HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalaska Alaska Final Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement 1984P L-P ccf\{ Unalaska, Alaska Final Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Distnct JUNE 1984 UNALASKA, ALASKA FINAL SMALL HYDROPOWER INTERIM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ALASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS June 1984 Summary Unalaska, a community in the Aleutian Island region of southwestern Alaska, has been subjected to large increases in electrical generation costs. Diesel fired electrical generation costs have more than doubled, from 13 cents/kWh in 1979 to 34 cents/kWh in 1983. With the future cost of diesel fuel expected to increase as world supplies are depleted, electrical generation costs will increase. The selected plan, which would supplement the existing generating system, consists of two small hydropower generators totaling 700 kilowatts (kW) in capacity for a run-of-river hydropower facility on the Shaishnikof River and a 260-kW pressure reducing turbine in the existing water supply penstock on Pyramid Creek. In addition, an enhancement program is proposed, which would increase the average annual equivalent harvest of salmon from the Shaishnikof River by 29,000 fish per year. Fisheries enhancement measures on the Shaishnikof River would cost $33,800. The estimated first cost in October 1983 price levels for the Shaishnikof River hydropower project only is $5,571,000. The Pyramid Creek installation would cost $813,000. Total project first costs would be shared in accordance with cost sharing and financing arrangements satisfactory to the President and the Congress. The two hydropower projects would produce an estimated 5,288,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy annually. PERTINENT DATA SHEET UNALASKA GENERAL DATA Shaishnikof River (Hydro Only) Project Installed Capacity 700 kW (1-300) (1-400) Number of Units Type of Turbine Average Annual Energy Estimated Usable Energy Dependable Capacity Penstock Diameter Penstock Length Gross Head Design Net Head ECONOMIC DATA First Cost Investment Cost Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio 2 Francis 3, 114,000 kWh 3,114,000 kWh (1993) o 42 inches 920 feet 135 feet 130 feet $5,571,000 6,028,000 530,000 547,000 17,000 1.03 FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT (Shaishnikof River) GENERAL DATA Increase in Salmon Harvest Number of Barriers Removed ECONOMIC DATA First Cost Investment Cost Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefit Net Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio (Enhancement Only) Benefit-Cost Ratio (including Enhancement and Shaishnikof and Pyramid Hydro) i i Pyramid Creek 260 kW 1 Francis 2,174,000 kWh 2,174,000 kWh (1993) o 24 inches 12,000 feet 460 feet 170 feet $ 816,000 848,000 90,000 403,000 313,000 4.5 29,000 annually 2 $33,800 34,000 4,800 13,000 8,200 2.7 1.5 TABLE OF CONTENTS I NTRODUCTI ON 1.1 Authority 1 1.2 Scope of Study 1 1.3 Study Participants 1 1.4 Studies by Others 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 2.1 Community Profile 4 2.2 Electricity Use 7 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND NATURAL RESOURCES 11 3.1 Area Description 11 PROBLEMS, NEEDS, AND OPPORTUNITIES 12 4.1 Planning Objectives 12 PLAN FORMULATION 20 5.1 Evaluation of Alternatives 20 5.2 Comparison of Alternatives and Designation of NED Plan 31 5.3 Selected Plan 32 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION 40 CONCLUSIONS 42 RECOMMENDATIONS 43 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT EIS-l APPENDIX A -TECHNIOAL ANALYSIS SHAISHNIKOF KIVER A-l APPENDIX B -TECHNICAL ANALYSIS PYRAMID CREEK B-1 APPENDIX C -404(b)(1) EVALUATION C-l APPENDIX 0 -U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION REPORT 0-1 APPE~DIX E ~ REPORT RECIPIENTS AND PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE E-l APPENDIX F -CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY F-l iii UNALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER INTERIM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORITY The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a 1 Octobpr 1976 United States Senate Resolution, which directed the U.S. ; Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing smal~ prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. This . report is in partial response to the study resolution which reads as follow~: RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, That the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors be, and is hereby requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on Rivers and Harbors in Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 414, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Southeastern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 501, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 34, 85th Congress, 1st Session; Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 182, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, Tanana River Basin, Alaska, published as House uocument Numbered 137, 84th Congress, 1st Session; Southwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 390, 84th Congress, 2nd Session; Northwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 99, 86th Congress, 1st Session, Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 218, 88th Congress, 2nd Session; and other pertinent reports, with a view to determining the advisability of modifying the existing plans with particular reference to the feasibility of installing 5 MW or less prepackaged hydroelectric plants to service isolatea communities. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY As a result of a preliminary study presented in the Corps of Engineers report Ke ional Inventor and Reconnaissance Stud for Small H dro ower Pro'ects Aleutian Is ands A aska Penlsnu a Kodiak Island Alaska. see Section .4 or a summary 0 this report , the orps conducte t e following interim study to determine the existence of economically and environ~entally feasible alternatives to meet or supplement. the future electrical needs of Unalaska, Alaska. The study area considered in this report is the immediate vicinity of the city of Unalaska. 1.3 STUDY PARTICIPANTS The Alaska District, Corps of Engineers was assisted by the following agencies in the preparation of this report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Federal) U.S. Public Health Service lFederal) u.s. Bureau of Indian Affairs (Federal) Alaska Power Authority (State) Division of Energy and Power Development (State) Alaska Department of Fish and Game (State) National Marine Fisheries Service (Federal) Bureau of Land Management (Federal) .t Alaska Power 'Administration (Federal) The cooperation of the residents of Unalaska is also gratefully acknowledged. 1.4 STUDIES BY OTHERS R.W. Retherford Associates, Consulting Engineers, prepared the September 1979 report: City of Unalaska Electrification Study. This study projected the future energy demands for Unalaska based on the population and power-use growth trends of the community. Projections based on the data obtained and on assumptions made predicted an overall future increase in energy use to be approximately 10 percent per year through 1985, with a growth rate leading to a peak demand of 21 megawatts (MW) by 1995. Several possible options for providing power to Unalaska were examined and then narrowed down to four options. Of these four, it was recommended that hydroelectric sites be considered for development in Unalaska. In 1980, EBASCO Services Incorporated, under a Corps contract, investigated possible small hydropower project sites in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula, and Kodiak Island. Their findings, published in the Uctober 1980 Regional Inventory and Reconnaissance Study for Small Hydropower Projects Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Alaska, concluded that there were two potential hydropower sites in Unalaska. In May 1981, Alaska Consultants Inc. prepared a report for the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office, titled St. George Basin Petroleum Development Scenario, Local Socioeconomic s~ems Analysis Technical Report Number 59. This report includes detaile community baseline data about Unalaska, Cold Bay, and St. Paul. It also projects and analyzes how the infrastructure of these towns could be affected by future growth with/without the proposed St. George Basin OCS Lease Sale No. 70. ' Beyer Engineering prepared a November 1981 report entitled Water System Master Plan, City of Unalaska, Alaska. This plan is a guide for the design and construction of the water supply and distribution system serving the industrial and residential needs of Unalaska. Two streams, Pyramid and 2 ( Unalaska Creeks, which have been considered by the Corps as possible hyaropower sites, currently serve as the community's water supply system. Therefore, the Corps has relied on the Beyer document in their planning of potential hydroelectric sites at Unalaska. In 1981, Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., in a report submitted to the Alaska Division of Energy and Power Ueve10pment, reviewed the geothermal possibilities for the Unalaska area. Their conclusions, published in Geothermal Potential in the Aleutians: Unalaska, state that there is a promising potential for geothermal development based on an assessment of the available data on the geothermal resources at Summer Bay and Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island., However, they also conclude that further geologic, hydrologic, and geophysical assessments need to be performed to develop reliable estimates of the resource potentials in these areas and to confirm the existence of more extensive resources. In April 1983, Republic Geothermal, Inc., concluded in their report "Unalaska Geothermal Project, Phase 16 Final Report," for the Alaska Power Authority, that geothermal development is technically feasible at Unalaska. L 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2.1.1 Location The community of Unalaska is located on Unalaska Island, one of the Fox Islands in the eastern Aleutian Island Chain, approximately 800 air miles southwest of Anchorage (Figure 1). The community's industrial center, Dutch Harbor, is located across the bay on Amaknak Island. In 1980, a bridge across Iliuliuk Bay was construc~d, providing a vital link between , the two islands and unifying both centers into one cohesive community. 2.1.2 Population Unalaska has undergone rapid growth in recent years because of Dutch Harbor's importance as a seafood processing center. Census figures for 1980 indicated that approximately 1322 ~eople were in the Unalaska-Dutch Harbor area. A mi d-1983 estim'ate by the State Department of Community and Regional Affairs indicates a population of 1,922. During the peak of the seafood processing season, from September through November, the base resident population of 1,922 is increased to a total of 4,422 by the influx of 2,500 transient ~nd seasonal workers~ Because of the continued growth of the fishing industry and future oil development related industries in this area, increased population trends are expected. Population projections approximate 13,000 people to be in the area by the year 2000. 2.1.3 Government and Services Unalaska lS within an unorganized borough and is a first-class city, which was incorporated in 1947, with a council-manager type of government. The police department has two officers. The fire department is composed of 13 volunteers. Community facilities include a community health clinic, which was opened in 1975, with a physician in residence. Public Health Service (PHS) medical staff visit Unalaska on a regular basis, but do not live in the community. Unalaska also has an elementary school and a junior and senior high school. The public library facilities are housed in the high school. At present, housing is a critical problem in Unalaska. Because 99 percent of the surrounding land is owned by the local native corporation, Ounalashka, and because of the high costs of construction, the conmunity is faced with a severe housing shortage. Therefore, few fishermen and processors actually live in Unalaska, which accounts, in part, for the dramatic increase in population during the fishing season. A community development plan has recommended that the native corporation put up 200 acres of land for bid for development. If this land opens up, the housing shortage would be reduced. 4 I BE RING SEA • • .. 81R'NG IIA .4lEUTIAN PACIFIC OCEAN Un., ..... AI •• ke WER SMALL H~r::~r8TY STUDY INTERIM FE & VICINITY LOCATIO: AP A' •• Il. Dr.trrct. Co,,. of In,'nee,. fiGURE' 2.1.4 Transportation The location of Unalaska makes it a vital transportation center as an air stop-over point and as a major port for shipping routes between the west coast of the United States and the western Alaska mainland and North Slope region. This transportation link provides the other significant economic base for Unalaska's residents. The port at Unalaska-Dutch Harbor is the only port in the Aleutians where container ships can dock, as the port is the only deep-water port in the Aleutian Chain.~ The port itself is located on Amaknak Island, which has three major docking facilities. Unalaska-Dutch Harbor was the third largest fishing port in the United States in terms of dollar value of catch. Because of the growing fishing activities in the Bering Sea area, Unalaska will undoubtedly continue to thrive as an ocean freight trans-shipment point, fish processing center, and marine vessel service center. Reeve Aleutian Airways, Inc. and small air taxi operations provide air service to Unalaska. At present, service is restricted because the existing runway is too short to accommodate large cargo planes and jets. No overland transportation is available to Unalaska as it is remote from other population centers in Alaska and is accessible only by air or sea. Within the immediate area, gravel roads exist for local transportation and the new bridge over I1iu1iuk Bay connects the two islands. 2.1.5 Economy Unalaska is noted for being one of the largest fish harvesting and processing centers in the country (in terms of catch value), concentrating on both king and tanner crab species. It was ranked number one nationally in 1980 and number five in 1981. Twelve seafood processing facilities operate in the city, with 11 situated on the adjacent Amaknak Island near the airport. During the 1980 season, these plants processed 121 million pounds of crab and nearly 12 million pounds of salmon. During peak processing periods these plants employ approximately 2,500 persons, accounting for 75 to 80 percent of all nonagricultural wage and salary workers in the community. The balance of 25 to. 20 percent of employment is generated from secondary industries such as trade, transportation, Government and others. From 1,000 to 1,500 other persons are involved in actual harvesting operations. Between 200 to 300 vessels operate from Unalaska during peak periods. These boats typically range in size from 80 to 120 feet. The peak·king crab effort is in October, and lasts for only a few weeks. The tanner crab season generally extends from January through June, with the major harvesting effort in April and May. The table below indicates total shellfish harvests and valuations for the Dutch Harbor, Bering Sea, and Western Aleutians -Adak fishery management areas from 1975 to 1983. 6 TABLE 1 Tota 1 She 11 fi sh Harvest (pounds) and Values (OOO·s) "~Unalaska Area Year King Tanner-Other Total Value 1975 67,525 7,109 898 75,532 $ 26,097 1976 82,263 22,938 3,670 108,871 56,447 1977 82,001 53,178 4,599 139,778 100,095 1978 104,396 70,693 6,680 181,769 156,617 1979 128,188 75,160 3,541 206,889 158,938 1980 147,144 77, 130 2,564 226,838 16Q,000 1981p 58,378 80,924 4,640 143,942 12(},000 1982p 24,839 40,982 1,752 67,573 NIA 1983p II 6,353 30,781 803 37,937 NIA p -Pre 1 imi nary 11 First 8"months of 1983 only. Source: ADFG The other shellfish species taken include dungeness crab, horsehair crab, and shrimp. It should be noted that a portion of the total harvest taken in these areas is processed in other communities, but the majority goes to Unalaska. The decline in the 1981 catch level is attributed to a variety of causes, including over harvesting, high handling mortality rate, warming of ocean waters, and other biological reasons. 2.2 ELECTRICITY USE \. 2.2.1 Historic Use Records of energy generation prior to 1981 are nonexistent for the city of Unalaska. A"monthly distribution of energy use during 1982 and 1983 respectively for the city of Unalaska system only, is shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 City System Only Month Peak{kW~ Energ~ {kWhl Percent of Total January 512 271,900 9.4 February 542 252,400 8.7 March 522 276,010 9.5 Apri 1 481 258,280 8.9 May 445 249,260 8.6 June 400 199,520 6.9 July 369 203,460 7.0 August 380 198,200 ' 6.8 September 460 224,208 7.7 October 471 250,696 8.7 November 481 247,803 8.6 December 488 262,854 9.2 Total 2,894,591 7 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Peak(kW) 767 741 710 625 532 454 427 419 548 646 753 702 Energy lkWh) 285.288 260,\48 26'3;184 232,368 228,216 195,696 194,040 ·196,272 217,080 250,344 266,520 287,424 2,876,880 Percent of Total 9.9 9. 1 9.2 8. 1 7.9 6.8 6.7 6.8 7.6 8.7 9.3 9.9 An estimate of 1983 base energy and peak demand for users not currently on the city system is summarized in Table 3. User Standard Oil Comapny Standard Oil Hill American President Lines Strawberry Hill Whitney Fidalgo Seafoods East Point Seafoods Universal Seafoods Panama Marine Pan Alaska Seafoods Pacific Pearl Seafoods Sea Alaska City Airport City Dock City Boat Harbor Total 2.2.2 Generating Facilities TABLE 3 Peak (kW) 105 200 120 Not Known 860 950 Not Known 1,750 570 1,750 75 200 250 No Data Energy (kWh) 438,000 876,000 525,600 144,000 840,960 4,818,000 3,000,000 3,942,000 1,314,000 3,942,000 328,500 175,200 219,000 20,563,260 The diesel generating capabilities of the municipal utility at Unalaska are summarized below. Besides those shown, a 2,850-kW diesel generator is scheduled for installation during 1984. -300 kW, continuous, 60 cycle prime, 460 volt. 3 -600 kW, continuous, 60 cycle prime, 470 volt, operati'ng at·480 volt. In addition to the utility's generators, the individual large industrial users each possess their own power generation facilities. The sum of these facilities results in an installed generation capacity of approximately 14 MW. Individual units vary in size from 220 kW to 850 kW. 8 • ( Two additional generation installations are located on Amaknak Island. One supplies power to the Standard Oil docks, Standard Oil personnel housing, and airport; the second supplies power to the native corporation • housing. Each installation consists of two 100-kW generation units. 2.2.3 Generation and Transmission Efficiency In 1983, the municipal utility's gross generation of 2,876,880 kWh resulted in a conversion efficiency of 12.265 kWh per gallon of diesel fuel. With major reconstruction of the city's distribution system taking place in 1982, a substantial reduction in line losses ha~ been accomplished. In 1983, line losses were approximately 18 percent. 2.2.4 Users Based on information supplied by the municipal utility, a distribution of energy by consumer categories is shown in Table 4. TABLE 4 Large Category Kesidential Commercial Public Non-Commercial Industrial Total Percent 7.1% 1.9% 1.J5% .25% 89.6% 100% 2.2.5 Kate Structures The information shown in Table 5 outlines the increase in electrical energy cost which has occurred from 1979 to the present. Prior to 1979, data concerning rate structures for electricity does not exist. TABLE 5 DATE CHARGE PER kWh 1979 .13 1st 300 kWh .11 next 400 kWh .09 all remaining kWh $5.00 minimum charge (monthly) June 1980 • 15 1st 500 kWh • 13 next 500 kWh .10 next remaining 10,000 kWh .09 all remaining kWh $7.50 minimum charge (monthly) January 1981 • 17 1st 500 kWh • 15 all remaining kWh $7.50 minimum charge (monthly) November 1981 .34 metered rate for electrical energy $7.50 minimum charge (monthly) 9 L DATE July 1982 June 1983 TABLE 5 (Cont) CHARGE PER kWh .34 $10.00 .34 $10.00 metered rate for electrical energy minimum charge (monthly) metered rate for electrical energy minimum charge (monthly) , Over the period of available cost data, the residents of Unalaska have experienced a 227 percent increase. The sudden increase from January 1981 to November 1981 can be attributed to two factors: (1) a system metering program of electrical energy consumption and (2) upgrading of both the generating and distribution facilities. In order to "break even" on the present reconstruction program, the municipal utility charges a capital improvement rate of 8t/kWh to consumers. 2.2.6 Fuel Cost Records on the cost of diesel fuel purchased by the municipal utility are scarce. Table 6 sunmarizes the available cost data for diesel fuel delivered to Unalaska. DATE Jul~ 80 Dec'. 80 Feb. 81 Dec. 81 Feb. 82 Feb. 83 TABLE 6 COST ($/gal.) 1.202 1 • 131 1.246 1.278 1.283 1.210 Except for a brief period in 1980, the cost of diesel fuel has increased between 1980 and 1982. In early 1983, however, diesel fuel decreased in cost which reflected the current world price trend. 10 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND NATURAL RESOURCES 3. 1 AREA DESCRIPTION 3. 1 • 1 C 1 i rna te Unalaska lies in a maritime climatic zone, characterized by small temperature variations, high humidity, heavy precipitation, and high cloud and fog frequencies. The high frequency of cyclonic storms crossing the North Pacific and the Bering Sea are dominant factors in the weather at Unalaska. These storms account for the persistent high winds and the frequent occurrences of low ceilings and low visibility.-The area experiences cool summers and mild winters. 3.1.2 Geology Unalaska is located on Unalaska Island which is a subaerial part of the wave-beveled platform of the Aleutian Ridge, with incised slopes extending south. Most of the Makushin volcanics and soil of the glaciation of the island past date the marine beveling of the platform. The oldest rocks on the island, the Unalaska formation, consist of altered andesitic intrusive and extrusive rocks, and sedimentary rocks derived from similiar igneous rocks. 3.1.3 Biology Unalaska/Dutch Harbor is one of the most important fisheries ports in the United States. Thousands of metric tons of king and tanner crab, \ salmon and demersal fish are handled at the processing and port facilities. Five species of Pacific salmon are indigenous to the Unalaska area with pink chum and coho salmon found in the Shaishnikof River drainage. A commercial fishery in Captains Bay for pink salmon from the Shaishnikof River produces an annual average income of $30,000 to the fisherman. No large mammals occur in the Unalaska area. The most evident mammals on Unalaska Island are the red fox and the arctic ground squirrel, which were introduced by Russian settlers. Bird activity is fairly high on the island with passerines being the dominant group. There is also a number of raptors using the project area. The vegetation of Unalaska Island is basically of the upland tundra category, dominated by grasses, willow, alder, and crowberry. There are no trees native to the island. 3.1.4 Anthropology and Archeology There is evidence of historic and prehistoric native use in the area, including the ruins of several barabaras. Further studies during preparation of construction documents would need to be done to determine the extent and nature of these cultural resources. 11 PROBLEMS, NEEDS, AND OPPORTUNITIES Based upon Unalaska's initial study request and subsequent information gathered during two site visits, it became apparent that a plan was needed that would reduce the cost of power to the local residents and the actual cost of generation. With the establishment of the Power Cost Program by the State of Alaska, the basic objective of reducing cost to the consumer was met at least for the short term. This program is only a subsidy, doing nothing to reduce the real cost of power generation. 4. 1 PLANNING OBJECTIVES Planning Objectives are operational statements identifying the primary water resource needs of the study area that prescribe possible courses of action, and set the parameters of water and related land resource management practices, which could be used to enhance National Economic Development and Environmental Quality. For this study these objectives are: a. Reduce the real cost of energy generation. b. Reduce the city of Unalaska's dependence on diesel fuel for electrical generation. c. Maintain the supply of fresh water to the city of Unalaska, adequate in quality for consumption. d. Preserve or enhance the commercial resource for pink and coho salmon in the Unalaska area. e. Preserve the terrestrial environment of the region. f. Preserve the archeological significance of sites within the Unalaska project area. 4.1.2 National Ubjective Congressional acts of the last decade directed Federal land and water resource development studies to incorporate a mu1tiobjective planning process. Those local problems and needs that address national objectives and goals, such as the goal of promoting the quality of life, become the planning objectives. These objectives are used to evaluate the alternatives on the basis of equally weighted economic, social, and environmental criteria. The Federal objective of water and related land resources planning is to contribute to national economic development consistent with protecting the Nat ion's envi ronment pursuant to nati ona 1 envi ronmenta 1 sta'tutes, applicable executive orders, and other Federal planning requirements. 12 4.1.3 Long Term Outlook Looking beyond the 1980's, Unalaska has potential for various growth possibilities. Probably the largest factors contributing to the future outlook of Unalaska and other communities in the Aleutian Islands are the development of the bottomfish resource and future development of oil and gas reserves. Any expansion in the Unalaska economy besides government positions will probably be in the fish processing, and oil and gas exploration industries. Expansion of Una1aska's transshipment role would also stimulate future economic growth. In an employment projection for the Aleutian Region, Earl R. Combs projected that the shore-based employment in the bottomfish industry would increase to 4,100 of the projected employment by the year 2000. This represents a net increase of 64 percent or 1,600 people. The City Planning Department, on the basis of Combs' report, has estimated that would be accommodated within Unalaska. Four of the nine sCheduled Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas exploration lease sales are expected to impact the Unalaska economy. Economic impacts from the OCS sales would be exerted through the city's expected role as the staging area for drilling personnel and the source of fresh water, fuel, and other supplies. The seasonal nature of the crab fishery in the Unalaska vicinity is the controlling factor in the level of energy demands by area processing facilities. The high commercially valued king and tanner crabs are the primary species taken by area fishermen for processing in Unalaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game statistics show that the peak king crab effort in this region is typically in the months of October and November, when roughly more than three-fourths of the total harvest is taken. The major effort for tanner crab is in the April/May or May/June months. Processing facilities at Unalaska typically operate near capacity during these intense harvesting periods. City records show that the peak load of these industrial users is roughly 12 MW. The average monthly energy use during these peak processing months is about 3,900 MWh. This compares with an average energy use of approximately 700 MWh during the off-season, and a combined average use of 2,300 MWh. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) estimates that U.S. participation in this fishery will continue to increase over time, with full domestic resource utilization anticpated by 2000. Harvesting and processing efforts are 'expected to occur during the 8-to 10-month off-season of shellfish. It is during this off-season that both processors and fishermen experience considerable idle time due to closed fishing seasons of traditional target species. NMFS estimates that about 500,000 metric tons of bottomfish will be taken by Unalaska based fishermen at full resource development, with processing conducted by both floating and onshore facilities. Although U.S. processing efforts at sea have been steadily growing in the past few years, onshore processing is still in experimental stages in Unalaska. 13 4.1.4 Load Forecast Energy demand projections for Unalaska are as varied as population demands. A mid-19B3 estimate by the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs indicated that about 1,922 persons reside in Unalaska. With development of the bottomfish resource in the vicinity, which can be harvested year-round, it is expected that there would be a fairly large net increase in the resident population of the community. There would also be a reduction in the fluctuation in population levels in the area, since processing employment would be somewhat more stable throughout the year. In 1979, R. W. Retherford conducted an electrification study for the city of Unalaska. A peak demand of 21 MW was projected in 1995, and a total energy demand of 105,000 MWH for residential, small commercial, and industrial users was estimated. These projections were based on an expected energy growth rate of 15 percent per year through 1985 and 7 percent per year afterwards. Residential, small commercial, and large commercial energy demands were taken into account. In May 1981, Alaska Consultants Inc., completed a report for the Bureau of Land Management in which it was determined that a central power plant serving all consumers in the community wou"ld be a far more economical and reliable approach to supplying local power needs. Current plans by the city utility call for the incorporation of the existing seafood processors into the city system within the next 3 years. This report accounted for growth in the electrical demand as a result of the processing, freezing, and cold storage operations related to the bottomfish industry, and an increase due to future residentia"1 power demand. It was estimated that total power capacity requirements would increase from 15 MW in 1983, to 25 MW in 1990, and double to 50 MW in the year 2000. In February 1982, Dames and Moore completed the report uEconomic Rationale, Aleutian Airport" for the city of Unalaska. The annual growth rate for population was estimated to be 13.3 percent for residential and 6.0 percent for nonresidential. Both rates were forecasted to occur until the year 2000. This forecast accounts for a continual increase in bottomfishing and bottomfish processing capacity at Unalaska. On May 25; 1983, the Loan Advisory Committee for the city of Unalaska passed a resolution approving a loan application from the city to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. This would provide the funds required to construct an electric utility system to meet the needs of 95 percent of the community (Unalaska and Dutch Harbor) when completed and full generation capacity is installed. With the development of bottomfishing in the area and the prospect that Unalaska would be the processing center within a 200 mile radius, it can be expected that the energy demands of the area would grow. The Corps of Engineers estimates that the total peak demand for the city of Unalaska would increase from the present 15 MW to 20 MW in year 2000 (see Figure 2). This corresponds to an increase in average energy from 24,000 MWh in 1983 to approximately 64,000 MWh in year 2000 (see Figure 3). The above estimates were derived by assuming the cit~ of Unalaska continues with its present plans to incorporate the industrial sector into their distribution system. 14 Based on discussions with the city of Unalaska's Planning Department and the February 1982 report by Dames and Moore, it is expected that Unalaska's population would increase by 13 percent annually.during the period of bottomfish development which is estimated to become fully developed in year 2000. Assuming energy use is directly proportional to population growth, an energy growth rate (residential, small commercial, and Government) of 13 percent annually would occur until year 2000. This represents an increase from 2,890 MWh in 1983, to 23,000 MWh in year 2000, for this particular category (see Figure 4). Once the bottomfish potential of Unalaska has reached full development, energy use for residential, small commercial and Government would stabilize. Overall industrial demands for electrical energy are expected to grow with the gradual development of the bottomfish resource in the study area. Actual expansion of onshore processing would be expected to be a gradual process, which would develop at a similar pace to harvesting capabilities. Assuming actual energy use for bottomfish processing is similar to that of crab processing, total energy needs by industrial users would increase from the current 21,000 MWh in 1983, to approximately 41,000 MWh in year 2000 (based on a 10 month operating year). See Figure 4. Since bottomfish processing would occur during the off-season of crab processing (and not in addition to crab), no increase in industrial peak loads are expected in Unalaska. With full resource development, however, onshore processing facilities are expected to operate throughout much of the year, with little fluctuation in energy demands. Fluctuations on a monthly basis for residential, small commercial and Government energy demand would be expected to remain the same as the present. Figure 5 shows l the expected growth in energy needs at Unalaska. 15 1-'1 0'\, J> 0 en ~ -0 0 ::0 0 ~:I: en "TI en -m-"..~ C ~ oCJ) J>J> z 0 enr J> --i-i iijr r..,.. .. mO J>- rX (J)G) 0 0::0 --< ;lltC 0 -to J>:O ~ 0 0 • m 'g -<:;u J> en »» 0 ~N 0 en "0 --or -to (J) » c~ ;lit IT! J> ~ ogl ~".. ID -:;u ~ -i • ~ • ~ en , ) 60 50 M 40 E G A W A T T 30 S 20 10 r----------------------------------60 50 ALASKA CONSULTANTS INC., MAY 'S/ ' 40 ~ G ~ A T T 30 S i-R.W. RETHERFORD _-ASSOC., 1979 ----- ". ---_....... .. ----.. --:--.~ _-----.--_---_--------------20 L-----------.:-...-::: ~-.:= -----------------L ~~~~E ~~S PROJECTION ~~----------------~~~--------------------~------------------------~~J:U:N:E~I:9:S:3-'-----L IE 1985 10 1990 YEAR 1995 200'0 1980 l> Q Ut ~ '"'0 Q S? :0 ,,(1) O::I: Ut c..-",3: e: .... ... fTlen l>l> z (l)r JIo n o-t iD r r...,.. .... .. -to JIo_ r:I: enG) fTI:O :;lite: 0 0---< JIo::O 0 -10 ... 1"1'1 ., 0 -<;::0 JIo "0 fTll> 0 rOo! fit 0 zr ~~ 1: -fTI :;lit c:=e JIo ", :Og, ~", ::I .a G') ;::0 ::I -< .. .. ., fit SX~------------------------------------------------------------~500 ~ 4"",......-HISTORICAL ~ PROJECTED-+ S ' A N o S o 300 F M E G A 2 W A T T H o 1 U R S ALASKA CONSULTANTS. INC., MAY 1981 R.W. RETHERFORD --_ .. [.:~:~:.I~~~._. --_ .. _ .. --..... .,...",-----------------~------~.:.::-::::----------------\.:"OORPS OF ENGI NEERS T H o 400U S A N D S 300 0 F ~ G 200 A W A T T ~ 100 U R S 1--____ ..-....-PROJECTION. JUNE 1983 Ol~-,-----------------~------------~-------------~--------------~ 1980 1985 1990 YEAR 1995 2000 L ~ Z L&J ~ Z a::: L&J ~ (!:) C Z <%: ...J <%: U a::: L&J ~ :t 8 ...J ...J <%: ~ CJ) . ...J o 0') C Z <%: <%: CJ) ~ ~~UJ za:::C UJUJ...J cz<x: -z ~<%:S a:::UF- ~II ~ ~ ~ (SCN'1SnOH1) HMW o to ~ o ~Wm'fiW!@':!;@_ :::.:.:.:.: ............... . § (\J o LO [22,2,%2,%%%7. i~Il~I~~~IIII~~IIIII~ff~ImmmmmIII mmmm rt) 0') (J) o rt) -- o rt) ~ CD (J) a::: « IJJ >- (SONtfSnOH1) HM~ FIGURE 4 UNALASKA, ALASKA 18 SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBI LlTY STUDY .~~ ..-, . ..-... AVERAGE ENERGY DEMAND Alaska District, Corps of Engineers 2:~ .~ ~ 8 0 8 ~ 8 0 0 ~ ~ Q 0 10 I I I , ! , , I a.. , LLI , Cf) , , , Lg , , <r ..J ::::> ~ z ::::> I ~ I , I , ~ I r2: I I I I a::: I I a.. (J) , , <r ::I: I I ~ , , a::: Z I <r 0 • 2: , ~ • · • • CD , LLI , \ , I LL I I Ort) I I r~ 0(1) Ocn N_ 00 • ~ l-~ Zz , <t<t , • 2:2: , LLJLLJ I , 00 \ ~ I > 0 Z ~ g , i i , 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 o· ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ,.. U) ~ rt) 2:~' FIGURE 5 UNALASKA, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBI LITY STUDY 19 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY \ '-. ENERGY DEMAND Alaska District, Corps of Engineers PLAN FORMULATION 5.1 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES. The purpose of this section is to evaluate the various alternatives that could be utilized to meet the needs of the study area. Although each of these alternatives is discussed separately, it appears that the best overall plan may combine one or more of the alternatives. 5.1.1 Conservation: The Nonstructural Alternative Description Conservation involves the more efficient use of electricity. This means (a) insuring that new houses and commercial and industrial facilities are more energy efficient; (b) installing more efficient water heaters and appliances; and (c) finding more efficient ways to manufacture products, or to perform industrial processes. Conservation also involves steps to make existing houses and buildings more energy-efficient by adding insulation in walls and ceilings, installing water heater blankets, and adding other cost effective conservation measures. Conservation measures also reduce the need for additional transmission lines and other distribution facilities. When a conservation action reduces the need for these facilities, it reduces the associated facilities costs by approximately 2.5 percent. Conservation avoids the "line losses" that occur when electricity is transmitted over long distances. About 7.5 percent of the electricity generated at a powerplant is "lost" in transmission to its ultimate point of use. To assess accurately the amount of cost effective conservation available, the administrative cost of programs needed to secure conservation must be included. Typically, conservation program administrative costs are in the range of 15 to 25 percent of the direct cost of measures for full operational programs. The amount of technically and economically achievable conservation is directly related to the amount of energy used. Changes in consumer behavior and consumer resistance, quality control, and unforeseen technical problems could prevent an area from developing 100 percent of this potential. Impact Assessment The environmental benefits of conservation are substantial. Reduction of electric demand due to conservation measures can help avoid the construction of new conventional energy resources with their accompanying environmental impacts. Conservation "generates" electricity without transmission lines, significant air or water pollution, noise, solid waste, or land use impacts. 20 However, there exists the potential for degradation of indoor air quality due to weatherization unless mitigation measures are employed. Residential weatherization could reduce ventilation and cause harmful concentration~ of various pollutants from space heating equipment, insulation: ahd building materials. These pollutants include formaldehyde from particle board and some insulation, and radioactive emissions from masonry and concrete buildings. Heat exchangers could adequately mitigate these air quality impacts in that they provide adequate ventilation without sacrificing much heat. Evaluation The two largest residential users of electricity are space heat and water heating. Space heat consumption is approximately 31 percent of the residential use, water heating represents 26 percent, and the remaining 43 percent is consumed by lights and other appliances. Approximately, a 33 percent reduction in energy used for space heating could be achieved through irrlproving the insulation levels, adding storm windows, and reducing the air leakage in existing houses. Water heating represents the second largest single residential use. Savings would be achieved through better insulated water heaters, pipe wraps and lower water temperatures. Nearly one-half of residential electricity is consumed by an assortment of appliances. Refrigerators~nd freezers, cooking and lighting make up approximately one-half of the electricity used by these appliances. The conservation potential from more efficient appliances is 10 percent of the total electricity used by appliances. Space heating use in existing houses could be 1/3 more efficient than of present. New houses could use nearly 60 percent less for space heating than houses built to current standards. Water heating demands could be reduced by over 21 percent. Refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances could consume 7 percent less than projected at current efficiencies. Together, these savings are projected to bring about a 21 percent reduction in residential electric needs. The commercial sector is composed of diverse customers. Studies of the conservation potential in commercial buildings indicates that a 30 to 40 percent reduction in electric energy use could be achieved. Assessing the technical and economic potential for industrial conservation presents a more difficult problem. Not only are industrial uses more diverse, but the conservation potential is also more site specific. Past attempts to assess the industrial sector's conservation potential have not been particularly successful. Efficiency improvements to existing generating 'units as well as the area's distribution system represent a source of conservation savings. The municipal utility has undergone a modernization of the distribution system. Losses within the sy~tem have been reduced from 40 percent to 18. This loss should decrease as upgrading of the system is continued. 21 Imp1ementaion The basic responsibiTtty for implementing this alternative lies with the local residents. T~ ~id in this responsibility and to lessen the burden, various State and Federal programs are available. The State offers energy auditing services, conservation grants, and low interest loans, and the Federal Government offers income tax credits. These opportunities should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the community. 5.1.2 Diesel Generation This alternative is effectively the existing condition. U~er this scenario, diesel generation would continue to be used to meet all electrical requirements at Unalaska. With the addition of the new 2.85-MW generator scheduled for 1984, sufficient capacity would exist until the early 1990's under the current energy generation scenario at Unalaska. Impact Assessment The primary impact associated with this alternative is economic. The cost of diesel fuel will eventually rise again as shortages occur and demand exceeds supply. By continuing to use diesel, the city could face possible shortages in the future if supplies are interrupted due to physical or economic constraints. Evaluation Since diesel has been established as the base case by which other alternatives are to be evaluated, it is necessary to estimate the actual generation cost at Unalaska for comparison. The system wide kWh cost includes not only fuel and operation and maintenance, but also taxes, insurance, interest, depreciation, administration, and capital improvement. Of this cost, not all can be considered as a saving or a benefit if an alternative is implemented. Capacity benefits can be claimed if the proposed hydro system displaces present diesel units or reduces the future need for enlarging the existing plant. By using current Water Resource Council (WRC) directives, it was determined that capacity benefits at Unalaska were negligible since the peak energy use months, December and January, are also the most critical water flow months. The two parts of the energy benefit, fuel, and operation and maintenance, were determined from information provided by the city of Unalaska. Unalaska's 1983 diesel cost of $1.21/ga11on, coupled with a generating efficiency, which is 12 kWh/gallon, provides a fuel 'cost of $0.1008/kWh. This coupled with an operation and maintenance cost of $0.0201/kWh, renders a cost of diesel generation that can be prevented of $0.1209/kWh. When comparing this cost to another alternative, consideration must be given to how the fuel cost portion may change in the future. Various fuel cost escalation rates over varying periods of time have been used in the past to estimate future fuel costs. Most of those proposed in the past have fallen short of what the actual escalation rate turned out to be. According to the Bureau of Labor's statistics for 22 \ Anchorage (none are available for Unalaska), the inflationary increase from 1974 to 1980 was 67 percent compared to fuel cost increases of 156 percent. Based on this data, the annual fuel cost escalation rate (above inflation) was over 8 percent. For the purpose of this study, the national fuel cost escalation rate developed by Data Resources Incorporated (DRI) for 1983 (linear regression of four Quarterly forecasts ending Autumn 83) has been adopted. DRI projections were selected because they (1) cover projections of fuel prices representing a more complete coverage of oil producing regions of the world and (2) are cal- culated Quarterly and not yearly. The expected escalation rate is show~ below: YEAR 1982-1985 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001- ANNUAL ESCALATION RATE 1.6 percent 1.6 percent 3.6 percent 3.4 percent 1.6 percent These changes would result in the following future fuel costs at Unalaska: 1985 1990 1995 2000 2013 5.1.3 .Waste Heat Recovery Description $1.25/ga110n 1.35/ga110n 1.62/ga110n 1.91/ga110n 2.34/ga110n Two forms of potential energy recovery from existing diesel generators are possible. The first is direct waste heat recovery for heating purposes. This is accomplished with the use of heat exchangers which transfer waste heat from the waterjacket and exhaust of the diesel generators to another fluid that can be used for hot water or building heating. Direct waste heat recovery requires that the generators be close to the building or water supply being heated, otherwise heat is lost to the atmosphere. The second form is by use of the Rankine Cycle. This system vaporizes a fluid such as freon with the waste heat from the diesels. The freon, which is under high ~ressure,. is then used to drive a turbine which produces shaft horsepower to 'turn the generator for additional electrical power. Impact Assessment This alternative has virtually no adverse environmental impacts while having very positive economic and social impacts. Evaluation The present location of the city's power plant is suitable for direct waste heat recovery. Waste heat could be uti1i1ized for heating the municipal building located next to the uti1ity's power plant. 23 Implementation The municipal utility has implemented a waste heat recovery system at the existing power plant. The heat recovered is used for heating in the municipal office building. The city has indicated that as the system expands, increased development of waste heat recovery would occur. 5.1.4 Geothermal Resources Description To accommodate permitting and leasing procedures, Alaska State Law defines geothermal 'resources as lithe earth's natural heat having a temperature in excess of 120°C; measured at the point where the highest temperature resources encounter, enter or contact a well or other resource extraction device." Three forms of geothermal resource systems exist that can be either hot water dominated or steam dominated, depending on temperature and pressure conditions. The first two are hot dry rock and geopressured resources, which are still in the research/development stage. The third is known as hydrothermal and the technology is available to build a system to extract the heated ground water. Minimum requirements for economical power production are: l)sufficient groundwater 2) the heat source be close to the ground surface, 3) the ground be of porous material, and 4) natural fractures to transport heated water to shallow depths (Morrison-Knudsen, 1981). Two areas with significant geothermal potential that have been discovered on Unalaska are Summer Bay and Makushin Volcano region. According to a study on the Geothermal Potential in the Aleutians conducted by Morrison-Knudsen Co. l1981), there appears to be "an excellent colocation between geothermal resource potential and energy demands in Unalaska." The Al~ska Legislature in 1981 appropriated $5 million to be administered by the Alaska Power Authority for geothermal drilling and exploration at Makushin Volcano. The appropriation was preceded by a number of geologic investigations and a preliminary economic analysis whiCh indicated potential for a geothermal power facility at Makushin Volcano. Development of geothermal energy in Unalaska would involve ,production centers at the developed field. Electricity would be generated at or near the field or fields and transmission lines would carry power to the city of Unalaska. Impact Assessment The exact type of powerplant and related facilities have not yet been determined. For impact analysis purposes, the powerplants can 'be broken down into two types: (1) where the effluent from the powerplant is injected back into the ground; and (2) where the effluent is placed in a cooling system and released in selected drainages where it eventually enters the sea. Environmental impacts associated with type 1 are: access to the site transmission corridor, cooling water sources, and production centers. Type 2 would have similar impacts in addition to the thermal and water pollution from the discharge of the effluent. Both types of facilities would be subject to earthquake and volcano eruption hazards. 24 Extensive geologic and geophysical exploration has been conducted on Makushin Volcano and more is scheduled for the summer of 1984. Studies to be completed by mid 1984, will identify the optimum plant size and development plan at Unalaska and provide an economic analysis for that plan. It is anticipated, assuming the geothermal option proves feasible and the required studies proceed in a timely manner, that a geothermal powerp1ant could be online at Unalaska as soon as 1988. Implementation The current exploration program is being conducted on Federal land controlled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The land has been selected by the Aleut Corporation but· not yet conveyed. There is a wide range of possible scenarios for financing and development, but none has been chosen. 5.1.5 Wind Generation Description A wind energy conversion system (WECS) transforms the force of wind moving past a tower mounted generator into either alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current electricity. DC power may be used directly for lighting, resistance space heating, and water heating or, it may be used to charge batteries for later use during peak demand periods or when wind velocity is insufficient to drive the generator. The operating range of a wind generator varies with its design. To illustrate the probable range of operation for many of the WECS currently available the operating characteristics of a 40 kW rated WECS (Kaman Co.) are shown in Table 7. Wind Velocity (mph) o to 8 8 10 10 to 20 20 to 60 Above 60 TABLE 7 Remarks No rotation Rotation begins; no power output Power delivery begins (about 4 kW) Power ranges from 4 to 40 kW Power constant at 40 kW No output (and rotor stopped, or at least turned out of the wind and rotating slowly) Source: Alaskan Wind Power: An Introductory User's Manual, Tunis Westinke, Jr., June 1980. Wind resource studies of the continental United States, including Alaska have identified the Aleutian Islands as having the required wind conditions for generation of electrical power. The average annual wind speed at Dutch Harbor measured at heights above ground level of 10 meters, 30 meters and 50 meters is 11 mph, 13.7 mph and 15.2 mph, respectively. 25 These averages, however, are probably conservative because there is severe shielding of the anemometer site. Wind velocities of 2 hours duration exceed 40 mph nearly 50 percent of the time and exceed 55 mph about 1 percent of the time. Peak wind gusts exceed 60 mph around 40 percent of the time and 110 mph about 1 percent of the time. A maximum wind speed frequency curve for Trail Lake located 10 miles from Unalaska is shown in Figure A-5 of Appendix A. Evaluation An inherent problem with Alaskan WECS development is that those who could most profit from their potential are the individuals and small remote communities least able to afford the high cost of installation, operation and maintenance. Installation and typical add-on equipment for improved operation and the reduction of television and radio interference substantially increase costs. Relatively complicated maintenance requirements require extensive operator training and operation. At Unalaska, winter weather conditions with extensive fog and below freezing temperatures may create disruptions due to blade iCing, lubrication freezeup and tower damage from strong gusts. In the January 1982 "white paper" published by the Alaska Power Authority, it was determined that: a. Wind energy conversion systems are not yet commercially proven to the degree necessary to meet a significant portion of the near term electrical needs of Alaskan communities. b. Where two alternatives appear over the analysis period, and where environmental and cultural factors are comparable, the more reliable alternative should be the one recommended for the followup. The above problems affecting implementation and operation of WECS in Unalaska suggest that development of this resource on a sufficent scale to meet the energy needs of the community is highly unlikely. However, limited development, initially on an experimental basis, may be a cost effective addition to existing power generation resources. Further study of this resource by State or local interests is encouraged. Impacts Impacts associated with this alternative would be minimal. The primary impact would be the ability of the residents of Unalaska to accept the visual aspects of wind power. Implementation The implementation of this alternative would be the responsibility of the city or individual residents, aided by the State of Alaska or the Department of Energy. Various income tax credits, investment allowances, and grant programs can assist a local WECS program. The responsibility for the installation of recording instrumentation appears beyond the financial capability of the city. 26 5.1.6 Hydropower-Storage-Regulation Project of Trail Lake, Shaishnikof River Description Trail Lake is located approximately 3.5 miles upstream from the confluence of the Shaishnikof River with Captain's Bay. This alternative would consist of construction of a dam, a lake tap, and approximately 1500 feet of power tunnel. In addition, approximately 4 miles of access road and 8 miles of transmission line would be constructed. Energy production would be the result of regulating the Shaishnikof River's flow to provide storage for regulated releases during periods of low streamflow. Impact Assessment Environmental impacts associated with this hydroelectric alternative would be significant in nature. Construction of a regulated storage project at Trail Lake would result in major adverse environmental impacts. Inundation resulting from raising of the lake's surface elevation would cause destruction of bird nesting habitat. In addition, spawning habitat currently utilized by the resident Dolly Varden in Trail Lake would be destroyed. In 1981, of the total 143,000 pink salmon that originated from the Shaishnikof River system, 85,000 were caught by commercial fisherman and the remaining 58,000 fish returned to the river system to spawn. A substantial number of coho salmon and anadromous Dolly Varden spawn in the Shaishnikof River. The introduction of higher flows and warmer water during the winter months could cause advanced egg incubation and the early emergence of salmon fry. Evaluation Two regulated storage scenarios were analyzed for economic feasibility. The project first cost includes a 25 percent allowance for contingencies. Pertinent data for the two scenarios are shown in Table 8. Project costs at October 1983 price levels (without interest during construction (IDC)) were amortized over 50 years at 8-1/8 percent. Dam Height (ft.) Dependable Capacity (kW) Annual Energy (MWh) First Cost ($1,000) Annual Cost Annual Benefits Net Annual Benefits 8/C Ratio TABLE 8 #1 #2 50 35 143 68 2,350 1,237 $8,000 $7,000 $695,000 $597,000 $415,000 $228,000 -$280,000 -$369,000 0.6 0.4 The above economic data indicate that neither scenario would result in a project with positive net benefits. Therefore, the regulated storage at Trail Lake has been eliminated from further consideration. 