HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlack Bear Lake Project Feasibility Report Volume I 1981"'';, .. ,.., ____ '''<-~~_, _'l _________________________ _ BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT FEASIBILITY REPORT Prepared by Harza Engineering Company and CH2M-Hill Northwest, Inc. OCTOBER 1981 PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 w. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 VOLUME I '-----__ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ----' ERRATA SHEET' The tables on pages III-16 and III-17 should read as follc1ds: Page III-16 'l'able III-3 SENSITDiITY ANAI.YSIS POPL'lATION Percent Change in Population Population Energy Dem3nd Peal: Demand GrO\vth Rates in Year 2001 in Year 2001 in Year 2001 9-0 t~'11:1 klrl -50 1,995 9,755 2,230 -15 2,557 12,500 2,850 0 2,820 13,780 3,140 +15 3,166 15,460 3,530 +50 4,067 19,855 4,530 Page III -17 Table III-4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION Percent Change in Per Capita Per Capita Consumption Consumption Energy Demand Peak Demanc'l Growth Rates in Year 2001 in Year 2001 in Year 2001 % kWh Bvm k\oJ -50 3,580 10,100 2,300 -15 4,420 12,440 2,840 0 4,890 13,780 3,140 +50 5,360 15,120 3,450 +50 6,665 18,790 4,290 SUMMARY LETTER Harza Engineering Company and CH2M-Hill Northwest Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: Mr Eric P. Yould Executive Director Black Bear Lake Project Summary Letter October 16, 1981 We are pleased to present the result of our feasibility study of the Black Bear Lake Project. The study includes a technical, economic and environmental evaluation of the Project. The following paragraphs briefly describe the Project and the studies which were made. An issue of particular concern to the Power Authority, alternative power projects, is also discussed. The Black Bear Lake Project is located on the lake of the same name about 8 miles east of Klawock, on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. The Project will almost fully regulate the outflow of Black Bear Lake. The Project will have a rated net head of 1310 feet and an average flow of 26 cfs for power production. The Project will have an installed capacity of 6,000 kW and, at full production will generate 23,700 MWh in an average year. Firm power output will be 4,000 kW and firm energy generation will be 22,000 MWh per year. The Table of Significant Data at the end of this letter contains pertinent data on the Project. A plan and profile of the Project are shown on Exhibits 2 and 4, respectively, of the report. The Project will consist of a dam, spillway, intake, water conductor, powerstation, substation, and transmission line. -1- A 53-foot high concrete gravity dam will be built across Black Bear Creek at the outlet of Black Bear Lake. The dam will raise the normal lake level 35 feet, from El. 1680 to El. 1715, create a reservoir with an area of 241 acres and provide 6,850 acre-feet of live storage. An uncontrolled spillway will be located in the dam. The spillway will have a discharge capacity of 1,680 cfs, which is the outflow corresponding to a probable maximum flood inflow of 4,000 cfs. A three-port intake capable of withdrawing near-surface water through the entire drawdown range will convey water to a 4.0 foot diameter steel penstock which will pass through the dam and enter a 4.0 foot diameter concrete-lined vertical shaft about 300 feet downstream of the dam. A 2.5-foot diameter steel penstock will carry the water 2,800 feet from the base of the shaft to a powerstation. About 1,800 feet of the penstock will be constructed in a tunnel. The powerhouse will be a concrete building containing two single-jet impulse turbines. Each turbine will be directly coupled to a generator rated at 3000 kW. A substation containing two 4312 kVa tranformers will be built adjacent to the powerstation. Power from the Project will be transmitted to the towns of Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg over 34.5 and 12.4 kV wood pole transmission lines having a total length of 46 miles. Access to the powerstation will be gained from an extension of the Sealaska Corporation logging road. Access to the dam will be by float plane or helicopter. Beneficial and adverse environmental effects of construction, operation and maintenance of the Black Bear Lake Project were investigated. Alternatives were considered for power intake design, transmission line design and routing, project operating regimes, and construction aspects. Permits and other authorizations that will be required are identified. Protective measures incorporated in the project design to avoid or reduce adverse impacts and mitigation measures proposed for those adverse effects which cannot be fully avoided by the protective measures are as follows: 1. The Forest Service cabin on Black Bear Lake will be relocated to avoid inundation. 2. Guidelines for location of the transmission line within the proposed transmission corridor are established which will minimize visual and other effects. Measures are also proposed to reduce visual impact of project civil works. -2- 3. Vegetation will be cleared from the reservoir to avoid unsightly snags and debris. 4. Increases in suspended sediment in Black Bear Creek above Black Lake will be minimized by control measures during construction. 5. Entrainment of fish at the power intake will be minimized by proper intake design. 6. The potential for changes in water temperatures in Black Bear Creek due to the Project will be greatly reduced by the three-level power intake. Mitigation measures are also proposed to hold increases in winter water temperatures in the stream above Black Lake to a minimum. 7. The proposed power release regime will reduce the potential for downstream fishery impact. 8. The feasibility of a small spawning channel the project tailrace will be considered if salmon escapement monitoring indicates facility is required. downstream of post-project that such a Further environmental studies are proposed, with emphasis on fisheries and other aquatic aspects. The scope of these studies is based on recommendations from state and federal agencies. The studies are designed to provide additional information that would be used to further refine project operations to insure that adverse impacts are avoided or reduced to a minimun. It is our opinion that no changes will be required in design or location of project civil works as a result of these studies. Although project carefully controlled effects, it appears adverse effects would construction and operation will have to be to avoid or reduce adverse environmental that the potential magnitude of unavoidable not preclude project development. Costs The construction cost of the Project includes the direct cost of civil works, contractor's overhead and profit, purchase and installation of equipment, contingencies, engineering and owner's administration, but excludes interest during construction and price escalation beyond the date of the estimate. The estimated construction cost of the Project, at January 1981 price level is as follows: -3- CONSTRUCTION COST Item Land and Land Rights Powerstation and Improvements Reservoir, Dams and waterways Waterwheels, Turbines and Generators Accessory Electrical Equipment Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment Roads and Bridges Substation and switching Station Equipment and Structures Poles and Fixtures 0verhead Conductors and Devices Subtotal Direct Cost contingencies Civil Works Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Total Direct Cost Engineering and Administration January 1981 Construction Cost 15~ 8% Costs 399,000 737,000 13,258,000 1,380,000 695,000 48,000 660,000 1,088,000 1,711,000 1,698,000 21,674,000 2,769,000 257,000 24,700,000 3,300,000 $28,000,000 Operation and maintenance costs at January 1981 price level for the Black Bear Lake Project are estimated at $120,000 per year including transmission. Economics and Finance The economic analysis, cost of energy determination, and estimate of cash flow for the Project were based on criteria established by the Power ~uthority in accordance with State draft feasibility study regulations. In accordance with those regulations a "base case" plan, a "preferred" plan and a "second most preferred" plan were developed. The power market would continue to be served by diesel units under the base case plan. The preferred plan would be the Black Bear Lake Project followed by the Lake Mellen Project. The second most preferred plan would be the Lake Mellen Project followed by the Black Bear Lake Project. The preferred plan has a benefit-cost (B/C) ratio of 3.32 when compared to the base case plan and of 1.02 when compared to the second-most preferred plan. The Black Bear Lake Project was also compared to the Lake Mellen Project assuming -4- each project was operated independently of the other. In that case the Black Bear Lake Project has a B/C ratio of 1.21 when compared to the Lake Mellen Project. The economic analysis was performed assuming 0% general inflation, 3.5% differential fuel escalation for the first 20 years of the study and held constant thereafter and a 3.0'" discount rate. An economic life of 50 years was used for the hydro projects and 20 years for the diesel units. The average cost of energy over the first twenty years of each plan, at January 1981 price level, would be 31.3 cents/kWh for the preferred plan, 79.3 cents/kWh for the base case plan, and 32.1 cents/kWh for the second most preferred plan. The cost of energy from the Black Bear Lake Project alone is 17.9 cents/kWh and that of the Lake Mellen Project 21.8 cents/kWh. The analysis was made assuming an interest rate of 8.5 percent, an inflation rate of 7%, and 3.5 percent differential fuel escalation. Funding requirements for the Project are estimated to be 39.9 million, assuming an annual rate of 8.5 percent for interest during construction and an annual inflation rate of 7.0 percent. Schedule The implementation schedule is shown on report. The schedule assumes 13 months will be FERC to process the license application and application is submitted and project design begins 1981. Commercial operation would begin in January Exhibit 33 of the required for the that the license at the end of 1986. The scope of work for this feasibility study includes a comparison of the Project with all alternative means of satisfying the area's power needs so that the Power Authority can be in a position to recommend for or against construction of the Project. The two principal alternative projects identified during the course of this study are the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) wood-fired steam-electric plant near Klawock and the Lake Mellen Hydroelectric Project near Hydaburg. No feasibility study has been made of the ATC plant and detailed information on that project is unobtainable. with the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Alaskan Natives through their regional corporations can now export round logs. Non-natives must process the logs into cants or other forms before shipping. Sea1aska Corporation is now undertaking an ambitious logging operation on Prince of Wales Island and will be exporting -5- much timber without processing. Any processing which will take place will probably be done in Hydaburg, therefore the source of logs for ATC and the need for the mill is somewhat uncertain. Future market conditons are uncertain and wood-chips which could be burned to produce electricity after the existing waste pile is gone might more profitably be sold. Construction of the plant has resumed, after some earlier delays, and THREA has entered into a contract with ATC for secondary energy, but the on-line date and status of financing for capacity in excess of ATC's needs is uncertain. These uncertanties surrounding the ATC plant make reliance on that plant as a major source of supply for Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg undesireable. The ATC plant might conveniently serve as an interim source of generation prior to operation of the Elack Bear Lake Project and as energy reserve once the Project is in o~eration. The economic studies discussed above show the Lake Mellen Project to be less attractive than the Black Bear Lake Project. The Lake Mellen Project appears to be the next most attractive hydro development on Prince of Wales Island after Black Eear Lake. Feasibility studies should be made of the Lake Mellen Project and of the whole Reynolds Creek Development. Conclusion We find the Black Bear Lake Project is technically, economically and environmentally feasible, and we recommend submittal of the license application to the FERC. We would be pleased to provide the Power Authority the assistance required to implement the Project. Very truly yours, l:~~~'~v~-. / Richard D. Harza President -6- TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESERVOIR water Surface Elevation, ft above mean sea level (msl) Under Probable Maximum Flood 1121 1115 1685 Normal Maximum Minimum Tailwater Elevation, ft msl Surface Area at Normal Max. EI., acres Estimated Usable Storage, ac-ft Type of Regulation HYDROLOGY Drainage Area, sq mi Avg. Annual Runoff, cfs/mi2 Streamflow, cfs Ma ximum Mon thl y Average Annual Minimum Monthly DAM Type Maximum Height, ft Crest Elevation, ft msl Crest Length, ft Dam Volume, cy SPILLWAY Type Crest Elevation, ft msl Width, ft Design Discharge, cfs WATER CONDUCTOR Type Diameter, ft Length, ft Shell Thickness, in. Steel Penstock 4.0 294 5/16 -i- 253 241 6850 Seasonal 1.82 14.3 18.0 26.0 0.3 Concrete Gravity 53 1123 368 6400 Ungated Concrete Ogee 1115 30 1680 Concrete Shaft 4.0 1296 Steel Penstock 2.5 2190 11/16-3/4 TABLE Qf SIGNIFICANT ~ (Conti d) POWERSTATION Number of Units TUrbine Type Rated Net Head, ft Generator Unit Rating, kW POWER AND ENERGY Installed Capacity, kw Firm capacity, kW . Avg~ Annual Energ~ Generation, MWh Avg. Plant Factor % COSTS AND ECONOMICS Construction Cost, $x10 6 Unit cost, $/kW inst B/C Ratio 3%, with 3.5% fuel escalation Project Funding Requirements, $x10 6 -ii- 2 Single Nozzle Impulse 1370 3000 6000 4000 23700 45 28.0 4666 3.32 39.9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I. SUMMARY LETTER TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD Purpose and Scope of Report Background and Previous studies Authorization Acknowledgements PROJECT DESCRIPTION Location and Access Project setting General Description Project Arrangement Project Functional Design Geology of Foundations and Construction l-1aterials Description of the Project Facilities Concrete Dam and Spillway Power Intake Penstock Powerplant Access Road switchyard and Transmission Reservoir Land Ownership Recreation Facilities Project Construction Construction Schedule Construction Plant Construction Camps Sediment Control Spoil and Waste Disposal Project Costs Construction Cost Operation and Maintenance Cost -i- Page i F-l F-l F-2 F-2 F-2 I-l I-l I-l I-2 I-2 I-3 I-3 I-5 I-5 I-6 I-6 I-7 I-8 I-9 I-l0 I-l0 I-ll I-12 I-12 I-13 I-14 I-15 I-15 I-16 I-16 I-18 TABLE ~E CONTENTS (Cont'd) Chapter II. PROJECT DESIGN AND OPERATION Engineering Design Dam Spillway water Conductor Powerhouse Reservoir Level Water supply Reservoir operation without Constraints With Constraints Power and Energy Generation without Constraints with Constraints III. ELECTRIC POWER MARKET Introduction Background and Population Economics socioeconomic Conditions Major Economic Activities Future Economic Activity Energy Sector Energy Consumption Energy Balance Electric Power Sector Existing Systems Historical Electric Energy Use Future Electric Demand Load Characteristics Sensitivity Analysis -ii- Page 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-2 11-3 II-q 11-5 11-7 11-8 11-8 11-9 11-9 11-9 111-1 111-1 111-1 111-3 111-3 111-3 111-6 111-8 111-8 111-10 111-10 111-10 111-11 111-12 III-1q 111-15 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Chapter IV. ECONOMIC EVALUATION V. Methodology " , ~ j Alteinative Sources of Power Hydro Diesel Wood Coal Wind Generation Solar Interconnection Conservation and Load Management Alternative Expansion Plans Base Case Plan Preferred Plan Second Most Preferred Plan Economic Criteria Economic Comparison Cost of Energy Cash Flow Requirements RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION Recommendations Pre-Construction Activities Implementation -iii- Page IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-3 IV-3 IV-5 IV-5 IV-6 IV-6 IV-8 IV-10 IV-10 IV-11 IV-11 IV-11 IV-12 IV-14 IV-15 V-1 V-1 V-1 V-3 T~BLE QE CONTENTS (Cont'd) Chapter VI. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The Existing Environment Land Use Species Ecosystems Special Biotic Resources Climate Air Quality Hydrology Special Features Environmental Impact During Construction Terrestrial Species and Habitats Aquatic Species and Habitats Major Ecosystem Alteration Endangered or Threatened Species Recreational Facilities and Use Historical, ~rcheological, Cultural sites/Values Scenic and Esthetic Socioeconomic Effects Air Quality Noise Water Quantity and Quality Compliance with Fegulatory standards Spoil and Waste Disposal Environmental Impact of Operation and Maintenance Terrestrial Species and Habitats ~quatic Species and Habitats -Black Bear Lake Aquatic Species and Habitats -Downstream of Black Bear Lake Major Ecosystem Alteration Cumulative Impacts Recreational Facilities and Use Historical, Archeological, Cultural Sites/Values Scenic and Esthetic socioeconomic Effects Air Quality Noise Water Quantity and Quality Compliance with Regulatory Standards Solid Wastes and Waste Water Breakdown of the Multilevel Intake -iv- Page VI-1 VI-1 VI-1 VI-1 VI-4 VI-11 VI-13 VI-13 VI-13 VI-13 VI-14 VI-14 VI-15 VI-16 VI-18 VI-19 VI-19 VI-19 VI-19 VI-19 VI-20 VI-20 VI-21 VI-21 VI-22 VI-22 VI-22 VI-23 VI-30 VI-35 VI-38 VI-38 VI-38 VI-38 VI-38 VI-38 VI-39 VI-39 VI-39 VI-39 TABLE Q~ CONTENTS (Cont'd) Chapter VI. ENVIRONMENTAL ASP EC TS (C ont ' d ) Environmental Effects of Termination and Abandonment Land Use and Esthetics Vegetation wildlife Aquatic Ecosystems Proposed Environmental Monitoring Programs Fisheries and Hydrological/Limnological studies Construction Phase Water Quality Monitoring Dissolved Nitrogen Test Post-Project Aquatic Resources Monitoring Vegetation Wildlife Preventive Measures Protection of Environmental Values during Maintenance and Breakdowns Protection of Fish and Wildlife Resources Protection of Historical, Cultural, Archeological Sites Protection of Scenic Values Protection of Water Quality Mitigation Measures Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife Populations Aquatic Habitat and Fish Populations Visual Impact Mitigation Public Access and Recreation Preparation of Lands Beneficial Environmental Effects Potentially Significant Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects Relocations cultural, Historic, Archeological Values Esthetic and Visual Values Recreational Values Land Use wildlife Habitat and Populations Fish Habitat and Populations Unique Ecosystems and Endangered or Threatened species Air Quality Noise Solid Waste and Wastewater Disposal Water Resources -v- Page VI-40 VI-40 VI-40 VI-41 VI-41 VI-41 VI-42 VI-42 VI-42 VI-42 VI-42 VI-43 VI-43 VI-44 VI-44 VI-45 VI-45 VI-46 VI-47 VI-47 VI-48 VI-48 VI-49 VI-49 VI-49 VI-49 VI-49 VI-49 VI-50 VI-50 VI-50 VI-50 VI-51 VI-52 VI-52 VI-52 VI-53 VI-53 TABg OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Chapter VI. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS (Cont'd) Alternatives Considered Alternative Sites Power Intake Transmission Line Design Alternative Transmission Corridor Routes Criteria for Evaluation of Alternative Corrridors Evaluation of Alternative Corridors Refinement of the Preferred Transmission corridor Access Roads and Paths Alternative Construction Procedures Aggregate Sources, and Borrow and Spoil Disposal Areas Operations Permits and Other Authorizations Permits and Authorizations Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations and Codes Compliance with other Regulations, Codes, Guidelines, and Reviews Authorities Consulted Sources of Information Public Meetings Agency Meetings, Correspondence, and Telephone Conversations studies Conducted -vi- Page VI-53 VI-53 VI-53 VI-56 VI-56 VI-58 VI-60 VI-61 VI-62 VI-63 VI-64 VI-66 VI-68 VI-68 VI-71 VI-72 VI-73 VI-73 VI-73 VI-74 VI-75 1. General Map 2. General Plan 3. Site Plan 4. General Profile 5. Dam and spillway, Plan and Elevation 6. Dam and Penstock, Sections 7. Powerstation, Plans and Sections 8. Proposed Project Recreation Plan 9. Construction Schedule 10. Construction Site Plan 11. Cost Estimate 12. Reservoir Area-Volume Curves 13. Reservoir Level 14. Synthesized Average Monthly Flow 15. Monthly Flow Duration Curve 16. Reservoir Operation 17. Power and Energy Production 18. Population 19. Socioeconomic Statistics 20. Employment 21. Energy Balance 22. Existing Generating Facilities 23. Electric Energy Consumption Historical Data 24. 1979 Monthly Energy Consumption 25. Residential-Commercial Demand 26. Total Peak and Energy Demand 27. Power Market Forecast 28. Load Characteristics 29. Solar and Wind Data 30. Alternative Expansion Plans 31. Economic Analysis 32. Cost of Energy 33. Implementation Schedule 34. Previous Exhibit Deleted 35. Common Plants of the Project Area 36. Birds of the Project Area 37. Black Bear Creek Valley Forest Types 38. Black Bear Lake vegetation Types 39. ADFG Black Bear Creek Salmon Surveys 40. Timing of Salmon Runs 41. Rare and Sensitive Pants 42. 1991 Reservoir Fluctuations without Flow Constraints 43. 1991 Reservoir Elevation Percent Exceedance without Flow Constraints 44. 1991 Reservoir Fluctuations with Flow Constraints 45. 1991 Reservoir Elevation Percent Exceedance with Flow Constraints 46. Depths of Withdrawal in January, Three-Port Intake Structure -vii- LIS! OF EXHIBITS (Cont'd) 47. Depths of Withdrawal in August, Three-Port Intake Structure 48. Subbasin Drainage Areas 49. Stream Flow at Location I in 1986 50. Stream Flow at Location II in 1986 51. Stream Flow at Location III in 1986 52. Stream Flow at Location IV in 1986 53. Stream Flow at Location V in 1986 54. Stream Flow at Location VI in 1986 55. Stream Flow at Location I in 1991 56. Stream Flow at Location II in 1991 57. Stream Flow at Location III in 1991 58. Stream Flow at Location IV in 1991 59. Stream Flow at Location V in 1991 60. Stream Flow at Location VI in 1991 61. Depths of Withdrawal in January, Two-Port Intake Structure 62. Depths of Withdrawal in August, Two-Port Intake Structure 63. Trasmission Line Corridor Alternatives 64. Elevation Constraints 65. wildlife Constraints 66. Visual Resource Management Classes 67. Land Use Constraints 68. Transmission Corridor comparison 69. Preferred Transmission Line Corridor 71. Land OWnership in the Project Area -viii- VOLUME II LISI OF APPENDICES A. GEOLOGY REPORT B. HYDROLOGY REPORT C. REYNOLDS CREEK ALTERNATIVE D. THORNE BAY ALTERNATIVE E. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME LAKE AND STREAM SURVEY REPORTS F. AQUATIC FIELD STUDIES G. ARCHEOLOGICAL/HISTORICAL SURVEY H. PROPOSED PROJECT RECREATION PLAN I. PROTECTION OF NATURAL, HISTORIC, AND SCENIC FEATURES J. CORRESPONDENCE K. ENVIRONMENTAL REFERENCES L. ACRONYMS -ix- FOREWORD Purp~ ~nd Sco?l of Report The purpose of this report is to document the results of feasibility studies of the Black Bear Lake Project located near Klawock on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. The objective of the study is to determine if the Project is sufficiently attractive to warrant construction. The scope of the study includes the following work items: !. Determine the optimal plan for develo~ing hydroelectric potential of Black Bear Lake. the Compare the selected plan for Black Bear Lake development with all reasonable alternative means of satisfying market area power needs. 3. Determine with reasonable certainty the cost of the project and cash flow requirements. !. Determine the nature and extent of environmental and social impacts of the project, along with those mitigating measures that could be taken to minimize or offset adverse impact. 5. Assess the feasibility and financial considerations of supplying power to currently isolated industrial consumers. &. Determine the estimated annual system power costs both with and without the Project, and assess power marketability. 7. Prepare a final report documenting the studies. 8. Fully coordinate project studies with all interested federal, state and local entities and with the general public. F-1 Background and Previous Studies The Black Bear Lake Project was previously identified in an inventory study 1/ prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in 1977. In 1979, the APA undertook a reconnaissance study l/ of the Project. That study found that the Project was sufficiently attractive to warrant a feasibility study and the preparatation of an FERC license application. The present studies are a direct result of the reconnaissance study. authorization The work was carried out under a contract between the APA and Harza Engineering Company, effective as of May 15, 1980. Funds for the study were provided by the state of Alaska. Part of work was carried out under subcontracts with CH2M-Hill Norhtwest, C.C. Hawley and Associates, Environaid, and Alaskarctic. A stream gage was installed at Black Bear Lake by the u.s. Geological Survey under direct contract with the APA. Acknowledgements We acknowledge and appreciate the valuable assistance and advice offered by staffs of the following agencies: Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Administration Tlingit & Haida Regional Electrical' Authority Alaska Power & Telephone Company u.s. Forest Service, Tongass National Forest u.s. Geological Survey u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1/ Robert R. Retherford Associates, Preliminary Appraisal Report, 1977. l/ Harza Engineering Company, Reconnaissance Report, 1979. F-2 Acknowledgements (continued) National Marine Fisheries Services u.s. Army-Corps of Engineers Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ',j " Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development Office of the Governor Sealaska Corporation Haida Corporation Klawock Heenya corporation Shaan-Seet, Inc. City of Craig City of Hydaburg City of Klawock Louisiana Pacific Corporation F-3 CHAPTER I PROJECT DESCRIPTION Location and Access The Black Bear Lake Project is located at latitude 570 33'N and longitude 132 0 52'W, near the town of Klawock on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. See Exhibit 1. The Project develops the head between Black Bear Lake and the bottom of a falls at the outlet of the lake. The lake discharges into Black Bear Creek which flows into 83 acre Black Lake about 1.5 miles downstream from the powerhouse site. Black Lake is drained by a small stream whch flows about 3.5 miles to Big salt Lake, an arm of San Alberto Bay. Both present and proposed access to Black Bear Lake and the damsite is by float plane. Present access to the powerstation site at the base of the falls is by logging road to Black Lake and from there by foot. The logging road will be extended to the powerstation for construction and operation of the Project. ~roject §~tting: Prince of Wales Island has rolling, rugged mountainous terrain rising to 3,800 feet at Pin Peak which is adjacent to Black Bear Lake. The Black Bear Lake valley was glacier formed, having steep sides and a broad base. The climate of the project area is largely maritime with occasional incursions of continental air masses. The climate is mild and humid with much precipitation. Average annual temperature is 40 0-45 0 F with lows ranging from slightly below 00 F in the winter to highs close to 90 0 F in the summer. Precipitation varies greatly with location and tends to increase with elevation. In the coastal towns of the project area, mean annual precipitation is about 120 inches. Vegetation in the project area is typical of hemlock-spruce coastal forest with some muskeg areas. wildlife in the project area include black bear, deer, beaver, marten, mink, otter and wolf, as well as many of the 200 bird species common to Southeast Alaska. Black Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous fish stream and supports spawning runs of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon. Dolly Varden, cutthroat, and steelhead trout are reported in Black 1-1 Bear Creek. Rainbow trout are reported in Black Bear Lake and in Black Bear Creek downstream of the project site. Project Arrangement A general plan Bear Lake Project are and general profile respecti vely. Gene~al Description and proposed project boundaries of the Black shown on Exhibit 2. A more explicit site plan of the Project are shown on Exhibits 3 and 4 The Project consists of the following principal elements: a. A concrete gravity dam across the outlet of Black Bear Lake, with rock embankment support of the left abutment. b. An uncontrolled spillway in the center of the dam with a design discharge capactity of 1680 cfs. The normal maximum reservoir level established cy the spillway crest is El. 1715.0. c. A 3-port intake, with ports at different levels for water temperature control, and a gated emergency outlet conduit, located on the upstream face of the dam. g. A water conduit, 4380 feet long, connecting the intake to the powerhouse. The water conductor consists of the following in sequence from the intake: 1) A buried steel penstock, 294 feet in length, with a diameter of 48 inches. 2) A concrete-lined vertical diameter and 1296 feet deep. shaft, 48 inches in 3) An 8' x 8' rock tunnel, 1850 feet long, containing a 30 inch diameter steel penstock. 4) A buried steel penstock, 940 feet in length and 30 inches in diameter. At the powerhouse a manifold will be provided to distribute the flow to two generating units. At the dam, an emergency closure valve for the power conduit will be provided. 1-2 e. A powerhouse containing the two impulse turbines and generators, rated at 3.0 MW each, and electrical switchgear. An adjacent switchyard will contain the transformers and transmission line pull-off structures. f. ether facilities include the following: 1) An access road, about two miles in length, from end t~e existing logging road at the outlet of Black Lake to the powerhouse site and tunnel portal. 2) Transmission lines, totalling 52.0 miles in length, connecting the Project with the load centers at Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg. 3) A new substation near Klawock which will have the necessary facilities to divide the single incoming circuit from the Project into two outgoing circuits; one serving Klawock and Craig and one serving Hydaburg. 4) Small stepdown transformer stations at both Craig and Hydaburg. Project Functional ~esig~ The Project will provide total regulation of the outflow of Black Bear Lake for the production of power and energy. The Project will have an installed capacity of 6 MW and produce 23.7 GWh in an average year. The project reservoir and access road will provide recreational opportunities. Suitable agreements with private landholders would be necessary to guarantee public use of some of the proposed recreation facilities. Release of water from the Project will be made in such a way so as to ensure minimum disturbance to downstream resident fisheries and migrant fisheries. Geology of FoundatiQns and Construction Materials The project area was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene period and is characterized by rugged mountains dissected by steep-sided broad valleys. Bedrock consists of the Descon Formation, Ordivician-Silurian undifferentiated volcanics, and a variety of interbedded fine-grained metamorphosed sediments. Igneous intrusions of Jurassic-Cretaceous age include diorite and quartz-diorite as dikes 1-3 and as a plutonic mass exposed in the lower valley. Some uplift, folding and faulting have occured in the region but have never been clearly defined or mapped in detail. Numerous talus deposits from rockfalls and debris avalanches, and terrace deposits of glacial till are found throughout the area. These deposits and the lower stream gravel deposits are technically suitable as sources of construction materials. As discussed elsewhere in this report, use of the streambed sands and gravels is rejected on environmental grounds. The selected source is processed excavated materials. Soils and terrace deposits of glacial and fluvial origin occur thoughout the region. Most of the slopes are covered with humus, residual soil and colluvium. Talus materials are angular, blocky and generally poorly graded. vegetative growth and the forests protect the soil cover on the slopes from erosion due tc surface runoff. Overflow of Black Bear Lake has scoured the outlet stream channel to fresh rock. Earthquakes are common in Southeast Alaska. Specifically for the Black Bear Lake Project, earthquakes appear to be related to the Fairweather Fault and the Clarence straight Fault which are approximately 80 miles west of the project. The magnitude of earthquakes which occur on the Fairweather Fault (some as great as 8.1 on the Richter Scale) indicate that the project could be subject to severe acceleration and must be designed accordingly. The dam will be founded on sound bedrock. A small amount of organic soil and severely weathered and spalled rock covers bedrock in the dam area. These materials will be stripped from the abutments and channel section. It is estimated that the thickness of soil and loose rock ranges from 3 to 7 feet. The left end of the dam will be socketed into a portion of the talus slope. The penstock sound, hard rock. shaft and tunnel will be excavated in expected The pressure section will be concrete-lined. The powerplant will be founded on alluvial gravels and talus near the base of the slope. Large trees which could blow down on the plant should be cut and removed. The powerplant is located to protect it from snow and debris. Potential sources of concrete aggregates identified were a quarry near Klawock, where they can also be processed, from stream gravels in Black Bear creek or from processed excavated materials. As discussed elsewhere in this report, use of streambed sands and gravels is rejected on environmental grounds. The selected source is processed excavated materials. I-4 DescriptiQn of the Project Facilities Concrete Dam and Spillway A concrete gravity dam containing an ungated ogee spillway will be constructed approximately 80 feet downstream from the outlet of Black Bear Lake. A plan ar:p elevation of the dam and spillway are shown on Exhibit 5. sectional views of these structures are shown on Exhibit 6. The maximum height of dam will be about 39 feet on the abutments and about 53 feet through the narrow outlet channel. The entire foundation of the dam will be stripped to sound rock. The dam will require about 6,400 cubic yards of concrete. To facilitate excavation through the deep talus deposit on the left abutment and construction of the concrete dam, a temporary retaining wall will be constructed at EI. 1725. After concreting is completed, the retaining wall and a portion of the dam will be backfilled to a stable slope with excavated material. The spillway will be located in the center of the dam. It will be an uncontrolled crest structure with a width of 30 feet with critical depth control occuring at the crest for all flows. The spillway will be designed to pass the outflow corresponding to the probable maximum flood inflow of 4000 cfs. The spillway, with crest at EI. 1715, will have a discharge capacity of 1680 cfs with the reservoir at EI. 1721 or 6 feet above the normal maximum level. The top of the dam is at EI. 1723.0, providing 2 feet of freeboard above maximum flood pool. As shown on Exhibit 5, spilled water will flow over the ogee and horizontal concrete apron to a short channel in rock and into the existing gorge. A grout curtain will be constructed under the dam. This will serve to negate or reduce the increased seepage and seepage pressures which will result from the raised lake level. ~he grout holes of the curtain will be angled to intercept a greater number of steeply deeping joints. It is estimated that a seepage control grout curtain averaging 30 feet deep (deeper beneath the channel and gradually shorter up each abutment) should be adequate. It is also recommended that spacing should be 20 feet on the abutments and split to 5 feet or less where required. Two to five rows of consolidation grout holes may be required in highly fractured areas. These holes would serve to reduce uplift pressure and also to consolidate the fractured rock. 1-5 f~ Intake As shown on Exhibit 6, a multiport intake structure with three gated orifices will be located on the upstream face of the dam in the deepest part of the existing outlet channel. The 7' x 7' ports, with inverts at El. 1672, El. 1683, and El. 1693 will be automatically operated to provide temperature control for power discharges throughout the range of headwater fluctuations. Trashracks will be provided for each port. Water passing the trashrack will have an average velocity of 1.3 fps through the gross area at the maximum expected discharge. The intake will be set low enough to permit drawdown of the reservoir to El. 1685.0 while maintaining adequate submergence of the intake. Water for power production will pass from the appropriate port through the dam to the 48" m power conduit via the 7'-0" x 7'-0" bell mouth entrance and transition seciton (from rectangular to 48 inch diameter). An automatic, motor operated 48 inch diameter butterfly valve located at the toe of the gravity dam will provide positive shut off of the power flow, if required. The greatest quantity of bushes and trees around Black Bear Lake are located near the dam on natural benches that will be inundated at the proposed normal reservoir level. Because these benches will be cleared during construction it is expected that little trash will reach the intake. Intake velocities will be less than 2 feet per second so the lowest intake port can be set close to the bottom of the short approach channel without the danger of rocks being carried into it. An emergency outlet conduit with a manually operated gate will also be incorporated into the intake structure. This conduit will be 6'-0" in diameter and will serve as the diversion conduit during construction. Penstock The penstock which will convey flow for power generation from the dam and intake to the powerhouse has four distinct segments; a 48 inch diameter buried steel pipe, a 48 inch finished diameter vertical concrete lined shaft, a 30 inch diameter steel pipeline on saddles in an adit and a 30 inch diameter buried steel pipe segment. A typical section through each of these segments is shown on Exhibit 6. The 48 inch buried pipeline will extend about 290 feet from the butterfly valve at the toe of the gravity dam to the top of the I-6 concrete shaft. The pipeline will be placed in a trench excavated in rock on the right abutment. The trench will then be backfilled with excavated material. This pipeline will terminate in a vertical bend into the concrete lined shaft. The vertical shaft will consist of a 6'-0" nominal diameter circular shaft excavated in rock and a 1 foot thick unreinforced concrete lining. The shaft will extend from EI. 1666.0 to EI. 370.0, a distance of 1296 feet. Access to the bottom of the shaft will be by an 8' x 8' modified horseshoe tunnel, 1850 feet in length. Steel access hatchways to allow inspection and maintenance of the shaft, if required, will be provided at both the top and bottom of the shaft. At its base, the shaft will be connected to a 30 inch diameter steel pipeline. This pipe will be supported on concrete saddles throughout the entire length of the rock tunnel to the portal at EI. 350. O. From the tunnel portal to the powerhouse at EI. 255.5 the 30 inch diameter steel pipeline will be buried in a rockfill which will serve as the permanent access road to the tunnel portal. The pipe will be surrounded by gravel bedding and cast-in-place concrete thrust blocks will be provided at bends. The penstock, which will substructure concrete, will deliver units via a welded steel manifold. be encased water to in the the two powerhouse generating The various segments of the penstock were designed for the gross head at the section plus a 30~ allowance for overstress due to water hammer. Steel portions of the power conduit will be fabricated from ASTM A-333 Grade 6 steel which exhibits adequate notch toughness for low temperature service. The wall thickness of the steel pipeline including 0.125 inch corrosion allowance is 0.313" in the 48 inch diameter segment and varies from 0.688" to 0.750" in the 30 inch diameter segment. Powerplant The powerplant will have a reinforced concrete substructure, with a superstructure of concrete and concrete block and an insulated aluminum roof supported by a metal truss system. The overall dimensions of the powerplant will be 70 feet long by 40 feet wide by 37 feet high from generator floor to the peak of the roof. The unit bay width will be 22 feet. A plan and sectional views of the powerhouse are shown on Exhibit 7. The two turbines will be single nozzle horizontal impulse type turbines rated to produce 4419 horsepower at a net head of 1370 feet 1-7 at 600 rpm. At the rated output and head each turtine will discharge 32 cfs. The generator and turbine of each unit will be connected by a horizontal drive shaft. The generators will be rated at 3750 kVa at 60 0 C temperature rise, O.B power factor and 60 Hertz. Each generator will have a continuous overload rating of 15% at BOo C temperature rise above ambient. Circuit breakers will be the air magnetic type. They will be rated to interrupt the maximum expected fault current and will be used to put the unit on-line during the normal start sequences. station service power will be supplied at 4BO-V, by 3-phase dry-type transformer and 4BO-V circuit breakers. All protective relays and manual and automatic operation of provided. all the control devices for complete generating units will be supervisory control equipment will be provided to permit remote control indication, and communication of powerhouse generating data to a remote central control room located at Klawock. The powerhouse will be provided with a single light bridge crane of 10 ton capacity. The crane, which will be supported by steel columns and support beams, will serve to unload and erect equipment during construction and to facilitate servicing. other mechanical equipment including an air compressor and emergency diesel generator will be provided in the powerhouse. Access Road Access to the powerhouse for construction and project operation will require extension of the existing logging road at the north end of Black Lake. The length of the new road is about two miles. Routing and construction of the portion of the road along the east shore of Black Lake will require measures to minimize the fotential for slope failures and mass movement. The road will cross an active slide zone near the northeast end of the lake. It is proposed that this zone be crossed by placing a rockfill embankment in the shallow bay at the toe of the slide with the expectation that this portion of the access road will require periodic maintenance. No road would be built to Black Bear Lake, which would would continue to be accessible only by float plane or helicopter. I-B Switchyard ~nd Transmissi~ The generators will be connected to two power transformers located in a small yard across the access road to the west of the powerhouse erection bay. The transformers will be rated at 4312 kVa each. A single circuit 34.S kV transmission lines will connect the Project with the load centers at Klawock and Hydaburg. A single circuit 7.2/12.S kV line will connect the distribution system at Craig to Klawock. The recommended transmission line routing, beginning at the powerhouse site, will follow the access road to Black Lake and continue along the existing logging road to its intersection with Forest Development Road SOOO, (Klawock-Thorne Bay Road). From there, the transmission line would follow the road to a substation constructed just east of Klawock near state Highway 924 to Hollis. From the proposed substation, one circuit would tie into the existing Klawock system and continue along the Craig-Klawock Road, (state Highway 924), to craig. The second circuit would provide service into Hydaburg. The routing, from the proposed substation, would be easterly along Hollis Road to a point approximately four miles past the southeasterly end of Klawock Lake, where a principal logging road intersects Hollis Road. The line would then run generally to the south, following the general route of the logging road. The logging road terminates near the head of Natzuhini Bay. It has been proposed that this logging road be extended another six miles to Hydaburg. The transmission line would follow the final road route on into Hydaburg. A single circuit 34.S kV line is proposed. This line would be of horizontal linepost insulator type construction, such as the REA Type TP-34. This type of construction, using 336.4 MCM ACSR and 4S-to SO-foot poles, would provide an average span of approximately 600 feet. This type of construction also permits for a very narrow line path. The insulators for an overall width more environmentally of construction. for this construction are 14-1/2 inches long, of three feet. This narrow profile will be acceptable in the project area than other types Besides the substation at the power plant site a substation is needed along the Hollis Road. This substation will provide the bus arrangement necessary to split the single incoming 34.S kV circuit into two outgoing circuits, one to Klawock-Craig at 7.2/12.S kV, the existing primary voltage in Klawock, and the other to Hydaburg at 34.S kV. The Klawock-Craig line would be built, tapping the Klawock line via fuses. Small stepdown transformer stations will be used in I-9 Craig and Hydaburg to convert the incoming voltage to the primary distribution voltage in each community. Reservoir The reservoir created by the dam will cover the present Black Bear Lake, rising up the surrounding steep slopes, increasing the depth of the lake by 35 feet. The volume below the surface of the present lak~' at El. 1680 is limited by a large rock mass which rises up out of the bottom to just below the water surface near the center of the lake. For that reason it was considered more economical and practical to octain the necessary storage for flow regulation by providing the additional storage above the present lake level. At the normal elevation of 1115, the reservoir will have a surface area of 241 acres and provide a storage volume of 6850 acre feet between EI. 1115 and EI. 1685. The reservoir will be surcharged to as high as EI. 1121 when floods are discharging through the spillway. Some clearing of the reservoir will be necessary adjacent to the dam and along the northeast shore of the lake. Approximately 60 acres between EI. 1680 and EI. 1110 will require clearing. About 23 acres of the 60 will be heavy clearing, mostly of mountain hemlock. 1and OWnershiE The lands within the project area for the dam, powerhouse, and portion of the reservoir (Secs. 1, 12, and 13, T.13S., R.82E, Copper River Meridian) are presently owned by the u.s. Forest Service but have been withdrawn under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act for selection by Klawock Heenya, the Klawock village corforation. In addition, Sealaska Corporation, the regional native corporation has top-filed for selection of lands which include those sections. Neither corporation has placed these lands as top priority for conveyance and their ownership may remain with the u.s. Forest Service if the native corporation entitlements are used elsewhere. Project lands for a portion of the reservoir pool southeast of the damsite lies in Secs. 1 and 18, T.13S., R.32E., Copper River Meridian which is presently unencumbered u.s. Forest Service land. The transmission line corridor traverses u.s. Forest Service land, private land held predominately by the sealaska Corporation, Klawock Heenya, Shaan-Seet, and Haida Corporation, and highway rights-of-way owned by the State of Alaska. The Power Authority 1-10 proposed to acquire project lands and right-of-way through a variety of methods as appropriate and necessary including special use permit. lease. purchase. or eminent domain. Recreation Facilities It is anticipated that recreation use of Black Bear Creek valley will increase somewhat. principally in sport fishing use. To accommodate this expected increase in use. fishing and boat access to Black Lake and a fishing access trail upstream of Black Lake are proposed. A presentation of the recreation facilities is shown on Exhibit 8. Boat access to Black Lake will be provided by a gravelled ramp accessible from the proposed project access road. The access road will be widened near the boat ramp to provide for vehicle parking. Two picnic tables and trash cans will be provided for the convenience of visitors. A simple woodchip covered foot trail for fishing access to Black Bear Creek will be provided approximately half a mile upstream of Black Lake. The head of the trail will be located on the project access road. Also. an interpretive display explaining project facilities and operation will be placed at the powerhouse. Visitors will use the parking spaces provided at the powerhouse. The powerhouse will be closed except for occasional tours. No additional recreation facilities are proposed for Black Bear Lake. The existing Forest Service cabin will be relocated before the reservoir is filled. I-11 Proj~ ~truction The project construction will be carried out by separate supply and construction contracts. Separate contracts for supply of mechanical and electrical equipment, transmission line construction, access road construction and civil works construction are anticipated. The civil works contractor will be required to clear and prepare a staging area near the powerhouse and provide his own power during construction. It is expected that the civil works contractor will install the turbines and generators under the supervision of manufacturer's representatives for those separate suppliers. It is possible that the present logging road which terminates at Black Lake will be extended to near the project site by Sealaska Corporation in pursuit of their logging interests. otherwise the contract for access road construction could be performed by a local contractor or included in the project civil works contract. Construction Schedule As shown on Exhibit 9, Construction Schedule, completion of project construction is expected to take two years. It is assumed that the access road to the powerhouse site will be completed prior to the commencement of power project construction and that the contract for civil works construction is awarded no later than mid-February of the first year of construction. Work efforts during the first year of construction will be split between the upper work site at reservoir level and the lower site in the vicinity of the powerhouse. Lower site work will include tunnel construction, stream channelization and powerhouse construction. Upper site work will include completion of the excavation for the gravity dam, cofferdamming and diversion of the creek at the damsite and excavation of the vertical penstock shaft. The most critical work scheduled for completion during this initial season is excavation of the tunnel and vertical shaft portions of the power conduit. Tunnel construction will commence in March and continue throughout the summer and early fall. Midway through the summer, shaft excavating machinery will be mobilized and erected at the upper site. Excavation of the shaft will be completed by the end of November. Upper site work will be suspended from early December through the end of February. Lower site work in sheltered areas will continue through the winter months. This winter work will involve installation of the steel penstock on saddles in the tunnel and interior work on the powerhouse. 