HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Summary 1983>-IT: ii ro ::; f- ~ ro « :r: CJ '" "-o « , LIS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC ___ PROJECT __ _ A laska En ergy Allthority SUMMARY By ASCE EVA LUATION CRITERIA ----------~p~s~-------- Alasiul Resourcc~ Uhrlllj' & loronnation Sc:Mcc:5 Li bnlry OuH d ins. Su ite III 3211 PhwidcOl.'C Drive Ancflora1,'C , AK W~14 SYNOPSIS THE BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT exemplifies the responsible' development of a natural resource ill all e'llvirol1l1lelltally se'l1sitiv(' area. It de1l1ollstrates that quality el1gineering makes it possible to protect tlie el1virol1lllCllf while devclopillg our re'sOllrccs. The project provides clean, low cost power to three-quarters of Alaska's population and will help stabilize power rates for decades. In addition to the economic benefits of this rene\'lable resource, the project pro\'ides recreational opportunities and public access to a wilderness area. Construction in the remote, subarctic, seismically active and sensitive environment required resourceful planning and design. Utility and public coordination groups were created to provide input on project Extensive modeling, numerous environmental studies and a geotechnical interpretive report \'lere developed. Optional tunnel configurations, use of onsite materials, and the use of an open-cut intake channel helped reduce project costs and expedite construction. Pioneering efforts in the relocation of nesting prevented potential delays during initial construction. State-of-the-art designs for the dam facing, powerhouse substation, and transmission line foundations were used to cope with Alaska's harsh winter climate. Additional design features facilitated \".'inter construction and provide future expansion capabilities. Special seismic features enable the project to withstand earthquakes up to 8.5 on the Richter scale. The remote site and short construction seasons resulted in innovative construction techniques and efficient use of onsite materiaL Pre-assembly of the tunnel boring machine expedited construction, and two tunnel boring records ,vere set. Tunnel muck was used as the dam face bedding and the placement of the concrete face ,,,'as sped with a paving machine and conveyor system. Due to access restrictions, a skycrane helicopter was used as an air freighter for construction of the transmission line and river diversions. Throughout development, extra efforts were taken to protect the area's ecology and natural beauty. Project features were designed to minimize visual impact and surface disturbance. To maintain its wilderness setting, no road was constructed to the site and extensive measures vvere taken to protect and enhance wildlife resources. C011tillucd development of our nation '5 resources to lIIeet the gnnuillg /leeds of society will depend IIpon the ability of ciuil c11gillcers to protcct tlle cl1viro111l1Cl1t. The succcssflli tech11iques used at Bradley Lake' provide l1ew cngineering! cOllstructiolllll1d 111l11/{/gcl11ellt 1110dels for future project de''()cloplIlcnf, w,J23 ---~&;,lf(Jlml\!ionSef'l'iees Library Du:!Jing . .::iu;lc III 3211 Providellce Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-t614 ............ --~~~---~ Chris Aretuf I AIJlska Stock Imngt'S IONS TO THE VvELL-BEING PEOPLE AND COMIVfUNITIES o RENEW ABLE RESOURCE DECREASES DEPENDENCY ON FOSSIL FUELS Fossil fuels previously generated 95 percent of electricity in Alaska. Bradley Lake is a renewable hydroelectric resource that reduces this dependency by 10 percent. • PROVIDES A LONG-TERM, LOW-COST, STABLE POWER SOURCE The cost of Bradley Lake power will be stable, relative to fluctuating prices for fossil fuels. Power will be available at knmvn, low-cost rates for 50 to 100 years, or more. • SERVES THREE-QUARTERS OF THE ST ATFS POPULATION The project is located in the southcentral area of Alaska, which is the core population center. Power from the project is distributed over a distance of more than 500 miles, reaching 72 percent of the state's population. • CREATED THOUSANDS OF JOBS During the five-year construction period, thousands of jobs were created. At the peak of construction, more than 400 workers were directly employed. • IMPROVED LOCAL ECONOMY The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project was built during an oil recession in Alaska. During this critical time, the creation of jobs and the influx of project money helped mute the recession's devastating effect on Alaska's oil dependent economy. • INCREASED RECREATIONAL OPPOI{TUNITIES The project provides a point of entry to the surrounding wilderness for hiking, skiing, mountain biking, hunting and fishing. A small boat dock and six campsites ,\'ere constructed at the project site for public use. • DEVELOPED DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNIQUES The techniques used to meet the challenges of this remote, seismically active and sensitive subarctic elwironment provide models for managers, and contractors for future use. • DEMONSTRATES THAT IIYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ARE COMP ArIBLE The project demonstrates that environmental '-aIUl's can be protected while developing natural resources. ADVE SE EFFEC • SHORT-TERM POWER RATE INCREASE Bradley