HomeMy WebLinkAboutLawing Project Alaska 1955LAWIN C PROJECT L A s UNITED STATES ! i "f Alaska K • • • A \. • • o FAIRBANKS \ , • I \ • I • \ Can a d a _1.1 / DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR \l { , BUREAU OF-RECLAMATION - UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INrERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary BUREAU OF RECLAMATION W. A. Dexheimer, Commissioner A.LASKA DISTRICT Daryl L. Roberts, Acting District Manager STATUS REPORT ON THE LAWIM} PROJECT ALASKA Juneau, Alaska September 1955 A ~T IS'-' Alaska .... ,-Lu ~ Reso~rces Lilmn G.: InrormationSe~ Library Bud ... :,;,,, S\lite 111 3211 jJrm iU;<.:l'C Drive Anchorut,'<:, Ai ... YlJ50iW614 JUL 15 1974 --;1< I liz 'I I /} i/ I 2;,;:r , t~~, __ --- K A .. 0 f \.. \J G UNITED ~~AETEI~TERIOR DEPART,.ENT O~ECLA MATI ON BU~Et:S~~ DISTRICT LAWING PROJECT COOPER LAKE UNIT AND LAKE UNIT CRESCENT MAP GENERAL IC4l[ 0' "ILlS , ., " June 21 1955 1~2° ", 1$00 1490 REPORT OF THE ACTING DISTRICT MANAGER Location: Authorized: Plan SUMMARY SHEETS LA~JING PROJECT COOPER LAKE AND CP.ESCENl' LAKE UNITS South Central Alaska, on the Kenai Peninsula, approximately 25 miles north of Seward, Alaska. Interior Department Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1955 and appropriation acts for previous fiscal years authorizing expenditures b,y the Bureau of Reclamation for engineering and economic investigations, and for related reports, for the development and utilization of the water resources of Alaska. Cooper Lake Unit: Construct a low weir across Cooper Creek at the lower end of Cooper Lake. Drill a tunnel 4,900 feet long and place a penstock 5,200 feet long between Cooper and Kenai Lakes. \'1ater is to be carried to the powerplant on the west shore of Kenai Lake. Tunnel intake, gate shaft, and surge tank are included in the tunnel construction. Future plans for transmission would include an inter- connecting line to Crescent Lake Unit as well as other lines to various load centers on the Kenai Peninsula. Crescent Lake Unit: Construct an earth dam at the head of Crescent Creek. Divert water for power b,y channelizing 4,830 feet between Crescent and Carter Lakes. Precast concrete pipe would be placed in the channel cut. A similar section of precast concrete pipe, 1,540 feet long, would extend toward Upper Trail Lake from Carter Lake terminating in a penstock. The waterways would include a surge tank and 5,670 feet of penstock. A powerplant \1ith an installed capacity of 7,000 kilowatts would be built near Upper Trail lake. 1 Summary Sheets Costs--Generation Plant ° Crescent Lake Unit remotely controlled from Cooper Lake Unit) CooEer Lake Crescent Lake Total Lawing Dam. (or weir) 1); 8,000 $1,181,000 $ 1,1$9,000 Powerplant 6,261,000 4,718,000 10,979,000 General Property 357.°00 360.000 717.°00 Construction Cost 6,626,000 6,259,000 12,885,000 Interest During Construction 235 z0oo 23 2 2 °00 !!67 z00 0 Total Investment $6,861,000 $6,491,000 $13,352,000 <; I" Annual Costs 'J / ) 1->. v, J , I I Operation & Maintenance $100,000 $25,000 $125,000 Provision for Renlacements 30~000 25,OOQ 55,000 Total .~ual Costs .,130,000 50,000 180,000 Average Firm Power Rate 10.0 mills 10.3 mills 10.1 mills Cooper Lake Unit Powerplant : Installed capacity (2 units at 4,500) •••••••••••••••• 9,000 kw Operating head ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 612-717 feet Annual firm output ••••• , •••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• 39,000,000 ~;hr Average annual non-firm potential •••••••••••••••••••• 2,400,000 ~vhr Tunnel: Length ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4,900 feet Diameter (lined and reinforced) •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 feet Slope (ft per It) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 002 Discharge •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 80-190 cfs Penstock: Length ••••••••••••••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5,200 feet Diameter ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 inches Reservoir: Elevation at maximum controlled storage (112,000 ac-ft~ ••• 1,168 msl Elevation at minimum operating level •••••••••••••••••••••• l,122 msl Diversion TUnnol Inve~ ••• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,106 msl Storage allotted as follo"IS: POlrer •••••••••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 83,400 ac-ft Sedimentation (accumulation for 50 years)...... ..... 2,200 ac-ft Ice cover and head on intake •••••••••• o •••••••••••• 26.400 ac-rt 112,000 ac-ft 2 SUIrltlary Sheets Hydrology: Drainage area above Cooper Lake outlet •••••••••••••••• 31.0 square miles Annual runoff, average (1940-1954) •••••••••••••••••••• 72,200 ac-ft Annual runoff, maximum (1944) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 110,400 ac-ft Annual runoff, minimum (1952) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 43,900 ac-ft Crescent Lake Unit Powerplant: Installed capacity (2 units at 3,500) ••••••••••••••••• 7,000 kw Operating head •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o ••• 971-1,000 ft Annual firm output •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30,500,000 b~hr Average annual non-firm potential ••••••••••••••••••••• 1,700,000 kt-lhr Channel: Lengtho ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• 6,370 feet Diameter, precast concrete pipe •••••••••••••••••••••• 72 inches Invert (slope = a) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• elevation 1446 ms1 Penstock: Length •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5,670 feet Diameter •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 60 inches Reservoir: Elevation at maximum controlled storage (61,000 ac-ft) •••• Elevation at minimum operatL~g level •••••••••••••••••••••• Divoroion Channel Inve~t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,486 ms1 1,1+60 msl 1,446 ms1 Storngo allotted as fo1101ITS: Power •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••••• Sedimentation (accumulation for 50 years) ••••••••••• Ice cover and head on intake •••••••••••••••••••••••• Hydrology: 39, BOO ac-ft 2,000 ac-ft 19,200 ac-ft 61,000 ac-ft Drainage area above Crescent Lake and Carter Lru<e Out1ets •••• 24.6 sq. milf Annual runoff, average (1940-1954) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41,200 ac-ft Annual runoff, maximum (1944) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65,000 ac-ft Annual runoff, minimum (1952) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26,700 ac-ft 3 COtll'ENTS CHAPTER I TRANSHITTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cooper Lake Unit •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Crescent Lake Unit •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Transmission Plant •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Project Status •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Authority •••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cooperation and Acknowledgements •••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••• CHAPTER II THE KENAI PENINSULA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PQysical Geography •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Climate ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H':l st ory-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• Population •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Communities ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Resources and Economic Activities •••••••••••••• o •••••••••••••• Fishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Forestr.y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1ti.ning. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Construction and Militar.y ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wildlife •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Transportation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tourist Attractions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Land Withdrawals •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHAPTER III POWER SUPPLY AND MARKETS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Power Market Area ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Present Power Supply ........................................... . Present Power Rates and Use~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Future Power Requirements ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• Residential and Nonfarm ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Farm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Commercial •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• , •• MUnicipal and other ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Small Industrial •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• }.fili t a-ry-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• SllIIlIIlary-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 11 11 11 12 14 14 15 15 17 18 19 19 19 20 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 CHAPTER IV WATER POWER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• Water Resources •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• Cooper Lake Development ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Drainage Basin •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o ••••••••••••• Period of Study and Runoff Estimates.e •••••••••••••••••••• llater Rights ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <i •••••••••••• The Reservoir ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sedimentation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Evaporation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Power Head.~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Overall Efficiency •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir Releases ••••• c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir Operation Study ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Energy Output and Installed Powerp1~~t Capacity ••••••••••• Cresc~nt Lake Development ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Drainage Basin •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Period of Study and Runoff Estimates •••••••••••••••••••••• Water Rights •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Reservoir ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sedimentation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Evaporation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Power Head •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Overall Efficiency •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir Releases •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir Operation Studies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Energy Output and Installed Powerp1ant Capacity ••••••••••• CHAPl'ER V PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT •••• v •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cooper Lake ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Crescent Lake ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cooper Lake Development ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Accessibility ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rights of ltJay ••••••••••• 'O ...