade grass baskets, ; vory carved je\'1e1 ry, and other handicrafts. In addition to the governr.1ent,comercia1 ffshingis the other primary source of incor.le for Scammon Bay. As of 1979, the Yukon District had issued 40 gill' net pern4ts to Scar.1r.1on Bay residents. COr.1mercial species includesalinori and,toa1esser extent herring. Herring are anticipated to becor.1e a larger portion of the cash economy\'/ith the .investr.Jent by the Alaska Renewable Resource Corporation in the construction of approxiMately lO.herring fishing boats at Sca~on Bay. In addition to theSe conmercial catches, noncash landings include \'/hi tefi sh, bl ackfi sh, need) ef'i sh, snel t, and toncod. . . Incor.1e fror.1 the aforer.1entioned activities is supplemented by subsis- tence hunting and gathering, and to sone extent, assistance payments. In addition to fish, residents of the area hunt \'1alrus, seal, geese, swains, cranes, ducks, loons, and ptarnigan. In the fall, various types of berries such as blueberries, cranberries, and salmonberries are har- vested. Table, 2.2'indicates the overall enployment,distrihution for Scam9n lJay. Gi 1 1 netti n9 BU1 CETA Table 2.2 SCAt1"ON BAY 1979 EnpLOYt1E~4T BY INDUSTRY Pa rt-Ti ne Year-Ro'and l' 4 .' SC AMMON BAY HIGH SCHOOL SCAMMON BAY FISHING FLEET Table 2.2 ConI t SCA~'10N BAY 1979 EHPlO~1ENT BY INDUSTRY Airport BIA School Retail Parent-Child Program Handkrafts TOTAL Part-Tirne * 40 Year-Round 12/ 9- 8 2 31 Source: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs 1/ Based on number of gillnet permits only. Actual participation is greater. ~/ The new high school has added additional employment beginning in 1980. *Number Unknown 2.2 NATURAL SETTING 2.2.1 Cl imate The area has a maritime influence as indicated by its relatively . moderate temperatures and precipitation. The Askinuk tfountains influence the climate at SCaml':lon Bay, such that the various pressure systerns approaching from the .ocean or the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta have a direct effect on the village. The nearest climatological stati on is located at Cape Romanzof Ai r Force Station approxirnately 15 air miles away. Although Cape Romanzof is at approximately the 435-foot elevation and has a south\'iest exposure, it represents the only nearby site for approximation of ,~ather at Scammon Bay. Cape Ronanzof data, obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (tJOAA) records for the period 1953-1978, indicate that avera~e tenperature ranges during summer and winter are 34° F to 49° F and 9 F to 31 0 ,F respectively, with recorded extremes of _26° F and 79° F. The average monthly preci pi tati on ranges bebieen 0.98 and 5.00 inches . \'1ith an annual average of 25.45 inches. The maximum monthly precipita- tion for the period of record is 10.50 inches with the maximum 24-hour precipitation being 2.77 inches. Table 2.3 and 2.4 provide a monthly breakdo\'ln of precipitation, tetlperature, snO\'I, and wind. 2.2.2 Regi onal .Geology Scamon'Bay is situated on the northern foot of the Aski nuk Hountai ns in a region alrnost entirely cornposed of the flat, 10\'I-1ying deltas of the Yukon anQ Kuskokwim Rivers, with an occasional rock hill rising several 6 II ,,' TABLE 2.3 CAPE ROMANZOF CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA 1/ PREClPITATION:~ JAN FEB r:1AR AP,R r-1Gl Y .. JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL AVERAGE 1. 11 0.98 1.25 .97 1.28 2.13 2.95 5.00 4.62 2.39 1.56 1. 21 25.45 MAX MONTH 4.17 4.25 6.83 3.44 3.72 4.31 6.45 8.78 10.50 6.09 5.46 4.14 10.50 MAX 24 HOUR 0.99 1. 15 1.20 0.90 0.74 1.88 1.95 2.77 2.09 1.34 1.97 1.30 2.77 TEMPERATURE: AVERAGE 12.9 9.7 13.5 20.7 34.4 43.3 49.2 4Q.2 43.7 31. 1 22.6 12.8 28.6 MAXIMUM 49 48 46 60 63 72 79 73 63 60 43 48 79 MINIMUM -23 -2f1 -26 -12 3 25 31 33 23 4 -7 -23 -26 SNOW PACK: 3/ AVERAGE 7.8 11.8 15.3 18.6 12.9 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 O. 1 2.9 5.9 STANDARD DEVIATION 6.8 9.7 14. 1 20.6 8.3 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.64 3.2 5.7 STATION INFORMATION: LATITUDE -61 0 46 1 LONGITUDE -166 0 03' ELEVATION -434' 11 From Climatological -Data 1953 through 1978 Y Rainfall in inches 1/. Snow pack (including snow and sleet) on the ground" in inches, on the first of each month. TABLE 2.4 CAPE ROMANZOF WIND DATA (Knots) SUBJECT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY .. lUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL . Preva i1 i ng Wind, Mean Ve locity 19.2 20.2 17.0 16.9 13.8 11.8 9.6 11.8 11.8 14.3 16.8 17.8 15.6 Direction NE NE NE . NE NE NE SSW SSW NE NE NE NE NE % Time 16.9 21.4 17.1 15.2 18.0 12.6 14.7 13.0 16.6 19.7 18.6 21.3 16.2 ~ . ' hundred to a couple of thousand feet above the delta p'1ain~ Ground~' moraines in the cirques and valleys indicate extensive glaciation, proba-, bly of Wisconsin Age,. , ,Pennafrost ·occurs'!spor.ad1'cal1,Y thrOughout the' region, butrnay, not be 'evident:;in .rockifonnatioris,iwherethe Moisture, ,;"~~,,, content ts,,~~pw. ., i"'... " ' ,. .:~;. .'" f , 2.2.3 i;.,Biology, The, rnpst"i~portant:, ",i 1 dl,j fe resource of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in the v;cf,nity of Scamon Bay are the various species of birds that ,use the coastal lowlands. Some of the highest density goose breeding areas in the \'Iorld are found on the outer fri nges of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Del t~. Thenajority of .the ,Yukon~Kuskokwim Delta is classified as wet. ;,' tundra, "/hich primarily sUPP.orts low stands of sedge and cottongrass with a fe\., woody plants •. With the lack of cover and. absence of year-round " food sources, the western·-Yukon-Kuskokwim .Delta does not support large' terrestrial mamals. , Only on rare occassionshavebig gamt animals been observed near the proj.ect vicinity. Five species ofPaci.fic:salrnon are i ndt"genous to the SCalllllon BaY :' vicinity. alt,hOugh no salmon, ,enter the f~sm.,ater streams near 'the:' . project 'area •. The bul kof ,the salmon found in the mari·ne \'Iaters off Scammon Bay, are headed for the Yukon River drainage. ' 2. 2.4 Anthropolo'gy~nd Archeology " Accordi n9 :to the" StatE! ~i storic Preservat~on Office. no known sites: are 'elfgiblefor inClusion in the National Register of HiStoric Places in the Scamon Day area'.' . :' " ,,' 2.~, ,ELECTRICITY USE '. '2. 3.1 ' Histori c Use . ~ : , , , 'I . ". Prior to joi ni ng the' Ala$ka Village Electrical CooperativE!' (AVEc) in 1974. Scammon Bay IS 1 iC1ited electrical needs were met with a few individual generators ,and a small wi ndC111 1 that ,supplied potier for,two homes. Since AVEC electrification, energy demand ·has gro\'In, . substanti ally. . Tabh ,2.5 sho,'IS peak demand in kW and annual energy generation for the years 1975 to 1980. Accurate records were not kept during the early years resulting in missing data. Table-2~~5 , .' . ' , ' , -. SCAMMON BAY:' (AVEC ANNUAL PEAK',AND E.NERGY GENERATION) " Year Peak kW Energy MWH , ' '.' :", . . 1975 * .l59.2 '-. i' 1976 * 185.0 1977 * 203.5 1978 54 214.5 1979 78 269.3 1980 78 310.0 * 'Unknown 9 2.3.2 Non AVEC Generation ;t, In add'itio~, to AVEC generation. the localBIA 'elementary school and the ne\/lyco"$tr~ctedh1gh school maintaIn three 'standby ,generators' totaling 1'60 kW. Under no nna 1 conditions. both schools would purchase . pO\1er from AVEC. However. with the additional load of the ne," high ' school, uhich opened in Septenber 1980. the standby generators were used almost daily to meet the increased demand. Recent IJpgrading of the' existing AVEC generators from 50 and 75 kW to 75 and 110 kW has rectified the situation. ' 2~ 3.3 Usets . In addition to the BIA school (three classrooms) and new "high school (6,500~sq. ft.), the,comMunity has a variety of public and resi~ential structures\lhl-ch conprise the electricity denand of Scamon Bay. Public bul1dings'-include the community center. the traditional council building, arnory;"',c·1inic. post office. Luther Aguchat Memorial Building. and two ' churches. t, Four stores,' several warehouses. a movie' theater. and the AVEC building eire also located in the city. There are approximately 45 ,single family dwellings in Seamon Bay; most are of wood-frame construction. ,Of these. l!\ \1ere-'built in 1970 by the Alaska State Housi ng Authority. ' In all ~ al)out'60, 'st""ctures' are served by AVEC. Of the 269~ 300 kWh gener- ated' by AVEC in 1979, 107.500 kt"h ",ere for residential consumption and 94,800'kWh,:rentto government and school use. with the remaining used by, the ut1.1ity or 10stdiJe to ~istributfon systeM inefficiency.' End 'use data from 1975-1979 for Scannon Bay is shown: belotl: ' ::' . j:.' Table 2. fi. . ~, END USE ELECTRICAL ENERGY 1975-1 979 AVERAGE Village Seamon B~ Residential 35~ : Cornrnerical ' *Includes sChools and other public facilities. ' ..; Northern Technical Services 1980 ' 2.3.4 Total Energy Use, Scamnon Ray is,cijrrently dependent upon fuel oil for space and water heating and electrical generation. Propane is used in the village primari ly for cooki ng. Gasoli ne is used for sno\'ft':lObl1es andfi shi ng 'boats. There is limited ,use of drift\«)od and the local willow brush for horne heating. ' Table 2. 7descrii\es the end use of all energy fo""s uti1f zed in' Seamon Bay duri ng 1979. The amount of fuel 011 used for hone heating, ,divided by the nuMber of households, indicates a per capita consumption of 680 gallons annually. This figure is 10\1 relative to comparable villages. ' " , , " ,', 10 '- ., •. Table 2.7 ENERGY INPUT AND END USE FOR SCAMMON BAY Numbers in parentheses () are (10 6 Btu) ENERGY FORM DIESEL/ GASOLINE/ END #1 OIL AVGAS PROPANE ELECTRICITY USE GiJllons Gallons Pounds Kilowatt Hours Conversion to Elec-31,000 1 . 67,100 2 tricity (4185.0) (229.0) , Rf!sidential and 34,700 10,000 3 .107,500 4 small commerical . (4684.5) (216.7) (366.7) space and water heating (nontransportation) Municipal and other 6,000 15,400 4 DubHc (810.0) '(52.6) (nontransportation) Mil itary 2,300 900 4 (nontransportation) (310.5) (3~ 1) Transportation 200 28,000 (27.0) (3500.0) BIA Schoo) 29,000 78,500 4 (nontr~nsportation) (3915.0) (267~9) NOTES: 1 Gross generation from 31,000 gallons fuel oil was 269,300 kWh for a conversion efficiency of 22.0 percent. :'\r "2" Power Consumed'by-the' utili'ty for station'service{lights, flJel~ pumping, etc.-) and~s·ystem di-str,ibution losses. 3 Propane is used soley for cooking. 4 Net utility electrical sales in 1979 were 269,300 kWh. Source: Northern Technical Services , , I I l: 2.3.5 Ra~e Structures nefore the Pmter Production Cost Assistance Prograrn (PPCA Program) \'lent into effect in November 1980, bills "/ere claiming an increasing proport ion :.of t,he vi 11 age I s cash economy. That proportion stood at approximately 10 percent of annual cash income 1 n 1979. The po,.,er Production' Cost Assistance Program dropped the effective kWh cost of electricity frprn 40.8¢ to 26.6¢ for late 1980 and early 1981. " On 4 August 1981 t the Pm1er Production Cost Assi stance Program was repealed by the Alaska Legislature and replaced with the Pm'ler Cost Assistance Prograrn (PCA Program). This 'ne\., program, effective January 1982, \'Iill subsidize 95 percent of electrical energy costs (except return on equi ty) greater than 12¢ and 1 ess than 45¢ kWh. Thi s \,/ill drop the consurner cost of electricity, at Scammon Bay to approximately 21.3¢/kWh from the aCl.lta1 utility cost .of 48.3¢/kWh. The utility rates si nce AVEC pO\'Ier \'Iasintroduced in Sc~rmnon Bay. are presented in Table 2.8. The single rate schedulesho\mis applied to all 48 AVEC villages and is I designed to recoup the costs of the entire system. Costs attribut~ble to any sing1~ village are difficult to ascertain. ,1 Year 1975 1976 1977 ,1978 1979 1980 ' '1981 . " . , .,T~b1e 2.8 AVEC RESIDENTJAL RATE 1975-1981 . (75 kWh) . " .. 21.9 22.8 29.0 34.2 36.7 . " , 40'. A 48.,3 . . Consumer Cost (¢per kWh) 21.9' 22.9' 29.0 ' 34.2 36.7. . . . . 26~6 (PPCA Program) 21.3 (PCA Progr~ after 1 Jan 82) For electrical generation, :fue1 prices have been the principal sou,rce of rising costs. The average cost of diesel fuel delivered to AVEC villages since 1973 is shot'" be1m.,: . Table 2.9 . AVEI1AGE COST OF OELIVE,RED FUEL TO ALL AVEC VILLAGES 1973-81 Year' 1973· 1974. 12 Cost ($/gal). 0.35 0.52 .. Table 2.9 Con't .. . AVERAG.E COST OFDELIVER~D FlIELTO ,ALL AV~C VILL~GES 1973-81 . _: ,_ V,ear -. -" . :,' ,~"::Cost ($/ga1) , '.(, 1975 0.58 1976 0.65 1977 0.72 1978 "0.78 1979 0.97 1980 1.33 '19m 1.62 Based on data provided by NORTEC, AVEC's Scammon B~ generators produced an average of, 8.7 kWh/gal from January 1979 to Septer:1ber 1980. Assur.1i n9 the output rate rer:1ai ned the same for 1981, it \'IOu1 d take 18.6({ \'IOrth o~ diesel fuel to produce 1 kWh of electrical energy. 13 PROBLEr1S, NEEDS, AND STUDY OB ... 1ECTIVES , Based upon ScaM~on Bay IS' i "iti'al study request and subsequent i nfoma- tion gathered during four site visits, it became apparent that a plan needed to' be formulated that would reduce the cost of power to the local residents~ With theestabl i shrnent of the PO\'ler Cost Assistance Program by the State of Alaska, th~ basic objective of reducing cost to the , conSUMer was met, at 1 east for the short term. However, thi s program is only a subsidy. doing no1;.hing to reduce the real cost of power production. Therefore, the study objectives were reestablished as foll QWs: ' 1. fteduce the real co~t of energy generation. 2. t1~'ntain't.he exiSting ~rivironmental quality in and a'r9und'the~ village to the maximUM extent' possible. ' .. '. In addition to the above study objectives, the national objectives of National ~conoMic Developnent-(NED:} and Environmental Quality (EO) must be considered. NED is obtained by, increasing the level of output or" economic efficiency of the nation and the EO objective is obtained by preservi ng, rnai ntai ni ng, or enhanci ng the cultural and natural resources of the study area. , . ~ The following sections provide a sumary of the generating , capabi 1 ities of Scammon Bay and an':estinati on of the future energy ne~ds that must be,met by any alternative. , , 3~ 1 POWER SU PPL Y AND FUTURE DEf1AND , 3.1.1 Generating Facilit~~$' . '. " (" . The generating capabili,ties of Alaska Village Electrical Cooperathe'siScamonBay~:ienerators are shown below. Besides those shown, a 105 kW generator is scheduled for installation during early 1982. , 1 -75kW. 1,800 rpn, KATO n971), 120/240, HI,' 75,kW ,1 -110 kW, 1,800 rpm, KATO'(1971}, 120/240, H4, 110 kW 185 kw In addition to AVEC's generators, the standby generating capacity of -the new high school and IlIA school'tota1s 160 kW. The high school generator is new \"hi1e the RIA units are bet\oteen 10 and 15 years old. These are shown below: " ' High School 1 -100 kW, Ne''Iage -Stanford, 120/240, BIA School 1 -' 35 kW, Kohler 120/240, 1 -25 kW, Kohler 120/240, 14 100 35 25 TOO'kW .. 