1-12 Second year civil work will be concentrated at the upper site. The work will include foundation grouting, construction of the concrete gravity dam, intake and spillway, concrete lining of the penstock shaft and reservoir clearing. civil work at the lower site will consist mainly of completion of the steel penstock. Installation of generating equipment, accessary electrical equipment, and mechanical equipment including the valve and gates for the power conduit will also be completed in the second year. The powerhouse crane, which will be installed prior to enclosure of the structure in the first year, will be used to unload and install the other electro-mechanical items in the powerhouse. Since there will not be an access road to Black Bear Lake, the logistics of construction of the upper site features are of considerable importance. The required construction equi~ment and materials that are not available at the site will be transported by helicopter. Since maximum lifting capacity of the largest commercially available helicopters are in the range of 15,000 to 20,000 pounds, it is anticipated that much of the construction plant will have to be disassembled for transporting. Major helicopter ferrying efforts will occur at mid-year during the first season and at the beginning and end of second construction season. During the bulk of the period small tools, supplies, fuel and personnel could be flown to the lake site by float plane or small helicopter. Construction of the transmission lines and substations would be accomplished relatively independently from the rest of the project facilities. Access for installation of the line would be by all-terrain vehicle, where necessary, with no access road construction anticipated. Detailed scheduling of those construction activities which have the potential for significant adverse effect on water quality will be coordinated with ADFG and other appropriate agencies. It is anticipated that preparation of the construction staging areas, which includes the water quality protection measures discussed elsewhere in this report, can be carried out within the May 15 - August 1 time frame recommended by ADFG. Construction Plant The following represents the Engineer's concept of project construction procedures. However, it is usually advantageous to request analysis and suggestion from the contractor engaged for project construction. Any resulting changes in construction procedures would necessarily be in accordance with the construction specifications which would contain the general provisions necessary for the environmental protection indicated herein. The anticipated construction site plans for both the upper and lower sites are shown on Exhibit 10. Lower site activities during 1-13 the first year of construction include powerhouse construction, stream channel improvements and penstock tunnel excavation. Tunnel excavation will be performed by conventional drill and blast methods. Crews will work thoughout the first year on a 3 shift-per-day schedule to complete this task. Earth work for the powerhouse, switchyard, and stream channel improvements will be performed using appropriate diesel powered equipment. Excavated material from tunnel construction will be processed to yield aggregate for lower site concrete. Concrete will be hauled from the concrete plant to the forms by transit-mix truck and placed by crane and bucket. First year upper site work will consist of site preparation and dam excavation, both of which will be performed by diesel powered earth moving equipment, and penstock shaft excavation. The power shaft will be excavated using an elecrically powered raise drilling machine. This machine will first drill an 11 inch diameter pilot hole vertically through bedrock to intersect the completed penstock tunnel. From inside the tunnel the pilot hole drill bit will be exchanged for a 6'-0" diameter raise bit which will be pulled upward. As the shaft is enlarged to its final excavated diameter, the spoil material will fall to the base of the shaft where it will be removed through the connecting tunnel. This material will be in the form of small chips which will be suitable for penstock bedding, switchyard crushed rock fill, or powerhouse backfill. It may also be stockpiled for future use as material for access road maintenance. During the second season, the shaft will be concreted to its final q·-o" diameter using collapsible forms suspended from the upper level by cables. Concrete will be delivered to the forms by electric hoist from the top of the shaft. The crushing and batch plants, used for lower site construction, will be dismantled and erected at the upper level for production of concrete for the gravity dam and appurtenances and penstock shaft lining. The transit mix trucks used in the first season will be replaced by an electrically powered single drum mixing plant. The mixer will discharge into a hopper-fed conveyor belt system which will transport the wet concrete to the forms. Power for electrically operated construction equipment and lighting will be supplied by two 1000 KW diesel generators located on the lower site. Transmission to the upper site will be by the use of a temporary power cable laid on the ground. This arrangement will reduce fuel requirements at the upper construction site. Construction Camps It is expected that the majority of the labor force required for project construction will live offsite, probably in Klawock. No living quarters are expected to be established on the lower site. An upper site camp during both years of construction probably would I-14 be required. Such a camp could be established in areas which would be inundated by the reservoir, thus minimizing its impact on the surrounding area. ~ll refuse and human wastes would te removed from the site and disposed through the existing facilities at Klawock. Major shops and yard areas would be established at the lower site near the powerhouse as shown on the construction site plan, Exhibit 10. The batch plant and crushing plants for lower site construction as well as material stock piles and spoil areas would also occupy this zone. At the upper site, areas on the left abutment both u~stream and downstream of the axis of the dam would be utilized during construction. Upstream of the dam and extending onto the shallow talus covered lake bottom, a stockpile for excavated talus material would be established. Since this material is the same as that which already is deposited there, no effects detrimental to the lake are anticipated. This area would be used as a workpad for the second year crushing operation and concrete plant. A temporary stockpile would occupy the area downstream of the dam. An equi~ment and material yard will be established downstream of the dam on the right bank. These areas are also shown on Exhibit 10. Sediment control A system of trenches and settling ponds will be provided around major construction zones and stockpile areas to intercept natural runoff and waste water from construction processes which may contain sediments. Such sediments will be combined with the stockpiled overburden and distributed over areas disturbed by construction to encourage revegetation. Water used in aggregate processing will be discharged into settling tanks and released into the natural drainage system through filter cloth. spoil and ~aste Disposal The products of construction, excavated materials and cleared timber, will be incorporated into the permanent project features to the maximum extent possible. Marketable timber from access road construction and lower site clearing will be sold commercially. Timber cleared at the upper site will be used to construct the temporary retaining wall for gravity dam construction. Excavated rock from tunnel and shaft construction will be used to make aggregate for lower site concrete, used as pipe bedding, placed in lower site fills or possibly, stockpiled for future access road maintenance. In a like manner all of the excavated rock and talus at the upper construction site will be used to make concrete aggregate or placed in upper site fills. Exhibit 10 shows the proposed locations of spoil areas for those excavated materials which cannot be incorporated into the permanent works. To prevent I-15 erosion p overburden containing organic matter and decomposed rock removed from required excavations will be temporarily stockpiled and redistributed to encourage revegetation of areas disturbed by construction. The surface will be finished off with stable slopes and seeded with plants suitable to the local climate. Waste organic materials will be burned. Table 1-1 shows the sources and estimated excavated materials and their probable disposition project. TABLE 1-1 DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS quantities of in the final Final DisEosition in project §ource Quantity Fills Aggregate StockEile SE2il cy cy cy cy cy Lower Construction site Tunnel 6160 4225 710 1225 Shaft 2025 200 1825 Powerhouse 3340 2100 1240 Channellization 2500 1000 1500 y~ Construction Site Penstock 1575 1575 Damp Rock 3930 3930 Damp Talus 15350 12055 3295 Borrowed Talus 6040 6040 project Costs Construction Cost. The construction cost of the Project is summarized on Table 1-2 and a detailed estimate is shown as Exhibit 11. 1-16 TABLE 1-2 CONSTRUCTION COST OF PROJECT (In Dollars at January 1981, Price Level) Land and Land Rights Powerstation and Improvements Reservoir, Dams, and waterways Waterwheels, Turbines, and Generators Accessory Electrical Equipment Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment Roads and Bridges Substation and Switching Station Equipment and Structures Poles and Fixtures Overhead Conductors and Devices SUBTOTAL DIRECT COST CONTINGENCIES Civil Works 15~ Generating Equipment 8% TOTAL DIRECT COST ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 1-17 COST 399,000 737,000 13,258,000 1,380,000 695,000 48,000 660,000 1,088,000 1,711,000 1,698,000 21,674,000 2,769,000 257,000 24,700,000 3,300,000 28,000,000 The construction cost includes the direct cost of civil works, contractor's overhead and profit, purchase and installation of equipment, contingencies, engineering, and owner's administration, but excludes price escalation beyond January 1981 and interest during construction. Detailed estimates of quantities were calculated from the project plans, and unit prices or lump sum costs were estimated for each item of work. The items within each project feature are estimated either as part of a general construction contract or an equipment purchase contract. The unit costs of labor and locally available construction materials were obtained from local sources. Construction equipment unit costs were developed from lower u.s. hourly rates adjusted to local conditions. Unit prices were verified by checking recent bids on the Green Lake Project located near sitka and by experience of the u.s. Corps of Engineers in Alaska. Unit costs for the principal items of work are based on a construction plan designed to implement the Project in accordance with the schedule as shown on Exhibit 33. The direct cost estimated for the permanent equipment includes purchase, delivery and installation. The major equipment items include the turbines and governors, generators and exciters, transformers and terminal equipment switchgear, and powerstation crane. The prices of major equipment items are estimated based on recent experience with similar equipment and, when possible, on preliminary quotations from manufacturers. To allow for unforseen construction problems, changes in design, and incomplete data or omissions in estimating, a contingency allowance of 15~ is added to the civil works costs. A contingency of a~ is added to the cost of major items of generating equipment. Based on data obtained from other hydroelectric projects an allowance of about 14~ for engineering and owner's overhead expenses has been added to the total of the preceding costs. This consists of about 12~ for engineering and supervision of construction, and 2% for owner's overhead costs to be charged against project construction. operation ~g Maintenance Cost. The project would be equipped for remote control operation from Klawock. Routine operation and maintenance expenses are estimated at $120,000 per year, including the transmission line, based on FERC data adjusted for automatic operation and conditions in Alaska. 1-18 CHAPTER II PROJECT DESIGN AND OPERATION Engineering Design The dam is located 80 feet downstream of the existing outlet of Black Bear Lake. This location is fixed by topographic and geologic limitations. Shifting of dam axis upstream of the present location would significantly increase the crest length of the structure. Downstream of the dam~ the bedrock foundation begins sloping towards the valley below. Three types of impoundment structures were studied in the course of design of the dam. In addition to the recommended concrete gravity structure~ rock fill dams with two different types of impervious membranes were considered. A zoned type rockfill structure was not considered because there is no source of impervious fill material at the site. One of the studied alternatives was a rockfill with a one-foot thick reinforced concrete slab on its upstream face. At the upstream toe of the dam the slab would be connected to a grout curtain to complete the impervious membrane. The second alternative studied would incorporate a steel bin type retaining wall structure backed by a rockfill. Steel plates would be welded to the upstream face of the bins to form the positive water cutoff. The bottom bin would be embedded in the concrete grout curtain cap to complete the membrane. Both rockfill dams would have a chute type uncontrolled spillway in an excavated rock trench on the right abutment. Rockfill for these types of dam would be supplied from required excavation and borrowing from the talus deposit at the base of the left abutment. Comparison of initial cost showed slight differences between the three alternatives with concrete gravity structure the most economical. More significant are the probable differences in maintenance costs between the rockfill alternatives and the gravity dam. For the concrete faced rockfill~ it is likely that cracks would form in the thin membrane due to settlement of the supporting rockfill after reservoir filling. Corrosion protection and possible cracking at the welds due to settlement would be of ccntinuing concern for the steel bin type rockfill dam. Repair of such defects at this remote site would be costly. The concrete dam would not require maintenance of a comparative magnitude. 11-1 Considerations of performance under earthquake conditions also support the choice of the concrete gravity dam as the recommended structure. Stability of the concrete gravity dam and spillway section was checked for the following cases: flood stage water surface, normal maximum water surface plus ice loads, normal maximum water surface plus earthquake load. Ice loads were taken to be 10,000 lbs. per linear foot of crest length. The earthquake acceleration was taken to be 0.15 g. A gront curtain cutoff and drainage will be provided to reduce uplift pressure. For all cases considered the dam and spillway have compression over the entire base, indicating that the proposed section has an excellent degree of stability against overturning. The shear-friction factor, an indication of the safety of the structure to resist Sliding is in excess of the required minimum. ~pillway The spillway is located in the center of the gravity dam and founded on the rock knob which forms the left bank of the present stream channel. Downstream of the dam the stream channel cuts to the left minimizing the length of the spillway discharge channel. The uncontrolled ogee type gravity section with a short concrete apron was designed to discharge 1680 cfs with 6 feet of reservoir surcharge. With its crest set at EI. 1715, the spillway will pass the probable maximum flood with the reservoir high water surface reaching EI. 1721, leaving 2 feet of freeboard. water Conductor Water conveyance is by a single conduit which is buried in an open cut excavation or in a rock shaft and tunnel throughout its entire length. The conduit diameter is 4.0 feet to the base of the vertical shaft portion and 2.5 feet in diameter thereafter. The 2 '-6" diameter of the major portion of the penstock was selected based on economic studies of conduits ranging in size from 2'-0" to 3'-6". The diameter of the vertical concrete lined shaft is 4'-0" to facilitate access during construction. In the portion of the penstock between the dam and the shaft it was decided to continue the 4'-0 diameter. This decision was based on consideration of possible expansion of the Project to a 3 unit peaking plant at some time in the future. Expansion would entail tapping the 4'-0" shaft at its base and installing a new penstock to conduct water to the new unit. Providing a 4'-0" diameter from the dam to the shaft would facilitate such project expansion at a small additional cost to the presently proposed Project. 1I-2 A surface penstock route was considered as an alternative to the recommended route. Field investigation and subsequent office studies reveal several problems which cast doubt on the long term viability of this alternative. The surface routing investigated generally parallels the stream alignment down the heavily timbered slope on the right bank. The large trees along the route have shallow root systems and pose a threat to a surface pipeline. In order to lessen this threat, the penstock would be buried to just below the rock line along most of its length. Clear cutting to protect a surface pipeline was rejected because of the likelyhood of the creation of a lansdlide or snowslide channel along the route. Construction of the surface penstock would require installation of a high line. This facility would then also be used for construction of the dam and appurtenances and would be left in place for future access to the upper site. Anchorage of the pipeline at major bends would be difficult because of adverse bedding of the rock. Although preliminary cost comparisons showed the underground routing to have a first cost exceeding that of the surface route by about 15~, the underground route was selected because it is expected to be a more stable structure, requiring a minimum amount of maintenance. Additionally, the underground penstock route is considered to have a significantly lesser environmental impact than the surface route. Powerhouse The powerhouse is located on a deep talus deposit on the right bank of Black Bear Creek. The concrete raft foundation will provide economical support for this structure. The powerhouse superstructure will be of reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete block construction. These materials were chosen over the less expensive prefabricated metal alternative for security reasons. since the plant will be unattended, no windows will be provided, also as a security measure. The powerhouse and access infrequent floods by rock berms and their proximity. The generating above flood stage. road will be protected from channelization of the creek in equipment is set at an elevation As an alternative to the recommended powerhouse location, an underground powerhouse location was considered. This scheme was rejected because it was determined to be as costly as the surface structure while incurring a reduction in net head for power production of about 60 feet. 11-3 Res~oir Level The present water surface level of Black Bear Lake is at El. 1680. The lake has a volume of about 22,000 acre-feet below that elevation, as estimated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Area-volume curves for the lake are shown on Exhibit 12. The minimum allowable lake level was set at El. 1685 to allow for intake submergence and for construction of most project features above the existing lake level. A computer program was used to determine the minimum reservoir elevations to meet incremental firm capacity and energy demands. That analysis was based on typical monthly load characteristics discussed in Chapter III, and thirty years of synthesized monthly flow data presented in Exhibit 14. A more detailed description of the program is made in the reservoir operation section. The results, taken for a 95 percent exceedence level, are presented in Exhibit 13. An incremental benefit-cost analysis was made to determine the maximum reservoir elevation. Benefits were based on the alternative cost of diesel power and energy production. Costs included the cost of dam at various levels plus the incremental cost of the capacity which would be produced as the reservoir level increased. In estimating benefits, the value of diesel capacity was taken as $690 per kilowatt, the value of energy as $0.11 per kilowatt- hour, and the value of operation and maintenance (O&M) as $0.02 per kilowatt-hour. These values correspond to the average costs of providing power and energy at the January 1981 price level. A cost estimate was made for the dam, spillway and intake structures at four different elevations between 1100 and 1130. An incremental cost was added to reflect the increase in installed capacity, as the reservoir level increased. This cost includes mechanical and electrical equipment. Benefits and costs were capitalized by the present worth method over a 50 year period, using a discount rate of 3~. A fuel escalation rate of 3.5% was used for the first twenty years. A complete description of the methodology used in the economic analysis is presented in Chapter IV. The results of the benefit-cost analysis for the reservoir level is shown in Table 1I-1. 1I-4 §levation ft 1695 1700 1705 1710 1715 1720 Capacity kW 5,000 5,580 5,800 5,910 6,000 6,060 TABLE II-l BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS Energy MWh 22,500 22,900 23,250 23,500 23,700 23,750 Incremental ~enefits $ x 1,000 2,483 1,975 1,378 1,105 302 Incremental Costs $ x 1,000 760 690 820 1,080 1,100 B-C Ratio 3.3 2.9 1. 7 1.0 0.3 The incremental benefit-cost ratio is less than unity for elevations higher than El. 1715 as can be seen from Ta~le II-l. Therefore El. 1715 was selected for the project. A complete description of the hydrology studies is presented in ~ppendix B. Below is a summary of the results. The total drainage area for Black Bear Lake (including the lake) is 1.82 square miles. The climate is humid and is typified by mild temperatures and heavy precipitation. The nearest climatological station is Ketchikan which has a historical mean annual precipitation of 156.06 inches, and mean annual temperature of 45.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Based on other nearby gage records and elevation of the lake, the average annual runoff, at Black Bear Lake, is estimated to be 14.3 cfs per square mile. This represents a total mean annual runoff of 26 cfs. Since the streamflow gage at the outlet of Black Bear Lake was installed in June 1980, other gage records were used to synthesize monthly flow data for a ~eriod of 30 years. The results are presented in Exhibit 14. Estimated average monthly flows are shown in Table II-2 II-5 TABLE II-2 AVERAGE MONTHLY RUNOFF (cfs) Month January 6.5 February 5.4 March 4.7 April 15.8 May 39.0 June 47.1 July 27.4 August 22.9 September 36.6 October 47.7 November 34.0 December 24.8 The predominance of overcast days and relatively cool temperature precludes major evaporation losses. Evaporation virtually ceases in mid-winter when Black Bear Lake freezes over. The nearest Weather Bureau station for which evaporation data are available is located at the Juneau airport. Average annual evaporation losses of 15.9 inches were observed at Juneau between 1968 and 1977. The annual evaporation loss at Black Bear Lake is probably less than at Juneau because of a higher annual precipitation and lower average annual temperature. It is estimated that the mean annual evaporation losses in the project area would be less than eleven inches. For Black Bear Lake, an annual Class A Pan coefficient of 0.70 was assumed to be representative of evaporation II-6 from a large free-water surface. Average monthly evaporation losses for Black Bear Lake are shown below: 1.60 TABLE 11-3 AVERAGE MONTHLY EVAPORATION LOSSES, BLA£~ ~ LAKE (inches) August S~mtember TOTAL 1.82 1.92 1.68 0.68 7.70 Reservoir QEeration A computer program was used to simulate reservoir operation. The main inpu~ data used in the operation study are as follows: 1. Thirty years of synthesized monthly flow data, as shown on Exhibit 14 2. Evaporation losses as discussed previously 3. The reservoir area-volume curves as shown in Exhibit 12 4. The center line of the impulse units set at El. 263 5. A head loss of 70 feet at full capacity 6. Turbine efficiency of 90 percent 7. Generator-transformer efficiency of 96 percent. 8. Monthly power and energy demand to determine monthly average flow requirements. The operation study was carried out on a monthly basis by simulating reservoir operation to meet forecasted monthly peak and energy demands for the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg interconnection. For each month of the 30 years of synthesized flow data, the difference between monthly inflows minus evaporation and monthly flow requirements for energy generation was used to set the new reservoir elevation, at the end of the month, or the amount of spill. The minimum reservoir elevation was maintained at El. 1685. At that elevation, if the monthly inflows were less than the flow requirements, the Project only generated the amount of water which was available. 11-7 Based on the construction schedule presented earlier, filling the reservoir could start in October, the year before the Project starts operating. During the months of October, November, and December, the minimum releases for fisheries will be kept at 34 cfs, 25 cfs, and 10 cfs, respectively. These releases are the same as those proposed for project operation with environmental constraints, as described later in this section. Based on average monthly inflows, the reservoir would raise from El. 1680 to El. 1690 by the end of December. In January, the Project will start operating. The average monthly inflows being less than the average flows required for energy generation during the first three months of the year, the reservoir will be drawn down to El. 1685. Based on average inflows, there would be a shortage of water in March, and only half the forecasted energy demand would be generated. The other half could be generated by the standby diesel units. After that, inflows are high enough to provide both releases for energy generation and reservoir filling. By the end of the year, the reservoir should be at El. 1697. The next year, there is enough storage to avoid shortage of water in March. The reservoir should raise to El. 1707 by the end of the second year, and to the maximum elevation at 1715 by the end of the third year. The operation program was run under two sets of operating criteria. First, the program was run to meet the system demand without any constraints on daily flow fluctuations. 'Then, the reservoir was operated to min~m~ze environmental impacts from daily flow fluctuations. These two sets of operation are described in the following paragraphs. without Constraints Based on the analysis of future system load characteristics discussed in Chapter III, typical daily load curves were derived for each month, and average monthly load factors were computed for the period 1986-1991. These daily load curves, for peak day and weekend, are presented in Exhibit 28. Resulting minimum, maximum, and average flow releases when the Project would be completely absorbed are presented on page 1 of Exhibit 16. Using the 30 years of synthesized monthly flow data and the other input mentioned earlier, monthly reservoir elevations were computed by the program, and are presented on pages 2 and 3 of Exhibit 16. The capacities shown on the exhibit correspond to 24-hour continuous capacities. With Constraints In order to reduce the potential environmental impacts, the release regime was modified by decreasing maximum discharge and/or increasing minimum discharge during certain months. Those months are identified as important for salmon spawning (July through November) and incubation (December through May). A detailed 11-8 description and explanation of these modifications is presented in Chapter VI. However, after more detailed information on fish habitat becomes available through the continuing studies, the modified flow regime may require refinement in order to assure that downstream fisheries impacts are reduced to a minimum. Under the present . modifications, the resulting flow releases are also presented on page 1 of Exhibit 16. Pages 4 and 5 of this exhibit present the results of the computer program for various exceedence levels. Power an~ Energy Generation Power operation studies were made to demonstrate the ability of the Project to meet power and environmental requirements. The power and energy available with and without any constraints are presented in the following paragraphs. The "with constraints" case is the selected operation regime. Ongoing monitoring studies may provide reason to refine this regime. Extent of refinements will be based upon the amount and quality of spawning and rearing habitat used by salmon upstream of Black Lake. without Constraints Based on the reservoir operation study, the firm annual power available is equal to 6,000 kW. This result corresponds to an exceedance level of 28 out of 30 years, which gives an acceptable level of firm power and energy. When the Project is fully absorbed, the total average annual energy available is equal to 23,700 MWh. Exhibit 17 shows the monthly firm capacities, and average monthly energy generation. ~ith Constraints The limitations on maximum flow releases, mentioned earlier will reduce the firm power available from the Project. As shown in Exhibit 17, the major reduction is in August. Although the firm annual capacity is reduced to 4,000 kW, a peak demand of 5,000 kW can be provided during the months of July and september. The difference between the future load demands and the peaking power available from the Project will be met by the existing diesel units which will be kept as standby reserve units. The limitations on daily flow fluctuations will also reduce the energy available during some months. But the excess water will provide extra generation for some other months. As a result, the average energy is also equal to 23,700 MWh, when the Project is fully absorbed. II-9 CHAPTER III ELECTRIC POWER MARKET Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to assess the future electric power and energy demand of the power market area. The market area includes the villages of Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg, the logging camp at Thorne Bay, and the ferry terminal of Hollis. All these communities are within 25 miles of the project boundaries, and are shown on Exhibit 1. A general description of the historical background of these communities and their population, is presented. The major economic activities and their potential developments are discussed. Total energy consumption is analized as a basis for determining the demand for electricity. Electric energy uses are analyzed and projections are made. Finally, a sensitivity analysis describes the impacts of major changes in socioeconomic projections and uses of electricity. Background 2nQ population Two Indian tribes, the Tlingits and the Haidas, have populated the project area for many years. The Tlingits dominated the region of Southeast Alaska, including Prince of Wales Island until the 18th Century. The Haidas' movement into the area started in the 17th century from their home on the Queen Charlotte Islands to the abandoned village of Kaigani on Dall Island. Around the middle of the 18th century, they established villages on the southern shores of Prince of Wales Island after some conflict with the established Tlingits. The earliest contact between Indians and European cultures occured at the end of the 18th century. During the years following the 1867 transfer of authority from Russia to the united States, the subsistence economy of the Tlingits and Haidas came increasingly under the influence of missionary and trade activity. Since that time, the population on Prince of Wales Island has increased and decreased over the years in line with activity in the area's major industries: fishing and forestry. During the early part of the twentieth century, population generally increased, and reached a peak before World War II. After that time, population entered a period during which declining salmon catches resulted in fewer persons residing in the study area. The decline continued until the mid-1960's at which time increased activity in III-l the forestry and fishing increase again • industries caused the population to On December 18, 1971, the u.s. Congress passed the Alaska Native Claims settlement Act. This Act provided for creation of Alaska Native village and regional corporations, and gave the Alaska Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians nearly one billion dollars, and the right to select 44 millions acres of land. Each regional corporation also has title to all assets and resources on lands it selected plus the subsurface rights to lands selected by village corporations. On Prince of Wales Island, the regional corporation (Sealaska) owns about 95,000 acres of land near the villages of Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg. Each village corporation (Shaan-Seet, Klawock Heenya, Haida, respectively) has surface rights on 23,000 acres of land it selected. These corporations are developing the necessary organizations to provide opportunity for economic growth in the area. Ethnically, there is a great diversity between the villages. In 1970, about 90~ of Klawock's residents were reported as Alaskan Native (mostly Tlingits). This percentage was about the same for Hydaburg with the Natives being mostly Haidas. In Craig, 58% were Alaskan Natives (Tlingits and Haidas). Most population gro~th since then has been mainly the result of immigration so it is likely that the percentage of native populations has fallen. Thorne Bay is a logging camp of the Louisiana Pacific Corporation, and as shown on Exhibit 18, its population has been decreasing. Hollis was also a logging camp before 1962 but since then, there has been only a ferry terminal and a u.s. Forest Service Camp, with a maximum of 50 people at the Young People's Occupational Center. However, the recent sale of residential land parcels in the area by the state of Alaska will probably generate new activities in the area. Total population also tends to vary from season to season. In the summer, a large number of persons come into the area for seasonal work in logging camps, fish processing plants and on fishing boats. Other year-round residents of the area may leave to go to other locations for employment. Though the number may vary considerably from year to year, total population has recently often increased during the summer months by as much as 30% over the year-round level. 111-2 Economics Socioeconomic Conditions Exhibit 19 summarizes the total personal income £y major industry for the period 1973-1978 on Prince of Wales Island. The exhibit also presents the per capita personal income for Prince of Wales, Alaska, and the United states. Fishing and logging have long been the major income-producing activities. Reported under manufacturing, they represent a£out 70% of the total income. This income is subject to the varying conditions existing in the respective industries. From an income of about $9,500,000 in 1974, it decreased to about $6,900,000 in 1976, then increased to $12,600,000 in 1978. Federal, state, and local governments provide the second source of income which has steadily increased from about $1,600,000 in 1973 to $3,400,000 in 1978; an average annual growth rate of 16%. Much of this increase is believed to have occurred as a result of improvements in community services. Although retail trade is a minor income-producing sector, it has increased at an annual average annual rate of about 24~, from $165,000 in 1973 to $492,000 in 1978. The per capita personal income in Prince of Wales Island is severely affected by the fisheries and forest products industries. As a result, it does not follow the general trend of the state or national level. In 1973, the per capita income for Prince of Wales Island was $6,439, or about 6% above the state level and 30% above the national average. In 1979, the per capita income was only $7,025, about 35% below the state level and 10% below the national level. Monthly employment by industry for 1979, in Prince of Wales Island is presented in Exhibit 20. The employment rate in the fishing and logging industries falls off in winter and peaks in July-August. In 1979, it varied between 121 in 3anuary and 643 in August. The employment in the other sectors is more stable throughout the year, and averages 260, including about 180 for the federal, state and local governments. Major Economic Activities Historical and potential developments of the major economic activities are presented in the following paragraphs. Fisheries: On Prince of Wales Island,the first cannery started in Klawock in 1878. A second cannery was started in 1920, and a third in 1924. These canneries were run by several companies over the years, and have fallen into ruins. Today, Klawock Heenya Village corporation has entered into a joint venture contract with Sealaska 111-3 to run the existing cannery. This activity is expected to employ 60 people during the peak season. A new large state-operated hatchery was completed in 1978, near the site of a former salmon hatchery that operated from 1887 until 1917. The hatchery is operating only at about 10% of its full capacity because the salmon runs, in Klawock River, are poor. Plans for a bottomfish industry and a specialty processing plant are under study. In Craig, a cold storage facility began freezing fish in the spring of 1911. The following year, Craig had the second largest sia.lmon cannery in Alaska. However, by the mid-1960' s, Craig was a slowly dying fishing village. Salmon runs were poor and canneries at Steamboat Bay and waterfall were finally forced to close. A new cold storage facility opened in 1969 and continued its operation until it burned in the spring of 1980. Plans are under way to rebuild the facility which could employ more than 50 people during the peak season. Although fishing was the main occupation on the west coast of Prince of Wales, Hydaburg did not get its first processing plant until 1927. Recently, Sealaska bought Ocean Beauty Seafoods, which owned the existing cold storage plant. The Haida Village Corporation has leased the plant and plans to hire 30 to 40 people during the peak season. A specialty seafood plant is under construction and is expected to operate year-round with a labor force of 50 people during the peak season. There are no fish processing facilities in either Thorne Bay or Hollis, and none are under consideration. Forest Products: Prince of Wales Island is abundantly endowed with commercially marketable stands of hemlock, spruce and cedar. Close proximity to major saw and pulp mills in Ketchikan and Annette Island has led to fairly intensive management and harvesting of timber in the eastern part of the island near Hollis and Thorne Bay by the Louisiana Pacific Corporation. On the west coast, sawmills, an essential part of cannery complexes, supplied salmon packing boxes and also lumber for local needs. In Craig, a sawmill operated for many years and during both world wars providing high-grade spruce for use in airplane construction. But without wartime contracts, the sawmill was closed. In 1971, construction began in Klawock, of the Alaska Timber Corporation sawmill which now employs about 60 people. With the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, local and regional corporations are entitled to land ownership and are planning the development of the forest resources. The regional corporation (Sealaska) plans to increase its actual annual harvesting operation of about 33 million board feet (MMBF) to 70 MMBF in the next three years, then to 120-150 MMBF in the Craig/Klawock area for the next ten years. sealaska is also 111-4 planning a timber harvest of 50 to 70 MMBF for the next ten years in the Hydaburg area, and as much as 300 MMBF on the nearby Dall Island. Each village corporation is expected to cut 30 to 40 MMBF annually. As a consequence of the timber harvest developments, a mUlti-purpose dock will be finished by mid-1981 on Klawock Island, and another dock with an industrial park is planned for Hydaburg. These projects provide local jobs and eventually employ personnel on a yearly basis. In addition a chip plant is under consideration for Hydaburg, and other small forest products industries such as a cedar mill, a salvage mill, a shingle and shake mill, etc. are expected to be progressively developed in the area. Another major development derived from the wood industry -an ethanol producing plant -is under consideration by Sealaska corporation, but a detailed feasibility study has not yet been conducted. That project would be located near one of the villages, would require a power of 20 to 40 MW, and employ as much as 400 people. Discussions with the Louisiana Pacific Corporation have indicated a continuation of their logging activities in Thorne Bay. In Hollis, the activities are now reduced to the u.s. Forest Service camp. However, recent sale of land parcels will probably increase the population, generate housing construction activities, and revive some logging activities. other Activities: In general, state and local government have increased rapidly during the past decade. The rise can be attributed to several major factors. First is the need to serve a growing population. Second, the rise is probably part of a larger nationwide trend of increased responsibilities and financial resources being returned to state and local government by the federal government. Finally, increased levels of public services are being provided beyond those previously supplied. Examples include parks, playgrounds, better roads, community centers, libraries, and improved fire and police protection. The majority of federal employment on Prince of Wales is provided by the u.s. Forest Service. Forest service employees plan and implement projects (such as sales of standing timber or road construction), and maintain the island's forest in a caretaker status. The development of three ranger districts is planned for Prince of Wales with Craig as the headquarters, one center in Thorne Bay and another in the north of the island. Each center would consist of 15 to 25 persons. As a result of timber harvest developments, road and dock construction are already under way in Klawock and Hydaburg. In addition, a fairly significant amount of new housing construction III-5 has occured recently, in large part due to a public housing project of the u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as private housing investment. This trend is expected to continue in the future to serve the population growth and to provide housing, offices, storage buidings, workshops, etc. for the various projects. A potentially important activity on Prince of Wales is mining of hard rock minerals, such as copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc. Mining was an important activity at the turn of the century, but the remaining known deposits are of low grade, and are not financially attractive. Other activities such as services and trade have grown rapidly during the last half decade. A portion of the growth can also be attributed to tourists and visitors. Although, there are no specific data kept on tourism, it is a fast growing sector in southeast Alaska. Much has been done recently to increase the accessibility of Prince of Wales Island to visitors through ferry, float planes, road and lodging improvements. Future Economic Activity To provide a basis for the projections of future electric power and energy demand, an estimate of future demographic and economic activities is presented. This estimate is based on the best available data and assumptions to insure a global development of the communities. The regional and village native corporations are expected to be the major component of the economic development. Assuming the realization of their timber harvesting objectives, about 300 MMBF would be harvested during 1985 in the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg area. This represents about 60% of the total Alaska timber harvest in 1979, and would require a work force of about 800 persons. It is not likely that such an objective would be achieved, especially when another annual harvest of 300 MMBF is under consideration by sealaska for the nearby Dall Island. This would more than double the actual harvest in Alaska. And, although a logging training center is under consideration in Hydaburg, the availability of qualified personnel might be a major constraint. As a more realistic approach, an annual harvest of 100 MMBF is expected by 1986, in the Craig -Klawock -Hydaburg area. The chip plant, which is under consideration for Hydaburg, is expected to be in operation by 1986 along with some other small forest products industries mentionned earlier. The realization of the ethanol plant is beyond the scope of this study. It would completely change the projections for the area. Furthermore, the power demand of a minimum of 20 MW is well beyond the capacity of any hydropower site on Prince of Wales Island, and nothing is yet known on the possibilities of co-generation or the uses of ethanol. III-6 Fishing industries require a relatively small number of natural and man-made resources to fUnction effectively. However, to provide a favorable environment for continued development, the following resources are required: Availability of fishing grounds, adequate abundance of harvestable fish, shellfish, food sources and spawning and rearing areas are critical to continued fishing success. Fishing processing also requires a great deal of fresh water for icemaking and processing the fish. The existing water supply and distribution systems in the communities are generally inadequate and could greatly reduce any future development if not properly maintained and expanded. As fish processing plants consume large amounts of electricity to operate machinery and refrigeration equipment, the lower the cost of electricity is, the more competitive the operation becomes. Recently imposed state and federal controls on disposal of sewage will prohibit the practice of dumping fish waste into bays. Alternative means of disposal will have to be found, which may impose financial hardship on some plants. For these reasons a "boom" is not expected in the fishing industries, but rather a continued and moderate growth is planned. In addition to the existing facilities, the rebuilding of the cold storage plant in craig and the specialty seafoods plant in Hydaburg, a bottomfish industry is expected to be developed in Craig or Klawock. Moderate annual production increases (3 to 4%) are planned for the cannery and cold storage operations. Another major potential activity is the mining sector. Mineral exploration work has been underway on Prince of Wales Island for the past five years and is presently continuing. However, decisions of whether or when to proceed with mineral development have not been made by the private sector. For the purposes of this study, no power demand is planned in this sector. other activities such as housing construction, trade and services are most likely to increase rapidly due to the industrial developments. Tourism is also expected to provide additional income and employment. A hotel or a lodge is under consideration in Hydaburg. Although the communities now have limited revenues, the increased industrial and commercial activities are expected to provide additional income to improve community facilities. with the rapid population increase during the last few years, a number of public services such as water supply, sewer systems, road construction and maintenance, fire protection, etc., are generally inadequate and require large financial investments. Feasibility III-7 studies are already under way, but funds available from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) or other federal agencies might be greatly reduced in the future. As a result, these communities are not likely to offer the same standards of living as Ketchikan or Juneau, and a conservative population growth rate is projected. Because of the greater concentration of forest products industries and potential developments on Dall Island, the community of Hydaburg is expected to increase at a higher populaticn growth rate than Craig or Klawock. Population forecasts are presented in Exhibit 18. These forecasts include only the year-round residents. As mentioned earlier, the summer population can increase by as much as 30~. However, most of the additional summer residents come into the area for seasonal work in logging camps or fishing boats, and do not cause a great increase in electrical demand. For this reason, the additional summer residents are not included in the population forecasts. For the period 1979-1986, an average annual rate of 6~ was estimated for the population of Hydaburg and 4% for Craig and Klawock. For the period 1986-2001, an average annual rate of 4~ was estimated for Hydaburg, and 2~ for Craig and Klawock. In Hollis and Thorne Bay, there are no new industries under consideration, and none are expected in this forecast. Although it is not feasible, at this time, to project all the definite impacts of the sale of land parcels in Hollis, it is expected that there will be a high increase in population and activities during the summer months when the land owners come for vacation or recreation. An average annual resident population growth rate of 5~ is expected in the future. For Thorne Bay, the logging activities are most likely to continue, and a ranger district is assummed to be developed by the u.s. Forest Service. An annual population growth rate of 2~ is forecasted. The results are presented in Exhibit 18. Energy Sector Energy Consumption An energy-use inventory was conducted in order to gain an understanding of the total energy consumption, and the relative importance of electricity. Table 1II-1 shows the fuel consumption by fuel type and end-use for the year 1980. Approximately, 1,600,000 gallons of diesel oil, 850,000 gallons of fuel oil, and 300,000 gallons of gasoline were consumed in the villages of Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg. This represents a per capita fuel consumption of about 2,000 gallons. In addition, about 20,000 gallons of propane were sold in 1980, mainly for cooking and water heating, and an estimate of 2,500 tons of wood were consumed for cooking and heating. The winter of 1980-81 was the first large scale use of wood burning stoves in the Tlingit-Haida Housing 1II-8 Authority villages. future. This trend is expected to continue in the TABLE 111-1 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR CR~IG, KLAWOCK AND HYDABURG Diesel Electric Utilities Industries: Electrical Generation Other Uses Transportation Subtotal Fuel Oil Residential Commercial heating Schools Public Buildings & Misc. Subtotal Gasoline Transportation wood Residential Gas Residential Total YEAR 1980 Gallons 450,000 250,000 200,000 700,000 1,600,000 450,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 850,000 300,000 160,0001/ 20,000 2,930,000 1/ Fuel Oil Equivalent of 2,500 tons of Wood. III-9 ~ of Total 15.4 8.5 6.8 ll:..2 55.6 15.4 3.4 3.4 ...h~ 29.0 10.2 5.5 0.7 10 0.0 Energy Balance Exhibit 21 presents the energy balance. In order to be able to compare the consumption of different end-uses, the fuels were reduced to a common denominator, the British thermal unit (Btu). The total annual energy consumption equals 430 billion Btu, representing a per capita consumption of 306 million Btu. This figure is about 15% lower than the average u.s. per capita consumption. Of these 430 billion Btu, about 60% are lost in conversion and inefficiency of equipment. The most important fuel is diesel, accounting for 250 billion Btu, representing nearly 60% of the total consumption. The end-users for diesel are mainly electrical generation and transportation. The total fuel consumption for electricity represents about a fourth of the total consumption. The conversion and transmission losses cause electricity to represent only 15% of the "useful" energy. With the recent developments in timber harvesting, the needs for diesel fuel are increasing rapidly in the transportation sector. The next most important fuel is heating oil, accounting for 28%. It is used for space and water heating, and also for cooking purposes. However, with the increasing price of oil, wood is becoming more and more attractive. The new wood stoves are very efficient, and it is likely that wood will become a major energy source in the residential sector. The other major fuel is gasoline for local transportation. It accounted for about 10% of the total consumption. glectric Powe~ Sector Existing Systems All electric power in the project area is generated by small diesel-electric units. The power is distributed from the powerstations and there are no transmission lines between the villages or interconnections with other areas. Klawock is served by the Tlingit and Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA), a rural electric utility with offices in Juneau, Alaska, which serves five villages in southeast Alaska. It also serves the Klawock cannery, but not the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) which has its own generating capabilities. craig and Hydaburg are served by the Alaska Power and Telephone Company (APT), an investor owned utility company with offices in Port Townsend, Washington. The company serves two other towns in Alaska. The cold storage facilities in Craig and Hydaburg have their own diesel-electric generating units. Louisiana Pacific Corporation serves its logging camp at Thorne Bay, III-10 and the u.s. Forest Service has its own small generating units for Hollis. Exhibit 22 lists the generating units serving each area. Historical Electric Energy Use Three years of historical data provided by THREA for the village of presented in the Table III-2. Table III-2 by consumer categories were Klawock. These data are HISTORICA.L DA.TA. BY CONSUMER CATEGORY KLAWOCK 1977 1978 1979 Energy Consumption (kWh) Residential 221,492 337,417 348,661 Small Commercial 330,758 242,628 198,549 Large Commercial 0 190,080 