HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlack Bear Lake Project, A Reconnaissance Report 1979~ -' ~.' ~ ~I October 1979 BLIC ,I!BIB LIII PRDJICT A Reconnaissance Report Prepared for the STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA POVVER AUTHORITY By HARZA Engineering Company Chicago, Illinois ." BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT A Reconnaissance Report Prepared for the State of Alaska Alaska Power Authority Anchorage,Alaska by Harza Engineering Company Chicago, Illinois MCTle October, 1979 Alaska Resources Library & Information Servtce[ Attehor~: Alaska TK 1681 H3 Ll • 8~ 11'(9 I--IAR...ZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS Alaska Power Authority Suite 31 333 West 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: Mr. Eric P. Yould Executive Director Black Bear Lake Project Summary Letter October 15, 1979 we are please to present the result of our reconnaissance study of the Black Bear Lake Project. The study includes evaluation of use of wood waste produced by the Alaska Timber Corporation at Klawock for interim generation until the Black Bear Lake Project enters service. The study includes a technical, eco- nomic and environmental evaluation of each project. We recom- mend that a feasibility study be made for each project. The following paragraphs briefly describe each project and the studies which were made. Both projects are located in Southeast Alaska, on Prince of Wales Island, near the town of Klawock. The Black Bear Lake project The Black Bear Lake Project is located on the lake of the same name about 8 miles east of Klawock. The Project would have an installed capacity of 5000 kW and at full production level would produce about 22,000 MWh in an average year. The Table of Significant Data at the end of this letter con- tains pertinent data on the Project. Plans and sections of the Project are shown on Exhibits B-2 and B-3 of the report. The Project consists of a dam, spillway, intake, penstock power- station and transmission line. A 20-foot high rock fill dam will be built across Black Bear Creek at the outlet of Black Bear Lake. An uncontrolled spillway with a discharge capacity of 1200 cfs will be built on the left abutment. Water will ~50 SOUTH WAOKER OFlIVE CHICAGC ILLINOIS 60606 TEL ,312J 855-7000 CASLE HARZENG CHICAGO TELEX 25-35':;C Alaska Power Authority October 15, 1979 Page Two pass through a 26" steel penstock to a powerstation located near the base of a falls just downstream of the lake outlet. The powerhouse will be a prefabricated metal building contain- ing four single-jet Pelton turbines. Each turbine will be directly coupled to a generator rated at 1250 kW. Power from the Project will be transmitted to Klawock over a l4-mile long, 23-kV transmission line. From Klawock power will be transmitted over lines, built as part of the Interim Generation Project, to Craig and Hydaburg. Reconnaissance level identification of the potential environ- mental impacts of the Project shows that, although project construction and operation will have to be carefully controlled, there do not appear to be any critical environmental issues which would preclude project development. The Interim Generation project The Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) sawmill is located less then a'mile south of Klawock on the Klawock-Craig road. The Interim Generation Project would be located on this site. The Project will have an installed capacity of 2,500 kW and be cap- able of producing 18,000 MWh a year during the period before the Black Bear Lake Project enters service in 1987. The wood- waste powerplant is viewed as an interim solution to the area's energy needs because the availability of a continuous supply of fuel has not been demonstrated. Four boilers and three turbine generators have been purchased by ATC from the u.s. Army in Whittier, Alaska. The Project will include the reconditioning, erection and commissioning of two of the boilers, one turbine-generator, and all associated electrical and mechanical equipment. The two boilers would each produce 40,000 pounds of steam per hour at 600 0 F and 250 psi. Each boiler would be capable of driving the one 2,500 kW turbine generator set which would be connected to the system. As part of the Interim Generation Project, 23-kV transmission lines totaling 38 miles in length will be built to interconnect Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg. A short line would be built from ATC to connect the Project to the System. Alaska Power Authority October IS, 1979 Page Three Costs The construction cost of each project includes the direct cost of civil works, contractor's overhead and profit, purchase and installation of equipment, contingencies, engineering and owner's administration, but excludes interest during construc- tion and price escalation beyond the date of the estimate. The estimated constructon cost of the projects, at September 1979 price level is a follows: Black Bear Lake Project CONSTRUCTION COST (million $) including Transmission to Klawock Interim Generation Project Transmission Interconnection of Klawock-Craig-Hydaburg TOTAL 13.0 2.6 4 19.8 Operation and maintenance costs at September 1979 price levels for the Black Bear Lake Project are estimated at $50,000 per year and for the Interim Generation Project (with the interconnection) at $250,000 per year. Economics A comparison was made of benefits produced by each project, as measured by the cost of alternative diesel generation, with the cost of each project. The Black Bear Lake Project has a bene- fit-cost (B/C) ratio of 1.19 at an interest rate of 9 percent assuming two percent differential fuel cost estcalation. The Interim Generation Project has a B/C ratio of 1.44 under the same conditions. Lower interest rates and higher differential fuel cost escalation would increase the B/C ratios of both projects. Alaska Power Authority October 15, 1979 Page Four The average cost of energy over life (15 year for the Interim Project and 50 years for the Black Bear Lake Project) of each project, at September, 1979, price level, would be 11.1 cents/kWh for the Black Bear Lake Project and 9.1 cents/kWh for the Interim Generation Project. This compares with 23.6 cents/kWh and 14.6 cents/kWh for the respective diesel alter- natives. The analysis was made assuming an interest rate of nine percent and two percent differential fuel escalation. Schedule The Black Bear Lake Project could enter service by the beginning of 1987 and the Interim Generation Project by year end 1981, if an organizational framework is established and feasibility studies are started in the fourth quarter of 1979. Immediate attention needs to be given to the organization structure necessary to implement projects and to probable means of financing. Conclusion We find both projects to be of sufficient technical and economic merit to warrant feasibility studies. We would be pleased to provide you any assistance you may require in implementing each of the recommended projects. Very truly yours, Arthur E. Allen Project Director TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA Black Bear Lake Project Name RESERVOIR Water Surface Elevation, ft above mean sea Under Probable Maximum Flood level (msl) 1716 Normal Maximum 1710 tvti nimum 1685 Tailwa ter Elevation, ft msl Surface Area at Normal Max. El.,acres Estimated Usable Storage, ac-ft 120 240 5800 Seasonal Type of Regulation HYDROLOGY DAM Drainage Area, sq mi Avg. Annual Runoff, cfs/mi 2 Streamflow, cfs Type Maximum Monthly Average Annual Minimum Monthly Heigh t, ft Top Elevation, ft msl Dam Volume, cy SPILLWAY Type Crest Elevation, ft msl Width, ft Design Discharge, cfs PENSTOCK Type Diameter, ft Length, ft Shell Th ickness, in. 1.86 13.5 77.1 25.1 5.1 Steel Bin Walls & Rockfill 28 1719 13,000 Concrete Chute 1710 27 1200 Steel 2.17 3100 0.25 TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA (Cont'd) POWERSTATION Number of Units Turbine Type Rated Net Head, ft Generator Unit Rating, kW POWER AND ENERGY Installed Capacity, kW Firm Capacity, kW Avg. Annual Energy Generation, MWh Avg. Plant Factor, % COSTS AND ECONOMICS Construction Cost, $xl0 6 Unit Cost, $/kW inst B/C Ratio @9%, with 2% fuel escalation Average Cost of Energy, cents/Kwh 4 Single Nozzle Impulse 1460 1250 5000 5000 22,000 50 13.0 2600 1.19 11.1 BLACK BEAR LAKE DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS - B Chapter I. Summa ry Letter Table of Significant Data Table of Contents Foreword Purpose and Scope Background and Previous Studies Au thoriza tion Acknowledgements Project Setting Location Population and Economy Electric Power System Utilities Existing Facilities Power Market Forecast Topography Geology Hydrology Ecology II. The Black Bear Lake Project General Description I ntroduc tion Project Arangements Project Functional Design Hydroelectric Power Production Geology, Foundations and Construction Ma terials Description of Project Facilities Rockfill Dam Spillway Power Intake Penstock -i- B-F-l B-F-l B-F-2 8-F-2 8-1-1 B-I-l B-I-l B-I-l B-I-l B-I-2 8-1-2 B-I-5 B-I-5 B-I-6 B-I-6 B-II-l B-II-l B-II-l B-II-l B-II-2 8-11-2 B-II-2 B-II-4 B-II-4 B-II-5 B-II-5 8-11-6 DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Powerplant Switchyard and Transmission Access Roads Reservoir Soil Disposal Environmental Impact Project Construction Project Costs Cons truc tion Operation and Maintenance III. Project Selection and Operation Reservoir Levels Type, Number and Capacity of Generating Units Power and Energy Production IV. Interim Generation Project V. 8ackground Project Description Fuel Supply Proj ect Cos ts Construction Operation and Maintenance Economic Analysis Methodology Alternative Sources of Power Wind and Solar Load Management and Conservation Interconnection Hydro Wood Diesel Economic Criteria Economic Comparison Cos t of Energy -ii- Page B-II-6 8-11-7 8-11-7 8-11-8 8-11-8 8-11-8 8-11-9 B-l1-11 8-11-11 8-11-13 8-111-1 B-III-l 8-111-2 8-111-3 8-1V-l 8-IV-l 8-1V-l 8-lV-3 B-IV-4 B-IV-4 J3-1V-4 B-V-l 3-V-l B-V-l 8-V-l B-V-2 8-V-2 B-V-2 B-V-3 S-V-3 B-V-4 8-V-4 8-V-7 DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contld) VI. Recommendations and Implementation Recommendations Organizational Framework Interim Generation Project Pre-Construction Activities Implementation Schedule Black Bear Lake Project Pre-Construction Activities Implementation Schedule EXHIBITS General Location Map General Plan Project Sections Page B-VI-l B-VI-l B-VI-l B-VI-2 B-VI-2 B-VI-2 B-VI-2 B-VI-2 B-VI-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 Detailed Cost Estimates -Black Bear Lake Project Selection A. B. C. D. Detailed Cost Estimate -Interim Generation Cost of Energy Implementation Schedules APPENDICES Geology Hydrology Env i ronmental References -iii- FOREWORD (B) Purpose and Scope of Report The purpose of this report is to document the results of r~connaissance-level study of the Black Bear Lake Project located near Klawock on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. The objective of the study is to determine if the Project is sufficiently attractive to warrant application for license to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The study includes an evaluation of energy alternatives to the Black Bear Lake Project and of a wood-waste fired steam- electric generating facility proposed for interim generation by the Alaska Timber Corporation at Klawock. The scope of the study includes the following work items: 1. Size installation and estimate project power and energy production in relation to system loads. 2. Prepare reconnaissance level analysis, preliminary design, geologic maps and layouts of appurtenant structures. 3. Identify the potential environmental impacts of the proj ect. 4. Make a preliminary assessment of the safety hazard, if any, caused or introduced by the project. 5. Estimate the construction and operation and main- tenance costs and service life of the project. 6. Evaluate energy alternatives and prepare an economic analysis of the project giving specific attention to the use of timber processing waste as proposed by the Alaska Timber Cooperation at Klawock. 7. Prepare a final report documenting the studies. Background and Previous Studies . The Black Bearl~ake Project was previously identified in an lnventory study ll]-prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in 1977. The present studies are a direct result of the earlier report. II Reference listed in Appendix D. B-F-l The Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) is interested in developing a wood-waste fired steam-electric generating plant for its own use. ATC has offered to sell surplus power and energy from the plant to neighboring utilities in order to facilitate financing of the plant. The APA decided to include an evalution of the ATC plant in the present study as a result of discussions between APA, ATC and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) in May, 1979. Authorization The work was carried out under a contract between the APA and Harza Engineering Company, effective as of June 1, 1979. Funds for the study were provided by the State of Alaska. Acknowledgements Harza acknowledges and appreciates the valuable assistance and advice offered by staffs of the following agencies: Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Administration Tlingit & Haida Regional Electrical Authority Alaska Power & Telephone Company Alaska Timber Corporation Kipper & Sons Engineers, Inc. U.S. Forest Service, Tongass National Forest U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Department of Fish and Game B-F-2 Chapter 3-1 PROJECT SETTING Location and Access The Black Bear Lake Project is located at latitude 56° 33'N and longitude 132 0 52"101, near the town of Klawock on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. See Exhibit B-1. The pro- ject develops the head between Black Bear Lake and the bottom of a falls at the outlet of the lake. The lake discharges into Black Bear Creek which flows northwest about 5 miles to Big Salt Lake, an arm of San Alberto Bay. Access to Black Bear Lake and the damsite is gained by float plane. Access to the powerstation site at the base of the falls is made by float plane to Black Lake and from there by foot. Population and Economy The project would serve three towns on Prince of Wales Island: Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg. The majority of the inhabitants of the project area are Alaskan Natives. Klawock (1978 population about 300) and Craig (popl. 500) are predo- minatly Tlingit and Hydaburg (popl. 400) is predominatly Haida. The combined population of these three towns accounts for about half the population of Prince of Wales Island. The major commercial activities of the project area are fishing and forestry. Tourism has recently been increasing on Prince of Wales Island. In the summer, population in each of the towns increase due to the inflow of workers engaged in these activities. Major employers in the area are the Alaska Timber Corpora- tion sawmill and Peter Pan Seafoods Cannery at Klawock, Craig Fisheries cold storage at Craig, and Cordova Bay Fisheries cold storage at Hydaburg. Electric Power System Utilities Klawock is served by the Tlingit and Haida Regional Elec- trical Authority (THREA), a rural electric utility with offices in Juneau, Alaska, which serves 5 towns in Southeast Alaska. B-I-l Craig and Hydaburg are served by the Alaska Power and Telephone Company (APT) an investor owned utility company with offices in Port Townsend, Washington. The company serves 2 other towns in Alaska. Existing Facilities All power in the project area is generated by small diesel-electric units located in each town. The power is distributed from the powerstations; there are no transmission lines between the towns or interconnecting the towns with other areas. In addition to the public power supply, ATC and the cold storage facilities in Craig and Hydaburg each have their own diesel-electric generating units. Table B-I-l lists the generating units serving each town. Power Market Forecast Forecasts of future electric power needs are based on current forecasts prepared for utilities (THREA), discussion with utility personnel (APT), and discussions with the large private industries in the area (ATC and the cold storage plants). A forecast of the power and energy generation requirements in the project area is shown on Table B-I-2. Future requirements fo~ THREA at Klawock have been estimated by the Rural Electrification Administ~ation (REA) team [2] in cooperation with the THREA. The current forecast made in May 1979 is substantially lowe~ than previous forecasts, basically because the previous forecasts were overly optimistic and recent ~ate increases have curtailed increases in per capita consumption. Over the ten year forecast period the REA predicted per capita consumption to remain constant with load growth coming from new connections. The REA forecasts did not include the Peter Pan Seafoods cannery which is supplied by the THREA powerstation but just recently mete~ed. Peter Pan Seafoods does not expect any expansion of their operations in Klawock and their future load is expected to ~emain constant at present consumption levels. The combined load served by THREA in Klawock is forecast to increase at 1.8 percent pe~ yea~. Energy sales increased by about 8.6 and 24.3 percent in Craig and Hydaburg, respectively, between 1977 and 1978. These increases are viewed as abnormal by APT pe~sonnal and due to B-I-2 Table B-I-l EXISTING DIESEL-ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES Town Owner Unit No. Na~eElate CaEacity, ~w 1/ Unlt Total Flrm-.........-- Klawock THREA 1 500 2 500 3 300 4 250 5 65 1615 1115 ATC 1 800 2 1000 1800 800 Craig APT 1 300 2 300 3 90 4 75 5 75 840 540 Craig 1 255 Fisheries 2 255 3 255 4 65 830 575 Hydaburg APT 1 250 2 90 3 90 4 75 5 75 580 330 Cordova Bay Fisheries 1 500 2 500 1000 500 1/ Largest unit out of service. I3-I-3 Table B-I-2 POWER AND ENERGY GENERATION REQUIREMENTS Peak Demand, kW Klawock, THREA-~/ ATC Subtotal Klawock Craig, APT Craig Fisheries Subtotal Craig Hydaburg, APT Cordora Bay Fisheries Subtotal Hydaburg Total Probable Interconnected Loa~ Energy Generation, MWh/yr Klawock, THREA ATC Subtotal Klawock Craig, APT Craig Fisheries Subtotal Craig Hydaburg, APT Cordova Bay Fisheries Subtotal Hydaburg Total Probable Interconnected Loaol/ 1978 (actual) 450 1800 2250 430 370 800 210 350 560 3610 1420 5500 6920 1900 1170 3070 930 1170 2100 12090 1/ Including Peter Pan Seafoods 2/ After 1986, all loads except ATC 1983 670 2000 2670 550 370 920 270 350 620 4210 4210 2110 6000 8110 2420 1170 3590 1190 1170 2360 14060 14060 1988 720 2000 2720 700 370 1070 340 350 690 4480 2480 2300 6000 8300 3090 1170 4260 1520 1170 2690 15250 10150 3/ After 1986, all loads except 5100 MWh/yr at ATC B-I-4 1993 780 2000 2780 890 370 1260 440 350 790 4830 2830 2520 6000 8520 3950 1170 5120 1940 1170 3110 16750 11650 recent and proposed rate increases, consumption in both towns is expected to increase at about 5 percent per year over the long term. Discussions with ATC, Craig Fisheries, and Cordova Bay Fisheries revealed no plans for expansion and their loads are forecast to remain equal to present consumption levels, excepts for ATC which would increase slightly due to presently suppressed demand. The probable interconnected load that could be served by the Black Bear Lake Project, and by the ATC steam plant, is shown on Table B-I-2. At present none of the six public and private entities shown on Table B-I-2 are interconnected. The three private industries listed have expressed willingness to purchase power from the public utilities if the cost would be less than the cost of self generation and if reliable service can be assured. The recommended plan for meeting the needs of the project area would include the construction of the ATe wood-waste fired steam-electric plant at Klawock to meet system needs from 1982 through 1986 and the Black Bear Lake Project from 1987. These installations are discussed in subsequent chapters. The interconnected load is estimated by assuming that all the load would be interconnected during the operation of the ATe plant and that after the start of opera- tion of the Black Bear Lake Project, ATe would not supply or be supplied with public power except during forced or scheduled outages on either system. Topography Prince of Wales Island has rolling, rugged mountainous terrain rising to 3800 feet at Pin Peak, which is adjacent to Black Bear Lake. Both the upper Black Bear Lake Valley and the lower Black Lake Valley are "U" shaped with broad gentle valley bottoms and steep sides. Black Bear Lake has a water surface at El. 1680 and Black Lake is at about El. 50. Black Bear Creek flows from Black Bear Lake to Black Lake over a rock sill at the northern end of Black Bear Lake. The creek has carved a narrow gorge in its descent to Black Lake Valley. Geology Both the Black Bear Lake and Black Lake valleys are glacier formed. Rock in the area of project structures is part of the Ordovician-Silurian Descon Formation and consists of foliated B-I-5 or layered basalt or andesite. Earthquakes are common in the project area and the projects could be subjected to severe shaking. More information on project geology is presented in Appendix B-A. Hydrology The climate of the project area is largely maritime with occasional incursions of continental air masses. The climate is mild and humid with much precipitation. Average annual temperature is 40-45° F with lows ranging from slightly below 0° P in the winter to highs close to 90° P in the summer. Pre- cipitation varies greatly with elevation and location. In the coastal towns of the project area, mean annual precipiation is about 120 inches. Black Bear Lake has a drainage area of 1.86 square miles and an estimated average annual inflow of 25.1 cfs or 13.5 cfs/mi 2 • November through April are low flow months with average flows below 17 cfs. High flow months are September and October, with average flows above 50 cis. More detailed information on project hydrology is presented in Appendix B-B. Hydrologic information relating to project operation is presented in Chapter B-III. Ecology Vegetation in the project area is typical of hemlock- spruce coastal forest with some muskeg areas. The area has not yet been logged. Wildlife in the project area include black bear, deer, beaver, martin, mink, otter and wolf, as well as many of the 200 bird species common to Southeast Alaska. Black Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous fish stream and supports or has supported spawning runs of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon. Dolly Varden, cutthroat, and steelhead trout are reported in Black Bear Creek. Rainbow trout are reported in Black Bear Lake. The U.S. Forest Service (USPS) maintained a cabin and small boat for public use on Black Bear Lake, but public use of the cabin has been suspended pending resolution of a land selection claim by Sealaska Corporation, the regional native corporation in Southeast Alaska. More information on ecology is presented in Appendix B-C. Project impacts are discussed in Chapter B-II. B-1-6 I , Chapter B-II THE BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT General Description Introduction The Black Bear Lake Project will provide sufficient stor- age to regulate the discharges from the lake and provide depen- dable plant capacity to meet the system expected capacity re- quirements and energy demands. This chapter gives a descrip- tion of the Project, the functional and preliminary designs of the project elements, the schedule for construction of the pro- ject, and the estimated project cost. Project Arrangement The Black Bear Lake Project will consist of the following principal elements: a) A steel bin wall, rockfill dam across the outlet of Black Bear Lake. b) An uncontrolled spillway on a shallow bench on the left abutment with a discharge capacity of 1200 cfs. The normal maximum reservoir level established by the spillway crest is set at elevation 1710.0. c) An intake and an emergency closure gate for the power conduit and a temporary diversion conduit located through the dam at the lowest point associated with the present outlet channel. d) A 3100 foot long steel penstock to convey water down the slope to a powerhouse located near the base of the present waterfall. At the powerhouse a manifold will be provided to distribute the flow to the four units. Each unit will be provided with an individual spherical valve to permit serving the turbine jet. e) A powerhouse containing the turbines, generators, and electrical switchgear. An adjacent switchyard will contain the transformers and