3.1.2 GEme,r;aticln and Transmission Effici.ency ,: .. "., '" .. t'; j -:u f . . . In 1979,'rAVEC's,gross,generation from 31,000 gallons of fuel oil was 269,300 kWh for a conversion efficiency of 22.3 percent. Station service' and rlistribution losses ~mnunted to 67,100 kWh(o~ approximately 25 per- cent of :the gross powergenera'ted. AVEC's records 'indicate a total .' syster:1 dlstribution loss of 47,600 kWh or lB percent. This is cbnsidered typical of a single phase distribution system. 3.1. 3 Futll~e Activity An~Ener9Y Needs It is diffi~u1t to accurate.1y predict t'he future electricity demand in rural villages, because it is difficult to predict the economicgro\'rth of an individual community. Economic, growth depends ,on the development opportunities exercised under the Alaska N'at.ive C1air:1s Sett1enent Act, the general economic development of the State and region, and the : avai1ahility of electricity to the" cOr.1r.1unity. In addition. each village is a small isolated. unit. A change in the habits of 'a fe,., hou'seho1ds or the 'local school can' have: a' dramatic effect on the total level' or '. composition of e1ectricity'demand ina cOr.Jm.Unity. r10re 1mportant1y,tthe level of denand in any' hush village largely ~epends on, goverment decisions made outside th~contro1 of the community. The electric, ,needs of AVEC villages are 'Mainly detemined by the demand generated by the' following installations: a. State .Schoo1 s' b. BIA Schools',' c. Public Heal th' Services d. Housing Authorities e. Fede,ra1Aviat.10nAdmfnistration f. 'Satellite Comr.uJnications Recer:-t construction acti yities in Scamnon Bay i nc11;d~' th~previously mentioned high school' and a \'Iater, supply distribution system installed by the PiJtllic Health Service in the mid 1970's. ,Construction of 24 new,' single family homesis'scheduled for cOl7lpletion by June of 1982. These ne\'1 hOllsing structures are expected to vary from 860 to 1,100 square' feet. Theconrnunity ha~ a1 so been seeki ng fi nanci ng for a gymnasium. 3.10'4 Ll?n9 Tern Outlook ,. Look; ng, heyond the 1980' s, Scammon Bay presents potential for both growth ar;td decline., ~robab1y the, largest"single contributingfactor(to the futUre outlook of ScamonBay and other isolated A1~skan Vil1ag,~s is Alaskas L oil wealth. HO\'I the State ultimately spends, its oil revenues \'Ii 11 9,reatly '; nf1 uence . the future grO\,rth ofrenote vi 11 ages •. Any expansion in the Scar:1m<;m Bay economY besides government positions \'Iill probahly be in the fi'shing industry.,Thi,s influeoce has already 15 I r been felt by the previously mentioned 1 nvestment in herri ng fishi ng boats by the Alaska neneuable Resources Corporation. However, expansion in the foreseeable future \'Ii 11 rnost 11 kely conti nue on a rel atively small scale. 3.1.5 Load, :~orecasts Any forecast of future energy denand for Scammon Ray is, by necessi ty, very specLil ati vee Beyond the existi ng demand and the future deMand of the new housing units, energy forecasts are extrernely uncer- tai n~ Once construction of the netl homes is complete, the demand may stabilize."at least until additional unforeseen capital improvements take pl ace.'; 'Ho\'1ever, with the passage of the PCA Program, which will drop rates to less than 25d/kWh, the 11kelihood of the demand stablizing sUbstantially appears to be remote. ' The nost recent energy demand forecast was developed by NORTEC for the Alaska Po~~r Authority prior to the PCA Program. Their forecast inCluded the effects of theneu high school in 1900 and the 1981-1982 , addi ti on of 24 homes. Above that, a conservati ve grm'lth rate of approxinatelyO.9 percent \'1as used. Thi s is substantially less than the actual increase over the past five years, but they assumed that the relatively rapid electrification of individual homes that has taken place since joining 'AVEC \'IOuld stab11ze. Future increases due to added appliances \'lere assuned to be offset by conservation and nOre efficient appliances. ' This energy forecast (Figure 3.1) is now considered to be ,the 10\'/'growth scenario ~up. to the decreased cost to the consumer pro.'i1ded through the, PCAprogram. ' , . 'AlsoshO\l" on Figure 3.1 are growth projections of 14.3percent, 11 percent and 4.5 percent.' The 14.3 percent fi gure rep resents an extrapo- 1 ation of the electrical gro\·lth rate between 1975 and 1900 at Scaminon Bay. 'The 11 percent fi gun! corresponds to the 1970 to 1980 growth rate at Rethel,)\laska. Neither of these are considered to be indiCative of . future gro~lthat Scar.lr.lon Bay., The first figure represents avery short ' period of record during the tine of initial electrification ~t Scamon Bay, the latter, which has a longer period 'Of record, represents a larger c0r.1ni:ln:fty \Iith a,broader econonic base.' , , The R.W. rtetherforci Division of International Engineering Company, Inc., conpleted a study of energy requirenents and alternatives for 13 villages in \'/est and ,north\'#est Alaska. Based on their analyses, an electrical gro\1th rate of 4.5 percent was found to be reasonahle for these villages, many of \'/hich are sirnilar in size and ecotioCl)' to Scall'r:1on Bay. Therefore, a grO\,lth ,rate of 4.5 percent \.,as adopted,' for this study begi nni ng in 1982. "Thi srepresents the base case forecononiic evaluation of h~'dropo\'lerat Scamon Ray. Figure 3.2 ShoNsthe estiMated'monthly distribution of energy gener- a~i on for 1982 and 1990.' ,The percentages \'#ere based on 1979 usage p~tterns'. ' ,The, conbi nati on of i nfomati on presented in these t\'IO figures \,/asused'to, provide the basi,S for evaluating alternative energy plans. 16 ------_ .. __ ._. __ .. _--------_ .. _--_ .. ---- 850 800 750 700 650' , (f'J 600 a: ::l '0 550 :r: I 500 l-.,1-.= 450 I Iii( 400 (!) L&.I 2 350 300 250 200 " I I I I HISTORICAL I PROJECTED . GENERATION ·GENERATION PROJECTION BASED ON HISTORICAL .. INCREASES 04.30/0) I . .. --' I'" I I I I I I ,.;r. ,. PROJECTION BASED ON ~ BETHEL HISTORICAL INCREASES' (110/0) . . :.:: RW. RETHERFORD'~" ASSOCIATES .AIIi--PROJECTION NORTEC PROJ ECTION ADOPTED FOR THIS . STUDY (4.~~/o) PRIOR TO PCA PROGRAM (0.90/0) FOR PLANNED HUD HOUSING FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL . SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA HISTORICAL 8 PROd ECTED ENERGY GENERATION 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 YEAR FIGURE 3.1 ------------------------------------------ CJ) a:: ::> o 70 I 30 I I-~ ~ <t 20 (!) W ~ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ... JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC -MONTH EZJ 1~82 ~19~ SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA ESTIMATED MCNrHLY ENERGY DEMAND )to ...-.. FIGURE 3.2 FORr1ULATION AND EVALUATION 'OF ALTERNATIVES ,': ,/. 4.1 ALTERNATIVES Under section 1.4, STUO;.IES OF OTHERS. the\'lork done Tor the Alaska PO\'ler Authority by NORTEC \';as sur.tl1arized. "NORTEC's conclusion ,~as that energy conservation (insulation and "teatherization), continued use of oil, waste heat recovery, hydropO\~er and possibly wind generation \'1ere the hestalternatives for Scamon Bay. These were the only five " a1 ternatives that met both requi rements of bei ng technically feasi hle and constructab1e in the study area. Other alternatives such as geothermal or tidal [lO\'1er are not technically feasible at Scamon Bay due to natural constraints. ' ~ 4.1.1 Diesel This alternative is effectively the existing condition. Under this scenario diesel generation would continue to be used to meet'al1 . electrical requirer.lents at Scarnon Bay. tHth the addition of the new 105 kW generator, sufficient capacity exists to meet village demands for the ' foreseeable future. Impact Assessment ,The prinary impact associated \'1ith this alternative is economic. Although the peA prograr.l \'1illlo\'1er diesel prices to their 1975 priCe 1 eve 1 s, the cost of di ese 1 fuel ",i 11 eventually ri se agai n as shortages occur and (femand exceeds supply. By continuing to use diesel, the ' village is leaving itself exposed to possible shortages in the future if suppli es, are interrupted due to physical or economic constrai nts. Evaluation Since diesel has heen established as the base case bY\'/hich other alternatives are to be evaluated, it is necessary to determine the actual generation cost atScar:non Ray' for cOr.lparison. The Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative 1981 cost is 48.3(t/kWh. This system wide cost includes not only fuel and operation and r.laintenance, but also taxes, insurance, interest. depreciation, and administration. Of this kHh cost, not all can be considered as a savings or benefit if an alt.ernative is inp1emented. Only fuel savings,and operation and maintenance,costs (O&r1) can be clained as benefits unless an alternative can be inp1er.lented that is reliable enough to prevent the need for aquiring additional diesel generators to neet peak loads; then', it can be credited for the firm capacity it provides. This is called the capacity benefit. The tHO parts of the energy benefit, fuel and operation and rna; ntenance, Nere determi ned from information prov; ded by AVEC. AVEC's 1981 die,sel cost at Scar.lnon Bay of $1.62/gallon, coupled with their g~nerating efficiency of 9.2 kWh/gallon, provides a fuel cost of 19 17. 61¢/kWh,. This, coupled "lith AVEC's operation and maintenance cost of 6.2lt/kWh renders a cost of diesel generation (or benefit when compared to an alternative) of 23.84<f/kWh for 1981. When conparing this cost to another alternative, consideration must be given to how the fuel cost pl)rtion nay change in the future. \~ith total fuel price increases at Scammon Bay of 212 precent, from 1974 to 1981, it is easy to see that energy costs have far outstripped inflationary increases over,the same' time period. To account for this escalation relative to the general inflation rate, a fuel cost escalation rate must be established for project evaluation. Various fuel cost escalation rates over varying periods of tine have been usedi n the past to estimate future fuel costs. r~ost of those proposed in the past have fallen short of what the actual escalation rate turned out to be. Accordi,ng to the Bureau of Labor statistic for Anchorage (none are available for Scammon Bay), the inflationary increase from 1974 to 1980 was 67 percent compared to fuel cost increases of 156 percent.' Based on this data the annual fuel cost escalation rate (above inflation) was over 11 percent. Although there is little chance that this high of a rate \'Iill continue, it does demonstrate the difficulty of estinatingfue1 cost escalation. ' For the purpose of thi s study, the fuel cost esca1 ation rate developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the 1980 Annual Report to Congress has been adopted. The proposed escalation rate is shown below: YEAR 1980-1984 1985-1989 1990-201 0 ANNUAL ESCALATION RATE 3.1 percent 2.2 percent 4.0 percent These incr.eases would 'result in the following fuel price'S at Scarmnon Bay:" 4.1.2 Conservation Oescri pti on 1985 1990 1995 2000 19.7¢/kWh 22.4<f/kWh 27.2¢/kWh 33.1¢/kWh , " This alternative requires the imp1enentation of various methods that would reduce or restrict the use of energy. Adding additional insulation, installing stom \'1indows, \'Ieather stripping, upgrading the distribution system etc., are the primary methods of implementing this alternative. Some form of load nanagement may also be possible. 20 • I~pact assess~ent This alternative has virtually no adverse environnental i~pact \'Ihile having very. positive economic and social' i~pacts·.·, ·If imp1e~ented, significant savings in heating costs could be·rea1ized by the villages. The ir.lpact :on electrical use would be slight however, because very little, if any, electricity is used for heating and the overall Village energy use is minir.lal \'1hen compared to larger communities. The cost of electricity is so high that minir.lizing its use has become a way of life. Conversion of the distribution system from single phase to three phase could significantly reduce the 18 percent distribution loss. HOHever, according to AVEC, the re1atively'small increase in efficiency, coupled with the sna11 size of systen, does not warrant the expense of converting the system. Evaluation Energy conservati on is probably the simplest ~ethod to reduce overall ene~gyconsumption in the village. Although its imple~entation \.,ould have ninimal effect on electrical consunption, the benefits fror.l reduced heating costs would be great. Execution of this alternative should be pursued at the earliest possible time. Implementation nesponsibi1ity 'The nasic responsibility for irnp1er.lenting this alternative lies '\'/ith the local residents. To aid in this responsiMlity and to lessen the. burden, various State and Federal prograr.ls are available. The State offers' energy auditing services, conservation grants and 1m-I interest loans while the federal' government offers income tax credits. These opportunities should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by t~e conmuni ty. 4. 1.3 Haste lieat P.ecovery Descripti on . . TltO foms of potenti a1 energy recovery from exi sti ng diesel generators are possible. , The first is direct waste heat recovery for heating purposes. This is accor.lp1ished \'lith the use of heat exchangers \"hich transfer waste heat from the "later jacket and exhaust of the diesel generators to another fluid that can be used for hot water or building heating. Direct waste heat recovery requires that the generators be close to the building or Hater supply being' heated, othen/ise heat is lost to the at~osphere. The second fOnT! is by use of the l1anki ne Cyc1 e. This systen vaporizes a fluid such as freon ,"ith the waste heat from the diesels. The freon, ''1hich is under high pressure, is then used to ~rive a turbi ne "hi ch ,·Ii 11 produce shaft horsepm'ler to turn the generator' for additional electrical power. 21 Inpact Assessnent The prinary negative inpact associated \'lith waste heat recovery at Scammon Bay would be ,the relocation of the AVEC diesel generators because their present location is too far from any major building or water supply. Although relocation is possible, it is doubtful that it could be econonic,ally justified even at current fuel costs. . Evaluation As nentioned in the previous section, the present location of AVEC's power plant in Scamon Bay is not suitable for direct waste heat recovery. The high school has a 100 kW standby generator that could be used for \'/aste heat recovery for the school, but A1 aska State 1 a\'I requires that all schools purchase their pm.,er fron existing utilities if present. The Ranki ne eyc1 e energy recovery systens are no\'l in the deve10pnent stage. When they do become commercially available it will probably only be for uni ts above 1000 kH •. Implementation Inp1enentation ofa Haste heat recovery systen ''1ou1d be the· responsibility of the vilhge of Scamon Bay in conjunction ,·lith AVEC ''lith possible aid fron the State of Alaska •. 