27 5.1.7 Hydropower-Pressure Reducing Turbine-Pyramid Creek Description Currently, the city of Unalaska is replacing the existing 16-inch wood stave pipe, which serves as a water supply penstock from Pyramid Creek, with a 24-inch 1.0. steel pipe. This alternative would consist of one 260-kW Francis turbine installed in series with the 24-inch line. The powerhouse containing the turbine would be located at the junction of Pyramid Creek Road with Captain's Bay Road. As a result of the requirement to maintain a water pressure of 80 psi below the powerhouse, this system would operate at a~esign flow equal to 22.3 cfs and a net operating head of 170 feet. Diversion of the water through the turbine would generate approximately 2,174,000 kWh of energy per year. A detailed discussion of the Pyramid Creek system is discussed in the section TECHNICAL APPENDIX, PYRAMID CREEK. Impact Assessment The proposed site for the pressure reducing turbine is located at the intersection of Pyramid Creek Road and Captain's Bay Road. The impacts associated with this alternative would be minor with minimal construction occurring in non-disturbed areas. Increases in dust, noise, and air pollution would occur, but these would be short lived and end with the construction phase. Evaluation Besides being inexpensive, the PRT has the brought on-line in a relatively short period. and benefits, based on October 1983 prices and Shown in Table 9. advantage that it can be The estimated annual costs 8-1/8 percent interest, are TABLE 9 First Cost $816,000 IDC (9 mo.) 32,000 Investment Cost $848,000 Annual Costs Interest and Amortization $ 70,000 Operation and Maintenance .20,000 Total Annual Cost 90,000 Annual Benefits Diesel Displacement Benefit $219,000 Fuel Escalation Benefit 132,000 O&M Saved 44,000 Extended Life of Diesel 8,000 Total Annual Benefits 403,000 Net Annual Benefits $313,000 Benefit -Cost Ratio 4.5 to 1 28 ....... ' \ Implementation Various options are possible for the implementation of this alternative. Under all scenarios it is anticipated that the local utility would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant. The options available are listed below: a. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with Federal funding. b. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State or local funding. c. Construction by a private firm with State or local funding. 5.1.8 Hydropower-Run-of-River Project, Shaishnikof River Description This alternative consists of a 22-foot hi~h timber buttress dam, 920 lineal feet of 42-inch steel penstock, and a 40-by 25-foot powerhouse containing one 300-kW Francis turbine and one 400-kW turbine. In addition, a rock cut spillway and 3.3 miles of unimproved road would be constructed. Based on available streamflow data, the estimated annual energy output from the'system is approximately 3,114,000 kWh of which 100 percent is estimated to be usable in 1993, the first year of operation. Diesel generation would still be required because the energy demands of Unalaska greatly exceed the amount of energy provided by hydropower alone. A detailed discussion of the plant sizing is included in the TECHNICAL APPENDIX, SHAISHNIKOF RIVER. Impact Assessment Adverse environmental impacts associated with this project are minor in nature. ~o fish utilize the section of stream which would be dewatered between the powerhouse and the damsite. Minor disruption of wildlife would occur during construction, but construction would be scheduled to minimize these effects. The waterfalls that exist between the damsite and powerhouse site would be dewatered during normal flow periods but no fish would be affected. The existing lake level would be raised approximately 3 feet. Approximately 15 acres would be inundated. Evaluation .A summary of the associated costs and benefits for the run-of-river hydroelectric system are shown in Table 10. The analysis is based on October 1983 price levels, an interest rate of 8-1/8 percent and a 50-year project life. The benefits are based on the direct displacement of energy that would have to be produced by diesel fuel to meet estimated demands. The benefits, which could be provided by hydropower development at Unalaska, were determined strictly by the displacement of diesel fuel and diesel fuel escalation. The savings in diesel fuel was computed from a 1983 cost of $1.2l/gallon that was escalated until 2013, according to DRIls estimate. 29 TABLE 10 Shaishnikof Kiver Project Costs and Benefits First Cost IDC (18 mo) Investment Cost Annual Costs Interest and Amortization (8-1/8% @ 50 yrs) Operation and Maintenance Total Annual Cost Annual Benefits Diesel Displacement Benefit Fuel Escalation Benefit 081-1 Saved Extended Life of Diesel Total Annual Benefits Net Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Implementation $5,571,000 457,000 $6,028,000 $500,000 $30,000 $530,000 $298,000 $179,000 $ 59,000 $ 11 ,000 $547,000 $17,000 1.03 Various options are possible for the implementation of this alternative. Under all scenarios, it is anticipated that the local utility would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant. The options available are listed below: a. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with Federal funding. b. Construction by the Corps of Engineers with State or local funding. c. Construction by a private firm with State or local funding. 5.1.9 Fisheries Enhancement-Shaishnikof River Description The opportunity to improve the fisheries resources of the Shaishn'ikof Kiver appears td be good. Although the proposed enhancement plan is not directly related to the development of the Shaishnikof River hydropower project, it appears that implementation of this plan in conjunction with the power project objectives would be inexpensive and cost effective. At present, approximately 6 km of the river between its mouth and the falls, which are immediately upstream of the proposed powerhouse location, are usable by coho salmon and anadromous Uolly Varden. However, minor falls in the river canyon located at approximately river km 3 (see Plate 6) are present during lower streamflows which occur when the pink salmon are spawning. These falls block the passage of pink salmon to the portion of the river above the canyon which could, otherwise, be used for spawning habitat. Approximately 2 acres of 30 excellent spawning and incubation habitat exist above the canyon (refer to the USFWS Coordination Act Report, pages 37-40). Construction would involve the removal of rock obstructions in the canyon area through blasting. The enhancement would result in a maximum of 37,000 salmon per year for harvest. Refer to pages 21-25, USFWS Coordination Act Report for the procedure used in determining the maximum yield from the enhancement plan. Due to the cyclical nature of pink salmon, an annual equivalent equal to 29,000 fish per year was used in the benefit computations. See also Appendix A for further discussion. Impact Assessment Negative impacts associated with this alternative are' nonexistent. Removal of the rock obstructions would be scheduled from April to June which is a noncritical time for fish. Evaluation The estimated annual costs and benefits, based on October 1983 prices and 8 1/8 percent interest are shown in Table 11. , First Cost IDC Investment Cost Interest and Amortization Operation and Maintenance Total Annual Cost Annual Benefits Net Annual Benefits Benefit-~ost Ratio Implementation TABLE 11 $33,800 200 34,000 2,800 2,000 4,800 13,000 8,200 2.7 Construction of this alternative would be by the Corps of Engineers with Federal funding. No annual maintenance is expected, but an annual monitoring program would be the responsibility of a Federal fish and wildlife agency. 5.2 COMPAKISON OF ALTERNATIVES AND DESIGNATION OF THE NED PLAN As discussed in the previous sections various alternatives were considered to determine which plan or combination of plans would best satisfy local and national planning objectives. National Economic Development (NED) objectives are aChieved by increasing the value of the Nation's output of goods and services and by improving national economic efficiency. The alternative plan that maximizes net national economic benefits consistent with protecting the environment is defined as the NED plan. . Alternatives considered to meet the needs of the Unalaska study area included: conservation measures; diesel generation; waste heat recovery; geothermal power development; wind generation; a hydropower storage project at Trail Lake; installing a turbine on the city's water supply line from Pyramid Creek; hydropower run-of-river project on Shaishnikof River; and fisheries enhancement on Shaishnikof River. Opportunities for reducing future costs of 31 L energy via diesel and wind generation and waste heat recovery appear limited. Accordingly, they were not studied in detail. Implementation of conservation measures would probably not reduce area energy demands drastically; however, measures such as increased insulation of electric water heaters and electri- cally heated buildings are cost effective and should be considered further by the State and local interests. Also, development of geothermal resources, being investigated by the Alaska Power Authority, may be viable and should be pursued depending upon the results of the State's study. Because construction of a dam and storage project at Trail Lake would not result in net positive economic benefits, this alternative was dropped from further consideration. A comparison of the remaining alternatives showed that installation of a pressure reducing turbine at Pyramid Creek and development of a run-of-river hydropower project, including anadromous salmon enhancement facilities, on theShaishnikof River would result in maximum net national economic benefits and address the planning objectives. Accordingly, the combination of these alternatives has been designated as the NED plan. As can be seen in table 12, the average net annual NED benefit over the life of these projects is collectively estimated at $358,000. 5.3 THE SELECTED PlAN Description Based on the foregoing comparlSlon of alt~rnatives, hydropower development and fisheries enhancement on the Shaishnikof River and installing a turbine in the water supply line from Pyramid Creek have the best potential for satisfying ~ED and local study objectives and become the selected plan. Specific features of the selected plan are briefly summarized below. Appendixes A and ti provide detailed information on the selected plan. 5.3.1 Shaishnikof Hydropower Development and Fisheries Enhancement The hydropower projedt would consist of an A-frame, 22-foot-high timber dam constructed about 600 feet downstream from the outlet of Trail Lake (see plates following Appendix A). An ungated spillway, capable of accommodating a 100-year flood event (1,000 cfs), would be excavated in a natural depression located in the abutment 110 feet to the left of the dam. A 42-inch steel penstock would convey river flows 920 feet from the dam to the powerhouse downstream. The penstock would generally be above ground and the route would follow the right bank of the river. The invert of the penstock at the intake would be 550 feet mean sea level (MSL) or 15 feet below the maximum expected lake level. The centerline of the penstock at the powerhouse would be at elevation 430 feet MSL, resulting in a gross power head at 135 feet. The powerhouse itself would be a conventional indoor plant conSisting of two units rated at 400 kW and 300 kW. Flows to the powerhouse could be controlled via two hydraulically operated butterfly valves located immediately upstream, two manual sluice gates and an intake gate at the dam. Access to the project facilities, powerhouse and damsite for construction would be accomplished by construction of an unimproved 10-foot wide dirt road. Approximately 8 miles of 34.5 kV buried transmission line would run from the powerhouse to the edge of town. The proposed corridor is shown on Plate 1. Construction of the Shaishnikof River project would take about 18 months. Approximately 55 acres for project easements which is presently owned by the Ounalashka Native Corporation, would be required. The opportunity to improve 32 TABLE 12 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES ALTERNATIVES HYDROPOWER HYDROPOWER DIESEL PYRAMID CREEK SHAISHNIKOF RIVER EX I STI NG GEOTHERMAL ACCOUNTS SELECTED PLAN SELECTED PLAN SYSTEM 10 MW I. Economic Impacts A. Hydropower 1/ 2/ 1. Project Investment Cost $848,000 $6,028,000 (6,062,000) 2. Project Annual Benefit $403,000 $ 547,000 (560,000) 3. Project Annual Cost $ 90,000 $ 530,000 (534,800) 4. Benefit/Cost Ratio 4.48 to 1 1.03 (1.05) II. Environmental Impacts A. Aquatic Impact Unknown w 1. Habitat No Change Loss would occur N/A w 2. Population No Change Unknown N/A B. Terrestrial Impact Unknown 1. Habitat No Change 27 Acres lost 2. Population No Change No Change N/A C. Water Quality No Change No Change No Effect Impact Unknown D. Water Quantity No Permanent Change No Permanent Change No Effect Impact Unknown Eo Air Po llut ion N/A N/A Slight Effect Impact Unknown 1/ Hydropower only y Hydropower and Enhancement > • TABLE 12 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES (continued) ALTERNATIVES HYDROPOWER HYDROPOWER DIESEL PYRAMID CREEK SHAISHNIKOF RIVER EXISTING GEOTHERMAL ACCOUNTS SELECTED PLAN SELECTED PLAN SYSTEM 10 MW F. Foss i1 Fuel Would reduce Would reduce Unalaska would Reduce quantity of fuel quantity of fuel continue to quantity purchased purchased rely on fossil of fuel fuel for e1ec-purchased trica 1 gener- ation. Cost to generate would rise as fuel cost rose. II I. Soc i a 1 Impact s A. Archeological No Impact No Impact N/A Impact w Unknown .f:>o B. Region Growth No Change No Change No Change Impact Unknown C. Employment Sl i ght increase Slight increase No Change Impact duri ng construction during construction Unknown D. Noise Sl i ght increase Sl ight increase No Change Impact duri ng construction during construction Unknown E. Esthetics No Impact No Impact No Change Impact Unknown F. Water Supply No Impact No Impact No Impact Impact Unknown ) ) · TABLE 12 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES (continued) AL TERNA TI VES HYDROPOWER HYDROPOWER 01 ESEL PYRAMID CREEK SHAISHNIKOF RIVER EXISTING GEOTHERMAL ACCOUNTS SELECTED PLAN SELECTED PLAN SYSTEM 10 MW G. Community Growth and No Impact No Impact No Impact Impact Cohesion Unknown I V. Planning Objectives A. Reduce the real cost of Yes Yes No Unknown generation B. Reduce Unalaska's dependence Met Met Dependence Yes on diesel for electrical would continue generation. C. Maintain supply of quality No Impact Met No Impact Yes w water to city. U1 D. Preserve or enhance Met Met No Impact Unknown commercial salmon resource. E. Preserve regional terrestrial Met Met No Impact Unknown environment. F. Preserve the archeological Met Met No Impact Unknown significance of sites in project area. the fisheries resources of the Shaishnikof River appears to be good through the removal of rock obstructions in the canyon area (see Plate 6). The enchancement would result in an increase of 29,000 annual equivalent fish. 5.3.2 Pyramid Creek This system would consist of a 260 kW Francis turbine which would utilize the existing water supply line on Pyramid Creek. A prefabricated 20-by 20-foot weather tight steel structure would be located at the junction of Pyramid Valley Road and Captain's Bay Road lsee Figure B-1). The unit would operate at a net head of 170 feet while maintaining 80 psi of pressure in the water supply line. To assure that the water supply system would be maintained in the event of a turbine shutdown, bypass piping would be provided. Construction would be accomplished within a 9 month period. 5.3.3 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Adverse impacts associated with the Shaishnikof River hydropower project are minor. No fish utilize the section of the stream, between the damsite and powerhouse lsee Plate 6) which would be dewatered during periods of below normal flows. No mitigation requirements would be associated with this project. Construction of the fisheries enchancement plan on the Shaishnikof River would involve the removal of rock obstructions in the canyon area through blasting (see Plate 6). Work would be scheduled from April to June which is a noncritical time for fish. No adverse impacts or mitigation requirements would be associated with this plan. The impacts associated with the Pyramid Creek plan would be minor with minimal construction occurring in nondisturbed areas. Increases in dust, noise, and air pollution would occur, but these would be ~hort-lived and end with the construction phase. No mitigation would be required. 5.3.4 Project Operation The local utility would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant. As a result of the energy demand exceeding the hydropower output, (see Figure 6) the Shaishnikof River and Pyramid Creek system would operate in a base mode while the existing diesel system would be utilized to generate the remaining amount of energy. The Shaishnikof River project would operate as a run-of-river project with minor pondage available to offset daily fluctuations in streamflows. Based on average monthly streamflows and the available daily streamflow data, the system would operate throughout the year. Only one of the two turbines would operate during low winter flows which normally occur during the months of January, February and March. ~ased on the series of simulated streamflow the reach of river between the powerhouse and the damsite would be void of water during the month of Uecember through March. 36 The Pyramid Creek system would operate as a pressure reducing turbine. Analysis has shown that the system would operate at 100 percent of its installed capacity for 7 months of the year. The remaining 5 months of the year, operation of the system would vary from 85 percent to 64 percent of the installed capacity. Operation of the system would not depend upon the daily water demand of the city on the Pyramid CreeK system. As the daily demand fluctuates, a pressure regulated bypass system located below the powerhouse would maintain the 80 psi requirements. Thus, when streamflow is adequate, the system would operate at full capacity and any surplus water not needed for the city's water supply would be piped directly to the sea. 5.3.5 Economic Analysis The estimated annual costs and benefits based on October 1983 prices and 8 1/8 percent interest, are shown in Table 13. First Cost Project Annual Cost Project Annual Benefits Net Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Shaishnikof River $5,571,000 530,000 547,000 17,000 1.03 5.3.6 Marketability Analysis TABLE 13 Enhancement Only $33,800 4,800 13,000 8,200 2.7 Pyramid Creek $816,000 90,000 403,000 313,000 4.48 The Unalaska hydropower project on the Shaishnikof River has an investment cost of $6,028,000, an annual cost of $530,000, a marketable output of 2,958,300 kWh, and a payback rate of $0.18 per kWh. By crediting the project with estimated future fuel price increases, it can be demonstrated that hydro- power is marketable over a 50 year project life with a 1993 POL date. Table 14 shows the cost per kWh required to recover project costs by the management rules of other agencies. Agency Terms APA (Federal) (10.75%, 50 yrs) APA (State) t 10.5%, 30 yrs) REA (Federal) (5%, 50 yrs) State Grant TABLE 14 Marketability Comparison Annual Costs $652,000 $666,000 $360,000 $ per KWh 0.22 0.23 0.12 (20% loan, 80% grant, $473,000 8.5%, 30 yrs) O. 16 37 The best opportunity for marketing Unalaska power would occur if the project would be financed through REA funding_ In a letter dated 31 May 1984, the Alaska Power Authority has expressed their support for hydropower development at Unalaska (See Appendix E). 38 J> c en 7C' c 0 en -~ 0 - () 0 ~ "0 en 0 -m ::I cD ::I CD CD ~ CIt W 1.0 I'Tl en -I -3: O»I'Tl~ CZZI'Tl -I 0 l'Tle "lJ :;0 C::J: G>i> -I~~< 0 2J:;oOI'Tl :;oOI'Tl:;O ~3:» -~»~ to Z OOI'TlO3: 00:;0 0 Z -I ::J: ~ ,..(1) m5: J>J> (l)r air r:::I: --< -to -<:xJ 0 w"'U -to c~ ~~ c z J> r"TI J>- Cl)G) :ltC J>;:q ~ ITI ~C1t J> CI) :It J> 6000~--------------T-0-T-A-L-D-E-M-A-N-D--19-9~'3--PO-L--~------~~----------~~ -----TOTAL HYDRO SHAISH NI KOF RIVER + PYRAMID CREEK 5000 5000 4000 4000 ~ 3000 H 3OOOt4 H 2000 2000 1000 1000 .---.... - ------------------------------",----------------------------------- O~ __ ----__ --~----__ --~----~--_r----~--_r----r_--__ ----~-LO OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP MONTHS PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION Three field trips were made to Unalaska, the first in May 1981, the second in June 1982, and the third in June 1983. During the various trips, informal meetings were held with city officials. City officials support hydropower development because of their desire to decrease dependence on diesel fuel. Input from Federal, State, and local officials was obtained by direct contact and correspo~ence. See Appendix E. A public meeting was held in Unalaska on 10 January 1984 to obtain public comments on the Unalaska Small Hydropower Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement. About 42 people attended the meeting. The majority of the people supported installation of the pressure reducing turbine in the water supply pipeline on Pyramid Creek and felt it should be installed as soon as possible. In the case of the Shaishnikof project, the public would prefer to wait for the results of the Alaska Power Authority's study on the feasibility of Unalaska's geothermal potential. If geothermal is found to be infeasible, they would be more in favor of the hydropower project on the Shaishnikof. L RESPONSES TO U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE'S CA REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS I. Project Design a. The tailrace be alined as closely as possible to parallel the natural river channel in order to reduce opposite bank scouring and downstream erosion. Reduction of tailrace water velocities through the installation of a permanent plunge pool (e.g., reinforced concrete) in the tailrace channel is recommended to further minimize erosion and protect downstream fishery resources. Response: The tailrace has been designed to be closely alined to the natural river channel to prevent scour on the opposite bank. The maximum flow velocity in the tailrace would be 2.7 feet per second. Refer to Plate 5 of Technical Appendix, Shaishnikof River for design of powerhouse and tailrace. b. The transmission line be raptor-proofed to minimize the possibility of accidental electrocution. Design suggestions for minimizing this potential impact can be obtained from the Edison Electric Institute Raptor . Research Foundation publication, Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines, the State of the Art in 1981, Raptor Research Report #4, University of Minnesota. Response: Concur. c. All tributary crossings be adequately culverted and designed to pass high water flows. 40 Response: Concur. d. Further field studies to determine the value of the habitat impacted by the inundation and fluctuation of Trail Lake are recommended to assess the magnitude of impacts and determine if additional mitigation measures are warranted. . (1) Survey of Trail Lake to determine Dolly Varden standing stock and microtine populations impacted by reservoir impoundment. (2) Confirmation of raptor nesting in the cliffs above Trail Lake. Response: Additional environmental studies will be conducted during Continued Planning and Engineering (CP&E) phase of the project. The exact type of studies required to refine the impact assessment and mitigation measures will be determined during the scoping process. II. Project Construction a. A minimum flow of 25 cfs (60% of average annual flow) at the outlet of Trail Lake be reserved for downstream fishery resources during dam construction and reservoir impoundment. Reservoir impoundment should occur during a period from mid-June to the first of August. Response: The construction of the project features would not impede the natural amount of flow. The raiSing of the lake1s water surface elevation by 3 feet would be accomplished in a manner as not to disturb any stage of the life cycle of either resident or anadromous fish of the Shaishnikof River. The Alaska District cannot concur with raising the lake only from mid-June to the first of August, but would accomplish the task without harm to the fishery. b. A si1tscreen, designed and maintained to retain sediments entering the Shaishnikof River, be installed at the dam/powerhouse site during construction to minimize downstream siltation. Sediments should be periodically removed and disposed of in a contained upland site. Response: The project would be constructed in a manner to minimize downstream siltation whether the use of a silt screen or some other device is necessary. c. Overburden disposal take place no closer than 200 feet from the Shaishnikof River or its tributaries. Spoil mounds should be contoured and seeded to prevent erosion. Response: Concur. d. If the bald eagle nest at river mile 1.5 is found to be active the year project construction would commence, no blasting or heavy equipment use between April 1 and August 15 within a one-half mile radius of the nest be permitted and no construction be allowed within a 300 feet radius of the nest. 41 Response: Concur. e. The CE fund periodic on-site monitoring by FWS and CE biologists to assess the effectiveness of best management practices and mitigative measures during project construction. Response: During the Plans and Specification stage of the project, all mutually agreed upon recommendations w"ill be included as stipulations to the contractor. The Alaska District will have inspectors present during the entire construction phase to assure all specifications and stipulations :are met. III. Enhancement a. Measures to eliminate impasses to pink salmon upstream migration in order to increase pink salmon production in the Shaishnikof River be incorporated as project features and a sponsor identified. The use of blasting to form step-spools and the installation of gabions where necessary appear to be the most cost-effective and maintenance-free means of accomplishing enhancement. This enhancement plan should be developed prior to commencement of construction and must have the full concurrence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Response: The enhancement plan has been included as a project feature since sponsorship is 100 percent Federally assumed. Monitoring of the enhancement project would be the responsibility of a Federal fish and wildl ife agency. IV. Post-Project Construction A post-construction surveillance and monitoring program be established to assess the effectiveness of the enchancement plan and mitigation measures and to provide recommendations for further improvement. Response: If the enhancement measure gains a local sponsor it would be the responsibility of the local sponsor to fund any post-construction activities. CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis contained in this report, hydropower development provides the best supplement to diesel generation at Unalaska. In addition to providing net benefits of $330,000 annually, hydropower would also reduce the quantity of diesel fuel used for electrical generation at Unalaska. Fisheries enhancement would provide an additional benefit of $8,000. A detailed analysis of the hydropower alternative on the Shaishnikof River and the fisheries enhancement plan is included in Appendix A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS. The Pyramid Creek project is discussed in Appendix B TECHNICAL ANALYSIS, PYRAMID CREEK. Geothermal power also appears Power Authority has completed sites in the Unalaska region. completion in 1984. to hold promise for Unalaska. The Alaska an exploration drilling program of potential Detailed economic analyses are SCheduled for 42 Weatherizin~~through insulation, storm windows, and weather stripping could provide signjficant savings to the community in the area of home heating. Any effect on electrical demand would be small. This option should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the city. Further upgrading of the distribution system should be continued. If fuel costs continue to escalate as in the past, the reduction in distribution losses would be warranted. REC~MENDATIONS • I have carefully considered the environmental, social, and economic ramifications of providing hydroelectric generating capacity at Unalaska, and find that such development is a feasible means for producing additional energy in the overall public interest. I recommend that both the Shaishnikof River and Pyramid Creek hydroelectric projects and the fish enhancement project on the Shaishnikof River be authorized for Federal construction, generally in accordance with the plan described herein, with such modifications that the Chief of Engineers may find advisable, and in accordance with cost recovery, cost sharing, and financing arrangements satisfactory to the President and Congress. Authorization of this project for Federal construction should not preclude the development of hydroelectric fac"jlities at these sites by a qualified nonfederal interest. Based on October 1983 price levels, the total first cost of the Shaishnikof River project (hydro only) is $5,571,000 for construction and $30,000 annually for operation, maintenance, and replacements. Total first cost of the Pyramid Creek project is $816,000 for construction and $20,000 annually for operation and maintenance. Fish enhancement measures on the Shaishnikof River would cost $33,800 to construct and $2,000 annually for project monitoring, which would be accomplished by a Federal fish and wildlife agency. The recommendations contained herein reflect the information available at this time and current Departmental policies governing formulation of individual projects. They do not reflect program and budgeting priorities inherent in the formulation of a national Civil Works construction program nor the perspective of higher review levels within the Executive Branch. Consequently, the recommendations may be modified before they are transmitted to the Congress as proposals for autho~"zation and/or implementation funding. 43 NE E. SALING C 10ne1, Corps of District Engineer NPDPL-PF' SUBJECT: (Jun 84) "ls't Ind Final Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement, Unalaska, Alaska DA, North Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 2870, Portland, OR 97208 1 June 1984 TO: Chief of Engineers • I concur in the conclusions and recommendations of the District Commander. rigadier Gener Commanding 44 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Proposed plan for small hydroelectric power generation at Unalaska, Alaska. The responsible lead agency is the U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska. Abstract. The Corps of Engineers was authorized by Congress to study the feasibility of installing pre-packaged .small hydroelectric power plants at remote villages in Alaska. The proposed plan, as developed by the Corps Qf Engineers, includes installation of a pressure reducing turbine (PRT) in the city's existing water supply pipeline to produce 260 kilowatts of energy; a run-of-river hydroPQwer facility on the Shaishnikof River, which would produce 700 kW; a 3.32 mile access road to the project facilities; and a buried transmission line running from the powerhouse to the edge of town. In addition, rock obstructions in a canyon area on the Shaishnikof River downstream from the powerhouse would be removed, thereby permitting· access to pink salmon spawning habitat. This enhancement feature would result in an equivalent annual increase of 29,000 adult salmon which would be available for commercial harvesting. Concurrently, the State of Alaska is determining the feasibility of geothermal electrical produFtion of several fumarole'fields located near Unalaska. Gener~l environmental impacts associated with geothermal production are addressed in this document. Hydroelectric project impacts are addressed in more detail. A positive impact of all alternatives is reducing the use of fossil fuels. The negative impacts associated with hydroelectric development appear to be minor; the most significant impact would be the reduction of a nonanadromous Dolly Varden fishery. Adverse impacts associated with geothermal development could occur with the discharge of the heated effluent into receiving waters. If you would like further information or this statement please contact: Mr. William Lloyd U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska ATTN: NPAEN-PL-EN Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 • , FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROPOSED PLAN FOR SMALL HYDROELECTRIC POWER UNALASKA, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SUMMARY a. Major Conclusions and Findings (1) NED Pl an (2) Floodplain Development (3) Wetland Development (4) Coastal Zone Management b. Areas of Controversy c. Unresol ved Issues d. Relationship to Environmental Requirements II. NEED FOR AND OBJECTIVES OF ACTION a. Study Authority and Public Concerns b. Planning Objectives III. ALTERNATIVES a. Without Conditions (NO Ac~ion) Alternative b. Plans Considered in Detail (1) Conservation (2) Waste Heat Recovery (3) Geothenna 1 (4) Wind Generation (5) Pyramid Creek Pressure Reduci ng Turbine (6) Shaishnikof River/Trail Lake Run-of-River (Hydroelectric) c. Comparative Impacts of Alternatives IV. AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT a. Existing Conditions (1) Location and Climate (2) Topography and Geology i Page EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-1 EIS-2 EIS-2 EIS-2 EIS-3 EIS-3 EIS-3 EIS-3 EIS-3 EIS-4 EIS-4 EIS-4 EIS-5 EIS-5 EIS-6 EIS-10 ' EIS-10 EIS-10 EIS-10 Table of Contents (cont) Page '-, " b. Si gnificant Resources EIS-12 (1 ) Hydrology and Water Quality EIS-12 ( a) Dissolved Gases Supersaturation EIS-12 (b) Temperature EIS-12 (c) Stream Bank Erosion EIS-13 (2 ) Air and Noise Quality ~ EIS-13 (3) Esthetics EIS-14 (4) Floodplains EIS-14 (5) Quarry Site EIS-14 c. Biological Characteristics EIS-14 ( 1 ) Vegetation EIS-14 (a) Wet Tundra EIS-14 (b) Moi st Tundra EIS-14 (c) Alpine Tundra . EIS-15 (d) Shaishnikof River Drainage "EIS-15 (2) Mammals EIS-15 (3) Birds EIS-15 (4) Fisheries EIS-15 /~) (5) Threatened or Endangered Species EIS-17 d. Socioeconomics EIS-17 e. Historical/Archeological Resources EIS-18 V. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON SIGNIFICANT RESOURCES EIS-2l a. Physical Environment EIS-2l (1 ) Hydrology and Water Quality EIS-2l (a) Geothermal EIS-2l (b) Hydroelectric Alternatives EIS-22 (c) Other Alternatives EIS-22 (2) Dissolved Gas Supersaturation EIS-22 (a) Hydroelectric Alternatives EIS-22 (b) Geothermal EIS-23 (3) Temperature EIS-23 (a) Geothermal EIS-23 (b) Hydropower EIS-23 '-(4) Air Qual ity EIS-25 ) i i Table of Contents ~cont~ Page ...... ..•. ( a) Geothermal . EIS-25 . (b) Other Alternatives .. . .. . EIS-26 (5 ) Esthetics EIS-26 B. Biological EIS-26 (1) Vegetation EIS-26 ( a) Geothermal EIS-26 (b) Hydropower EIS-26 (c) Wind Generation EIS-28 (d) Other Alternatives EIS-28 (2) Mammals EIS-28 All Alternatives EIS-28 (3) Birds EIS-28 (a) Hydropower EIS-28 (b) Other Alternatives EIS-2B (4) Fisheries EIS-29 ( a) Hydropower EIS-29 (b) Geothermal EIS-29 (c) Other Alternatives EIS-29 (5) Threatened and Endangered Species EIS-30 C. Socioeconomics EIS-30 (1) Geothermal EIS-30 (2) Other Alternatives EIS-30 VI. MITIGATION EIS-31 VI I. FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT EIS-3l VI I I. SECONDARY AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS EIS-32 (a) Geothermal EIS-32 (b) Other Alternatives EIS-32 . IX. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT EIS-32 X. ZONE MANAGEMENT EIS-33 . XI. BIBLIOGRAPHY EIS-34 ( iii XII. LIST OF PREPARERS XIII. INDEX Table of Contents (cant) iv .. . Page EIS-36 EIS-37 , ) I. SUMMARY a. Major Conclusions and Findings. (1) NEU Plan. The Shaishnikof River run-of-river and Pyramid Creek pressure reducing turbine and fisheries enhancement plan on the Shaishnikof have been identified as the National Economic Development Plan as a result of their ability to provide the greatest net economic benefit compared to development and operation costs. Additionally, the need for the electrical power supplied by the proposed project has been substantiated and this alternative is the most economical method of achieving the objective defined for the project dev,elopment • .. (2) Floodplain Development. Because of the nature of hydroelectric development, in most cases the construction of the facilities must be in the floodplain. The Pyramid Creek alternative does not require activities on a floodplain, while the Shaishnikof alternative would require floodplain construction. The proposed project has been evaluated under Executive Order 11988-Floodplain Management and all aspects of the project have been established to minimize potential harm to people and property and to natural and beneficial floodplain values. The Corps of Engineers will not encourage any development on the Shaishnikof River floodplain-and no anticipated development should occur because of the proposed project. l3) Wetland Development. The Shaishnikof alternative would require some development in wetland habitat classified as a Riverine System. Approximately 2 acres of this type of habitat would be permanently covered by dam and powerhouse construction and would be subject to the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The information required to adequately address the effects of such discharge, within the meaning of Section 404(r) of the Clean Water Act, including consideration of the guidelines developed under subsection 404(b)(1), is presented in Appendix C. (4) Coastal Zone Management. The community of Unalaska is under the Aleutians East Regional Coastal Management Program. Neither the community nor the region has completed a Coastal Zone Management Plan. The proposed hydroelectric projects would be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. This determination is based upon the description of the proposed projects and their effects, and upon an evaluation of the relevant provisions of the management program. b. Areas of Controversy. . No areas of controversy ar'e associated with any of the proposed alternatives to date. c. Unresolved Issues. There are no unresolved major disagreements among study area interests on the proposed action. d. Relationship to Environmental Reguirements. Federal Policies and Regulations -Federal Water Project Recreation Act -Water Kesource Planning Act of 1966 -Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act -National Historical Preservation Act -National Environmental Policy Act -Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 -Endangered Species Act of 1973 -Anadromous Fish Act -Flood Plain Management EO 11988 -Protection of Wetlands EO 11990 -Archeological and Historic Preservation Act -Clean Air Act -Estuary Protection Act -Land and Water Conservation Fund Act -Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuary Act -Rivers and Harbors Act -Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act -Wild and Scenic Rivers Act -Clean Water Act State -State Coastal Zone Management -State Water Quality Certification II. NEED FOR AND OBJECTIVES OF ACTION a. Study Authority and Public Concerns. Hydroelectric Alternatives Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Full Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Compl i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Full Compliance Full Compliance , Full Compliance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Fu 11 Comp 1 i ance Full Compliance Full Compliance after EPA review of £IS N/A Full Compliance N/A Full Compl iance Full Compliance N/A Compliance upon Congressional approval under Section 404(r). Full Compliance N/A The study was authorized by United States Senate Resolution dated October 1, 1976 which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. Th~ community of Unalaska has grown rapidly in the recent years because of its importance as a seafood processing center. The U.S. involvement in the Bering Sea/Gulf of Alaska fishery is:expected· to grow considerably, thus increasing the demand for electrical power. At the present time, all community power is supplied by diesel generators; the individual seafood processors possess their own power generation facilities. Although the cost of petroleum products has decreased in the last year, the long term trend will be rising costs with a decrease in supply. Although the proposed project would not meet the demand for electrical power in Unalaska, a portion of the diesel-fired generation coula be replaced with hydroelectric power, thus decreasing their reliance on the constantly changing petroleum products supply and costs. EIS-2 b. Planning Objectives. The planning objectives are to reduce the real costs of energy generation and to reduce the dependence on diesel fuel for electrical generation. While meeting these planning objectives, the preservation or enhancement of the fisheries resources and the preservation of the archeological significance of sites within the project area can also be accomplished. III. ALTERNATIVES The Corps of Engineers is authorized to study the feasibility of hydroelectric alternatives and, if warranted, recommend them to Congress for construction authorization. Nonhydroelectric alternatives are also assessed; however, the Corps of Engineers is not involved in their design or construction. Numerous structural and nonstructural alternatives have been evaluated and are presented below. Although many of the alternatives would not meet the demand for power in Unalaska, they would all reduce diesel fuel consumption. a. Without Conditions (No Action) Alternative. The no action alternative would be the continued use of diesel-fired generation. As the demand for electrical power increases, more diesel generators would be brought online. The primary impact associated with the no action alternative is economic. The price of diesel fuel will increase as shortages occur and the demand exceeds the supply •. Environmental impacts associated with diesel generation are minimal. Chances of fuel spills during handling could occur; however, the probability is low. Air quality degradation occurs with the emission of heat and noncombustible material from the plant. b. Plans Considered in Detail. (1) Conservation The Nonstructural Alternative. This alternative requires the imp ementation of various methods that would reduce or restrict the use of energy. Adding additional insulation, installing storm windows, weather stripping, upgrading the distribution system, adding incentives or deductions for low energy use are the primary methods of implementing this alternative. These methods would have significant savings in heating costs to the community. The impact on electrical use would be slight, however, because little electricity is used for heating. This alternative has virtually no adverse environmental impacts while having very positive economic and social impacts. Execution of conservation measures found to be cost effective should be pursued at the earliest possible time. EIS-3 (2) Waste Heat Recovery. Waste heat recovery can be used for both heating and electrical generation. Direct waste heat can be used to heat water which is circulated for heating purposes. The waste heat from diesel generation can also vaporize a liquid, which is under high pressure, and then be used to drive a turbine. (3) Geothermal. The Alaska Power Authority is now studying the geothermal potential for electrical generation at two sites on Unalaska Island. Although the study is at the preliminary stage, the Makushin Volcano site appears to have the potential of developing at least 30 megawatts (MW) of electrical output. Development of geothermal energy at M~kushin Volcano would require production centers at two fields. The exact type of power plant and related facilities has not yet been determined. For impact analysis purposes, the power plants can be broken down into two types: 1) where the effluent from the power plant is injected back into the ground; and, 2) where the effluent is placed in a cooling system and released in selected drainages where it eventually enters the sea. Environmental impacts associated with type 1 are: access to the site transmission corridor, cooling water sources, and production centers. Type 2 would have similar impacts in addition to the thermal and water pollution from the discharge of the effluent. Both types of facilities would be subject to earthquake and volcano eruption hazards. The environmental impacts of geothermal energy at Unalaska depend on the design of the project features and on disposal of power plant effluents. These aspects should be carefully engineered and examined for environmental considerations. Geothermal development may also have direct utilization. The effluent can be piped and used for industrial proceSSing, commercial and residental heating, agriculture, and aquaculture. In the Unalaska area, the potential for greenhousing and aquaculture is being studied. The State of Alaska is expected to publish a report on geothermal power production on Unalaska Island in the near future. This report will probably include primary plans and the associated environmental impacts. (4) Wind Generation. The possibility of developing a feasible wind system appears to be extremely marginal. Although no site specific wind data has ever been gathered, the Aleutian Islands are well known for their windy environment. Wind generators perform optimally at wind velocities between 12 and 35 mph with a relatively constant direction and long duration. Development of wind generation is still in its infancy. Although some large units (the MW range) are in ~se experimentally, units greater than 45 kW are not commerCially available for the Alaskan environment. To provide sufficient power for a viable aJternative, numerous small units would be tied together forming a concept called wind farming. The biggest disadvantage of wind generation at this time appears to be the intermittent and fluctuating nature of wind itself. Because of the periods of insufficient wind velocities, wind power energy is classified as a secondary form of energy and therefore, must have sufficient backup of conventional generation. Wind machines are also susceptible to high winds or strong wind gusts. At the present time there exists a viabl.e wind energy source called a wind energy convers.ion system (WECS) which transforms the force of wind moving past a tower mounted EIS-4 \ I ( generator into alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current electricity. Power generated by DC may be used directly for resident space heating. lighting and water heating. In addition. batteries can be charged for later use during peak demand period~ or when wind velocity is insufficient to drive the generator. For further information on WECS and a summary of its operating range see Main Report page 25. Environmental impacts associated with wind generation vary. In a wind farm concept, a several-acre area is required for the production site. Although there would be numerous bird-wind generator encounters. especially during high winqs, the lack of large mammals on Unalaska Island would render wind power generation an environmentally sound alternative. The limited wind velocity data currently available from Unalaska hamper efforts to accurately determine the potential wind resources of the area. To verify its feasibility, several years of wind data would be required. Although this alternative could not totally displace diesel generation because of the need for standby conventional generation, the possibility of displacing significant amounts of diesel fuel through wind generation could occur if wind speed data prove favorable. Impacts associated with implementing this alternative would be minimal. Water in Pyramid Creek is already being diverted for domestic consumption. The powerhouse would be located in a disturbed area, thus vegetative losses would be low. (6) Shaishnikof River/Trail Lake Run-of-River Hldroelectric. The proposed hydroelectric project is located on the Shalshnlkof Rlver at the outlet of Trail Lake, approximately 6 miles from the city of Unalaska (Figure 1). An A-frame timber buttress. 22-foot high, l04-foot long dam would be constructed between the lake outlet and a 100-foot high natural waterfall (Figure 2). Approximately 1.769 cubic yards of soils and vegetation would be removed to anchor the dam into the existing bedrock. An above ground 920-foot, 42-inch diameter steel penstock would transport water from maximum pool elevation 565 feet mean sea level (msl) to the powerhouse at elevation 430 feet. The powerhouse would contain one 300-kW and one 400-kW Francis turbine. For a complete project description, refer to Appendix A, Technical Analysis, Shaishnikof River. As shown in Figure 2, the placement of the powerhouse and dam would not impede the movement of either anadromous or resident fishes because their movement between the lake and river is not now possible due to the impassable falls. The reach of the Shaishnikof River between the powerhouse and dam will most likely be dry except when flows exceed the powerhouse capacity occurring primarily during the late summer and early EIS-5 fall seasons. Low flows generally occur during the winter months, due to little precipitation and temperatures averaging below 32°F. This seasonally dry section of the river will not be an impacting factor to migrating salmon since steep falls and velocity chutes exist adjacent to the powerhouse site and therefore make it inaccessible to the fishery resource. A canyon area on the Shaishnikof River is located approximately 1 mile downstream of the proposed powerhouse, and has also several small falls and velocity chutes that appear to block the upstream movement of pink salmon for spawning. These obstructions would be removed to permit access to spawning habitat above the canyon area (see Plate 6, Appendix A). Coho salmon have been pbserved spawning above the canyon as well as Dolly Varden char, which are:probably anadromous forms. Originally, an overhead transmission line was considered as the tentatively recommended plan for the project. After holding a public meeting in January, it was found that the residents of Unalaska preferred a proposal to bury the transmission line. It was felt that extreme high winds, which frequent the Shaishnikof Valley, would create constant maintenance problems. Alinement of the proposed buried transmission line will generally follow the shoulder of the access road for approximately 2.6 miles. However, there will be several areas along the road where terrain will make . it difficult to bury the line (see Plate 1 for location of access road and transmission line), thus sections of the line will be placed a distance from the access road. It is estimated that approximately 27 acres of tundra would be lost or disrupted as a result of the project features. The environmental impacts associated with this alternative appear to be associated with the raising of the lake and the fluctuation of the lake's water surface elevation. It appears that there would be no adverse impacts downstream of the proposed project features. The run-of-river project, as now designed, should not change the physical or chemical properties of the water; therefore, no impacts to the river fishery should occur. Although no in-depth studies on the fisheries resources of Trail Lake have been performed, small Dolly Varden have been observed in the lake. The lake has several small feeder streams along with the larger upper Shaishnikof River. Adequate spawning gravels are present at the mouths of all the streams and diminish with the increase in stream elevation. With the increase of the lake's natural elevation by 3 feet, it appears that the majority of Dolly Varden habitat would be lost. c. Comparative Impacts of Alternatives. The no action and the conservation alternatives are non structural and would have no direct impacts on the physical or biological environment. The waste heat recovery and pressure reducing turbine (PRT) on Pyramid Creek alternatives would occur in areas that have already been altered considerably. The waste heat recovery alternative would occur within the diesel generator powerplant. The PRT would occur on an area leveled for road construction. These two alternatives would not have direct impacts on the physical or biological environment. EIS-6 -. ( The wind generation and geothermal alternatives are not water resources related projects and are not studied in detQil by the Corps of Engineers. The State of Alaska is concurrently studying the feasibility of geothermal power generation in the area; however, no detailed plans have been distributed. Therefore, the impacts of these two alternatives are addressed only in general terms. Table 1 outlines the impacts of all alternatives. E1S-7 o , 2 ! ! SCALE IN KILOIIETERS SHAISHNIKOF RIVER QUARRY ... SITE PINK SALMON BLOCK ] CANYON AREA -(FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT CONSTRUCTION AREA) OWERHOUSE ITE TRAIL LAKE tll1.'· , UNA A. ALA_A SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT A.REA AI •• k. DI.t,Iot. Co, ... of ••• 1 ••• , • . ,.