HomeMy WebLinkAboutBefore the FERC Application for Transfer of FERC License No. 2743 Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project 1982Application for Transfer of PERC License No. 2743 (Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, Alaska) 001 5 ~ f "1 C' ( . ~" ~. " BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORYCOMMIS'SION In the matter of the application for approval of transfer of license for the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Power Project. ) ) ) CJ· , . ARLIS Alaska ResoUrces Lihrary--& InfonnatiOQ Servlce& library lluHdiG1)j>Suite 111 3211 Providence Drive Anchoraga, AK 995()8.4614 Kodiak' Electric Association, Inc., licensee (the "Transferor") under the license for Project No. 2743, issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the "Commission") on October 5, 1981, and the Alaska Power Authority (hereinafter the "Transferee"), hereby jointly and severally apply for the written approval by the Commission of the transfer of the aforesaid license from the Transferor to the Transferee and request that the instrument of such approval by the Commission be made effective as of the date of conveyance of the project properties of the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Power Project (the "Projectlt ); and in support thereof show the Commission as follows: (1) The Transferee is a public corporation of the 'state of Alaska organized under the laws of the State of Alaska and within the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development but with separate and independent legal existence. The Transferee is authorized to acquire, construct, operate and maintain hydroelectric power projects including the Project pursuant to the provisions contained at AS 44.83. Certified copies of the authorizing statutes, regulations, and bylaws with all amendments to each to date, are submitted herewith as Exhibits A-1, A-2, and A-3, said Exhibits being hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. (2) As required by Section geb) of the Federal Power Act, the Transferee submits as partial .evidence of its compliance with all appli- cable State laws concerning beds and banks, appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power purposes and concerning the right to en- gage in the business of developing, transmitting, and distributing power, and in any business necessary to affect the purpose of a license governed by the Federal Power Act, the following; ea) a letter to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources requesting transfer of such water rights to the Transferee as are associated with the Project; (b) a letter to the Alaska Departments of Environmental Conservation and Fish and Game requesting affirmation that the transfer of the Project complies with all applicable State laws and regulations concerning use of river beds and banks, appropria- tions I diversion and use of water for power purposes; and (c) A statement from the Alaska Attorney General that approval by the Board' of. the Alaska Power Authority of the ':H]reement effecting .th~.jrJ.risfe( pf the Project to the Transferee, contingent uP9!l: .ap'provf:l1 by 'the' Commi,ssion, constitutes a per- : " '. :"~ ~ .. ' : ... ':" ." '. . J " '. \. ~ ~. missible exercise by the Transferee of its statutory authority to engage in the business of developing I transmitting I and distributing power to wholesale power customers as intended under Alaska State Law. The items in (a) I (b) I and (c) of this paragraph are submitted herewith as Exhibits B-1, B-2 (a) and (b) and B-3; Transferee pro- poses to definitively demonstrate its compliance with the applicable State laws specified in Section 9 (b) of the Federal Power Act I by submitting a water rights transfer notification from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources as Exhibit B-4; approvals from the Departments of Environmental Conservation and Fish & Game as Exhibit 5 (a) and (b); and as Exhibit B-6, a final conclusion by the Alaska Attorney General that the Board of the Alaska Power Authority has taken those steps necessary to carry out its statutory authorities to acquire the Project. (3) The Transferee will submit certified copies of all instruments of conveyance whereby title to the Project and project properties is conveyed to it upon the completion of such conveyance, if and when the Commission shall have given its approval to the proposed transfer. (4) If and when the Commission shall have given its approval to the proposed transfer I and upon completion of conveyance of the Pro- ject and project properties to the Transferee, the Transferor will de- liver to the Transferee and the Transferee will accept and permanently retain all license instruments and all maps I plans I specifications I contracts I reports of engineers I accounts I books, records I and all other papers and documents relating to the original project and to all additions thereto and betterments thereof. (5) The Transferor and Transferee have reviewed the documents attached to the original license application and certify that, to the best of their respective beliefs I all documents required to be attached to that application have been so attached. (6) The Transferor certifies that it has fully complied with the terms and conditions of its license and that it has fully satisfied and discharged all of its liabilities and obligations thereunder to the date hereof, and obligates itself to pay all annual charges accrued under the license to the date of transfer. (7) Contingent upon the final written approval by the Commission of the transfer of the license I (including full compliance with the settle- ment agreement entered into among the Transferor and the intervening parties addressing environmental concerns of the parties including establishment and maintenance of a trust fund for bear studies) the Transferee accepts all the terms and conditions of the said license and the Act, and agrees to be bound thereby to the same extent as though it were the original licensee thereunder. (8) The Transferee intends pursuant to its enabling legislation to contract with the Transferor whereby the Transferor as agent for the Transferee will oper<lte and maintain the Project. The provisions for these contractual obligations will be set forth in the acquisition and 2 operation and maintenance agreements between the Transferee and the Transferor, copies of which will be submitted to the Commission on the date of transfer as Exhibits C-l. The execution of said contracts further assures that the Transferee accepts all the terms and conditions of the license applied herefore. (9) The Transferee represents that transfer of the license will serve the public interest of the State of Alaska through the inclusion of the Project, the license to which is being applied hereunder, in the Energy Program for Alaska, a legislative enactment designed to insure low cost power for Alaska customers. (10) The transfer of the project properties to the Transferee shall be made within sixty days from the submission of this application. However said transfer shall be contingent upon approval by the Commission of the application for a transfer of license, and provisions are therefore included in the acquistion agreement entered into by and between the Transferee and Transferor that said transfer shall be null and void if the Commission declines to approve the transfer of license requested hereinafter. (11) The Transferor submits herewith Exhibits D-l a certificated copy of Resolution 158-81 adopted by its Board of Directors approving this application, and the Transferee submits herewith as Exhibit D-2 a certificated copy of a resolution adopted by its Board of Directors approving this application. (12) The name, title, and post-office address of the person or persons to whom correspondence in regard to this application shall be addressed are as follows: A. for the Transferee: Eric P. Yould, Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 B. for the Transferor: David Nease Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 787 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 3 STATE OF ALASKA THIRD DISTRICT and says: VERIFICA TION ) ) ss. ) being duly sworn I deposes That he is the President r----.~~~--~.---~--~--------------(Title of person signing the application) of the Kodiak Elect ric Assoc iat ion, Inc. (Name of one of the applicants) ,one of the applicants for approval of transfer of license; that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. [S E A L 5 I , . \ VERIFICATION STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ERIC P. YOULD being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Executive Director of Alaska Power Authority , one of the applicants for approval. of transfer of license; that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Signaturf) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public of the State of Alaska this k ta day of rWVVCfh'Y 1982. I i I \ I ,~£-J-~ (S E A L) ! , ) , I , • < \ ) , , , A-I CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY --STATUTES STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT I, ERIC P. YOULD, Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority (the "Authority") HEHEBY CERTIFY as follows: That the document attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the authorizing statutes of the Alaska Power Authority (AS 44.83) including any and all amendments thereto to date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Authority to be impressed hereon this ~, day of February, 1982. (S E A L) ERIC P: YOU~D \ Executlve Dlrector SUBSCRIBED AND m'JORN to before me this 2, day of February, 1982. § 44.83.010 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.010 (3) "entire transmission system" means the gas transmission pipeline (together with all related facilities) to extend from the Prudhoe Bay area on the North Slope of Alaska into the contiguous United States, substantially as described in the President's report entitled "Decision and Report to Congress on the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System", issued by the President on September 22, 1977, under provisions of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, and includes planning, design and construction of the pipeline and facilities; (4) "project" means the gas transmission pipeline (together with all related property and facilities) to extend from the Prudhoe Bay area on the North Slope of Alaska to a connection with the Trans-Canada Pipeline on the Alaska-Canada border, substantially as described in the President's report entitled "Decision and Report to Congress on the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System", issued by the President on September 22, 1977, under provisions of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, and includes planning, design, and construction of the pipeline and facilities; (5) "project sponsor" means any partner of the Alaskan Northwest Natural Gas Transportation Company or its successors; (6) "Prudhoe Bay natural gas" means natural gas produced from the Prudhoe Bay reservoir; (7) "~rudhoe Bay oil" means oil produced from the Pru~hoe Bay reserVOIr; (8) "Prudhoe Bay reservoir" means those areas defined in Article 5.1 of the "Prudhoe Bay Unit Agreement" of April 1, 1977. (§ 2 ch 90 SLA 1978) Chapter 83. Alaska Power Authority. Article 1. Creation and Organization (§~ 44.83.010 -44.83.050) 2. Purpose and Powers (§§ 44.83.070 -44.83.090) 3. Financial Provisions (§§ 44.83.100 -44.83.160) 4. Power Production Cost Assistance (§§ 44.83.162 -44.83.164) 5. Power Project Fund (§ 44.8:3.170) 6. General Provisions (*§ 44.83.177 -44.83.240> 7. Susitna River Hydroelectric Project (§§ 44.83.300 -44.83.360) Article 1. Creation and Organization. Section 10. Legislative finding and policy 20. Creation of authority 30. Membership of the ~uthority 40. Officers and quorum Section 45. Qualifications. powers. and duties of oflicers and directors. 50. [Repealed I Sec. 44.83.010. Legislative finding and policy. (a) The legislature finds. determines and declares that 250 -§ 44.83.020 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.030 (1) there exist numerous potential hydroelectric and fossil fuel gathering sites in the state; (2) the establishment of power projects at these sites is necessary to supply power at the lowest reasonable cost to the state's municipal electric, rural electric, cooperative electric, and private electric utilities, and regional electric authorities, and thereby to the consumers of the state, as well as to supply existing or future industrial needs; (3) the achievement of the goals of lowest reasonable consumer power costs and beneficial long-term economic growth and of establishing, operating and developing power projects in the state will be accelerated and facilitated by the creation of an instrumentality of the state with powers to construct, acquire, finance, and operate power. projects. (b) It is declared to be the policy of the state, in the interests of promoting the general welfare of all the people of the state, and public purposes, to reduce consumer power costs and otherwise to encourage the long-term economic growth of the state, including the development of its natural resources, through the establishment of power projects by creating the public corporation with powers, duties and functions as provided in this chapter. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 1 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. -The 1978 amendment in subsection (a), substituted "power at the lowest reasonable cost" for "lower cost power" in paragraph (2) and "lowest reason~ble consumer power costs and beneficial" for "lower consumer power costs and" and "construct, acquire, finance, and" for "incur debt for constructing. and with powers to" in para- graph (3,. Sec. 44.83.020. Creation of authority. There is created the Alaska Power Authority. The authority is a public corporation of the state in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development but with separate and independent legal existence. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976)' Sec. 44.83.030. Membership of the authority. (a) The authority shall consist of the following directors: (1) four directors at large to be appointed by the governor and confirmed by the legislature; (2) the commissioner of commerce and economic development. (b) The commissioners of community and regional afTairs, natural resources, transportation and public facilities, and revenue shall have the rights and privileges of directors except for the right to vote and may not be considered for purposes of quorum or voting. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 2 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. The 1978 amendment rewrote thiS sectIOn. 251 § 44.83.040 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.070 Sec. 44.83.040. Officers and quorum. The director shall elect one of the directors at large as chairman and other officers they determine desirable. The powers of the authority are vested in the directors, and three directors of the authority constitute a quorum. Action may be taken and motions and resolutions adopted by the authority at a meeting by the affirmative vote of at least three directors. The directors of the authority serve without compensation, but they shall receive the same travel pay and per diem as provided by law for board memb(:rs. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 3 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. -The 1978 large" for "public members" in th' first amendment substituted "directors at sentence. Sec. 44.83.045. Qualifications, powers, and duties of officers and directors. (a) The directors at large must be residents and qualified voters of Alaska and shall comply with the requirements of AS 39.50 (conflict of interests). The directors at large shall serve four-year terms. The four original directors at large have terms of one, two, three, and four years, respectively. (b) A vacancy in a directorship occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, but for the unexpired portion of the term only. (c) The authority shall employ an executive director who may, with the approval of the authority, employ additional staff as necessary. In addition to its staff of regular employees, the authority may contract for and engage the services of legal and bond counsel, consultants, experts, and financial and technical advisors the authority considers necessary for the purpose of conducting studies, investigations, hearings, or other proceedings. The board of directors shall establish the compensation of the executive director. The executive director of the authority is subject to the provisions of AS 39.25. (§ 4 ch 156 SLA 1978) Sec. 44.83.050. Staff. Repealed by § 23 ch 156 SLA 1978. Editor's note. -The repealed section derived from § 1, ch. 278, SLA 1976. Article 2. Purpose and Powers. Section 70. Purpose of the authority 80. Powers of the authority Section 90 Power contracts and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission Sec. 44.83.070. Purpose of the authority. The purpose of the authority is to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska by providing a means of 252 § 44.83.080 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.080 constructing, acquiring, financing and operating power production facilities limited to fossil fuel, wind power, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, or solar energy production and waste energy conservation facilities. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 5 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. -The 1978 "hydroelectric and fossil fuel generating amendment substituted the language projects" at the end of the section. beginning "power production facilities" for Sec. 44.83.080. Powers of the authority. In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the authority has the following powers in addition to its other powers: (1) to sue and be sued; (2) to have a seal and alter it at pleasure; (3) to make and alter bylaws for its organization and internal management; (4) to make rules and regulations governing the exercise of its corporate powers; (5) to acquire, whether by construction, purchase, gift or lease, and to improve, equip, operate, and maintain power projects; (6) to issue bonds to carry out any of its corporate purposes and powers, including the acquisition or construction of a project to be owned or leased, as lessor or lessee, by the authority, or by another person, or the acquisition of any interest in a project or any right to capacity of a project, the establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay the bonds or interest on them, and the payment of all other costs or expenses of the authority incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and powers; (7) to sell, lease as lessor or lessee, exchange, .. donate, conveyor encumber in any manner by mortgage or by creation of any other security interest, real or personal property owned by it, or in which it has an interest, when, in the judgment of the authority. the action is in furtherance of its corporate purposes; . (8) to accept gifts, grants or loans from, and enter into contracts or other transactions regarding them, with any person; (9) to deposit or invest its funds, subject to agreements with bondholders; (10) to enter into contracts with the United States or any person and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies, for the financing, construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of all or any part of a power project, either inside or outside the state, and for the sale or transmission of power from a project or any right to the capacity of it or for the security of any bonds of the authority issued or to be issued for the project; (11) to enter into contracts with any person and with the United States, and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to the 253 § 44.83.080 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.080 concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies for the purchase, sale, exchange, transmission, or use of power from a project, or any right to the capacity of it; (12) to apply to the appropriate agencies of the state, the United States and to a foreign country and any other proper agency for the permits, licenses, or approvals as may be necessary, and to construct, maintain and operate power projects in accordance with the licenses or permits, and to obtain, hold and use the licenses and permits in the same manner as any other person or operating unit; (13) to perform reconnaissance studies, feasibility studies, and engineering and design with respect to power projects; (14) to enter into contracts or agreements with respect to the exer- cise of any of its powers, and do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and exercise the powers granted in this chapter; (15) to exercise the power of eminent domain in accordance with AS 09.55.250 -09.55.410; (16) to recommend to the legislature (A) the issuance of general obligation bonds of the state to finance the construction of a power project if the authority first determines that the project cannot be financed by revenue bonds of the authority at reasonable rates of interest; (B) the pledge of the credit of the state to guarantee repayment of all or any portion of revenue bonds issued to assist in construction of power projects; (e) an appropriation from the general fund (i) for debt service on bonds or other project purposes; or (m to reduce the amount of debt financing for the project; (D) an appropriation to the power project fund for a power project; (E) an appropriation of a part of the income of the renewable resources investment fund for a power project; (F) development of a project under financing arrangements with other entities using leveraged leases or other financing methods. (* 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am §§ 6 -11 ch 156 SLA 1978; am ** 16, 17 ch 83 SLA 1980) Effect of amendments. -The 1978 amendment suhgtituLed "equip. operate, and maintain" for "equip and operate" in paragraph (5), inserted "or by another per· son" in paragraph 161, sub~tituted "a project" for "it" in two plaet's in paragraph (61, subtitituted "any person" for "a federal agency or an agency or instrumentality of the state, mumcipality. private organization or other source" in paragraph (8i, inserted "financing'" near the middle of paragraph IlOl, deleted "ti,r the purchase, sale. f'xchanL('€. transmission. or use of power generated by a project, or any right to the capacity of it" following "enter into contracts" near the beginning of para- graph (lli. added the language beginmng "for the purchase. sale. exchange" to the end of paragraph 1111, and deleted "hydroelectrieal and fossil fuel" following "with respect to" and "generating" follow- ing "power" in paragraph 1131. The 1980 amendment lIlserted in the middle of parat:raph Il31, "feasibility studies, and en"lfleenng and design." and ddd,]d paragraph I U,!, 254 § 44.83.090 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.090 Sec. 44.83.090. Power contracts and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. (a) The authority shall, in addition to the other methods which it may find advantageous, provide a method by which municipal electric, rural electric, cooperative electric, or private electric utilities and regional electric authorities, or other persons authorized by law to engage in the distribution of electricity may secure a reasonable share of the power generated by a project, or any . interest in a project, or for any right to the power and shall sell the power or cause the power to be sold at the lowest reasonable prices which cover the full cost of the electricity or services, including capital and operating costs, debt coverage as considered appropriate by the authority, and other charges that may be authorized by this chapter. A contract for the sale, transmission and distribution of power generated by a project or any right to the capacity of it shall provide: (1) for payment of all operating and maintenance expenses of a project and costs of renewals, replacements and improvements of it; (2) for interest on and amortization charges sufficient to retire bonds of the authority issued for the project and reserves for them, plus a debt service coverage factor as may be determined by the authority to be necessary for the marketability of its bonds; (3) for monitoring of the project by the authority or its agents; (4) for full and complete disclosure to the authority of all factors of cost in the transmission and distribution of power, so that rates to any persons may be fixed initially in the contract and may be adjusted from time to time on the basis of true cost data; (5) for periodic revisions of the service and rates to persons on the basis of accurate cost data obtained by the accounting methods and systems approved by the directors and in furtherance and effectuation of the policy declared in this chapter; (6) for the cancellation and termination of a contract upon violation of its terms by any person; (7) for security for performance as the authority may consider practicable and advisable, including provisions assuring the continuance of the distribution and transmission of power generated by a project and the use of its facilities for these purposes; and (8) other terms not inconsistent with the provisions and policy ofthis chapter as the authority may consider advisable. (b) The authority is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. Nothing in this chapter grants the authority any jurisdiction over the services or rates of any public utility or diminishes or otherwise alters the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission with respect to any public utility, including any right the commission may have to review and approve or disapprove contracts for the purchase of electricity by a public utility. 1* 1 ch 278 SLA 1976: am * 12 ch 156 SLA 1978) 255 § 44.83.100 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.110 Effect of amendment. -The 1978 amendment so changed this section as to make a detailed comparison im- practicable. Among other things, however, it designated the former provisions of this section as subsection (a) and added subsection (b). Article 3. Financial Provisions. Section 100. Bonds of the authority 110. Trust indentures and trust agree- ments. 120. Validity of pledge 130. Nonliability on bonds Section 140. Pledge of the state 150. Tax exemption 160. Bonds legal investments for fi· duciaries Sec. 44.83.100. Bonds of the authority. (a) The authority may borrow money and may issue bonds, including but not limited to bonds on which the principal and interest are payable (1) exclusively from the income and receipts or other money derived from the project financed with the proceeds of the bonds; (2) exclusively from the income and receipts or other money derived from designated projects whether or not they are financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the bonds; (3) from its income and receipts or other assets generally, or a designated part or parts of them; or (4) from one or more revenue-producing contracts including a contract providing for the security of the bonds made by the authority with any person. The authority may issue bonds to pay, fund or refund the principal of, or interest or redemption premiums on, bonds issued by it, whether or not the bonds or interest to be funded or refunded have become due. (b) Bonus shall be authorized by resolution of the authority, and shall be dated and shall mature as the resolution may provide, except that no bond may mature more than 50 years from the date of its issue. Bonds shall bear interest at the rates, be in the denominations, be in the form, either coupon or registered, carry the registration privileges, be executed in the manner, be payable in the medium of payment, at the places, and be subject to the terms of redemption which the resolution or a subsequent resolution may provide. (c) All bonds, regardless of form or character, shall be negotiable instruments for all the purposes of the Uniform Commercial Code. (d) All bonds may be sold at public or private sale in the manner, for the price or prices, and at the time or times which the authority may determine. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.110. Trust indentures and trust agreements. (a) In the discretion of the authority, an issue of bonds may be secured by a trust indenture or trust agreement between the authority and a corporate trustee (which may be a trust company, bank, or national banking association, with corporate trust powers. located inside or outside the state) or by a secured loan agreement or other instrument or under a resolution giving powers to a corporate trustee by mean;; of which the authority may ~ 44.83.110 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.110 (1) make and enter into any and all the covenants and agreements with the trustee or the holders of the bonds which the authority may determine to be necessary or desirable, including, without limitation, covenants, provisions, limitations and agreements as to (A) the application, investment, deposit, use and disposition of the proceeds of bonds of the authority or of money or other property of the authority or in which it has an interest; (B) the fixing and collection of rentals, charges, fees or other consideration for, and the other terms to be incorporated in, contracts with respect to a project or to generated power; (C) the assignment by the authority of its rights in contracts with respect to a project or to generated power or in a mortgage or other security interest created with respect to a project or generated power to a trustee for the benefit of bondholders; (0) the terms and conditions upon which additional bonds of the authority may be issued; (E) the vesting in a trustee of rights, powers, duties, funds or prop- erty in trust for the benefit of bondholders, including, without limitation, the right to enforce payment, performance, and all other rights of the authority or of the bondholders, under a lease, power of contract, contract of sale, mortgage, security agreement, or trust agreement with respect to a project by injunction or other proceeding or by taking possession of by agent or otherwise and operating a project and collecting rents or other consideration and applying the same in accordance with the trust agreement; (2) pledge, mortgage or assign money, leases, agreements, property or other rights or assets of the authority either presently in hand or to be received in the future, or both; and (3) provide for any other matters of like or different character which in any way affect the security or protection of the bonds. (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the trust agreement shall contain a covenant by the authority that it will at all times maintain rates, fees or charges sufficient to pay, and that a contract entered into by the authority for the sale, transmission or distribution of power shall contain rates, fees or charges sufficient to pay the costs of operation and maintenance of the project, the principal of and interest on bonds issued under the trust agreement as the same severally become due and payable, to provide for debt service coverage as considered necessary by the authority for the marketing of its bonds and to provide for renewals, replacements and improvements of the project, and to maintain reserves required by the terms of the trust agreement. (c) For the purpoge of securing anyone or more issues of its bonds, the authority may establish one or more special funds, called "capital reserve funds", and shall pay into those C:J.oital reserve funds the proceeds of the sale ot' its bOllUS and any other money which may be 257 § 44.83.110 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.110 made available to the authority for the purposes of those funds from any other source. The funds shall be established only if the authority determines that the establishment would enhance the marketability of the bonds. All money held in a capital reserve fund, except as provided in this section, shall be used as required, solely for (1) the payment of the principal of, and interest on, bonds or of the sinking fund payments with respect to those bonds, (2) the purchase or redemption of bonds, or (3) the payment of a redemption premium required to be paid when those bonds are redeemed before maturity; however, money in a fund may not be withdrawn from it at any time in an amount which would reduce the amount of that fund to less than the capital reserve requirement set out in (2) of this subsection, except for the purpose of . making, with respect to those bonds, payment, when due, of principal, interest, redemption premiums and the sinking fund payments for the payment of which other money of the authority is not available. Income or interest earned by, or increment to, a capital reserve fund, due to the investment of the fund or any other amounts in it, may be transferred by the authority to other funds or accounts of the authority to the extent that the transfer does not reduce the amount of the capital reserve fund below the capital reserve fund requirement. (d) If the authority decides to issue bonds secured by such a capital reserve fund, the bonds may not be issued if the amount in the capital reserve fund is less than such an amount as may be established by resolution of the authority (called the "capital reserve fund requirement"), unless the authority, at the time of issuance of the obligations, deposits in the capital reserve fund from the proceeds of the obligations to be issued or from other sources, an amount which, together with the amount then in the fund, will not be less than the capital reserve fund requirement. (e) In computing the amount of a capital reserve fund for the purpose of this section, securities in which all or a portion of the funds are invested shall be valued by some reasonable method established by the authority by resolution. Valuation on a particular date shall include the amount of any interest earned or accrued to that date. (f) The chairman of the authority shall annually, no later than Jan- uary 2, make and deliver to the governor and the legislature his certif- icate stating the sum, if any, required to restore any capital reserve fund to the capital reserve fund requirement. The legislature may appropriate such a sum, and all sums apprnpriated during the then current fiscal year by the legislature for such restoration shall be deposited by the authority in the proper capital reserve fund. Nothing in this section creates a debt or liability of the state. (g) When the authority has created and established a capital reserve fund, the commissioner of revenue may lend surplus money in the gpnerai fund to the authority fnr dcpnsit in n capital reserve fund in an amount e4uai to the capital rC:icrve fund requll'l'rnent. The loan", shall § 44.83.120 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.140 be made on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the commissioner of revenue and the authority, including without limitation terms and conditions providing that the loans need not be repaid until the obligations of the authority secured and to be secured by the capital reserve fund are no longer outstanding. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am §§ 13, 14 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. -The 1978 amendment in paragraph (l) of subsection (a), added "or to generated power" to the end of subparagraph (B), inserted "or to generated power" and "or generated power" in subparagraph (C), and substituted "by injunction" for "by manda- mus" in subparagraph (E). In subsection (d), the amendment substituted "an amount" for "a per cent, not exceeding 10 per cent of the principal amount of all of those bonds secured by that capital reserve fund then to be . issued and then outstanding in accordance with their terms." Sec. 44.83.120. Validity of pledge. It is the intention of the legislature that a pledge made in respect of bonds shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made; that the money or property so pledged and thereafter received by the authority shall immediately be subject to the lien of the pledge without physical delivery or further act; and that the lien of the pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the authority irrespective of whether the parties have notice. Neither the resolution, trust agreement nor any other instrument by which a pledge is created need be recorded or filed under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code to be valid, binding or effective against the parties. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.130. Nonliability on bonds. (a) Neither the members of the authority nor a person executing the bonds is liable personally on the bonds or is subject to personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of the bonds. (b) The bonds issued by the authority do not constitute an indebtedness or other liability of the state or of a political subdivision of the state, except the authority, but shall be payable solely from the income and receipts or other funds or property of the authority. The authority may not pledge the fai th or credit of the state or of a political subdivision of the state, except the authority. to the payment of a bond and the issuance of a bond by the authority does not directly or indirectly or contingently obligate the state or a political subdivision of the state to apply money from, or levy or pledge any form of taxation whatever to the payment of the bond. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.140. Pledge of the state. The state pledges to and agrees with the holders of bonds issued under this chapter and with the federal agency which loans or contributes funds in respect to a project, that the state will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in the authoritv by this chapter to iil1fill the terms of a contract made by the 259 § 44.83.150 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.160 authority with the holders or federal agency, or in any way impair the rights and remedies of the holders until the bonds, together with the interest on them with interest on unpaid installments of interest, and all costs and expenses in connection with an action or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders, are fully met and discharged. The authority is authorized to include this pledge and agreement of the state, insofar as it refers to holders of bonds of the authority, in a contract with the holders, and insofar as it relates to a federal agency, in a contract with the federal agency. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.150. Tax exemption. All property of the authority is public property devoted to an essential public and governmental func- tion and purpose and is exempt from all taxes of the state or a political subdivision of the state; however, the authority may make payments in place of taxes in amounts equal to the real and personal property taxes which would be assessed on its real and personal property by each political subdivision in which its property is located to the same extent as if that property were private property and the authority were a non-public corporation. All bonds issued under this chapter are issued by a body corporate and public of this state and for an essential public and governmental purpose and the bonds and the interest and income on and from the bonds and all income of the authority are exempt from taxation except for transfer, inheritance and estate taxes. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 15 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. -The 1978 "however, the authority may make amendment added the language beginning payments" to the end of the first sentence. Sec. 44.83.160. Bonds legal investments for fiduciaries. The bonds of the authority are securities in which all public officers and bodies of the state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on any insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks, savings associations, including savings and loan associations and building and loan a,.ssociations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business, all administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries, and all other persons whatsoever who are now or may hereafter be authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state, may properly and legally invest funds including capital in their control or belonging to them. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the bonds of the authority are also securities which may be deposited with and may be received by all public officers and bodies of this state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or other obligations of the state is now or may hereafter be authorized. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) 260 § 44.83.162 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.162 Article 4. Power Production Cost Assistance. Section 162. Power production cost assistance 164. Assistance to utilities not regulated by public utilities commission Article repealed effective July I, 1980, repeals this article, efTective July 1, 1985. -Sections 51 and 54, ch. 83, SLA 1985. Sec. 44.83.162. Power production cost assistance [Repealed effective July I, 1985]. (a) There is established as a separate fund to provide financial assistance to eligible electric utilities in the state, the power production cost assistance fund which shall be administered by the authority as a fund distinct from other funds of the authority and which is composed of money appropriated for the purpose of providing power production cost assistance to an eligible electric utility. (b) Power production costs which may be paid from the power production cost assistance fund include (1) production expenses for generating electricity, consisting of the costs of (A) operation supervision and enginetring; (B) fuel, oil, gas, coal, and other thermal fuels; (C) generation expenses; (D) miscellaneous other power generation expenses; (E) rents; (F) maintenance supervision and engineering; (G) maintenance of structures; (H) maintenance of generating and electric plant; and (l) maintenance of miscellaneous other power generation; (2) fixed costs relating to generating electricity, consisting of (A) depreciation of a generating plant and equipment; (B) taxes on a generating plant and equipment; (C) insurance on or attributable to a generating plant and equip- ment; (D) interest on indebtedness incurred for a generating plant and equipment; (3) costs of purchased power, including but not limited to system control and load dispatching expenses; (4) transmission expenses, consisting of (A) transmission operation supervision and engineering; (B) transmission load dispatching; (C) station expenses; 261 § 44.83.162 ALASKA STATUTES (D) overhead line expenses; (E) underground line expenses; (F) transmission of electricity by others; (G) miscellaneous transmission expenses; (H) rents; and § 44.83.162 (I) maintenance costs for facilities associated with (A) -(E) of this paragraph; and (5) fixed costs relating to transmission, consisting of (A) depreciation of transmission lines and equipment; (B) taxes on transmission lines and equipment; (e) insurance on or attributable to transmission lines and equip- ment; and (0) interest on debt incurred for transmission lines and equipment. (c) Power production cost assistance shall be paid to an eligible electric utility if the actual power production costs of the utility exceed its adjusted power production costs, as determined annually by the commission. The adjusted power production costs of an electric utility are (1) 15 percent of the portion of the actual power production costs which does not exceed 40 cents per kilowatt hour; plus (2) the base power production cost escalator; the base power production cost escalator is 7.65 cents per kilowatt hour adjusted annu- ally by a percentage equal to the percentage of change in the Anchorage consumer price index for the year. (d) An eligible electric utility may include as part of its revenue requirement for the purpose of setting rates charged for residential service, local community facilities service, and service to charitable organizations only the adjusted power production cost per kilowatt-hour sold. However, the utility's approved tariff shall show rates based on the actual cost of providing electric utility service and the state assistance derived from the power production cost assistance program under this section. (e) The power production cost assistance program shall be administered by the authority based on a determination by the commission of adjusted power production cost of each electric utility eligible for power production cost assistance. An electric utility is eligible for power production cost assistance if (1) the actual power production costs of the utility exceed the adjusted power production costs, as determined by the commission under (cl of this section; (2) at least 15 percent of the total energy sold by an electric utility during the calendar year preceding the year in which power production cost assistance may be claimed was for residential use. (fl The adjusted power production cost shall be calculated annually in the manner prescribed by (c) of this section and shall be based on the actual power production cost tiled with the commission by each eligible 262 § 44.83.162 STATE GOVERKMENT § 44.83.162 electric utility, as verified by the commission. The power production cost shall be derived from financial data supporting the most recently approved permanent rate schedule with adjustments incorporating the current cost of fuel. The determination of the cost of fuel by the commission shall be in accordance with the procedure for approving fuel cost rate adjustments in effect at the time of the determination. The commission shall review filings and approve an adjusted power production cost per kilowatt-hour and revised rates based on the approved adjusted power production cost per kilowatt-hour, as determined under (c) of this section. The commission may change the adjusted power production costs if (1) an increase or decrease in a utility's cost of fuel has resulted in the approval of a fuel cost rate adjustment by the commission; (2) a permanent or interim rate increase has been approved by the commission, thereby establishing a higher or lower power production cost; (3) the authority has discovered discrepancies in its review of data submitted, monthly, by the utilities; or (4) the authority determines that appropriations are insufficient to fund full payments to eligible utilities. (g) Each electric utility with a rate schedule and adjusted power production cost approved by the commission shall report monthly to the authority within the time and in the form the authority designates (1) the total a~tual power production costs of electric power including a detailed breakdown of those costs as specified by the commission; (2) the total kilowatt-hours sold during the preceding month; (3) the total kilowatt-hours sold during the preceding month for service eligible for power production cost assistance under this section; (4) the total kilowatt-hours generated during the preceding month; (5) the total power production cost per kilowatt-hour sold; (6) the total power production cost per kilowatt-hour generated; and (7) any increase or decrease in the current unit price of fuel from the base price used by the commission in the determination of power production costs. The authority shall review the report and may submit the report to the commission for additional review before payment. (h) After review and approval by the authority, the authority shall, subject to appropriation, pay to each eligible electric utility an amount equal to the difference between the actual power production costs for the preceding month and the approved adjusted power production cost per kilowatt-hour times the number of kilowatt-hours sold to residential customers, local community facility customers, and facilities owned by charitable organizations during the preceding month. Payment shall be made by the authority within 30 days of receipt from the utility of the report required under (g! of this section. However. if there is a dispute between the authority and the utIhty relating to the payment. the authority ~hall submit the report to the 26:1 § 44.83.164 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.164 commission within 30 days of receipt of the report by the authority for review before payment. When a report is submitted to the commission for review under this section, payment shall be made by the authority within 30 days after submission. If appropriations are insufficient for payment in full, the amount paid to each electric utility is reduced on a pro-rata basis. (i) If an electric utility receives a payment under this section, the utility shall furnish the following notice to its electric service customers eligible under this program for each period for which the payment is received: NOTICE TO CUSTOMER For the current billing period the utility has been paid under the State of Alaska's power production cost assistance program (AS 44.83.162) to assist the utility and its customers in reducing the high cost of generation of electric energy. Your total electrical service cost $ Less state assistance $ Your charge $ (j) For the purpose of this section, (1) the terms used in (b) (1) -(4) of this section are defined as those items are defined in a recognized system of utility accounts designated by the commission; (2) actual power production costs are the expenses and costs prescribed in this subsection less any other power production cost assistance provided to the electric utility. (k) In this section, (1) "charitable organization" means an organization, not organized for pecuniary profit, which is operated for the relief of poverty, distress, or other condition of public concern in the state; the term includes, but is not limited to, a church or religious organization; (2) "commission" means the Alaska Public Utilities Commission; (3) "local community facilities" means water and sewer facilities, public outdoor lighting, and community buildings whose operations are not paid for by the state, the federal government, or private commercial interests. (§ 42 ch 83 SLA 1980l Section repealed effective .July 1, repeals this section. effective July 1, 1985. 1985. -Section 51, eh. 83, SLA 1980. Sec. 44.83.164. Assistance to utilities not regulated by Public Utilities Commission [Repealed effective July 1,19851. (al A utility which is exempt from regulation under AS 42.05.711 may receive power production cost assistance under AS 44.83.162 without becoming subject to the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission if the utility is otherwise el igible for assistance and if the uti lity 264 § 44.83.170 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.170 (1) files with the commission the audited financial data necessary to determine the adjusted power production cost in the form prescribed in a recognized system of utility accounts; (2) makes the reports required in AS 44.83.162(g) required of an electric utility with a rate schedule approved by the commission within the time and in the form the Alaska Power Authority designates; (3) sets rates charged for residential services, local community services, and for services to charitable organizations, by including as part of its revenue requirements for these services only the adjusted power production cost pe~ kilowatt-hour sold; (4) allows audits which the commission determines are necessary to insure compliance with this section; and (5) furnishes its electric service customers eligible under this pro- gram the "Notice to Customer" specified in AS 44.83.162(0. (b) The provisions of AS 44.83.162 relating to determination of the amount of power production cost assistance and payment of the assistance apply to assistance under this section. (§ 42 ch 83 SLA 1980) Section repealed effective July I, repeals this section. effective July 1, 1985. 1985. -Section 51, ch. 83, SLA 1980, Article 5. Power Project Fund. Section 170. Power project fund Sec. 44.83.170. Power project fund. (a) There is established as a separate fund the power project fund which shall be distinct from any other money or funds of the authority, and which includes only money appropriated by the legislature. (b) The authority may make loans from the power project fund (1) to electric utilities, regional electric authorities, municipalities, cities, boroughs, regional and village corporations, village councils, and nonprofit marketing cooperatives to pay the costs of (A) reconnaissance studies, feasibility studies, license and permit applications, preconstruction engineering, and design of power projects; (B) constructing, equipping, modifying, improving, and expanding small-scale power production facilities, conservation facilities. bulk fuel storage facilities, and transmission and distribution facilities, including energy production, transmission and distribution, and waste energy conservation facilities which depend on fossil fuel, wind power, tidal, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric, solar or other non-nuclear energy sources; and (C) reconnaissance studies. preconstruction engineering, design, construction. equipping, modification. and expansion of potable water suppiy inc!mling surface :;torage and groundwater sources and 265 § 44.83.170 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.170 transmission of water from surface storage to existing distribution systems; (2) to a borrower for a power project if (A) the loan is entered into under a leveraged lease financing arrangement; (B) the party which will be responsible for the power project is an electric utility, regional electric authority, municipality, city, borough, regional or village corporation, village council, or nonprofit marketing cooperative; and (C) the borrower seeking the loan demonstrates to the authority that the financing arrangement for the power project will reduce project financing costs below costs of comparable public power projects. (c) Before making a loan from the power project fund, the authority shall, by regulation, specify (1) standards for the eligibility of borrowers and the types of projects to be financed with loans; (2) standards regarding the technical and economic viability and revenue self-sufficiency of eligible projects; (3) collateral or other security required for loans; (4) the terms and conditions of loans; (5) criteria to establish financial feasibility and to measure the amount of state assistance necessary for particular projects to meet the financial feasibility criteria; and (6) other relevant criteria, standards or procedures. (d) Any loan made by the authority must be made according to the standards, criteria, and procedures established by regulation under this section. (e) Repayment of the loans shall be secured in any manner which the authority determines is feasible to assure prompt repayment under a loan agreement entered into with the borrower. The authority may make an unsecured loan from the power project fund to a borrower regulated by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission under AS 42.05 if the borrower has a substantial history of repaying long-term loans and the capacity to repay the loan. Under a loan agreement, repayment may be deferred for 10 years or until the project for which the loan is made has achieved earnings from its operations sufficient to pay the loan, whichever is earlier. m Power projects are subject to the following limitations on interest and specific restrictions: (1) Power projects for which loans are outstanding from the water resources revolving loan fund (AS 45.86) on July 13, 1978, may receive additional financing from the power project fund; the additional financing, if granted. (A) shall be granted for a term not exceeding 50 years; (HI shall be granted at an interest rate of not less than three or more than iive percent u year on the unpaid baiunce: 260 § 44.83.177 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.177 (C) shall be conditioned on the repayment of loan principal and interest to begin on the earlier of CD the date of the start of commercial operation of the project; or (ii) 10 years from the date the loan is granted. (2) Loans for power projects (A) shall be granted for a term not to exceed 50 years; and (B) shall be granted at an interest rate which is not less than five percent and which is the lesser of (i) a rate equal to the percentage which is the average weekly yield of municipal bonds for the 12 months preceding the date of the loan, as determined by the authority from municipal bond yield rates reported in the 30-year revenue index of the Weekly Bond Buyer; or (ii) a rate determined by the authority which allows the project to meet criteria of financial feasibility established under AS 44.83.1701c). (g) Loan repayments and interest earned by loans from the power project fund shall be deposited in the state general fund. (h) The legislature may forgive the repayment of a loan made from the power project fund for a reconnaissance study or a feasibility study when the authority finds that the power project for which the loan was made is not feasible. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 16 ch 156 SLA 1978; am §§ .19 23 ch 83 SLA 1980) Effect of amendments. The 1978 amendment added the language beginning "and which shall be composed" to the end of subsection (a), rewrote subsections (b) and (c), redesignated subsection (d) as subsection (el, added present subsection (d), added the present second sentence of present subsection (el, and in the present third sentence of subsection (el, inserted "for 10 years or," substituted "for which the loan is made" for "with respect to which a loan is made," and added "whichever is earlier" to the end. The amendment also deleted former subsection tel, which defined "eligible borrower," and added subsection (I). The 1980 amendment rewrote subsections lal through (el, (el, and m, and added subsections (gl and (hl. Article 6. General Provisions. Section 177. Reconnaissance study 179. Review of reconnaissance study by division of budget and management 180. [Repealedl 181. Feasibility study and finance plan 183. Review of feasibility studies and plans of finance by diyision of budget and management 185. Submission to the legislature 187. Applicability of sections 189. Project construction Section 190. Annual audit 191. Limitations on issuance of bonds by the authority 195. Operation of projects 200. Annual report 210. Appropriations and reports 220. Public records; open meetings 224 Long-term energy plan 230. Definitions 240. Short title Sec. 44.83.177. Reconnaissance study. (a) To identify power project alternatives tor a community, the authority shall, after consultation with other state agencies and after review of information on alternative sources of power, l:ompiete a reconnai6sance ,;tuciy tor each propused new power proJed. 267 § 44.83.177 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.177 (b) A reconnaissance study shall (1) survey all power sources available to the community and adja- cent area and evaluate the relative economic merits of alternative sources of power; (2) include an assessment of the effect of the development of alternative sources of power on the environment so as to assure that there is no adverse effect to the environment which would make the project inadvisable; (3) include public comment from residents of the community and adjacent area. (c) The authority, in consultation with the division of budget and management, shall adopt regulations defining . (1) the methods which it shall apply to determine that the information required by (b) of this section is obtained; and (2) standard criteria and measures for comparative analysis of alternative power sources. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Editor's note. -Section 47, ch. 83, SLA 1980 provides: "TRANSITION: CURRENT PROJECTS OF THE ALASKA AUTHORITY. All projects authorized in sec. 48 of this Act are exempt from the provisions of AS 44.83.177 - 44.83.185. For all other projects, unless a proposed project is exempt under AS 44.83.187 added by sec, 24 of this Act, "(1) if the division of budget and management in the Ofl1ce of the Governor determines that the Alaska Power Authority has completed a reconnaissance study as that term was defined by AS 44.83.230(7) before re·enactment of AS 44.83.230(7) by sec. 26 of this Act, the project for which the reconnaissance study was done is exempt from the provisions of AS 44.83.177 and 44.83.179, added by sec. 24 of this Act; the Alaska Power Authority shall proceed with preparation of a feasibility study and plan of finance under AS 44.83.181 added by sec. 24 of this Act; "(2) if the division of budget and management determines that the Alaska Power Authority has completed both a reconnaissance study under AS 44.83.080(13) and a statement under AS 44.83.180(c), "(Al and that statement or the project for which it was prepared has been approved by the legislature under AS 44.83.180(c), the Alaska Power Authoritv may proceed with that project under AS 44,83.189 added by sec. 24 of this Act; "\ B) and that statement or the project for which it was prepared has not been approved by the If'~islature under AS ·g,1:l3.11:l0!c). the diVISIOn ul bud14et anll management shall review the statement for compliance with the requirements of AS 44.83.183 added by sec. 24 of this Act before the statement is submitted under AS 44.83.185, added by sec. 24 of this Act, to the legislature; review by the division of budget and management may not unreasonably delay submission of the statement to the legislature; "(3) if a proposed new project has been approved by the legislature, or if money has been appropriated by the legislature for a proposed new project, and the Alaska Power Authority has not completed a reconnaissance stud v under AS 44.83.080(13) or a statement under AS 44.83.180(c), the project is subject to the provisions of AS 44.83.177 -44.83.185." Section 48, ch. 83. SLA 1980 provides: "APPROV AL OF PENDING PROJECTS OF THE ALASKA POWER AU- THORITY. (a) The Alaska Power Authority has submitted to the governor and the legislature a statement of its recommendations for financing certain power projects and a statement outlining the general design, demonstration of financial feasibility. and maximum amounts of revenue bonds and appropriations necessary for the projects, together with a statement of the design, acquisition, construction and financmg of the projects by the authority or another person which satisfy the conditions of AS 4483.180, The legislature has adopted jomt resolutions approving the general design and maximum amount of bonds to be is~ued for several of the projects and those actIOns are confirmed, 268 § 44.83.179 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.180 "(b) Actions taken by the legislature before the effective date of this Act to approve the general design and maximum amount of bonds for power projects are confirmed and the Alaska Power Authority is authorized to issue its bonds for the following power projects in the maximum principal amount set out after each: "(1) Solomon Gulch, $20,000,000; "(2) Terror Lake, $120,000,000. "(c) The general design and maximum amount of bonds for power projects are approved and the Alaska Power Authority is authorized to issue its bonds for the following power projects in the maximum principal amount set out after each: "(1) Golden Valley Electric Association waste heat, $110,000,000; "(2) Tyee Lake, $70,000,000; "(3) Swan Lake, $120,000,000; "(4) Glacier Highway Electric Asso- ciation, $800,000; ':(5) Cordova Electric Cooperative, $6,500,000; "(6) Matanuska Electric Association, $2,500,000; "(7) Homer Electric Association, $3,360,000; "(8) Naknek Electric Association, $730.000; "(9) Lake Elva, $15,000,000; and "(10) Black Bear Lake. $30,000,000. "(d) The Alaska Power Authority is authorized to proceed with design and acquisition of right-of-way of the Anchorage-Fairbanks transmission inter- tie. This project may be financed by reve- nue bonds issued by the authority, appropriations from the general fund, or other funding sources approved by the legislature." Sec. 44.83.179. Review of reconnaissance study by division of budget and management. (a) The division of budget and management in the Office of the Governor shall review reconnaissance studies for proposed projects of the authority. (b) The review shall examine each reconnaissance study for compliance with the requirements of AS 44.83.177(b) and (c). The division of budget and management may approve or disapprove a reconnaissance study. If the division of budget and management disapproves of a reconnaissance study, it shall return the reconnaissance study to the authority together with a comprehensive statement of the reasons for its disapproval. The authority may amend the portions of the reconnaissance study which the division of budget and management identifies as deficient and resubmit the reconnaissance study to the division of budget and management for reconsideration. (c) For purposes of this section, a power project is approved if the reconnaissance study for the project has not been disapproved by the division of budget and management within 30 days of submission of the reconnaissance study for the project to it by the authority. (~ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Cross reference. As to application of this section to current projects of the Alaska Power Authority, and exemption from the provisions of this section of pending projects of the Alaska Power Authority, see editor's note to AS 44.83.177. Sec. 44.83.180. Assessment, proposal, and construction of projects. Repealed by § 44 ch 83 SLA 1980. 