4.1.4 Wind Generation J)escription . The possibility of developing a feasible ''lind system at Scal!1r1on Bay appears relatively good. Although no \'/ind data has ever been gathered at Scannon Ray, it is known that high ",inds of long duration are cor.nnon during thew.iriter months. ,If a ''lind systen \'Iere developed it would probably consist of anun~~r of units in the 10 kH range. Rased upon Cape Romanzof data, mean yearly wi nd ve10citles average 15.6 nph. The \'Ii nd is predoni nant1y from the northeast duri ng Hi nter months \·,hen velocities· are the greatest. Although Cape Romanzof data should not be used directly for Scamnon Ray due to its higher elevation (434 feet), the mountains in beb/een it and Scammon Bay and its southwest orientation, it represents the only data source for the area. The general trends in \'Ii tid speed and duration \'1ou1 d t.end to apply to ScaJi1J;1on !Jay. According to various sources, an economical "/ind installation is possi b1 e '''hen the mean wi nd vel oci ty ranges between about 12 and 16 mph depending on the size and type of unit, and the degree of sophistica- tion. Simple systems consisting of direct current generators can operate 22 ':'" economic~l\y' a1!'lower wi nd sp'eeds if the user i swilli ng to use the el ectrjc:Uy strictly for DC lighti ng and resi stance space or hot water heat; ng.'; At Scammon Bay, ,where ,a ,relatively complex electrical syster.J already exists, it Would be 'necessary to install a wind system that ''Iould be compatible with the existing diesel generators. l , ' This could be done on a smaller scale with the use of a . sychronou~-;nverter which would depend on the existing utility system to ~ontrgl, :tJ)e(.v()lt~~~ •. ~Q!le,problem withthis system is that the total wind pgFl@r~Rl'J~ ~~paga'yj't9a~ ~01,l1~ b,~,,~~~~ wquld be limited to a small nn~·l f,A(J' {.l(f H"en u:fo"l ''''''y.~~ It,nta] .,nutnut ... ,,}jf;,t.oo '1 arge of a,':propor,'I! ~. )"" 1:'.!Vi't ~, l'~ lr"o .• ~f~\"t!-&.. '-.::'1 t-t'1"., ... ~ '", .• ~\ n·.' ~,' i)t ,;j\li*.h~ ~ "J~',; ." 'J: i~~,,~ .toJ,.' ....... "'fll}l \",,.\~~ •. lttQ'i :510~!.i~hanoaQg"~ea5cP'~9~'ilt'1)1~a$:)lPtgg~ced by the ''Ii nd syster.J, the utility could no ,longer control the voltage. 1 " ' To operate wind generation that would be fully compatible with the existing diesel generation system and that could operate as the prime power sou'rcefor the utility, may double or even triple the cost of the . , ' cheaper uni ts. No systems, of th,i s type are currently functi oni ng in Alaskaa;nd their ability to function in the Scamon Bay, climate is unkno\·In.' ' , Eva 1 uati!on , " I To prove feasible, a wfnd generation system of the type needed for tota 1 compati bi li ty wl th the exi sti ng generati on system woul d probably needr.Jean monthly wlnd velocities in excess of 15 mph. Using Cape Romanzof data, mean velocities in excess of 15 mph occur frOm October through 'and April. ' " ' Althoughdi esel generation cannot he totally displaced by wind f:" generatiQn becallseof the need for standby generation durl ng peri,ods' of calr.l, l,t appears that"it could displace a significant amount of diesel fuel, particularly in the ,winter months. However, until wind data is acquired at SCanr:lon Ray, ,it ,is impossible ,to accurately assess the actual pote~tial oratter.Jpt to optimize a wind syster.J design.' " , Implementation 'Responsibility, f, , j Implementation of this alternative \~uld be the responsibility of ScarnmonBay with possible aid ,from the State of Alaska or the De~ar;rnent of Energy." " ' ' . ." , , 4. 1 ~ 5~ydroel~ctri c Description This alternative consists of a rockfilled gabion darn with a top elevation of 600 feet, 3,500 feet of 12-inc~ steel penstock, and~a 10xll-foot po\'If!rhouse containing'~ne 100 kW impluse turbine. Based on avail able ·streamflow data, the estimated annual energy output from the systernts approximately 430,000 kWh, of which 239,000 kWh (55 percent) is 23 estimated ~q,!.,be usable in 1983, the first year of operation. The other 45 percent'i s produced dliri ng the sumer and "iou1 d exceed' the cOmr.1uni ty'l s current der:Jand. Diesel generation ,"/ou1d be required as 'a supplement when ;nadequ~te Jlo\',s exist to,r:Jeet a'llder:Jands, approxir:Jately six r:Jonths per year. A detailed discussion ofth~ plant sizing is included under the section "Technical J\nalysis. II Impact ,Assessment Adverse envi ronnental inpacts associated ''lith thi s project, are relatively minor in nature. No fish uttHze",the small stream where the project uould be located. r1inor, disruption of nesting and rearing shore birds may occur during project construction. Special care would be necessary during project construction to confine work to nonpermafrost areas. ,Social impacts would be positive over the life of the project because a capital intensivehydropO\'/er project would tend to hold down electricity costs in the longrun, although initially it may be more , expensive. , Eval uation A sunnary of the associated costs and benefits for the hydroelectric system are'shown in Table 4.1. The analysis is based on October 1981: price levels, a discount rate of 7-5/8 percent and a 50-year project ' life. The. b~nefits are based on ,the direct displacement of energy that would have 'to to be,produc~d by, diesel 'fuel to neet estimated ,demands. Figure 4.1.1 shm1s the relationship of available hydroelectric energy versus estinated' demand. ' Figure 4.2 shO\'1s peak Monthly deMand ve'rsus average monthly hydropower output. The mi nimal amount of ponda'ge (approxir:Jat~,ly 1/10 acre-foot) ,shou1.d allo\'l peak demands to be met if the average output is 1 ess thim the peak and the peak does riot exceed' a ' " couple of hours. . , . '., The be'nefits for the hydroelectric system at Seamon Bay were detemined 1 stric:tly by the displacement of fuel and the savings in operation and r:Jaintenance on the diesel generator. No credit was given for displacement of diesel capacity since the hydropower system would not operate during the peak demand months. The savi ngs in di esel . fuel \'las computed from a' 1 981 cost of $1. 62/ga 11 on (1 7. 6¢ /kWh), that ,:,as escalated unt 11 201 O,according to DOE I S estimate. Credit \',as al so gi ven to the project based on its ability to ne~t the estir:Jated 4.5 percent yearly increase in demand. Savings in Operation and r1aintenance was credited at the rate of 6.23¢/kHh.. Table 4.1 provides a sUlmlary of the estir:Jated benefits and costs. 24 . I . .. , " I I , ..... ..... « 70 60 50 , 3:.30 ,e:{ (!) W ' ~ 20 10 SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH I r=d HYDROPOWER OOTPUT ~ ENERGY DEMAND SC A MMON BAY , ALASKA ESTIMATED MONTHLY ENERGY DEMAND AND HYDROPOWER OUTPUT (100 kW) FOR 1983 F IGURE 4.1 -120 ~ ~ '-- 0 100 Z ~ 80 ~ ~ :::c 6 0 ~ Z 0 ::e 40 ~ <t W 20 0- [::J HYDROPOWER CAPACITY ~ PEAK DEMAND JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC T N\N [EC MONTH SCAMMON BAY, ALA SKA MO NTHLY PEAK DE MAND a AVERAGE HYDROPOWER CAPACITY FOR 1983 A L A SK A DIST., CORPS OF EN GIN EERS PL AN NI NG a ~EPORTS BRANCH PREPA RE D BY : MF e DATE: .. Table 4.1 Project Costs And Benefits First Cost Interest and Amortization (7-5/8, 50-yr) Operati on and '1ai ntenance Total Annual Cost Diesel Oisplacer:1ent Benefit Fuel Cost Escalation Benefit Operati on and t1ai ntenance Benefi t Total Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio Inplenentation P-esponsibility $1,130,000 88,400 20,000 $108,400 $ 62,900 40,100 22,303 $125, 300 $16,900 1. 16 to 1 Various options are possihle for the ir:1pler:1entation of this alternative. Under all scenarios it is anticipated that the local utility \'/Ould be responsible for the operation of the plant. The options available are listed bel 0"': 1. Constructi on by the Corps of Engi neers \'Ii th Federal fundi ng. 2. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State funding. 3. Construction by a private fim \1ith State or utility funding. 27 N co 4.2 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS 1. Pl an Oescri ion 2. act Assessment A. Economic Impacts Total Benp.fits/yr. Total Cost/yr. Benefit/Cost Ratio Property Values Tax Revenue Regional Growth Emp'loyment Without Condition Total diesel p.lec- trical generation None N/A No Change N/A No Change No Change Business Activity No Change Displacement Homes, etc. N/A Alternative A Hydroelectric plus diesel generation $125,300 $108,400 1. 16 No Change N/A No Change There would be a few short term jobs during construction. Temporary increase due to construction activity. All construction would be in areas devoid of housing. Alternative B Wind plus diesel genera- tion Insufficient information exists to assess the economics of af a system that could function with the Scammon Bay utility. No similar system currently exists in Alaska. No Change N/A No Change Same as Alter- native A Same as Alter- native A Same as Alter- native A N '\D B. Environmental Impacts Archeological Water Qua 1 ity Water Quant ity Air Po 11 uti 0 n Natural Resources ~-.-,----~, .. --------~-------'-y-~~----'-----" 4.2 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS CON1T Without Condition No Impact No Change No Change No Change Continued consump- tion of fossil fuel for total electrical generation need. Alternative A No archeological sites have been identified in project area. Temporary increase in tUr"bidity r:lurinq construction. Reduction at point of village with~rawal~ but operation should not affect village water supply. An increase in particulates would occur during con- struction~ no long term effects would occur. Construction activities would temporarily in- crease the use of fossil fuels. The project would reduce fossil fuel dependence. Alternative B Same as'Alter- native A No Change, N/A • Same as A lter~ native A Same as A lter- native.A w o Lands Habitat C. Social Impacts Noise Displacement of People Esthetics Community Growth and Cot'lesion -----.-~----------.------------------------ 4.2 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS CON'T Without Condition No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change Alternative A Construction to take place within the imme- diate vicinity of the stream to minimize permafrost damage. Minor temporary dis- turhanceof certain birds during construc- t ion. . Slight incrp.ase during construction followed by a decrease once project is on-line. No Change No adverse visual effects in town, minor adverse visual effects at site. No Change Alternative B Core must be taken to avoid permafrost damage during construction. Same as Alter- native A ~ame as A lter- native A except wind generators may cont i nue to produce noise. No Change Defini te ad- verse visual effects at town site. No Change 3. Plan Evaluation 4.2 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS CON'T Without Condition Unrler existing con- ditions, Scammon Bay residents will con- tinue to use fossil fllels for total electrical genera- t i on • Th i s wi 11 cause increasing electrical costs as well as a depen- dence 0n imported petroleum products. Alternative A Hydroelectric generation along with diesel fired generator's complement one another. During hydr'oelp.ctric genera- tion fossil fuel depen- dence would be reduced. Hydroelectric generation is seasonal depending on -s treamfl ows. Alternative B Assuming favorable wind condit ions. wind generation is capable of lessening fossilflJll <dp.~ pendence parti- cularly during the winter - months. Lack < of wi nd data make this - a lternat i ve questionable; however. it' appears to warrant further investigatl0n and data gathering. l!,.3 NED ~PLAN Federal "later resource development policy requires that the alternative providing the greatest amount of net benefits be designated the National Economic Development Plan (NED). For Scammon Bay, the NED Plan is hydroelectric. It "/ould provide net benefits of $16,900 annually. 4.4 EQ PLAN Federal \'later resource developMent pol icy al so requi res the· designation of an Enviromental Quality Plan (EQ). This should be the plan that makes a net positive contribution fo the environmental quali:ty of the area. In the case of Scammon Bay, no plan has any significant environmental impacts; hm'lever, neither does any plan make a net positive contribution to the environment. Therefore, no EQ plan can be designated. In this case it is necessary to establish an LED Plan (Least Environmentally Damaging). Although the diesel system produces exhaust and noise, it is already in existence and no additional construction \'/ould be required, therefore it is designated as the LED Plan. 4.!i SELECTED PLAN The Se.1ecteo Plan should be the plan that is the best over all scheme to meet nati onal and 1 ocalobjecti ves. For Scar.m1on Ray, the hydro- electric system is designated as the Selected Plan. This plan is capable of produci'ng approximately 432,000 kWh of energy per year on the average, of \1hich 239,000 kWh is estimated to be usable the first year of operation. 32 .. CONCLlISIONS AND RECott1ENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS Based on the ana1ysis contained in this report, hydropouer provides the best alternative for electrical generation at Scammon Bay. A detailed analysis of this is included under Section T, TECUNICAL ANALYSIS. \4ind'po\'/er appears to hold promise, particularly in the \'Iinter months "/hen stronger \'Ii nds of longer durati on occur. Based upon the \'Ii nd data froM Cape nOr.1anzof and an assumption that the general trends hold true for Scaonon Bay, \'Ii nd coul d prove to comp 1 ernent the hydropower SysteM • During the sumer months "'hen hydropower is at its peak, wind generation potential is poor. [luring the \'Iinter, Nhen hydropm'ler potential is poor, Hi nd potenti a1 is high. Ho\'Iever. before a r.tore accurate detenni nat; on of exact potential can be nade, a continuous recording anemometer should be installed. The State Division of Energy and Power Development may be able to provide assistance to Scarnnon Bay through their anemometer loan program. Weatherizing through insulation, storm ''Iindous, and \tleather stripping could provide significant savings to the community in the area of hone heating. Any effect on electrical der.tand ,,,ould be sr.tall. This option should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the village. Upgrading of the distribution system does not appear to be feasible at this time. HO\'Iever, if Scammon Bay should sho\'i unexpected growth and fuel costs continue to escalate at a rate sioilar to the past few years, the incremental reduction in distribution losses nay \1arrant conversion to a three phase syster.1. 