-. ~I • -.' • ~ • a -• .. .. -,. .. .. n 0 .. ,. • 0 .. m ~ II -~ • • .. • TRANSMISSION LINE , .... -." mE c: 21 ••• 0 ,... c.. CIt,.. ~ . -. m !:E -.i n r--c " •. -a~~ -t -t=-• -Co ~ .. ." r-...... -to-~ c. " Z am· -c=- ACCESS ROAD 100 FT. WATERFALL / / DAM SPILLWA 0 TRAIL LAK. eoo 1200 , le.l. In F •• t IV. AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT a. Existing Conditions. (1) Location and Climate. The community of Unalaska is located on Unalaska Island, one of the Fox Islands in the eastern Aleutian Island Chain, approximately 800 air miles southwest of Anchorage. The climate is considered moderate and is tempered by its marine environment. Weather fronts in the Aleutians generally move from west to east; consequently, the northeast shores offer the most protected locations. Average temperatures in Unalaska range from 40 to 60 degrees F in thetsummer and 25 to 40 degrees' F dur i ng the wi nter. There is some prec i pi tat i on on the Aleut ian Islands during more than 200 days each year. Unalaska has an average total precipitation of 60 inches, with a total snowfall of 80 inches. Snow accumulation at the lower elevations rarely exceeds 2 feet because of the freeze-thaw cycle. (2) Topography and Geology. The Aleutian Islands are a chain of islands stretching in a long curving arc 1,100 miles west from the Alaska Peninsula almost to Kamchatka, Siberia. They are the northernmost in a series of volcanic island chains that border the Pacific Ocean. Unalaska Island is approximately 2,000 square miles in area and is characterized by low mountains with moderateLto steep slopes and generally rolling topography at the lower elevations. The island displays deeply indented fjords and bays. Makushin Volcano, located on the northwestern section of the island, has erupted at least 14 times since 1700 and last erupted in 1952. The fumaroles and hot springs which occur on Unalaska Island are evidence of hot water or vapor-dominated hydrothermal systems. High heat flows associated with the recent volcanic activity are suspected and could be driving the hydrothenmal system. The hydrothermal systems appear to be limited to the northern part of the island. Summer Bay warm springs is an area of potential geothermal energy. The warm springs occur near the base of exposed Unalaska Formation (group of volcanic and sedimentary rocks) in a boggy swamp located south of Summer Bay Lake. The Summer Bay Lake area consists of two thermal resources, a shallow sedimentary basin and a deeper fault/fracture controlled system. The Makushin Volcano is a thick pile of unaltered and little-deformed lava and pyroclastic rocks which overlie the Unalaska Formation. It forms a broad volcanic dome more than 1800 meters high and 16 kilometers wide. Seven fumarole fields on the volcano and several faults in the vicinity of the fields have been identified. These faults appear to control potential hydrothermal systems related to the fumarole fields. For more specific information on the geology of these two regions, refer to Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development on geothermal potential in the Aleutians, Unalaska (1981). EIS-10 (~) tTl ~ No Action Shaishnikof River/Trail Lake .pyramid Creek '(' Geothermal ...... ...... Wi nd Generation VEGETAT ION No Impact 12 acres road, transmission 1 ine, .. struc- tures, 15 acres shorel ine in- dunduation Less than 1 acre for all project features Impact unknown loss of vegeta- tion f·or access road .. fac il- Hies con- struction Impact unknown loss of vegeta- tion for access roads, towers .. facilities construction Nonstructural No Impact (conser- vation waste heat recovery) TABLE WILDLIFE No Impact Indirect impact to raptors if microtine population is reduced No Impact Indirect impact to rap tors if mi crot ine popu lat ion 15 reduced Indirect impact to raptors if micro tine population is reduced in- crease in bird/tower collisions No Impact COMPARATIVE IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES FISHERIES No Impact Loss of portion of Do lly Varden in lake + in- cre ase in pink sa 1 mon, produc- tion with en- hancement No Impact Impact unknown thermal release into recetvi ng waters would be adverse to f tshery No Impac t No Impact WATER gUALI TV No Impact Impact short term return to ex tst i ng con- ditions by end of construction phase ,. No Impact Impact unknown either fluid wastes of ther- mal would have significant adverse changes to receiving waters No Impact No Impac t SOCIOECONOMIC Continued dependence on cost escalating foss 11 fue 1 s Reduction of diesel fuel use + smal( economic benefits to consumer Reduction of diesel fuel use + small economic benefits to consumer If feasible, total dependence on diesel use + secondary uses as hatcheries and greenhouse If feasible reduction of diesel fuel use + economic benefits sma 11 CULTURAL No Impact No Impact No Impact Impact Unknown I mpac t ·Unknown No Impact The Shaishnikof River drainage elevations range from sea level at the head of Captains Bay to approximately elevation 2600 feet at its highest point. The basin is bounded on three sides by steep and talus slopes. The topography of the drainage varies from jagged high ridges to smoother lower slopes. The area is on the border of the pluton and the stream gravels consist of igneous rocks which vary from granites to diorites; and various sedimentary rocks. b. Significant Resources. (1) Hydrology/Water Quality. (a) as bubble disease. The condition of supersaturatlon occurs w en wa er oWlng over a spl11way entrains large volumes of air as it plunges into the stilling basin. Atmospheric gases are driven into solution by the high pressure of the impacting water. Because the condition of supersaturation is a chemically unstable condition, a natural degasification process occurs which releases the excess gas in solution. The rate of gas release across the air-water interface is generally controlled by atmospheric pressure and water temperature. Although gas bubble disease resulting from exposure of aquatic organisms to water supersaturated with dissolved gas was described about 100 years ago, the problem became serious when it was recognized as a major contributing factor to the decline of salmonid fish -stocks on the Columbia River. More recently, a widespread gas bubble disease problem has been realized with fish kills in steam generating station discharge plumes, both at freshwater and marine sites. In these cases, supersaturation is caused by the decrease in gas solubility which accompanies heating of water used to cool condensers. Studies have indicated that significant mortality of juvenile salmonids commences at about 115 percent saturation where water is shallow and hydrostatic compensation is not possible. Where compensation is possible, significant mortality commences at about 124 percent. (b) Temperature. Water temperatures in most of the streams in the Unalaska area range from about 0.5 degrees C to 9.5 degrees C (32.9 to 33.8 degrees F). This does vary considerably with the configuration of the basin and whether a lake is included in the system. Although a temperature profile for Trail Lake was not accomplished, a recording thermograph is located at the 1 ake out 1 et. Hi gh temperatures of 11.5 degrees C (52.7 degrees F) have been recorded in mid-August 1982. Inflow from tributaries, groundwater and runoff cool the water substantially, water temperatures recorded approximately 0.5 miles upstream from the river mouth (approximately 3 miles from the lake outlet) had same day recordings of 5 to 6 degrees C (41-42.8 degrees F). In natural lakes the stream below the outlet is fed by surface water, warmer water during the summer and colder water during the winter. As stated above, no temperature profiles of the lake were taken during either the winter or summer. Temperature studies in Southcentra1 Alaska (Srad1ey Lake and Allison Lake) and Southeast Alaska (Long Lake and Crater Lake) indicate that little temperature stratification or thermoclines occur during the winter. At the EIS-12 ( above lakes, winter temperatures are near 0 degree C at the surface and gradually increase tp near 4 degrees C, 5 to 10 meters below the surface. Summer temperatures s~ow the same pattern, a gradual decrease in temperature from tP'le·:surface to 4 degrees C at varying depths. Stream temperatures play an important role in subarctic aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic organisms have adopted their life cycles to breed and emerge at the optimal temperature regimes. Any changes to the natural temperature cycle could cause adverse impacts to the aquatic fauna. ~. (c) Stream Bank Erosion. The reach of the Shaishqikof River from the lake outlet to approximately 0.5 miles upstream of its 9 mouth is considered a stable river system. There are no sloughing or undercut banks, no overflow or braided channels. The first 1.5 to 2 miles downstream of the lake outlet, the channel is well defined with highly vegetated streambanks. Downstream of this reach, the river narrows into a steep-walled canyon. The river channel is extremely stable because the stream has cut down to bedrock. Below the canyon, the river widens and begins to meander. There is some bank sloughing and braiding in this area. Water flowing over a spillway or, in the case of the proposed hydropower project, through a Francis Turbine is capable of causing severe erosion of the streambed and banks below' the outfall. Loose earth and rock are vulnerable to the erosive action of flowing water and may scour severely at velocities as low as 2 or 3 feet per second. Solid rock is usually resistant to scour, although if the rock has marked bedding planes, it may not endure high-velocity flow. If the rock has a.rough, jagged surface, cavitation may assist in the erosion. Erosion at a small hydroelectric site would occur with water releases through the tailrace at too high a velocity or a moderate velocity with the tailrace reentering the stream as a side channel. If the velocity from a side ch~nne1 is high enough to erode the opposite stream bank it could cause he1ita1 flows. Prus-Chacinsk, as cited by Leopold et a1 (1964), showed that, by introducing an artificial secondary circulation at the entry of a given bend, it is possible to produce various kinds of secondary circulations in the next successive bend, which, in turn, affect the circulation in the next bend, and so forth. Erosion and deposition within the stream would have a direct effect on the spawning and rearing of sa1monid species now using the river. (2) Air and Noise Quality. Air quality degradation in the Unalaska basin has been both natural and human induced. Ash and/or smoke eruptions of Makushin Volcano have occurred as recently as 1952 and other volcanos in the immediate area have spewed ash and smoke into the atmosphere as recently as 1967. Human induced air quality degradation occurred with the construction and operation of the military facilities during World War II. Today, air quality near the corrmunity of Unalaska is probably not classified as pristine. 'With the recent increase in construction activities, seafood processing, and the increase in vessels, both the air and noise quality have suffered. The sites for either the geothermal or hydroelectric alternatives are far enough removed from the corrmunity that they will not affect air quality or create noise pollution. EIS-13 (3) Esthetics. The esthetic quality of Unalaska is quite diverse. Natural scenic quality includes rocky coastline, rugged mountains and volcanos and abundant seabird activity. The evidence of World War II activities also has high esthetTc qualities. Both the geothermal and hydropower sites are removed fr6m~uman activity and the area has remained in its natural state. (4) Floodplains. The nature of hydroelectric projects requires that some construction must occur in a floodplain. Executive Order 11988 applies to all Federal agencies that: (1) acquire, manage, or dispose of Federal lands and facilities, (2) undertake finance, or assist construction and improvements ,and (3) conduct activities and programs affecting land use, including pt.~nning, regulating, and licensing and activities which are subject to inundation by a flood with a one percent chance of occurring in any year. The objective of the order is to avoid to the greatest extent possible, the long and short term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. The Floodplain Management Guidelines, 43 FK 6030 were used in this document to implement Executive Order 11988. (5) Quarry Site. Construction materials required for the hydropower project could be obtained from either of two existing quarry sites, one site located on the Pyramid Creek Road and the other site in'the Dutch Harbor vicinity (refer to Figure 1 for site location). ' c. Biological Characteristics. (1) veTetation. The vegetation of Unalaska Island is characterized a most entirely by tundra. Climate and terrain prevent the establishment of tall trees, although there are some dense thickets of low-lying alder and willow around water bodies. Several stands of Sitka spruce were planted during the Russian period and World War II. The oldest surviving trees at Amaknak Island are over 150 years old and are still producing viable seeds and seedlings. There are three predominant vegetation communities (Arctic Environmental Information and Uata Center 1974) on Unalaska Island~ (a) Wet Tundra. A community found in the vicinity of standing water and tidal lowlands, wet tundra provides a continuous cover of bog orchid, cotton grass, and sedges rooted in mosses and lichens. A loose shrub layer of Labrador tea, low-growing willows, and blueberries grow in slightly higher places with better drainage. Beach and spear rye grasses occupy tidal lowlands. (b) Moist Tundra. This is a heath or moorland type community characterized by an almost continuous mat of mosses, lichens, and tufted hair grass in which other plants are rooted. Sedges and grasses are common, and cotton grass may preaominate in poorly drained areas. At slightly higher places with better drainage, dwarf shrubs are the dominant type; these may include crowberry, willow, and blueberry. During the summer, wildflowers are scattered throughout this community, produced by forbs such as bistorf, buttercup, lousewort, monkshood, and violet. Moist EIS-14 \ I tundra is probably the most complex plant community on Unalaska Island, although it does not cover a large percentage of the island. (c) Alpine Tundra. Alpine tundra constitutes the largest community of the island. This community occupies exposed slopes and ridges and other well-drained locations, often at higher elevations but also on the summits of ridges and hills only slightly above sea level. Lichens and forbs such as aster, cinquefoil, and lupine colonize barren, windswept areas, whereas more sheltered locations support alpine azalea, arctic willow, bearberry, cranber~y, moss campion, and mountain avens. Crowberry, grasses, sweet coltsfoot, and yarrow also occur in localized places • . ~ . (d) Sbaishnikof River Drainage. The Shaishnikof River Valley falls predominantly in the alpine tundra classification. Wet tundra is almost non-existent. Small pockets where the soils are poorly drained could support this plant community. The river is fringed with willows and alder for most of its length. Only in the extreme upper river reach does the willow/alder fringe give way to grassy stream banks. The alpine tundra plant community is estimated to cover over 90 percent of the valley. It is important to recognize that tundra-type vegetation tends to recover slowly from disturbance. This is especially true of alpine tundra. Scars of World War II are apparent within every type of plant community, particularly where wind or soil erosi~n has prevented or : retarded the recolonization of disturbed areas by normal plant succession. (2) Mammals. No large mammals are native to Unalaska Island. Reindeer were introduced in 1891 and 1913 to both Unalaska and Amaknak Islands; however, it appears the transplants were not successful. The largest native mammal on Unalaska is the red fox. The arctic ground squirrel, an introduced species, is abundant throughout the island. Evidence of other small rodents (lemmings and/or voles) in the form of numerous criss-crossing runs are common throughout the Shaishnikof River valley. These small mammals are abundant in the grassy meadow area where the Shaishnikof River empties into Trail Lake. (3) Birds. Although the Aleutian Islands are well known for bird life, these are basically seabirds and are not that involved with the tundra environment. Common birds of the tundra. include, savannah sparrow, lapland longspur, snow bunting, winter wrens and ravens. The only upland game bird on Unalaska Island is the rock ptarmigan which has been observed in the Shaishnikof River drainage. Raptor use of the Shaishnikof River drainage is probably high. The abundance of lemmings and/or voles in the drainage coupled with the anadromous salmonids provide year-around food sources. An active bald eagle nest is located in the canyon area at river mile 1.5. Pellet~ are also numerous in the canyon area, demonstrating its rapt or use. (4) Fisheries. The streams of Unalaska support four species of Pacific salmon; pink, sockeye, chum and coho. The known spawning streams are all located on the northern side of the island with all the streams eventually emptying into the Bering Sea. Major commercial fishing areas are Unalaska Bay and Makushin Bay with a purse seine effort for pink salmon. EIS-1S At least eight streams that drain the Makushin Volcano watershed .~upport anadromous salmon. Because no field investigations were performed .;on the Makushin Volcano watershed, the lack of background data will allow ... impact assessment in general terms only •• The Alaska Department of Fish and Game estimates the escapement for pink salmon into the Shaishnikof River from 1979 to 1982 to be 18,000, 14,000, 59,000 and 26,000, respectively. Fish from the large return in 1981 constituted 36 percent of the total Unalaska Bay pink salmon escapement. The Unalaska Bay commercial fishery harvested 551,000 fish in 1982 with the value to t~ fishermen approximately $330,000. The value to the fishermen varies wit~ the price per pound for any given year. In 1980 554,000 fish were caught which brought $800,000 to the fishermen. Pink salmon spawn both intertidally and instream up to the canyon area. The intertidal spawning habitat is excellent, as is the lower quarter mile of the river. From this area to the canyon the habitat is fair to excellent. Numerous small waterfalls and velocity chutes are in the canyon area, which may prohibit upstream migration of pink salmon. Corps and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists conducted field investigations of the potential spawning habitat above the canyon. Using the parameters cited in the Coordination Act Report (refer to Appendix D), there are 2.05 acres of excellent spawning habitat. Appro~imately 90 hours of fyke net trapping and one on-site visit during pink salmon spawning, did not ~ealize either pink adult or smolt. In some Alaskan streams, pink salmon have two distinctive runs .• The earlier run consists of those fish that spawn instream. Because stream temperatures are lower than marine water temperatures in the winter, instream egg and alevin development requires more time. If emergence and outmigration are to be successful, the smolt must enter the marine environment at the most optimal time. Instream spawning must occur earlier to assure the resultant smolt enter the marine environment at approximately the same time as the intertidal smolt occur to guarantee equal competition for food sources. During any given year, the possibility of early or late emergence of the instream initiated smolt exists, and the fyke net fishing effo·rt in late April may have missed the outmigration. However, this possibility seems remote. The Shaishnikof River also supports a small run of chum salmon. The population is estimated at approximately 200 fish by Fish and Game personnel at Unalaska. During one fyke net fishing effort near the mouth of the river; 365 fish were captured, of which 92 were chum smolt. The chum, spawning appears to be in the lower reaches in sloughs and backwaters. Fyke net efforts above the mouth did not produce any chum fry. Coho salmon were observed above the canyon area by U.S. Fish and Wildlife in September 1982. Approximately 50 adults were observed, and a population of about 200 adult fish for the run has been estimated. Coho, unlike pink and chum salmon, spend at least one year in the freshwater environment after they emerge from the gravel. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service considers the area above the canyon to be excellent coho habitat for both spawning and rearing. Approximately 1163 hours of either baited minnow trapping or fyke net fishing did not produce any coho juveniles. EIS-16 ) /,. Several of the minnow traps were painted flat black as coho fry would avoid tne standard silver minnow traps in some streams in Alaska. Although the black traps proved to be successful on Kodiak Island, the ones on the Shaishnikof River were unsuccessful. Why the trapping effort for coho fry was unsuccessful is unknown. Dolly Varden char occur throughout the system as both anadromous and nonanadromous resident forms. The anadromous form is abundant below the canyon, and it appears that they are able to migrate through the canyon, probably at certain flow regimes. The anadromous forms above the canyon were apparent because of their large size (an adult caught in a fyke net measured 475 mm and others larger in size were observed in several pools). In a small river system such as the Shaishnikof, the resident forms rarely exceed 300 mm. Dolly Varden char juveniles use similar habitat as coho salmon juveniles. Dolly Varden usually smoltify at 3 years; smolting fish older than 5 years or younger than 3 years are rarely found. Twenty-eight juvenile Dollies ranging from 27 to 144 mm were caught using baited minnow traps. Although all fish were released alive and none were aged, at least 3 age classes of the anadromous form were represented. The population inhabiting Trail Lake is completely isolated from the river stocks because of the 100-foot falls at the lake outlet. Spawning probably occurs in inlet streams; the juveniles remain in the feeder streams for approximately 2 years, then migrate to the lake. The size of mature adults in Trail Lake is unknown and could vary anywhere from 150 mm to 400 mm •. (5) Threatened or Endangered Species. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, no known species are listed in the U.S. Fish and. Wildlife Service threatened or endangered species listings in the local area lSee Appendix C). Upon review of Threatenea and Endangered Plants of Alaska, published by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, 1982, no species being considered for threatened or endangered status have been identified on Unalaska Island. Calamagrostus crassiglums, a plant species classified as Rare Taxa with undetermined status is found on Unalaska Island. d. Socioeconomics. The present economic setting at Unalaska is dominated by the fishing and seafood processing industries. In the recent past, the demersal fishery of the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska was almost entirely exploited by foreign concerns. The U.S. fishing fleet, either individually or in joint ventures with foreign enterprises, has become involved with the taking of demersal fish. The foreign fleets use a mother-ship concept, and little, if any processing occurs on U.S. shores. The U.S. fleet, although leaning toward the mother-ship concept, still brings their catch to shore processors, mainly to Unalaska. EIS-17 The increased employment due to the seafood processing industry has "-'\ changed the social aspects of the community. A large influx of non-natives into the Unalaska community has reduced the proportion of natives to non-natives. At this time, the non-natives have a four to one population advantage. This rapid growth has made it extremely challenging to the native people to maintain their social and cultural integrity. e. Historical/Archeological Resources. Aboriginal Background. People have occupied the Aleutian Islands for at least 8000 years, possibly longer. Various islands may have been occupied and abandoned many times throughout this time span as resources fluctuated, volcanoes errupted, or social pressures occurred. However, it is clear that in the past the rich marine resources of the north Pacific and Bering Seas allowed the islands to support a fairly dense human population with numbers greater than today. A sophisticated hunting technology involving highly skilled use of skin boats enabled the aboriginal peoples to exploit this harsh but rich environment. The Aleut populations first encountered by early Russian adventurers were a distinct biological, cultural and linguistic group whose boundary, on the lower Alaska Peninsula, with Eskimo and Indian groups fluctuated over time. Remarkable homogeneity of material culture is seen along the entire island chain; no group remained isolated long enough to produce a completely different artifact inventory. It is still unclear whether ethnic Aleuts were the first inhabitants of the islands. The earliest cultural tradition, the Anangu1a tradition dated to about 8,000 years ago at the Anangu1a site near Umnak Island, exhibits a core and blade tradition with strong Asian affinities. The later Aleutian t rad ; t ion, wh i ch began about 5300 years ago and 1 asted unt 'j 1 European contact, had a less elaborate stone tool technology but a well developed bone tool industry. Not surprisingly, given the Aleut dependence on marine and coastal resources, a century of archeological and ethno-historic study has indicated that virtually all midden or village sites are located on the coast; only burial caves, stone quarries and similar short term sites are found inland (McCartney 1979: J-33). Sites are usually found on low coasts of easy accessibility; however, villages were located in good defensive positions on spits, promontories, or necks (Martinson 1973: 87). On the eastern end of the chain villages were large. Perhaps 200-300 people lived in large communal dwellings which sheltered polygamous extended families. Villages were always located on low hills because they provided a vantage point and also because houses were semi-subterranean (Martinson 1973; 112). The heads of bays, where most salmon streams are found, were strategically not desirable for permanent villages. Short term camps might be found in such locations. EIS-18 Sites are plentiful on Unalaska Island, probably indicating a large pre-contact population. These include depressions resulting from the large communal houses mentioned above, which measure 6 x 20 meters in dimension. After Russian influence became pervasive, the Aleuts more typically constructed smaller, single family, semi-subterranean houses, called .. barabaras" by the Ru ss i ans (Dumond 1977: 70). Many sites can be easily located by the lush vegetation that grows on them as a result of the soil enhancement and disturbance from the human occupation. This may not be evident at the very oldest or more ephemeral sites. Historic Background. It was not long after Vitus Bering first sighted the Aleutian Islands in 1741 that other Russian adventurers followed, attracted by the rich fur resources of this new territory. The Russians, with their superior weapons, soon dominated the Aleuts and extracted tribute from them in the form of furs or labor. Disease and social trauma brought about by the Russians soon decimated both Aleut popu.1ations and their culture. Captain·s Bay has been a focus of both native and European activities in the past 250 years. The Bay owes its present name to Russian Lieutenant Levashev who camped there in the winter of 1766 (Alaska Geographic 1980: 95). At that time, a native village was located at the entrance to the Bay. A permanent Russian settlement was established at I1iu1iuk village by the trader Soloviev at about the same time, either in 1765-66 or 1771-76. This settlement grew into a major Russian administrative center known as Unalaska. Russian buildings dating from the 1800·s, such as the church and the nearby Bishop·s house, still stand at Unalaska and hav~ been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. In general, however, the Russians did not construct many permanent structures in the Aleutians. Much of their trading and hunting was staged from ships, native style barabaras, or insubstantial frame buildings which have not endured as standing structures. If Russian building sites were located they would be of great interest to historical archeologists and ethnohistorians. After the United States purchase of Russian America in 1867, Unalaska Dutch Harbor remained an important port. It was a major refueling and resupply point for vessels sailing from southern pOints to the Bering and Beaufort Seas. Fox trapping, fur sealing and fishing were important industries in the chain. Commercial trading companies established stores in most of the villages and schools were established in the early part of this century. This had the effect of drawing the native population into a more settled lifestyle, although subsistence and other economic activities dispersed them at various times of the year. None of these activities surpassed the impact of World War II on the Islands, when the native inhabitants were evacuated and huge military EIS-19 installations were constructed, including Fort Mears near Uutch Harbor. There are many World War II buildings and much military debris in the project area. Since the war, Unalaska-Dutch Harbor has become a major fishing port and the population has grown. The Captain's Bay-Shaishnikof River area has not been much affected by recent developments, but the mouth of Pyramid Creek has become a crab pot storage area. Known Cultural Resources in the Project Area. There are many known historic and prehistoric sites in the Unalaska area, three of which are on or are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; the Amaknak Bridge site, the Russian·Orthodox Church at Unalaska, and the Sitka Spruce Plantation on Amaknak Island near Unalaska village. Although it has never been well-studied, the Captain's Bay area is known to have been the site of much historic, and therefore presumably prehistoric, Aleut activity. In 1877, Dall reported nine sites on the bay (p. 45), but did not give specific locations. A 1923 map titled "Survey of Power Prospect, Shaishnikof River" prepared by the Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Washington and based on other coastal and geodetic surveys from 1867 to 1906, shows several houses and other structures located near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River. The area is designated "Alexander Shaishnikof's Kanch". During World War II, A.R. Cohn, an officer stationed at Dutch Harbor reported the locations of many sites in the Unalaska/Amaknak Island area. These included two sites just to the north of the mouth of Pyramid Creek. No details about the nature of the cultural material was reported, but it is known that the sites were partially destroyed by military road bui.1ding activities (McCartney 1979). These are probably the same sites reported by T.P. Banks (1974) as small archeological deposits mostly disturbed by World War II operations and designated UNL-091 on the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey (AHRS). T.P. Banks (1974) reported several sites on Captain's Bay as the result of many years' familiarity with the area. UNL-102 is probably a small shipping station 10cated·at the head of the bay to the west of the Shaishnikof River. UNL-042 is the remains of a fairly large village mound partially levelled during the war. In the early 1970's, there was Pan Aleut house occupying part of the area. I' This possible village site is located near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River near the eastern bank; UNL-103 is located on the eastern shore of the bay near its head and is the remains of a seasonal fish camp according to Banks. Banks only provides a one or two sentence description of each site mentioned so there is not much information to work with. Still, it is clear that the shore of Captain's Bay, particularly near the mouths of the Shaishnikof River and Pyramid Creek, is an area of high cultural resource potential. EIS-20 ) V. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON SIGNIFICANT RESOURCES The. alternatives to provide electric power for Unalaska are quite diverse. The wind generation site location is unknown. The design of geothermal alternative is not complete and the type and locations of the facilities are unknown. Impacts associated with these two alternatives are discussed in general terms so the reviewer may be able to compare the possible impacts' of the different alternatives. The pressure reducing turbine, diesel, conservation and waste heat recovery alternatives have minimal environmental impacts. Because of the obvious lack of significant environmental impacts associated with these alternatives, the main emphasis will be on the Shaishnikof River/Tr~i'l Lake alternative. l a. Physical Environment. ll) Hydrology/Water Quality. (a) Geothermal. The effects on water quality from geothermal development vary with the mode of operation, which is dependent upon the nature of the resource. Liquid-dominated resources usually go through a process where the vapor is separated from the liquid by lowering the pressure of the system and the steam is used to turn the turbine. Where the geothermal resource has lower temperatures, the resource is used to heat a hydrocarbon, such as isobutane, which w·i11 in turn drive a turbine. With the hot liquid dominated system, the vapor that turns the turbine is run into a condenser, then into a cooling tower. The steam condenses, is cooled and the waste liquid is piped out of the system. With the low temperature process where a hydrocarbon is used, the hydrocarbon is piped to a condenser and then into a cooling tower. This differs from the above mentioned process because the hydrocarbon is in a closed system and the hydrocarbon is recycled. In order to cool the hydrocarbon, an outside water source is required. Waste liquids are generated from t~e liquid-vapor separating process, 'steam condensate and cooling tower blowdown. Although some existing geothermal plants dispose of these liquids as surface water, all new plants and designs inject the liquids back into a suitable aquifer for both environmental reasons and production aquifer maintenance. The generation of electrical power from geothermal resources with a waste water injection system appears to have little impact on surface water quality. Using the heat exchanger in the hydrocarbon operation requires 'cooling water from a source outside the production fields. The amount of water required for the cooling process at Unalaska is unknown; however, from existing plants, the cooling water requirements range from 58 to 718 acre-feet of water per megawatt of electricity per year. Therefore, a 20-MW plant of the hydrocarbon closed system would require between 1,168 to 14,360 acre feet of water for cooling purposes. If this type of system is employed, extreme care must be taken to assure the decrease in water from the cooling water source does not impact the fisheries resources. Outside sources of water may also be required for aquifer maintenance. Nonelectrical uses of geothermal resources in the Unalaska area may include aquaculture and greenhouse heating. Aquaculture enterprises could EI~-21 not use the liquid waste from the electrical power generation because of water quality requirements for the hatching and rearing of fish or shell fish. Surface wa~er would be heated by the waste effluent. Greenhouse heating would utilize either direct liquio waste or water heated by the liquid waste water. Water quality impacts associated with these two secondary facilities would only occur if either the liquid wastes were not injected back into an aquifer or the water heated by the liquid wastes were released into a surface water system. As stated previously, the Corps of Engineers is not involved with the planning or construction of geothermal power plants. The discharge of waste liquids into surface waters is not a prActice in tpe United States. Whoever plans and/or constructs geothermal power plants should assume that the liquid wastes will be injected into a suitable aquifer. (b) Hydroelectric Alternatives. Changes in the chemical composition of water used in the Shaishnikof/Trail Lake alternatives would be limited to dissolved gases, temperature, turbidity during facilities construction, and possibly suspended sediments from shore erosion caused by lake drawdown in the Trail Lake alternative •. (c) Other Alternatives. No water quality impacts are associated with wind generation, waste heat recovery, conservation or the no action alternatives. L (2) Dissolved Gases Supersaturation. (a) Hydroelectric Alternatives. High levels of supersaturation in the Columbia and Snake River were first reported in the 1966 spill period (July and August) when nitrogen levels were measured above 120 percent saturation. Subsequent studies showed supersaturation occurred throughout high flow periods. . During high flow periods, all of the water is not used for electrical generation; the excess is routed over spillways. Supersaturation with hydroelectric projects is generally associated with the water passing over the spillways, and to a lesser extent the water used to turn the turbines. Spillways cause air and water to be mixed and carried to' substantial depths in a plunge basin. The major factors affecting gas solubility are pressure and temperature. When the pressure on a given volume of water increases, the capacity of that volume of water to hold dissolved gases also increases. Pressure is increased in water by hydro- static head. Hydrostatic pressure increases rapidly with depth, greatly increasing the capacity of deeper water to hold dissolved gas as compared to shallow water. The supersaturation problem on the Columbia River System is apparently being eliminated with the installation of spillway deflectors. These devices deflect the spilled flow along the surface of the tai1water rather than allowing it to plunge to the bottom of the deep stilling basins. In the proposed alternatives at the outlet of Trail Lake, the spillway is not part of the dam structure, but is a side channel on a 0.05 slope which would reenter the river above the falls. From its reentry into EIS-22 the river, the flow will react as it does without the project, except there would be less water. The withdrawal through the penstock would be used to turn a Francis turbine, then released into the tailrace. When the water passes through the turbine, the energy and pressure are greatly reduced. The tailrace would not have a plunge pool, but a chamber that would maintain the tailrace elevation above the draft tube, which would be approximately 6 feet in depth. As discussed above, the parameters which cause dissolved gas supersaturation are not prevalent in the project design. (b) Geothermal. Dissolved gas supersaturation can also occur with a significant rise in temperature of large volumes of water. As the t~mperature of a volume of water increases, the volume of dissolved gas it will hold at equilibrium decreases. Increasing water temperature will produce supersaturation in water that is initially saturated. Supersaturation has occurred at several steam-generating facilities. Total dissolved gas levels exceeded 140 percent at times and were frequently above 120 percent at a nuclear power plant on Cape Cod. The high levels of supersaturation were caused by temperature increases of 13 to 25 degrees C over ambient temperatures. There is sufficient information to indicate that supersaturation should be considered any time aquatic organisms may be exposed to heated water. This includes cooling of geothermal facilities or waters heated for aquatic culture purposes. The role that supersaturation may cause to freshwater resources from thermal discharges may be meaningless. An increase in stream temperatures sufficient enough for supersaturation to be critical to aquatic species would probably be higher than many of the species could tolerate. (3) Temperature. (a) Geothermal. Increases in surface water tefflperature associated with geothermal generation may vary considerably. Waste liquids and steams (steam condensate, water from liquid-dominated resources, and cooling tower blowdown) if injected into aquifers, would have little or no influence on surface water. If a binary system (hydrocarbon) requires large amounts of water for cooling, all the waste cooling water may not be injected into an aquifer. The impacts of discharging the heated water depend on the amount of water being discharged, the temperature of the discharged water, the flow of the receiving surface water, and the topography of the receiving water's drainage. In any case, there would be an increase in water temperature and even slight increases would have an effect on the aquatic resources of that system. (b) Hydropower. There would be no significant change in water temperature associated with installing a pressure reducing turbine (PRT) in the existing domestic water supply pipe from Pyramid Creek. Water pressure caused from the c~ange in elevation from the dam site to the powerhouse is used to turn the turbine in a closed system. Temperature increases, if EIS-23 L • "~~"""'''''''' __ '~''~~ __ o'''~'N"''~<' ' ... ·',...N ',,'~'I ,...~.~., . . any, would be caused by friction. An increase in water temperature from friction is not consider~d important because the increase would be minor and would be unnoticed in domestic consumption. The existing water surface elevation at Trail Lake is 562 feet above mean sea level. The proposed design is to place a 22-foot high dam approximately 600 feet downstream of the lake outlet. The dam would cause the water surface elevation of the lake to increase by 3 feet, to elevation 565. A small impoundment of approximately 3 acre-feet (6 cubic feet per second per day) would be created from the lake outlet to the dam. Although the pensvock invert is at elevation 550, only the upper 3 feet qf the lake could fill the impoundment and be used for power production. Water retention time within the small impoundment is short in duration, and with an average water use of 45 cubic feet per second, the water could be replaced 7.5 times per day. The short retention time would not be sufficient to cause changes in water temperature through climatic conditions. Any changes in stream water temperature below the dam would be caused by the additional 3 feet of the water column of the lake which would . be allowed to outflow because of project design. the Alaska District has performed lake temperature profiles on Allison and Bradley lakes in Southcentral Alaska and on Long lake in Southeast Alaska; however, no temperature profiles have been completed on Trail Lake. These temperature profiles as well as those for Karluk, Akalura and Terror Lakes as recorded in AEIDC (1979) are similar in respect to the changes which occur within the top 10 feet of the surface of each . lake. There was less than a degree difference between surface temperature and -10 feet, and less than one half degree C at the -6 foot level. If Trail Lake is similar to the other lakes indicated above, downstream water temperature would be altered only slightly. Table 2 indicates the simulated flows into the Shaishnikof River above and below the lake outlet. If water temperatures are slightly different after project completion, water temperature would reach pre-project conditions through lateral mixing with ground and surface water inflow and through exposure to the existing climatic conditions. It appears that the project, as now designed, would cause little change in water temperature. EIS-24 Table 2 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY INF.~OWS, (CFS) SHAISHNIKOF RIVER Month October November December January February March April May June July August September Above·"Lake Outlet 1 49 38 31 31 29 22 30 75 79 34 39 55 1) This includes all inflows above the lake outlet. Below Lake Outlet 2 79 61 50 50 47 35 48 121 127 55 63 89 2) This includes only inflows below the lake outlet; but does not include flows from the lake. (4) Air Quality. (a) Geothermal. The content of noncondensib1e gases in geothermal fluids varies widely between fields, between wells, and over time for a single well. Carbon dioxide would probably be the largest volume of gas in geothermal fluids. Below asphyxiation levels, carbon dioxide promotes plant growth and is harmless to animals. Any contribution to climatic warming associated with the emission of high levels of carbon dioxide would probably not occur in the Unalaska area because of the heavy rain and wind conditions. Hydrogen sulfide would probably be the second most abundant noncondensible gas in geothermal fluids. Impacts associated with hydrogen sulfide are toxic effects and displeasing odor. The toxic effects could cause problems to workers in confined spaces if they are exposed to concentrations above 100 parts per billion. Atmospheric oxidation converts most hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxide in less than a day. Sulfur dioxide is an important chronic phytotoxicant and contribute$ to the acidification of rain. If the facility is the type that uses geothermal condensate in the cooling towers, water vapor heat and water droplets would contain all of the geothermal contaminants. These contaminants may have an effect on vegetation in the immediate area of their discharge. ' Dust emissions during construction would be equivalent to those of any other project of the same magnitude. Road construction, clearing of the facilities site and probably the transmission corridor would cause a short term effect on air qualitr. EIS-25 (b) Other Alternatives. Air quality impacts of the other alternatives would occur during the construction phase. The increase in particulate matter in the air should be short term, ending with construction completion. The hydroelectric alte~atives at Trail Lake would have an access road for operation and mai~tenance; however, the operation does not require on site personnel, so only sporadic use of the access road would be required. (5) Esthetics. Any manmade object in a remote area could be perceived as decreasing the esthetic quality of that area. Although the facilities can be designed to blend with the immediate environment, the visual impact would still be present. b. Biological. (1) Vegetation. (a) Geothermal. The extent of impacts on vegetation with the construction and operation of this alternative at Makushin Volcano can not be adequately assessed until the project design has been completed by the State. Access to the project site appears to be the use of an existing air strip at Driftwood Bay. An old road from the strip runs to within 1.5 miles of a fumarole field. Upgrading of the air strip and road as well as at least 1.5 miles of new road would be required. Approximately 13 miles of transmission line would be required to connect the facilities with the community of Unalaska. The mode of placing the transmission line would probably be based on the topographical conditions of the area. If the landscape is rugged, possibly the transmission line would be installed by helicopter. Because of the lack of trees, a cleared corridor would probably not be necessary. Vegetative impacts with helicopter placement of the transmission towers and lines would be limited to the transmission tower pads. Approximately 1.5 miles of vegetation for the new road and an unknown acreage for the. production facilities would be permanently lost. Any other areas scarred by construction activities would be lost for an unknown period of time. As stated earlier, many of the areas where the vegetative mat was removed during World War II have not fully recovered. Extreme care should be taken during the construction phase to assure minimal damage occurs to the fragile tundra environment. (b) Hydropower. Nearly 12 acres of vegetation would be disrupted or eliminated by project features. RaiSing the lake surface elevation by 3 feet with the run-of-river alternative would alter approximately 15 acres of lake fringe habitat through inundation and lake level fluctuation. The construction of the access road has the potential to cause significant impacts to the environment because of the variations in terrain from the existing road to the proposed dam site. EI5-26 9 \ ) . ./ Table 3 EXCAVATION AND FILL REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESS ROAD CONSTRUCTION Section Type A. (3,200 ft) B. (7,700 ft) C. (6,650 ft) TOTAL • Excavation Overburden Rock 17,200 cy 9,700 cy 26,900 cy 1,400 cy ." ,000 cy 12,400 cy Fi" 3,600 cy 1,200 cy 4,800 cy An unknown quantity of the rock that would be excavated could be used for the powerhouse foundation and possibly for a portion of fill for the road. The excavated overburden would be wasted. At this time, the overburden would be placed alongside the road where it is excavated except in those areas where steep slopes would allow the material to enter the stream. At the steep areas, the material would be removed and transported to a more suitable area. Revegetation of the overburden waste areas may occur more quickly than other excavated sites in the Unalaska area, because the root and rhizome stocks would remain in the waste site. The length of time for the natural plants to establish themselves is unknown. Portions of the overburden would be considered erodible and must be contained. The proposed plan is to seed the overburden areas with the following; 50 percent red fescue (boreal or pennlawn); 25 per cent Kentucky bluegrass (nugget); 15 percent annual rye grass; and 10 percent alsike clover at concentrations of 40 pounds of seed per acre. Approximately 450 pounds of 20-20-10 fertilizer per acre would be applied at the initial seeding. Red fescue, native to Alaska, should persist for an indefinite period of time while the annuals would be short lived and allow areas for natural revegetation to occur. Steeper slope areas and the portions of the road that are close to the river may cause materials to enter the stream even with the seeding effort. The quantity of material that would enter the stream is unknown and appears to be unavoidable. The consequences of siltation of the river are discussed in the fisheries section. The road would act as a barrier and change the natural runoff patterns. A total of 36, 24-inch culverts would be placed at 500-lineal-foot intervals along the road to transfer runoff across the road. The water from the uphill side would be funneled through the culverts which may cause rivulets on the downhill side of the road. Although the vegetative mat is considered nonerodible, heavy rainfall and subsequent high runoff may undermine the material below the mat and erode tb a channel. If this occurs, it would probably be limited to the steeper slopes. The Unalaska area averages 60 inches of precipitation per year, but heavy rainfalls are not common. EIS-27 "" .; Ten areas along the road alinement have been identified as stream crossings (effluent or intermittent). At these locations, 48-inch diameter culverts would be installed. The run-of-river alternative would raise the surface elevation of Trail Lake by 3 feet. This would inundate close to 15 acres of alpine tundra at the fringes of the lake. Some of the vegetation at the delta area at the head of the lake would also be altered. Although the proposed design does not include storage to augment power production during low inflow periods, the lake surface elevation could still fluctuate on a daily basis as much as 2 to 3 feet. Tbis daily fluctuation may eliminate vegetation in the fluctuation zone and may cause the·banks to be subject to erosion. (c) Wind Generation. A IIwind fann ll would require numerous towers, transmission interties, and roads. The wind farm would also be located in an area which has the most suitable wind environment, which could be several miles from any existing road. Because of the high maintenance now associated with wind generation, a permanent road would probably be constructed from the community of Unalaska. This road would be subject to similar impacts as descr"ibed with hydropower construction. (d) Other Alternatives~ There would be no impacts to vegetation with the other alternatives. (2) Mammals. All Alternatives. Few terrestrial mammals occur on Unalaska Island. During the construction phase, red fox may vacate the immediate area, but would probably return shortly after project completion. The loss of lemming and vole habitat would occur in the areas of project features as well as the fringe area around Trail Lake. These small rodents are an important food source for both red fox and raptors. (3) Birds. (a) Hydropower. A buried transmission line precludes any potential hazards that may have existed if an overhead transmission line design was proposed. (b) Other Alternatives. There are certain unavoidable impacts on bird life associated with transmission lines and towers. The losses are small; however, bird-tower/transmission line collisions do occur on a fairly regular basis. Some disruption of nesting activities near the project features is expected, however, these impacts are short tenn and would cease after construction activities. , The active bald eagle nest located on cliffs of the canyon area (1.5 river miles from the mouth) is approximately 600 feet north of the proposed access road. The major blasting efforts would be at the dam site, which is outside the O.S-mile no blasting zone that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recommended. If blasting is required for access road benching within the 0.5 mile no blasting zone, provision can be made to accomplish this effort during the non-nesting period. EIS-28 ) \ .: (4) Fisheries. (a) Hydropower. Three possible adverse impacts are associated with the construction and operation of hydropower facilities on the Shaishnikof River at the outlet of Trail Lake: 1) temperature changes due to the penstock intake 15 feet below the lake surface. 2) loss of Dolly Varden spawning habitat in Trail Lake and its feeder streams due to inundation and lake level fluctuation; and 3) sedimentation caused by erosion from project construction and operation. As discussed previously, it does not appear that water ~emperatures would be changed after project completion. Previous studies indicate that there is little temperature difference in the top 3 feet of the water column, and water retention time between the dam and lake outlet is not sufficient to change temperature •. Dolly Varden spawning habitat at the lake edge and mouths of the feeder streams would essentially be lost. The extent of the Trail Lake fishery is unknown; however, the loss of the feeder streams delta areas would be a significant impact because these provide the majority of spawning areas for Dolly Varden. There does not appear to be any method of direct mitigation for the loss of spawning habitat because of the fluctuating' lake levels. : L Siltation of the Shaishnikof River from project construction, erosion of barren ground from road construction, and material wasting and erosion of lake banks from lake fluctuation are extremely difficult to assess. Material will enter the river during the construction phase, especially at the dam site where blasting, excavation, and drilling for installation of the wood buttress dam would occur. The amount of material and the percentage of fines which would enter the river is unknown. Care would be taken during access road construction and overburden and rock. excavation to limit erosion. If areas do erode, it is impossible to predict quantities that may enter the stream. Stability of the lake banks and the delta area in Trail Lake would be the major factor of sloughing or erosion caused by inundation and fluctuation. Long Lake near Juneau, which has surface water fluctuations of more than 100 vertical feet, did not demonstrate either sloughing or erosion. No changes in turbidity or suspended sediments have occurred and the tailrace water is used in a fish hatchery operation. Whether the banks and delta area at Trail Lake would demonstrate the same stability is unknown. If sloughing or erosion occurs, it would probably settle in the still waters of the lake and not remain suspended and enter the river. (b) Geothermal. The fisheries impact associated with the geothermal alternative is impossible to predict without knowing the extent of the fishery affected. The effects to a fishery resource, if any, would occur through changes in the physical environment, which are discussed above. (c) Other Alternatives. No fisheries impacts are associated with the remaining alternatives. EIS-29 (5) Threatened and Endangered Species. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, there are no known threatened or endangered species that would be adversely impacted by the proposed hydroelectric project at Trail Lake or Pyramid Creek. Refer to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Letter. c. Socioeconomics (1) Geothermal. If the geothermal alternative proves to be viable, significant beneficial impacts for the Unalaska community could occur. This alternative has the potential to provide the entire community with electrical power. This could mean a long term stable price schedule for the consumer with eventual significant reduction in cost. There may be some short term employment derived from the construction of the geothermal facilities, however, the number of people employed by the operation would be relatively small in comparison to the processing employment . opportunities now available. During the operational phase, probably several people would be employed full-time. (2) Other Alternatives. None of the other alternatives would supply the entire electrical demand for the community of Unalaska. Because they would only supply a portion of the demand, any monetary savings may not be realized by the general consumer. The socioeconomic benefit derived from any of these alternatives is the displacement of a nonrenewable resource (petroleum) with a renewable resource (wind and/or water). None of these projects are of a magnitude to have any visible effect on local or regional employment either during the construction or the operational phases. Impacts on Cultural Resources. An archeological field reconnaissance of both the Pyramid Creek and Shaishnikof River alternatives (Steele 1983) indicates that portions of each alternative could have impacts on cultural resources. Specifically, there is documentary evidence of archeological deposits at the mouth of Pyramid Creek in the area of the proposed powerhouse and powerline locations. This area could not be totally tested at the time of the field trip due to the presence of a crab pot storage area. If easements are eventually obtained in this area, systematic subsurface testing should be performed to ensure that cultural resources would not be impacted. The remainder of the Pyramid Creek alternative should be considered clear of 'cultural resource concerns providing care is taken during construction to avoid damage to World War II remains. There are known cultural resources at the head of Captain1s Bay near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River in the general vicinity of the powerline associated with the Shaishnikof River alternative. Care would be taken to avoid all disturbances to these resources. The proposed powerline al inement in thi.s area would be systematically tested before it is finalized to assure that subsurface resources are not impacted. EIS-30 I. ( \ No cultural resources were located in the remainder of the Shaishnikof River project area. VI. MITIGATION Recommended mitigation measures associated with the hydropower project on Shaishnikof River and Trail Lake have been incorporated into project plans. Such measures deal specifically with project impacts during construction activities. For example, the project would be constructed in such a manner as to minimize downstream siltation, whether the use of a silt screen or some other dev~ce is necessary. Also, if there exists an active bald eagle nest at river mile 1.5, blasting or heavy equipment use will be avoided between 1 April and 15 August within a 1/2 mile radius of the nest. VII. FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT The opportunity to improve the fisheries resources of the Shaishnikof River appear to be good. Although the river above the canyon is now being utilized by coho salmon and anadromous Dolly Varden, apparently stream flows during pink salmon spawning do not allow their passage above the canyon. Approximately 2 acres of excellent spawning and incubation habitat exist above the canyon (refer to the USFWS Coordination Act Report, pages 21-25). The reach above the canyon contains considerably more spawning habitat than rearing habitat, which would lend itself more toward pink salmon production because there is no freshwater rearing phase in their life cycle. Any stream improvement on the Shaishnikof River to increase fishery production, whether accomplished by Federal, State or local concerns, would be successful only if the construction and operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric project does not change the water chemistry or any other physical conditions below the dam. From the information gathered at the site and proposed hydropower facilities designs, the Alaska District does not believe the reach downstream of the dam would be significantly different from the existing conditions, if care in construction is taken. The construction costs for the enhancement plan would be Federally funded, including any monitoring. Even though the proposed enchancement plan is not directly related to the development of Shaishnikof River hydropower project, it appears that implementation of this plan in conjunction with the power project objectives would be inexpensive and cost effective. Sport fishing use of the Shaishnikof River/Trail Lake area does not exist even though this ·dynamic system supports pink and coho salmon, both of which contribute to regional and national interests. The State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game has been contacted. about their participation in this enhancement opportunity. Their response has been favorable and encouraging towards the enhancement plan. The enhancement project (refer to Appendix A, Plate 6 for site location) has a potential of producing an additional 37,000 pink salmon escapement which is based on statistical harvest records from 1979-1982. Refer to pages 24 and 25 in Appendix C for cost breakdowns and methods for providing access above the canyon. Annual benefits and costs for the selected enhancement plan are discussed in Appendix A, pages 38 through 40. EIS-31 VIII. SECONDARY AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS a. Geothermal. There are several modes where geothermal electrical production could cause secondary impacts on the social well-being of the Unalaska area. Although there ;s the potential to generate sufficient electrical energy for the Unalaska area for many years, there would not be enough surplus energy to entice new industry into the area just for the power supply. However, the price of diesel and heating oil may increase to a point in the ~ near future that the residents may convert to electric heating and cooking because the price for geothermal power Should remain stable. This reduction in the use of fossil fuels should be construed as a positive impact. Secondary impacts from geothermal electrical power generation could come from the use of waste heat for aquaculture and greenhouse heating. The State of Alaska's report on geothermal potential in the Unalaska area addressed both of these options in considerable length. If these options are viable, they could cause significant positive benefits to the socioeconomics of the Unalaska area. It should be noted that these ancillary facilities may have adverse environmental impacts if the effluent from the geothermal site used to heat these facilities is discharged in at manner which may negatively influence its receiving waters. b. Other Alternatives. There appear to be no readily apparent secondary or cumulative impacts associated with the remaining alternatives. None of the alternatives are of the magnitude that would influence employment, or changes in electrical use. IX. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A public meeting was held in Unalaska on 10 January 1984 to obtain public comments on the Unalaska Small Hydropower draft feasibility report and environmental impact statement. About 42 people attended the meeting. The majority of the people supported installation of the pressure reducing turbine in the water supply pipeline on Pyramid Creek and feel it should be installed as soon as possible. In the case of the Shaishnikof project, the public would prefer to wait for the results of the Alaska Power Authority's study on the feasibility of Unalaska's geothermal potential. If geothermal is found to be infeasible, they would be more in favor of the hydropower project on the Sha~shnikof. Coordination with Federal, state, and local officials has been ongoing during the entire study. EIS-32 \ J ( Scoping for the field investigations and other activities included the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game. A Notice of Intent to prepare·a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was published in the Federal Register of -~ April 8, 1982. The Sierra Club responded to the notice and they were .. .: provided with preliminary design information. Coordination with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service included joint biological field investigations for the preparation of this report, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report and the endangered species section of this report, as required by the Endangered Species Act. x. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT The proposed hydropower project will be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. This determination is based upon the description of the proposed project and its effects in this document, and upon an evaluation of the relevant provisions of the management program. Table 4 ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (ACMP) CONSISTENCY EVALUATION ACMP ReqUirements (6 AAC 80) Uses and Activities 040. Coastal Development 050. Geophysical Hazard Areas 060. Recreation 070. Energy Facilities 080. Transportation and Utilities 090. Fish and Seafood Processing 100. Timber Harvest and Processing 110. Mining and Mineral Processing 120. Subsistence Resources and Habitats 130. Habitats (1) Offshore Areas (2) Estuaries (3) Wetlands and Tidef1ats (4) Rock Islands and Seat1iffs (5) Barrier Islands and Lagoons (6) Exposed High Energy Coasts (7) Rivers, Streams, and Lakes (8) Important Upland Habitat 140. Air, Land and Water Quality 150. Historic, Prehistoric, and Arche1ogica1 Re~urces EIS-33 Reference Page Numbers Page 12 Page 22 Pages EIS-17 and EIS-30 Page 8 Pages 6 and 7 Pages 6 and EIS-16 N/A N/A Page EIS-18 Page A-10 N/A Page EIS-1 Page A-10 N/A Page EIS-9 Pages EIS-12, EIS-13, and EIS-14 Pages EIS-26 and EIS-27 Pages EIS-12, EIS-20, EIS-24, and EIS-26 Pages EIS-17, EIS-18, and EIS-19 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1978. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Vol. 1, page 196. Alaska Geographic Society, 1980, The Aleutians. Vol. 7, No.3, Alaska Geographic. Alaska, University of, 1980. Economic Analysis of Demonstration Project Alternatives for the Pilgrim Springs. Alaska Geothermal Site. Institute of Social and Economic Research, Fairbanks, Alaska. Armstrong, Robert H., 1974. Migration of Anadromous Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) in Southeastern Alaska J.F.R.B.C. Vol. 31, No.4, pages 435-444. Armstrong, Robert H. and James E. Morrow, 1980. The Dolly Varden Charr, Salvelinus malma. In charrs, E.K. Baloa editor. Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers. The Hague, Netherlands. Bank, Ted, 1974 Letter to Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer, on file at Alaska Division of Parks. Basescu, N., R.G. Bloomquist, C. Higbec, D. Justus, and S. Simpson, 1980. Alaska a Guide to Geothermal Energy Development. Department of Energy. Bouck, G.R., 1976. Oregon Streams. Supersaturation and Fishery Observations in Selected Pages 37-40 in Fickeison and Schneider (1976). Bouck, G.R., 1980. Etiology of Gas Bubble Disease. Transactions American Fisheries Society 109; pages 703-707. Chow, V.T., 1959. Open-Channel Hydrolics. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. page 680. Dall, W.H., 1877. On Succession in the Shell-Heaps of the Aleutian Islands. ~ontributions to North American ~thno10¥Y' U.S. Geographical and Geo10g1cal Survey of the Rocky Mt. Regl0n, Vo • 1, pages 41-91. Washington. Dawley, E.M., M. Schiewe, and B. Mark, 1976. Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Supersaturation of Dissolved Atmo'spheric Gases on Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Stee1head Trout in Deep and Shallow Test Tanks. Pages 1-10 in Fickeisen and Schneider (1976). Eldridge, F.R., 1975. Wind Machines. NSF Grant AER-75-12957. Mitre Corporation, McLean, Va., page 76. Krueger, Stephen W., 1981. Freshwater Habitat Relationships Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Alaska Department of Fish and Game, page 46. EIS-34 Laughlin, William S., 1980. Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. Leopold, L.B., M.G. Wolman, and J.P. Miller, 1964. F1uria1 Processes in Geomorphology. W.H. Freeman & Co. San Francisco, Calif., page 522. Linsley, Ray K. and J.B. Franzinm, 1972. Water-Resources Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York, page 690. Martinson, Charles Richard, 1973. Aleut Settlements of the Makushin Bay Areal Alaska. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, Eugene, OregQn. McCartney, Allen C., 1979. Working Draft EIS for World War II Debris Removal and Clean-up, Aleutian Islands and Lower Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Appendix J, Archaeology and History. Prepared for Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., 1981. Geothermal Potential in the Aleutians Unalaska. Alaska Div. of Energy & Power Development, Juneau, Alaska. Retherford, R.W. Associates, 1979. City of Unalaska Electrification Study. Anchorage, Alaska. Richardson, G.C., and R. Baca, 1976. Physi~s of Dissolved Gases and Engineering Solutions. pages 119-120 in Fickeisen and SChneider (1976). Schneider, M.J., and G. DI Aoust, 1976. Analytical methods, pages 116-117 In Fickeisen and SChneider (1976). Se1kreggJ Lidia L. Alaska Regional Profiles. Southwest Region. Vol. III. AEIDC, Anchorage. Suter II, Glenn W., 1978. Effects of Geothermal Energy Development of Fish and Wildlife. FWS/OBS-76/20.6., page 20. u.S. Department of Interior, 1982. Manual of Stream Channelization Impacts on Fish and Wildlife. FWS/OBS-82/24, page 150. EIS-35 LIST OF PREPARERS The following people were primarily responsible for preparing this final -, \ EIS: ROLE IN PREPARING NAME DISCIPLINE -EXPERIENCE EIS John Burns Fisheries Biologist 6 years EIS Coordinator Alaska District Linda Ferrell Bi9logist 3 1/2 years EIS Coordinator ~ Alaska District Julia Steele Archaeology 5 years Prepared Cultural Alaska District Resources Sections of EIS Ron Maj Civil Engineer 2 years Plan Formulation Alaska District and Development of A lternati ve Diane Walters Writer/Editor 4 years EIS Organization Alaska District and Editing ) EIS-36 INDEX SUBJECT PAGES Affected Environment EIS-1O Alternatives EIS-3 Without Conditions EIS-3 Conservation EIS-3 Waste Heat Recovery EIS-4 Geothermal EIS-4 Wind Generation EIS-4 Pyramid Creek PRT EIS-5 Shaishnikof River EIS-5 .. Coastal Zone EIS-33 Affected Environment EIS-1O Fisheries Enhancement EIS-3l Flood Plain EIS-1 Historical/Archeological Resources EIS-18 Mit igat ion EIS-3l NED Plan EIS-1 Public Involvement EIS-32 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts EIS-32 Significant Resources EIS-12 Air and Noise Quality EIS-13 Birds EIS-1S Esthetics EIS-14 Fisheries EIS-1S Hydrology/Water Quality EIS-12 r Mammals EIS-1S ( \ Nitrogen Supersaturation EIS-12 Stream Bank Erosion EIS-13 Temperature EIS-12 Threatened or Endangered Species EIS-17 Vegetation EIS-14 Socioeconomics EIS-17 Wetlands EIS-1 EIS-37 APPENDIX A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SHAISHNIKOF RIVER L , . A. 1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.S A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 PLATES General Hydrology Geology Dam and Foundation Spi 11 way Powerhouse Transmission Line Access Road Tail race Power Potential Enhancement Appendix A Shaishnikof River Detailed Cost Estimate POL Sensitivity Analysis Page A-l A-l A-9 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-3S A-36 A-36 A-36 A-38 A-40 A-42 A. 1 GENERAL TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SHAISHNIKOF RIVER The selected plan for hydropower development on the Shaishnikof River is a run-of-river diversion project which has a capacity of 700 kW. The project consists of a 22-foot high timber buttress dam with its crest at 570 feet elevation, 920 feet of 42-inch aboveground steel penstock and a prefabricated steel powerhouse with one 300-kW and one 400-kW Francis turbi nee ~ A.2 HYDROLOGY A.2.1 Climate Unalaska lies in a maritime climatic zone, characterized by small temperature variations, high humidity, heavy precipitation, and high cloud and fog frequencies. The high frequency of 'cyclonic storms crossing the North Pacific and the Bering Sea are dominant factors in the weather at Unalaska. These storms account for the persistent high winds and the frequent occurrences of low ceilings and low visibilities. The area experiences cool summers and mild winters. Dutch Harbor is the nearest climatic station to the Shaishnikof River basin. It is located at sea level approximately 10 miles to the northeast. A station summary is shown on Table A-l. A.2.2 Basin Description The Shaishnikof River drains into Captains Bay on the east side of Unalaska Island, approximately 10 miles southwest of Dutch Harbor. The Shaishnikof River basin above the proposed damsite has a drainage area of approximately 4.5 square miles. Basin elevations range from about 600 feet mean sea level at the damsite to 2,600 feet at its highest point, with a mean elevation of approximately 1,200 feet. The basin is bounded on three sides by steep rocky ridges. The higher elevations consist mainly of exposed bedrock and talus slopes. Vegetation within the basin is of the alpine tundra type, consisting mainly of grasses and low shrubs with no trees. Trail Lake lies about 600 feet upstream of the proposed damsite. The existing lake has a surface area of about 85 acres and depths to about 100 feet. There are two other small lakes in the basin, each having a surface area of approximately 20 acres. A.2.3 Streamflow Streamflow data in the Unalaska area is very sparse. The nearest gaged stream is approximately 500 miles away. Gaged basins on the north Gulf of Alaska coast, which are subject to similar maritime influences as the Shaishnikof basin, were compared to determine if some correlation existed between streams subject to similar maritime influences. The computer program "Monthly Streamflow Simulations" (HEC4) was used to correlate monthly streamflows from Power Creek and West Fork Olsen Bay Creek near -I » ID r m l> • ) J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 MEAN MEAN TEMPS. of 27 27 27 MAX MIN AVG 37.2 28.8 33.0 36.5 Z7.8 32.2 37.9 28.2 33.1 41.4 31.3 36.4 46.0 35.6 4Q8 51.4 41.1 46.2 57.2 45.6 51.5 59.9 47.8 53.9 53.9 43.9 489 46.7 37.9 42.3 41.3 34.4 36.8 37.8 29.2 33.5 45.6 358 40.7 CL~MATE SUMMARY DUTCH HARBOR, ALASKA EXTREME TEMPS. PRECIPITATION (MELTED} of INCHES 50 50 HI YR LO YR NML MO YR & YR ~JLY YR Itm MoST t.«m 58 5 7.15 4.00 1930 2.58 1934 68 6 6.95 4.34 1940 095 1934 69 5 4.81 2D7 1922 1.13 1933 61 13 4.48 8D6 1936 1.10 1945 as 20 4.49 11.09 1937 1.25 1939 73 30 3.19 6.56 1949 053 1932 . 80 31 186 7.42 1949 023 1952 00 28 2.49 4.38 1942 027 1952 00 27 5.20 10.16 1935 0.82 1922 65 12 7.87 16.04 1951 4.04 1931 -," 58 14 6.31 15.17 1946 1.52 1944 56 10 6.84 15.67 1922 1.27 1942 80 5 61.64 1604 OCT 023 ~ 1951 1952 , ) SNOWFALL INCHES 17 MEAN .:gT YR DAILY ~ 17.9 20.9 12.6 7.2 0.2 T 0 0 T 0.3 -'" 5.3 13.5 n.9 ) , \ Cordova; Spruce Creek near Seward; Myrtle Creek, Terror River, and Uganik River near Kodiak; and Eskimo Creek near King Salmon. No significant correlation was found except for Myrtle Creek. Very little correlation was observed between monthly precipitation and temperatures recorded at long term climatological stations in the regjon. Parameters such as drainage area, main channel slope, mean elevation, vegetative cover, orientation to major storm tracks, and proximity to long term climatic stations having similar temperature ranges and precipitation volumes as those observed at Dutch Harbor were used to compare a gaged basin with the Shaishnikof and Pyramid basins. Table A.2 lists some of the basin characteristics used in the comparison. I,. TABLE A-2 Drainage Basin Characteristics Station Drain Area Mean Elevation Main Channel Area of Lakes Area (Sq. Mi.) (Ft. MSL) Slope FT /I~I & Ponds % Mean Precip ins/yr. Power Creek, Cordova 20.5 2000 219 -0-160 Myrtle Creek, Kodiak 4.74 1000 105 -0-60 Uganik I-dver, Kodiak 123 1830 31.2 2.0 60 Terror River, N. Kodiak 15 2300 126 -0-60 Eskimo Creek, King Salmon 16. 1 60 6.0 5.0 40 Spruce Creek, Seward 9.26 1800 475 -0-60 Barbara Creek, Seldovia 20.7 1500 130 -0-70 Shaishnikof River, Unalaska 4.4 1200 250 4.0 60 Myrtle Creek on Kodiak Island was chosen as the most representative of the gaged basins that are exposed to similar climatic and hydrologic conditions as the Shaishnikof River bas:in. There are 18 years of records, from 1963-1981, available from Myrtle Creek. Estimated streamflows for the Shaishnikof were computed from Myrtle Creek flows on a cfs per square mile basis. Monthly flow duration curves were computed and added to the "HYDUR u computer program to estimate potential power output from the project. The uHYDUR u program was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hydrologic Engineering Center. The A-3 program uses streamflow duration techniques to estimate power output from "run-of-river" type projects. The adopted monthly flow duration curves for the Shaishnikof River are shown on Figures A-l through A-3. There is no historical flow data for any stream on Unalaska Island. A recording streamgage was installed on the Shaishnikof River in May 1982. Twelve months of stage data were retrieved in June of 1983. The gage data was not used for streamflow estimates in this report due to several shifts in the gage datum and the lack of a well defined rating curve. However, stage data from the streamgage has been adjusted for the gage datum shifts and the slope area method for determining discharges is being used to develop a more refined rating curve. Data from the streamgage and a precipitation-temperature recording aevice, installed in the Shaishnikof basin in June 1983, was compared to the average for the 50-year sequence of the synthesized average monthly flows developed from Myrtle Creek. Recently, an energy estimate was made using daily streamflows from the Shaishnikof River gage for the period September 1982 to August 1983. Based on this limited period of record it appears that a significant increase in the energy output of the 700 kW system may be possible lsee figure A-4). Additional evaluation of the hydrologic data would be warranted at the next design stage. A.2.4 Sedimentation No sediment transport studies have been done for the Shaishnikof River because of a lack of any type of data. Field observations indicated the Shaishnikof to be relatively free of suspended sediment. No major source of sediment was found nor was any bed load movement observed. Bed material was found to be of relatively large size (2 inches and up). Sedimentation is not expected to be a problem. A.2.5 Ice Formation The dam site is located approximately 600 feet downstream of the outlet, with rapids occurring in these 600 feet. Water intakes in northern climes are subject to clogging by frazil ice formation. Frazil ice is commonly formed when water that is slightly above a degree C is super cooled below a degree C by an extreme drop in air temperature. Unalaska lies in a maritime climatic zone, which commonly experiences mild winter temperatures. The proposed project would inundate these rapids, thus eliminating any potential for the production of frazil ice. Mean monthly temperatures below 32°F exist from 'December to April. Therefore, formation of surface ice would be expected to occur. A.2.6 Wind Analysis The frequent cyclonic storms crossing the North Pacific and the Bering Sea-account for the high persistent winds in the area. These winds generally result from strong pressure gradients developing between the Pacific or Siberian highs and the cyclonic storms in the North Pacific and Bering Sea. No site specific wind data is currently available. A-4 i \.,. CC ~(I) (l)w CC> -I~ CC::;) "u ~ Wz >0 =~ LL.CC o~ ~::;) -c ~~ (1)0 -....I CCLL. ::z::: (I) o co -o CD - > ~ ~ i:%.J i u-a: a: ~ ~.~~ I • • • • • o ~ - I • I I I I o N - , I I I I • I I I I J f II ! 7" J .... .. I .. I .. .. .. , , y • II! , I # I : Vi I # • I • , , :1 Ii 1 , I , .. ! ~ 'It I " I ., : :. :, -.. : I , . : I •• • i V·· : I • • : I • • ' I • • : I • • ..... -' I • I • , o o -o en o co 0 ~ 0 CD 0 LO 0 ~ 0 ('f') J, If # I "'./ } o (\J o ~. __ " ( ~ ...... o o -o GO • • • • • • I I : o CD , I o ~ o (\J o - o FIGURE A-I UNALASKA, ALASKA 0 LaJ 0 LaJ LaJ U X LaJ LaJ X -~ ~ 0 ~ Z LaJ U ex LaJ a.. ~...Jo:a -z U~(I) SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBI LlTY STUDY A-5 FLOW DURATION CURVES Alaska District, Corps of Engineers 180 160 140 F L 120 0 V )::0 . I 100 I ! ,=". N C 80 F S 60 » D fit :Ir D 40 0 ,... ,..(J) fit 5 m:!: c: -»» ~ z (J)r ~ 20 n o~ ii;r r -~"TI .. Co en- 0 r:I: ~@ :Oc --< ~::a 0 <:0 '0 ~ '" ~ -<~ ~~ 0 '0 rn~ fit o rl 0 (1)"'0 ~N 'i en -c: ~ m 0 om ~ =' Z -<~ a =' • • ~ '" .~ ) ••••• • • •• , , • .. '\ , • • , • ~" \ \ ~--\ , " ~\ . , ~, ~l~. ""~ SHAISHNIKOF RIVER I ALASKA FLOW DURATION CURVES -~AY ••••• !l' ------,UGUSl ,. ~ ~ •• •• .... .-.. ... ---t:---••••• ~ ••••• ~ . ............... -----~----. ..... -.-... .-, -.-. ' ... -.""-. ... r-. ____ ~--o. ......... -... ..... 100 __ .. r-..... ._- ~ •• ••• ~ .......... •• •• ........ _-1---.,:: ~-.... ... ~-. > ........ o 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 PERCENT OF TIME EXCEEDED 80 90 100 r L o V )::0 I ~ N J> D en ~ D ~ 'TI :; 5 !l o~ o ~o o <c ... :0 ~ rrI» o oo-t --fT1 0 ~ Z ID ~ CD CD ... en C F S 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 _._e. .. .. ~--, .. ~ .. .. ~ .. \ I·, ~'--. ............ , \ , .. ..... ,..... SHAISHNIKOF RIVER, ALASKA FLOW DURATION CURVES -SEPTE~ BER ... -. ~~~~ 1101 ---ER ---ECEM ER ~ r----.. .. r---.. .. ~(-.-: --~ . ... --. ..: ..... ~ ... \ .-.. , ......... _---... ~ , ... . .. " -... ".-....... , ....... ~ ........ ........ --.. -----. ..... ---1-----. ----- ~.~ . .. .. .. ~ .. r--.,...._-.. ~·-.S ~------. ----.. o 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF T UE EXCEEDED 80 70 80 en I&. CJ 10 :>1 • I 0 (X) :. » ..I • I&. • < 40 ~ m(l) • c 2J::z: ",,-»» mKc • G)-:.:'z ... m(l) cnr-~ .. -I\:::Z: _r-r-"" n II ~-... _:z: _ • .. O! r--e~= n -c~· Z~ -I • 0 -e~~~ .. -1 0 " r-. • ::Z:" cn'V~. 12J -10- 0 CE~ ... -<-c ~ m < -em :I "m ::III G 12J :I 0 30 20 10 • ~ • .. (I) • SHAISHNIKOF RIVER AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS r -..... ~ . , , . , . · , · , • • • • • • , , I , , • , • • , I , • , • , I , , , • , • -... -. : -, ~ " .... , -,- "" "" --GAGED DATA •••• -. ADOPTED DATA IYNTHE81ZED FROM IIYRTlE CREEK D.ATA ~ I . , \ I . , , , . , • • , " \ ' • I . , , . \ .-_.-. " " .. .. "--.. , , , • , " , • " • '" , '. , ',,,,' GAGED: 120'8.7 CFS-DAYS ADOPTED: 11813.3 CFS-DA YS ", , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP O(:T NOV DEC MONTH ) Data on wind speeds are available for Sand Point, Alaska, a community located on the Alaska Peninsula, which is exposed to the same storm patterns as Dutch Harbor. A maximum wind speed frequency curve was developed from Sand Point data (refer to Figure A-5) and is considered to be a reasonable estimate of wind speeds that could be expected at the project site. A.3 GEOLOGY A.3.1 Regional Setting ~ The Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Chain consist of a chain of mountains stretching 2,000 miles known as the Aleutian Range. This range is bordered on the north by the Bering Sea and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. Mountains in the range are frequently separated by large northward trending partially flooded lowlands. Several large islands and numerous islets and rocks lie offshore over much of the chain. The range has been deeply eroded by glaciers, streams, and frost action to produce many steep slopes, scarps, cliffs, and bare rocks. Icefields and small glaciers occur on the higher peaks, especially on the north and northeast slopes. A.3.2 Regional Topography Unalaska Island is the second largest island west of the Alaska Peninsula, and is 85 miles long and 39 miles wide, having an area of about 2,000 square miles. The mountains rise abruptly from the Pacific Ocean on the south, with steep-walled, fjordlike bays that indent the rugged coastline. With the exception of the lowlands which partly encircle the larger bays, only a few broad, flat valleys interrupt the persistent cliffs and steep slopes. Narrow boulder beaches lie at the foot of the rocky cliffs, and 'sand beaches are found along the coastal lowlands and at the heads of some bays and coves. The Bering Sea lowland constitutes a gently sloping plain that rises gradually from the sea to merge either imperceptibly with the mountain slopes or, in places, to intersect them sharply. This lowland is continuous throughout much of the area and varies from 2 to 10 miles in width. Surface elevation is generally less than 200 feet above sea level and is characterized by many rounded hills, numerous lakes, streams, and swamps. Sea shores are commonly sandy and backed by low bluffs cut into the grass-covered foredunes. Rivers and streams abound in the area. Tho~e draining into the Pacific Ocean generally flow in steep-walled valleys and are shorter and steeper in gradient than those that flow into the Bering Sea. These valleys, of which the Shaishnikof is one, are principally U-shaped glacial troughs with relatively flat floors. Many of the streams begin in glacial cirques and then meander north through unconsolidated sediments of varying grain sizes. A-9 46804;;3 ~ 20 2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 10 -:I: a.. ::E -o 7 6 5 4 -- -:-~ NOTES: I. ONE AND TWO HOUR DURATIONS DEVELOPED FROM FI VE YEARS CORPS OF ENGI NEERS DATA FROM SANDPOINT, ALASKA. 2. FASTEST MILE DATA TAKEN FROM 3 r-----H.C.S. THOM, "EXTREME WIND DISTRIBU- TIONS", 1968. 2 3. LOG PIERSON TYPE III DISTRI BUTION WITH ZERO SKEW WAS USED TO DEVELOP STATISTICS. -_:=~-r--+~I+-I--+-ItI~"'Htt+-ttl=t + J:----- H+HI+H-+-H+-I-+-I--+---++ -------- --'--r----------- _ L-_ --_1--'-_ - H +l2,+-ttnlt+HH++lH-I--Htt-=t~tttt110-2ot---50-100 --.--~··~~·~~-+-r++H~~~-~~~H+~##a+H+H+H+~~~~~~**~H+I·~I~L~I-+--_--~1~--~~U~++-~-~-~-~-I++++I--'-~I~-- H+le-l++++++--t--t-+-tt-t-l-i-l-l---ll+ttlH-+-t++H-I-1H++++H-t-I---I---. ETURN I NTERVAL ("'EARS IY.+++H++-I-t-------_-fj +-IH++-- --1------ --_. ----~+-I--I-++I---+--I--I-1--1-t+f-++++++-I-t+-+++H-tHf+++f-++-t-+-t-f--,I--'--I--t-H-+-I-t-Hr-H-t-+-t- -f------t-t-t-f+----I--II--'-+-'+-' 1--'-H+H+-H++Ht-+H+f--I+H-t-H++-IHf-H t-IH-H-++~-t+HH1I+/-t-If-t-t-t-t-i-t--t-t--r-----FASTES~ ~ M l ~ ---- __ c= ,::: -:= 9 0(1') 80- o 70 ---=-- z-:=.::~: -' 60 ---3: .---- 50 -,---- -"'--f== '-= '---- -=-r:= :::--__ ---f-- -1-- cc= -::~, c,~_ -----. .. .. _ .~'-', t=;: - --c-- == --c--r-:- -= 40 r, -1_ ==---1, _ 1: ~=,H ~ ±Ht-,-= -__ '-=_cc __ _-_--:--=-+~t-t-t-t--t-H-_~_:_~== ~-_ 2 HOURS DURATION' 1-' - f ----:-~----:== ---It--_ G 30 ,.::.+__---------c----n ~ ,n: 'J t~ ~! -- -. ---1 tLt··. -! f' -n It-III til t--- f-- -1------ -- - - - - IO,~,~ _=~,_,",-=-+_ -:1:':=--::: _ _-=c 5 '. ::=t~-_ :."-.:.:. _ .-: _ -_-f:--:-co:: . --- .. -------.:-~ --=---,_ c: _::_ -r=--4 -1---- --- J..J-l-Lll-I-JI-I------J-=-__ : L- UNALASKA, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBI L1TY STUDY -:1::-"':"_ MAXIMUM WIND SPEED FREQUENCY CURVE 1200 -2500 TRAIL LAKE 3 2 -r . Tr'll ~*r -~~t· i I )' I j I I I I Iii! :1 i I Ii' U1 i ,,-_IL.U..o.L1 ---,-_.-'-_J~iL.J....'-.~----,--,-"u.J1 L-' ----L....-,---,--I, I I i I' I i I 1 111: t I 'I! jill I Alaska District, Corps of Engineers 10 _ ''1: I Iii IJ i _ II II i iii I i I! j I t ~ illli ill I J-LLl..LL".J...L. __ -----:::-:-__ ~~ __ _ 00l~)5 0 1 0.2 05 2 5 10 :'0 10 40~· ) 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.8 99,9 1 )l9,99 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A.3.3 Regional Geology The island is the subaerial part of the wave-beveled platform of the Aleutian Ridge with incised slopes extending south to deep water in the trough. The amount and rate of marine erosion suggest that the insular shelf is no older than middle Pleistocene. Most of the Makushin volcanics and all of the glaciation of the island postdate the marine beveling of the platform. The oldest rocks on the island, the Unalaska formation, consist of altered andesitic intrusive and extrusive rocks, and sedimentary rocks derived from similar igneous rocks. Conglomerates and coarse breccias are the dominant sedimentary rocks of the northern and eastern part of the island;, finer epiclastic and pyroclastic rocks, particularly argillite, are dominant in the south. The coarse facies is probably a nearshore deposit; the finer facies suggest deposition in deeper basins. Conspicuous, bulbous, igneous masses whose diameters range from a few to several hundred feet were intruded into and possibly extruded upon muds and are associated with pillow-lavas. . The Unalaska formation is exposed over two-thirds of the island and forms a thick sequence of coarse and fine sedimentary and pyroclastic rocks intercalated with dacitic, and~sitic, and basaltic 'flows and sills. This is cut by numerous dikes and small plutons and unconformably covered by basalt and andesite of the Makushin volcanics to the west of the project sites. The batholith, at the head of Captains Bay, forms an intrusive facies ranging from granite to granodiorite, with surrounding belts of hydrothermal wall rock alterations which show some metamorphism. Sedimentary rocks in the site area consist of some graywacke and conglomerates and coarse pyroclastic deposits separated by wide transition zones. Tuffaceous sandstone, mudstone, agglomerates, and coarse breccias can also be found. Bedding in coarse sediments is characteristically crude and lithologic units are massive. Finer gradational bedding occurs in the finer grain-sized material. Fossil identification and correlation with related units in Puget Sound, Baja California, and Japan place the age of this formation at probably early Miocene. Topography varies from jagged high ridges to smoother lower slopes. Exposed rocks are brownish gray and greenish gray, with scattered yellowish gray to reddish gray brown patches. A discontinuous mantle of glacial till, volcanic ash, humus, and soil covers the island. Moraines are restricted to the vicinity of present glaciers. Beaches raised in recent times are local and poorly preserved. A.3.4 Local Geology The Shaishnikof River flows about 3 miles in a northeasterly direction from Trail Lake to the head of Captains Bay. An additional 2 miles of stream flows from a glacial cirque and empties into the lake. This area is on the borderline of the pluton and stream gravels co~sist of igneous rocks, whiCh vary from granites to diorites, and various sedimentary rocks. A-ll The damsite is about 600 feet downstream of the lake outlet, roughly centered in a bend of the river. Below this area, the river cascades down a series of moderately sloping falls, which are controlled by major joint sets. Auger holes begun on the west bank in 1981 indicated an average of 5 feet of clayey silts with some rock fragments near top of rock. This is overlain with a mat of tundra ranging from a few inches to 1 foot in thick- ness. Some reddish brown clay zones are visible above the stream cuts. The rock, a massive granodiorite, would be excellent as a foundation after the weathered surface rock is removed. Remedial treatment, such as pressure grouting of major joints and fractures, is recommended duriAg project construction. Water would,be transported through a short penstock to a powerhouse located approximately 920 feet downstream of the dam on a bench on the right bank. Explorations indicate that a considerable amount of fill material composed of gravels and cobbles of granodiorite graywacke and mudstones intermixed with clay, silt, and sand underlie this site. This is overlain with a mat of tundra similar to the damsite. The glacial fill is of unknown depth except close to the upstream hill, and appears porous enough to sustain an aquifer with a head of 2.6 feet. Investigations of the riverbed at the Shaishnikof damsite, approximate elevation 550 feet, included three holes drilled approximately 22 feet into bedrock and 11 hand dug pits. Overburden consists of a .3-to .s-foot mat of tundra vegetation overlying organic rich clayey silt. This material grades into a moist, brown silty sand with occasional fragments of granodiorite at top of rock. Bedrock is moderately jointed with orienta- tions nearly perpendicular to the proposed dam axis. These orientations dissect the granodiorite into large blocks. Weathering does not appear extensive and should be limited to the top of rock and joint surfaces • . The potential powerhouse site is situated on the right bank at approximate elevation 430, 900 feet downstream from the damsite. It is sited on overburden ranging from 15.2 feet in DH-s, and 18.2 feet in boring DH-6 to in excess of 24 feet in boring DH-4. This material consists of a tundra mat similar to the damsite up to .5 feet thick, which overlies 1 to 2 feet of organic dark brown silty sand with scattered gravels and cobbles. This material overlies gravels and cobbles of granodiorite, graywacke and other sedimentary rocks, intermixed with brown silts and sands. Cobbles of granodiorite and sedimentary rocks indicate mixed sources and reflect the intermixed bedrock geology of the area. The coarse fraction of material is generally subrounded with brownish weathering on the surface. Sources could be morainal dumping after glacial retreat, alluvial river material, colluvial talus debris, or a combination of the three. After deposition, these materials appear partially reworked as evidented by low 2-to 4-foot berms, roughly paralleling the river course. Subsequent flooding and possible ash falls have overlain the coarse mixture with rich silty sandy soil. Location of the borings is shown on Figure A-6. Actual boring log information follows Figure A-6. A-12 )::0 I ...... W "" -G c .. • ,. I CJ) r"AlL LAKE ( \ \ 10 20 --SCAlE:: I". ISO' i fiGURE A-6 DAM SITE DlSTRICT.~PI f1f ENGINEERS MTr, __ . _ .. _. ----------------------------.--.-.. - PItOoIET HYDROELECTRIC ~1 OF 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION LOCATION ( ., SIot_, N. E. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRILLING AGUCY qp CORPS OF EIIIGNERS EXPLORATION LOG C::=J OTHER HOLE NO. INAME OF UltlL.L.1:1I lS~y, cool 'IELD AH-7 P' ...... lMT AH-7 Wolfe -TYPE OF HOLE _ DEPTH I~"" l!~TAL TO ORl..LED DEPYH OfF 3.3' TEST "T c:::J AUGER Hau cx:::J CHURN DM.L c:I .. TO ~~LE r"zi: "M.o-T-Yji[-OF-BIT IDATUM FOIl ELEVAf"tciN-5H(JWIIt TYPE 01 laUtP ... T c::::J T... c::::::J IIISL. Pick and shovel , TaTAL NO. OF sallfOt.U I TYPE OF SAMfOt.ES =Ta WATER \: DATE HaU STMTED 7/4/82 COMfIL,£TED] /4/82 EL. TmI OfF tG.l ....... I .... Clllef.RI , ..................... DoN Cor~v DEPTH ,-.~ l--oU! SOIL SURF~SlFlCAnON MAX '(ffi) ~T NO. ~GEND ~ FORMATION DESCRIPTION a REMARKS ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a . OL vegetation, root zone o Ii' is matted but affords shovel to the bottom. a shovel easy penetraf tion. 1.0: -MH SOIL: Very dark brown silt,damp to wet, -contains some roots J~ - down to 2.0'. Grades to dark brown, moist, Seasonal Frost 2.0: 1---silty sand b~ 2.0'. - Material is loose to -moderately loose. - ML .3.~ ! - ':! ':! . 1M o~ 1-101 ~ ,II Kr TOP OF ROCK -- . -- -- -- -- -- -- .. ,. '0101" ore. '.5.'. '.EVI A-14 PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT AH-7 HOLE NO. _____ _ \, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~~KT I. SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC· I~ 1 ~ 1 L~TION ( • S ..... , NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION U.S. ARMY ENGINE ER DISTRICT, AL ASK A r.:!=·IL:"'7L-=_=-:"AGE=;c.,=. :--___ .....::E::.,.. -....,~-...,C,..".ORP~S-:~........."E,....NGI-NEE-=-R....:jS EXPLORATION LOG C:=J On4ER .' I~'"I:.· I Cdy, rain AH-8 HOLE No.-UP l)RILLER 'IR ..... ENT AH -8 Wo 1 f e TYPE OF HOLE DEPTH I~ TUT PIT c:::::l AUGER HOLE a::J CHURN DRI.&o E::::J TO I~UD 4.3 1 SIZE AND TYPE 01 BIT I DATUM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN I TYPE OF EQUlPME .. T c:::::::JT... c:::::JMSL. 1 Pick and shovel TOTAL NO. OF SAMPLES TYPE f1' SAMPLES ~ TO DATE HOLE 1.11:':-STARTED 6128/82 CDlllflLETED 6/28/8(· ELo TOP 01 HOLI ..... Corey I DEPTH ,WATD SAMPLE SOIL ~ ~T NO. UIEMD MAX SURfWet5S1F1CATlON ~ FORMATION DESCRIPTION a REMAI:tKS ORGANICS: Tundra-like OL vegetation. root zone Hole was easily dug with a +-.Io.I...o.,;nC::~_-+_-+~--,1 i s matted but affords r--+_.=.s.:.;.ho::..v;..::e;..;l......;.to::......;t;.:.;h.=.e...;b;.;o:..::t;,.;;t..:,om;;.;.:.... _0--/ a shovel easy penetrcV - 2 • .0: - 3.0: - 4.Et 4.3 - - - - - tion. MH SOIL: Very dark browr silt, damp to wet, contains some roots down to 2.0 1 • Grades to dark brown, moist l I-- -si lty sand by 2.0 1 • Material is loose to I moderately loose. ML BonOM OF HOLE TOP OF ROCK· Seasonal Frost A-15. PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC ~~ AH-8 - - - - - - - - - - - --.' ----------------._---------- PIlOoiECT ~ 1 CJ' 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION LOQTION e ., 'Stet'-, N. E. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRI.LING AGUCY '\ ~ CORPS CJ' EHGIIE£IIS EXPLORATION LOG ~ OTMEII .. . HOLE NO. N_ 01' UIIL~I;" "LD AH-9· 'IR ..... ENT AH-9 Wolfe I-'~" Cdy, rain G TYPE OF HOLE • DEPTH I~~o ·I~~OF PIT c:::J AUGER NOLE CiZ:I CHURN OIIU. ~ TO 2.7 1 .-TlST HOLE SIZE ANO TYPE OF BIT I DATUM 'OR ELEVATION SHOWN TYPE OF EQUlPII£ ... T c::JT.... . c::::JMlL. Pick and shovel TOTAL NO. OF SAM~lS TYPE fW SA~ES e~ Il DAT£ HOLE ITMTEO 6/28/82 COMPLETED 6/28/8~ EL. TOIl 0# HOLE ....... ....... Cllllf.Ri J.. • ............... Dote Corey I DEPTH 'WAil SOIL .... F/if"o ClDNTlNT NO. LEUND SURF~ ~IUFICAnON ~ FORMATION DESCRIPTION a REMA~KS OL ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a vegetation, root zone 05 is matted but afford shovel to the bottom. a shovel easy penetr - tion. 1.n...: - MH .SOIL: Very dark brow silt, very wet to -saturated from 0.5 -. to 2.7. 2.CT: - 2 7--BOTTOM OF HOLE TOP OF ROCK . --. -- -1 - -- . --, -- -- NPA 'ORM It Ilthl DEC. 1.5. A-16 P~ECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT AH-9 HOLE NO. _____ _ PRO.IltT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC [SHEET 1 OF 1 NORTH 'PACIFIC DIVISION ~ATICIN ( • Stat_, N: E. u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRILLING AGENCY ~ CORPS OF ENGINEERS EXPlORATION LOG [:=:J OTHER HOLE NO. NAME OF ~RILLER 1---'-" '"LD AH-IO PERMANENT AH-IO Wolfe Sunny, cool TVPE OF HOLE DEPTH l:~ r L PIT c::J AUGER HOLE C2Cl CHURN DItLL. c:::::::J TO DRLLED DEPTH OF , TUT .. TO HOLE 4.8 SIZE AHO TYPE OF 81 T 1 DATUM FOit EI.E\iaTICIN SHOWN 1 TYPE OF EQUlPIIIPT c::::JT". ~"IL. Pick and shovel TOTAl. NO.O' SAMPLES TYPE OF SAMPLES e TO DATE HOI.E EI.. TOP OF HCX.E ........ DEPTH ~WATP SAMPLE ~' FamNT NO. n 1::' 1.9- - 2.0.: - 3.0.: - ·4.(T: -- 4.R - - - - NPA FO .. M" i .. h, .e. .," rrir,:.v SOIL LEIEND OL -- MH f--- ML - A-17 D-. ~ STMTID 7/4/82 COMPLETED 7 /4/82 WATER I ..... CIIW.'" .................. Dote MAX I ,I IR ~iH.SSlFlCATION ~:u FORMATION DESCRIPTION a REMA~J(S ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug witha ve.getat i on, root zone is matted but affordS~ shovel to the bottom. a shovel easy penetra tion. - SOIL: Very dark brow~ si lt, damp to wet, • contains some roots - down to 2.0'. Grades : to dark brown, moist, --j silty sand by 2.0'. J~ Material is loose to J Seasonal Frost ~oderately loose. - I I . . - - RnTTnM nr: !-In! ~ -!, 1 TOP OF ROCK - - - - . PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT AH-IO HOLE NO. ____ _ ~T ~ 101"1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION L~TlQN ( ........ , N. , E. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRILL .. AGlHC't liP CORPS 01" EJaIEERS t=l.OTMEIt ~XPLORATION LOG MOLE NO. ,_ " .. u ...... I. .. 1-_. NLD AH-ll ~'.MAII,"T AH-ll Wolfe Sunny, cool TY~£ cw HClLE DE~TH I~D 1=~0I' ~IT c:::::J AUGlIt HCIL£ CD CHUM..... t::=I TO TEST liTO HOL£ 5.0 1 Sill AM) TY~ OF liT \DATUfil "OR lLE_TICIN .... TYPE or lQUIIItIlNT t::::::I T8M. c::::::J MIL. Pick and shovel TOT~ NO. or ,.11"-11 J TYPE 01' SAll"-EI e TO WATlIt II IMtTl MOLE IT_TO 7/4/82 Cf1WU.Tf.D 7/4/82 ,EL lOP or HOLE ........ , f"n.,."", O£PTH , .. -I. lOlL 1-.-ew-ClCllftNT NO. UllNO OS· OL La..: MH ". -. 2.0...: r--- . - ML 3.q....: - 4.0-: ,", - 5 ,0 - - - I ...... C*f.%'11 ........... _ 0.- .... SUR~f1CAnoN . ~ FORMAT1ON DESCRIPTION a REMARKS ORGANICS:Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a vegetation, root zonE shovel to tne bottom. is matted but affords i~ a shovel easy penetra :t ion • . SOIL: Very dark bro~r silt, damp to wet, contains some roots down to 2.0 1 • Grades to dark brown, moist, silty sand by 2.0 1 • J~ Material is loose to Seasonal Frost moderately loose • . . BOTTOM OF HOLE " TOP OF ROCK . . PRCUECT SHIAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT AH-11 HOLE Nf\ - - - - - - - - - . - - I PROoIlCT ~lQlfl DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION LOCATION ( ........ , U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA N. E. DRILLING AGENCY ~ CORPS QIf ENGINEERS EXPLORATION LOG [:=J cmtER HOLE NO. N_ gl' D""'L.~" l'-s7nny, COO 1 PELO AH-12 ~lRNAII£NT AH-12 . WOLFE TY~E M HCll.E DE~TH 1~1"TIt l=~OF TnT ~IT t:::::J. AUGER HClLE ~ CHUR .. ORI.\. ~ TO DRLLED 3.0' TO HOLE SIZE AIIIO TY'l M 81T 1 DATU" '011 EL"~lTlON SHOWN I TYPE OIl £QUIPIIEJIT c:::JT.... c::::JMSL. Pick and shovel TOTAL 110. OF SA"~11 TYPE OF SA~EI =~ DATI HOLE ITUTED 7/4/82 COMPUTED 7/4/82 EL TfJ/I'.rw HCII..E ....... .... CIIIII."u ... IIL ............... 0... ,.." ... " , I ~ ",IIIa,,-., SOIL MAX ~T -LE81110 ·<;URF~SlflCATION ~ FCIRMATICN DESCRIPTION a REMARKS 110. ORGANICS: Tundra-like ell vegetation, root zone Hole is easily dug with a n t::' is matted but affords shoVf:~ 1 to th~ bottom a shovel easy penetra~ tion. 1.e: I-SOIL: Very dark ,brown - MH silt, damp to wet, -contains some roots r--r---down to 2.0'. Grades 1\ to dark brown, 'moi st Seasonal Frost 2.0: ---silty sand by 2.0'. - Material is loose to ML moderately loose. --- . ~ n-BOiTOM OF HOLE "I' TOP OF ROCK . -- '. -- --. -- -- ---- -- - A-19 PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PE~ AH-12 ..... ~.;..;;;.;.;.;.;.;;......;. __ ..;.... _______ HOLE NO _-.. -__ \ ~~lCT ~l CPl i DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF·HYDROELECTRIC L~ATKIII c ........ , ! NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION N. E. .... U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA 1lRIU._ A«Mt:r ~ COIIPS OF ENGIHEERS EXPLORATION LOG c:J OntrR HOLE NO. __ UP UIQI,. .. ~" \_."- P1lLD AH-I3 PI_MAIIOT AH-13 . Wolfe Sunny. cool TY~E Of HOLE OE~TH I::-'~D 1= OF TEST PIT c::::J AUGER HOLE c%X:l CNUR .. DIIU. 1::=1 TO 5.0 1 111'0 HOLE SIZE AND TYPE Of' liT IDATU .. fOIl lLlE_TION ..... "PI Of' IQUlPtKMT c::::J T", c:::lMlL. Pick and shovel 10TAL ItO. M SA"Pl-1EI I TYPI OF SAW\.II =~ WAtt" Il DATI HOLE ST_TIED 7/4/82 COIIIUTED 7/4/82 IEL. n. 011 HOLE ..... QUlTH .... ~ FanutT " " 0.5" 1.0': - 2.~ - 3.0": - 4.0-: - 5.0 - - - NH "0"" I' til"" DIe. "5' ItO. rn Y'1:a V sou. UIUD OL MH 1--- ML . ..... Cllllf"ft • • I ............ 0... J MAX SURF ,@!SllFICATION ~ FORMATION DESCRIPTION a REMARKS ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a vegetation, root zone shovel to the bottom is matted but affords / a shovel easy penetra tion. SOIL: Very dark brown - silt. damp to wet, contains some roots down to 2.0 1 • Grades to dark brown,moist. silty sand by 2.0'. J" !Materia1 is loose to Seasonal Frost moderately loose. BOTTOM OF HOLE ,II TOP OF ROCK SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT AH-13 A-20 PROJECT _____________ HOLE NO. - - - - - - - - - - - " I PROoIICT HYDROELECTR I C ~ 1 t6 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION "~ATIC*( or s.t6Ia I N. E. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRILLING AGENCY .~; ~ CORPS OF ENGINEERS· EXPL ORATION LOG C:=J cmtER i HOLE NO. 1 __ 01' DRILL.E" r--N: .. D AH-14 'lR ..... £MT AH-14 Wolfe Sunny, cool yy" OF HOLE DE,T" I:£ffl I TOTA" TEST 'IT c=J AUGER HOLt c:::J C ...... DIIU. ~ TD DltLLED DEPTH 011 4.5' INTO HOLE SIZE oUIO YY'l OF 81T I~TU" 'OR ELt_TIC* SHOWN j TY" OF !QUI"""T c::::JT.. ~"'L. Pick and shovel TOTAL. Il10. OF '''''''''IS I TY" 011 IAWLES =TO DATE HOI.E WATER STAIITED7/4/82 COMI\.ETED 7/4/82" tL. TaP 011 HCU ....... ....... CIIIIf.".,*" 18 ............ DIlle Corey I DEPTH ,wa" . ., SOIl. MAX ~ CGNrDIT 110. iUlIlID SURF~~TIO" ..:::u FORNATICN DESCRIPTION a REMARKS OL ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a nB" vegetation, root zone shovel to the bottom. is matted but affords a shovel easy penetra ~ 1.0: . tion. . .... . -. SOIL: Very dark brown MH silt, damp to wet, -contains some roots - down to 2.0'. Grades 2.&: to dark brown, moist, -~--silty sand by 2.0'. 'I' raterial is loose to Seasonal Frost -moderately loose. -• I 3.Et: ML ! - -- 4.tT: - A c: BonOM OF HOLE , ~ TOP OF ROCK -- --, -- -- A-21 PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT HOLE NO. AH-14 ... . . . ------------------------------------------------~------------------------ PRCWICT r-rl (It 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKQF HYDROELECTRIC ! LOCATION « ....... , , NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION U.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA N. E. ; DR....... IJIE.ItI(;Y L.ft-I~ aI EMIfGRS EXPLORATION LOG c.:::J O1MER ... I HOLE NO. . .......:uP \'S':nny, COO 1 I NLD AH-15 PER ...... T AH-15 Wolfe .. n,,1 OF HelLl OI"T" =~D I~~'" TEST I"IT c:::::l AUGDt MCU c:::x:J CHURN...... r::::=a TO HOLE 4.9' i SlZI ... TYPE CW In I DATUM ,. IU,""YION .... "'" CW tauII'IIENT t:::]T_. r:::::::I..... Pick and shovel 1'DTAL IIO.CW 5 ...... " I TV" CW ...... 1$ ·E~ I! DATI MOLl .'MATlD7/4/82 COMIIUTED 7/4/82 EL ,. CI1 HCII.! ....... ...... c:aw.... • , ........... -Dee. Corey I (;; ... -," SQq,. .... 1"" .::u FORMATION DESCRlPTIQN. a REM.RKS ClllnlMT NO. UK..., SURF}oI.I.r "_11ON OL PRGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with. a ~egetation, root zone shovel to the bottom. n c: is matted but affords ~ shovel easy penetra tion. -.1.9--. - MH SOIL: Very dark brown silt, damp to wet, -~ontains some roots - ~own to 2.0'. Grades to dark brown, moist . 2.0-: p.---~ilty sand by 2.0'. -I~ Material is loose to Seasonal Frost . moderately loose • ... --ML t . 3.0-: - -":' 4.0"': - -- 4 0 ...... _... nJ:'!-In! ~ ~I -TOP OF ROCK - . -, - -- < --.. . ..... ., ... ore. 'IS. II U,,,,, A-22 PROJECT SHAISIINIKOF HYDROELECTRIC . __ ~ AH-l~5 """J.aro-. _ . 1 PRO.IECT ~lCJ1rl DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION LQQTlON ( ...... , N. E. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRUING AGENCY ~ CORPS (s ENGINEERS . EXPLORATION LOG [=:J OntER HOLE NO. AH-16 "-W;lfU:-LU I~I~ PIlLD AH-16 ItIRNAII£NT Sunny, cool TYPE OF HOLE DEPn4 =~O 1~~a1 TI!ST PIT c:=J MaGER HOLE C¥:J CHURN ORU. t::=I TO 4.4' HOLE SIZE AM) TYPE OF BIT I DATUM 'OR ""'AT'" SHIMN TYItI OF IGUlNENT ~T". ~MIL. Pick and shovel laTA\. NO. OF Sa ...... ES TY" OF SAMPLES e~ Il DATI HOLE ITMTID 7/4/82 COMPLETED .7/4/82 . ELo TOP a1 HCI.l ....... ...... CIIIIf." .11. .............. oe.. Ccrev I DEPTH ".TP SAMPLE SOIL MAX ~ I:cIaaT NO. ~'E"O I SllRF~FlCATION ~ FORMATICN DESCRIPTION a REMARKS ORGANICS: Tundra-like Hole was easily dug with a OL vegetation, root zone shovel to the bottom. . o Ii" is matted but affords a shovel easy penetra tion. 1.~ . -. MH SOIL: Very dark brown silt', damp to wet, -contains some roots - down to 2.0'. Grades ·2.a: to dark brown, mOist, ---silty sand by 2.0'. .- There·is some season-/, al frost from about Seasonal Frost -2 • 0' to 3. a ' .. - . ML Material is loose to 3.~ moderately loose. - -0.1' of material - stained red-brown 4.0.: at 3.5'. - 4.4 SOnOM OF HOLE "Ill -TOP OF ROCK - -- · -- -- · · -- · A-23 PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANENT HOLE NO .. AH-16 r: i i I ! ~-----~----------------I.------------ PltOoIlCT ~ 1 cp'l . SHAISHNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION LOCATD ( ...... , N. E. U.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ,ALASKA DRILUNI AGENCY ~ CORPS OF ENGINEERS -EXPLORATION LOG c:=:J cmlER MOLl NO. 1_ gp UI'II .. Id." , Sunn NU AH-17 ... MAN£IIT AH-17 Wolf@ cool. TYI"£ M MOLE IIa.,!.TH IFO !~T.L TUT PIT c:::::::r AUIIR HO..t: C20 CHUM CJIIIIU. c:::::::I TO DIEPTM OF 6 O' .10 HOLt: • SIlE AND TYPE M BIT J DATUM POll lLE\IIlTlCltl ...... TYPE cw EQUIIIMDIT c::::::J'. .t:::l...... Pick and shovel TOTAL ~. 0IIfI ......... " I T't ... CW IAllllPl.II =~ WATER 11 DATE MOU STMTID 7/4/82 CCIWLITED 7 /4/82 £Lo ..... 0IIfI ttOL£ ....... ...... Cllllf.1ItI • n 1 ......... _ .... ~or@v I DO'TH ,,_.-!WIU SOIL ... ~-FotnaT 110, 1.1.110 Sl .'-, ... __ a1'1C)N .:::u FORM&TICN DESCRIPTION .. REMARKS JKrl'\ -, ORGANICS: T~ndra-likE Hole was easily dug with a n " OL vegetation, root zonE shovel to the bottom. is matted but afford a shovel easy penetra~ Water table is at top of groun. . 1,~ tion. . • --SOIL: Very dark br:owl1 MH silt, damp to wet, . -contains some roots -. down to 2.0', Grades to dark brown, moist, 2.0..: r---silty sand by 2.0'. - Material is loose to Allllill. -moderately loose. - A few cobbles were 3.0-: ML encountered at the -. 2.5' and 3.5 1 levels • --- 4.0-- -- 5.0-- -- ~ n RnTTllM n~ unl J:' TOP OF ROCK . . .. -- NN ~OR" DIe. '.5. ,. tlt"'1 A-24 P~ECT SHAI~HNIKOF HYDROELECTRIC PERMANE!oIT AH-17 . HOLE NO _ " __ _ Hole Mo. DA-l I DIVISION DRILLIMG LOG NPD INST ... LL ... TION TSHEET r Alaska District OF 1 SHUTS I! PROJECT to. SIZE AND TVPtE OF lilT NO °0 i i'lmnn'd Shaishnikof Hydroelectric 11. DATUM FOR li.L .. VATION $HOWN (TBM_~ 6i-.~LO~C~"'~T~10~N~(~C~~~m~.~'_~.-_~s,~_~~~------------------~ MLLW ~~~~~~== ____________________________ ~hl~i.~M~A~N~U~F~AC~T~U~R~E=R~'S~.D~E~S~IG~N~"'=TI~O~N~O~F~DR~IL~L------------~ 3. OAII.LING AGENCV $oraQue and Henwood 1-:-=~U~S:;:C:.::Ef.?C:"'-'~ ___ --'---'-~~~ _____________ --i 13. TOTAl. NO. OF OVER. I OISTU".IE., 4. HOI.E NO. (A. ehD .... _ •• ..., ,,,,_, BURDEN SAMPLES TAKEN i 0 . and III......... l DH-l • 5. N ... ME OF OfULL!!R 14. TOT AI. NUMBER CORE BOXES 3 Daniel Sull ivan v 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF HOLE -1 •• DATE HOLE I i su"n., I CO~~~T,1EO []J VIE" TIC AI.. DINCI..INIEO _____ Olt •• "'!IIIOM VIt!lllT. I-------------I....!I! 6i;LSio 12!.lI!6iLJtl. ./B .... 2 ____ ..... : ~6u! 1,.J:2:.:=: D",I/.,l: ,BI.!:2:...-__ -I 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 4.4 I 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 95.9 i:::i::: • i::: ta. TOT AI. CORE .. ECOVE"V 1"0" BORING J-.a_. _D_EP_T_H_D_ .. _I..;.L..;.LE_D __ IN_T_O_ .. _O_C_K ________________ --i I •• SIGNATU .. E OF INSPECTOR •. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 26.6 Mi chae 1 D. Corey ELEVATION D"PTH L-GEND CLASSI .. ICATION 0 .. MATUlIAU .... (D_vjpClon! "CORE BOX OR .. ECOV. SAMPLE .. EMARKS (D..",,,,, '..... __ lou. .",,. 01 -...nllllt. .tc.. it ."mlle.'" a ERV NO. • f II O.C e SURFACE II = OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown NX casing to 4.0 1 A A= to dark brown silty sand,damp __ .,.. + +. ,~nd mod .... !~o~~. ___ .. )1----l---I------------I iI III~ [J~ ~fU-K 100% water return to -" , -'~:' GRANODIORITE:Hard, massive, 94.3 the bottom of the hole. -.,.. ""-mod. fine grained,some quart"ZJO----I 10-:: '~' is deposited in the more ver~ = ' ; / tical trending fracs. the -= "; , ! rock is generally mod. weath-"94 r 0 -,+;t, ered throughout, intensely • = ~ +-,"" fractured to 20.0' ,and highl.) 20...= ... ~ ~ fractured to 26.6 1 • 1----1 -I 1 2 -~ +-;-0 .3' core los s (4.4 1 -9.7') = /~-... ' 0.6 1 core loss (9.7 1 .. 19.4') 100.0. 1--~-1 -..... 3 ?~ .:.. +-.++-, -. -------------------------------------. --:: -- BOTTOM OF HOLE Note: Pressure test was not performed. A-25 '.- Note: Core losses are distributed between interval depths. -, -- ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. P.,.A P'ROJECTSHAISHN IKOF HYDRO I HOLE N' nll_1 H.I. H.. OH-2 I DIVISION DRILLING LOG NPD INSTALLATION I SHEET 1 Alaska District 0" 1 SHEETS I. PROJECT 10. SIZE AND TYPE 0 .. BIT NO 01 amond ~:-:'lI:-:::S;;h:o:;a;..;i,;s.:.;,h.:.;,n~i k_o .... f_.,Hr=y~d:-r~o_e_l_e .... c_tr_i c'"""-_-----111. DATUM I"Oft t:;,,"!:;VATION lIiHOWN CUlM __ ~ Z. LOCATION (C...., ....... or .I,... MLLW .-." ho-""""~"""""'''''''''''="",'''''''' _____________ --1'Z. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION 011' DRILl. 3. DRIL.LING AGENCY Sprague and Henwood 1-:-=~U;:S;:;C::;E;;C~:--_--:---: __ ~~ _______ ----l13. TOTAL NO. 01" OVER-10IiTUIlt.IED ! UNDI.TUIII.IED &. HOL.E NO. (Ae .... --........ tI"o' BURDEN SAMPLES TAKEN! 0 : 0 .., tile...... I DH-2 14. TOT AL NUM8ER CORE 80XES 2 5. NAME 011' DRIL.LER Daniel Sullivan ta. EI.EVATION GROUNDWATER 6. DIRECTION Oil' HOLE _ II. DATE HOIoE' i IT .IIIT 110 ! COM6P''''2IlST,IlSD2 [2DVIEIIITIC ...... OINC ... IHIED _____ D ...... IIIOM V.ItT. 1-______ ....L.--=6;.!'.:2:..;,7..!/.:S:.:2:...._..i:_.:;.:...=.;:.:...;;.=--_-I 7. THICKNESS 011' OVER8UI(DEN S. 4 17. EI.EVATION TOP 011' HOI.E 18.'0 I,. TOT AI. CORE RECOVERY ... OR BORING ",,'_' _D_E_PT_H_DR_I_I._L_ED_IN_T_O_R_O_C_K __ ~~""!-______ -I It. SIGNATURE 011' INSPECTOR 88.3 t. TOTAL DEPTH 011' HOI.E 26.4 Mi chae 1 O. Corey EI.EVATION DEPTH LEGEND • O.fl c ------,-S.4_ -.... + 10-1.,t ... " --, .. '" ' -+-f.:f---I " , -" ..... , -. .. -ri-,. -" .. , -.,.. .J-.. 20-\ ~ 1--.,..-""'l-~ --'~'f, - I?F\.~ ( ,-- T.+' +' --------------------------------------. - CI.AIIllflCATION Olf MAT£IIlIAI.S (D...,.- I SURFACE " OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown to dark brown silty sand.damp and mod. loose. TOP OF ROCK GRANODIORITE: Hard. massive. mod. fine grained.some~quart2 is deposited in the more ver- tical trending fracs. The rock is generally mod. weath·, ered throughout. and varies from intensely to highly fractured. 0.2' core loss (10.6'-20.1 1 ) BOTTOM OF HOLE Note: Pressure test was not performed. " CORE RECOV. £lilY 0 . 97.9 100.0 BOX OR REMARKS SAMPI.E (DrIll"" , ..... .., ... -. .,.,. ol NO. ...". ....... e'c., II e'"u"CantJ f II NX casing to 10.4 1 Drill water goes bright rllc:t rll'd fnr'n " Jilt '7(' Starter barrel chewed up the first 2.2' of core. 1 100% water return Note: Core losses are distributed between 2 interval depths. ---, -A-26 ____ +-__ -+ ____ ~----------- ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOI.ETE_ MAR 7' (THAN Sf ",' .''Y .... PROJECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDRO I HOLE NO. ou-: ........ Hoi. Mo. 01-1 .. 3 I DIVISION DRILLIMG LOG' NPD INSTALL.ATION I SHEET. 1 Alaska District OF 1 SHUTS t. PROJECT 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT NO Di amond ~:-::::-:S-=h-:-::a:o::i~s,:=:"h_n_i k:"!",o_f~_H-=y~d~r_o,!,,,e_l_e_ct_r_l_' c _____ --t n. gATUM f'Uf'CML""LL.W.'I:.VATJUN :tHOwN CT •• _1/IllU..} 2. LOCATION (Coord .. ., •• Ol! Sf_~ t-:-::::-::-:::-:-:"::"::~~=:,,-------------:"----i 12. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRU.1.. 3. DRILLING AGENCY Sprague and Henwood r.-~~U;-S=.C;:-E-;C":",,:",,,:,,:,,:,,--:-:--:--~~~ ________ """'i II. TOTAL NO. OF OVER.. I OISTUIII.I:O ... HOLE NO. (A. eho_ -drawfnC ""., DH-3 BURDEN SAMPLES TAKEN I" 0 ! UNOISTUIII.I:D : 0 and m. nunlJec) i So NAME OF DRILLER I .. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 2 Dan i e 1 Su 11 i van lIS. ELEVATION GROUND WATER •. DIRECTION OF HOLE I ST AIIIT EO ICO~~ETI:O ~YEIIITIC.L. OINCL.INI:O _____ DE •• 1'1110" YEIIIT. 1-1_ •• _D_A_T_E_H_0_L_E ___ 1L.......:6:;..:./-=2:.;:8:L/-=8;.;:2~_ ....... !....;;;.6'-!2;;.8;;./:..;8;;.;2;;;""_--1 1'1. ELEVATION TO" OF HOLE '1. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 6.3 94.3 'I la. TOT AL CORE RECOVERY FDR BORING I-a_. _D_EPT_H_D_R_I_L_LE_D_IN_T_0_R_0_C_K_-::l,-::-,4o-::-0 _______ -l It. SIGNATURE OF INS"ECTOR 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 20.3 Mi chae 1 o. Corey .. ELEVATION DE .. TH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION 0(11' .. ATaIALa (D __ _ o nlfl c ---- ".L -+.+-' C:II~F' At"F' .. OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown to dark brown silty sand,dam~ and mod. loose. TOP OF Rt5C« = ;-;-t!::: GRANODIORITE: Hard, massive, 10 -= ... +--mod. fine grained,some quart -1+;;, is deposited in the more ver =" tical trending fracs. The --=~_" .... +-. rock is generally mod. weath· -+-+.' ered to 16.0',slightly ·weath· .= + -;..; ered to 20.3' II intense 1y to ?n..::L_ I IJighly fractured to 15.5', -and mod. fractured from 15.5 = to 20.3'. -= slicks at 13.41 and14.8'. -mud filled frac. at 12.7' --p.6' core loss (6'.:3'-9.1 1 ) --= p.2 1 core loss (9.1 1 -10.6') = Hole ends with a flange. -= BOTTOM OF HOLE --------------------------------. --- 'Note:Pressure test was not perfonned. 'I CORE BOX DR RECOV-SA .... LE !tRy NO. . , 78.5 88.2 100.0 1 2 REMARKS (DrUI"", t ........ '0", ..., ... 01 _ ............ '0., " .,.,.11':"'> • NX casing to6.3' 100% water return to the bottom of the hole. Note: Core losses are distributed between interval depths. '-----=_::t----i-----------A-27~ ____ +_---r------------------;r-- I HOI.. £ NO. OH-3 PROIECT SHAISHNIKOF HYDRO DRILLING LDG . 1-.'ON ... .,T ........ 1 I'"'''' 1 NPD Ala."a District £I' 1 '"lElEn t. ~o.I'CT la. SlZIE AltO TV .. 0' aIT NO Diamond Shaishnikof Hydroelectric I It. ""TU" r"," ...... A ...... " .. gW" fl." __ 1.4 1. .. OC ... TION ("-_" ... ,'"',. . MLLW 111. IIIA .. U' ... CTUII& ........... u .. A ION UP DIUI.I. :s. 0111 ........ AGIENC'f Sprague and Henwood I1~C~C I .. TDT ..... NO. Oil' OYIEIIo .1 DI.T .... !f.D ! _D1_"6'&&D 4. "OI.l NO. (A. __ ..... ""_1 .UIIOIEN ........ I.IE. TAICIEIt • _m.-.. DH .. 4 I. .. _1£ 0' 0111 .. 1.1£11 14. TOTAl. NUII.U COllIE 110111£1 0 Daniel Sullivan ,I. IEI.IEVATlON .IIOVItD _"TU .. DIIICCTION 0' "01.1 -I .. OATIE MOt.II '-'6i'2T 9&L82 !C_ ... TU liIy ... ".c ..... O ... C ..... &D DIE .. """"_T. ! 6/30/82 25.S' l't. It.&VATION TOI" 011' "01.1 't. T"ICICMIE" OIl"OYIEII.UIIOIEN 0.0 II. TOTAl. COllIE IlIECOVIEIIV 'OIl _1M. 0 'I .. £II"" OIIII.I.CD INTO IIOCK II. IIGNATUIlIE £III' IM'''.CTDII t. TGT AI. DIE"" £III' NOI.II ~C:.C!I Michael D. Corey CI.AIIIII'ICATION Oil' _TDIA'" " COllIE DDII 011 IlIEIIAIIIC. IEl.IEVATION DIE"" 1.1E.IENO tD.. .... ...., IIIECOV. 1A1I"1.1E trhII • ...,.-. __ I ............ ., UV ND. -......... " . ...." ...... • n"n • ISlJR F Ar.F 4 • , • -OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown NX casing to 22.0 1 : to dark brown silty sand,damp . -= and mod. loose, some seasonal . : frost at 1.0',Sizes include Standing water at 7.0' : clay, silt sand,granuels, pebbles,and cobbles.Comp.-ler: granodiorite and graywacke. -At 12.5' the material include. -Water return resembles -= bluish .. gray clay. that from dri 11 ing in . : solid rock but the colo : comes from the clay. 20-:: . - 2si • : BOTTOM OF HOLE -Note: The hole could only bE -: : . cased to 22' and the -core barrel could onl~ I -= proceed as far as 25.~ • = The hole was finished I -without finding the -= top of rock. : -. -: ----: --, . ", .. --= : -= : : ... A-28 ! ", _dON NPD IN,r ... t.I. ... T' j ~/ l' ~HI:ITI DRILLING LOG A"d<;!ca Dhtr'i et I ... ROJECT 10. 11lI: ..... 