294,640 Public Buildings 0 0 225,393 Total 552,250 753,395 1,067,243 Number of Customers Residential 70 72 73 Small Commercial 20 22 12 Large Commercial 0 1 2 Public Buildings 0 0 11 Total 90 95 98 The residential electric energy consumption per customer increased from about 4,700 kWh in 1978 to 4,800 kWh in 1979 representing a 2% increase. Per capita residential electric energy consumption was about the same in the other villages of Craig and Hydaburg. A.s a comparison, the national average residential consumption per customer was about 8,800 kWh in 1979. Because of the lack of reliable and detailed data, it was not possible to derive any other historical trend for other consumer categories. Historical data on total electric energy sales by the electric utilities (APT and THREA) are presented in Exhibit 23. These data correspond to the electric energy consumption in the residential-commercial sector (the amount of energy provided by 1II-11 THREA to the Klawock cannery was estimated and deducted}. It also includes the electric energy consumption in the public buildings. Using the population data presented in Exhibit 18, the per capita consumption increased at an average annual rate of about 8% during the period 1973-1979 for the two villages of Craig and Hydaburg. This high growth rate can be explained by a greater use of electric appliances in the residential sector, but also by a greater demand in the public sector. Exhibit 2q presents the monthly The maximum electric energy consumption and Hydaburg, and in February for either in July or August. Future Electric Demand > energy consumption for 1979. was in January for Klawock Craig. The lowest demand is The projections of electric power and energy demand are based on the considerations discussed in the socioeconomic section, and the description of the future economic activities. It reflects a continued growth in employment, population, and levels of income and services that will enhance new investment in housing and commercial enterprise. It includes the effects of conservation measures and improvements in electric appliances. This forecast is further discussed in the sensitivity analysis which examines more closely the possibilities for either a substantial downturn or expansion of the local economy, and the opportunities for greater conversion to electric energy. Because of the limited reliable data on end user categories, the forecast is based on estimated growth in two sectors: (1) the residential-commercial sector which is now served by the electric uti1ities (APT and THREA); and (2) the industrial sector which is now served by the industries themselves, except for the Klawock Cannery which is served by the THREA. In that case, the peak and energy demand for the cannery is estimated and deducted from the THREA data. The power and energy requirements for the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) are not included in this forecast because it is assumed that ATC will have its own wood-fired generating capacity. Residential-Commercial sector: The development of industrial activities will result in new housing development, commercial activities and needs of more public services. However, electricity is now mostly used for lighting, and very seldom for heating or cooking. This trend is not expected to change in tr.e near future, because of the increasing installation of efficient wood-stoves and the availability of wood at very low cost. In addition, the new housing development will most likely be provided with more energy-efficient appliances. As a result, the per capita electric energy consumption is expected to increase at an annual average 111-12 growth rate of 4% during the period 1979-1986, and 3% for 1986-2001 for the villages of Klawock and Hydaburg. In Craig, the 1979 per capita consumption is about 25~ higher. For that reason, the per capita consumption for the village of Craig is only expected to increase at an annual average rate of 3% during the period 1979-1986, then at 2%. The energy consumption is computed using the per capita consumption and the population forecast presented in Exhibit 18. The results are presented in Exhibit 25. To further reflect the effects of load management, peak shaving and conservation programs, the annual load factor was increased from 45~ in 1979 to 48% for 1986-1991, and 50% for 1996-2001. The peak demands for each village is computed using these load factors. Industrial Sector: Based on the previous description of future industrial developments in the fisheries and forest products industries, a forecast of power requirements was develo~ed. The 1986 demand was estimated assuming that some projects now under study will be in operation. Such projects include the chip plant and the industrial park in Hydaburg as well as the operation of the specialty seafood plant. In Craig, the reconstruction and the full operation of the cold storage facilities are assumed. In Klawock, the cannery and a small bottomfish processing plant are expected to be in operation. In both craig and Klawock, some related activities on forest products such as the dock on Klawock Island are likely to require power. The forecasts are developed separately for the fisheries industries and the forest products industries, and are presented in Exhibit 26. After 1986, a continued growth for these industries are assumed without any new major industries coming into the area. An annual power demand increase of 4% is expected for the fisheries industries and 5% for the forest products industries during the period 1986-1991. For the next decade, a 2% was assumed for the fisheries, and 3% for the forest product industries. To reflect the effects of load management and conservation measures, the annual load factor is expected to increase from 35~ in 1979 to 40% for 1986-1991, and 42% for 1996-2001. For Thorne Bay and Hollis, no major new industries are expected in this forecast. As a result, there is no projection for industrial load. However the demand is expected to increase due to the projections of population growth. The only existing data available is the peak demand at Thorne Bay, which was equal to 460 kw in 1980. With a load factor of about 40% and a population of 300, the per capita consumption was equal to about 5,370 kWh in 1980. The same per capita consumption is assumed for both communities. Because this estimate is relatively high if compared to the other villages, the per capita consumption is only expected to increase at an annual average rate of 2% until 1986, then 1%. The energy demands are computed using these per cap1~a consumption and the population forecast presented in Exhibit 18. The peak 111-13 demands are computed using 1986-1991, and 45~ for Exhibits 25 and 26. an annual 1996-2001. load factor of 42.5% for The results are presented in The power market forecast is shown graphically in Exhicit 27. Load Characteristics The purpose of this section is to estimate the future load characteristics of the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg interconnection, and derive typical daily load curves for each month of the year. These curves are used for the determination of monthly peak and energy demands and the simulation of reservoir operations described earlier. These load characteristics are based on the assumptions and projections made, regarding the future economic activities and electric power demand for the period 1986-1991. As in the projections of future electric demand, typical loads were analyzed for both the residential-commercial sector, and the industrial sector. Residential-Commercial Load: Based on an analysis of daily peak demands obtained for KlaWOCk and other similar villages in Southeast Alaska, the monthly loads can be grouped into three typical seasons which are likely to have the following characteristics: Winter Season: November, December, January, and February. The peak demand is equal to the annual peak. Summer Season: May, June, July, and August. The peak demand is equal to 80% of the annual peak. Off Season: March, April, September, and Octocer. The peak demand is equal to 85% of the annual peak. Page 1 of Exhibit 28 presents typical daily curves in the residential-commercial sector. Both peak day and typical weekend day are presented for each season. Industrial Load: With the introduction of new industries such as the specialty seafood plant, the bottomfish industry, and some forest products activities which are expected to operate nearly year around, the monthly loads can be grouped into four typical seasons which have the following characteristics: Season I: December and January. The peak demand is equal to 25% of the annual peak. 111-14 Season II: February, March and April. The forest products industries are operating at 50% of their capacity, and the fisheries industries at 25~. Season III: May, June, October, and November. The forest products industries are operating at 100% of their capacity, and the fisheries industries at about 50% (there are no cold storage operations during this season). Season IV: July, August, and September. It is the pea~J season for both industries. Page 2 of Exhibit 28 presents typical daily industrial sector. Both weekday and weekend day are each season. curves in the presented for §ystem Load: By combining the daily load curves of the residential-commercial sector and the industrial sector, typical daily load curves for the entire system were derived. For each month, typical peak day and weekend day load curves are presented on pages 3 and 4 of Exhibit 28. From these load curves, average monthly load factors were computed. These monthly load factors were used in the monthly reservoir operation studies, and are equal to an average of 30% of the months of December, January, February, March, and April; an average of 45~ for the months of May, June, October, and November, and an average of 60% for the months of July, August, and september. ~sitivity Analysis The projections of future electric demand presented in this chapter are based on numerous factors, each of which is sensitive to public preference, economics of energy use, and changes in domestic and international policies. Many variations could be analyzed. However, of particular importance are the variations in projected population growth rates, per capita consumption, and some major industrial loads. For reasons stated earlier, the effects of major developments in the mining sector or construction of an ethanol plant have not been included in this analysis. Residential-Commercial ~~: A change in population growth would definitely affect the residential-commercial projections. Table III-3 indicates what effects selected changes in population growth rates would have on the projection of electric energy consumption for the villages of Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg. A change of 50% in the annual population growth rate, during the period 1979-2001, would create a 44~ change for the electric energy demand in year 2001. Similarly a change of 15i in population growth rates would affect the energy demand by 12% in year 2001. III-15 Table III-3 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS POPULATION Percent Change in Population Population Energy Demand Peak Demand G rowt~ Rate s in Y~2001 !~ar 2001 in Year 2001 % MWh kW -50 1,573 7,705 1,760 -15 2,474 12,100 2,760 0 2,820 13,780 3,140 +15 3,166 15,460 3,530 +50 4,067 19,855 4,530 Energy conservation is one of the predominant factors affecting future electricity demand. For the most part, the conservation measures, based on the application of existing technology and practices, which are described in the section of alternative sources, have been incorporated in the forecast. It is reflected by the relatively low per capita electric energy consumption, the low annual growth rate (between 2 and 4%), and an increase in annual load factors which further reduces the peak demand. However, the continued increase in energy prices will most likely accelerate new technologies and new systems using less energy. On the other hand, the energy may be in different forms: for example, heat pumps versus wood stoves. The introduction of a large number of heat pumps would affect the residential consumption. The typical per capita electricity consumption for an all-electric housing unit of 4 persons would most likely increase to about 6,000 kWh per year. Table 111-4 indicates what effects selected changes in per capita electricity consumption growth rates would have on the prOjection of electric energy consumption for the villages of Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg. A change of 50% in the annual growth rate, during the period 1979-2001, would create a 36% change for the electric energy demand in year 2001. Similarly a change of 15% would affect the energy demand by 10% in year 2001. 111-16 Table 111-4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION Percent Change in Per Capita Per Capita Consumption Consumption Energy Demand Peak Demand Growth Rates in Year 2001 in Year 2001 in Year 2001 ~ kwh MWh kW -50 3,115 8,770 2,000 -15 4,420 12,440 2,840 0 4,890 13,780 3,140 +15 5,360 15,120 3,450 +50 6,665 18,790 4,290 With the implementation of load management techniques, and a shift of some electric loads from peak to off-peak periods, the annual load factor is expected to increase from 45% to 50%. For each increment of 1% below or above the planned annual load factor of 50%, the peak demand would increase or decrease by about 2%. Industrial Sector: The major change in the industrial load is due to the chip plant in Hydaburg, and other related forest products industries. In 1986, the forecasted peak demand, for the forest products industries, is expected to represent a third of the total demand. Since there are no definite commitments, for these projects, it is difficult, at this time, to assess the sensitivity of these loads. However, a downturn of world markets would most certainly reduce or delay the implementation of these projects. For the fisheries industries, most of the future demand is derived from a continued growth of the existing plants. Unless a new industry is implemented or the fish catches are very ~oor, the forecasted peak demand is not expected to vary greatly. To conclude, if economic activities were to exceed the assumptions made in this chapter, the industrial load would increase and create a greater ~opulation growth rate, and most likely a greater per capita electric power consumption. Assuming a 15 percent change in population and per capita electric energy consumption growth rates, the residential-commercial demand would 111-17 increase by about 23 percent. Conversely, if there is a major downturn in the local economy due to a recession in forest products markets, the forecasted peak and energy demand could decrease as much as 30 percent. Assuming that the Black Bear Lake Project will start operation in early 1986, the installed capacity would be absorbed within 3 years if the economic activities were to exceed the assumptions, and about 12 years if the local economy shows a downturn. I11-18 CHAPTER IV ECONOMIC EVALUATION MethodolQ9Y A description of the alternative sources of power is presented in this chapter, followed by the economic evaluation of the Black Bear Lake Project. From these alternatives, three expansion plans were selected according to the guidelines of the Alaska Power Authority (APA). The "base case" would meet the forecasted requirements of the area from a continuation of present practices of diesel generation. The "preferred plan" would consist of, first, the development of the Black Bear Lake, then the Lake Mellen hydropower projects. The "second most preferred plan" would consist of, first, the development of Lake Mellen, then Black Eear Lake. After a presentation of the economic criteria selected by the APA, a detailed benefit-cost analysis and a life-cycle cost of energy study are presented for each expansion plan. Cash flow requirements are then presented for the construction of Black Eear Lake. Hydro Two other hydropower potential sites were identified on Prince of Wales Island. They are Reynolds Creek and Thorne Bay. Reconnaissance level studies were undertaken for these sites as part of the investigation of alternatives. A detailed presentation of each project with its description, environmental impacts, geologic and hydrologic data, and its costs are shown in Appendices C and D. Below is a summary of these two hydropower sites. Reynolds Creek. Reynolds Creek is located about 9 miles east of the town of Hydaburg. The creek drains into Copper Harbor, a bay on Hetta Inlet. The creek drains three lakes: Lake Mellen, summit Lake and Lake Marge. Hydroelectric projects could be developed on each of the lakes as well as by a transbasin diversion from Lake Josephine which is located on Portage Creek, the watershed just to the north of Reynolds Creek. Reconnaissance visits were made to the Reynolds Creek area in July 1980 and June 1981. Appendix C documents the results of those visits and subsequent office studies. The reconnaissance level IV-1 studies show each of the four projects in the Reynolds Creek development to be less economical than the Black Bear Lake Project. The most attractive project in the Reynolds Creek development was shown to be Lake Mellen, which had a unit cost about twenty-two percent greater than Black Bear Lake. The Lake Mellen Project would have a concrete gravity dam with an uncontrolled spillway section. The spillway crest and maximum normal reservoir elevation would be El. 930. A buried steel penstock, 2500 feet in length, would conduct water to the powerhouse at El. 200. The powerhouse would have two single nozzle impulse turbines totaling 6,000 kW installed capacity. The average annual energy production is estimated to be 26,100 Mwh and the construction cost of the Project is estimated to be $34.2 million at January 1981 price level. The concept and cost of Lake Mellen Project were based on the results of the Black Bear Lake Project feasibility study. Alternative locations for the powerhouse were investigated. To avoid dewatering of the lower reach of Reynolds Creek which supports substantial salmonid spawning and rearing habitat, the powerhouse would be located at El. 200 rather than at tidewater. Reservoir operation studies and a preliminary optimisation of Lake Mellen showed that the maximum normal reservoir elevation should be at El. 930. The Project would consequently have an installed capacity of 6,000 kW, equal to Black Bear Lake. with that level of installed capacity, the Lake Mellen Project would produce 26,100 MWh (vs. 23,700 MWh at Black Bear Lake) in an average year and require a drawdown of 60 feet (vs. 30 feet at Black Bear Lake). For reasons discussed in Chapter II, an underground water conductor is proposed for the Black Bear Lake Project. A surface water conductor was retained at Lake Mellen, however, because the slope along the conductor route is flatter at Lake Mellen than at Black Bear Lake. If feasibility level studies of Lake Mellen show an underground water conductor would be required, that would increase the cost of the Lake Mellen Project. A cost estimate was developed for the Lake Mellen Project based on feasibility level unit prices developed for the Black Bear Lake Project. The Lake Mellen Project is estimated to cost $34.2 million at January 1981 price level including transmission to Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg, contingencies, engineering and administration. A comparison of the Lake Mellen Project with Black Bear Lake is presented later in this chapter. Thorne Bay. The Thorne Bay Project is located at the head of thorne Bay on the Thorne River which flows into Clarence Strait. The project would have an installed capacity of 17,300 kW and produce 75,800 MWh in an average year. A memorandum dated March 25, 1981, IV-2 shown in Appendix D documents the results of assessment which was made of the Thorne Bay Project. that assessment show the Thorne Bay Project to be than the Black Bear Lake Project. Diesel a preliminary The results of less attractive At present the entire load in the project area is met by diesel generating units. Diesel units have low construction costs, short lead time, and minimal siting problems. They have reliable and rapid starting characteristics. They can be brought to full load rapidly, or follow the load demand. However, diesel engines have a relatively high forced outage rate (typically 29%) compared to the rate for hydroelectric units (2%). Diesel engines also require more routine maintenance than hydroelectric turbines. Typically, diesel engines are normally dismantled for inspection and overhauled after 8,000 hours of operation. A detailed presented later expansion plans. description of construction and operating costs is in the "base case" section of the alternative The Alaska Timber Corporatiog Project: Because of the abundant supply of wood-waste from its sawmill operation, the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATe) has purchased in 1977 four 40,000 lb/hr boilers, two 2,000 kw and one 2,500 kw steam-turbine electric generating units from the u.s. Army. The units were originally built in the mid-1950's, were oil-fired, and equipped for salt water cooling. ATC has contracted with a construction engineering company to assist them in putting the units on line. At present, ATe has entered a contract with THREA to sell secondary energy to Klawock at 10t per kwh for six months after the first 2.0 MW unit comes on line then readjusted based on ATC's real cost. The mill will use 1,500 kW of capacity leaving 500 kw of capacity available to serve Klawock. The following analysis was made to estimate the cost of energy from the ATC project. Wood-waste fuel for the plant would be obtained from the existing stockpile of sawdust and the new wastes generated by the sawmill's operation. The sawmill generates about 200 tons per day of sawdust and bark, and an additional 200 tons per day of chips when the mill is in full operation. The chips presently are being sold for pulp, however they could be diverted to power generation if economical and if required. IV-3 The steam plant would require about three pounds of wood waste for each kilowatt-hour generated, assuming an average heat content for the wood of about Q,500 Btu/lb. About 53,000 tons of wood waste would be required annually, if the plant (q,OOO kW) were to operate at a capacity factor of 50 percent. Assuming that the mill operates at a plant factor of 30 ~ercent, the mill could generate about 22,000 tons of wood waste annually. The remaining 31,000 tons would have to come from the stockplile or the chips. As discussed in the reconnaissance report the total estimated cost for the stage I which included two boilers and one 2,500 kW turbine generator was $2,6 million, at september 1, 1979 price level. Peplacing one 2,500 kW unit with two 2,000 kW units, and updating the cost to January 1, 1981, the total estimated construction cost of the ATe plant would be about $3,7 million. The annual operation and maintenance costs for the ATe plant have been estimated by K & S. The annual cost updated to January 1, 1981 price level and covering the two 2,000 kw units would be about $400,000 per year. The operation and maintenance costs include all labor and materials for routine operation, maintenance, repairs, fuel handling, and general and administrative costs, but do not include any fuel cost. Based on a selling price of woodchips for about $65 per 2400-lb unit, the fuel cost would be about 8 cents per kilowatt hour when woodchips are used. K & S estimated that the project has a service life of 15 years. Based on carrying charges of 20.85~ (assumed cost of money at 15%, amortization at 2.1~, insurance at 0.25~ and taxes at 3.5%), the annual charges for construction would be $771,450. ~dding the operation and maintenance costs, and assuming that half the energy (8,760 MWh) would be produced by wood chips, the average cost of energy, at the plant, would be 10.7 cents per kilowatt-hour, at January 1, 1981 price level. However, the cost of energy from the ATe project will increase rapidly due to the impact of inflation on operating and fuel costs. Assuming an inflation rate of 7%, the energy cost would be equal to 17.6 cents by 1991. With 10% inflation, the energy cost would be 22.3 cents by 1991. These costs are based on the assumptions that only half the energy would be produced by wood chips. However, when the wood-waste from the existing stockpile is used, more wood chips will be required, driving the cost of energy up. other limitations such as environmental issues, reliability of equipment and adequacy of fuel supply have not been established. For these reasons, the ATC project is not expected to provid~ long term reliable low cost energy. IV-4 Although there is no known deposit of coal on Prince of Wales Island, coal could be shipped from Anchorage or seattle. The future dock facilities on Klawock Island or near Hydaburg could be used for unloading. However, because a coal-fired plant cannot follow rapidly the fluctuation of peak demand, diesel units would have to be used for peaking demand. In addition, environmental constraints, for cooling water and coal storage, could limit any development. The construction cost for a 6-MW plant are estimated at $3,330 per kilowatt for Prince of Wales area. Based on $80 per ton delivered at Klawock or Hydaburg and assuming a heat content of 12,000 Btu per pound and a heat rate of 12,000 Btu/KWh, the fuel cost would be about 4 cents per kilowatt-hour. The operation and maintenance costs are estimated at 1.6 cents per kilowatt-hour. All these costs are at January 1, 1981 price level. This would result in a 1981 cost of "base" load energy at about 11.4 cents per kilowatt-hour assuming a load factor of 0.70, a 20-year service life for the plant and carrying charges of 10.75~ (assumed cost of money at 8.5~, amortization at 2.0~, insurance at 0.25~, and no taxes). With a diesel peaking energy cost of about 14 cents, per kilowatt-hour, the "average" energy cost would be about 12 cents per kilowatt-hour for 1981. Assuming a 7~ inflation rate and a 3.5~ fuel escalation rate, that average cost of energy would nearly double within 10 years. For these economic reasons, and for potential adverse environmental impacts, the coal alternative is not a viable solution in the long run. Wind Generation Windmills have been used for centuries for pumping water and other purposes. Within the past century, small-scale units have been used in remote areas to generate electricity. More recently, large scale wind generators have been installed in various ~arts of the United states. Several studies and demonstrations projects are under investigation or operation in Alaska, but no definite or transferable results are available at this time. Furthermore, for wind technology to be considered for the area, reliable site-specific wind data are necessary to evaluate any large-scale wind generation potential. NOW, there are no stations on Prince of Wales Island to provide detailed data on wind characteristics. The nearest station where historical data are available, is on Annette Island. A summary of the climatological data, for Annette Island, are presented in Exhibit 29. The average annual wind speed is about 10.7 m.p.h. which is just above the minimum speed required for existing large-scale units to produce power. During the summer months (May to September) which are the peaking months for power demand, the average speed is below 10 m.p.h. In addition, other issues such as reliability, power and IV-5 energy storage, operation and maintenance costs, and other problems related with new technology are difficult to project and require years of operation to be fully assessed. Even for small-scale developments (1 to 5 kW), detailed wind data for specific sites, is required before any decision can be made on the technical feasibility of such projects. However, because of the federal energy credit (40% tax reduction up to a maximum of $4,000), and the possibilities of state incentives {loans up to a maximum of $10,000 at 5% interest payable in 20 years" these developments could be financially competitive with other sources of generation. In addition, a battery system or an interconnection with the local utility WOuld also be necessary to provide power when there is no wind. Solar solar energy possibilities for Alaska include water and space heating, and the use of passive solar heating in residential or commercial buildings. Direct use of solar energy to produce electricity has not yet found any application in Southeast Alaska. However, the use of solar energy for water and space heating might further reduce the overall needs of electricity. On Prince of Wales Island, there are no historical solar data available. Data recorded on Annette Island are presented on Exhibit 29. Detailed data on solar radiation for Prince of wales would be necessary to assess more accurately the solar energy potential. However, based on existing data, the solar energy available is at its lowest when the demand for space heating would be at its peak, during the winter months. with an average heating design load of 40 to 60,000 BTU per hour for a typical house in the area, the average solar radiation of 200 BTU per square feet, during the winter months cannot provide the necessary heating requirements. Solar energy could be used as a secondary energy source. Interconnection A potential intertie with Ketchikan, using surplus power from the Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project, has been mentioned as a possible alternate to development of the Black Bear Lake Project. Any intertie would involve substantial installations of submarine cable, with additional requirements for above ground transmission lines. The line voltages required would be either 69 or 115 kV. For purposes of analysis, two routes were examined. There are numerous variations of these schemes possible, but overall costs and impacts would not be significantly different. The alternate IV-6 routings are between Ketchikan and Hollis. The routes from Hollis to Klawock, Craig, and Hydaburg are similar to the line routing developed for the Black Bear Lake Project. Alternate 1, from Ketchikan to Hollis, is the most direct route, and includes two submarine segments (18 miles and one mile). Alternate 2 is less direct, but would be able to provide service to Kasaan and could be extended to Thorne Bay. This route has submarine cable segments of;'; 16 miles and 4 miles. The costs presented in Table IV-1 include the overhead line and substations costs to Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg. The total cost of Alternate 1 is $22,895,000, and ~23,825,000 for Alternate 2. The power and energy available from Ketchikan would come from the Swan Lake Project. As reported in the FERC License Application, the estimated construction costs of the project is ~76,426,000, or $4,245 per kilowatt. Assuming the same firm power as Black Bear Lake which is 4,000 kW, the capacity cost would be $16,980,000. Adding this cost to the Alternate I gives a total cost of $39,875,000 which is about 42% greater than the cost of the Black Bear Lake development. For these reasons, a intertie with Ketchikan is not economically justified. TABLE IV-1 INTERCONNECTION COSTS Alternative 1 Submarine Cable 25~ Construction Contingency subtotal Overhead Lines 10% Construction contigency subtotal Estimated Total Construction Cost IV-7 $ 10,000,000 2,500,000 9,450,000 945,000 $ 12,500,000 101.395 ,000 $ 22,895,000 Alternate 1 Submarine Cable 25% Construction Contingency Subtotal OVerhead Lines 10% Construction Contigency Subtotal Estimated Total Construction Cost Thorne Bay Extention (Alternate 1 Only) Estimated Total Construction Conservation and Load Management $ 8,500,000 2,125,000 12,000,000 1~200,000 13,200,000 $ 10,625,000 $ 23,825,000 $ 1,350,000 The main areas covered by conservation measures are space conditioning and water heating, control of lighting, use of energy efficient equipment, and control of energy wastes. Although space and water heating contribute, now for less than 10~ of the electricity demand, this percentage could change in the future due to the increasing cost of fuel and gas. If so, significant energy savings can result from the use of heat pumps instead of electric resistance heaters. Heat pumps are about twice as efficient as electric resistance heaters. Conservation can also be enhanced by improved insulation. Various means such as insulating ceilings and roofs, weatherproofing doors and windows, and caulking cracks can improve the insulation of existing buildings. For new homes, it is possible, in addition to these measures, to choose an optimal site orientation as well as a geometry designed to reduce the adverse influences of wind. Different methods suggested to reduce lighting consumption include design of more efficient light sources, optimization of window design for daylight, and use of high reflective finishes. In addition, avoiding the lighting of unoccupied rooms, reducing lamp intensity levels to an acceptable minimum, and decreasing lighted advertising are other methods that can cut the use of electricity for lighting purposes. Better design of electric appliances will also improve energy conservation. For industrial operations such as the cold storage IV-8 facilities, the introduction of an "energy audit" as an explicit and standard element of cost accounting could result in the reduction of energy consumption. All conservation measures are now available. Weatherization programs for low income housing have been very active in Prince of Wales Island. During 1980, 26 houses in Hydaburg and 15 houses in Klawock were weatherized. In addition, tax incentives and favorable financing conditions from the state legislation should encourage capital investments to conserve energy. Conservation can also be done by shifting electrical loads from peak to off-peak periods. By doing so, it is then possible to use more energy efficient generating units, and reduce fuel consumption. The main techniques to obtain this result include the following: Control of peak demand through voluntary or mandatory rescheduling of electricity consuming activities Use of technical device such as thermal energy storage systems. Implementation of time dependent, cost-based electric rates. Voluntary rescheduling of activities may involve, for example, turning on an electric clothes dryer at mid-day or late at night rather than during the hours of intensive demand. However, most of the activities during peak hours appear difficult to postpone or advance (e.g. TV shows, cooking, dishwashing ••• ). Mandatory curtailments are acceptable only under emergency conditions. Technical devices have been developed, in which residential loads can be controlled and deferred by a radio signal from a control center during peak periods or emergency power supply conditions (ripple control). Thermal energy storage (TES) systems provide space conditioning and hot water on demand using off-peak electricity. One type of TES system consists of two units. A conventional electric furnace and a heat storage furnace with a refractory core inside an insulated cabinet are positioned side by side. For eight hours at night the conventional furnace heats the home while the storage furnace is charging and storing heat for use the other 16 hours. Similar hot water storage systems have also been developed. These sytems are becoming economically attractive in many areas, where rate differential are available. However, this requires a differential cost of energy between base and peaking generation, which is not the case with a hydropower system. A shift towards a time-of-day (TOO) pricing system would be an effective method of inducing consumers to direct some usage from IV-9 peak to off-peak time of the day and would be the necessary complement to most of the other load management techniques. Load management techniques and rate revision are under test by different utilities in the u.s. It is expected that the effects on total electric energy consumption would be small. However, the potential effects in the reduction of peak load demand could be high. For the communities of Prince of wales Island, the ~otential for peak reduction remains small because two possible peak loads space conditioning and hot water -constitute less than 10~ of the electric power demand. As mentionned in the analysis of the electric power forecast, conservation measures have been incorporated. Although new technologies and new systems might further reduce the energy demand, other alternatives are required to meet the expected demand. Alternative Expansion Pla~2 Base Case PI2!! The base case results from a continuation of present practices, using diesel units. As described in Chapter III, and presented in Exhibit 22, the total installed capacity is equal to 5,115 kW for the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg area. This includes the units from the electric utilities and the local industries except for the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) which is expected to continue generating its own electric demand by waste-wood generation. There are no interconnections between the communities. In addition, four units totalling 1,040 kW are installed in Thorne Bay, and three units totalling 300 kw are installed at the U.S.F.S. camp in Hollis. For purpose of the study and based on estimated remaining life, the THREA units in Klawock and APT units in Craig are retired in 1986. All the other units are retired in 1996. The new units will have a service life of 20 years, and will be added when necessary to maintain a reserve margin at about 20~ of the total estimated peak demand. Because the construction time is very short, each new unit can be installed within a few months before its capacity is required. Recent offers received by THREA for 400 kW units averaged $235 per kilowat, FOB Seattle, at September 1979 price levels. Transportation erection, contingencies and engineering would increase the cost of a unit installed in the project area to about $690 per kilowatt, at January 1, 1981 price level. Based on a weighted average energy production of about 9 kWh per gallon, the fuel cost is equal at SO.11 per kilowatt-hour. The operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are estimated at $0.02 ~er kilowatt-hour. IV-10 Preferred PI£m The preferred plan would consist of the construction of the Black Bear Lake Project followed by the Lake Mellen Project. The existing diesel units would serve as standby units. The Elack Bear Lake Project is expected to start operating in 1986. Based on the projections of peak demand, the Lake Mellen Project would start operation in 1993. Both hydropower projects could be designed and built in 5 years. The detailed construction costs of Black Bear Lake are presented in Exhibit 11. The total cost is estimated at $28,000,000. For Lake Mellen, the total cost is estimated at $34,200,000. These costs include the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg interconnection, which is estimated at about $5,000,000. The annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are estimated at $60,000 for the Black Bear Lake Project and $100,000 for the Lake Mellen Project. The annual O&M costs for the interconnection between Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg are estimated at $60,000. The installed capacity at Black Bear Lake is 6,000 kW. The total average annual energy available is 23,700 MWh. For the Lake Mellen Project, the installed capacity is estimated at 6,000 kW, and the average annual energy at 26,100 MWh. Second Most Preferred Pl~ The second most preferred plan would consist of the construction of Lake Mellen Project, followed by Black Bear Lake Project. The Lake Mellen Project would start operation in 1987. Based on the projections of peak demand, Black Bear Lake Project would start operation in 1996. The construction and operating costs are the same as those mentionned in the "Preferred Plan" section. The three expansion plans are shown graphically on Exhibit 30. Economic Criteria The economic evaluation is basically a comparison of the alternative and costs over the project life, using a set of economic parameters. The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has established the following standard parameters for the economic evaluation. A discount rate of 3 percent was selected by APA to place benefits and costs occuring in different years on a equivalent basis. The cost of diesel oil, fuel oil and other petroleum fuel is assumed to escalate at a rate of 3.5 percent for the next twenty years then held constant. The escalation rate for non-fuel cost items is IV-11 assumed to be zero. For the economic comparison, the inflation rate is assumed to be zero. The economic life is assumed to be 50 years for hydropower plants and 20 years for the diesel units. For the cost of energy analysis, a long term general inflation rate is assumed to determine the future cost of energy. An inflation rate of 7% has been selected by APA. The cost of debt is assumed to be 8.5~ per year and the term for debt is assumed to be 20 years for diesel and 35 years for hydroelectric plants. §£Qgomic ~parison The economic analysis was done over the period starting in 1981 and ending the last year of the 50-year economic life of the Black Bear Lake Project, which is 2035. The analysis assumes an installed capacity of 6,000 kW for Black Bear Lake, and 6,000 kW for Lake Mellen. The average annual energy generation is 23,700 MWh for Black Bear Lake, and 26,100 MWh for Lake Mellen. The total average annual energy for both projects is 49,800 MWh. Pages 1, 2, and 3 of Exhibit 31 present the present worth computations for the three expansion plans. In the Base Case, the fixed costs were computed based on the annual costs of new units installed to meet the peak demand and the reserve margin, the 0 & M and fuel costs were comFuted by multiplying the cost per kilowatt-hour defined earlier by the energy generated. In the preferred Plan, until 1986, the costs are the same as those in the Base Case. In 1986, Black Bear Lake project starts operating and its 50-year life will end in 2035. The Lake Mellen project starts in 1993. The fixed costs are based on annual costs computed from construction costs plus interest during construction. Including an annual interest of 3% during construction, total cost for Black Bear Lake with the interconnection between Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg is $29,005,000 representing an annual cost of $1,130,000. For Lake Mellen, the total cost is $30,330,000, representing an annual cost of $1,180,000. The 0 & M costs are based on those discussed previously. In the Second Most Preferred Plan, until 1987, the costs are the same as those in the Base Case. In 1987, Lake Mellen Project starts operating. The total cost for Lake Mellen is $35,530,000, representing an annual cost of $1,380,000. The total cost for Black Bear Lake is $23,854,000, representing an annual cost of $930,000. The Black Bear Lake Project starts in 1996. In both hydropower plans, environmental limitations on maximum flow releases in some months will limit peaking capacilities. IV-12 Diesel generation will provide the peak capacity during periods when powerplant discharge is limited by environmental constraints. With an average energy of 23,700 MWh, the Black Bear Project would be absorbed by 1993 in the Preferred Plan. In the Second Most Preferred Plan, the Lake Mellen Project has an average energy available of 26,100 MWh, which would be absorbed by 1996. Both projects are completely absorbed by 2014. After tr.at, the energy generated was kept constant, for the three expansion plans, at the maximum average energy available from both hydropower projects (49,800 MWh). The 50-year economic life of Black Bear Lake will end in 2035. In that year, the present worth is $191,402,000 for the Base Case, $57,664,000 for the Preferred Plan and $58,606,000 for the Second Most Preferred Plan. The Preferred Plan has a B-C ratio of 3.32 when compared to the Base Case, and 1.02 when compared to the Second Most Preferred Plan. The Black Bear Lake Project Mellen Project without combining them results are presented in pages 4 and the Black Bear Lake Project has a B/C the Lake Mellen Project. was also compared to the Lake in.a development plan. The 5 of Exhibit 31~ In that case ratio of 1.21 when compared to An economic comparison was also performed for the interconnection with Hollis and Thorne Bay, based on the development of Black Bear Lake, only. The construction cost of the interconnection with Hollis is estimated at $875,000, and the 0 & M costs at $10,000 per year. The construction of the interconnection with Thorne Bay is estimated at $2,375,000, and the 0 & M costs at $30,000 per year. When Black Bear Lake is completely absorbed in 1992, the present worth of the Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg-Hollis System is $15,737,000 with the interconnection, and $15,812,000 without the interconnection. This small marginal difference does not make the interconnection justified at this time. Similar results are found for the Craig-~lawock-Hydaburg-Thorne Bay interconnection. When Black Bear Lake is completely absorbed in 1990 the present worth is $15,104,000 with the interconnection and $15,846,000 without. The interconnection with Hollis or Thorne Bay would be economically justified with the develo~ment of Lake Mellen. IV-13 £Qst of Energy A cost of energy analysis was performed based on the economic criteria defined earlier. The life of hydroelectric projects being 35 years, the analysis was done over the period starting in 1981 and ending the last year of the 35-year life of the Black Bear Lake project, which is year 2020. The life of the diesel units is 20 years. The annual interest rate during construction is equal to 8.5%. The inflation rate is 7~. As a result, the total cost of Black Bear Lake is $39,924,000 for the Preferred Plan and $64,549,000 for the Second Most Preferred Plan. The annual cost are $3,640,000 and $5,887,000, respectively. The total cost of Lake Mellen is $66,942,000 for the Preferred Plan and $52,248,000 for the second Most Preferred Plan. The annual costs are !6,105,000 and $4,765,000, respectively. The annual fixed costs of the hydropower projects are based on carrying charges equal to 9.12' (cost of money at 8.5%, amortization at 0.52~ and insurance at 0.10%). The annual costs for new diesel units are based on carrying charges equal to 10.81% (cost of money at 8.5%, amortization at 2.06%, and insurance at 0.25%). Taxes were not included. The average cost of energy over the first twenty years of each plan, would be 31.3 cents/kWh for the preferred plan, 79.3 cents/kWh for the base case plan, and 32.1 cents/kWh for the second most preferred plan. The average cost of energy from the Black Eear Lake Project alone is 17.9 cents/kWh, and that of Lake Mellen Project alone is 21.8 cents/kWh. The results are shown graphically and in tabular form in Exhibit 32. As can be seen from the exhibit, the cost of energy from the Preferred Plan is less than that from the other two expansion plans. £ash Flow Requirements A cash flow requirements for the Black Bear Lake development was estimated, and is presented in Table IV-2. An interest of 8.5~ during construction and a 7% inflation has been included. The financial requirements are based on the construction schedule presented in Exhibit 9, and the implementation schedule presented in Exhibit 33. IV-14 Table IV-2 CASH FLOW REQUIREMENTS Fiscal Year $ July 1981 -June 1982 2,000,000 July 1982 -June 1983 2,150,000 July 1983 -June 1984 10,500,000 July 1984 -June 1985 18,800,000 July 1985 -June 1986 6,500,000 IV-15 CHAPTER V RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION Recommendations The Black Bear Lake Project is technically, environmentally, economically and financially feasible. The FERC license application being prepared concurrently with this feasibility report should be submitted to the FERC as soon as possible. The environmental baseline studies outlined in Chapter III should proceed concurrently with the processing of the license application as should the design of the Project and the preparation of contract documents. Applications for the permits necessary to construct and operate the Project should be prepared. Land rights for the Project should be secured and project financing should be arranged. Preconstruction Activities The preconstruction activities required for the Project consist of implementing the above recommendations as follows: License Application. The license application should be submitted to FERC upon completion of the state mandated review process for this feasibility report. The application can be finalized and submitted incorporating the comments of the reviewing parties, as appropriate in order to expedite the licensing process. The license application will be submitted to the FERC in draft form to allow the FERC to identify any deficiencies that would need to be corrected before the application would be accepted for processing. The required copies of the application will be sumbitted once the application is accepted for processing. V-1 Environmental Studies. A consultant should be engaged to carry out the studies described in detail in Chapter VI. The studies would be designed to collect at least one year of data starting in late spring 1981 and would consist of the following study items: 1. Fisheries Studies A. Identification and Quantification of Fish Habitat in Black Bear Creek Upstream of Black Lake B. Escapement Studies in Black Bear Creek Upstream of Black Lake C. Salmon Fry/Smolt outmigration D. Fish Habitat Identification in Black Bear Lake 2. Hydrological and Limnological Investigations A. Stream Temperature Monitoring B. Lake and Stream Limnological Studies C. Stream Discharge 3. Construction Phase Water Quality Monitoring q. Dissolved Nitrogen Test 5. Post-Project Aquatic Resources Monitoring 6. Transmission Corridor Wetland Survey 7. Transmission Corridor Eagle Survey and Beaver Reconnaissance Site Investigations. Geotechnical investigations are required at the site in addition to those conducted during the feasibility study. A deep core drill hole is required at the site of the power shaft to confirm rock conditions. In addition several shallow holes are required at the dam, powerhouse, and tunnel portal. Some additional topographic mapping is required in area of the tunnel portal. These investigations should be completed early in the 1982 field season. Engineering Project and Services. prepare A consultant should be engaged to design the contract documents concurrently with the V-2 processing of the license application. ~wo sets of contract documents should be prepared: one for the supply of equipment, turbines, generators, transformers, switchgear, etc; the ether for the construction of the Project and the installation of the equipment. The drawings which are prepared for the construction and installation contract would be of sufficient detail to serve as construction drawings. Permitting and Ownersh~E. Applications for the stat~ and federal permits required to construct the Project should be prepared and submitted for processing. The permits which will be required depend on the ownership of the Project and its lands. The APA should resol ve the ownership issue as soon as possible so that the necessary permits can be prepared, submitted and processed. Implementation The implementation schedule, Exhibit 34, shows that the Project could enter commercial operation in January 1986. The critical path element in the implementation of the Project is the manufacture and delivery of the hydraulic turbines. An estimated 28 months are required from the award of the supply contract to the delivery of the equipment on site. The implementation schedule assumes that about 13 months are required to process the FERC license application. Once the FERC license is received the equipment supply contract and the construction contract would be awarded. Manufacture, delivery and erection of equipment and project construction would be complete in three years from the granting of the FERC license. Funds would be committed to only preconstruction activities before the FERC license is received, scheduled for January, 1983. V-3 CHAPTER VI ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The Ex!stinq Environment Forestry. The forested areas of Southeast Alaska are estimated to comprise about 11,201,000 acres, about 46 percent of the total land area. About 4,844,000 acres are considered to have timber of commercial quality; of this, 87 percent is classified as old growth saw timber, 150 years old or more. Prior to the state and native land claims, 92 percent of the commercial forest land of Southeast Alaska was within the Tongass National Forest. As much as 400,000 acres of National Forest land will change ownership upon ultimate settlement of these claims (Harris et ale 1974) J/. The spruce, logged Pacific locally major commercial tree species are western hemlock, Sitka western redcedar, and Alaska cedar. Mountain hemlock is with western hemlock when the two are found in mixed stands. silver fir, subalpine fir, and lodgepole pine are sought (Harris et al.1974). The timber resources of Southeast Alaska support an that provides over 3,000 jobs for Alaska residents, with an