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Housing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Construction Period ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Waterways ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Powerplant •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Geologic Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cost Estimates •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Crescent Lake Development ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Accessibility ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 29 29 29 30 30 .30 .31 31 .31 31 .33 33 35 35 35 .35 .36 36 .36 .39 39 .39 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 ~ ~ Right s of \qay •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -••••• Housing· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Construction Period ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reservoir ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lrVate~ys ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Powerplant •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Geologic Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cost Estimates ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• Transmission Plants ••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Alternative Power Developments •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CRAPIER VI FINANCIAL ANALYSIS •••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••• Econo~ic Justification •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Investment •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • _ .................... . Annual Costs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Repayment •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• S 1lIIIII1a!jT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CHAPTER VII CONCLUSIO~B AND RECOMMENDATIONS ••••••••••••••••••• Discussion.u ................................................ . Conclusions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Recommendations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• APPENDIX I Part fA Part B PROJECT GEOLOGY Cooper Lake Project Geology Crescent Lake Project Geology iii Page 42- 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 49 49 49 49 TABLES Power Market Area ••••••••••••••••••• e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 21 Estimated Load Growth, 1957-1970................................. 25 Runoff of Cooper Creek at Cooper Landing......................... 28 Summary--Operation of Cooper Lake Reservoir and Powerplant....... 32 Runoff of Crescent Creek at Crescent Dam Site.................... 34 Summary--Operation of Crescent Lake Reservoir and Powerp1ant..... 37 PF-l Official Estimate--Cooper Lake Unito ••• o ••••••••• fol1owing 41 PF-2 PF-1 PF-2 Control Schedule--Cooper Lake Unit ••••••••••••••• following Official Estimate--Crescent Lake Unit •••••••••••• following Control Schedu1e--Crescent Lake Unit ••••••••••••• following 41 44 44 Lawing Project Cost Allocations.................................. 48 CHARTS, MAPS« AND DRAWImS Fishing and Lumbering Indu5tries--(585-906-2) •••••••••••••••• Land Status--1952 (585-906-1) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Following Page 11 18 Lawing Project Power Market (812-906-20)..................... 25 Precipitation at Seward and Cooper Landing (812-906-9)....... 26 Correlation Curve--Cooper Lake Unit (812-906-15)............. 27 Area and Capacity Curves--Cooper Lake Unit (812-906-14)...... 29 Reservoir Operation and Energy Output--Cooper Lake Unit (812-906-18)......................................... 31 Correlation Curve--Crescent Lake Unit (812-906-16)........... 33 Area and Capacity Curves--Crescent Lake Unit (812-906-10).... 35 Reservoir Operation and Energy Output--Crescent Lake Unit (812-906-19)......................................... 37 P:lan of Development ................................... -. • • • • • • • 39 Profi1e--Tunne1 and Penstock--Cooper Lake Unit (812-906-2)... 39 General Plan and Sections--Dam Area--Crescent Lake Unit (812-906-11)......................................... 39 General Plan and Sections--Diversion System--Crescent Lake Unit (812-906-12) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a............ 39 v CHAPTER I T RAN S MIT TAL To: Commissioner From: Acting Distriot Manager Subject: Status report on lalring Project, .Alaska This is my statu.s report on l'lotential development of laldng Project, near Seward Alaska. The project encompasses Crescent and Cooper Lakes, topographically unrelated, but fatl'orably placed geographica~ tor an integrated power operation. Cooper Lake and Crescent Lake lie above but on opposite shores of Kenai Lake. The water of Crescent take drains into Kenai Lake, whereas Cooper Lake drains into Kenai River, a short distance below the mouth of Kenai Lake. Center of the taldng Project area is approximately 25 miles north ot Seward, Alaska. A complete field investigation was accomplished on the Cooper Lake Unit.. Crescent Lake Unit field studies were prematurely tel'tninated du.e to a decision made by the City of Seward to develop the project independently. Need far tb:is single ... purpose project is based on the local high cost of diesel generation, anticipated population growth, and to encourage industrial development within the area. Amlual firm output of the project would be: Cooper Lake Unit 39,000,000 kilowatt ... hours; Crescent Lake Unit 30,5001'000 kilowatt ... hours. Full utilization of this block of energy would be attained by 1967. There is no foreseeable market for the estimated average annual nonfirm potential of 4,100,000 kilowatt-hours. Cooper Lake Unit Water from Cooper Lake would be conveyed through a tunnel and steel penstock to a powerplant located on the west shore of Kenai Lake. A low weir is proposed at the lake's outlet. The active storage of 85,600 acre-feet would be obtained between lake elevation 1168 and 1122 feet. The tunnel would be 7 feet in diameter and 41 900 feet long. The 48-inch steel penstock would be 5,200 feet long. A reinforced concrete surge tank 20 feet in diameter and 70 feet high would be located near the tunnel outlet. The powerplant would have an installed capacity of 9,000 kilowatts, equally divided between two generating units. Field investigations indicate that the tunnel will penetrate a series of alternating graywackes and argillites. The Transmittal natural characteristics of argillite may result in some excessive slabbing in areas where incipient movements have taken place along the argillite beds. The relative shallo\-, rock cover above the tunnel would seem to preclude the possibility of squeezing ground, and it is expected that only a minor quantity of water will be encountered in the tunnel. Tunnel construction should present no special problems. The penstock alinement would be over glacial till for its major length. -The powerplant would be over sand and gravel. Total construction cost (not including switchyard, trans- mission lines, or substations) based on April 1955 price level, is estimated at $6,861,000. The cost includes field investigations, designs, construction expense, operation and maintenance during construction, overhead, contingencies, and interest during construction. Average rate necessary to repay nat siteU costs of the Cooper Lake Unit within a 50-year period and at 2-1/2 percent interest would be 10 .. 0 mills per kwh. All transmission plant costs would be additional. Crescent Lake Unit Development of Crescent Lake enV1S1ons an earth dam constructed to an elevation of 1,492 feet near the lake's outlet. Active storage 1-,ould be 41,800 acre-feet and \·muld be provided between elevations 1460 and 1486 feet. Flm., from Crescent Lake \'fould be reversed through Carter Lake and thence to Upper Trail Lake. A 4,830-foot section of 6-foot-diameter precast concrete pipe would be placed in a channel cut between Crescent and Carter Lakes. Near the outlet of Carter Lake a similar section of precast concrete pipe 1,540 feet long, placed in a channel cut, would extend toward Upper Trail Lake to a connecting steel penstock. The 60-inch-diameter penstock pipe would extend down the mountain slope 5,670 feet to a powerplant a short distance from Upper Trail Lake. A surge tank 20 feet in diameter would be placed near the start of the penstock. The powerplant would have an installed capacity of 7,000 kilowatts, equally divided between two generating units. Field investigations indicate feasibility for locating and constructing an earth dam. Ample and suitable impervious material exists near the damsite. Channel excavation betlveen Crescent and Carter Lakes and between Carter Lake and the penstock junction is expected to be in glacial till and outwash material. Field studies \-,ere terminated prior to this determinationo It is believed that suitable rock will be found for penstock anchors. The powerplant may require piling. 2 Transmittal Total construction cost (not including switchyard, trans- mission lines, or substations) based on April 1955 price level, is estimated at ~6,49l,000. The cost includes field investigations, designs, construction expense, operation and maintenance during construction, overhead, contingencies, and interest during construction. Average rate necessary to repay "at site" costs of the Crescent Lake Unit witrLin a 50-year period at 2-1/2 percent interest l'lould be 10.3 mills per kwh. All transmission plant costs would be additional. An average rate of 10.3 mills per kwh is possible for the Crescent Lake Unit only if remote~ operated. If operated as an individual and separate plant, the average rate would increase to 12.9 mills per kwh. Transmission Plant A transmission plant sufficient to serve the power market area is estimated to cost about $2,460,000. This includes switchyards, 69,000-volt transmission lines, and SUbstations at Seward and at Kenai Junction on the Sterling Highway. Although none of the necessary transmission plant presently exists, it appears certain that a portion of the facilities will be built in the near future by local utilities regardless of project construction. Development of potential power loads in the Kenai lowlands may determine the optimum transmission voltage to be 115,000 volts rather than the 69,000 previously mentioned. Project Status Field investigations of the project were terminated due to positive actions taken for local development. In May 1955, the Federal Power Commission granted a preliminary permit to the City of Seward for the City's proposed hydroelectric development of Crescent Lake. In June 1955, a similar permit was granted to Chugach Electric Association of Anchorage for that R.E.A. Coop's proposed hydroelectric development of Cooper Lake. Field investigations have been initiated for both developments by the respective applicant concerned. 