0 TVI'f. 01' liT N~mond Shaishnikof Hydroelectric I , .... t ". ~ ........... v .. " ..... _ .. ow II ____ l. 1.0C;ATI0 .. ( __ •• _ ...... ,. MLLW II.. ...... "I'A .. T"RII:II'I Dc;aJGNATIOH 0' DRIl.l. S, DRII.I.INO "'OINC'I SpraQue and Henwood USeEe '1. TOTA" NO. 0' OVIII-I DlaT_.CO I IINDI.TU ..... .. :::"I.:':!.:.::. __ -..... fI"el DH-S • "IIIDIN &10 .... 1.1.1 TAICIN n : n I .4. TOTA" NU ... IR CORI IOItEI 1 So NANI Oil' DRI .. I.IR : Daniel Sullivan .,. II. I .. IVATION GROUND WATIR .. DIRU;TIOH 0,. HOI.I -.• I·T Eti30iS2 le_I.CTI:O II. DATE HOI.I i 7/1/82 I[JVCRTICAI. c'_1. ... -.... I'ItOM •• "T, 15.2' 17. II: .. II:VATION TO" 0' "01.11: 1. T"ICKNIII 01' OVER.URDII:N 96.8 9.4' .a. TOTAl. CORII: RICOVIR" 'OR IORIN. " tl. DIIITH DRI .... m INTO ROCK It. IIGNATUR. 0,. IN' ... CTOR I. TOTAL. OEIIT" 01' HOL.II: 26.6' Michael 0 Corey 1I:L.lI:vATION CL.AIIII"CATIOH 01' MATalAU " co .... lOX OR RII:IIIARICI DEIITH I.II:GII:ND (D_ ..... III.COV-' ... 111 .... 1 rorm..., , .... __ ,. ...... " '" 0.10 C:IIRF'Ar.I=' lEA" NO. _ ....... M-; " ., .... ".."., e • " • , -OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown NX casing to 17.2 1 : soil grades to red-brown fr~ -1.0' to 2.0'. loose and damp • -. -Lose cobbles and pebbles -start at 7.6' and continue -1~ to top of rock. -Artesian flow begins at -12.5'. head-2.6', 10gpm 1U TOP OF ROCK -+++ GRANODIORITE: hard, massive, 100.0 -, , .. " 100S water return to -• + fo mod. fine grained,some quart 2~ ., ... the bottom of the hole. ++ .,. is deposited in the more ver 100.0 1"_ -. -... .,..,., tical trending fracs. The -\ .,~ ~ ""+.t. ,rock is generally mod. weath 90.' -= ered throughout, and varies = from intensely to highly -fractured. -:: 0.3' core loss (24.3'-24.6·~ -= BOTTOM OF HOLE -:: I = . -,-= --- : -------:: : -= -: - A-29 • ..... O.IICT 10. IIU AJlO TVI'!!: 0 .. 8,T NO 0; amond h--;~~S!Cha:-:1",s~h,!,:::n~ik~0~f~~Hy~d~r~0_e_l_ec_t_r_i_c ____ --1 n. v .. , V_ ,,_ &1.&" .. , ..... ~"g.H CTIlM .. -", Ill. I.g .... TlgN C ____ ".__ MLLW ~~~~~~~ ________________________ ~II~MANU"~U"&~IO~gNATIOHO"~11.1. ~ OIlII.I.INO AOIlHCV SDragUe and Henwood USCEC I~ TOT~ NO. 0 .. OVII... ID .. ,.U ..... O ! UNOIn'UII •• O I 0 . ... NAMI~" Dl!II.I.P , .. TOTAl. NU .... :JII COllI: eolen Daniel Sullivan ILII.IVATIOHG"DUHD.ATIII L OIRICTION 0 .. NOl.I -•• II. OATtt NOl.I '1'1'7".,"1",082 I CD_I.S,. .. O til " .. ,.'c~ r:::::I11tCI., .... ______ D." _ " .. T. I-___________ .l-;.:..;:..:...;::::. ___ ......i.: _,:..7:.;'3~':...;8_2;;..._-1 'T. TN'CKNID 01' OVl1l8UIIDD 18.3 ' .,. ttl.ttVATION TO," 0 .. Not.l ,I:I.IVATIOH DItfi'TN I.IOINO ; • o itO • -: -= = = 10-: -.= -: '0 .;: CI.AIII"'CATIOH OP MAT_'AU rD __ • SURFACE II OVERBURDEN: Very dark brown to dark brown silty $and.dam and mod. loose down to 0.5'. becomes mainly sand with a substantial amount of. silt. pebble~ and ~obbles to the top of rock. The pebbles and cobbles are predominantly granodiorite. TOP OF ROCK "COllI: 80ll OIl III:COV-' IAIO"I.1 IIIV NO. • I I -=~,",,+' GRANODIORITE: Hard. massive. 100 0 I = ,t,+, mod. fine grained. generally • i : .,..+-.. mod. to highly weathered 1 96.4 HX casing to17.0' 100% water return to the bottom of the·hole. ! .,.:,;;:'~ +' throughout. and highly to 92.1 i---+''''''-~_3-';''''~ ; ntensely fractured. 11---1--+------------1 , = ,\0.3' core loss (26.3 1 .26.6) I _ BOTTOM Of HOL.E = = -: = . --: : --= -: .-:: : ....: : : -= : A-30 A.3.5 Previous Geologic Investigations Initial investigations were made by various Europeans from about 1763 on, and were generally confined to stopovers and fur hunting expeditions. In 1850, Grewingk compiled a geologic map and description that was later refined by T.A. Jagger, A.S. Eakle, and others (1907) on a technology expedition. S.R. Capps l1934, pp. 147-149) gave a brief description of Unalaska Bay and Chernofski Harbor areas. In 1948, F.M. Byers, H.H. Waldron and others made a preliminary study for the USGS and their maps, notes, and collections were used in a later report (1953) by G.D. Fraser, G.S. Synder, and others. Mapping was completed in 1954. A.3.6 Materials for Construction A quarry up Pyramid Creek road and valley is a workable source and should provide suitable aggregate for concrete foundations (See Plate 6). A.4 DAM AND FOUNDATION A.4.1 Structure The proposed structure would be a flat, direct strutted, A-Frame timber buttress. Maximum height would be 22 feet and total crest length would be 104 feet. Both upstream and downstream dam faces will have a slope of lH:1V. The upstream face would be faced with one layer of pressure-treated tongue and groove wood decking and one layer of marine plywood to form an impervious membrane. Each individual timber buttress section would be constructed of pressure-treated wood to avoid deterioration. A catwalk would extend 70 feet across along the crest of the dam from the right overbank to the emergency drawdown sluice. Plate 1 shows the general project location, while plate~ 2 and 3 show selected design features. Pertinent structure information follows: Crest Elevation Base Elevation Existing Lake Elevation Design Water Elevation Water Elevation @lOO-yr flood event A.4.2 Excavation 570 feet 548 feet 562 feet 565 feet 569 feet The existing soils and tundra would be removed to expose sound bedrock beneath the entire area of the dam. Approximately 1,769 cubic yards of excavation would be required in the soils and tundra. Little or no stripping of weathered bedrock would be required beyond benching it into horizontal steps parallel to the river channel to provide level support for the l2-X12-inch concrete buttress sills. A minimum bench width of'12 feet would be required for equipment access. The bedrock is too hard to excavate by ripping. Drilling and blasting would be necessary. A.4.3 Footings The struts and braces would be supported on strip footings or sills made of reinforced concrete cast into trenches cut into the bedrock and would be at least 12 X 12 inches set at 4-foot centers. A-31 A.4.4 Seepage Control To control seepage and support the face of the dam, a 2-foot wide by 3-foot deep concrete cut-off sill would be cast into a trench extending across the river and up both abutments to the top elevation of the dam (see Plate 2). The depth of the trench should be no less than 3 feet when measured from the inside edges if the benches are normal to the slope. About 30 cubic yards of excavation would be required for the cut-off sill. Close line drilling would be necessary to excavate the cut-off sill. The grout curtain should extend along the entire length of the cut-off sill and should be at least 15 feet deep. The groqt holes should be spaced on 5-foot centers. Twenty-four grout holes~ '15 feet deep on 5-foot centers would require 360 linear feet of drilling and grouting. The estimated amount of Portland cement for grouting is 0.25 CF/LF (drilled hole) or approximately 90 sacks. Some of the excavated surface soils (clayey silts) can be used to cover the exposed bedrock in the river channel upstream of the dam to reduce infiltration and seepage losses. A.4.5 Penstock Description The penstock would be aboveground throughout its length except for 110 feet which would be buried. It would run along the right side (looking downstream) of the river outside the confines of the ravine in which the river flows. The vegetation cover along the penstock route is minimal. The selected penstock diameter was determined by minimizing pipe costs and the dollar value of energy lost through head losses for various penstock diameters. In addition~ an average water velocity within the penstock of 7 ft/sec was a design requirement. Maximum velocity would not exceed 10 ft/sec. The penstock would be a 42-inch inside diameter steel pipe extending 920 feet from the intake invert at the 550-foot elevation, 20.0 feet below the top crest of the dam to the powerhouse at an elevation of 430 feet. The project's gross head ;s 135 feet and net design head is 130. The penstock would be designed with a minimum wall thickness of 0.25 inches. Anchorage of the penstock would be accomplished through the use of wood piers spaced at 30-foot intervals. Thrust blocks would be constructed at required points along the penstock. Selected penstock profile and penstock supports are shown in Plates 1 and 4. A.5 SPILLWAY A.5.1 Description To avoid water spilling over the timber buttress dam, a straight uniform channel would be constructed. Since a natural depression in both bedrock and overburden exists approximately 110 feet to the left of the dam centerline looking downstream, the spillway a1inement was selected to generally follow this depression. The selected design is a straight uniform rock cut channel on a supercritica1 slope of 0.05 with a bottom width of 38 feet and side slopes of lH:4V (see Plate 1). A-32 - The spillway would be designed to accommodate a 100-year flood event equal to 1000 cfs. A spillway, which would pass the 100-year event, was judged to be sufficient to meet dam safety criteria for several reasons: (1) for a structure classified as low hazard and small size, according to the guidelines set forth in the Corps of Engineers manual IIFeasibility Studies for Small Scale Hydropower Additions, A Guide Manual, July 1979/1 the recommended spillway design flood is the 100-year frequency; (2) the lake upstream of the dam would attenuate the flow to a greater extent than provided for in the calculations; and (3) the dam would be located in a remote area with no habitation downstream. A.6 POWERHOUSE A.6.1 Powerhouse Layout The powerhouse would be a conventional indoor plant with the substructure constructed of reinforced concrete and the aboveground housing being a pre-engineered metal building. The powerhouse would contain two generating units including controls, governors, and switchgear. Flow of water to the units would be via a 42-inch diameter penstock and would be controlled by hydraulically operated butterfly valves. Two manually operated sluice gates would be located on the outside of the powerhouse to close off the draft tube from tailwater. Main equipment inside the power- house would be installed and serviced by a 7.S-ton bridge crane. Access into the powerhouse would be provided by a personnel access door and/or a 10-foot rollup door located at ground level elevation. (See Plate 5) Control facilities would be for an unmanned plant, and protective devices would operate automatically to protect equipment without the need for operator assistance. The main power equipment would consist of two horizontal shaft, synchronous type generator units, one rated at 500 kVA, 0.80 P.F., 900 rpm, and the second unit rated at 375 kVA, .80 P.F., 900 rpm. The turbines would be horizontal Francis type, the larger rated to discharge 44 cfs at 130 feet of net head and the smaller rated to discharge 34 cfs at 130 feet of net head. One transformer, rated at 1000 kVA would be provided. A.6.2 Turbines The installation of two II s tandardized ll horizontal Francis turbines with wicket gates and butterfly valves would match the site1s hydraulic condi- tions. The site would have two turbines of differing size and capacity. This would allow the project to operate over a wide variation of flow conditions. The selection of these size units is based upon an economic study performed by the Alaska District. "Standardized ll units were selected because of the economic advantages of using pre-engineered equipmeAt. If further studies are made, all appropriate turbine types and configurations will be considered. Based on average monthly streamflow and the available daily streamflow data, the system would operate throughout the year. Only one of the two turbines would operate during low winter flows which normally occur during the months of December though March. It could be expected that this single turbine would operate within its operating range during this time period. During the remaining months both turbines would be operational. A-33 For the purpose of this study, the turbines would have the following characteristics. The small unit would be rated to discharge 34 cfs at 130 feet of net head. At this condition, the generator output would be approximately 300 kW assuming a generator efficiency of 95 percent. The unit is estimated to have a 19-inch runner throat and would operate at 900 rpm. The runner centerline would be approximately 5 feet above minimum operating tailwater. The large unit would be rated to discharge 44 cfs at 130 feet of net head. At this condition, the generator output would be about 400 kW assuming a generator efficiency of 95 percent. The unit is estimated to have a 20.5-inch runner throat diameter and would operate at 900 rpm. The runner centerline would be at about 5 feet above minimum tai lwate,r. (See Plate 5) . A.6.3 Major Electrical Equipment Generators The generators would be of the horizontal shaft, synchronous type with the shaft directly connected to the turbine. The generators would be 3-phase, 60 Hz, 4BO V. The large unit would be rated at 400 kW (500 kVA at O.B P.F.) 900 rpm, and the small unit rated at 300 kW (375 kVA at O.B P.F.) 900 rpm. Drip-proof housing would be provided. The generators would be open ventilated with an BO°C rise, and have a Class B insulation system without provisions for overload. The generators would have full run-away speed capability. The excitation systems would be specified to be the manufacturer's standard type. This could be either a direct connected brushless exciter or a bus-fed power potential service static excitation system. Solid-state continuously acting dynamic type voltage regulators would be used ana would be incorporated in the unit switchgear. Power Transformer One power transformer would be provided. This would be a 0.4BI34.5 kV, delta-grounded wye, 3-phase transformer, OA Class, 1000 kVA, with ,the minimum nonpremium impedance specified. Load Contro 11 er The load controller would be of the gate shaft actuator type. It would be designea to regulate the load of the generator and prevent run-away by controlling the wicket gates. The load controller would consist of the necessary indicating and control devices, an oil pumping set consisting of a sump tank and two motor driven oil pumps, one or two pressure vessels as required, and all necessary servo-motor piping. A.6.4 Generator Voltage System The connection between the generators and breakers would be with cable. The generator and station service breakers would be metal enclosed drawout type rated 600 V, with BOO amp frames. The breakers would be combined in a common switChgear lineup along with generator surge protection and instrument transformers. A-34 A.6.5 Unit Control and Protective Equipment Unit controls would consist of manual startup and shutdown circuits, basic protective relays, and basic instrumentation. Protective relays for each unit would include generator differential, overspeed, overvoltage and ground overcurrent. Instrumentation for each unit would include a voltmeter, an ammeter, a wattmeter, and a watthour meter. The controls would be contained in a single cabinet. No annuciation or station battery would be provided. A.6.6 Station ~ervice The station service power would be obtained via a tap between the generator breaker and the main power transformer. The station service distribution panel would be adjacent to the generator switchgear lineup. Station service power distribution would be at 480 volts 3-phase and 2.81/120 volts single phase. A.6.7 Connection to Load A 3-phase 34.5 kV buried transmission line would tie the plant to the existing system. The line will be connected to the powerhouse through a disconnect switch. A.6.8 Mechanical Equipment The mechanical equipment installed in this powerhouse would be the minimum necessary for operational requirements. Raw water from the penstock would be provided for bearing cooling. A small 120 psi air compressor and receiver would ~e provided to serve as the air source for the service air and governor air systems. A compressor furnished with each governor would increase the air pressure as required for governor operation. Building drainage and unit dewatering would flow by gravity into the dewatering and drainage sump. Two pumps would be provided in the sump. Because of the small unit sizes, fire protection would be limited to portable fire extinguishers. Oil would be handled in barrels and passed through a portable filter. Drinking water and restrooms would not be provided. The HVAC system would consist of a fan, ductwork, louvers, dampers, duct heater and controls. The system would provide powerhouse cooling using outside air and heating with an electric resistance duct heater. Controls would be electric. An overhead electrically operated bridge crane of 7.5-ton capacity would be provided to hanole generator and turbine parts and miscellaneous powerhouse equipment during erection and repair. The crane would span the prefabricated steel building and travel its length. A.7 TRANSMISSION LINE Approximately 8 miles of 34.5 kV (three phase 12ACSR) buried transmission line would run from the powerhouse to the edge of town. The connection at the city would consist of a set of fuse gear and jumper loops to connect with the community distribution system. This deSign would be fully A-35 compatible with the existing distribution system. The proposed corridor layout is shown on Plate 1. Clearing would not be required because the maximum height of existing brush in the corridor is 1 foot. Excessive winds and icing problems dictated the use of a buried line versus an overhead transmission line. Based on their experiences on the maintenance of overhead lines, the city of Unalaska has concurred with use of a buried 1 ine. A.8 ACCESS ROAD Access to the project facilities, powerhouse and damsite for construc- tion purposes would be accomplished by construction of an unimproved dirt road. Proposed layout of the access road is shown on Plate 1. Travel width would be approximately 10 feet. Culverts would be placed at required locations. A.9 TAILRACE The proposed tailrace channel would have a trapezoidal cross section with side slopes of one vertical on two horizontal. Maximum flow velocity would be 2.7 feet per second at a design slope of 0.23 percent. Maximum flow depth would be 2 feet with a free board of 1.9 feet. A 2-foot thick layer of cobbles would be sufficient to prevent erosion of the underlying material. Plate 5 shows a typical channel section. A.10 POWER POTENTIAL Table A.3 provides a summary of the average power potential of 600, 700~ and 800 kW units. Month 600-kW Oct 305 Nov 252 Dec 165 Jan 195 Feb 174 Mar 112 Apr 200 May 411 Jun 383 Ju1 222 Aug 245 Sep 327 Total 2991 TABLE A-3 Average Energy Production (MWh) 700-kW 318 250 170 202 171 115 196 455 419 226 250 342 3TT4 800-kW 327 241 172 202 164 115 191 486 444 221 246 351 3160 To optimize the turbine size, the information in Table A-3 was compared with the energy demand for the months of October through September. An assumption in this analysis was that the annual usable energy is equal to the average annual energy produced by the hydropower system. In the case of Unalaska, where the energy demand greatly exceeds the energy supplied by hydropower, the above assumption would be justified. Table A-4 shows the annual output of each hydro alternative. This amount, adjusted by a 5 percent line loss, was used in the benefit analysis. A-36 TABLE A-4 Estimated Yearly Usable Energy (MWh) Unit 600 kW 700 kW 800 kW POL (1993) 2991 3114 3160 The value of the diesel energy that would be displaced by the hydropower system was calculated in accordance with the analysis outlined in Section 5.1.2 of the main report. The following benefit analysis was used for each hydro alternative. ~ Gross Generation (kWH) Avoidable Line Loss Avoidable Cost/kWh Adj. Cost Fuel costs/kWh 3,114,000 x Escalation 3,114,000 x O&M saved 3,114,000 x Extended diesel life 3,114,000 x Annual benefit (700 kW unit) .1008 x .0605 x .0201 x .0035 .95 = .95 = .95 = = = $298,000 179,000 59,000 11 ,000 $547,000 The hydropower system would allow part-time use of the basic diesel units. The annual savings in O&M was estimated to be $.02/kWh and by increasing the operating life of a diesel unit from 10 to 20 years an annual savings of $11,000 was realized. This represents the average annual cost of the diesel that would be displaced by the hydropower system. \. Benefits were claimed for reduced O&M and extended diesel life of $O.02/kWh and $0.0035/kWh, respectively. Annual costs were calculated by applying an interest and amortization rate of 8-1/8 percent for 50 years to the sum of project first cost and interest during construction. To this figure, an annual operation and maintenance cost of $30,000 was added. The total average annual costs were calculated at October 1983 price levels. The annual cost for the hydropower system was then compared to the annual benefits. The avoidable costs from the diesel system would be the benefit if the hydropower system ;s installed. A summary of these costs and benefits is shown in Table A-5. First Cost ($) IDC (18 months) Investment Cost Interest & Amortization (50 yrs. @ 8-1/8%) TABLE A-5 Estimated Costs and Benefits 600 kW $5,478,000 450,000 5,928,000 492,000 700 kW 5,571 ,000 457,000 6,028,000 500,000 A-37 800 kW 5,749,000 465,000 6,214,000 515,000 Operation and Main- tenance (.$) 30,000 30,000 30,000 Total Annual Costs $ 522,000 $ 530,000 $ 545,000 Annual Benefits Fuel Displacement ($) $ 286,000 298,000 $ 303,000 Fuel Escalation \$) $ 172,000 179,000 182,000 O&M Avoided 57,000 $ 59,000 60,000 Extended Life 10,000 11 ,000 10,000 ~ Total Annual Benefits $ 525,000 $ 547,000 ' $ 555,000 BIC Ratio 1.0 1.03 1.02 Net Benefits ($) $ 3,000 $, 17,000 $ 11 ,000 Based on this analysis, the project with an installed capacity of 700 kW maximizes net benefits. If the streamflows vary significantly from the estimates, the optimum unit size could either increase or decrease. For the purposes of this report, a 300-kW and a 400-kW unit were chosen for the selected plan because of their ability to maximize net benefits. Additional streamflow information may alter this selection slightly during post-authorization design work. However, any change would affect only the turbine-generator sizing. A.ll ENHANCEMENT -SHAISHNIKOF RIVER The opportunity to improve the fisheries resources of the Shaishnikof River appear to be good. While fish enhancement is not directly related to the hydropower development, it would be inexpensiye and cost effective to implement the enhancement plan in conjunction with the power project. Also, anadromous salmon of regional and national significance are involved and there is no sport fishing on the Shaishnikot River. Although the river above the canyon is now being utilized by coho salmon and anadromous Dolly Varden, streamflows during pink salmon spawning do not allow their passage above the canyon (See Plate 6). Approximately 2 acres of excellent spawning and incubation habitat exist above the canyon (Refer to the USFWS Coordination Act Report, pages 37-40). The enhancement would result in a maximum of 37,000 additional salmon per year for harvest. Refer to pages 21-25, USFWS CoordinatiQn Act Report (App. D) for the procedure used in determining the maximum yield from the enhancement plan. Due to the cyclical nature of pink salmon, an annual equivalent equal to 29,000 fish per year was used in the benefit computations. Any stream improvement on the Shaishnikof River to increase fishery production would be successful only if the construction and operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric project does not change the water chemistry or any other physical conditions below the dam. From the information gathered at the site and proposed hydropower facilities designs, the Alaska District does not believe the reach downstream of the dam would be significantly different from the existing conditions. A-38 In evaluating the upper 1 and 1/2 miles of river as potential pink salmon spawning habitat, the following parameters were examined: water temperature, water depth, water velocity, and substrate composition. A comparison of the parameters measured in the lower and upper reaches of the Shaishnikof River indicates that the upper 1 and 1/2 miles would provide viable pink salmon spawning habitat. Water temperature warms to 8.0°C in July at the beginning of pink salmon spawning. Both water depth and gravel size lie within the acceptable range of pink salmon spawning requirements. Water velocity measurements for June 1982 averaged 0.53 meters/second (m/sec) which lies midway in the range 0.21 to 1.01 m/sec for pink salmon given by Reiser and Bjornn (1979). It is expected that water velocity de~eases somewhat during Ju1y-August-September when actual spawning occurs; average monthly discharge at the lake outlet decreases from 76 cubic feet per second (cfs) in June to 33 cfs in July and then increases again to 50 cfs in October. Compared to the lower river reach, which supported an average escapement of almost 30,000 pink salmon between 1979 and 1982, these spawning parameters for the upper reach are quite similar. Annual benefits were determined by allowing an average weight for coho salmon of 3.6 pounds at a value of $.415 per pound. Using a 30 percent net to gross (U.S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries) value, the plan results in an annual benefit of $13,000 to the commercial fishing industry in Unalaska. . Two methods were examined for constructing the fisheries enhancement on the Shaishnikof River: (1) Steeppass -Ziemer (1962) describes in detail a sectional, prefabricated, lightweight, portable, corrosion resistant steeppass fishway used for passing upstream migrating salmon over low head barriers. (2) Removal of the rock obstructions in the canyon area through blasting. Approximately 240 c.y. of rock would be removed. Both methods would result in the same increase of annual equivalent fish. Method one would cost approximately $100,000 with a maintenance cost of $10,000 per year. Method two would cost $33,800, including E&D and S&A with annual monitoring cost of $2,000 per year. Based on the above figures and a recommendation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, method two, removal by blasting, was determined to maximize net benefits. The results are summarized below: Excavation, Rock 240 c.y. @ $100/c.y. Contingency 25 % Engineering & D~sign Supervision & Administration Total First Cost Investment Cost Interest and Amortization Annual Monitoring Total Annual Cost Annual Benefits A-39 $24,000 6,000 2,000 1,800 $33,800 $34,000 2,800 2,000 $ 4,800 $13,000 Net Annual Benefits $ 8,200 Benefit-Cost Ratio 2.7 As shown above, the enhancement project would be well justified. Since anadromous salmon of regional and national significance are involved (and there is no sport fishing on the Shaishnikof River), the Federal government would pay 100 percent of the cost for implementing the enhancement project. A.12 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE -HYDROPOWER PROJECT ITEM/DESCRIPTIOh QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL LANDS & DAMAGES Administration Costs 1 l.s. $ 10,000 Lands 1 1.s. 63,000 Contingency (20%) $ 15 2 000 Total Lands and Damages 88,000 MOB & DEMOB 1 1. s. $ 600,000 Contingency (15%) 90,000 Total Mob and Demob $ 690,000 . DAM & INTAKE STRUCTURE Excavation, Common 1,769 c.y. 15 $ 26,535 Excavation, Rock (Dam) 687 c.y. 100 68,700 Excavation, Rock (Spillway) 1,880 c.y. 50 94,000 Concrete, Dam 67 c.y. 1,200 80,400 .-.. Steel, Structural 4,800 c.y. 1. 50 7,200 Steel, Rebar & Misc. 4,000 1bs. 2.00 8,000 Sluice Gate Assembly 1 ea. 18,000 18,000 Penstock Gate 1 . 10,000 10,000 ea. Trash Rack 600 lbs. 3.50 2,100 Air Vent 400 1bs. 3.50 1,400 Timber, Treated 40 mbm 3,300 132,000 4"X12" T-G Decking 10.5 mbm 3,600 37,800 3/4 ACX Plywood, Treated 2,600 s.f. 3.10 8,060 Grout Holes, Uri1ling 360 1. f. 40 14,400 Grout 90 sacks 130 11,700 Rock Bolts 130 ea. 30 3,900 Contingency (20%) 104 2805 Total Dam and Intake Structure $ 629,000 ROCKFILL COFFERDAM 1,000 c.y. 25 $ 25,000 Contingency (25%) 5z000 Total Rockfi11 Cofferdam $ 30,000 PENSTOCK 42" dia 1/4" Steel 111,440 1bs. 2 $ 222,880 Ring Stiffeners 5,600 1bs. 1.80 10,080 Rock Bolts 64 ea. 30 1,920 Timber Supports 32 ea. 255 8,160 Concrete 34 c.y. 1,400 47,600 Excavation, Common 92 c.y. 15 1,380 Contingency (20%) 57 2 980 Total Penstock $ 350,000 A-40 ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL POWERHOUSE Structure 1 ea. 128,000 $ 128,000 Turbine Generator 2 ea. 269,000 538,000 Accessory Electrical 1 ea. 162,000 162,000 Auxiliary Sys. & Equip. 1 ea. 39,000 39,000 Switchyard 1 ea. 46,000 46,000 Contingency (20%) 183,000 Total Powerhouse $ 1,096,000 TAILRACE Excavation 334 c.y. 5 $ 1,670 Kockfi 11 154 c.y. 10 1,540 Contingency (20%) 790 $ 4,000 TRANSMISSION LINE 8 mile 155,000 $ 1,240,000 ontlngency 248 z000 Total Transmission Line $ 1,488,000 UNIMPROVED DIRT ROAD Excavation, Common 16,940 c.y. 5 $ 84,700 E2<cavation, Kock 12,360 c.y. 25 309,000 Fi 11 4,535 c.y. 10 45,350 2411 Cmp 630 l.f. 38 23,940 48 11 Cmp 175 1. f. 100 17,500 Contingency (20%) $ 96 z510 Total Unimproved Dirt Road 577,000 \ SUBTOTAL $ 4,952,000 Engineering & Design (6.5%) 322,000 Supervision & Administration 297,000 (6.0%) TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 5,571,000 A-41 A.12 PROJECT ECONOMICS (Hydropower Only) A. 12. 1 Federal Criteria Under criteria established for Federal water resource projects, the tentatively selected plan is feasible. Factors influencing the feasibility have been presented in appropriate sections of the report. The results are presented below. ANNUAL COSTS and BENEFITS Investment Cost (Incl. IDC-18 months) Interest and Amortization (8-1/8% @ 50 yrs) Operation and Maintenance Total Annual Cost Annual Benefits Fuel Displacement Benefit 1/ Fuel Cost Escalation BenefTt 1/ 08l'1 Saved Extended Life of Diesel Total Annual Benefit Benefit-Cost Ratio Net Annual Benefit 1/ Includes a 5 percent transmission loss. A.13 POL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS $ 6,028,000 $ 500,000 J 30,000 530,000 $ 298,000 $ 179,000 $ 59,000 $ 11 ,000 $ 547,000 1.03 $ 17,000 The year 1993 was chosen as the most realistic power on line (POL) date based upon the current time required for review and subsequent authorization as a Federal project. Realizing that the feasibility of the Shaishnikof River hydropower project is sensitive to fluctuations in the diesel fuel escalation rates. an analysis was made to determine this effect assuming: a. Project is constructed not as a Federal project, but as a State of Alaska project or city of Unalaska. POL date would be 1988. b. Project POL date is delayed to 1998. The results of this analysis are summarized below in Table A-6. Item Annual Benefits Annual Costs B/C Ratio Net Annual Benefits 1988 POL $505,000 530,000 .95 to 1 (25,000) TABLE A-6 1993 POL $547,000 530,000 1.03 to 1 $ 17;000 1998 POL $593,000 530,000 1.1 to 1 $ 63,000 ~ As the Shaishnikof River project is delayed further into the future, the feasibility of the project improves. Construction of the project prior to the Federal POL date of 1993 would result in a nonfeasible project. A-43 D c B A 570- 560- 550 - FLIP BUCKET EXCAVATED IN ROCK I 300 FLIP BUCKET EXCAVATED IN ROCK 5 I 250 ..,-'" ....... I 200 I 150 SPILL WAY PROFILE N.T.S. -....,... l' '" SLOPE QQ!i .l.. J.. 200' I 100 T ill 1 SPILL WA Y PLAN N.T.S. 4 TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT GENERAL PLAN 600' 0' 600 1200' 11-=-=-1£:111::.<:::···.' __ .'::: J ~--""';:"""'--ELEV, 565 .,.. 1 I 50 -....... ...-'" , I o DAM SITE NTS. b , CONSTRUCTION ROAD COFFER DAM FOR DIVERSION TIMBER DAM --~ .... ~- SPILLWAY PENSTOCK (ABOVE GROUND) SIDE CHANNEL SPILLWAY Drawn by: RJK Cheehd by: LOCA TION MAP U,!!t ARMY ENGINEER DiSTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHMAGE, ALASKA UNALASKA, ALASKA SMALL HYDRO SHAISHNIKOF RIVER PLAN AND PROFILE Sh •• t t-________ -Io;;,-----------1:~~;:·~------------~ c 8 A D C B A ACCESS ROAD 5 .. TO TRAIL LAKE 4 TO CAPTAINS BAY ... PLAN VIEW SCALE: FEET !So 0 !S;O .... 100 3 TOP OF DAM ELEV, I 100 YEAR EYENT WATER ELEVATION AT ELEII. 569 I \ ( \C MAX, OPERATING POOL MIN, OPERATING POOL TRASHRACK (6',S') no, B REBAR w/S". 12" OPENING PENSTOCK GATE·· " 8" BLOCKING CONT. w/Y4" : : 12" ANCHOR BOLTS AT 2' o,c, INYERT ELEY, ELEV 54B W 18.86 ELEV, 544 2 DAM AXIS 2".4" POST a BRACES AT 41 Q,C --2ux 4" HAND RAILS ___ 2" DECKING , 4"x8".IO' LONG BEAMS AT 4 O,c. 1 2"x4" ------, 4".4" POSTS AT 4'0,0. CLEAT. 4".8" .,2" LONG -----SS ALL BENTS 4" a" SWAY BRACE ACRO (T) ....---w/~" LAG SCREWS a WASHERS yp, ",. b~. ~ 'o~ 2' WID~.3'DEEP 4".a"lAtRosS ALL BENTS (Typ. L 2" 12" CONCRETE SILL(TY~.) CONCRETE CUT-OFF WALL ___ -=~~..:.:.::.:......_ _________ _ I·~:(:.J.-L::--=--=-=-=-~RO:.::.CK~B_OL_T --P-E-N-ST--O-C-K-~:~~ SECTION 0 ~rb /! SCoALE: FE.ET GROUT CURTAIN ~ t.. _ I I. IS' MIN DEPTH WALKWAY 570- MAX, POOL ELEV. 565 ! o .,:, = r I b OJ N NOTE: S ARE IN FEET, ALL BENTS ARE 4'· O' I ALL ELEVATION , CENTER TO CENTER, a WOODEN MEMBERS TO BE 2, ALL TIMBERS, PLANKS OTE NO UNTREATED WOOD TO TREATED WITH CREOS , BE USED, BE ROUGH COMMON (RC) UNLESS 3 ALL TIMBERS TO , OTHERWISE DESIGNATED, R BORED SHALL HAVE 4. ANY CREOSOTED TIMBER CU!C~S MOPPED WITH CREOSOTE THE NEWLY EXPOSED SURF OF NOT LESS THAN TWO FOUR TIMES AT INTERVALS HOURS OF EACH APPLICATlOE~S RAMP FOR RESERVOIR 5, SLUICE GATE AND GATE AC;ENSTOCK GATE AND ACCESS DRAWDOWN IS SIMILAR TO RAMP. Oat. Approved ELEV, 559-L..L....l-.L.f-'---L~ -ELEII. 559 560-JL~tiJ 5 ELEV, 548-- -dj ESERVOIR DRAWDOWN SLUICE GATE (Nol. 5 ) INVERT ELEV, 548 PENSTOCK GATE W/~~'6SH RACK ~VERT ELE~ C ELEVA TION VIEW SCALE; FEET 10 20 to 0 ~ 10 .... -•••• 4 TO BE EXCAVATED -550- WI8xas Note: Looking downstream 3 ! [ ~? i i -<.0 " j LJ .....jS"i.---4·· a"---I6" ~ PENSTOCK GATE N,T, s, 2 Destgned by: US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT , 'CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE. AlASKA ~ UNALASKA, ALASKA I-n-,.w-n-b-.,---i':t::-eo::' SHAISHNIKTORFERSIVSERDAM '!JK TIMBER BUT Chf!(:ked by: PLAN & SECTION I-A-P_--.'-~-b.-'---'L-~_'_r.·~ ________ ~ .... Drawing Code: PLATE 2 1 D C B A 5 o C B 314" PLYWXlD FACE (ACX I MARINE) EXT" APA, GRADE 5-1 (GROUP I SPECIES)········· ...... __ / 4".12' T 8G WOOD DECKING A 5 4 i----!»'lM AXIS I 12". 12" CONCRETE SILL -I SECTION ED 4' ~". "" S' I q~~~~~~~J-----4"X6"X 10' AT 4' D.C. SECTION 4' O' 1M _ I 4 4' , POSTS AT 4' D.C. ___ -----CU,AT, 4".6". 12" CD S' I 4".6' SWAY BRACE ACROSS ALL BENTS (TYP) EL 554 SILL 3 2 42'" STEEL PENSTOCK ~----snFFENER RING r----WEDGE r--r~~~---~~~~~-----t~~+-=+-------T1MBER SECTION !' 0' Iooi l000i' 2' I 1-----12", 12'~ S' ---3/4' II! ROCKBOLTS 1 APPROX. GROUND Ii. SIDE CHANNEL SPILLWAY APPROX BEDROCK I If.. DIVERSION STRUCTURE I EL. 565 DAMSITE PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 3 2 Symbol o.algned by: Date Approved u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ~ UNALASKA,ALASKA 1---------1 U5 >nny"""" SMALL HYDRO D,.wnO., .. "",,-~ SHAISHNIKOF RIVER Che.;ked by: SECTIONS R",ylewed by: Scale: She •• ~------Ji~~ .. ;,-----------l~~!~:~.~------------~ Approved by: PLATE 3 Drawing: Code: 1 o C B A 5 o \ C 700 B 650 600- 550 500- 450- A 5 ~ \ \ I o ~I !-' 0' :> '" .... U) w '" ;'! ~ 1+00 4 CHANNEL SPILLWAY I 2+00 DAM I 3+00 PLAN 50' 0' !50' 100' '~_~ .. ~_t===~' ..... ' i'PIERS @ 30' O.C. (TYP.) 5+00 PENSTOCK PROFILE 4 5d 0' ---SO' I 100' I PENSTOCK 3 7+00 3 I 8+00 2 r:OWERHOUSE -~--r ---1-' I II / / ELEV. 430 10+00 11+00 2 I THRUST BLOCK PROFILE DETAIL N.T.S. STIFFENER RINGS~-·, I-~ROCKBOLT I TYPICAL PIER CONSTRUCTION DETAIL N. T.S. Reviewed by: $oale: Date Approved u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGiNeERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA UNALASKA, ALASKA SHAISHNIKOF RIVER Sheet ~ ____________ ~~~~~::e~ _____________ ~ :--------------1 Date: Approyed by! Drawing Code: PLATE 4 1 o c B A D c B - A 5 I 4 5 0 5 10 .. _... ' ! SCALE, FEET TYPICAL TAILRACE SECTION OUTLINE 24' • 40~ STEEL BUILDING \. 0 .. CONTROLS UNIT I-t--- /1\ I -THRUST BLOCK --+-CONTROLS UNIT 2 I I I I , , I PLATFORM : I • - (11- \PERSONNEL ACCESS DOOR STEEL GRATINGiC--e : /_ ! I I 'i=r-----1===r--C'---"Si:sL::UuiiCIC:EE GGAiATrEES"S---,::::l---'j:==~ _______ --' TAILRACE 5 h-------I A A f-------..A~. V V V 4 " o 4 --; SCALE, FEET POWERHOUSE PLAN VIEW 4 I I 3 I If. ROAD I 5' 5' -I 2 ~-:-I -----!..I 2 1Z ,FliLLJ ~: #1*lu I. TYPICAL ROAD FILL SECTION 5' 0 s' 10' ~~~~~~----~~~~~I Scale in Feet I,...... 7.5 TON BRIDGE CRANE~ c:::: r'i. UNIT I GOVERNOR UNIT I 2 If. ROAD 5' 5' ~:J--, CUT J I ~1 FILL 5' I TYPICAL ROAD CUT & FILL SECTION 5' M Scale In Feet 10' I EXISTING SOIL TOP OF ROCK TYPICAL ROAD CUT SECTION Symbol D EXISTING SOIL EXISTING ROCK c ~ ROAD B R.vlslons De.criptions Date Approved ( II 1(1(,::\1\ EI •• -43-2'-G-RO-U~D LINE\ ~ 111---jI~I-ll-MII\-HI\:HeV»-++-~+-ll----+l-!-+----n~;i.;n fMINIMUM OPERATING 1----~----------------------------_4--__1----_1~ ;~ ... TAIL WATER Elev. 430' 1----+----------------+---1I-----i ",,:y .~i \L':~"·"'·":"'·":if"':"':""'~':"_--91, .. i:;'/~/' K i---+t---SLUICE GATE 3 J----CONCRETE WEIR ~: <;l;"~:--------------£l1750J~;~,,,~\W~"~,w~/\\\~"'\!V;;,./?,;\~''''{07 U/ 'r m~\W/// 4 o 4 8 " --! ! 1 SCALE, FEET POWERHOUSE CROSS SECTION I 2 Designed by: u.s. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA m I--o'-... -n-.-.'-------I ~SE~i/-~ UNALASKA, ALASKA SHAISHNIKOF RIVER TPH POWERHOUSE PLAN & I-C-he-c'-ed-.,-, ------1 SECTION, TAILRACE SECTION & TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONS Reviewed by: Scale: She.t ~----------~~!~::.~----------~ 1--__________ -1 Date: Approved by: I Drawing Code: PLATE 5 A \. o I 1 2 ; ! SCALI ... KILOMITE ... SHAISHNIKOF RIVER QUARRY ... SITE PINK SALMO'N BLOCK ] CANYON AREA -(FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT CONSTRUCTION AREA) POWERHOUSE SITE TRAIL LAKE WlALASK", ALASKA, SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY ENHANCEMENT AND QUARRY SITE Aleeke Dletrlct, Corpe of EnSlln •• re PLATE 8 APPENDIX B TECHNICAL ANALYSIS PYRAMID CREEK B. 1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B. 10 General Hydrology Geology Dam and Foundation Site Access Powerhouse Transmission Line Power Potential Detailed Cost Estimate Project Economics Appendix B Pyramid Creek Page B-1 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-6 B-6 B-8 B-9 B.l GENERAL TECHNICAL ANALYSIS PYRAMID CREEK The selected plan for hydropower development on Pyramid Creek is a pressure reducing turbine (PRT) system with an installed capacity of 260 kW. The project consists of installing the turbine series with the existing water supply line. B.2 HYDROLOGY B.2.1 Streamflow The Pyramid Creek basin is located approximately 1 mile northeast of the Shaishnikof River. The basin area above the city of Unalaska's water supply dam ;s about 2.7 square miles. Elevations range from approximately 500 feet mean sea level (MSL) at the dam to 2,600 at its high point, with a mean elevation of about 1,250 feet. Vegetation is the same as the Shaishnikof basin. There are two small lakes in the basin with surface areas of about 10 and 20 acres (Figure B-1). B.2.2 Streamflow There is no historical flow data for any stream on Unalaska Island. Hecording streamgages were installed on Pyramid Creek in May 1982. Twelve months of stage data were retrieved in June 1983. The gage data was not used for streamflow estimates in this report due to ~everal shifts in the gage datum and the lack of a well defined rating curve. However, stage data from the streamgage is currently being adjusted for the gage datum shifts and the slope area method for determining discharges is being used to develop a more refined rating curve. Data from the streamgage and a precipitation-temperature recording device, installed in the Shaishnikof basin in June 1983. was used along with temperature and precipitation data from the long term climatic station in Dutch Harbor to make a more reasonable estimate of expected streamflows on Pyramid Creek. Some spot discharge measurements have been taken by Alaska District personnel and Northern Technical Services at the existing damsites. Table B-1 lists all spot discharge measurements taken. TABLE B-1 Streamflow Measurements Site Date of Measurements Flow in CFS Pyramid Creek 04-20-81 11 II II 02-26-82 04 II II 05-07-82 19 II II 06-07-82 21 II II 09-15-82 45 II II 06-07-83 50 Streamflow data in the Unalaska area is very' sparse. The nearest gaged stream is approximately 500 miles away. Gaged basins on the north Gulf of Alaska coast, which are subject to similar maritime influences as the Shaishnikof basin, were compared to determine if some correlation existed between streams subject to similar maritime influences. The computer program "Monthly Streamflow Simulations" (HEC4) was used to correlate monthly streamflows from Power Creek and West Fork Olsen Bay Creek near Cordova; Spruce Creek near Seward; Myrtle Creek, Terror River, and Uganik River near Kodiak; and Eskimo Creek near King Salmon. No significant correlation was found except for Myrtle Creek. Very little correlation was observed between monthly precipitation and temperatures recorded at long term climatological stations in the region. Parameters such as drainage area, main channel slope, mean elevation, vegetative cover, orientation to major storm tracks, and proximity to long term climatic stations observed at Dutch Harbor were used to compare a gaged basin with the Pyramid basin. Table B-2 lists some of the basin characteristics used in the comparison. Myrtle Creek on Kodiak Island was chosen as the most representative of the gaged basins that are exposed to similar climatic and hydrologic conditions as the Pyramid basin. There are 18 years of records, 1963-1981, available from Myrtle Creek. TABLE B-2 Drainage Basin Characteristics Station Drain Area Mean Elevation Main Channel Area of Lakes Area (Sq. Mi.) (Ft. MSL) Slope FT/MI & Ponds % Mean Precip ins/yr. Power Creek, Cordova 20.5 2000 219 -0-160 Myrtle Creek, Kodiak 4.74 1000 105 -0-60 Uganick River, Kodiak 123 1830 31.2 2.0 60 Terror River, N. Kodiak 15 2300 126 -0-60 Eskimo Creek, King Salmon 16. 1 60 6.0 5.0 40 Spruce Creek, Seward 9.26 1800 475 -0-60 Barbara Creek, Seldovia 20.7 1500 130 -0-70 Pyramid Creek, Unalaska 2.7 1250 170 2.0 60 B-2 ,--, ""''¥ic Table B-3 shows the estimated average monthly streamflow for Pyramid Creek. B.3 GEOLOGY MONTH October November December . January February March April M~ June July August September TABLE B-3 STREAMFLOW (cfs) 30 30 19 19 18 14 19 47 49 21 24 24 The Pyramid Creek powerhouse would be located on colluvial and alluvial fan material originating from the small stream and hillside on the southeastern shore of Captains Bay. Surface reconnaissance identified a mixed assemblage of course fragments (gravels and cobbles) in a fine grained matrix of sand, silt and some clay. An auger hole, bored in 1982, confirmed this overburden to be in excess of 29.9 feet. Most of the fragments in the coarser clastics consist of assorted angular to subrounded andesite or basalt common in the Unalaska formation. However, Pyramid Creek bedrock exhibits finer grain size and gradation characteristic of the sandstones. A visual examination of the surrounding cliffs indicate that bedrock at Pyramid Creek includes a calcareous mixed fine-to medium-grained conglomerate with varying grain and pebble sizes. Additional rocks in the area include a siliceous, cherty, fine-grained sandstone with varying grain sizes, and cobbles of quartzitic graywacke. Investigations at the Pyramid Creek site were limited because of water sources needed for drilling. Only one hole was drilled to 29.9 feet and shows a mixed assemblage of coarse materials and fines having very poor sorting with a great deal of permeability and porosity. An exploration of surrounding bluffs discloses an interbedded sequence of sedimentary rocks ranging from conglomerates to well sorted sandstones. This materiQl is well jointed anywhere from .5 to over 3 feet apart. The site is placed on a fan shaped wedge of colluvial material of unknown depth. Composition ranges from fines of sand, silt and clay to mixed assemblage of cobbles and gravels composed of subangular to angular mixed sedimentary rocks and some volcanics ranging from tuffs to basalts and granites. B-3 This material appears stable and should make a suitable foundation providing adequate footings are designed for the proposed structure. Materials for Pyramid Creek Building materials may need to be brought in unless the town has a readily available source. A quarry up Pyramid Valley road (see Figure B-1) and valley is a workable source and should provide suitable aggregate for concrete foundations. B.4 DAM AND FOUNDATION B.4.l Description This alternative would utilize the existing diversion structure which serves the city's water supply line. See Figure B-1. B.4.2 Penstock Currently, the city of Unalaska is replacing the existing 16-inch wood stave pipe, which serves as a water supply line, with a 24-inch 1.0. steel pipe. B.5 SITE ACCESS Access to the site would be provided by the existing roadway system. No upgrading would be required. B.6 POWERHOUSE B.6.1 Powerhouse General The 260-kW unit would have all equipment housed in a 20-by 20-foot prefabricated insulated, weather tight, steel structure built on a l6-inch reinforced concrete slab. The structure would be constructed on a rock pad. Floor elevation would be at 40 msl. The roof would be paneled to allow removal of the turbine and other equipment. The proposed powerhouse layout is shown in Figure B-2. 8.6.2 Powerhouse Mechanical Turbine The installation of a single "standardized" horizontal Francis turbine with wicket gates and butterfly valve would match the site's hydraulic conditions. A "standardized" turbine was selected primarily because of the economic advantages of using commercially available pre-engineered equipment. Other turbine types were considered (impulse turbine, pump operating as a turbine) but were rejected during the economic analysis due to operating constraints. For the purposes of this study, the turbine would have the following characteristics. The unit would be rated to produce 260 kW of generator output at 170 feet net head. At this condition, the turbine would discharge approximately 22.3 cfs assuming a generator efficiency of 95 percent. The turbine is B-4 estimated to have a 16-inch runner throat diameter and operate at 900 rpm. ~ecause of the long penstock l12,000 feet) tne turbine would be designed to operate at full run-away conditions to reduce the waterhammer pressures and eliminate the requirement for a surge tank. In later studies, detailed waterhammer and speed rise studies should be performed to assure safe operation of the turbine and penstock. The turbine centerline would be set to meet design requirements. Rated head was determined by subtracting penstock friction losses (approximately 105 feet) and the required 80 psi discharge pressure (approximately 185 feet) from the gross head of 460 feet. The purpose of this turbine is to reduce pressure in the water supply system to 80 psi. To assure that the water supply system will operate while the turbine is out of service, bypass piping with an orifice plate (pressure reducer) would be required. HVAC System The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) system would be a forced air system mixing outside air and recirculated inside air. A thermostat would control cooling with outside air, while controlling the heating with an electric resistance heater. Equipment would include louvers, mixing dampers, duct work, fan, air filter, electric resistance duct heater and thermostat control. B.6.3 Generator The generator would be of the horizontal shaft, synchronous type with the shaft connected directly to the turbine. The generator would be a 3-phase, 60 Hz, 480 V, rated 260 kW (330 kVA @ 0.8 P.F.). A drip-proof housing would be provided. The generator would be open ventilated with 80°C rise, Class B insulation system without provisions for overload. The generator would have full run-away speed capability. B.6.4 Excitation System The excitation system would be specified to be the generator manufacturer's standard type. This could be either a direct connected brushless exciter or a bus-fed power potential source static excitation system. Solid-state, continuously acting, dynamic type voltage regulators would be incorporated in the unit switchgear. Unit controls would consist of manual startup and shutdown circuits, basic protective relays, and basic instrumentation. Protective relays for each unit would include generator differential, overspeed, overvoltage and ground overcurrent. Instrumentation for each unit would include a voltmeter, an ammeter, a wattmeter and a watthour meter. Synchronizing would be accomplished by speed switches, with the static excitation system being energized at 95 percent and the generator breaker closed at 98 percent speed. The generator would be provided with a connected amortisseur winding to facilitate pull-in with the system. The controls would be contained in a single cabinet. No annunciation or station battery would be provided. 6-5 B.6.5 Power Transformer One power transformer would be provided. This would be a 0.48/34.5 kV, delta-grounded wye, 3-phase transformer, AA Class, 500 kVA, with the minimum nonpremium impedance specified. B.6.6 Load Controller The load controller would be of the gate shaft actuator type. It would be designed to regulate the load of the generator and prevent run-away by controlling the wicket gates. The load controller would consist of the necessary indicating and control devices, an oil pumping set consisting of a sump tank and two motor driven '0; 1 pumps, one or two pressure vessels as required, and all necessary servo-motor piping. B.6.7 Generator Voltage System The connection between the generator and breakers would be with cable. The generator and station service breakers would be metal enclosed drawout type rated 600 V, with 800 amp frames. The breakers would be combined in a common switchgear lineup along with generator surge protection and instrument transformers. B.6.8 Station Service The station service power would be obtained via a tap between the generator breaker and the main power transformer. The station service distribution panel would be adjacent to the generator switchgear lineup. Station service power distribution would be at 480 volts 3-phase and 208Y/120 volts single phase. B.6.9 Connection to Load A 3-phase 34.5 kV overhead transmission line would tie the plant to the existing system. The line would be connected to the powerhouse through a disconnect switch. B.7 TRANSMISSION LINE The selected plan would use the existing transmission line that passes the powerhouse site. B.8 POWER POTENTIAL The primary disadvantage to the PRT is its tenuous ability to provide firm energy. Whenever a routine or emergency shutdown of the water pipeline would occur, no energy would be produced. As a result', standby generating capacity would have to be maintained at all times. Such standby capacity would probably be provided by existing diesel generators. The percentage of time that this would be necessary cannot be precisely predicted. However, the energy that the PRT would prodcce could be fully used in the Unalaska system and save the cost of diesel fuel that would otherwise be needed. B-6 Another concern worthy of further consideration is the availability of water. The proposed 24-inch steel line was designed to accommodate a maximum flow of 22.3 cfs (10,000 gpm). Analysis has shown that this maximum flow would be available 8 months of the year (May through November). The remaining 5 months of the year, the availability of flow would vary from 85 percent to 64 percent of the design flow. During this period of decreased streamflow, the hydropower system would operate at less than its capacity. City records indicate that during this 5-month period, the existing water supply penstock could flow at partial capacity. Table B-4 shows the availability of water for hydropower use. Month October November December January February March Apr; 1 May June July August September TABLE B-4 Average Monthly Streamflow (cfs) 30 30 19 19 18 14 19 47 49 24 24 24 % Available for Hydropower 100 100 85 85 82 64 85 100 100 100 100 100 Operation of the system would not depend upon the daily water demand of the city on the Pyramid Creek system. As the daily demand fluctuates, a pressure regulated bypass system located below the powerhouse would maintain the 80 psi requirement. When demand decreases, the valve would open and a proportional amount of water would be wasted to account for any rise in pressure. As demand increases to the maximum (22.3 cfs or 10,000 gpm), this bypass system would close. Therefore, energy would be produced 100 percent of the time at the full capacity of the hydropower system. Month October November December January February March April May June July August September Total TABLE 8-5 1>-7 kWh 193,000 187;000 175,000 175,000 148,000 175,000 168,000 193,000 187,000 193,000 193,000 187,000 2,174,000 The above estimates of capacity and energy were derived from available flow estimates, a gross design head of 460 feet and the requirements that a residual pressure of 80 psi be maintained in the 24-inch line at the intersection of Pyramid Creek Road with Captains Bay Road. Pertinent data for the projects follow: Installed Capacity Annual Energy Dependable Capacity 260 kW 2,174,000 kWh o The annual energy benefit was calculated according to procedures outlined in Section 5.1.2 of the main report and Section A.10. B.9 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Item Cost Mobil ization $ 100,000 POWERHOUSE $ 35,000 (Structural and Architectural) TURBINE/GENERATOR (Package Unit) ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIP (Control System) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS & EQUIP (HVAC and Dewatering) SWITCHYARD BYPASS PIPE SYSTEM SUBTOTAL Contingencies (25%) SUbtotal E&D (6.5%) S&A (6.0%) TOTAL PROJECT COST IDC (9 months) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST $ 225,000 $ 82,000 $ 11 ,000 $ 27,000 $ 100,000 $ 580,000 $ 145,000 $ 725,000 $ 47,000 $ 44,000 $ 816,000 $ 32,000 $ 848,000 B-8 B.10 PROJECT ECONOMICS B.10.l Federal Criteria Under criteria established for Federal water resource projects, the Selected Plan is feasible. Factors influencing the feasibility have been presented in appropriate sections of the report. The results are presented below. ANNUAL COSTS AND BENEFITS Interest and Amortization (8-1/8% @ 50 yrs) Operation and Maintenance Total Annual Cost Annual Benefits Fuel Displacement Benefit Fuel Cost Escalation Benefit O&M Saved Extend Life of Diesel Total Annual Benefit B/C Ratio Net Annual Benefit B-9 $70,000 20,000 90,000 $219,000 132,000 44,000 8,000 $401,000 4.5 to 1 $313,000 .. Cit, of UNALASKA ';\. , "t .. ~~ . ~;.\.. . J '" ~~ of. --. ;";'. '), ~'-<';"'c,,: ...... l~. : __ :", \ '. ~;'_,: ....... ,'~ 'IL.u~ .• ~,., .... ,~;.:::::.,:s: ""':', :-.·,,7~.,,~ •. '-',: .:~"'~:O • .. ~~~~i;.1~ ." ~"""" ...... , '., '.' "";,' _";' , ',. '." .• , • STA~E PIPf PIPE EXISTINGE=-A~Y 24 STU 10 BE R . ,'., .. " •• ~ '. ~ ',,'" "':"~ , .. ",'0,., ,'''', "" "'\'. , .. , , ...... ; , ...... ; ..... , (:{;;:t~ti~t,~:~:f::~;~:.< ''',';?j/''~;~~t~I~~2~~{{1'~%t)~ . "',;,~, ,., . '" "." .. " •. , ............ ". ,'" ,,' " "'-', POWE~SSURE :-..... , .. "'" ~ "',-" .• ,,, "."., , ..... , .. ,., •• "" ". . . • '". ITH rn.. ItoIE . ~', ";,' :,:~_. . ..... · ~., ., .. ", ..... ,":.;.'. ,.. ''''',. · '., ,: .. ' .. ,'.. ".' . " . " "> ".,. • TUOI ", " ... ,.\;... "<".,.." . ". TREATMENT 'AQLlTY 0 __ ••n'III01U -, <.,.., .. ':., .... J··'··J'~.I'\'-' .•...• , .. ': .• ,. , ' •. 1 E\~~;~·~~~--!-:,:<~'):· \'::,.,:.;~ ..... .. -... :~ : ..... " l1~~~--~F:~=!fE~~~;-lsi.:K:A-------I UNAI..AS"",. ER ~"'s~BW.W>~DY PYRAMID CREEK AI .. 110 Ohtrlct. Corp. of En,llIllra .4. 20'x 20' Prefab Building Isolation Valve __ -_ Bypass Pipe Orifacl Plate Pntaure Regulated Va Iv. Surpl us Waste 2'-cf 0 Penstock PROFILE VIEW SCALE: 1/8"= 1'_0" Station Service Transform., Switchoear -----~---III--Generator -------.;..-....a--Turbin. PLAN' VIEW SCALE: 1/8"." -0" FIGURE B-2 UNAlASKA, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PYRAMID CREEK POWERHOUSE Alaska District, Corps of Engineers B-11 APPENDIX C 404(b)(1) EVALUATION SECTION 404(b){1) EVALUATION I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is located on the Shaishnikof River near the outlet of Trail Lake approximately 6 miles from the city of Unalaska, Alaska. The proposed small hydroelectric project would produce about 700 kW of electrical energy. The project consists of an A-frame timber buttress dam, 22 feet in height, with a total crest length of 104 feet. An above ground 920-foot, 42-inch diameter steel penstock would transport water from invert elevation 550 feet mean sea level (msl) to the powerhouse at elevation 430 feet. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of rock would be excavated just south of the dam site for the construction of a spillway. Refer to Figure 1 for the placement of the project features. This material would be used to form a cofferdam just upstream of the proposed timber dam site. The cofferdam is used to divert the streamflow to the spillway while the timber dam is being constructed. Upon completion of the dam, the cofferdam would be removed and the material would be disposed of at an upland site away from the river and lake. Other areas where fill material may be placed in waters of the United States may be associated with the tailrace below the powerhouse. Riprap may be placed in the stream at the confluence of the tailrace and the river to provide protection from erosion. The quantities would be small, probably not more than 10 cubic yards. II. FACTUAL DETERMINATIONS a. Physical Substrate Determinations The cofferdam would be constructed at about elevation 560. The cofferdam is oriented across the stream with little difference in elevation between the upstream and downstream toes of the dam. The substrate receiving the material for the construction of the cofferdam is bedrock with a very thin layer of loose rock. The material from the spillway excavation consists of about 0.5 feet of organics (vegetative mat) and 2 feet of very dark brown saturated silt. Bedrock is located about 2.7 feet below the surface. The overburden (organics and soil) would be removed and disposed of at an upland site, while the rock would be used for cofferdam construction. The possible disposal site at the confluence of the river and tailrace, which would be used for erosion control, would be along the river bank and the river channel. The river bank is mainly cobble and boulders; however, some vegetative banks would have to be covered to meet the riprap objectives. The river channel is also cobble and boulders. The material for the riprap would come from excavated areas from the construction of the access road or from the cofferdam after it has been dismantled. In either case, the material would be rock. The substrate at the timber buttress dam disposal site is similar to the cofferdam site. However, 690 cubic yards of overburden would be removed from the river banks to expose bedrock so that the dam can be properly anchored. This material would be disposed of at an upland site, and should not enter the river. o 1 2 ; ! SCALE 1M KILOMETERS SHAISHNIKOF RIVER QUARRY ... SITE PINK SALMON BLOCK ] CANYON AREA --(FISHERIES ENHANCEMENT CONSTRUCTION AREA) POWERHOUSE SITE TRAIL LAKE C-2 UNALASKA, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT AREA Impacts to benthos at the tailrace and cofferdam sites would mainly be burial. In both instances, recolonization is expected to occur rather quickly because there would not be a change in substrate type. The area proposed to receive the timber dam would impact the benthos both in burial and change in substrate. Because there are no trees in the Unalaska area, colonization of timber buttress dam may take considerable time, and only be colonized by the most opportunistic species. Actions to minimize the impacts on benthic organisms include using fill material which is similar to the existing substrate, where applicable. b. Water Circulation, Fluctuation and Salinity Determinations The purpose of the cofferdam is to change the direction of the flow away from the area of the proposed timber dam to facilitate its construction. When the cofferdam is removed, the water would flow back in the original channel to the dam. The dam would decrease water circulation during the period of impoundment, then circulation would return close to natural conditions. The spillway would be constructed to protect the dam from failure due to high water. During a high water event, the majority of water would be passed around the dam via the spillway, therefore, water circulation patterns would be altered. The water diverted through the penstock would also alter the natural water circulation patterns. The operation of the proposed project would cause fluctuations in water surface elevations of both Trail Lake and the Shaishnikof River. Although, the proposed project would only increase the water surface elevation of the lake by 3 feet, the project may be operated to produce maximum output during peak demand periods drawing down the entire 3 feet of water. The impacts associated with water level fluctuations would be at the lake, and to a much lesser extent, downstream of the powerhouse. The changes to the lake would probably impact the Dolly Varden fishery. c. Suspended Particulate/Turbidity Determinations Theoretically, there should not be any increases in either suspended particulate matter or any increases in turbidity because the fill material is either riprap size rock or timbers. However, some material would enter the water column, which would have a minimal increase in turbidity. d. Contaminant Determination As discussed above, the fill material is either hard rock or timber. There are no sources of either natural or man induced contaminants that would be released into the water column from the proposed fill. e. Aquatic Ecosystems and Organism Determinations No studies have been conducted on the planktonic and benthic organisms at the areas of the proposed fills. Because of the presence of juvenile Dolly Varden, there must be an undetermined population of aquatic organisms. C-3 Although the fills would cause the loss of some of these organisms, the overall effect on aquatic fauna would be minimal. The proposed fills are not in areas where the movement of fish would be impaired. The lOO-foot falls between the powerhouse and dam has naturally blocked any fisheries movements of either anadromous or resident stocks. f. Proposed Disposal Site Determinations Because of the nature of the fill material, the need for the mixing zone determination is not applicable. In determining compliance with applicable water quality standards, the State of Alaska's water quality standards were examined. All standards applicable to the proposed action appear to be in compliance for the following reasons: 1. The Shaishnikof River is a high energy system, and if any fined grained material is included with the designed fill material, adequate mixing would occur. 2. The fill material for the cofferdam and erosion control at the tailrace originates from the immediate area. 3. All fill material is far removed from any source of contaminants either natural or man induced. 4. The area proposed to receive the fill material is not enclosed and is subject to the same currents as the rest of the Shaishnikof River. Recreational and commercial fisheries should not be impacted by the fill material. Although the pink salmon runs in the Shaishnikof River are used commercially, the fills are far enough removed from spawning or rearing areas that no impacts should occur. The project features would be in an area that has not been visually impacted by any construction activities. The proposed project features would cause definite esthetic impacts; however, the project features are in an area where little human activity occurs. No parks, national or historical monuments, national seashores, wilderness areas, research sites, or similar preserves are located near the proJect area, nor would these areas be subjected to adverse impacts from the proposed action. g. Determination of Cumulative Effects on the Aquatic Ecosystem Cumulative impacts to the aquatic ecosystem resulting from the proposed action are difficult to assess. Because the proposed hydroelectric project would not have a surplus of power, it appears that no activities would occur ;n the Shaishnikof River basin because of the project. Salmon spawning areas are rather fragile, and if other activities that are related to the river occur, the possibility of adverse impacts is high. C-4 h. Determination of Secondary Effects on the Aquatic Ecosystem There are no expected secondary impacts resulting from the proposed action. III. FINDINGS OF COMPLIANCE OR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS ON DISCHARGE a. Adaptation of the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines The proposed project complies with the requirements set forth in the Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines for specification of disposal sites for dredged or fill material. b. Evaluation of Availability of Prac~icable Alternatives An Environmental Impact Statement was prepared in conjunction with this document to evaluate the different alternatives associated with producing electrical power generation in the Unalaska area. Because of the nature of hydroelectric development, the placing of fill material in waters of the United States is necessary. c. Compliance with Applicable State Water Quality Standards The proposed action would comply with all State Water Quality Standards. d. Compliance with Applicable Toxic Effluent Standard or Prohibition under Section 307 of the Clean Water Act The proposed operation complies with the toxic effluent standards of Section 307 of the Clean Water Act. e. Compliance with Endangered Species Act of 1973 The proposed action complies with the Endangered Species Act. f. Compliance with Specified Protection Measures of Marine Sanctuaries Designed by the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 The proposed disposal sites comply with the Marine Protection's Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. g. Evaluation of Extent of Degradation of the Waters of the United States There would be no significant adverse impacts to municipal and private water supplies, recreation and commercial fisheries, plankton, fish, shellfish, wildlife and/or special aquatic sites caused by this proposed project. C-5 h. Appropriate and Practicable Steps Taken to Minimize Potential Adverse Impacts of the Discharge on the Aquatic Ecosystem All appropriate and practicable steps would be taken to minimize potential adverse impacts of the discharges on the aquatic ecosystem. These include: placing the minimal amount of material while still maintaining the integrity of the structure, and using only clean quarry material for temporary and permanent fills. Although, these criteria were not established for the protection of the aquatic ecosystem, the flora and fauna of the area would be impacted less by these steps. On the basis of the guidelines, the proposed action is specified as complying with the requirements of these guidelines. C-6 - APPENDIX D U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION REPORT United States Department of the Interior IN REPL Y REFER TO: WAES Colonel Neil E. Saling District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Colonel Saling: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1011 E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 12 Ol.i J 1933 RE: Final Coordination Act Report Unalaska Small Hydropower This letter transmits the attached Final Coordination Act (CA) Report prepared under the authority of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended: 16 U.S.C., 661 et seq.) for the proposed hydroelectric development of the Shaishnikoff River and Pyramid Creek located near Unalaska, Alaska. The CA report has been coordinated with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Nationa 1 ~Iarine Fisheries Service. We support the Corps' recommended hydroelectric development plan for Pyramid Creek. Implementation of this proposal would provide public benefits with no apparent environmental concern. Close coordination between our agencies during project planning for the Shaishnikoff River alternative has resulted in project deSign changes which have made this alternative more enVironmentally compatible. Two such deSign changes involve the realignment of the project access road to avoid multiple crossings of the Shaishnikoff River and the realignment of the aerial transmission line to further avoid an active bald eagle nest. We recommend, however, that measures to mitigate adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources, as outlined in the CA Report, be incorporated into the development plan for the Shaishnikoff River hydroelectric project. Finally, an enhancement plan has been identified which would increase pink salmon production in the upper one and one-half miles of the Shaishnikoff River through steeppass installation/barrier removal. Stream surveys indicate that sufficient spawning habitat exists in the upper river reach that, if made available to pink salmon, would nearly double the existing salmon run resulting in a benefit of $56,000/year to the commercial fishery of Unalaska Bay. We understand that the Corps is actively seeking a sponsor for this enhancement plan. We support this effort and will provide further assistance as necessary. 0-1 We appreciate the opportunity to comment and advise on matters regarding fish and wildlife resources associated with these proposed hydropower development proposals. Sincerely, //r->W ~L_~ Acting Deputy Regional Director Enclosure cc: FWS, ROES, WAES ADF&G, NMFS, ADEC, Anchorage ADF&G, NMFS, ADEC, Juneau FWS, Federal Project, WDC 0-2 Small Hydropower Unalaska, Alaska Final Coordination Act Report Submitted to Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: David Ferrell, Project Biologist Approved by: Robert Bowker, Field Supervisor Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska October 1983 0-3 Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Summary ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. Introduction •••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II. Description of Project •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• III. Description of Resources •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Environmental Setting ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Terrestrial Resources ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vegetation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MaDlDa 1 s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B ; rd s ....•...•••..•••..•••••••.•..•....••...........•.•... Aquatic Resources •..••.•..•....•••........•••.•..••.•••••••••• Description of Shaishnikoff River ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Coho Salmon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••..••••.• Pink Salmon •.••..•••••.•..••••.•.•..••••••••••••••••..•••• Churn Salmon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dolly Varden •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Threatened and Endangered Species ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IV. Major Project Impacts ••.•••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• Terrestrial Habitat ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mamma 1 s ••••••••.•••....••.•..••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• B ; rd s •••.•....•.•.....•....•.................•••.......... Fish •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• V. Discussion •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mitigation of Adverse Mnpacts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Enhancement Opportunities ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Assessment of the Upper Shaishnikoff River as Pink Salmon Spawning Habitat •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Estimation' of Potential Pink Salmon Spawning Habitat in the Upper Shaishnikoff River ••••••••••••••••• Page iv v 1 1 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 21 21 23 Value to Commercial Fishery ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24 Alternative Enhancement Methods ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Alaska Steeppass .•••.•••••.•••••••••••••••..•.•••••••••• 25 Blasting to Form Step Pools ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 Other Structura 1 ~lethods................................ 26 ii 0-4 -" ~. Table of Contents con1t: VI. FWS Reconunendat ions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27 VII. Literature Cited •••.••••..••••••.••••.••.••••.••.•••••••••••••• 29 VIII. Appendices A. Scientific and Common Names of Fish and Wildlife Referenced in this Report •••••••••••••••••••• 31 B. General Salmonid Distribution within the Trail Lake/Shaisnikoff River System ••••••••••••••••••• 33 C. Mean Monthly Flow, Shaishnikoff River at Trail Lake Outlet (198l) ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 34 D. Fish Sampling Catch Results for Shaishnikoff River/Trail Lake near Unalaska, Alaska •••••••••••••••• 35 E. Upper Shaishnikoff River Stream Survey of Potential Pink Salmon Spawning Habitat ••••••••.••••••• 3~ F. Photographs of Fish Migrational Barriers on the Shaishnikoff River ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 G. Interagency Coordination ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 42 iii D-5 List of Tables and Figures Tables Table 1. Raptors of Unalaska Island •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Table 2. Terrestrial Habitat Loss/Disruption as a Result of Project Construction ••••••••••••••• 16 Table 3. Pink Salmon Spawning Requirements ••••••••••••••••••••• 22 Table 4. Temperature, Depth, and Gravel Measurements through Spawning Beds for the Upper and Lower Reaches of the Shaishnikoff River ••••••••••••••••• 22 Table 5. Unalaska Bay Pink Salmon Harvest/Escapement Statistics (1979-1982) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24 Table 6. Benefit/Cost Estimate for Steeppass Installation, Shaishnikoff River •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Fi~ures Figure 1. Location Map of Unalaska Island •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Figure 2. Location of Shaishnikoff River and Pyramid Creek ••••• 3 Figure 3. General Development Plan, Pyramid Creek Hydroelectric Project ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Figure 4. General Development Plan, Shaishnikoff River Hydroelectric Project ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Figure 5. Dam Site Cross Section: Shaishnikoff River •••••••••• 6 Figure 6. Shaishnikoff River Habitat Map ••••••••••••••••••• Attachment iv D-6 <- Summary Small Hydropower Unalaska~ Alaska The Corps of Engineers (CE) proposes to construct a 700 kilowatt (kW) hydroelectric facility on the Shaishnikoff River and a 260 kW hydroelectric facility on Pyramid Creek near Unalaska, Alaska. ~Iajor project features of the Shaishnikoff River alternative include a 100-foot long by 22-foot high timber/concrete dam at the mouth of Trail Lake and a 3.32-mile access road up the Shaishnikoff River valley. An approximate 8-mile aerial transmission line would be constructed to relay electricity to the village of Unalaska. Plans for the hydroelectric development of Pyramid Creek call for the installation of a pressure reducing turbine in the existing water supply line to produce 260 kW of power. There are no identifiable impacts associated with the Pyramid Creek proposal which would require mitigation. Fish and wildlife resources of the Shaishnikoff River valley center primarily on anadromous salmonids. Pink, chum, coho, and anadromous and resident Dolly Varden inhabit the river/lake system. Bird use of the valley (particularly raptors) is important. Terrestrial mammal use is limited. The effects of sedimentation/turbidity on the Shaishnikoff River as a result of clearing an estimated 17 acres of upland tundra is an environmental concern associated with this project. Degradation of fishery habitat could result unless best management practices during clearin~ operations (particularly at the dam site) are utilized. Stream bank encroachment should be minimized. Nitigation measures to further minimize these impacts are recommended. The impoundment and fluctuation of Trail Lake would degrade Dolly Varden spawning and rearing habitat. Construction activities at the dam site would degrade the upper reach of coho spawning habitat and additional Dolly Varden habitat. Approximately 15 acres of alpine meadow habitat would be inundated during lake impoundment. Further field studies would be necessary to quantify the unavoidable impacts associated with the inundation and fluctuation of Trail Lake to determine if additional mitigation is warranted. Impacts to the upper reach of coho and Dolly Varden spawning habitat can be miti~ated through best management practices and proper project design. The maintenance of adequate stream flow during dam construction and reservoir inundation is critical to the viability of the downstream fishery. A minimum release of 60 percent of average annual flow is recommended during dam construction and reservoir inundation to prevent impacts to this resource. Reservoir inundation is recommended to take place during a ~erioa of time between mid-July and the first of August to avoid conflicts with anadromous salmonids. An enhancement plan to increase pink salmon production in the upper one and one-half miles of the Shaishnikoff River through steeppass installation/barrier removal is proposed. Stream surveys indicate that sufficient s~awniny habitat exists in the upper river reach that, if made available to pink salmon, would nearly double the existin~ return resulting in a benefit of $56,OOO/year to the commercial fishery. v ~7 I. Introduction II. z..-~ This Final Coordination Act (CA) Report provides the Corps of Engineers (CE) with planning information regarding small hydroelectric development on the Shaishnikoff River and Pyramid Creek near Unalaska/Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Involvement by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) in this planning effort was formally initiated in February 1981 and is scheduled to conclude in October 1983. The information presented in this report is a result of joint field investigations by FWS and CE biologists, information provided by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) biologists, a review of pertinent literature, and conversations with knowledgeable individuals. The CA report provides planning assistance prepared under the authority of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, 48 stat. 401, as amended. The proposed CE small hydroelectric facilities are located on Unalaska Island, part of the Aleutian Island chain forming a 1,lOO-mile arc which separates the Bering Sea from the North Pacific Ocean (Figure 1). Unalaska Island lies approximately 740 air miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. The Shaishnikoff River alternative is located on the northern side of the island at the head of Captain's Bay (Figure 2). The mouth of the Shaishnikoff River at Captain's Bay is approximately five miles by gravel road southwest of the community of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. This hydroelectric facility would be designed to provide 700 kilowatts (kW) of electricity to the village of Unalaska (Ounalashka), population 615 (l980). Village electricity needs are now met by diesel generation.~· Dutch Harbor and Unalaska are incorporated and politically known as the City of Unalaska; however, Unalaska has remained the traditional Aleut native village while Dutch Harbor has developed into the major seafood processing center for the Beriny Sea. An additional hydroelectric site has been identified on Pyramid Creek. Pyramid Creek lies approximately two miles southwest of Unalaska ana empties into Captain's Bay (Figure 3). Hydropower development on Pyramid Creek would involve the installation of a pressure reducing turbine system in the existing water supply line to produce 260 kW of power. Description of Project ,t;GFAe~ The proposed Shaishnikoff River hYdrOel-~c project (Figure 4) would be designed to provide the village o~fn f:~~~l~ith 700 kW of electricity. The construction of an A-frame timb buttress aam 22-feet high ana 100-feet long at the outlet of Tr 1 Lake would provide for storage capacity through lake impoundmen~/{Figure 5). Lake surface elevation would be raised approximately ~ feet with daily fluctuations of up to -ii~ht feet. Excavation of approximately two acres of upland tundra overburden and the drilling and blasting of bedrock to construct bedrock benches for buttress support would be required. An overflow s~illway, designed for a lOO-year event of 1,000 cubic feet per second, consisting of a uniform rock cut channel with a bottom width of 38 feet would lie in a natural depression 110 feet to the left of the dam centerline looking downstream. 1 0-8 FIGURE 1. LOCATION MAP of UNALASKA ISLAND ----------------------------- .-- + \ :iCALE 1:250 000 3 0-10 '" os . ~" ~ Fishermans .• PI T 7Z 5 -Brundage Head..o Qd'd' .... ... ~ T 74 5 OUiW FIGURE 2. Location Map of Shaishnikoff River and Pyramid Creek o I ...... ...... City of UNALASKA . ~r~~ .. ~" ~;~."('~~ . ~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ '<Ot f .... ". .... • .... _.~.t:,~\.*\. . 'ILIULIUK~ t:.!.;'~:~'.;,,), -;"':-,.,'.;;':'. , ..... ~ ..... :; ~ .. '" . ~;·~¥t:il.:~~~~it:; 1i1~!~~:::1:·;'.:1~.; . ." ":~~~:, ~}r" ""::;j:i~~ii1"1"~~":~?i,~i:~~\ti' .c\ ,·"t· .. ,.,., ......... , .... , .. ,. :.'·d ..... ". c' ''', . . .: •• ~. POWERHOUESSSURE .... '. __ .... , . ... ··'·""·c, '" .......... ":. .... ..... .. ... ," ... .... ". . WITH PR E .... , •.•• " • , --..... __ -:::z:: " D STAVE PIPE EXISTINGElp6LA~re 8Y 24" STEEL PIPE TO 8E R DAM EXISTING TREATMENT FACILITY a 400 800 lIcorn, III .tLl I f _.~~~~~ ,; , ......... " .... , ...... ,.,..... '.' ..... "''', . CAPTAIN S BAY..,... . . " .,. .... ' •... , . . ..... ....... ''', , ...... , ..... ,. ALL HYDROPOWER . . ~ttASIBILlTY STUDY PYRAMID CREEK AIOIllo 01 ,Irlel, Corp • of Entin",. -1- REGIONAL INVENTORY & AECONHAISSANCE STUDY SMALL HYOAOf'OWER PROJECTS ALEUTIAN ISLANDS. ALASKA PENINSULA. KOOIAK ISLAND ~2~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~ FIGURE "f. SHAISHNI/CuFF RIVER at UNALASKA TRANSMISSION LINE POWERHOUSE ) i OF SPILLW"Y CHANNEL GROUND I 590 ....... 550 '-....... a EDR OCK.....t''' __ _ S: 4V:IH (TYP) I" RESERVOIR DAM SITE CROSS SECTION 570 -MAX. PO OL MI N. POOL T It ASH RACK ..... 1560 - r I 550 I RESERVO~R ORAWDOWN PIPE / PENSTOCk ELEVATION BULKHEAD ST ORAGE~ RVOIR RESE ORAWD PIP E OWN / TRASH RACK" IX VALVES \.~ PLAN ~~ ..:; J,... \ AIR VENTS ~~ v >- .. ~ENSTOCJ( 6 D-13 i. I MAX POOL IS 69' 10 0 10 20 '0 ""'FE vr,. T. ANO KOII.% SCALE UNALAS KA S H P INTAKE STRUCTURE I": 10' I": 10' UNAL A SKA SHP INTAKE STRUCTURE F'I"URE 5. DAM SIT£ C ROSS SECT ION SH A ISH N I K 0 F' F' R I V £ R AT UNALASKA A 42-inch steel pipe penstock would extend 920 feet from the intake invert at the SSO-foot elevation to a powerhouse at elevation 430 feet. The penstock would be above ground throughout its length except for 110 feet which would be buried. An open channel tailrace would be excavated below the powerhouse into the Shaishnikoff River. Access to the project site would be accommodated by the construction of a 10-foot-wide, 3.32-mile-long access road, This permanent roadbed would begin at the mouth of the Shaishnikoff River and terminate at the dam site. Approximately 27,000 cubic yards (c.y.)of overburden and 13,000 c,y. of rock would be excavated for roadbed construction. Gravel. fill for the roadbed, obtained from an existing quarry site near Unalaska, is estimated at 5,000 c.y. Approximately 36 24-inch culverts to accommodate tributary crossings and to facilitate runoff would be installed in the roadbed. An 8-mile buried transmission line traversing the Shaishnikoff River valley and paralleling the existing road at tidewater along Captain's Bay would relay electricity to the village of Unalaska. The Pyramid Creek hydroelectric site would be located on the hillside at the junction of Captain's Bay and Pyramid Valley Roads, Electricity would be transmitted to Unalaska via an existing transmission line, Approximately 260 kW of power would be realized. III. Description of Resources , Environmental Setting The fauna and flora of this region are comprised of species from both the North American and Asian continents. The eastern Aleutians support a fauna typical of the Alaska mainland, while the western islands have Asiatic species, Murie (1959) described the Aleutians as a II ••• melting pot for faunal elements from two continents not yet reaching equilibrium.1I Climate is maritime with a minimum of sunshine and a maximum of fog, rain, and storm. Gusty winds and rain predominate. Average temperatures are cold, but not normally severe, due to the moderating effect of warm water transported into the area by the Japanese current. Mean annual temperatures hover around 400 F. Snowfall rarely exceeds one to two feet and is typically wet and slushy at lower elevations, but higher mountains are snowcapped all year. Rainfall varies, averaging from thirty to over sixty inches per year. Unalaska Island is quite mountainous and scenic. The entire island is virtually treeless. The island hosts active volcanoes, with Mount Makushin currently under investigation by the State of Alaska for IDtential geothermal power. The island served as a strategic staging area during World War II. Numerous war debris remain today in the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area. 7 0-14 - Terrestrial Resources Vegetation The vegetation of the Aleutians is classified as a terrestrial-maritime tundra ecosystem (Shack1ette, 1966). Except for Unimak Island, where alder covers much of the surface, the chain is dominated by the heath, grass, and composite families. Essentially, there has developed a rather uniform vegetative complex of relatively few species. The chain is treeless except of a few spruce introduced by the early Russians and the Americans during World War II. The maritime conditions and continual winds are thought to suppress larger plant life forms. There are three general Aleutian plant communities represented on Unalaska Island (Amundsen, 1972): (1) the beach area: dominated by beach rye, and contains reedgrass, fescues, bluegrasses, and succulent herbs; (2) the low tundra: marshes dominated by sedges, reedgrass, and to a lesser degree bog blueberry, horsetail, and rushes; and (3) the upland tundra: areas that are somewhat drier and are dominated by crowberry, willow, lichens, mosses, and sedges. The Shaishnikoff River valley falls predominantly into Admundsen1s plant community category (3) of upland tundra. Only in poorly drained areas is category (2), low tundra, evident. The river is fringed with willows and alder for most of its length. Only in the extreme upper river reach does the willow/alder fringe give way to grassy stream banks. The upland tundra cover type is estimated to vegetate over 90 percent of the valley. The percent cover of willow/alder within the valley is less than ten. The occurrence of low tundra is less than one percent. The upper river valley contains a large, flat alpine meadow dominated by grasses (bluejoint) and a variety of wild flowers such as Canadian dogwood, Cypripedium, Pyrola, and others. Mountain slopes are dominated by grasses and fireweed. The large cow parsnip is scattered throughout the valley. Soils consist of a thick layer of peat (i.e., up to six feet) underlain with gravels. In many areas Sphagnum moss is the dominant ground cover. The low tundra/marsh areas are dominated by sedges, horsetail, marsh marigold and others. These areas are not common. There are a number of edible berries found throughout the valley, including: crowberry, bog blueberry, lowbush cranberry, and salmonberry. The valley is treeless with the willow/alder stands attaining heights of not more than six feet. A list of the scientific and common names of plants, fish, and wildlife referenced in this report can be found in Appendix A. Mammals Unalaska Island does not support a diverse terrestrial mammal population. Large ungulates and carnivores are conspicuously absent. Two small mammals inhabiting the island are transplants. Arctic ground squirrel were introducted on Unalaska Island by early Russian settlers and the European hare was introduced to Hog Island, west of Dutch Harbor, in the 1940 1 s. 8 D-15 The largest terrestrial mammal observed utilizing the Shaishnikoff River valley is the red fox. Several fo~ have been spotted traversing the valley slopes. It is not known whether there are denning sites located in the valley. The arctic ground squirrel is particularly abundant in the lower valley but diminish in numbers in the upper valley. Evidence of smaller mammals (rodents) in the form of numerous crissMcrossing runs is common throughout the valley. These small furbearers appear to be very abundant in the grassy meadow areas such as the alpine meadow in the upper valley and at the headwaters of Trail Lake. The arctic ground squirrel and other rodents provide a food source for the fox and raptors which inhabit the valley. Birds Field observations indicate a tendency for birdlife in the Shaishnikoff River valley to be spacially distributed according to habitat types: (1) those birds preferring the lower (below the canyon) portion of the valley influenced by the marine environment of the Captain's Bay; (2) those birds preferring the upper (above the canyon) portion of the valley and Trail L~ke; and (3) those birds inhabiting the entire river va lley. Fourteen species of birds have been sighted in the Shaishnikoff River valley. A fifteenth species, Peale's pere~rine falcon, has tentatively been sighted in the cliffs above Trail Lake. Five species of biros have been observed actively nesting along river banks, in adjacent foothills, and in near-vertical rocky cliffs. Actively nesting birds observed during a June, 1981 survey incluoe the abundant dipper. Several active dipper nests were observed in rock crevices and burrowed into mud cutbanks always close to ,the river. Adult dippers were observed feedin9~outmigrating pink salmon fry to their young,: an apparent important part of'the young birds' diet. A colony (i.e. 100 birds) of bank swallows was found near the river mouth. This colony was actively nesting in a ten-foot mud cutbank. Other nesting birds observed included rock ptarmigan and mallard duck. both nestiny on the ground in upland tundra. An active bald eagle nest was located at the base of the canyon area at river mile 1.5. This stick/grass nest was situated approximately 150 feet above the river on the ledge of a stable, nearMvertical rock cliff. The nest was strategically located to take advantage of these birds' fish-eating habits as pink salmon upstream migration is impeded in this area and numerous fish are funneled into this river reach. Salmon carcasses, apparently having been fed upon by eagles, were observed scattered along the river banks in this area. Other birdlife observed utilizing the Shaishnikoff River valley include: raven M typical in the lower valley near Captain's Bay; gray-crowned rosy finch -found in smaller numbers in the lower valley and more numerous in the upper valley; lapland longspur -numerous in the upper valley/Trail Lake area; common merganser -probable Trail Lake nester; the common snipe and belted king fisher have been observed in the lower valley; the song sparrow and common redpoll have been observed throughout the entire river valley; and, an occassional winter wren and one pair of snow buntings were observed in the canyon area. 9 0-16 Raptor use in the valley is probably not limited to the above mentioned species. Table 1. provides a list of raptors which have been sighted on Unalaska Island. Available raptor habitat includes the river canyon between approximate river mile 1.5 and 1.8 and the cliffs on the southwest side of Trail Lake. The canyon area appears to be good raptor habitat, as evidenced by the numerous life-signs (pellets) scattered throughout this area, and raptors have been sighted fighting, divin~, circ1in~ ana perched in the cliffs above Trail Lake. Table 1. Raptors of Unalaska Island SpeCies Snowy owl Short-eared owl Rough-legged hawk Bald eagle Marsh hawk Gyrfalcon Peale's peregrine falcon Merlin Source: John Sarvis (1982) Status Occassional visitor Year-round resiaent Summer resident Year-round resident Summer resident Year-round resident Year-round resident Migrant The birdlife of the Shaishnikoff River valley is considered a valuable resource in terms of species abundance and diversity. Passerines are the dominant bird group, with the bulk of nesting activity occurring on the ground in upland tundra habitat. Waterfowl use is low and rapt or use considered high. Aquatic Resources The following description of Shaishnikoff River fishery resources is preceded by a physical description of the river they inhabit. General salmonid habitat and life-history requirements are based on literature {Morrow, 1981; AEIDC, 1981; Reiser and Bjornn, 1979; Crone and Bond, 1976; and ADF&G, 1981a.}, information provided by ADF&G biologists of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands area, and stream surveys conducted in April 1981 and in June and September, 1982. A generalized habitat map of the Shaishnikoff River {Figure 6} accompanies these descriptions (see attachment). General salmonid distribution within the Trail Lake/Shaishnikoff River system is presented in Appendix B. Description of Shaishnikoff River The Shaishnikoff River flows a distance of approximately three and one-half miles, originating from Trail Lake at elevation 562 feet mean sea level (msl) and emptying into tidewater at the head of Captain's Bay. Eighty acre Trail Lake lies in a cirque basin rimmed by mountainous peaks. A large tributary at the head of the lake meanders through an alpine meadow and represents the lake's main source of water. These tributary waters are cold (2.2°C in June) and well oxygenated (l3.5 milligrams/liter (mg/1) dissolved oxygen). The lake bottom is flat and 10 D-17 shallow in the vicinity of the lake outlet, while depths of 100 feet are reached at the southern end of the lake. The lake shore consists of a gently slopin~ sand/gravel nearshore zone with no aquatic vegetation observed. A precipitous 100-foot bedrock waterfall is encountered at the lake outlet. Water flow at the outlet is fairly stable on a seasonal basis. Average summer flow at the outlet (July, August, September) during the peak of anadromous migration is 41.2 cubic feet per second (cfs). Average winter flow (January, February, March) is 28.8 cfs. Mean monthly flows for the Shaishnikoff River (1981) can be found in Appendix C. Lake outlet water temperature fluctuates from a recorded low of 3.5°C in May to a high of 11.5°C in mid-August. Winter temperatures are unavailable, but observations in February, 1981, revealed the river is ice-free (NORTEC, 1981). After leaving Trail Lake, the Shaishnikoff River meanders approximately one and one-half miles through a broad, U-shaped upper valley. River gradient is low (two to three percent) as the river flows through a well-defined channel. Numerous gravel bars and deep pools, interspersed with riffle habitat, are common. Stream stability is high, as evidenced by vegetated stream banks, lack of overflow channels or braids, and the abundance of green filamentous algae covering the cobble substrate areas of the streambed. Near the confluence with the Burke River, stream gradient increases and riffle/rapids become more typical. Stream flow is increased approximately fifty percent (98 cfs in June) with the addition of the slightly cooler (4.5°C in June) Burke River water. Approximately one-quarter mile downstream of the Burke River confluence the river narrows into a steep-walled canyon. Riffle/rapids, interspersed with deep plunge pools are typical in this one-quarter mile long canyon. Some pools (formed in solid bedrock) are over twenty feet wide and up to ten feet deep. Much of the riverbed is bedrock in the canyon. Average canyon stream gradient in this one-quarter mile reach is estimated to be five percent. Downstream of the canyon the river widens and gradient decreases. Stream flow gradually increases with the addition of water from several smaller tributaries. June flow at the river mouth was recorded at 165 cfs. Water temperatures and dissolved oxygen remain relatively stable at 5° to 6°C (90-day thermograph for Ju~e, July, August located 0.5 miles upstream from river mouth) and 12 mg/l, respectively. Gravel bars are common along river bends, in deeper pools and downstream of islands in this lower one and one-half miles of river. The river meanders through the smaller foothills of the valley and eventually into tidewater at the head of Captain's Bay. The Shaishnikoff River watershed encompasses approximately 20 square miles. This river is the primary tributary of Captain's Bay. 11 0-18 The Trail Lake/Shaishnikoff River system can be divided into four hydrologic/habitat regimes: (1) the lacustrine habitat of Trail Lake; (2) a stable one and one-half mile upper river valley; (3) a one-quarter mile riffle/rapid/plunge pool canyon; and a sinuous and variable one and one-half mile lower river valley. Coho Salmon Coho salmon are known to utilize the entire Shaishnikoff River up to the falls area at the outlet of Trail Lake. Prior to a stream survey conducted in September, 1982, this species had not been documented as inhabiting the river. Approximately fifty fresh adults were observed during this survey, indicating that a coho run was in progress. Population estimates are preliminary (approximately 200 fish). Additional surveys conducted in September 1983 revealed that schools of 30 to 40 adult coho spawn in the deeper pools just downstream of the waterfalls at the lake outlet (L. Ferrell, CE, pers. comm.). Adults begin to enter the Shaishnikoff River in August and continue to spawn through November and December. Rearing and outmigration information is currently not available. The Shaishnikoff River provides "good" to "excellent" habitat for coho salmon production in terms of carrying capacity up to smo1t size (generally considered the limiting factor for coho survivability). Habitat requirements for juvenile coho include deep, quiet pools contiguous with faster riffles and associated with some kind of cover. After emergence, fry usually congregate in shallow backwaters or quiet areas along banks, especially near accumulations of organic detritus which provides a food supply. As they develop juveniles abandon shallows for deeper pools (i.e., exceeding one and one-half feet in depth) and prefer those pools associated with good cover (undercut banks, closely overhanging riparian vegetation, rock boulders, etc.). Juveniles tend to distribute themselves widely throughout the system in which they are spawned, often entering smaller tributaries where little or no spawning habitat exists. Young coho typically feed on terrestrial and aquatic insects and spend one or more years in fresh water before outmigrating. In light of these habitat requirements, the lower one and one-half miles of river is considered "good" coho habitat. The one-quarter mile canyon is also "good" habitat with the deeper gravel-bottomed pools providin~ spawning habitat. Schools of 10 or more coho were observed in these canyon pools. The upper one and one-half miles of river is considered "excellent" coho habitat. Pools, riffles, cover, and, particularly, rearing habitat are abundant. Spawning gravels are also abundant. The majority of the coho surveyed were located in the upper valley. Pink Salmon The Shaishnikoff River is considered an important pink salmon producer. From 1978 to 1982 average escapement was 29,250 fish. The 1981 pink salmon escapement alone was 59,000 fish (Shaul, 1982). The river is annually surveyed by ADF&G (anadromous fish stream number 302-40-06). 12 0-19 Shaishnikoff River pink salmon spawn from July to October. Outmigration begins in March, peaks in April-May, and terminates in June. Fyke net trapping efforts (Appendix D) resulted in catches of pink salmon fry during peak outmigration in April to as late as mid-June. Fry have been trapped upstream from the mouth of the river to the base of the canyon, a distance of approximately 1.5 miles. Adult pink salmon have been observed spawning from tidewater, upstream to the head of the canyon (approximately 1.8 miles). At the base of the canyon an approximate four-foot high waterfall is encountered. This waterfall spills into a ten-foot deep plunge pool. While adult pink salmon have been observed in the canyon above this falls, it appears to represent a discouragement to further upstream migration. At the head of the canyon, however, a three to four-foot falls and approximate fifteen-foot bedrock velocity chute blocks further observable pink salmon upstream migration. The majority of pink salmon spawning activity occurs within the lower river reach with minor spawning occurring in the canyon. This river system does not exhibit a well-defined even-odd year pink salmon cycle. Strong returns are sporadic and cannot be accurately predicted. Pinks in the Shaishnikoff River have been observed spawning in mar~inal habitat (i.e., small patches of gravel between cobble/boulders). Pink salmon fry emerge and outmigrate almost directly to sea. As such, riverine rearing habitat, cover, and food source(s) are not required. Carrying capacity is more directly related to suitable water temperature, adequate flows, water depths, and spawning gravels. Both the upper and lower reaches contain "good" to "excellent" pink salmon habitat; however, it appears that the upper reach is unutilized in terms of pink salmon production. Chum Salmon A chum salmon population exists in the Shaishnikoff River. The population is estimated to be approximately 200 fish. Chum have been observed spawning in the sloughs and backwaters in the lower river reach (Griffin, per. comm.). It is probable that chum upstream migration does not exceed one mile. Chum generally spawn from July to October. Fair numbers of outmigrants have been trapped.at the river mouth during April. Upon emergence, chum salmon fry outmigrate almost immediately. As with pink salmon, adequate spawning habitat (not rearing habitat, cover, and food) is the limiting factor. In fact, chum and pink salmon will hybridize and both will intertidally spawn. Do TTy Varden The Shaishnikoff River/Trail Lake system supports thousands of both resident and anadromous Dolly Varden. There are three identifiable populations of Dolly Varden inhabiting this system: 13 0-20 Anadromous Dolly Varden: Sea-run Dollies have been observed conyregating at the river mouth as early as mid-June. While population estimates are unavailable, the adult return appears to be substantial. Local residents state that Dolly Varden up to four pounds are caught recreationally. Little is known about Dolly Varden movement in the Shaishnikoff River. Anadromous Dolly Varden have complex migration patterns, including entering and leaving a fresh water stream several times before spawning and straying into other streams after spawning. Some of these anadromous fish are known to overwinter while others outmigrate after spawning. The lower reach of the Shaishnikoff River below the canyon sustains a healthy anadromous population. Dolly Varden habitat requirements are generally similar to those of coho during the juvenile stage. Dolly Varden fry emerge and move into shallow backwaters initially, but soon enter riffle areas or runs, especially in the presence of instream cover such as boulders and undercut banks. They generally prefer faster, more turbulent rearing areas, especially as yearlings or older juveniles. For larger juveniles, depth becomes an important consideration. Deep, swift runs, plunge pools and long riffles with an abundance of large boulders provide "good" to "excellent" juvenile Dolly Varden habitat. The juveniles are also found in relatively deep, quiet pools, especially in the absence of competition from other juvenile salmonids. Juvenile anadromous Dolly Varden spend from two to three years in fresh water before outmigrating. There is an abundance of "good" to "excellent" Dolly Varden habitat in both the lower and upper Shaishnikoff River. In general, the lower river contains more turbulent, riffle type habitat with less stable stream banks. The canyon area contains some riffle/run habitat interspersed with deeper plunge pools. Large boulders and rock ledges/outcrops represent the type of rearing habitat available for Dolly Varden in the canyon. The upper river contains longer riffle/run areas with occasional deeper, placid pools. The often continuously undercut, stable stream banks, coupled with habitat in the Burke River, provides an abundance of rearing habitat in this upper reach. It is not known if anadromous Dolly Varden migrate through the canyon into the upper valley. It is suspected that they may, as numerous, large Dolly Varden (i.e., 40 to 50 em.) have been observed in these upper pools in early April (presumably overwintering in these deeper areas) and have vacated these pools by mid-June (presumably having outmigrated). As many as thirty of these large fish were observed schooling in a single pool. The upper one and one-half miles of river is considered "excellent" Dolly Varden habitat, owing particularly to the abundance of rearing habitat. River-Resident Dolly Varden: Trapping efforts resulted in catches of juvenile Dolly Varden throughout the entire length of the Shaishnikoff River, the Burke River and Trail Lake and its tributaries. While the proportion of anadromous to resident juveniles is unknown, it is suspected that resident fish inhabit both rivers. The bulk of this resident population may inhabit the upper river reach (above the canyon) as sixty percent of the juveniles trapped were from this area. The range of juvenile fork le~gths (2.7 to 14.4 cm) indicate that from 0 to 3 age class 14 D-21 fish were trapped. Dolly Varden emerge at about 2.5 cm in length and are anywhere from 10 to 20 cm long at age 3. Mortality rate after age 5+ is high. Lake-Resident Dolly Varden: An unknown number of Dolly Varden inhabit Tral I Lake. ThlS populatlon is completely isolated (lOO-foot falls at lake outlet) from the river stocks. It appears that these fish congregate at the lake tributaries, particularly in the main tributary at the head of the lake. Over 20 percent of all juveniles trapped were from Trail Lake. The main tributary at the head of the lake provides abundant observable spawning gravels, cover, depth and flows to support this lake population. Fork lengths of juveniles trapped in the lake (5.0 to 13.0 cm) were comparable to those of juveniles trapped in the river system (2.7 to 14.4 cm). In comparison to other juveniles trapped in the river, however, these lake-resident Dolly Varden were highly colored (brillant pink spotting with contrasting orange-colored pelvic and pectoral fins). Fishery resources in the Pyramid Creek drainage are limited. Trapping efforts, produced one six-inch Dolly Varden and one coast range sculpin. Fyke net efforts produced no anadromous sa1monids. The mouth of Pyramid Creek has been cu1verted at an existing road crossing. One of the two culverts has been blocked, while the other is partially buried and would pass fish. Ken Griffin (ADFG, Unalaska) reports that a small run of pink salmon existed in the creek prior to 1978 when a chlorination plant for the town water supply was installed on the creek and apparently terminated the run. Investigations during September 1983, however, revealed that the run may be returning as several pink salmon carcasses were observed on the creek banks. There is approximately one-quarter mile of usable spawning habitat in Pyramid Creek. Threatened and Endangered Species Listed or proposed threatened or endangered species for which the FWS has responsibility are not known to occur in either the Shaishnikoff River of Pyramid Creek project areas (USDI, 1982). The endangered Aleutian Canada goose (Branta canadensis 1eucopareia) is found in the Aleutian Islands, with the only known breed1ng populations occurriny on Bu1dir and Chagulak Islands. Considering their limited range, no conflicts are anticipated. The endangered peregrine subspecies Falco peregrinus anatum has not been sighted in the Aleutians (Benfield, pers. comm.). . A bald eagle nest, containing actively nestin~ adults during the 1981 nesting season, is located within 900 feet to the west of the proposed transmission line corridor at river mile 1.5 and additional bald eagles have been sighted on the cliffs on the southwest side of Trail Lake (as well as a tentative sighting of Peale's peregrine falcon). A rare plant species (Calamalrostis crassitlUmiS) has been found in a few localities of Kodiak and Una aska Islands Murray, 1980). It is not known whether C. crassiglumis inhabits the project area. While it is a species of concern, It 1S not protected by the Endangered Species Act. 15 0-22 IV. Major Project Impacts Terrestrial Habitat It is estimated that, as proposed, project construction would eliminate approximately 12 acres of predominantly upland tundra-willow/alder habitat. Transmission line installation would disrupt an estimated five acres and the Trail Lake Impoundment an additional 15 acres, bringing the total loss/disruption of terrestrial habitats to approximately 32 acres (Table 2). Disruption and loss of stream bank/riparian vegetation would be of concern, considering the potential for erosion and siltation. The loss of the riparian fringe surrounding Trail Lake and its tributaries as a result of lake impoundment and regular lake level fluctuation during hydroelectric operation would result in a continuous strip of denuded, barren ground. Dolly Varden lake habitat (undercut banks, riparian cover, and shallow lakeshore zone) would be degraded. Table 2. Terrestrial Habitat Loss/Disruption as a Result of Project Construction. Project Feature Estimated Acreage Access Road (3.32 miles) Road Shoulders (overburden sidecasting) Dam Site (includes penstock, spillway and powerhouse) Overburden Disposal (dam site and storage areas Transmission Line (3.32 miles) Trail Lake Impoundment TOTAL: Mammals 4 4 2 2 5 15 ~ Terrestrial mammal use in the river valley is minimal. Red fox would be expected to be displaced during the construction phase, but would probably return. A small amount of small furbearer habitat in the alpine meadow areas would be eliminated as a result of access road construction. Of greater concern would be the elimination of an estimated 15 acres of alpine meadow habitat at the head of Trail Lake as a result of lake impoundment. Numerous criss-crossing runs, indicating the presence of small rodents, were observed during lake surveys in this meadow. These small furbearers represent a food source for the rap tors such as those observed in the cliffs above the lake. 16 0-23 Birds The majority of birds, with the exception of raptors, are ground nesters or nest in willow/alder shrubs. Some disruption as a result of construction activities (noise) would be expected. After construction, these impacts would cease. Unless construction activities are carefully planned and timed, nesting raptors could be impacted. Construction activities (blasting, heavy equipment use, etc.) in the vicinity of nesting bald eagles may cause abandonment or destruction of the nest. Improper transmission line and support pole design can cause electrocution of bald eagles and other raptors and large birds. A secondary impact to rap tors at Trail Lake involves the loss of a fOOd source due to the flooding of microtine habitat in the alpine meadow at the head of the lake. Further investigations and observations of this predator/prey relationship would be required to identify the extent of th i s impact. Fish There are three general areas of concern with this hydroelectric development proposal as related to Shaishnikoff River/Trail Lake fishery resources: (l) the impoundment and water surface level fluctuation of Trail Lake; (2) that portion of the river in the vicinity of the dam/powerhouse; and(3) erosion/siltation as a result of construction act ivit ies. ......., As previously noted, the impoundment of Trail Lake would degrade/eliminate lake-resident Dolly Varden habitat. The bulk of Dolly Varden spawning and rearing activity is suspected to occur in the main tributary at the head of the lake. Raising the lake level an estimated five feet, with daily fluctuations of two to three feet, would flood this tributary an estimated one-quarter mile, eliminating many of the continuous stable, grassy undercut banks which are important cover for rearing juveniles. Water depths would fluctuate in relation to lake levels, making it difficult for a new riparian vegetative fringe to develop. In addition, flows over spawning gravels would be reduced thereby degrading the value of spawning habitat. The overall effect of these lake alterations would result in an unstable aquatic system, which over time would regain some stability. The discharge of water from the powerhouse tailrace {estimated velocity of 3 fps} would create a flume expected to alter the inmediate downstream river reach. This reach is considered IIgood" to lIexcellent ll Dolly Varden and coho salmon habitat. The erosion/movement of gravels from spawning beds, river channel alterations, stream bank erosion/slumping, and supersaturated dissolved atmospheric gases (gas bubble disease) are all potential impacts. The tailrace is presently designed as a trapezoidal-shaped channel lined on the channel bottom with rock cobble without the benefit of a plunge pool to reduce plume velocities. Reiser and Bjornn (1979) list the average maximum water velocity for successful coho spawning at 2.5 fps, which is below the currently designed flume velocity. Spawning coho have been observed in the pools below the 17 D-24 proposed powerhouse site. If the receiving waters do not slow flume velocities below the point of successful spawning, it appears that a portion of the coho spawning habitat would be lost. The installation of a plunge pool in the tailrace would ensure this does not happen. Water temperature alterations as a result of a five foot lake impoundment are not expected to be substantial. Work performed at the Terror Lake hydroelectric project on Kodiak Island indicates that there is less than one-half degree Centigrade (C) temperature difference between the water surface and the -6 foot level. Changes in water temperature at the powerhouse of less than one-half degree C are anticipated. Mixing of water downstream would help to rectify any slight difference in water temperatures. Instream construction activities (six tributary crossings, overburden clearing and disposal at the lake outlet for dam construction, etc.) are expected to introduce sediments into the river system, especially considering the amount of rainfall this area receives. An estimated two acres of overburden, consistiny of loose, dark· brown silts and silty sands overlain with a tundra mat, would be excavated to bedrock (five to seven feet deep) for dam construction. Degradation of downstream spawning gravels, mortalities to incubating eggs and rearing fish, and in general, the lowering of the quality of fishery habitat could result; however, as sedimentation decreases, habitat quality would improve as the river returned to its pre-project condition. Finally, instream flows are not expected to alter substantially as the project is designed as run-of-river. Post-project flows below the lake outlet will actually increase somewhat and, it is expected, become more stable. Higher flows would be accomodated by the overflow spillway at the dam site. Provided adequate flows are maintained at the lake outlet during dam construction, lake impoundment, and operation and maintenance, dewatering of fishery habitat would not occur. V. Discussion Mitigation of Adverse Impacts In accordance with the Fish and Wildlife ~Iitigation Policy (FR Vol. 46, No. 15), evaluation species were identified for the purpose of establishing resource categories and mitigation planning goals. Two species of salmonids (Dolly Varden and coho) and the raptors in the vicinity of Trail Lake have been selected as the evaluation species for the Unalaska small hydropower project. Coho salmon are not common to Unalaska Island. A recent aerial and foot survey of the Island reveals that only two streams (out of 116 surveyed) contain runs of coho (Holmes, 1982). The Shaishnikoff River is only the third system on Unalaska Island known to support coho. Due to their limited distribution and the potential for impacts to observed coho spawning habitat near the dam site, coho were selected as an evaluation species with a deSignated resource category of two (2). The mitigation planning goal for category two is no net loss of in-kind habitat value. 