269 § 44.83.181 ALASKA STATUTES Editor's note. -The repealed section derived from § 1, ch. 278, SLA 1976; §§ 17, 18, ch. 156, SLA 1978. § 44.83.181 Sec. 44.83.181. Feasibility study and finance plan. (a) Unless the reconnaissance study has been disapproved by the division of budget and management under AS 44.83.179, the authority shall com- plete a feasibility study and plan of finance for each proposed project. (b) A feasibility study shall include (1) information about the proposed project, including but not limited to estimates of total project construction costs, total project operating costs, the timing and amount of anticipated returns from the completed project, a benefit·to-cost ratio, the potential effect of the project on the environment of the area which will be served by the project when completed, and the availability of alternative government financing; (2) a statement of all assumptions which affect the economic feasibility of the project, including but not limited to the discount rate and interest rate of amounts of money to be used for the project, anticipated fuel prices, an escalation rate, state and local electric load growth, and estimates of indirect costs and benefits; (3) a comparative analysis of all reasonable alternatives to construction of the proposed project; and (4) information based on engineering and design work which meets the requirements for submission of a license application for the project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (c) The plan of finance shall include recommendations of the most appropriate means to finance a project, including, but not limited to, (1) the issuance of revenue bonds of the authority; (2) the issuance of (A) general obligation bonds of the state; or (B) revenue bonds of the authority which are guaranteed or partially guaranteed by the state; (3) an appropriation from the general fund (A) to pay debt service on bonds or for other project purposes; or (B) to reduce the amount of debt financing for the project; (4) a loan from the general fund; (5) financing arrangements with other entities using leveraged leases or other financing methods; (6) assistance from any federal agency, including, but not limited to, the Rural Electrification Administration; (7) a loan from the power project fund (AS 44.83,170(a», or from the renewable resources investment fund (AS 37.11.050); or (8) any combination of financing arrangements listed in this subsection. (d) When financial assistance from the state is necessary for a pruject to meet finanCial feasibility criteria. the plan of finance shall 270 § 44.83.1S3 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.S3.1S3 include an estimate of the minimum amount of financial assistance required from the state. The plan of finance shall include an estimate of the present value of the financial assistance from the state, computed as the difference between (1) a market rate of interest, which is (A) the rate determined under AS 44.S3.170(t)(2)(B)(i); or (B) the estimated interest rate for revenue bonds to be issued by the authority for the project; and (2) the effective rate of interest because of state financial assistance provided. (e) The authority, in consultation with the division of budget and management, shall adopt regulations defining (1) the techniques which it shall apply to determine that the information required by (b) -(d) of this section is obtained; and (2) standard. criteria and measures for comparative analysis of alternative financing arrangements. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Cross reference. As to application of this section to current projects of the Alaska Power Authority and exemption from the provisions of this section of pending projects of the Alaska Power Authority, see editor's note to AS 44.83.177. Sec. 44.83.183. Review of feasibility studies and plans of finance by division of budget and management. (a) The division of budget and management in the Office of the Governor shall review the feasibility study and plan of finance for a project of the authority for compliance with the provisions of AS 44.S3.1Sl(b) -(d). (b) In its review under this section, the division of budget and management may obtain an independent evaluation of a feasiblity study and plan of finance to determine compliance with the provisions of AS 44.83.181(b) (d). (c) When the division of budget and management has completed a review of the feasibility study and the plan of finance for a project under this section, it shall submit a report to the governor. The report shall examine the feasibility study and plan of finance for compliance with the requirements of AS 44.83.181(b) -(d). The report of the division of budget and management shall include a recommendation to the governor and legislature for approval or disapproval of the project based on the division's review of the feasibility study and plan of finance for compliance with the requirements of AS 44.83.181(b) -(d). (d) The report required by (c) of this section shall be prepared and submitted not later than 60 days after the feasibHity study and plan of finance for a proposed project have been received by the division of budget and management. (* 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Cross reference. -As to application of Alaska Power Authority and exemption this S~l'tiOn to current pr()I .... c(5 vr' lnt' from the pn)VlSllH1S uf thIS :,~"ctlon or' 271 § 44.83.185 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.187 pending projects of the Alaska Power Authority, see editor's note to AS 44.83.177. Sec. 44.83.185. Submission to the legislature. (a) The authority shall submit a feasibility study and plan of finance for a proposed new project to the legislature. When the report of the division of budget and management examining the feasibility study and plan of finance is completed as required by AS 44.83.183, it shall be submitted to the legislature. (b) The authority may not proceed with work on the engineering or design phase of a proposed new project for which legislative approval is required until the legislature approves the proposed new project. However, the authority may proceed with the engineering or design work necessary to meet the requirements for submission of a license application for the proposed new project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission without obtaining legislative approval of the proposed new project. (c) The legislature shall consider and must approve all proposed new projects except proposed new projects that are exempt under AS 44.83.187. The legislature may approve a proposed new project only by enacting law authorizing that project. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Cross reference. -As to application of this section to current projects of the Alaska Power Authority and exemption from the provisions of this section of pending projects of the Alaska Power Authority, see editor's note to AS 44.83.177. Sec. 44.83.187. Applicability of sections. (a) The provisions of AS 44.83.177 44.83.185 and 44.83.189 apply only to a proposed new project which will generate more than 1.5 megawatts of power and (1) requires an appropriation from the state general fund, from the power project fund, or from the renewable resources funds; or (2) is based on a plan of finance which requires the issuance of general obligation bonds or other pledge of the credit of the state. (b) The provisions of AS 44.83.177 -44.83.185 and 44.83.189 apply to a project which generates more than 25 megawatts of power for which the authority will issue its revenue bonds for costs of construction. (c) The provisions of AS 44.83.177 44.83.183 do not apply when a reconnaissance study and a feability study for a proposed new project have been prepared by an agency of the federal government, if the authority determines that the reconnaissance study and the feasibility study prepared by the agency of the federal government provide information sufficient to permit the authority to flnance and construct the proposed new project in accordance wit h the requirements of this chapter. When a reconnaissance study and feasibility' stud v are prepared fur a proposed new proJect by all a~encv uf the federal govern· ~72 § 44.83.189 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.189 ment and the authority proposes to finance and construct the proposed new project, the authority shall provide copies of the studies and a proposed plan of finance to the division of budget and management in the Office of the Governor. The division of budget and management shall review the studies and plan of finance. Within 60 days after its receipt of the studies and plan of finance, the division of budget and management shall submit a report to the governor and legislature. The report shall examine the feasibility study and plan of finance and comment upon compliance of the feasibility study and plan of finance with the requirements of AS 44.83.181. Approval of the legislature under AS 44.83.185 is required for a proposed new project which is exempt from the requirements of AS 44.83.177 44.83.183 under this subsection. The authority may not proceed with engineering or design work for a project until legislative approval of the project has been given under AS 44.83-185(cJ, except that the authority may undertake engineering or design work necessary to submit a license application for the project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission without first obtaining legislative approval of the project. (d) The provisions of AS 44.83.177 -44.83.185 do not apply to (1) an addition, modification, repair, reconstruction, design. acquisition or construction for the purpose of completing a project; (2) the construction of an electrical transmission or distribution facility which is estimated to cost less than $3,000,000. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980; am ~ 1 ch 169 SLA 1980} Effect of amendment. -The 1980 amendment added "will generate more than 1.5 megawatts of power and" at the end of the introductory paragraph of subsection 'a), and >;ubstituted "funds" for "investment fund and the appropriation exceeds (A) $3,000,000, for projects for which legislati ve approval is sought during 1981; iBI $3,000,000 multiplied by a factor equal to a ratio determined by dividing the construction cost index of the engineering news rewrd determined for January of the year during which a project is submitted for legisluti ve approval. by the construction cost index of the engineering news re-cord for March. 19110. for projects for which legislative-approval is sought after December 31, 1981" at the end of paragraph (11 of subsection (al. Editor's note. -Section 3, ch. 169, SLA 1980 provides: "The projects authorized in sec. 48 of House CS for CS for Senate-Bill No. 438 iFinancel am H, Eleventh Legislature, Second Session, are exempt from the amendments made in sec. t of this Ad." Section 4, eh. 169, SLA 1980 provides: "Section 1 of this Act takes effect on the day after House CS for CS for Senate Bill No, 438 Ir'inance! am Ii, Ele\'enth Legislature. Second SessIOn, becomes law." Sec. 44.83.189. Project construction. If a new project is to be designed, acquired and constructed by the authority, it shall be designed, acquired and constructed as a public work of the state. For the purpose of this section and AS 4·183.187 u new project does not include Il) an additiotl or modification to an exi;,;ting project unless the total co;,;t of the addition or modilication exceeds $1,000,000; § 44.83.190 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.220 (2) repair or reconstruction of a project; or (3) design, acquisition or construction necessary to complete a project for which bonds have been issued. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.190. Annual audit. The authority shall have its finan- cial records audited annually by a certified public accountant. The legislative auditor may prescribe the form and content of the financial records of the authority and shall have access to these records at any time. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.191. Limitations on issuance of bonds by the authority. The authority may not issue bonds except after 60 days notification of its intent to issue bonds is given to the governor and to the legislature, if the legislature is in session, or to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, if the legislature is not in session. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.195. Operation of projects. (a) When a project is operated by the authority, the authority shall enter into one or more contracts for the sale of electrical power from the project. A contract entered into under this section shall meet all requirements of AS 44.83.090. (b) If, at the expiration of a contract entered into by the authority under (a) of this section, revenues earned by the authority under the contract exceed expenses of the authority for the project, an amount equal to the excess shall be used by the authority to reduce rates or improve services to consumers served by the power project. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.200. Annual report. Before March 1 of each year, the authority shall submit to the governor and the legislature a comprehensive report describing operations, income and expenditures for the preceding 12-month period. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.210. Appropriations and reports. (a) Notwith- standing any other provision in this chapter, the authority is subject to the provisions of the Executive Budget Act (AS 37.07). (b) The authority shall, by the 15th day of each regular legislative session, present to the legislature a report detailing project status, original costs and projected costs, particularly highlighting any costs in excess of the original cost estimates submitted for each project when that project was originally approved by the legislature. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 19 ch 156 SLA 1978) Effect of amendment. The 1978 amendment rewrote this section. Sec. 44.83.220. Public records; open meetings. The provisions of AS -U9.~5. UO and AS H.ti2.:J 10 --1:4.02.31:2 apply to the 274 § 44.83.224 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.230 authority. The authority shall publish a proposed agenda of its meetings and afford the public an opportunity to be heard in accord- ance with AS 44.62.312. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) Sec. 44.83.224. Long-term energy plan. The Department of Commerce and Economic Development, assisted by the authority, shall, after public hearings, prepare and annually revise a long-term energy plan. The plan, and its annual revisions, shall be submitted to the commissioners of the departments of the executive branch of the government for review and to the governor for his approval. After approval, the plan shall be submitted to the legislature not later than February 1 of each year. The plan, and its annual revisions, shall include (1) an "end-use" study examining and reporting on the nature and amount of energy used and the purpose of its use; and (2) an energy development component for meeting projected thermal, electrical and transportation energy needs in the state at the lowest reasonable cost, including environmental and social costs, consistent with acceptable standards of reliability, giving an equal consideration as practicable to all types of energy sources (except those based on nuclear fuels) which are technologically feasible, and which promote the efficient use of facilities and fuels consistent with energy conservation goals, and the considerations specified in AS 44.83.180(e); (3) an energy conservation component, including but not limited to, (A) conservation goals for reducing consumption of energy, identifying the region for which applicable, and the source or type of energy to which the goals are applicable; and (B) specific methods and means of achieving the goals of (A) of this paragraph; (4) a component for emergency energy conservation measures applicable during times of emergency; and (5) a report on areas or subjects of research and development and demonstration projects involving alternative energy systems, local energy sources, and energy conservation. (§ 20 ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 25 ch 83 SLA 1980) Effect of amendment. -The 1980 to in paragraph 12), was repealed by * 44, amendment rewrote the section. rh. 83, SLA 1980. Editor's note. As 44.83.180, referred Sec. 44.83.230. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, (1) "authority" means the Alaska Power Authority established by this chapter; (2) "bonds" means bonds. notes. or other oblig-abons of the authority issued under thi::; chapter; § 44.83.240 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.240 (3) "power" includes any and all electrical energy generated, distributed, bought or sold for purposes of lighting, heating, power and every other useful purpose; (4) "power project" or "project" means a plant, works, system, facil- ity, water rights, fuel deposits or sources, and real estate and personal property of any nature whatsoever, together with all facilities and appurtenances related to them or necessary for the purposes of them used or useful in power production limited to fossil fuel, wind power, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, or solar energy production and waste energy conservation and the transmission, purchase, sale, exchange and interchange of power, and shall include any interest in them, whether divided or undivided, or any right to the capacity of them; (5) "public agency" means any city or other municipal corporation, politica1 subdivision, governmental unit, or public corporation created by or under the laws of this state or of another state of the United States, and any state or the United States, and any person, board or . other body declared by the laws of any state or the United States to be a department, agency, or instrumentality of them; (6) "person" includes a public agency in addition to the entities set out in AS 01.10.060(7); (7) "reconnaissance study" means a study conducted for the purpose of assessing the present and future power needs of an area under AS 44.83.177; (8) "feasibility study" (A) means a study conducted for the purpose of establishing the economic and environmental practicality of completing a proposed power project under AS 44.83.181; (B) includes engineering and design work to meet the requirements for submission of a license application for a proposed new project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; (9) "small-scale power production facility" means a facility which, by design, is to produce less than 25 megawatts of power. (~ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am ~§ 21, 22 ch 156 SLA 1978; am §§ 26,27 ch 83 SLA 1980) Effect of amendments. -The 1978 amendment in paragraph 14 I. substituted the language beginning "power production limited" and ending "and waste energy conservation" for "the generat ion by means of water or fossil fuel of electric power" and deleted "production" preceding "trarsmission, purchase" and "electric" preceding "pow!"r. and shall include" The amendment also added paragraphs 161 and !71. The [980 amendment rewrote para- graph (71, and added paragraphs 181 and 191. Sec. 44.83.2-10. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the Alaska Power Authority Act. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976) ~76 § 44.83.300 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.320 Article 7. Susitna River Hydroelectric Project. Section 300. Description of project 310. Purpose of project 320. Preliminary reports 325. Restrictions on contracting 330. Construction, maintenance and oper- ation of project Section 340. Annual report 350. Legislative and executive oversight 360. Project financing Sec. 44.83.300. Description of project. The Susitna River hydroelectric project consists of dams and related reservoirs, and power plants located in the Upper Susitna River Basin, and related transmission lines, facilities, and load centers, as described in the Alaska Power Authority's report required by AS 44.83.320(b). (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.310. Purpose of project. The primary purpose of the Susitna River hydroelectric project is to generate, transmit and distrib- ute electric power in a manner which will (1) minimize market area electrical power costs; (2) minimize adverse environmental and social impacts while enhancing environmental values to the extent possible; and (3) safeguard both life and property. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.320. Preliminary reports. (a) By March 30, 1981, the authority shall prepare and submit to the governor and to the legislature a preliminary report recommending whether work should continue on the Susitna River hydroelectric project, and, if the recommendation is to continue on the project, the report shall explain in detail (1) economic evaluations and preliminary environmental impact assessments for the Susitna River hydroelectric project and all viable alternatives; , (2) the federal and state permits required to be obtained before construction can begin and the expected construction start date; and (3) any other information the authority considers appropriate or necessary to adequately inform the governor and the legislature of tile status of the Susitna River hydroelectric project. (b) By April 30, 1982, the authority shall prepare and submit to the governor and to the legislature a preliminary report recommending whether work should continue on the Susitna River hydroelectric project, and other viable alternatives. If the recommendation is to continue on the Susitna River hydroelectric project, the report shall explain in detail (1) the proposed conceptual design and phases of construction of the Susitna River hydroelectric project: (2) the expected comuietion d:Jte of each pnu=.;e of construction; § 44.83.325 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.340 (3) the expected cost of each phase of construction; (4) the costs to the state and consumers of the project under alternative methods of project financing, including revenue bonds, gen- eral obligation bonds, and general fund appropriations; and (5) any other information the authority considers appropriate or necessary to adequately inform the governor and the legislature of the status of the Susitna River hydroelectric project. (c) The preliminary reports required under tal and (b) of this section are in addition to any reports required under AS 44.83.180 - 44.83.224. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.325. Restrictions on contracting. The authority may not enter into contracts under AS 44.83.300 -44.83.360 other than those contracts necessary to complete (I) feasibility studies, (2) the preliminary reports required by AS 44.83.320, or (3) construction of the Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, until the legislature approves by law the preliminary report required under AS 44.83.320(b). (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.330. Construction, maintenance and operation of project. Within one year after approval of its preliminary report submitted under AS 44.83.320(b), the authority may enter into a contract for the construction of the Susitna River hydroelectric project in a manner consistent with the purpose of the project as described in AS 44.83.310. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.340. Aimual report. (a) If the Susitna Riyer hydroelectric project is approved by the legislature under AS 44.83.320(d), beginning in 1983 the authority shall prepare an annual report which explains in detail (1) the status of construction on the Susitna River hydroelectric project; (2) the completion date of any phase of the Susitna River hydroelectric project which has been completed and the reasons for any deviation between the completion date and the expected completion date stated in the preliminary report required under AS 44.83.320(b); (3) the actual cost of any phase of the Susitna River hydroelectric project which has been completed and the reasons for any deviation between the actual cost and the expected cost stated in the preliminary report required under AS 44.83.320(b); (4) the federal and state permits necessary to begin or continue construction of the Susitna River hydroelectric project. the actual dates on which the federal and state permits necessary to begin or continue construction were obtained. and the reasons for any deviation between the actual dates and the expected dates stated in the preliminary report required under AS 44.83.:l::!Ola) or in the earlier annual reports reqUJred under thi . ..; sectlUn; 278 § 44.83.350 STATE GOVERN:\1ENT § 44.83.360 (5) any other information the authority considers appropriate or necessary to adequately inform the governor and the legislature of the status of the Susitna River hydroelectric project. (b) The annual report required under (a) of this section is in addition to any reports required under AS 44.83.180 -44.83.224 and shall be submitted, by March 30 of each year, to the governor and to each member of the legislature. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.350. Legislative and executive oversight. The legislature or the governor may provide for ongoing oversight, review and selected in·depth analysis of the Susitna River hydroelectric project plan of study. The authority shall provide all data, analyses, reports, and other information to whomever conducts the oversight, review, or analysis activities. Selected in·depth analyses shall include assessments of the power alternatives, financing, and power marketing sections of the Susitna River hydroelectric project plan of study. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Sec. 44.83.360. Project financing. The Susitna River hydroelectric project shall be financed by general fund appropriations, general obligativn bonds, revenue bonds, or other plans of finance as approved by the legislature. (§ 2 ch 169 SLA 1980) Chapter 85. Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority. Section 05. Legislative findings 10. Legislative policy 20. Municipal Bond Bank Authority 30. Membership and vacancies 40. Officers and quorum 50. Bonding of members 60. Compensation and expenses 70. Staff 80. Powers of bond bank authority 90. Limitations. 95. Regulations 100. Annual report and audit 110. Annual budget 120. Care and custody of bonds 130. Effect of obligations 140. Negotiability of bonds or notes 150. I30nds or notes as legal investments 160. Tax exemption 170. Loans 10 polilical subdivisions 180. Issuance of bonds and notes 190. Form of i~suance 200. Sale price 210. Payment or refunding of notes 220. Terms of agreement with the bondholder or note holder Section 230. Purchase and disposition of own obligations 240. Bond anticipation notes 250. Documentation 260. Presumption of validity 270. Reserve fund 280. Additional funds and accounts 290. Application of funds . 300. Rights of holders pal'amount 310. Default in payment 320. Powers and duties of trustee on default 330. P"rsonal liability 340. Exemption from execution ana sale 350. Lien of pledge 360. Insurance or guaranty 370 Surety for depoSits by bank 380. Expenses of admimstration 390 CooperatIOn by government agencies 400. Pubhc records; open rneetwgs 410. Definitions 420. Short title § 44.83.030 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.040 Chapter 83. Alaska Power Authority. Article 1. Creation and Organization (§§ 44.83.030 -44.83.045) 2. Purpose and Powers (§§ 44.83.080, 44.83.090) 3. Financial Provisions (§ 44.83.105) 4. Power Production Cost Assistance (§§ 44.83.162 -44.83.164) 6. General Provisions (§ 44.83.177) 8. Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund (§§ 44.83.361,44.83.363) 9. Energy Program for Alaska (§§ 44.83.380 -44.83.425) Article 1. Creation and Organization. Section 30. Membership of the authority 40. Officers and quorum Section 45. Qualifications, powers, and duties of officers and directors Sec. 44.83.030. Membership of the authority. The authority shall consist of the following directors: (1) three public directors to be appointed by the governor and con- firmed by the legislature; only one director may be appointed from each judicial district described in AS 22.10.010; (2) the director of the division of budget and management and three commissioners of principal executive departments appointed by the governor. (§ 1 ch 278· SLA 1976; am § 2 ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 2 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. The 1981 amendment, effective August 4, 1981, deleted the subsection designation (al and repealed subsection (b) which read "The commissioners of community and regional affairs, natural resources. transportation and public facilities, and revenue shall have the rights and privileges of directors except for the right to vote and may not be considered for purposes of quorum or voting." The amendment also substituted "three public" for "four" preceding "directors," deleted "at large" preceding "to be appointed" and added "only one director may be appointed from each judi- cial district described in AS 22.10.010" in pnrah'Taph (U and substituted "the director of the division of budget and man- agement and three commissioners of prin- cipal executive departments appointed by the governor" for "the commissioner of commerce and economic development" in paragraph (2). Editor's notes. -Section 15, ch. lIS, SLA 1981, provides: "APPLICABILITY OF ACT TO DIRECTORS. (a) The terms of office of all members of the Board of Directors of the Alaska Power Authority serving on the effective date ofthis section terminate on the effective date of this sec- tion [July I, 19811. "(b) The governor shall appoint three public directors of the Aluoka Power Authority. When making his appoint- ments under this subsection, the governor shall appoint persons to serve in accor- dance with AS 4483,030(1) and shall spec- ify the length of the term of office of each member he appoints. Of the public mem- bers first appointed by the governor under th is su bscctlon, "0) one member shall serve a two-year term; "(2) one member shall serve a three-year term; "(3) one member shall serve a four-year term," Sec. 44.83.040. Officers and quorum. The directors shall elect one of their number as chairman and may elect other officers they determine desirable. The powers of the authority are vested in the 362 § 44.83.045 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.080 directors, and four directors of the authority constitute a quorum. Action may be taken and motions and resolutions adopted by the authority at a meeting by the affirmative vote of at least three directors. The directors of the authority serve without compensation, but they shall receive the same travel pay and per diem as provided by law for board members. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 3 ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 3 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. -The 1981 amendment, effective August 4, 1981, sub- stituted "directors" for "director," substi· tuted "their number" for "the directors at large" and added "may elect" preceding "other officers" in the first sentence and substituted "four" for "three" preceding "directors" in the second sentence. Sec. 44.83.045. Qualifications, powers, and duties of officers and directors. (a) The public directors shall be residents and qualified voters of Alaska and shall comply with the requirements of AS 39.50.010 -39.50.200 (conflict of interests). The public directors shall serve overlapping four-year terms. (b) A vacancy in a directorship occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment,' but for the unexpired portion of the term only. (c) The authority shall employ an executive director who may, with the approval of the authority, employ additional staff as necessary. In addition to its staff of regular employees, the authority may contract for and engage the services of legal and bond counsel, consultants, experts, and financial and technical advisors the authority considers necessary for the purpose of conducting studies, investigations, hearings, or other proceedings. The board of directors shall establish the compensation of the executive director. The executive director of the authority is subject to the provisions of AS 39.25.010 -39.25.220. (§ 4 ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 4 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. -The 1981 amendment. effective August 4. 1981. added "public" preceding "directors" and substituted "shall" for "at large must" preceding "be residents" in the first sen· tence, added "public" preceding "directors," deleted "at large" following "directors" and added "overlapping" preceding "four-year terms" in the second sentence and deleted the former third sen· tence which read "The four original directors at large have terms of one, two, three, and four years, respectively." Article 2. Purpose and Powers. Section 80. Powers of the authority 90. Power contracts and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission St:c. 44.83.030. Powers of the authority. In furtherance of its cor- porate purpo:ses, the authonty has the followm~ powprs in addition to its other powers: :J63 § 44.83.080 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.080 (1) to sue and be sued; (2) to have a seal and alter it at pleasure; (3) to make and alter bylaws for its organization and internal man- agement; (4) to make rules and regulations governing the exercise of its corpo- rate powers; (5) to acquire, whether by construction, purchase, gift or lease, and to improve, equip, operate, and maintain power projects; (6) to issue bonds to carry out any of its corporate purposes and powers, including the acquisition or construction of a project to be owned or leased, as lessor or lessee, by the authority, or by another person, or the acquisition of any interest in a project or any right to capacity of a project, the establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay the bonds or interest on them, and the payment of all other costs or expenses of the authority incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and powers; (7) to sell, lease as lessor or lessee, exchange, donate, conveyor encumber in any manner by mortgage or by creation of any other security interest, real or personal property owned by it, or in which it has an interest, when, in the judgment of the authority; the action is in furtherance of its corporate purposes; (8) to accept gifts, grants or loans from, and enter into contracts or other transactions regarding them, with any person; (9) to deposit or invest its funds, subject to agreements with bondholders; (10) to enter into contracts with the United States or any person and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies, for the financing, construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of all or any part of a power project, either inside or outside the state, and for the sale or transmission of power from a project or any right to the capacity of it or for the security of any bonds of the authority issued or to be issued for the project; (11) to enter into contracts with any person and with the United States, and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to the concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies for the purchase, sale, exchange, transmission, or use of power from a project, or any right to the capacity of it; (12) to apply to the appropriate agencies of the state, the United States and to a foreign country and any other proper agency for the permits, licenses, or approvals as may be necessary, and to construct, maintain and operate power projects in accordance with the licenses or permits, and to obtain, hold and use the licenses and permits in the same manner as any other person or operating-unit; (13) to perform reconnaissance studie~, feasibility studies. and engi· neennt; and desi(,'11 wIth respect to power proiects: § 44.83.090 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.090 (14) to enter into contracts or agreements with respect to the exer- cise of any of its powers, and do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and exercise the powers granted in AS 44.83.010 44.83.510; (15) to exercise the power of eminent domain in accordance with AS 09.55.250 -09.55.410; (16) to recommend to the legislature (A) the issuance of general obligation bonds of the state to finance the construction of a power project if the authority first determines that the project cannot be financed by revenue bonds of the authority at reasonable rates of interest; (B) the pledge of the credit of the state to guarantee repayment of all or any portion of revenue bonds issued to assist in construction of power projects; (e) an appropriation from the general fund (i) for debt service on bonds or other project purposes; or Oi) to reduce the amount of debt financing for the project; (D) an appropriation to the power project fund for a power project; (E) an appropriation of a part of the income of the renewable resources investment fund for a power project; (F) development of a project under financing arrangements with other entities using leveraged leases or other financing methods. (G) an appropriation for a power project acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425). (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am §§ 6 -11 ch 156 SLA 1978; am §§ 16, 17 ch 83 SLA 1980; am § 5 ch 118 SLA 1981) Revisor's notes. -In paragraph (16) (GJ, a reference to AS 44.83.400 - 44.83.510 was changed to AS 44.83.380 44.83.425 to reflect numbering changes made by the revisor of statutes pursuant to AS 01.05.031 (b). Effect of amendments. The 1981 amendment. effective August 4, 1981. added subparagraph (GJ of paragraph (16). Sec. 44.83.090. Power contracts and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. (a) The authority shall, in addition to the other methods which it may find advantageous, provide a method by which municipal electric, rural electric, cooperative electric, or private elec- tric utilities and regional electric authorities, or other persons autho- rized by law to engage in the distribution of electricity may secure a reasonable share of the power generated by a project, or any interest in a project, or for any right to the power and shall sell the power or cause the power to be sold at the lowest reasonable prices which cover the full cost of the electricity or services. including capital and operating costs, debt coverage as considered appropriate by the author- ity, and other charges that may be authorized by AS 44.83.010 - 44.83.510. Except for a contract or lease entered into under AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425. a contract or lease for the sale. transmission § 44.83.090 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.090 and distribution of power generated by a project or any right to the capacity of it shall provide: (1) for payment of all operating and maintenance expenses of a project and costs of renewals, replacements and improvements of it; (2) for interest on and amortization charges sufficient to retire bonds of the authority issued for the project and reserves for them, plus a debt service coverage factor as may be determined by the authority to be necessary for the marketability of its bonds; (3) for monitoring of the project by the authority or its agents; (4) for full and complete disclosure to the authority of all factors of costs in the transmission and distribution of power, so that rates to any persons may be fixed initially in the contract or lease and may be adjusted from time to time on the basis of true cost data; (5) for periodic revisions of the service and rates to persons on the basis of accurate cost data obtained by the accounting methods and systems approved by the directors and in furtherance and effectuation of the policy declared in AS 44.83.010 -44.83.510; (6) for the cancellation and termination of a contract or lease upon violation of its terms by any person; (7) for security for performance as the authority may consider prac- ticable and advisable, including provisions assuring the continuance of the distribution and transmission of power generated by a project and the use of its facilities for these purposes; and (8) other terms not inconsistent with the provisions and policy of this chapter as the authority may consider advisable. (b) The authority is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. Nothing in AS 44.83.010 -44.83.510 grants the authority any jurisdiction over the services or rates of any public utility or diminishes or otherwise alters the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission with respect to any public utility, including any right the commission may have to review and approve or disapprove contracts for the purchase of electricity by a public util- ity. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am § 12 ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 6 ch 118 SLA 1981) Revisor's notes. -In the second sen- tence of subsection (a), a reference to AS 44.83.400 44.83.510 was changed to AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425 to reflect num· bering changes made by the revisor of stat- utes under AS 01.05.03Hb). Effect of amendments. -The 1981 amendment. effective August 4,1981, sub· stituled "except for a contract or lease entered into under AS 44.83.380 - 44.83.425, a" for "a" preceding "contract" and added "or lease" preceding "for the sale" in the second sentence of subsection (a) and added "or lease" following "contract" in paragraphs (4) and (6) of sub· section (a). :366 § 44.83.105 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.162 Article 3. Financial Provisions. Section 105. Bonds for power projects under the energy program for Alaska Sec. 44.83.105. Bonds for power projects under the energy program for Alaska. The authority shall borrow money and shall issue its bonds on which the principal and interest are payable from money derived from the sale of wholesale power from power projects financed under AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425 from the power development fund if (1) appropriations to the power development fund for the power project are insufficient to cover the cost of acquiring or constructing the power project; and (2) the amount of interest the authority will pay on its bonds is not more than alternative costs of securing money to pay for the acqui- sition or construction of the power project. (§ 7 ch 118 SLA 1981) Revisor's notes. -A reference to AS 44.83.400 -44.83.510 was changed to AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425 to reflect num· bering changes made by the revisor of stat· utes pursuant to AS 01.05.031. Effecti ve dates. Section 17, ch. 118, SLA 1981, provides that this section take effect July 1. 1981. However, ch. 118 became law without approval by the governor. and since there is no provision in ch. 118 for the retroactive application of the effective date (see AS 01.10.090), this section is effective August 4, 1981. Article 4. Power Production Cost ~ssistance. Section 162. Power cost assistance 163. Adjustments to power cost assistance Editor's notes. -Sections 51 and 54. ch. 83, SLA 1980, purporting to repeal this Section 164. Assistance to utilities not regulated by Public Utilities Commission article effective July 1. 1985. were repealed by § 13. ch. 118. SLA 1981. Sec. 44.83.162. Power cost assistance. (a) The power cost assis- tance fund is established as a separate fund to provide financial assis- tance to eligible electric utilities in the state. The fund shall be administered by the authority as a fund distinct from other funds of the authority, The fund is composed of money appropriated for the purpose of providing power cost assistance to an eligible electric utility. (b) The costs used to calculate the amount of power cost assistance for all electric utilities eligible under this section include all allowable costs. except return on equity, used by the commission to determine the revenue requirement for eicctric utilities subject to rate regulation :367 § 44.83.162 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.162 under AS 42.05.010 -42.05.721. The costs used in determining the power cost assistance per kilowat-hour shall exclude any other type of assistance that reduces the customer's costs of power on a kilo- watt-hour basis and that is provided to the electric utility within 60 days before the commission determines the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour of the electric utility. (c) An eligible electric utility is entitled to receive power cost assis- tance (1) for sales of power to local community facilities, calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 55 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community; and (2) for actual consumption of not more than 600 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer in all classes served by the electric utility except to customers of the utility under (1) of this subsection. (d) The amount of power cost assistance provided per kilowatt-hour under (c) of this section may not exceed 95 percent of the power costs, or the average rate per eligible kilowatt-hour sold, whichever is less, as determined by the commission. However, (1) during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1982, the power costs for which power cost assistance may be paid to an electric utility are limited to minimum power costs of more than 12 cents per kilo- watt-hour and less than 45 cents per kilowatt-hour; (2) d uri ng each following fiscal year, the power costs for which power cost assistance may be paid to an electric utility are limited to (A) power costs that are greater than the minimum power costs specified in (1) of this subsection plus one cent per kilowatt-hour for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983, plus one .cent per kilowatt-hour for each fiscal year thereafter; and (B) power costs of less than 45 cents per kilowatt-hour; and (3) the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour may be determined using kilowatt-hours generated for utilities with no historical kilo- watt-hour sales data. (e) An electric utility whose customers receive assistance under this section shall set out in its tariff the rates without the power cost assis- tance provided in this section and the amount of power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour sold. The rate charged to the customer shall be the difference between the two amounts. Power cost assistance paid under this section shall be used to reduce the cost of all power sold to local community facilities, in the aggregate, to the extent 55 kilowatt- hours per month per resident ofthe community, and to reduce the cost of the first 600 kilowatt-hours per customer per month fbr all other classes served by the electric utility. (f) The power cost assistance program shall be administered by the authority based on a determination by the commiSSIOn under !bl and {dJ of this sectIOn of power cost assistance per kIlowatt-hour tor each eligible electric utility. 368 § 44.83.162 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.162 (g) An eligible electric utility may not be denied power cost assis- tance because complete cost information is not available. An eligible electric utility that is exempt from rate regulation under AS 42.05.010 -42.05.721 shall be assisted by the commission to provide the cost information the commission considers necessary to comply with the requirements of this section. Only power costs that are supportable may be considered in calculating power cost assistance. Each electric utility is responsible for keeping records that provide the information necessary to comply with the requirements of this section including, but not limited to, records of monthly kilowatt-hour sales or genera- tion, monthly fuel balances, fuel purchases, and monthly utility fuel consumption. (h) For each eligible electric utility, the determination of the cost of fuel by the commission shall be in accordance with the procedure for approving fuel cost rate adjustments of electric utilities subject to rate regulation under AS 42.05.010 -42.05.721. (i) Each electric utility receiving power cost assistance approved by the commission shall (1) report monthly to the authority within the time and in the form the authority requires; and (2) use operational equipment designed to meter individual utility customer power consumption and to determine and record the utility's overall fuel consumption. G) The authority shall review the report required under (i)(1) of this section and may submit the report to the commission for additional review before payment. After review and approval of the report by the authority, the authority shall, subject to appropriation, pay to each eligible electric utility an amount equal to the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour determined by the commission under (b) and (d) of this section, multiplied by the number of kilowatt-hours eligible for power cost assistance that were sold during the preceding month to all customers of the utility in accordance with (c) of this section. Payment shall be made by the authority within 30 days after receipt from the utility of the report required under (i) of this section. However, ifthere is a dispute between the authority and the utility relating to the payment, the authority shall submit the report to the commission for review within 30 days after its receipt by the authority. When a report is submitted to the commission for review under this section, payment shall be made by the authority within 30 days after submission, based on a commission determination. If appropriations are insufficient for payment in full, the amount paid to each electric utility is reduced on a pro rata basis. (k) If an electric utility receives power cost assistance under this section, the utility shall either (1) give the foliowmg notIce to its electric service customers eligible under this program for each period for which the payment is received: :369 § 44.83.162 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.162 NOTICE TO CUSTOMER For the current billing period the utility will be paid under the State of Alaska's power cost assistance program (AS 44.83.162) to assist the utility and its customers in reducing the high cost of generation of electric energy. Your total electrical service cost $ ...... . Less state assistance $ ...... . Your charge $ ....... ; or (2) give to its electric service customers a notice approved by the authority, which notice provides electric service customers the same information provided by the notice in (1) of this subsection. (1) In order to qualify for power cost assistance, each electric utility must make every reasonable effort to minimize administrative, operating, and overhead costs, including using the best available technology consistent with sound utility management practices. In reviewing applications for power cost assistance, the commission has the authority to require the elimination of duplicative or otherwise unnecessary operating expenses. Each eligible electric utility shall cooperate with appropriate state agencies, including but not limited to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission, the Alaska Power Authority, the Alaska Energy Center, and the division of energy and power development in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, to implement cost-effective energy conservation mea- sures, and to plan for and implement feasible alternatives to diesel generation. (m) For purposes of (c) of this section, the number of residents of the community equals the number of residents of the community deter- mined by the Department of Community and Regional Affairs in accor- dance with AS 29.88.015. (n) In this section. (1) "commission" means the Alaska Public Utilities Commission; (2) "community facility" means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educationol facility, or community build- ing whose operations are not paid for by the state, the federal govern- ment, or private commercial interests; (3) "eligible electric utility" or "electric utility" means each corpora- tion (whether public. cooperative, or otherwise), company, individual, or association of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by a court, that owns, operates, manages, or controls a plant or system for the furnishing, by generation, transmission or distribu- tion, of electric service to the public for compensation; (4) "energy conservation measures" include weatherization and other insulating methods, utilization of waste heat, appropriate sizing of new generatino; equipment. and other programs of the state or federal government intended and avatlable for the purpose of energy conservation: 370 § 44.83.163 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.163 (5) "feasible energy projects" include projects that are selected after a field reconnaissance study under AS 44.33.090 and after completion of a feasibility study according to the criteria in AS 44.83.181 to deter- mine cost benefit in comparison to existing power generating methods and other alternatives considered in reconnaissance studies; (6) "fund" means the power cost assistance fund established under (a) of this section; (7) "power costs" means costs used in determining the power cost assistance in accordance with (b) and (d) of this section. (§ 42 ch 83 SLA 1980; am § 8 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. -The 1981 amendment, effective August 4, 1981, rewrote this section. Editor's notes. -Section 16, ch. 118, SLA 1981, provides: "TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS, POWER COST ASSIS· TANCE. The Alaska Power Authority shall make payments to eligible electric utilities in accordance with AS 44.83.162 as that section read before its repeal and reenactment by sec. 8 ofthis Act, until the earlier of "(1) January I, 1982; or "(2) the date on which the Alaska Power Authority determines, with respect to the electric utility, that "(A) the electric utility has had suffi- cient time to apply for power cost assis- tance under AS 44.83.162 as that section is reenacted in sec. 8 of this Act, and the Alaska Public Utilities Commission has had sufficient time to review the applica- tion; or "(8) the Alaska Power Authority or the Alaska Public Utilities Commission deter- mines that the electric utility is not eligi- ble for power cost assistance under AS 44.83.162 as that section is reenacted in sec. 8 of this Act." Sec. 44.83.163. Adjustments to power cost assistance. (a) The power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour determined under AS 44.83.162 payable to an electric utility that is subject to rate regulation under AS 42.05.010 -42.05.721 may be adjusted by the commission if (1) an increase or decrease in the electric utility's cost of fuel has resulted in the approval of a fuel cost rate adjustment by the commis- sion; (2) a permanent or interim rate increase or decrease has been approved by the commission, thereby establishing a higher or lower power cost; (3) an adjustment is required after the authority has discovered discrepancies in its review of monthly data submitted by the electric utility; or (4) the authority determines that appropriations are insufficient to finance full payments to eligible electric utilities. (b) An electric utility that is eligible to receive power cost assistance under this section and that receives power cost assistance per kilo- watt-hour approved by the commission shall report monthly to the authority within the time and in the form the authority requires. An electric utility shaH report 371 § 44.83.164 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.164 (1) the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour approved by the com- mission; (2) the total kilowatt-hours sold to each class of customer during the preceding month; (3) the total kilowatt-hours eligible for power cost assistance under this section sold to each class of customer during the preceding month; (4) the total kilowatt-hours generated during the preceding month, if available; (5) any commission-approved amendments to the schedule of rates in effect during the preceding month; and (6) an increase or decrease in the current unit price of fuel from the base price used by the commission in the determination of power costs which may be expected to result in a subsequent power cost assistance adjustment. (c) The provisions of AS 44.83.162 relating to the determination of the amount of power cost assistance and payment of the assistance apply to assistance under this section. (§ 9 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effective dates. -Section 17, ch 118, SLA 1981, provides that this section take effect July 1, 1981. However, ch. 118 became law without approval by the governor, and since there is no provision in ch. 118 for the retroactive application of the effective date (see AS 01.10.090), this section is effective August 4, 1981. Sec. 44.83.164. Assistance to utilities not regulated by Public Utilities Commission. (a) An electric utility that is not subject to rate regulation by the commission may receive power cost assistance if the utility is otherwise eligible for assistance under AS 44.83.162 and if the utility (1) files with the commission financial data necessary to determine the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour as prescribed by the com- mission and which is in compliance with AS 44.83.162; (2) reports monthly to the authority, within the time and in the form the authority requires, the information required in (b) of this section; (3) sets rates (A) that consider the power cost assistance provided under AS 44.83.162 by subtracting from its revenue requirements for electric services the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour that it is eligible to receive; and (B) under which the power cost assistance provided in AS 44.83.162 is applied as a credit only against the cost of kilowatt-hours eligible for assistance under AS 44.83.162 that are consumed by each customer in any month; (4) allows audits that the commission determines are necessary to insure compliance with this section; and (5) furnishes its electric service customers eligible under this pro- gram a notice as speclIied in AS 44.o3.162f k). § 44.83.164 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.164 (b) An electric utility that is eligible to receive power cost assistance under this section shall report in accordance with (a)(2) of this section (1) the power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour approved by the com- mission; (2) the total kilowatt-hours sold to each class of customer during the preceding month; (3) the total kilowatt-hours eligible for power cost assistance under this section sold to each class of customer during the preceding month; (4) the total kilowatt-hours generated during the preceding month, if available; (5) any amendments to the schedule of rates in effect during the preceding month; and (6) an increase or decrease in the current unit price of fuel from the base price used by the commission in the determinat~on of power costs which may be expected to result in a subsequent assistance level adjustment. (c) An electric utility that is eligible to receive power cost assistance under this section may have its power cost assistance per kilowatt-hour determination changed by the commission if (1) an increase or decrease in the electric utility's cost of fuel has been verified by the commission; (2) an increase in rates has occurred based on an increase in costs and has been verified by the commission; (3) an adjustment is required after the authority has discovered discrepancies in its review of monthly data submitted by the electric utility; or (4) the authority determines that appropriations are insufficient to finance full payments to eligible electric utilities. (d) The provisions of AS 44.83.162 relating to the determination of the amount of power cost assistance and payment of the assistance apply to assistance under this section. (e) An application for power cost assistance by an electric utility that is eligible to receive power cost assistance under this section does not extend the jurisdiction of the commission beyond that established by AS 42.05.010 -42.05.721. (§ 42 ch 83 SLA 1980; am § 10 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. -This 1981 amendment, effective August 4, 1981. rewrote this section. 373 § 44.83.177 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.177 Article 6. General Provisions. Section 177. Reconnaissance study Sec. 44.83.177. Reconnaissance study. (a) To identify power project alternatives for a community, the authority shall, after con- sultation with other state agencies and after review of information on alternative sources of power, complete a reconnaissance study for each proposed new power project. (b) A reconnaissance study shall (1) survey all power sources available to the community and adja- cent area and evaluate the relative economic merits of alternative sources of power; (2) include an assessment of the effect of the development of alterna- tive sources of power on the environment so as to assure that there is no adverse effect to the environment which would make the project inadvisable; (3) include public comment from residents of the community and adjacent area. (c) The authority, in consultation with the division of budget and management, shall adopt regulations defining (1) the methods which it shall apply to determine that the informa- tion required by (b) of this section is obtained; and (2) standard criteria and measures for comparative analysis of alter- native power sources. (d) In completing a reconnaissance study, the authority shall consult with the division of energy and power development in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development to determine the information that each may require for energy planning and the development of technology. (§ 24 ch 83 SLA 1980; am § 11 ch 118 SLA 1981) Effect of amendments. -The 19B1 amendment. effeclive August 4. 