3 Transmittal Authority Investigations of the Lawing Project were authorized by virtue of the Interior Department Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1955, which provided $100,000 to be expended by the Bureau of Reclamation for ft ••••• engineering & economic investigations, as a basis for legislation, & for reports thereon to Congress, relating to projects for the development & utilization of the water resources of Alaska ••••• " Completion of this report in FY;6 is authorized by virtue of the designation of the Bureau of Reclamation to carry out the provisions of House Bill 3990, 84th Congress, authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to investigate and report to the Congress on projects for the conservation, development, and utilization of the water resources of Alaska. Cooperation and Acknowledgements Valuable assistance was given in preparation of the basic data contained in this report by officials of the City of Seward, Homer Electric Association, Kenai Lake Electric Association, Estes Brothers' Power Co., and the Kenai Power Company. Cooperation of Federal and Territorial Agencies is also acknowledged, particularly that of the Geological Survey in obtaining vital hydrologic data and preparing topographic and river sheets. 4 C HAP T E R II THE KENAI PENINSULA The Kenai Peninsula is a land of rugged mountains, fertile plains, and a multitude of climateso Located in south central Alaska, it is bounded on the west by Cook Inlet and on the east and south by the Gulf of Alaska. It is joined to the mainland by a narrm-.r neck of land nearly severed by the convergence of the long reach of Turnagain Arm on the l'lest and Passage Canal on the east. Total area of the Peninsula is approximately 9,200 square miles, a land mass slightly smaller than the State of Nelf Hampshire and some,·,hat larger than the combined areas of the States of Rhode Island and Net-I Jersey. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY' The Peninsula can be divided into tvlO distinct geologic divisions. The Kenai lowlands or plateau, found on the northlfestern side, comprise approximately 1/3 of the total area. The northern 1/3 of this plateau is quite flat and very poorly drained resulting in extensive swamplands and small lakes. Further south, drainage systems are better developed with much of the land useful for agricultural purposes. Even here, however, large sections are dotted with small lakes and muskeg. The plateau varies in elevation from about 50 to 800 feet. Its Cook Inlet shores are generally cliffs of 50 feet or more vIhile its western boundaries merge into the foothills and thence the rugged mountains of the Kenai I'lountain Range. In sharp contrast to the 'tIrestern lowlands, the Kenai Mountains are steep and rugged, rising to altitudes of from 3,000 to 7 ,000 feet. This range is a continuation of the Chugach Nountains to the north and constitut.es approximately 2/3 of the Peninsula area. Bordering on the Gulf of Alaska and the southern shore of Kachemak Bay, the mountains rise abruptly from the sea creating many coves and fiords. A multitude of fine harbors exist along this shoreline, but few are accessible by land. These mountains host numerous glaciers many of them sternmlng from the Harding Ice Field. Due to the relatively narrOvJ girth of the Peninsula and the mountainous character of the eastern side, most of the river systems are short and drainage basin areas are small. The notable exception to this rule is the Kenai River. Traversing approximately 78 miles from the outlet of Kenai Lake to its mouth in Cook Inlet, this river, along with its tributaries, drains some 1,860 square miles or approy~tely 20 percent of the Peninsula. 5 The Kenai Peninsula Crescent and Cooper Lakes are both tributary to the Kenai River; Crescent Lake eventually emptying into Kenai Lake through Crescent and Quartz Creeks and Cooper lake emptying directly into the river through Cooper Creek. Located within 7 miles of each other on the map, the tl-10 lakes are separated by intervening ridges and the deep valley occupied by Kenai Lake. CLIMATE A wide variation in precipitation and temperatures is encountered on the peninsula. For the most part the western plateau is dry while the eastern slopes of the Kenai IvIountains are quite wet. The heaviest rains occur in August, September, and October making it difficult to mature and harvest crops. Normal precipitation, recorded over a period of several years, varies from 18.20 inches at Kasilof to 69.92 inches at Sel-mrd. The normal for three years recorded at Sterling is 15.98 inches. Nhittier, geogra.phically located at the neck of the peninsula, experiences the heaviest rainfall recorded in the area. Recordings for eleven months in 1953 show 181.57 inches with an estimated total for the year of about 200 inches. For the same year at Seward recorded precipitation was 69.16 inches. Recorded average snowfall varies from 46 inches at Homer to 78 inches at Seward. Considerable snowfall is experienced in the mountains and in the northeast corner of the peninsula; however, the incomplete records of VJhittier give the only representation. Actual recorded snowfall at Nhittier in 1953 (records for .f.:Iarch and November missing) totaled 19502 inches. Similar to conditions found in other parts of Alaska, the coastal waters have a tempering effect on the temperature. Greatest recorded temperature range is at Sterling, some 20 miles inland from Cook Inlet. The shortest range is found at Homer. The foilol-ling tabulation compares recorded climatic conditions at various peninsula stations: Station Homer Kasilof Kenai Sterling Seward :Years of: Temperature : Precipitation:Sno\'rfall:Growing : record ~Maxi;rrum:~finimum: inches inches season 15 80 -18 11 25g2 46 104 13 87 -43 18.2 58 87 10 87 -48!/ 20 00 69 89 3 90 -51 13.2 : 60 43 41 85 -20 69.9 :!/ 78 !/136 !/ 19 years of record 6 The Kenai Peninsula HISTORY Recorded history of the Kenai Peninsula dates back to 1788 when the Russian-American Fur Tr~ding Co. established settlements at Kasilof and Kenai. Hith the exception of some minor agricultural colonization in the Kachemak Bay area in 1793, expansion of peninsular activity was quite limited until the establishment of the salmon canning industry in the 1880's. Discovery of gold in 1896 on Resurrection Creek near its confluence l"lith Turnagain Arm resulted in the founding of the tent city of Hope 1"lith a population of about 5,000 gold seekers. Most of the gold mining operations in this area were placer and few men remain9::i when the source Has exhausted. Prospectors ranged over most of the pflninsula in the late 1890' s and the to·tffi of Homer ",as founded in l896.. Except for the placers at Hope, hmvever, no important st.:rikes Here made. Fishing proyed to be a stable and profitable industry along the west~rn shores of the Kenai. Salmon runs ~n Cook Inlet were extensive, and the excGllent gardens wh:i..ch cOl.L:.d be raised permitted the fishermen to be a.:L'llost entirely self-sufficient. The early 1900's saw many homes-l:.eads established by the p:i.oneer fishermen, particularly near the villages of Kenai, Kasilof, Ninilchik, and Homer. The central and eastern sections of the peninsula did not share in the early developm.3nt of the Cook Inlet area. Fishing along the eastern sho:,:,es has never been an liuportant industry. The rugged topograpi1Y of these mountainous areas \vas a transportation obstacle until the railroad vas completed in the early 1920 i s. Except for prospecting and trapping there was little to entice the early settler. The City of Sewa,:,d Has founded in 1903 as a supply center and tide-water term:.:'l-j"J.S fOl' the railroad soon imder construction. Although the railroa,~ "Tas :10t completed until J.923, Seward continued to serve as sup:Jly ac'.,:l tran',portation hub for the central and eastern part of the pe!1insula. Co~,:;:-letion of the railroad linked Seward's economy directly wEh t.hat, ':.If interior Alaska a'1d its growth pattern has followed th3.t 0: P.nchcr-;;;.ge and Fair1;)anks although to a lesser degree. POPULATION Near the turn of the century, the population of the Kenai Peninsula probahly e:~ceeded 6,000 people, but in the 1929 census the C01.ll1t was slightly over 2,,100. Growth Has slow' \"lith an annual average gain of less than 100 people bet,.,een 1929 and 1939. 7 The Kenai Peninsula The milita.ry buildup in the interior in the 1940' s more than doubled the population of Se1'fard, but had little influence on the rest of the Peninsula. Of an increase of slightly more than 1,700 persons bet~reen the 1939 and 1950 censuses, over 68 percent was in Seward. Completion of the highway system connecting Seward and Homer with Anchorage opened large areas in the Kenai lowlands to easy access and settlement and a rush for land developed. Construction of a large Signal Corps base and an Air Force fighter landing strip at Kenai brought in additional people. It is estimated that the 1954 population of the 101'11ands 1vas about 2-1/2 times that of 1950. The follmdng tabulation lists 1950 census data and estimates for 1954: Population Rocor5i.ng Censu.s Estimated Percent distl"ict --1950 1954 change SevJard 2,708 4,200 55 Seldovia 701 750 7 Homer 907 1,900 109 Kenai Area 11 11 550 1,750 218 Total 4 ,866 8,600 77 1/ Kenai, Kasilof 1 and surrOlmding area is included in the Anchorage recording district. Census tabulations list the population of the villages of Kenai and Kasilof but rural popula'cion was estimated for this report. COWiJUNITIES Seward, southern saltwater terminus of the Alaska Railroad, is the largest and most modern of the Peninsula communities. Incorporated in 19)2 , its governing body is an elected mayor and city council. Daily operations are superintended by a city manager. All utilities except telephone service are owned and operated by the city and managed by a 5-man utility board. The paved S81~rd-Anchorage high't'my terminates at the city limits, and all city streets are unpaved. The local airport is owned by the Territc!'y~ but operated by the city. This unlighted airport has a runway length of 3,800 feet, long enough for use by DC-3's. Daily plane schedules link this city with Anchorage by air. Seward bOCl.f3ts a bank, a \-reekly newspaper, excellent hotel accommodations, modB~~ schools, a hospital, and all the usual stores and shops that go to make up a thriving community. 8 The Kenai Peninsula In addition to the normal facilities and services found at busy sea-rail terminals, Seward is the site of a large TB Sanitorium and an orphanage for native children, both owned and operated by the I~thodist Church. Primarily a seaport and transportation center, Seward's economy fluctuates with the development of the interior and the rest of the Kenai Peninsula, as i.,re1l as with the volume of cargo handled by other ports such as l'lhittier and Anchorage. It is not presently !mm'ffi j ;.:.st what effect the planned sea-train service to hlhittier ".,rill ha7e OC). Seward, but apparently Seward is exp~cted to continue to handle cO::JSiG.E'12,ble fc:'eight. This is attested by the recent contract in excess cf ~~3:300,OOO for a new dock and facilities awarded by the U. S. D<Jpartment of the Interior. A small salmon c<"nnery and three sawmills near Sel-mrd add to 7·!