payroll of about $70 million. The principal wood products by sawmills and pulp mills are exported (FERC 1980). industry average produced Potential and planned logging areas in the vicinity of the Project site and transmission facilities are shown on Exhibit 67. The closest planned logging activities to the Project site are four sections along Black Bear Creek between Big Salt Lake and Black Lake. Loqging is scheduled for 1981 by the Sealaska Corporation. Recreation. Existing recreational facilities, resources, and use are described in Appendix H. Species Plants. The Project Area contains old growth forests, muskeg forest and bogs, and subalpine vegetation. Exhibit 35 lists the plant species common to the major vegetation types of the Project Area. 1/ References cited in this chapter are listed in Appendix R. VI-1 Mammals. The larger mammals of Prince of Wales Island are basically those of comparable habitat on the mainland, except that brown bear, mountain goat, and moose do not occur on the island. The species present on the island are of interest to man as game animals, as furbearers, or as food species for other mammals and birds. The black bear (Qrsu~ americ~nus) is abundant throughout the island, including the Project Area. It utilizes a variety of habitats, depending on its need for food or cover. Vegetable matter forms the mainstay of its diet, supplemented with fish and carrion, asa~i~b~. ~ The timber wolf (Ca~is bupuS) is the only other large carnivore on the island. It is associated with all types of natural habitat where it can find its principal prey, deer. The latter, Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) is not atundant in the Project Area, although good habitat is availatle. ~hus, the potential for growth of the herd is present (ADFG, Appendix J). The smaller mammals apparently are present in the Elack Bear Creek basin in good numbers, but quantitative field data are lacking. Smith (Appendix F) confirmed the conclusion reached during APA's consultant's 1980 field reconnaissance, that teaver (Castor canadensis), mink (Mustgla viso~) and marten (~artes americana) are abundant along the creek. His opinions are based on the presence of fresh sign and, in the case of beaver, dams and lodges. ~ink and beaver are strongly water-oriented; marten is associated closely with mature coniferous forest. All three species are intensively sought by fur trappers. The general inaccessibility of the Project Area probably has provided some protection. other small mammals which occur on Prince of Wales Island include shrews, bats, red and flying squirrels, mice, voles, weasels and land otter (ADFG, Appendix J) • Birds. with greater motility than mammals, bird species tend to be more uniformly distributed among islands in island groups. Many of the 212 species listed by the USFS 1/ as "common" in southeast Alaska (USFS 1978b) can be expected in suitable hatitat on Prince of Wales Island. A few of the 56 species listed as "casual, accidental, uncommon, or rare" in the region also may be eXFected on the island. Gibson (1976) found about 50 species of land birds breeding on the Alexander Archipelago, as compared with atout 75 or more on the mainland. Exhibit 36 lists birds known to be present in the Project Area. Only a few of the 268 species occur as breeding birds in the Black Bear Creek drainage or elsewhere in the Project Area. Black Lake and Black Bear Lake support a few pairs of diving ducks, common goldeneye (Bucephala clangul~) and red-breasted merganser (Mergus 1/ Acronyms used in this chapter are listed in Appendix L. VI-2 serratQ~) in midsummer; both species probably breed near these lakes or near the muskeg lakes along the proposed transmission corridor route. Common loons nested and hatched a chick on Black Lake in 1981. The streams provide habitat for spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia) , belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) and dip~er (Cinclus mexicanus). The old-qrowth forest is the preferred habitat for some forty-odd species of hawks and owls, thrushes, flycatchers, sparrows, chickadees, and, especially, wood warblers. Forest openings, whether natural or manmade, are inhabited by sparrows, finches and some warblers and visited by some forest birds, such as robins, seeking berries or other special foods. The northern bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus alascensis) is an abundant year-round resident of Prince of Wales Island. It is seen frequently along Black Bear Creek, especially when spawning salmon are present. Most eagle nests in Southeast Alaska are within 100 meters of salt water so nests would not be expected near the inland lakes of the island. In 1980, the area near the dam site and reservoir was searched for a nest and none was found. This is not surprising, since there are no large trees along the edge of Black Bear Lake, and it is not accessible to spawning salmon. Reptiles anQ AmEh~bian~. The only member of these groups on Prince of Wales Island are the western toad (Bufo bore~~) and possibly one or more salamanders (Wood 1980). Fish. Dominant fish species in the Black Bear Creek drainage system are members of the salmonid family. The drainage system can conveniently be divided into two distinct aquatic ecosystems inhabited by different species assemblages. Black Bear Lake, perched in the upper portion of the drainage basin, is inhabited by rainbow trout (SalmQ gairdneri). Prior to stocking of rainbow trout in 1956, no fish were known to occur in Black Bear Lake. Since the initital stocking, the rainbow population has sustained itself with no further stocking necessary (Appendix E). Dominant fish species reported in the valley stream below Black Bear Lake include pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gQrbuscha), chum salmon (Oncorhynch~~ ketal, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kis~tch) all of which are anadromous and use the system at somewhat different times (see Appendices E and F). In addition to the anadromous species, resident fish include cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), rainbow trout or steelhead (Salmo gairdneri), Dolly varden--csalvelinus malma), sculpin (Cottus sp.) and threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Scul~ins and sticklebacks occur in fresh water near the mouth of Black Bear Creek and in the brackish waters of the small estuary in Big Salt Lake (Appendix E, Scott and Crossman 1973). Populations of both resident and anadromous cutthroat and Dolly Varden are thought to be present, VI-3 and the anadromous form of the rainbow trout (steelhead) may also occur in addition to resident rainbow. Ecosystems vegetation -~ner~!. The forest of Prince of Wales Island is a segment of the temperate rain forest which extends along the Pacific coast from northern California to Cook Inletr Alaska. Nearly all of the Project Area is covered by this forest. The Black Bear Creek valley mostly is covered by old-growth climax forest while the slopes around Black Bear Lake support a more open subalpine type of vegetation. Exhibit 37 is a map of the forest types found in the Black Bear Creek valley and on the adjacent mountain slopes. Exhibit 38 is a map of the vegetation on the mountain slopes around Black Bear Lake. SCientific names for most of the plants referred te in this document are given in Exhibit 35. Scientific names for plants not included on Exhibit 35 are given in the text following the common name. Veqeta~ion -Valley SIQ~. As shown on Exhibit 37 old-growth hemlock r hemlock-sprucer and spruce forest stands cover nearly all of the mountain slopes forming the Black Bear Creek valley. In general r hemlock forest stands r containing both western and mountain hemlock r occur on the lower half of the western slopes {eastern aspect} and on the upper half of the eastern slopes {western aspect}. The cedar composition (western red cedar r Alaska cedar) of these stands varies from zero to 50 percentr with highest concentrations of cedar occurring on the western slopes. Cld-growth hemlock-spruce and spruce forest stands occur primarily on the lower half of tte eastern slopes and on the southwestern and southeastern valley slopes between Black Bear Lake and Black Lake. TypicallYr the understory in these forest is relatively dense with both shrubs and small individuals of canopy species. A very lush groundcover is present and consists of assorted herbs r grasses r sedges and cryptogams. Frequent dead-falls r rocks r and steep slopes make travel difficult. Plant species common to the old growth climax forest stands are given in Exhibit 35. Recurrent snow slide zones and rock slide areas en valley slopes r as well as other disturbed areas r typically are dominated by salmonberry and alder thickets. Common associated species include Devil's club r Pacific red elder r early blueberrYr rusty menziesia r beechfernr and sedges. VI-4 Vegetation Black Bear Creek. Black Bear Creek flows out of Black Bear Lake down-a steep;-canyon-like precipice. The u~per and lower sections are cascades and there is a waterfall in tee center section. Sparsely vegetated sheer cliffs on both sides of the falls support clumps of sedges (probably ~~~ex spp) in wet crevices and on rock shelves. Old-growth hemlock forest covers the steep mountain slopes on both sides of the falls area. Less steep areas and snow slide zones to the left (looking downstream) of the falls typically contain dense salmonberry and Sitka alder thickets. Similar but taller (eight to ten feet in height), and almost impenetrable thickets grow along the rocky streambank, on rocky bars, and on small islands in the stream section immediately below the falls. Scattered throughout these thickets are some spruce (six to ten feet in height), western hemlock (two to four feet in height), red alder, Pacific red elder, and Devil club. This streamside thicket merges into the alders growing at the base of the slide areas to the right and left of the stream (see Exhibit 37). Between Black Bear Lake and Big Salt Lake, Black Eear Creek flows for nearly half of its length through old-growth hemlock, hemlock-spruce, and spruce forest stands (see Exhibit 37). These forest stands are extensions of the lower valley slope stands. Streamside vegetation within the old-growth stands is neither very distinct nor extensive. For the most part, large Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and cedar grow along the edge of the stream, the tree species present varying with the particular forest stand. Although most abundant along the stream section below the falls, alders (both sitka and red) and salmonberry with Devilsclub also grow as scattered individuals and in small dense clumps immediately along the streambank, particularly in small open areas. other common plants of open streamside areas within the old-growth forest stand include wastern thimbleberry, Pacific red elder, fireweed, skunk ca~bage, and cow parsnip along with grasses and sedges. In addition to old-growth forest stands, Black Bear Creek flows through several wet areas. These areas are located mainly between Black Lake and Big Salt Lake, and also immediately above Elack Lake. They occur in flood-prone areas along the stream having either water table levels at or near the surface and/or poor drainage conditions. They also occur in the alluvial fans of Black Eear Creek tributaries. As shown on Exhibit 37, the vegetation consists of wet meadows, low woodland sites, and muskeg forest. / The wet meadow (see Exhibit 37) is formed primarily by surface and subsurface drainage from the surrounding slopes collecting in a low area of poor drainage along the stream. It supports a natural grassland dominated by cottongrass and sedges (mainly Car~~ spp and Scirpus spp). Bog candle, along with other common wetland eerbs, is relatively abundant. Aquatic plants, namely yellow ~ond lily, buckbean, and pondweed grow in the open water of two shallow ponds and in the numerous small drainage channels that drain towards the ponds and stream. Horsetails are found both in a periodically flooded zone around the ponds and along the margins of the drainage VI-5 channels. Small Sitka spruce and red alder grow in the ecotonal zone between the wet meadow and surrounding forest. ~he wet areas designated by the USFS as low sites (see Exhibit 37) are boggy, poorly drained open woodlands. The vegetation consists of small Sitka spruce and red alder with a groundcover mostly of mosses (sphagnum and club) and various grasses and sedges. The tallest trees, Sitka spruce and western hemlock, qrow on apparently better drained raised hummocks which are scattered throughout the area and along the term-like streambank. There is only a sparse understory shrub layer. Interspersed with the woodland are muskeg bogs or meadows. These muskeg areas, covered almost exclusively with sphagnum moss, are treeless. Stunted shorepine and western hemlock occur along their periphery. The muskeg forest stand above Black I.ake (see Exl:ibit 37) occurs in an overflow area below an area where the stream cbannel is ill-defined and consists of a braided network of subchannels. It appears as if the muskeg forest has developed on a filled in portion of Black Lake similar in structure to the low site woodland. It does, however, contain a greater diversity of trees and shrubs. The predominant canopy trees are western hemlock, sitka spruce, and cedar (both eastern redcedar and Alaska-cedar). Common understory shrubs are swamp laurel, bog rosemary, rusty menziesia, and bog blueberry. The groundcover is almost exclusively sphagnum moss. An open, almost treeless muskeg bog or meadow is also present with the muskeg forest stand. Exhibit 35 contains a listing of common plant species found in muskeg forest, wet meadows, and along streambanks. vegetation Bla£~ L~~. Old-growth hemlock, hemlock-spruce, and spruce forest stands grow up to the rocky shoreline of Black Lake (see Exhibit 37). Muskeg forest borders the lake at its inlet. Also at the inlet is the only area along the shoreline that contains aquatic plants. Yellow water lilies grow in a small seasonally flooded bay to the riqht (looking downstream) of the inlet while semi-emergent and emergent grasses and sedges grow in shallow water on both sides of the inlet. vegetation -Black Bear bake. The vegetation around Elack Bear Lake is typical for steep-sided mountain slopes surrounding high altitude cirque lakes in southeast Alaska. In contrast to the mature forests on the slopes along the Black Bear Creek valley, the slopes surrounding Black Bear Lake support relatively open subalpine vegetation. Exhibit 38 is a map of the vegetation types on the lower portion of the slopes which form the rocky lake shoreline. For purposes of this discussion, general shoreline areas around the lake are designated on Exhibit 38 as Areas A through E, depending on topography and vegetation characteristics. VI-6 The northern end of the lake (see Exhibit 38, Area A) supports subalpine vegetation consisting of a mosaic of small open areas and copses of trees and shrubs. The trees are low growing and stunted mountain hemlock, Alaska-cedar, Sitka spruce, alder, and occasionally, western hemlock. The larger size tress tend to be mountain hemlock and Alaska-cedar. Shrubs are densest along the edges of the copses and tend to be less abundant within the understory. However, dense shrub understories are also encountered. Common shrubs include rusty menziesia, copperbush, early ~lueberry, dwarf blueberry, and, in places, mountain ash. Vegetation in the frequent open areas is variable. Small wet depressions and wet bench areas with poor drainage are dominated by sedges, mertens cassiope, and leutkea. Other more exposed and drier o~en areas contain heath species and scattered shru~s. Numerous s~ecies of wildflowers are present but no one species dominates. The lower slopes forming the eastern lake shoreline (Exhibit 38, Area B) are covered primarily by small forest stands. Mountain hemlock is the dominant canopy tree although Sitka spruce, cedar, and western hemlock also are found in these closed forest stands. Commonly encountered shrubs in addition to mountain ash and copperbush are those typically found in c·limax old-growth forests (Exhibit 35). Alders (mainly Sitka) with salmonberry and Devilsclu~ grow along the rocky shoreline. In places, alders form a dense band along the water's edge while in other places they are intermixed with the forest tree species. Open areas among the forested areas consist of old slides and small wet depressions or flat benches with poor drainage. Slide areas are almost exclusively covered with salmonberry. The wet areas contain sedges, mertens cassiopes, leutkea, otr.er small herbs, and mosses. The southeastern lake shoreline (Exhibit 38, Area C) contains several active slide areas. Growths of salmonberry with scme alders and scattered mountain hemlock copses grow in places among the bare rocks. Leutkea and copperbush are prevalent between large rocks along the water's edge. The active slide area (Area C) merges into the more gradual lower slopes forming the southeastern end of Black Eear Lake (Exhibit 38, Area D). The entire slope is classified as a recurrent snow slide zone. The lower slope is a gradually-sloped rock field containing vegetation which is somewhat distinct from that surrounding the rest of the lake. The rock field contains an o~en stand of stunted and scrub mountain hemlock. Although several species of shrubs and herbs are represented in the hemlock stand, copperbush is the most abundant shrub while leutkea is the predominant groundcover species. A surrounding meadow-like area and small open areas within the scrub hemlock are covered by dense mat-like growths of leutkea and mertens cassiope. wildflowers are abundant among the hemlocks, in the meadow areas, and, in particular, along the numerous snow melt channels draining down into the lake. VI-7 Forested areas occur along the western lake shoreline (Exhibit 38, Area E) although they are not as extensive in size and abundance as those along the eastern shoreline. Most of the forested areas consist of small copses and semi-open parkland stands of hemlock (mountain and western) and some Sitka spruce. Salmonberry and alder thickets occupy most of the lower portions of the less steep slopes while copperbush forms most of the thickets on the upper portions. Cliffs and very steep slopes are sparsely vegetated with shrubs, grasses, and sedges. Wildlife Populations. ADFG black bear harvest figures for Prince of Wales Island indicate that about 70 bears are taken by hunters each year. Only one of 249 tears listed by ADFG for the years 1976-79 was taken at Black Bear Lake. Another was taken from Black Bear Creek and 11 from the area around Big Salt Lake. The scarcity of kills from Black Bear Lake probatly is due more to the area's inaccessibility tt~n to a lack of bears. Bear sign is abundant in the Project Area and bears have come into the Project camp on several occasions. The timber wolf population is currently at a reduced level compared to the past, as is the deer population. However, neither species is particularly scarce in the Project Area (ADFG, Appendix J) • The population of black-tailed deer fluctuates widely in response to predation, heavy snows, disease, and hunting ~ressure. Hunting ~ressure does not appear to be a major factor on Prince of Wales Island. Continued timber cutting, by removing the old-growth forest that provides winter cover, is expected to reduce deer number (Meehan 1974). The remaining land vertebrates of essentially unstudied. Quantitative data indicate the sources of skins. Field consultants indicate that most of the small along Black Bear Creek. the Project Area are on furtearers do not observations ty APA's mammals are abundant Aguatic Habitat !ypes. Black Bear Lake is a deep cirque mountain lake which collects runoff from the surrounding mountain walls. The outlet stream, Black Bear Creek on the north end of the lake, falls approximately 1500 ft in 0.5 mi to the valley floor, and is impassable to fish. From this point to the stream's mouth the gradient is moderate. Two miles downstream of Black Bear lake the stream enters Black Lake, then flows for three miles to Eig Salt Lake. Black Bear Lake is 1.4 mi long, varies in to 0.4 mi, and has a surface area of 240 acres approximately 22,000 acre feet (Appendix E) • basin is shallower (maximum depth 100 ft) than VI-8 width from about 0.1 and a volume of The lake's northern the southern basin (maximum depth greater than 200 ft). Black Bear Lake becomes thermally stratified during the summer months. The stream between Black Bear Lake and Black Lake has three zones: (1) the steep drop from Black Bear Lake; (2) a reach with braided stream channel and gravel-rubtle substrate; and (3) the last mile above Black Lake where the creek is sluggish, and up to four ft. deep with undercut banks. The banks are covered with grasses, sedges, and shrubs. The stream channel has fine sand-silt substrate and extensive backwater sloughs. Black Lake is approximately one mi long and is shallow at the upstream (south) end and deeper at the downstream (north) end. From Black Lake the stream flows north for three miles to enter Big Salt Lake, a saltwater embayment. Pools and riffles alternate in this reach, with some large sloughs along the bank in certain areas. More detailed descriptions of aquatic habitat are given in Appendices E and F. Fish P02ulations -Black Bear 1~ke. The only fish kncwn to be present-rn the lake are rainbow trout, derived from stocking in 1956 of 5,000 eyed eggs supplied by USFWS (Baade 1960). Before stocking, the lake was barren (Kelly 1979). These fish spawn in the spring from April to June, probably in shallower areas of the lake with gravel or rubble substrate (Kelly 1980). Likely spawning areas include the shallower areas described in Appendix E and A~~endix F, as well as areas near the lake outlet in the shallower northern basin. Two or three nine-inch fish were observed in this latter area during reconnaissance studies in summer of 1979. The lake's trout population is reported to te self-maintaining (Kelly 1979). Black Bear Lake was assigned a sport fishery rating of 1 (lowest on a scale from one to five) in the TLMP Fisheries Task Force Working Report (USFS 1978). Recreational fishing in the lake is reported as "not very good" (Elliott 1979), "slow at times" (Appendix E), and "good" (Kelly 1979). Fish Populations -Downstream of Black Bear Lake. Elack Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous -fish--Stream (NO. 103-60-031) and supports spawning runs of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon (Appendices E and F) • Pink salmon is the principal anadromous species using the stream, with a peak escapement during the last ten years of 42,300 in 1975 (Appendix E). Exhibit 39 summarizes ADFG escapement records for Black Bear Creek. ADFG has identified spawning areas from the upper intertidal zone to Black Lake and rearing areas suitable for coho upstream and downstream of Black Lake (Appendix E). APA's 1980 aquatic studies identified other salmon spawning areas upstream of Black Lake, and reported other observations on salmon use of the stream (see A~pendix F, p~ 8-9). VI-9 Sport fish species occurring in Black Bear Creek are Dolly Varden char, cutthroat trout, and reportedly steelhead trout (Appendix E). ADFG classifies Black Bear Creek as a "quality class 2" steelhead stream and "quality class 2" cutthroat stream (Jones 1978) 1/. other fish species reported include sculpin and three-spined-stickleback (Appendix E). The peak of the pink salmon run in Black Bear Creek usually occurs in late August (De Jong 1979). Except for APA's aquatic studies, there are few data on the timing of runs· of other salmon species into Black Bear Creek. In the absence of more detailed data on Black Bear Creek, ADFG weir counts of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon ascending the Klawock River (seven mi southwest of Black Bear Creek) in 1977-1980 were examined (Bates 1979, 1980; Hansen 1980). ADFG has advised that Klawock River weir counts can be used as an approximate indicator of run timing in Elack Bear Creek, except that pink and chum salmon run about two weeks earlier in Black Bear Creek than at Klawock River (Kelly 1980; Hansen 1979, 1980). Exhibit 40 summarizes these data, and shows that peak escapement periods in Black Bear Creek are probably as follows: Pink mid-August to late september Chum late August to late September Coho late August to early November Sockeye early July to early September Bishop, based on Klawock weir counts, other ADFG infcrmation, and his field observations, constructed Table VI-1, a summary of salmonid use of Black Bear Creek acording to species, activity, timinq, and reach of the stream (see also Appendix F). Both salmon and potentially important sport fish species are included. 1/ Class rating are "1" (highest), "2", and "other". VI-10 Table VI-1 BLACK BEAR CREEK SAI.MONID USE Location Species Above Eelow Above and Activity Black La~~ Black Lake Black Lake HWy· Bridge Pink -spawning Aug.-Sept. Aug. -sept. Chum -spawning Sept. Sept. coho -spawning Sept.-Nov. Sept.-Nov. SeI=t.-Nov. rearing continuous continuous continuous continuous Sockeye-spawning August August (1) rearing continuous continuous Dolly V-spawning possible over-spawn spawn rearing-residence possible winter reside reside Steel head-spawning possible (1) possible possible rearing-residence possible (1) possible possible Cutthroat-spawning possible resident possible possible rearing-residence possible over-possible I=ossible winter Eased on the above and on life history information in Scott and Crossman (1973), the important months are August through November for spawning (coho=September through November, sockeye=August), and the winter and early spring months, probably through May, for egg incubation and intragravel larval fish above Black Lake. 'Ihis time range also covers these activities for pink and chUm salmon, which use the stream below Black Lake. Unique Ecosystems or communities. NO unique plant communities are found in the project-Area. All plant communities present are well-represented throughout Southeast Alaska. There are no unique terrestrial wildlife or aquatic communities or ecosystems in the immediate area of the Project. VI-11 Endangered or Threateneg Species. No plants species officially classified as either endangered or threatened for Alaska (Murray 1980) are known to occur in the Tongass National Forest (Muller 1980). Muller (1980), in a survey of the threatened and endangered plants in the Tongass National Forest, lists eleven species considered "sensitive" for this area. These species are listed in Exhibit 41. Six of the eleven species are officially classified as rare, status undetermined, for Alaska (Murray 1980). These species, indicated on Exhibit 41, are known only from ty~e specimens or from ~) one or more collections at the type locality. Additional information is required, therefore, to evaluate their taxonomic or geographic status. They would appear to be rare but this is subject to change after further studies. In addition to the six rare species, five other species are listed as being "sensitive" for the Tongass National Forest (Muller 1980). None of the eleven species listed on Exhibit 41 are known to occur in the Project Area although suitable habitat may exist for some of them. No animal species listed by USFWS as "endangered or threatened" breeds in the Project Area or visits it regularly. The ~eregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is the only species likely to occur on the island at all. This worldwide bird probably is a casual migrant and winter visitor to the island. Migratory and wintering peregrines usually frequent salt marshes and estuaries, where they can secure the waterfowl and shorebirds that are their main food. Should a peregrine falcon visit the Project Area or the transmission line (a remote possibility), the bird would encounter only minimal hazard. No endangered or threatened aquatic species occur in or near the Project Area. . wetland§. A preliminary wetlands inventory was perfcrmed for the Project Area using aerial photographs and USFS forest inventory maps. Wetland type vegetation in the Project Area is represented by wet meadows, low wet sites, and muskeg forest and bog. All these types occur along Black Bear Creek. Aquatic macrophytes grow in the vicinity of Black Lake inlet and small drainage channels and ponds in the wet meadows. These vegetation types were described above and are shown on Exhibit 37. Of the inventoried wetlands, those identified as having the greatest potential for transmission line- related impacts on waterfowl are mapped on Figures V-S, 6 and 7 of Appendix I. These principal wetland areas are generally associated with water bodies and/or have predominantly emergent vegetation. VI-12 Estuaries. A small estuary exists at the mouth of Elack Bear creekin"Bigsalt Lake. The brackish water habitat consists of a large rocky mud flat which extends approximately one quarter mile into Big Salt Lake (Appendix E) • The estuary is inhabited by euphasid and crangonid shrimp, sand dabs, starry flounder (Platichthy§ ~tellatus) and sculpin (Cottu§ sp). The climate of the Project Area is described in Appendix B. Air quality in the Project Area is excellent. The only sources of discharges to the atmosphere are vehicle exhaust, occasional wood waste burning associated with the timber industry, and diesel engine exhaust from existing generating plants. Hydrology Drainag~ Basin. The drainage basin is described in Appendix B. Streamflow Characteristics. Stream flows in the Elack Bear Creek basin ere synthesized using data from a USGS gage installed at Black Bear Lake outlet in 1980 and from gage records for other streams in the area (see Appendix B). Thirty years of synthesized monthly flow data resulted. Flow regimes at different locations on Black Bear Creek (see Exhibit 48) are shown on Exhibits 49 through 60 and in Appendix B. The Black Bear Lake unit hydrograph, peak flood frequency curves, and Black Bear Lake outlet 7-, 14-, and 30-day low flows are given in Appendix B. wateE QEality. Data on water quality of the Black Eear Creek drainage system are limited to those periodically collected by ADFG during routine fishery surveys (Appendix E) and those collected during the feasibility studies for the proposed Project (Appendix F). These data show that the quality of water in Black Bear Lake and Black Bear Creek is excellent. Historical, Archeoloqic~l, Cult~ral. Historical archeological, and cultural resources in the vicinity of the proposed Project are described in Appendix G. VI-13 Scenic and Esthetic. Scenic and esthetic resources are discussed in Appendices H and I. Environmental Impact During Construction Project construction will remove a maximum of 220 acres of spruce-hemlock forest from the total available on Prince cf Wales Island. This amount is minor compared with the amount being removed annually by logging. This old-growth forest is critical winter habitat for deer in Southeast Alaska (ADFG, Appendix J). Species of birds and mammals inhabiting the Project Area will move into adjacent habitat, where they will interact with members of their respective species, causing some emigration, lowered breeding success and possibly reduced survival. The end result will be a return of these adjacent areas to about the same pcpulation densities as before the Project was constructed. Construction of the transmission line will exert somewhat different effects, in some areas changing a strip of forest habitat to meadow and brush. The ecotone thus created ~ill favor birds that utilize both forest and meadow: flycatchers, some owls and hawks, robin and some sparrows. Where the transmission line crosses muskeg the poles and wires will provide new perches for eagles, hawks, flycatchers and kingfishers. Transmission lines across wetlands offer special hazards to waterfowl, especially the larger species (geese and swans). The transmission line routing has been carefully selected to avoid flight corridors of waterfowl. James and Haak (1979) found that birds in tight flocks were most susceptible to collisions and that the majority of collisions were with the ground wire, which was at the top of the line assembly. Even in areas rather heavily used by waterfowl the incidence of collisions with 500-kV lines ~as low. There were so many variables that affect the rates of collision and mortality that extrapolation from one situation to ancther is unwise. The transmission line for the Black Bear Lake Project will avoid bird collision problems by 1) avoiding wetland crossings and edges where waterfowl are abundant, and 2) placing the line at minimum height. The Project is not within any major waterfowl migration route (King 1961). VI-14 Aquatic Species and Habitats Temporary Stream Diversion. Black Bear Lake outflow will be diverted through a cofferdam and culvert in the streambed at the damsite. This will allow construction in the dry of the dam and intake structure. The diversion will not have significant impact on fish populations or habitat either in Black Bear Lake or in the stream. This section of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. Black Bear Lake Damsite Construction Staging Area. Talus material from excavation at the damsite will be placed in-BIack Bear Lake to form a temporary construction staging area. This material, consisting of talus material of the same type which forms the natural lake bottom, will later be removed and used for fill for the left dam abutment. Placement and removal of talus material will temporarily increase suspended sediments in the immediate vicinity of the construction area. No significant adverse effect on total fish habitat or populations in the lake is anticipated, however. Soil overburden will be stockpiled on land for landscaping use after construction and will not be placed in the lake. The intake for the temporary diversion culvert will be extended out into the lake to avoid entrainment of sediment from the construction area. This will avoid discharge of sediments into Black Bear Creek downstream of Black Bear Lake. Powerhouse and Tailrace Construction Staging Area and Access Road. As discussed in detaIl under constructIon effects on water quality, initial construction activities in the powerhouse area will temporarily increase sediment loads in Black Bear Creek above Black Lake. After erosion and runoff control features have been completed, introduction of sediments into the stream will be minor. An existing logging road extends to near the outlet of Black Lake. This road will be extended to the powerhouse site to provide Project access. To avoid cutting into a naturally unstable slope, rockfill will be placed along the east shore of Black Lake for about 200 feet. The fill will eliminate some aquatic plants and fish habitat. Upstream of Black Lake, the access road will be constructed with sufficient drainage culverts to permit water to flow unimpeded from the valley wall and intermittent streams to the valley floor and Black Bear Creek. VI-IS Transmission bine. The potential for disturbance of aquatic habitat at transmission line stream crossings will be reduced to a minimum by following USFS policies on protection of fisheries habitat during clearing-type operations (Southeast Alaska Area Guide, USFS 1977). The number of stream crossings at potentially sensitive points in streams has been held to a minimum for the proposed route, as discussed in the section on alternatives considered. Major Eco~~em Alteration Veqeta~ion. The major construction impact on vegetation will be clearing for the access to and construction of Project structures. The overall effect will be a reduction in woodland productivity where structures replace forest trees, and in revegetated disturbed areas, the replacement of woodland with early secondary successional plant communities. If feasible, merchantable trees in all areas to be cleared will be salvaged and sold. Construction activities at the damsite will require the clearing and disposal of four acres of vegetation. This vegetation (see Exhibit 38, Area A) consists of subalpine copses (mainly mountain hemlocks) interspersed with semi-open shrub growths and both wet and dry open areas dominated by sedges and heath species, respectively. Also, in the area of the left abutment, salmonberry thicket will be cleared. Since all trees are of small size, no merchantable trees will be cleared. Old qrowth spruce forest will be cleared for construction of the powerstation and associated facilities. Construction of the steel penstock section from the penstock portal to the powerstation will require the removal of salmonberry and alder thicket along the stream as well as oldgrowth hemlock forest. The construction area comprises both sides of the stream near the powerstation and will require the clearing of oldgrowth spruce forest as well as salmonberry and alder along and within the stream channel. Total clearinq requirements from the powerhouse to the portal will be three acres. The clearing of the powerstation and construction area will necessitate the removal of mature timber trees, mainly western hemlock and Sitka spruce, as well as some mountain hemlock, western redcedar, and Alaska-cedar. The access road ROW from the end of the existing logging access road at the outlet of Black Lake to the powerstation will require the clearing of approximately five acres of oldgrowth spruce forest and oldgrowth hemlock, and a small amount of muskeg area and alder thicket. The placement of fill along the short section of Black Lake will not eliminate any semi-aquatic or aquatic plant communities. VI-16 Clearing for the access road will require the removal of mature timber trees, mainly western hemlock and sitka spruce, and some mountain hemlock, western redcedar, and Alaska-cedar. The transmission line will be routed along the access road between the powerstation/switchyard and the Black Lake outlet. This section of the route will not require any significant removal of trees beyond what was removed for the access road Few. The remainder of the route will, for most of its length, parallel road ROWs as described in Chapter I. Extensive clearing of trees in most of these areas will also be avoided since much of the area has been or will have been logged. Effects of transmission line construction are discussed in Appendix I. Wildlife. Only minor wildlife population reductions are anticipated with the Project (ADFG, Appendix J). Aquatic. Alterations of existing aquatic ecosystems during the construction phase will occur during reservoir filling. Existing rainbow trout spawning areas in Black Bear Lake will be inundated and will probably no longer be suitable. It is unlikely that new spawning areas will become available unless reservoir fluctuations are controlled during the spring spawning season. Flows will be greatly reduced in the existing stream ted between the dam and powerhouse, and will be nearly eliminated just below the dam. However, this reach of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. stream flows downstream of the powerhouse will also te affected during fillinq of the reservoir. The most pronounced effect will occur between the powerhouse and the major southwest tributary above Black Lake. Below the confluence of this tributary, Elack Bear Creek flows would be much closer to natural conditions durinq reservoir filling. To fill the reservoir from EI. 1680 (present lake level) to EI. 1715 (normal maximum pool elevation) will require 8,000 acre-feet, or about 228 acre-feet for each 1 ft. rise in reservoir elevation. If the reservoir were filled during a short period upon completion of construction, maintenance of adequate downstream flows would be very difficult. Therefore, it is proposed that reservoir filling begin during the final construction ~hase and continue through the first three years of Project operation (see the section on reservoir filling in Chapter II). Table VI-2 summarizes the proposed minimum releases for downstream flow maintenance during reservoir filling. Minimum downstream releases are generally the same as those proposed for Project operation in 1986 (compare Exhibit 49), and the same considerations were used as for the analysis of operations flows as described later in this document. VI-17 Table VI-2 MINIMUM RELEASE DURING RESERVOIR FILLING Total Minimum water Downstream Month Available 1/ Release -----(cfs) (cfs) Jan 6.5 6.5 Feb 5.4 5.4 Mar 4.7 4.7 Apr 15.8 7.0 May 39.0 17.0 June 47.1 34.0 July 27.4 27.4 Aug 22.9 22.0 Sep 36.6 34.0 Oct 47.7 34.0 Nov 34.0 25.0 Dec 24.8 10.0 1/ Mean of average monthly flows for 30 yr of synthesized data. ADFG has requested that the April minimum release be increased from 7.0 cfs to 15.8 cfs to assure adequate flows for pink and chum salmon fry outmigration (Appendix J). ADFG suggests that the water lost for reservoir filling during April could be reccuped by reductions in the minimum flows of Table VI-2 for the months June through November. While increasing the April m~n~mum flow may benefit pink/chum outmigration, reductions in the minima for the other months may increase the potential for adverse impact on the fishery resource upstream of Black Lake during reservoir filling. The continuing studies discussed elsewhere in this document will provide more detailed information on fish habitat and use in this reach, which will allow refinement of the proposed reservoir filling release regime. Endangered or Threatened Species The only endangered species that might occur in the area, the peregrine falcon, is too uncommon a visitor to be directly affected by the Project. Peregrines may use the transmission line poles for perching, but the spacing of wires will be such that chances of birds being electrocuted will be minimized. VI-18 Recreational Facilities and Use The USFS cabin on Black Bear Lake will have to be relocated to avoid inundation (see Appendix I). Effects of construction on recreational facilities and use and on public access in the Project Area are discussed in Appendix I. Historical, Archeological, Cultural Sites/Values No known historical, archeological, or cultural sites will be adversely affected by construction of the proposed Project (see Appendix G). Scenic and Esthetic Effects of construction on Project Area scenic sites and values are discussed in Appendix I. Socioeconomic Effects The Black Bear Lake Project's impacts on employment, population, housing and revenues would be concentrated within the villages of Klawock and Craig. Construction activities will last approximately two years and employ about 175 different workers. During that time, the maximum number of employees at the construction site would be 110, of which approximately 45 (40 percent of the total) could be local workers. It is expected that the work force required will live in Klawock and Craig. Due to the fluctuations in the size of the construction force and the transient nature of employment on many construction activities, it is unlikely that a significant portion of the imported work force would choose to relocate their families in Klawock or Craig. As a result, the imported work force is expected to live in trailers or mobile homes once the housing available in Klawock and Craig is fully utilized. The contractor will be expected to supply any support services for construction personnel that are not available locally. The impacts on public services will be limited. No effects are expected on police, fire, solid waste, transportation or health services. However, water supply might be a problem if Klawock does not improve its existing system. Since Project features would not occupy any lands now used for houses or business, there would be no need to relocate any residential or commercial areas. While local business may benefit from occasional sales of construction material and foodstuffs, it is expected that the bulk of construction supplies would be shipped directly to the Project site from points outside Prince of Wales Island. As a result, air services and other transportation means are expected to increase during the construction period. Air Quality During construciion, dust will be produced by vehicular traffic on the Project access road and by excavations for civil works. Combustion products will be released to the atmosphere by construction vehicles, and the concentration of particulates will VI-19 increase due to burning of cleared vegetation and solid wastes. All of these effects will be local and short-term. No significant deterioration of air quality is expected. Noise Construction noise will keep birds and mammals away from the project Area during working hours. The effect will not extend much beyond the Project boundaries and will not last longer than the construction period. Although noise-related impacts will be minimal and temporary, reductions in such disturbances can be accomplished by proper timing of construction activities. Water Quantity and Quality During most of the construction period flows in Black Bear Creek will be unimpeded downstream of the powerhouse site, since the stream will be diverted around the work area. However, flows in Black Bear Creek between the powerhouse and the dam will be eliminated during construction, except for local inflow. Flows downstream of the powerhouse will also be affected during filling of the reservoir, as discussed previously. During most of the construction period water quality changes in Black Bear Lake and Black Bear Creek above Black Lake will be restricted to minor increases in the sediment load, due to limited runoff from the construction areas. As discussed below, the potential for runoff will be minor since appropriate precautions will be incorporated in the preparation of the construction areas. Appropriate erosion control features will be an integral part of the main construction staging area near the powerhouse site. The control features will be placed before disturbance of the staging area in order to hold erosion runoff to the stream to a minimum. However, preparation of the control measures will in itself cause some temporary runoff of sediments to the stream. Increased suspension of sediments will also occur in Black Bear Lake with the construction and removal of the dam staging area and the cofferdam across the lake's outlet channel. The staging area and cofferdam will be constructed with talus and rock debris excavated from the dam foundation area on the left side of the outlet channel. Because of the grain size distribution of these materials, the amount of sediments introduced to the lake will be relatively small. Because of the limited circulation of water in the lake, the suspended sediments will be localized and will settle in the immediate area of the cofferdam and staging area. Prior to initiating construction of the staging area and cofferdam, flow in the outlet channel will be diverted through a 4-ft. diameter culvert to allow construction of the dam. The culvert will extend into the lake 50 to 75 ft. along the north shore. By extending the culvert, water containing suspended VI-20 sediments generated from construction of the cofferdam and staging area will not be carried downstream to Black Bear Creek. Detailed scheduling of those construction activities wbich have the potential for significant adverse effect on water quality will be coordinated with ADFG and other appropriate agencies. It is anticipated that preparation of the construction staging areas, which includes the water quality protection measures discussed above, can be carried out within the May 15 -August 1 time frame recommended by ADFG (Appendix J). At the end of the construction period short-term increases in suspended sediments in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black lake will likely occur as a result of removal and regrading of the ~owerhouse construction staging area, covering and grading of the lower section of penstock and opening of the tailrace channel downstream of the powerhouse. However, the total amount of sediments generated at the end of the construction period is expected to be small. Adverse effects on water quality resulting from spillage of petroleum fuels or lubricants from construction equipment are expected to be minimal. Any spills of fuel, oil or grease will be contained within the construction staging areas and are not expected to be transported into the lake or stream systems. Any bulk fuels would be stored within an impermeable berm or other device which could contain the total volume if a leak should occur. For the most part, clearing and construction of the transmission line corridor will not affect water quality. The potential exceptions to this will be at stream crossings. Where crossings are necessary, clearing of the ROW will be conducted in full compliance with USFS policy (Southeast Alaska Area Guide, USFS 1977). Hence, degradation of water quality is expected to be minimal. Compliance ~ith RegulatoEY Standards Air quality standards will be met during Project construction. Water quality standards will be complied with during construction, with the possible exception of short-term elevation of turbidity and sediment levels above those stated in Alaska water Quality Standards (ADEC 1979) for the category "GrOwth and Propagation of Fish, Shellfish and Other Aquatic life • • .". These increases would occur at the beginning and the end of the construction period, as described above. Spoil and ~~ste Disposal Spoil and waste disposal were discussed in Chapter I. VI-21 Environmental !m~t of operation and Maintenance Terrestrial Specie§ and Habitat§ Operation of the Project will cause no significant changes in wildlife habitat beyond those introduced by Project construction. Revegetation of the construction work areas will result in gradual habitat recovery for songbirds and small mammals. Most of the larger birds and mammals will continue to avoid the main part of the Project, but with noise at lower levels, will reoccupy peripheral habitat. Beaver dams under Project conditions will receive more frequent but less extreme high flows than at present. If a beaver dam is maintained in the usual manner, the likelihood that it will breach is reduced. Maintenance of the transmission line ROW will sustain a relatively uniform strip of open habitat as long as the Project is in operation. Broadleaved shrubs will be suppressed by manual means where necessary. ADFG has recommended against the use of herbicides (Appendix J) • Management of the transmission line ROW for low vegetation will aid grouse and edge-dependent birds (flycatchers, waxwings, some warblers) by providing berry-and seed-bearing plants. The poles and wires lIWill be used for resting and perch-hunting by some birds. Transmission poles will provide potentially attractive nest sites for some large birds such as the red-tailed hawk. With adequate wire spacing to prevent electrocutions this is not likely to cause bird mortality. There is danger of the nest sticks shorting across wires however and nesting must be prevented. ~ethods available and tested include altering poles and crossties to render them inbospitable and erecting a separate nest platform near the pole selected by birds. Aquatic species and Habitat§ -Black Bear Lake Reservoir Level Fluctuation. Normal maximum daily reservoir fluctuation will~ approximately one foot. During the spawning period of Black Bear Lake rainbow trout, such fluctuations could cause the loss of eggs deposited in very shallow areas. Eggs deposited in slightly deeper water would be unaffected. Seasonal reservoir level fluctuations are summarized on Exhibits 42 through 45. Fluctuations with and without downstream environmental flow constraints were examined. These downstream flow constraints are discussed later in this section. For purposes of the present discussion, it should be noted that the reservcir level increases a few feet from April to June, then decreases from June to August. This could result in the loss by desiccation of rainbow trout eggs (or alevins) deposited in very shallow water areas during VI-22 the period of highest reservoir level. Eggs and alevins in somewhat deeper water would not be affected. Year-to-year fluctuations in reservoir levels might also affect rainbow trout spawning, depending on the amount of suitable spawning habitat available each year under different water level conditions. Fish Entrainment. The proposed intake structure is designed to minimize fish entrainment. Each flared intake ~ort ~ill be approximately 7 ft. by 7 ft., for a cross sectional area of about 49 sq. ft J2 The maximum discharge capacity of the Project will be approximately 64 cfs, so that the maximum approach velocity at each intake opening will be about 1.31 ft/s, with lower velocity at the trashrack. At lower Project discharges, water velocities at the intake and trashrack will be correspondingly lower. Eell (1973) has reported the following swimming s~eeds for average-sized to large adult rainbow trout: Cruisi!!9~ed (ft/s) 4.5 Sustained Speed (ft/s) 13.5 where cruising speed is defined as that maintainable for long periods (hours) and sustained speed that maintainable for a period of minutes. Smaller rainbow trout have lower swimming speeds. Most adult rainbow trout should be able to avoid entrainment into the power intake rather easily. Smaller adults and juveniles may be entrained at higher Project discharges, however. Any