19B1. added subsection (d). Article 8. Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund. Section 361. Rural electrification revolving loan fund 363. Loan advisory committee Efrective date of article. -Section 17. ch. ltB. SLA 198 t. provide;; that this arncle t.1.Ke ~[fect July 1. 1981. However. eh. 118 b'!carne law wl~hout approvai by th~ governor. and since there lti no prov!- sion in ch. 118 for the retroactive applica- tion uf lhe effective date (~ee AS 01.10.0901. this artlcie IS erfect\ve August 4. 1981. 374 § 44.83.361 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.361 Sec. 44.83.361. Rural electrification revolving loan fund. (a) The rural electrification revolving loan fund is established in the Alaska Power Authority. The fund consists of (1) appropriations made to the fund; and (2) principal and interest payments on loans made under this sec- tion. (b) The authority may make loans from the rural electrification revolving loan fund to electric utilities certified by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. A loan from the fund may be made only for the purpose of extending new electric service into an area of the state that an electric utility may serve under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. A loan may be made from the fund to an electric utility if the utility invests the money necessary to provide one pole, one span of line, one transformer, and one service drop for each consumer for whom immedi- ate service would be provided by the extension of electric service. How,," ever, a loan may not be made from the fund unless (1) the loan is recommended by a loan advisory committee appointed under AS 44.83.363; and (2) the extension of electric service would provide immediate service to at least three consumers. (c) A loan from the rural electrification revolving loan fund shall bear an annual rate of interest of two percent of the unpaid balance of the loan. (d) When a loan is made by the authority under this section, the electric utility receiving the loan (1) shall, in addition to the rates that it is authorized to charge, charge the consumers served by the electric service extended with the loan proceeds an amount sufficient to pay the interest costs of the loan; (2) shall pay to the authority annually an amount equal to (A) interest of two percent on the unpaid balance of the loan; and (B) payments on the unpaid balance of the principal of the loan for each new consumer served by the electric service during the preceding year for which the loan was made; payments on the unpaid balance of the principal of the loan shall be made at a rate equal to the diITerence between the actual cost of making the service connection to the con- sumers and the minimum investment per consumer required of the utility before a loan is made under (b) of this section. (e) The authority shall (1) adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section; (2) administer the rural electrification revolving loan fund; and (3) submit to the legislature within the first 10 days of each regular legislative session a report of ad ions taken by the authority under this section and an accountIng' of the rural electrification revolving loan fund. IS 1 ch ll8 SLA 1981) 375 § 44.83.363 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.380 Sec. 44.83.363. Loan advisory committee. When an application for a rural electrification loan is submitted to the authority under AS 44.83.361, the authority shall appoint a local advisory committee from persons residing in the area that the applicant utility is certified to serve. The loan advisory committee shall consider the loan application, and shall recommend whether the loan application is to be approved or disapproved. A favorable recommendation from the loan advisory com- mittee shall be based on a determination that development in the area of the proposed extension of electric service is likely to provide for full repayment of the loan under AS 44.83.361(d) within 10 years. In making that determination the committee shall consider (1) permanence of the premises to be served by the extension; (2) land use patterns in the area; (3) access for the line that would be installed with loan proceeds; (4) availability of other utility service in the area; and (5) the economic feasibility of the extension of electric service with the proceeds of the loan. (§ 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Article 9. Energy Program for Alaska. Section 380. Program established 382. Power development fund established 384. Use of fund balance 386. Investment of fund 388. Allotment to projects 390. Reappropriation of fund balance Effective date of article. -Section 17, ch. 118, SLA 1981, provides that this article take elTect July 1, 1981. However, ch. 118 became law without approval by Section 392. Lapse of excess appropriations 394. Revenue requirements 396. Operation of power project 398. Sale of power from power project 400. Energy conservation 425. Definitions the governor, and since there is no provi. sion in ch. 118 for the retroactive applica- tion of the elTective (see AS 01.10.090), this article is elTective August 4, 1981. Sec. 44.83.380. Program established. (a) The energy program for Alaska is established. The program shall be administered by the Alaska Power Authority. (b) The energy program for Alaska is a program by which the authority may acquire or construct power projects with money appro- priated by the legislature to the power development fund established in AS 44.83.382. A power project may be acquired or constructed as part of the energy program for Alaska only if the project is submitted to and approved by the legislature in accordance with procedures set out in AS ,1-4.8:1.177 44.I'lJ.1S7. I.e) The provisions of AS :36.10.010 -:36.10.125 apply to power projects constructed by the authOrity under AS ,*4.8:3.380-H.83A~5. lAS 44.33.4:00; ~ L ch 118 SLA 1981) 376 § 44.83.382 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.384 Revisor's notes. A reference to AS 44.83.400 44.83.510 was changed to AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425 by the revisor of statutes pursuant to AS 01.05.031 to con- fonn to the renumbering of this article. Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec- tion was designated AS 44.83.400 and was renumbered by the revisor of statutes under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.382. Power development fund established. (a) A power development fund is established in the Alaska Power Authority to carry out the purposes of the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425). (b) The fund includes (1) money appropriated to it by the legislature; and (2) revenues collected from the sale of power that are not required by law to be deposited into the general fund. (AS 44.83.410; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Revisor's notes. - A reference to AS 44.83.400 44.83.510, in subsection (al, was changed to AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425 by the revisor of statutes pursuant to AS 01.05.031 to conform to the renumbering of this article. Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec- tion was designated AS 44.83.410 and was renumbered by the revisor of statutes under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.384. Use of fund balance. (a) The fund may be used by the authority to provide money for (1) reconnaissance and feasibility studies and power project finance plans prepared under AS 44.83.177 -44.83.181; (2) the cost of a power project, including but not limited to costs of acquiring necessary licenses, preparing engineering designs, obtaining land, and constructing the power project; (3) the defeasance of bonds, or the payment of debt service on loans for or on an issue of bonds sold in connection with a power project; (4) the cost of operating and maintaining power projects; and (5) debt service on power projects. (b) Money in the fund may be used under (a) of this section only for a power project that (1) meets the revenue requirements of AS 44.83.394; and (2) provides the lowest reasonable power cost to utility customers in the market area for the estimated life of the power project, whether operated by itself or in conjunction with other power projects in the market area, and that operates or will operate on one or more of the following: (A) renewable energy resources, including but not limited to hydroelectric power, wind, biomass, geothermal, tidal or solar energy, or a method that uses temperature differentials or other physical propertie:> of the ocean; (B) coal or peat; (el eneq,ry derived from wa::;te heat; or 377 § 44.83.386 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.392 (0) fossil fuel, including oil or natural gas. (AS 44.83.420; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Revisor's notes. A reference to AS 44.83.470 was changed to AS 44.83.394 in subsection (bH 1) by the revisor of statutes under AS 01.05.031 to reflect the renumbering of this article. Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec- tion was designated AS 44.83.420 and was renumbered by the revisor of statutes under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.386. Investment of fund. The Department of Revenue shall invest the money in the fund in accordance with AS 37.10.070 and 37.10.075. The Department of Revenue shall provide money in the fund to the authority only after a cost for a project is incurred. (AS 44.83.430; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.430 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.388. Allotment to projects. (a) The authority shall maintain records of power project allocations from the fund for each power project (1) approved in accordance with AS 44.83.185; and (2) for which an allocation is made from an appropriation made by the legislature without specifying an appropriation to a project. (b) Income earned from investment of money appropriated to the fund shall be deposited in the general fund and may be appropriated to the fund by the legislature. (AS 44.83.440; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.440 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.390. Reappropriation of fund balance. (a) If a power project designated by the legislature by law is not constructed, the amount appropriated to it may be reappropriated to other power projects by the legislature. (b) The legislature may reappropriate money under (a) of this sec- tion only for a power project that is economically feasible under AS 44.83.181(b) and only if the project will serve the market area that would have been served by the power project designated by the legisla- ture and not constructed. (AS 44.83.450; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.450 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.392. Lapse of excess appropriations. If at the end of construction of a power project appropriations for the power project exceed the amount required for COIll-;tructlOn of it. the excess lapses mto the general fund. \AS14.8:~.460; ~ 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) 378 § 44.83.394 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.398 Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.460 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.394. Revenue requirements. The authority may not use money in the fund for a power project except in compliance with AS 44.83.177 -44.83.187, and unless the authority determines that the power project is economically feasible and that, after construction, operation of the power project will be able to provide revenue sufficient to return annually to the state five percent of the amount that the authority has spent from the fund for the power project. (AS 44.83.4 70; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.470 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.396. Operation of power project. (a) A power project that is acquired or constructed as part of the energy program for Alaska is owned by the state and shall be administered by the authority. (b) When a power project has been acquired or constructed by the authority, the project may be operated for the authority under a contract or lease entered into by a qualified utility and the authority. (c) The authority shall enter into a contract or lease under reason- able terms and conditions to permit the applicant utility to operate the power project when the applicant utility is the only wholesale power customer to be served directly by the power project unless the authority determines a utility making application for a contract or lease to operate a power project is not capable of operating that power project. (d) The authority shall adopt regulations to determine the manner of selecting a qualified utility to operate a power project under a contract or lease when there is more than one wholesale power customer to be served directly by the power project. (e) When the authority permits a power project to be operated by a qualified utility under a contract or lease, the authority shall (1) review and approve the annual budget for the operation and maintenance of the power project; (2) assure that the project is being operated efficiently and in a manner that is consistent with national standards for the industry. (AS 44.83.480; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.480 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.398. Sale of power from power project. (a) The authority shall sell power produced from power projects acquired or constructed under the enen;y pro!.,'Tum for Alaska. A utility that pur- chases power produced by a power project of the authority shall agree with the authority 379 § 44.83.398 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.83.398 (1) to give preference in the sale of power at retail to all classes of consumers of power except industrial consumers; (2) to charge industrial consumers of power a rate determined by the authority in accordance with (d) of this section. (b) The authority shall establish a wholesale power rate structure applicable to sales of power to its customers at the busbar of the power project as follows: - (1) The authority shall establish and maintain a single wholesale power rate applicable to all power projects that it has acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska. The wholesale power rate shall be computed by the authority annually, and shall equal the rate that the authority estimates is necessary to produce revenue that is sufficient to pay (A) operation, maintenance, and equipment replacement costs of the power projects; (B) debt service of the power projects; (C) safety inspections and investigations of the power projects by the authority_ (2) If, by July 1, 1986, the legislature has not appropriated at least $5,000,000,000 to the fund, in addition to appropriations to the fund of interest earned on money in the fund, the authority shall, beginning on that date, establish and maintain a single wholesale power rate applicable to all power projects that it has acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska. The wholesale power rate shall be computed by the authority annually, and shall be the greater of (A) 10 percent of the amount the authority has invested in the power projects, including loans and grants made by the state; or (B) the rate that the authority estimates is necessary to produce revenue sufficient to pay (i) oper~~maintenance, and equipment replacement costs of the powerproJ~ (ii) debt service of power projects by the authority; and (iii) safety inspections and investigations of the power projects by the authority. (c) The authority shall transmit all the money that it receives under (b) of this section to the commissioner of revenue for deposit in the state general fund except for the money it receives under (b)(l)(A) and (B) and (b)(2)(B)(i) and (iil, or the money it would have received under (b)(l)(A) and (B) and (b)(2)(B)(i) and (ij) of this section if those items had been used in part to establish the wholesale power rate in effect at the time the money is received by the authority. (d) A rate for an industrial consumer under (a)(2) of this section (1) may exceed the wholesale power rate determined under I bl of this sectIOn; (2) may not be less than the rate charged residential consumers. 380 § 44.83.400 STATE GOVERNMENT § 44.83.425 (e) The legislature may, by law, annul or change the wholesale power rate for sales of power that the authority adopts under (b) of this section. (AS 44.83.490; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.490 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.400. Energy conservation. The authority shall ensure (1) that communities that benefit from the energy program for Alaska implement cost-effective energy conservation measures for residences, commercial and public buildings, and industries; and (2) that communities shall fulfill their responsibilities under (1) of this section by cooperating with state agencies concerned with development and conservation of energy, including but not limited to (A) the Alaska Public Utilities Commission; (B) the division of energy and power development, Department of Commerce and Economic Development; and (C) the division of business loans, Department of Commerce and Economic Development. (AS 44.83.500; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) Editor's notes. -As enacted, this sec-renumbered by the revisor of statutes tion was designated AS 44.83.500 and was under AS 01.05.031. Sec. 44.83.425. Definitions. In AS 44.83.380 -44.83.425, (1) "busbar" means the substation that serves as the delivery point from the generation and transmission system of the authority to the transmission and distribution system of the utility; (2) "debt service" means the cash flow necessary to secure bonds; (3) "fund" means the power development fund established by AS 44.83.382; (4) "industrial consumer" means a customer of a utility which customer has a peak power demand in excess of 500 kilowatts and uses the power principally for (A) manufacturing; (B) pipeline transportation; (C) the' recovery or processing of minerals; (D) the processing of timber, agricultural, or seafood products or their by-products; or (E) the operation of facilities owned by the federal government; (5) "qualified utility" means an electric utility that is certified by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission to serve all or part of a market area that is served or will be served by the power project, and that the authority determines is capable of operating and maintaining the power project. (AS 44.83.510; § 1 ch 118 SLA 1981) 381 § 44.88.010 ALASKA STATUTES SUPPLEMENT § 44.88.010 Revisor's notes. - A reference to AS 44.83.400 -44.83.510 was changed to AS 44.83.380 44.83.425 and a reference to AS 44.83.410 was changed to AS 44.83.382 by the revisor of statutes pursuant to AS 01.05.031 to reflect the renumbering of this article. Editor's notes. -As enacted this sec- tion was designated AS 44.83.510 and was renumbered by the revisor of statutes under AS 01.05.031. . ,~~~~ ... ~~-.-c: "~,~-,,, __ ~,;..o,t..cl_*~~"''''''''''''''~Jf. __ --Chapter,,88;~Ala:§Karndustrial Development . ' Authority. Article 1. Creation and Organization (§§ 44.88.010, 44.88.050) 2. Purpose and Powers (§§ 44.88.070, 44.88.080l 3. Financial Provisions (§§ 44.88.090,44.88.105,44.88.155 44.88.159) 4. General Provisions (§§ 44.88.165,44.88.212,44.88.220) Article 1. Creation and Organization. Section 10. Legislative finding and policy. 50. Meetings, compensation, officers and employees ~ ,/ I t If 1/ J / /' I I Sec. 44.88.010. Legislative finding and policy;~a) The legisla- ture finds, determines and declares that / (1) there exist areas of the state in which seasonal and nonseasonal unemployment exist; / (2) this unemployment is a serious menace to the health, safety and general welfare, not only to the people in those areas, but also to the people of the entire state; / (3) the state lacks the basic manufacturing, industrial, and business enterprises and the other facilities t;eterred to in (5) of this subsection necessary to permit adequate development of its natural resources and the balanced growth of its econ9my; (4) the establishment and expansion of industrial, manufacturing, j and business enterprises in,Alaska and the other facilities referred to in (5) of this subsection are'~ssential to the development of the natural .. resources and the long~.term economic growth of the state. and will directly and indirect>r.lalleviate unemployment in the state; , (5) the achievement of the goal of full employment, and of estab- lishment and continuing operation and development of industrial, manufacturing;/and business enterprises in the state, including facilities for ,air and water transportation, facilities for pollution control anq.·waste disposal, facilities for the local furnishing of gas, facilities Jor water, and facilities for industrial parks. will be acceleaJ~ted and facilitated by the creation of an instrumentality of the state ,·With powers to incur debt and to make and insure loans to finance, and to assist orivate lenders to make loans to finance, the est~bli.:ihment, oper~tion, and development of industrial,_ ~l.a**ut~~nJ btt:3iftcc.u ~t!:l~-rinclntiihgraciTiTle';'t'or air 382 ./ il' , ) ! , !,,-, , . , , ) " A-2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY --REGULATIONS STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT I, ERIC P. YOULD, Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority (the "Authority") HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: That the document attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the Authority's Regulations (3 AAC 94) including any and all amendments thereto to date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Authority to be impressed hereon this ~ day of February, 1982. ERIC P: YOU~D ~ Executlve Dlrector , , (S E A L) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this U day of February, 1982. Registcr 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 91.110 3 AAC 91.150 cultural facility, for which financial assistance is requ~sted. (Efr. 5/21/80, Reg. 74) Authority: AS 43.18.500 AS 44.33.410 3 AAC 91.]20. COMPLETION OF GRANT. The grant is complete when (l) the structure is finished and the letter of agreement is fully complied with; (2) a final account of expenditures is filed with the department; and (3) the applicant returns any unused funds to the department. (Efr. 5/21/80, Reg. 74) Authority: AS 43.18.500 3 AAC 91.1 SO. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context indicates otherwise, in this chapter (l) "advisory council" means the Advisory Council on Cultural Facilities established by AS 44.33.400; (2) "commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce and economic development; (3) "department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. (Eff. 5/21/80, Reg. 74) Authority: AS 43.18.500 AS 44.33.410 CHAPTER 92. ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Editor's Note: As of Register 78, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation regulations have been transferred to 15 AAC 118 in recognition of the relocation made by Ch. 106 SLA 1980. 3-182.1 Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.010 3 AAC 94.055 CHAPTER 94. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Article 1. Notice to Public (3 AAC 94.010-3 AAC 94.020) 2. Actions Other Than Loans (3 AAC 94.050-3 AAC 94.067) 3. Loans from Appropriated Funds (3 AAC 94.070-3 AAC 94.120) 4. General Provisions (3 AAC 94.900) ARTICLE 1. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Section 10. Scope of regulations 20. Public notice of meetings 3 AAC 94.010. SCOPE OF REGULATIONS. This chapter applies to actions undertaken by the Alaska Power Authority concerning a power project, as defined in AS 44.83.230(4), and to applications for loans from the power project fund or from amounts appropriated for a loan. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 3 AAC 94.020. PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEET- INGS. Public notice of all authority meetings must be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation not more than two weeks and not less than five days before the meeting. The notice must be designed to give the public notice of the meeting and of the general topics to be discussed and considered at the meeting, and must include a proposed agenda of the meeting. (Efr. 4/13/79, Reg. 70) Authority: AS 44.56.080 AS 44.56.220 ARTICLE 2. ACTIONS OTHER THAN LOANS Section SO. Steps preceding certain actions 55. Reconnaissance studies 60. Feasibility studies 65. Plans of finance 67. Applicability of sections 3 AAC 94.050. STEPS PRECEDING CER- TAIN ACiIONS. (a) This section appiies to 3-182.2 authority action other than actions considered under 3 AAC 94.070 3 AAC 94.110 au- thorizing an agreement with any person to con- struct, acquire or operate a power project or approving a resolution authorizing the issue of bonds in connection with a power project. (b) Before taking action covered by this sec- tion, the authority will consider whether (I) the project is an eligible project as de- fined in AS 44.56.230(3) and (4); (2) the project conforms with the long-term energy plan; (3) the project meets the needs of the area to be served by the project and will benefit the area by providing power to the consumer at the lowest reasonable cost; (4) the project is feasible from an engineer- ing and an economic standpoint; and (5) an alternative to the project exists which, would result in development of power at a different site, by a different method or by an entity other than the authority which could reasonably be expected to provide, within a time schedule comparable to the project, comparable volumes of power at a lower cost to the con- sumer and which meets the criteria set forth in ( I) -(4) of this SUbsection. (c) Before taking action covered by this sec- tion, the authority will adopt a written resolu- tion which (1) states that. in the opinion of the au- thority, the general prosperity and econom ic welfare of the people of Alaska will be enhanced by the power project; and (2) sets out the findings of the authority with respect to each factor in (b) of this section. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.070 AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.100 3 AAC 94.055. RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES. (a) The purpose of a reconnaissance study is to iJclltir\, and assess the present and future power needs or a l;ommunity or re!?ion C""':""" , ... ~ ., . ....... ( Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.055 and to assess the power project alternatives available to that community or region. It serves as the basis for recommending more detailed data-collection activities, resource assessments, or detailed feasibility studies of one or more specific power project alternatives. The recon- naissance study must (1) survey all power sources available to the community or region and adjacent area and evaluate the social and economic merits of using alternative sources of power; (2) include an assessment of the effect of the development of alternative sources on the en- vironment to assure that there is no adverse effect to the environment that makes the project inadvisable; and (3) include public comment from residents of the community or region and adjacent area. (b) In conducting a reconnaissance study, the authority will use various techniques and methods, including e (1) an assessment of existing and future con- ditions and available power sources which in- cludes (A) an energy balance which will be as detailed as existing data allows, for each com- munity or region, which characterizes total energy use in terms of energy forms entering the area, end uses, and waste heat; (B) an estimate of eJectric energy and peak load requirements after considering population and economic activity consistent with recognized state estimates, if available, and uses, appliance saturation levels, and existing generation facilities; and (C) in light of available energy resources, technology profiles, where applicable, will address performance characteristics, current and future availabi lity, costs, resource re- quirements, and environmental impacts for all reasonable power source alternatives induuing conservation, increased. energy conversion efficiency, waste-heat use, and power genera- tion technologies; t2) public :mu agency comment as pan of which 3-] 82.3 (A) the options available to the com- munity or region will be presented to the residents of the area at a public meeting or through other appropriate means, and local preferences, if any, will be recorded and in- cluded in the reconnaissance study report; and (B) draft reports will be distributed for comment to affected local governments, utilities, public land managers, and federal and state agencies; which must comment on the draft report within 30 days after receipt; (3) evaluation and comparison of available options using economic, emironmental, and technical indicators; (4) distribution of copies of the completed report to affected local governments, utilities. libraries, public land managers, and federal and state agencies; and (5) delivery of the completed reconnaissance study report to the division of budget and management Office of the Governor. with a statement of tlndings. recommendations, and estimated costs for any recommended data collection programs, resource assessments, or feasibility studies, for that division's review. (c) To allow comparative analysis of alterna- tive power sources the authority will, to the extent applicable, use the following standard criteria and measures while it conducts a recon- naissance study: (l) a base case plan will be developed that would meet the forecasted electric power re- quirements of the community or region which would result from a continuation of present practices in the community or region or from a reliance on liquid fossil fuel generation modes; the base case plan will be used when comparing alternative plans; (2) other alternatives or a combination of alternatlves will be incorporated into pl.ms each of which will satisfy the estimated requirements: if possible, each plan will be formulated to pro- vide an equally reliable source of power; (3) a reference year :lnd planning period will be estabJi:)hed ror economic evat;Jation: th.: plannmg periou is :0 yc:lfS unless the set or Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.055 3 AAC 94.060 alternatives under consideration requires a shorter or longer period; (4) the costs to engineer, design, construct, maintain, and operate the power project will be estimated for each plan by using reference-year dollars after considering relative price trends, if any; the relative price trends will be established each year by the authority not later than July I after consulting with federal and state energy and budget agencies, but may be changed from time to time as economic and financial condi- tions change or as the authority considers prudent; (5) using a discount rate which represents the estimated long-term real cost of money, the present worth of the cost of each plan over the planning period will be calculated as of the refer- ence date, with adjustment for the economic life of each project; the discount rate or a range of discount rates will be established each year by the authority not later than July 1 after consult- ing with federal and state energy and budget agencies but may be changed from time to time as economic and financial conditions change or as the authority considers prudent; (6) various combinations of alternatives and timing will be evaluated to formulate plans which cost the least; and (7) the following indicators will be used to evaluate plans: (A) economic, including cost of de- veloping the plan; (B) environmental 0) community preferences; (ii) impact on community infrastructure; (iii) timing in relation to other capital projects; (iv) air quality; (v) water quality; (vi) fish and wildlife impact; (vii) land use impact and ownership status: (viii) terrestrial impact; Ox) recreation resource value; (x) visual impact; (C) technical (i) safety; (ij) reliability; (iii) availability. (Eff. 