--<; ~Jconozr.y of the arec:, but could not hope to supplant a loss in fr0ig:lt handling. Other corr~unities on the Peninsula are considerab~ smaller than Sel'iard \-lith its 1950 population of 2,1140 Those listing a 1950 P()pulation of ever 100 are Seldovia, 437; Homer, 307; and Kenai, 32l. Seldovia is located A.bout 18 air miles from Homer on the mountainous side of Kachemak Bay. Due to its isolation, it has not materially benefitted from completion of the Sterling Highway. Since its basic economy is fishing, an industry that has seen little expansion in the past fevT years, its presen4~ growth is slow. Five canneries and 1 cold storage plant are sit.'..J.d.ted here constituting most of the tOim' s source of income. Seldovia has a good deep-water harbor, ice-free in \-linter. A small landing field and facilities for handling seaplane traffic provld.e a second m,)ans of transportation to and from the town. Radio co:mnunication service is available for fast communications while a mail boat from Homer serves that need daily. Seldovia has a Yariety of stores, a machine shop, various marine repair shops, a church, hospital, and a Territorial-operated school. Homer, served by the Homer Public utility District and the Homer REA Coop')ratiYc, is the trading center for the south3rn section of the Kenai Imvland.::;. Among the many businesses and facilities to be found there are t·W'o hot::-ls, a dry cleaning plant, self-service laundry, bakery, thcc;:::'er, 'Gank, various stores and shops~ and a radio station. A small dairy supplies most of the milk requirp~ents of the community. A combined grade and high school is operated by the Territory. The towa is s')!'Ved by a first-class airport operated by the CAA and capable of ha~dling DC-3'so Seaplanes operate fram a 9 The Kenai Peninsula lake near the airport. Air mail is received daily from Anchorage and radio communications vlith Anchorage supply the need for faster service. A deep-vrater dock at the end of the 4-1/2 mile I1Homer SpitO permits docking of large freighters, 't'lhile the IlSpitf1 offers limited protection on its lee side for smaller boats. The iiSpitl? also hosts Homer's three small fish processing plants. A berry processing plant and several small salmlls add to the general economy of the area. Since the land itself is the greatest attraction of the Kenai lowlands, most of the grovrth since 1951 has been in the rural areas rather than in the communities. The Homer area has undergone considerable settlement since completion of the Sterling High'lTay, but only a limited amount of new construction has been carried on in the tmm itself. The village of Kenai, also situated in the Kenai lowlands, on the shore of Cook Inlet, is not blessed with good harbor facilities. Although fishing boats dock at the two large salmon canneries located at Kenai, low tides do not leave sufficient vrater for deep draft vessels. Kenai, like Homer, has a CAA~operated airport capable of handling DC-3's. In addition an Air Force fighter refueling base is located nearby. A large Signal Corps base a few miles north of Kenai has helped make the village one of the fastept grolJing communities on the Peninsula. Similar to the Homer area, hO't'fever, the greatest grO'tvth is experienced in the outlying areas. I\enai has about the same type of stores and services found at Homer with the exception of a radio station. A typical fishing community, the usual marine supply and repair shops are to be found. A large Territorial School built only a few years ago at Kenai required extensive additions in 1954 to accommodate the rapidly increasing school enrollment. A private power company started in 1952 is the power source for the community. Several additional Peninsular communities have attained a population exceeding 100 since 1950. A general store, filling station, and possibly a lunch counter usually supoly immediate local needs at these smaller villages with the additional services required being supplied by the larger trading centers. 10 The Kenai Peninsula RESOURCES AND ECOl\'OMIC ACTIVITIES Since the gold rush of 1896 and the subsequent depletion of the important gold mines on the Peninsula, development of the more permanent resources has led to a more stable grmvth. Even the large influx of people that has taken place since 1950 is felt to be a sign of real gr~~h of the areas affected since development is primarily in the field of rene,'lable resources. Fishing Similar to other areas along the southern coast of Alaska, fishing is one of the oldest and most j]llportant peninsular industrial activities. In 1954 the value of the Peninsula's fishery products wa s an € stimated~:;5, 500,000. As shown on Drawing No. 585-906-2, the bulk of this industry is concentrated along Cook Inlet with all but two small processors located in this area. These commercial operations vary in size from the hand canners of a fe'" annual cases to those canneries capable of an output in excess of 100,000 cases per season. Salmon are the most important fish of the area and account for most of the industry's dollar value. Other important species caught locally" hOl'leVer, include crab and shrimpo King crab are taken from the waters of Kachemak Bay in considerable numbers. ~funy are shipped to Kodiak for processing. Any expansion of crabbing in this area, hOl'lever, is believed to be quite limited. Clams are plentiful in many places along the shoreline, but their use is primarily domestic with only one or two very small commercial operations being carried on at the present time. It is generally agreed that the salmon fisheries of the Kenai Peninsula are presently developed to about the maximum but limited expansion is possible in processing other species of fish" nel'l methods of preparation, and the increased production of by-products from fish waste. Forestry The more important timber re source s of the Kenai Peninsula are found in the Chugach National Forest. The predominant cmrunercial species of the forest are the hemlock and Sitka spruce combination typical of the Tongass National Forest of Southeastern Alaska. Unlike the Tongass Forest, however, the stands are not as heavy. The average volume of commercial tL~ber is about 5,000 board feet per acre in the Kenai portion of the Chugach Forest as compared to 15,000 to 20,000 board feet per acre in the Tongass. The cedar of Southeastern Alaska's 11 EEl 6 to 10 MBM I ta 5 MBM June 21 1955 ~~~"~2:' ______________________ __ \~~~~~?;; . R 0 I • G ~--' Ie [ G A T ION PROCESSORS (19541 FISH o and/or smoked Sal mon, canned Crob and/or Bottomfish Fish meol ond oil sh rimp, other Salman, crab, Ise O A UNlTEO STAETEI~TERIOR DEPARTMENT FO~ETC~AfI.ATlON BUREAU 0 DISTRICT ALAS'A INDUSTRIES and LUMBERING FISHING PENINSULA KENAI The Kenai Peninsula forests does not extend to the Gulf Coast but are replaced by stands of white birch and cottonwood. The hemlock-Sitka spruce combination is also found in a thin belt along the Cook Inlet coastline from its confluence with the Gulf of Alaska to an area a little north of the town of Kenai. This belt of timber is not sufficiently dense to support a large-scale harvesting operation but will support several small mills capable of supplying a part of the local need. West of the Kenai Mountains and a few miles inland from Cook Inlet, the hemlock-Sitka spruce gives \'lay to sparse white spruce and birch forests of non-commercial value. Much of this area was burned over in 1946 to such an extent that natural reseeding has not taken place. Three large commercial mills and 2 small mills exist on the eastern slopes. One of the biggest mills in Alaska is located at Hhittier, but a large percentage of the saw logs are brought in from the Tongass National Forest. Those mills in the vicinity of Seward and 1vlo089 Pass are considerably smaller than the Hhittier mill and their logging operations are more localized. Besides local markets these smaller mills supply a portion of the lumber requirements of the Interior. Agriculture The agricultural outlook for the Kenai lowlands has altered considerably since 1950. Chief reason for this change is the marketing situation. The highway linkup with Anchorage has provided a large pctential market within an economic hauling distance, while military construction and operations in the vicinity of Kenai have greatly aided the local market. Some of the most important agricultural land in the Territory is to be found on the Kenai where an estimated 100,000 -1/+0,000 acres are suitable for some kind of cultivation. Suitability of this acreage for farming varies considerably. Inland the climate ranges colder and the growing season 15 shorter than along the coast. This 1s best illustrated by a comparison of Weather Bureau data for the villages of Kenai. on the coast, and Sterling, 20 miles inland: Year 1953 1952 1951 Sterling--Growing Season days 30 17 82 ~animum temperature -33 -51 -48 Kenai--Growing Season days 89 83 110 Minimum temperature -25 -40 -42 Soils are generally shallow, in many areas poorly drained, and vary considerably in quality. Heavy applications of fertilizers greatly aid production of all crops. 12 The Kenai Peninsula The coastal or 11 lowe l' bench'~ at Homer is the area most suitable for cultivation. Here, winters are relatively mild, the average grmring season exceeds 100 days, and precipitation averages around 25 inches per year. Most of this bench is occupied, some of the homo steads being among the oldest in Alaska. A deterring characteristic to crop production throughout the Ke~ai Peninsula is the cool climate and the fall rainy season. Spring .:.Uld early summer are usually dry sometimes making seed g6rmirt-,rt..ion difficult ''lhile August, September, and October are g:merc.D.y quite wet precluding ripening grain and making it difficult to cure hay. A large variety of vegetables, berries, and root crops do well in this farming area "lith potatoes being the primary crop grown. P-_~ospec';~s for ripening and harvesting grain are poor although so;ne varieti~s of oats, barley, and ,,{heat ,,,ill occasionally mature. Vetch, OdGS, peas, and bromegrass constitute the preferred hay crops. Ga.rdening is popular but farming on a full-time basis is employed by fevl. Supplemental incomes are still generally needed primarily because of the slov, development of potential markets, the high cost of clearing land (~i;45 -.