power will be slightly more expensive than gas generation for several years. Cost for fossil fuel generation is projected to rise continuously, hmvever, while hydropower remains stable. Bradley power is projected to be less expensive than existing generation by 1994 or 1995. • POSSIBLE INCREASED ICING IN THE BAY Local fishermen expressed concern that the release of additional fresh water during the winter months could increase icing in Kachemak Bay, causing potential interference problems with fishing gear and boats. The Alaska Energy Authority conducted two studies and gathered baseline data, which will be used to help determine if increased icing occurs. If it does, plant operations can be adjusted to avoid impacting fisheries. • DEVELOPMENT IN A PRISTINE AREA Although the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project was developed in a pristine area, planning, design and intensive mitigation efforts minimized environmental and esthetic impacts. RESOUI<.CEFUL ESS IN PLANNING AND SOLVING DESIGN PROBLEMS • EXTENSIVE ENVIRGNMENT AL STUDIES AND MODELING As part of project design, numerous environmental studies were undertaken including: fisheries, goats, moose habitat, eagle nesting, icing studies and tprrestrial impacts studies. Many of the studies are multi-year programs which began beforp construction and will continup for several ypars into project oppration. Engineering designs for the spillway, intake structure and turbine units ,\'ere verified through the use of physical models. • ESTABLISHED UTILITY AND PUBLIC COORDINATION GROUPS The Bradley project served as a catalyst bringing together six of Alaska's largest electric utilities. The utility group addressed design and operational aspects of the project, as well as joint plan- ning for improved service to the entire southcentral region. A citizen's advisory group was also established to interface with area residents, receive public input and address local concerns. • GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETIVE REPORT A geotechnical interpretive report was llsed to predict tunnel conditions and established a baseline for measuring changed conditions. The report assisted both designers and contractors in choosing the most cost-effective and efficient 'way to excavate through the mountain, and helped avoid costly claims. • CONTRACT DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD A Disputes Review Board was utilized to provide an alternative means of disputes resolution. Its creation vvas effective in facilitating open dialog between the contractor and owner, resulting in the speedy resolution of disputes. No unresolved contract disputes remain on the project. • ROAD USED AS PERMA="JENT AIRSTRIP As a result of local input, the planned project airstrip was redesigned and integrated into a section of the permanent access road, resulting in substantial cost savings. • MULTIPLE USE OF MATERIALS Rock blasted from the tunnel intake area was used for dam fill and material excavated from tunnel boring was used as the bedding layer to support the dam's concrete face. Riprap from temporary roads and tunnel shut rock were used in constructing fisheries enhancements and the 'waterfowl nesting area. • OPEN CUT INTAKE CHANNEL The simple open cut intake channel design allowed the intake structure and upper tunnel to be exca\'ated in the dry. As the intake was excavated, the material was placed directly into the dam fill, thereby reducing handling costs and expediting construction. ___ . ________________________ . ______________________ COlltillll('d RESOURCEFULNESS IN PLANNING AND SOLVING DESIGN PROBLEMS continued • DAM FILL DESIGN The dam is a simple three zone design, with excavated shot rock as the core of the dam. The downstream riprap layer is oversized material from the core. The flattened side slopes increase stability to ,vithstand major earthquakes. • OPTIONAL TUNNEL CONFIGURATION Multiple tunnel alignment configurations and optional tunnel diameters were designed to aJlm'>' contractors the flexibility of choosing construction methods and equipment which were the most efficient and cost effective. • SPECIAL SEISMIC DESIGN FEATURES Design criteria were developed for structurat safety and operational considerations based on three levels of seismic disturbance. The dam fill design, continuo liS reinforced concrete dam facing, tunnel lining and powerhouse design will help the project withstand earthquakes up to 8.5 on the Richter scale without catastrophic failure. • COLD WEATHER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES To facilitate construction and long-term operation requirements in subarctic winter conditions, the design included special features such as: the use of two-stage concrete for construction of the powerhouse to allmv embedment of the turbine units during winter, the usc of a pile clamp design for transmission tower foundations to provide vertical adjustment in the event of future frost heaving, the use of an ungated spillway to minimize icing problems, and the use of an indoor substation design. • DESIGNED FOR FUTURE EXPANSION The installation of a third penstock and rock excavation for the foundation at the time of initial project construction allow for cost-efficient expansion to meet future capacity needs without requiring