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.177 3 AAC 94.060. FEASIBILITY STUDIES. (a) A feasibility study will be used to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of a power project or program identified in a reconnaissance study so that the authority may decide whether to apply for licenses or permits, or invest in detailed engineering and design. A feasibility study will include information about the project, a statement of all assumptions which affect the economic feasibility of the project and a comparative analysis of all reason- able alternatives to the project under study. (b) In conducting a feasibility study the authority will use various techniques and methods to assure that (I) local, state and federal agencies are con- sulted to assist in defining the scope of work for the feasibility study; (2) information about the proposed project will include all project construction costs, all project operating costs, the timing and amount of estimated power output from the completed project, :1 benefit-ta-cost ratio, the estimated cost of power based on hypothetical financing conditions, the possible effect of the project on the environment of the area which will be served by the project, the availability of other financing, and c$timatcs of major indirect costs and benefits; (3) the feasibility study includes a statement which 182.4 (A) Jt:~cribL's the assumptions which alfect the eCOIlOnlu: leaslbility of the prog!ct: ( ". '-'," c' c ( Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.060 (B) includes the discount rate, relative price trends, the electric load growth assump- tions, and the planning period; (C) addresses the hypothetical financing . conditions upon which the cost-of-power esti- mate is based, including debt-equity ratio, tenn of financing, interest rate or rates, and inflation rate; (4) a comparative analysis of alternatives is included which addresses the preferred plan, the base case plan, and, in the discretion of the au- thority, the second most preferred plan as identified in a reconnaissance study; the preferred plan may be the same as the base case plan; if a feasibility study is undertaken in the absence of a previous reconnaissance study com- pleted in accordance with 3 AAC 94.055, the alternative plans to be addressed will be deter- mined by the authority based on available infor- mation; (5) draft feasibility reports are distributed for comment to affected local governments, utilities, public land managers, and federal and state agencies; these recipients must comment on the draft report within 30 days; (6) the completed feasibility report is trans- mitted to the division of budget and manage- ment, Office of the Governor, with a state- ment of findings and recommendations; (7) copies of the completed report are distri- buted to affected local governments, utilities, libraries, public land managers, and federal and state agencies. (c) In order to allow comparative analysis of alternative power sources the authority, to the extent applicable, will use the following standard criteria and measures in conducting a feasibility study: (I) a base case plan will be developed that would meet the estimated electric power require- ments of the community or region that would result from a continuation of present practices in the community or region or a reliance on liquid fossil fuel generation modes; the base case plan will be used when comparin~ alternative pinns; (2) other alternatives, either singly or in combination, will be incorporated into the plans, each of which will satisfy the estimated requirements; to the extent possible each plan will be fonnulated to provide an equally reliable source of power; (3) a reference year and planning period will be established for economic evaluation; the plan- ning period is 20 years unless the set of alterna- tives under consideration requires a shorter or longer period; (4) the costs to engineer, design, construct, maintain, and operate the power project will be estimated for each plan in tenns of reference- year dollars, taking into account relative price trends; the relative price trends will be estab- lished each year by the authority not later than July 1 after consulting with federal and state energy and budget agencies, but may be changed from time to time as economic and financial conditions change or as the authority considers prudent; (5) using a discount rate representing the esti- mated long-term real cost of money, the present worth of the cost of each plan over the planning period will be calculated as of the reference date, with adjustment for varying economic lives; the discount rate or a range of discount rates will be established each year by the au- thority not later than July 1 after consulting with federal and state energy and budget agencies but may be changed from time to time as economic and financial conditions change or as the authority considers prudent; (6) various combinations of alternatives and timing will be evaluated to fonnulate plans which cost the least; (7) the following indicators will be used to evaluate each plan: (A) economic (i) present worth of plan cost as com- pared to the base case plan cost; and (ii) cost of power; (B) environmental 3-18~.5 .. Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.060 3 AAC 94.065 0) community preferences; Oi) impact on community infrastruc- ture; (iii) timing in relation to other capital projects; (iv) air quality; (v) water quality; (vi) fish and wildlife impact; (vii) land use impact and ownership status; (viii) terrestrial im pact; (ix) recreation resource value; and (x) visual impact; and (C) technical (i) safety; Oi) reliability; and (iii) availability; and (8) the hypothetical financing conditions upon which the cost of power estimate is based will be established each year by the authority not later than July I after consulting with federal and state energy and budget agencies, but may be changed from time to time as economic and financial conditions change or as the authority considers prudent. (Eff. 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.181 3 AAC 94.065. PLANS OF FINANCE. (a) A plan of finance is prepared for any new power project identified in a feasibility study as the most feasible alternative for development. The purpose of a plan of finance is to present variolls alternatives available to finance the power project and to identify the most appropriate means to achieve the lowest cost electric power for consumers while minimizin!! the amount of starc assisrance required. (b) In preparing a plan of finance the au- thority will (1) use the cost and energy consumption esti- mates derived from the feasibility study, adjusted if necessary to reflect new informa- tion; (2) consider all appropriate means available to finance a project; (3) if state assistance is necessary to finance a project and meet financial feasibility criteria, analyze the cost of power for the following: (A) project development of the base case plan and the most feasible alternatives identi- fied in the feasibility study, using hypotheti- cal financing conditions; (B) project development using authority revenue bonds or other available financing that would result in power without state assistance for the lowest cost; (C) project development using available financing means and state assistance to achieve financial feasibility; (4) for projects which require state assist- ance, estimate the present value of financial assistance from the state based on the difference between the effective rate of interest for the financing sources in (b)(3)(B) of this section, or, if the financing sources in (b)(3)(B) of this sec- tion are not available, the difference between the rate of interest determined under AS 44.83.170(f)(2)(B)(i) and the effective rate of interest in (b)(3)(C) of this section; (5) if state assistance is not necessary to finance a project and meet financial feasibility criteria, analyze the cost of power for the following: (A) projt;:ct development of the base case plan and tht;: most feasible alternative identi- fied in the feasibility study, using hypotheti- cal financing conditions; (B) project development using available financing me:ms th:.lt result in lowest-cost pow('r wirhout swtc assIstance: 3-1 B2.6 ( c~ ( Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.065 3 AAC 94.070 (6) recommend the method of financing a power project based upon project feasibility, the cost of power from the project, and the amount of state assistance, if any, necessary to finance the project; and (7) based on the recommended finance plan in (b)(6) of this section, recommend a power marketing plan which considers the market for project power, project ownership, and project operation. (c) The authority will analyze alternative financing arrangements by using the following criteria and measures: (I) the cost of power will be calculated in (b)(3)(A) and (b)(5)(A) of this section based upon hypothetical financing conditions for inflation, fuel cost escalation rates, discount rates, and interest rates; (2) the cost of power calculations in (b)(3)(B), (b)(3)(C), and (b)(5)(B) of this section will be based upon tenns and interest rates for the alternative means of financing for the project in effect on the reference date; (3) the criteria for financial feasibility are contained in 3 AAC 94.900(10). (Eff. 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.181 3 AAC 94.067. APPLICABILITY OF SEC- TIONS. The provisions of 3 AAC 94.055 3 AAC 94.065 apply only to reconnaissance studies, feasibility studies, and plans of finance which the authority begins after the effective date of 3 AAC 94.055 -3 AAC 94.065. (EfT. 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 ARTICLE 3. LOANS FROM APPROPRIATED FUNDS Section 70. Power project fund loan application 80. Review by executive director 90. Action by authority 100. Terms of loans 110. Inspection of records and facilities 120. Loans from other apprupriarcd funds 3 AAC 94.070. POWER PROJECT FUND LOAN APPLICATION. (a) An application for a loan from the power project fund must at the time of filing (1) state the legal name of the applicant and the legal authority under which it was created and other infonnation that will demonstrate that the applicant is an eligible borrower under AS 44.83.170; (2) include a certified copy of the resolution or other official action by the governing bod'y of the applicant authorizing the application for a loan; (3) state the name, title, and address of the official correspondent or representative of the applicant for purposes of the application; (4) state the names and titles of the principal officers, including the chief executive officer or general manager, of the applicant; (5) state the name and address of the engineer, legal counsel, financial advisor or con- sultant, and any management, engineering, design, economic, or other advisors or con- sultants which the applicant may have for the project; (6) state the total amount of loan requested; (7) provide a general description of the use to which the loan funds will be applied, including but not limited to (A) locarion; (B) a comprehensive statement clearly demonstrating public need for the project and the project's eligibility under AS 44.83.170; (C) the proposed allocation of loan funds to each purpose or to each phase of a project; (8) plOvidL: informarion from which the authority may uetermine (A) in the case of a loan to construct, equip, modify or expand a project, that the project is technicallv and economic::llly tcastbl(; basco on a feaSibility study which genenlh complies with 3 AAe 94.060 :md 3-182.7 Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.070 3 AAC 94.080 (B) that the applicant has the financial ability, including, where necessary, the au- thority to charge and collect rates, fees or rentals or, in the case of a municipality, to levy taxes to generate sufficient revenue to repay the loan; (9) state the status of any proceedings undertaken by the applicant to obtain permits, certificates or other authorizations from any federal, state or legal agency necessary to begin, complete, and operate the project; (10) provide financial statements of the applicant and any other party or parties acting as guarantor of the loan, unless otherwise required by resolution of the authority; these financial statements must include, where possible, balance sheets and profit-and-loss sta te- ments and must be certified by an independent certified public accountant; (II) in the case of an investor-owned electric utility, provide a business history of any person or entity owning or controlling 10 percent or more of the applicant's stock or business; and (12) for a leveraged lease financing arrange- ment, enough information from which the au- thority may determine that the provisions of AS 44.83.170(b)(2) have been met. (b) An applicant must, in addition to the application, provide in timely fashion other information which may be requested by the executive director of the authority. (c) Applications must be submitted to the Executive Director, Alaska Power Authority, 333 West Fourth Avenue, Suite 31, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. (Eff. 4/l3/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 3 AAC 94.080. REVIEW BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (a) Upon receipt of a complete application and other information which hJS been requested or required, the executive director shall review the application. (b) The executive director. Jfter reviewing til.;: applic:.ltlOn. shall make a recommendation which includes 3-182.8 (I) written comments analyzing whether (A) in the case of a power project, the project will conform with the long-term energy plan; (B) the project will meet the needs of the area to be served by the project and will benefit the area; (C) in the case of a loan to construct, equip, modify, or expand a project, the project is technically and economically feasible based on a feasibility study which generally complies with 3 AAC 94.060; (D) in the case of a construction project, any alternatives to the project exist which would result in development of power or potable water at a different site, by a differ- ent method, or by an entity other than the authority which could reasonably be expected to provide, within a time schedule comparable to the project, comparable volumes of power or potable water at a lower cost to the con- sumer and which meet the criteria set out in (A) -(C) of this paragraph; (E) the applicant has applied for or has been awarded necessary permits or certifi- cates; (F) for a construction project, the project is financially feasible as defined in 3 AAC 94.900; (G) for a construction project, a loan from the power project fund. if available, will make the project financially feasible and, if so, the amount of money which must be loaned and the rate of interest necessary for the project to be financially feasible as defined ill 3 AAC 94.900; and (H) for a construction project. if enough money is not available in the power project fund to make a loan for the project, of if a loan may not be made at a rate of interest low enough £0 allow the project to be finan- cia lIy feasib Ie as defined in 3 AAC 94.900, the loan should be approved if assistance is mude Jvailable £0 rl1(' applicant from some other sourc.: or sources idcnrifit:J by the executive director: ( ( c· Register 79, Octobcr 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.080 3 AAC 94.090 (2) a list of subjects to be analyzed in any studies to be made by the applicant; (3) a statement setting out proposed loan terms and conditions; and (4) other comments which the executive director, in his discretion, considers appropriate. (c) The recommendation of the executive director must be transmitted to the authority for action within 90 days after a complete appli- cation has been filed. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 3 AAC 94.090. ACTION BY AUTHORITY. (a) The authority will, in its discretion, request additional information during its consideration of an application and postpone action pending • receipt of that information. I (b) The authority will, in its discretion, retain a completed application under advisement for a reasonable period of time. (c) The authority will consider each applica- tion which has been transmitted to it for action other than applications for loans for reconnais- sance . studies, feasibility studies, license and permit applications, engineering and design, and must determine whether (1) the money will be used to pay the costs of activities which are eligible under AS 44.83.170 and the borrower is an eligible borrower under AS 44.83.170; (2) in the case of a power project, the project conforms with the long-term energy plan; (3) the project is technically and economi- cally feasible based on a feasibility study which generally complies with 3 AAC 94.060; (4) alternatives to the project exist which would result in development of power or potable water at a different site, by a different method or by an entity other than the applicant which could reasonably be expected to provide. within J time ~chcJulc comparable to [he projcCE. ..:ompJrable volumes of powt:r or p()[abi~ '.Ya[er at J lower cost to the consuma J-18~.9 and which meet the criteria set out in (1) - (3) of this subsection; (5) if there are power project funds which the authority may loan for more than one project, the needs of and benefits to the area to be served by the project are greater than the needs of and benefits offered to other areas of the state by a project for which sponsors may also seek loan funds from the authority if this determination can be made based on informa- tion then existing; (6) the applicant has or will have sufficient revenue from all sources to repay the loan; and (7) the project is financially feasible as defined in 3 AAC 94.900; (8) a loan from the power project fund, if made available, will make the project financially feasible and, if so, the amount of money which must be loaned and the rate of interest neces- sary to allow the project to be financially feasible as defined in 3 AAC 94.900; and (9) if enough money is not available in the power project fund to make a loan for the pro- ject, or if a loan may not be made at a rate of interest low enough to allow the project to be financially feasible as defined in 3 AAC 94.900, the loan should be approved if assistance is made available to the applicant from some other source or sources; if so, the authority shall make a recommendation to the governor and the legislature concerning that state assistance, which may include a grant or appropriation from the general fund. (d) The authority will consider each applica- tion for a loan for reconnaissance studies, feasi- bility studies, license and permit applications, engineering and design which has been trans- mitted to it for action and will determine whether the applicant is an eligible borrower under AS 44.83. 170, whether the loan will he used to pay the costs of activities which are eligible under AS 44.83.170, amI whether the applicant can reasonably be expected to have sufficient revenue from all sources to repay the loan in a timely fashion. (e) The finJI decision of the authority to approve or disapprove an application for a ioan Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.090 3 AAC 94.100 will be in the form of a written resolution which contains the findings required by this section and which the executive director shall transmit to the applicant. (f) If the authority approves an application, it will instruct the executive director to enter into a loan agreement with the applicant under con- ditions complying with 3 AAC 94.100 and provi- sions specified in the resolution and upon receipt by the executive director of a certified copy of the resolution or other official action by the governing body of the applicant agreeing to the terms of the loan. (Efr. 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 3 AAC 94.100. TERMS OF LOANS. (a) The terms of loans made by the authority from the power project fund will be contained in the au- thority resolution approving the application and will comply with the following conditions: (I) The Joan must bear an int'erest rate or rates as determined by the authority which meet the criteria established in AS 44.83.170(f), but the rate may not be less than five percent, how- ever, power projects for which loans were out- standing from the water resources revolving loan fund (former AS 45.86) on July 13, 1978, may receive additional financing from the power project fund at an interest rate of not less than three or more than five percent a year on the unpaid balance; (2) the loan must mature on the date and pay interest on the dates and in the amounts deter- mined by the authority, but the final maturity date may not extend beyond 50 years or the ex- pected and specified productive life of the project being financed, whichever is less; the authority will use the following guidelines to determine the expected productive life of a project unless the authority determines that a different expected productive life is indicated: (A) Tht! term of loans for reconnaissance studies and for feasibility studies, precon- struction engineering and project design, con- structing, equipping, modifying, improving and expanding of diesel generation facilities; wind. geothermal, heating and conservation f~1\.:ilities: wood g:lSIflcation: wood-nrct! stcc:m-gcneration f:1dlities; buLl.;, fuel storage facilities; groundwater source development and transmission of potable water; and re- habilitation of existing facilities will be 20 years; (B) the term of loans for feasibility studies, preconstruction engineering and project design, constructing, equipping, modi- fying, improving and expanding of coal-fired steam-generation facilities, surface storage of potable water, and hydroelectric generation facilities designed to produce one megawatts or less of power will be 35 years; (C) the term of loans for feasibility studies, preconstruction engineering and project design, constructing, equipping, modifying, improving and expanding of hydroelectric generation facilities designed to produce more than one megawatts of power will be 50 years; and (3) the loan must be supported by appro- priate documentation which may include, with- out limitation, a loan agreement, bonds, notes or other documentation, evidencing to the satis- faction of the authority that the loan is secured by one or more of the following: (A) a pledge of the revenues of the borrower or the project which may be sub- ordinate to operating and maintenance ex- penses and certain other expenses of the borrower or the project as specified by the authority; (B) a lien, mortgage, security interest, collateral agreement or other encumbrance on the project or other assets, rights or interests of the borrower; or (C) a pledge of the taxing power of the borrower. (b) The requirements of (a)(3) of this section do not apply to a loan to an applicant regulated by the Alaska Public Utilitks Commission under AS 42.05 if the :lppJicant h3S a history of re- paying long-term loans and has the capacity to repay the loan. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 3-182.10 r-.';'~. \... ~ .~?:.~ -~ ( c ( Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.110 3 AAC 94.900 3 AAC 94.110. INSPECTION OF RECORDS AND F AOLITIES. (a) An applicant shall make its books and records, facilities, and its real and personal property of any kind, available for inspection at any reasonable time by the au- thority, its executive director, or its agents, upon receipt by the applicant of a written re- quest to inspect. (b) The authority, its executive director, or its agents, will, in the discretion of the authority or iti executive director, inspect upon reasonable notice the construction of any project which is being financed, in whole or in part, with funds obtained by a loan from the authority. The inspection does not subject the authority, its executive director, or its agents to any action for damages. (c) An applicant which has obtained a loan from the authority shall pennit the authority, its executive director, or its agents to inspect its books, records, facilities, and real and personal property as long as any portion of the loan, in- cluding interest, remains outstanding. (d) The authority will, in its discretion, by written request require an applicant which has obtained a loan from the authority to (1) submit at reasonable times to audits or examinations of its books and records by an independent firm of certified public accountants selected by the authority to detennine whether the provisions of the loan agreement have been complied with and to pay the cost of this audit or examination; (2) submit a sworn statement by a respon- sible officer of the applicant as to the purposes to which the proceeds of the loan have been applied. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70) Authority: AS 44.56.080 AS 44.56.170 3 AAC 94.120. LOANS FROM OTHER APPROPRIATED FUNDS. The provisions of 3 AAC 94.070 -3 AAC 94.110 relating to loans from the power project fund apply also to all other loans made by the authority from funds appropriated for that purpose by the legislature. (Eff. 9/13/81. Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.080 ARTICLE 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 900. Definitions 3 AAC 94.900. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter and in AS 44.83, unless the context requires otherwise (1) the definitions in AS 44.83.230 apply to words used in this chapter; (2) repealed 9/13/81 ; (3) "executive director" means the executive director of the Alaska Power Authority; (4) "Iong-tenn energy plan" means the plan prepared by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development under AS 44.83.224; (5) "nonprofit marketing cooperative" means a cooperative organized under AS 10.15, the Alaska Cooperative Corporation Act, which is operated on a nonprofit basis for the mutual benefit of its members and which has bylaws containing provisions relating to the disposition of revenues and receipts as may be necessary and appropriate to establish and maintain its non- profit and cooperative character, or a coopera- tive organized under AS 10.25, the Electric and Telephone Act, which exercises the powers granted to an electric cooperative by AS 10.25.020; (6) "regional corporation" means an Alaska Native Regional Corporation established under the laws of the State of Alaska in accordance with the provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (PL 92-203); (7) repealed 9/13/81 ; (8) "village corporation" means an Alaska Native Villagl! Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alaska as a business for profit or nonprofit corporation to hold, invest, manage, and distribute land, property, funds, and other rights and assets for and on behalf of a native village in accordance with the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (PL 92-203); 3-182.11 Register 79, October 1981 COMMERCE (9) "village council" means the duly elected governing body of an unincorporated commu- nity which has between 25 and 600 people residing within a two-mile radius; (10) "financially feasible project" means a project for which the authority has determined that enough money is available from all sources to complete the project, and that enough money is estimated to be available in the future to repay any debt incurred in connection with the project; taking into consideration the relation- ship between the estimated user fees or charges upon completion of the project and the estimated user fees or charges if consumers of services provided by the project would have con- tinued to receive services from existing sources, the relationship between the estimated user fees or charges upon completion of the project and the present or estimated user fees or charges for similar services in the state, and whether the loan is secured by a means other than by a pledge of revenues of the project. (Eff. 4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79) Authority: AS 44.83.045 AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.170 AS 44.83.224 AS 44.83.230 3-182.12 3 AAe 94.900 c' ('I Register COMMERCE CHAPTER 94. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Article 1. Notice to Public (3 AAC 94.010 --3 AAC 94.020) 2. Actions Other Than Loans (3 AAC 94.050 --3 AAC 94.067) 3. Loans from Appropriated Funds (3 AAC 94.070 --3 AAC 94.120) 4. Energy Program for Alaska (open) 5. Rural Electrification (3 AAC 94.200 --3 AAC 94.260) 6. General Provisions (3 AAC 94.900) Sec. 3. 