~:;150 per acre), and the 101', ret urns usually received in the first fe,,, years of operation. The natural grass lands of the upper benches near Homer are conducive to raising of livestock and an estimated lOO-head of beef cattle are to be found there at the present timeo There is room for considerable expansion of this industry in the area, altho~gh winter feeding varies from 6 to 8 months and is quite expensive if local hay cannot be cut. Several dairies are located in the lowlands although most of them are small and not considered co~~ercial operations. Fresh milk can usually be obtained at Homer. Poult.:r,Y' farmi.ng is carried on profitably on '~he Peninsula and markets are plentiful. Land settlement ha.s been rapid for the past fe,,, years and is still contitiuing at a fast pace. A large percentage of the home- steads, hm>lever, have been taken up for purposes of speculation, recreation, or various reasons other than farming. This was particularly true of many 110rld War II veterans who, prior to 1953 legislation, 'vere required to establish residence on the land for only 7 months with no cultivation necessary to gain title. Present laws, however, requ:i_re the veteran to place 1/8 of the land under cultivation before title can be r€ceiv(:d. In 1950 a survey of the tiAgricultural Possibilities of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula"' by the Agricultural Research Administration, Departmei.1t of Agriculture, revealed that of the 355 patented hom~steaQs on the Pen5_nsula at that time, 71 percent vmre held by people 'l"Jho pl'')bably will not farm. The percentage is probably even greater at the present time. 13 The Kenai Peninsula lvIining For many years gold ''las the only mineral sought or mined on the Peninsula. A large number of claims exist, many of them worked for a number of years, but none are being operated on a commercial scale today. lvlost of the !mown gold bearing ores of the Peninsula are too low grade to permit economical recovery under present operating and marketing conditions. The most jmportant Kenai mineral at the present time is chromite, nO"t'f being mined in the m01mtains south of Kachemak Bay near Seldovia 0 The chromite deposit in this area is extensive and three separate operators are working or are planning to begin mining in the near future. I~esent summer employment is about 45 men but deep winter snow'S limit the annual operations to a period of 6 or 7 months. A chipnent of 3,000 tons of ore, as mined, was made in 1954. It appc~rs, however, that some concentration may be required before very many more shipments are made. Large coal deposits exist on the Peninsula in the vicinity of Home~. These beds are flat lying and well suited to a mechanized operation with continuous miners. Same investigation work has been carried on but actual mining has been negligible. By the end of 1954 at least three major oil companies had leased acreages on the I:enai and several others ''lere conducting field investigations and geological reconnaissance. In leasing agreements with the Department of the Interior, these companies are committed to actual drilling programs in the area. Geologic formations of the Kenai lowlands are i:rightii for occurrences of oil and gas and the prospects are very good for bringing in commercial wells. Ho~vever, the actual developnent of a petroleum industry, assuming oil \vere found in commercial quantities, may depend on other economic factors both local and abroad. It is conceivable that a period of several years could elapse before any oil discoveries which might be made would be utilized. Construction and Nilitary The bulk of the major construction of the Peninsula has been for Federal agencies such as the Alaska Railroad, Alaska Road Commission, Bureau of Public Roads, and the Vlilitaryo Construction of the two major highways is nearly comnlete with black topping of the Sterling Highway scheduled over the next 5 years. Rehabilitation of the Alaska Railroad properties between Seward and Portage is a large-scale project presently in progress. Reconstruction of the Seward docks is a multi-million dollar project recently authorized by Congress. The Kenai Peninsula The military have built the large Signal Corps base at Kenai and it is still being expanded; the jet fighter refueling base at Kenai, scheduled for enlargement; and are now planning construction of a small base near Homer. All of th~ activity plus the accelerated housing and public building construction required to keep pace with the increased rate of settlement, has made the Kenai Peninsula one of the prjmary work areas of the Territory in the past few years. Needless to say, these construction programs have materially boosted the economic conditions of the area. lJ~_ldlife The Kenai Peninsula is well known for its abundance of wildlife. Moose are found in the foothills and lowlands and trophies taken are among the largest to be had. Nountain sheep are plentiful on the west side of the Kenai Mountains and mountain goats range throughout the higher elevations. Both bro't'm and black bear are in abundance. Big game hunting is big business on the Kenai. Guide service, plane and boat charter service, hunting cabins, lodges, etc., cater to an industry that is worth many thousands of dollars. It is estimated that over 400 moose and 100 goats are taken annually. Grouse and ptarmigan are the more important game birds and are found throughout the Peninsula. Kenai sport fishing ranks among the finest in the world involving principally rainbovl, dolly varden, and lake trout, and king and cohoe salmon. Beaver, mink, and marten are the principal fur bearing animals ,'lith lynx, marmot, and coyote abundant but less important. Intensive trapping over a period of years had greatly reduced the overall populations of fur bearers; however, a gradual increase during the past three years has been accomplished by a series of closed trapping seasons. Transportation Construction of the Peninsula t s highway system and it s linkup with Anchorage in late 1951 has done more to aid the development of the Kenai Peninsula than all other events of the past. The primary 15 The Kenai Peninsula road system consists of the 128 miles of 2-lane, black-topped Seward- Anchorage Higm~y and the 137-mile, gravel-surfaced Sterling Highway. The latter traverses the western plateau from Homer to Kenai Village and thence westward to a junction-with the Seward-Anchorage Highway. There are a number of short secondary roads around Kenai Village and Homer which provide access to the homesteads in the area. The bulk of these roads are in good condition except during the spring breakup. With the exception of the town of Hope, the Peninsula towns and cities are all located within a few miles of a pr:ima.ry highway. A narrow 17-mile dirt road connects the town of Hope with the Seward-Anchorage Highway. The Alaska Railroad, owned and operated by the Department of t.he Interior, handles the bulk of the freight consigned to Interior Alaska. Seward was the only year-around salt water terminal of t~e railroad from 1923 until 1942. In the latter year a 12-1/2 mile spur line from Portage to Whittier was constructed for the military. This spur bypasses the steep grades and winter maintenance problems between Portage and Seward. It was originally assumed that, following tvorld War II, the port of v.lhittier would be utilized for both military and civilian cargo and that the Portage-Seward section of the railroad would be abandoned. This has not been the case, however, and rehabilitation of the Seward docks is to be undertaken in the nE'ar future. The railroad is standard gage and utilizes modern rolling stock and diesel engines. Train service is scheduled twice wee:dy, Anchorage to Seward round trip and six times weekly Anchorage to vJhittier round trip. Two steamShip and one barge lines have scheduled operations to Seward. In addition intermittent service is supplied by unscheduled small ships, barges, and tugs. Seward is presently the main port of entry for nonmilitary cargo to points on the eastern half of the Kenai Peninsula and to the Interior. Civilian petroleum supplies for western Kenai are landed here and trucked to their destination. The Cook Inlet shoreline of the PenOl~sula is void of good, deep water harbors north of Kachemak Bay. The isolated port of Seldovia and the wharf at Homer, both situated on Kachemak Bay, provide the only docking facilities for deep draft vessels. Prior to completion of the Sterling Highway, the bulk of cargo for Kenai, Ninilchik and surro~ding area vas unloaded at Seldovia and reshipped 16 The Kenai Peninsula via small boat or barge. The present highway system permits reshipment from Homer by truck effectj.ng a savings over the water route. Efforts to cut shipping costs and speed up transportation service to the Interior have resulted in the adoption of a plan to use rail-car ferry service betvleen the states and Hhittier. Loaded railroad cars vlou1d be ferried to lrJhittier and disembarked as a unit ready to roll to their destination. Scheduled air service links the major Kenai towns l<lith Anchorag~, KOdiak" and other Alaskan points. Connecting service can be obt:{~Jled at Anchorage for any place in the world. Three daily f1ight~ CI.re scheduled between Anchorage-Kenai Village, Homer, Kodiak, anc B:;. ... :::::t·o1 Bay. Lai"ge first-class fields at ICenai and Homer permit t~33 of ))(;-3 planes. Two daily DC-3 f15.ghts between Anchorage" S9ward" a'1d CorJ':-Na are schciu1ed o 1>'Iany small 1andi:1g fields are scattered throughy~t the Peni.'18 1 Ua particularly on the ,,,estern plateau. Existence of a 1e.i:ge multitude of lakes on the Peninsula makes almost all areas accessi:)le to small float planes .. Small plane charter service is available at most of the s~tt1ements al()llg tin high1r1ay. Tourist Attra(';·;~·:tons , ..... _,- The KC:1ai Peninsula is one of the mos~ scenic a~ .. (')as in Alaska. Thousa~'1s of lakes ranging in size from small ponds t.o the 120-square mile Tug::,umena Lake offer unlimited boating anc1. fl.::lll::.ng. The Kenai mountains are quite rugged a-:1d generally suppo~,t a (Jense vegetation. M()':~orin~ and hiking unfold a new panorama witj~ 8VO"',i' :mile cf progress a1thoug~'1 it i3 'usua1ly necessary to trayerse establ-i ~hed !_'oads and trails due to the heavy underbrush encountered in S088 areas. The paved surface of the Seward-Anchorage Highvray makes driving a pleasure. The Sterling High,vay is grave1-surfacl3d and maintained in good repair.. The railroad offers a sC2nic trip from Anchorage to Seward and bus service is also available bet1veen the two citi3s. Mo03e and b9ar are often seen along the road literally posing for the camera fan .. Hany residents of Anchorage have summer homes on the Peninsula particularly along the shores of Ken/1.i Lake. Cabin sites in this area are released from time to time by' the Forest Service wi'::'h the demand far exceeding the supply. 17 The Kenai Peninsula The tourist business is growing rapid~ along the Peninsula. Catering to the motorist, motels, gas stations, and lunch counters are sufficiently plentiful to take care of the needs of the travelers, hunters, and fishermen. Plane charter service is available at many locations along the highway and boats can be chartered at most of the coastal tmmso Although the Peninsula has many ldnter activities such as skiing, skating, winter fishing, etc., most of its tourist business is liIn5t8d to the summer and fall seasons. Reservations and vdthdrawals eliminate a large percentage of the KevF.i Penitlsula from public dcmain. App:r0ximately 34 percent of th'3 tr.t'il lani area is cont:iined in the Nati.o:-~al ~100se Range., whtle a:1 adG.i~~.