5.2 TENTATIVE RECOIU1ENDATION Ireconmend that the Scaonon Ray Hydroelectric Project be authorized for constru'cti on \'Iith such r.1odificati ons that may be advi sabl e made at di scre- ti on of the Chi ef of Engi neers. Des; gn and Construct; on rtanagement "lOu1 d be the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers with an estir.tated first cost of $1,130,000 to he provided by the State of Alask~ or other nonfeder.a 1 sponsor. Upon paYr.1ent of post authori zati on costs, the project would he turned over to the nonfederal sponsor for ownership and subsequent operation and maintenance estimated at $20,000 annually. 33 SECTION T TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 34 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS T. 1 GENErlAL The selected plan for hydropmter development at Scammqn Bay is a run-of-the-river diversion project ''1hich has a capacity of 100 kW. The project,consists of a 50-foot Hide rockfilled gabion dan with its crest at 600 feet elevation, 3,500 feet of l2-inch buried steel penstock, 'and a 10xll-foot pOHerhouse "lith one 100 kW rated impluse turbine unit. ,I This system would provide most of Scammon Bay's current energy needs for approxinately six nonths of the year. In late fall it ,"ould be' necessary to supplement it ,"ith diesel. For approximately four months of the year it Hou1d be shut dO\-1n due to inadequate streamflo,"., Thesysten could generate an average of approximately 432,000 kWh of electricity annually at an estimated first cost of $1,130,000, \'Iith net annual benefits of $16,900 and a BIC ratio of 1.16 to 1. A detailed description of the design considerations and paraneters fol10\'1s. T.2 HYOROLOGY T.~.l nasin Oesc~iption The three'-quarter-square-nile drai nage basi n vari es in el evati on fran 600 feet at the damsite to almost 1,300 feet at the highest point. Upstream of the dar.lsite, the basi n is covered' ,"ith \'let, spongy tundra, '"hich has a tendency to retain ,"ater and release it over a period of tine. T.2.2 Streanflo\ls The village has hlstorically acquired its water supply from the creek '"hich flo,"s from the Askinuk r10untains. In 1976, the Public Hea'lth Service (PHS) built a conmunity h'atersystem that treated the \'Iater \'Iith chlorine and fluoride. Although the village utilizes a portion of the creek for "later supply, there are no records of the ar.lount of streamfl0\1 ''Ihich has actually occurred. Ouri ng July 1980, a ''later measurement structure (Parshall Flune) was installed to collect data during the , upcomi ng year and to verify the assumed, streamf10\'I val ues. The f1 ume was installed dO\'lnstrean of the PHS ''later supply intake and consequently,. does not account for domestic use. The measured f10," at the f1 une ''las correlated \'lith the streanf10\'l at the proposed dar.lsite to determine the damsi te di scharges. Table T .. l sho\'ls the adjusted dar.lsite discharges hased on flo,'Is r.leasured at the fl ume bet\'leen July 1980 and July 1981. 35 < Table T.l CORRELATEn OAr1S ITE DISCHARGES (July 1980 -June 1981) :ftonth Oct Nov, Dec ,Jan Feb r.1ar Apr r1ay Jun ,Jul Aug Sep , Oi scharge ( CFS) 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.6 1.1 L2 5.0 10.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 1.4 The above 'r.Jeasured di scharges were taken duri ng a very atypical year for the area. By correlating~ the general trends in strear:1flo,., with the , ter.Jperature and rai nfall record-s at Cape Ramonzof Ai r Station 15 r.Ji'les, a''Iay, revised strearnflO\;,s ,.,ere estimated. Table T.2 belO\., demonstrates the devi-ati on of August 1980' -nay 1981 from the average. ' Table T.2 MONTHLY RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE August 1980 -r1ay 1981 Average Actual Average Actual Ter.Jperature T enpe ratu re nifference Precipation Precipati on "onth ( OF) ( OF) fromAvg (i nches) , (i nches) Aug 49.2 47.2 -2.0 5.00 2. 27 . Sep 43.7 44.2 +0.5 4.62 3.64 - Oct 31.1 33. 7 +2.6 2.39 1. 54 Nov 22.6 25.0 +2.4 1.56 0.50 Dec 12.8 8 •. 9 -3.9 1. 21 -0.86 Jan 12.9 19.8 +6.9 1.11 1. 33 -Feb 9.7 . 12.0 +2.3 0.98 1.70 f1ar 13.5 -25.1 +11.6 -1. 25 0.72 Apr 20. 7 27 •. 7 +7.0 0.97 1. 27 f1ay 34.4 42.1 +7.7 1. 28 1.32 The above data indicates that the r.Jonths of August through December. Here 40 percent dryer that noma 1, ,.,hil e the ter:1peratures averaged' near. noma1. This indicates that the measured flow is lou. However, the oPPosite is true for ther.Jonths of January to nay. The prec1patfon was about 13 percent above noma-' a,nd the tenperature averaged over 7 OF above normal'for the same flo\'/s. TableT.3 sho,'Is adjusted streamflo\., values based on the above considerations. These values \-/ere used \"hen estir.Jating pO\'/er capabil ities for the hydropower system. 36 Di.fference fror:1 Avg -2.73 -0.98 -0.85 -1.06 ..;0.35 +0.22 +O~ 72 -0.53 +0.30 +0.04 r10nth Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb '1ar Apr '1ay Jun Ju1 Aug Sep Table T.3· Adjusted Streamflo\'/s at Damsite Discharge (CFS) *1.8 *1.3 . 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.9 *3.0 *10.0 *fi.O *2.0 *2.4 *2.0 *Indicates hydropO\·/er system operati ng. 1.2.3 Sedimentation Difference from t1easured +0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.1. -0.4 -0.3 -2.0 o -1.0 o +0.4- +0.6 No sedir.1ent transport studies \'/ere done at Scammon Ray •. The discharge during the majority of the year is very clear. The only known tine \'/hen the \'/ater has any sediment entrai ned is dllri ng the spri ng runoff. The particle si ze is probably fa; rly 1 arge and therefore drops out of suspension quickly as the velocity decreases. Some minor rnai ntenance \'/oul d be needed at the damsite on a yearly basi s. T. 2.4 '. Sno\'l Arid Ice Problems During the Hinter months, \'Iindb10\'/n snO\'1 is deposited in the ravine through which the strean flows. In places, the windpacked snow reaches depths in excess of 10 .feet by the end of ,\'/i nter. ' A site v,i sit duri ng January 1981 found that the sno~1 had a tendency to drift fron the left sioe to the right, looking downstream. This trend made the left side sorne\'1hat barren whi.1e the right side had deep \/indpacked snow. In the nidd1e of the ravine there \'las in excess of 100 inches of snO\'I, ",hile on the left side there \'1as about 36 inches. The banI-: on the left side had places \'there the tundra was visible. Three sno\'l samples \'1ere taken slightly upstream of the village and another three samples taken belo\·, the proposeddamsite. The average water content \'las 35 percent. The deep snO\'/ along the strean acts as insulation allo\'1ing the strean to flm-r(on a restricted basis) \"hen other streams of sini1ar size are long since frozen. This sar.1e dense snO\:, that provides ;'nslilation also is subject to creep. ' Because of the creep potential and the fact that access tf) the penstock \'Iout-;iJ?e restricted for nearly half a year due to snO\'" a buried penstock is preferred to one located above ground. 37 Specia·l design considerations are necessary to account for 10'" winter flm'/s, and potential penstock icing problems. These are considered in more detafl later in the report. T. ?.. 5 POl'fer Potenti a1 ' Table T-4 provides a sunmary, of the average power potential of 50, 75, 100, a·nd 125 k\.J units. The largest unit provides approximately 63 percent nore energy than the smallest unit on an annual basis. H0\1eve:r, the bulk of thi s energy is produced duri ng the spri ng and SUmr.1er when it is not usable. On the ,other hand, the 50 kW unit does not take full advantage of the available flows and cannot meet projected demands. r10nth Oct Nov nec Jan Feb r~ar Apr t1ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Total Table T.4 Average Capacity and Energy Production 50 kW Unit kW kWh 50 42 50 50 50 50 .50 50 37,200 30,200 36,000 37,200 36,000 37,200 37,200 36,000 2R7,000 kW 57 42 ---- 75 75 75 63 ·75 63 75 kl~ kWh 42,400 30,200 ------ ------ ------ ------ 54,000 55,800 54,000 46,900 55,800 45,400 384,500 100 kW kW kWh 57 42 90 100 100 63 75 63 42,400 30,200 ------ ------ ------ ------ 64,900 74,400 72,000 46,900 55,800 45,400 432,000 125 kW kW kWh 57 42,400 42 30,200 ------ ------ ------ ------ 90 64,800 125 93,000 125 90,000 63 46,900 ' 75 55,800 63 45,500 468,500 To deterrninetheoptimun size turbine, the information in Table T.4 . \'las conpared \/i th the forecast energy demand. The port.i on that was detemined usable (Table T.·5) \'las evaluated in comparison to the diesel "base case" as described in Section 4.1.1 Only credit for displaced energy "las taken, no credit was taken for capacity since the hydrosystem \'IOuld not function during t'he peak demand nonths of \'linter. These benefits ; nturn "Jere compared to the cost of the vari ous uni ts and analyzed over a 50-year period at the Federal di scount rate of 7-5/8 percent. . . . Table T.5 Esti'mated Yearly Usable Energy Unit 1983 19l15 ' ~ 990 1995 2000 50 kl~ 239,000 2"'54,000 28J,lJOO 2~00 21tT,ll'00 75 kYI ?39,00O 250,000 306,000 352,000 383,000 100 kU 239,000 258,000 306,000 357,000 393,000 125 kW 239,000 258,000. 306,000 357,000 393,000 Table T. 6 provides a breakdO\'m of costs and benefits for the various options. 38 . 2010 2'BT,l100 383,000 432,000 454,000 PUBLIC HEALTH SE RVI CE WAT ER SUPP LY ABOVE SCAMMON BAY PROPOSED S ITE FOR HYDROEL ECT RIC I NTAKE STR UCT URE 80-82 " Table T.6 Estim~ted Benefits and Costs , 50 kW 75 kW 100 kW 125 kW i, .- • rEi r.:st Cost ($) 1,073,000 1,106,000 1,130,000 1,155,000' - Annual Cost 50yrs. 0 7-5/8 ($) 83,900 86,500 08,400 90,4(lO Operation and r1ain-20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 , 'tenance (4) Total Annual Costs ($) 103,900 106,500 108,400 11 0,400 Benefits Fuel Displacenent ($) 81,200 98,100 103,000 103,200 Operation and Main- tenance ($) 18,500 . 21,600 22,300 . 22,300 Total Annual Benefits (4) 99,700 119,700 125,300 125,500 BIC 0.96 1.12 1.16 1.14 Net Benefits ($) -4.20.0 13,200 16,900 15,100 Based upon the preceding analysiS, the 100 kW Imitis the optimum choice for Scar:nnon Bay. It provi des net benefits of $16,'900 -per year with.a benefit to cost ratio of 1..16 to 1. T.2.6 Water Supply ThePub1ic Health Service (PBS) intake for the village's '-later supply is loc~ted a substantial distance below the proposed damsite. The PHS recomended a ni ninun f10\'l of 28 gallons per ni nute (GPM or 0.06 CFS) as required for the water supply. This ''Iould provide approximately 200 gallons per day per capita Hhich is in excess of the normal requirenents of an urban area. The PUS indicated that they believe the actual utilization of the syster.l to be bet\feen 50-70 gallons per day per capita. This ~ifference in system capability and actual utilization would provide a'margin for development within the COMmunity. The drainage area beb/een the darnsite and the water supply intake is 0.:; square miles \"hich is tHo-thirds the size of the tributary area to the dar.lsite. By carrel ati ng thi s 10\'Ier area wi th the upper drai nage basin an approxir.lation of the "'ater available for domestic use can be . made as shm-m in Table T.7. 39 T.7 Water,Avai1ab1e for Domestic Use Available Water Available Water Available Water From Lower Total Water Month At Damsite Less Hydropower Basin For Domestic Use " Oct 1.8 0 1.2 Nov 1.'2 0 0.9 Dec 1.0 1.0 0.7 Jan 0.7 0.7 0.5 Feb 0.7 0.7 .' ,r,,, " 0.5 f1ar 0.9 0.9 0.6 Apr 3.0 0 2.0 May 10.0 6.6 6.7 Jun 5.0 1.6 3.3 Jul 2.0 0 1.3 Aug 2.4 0 1.3 Sep 2.0 0 1.3 Based on the above analysis, adequate water Would be available year-around to supply the comunity' s domestic needs. Due to the 1fmitted operation of the hydropower system, i.e. April through November, the available water during the critical months of winter is unaffected. If, for some unforeseen reason, the water supply demand did exceed the supply, the planned diversion works are, capable of diverting up to 1.2 cfs through the darn on a controlled basis and could be used to supplement the vi11 age' s water supply if necessary. Duri ng '''Ii nter shut-down due to low flows, the diversion works would divert all flow through the dam to supplement the village water supply and prevent ice-up of the dam reservoir. A detailed explanation of the winter diversion,scheme is incl uded later in the report. 40 1.2 0.9 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.0 13.3 4.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 -.. .. T.2.7 Potential Floods An analysis of data frol:1 noody Creek at Aleknegik (STA. l5-3029-00) was utilized to estil:1ate potential floods. The drainage area above the dal:1site at Scamon Day is approxil:1ately 0.75 l:1i 2 whi 1 e the drai nage area at Moody Creek is 1. 28 l:1i 2. Although !toody Creek does not have the sar.le coastal i nfl uence that Scammon Bay does, it ''las bel i eved that rloorly Creek "/as the best stati on in the area to use. Its frequency curve is illustrated in Figure 5.1 The Sca~on Bay discharges for various frequencies are illustrated heloH in Table T.R. These discharges \'iere detemi ned by a cOl:1pari son of the .drai f"!age areas between Scammon Bay and noody Creek. T. 2. B Dan Safety Table T.B SCN1MON BAY DISCHARGE FREQUENCIES Return Internal (yrs) 200 100 50 25 10 5 2 Di scharge Q (cfs) 135 104 82 65 49 39 27 The uneconnended Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams,1I provides general criteria for evaluating the safety of dans. Since the actual storage is less than 50-acre-feet and the height of the dam is less than 25 feet, the site classification \'/ould be considered "small. u The failure of the dan HOIJ1d not be expected to cause any ulos s of 1ife u or cause any lIeconomic ·loss," by flooding. These conclusions result in a hazard potential classification of 1110\1. II In actuality, the reservoir storage capacity is so sna11 (approxi- mately 1/10 acre-foot) that any dam failure would not Significantly change the dm'instream flow. Any adverse affects on the dan itself due to flooding ",ould probably be linited to siltation requiring additional mai ntenance. The tNO classifications of sna11 size and 1m·, hazard potential result in a recommendation by the guidelines for a Spillway Design Flood (SDF) of bet\leen a 50 to lOO-year frequency. A 100-year discharge (104 cfs) was used. f~o danage Hould he anticipated at the pO\'lerhouse due to location above the 100-year f1 oodp 1 a; n. Hm'lever, damage to the vi 11 age water supply cou1 d be expected \there it crosses the strean be10u the po\'/erhouse 42 si teo T\lo exi sti n9 cul verts pass the streamflo\'l through the road enbanknent that supports the \later 1; nes. These cul verts are ; nadequate to pass the design floH. 43 . .--'~'---'---'" ... _._-----_ ... _ ..... _--1 000 ~9.99 99.9 99.8 99 98 95 90 80 70 ·No tes: 900~ 1. Data collected at USGS Stream Gaging 800' Station, 15-30290 for the Period of ... 9 700 i Record 1969-1979' (lO·years). 1974 , \~ ate rye arm iss i n 9 and t rea ted (1 eft 600i • 0 u t) a s a b r 0 k en r e co r d a s i 11 u s t rat e d 500! . i n B u 1 1 e tin 1 7, p. 14 . . 2~ program 723-K5-L2540 was utilized to 2 .. -- . 