transmission line pull- off structures. f) Other facilities including access road and trans- mission lines. B-II-1 Exhibit B-2 shows the project general arrangement. Exhibit B-3 shows sections through the major structures including the dam, spillway, penstock and powerhouse. A summary of significant data relating to the Project is shown on the table at the end of the Summary Letter. Project Functional Design The Project is planned to provide sufficient storage to regulate the discharge from the Black Bear Lake and provide practically the entire Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg system capacity and energy requirements over the first 30 years of project 1 ife. Hydroelectric Power Production The powerplant will have four generators each rated at 1250 kW and powered by single nozzle Pelton turbines of 1755 Hp. Installed generating capacity will be 5000 kW. The turbine rated head corresponds to simultaneous operation of all four units. With only one unit operation the net head will increase about 8 percent and turbine output by about 12 percent. Each generator will have a continuous overload capability of 15 per- cent. The 5000-kW, 4-unit generating plant will be capable of meeting system capacity needs until the year 2017 and of pro- ducing 21,960 MWh a year. With four units operating, net heads will vary from 1460 ft. to 1435 ft., using the 25 feet of drawdown available in the Black Bear Lake Reservoir. Geology Foundations and Construction Materials A detailed description of the site geology is presented in Appendix B-A. Rock at the damsite on Black Bear Lake and on the valley sides adjacent to the damsite is a foliated or layered andesite. This same formation also appears to form the south and east sides of Black Lake. However, a part of the western side of Black Lake appears to be formed by a lighter grey rock which is considered to be diorite. Fracturing or jointing at the damsite is common but, except for foliation, is generally irregularly oriented. Weathering, consisting of staining by iron oxide on fractures, is commonly found, but its extent in depth is unknown. Foliation or layering, which appears to be the dominant jOint system is generally steep, but with irregular strikes and dips. B-II-2 Earthquakes are common in Southeast Alaska. Specifically for the Black Bear Creek Project, earthquakes appear to be related to the Fairweather Fault, which is approximately 70 miles southwest of the Project and the Clarence Straight Fault, which is approximately 30 miles northeast of the Project. The magnitude of earthquakes which occur on the Fairweather Fault (some as great as 8.6 on the Richter Scale) indicate that the Project could be subject to severe shaking and must be designed accordingly. A small amount of organic soil and severely weathered and spalled rock appears to cover bedrock in the dam area. These materials will be stripped from the abutments and channel section. It is estimated that the thickness of soil and loose rock is 2 feet. A grout curtain will be constructed under the dam. This will serve to negate or reduce the increased seepage and see- page pressures which will result from the raised lake level. The grout holes of the curtain will be angled to intercept a greater number of foliation joints. It is estimated that a grout curtain 10 feet deep (holes approximately 14 feet deep) for the sectors of both abutments nearest the channel area should be adequate. It is also recommended that spacing should be 10 feet on the abutments and 5 feet in the channel. A second row of grout holes in the channel area is recommended. These holes would serve to reduce uplift pressure and also to consolidate rock of the area. The very steep slope on which the penstock will be con- structed presents difficult construction problems. The select- ed alignment is on a minor ridge east of the waterfall and is considered to be safe from debris avalanches. Scars of past avalanches are located in nearby draws. Drainage to either the waterfall or nearby draw should be established. Only a minimum amount of rock and soil should be removed from the penstock route. Large trees which could blow down on the penstock should be removed. Extremely steep slopes such as are found in the lower half of the penstock route may require scaling plus rock bolts and steel mesh. These measures would also serve as protection for both the penstock and powerplant. All penstock supports will be founded on sound bedrock and anchored into bedrock with grouted rock bolts. It is antici- pated that anchors ten feet long will be adequate. Bend Anchors at changes in direction will be anchored with tendon type post-tensioned anchors. It is anticipated that these would be 20 feet long. B-II-3 The powerplant will be founded on bedrock as near the base of the slope as possible. Large trees, which could blow down on the plant should be cut and removed. Steep slopes in back of the powerplant should be rock bolted and protected with wire mesh. The powerplant will be located to protect it from snow and debris avalanches. A program of field investigations is outlined in Appendix B-A. The dam design will use rock excavated from a quarry to be located on the north abutment about 150 feet downstream of the dam and from the spillway bench cut excavation on the south abutment. As mentioned previously, stripping of overburden and decomposed rock is considered to be minimal. The quantity of concrete to be used at the dam and for penstock supports is relatively small, and will not justify the erection of a crushing facility at the damsite. Concrete aggregates can come from a quarry near Klawock, where they can also be processed. Description of the Project Facilities Rockfill Dam The dam will be a rockfill dam constructed entirely from selected quarry rock excavated by drilling and blasting. Con- trolled blasting procedures will be used to reduce both the amount of fines produced and the amount of rock blocks produced with a length exceeding three feet or more. The upstream face of the dam will be formed of galvanized Armco Bin Type retaining walls (Type II) on a slope of 6V:IH. A water tight barrier of 1/4 inch thick steel plate will be attached to the upstream face of the galvanized bin walls. The steel barrier plate will be welded to a continuous weld plate embedded in a concrete cut-off excavated 4 feet deep into sound rock along the upstream face of the dam. The grout curtain will form a continuation of the cut-off. The bin wall filled with quarry rock will be supported on the downstream side by a wedge of rock having a crest width of 10 feet and a downstream slope of 1.SH:IV. A ten foot high mass concrete section will be used to fill the existing river channel underneath the bin wall. B-I1-4 The maximum height of dam will be about 28 feet on the abutments and about 38 feet through the narrow outlet channel. The entire foundation of the dam will be stripped to sound rock. The dam will require about 13,000 cubic yards of rockfill. Spillway The spillway will north (left) abutment. structure with a width occurring at the crest be located on a bench cut into the It will be an uncontrolled crest of 27 feet with critical depth control for all flows. The spillway with crest at elevation 1710 will have a discharge capacity of 1200 cfs with the reservoir at elevation 1716.0, the top of the dam. This is sufficient to pass the expected probable maximum flood using 6 feet of surcharge. Water will be carried away from the crest in a concrete lined chute on a shallow grade which will terminate 100 feet downstream of the crest. A channel excavated in rock will convey the water an additional 250 ft. where it will drop into the existing gorge on the same alignment as the gorge. The crest and chute structure will be anchored to the rock foundation with grouted reinforcing bars. A concrete gravity dam and spillway were considered as an alternative to the rockfill dam and bench spillway described here. Cost comparison showed the concrete structures to be slightly more expensive than the recommended structure. Power Intake The power intake will be located in the deepest part of the existing outlet channel through the mass concrete section under the bin wall construction. It will have a bell mouth entrance wi th a 4' -8" x 4' -8" opening and will be provided wi th guides and seal plates for interchanging a trashrack with a bulkhead gate, both of which can be lowered from a hoist at the top of the dam. Water passing the trashrack will have an average velocity of 3 fps through the net area at the maximum expected discharge. The intake will be set low enough to permit drawdown of the reservoir to elevation 1685.0 while maintaining adequate submer- gence of the intake. B-11-5 The intake opening will transition from rectangular to a 26 inch diameter circular conduit, which will be provided with an emergency closure gate housed in a 48 inch diameter corru- gated metal pipe set vertically. This pipe will extend verti- cally through the mass concrete and rock fill in the bin wall up to the dam crest to permit both operation of, and access to, the closure gate. Once the reservoir is created it is expected that almost no trash will reach the intake and no rock will be carried to the intake, so it can be set close to the bottom of the short approach channel. The greatest quantity of bushes and trees around Black Bear Lake are located near the dam site on natural benches that will be cleared and inundated at the proposed nor- mal reservoir level. Penstock The penstock will connect the intake to the powerplant. It will have a length of approximately 3100 feet, dropping from elevation 1679.0 to about elevation 120.0. Commerically avail- able pipe with a nominal diameter of 26 inches will be used. The pipe will be fabricated from steel plate which exhibits adequate notch toughness suitable for low temperature service. The penstock will be encased in concrete where it passes through the dam and will be supported on concrete saddles along the penstock slope, with anchor blocks provided at changes in grade or direction. All supports and anchors will be designed to resist a simultaneous vertical and horizontal acceleration force from any direction to provide adequate resistance to earthquake damage. The penstock route has been selected to eliminate the possibility of damage from snow and debris avalanches. Surface drainage will not be permitted to follow the penstock slope, and will be directed away from the penstock alignment at frequent intervals. Powerplant The powerhouse will have a reinforced concrete substruc- ture with a prefabricated metal insulated superstructure above the generator floor. Unit bay width will approximately 14 feet. The overall dimension of the powerplant superstructure to contain four units and an erection area will require a building 70 feet long by 20 ft. wide by 20 ft. high. B-II-6 The four turbines will be single nozzle impulse type horizontal Pelton turbines rated to produce 1755 horsepower at a net head of 1460 feet at 1200 rpm. At the rated output and head each turbine will discharge 12 cfs. A sill will be pro- vided at the turbine pit outlet to insure a fixed tailwater level in the turbine discharge pit. The generator and turbine of each unit will be connected by a horizontal drive shaft. The generators will be rated at 1562.5 kVa at 60° C temperature rise, 0.8 power factor and 60 Hertz. Each generator will have a continuous overload rating of 15%. Switchyard and Transmission Circuit breakers will be either air magnetic or the vacuum- interruptor type. They will be rated to interrupt the maximum expected fault current and will be used to put the unit on-line during the normal start sequences. Station service power will be supplied at 480-V, by 3-phase dry-type transformers and 480-V circuit breakers. All protective relays and all control devices for complete manual and automatic operation of the generating units will be provided~ Supervisory control equipment will be provided to permit remote control indication, and communication of powerhouse generating data to a remote central control room located at Klawock. The generators will be connected to two power transformers located in a small yard on the upstream side of the powerhouse. The transformers will be rated at 3594 kVa. The transformers will be connected to the Klawock substation by a single circuit 23-kV transmission line about 14 miles long. The powerhouse will be provided with a single light bringe crane, supported on separate column and support beams, to unload and erect equipment during construction and to facilitate servic- i~. Miscellaneous mechanical equipment for servicing and main- taining equipment will be provided in the powerhouse. Access Roads The Sealaska Corporation is now planning to construct an access road into the lower Black Lake Valley for a logging B-II-7 operation. It is estimated that no additional access road is required to reach the powerhouse site. Access to the damsite will be by waterbased float plane, by the cable way to be built along the penstock slope, or, in exceptional cases, by use of a large helicopter. Reservoir The reservoir created by the dam will cover the present Black Bear Lake, rising up the surrounding steep slopes to provide a 30 foot deeper lake. The volume below the surface of the present lake at eleva- tion 1680 is limited by a large rock mass which rises up out of the bottom to just below the water surface near the center of the lake. For that reason it was considered more economical and practical to obtain the necessary storage for flow regula- tion by providing the additional storage above the present lake level. At the normal elevation of 1710, the reservoir will have a surface area of 240 acres and provide a storage volume of 5800 acre feet between elevation 1710 and elevation 1685. The reservoir will be surcharged above elevation 1710 when floods are "discharging through the spillway. Some clearing of the reservoir will be necessary adjacent to the dam and along the northeast shore of the lake. Spoil Disposal To prevent erosion, overburden containing organic matter and decomposed rock removed from required excavations at the damsite will be temporarily stockpiled and then placed into the quarry excavation in compacted layers. The surface will be finished off with stable slopes and seeded with plants suitable to the local climate. Environmental Aspects The potential environmental effects of the Project were identified and possible mitigating actions were recommended. Details of this study are presented in Appendix B-C. The damming of Black Bear Creek at the outlet of Black Bear Lake would not affect the passage of anadromous fish since the falls serve as a natural barrier. The construction and operation of the Project, unless carefully controlled, could cause some disruption to downstream migratory and resident sal- rnonid populations. Discharge rates and water temperature are 8-II-8 the most critical parameters and these will have to be studied in depth during feasibility studies. At the present level of study there do not appear to be any adverse environmental impacts of a magnitude which would prohibit construction of the Project or greatly restrict its operation. Project Construction The project construction will be carried out by separate supply and construction contracts. A single civil works contractor will be engaged to build the project. The civil works contractor will be required to construct access to the site, clear and prepare a staging area near the powerhouse and provide for his power requirements during construction. It is expected that the civil works contractor will install the turbines and generators under the supervision of manufacturer's representatives for those separate suppliers. Actual con- struction can be completed in 2-1/2 years involving 3 summer seasons. The contractor will use the first spring season to occupy the site, establish his shops and working areas and mobilize his equipment and work force. First Year The most critical element is the construction during the first summer season of a cable way up the penstock slope along the penstock alignment to facilite the construction of the penstock. This cable way will also provide access to the damsite for shift workers and for transport of some materials to the damsite. Because of the configuration of the penstock slope profile the contractor may elect to divide the cableway into two sections. The first section could carry materials from the powerstation level to a platform at El. 1020. There they would be transferred to a second cableway unit operating between elevation 1020 and El. 1650 at a point about 400 feet down- stream of the dam axis. While the contractor is installing the cableway operation to move his shift workers and materials to the damsite, he can begin stripping and cleaning of the dam foundation, open up the quarry site, and construct some worker shelters and tool sheds at the damsite. The contractor can use materials, wagon drills, small dozers, front end loaders, dump trucks and a concrete mixer~(brought in intact or broken down into trans- portable size ~y helicopter) to be assembled and used in the 8-11-9 early preparatory work and later in the ultimate quarry oper- rations and dam construction. The first dam construction operation will involve the construction of a low rockfill and earth cofferdam across the mouth of the outlet channel and the diversion of Black Bear Creek through a 4-foot diameter corrugated metal pipe extending through the cofferdam and along one side of the outlet channel in the area of the dam foundation. It is expected that this first stage diversion will be accomplished before the end of November in the first year. During the first year the trans- mission line will be cleared and pole erection initiated. It is expected that work will be significantly curtailed through the winter months of December, January, February and March due to high winds, snow, low temperatures and limited hours of dayl igh t. If there is a limited amount of snow and bad wind con- ditions through the winter, the contractor may use the time to drill, blast and stockpile rock for placement in the dam and transport metal bin wall elements and 1/4/1 steel plates up to the dam site. Second Year In the spring of the second year (May) the contractor can clean up the dam foundation and begin dam construction with the placement of the concrete mass section in the outlet channel under the bin wall and the erection of the bin wall foundation along the adjacent abutments. A portion of the concrete mass section will be built adjacent to t.he temporary diversion conduit and contain a second 4 ft. diameter diversion conduit embedded in the concrete with a slide gate at the up- stream face. The initial, temporary conduit and cofferdam will be removed and a low cofferdam constructed to divert the flow through the conduit in the mass concrete. The mass concrete section will then be completed and rock fill placed in the river channel to bring the rockfill even with the abutments. Finer rock will be selected to backfill around the diversion conduit. The metal bin wall construction and the placement of rock fill will go on simultaneously. Rock will be placed by dumping and layers sluiced with a high pressure jet of water to wedge the rock together. The dam and spillway can be completed in the summer and fall of the second year. B-II-lO At the same time, the powerhouse substructure and prefab- ricated metal superstructure can be completed, all penstock intermediate supports can be brought up to grade and the construction of penstock anchor blocks advanced to the point where they are ready to receive the penstock. The transmission line poles will all be erected and the conductors strung. During the second winter the turbines, generators and power transformers and auxiliary electrical and mechanical equipment can be installed in the power station. Third Year In the spring of the third year the contractor will erect the penstock in position and begin restoration of all con- struction areas at the damsite and around the powerhouse. When the penstock erection is completed at the end of August, the diversion conduit under the darn will be closed at the upstream portion. Clean up and restoration of the penstock slope will then be carried out. The cable way will be retained for maintenance purposes. unit testing will be carried out and the contractor will remove his equipment and materials through September and October. Project Costs The construction and operation and maintenance costs of the Project are estimated as discussed below. The costs have been estimated at a September 1979 price level. Construction Cost The construction cost of the Project is summarized on Table B-II-l and a detailed estimate is shown as Exhibit 8-4. The construction cost includes the direct cost of civil works, contractor's overhead and profit, purchase and }nstal- lation of equipment, contingencies, engineering, and owner's administration, but excludes price escalation beyond September, 1979, and interest during construction. Detailed estimates of quantities were calculated from the project plans, and unit prices or lump sum costs were estimated for each item of work. B-II-ll The items within each project feature are estimated either as part of a general construction contract or an equipment purchase contract. The unit costs of labor and locally avail- able construction materials were obtained from local sources. Construction equipment unit costs were developed from lower U.S. hourly rates adjusted to local conditions. Unit prices were verified by checking recent bids on the Green Lake Project located near Sitka and by experience of the U.S. Corps of Engineers in Alaska. Unit costs for the principal items of work are based on a construction plan designed to implement the Project in accordance with the schedule as shown on Exhibit B-8. Table B-II-l CONSTRUCTION COST OF PROJECT (In Thousand Dollars at September 1979 Price Level) Item Mobilization Land and Land Righ ts Reservoir Clearing Diversion and Care of Water Dam Spillway and Intake Water Conductors Powerhouse Mechanical and Elecrical Equip. Roads and Bridges Transmission Subtotal Direct Cost Contingencies (25%) Total Direct Cost Engineering and Adminstration (18%) Total Construction Cost Cost $ 2,350 401 75 105 1,331 2,092 216 1,172 1,108 8,850 2,210 11,060 1,940 13,000 The direct cost estimated for the permanent equipment includes purchase, delivery and installation. The major equip- ment items include the turbines and governors, generators and exciters, transformers and terminal equipment switchgear, and powerstation crane. The price of major equipment items such as generators are estimated based on recent experience with simi- lar equipment and, when possible, on preliminary quotations from manufacturers. B-II-12 To allow for unforeseen construction problems, changes in design, and incomplete data or omissions in estimating, a contingency allowance of 25% is added to all costs. Based on data obtained from other hydroelectric projects, an allowance of 18% for engineering and owner's overhead ex- penses has been added to the total of the preceding costs. This consists of 15% for engineering and supervision of con- struction, and 3% for owner's overhead costs to be charged against project construction. Operation and Maintenance Cost The Project would be equipped for remote control operation from Klawock. Routine operation and maintenance expenses are estimated at $50,000 per year based on FERC data adjusted for automatic operation and conditions in Alaska. B-II-13 Chapter B-III PROJECT SELECTION AND OPERATION This chapter describes the selection of the reservoir levels for the Black Bear Lake Project and the type, number, and capacity of generating units. The selection of the Black Bear Lake Project from among other possible sources of generation is discussed in Chapter B-V. The operation of the Project in relation to power system loads is also discussed in this chapter. Reservoir Levels The present water surface level of Black Bear Lake is at El. 1680, as measured by altimeter. The lake has a volume of about 22,000 ac-ft below that elevation, as estimated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game [3]. Area-volume curves for the lake are· shown on Exhibit B-5, Sheet 1 of 2. A reservoir operation study was made to obtain the line storage required to maintain various regulated flows under average condition. The minimum allowable lake level was set at El. 1685 to allow for intake submergence and for construction of most project features above the existing lake level. The average monthly inflows to the lake, given in Appendix B-B, were routed through the lake to determine the live storage above E1. 