fish entrained would pass through the Project water conductors and turbines and would probably be killed. Although the mortality rate of fish entrained would approach 100 percent, entrainment is not expected to have significant impact on the Black Bear Lake trout population, since only a small percentage of the total number of fish would be subject to entrainment. Aguatic ~£ies and Habitats -Downstream of Black Bear Lake water Tem~rature. Water temperature, in addition to affecting the timing of stream entrance and spawning by adult fish, determines the rate of development from egg through alevin to free-swimming fry. The rate of this development can be critical to the survival of juvenile fish. water temperatures in the stream below Black Bear Lake are in part determined by temperature of lake outflows. This effect is most important for the reach of Black Bear Creek upstream of Black VI-23 Lake, and becomes less so the further downstream one ~roceeds. Under existing conditions, outflows are from the surface of Black Bear Lake. Thermograph records of mid-August through october 1980 water temperatures at four stream locations are given in Ta~le 1 and Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix F. As shown on Figures Sa and 5b of Appendix F, Black Bear Lake is strongly thermally stratified in August, less so in Septem~er, and has uniform temperature by late october. The lake's thermocline descends from a depth of 30 to 40 feet in August to a depth of 50 to 70 feet in late september. During the winter, an inverse thermal stratification would be expected, with a layer of water colder than 4 degrees C at shallow depths below the ice. In order to minimize changes in the natural downstream water temperature regime with the Project, the three-port power intake is designed to withdraw water from as near the surface of the reservoir as possible as much of the time as possible. This will result in withdrawal of warmer water from above the thermocline during summer months and the coldest possible water from near the reservoir surface in the winter. Exhibits 42 and 44 show intake port elevations in relation to reservoir surface elevations. Each of the three 7 ft. by 7 ft. intake ports leads to a water conductor 4 ft. by 4 ft. In order to avoid vortex entrainment of air when pool elevation decreases, the port in use will ~e closed and the next lower port will be opened when submergence of the first port falls below eight ft. (measured from the surface of the reservoir to the top of the 4 ft. x 4 ft. water conductor). This leads to the operation regime shown in Table VI-3. Table VI-3 INTAKE OPERATION Port Invert Operable Range of Port ~ort_ ~l. (f!:L __ ~eservoir EI • . in ft) Upper 1693 maximum 1715 (normal max. pool) minimum 1705 'tl Middle 1683 maximum 1705 minimum 1695 Lower 1673 maximum 1695 minimum 1685 (min. pool) Depths of water withdrawal and percent of time of withdrawal at given depths are shown on Exhibit 46 for January and Exhibit 47 for August. In both January and August, water would be ~ithdrawn from depths of 12 -20 feet about 80 percent of the time, and from depths of 20 -22 feet the rest of the time (20 percent). These results are based on analysis of the reservoir levels which will occur with downstream environmental flow constraints (see Exhibits 44 and 45). These flow constraints are discussed later in this section. since withdrawals during the summer and fall will be from above Black Bear Lake thermocline, stream water temperatures downstream of the powerhouse will change little, if at all, from existing conditions during this time of year under normal flow conditions. Fish activity during this period, including salmonid migration into Black Bear Creek and spawning, should not be adversely affected. stream winter water temperatures will be increased somewhat by the Project r perhaps by as much as 1.5 - 2 degrees C in t~e stream reach upstream of Black Lake under extreme low flow conditions r ~hich can occur in January and February. The increase would be smaller under more normal flow conditions. AS shown in Table 6 of Appendix F the magnitude of winter water temperature increase with the Project would become progressively smaller as one proceeds downstream. Pink and chum salmon juveniles do not remain for long in fresh water, but either swim or are carried downstream to brackish or salt water upon reaching the free-swimming fry stage after emergence from streambed gravels. If warmer than normal winter water temperatures have accelerated the intragravel stages of development, this downstream movement may occur before sufficient numbers of food organisms are available in the marine coastal feeding areas, and the young fish may suffer high mortality from starvation. Differences from natural stream temperatures of as little as 2 or 3 degrees F during the egg-alevin development period can result in significant VI-25 losses (Meehan 1974). Pink salmon incubation areas are in the lower reaches of Black Bear Creek, below Black Lake. Chum salmen spawn both up-and downstream of the lake. The part of the stream below Black Lake would be the least susceptible to any Project-caused winter temperature increases. Under winter extreme low flow conditions, intragravel development of pink and chum may be accelerated sufficiently to cause early outmigration, with the consequences mentioned above. Under more usual (higher) winter flow conditions, however, pink and chum intragravel development will probably not be significantly affected. Sockeye and coho salmon incubation areas occur both up-and downstream of Black Lake, with the principal sockeye incubation area being in and above Black Lake. Sockeye and coho salmon fry generally remain in fresh water after emergence from the streambed gravels, rearing in suitable areas of the stream or associated lakes and feeding on plankton and insects (Scott and Crossman 1973). If warmer winter water temperatures accelerate the rate of development of invertebrates and plankton in Black Bear Creek and Black Lake as well as that of sockeye and coho in the gravels, early emergence of sockeye and coho probably would not be as potentially serious as it would be for pink and chum. In any event, since the Project will elevate winter water temperatures more upstream of Black Lake than it will downstream, the potential for adverse impact on coho and sockeye will be greater for the incubation areas above Elack Lake than for those downstream. other salmonids inhabiting the stream include Dolly Varden (fall spawning), steelhead-rainbow trout (spring spawning), and cutthroat trout (spring spawning). Rainbow and cutthroat spawning and incu~ation will not be affected temperature-wise, since the Project will have little, if any, effect on spring and summer natural water temperature regimes. Dolly Varden spawning in the fall will not be affected, but winter incubation and emergence could be accelerated, as discussed above for salmon. ADFG considers the Black Bear Creek system as "temperature-sensitive", meaning that under natural summer low-flow conditions, water temperatures can become high enough to adversely affect fish and other stream organisms. Temperature-sensitive streams in Southeast Alaska typically are lake system streams, are oriented north-south, and have slow moving, organically-stained dark water (Kelly 1979, 1980). The Project may have a beneficial effect on water temperatures during summer low flow periods, since as explained later in this section, flows with the Project will be higher than natural flows for a significant part of the day during sumrrer months and higher flows can reduce water temperatures. Discharge Regime. From 1986 cascades reach of the stream between eliminated except for local inflow events. After 1991, there will be therefore no flow in the natural VI-26 to 1991, flows in the falls and the dam and powerhouse would be and Project spills during flood essentially no spilling and streambed between the dam and powerhouse except for local inflow. This reach of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. Modification of the natural stream discharge regime dcwnstream of the powerhouse by the proposed Project could affect fish habitat. migration. and development of eggs and juveniles. The further downstream one proceeds from the Project tailrace. the smaller these flow modifications as a percent of total flow will te. since a progressively greater percentage of stream flow derives from unregulated runoff as one moves downstream, as illustrated on Exhitit 48 and in Table VI-4. Ii) Table VI-4 DRAINAGE AREAS AND PROJECT REGULATION Location Percent of Cumulative Drainage Area (See Exhibit 48) Regulated Unregulated Project tailrace (I) 100 0 Upstream of major upper basin tritutary (II) 58.7 41.3 Downstream of major upper tasin tritutary (III) 34.5 65.5 Black Lake inlet (IV) 28.9 71.1 Black Lake outlet (V) 24.6 75.4 Mouth of stream (VI) 10.4 89.6 Early in Project planning. a discharge regime to follow system load demand was developed. This regime would cause daily flow fluctuations which are large compared to minimum releases for the reach of the stream above Black Lake. and would greatly modify natural seasonal discharge patterns in the upper reaches of the stream. Such a regime would almost certainly have significant adverse effect on fish spawning and egg and intragravel larval fish survival upstream of Black Lake. Therefore, in order to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact, the release regime was modified ty decreasing daily maximum discharge and/or increasing daily minimum discharge during those months identified as important for salmon spawning (July through November) and incubation (December through May). The result is a discharge regime which would have smaller daily fluctuations and would more closely follow seasonal changes in natural discharge than would be the case for the original VI-27 regime. The modifications analysis was performed for two cases: 1) 1986, when Project generation capacity would not yet te fully absorbed and Project discLarges would therefore include spills from the reservoir, and 2) 1991, when essentially no spilling would occur. Exhibits 49 through 60 present existing average monthly flows and ranges (based on 30-year period), the original optimum peaking power discharge regime, and the proposed modified regime incorporating flow constraints for fishery impact reduction. Exhibits 49 through 54 give this information for the year 1986 for the six stream locations shown on Exhibit 48, and the situation for 1991 at the same six locations is presented in Exhibits 55 through 60. It is important to note that the with-Project stream flows depicted in Exhibits 49 through 60 for each of the six locations analyzed were obtained by adding Project discharges to the average unregulated monthly discharge at that point in the stream. Therefore, the curves shown for locations downstream of the powerhouse are for ~grag~ contributions from the unregulated drainage area to streamflow at that point. Whenever the contribution of the unregulated part of the cumulative drainage area to the streamflow at the location being analyzed is greater than average, tte entire set of with-Project curves (min-max 1-max 2) will be shifted upward. Likewise, when unregulated drainage contributions are below average, the min-max 1-max 2 curve set will shift downward. For 1986, the proposed modified flow regime gives higher winter flows (January-March), lower May flows, higher summer flows (July-September), lower October flows, and lower Decemter flows compared to existing conditions. April, June, and Novemter flows would be essentially unct-anged (Exhibits 49 through 54). ~he range of daily fluctuations will fall within the range of natural fluctuations except during the period January-March. The magnitude of daily fluctuations will probably be approximately equal to or less than that under natural conditions except in January-March and perhaps June and July, but fluctuations will te more frequent on a daily basis with the Project than under existing conditions. For 1991, the proposed modified flow regime gives higher winter flows (January-March), lower late spring flows (May-June), higher summer flows (July-August), and lower Octoter and December flow compared to existing conditions. April, September, and November flows would be essentially unchanged (Exhibits 55 through 60). The range of daily fluctuations will fall within the range of natural fluctuations except during the period January-March. The magnitude of daily fluctuations will probably be approximately equal to or less than that under natural conditions except in January-March and perhaps June and July, but fluctuations will te more frequent on a daily basis with the Project than under existing conditions. In summary, the principal flow regime changes downstream of the powerhouse for both 1986 and 1991 will be higher winter and summer flows, less frequent flood and low flow events, and more frequent VI-28 flow fluctuations on a daily basis. Higher winter flows may well increase survival of salmonid eggs and alevins by decreasing the frequency of ice formation in the incubating gravels, especially upstream of Black Lake. Higher summer flows may decrease the frequency of occurrence of high water temperatures which almost certainly occur during dry summers under natural conditions. This would tend to increase survival of rearing salmonids, but higher water velocities associated with the higher summer flows may reduce rearing habitat in certain reaches of the stream. Effects of reduction of frequency of high and low flow events are discussed in Appendix F, pp. 17-20. Increasing flow fluctuations on a daily basis will probably not significantly affect fish populations or habitat downstream of Black Lake. Daily fluctuations in the stream reach bet~een Black Lake and the major upstream left bank tributary in the upper drainage could have significant adverse effect, but further information on fish use and habitat will be required to quantify fishery impacts in this part of the stream. Upstream of this reach, the stream bed is braided and may smooth out daily flow fluctuations through a trickle-filter type of influence. Further data are needed on stream morphology in this reach to determine its potential for amelioration of daily flow variation. After more detailed information on fish hatitat and use becomes available through the continuing studies discussed elsewhere in this document, the modified flow regime described above may require refinement in order to assure that downstream fisheries impacts are reduced to a minimum. The ATC wood waste fired generation project might come on line in 1981 or 1982 and would provide two to four MW for 15 years. It might be possible to use the ATC project for peaking power in the system so that the Black Bear Lake Project could be operated more frequently on a base load mode during that period. The proposed Project could also be shifted to operation principally for baseload power after about 1992, when Project generating capacity is fully absorbed by power system demand. Baseload operation would allow greater flexibility in the discharge regime of the proposed Project so that discharges could be made to follow natural patterns more closely. Daily flow fluctuations and rate of change would also be less with base load operation than under a peaking mode. Such modifications in the Project discharge regime would further reduce the potential for downstream fisheries impacts. Dissolved Oxygen withdraw water from no surface, so that no powerhouse at any time and Nitrogen. The Project power intake will deeper than 22 feet below the reservoir oxygen-poor water will be discharged from the during the year. The multilevel intake is designed and will be operated so that no air is entrained through vortex action under normal operating conditions. The Project thus will not increase dissolved nitrogen concentrations downstream of the powerhouse. VI-29 Majo~ Ecosystem Alteration Vegetation Re~~vo!~ operations. The amount of vegetation biomass on the slopes abutting Black Bear Lake is not sufficient to cause water quality problems if not cleared before dam closure. Nevertheless, in order to avoid unsightly dead snags and potential debris problems at the intake and spillway, vegetation between EI. 1680 (present lake level) and EI. 1710 will be cleared before the reservoir is filled. Vegetation between EI. 1710 and 1715 (maximum normal operating pool) will not be cleared, since most vegetation in this zone will survive, as indicated in the following discussion. The present lake level is EI. 1680 and the normal maximum reservoir level will be EI. 1715. Exhibit 38 shows the vegetation between these two elevations. The vegetation in this zone was described earlier. In general the vegetation consists of hemlock and hemlock-spruce forest stands, salmonberry and alder thickets, mountain hemlock scrub stand, rock field sutalpine meadow, and subalpine hemlock copses intermixed with open areas. Black Bear Lake will not be maintained at a constant pool level but will fluctuate over time. The effects on vegetation of periodic pool level fluctuations would be most severe if the inundation occurs during the growing season (June to September). Most trees and shrubs are able to survive prolonged inundation during their dormant season but species' response to inundation during the growing season is variable. Flood frequency, duration, and depth are the major factors determining a species' response to inundation during the growing season. During the growing season the highest pool levels will be reached in average and wet years. Durinq dry years, highest pool levels will be reached in the fall and early winter. Table VI-5, based on proposed Black Bear Lake pool operation levels with downstream flow constraints, gives the percent exceedance of reservoir levels during the growing season. VI-30 Table VI-5 PERCENT EXCEEDANCE OF POOL LEVELS DURING THE GROWING SEASON (JUNE TO SEPTEMBER) Number of Years of Range of Occurrence Pool Level Average Percent Out of Fluctuations _Lev~L Exceedance ·30 Years 1680 1680 (present level) 1685-1692 1688 100 30 1689-1696 1692 95 28 1691-1698 1694 90 27 1694-1699 1697 80 24 1699-1705 1702 70 21 1703-1708 1705 60 18 1703-1712 1707 50 15 1708-1714 1711 40 12 1710-1715 1712 30 9 1712-1715 1713 20 6 1713-1715 1714 10 3 1715 1715 5 1 The vegetation (see Exhibit 38) presently ~etween El. 1680 and approximately El. 1688 ~ould be permanently inundated and, thus, lost (see Table VI-5). There would be a gradation of vegetation damage between EI. 1688 and El. 1715 ~ith the most severe damage occurring at the lower elevations. The zone bet~een El. 1688 and El. 1707 would ~e severely stressed. Allor a portion of this zone will ~e inundated durinq the gro~inq season for at least 50 percent of the time (see Table VI-5). Nearly all of the woody vegetation in the areas to be inundated 90 to 70 percent of the time would, in all pro~ability, die within three to five years. Herbaceous vegetation ~ould be eliminated within two to three years. In the area to be inundated from 60 to 50 percent of the time, only the most flood tolerant trees and shrubs would survive, probably at a reduced gro~th rate. Herbaceous vegetation would be sparse and probably be represented by annuals and flood tolerant grasses and sedges. Unfortunately, very little is known concerning the flood tolerance of plants common to the Black Bear Lake storeline. Walters et ale (1980) classify the flood tolerance of red alder and sitka alder as very tolerant (~ithstand flooding for periods of two or more growing seasons): Sitka spruce, ~estern redcedar, and western hemlock as tolerant (withstand flooding for most of one VI-31 growing season); and Alaska-cedar as intermediately tolerant (able to survive flooding for one to three months during the growing season). Minore and Smith (1971), based on flood tolerance studies, ranks red alder, Sitka spruce, and western hemlock as interffediately tolerant. In a review of the literature, Whitlow and Harris (1979) rank western redcedar as tolerant (able to survive flooding for one growing season, with significant mortality occurring if flooding is repeated the following years) and Sitka spruce and western hemlock as slightly tolerant (able to survive flooding or saturated soils for 30 consecutive days during the growing season). It is assumed that inundation for all or a significant portion of two or more consecutive growing seasonswould kill most of the woody vegetation between El. 1688 and El. 1707. An increase in alders could occur at the less frequently inundated upper elevations. The zone from El. 1707 to El. 1715 will be inundated less frequently (see Table VI-5) and vegetational changes would be less severe than for the zone just described. The vegetation between El. 1707 and El. 1712 would be sparse with only flood tolerant shrubs able to survive. Between El. 1712 and El. 1715, the maximum level, most of the original woody vegetation would remain, provided that flooding does not occur for two or more consecutive growing seasons. However, even if this does occur, sufficient time could be expected between subsequent high flooding events that the vegetation would have time to recover. One flooding event of one week or more would be sufficient to kill most of the herbaceous vegetation. Causes would be anaerobic soil conditions, mechanical damage from floating debris, and siltation from receding water covering growing tips. Winter pool levels above El. 1688 should not, by themselves, significantly affect the dormant vegetation. However, they may exacerbate the stress on vegetation already impacted from inundation during the ~receding growing season. Water table levels will rise in direct response to the rise in reservoir water levels. However, since most of the shoreline is steep, the rise in water table level will not be greater than the reservoir surface level. This may cause some localized wetter than normal conditions on slope areas immediately above the reservoir water level. In these wet areas, quite common at present, sedges may replace trees and shrubs. According to studies by Minore and Smith (1971) on the effect of raised winter water table depths on plant growth, red alder, western redcedar and Sitka spruce will grow where the winter water table is less than 15 cm deep. Red alder and western redcedar are able to grow with the water being stagnant while Sitka spruce requires a flowing water table. Western hemlock is intolerant of water tables less than 15 cm deep. It would appear, therefore, that any raised water tables along the shoreline would result in the death of western hemlock and, in all probability, mountain hemlock. Sitka spruce and alder, however, may survive raised water tables immediately above the new shoreline. VI-32 Vegetation -Downstream Flows. Project downstream releases are not expected to cause any significant alterations of the vegetation along the Black Bear Creek stream corridor. The reasons are 1) the total annual streamflow and its monthly distribution will remain the same, 2) the regulated area of the watershed is small, approximately ten percent, compared to the total drainage area (see Exhibit 48), and 3) a major source of water maintaining the streamside wet areas appears to be surface and subsurface flows from adjacent slopes. Nevertheless, overbank flooding may also be important for maintaining the vegetation in these poorly drained areas. Project releases will, however, be well within the range of natural fluctuations. The overall effect of the Project will ~e a reduction in the frequency and magnitude of flood flows and a decrease in frequency and increase in maqnitude of low flows. This influence of the regulated flow on the natural flow from the unregulated drainage area will decrease progressively downstream. The large natural fluctuations will still occur downstream, particularly downstream of Black Lake .. The most pronounced effects on downstream flows from Project releases will occur between locations I and II (see Exhi~it 48). The upper reaches of this stream section are bordered by bands of alders and salmonberry as well as canopy-sized hemlock and spruce trees. The lower half of the section contains braided su~channels and alluvial fans of tributaries. Vegetation is mostly cancpy-sized hemlock and spruce with scattered alders. These trees are not dependent on stream flows for their survival or maintenance. The project effects of reducing high flows and increasing low flows should not have any appreciable effect on this vegetation. There may, however, be a change in the groundcover flora or an increase in shrubs. A muskeg forest and meadow occurs along Black Eear Creek between locations III and IV (see Exhibit 48). Less than cne-third of the water passing through these wet areas will be regulated flow from Black Bear Lake. The major project effect will be a reduction (by less than one-third) in overbank flooding. If overbank flooding from large storm events is important in maintaining the muskeg area, then the Project may cause some vegetational chanqes there. The reduction in flooding could be sufficient to cause a shift from hydric to more mesic conditions. In the extreme case, the open muskeg area could become colonized by additional shrubs, and eventually develop into semi-open successional woodland stages dominated in turn by alder, sitka spruce, and western hemlock. However, it does not seem likely that any changes would go beyond an increase in shrubs and small trees. Project releases would water levels. Therefore, no either along the shoreline contain aquatic macrophytes. not cause any changes in Elack Lake vegetational changes are expected or in those few shoreline areas which Downstream of Black Lake, Project releases are expected to have only minimal, if any, effect on the vegetation. In this area of VI-33 poor drainage and a naturally high water table, much of the water maintaining the vegetation in the wet meadows and wet low sites is surface and subsurface drainage from the adjacent slopes as well as unregulated streamflow (specifically, overbank flooding). Large natural streamflow fluctuations and drainage from adjacent slopes will be unaffected. Their contribution to maintaining the present wetland type vegetation will remain unchanged by the Project. The Project-regulated flow will be such a small component of tt.e total water flow through this area that its effects on vegetation will be insignificant. Wildlife. Reservoir surface fluctuation will not significantly affect wildlife use of the lake, since such use at present is primarily for drinking. Most of the strongly water-oriented mammals and birds of the area occur downstream of the proposed reservoir. The maintenance of the transmission line in a perpetually low-growth condition will provide a stable edge-oriented tird and mammal community, with the food-chain relationships those cf forest species feeding in the open. This will be a linear interruption in the otherwise continuous coniferous forest ecosystem. Aguatic Reservoir ~evel Fluctuation. Normal maximum daily reservoir fluctuation will be about one foot. Seasonal fluctuations are summarized on Exhibits 42 through 45. These fluctuations could affect rainbow trout spawning in Black Bear Lake as discussed previously. b~~!i£ stream Wat~~ Temperature. Summer and fall water temperatures downstream of the powerhouse will change little, if at all, with the Project, except as noted below. Winter water temperatures will be increased by as much as 1.5-2 degrees C in the stream above Black Lake under extreme low flow conditions, which can occur in January and Fetruary. The increase would be smaller under more normal winter flow conditions. The magnitude of winter water temperature increase would become progressively smaller as one proceeds downstream. The Project will have a beneficial effect on stream water temperatures during summer low flow periods, since with-Project flows will be higher than natural flows during summer and higher flows would reduce water temperatures. Effects of these temperature modifications on stream fishery resources are discussed in the section on operation effects on aquatic resources. VI-34 Aquatic Discha~~ Regime. Flows between the powerhouse would be eliminated except for local inflow, reach of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. dam tut and this Downstream of the powerhouse, the principal flow regime changes will be higher winter and summer flows, less frequent flood and low flow events, and more frequent flow fluctuations on a daily basis. Effects on fishery resources in different reaches of the stream are discussed above under aquatic impacts of operation, and in Appendix F. Cumulative !m~ct~ other Hydroelectric Proiects. There are no other existing or proposed hydroelectric projects in the Black Bear Creek basin. Logging ~ations and Aquatic Eco~stem~. Gibtons and Salo (1973) reviewed recent literature on logging effects on fish and aquatic habitat in the western u.s. and Canada, and summarized research findings on sedimentation, water temperature, and stream flow as follows. Analysis of the effects of logging and logging roads on sediment production indicates that: 1. Logging roads are the greatest source of man-caused stream sediments, ~. Sediments from clearcuts occur infrequently primarily a result of bared mineral soils and surface soil permeability due to compaction, and and are reduced ~. Severe burning of logging slash is often followed by increased rates of surface soil erosion, due primarily to the removal of stabilizing vegetation and litter. Direct adverse effects of suspended sediment or turtidity on fish include: 1. Adhesion of silt particles to the chorion of salmonid ova, and 2. Abrasion, thickening, and fusion of gills as a result of increased silt concentration. Suspended sediment may also block or decrease light penetration and limit production of phytoplankton and aquatic plants, may cause alterations in stream temperature change rates and precipitation of organic particles which produce higher biological oxygen demand, and may reduce sport fishing success. VI-35 Of all the factors affecting aquatic life, bedload sediments cause the most damage by reducing invertetrate diversity and populations, reducing available living space for fish, and reducing early survival of fish. Direct effects include: 1. Fillinq of gravel interstices, therety reducing intragravel water flow, which reduces dissolved oxygen available to incubating salmonid eggs, 2. Prevention of fry emergence, and 3. Reduction of and promoting periphyton. food resources by filling gravel interstices unstable substrates for invertetrates and Damaging effects of sediment are most pronounced during fish intragravel development stages. Once emergence occurs, food availability becomes more important. Organic fines introduced by logging decrease dissolved oxygen concentrations and intragravel flows, and increase salmonid egg and alevin mortality by promoting bacterial infection. water temperature is a major determinant production, with small forested streams being the most to temperature change. Recent research shows that: in salmonid susceptible 1. Removal of streamside vegetation increases maximum water temperatures by exposing streams to increased direct solar radiation, 2. stream temperature is directly proportional to water surface area exposed and solar energy input, and inversely proportional to stream flow, 3. Previously warmed water which reaches shade does not normally cool unless there is cool water inflow, and 4. Winter minimum water temperatures can be lowered ty removing streamside vegetation. stream flows in coastal areas of the western u.s. and Canada are primarily affected by precipitation patterns and somewhat less by evapotranspiration losses. Removal of vegetation ty timber harvesting increases stream flows, since reduction in evapotranspiration losses is much greater than the possible evaporation from increased soil exposure. Recent research shows that: 1. Streamflows increase after clearcut logging, especially if followed by slash burning, VI-36 1. For each one percent of watershed cut, an average increase of 0.2 inches in water runoff can be expected the first year after cutting, ]. Minimum flows are increased, although major flood flows are not increased significantly, and 4. Changes in streamflow resulting from vegetation removal are usually less than natural climatic-caused variations. Effects of altered streamflows can be either detrimental or beneficial to aquatic organisms. Increased flows can cause egg and alevin displacement and mortality as a result of gravel shifting, and reduction of benthic algae and insects by gravel grinding action and displacement. USFWS has also pointed out that higher flows can have detrimental effects on juvenile fish, which generally prefer lower water velocities (Appendix J). However, increased flows can also increase available living space and carrying capacity for fish and benthic insects. Increased summer flows also lessen adverse effects of increased solar radiation on stream temperatures resulting from vegetation removal. CUmulative Effects of the ~ropo~Q Project and Logging Operations 2rr the Agu~~!£ Ecosystem. Stream suspended sediment loads will be temporarily increased by the Project only during initial and final construction phases, and then probably only above Black Lake. No cumulative effects with logging are expected, since timber is being harvested downstream of Black Lake. Higher summer flows with the Project may reduce summer water temperature increases that might occur due to logging in the lower basin. Higher winter flows with the Project would tend to ameliorate lowering of winter minimum water temperatures that might take place as a result of streamside vegetation removal during timber harvest in the lower basin. Stream flows in the lower basin will probably increase for the first few years after logging operations, but as mentioned above, such changes are usually less than climate-caused variations. Cumulative effects of the proposed Project and logging operations on stream flow in the lower basin therefore would generally ce expected to fall within the range of conditions examined in the analysis presented earlier, except that minimum flows for the cumulative case may be slightly higher than for the with-Project analysis. Other Cumulative ~ffe£ts with Logging 0Eerations. ~he total amount of-wildlife habitat that will be removed or disturced by the proposed Project, including the transmission line ROW, is at most one-third the area presently being logged in the lower Elack Bear Creek valley alone. VI-37 Cumulative effects on scenic and esthetic resources are discussed in Appendix I. Recreational Facilities ~nd yse Operation and maintenance effects on existing recreation are discussed in Appendix I. Historical, Archeological, cultural Sites/Values Project operation and maintenance will not affect any known sites (see Appendix G). Scenic and Esthetic --------- Operation and maintenance effects on scenic sites and values are discussed in Appendix I. Socioeconomic Effect~ Operation of the Black Bear Lake powerplant will be automatic and so will require only occasional visits for maintenance. There will be no socioeconomic impact because of the small work force involved. Project effects on economic development of the area are discussed elsewhere in this report. Air Quality Diesel emissions will be reduced, since the Project will reduce the need to operate exsitinq diesel generating plants. Otherwise, air quality will not be affected by Project operation or maintenance. Noise Operating noise from the Project will be perceptible only a short distance away, perhaps a kilometer for the sensitive person. The noise will consist of low frequency generator hum and intermittent sounds of vehicles. Such sounds are not heard now in the immediate neighborhood of the powerhouse site, but the road to Black Lake, now in construction, will provide substantial ncise when vehicles are passing. VI-38 Water Quanti!y and Quali!y The major effects of the proposed Project will ~e modification of flows in Black Bear Creek and fluctuation of tbe surface elevation of Black Bear Lake. Effects of Project operation on water quality in Elack Bear Lake will be minor. Similarly, witb the exception of temperature as discussed earlier, no significant changes in the major water quality parameters in Black Bear Creek are anticipated. Compliance ~ith Regulato~ §tandards Air and water quality standards will ~e met during Project operation and maintenance. Solid wastes accumulated in trash receptacles will ~e and deposited in existing sanitary landfill sites for communities. Human wastes from the powerhouse toilet disposed of at appropriate collecting sites in tbe communities. Breakdown of ~h~ Multilevel !ntakg removed nearby will ~e nearby If the automatic gate controls for the intake structure fail, water will be withdrawn from the low level port. This will avoid entrainment of air, wtich otherwise could cause increase of dissolved nitrogen in downstream discharges. Even if tbe reservoir is at full pool level and stratified, water witbdrawn from the low level port and discharged from the powerbouse will have higb dissolved oxygen levels (see lake profiles in Appendix F). If intake controls were to fail during winter, low level withdrawals would cause only a very minor increase in downstream water temperature. However, if breakdown occurred during the summer when the reservoir is thermally stratified, emergency low level withdrawal would result in discharge of significantly colder water to the stream. The intake structure and controls will be inspected regularly to minimize the chance of breakdown. If the control does fail, it will be returned to normal operation as soon as possible. VI-39 Environmental Effect~ of Termination and Abandonment Land Usg ~nd Esthetics Abandonment of the Project would generally result in returning land use and esthetic character to more natural pre-Project conditions. Breaching the dam would return the reservoir to its preimpoundment level. This would result in tem~orary visual impact from exposure of the previously inundated shoreline. This condition would exist until natural vegetation reestablished itself. Breaching the dam would again allow water to flow over the downstream falls. Removal of the powerhouse and related facilities would cause temporary visual impact until natural vegetation reestablished itself. Natural reestablishment of the original braided stream channel in the vicinity of the powerhouse is unlikely. The access road would not be removed, since even if it were, it is unlikely that the road ROW would return to pre-Project conditions. Removal of the maintenance would allow by native vegetation. pre-Project conditions. transmission line and cessaticn of ROW recolonization of the transmission corridor The corridor would eventually return to Blac~ ~ea~ Lake. Removal of the dam would cause the lake level to return to EI. 1680. This would expose the unvegetated inundated zone ranging from El. 1680 to El. 1715. The higher elevaticns would have only a sparse cover of flood tolerant shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. Primary succession would begin in the bare areas. The time lag between exposure of the area and the establishment of vegetation would vary, as would the species composition of the pioneers, depending on the nature of the surface exposed, the available seed source, and other factors. Along most of the exposed shoreline of Black Bear Lake, mosses and perennial herbs probably would become established in the available soil. Small shrubs such as salmonberry and Devilsclub, followed by alder and hemlock, would eventually colonize the area. In the vicinity of the rock field at the southeastern end of the lake, the colonizing vegetation would be similar to that presently existing. Other Area~. If Project structures such as the powerstation and associated facilities and roads were removed, the areas would have to be regraded to limit erosion. The disturbed soil would be naturally colonized by dense alder growths. Regeneration of vegetation would be similar to that in slide areas, former logging roads and highly degraded logged areas. Eventually (50 years or VI-40 more), spruce would begin to replace the alders. However, to ensure that a more desirable vegetation cover is established as ra~idly as possible in these areas, it would be necessary to artificially reforest the regraded areas. Decisions concerning the need for any reforestation program would have to be made at the appropriate time. Wildlife Following the removal of Project facilities and cessation of maintenance activities for roads r trails and the transmission line ROW, natural succession will result in gradual restoration of the pre-Project vegetation communities and the animal and bird populations supported by them. Bird populations will respond in much the same manner as they do to clearcutting (Kessler 1979). Mammals will use the project clearings, as they do other clearings, for feeding or movements. Aquatic Ecosystems Breaching or removal of the dam would return the lake to its pre impoundment level. Original rainbow trout spawning areas would again become available. Streamflow regime would return to pre-Project conditions r as would stream temperatures. The modified channel reach in the vicinity of the powerhouse would probably not return to natural conditions. Fishery productivity of Black Bear Creek atove Black Lake would probably return to pre-Project levels. Breaching the dam would probably cause a temporary increase in suspended sediments in the creek downstream of the Project site. Proposed Environmental Monitoring Programs Proposed monitorinq programs are described in the following sections. The proposed aquatic r vegetation, and wildlife mcnitoring programs are based on recommendations from APA's consultants and from state and federal agencies (see correspondence in A~~endix J). These monitoring programs are designed to provide additional detailed information which may be required to further refine proposed Project operations to insure that adverse im~acts are avoided or reduced to a minimum. It is our opinion that no changes will be required in design or location of Project civil works as described in this report. VI-41 Fisheries ~nQ Hydrological/Limnological Studies The scope of work for these studies is presented in A~~endix F. The studies began in July 1981. Construction Phase Water Quality Monitoring It is proposed that dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and oils and grease be monitored frequently during construction at a suitable site in Black Bear Creek between the powerhouse construction area and the confluence of the major southwest tributary above Black Lake. This monitoring would serve a quality control function during construction to insure that runoff control measures and procedures are functioning as intended • Dissolved Nitrogen Test The proposed intake structure is designed and will be operated to avoid air entrainment which could cause elevation of downstream dissolved nitrogen levels. Nevertheless, it is proposed that a one-time test be conducted of the potential for increased dissolved nitrogen with intentional vortex entrainment of air. Such a test would permit determination of the potential severity of such an event and allow formulation of precautions which could be taken in Project operations to preclude its occurrence. The test would be conducted once the Project is operational, but at a time of year when any increase in nitrogen concentrations would not be detrimental to downstream fishery resources. Timinq ~ould be established in consultation with ADFG and other a~~ropriate agencies. The test protocol would include measurement of dissolved nitrogen in Black Bear Lake and in Black Bear Creek downstream of the powerhouse discharge both with and without vortex entrainment of air at the intake. ~ost -PrQject Aguatic E~sources Monitoring MOnitoring of salmon escapement, stream temperature, and discharge would be continued upstream of Black Lake after the Project begins operation. Frequency of data collection and duration of these continuing studies would be discussed with state and federal fisheries agencies at a later date. Vegetation A single ground survey of the proposed transmission line corridor will be conducted during the final design stage tc verify the preliminary wetlands inventory. This information will be used along with the guidelines in Appendix I to establish tr.e final alignment of the transmission line. VI-42 Areas disturbed by construction activities will te regraded and planted in appropriate natural vegetation. Specific vegetation requirements such as suitable plant species, soil treatment, seedbed preparation, seeding rates or seedling densities, and follow-up maintenance procedures will be formulated after discussions with USFS. The revegetated areas will be periodically monitored to identify any problems that may arise, such as eroded areas and poor plant growth. Appropriate measures will be taken to correct such problems as soon as possible. After vegetation is cleared from the reservoir area and the reservoir is filled, the shoreline vegetation and that in the zone of fluctuating pool levels will be monitored for any debris control or erosion problems and unsightly snags. Debris and snags will be removed, and any erosion problems dealt with by appropriate means. Wildlife Before final alignment of the transmission line within the proposed transmission corridor is determined during final design of the Project, additional eagle surveys will be conducted as necessary to complement USFWS data. USFWS performed some eagle survey work in the vicinity of the Project in 1970. The agency plans to resurvey likely eagle use areas along the proposed Project transmission corridor in September 1981. The final alignment of the transmission line will comply with USFWS Eagle Protection Guidelines. The Project maintenance staff will be briefed by local game personnel on the handling of wildlife problems (e.g., bear encounters) on Project lands. Transmission line maintenance and surveillance personnel will be alerted to potential wildlife problems, including electrocutions of large birds, which they will be required to report. A pre-construction reconnaissance inventory of beaver and other species using existing beaver impoundments upstream of Elack Lake will be conducted. USFS and ADFG biologists will be asked to assist the Project maintenance staff in monitoring the possible effects of flow changes on beavers in Black Bear Creek. Prev~ntive Measures Measures which were avoid or reduce adverse following subsections. included in Project planning in order to Project effects are discussed in the VI-43 Protection 2± Environmental Values During Maintenance and Ereakdowns The intake structure and automatic controls will be inspected regularly to minimize the chance of breakdown. The automatic alarm system will signal any failure of intake structure controls. This will allow immediate dispatch of maintenance crews and prompt return of the intake to normal operation. Transmission Line Corridor Selection. Fish and wildlife values were fully considered-in-evaluation of alternative transmission line corridors and selection of the proposed corridor. See the alternatives section. Construction. The final ROW alignment will be placed within the proposed transmission corridor with great care. Within areas of homogeneous woodland or clearcut areas the placement of the ROW will be based on engineering and economic criteria, with suitable attention to esthetic guidelines of the FERC (FPC 1970). In areas of muskeg or other wetlands, the ROW will be sited to avoid flight paths of waterfowl. The line will not cross over water or be close enough to the edge of a water body to block flight pathways. Transmission pole and line placement will also comply ~ith USFWS guidelines regarding distance from eagle nest trees and distance from the mouths of salmon spawning streams. The transmission line poles have been designed in accordance with recent publications on avoiding bird electrocutions (especially REA 1979). There will be no crossbars to invite ~erching or nesting, and the uppermost wire will be three feet below the top of the pole. Most raptors will use the top of the pole for ~erching. The alternative placement of wires and their four-foot vertical separation will render simultaneous contact unlikely. Clearing of forest for the transmission line will be accomplished by mechanical removal of the trees. Where the transmission corridor crosses water courses, trees will te felled and equipment operated in accordance with USFS policy. For example, trees within crownheight distance from a stream will ce felled away from the stream, logs and debris which accidentally fall into the stream will be removed within 48 hours of the incident, and equipment will not be operated in streambeds (USFS 1977). Measures to prevent or reduce construction related sediment damage to aquatic habitat in Black Bear Lake and to salmon spawning areas in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake are discussed below. Any blasting operations required during Project construction which would occur close enough to the stream to damage or kill VI-44 salmonid eggs or intragravel alevins will be properly scheduled to avoid serious effects on fish resources. Blasting will net occur within a half mile of an active eagle nest during the period March 1 -August 31. As discussed previously, a reservoir filling schedule is proposed which would provide adequate flows in Black Bear Creek. operation. The power intake in Black Bear Lake is designed to provide relatively low water approach velocities for the purpose of reducing the potential for fish entrainment. A three-level intake is proposed to natural downstream water temperature regime populations. The planning process leading concept and the operational criteria for the discussed elsewhere in this report. minimize changes in the and effects on fish to the proposed intake proposed intake are The original discharge regime was modified during Project planning to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact on downstream fishery resources. The planning process is summarized in the section on alternatives considered. Protection Qf Historical, Cultural, Archeological Sites A survey of cultural/historical/archeological sites in the Project Area was carried out by APA's consultants during the early stages of Project planning (see Appendix G). The information gathered was incorporated into the selection of Project civil works sites and routing of the transmission corridor (see alternatives section). As a result, no known historical, archeologial, or cultural sites will be adversely affected by construction, operation, or maintenance of the proposed Project. If any artifacts or features of archeological interest are encountered during Project construction, the Alaska state Historic Preservation Officer will be notified immediately. Protection Qf Scenic Valyes Proposed measures to protect scenic values are discussed in Appendix I. VI-45 Protection of wate~ Qual!!y Construction. During the construction period a major ~otential effect to water quality is the possible increased concentrations of suspended sediments in Black Bear Lake and Black Eear Creek resulting from construction activities. The potential sources of the sediments are: a. Erosion of excavated areas in the immediate area of the damsite, b. Operation of a sump pump to maintain the dewatered area downstream of the cofferdam at the dam site, c. Waste wate~ from the washing process required for aggregate preparation, d. Erosion of excavated areas in the area of the powerhouse, e. Stream channel modification and access road construction retween the powerhouse and penstock tunnel portal, f. Construction and burial of the penstock between the powerhouse and tunnel portal, and g. Excavation of the tailrace channel. Contribution excavated for the below. Generally outlet from Black into the area water containing Bear Lake. of sediments resulting from erosion of the area dam will be minimized through methods described the area to be excavated will be downstream of the Bear Lake. Most of the drainage will be channeled immediately downstream of the cofferdam from which the suspended sediments will be pumped to Black As a source of suspended sediments in Black Eear Lake, discharge from the sump pump will be filtered through a small pool in the dam construction staging area. Because the staging area will be constructed of talus excavated from the dam foundation area, it will be quite porous. It is anticipated that sediments contained in the discharge will settle within the staging area and water that relatively free of sediments will filter into Black Bear Lake. As a further precaution to prevent sediments from being transported to Black Bear Creek, the intake to the diversion culvert will be extended 50 to 75 ft. into Black Bear Lake. This will avoid transportation of sediments suspended during construction of the cofferdam, staging area, and dam to Black Bear Creek. Potential increases in the sediment load in resulting from erosion of the excavated area around will be minimized by constructing a low berm construction staging area and Black Bear Creek. VI-46 Black Eear Creek