0.05 0.1 ~~~~~~~~--__________ ~ __ ~~ __ ~ ____ ~ 1 50 80 90 95 1198' 99' 99.99 .. T.3 GEOLOGY T.3.1Project Site Geology Local rock is a granodiorite intrusive of probable Tertiary Age. Deep \'Ieathering, jointing, exfoliation and/or frost spal1ing have produced'surface boulder fields and thin silty soil. Unsorted glacial overburden overlies the granodiorite bedrock in the project area. The overburden represents ground moraine \'Iith interdispersed \'/ater-lain deposit. The glacial overburden consists of gravel and sand containing nu~erous cobbles and boulders. Go~position of the gravel t cobbles, and boulders is primarily granitic. The granodiorite bedrock and granitic glacial overburden \-/eathers quite rapidly due to the climate and mineral- ogical composition. The glacial overburden varies in thickness through- out the area due to the undulating granitic bedrock surface. In the vicinity of the damsite at the 600-foot elevation, the overburden 'is apprOXimately 8 to 10 feet thick. Near the powerhouse site, overburden varies beb/een 6 and 20 feet. Overburden thicknesses \1ere determined using refraction seismology. Permafrost is absent to sporadic \1ithin the immediate project areas. The perenni al spri ng-fed stream and the predictable thick ; nsul ati on bl anket of drifted \,/i nter snOtI \'Ii thi n the stream gully resul ts ina tha"l zone beneath and adjacent to the stream. Outside of the gully, the surroundi ng area is underl ai n by conti nlJous pemafrost. Oank erosion is prevalent on streambank slopes beb/een the village and its \'later supply intake. This is probably due to sumer thaw of the active layer. The \'/est bank of the stream, between the village and water supp ly intake, has a 10\;1 profil e due to subdued erosi on. Thi s condi ti on probably causes thi.nner winter sno\'I drifts to accumulate inthe area,' hence more exposure to prolonged be10\1 freezi ng ter:1peratures. The powerhouse site is located in an area above the stream'where soli fucti on does not appear to be a probl em •. T. 3. 2 t1ateri al Sources The borro\'l area; located on the east edge of Scamnon Bay, \-/as sarnp 1 ed and tested for qual ity of concrete aggregate. Ana1ysi s of the test ' results ~.ndicated that the fine and coarse aggregates are of relatively poor qual ity and will not r:1eet Corps' standards for approval. The exposed granodiorite outcrop near the site could possibly produce quality aggregate, however, more testing is needed. T.4 ONl t SPILLWAY, AND ItJTAKE T.4.l Description The dan \"ould be constructed of rockfi11ed gabions arranged around a cutoff \'tall \,/hich extends into bedrock. This cutoff \..,a11 \"ou1d be 45 constructed of sackcrete and extend approximately 9 feet belo", the existing ground surface and about 4 feet be1m'l the gabions. Descriptions of the dam, intake, penstock and pm"erhouse can be found on the attached Pl ates. The dam \-/ould have a crest length of 48 feet and a maximuM height froM bedrock to 15 feet. The nonoverf1 m" section of thi s gravity structure Nould have a top elevation of 600 feet. The ungated \'Ieir overflm-I section \'1ould have a total length of 13.5 feet at elevation 598. OverflO\'1 from the \'Ieir \-,ould enter the existing streanbed. The dam \'1ou1 d consi st of a rm'l of standard manufactured galva ni zed steel gabi ons on each side of the cutoff "/a11 set dm'ln into the existing streambed. The gabions ,,,ou1d be filled \'Iith rocks taken from the reservoir excavati on .and the nearby area. The intake structilre \-lOuld be a square r:1eta1 dropbox set vertically on the right bank. A french drain system would run from the left side of the intake to the left abutMent. The french drain \"Iou1d consist of clean gravel which would allow flows to enter a perforated pipe in the drain and be carried through the dam via a r:1eta1 pipe. A blind flange would be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to allow access for maintenance and entrance of 10\'1 flows to supp1er:1ent power production. A gate valve would be mounted on the drain pipe inside the intake structure to alloH regulation of f1m-1 through the dam. A 2-foot by 2.5-foot trashrack would be mounted in the side of the intake structure below the elevation of the overflou section. A movable bulkhead would be mounted above the trashrack intake. This \"ou1d be 10\,/ered to de\'1ater the intake or to shutoff the intake during winter shutdown. The grating of the trashrack would be coated with a hydrophobic fluorocarbon to reduce icing .. A USGS-style gage house would be placed on top of the intake structure to keep it free of snow and to allow access during periods of deep snON. A ladder \lould be installed inside the structure to allow access to the valves and instrumentation, which would be located inside the structure. T.4.2 Flushing System The ; ntake structure \'/ou1 d not have a fl ushi ng system because of its small size. The reservoir bottom would be sloped away from the intake tOHard the center of the excavated reservoir to prevent rocks and other debris from accur:1ulating around the intake. If excessive material does build up in the channel, the reservoir could he drawn dm'ln and the material removed by hand or with a small tractor. T.4.3 Hydraulic Oesign The Hei r overf10\'l secti on in the rock gabi on dam is des; gned to pass the 100-year f1m'i. The overf10\,/ section is 2 feet high and 13.5 feet long. The intake structure is designed to operate year-round regardless of floH. During the \'/amer months when flo\,/s are capable of exceeding the pO\ler requ; rer:1ents, the \'later \'Iou1d f10\'1 through the trashrack and; nto the penstock \'/ith excess f10\'/ bei ng passed over the wei r. 46 ". When the system is shut dOl'!n in the winter, all flows would be diverted through the dam via the french drain, perforated CMP and drain pipe. This drain pipe ''Iould teminate in another french drain do\'mstream of the dam to prevent freezing. "' During \'linter operations much of the intake would be covered with snow; however, to what extent is unknown. Anchor ice could form on the penstock, diversion pipe and valves. When the hydropower system is shutdown,lthe penstock would be drained to prevent possible catastrophic failure caused by freezing. T.4.4 Operation Automatic shutoff of the system at a power output of less than 15 kW \-/ould be designed into the turbine/generator unit. It would also be designed into the manual operation of the plant. When streamflow drops below 0.63 cfs, the minimum needle valve setting for the turbine, any further drop in streamflOl'! ''Iou1d result in a decrease in head. When net head becomes low enough, power output wo'u1d drop below 15 kW and the system would shut down automatically; first the jet deflector would divert the flow a''Iay from the turbine runner, then the needle valve would close slQ''11y (25 seconds). System shutdown (15 kW output) would occur when gross head reaches about 430 feet and discharge about 0.54 cfs. Since the turbine control mechanism has no way of knowning when the streamflow is high or low, a mannua1 setting of the nozzle for an output of O~ 63 cfs" with a gross head of 485 feet must be built into the system and must be activated by the operator '''hen streamflow is in the 0.6 to 0.7 cfs range. The same type of manual control must be built in for moderate and high flows since regulation of inflo\'I by load demand alone could cause the penstock into drain unnecessarily. A fail-safe mechanism should also be incorporated into the turbine-generator system penstock drainage in case of operation error or negligence. T.4.5 Dewatering of Intake Structure The intake structure would be de,,,atere'd to the penstock invert by lowering the bulkhead and releasing water through the penstock. ~1inor maintenance could be done at this time and complete "de''1atering by pumping or other means would allow any major maintenance work. T. 5 PENSTOCK T.5.1 Description The penstock \'IOuld be buried throughout its length. It would run within the confines of the ravine through which the stream flows. The streambed is generally a composition of gravel, cobbles, and boulders that vary from 6 to 20 feet in depth with some outcrops of bedrock. The groundline along the stream bottom has an average slope of 13.5 percent. The penstock ,,,ou1d cross from the right bank to the left bank of the stream ahout 550 feet dOl'Instrearn of the darn. The vegetation cover in the streambed is minimal. 47 The penstock ~/ou1d be a 12-inch inside diameter steel pipe extending 3,SOO'feet from the intake invert at the at 589-foot elevation 11 feet be10\" the top of the dam to the pO\'terhouse at 110 feet. rhe project gross head is 48S feet. A 12-inch diameter manually operated gate valve in the intake structure would allow the penstock to be drained during winter low-flow conditions and during maintenance. A 1-7/B-inch diameter air vent would extend from the penstock immediately downstream of the gate valve up through the gatehouse to the open atmosphere. A screen \'Iould cover the upstream end of the gate valve to insure that no small objects are dra\"m into the penstock. The penstock would be deSigned for a minimum working pressure of 440 psi with a minimum wall thickness of 0.172 inches. The penstock would be completely encased in select bedding material to insure against point loading that could develop with boulders and bedrock. In periods ,of cold weather, the do\"mstream valve at the powerhouse \'1ou1 d have, to remai n open unti 1 the penstock was completely drai ned. Penstock drainage would be accomplished by closing the upstream valve to the penstock and allowing the \'1ater to drain by deflecting the water away froM the buckets of the impu1 se turbi nee Thi s \'1as detemi ned to be the most fool proof and cost effective method to avoid penstock freezing. Insulation of the penstock flas considered, but \.,ould only delay the freeze-up for a few hours. T.6 POHEI1HOUSE T.6.1 Description The 100 kW unit would have all equipment housed in a 10' x 11' prefabricated, i nsul ated, \'leather ti ght, steel structure, bui lt on a 12-inch concrete slab. The pO\'1erhouse would be located at elevation 110, the finished floor elevation being 4 feet above the maximum taih'later level. An open channel tailrace \'IOuld be excavated below the powerhouse. Ventilation \"ould be provided by a wall mounted fan. Two fire extinguishers \'Iould provide fire protection to the building; none would be provided for the generator. A \'1eather tight, roll-Up door would allO\'1 access for equipment installation. A 5-ton underhung crane \'1ou1d be installed for equipment handling. The attached plates provide a layout of the proposed powerhouse. ' T.6.2 Turbine, Generators, And Electrical Description The hYdroelectric pO\'1er generation equipment \"ould be procured as a package unit. It \"ould consi st of one impul se turbi net a synchronous generator, governor system, voltage regulator, and protective and control devices. lInits of this type are readily available from industry, either as pre-engineered standard or custom rlesigns. covering a wide range of heads and flO\'1s, connected loads, and operating conditions. In addition to bei ng economical and siMp1 ifyi ng installation, package unit procurement reduces the nur.lber of supply contracts from three or four to only one. 48 The 100 kW turbine "/ou1d be a "standardized" horizontal axis impluse or Turgo ir.1p1use, turbine \lith one or triO adjustah1e nozzles.' The nozzles would be actuated by servomotors controlled by the governor. Jet deflectors \'Iou1d be used for diversion of water from the runner for rapid load change, load rejection, or pen$tock draining. A cylinder actuated butterfly valve in the penstock \'Iould be provided for shutoff of the water. The IJnitwould be specified to produce pOlter over a range of 15 to 100 kt4 "'hen operati ng at 430 feet net head. The expected di scharge from the turbine at maximum pO\'ler is estimated to be 3.4 cfs, and 0.63 cfs at r.1ir.1ir.1lJrn pO\'ler (15 kH).A flYh'heel \'Iould he provided, if necessary, to limit speed excursions dur'ing load changes. The turbine \,/ou1d drive a generator through V-Belts and a parallel shaft gearboxe, or through adi rect connection to the generator. The choice of the operati ng speed and power transr.1i ssi on system Hou1 d he 1 eft to the manufacturer. If the gearbox or V-Belt drives \'1ere used ho\tever, a 4 percent efficiency loss \'/ould be charged to the turbine in the determi nati on of its guaranteed perfomance c haracteri stic. The governor syster.1 \'IOU 1 d be furni shed as an integral part of the turbi ne-generator package unit. The governor system \'1ould be composed of electronic speed sensitive elements (frequency transducer, controller, and amplifier), a servo syster.1 consisting of either electric motor and gears or hydraul ic pimp and electric motor, and the necessary control s. Responding to fluctuations in p0\1er der.1and, the governor would actuate the needle vah'e in the \later supply line, control the amount of \'/ater supplied to the turbine and regulate the speed of the unit. The governor size and characteristics (capacity and speed regulation) would be ' detemined by the nanufacturer, 'based on head, WR2, speed, and pO\'ler of the unit. The synchronous generator \'IOU 1 d be, provi ded as part of the pac kage uni t. The generator speed and coup1 i ng to the turbi ne \-lOu1 d be detemi ned by the r.1anufacturer based on the operati ona1 requi rements. The generator, which should be provided with special bearing and lubricants suitable for operation in extended 10\'1 ter.1peratures, \'!ou1d be rated single phase, 60 Hz, 100 kW (125 kVA @ 0.8 pf), 120/240 volts \'lith full Class F therlJa1 capacity (Class R temperature rise) and be capable of continuous operation at 110 percent overload and + 5 percent of rated voltage. The generator \'Iou1d be equipped \'/ith a brushless, full wave rotating rectifier excitation system and a saturable transformer type automat; c voltage regulator \'Ii th a response tir.1e of 200 rni 111 seconds, capable of regulation of one percent from no-load to full-load. The generator ",ould also be furnished \'lith a control and protection equipment group. This consists of a circuit breaker (\'/ith shunt-coil type, under-and-over voltage relays, overcurrrent relay, stator thermal relay, instantaneous ground relay, rec10sing relay, and lockout device), an anneter, \latt-hour neter, \'/attmeter, volt-r.1eter, frequency meters, and indicator lights for manual synchronization. In order to prevent r.1oisture build-up, it may he necessary to partially energize the system during winter shut-down. 49 The g~nerator bus \<loul d be tapped between the generator ci rcuit breaker and the step-up transforr.1er to provi de three-\'/i re, si ngl e phase 120/240 volts to a lighting distribution panel for service station lighting, convenient outlets, a ventilating fan, and other r.1iscellaneous loads. The r.1ain power transfomer ",ould be single phase, 120/240 volt prinary, 1-2,470/7200 volt secondary, 15 kV class, dry type, and ventilated. It \'Iou1d be floor mounted in the pO\,/erhouse. The generator, excitation, breaker, and turbine controls \"ou1d be mounted on the governor equipnent cabinet. Controls would be included to nanually synchronize the excited unit to the line. t1etering \>/ould be provided for volts, amps, vars and \'/atts. The generators \'lOuld be provided with voltage restraint overcurrent and overvoltage relays. Underfrequency and overfreqllency protection of customer equipment would be provi ded ''lith speed switches and SOr.1e form of automatic time error control Houl d he cons1 dered. T.7 TRANSrUSSION SYSTEr1 The electrical connection to the existing distribution system "/ould be by 15 kV, No. 2 AWG al umi num conductor on ,,,ood poles from the "ta11-nounted ueatherhead fitting at the pm'/erhouse to the existing 7.2 kV primary capable in the surface-mounted duct bank. Rigid steel conduit. \-!ou1d he used to run the cable fron the teminal pole to a pad nounted tenninal cabinet installed· in the duct bank. T.B ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS CONSIDERED T.B.l Dan Various types of dar.1s uere considered, but due to renoteness, lack of material sources, and cost they were ruled out. Alternatives considered included concrete (good aggregate source unavailable), earthfill (access di ffi cul ti es and 1 imi ted borr0\1 materi a 1 ), and timber (no 1 oca 1 source and potential snO\'/ creep problems). The chosen alternative, rock filled gabions is suitable for the small size of the dam. Also the availability of suitahle sized rock in the project area is good. A sackcrete cut-off to bedrock \'las used for estimating purposesj hmfever thi s nay be changed to a nemhrane cut-off duri ng the preparati on of plans and specifications. T.O.2 Penstock Alternatives An above ground penstock \'las considered in addition to the reconnended buried penstock. The buried scheme was selected because it would present less long terr.1 problems. It \'/ollld be less susceptable to vandal i sn, sno\'l creep, freezi ng and streaM activity.' 