1685 and corresponding maximum water surface of the reservoir required to maintain a given regulated flow. The results of the study are shown on Exhibit B-5, Sheet 2 of 2. To completely regulate the average annual flow of 25 cfs without allowing for spillage in wet years, a live storage volume of 5800 ac-ft would be required and the maximum normal reservoir water surface would be set at El. 1710. Fourteen years of synthetic flow were routed through the reservoir and average annual spillage was estimated to be about 1 cfs. Thus the average regulated flow available for power generation would be 24 cfs. The total capacity of the Project will not be absorbed for some 30 years after the date of initial operation, as discussed in a later section of this chapter. Consideration might be given to building the Project to a lower elevation, say El. 1690, initially and raising the dam and reservoir level in the future. Initial reduction in the construction cost would be about $1,400,000, however future raising costs would be considerably high due to added mobilization costs. The evaluation of future raising should be made at the time of feasibility study. B-III-l ~ Number and Capacity of Generating Units The Project will be capable of producing much more energy than will be required by the system in 1987, the date of in- itial project operation. The Project output will not be fully absorbed by the system until almost 30 years after that date. Up to that time the Project will supply virtually all the power and energy required by the system. The total installed capacity of the site was established by assuming that the project would eventually operate near the system annual load factor of about 45 percent. The total capacity available at that capacity factor, assuming an efficiency of 85 percent and an average net head of 1450 feet would be as computed by the following formula: k~i available = = 24 cfs x 1450 ft x 0.85 11.8 x 0.45 5570 The generating units normally have an overload rating about 10 to 15% above their nameplate rating so that the installed capacity required to produce 5570 kW would be about 5000 kW The head at which the units would be required to operate, 1450 feet, is in the range normally covered by impulse turbines. Single jet Pelton turbines were therefore selected f or the Proj ect. A minimum of two units should be installed so that the Project, which will be the major source of energy to the system, could still operate with one unit out of service. Also, each individual generating unit should not be smaller than the largest unit presently installed or planned for installation in the system. In this case that capacity is 500 kW (exclu- ding ATe). Clearly 10 units would be too many to install for a project like Black Bear Lake. In 1987 when the Project is planned to enter service, the system peak load is expected to be about 2350 kW, and the minimum system load would be about 900 kW. If four l250-kW units were installed, two units would supply the peak load in the initial year of operation and the minimum load on one unit would be 50% (the point at which the second unit would begin operation). If only two 2500 kW units were installed, the minimum load per unit would be 36 percent, which, although still well within the operating range of impulse turbines, would be at a somewhat lower efficiently 8-III-2 point. An additional advantage to the 4-unit installation would be that the installation of one unit could be deferred until about 16 years after the date of initial operation given the present load forecast, or installed at any time that load or reserve requirement might require its installation. For the above reasons four 12S0-kW units were selected for the Project. Although the installation of one of the units might be deferred, for the purpose of this report it has been assumed that all units would be installed initially. The dif- feral of one unit would reduce project construction costs by about ~400,000 or 3 percent, which is not significant at the present reconnaissance level of study although it might be an important factor for Project financing, and should be further evaluated during feasibility-level studies. Power and Energy Production The project would be operated to meet the total power and energy requirements of the system, except during forced or scheduled outages of the hydro units, through the year 2015 or 30 years after the date of initial operation. The power and energy requirements of the system to 1993 were presenteo in Chapter B-II. After 1993 power and energy requirements were projected to increase at an annual rate of 3 percent. At full production the Project will be capable of producing 5750 kW of power on peaking overload and 21,900 MWh of energy in an average year. In the last year of the Project1s economic life, 2036, the Project would be capable of supplying about 50 per- cent of the system energy requirements. 8-III-3 Chapter B-IV INTERIM GENERATION PROJECT Background The scope of work for the present studies of the Black Bear Lake Project was expanded during contract negotiation to include a reconnaissance-level evaluation of a wood-waste fired steam- electric generating plant proposed for development by the Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) at Klawock Construction on the ATC sawmill began in 1971 and it shipp shipped its first lumber in July, 1973. Today the mill has about 50 full time employees and an annual payroll of more than $1 million. In the course of its operation the sawmill pro- duces large quantities of sawdust, bark, and other un-market- able timber wastes. These wastes have accumulated on the ATC site to the point where there is no room left for storage. The wastes cannot be burned easily without violating environment laws. This situation, plus the rising cost of diesel fuel, which ATC uses to provide electric power for its operations, caused ATC to consider wood-waste fired steam generation as a means of solving both problems. In 1977 ATC purchased from the U.S. Army in Whittier, Alaska, and shipped to Klawock, 4-40,000 Ib/hr boilers (600 0 F, 250 psi), and 2-2000 kW and 1-2500 kW steam-turbine electric generating units. The units were originally built in the mid- 1950's, were oilfired, and equipped for salt water cooling. ATC has contracted Kipper & Sons Engineers Inc., Power Plant Design and Construction Engineers, of Seattle, Washington, to assist them in putting at least the one 2500-kW unit on line. The Project was scheduled to begin construction in the summer of 1979, however; financing problems caused delays. The 2500 kW steam turbine-electric generator set has been shipped to Seattle and is awaiting rebuilding, pending financing. ATC has approached the APUC, APA, and THREA for help with the Project, with the intent of selling surplus power and energy to the local utilities. Project Description Economic studies, which will be described in the following chapter show that Klawock, Craig, Craig Fisheries, Hydaburg and Cordova Bay Fisheries should be interconnected at the time of initial operation of the ATC plant, if all these users will eventually be served by the Black Bear Lake Project. B-IV-l It is envisioned that the ATC plant would supply part of this interconnected load from its initial year of operation in 1982 until the Black Bear Lake Project can be commissioned at year-end 1986. The ATC plant could be built in three stages as follows: Stage I -two boilers and one 2500-kW turbine generator Stage II -the third boiler and one 2000-kW turbine generator Stage 111-the fourth boiler and one 2000-kW turbine generator. Stage I would supply about 60 percent of the system's power requirements and 80 percent of its energy requirements in 1985, the last year before Black Bear Lake enters service. At that time the ATC plant would be operated to meet only ATC require- ments and provide some reserve to the utility system. Economic studies presented in the following chapter show that installa- tions beyond Stage I are not justified based on the present level of study. The project that is described in this chapter is, therefore, only the Stage I installation. The ATC sawmill is located on the Klawock-Craig road less than a mile south of Klawock. The steam plant would be located on the west side of the ATC property near a saltwater pond which would be used for condenser cooling water. The Stage I installation would include two 40,000-lb/hr boilers. One boiler would be sufficient to supply one 2500-kW turbine; however, for reliability ATC's consultant for the steam plant, Kip,er & Sons Engineers, Inc., (K&S) recommends that two 40,OOO-ln/hr boilers be installed. The.boilers would converted to burn wood-waste (hog) fuel. The boiler stacks would be equipped with scrubbers so that the facilities would meet air quality standards. One 2500-K~, 0.8 p.f., turbine-generator set would be supplied by the two boilers. The plant would be equipped with all switchgear necessary to operate within the utility system. ~ 3l25-kVa, 2.4/23kV transformer would be provided. The plant would be connected to the existing system by a 23-kV transmission line. As mentioned earlier economic studies show that Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg should be interconnected B-IV-2 at the time the ATC plant enters operation. The routes of the proposed transmission lines are shown on Exhibit B-1. A 6-mile long line would be required to interconnect Klawock and Craig and a 32 mile long line would be required to interconnect Klawock and Hydaburg. The line from the ATC plant to the nearest point of the transmission system would be about 0.1 miles in length. Condenser cooling water would be obtained from a small tidal pool adjacent to the site using an open cycle system. Boiler water would be obtained from a small natural spring near the site, supplemented from the Klawock municipal system, if required. There would be little solid waste from the plant since ashes would be reinjected into the fireboxes. Fuel Supply Wood-waste fuel for the plant would be obtained from the existing stockpiles of sawdust supplemented as required for proper combustion by new wastes generated by the sawmill's operation. I The existing stockpile is estimated at about 50,000 tons. The sawmill generates about 200 tons per day of sawdust and bark, and an additional 200 tons per day of chips when the mill is in full operation. The chips presently are being sold for pulp, however they could be diverted to power generation if economical and if required. The sawmill normally shuts down for one to two months during the winter when logs become unavail- able. Also, the stockpile has been built up over the past six years. Assuming that 100 tons of sawdust is generated a day during full operation, the mill operated at an average of about 23 percent of the time over that period. Recently the mill has been operating at a higher plant factor. The stearn plant would require about three pounds of wood waste for each kilowatt-hour generated, assuming an average heat content for the wood of about 4500 Btu/lb. About 28,000 tons of wood-waste would be required annually, if the plant were to operate at a capacity factor of 85 percent. Conser- atively, assuming that the mill operates at a plant factor of 23 percent the mill could generate about 17,000 tons of waste annually. The remaining 11,000 tons which are required for power generation would come from the stockpile. The plant would have sufficient fuel for about four and one-half years of operation, without diverting wood chips to power generation. Thus, there should be sufficient fuel to supply the plant during the 1982-1986 interim generation period. B-IV-3 Project Costs Construction Cost The direct construction cost of the ATC plant has been estimated by K&S as $1.737 million. The estimate is shown as Exhibit B-6. The estimate includes all equipment and civil works. The estimate is based on reconditioning the existing equipment and auxiliaries by K&S. All local labor and civil works would be supplied by ATC force account and these costs have been included in the K&S estimate. The K&S estimate is at June 1979 price levels and does not include the step-up trans- former. Also, the estimate does not include sufficient allow- ances for engineering and contingencies to be consistent with a reconnaissance level cost estimate. Including the step-up transformer, price escalation to September 1, 1979, conting- encies (25%) and engineering (15%), the total estimated con- struction cost of the ATe plant would be $2.6 million. This cost has been used in the economic studies of the ATC plant. The transmission interconnection of Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg would cost an additonal $4.2 million. Operation and Maintenance Annual operation and maintenance costs for the ATC plant has been estimated by K&S. The annual cost updated to September, 1979 price levels would be $200,000 per year. The operation and maintenance costs include all labor and materials for routine operation, maintenance, repairs and fuel handling. The operation and maintenance cost for the transmission system is estimated at $50,000 per year. 8-IV-4 Chapter B-V ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Methodology An evaluation, at the reconnaissance level, indicates the economic attractiveness of the Interim Generation and the Black Bear Lake Project. The costs of producing the same power and energy as produced by these two projects by an alternative source of generation are taken as the benefits accruable to the two projects. The benefits and costs of each project are compared under various economic assumptions to determine the benefit-cost (B/C) ratios of the projects. As an additional indication of economic attractiveness, the annual cost of energy as produced by the projects is com- pared with the annual cost of generation from alternative sources over the life of the projects. Alternative Sources of Power The various types of projects available to serve the towns in the project area were screened to determine the most likely alternative source of generation. Costs were estimated for that alternative. The following types of alternatives have been suggested; diesel, other hydro, wood waste, wind, direct solar, inter- connection with other systems and energy conservation. Of these alternatives, the first three offer the most promise for the project area and will be discussed in more detail at the end of this section. The others are not as attractive for the reasons presented in the following paragraphs. Wind and Solar Wind is a form of solar energy. Both the use of wind to drive a generator directly and the use of direct solar energy for heating or for conversion to electricity are not practical alternatives for Southeast Alaska in the near and intermediate term. A wind demonstration project is currently underway in the Aleutians sponsored by the State of Alaska. The project is small, would require an energy storage system to provide contin- uous energy, and present economics do not justify the installa- tion of such units on even a small scale commercial basis. Direct use of solar energy has found increasing application in areas of the U.S. having abundant sunshine, which is not the case in Southeast Alaska. B-V-l Load Mangement and Conservation Load management and energy conservation could be used to reduce power and energy requirements and to limit growth in demand. These measures have been tried experimentally in large market areas and have met with questionable success. In the case of the projects under study in this report, their primary function is to supply energy to replace existing diesel genera- tion as well as to meet future load growth. By applying load management and conservation measures, existing loads probably could not be significantly reduced. Any slowdown in growth rate effected by these measures would only delay the date by which the Project would be fully absorbed by the system and would not significantly affect project economics. Interconnection The nearest large load-center to the project area is Ketchikan. Interconnection wi th that". system would be imprac- tical at present levels of technology, due to the long trans- mission distance of about 60 miles, an ocean cable crossing, and the low level of consumption in the project area. Hydro The earliest published evaluation of hydroelectric power sites in Southeast Alaska was completed by the Federal Power Commission and the U.S. Forest Service in 1947 [4]. That study identified 20 sites on Prince of Wales Island. Many of these sites were far from the project area and not of a scale suitable to the present needs of the system. In the mid-1960's the Alaska Power Administration made an inventory study of hydro- electric sites in the State of Alaska. As a result of that study two sites were identified on Prince of Wales Island: Reynolds Creek and Thorne River. The Reynolds Creek Project had also been identified in the 1947 study. In 1977, Robert W. Retherford and Associates [1] completed an inventory study which identified the Black Bear Lake site in addition to the Reynolds Creek site. The Thorne River site was apparently rejected because the river is an important anadromous fish stream. Of the two sites, Reynolds Creek and Black Bear Lake, the Retherford study selected Black Bear Lake as being the closest to the load centers and being of a scale suited to the power market. This study reviewed the previous studies and a brief map study was made of other potential hydro projects near the pro- ject area. This review and study confirmed the results of the earlier studies, that Black Bear Lake is the most suitable initial hydro project to serve the Klawock-Craig-Hydraburg area. B-V-2 Wood A wood-waste fired plant will be used for the interim generation project. That project, using reconditioned equip- ment, will have a construction cost of about $1000 per kilowatt. Recent information available on a 10-MW wood waste plant using new equipment to be constructed in Northern Michigan indicates that the construction cost of the plant would be about $1500 per kilowatt at September 1979 price levels. Adjusting the unit capacity down to 5-MW (the capacity of the Black Bear Lake Project) and adjusting for construction conditions in Alaska, would, conservatively, double this cost to $3000 per kilowatt. The Black Bear Lake Project cost is $13.0 million, including transmission to Klawock. The unit cost would be $2600 per kilowatt at September 1979 price levels, which is less than the wood fired plant before operation, maintenance and fuel costs are considered. Wood-waste fired steam generation using new equipment would, therefore, be more costly than the Black Bear Lake Project. The interim generation project is estimated by K&S to have a service life of 15 years. ATe has no experience in public power generation and the past supply of timber to the mill has been interrupted at times. Once the interim generation project starts operating, consideration might be given to delaying the Black Bear Lake Project, if an adequate fuel supply can be assured and if the interim generation project provides reliable service. Diesel At present, the entire load in the project area is met by diesel oil-fired electric generating sets. This is the most viable alternative source of generation in the project area. Both the interim generation and Black Bear Lake Projects would initially replace only energy generated by the existing diesel units. At the end of the 20-year service life of the existing units, the Black Bear Lake Project would provide replacement capacity as well as supply load growth. Recent offers received by the THREA for 400-kW diesel electric units averaged about $235 per kilowatt, FOB Seattle, at September 1979 price levels. Transportation, erection, contingencies and engineering would increase the cost of a unit. installed in the project area to about $600 per kilowatt. Annual operation and maintenance cost, exclusive of fuel, is estimated to be about $120,000 per year for a plant in the project area. B-V-3 At present (July 1979), diesel fuel in the project area costs about $0.65 per gallon, delivered. This price is expected to increase over the next several months in line with trends in price increases experienced by gasoline. The price of $0.65 per gallon also does not reflect the recent 24 percent increase in the reference price of Arabian light crude announced by OPEC in July. In order to reflect the short term upward pressure in the price of petroleum fuels, a price of $0.80 per gallon has been used as the base price of diesel oil in the present economic analyses. Fuel consumption in the project area varies from 6.4 kWh/gal in Klawock to 10 kWh/gal in Craig and at ATC. A weighted average fuel consumption of about 9 kWh/gal was used to derive a fuel cost of $0.09/kWh. Economic Criteria Certain basic criteria are established for the economic analysis. These criteria define interest rates, fuel esca- lation rates, project life, and period of analysis. Four inter- est rates, 2,5,7, and 9 percent, were used in the analyses. Differential fuel escalation rates of 0,2 and 5 percent were assumed to apply to diesel fuel. Differential fuel price escalation is the rate at which fuel prices are assumed to escalate over and above the normal inflation rate. The average physical and economic life of the hydroelectric project is assumed to be 50 years; the economic life of the ATC plant is assumed to be 15 years: and that of the diesel units to be 20 years. The period of study for comparison is taken to be equal to the life of the project being evaluated or 15 years for the ATC plant and 50 years for the Black Bear Lake Project. Economic Comparison The economic comparison of both projects is made using life cycle costing. In this method estimates of costs and bene- fits are made in the year in which they occur and are then discounted to a common date at a given interest rate. The period of analysis is the life of the project being evaluated. In the analysis all costs are discounted to Jan. 1, 1980. Incremental analyses were performed to determine the incremen- tal benefit-cost ratios for adding Stage II at the ATC plant, interconnecting Craig and interconnecting Hydaburg. The re- sults of the analysis for the interim generation project are shown on Table B-V-l and for the Black Bear Lake Project on Table B-V-2. It was assumed in the analyses that the interim generation project would not serve the public market after completion of the Black Bear Lake Project. B-V-4 Table B-V-l INTERIM GENERATION PROJECT Benefit-Cost Ratios Interest Ra te, % System 2 5 7 9 ATC & Klawock Fuel Escalation, % 0 1. 48 1. 39 1. 33 1. 27 2 1.64 1. 53 1.46 1.39 5 1.90 1.78 1.69 1.60 Incremental Craig Fuel Escalation, % 0 1.59 1.52 1.47 1.43 2 1.65 1.57 1. 53 1. 48 5 1.74 1.67 1. 62 1.57 ATC, Klawock, Craig Fuel Escalation, % 0 1. 50 1. 41 1.35 1.30 2 1.64 1.54 1.47 1.41 5 1.87 1.76 1.68 1.59 Incremental Stage II Fuel Escalation, % 0 0.56 0.53 0.51 0.49 2 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.55 5 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.65 Incremental Hydaburg Fuel Escalation, % 0 0.46 0.42 0.40 0.38 2 0.48 0.44 0.42 0.40 5 0.52 0.48 0.46 0.44 B-V-5 Table B-V-2 BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT Benefit-Cost Ratios Interest Rate,% Sy stern 2 5 7 9 ATC, Klawock, Craig Fuel Escalation, % 0 2.33 1. 38 1.01 0.77 2 4.14 2.21 1. 51 1.09 5 11.84 5.33 3.28 2.14 Incremental Hydaburg Fuel Escala tion, % 0 2.39 1.75 1. 45 1.22 2 3.47 2.46 1. 97 1.68 5 6.62 4.36 3.39 2.68 ATC, Klawock, Craig, Hydaburg Fuel Escalation, % 0 2.35 1.45 1.09 0.85 2 4.02 2.26 1. 60 1.19 5 10.85 5.15 3.31 2.24 Early Interconnection of Hydaburg Fuel Escala tion, % 0 1. 63 1.14 0.95 0.81 2 1.73 1.21 1.00 0.86 5 1.89 1. 