the pcwerhouse between the main Waste water from washing of the concrete agqregate will be discharged through a series of settling tanks prior to release to the drainage system. Potential erosion of excavated areas of the buried ~enstockr modification of the stream bed and excavation of the tailrace will be minimized by revegetating areas along the banks as soon as possible after disturbance. A potential source of suspended sediments resulting from construction activities is the excavation of the tailrace channel and modification of the stream channel upstream of the po~erhouse. However r the streambed materials in this reach range from cobble and gravel at the powerhouse site to boulder/bedrock at the upstream end r so that only small amounts of suspended fines would te expected to be released by these construction activities. There may be some minor deposition of fines in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Laker but these deposits would be washed from the streambed by freshets and floods. Any spills of fuel r oil or grease will be contained within the construction staging areas. Bulk fuels would be stored so that no leaks to the lakes or stream occur. operat~Q~. Measures to reduce discharge regime during operation of discussed above. effects on water quality and the proposed Project were Mitigation Measures Proposed mitigation measures are discussed in the followinq subsections. Terrestrial Habitat ang ~ildlife Populations Areas cleared for construction (equipment storage temporary roads r parking areas r etc.) but not needed for operation will be revegetated with native plants or soil-holding ground cover r or allowed to succeed naturally climax vegetation. areas r Project with a to the The transmission line ROW will be seeded only in areas where slope or disturbance are likely to cause severe erosion. Elsewhere a low cover of native shrubs and grasses will be allowed to form. VI-47 Aquatic Hatl~at ang Fish Populations It may be possible to place substrate suitatle for rainbow trout spawning in selected areas of Black Bear Lake to replace spawning habitat inundated when the reservoir is filled. ADFG has suggested that the inlet stream(s) to Black Bear Lake might be suitable for such purpose (Appendix J). A limited stocking program is another potential mitigation measure. ADFG policy does not allow stocking of non-native rainbow strains in Alaska waters. ADFG has advised that no source of native Alaska rainbow strains is ~resently available, but that hatcheries are planned which probably would be able to provide fish for stocking by the time the proposed Project is scheduled to be constructed. Mitigation measures ~ill te planned in cooperation with USFS and ADFG. With-Project modifications in the existing discharge and temperature regimes in Black Bear Creek will have some teneficial effects. Higher winter flows may well increase survival of salmonid eggs and alevins ty decreasing the frequency of ice formation in the incubating gravels, especially upstream of Black Lake. Higher summer flows may decrease the frequency of occurence of high water temperatures which presently occur during dry summers. This would tend to increase survival of rearing salmonids, but associated higher water velocities may reduce rearing habitat in certain reaches. Water temperatures in Black Bear Creek upstream of Elack Lake could be as much as 1.5-2 degrees C above natural temperatures under extreme low winter flow conditions, which can occur in January and February. Measures which might be employed to reduce witL-Project winter water temperatures include a structure which would cascade water, a broad and shallow tailrace, a shallow cooling pond, and selective clearing of streamside vegetation. However, it should be noted that removal of streamside vegetation would also probably increase summer maximum water temperatures. The feasibility of a small spawning channel downstream of the Project tailrace will be considered if post-Project salmon escapement monitoring indicates that such a facility would be of value. Any spawning channel studies or other appropriate mitigation measures necessary will be fully coordinated with ADFG, USFWS, NMFS, and USFS. Proposed visual impact mitigation measures are discussed in detail in Appendix I. VI-48 Public Acce§§ and Recreation Public access and the proposed recreation plan are discussed in Appendix H. Preparation Q1 Lands Proposed land treatments are discussed in Appendix I. Beneficial ~ironmental Effe£i2 Management of the transmission line ROW for low vegetation will aid grouse and edge-dependent birds (flycatchers, waxwings, some warblers) by providing berry-and seed-bearing plants. The Project may have a beneficial effect on stream water temperatures during summer low flow periods. Flows with the Project will be higher than natural flows for a significant part of the day during summer months, which can reduce water temperatures. Higher winter flows with the Project may well increase survival of salmonid eggs and alevins by decreasing the frequency of ice formation in the incubating gravels, especially upstream of Black Lake. Higher winter flows also would tend to ameliorate any lowering of winter minimum water temperatures that might occur due to streamside vegetation removal during timber harvest in the lower basin. The proposed Project recreation plan provides for parking and boat access to Black Lake and fishing access to Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake (see Appendix H). Potentially Significant Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects Relocations The USFS cabin on Black Bear Lake will be relocated upslope to avoid inundation when the Project reservoir is filled. Cultural, Historic and Archeological Values The Project will have no effect on known cultural, historic, or archeological sites or values. VI-49 Esthetic ang Visual Valu~§ Unavoidable adverse effects on esthetic and visual values are discussed in Appendix I. Recreational Values ~e proposed recreation plan and Project effects on present recreational use are discussed in Appendices H and I, respectively. Land Use At full pool (EI. 1715) the reservoir will inundate about 70 acres in addition to the natural water surface area. Reservoir slopes will be cleared of vegetation between EI. 1680 (existing lake level) and EI. 1710. Approximately 60 acres will be cleared, more than half of which will require only light clearing. A maximum of 220 acres will be cleared for the transmission line, assuming a 40-ft. wide ROW. Since the line will follow existing roads along much of its route, actual clearinq required will be considerably less than 220 acres, since only about 15 additional feet of clearing will be needed along roads. A more precise estimate of clearing requirements must await final design phase survey of the transmission line alignment. A total of approximately 12 acres will have to be cleared for other proposed Project structures (dam area four acres, pcwerhouse area three acres, access road five acres). Excavation, borrow, and fill areas will occupy a total of less than seven acres. All lands to be cleared and excavation, borrow, and fill areas will receive mitigation treatment as discussed in Appendix I, so that no significant adverse impact will result. Wildlife Habitat and Populations Less than 25 acres of habitat will be removed from the Black Bear Creek valley and thus denied to wildlife. The population changes induced will be so small, that, on a regional basis, they will be masked by other types of development, especially logging. Improved access will probably lead to increased hunting and trapping pressure. Human -bear encounters will be more frequent and number of bears killed will probably increase. VI-50 fish Habitat and Populations Projec~ Effect~. Existing rainbow trout spawning areas in Black Bear Lake will be inundated and will protably no lenger be suitable. It may be possible to place substrate appropriate for rainbow spawning in selected areas of the lake to replace inundated spawning habitat. When operating, the reservoir will have a maximum daily fluctuation of about one foot and seasonal fluctuations as shown on Exhibits 42 trIough 45. These fluctuations may reduce rainbow trout spawning success. Any reduction of the lake's trout population could probably be fully mitigated by the stocking program and/or creation of new spawning habitat areas discussed previously. Increased fishing pressure can be expected in the lakes and stream, with possible season or bag limit restrictions. Adequate flows in Black Bear Creek will be maintained during reservoir filling as proposed earlier. SUs~ended sediment levels will increase placement and removal of the construction staging Lake, but no significant adverse impact on the expected • temporarily during area in Elack Bear fish population is Increased sediment loads will occur in Black Bear Creek above Black Bear Lake during initial and final construction activities in spite of -preventive measures proposed above. However, sediments deposited would be washed from streambed substrates by freshets and floods. Some power intake entrainment mortality of fish is Expected, but intake design will keep such losses to a minimum. Even with the multilevel intake designed to reduce water temperature changes, winter water temperatures in Black Eear Creek between the powerhouse and Black Lake could increase by as much as 1.5-2 degrees C under extreme low flow conditions, which can occur in January and February. The increase would te smaller under more normal winter flow conditions. Potential mitigation measures to avoid or reduce this increase were discussed earlier. The effect of the Project on stream water temperatures during summer low flow periods will be beneficial, as discussed ~reviously. Flows in the existing stream bed between the dam and powerhouse will be essentially eliminated, but this reach is not critical fishery hacitat. The original discharge regime was modified during Project planning to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact on downstream fishery resources. This part of the planning process is summarized in the section on alternatives considered. Downstream of the powerhouse, the principal flow regime changes witt project operation will be higher winter and summer flows, less frequent VI-51 flood and low flow events, and more frequent flow fluctuations on a daily basis. Effects on fishery resources in different reaches of the stream are discussed in the section on operation effects on aquatic resources and in Appendix F. Summary. Although further studies are proposed to gather more specific data on fishery resources in Black Bear Creek, present data would indicate that Black Lake and headwaters could reasonably support a salmon resource on the order of 1,000-10,000 fish annually, in addition to a significant sport fishery. A conservative (high) estimate of Project effects on this resource without mitigation would be that the fishery potential in this part of the stream system might be reduced by half. The post-Project monitoring studies listed earlier would be designed to determine the magnitude of Project effects over the long term. If these studies indicate that significant adverse impact is occurring, then, as mentioned previously, a small spawning channel downstream of the powerhouse is a possible mitigation measure. Such a spawning channel could probably fully mitigate decreases in fishery productivity due to Project operations, even if such decreases were as large as those tentatively suggested above. The potential for salmon production in Black Eear Creek downstream of Black Lake is much greater than for the upper watershed. Present data suggest a resource on the order of 10,000- 100,000 fish annually. However, the potential for adverse Project effects on this resource is much less than in the upper watershed, as previously discussed in detail. As indicated above, any reduction in the Black Eear Lake rainbow trout population could probably be fully mitigated by a stocking program and/or creation of new spawning habitat areas. Unique Ecosystems ang Endangered or Threatened §~ecies There are no unique terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems in the Project Area. No endangered or threatened species will be affected by the Project. Ai~ Quality The Project will have no significant adverse effect on air quality. Noise There will be no significant increase in noise levels with the Project. VI-52 Solid Wast§ and wastewater Disposal Solids wastes and wastewater will te properly dispcsed of, as discussed elsewhere in this report, so that no adverse impacts will result .. Water Resources --- Principal impacts on water resources were discussed atove under the section on fish habitat and populations. Alternatives ~onsidered Alternative Sites Studies of the Thorne Bay and Reynolds Creek sites are summarized in Appendices C and D. part most Lake. Black Water temperatures in the stream below Black Bear ~ake are in determined by temperature of lake outflows.. This effect is important for the reach of Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Under existing conditions, outflows are from the surface of Bear Lake. The original power intake concept provided for a single port located between El. 1672 (invert) and 1679 (top).. Under this concept, water would have been withdrawn from relatively deep in the reservoir much of the time.. As a result, summer water temperatures in Black Bear Creek would have been colder than normal much of the time, and winter water temperature would have been warmer tr.an under existing conditions.. Since these changes would proba~ly have significant adverse effect on downstream fishery resources, the single port low-level intake was excluded from further consideration .. In order to minimize changes in the natural downstream water temperature regime with the Project, two alternative multilevel intake concepts were then examined.. A multilevel intake would allow withdrawal from nearer the reservoir surface, and with-Project downstream water temperatures would more closely follow the natural regime. VI-53 'IWo- analyzed. and three-port multilevel concepts were formulated and Criteria used in both cases were: 1) Eight-foot minimum submergence from the reservoir surface to the top of the 4 ft x 4 ft conduit, to avoid vortex action and air entrainment, 2) withdrawal from as near the reservoir surface as ~ossible as much of the time as possible during all seasons of the year, and 3) Placement of the lower intake to allow withdrawal at minimum ~ool elevation (1685 ft). The resulting concepts are as shown in Tarle VI-6. Table VI-6 MULTI PORT INTAKE CONCEPTS CONSIDERED A. Two-Port Intake Port Invert Operable Range of Port Port EI~~il (Reservoir EI. in ft) Upper 1688 maximum 1715 minimum 1700 Lower 1673 maximum 1700 minimum 1685 B. Three-Port lntake Port Invert Operable Range of Port Port EI~~il JReservoir El. in ft) Upper 1693 maximum 1715 minimum 1705 Middle 1683 maximum 1705 minimum 1695 Lower 1673 maximum 1695 minimum 1685 VI-54 Depths of withdrawal and depths for both concepts were summer (August), based on downstream flow constraints. 61 and 62, and are summarized percent of time of withdrawal at those calculated for winter (January) and reservoir elevations in 1991 with Results are shown on Exhibits 46, 47, in Tatle VI-7. Table VI-7 COMPARISON OF MULTIPORT INTAKE CONCEPTS Range of withdrawal Depths Approximate Month .!ntake_ConEept jft below surface) percent of time January Two ports 12-20 35 20-27 65 January Three ports 12-20 80 20-22 20 August Two ports 12-20 50 20-27 50 August Three ports 12-20 80 20-22 20 Analysis of these withdrawal depth calculations and temperature profiles for Black Bear Lake (Figure Sa and 5t of Appendix F) showed that the three-port intake concept would give much better temperature control more of the time throughout the year than would the two-port concept. A three-port intake would give colder water more of the time during winter and warmer water more of the time during summer than would a two-port intake. Thus, the three-port intake would give a downstream temperature regime much closer to existing conditions, and was selected as the preferred concept. Cost estimates for the three intake concepts analyzed are shown in Tatle VI-8. These estimates are at January 1981 price levels and do not include engineering or contingency. VI-55 Table VI-8 ESTIMATED COS~S OF DIFFERENT IN~AKES Intake Single Port, Low Level Two Ports ~hree Ports Transmission 1ine Design Estimated cost ($1 70,000 325,000 365,000 The design proposed would provide an average span of approximately 600 feet, and utilize a stacked rather than horizontal frame configuration which provides for a very narrow line path. The insulators for this construction are 14.5 inches long, for an overall width of three feet. This narrow profile will be more environmentally acceptable in the Project Area than other types of construction, for reasons discussed elsewhere in this report. Besides the switch yard at the power plant site, a substation is needed along the Hollis Road. Alternative sites, associated with the corridor alternatives discussed below, are shown on Exhibit 63. This substation will provide the bus arrangement necessary to split the single incoming 34.5 kV circuit into two outgoing circuits, one to Klawock-Craig at 7.2/12.4 kV; the other to Hydaburg at 34.5 kV. The 7.2/12.4 kV voltage was selected for the Klawock-Craig portion because this is the existing primary voltage in Klawock. There is also an existing line from Klawock to the ADFG hatchery on Klawock Lake, near the proposed substation (Exhibit 63). This existing line could be reconductored to add the required capacity from the substation into Klawock. South of Klawock to Craig a new line would be built, tapping the Klawock line via fuses. Small stepdown transformer stations will be used in Craig and Hydaburg to convert the incoming voltage to the primary distribution voltage in each community. Alternative Transmission Corridor RO~Ees The evaluation of the transmission corridor alternatives included field reconnaissance by APA's consultants, review of federal and state guidelines, and comments from concerned state and federal agencies. Because of the generally rugged and heavily forested areas in the Project vicinity, the initial identification of alternative routes was based primarily on following the shortest feasible distance to load centers, and paralleling existing roadways VI-56 as much as possible to reduce the need for new access roads. From this evaluation, a preferred, least overall impact rcute was determined. Refinements in the route were then made by focusing on some of the more environmentally sensitive areas. In the initial planning stages, three alternatives were considered. The first route was from the powerhouse south up the steep slope to Black Bear Lake, along the lake shore, over the ridge at the south end of the lake, and down to the Craig -Hollis road. This route would involve construction over very rough terrain, would put the transmission line over EI. 2000, and would have severe adverse visual impact. For these reasons, this alternative was not considered further. Two other alternatives were then examined, as descrited below. Alternative A, shown on Exhibit 63, begins at the powerhouse site and proceeds west along Black Bear Creek for a distance of approximately two miles. At this point, the route leaves the logging road, swings southwesterly and goes cross country through a low saddle to the substation on the Hollis Road. The rcute from Black Bear Creek to the proposed substation is generally through open terrain, although it does reach an elevaticn of 1,400 feet. From the Alternative A substation, one circuit follows Hollis Road westerly into Klawock, and along the Craig-Klawock Road into Craig. The second circuit would provide service to Hydaburg. The routing from the Alternative A substation is easterly along Hollis Road to a point approximately four miles past the southeast end of Klawock Lake, where a principal logging road intersects Hollis Road. The line would then run to the south, following the general route of the logging road. The logging road terminates near the head of Natzuhini Bay. ADOTPF and the Federal Highway Administration have proposed that this logging road be extended another six miles to Hydaburg, routed around Natzuhini Bay. Alternative A cuts across the mouth of the Bay and then follows the road route on into Hydaburg. The second alternative corridor, Alternative E (Exhibit 63), follows existing roadways almost exclusively. Under Alternative B, the line follows the existing logging road along Black Eear Creek to Big Salt Lake and then proceeds to Klawock following the Thorne Bay road. The Alternative B substation site is in Klawock at the junction of the Thorne Bay and Hollis roads. One circuit serves Klawock and craig. The Klawock to Craig section of Alternative B is the same as that for Alternative A. A second circuit serves Hydaburg and is routed from the Alternative B substation in Klawock to Hydaburg as shown on Exhibit 63. This circuit follows the same route as under Alternative A, except for two sections. Cne section is near Natzuhini Bay, where Alternative B follows the shoreline more closely than Alternative A. The other section is tetween the Bay and Hydaburg, where Alternative B is routed away from the proposed road route and passes to the landward side of higher terrain there. VI-57 Criteria for Evaluation of Alternative Corridors Alternatives A and B were environmental r social r economic and using the following specific criteria: 1) Elevation Constraints 2) Wildlife Constraints 3) Visual Impact Constraints 4) Land Use Constraints evaluated with res~ect to engineering considerations r These criteria were developed from various literature sources r agency contacts and professional value judgements r and were used as a broad-based assessment tool for the selection of one transmission route over the other. The result of this process was to select the route which would have the least overall impact r recognizing that refinements in the selected route would occur as the Project evolved. FinallYr once the preferred route was selected r refinements were made in order to avoid or reduce adverse effects on certain sensitive areas. 1. Elevation Constraints. Keeping the line below El. 500 ft minimizes icing and wind loading r access protlems r special design and construction techniques r and maintenance costs. Exhibit 64 shows the general elevation constraints. Elevations over 1500 feet msl are the most severe. 2. Wildlife Constraints. Wildlife is not only a part of the natural scene perceived by visitors to Alaska but is also important to the subsistence way of life for many residents. Avoidance or reduction of adverse impacts on wildlife resources is important r then r for any proposed development. From review of ecological studies and discussions witt various agencies r the following four general wildlife habitat categories were developed r rated as to their significance ana mapped (Exhibit 65) : Shorelines/inlets Lake/Stream Corridors Highland Areas (above 1500 feet) Forest and Muskeg VI-58 Shorelines/Inlets. Shorelines and inlets were rated as the most significant habitat association because of their value to many wildlife species, most notably eagles, bears, and wolves. Bald eagles tends to nest and feed in the vicinity of salt water and at the mouths of salmon spawning streams, and black bears and wolves also use these areas during salmon runs. In mapping this habitat association, guidelines from various agencies for routing transmission lines in the vicinity of eagle habitat areas were followed. Lake/Stream Corridors. Many lakes and streams are important fisheries resources. Salmon, in particular, are an important source of food for wildlife as well as contributing significantly to the economic well-being of local residents. The streams and lake edges seasonally attract bears and wolves which feed on the grasses, berries and fish. They also provide year-round habitat fer many of the smaller animals of the region. Highland Areas. These areas are used by deer most of the year (except winter) and by bears in search of forage and resting cover in the fall. wildlife habitat in these areas takes longer to recover from disturbance, due to the shorter growing season. Forest and Muskgg. Forest and muskeg are the most common vegetation types on Prince of 1ilales Island. While they are important habitat areas, particularly for deer, their disruption by a transmission corridor would not adversely impact the general wildlife population as significantly as would disruption of the other hatitat associations described above. 1. Visual Impact Constra!nts. An important and primary asset of Southeast Alaska is its scenic character. The rugged beauty of the region annually draws many visitors and is often cited as tte reason people come to live in Southeast Alaska. For these reasons, any development in the area should be planned so that impact en visual resources is reduced to a minimum. The development of the visual resource management classes shown on Exhibit 66 was based on the USFS visual Resource Management System and field observations by Applicant's consultants. These classes reflect the relative ranking of the area's scenic quality and the general visual sensitivity of visitors to the area. The map shows a gradation of areas from the most scenic (and therefere most sensitive to development) to the least scenic areas (least sensitive to development). In evaluating corridor alternatives with respect to the visual resource classes, those alternatives that would least impact the higher quality areas would be preferred. VI-59 4. Land Use Constraints. The impact that a transmission corridor has on surroundinq land uses is an important social consideration which must be included in the evaluation process. In general, areas that are used for work and recreational activities should be avoided, as should cultural and historic sites. In addition, areas planned for future developments or activities should be reviewed so that conflicts do not arise. Exhibit 67 shows areas of recreational and cultural/historic interest and major land use (logging) in the Project Area. Areas of potential logging were identified based on review of aerial photos and USFS timber type maps. Areas noted as "planned for logging" were identified from discussions with the landowner (,$ealaska Corporation). Roads and commercial-residential areas were' considered the most compatible with the develot:ment of a transmission corridor. ~valuatio~ of Alternative Corridors After the initial identification of Alternatives A and B, they were compared to determine which route has the highest compatibility with environmental, social, and engineering considerations. Alternative B was selected as the preferred corridor route. While Alternative A is the shorter route, Alternative B was considered to have the least overall potential adverse environmental and social impact, primarily because of the logging that is occurring along Big Salt Road. The loqged areas reduce the amount of clearing required for transmission line construction, and the road also provides quick and easy access for maintenance. The evaluation of the two alternatives with respect to the stated criteria is summarized on Exhibit 68 and discussed below. 1. Elevation Constraints. The Alternative A section of the transmission corridor traverses the 1000 to 1500 foot elevation range for about two miles while crossing the saddle to Klawock (Exhibits 64 and 68). Aternative B remains within the 0-500 foot elevation range. 2. Wildlife Constraints. Evaluation of the alternatives with respect to the general wildlife criteria showed that Alternative B has the potential for impacting more of the important stream and shore areas (Exhibits 65 and 68). However, the evaluation must also take account of the specific changes in land use conditions that are occurring in these areas. Alternative B follows the Big Salt road, where substantial logging has recently occurred. Furthermore, additional logging along the road is planned for the near future. Therefore, Alternative B is preferred with respect to wildlife habitat since the Alternative B corridor will already have been disturbed by logging activities and will thus have lower impact on wildlife habitat than the Alternative A route across the saddle. VI-60 3. Visual Impact Constraints. Comparison of the two alternatives with respect to potential visual impacts showed that Alternative E affects the sensitive visual Class II areas less than Alternative A, but impacts more of the Class III areas than does Alternative A (Exhibits 66 and 68). However, it is anticipated that with logging, much of the Class III area around Big Salt road will be changed to Class IV or Class V, thus reducing the visual impact cf a line there. The trade-off for a line along the Eig Salt road versus routing through the saddle is that road corridors are the areas receiving the most use, and are therefore the areas of highest visual sensitivity. Alternative B has less effect on water edge in the area around Hydaburg However, final route selection here alignment of the. proposed road extension the more visually sensitive than does Alternative A. will depend largely on the to Hydaburg. !. Land Use Constraints. Alternative B is preferred with respect to land use-because it follows road corridors and will require less clearing because of logging along the road corridors. In addition, maintenance will be easier if the transmission line is adjacent to existing roads. However, routing the line along the Eig Salt road may conflict with logging operations if the logging of that area is not completed before the line is constructed. Refinement of the Preferred Transmission Corridor After Alternative B was selected as the preferred route, certain areas of concern which were identified during the evaluation process were examined in more detail. Such refinements also involved comments provided by various state and federal agencies. The major siting refinement described below was incorporated into the final proposed transmission corridor routing. This corridor is shown on Exhibit 69. 1. Major Siting Refinement During Plannirrg Natzuhini Bay. Crossing Natzuhini Bay north of Hydaburg has the potential to adversely affect eagle populations and a site of cultural interest located at the neck of the bay. Also, long spans would be required and construction would be difficult. The refinement in this area routes the line around the bay, generally following the ADOTPF-proposed road route, but staying at least 0.5 mile upstream of the mouth of the salmon spawning stream, in conformance with USFWS guidelines. An additional benefit of routing around the bay is that the line would be screened from the open waterway. Such waterways often receive considerable recreation-oriented use in Southeast Alaska. VI-61 2. Refin~m~nts ~uring Kina! Design and Construction Although transmission corridor selection and major refinements as described above will greatly reduce the potential for adverse effects, some further refinements will probably be necessary during the final design and construction stages to insure that im~acts are reduced to a minimum. Such refinements in the final, surveyed alignment of the transmission line will, for example, avoid eagle trees and reduce visual impacts by following guidelines discussed below and in Appendix I. Any archeological or historical artifacts encountered during construction will be brought to the attention of the Alaska State Historic Preser'::ation Officer. The access road to the Project powerhouse site would be an extension of the existing logging road which ~resently terminates at the north end of Black Lake on the east side of the outlet stream. The proposed continuation of this road would follow the east shore of the lake. As close to Black Lake as is practicable, the road would begin climbing from lake level to the Project powerhouse site at El. 258. The new road is about two miles in length and is estimated to cost about $6,600,000 excluding engineering and contingencies. Routing and construction of the portion of the road along the east shore of Black Lake will require measures to minimize the potential for slope failures and mass movement. The road will cross an active slide zone near the northeast end of the lake. It is proposed that this zone be crossed by placing a rockfill embankment along the lakeshore at the toe of the slide with the ex~ectation that this portion of the access road will require periodic maintenance. No road would be built to Black Bear Lake, which would continue to be accessible only by float plane or helicopter. Two alternatives to the proposed routing of the road between Black Lake and the Project were considered during planning. One alternative consisted of routing the road along the east shore of Black Lake and then following the course of Black Bear Creek to the powerhouse rather than climbinq steadily to the site as is ~roposed. Conditions on the east shore of Black Lake would be esssentially the same for this alternative as for the proposed route. However, this alternative would route the road through the wet areas along the creek southeast of Black Lake. Also, due to its proximity to the stream, this route would result in greater amounts of suspended sediments entering Black Bear Creek both during and after construction than would the proposed route. Based on these environmental considerations, this alternative was rejected. The second alternative considered consisted of routing the road around the west side of Black Lake. Since the existing road and the VI-62 Project are both on the east side. of Black Bear Creek r this alternative would require stream crossings toth upstream and downstream of Black Lake. It would also involve bridging two streams upstream of Black Laker both of which contain salmon spawning areas. The road is also longer and estimated tc be more costly than the proposed access road. For these reascns this westerly routing was rejected. Alternative Construction Procedures As previously discussed in Chapter Ir Project Construction r the majer construction problem presented by the Project is access to the upper level construction site. Alternative construction procedures considered during planning mainly involve evaluation of various ways to overcome this access problem. In addition to the recommended schemer the following methods of obtaining upper site access were investigated. 1) Highlin~. In earlier studies r the water conductor for power flow was envisaged to be a surface penstock constructed on the right bank of Black Bear Creek. Construction of the penstock was to be facilitated by the use of a highline which would follow the penstock route. Tr.e highline was also to have been used to bring equipment and material to the upper site and it was proposed to leave the highline in place to serve the Project for maintenance purposes. The cost of the highline and the necessary clearing required to ensure the highline's long term viability would have been distributed equally between penstock and dam construction r making it an attractive alternative. For reasons ~reviously stated the surface penstock routing was rejected. With the deletion of this feature r the entire monetary and environmental cost of the highline alternative would be torne by the dam. This could not te justified and the highline access alternative was subsequently rejected. 2) ~cces§ through th~ penstock shaft and tunnel. The chosen penstock routing incorporates a vertical shaft from the upper site to EI. 370 and a near horizontal tunnel (1% grade) which provides access to the base of the shaft. This configuration would allow hoisting of materials r personnel and equipment to the upper site through the shaft. In order to facilitate such access r both the tunnel and shaft would have to be constructed to sizes larger than those required only for power generation. This method would extend the Project construction schedule by about one year and was determined to be too costly as compared to other methods of access. It was rejected on that basis. 3) Transporting wet concret~ Qy helicopter. In this alternative r helicopters would be used to haul materials r personnel and equipment to the upper site. It differs from the chosen method in that the helicopters would be used to VI-63 transport wet concrete, in buckets, from a batch plant, located near the powerhouse, to the dam site. Consequently all of the concrete for Project construction ~ould be ~roduced at the lo~er site concrete plant. ~his would eliminate installation of a concrete plant at the u~per site and would reduce upper site power requirements. Even considering these savings, the continuous helicopter service required to facilitate this scheme makes the alternative more expensive than other methods. It was rejected on that basis. Another construction problem for which alternatives were considered is power supply to the upper construction site. ~he selected method to supply power for construction of the upper site works is to lay a temporary power cable from a two unit, 2000-kW diesel generating station located near the powerhouse. Electrically powered equipment for upper site construction will be utilized to the greatest practical extent. An alternative would be to locate an appropriately sized generator at the upper site. Fuel for the generator and other diesel equipment would be brought in by air. The selected method was determined to be the most economical of the two methods and is considered to pose the least threat to the environment by reducing diesel fuel requirements at the up~er site. ~gregate Sources, anQ ~Q~Q~ ~nd §Eoil Disposal Areas ~he followinq is a discussion of the alternative sources of construction aggregate and fill materials and alternative locations of spoil disposal areas considered during planning of the Project. ~~~te Sources. The following four different scurces of aggregate for concrete were considered during Project planning. 1) Purchased Material. Processed material of appropriate gradation would be purchased from a local distributor and delivered to the site using barges and trucks. Although this alternative would eliminate the need for material processing at the site, it is the most costly of the alternatives considered and was rejected on that basis. 2) Quarried Material. Rock quarries would be established near the Project site or along the access road. Blasted rock would be hauled to a crushing plant which would reduce the rock to sizes appropriate for use as concrete aggregate. ~his method was determined to be more costly than other sources of supply and was consequently rejected. 3) Borrowed Stream Gravels. On the basis of cost only, the most attractive source of material for concrete aggregate would be th~ natural sand and gravel beds deposited by Black Bear Creek between the Project site and Black Lake. This material would be excavated and hauled to the concrete plant VI-64 where a minimum of processing would be performed. While this source of aggregate is the most economical of the four sources considered, borrowing these gravels has been rejected for environmental reasons. This is because these gravel beds are salmon spawning areas which ~ould be severely impacted by ~orrowing. 4) ~roE~§inq Excav~ted Materi~!§. Crushing excavated rock and talus is the selected method of aggregate supply ~ecause it is relatively economical compared to the other alternatives and it is expected to have a minimal impact on the environment. As required excavation proceeds, the excavated material will be hauled to a crushing plant which will produce aggregate for concrete. The aggregate will be stockpiled nearby for use as needed. Wash water used in the production process will be passed through settling rasins to remove sediments before being returned to the natural drainage. Use of the excavated material for concrete aggregate will reduce the size of required spoil deposits. Since any rock excavated would be the property of the landholder (See Exhibit 70), use of this material wculd have to be negotiated with the landholder. Borrow Area§. In order to construct the left abutment embankment, about 4,200 cubic yards must be borrowed at the upper site. Talus material taken from either upstream or downstream of the dam will be suitable for this purpose. Because the bulk of the embankment is upstream of the dam and because the area will be inundated, and thus hidden from view after reservoir filling, the upstream borrow area has been selected. Spoil Disposal Area§. As previously noted, excavated rock will be used for concrete aggregate or incorporated into the Project works as fill. Excavated overburden material will be distri~uted to encourage revegetation. Consequently there will ~e relatively little material requiring placement in permanent spoil areas. No spoil deposits are anticipated at the upper site. At the lower site two locations near the powerhouse have been designated as spoil areas. About 3,800 c.y. of material will be placed in these areas and will be graded to blend in with the surrounding areas and revegetated. Spoil from shaft excavation will be in the form of small chips which will be suitable for access road maintenance. It is proposed that this material, about 2,000 cubic yards, be stockpiled near the switchyard for future use. VI-65 operations Early in Project planning, a discharge regime to follcw system load demand was developed. This regime would cause daily flow fluctuations which are large compared to minimum releases for the reach of the stream above Black Lake, and would greatly modify natural seasonal discharge patterns in the upper reaches of the stream. Such a regime would almost certainly have significant adverse effect on fish spawning and egg and intragravel larval fish survival upstream of Black Lake. Therefore, in order to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact, the release regime was modified ty decreasing daily maximum discharge and/or increasing daily minimum discharge during those months identified as important for salmon spawning (July tt-rough November) and incubation (December through May). The result is a discharge regime which would have smaller daily fluctuations and would more closely follow seasonal changes in natural discharge than would be the case for the original regime. The modifications analysis was performed for two cases: 1) 1986, when Project generation capacity would not yet te fully absorted and Project discharge would therefore include spills from the reservoir, and 2) 1991, when essentially no spilling would occur. Tte original regime and the proposed modified regime incorporating flow constraints for fishery impact reduction are shown on Exhibits q9 and 55 for 1986 and 1991, respectively. The modifications made in the original regime are summarized in Table VI-9. VI-66 Table VI-9 MODIFICATIONS IN ORIGINAL RELEASE REGIME TO REDUCE POTENTIAL FOR FISHERY IMPACTS For 1986 Total Increase Decrease Decrease In Daily in Daily in Daily Minimum Maximum Q Fluctuation !'12 nth Q(cfSi_ Q (cfs) (cfs) Jan 5 5 Feb 5 5 Mar 5 5 Apr 5 5 May 5 10 15 Aug 10 10 Sep 5 10 15 Oct 10 10 Nov 10 10 For 1991 Total Increase Decrease Decrease In Daily in Daily in Daily Minimum Maximum Q Fluctuation Month Q(cfs1-Q (cfs) (cfs) Jan 5 5 Feb 10 10 Mar 10 10 Apr 10 10 May 5 10 15 Aug 20 20 sep 5 15 20 Oct 10 5 15 Nov 5 10 15 VI-67 These modifications to peaking power capability Exhibit 17. The cost of discussed in Chapter IV. the original regime would reduce Project and energy production as stown on these power and energy reductions is After more detailed information on fish habitat and use becomes available throuqh the continuinq studies discussed elsewhere in this document, the modified flow regime described above may require refinement in order to assure that downstream fisheries im~acts are reduced to a minimum. Permits and Other Authorizations Permits ~nd Authorizations Federal. The followinq permits will be required before the proposed action can be completed. Description Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 1. Hydroelectric License (Major) Department o~riculture, Forest Service 1. Special Use Permits 2. a. Project civil works on National Forest lands b. Transmission line ROW c. Acce~s road ROW d. Reservoir e. Temporary construction camp f. Fuel and lubricants storage Timber Sale Contract (?) 3. Environmental Assessment Controlling Statute Federal Power Act, Part I. 34 Stat 225; 16 USC 431,432 VI-68 Governmental . Regulation 18 CFR 1-149 36 CFR 251 ________ -=Description Report Department of Defense, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers 1. structures or Work in or Affecting Navigable Waters (Section 10 Permit) 2. Discharqe of Dredged or Fill Material into u.s. Waters (Section 404 Permit) Environmental Protection ~gency 1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Section 402 Permit) Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration 1. Structures Which May Interfere with Airplane Flight Paths, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration Controlling Statute 30 Stat 1151; 33 USC 403 PL 92-500 PL 92-500 VI-69 Governmental Fegulation 33 crn 209.120 40 CFR 209.120 40 CFR 125 14 CFR 77.13 state of Alaska. The following state permits will be obtained through a-Master Permit Application to be submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Description (Granting Agency) 1. Discharge into Navigable Waters Reasonable Assurance Certificate (section 401 Permit) (ADEC) 2. Wastewater Disposal Permit (ADEC) 3. Solid Waste Disposal Permit (ADEC) 4. Open Burning Permi t (ADNR) 5. Burning During Fire Season Permit (ADNR) 6. Anadromous Fish Protection Permit (ADFG) 7. Water Rights Permit and Certificate of Appropriation (ADNR) 8. certificate for storage (ADNR) 9. Right-of-way and Easement Permits (ADNR) 10. Encroachment Permit (ADOTPF) 11. Utility Permit (ADOTPF) 12. Public Utilities certificate of Public Convenience and Necessi ty (ADCED) (1) Controlling statute PL 92-500 AS 46.03.100 AS 46.03.100 AS 46.03.020 AS 41.15.050 AS 16.05.870 AS 46.15.040 AS 46.15 AS 38.05.330 AS 19.25.200 AS 19.25.010 AS 42.05 VI-70 Governmental Regulation 18 AAC 70.081 18 AAC 72 18 AAC 60 18 AAC 50.120 11 AAC 92.010 5 AAC 95.010 11 AAC 93.040 11 AAC 93.150 11 AAC 58.200 17 AAC 10.010 17 AAC 15 3 MC 48 Native Corporations. Easements for parts of the proposed transmission line and access road will ce obtained from the following private Native corporations, as required: 1. Sealaska Corporation 2. Klawock Heenya Corporation 3. Shaan-Seet, Inc. 4. Haida Corporation See Exhibit 70 for present land ownership in the vicinity of the Project. Compliance ~ith Health ~nd §~!~EY Regulations and code§ Compliance with the following regulations during ccnstruction will be the responsibility of the contractor, and will ce so stated in the construction contract: Description 1. Explosive Handlers Certificate of Fitness 2. Prevention of Accidents and Health Hazards (Inspections) Controlling ____ ~Stat~u~t~e~ __ __ AS 08.52.010-080 AS 18.60.010-105 Governmental ____ ~Requlatio~n __ __ 8 AAC 62.010-070 8 AAC 60.010-75.030 1. Appropriate regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Pertinent ADOL and OSHA regulations will also te met during operation and maintenance of the Project. VI-71 Compliance wi~Q Other Regul~!ions, Qodes, Guidelines, and Re~iews Endanger~g Species ~ct of 1973. In response to APA's consultants' letter of inquiry of 2 February 1981, USFWS has stated that no candidate, proposed, or listed endangered or threatened species occur in or near the proposed Project Area (see Appendix J). National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. APA's consultants have performed a pre-construction archeological survey of the proposed Project Area and have found that the Project is not likely to have significant adverse effect on any pro~erty listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (see Appendix G). Coastal ~one Management Act of 1972. APA will sutmit the feasibility report and License Application to the Alaska State Clearingtouse for Alaska Coastal Management Program review. Eaql~ Protection. APA's consultants requested USFWS to provide available eagle nest site data for the Project Area and comments on the proposed transmission corridor and proposed pole design (see letter dated 13 January 1981, Appendix J) • Transmission Li~ Q~sig~ and Routing Guidelines. The following guidelines were used in transmission line design and routing as described in this report, and will also be applied during construction of the Project: 1. USFWS Eagle Protection Guidelines 2. REA Guidelines on Powerline Contacts by Eagles and Other Large Birds (revision of REA Bulletin 61-10 of 9 March 1979) 3. FERC Guidelines: Electric Power Transmission and the Environment (Commission Order No. 414 of 21 Novemter 1910) 4. u.S. Departments of Environmental criteria (1910). Agriculture for Electric and the Transmission Interior Systems 5. USFS policies on protection of fisheries habitat during logging or clearing operations (Southeast Alaska Area Guide, USFS 1971). Alaska Department Q£ ~nvironmental Conservation Guidelines for Remote Camps !n Southeast Alaska. Plans for the construction camp will be submitted to ADEC for their approval. In additicn to the ADEC-issued permits required (see list atove), the agency will perform reviews of the sewerage system plan and the drinking water plan for the construction camp and for any such facilities provided in the Project powerhouse for maintenance personnel. VI-12 Alaska state Clearinghouse Requirements. The feasibility report and License Application will be sutmitted to tr.e state Clearinghouse, which will perform A-95 Review and Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP) review. ACMP review is required tefore a certificate of Consistency can be issued for the proposed Project. Proposed Requlation~ of the ~lask~ Power Authority. These proposed regulations (draft dated 2 December 1980; AS 44.56. various) require distribution of the draft feasibility report to affected local governments, utilities, public and private land managers, and to pertinent federal and state agencies for ccmment. Stat~ Endangered §pecie~ Statute~. In response to APA's consultant's letter of 4 February 1981, ADFG has stated that the only species considered endangered which may occur in the Project Area are the two subspecies of peregrine falcon, and then only during migration. No other proposed or candidate species for such classification under state statutes are known to occur. See Appendix J. Authorities Consulted The following publications were consulted: 1. Directory of Permits, state of Alaska (ADCED and ADEC 1979) 2. State of Alaska Coastal Management Program and Final Environmental Impact Statement (AOCM and USOCZM 1979) 3. Hydroelectric (THREA 1978) Power Facilities: Legal Requirements Agencies and other entities consulted are listed telow. §ourc~~ of Information several public meetings were held in the communities in the Project Area to inform residents of proposed Project plans and to solicit their views. Public meetings devoted entirely to the Black Bear Lake Project and alternatives were held by Power Authority staff and their consultants in July 1980 in Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg and in January 1981 in Hydaburg. In addition, Power Authority staff gave special presentations on the Project as part of regional economic development symposia held in May 1980 in Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg and in November 1980 in Craig. Power Authority staff and their consultants discussed the draft feasibility report at public meetings in each of the three communities in June 1981. VI-73 ~gen£Y Meetin~, CorresPQnde~ce, and Telephone Conversations The following agencies and other entities were consulted during the Project planning process (see also Appendix J). Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Habitat Protection Section Commercial Fish Div. Sport Fish Div. FRED Div. Game Div. Alaska Timber Corporation u.S. Forest Service Alaska Coastal Management Program Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Univ. of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sealaska Corporation National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Alaska A-95 Clearinghouse, Office of the Governor Ketchikan Public Utilities Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources state Parks Div. Forest, Land, and Water Div. u.s. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Waterfall Group Alaska Dept. of Revenue u.s. Environmental Protection Agency u.s. Army Corps of Engineers Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority u.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs VI-74 u.s. Rural Electrification Administration u.s. Alaska Power Administration u.s. Bureau of Land Management Alaska Power and Telephone International North Pacific Fisheries Commission u.s. Soil Conservation service u.S. National Park Service u.S. Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission Cities of craig. Klawock r and Hydaburg Craig Community Organization Shaan-Seet r Inc. Klawock Heenya Corp. Haida Corp. £1~dies Conducted The following environmental studies were performed ty Alaska Power Authority's conSUltants: 1. Phase I aquatic studies (Appendix F) r 2. Winter aquatic studies (Appendix F) r 3. Spring 1981 fry trapping (Appendix F). 