18 0-25 Dolly Varden and raptors were selected as evaluation species due to potential for habitat loss/degradation as a result of the impoundment and fluctuation of Trail Lake, as previously described. Based on available field data, the habitat of these evaluation species is medium to low value in the project area and relatively abundant. Accordingly the designated resource category is four (4) with a mitigation planning goal to minimize the loss of habitat value. There are three areas of impacts inherent with the hydroelectric development of the Shaishnikoff River: 1. Terrestrial Habitat: The loss of approximately 17 acres of predomlnantly upland tundra will result from the stripping and wasting of overburden for the construction of project features. In addition, the inundation of 15 acres of alpine meadow at the head of the lake will eliminate observed microtine habitat, resulting in secondary impacts to red fox and raptors through the partial elimination of their food source. An undetermined area of riparian habitat fringing Trail Lake and its tributaries will additionally be lost. It is estimated that in excess of 30 acres of terrestrial habitat will be impacted and/or permanently displaced. 2. Water uality: The introduction of sedime~ts into the Shaishnikoff lver urlng dam, powerhouse, and access road construction, even with best management practices, is unavoidable. While increased sedimentation will be short-term (during and shortly after construction), degradation of Dolly Varden and coho salmon spawning and rearing habitat in the upper river reach will result. 3. Impoundment of Trail Lake: The resident Dolly Varden population in Trall Lake wli I lose spawning and rearing habitat. While this population has not been fully described, trapping efforts indicate that fair numbers of comparably-sized fish to those trapped in the river system inhabit the lake. It is felt that water quality impacts described above can be mimimized through proper project design and construction. The installation of a silt screen at the dam/powerhouse site will help trap excessive sediments. A silt screen which would retain sediments of a grain size larger than 0.05 millimeters (mm) (course silt) would be adequate. Trapped sediments would have to be periodically removed and disposed in a contained upland site. Aligning the tailrace channel as closely as possible to the natural river channel to reduce opposite bank scour and downstream erosion would help to reduce siltation. The incorporation of a plunge pool into the tailrace design would reduce plume velocities (estimated to be 3 fps) entering the Shaishnikoff River. Loose earth and rock are vulnerable to the erosive action of flowing water and may scour severely at velocities as low as two or three fps. If these three measures (silt screen, plunge pool, tailrace alignment) are incorporated as project features, water quality impacts will be minimized and effectively mitigated. Design changes during project planning and recommended measures such as revegetating road shoulders and other disturbed areas have satisfactorily mitigated for terrestrial habitat losses. 19 0-26 The extent of adverse impacts associated with the impoundment of Trail Lake is not a significant concern based upon existing limited surveys. A detailed survey of Trail Lake is needed to better quantify aquatic and terrestrial habitat resources. If. upon further study. it is determined that these resources are found to be of more importance and, correspondingly, are elevated to a higher resource category. the development and implementation of additional mitigation measures will be necessary. Except for the inundation and fluctuation of Trail Lake, impacts of hydroelectric development on the Shaishnikoff River appear to be short-term in nature. The effects of sedimentation/turuidity during construction represents an environmental concern. Best management practices during clearing operations (particularly at the dam site) should be utilized. Stream bank encroachment should be minimized. Periodic on-site inspections by FWS and CE biologists during construction would help to assess the effectiveness of these best management practices. The maintenance of adequate stream flow during dam construction and reservoir inundation is critical to the viability of the downstream fishery. Emergency release values, side-channel spillway, and other such devices are measures to insure the passage of adequate water flow. Tennant (1975) considers 60 percent or more of average annual flow to be "optimum" for the maintenance of fishery resources. As derived from CE 1981 monthly flow data at the outlet of Trail Lake (Appendix C) this translates into a flow of approximately 25 cfs. It is not antiCipated that reservoir inundation would require more than one month. As recommended by ADF&G, inundation between mid-June and the first of August would result in minimiziny conflicts with anadromous fish. A disruptive feature associated with this proposal is the construction of a 3.32-mile permanent access road up the Shaishnikoff River valley. While the original access road has been realigned, extensive earth moving, installation of culverts for tributary crossings, and the hauling of gravel for roadbed construction would still be required. Extensive benching would be necessary to accomodate an acess road along a steep slope adjacent to the Shaishnikoff River at river mile 1.8. A quarry site and disposal site(s) for large quantities of overburden ~ould need to be located. Roadbed construction represents a potential source of sedimentation/turbidity. Road maintenance and potential conflicts with use by local residents also need to be considered. To help facilitate access, heavy equipment could be prestaged prior to breakup. The use of helicopters could also augment accessibility. The timing of some construction activities (particularly blasting) needs to be carefully coordinated to avoid conflicts with nesting birds. The bald eagle nest at river mile 1.5 would be particularly susceptible to blasting and heavy equipment use during nesting periods. The bald eagle is classified as endangered in the contiguous United States, but is not on "the endangered list for Alaska. The bald eagle is protected by the Bald Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-688d) an the fvligratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703-711). The colony of bank swallows, a migratory bird, at the river mouth is also protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 20 0-27 New information indicating the presence of currently threatened or endangered species administered by the FWS, or the listing of new species which might be affected by the proposed project would require initiation of the Section 7 consultation process. There are no impacts associated with the Pyramid Creek hydroelectric site, as proposed, which would require mitigation. No in-river work or water diversion is proposed. It is felt that this proposal offers public benefit at a minimum expense with no apparent environmental conflict. Recent investigations (Griffin, ADF&G, pers. comm.) indicate that pink salmon are beginning to re-establish themselves in the lower river reach which will not be affected by this proposal. Enhancement Opportunities The following assessment of enhancement opportunities in relation to the hydroelectric development of the Shaishnikoff River is based on the following premises: 1. The upper one and one-half miles of the Shaishnikoff River contains an abundance of suitable spawning habitat which is underuti1ized in terms of fish production; and 2. The introduction of pink salmon into this upper reach would enhance Shaishnikoff River fishery resources and benefit the commercial fishery. Assessment of the Upper Shaishnikoff River as Pink Salmon Spawning Uabitat In evaluating the upper one and one-half miles of river as potential pink sa Imon spawning habitat, the fo Howing parameters were examined: water temperature, water depth, water velocity, and substrate composition. A considerable amount of research has been performed regarding the habitat requirements for the successful spawning of pink salmon. Table 3. provides a comparative overview of pink salmon spawning requirements. A comparison of the parameters in Table 3. to those measured in the 10wer and upper reaches of the Shaishnikoff River (Table 4.) indicates that the upper one-and-one half miles could provide viable pink salmon spawning habitat. ,Water temperature warms to 8.0°C in July at the beginniny of pink salmon spawning. Both water depth and gravel size lie within the acceptable range of pink salmon spawning requirements. Water velocity measurements for June 1982 averaged 0.53 meters/second em/sec) which lies midway in the range 0.21 to 1.01 m/sec for pink salmon given by Reiser and Bjornn (1979). It is expected that water velocity decreases somewhat during July-August-September when actual spawning occurs; average monthly discharge at the lake outlet decreases from 76.11 cubic feet per second (cfs) in June to 33.01 cfs in July and then increases again to 50.49 cfs in October. Additional water velocity measurements during this period would be useful. Compared to the lower river reach, which supported an average escapement of almost 30,000 pink salmon between 1979 and 1982, these spawning parameters for the upper reach are quite similar. 21 0-28 N N o I N 1.0 Table 3. ptnk SalMOn Spawning Requirements Parameter Source of Infonaatlon Reiser and Bjornn 11979) Water Temperature 7.2 -12.8 ICen!fgrade) Water Depth 0.15 -0.53 (Meters) Water Veloctty 21 -101 (Centtmeters/Second) Gravel She (Centimeters) McNetl and Batley 7.2 -12.8 0.15.Int_ 60 1.2 -15.2 0973) AUf&G 0981-1 Bell (1973) 7.2 -18 7.2 -15.5 0.09 -1.2 0.45 10 -132 69 0.6 -3.8 1.2 -5.0 Table 4. Telllperature. Depth. Flow. and Gravel She Measurements Through Spawntng Beds for the Upper and lower Reaches of the Shatshnlkoff River!! Parameter Water Temperature (Centigrade) Water Depth (Meters) Water Velocity (Centimeters/Second) June: 4.9 0.15 -0.60 June: 49.0 Gravel She 601 Gravel: 0.05-0.8 June: 4.9 0.15 -0.72 June: 60.0 70S Gravel: 0.02-0.7 June: 5.6 June: 5.7 0.15 -0.46 0.15 -0.56 June 64.0 June: 5.1.0 lOS Gravel: 0.15-0,55 601 Gravel: 0.Ol-0.6 June: 5.3 July: 8.0 August: 10.0 June: 4l.0 (Centieters) 401 Sand lOi Sand 60S Cobble: 0.55-10.0 Occasional Cobble to 15.0 101 Sand 30S-401 Sand Dtssolved Oxygen 12.3 12.l 12 12.1 12 (mg/I) !! Based on cross sectfon prof ties and CE hydrologtca} data. Upper Reach: One and one-half miles above canyon area. lower Reach: One and one-half miles below canyon area. Estimation of Potential Pink Salmon Spawning Habitat in the Upper Shaishnikoff River The following estimate of potential pink salmon spawning habitat in the upper one and one-half miles of the Shaishnikoff River and subsequent estimate of pink salmon production are based on stream surveys conducted in 1981 and 1982, cross-sectional profiles across gravel bars in the upper and lower reaches of the river, escapement observations, and a compilation of literature. I. Useable Spawniny Area (Square meters) (m 2 ) 1. Stream Length 2. Length of ttlapped Spawniny Grave 1 s (see Stream Survey, Appendix E) 3. Stream Width Useable for Spawning 4. Useable Spawning Area II. Physical Dimensions of Pink Redds Researcher Wells and McNeil (1970) McNeil and Bailey (1973) Be 11 (1973) Hourston and MacKinnon (1957) III.Area Required Per Spawning Female Researcher Hourston and MacKinnon (1957) Blackett (per. comm.) McNeil and Bailey (1973) ADF&G (1981b) IV. Total Number of Female Spawnersl/ Area (m2l = 10.900 = 12,674 Females Female (liZ) 0.86 Mean: ~Iean: 2,414 m 1,090 m 10 m (average) 10,900 m2 (2.05 acres) Dimension (m2) 0.6 -0.9 1.0 0.63 0.60 O. 75 m~ Dimension (m2) 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.83 'O:'Bb Fema 1 e/m2 V. Total Pink Salmon Spawners: 12,674 x 2 = 25,348 lIAssumes 1:1 sex ratio 23 0-30 Value to Commercial Fishery Parent-year escapement/adult return relationships for Shaishnikoff River pink salmon are not well known. Strength of returns can vary dramatically from ~ear to year. This relationship during years of high return can be 10:1, whereas during years of low return, this relationship can be less than 1:1 (Shaul, ADF&GF, pers. comm.). Harvest/escapement relationships for Shaishnikoff River pink salmon, however, can be derived from statistical harvest records. Between 1979 and 1983, the average harvest/escapement r.atio for Shaishnikoff River pink salmon was 1.5:1 (Table 5). Thus, for every pink salmon returning to spawn during this 4-year period, an average of 1.5 pink salmon were harvested in the Unalaska Bay salmon fishery. This translates into approximately 43,000 Shaishnikoff River pink salmon commercially harvested each year. Table 5. Unalaska Bay Pink Salmon Harvest/Escapement Statistics (1979-1982) • Year Numbers of Fish Approximate Value to Fishermen 1979 512,000 $720,000 1980 554,000 600,000 1981 238,000 320,000 1982 551,000 330,000 Shaishnikoff River Percent of Total Unalaska Bay Pink Salmon Escapement Pink Salmon Escapement (Numbers of Fish) Prodticed by the Shaishnikoff River 1979 18,000 6 1980 14,000 5 1981 59,000 36 1982 26,000 5 Source: Shaul, ADF&G, 1982 Applying this harvest/escapement relationship to the potential 25,000 pink salmon spawners in the 10,900 square meters of available spawning habitat in the upper Sahishnikoff River, an additional 37,500 fish would be available for harvest. This would nearly double the existing production. The 1981 price/pound for Unalaska pink salmon was $0.415 with an average pink salmon weighing 3.6 pounds (ADF&G, 1981c). This results in the price of $1.494/fish. Thus, the 37,500 additional pink salmon available for harvest through enhancement represents a commercial value of $56,025/year to fishermen. 24 0-31 Combining the commercial value of pink salmon potentially pro~uce~ in the lower river ($64,000/year), the total commercial value of Shalshnlkoff River pink salmoF would exceed $120,OOO/year duri~g an average return year. Comparing this to the total Unalaska Bay plnk salmon narvest between 1979 and 1982 (an average harvest of 463,750 fish with an average annual commercial value of $542,500) reveals that the Shaishnikoff River, through enhancement, could produce approximately one-fifth of all pink salmon harvested in Unalaska Bay. Approximately ten purse seiners typically fish for pink salmon in Captain's Bay each season. Additionally, there are several fish camps with commercial set net sites on the bay which catch pink coho, and sockeye. An unknown number of subsistence set nets are a~so utilized in the bay. Finally, considering that the price of pink salmon is likely to increase in future years, the estimated value of pink salmon realized as a result of enhancement in today's dollars will correspondingly increase. Alternative Enhancement Methods Alaska Steeppass Ziemer (1962) describes in detail a sectional, prefabricated, lightweight, portable, corrosion resistant steeppass fishway used for passing upstream migratiny salmon over low head barriers which, to date, has been successfully installed in excess of twenty anadromous streams from Southeastern Alaska to Sand Point in the Shumagin Islands. There are currently eight steeppass facilities on Afognak Island alone passing 165,000 salmon with an ex-vessel dollar value of $400,000 (Probasco, 1982). The most succe.sful steeppass facili~y in Alaska lies on the Frazer River, Kodiak Island, which passed over 400,000 sockeye in 1980 (Blackett, per. comm.). . There are two locations on the Shaishnikoff River where the installation of a fishway could facilitate passage of pink salmon into the upper one and one-half miles of river (see photos, Appendix F). Barrier #1 would require one to two ten-foot sections and barrier #2 probably three ten-foot sections. Cost of materials would approximate $15,000 ($2,000/ten-feet constructed in Anchorage). labor, however, would increase this cost significantly. It is estimated that the entire initial enhancement would cost $100,000. Table 6. provides the benefit/cost estimates for steeppass installation. These prefabricated units are portable and can be installed by a small crew of workers. Table 6. Benef1t/Cos~ Ratio £st1 .. tes for Steeppass Installation. Sha1shnikoff RiYer 11 Senefits Cast SIC Ratio $56.000 $100,000 9.0:1 Including Operation and Ma'intenance of $10.000/10 years: $56.000 $100,000 6.2: J 11 Discount rate of 7.875S oyer a 50-year project life. 25 D-32 Provided the steeppass facilities are anchored securely (often bolted into a bedrock channel) and designed for high flows, maintenance is expected to be minimal. The Shaishnikoff River valley is treeless and, therefore, log jams/ obstructions, which often plague steeppass facilities in forested areas, is not a concern. An annual inspection prior to pink salmon migration (i.e., June) is anticipated. Blastini to Form Step Pools: Blasting to form bedrock resting pools and to ellmlnate small falls and velocity chutes is a possible alternative to steeppass installation. For example, Laura Creek on Afognak Island has been extensively blasted to remove rock barriers in conjunction with fishway installation. Evans (1972) describes some common blasting methods and ADF&G personnel (Fishery Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division, Kodiak) have applied this method successfully at Afognak Island. Additional geologic and hydrologic investigations would be needed to determine the feasibility of blasting as a method of improving Shaishnikoff River pink salmon production. This method does have the advantage of remaining relatively maintenance free. Other Structural Methods Reeves and Roelofs (1982) describe various structural techniques which could be utilized to pass fish. Rock-filled gabions to provide stair-stepping might prove applicable to the Shaishnikoff River. Other structures such as rock and log sills could also potentially be utilized. These structures, however, would require varying degrees of maintenance. Blackett suggests that a combination of step-pooling with a portable, gas driven rock drill to reduce the height and gradient of the falls at both barriers #1 and #2 and installation of vinyl-coated, cement-lined gabions to break up water velocities in the velocity chute at barrier #2 may facilitate pink salmon passage. Rock-filled gabions are inexpensive (i.e., $40 for a 3 x 3 x 6 foot gabion) and can be installed permanently with galvanized pipe drilled into bedrock. Initial enhancement and annual maintenance costs would be expected to be minimal. Corresponding benefit/cost ratio (cost of $50,000) would be 13.9:1. This technique appears to be the most cost-effective and maintenance-free means of accomplishing enhancement. The single-largest environmental issue associated with this project is potential for the enhancement of pink salmon production in the up~er one and one-half miles of the Shaishnikoff River. The timing of this enhancement proposal appears to be compatible with project implementation in that it would take several years for a pink salmon run to establish itself in the upper river, during which time river stability would return to pre-project conditions. In a recent survey over ten streams on Unalaska Island have tentatively been identified as potentials for steeppass installation/barrier removal to open up historically unutilized spawning habitat (Holmes, 1982). The Shaishnikoff River appears to be suitable for such improvements. An example of a successful project similar to the potential increase of pink salmon production in the Shaishnikoff River is a 45 ft steeppass installed in 1977 in Portage River on north Afognak Island. The Portage 26 0-33 River steeppass (over a 9 ft falls) has increased pink salmon average annual escapement from 18~232 (1968 through 1977) to 50,250 (1978 through 1981) (Probasco~ 1982). Similarly, the Seal Bay Creek steeppass on Afognak Island increased by 30.5% pink salmon spawning habitat in an area previously unuti1ized (McDaniel, 1981). By comparison, the Shaishnikoff River average annual escapement of 29~250 (1979-1982) could potentially be increased by 25,000 fish, thus increasing the total escapement to over 50,000 pink salmon. VI. FWS Recommendations Project Design A. The tailrace be aligned as closely as possible to parallel the natural river channel in order to reduce opposite bank scouring and downstream erosion. Reduction of tailrace water velocities through the installation of a permanent plunge pool (eg. reinforced concrete) in the tailrace channel is recommended to further minimize erosion and protect downstream fishery resources. B. The transmission line be raptor-proofed to minimize the possibility of accidental electrocution. DeSign suggestions for minimiziny this potential impact can be obtained from the Edison Electric Institute Raptor Research Foundation publication, Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines, the State of the Art in 1~81, Raptor Research Report #4, Onlversity of Mlnnesota. C. All tributary crossings be adequately culverted and desiyned to pass high water flows. D. Further field studies to determine the value of the habitat impacted by the inundation and fluctuation of Trail Lake are recomnlended to assess the magnitude of impacts and determine if additional mitigation measures are warranted. 1. Survey of Trail Lake to determine Dolly Varden standiny stock and microtine populations impacted by reservoir impoundment. 2. Confirmation of raptor nesting in the cliffs above Trail Lake. Project Construction A. A minimum flow of 25 cfs (60% of average annual flow) at the outlet of Trail Lake be reserved for downstream fishery resources during dam construction and reservoir impoundment. Reservoir impoundment should occur during a period from mid-June to the first of August. B. A siltscreen, designed and maintained to retain sediments entering the Shaishnikoff River, be installed at the dam/powerhouse site duriny construction to minimize downstreanl siltation. Sediments should be periodically removed and disposed in a contained upland site. 27 0-34 - C. Overburden disposal take place no closer than 200-feet from the Shaishnikoff River or its tributaries. Spoil mounds should be contoured and seeded to prevent erosion. D. If the bald eagle nest at river mile 1.5 is found to be active the year project construction would commence, no blasting or heavy equipment use between April 1 and August 15 within a one-half mile radius of the nest be permitted and no construction be allowed within a 300-feet radius of the nest. E. The CE fund periodic on-site monit9ring by FWS and CE biologists to assess the effectiveness of best management practices and mitigative measures during project construction. Enhancement A. Measures to eliminate impasses to pink salmon upstream migration in order to increase pink salmon production in the Shaishnikoff River be incorporated as project features and a sponsor identified. The use of blasting to form step-spools and the installation of gabions where necessary appear to be the most cost-effective and maintenance-free means of accomplishing enhancement. This enhancement plan should be developed prior to commencement of construction and must have the full concurrence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Post-Project Construction A post-construction surveillance and monitoring program be estabished to assess the effectiveness of the enhancement plan and mitigation measures and to provide recommendations for further improvement. 28 0-35 Literature Cited Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1981a. Freshwater habitat relationships, pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Habitat Protection Section, Resourcement Assessment Branch. 41 pp. • 1981b. Memorandum to Habitat Division Supervisors from John Clark, ---~De-p-uty Director, Habitat Division. Subject: Value of a spawning area. May 22, 1982. Ip. ----.;r::"'I"'=" .• 1981c. Finfisheries Annual Report, Alaska Peninsula -Aleutian Islands areas. Arnold R. Shaul. 68 pp. Amundsen, C.C. 1972. Plant Eclogy of Amchitka Island. Final Report. Battelle Institute, BMI-171-139. Columbus, Ohio. 27 pp. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. 1981. An investigation of the feasibility of constructing a spawning channel at the Tyee Lake hydroelectric project. Anchorage, Alaska. 32 pp. Bell M.C. 1973. Fisheri~s handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria: useful factors in life history of most common species. Portland, OR: Fisheries -Engineering Research Program, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division. Benfield, D. 1982. Personal communication, Dan Benfield, USFWS, Endan~ered Species, to David Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Blackett, R.F. 1983. Personal communication, Roger Blackett, ADF&G, Kodiak, to David Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Crone, R.A. and C.E. Bond. 1976. Life history of coho salmon in Sashin Creek, Southeast Alaska. Fishery Bulletin: Vol. 74, No.4, pp. 897-923. Evans, W.A. 1972. Fish nligration and fish passage, a practical guide to solving fish passage problems. U.S. Forest Service -Region 5. 43 pp. Ferrell, L. 1983. Personal communication, Linda Ferrell, CE, to David Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Griffin, K. 1982. Personal communication, Ken Griffin, ADF&G, Unalaska, to David Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Holmes, P.B. 1982. Aleutian Islands salmon stock assessment study. Special report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. 82 pp. Hourston, W.R. and D. MacKinnon. 1957. Use of an artificial spawnin~ channel by salmon. Trans. Am Fish. Soc. 86:220-230. McDaniel, T.R. 1931. Evaluation of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) fry plants at Seal Bay Creek, Afognak Island, Alaska. ADF&G, Info. Leaf. 193:9p. 29 0-36 McNeil, W.J. and J.E. Bailey. 1973. Salmon Rancher1s ~lanual. National ~Iarine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Auke Bay, Alaska. 95 pp. Morrow, J.E. 1981. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., Anchorage, Alaska. 248 pp. Murie, O.J. 1959. Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. USFWS, N. Amer. Fauna 61. 407 pp. Murray, D.F. 1980. Threatened and endangered plants of Alaska. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 59 pp. Northern Technical Services. 1982. Stream guage installation, Dept. of the Army, Alaska District Corps of Engineers Contract No. DACW85-82-C-000S. 21 pp. Probasco, P.J. 1982. Afognak Island fish pass maintenance and evaluation. Annual report for 1981. ADF&G. 22 pp. Reeves, G.H. and T.D. Roelofs. 1982. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in western North America. Rehabilitating and enhancing stream habitat: 2. field applications. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Port land, OR. 38 pp. . Reiser, D.W. and T.C. Bjornn. 1979. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in western North America. Habitat requirements of anadromous salmonids. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. 54 pp. Sarvis. J. 1982. Personal communication, John Sarvis, USFWS Refuge t-Ianager, Aleutian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, to David .Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Shacklette, H.T. 1966. The Aleutian Islands Oceanic Tundra. Address to Alpine Research Seminar, Boulder, CO. 12/9/66 Shaul, A. 1982. Personal communication, Arnold Shaul, ADF&G, Kodiak, to David Ferrell, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. Sheridan, W.L. 1979. Production of salmon in relation to fish habitat enhancement projects. Unpublished U.S. Forest Service report, t<larch 1, 1979, Juneau, Alaska. Tennant, D.L. 1975. Instream flow regimens for fish and wildlife, recreational and related environmental resources. USFWS, Billings, t<IT. 30 pp. U.S. Department of the Interior. 1982. Endanyerd and threatened wildlife and plants. USFWS. 50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12. 13 pp. Wells, R.A. and W.J. McNeil. 1970. Effect of quality of spawning bed on growth and development of pink salmon embryos and alevins. USFWS. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. No. 616. 6 pp. Ziemer, G.L. 1962. Steeppass fishway development. Info. Leaf. 12. Juneau, Alaska: ADF&G. 9 pp. 30 0-37 Appendix A Scientific and Common Names of Fish and Wildlife Referenced in this Report Common Name Fish Pink salmon Coho salmon Chum salmon Do 11y Varden Birds Pea1e 's peregrine falcon Merlin Falco co1umbarius Rough-legged hawk Marsh hawk Gyrfalcon Snowy owl Short-eared owl Bald eagle Raven Common merganser Ma 11ard Anas platyrhynchos Common snipe Dipper Cinclus mexicanus Belted klngflsher Bank swallow Ptarmigan (Rock) Gray-crowned rosy finch Lapland longspur Song sparrow Common re,dpo 11 Winter wren Snow buntiny Mammals Red fox Arctic ground squirrel European hare 31 0-38 Scientific Name Oncorhynchus ~orbuscha Oncorhynchus lsutch Oncorhynchus keta Salvelinus ma~ Falco peregrinus Buteo 1agopus Clrcus cyaneus Falco rusticolus Nyctea scandiaca AS10 f1ammeus RiTTaeetus leucocepha1us Corvus corax Mergus merganser Gal1inayo ga11inago Megaceryle alcyon Rlparla rlparla Lagopus mutus Leucosticte tephrocotis Calcarius la~ponicus Melosplza me odla Caraeulis flammea Troglodytes tro~lodytes Plectrophenax nlvalis Vu1pes vUlpes Cltellus undu1atus Lepus europaeus Appendix A (cont'd) Plants Beach rye Fescue Bluegrass Sedge Bluejoint grass Horsetail Rush Crowberry Wi llow Alder Canadian dogwood Fireweed Cow parsnip Marsh marigold Lowbush cranberry Bog blueberry Salmonberry Sphagnum moss 32 0-39 Elymus spp. Festuca spp. Poa spp. "Cirex spp. CaTamagrostis canadensis Equisetum spp. Luzula spp. Emletrum nigrum Sa ix spp. Alnus spp. Cornus canadensis Epilobium angustifolium Reracleum lanatum Caltha palustris Oxycoccus microcarpus Vacclnium uli~lnosum Rubus specta611is Sphagnum spp. Appendix B Salmonid Distribution within the Trail Lake/Shaishnikoff River Systeml/ Location Juveniles and Resident Adults Anadromous Adults Coho Pink Chum Do lly Varden Coho Pink Chum Do lly Varden Lower Reach ? ++ + ++ ++ ++ + ++ (up to 1 112 miles from tidewater) Canyon Area ? + 0 ++ ++ + 0 ? Upper Reach ? 0 0 ++ ++ 0 0 ? (1 112 miles above canyon) Burke River ? 0 0 ++ ? 0 0 ? Trail Lake 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 Key ++ Present and relatively abundant + Present, but not abundant 0 Not present ? None sampled, but presence strongly suspected 1/ Based on stream surveys conducted in April 1981 and June and September 1982 and information provided by biologists of ADF&G, Alaska Peninsula -Aleutian Island Area. 33 0-40 - Appendix C Mean Monthly Flow, Shaishnikoff River At Trail Lake Outlet (1981)1/ Month ~Iean Flow (cfs) October 50.49 November 38.44 December 29.91 January 33.21 February 31.01 March 22.16 Apri 1 31.19 May 76.81 June 76.11 July 33.01 August 33.21 September 54.58 1/ Source: Corps of Engineers, Hydro1oyy Section 34 0-41 Appendix D. ftsh Salllpltng Catch Results for Shalshntkoff River/Trail Lake near Unalaska. Alaska. Sampling Locatlon* Salll!!ltng Gear Date S!!ecles Ca2tured NUilber Ca2tured fork Length (CIII' TI.e fished (hrs' Catch Totals Hne 0.1 fyke Net 4/21/81 Pink Sallllon 273 fry 18 Pink Sal~n: ~90 (fry' (Near Mouth' ChulII Sal~n 92 fry ChUIII Sal~n: 92 (fry' Scul!!in 2 Dolly Varden: 29 (28 Juveniles, 1 Adult, MUe 0.1 fyke Net 6/1/82 ptnk Sall110n 10 fry 10.5 Sculpin: 2 (with 10' wingS) FhliJng Uforf MUe 0.5 Minnow Tra!! 6/9/82 £lIptt 46 w Bel~ Canyon: 329 hrs. \Jl MUe 0.7 Minnow Tra!! 6/9/82 £lIIptt 46.5 Above Canyon: 678 hrs. Water falls: 156 hrs. MHe 0.7 -1.4 12 Minnow Traps 4/18/81 Dolly Varden 3 12.0-14.4 120 Trail Lake: 371 hrs, 0 Total: 1.634 hrs. I 4/18)81 .p. MHe 1.5 2 fyke Nets Ptnk Sa I IlIOn 7 fry 40 N Mile 1.8 Minnow Trap 6/9/82 £1II!!tt 48 Mtle 2.0 fyke Net 4/20/81 Dolly Varden 4.8 44 (Burke River Confluence' Mile 2.2 Mtnnow Tra!! 6/9/82 Doll,r Varden 1 5.0 47 Htle 2.4 4 Mtnnow Traps 4/20/81 £mptt 176 Mtle 2.4 3 Minnow Traps 6/9/82 0011,r Varden 7 2.7-12.6 90 MHe 2.5 ftke Net 4/20/81 Oolll Varden 1 47.5 (Adult' 45 Mile 2.5 5 Mtnnow Tra!!, 4/20/81 Ool1l Varden 7.0 225 MHe 2.7 Minnow Trap 6/9/82 Dol1l Varden 12.4 51 Mtle 2.8 3 Mlnllow Traps 6/10/82 Dolly Varden 2 6.0 and 12.4 156 (Water Falls' MI Ie 3.0t 7 Minnow Traps 6/10/82 Dolly Varden 5 5.0-13.0 371 * Sampling locations measured In river IIIlles upstrealll from tidewater ) 1 " Appendix E Upper Shaishnikoff River Stream Survey The following stream survey is a compilation of three field investigations: April 1981; June 1982; and September 1982. The survey begins at Trail Lake and continues downstream to the canyon area (approximately 1.5 miles). Corresponding photographs are found in Appendix F. Scale is approximately 1" = 315 1 • River miles are measured upstream beginning from the river mouth at tidewater. Key to Riverine Habitat Types: f(:':If.. ~~~ -* -Good Spawning Gravels r==:-:l U -Riffle Areas -Rap; ds 36 0-43 y In [V E rs MIL E : 2.51 ....-; ____ '::t:.:S:I_ANo. D-44 37 AT L~\'-.e. CUTl..E.T I"" «I"":":, V:""!"'E=-n~M~1 ':"'"L'='E-: 2,-S-' \ S~e.AM <;'Uo,~:vlii:'1 SHA\~1'\N\"'O;:~ ~\\Jeft... ~O\"ES: \.V'~"'M JAd.\£'S. t:LDtA. ~ -\~ P'\, RLi='o='l..tI.~" "'Ni>tc..Aw.."/ u:s.ca ,,"fIIoioJ 11"\ aEV. Du:...f'lS.~O"'A'­Poo,-I.IJ~ NU~U~ Oou..'f \JAif)~,J. R'\JiU. G«A~Ie....rr L.OW.i ~\\.lIiiL ""~I .. U:':lIi.2..S. ~«ouc.~ '"nu"!:> 'PoL'T'lo..J ~ -n.I.~ VAu.e.'1. ~'T'I:.E.AM SPII'V~c;. ,,~C AN C S'M"Ii!:.I....&.. E"""~T c.ol-lO ~Ae.ITA\. S""t"'ll:::.e~M. Suit.Je.Y 5\-\p..\~~~\ \<.ot=~ ~'''E2.. tUo,-iLS. ~ !e\\oI'Iiioo2. c:;,&A~\e.N"'\ l,.Jt.AIii~~ l:.."'t' e~ .. lIt~ ~\\je.2- c:...M.I~IW~. e.1JW«.. 1J"1!.e.auJ~ ~NC:::. e.tF'F1.e J RAPtI);' ~. MD'1t.e -r4PI~'-. ~\"ect...Def"\\t'S. ~ a.s:: "'11) l.() t.I\ \oJ l-n.\ ttt.A'i:I~~\.. ca::t P f"ooL..... Oou. '/ VAIUWia....J c:...a .... MmJ. \ 111 'V E R MIL E : 2.0 \ ,-+-----c..c.;.\'C ~Au"\t:>N S.PAw~ \~ e:,. C 'S.E.~'\~~. \c!'~z..) ......... 1:------~M ... t.c:H ... <;. ~OuCi' DQu..'i VAfl.fl .. rl (S'O-i.oUC.M) (PI,",PRO,)(, ~o ;:"'i.roi) 0-45 38 ST1taA"", ~u.~e.'1 S~A.S."'-.I~"-Dpr", te\\J e It. Ncrres: ae\ye..t. s..iT'sli!.'1 A., sraaP-\OJ lit ""'-1ie. CAN "41»J l!.ot.1 "t"W - u.uJ ..... .J A ~~. ~ ... I:I.'f ~IC.QP. ~N iII¥¥At:.EM"T" VSl..l.':t..A'T"'I ~"'1"'6 "'~~ 'i=A\.L..c:. (_') I'Le'II • ...r'\~ __ I Rl~ UPsrGiIr'M MlC'::r&lfT\ON oJi. ?ltV"-~l.MON. Muc..'" X 1Cl"Si...t&W \~ Dm£.IX.K. W I."'T"~ ~~U; 11:A'\D~ II\J""tIMSPli'QS.e~ uJ L -n+ b.w Po ....... I Block "'2 I I n I v E n MILE 1.e I ... < __ ~I~+\ S,-",t..'I<. r..ve...oc:..\'·r~ UiI..tTE ~ lM.~'i..\ lJ,.."" .... o(!---Lu .. i\rT", rf p".,,)\<.. s.A,-,""oJ U~M o.P P'CIO'-""""~ M\6rIiI'''''n0'!J ~~::::::::=.:::;::.:;...,,. ...... !~ I .. t ___ p...)", ~ ~tJEa ~_,\~'Z.j ;c-~ .... ;e *-J<itr ~ 39 D-46 y /""E----(!.c)~ s'AI.r'\DI\l CPAWlJ'W'J'" (S."~IM. I \C,Y1.) <C) ~ __ ~ M. '::A\..\..~ Lo,:::.c.a..atA~N"'i "'t"'O PIN~ 'SAI..MBN UP~MiI\ Mf(stA'n~). r~---Cowo ~AI.I-WN SPAI.OAJIIJI!D (.r~lt.ll'\tZ,~ -.... f I t< IVEt< M I LE:1.5 I . : -: ! 1"..1>(, SAI.I'IoIJ CA~C.A= oN 6 ... "", €'I~' S.AI..I"'\~ :;PA~IN& U~'SettvleC ( Ff:.a)A. Mt;~ \U ~\le(" ~ ) CAh'Au,J'~ 6A~ \.. '!> 1"\ \ I-e:. ~ .40 0-47 ~'TR..eA'M ~i.v6\( S+l~~titV\"'o,,:,:: te,.,Je..'L . Ncrre:s : )' .,J \(;.. 'S.AI..M.O....l A,f.:e. .,..~~ NU~"(..AU.'i Do""'I~f\N\ S.Pet..\6 T='t..ItM \.loeC:: 'TO -r'!-\6 R.\vEit. HOu;n-\ ~"T" CAPT"AnJ'-s. BA"I: f"J \<-os Af.e 'T'f 4' I c..A'W.. "/ ~Iol~ IN ~1S R.lFI=I..e. A(sA'S. p..,..l b CD \io IN -ni e C:eeP€'«.. ftOlS . Appendix F Photographs of Fish Migrational Barriers on the Shaishnikoff River Photograph 1. Looking upstream at barrier #1 at river mile 1.5. This 3 to 4-foot bedrock falls is a discouragement to further pink salmon upstream --........... .,.. Photograph 2. migration. (April 1981) Looking upstream at barrier #2 at river mile 1.8. This 3-foot falls and 15-foot bedroCK velocity chute terminates further pink salmon upstream migration. (April 1981) 41 0-48 MAMMALS '-".~.'III~ • .,_ ........ , __ .,;_ .. tI""""#i .. 'HY~ ;;:;!C':'::~1,,:,;:;::!:::,.~~:;.;,,:.,::::.:,~I!:y FIGURE 6 SHAISHNIKOF RIVER HABITAT MAP SILL SHEFFIELD. GOVERNOR ", , , l 4:37 E. Street .," ~. -... / ~ SECOND FLOOR , ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 / (907) 274-2533 DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION '-LH P.O. BOX 515 /. D , KODIAK. ALASKA 99615 SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE (907) 486-3350 P.O. BOX 1207 CJ SOLDOTNA. ALASKA~ (907) 262-5210 Apri 1 22, 1983 P.O. BOX 1709 CJ VALDEZ. ALASKA 99686 (907} 835-4698 P.O. BOX 1064 Col. Neil Saling District Engineer A1aska District CJ WASILLA. ALASKA 99687 (907) 376-5038 Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Col. Saling: A revi ew has been completed by the Department of Envi ronmenta 1 Conservation of the proposed Unalaska Hydropower Project, Coordi- nation Act Report by the Fish & Wildlife Service. We support the recanmendations and miti gation measures as outl ined by the Fish & Wildlife Service. Our major concerns deal with water qua 11 ty related to the project deve 1 opment and operat ion. In addition to potential downstream temperature changes or fluctua- tions, we are concerned with possible turbidity induced by the project in terms of suspended sediment changes and bedscour. During the construction phase, turbidity would be of special concern related to gravel borrow and spoil sites as well as stream cross; ng or cul vert placement. The el imination of the proposed road construction could substantially resolve such potential probl ems. We have no further comments at this time. Cordi ally, ~~ .. %-----("~. --- Bob Martin, P.E. Regional Supervisor DW/BM/jfr _____ cc: Robert Bowker, WAES/FW&S ~ Keith Kelton, ADEC . ~ .. ~. -' ' .. ,,> .• "U t 0 iECEI" 0-50 ,... .. "!i-,' -y-""""""""0,", DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AL.ASKA CISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS POUCH 8118 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA II11S08 April 27, 1983 Environmental Resources Section U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wester.n Alaska Ecological Services ATTN: Robert Bowker, Field Supervisor 605 West Fourth Street, Room 6~8l Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Bowker: APR.2 91983 The Alaska Oist'rict has reviewed the draft Coordination Act (CA) report for the small hydroelectric project near Unalaska, Alaska. We would like to commend you on a well written and in- formative document. Calculations for the tailrace discharge have been completed and the discharge velocity would be 2.7 feet per second (fps), not 10 fps as stated previously. The decreased discharge velocity should reduce the probability of downstream erosion and movement of gravels considerably. Stream degradation caused by the 10 fps tailrace discharge was included as an impact which, in part, would require mitigation. In order to inc1 ude passage faci 1 ities as a project feature under mitigation requirements, justification for the mitigation measure must be refined. --- Upon rev; ew of the report it became apparent that addi - tiona1 field studies are required to refine the impact as- sessment associated with the change in water surface elevation of Trail lake. These studies will be coordinated with your office during the Advanced Engineering and DeSign (AE&D) phase of the project. Upon the request of your office, an alternate road design will be i"ncluded in the feasibility report. The road' alter- native would remain on the east side of the river and require no stream crossings. 0-51 - If we can be of Mr. John Burns of our 552-2572. -2- .-• further assistance, please contact Envi ronmenta 1 Resources Secti on at 0-52 .,1.1 SHEFFIELD. GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GA ME 344-0541 May 9, 1983 333 RASI'8ERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99602 0583-IV-77 Mr. Robert Bowker Field Supervisor Western Alaska Ecological Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 605 W. 4th Avenue, Room G-81 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Bowker: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has reviewed the Draft Coordination Act Report for the Unalaska Small Hydroelectric Project on the Shaishnikoff River. We generally concur with your analysis of available data and your recommendations, except for the specific comments listed below: Page 19, V. Potential Adult Return, 1.: The calculations should correctly show 12,674 females X 1,700 eggs/female = 21.5 X 10 6 eggs, not 12.5 X 10 6 • Also, an adult return of 21,500~ults translates to 10,750 returning females (50%), which is less than the 12,674 females calculated for full utilization of the spawning area. A continued iteration of the calculations used in Section V would result in a steadily decreasing population. A more likely average survival for fry to adults may be 1.5% (range 1-4%), rather than the 1% used (R. Blackett, ADF&G, Kodiak, personal communication). Page 20, Value to Commercial Fishery: In the first paragraph, all 21,500 returning adults are used in the calculations of harvest and commercial value. If all returning adults are harvested, the population will decline at an even faster rate than that illustrated by calculations on page 19. l~e suggest that the report be revised to include information available from ADF&G on parent-year escapement/adult return relationships that can be used to predict potential increases in run size due to the addition of 10,900 square meters of spawning habitat in the upper river. Harvest figures should be derived from ADF&G management guidelines for allowable harvest/required escapement. D-53 Mr. Robert Bowker -2-May 9, 1983 The 1981 escapement of 59,000 pink salmon to the lower 1.8 miles of the Shaishni koff River suggests that more than 21,500 adults coul d be produced by the additional 1.5 miles of potential spawning area upstream of the present migration barriers. Page 21, Alaska Steeppass: Considerable blasting, jackhammer use, and other rock work would be required to install fishpasses on the Shaisnikoff River, therefore the estimate of $40,000 is probably much too low for deSign, construction, and installation. Page 25, II. Project Construction, A.: We suggest that full river flow should be maintained during emergence and migration of salmon fry and smolt. Reservoir impoundment should occur during a period from mid-June to the first of August, rather than May -June. We support your recommendations that p1 ans for a permanent road to the project area be abandoned, and that a transmission line/bulldozer trail be aligned along the east side of the Shaishnikoff River valley to avoid multiple stream crossings. ADF&G also supports enhancement proposals to increase pink salmon production' in the Shaishnikoff River, in order to compensate for habitat losses in the .~ reservoir inundation area. We recognize, however, that the hydroelectric project as proposed should not impose long-term adverse affects on eXisting salmon populations in the Shaishnikoff River, and that proposed stream improvements in the lower river do not comprise in-kind mitigation. We appreCiate the opportunity to comment on the Draft Coordination Act Report. If you have any further questions, please contact Denby Lloyd (267-2333) or Kim Sundberg (267-2334). Si ncere1y, Don W. Colli"sworth Comissioner /1 .. / . <v~.-1.fi~1 BY: Denby s-: Lloyd ,~ Habitat Biologist Region IV Habitat Division 0-54 APPENDIX E REPORT RECIPIENT~ AND PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBIT NO. lo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Report Recipients Ltr from City of Unalaska, Ak, City Manager, dtd 28 August 1980. Ltr from State of Alaska, Division of Parks, dtd 12 March 1981. Ltr from U.S. Dept of Interior, dtd 23 April 1982. Ltr from State of Alaska, Division of Parks, dtd 1 September 1983. Ltr from Heritage Worth, dtd 25 November 1983. Ltr from State of Alaska, Office of Management and Budget, dtd 25 March 1983. Ltr from Dept of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control, dtd 28 December 1983. Ltr from U.S. Dept of Interior, dtd 4 January 1984. Ltr from State of Alaska, Division of Government Coordination, dtd 5 January 1984. Ltr from Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, dtd 6 January 1984. Ltr from Dept of Housing and Urban Develop, dtd 9 January 1984. Ltr from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dtd 9 January 1984. Ltr from U.S. Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin, dtd 10 January 1984. Ltr from State of Alaska, Dept of Fish and Game, dtd 19 January 1984. Ltr from City of Unalaska, AK, City Manager, dtd 24 January 1984. Ltr from City of Unalaska, AK, City Manager, dtd 15 February 1984. Ltr from Federal Energy Regulatory Commision, dtd 2 April 1984. Ltr from Alaska Power Authority, dtd 31 May 1984. E-1 REPORT RECIPIENTS Federal AgenCies Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Director, Office of Ecology and Conservation, NOAA, Department of Commerce Department of Energy, Division of NEPA Affairs Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Advisor on Environmental Quality Federal Emergency Management Administration Department of Health and Human Services Director, Office of Environmental Project Review, Department of Interior Deputy Assistant, Secretary for the Environment Office of the Chief of Engineers, Civil Works Programs Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X Director, Alaska Operations Office, Environmental Protection Agency Director, Alaska Region, National Weather Service Regional Director, Department of Housing and Urban Development Commander/Director, U.S. Army CRREL, Hanover, New Hampshire Commander/Director, U.S. Army CRREL, Fairbanks, Alaska Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation National Park Service, Anchorage, Alaska National Park Service, Juneau, Alaska Soil Conservation Service Area Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Supervisor, WAES, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service National Marine Fisheries Service, Anchorage, Alaska Regional Director, National Marine Fisheries Service, Juneau, Alaska Director, Anchorage Field Office, National Ocean Survey Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resource Division Alaska Resources Library U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors The Honorable Ted Stevens, United States Senate The Honorable Frank Murkowski, United States Senate The Honorable Don Young, United States House of Representatives Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office State Agencies Executive Director, Alaska Power Authority Director, Division of Strategic Planning Director, Division of Governmental Coordination Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Commissioner, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land and Water Management, Southcentral District Commissioner, Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, Alaska E-2 - Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Dutch Harbor Coordinator, Office of Coastal Management Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation Department of Environmental Conservation, Southcentra1 Regional Office Commissioner, Department of Commerce and Economic Development Department of Natural Resources, Uivision of Parks Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office The Honorable Bill Sheffield, Governor Alaska State Library Alaska Historical Library Organizations Alaska Conservation Society Kodiak-Aleutian Chapter Anchorage Audubon Society Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska Director, Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska Arctic Information and Data Center State Representatives, Friends of the Earth Alaska Native Foundation Alaska Center for the Environment The Wildlife Society General Manager, Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Fifth District Planning and Development Commission, Pierre, South Dakota Local Honorable William Fisher, Mayor Jack Aderson, Manager, Unalaska Electric Utility Ronald Anderson, City Council Member Franklin J. and Betty Arriaga, Marine Construction and Engineers Emil W. Berikoff Glenn P. Boledovich, Media Division, City of Unalaska Lee Bowman Russell Buck Glenda Martin Currier, City Clerk Jeff Currier, Director of Public Works Mr. and Mrs. J. DeBakker,CHy Planning Commission Suzi Dengler Abi Dickson Dan Dunaway Arne Erickson, Planning Director Lear N. Fellows Charles Gasta Jeannette Gaul, Ounalashka Corporation Benjamin J. Golodoff J. P. Goforth, The Aleutian Eagle K. Grimnes, Ouna1ashka Corporation Pete Hendrickson Stan Holmes, City Council Member Ray Hudson Frank Kelty E-3 Darrell W. Langley, Superintendent, Department of Public Works Elizabeth Manfred, City Council Member John Marnik, City Planning Commission Jurate Mazeika, Parks and Recreation Director Del Olsen Barbara Rankin, City Treasurer D. Ruth Shaishnikoff Nancy Steres Samuel and Gertrude Svarny Gail Tharpe, KIW-TV, KIAL-AM Radio Sherry Thompson, City Council Member Leonard E. Wasserman Persenia Whittern, City Council Member E-4 - EXHIBIT 1 (cont.) CITY OF UNALASKA /- P.O. BOX 89 U~ALASKA. ALASKA 99685 581-1251 "Capita~ Ob tlte uHeuHOIt!,t August 28, 1980 Colonel Lee R. Nunn District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers P.o. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Dear Colonel Nunn: The City of Unalaska is presently undertaking a staff study of the feasibility of expanding our municipal electric utility in accordance with the recommendations contained in a 1979 study commissioned by the City. In brief, we are working on upgrading o\~ diesel generation capacity to expand service areas with the intention of using this new capacity, eventually, for peak power ' requirements only, relying upon hydroelectric power for base capacity. Since, however, the electric utility is subsidized from the City's General Fund revenue, it would be some time before the preliminary engineering feasibility studies of specific hydro sites could be undertaken from internal City sources. From a telephone conversation with Mr. Loren Baxter of your staff, I understand that the Corps 'has authorization to invest- igate certain sites in Alaska with a view towards determining their feasibility for hydroelectric generation. I also under- stand that among those sites is Shaisniknoff Creek on Unalaska Island. The City of Unalaska would be very interested in the results of any investigations that your office could undert.ake regarding this import.ant. wat.er resource. We are prepared t.o extend our every cooperation to you, including periodic data collection on st.ream guage stations. We look forward to an associat.ion with the Corps on this worthwhile project. EXHIBIT 2 JAY S. HA .... OND, GOVERNOR DEPABTMEBlT OF lV&I'UBAI, RESOIJIl(zs DIVISION tW ItA .. tn, WAREHOUSE DR •• SUITE 270 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 PHONE: 27"""'"6 March 12. 1981 Re: 1130-2-1 Alaska District Corps of ,Engineers EnviroIDllental Section P. o. Box 7002 Anchorage. Alaska 99510 At tn: Mr. William Lloyd Subject: Proposed Hydro Projects on UDalaska Island Dear Mr. Lloyd: We have reviewed the subject proposal and would like to offer the following comments: STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER Our review indicates that significant cultural resources maybe impacted. Specifically, AHRS site II UNL-09l may be adversly disturbed by construc- tion of the powerhouse at site 112. Construction at site 11 may impact AHRS site II UNL-042, or one or more currently unlocated sites. There- fore, per 36 CFR 800, a preconstruction cultural resources survey is recOmmended. If there are any questions c tact Dilliplane of this office. / bert D. Shaw State Historic Preservation Officer STATE PARK Pt.ANNING The proposed action is consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program's recreation standard. LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANT PROGRAM No comment. Sincerely, ~~~-,,// /\~';rlI';.'/-~ L;~~ I -Chip Dennerle1n ,. Director EXHI BIT 3 CD:mlb 1Q.J11LH United States Department of the Interior IN REPLY REFER TO: WAES Colonel Lee R. Nunn District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers P.O'. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska Dear Colonel Nunn: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVIGE 1011 E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 . 99510 23 APR 1982 Re: Small Hydropower Unalaska, Alaska This is in reference to your request,for our determination regarding the occurrence of any listed threatened or endangered species, or species proposed foriisting, and their critical habitat at the alternate project locations of Pyramid Creek and the Shaishnikof Riv~r at Unalaska, Alaska. Please be advised that no listed or proposed threatened or endangered species for which the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has responsibility are known to occur in the project areas. You may, therefore, conclude that the proposed projects will have no effect on those species and that formal Section 7 consultation with the FWS and preparation of a biological assessment is not re~uired. Protection of some species of threatened and endangered marine mammals is the responsibility of the National.Marine Fisheries Service. There are eight species of endangered whales occurring in Alaskan waters: blue, sei, fin, black right, bowhead, sperm, gray, and humpback. To determine the potential effects on those species, inquiries should be directed to that agency. New information indicating the presence of currently listed threatened or endangered species administered by the FWS, or the listing of neW species which might be affected by the proposed projects will require reinitiation of the consultation process. If further information is required, please contact the Western Alaska Ecological Services Field Office at 271-4575. ~relY, // ~/J?(~ "'stant Regional Director cc: FWS-ROES, WAES NMFS, ADF&G, Anchorage EXHIBIT 4 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR DEPARTMElIT OP lI.DUIAI, 1IES01l1l«ZS DlwaION 01' ItA" 819 WAREHOUSE AVE., SUITE 210 ANCHORAGE. ~LASKA 99501 PHONE; C90n 276-2653 100J11LH September 1, 1983 Re: 3130-1 (CaE) Mr. Harlan E. Moore, Chief Engineering Division Alaska District, Corps of Engineers ATTN: Environmental Resources Section Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Mr. tfoore: Thank you for the report entitled Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Un- alaska Hydropower Projects by Julia Steele, District Archaeologist. We concur with tl8. Steele's recollllendationa. Although there may be consi- derable disturbance at the mouth of Pyramid Creek, it is entirely possible that intact resources may remain UDder fill or, in particular, UDder the crab pots. Hence, we agree that systematic testing is highly desirable if this alternative is selected. In the ShaishDikof River mouth area, there appear to be several significant archaeological sites. Ms. Steele's reconnaissance level survey was not able to determine their extent. Prior to transmission line placement, these areas should be systematically tested so the line can be routed aroUnd the sites as necessary. Could you please in£oca us of the status of this project? Please feel free to contact U8 if there are any questions. Sincerely, Neil C. JohamLsen Director '-J r #-; ! ~~!J "'<~t~ ~i-- By: Ty L. D~lipiane J' 7 .