32 1.10 0.94 B-V-6 The benefit-cost ratios shown on Tables B-V-l and B-V-2 show that both projects are economically attractive at all interest rates and a 2 percent fuel escalation rate. For the purpose of evaluting the projects a diesel fuel ecalation rate of 2 percent is recommend as being representative of future trends. At that rate, the increment of adding Stage II to the ATC plant is not economical at all interest rates. The analysis shows that ATC, Klawock and Craig should be interconnected as part of the Interim Generation Project and that the interconnection of Hydaburg is not justified if the town were to be supplied only during the interim generation period. However, the interconnection of Hydaburg should be made at the start of the interim generation period if financing at an interest rate of 7 percent or less is obtained and if the town is to eventually be served by the Black Bear Lake Project. Cos t of Energy The cost of energy from each of the projects and the alternatives are calculated year by year over the life of each project. The calculations were made assuming a cost of money of 2,5,7, and 9 percent and assuming differential fuel escala- tion of 2 percent. Normal inflation has been assumed at 4 per- cent per year over the life of both projects. The computations are made assuming that ATC, Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg would be interconnected at the beginning of the interim generation period. The annual cost of energy includes allowances for amortization, interest, operation maintenance, administration, general expenses and insurance. Taxes were not included since it was assumed that tax exempt financing would be obtained. The cumulative total cost of energy and the cumulative present worth of the cost of energy were also determined. A discount rate of 8 percent was assumed for present worth calculations. The results are shown graphically and in tabular form on Exhibit B-7. As can be seen from the exhibit, the cost of energy from the projects is less than that from alternatives for all years of operation. B-V-7 Chapter B-VI RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION Recommendations It is recommended that a feasibility study be prepared as soon as possible for the Interim Generation Project so that the project can enter service by 1982. A feasibility study should be prepared for the Black Bear Lake Project so that it may enter service by 1987. As will be discussed later in this chapter a Declaration of Intention should be filed with the FERC for the Black Bear Lake Project, and depending on the FERC ruling, an application for license may have to be filed. The following sections describe the organizational framework within which the project should be developed, the steps necessary to bring the project to design and construction, and the schedule for these activities. Orga niza tional Frame\vork An organizational structure needs to be developed to imple- ment the projects. The structure will depend on the capabilities and needs of the institutions involved and will result from discussion between those institutions. An organizational struc- ture is proposed here which has functioned on similar projects and could be considered for these projects. An association of participants should be formed for each project. The association would be lead by one agency and would include all power purchasers. An agreement should be signed between the participants to define their share of the expenses associated with project implementation and of the power and energy to be generated by the project. A separate agreement should be signed for each project. The lead agency in both participant associations should be the ?HREA. They are the agency charged with power generation and distribution in most of the rural areas of Southeast Alaska and have the greatest possibility of obtaining low interest federal financing for their portion of the projects. The participants for the interim generation project would be THREA, ATC and APT. The Black Bear Lake Project would have THREA and APT as partici- pants. The Alaska Power Authority might want to be an advisor in both projects to provide impetus and guidance during project implementation and to represent the State of Alaska's interest in regional power development. 8-VI-I Interim Generation Project Pre-Construction Activities A feasibility study should be made of the Project as soon as possible. The study need not be elaborate since much work has been done. The study should define the quality and quantity of the fuel, both from the existing stockpile and from normal operation. Detailed cost estimates should be prepared for the generating plant and the associated transmission facilities. The participants' agreement should signed before the start of the feasibility study so that the power market can be identified. Power market and economic studies should be updated. Permit requirements should be identified. A plan for financing the project should be defined in the feasibility study. At the completion of the feasibility study, financing and permitting arrangements could proceed concurrent with project design. Implementation Schedule A schedule for the implementation of the Interim Generation Project is shown on Exhibit B-8, Sheet 1 of 2. If organizational arrangements and the feasibility study are begun in the fourth quarter of 1979, the project could be in commercial operation by year-end 1981. Black ~ Lake project Preconstruction Activities A feasibility study of the Project should be started as soon as possible. The scope of the feasibility study should be aimed at satisfying the requirements for an FERC license application, whether or not one will eventually be required. The study should be prepared in close cooperation with state and federal agencies. The exact scope of the study, particularly in relation to environmental studies, will depend on the requirements of the agency under whose jurisdiction most of the affected resources would fall. In this case anadromous fish would be the resource most affected and the Alaska Department of Fish and Garnes (ADFG) the responsible agency. Contacts should be made with ADFG at the time the scope of work is developed and throughout the study ADFG should participate in the work. Contacts should also be made with the U.S. Forest Service early in project develop- ment. 8-VI-2 The time schedule for the feasibility study will depend on the baseline data requirements of ADfG. A feasibility study with limited baseline data could be completed in one year. At that time a tentative decision concerning project feasibility could be made, and financing and permitting arrangements could be initiated. At the same time environmental studies could continue to satisfy ADFG requirements. At the completion of these studies and before award of construction and equipment contracts, an addendum could be issued which would make a final recommendation on project feasibility, and financing could be finalized. The eastern half of Black Bear Lake is located in Section 7 and 18 of Township 73 South, Range 83 East, of the Copper River Meirdian, Alaska. These two sections are on U.S. Forest Service land in the Tongass National Forest. The rest of the project features are on lands which have been selected by the Sealaska Corporation under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The project would be classified as major under current FERC regulations and the licensing process could take 3 years. If the entire project were on Sealaska land, the project would probably not need an FERC license. Discussion should be held with Sealaska Corporation to determine their interest in selecting the required additional land. If Sealaska is in favor of the selection, a statement of their intention should be prepared. A Declaration of Intention should then be filed with the fERC to determine if the FERC would have jurisdiction over the Project. If Sealaska does not wish to select the land or if the FERC rules that it has jusisdriction, an FERC application could be filed upon completion of the feasibility study by re-arranging the material in the feasibility study into license application format. for the purpose of developing an implementation schedule and for the other analyses contained in this report, the case in which an FERC license application would be required has been used. The Sealaska selection and FERC ruling are uncertain, therefore the longer pre-construction period was used. Design and permits other than FERC could be completed during the licensing period to insure that construction and equipment supply contracts could be awarded as soon as possible after the license is granted. B-VI-3 Implementation Schedule An implementation schedule for the Black Bear Lake Project is shown on Exhibit B-8 Sheet 2 of 2. If organizational arrange- ments and the feasibility study are begun in the fourth quarter of 1979, the Project could be in commerical operation by the beginning of 1987, assuming an FERC license is required. If a license is not required the Project could be in service about two years earlier. B-VI-4 j }: c , Ai -'--~ . \ - c6Parid;t I • -, ,. ,,<;;t Fish EiIi J { ,.. 'd} . ..),.-J ,. ~.' 1 j. ccC' •. .,J ·eaii~";ii..i!l . Juan t Pt , , / cj4> -:.' , C, / cOc cC -, -.' , , ". ". -' . " , CNGlNlOa"'ING COMPANV' AUGUST '87S1 , c 0··, , , ., c, \. " c'c • • • c ,c cc"",c j i .> -'-- c c ALASI<A ;-'- . -. ~ POWER AIJTH()RITY SLAC/( BEARLAK.E PRO.JE.CT 'ENE/(AL LOCATION MAP Power hOf.)se ~ t-JAR.Z.A ;NGINEER'I'..lCi COMPA.NY AuGUST 1979 EXHIBIT 13-2 f)O -----~ '--____ 1'1 - BIde/( BefJr Lake. £1 /680 /7()O _ --It;o~ Note.: For Sec.fioll A-A See Exhij)lt B-3 Scale 0 200 400 reet I I J At..ASI<A poWER AUTHoRITY BLACK BEAR I-AI<E PRoJeCT ~£NE'f(AL PLAN "70 /11.",,11 II! 5. 1!.1.171O ~ 11100 '\ .. .. .. () C\I ... ~ ~--, ......... .~ £-.J 0( 1400 f ; 1200 r IO()O 800 400 200 l o .. , . ... .. .. :5£CTlOIJ A-A L.001<11II6 U~TR.eA.'" 5c ... 0 1 .. to 1 .. ~F .. t 1 .. ~ Q t! It .. .. .. .. .. ~ '" ... \8 l!! Ie .. '" '" ....... '" r-.... ........... ~ '-'" ~ .- ",-, j: rou,," urf~c" ~r .. m ~5 To po """~ Est,,,, "fft! ;.c UJlI '\ K< 1r""", .surl'~; LL ' ..... ~I ~. "-~ , " ~ 0" t!:!!,,,r ~'.12 " ...... , " ., .-J- Po ... rhc u •• ~ ol,..- ~c.1c 0 ItJ() ~ I'".t .. I _1..--1....1 __ -,I 5ECTIOAI l!.£: =-aM. 0 /0 zo Fut LI _1..-_IL-_--.J1 ARMCO r,P. a (or Ev.u(.".t.fIt) '''" 'N811 .. iflr 10'. S' • '~­ !3tu/ P~te 0" u/~ F,jIc. (Rockrlll I" .. Ia.) EXHIBIT 8-3 2'-~ Co!'Cr"t. £"eJ .. d :5t.,,1 P.".tock. RIVERBOTTOU ~£CTION .5ECTION C-C U"ct"drolt.t/ :5f'III"~y on 5~lIo., ~~cI, ,,,, L.!'t ,A.b,dm.nt 1ST .5t~. T""'porolry CMf' Olvlr .. ,o" Co"t/uif (~.O';) 2"" 5t~. CHI" Dlvuwlo" COMuif "'Ith ~/;a. ~t. 0" UI!J F~c" of Olm (~.O'~) "r.f,jl/Jrlc~t"" 'Supor.truc. tur. (20' " 70' x 20 'H,! h) !d.,,1 Colu",,, 'Support for Cr"'nII BIN WALL PAM 5l!CTIOIJ .sell/« ? If...,30 F".1 POWERHOU5£ TRAN.5VER5£ SECTION 'COl. 0 1 ~ 1 IJ I" •• t 1 "alt"" '1111",,' Mu.'II.~. U IIS,S O'M/'h,,1Id C'r~". Mf 5"""" ~,.r.trlktulV /lOt 5;'0"" TYPICAL UNIT LON/fITUDIAlAL 'SeCTION ~ 1 81" •• 1' 1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BLAC/<. BEAR LAKE PROJECT PROJECT SECTIONS ESTIMATE HARZA ENGINEERING CO!IPA..NY CllIC..t..GO. ILLINOIS project81."",.... i;,Sghl' LA-f'.E H '{Oe.O Date ""'S ep-reME:1oE"ll. 191'1P098 , of 4: Po; .. StrvctureaMt=teg..y Reck£ilj :;;'nlib B,tJ y./I.y. )ltttEsnmated by gt1D Checked by 5N/ A .... ITEM No. ~ Unit Prlce AIDDUIII t M 0 BI J.-/ 2"A/( ON 2 35"0 00' t /.-ANf) & l-A-I-Jf:J f'2..14 tiT4 400 .,-oa '3 R::E .;, 'E f2-'1 ':J I z... CI-e A.a I tJ~ 7~ oOG 4-D, il6-et;.1 ON .A:. c.ABE o~ ..vA"';: ~ lIo~ OOe. 6" 1) AM"-=; "PH .. \... W-A'" ~ ; / II'J "f' /l. K. e 3"31 'OQD 6 't./A nr-l:..c.o...JOu c,i'oi... Z 09Z 300 1 "'P 0 \)oJ .1i!!-H 0 I..l c,&: 2.16 ott; a lAe c::t-l .... AJ I G." t.. .:t fE t,..;.;.C:n:.1 CoM.. ~ (P I I 1I72 1)00 q ~/")p...'D~ ANt:> 6t2.[D~~ -r- IO ~A4JlfM. L...I tJt' ,& 61l!P"Do..vu 1"'\2..,tAIt;f02.J-ie.1Z.. I loB (JOe" ~u"S,..o~~ "'Dr'2.ec"'t"" co';'" a 84tj !~&O G:otJ 1'"IJJ~e .vGt~~ Z:irJ/o :t 2..2/Z lIZ I '0 r ~ I-1) I \Z... &t:. -r C04i II tJ61. 2f;'1'l , J:N~ INe6lG.1,j~ 4> IrV 1-'\ Hl , Ig efa ::t. j / 19?7,7,c- -ro-rA~ c-?;Js.1'Z. 1..1 ~ 1'1 o,.J C<;) ~ -r i 13 1p()(J ~.?P I , I I ; -I I I ; I , ESTIMATE HARZA ENGINEERING CO){PANY CBIC.A.GO. ILLINOIS Protect~j..AC.1C.. BeAL 1-1> ~,E H -rOe.a Date ~E?I,eMb::~ 1419 Poge 2-of 4: Page, Structure..7uMMA~Y 1$Oc.kfi H 61&(" -g,N uJM.L. p~ Estimated by Ie M D Checked by SM 1/ ... ITIM ~ UNtPrlc:a J.ao.I No. J HOe:.1 L..\ -e,6.T (0 IV • 1 M O~I U '2 "..,.1 r.,I"'" !-.. .,;; .. 'Z. 250 00, .2-~lJJei?" ~O>J.~Ce ( ;> I i? ",£'1,1> Uj'\ ",J \../ .;,. /00 ~<J() .:51J e:,,-ro -rA L 2 :a.9J t)O, Z L.,IrlJ:P~ I-P-rlJP 12... ",iH-t -r ~ .1 1CES'ei'2.VD \ ~ '2 bO At::-I~ 3'10 (){)O :2 ?<,o.,L)-e~r+ou~e ~ C,6.M~ ~\"f'e. 3AC JOoO .3 000 .. '1W .... -re\2..c.O;J;DU G.TOtZ,. 1.~ AC-(000 7 500 6t..1~"T"Q"'41... i4-C)' ~oo 3 ~ ~;::l2..VO)e. 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ILLINOIS EX H I BIT B· 4- prolectEv.<ct.-~g,;.(.. kKe H Y'Pe..o Date :5cp-n:w1I~EJ( 1979 Page Structur.~!r\MMAt:.Y "Roci'-{iI\ 2ro-1.. E3,~ \AIM.\" 1A~mated by ,eM/) 3 of 1-Pcrg .. Checked by ..sMA ... ITEM QuaIIItr Uftit PrIce ....... No. I 6 wPr-rel2-c O(,J D uc-ro tz 1.1 ~,-i!: Ii' I.. Vsl.Jl, TQc; t;::. '2 ~ II o. p. ?b'i' a«;> ).H$ 4fg I 164-' IOf) " ,t. t;: 'tG40 'I ,.. .. n 0 N ~ .. -,iZ, 6-t../PPOS:>_Te:.. 5"00 t;1./ at; ,f.Z .;'00 _1 c.oIVG~e"1'e: A.oc+to.e....,. 2Z4 241 gz'i' 'jB4 ,gao .. + cO·~GU'rE ""::;'vt P'?,"o ~i.; la-a c1 gz..-G" 111 15() .f C e-"'I.e;IJ'- J 14 '.! 19 /06 11~5 <::.vJT .~ ~1i1l)1=0\l. c:.J,Ut> §-rae f '24 000 1..&., {!.2-Z6 4-00 7 C L.S'A2../ "'a. ( I 00 I <.0 I O~ ) " 7., ,4-G. 1~C::O ~-6 2~11 .::;; u s,'O "rArI.... 2 ()9Z I.3D' 7 ? 0 uJ:612. ~o I), S =. ./ 12QG.K.. E )(C,A. ""'TI 0&.1 'Zoo c.'-I 4-8 ? 600 .1 ~M M <:) rJ ,::: ~ G.Ar 1/1>. 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(J()' ESTIMATE HARZA ENGINEERING COl\olPANY CBICA.GO. ILLINOIS Proi«t1Pl-k'-it-S-e,t.e-. L"'f(£ +tYDeo Dat.5EfTf]'''Pt=~ \~1 q Page Structur6t4'.-MA('f Kockti! \ ;;'rnt.. "B!~ ~~ Estimated by RM D 4-of 4-Pages Checked by SM II .... ITEM Quaadtr Unit Prfce ~ No. 9 -eOAD~ A-1JD eglv4e~ I iJON' ~! e.eo -~ J() -re.AiJ,. /.AI ~& I ON 1-1 AJ € d: ~ ,e=. POOf))/J -rEA,J ~ -rOe.t, .. ·fe 12-LS / 1/08 DOC. .I 2-'3 KV Wocp R:>L.~, tSl /J~L~ Ci eeu i..,.. : i I I Interim Generation Project COST ESTIHATE KIPPER & SONS ENGINEERS INC. Exhibit B-6 PAGE NO. ____ _ DATE J.VAI tl {f7? , \ I EL..6rC.re..lc A L - I I , i I, II I ! i ! ! I I I I '1 ~ iI I , , I . -+1~~4~1~+;i ____ ~~~5~~~O~O~~~~~J~~~~~JU~~S~--~~~w/AAe~~. ____ ~ I I I! Ii PIPE. i H~/'L AEYt:JI../(j 77I,qr i!! I Ii! I I I .. ~ H-.... . ... .j-W:...t-+~~_ .... ~ f" . -. -," t-.. -1-'-~ ~, -f .. 1t-.. .. 1-+-1-"+ ++.+ ~-~ ~. - . ~:rJ t . . 1 ' , (,r : l li:! j . ~~f:t~U'~ -~~m1~tJjjjtt ++. ... + .~ t •. 'j. 4~ t-+ i + 1=+1_-1-.+-++[-+ _ =t+~ ~. ~~. ~ ++11(-"'~~~"""f ~ + ;.Ic J. Bl ACo( BEAU lAI<E PROJHT INTERJM (I Qa2"1991:» STEAM ALTfP!'-jATlVr COST OJ:" "'ONEY: :020 piFLA TIOI>j RATE: .040 FJfl ESCALATION RATE: .020 01 HOUNT RATflll .oao IIUf Ii E"IC( 04 TE = JHWAAY "~80 ALL COSTS IN i 1000 FPEr. 0+" ,:-UEL HIE RGY COST OF CUHIJLATIVE PRfSENT CUMUlH lYE VEAR COSTS COSTS rOST ToTAL Gf~E'H no E~EPGY TOTAL wORTH P,"', 11",", CE~TS/KwH 19P.l 2'H •• (Ull • ~2J. QOO. 11290. 8.5 9co. 702. 7b2. 'QII3 2QI>_ US". .)1111, q9q, 11700. 8.5 IqS9. 7JS. 11197. IQAII 290_ 1471. ;>~~. Inlb. 118~O. 8.7 2995. 705. 2201, IQAt; 29b~ "fib. '95, In67. 12010. '1.1 Ur.I}2. b85. 2880. 191\& 2 lf o_ 5U>. 117, 11 2 9. t21bO, 9.3 5210. 059. 1':>(15. ,lfA7 2Q,,_ 1 8 3. O. 1t79. bOOO. 11.1 ~eI\9. 307. ]1<12. t~AA 2 '1 b. )qa. 0, b 9 11. 0000, 11.b 058J. 3 11 7, jj2~9. 191''1 2'10, III u. o. 710. bOOO. I 1.8 12'13. J29, 11588. lQ1I1) 2~t.. II J I • 0, 727. 0 00 0. 12. t 6(21). 112. JJ900, l"lIII 2'-'Q. IIl/il. O. 1 1J 1J, bOOO. 12.11 01/)11, 2'15. SI9S. 19Q2 2<1b, 1I0b. O. 7 b 2. bOIiO. 12.1 952b. 21\0. 5L17S. P~1I3 290:. IJI.!~. O. 7 8 1. bOOO. 11.0 10301. 200. 57(11. 1"1111 2lfo. . sou. O. 8 0 0. bOOO • l! .3 11107. 252. 5991. 1'1'15 2Qc.. S2 tl. o. 820. bOOO. 13.7 11927. 2H. b213. I 'I lib 2 9 0. 5115. o. 1'4 1. bOOO. 14.0 127b8. 227. b4ce. BLACK tlEAR LAKE PI-IOJECT INTERIM (t 91!2-I~qc) STEAM HTlRNAilVE COST OF ~O·"EV; ~O5(1 JlJrL A TI ON iH·TE;: .0110 FUE.L E-SCAlA.TION lUTE: .020 DISCOUI-tT RATE;; ,080 RFFERE.NCE nATf : JA"UARV IQ80 ALL COSTS IN S 1000 FIxE.f'I 0.'"' flJEl f:I\[tlr.y COST OF ClJl"ULAT IvE PRE.SENT CU"'UlAT JVE YEAR COSTS COSTS rOST ToTAL GE.I-t[RATED f."'f~GY TOTAL Io<ORTH P,"', ", .. H CEt.<TS/KWIi IQ~2 HO. UIII. ~23. lnlu. 11290. 9.2 10J4. 621. 821. I 'H~3 370_ IISI), '1I1l. 10 7 3. 11700. 9.2 2101. 789. ledO. ,qlla HO. 1l71. ,03. 1\10. 118~t). 9.11 1217. 755. 23b5. lQ1l5 370. Uqb. ;>95. 1 I b 1 • 12010. 9.7 11378. 132. 30 9 0. IQAb 3 7 0. 51b. 'P. I;>OJ. 121bO. 9.9 S5aO. 102. 3798. ~tl) IQ~1 310: 383. 0, 1 5 3. 0000 .• 12.5 blH. IlO7. a205. 1111'1'\ ]10. 3'1il. 0, 1 Q 8. c.OGO. 12.8 7101. 1811. aSS9. (\\ )( 1 'HI 9 HOt 1/ I ~. (\. 78110 0000. 1.\.1 7885. 103. c.t952. n. ~ 19"0 170. 431. O. 1101 • bOOO. n .1 !Sb8b. lllll. 529b. ~('lJ 1'191 37.) • 4an. O. R16. 0000. 13.b 95011. 125. Se21. '992 17(:. 'lbo. o. 810. bOOO. 11.9 1°)1/0. 107. 5Q28. 1\)' I QqJ )70. lies. O. 1'\55, bOOO. 111.2 11195. 291. b219. " 1'1911 3 7 0; S/).j. O. ,,14. bOOO. l 11 .b 12009. 27/,). b1l9S. ~tll 199') 370. 524. O. eQ 4. bOOO. 11.1.9 12 9 03. 2bl. b150. 199b 370. sus. O. 915. 0000. 15.3 13878. 2t17. 700]. .......... J w"'\l Note,' Arfer 1986 cosfs are I"or ATC 9~nerafiol1 only. I-IARZA fNGINfUING COMPANY filt.CI( S(AR U,K£ PROJECT INTERIM (1 9 82-199b) STEAM ALlfR"'ATIVE cnST OF "'ONEIf; : ,17 0 INFLATION RATE::: .040 fUn ESCALATIO_ ~ATE= .020 DISCOu'" RATE" .080 RUFWENCF I) ATE ::: JANUARY 11)60 ALL COSTS III< " 1000 FIxEn 0+11 FUlL h'ERG't' COST OF CUMULATIVE PRESENT CUI1ULH lYE Iff All COSTs COSTS rllST ToT Al GEllif.IlAlfD E~jER(j't' TOTAL "'OIHH p.w. M~'" CfNTS/KoIH t 9A l 1I?1. 11111. ,:>2J. 1087. 11290. 9.b 10B7. 803. 603. 19!11 1I?l~ 459. ?UII. Itlb. 11700. 9.b 2213. e2B. 101ft. t9 111 q "i':S. U77. ~ol. " bl. 11 8 50. 9.6 HH •• 7''1. 1.1182. ,9 AC; "21. ,,91:>. ~9S. 121u. 12010. I o. I 11590. 705. :UII7 • tqjlb u2l. 51b. '01. t?5b. 12tbO. 10.1 58uS. 7:U. 19liO. I 'HI 7 liB: 11\1. O. f\l)b. bOOO. 13. u bb'5>l • u35. 4ut5. '9~1\ u23. 3911. O. 1\21. toOOO. D.7 7u72. " 1 1 • at!2b. 19119 1.2.5. at4. O. 1:\37. 00011. 11.9 8309. 188. ~21l. 1990 .1.23. a'S! • 0. 1\5u. bOOO • 14.2 9105. 3bb. 55&0. I '1Q I " iU • 4UI\. o. 1\7 1. bOOO. 111.5 100111. 3 u o. ~920. 1 9Q 2 ... n. Ubb. O. 1\89 • bOOO. 111.& 10923. 327. b252. IQ91 1:2l. IIf1S. o. Q08. 0000. 15.1 11831. 3eQ. b5b2. 1 "I 'HI .. 21, 50 ... O. 927. 0000. 15.4 12758. 292. b&54. 1995 uB. 524. O. 9 4 7. bOOO. 15.8 13705. 270. 7130. 1 9Q o 421: 545. o. qo8. 0000. 10.1 l~on. 202. 7)92. liLAC ... HEAR l AJ(~ PROJECT I~,TekIH (1<;J1!2"l Q 9&) STEAM AL TERNA. T[ Vf COST ('If' "o"'EV:: .090 1 "lFLATlOII< RI-TF:: .0"0 FUEL ESCALATION RATE; .020 DISCOUNT RATE-.080 IllFfRfNCF OAT€ :: JANlIAQY I <lila ALL r.OSTS IN Ji 1000 FPU') 04'1 FUEL f':EHG't' COST OF CUMuLATIVE PR£SE"" CUMULI. fl VE 'fE Aq COSTS COSTS r:OST Tof.ll. G£tlt ~ A TED f"'ERG't' TOTAL "OIHH p."'. I'!"H Cft. T S/KIJIH \Q~tl <.11:11,). /jUl. ~23. I I Cj a. 11290. 10.1 I 1411. 'lOB. 908. 1'111') "i'0, uSq. ~H.IIJ • 1\131. 11700. II) • I 2327. 810. l71e. tq':'4 480. a 11. ::>&3. 1?20. I H!~O. 10.3 35,,1. 8l0. 2008. 1'1"5 "kl). 4QI>. ~Q5. 127t • 12010. 10.b U1'\18. 801. 3U09. tQIle, a.; lJ. !'JIb. \P. 1311. 121bO. 10.8 ollO. 7bb. 4175. 1'1 11 , 1.180. 4bh. o. Q"e,. 0 0 00. 15.6 70H. ~ II. 408b. 1958 1.180. liI!lS, 0, 9 0 S. bOO O • lb. I 601.11. U83. 51&'1. \QIIQ 1i1l0. 51)11. G. qS". 0000. lb.:! 902S. aSb. Sb2u. 1'190 4~1). ~2'1. O. 1004. bOOn. Ib.7 10029. 1.131. bOSS. \qql 4RO, 5.11,). o. 1025. bOOO. 17.1 11 05.11. u07. bUb2. ,qq2 UfiO. 3111. o. 1'03. bOOO. 1 4 .4 11917. 317. 1:>779. tqQJ, 1.;1\0, 39.:\, o. A78. bOOI). 14.0 1279S. 299. 7078. IQQu ""'v. IIIU. O. >l 9 u. 0000. 11.1.9 13bd9. 262. 7lbo. \'1'1'5 480. "31. O. CIII. bOOO. 1'1.2 l UbOO. 2bO. 7b2b. IQqb 1.180, "as. O. 928. 0000. 15.5 15526. 251. 7677. No 18 • Arfer 1'1)6 cO'!Jfs CJr6 f'or . ATC gene.rafion only. I-IARZA fNGINUlLiNG COMI'ANY BLACK 8EAR I. A I(f. PROJECT HVORO COST OF ""ONEY: .020 INfLATION RAUl! .01.10 FUEL ESC4LA'IO~ RATE: .020 DISCOUNT RATE" .O~O PEFEI<ENCE OA TE II JA:l:UARY 1980 ALI. COSTS IN S 1000 FlxEO O+~ fUEL ENtl(GY COst OF CuloIUL AT! liE PRE SEt;T CUI'IULA TIllE 't'[u COSTS COSTS COST TnTAL G[IIIERAtEO ENERGV TOTAL WORTH p .... ,..,,'" CENTS/KWH 1"11;7 be5. 345. 1010. llo1S. 10." 10~0. SSt>. 55&. 19 11 R bilS. 159. 10(lU. 101')Cl. 10.1 207". 5;:>2. t079. 19Aq &115. 17l. lose. 10"B. 10.1 3132. 1190. ISb9. 1990 b~S. 181\. to H. 10725. 10.0 11205. IIbO. 2029. 19 Q I b8S; 1.101. 1(188. 1102~. 9.9 !:t293. 1112. 211t>t. lQ92 btlS. il20. It 05. II Hl. 9.7 blll8. lI0b. 28b7. Ill'll b1\5. 41b. t121. llb50. 9.b 7519. 382. 32119. Illqll b~S. u511. II H. tt91b. 'l.5 8b58. 35'l. 3b08. 1'195 b1l5: U72. 11 5 7. 12311. 'l.(I 9815. 318. 3911b. I'l'ln b8S. (191. IIH •• 12&5b. 'l.1 10991. 118. lI203. 1997 bRS, Sit. II'h. lJOll. 9.2 1218b. 2(,)(,). II':lolo 11l9" bf\'.i. 531. I? It.. 13315. '1.1 11/j02. 262. 111111(1. 1'19'1 bl\S. ':>52. 1217 • 13150. 9.0 1(1019. U.S. 5\1 O. (101')0 b85. 5711. 1;>59. 1(11111. 8.9 15899. 250. 53bO. 2001 bl\S, 591. 12 8 2. luSlO. 8.8 171&1. 23b. 55Qb. 2'002 b8S. bOIl. 13 0 b. 1(1937. 8.7 18"87. 222. 58t8. iOO3 b8S. b~b. 1)31 • 1535,). 8.7 1~618. 210. b02B. 2'l/)u b'l'l. b72. 1357. 1518S. 8.b 21175. 198. bi2b. lOOS &65. bQ9. 13 8 11. 1 b22 7. 8.5 22558. 187. b1l13. 20()b &85. 727. 1u 12. lbbBt. 8.5 21970. 177. b590. 2007 b8S. 1Sb. 14"1. 1'11"8. B.q 25(111. 107. 0757. 201'111 bl\S, 7ab. 11171. 17026. 8.3 ib8S1. 158. 0(,)15. 2(1)9 bllS. 817. 1<;02. Irt22. 8.3 2ela ll • 1119. 70U. 21)10 bIJS. 8')0. 1<;35. 18b2Cl. 8.2 2 99 1 Cl • 1" 1 • 7205. 2011 bAS. 8114. ISb9. 19151. 8.2 31488. 13'1. 7339. 2012 b85. 91'1. Ib OLI • 19b87. 8.1 31092. 127. 7Ubb. 2(')13 bIJS. Cl5c. 11;0111. 21)2lQ • 8.1 3u7H. 120. 758b. 20 \1.1 085. qqll. tb 7Cl • 20805. 8.1 3b1l13. \l4l. 7b99. 2015 bAS. t03U. 1719. 2111l8. 8.0 3&132. 108. 7807. 20lb 1)85. 107b. 17 b l. 21ClI>O. 8.0 3Q&93. 102. 7909. 20 tJ bllS. 1119, laOu. 219c.0. 8.2 "lb9b, 91. 800b. 2018 b8S: llbl. 111 11 8. "I Cl bO. 8.4 1.I1!:tIl(l. 92. 8096. 20lQ bllS. 1210. IflQS. 21''IbO. B,o u54119. e7. 8185. 2'020 b 1l 5. li')8. lq'l3. 21900. 8.B 47381. B3. 82bB. 2021 bas. 130'1. Iq'l4. 21 9 00. 9.1 (l937b. 79. 8311b. 2Cl2 be'l. 13b I , 2fl"b. 219bO. 9.3 51'122. 75. 84121. Ufl} 2013 b85~ 1"15. 2t OO. 219bO. 9.0 51522. 71. 8492. il)iljl 0~5. IU72. 21 5 7. 21 9 00. 9.S 55019. b8. 85bl). ~X 2015 b85. 1'l31. 2.,lb. 21<H.0. 10 .1 57&95. 04. eb2u. ~~ 202b b85. l'H2. 2271. 21900. 10.4 b0172. bl. 8b8S. 20n b85. 1051>. 23 4 1. 21 9 bO. 10.7 b2513. 58. 8H3, ~~ ?(leA b1l5, 1722. 2407, 21 9 bO. 11.0 0 119 20. 55. 8799. 2029 b85. I 7Q 1. 247b. 21QbO, 11.3 b7l9c. 51. 88':02. ~" 2030 1>115. 18hl. 2c;4f1. 219bO. 11,b b991.111. SO. 8902. ~~ 201\ M5, 1931 • 2",22. 21'loO. 11.9 125bb. 48. 8950. 2012 b8S. 2015. 2700. 21'lbO. 12.1 752b5. 110. 8991>. 2011 oilS. 2095. 2180. 2t9bO. 12.7 760Ul). "4. 90 1(,). ~" 20311 odS. 2119 • 2804. 21QoO. 13. a 80'l09. 42. Cil081. 2015 b8S: 22bb. lq$l. 21'lbO. 1l.lI 818bO. 110. 9Uo. 2010 b85. 2157. 10 4 2. 21 9 bO. 13.'l 8b902. 18. 9158. I-IARZA fNGIlU E lING CO""ANY ~LACI( i:lfAR LAKE PROJECT HVDRO COST 0' 1040NEv: .0'50 INFLATION RATE: .01i0 FUEL ESCALATION RATE: .020 DISCOUNT RATEa .080 REFERENCE DATE z JANUARV 1980 AlL (OSTS l~ , 1000 FIxE/) 0 ...... FUEL fM.RGv COST OF CUMULATIvE PkESENT CU'"'ULATIVf VEAR COSTS COSTS COST TOTAL GE~ERATEO f.~tRGV TOT AL wORTH p.rfIl. H",H ClNTS/K~H 1 'HI} 1200. !u5. 151.15. 9t175. lS.b 15115. 61S. 61S. 19"111 1200, 359. 15 5 9. 10150, 15.11 !101.l. 71'10. 10 111. IQ/lQ 121l0. Hl. l'i 7 1. 11)1I!3. 1 S. 1 11/;;77. 729. 21111. 19QI) 12: I} I) • 3£18. 1.,88. I (I 125. 111,8 /;;21;;". /;;111. 3021.1. 1QQI 120O, 111)1. IbOl. 11025. 111.5 78/;;8. t.H. 3/;;/;;1. IQQ2 121)0. 112<), 1/;;20. liB]. 14.3 9U88. '594. 425&. 199] 1200. 11]0. 1/;;3/;;. II/;;~O. 111.0 111211. S.,7. lIe11. 19911 1200. lisa, I"Sa. lI9h. Il.S 12718. 521. 5]15. 1995 12()O, "72. lb 7 2. 12311. ll./;; 141150. IUI8. 51123. t991;; 121l0, aQ I, I", 9 I • 12/;;'.>/;;. 11.11 1/;;1111. 1I~i7 • /;;2110. 19q7 1211!), 5 I I. I 71 1 • IHII. 11. I 17b51. lI2/.!. /;;7V8. 19"~ 1200. 511. 1731. 1 H75. t2.9 lqSl.I2. 4101. 7109. 1999 1200. 5<;2. 1752. 11150. 12.7 21BII. 37/;;. 711&5. 21)00 1200. S1l1. 17 711. tlll.SU. 12.1;; 21t09. 152. 7837 • 201)1 1200. sen. 17 9 7. HlSlO. 12.11 2 u 90/;;. HI. 811;;8. 2002 1200, b21. I Po 21 • 14937. 12.2 21;;727. 110. 8l178. 201')1 121')0. l>'1b. 1~l.Ib. 1'J355. 12 •• 2b'J71. 291. 671>9. 21)01l 121')0. 012. 11'172. 1578S. 11.9 1011115. 271. 90111. 21)1')'5 1200. b99. 1/199. lb221, 11.7 1111130 257. 9299. 20 0 e. 1200. 721. 1927. 14081. II.S }1I270. 2111. 9540. 2007 1201). 7'50. 195/;;. 171118. 1 I • II H22b. 227. 9707. 20011 '200. 7f'·b. IQ80. 170.18. It.l 38211. 211. 9980. 2(1)1) 121)0. 817. 2017. 1&122. II .1 u1)229. 200. 101bl. 2010 1200: 8'l0. 2(150. 16/;;29. 11.0 112279. 189. 101bQ. (10 II 1200. 8811. 2(18u. 19151. 10.9 443bl. 178. 10Sll7. (1012 1200. 919. 21 19 • 191,87. 10.8 401l82. 1/;;7. 107U. 2011 1200. 950. l150. 20239. 10.7 118/;;18. 157. 10872. 20111 121l0. q91l. 21 911 • 20805. 10.S SOeH. 1118. 11020. 2015 12<}0. 10)11. 22 1 11. 2ll88. 10.11 51007. 1110. 111/;;0. 20lb 1200. \671;;. 22 70. 219bO. to.1I 5~j41. 132. 11292. 2017 1200. I t I '" • 2119. 21 9 1;;0. 10.b 5 lbbl. 1211. 11111&. 21)111 1200. 