3 AAC 94 is amended by adding new sections desig- nated as Article 4, Energy Program for Alaska, to read: ARTICLE 4. ENERGY PROGRru1 FOR ALASKA Section 150. Power Development Fund 160. Operation of Power Projects 170. Wholesale Power Rate 175. Extraordinary Maintenance and Equipment Replacement Costs Register 3 AAC 94.150 COMMERCE POWER DEVELOPMENT FUND. 3 AAC 94.150 3 AAC 94.160 (a) "The power development fund consists of appropriations from the legislature to the fund. (b) The authority's budget request for appropriations from the legislature will consist of amounts for operation, main- tenance, and equipment replacement costs for all power projects acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380-44.83.425) based upon: (1) reviewed and approved cost estimates by the operators of power projects; and (2) the authority's own estimates of extraordinary maintenance and equipment replacement costs. (c) Cost estimates by the operators of power projects shall consist of reasonably anticipated ordinary operating, maintenance, and equipment-replacement costs which will occur through a fiscal year, and which generally occur on an annual basis. (d) Cost estimates by the operators of power projects shall be provided to the Authority for the next fiscal year within sixty (60) days of request by the Authority for pur- poses of the Authority's initial budget submissions under the Executive Budget Act (AS 37.07). (Eff. / /82, Reg. ) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.382 AS 44.83.384 3 AAC 94.160. OPERATION OF POWER PROJECTS. (a) A power project which has been acquired or con- structed by the authority under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380-AS 44.83.425) will be operated by the authority using employees of the authority or, under a con- tract or lease with the authority, by a qualified utility. (b) A "qualified utility" is an electric utility which (1) holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission to serve all or a part of the market area that is, or is intended to be, served by the power project, and (2) is deemed capable of operating the power project by the authority pursuant to this section. (c) A proposal or application by an electric utility to operate a power project must contain the following informacion: -2- Register COMMERCE 3 AAC 94.160 (1) proof that the utility is the holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public utilities Commission to serve all or part of the area that is or is intended to be served by the power project; (2) the legal name of the utility and the legal authority under which it was created and other information that will demonstrate that the applicant is eligible to do business in the state of Alaska; (3) a record of the official action taken by the governing body of the applicant authorizing the application; (4) the name, title and address of the official correspondent or representative of the applicant for purposes of the application; (5) the names and titles of the principal officers, including the chief executive officer and the general manager of the applicant; (6) the names and addresses of the engineers, legal counsel, financial advisers or consultants and any management, engineering, design, economic or other advisers or consultants which the applicant may have; (7) a general description of the operations of the electric utility, including a recent history of the costs of operating, maintaining and replacing equipment on those operations; (8) an estimate of the annual costs to operate, maintain and replace equipment on the power project. (d) If the power project serves only one electric utility, the authority may request proposals or accept applications from that electric utility for the operation and maintenance of the power project. If the authority, after reviewing the proposal or application from the electric utility, finds that the electric utility is a qualified utility, the authority will enter into a contract or lease with that qualified utility for the operation and maintenance of the power project. (e) If the power project serves more than one electric utility, the authority will, in its discretion, operate the power project itself or enter into a contract or lease with a qualified utility to operate the power project. The authority will, in its discretion, request proposals or accept applica- tions from each electric utility and will either: -3- .. Register COMMERCE 3 MC 94.160 3 Me 94.170 (1) reject all proposals and applications and operate the project itself; or (2) select that electric utility which is a qualified utility and which is deemed by the authority to be most capable of operating the project based upon the following criter (A) the financial history and stability of the electric utility; (8) the ability of the electric utility to attract qualified power project managers and operators; (e) the location of the project in relation to the service area of the electric utility; (D) the likelihood of as sting in the lowering of rates to all classes of consumers over the longest period of time; (E) the ability of the electric utility to satisfy the legislative goals of the energy program for Alaska under AS 44.83.380-AS 44.83.425. (f) Prior to entering into a lease or contract with an electric utility to operate and maintain a power project, the authority will, in its discretion, (1) request additional information from the applicant(s) deemed appropriate, (2) conduct its own investigation, (3) receive any written comments from interested persons and organizations, and (4) consider any information received at one or more public meetings at least one of which will be held in the area to be served by the power project. (g) the authority's decision to enter into a contract or lease with a qualified utility will be in writing. (Eff. / /82, Reg. ) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.396 3 AAe 94.170. WHOLESALE POWER RATE. (a) The authority will set a single wholesale power rate annually to cover a single fiscal The fiscal year will be the state's fiscal year under the Executive Budget Act (AS 37.07). (b) The wholesale power rate set by the authority will equal the authority's cost est s under (c) of this section divided by the authority's est of the kilowatt hours of electrical energy that will be sold or contracted for Register COMMERCE 3 MC 94.170 sale in the fiscal year from all power projects acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380- 44.83.425). The wholesale power rate will be expressed as a charge per kilowatt hour of electrical energy. (c) Except as provided in (d) of this section, the wholesale power rate will be equal to that rate estimated to produce revenue sufficient to pay the estimated costs for all power projects acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380-44.83.425). The costs will be: (1) ordinary and anticipated operation, maintenance, and equipment replacement costs of all power projects within the energy program for Alaska for that fiscal year; (2) extraordinary maintenance and equipment replace- ment costs as described in 3 AAC 94.175 for all power projects within the energy program for Alaska for that fiscal year; (3) debt service as defined in AS 44.83.425(2) of the power projects within the energy program for Alaska for that fiscal year; (4) costs of safety inspections and investigations of the power projects within the energy program for Alaska for that fiscal year; and (5) the amount of any deviation between the estimated costs under this section and actual costs incurred by the operators of the power projects in the previous fiscal years. (d) If by July 1, 1986, the legislature does not appropriate to the power development fund at least $5,000,000,000, in addition to the appropriations to the fund of interest earned on money in the fund, the wholesale power rate will be computed annually as the greater of: (1) a rate determined by dividing (A) ten percent (10%) of the amount the authority has invested in all power projects acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska (AS 44.83.380-44.83.425), including loans or grants made by the state, by (B) the sum of the authority's estimates of the kilowatt hours of electrical energy that will be sold or contracted for sale in the fiscal year from all power projects acquired or constructed under the energy program for Alaska, or (2) the wholesale power rate estimated under (b) of this section. Register COMMERCE 3 MC 94.170 (e) The wholesale power rate will change from year to year, for reasons which include: (I) changes in the costs described in (c) of this section; (2) changes in the amount of electrical energy estimated to be sold and contracted for sale; (3) changes in the number of power projects producing electrical energy in a fiscal year; (4) deviations between estimated and actual costs. (f) The wholesale power rate is the rate charged to a wholesale power customer purchasing electrical energy from a project under an agreement or contract with the Authority. (g) The wholesale power rate charged will not vary for electrical power, whether firm or non-firm power, during a fiscal year for ectrical energy sold or contracted for sale in that fiscal year. (h) (1) Except as provided in (h) (2) this section, a wholesale power customer purchasing electrical energy from a power project must pay at the wholesale power rate either for all of the electrical energy delivered or for the electrical energy estimated to be sold to that customer, whichever is greater. (2) If the authority is unable for a period of extending beyond the end of a fiscal year to supply all the electrical energy from a project which has been estimated to be sold or contracted for sale, then the wholesale power customer contracting to purchase that electrical energy need only, during the period of inability in the succeeding fiscal year to supply that electrical energy, pay at the wholesale power rate for that electrical energy which is actually delivered or deliverable, provided that: (A) a periodic payment by a wholesale power customer may never under any circumstances be less than a periodic payment which is the lower of either the customer's porportionate share of the program debt service as defined in (i) of this section or the amount which the customer would have been obligated to pay the authority if the amount contracted to be sold for that period of time were delivered, and -6- Register COMMERCE 3 MC 94.170 3 MC 94.175 (B) the cost borne by the wholesale power customer to furnish alternative energy to its own customers to replace the electrical energy not delivered may be offset against the minimum obligation under (h) (2) (A) of this section when that minimum obligation exceeds the costs of the delivered electrical energy, unless the authority is unable to purchase business interruption insurance to cover debt service on the largest two projects within the energy program for Alaska. (i) For purposes of this section, (I) the "customer's proportionate share of the program debt service" shall be calculated by multiplying (A) the total of all debt service (as defined in AS 44.83.425) incurred for all power projects within the energy program for Alaska by (B) a fraction in which the numerator is the firm annual energy of the power project supplying electrical energy to the customer and the denominator is the firm annual energy of all power projects within the energy program for Alaska, (2) the "firm annual energy" means the best data available indicating the lowest amount of firm electrical energy which a power project has produced in one fiscal year, or, such data are not available, an amount reasonably estimated by the authority to be capable of being produced in one fiscal year. (Eff. / /82, Reg. ) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.398 3 MC 94.175. EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COSTS. Extraordinary maintenance and equipment replacement costs are those costs which do not occur on an annual basis or which in the ordinary course of events and in the absence of negligent operation are neither reasonably foreseeable nor anticipated. An extraordinary maintenance or equipment replacement cost occurs in the event of the failure of or to prevent the lure of a single system or component of a power project critical to (I) the continued delivery of electrical energy under the terms of the contract entered into between the Authority and another party or (2) the protection of public safety, and which is in excess of an amount speci in the operation and maintenance agreement. (Eff. / /82, Reg. ) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.398 (' ( Register I 1981 ALASKA POI'lER AUTHORITY CHAPTER 94. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Article 1. Notice to Public (3 AAC 94.010 --3 AAC 94.020) 2. Actions Other Than Loans (3 AAC 94.050 --3 AAC 94.067) 3. Loans from Appropriated Funds (3 AAC 94.070 --3 AAC 94.120) 4. Energy Program for Alaska (open) 5. Rural Electrification (3 AAC 94.200 --3 AAC 94.260) 6. General Provisions (3 AAC 94.900) Sec. 1. 3 AAC 94.120 is amended to read: 3 AAC 94.120. LOANS FROM OTHER APPROPRIATED FUNDS. The provisions of 3 AAC 94.070 --3 !\P.C 94.110 relating to loans from the power project fund apply also to all other loans made by the authority from funds appropriated for that purpose by the legislature, except loans from the rurul electrification re- volving loan fund which are subject to the provisions of 3 AAC 94.200 --3 AAC 94.260 (Eff. 9/13/81, Reg. 79 am / 7 , Reg. Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 AS 44.83.363 Sec. 2. Article 4. GENEML pnOVISIONS of this chapter is redesignated as Article 6. ( ( FINDING OF EMERGENCY The Alaska Power Authority finds that an emergency exists and that the attached new regulations and amendments to existing regulations are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is: IMPLEMENTATION OF RURAL ELECTRIFICATION REVOLVING LOAN FUND 1. Passage of Chapter 118 SLA 1981 required the Authority to adopt regulations for the administration of the Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund, including the speci- fication of numerous actions to take place before loans from the fund can be approved. 2. Loans from the fund will permit utilities to use the proceeds to provide extensions of electric service to new customers and service areas. Availability of loan proceeds following enactment of these emergency regulations will allow those utilities to plan or initiate construction of service line extensions. Delay in the implementation of the emergency regu- lations, especially when linked to the time necessary to process loans, will prevent applicants from initiating construction at the beginning of the next construction season. Adoption of these emergency regulations and formulation of the loan pro- cedures will enable utilities to start construction at the beginning of that season. 3. Regulations are needed in order to clarify the contents of what an application for a loan must contain as well as provide the method for selection of a citizens advisory panel and describe the makeup of and standards of review for the reviewing bodies. These regulations must precede execution of any loan agreements. 4. Unless emergency regulations are adopted .substan- tial delays in effectuation of the rural electrification program will occur to the detriment of the welfare of the citizens of Alaska. ( ( Sec. 3. 3 AAC 94 is na ted as Art ic Ie 5 I Loans Loan Fundi to read: amended by add ing new sections desig- from Rural Electrification Revolving ARTICLE 5. LOANS FROM RURAL ELECTRIFICATION REVOLVING LOAN FUND Section 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. 250. 260. Use of loan proceeds Rural electrification revolving loan fund application Review by executive director Review by loan advisory committee Action by authority Te rm s 0 flo a n s Inspection of records and facilities 3 AAC 94.200. USE OF LOAN PROCEEDS. (a) Honey loaned to an electric utility from the rural electrification revolving loan fund may only be used to pay for capital improvements which extend the electric util- ity's transmission and distribution system to customers not pre- viously receiving service from a public utility and may not be used to prov ide e lec tri c powe r gene ra tion, fue 1 storage fac i 1- ities, or for reconstruction or upgrade of existing transmission and distribution lines. (bl A utility receiving a loan fran the rural electrifica- tion revolving loan fund must provide from other moneys available to it for construction of the project an amount equal to that re- quired for acquisition and installation of one transformer, one span of 1 i ne ,one pole I and one se rv i ce drop for each cus tomer for: whom immediate service is provided. Any additional cost of pLoviding service to customers receiving immediate service not paid by the customer may be paic'l Eae with proceeds of the loan. (Eff. / / I Ref]. ) Author-ity: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.~3.361 3 AAC 94.210. RURAL ELECTRIFICNrION REVOLVING LOAN FUND r\PPLICNl'ION. (a) An application fOl: a loan from the rural elec- trification revolving loan fund must at the time of filing: (1 I sta te the legal name of the appl ican t and the leg- al authority undet-which it \o/as creCltr:cl and other infor-nation that will demonstrate that the applicant is .an eligible borr-ower under AS 44.83.361 including evidence that it holds a certificate of pub1 ic convenience and necess i ty issued by the Alaska Publ ic Utilities Commi!;;sion allowinfJ it to provide electric service to the area within which the proceeds of the loan will be used; -2- , . ( ( (2) include a cet"tified copy of the other official action by the govet"ning body of authorizing the application for a loanj t"esolution or the applicant (3) state the name, title, and address of the official cot"t"espondent or representative of the applicant fot" put"poses of the application; (4) state the names and titles of the principal offic- ers, including the chief executive officer or general manager, of the applicantj ( 5 ) s tat e the n am e and add res s 0 f the eng i nee r I leg a 1 counse 1, f i na nc i al adv isor or consu 1 tan t, and any managemen t, eng ineer ing, des ign I econom ic or other adv isors or consu 1 tan ts which the applicant may have for the project; (6) state the total amount of loan requested; (7) provide a description of the use to which the loan funds will be applied, including but not limited to: " (A) location; (B) a narrative describing the physical compo- nents and the electrical characteristics of the pt"oject; (e) a comprehensive statement clearly demonstrat- ing public need for the project and the project's eligibil- ity under AS 44.83.361; (D) the proposed allocation of loan funds to each purpose or to each phase of a project and the expected date of completion of each; (E) information necessat"y in order that the loan advisory committee may considet-the matters required by A.S 44.83.363 and by 3 AAC 94.230 incluuing: (i) a description of each structure to be served and whether it is temporary or permanent for each customer identified in (12) of this subsection and a 11 0 the r c u s tom e r s t 11 e a p p 1 i can t ex pee t s will be served by the extension of electci.c service \.,.ithin the 10-yeat" period following completion of the project; -3- ( ( i i ) ted fu tu re use extension of population and if any; ( a description of the present and expec- of land in the area to be served by the electric service including residential commercial facility density and zoning, (iii) a description of the terrain 't/hich will be crossed by the extension of electric service and information as to the ownership status of each par- cel to be crossed, including information as to any easemen ts and r igh ts ·of way g ran ted or expec ted to be granted; (iv) a description of all other utility ser- vice available or expected to be available in the area to be served by the extension of electric service; (v) a projection of the number of new custo- mers wh ich the appl ican t expects to be served by the extension of electric service for each of the 10 years following completion of the project and arr estimate of the cost to provide a service connection to each of those cus tomers; ( 8 ) de term ine: prov ide informa t ion from wh ich the au thori ty may (A) tha t the proj ect is techn ica lly and econom- ically feasible; and (8) that the applicant has the ability to gen- erate sufficient revenue to repay the loan; (9) state the status of any proceedinCJs necessary for the applicant to obtain permits, certificCltes or other authoriza- tions fran any federal, state or local agency necessary to begin, complete, and operQte the project; (10) provide financial statements of the applicant and any other party or parties acting as Cjut\rantor of the loan, un- less otherwise reguired by resolution of the authority; these fi- nancial statements must include, where possible, balance sheets and profit and loss statements and must be certified by an inde- pendent certified public accountant; (11) in the case of an investor owned electric utility, p~ovide a business Ilistory of any person or entity owning or con- trOlling 10 percent or more of the applicant's stock or business; -'-1- c ( (12) identify and state the location of each customer who has applied for service and for whom immediate service is ex- pected to be provided and state whether those customers are re- ceiving electric service from a public utility at the time of the loan application; and (13) provide information from which the authority may determine that the applicant has the financial ability to provide from other money available to it an amount equal to that required for acquisition and installation of one transformer, one span of line, one pole, and one service drop as required for each custom- er to whom immediate service will be provided. (b) An applicant must, in addition to the application, pro- vide in timely fashion other information which may be requested by the executive director of the authority. (c) Applications must be submitted to the Executive Direc- tor, Alaska Power Authority, 334 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. (Eff. / / , Reg. l Authority: A.S 4 4 • 0 3 • 0 8 0 AS 44.83.361 AS 44.83.363 3 l\AC 94.220. REVIE~'l BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (al Upon re- ceipt of a complete application and other information which has been reques ted or requ ired, the e xecu t i ve d i rec tor sha 11 rev i ew the application. (b) The executive director, after reviewing the application shall make a recommendation which includes: (1) written comments analyzing whether: (Al the project will meet the needs of the area to be served by the project and will beneEit the area; ( B) the proj ec t is techn ica lly and econom ica lly feasible; (C) alternatives to the project exist which would result in extension of electric service by a different meth- od I or by an en t i ty other than the appl ica n t wh ich cou Id reasonably be expectec'l to provide, within i1 time schedule comparable to the project, electric service at a lower cost to the consLLllcci -s- ( ( (D) the applicant has ilpplied for or has been awarded necessary permits or certificates; (E) the project is financially feasible; and (F) the applicant has the ability to provide from funds other than'the proceeds of the loan an amount equal to that required for acquisition and installation of one trans former, one span of line, one pole, and one service drop as required for each customer for whrnl immediate service is ex- pected to be provided. (2) a statement setting out proposed loan terms and cond it ions; and (3) other comments which the executive director, in his discretion considers appropriate. ( c 1 Th ere c omm end a t ion 0 f the e x e cut i ve d ire c tor m u s t be t ran 5m itt edt 0 the aut h 0 r i t Y f 0 t:" act ion wit h in 6 0 day s aft era complete application has been received. (Eff. / /1 Reg. ) l\uthol:"ity: l\S 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 l\S 44.03.363 3 AAC 94.230. REVIEI-/ lW LOAN ADVISOHY COr'l~lITTEE. (al ylithin 15 days after a complete application has been received, the executive directol:" acting for the authol:"ity \vi11 appoint a loan advisOl:"y committee composed of three individuals each of \v h am I:" e sid e s wit h i nth e c e r t i f i cat e cl are a s e r v e d by the a p p 1 i - cant l but none of whom may be a person identified in 3 AAC 94.210(a)(12). (b) ~Iembers of the committee may be selected by the execu- tive director from lists of nominees provided by the applicant and by commun i ty groups and in te res ted pe rsons, bu t whe re pos- sible the committee will include no more than one individual who repl:"csents directly any 'of the follO\vint]: {ll State of Alaska {2l bOl:"ough or city (ll villJge council ( ( ( 4 ) IRA co un c i 1 ( 5 ) co n s LUll e r s (6) utilities (7) business or labor organizations (8) finance & real estate professions (9) regional corporation (10) village corporation (11) non-profit organization (12) federal government (c) The committee shall choose a chairman from among its members and within 30 days of appointment by the executive direc- tor mu 5 t I follow ing reasona bl e no t ice to the publ ic I hold at least one public meeting in the area served by the applicant. (d) The committee's recommendation concerning the loan must bet ran 8m itt e d by the c h a i rm ant 0 the aut h 0 r i t Y wit h i n 4 5 day s 0 f appointment. In making its recommenc3ation the committee shall consider (1) permanence of the premises to be served by the ex- tension; (2) land use patterns in the area; (3) access for the line that would be installed with loan proceeds; (4) availability of other utility service in the area; and (5) the economic feasibility of the extension of elec- tric service with the proceeds of the loan. A favoruble cecommendation from the loan advisory committee shall be bused on a determination that development in the area of the proposed extension of electric service is likely to provide for- (ull rep.:lYlnent of the 10Lln undet' r\s 44.f33.J6l(J) \vithin 10 -7- .... !' ( years. {Ef E. / / , l"{e 9 . ( \ Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 AS 44.83.363 3 Al\C 94.240. ACTION BY l\UTliOHITY. (a) The authority will, in its discretion, request additional information during its con- sideration of an application and postpone action pending receipt of that information. (b) The authority will, in its (liscretion, retain a com- pleted application under advisement Eor a reasonable period of tim e. (c) The authority will consider each application which has been transmitted to it for action and will determine whether: (1) the money will be used to pay the costs of activi- ties vJhich are eligible under AS 44.83.361 and the applicant is an eligible borrower under AS 44.83.361; . ( 2 ) the pro j e c tis t e c h n i c Ll 11 y and e co n om i c a 11 y f e a s - iblei (3) alternatives to the project exist which would re- sult in extension of electric ser-vice by a different method or by an entity other than the applicant which could reasonably be ex- pected to provide, within a time schedule comparable to the pro- ject, electric service at a lower cost to the consumer; (4) the needs of and benefits to the area to be served by the project ace greater than the needs of and benefits offered to other areas of the state by a project for which sponsors may also seek loan funds from the author-ity if there is not suffic- ient money in the rural electrification revolving loan fund for both projects, provided that this determination can be made based o fl i n f 0 nn a t ion the n e xis tin 9 con sid e r i n (J S U c h f. act 0 r s as the n wn - ber of customers to be served by the project, the cost to serve each customer and the availability of altct-native sources of cap- ital to the respectivc utilities; (5) the applicant has or will h~ve sufficient ~evenue frQn all sources to repay the loan; (6) the project is finCincic11ly ft::~Clsibh~; .' ( ( (7) the appl ican t has thc abi 1 i ty to prov ide from other than the proceeds of the loan an amount equal to that re- quired for acquisition and installation of one transformer, one span of line, one pole, and one service drop for each customer for whom immediate service is expected to be providedi and (8) approval of the loan has been recommended by the loan advisory committee. (d) The authority will consider the recommendation of the loan adv isory COmm i t tee and the factors cons idered by the 'comm i t- tee in reaching its determination, but is not required to follow the recommendation of the committee. (e) The final decision of the authority to approve or dis- approve an application for a loan will be in the form of a writ- ten resolution which contains the findings required by this sec- tion and which the executive director shall transmit to the ap- plicant. (f) I f the au thor i ty approves an appl ica t ion; it wi 11 in- struct the executive director to enter into a loan agreement with the applicant under conditions complying with 3 AAC 94.250 and provisions specified in the resolution and upon receipt by the executive director of a certified copy of the resolution or other official action by the governing body of the applicant agreeing to the terms of the loan. (Ef f . / / I Reg. ) Authority: AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 AS 44.83.363 3 AAC 94.250. TERMS OF LOANS. (Cl) The terms of loans mnde by the authority from the rur~l electrification revolv- ing loan fund will be contained in the authority's resolu- t i on a p pro v i n g the a p p 1 i cat i on and w ill com ply wit h the co n d i - tions of this section. (b) Loans must beat:' an interest rate equal to tlVO per- cent per annum on the unpaid balance. Interest paid to the <:luthority shall be recovered by the electdc utility receiving the loan th rough a su rcha rge to the regu In l:" e lec t r ic l:"a tes pa id by the cus tomers se rved by the elect ric se rv ice ex tended \>, i th the loan proceeds. Intcl:"est pa~nents to the authority are due on the first day of the calendar year following the, extension of elect- ric service and on the fil:"st day in eact) year thereafter until paid in full. -lj- " ( ( (c) Loans from the fund will have a maturity date not to exceed 20 years following the first day of the calendar year following the extension of service but will be made only in con- nection with projects where full repayment of the loan is likely to be made wi th in ten yea rs. Paymen ts on the unpa id ba lance of the principal of the .loan arc deferred until the first day of the calendar year following the extension oE electric service. At . that time and annually thereafter excert as provided in (d) of this section, the annual principal repayment amount due vlill be calculated as provided in paragraphs (1) (4) of this subsec- tion. (1) The average cost to the electric utility to acquire and install one transformer, one span of line, one pole, and one service drop during the initial 30 day period following the extension of electric service shall be calculated by the electric utility and verified by the authority. Subsequent to the first year following the extension of electric service, and on the first day of each year until the loan is fully repaid, a recogniz~d construc- tion cost index for the area will be used to adjust the amount specified for the first year under this paragraph. ( 2 ) Til e a ve rag e cos t tot h eel e c t ric u t il i t Y to provide a service connection to customers first served during the one year period following completion of the extension of electric service shall be calculat- ed by the electric utility and verified by the autho- rity. Subsequent to the first yeur following the extension of electric service, and on the first day of each year until the loan is fully repaid, the amount specified in this para- graph will be recalculated for each new one year period. (3) If the amount calculated in (2) of this sub- section exceeds the amount calculated in (l) of th is sub- section, no principal payment i~) clue. (4) If the amount calculated in (1) oE this sub- section exceec1s that calculated in (2) of this subsection, the difference will be multiplied by the number of new cus- tom Q r s fir s t s e r v e cl d uri n (J the [> r e c e din g year by the electric service finunccd by the loan. The pro- duct is the principal rep.1ymcnt clue .1S an .:1nnua1 principill re[>a}'lncnt. (d) 1(, within 10 years il[tcr tile Cirst cJily ot the c ill end a r yea r follow i n g the ex ten s i I) n of 5 e r vic c s, at 1 e as t 50'! of the principal. on I:he 10.1n is rcr,lid to the authority, the!", the -10- .,.., ,." ( ( \ method of calculating the annual amount of principal due under (c) of th is sect ion sha 11 apply for the rema 1n 1 ng term of the loan. The full amount of the principal shall be paid by the end of the tenn of the loan. If, within 10 years after the first day of the ca lenda r yea r follow ing the ex tens ion of serv ices, less than 50 % of the pr inc ipal on the loan has been repa id to the au thor i ty , then equal annua 1 ins tallmen ts in the amoun t of the principal remaining due shall be paid fot' the remaining term of loan such that the principal is fully repaid by the end of the term of the loan. (e) The loan must be supported by appropriate documen- tation which may include, without limitation, a loan agreement, bonds, notes or other documentation, in a form which is satisfac- tot'y to the authority evidencing that the loan is secured by one or more of the following: (1) a pledge of the revenues of the borrower or the project which may be subordinate to operating and maintenance expenses and certain other expenses of the borrower or the project as specified by the autho- rity; (2) a lien, mortgage, security interest, collat- eral agreement or other encumbrance on the project or other assets, rights or interests of the borrower which, in the disc~etion of the authority, may be subordinate to other en- cumbrances; or rower. ( 3 ) (Ef f. a pledge of / / , Reg. the taxing ) Authority: power of the AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 AS 44.83.363 bor- 3 AAC 94.260. INSPECT ION OF RECORDS AND FACI LITI ES. The provisions of 3 AAC 94.110 concerning inspection of records and fae i 1 i ties of appl ican ts for loans from the power proj ec t fund apply also to applicants for loans frOID the rural electrification revolving loan fund. (Eff. / / , Reg. ) * Se c . iJ. to read: Authority: - L 1.