50 The following pipe materials or combinations of pipe materials \"ere consi dered for both above and underground install ati on: 1. Schedule 40 steel entire length 2. 0.172 inch steel entire length 3. High density polyethylene + Schedule 40 4. High density polyethylene + 0.172 inch steel S. Reinforced plastic mortar pipe entire length Underground install ation of 0.172 steel penstock and rei nforced plastic mortar (RPrl) pipe were found to be the least costly alterna- ti ves. The steel penstock \'/aS chosen because it presents less unknowns regarding installation and bedding. The remoteness of the location, potential difficulties in bedding, high Horking pressures and general durability ''Iere factors considered in pipe selection. T.8.3 PO\'lerhouse flue to the linited flO\'1 and high head, the only suitable turbine type is an inpluse turbine. Various sized turbines of SO, 75, 100, and 125 kW \"ere considered. In addition, tuo 50 kW units \'-/ere proviously considered, but \'/ere not found to be cost effecti ve, si nce one uni t can functi on efficiently over the \,thole range of possible flo\'ls. The 100 kW unit was found to be the optimun choice based of the parameters of flow, energy denand and fuel costs. T.9 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES Due to the delicate nature of the peroafrost areas near the project, special care \'Iould be necessary to assure that these areas are not disturbed unnecessarily. Tracked vehicles brought in by the State of Alaska to construct the runway in the early 1970's crossed the permafrost above tOt," "'hen it \'las unfrozen. Thi s di srupti on of the vegetative cover reduced its insulating capabilities resulting in the melting of the pernafrost. This melting has caused additional loss of vegetation and further melting, resulting in the erosion of gullies nearly 6 feet deep. For constructi on of the hydroproject, access ''1oul d be 1 imi ted to the confines of the ravines through Nhich the stream flm'ls. This area ;s underl ai n by a tha\,fhul bin the pemafrost. Access over permafrost areas may be a 11 o\'led for stagi ng materi a 1 sand equi pment if; t were done duri ng \'Ii nter when acceptable conditions of frozen ground and adequate snow cover exist. An equipment access plan \-,ould be incorporated into the contract documents. This plan ''1ould delineate construction corridors for both sumner and \Ii nter access. 1. 10 PROJECT OPEnATION ANO t1AINTENANCE Once constructed the proj ect \'foul d probably be turned over to the local utility for operation and maintenance in conjunction \'1ith the existing rliesel generators. It Hould be the responsibility of the 51 PERMAFROST EROSION DURING AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION utility for all maintenance associated with the intake works, penstock, pO\'lerhouse and di stri bution systerl. In addition, spri ng startup and "tinter shutdO\"n including penstock drainage would be required. The unit ,,,ould be capah1e of rlatching the necessary load during the time of year '''hen flO\'Is equal or exceed the der.1and. Ouri n9 those low f10\'1 tirles "hen energy deJ71and exceeds the capabil iti es of the system, the hydropOl'ler unit -''Iould operate in a base load r:lode ,,,hile the diesel "/ould be utilized for peaking. T.11 PROJECT COST ITEtl OESCr.IPTION "108 & PI1EP WOI1K LIVIDS & OAI1AGES Administrative Costs Lands OAt, & SILL Exc(\vation Sackcrete I:ei nforcer.tent Gabion l10ck Backfill Drain pipe 12" 0 French Orai n I ~JTAKE STRUCTURE QUANTITY 1 1 1 220 48 2,400 216 144 18 90 17 Steel Intake 1,224 Bulkhead Gate Trashrack 100 Transducer 1 nanoMeter 1 Sluce Gate 2 Insulated Structure 1 \ PENSTOCK Stp.e1 (1211 0, 0.172" thick) 11; n9 Stiffeners, Expansion Anchors, Anchor Supports Concrete Anchor and Thrust Blocks Excavation Backfi 11 70,500 4,900 30 1,020 920 53 lI~1 IT LS LS LS CY CY LB EA CY CY EF CY LR LS U1 EA EA EA EA LR Ul CY CY CY UNIT PRICE 20 600 1.30 90 110 10 25 50 2.50 3.00 3,500 2.00 2.00 600 15 8 TOTAL $300,000 $1,000 4,000 S5,ooo $ 4,400 28,800 3,120 19,440 15,840 180 2,250 .: 850 $74,880 $ 3,060 5,000 300 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 7,000 6:,000 $28, 360 $140,000 9,800 18,000 15.,300 7,360 $190,460 ITEr1 DESCfHPTION POHERHOUS£ Structure Turbines & Generators Auxiliary Systens Sl'litchy;ard and Distribution SysteM Connection . \ . TAILRACE Excavati on ftiprap SUBTOTAL 20 Percent Contigencies CONTRACT ~OST QUANT;IrY LS LS LS LS 45 15 Engineering and Design Supervision and Administration TOTAL PP.01.1ECT COST T. 1 2 PftOJ . .ECT ECONOr1 IeS T.12.1 FeaeralCriteria UNIT 1 1 CY CY UNIT PRICE 20 110 TOTAL $ 40,'000 135,LOOO 16,000 25,.s00 $216,;pOO $ 900 1,.650 $2,550 $817,750 163,550 $981 J 300 , . $ 70,000 78,700 . $1,130,000 Under criteri a establ i shed for Federal water resource projects, th~ Selected Nan is feas'ible. Factors influencing the feasibility have been presented in appropriate sections of the report. The results are p resented be 10\'/ : ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Intere~t and Amortization (7-5/8 percent, 50 yr.) Operati on and 11ai ntenance Total ~nnua1 Cost Fuel Oisp1ace~ent Benefit Fuel Cost Escalation Benefit Operation and r1ai ntenance Ilenefit Total ~nnual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefi~-Cost Ratio 54 $ 88,400 20,000 $108,400 $ 62,900 40,100 22,300 $125, 300 $16,900 1.16 to· 1 0;; .. T.l2.2 State Of Alaska Econonic Criteria The State of Alaska, Division of Budget and f1anager.1ent in the Governor's Office has requested that the Corps incorporate the State IS econonic criteria into the hydropOlter process. This will allo\'/ the State to better deternine if their participation in a potential project is justified. The State of Alaska1s hydropower economic criteria for FY 82, 1 July 1981 to 30 June 1982, is summarized below: Inflation Rate Discount Rate (50 years) Petroleun Fuel Escalation o Percent 3 Percent 2.6 Percent (20 years) Based.on the above criteria and the sa~e energy usage as assur.1ed for the Federal evaluation renders the results shO\tn bel 0\'1: ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Interest and Amortization (3 percent 50 yrs) Operation and Uai ntenance Total Annual Cost Fuel Displacement Benefit Fuel Escalation Renefit Operation and f-1ai ntenance Benefit Total Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio 55 $43,900 20,000 $63, 900 $ 66,800 31,900 23,600 $122,300 $58,400 1. 91 to 1 • CORPS Of ENGINEERS CAPE ROMAN.ZOF BAY \ , l \ ( ~ \...ASKINUK j : (" ~ MOUNTAINS '--'"'-.J, ~~-)}I ~~ v VICINITY MAP SCAL E I ,". I MILE ASKINUK MO UN T A INS ~7'<f - ~\>~ ":;:'~ C LARENCE R H ODE l.._".. NATI ONAL WILDLIFE RANGE LOCATION MAP- ALASKA OI5mICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE. ALASKA him=---' SCAMMON BAY , ALASKA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1"/;ID!l""':~-' LOCATION a VICINITY MAP """-,,AS SHOWN 1M'" INY. NO. DACW85- U . S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~\ '2.\ ---- ALASKA DISTRICT CORP'S OF ENGINUIItS ANCHORAGE. A1...ASKA SCAMMON BAY. ALASKA R~h.m:,a:-----1 HYDROEL ECTRIC PROJECT GENERAL PLAN SHHT OF U. S. ARMY 2000Q CORPS Of ENGINEERS .I ;" DAM LOCATION -PleNd "CAL£' : I" , 10'-0" 00' , ",' , '" / / /' -'" UPSTREAM ~L-EVATI ON 5CAL.E< , V1 " ~ 1'-0" r ( t t ":"' '" '" /' / / /' / ---'" 12" ¢ DRAJ"N ALASKA DISTRICT COR~ ()IF ENOIN~ ANCHOIUoGE. ALA8KA SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA hr.:=--"" HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT '-_.....,;~""I DAM AND INTAKE STRUCTURE PLAN. ELEVATION. a DETAIL INY. NO. DACW85- U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS -~ HOlJ?E ------ F'iO N<ST<la \IAl.ve CONTIi'OL. ,"~"'I O~ PiPe; --- VAl-VE ~nI'O l- ~K.-----, (,A8l-e; ----, rOPOF DA~ a · (,00.0 PIS" D~. Af~ ~Nr VA L-VE <;;~ I5UUC HeAP J Ek .592.O fl<A.SH IGAq: ~~ '2' ,,,An.-- VAl-VI:. 1"2' ~ PE£FOI<ATEW.--!"""'..>.....u Pipe TYP ICAL , I 1-------1., : S l -Oll a.S6'l>.o 0f'ILLWAY SEcTION '5CAL.E : 1/1 " s 11 .0" o 7' l ' 1 12" ¢ l-foN F"l-foN Dlv~<;;I ()1oJ PIPE> ·0.0 SECTIO t-J (,0'-0" c.LA%lFIIW ----"'I,~ ~FIL-L-'7<;9f, C01PACTION 5~crIOt-J ~l..-E; : 1" ~ 1'-0'1 ALASKA DISTRICT COftN 0" I[NQIH~ ANCHOftA.QE, A1..AMA SCAMMON BAY. ALASKA I... ..... ---l HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1-.._,.....:>/iII.~ DAM AND INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTIONS INV. NO. DACW85· """"AS SHOWN ..... ... - U. S . ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS .. i i '0 .... . . M \C. 'r.W . CJ:,'-Ol , 9', ~: !Y4" '/-0" o ! i ! TAIl.f',~ DETAllh TO ,?UIT <?liE 11~O' of iE<IOWl!flA"TO,", 100 K'" 120/240 V~, <1>0 Hz, I¢ fll'>E ------, EX'1"I~I"HI!!I'> PLAfJ 1-100 KW UhJlT <?.:::;,o...L.e::?f4,u w l'-oli 2' ! .t ! PO\VWI'>PL~~--TOO K W. ~eAD -~~ . ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF" ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE. Al..ASKA SCAMMON BAY, ALASKA h...."...---1HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT "",,_,....J;.,c;.-ISCAMMON BAY POWERHOUSE U. S. ARMY TRANSVERSE SECTION AND PLAN 5CALI. AS SHOWN DAn. ... - INV. NO. DACW85- • ;. • , . In accordance "lith the National Envi ronmenta1 Pol icy Act of 1969, as amended, the Alas,kaDistrict, Corps,of"Eng~neers,: has assessed the"', envi ronmenta1)mpacts of the. foll oNi ng actj on: . Sr1ALL HYD'ROELECTRIC PROJ'ECT " " '; . . SCAmmtL BAY, ALASKA' Hydroelectric power would be developed fron the strean that originates south of ScamMon Bay, and flows through "the ,village.' The stream flows " from approximately"elevatio,n800 to elevation 50'where it merges with the mal n channel· of the Kun.River. A'small reservo; r, with less than one-tenth, oTan· ac re~foot of storage,., wou1 d be excavated upstream of a, , " , rock-filler.! gablO!) dam, . which ,,,ould be· constructed ~/ith a 'crest elevation of 600 feet. A penstock woul d run 3500 feet from the intake structu·re of the dam ·to an aboveground powerhouse with an installed capacity'of roo ' kW. An 'open channel tailrace, approxiMately 50 feet in length, \"ou1d be excavated from ,the, pm1erhouse to, the \Mai n;streaM channel.' .' The estimated flows at,the damsite display' a high discharge of 10 cubic feet per second {cfs} in J1ay'with a low' of 0.7 cfs duri ng January and, Fe\'lruary. These flo\'ls could develop about 432,000 kWh of electr.icity, annually, of which 239,000 kWh is estimated to be usable the first year of operati on. ' " ~ ; Sca~on Bay is totally dependent upon fuel oil for space and water heati ng and e]ectrical generation. Increases in fuel prices have been the principle source of the rish)gcosts of electrical, power. The average cost of diesel fuel delivered. to Scammon Bay has increased over 360 percent si nce 19.73. ,Future del11and and scarcity of petrochemical products wi 11 c~use conti nued price increases. The Environnenta1 Assessment indicates no significant adverse impacts \10uld occur during the construction Qr the operatton and mal ntenance of the proposed project. ,A letter of intent ,to prepare a Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONS!) for the pf:oposed, project \.,as ,distributed to the resource agencies for their ,review and cOr.1l'!1ent. None of the agencies indicated any objection to the preparation of a FONSI. The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stated'the '; , nagnitudeof the, project and the low levels of ,wildlife resources in the pro.ject area el imi nated the need for an envi ronmenta1 impact statement. The envi ronmental revie\'1 process has indicated to me that the proposed action does not constitute a najor Federal action significantly affecting the qual ity of the hUman envi ronment., Therefore, an envi ronmental impact statement\1fll not be prepared for the small hydroelectric project at l , Seamon Bay, Alaska .. Also, the proposed action does not appear.to conflict'\,/ith the approved Alaska Coasta}'Management Program or any other appropriate regulation or program. The Environmental Assessment that has addressed the proposed action is available frOM the District Office upon request. ENVIRON~,1ENTAL ASSESSMENT NEED Fon THE PROPOSED ACTION The Corps: of Engi neers' \.,as authori zed by Congress to conduct feasibility studies for the development of small hydroelectric power facilities at isolated villages throughout Alaska. The village of Scamon Bay requested that the Alaska Oi stri ct study the hydropO\'ler potenti a1 of a sr.1all, unnar.1ed spri ng-fed streaci that runs through thei r village. ' Scanno,n Ray, a r.1enber of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC'), is totally dependent' upon'dies~' generation for electric po\'1er. Recause of the escalating cost of diesel fuel and concern over its availabil ity, alternative pO\'ler sources, such as hydroelectric pO\,ler, could be more econor.1ica1 and reduce the use of nonrene\'/able resources. COORDINATIQN AND PUBLIC INPUT· The following agencies, interest groups, and individuals were consulted during the feasibtlity study for the Scar.1r.1on Bay hydroelectric project: U.S. 