a lengthy shutdmvn of the plant. PIO E RI GUSE OF IV1ATERIALS AND METHODS " MAN-MADE EAGLE NESTS AND RELOCATION OF CHICKS A unique experiment to dc\'clop alternate nesting sites and relocate nesting bald eagles minimized conflicts between construction actidties and eagles. The program provides nc,\' knowledgc for ,vildlife managers on how to protect bald t:'agles. • CONTINUOUS REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB FOR DAM FACING The dam's impervious layer consists of a state-of-the-art continuous reinforced concrete facing. The concrete slab will control shrinkage and help maintain the integrity of the dam facing in the event of settlement due to seismic activity. • COMPACT GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION A compact gas insulated substation design ,vas used to reduce the amount of \vetland fill required for powerhouse construction. The indoor substation is protected from salt water and cold temperatures, making it easier to maintain. This is the first such technology to be used in Alaska. • PILING DESIGN FOR TRANSMISSION LINE The use of pile foundations and the pile clamp design for the transmission lines facilitated construction and will reduce future maintenance cost. The pilings allowed for winter construction of foundations and provide resistance to frost jacking. The pile clamps provide a means of simple vertical adjustment. • HELITORCH CONTROLLED BURNS A helitorch ,vas llsed on an experimental basis for the controlled burning of downed timber in remote sections of the transmission line right-of-way to eliminate spruce bark beetle habitat. INNOVATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION • PAVING MACHIJ\JEjCONVEYORS FOR DAM FACING The use of a conveyor system and paving machine to place the concrete dam facing sped the process, enabling the contractor to pour each 50-foot slab in just four hours. • USE OF TUNNEL MUCK FOR DAM FACE BEDDING The use of tunnel muck for the dam face bedding eliminated the need to process screened materials, providing a cost-effective use of material that would otherwise have been wasted. • PRE-ASSEMBLED TUNNEL BORING MACHINE The contractor's ingenuity in pre-assembling the tunnel boring machine at the factory substantially reduced onsite set-up time. The boring machine was in full production within four weeks of its arrival onsite. • TUNNEL BORING RECORDS Effective pre-planning of the tunnel drilling and the use of a modified tunnel boring machine resulted in excavation of the tunnel in just six months --more than three months ahead of schedule --and the setting of two tunneling records: 116 feet bored in 8 hours, and 275 feet bored in 24 hours. • SINGLE PASS, RAISE BORE VERTICAL SHAFT The use of a raise bore machine for the vertical shaft excavation allowed easy removal of tunnel debris and provided for speedy completion of the vertical shaft. The 760-foot shaft was completed in a single pass in only four weeks. • USE OF SKYCRANE FOR REMOTE CONSTRUCTION Due to limited accessibility and to minimize environmental damage, a skycrane helicopter was used to set towers for the transmission line and to transport equipment for construction of the two river diversions. Contractors coordinated use of the same skycrane to gain efficiency in construction. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS UNUSUAL ASPECTS • ESTHETIC VALUE -----....... --.. ~ .. --.... ------------ • NO ROAD ACCESS TO As part of the commitment to maintain the wilderness character of the area and to minimize destruction of wildlife habitat, no road access v\'as constructed to the project site. • MINIMIZED SURFACE DISTURBANCES AND VISUAL IMPACTS Every aspect of project design and construction was evaluated for environmental impacts, and solutions were developed to minimize impacts. Examples are: an intake which is covered by reservoir waters, underground placement of penstocks, removal of temporary roads, and rehabilitation of the temporary camp and other areas. • ASSURED WATER RELEASES To alleviate concerns of the National Park Service, water flows to the Nuka River will be maintained at or above pre-established minimums through the use of a self-regulating control structure. • EXTENSIVE MITIGATION EFFORTS SPRUCE BARK BEETLE CONTROL During clearing operations, special care was taken to dispose of cut timber along the transmission line and access roads to protect against spruce bark beetle infestation. FISH WATER BY-PASS SYSTEM A series of pipes was installed at the diversion tunnel to allow controlled release of ,,,'ater from the reservoir to maintain river t1mvs over downstream salmon spawning beds. MOOSE HABITAT TRUST To compC'llsate for habitat lost due to construction, 593 acres of prime moose calving and browsing habitat were placed in trust to protpct it from dpvciopmpnt. CREATING WATERFOWL NESTING AREA A formal tidal area isolated by the road was enhanced with the addition of nesting islands and water control structures to provide 33 acres of waterfowl nesting habitat. ENHANCED FISH REARING HABITAT A drainage ditch, initially excavated to dewater the gravel borrow area, was enhanced to provide additional salmon spawning habitat, and gravel pits were interconnected to prm"ide fish rearing habitat. }\laska Resources library & Information Services Anchorage Alaska