11/;;1. 2]/;;1. c!19bO. 10.8 /;;002l1. 117 • 1153U. 2019 1200. 1210. 2a10. 219/;;0. 11.0 1;;24311. 111. lIbUS. 2(21) 121)0. 12'ld. 2uSa. 219/;;0. 11.2 /;;4691. 105. 11750. ~~ 20?1 12(1), 1309. 20;09. 21900. 11 .11 b7 4 01. q9. 11649. 2022 1200. I lb I. 25°1. 21 9 bO. 11.7 /;;99/;;2. 911. 11~1I2. (02) 121)0. IUI5. 2615. 21 9 bO. 11.9 72'>17. 88. 120 It • fb~ 202a 1200. 11l72. 20 7 2. 21 9 /;;0. 12.2 75249. 811. 121141. 202'; 1200. 1511. 2711. 21900. 12 .11 779110. 79. 12191.1. Ihtii 21)?6 1200. 15 9 2. 21'12. 219/;;0. 12.7 60172. 75. 122/;;9. '1--........: 20n 1200. 1/;;')0. 2A5t.. c1 9 0O. 13.0 8lb28. 71. 123 UO. '-'l'f 20?~ 1200, 1722. 2'122. i1900. 11.1 8/;;550. 1;;7. 121107. 2029 12no. 17'11. 29 9 1. 219/;;0. 13 .1;; 89511t, 1;;11. 121171. ~ bl 2030 1200. 18bl. 10/;;3. 21 9 60, 13.9 92/;;011. 1;;0. 12531. 20)1 12no~ 1917. lill. 2191;;0. 14.1 957111. 57, 12566. I 21)J2 121)0. 2015. 121S. il9bO. 111.1. 98955. 511. 121>"3. i)J'\J 2H3 1200. 2095, 12 9 5. 21 9 /;;0. 15.0 1022,)0. '52. 12b911. 20311 1200 1 ?1 7 9. 3119, 219/;;0. IS,II 1051;;29. 119. 127Q3. 2015 1200. 22b/;;. :511 /;;1;;. 2191;;0. 15.8 109095. 41. 11190. 2016 1200. 2357. 35 5 7. 21Q1;;0. Ib.2 1121.'52. 114. 1Cala. I-IARZA INGIN£UING COMPANY BLACK 8EAR liKE P/oIOJECT HVDRO COST OF >4QN£ya .010 INfL 'T ION RATEa .0110 FUEL ESCALATION RATE: .020 OISCOUNT RATE-.080 REFfRENCf DATE :I JAIIIUAl<y 1980 AlL COSTS IN $ 1000 FIlIEO 0.104 FUEL (NERGY COST 0' CUIoIULATlV[ PRESENT CUMULATIVE YEAR COSTS COSTS COST ToTAl. GEp,:fRATED ENERGY TOTAL hORTH p."'. M"'H CENTS/KWH 196' 101b. 11lS. 19 0 1. 9875. 19.9 19b1. 1059, 1059. 1981'\ 1010. 159. 19 7 5. '0150. '9.5 1910. 988. 20117. 19119 Iblb, 171. h89. IOtl31. . t 9.1 5"125 • 921. 29119. 19QO Iblb. 188, 2nOIi. 10725. 18.7 7929. 859, lel8. 199 1 lblb. 1103. 2019. 1102S. 18.1 99118. 802. 11030. 1992 Iblb. 1120. c(\3b. 1l1:U. 18.0 119811. 7118. 5118. l'~Q 1 lblll, IIlb. 21\52. Ilb50. 17 .b 14 010. b99. b077 • 19911 Iblb. IISti. ln 7 0. IIUb. 17 .1 lblOb. b52. b730. 1991j Iblb. /j72. 20 88. 12311. 17 .0 181911. b09. JlH. 19 9 0 10 1 b. IIcli • 21°7. 120Sb. lb.b 20101. 509. 1909. 1997 lolb. 511. 21 27 • no II. Ib,l lC tl 27. 532. 84111. 1998 'btc • Sll • 21/j7. 11375. 1 b. t 2/j57/j. 1197. 8938. 1'~99 Iblb. 552. 2,b 8. 1375 •• 15.8 207t12. IIb5. 91103. 201'10 lblb, 57/j. 21 9 0. 1141 3/j. 15.5 28933. 1115. 91118. 21)01 Iblb. sen • "2ll. IIIS50. .-5.2 lllllb. /j07. 10i!Ub. 2002 It> I O. b21. 22 1 7. ltI917. 15.0 33383. lSI. 10~27. 201)3 lblb. bUb. 22b2. IS1~S. 1".7 35b1l5. 351. 10983 • .lOOIi Iblb. b72. 22 6 8 • 1'5785. 14.5 3HH. 13/j. 11317. 2005 lbltl, b99. 2'515. 10227, 111 .3 II02/j7. lU. l!blo. 20 0 b I bib. 727, 2'J 1l !. lbo81. IIl.G 112590. 293. 1192/j. 2 oJ 07 1 b I O. 75&. 2312. 1'11 4 8. Il.e 41.19b2. 27S. 12198. 2008 I to I o. 78 ... 2u02. 1'628. 11. b 1.:1lb3. 258. 121.15b. 2009 lblb. 817. .lu31. 115122. 13.~ U97"17. 2 1J 2. 12098. 2010 101 b. 850. 2llbb. lllb.!9. 13.2 522bl. 227. 1292S. 2011 Itllb. 88/j, 2.,00. 19151. 13. t 511703. 211. 13138. 2012 Iblb. 919, 2515. 19btl7. 12.9 57298. 200. UHII. 20 Il 101b. 95b. 2c;7 2. 202H. 12.7 59870. 11\8. 11520. .2 I} lJ.I Iblb • 994, lbl0. 2oBvs. 12.5 b2"'H. 177. 13702. 2015 1 b I ~. 103u. 20 50 • 211!l8. 12.1,1 6S13I. Ibb. IHolI. 2010 lblb. 107b. 26 9 2. 21"100. 12.l b7i!iB. 1St.. 1"0211. 2017 I oib. 11 I q • 2715. 21900. 12.5 70~S7. 1117. 111171. 2011'1 Iblb. II b3. 2179. ::!1 9 bO. 12.7 73Hb. IH. Illl09. 2ill" I b 1 o. 121 (\, 21\2b. 21900. 12.9 70102. IlO. I IIJ:lIlIl , 2020 Iblo. 1258, 2,.,7/j. 219bO. 11. I 79037. 123. 1111502. 2021 1 b 10. 1309, 2925. 219bO. 1l.3 81 9b 1. 11 S. 1141:>71. 2022 1016. l1b 1. 2917 • 21 9 bO. 13,b 8149l8. 109. 1"78b. l(lil] t bib. 1 /j I 5, loll. 21<,1bO. 1l.8 679b9. 101. IIlIHI9. ~fl1 20?tI Iblo. 1472. loSS. 21900. ta.l 91057. 97. IIlCf8b. 2025 lblb. IS 11 • 11 11 7. 21900. 111,3 9/120tl. 91. lSH7. fb~ 202b lblb: IS92. 32°8. 21900. I I1 .b 97412. 86. 151b3. 2027 Ib16. 10Sb. 3272 • 21 9 bO. 1/1.9. 100b8/j, 81. IS2/1/j. ~(i) 2028 Iblb, 1122 • 3338, 2191.10. 15.2 10/j022. 77. lS121. ........ , 2029 10tb. 1791. ),,07. 21 9 bO. 15.5 107/j29. 73. IS)9". 2010 1 oto~ 18bl. ltl79. 21 9 bO. 15,8 110908. b~. tS/jbl. O\'i 21)31 1010. I ~37. 1<;53. 21900. tb.l 1111"bl. eS. IS<;27. () \b 21)32 Iblb. 2015. lb31. 2191.10. 10.5 l1S091. bl. 15S89. 20ll \blb. 209S. 17 1 1. 21900. 10 .9 121802. S8. 15b/j7. "'1.. 203" I b 10. 211~. 17 9 5. 219bO. 17.1 12Ssci] • 55. 15702. \i)'-I 2035 lblb: 2200. 18 8 2. a1 90O. 17.7 12'iHH9. 52. 157511. 203b Iblb. 2357. 3913. 2191.10. t8 .1 131 a 52. l.I~. 15804. I-IARZA lNGIN1UING COMPANY ol ACI( BEl-'" lA><f; PIWJEC T HYOHO COST O~ "'ONEY: .040 INfLATION IUTF: .01.10 FUtL t5CALATrON RATE: .020 01SCOu~T RA a. .080 RfFfPENCf OA TE II JANUARy 1980 All COSTS IN S 1000 F PEn 0.'" FUf"!.. fillERIIY COST OF CUMULATIvE PR/:SE ... T CUHUL.TtVE YEAR COSTS COSTS r.OST ToTAL GENERATED ENERGV TOUL "ORTH p."'. "' .. Ii CfIl,TS/Kwk 191;7 20'59. 3 11 5, '?401l. <UI15. 24.1 24011. 1299. IZ9Q. 19"8 2059, 35'1. 2u18. 10150. 23.8 Ijd22. 1209. 2508. ,9 A9 2059. 171. 11.132. 11)1135. 21.3 125'1, 112b. lb15. lQ9(1 20S 9 • lR8. 211 11 7. 1(1725. 22.6 9101. 10119. I.IIIBII. 19Q1 2059. 1.101. 2a b 2. IIOl5. 22.1 121bl. 918. ;602. t qQ 2 2()S9. 1.120. 21.1 19. 111B. 21.9 111611 2. 9 II. b5H. ,9Q3 2(159. '3b. 2u 9 5. 116'50. 21.11 17IH. 850. h2l. 19QII 2059~ 11511. 2513. 119h, 21.9 19 b50. 1192. /;215. 19Q'j 2(159. 1112. 20;31. 12111. 20.b 22161. 119. 895u. 19Qi, 2059. IjQt. 2'550. 1205b. 20.1 2111.U. b89. 90 4 1. 1997 2(1S9. S t I , 2'5 1 0. B"ll. 19.7 n,Soo. bu3. ItJ2l;b. 1,9Q~ 2059. 531. 2<;90. I H15. 1 9 .11 291.\90. 600. 108Cb. 19 q 9 2(j59. 552, 20 11 •. 137S0. 19,0 12501. 560. 11 114 0. 2000 1059. 5111, 2bB. "'DII. III.b 15135. 521. 1191,9. 20'11 1059, ~'n , 2~50. lI.I5l0. 18.1 31191. 1189. 121158. 2002 2059. 621. 2,,80. 141917. 17.9 1104471. 115b. 1291S. lOt)] lO'59. Ollb. 2705. IS15S. l7 .b 11317b. 1127. IHlll. 10 l HI 2059, b72. 1711. 15185. l7.1 115901. 199. 117110. 200S 20'59. b9<1. 27';)8. !b121. l7 .0 116boll. 173. 111111. 2000 2059. 727 • 27 8 b. lbb81. lb.7 511150. 3119. ll1l1bl. 21.107 1059, 7511, 21115. 171lj8. lb.1I 5112b5. 316. 111788. 1008 2059. 736. 2/1115. 17b28. 1 b.l 5Jlo9. 305. 15091. ~OO9 1059, 811. 2A 7 b. H1l22. 15.9 5 99 8b. 28b. 15179. 2010 20519, 850, 2q09. Illb29. 1'5.b b2t1QS. 2b8. 15b1l1. ?O1\ 2059. 8R<J. 2<11130 I('H~I. I~.II b'!l818. 2'51. 151:197. 2012 2059. 919. 29 78. l'fcB7. 15.1 b6&lb. 235. 161.52. 2011 2O'i9. 95b. 111lS. 20219. 111.9 71611. 220. lb3S2. 10 \4 lOS9, Q911. ltlSl. 20805. 111.7 711865. 207. 10559. 201') 20<,)9. lOlli, 10 9 1. 21168. 1".5 71918. tI~ II. 10751. 20\0 10S9, 1010, 1135. 219co. 111.3 81111. 162. 1619141. 2017 20S 9 , 1 1 1 9. 3\713. 21900. 111.5 c u 2Q(). 171. 11105. 2018 20')9. lib 3. 3~22. 219aO. 111.1 il7';)12. IbO. I libS. 2019 2059. 1210. 32 09 • 219bO. 111.9 90181. 1'50. 171.11&. 2020 2059, 1258. H17. 21 9 00. IS .t 94099. 1111 • 11557. 2021 205 9 , 1309. 33&8. 219bO. 15.1 911.ibll. Ill. 171190. 20n 205Q, 1 HI. lQ20. 21 9 bO. IS.b 10088b. 12S. 11815. tr,ht 2':121 20S 9 • 11115. 3u711. 219aO. 15.8 10illbO. ll8. 11911. 20"/1 2059, Ilj12. 10;;11. ll 9 bO. 10 .1 1016 Q I. III • 180111. ~)( 202'5 205Q, lS11. 1'5 9 0. 21 9 00. lb.l 111 11 81. lOll. 181 11 1. 20lb 205Q, 1'592. 1,.,'51 • 21900. Ib.6 115112. '118. 182115. Cb~ 2Q~7 2059. lbSb. 3715. 219bO. Ib.9 1188111. 92. 18316. 'i-.~ 20?8 205<1, 1722. 1761. 21900. 17.2 122b21;, 87. 161125. 2029 2059, 1191. 1~50. 21 9 00. l7 .5 l"bIl78. 82. 111507. "\J'I 2iJ3Q 20'i9. 18bl. lq22, 21 9 bO. 11.9 110'100. 17. U5811. lOll 20 rB. 1917, lQ9b. 21 9 00. ItI.2 111119;:'. 71. 18057. () (). 2ilJi? 20'i9. 201S, IIn14. 21900, 18.5 11611b9. bQ. 1872b. ""'!). 20ll 20'59. 2095. 111 511 • i!t9bO. 18.9 I1J2b21. b5. 181 9 1. lii~ 203u 20':)9. 2179. 42l8. 21 9 00. 19.3 llj06bl. 6 t • 18853. 2015 2059: 22bo. 11125. 21 9 bO. 19.7 151180. S8. 18911. 201~ i059, 2157. 4i4ltb. 21900. 20.1 15S~OZ. 55. 189h. I-IA.RZA ENGINUIING COM'ANY ----.---.. BLACK Bf.AP lAKt. PPOJH T INTERIM (l982-199b) OIESEL AlTERNATIVE COST OF" "'('I \If V:: .02i1 p.fLAT ION RATE: .0Uo fUEL f SCALU ION RATE: .020 DISCOUf..T RATE: .080 RfFEQENCF OATE :: JA'IIUAHY 1980 ALL COSTS IN s 1000 FI)(~J) n .. 't Fuf.L tNtt<GY COST OF CUMULAT IIiE PRESi:NT CUMULATIVE YEAR COSTS COSTS rOST TnTAL GENEHATEO E"'fIlGY TOTAL "C.RTti p.". :-I"H Cf"ltS/KloiH 191\2 O. b14. 1'10. IP21l. \t 291). Ib.i? 162'1. 11.1(.18. 1'11.18. I'lpl o. bH. 1'29. l«b'3. 11700. lb.1'I 1791. IUU7, 2895. 1'<1\u O. bbl.l. 11.J27. 2n91. 11!'!')0. 17.b S8/)1l. 1'121. 4116. l'<ll<; O. bQ I. I c; :n • 2;02«. 12010. 18.5 8108. 1402. ~720. 191'10 O. 11 '" • l"ub. 2Jol.I. 121bO. 19.« 101l72. 1379. 7099. 19P7 O. 2M. Abl. Il u8. bOOO. 1 Q • I 11019. b20. 1719. 198A O. 21,j9. <l12. 1211 • bOOO. 20.2 12811. bOb. 8125. IQ8Q 0: ] 1 I • <l07. 1?78. bOOO. 21,1 1''109. ')'<2. 8911. IQQ(\ Co 1?1. 11125. 1,\:j6. bOOO. 22.5 151.j~7. 576. 9u95. 1991 o. Bo. In1:l7. lu21. bOOO, 21.7 Ib079. 505. 100eO. 1992 O. 150. I! 52. 1<)02. bOOO. 25.0 18381. 552. 10b12. 19 9 3 O. 30U. 1;>21. 10;8'5. &000. 2e.'I I 99U. 5110. 11152. Iqqu O. 17M. 1;09'1. 1,,72. bOOO. 27.9 21018. 527. 11619 • I<lQ'S o. Hl. 1 H2. 17 0 5. bOOO. 29.4 21'101. 515. 121911. 19<1b O. 1109. 1u511. lAbl. bOOO. 11 • 1 2520b. 501.1. 12b96. BLACI( BOR LAKE PROJECT INH::HIM (1982,,1<196) DIESEL ALTERNATIIIE· COST OF ~nNf'f: :050 INFLATION RATE= .01.10 FUEL ESCALATION RATEa .020 DISCOUNT RA TEll .080 REFERENCE DATE : JANUARV 1980 ALL COSTS IN $ 1000 FIlCEn 0+1'1 FIIEL H,ERGV COST OF CUI-4ULAT IvE PRESf.NT CU"'UI,.HIYE yEAR cosrs COSTS COST TorAI. GENEIUTED E.NERGY TOTAl. \jOin,.. p.w. MWH CENTS/KWH lq82 O. 01 u. 1::1\0. 1824. 11290. lb.2 18211. 1448. 14'18. 1<1111 O. bl<l. 1'29. 19 b 8. IPOO. Ib.8 11<11. luU7. 2b95. 19Aa 0. bba. lu27. 20 9 1. 11850. 11.b 58611. 1421. 4518. I'H~'5 0. I)QI. IC;H. 2;;12a. 12010. 18.5 810~. 1402. 5120. ~~ Iqltb O. 7t B. I~/jo. 21011. 121bO. 19.'1 10U72. 137<1. 7C<l9. 1'1111 O. 287. I'Ib I. Il u 8. 6000. 19.1 11019. b20. 7119. lll~ 19'18 O. 29'<. 912. 121 I • bOOO. 20.2 12811. bOb. 8325. 1<111<1 0; 111. q67. 1i?78. bOOO. 21.1 11.1109. 592. 6917 • (biii 19 q 'l o. 323. 11125. 13 11 8. 0000. 22.5 15'157. 576. 9(19'5. 19<11 O. 111). 11\87. la21. 6000. 2J.7 Ib879. 5b5. 10060. "'1-....... 1992 o. 150. 1!52. IS02. 0000. 25.0 t8 ]81. 552. 101.12. ~'i 19<13 O. 164. 1(121. '5 8 5. 0 00 0. 2b.1I ,9 v ob. SilO. 11152. ~~ IQQIl O. 17"1. 1;19(,1. 1&72. bOOO. 27.9 21b38. 527. 11019. Iq95 o. 391. I'H2. 17 b S. &000. 29.11 23i1U. 515. 121911. 19 9 b O. 409. 1«54. 1 ~o 3 •. 0000. 11.1 25200. 501,1. 12e98. ~~ Note: Affer /98tP CO:5/.5 are for ATC diesel alternative 9t1ner d -fion only. I-lARZA ENGINEERtNG CO",P ... NY BL.4C I( BEAR LAKE PROJECT INTERIM C1982-19Qb) DiESEL ALTERNATIVE cnST OF "10"'EY; . on INnATIO~j RATE: ,040 FUEL fSCALATJON RAiE= ,020 ~ISCOUNT RATEII .oso RUERE"CE 0.1 H = JANUARv \1/80 ALL COSTS IN S 1000 F !XED 0+"1 FufL ENERGY CO:)1 Of CUMUL4TIVE PRESE"lT CUMULATIVf \'fAR COSTs COSTS rOST ToTAL GENERAHO ENERGY TOTAL WORTH p.w, MI'i'" CENTS/KwH Iql\? O. b14. 1> 10, 11\211, 11,290, 1b,2 1624. 14lj8. 111411. 19111 O. b1Gl. 1'2 9 , 19b8, 11700. lb,S 31'H, 1UIl7, 2S95. 1981.1 I) ~ bbl.l. 11127. 2n 9 1, 11050. 17 .& S8~/j. 11.1.23, 4318, 1<1115 0: &91. Ic;:n, 2;;.24, 12010. 18,5 6108, 11102, 5720. 1<lI'b O~ 71/j, 11>,"1., 21 b 4. 121bO. 1<1.4 10,"72. 1179, 7099. I<l A7 O. 2~7. At-I. 11 ua • bOOO. t <I • 1 lIbl9, b20. 7719. 1981'\ O. 21/Q. .n l. 1i'11o bOOO. 20.2 12811. bOb. 8325. l'lAq O. 3 I I • Qb7. \;:1711, bOOO. 21.3 14 109. 59Z. 8917. Iq..,/) O. 121. 11'25, 11"8, bOOO. 22,S 15L157, 576. 91.195. lqq1 O. H", • 1nA7, lu23. bOOO. Zl.7 1b879. 5&5. 100bO. 19 q Z o. 350, 1!52. 15 0 2, bOOO. Z5.0 11;181. 552. 10b12. IQql O. lbLi. I? 21 , IS85, bOOO. Zb." 1 99 bb. 5110. 11152. 19~/j o~ 11B. I;>qll. lb 7 2, bOOO, 27.9 21bHl. 527. 11b79. I"QS O. 3 9 3. 1'02. 17 bS. bOOO, 29,4 211101. 515. 12194. 19qb O. £10'1. 11151.1, IJibl. 0000. 11.1 25Zbb. 504. 12b98. BLACK 6EAfi Lu<f PROJECT I",TERr M ClqS2-,Q9b) 01 ESEL ALTERNA.TIVE:. COST OF "'O"'E". ,OilO INFLATION RUEa ,040 FuEL ESCALATlaN RATE_ .020 DISCOUNT IU HOI .0110 RE~ERENCF nATE: JANU4RY IQ80 ALL COSTS IN S 1000 FpEI'! 0+1>'. FUEL 1:.~f.RG'f COST OF CU"IUL4 T I \If. PRESENT CUMULATIVE HAR COSTs COSTS rOST Tf)T4L GENEiHTEO E~[I<lG1 lOTAL IoORTH p.w. "'tI~ CE.NTS/KI'iH 1982 O. 011.1, 1'10. 11!i!Q. H2qo, 1b.2 18211. ltI1.I8. ltI1.I8. l<i81 O. b~q. "29, 19b8, 1 POO. Ib.6 1191, 11.1,"7, 2895, ,98i1 O. bbLl, 102 7 • 21'1 9 1. 118'5Q. 17,b 5SSu, 1421. 4116. 19"'5 O. /,91. 1<;31. 22 211 , 12010, 18,5 0108, 11.102, 5120. ~~ 1911b (I. 7t 1\. I~Ub. 2J0I.I. 121bO, 19.11 IOLl72, 1179. 7099, Iq!!l O. 21H, IIbl. IILl8, bOOO. 1'1, 1 1101'1, 020. 7719. 1911,8 O. ZQ9, <112. I 2 I I • bOOO. ZO,2 IZ8 H, bOb. SSeS. ::~ IqRq 0: 11 1 • <H:" • 1?78. bOOO. ZI.3 11.1109, 59Z. 8911. lQ<lU O! 12'1. 11125, Ilila. 0000. 22.5 l':iIlS7. 575. QU9S, ....... (li !<lql O. 310. 11lA7, lu21, c.OOO. 21,1 1087<1. 5/)5. 100bO. ....... 19<1l °t 150, 1,52. 1<;02, bOOG, 25.0 18181, 552. IObI2. \..o'i 19G1l O. 101.1. Pll. 15 8 5. bOOO. . Zo." 1 9 9bb. 51JO. 11 152. \lb IQ91l O. I7a, 1 ;;'<HI, lb 7 Z. bOOO. " 2.1.9 21b)8, 527. 1 I b19. tQ9S 0" 193. l}n, 17bS. bO()Q. 29.11 2.3'lG3. SIS. lil9'l, ,. IQQo O. UOQ. l(1SIi, 1801 •. 0000. 11.1 252bo. 50'l. 12b98. u,"'\I Nofe: After 1986 cos/.s are. for ATC dle~t!!.1 alfernaflve 9fJ.l1eratlofl only. I-JARZA fNGINtUING COMPANY SLACt( SEAR lAKE PROJECT n I E SEL ALTERNATIVE " COST OF "IoNfY:: .020 INFLATION RA H-.0"0 fUEL ESCALATION HATE: .020 DISCOUNT /UTE· .080 AEFERENCf OATE :: JANUARY 1980 ALL COSTS IN .~ 1000 FIxEO 0+'" FUEL ENf~Gy caST Of CUMULATIvE PRESf"lT CUMULATIVE YEAR C05TS COSTS COST TnUl GE~IERAnD ENERGY TOTAL IIOATH p."'. 104"'101 CENTS/KI'IH 19$17 O. b9('. 1 al 7. 21°0. 981'5. ll.3 2100. 1138. Ill8. 19"6 0, 71 7. l"ia:), 22°1. 101'50. 22.3 11367. I t31 • CC09. 191\9 IR2. 7ab. 1~82. 2,,10. 10 t •• B. 2S.0 0977. 120 9 • 3476. 1990 182. 77b. 1$132. 2790. 1072'5. 2&.0 9107. 1191. 110711. 11',191 213. 8!)7. 1<197. 3017. 11025. 27.11 12783. 11 98. 5872, 191',12 211. 8.39. 111b. 3226. 11133. 28.5 10011. 1187. 70'59, \'NJ 215. 871. 2171. 111'50. 11050. 29.7 19/,jb7. 1177 • 821&. 19 Q u 211. 901\. 2"iPl. 3701,j. II'nb. 10.1',1 231 1\. 1168. 9U03. 11',11',1'5 211. Qllu. 2AIS. 11',172. 12H I. 12.3 271U3. 1159. 10S03. 19 9 6 211. 91'\2. 1l'b7. 112 b 2. lCb5b. 33.7 11405. I 1'52. 11715. 1997 215. lOll. 3,u2. 4'5 7 /1. 13011. 3S.Z 35981. 11 115. 12800. 19 9 8 2bO. IOb2. 3~u2. 49011. 13H5. 31 .1 ClO9u5. it '50. 111010. Iq9Q 30 1. tt Oil. 3 Q b9. 5,71.1. 13750. 39.1 4b319. 1151. ISlb3. 2·1(10 301. 11 !III • 1.I~2U. 577u. 141111. aO.9 '52093. 1147. 1b310, 2(d~ I 30 I. 11 91!. 1J~12. b208. 14530. 42.7 '5/;)101. 11 11 2. 171152. 2002 3QI. 12112. 5t35. bb 7 e. 14937. 414.7 b tl 979. 1137, 18569. 2003 31JQ. 121',12. 5C;95. 1216. 15355. a1.1 7221S. 1141. t9730. 200u l1J9. 13<.1/l. b097. 77 9 0. 1578S, 49,3 80005. t 137. 208C18. 2()(''j 400. 1197. b1-U4. 811111. lb227, 52.0 8811(11. IllIt. 22009. 2000 1l1l0. 11153. 7,ao. 9(193. Iob 8 1. 54.5 915uO. 1138. 23147. 2(107 1100. IS! I. 7$11'\9. 9,,00. tUIiS. 57.2 101340. 111b. 21l281. 200B 400. 1'572. BC;9b. 1°'5 0 8. l1b28. 00.0 l1HOII. t13'1. 251.118. 21'l1'l9 biBs 1035. 9'68. lH,20. 18122. 04.1 12q~28. 11 SS. 20513. 2010 b18. 11('10. 10'07. 120;25. 18029. b7.2 11.1205u. 1151. 27725. 2011 '.152. 17b8. 1112:5. 130:;1.11. 19151. 70.7 155597. 11511. 28679, 2012 052. 181~. 12120. 111,,11. IQbA7. 71.1.2 170208. 1153. 30032. 2011 052. 1912. 11'08. 151 7 2. 20239. 77.9 185'180. 1152. 1118'1. 20 III b52~ 19fj9. 11.1192. 17013. i0805. 81.9 20J013. 11'52. !lUb. 20lS 728. 20b8. 15j.,83. t8u7Q. 21388. 8b.II 2211.192. 1157. 331193. 201b 807. 2151. 17n1>8. 20n2b. 219bO. '11.2 21.11518. 11 b 1. 14b54, 2017 801. 2231 • 181\92. 2It37. 21900. 9b.l 2020':15. Ill'5. 35789. 2016 8b3. B27. 19 t 18. 22308. 21 9 00. 101.9 285023. 1\ 12, 3b901. 2"19 Q \ I. lillO. 2<,),29. 23 0 59. 21 9 00. 107.7 301:\082. tOS9. 37990. 2020 9 I I. 2517 • 21"i48. 211<170. 2!901l. 113.7 B3058. 1005. 39055. lotll 911. 2b17 • 22 11 11\. 2 0 1 b9 • 211',100. 120. I H0021. 1041. (10095. 2;1'2 911. ,022. 2il'12. 27AIlS. 219bO. 12b.8 381672. 1011. I.Itt n. ~I)i?l 967. 283 t • 2':)111)1.1. 29ab2. 219t10. 131.1 .2 1.117134. 997. 1.12101',1. ~~ 21124 qb7. 291.1u. 27,o11. 31115. 21 9 00. 14 I .7 1.I1.1t!:J50. 975. 43081.1. 2025 1·,2'1 : )Ob2. 28$1 37 • 321',127. 219t10. 149.9 .(181371. 955. 41.1039. ~~ 202t1 102'1: 3184. 10<;b7. 34780. 219bO. 158.4 51b157. 91". 11119711. 2027 102'1. 3l t 2. 32ilOI. 3b7 11 1. 21 9 1:10. tb7.1 552898. 9111. 1.15&87. t)i 2028 1021',1. 3Qllil. 3 4 14'5. l8A18. 21900, 170.8 .,91111:1. 8911. 4b781. ....... ......... 2(12(1 15n5. 35';2. .H>1.I0b. 4111C/2. 21900.. U~8.9 b33208. 885. 117~bb. Ci '4 20:50 1505. 3725 : 3A,90. tJ3;;20. 21 9 00. 199.5 b77028. 8b5. 1.18531. 2!)JI 15!!3. 387/l. al)Qo5. 1.I°3 b 2. 21 9 00. 211,1 723391. 8U7. 119378. th 20 l2 15·'n • 11029. u:),oO. lJt<q72. 21900. 223.0 772302. 829. 50207. () 20n 151111. I!I'lO. il5,!bl. 51714. 21900. 235.b 82ilO97. 'tt. 51018. ";), 20111 1'583. 415a. .(18719. 511b b O, 21 9 60.. 248.9 871H5b. 11n. 51811. lii'" 2·J3S 1 1i7/l. 4532. 5\,,/l2. 57AU8. lt 9 bo.. 201.11 9]ob04, 771. 52588. 2()lti 17b9. 'I1ll. 54},,1. b1223. 21 9 00, 278.8 997827. 1b2. SH50. ~ lNGINURING COMPANY BLACt( I:I~AR LA"t p~nJHT "It: Sfl AlHRNAT[1If COST 0" "oNE V: .0')0 INflATION lU 1 fe .Ol,lQ fUEL ESCALATION RATEs .OlO OISCOU"Ir lUTE-.080 Rf~ERENCE OATl : JA"-UARy IClI\O ALL COS1$ IN ". 1000 F PEr) (>+M FUEL ENERGY COST Of Cu,",ULA. TIllE PRESENT CiJloIUL AT 1 \I[ VE1R costs COSTS rOST TOTAL GEr.;EIH TEO ~"fRGY TOUL ,"ORTH p .... I1"H CENTS/KWH 1'1117 O. b'lO. 11117. 21 0 b. 9875. 21.3 210b. 1118. tll8. 1'1.1\8 O. 717. 1<;1I3. 22 0 1. 10150. 22.1 II.S07. 111 I. 22,,9. 1'1"'1 2 UO. 7Ub. 11>1l,2. 2"b8. 10LlH, 25,& 703'5. t23b. 1S01.l. 1'1'10 2L10. 77b. 11112. 211"11. t0725. 2b.b (1/:183 • t222. Ll72b. 1'1'11 21') • e07. lQq7. loSl. 11025. 28.0 129bS. 12214. SqSo. 1'1'12 21'1. 81'1. 2\7&. l.,qll. 11 B3. 29.1 1&259. 1211. Hoi. I 'I'll 21'1, 8 7 3. 217 I. 30;22. tlb50. 30,i! 19 781. 1199. 8HO. IClqLl 279~ '108. 20;11"\. 3770. 1197b. . 51 .S 23551 • 1188. 9SLlQ. 1995 21'1, '1£1£1, 21115, 1I0lS. 12311. 32.8 27589 • l11Q • 10727. Iqqb 2 7'1, '111,2. 311b 7 • "328, 120So. 311.2 11917. 1110 • 11897. tqQ7 21'1. 1021. ],"2. LlbLl2. llO 11. 35.7. ]oSS9. 11 b2. 11059. Iqq ... It.ll, 11)"2. 1/0. t.I 2 , SnLlS. 133 75. 17.7 1I100Ll. t1 b9. l U 22I.'. lqq~ ]~5. 11011. lQb q • SLlOIi. 1)750, 3'1.8 Ll7072. It 73. lSIIOIo 20110 letS. I 11.1 A. 1.1'\,;>11. Sllb8. 1111l1i, 111 .5 529110, llbb. USb7. £lOOt 1"5. IIQII. 11712. b"\02, lL1510, lI1." 592L12. 11S9, 1772b. 2(11)2 39S. 12~2. 5135. "'772. lijqH. u5.1 bbOlli. 11 5 1. 181J79. 200'S LlC;~. 1292. '5C;QS. 71"5, 15355. 117,8 7135'1. IIS8, 2001s, 201'l1,l 'lSd. Ilall. b097. 7"Qq, 1576,). 50,0 81256. 11S1. 21191. 200'5 5;>b. 13<11. bhLlII. 8<;b7. 10227. 52.8 8982b. 1158. j!211l9. 20(lb '521>. 1 LI'.d. 7'"il. 921q. I bolH • 55.3 qQOI.lS. 11 sa, 23503. 1007 S20, 151 I • 1/1Il'1. qq20. 171118. 57,9 101:1'171. 11 '51 , 211&5L1. 21)011 52b. 151.? 8C;etb. 10,,911. 17b28, bO.7 t19Ob5. 11118. 2~802. 200Q Bil. 103'5. "'08. Ilel5. 16122. bS.2 B1L1eo. 11711, 2bq1b. 2010 811. 170 I). 1o,o7. 12720. 1802'1. b8.1 1'111201. I 170, 2614b. 2011 A"O. I HB. Ili2'l. 137 5 1. lq151. 71.8 157952, 1172. 2 q l18, 2012 8bO. 18H. 12120. ILI"lq. 19b87. 75,3 lU771. 1 U9. 10Ll87, 2013 8bO. 1912. n,()8. 1'5<180. 21)23'1. 7et.o \88751. 11 b 7. ]lb'5l1. 21) tt.I I.'bO. IQ89. lL11q2. 172 L1 1. 20605. aZ.9 20S'lq2. 11bb. 32820. 2015 QoO. 20bA. 151,81. 18711. 21l1le. 87.5 22L1703. 11 72. 13992. 2016 lilb"~ 2151. 17'168, 2 0 18 1. c1900, 92,1.1 2L11198b. 117 b, 351H. 2;)17 l(lb u • 2237. 18()"/2, 211 Q!.l. 2IQbO. (i} .LI 26b380. l11J9. 30117. 21)IA I 137. Hn. IQ\11!. 22b li 2, 21900. 101,1 28Q022. 112b. HUlo 20lQ 12~0. 2L120. 20'2 Q• 23'1 11 8, 21900, 10'1.1 112970. 1102. 385I1S. 20?0 12 0 0. 2511. 21C;lll~. 25,b'5. 2IQbO. 115.0 BB23S. 1077. 3-'022. 11121 1200. 2b17. 22~Lll. 2b 0 58, 2I QbO. 121.11 3b"l)lfl, 1052. LlOb1u. l(l22 1200. 27U. 2L1'12. 2813 tlo 21900. 128.1 Hl027, 1028. Ll1702. 20B 127tj. 2 81·! • 2ShO Ll , 2 q 7 b 9. 219bO. IlS ,b U227Qb. 1007, Ll2709. ~~ 202u 127tj. 2Qtltj. 27.)OLl. 311.122. 21900. lL13.1 4SLl219. 9811, Ll1091, 2oJ?5 \l'i~. 10b2. 28R37. 1l?S2. 2IQOO. 151.4 1187L171. qb5. IILlb58. 20?b 11511. 3111L1. :SOC;b7. 3S 105. 219bO, ISQ.9 52257b, 9113. Ll5/)01. ~~ 2027 135 ... , 311l. 321101, 3 7 nbb. 219bO. lb8.8 S5 Qt.U2. '122. Llb523. 1028 lJ51.l. 11.111L1. ]4,tj5. 3'11"1, ':I QbO. 171'>.2 S987!5. 901. 11742L1. '\..~ 202Q t960: 3582. 301l0b. Lllqb7, 2letbO. lQl,1 bU07S2. 895, 118HQ. ......... 'I 2030 1990. 1725. 35c;90. 1It12QS, 219bO. 201.7 b6S0Ll7. 87'1. LlQ193. ....... 20H 20~2. 1871l. t.loq05. ub;.bl. 21qoO~ 21l.11 731~oq. 657. 50050. ~ tb 2012 20il,?, Ll02Q. t.I]"\bO. IIQu 7 1, 219bO. 225.3 7AllN. 837, 50887, 2(1H 20 11 2. t.llQo. IlS~bl. S2231. 21 Q bO. 217 .9 8llbll. 819, 5170b. • 2011l 2082. Ll151'1. 4671 9 • 55t S9 • 21QbO. 251.2 aSS771. 800. S2Sh. til "'\I 2015 220.? li512. 511>42. 5 8 1'b. 21QbO. 2b5,8 91171117. 78'1. 'illQI, 203b 2327. Ll713. SLl7111. b17 8 1. 2\QbO. 281.1 1008928. '1b9. 5'1059. I-IARZA ENGINfUING COMPAIH bLAtl. dU.R LAKE PROJECT [,lLSEL AL.TERNATIvE (OS-( OF "IO~tvz .VIO li"tLA rI ON RATE:! .040 FUEL ESCALATION RATE2 .020 DISCOUNT lUTE» .0 ell) n£FfRENCI' OATf ;1 .i../WARV tQ80 ALL COSTS IN I 10:)0 FIxEo 0+4 FUEL ENERGy COST Of CUMULATIvE PRESENT CUI'IUL H I liE YE lR COSTS COSTS cOST TOT i.l GENflUTfO ENERGY TOTAL '-OFHH p .... HWH CENTS/KWI; \9111 O. b90. \1117 • 21 0 6. 9875. 21.3 2100. 1138. 1118. 191\8 O. 717-15113. c2OI. 10150. 22.1 '1]01. 1111 • 2209. tq1\~ 2eu: 71,10. 11\f!2. 2712. 11)1131. 21.>.0 1019. 1250. 3525. \</90 21l4: 17b. I A l2. 21\92. 10725. 27.0 9971. 121010. "705. 19 9 1 :BO, 807. 1991. 3,311. 11 0 25. 26.11 13104. 12"". bOlO, Iq~2 HO. 8H. 2170, 13 4 5. 113B. Z9.S Ib4119. lBO. 72H, 1991 HO. 871. 2171. lsH. 11&50. 10,7 20022. 12 S7. 81150, l'1QI,I HO. 908. 2"P,1. h21. 11971:1. J1,9 21841, 12011. 9bOI. 11,195 'BO~ 'Hlij. 2AIS. 110 8 9. 12311. H.2 2'1932. 1193. 106511. lQ9" no. 91l2. 31'67. 4]79. 12b5b. 311.b lllll, 1183. 12037. 1991 13(). 1021. HQ2. lIe<l3. 1}011. 3e,1 3700", 1175. 13212. 199A aOJ. IOb2. h.al. 51 0 7. 13375. 38.l ,,2111. 1183. 14]95. 19<19 Llbb. I10ll. 3qe9. 55H. 13750. 40.3 111050. 1188. IS58a. leo a Ubb: 11411~ IIJ2 4 • 59]9. I a 13Q. "2.0 5558<1, 1180. 107ClI. 200t ubb. I I <I !J • .:In.? • oJ73. 1"'530. 43.q 5q<l~2 • 1172. t7<l1b. 20t) ~ 1I0b. 12 0 2. 5tl'5. bR"3. 111<157. Q5.8 eb605. tU6. 191010 20 0 1 5110. 12<12. <;"q5. 7u27. 15355. 118.11 7 Q23Z. 1171. 20271. 20011 '540: 1311<.1. b097. 7q81. 1'5785. 50.0 8221l. 11 oS. 211138. 100'5 b20. t H7. bllll". 8b e l. Ib227. 53,(1 <loe15. 11 71 • 22b09. conI.> b20. 1453. 7~40. Ql13, leb61. 55.& 100188. II co. 23775. 2001 b20. 1511 • 7/1R9. 10nZO. 171118. 58." II 0.?O8. I I e I • 21.1q3b. 2C~!I 020. 1572. t1C;90. 107 8 8. 17b28, b 1.2 120Q9b. 1158. 2e09a. 20(11l qSQ. Ib3S. Q\bR. Ilqbl. 1,!l22. bb,O 132QS7. 118Q. 2716J. 2010 qC;q. 1700. 10/07. 1i'lIbb. 18b29. bQ.1 lu':)8211. I U4. 26"b7 • 20 It 1 0 I a l 170/\ • 11!23. l]q05. 191'51. 72.b 15q729. lies. 2qeSI. 2012 1014. 18H. 1212 0 • I Q971. l<1b87. 7 b, I HU70'? 1181 • 30833. 20n 101" • 1912. 13;'(111. lbila. 20259. 79.7 1<10810. 1179. 320 II. lO III 101 jj • I<lell. la"~2. 173 9 5. 20805. 63.b 208231. I I 7 b • H186, 2015 1 I :S2. lObi\. 15..,81. 181183. 21388. 88.3 2271111. 1181. 111]70. 20lb 1255. 2151. 170b8. 20a74. ilqbO. 93.2 2117588. 1187. ]5551. 2017 12':)S~ 22H. 186 q l. 215 8 5. 21 9 bO. q8.3 21>9173. 1159. 3071b. 2018 , 3112. HZ7. \<1'78. 22Aa7. ,'!!1geO. loa.o 292020. 1130. 378'l2. 201<1 IUI6. 21.120. 20\29. 2 a l b b. iUgeO. 11 0.0 310180. 1112. 189&5. 2O?0 I III 6 • 2517. 21<;48. 25Q1\1. 21900. II b. 0 1alo!)9. 1080. 400'H. 20'.1 141 8 • 2b17. 22~al. 20R7b. ZIQoQ. 122.11 3b65l1'5. lOci, 111111. 2('J2~ I Q I 8 ~ 2722. 24" 2. 21\3 5 2. 21960. 129.1 390897. 10]b. a2107. 2023 IS0b. 28]1. 25,,~4. lonOI. 219bO. Ilb .b 426898, 1015. 1131&2. lA 20eQ 150b. 2qua. 27'01.1. 31bSa. 219o/). 111l1.1 115!!553. 9Q2. 4"154. ~~ lo25 1002: 101:>2. 21)1\:57. llSOO. 21geO. 152.b 492053. Q72, u5leb. 2020 le02. ll8a. ]05&7. 153 5 1. 219bO. 101.0 527110e. 950. 110075. ~~ 2027 Ib1J2~ 3112. 12aol. 1711" • 21 g eO. Ib9.9 5b a nO. 928. 117001. 202" lb02. 311ua. 3 a ,1I5. ]91QIo 21 9 bO. 179.4 ~Ollili. 907. 117910. ~~ 2029 21all • 3582. HaOb. lIZ1!1. 219&0. 192.8 b40 a 42. 901. 11861J. 20}0 21 lla • lUS. 311 ')90. 4 a 6 5 Q. 2l q eO. 201." 091101. e62. ,,9095. t\) "i 2\)]1 2405. 187Q. a0905. u7?"4. 21<1bO. 2lS.1 7]834&. 8e4. 50558. 2012 2abS: aO,?9. al\bO. 1191.\')4. 219bO. 227,0 7861<19. 84G. 51402. ~ tb 2033 cQ b5. Q190. a59 b l. 52610. 21900. 239.0 8110810, 825. SiZZl. '1::. • 203a 21105. 11358. 4671 9 • 555(12. 219bO, 252.9 &96157. eOb. 510]z • lij"'\J 2015 2b07. 11532. 516112. 5 8 78 1. 21QbO. 21:17.7 955138. no. S182l. 2030 U5~. 