~~onal 2~ pel'cHnt is incluc.ed. :i:1 the CI"J.1J,sach ltatiOilal FOl'~st. In 191:Jj 2.<1d 19'~9., ne<.l.d~l lr:'~~,OO() acres of th.!' agri.,::uItural lowlands were s:;;:-, aside from :::ettlem:::nt cr entry-by Un Depa:;:'tment, of AgricuJ·~.u:..oe to Vi* ;'} -::. -!falLH'If time for examina:~i.)n and classification to deter:iline the feasibili'LY of planned settlf;tnG!1t ~f-if-* -l~. ii These 191.;.8-49 :Y'eservBd areas are slowly being reop.:'med fo:c settlement as the de'1land .:cLses.. Nilit"lry, a3ronavtical" N(j.tive Servj.ce, and other Fed3ra.2.. .:md TE:J~.·-dtoL.al "Iithdrawals exclude several thousand additional acres fro~ the ~ublic domain. App!'0xi.mately t't-lO-thirds of the rema:ullng land not withdrawn is loca':,,"d in the exf.remely rugged mounta.::.ns b:.:r;de:d.~.g the Gulf of AICl.ska &nd incl'ldes a large portion of the Har·i.5.ng J:C'3 Field, a second ice field east of Sewa:cd, and many of the glaci3rs vi the <-oast. DrawjZ1.g No. 585-906-1 illustre.:tes mos'i:, of the lands withdrawn from public domain by 1952. IS June 20 1955 G EXPLANATION _ Military Withdrawal Miscellaneous WHhdrowots Surveyed Lands o Kenai Notional Moose Range Chuljloch Notional Forest A 5 OEPART",UNITED STATES BUR EA~ N~F O~ETCH~A ~~~f;~OR ALASKA DISTRICT LAND STATUS -1952 KENAI PENINSULA 14,0 585-906-1 C HAp T E R III POWER SUPPLY AND MARKETS Markets for project power 't'1ould be residential, farm, commercial, municipal, militarJ, and industrial. The unit costs of firm en3rgy from the project would be considerably lower than the present cost of diesel en8rgy in the area, and this, coupled with availability, could be expected to attract some local industry. PopulaticJTI cf t~e pO'tofer market area is growing rapidly and is expecta1 t,;:, co:r::.inu,'3 to do so. 'rhe P'j1.'Je:r needs of 1960 are expected to more than ·::'riple those of the present. PO"l'ffiR NARKET AREA The project power market area discussed in this report has b9~n arbitrarily limited tc: thQGe load cenL~i'S on the Peninsula 't,J:~ich H')l~ld not ent;J.il e.x('. ?)s~lv8 P~1'··u>.1it t!'<S.n:=:mi.ssion costs. Power },::Jquir8mcnts of Seld0vie.~ l..rJ. tr.e s0uthH3st,o C1.nd a1.1 p~ints north of tho jmlction of tha Seward-Anc>orage ~,;.ld St~rl:,_ng fL.gh1.\rays, have not been consideredo These relatively small and scatter·,.~d load centers can be included when supply lines can be econo;nically justified. The power requireI!1.ents of Whittier were not included, there being sufficient steam-electric Mopacity already available in that locale. The rugged topogre.phy of the Kenai Nountains and the swamps of the northern part of the lowlands further reduces the considered power market area to a strip along the highway from the project to Seward on the east and to Homer on the 't'rest plus the potential farming areas of the lowlands. The large load center of Anchorage, approximately 90 miles north of the project, was not included as a part of the power market area. Lo~c studies of the Kenai indicate a complete utilization of both Cooper and Gr3scent Lake developments within 7 years after completion of the first um.t. On this basis an estimated added expense to the project of 2! rnj.:~J_ion dollars for transmission facilities to dispose of such a small, shoTt term power surplus could not be justified. PP.ESENT POhTER SUPPLY Two small private power companies, one municipal utility, and one REA Cooperative constitute the present power utilities serving the public. v-lhere centr.al station power is available on the Peninsula, generating capacity usually tlonsists of a collection of small diesel- electrid eets. Small gasoline-driven plants of 5 kw or less are popular in :rural areas not served by a utility. A moderIl oil-fired steam-electric plant at Nhittier supplies both military and civilian requirements while the large sawmill located there generates its own electricity with a waste-wood-fired steam plant. 19 Power Supply and Market s The accompanying tabulation lists the more important power generating plants of the power market area and approximate area of service. PRESENT POVJER R.I\TES AND USE Large rural sections of the power market area are presently without electricity or are dependent upon small individual power- plants. Every effort is being made, however, to extend distribution lines as rapidly as is economically possible. Since all central station power on the Peninsula is generated by diesel-electric sets, high consumer rates are to be expected. Highest charges are encountered at Kenai Village and the lo't"lest at Seward. Tbe fcl.l,,)1,ring tabulation compares the cost of a mO~lthly use of 250 ki1011'a~'c,·-.ho':trs on the four non-military utility systems: Cost Average Locale Utilit;y 250 kwl]./mo kwh cost Kenai Kenai Power Co. $29.50 1l.B~ Moose Pass Estes Brothers 24~50 9.8~ Homer Homer Electric Ass'n. Inc. 20,50 8.2~ Seward Municipal 16.50 6.6~ Greatest energy use is found at Seward. Records for 1953 reveal that some 1,599,000 kilowatt-hours were consuHed by 741 residC'\::t.:ta1 customers or an annual average use of 2.,158 kilO't"latt-hours per cus·'.:J:ner. One reason f~r this apparent high resj.dential usage, despite high rates, is a special hot water heating rate of 3~ per kilowatt-hour. The commercial rate schedule at Seward is: First 100 kwh 10i Next 300 kwh 8¢ Next 500 k-vlh 6¢ Allover 900 kwh 5¢ In spite of the high overhead costs which these rates impose, 163 commercial customers used 1,200,948 kilowatt-hours in 1953--an annual average of 7,368 kilowatt-hours per customer. Elsewhere on the Peninsula electricity is used more sparingly. From the few scattered records available it appears that residential requirements average less than 1,000 kilowatt-hours per customer annually and commercial use averages about 3,000 kilowatt-hours annually. 20 Locale HomeI' Kenai Moose Pass Seward Homer Kenai Seward YWhittier Utili ty or Agency Homer REA Cooperative Kenai Power Co. Estes Brothers Municipal POWER MARKET AREA PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEMS Installed Planned capacity (lew) Type capaci ty (kw) Aug. 1954 generation immediate future 500 Diesel 160 Diesel 500 100 Diesel 2,830 Diesel EIner ency Service and other Major Powerplants CM Station 60 Diesel CAA Station 150 Diesel U.S. Army Signal Corps ~500 Diesel 500 Kenai Packing Co. 130 Diesel San Juan Dock 300 Diesel 450 U. S. Army 4,000 Steam 2~OOO Columbia Lumber Co. 1,000 Steam 11 Whittier not included as part of power market area. Service area and miles of transmission lines Homer--50 miles in service 40 miles under construc- tion Kenai--Approximately 10 miles under construction Moose Pass--l mile in :1 service Seward--2 miles in service Emergency standby CAA use Military use Industrial use Industrial use Mili tary and Civilian use Industrial use Power SupPLy and Markets FUTURE POtllER REQUIRENENTS It is not to be expected that the cost of project power to the ultimate consumer ~~ll compare favorably with low rates generally attributa.ble to hydro power in the States. Hm'lever, when the comparison is based on the annual cost of energy as a percent of the consumer's income, the picture improves. Therefore, it appears reasonable to assume that the use of electricity for lighting, cooking, refrigeration, miscellaneous heating, and for other residential and com~3rcial requirements will increase substantiallY in the decade follovdng availability of project power. In the case of large industries which must compete for Stateside or foreign markets, the cost of project power is not expected to be an inducement. Residential and Non-Farm The 1950 population of the power market area was approximate~ 4,080 people. Estimates of the population of 1954 show that an increase of about 90 percent has taken place in the past 4 years. A rapid rate of increase is expected to continue for several years with the 1960 population approaching 14,000. Assuming very little large industrial activity before 1970, the population for that year has been conservatively estimated at 20,000. Power use by this type of customer will probably increase very slowly until a substantial reduction in consumer rates can be effected. Assuming such a reduction is established b.Y 1960, the average annual residential and non-farm usage should approach 6,500 kilowatt-hours per customer b.Y 1970. Estimated customer growth and use is illustrated in the table "Estimated Load Growth 1957-1970." Farm Farming is expected to play a role of steadily increasing importance in the project power market area. An estimated 240 such customers in 1960 should jump to over 500 by 1970. Average annual use by 1970 should exceed the 7,500 kilowatt-hours shown in the accompanying table. Irrigation may prove a definite advantage in the near future. Commercial Commercial customers in Seward used an average of nearly 7,400 kilowatt-hours each in 1953. This power use despite relative~ high commercial rates illustrates a local adaptability to the utilization of modern electrical equipment. As consumer rates in the 22 Power Supply and Market s power market area decrease, average commercial power requirements will increase compounding an estimated load of over 15,000,000 kilowatt-hours by 19700 As the area grows, it is to be expected that competition l.all necessitate continual modernization by this class of customer •. Municipal and Other This clas~ification, shown as totaling 16,860,000 kilowatt- hours by 1970, is composed of street lighting and other municipal needs, Government oi.'fices, seasonal residential use, miscellaneous require:!l.ents, and distribution and transmission losses. Municipal loads should exceed 900,000 kilowatt-hours by 1970, principa1ly from street lighting, municipal utility requirements, etc., for the several small communities. Kenai Lake, Skilak Lake, Tustumena Lake, and others are ideal for development as summer recreation areas including summer homes and cabins. This is already evidenced at Kenai Lake where many such homes are located along the shores. Thirteen percent distribution and seven percent transmission losses were assumed, totaling some 14,000,000 kilOl'latt-hours in 1970. Sma1l Industrial The small industries are expected to be the backbone of the Peninsula's economy. Included in this category are such power loads as processors of fishery and forest resources, commercial airports, the Alaska Railroad, docks and warehouses, some small scale mining, etc. Mining loads, included in IIsma1l industrialif in the summary, were assumed at 100,000 kilowatt-hours in 1960 increasing to 500,000 kilowatt-hours by 1970. Very minor development of the Homer coal fields could easily account for this small load. An estimated need of 8,600,000 kilowatt-hours by 1970 for small industrial users may prove to be overly conservative. Military The military requirements shown in the table of estimated load growth are based on present and contemplated needs of the near future. The 1954 peak at the Kenai Signal Corps base was around 800 kilowatts. Estimated capacity requirements in the future are between 1,000 and 1,200 kilowatts. 