~IState Historic Preservation Officer TAB: elk ALASKA STATE PARK'S Let's Put Them on the Map! EXHIBIT 5 HERITAGE I\CIRTH 38011 _ OfUVE • NICHOIIABE, AI.ASI<A II950J • (1101) 2'.'2114 Gul. Neil ~aling, DisLrlct Engineer II.S. ~rll'Y COI'VS of !;'nglneera Pouch 591l Anchorage, AlhHka 99506 lJ",or Col. SaIl nl, Ue: Unalaska lIydropowtlI' Interim Study A rcv lew has Leen completed by lIel'itaee Ijorth of tI,e Um~la8ka draft lIyd1'opowel' lnterl", !teport and support for the report's recoUlII.endntlonfl nnel analYSis Is granted. llowever, J hAve aome Concern D regarding (jec t Ion E, Hlatol'lcAI/Archaeologlcal lle8ource>l. lihlle the brief overview Is wall written and accurate there Is no ,,,entlor, of tl.e State Historic l'reaervatlon Glftcer's co .... uents refardlng cultural reSOlll'Ct! Impact In his letter to the Corpe dnted /4nrct. 12, 1981 Which is contained In Appendix D of the draft report. I don't think Ute Corps clln In good faith delete or not tAltc Into account the text or Its uleanlng 01' the afol'e mentioned letter In the flnsl report; that there Hre slgnl flcan t cultural resollrces that u.ay be iulpacted by future hydropower nct tv 1 ty. ,\t the very lenet, a stl'teOien t retard InF iii proposed and/or planned cuI tural resource survey shOll Id be included In section I:: of ~he flnnl report. Preferably, I' cuI tural reSOUl'ce survey s),ollld be conductad to ~auj>;e the vlllue of historiC sites and the su,'vey res1I1 to be Included in the final report. ~'hankyou for this opportunity to comment on this draft report. :Jlncerely, U"l~~t~ lit stuI'I An A professional reconnaissance level cultural resources survey of the project area .as perfonned as requested by the State "Istorlc Preservation Officer and required by federal law. This report Is now Included as an appendix to the docuaent. The report recommends further extensive survey of portions of the powerllne alignments If the project goes forward In order to avoid possible IMPacts to significant cultural resources. .. m >< :::r: ...... to ...... -l OIA3ttlH ~¥&¥[ @~ ~~m£~~ / •• "(;B .Il 'l'UB ..aVBRNOR OfFICI OF MANAOIMINT AND BUDOET IlII/1S1ON Of GOVERNMENTAl COOAIlINATION Colonel Neil Sailing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, AK 99506 Dear Mr. Sailingl - November 25, 1983 The Division of Governmental Coordination «DGCI received the Peasibility Report and supporting information you 8ubmitted for our advisory consistency review under Section 307«c' «2' of the Pederal Coastal lone Management Act as per 15 CPR 930 Subpart C on Nov~er 21, 1983. We have titled your projsct, Unala8ka Hydropower Feasibility Report Draft. State 1.0. No. AK831123-34 has been aeeigned to your project. Please refer to this nu~r in sny future reference to the project. Appropriate materiale have been dietributed to partici- pante in the Alasta Coastal Management Program for their review and commente. The review ca..ent period ie eched- uled to end 30 daye from the date of thie letter. The State finding will be ieeued ae aoon ae poee~ble after that date. Thank you for your cooperation in thie review procee8. 8a/l193 Encl08ure Dorothy Doughe Project Reviewer _.25, '98J (II 1Ir. J.~ 1Io ... tn.". Depor_nt 0' T" • .,....totlon ..... " .. II. , .. llItI ••• Anchor ... lU'1 1Ir. Cr •••• h'or". Anchoro.. '. !2GI 1Ir .... lutt., Depor_nt 0' Natur.1 lIo_rca .......... .. ,'SI) 1Ir. Joe Cta_ •• Dopar_t 0' EMir_tal _ ..... tlon ........... (2561 1Ir. Jom C'.rk, Doport ... t 0' fhl> .. d C_ ...... ... In,) Tho _ •• bl •• 1I1t .. flol>or, .... I •• ka Un) .... ~ ... 110 .. , Dep.rt •• t ., T ........ rt.tton •• d Publl. focIIlU ........... . ,58t) 1Ir. Aglloo ... _r, Anchoro .. Jl02l11lr. Carlton Laird, Dop •• loont 0' Co_rca .... u.-Ic Do •• I_t, ...... _ ("0) 1Ir .... "'rtl., Depor_t ., En.1 r .... t.1 eon .... otlon. Anchoro •• 12'1) .... 010 ..... ,.r. orrl .. 0' __ t •• " ...... t. _ IISS) 1Ir. Crt, "ot .... 01111 ....... 121') 1Ir. Ilchord Spillor. Dopor_t .r c-..nlt1 •• d 110,10001 Arroln, ......... 11711 1Ir. L .... Truk" Dopor_nt 0' flo" .... C-, Anchor. [ZOO) 1Ir. Ire .1 ...... ". Dop.r_t 0' C:-It~ ond 1Io,lon.1 Arroln • .-. .. • I . ) "~J-.""'" :' I ............. -------------------------------------Clnt ... lor DiN." Contlo. fMEN' Of IlEAL'" .. tlUMAN SERVICES Public HuUh Se""'/;t Colooel Mell I. Sellnl Alaake Dtetrlet, Corpa of 10110e.ra Pouch 898 Aoehorele, Aleek. 99~06 A,'on,> GA 30333 Ve heve eo.pleted our review of tha Draft S .. ll Hydropower lotari. 'aa.lbillt, Report .nd Invlrooaaot.l Iapeet Steteaant (lIS), Unale.ka, Ala.ke. Ve .r. reapoodina DO behalf of the U.S. Public Health Servlca. 1. to dete, there h.e oot bean a for .. l publlc .eetln, DO tbe alectrlcal leaeretioo alternetlvae for the Uoalaaka area. It wea ooted, howevar, tbat publlc .. etl0la ere plaooad befora a floel docuaaot ta prep.r.d. Publlc partlclp.tloo ia • vital part of aoy proJact which .. , lapact upon tba public'. well belo,. Wa raco ... od thet publle offlciala aDd COOauaara io Unalaaka b. ,l.ao .vary opportunity to reylew end coaaant DO the propo.ad project prlor to ao, daclalon .. klol' Z. aelelnl tha laka .urfaee elavetloo by 3 feet with the run-of-rlver altaroatlYe would elter ao UOkOOVD e.ouot of lake frlo.e habltet throu.b 10undatlon eod lake level fluetuatloo. Kow.var, tba Draft 115 doaa oot eddraae tbe potenttal lapact thl ... , h ••• upoo locel .oaqulto vector populetlooa. Wa raeo ... od thet the '10.1 119 dlecuaa the curraot .aaqulto probl •• , poteDtlel lapacte the propoaed project would hava upon tble popul.tlon, and plenned attlaetlon proC!8durea. l. A querry elta for cooatrvctlo, the hydroelectric fect1ttlea hea ,at to b. Ideotlfled. We nota that eaveral ,uarry eltee exlat 10 Uoal.eke whlch could be ua.d for con.tructlon .. terlel. the 'Ioel liS ehould eddreee the u •• of • peclflc ,u.rrlee ead the .aaocletad lapecta, laeludln. aola., du.~, traoaportatloD, end water ,uallty, .e w.ll .e, tha propo •• d .1tla.tloa ••• ure •• 4. Th. Stete of Al •• ke le exp.et.d to publleh e r.port 00 aeother .. l power product loa on Uoel.eke lelend "In the o •• r futur.-(paa. 115-5). Ceotharaal alteroetlv.a .re not watar reeOurcea r.lated eDd, therefora, .r. not .tudled by the Corpe of loal0.ere. In vl.w of thl., we bellay. a d.elalon to ialtl.te conatructlon of en elt.rn.te enerlY .ourea in Un.l.ake be po.tponed uotl1 • coaperleon la .. da with the propo.ad proJ.ct .nd the upcoatoa I&otheraal report. The Dr.ft lIS .ddr ••••• aaother .. l .oar., 0.1, ln a.naral ter .. , therefore, • aore thorouah coaparlaoo would be d .. lreble ln the 'In.1 lIS. Alehouah hydropowar 1 •• val1abl •• od f.aalbla .a an .lternata enarl' eourc. the 10nl~ter. aolutioo to the depeodeoc. DO foa.il fu.l. ebould be raviaved'io det.n • ...., >< :r::: ...... to ...... --I 00 1. A public meeting was hel~ at Unalaska on 10 January ,1984. Refer to the Public Involvement Sectlon'for a summarization. Z. Inquiry has been made with three federal government health serylces to learn If a local mosquito vector population exists In the Unalaska area. Apparently, there has not been In the past or present a mosquito problem and In view of the proposed project, potential mosquito population Increases should not occur. l. Construction materials required for the hydropower project could be obtained froo either of two existing quarry sites, one site located on the Pyra.ld Creek road and the other site In the Dutch Harbor vicinity. All associated Impacts will be of minor temporary consequence • 4. He are continuing to coordinate with the Alaska Power Authority re- garding the flnd~ngs of their geother.a1 studies. Page 2 -Colonel Neil E. Saling Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing this Draft EIS. We would appreciate receiving a copy of the final document when it becomes available. If you should have questions regarding our comments, please contact Mr. Ken Holt of our staff at (404) 452-4161 or FTS 236-4161. Sincerely yours, ..L~.A.~..-.:. r: I ~ .. c:r t"'_/ • LiS~ Ph.D. Chief, Environmental Affairs Group Environmental Health Services Division Center for Environmental Health EXHIBIT 8 (cont.) United States Department of the ~nterior ER 83/146!i OffiCE OF THE SECItETAIlY P. O. 10& IIIlI AllIC.'horap. Alub II1II10 Colonel Hell E. Saling. "r. Dlslrlct Engineer. AI .. ka Dlatnct Corl'" of Engineera Pouch 89. Anchorage. Alaska 99!iO' Dear Colonel Saling: .. anuary 4, 1984 In responae 10 your Hovember II. 19n requeat. we have reviewed the Dran Small Hydropower Interim Feaalblllty Report and Environmental Impact Slate- ment, Unalaaka, Alaaka. and orrer the foUowlng commenla for your con- sideration. GENERAL COMMENTS I. It la our underatandlnl tbat the propoead enhancement plan can now be III.' (f'ierally funded. We recommend that the plan. aa outlined In Ihe Flah and WildUfe Coordination Act Report (CA). be Incorporaled 8a a project teature an" Ihat the Final Environmental Impact Statemenl (FlUS) be expanded to Include a detailed dlacuaalon of the enlillneerlng and economic conalderallona assoclaled with It. We will be pleaaed to provide furlber lecbnlcal aaalatance as neceasary. 2. There la a need for additional environmental aludlea to determine the value or Ihe habitat Impacted by the Impoundment of Trail Laka 10 determIne It addi- tional mitigation meaaurea are warranled. We anticipate further coordInation wllh you In thla regard durlnl tbe Advanced Enlillneenng and Dealgn (AK'D) Phase of projecl development. 3. There are known gold occurrencea on Unalaaka latand; one betng on Iha Makuahln RIver and two othera In cloae proxlmlly to the lown of Unalaaka. and 10 Ihe Pyramid Creek and Shatahnlkof River hydropower projecl altea. The aUached data provided by the Bureau of Mlnea IilIve. Information on Ihe name. numbar of clalma and type of dapoalt. commodity and active year., It a claim haa been worked. Alao allached la a map denoting the Iocallon of theu occurrences. 4. The Shalahnlkof River dam alte la In cloee proxlmlly 10 the Makuahln volcano and, therefore, In an earthquake lone. Any plana ahould Inaure Ihat Ihe 22 foot high. 96 fool long bullreaa dam la reinforced 10 wllhatand Ihe borlaontat and verllcal mollon cauaed by earthquake acllvlly. 1. C_nt hilS been Incorporated. 2. See response to specIfic c_nt ". 3. C_nt noted. 4. Further design work would be .ccordlng to specifications set forth In the Corps of Engineers r~ul.tlons. ITl >< :::c ...... o;:J ...... -f "" ~ n 0 :::s rt Page! -Colonel Saling -Small Hydropower, Unalaska, Alaska SPECIFIC COMMENTS PubliC' Involve!!!ent and Coordination: Response to U.S. Fish and "UdlUe Sen"lce'a cA Report and RecommendatiOna: 1. Pajle 31.1. Project DesirE.: The DEIS should add res II the FWS recommen- dlltlon that a plun~ pool e Inatalled In the tailrace channel to reduce dl&- (!har~ velocities. ThIs wUl minimize erosion and protect downatream flahery resources. 2. I'all'e 32.11. Project Construction: The Alaaka Department (>f Fish and Game (AJlFlG) has recommended thAt reservoir hnpoundmpnt occur during s period from mid-June to the flrat of AUl!'Ust to ml.nil'1lze flahery Impscts, lind the FWS haa recomm .. nded that a minimum flow of 25 o.f.s. be resenred 'or downatrealD flahery reSClureeB during dam construction and reservoir Impoundment. These recommendations should be fullr dhlcuased In thla eectJon. 3, Page 32.111. Enhancement: We reCOlDmend thst the prevtollsly Identified enhancement plan be Incorporsted as • project feature and be evaluated aa auch In the FEIS. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL UlPACT STATE~IENT .,. Page EIS-2. (d) Relllllonshl!5 to Envtronmental Re%ulrements: State: We recommeml that the State He nat Protection Permtt e Included tn this sec- tion. ~. Page EIS-li.(5) Pyramid Creek Preasure-Redueln seCC'nd psra- lI'l"aph: lI'e suggest at e statemen ram ree CleS not support a fishery ••• • he r .. wrltten. DoUy Varden have been traDped In P"rllmld Creek and the AJlne: In Unalqka reports thnt a Sl'lall run of pink 6alrnon returned to the creck In 1983. There Is approximately 0.25 mile of usnble spawning habitAt In Pyramid Creek. It appesrs that a pink sal""," population Is be- coming reestablished In this system. 6.. Page EIS-I0. Table 1. Comparative Impact6 of Alternatives; Shalshnlkoft Rlver/Trall I,ake; VegetatIOn: \\e question tlie estimate that 9 acres of ter- restn81 vp,etstion would be ellimnated as ststed In Table 1. Refer to page 16, tllble :I of the CA Report for II breakdown, by acres, ot terM!strial habitat Ion. Fisheries: We suggesI that the h-rm "Mltlgation/Enhlln('el1'ent~ be cha"l'ed 10 "Enhancel'lent" 8S the Increase In pink salmon production hi . considered an enhancement measure and not out-or-klnd mitigation for 108a ot Dolly Varllen production • . 7. ~. Page EIS-14. (5) QuarrY Site: Thla section states Ihal a quarn' site for hydroelectrir. Ilevelopment has not been locsted, while P"I1" A-12 (i..3.6.) at the Technical Analysis states that 8 quarry In the Pvranld Creek valleY 8ppears suitable. We aUII'~st thla be clarlned In the FEIS. . Page EIS-16. Parsgraph 5: It should be noted that a school of 30 to 40 spawning coho were ob""rved by Corps personnel In Sept"tllber, 1983 In pools just downstream of the waterfalls 8t the outlet of Trail I,ake. \ I. As stated In the draft EIS, the tailrace has ~een ~eslon"d to closely J IIgn te the natura I r her channel to prevent SCl)ur 0'; t"e oppos ttE' oank. Tt-e "'I>IIIIUIII flow velocity In the tailrace lfouM thEn be 2.7 feet per second. 2. ThE construction of the project features Ifl1uld not ImpEde the natural alllOunt of flolf. The raising of the late's Ifater surfacE' elevation by 3 feEt Ifoul~ ~e accomplished In a ",anner as not te ~Isturb any state of thE' life cycle of either resident or anadrolllOus fish of the Shals"nUof River. The Alas~a District cannot concur Iflth ralsl~Q the late only frOlll mid-June to the first of AU!:1USt, but wuld accOll'pllsh the tas~ Iflt""ut harm tc the fishery. 3. The Corps believes It has adequately I~cl)rpl)rated the en"anceII"ert plan within the project futures primarily ~UE' to the lot'S Federally sponsorEd prcgrar. 4. Text has been revised. 5. Text has b .. en revised. 6. VEgEtation: Due to Itlnor changes in the prcjE'ct featllre!, VE'getatlo~ loss reflected In the total $IlOunt of acrE'S has beE'n recalculated, SE'e EIS-IO, Table I Comparative Impact of Altt'rnatlvEs. Fisheries: Text has been revised. 7. Ther .. are several existing Qaurry sites In t" .. Uralas~a area ",~Ich are possiblE' sources for project construction ~ater;als. 8. tioted • Pitge ~ -Colonel Saling -Small Hydropower, Unalaaka, Alaaka 9. Poge £18-38.(4) Fisheriea. (a) Hydropower, paragraph I. We suggest that the atatenlent "There doea not appcar 10 be any method 01 direct mitigation ror Ihe lOllS of (Dolly Varden) spawning habitat because of the nuctuatln, lake levels ..•. • be deleted from the FinS. Addltlo •• al environmental Itudlel al Troll l.ake may reveel mltl,atlon meaBures that would offset this loaa. 10. n. 12. Page EI8-30. VI. Mltl~atlon: We rer.ommend that this aecllon be retitled "Enhancement" and lb. It dlscuaa Federal sponsorahlp regarding conatruc- tlon. operation, and melntenance of the enhancement plan. A aeparate aectlon II needed on "MIUgatlon" addresslnK auch relource a,..ncy recommendatlona as Inatallatlon of a plunga pool In the tailrace, timing, minimum flow recommen- datlona, alit acreen InataUation at the dam site, and other best manaKe_nl practlcea. Psge EI8-31. Paragraph 1: We feel thet Ihls paragrsph requires clarification. The upper 1.5 miles 01 the Shalshnlkoff River could provide spawning habitat for 25,000 pink salmon. Pascd on ataUatical barvest recorda (11119-1982). a harveat/eacapement relationship Indlcalea Ihat 31,500 pink lalmon would be available for harveat by purae selnera un Unalaskl PlY. This represents an exvesael vllue of $5S,Oli/year (1981 dollara) to commercial fllhermen. Refer- ring to page 35 and 39 of Appendix A doea not provide the reader with coat breakdowna and _thoda for accomplishing enhancement. We suggest that the reader be referred to pagea 21 to 21 01 the CA Report for a dlacusalon ul enhancement. APPEHntX A: Technical Analyala, Shatshnlkolt River Page A-n. Tranamlaalon Line: It waa our understanding during preparation of the CA Report that fhe franamlsslon line would parallel the accan road along the valley alopea. and not traverse the valley floor and crosa the Shalahnlkof River aa depicted In Plate :I, Plan and Pronte. This ahQuld be Clarified In the FI!lS. APPENDIX C: 404(b)(I) Bvaluatlon 13. Page C-I.Il. We appreciate tbe opportunity to comment on the DBI8. o o ::::I ("t . Sincerely, g. The Alaska District does not believe at this tille that further considerations pertaining to mitigation llleasures lswarranted. Although, If detailed studies during future Investigations reveal additional Information, then IIltlgallon discussions between a9~ncles could take place. 10. Text has been revised. 11. Since usable spawning areas and total nuillbers of pink feraale spawners are all determined by visual observations, guestitaates, and call;uhtlons, It Is not at all unusu.' to obt.ln • different SUtl! tot.l frOil that of other researchers, for the occurrence of pink salmon spawners In the Shalshnlkof River. 12. Text has been revised. Il. Due to the nlture of the 5011 conditions, we have rec~nded I design feature to Include rlprap, thereby preventing the possibility of continuous erosion problems. ..,., >< :::I: ....... -to n ....... O-i :J rt \0 . 3mall "ydrapown, Unalnke, Alaska The fullowlng Information pertlllnlnif to the known end polontial mineraI re- aourooll of Ihe study eree Ie pronded by the Pureau of Mines. I(ardcx number (lIone)-MAS number 0021430004 (deelgneted wllh X4) Neme: Makuahln River Clalme: never eteked. loceted by placer occurrence Commodity: Gold Yeara: Kr.own IIbout alnce 1907 kardex number (none)-MAS number 00214:10002 (deellll.ted with Neme, Amakn.k lallUld Clalme: !. lode Commodity: Gold Years: Known about alnne 1907 Kardell 143-008-' MAS number OOUUOOO, (dealgnated with Name: Pyramid Peak Clalma, 10. lode Commod .. y: Oold. Copper Yeara: 1800, examIned by IISBM personnel In 1845. Vein lound to hllve ahort atrlke lenrth. The occurronce. lIated above were never found to be 01 .uftlclent (rade or quantity to be economIc. There may be .. yet undlBCOvered .urlferoue quert. velne In the area. The preeance of a granitic batholith and the hydrotbermal alteration alllOCleted with Ita Intruelon polnta to the likelihood 01 additional mlneralbod aonea In tho area. A aubaldlary conalderaUon 01 the OBIS waa Ihat 01 the ftOOthermal el\flrlrY potential aasoclated with Ihe M.kuahln volcano, Attached la • map ahowlng the location 01 aollatarlc aulfur clalma on the nank 01 the volcano. The numbe ... lIaslgned to the clalm blocka are Kardell numba.... Theae are cmaa referenced bclow to the MAS number. Information, auob a. wa. liven wIth the gold occurrencea la alao UatfKI. brdex l-MA8 0021430001 Name: Mllkuahln IUId varloua elternatea (aee Itttitched MAS ftle). Theae clalms were ataked and re.taked by many people 1I'OIII18n to 1813. Reateked under Kardex Number. ',.,1,7,8,8,10,1', and 13 .. well. Bech time a new realaklng took pleca the number and Iype of clelm appeara to heve chltnlled. dependIng on the Intention. or the owner.. The IIIIIP, however, .howa the IIIneral dlmenalona of the blocka, ea 01 1878. Clalm: 28. placer Commodity: Sulfur Yeara, orr and on from 1817 to 18U Kardex 2- Clall1Ia: 8, placer Commodity, Sullur Kardex 4- Clalma: 58, pieceI' Commodity: Sullur ) ""':it" ~ -Small lIydropowell'. UlnW881t11l. AI8Sh lerdex 11- Clalma: 15. lode Commodity: Sulfur Karde. 7- Claim.: 28. plecer Commodity: Sulfur Kltrdell 8- Clalm.: 28, lode Commodity: Sulfur Kard .. 9- Clalma: 30. lode Commodity: Sulfur Xardax 10-. Clalma, 15, lode Commodity: Sulfur Kardex 12- Clalme: 50, lode Commodity: Sulfur Karde:x 13- Clalma: 8. lode Commodity: Sulfur The Bureau of Mlnee pronde. tltla Informallon to a.ldat In the .. aeaament of the loothermal altematlvo for the Unalaaka community. The Iocatlona of claim blocka wUl be of critical Imporlance II and wban the limo com •• to build a road to the fumarole nelda. The Bu .... u of Mlnea. Alnka Field Operation 1 Center. .luneau. would like to receive the final lUIel,.la of the geothermal enerlY atudy acheduled for completion at the end of 1.8 •• 01·A35LH -fi- BILL SHEFFIEW, GOVERNOR . OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DIVISION OF GOVERMENTAL COORDINATION Colonel Neil Saling u.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, AK 99506 Dear Colonel Saling: January 5, 1984 POUCHAW JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811 PHONE: (907) 465-3562 SUBJECT: UNALASKA HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY REPORT DRAFT STATE I.D. NO. AK831123-34 The Division of Governmental Coordination has completed review of your consistency determination and the support- ing information on the above proposal pursuant to Sec- tion 307(c) of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act as per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C. As currently planned, we agree that the project is consis- tent to the maximum extent practicable with the Standards of the Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP). If changes to the original proposal are made during its implementation, you are required to contact this office to determine if a review of the revision is necessary. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Region IV has not been contacted regarding the fisheries management plan referenced in the report. Prior to finalizing the plans for this project, please contact the Department. If you have any questions, please contact me or Dorothy Douglas at 465-3562. Thank you for your cooperation with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. sn/1414 EXHIBIT 10 • Department Of Energy Alaska Power Adminlsualion P.O.80.!!iO Juneau, Ala .... 99802 COlonel Neil Saling Alaaka District Engineer COrps of Engineers P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage. Alaska 99~10 Dear COlonsl Saling I January 6. 1904 Thank you for sending the review copy of the COrpa' report on _11 hydro opport .. nitie. at Un.laak., The report re~nd_ reder_I euthorization for developaent of the Pyramid creek press .. re reducing t .. rblne, an adjunct of the unalaska M • I water .upply eyst ... and a r .. n-of-the-river power developaent On the Sh.i.hnitof River. I have reservation. abo .. t eppropriatene.a of Federal developaent of the.e two project.. They don't involve un ...... l difficulty in deaign and co .... truetion. they are in a co.t rang .. that .. ho .. ld be flnanc1ble through non-Fadaral ao .. ree_ lf fea.1billty 1. eatabll.hed. and Federal developaent would not appear to offer .ignificant advantage to local power con.u.er •• If the projecta were to proc.ed a. Federal developmenta, the lntere.t rate pollcie. in the Sept.-bar 1. 1983 Ar.y-Racl ... tlon-Energy agreement wo .. ld apply. New project. atarting in fT 1984 would c.rry an intereat rate of 10.75 percent. Applying that rate to the coat data ln your report. t~e proposed developDent wo .. ld not be ftnancially fe •• 1ble. fT1 >< :c ...... to ...... -f I-' I-' Sincerely, RJ.~ Robert J. ero •• Adainbtretor } As directed In the (conomlc and (nv'roomental Principles Ind Guidelines for Wlter and Rellted land Resources Implementation Studies, the Corps of (ng'neers Is required to deter.lne economic feas.bllt, using the current Interest rate of 8-1/8 percent during fiscal year 1984. The cost of energ, fro. the Sh.15hnlkof h,dropower "ste. would be $0.22 per kilowatt hour. ·tf 100 percent federall, financed at an Interest rate of 10 75 percent. However, the President and Congress are coslderlng cost ;harlng proposals which .. , slgnlflcantl, change the amount of Intltlll construction funds required fro. non-federal Interests. The cost per kwh for electrlclt, could be higher or lower depending on how the proJect Is financed b, the non-federal parties and what Interest rate Is paid. ) /:" \ :·11·' \.. ....... / DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OEVI<I.OPMENT MATTL£ RfGIOHAL OffICi ARCAOf 'LAZAlUllOING. U3IIiI!COHD AV£HU£ MATTLi, WAIIHINGTON l1li10' Mt:GIOH II Nell E. Slllng, Colonel Corps of Engineers District £nglneer "lash Dhtrlct Pouch 898 Anchorage, AK 99506 Dear Colonel Saling: IN fII."",,, ....... Uh SUBJECT: Unalaskl. "I~$k. -Draft 5 •• 11 Hydropower lntert. feasibility Report and £nvlro~ntal I.,act Stlteaent Our "nchorage Office has reviewed your Report and '-Pact Stateaent. The ca.ments of the Acting .Inager and the £cono.lst Ire enclosed for your consideration. Thank you for the opportunity to review your report and statement. Enclosure Sincerely. y Tlnlno Reglonll £nvlron.entll Officer Ca.munlty Planning and Development Division. lot A"~AO".·K'I.S rut ...... o. ............ w ...... utl • AIIK ....... AlMa. HDIOIilAtlDUK FOB: Rabert C. ScaUa, Director, OfUce of Co_nity Planninll and Development, SBO, IDe ATTENTION: BY'ranino, Bellional Environaental Officer, SID, IDe FBOlh Susan Ohen, "'Ung Hanager, AD. IO.lS ~ 0.)- SUBJECT. Unalaska, Alaeka Draft S .. ll Hydropower Interim Feasibility leport and Environmental Impact State .... nt The above DEIS haa been reviewed by the Anchoralle Office and our comment a on the report are contained ln the attached .... 110 by Al Iobln.on, Area !!conOlllat. HUD has asaisted the con.tructlon of 20 Mutual Help houa1na unita 1n Unalaaka, and the availability and coat of electricity will have an indirect effect on these unlta. Howvver, none of the propoaed locationa for tl_ power foclilties wl11 directly illpact tb .. "e HUD "'8alat"d aniu. The aIIJor ill8uea raieed dudna tha review rel .. te to ea.e of the projections and forecasta incorporated into the Feaaibllity leport. If you have any 1uBstione or need any additional infor-atlon. pleaae contact' Ken Bowring at 271-4181. Attachment RECEIVE.D ·SRO·CPD ..... N n o ::s rt I' U.S.~"'Hou"" __ o.""""", AncI"". At .. 0IIk:<0. fIoo,jioo X 10'''C· SIt •• 1liolr ~ ~~,~-~~ HEHOII..UiDUII fOIl. kannech B_rin" Envlron .. ental 11(( I.er, 10.lSl fHUH: I. Allen Robin.on, £eonomlat, 10. ISH .~~ SUBJEct. Unaksk •. ,AJo.ka --Revlev of Uraft Small Hydropover Int.r~ Feaalblli', Report and Envl[onaental Sta,ement Thla replie. to ,oor [ .. q .... t of Decf!llbcr 9 lion • ",vbw th. subject UEl5. 1 vlalted the Dutch .Iorbor ar .. a (or ""arly tva ... , .... voral ,eara a,o alter the br14S. conm'etln, Dutch lIarbtlr vlth Un .... k. had been bullt. 'fh. Corp. of En,ineen r.port on ... Ile If Indicate •• podtive combined boneflt-con r.Uo. EconOlllic data .pp"ar adeq .. at. to tI •• ,.ara for which d.ta ar .. prod4..... 'bellf I.h catch and v.l .. a in Tobl. 1 on 'aae 1 Want down con_Iderably 1n 1982 and .or. 1n 198J. Th. alanific.nt lncr.aaa project" for bott"",{lah lOa, occ .. r b .. t It la not a certain thin, ,at. Henca the population proJactiona .ay ba on the hi,h .14a. Th. Sta,a'a .id-1982 papulattoD est~te for Unal.aka ",aa 1,922, a dacllna of 22 from the .iol-1981 raported In the fourth paraaraph on pafl. 12. Finall" tha .nern d_nd proJactions 1n fllur. 4 on paa. 11 .ppear hiah. Deapita tl.a hazarda of proJecttlll population, "ploy.ent, .nd enera, de .. nd, tha Ha.U ",dropover deyelop .. ent woul4 probably be more aconomic.1 In tbe lon, run tl • .,n 011 .... 1 fuel nO\l use4, provld,," dlatributlon coate to a ,eolr.p", .. l1, d.1v.ra .. _ .. t of customer. ar_ not too hl,h. As • ftnal note, 'a,e 14 te • r.peat of 'a,e 1) • The revised data his been incorpor~ted into Table 1 page 1. remaining ComMents hive been noted. Your ) u. s. E N V I RON MEN TAL PRO TEe T ION AGE N C Y REPLY TO ATTN .OF, M/S 443 JAN 9 1984 Colonel Neil E. Saling REGION X 1200 SIXTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 District Engineer, Alaska District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 RE: Unalaska, Alaska, Small Hydropower Draft Interim Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement De ar Co lone 1 Sa 1 i ng : The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed its review of the draft feasibility study and environmental impact statement for the Unalaska project. The DEIS adequately addresses and provides environmental mitigation meas~res for water quality concerns of EPA. It states that construction impacts a$sociated with the pressure reducing turbine at Pyramid Creek would be minimal and short-term. With implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, it also indicates that impacts of constructing the diversion dam on the Shaishnikof River can be minimized. We also reviewed the discussion of mitigation of operational impacts, i.e., installation of a silt screen at the dam/powerhouse to trap excessive sediments; alignment of the tailrace channel as closely as possible to the river'S natural channel; and incorporation of a plunge pool to reduce tailrace velocities. If these project features are included in the deSign of the Shaishnikof River hydroelectric project, we expect water quality impacts to be effectively mitigated. EPA has rated this DEIS LO-l (LO-Lack of objection; l-adequate information) in accordance with our responsibilities under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. . We appreciate the opportunity to review the proposed hydroelectric deve 1 opment. wv!bJ Robert S. Burd Director, Water Division EXHIBIT 13 Hydropower and Comprehensive Depa rtment of the Army Alaska District, COE Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 . Dear Sir (Madam): UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE . NatiDnal Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministratiDn Washington, ~.C. 20230 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR January 10. 1984 Planning Section .. ,. . This is in reference to your draft environmental impact statement on the Una laska • Alaska Draft Small Hydropower Interim Feasibi 1 ity Report and EIS. Enclos~ are comments from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to provide comments which we hope will be of assistance to you. We would appreciate receiving four copies of the final environmental impact statement. S1 ncerely. ,-/k!.+~ Joyce M.· Wood Chief, Ecology and Conservation Division Enc 1 osure JMW:dma EXHIBH 14 fjlMiVIU. IIW"'1i1il IoliIlP .... VMEIIIT OF COMllliiORCiIi 1I.'I"n.' 1I»c ... .,1c linol ",",oapllarlo "dmlftla'rc(I;io", NATIONAL OCEAN stRYICE .... h.n.lan.O,C lOnG January 5, 1984 N/MBlx5:VLS TO: fROM: SUBJECT: PPl -Joyce Wo~~". ~ ,r N -Paul M. Wol it J DEIS 8311.17 -alast.. Alaska Draft SlIIiIll Hydropower Interlll feasibility Report and EIS The subject statement has been reviewed within the areas of the Nattonal Ocean Service's (NOS) responsibility and expertise, and In teras of the I~act of the proposed let Ion on NOS activities and projects. Geodetic control survey .onuments laY be located In the proposed project area. If there Is any planned actlylty which wnl disturb or destroy these .onu- Ments, NOS requires not less than 90 days' notification In Idvance of such lettyl ty tn order to plan for their relocation. NOS reco_nds that funding for this project Includes the cost of any relocation required for NOS .mnuments. for further Infonnatlon lbout these monuments. please contact Mr. John Spencer. Chief. National Geodetic lnfonnatlon Branch (N/CGI7), or Mr. Charles Novak. Chief. Network Nalntenlnce Section IN/CGI62), at 6001 hecutIYe Boulevard. Roekvnle. Maryland 2085l. (~ •• A review of e.htlng IIOnuments In Dutch Harbor/Unalaska region has revealed that none are located In the project area. If In the future any IIOnllllln1$ are located, the necessary steps· will be taken to Info";' your agency. • t·«'12LH ..... U1 /" \, [II " , L" '" I," \ t ~_: I , LI U _ .,,, '-.:./ d".1 Pt:P~.T'IIt:NT.F FINH ~NPC;~Mt: January 19, 1984 Colonel Neil E. Saling U.S. Army Corps of Ingineera Alaaka District Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaaka 99506 Dear Colonel Saling. J , ,I 1'.0.80,1( :I-lOtIO .JUNEAU. ALASKA filJ02 /'HONE, /11011 461'4'00 Re, Enhanced rish Paaaage Aasociated with Unalaska Small Hydropower Project The Department of Fish and Game IADF,G' reviewed the Draft Small Hydropower Interilll reasibility Report and Environ.mental I8lpact StatBlll8nt IBIS' for Unalaska, Alaska, and provided commenta dated Dece~er 19, 1983 IEnclosure l' to the State Office of "anagelllent and Budget. In reaponae to your letter dated Dece~er 20, 1983, we aupport the addition by the Corpa of Bngineers of an enhancement project, in conjunction with the hydropower developlIIBnt, to facilitate fiah pasaage to previoualy inaccesaible apawning habitat. The U.S. Fiah and Wildlife Service IUSFWS' conaulted cloaely with Illy ataff in developing the enhancelllent propoaal outlined in the EIS. We anticipate that further coordination between the Corpa of Engineers, usrws, and ADr'G, based upon the plan provided by usrws, can result in the construction of a valuable enhancBlll8nt project. Benefits to be derived frOll! enhanced production of pink sa IRIOn in the Shahhnikof River should accrue directly to local commercial fiaheries of Unalaska Island. We believe tha~ the benefits, as eatimated by the usrws in the Coordination Act aeport, lIIay well exceed coats incurred in the enhancement project, thus increasing the overall benefit/cost ratio of the entire Unalaska hydropower project. We are encouraged that thia particular hydropower project lIIay result in a net benefit to fish production. we appreciate the opportunity to comment on the lIS and to lend our' support to the associated enhancement project on the Shaiahnikof River. If you have any specific questions, Co"oi~el Neil B. Salting -2-January 19, 1984 or reqUire further asaistance in defining appropriate designs, pleaae contact Denby Lloyd 1261-2333' or Lance Trasky 1261-2346'. Sincerely, cr;;,.-! ~~-~ Don W. Collinsworth t' -COllllllissioner Enclosure cc, John Clark, ADriG Stan Hoberly, ADFiG Wendy Wolf, OMB Tilll aUlllfelt, DBC Dave rerrell, usrws ME:. .. JRANDUM State of Alaska 10 Wendy Wolf D"I, Oecelllber 19. t98l St.te-Federil Coordlnitor 'RON: BY: Division of Governmentil CoordlMtfon flU NO 118l-IV-242 Office of ManageMent , Budget Dennis O. I(eho Deputy COIInlnloner Departlllent of Fhh and GiMe Denby S. lloyd 1, . Kabltat Biologist Region IV lI.bltat Division ULI:PHONf NO; 344-0541 Unllisk. Hydropower Drift fe.slbility Report and ElS SIO AKIIl1l23-34 The AI15k. DepartMent of fish and Gillie (ADF&GI hIS reviewed the Unalask., Alaska Draft Small I\ydropower Interl. feasibility Report and EnvlronMentll J~ct StateMent relelsed by the Corps of Engineers (COE) In November, 1983. lie generilly concur that the tenutlvely selected plan conSisting of a run-of-river hydropower facHUy on the Sh.hhnlkof River .nd I pressure r'lduclng turbine In an e)lhtlng penstock on Pyn.ld Creek will produce little significant adverse lI .. pact to fhh and wl1dltfe resources In the area. We do, however, have SOMe specific comments on the drift feasibility report and environmental Impact stateMent; I. pa~e 10, Section 3.1.3: Only four. not five, species of Pacific Silmon .re In igenous to Onalaskl Island, IS stated later on page (15-15. 2. Pages EIS-30-31, Secdon VI -MIUgatlon: The Corps of Engineers has Interpreted thlt strel. flllprovelllenis. to IlI1prove fish production In the Shl1shnlkoff Rher Iccampl hhed during construction of the hydroelectric project, constitute enhlnCeMent, not .'tlgatlon. We generally concur with this Interpretation. However, the Departlllent of fish Ind Gallle has not been forwlly contacted ibout our partlclpltlon In Iny enhlncement pro]iCt, IS stated In the EIS (page :n). The State of Alaska should not be held responsible for participating In a project where no written request has been sent by the Inl tlllor of the proJect. 3.. I/lthln the saMe paragraph, the COE has stated that a proposed enhanceMent project has the potential of producing an additional 21,000 pink $lImon eSCIpement, resulting In • possible addition of between $32,000 Ind 37 000 annu •• ly to commercial fisheries In Captains 'ay. The COE does not e)lpilin the derivation of these estlNte51 moreover. their reference to pages A-l5 and A-l9 does not provide the cost brealdo.n and methods for achieving the enhancement. 4. The COE esti~tes of benefit fro. the enhancement do not Igree with those presented by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In Appendix C. fin.' .. I. Text hIS been revised. 2. Fonaal contact with APF" has occurred since the submittal of the fiS. l. Text has been revised, the corrected reference pages are 24 and 2S, of Appendix C. 4. Further coordination between the Corps and Fish and Wtldlife Service his resulted in an agreement that the escapement could produce 25,000 pink salmon, therefore the DEIS has been revised. Wendy Wolf -2-December 19, 1983 Coordination Act Report. On page 25 of the CA report the USFWS estimates that enhancement would provide 10,900 square meters of additional pink salmon spawning habitat which could support an additional escapement of 25,000 pink salmon. Using harvest/escapement relationships provided by ADF&G, the USFWS estimates that the increased pink salmon production would yield an additional $56,025 per year to commercial fisheries. The Department of Fish and Game has no objection to the project as proposed, although we believe that the Corps of Engineers should diligently pursue the potential low-cost fishery enhancement opportunities presented by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by requesting that a qualified fisheries enhancement organization participate in the project. This could be accompl i shed by directing a written request to the Coomi ssioner of the Department of Fish and Game, or to Delmar Olsen, Hatchery Manager, Unalaska City Schools, Unalaska, Alaska 99685. Pursuant to 6 AAC 80.010{b), the ADF&G finds this project to be consistent with the Standards of the Alaska Coastal Management Program. By copy of this memorandum we are providing the Corps of Engineers with our comments and recommendations on this project pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661-666e). Thank you for the opportunity to comment. cc:~ Barrows, CaE T. Rumfelt, DEC EXHIBIT 15 (cont.) CITY OF UNALASKA '0. IIOX at UNALASKA. ALA$KA _ 1101' 1iII1·I2ft "COpllot,a, I" utfe.ll~.'" Jilllu"ry 24, 1984 Itvn 113j, Civil eugineer I.l.'l ... ka Pill!:r tct Con .. " of Ellqille"I Ii> Pooch 1198 r,uchor age 1\1: 9950G Pear ROil: 011 your (.IratI: [(:p)[t tor a ;}mall b)'uro l'l"nt in unulaskol, the Planning Director alld I hove concern" about lile background into(D.atiun beinq oltJ and out of uate, Our Ele<:tric Utilit .. I·tilu.'agcr feel!; all trans,d",,10n8 should be underground and neeui:) tu be 34.5 I;V to be com1'.ltlbl.J. It aho needs to be <:o"'l,al:i&:.ll" , Villi "lawtillluld prouucts, II ... "l'l'rcciati: yuur attention to the lJOller l\(,edl> ot our COllllnUlllty, anu if we can be of further assistance, please teol free t~ cuntact UI:. Report has been revised to ref lect changes In the C_1ft I ty' 5 background Information. Your suggestion on the undergound trans-Iss Ion line and the type has been Incorporated Into the project des Ign. CITY OF UNALASKA P.o. BOX 89 UNALASKA, ALASKA ~ 19071 581·1251 "Cap{taQ 0& the U'Ueutiofls" UNALASKA, ALASKA February 15,1984 Colonel Neil E. Saling District Engineer Alaska District Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, Ak 99506 Dear Colonel saling: The City of Unalaska has been pleased that the Corps has carried out its reconnaissance of the hydroelectric potential of Pyramid Creek and Shaisnikoff River here. Our need for electricity is growing and .we see those projects as being able to meet a large part of that need. lV'e would support the construction of facilities as outlined in your report. We understand both the present and proposed cost sharing formulas for such projects. We would be unable to construct the facilities under the proposed, 100% local funding plan, but our need remains. 1&Sinc rely, a c ros Ci t-lanag r EXHIBIT 17 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20426 ~--.. IN REPLY REFER TO: OEPR-DHL-HBPS r r ;- Federal Project ReviP' Draft Interim Feas. Colonel Neil E. Saling District Engineer Report & El S Unalaska, Alaska Alaska District Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 APR 2 \364 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Attention: Plan Formulation Section Dear Colonel Saling: This is in response to your letter of February 16, 1984, furnishing addi- tional information for our review of hydropower plans at Unalaska, Alaska. Your letter stated your reasons why the use of monthly flow data developed from average monthly flows at Myrtle Creek should be used instead of data based on Myrtle Creek daily flows. We agree that derived daily flow duration curves, using Myrtle Creek daily flow records a~ the hydrologic basis for power studies on the Shaishnikof River, are not precise enough to constitute the basis for the final design of the project. However, the use of derived monthly flow duration curves, using Myrtle Creek monthly flow records, also has limitations. Obviously, it would be desirable to have daily flow records at the project site. Hopefully, the stream gage installed in May 1982 will result in records that will better define the relationship between the flows of Shaishnikof River and Myrtle Creek or other comparable streams. As indicated in our letter of December 29, 1983, we believe that the ~1yrtle Creek monthly flow used must be modified to reflect that some daily flows are less than the average or minimum monthly flows. Trail Lake and the other two small lakes in the basin would provide flow regulation which would increase power generation. However, because of the small amount of additional storage (less than 300 acre-feet), it would not compensate fully for the difference between generation projected using monthly flows and that determined with daily flows. Therefore, after considering the additional information you provided, we conclude that the Shaishnikof River hydropower development is slightly less than economically feasible. We would be pleased to provide further cOl11ments following additional studies that may be undertaken. ~ Sincerely __ / -, ~, \ / ./ . . . . . I (, I \.,\,O A.1)\,\"O-\ ~. C~J\i'0.Q 'l Il.-) \" ~ Lawrence R. Anderson, Director Office of Electric Power Regulation EXHIBIT 18 ALA.SKA POWER A.uTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 89501 May 31, 1984 Colonel Neil Saling, District Engineer Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Colonel Saling: Phone: (907) 277·7841 (907) 276-0001 The Alaska Power Authority is currently conducting a reconnaissance study of energy requirements and alternatives at Unalaska, Alaska. Alternatives being considered in detail include diesel electric gen- eration (base case), geothermal energy development, and the two small hydropower projects (Pyramid Creek and Shaishnikof River) proposed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Upon completion of the reconnaissance study, the Power Authority will determine which, if any, alternative or alternatives to the base case appear to provide a more reliable, economic source of electricity to the power market. A decision to proceed with development of any of the alternatives will be withheld pending the outcome of a detailed feasibility study and negotiation of a power sales agreement with the local utility. If either or both of the two small hydropower projects proposed by the Corps prove to be economically feasible and beneficial to the power market, the Power Authority could use the feasibility study being performed by the Corps as a basis for recommending state funding partic- ipation in the design and construction of the project or projects. State funding would require a legislative appropriation. Consequently, the Power Authority supports the Corps' of Engineers continued invest- igation and participation in these hydropower projects. Sincerely, ~,Il~ La~ Crawford Executive Director DDC/LDC/ald 2480/218/D1/F1 EXHI8IT 19 - APPENDIX F CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY Project BacKgrouna CULTURAL RESOURCES RECONNAISSANCE OF UNALASKA HYDROPOwER PROJECTS The Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is stuaying the feasibility of a hyaroelectric system on Unalaska lslana to provide power to tne city of Unalaska. Two potential power sources, Pyramia Creek ana the Shaishnikof River, are unaer consiaeration. Both streams run steep, ruggea courses to the soutnwest of the city. Transmission lines would run parallel to the stream banks and then next to the road tnat follows the coast to the city (see map). Exact alinements have not been designed yet. Aboriginal Backgrouna People have occupiea the Aleutian IslandS for at least 8,000 years, possibly longer. Various islanas may have been occupiea and abanaoned many times thoughout this time span as resources fluctuatea; volcanoes erupted, or social pressures occurred. However, it is clear that in the past the rich marine resources of the north Pacific and Bering Seas allowea the islands to support a fairly dense human population with numbers greater than toaay. A sophisticatea hunting technology involving highly skilled use of skin boats enabled the aboriginal peoples to exploit this harsh but rich environment. Tne Aleut populations first encountered by early Russian aaventurers were a aitinct biological, cultural and linguistic group whose boundary, on the lower Alaska Peninsula, with ESkimo ana Indian groups fluctuated over tirne. Remarkable homogeneity of material culture is seen along the entire islana chain; no group remained isolated long enough to prOduce a completely different artifact inventory. It is still unclear whether ethnic Aleuts were the first inhabitants of tne islanas. The earliest cultural tradition, the Anangula traaition aated to about 8,OuO years ago at the Ananyula site near Umnak Islana, exhibits a core ana blade traaition with strong Asia~ affinities. The later Aleutian traaition, wnich began about ~,300 years ago ana lasted until European contact, haa a less elaborate stone tool technology out a well aeveloped bone tool inaustry (lJumond 1~77). Not surprisingly, given the Aleut aepenaence on marine ana coastal resources, a century of arCheological ana ethno-historic study has indicated that virtually all miaaen or village sites are locatea on the coast; only burial caves, stone quarries and similar Short-term sites are found inlanu (rtlcCarney 1 !:J79: J-33). Sites are usually founa on low coasts of easy accessibility; however, villages were located in gooa oefensive pOSitions on The heads of bays, where most salmon streams are found, were strategically not desirable for permanent villages. Short-term camps might be found in such locations. Sites are plentiful on Unalaska Island, probably indicating a large pre-contact population. These include depressions resulting from the large communal houses mentioned above, which measure 6 x 20 meters in dimension. After Russian influence became pervasive, the Aleuts more typically constructed smaller, single-family, semi-subterranean houses, called "barabaras" by the Russians (Dumond 1977: 70). Many sites can be easily located by the lush vegetation that grows on them as a result of the soil enhancement and disturbance from the human occupation. This may not be evident at the very oldest or more ephemeral sites. Historic Background It was not long after Vitus Bering first sighted the Aleutian Islands in 1741 that other Russian adventurers followed, attracted by the rich fur resources of this new territory. The Russians, with their superior weapons, soon dominated the Aleuts and extracted tribute from them in the form of furs or labor. Disease and social trauma brought about by the Russians soon decimated-both Aleut populations and their culture. Captain's Bay has been a focus of both native and European activities in the past 250 years. The Bay owes its present name to Russian Lieutenant Levashev who camped there in the winter of 1766 (Alaska Geographic 1980: 95). At that time, a native village was located at the entrance to the Bay. A permanent Russian settlement was established at I1iu1iuk village by the trader Soloviev at about the same time, either in 1765-66 or 1771-76. This settlement grew into a major Russian administrative center known as Unalaska. Russian buildings dating from the 1800's, such as the church and the nearby Bishop's house, still stand at Unalaska and have been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. In general, however, the Russians did not construct many permanent structures in the Aleutians. Much of their trading and hunting was staged from ships, Native style barabaras, or insubstantial frame buildings which have not endured as standing structures. If Russian building sites were located they would be of great interest to historical archeologists and ethnohistorians. After the United States' purchase of Russian America in 1867, Unalaska Dutch Harbor remained an important port. It was a major refueling and resupply point for vessels sailing from southern points to the Bering and Beaufort Seas. Fox trapping, fur sealing and fishing were important industries in the chain. Commercial trading companies established stores in most of the villages, and schools were established in the early part of this century. This had the effect of drawing the Native population into a more settled lifestyle, although subsistence and other economic activities dispersed them at various times of the year. F-2 ~ .. None of these activities surpassed the impact of World War lIon the islands, when the native inhabitants were evacuated and huge military . installations were constructed, including Fort Mears near Dutch Harbor. There are many World War II buildings and much military debris in the project area. Since the war, Unalaska-Dutch Harbor has become a major fishing port and the population has grown. The Captain's Bay-Shaishnikof River area has not been much affected by recent developments, but the mouth of Pyramid Creek has become a crab pot storage area. Known Cultural Resources in the Project Area There are many known historic and prehistoric sites in the Unalaska area, three of which are on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; the Amaknak Bridge site~ the Russian Orthodox Church at Unalaska, and the Sitka Spruce Plantation on Amaknak Island near Unalaska village. Although it has never been well-studied, the Captain's Bay area is known to have been the site of much historic, and therefore presumably prehistoric, Aleut activity. In 1877 Da11 reported nine sites on the bay (p. 45), but did not give specific locations. A 1923 map titled "Survey of Power Prospects, Shaishnikof River" prepared by the Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Washington and based on other coast and geodetic surveys from 1867 to 1906 shows several houses and other structures located near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River. The area is designated "Alexander Shaishnikof's Ranch". During World War II, A.R. Cohn, an officer stationed at Dutch Harbor, reported the locations of many sites in the Una1aska-Amaknak Island area. These included two sites just to the north of the mouth of Pyramid Creek. No details about the nature of the cultural material was reported, but it is known that the sites were partially destroyed by military road building activities (McCartney 1979). These are probably the same sites reported by T.P. Bank (1974) as small archeological deposits mostly disturbed by World War II operations and designated UNL-091 on the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey (AHRS). T.P. Bank (1974) reported several sites on Captain's Bay as the result of many years 1 familiarity with the area. UNL-102 is probably a small stone-flaking station located at the head of the bay to the west of the Shaishnikof River. lINL-042 is the remains of a fairly large village mound partially levelled during the war. In the early 1970's there was "an Aleut house occupying part of the area". This posisble village site is located near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River near the eastern bank~ lINL-103 is located on the eastern shore of the bay near its head and is the remains of a seasonal fish camp, according to Bank. Bank only provides a one-or two-sentence description of each site mentioned, so there is not much information to work with. Still, it is clear that the shore of Captain's Bay, particularly near the mouths of the Shaishnikof River and Pyramid Creek, is an area of high cultural resource potential. F-3 Field Reconnaissance On June 7-10, 1982, a cultural resource reconnaissance of the proposed project area was conducted by Alaska District Archeologist Julia L. Steele. Field methodology was to walk the entire project area on foot looking for evidence of cultural resources and assessing the probability that any would be found in a given area on the basis of thorough background knowledge. Pyramid Creek: "rhe likelihood that the dam or penstock portions of this project would disturb any prehistoric, Russian or early American era cultural resources is extremely low, as most activities in those periods were concentrated near the coast. World War II structures and debris are located in the general vicinity of Pyramid Creek, but the dam and penstock will not impact any of this material. As discussed above, aboriginal sites are known to have existed at the mouth of Pyramid Creek where a powerhouse might be located. Military activities may have initially destroyed these resources; the extent of damage during the war is unknown. No subsurface testing could be done in the area because it is now a major crab pot storage area. Roads and a house have also caused disturbance. The shoreline in the general vicinity appears to have been levelled by earth moving equipment within the past several decades. No cultural resources were noted in subsurface exposures near the edges of the storage area. Recommendations: Despite the indications of severe disturbance it is recommended that the area be thoroughly tested if this project alternative is selected. Background research indicates sites in the area, and it is impossible to confirm or deny this possibility without testing under the crab pots. Shaishnikof River "rhe proposed power 1 i ne and penstock routes were v i sua 11 y examined, as were the dam site at Trail Lake and the proposed powerhouse site near Trail Lake. The upstream portions of the project area are fairly rugged, with the power1ine in particular crossing some steep terrain. The river flows in a canyon for part of its length. The probability of locating any prehistoric remains in areas very far upstream from the bay and river mouth was deemed low based on background studies. There were no World War II remains in the upstream area either. At the head of the bay near the mouth of the barabara or some sort of collapsed structure was site consisted of an approximately 2 meter high, mound. The open side of the U faces the river. 4 meters in length. river, the remains of a located (see map). This U-shaped, grass covered The walls are approximately Six shovel test pits were excavated near this structure, but all were sterile except for surface trash. This is the vicinity of UNL-042, the village site discussed above. F-4 Nearby was a war vintage structure that may have been placed on the remains of another barabara. Shovel testing revealed some buried wooden features. World War II structures were excavated into the hillsides near the road leading to the mouth of the river. About a mile to the north of the remains mentioned above are the remains of thre barabaras lined up in a row on a bank overlooking the rocky shoreline. The dimensions were similar to the one discussed above; they were U-shaped with the open side facing the sea. This is in the vicinity of the reported UNL-103, although Bank's description is so brief it is difficult to be sure these are the same sites. Recommendations: Due to the number of resources noted at the head of Captain1s Bay during this brief reconnaissance and those discussed in various documents, it is recommended that once the powerline alinement is finalized a systematic testing program be initiated along the powerline right-of-way in the areas noted on map. Should subsurface resources be noted, the line should be shifted to avoid them. The above surface cultural resources noted above should be avoided during construction ~ctivities. Impacts on Cultural Resources An archeological field reconnaissance of both the Pyramid Creek and Shaishnikof River alternatives (Steele 1983) indicates that portions of each alternative could have impacts on cultural resources. Specifically, there is documentary evidence of archeological deposits at the mouth of Pyramid Creek in the area of the proposed powerhouse and powerline locations. This area could not be totally tested at the time of the field trip due to the presence of a crab pot storage area. If easements are eventually obtained in this area, systematic subsurface testing should be performed to insure that cultural resources will not be impacted. The remainder of the Pyramid Creek alternative should be considered clear of cultural resource concerns providing care is taken during construction to avoid damage to World War II remains. There are known cultural resources at the head of Captain1s Bay near the mouth of the Shaishnikof River in the general vicinity of the powerline associated with the Shaishnikof River alternative. Care should be taken to avoid all disturbances to these resources. F-5 The proposed powerline alinement in this area should be systematically tested before it ;s finalized to assure that subsurface resources are not impacted. No cultural resources were located in the remainder of the Shaishnikof River project area. Julia L. Steele Archeologist f-6 Bibliography Alaska Geographic Society 1980, The Aleutians. Vol. 7, No.3, Alaska Geographic. Bank, Ted 1974 Letter to Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer, on file at Alaska Division of Parks. Da 11, W. H. 1877 On Succession in the Shell-Heaps of the Aleutian Islands. Contributions to North American Ethnology, U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mt. Region, Vol. 1, pp. 41-91. Washington. Dumond, Don E. 1977 Eskimos and Aleuts. Thames and Hudson: London. Laughlin, William S. 1980 Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston: New York. Martinson, Charles Richard 1973 Aleut Settlements of the Makushin Bay Area, Alaska. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon. McCartney, Allen C. 1979 Working Draft EIS for World War II Debris Removal and Clean-up, Aleutian Islands and Lower Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Appendix J, Archaeology and History. Prepared for Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. F-7