4713. 51,1 <, IJ I • 1.22°&. 21 9 00, 28:].1 IOlHue. 7711 • ~(j59b. 1--t~ZA. fNCIt·IH~ING COMI'AlH BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJHT otESEL AL TERN. TIVE COST OF 1oI0'IEY:; :090 TNFU·TION RATEr: .0 11 0 FUEL ESCALATIO~ RATEa .020 OISCOUNT RATE· ,01'0 REFERENCE DATE 1II JANUU1Y \980 ALL COSTS IN i 1000 F !XEO 0."4 fuEL ENERGy COST Of CU~UL AT I V£ PRESENT CUMULATIVE YEAR COSTS COSTS rOST TOTAL GEt..L'H TED ENERGY TOTAL "ORTH P.ii, "' .. H Cf.NTS/KjjH 1987 O. &90. 1 II t7 • 21 0 b. 9875. 2 1.3 210b. 1138, 1138, 1988 0; 717 • 1""1. 2lbl. 10150. 22.1 1I3b7. I nl, 22b9. 19~9 307. 7u6. lhF!2. 2115. l.;iJ B. 2b.2 7102. 12b7, lSlb, \9"'0 307. 77b. IFl12. 2915. 10725. 27.2 \0011. IeSO, lI78b, '991 357. 807. lQ<17. 3,bl. 11025. 28.7 13117. 1255, bOlli, 19 9 2 3'H, 1'39. 217b. 11 7 2. 113B. 29.8 tbSll9. 12(10, 728t, '(9) 351~ 1'11. 2'01. 1,,00. 11050. 30.9 201119. 122b, 850b, t<~911 357, 90A. 2«;113. lRU8. 11'nb. 3l.1 21'197. 1213, 9719. 19 Q5 357. <1411. 2~15. (lllb. 12311. .53.(1 281 D. 1201, 1092t. Iq 9 b 3'57 • 9£1.2. 3nb1. lIa Ob. 12bSb. 311.8 32519. 1191, 12112. 1997 357. 1021. 3\112. IIl20. nOll. lb.) ]7239. U81. 132'H, 1998 U30~ IOb2. 1/0102. SIIiO. 13]75. 36.(1 112379 • ll'H, 11I(l8l1, 1999 5011. t 1011 , 19b9. S,,77. I !7S0. qO.b u195b, 1191. lSb8n, 2000 SOli, 1 P18. 11'I,2 U , 5977. lu 13(1. 112.3 53951. 1181, lb8to~, 2(1(11 50(1, 11 <l1j, UII2. bull. IlI530. 1I" • 1 &"3(1U. 1179, 18{llll, 2002 50lj. 12112. 5135. beSI. Iu<l37. 110.1 &7225, 1172. l<1iU. 2003 56U: 1292. 5«;Q5. 711 7 1. 15355. u8., 7(1090. 1178 , 20197. 20ol! 56(1. 1311(1. 0(197. tloiS. 15785, 50.8 82721. tt,2. 21Sb9. 2005 070, 13<17. b~411. 8711, 1 baH. 53.7 QtI.iB. 1178. 22 71.1 J. 200b b 7 O. 11153. 7;J1I0. <I]b3. lhb81. Sb.l 100790, t171. 2391<1, 2007 b10. I S I I • 7 A II<I. 10n 7 o. 11l lJ 8. 58.1 lt06bO. llbl. 2508b. )1008 b70. 1572. 8,,90. IOA38. 17028. b1.S 1217014. I I b 3, 2b2lj<l. 2009 11)3 s. lb35. <I'b6. 121)37 • 18122. bb.U 1337"1. 1 tc~o. 27"ljb. 2010 1015. 171'l0. 10~07. 12<1 14 2. Il!1b29. b9.5 1l1bb8u. 11 q I, 28blb. 2(111 I 0 'II.I ~ 17b8. Ili2l. 13<1 8 5. 19151, 73.0 lbObb9. 1192, 2<162&, 2012 109'1: 18H. 1212 0 • 150 5 3. t<~b87. lb.5 17':>722, 1188, 31015. ('01'5 10 Q II. I <I 12. 13~08 • Ib21(1. 202H, 80.1 19191b. 11811. 32200. 20111 109Q. 1<189. 14]<12. 17u 7 5. 20805. 6",0 20'1(111, II ei, 33382. 2015 1222: 20b8. 151>.8). 18973. 2tl88. 88.7 22818u, 1188, 3(1510. 2016 11'55: 2151. 17~b8. 20S7i1. 21900. 91.7 2u8<158. 119l. 351b3. 2011 1355: 2237. 18092. 21 0 85. 219bO. <18.7 2100111. 11 blj, ]0<127. 2i'JUI lUQ9. 2327. IQ178. 229511. 21QbO. lOu,S 2'i13597. 1 I (I 1 • 380b8, 2019 153 I • 2420. 20\2 9 • 2 4 2 7Q. 21900. 110. b 3\7670. 1118, 3918b. 2020 15]1. 2517. 210;46. 255 9 b. 21<1bO. 11 &. b 343(172. 1091. "0271. 2021 ISH: 2017 • 22111.11. 2bQ6<1. il 9bO. 122.<;1 HOliol. lObS. /l13112, 20n 1531. 1722. 211;J12. 2hb5. 219bO, 12<1.b ]q8<12b. 10UO. 112382. 2023 102b. 2831. 2'5~ba. 3 o i 2 1. ;1\<100, 137.2 112 9 0(11. 101 9 • H1I01, ~~ 202" Ib2b. 291111. 27~Ou. 317 711. 219bO. lilU.l IIb0822, 995, II11l9" 2025 112 Q: 10b2. 26~37. )3,,27. 21 9 bO. 151,1 1.1941149. 975, 115372, 2021, 172'1. 31811. 30<\01. )5u80, 21900. lbl.o 529929. 953. IIb325. ~~ ?C?7 1729. B12. 121101. l7IJ"1o 21"'bO, 170.5 5b7370. 'HI. 1112'5b, ....... ~ 202a 1729. 3111111. 1111.1.15. 1 9 518. ll"'bO. 180.0 bOb88&. <110. 11810b. , 2029 2529. 3562. 3banb. lI2'510, 2,QbO, 193.b 01l9401l. 907, (l907lt ii:i'i 20~O 252Q~ 1725. 3!1"90. /lU!I(I/j. 21"'bO, lOll,2 b<lli2q8, 885, (1<1958. ('031 2t>e.0. 3871.1. UO<l1)5. 11711]9. l1<100, 2h.o 1111':'88. 8b7, '50825. ~tb 2012 2bbO. u029. U31bO. 5()0IlQ. 21900, 227 .9 7Q173b. 8117. 51012. 'b, 20'51 2bbO~ U190. u59bl. 52;.11. iH <;IbO. l1l0.5 6u45(18, 828, 52500. ......... ......... 203u 2bbO. 4358. 11871<1. 55137 • 21900. 253,8 <l002811. 809, 53309. \JJ 2<l35 2~12. 11532. 511,U2. 5898b, 21"'bO, Zb6.b 95 9 270. 793. 51110l. 2011> 2971 • U 713. 5£171.11. b21125. 21QoO, 2811,) 10l1095, 771. 5(1871. I-IARZA (NCINHRING COMPANY Ite.m Deve.lop Or!Janfjafion FeiJ!5ihility study Financing and Permittinj Ot: t,ai/~d Oe.519n Con:5 trl.1ction 0plJration &-lA.R..~ ENGINEERlNG COMPANV' AUGUST 197!i Year 197!J 1?80 1981 Quarfer .3 4-V 2 .3 .,. I 2 3 ~ • • • • ALASK.A POW~R. AUTHORITY INTER-1M 4EN£I'(,l..TIOAI I'/tOJECT IMPLE.ME.NTATION SCHEDULe: EXHI81T 8-d Sheet 2 of 2 Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 198.3 /984-1985 1986 Item QUt3rter 3 4 I 2 .3 4-I 2 3 4 I 2 .3 4 I 2 .3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 .3 4 I 2 3 4 Pre cons fruc.tion Activifies Oevelop Or9anljaflon I Oec/eJraflon of' Intention --I Feasihility Sfudy -Pro"i~iona/ I ! I -Fina{ en 'Iironmen f.s I F£IfC L.icen.se Af'?/icaiion - -PreparClfion ~ -Review i I r : i I , , Other Permifs I I I I I ril1ancin9 I I --I I , f)esi9~ Confr,fJGf OocLlmt=nf.s1 Award I Construc.fion MoblliJation I "' I ! Quarry and Strippin9 I I I , i I o ive r.s ion W*--*2 M4 -I I Dam . . I I Penstock. i Po we. rhouse Turbines and Qel1erator.s I Trt!1nsmission I , j ~ I Tesfln9 and Commissioninj I I I J I , I ALASKA ?OWER AUTHoRITY BLACK BEAR. LAkE PROJEC T IMPLEM£NTATION I---lL\..R..ZA ENGINEERING COMPANY AUGUST 1979 SCHEf)ULE Appendix B-A GEOLOGY Regional Geology General Geologic Formations of Southeast Alaska vary from Lower Ordovician volcanics (in some places deposited in marine environments) and cherts to poorly consolidated recent glacial (fluvioglacial and glacio-marine) clastics. The older (Tertiary and older) beds are often intricately folded and faulted. Folding and faulting apparently occurred in several different episodes in the past, and judging from current seismic activity and apparent differential uplift of opposite sides of the Chatham Strait, continue in the present. Stratigraphy In general the older (pre-Tertiary) sedimentary rocks are marine as evidenced by black shales, cherts and limestone, (or their metamorphic equivalents e.g. slates, and marbles). Volcanism, which is still present, has occurred inter- mittently since the early Paleozoic. This is evidenced by basalt or andesite volcanic or welded tuffs in unmetamorphised areas and by greenstones in metamorphic sequences. Plutonic activity has occurred during at least four geo- periods -the Silurian, Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary. Plutonic rocks vary from granities to gabbros. In places, rock sequences have been subjected to low grade regional metamorphism which has produced schists, green- stones, slates and marbles. Bedding is often difficult to differentiate from foliation in many of these sequences. In addition to the regional metamorphism, aureoles, or zones of contact metamorphic rocks, surround many of the plutonic rocks. Structure Southeast Alaska is a part of the Coast Range of the west coast that extends from California north to the Alaskan Penin- sula. As such it is a broad belt of interconnected ranges that has been subjected to several episodes of folding and faulting and plutonic intrusions. The several episodes of folding, faulting, and plutonic intrusions have resulted in extremely complex geology. This geology is additonally complicated by a system of strike-slip B-A-I faults where horizontal movement has been large enough to bring different facies of contemporaneous strata into j ux tapos i ton. These faults generally trend northwestward in conformity with the structural grain of the area and often have large vertical movements. Some are apparently active. Seismicity Orogenic Earthquakes. The seismic history of Southeast Alaska, while short, shows a high level of activity. A large amount of this appears to be related to the seismic activity of the circum-Pacific orogenic belt (or "ring of fire"). This belt is characterized by a deep oceanic trench (the Aleu- ian Trench) a principal tectonic line with epicenters of shallow earthquakes and active or recently extinct volcanos (the Aleutian Islands) with epicenters of earthquakes originating at depths near 100 km. This Pacific orogenic belt is the classical concept of thrust faulting extending to substantial depths. Earthquake foci increase in depth as distance from the oceanic trench in- crease. Master faults, primarily strike-slip in character, account for much of the seismic activity of Southeast Alaska. These faults, shown on Exhibit B-A-l and occupying and bounding the Coast Range oragenic belt, can in places be identified to pass through the area. Major seismic activity attributed to these faults is described below. The map of epicenters, generally shows a correlation between faulting and seismic activity. (a) The Fairweather-St. Elias-Chugach Fault is the largest and most active in coastal Alaska. Activity associated with this fault resulted in the Lituya Bay earthquake of July 10, 1959. This movement was at least 70 feet lateral and 21.5 feet vertical. Other large earthquakes, including the Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964, and the Yakutat Bay earthquake of September 10, 1899, may also have originated on this fault. (b) A second major fault, the Denali-Chatham Strait Fault, passes through the Alexander Archipelago along Chatham Strait, joining the Fairweather Fault west of Prince of Wales Island. The northern end of this fault is considered to be active and this activity is believed to have formed scarps along the Alaska Range. There is no reported evidence of movement of the fault; however, the Denali-Chathan Strait Fault is long and it should not be assumed that it is inactive. Some severe earthquakes appear to have originated on the northern part of the fault. B-A-2 Many other faults appear to be related to the Chatham Strait -Fairweather Fault system. Within the general area of Southeastern Alaska, these faults, in general, are consid- ered to be inactive or dead faults in that they have not moved during the Holocene. Earthquakes in the area, however, often cannot be related to known surface faults and may be presumed to be indigenous to the area. Design for such earthquakes should be on a zonal basis. It should be noted that seismic activity is largely concentrated between the Chatham Strait and Fairweather Faults and along and to the west of the Fairweather Fault. Sites significantly east of the Chatham Fault should be expected to experience a lower level of activity. Volcanic Earthquakes. Several large earthquakes have been attributed to volcanic eruptions on the Aleutian Islands. These have resulted in tsunamis. Tsunamis or Tidal Waves. One of the effects of earth- quakes can be formation of seismic sea waves or tsunamis. Generally these are generated by submarine earthquakes; how- ever, earthquakes with epicenters on land can also cause tsunamis. Within the area of Southeast Alaska, tsunamis can generally be expected to be generated in the Aleutian Trench, along the Fairweather Fault, or in the Japan Trench. Several have been reported that can be attributed to movement along the Fairweather Fault. Potential tsunami generation could also occur in Southeast Alaska by earthquakes on the Chatham Strait Fault, and one reported in 1899 in Lynn Canal may have originated on this fault. Powerplant sites on or very near the coast could be dam- aged by tsunamis. Physiography The overriding factor in the formation of the present terrain of Southeast Alaska has been Wisconsinian glaciation. Glaciers apparently originated from ice caps on the larger islands, and then spread into the lower areas as valley and tidewater glaciers. In some areas, local mountain glaciers resulted in the formation of cirques and hanging valleys. Retreat of glaciers occurred approximately 10,000 years ago, a short period of time from a geological standpoint. Removal of glacial ice loads resulted in substantial rebound of land masses at some places (approximately 700 ft. for Douglas Islands as reckoned from present sea level). Because of the short period of time since glaciation, drainage systems are often poorly integrated, streams are immature, flowing through valleys with oversteepened sides and with steep B-A-3 gradients in places, and through shallow isolated lakes and muskegs in other places. The rebound phenomena apparently are not present in all islands. Furthermore, the phenomena have been complicated by rising sea levels following melting of glacial ice and possibly differential movement along major faults, such as the Chatham Strait Fault. The results of these factors with reference to project area are that: (1) Big Salt Lake appears to have been formed by a tide water glacier and has now been inundated by the rising sea level, (2) Black Lake was formed by the glacier responsi- ble for the formation of Big Salt Lakei and (3) Black Bear Lake appears to have been formed by a mountain glacier and is a hanging valley with reference to Black Lake. Debris Avalanches and Landslides A major consideration of some sites and reservoirs in valleys with oversteepend sides could be debris avalanches of soils and of weathered and broken and glacier deposits which could fill the reservoir and damage project facilities. The literature of the area reports instances of destructive debris avalanches and other mass wasteage phenomena. Many scars are found on aerial photographs, observed from planes, or found on the ground attesting to commoness of these phenomena. Bent tree trunks on some slopes indicate creep movement and potential instability. In general, debris avalanches occur on oversteepened slopes i.e. slopes exceeding 36°. This is slightly steeper than the commonly accepted 33° angle of repose of talus deposits. Commonly the debris avalanche involves relatively thin coheisonless soils and thin surficial layers of broken and weathered rock. In some cases the layering of broken and weathered rock results from stress relief joints which are generally parallel to the surface and which appear to have been formed as a result of relief of stress following melting of glaciers. Triggering mechanisms can be large increases of soil moisture due to rain or disruption of drainage due to construc- tion activities, logging, or other activities that remove vegetation. Earthquakes also can trigger debris avalances. Rock falls from cliffs are one of the mass wastage phenomena. Good engineering practice will eliminate hazards to the Project from this source. B-A-4 Other types of landslides of either rock or soil probably occur in Southeast Alaska. These do not apear to be factors in the project area. Black Bear Lake Geology Physiography Black Bear Lake and Black Lake are glacier formed features in the Klawock Mountains of the central part of Prince of Wales Island. Black Lake occupies a hanging valley typical of that formed by a relatively small mountain glacier flowing from a higher valley into a lower glacier valley. Black Lake and Big Salt Lake occupy the larger and lower valley. Both Black Bear Lake Valley and Black Lake Valley are "Un shaped (typical of glacier formed valleys) with broad gentle valley bottoms and steep valley sides. Black Bear Creek, which flows from Black Bear Lake to Black Lake, flows over a rock sill at the northern end of Black Bear Lake. The creek has carved a narrow gorge in its descent to Black Lake Valley. A part of the course of the creek in this area parallels the dominent foliation of the rock and is apparently controlled by foliation. Sides of Black Bear Lake Valley are covered by talus cones in many place along the lake. These cones appear to have slopes near angles of repose and are probably quasi-stable. In contrast to this, sides of Black Lake Valley have extensive forests, which in places are scared by fossil debris avalanches. This suggests that in places valley sides are "over-steepend" and may at times and in different places be unstable. Seismicity Earthquakes are common in Southeast Alaska. Specifically for the Black Bear Creek Project, earthquakes appear to be related to the Fairweather Fault, which is approximately 70 miles southwest of the Project, and the Clarence Strait Fault, which is approximately 30 miles northeast of the Project. The magnitude of earthquakes which occur on the Fairweather Fault (some as great as 8.6 on the Richter Scale) indicate that the Project could be subject to severe shaking. Other faults exist in the project area and in other parts of the Prince of Wales Island. Our studies indicate that these are probably inactive and not earthquake sensitive. B-A-5 Geologic Investigations The USGS has prepared a geologic map of bedrock near the Project. This is contained in the USGS Bulletin 1284, Paleozoic Stratigraphy in the Northwest Coastal Area of Prince of Wales Island Southeastern Alaska by G.D. Eberlein and M. Charkin, Jr. (1970). The names of formations established in the above report are used here. Geologic reconnaissance of the project area was made by Harza personnel in June, 1979, and is the basis of this report. Site Geology The general location of the site area and of the project features are shown on Exhibits B-1, B-2 and B-3 of the main report. Rock at the damsite on Black Bear Lake and on the valley sides around the lake is a foliated or layered andesite and indurated volcanic ejectia which is considered to be a part of the Ordovican -Silurian Descon Formation. This same forma- tion also appears to form the south and east sides of Black Lake. However, a part of the western side of Black Lake appears to be formed by a lighter grey rock which is tenta- tively considered to be diorite. Diorite is a dark-grey medium crystalline, dense and hard rock. Fracturing or jointing is common, but, except for foliation, is generally irregularly oriented. Weathering, consisting of staining by iron oxide on fractures is found. It's extent in depth is unknown. Folia- tion or layering, which appears to be the dominant joint system is generally steep, but with irregular strikes and dips. One fault has been found in the area. This is between the andesite and the rock tentatively identified as diorite. The results of a petrographic analysis of rocks from the site is given as Exhibit B-A-2. Several linear features are seen on aerial photographs. Their origin is not known, however, they do not represent significant faults. Engineering Geology Dam, Spillway and Penstock Intake. A small amount of organic soil and severely weathered and spalled rock appears to cover bedrock in the dam area. These should be stripped from the abutments. The channel section, which will contain the spillway and penstock intake, should be stripped of alluvial soils and loose rock. It is estimated that the thickness of soil and loose rock is 2 feet. The excavation for the footing of the positive cut-off concrete footing in the dam should provide an adequate key-way. B-A-6 A grout curtain should be constructed. This would be to negate or reduce the increased seepage and seepage pressures which would result from the raised lake (or reservoir) level. The grout holes of the curtain should be angled to intercept a greater number of the foliation joints. It is estimated that a grout curtain 10 feet deep (holes approximately 14 feet deep) for the sections of both abutments nearest the channel and 151 deep (holes approximately 21 feet deep) for the channel area should be adequate. It is also recommended that spacing should be 10 feet on the abutments and 5 feet in the channel. A second row of grout holes in the channel area should also be anticipated. These holes will serve to reduce uplift pressure and also to consolidate rock of the area. Penstock. The very steep slope on which the penstock will be constructed presents difficult construction problems. The route selected, which is on a minor ridge east of the waterfall, is considered to be safe from debris avalanches. Scars of past avalanches are located in nearby draws. Drainage to either the waterfall or nearby draw should be established. Only the minimum amount of rock and soil required should be removed from the penstock route. Large trees which could blow down on the penstock should be cut. Extremely steep slopes may require scaling, and anchoring by rock bol ts and steel mesh. This would also serve as protection for both the penstock and powerplant. All pipe supports should be on sound bedrock and anchored into bedrock, possibly with tensioned and grouted rock bolts or with grouted reinforcing bars. It is anticipated that anchors ten feet long will be adequate. Bend anchors at concave bends should be anchored with tendon type post-tensioned anchors. It is anticipated that these anchors will be 20 feet long. Powerplant The powerplant should be founded on bedrock as near the base of the slope as possible. Large trees which could blow down on the plant should be cut. Steep slopes in back of the power plant should be rock bolted and protected with wire mesh. Provisions should also be made to protect the plant from snow avalanches. Proposed Exploration ~, Spillway and Penstock Intake. Proposed exploratory drilling for Project features are estimated to be 250 feet. The drill holes would serve to: B-A-7 1. Establish stripping depths 2 Determine depth of weathering and tightness of joints and foliation joints. 3. Determine foundation conditions for the spillway and penstock intake. 4. Examine the project area for stress relief joints that could have formed as a result of unloading following melting of glaciers. Penstock. Exploration for the penstock should consist initially of careful geologic mapping focused on the location of supports and bend anchors to minimize excavation. Exploratory drill holes of 50 feet depth should then be drilled at concave bend anchors. It is estimated that this drilling would total 250 feet. Powerplant. One or two exploratory drill holes at the proposed location of the powerplant should be sufficient to determine depth of overburden and rock conditions. It is estimated that this drilling will total 50 feet. B-A-8 References Beikman, H.M., Preliminary Geologic Map of Alaska, SUGS (1978). Brew, D.A., Carlson, C., and Nutt, C.J., "Apparent pre-Tertineary right-lateral offset on Excursion Inlet fault, Glacier Bay National Mounment" in the United Stated Geological Survey in Alaska, Accomplishments During 1975, USGS Circular 773, 1976. Condon, W.H., Geology of the Craig Quadrangle Alaska USGS Bull, 1108-B, 1961. Cor, D.C., and Pararas -Carayannis, G., Catalog of Tsunanis, World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics; NOAA, 1976. Eardley, A.J., Structural Geology of North America, Harper and Row, New York. 1962. Eberlein, G.D. and Churin, M. Jr., Paleozoic Stratigraphy in the Northwest Coastal Area of Prince of Wales Island, SOUtheastern Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1284. 1970. Lathram, E.H., Pomeroy, J.S., Berg, H.C., and Loney, R.A., Reconnaissance Geology of Admiralty Island, Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1181-R. 1965. Loney, R.A., Brew, A.D., Muffler, L.J.P., and Pomeroy, J.S., Reconnaissance Geology of Chicagoof, Baranof, and Kruzof Islands, Southeastern Alaska, USGS Professional Paper 792. 1975. Meyers, H., Brazee, R.J., Coffman, J.L., and Lessig, S.R., An Analysis of Earthquake Intersities and Recurrence RateS- in and ~ Alaska, NOAA Tech. Memo, EDS NGSDC-3. 1976 Meyers, H., A Historica Summary of Earthquake Epicenters in and ~ Alaska, NOAA Tech. Memo EDS NGSDC-l. 1976. Muffler, L.J.P., Stratigraphy of the Keku Islets and Neighbor- ing Parts of Kuiu and Kupreanof Islands, Southeastern Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1241-C. 1967. Pewe, T.L., Quaternary Geology of Alaska, USGS Professional Paper 835. 1975. Sainsburg, C.L., Geology of the Craig C-2 Quadrange and Adjoin- in! Areas Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska USGS Bu 1. l058-H. 19617 B-A-9 Summary Report of Findings of the Geophysical Hazard Investiga- tion for the City and Borough of Juneau. 1972. Swanston, D.N., The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska Part 5, Soil Mass Movement, USDA Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 1974. Vandre, B.C., and Swanston, D.N., "A Stability Evaluation of Debris Avalanches Caused by Blasting", Bull. of Assoc. Engr. Geologists, Vol. XIV, No.4, pp 205-223-.-1977. Wood, F.J., (ed) ~ Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks, US Department of Commerce, Environmental Sciences Services Adminstration. 1966. B-A-IO " , \ .... / LE~eN[): . i epic~"ter of ~rfh9u./r:.'J I1vmp~, of ~v~"f1 -----Fal.Jlf~ a'offec/ Wh4"~ conceall.a or inf~rr.". NOTE,: Only ,eart179uCJI<e of 3.0 ~.;. magnitude or N of' Il1f~n.5ity are 5hown. EXHIBIT /3-A-/ (]) Blac/<. Bear Lake ® G{JIlIlUi< Cr~t k ® Cafll~tlral ralls Cr~~1< (fJ 6ar tina Cr~~1< @ Tl1ay~r Crt~1< @ Jil113 Creel< / ALASKA POWER ~UTHO~/TY LOCATIONS OF FAULTS ANO EARTHQUAI<.