23 Power Supply and Markets The Air Force refueling strip at Kenai probably required only about 25 kilO1lJatts in 1954, but enlargement of facilities is expected in the near rut ure. Capacity requirAments of the proposed military installation at Homer will probably be small. Assuming little additional military activity in the power- market area, a cons"lr'".rative peak of 1,300 kilowatts was est:imated for 1960. At a lClad f2.·?tor of between 55 and 60 percent., a military load of 6, 500,000 k~lowc'i.-c-hours "'"as derived for 1960. It is concluded that this load would be supplied by project power since the alternative would be diesel generation. SUIIIIIlary A summary of estimated load gro,ith of the power-market area is shown in the accompanying table. Drawing No. 8l2-906-20 illustrates graphically the total energy and capacity requirements and supply. It is demonstrated that the Cooper Lake Unit would be fully utilized by 1962 and the total Lawing Project firm capability needed by 1967. Possible establishment of an oil industry was not taken into account in the power-market study. Should such a development take place, however, the picture would change completely. It is assumed that project firm power will be utilized to the extent available in lieu of other generation. 24 Population--Estin~ted Cus:'omer Class Use (lOOO kwh) Residential and Nvn-Farm Farm Commercial Municipal and Other Subtotal Distribution Losses Small Industrial l\) Military Vl Subtotal Sales Transmission Losses TOTAL ENERGY RE~UIRED Capa.dt,y (10 .... ) Annual Load Factor (%) ESTIMATED LOAD GROirITH, 1957-1970 LAWING PROJECT MARKET AREA Calendar Year 1957 1929 1960 1962 1964 10,900 12,850 13,800 15,350 16,700 4,050 5,620 6,820 11,080 16,220 180 350 550 1,300 2,010 2,950 4,170 5,060 7,130 9,620 780 1.170 1.380 1.760 2 1070 7,960 11,310 13,810 21,270 29,920 1,190 1,690 2,060 3,180 4,470 3,090 3,650 4,030 5,170 6,160 6,500 6,800 7,100 12,240 16,650 26,400 36,420 47,650 920 1 2 250 1.980 _ 2.740 2.2 80 13,160 17,900 28,380 39,160 51,230 3,000 4,090 6,480 8,940 11,700 50 50 50 50 50 1966 1967 197 0 17,950 18,500 20,000 22,210 24,860 31,650 2,650 2,950 3,900 11,890 12,870 15,650 2.340 2 2470 2.82 0 39,090 43,150 54,050 5,840 6,450 8,080 7,000 7,420 8,600 . 7,400 7,550 8,000 59,330 64,570 78,730 4.470 4.860 5.930 63,800 69,430 84,660 14,560 15,850 19,330 50 50 50 (/) l- I- et ~ 0 oJ -~ IL 0 (/) 0 .~ Z et (/) ~ 0 :I: I- (/) a: ~ 0 l: l- I-et :t 0 oJ ~ IL 0 (/) z 0 ~ oJ ~ 8-10-55 LAWING PROJECT POWER MARKET REQUIREMENTS a SUPPLY PEA K 20 TOTAL DECEMBER PEAK REQUIREMEN TS I I / CRESCENT LAKE ......... r\ L / V COOPER LAKE', V 16 12 / V V .--V 8 4 o 1956 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 E TOTAL ANNUAL N E R G Y E'NERGY 90 EQUI REMENTS 80' CRESCENT LAKE ..... 70 0 · . . · . . 0 . . 0 0 0 · · 0 0 . · . 0 0 0 0 0 . · 0 . . · RESIDENTIAL 60 . . FARM 0 · · · . . 0 COMMERCIAL 0 · 0 . . . . . · · . SMALL INDUSTRIAL . . 0 ~O COOPER · · . 40 30 20 MILITARY 10 MUNICIPAL OTHER 0 1956 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 C A L E N D A R Y E A R S 812-906-20 CHAPTER IV WATER POWER Water studies f~r the project were hased on recorded runoff of Cocp~~r a~:c~ Gref;C"lnt Creeks and prec ipit9.tion re~ords of Seward. Shore resc-:rv.)ir a..l1d po·.rerplant operation "cudies covering the critical perio~·;. ,mly K-3re ffip.de for several plc\t)s of project develop:nent. A ccxpL:te J't~servoir operation study ~v-as ffia6.e for the adopteci plan fr.)lJ.J. L'L,1 ru,,·i'::' data. R.eservoir and p,)werpl3,nt capacities were than baserJ. cn t'113se sc,udies. vi ATER RESO UReES The Kenai Peninsula has a wide variation in precipitation. The western lowlands are comparatively dry while the eastern slopes of the Kenai Mounta.ins are quite wet. Normal precipitation, recorded over a pe:..'i.)d of saveral years, varies from IB.20 inches at Kasilof (in the west) to 69.92 inches at Sevard (in the east). The normal for Sterling, inland about 20 miles from Cook Inlet, is 15.9B inches, averaged over a 3-year period. Complete annual records for Whittier are not available; however, for an II-month period in 1953, IBl.57 inches were recorded. Recorded snowfall varies from 46 inches at Homer to 78 inche s at Seward. The mountains and northeast corner of the peninsula receive considerably more, with snowfall at ~fuittier in 1953 estimated to have exceeded 200 inches. Annual precipitation at Seward (record of 46 years) and at Cooper's Landing (record of 2 years) is shown graphically on Drawing No. B12-906-9. COOPER LAKE DEVELOPMENT Cooper Lake is one of several lakes feasible as a storage site for development of hYdroelectric power on the Kenai Peninsula. A low weir across Cooper Creek at the lOvler end of Cooper Lake and a tunnel invert 62 feet below the present lake level would provide storage capacity of 112,000 acre-feet, of which B3,400 acre-feet will be required for an annual firm generation of 39,000,000 kilo- watt-hours. An annual average non-firm output of 2,400,000 kvlhr could also be generatedo Drainage Basin Cooper Creek heads above Cooper Lake in the mountains on the soutmiest slopes of the Kenai River Basin. The drainage area above 26 120 I SEWARD -Record for 46 years ~ ...!J Record incomplete for these years COOPER LANDING -Record for 2 years 100 II) I&J 80 ~ z - z - 60 Z 0 - I- "' I- 0. - 40 ~ It: a. 20 JJ .JJ lJ I .. 1.1 I .. I. W III III .. I 0 1909 1914 1919 1924 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 WATER YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 PRECIPITATION AT SEWARD AND COOPER LANDING MAY 16, 1955 812-906-9 Water Power the outlet of Cooper Lake comprises 31.9 square miles. Several peaks bordering Cooper Creek Basin exceed 5,000 feet in elevation and harbor a number of permanent sn~~ields on the southern and western slopes. Frem the lake, Cooper Creek runs through a rugged wooded canyml for about 5.4 miles before discharging into the Kenai River about 2 miles below Cooper Landing. The top<'craphy of the basin is rugged ann steep, except near the head of the lake where a low saddle and more gentle slopes separate Cooper LaE.'J from Kenai La!{e. The 10l.rer slopes of the mountains above Cooper Lake are covered with a dense underbrush. Period of Study and Runoff EstLmates The Cooper Creek stream gaging station was established by the U. S. Geological Survey in August 1949. Prior to this time no \~ter supply information is available. To extend the period of record, for the purpose of reservoir operation and power production studies, a correlation curve was prepared (Draldng No. 812-906-15) by relating the water year runoff at Cooper Creek gage and water year precipitation at Sel'lard, Alaska. From the Correlation Curve, the period of record was extended back to October 1939 by estimating runoff for the period of missing record. Data established is believed reasonab~ representative of actual runoff. Hater Rights Appropriation of water in Alaska is not governed by Federal or Territorial laws. Common law, expressed in court decisions, recognizes principles of priority, beneficial use, and negotiability. In October 1954, the Chugach Electric Association, Inc., of Anchorage, Alaska, filed an application for a preliminary permit under the Federal Power Act. In June 1955, the Federal Power Commission granted a 3~onth preliminary permit to the Association to make the necessary stUdies for its proposed hydroelectric development of Cooper Lake. The Re servoir Storage at Cooper Lake is nece"ssary for tlrlO reasons: To equalize the flows i1ithin each year; and to provide holdover storage for years of below normal runoff. About 70 percent of the annual runoff occurs from June to October. The reservoir must store water during this period of high runoff to meet the greater-than-average 27 -..: 140 0 0 0 0 - (!) Z 0 120 Z <t ...J a::: W Cl. g 100 U a::: <t W Z ~ 80 w w a::: u a::: w Cl. 0 0 60 u LL. 0 LL. LL. 0 Z 40 ~ a::: ....,: Cl. W (/) I ....,: 20 u 0 • 1954 1951 1952 ANNUAL RUNOFF OF COOPER CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING versus ANNUAL PRECIPITATION I CORRELATION AT SEWARD I I CURVE LAWING PROJECT O~----~----~----~------~I------~----~ o 20 40 60 80 100 12 OCT.-SEPT. PRECIPITATION AT SEWARD-INCHES JUNE 3,1955 812-906-15 Water Power demand for firm. energy during the winter, when runoff is low. Reservoir capacity is also required to store water in wet years to meet the needs of an extended drier period. Reservoir and power operation studies show that 83,400 acre-feet of active storage capacity would be adequate for Cooper Lake Development. A capacity of 2,200 acre-feet should be provided for sediment deposition. The required capacity of 85,600 acre-feet could be obtained between the minimum operating level of 1,122 feet above sea level and the maximum operating level of 1,168 feet. Tunnel invert would be at 1,106 feet to provide 9 feet for ice cover and head on the intake. Curves showing reservoir water surface area and total storage capacity above elevation 1106 feet are shown in the accompanying sheet (Drawing No. 812-906-14). Sedimentation Quantitative data on sediment deposition in Cooper Lake are lacking. There are several small glaciers high up in the mountains of the area. Suspended sediment is carried into the lake, a portion deposited on the bottom, and the rest is carried out of the lake. The rate of deposition should not exceed 1.5 acre-feet per square mile of drainage area per year. On this basis an allowance of 2,200 acre-feet was made for sediment deposition above the minimum operating level. This allows for a 50-year period of encroachment on the active storage capacity of the reservoiro Evaporation Evaporation studies for Cooper Lake are incomplete. However, at an elevation of 1,100 feet and with the moist cool atmosphere which prevails in the area, evaporation would probably be quite small and no correction was made for this factor. . Power Head Headwater elevation on the powerplant would vary from 1,122 feet at minimum to 1,168 feet at maximum operating level. Tailwater would enter Kenai Lake at an elevation of 436 feet. Head loss between reservoir and power plant was est:iJnated for various flm\l"s. Loss would vary from 15 feet at a minimum discharge of 80 second-feet to about 75 feet at a maximum discharge of 190 second-feet. With average discharge, loss would be about 38 feet. 29 T I I I -.£.