'Fi'sh and Wi1dl1·fe Serv;:ce; A1a~ka Department of Fish and Game; Alaska Power Authority; Public Health Service; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Northern Technica" Services (NflRTEC); AVEC; Honer Hunter, r1ayor of Scamnon(Bay; and residents of Scammon Bay. ' RELATIONSHIIP TO ENVIRONt1ENJAL REQU:IREt1ENTS This dpcument wa,s prepa'red under the guidelines of the National Envi ronmental Policy Act. established by the: Counsel on Envi ronmenta'l Quality. The docunent:is in full compliance' with Federal and State of Alaska regiJlat1 ons " \'/i th the· except; on' of theC1 ean Water Act, Coastal Zone r1anagement Act, and State \4ater Quality Certification, which will be met upon completion of .the final document review. ' ' The U.S. Fish, and l~;TdTHe Service prov;'deda Coordination Act Report as per the' Fi sh' and Wi 1 dH,fe Coordinati on Act of 1958. An exec uti ve ' SUr.1r.1ary of the report i sincluded in the Appendix. Copies of the enUre , Coordi nation Act Report are avai 1 ab1 e upon request. The Envi rc)nr.lenta1 Assessment, \"Ias prepared to address the' , considerations,outTi'ned in' Section '404(b)(l) of the C1eariWater Act anCt a separate evaluation, ;.s not' 'included. J\L TEnNA TI VES The Corps of Engineers is authori zed to study the feasi bi 1 i ty of hydroelectric a1ternatives'and" if warranted, recommend them to Congress for construction authorization. Nonhydroe1ectric a,lternatives ~re also, assessed;ho\'lever, the Corps of Engineers is not involved in their design or constructi on. 2 ... ... • Hi nd Generati on Continuous "lind recordings'are available fror.1 Cape Ronanzof, approxiMately 14 Miles \'Ie,st,ofScamnon Bay. on the, south side of the, Askinuk r10untains. tHnd;:di~ectfon varies, but'~'vd:nd from the northeast is the most common. Because of the northeasterly ''Ii nds, Scammon Bay ,may experi enee a hi gherHi nd regime than Cape ,Romanzof due, to its geographic location on. the north side of the mountain range. , Although no \-/ind data have beencollecte~ at, the village, residents state that they experience high \'I;,nds, 'for 1 ong durations, parti cul a.rly duri ng the \'Ii nter. Before they joined AVEC, Hind;generation ,''las used by t\tO households. Based on the i nterpretati on' of Cape Romanzof ''Ii nd data, it appears that there is sufficientwtnd, of bO,th magnitude and duration, to supply, Stamon Bay , \1ith a portion of their electrical energy needs duri ng the ~/i nte~. .The' feasi bil fty of wi nd generati on duri ng the summer is questi oriabl e because of the lO\'ler average 'lind velocities at that time. Existing Conditions (Diesel) Scamon 'B~y presently derives electrical pm'/er from .diesel-fi red generation. The system provigesyear~round dependable power and meets the needs of-the comunity. The econoMic feasibil'ity ,of continued diesel use is quest,ionable because of increasing prices and possibly declining availab,ility. The future costs of prorlucing'electrical po\'Ier fror.1 diesel in rural Alaska r.1ay hecome prohibitive., Other alternative energy sources include solar, Haste neat recovery, geothernal, coal, peat, tinber, municipal solid 'taste, and tidal. Of these altenatives, geothermal, coal, peat, and timber are not feasible due to the lack of these resources in the immediate area. Scammon Bay's location on the north side of the mountains Makes solar energy infea~ible for r.1ost of the year. ~ecoverable waste heat from AVEC's diesel, ' generation could produce 2,090 million Btu's per year. This alternative \'lOuld require the continued use ,of diesel generation and the design -of an adequate transl)1i ssi on system. If di esel -generation conti nues, thi s alternative may be a viable energy source for space heating. r1unicipal solid 'taste could produce up to 626 ni11ion Btu's per year and provide 5 percent of thecomunity's present fuel input requirenent. Effective generation fron tidal po\'/errequ;re~ a,minil11um head of approximatel.x 10 feet. Daily tides at the project area are ,about 6 to 7 feet. Coupled '-lith the lack of ninimum head and, the icing conditions of Scammon Bay, this alt~rna:tive does not appear 'to be feasible. Hydroelectric (Selected Alternative) Hydroelectric pO\'ler tlOuld be developed' from a spring-fed stream located south of the tOl'1n of Scanr.1on Bay. The stream flo\'IS from approxir.1ately elevation 800 to eleyation 50, \'/here it merges with the Mai n channel of the Kun Ri ver. A sMall. reservoi r ",oul rl be excavated upstrear.1 of a rock-filled gabion dam, \'1hich''Iould be constructed at elevation 596 (existing ground), about 3,5()O feet from the town proper. A penstock would run from the intake structure of the dar.! to a~ ; aboveground pO'-lerhouse, \'1hich would be located across the stream from the village's Bureau of Indian Affairs school. 3 An open channel tailrace approximately 50 feet in length would be excavated from the powerhouse to the main stream channel. Several alternatives for the installation of the penstock and for the type of pipe are p.resented here. A dam with'a maximum height of 9 feet \'Iould be constructed from standard manufactured galvanized steel gabions filled with rocks take'n from the reservoir excavation and the stream itself. A sackcrete or membrane cut-off wall extending to bedrock would be constructed at the center of the dam. Thi s cut-off \'loul d extend approximately 9 feet below the existimg ground surface; its top \'Iouldbe flush with the top of the dam at elevation 600. The dam would extend about 50 feet across the stream gully and \'IOuld include a spillway with a l3.S":foot-long weir, 2 feet lower than the top of the dam. T\-~o alternatives were studied for the installation of the l2-inch-di.aMeter penstock. For both alternatives, the invert of the penstock at the intake structure is set at elevation S89, 11 feet below the top of dam at elevation 600. A sluice gate would be installed to regul ate the flow through the penstock and for emergency. operati on. The penstock ",ould run downstream at an average slope of 13.5 percent. Under the propol!ied plan" the penstock \'1ould be entirely buried about 2 feet helo\'l the existing grade •. A trench \'IOuld be' excavated and backfilled as requi red. The penstock would be anchored and supported as required. A steel penstock was found to be more suitable than other materials ,for installation because it is more durable against natural diaster or vandalism., The penstock would cross the stream at a location approximately 550 feet do\'mstream of the dam. .. . , The 'penstock would connect to a valve upstream of the ,turbine. The powerhouse would be located at elevation 110 and be built on a concrete slab. The finished floor elevation of the slab ",ould be about 4 feet above the mainstream \'Iater level. Three different sites for the powerhouse~ were considered,butgeological findings proved that two of the sites were not suitable d~e to potential flooding and unsuitable s'oil conditions,~ The equipment would be hOlJsed in a small 10xll-foot structure. The project power would be transmitted·through the existing local distribution system. One or blo \'Iooden poles may be required for the connection,~ No clearing of any vegetation would be necessary. ENVI RONr1ENTAL SETTI NG The village of Scammon Bay is located on the Kun River, approximately 150 miles north\'Iest of Bethel: Al aska. The areas to the north and east of the village are lowland tundra" \'Ihich is typical of the Yukon-Kuskok\"Iim Delta, with numerous lakes, slbw r.reandering.. strear.rs, and little relief. To the west is ScalT.lon Bay and the Bering Sea. IMmediately south of the village are the Askinuk r10untains, a small isolated range that is an atypical feature of the delta. 4 • Beginning at Cape Ro~anzof on the B~rfng Sea, the mountains generally run east anc1\'/est, tenninating approximately 35 ~iles inland. The mountain range averages 1 ess than 6 ~il e,s in \,/i dth. Several peaks south of the village exceed·' ,000 feet in elevation. ~ t· . {.~ The 10\'11 and tundra area supports the vegetati:ve' types associ ated \..,ith wet tundra, primari ly a sedge and cottongrass mat \'/i th a fe\.., \toody plants \'1here the terrace rai ses them above standi ng water. The Aski nuk r10untains·have tHO distinct vegetative types. tloist tundra, which· extends from the foothi 11 s throughout the 10\ter porti on of the range, supports unifom. stands of cottong,rass .tussocks, sedges, and dwarf shrubs. ,Alpine tundra, found at. the higher elevations of the Askinuk . f1ountians, supports, lm'l-grO\'/ing Mats of herbaceous and shrubby plants. Although the mountain range is relatively steep, the vegetative mat, combined ~tith pemafrost holds the \'/ater to make the slopes Moist during the nonfrozen season. Habitats of the project area are predominate.ly r:lOist tundra. The only dry areas are rock outcrops and individual boulders. 14ildlife resources are ~ainly birds and small rodents with only a rare visit of larger manmals. Because of the lack of shelter and year-round food sources, the "/estern Yukon-Kuskohiim Delta is almost devoid of large nan~al s. . f'any species of birds use the area near the project. Nesting \'/aterfO\',l and shore birds are abundant north of the village in the \-/et tllndra habitat. They contri bute to the Yukon-Kuskokwirn Del ta IS 1. 5 million breeding ducks per year and fall migration of about 3 million ducks. The moist and alpine tundra'areas south of the village in the AskinlJk.11ountains support nesting and rearing habitats for an abundance of shore birds. Although no actual population estimates \'1ere made, ' visual observations indicate that this is a favorable bird-use environnent. An active rough-legged ha\'/k nest\tas located at the top of the nountains directly south of the village. SnO\'{y o\,/ls and long-tailed jaegers al so use the' area for hunti ng small nanmals and bi rds. . An unnamed stream originates near the Askinuk'f1ountain range summit and is fed by suhsurface flow throughout its length. The stream has oenetrated the permafrost and formed a relatively wide streambed channel. The rise in streambed elevation is very steep and thestream'is mostly a conti nuous torrent of cascadi ng \'later. In several pl aces, the strean has cut to bedrock, but 8 to 10 feet of unconsolidated material i ntermi xed \Ii th boul ders is present at the proposed da~si te and 15 to 20 feet of the sane material is present at the pO\terholJse site. The' portion of the strea~ from its source to near· the. village has avery stable' stream channel. considering the steep slope ,and resultant high water velocity. No areas of streambank eros;'on are evident and theamollnt of fi ne s obse rved i n the st reamhed appea r . 10\,1 . Historically, the strea~ supported' a 'very small run of ,p'ink salmon near its nouth \'/here it eopties into the Kun River. Several small \'/aterfall s, and one over 6 feet, el ir.1i nate any movement of fi sh fro~ the Kun rtiver in front of the village into the upper section of the unnamed strean. Even if no Haterfa11 s were present, the stream velocity is such that suitahle fish habitat is generally nonexistant above the village. 5 The pink salmon run no longer exists in the stream and, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, no salmon now enter the Kun River. The portion of the stream from the village to the Kun River is a meandering tidal slough. The lm'ler end of the stream is used as a protective mooring and beaching area for small skiffs. The stream is used by the village residents as their drinking water source. The Public Health Service established an infiltration gallery, holding tank, and pumphouse far the \'/ater supply system. The infiltration ga.llery is located several .hundr.-ed yards upstream of the town and ,-/Ould be beb/een the dam and pm'lerhouse site of the proposed project. The Public Health Service has recommended a minimum flow of 27.8 gallons per minute, which is~quivalent to 0.06 cfs. This \"ould· provide approximately 200 gallons 'per day per capita, uhich is well above the present consur.1ption of bet\'leen 50-70 gallons per day per capita. The holding tank stores approximately 30,nOO gallons, which is sufficient to supply the vi 11 age water requi rements for 2 days. There is no approved Coastal Zone "anagement Plan for the ScamnonBay· area. The Alaska Coastal Policy Councils Standards of the Alaska Coastal r1anagement Program (6AA80. 070) establ.i shes criteri a for energy facilities within the coastal zone. The proposed hydroelectric project is consistant \<lith the suitable site determination outlined by the standards.