£ EPICENTERS Exhibit B-A-2 PETROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF SAMPLES FROM THE ALEXANDER ARCHIPELAGO, S.E. ALASKA. A.F.Koster van Groos , Bl'ack Bear L'ake',a'long propose'd a'am 'si'te J two samples sample 1: Macroscopic; dense dark grey-black, fine~graines, basalt-like rock, no fractures or layering s.een. Microscopi£: aggregate of crystalline fragments, strongly altered. Quartz filled cracks, magnetite or more likely limonite. in cracks. Mineral constituants: chlorite, quartz, altered plagioclase. matrix is fine~gr.ined , feldspar, quartz, magnetite, epidote? no chert or calcite observed Conclusion: volcanic argillite, no glass or chert present Sample 2: Macroscopic: dark, fine-grained rock with medium-grained ideomorphic feldspar grains. Microscopic: no thin section Conclusion: Moderately fmsh andesite Conclusions: All the samp,les from the Alexander Archipelago seem to be rather normal. The only exception is the sample from Thayer Cree~, at the lower downstream site. The degree of weathering of all samples is slight. MO'st fractures are healed with either chert-like deposits, quartz, or calcite. The degree of alteration is often substancial, e~pecially when the original rock is of volcanic origin Appencix B-B HYDROLOGY Clima te The climate of the project area is largely maritime with occasional incursions of continental air masses. Therefore, the climate is mild and humid with much precipitation. The primary factor influencing the climate is the Aleutian low pressure area, which is semi-permanent in the fall and winter but tends to migrate in the spring and summer. Temperatures The maritime influences cause temperatures to be mild and uniform. The occasional incursions of continental air cause considerably colder tempertures for short periods. Exhibit B-B-l shows average and extreme temperature for climatological stations near the project area. Pr ec ipi ta tion The normal cyclonic wind pattern of the low pressure area, aided by high mainland mountains to the northeast, results in a high percentage of the winds being from the southeast quadrant. In addition these southeasterly winds bring rain a far greater percentage of the time than do winds from other quadrants. Therefore, southeastern exposure is an important factor in the precipitation pattern, and hence runoff, of the project area. In latitudes south of the project area, the cyclonic cir- culation results in the prevailing winds being from the south- west. Therefore, moisture from warmer seas is carried in gen- erally northward direction, passing over cooler water thereby lowering the air temperature. This, along with cyclonic con- vergence and local orographic effects, produces copious rain- fall, but with large variations over short distances. Preci- pitation, however, varies less from year to year, and from season to season, than in most places. The moderate temporal favorable to hydroelectric tions make the computation basins somewhat uncertain. under "streamflow". variation in rainfall is highly power but the geographical varia- of power potential from ungaged This problem is discussed later B-B-l Storms tend to be general and for extended periods. In- tense precipitation of the thunderstorm type is very rare, and is never nearly as intense as in warmer climates. This leads to very much smaller flood peaks on small basins than are found in warmer humid areas. Flood volumes, however, can be large. Precipitation data also are shown for some climatological stations in the project area in Exhibit B-B-l. Streamflow Streamflow data are far more extensive in the project area than are precipitation data. In addition, streamflow data integrate the conditions for the entire drainage basin about the gage. Therefore, streamflow records were far more valuable than precipitation records in estimating the water supply at the various sites. Elevation, orientation, and location affect both the amount and distribution of runoff. These three factors are discussed below: Effect of Elevation Studies were made by the Alaska Power Administration and its predecessor, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, of the effect of elevation on runoff in the Alaskan panhandle. (Takatz Creek Project, Alaska-Juneau, September 1967). The curves of Drawing 1113-906-21 of that report, shown here as Exhibit B-B-2, indicate that the average increase in unit runoff for the area studied is about 0.0045 cfs per square mile for each additional foot of average basin elevation. The project areas covered herein generally have much lower precipitation and runoff per unit of drainage area than the area studied in the above report. The project drainage basins in general also have higher elevations than the basin above the stream gaging stations. Therefore, it was considered prudent to use an elevation adjustment two thirds as large as indicated above. Therefore, an increase in unit runoff of 0.003 cfs per square mile for each foot of additional average basin elevation was adopted. An independant check of this elevation adjustment factor was made by comparing the one year of simultaneous record at the upper and lower gages on Mahoney Creek near Ketchikan. The records of those stations confirmed the value of 0.003 cfs per square mile for each foot of elevation. The confirmation is only partial, however, because of the poor quality and short records of the Mahoney gages. Where the basin is small and with most of it being within the spillover area at the upwind basin divide, the average elevation of the upwind divide was substituted for the average B-B-2 basin elevation and a partially subjective factor applied to adjust for the effectiveness of of the spillover. Mr. Robert Cross, Administrator of the Alaska Power Administraton is highly experienced in Alaskan hydrology. He pointed out instances where there is a noticeable dropoff in precipitation within two miles of the upwind divide. This was considered in estimating the adjustment factor. Elevation not only affects the mean annual runoff but also the seasonal distribution of the runoff. Drawing 1113-906-20 of the Takatz report shows the seasonal effect for the Baranof Island area. This same effect was used in the project area. The drawing is shown on Exhibit 6-B-2. Effect of Orientation Examination of precipitation and runoff records, dis- cussions with meteorolgoists and hydrologists, and published reports all indicate that exposure to the southeast has a pronounced effect on precipitation and runoff. The "Climatic Atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf Water and Coastal Regions of Alaska -Volume I, Gulf of Alaska" by the Bureau of Land Management, 1977, indicates that the predominent winds in the project area are from the southeast and that such winds are accompanied by significant rainfall a much greater percentage of the time than are other winds. Therefore, presence or lack of exposure to the southeast was given careful consideration in transposing runoff from gaging stations to the project basin. Effect of Location The effect of location was taken into account by selecting as index stations gaging stations in the general vicinity of the project. Streamflow Records Since these are reconnaissance level studies, published data of the U.S. Geological Survey, along with computer analayses by the USGS, are used to define the streamflow at the gaging stations. Some of the streamflow records are very short. Annual variations in runoff, however, are very moderate in the project area. Therefore, average runoff based on five years or more is used without adjustment. Records were available only for B-B-3 1977 for several stations. Comparing the 1977 runoff with long term runoff for stations having long records indicates that 1977 was fairly representative of the long term average with some stations having somewhat greater than average runoff in 1977 and others somewhat less. Therefore, records for the single year 1977 were used without adjustment but with caution. All comparisons of runoff are made on the basis of cfs per square mile to eliminate the variable of basin size. Runoff based on these comparisons is subject to inaccuracies in the published data and to uncertainties in accounting for elevation, explosure, and location, as discussed earlier. Runoff Computation The runoff is estimated on the basis of drainage area, basin elevation, and exposure comparisons with gaged basins. Basin elevations also are computed for gaged basins used in the comparisons. Drainage areas are obtained by planimetering 1:63,360 scale or 1:250,000 scale topographic maps. Basin elevations are obtained by laying out grids over the basins and averaging the elevations at each grid intersection. Grid scales are selected for each basin such that they averaged about 40 grid intersections. The Black Bear Lake, basin is within the Spillover Zone of the southeast divide. Therefore, average divide elevations are used in place of average basin elevations. There are three gaging stations about 8 miles to the southeast of the basin having fairly comparable unit runoff. Maybeso Creek at Hollis was selected as being most directly in the path of moisture inflow. This station had an average runoff of 9.01 cfs per square mile. Using the grid system on a 1:250,000 scale map, an average basin elevation of about 1180 is obtained for Maybeso Creek. The southeast divide for Black Bear Lake basin appears to average about 2920 feet. Using 0.003 cfs/sq. mi. increase in runoff per foot of elevation gives 0.003 (2920-1180) or 5.22 cfs per square mile increase at the basin divide or a total of 14.21 cfs per sq. mi. at the divide. Allowing for a 5% decrease for the decreased average spillover for the basin gives 13.5 cfs/sq. mi. average runoff for the basin. For the drainage area of 1.86 sq. mi. the average flow is 25.1 cfs and mean the annual flow volume is 301 cfs-months. B-B-4 The average annual inflow to Black Bear Lake is then distributed over the year in accordance with the seasonal relationships shown on Exhibit B-8-2 to arrive at average monthly inflows. Average monthly inflows are shown on Table B-B-l. Table B-B-l COMPUTED AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLCM TO BLACK BEAR LAKE Month Inflow , January 6.5 February 5.4 March 5.1 April 9.9 May 25.4 June 36.7 July 27.2 August 29.1 September 50.4 October 77.1 November 16.8 December 11.5 ANNUAL AVERAGE 25.1 Probable Maximum Floods cfs The probable maximum precipitation (P~P) falling in 24 hours on an area up to 10 square miles is derived from a provisional isohyetal map included with a report on probable maximum precipitation being prepared for later publication by the National Weather Service. Correction factors are given in a provisional curve prepared for that report. From these two curves, PMP quantities are derived for durations divisible by 6 hours from 6 hours to 72 hours. By subtracting the PMP for consecutive durations, incre- mental precipitation is derived for each 6 hours for the 3-day storm period. These are maximized sequentially (placing the 12 6-hour values in the most critical sequence). The highest increment was placed in the 7th period the second highest in the 6th period, the third highest in the 8th period, the fourth highest in the 5th period, etc. 8-B-5 No basin retention was taken for Black Bear Lake. Where the level area is essentially bare rock, no initial retention was used for any basin because the PMP probably will come in a very rainy season. Unit hydrographs were estimated for Black Bear Lake by assuming rainfall was converted instantaneously into runoff. Six hour unit hydrographs were used to simplify manual com- putations. Flood peaks, flood volumes and Creager's "C" values for the peaks are given in Table B-B-2 and the PMP hydrograph is shown on Exh ibi t B-B -3. Table B-B-2 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD SUMMARY Drainage Area, sq. mi. Flood Peak, cfs Flood Volume, ac-ft Creager "C" Other Hydrologic Factors 1.86 2600 3170 33 Other hydrologic factors that were briefly noted, but not studied, were evaporation and sediment. Evaporation Evaporation losses are small and already are reflected in the streamflow records of streams having natural storage. In the case of new storage, evaporation will be partially or wholly compensated for by a decrease in evapotranspiration losses from presently vegetated land areas. Sediment Sediment observations in the panhandle area of Alaska indi- cate that suspended sediment will not be a significant problem in basins not containing active glaciers. It is probable that bed loads will be more nearly normal than will suspended loads. Projects having only small pondage may average a gradual diminution of the pondage. For projects having active storage it is unlikely that sediment will be a problem. Downstream channel degradation should be allowed for in alluvial channels but is unlikely to be a serious problem. B-8-6 .. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AVERAGE TE!-!PERATURE 31. 9 32.7 35.8 40.8 46.2 HIGHEST TE~PERATURE 54 51 62 75 83 LO~ST TEMPERATURE -9 -6 1 11 25 AVERAGE PRECIPITATION 10.50 9.31 9.02 7.00 6.40 AVERAGE SNOWFALL 27.4 19 .1 16.6 6.4 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 33.8 36.3 37.5 41.0 45,.6 HIGHEST TEMPERATURE 58 50 53 65 79 LO'JEST TEMPERATURE 0 -3 6 20 25 AVERAGE PRECIPITATION 6.19 5.54 5.35 4.85 4 .. 20 AVERAGE SNOWFALL 4.8 5.2 1.4 0.4 T Harza Engineering Co., Aug. 1979 /.CALDER JUN JUL AUG SEP 51.9 54.5 56.1 51.6 83 85 84 78 26 33 30 25 -3.24 3.73 5.85 10.25 0 0 0 0 CAPE DECISION JUN JUL AUG SEP 49.6 52.5 53.3 51.0 73 80 73 72 30 42 37 34 2.73 3.64 5.30 7.56 0 0 0 0 OCT 44.6 63 16 17.95 0.2 OCT 45.9 62 30 12.25 0 NOV DEC ANNUAL 38.0 33.4 43.1 60 I 53 85 9 1 -9 15.73 13.28 112.26 7.8 24.5 102.0 NOV DEC ANNUAL 40.0 36.1 43.6 63 53 80 8 2 -3 9.68 8.86 76.15 3.0 6.1 20.9 Alaska Power Authority Black Bear Lake Hydrologic Data HYDABURG JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL ,VERAGE TEMPERATURE . 36.9 36.7 40.8 43.8 48.9 55.2 58.7 60.3 54.3 47.5 K 36.9 IIGHEST TEHPERATURE 54 53 64 72 79 88 85 83 81 68 61 88 ,O~~ST TEMPERATURE "1 2 16 22 30 34 40 40 29 29 13 6 -1 \VERACE PRECIPITATION .~ ~VERACE SNOWFALL " K.~S'A.t\t-J .""~ .... " ...... JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN' JUt AUG : SEP OCT NOV DEC A~NUAt J\C~ T£~!PERATURE IHCHEST '!'E~!PERATURE I ..., >< I.OI,..[£ST TEt-fPERATURE ::T ..... CT ..... AVERACE PRECIPITATION 8.46 6.72 6.22 6.62 5.70 3.89 4.02 4.16 6.46 11.09 11.30 10.63 85.27 c+ ttl I AVERAGE SNOWFALL 17.6 11. 7 4.1 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 2.9 8.8 47.4 CD I III" ::T c+ N Alaska Power Authority 0 Black Bear lake ..... larza Eng1 neeri ng Co .• Aug. 1979 Hydrologic Data N to-: IJ.. >. UJ ..J l.U lU (.') ~ (.') :..J 1I1 c:: Il. co :> UJ ..J TAKATZ CREEK PROJECT RUNOFF' Exhlbi + 8 -8-2 and PR£CIPITATIOfv DISTRIEJUTIOf-J I. Tolcotz L. Outlet 7. Green L. Outlet - -6~g-oYimilrCr. -------- . UJ2·~~3.~8~o~rO~n~o~f~R~' ____ ~>-__________________ Q <:t "'" IX ----------------------. <:t "'" (,,:) « ::z: <: IX ~ :z ~ tlJ I~ :'l: (,,:) -l.U ~ \ , Moy8June ~ No,.",b!rSApril P.rlod Ju iya October '-'/ Period 5. Saronof (Prttcip) 9. Sit!co (Prec;pJ ---------------------.0-------------0-----------------0~~,O;=====;2~_O~==~3~0~====~4~O====~~;·O;=====6~O~--~7~O~~---~80· RUNOFF or PRECIPIT .. ,\T/ON 05 .c::!1CENT of AriNUAL NOTE: 1-5 On eoshid~~ 6-9 on ,"utside of I slond . .., N ovembtr-A pri I o May-June °July-Oc10bu L_ APA Dr w.J "';0, 1113-905-20 ·". . •...• "', .,. "" ""f'i. ,; .. '" .i ..... ,.' ., ", .• " "I· .jl. )" .,;T ,., ••• j I· 'li" IIlI "" .' .• ':';A' ,,' 'I"" .' 'l~'! ' .... . ,,,. ".!, I: I .; " .... '''I '." '''. ".' ... ; ... ,," .,·1 , " "'j 1,1 •• " ";"1.,: ,<jt 'jlcrifi,)'I.;..i!::. rJ;~ r~ . j.;.J;.J=i.i,'; , •.. 1;" " .'". :' . "'~t~l;.,;,,;,,:1 : ":::I:i II: :'''.:.: " ';:I"::I~:!~ UiL~I":":Ul.lil;!11!:I.+;:"!j ;.·.~.U 1!lhrJ"11II7: 'I~ ~' .• "I·j;r .,11, , W)"r;' f"~::~::::,;: Ilffi' ';'.j: ~'.l~·T',·l(ti.·.,;->\··~( 1l;·.I.~, ir~~JJ ; II. ' i r~1 ;: I: .: i til, :II i : i; j : ,; J i 'jl:; I;:; I~';:II"!; T;Tm'~ I:: I; TiT: $,' ;:1; 1· n ~ j; l'j' i if ;;1' :nt'!; I 1 ;! ijIl.F!ttl~t· i ffl ::![ '!,1! ~ .: . I .. : • . :. .. '1 I"'" ., .", ')1 j'" • 'j' I :. 1 •. , ..... ." I , • L J j:~. ". I :" ., ,. "1' ,t~, I 11'1,' ,. "': I I . r! ,.1 'I' ',' i! ," j '1 r,#,l • 'III it· .'I~ j ~ 'III t! :I-! It···, "'1 I'll • tit' ·~t· ""H,t ~·jl" It" I~T .•. ~ ,.1., ,,1. -t .-1 • t • :1 ", j. Appendix B-C ENVIRONMENT Part I -Black Bear Lake Summary-------- The potential environmental effects of the project have been identified and mitigrating actions are recommended. Per- mit requirements are analyzed and requirements for additional data are noted. The principal environmental review agencies for the pro- ject would be the U.S. Forest Service Land Management Planning Office and/or the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Protection Service. Based on the information presently avail- able, these agencies do not perceive any critical environmental issues which would preclude project development. Additional environmental data will be required, of course, and the project will be subject to the federal, State, and local environmental review and regulating processes. The reach of the steam immediately downstream of the pro- ject site is impassable to fish so that no fish passage facili- ties would be required. Magnitude of Potential Impacts The principal potential concern is the long-term effect the project might have on the stream's migratory and resident salmonid populations due to changes in discharges regime, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and suspended sediment and bed loads downstream of the project. Proper project design and operation could probably reduce these changes to a minimum, and the influence of Black Lake, downstream of the project, would probably further reduce changes in these stream parame- ters. Other potential impacts are loss of some wildlife habitat, effects on visual esthetics, and disturbance of of aquatic habitat at stream crossings, all from road and transmission line construction; possible adverse effects of fluctuating pool levels on the rainbow trout population in Black Bear Lake; and short term disturbances of fish and wildlife habitat during cons truc tiona i3 -C-l Recommendations The U.S. Forest Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game should be asked to assist in assembling the ecological data required to determine potential project effects in greater detail. These agencies should also be kept advised of refine- ments in project concepts and design so that their input can be included as planning proceeds. Other agencies with major review and/or regulatory respon- sibilities should also be contacted. These agencies are listed in the main report. General Site Location and Land Ownership The Project would be located on Black Bear Lake and its outlet stream, Black Bear Creek, in Sections 1 and 12, T73S R82E, Copper River Meridian, Alaska. Project civil works would be on land which as been select- ed by Sealaska Corporation under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Black Bear Lake would be used as a reservoir for flow regulation and is located partly on r~e Sealaska selec- tion and partly on U.S. Forest Service (USFS)-land in the Tongass Naitonal Forest (PRP 1977). The portion of the lake on USFS land is in Value Comparison Unit (VCU) 609 in Manage- ment Plan (TLMP) (USFS 1979). Water and power development, utility corridors, and permanent roads are permitted on LUO III lands in the Tongass (USFS 1975, 1979). Project ~ and Natural Resources Lakes and Streams. Black Bear Lake is a cirque mountain lake which collects runoff from the surrounding mountain walls (Schmidt 1974). The outlet stream, Black Bear Creak on the north end of the lake, falls approximately 1500 feet (ft) in 0.5 mile (mi), and is impassable to fish. From this point to the stream's mouth at Big Salt Lake the gradient is moderate. Two miles downstream of Black Bear Lake the stream enters Black Lake. Black Bear Lake is 1.4 mi. long, varies in width from 1/8 to 3/8 mi arid has a surface area of 240 acres, and a volume of approximately 22,000 acre feet (Schmidt 1974). The lake's northern basin is shallower (maximum depth 100 ft) than the 11 Acronyms are listed on Exhibit B-C-l. B-C-2 southern basin (maximum depth greater than 200 ft). In early September 1973 Schmidt found a weak temperature gradient in the 20-45 ft zone, with a temperature variation across the zone of approximately 6° F. The stream between Black Bear Lake and Black Lake has three zones: (1) the steep drop from Black Bear Lake: (2) a reach with braided stream channel and gravel-rubble substrate: and (3) the last mile above Black Lake where the creek is sluggish, and up to four feet deep with undercut banks. The banks are covered with grasses, sedges, and shrubs. The stream channel has fine sand-silt substrate and extensive backwa ter sloughs. Black Lake is approximately one mile long and is shallow at the upstream (south) end and deeper at the downstream (north) end. From Black Lake the stream flows north for three miles to enter Big Salt Lake, a saltwater embayment. Pools and riffles alternate in this reach, with some large sloughs along the banks in certain areas. Vegetation. 27he vegetation in the watershed is typical of hemlock-spruce-coastal forest with some muskeg areas. The valley has not yet been logged. Wildlife Resources. Wildlife in the general project area would be expected to be generally representative of that found on Prince of Wales Island. The island's mammalian fauna in- cludes black bear, Sitka black-tailed deer, beaver, martin, mink, land otter, and timber wolf (USFS no date). Most of the more than 200 bird species common to south- eastern Alaska are found on the island (USFS no date). The intertidal areas at the mouth of Black Bear Creek are used by large concentrations of waterfowl in the fall and spring (ADFG -DCF 1976). Fisheries Resg~rces. Black Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous fis~ stream (No. 103 -60-031) (ADFG 1975) and supports or has supported spawning runs of pink salmon, chum l/ Scientific names of flora and fauna mentioned in the text are listed in Exhibit B-C-2. 11 Anadromous fish are those that spend some part of their life in salt water and return to fresh water to spawn. B-C-3 salmon, coho salmon, and sockeye salmon (ADFG -DCF 1976). Pink salmon is the principal a~7dromous species using the stream, with a peak escapement-during the last ten years of 42,300 in 1975 (ADFG -DCF 1976). Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) has identified spawning areas from the upper intertidal zone to Black Lake and rearing areas suitable for coho upstream and downstream of Black Lake (ADFG -DCF 1976) • The peak of the pink salmon run in Black Bear Creek usually occurs in late August (De Jong 1979). Although there are few data on the timing of runs of other salmon species into Black Bear Creek, ADFG took weir counts in 1977 and 1978 of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon ascending the Klawock River (Bates 1979), located approximately seven mi southwest of Black Bear Creek. These data may serve as an approximate guide to the timing of runs in Black Bear Creek (Hansen 1979). The Klawock River weir counts (Bates 1979) show peak escapement of pink salmon from late August to mid-September, chum salmon from mid-to late September (both fall and summer chums were included), coho salmon from early September to early November, and sockeye salmon from July to early September. Sport fish species occurring in Black Bear Creek are Dolly Varden char, cutthroat trout, and reportedly steelhead trout (ADFG -DSF 19~J)' ADFG classifies Black Bear Creek as a squality class 2"_ steelhead stream and "quality class 2"~ cutthroat stream (Jones 1978). Before USFS stocked Black Bear Lake with rainbow trout in 1956 the lake was barren (Kelly 1979). The lake's trout population is reported to be self-maintaining (Kelly 1979). The lake was assigned a sport fishery rating of 1 (lowest on a scale of 1-5) in the TLMP Fisheries Task Force Working Report (USFS 1978). Endangered ~ Threatened Species. The only fish or wild- life species listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered or threatened in Alaska are four migratory bird species: the Eskimo curlew, the American and Arctic peregrine falcons, and the Aleutian Canada goose (USFWS 1979). These Y Number of adults returning to spawn . .2/ Class ratings are "1" (highest), "2" and "other". B-C-4 birds would be expected to pass through the general project area only infrequently and the Project should have no effect on them. Recreation on Black ~ Lake. USFS maintained a cabin and small boat for public use on the northeast side of the lake, but public use of the cabin has apparently been suspended pending resolution of land ownership, since the cabin is located on the Sealaska Corporation land selection. Fishing in the lake is reported as "not very good" (Elliott 1979), "slow at times" (Schmidt 1974), and "good" (Kelly 1979). Other recreational uses of the area include black bear and deer hunting, hiking, and photography (Schmidt 1974) • Potential Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures Access Roads and Transmission Lines There are no existing roads or cleared rights-of-way (ROW) in the valley. The nearest road (Klawock-Thorne Bay Road, USFS FOR-SOaO) is approximately five miles from the proposed damsite. Pending settlement of land ownership, Sealaska Corporation plans to begin logging operations in the valley. In the past, USFS has had proposals to put a road in to Black Lake, presumably for logging (Kelly 1979). If Sealaska opens a logging road, it could be used for project access and transmission line ROW, which would minimize addi- tional loss of wildlife habitat and avoid further disturbance of visual esthetics. Improper access road or ROW routings can lead to increased erosion and accrual of sediment to streams, which can damage fish habitat. In addition, poorly designed stream crossings can block fish passage. Construction activities in streams can disturb substrate materials important for fish spawning and can result in resuspension and downstream redeposition of fines, which can destroy fish eggs and young. All of these potential impacts can be avoided or greatly reduced by proper choice of route and construction practices. Construction of Dam and Generating Facilities Since fish cannot ascend the falls to Black Bear Lake, no anadromous species occur in the lake (Schmidt 1974) and fish passage facilities would not be required. B-C-S construction activities could cause increased erosion, especially on steep slopes. Slides could occur along the penstock route and at the powerhouse site. Attention will have to be given to slope stabilization in these areas and along the dam access road. Downstream sediment loads in Black Bear Creek may increase temporarily, but probably only in the reach upstream of Black Lake, since most of the sediment should settle out upon reaching the lake or the sluggish reach of the stream above the lake. Blasting and other construction noise may cause wildlife to temporarily abandon the area, but the animals should return once construction is completed. During dam construction, provisions will have to be made for adequate flow out of Black Bear Lake to ensure maintenance of downstream aquatic habitat. Clearing of vegetation from the shores of the lake up to maximum pool level may be necessary, but the area requiring clearing would not be large. Operation The rainbow trout population in Black Bear Lake may be adversely affected by raising the lake surface elevation and by seasonally fluctuating the water level. Existing spawning areas might no longer be suitable. New spawning areas might become available once the lake reached its new level, but water level fluctuations could reduce spawning success. A stocking program could be used to maintain the population if necessary. Water quality in Black Bear Lake would be expected to undergo little change with the project. Lake water tempera- tures are low (surface temperature of approximately 46° F in September; Schmidt 1974), the lake drainage area is small, with little vegetation or soil cover, and nutrient inflow is presumably low. The stream would be dewatered between Black Bear Lake and the powerhouse much of the time, but since the gradient here is very steep, there would be no suitable fish habitat expected in this reach. The principal potential concern is the long-term effect the project could have on the stream's migratory and resident salmonid populations due to changes in discharge regime, B-C-6 water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and suspended sediment and bed loads downstream of the project. The most critical of these parameters are discharge and water temperature, since even small variations from natural conditions can have significant adverse effects on the eggs, juveniles, and adults of both anadromous and resident fish. Adult salmon returning to fresh water to spawn will not or cannot enter a stream if water temperature is too high or discharge too low. After the eggs are deposited in the gravel, adequate discharge is required to aerate the eggs and carry away waste materials. Dissolved oxygen concentrations must also be high. These conditions must also be maintained after the eggs hatch and before the young fish (alevins) emerge from the gravel beds to become free-swimming fry. Deposition of fines over spawning beds can cause suffocation of eggs and alevins by preventing percolation of water through the gravel. Excessive bed load movement can cover too deeply, crush, or expose eggs and alevins, resulting in high mortality. Juvenile fish in the free-swimming fry stage are also highly susceptible to changes in stream habitat. Water temperature, in addition to affecting the timing of stream entrance and spawning by adult fish, determines the rate of development from egg through alevin to free- swimming fry. The rate of this development is critical to the survival of juvenile fish. In particular, pink and churn salmon juveniles do not remain for long in the streams, but either swim or are carried downstream to brackish or salt water upon reaching the free-swimming fry stage after emergence from streambed gravels. If warmer than normal water temperatures have accelerated the intragravel stages of development, this downstream movement may occur before sufficient numbers of food organisms are available in the coastal feeding areas, and the young fish may suffer high mortality from starvation. Differences from natural stream temperatures of as little as 2 or 30 F during the egg-alevin development period can result in significant losses (Meehan 1974). Water temperatures which are too cold can retard development, with similar consequences. There should be little if any change in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the stream downstream of the project if the water intake in Black Bear Lake is located above the thermocline, but further data will be required. Downstream impacts on streamwater temperatures cannot be predicted without further information, particularly seasonal B-C-7 temperature profiles for Black Bear Lake and downstream water temperature data. Placing the intake at the proper depth or installation of a multilevel intake would probably eliminate or reduce changes in downstream water temperature with the project. The project also would modify the natural stream discharge regime and could affect downstream fish habitat, migration, and development of eggs and juveniles. Further data on natural stream flows will be required before more detailed assessment can be made of any project-related flow changes. Project operation may have to be adjusted to provide adequate downstream flows. Black Lake is a potential buffer for changes in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, discharge, and suspended sediment and bed load which may result from the project, so that changes in these parameters could be smaller downstream of Black Lake than they would be upstream. Since it is this lower reach of Black Bear Creek that is known to support anadromous fish runs, it will be important to investigate the potential mitigating effect of Black Lake on changes in stream parameters. Potential effects of the project on resident fish populations both up-and downstream of Black Lake also will have to be investigated in more detail. Regulatory Requirements and Reviews Federal If the Project is located in part on Tongass National Forest lands, a USFS Special Use Permit must be obtained. The USFS might have to prepare its own Environmental Impact State- ment if it would be required to act. USFS would prefer to have hydroelectric developments located entirely on private or tribal corporation lands to avoid the necessity of processing a Special Use Permit application. An exchange of National Forest and tribal land for such purposes would be looked upon favorably (Brannon 1979). The Project would have to be licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) if federal lands are involved. If the Project is located entirely on tribal land, the FERC may not have jurisdiction. Such a determination would be made by the FERC itself, and may depend on additional factors, such as whether the affected stream is navigable or is deemed to affect interstate commerce. The FERC has authority to declare a stream to be navigable {Gotschall B-C-8 1977) or to declare that the stream affects the interests of interstate commerce. The PERC would make its jurisdictional decision after receivi~ a "Declaration of Intention" which fully describes the Project, land ownership, and stream. If the PERC determines that a license is required, the Project would be in the major project category (greater 69an 1.5 MW installed capacity), and under present regulatio~ the application for license would have to include the following exhibits dealing with environmental matters (PERC 1978): Exhibit R. A proposed plan for public recreational use of project waters and lands. The nature and extent of consultation and cooperation with appropriate federal, State of Alaska, and local agencies must be included. Exhibit S. A report on project effects on fish and wildlife resources and proposals to conserve and/or enhance those resources. This exhibit must be prepared after consul- tation with the U.S. Pish and Wildlife Service (USPWS) and ADPG. The USPS must be advised of the proposed project, since it has jurisdictional responsibilities over that part of the project area within the Tongass National Porest. Exhibit v. A report on the effects of the Project on the natural, historic, and scenic values and resources of the project area, and proposals to protect those resources. This exhibit requires the solicitation and consideration of comments by federal, State of Alaska, and local agencies, organizations, or individuals having an interest in these resources. Exhibit W. Applicant's environmental report, including: 1. Description of the proposed project, 2. Description of the existing environment, 6/ Within a year, the PERC plans to publish propsoed changes in the regulations, which would stream line application for major project licenses. The present information re- quirements for Exhibits R,S,V, and W would be combined in a comprehensive environmental report to avoid repetition and duplication of environmental information and related analyses. B-C-9 3. Environmental impact of the proposed project, 4. Enhancement and mitigation measures, 5. Unavoidable adverse impacts, 6. Short-term use of the environment versus long-term productivity, 7. Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources, 8. Alternatives to the proposed project, including alternative sites and other types of energy sources, 9. Permits and other regulatory compliance, including all other federal, State of Alaska, and local permits and authorizations, and 10. Sources of information, including descriptions of public meetings. Whether or not a USFS Special Use Permit and an FERC license are required, the following federal permits must be obtained: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) -Section 404 Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) permit for discharge of dredge and fill material into U.S. waters; Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act permit if the stream is determined to be navigable. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) -Section 402 FWPCA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for point source discharges. Construction phase and powerhouse sump pump discharge NPDES permits will be necessary, and depending on the outcome of a current suit to classify hydroelectric facilities as point source discharges, an NPDES permit for project operation could also be required. Other federal agencies which would probably review a FERC license application and the applications for other federal permits include U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, the Alaska Power Administration, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) would also review the FERC license appli- cation if REA funding is to be used for the project. B-C-IO During the review of the FERC license application and the applications for permits from USFS, USACE, and USEPA, any of these federal agencies may determine that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is required. REA would also be empowered to make such a determination. State of Alaska Permits and review concerning environmental aspects of the project which would be required from State agencies include (ADCED and ADEC 1978): 1. Department of Environmental Conservation -Certificate of Reasonable Assurance for Discharge into Navigable Waters (in compliance with Section 401 of the FWPCA)i Waste Water Disposal Permit (the Department may adopt the NPDES permit issued by USEPA as the required State permit). 2. Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Protection Service - Anadromous Fish Protection Permit. Required of any hydraulic project located on a catalogued anadromous fish stream, this permit may impose stipulations on construc- tion timing, project design and operation requirements, and other mitigation measures. 3. Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land and Water Management -Water Use Permit (authorizes dam con- struction and appropriation of water). 4. Office of the Governor, Division of Policy Development and Planning, Office of Coastal Management -review of development projects in Alaska's coastal zone to insure compliance with coastal management guidelines and standards (AOCM & USOCZM 1979). Coordination To assist those who must obtain permits from one or more federal, State of Alaska, or local agencies, the applicant may submit a single master application to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), which will then circulate the application to the other appropriate State agencies for comment and review (AOCM & USOCZM 1979). The State permits and review listed above are all included in this process, which is not mandatory but rather intended to aid the applicant. In addition, the Division of policy Development and Planning (DPDP) of the Office of the Governor, through the A-95 Clearinghouse System, acts as lead agency in the coordina- B-C-ll tion of the review of environmental reports, environmental Impact Statements, federal assistance programs, and development projects (AOCM & USOCZM, 1979). Although no explicit or procedural criteria are applied to these reviews, Alaska does employ A-95 as a major vehicle for solicitation and coordina- tion of agency responses to proposed energy development activities. Satisfaction of FERC and Other Agency Requirements Consultation and cooperation with federal and state natural resources agencies during project planning is required by the FERC and is also necessary during the process of application for permits from these agencies. If project planning proceeds, the principal environmental review agencies would be the USFS Land Management Planning office and/or the ADFG Habitat Protection Service (Brannon 1979, Reed 1979). Based on the information presently available, these agencies do not perceive any critical environmental issues which would preclude development of the project (Brannon 1979, Reed 1979). Additional environmental data will be required, of course, and the project will be subject to the federal, state, and local environmental review and regulatory process outlined previously. To facilitate future project planning and development, it is recommended: 1. That USFS and ADFG be asked to assist in assembling the ecological data required to determine in greater detail the magnitude of potential project effects on anadromous fish runs and the effect Black Lake might have on reducing these impacts. The other potential impacts outlined previously should also be discussed with these agencies. 2. That USFS and ADFG be kept advised of refinements in project concepts and design and that their input be solicited and included as planning proceeds. 3. That a Declaration of Intention fully describing the project be filed with the FERC as soon as possible so that the agency may determine whether or not it has jurisdiction for the case of complete tribal ownership of project lands and the case of REA financing. B-C-12 4. That other agencies with major review and/or regulatory responsibilities be contacted, including USACE, USEPA, ADNR, ADEC, and DPDP. ADEC and DPDP will be able to render assistance in the review and permitting process through their master permit application and clearing house programs, respectively. ~ ll-Alaska Timber Corporation (ATC) Waste Wood Fired Generating Plant ATC will have to obtain operation permits dealing with air quality, water quality, and solid waste disposal from State of Alaska and federal agencies before the proposed plant can be operated. Several permits for construction will also be required. The firebox stacks would be equipped with scrubbers, and ATC's consultants, Kipper and Sons Engineers of Seattle, have reported that the facility would meet air quality standards. There would be little solid waste, since ashes would be reinjected into the fireboxes. Condenser water for open cycle cooling would be obtained from and returned to a small tidal pool immediately adjacent to the site. Boiler water would be supplied initially by a small natural spring near the site, with additional boiler water from the Klawock municipal supply when additional units are installed. The environmental impacts, although not expected to be serious, should be considered in the feasibility study. B-C-13 REFERENCES Alaska Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development and Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation (AOCED & ADEC). 1978. Directory of Permits, State of Alaska. March 1978. Juneau. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game (ADFG). 1975. Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning and Migration of Anadromous Fishes, Region 1. Juneau. 97 p. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries (ADFG -OCF). 1976. Stream Survey Report -Black Bear Creek -103-60-031. September 11, 1976. Juneau. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fisheries (ADFG -DSF). 1973. Stream Survey Report and Recreational Survey of Black Bear Creek. August 6, 1973. Juneau. Alaska Office of Coastal Management and u.S. Dept. of Commerce Office of Coastal Zone Management (AOCM & USOCZM). 1979. State of Alaska Coastal Management Program and Final Environmental Impact Statement. Juneau, Alaska, and Washington, D.C. May 30, 1979. 578 p. + maps. Bates, W. Steven. 1979. 1976-1978 Klawock River Fish Count. Memorandum of March 11, 1979 to Keith Pratt et al. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement, and Development Division. Klawock, Alaska. 5 p. Brannon, Ed. 1979. Group Leak for Land Management Planning and Regional Environmental Coordinator, u.S. Forest Service, Juneau, Alaska. Personal Communication. De Jong, Robert C. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Commerical Fisheries, Ketchikan. Personal Communication. Elliott, Steve. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Divi- sion of Sport Fisheries, Project Leader, Juneau. Personal Communication. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 1977. Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Code of Federal Regulations, Vol. 18, Revised April 1977. Gotschall, Don. 1977. Memorandum: Phone conversation with FPC on licensing procedures. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, Juneau. S-C-14 Hansen, Steve. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement and Development Division, Klawock, Alaska. Personal communication. Jones, Darwin E. 1978. A study of Cutthroat -Steelhead in Alaska. Volume 19 Anadromous Fish Studies, Job No. AFS 42-6, July 1, 1977 -June 30, 1978. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division, Juneau. 119 p. Kelly, Donald. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Habitat Protection Service, Ketchikan, Alaska. Personal communication. Meehan, W. R. 1974. The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska: 3. Fish Habitats. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report PNW-1S. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon. 41 p. Pacific Rim Planners, Inc. (PRP). 1977. Craig and Klawock Coastal Zone Management Program Interim Report. Prepared for the cities of Craig and Klawock, Alaska, by Pacific Rim Planners, Inc., Seattle, Washington. December 29, 1977. 121 p. Reed, Richard. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Habitat Protection Service, Regional Supervisor, Juneau. Personal Communication. Schmidt, Artwin. 1974. Black Bear Lake Survey, pp. 71-77 in Inventory and Cataloging of the Sport Fish and Sport-- Fish Waters in Southeast Alaska, Job No. G-l-A, Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Program, July 1, 1973 -June 30, 1974, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fisheries, Juneau. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1979. Fish and Wildlife Service List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlilfe. 50 CFR 17.11; 43 FR 58031, DEc. 11, 1978; amended by 44 FR 29478, May 21, 1979. U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1979. Tongass Land Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (Two Parts). Alaska Region, Forest Service, U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Juneau, Alaska. March 1979. U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1978. Fisheries Task Force Working Report -Tongass Land Management Plan (TLMP2). Alaska Region, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Juneau, Alaska. April 1978. 8-C-1S U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1975. Tongass National Forest Guide (1975 Draft). Alaska Region, Forest Service, u.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Juneau, Alaska. 253 p. + app. u.S. Forest Service (USFS). No date. Touring the Prince of Wales Island Road System. Alaska Region, Forest Service, u.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Juneau, Alaska 32 p. B-C-16 ADEC ADFG ADNR DPDP FERC FWPCA LUD NPDES REA ROW TLMP USACE USEPA USFS USFWS VCU Exhibit B-C-l ACRONYMS Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources Division of Policy Development and Planning Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Water Pollution Control Act Land Use Designation National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Rural Electricfication Administration Right(s)-of-way Tongass Land Management Plan U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Forest Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Value Comparison Unit SCIENTIFIC NAMES COMMON NAHE Hemlock, mountain Hemlock, western Spruce, Sitka Sear, black Beaver Deer, Sitka black-tailed Martin Mink Otter, land Wolf Salmon, Chum (dog) Salmon, coho (silver) Salmon, pink (humpback) Salmon, sockeye (red) Steelhead Trout, cutthroat Trou t, rainbow Dolly Varden Curlew, Eskimo Falcon, American peregrine Falcon, Arctic peregrine Goose, Aleutian Canada TREES MAMMALS FISH BIRDS Exhibit S-C-2 SCIENTIFIC NAME Tsuga mertensiana Tsuga heterophylla Picea sitchensis Ursus americanus Castor canadensis Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis Martes americana Mustela vison Lutra canadensis Canis lupus Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Oncorhynchus nerka Salmo gairdneri Salmo clarki Salmo gairdneri Salvelinus malma Numenius borealis Falco peregrinus anatum Falco peregrinus tundrius Branta canadensis leucopareia Appendix B-D REFERENCES 1. Robert W. Retherford Associates, Preliminary Appraisal Report, Hydroelectric Potential for Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Klukwan, Pelican, Yakutat, Anachorage, 1977. 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Ad- ministration, IIAlaska 28 THREA -Power Requirements Study", May 1979 draft. 3. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, "Study No. G-I, Job No. G-I-A, Inventory and Catalogue of Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters in Southeast Alaska," Juneau, 1974. 4. Federal Power Commission and the Forest Service -U.S.D.A, IIWa ter Powers Southeast Alaska," Washingtion and Juneau, 1947. 8-0-1