4. Archeology and Historical Resources survey (Appendix G) • VI-75 EXHIBITS F 1 , . L , r • SCALE 0 I EXHIBIT 1 KEY MAP N MN 28.:10 NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION OF USGS MAP CRAIG, ALASKA, 1:250,000. SCALE. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 200 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. LEGEND ----ROADS --TRANSMISSION LINE z I 4 I 1:100,000 • I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY • [ 101li1a I , l , l MINIMUM RESERVOIR ELEVATION 1685' ~-----+---- /\ I \ \ \ \ \ EXHIBIT 2 II LEGEND: PROPERTY LINE ........ ---PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE APPROXIMATE PROJECT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED WILDERNESS AREA NOTES: "~;g~~}:~E~1~~~J~~~~~~~~ SIDES. OPO GRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION 2. T NGLE SHEliT C-3 OF USG!~~:~:\HE CONTOUR INTERVAL ~R,~g·FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. OWN ARE BASED ON U.S •• 3. PROPERTY LINES SHRtCUL TURE FOREST OEPARTME,.~~~~:~EGION PUBLICATION NO. SERVICE-F WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. 103. "PRINCE 0 . .. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST. SCALE 2400 400 800 1200 16,00 2000 I (\\ __ -=!'~~1'~~~I~~~ _____ LI __ ~ I, -11-400 FEET BLACK BEAR LAl<E HYOftOELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PLAN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY / / / / / / , / / / / / / \ / EXHIBIT 3 SCALE 0 40 80 120 FEET LI ____ -L ____ -L ____ _ BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA SITE PLAN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , , ~ r 1800 1m r Axi4 01 CO/IDN~ r!~tI" 9f':JV#gdtJm LCIV$f E1.172fJ.0 I ft-.,...-Inv. V672.0, ,-l".al66J. , , lfiW -~ , , ISOO ~ ~ r--.... • ~ IIII) ~ , "'" 1300 "" r , !!! 1200 I ~ .;} Ii , . ~ 1100 1 , ~ .... 1001 ~ , I " .~ l ~ fKX) ~ V COf1C'lVte ~s/Qff J'O'fi;lIsl Fttd't1. f 800 l 700 , ~ 5aJ ~ sao .. 400 / In, E!.370. ~ V • 300 ~ 200 lOa TQ II{)() £/00 JfOO #00 5ffXJ 5fOO lfOO 6'00 !J'{)() ~ \"48'dllJ_ bu~1t!d penslocit \ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ -AppIOXI/TK1!e e;(;sfing {Jl'OUnd II;'" '*"! t penstJck 1'-... -----e-~'" ~ ~ ~ ---- ""'1.0;); g.ngdi!, r=::r 10100 ",no 12,00 !8loo 14'00 15rOO 16,00 17100 ~30o-l"'. slnl en410ck PROFILE ALONG C; PEN8TOCJ( <_ ,_ Ho~;z _ I~ /00 ' "'--"'~.-VerI. 1"100' ~ ~ ~ N le,oo 19100 20100 PII{)() ~ rr--Porlfll ~nv.E/' 350.0 f -InttC/.32rJ.l lfw.£Lnao ~ £1100 F9f(Xl 24'00 15fOO 26'00 EXHIBIT 4 -- - /lnrEL 3lXJ.O ~(r 7'l:umt ' Ifw. EJ.e55.25 ~ ~~ \.r:1l1 tn.£l2GOlJ 1m. ff I I 27fOO illfOO P!JfOO atJffX} (J1fOO 92fOO !l311J1J .Nf IJIJ r.JO'diA btKY«I ~ ~ BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PROFILE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , , ~" -\ -\/)'00 .~ , . 1 , \( f , ' AXIS ofconcrefe d:vn , , • 900 l. [99• , , ~ , i " i. penslock sh,fI , /780 177() 1760 1740 l 1110 .... 1790 ~ ~ 1720 ~ 1710 ! 1700 ~ 1690 a 1!J80 1 '" 1!J70 1!J60 I- StDtions Otoo /6'$1 17,- \ """. ~\. '\ ~l ~. ~\ \ ~\ \ J \ I \\ \ // / : . '., , , . \1: "~,I 48'1d/~, steel , \ pipe penstocH \ \ , , , , \ '\: \ \ , , , , , , ~ I I , , \ , \ ItOO / "--"'~"'-"'-... -/ .. ---~11i80 .,---~-....---- ~/I/s rac/rfill PLAN Toe of CO/JCl'ele g!':;v;t~1 d~tn I {'tOO lOp afdDm lL1729.0 Or'ln autlel (fyp) DONNSTREAA! ELEVATION \ \ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ 8tOO \ \ \ \ \ , Concrek d:vn .mhedd!d in """_ roc"'i71 4-too SCALE 0 I 20 I 40 I 60 I I"· ao' 80 I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA EXHIBIT 5 100 120FEET I I DAM, PLAN a ELEVATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , , , r r ' L r L .. . ( AI" •. filY. £!.I7/!O.8 M,,)(. NormgT HIUI. 171S.0 FIOIW - Axis of COflCf'e1e g~"y/t!l d~m ./ /bpoftlQm ~ £1.172J.0 SpilIN:i!J C~$f £1.1710.0 r CM3lo'd:Jm fI. 1123.0 '~:I':':!:" 075 ,,,-:' '.. \]' il' :·7\\ _~_==;t-~=-=::=:t:~;JC;;;:1::;I;.;:~~===t==:::::;;:L;;;::y::y:J . '. . .. \, • o· ".\:" ; .. : ... : ..... ··v " \I .•. : .. ':'-..... I' \rDf'Rinho/, " II SECTION A-A SECTION AT PENSTOCK ANOSHAfl SC.ille 0 .5 Feel ............... ,··,,!o# TYPICAL PENSTOCK SECTION (Section (flom po,.f:J/ to pOl'/ef'hou.se looking downsfregrn) 1'=5~O~ ROf" bo/ls os f'equlred if flJnne/ L..BI ""'l1l:I::;0=-:1""'= -P~~~~.~lII!!ilic=h Gr;;vellevellflg course TYPICAL TUNNel SECTION S:dle 0 2 Fl!Ct ~ 1'1'0' 'I I, I, \ \ V,,/ve mflnho/~ \'\'---Dp~ifJ hole J8molof' opet'~fed bulledlil,glve 15 0 SECTION 8-8 TYPICAL PfNS70CK SEC7l0N ( Secllon Ipom dQm 10 .IIgII) ';'=/'-0' Unc/Qssir,ed f,jl 1714 O'~------:5{fi='O:------/-:-oo.L0:------I-~.LOO------2000.....l--- D/sm:Jr{1~ ~ cfs SPILLWAY RATIN6 CURVE IYQfe~ level8efl8Ol' "nd G~k contMI HIindNJil -6;'. opt:~"fot>(fyP) DIversion condlJil QI7(f emt'l'gi'ncy 0IJ11eI 5'O'd/D'°Pel1l"g EXHIBIT 6 SECTION BI-81 12 'm':, /'equlPsd lining lliicknU8 SCALE 0 I (/O'ncm/;",I sholl eAC'Qv:Jllon liM TYPICAL SHAFT SECTIC)!\: j-=/!O 10 I 20 30 40 I I I (EXCEPT AS NOTED) BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 50 I DAM a PENSTOCK, SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 60 FEE I , 1 F 1 ,. , r • l , i , 1 .. £19- r--r- \ s, ~ A L -'» '" F/o,., - II! 90 "d,D. skel l'tpB pen.rock \ r :'i> 'lL.. '" N""frQI ground equipment 1fpC:J( t!fld! Un;!-_____ .~ ......... ... .• o-tl4 .••. tN .. """ 8~ckr,il ..... !t='l -~ ~ a--, ['2!O' I I j I I ,61"_~1o"1. D '--V~nli/otDn /ouVlY'S I :- I 1 I 70'0' 2~O' "--Sf"lien NNice IN~1ir PLAN 1 SECTION A-A m I. ----{]rotJfed. rein!rJroed fluk<! J>..:;vyweigllf crJnC'~fp IJlodr (2'e"tel'i0l' fllRt!3 nolshown) I ~ I 1 ~SfHlrolumncr_ supporl (lypJ mile/a, Shower !R I-f- A :<;> J ~ v----lOl0~/6!O· commerciQ/ :Jluminum dJol' _nuolly cpel'tlfed E'---'-----'" . .., ~ 2 0 L J V f!OO .q, alC'Of1<wfe IJ':;II £L266.50~ It penslrJck .: 8N~c"on~ HUon c:Jp<JCiI.v Slr!el crOM colt1mn Bxkfiil --~ --------V ..- 600 8(}() 1000 IlfXJ 1100 81Qck 8eQr Creek flo,., -o'lr TAILWATER RATING CURVE SECT/ON a-a ~ f..-- 1800 t Ihi* Groult!d, reinfof'Ceti ixYJcf't!1rI block 12'.lhick (Iyp) t;. runner £1. 2fJ9.0 . tVeuINH gl'O<N>d ': eqtJipmeni EXHIBIT 7 ~ eOOf' EI. 258.50 "';1"0011 chwz~1 ~~ .. :. EXCDvation lIne SCALE 0-5 10 15 FEET I 1'1 I I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWERSTATION PLAN AND SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY f , , , , . ... , a , f L , / PLAN VIEW--PROJECT POWERHOUSE AREA INTERPRETIVE STRUCTURE AND PROJECT SETTING \ , \ This drawing shows only a conceptual arrangement of the proposed developments and must not be construed as the final design. --''>.-_~-----':'~, ______________________ .ENTRYI INFORMATION SIGN -1500 "' '\ '\ .... \ 0 0 0 \ \ , \ \ I l Project or Client Logo "----- ENTRANCE SIGN ~ T ACCESS TO BLACK LAKE, PICNIC TABLES, VAULT TOILET. ROAD WIDENED FOR PARKING. ___ ------------f~HING ACCESS TRAIL TO BLACK BEAR CREEK. ~------------.INTERPRETIVE STRUCTURE EXPLAINING PROJECT " ""'\ FACILITIES & OPERATION. VEHICLE PARKING " " ) PROVIDED AT POWERHOUSE. "\ / \ '-...... \ \.. \ ') \ I J ) § / / 1 \ DAMS~E \ "" "-) "- ( ,....., '-- ') \ "'-'" \ ~$Oo \. \.. __ '-. 2:J NORTH '" c---" -----'\ "'\ l \\, \ ~ \ ~~I~I~-10REST SERVICE CABIN LOCATION "'\ ,-' . \ ( /" 3000 '. .---+-IiIt:L(JcAn~li FOREST SERVICE CABIN ) \ ~ ( \ \.. I '\.. " SCALE 0 I 1/2 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA PROPOSED PROJECT RECREATION PLAN 1 MILE I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 8 EXHIBIT 9 DE SC RIPT ION YEAR I YEAR 2 J F M A M J J A 5 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 I , .(ARI~ ---- 'Y LOWER SITE _ .. .... ----... ' .... -. _. . '-' ".-. -. --" _ .. "0 .... MOBILIZATION I _. -- - CAMPS 8 SHOPS -l-I ! I TUNNEL PENSTOCK - POWERHOUSE CIVIL WORKS ---f---._---. -- I ' MISC. EQUI PMENT TURBINES 8 GENERATORS INSTALLATION TESTING -- TR ANSMISSION LIN E 8 SUB -STATIONS PRI tJECT r ' RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ~ ~ COl ItPLETE - CLEAN UP 8 DEMOBILI ZATI ON T -- OM L.a.. or. '~ UPPER SITE --"" ' .... " ... -- CAMPS ~ ~ ~ W -PENSTOCK ~ ~ ~'- VERTICAL SHAFT ~ ~~ ~ EXCAVATION ~ ~ ~ CONCRETE LINING ~ ~ ~ --.. -... BURIED PENSTOCK ~ ~ ~ ~ i DAM, INTAKE 8 SPI LLWAY I -~ ~ ~ I EXCAVATION ~ ~ ~ I GROUTING 8 DRAIN HOLES ~ ~ ~ ------ CONCRETE ~ ~ ~ -_. GATES 8 VALVE ~ ~ ~ ~ BACKFILL ~ ~ ~ RELOCATION 8 RESERVOIR CLEARING I ~ ~ ~ CLEAN UP 8 DEM081LIZATION ~ ~ ~ ~ RESERVOIR FILLING ~ W ~ BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA t . CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE I-~ ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .. . · , · . · , , , , . ~. j ,/ / / / V / / " /( limpomy sloei<pik> \ t7. vQ/'I;e'$- SCALE 0 40 80 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 10 120 FEET - - - - - ...... ...... ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HA.RZA. ENGINEERING CO~IPANY CHIC.4.GO. ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 11 Project HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Oate_J_A_N_U_A_R_Y __ l_9_8_1 ___ Page __ l __ of __ 6 __ Pages St t PROJECT WORKS E· d b RD Checked by KTW rue ure ______________________ stlmate y_______ _ ___ _ ....., ITEM QuantIty Unit PrIce AmcHmt No. 330 Land and Land Rights $ 399 000 ---- 331 Powerstation and Improvements 1737 000 332 Reservoir Dams and Waterwavs 13 25.8-.Q.QQ.. 333 Waterwheels! Turbines and Generators 1 ,380 000 334 Accessorv Electrical Equipment 695 000 335 Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment 48 000 336 Roads and Bridqes 660 1000 353 Substation and Switchinq Station I Equipment and Structures 1 nRR Innn 355 Poles and Fixtlres 1 71 1 Innn 356 Overhead Cond'lr.tors and Devir.f>s ] hqR Innn Subtotal Direr.t Cost S 21 1674 000 !:;;;Qnt.inr:rencies Civil Works 15% 2 769 000 Electrical and Mechanical Equip. 8% 257 000 1- r--- Total Direct Cost $ 24 700 000 Engineering & Administration 3 300 000 January 1981 Construction Cost $ 28 000 000 I ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CBICA..GO. ILLINOIS Project __ H_Y_D_RO_E_L_E_C_T_R_I_C_P_R_O_J_E_C_T _____ Date JANUARY 1981 EXHIBIT 11 Page, __ 2 ___ of_......;.6 __ Pages Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by __ ~R~D"--__ Checked by KTW IIwm ITEM QuantIty UnH~ Amount No. 330 Land and Land Rights .1 Land Purchase .11 Reservoir and Dam 260 Ac. 1,500 390 000 - .12 Water Conductor and Powerstation 9 Ac. 1,000 9 000 Subtotal Item 330 399 000 331 Powerstation and Improvements .1 Powerstation .11 Diversion and Care of Water L.S. 19 000 .12 Clearing 3 Ac. 6,100 18 300 .l3 Excavation -talus 1,180 cy 7.50 8 850 .14 Backfill 400 cy 6.00 2 400 .15 Substructure .151 Concrete -mass 385 cy 690 265 650 I~ Superstructure .161 Concrete -structural 65 cy 2,350 152 750 - .162 Masonry 4,560 S.F. 17.50 79 800 .163 Architectural Treatment L.S. 24 000 .164 Steel Roof Structure 12,000 1bs 2.30 27 600 .165 Roofing 3,900 S. F. 5.50 21 450 .166 HVAC and Plumbing L. S. 25 000 .167 Miscellaneous Metal 2 500 1bs 2.90 7 250 .168 Crane Supports 24 500 1bs 2.90 71 050 , Subtotal Item 331.1 723 100 .2 Station Yard .21 Fill 600 cv 6.00 3 600 .22 Crushed Rock 200 cv 23.00 4 I...Q.QQ. .23 Fence and Gates 200 L.F. 28.50 5 700 Subtotal Item 331. 2 l3 900 Subtotal Item 331 737 000 - - - - - - - -•. -.. - - - - - - - - .... - ... - - - - ...... " .. - - - .- ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING COlIPANY CHICA.GO. ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 11 Prolec:t __ H_Y_D_R_O_E_L_E_C_T_R_I C_P_R_O_J_E_C_T _____ Date __ JAN_U_A_R_Y_l_9_8_l ___ Page __ 3 __ of __ 6 __ Pages Srructure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by ___ RD ___ Checked by KTW tt.m ITEM QuantIty Unit Price Amount No. 332 Reservoir Dams and Waterways ~ Reservoir -- 11 ClearinQ - - III Heavy 23 Ac . 8 000 184 000 . 11" Light 35 A~ . 4 200 147 000 Subtotal Item 332.1 331 000 .2 Dam and S~illway -- .21 Diversion and Care of Water lcS 31_ 000 .22 Clearing 4 Ac 4 200 16 ROO I .23 Excavation - - .231 Talus 15 150 rv o SO lloS R7S .232 CommOQ 1 loOO rv 7 "in 1 n "iOO .23':1 Rock 2 _400 r..Y 71 nn 'U 2nO 714 C;1nnn-r:t C;vc;rpm T c: ~r;n nnn 24 Foundation PreoaratiQn -- .241 Grouting 4 hSO T F' sn nn -2.3.2. f-.s.oo .24') Drain Holes and Drains o sn T F' hh r;n 1',1 17 r; .25 Backfill 17-" 200 Cy 8.00 13~ 69Q. .26 Concrete I -- .26 Mass 6 250 Cy 410 2 362 500 .26 Structural 1 SO {'v ~r;n 1 ? 7 snn .27 Miscellaneous Metals 2000 Ibs 2 qO 'i 800 Subtotal Item 332.2 4 264 400 .3 Waterwavs -- .31 Intake - - .31 Excavation -rock 2O~~v 4~~0 0 onn 11 r.nnrrprp -str~tural ]00 ('v 1 270 241 300 11 Gates Guides Frames Allrnm::1rir r.nntrols ann Tr:lshr:lrks L ~ 1 ?q oon 314 Miscellaneous Metals 2 non lh", ? on s Rnn ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE I .. UHiI t , j HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CBIC..LGO. ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 11 Prolect HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Oate __ J_AN_D_A_RY_1_9_B_1 ___ Page __ 4 __ of 6 • Pages Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by_..::.:R.,.,D ____ Checked by..:..:K:.:;.TW~ __ .... ITEM QuantIty Unit PrIc. Amount No. .32 Penstock -- .321 Buried Penstock -- .321 Excavation --=-- 32111 Talus 2 500 cv 7 50 18 750 32112 Rock 1 050 ('v 4'i 00 47 ?'iO 3212 Backfill 4.100 cv 7 00 ?R 700 321 Beddinl! 1.000 ('v 11 00 11 000 3214 Concrete -anchor blocks 140 cv F,q'i q7 inn 321" Valve -4B" ~Butterf1v Valve 1 ea 450 4'i 1100 322 Shaft Penstock 3221 Excavation -rock (72"~) 1 3SD ('v , inn , 7C;C; nnn 322') Concrete Linin!! 750 ('v 1 qOO 1 lU~ noo 33 Tfmnt>l Exca.vation and SIlDDort 1.850 L F 1 250 2 112 500 r-- 34 Pen.<:;to('k Steel 341 4811~Power Conduit. 30,000 1bs 3.80 114 000 342 30"~Power Conduit 624.000 1bs 3.80 2 371 200 35 Tailrace and Existin!! Creek 351 Excavation -talus 2 160 cv 7.50 16 200 352 Backfill 2 100 cv 7.00 14 700 Subtotal Item 332.3 8 662 600 Subtotal Item 312 11 2'iR 000 I - -- - -- - - -... -, -.,. -. .. - - - - - .... .... ..... ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING CO!IPANY CRICA-GO. ILLINOIS Prolect HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Date JANUARY] 981 EXHIBIT 11 Page 5 of_--O.6 __ Pa g es Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by __ .... RU""-___ Checked by KTIJ .... ITEM QuantIty Unit PrIc:. Amount No. 333 Waterwheel, Turbines, and Generators .1 Turbines and Governors 2 ea. 400,000 800 000 .2 Generators 2 ea. 290,000 580 000 Subtotal Item 333 1380 000 .334 Accessory Electrical Equipment .1 Supervisory Control System L.S . 175 000 . 2 Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment L. S . 520 000 Subtotal Item 334 695 000 335 Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment .1 Powerstation Crane -10 ton 1 ea. 38 000 38 000 .2 Miscellaneous Equipment L.S. 10 000 1- Subtotal Item 335 ~ 1000 336 Roads and Bridges .1 Access Road 2~i. 3..3..Q 000 1660 1000 , i---- I ESTIMATE t if ""IIiL til * I "iii M HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CHICA-GO. ILLINOIS BLACK BEAR LAKE EXHIBIT 11 Prolect HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT JANUARY 1981 p 6 f 6 P Oate ___________ age ____ o ____ ages Structure __ ;:..::.;PR...;;.O.;:;.J.;;E;.;;C;.;;T:........:.W,;,.;O:..:RK:.;;.::S~ ______________ Estimat.d bY __ ....;RD= ___ Checked by KTW hili ITEM QuantIty Unit PrIce Amount No. 353 Substation & Switching Equip. & Structures --f- .1 Powerstation Substation .ll Transformers -4000 JNA 2 each 20,000 $ '0 40 000 1- .12 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc. L.S. 350 pOD .2 Klawock Substation .21 Transformer -3750 ¥:!VA 1 each 20,000 20 pOD .22 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc. L.S. ~50 1000 .3 Craig & Hydaburg Substations .31 Transformers -2000 JNA 2 each 14,000 28 1000 . 32 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc . L.S. 200 pOD Subtotal Item 353 $ 1 1088 000 355 Poles and Fixtures .1 Clearing f- . ll Heavy L.S . 447 000 .12 Light L.S. 665 1000 .2 Poles .21 Material L.S. 230 000 .22 Construction L.S. 369 000 Subtotal Item 355 Is 1 7ll 000 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices .1 Conductors L.S. 330 000 .2 Insulators L.S. 225 000 .3 Hardware and Miscellaneous ~c£ 1222 1000 .4 Construction .41 Strinaina L.& 611 1000 LI.? GUYS, Anchors and Miscellaneous L.S 12RR 1000 Subtotal Item 356 Ie:; 1 698 000 - - - - - - - Jif;."' - - - I-w w u. Z z 0 i= ct > W ....I w 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 , .. 300 " .......... ~ ~ ~ / V' V o 1. RESERVOIR AREA IN ACRES 200 100 "-~ ......... ~ ~ l1li""""" --......... ............ ,."",---~ ... ~ ~ ......... ............ ~ ~ t" ............... ~ 10,000 20,000 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE -FEET ~ ,."",--- ~ .............. -, 30,000 EXHIBIT 12 o I 1800 EL. 1721 Max W . S. EL. 1715 Max N orm W.S. rm W.S. EL. 1685 Min No 1700 1600 '-, 1500 1400 BLACK BEAR LAKE. I-w w u. z z 0 i= ct > W ....I w HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR AREA -VOLUME CURVES ALASKA POWER AUTUORITY l t 6,500 iI: • , " EXHIBIT 13 PAGE 1 of 2 . l:Oi~jIII ++-+--t-++ +-+-+t-t---I-+--jl-t-·f---t-H---+---+---+-l-f --l-++-+·l-~ ~~ .. ~+++;~ --~-++~-t-t-jf---t-~++t-~-+11-1 ~ .+..j'---+--l_Hf---+--lI-Hf..:te.:t~.+~+.. .. ·_or-.. .lI: 5,500 -I--+++++1+f+H-+++++1~R-H-+++++1+H-H-+++-I+I+H-+++++-I+H-H-++++--l-1I+H-+++++-I+I I > .... ::::i m « a.. « .l-.l-+.1--+-+---. .. .. u 5,000 ~+++++1+f+~+++++1+I+H-+++++1+H-+++++-I+I+H-+++++1+H-+++++-I--l-1I+H-+++++1+1 a: w ~ 2 tJ . __ :~'-I1-f---t-t-t+H ~ IJ ··1-1-1-+--.1-/ 4,500 ...... +-++-+.+.--bI.R--__ +++++++++++++++++++++++-+44-H-H-H-HH-1f-+-f-+-f-+-I-+-I-+-H---H-+-++-++-++-++++++I 1690 1695 1700 1705 1710 1715 NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -FEET 1720 1725 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR LEVEL ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 26.000 .r:. ~ 24.000 :!: .. --- I z 0 i= u -. ~ .. ::J 0 0 22.000 jlL a:: a.. >-<!' a:: UJ Z UJ UJ <!' 20.000 ct a:: UJ > ct -J ct ::J Z z 18.000 ct 16.000 1690 1695 I , J f . -. -. .. . .. 1700 1705 1710 1715 NORMAL MAXIMUM RESERVOIR WATER. SURFACE ELEVATION -FEET , 1 t , , , 1720 1725 EXHIBIT 13 PAGE 2 of 2 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR LEVEL AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY , 1 ,. I 1 l t 1 AVERAGE HONTHLY FLOWS (cfs) EXHIBIT 14 IJCl NlIV I":C JAtI Ft:.H ,..,AIl APR "'AY .JUN JUL AUG SE.P YEAR (j 1 ) 0(1) (1) (j I) (2tn Ul ) 00 ) (31) UO) (31) (3.1 ) nO) 1 40.1 55.'t h.Q 10. 1 6.1 1.'1 .. lq.b 27.6 bO.7 28.q 6.2 25.9 2 21,.6 29.2 2~ .1 6.1 ".7 0.9 7.9 q8." ~8 .1' 18.2 27.8 13.b j 2~.'1 26.3 ."S'). 1 q.s 0." h.2 9.'1 q'l.2 3".1 25.0 18.b 25.8 It .H ... 1 I~ II • '1 16.7 o.~ 2.'1 5.1 1/~ • 1 29.1 53.1 31.1 20.Q 31.9 5 31.l-1 It .• 9 22.3 B.3 6.9 1 • 1 19.0 qq.3 5".1 21.8 b.7 Q3.q 6 110. 1 27 .0 25.6 8.'1 b.2 1.2 21.0 52.1 3b.3 20.6 2'1." qq.5 7 5't • U lIl." 32.7 1 • 1 tt.3 ".2 11.q q7.2 55.9 lb.9 q7.9 19.5 Ii 28.0 3ll.1t 22.6 b.O 0.1 5.q 11.5 27.7 50.5 2b.0 b.3 3q.8 (i q 1 .1 lI7.'I III • 1 1.5 1.11 7.') 17.3 33.8 15 ... 3 7."1 11.5 2b.5 10 511.1 q2.tt 2/, • 1 8.ll 10.5 0.7 18.0 qq.Q lq.2 q2.b 2tt.9 .38.1 11 25.1 "b.l 28.4 9.j 0.9 8.7 13.1 55.6 q9.1 23.q 20.q 30.q 12 7l.~ .30.1 19.7 7./1 b.b 7.2 12.5 15.1 61t.O qq.o l.b q5.() 13 52.2 18. I 13.U 9.5 1.8 8.6 :: 15.8 12.1 16.7 36.2 19.q qo.q Itt q2.3 27 .2 2q." 9.b 2.0 6.7 11.3 32.1 Sit. b 26.3 29.7 q7.6 15 q".6 23.3 27.1 9.b 3./t 3.5 0.6 20.0 ql.3 17 .b 20.3 bl.1 Ib 50.9 35.5 19.5 b.q 6.2 1.9 30.tt ttl.8 bO.O 3/t .6 25.1 71.3 11 7tl.0 4b.b 10.1 o.q 6.0 q.q lH.3 55.3 32.9 q6 • .3 31.0 52.q lt1 32.11 23.'1 29.9 7.5 q.~ 8. 1 lb.2 35.q 6b .1 35.3 17.q 1 9 ./~ 19 37.1 24.2 20.3 8.1 6.11 3.5 21.q it 1.8 55.1 31.11 27.q 57.tt 20 Ju.o 2';;.4 22.(J 1.6 12.1 8.2 11.0 53.3 33.q 25.1 17 .2 qq.8 21 bO.l lI0.2 3b.1t 5.0 12.3 1.0 15.2 31.5 51.7 25.0 2.5 26.6 22 51.1 31. q 3ti.5 6.7 1.1\ 2.1 17. It 52.5 63.1 lq.2 qb.2 32.3 23 ~b.1 23.1 8.2 (J.9 5.b q.7 11.1t 5b.3 13.q 27.6 56.2 lb.7 2 1t q'l.O lI2.t 35.2 0.5 q.q 3.q 15.5 3~.9 qb.O 22.6 lq.2 21.9 25 31.0 It 1. q 2l1.'1 9.1 'j.l O.b 17.q 5q.2 lb.9 12.b lIb.l 3q.l 2h b':i.9 30.b 24.2 2.3 b.q 8.6 13.0 33.3 39.5 26.2 25.9 3q.b 21 5'-1.1 lI2.R q6.0 6.3 1.5 12. 1 18.5 31.3 q9.9 q6.1 lq.q .31.7 20 7q.5 27. 'I 31.q 6.8 10.8 2.2 17 .0 31.5 q9.6 18.9 38.0 26.5 29 12.b 31. q 27.1 lq.3 0.3 5.3 19.6 25.0 59.1 2q.7 20.0 lI2.1 30 3'1.6 37.'1 . 35./t 7.2 10.1 1.0 lq.6 32.8 bb.8 39.1 2.0 ('9.3 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA SYNTHESIZED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW ~z.A f"NGINEEnING COMPAN~ • MJl.nCH 19B1 AlASKA POWER AUTHOmTY (I) II.. U 80 60 z 40 3: o ...J II.. 20 o ~ \ "'lII o ~ ~ """1IIIIIIII ~ IiII.... ........ 10 20 , l 1 r---~ ...... --....... r---. '"--r---. ~ 30 40 50 60 70 PERCENT OF TIME EQUALED OR EXCEEDED i 80 EXHIBIT 15 -....... 90 100 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA MONTHLY FLOW DURATION CURVE -'ASKA POWER AUTHORITY 1 j 1 1 ; I REQUIRED FLOW RELEASES Without Environmental Constraints Minimum Maximum Average Flow Flow Flow Release Release Release cfs cfs cfs January 9 29 18 February 12 34 18 March 9 34 18 April 9 34 18 May 15 49 27 June 15 49 27 July 24 58 36 August 24 58 35 September 24 61 35 October 15 49 27 November 18 52 27 December 9 29 18 Annual 9 61 26 ~z.A ENGINEERING CO'\,/1PANY • 'V'IAI=tCI---I 1981 l l With Environmental ---. Minimum Maximum Flow Flow Release Release cfs cfs 9 24 12 24 9 24 9 24 20 39 15 49 24 58 24 38 29 46 25 44 23 42 9 28 9 58 I 4 l Constraints Average Flow Release cfs 17 17 17 17 27 28 36 33 36 33 31 17 26 EXHIBIT 16 PAGE 1 of 5 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR OPERATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FOLLO~ING RESULTS BASED ON 30 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOli DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL ORAfiDO~N (ELII) lb87.8 lb8b.7 lb88.0 Ib65.b Ib85.0 lb85.0 Ib85.0 lb85.7 Ib91.5 lb85.b Ib85.0 lb85.0 lb85.0 YEAR 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 13 9 15 9 15 CAPACITY (M~) 2.b93 2.b99 1.797 1.79b 0.973 0.113 1.453 2.b91 2.b98 3.588 1.384 2.711 0.113 YEAR 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 9 9 9 5 ************************************************************************************************************ _______ a _______ *_.*_* FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON DRAWDOWN (ELI!> YEAR CAPACITY (1'11'1) YEAR OCT Ib91.b 11 2.b98 10 28 OUT OF NOli Ib92.7 4 2.703 3 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE DEC lb95.1 b 1.805 b JAN lb92.8 b 1.80b 3 FE6 lb89.1 3 I .80 I 3 MAR lb85.8 b 1.797 3 APR Ib85.4 5 1.794 5 MAY Ib89.2 14 2.b9b 3 JUN lb91.8 15 2.704 3 JUL Ib90.7 3 3.594 13 AUG lb8b.3 3 3.58b 3 SEP lb8b.7 4 3.582 4 ANNUAL lb85.0 5 1.384 9 a __ a _____ a ___________________________________ * ______________________________________ * __ * ______________________ a_a ___ *** _______ *** FOLLOfiING RESULTS BASED ON 27 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOli DEC JAN FEB ORAWDOWN (ELII) lb91.9 Ib92.9 lb95.9 lb93.2 lb90.1 YEAR 3 b 14 3 b CAPACITY (1'11'1) YEAR 2.701 b 2.705 b 1.805 3 1.80b b 1.802 b MAR Ib8b.l 3 1.797 b APR lb8b.7 b 1.795 b MAY lb90.2 5 2.b97 III JUN lb92.5 4 2.705 13 JUL lb91.4 4 3.594 4 AUG lb8b.5 5 3.588 4 SEP lb88.7 5 3.584 5 ANNUAL Ib85.0 4 1.47b 3 a_a __________________ * ______________________________ ** __ a* _____ * ____ * ___________ * _________ ** ______________ *_aa. ___ a ____________ ** FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 24 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDfNCE OCT NOli DEC JAN FEB DRAWDOWN (ELII) Ib93.8 Ib9b.7 lb99.7 Ib97.5 lb94.4 YEAR 14 11 11 11 10 CAPACITY ("11'1) YEAR 2.703 3 2.709 10 1.810 11 1.811 11 1.807 11 MAR Ib91.2 11 1.803 11 APR Ib89.9 2 l.tlOI 11 MAY lb94.0 13 2.705 10 JUN lb9b.O b 2.707 5 JUL lb93.b 10 3.bOO b AUG lb90.b b 3.593 b SEP Ib91.8 15 3.593 10 ANNUAL lb87.8 14 1.800 10 a __ aa ________ * ______________ * _________ ******************************************************************************************* FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 21 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDlNCE OCT NOli DEC JAN FEB ORAfiUOWN (ELII) 1700.3 1702.~ 1703.2 1700.7 Ib97.4 YEAR 2 Ib 15 9 Ib CAPACITY ("11'1) YEAR 2.713 7 2.721 lb 1.81b lb 1.815 9 1.811 Ib MAR lb94.1 15 1.807 9 APR lb94.0 9 1.805 9 MAY Ib9b.0 9 2.709 9 JUN 1702.0 25 2.719 2 JUL lb9b.O 25 3.b12 25 AUG lb92.8 6 3.bOb 8 SEP lb93.1 b 3.bOO 14 ANNUAL Ib90.0 10 1.802 15 ********************************************************************************************************************************* FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 18 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOli DEC JAN FEB MAt{ APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SE!' ANNUAL DRAVjOOWN (EL II) 1701.4 1704.9 170b.9 1704.4 1701.2 Ib98.1 Ib9b.8 Ib98.0 1704.0 1700.1> 1.,98.9 Ib98.8 Ib93.2 YEAR 15 25 25 13 7 8 7 11 2 11 25 25 Ib CAPACITY (MW) 2.719 2.724 l.d21 1.821 I.Slb 1.812 1.809 2.71b 2.722 3 • .,20 3.bll 3.b12 1.809 EXHIBIT 16 PAGE 2 of 5 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA YEAR 25 25 7 8 7 13 8 12 12 I I 11 2~ S RESERVOIR OPERATION WITHOUT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 19B1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I I f 1 , I • f • I , 1 f • 1 , I 1 I 1 r I f , 1 , , I , a l 1 I I FOLLOWING RESULTS BASEO ON 15 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL ORAWDOWN (ELV) 1709.1 1708.7 1709.4 170b.7 1704.1 1700.7 1700.1 1702.8 1709.9 1707.2 1703.0 1701.7 1b97.0 YEAR 19 19 12 12 12 19 12 1 7 24 24 21 12 CAPACITY (MW) 2.727 2.735 1.823 1.823 1.819 1.81b 1.813 2.720 2.730 3.&34 3.b27 3.bl1:1 1.813 YEAR 8 13 19 19 12 19 12 25 7 12 24 1 12 ********************************************************************************************************************************* fOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 12 OUT Of 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB DRAWDOWN (ELV) 1710.0 1713.1 1712.1 1708.4 1705.7 YEAR 22 22 1 2b 2b CAPACITY O~W) YEAR 2.731 27 2.741 22 1.829 23 1.82b 2b 1.821 2b MAR 1702.8 17 1.818 17 APR 1702.3 2b 1.61b 2b MAY 1705.b 24 2.72& 19 JUN 1711.b 1 2.734 24 JUL 1709.4 22 AUG 170b.1 30 3.b34 21 SEP 1704.3 7 3.b30 7 ANNUAL 1700.7 19 1.81b 2b *******************************************~************************************************************************************* FDLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 9 OUT OF ]0 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB DRAWDOWN (ELV) 1715.0 1714.7 1715.0 1710.5 1707.4 YEAR 29 27 30 24 1 CAPACITY (MW) YEAR b.018 24 2.747 18 1.829 24 1.824 24 MAR 170].b 24 1.819 24 APR 1703.1 24 1.817 24 MAY 1707.1 30 2.731 30 JUN 1711.b 28 2.740 17 JUL 1712.1 21 AUG 1708.1 29 3.b39 20 SEP 1708.b 27 3.b37 27 ANNUAL 1702.3 2b 1.817 24 ********************************************************************************************************************************* FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON b OUT O~ 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB DRAWDOWN (ELV) 1715.0 1715.0 1715.0 1712.2 1709.5 YEAR 23 29 27 28 20 CAPACITY (MW) YEAR b.024 21 b.028 17 b.027 20 1.830 28 1.82b 18 MAR 170b.3 22 1.823 21 APR 170b.3 22 1.6211 22 MAY 1708.8 18 2.732 28 JUN 1715.0 29 b.020 30 JUL 1712.3 20 3.b49 20 AUG 1710.0 28 3.b42 22 SEP 1711.3 20 3.b45 22 ANNUAL 170b.2 18 1.820 22 **************************************************************************************~****************************************** fOLLOWING RESULfS BASED ON 3 OUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR API< MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ANNUAL DRAWOOIIN (ELV) 1715.0 1715.0 1715.0 1712.b 1710.~ 170b.8 170b.9 1710.7 1715.0 1715.0 1712.3 171S.u 170b.8 YEAR 18 21 21 27 21 29 20 17 22 30 22 19 29 CAPACITY (MW) b.028 b.028 b.028 1.830 1.827 1.823 1.821 2.73b b.023 b.025 3.b4b b.021 1.821 YEAR 20 24 28 27 30 30 20 27 27 17 18 Ib 20 EXHIBIT 16 PAGE 3 of 5 ********************************************************************************************************************************* fOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON lOUT OF 30 YEARS EXCEEDENCE OCT. NOV DEC JAN FEB DRAWDOWN (ELV) 1715.0 1715.0 1715.0 1714.2 1710.b YEAr. 1 1 18 29 28 CAPACIT Y (MW) YEAR b.028 1 b.028 1 b.028 21 ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 1981 1.831 22 1.828 29 MAR 1707.3 27 1.823 28 API< 1707.& 27 1.822 27 MAY 1714.1 20 2.739 20 JUN 1715.0 18 b.027 20 JUL 1715.0 17 AUG 1715.0 17 b.028 17 SEI' 1715.0 Ib b.028 17 ANNUAL 1707.3 27 1.822 27 BLACK BEAR LAKE. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR OPERATION WITHOUT ENVI RONMENT AL CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWEll AUTHORITY FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 30 DIIT OF 30 YfAR~ FXCEEDFNCf OCT NOV DEC .TAN FER MAR APR I'AY .lIJN Jill AUr. ~EP "NNIl"L DR"wDOWN (ELV) 16B~.? 1661>.0 11>87." IM'i." 11>8'i.0 I 1>1:l'i. 0 161\'i.O 11>8'i.7 11>91.7 168'1.3 11>/l'i.0 161i'i.0 1/,8'>.0 YE"R /I 'i '5 'i 'i 'i 0 II 10 'I 'I 'I 'I r.APACITY (MW) ;>.'1911 2.'19'i 1.67;> 1.1>7? 0.'1311 O. II ~ 1.1153 ?61i1 ;>.68/\ ~.'i9'i ;>./\1;> ;'.711 0.1 13 YE"H II '5 '5 'i 'i 'i ~ 'l /I ~ 'I q 'i .**** •••• ** •• ***************************.**************t_t*t.* __ t_ ••• _ •• __ • _________ ._._. ___ • _______________ *tttt*ttttt _________ _ FOLLOwING RESULTS BASEO ON ;>8 aliT OF 30 YEAR~ FXCEFDENCE ORAWOOWN (ELV) YEAR CAPACITY (MW) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FER 11>91.6 1693.3 169'i.0 16Q3.0 1690.6 II 'l /) I> I> 1."80 " 1.1>1\0 I> 1.678 I> APR 161H .0 ~ 1.1,13 " JIIN 169 11 .1 t3 .JilL 1I>'1I.'i II AUG 1688.1 1'5 ~EP 1667.'5 II ANNlIAL 168<;.0 1I I."n 6 tt**t**t**_t ___ * _______ ••• _________ • ______ • ___________ *t_ ••• _tt_t _______________________ • ___________________ *tttttt*ttt _________ _ FOLLOWING RESULTS R"SED ON ?7 OUT OF 30 YEARS FXCEFDFNCE DRAWOOWN (ELV) YEAR CAP"CITY (MW) YE"R OCT NOV DEC JAN FER 1691.7 1693." 1"97.3 11>9'5.;> 11>91.7 10 3 10 10 3 1.1>811 "5 1.f.80 ~ MAR 1689.1 ~ APR If.87./\ 6 ANNUAL 168&.1, I> 1.67/1 'I .*. ______ *_t*_*. _____________________ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _. ____ • _____ • __ •••••• FOLLOwING RESULTS BASED ON ?q OIJT OF 30 YEARS EXCfFDfNCt ORAWDOWN (fllil YEAR CAPACITY (MW) YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FER 1&96.3 1696.1 169'1.3 11>97.~ 11>93./\ III II II II I" l.OIO "3 3.01~ 10 1.6f1'i II 1.686 11 1.1>8? 11 "'AR 11,91./\ 11 1.67'1 1 1 APR I I.ql .1 III 1 .677 11 "'AY 16911.9 1 0 JIIN 11.'17.;> I, ?701 " SEP ~.59C; 10 ANNUAL 1.677 11 ******.******_*. ___ •• ___ ••• _ •••••• _* •••••• * •••••• * •• _ •••••••••• _ •• _t •• _ •• ** ••• _ •• __ •••• ** __ • __ • ___ * •• _. __ *_.**_ •• __ •• _.* __ •••• * __ FOLLOWING RESULTS BASEn ON 21 DIIT OF 30 nAI<5 FxrEFDfNCE ORAWOOWN (E:LV) YEAR CAPACITY (MW) YEAR nCT NOV DEC JAN FE~ 1701.'1 17011.0 1705.7 170~.1I 1699.~ 2 I~ 'I 'I 16 3.01'1 'I l.0211 7 1.693 I'> 1.1.93 'I 1.1>8'1 'I 1.1>81, 'I APR 11>97.7 'I ;>.701> I~ ?71? 1 I ANNIIAl 1691 • /I 13 •• _ ••• t ••••• ** •• __ ••••• __ ••• *._.**.* ••••••••••••••• _ ••••• * ••••••••• _ ••• ___ ••••••• _ •••••• _ ••••• _ •• _____ • _____ ._ •••• _._ •• __ •• _ •• _ •• FOLLOWING RESULTS BASED ON 18 OUT OF 30 Yf. Afl 5 fXrEFtlFNCE OCT N(iv DEC ,T A ~r nA "AR APR f1A Y ,ruN .lUI AlJG SEP ANNUAL ORAWI)OWN (ELV) 1 7 Oll.1\ 170f..~ 1707.'1 1700:;./\ 170?/' 169'1.9 11.9'1./1 169'1.7 1706.4 1 7 0'1.11 1 7 01.7 170 I.f, 11>96.1I VEAR 10:; 'I t:5 25 1~ 7 /\ II ? /\ 25 211 1\ CApACITY (MW) 3.026 3.02'1 1.691> 1.6'16 1.69,\ 1.61iq 1 • bi'.7 ?709 ?71'i 3.626 '1.321> 3.61'1 1.687 EXHIBIT 16 PAGE 4 of 5 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA YEAR )'i l'i 7 1~ I' I-tARZA ENGINEERING CONIPANY MARCH 19B1 7 7 !? I? 1\ ;> 2'i 7 RESERVOIR OPERATION WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , 1 , , , ~-, • I 1 1 I 1 1 • I I , I l 1 l • I , I l 1 l FOLLo"rl'<r. QFSIJLTS RASEn OL! . .., IIItT l!F "I n Yf-AhS r,nFDFr!n" nCT "'(1\1 ntr J I, P FEI< t·1f\rJ ~t'R -~ A V .JI.'~' Jill ~ Ilr. SEP ANNIIAI. l1IHW[)n~'N (fL v) 170'1.1 17(1~.<; 170q.~ 17(.7.? 170ll. I, 1701.2 17 (j 1 • R 17o"i.~ 171 I • q 170~.'i 17u ll •Q 1 7 0?1, 1&'1/\./\ Yf~~ 14 P I? P, 1<) 1° 1? II, 2/1 "a I 21 7 CAPACITY 0".') 3.03<; " 3.03 Q 1.I,</fl 1.I,QA I • f. 'I lJ 1 • I, 'I I 1 • f:.'J0 ?7 III ?7?'i ~. 1,3'1 3.3 /lO 3."<,il 1."'10 Y f:A '" "<,I, I? q !? 1<) 1<) ,,"3 "" 21, P 2" 1 2~ ****************************J.****** ••••• *************t**_,_ •• ___ t_. ___ .", ___ ,_. __ " •.. ________ ,_.,._. __ ••• _*._, ____ , •.•.. _ .•. ,. FOLLO"TNG RESULTS RASEr) 0" 1" O'll U" 30 HUS FxrEFnF,.CE (lRAWl!n\';~! (FLV) YUI< CAP4CTTY (,"",) YE ~I< nCT ~UV ntr JAN F~R 1711.'" 171?" 1712." 170°.] 1707.? 2" 2? 1 17 17 I. 701 17 1."'17 17 1 .1,9 11 17 APR 17 () lJ • I I MAY 1701,.'1 "II ?727 ]1, .Ilil 1710. • I? AIIr; 1701,.'1 30 ~.~1I11 7 StP 17U7.0 III ANNIIAL 1701.6 211 1 • &<j~ 1 -**-,_.--.-., .. __ .-.,_._ .. ,._.-.. ,.,._---_ .. ,--*--, .. --** .•.. , .. ,*--, •••• ".,------•• ,--, •• ***,** •• , •••• *.*.*.* ••••• * ••• **.* ••• ** FOLLowINr; RfSl1i TS RASEr> (1" q 0111 OF 30 Yf. AtiS F~n.FlJFNCE ORAWI)O .. ~' (I'LI/) n ~k CAPACTTY (t-'W) Y£ ~f< nO:T HilI nu: J"~' FFR 171<;.0 171Q.l 171".0 1710.11 170R.~ ,>9 c'0 "~o 2'1 1 1 .7 U ~ ,>a 170'i.? 21, MAY 17(1M.'1( 30 ? 7?? 30 ,III" 171 Il. 'I i'R ? 7.n 17 Jill 1712.? 21 ~ur, 1710.? 27 ~.3£11\ 30 ANNUAL 170 11.0 ]7 1 .1,911 26 ••• ,.*******,****,*****,.**,.* ••••••• * •• * •••• * •• *.**** ••• , •• *, •• ***.*****.*.* •• ,.,.***, •• **".*****,.**,*****.***.*** ••• ********. FllI.LOWHIr. R~.SUL 1 S f\p,Sl:n O~. I, 111fT IIF 30 YF ~Id; Fxr.rFljFr.rE CAPACIl Y (Plo) Yl:~f< nCT "1111 or.1: .IH' FfR 171'i.0 171<;.n 171".0 171?<; 171 0 .1 2~ 2'1 ~7 ?A 20 1.701 II', ,.··AP 1707.? 2? 1.1,91' 21 APF 1707.<; 2? ~AY .1lJN 171'i.0 27 .flll 171~.1 I" ~.35? Iq SEP 171;>.0 20 ANNIIAL 1707.0 III l.fI<j1, 2;> *.**** •• ***.***.*.*.*.** ••• * ••••• * ••• * •••••••• ** •••••••••••••••••••• * ••••••• *.*.****,* •• *** ••• *, •• ************* ••• *.*****.**.* ••• FOLLOWJNr, RfSULl S AASEn (1(\! i Olll uF ~o YFAf<S F~r.fI'IJFI\;r:1: nCT ~'(J \I nEr: " A '.I FER r-~ A h' ~I'P MAY .II1N .]UI AUr, ~~ P ANNUAL lJRAWllm,~1 (l:LV) 171 <;.0 171 'i. n 171'i.O 17!?Q 1711 .1 17u7.7 171)1\.? 171?3 17I"i.0 171 'i. 0 17 n.o 171".0 1707.7 Yl:Af< 111 <'1 <'I ?7 21 2<1 ;>0 17 21 30 n 1'1 2'1 CAPACITY (.w) h.Or'1I 1,.0",1' ".021' 1 .7 (J II 1.701 1 .I,'JR 1 • h'!7 ? 7 ['.q 6.02lJ 1>.027 3.~~3 1,.02lJ 1.1,97 HAt< <,0 ,>IJ ;>7 i'1 ~o 3n 2 0 27 27 ] 7 III 1'1 20 *.***.****.***.*.*, •••••• , ••••• ,.* •• * ••• *.* •• ,* ••• *,**.** •• , •••••••••••••• , •••• ,* •••••• ** •••••••• *.,***,*****.* •• *.***.*.***.**** FOLLO~;I"r. RI:SUL1S I<ASE:P nl' I Ull1 OF 30 YHf<$ FxrfFr'FNr~ ORAWlIn"N (I:LV) HAl< nCT 'JO" OEr: .JA" FER 171".0 171'i.0 171".0 1714." 171'.? 1 1 1 II ;>'1 2 II "" •. j 171<;.0 III .11)1 171'i.0 17 A~'NIJAL 170R.? 27 EXHIBIT 16 PAGE 5 of 5 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA CAP4CJTY (""I) YUfi h.O?1l t I .7 u? "q 1 .1,91< ;>7 1.1,'1/\ 27 RESERVOIR OPERATION WITH I-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 8000 1 EXHIBIT 17 PAGE 1 of 2 6000 3: ,Jt. I > ~ (3 4000 c( h,'\ ~0 ~ ~~~ ~ !-l.\ ~ LEGEND Q. c( U ~ I%: u.. 2000 o ~~ 1-",::' ,~,~ ~ ~:~~:-,\01-~:>- JAN FEB MAR APR MA Y /UN JUL AUG YEAR 1992 Without Environmental Constraints (Equal to Load Demand) - - - -With Environmental Constraints (Limited by Maximum Allowable Release) l-lAR.ZA ENGoNEE"I'NG COMPANY. MA"ICH 199' SEP OCT NOV DEC BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AND ENERGY PRODUCTION ALASKA POWER A~TY 4000 .c ~ :!! I z 0 3000 i= (.) ;:) 0 0 a: CL > C!' a: 2000 w z w w C!' « a: w > « > 1000 ..J :I: ~ Z 0 :!! o ~ :\~ ~ ~~ ..... ~ '" ~~ ~\ ,~\\, EXHIBIT 17 PAGE 2 of 2 JAN FEB MAR APR MA Y JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 1992 LEGEND Without Environmental Constraints - - - -With Environmental Constraints ~ ENG'NEE"'NG CONI_NY, MA .. C .... 19B1 f , J 1 1 t , 1 1 1 1 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AND ENERGY PRODUCTION ALASKA POWER AtmfORITY 1 1 1 , 1 I r;.l!~iIf Year Craig Klawock Historical Data -1930 231 437 1940 505 455 a~ 1950 374 404 1960 273 251 1970 272 213 1971 332 221 -1972 397 230 1973 467 240 1974 475 251 ,,"" 1975 484 266 1976 493 290 1977 503 300 ,,, 1978 560 350 1979 620 404 Projections '1~~,. 1986 810 530 1991 890 590 ... 1996 990 650 2001 1,090 710 ,~,. l--LARZ.A eNGINEEFI'NG COMPAN'" • MARO-< 19B1 POPULATION Hydaburg 319 348 353 251 214 225 245 264 291 350 384 380 380 381 570 690 840 1,020 EXHIBIT 18 .l.'horne Subtotal Bay Hollis 987 1,308 1,131 775 699 778 872 971 1,017 1,100 1,167 1,183 1,290 1,405 1,910 2,170 2,480 2,820 550 550 550 550 400 375 300 50 350 70 380 90 420 115 460 150 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POPULATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .. INCOME ($1,000) 1973 tUning 340 Construction (D) Manufacturing 8,204 Transportation Utilities 191 Pho1esa1e Trade 0 Retail Trade 165 Fin. -Ins. -Real Estate 0 Services (D) Federal Government 382 State & Local Government 1,263 Miscellaneous 900 Total 11,570 PER CAPITA INCOME ($) Prince of Wales 6,439 Alaska 6,046 United States 4,981 Source: U.S. Bureau pf Economic Analysis Alaska Statistical Review 1980 i t PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND 1974 1975 1976 1977 409 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 9,477 8,584 6,939 12,603 (L) 58 115 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 181 311 377 349 (L) (L) 63 173 103 72 86 (D) 434 453 405 594 1,444 1,677 1,980 2,201 1,011 472 602 566 13,159 11,951 10,758 17,603 6,273 5,888 5,893 7,666 7,138 9,673 10,274 10,455 5,428 5,861 6,401 7,038 (D) Not shown to avoid disclosure of confidential information. Data are included in totals. (L) Less than $50,000. Data are included in totals. EXHIBIT 19 1978 (D) (D) 12,091 380 (D) 492 194 (D) 903 2,507 530 17,693 7,025 10,849 7,840 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA SOCIOECONOMIC STAT1STICS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , i. PRINCE OF WALES EHPLOYr1ENT (YEAR Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 'lining * * * * * * Construction * * * * * * '1anufacturing 121 168 237 447 533 601 Transportation Utilities * * * * * * Wholesale Trade * * * * * * Retail Trade 30 32 38 33 46 53 Fin.-Ins. & Real Estate 9 9 12 9 7 9 Services 25 22 20 25 26 17 Federal Government 21 22 22 29 32 29 State & Local Government 167 170 166 143 141 112 ,\1isce11aneous 2 2 37 * * * Total 375 425 532 686 785 821 Source: Alaska Department of Labor 1--l.AR.z.A ENGINEERING COMPANy· MARCH 1981 ISLAND 1979) Ju1 ~~ Se 1 ·L "/~ ole * ,', * * 623 643 538 * 1, * * * * 50 43 42 5 6 6 16 23 27 36 37 37 111 124 164 42 42 9 883 918 823 Oct * * 409 ,/, * 34 10 25 33 162 9 682 EXHIBIT 20 r;v~r.J. ~c Nov Dec Annual ,~ * ~IC 1< 1< ,~ 420 303 420 * 'i, * 1, * ,~ 32 41 40 11 9 9 22 22 22 31 30 30 159 151 148 3 3 12 678 559 681 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA EMPLOYMENT N..ASKA POWER AUTHORITY DIESEL .. HEATING OIL .. WOOD • GAS • J-lARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 19B1 CUNITI: BILLION BTU'SI REJECTED '~_,-,":::::=--' ENERGY .. USEFUL ENERGY .. EXHIBIT 21 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 1980 ENERGY BALANCE ALASKA POWER A",THORITY .... - ."", .. •• ,,<i/J Town Klawock Craig Hydaburg Thorne Bay Hollis Owner THREA ATC APT Craig Fisheries APT Sealaska Fisheries Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 Louisiana 1 Pacific Corp. 2 3 4 U,S.F.S. 1 2 3 II Largest unit out of service . UARZA ENG'NEEF'I'NG COMPANY· MAF'lC'" 1881 EXHIBIT 22 Na~eplate Capacity, .kWl/ Unlt Total Flrm- 500 500 300 250 65 800 1000 300 300 90 75 75 255 255 255 65 250 250 90 90 75 75 500 500 500 300 150 90 100 100 100 1615 1115 1800 800 840 575 830 575 830 580 1000 500 1040 540 300 200 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA EXISTING GENERATING FACILITIES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RESIDENTIAL-COMHERCIAL SECTOR KLAWOCK!! CRAIG~I Energy Number Energy Number Consump-of Consump-of Year tion Customers tion Customers (kWh) (kWh) 1973 N.A. N.A. 918,128 173 1974 N.A. N.A. 1,053,683 181 1975 N.A. N.A. 1,199,937 184 1976 N.A. N.A. 1,332,335 195 1977 362,170 89 1,483,214 -212 1978 563,315 94 1,607,762 219 1979 952,838 97 1,857,238 220 11 Sales by THREA (without the Klawock Cannery). II Sales by APT. l-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 1881 HYDABURG~I Energy Number Consump-of tion Customers (kWh) 323,727 105 466,341 92 551,345 105 725,094 102 675,120 107 840,260 119 901,210 121 1 EXHIBIT 23 TOTAL Energy Number Consump-of tion Customers (kWh) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2,520,504 408 3,011,337 432 3,711,286 438 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION HISTORICAL DATA AlASKA POWER A4THORITY ,. -~, .... .... '- ,.,... ,,4 "..,. '."", ,..., EXHIBIT 24 RESIDENTIAL-COHMERCIAL SECTOR 1979 MONTHLY CRAIG January 166,524 February 185,578 March 141,222 April 140,582 May 146,984 June 140,878 July 137,614 August 154,083 September 145,665 October 157,422 November 178,823 December 161,863 Total 1,857,238 !/ Estimated ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY. MARC'" '9B1 ENERGY CONSUMPTION ( kvlh) KLAWOCK 102,914 78,050 72,144 75,185 76,103 70,440 70,000!/ 70,000Y 70,000Y 83,790 90,422 93,790 952,838 HYDABURG TOTAL 100,129 369,567 92,659 356,287 84,377 297,743 75,145 290,912 63,903 286,990 63,960 275,278 57,062 264,676 55,664 279,747 63,182 278,847 72,915 314,127 85,192 354,437 87,022 342,675 901,210 3,711,286 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 1979 MONTHLY ENERGY CONSUMPTION ALASKA POWER A~ORITY Klawock Per Capita Consumption (kWhl Population Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI Craig Per ~pita Consumption (kWhl Populat ion Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI Hydaburg Per Capita Consumption (kWhl population Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI Subtotal Per Capita Consumption (kWhl Population Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI Thornp. 8ay Per Capita Consumption (kWhl Population Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI Ho11 is Per Capita Consumption (kWhl Population Energy Consumption (HWhl Peak (kWI ~ ENO.NEERlNIJ COMPANY· MARCH 1BB1 i. RESIDENTIAL-co~rnERCIAL 1979 2,350 404 950 240 3,000 620 1,860 470 2,360 381 900 230 2,640 1,405 3,710 940 5,370 300 1,610 460 5,370 50 200 80 Annual Growth Rate -,-- 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 3.4 4.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 1986 3,100 530 1,640 390 3,680 810 2,980 710 3,110 570 1,770 420 3,345 1,910 6,390 1,520 6,170 350 2,160 580 6,170 70 430 120 Annual Growth Rate -,-- 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 SECTOR 1991 3,600 590 2,130 510 4,060 890 3,610 860 3,605 690 2,490 590 3,795 2,170 8,230 1,960 6,485 380 2,460 660 6,485 90 580 160 Annual Growth Rate -,-- 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1996 4,170 650 2,710 620 4,485 990 4,440 1,010 4,180 840 3,510 800 4,300 2,480 10,660 2,430 6,815 420 2,860 730 6,815 115 780 200 Annual Growth Rate -,-- 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 2001 4,830 710 3,430 780 4,950 1,090 5,400 1,230 4,850 1,020 4,950 1,130 4,890 2,820 13,780 3,140 7,160 460 3,290 830 7,160 150 1,070 270 EXHIBIT 25 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL DEMAND . ALASKA POWER AQTHORtTY 1979 1986 Klawock Peak ~ Peak ~ kW MWh kW MWh Res./Corn. Sector 240 950 390 1640 Industrial Sector Fisheries Industries 200 610 400 1400 Forest Products Indust. 0 0 150 520. Total TIO 1560 940 3565 Craig Res./Corn. Sector 470 1860 710 2980 Industrial Sector Fisheries Industries 300 920 400 1400 Forest Products Indust. 0 0 150 520 Total 7'fO 2780 1260 4905 Hydaburg Res./Corn. Sector 230 900 420 1770 Industrial Sector Fisheries Industries 350 1070 800 2800 Forest Products Indust. 0 0 1250 4380 Total 580 1970 2470 8950 Subtotal Res./Corn. Sector 940 3710 1520 6390 Industrial Sector Fisheries Industries 850 2600 1600 5600 Forest Products Indust. 0 0 1550 5420 Total 1790 6310 4670 174TO Thorne Bay Total 460 1610 580 2160 Hollis Total 80 270 120 430 ~ZA ENGINEEnlNG COMPANY. MARCH 1981 1991 1996 Peak ~ Peak kW HWh kW 510 2130 620 480 1680 530 190 660 220 1180 4470 IT'7O 860 3610 1010 480 1680 530 190 660 220 1530 5950 1760 590 2490 800 970 3400 1070 1600 5600 1850 3160 11490 3720 1960 8230 2430 1930 6760 2130 1980 6920 2290 5870 21910 6850 660 2460 730 160 580 200 ~ MWh 2710 1950 810 5470 4440 1950 810 1200 3510 3950 6810 14260 10660 7840 8430 26930 2860 780 EXHIBIT 26 2001 Peak ~ kW MWh 780 )430 585 2160 250 920 1606 6510 1230 5400 585 2160 250 920 ~ 8480 1130 4950 1180 4340 2150 7910 4440 17200 3140 13780 2350 7210 2650 8120 liT40 32190 830 3290 270 1070 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA TOTAL PEAK AND ENERGY DEMAND ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY t 1 12,~ 10,~ EXISTING DIESEL 5,115 kW 8,000 6.000 EXISTING DIESEL 4,000 5,115 kW BLACK BEAR LAKE 6,000 kW 2,000 YEAR LEGEND PRDJECTED PEAK LOAD UARZA ENGINEEFlINCi COMPANY· MAI=CH 1981 1 1 EXHIBIT 27 ~,~-.--------------------------------------------------, ., I 1:1 Z « 20,000 ::Il w 0 >- t:! a: w Z w .... 15,000 « ::l Z Z « 10,000 5,000 LEGEND DIESEL ,...- iDIESEL OR OTHER /HYDROELECTRIC I PROJECTS I I I I I BLACK BEAR LAKE 23,100 MWh ~i~!~~!~i!!!~;~!I~i YEAR PROJECTED ENERGY DEMAND BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER MARKET FORECAST ' .... - ' .... - :,.... ,- ..... .- "~J<:dI ,,,., ",ofI/ ,"" RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL LOAD EXHIBIT 28 PAGE 1 of 4 WINTER SEASON PEAK DAY 100 100 ,-- ::0:: cs: w "---11. ...J cs: => z 50 z ----50 cs: LL -0 ~ o o 12pm 12am 12pm 12pm SUMMER SEASON PEAK DAY 100 1 100 i ::0:: cs: ,-- W 11. ...J cs: => -z 50 z .--50 cs: LL 0 ~ ---., o o 12pm 12am 12pm 12pm OFF SEASON PEAK DAY 100 100 r-- ::0:: cs: W 11. ...J cs: r 1 '---- => 50 z -f---50 Z cs: LL 0 ~ - o o 12pm 12am 12pm 12pm a-tARZA ENGINEEI'lING COMPANY , MAI'lCH 19B1 WEEKEND DAY - - 12am WEEKEND DAY I- 12am r-- f- 12am BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJ~CT ALASKA - 12pm - - 12pm - 12pm LOAD CHARACTERISTICS ALASKA POWER A~THORITY INDUSTRIAL LOAD EXHIBIT 28 PAGE 2 of 4 SEASON I December and January SEASON III May, June, October and November WEEK DAY WEEKEND DAY WEEK DAY WEEKEND DAY 100 100 100 100 " " r---< < w w a.. a.. ..J ..J < < ::J 50 50 ::J 50 50 Z z U z z < < ... ... 0 0 *" n In *" 0 0 0 0 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS SEASON II February, March and April SEASON IV July, August, and Septemoor WEEK DAY WEEKEND DAY WEEK DAY WEEKEND DAY 100 100 100 100 r--- " " U < < w w a.. a.. ..J ..J < < ::J 50 50 ::J 50 50 z z z z J < -< ... ... 0 0 *" *" 0 0 0 0 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS BLACK BEAR LAKE HYOROElECTR IC PROJECT ALASKA LOAD CHARACTERISTICS I-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 19B1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY f , f I , I , , , , I , f 1 f , , , , I r I , , f , • 1 , , , DAILY LOAD CURVES FOR PEAK DAY January ~ « ~ ..... « 100 -,--------,---------, 50 O~---------r--------~ 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS 100 -r--------,---------, i 60 -I-------f----j,-----+-------l ~ ... o ... o 12pm September 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS 120m 12pm HOURS February 100 -,---------,--------, 50 o 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS June 100 50 _r----~--_r----~--~ o 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS Oc1ober 100 -r--------,--------, 50 o _r--------~--------~ 12pm 120m 12pm HOURS ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 1981 March 100 -,---------,---------, 50 O+----f------j 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS July 100 50 _r----~I_-r------l:=---l o -+-----1-------1 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS November 100 -r--------,--------, 50 _r----~I_~----r_--___l o 12pm 121m 12pm HOURS , April 100 50 o 12pm I 128m HOURS 12pm EXHIBIT 28 PAGE 3 of 4 100 -,--------.. --_..---, 50 _r----~I_~----~--___l o 12pm 128m 12pm HOURS Dac:ember 100 50 -I--------jf---------I o ~--------~--------___l 12pm 121m 12pm HOURS BLACK BEAR LAKI HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA LOAD CHARACTERISTICS .. ASK ... POWER AUTHOfIITY :oc « ~ ... « 100 ~--------r-------~ i 50 +-----~----+-------~ t u. o #. u. o #. o +-----+-----t 1:rpm 120m 12pm HOURS 100 ~--------~--------~ o +-------+-------~ 12pm 120m HOURS 12pm 100~--------r--------' o +------t-----I 12pm 120m HOURS 12pm ~ DAILY LOAD CURVES FOR WEEKEND DAY March 100 ~ ~--------~------~ o +---...-4----04 12pm June 120m HOURS 12pm 100~--------~--------, 0+----+-----1 12pm 120m HOURS 12pm 100 ~--------~------~ o +----1------1 12pm 121m 12pm HOURS 100··~--------~···~------~ o 12pm July 121m 12pm HOURS 100 ~--------~--------- o 12pm 121m 12pm HOURS November 100 ~--------~--------- 0+-----+----1 12pm 121m 12pm HOURS ~ ENGINeEFIiNG CDMPANY MARCH 1981 , , f I , 1 f , f , , I f • , . , I f I I , I April EXHIBIT 28 PAGE 4 of 4 100 ;---------~~ 50 +------ o 12pm 1::!pm December 100 50 o 1:rpm , 12am 12pm HOURS 121m 12pm HOURS 128m 12pm HOURS IUCI( BEAR LAI<l!: HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASI<A LOAD CHARACTERISTICS ALASKA POWER AI.I114ORITY , I , J METEOROLOGICAL DATA FROM ANHETTE ------,4 1/ Solar-.,'"" Mean Daily (Btu/ft 2 ) ':-,,,,,iIIf January 177.9 .. February 374.7 l1arch 717.1 ,,-. ~ .. April 1,149.5 Hay 1,473.1 .- June 1,465.6 " July 1,439.2 August 1,162.3 <,' '\'1 September 812.2 October 422.2 '" November 218.6 December 122.5 Annual 794.6 1/ Based on 1941-1970 period ," 2/ 3ased on 1941-1979 period .,. I-lARZA ENGINEEI=IING CO~NV • IVIA"'C .... 1981 EXHIBIT 29 ISLAND Wind 1/ Speed Prevailing (m. E.h.) (Direc tion) 12.1 ESE 12.3 SE 11.1 SE 11.2 SSE 9.4 SSE 9.0 SSE 8.1 SSE 8.3 SSE 9.4 SE 12.0 SE 12.4 ESE 12.8 ESE 10.7 SSE BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA SOLAR AND WIND DATA ALASKA POWER A~THORITY 15,000 i ... 10,000 c z c( ::E ... C :..: 5,000 c( ... A- o 15,000 i ... 10,000 c z c( :::E ... c :..: 5,000 c( ... A- 0 ./ • ~ / BASE CASE PLAN -' ~ l,-/ V r ~ r--ESTIMATED PEAK DEMAND ...I ~ / / J / /" 1980 1990 2000 I I I PREFERRED PLAN 2010 YEAR / I DI~SEL 2020 // 2030 ./ ~ ESTIMATED PEAK DEMAND / V i.-" V L / 1980 1990 2000 I I I LAKE MELLEN BLACK BEAR LAKE 2010 YEAR I 2020 2030 I-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 15,000 i 10,000 ... C Z c( :::E ... C :..: c( 5,000 ... A- o 15,000 10,000 5,000 o , , t 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 / V V 1980 1 l i EXHIBIT 30 I I I I I 15,000 SECOND MOST PREFERRED PLAN // ./' / ./ 1990 2000 ./ / ~ ESTIMATED PEAK DEMAND LAKE MELLEN 2010 YEAR I I I 10,000 I I I BLACK BEAR LAKE 5,000 o 2020 2030 BLACK BEAR LAKE. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA ALTERNATIVE EXPANSION PLANS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY i :~-1: • j L • l CRAIG-KLAWOCK-HYDABURG INTERCONNECTION EXHIBIT 31 BASE CASE 1 PAGE 1 of 5 COST OF I'IONEh. 0.030 INFLATION RATE= 0.000 FUEL ESCALATION RATE_ 0.035~ OISCOUNT RATE= 0.03U REFERENCE DATE=JANUARY 1981 ALL COSTS IN S 1000 FIXED 0+1'1 FUEL CUMULATIVE PRESENT CUMULATIVE YEAR COSTS COSTS COST TOTAL TOTAL WORTH P.W. 1981 O. 1t.9. 9t.0. 1126. 1128. 1095. 1095. 1982 O. 195. 11119. 131111. 21172. 12t.7. 23t.2. 1983 O. 225. 1374. 1t.00. 11072. 11It.1I. 382t.. 19811 23. 261. 1t.1I5. 1928. t.OOO. 1713. 55110. 1985 23. 301. 1968. 2292. 8292. 1977 • 7517. 198t. 1t.2. 3118. 23511. 28t.1I. 11157. 2399. 9915. 1987 1t.2. 3t.5. 2551. 3078. 1112311. 2503. 121118. 1988 185. 382. 2765. 3332. I 75t.t.. 2t.30. 1501111. 1989 185. 1100. 2997. 3582. 211118. 27115. 17793. 1990 208. 1119. 32118. 38711. 25022. 28113. 20t.7t.. 1991 208. 1138. 3519. 1I1t.5. 29187. 30U9. 23t.85. 1992 231. 1157. 3795. 111182. 33t.70. 311111. 2t.829. 1993 231. 117t.. 11093. 11800. 3811t.9. 32t.8. 30097. 19911 2511. 119t.. 1I111t.. 511ot.. 113t.35. 31115. 33512. 1995 2511. 517. 117t.2. 5533. 1191t.8. 3551. 370t.3. 199t. lilt.. 538. 5135. t.089. 55257. 3795. 1108511. 1997 lilt.. 558. 5510. 1>11811. t.17111. 3923. 1111781. 1998 lilt.. 578. 5909. t.903. t.1lt.1I11. IIU55. 118113t.. 1999 lilt.. 599. t.33/1. 7351. 75998. 11193. 53029. 2000 1139. b21. t.798. 7859. 11385t.. 113~1. 57381. 2001 1139. t.1I11. 701lt.. B128. 919811. 11369. t.175U. 2002 1It.2. bt.t.. 7293. 111121. 1001l0t.. 11395. t.t.11I5. 2003 1It.2. b90. 75117. 8t.98. 1091011. 111107. 70552. 20011 508. 7111. 7812. 90311. 118138. 11111111. 711996. 2005 508. 739. 8085. '1332. 1271170. 111157. 791153. 200t. 508. 7t.5. 83t.8. 9t.1I0. 137110. 111170. 839211. 2007 5511. 791. 1It.t.I. 1000t.. 1117117. 11505. 881128. 2008 5511. 819. 89t.3. 1033t.. 1571153. 11518. 92911t.. 2009 t.00. 8118. 9278. 1072t.. 1t.6179. 11552. 971197. 2010 t.00. 877. 9t.02. 11 080. 179258. 115t.5. 1020t.2. 20 II t.llt.. '108. 9939. 1111'13. 190751. 115'17. 10t.t.5'1. 2012 t.llt.. '1110. 10287. 11873. 202t.25. 1It.11. 111270. 2013 t.t.9. 973. 10t.1lt.. 12288. 2111913. 1It.33. 115'103. 20111 t.t.9. 99t.. 10900. 12St.5. 227478. 115'1'1. 120502. 2015 t.t.9. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 21100113. 1I11t.5. 12119t.8. 201t. t.t.'I. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 252t.08. 11335. 129303. 2017 t.t.9. 'I'It.. 10'100. 125t.5. 2t.5173. 11209. 133512. 2018 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10900. 125t.5. 277738. 1I08t.. 1375'1'1. 2019 t.t.9. 'I'It.. 10900. 125t.5. 2'10303. 39t.7. IIiISt.t.. 2020 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 3028t.8. 