- AS 44.83.080 AS 44.83.361 ( ( (11) "certified" as used in AS 44.83.36l{b) and Article 5 of this chapter refers to a public utility providing electric ser- vice which holds a certificate of public convenience and neces- sity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission pursuant to AS 42.05. (12) "extension of electric service" as used in AS 44.83.36l(b) and Article 5 of this chapter means the point when at least three nelv customers begin receiving electric service through an extens ion made in connect ion wi th a loan frorn the rural electrification revolving loan fund. (13) "immediate service" as used in AS 44.83.361{b) and Article 5 of this chapter means electric service provided within 30 days of completion of the extension of electric service made in connection with a loan fron the rural electrification revolv- ing loan fund. (Eff,4/13/79, Reg. 70; am 9/13/81, Reg. 79; a'll / / , Re g . ) Authority: 1 ') 1- AS 44.83.080 AS .4 4 • 8 3 • 3 6 1 , , ) , , ) I , \ ) ) \ , A-3 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY --BY-LAlvS STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT I, ERIC P. YOULD, Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority (the "Authority") HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: That the document attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the Authority1s By-Laws including any and all amendments thereto to date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Authority to be impressed hereon this ~~ day of February, 1982. II / . " ) I I ERIC P. YOULD \ Executive Director (S E A L) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this of February, 1982. day ,.-, ALASKA POWER IWTHORITY Resolution 1981-......;;.--- Resolution of the Alaska Power Authority amending the By-laws of the Authority to conform to slative alterations. WHEREAS, the statutes regulating the Alaska Power Authority (the "Authority") were amended by the First Session of the Twelfth Alaska Legislature, specifically, AS 44.83.030 and 44.83.040; and l<JHEREAS, the statutory revisions require amendment of the By-laws of the Authority; NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Authority: That Article III, Section 2 and Section 3 of the By-laws shall be amended to read as follows: Section 2. Number of Directors, Tenure, and Qualifications. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following seven directors: the Director of the Division of Budget and ~lanagement, three Commissioners of principal executive departments appointed by Governor, and three public members appointed by the Governor. Each Director fore entering upon his duties shall take and subscribe to an oath to perform the dut s of his office faithfully, impartially and justly to the best of his ability. A record of the oath shall be filed in the office of the Governor. Section 3. Officers and Quorum. During the annual meeting the Director~ shalf sele~t one of their number as Chairman, and may elect other officers as desirable, including anyone of the members as Vice- Chairman. The Directors shall also elect a Secretary and a Treasurer who need not be Directors, and the same person may be elected to serve both as Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary or Treasurer may also serve as the Executive Director and shall, in any event, perform at least the duties set forth in Article VI. Other offices may be established by resolution of the Board. The terms of office shall extend until the next annual meeting of the Authority or until successors have been elected and qualified unless otherwise specif by resolution of the Board, except that those off ers incumbent on the date of adoption of these By-laws shall serve until the second annual meeting following adoption of the By-laws. The powers of the Authority are vested in the Directors, and four Directors of the Author constitute a quo- rum. Action may be taken and motions and resolutions adopted by the Authority at any meeting by the affirm- ative vote of at least four Directors. A vacancy in the directorship of the Authority does not impa the right of a quorum to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Authority. This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: t~ss)'s. Conway, Lehr, r~ueller & Webber Nays: None ~~~-------------------------------- Absent: Mssrs. Weeden & Ward And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 18th day of --~~~~--------------, 1981. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By: "'.~ ~~~-- By: Secretary \ -2- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Definitions "Authority" means the l\laska Power Authority. "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Alaska Power Authority. "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alaska Power Authority. "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the Alaska Power huthority. ARTIC:r:..E II Identification and Offices Section 1. Name. The name of the Authority is The "Alaska Power Authority" (hereinafter called the "Authority") Section 2. Seal. The seal of the Authority shall be circular in form and mounted upon a metal disc suitable for impressing the same upon paper. About the upper periphery of the seal shall be the name of the Authority, in the center of the seal shall be an outline of the State of Alaska, on the lO'der iphery shall be the words (date formed) and imme- diately above the date shall be the words "corporate seal". Section 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Author y shall be the same as the fiscal year of the State of Alaski1. Section 4. Offices. The principal office of the Authority shall be located in the Municipali of Anchorage, Alaska. The Authority may have such other offices as the Board may designate or as the business of the Authority may require from time to time. ARTICLE III Board of Directors Section 1. l1anagement of Authority. The Board of Directors shall manage the business affairs of the Authority. The Board shall se a person to act as Executive Director. Section 2. Number of Directors Tenure and li- fications. The Board shall consist of the following seven Directors: the Director of the Division of Budget and Manage- ment, three Commissioners of principal executive departments appointed by the Governor, and three public members appointed by the Governor. Each Director fore entering upon his dut s shall take and subscribe to an oath to perform the dut s of his office faithfully, impartially and justly to the best of his ability. A record of the oath shall be filed in the office of the Governor. Section 3. Officers and Quorum. During the annual meeting the Directors shall select one of their number as Chuirman and muy elect other officers as desirable, including anyone of the members as Vice-Chairman. The Directors shall also elect a Secretary and a Treasurer who need not Direc- tors, und the same person may elected to serve both as -2- secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary or Treasurer may also serve as the Executive Director and shall, in any event, perform at least the duties set forth in Article VI. Other offices may be established by resolution of the Board. The terms of office shall extend until the next annual meeting of the Authority or until successors have been elected and qualified unless otherwise specif by resolution of the Board, except that those officers incumbent on the date of adoption of these By-laws shall serve until the second annual meeting following adoption of the By-laws. The powers of the Authority are vested in the Directors, and four tors of the Authority constitute a quorum. Action may taken and motions and resolutions adopted by the Authority at any meeting by the affirmative vote of at least four Directors. A vacancy in the directorship of the Authority does not impa the r ht of a quorum to exercise all the powers and perform all the dut s of the Authority. Section 4. Vot Each member of the Board in ------~ attendance shall have the right to cast one vote on any ques- on voted upon during the course of a meeting. Only those members present may vote. All votes shall be taken and re- corded in a manner which reflects how each Director has voted. ARTICLE IV Meet section 1. Annual Meeti The annual meeting of the Board sllall be held in the month of April of each year at -3- the place and on the date in the month of April, as fixed by the Chairman by telegraphed or written notice to the members transmitted at least five days prior to the date of such annual meeting. Section 2. Regular Meetings. The Board shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as may be estab- lished by resolution of the Board, but in the absence of such designation then at a place and on a date as fixed by the Chairman. The members of the Board shall have at least five days pr notice of regular meetings; designation of date, time, and place of meeting at the previous regular meeting constitutes suffic t notice to members of the Authority. If a Waiver of Notice and Consent of the absent member is pro- vided, then any and all business may be transacted even though notice of the meeting is not provided to Authority members. Section 3. Sial Meet s. Special meetings may be called upon request of the Chairman or upon the request of any two members of the Board for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call for a special meeting may be wired or mailed to the business or home address of the members of the Board at least 48 hours prior to the date of such special meeting. At such special meeting no business shall be cons red other than as designated in the call, but if the members not sent have signed a Wa of Notice and Consent to Meeting, a quorum otherwise being -4- present, any and all business may be transacted at such special meeting. Public notice for a special meeting shall be accomplished pursuant to Section 4. Section 4. Public Notice. Public notice of all Board meetings shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation not more than two weeks prior to the meeting and not less than five days prior to the meeting; sa notice shall be designed to give the public notice of the meeting and of the general topics to be discussed and con- sidered at the meeting, and shall include a proposed agenda the meeting. Section 5. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions may be held in .accordance with the procedures and with respect to the expected subjects as set forth in, and in accordance with, AS 44.62.310. ARTICLE V Order of Business The order of business at a meeting of the Board shall be determined by the Chairman. ARTICLE VI Executive Director The Executive Director shall be the principal operating officer of the Authority and, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. -5- The Executive Director may also be elected Secretary-Trea- surer. The Secretary of the Board shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and retain custody of such other records as Authority shall obtain. The Trea- surer shall have charge of the custody and be responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation. ARTICLE VII , Contracts Checks and sits Section 1. Contracts. The Board may authorize the Executive Director to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the Authority, and his authority to do so may be general or confined to specific instances. Section 2. Loans. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Authority and no evidence of the indebtedness shall issued in its name un 5S authorized by a resolution of the Board. Such author may be general or confined to specific instances. Section 3. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Authority shall be signed by the Executive Director or other agents of the Authority and in such a manner as provided by the resolution of the Board of Directors. -6- Section 4. Depos s. All funds of the Authority not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the corporation in such financial institutions as the Board may select or invested as the Board may direct. ARTICLE VIII Amendments These By-laws may be altered, or repealed and new By-laws adopted by the Board at any regular or special meeting of the Board. APPROVED by the Board of Directors of the Alaska Power Authority, by unanimous vote, the 17th day of March, .", 1978, at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA pm'lER AUTHORITY By: By: c-,\? \JJl Secretary \ -7- ALASKA POWER,AUTliORITY ....,04 :NEST 5th AVENUE -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Theodore G. Smith Director Div. of Forest, Land ~nd Water Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 E. 4th Ave. Anchorage. AK 99501 Dea r r~r. Smith: Phone: (907) 277-7641 (907) 277-0851 (907) 276-0001 September 22, 1981 forest, Land &. water Mgmt. , .. , Director's Office I hereby request the transfer of the water rights associated with the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project No. 2743) from the Kodiak Electric Association (KEA) to the Alaska Power Authority. The effective date of this transfer should be coincident with the transfer of the Federal Energy Regulatory COf11mission (FERC) License for the Terror Lake Project from KEA to the Alaska Power Authority. The application of FERC for license transfer will be submitted jointly by KEA and the Alaska Power Authority within the next month. A copy of this letter is being attached to that application. Questions regarding this request should be directed to Mr. John Longacre at the Alaska Power Authority ~il 97~) or Mr. Paul Carrier at FERC (202-376-9815). 1 ~t.f/ cc: l\~anager, Kodiak Electric Association (" C:"'O J Sincerely. E~ ~~~d~--U Executive Director m~"~~~9~~[DJ Wohlforth & Flint ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 The Hon. Ernst W. Mueller Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch a Juneau, Alaska 99811 February 12, 1982 Phone: (907) 277·7641 (907) 276·0001 Re: Transfer of FERC Construction and Operation License Dear Commissioner Mueller: The Alaska Power Authority pursuant to its enabling legislation at AS 44.83 is applying, along with Kodiak Electric Association, Inc., for the transfer to the Authority of License No. 2743 issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. on October 5, 1981 for the construction and operation of the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project near Kodiak, Alaska. The Application for Transfer of an FERC license requires a showing of compliance with Section 9(b) of the Federal Power Act. That Section of Federal law in turn requires a showing of compliance with applicable State laws concerning beds and banks, appropriations, diversions, and use of water for power purposes. Consequently, the Authority would request a statement from your Department that transfer of the FERC license from Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. to the Authority would not violate and is in compliance with such applicable State laws mentioned above over which your Department has jurisdiction. Very truly yours, C~.':\~ Eric P. Yould Executive Director ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 The Hon. Ronald O. Skoog Commissioner Department of Fish & Game Subport Building Juneau, Alaska 99801 February 12, 1982 Phone: (907) 277-7641 (907) 276-0001 Re: Transfer of FERC Construction and Operation License Dear Commissioner Skoog: The Alaska Power Authority pursuant to its enabling legislation at AS 44.83 is applying, along with Kodiak Electric Association, Inc., for the transfer to the Authority of License No. 2743 issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. on October 5, 1981 for the construction and operation of the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project near Kodiak, Alaska. The Application for Transfer of an FERC license requires a showing of compliance with Section 9(b) of the Federal Power Act. That Section of Federal law in turn requires a showing of compliance with applicable State laws concerning beds and banks, appropriations, diversions, and use of water for power purposes. Consequently, the Authority would request a statement from your Department that transfer of the FERC license from Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. to the Authority would not violate and is in compliance with such applicable State laws mentioned above over which your Department has jurisdiction. ~y .tr~~.Y~s~ Eric P. Yould Executive Director ... ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE· ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 The Hon. Wilson L. Condon Attorney General State of Alaska Pouch K Juneau, Alaska 99811 February 12, 1982 Phone: (907) 277·7641 (907) 276·0001 Re: Transfer of FERC Construction and Operation License Dear Sir: The Alaska Power Authority, in conjunction with Kodiak Electric Association, Inc., is applying for the transfer to it of Construction and Operation License No. 2743 issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. on October 5, 1981 for the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project. FERC approval of the transfer of that license requires, among other things, a demonstration that the transfer of the Project to the transferee --the Authority --would constitute a permissible exercise by the Authority of its statutory power to engage in the business of developing, transmitting, and distributing power. Such a demonstration is in partial fulfillment of the FERC requirement that Section 9(b} of the Federal Power Act be met. Consequently, the Authority requests that you or your designee sign a statement in substantially the form which is attached in order that this statement may accompany the application by the Authority to PERC as soon as possible. Attachment Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, C· _y.:\~ Eric P. Yould Executive Director STATEMENT BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I, Kenneth E. Vassar ,am an Assistant Attorney General duly designated by the Attorney General to make the following statements for the purpose of assisting the Alaska Power Authority apply for the transfer of FERC License No. 2743 issued to Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. on October 5, 1981 concerning the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project: 1. The Alaska Power Authority is statutorily authorized pursuant to AS 44.83 to engage in the business of constructing and operating hydroelectric power projects in the State of Alaska for, the purpose, among other things,. of developing, transmitting, and distributing power to wholesale power customers as provided by State law. 2. Approval by the Board of the Alaska Power Authority following due public notice and pursuant to the statutory provisions, regulations and by-laws of the Authority constitutes a proper exercise of its authority to conduct business of the nature described in paragraph 1 above. 3. The Alaska Power Authority is a public corporation of the State of Alaska in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development but with separate and independent existence charged with powers and duties including those enumerated in paragraph 1 above. Dated: February 26, 1982 WILSON L. CONDON Attorney General - KODIAK ElEORIC ASSOCIATION, INC. KODIAK, ALASKA RESOLUTION 160-81 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. adopted resolutions to request the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to transfer the license to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydro- electric Project to the Alaska Power Authority in order for them to use the funds appropriated to proceed with the construction pro- ject without delay, and also requested the Alaska Power Authority to accept the license when transfer is approved by FERC, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Board of Directors does hereby direct the KEA Manager to take the necessary actions to effect the transfer of License, PeDDits, Rights of Ways Permits, Corps of Engineer Permits and any ~her necessary documents held or owned by KEA. CERTIFICATION Marion Soule IN WiTNESS WHElll:OF'. 1 have hereunto .ubscr~ my na.me and aUlxed the seAl of tnLJ cor?o:raUon thl! 27th day ot , .. "NQYJ<,~ QQI: 0._,,,,,,,, u/, S3.J (SEAL) T.'. FORM 77"()IU KODIAK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. KODIAK, ALASr-A RESOLUTION 159-81 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. filed application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for lLcense to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Pro. ject, and WHEREAS, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has revie"'ed the various engineering and environmental studie~ and FERC has completed the environmental impact statement and issued the license to construct and operate, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. have accepted the license to construct the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project with the stipulations attached thereto, and WHEREAS, the Alaska Legislature passed Senate Bill 26 which established appropriations to various state agencies for energy-related pro- grams and projects. The sum of $81,500,000 for the Terror Lake Project and various others was appropriated to the power develop- ment fund of the Alaska Power Authority for those projects, and i-lHEREAS, in order to use these funds for the above projects and to proceed with construction, it is necessary that the FERC License to con- struct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project be trans- ferred to the Alaska Power Authority without delay, and WHEREAS, the Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Board of Directors have requested the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to transfer the license to the Alaska Power Authority to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Board of Directors does hereby request the Alaska Power Authority to accept the transfer of license to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Pro~ct fron. Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. when authorized by the federal Energy Regulatory Commission. CERTIFICATION 1 .. Hq.rt.9.IL.S..Q.\.!l!~._ ... ___ .. _____ do hert'b,. «rill)' ~t 1 am _. ___ ............ _._ ................... S~cr., .. ry ot Kod;ak"il';;;·tM·~··~Uon. Inc., aQ eloctrtcal non·protlt <>C>OPttatlve mcmbe.....n.tp oorpon.Uon orp.n.lzed t.nel ex1sUoi under the lawo 01 the SlAte ot AWLka; that th .. to"'1lolni: II a romplew and correct coPT adopted At a m~ of. the Boe.rd 01 D!re<otofl ot this corporaUon. duty and pr,,:>en'" called and. held OQ the •. __ 25._ ..... _ ... dA:r ot l:I~rnb5'.r. 1~ .. 8.l; that a qyorurn w"" pren.nl &1 1..',. me<>Ut\i: ~t tho ruolu· t\c;n II .~, forth 1n the mlnu_ of the mHtinJI and h .. not boa> ~ed "" nlOd1!!ed. IN ,\\,,'f"l','l:SS Wl{!:'R!;Or, I hue hereunto .ubscrlbed my n.a.me and athxed Ihe .... 1 of thlo "<",,oratlon tl11s ..... 2,} t.h..... day of ..... .i'l.o.vc.:llhe.r ..... _.-... lL.81 T. r. ~QRIII 71·QU,f. , ,'*" KODiAK ELECTRiC ASSCX:::IATION, INC. KODIAK, ALASr'-..A RESOLUTION 158-81 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. filed application 1,.lith the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for license to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, and HHEREAS, the Federal Eneq;y Regulatory COIX'Jission has revieived the various enGineering and envirof'..mental studies and FERC has completed the environcental impact statement and irsued the license to construct and operate, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. have accepted the license to construct and operate the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project with the stipulations, attached thereto, and WHEREAS, the Alaska Legislature passed Senate Bill 26 which established appropriations to various state agencies for energy-related programs and projects. The sum of $81,500,000 for Terror Lake and various others was appropriated to the power development fund of Alaska Power Authority for those projects, and WHEREAS, in order to use these funds for the above projects, and to proceed with construction it is necessary that the FERC license to construct and operate the Terror Lake Project be transferred to the Alaska Power Authority without delay,' NOll THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. do hereby request the Federal Energy Regulatory COTI'.mission transfer the license to construct and operate the T(::rror Lake Hydroelectric P ect to the Alaska PmJer Authority a::; soon as possible to enable continuation of the project ivithout any delays of schedules. CERTIFICATION Harion Soule 1 ,_,_ .............. , .... " ....... ~ ...... , .. ' . ., ...... ' .... ___ .. , .... , ....... " ....... _ .... __ ,. __________ uo t_.ec~by «':rt1ty that I am ... _ ...... _____ ._._._._., __ ._~. ___ ... "'_ ... Secreta.ry of Kodiak EIKtnc .A.Poctatlon. Inc .• A.D. eloc1.rlc.d non-profit eo<>pen.t.!\·s me::mlH:nh...ip C'Ort>OraUcn ouranuN and ~xtst1n, under the law. o~ the Slate of ALuk,,; thAt tho tou~oln& 1.s It.. pomplcte a.n.d CQcrK\ COpy ad ovt.ed a" I. m.ceL!na' Of tho .Board of Dl.rec:ton of th.1s corporaUon. dulY' LJ Nover:Jber (51 and property CJlU~ and t .. eLd On the d...a,y of , .. -. 1IL .. __ : t.h..&t a quorum wa.s prC!:ent at the rneoetin.l: that tho resolu- tion 1.0 .et toMh ;a th. min"""," ot m....unll and bu n.ot been re.ocln<!ed or modW<d, 27 t h l:i "..vITh"'ES9 wuxru::Ol". I have hereunto .ubscnbcd my n.ame and atttxM the seal ot this corporation ilil$ ................. , d .• )" of .. }3gY.'~,\Il_'t>.~,.r.,,_,_...... 1£.91. (i51!ALl .." ( ) ) , ,I } , ) , ) I , ,l CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY --RESOLUTIONS STATE OF ALASKA ) ) s s. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) I, ERIC P. YOULD, Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority (the "Authority") HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: That the document attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the Authority's resolutions approving the application to the F.E.R.C. for transfer of license and approving the acquisition of the Project subject to F~E.R.C. approval of the transfer including any and all amendments thereto to date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Authority to be impressed hereon this ~ day of February, 1982 • ERIC P: YOU~D\ Executlve Dlrector " ",' (S E A L) , ' SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this .~ day of February, 1982. -for Alaska es: __ L: hJ"-".--Ft RESOLUTION NO. 81-9 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY CONCERNING APPLICATIONS FOR THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN F.E.R.C. LICENSES AND PERMITS WHEREAS, Chapter 118 SLA 1981 established the Energy Program for Alaska; WHEREAS, the Alaska Power Authority, pursuant to Chap- ter 118 SLA 1981, is or may be taking steps to acquire and/or operate hydroelectric power projects at Green Lake, Swan Lake, Solomon Gulch, and Terror Lake in the State of Alaska: WHEREAS, in order to acquire and/or operate a hydro- electric power project, federal law requires the Alaska Power Authority to obtain necessary licenses or permits from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relating to that hydroelectric power project; WHEREAS, FERC has issued the following licenses: (1) Green Lake Hydroelectric Project, Project #2813, originally issued AprilS, 1979 to the City and Borough of Sitka, (2) Swan Lake, Project #2911, originally issued July 17, 1980 to the City of Ketchikan d/b/a Ketchikan Public Utilities, (3) Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project, Project #2742, originally issued June 21, 1978, to Copper Valley Elec- tric Association, Inc., and · . .. (4) Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, Project #2743, originally issued September 30, 1981 to Kodiak Electric Association, Inc.; WHEREAS, it is anticipated that each of the license holders described above will need to obtain further FERC permits or licenses to operate the hydroelectric power project for which it holds a license; WHEREAS, each of the respective governing bodies of the City and Borough of Sitka, the City of Ketchikan, the Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. and the Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. needs to take certain actions and comply with pertinent law, ordinances, regulations and bylaws in order to .. effect the transfer of tit to property relating to the rele- vant hydroelectric power project described above, and those actions have not yet been taken; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the aska Power Authority that: 1. The Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority is authorized to take a steps necessary for the Alaska Power Authority to acquire and/or operate the hydroelec- tric power projects described above. 2. The steps authorized to be taken under (1) above with respect to each of the hydroelectric power projects are in addition to those steps authorized to be taken in e ting the transfer of any FERC permits or licenses and are further con- tingent upon each of the respective governing bodies of the City -2- and Borough of Sitka, the City of Ketchikan, Copper Valley Elec Association, Inc. " and Kodiak Electric Association, Inc., taking all actions necessary to initiate the transfer title to the Alaska Power Authority of the relevant ject described above, including equipment and component s, appurtenant land, necessary easements, and all other property or interests in prope necessary and relating to the acquisition and/or operation of that hydroelectric power project. THEREFORE, this resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: ~1ssrs. Conway, Weeden, Webber, Lehr, Mueller Nays: Absent: t1ssrs. Ward and Schaeffer And the resolution is declared adopted on this, the 2nd of October, 1981. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By: -3- RESOLUTION NO. 1982-6 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF THE TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE ATTACHED ACQUISITION AGREE!1F,i:~T, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO H1PLEHENT SAID ACQUISITION WHEREAS, Chapter 118, SLA 1981 established the Energy Program for Alaska; WHEREAS, the Energy Program for Alaska authorizes the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of, and sale of power from a project acquired under the Energy Program for Alaska and pursuant to the provisions thereof; WHEREAS, Chapter 90, SLA 1981 as amended by Chapter 92, SLA 1981, appropriated certain funds to finance the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project (the "Project"); WHEREAS, representatives of the Authority and Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. have negotiated or will negotiate agreements for the acquisition of, operation and maintenance of, and sale of power from the Project; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY THAT: (1) The acquisition agreement is approved in a form substantially the same as that presented to the Board on this date. (2) The acquisition of the Project pursuant to the acquisition agreement is approved; provided, however, that the acquisition agreement and the acquisition of the Project -1- '. , -. will be nullified, but with costs incurred by the Authority recovered as specified in the acquisition agreement, if the following actions occur: (a) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or other third-party entities and agencies having jurisdiction therefor refuse to approve the transfer of permits and licenses necessary for the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of, and sale of power from the Projecti (b) the acquisition agreement in a form substantially as presented to the Board on this date is rejected by the governing body or through such other means permitted under the ordinances and by-laws of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (3) Such audits as are necessary to determine the costs of the Project will be completed. (4) The Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement this resolution, including but not limited to making all applications, reviewing all documents, and finalizing the agreement attached hereto. -2- •• THEREFORE, this resolution, having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: Mssrs. Lehr, Ward, Weeden, Eakins, Conway & Mrs. Lois Cook ------------~---------- And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 17th day of February, 1982. A T T EST: Executive Director -3-