· CULTURAL hESOURCES In earlier times, the village located at ScamMon Ray "las known by the Eskimo name "r1ariak.1I The village \'las later renamed after the nearby bay that honors Captain Charles r1. Scammon, \Iho served \'lith the t4estern Telegraph Expedition from 1856-1967. The name Scammon Bay became commonly applied to the village in 1951 \'/hen a post office of that name. was estabished. Other names that have been applied to this locality are Kutmi lit, r'awagni ut, "ari akmi ut, and r1a ri a~. The name Kutmi ut was fi rst nentioned by Dal1 in 1870 for an Eskimo village located 2.7 miles east of the present vi 11 age (Orth 1967). The people in this area are of the rlagemiut subdivision or tribe :of Yupik-speaking Eskinos. The r1agemiut numbered around 400 people at the time of Eurnpean contact (Os\'/al t 1968: 0) and were essenti ally an i nl and oriented people centered bet\'Ieen the Yukon and Kuskokwim River about 20 miles sOll~h of r10untain Village (Os\'/alt 1967:6, Zagoskin 1967:210.) The r1agemiut "/ere noted· for their war-like behavior. This factor, conbi ned "i th thei r renote 1 ocati on, meant that the '1ager.1i ut \'1ere not exposed to i ntensi ve European/Allleri can contact unti 1 recent years. Fe\-I :ethnographic stUdies have been done on the area so it is difficult to reconstruct abori gi nal subsi stence patterns. Present day vi 11 agers are involved uith connericial fishing for salmon and herring; it is likely that these \'/ere harvested in the past along with inland resources such as caribou and \'Iaterfo\'ll. 6 i • • Good archeological sequences have been ''Iorked out for ,coastal areas north of Norton, Sound and south of Brtstol Ray, but feN studies have been done for the Yukon-Kuskoh/im Delta area. The National Register of ' Historic Places 'has, been consulted and no eligible properties are in or near the 'project area."Phe'~State Historic Presenvation Office advised, that no adverse inpacts "/ould he likely 'to:occur to cultural resources as a result 'of thi s project.i PfW,1ECT Ir1PACTS Kydroelectric (Selected Alternativ~) Background information and field investigations performed for the hydroelectric 'alternative indicate that little fiSh and "iildlife activity occurs \'Iithin the influence of the project area. There are no fishery resources in the unnaned stream \'lith the possible exception of the area north of the village near the Kun River. A rUn-of-river project, as the one proposed for Scanr:1on Bay, does not , i flcl ude \'Iater storage . All 'or a portion of the existing streamflml above the proposed div.ersionstructure "/oul d be tltil i zed for pm'ler generati on and the "later \'Ioul d be returned to the strean above the area of possible fishery activity without'changes in ",ater chen; stry, tenperature, or flO\'1 .. The stream het\'leen the proposed di versi on structure and pO\'Ierhouse "/oul d lose sone or most of the flO\'I. The porti on of the stream bet\'feenthe pOHerhouse and divers; on structure is above several velocity barriers and waterfalls that inhibit fish nigration. Because of the existing stream velocity in the area, suitable fish habitat is generally absent'. , The proposed hydroelectric project would have insignificant impacts on usable stream habitat and possible fishery resources. The placenent of the 'diversion structure, penstock alinenent, and tailrace configuration \'/Quld cause a' ter:1porary increase in suspended sol ids; hm'lever, thi s r:1ay bemi nor and short terned because of the 1 i ght load of fi nes and other snall-gra; ned nateri a 1. To assure that the drinking \later standards for the village's ''later supply are r:1et; construction of the diversion structu're and penstock nay have to occ.ur in stages~ Close coordination ",iththe Public Health Service to determine that acceptable drinking \-/ater can be stored and distributed would be continuolJs until project completion. ~1i nor disrupti on of nesti ng and rear; n9 of 'shorebi rds nay occur during project constructi.on if the activity is during the sur,wner months. Although nesting densities are high in the Scammon Bay area, hird utilization in the' area of project influence is lm'/. Haterfowl nesting north of the village, shorebird activity in the noistand alpine tundra, and pasteri ne bi rd nesti ng \-fest of the vi 11 age are far enough removed and the nagnitude of the proposed action is sMall enough so that only minor di sruptions are expected duri n9 constructi on. Ouri ngactual project' operation, the disruption to the bird population should be ninimal or nonexi stent. r1ar:1nal activity in the project area is extrer:1ely low, possihly \'1ith the exception of lenmings and voles. The magnitude of the project ,.,ould cause only short-tern l'1i nor di sturbances of mamal s. 7 Constructi on of the reservoi r \'Ioul d requi re the excavation of approxiMately 170 cubic yards (cy) of materi al. The area of excavation \-Iould be \-lithin the streambed. The"majority of this material \'Iould b~, used for t,he constructi on of the dan and an additional 30 cy of rock. nateri al" from the surroundi ng area would be necessary for the cOMplet.i,on of the structure. There is enough surface rock. material close to the' proposed diversion dam so that a quarry site \'Iould not be required. "Fhe excavation of the Materi'al for the reservoir and the collection of' surface rock for the completion of the dan \10uld occur in an area of. little biQ1ogica1 producti,vity and no impacts on the biological community or' physical danage to the envi ronment are expected. Penstock 'alineMent \fould occur within the streaM channel in an area not underl:ai n with permafrost. If the buried penstock. alternative is constructed, approxiMately 3,950 cy of naterial \'/ould be excavated. The penstock "/ould be placed in the excavated area and all the material \'/ould be backfilled. Thi s operation \",ould cause short-te'm adverse impacts to water qual,ity; hO\,/ever, the stream should return to preproject conditi,ons shortly after construct; on. The pl'acenent of the powerhouse is outside the 1 DO-year flood pl aiin in a suitable foundation area. Inpacts associated ''lith excavation for a 1 Oxl 1 -foot .concrete sl ah and pO\'/erhouse are mi ninal. Interti e with the existing po\'Ier facilities',may require the placement of one wooden pole in an area that has been di sturbed'. The greatest inpact of project construction could be erosion caused by mechanized equipnent on the steep slopes. Geological surveysindicat~ that pemafrost is present on all slopes withi n the project area with the exception of the stream channel and flood plain. Removal of the thin . vegetative mat could alloH pemafrost to tha\'I, resulting in ground subsidence and subsequent creation of deep gullies from erosion. Damage caused by tracked vehicles operating on tundra underlain. bypernafrost has been \'Iell documented. The construction of the diversion structure, penstock alineMent, and pO\'Ierhouse facilities, and the transportation':of materials Hould require the use of a small-tracked vehicle that could' avoid erosion~prone permafrost areas. Normally, vehicular r:lovement is, not recor.,mended in strean channel? hecause of water quality degradation and its effect on fishery resources. HO\1eVer, the stream channel is of sufficient width to allo\"l the opera:tion of a SMall-tracked vehicle with little or no instrean novement and still avoid pennafrost areas. Water qual ity degradation; \'Iou1 d be ni nor and no ir.lpacts are expected to the poss; bl e fi shery resources" at the mouth of the stream. If project construction cor.wnences ,during the uinter nonths, naterials and equipment could be ferried \1hen the ground is snO\'/ covered without di sturbi ng the vegetative nat. Pl ~ns for \/; nter and sunner Mobil; zat;'on have been fornul ated and are i ncl uded "in Section T. 9 of the nain report. 8 • • .. ,., .'/ ,;,-:" . .'. ";' , ': ., .. :' ..... • ... ·4 .... ',· _', . WINO GENEnATION Although the Corps of Engineers has not designed any plans for the wind generation alternative, the facility '-/ould probably be located to\'1ard the top of the nountain range several miles south of the village. The major impact associated \'Iith the construction of \'1ind generation would be erosion. In order;. to service the ''Ii lid Ro\'/er facil iti es and install the pO\'ier pol es, a road ''1oul d probably be requi red. The construction of a road or even a It jeep trail It over areas underlain '-lith pernafrost \'1ould cause serious erosion. Permafrost limits the rooting depths of plants, prevents infilt~at;on of water dO\lnward through surfici al mater; al s, and so increases surface runoff. Surface \'Iater accumul ates in depressi ons ,-,here peaty materi al s forn, creati ng a continuously I!/et environment conducive to marsh and tundra development. The vegetative blanket insulates the pernafrost layer, increasing its freezing depth. Disruption of the vegetative cover destroys the fragile' thernal balance, resulting in tha\'/, subsidence, and erosion. To construct any type of road in the mOllnta; ns behi nd Scamon Bay without callsing erosion, an insulating gravel pad ,,,ould be needed. Even if a road \'lith this type of insulating factor were constructed, erosion along the edges of the road sti 11 nay occur. The construction of \,/i nd . generati on faci 1 i ti es anY\'1here but wi thi n the vi 11 age proper \'1oul d probably cause irreversible adverse environmental impacts . 9 • APPENDIX A • • .. Execut~v~ Summary ~f the Final Coordination Act Rkport for the Scammon Bay Hydropowe.y Project Introduction The village of Scammon Bay is located in the Bering Sea, near the confluence of the Run River wHh Scammon Bay, 140 miles northwest of Bethel, Alaska. The purp'ose of the study was to investigate the potential for a small hydropower project to reduce the village's dependence on currently used diesel power generation. ' Project Description Present project plans include a small diversion, a l2-inch-diameter penstock, and a powerhouse capable of generating 150 killowatts of power. Two alternatives for penstock installation are being examined. One involves burying the entire penstock approximately 2 feet below the existing grade; the other involves partially burying the pipe for about 100 feet near the dam, and supporting the remainder of the penstock on p:lles above the ground, anchoring it as needed. Both alternatives will cross the stream approximately 55.0 feet below the dam. Biological Inventory Vegetation in the area consists of mats of cottongrass, sedges, mountain aven, moss campion, black oxytrope, arctic sandwort, and woody shrubs such as willow and alder. The most important wildlife resource in the Scammon Bay area is the avifauna using the coastal lowlands. Black brant; emperor, Canada, and white-fronted geese; whistling swan; greater scaup; pintail; oldsquaw; American ,wigeon; green-winged teal; black scoter; common~ spectacled, and -Steller's elders are common waterfowl in the area. Shorebirds include bar-tailed godwit; semi-palmated and American golden plover; common . snipe; whlmbrel; brlstle-thighed curlew; spotted, least, semi-palmated, and western sandpiper; greater and lesser yello~legs; dunlin; long-billed dowi tcher; sandhUl crane; loons; and grebes. Raptors sighted in the project vicinity include rough-legged hawk, gyrfalcon, and snowy owl. Seabirds such as pelagic cormorants, horned and tufted puffins nest in the cliffs of Scammon Bay. Glaucous, mew, and Sabine's gulls and arctic terns also occur in the coastal ar~a. Small game birds include rock and willow' ptarmigan, spruce grouse, and ruffed grouse • Big game species found occasionally in the project area include moose, brown bear, wolf, wolverine,-and lynx. Small mammals present include arctic fox, red fox. marten, mink, river Qtt~r, short":'tailed -weasel, beaver, muskrat, porcupine" snowshoe ltare, arctic hare, red .squirrel,,_ and arctic ground squirrel. MarIne mammals occasIonally seen in Scammon Bay include bearded, harbor. ribbon, ringed seals, walrus, beluga, and,minke whales. Executive Summary Page 2 Fish found' in Scammon Bay waters include chum, chinook, coho, pink, and s"ockeye salmon, in decreasing dtder of abundance. Pacific herring and! several sp"ecies of smelt also utZilize Scammon Bay. Several shellfish species, including king crab, tanner crab, and several species of shrimp, are present in the marine waters. Freshwater fish in the area include northern pike, burbot, Dolly Varden, and wh1tefish. There are no fish in the project stream above the village; due to the streamvelioclty, suitaole fish habltat is absent. Several velocity chutes prevent fish species" in the Kun River and Scammon Bay from" ascending the stream. Major Potential Impacts Potential adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources associated with a small hydro on the stream running through Scammon Bay should be insigni- f.lcant. The greatest impact of the project could be erosion caused by mechanized equipment moving on the steep slopes. Removal of the thin vegetation layer could allow permafrost to thaw, resulting in ground subsidence ahd subsequent cteation of deep gullies from erosion. There are no fish in thestrea.m a.bove the village and none of the project features should have any impact on the lower portion of the drainage or the Kun River. Discussiol\ The FWS has concluded that few adverse impacts of fish and wildlife resources from the project are anticipated. Those that may occur are .judged to be inperceptable provided that methods to minimize erosion are implemented. " Construct1lon of the diverslonwill require excavating material and wUl necessitat"e the use of a tracked vehicle with a blade or "bucket. Because nO access road is a.vailable fOl: transportion of the equipment site, w~ recommend that the diversion be built "after the tundra has frozen in 'the fall. Impacts from tracked .vehicles are considerably less when the ground" is frozen. Where "the diversion is built, some type of protective mat should be placed over eXposed soil to prevent erosion and the arejl seeded wi'th grass at the beginning of the hext growing season. If the eE decides not to "construct the diversion when the tundra is "frozen, a!!cess to the diversion site becomes mOTe of a problem. In many 'plac'es, the high water stream channel (bank to bank) Is wide enough to .allow a small "cat" to move up the drainge parallel to the stream avoiding traversing the tundra or negotlating the steep banks adjacent to the stream. "Through time, the stream has cut down to bedrOCk, or close ttl it, and left a very stable subStrate of rock and small boulders capab,le Of wlthstanding the weight of a small "cat" without damaging the stream channel o'r stream banks. Ai though moving equlpplent close to a stream is ncH: normally recommended. In this instance it would be preferable to cons truct'lon a of "road" on the tundra. For reasons previously stated concerning permafrost, we recommend tha"t the penstock be elevated and not buried. Furthermore,there appears ;to " "be adequate room and suitable foundation support in the thaw zone along ·the stream. Placement of the penstock parallel to the stream will ~ke "t t unnece"ssary to lay pipe and foundation supports on the tundra. !" Executive Summary Page 3 Penstock pipe and other equipment capable of being easily transported by heHcopter should be flown to the area and not moved by heavy equipment. If it .is necessary to level:'an area for the po~e·thouse, we recommend it also be done when the tundra Is frozen, and a thick protective gravel pad be placed over the exposed soil to provide insulation. In all instances, any fuel, oil, or lubricants should be stored and handled in such a manner so as to preclude their entering any water- course. Recommendations The following recommendations are provided to minimize the potential environmental impacts of constructing a small hydro project at Scammon Bay: 1. That the use of tracked vehicles to construct the diversion take place when the tundra Is frozen; 2. that the movement of tracked vehicles used to construct the diversion be restricted to closely paralleling the rocky streambed should the diversion be built when the tundra has thawed; 3. that the CE coordinate all activities in or near the stream with the appropriate governmental agency responsible for the Scammon Bay water supply system; 4. that all areas of exposed soil be covered with a protective mat material or other suitable means and seeded with grasses at the beginning of the next growing season to prevent surface erosion; . 5. that the penstock be elevated and closely parallel the existing stream channel; 6. that penstock pipe and other equipment easily transported.by helicopter be flown to the construction site and not moved by heavy equIpment; 7. 8. that any leveling for the powerhouse si.te be done when th~ tundra is frozen, and a thick gravel pad be placed over the exposed area to provide an insulation layer; and that any fuel, oil, or lubricants be stored and handled in such a manner to insure they do not enter any watercourse.