3852. 11151118. 2021 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10900. 125t.5. 315433. 37110. 1119158. 2022 t.t.9. 99t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 327998. 3t.31. 15278'1. 2023 t.t.'I. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 31105t.3. 3525. 15t.3111. 20211 t.t.'I. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 353128. 31122. 1597lt.. 2025 t.t.9. 99t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 3t.5t.'I3. 3323. 1t.305'1. 202t. t.t.'I. 'I'It.. 10'100. 125t.5. 378258. 322t.. 1t.t.285. 2027 t.t.'I. 9'1t.. 10900. 12St.5. 390824. 3132. 1t.91117. 2028 bt.9. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 1103389. 30111. 1721157. 2029 t.t.9. 99t.. 10900. 125t.5. 11159511. 2952. 175110'1. 2030 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 42851'1. 28t.t.. 17827t.. 2031 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 111110811. 2783. 1111058. 2032 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 1153t.1I9. 2702. 1837t.0. BLACK BEAR LAKE 2033 t.t.9. 9'1t.. 10'100. 125t.5. 1It.t.2111. 2t.23. 18t.383. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2034 t.t.'I. 'I'It.. 10'100. 125t.5. 1178779. 25117. 188929. ALASKA 2035 t.t.'I. 99t>. 10'100. 125t.5. 119131111. 21172. 1911102. 1I 3.5% DURING THE FIRST TWENTY YEARS, THEN 0%. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 19S1 ALASKAPOWERAU~TY EXHIBIT 31 CRAIG-(LAWOCK-HYDABURG INTERCON.~ECTiON PAGE 2 of 5 PREFERRED PLAN COST OF MONEY= 0.030 INFLATION RATE= 0.0' 10 FuEL E.SCALATION RATE.:: U.035 DISCOUNT RATE= 0.U30 REFERENCE DATE=JANUARY 1'181 ALL COSH IN ~ 1000 FIXED O+M fUEL CUMULA TI VE i'RESENT CUMULA Tl VE YEAR COSTS CUSTS COST TUTAL TOTAL WOIHH P.W. 1'1111 . o. Ib'l • '1bU. 11211. 1128. 10'15. 10'15. 1'182 Y.. 1'10;. 11'1'1. 13'1'1. 2'172. 12b7. 23b2. 1'183 iJ. . 22~. 137'1; Ib~O • '1072. l'Ib4. 3112b. 1'I~4 . 0. 2b I. Ib'l5. IQ05. 5'H7. I b'l3. 551'1. 1'1115 0. .!U I. l'Ib8 • 22b'l. 82'1b. 1'157. 7'17b. I'I~" 113u. 137. 1111; I'!b~. 9b31. I1bO. 8b3b. 19b7 1130. U8. 12b. U'II:>. 11027. 1135. '1771. l'IIlB 1130. 13'1. n8; 1'107. 12'134. 1111. 10882. l'IIl'l 1130. 140. 150. 1420. 13854. 101111 • 11'170. 19<:10 Illu. 141. 11>2. 1433. 152118. IOb7. 13037 • 1'<41 II~U. 14<'. 17b. 1'I4tj. I b 735. 104b. 140113. 19,,2 II ~u. 14.!. 1'10. 14b~. 181 '16. 102b. 1510'1. 14'13 <'31 U'. 220. v, 2~~0. 207211. 1723. lb1l31. 1'1'14 231U. 22u. 0, 2!>30. 232511. Ib73 • 18':>04. 1"'15 231u. 220. O. 2!>.!0. 257811. I b24. 2012t1. t'l9b 2310. 22u. 0, 2530. 28.!16. 1577 • 21705. 144/ 231v. <,20. 0 <'5l0. 3011'18. 1'>31. 23235. I""~ <'310. <'iv. t>, 2~.!0. ~B711. 1411b. <''1721. 1',1\/9 <'311). 2,,0. u. 2'>3v. ,!''1UII. 1'143. <'blb'l. ~(JtJu <,3IV. 2cv. 0, 2'>.!0. .!84311. 1401 • 275b5. <,uul 231U. au. 0'. 25.!0. 40'lb6. l.!bO. 28'12~. <,OU2 <'~Iu. <,<,0. u, 2530. '13'1'111. 1320. ,!024~. cOO.! ~jl\). c21J. u. <''>30. "6028. 1282. .!1~27. t?OIJI..I 231v. 2;>v. IJ. <''>30. 48556. 12'15. 32772. <'UO'> <'HU. t!.ttl • Q. 2~30. 510118. 12U8. .! 3'18 0 • 20Ub 2~IU. c2(} • l'. 2'>30. '>3blll. 1173. 35153. <'l)u7 2310. 2<'0. o. 2~:do. ':>61'111. 113'1. 3b2'12. LOve 2310. ccll. O. ;'530. ':>ob78. IIUb. 3B'III. <,ou'l <'~Iu. ~i:.·u • lI. ~O;~O. bI2UH. 10 '/ ~. j8'1T;!. ~lJIU <'3Iu. ~clJ. li. <'~~U. b37 36. I V'42. .!'1':>lq. 21111 diC. c2U. ('. <'~3v. b02btl. 1012. 'I0':>2b. <'VI~ ~310. <'<'0. u. 2':>.!0. bb7'lH. '1112. 4150'1. <'I, I.! <' 31 (,. <'2l1. (, . 2'>30. TUell. '1':>~. 'I2'1b2. c-Ill ~ <'3 h'. <'2V_ O. 2~30. 7365H. '12~. 'IBH'I. ~t.11,) ~31(). 22v. C. c~31J. 'Tb3I1H. 11'1'1. '1'1<'1111. clJl n c';lll. ~cu. l • ~53u. 78'111:1. 1173. 'I51bl. <' v I / ~jlO. t!.i:!.l;. I • <,530. 81'1 "II. H4H. 'IbUOtl. ell 1."4 ~~ 1 IJ. ~2c. ( . <,5~0. H5'17b. Hd. ~b831. 201~ ".!IU. c211. ( . 2'>~0. 66':>011. 7'1'1. '17030. c ll 2u <,31U. ~2". ( . <'530. 1:19038. 77b. '18'10':>. <,u2l c~lv. c£-'v. ,,~.!o. '115b8. 753. "'11511. CI)?<' <'3Iv. 22u. ?~3u. '1ijO'l8. 731. 'I'IH8'1 • 2v<,3 231" • 2~lJ • I'. .,S.!,I. 'Ibb2tl. 710. 50~'1'1. <,V24 c31V. <'<'0. ". 2'>30. '19156. bllq. ':>12611. <'0<,5 ,,3IC. ao. " . 2':>3V. 101bHII. bb'l. 51'157. 20<'" <'.Hu. 22v. 'J. 2530. lUij2111. b50. 52b07. 20127 <,:1 I O. 22v. ,J. 2~30. lUb7'18. b31. 53237 • 202<1 <'.!IV. 22V. ,) . 2':>30. 109278. b12. 53650. 2U29 231v. 22[; • ) . 2':>30. 1118UII. 5'14. 5'1'1'1'1. 2030 diU. 220. ) . 2530. 11'1338. 577 • 55021. 20.!1 2310. 220. J. 2530. llb8b8. 5bO. 55582. IILACK BEAR LAKE 2032 2310. 220. 'i • 2530. 11 '13'111. ' 5'1'1. 5b12b. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2033 2.!IO. 220. o. 2530. 121'128. 52t1. 5bb5'1. ALASKA 203'1 2310. 220. O. 2530. 12ij458. 513. 571bb. 2035 2310. 220. O. 2530. 12b'l88. '1'18. 57bbll. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS J-...IARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 1981 .-LASKA POWER AUTHORITY , , , 1 , J , , , • I I f , 1 I , J , 1 , EXHIBIT 31 CRAIG-KLAWOCK-HYDABURG INTERCONNECTION PAGE 3 of 5 SECOND MOST PREFERRED PLAN COST Of MONEY= 0.030 INflATION RATE= 0.000 fUEL ESCALATION RATE_ 0.035 DISCOUNT RATE= 0.030 REFERENCE DATE=JANUARY 1'181 All COSTS IN S 1000 fIXED 0+1'1 fUEL CUMULA TIVE PRESENT CUMUlATI VE YEAR COSTS COSTS COST TOTAL TOTAL ,WRTH P .... 1'181 U. 10'1. '1bO. 1126. 1128. lU'I5. 10'lS. 1'1112 ° . I'I!>. 114'1. 1344. 2472. 12b7. 23b2. 1'183 u. 225. 1374. I bOU. 4072. 14b4. 362b. I 'Ill 4 U. 201. Ib45. 19u5. 5'177 • lb'l3. 551'1. I'IH~ o. 301. 1'166. 226'1. 824b. 1'157. 747b. I'IHo 0. 3q8. 2354. 270l. 10'14'1. 22.b3. '173'1. I 'Ill 7 13ilU. 178. 126. I b8b. 12b54. 1371. 11110. 1'I1l1l 13;'0. 17'1. 1311. 10'17. 14332. 1340. 12450. I~e'l l:ldU. 100. I!>O. 1710. 10042. 1310. 13700. 1'1'10 13M. I ~ 1. 102. 172:1. 1770~. 1282. 15043. 19'11 Utlu. Ib2. ll" • 173t1. 1'I!>03. 12!>5. 10<''16. 1'1'12 13.,u. 1~3. 14U. 175.3. 21255. 122'1. 17527. 1'1'13 Ub~. 1~4. 2u'>. 1708. 23024. 1204. 18732. 1'1'14 13<10. III!>. 221. ll6b. 2460'1. 116O. 1'1'112. 1'1'15 l:sev. 18b. dtl. 11104. 20013. 11 ~II. 21u70. 1'1'10 c310. 220. o. 2530. 2'1143. 1577 • 22047. 1'1'11 <'310. 2co. O. 2530. 310/3. 1531. 24 I 77. 1'I4il 231v. 22u. lI. 2530. 34203. 14110. 25003. 1'19'1 2310. c~u. II • 25;0. 30733. 14'13. 2"1100. cOOO 231 u. au. o. 2':do. 3'1205. 14UI. 28507. 2001 2.>1 u. 22u. u. <'!>30. 41H5. 1300. 2'1llol. 2002 231u. 2<'0. u. 2~30. 44323. 1320. 3111l7. c003 231u. 22(; • o. ~ ~3v. 40653. 12112. 3240'1. ;> 0 0" <''\11I. c2t.' • U. 2~;O • 443H3. 1245. 33714. <'ou5 <,311). 2d'. u. 2~3U. 51'113. Il08. 34'122. "Ollb <'.Slu. ~2\J .. U. 2!>30. ~q443. 1173. 5009~. 2v07 <'5Iu. c:'c:'1I. O. 2~50. !>0'l73. 113'1. 51234. 200" <'3IU. <,cO. o. 2'>3v. !>'1~03. 1100. 38340. i!(J')"'i c.;! u. c:'c (; .. O. <'~3U. b2v55. 1074. 5'1414. 2VIU c~lv. ~clJ. u. 2~3iJ. b4503. 1042. 4045b. ?ull <'~IO. ~(lo. o. <'~50. 070'13. 1012. 4140tl. 2ul2 <'HO. 22h. o. <'~:I". 0'1025. '1b2. 42451. <,uU ~<~ Ill .. c<,o. o. 2~5U • 7C 153. '154. 4340!>. 20lQ 2J10. 2;'0. o. 2~30. 74btl3. '120. 44HI. cOI~ 231u. 220. u. <'~5U • 17213. 8'1'1. 452.30. <'Olb 2310. 22u. u. 2,:)30. 7'1743. 873. 40103. <'017 c 31 u. c<,u. I!. 2~30 • 82273. 1l48. QO'l50. <'Oltl <'~IU. 22l' • o. 2!>30. 6411U3. 11<'3. 47773. c019 <'5Iu. 22o. u. 253u. 87333. 7'1'1. 4657C • 2020 2310. 22u. 0. 2530. 8'1803. 770. 4'1347. 2021 <'.HU. 220. 0. <,53u. '123'13. 753. 50100. ",,22 <'310. 22u. O. 2530. '14'123. 731. 50tl3l. <'023 2310. <'2u. U. l~30 • 'I74!>3. 71 O. !>1541. 2024 2310. 220. O. 2!>30. '1'1'183. b6'1. 52230. 2025 2310. 220. o. <'~3u. 102513. Ob'l. 528'1'1. 2020 2310. 220. O. 2~30 • 105043. 050. 5354'1. 2027 2310. 22v. o. 2~30 • 107573. 031. 54160. 2026 2310. <'20. o. 2530. 110103. 012. 547'12. 202'1 2310. 220. o. 2530. 112033. 5'14. 55380. 2030 <'310. 220. o. 2530. 115103. 577. 55'1b3. 2031 2310. 220. O. 2530. 1170'13. 500. 5b524. BLACK BEAR LAKE. 2032 2310. 220. o. 2530. 120223. 5 ..... 57008. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2033 2310. 220. O. 253u. 122753. 528. 575'10. ALASKA 2034 2310. 220. o. 2530. 125263. 513. 5610'1. 2035 <'3Il1. 2<'0. o. 2530. 127613. 4'18. 58000. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS I-IARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHDmTY ,.', EXHIBIT 31 PAGE 4 of 5 I'LAC~ IllAR LAKE PROJECT Cv:'! U~ ".'1:1jt:.1': I) • \1 ~~ li T,.FLA rIUN kAlf.= II.OOU FUEL ESCALATlo~ RATE= 0.035 DISCOUNT RATE= 11.030 .... ~tti\t:i\lct uA Il=.iANl'Atiy 1'11:11 ALL COSTS IN $ 1000 FIXED O+M FUEL CUMULATl YE PRESENT CUMULATl YE YEAR COllfS COSTS COST TOTAL TOTAL WORTH P.W. 1981 O. 11>9. 91>11. 1126. 1128. 1095. 1119!'>. 1982 U. 195. 1149. 1344. 2472. 121>7. 231>2. 19tH U. 225. 1374. !bOO. 4072. 141>4. 3821>. 1984 o. i!b1. 11>,.!>. 19U!'>. !'>977 • 11>93. 5519. 196~ U. 301. 191>6. 221>9. 8241>. 1957. 7471>. 1981> 1130. 120. o. 1250. 9491>. 1047. 8523. 1967 1110. 120. O. 1250. 1D 741>. 1011>. 9539. 1986 1130. 120. o. 12~0. 11991> • 967. 10!'>21>. 1969 1130. 12U. O. 1250. 13241>. 9!'>8. 11484. 1990 113(1. 120. o. 1~~0. 14491>. 930. 12414. 1991 II~U. 120. u. 12!'>0. 15741>. 9U3. 13317. 1992 l1.)u. 120. u. 12!>u. 169'11>. 877. 14194. 1993 1130. 1 i!O. o. 1250. 18241> • 851. 151145. 1994 113u. 12U. o. 1250. 19491>. 821>. 15872. 1~'1!> 1130. 120. o. 12~0. 20741>. 6112. 11>1>74. 19~1> 1Uu. I.1U. II. 12!>0. 21991>. 779. 17453. 1'191 1 UO. 1211. o. 12!>u. 23241>. 7!>1>. 18209. 19'18 1130. 12U. u. 1250. 24491>. 734. 18Y43. 19'19 1130. 120. o. 12!>O. 25741>. 713. 191>51>. 2000 1130. 120. u. 1~50. 26991>. 1>92. 20346. 2001 113u. 120. U. 1250. 28241> .• 1>12. 210211. 20u2 II.so. Ilu. u. 1250. 294'10. 1>52. 211>73. 2003 113u. 12u. u. 12!>U. 301,.1>. I>B. 22301>. ~OO" 1 !.sU. 12U. o. 12!>11. 31~91>. US. 22921. 20115 1110. 120. o. 1250. 33241> • 5'11. 23!>16. 20lll> 1130. 120. O. 1250. 34491>. 560. 24096. 2007 1 DII. 1211. o. 12':>u. 35741>. 503. 241>110. 2u06 1130. 120. o. I ~!>.). -So991>. 541>. 25207. 2009 lUO. 120. II. 12S". 38241> • 5.s0. 25737. 2UIII 11,)0. 12U. Ii. 1250. 391191> • 515. 21>252. 2U11 1130. 120. o. 125u. 4\1741>. 5UU. 21>7~2. 2(>12 113u. 12u. o. 12!>O. 1I1~91>. 485. 21236. 2UU 11.s0. 120. o. 1250. 43241>. 411. 277119. 2UIII 113", 12u. u. lc!!>O. 1144YI>. "56. 2811>1>. 201~ l1.su. 12u. lI. 1250. "5141>. 4114. 281>11. 2U1b 11,)0. 120. u. 125U. 469'11>. 4.s1. 29u42. 2017 1130. 120. o. 12SIi. 118241>. 419. 29111>1. 2011! 1 !.sO • 120. o. 1250. 4'1491> • 407. 2981>7. 2Ul9 113u. 120. o. 125u. 50741> • 395. 3021>2. 2020 1130. 120. o. 12'>0. 51991>. 363. .sOo45. 2021 1110. 12u. o. 1c!5u. 53241>. 312. 311117. 2022 11.s0. 120. o. 1250. 54491>. 31>1. 31376. 2023 1110. 120. O. 1250. ~5HI>. 3!>1. 31729. 2024 1130. 120. o. 1250. ~b991>. 340. 3201>~. 2025 1130. 12u. O. 12!>0. 582"1>. HI. 324011. 2021> 113U. 120. o. 1 c!~o. 59491> • 321. 32721. 2027 1130. 120. o. 1250. 00741>. 312. 33032. 21126 1130. 120. O. 1250. 1>1990. 3112. B335. 2029 1130. 120. o. 1250. 1>3241>. 294. 331>29 .• 2030 11l0. 1211. O. 1250. 1>4491>. 2115. 33'114. 2031 1130. 120. O. 1250. 1>5741>. 277. 34191. BLACK BEAR LAKE. 2032 113u. 120. o. 1250. 1>6991>. 21>9. 34459. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2033 1130. 120. o. 1250. 1>6241>. 21>1. 34720. ALASKA 201Q 1130. 120. o. 12511. 1>9491>. 253. 311974. 2035 113u. 120. o. 12!;0. 70741> • 241>. :\5220. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS l--tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , , , 1 1 f , , , f • ·f , f J , 1 J , 1 J I 1 1 I 1 EXHIBIT 31 LAKE. ~ELLE'" PRUJECT PAGE 5 of 5 COST OF MONE.Y: O.OSO INFLAlluN !lATE: U.OUO fUEL ESCALATION RATE: 0.03S DIScuU",r HATE: 0.030 REFERENCE I)AT~:JANUARY 1981 ALL COSTS IN S 1000 FIX~D O+M FUEL CUMULA TI VE PRESE"'T CUMULATIVE YEAR COSTS COSTS COST TuTAL TOTAL WUIHH P .... 1981 v. Ib'l. '1bU. Illb. 1128. IU9S. 1095. 1982 ~ . 195. 114'1. 134" • 2472. 1267. 23b2. 191>3 o. 225. 1374. IbOO. 4U72. 1464. 3112b. 1984 U. 2bl. Ib4~. I'IO~. '0971. Ib95. 5S19. 1985 O. 301. I'lod. 22b'l. tl2"b. 19~7. /47b. 198b O. 341>. 2S~". ~ lUi:.. 10'149. Ub5. 97S9. l'Itll 131l0. IbO. O. 1'4 v. 1'<409. 12,2. 10992. 198t1 1300. Ib~. O. 1'40. 14029. telb. U207. 191>9 131> v • IbO. 0 .• I '4V. 15509. IIl1v. 13388. 19'1v UOV. 16v. v. J 5~ (J .. 17109. 114b. 14~53 • 19'11 13~v. 16u. O. 1'4 v. Il>b49. 1113. 1504b. 1'I~2 Ijov. 16\1. u. 1'4 u. clJltI'I. lOtiO. Ib726. 19'13 U~O. i60. u. 154 v. 21 }C9. 1049. 1717'>. 19'14 U~U. I~v. V. "4v. <'J2b'l. 101tl. 18'1'13. 1995 13dO. lI,v. u. 1 ';)LI lJ .. 24Ilv'I. 'I1j8. 19/61. 1'1'16 13~~ • 16". v. 1 ')4 u .. bd49. 9bV. 20741. 1'197 13l"'u. IbO. V. 1 ')4\J .. d1:>09. 'I5~. 2Ib73. 1'I'Itl 13t\ " .. lb'-'. U. l~'4u. 294"'1. 'IU~. 22'>71. 1'1'1'1 l~/jl!. 16U. U. 1;'4·J. ~V9b". 1>10. c345b. 20vo 13<.HJ .. Il,u. u. "40. 32'>0'1. HSS. 245U6. 2001 13ou. 1 t: l) .. v. 1'4 v. S4U49., 8ctl. 25156. evve Ijr.v. lbu. ". 1'4V. S~'>I>'I. I:>U4. 25940. .!ClOS U~V • 11"(1. U. I~" v. j7129. 71>0. 2b120. "OU4 13t'li .... It-v. V. i ,I.! v .. ~hbo~. 7~h. 21471:>. 20vS l~bU. 1 (,Ij .. !J. D"v. 4ve,,'I. /Jb. 2112B. 2vOb U6V. It-u. U. "4IJ. 41/4'1. 'fl4. 26921. 2vv1 156\;. lh",_ U • I)"v. 4~2"~. b'lJ. 29621. 200b 1 ~('I \'. loll. \.I. 1'>4" • ~4ti<'9. b'/3. ~O2'14. ,eUu"l l.3hu. lbu. J. I'><l v. q"S69. b'OJ. ~09"7. <'lIlv 15::HI. It-v. u. I ~q". 41'1u'l. 634. 315,,2. 21)11 l:'oU. lou. U. 1 ~'I u. ~944'1. bib. 32191:>. 2vI2 l3~v • lell. o. "4u. ~0'l1j9. ~'II:>. 327 qb. cOI~ l:lou. Ihv. v. 1 'Jf4 \J. '>2,c9. '>1>1. H37b. "U14 IS"~. If:lu. U. I)4V. '>4Vb'l. 5b4. 33'1"v. <'vl~ 15(1.u. IhO. u. l'J.:.1v. ~5bU9. 547. S448'1. c?UU"'1 ISoV. Ih\J. U. 1 ,4v. '>7149. 531. 3'OV1Y. 2u II J.36u. IhV. u. 1 StU). ~lIb"9. Sib. 35~S4. 2011; I5IHI. Ibv. O. I ~u u. "vee'l. ~UI. S603~. 2vl9 U"V. lou. i.I. 1 'JI.fI..I. "111:>9. q8b. 3b~U. c02v 15~u. IhU. u. I ~4V. oJ5v'l. 412. 36'194. ,,"(>1 131:>". 16". O. 1'4 v. b'-ld,,9. 4'08. S1452. ",v<'2 UbV. Ihv. u. 15Qv. 6b~1>9. Q4S. 371:>91. ~v23 13~v. 1M. u. I ,4v. 61929. 432. 31I3e'l. ev2. 130v. IbO. O. "4v. b'l4b9. 419. 5874Q. 2v25 UbV. Ibv. v. I'QU. 71 V u9. 407. 39156. 2vcb 1300. IbU. u. 1'4 V. 12549. 39S. .s'l~51. ev27 13bv. IbU. O. 1~4v. 7Q01l9. 384. 39'15~. c02a I3l\u. 16". V. I ~4 v. '/5b29. 313. 403U6. 20e9 13eO. IbO. U. 1~40. 77 I b9. 362. 40bb'l. 2U30 1360. IbU. O. 154v. 787v9. 351. 41U21. <'031 13l>v. IbO. ~. I ~4 v. 60249. 341. 4Ub2. BLACK BEAR LAKE 2v32 131>0. 16v. V. 154 V. 1>1789. 331. 41693. 2053 131:10. IbO. v. 15Qv. 63329. 321. 42014. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT .!034 1380. IbO. O. 15QO. 1;46b9 • 312. 42321. ALASKA 2035 1 :\~tl. 16U. O. 154 U. 80409. 3U3. 42b30. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS l-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHOIIITY 60 V I 50 f -BASE CASE PLAN V :c 3= 40 ~ ..... e/) I- Z / " ~ V , ~ ~ SECOND MOST PREFERRED PLAN I I I w U > 30 CJ a: w z w / ....... " ~ I I I "'--r-PREFERRED PLAN J V -"-. ~ ~ t::----..... "-0 l- e/) 20 0 u ~ ,-.............. 1--~ ....... ~-. ~ ~ ......... --"1-1-'----,-----__ a /' .~ ... ;,:..... .Ii .-.--~------. ---__ I ~-7 -----/ ./ BLACK BEAR LAKE (ONLY) ~ Lr-LAKE MELLEN (ONLY) 10 o 1980 NOTE: COST OF MONEY: 8.5 % INFLATION RATE: 7.0 % FUEL ESCALATION RATE: 3.5 % 1990 ~ ENGiNEERING COMPANY. MARC .... 1981 2000 YEAR 2010 ----I""'"...-...::::i .--' 2020 t EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 1 of 6 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BUE CASE C08T of HOMEY. 0.085 INFLATION HAfEa 0.070 fOEl ~SCAlAfION NAf~= 0.0)5 V REFERENCE UA'E=JAMUAHY 1981 ALL COSfS IN • 1000 f UEO UtH FOEl fOUL ENENGY COS f UF YEAM COSf CUSf COS, COSf G("fIlAHII EhEIiGY ~'"" CEMrs/II"H 1981 O. 180. IOl'5. liDS. 114JU. 14.3 19.,l O. 2H. Uh. ISH. '1150. 15.1 198) O. lU,. "'7). 1949. Ill70 • U .J 1984 5l. 341. lil/. l'5H. lJulO. a9.4 1985 ~i!. 4U. 272'1. 3,,04. Isol>o. ll.J 198. 411. SZJ. 348 •• 44iu. U41O. l5.4 198F 1111. S.,s. 40311. SOlo. ItIllo. il •• 1988 "79. .5 •• 4 •• &. 5110). 1911'10. 30.4 1989 479. 7]5. 5401. ..15. 1'19'1U. )).1 1990 557. 82'. .lIl9. 7t1l9. 209JO. 1 •• 5 1991 !IoS7. 921. lll8. 1107. 119lU. )9.7 1'19l • 47. IlIl8 • Ili!<!. 9998. 2lIlJO • II) .8 19U • 47. 1141. 9'5U. II n •• 2)1'10. 47.8 1994 no. 1119. 11039. IJh8. 24800. 5l.1 1'195 lS0. 142 •• 12709. 141185. 2'5840. 57 •• 199. 1575. 1590. 14U •• 1780 I. 11l9lO. • •• a 1997 IS75. In) • 167.1. lolOo. 11'l10. 7i!.' 1'198 1575. 1'155. 19191. lUll. ill9iO. 78 •• 1999 1575. lUll. 11977 • 25719. 19970. 85.8 lOOO I1l9. i404. 151U. 19JoO. 1101>0. 94.J lOOI 1119. i •••• 17909. lll04. )21'111. 100.4 lO0l 19U7. 1952. )0911. 35770. 3Ulu. 107 .4 lOo) 1907. Jlb9. J4111t. J9401. 3U80. 114.1 lO04 14.1. ).ll. '7901. 4)990. 35 ... 0. 1l1.3 lO05 14.l. 4010 • 41981. 48453. 31>940. IlI.l luU J49). 44;'0. 4.4811. S4411. 3111JO. a4l.4 lOOT 3'1119. 49U. 5148 •• fIOJ9J. 19S70. 152 •• lU08 418t>. 5445. 5711 II. ..64). 41195U. IU.7 lO09 47~4. .031. U147. 7)9)). 41)9D. 114.4 lOIO 1191111. •• 79. 1t't9i7. 111'5111>. 431110. 18 •• 0 lOll 56)0. 7397. 17448. 90416. 45410. I".l lOll .ll •• Ill'll. 85771. 1II01DO. 117000. llJ.l lOU .l) •• 'lUll. 949711. II 0285. 11111>110 • ll ... 7 i011l • 5)1. 'lUll. 1040511. 1l0519. 119800. 2111.0 2015 • S~I. 10ltJII • IIIJH. 128"911. 11'111110. lS.,.O lol. .,1191. IIHII • U'1l11t. 1J9"Oi. .. .. SOli. 2"'.9 lOI7 11897. 1ll75. IllU5. 11I8S)1. 119800. 198.J lOiIl 88'17. l)ol7. I JUes. I S8)Ii!. 11"811'1. )11.9 lOl9 111191. 1J9J9. 111'5'1)'5. 1611771. "'1111111. ))11.9 l020 UOl. lUIS. 15.150. 11111)10 •• "91100. Jlt2.l Viol" DURI.II 1"( FIRIl nun, nAIlS, 1"(. "" l--tARZA ENGINEERING COI'VIPANY·· MARCH 1981 f 1 f , 1 , I f , 'I I f , f , , . , 1 1 , , l' J EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 2 o. 6 .IILACII efAR LA!\! HYDflOUfCTR.C 'RonCT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY ALASKA !'OWIR AUTHORITY J f 1 , , , • COST dF MONEY= v.ot)~ J"fLAT IlIl\, I<~n.= u.v70 Rl:f ft!tl,CE llA It.=J~I"liARY 1'I1l1 FIXE I) ll+f" YE Afi eCIS IS LUSIS 14111 ,J • 1 <, U. 191<2 U. ~i:!l • 14,13 U. 276. 1'It)" u • ~42. 190'0 u. 4?2. l'1ob 3IH<I. ':Vb. 1'107 .so<ll· • "c2. l'1dl:< ~6j~ \) • ".s'l. l'IIj'l ~64(). i!., I. 19'10 .s64!J. 2n. 1'191 .s~4U. 2'1'1. 1'1'12 .s04U. ~2". 1'1'13 ~14'j. ~>3 (). 1'1'14 97 J,.,. 'ob1. 1445 '-I/~'j. 607. 19'10 974'>. 649. 1997 '1-'4'0. 69'>. 19'18 '-! 7'J '0. 7 '14. 1'1'1'1 '1-'4'0. /'16. 200U <'74'0. b'>l. 20UI 4-' It5. 911. blUi! 97"5. 97'0. 2.0~ .s '1145. lV<I,). 2llU4 "7~'>. I 1 I". 20u5 '174':>. I 1'1" • ,,00b '174'0. 127". 2uu7 '174'0. 1367. 2U t)lj 974':>. 1 ij/o j. 2UU'I '1-'45. 156" • "u10 474':>. It> 7'>. ,euII 974">. 1 I',,,. 201C' YI4':>. I Y 17. 2ti!S '114'0. cu,>". 21114 474'0. 2 \'1'0. 2vl5 97"':>. 2,)'J". 2016 "7<1':>. 2'>13. 2017 -Jl4':>. "0>;'1. 201t) '17",:>. c'K'-' • <,uI'I -;7<1':>. ,)ol". 2(I<'lI 'I" 4':>. 52"~. ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 19B1 PREFERRED PLAN F I)~ L tSCALATIuN \<ATl= o .OYi DISCOUNT ALL CUS1:> p, j, IUUO f uf L I: "I:"l, Y ellSI [of (U~'I TO I AL ('1:'Jl:kA Ttll i:.1'Jt.t<(;Y IViiv.H CE •• TS/K,," 1025. 1 ~ II 'l. 1\43u. 1<1.3 I H u. 15.H. 'I7'ou. 1'0. I 107.). 1'14'1. 1127u. 17.~ <:'1.s/. ':4-,'1. !SU30. 1'1.0 27 2'i. 31~2. 15uoli. 2U.'1 114. 4021. 17<11U. 2S. I ;>lJ2. 4lJb4. Itl23u. a.~ "H. 41le. l'Iu'lO. 21. ') iUv. 41hl. 1'1'1'10. 2u.1I .sIC. <l2.su • 2U'l~v. 2U.2 SId. 4~'.J I). 21"10. 1'1.6 £lIb. lUI';. 221:dlJ. 1'1.2 o. II'" ''0. 2')79U. 4j.2 II • IU.H2. 24tlUU. 111.6 (I. ltI55~. 25840. <lv.1 v. lu~'I4. 20'130. ~t< .6 U. lu44V. 27'11 v. ~7.11 O. 1 114b'l. 26'120. 3h.~ I) • It) 51J I • 2'197u. ~'o.2 U. IV'>'!b. 31U6U. :!It< • I u. !llD':>6. ~21'1u. ~.s. I o. lu/i'.o. 33~"U. ~2.2 U. luft'b. ~<l4t}U. 31.,) 0. It'llbl. ,)">6'1U. 3u.Q I) • IU'l~'-I. 3O'l4U. 2'1.b li • 11 vi,). 3tl2:!1U. 2<l.1l ti • U ll,e. 3'15IU. 2;;. I II • 11;>1Jt1. 4U'I'oU. 2 I. Q o. 1 U I U. <l2,)'1u. 2b.1 (, . 1142\!. 43H10. 2b.0 (I • 11'0,)7. 4'>410. "~.4 tJ. I I" "" • 117 IJ V U • 2 11. I, IJ • 111 9 1. 411b41' • 24.3 u. 1 1'14,1. ,,9(jt, u. 24.V o • l':v9". 4'1<:\uU. <'4.,) II • 122'>0. 4'1IlUU. 24.6 II • lilU4. 4'1bUU. 2'>.t) \I • 12"2". 4\1lju (J. ".,.~ I) • 1 t!t\c: 4. '1'I8vv. c':>.r) It. ).)".\~. 4"//"',UV. 2b.i'. fiATE;:; 0.050 EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 3 of 6 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SECOND MOST PREFERRED PLAN COST OF "'nl~I::Y= v.U8~ J ,'FL~l IUN :~ATE= o. () 7,) ft...I::L ESCHA T IU;'. ~AIE= u.u.b DISCIJu,,"1 I<EffRE.I\jCE IJAl E=JAI'JIJARY 191:11 ALL CUSlS Iii; ~ Iuou FI~I:.IJ f;Tt"'l Fuf:L tt,f.KP clJ::.r I.I~ YEAR COSIS eU~IS eUSl IUT AL GE:.r.EKAH.1J t"I:.K6Y 1\'1/'.11 CUd S/KI\t, 1'181 O. Ib(J. 1025. leiu.,. 1:!1I!.u. 14.!. 1982 v. n3. LHD. I.,B. '1'''0. 1".7 19b3 II • 276. 1675. \.,4.,. 1121v. I ( • 3 1'184 U. ~4c. 2137. eil.l79. 13030. 19.0 1985 v. qa. 2129. 31S2. 15u6V. 2G.'1 191:l6 u. .,23. 31.1116 • 400,/. 17 .. 10. 2.3.0 1987 1.176". iob. 20<' • '>2'>';. 18i'3u. eib.tl 1'I1:!1:l 476~. 3vc\. 2.H. .,!.uo. I'IO'/u • 27 .8 19(j'l '176S. ~31. 270. '>366. 199'10. 26.8 19'10 470S. 3"0. 312. ,>qY). 20930. 26.V 1'1'11 476.,. 3/;!.. 3t>1 • ""09. 21'iIU. 2S.1 1<;92 4·' 6S. 41i'. 410. '>"'1~. 22bjO. 2 ... 5 1'1<;3 476'>. 443. 474. 56117. 23l'1o. 2!-.'1 1'191.1 .. 7(-,.,. 477 • .,5". S793 • 24110U. 23.4 I Q'l5 4765. ~U. 6.!>S. 5913. 25111.10. 2ei.'1 1'196 10652. 64'1. O. 11301. 26'dv. "ei.O 19'17 106S<,. 69.,. o. 1131.17. 2741U. ..v.7 1'1'18 IV6'>2. 741.1. O. I !.s'l6. 28'120. ,)'1.4 19'1'1 1,)6.,2. 796. O. 1 11.141:1. 29'1/u. 31:l.2 2000 IUo'>2. IlS I. o. IISO';. jiUbU. !-, • u 2001 1(;6.,2. 'ill. O. II Std. 321'1v. 3S.'1 2002 106~2. 'Ii". u. 11027 • 33320. !.4.9 2003 10652. 1043. O. 116'1'>. 3441:lU. :n.'1 2004 IU6.,ei. I 116. O. 117f>b. 3.,6'1U. j.3.u 200'> IU6.,2. 11'14. O. 111:l46. 36'14u. 32.1 2006 10652. 127tj. v. 11930. 3623U. 31.2 2007 10652. 1367. O. 12UI'I. 39S7U. 3U.4 2008 IU6S2. 1403. v. 1<'1 b. 409.,0. 2<;.6 2009 IU6.,2. 1565. O. I a II. 1.12!.<;0. 2il.1l 2010 IU6'>2. 16''>. O. 12!.27. "!.1I70. 2t1.1 2011 IU6.,2. 1192. U. 1241.111. 4S410. 27 ... 2012 106S2. 1917. O. I<'S04. 1.170uII. 26.7 2013 106.,2. 2u52. O. lei7u4. 41:l61.1V. 26.1 2014 IU6.,2. 21'15. O. 12t14(. 49t\uu. 2o;.1:l 2015 1116.,2. 234'1. O. 1300 I. 491'00. 2b.1 2016 lu6':>2. 2.,13. (I. !.s16S. 4'1bOO. 26.4 2017 Iv6.,c. 26e'l. 1I. l.B41. 4'1t10u. 26.8 2018 lu6,>2. <,81"1. U. U"2~. 4'1I1UU. i! 1.2 201'1 lu6'>2. 3074. O. BUI. I.I'Itluu. 27 .6 2020 lu6.,ei. 3294. 0. 13'146. 498uo. 2il.O ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 1981 r I f , , 1 , , , f , , , , kAlf= O.U~O , , EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 4 of 6 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY 1 , I COST OF MONEY= O.08~ INFLATION RATE= 0.070 REFERENCE DATt:=JANUARY 19tsl FIXEll O+M YEAR COSTS CLlSTS 19111 O. III o. 1982 o. 2C!3. 191H u. 2'6. 1964 O. 342. 1'185 O. 422. 198b 3b4u. Its Ii. 1'187 3b40. 1'13. 1988 3b40. 20b. 1969 31>41l. 221. 1990 3b4v. 2~b. 1991 3b40. .?53. 1'192 3640. 270. 1993 31>40. 289. 1'194 3b41l. 309. 1995 3b40. HI. 199b 3b40. 354. 1997 3b40. 379. 19'18 ~b40. 40 b. 1999 3b40. 434. 2000 3b40. 41>4. 2001 3b40. 497. 2002 ~b40. 532. 2003 3b'lU. ~b9. 2004 3b40. b09. 2u05 3b40. b~ 1. .200b 3b40. b97. 2007 3b40. 74b. 2008 3b'lU. 79tl. 2009 3b40. 854. 2010 ~b40. 913. 2011 3b40. '177. 2u12 ~b40. 104b. 2013 ~b40. 1119. 2014 jb40. 11 97. 2015 3b40. 121:11. 201b 3b40. 1371. 2017 364u. 14 b 7 • 2018 3b40. 1 ~ 7 O. 2019 31>4U. lb7'l. 20.20 3b'40. 1197. ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 1981 I I BLACK HEAR LAKE PROJECT FUEL ESCALATION NATE= 0.035 DISCOUNT RATE= 0.030 ALL COSTS IN $ 1000 FUfL I:.NE:K(;Y COST OF COST ENI:RGY TIJIAL Gb.EolATED 1025. 1310. 1 b73. 21.H. 27.2'1. O. o. O. O. Ii • O. o. o. O. O. O. O. O. O. o. o. o. o. O. O. O. o. O. O. o. O. O. o. 0. O. II. O. O. O. O. 120'>. I'>H. 1'14'1. 247'1. 3152. 31:120. ~bH. 364b. 38bl. 361b. ~b93. 3'110. 3'129. 3949. 3'171. 3994. 4019. 404b. 4074. 4104. 41.51 • 4n2. 4209. 4249. 42'11. 4Hi. 438b. 4438. 4494. 4,>~j. 4b17. 4b!lb. 4759. 4/:137. '1'121. 5011. 5107. ~210. 5319. 5437 • MwH 6430. 97~0. 11270. 13030. 150bo. 1741lJ. 18230. 19090. 19990. 20930. 219111. 221:130. 23700. 23·7110. 23700. 2~700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. .23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23100. 237uO. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 23700. 2370\). 23700. CENTS/KwH 14.3 15.7 17.3 1'1.0 20.9 21. 'I 21.0 20.1 19.3 16.5 17.8 17.1 lb.b lb.7 lb.8 lb.9 17.0 17. I 17.2 17.~ 17.5 17 .b 17.8 17.9 18.1 lb.3 16.~ lb.7 19.0 19.2 19.5 19.b 20.1 20.4 20.6 21.1 21.5 22.0 22.4 22.9 t EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 5 of 6 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY ALASICA POWER AUTHORITY C051 OF ~1l11'EY= u.UtlS I''IFLA1 Ill"' Rillt= u.u7u kE FE I<ENCt. ,lA1E=JANU/lflY l'1dl FP,E') IJ+M VEAl< ClI:;fS Cr):>IS 1'181 v. Itlv. l'1tl2 \J • 2<' 3. l'1tlj u. 271>. 1'11l4 u. j4<:. 1'11:15 U. 'Icc. l'1tll> o. 52:'. l'1tl7 470'>. e'>7. l'ItHI 470'>. 27'>. 19119 471->5. 2'14. 19'1u 470'>. 315. 1'1'11 47 O~'. jj/. 1'1'12 47",>. 5ou. 1993 47"''>. 3«b. 1'194 47b'>. I.j 13. 1'195 476'>. 41.11. 1'190 '176=;. 472. 1'1'17 ,,7b':>. ,>,1,> • 1'1911 47b5. ,>41. 1'1'19 470'>. '>1'1. cullll 4/b5. 01'1. 2001 .. 705. bbt? 2uu2 4/05. 71..)4. 2Uu:' 47b'>. hb. 200~ <l7b':>. Illt? 20v5 "/65. {lb/!. 2UO .. ~7o-;). 9<,9. 20uI '17 "':>. 994. 2UUtl 41b5. Il'b4. 2uu9 '<7b'>. 11~~. 20lu 470'>. 1216. 2Vll 4705. D1I3. 2012 ",7o~. 13'14. 2U13 470':>. 10.192. <:01<1 ~7"'>. 1~'10. 20b .. lb~. 1 H'tI. 2011> 47b5. ln2t1. 2U17 'nbS. 1'151>. 2Ultl 47r.5. 211'13. 201'1 4765. U5'1. cli20 47 r. '>. 2j~". ~ ENGINEERING COMPANY· MARCH 1981 f I , I r I r , I , f , I , L~r,t fill:LLFN PIWJFCT FUtL t::::lCALA'lUr, I<A 1[= O.Uj'" Dl5CUlJN1 ALL CuSIS I" ~ luOI) f-ur.L t"Et<GY cu:;r flf Cll~T IPTAL GE fIlt.< A 11'.[' t::NI:~('Y ~"H1 Cf.'" I :i/K"M 1025. 12U'>. 8430. 14.5 131 U • 1'> s.s. '17'>0. 1~.7 Ion. 1'14'1. 11270. 11.3 21 J7. c47'1. 13uj~. 1'1.0 27<.'1. jiSt!. 1'.>01:>1;. 2u.'1 ~4b6. 4uO'l. 1741". 25.u o. '>022. 18<:3". 27.'> u. 5Ul.lu. 1'10'lU. 21>.4 /j • 50'>'1. 1'1'19u. 25.3 o. ,>utlll. 2U'I311. 24.3 II. 51 1)2. 21910. 2:).3 o. 51?,>. 22tl30. 22.'> u • 5151. 23"1'1u. 21.7 ,) . ~1//j. 2<1l:1uu. 2u.'1 u. 5COI>. 2~d4U. 2U.I (1. '>237. 21>100. 20.1 o. 527u. 21>10u. 2u.2 U. ,>juo. 21>10ll. t?0.3 o. ~.siI4 • 2bluu. 2".5 o. I.d1:<4. 21>10u. 20.b o • 5421 • 21>10V. 2U.1l \I • ':1474. lOlUU. cl.V u. ':>5d. 21>111u. 21.2 v. 5'>77 • 2610u. 21.4 u. Sbj3. 261UO. 2 1.6 V. '>694. 21>1uu. 21. /j o • '>1'>'1. 2610U. U.I U. '>tl29. 21>1uU. 22.j [I. ~'1uj. 261(1). 22.1> o. ')'1,,3. 2bllJlI. 22.9 u. blibb. <'bl0(l. 2j.2 o • bl';'1. 2bIUl!. 23.1> V. 62'> I. <'bIOO. 24.U Ii • (dbl. t?6Ivu. 24.4 Ii • 04/3. 2bHLi. 24.b u. 6'>9 S. 261()U. 25.3 v. b 721. 2b101i. 25.8 I) • 6b':>H. 21>1UU. 26.j v. 7uot!. 26100. 26./1 u • II" I • 261ll0. 27 ... , 1 , , r , f I , 1 KATE= u.u3u I 1 I I I I I I EXHIBIT 32 PAGE 6 of 6 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA COST OF ENERGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY f 1 I I • I i 1 EXHIBIT 33 I YEAR 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 ITEM I QUARTER 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 , 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 PRECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FEASIBILITY STUDY FERC LICENSE APPLICATION PREPARATION REVIEW ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SITE INVESTIGATIONS ~ EQUIPMENT SUPPLY CONTRACT DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 81DDING --BID EVALUATION AND AWARD -~ CIVIL WORKS CONTRACT DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS COMMERCIAL OPERATION ~ BIDDING ~ BID EVALUATION AND AWARD ~ PERMITTING AND OWNERSHIP FINANCING EQUIPMENT SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION (SEE EXHIBIT 9 FOR DETAILED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE) ACCESS ROAD BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I-tARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY' MARCH 1981 DELETED EXHIBIT 34 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA ~ POWER AlITHOR'ITY - ,.""", Sheet 1 of 3 EXHIBIT 35 COMMON PLANT SPECIES OF TYPICAL VEGETATION TYPES OF THE PROJECT AREA II Common Name Mature Forest * Alaska -cedar * Mountain hemlock * Red alder * Western hemlock * Western redcedar Sitka spruce Alaska blueberry * Devilsclub * Dwarf blueberry * Early blueberry * High bushcranberry * Pacific red elder * Red huckleberry * Rusty menziesia * Salmonberry * Sitka alder Stink currant * Trailing black currant * Western thimbleberry * Beech fern * Bunch berry * Clasping twisted-stalk * Clubmoss Dagger fern * Deerberry * Deerfern * False hellebore Five-leaf bramble Goldthread * Heart-leaved twayblade * Kruhsez * Lace flower Lady fern * Mertens coral-root * Oak fern Salal * Simple-stemmed twisted-stalk * Single delight * Single-flowered clintonia * Spreading woodfern * Yellow skunk cabbage ~pen Streambanks and Devilsclub --- * High bushcranberry * Lyall nettle Meadows Scientific Name ------- Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Tsuga mertensiana Alnus rubra Tsuga heterophylla Thuja plicata Picea sitchensis Vaccinium alaskensis Oplaponax horridus Vaccinium caespitosum Vaccinium valifolium Viburnum edule Sambucus callicarpa Vaccinium parvifolium Menziesia ferruginea Rubus spectabilis Alnus sinuata Ribes bracteosum Ribes laxiflorum Rubus parviflorus Thelypteris phegopteris Cornus canadensis Streptopus amplexifolius Lycopodium sp. Polystichum munitum Maianthemum dilatatum Blechnum spicant Veratrum woodii Rubus pedatus Coptis sp. Listera cordota Streptopus streptopoides Tiarella sp. Athyrium filix-femina Corallorrhiza maculata Gymnocarpium dryopteris Gaultheria shallon Streptopus roseus Moneses uniflora Clintonia uniflora Dryopteris dilatata Lysichiton americanum Oplopanax horridus Viburnum edule Urtica Lyallii Common Name * Nootka rose * Pacific serviceberry * Red alder * Salmonberry * Sitka alder * Stink currant * Alaska violet Alpine heuchera * Baneberry Beach lovage Beach pea * Beach strawberry Bent-leaved angelica Bongard buttercup * Cow parsnip * Deer cabbage * Delphinium-leaved aconite * Fireweed * Goatsbeard * Hemlock parsley Hornemann willow-herb Kamchatka Fritillary * Long-leaved starwort Nootka lupine * Northern geranium * Saxifrage Shooting Star Siberian spring beauty Silverweed * Sitka great burnet Stream violet Villous cinquefoil * Western buttercup * Western columbine * Yellow monkey flower Muskegs * Alaska-cedar * Shore pine * Western hemlock * Western red cedar * Bog blueberry * Bog laurel * Bog rosemary * Crowberry Labrador-tea * Mountain-cranberry * Rusty menziesia Salal Sheet 2 of 3 EXHIBIT 35 Scientific Name Rosa nutkana Amelanchier florida Alnus rubra Rubus spectabilis Alnus sinuata Ribes bracteosum Viola Langsdorffii Heuchera glabra Actaea rubra Ligusticum scoticum Lathyrus maritimus Fragaria chiloensis Angelica genuflexa Ranunculus Bongardi Heracleum lanatum Fauria crista-galli Aconitum delphinifolium Epilobium angustifolium Aruncus sylvester Conioselenum chinense Epilobium Hornemannii Fritillaria camschatcensis Stellaria longifolia Lupinus nootkatensis Geranium erianthum Saxifraga sp. Dodecatheon sp. Claytonia sibirica Potentilla villosa Sanguisorba stipulata Viola glabella Potentilla villosa Ranunculus occidentalis Aquilegia formosa Mimulus guttatus Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Pinus contorta Tsuga heterophylla Thuja plicata Vaccinium uliginosum Kalmia polifolia Andromeda polifolia Empetrum nigrum Ledum groenlandicum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Menziesia ferruginea Gaultheria shallon - - - - - - - - ... - - - - ... - - Common Name * Bracken fern * Bunchberry * Club-moss * Cloudberry * Cotton grass Copperbush * Deerberry Nagoon-berry Silverweed Starflower * Sundew * Rush * Yellow marsh marigold * Yellow skunk cabbage Meadows (subalpine/alpine) * Alaska blueberry * Aleutian heather Alpine azalea * Alpine bluegrass Arctic willow * Arctic wormwood * Broad-petaled gentian * Bunchberry * Caltha-leaved avens Coastal fleabane Coast saxifrage * Crowberry * Deer cabbage Holy grass Kamchatka fritillary * Luetkea * Mertens mountain heather Nagoon berry Narcissus-flowered anemone Nootka lupine Prickly saxifrage * Purple mountain saxifrage * Salmonberry * Sedge Sibbaldia Spotted saxifrage * Stiff club-moss Sheet 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 35 Scientific Name ------- Pteridium aquilinum Cornus canadensis Lycopodium sp. Rubus chamaemorus Eriophorum sp. Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus Maianthemum dilatatum Rubus arcticus Potentilla anserina Trientalis europaea Drosera sp. Juncus sp. Caltha palustris Lysichiton americanum Vaccinium alaskensis Phyllodoce aleutica Loiseleuria procumbens Poa alpina Salix arctica Artemisia arctica Gentiana platypetala Cornus canadensis Geum calthifolium Erigeron peregrinus Saxifraga ferruginea Empetrum nigrum Fauria crista-galli Hierochloe alpina Fritillaria camschatcensis Luetkea pectinata Cassiope Mertensiana Rubus arcticus Anemone narcissiflora Lupinus nootkatensis Saxifraga tricuspidata Saxifraga oppositifolia Rubus spectabilis Carex sp. Sibbaldia procumbens Saxifraga ferruginea Lycopodium annotinum * -Observed in the Project Area during 1980 field investigations !/ Sources: Meehan 1974, Viereck and Little 1972, Field observations ." ... '_J"'".'~~_,"~' _________________________ ! ... , __ ' ... , ________ ...... _____ _ EXHIBIT 3b PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND BIRDS IN THE PROJECT AREA Common Name -----~ American Robin Bald Eagle Barn Swallow Belted Kingfisher Chestnut-tacked Chickadee Common Flicker Common Goldeneye Common Loon Common Ra ven Dark-eyed Junco Dip~er Fox Sparrow Golden-cro~ned Kinglet Hermit thrush Lincoln's Sparrow Northwestern Crow Orange-cro~ned Warbler Pine Siskin Red-breasted Merganser Red Crossl:ill Red-tailed Hawk Ruby-crowned Kinglet Savannah Sparrow Song Sparrow Spotted Sandpiper Steller's Jay Swainson's Thrush Townsend's Warbler Tree Swallow Varied 'Ihrush western Flycatcher Wileon's warbler Winter Wren Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow wartIer Common Loon Source: Gitson 1976, ADFG Scientific Name ---- Turdus migratorius Haliaeetus leucoce~halus Hirundo rustica Megaceryle alcyon Parus rufescens Colaptes auratus Bucephala clangula Gravia immer Corvus corax Junco hyemalis Cinclus mexicanus Passerella iliaca Regulus satrapa Catharus guttatus Melospiza lincolnii Corvus caurinus vermivora celata Spinus pinus Mergus serrator Loxia curvirostra Buteo jamaicensis Regulus calendula Passerculus sandwichensis Melospiza melodia Actitis macularia Cyanocitta stelleri Catharus ustulatus Dendroica townsendi Iridoprocne bicolor Ixoreus naevius Em~idonax difficilis Wilsonia pusilla Troglodytes troglodytes Sphyrapicus varius Dendroica petechia Gavia immer LEGEND: 1 WATER 2 OLD GROWTH HEMLOCK FOREST 3 OLD GROWTH HEMLOCK -SPRUCE FOREST 4 OLD GROWTH SPRUCE FOREST 5 LOW SITE 6 WET MEADOW 7 MUSKEG FOR EST 8 SUBALPINE VEGETATION 9 SLIDE AREAS (SNOW/ROCK) 10 THICKET 11 ROCK 8 BIG SAL T LAKE SOURCE: . . . \ Forest type map U.S.F.S. Ketchikan 9 2 -~ ... ....,..,--... ~ ijiiII'~-~'---I(L-+----BLACK LAKE SCALE 0 I • NORTH 1/4 1/2 I I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 1 MILE I BLACK BEAR CREEK VALLEY FOREST TYPES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 37 ..... LEGEND: . '. F FOREST, MAINLY Mt. HEMLOCK SUA SUBALPINE VEGETATION S SALMONBERRY THICKET SA SALMONBERRY-ALDER THICKET SAH SALMONBERRY-ALDER- Mt. HEMLOCK SCH SCRUB Mt. HEMLOCK R BARE ROCK SLIDE <)7 ~ NORTH BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 1700 SHORELINE VEGETATION AROUND BLACK BEAR LAKE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 38 ''''-!II - EXHIBIT 39 SUMMARY OF ADFG SALMON SURVEYS IN BLACK BEAR CREEK Commercial Species Available Stream Spawning Area Sport Species Salmon Peak Escapements Salmon Escapement Since 1970 Source ADFG Pink, Chum, Coho, Sockeye 31,906 square meters: 23,546 upstream; 8,360 intertidal Stream-Dolly Varden, Cutthroat, Steelhead; BBL-stocked Rainbow 350,000 Pink 10,000 Chum 6,500 Coho 700 Sockeye (records for Pink low = high = last record = Chum only record = Coho, Sockeye 9 Oct 1945 12 Aug 1963 27 Oct 1944 24 Aug 1965 1944 -1978) 30 42,300 27 Aug 30 1978 1975 1978 800 17 Sep 1973 none seen since 1965 ..• - ..... ··if Pink Chum Coho Sockeye EXHIBIT 40 TIMING OF SALMON RUNS, KLAWOCK RIVER AND BLACK BEAR CREEK Klawock R. Peak Period, 1977-1980 II August IV ~I -October I September II -October I August IV -November I July I -September I Black Bear Creek Peak Period II August II -September III ~I August IV -September III ~I August IV -November I July I -September I II Periods are inclusive. ~I Roman numerals indicate week of the month. "August IV" denotes the fourth week of August. For example, ~I Pinks and chums run approximately two weeks earlier in Black Bear Creek than in Klawock River. Source: Bates 1979, 1980; Hansen 1980 --4 - ,- - - EXHIBIT 41 RARE AND SENSITIVE PLANT SPECIES FOR THE TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST ~/ Hymenophyllaceae 1. Mecodium Wrightii (Bosch) Copeland Poaceae 2. Calamagrostis crassiglumis Thurb. E/ 3. Poa laxiflora Buchl. E/ 4. Poa leptocoma Trin. 5. Poa merrilliana Hitch. E/ 6. Poa norbergii Hult. E/ 7. Glyceria leptostachya Buckl. Cyperaceae 8. Carex Electocarpa Hermann ~/ Orchidaceae 9. Platanthera chlorisiana (Cham.) Rchb. Scrophulariaceae 10. Rhinanthus arcticus (Sterneck) Pennell E/ Rubiaceae 11. Galium Kamtschaticum Stellar ~/ Source: Muller, 1980 £/ Currently officially classified as rare, status undetermined, for Alaska (Murray, 1980) 1730 1720 1710 1700 ~ 'iii 1690 ~ E 1680 ~ I-w w u. 1670 z z 1660 0 ~ > 1650 w ...J w 1640 1630 1620 1610 1600 J -PMF POOL El. -NORMAL MAX. POOL El. _ MIN. POOL El. -EXISTING LAKE LEVEL F M A M J J MONTH 1 A S I t 1730 1720 1710 1700 1690 1680 1670 LEGEND: 1660 --_I = 20% EXCEEDANCE X:~-~X = 50% EXCEEDANCE e E) = 80% EXCEEDANCE 1650 1640 o 1630 = INTAKE PORT ELEVATIONS AT END OF MONTH 1620 1610 N 1600 D (JI BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR FLUCTUATIONS IN 1991, NO DOWNSTREAM FLOW CONSTRAINTS !l ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 42 i Exceedance (%) Jan Feb ---- 100 1686.2 1685.0 95 1693.4 1690.4 90 1694.5 1690.7 80 1698.1 1694.4 10 1703.2 1699.2 60 17 05.6 1102.4 50 1707.2 1104.5 40 1108.5 1106.2 30 1710.5 1707.4 20 1712.2 1709.5 10 1712.6 1710.5 5 1114.2 1710.6 1 I l EXHIBIT 43 RESERVOIR ELEVATION PERCENT EXCFEDANCE FOR 1991, NO DOWNSTREAM FLOW CONS~RAIN~S 1/ Mar Apr ~y-Jun Jul ~9:_ Sep 1685.0 1685.0 1685.8 1691.9 1688.6 1685.0 1685.0 1686.4 1665.5 1691.3 1693.6 1691.1 1681.1 1681.3 1687.4 1687.3 1691.1 1694.2 1691.8 1681.3 1689.4 1691.8 1690.5 1695.0 1696.9 1694.6 1691.4 1693.2 1696.6 1696.5 1698.4 1103.0 1691.1 1695.1 1695.3 1699.5 1698.4 1698.9 1705.2 1702.9 1100.1 1700.1 1700.9 1101.1 1104.2 1110.9 1107.1 1103.6 1102.2 1702.8 1702.5 1105.1 1112.6 1110.2 1106.3 1106.2 1104.1 1703.5 1707.2 1113.9 1112.4 1109.6 1108.8 1706.3 1706.3 1108.9 1715.0 1113.0 1110.4 1111.1 1106.8 1106.9 1710.8 1115.0 1115.0 1112.6 1115.0 1707.3 1701.6 1114.2 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1/ Elevations at end of month. Exhibit 43 I Oct Nov Dec 1681.9 1681.3 1688.1 1692.2 1693.2 1695.1 1692.5 1693.5 1697.9 1696.3 1697.4 1100.3 1101.6 1704.3 1705.8 1104.5 1106.1 1108.5 1109.4 1109.4 1710.3 1111.5 1113.6 1112.1 1115.0 1114.6 1715.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1715.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1730 1720 1710 ;;; 1700 ~ E 1690 ~ I-w w 1680 ~ LL. Z z 1670 0 ~ 1660 > w ~ 1650 w 1640 1630 1620 1610 1600 J i. PMF POOL El. NORMAL MAX. POOL EL. MIN. POOL El. EXISTING LAKE LEVEl F M A 1--l.AR.z..A Ef'JGINEERING COMPANY MARCH 1981 M J J MONTH A S t 1730 1720 1710 1700 1690 1680 1670 1660 LEGEND: = 20% EXCEEDANCE 1650 )tw------f()( = 50% EXCEEDANCE e E> = 80% EXCEEDANCE 1640 o 1630 = INTAKE PORT ELEVATIONS AT END OF MONTH 1620 1610 N 1600 D (J) BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR FLUCTUATIONS IN 1991, WITH DOWNSTREAM FLOW CONSTRAINTS !J ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 44 ,. Exceedance (%) Jan Feb 100 1686.1 1685.0 95 1693.6 1691.2 90 1695.2 1693.0 80 1698.8 1695.4 10 1106.0 1103.6 60 1107.0 1104.5 50 1108.0 1104.8 40 1709.1 1701.2 30 1111.1 1108.9 20 1712.5 1710.1 10 1112.9 1111.1 5 1714.5 1711.2 1 1 EXHIBIT 45 RESERVOIR ELEVATION PERCENT EXCFEDANCE FOR 1991, WITH DOWNSTREAM FLOW CONSTRAINTS 1/ Mar Apr May Jun Jul ~~ Sep 1685.0 1685.0 1685.8 1692.0 1691.9 1686.9 1685.0 1681.2 1688.5 1694.9 1696.2 1694.1 1688.8 1689. 1 1689.1 1688.1 1695. 1 1691.5 1694.4 1691.4 1690.5 1693.4 1692.9 1695.5 1699.5 1695.0 1693.8 1696.3 1699.8 1699.9 1699.1 1105.1 1100.5 1699.5 1698.6 1101.1 1701.3 1702.3 1708.1 1105.1 1703.0 1103.0 1702.5 1702.7 1106.9 1712.2 1709.5 1105.5 1703.2 1104.0 1704.1 1708.0 1114.2 1111.8 1108.2 1108.1 1106.9 1706.1 1109.1 1115.0 1712.4 1710.3 1110.3 1107.2 1107.5 1110.0 1115.0 1713.7 1112.5 1112.4 1107.7 1708.2 1112.4 1115.0 1115.0 1713.3 1115.0 1108.2 1108.8 1115.0 1115.0 1715.0 1115.0 1115.0 1/ Elevations at end of month. Exhibit 45 Oct Nov Dec 1690.3 1686.6 1688.3 1691.1 1694.9 1695.6 1692.3 1695.2 1691.3 1698.9 1698.4 1100.6 1103.0 1106.3 1108.4 1701.9 1708.1 1109.4 1109.9 1110.2 1711.1 1713.2 1713.3 1712.4 1115.0 1114. 1 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1715.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1115.0 1715.0 -,---,-.------~-------------------- ,..., .-",,,4 "'~ .. ''''e''4 '. -, !,.>."", EXHIBIT 46 PERCENT OF TIME OF WATER WITHDRAWAL AT GIVEN DEPTHS FOR JANUARY, THREE-PORT INTAKE STRUCTURE II Range of Max. Water Surface Invert El. of Withdrawal Percent El. Range (ft) Port in Use (ft) Depth (ft) of Time 1685-1695 1673 13-21 5 1685-1695 1673 21-22 5 1695-1705 1683 12-16 10 1695-1705 1683 16-22 10 1705-1715 1693 13-14 10 1705-1715 1693 14-15 10 1705-1715 1693 15-16 10 1705-1715 1693 16-18 10 1705-1715 1693 18-19 10 1705-1715 1693 19-20 10 1705-1715 1693 20-21 5 1705-1715 1693 21-22 2 1705-1715 1693 22 with spill 3 !I Based on reservoir elevations in 1991 with downstream flow constraints. ... • EXHIBIT 47 PERCENT OF TIME OF WATER WITHDRAWAL AT GIVEN DEPTHS FOR AUGUST, THREE-PORT INTAKE STRUCTURE II Water Surface Invert El. of El. Range (ft) Port 1685-1695 1685-1695 1685-1695 1695-1705 1695-1705 1695-1705 1705-1715 1705-1715 1705-1715 1705-1715 1705-1715 1705-1715 Based on reservoir constraints. in Use (ft) 1673 1673 1673 1683 1683 1683 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 elevations Range of Max. Withdrawal Percent Depth (ft) of Time 14-16 5 16-18 5 18-21 10 21-17 10 17-20 10 20-22 10 13-15 10 15-17 10 17-19 10 19-20 10 20-22 7 22 with spill 3 in 1991 with downstream flow 1 , I " .'2)~; --. , CUMULATIVE DRAINAGE AREAS BLACK BEAR LAKE OUTLET (I) = 1.82mi 2 BLACK LAKE INLET (IV) = 6.30mi2 BLACK LAKE OUTLET (V) = 7 ,39mi 2 MOUTH OF STREAM (VI) = 17.46mi 2 .. NORTH SCALE 0 1 MILE BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DRAINAGE AREAS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 48 200-,------------------------------------------------------------------------, 190- 180- 170- 160- 150- 140 - 130- 120- 110- 100- 90- 80- 70 - 60- 50- 40- 30-",~;..--------- LEGEND: 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS: AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS 30-vr. PERIOD 2. WITH THE PROPOSED PROJECT: A. OPTIMUM PEAKING REGIME: ~T] RANGE MAX 2 = (MAXIMUM PROJECT DISCHARGE, PEAK DAY) +(AVEAAGE MONTHLY 0, UNREGULATED DRAINAGE AREA) MAX 1 .. (MAXIMUM PROJECT DISCHARGE, AVERAGE WEEKEND DAY) +(AVEAAGE MONTHLY O. UNREGULATED DRAINAGE AREA) MIN = (MINIMUM PROJECT DISCHARGE) +(AVEAAGE MONTHLY a. UNREGULATED DRAINAGE AREA) B. PROPOSED MODIFIED REGIME TO REDUCE FISHERY IMPACT: -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 o-~----~----~----~------------------------------------------------------~-o I I I JAM J J A SON D ( J) 1/ NOT INCLUDING LOCAL INFLOW FROM RUNOFF BETWEEN DAM AND POWERHOUSE. MONTH en Yo 0 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT PROJECT TAILRACE (I) IN 1986 (WITH SPILL) Y ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 49 1 200--200 190--190 180--180 170--170 160--160 150--150 140--140 130--130 120--120 110--110 100--100 90--90 80--80 70--70 60--60 50--50 -40 o-~----~----------------~----------------~--------------------------~-o I I I I I J F M A M J J A SON D (n MONTH en IL. u LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF SOUTHWEST TRIBUTARY (II) IN 1986 (WITH SPI LL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 50 200-r---- 190- 180- 170- 160- 150- 140- 130- 120- 110- 100- 90- 80- 70- 60- 50- 40- 30 .... 20- 10- O- J J J F I M I A l -200 -190 -180 -170 160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 -100 ~ u -90 -80 -30 ::!T~~_-20 M!' -10 J A I I MONTH S 0 ~ I .-0 D (J) BLACK B HYDROELEC:RAR LAKE IC PROJECT STREAM F ALASKA DOWNSTRE~~W IMMEDIATELY IN ~~~~UTA~~ S~~ITHWEST ALASKA ~:ITH SPILL) ER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 51 l • , 200--200 190--190 180--180 170--170 160 --160 LEGEND: 150 --150 SEE EXHIBIT 49 140--140 130--130 120--120 -110 -100 en -90 II. u -80 -70 -40 -30 BLACK BEAR LAKE 20--20 HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 10 --10 STREAM FLOW AT 0-1 I BLACK LAt<E INLET (IV) I I I I I I I 0 IN 1986 (WITH SPILL) J F M A M J J A S 0 N D ( J) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY MONTH EXHIBIT 52 • i. I 2oo-r-----------------~--------------------------------------------------~-200 190- 180- 170- 160- 150 - 140 - 130- 120- 110 - 100 - 90- 80- 30- 20- -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -60 -40 -30 -20 10--10 o ~!----~----~I----~I-----I~--~I----.-----~--~----~I----~I----~--~~-O J F M A M J J A SON D (Jt MONTH en ~ (.) , l LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT BLACK LAKE OUTLET (V) IN 1986 (WITH SPILL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 53 400-,-----------------------------------------------------------------------,-4oo 380- 360- 340- 320- 300- 280- 260- 240- 220- 200- 180- 160- 140- 100- 80- 60- 40- 405 417 460 -380 -360 -340 -320 -300 -280 -260 -240 -220 -200 en u. U -180 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 20--20 o-~I--~--~--~--~--~--~------~--~--~------~I-o I I J F M A M J J A SON D ( J) MONTH , i LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT CREEK MOUTH (VI) IN 1986 (WITH SPILL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 54 1 1 1 ~ ~ 200--200 90--190 180--180 170--170 160--160 150--150 140--140 130--130 120--120 110--110 100--100 90--90 80--SO 70 --70 60--60 50--60 40 --40 O-~I~--~----~I~--~~---'----~-----'----~I~---'----~----~----~----~I-O J F M A M J J A SON D ( J) 1/ NOT INCLUDING LOCAL INFLOW FROM RUNOFF BETWEEN DAM AND POWERHOUSE, MONTH j, rn u. U i LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT PROJECT TAl LRACE (I) IN 1991 (NO SPILL) Y ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 55 200-r---------------------------------------------------------------------~ 190- 180- 170- 160- 150- 140 - 130- 120- 110- 100- 90- 80- 70- 60- 50- 30- 10- =r MIN -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -60 -10 O-rl-----.----II-----.----~----~----.-----.-----.-----r----..---~----~I-O J F M A M J J A SON D ( J' MONTH en IL U LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF SOUTHWEST TRIBUTARY (II) IN 1991 (NO SPILL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 56 i ~O-~------------------------------------------------------------------------, 190- 180- 170- 160 - 150 - 140- 130- 120- 110- 100- 90- 80- 70- 60- 50- 40- 20- 10- ,.--I I I I I • I I I I I O-~I----------~----~~----~----~----~----------~----------~----------~ -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -30 -~ -10 -0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D ( J' MONTH LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 en u. U BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW IMMEDIATELY DOWNSTREAM OF SOUTHWEST TRIBUTARY (III) IN 1991 (NO SPI LL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 57 200- 190- 180 - 170- 160 - 150- 140 - 130- 120 - 110- 100 - 90- 80- 60- 50 - 30- 20- 10- 0-1 I J F M t i I A M J J A. S 0 N D MONTH 'r t -1 4 ':0. -200 190 -180 -170 LEGEND: -160 SEE EXHIBIT 49 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 en u- 0 -90 -30 BLACK BEAR LAKE -20 HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA -10 STREAM FLOW AT BLACK LAKE INLET (IV) '-0 IN 1991 (NO SPILL) I ( J) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 58 200-r-------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 - 180 - 170 - 160- 150- 140 - 130 - 120- 110 100 - 90- 80- 70 - 60· 50 - 40- 30- 20- -200 -190 -180 -170 -180 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 ff o -100 -90 -40 -30 -20 10 --10 0 1 ~----.----.----.------~---~---~---.----~---~---~---------~I I I ,-0 J F M A M J J A SON D (J' MONTH , l LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT BLACK LAK E OUTLET (V) IN 1991 (NO SPILL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 59 400- 380- 360- 340- 320- 300- 280- 260- 240- 220- 200- 180- 80- 60- 40- 20 - 0 4 41 -400 -380 -360 -340. -320 -300 280 -260 -240 -220 -200 :e u -180 -140 -120 -100 -80 -80 -40 -20 Lo I I o .LI ---------------------------------------------------------------------~---~---~ I I I I I I J F M A M J J A S 0 N D (Jt MONTH LEGEND: SEE EXHIBIT 49 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROelECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA STREAM FLOW AT CREEK MOUTH (VI) IN 1991 (NO SPILL) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 60 .. .. EXHIBIT 61 PERCENT OF TIME OF WATER WITHDRAWAL AT GIVEN DEPTHS FOR JANUARY, Water Surface El. Range (ft) 1685-1700 1685-1700 1685-1700 1685-1700 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 TWO-PORT INTAKE STRUCTURE II Invert El. of Port in Use (ft) 1673 1673 1673 1673 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 Range of Max. Withdrawal Depth (ft) 13-21 21-22 22-26 26-27 12-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 22 with spill Percent of Time 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 2 3 II Based on reservoir elevations in 1991 with downstream flow constraints. - ..... ,. ...... ..... 0Ih'4 - cd' .. ~". , .. ~ 'c'" ~ .... EXHIBIT 62 PERCENT OF TIME OF WATER WITHDRAWAL AT GIVEN DEPTHS FOR AUGUST, TWO-PORT INTAKE STRUCTURE II Water Surface Invert Elo of Elo Range (ft) Port 1685-1700 1685-1700 1685-1700 1685-1700 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 1700-1715 Based on reservoir constraints. in Use (ft) 1673 1673 1673 1673 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 elevations Range of Max. Withdrawal Percent Depth (ft) of Time 14-16 5 16-18 5 18-21 10 21-27 10 12-15 10 15-18 10 18-21 10 21-23 10 23-25 10 25-26 10 26-27 7 27 with spill 3 in 1991 with downstream flow LEGEND • SWITCHYARD ~.",-ALTERNATIVE A ...... -....... ALTERNATIVE B , .. ~ '-ALTERNATIVE A & B SUBSTATION ALTERNATIVES • FOR A [) FOR B SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR AL TERNATIVES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 63 LEGEND D 0-500 FEET n\i\;0;t~;;] 500 -1000 FEET 1000 -1500 FEET > 1500 FEET SCALE 0 I 1 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA Transmission Corridor Study ELEVATION CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 64 LEGEND 1:::::::::1 FOREST & MUSKEG fi;\:i~~ttfi'.l HIGHLAND AREA (OVER 1500 feet) LAKE/STREAM CORRIDOR SHORELINE/INLET * IDENTIFIED EAGLE NEST (1970) SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA Transmission Corridor Study WI LOll FE CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 65 ~I I - LEGEND r:0':l1 -WILDERNESS (DESIGNATED Ld ROADLESS AREAS) (:":"111 -RETENTION [ <1111 -PARTIAL RETENTION IV -MODIFICATION V -MAXIMUM MODIFICATION- REHABILITATION SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA VISUAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CLASSES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 66 11 ~ I - LEGEND r <:::::::::::] ROAD CORRIDOR, <»< COMMERCIAL! RESIDENTIAL -.... _-'-' .,-.... _- UNDEVELOPED OR LOGGED POTENTIAL LOGGING RECREATION! CU L TURAL - HISTORIC SITES PLANNED FOR LOGGING FUTURE ROAD CORRIDOR SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA Transmission Corridor Study LAND USE CONSTRAINTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 67 EXHIBIT 68 TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR COMPARISON Length (miles) 43.1 Elevation Traverses 1000 -1500 foot elevation range for approximately two miles. wildlife Impacts approximately 10.5 miles of shore- line corridor and 18 miles of stream/lake corridor. Visual Creates overall moderate visual impact. Impacts 4 miles of Class II visual area and 1 mile of Class III visual area. Land Use Does not presently conflict with logging operations. Exhibit 68 _______________ ~!~~~B~!!Y~_~ ______________ _ 50 Remains within 0 -500 foot elevation ranqe. Impacts approximately 14 miles of sh~reline corridor and 22.5 miles of stream/lake corridor. Creates overall moderate visual impact. Impacts 3 miles of Class II visual area and 8 miles of Class III visual area. Will require less clearing and allow easier and more efficient maintenance. Possible conflict with logging operations. LEGEND • SWITCHYARD, POWERHOUSE ft REFINEMENT AREA j-INITIAL ROUTE ..,.' SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA PREFERRED TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 69 LEGEND SEALASKA S.A. S.S. S.T. SHAAN . SEET CORPORATION STATE LAND H. HAIDA CORPORATION N.F. NATIONAL FOREST LANDS K./H. KLAWOCK/HEENYA CORPORATION 8?'?J POSSIBLE CONVEYANCE TO KLAWOCK/HEENYA OR SEALASKA FROM NATIONAL FOREST LANDS SUBJECTTO REVISION SCALE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 MILES I BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA PROJECT AREA OWNERSHIP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXHIBIT 70