-----------1 -- 1160~1 ~~v~ I Active storage (including 2,200 a f (-for sediment deposition)-85,600 a. 1. I 1150r---~I----~--------+---------r-------A/Y---------+-------~ I I I I I 1140r---~1-----r----------+---------~/+-~------~----------4---------~ I CAPACITY-/ ~ i )--AREA ~ 1130r----,----~----------~--~~--_+----------+_--------~--------~ > W -.J W i /V/M;o;m"m opeco,;og , ... ,-EI. 1122.0 i-r-r--/~I--I "I I "20r----~Vr+----~~~:------+--------+--------T---~---' / I _Inactive storage to provide depth for r head and ice cover -26,400 a. f. " 10 ~ I k(L ----c L AREA an~ CAPACITY CURVES --Tunnel invert - E I. 1106.0 COOPER LAKE I 100r---------~----~----+---------_+----------+_--------_+--------~ AREA IN ACRES I 1090~--------16~0-0--------1-7~0-0--------1-8~0-0--------19-0~0--------2-0~O_O ________ ~ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 CAPACITY IN THOUSANDS OF ACRE-FEET SEPT. 20,1955 812-906-14 c c c Water Power Based on these figures, the net power head would vary from 612 to 717 feet. Overall Efficiency Estimate of overall powerplant efficien~ includes allowances for leaka.ge at control gates, power use for station servicp-s, and efficiencies of turbines, generators, and step-up transformers. It does not include losses in transmission lines or step-down transformars. Because of relatively small percentage change in net power head, no variation was made in overall efficiency at 80 percent for all heads. Reservoir Releases Controlled releases from Cooper Lake would be made for power generation only. Adequate historical data regarding monthly load distribution in the local power market area are lacking. Future average load distribution was estimated and adjusted to future conditions of residential, commercial, and industrial loads. The following table shows this monthly distribution: Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Reservoir Operation Study Total Estimated Future Average Load Distribution (Percent) 9.0 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 100.0 A theoretical operation study of the reservoir and powerplant on a fill-and-spill basis was made for the period of study from October 1939 to September 1954. The oper~tion study was based on an active reservoir capacity of 85,600 acre-feet and a firm energy output of 39,000,000 kilowatt-hours annually. Precipitation and runoff 30 c c Water Power data indicate the reservoir would be full at the beginning of the operation study. Both tabular and graphical sUllIllB.ries of the entire study are shown herein (Drawing No. 812-906-18). Energy Output and Installed Powerplant Capacity Annual firm energy out put of Cooper Lake Powerplant would be 39,000,000 kilOl'latt-hours. At a plant factor of 50 percent, a 9,000 kilowatt plant would be required to supp~ the firm load. In some years water would be available for generation of non-firm energy. The bulk of this out put would be concentrated in August, September, and October, if the reservoir is operated on a fill-ffild-spill basis. Because of the small amount of energy involved and its limited value as dump energy, no generating capacity was included for its exclusive production. With a plant capacity of 9,000 kilowatts and a fill-and-spill operation, an annual average of 2,400,000 kilowatt-hours of non-firm energy could be produced during the period of study. CEESCENT LAKE DEVELOPMENT Crescent Lake is another lake feasible as a storage site for development of ~roelectric power on the Kenai Peninsula. A dam across the lower end of Crescent Lake and a channel connecting Crescent and Carter Lakes would provide a storage capacity of 61,000 acre-feet. This capacity would permit an annual generation of 30,500#000 kilowatt-hours of firm energy. An annual average non-firm output of about 1,700,000 kwh could also be generated. Drainage Basin Crescent Lake is bordered on two sides by high peaks and steep slopes. At its head a low saddle separates Crescent Lake from Carter Lake which drains in the opposite direction. The lower slopes of these two basins support very little timber, but are covered with a dense growth of small alder and willow. Several short creeks, one stemming fram a small glacier, drain into Crescent and Carter Lakes from the surrounding mountains. The total drainage area which would contribute to the reservoir would be 24.6 square miles. Of this total area, 23.0 square miles is present Crescent Lake Basin and 1.6 square miles is present Carter Lake Basin. Period of Study and Runoff Estimates The U. S. Geological Survey gaging station on Crescent Creek was installed in August 1949. The gage is located about 4 miles down-C stream. from Crescent Lake outlet and about the same distance upstream. 31 ..... w W La.. I W a: u « La.. o (/) o z « (/) 8~-----.-------.------.-------'------,-------r------'-------'------'-------'------'-------'------'-------'------.8 WATER YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 ENERGY OUTPUT 120r------.-------.------.-------,------,-------r------,-------,------,-------,------.-------,------.-------r------,IZO oolL-~~-+~~~~~--~+-+_----~~_+-+--~~~~--~+-4_--~~-----I4_-----r--~--+-----~r_-----t------~------1100 (/) !.LO:: o=> o I (/)1 z ..... 0 ..... -« j~ -0 ::::E....J ~ ..... w W LL I W 0:: o « !.L o (/) o z « (/) => o I ..... 4O~-------+------~------+_----~L-----_+------~------+_----~------_+------1_------+_----~--~--~~~T_~------140 g 20~--~~----~H-----~~----~----~~----_4------~------t_----_t------~----~r_----~------t_---rTi------~ WATER YE AR ENOl NG SEPTEM BER 30 RESERVOIR OPERATION June 21,1955 I ..... EXPLANATION ~ Firm Energy Output Non-Firm Energy Output EXPLA NATION Release for Firm Power Release for Non-Firm Power Spill Reservoir Content above EI. 1,106 Inflow to Reservoir UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION ALASKA DISTRICT RESERVOIR OPERATION and ENERGY OUTPUT LAWING PROJECT COOPER LAKE UNIT 812-906-18 c SUMMARY Operation of Cooper Lake Reservoir and Powerp1ant · · · ........ · · J... · ........ · · • • • m : e Release · ~ :Tota1 reservoir content: Theoretical Q) 0 ~~ · • ~~C"'\ • 0 • for power .r-Im : (1000 a.f.) · energy r:: ·r-Im .r-I • J...:a • :'Eo · production • OM 8 : End · : output Q) ~ · • A. · ~S:A. • HO (1.000 a.f.) .Cf)O : of · Max. Min • : (Million kw-hr) m Q) Q) • 0 • r-I · ~ Cf) r-I l. Firm: Nonfirm : ......, : zear : Firm : Nonfirm ...., 1939 : , 112.0 · · 1940 : 92.7 : 68.5 16.6 7.6 112.0 : 112.0 90.4 : 39.0 9.0 1941 : 94.6 : 68.6 15·,,9 10.8 111.3 : 112.0 • 90.4 : 39.0 8.6 • 1942 : 77.2 : 68.1 6.9 1.5 · 112.0 112.0 84.3 : 39.0 • 3.8 • • 1943 : 52.5 : 67.8 0 0 : 96.7 : 112.0 80.6 : 39.0 • 0 • 1944 :110.4 · 613.6 · 13.3 · 13.2 112.0 • 112.0 87.5 : 39.0 : 7.2 • · • • 1945 : 77.6 : ,;8.0 · 8.9 0.7 112.0 112.0 89.5 : 39.0 4.9 · 1946 58.7 : t8.0 4.1 0 98.6 : 112.0 · 83.6 : 39.0 · 2.2 • • 1947 66.6 : 68.1 : 0 0 97.1 : 101.1 · 74.8 : 39.0 0 • 1948 · 70.5 : 6a.0 • 0 · 0 · 99.6 : 99.6 · 77.8 : 39.0 · 0 • • · · • · 1949 58.7 : 68.1 : 0 : 0 90.2 : 103.0 • 74.3 : 39.0 • 0 · · 1950 63.6 : 68.3 0 0 · 85.5 · 91.8 • 6606 : 39.0 · 0 · • · · 1951 : 47.5 : 69.3 • 0 · 0 63.7 : 83.9 • 53.7 : 39.0 • 0 • · · • 1952 : 43.9 : 70.7 • 0 0 36.9 · 61 .. 5 28.6 : 39.0 • 0 · · • C 1953 :109.5 : 70.2 0 : 0 76.2 · 76.2 · 30.5 : 39.0 • 0 · · " 1954 : 58.3 : 69.5 • 0 0 65.0 78.1 · 50.7 : 39.0 0 · · · · · : · · • Mean : 72.2 : 68.7 !±.4 : 2.3 · • : 39.0 · 2.4 · · • c 32 c c c Water Power trom Kenai Lake. The total Crescent Creek drainage area above the gage is 32.4 square miles of which 9.4 square miles drains into the creek belm" Crescent Lake. It is estimated that about 72 percent of the runoff at the gage could be utilized by the project. A correlation of water year runoff for the 5-year period of record at the Crescent Creek gage and water year precipitation at Seward is shown in the accompanying curve (Drawing No. 812-906-16). Based on this correlation, estimates of runoff were made for a period from October 1939 to August 1949, extending the period of stuqy from October 1939 to September 1954. Runoff per square mile of Crescent Lake drainage basin was determined, enabling estimates of total project drainage basin runoff to be made. During winter and spring the outlet flow is a smaller percentage of the gage flo\v than estimated for the annual average. This is because precipitation at higher elevations stays on the ground as accumulated sno~~all and does not appear as immediate runoff because of dela.yed melting. From June through November outlet flow will be a higher percentage of gage flow than assumed for the annual average because of melting of a greater accumulated snowfall and more preCipita- tion at higher elevations appearing as immediate runoff. Estimated runoff at the outlet of Crescent Lake, as used in the power operation studies, is shown in the accompanying table. Water Rights Appropriation of water in Alaska is not governed by Federal or Territorial laws. Cammon law, expressed in court decisions, recognizes principles of priority, beneficial use, highest use, and negotiability. In May 1955, the City of Seward, Alaska, was granted a three-year preliminar.y permit by the Federal Power Commission for studies of the area for a proposed bydroelectric project. The Reservoir Storage at Crescent Lake is necessar.y to equalize flows within each year and to provide hold-over water storage for years with belOW' normal runoff. About 70 percent of the annual runoff occurs from June to October. During this period of high runoff, the reservoir must store water to meet the greater-than-average demand for firm energy during the winter when runoff is low. Reservoir capacity is also required to store water in wet years to meet the needs of an extended dr,v period. 3.3 ,,,.'" 140 ...: C 0 0 0 - I 120 (!) z 0 z <{ ...J a:: 100 ~ / a. 0 0 u a:: <{ ~ z ~ ~ ~ a:: u ..... z ~ u (/) ~ a:: u LL 0 LL LL 0 Z => a:: ...,: a. ~ (/) I ...,: u 0 80 60 40 20 ANNUAL RUNOFF OF CRESCENT CREEK NEAR COOPER LANDING ANNUAL versus PRECIPitATION AT SEWARD ", / /' /' ~/ ///' 1950 /' 1954 .1././ Adjusted runoff of 1-------+------+-~-----::J~19-5-1--+----:::'JI1"--Crescent Creek at -------I • ,/ ,/ Crescent La ke outlet / ::" (proportional to droinoge areas) /' /' CORRELATION CURVE 1 ///-:/" , , LAWING PROJECT o~----~------~----~------~I------~----~ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 OCT.-SEPT. PRECIPITATION AT SEWARD -INCHES JUNE 6, 1gee 812-906-16 () () Runoff of Crescent Creek at Crescent Dam Site Drainage Area: 24.6 square miles Unit . 1,000 acre-feet . Year . Oct. : Nov. : Dec. Jan. : Feb. : Mar. Apr • May June : July : Aug. : Sept. : Total . 1940 : 3.3 · 2.3 :: 1.9 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 4.1 · 9.5 10.8 : 11.1 : 6.1 53.2 · · 1941 5.8 : 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.0 : 0.9 0.9 4.3 : 10.0 11.2 : 12.3 · 2.8 54.4 · 1942 1.9 · 1.0 2.0 : 1.1 • 0.8 : 0.7 0.8 3.6 : 8.1 9.2 10.6 : 3.6 43.4 · . 1943 3.3 : 0.5 0.2 0.8 : 0.6 : 0.5 0.5 2.5 · 5.6 : 6.3 3.8 : 5.4 30.0 · 1944 4.8 : 6.3 3.2 1.6 : 1.2: 1.0 1.1: 5.0 : 11.6 : 13.2 12.2 : 3.8 65.0 1945 4.9 · 3.0 1.2 1.0 : 0.8 0.7 0.7 3.3 : 7.8 : 8.8 8.3 · 3.2 43.7 · · ~ 1946 5.9 : 1.1 1.0 0.8 : 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.5 : 5.8 6.6 4.7 : 2.8 33.0 .s:-1947 4.8 : 1.9 0.6 1.0: 0.7 0.6 0.7 3.0 : 6.8 7.7 5.1 : 4.3 37.2 Average 1948 3.5 · 4.5 1.6 1.0 : 0.8 0.7 0.7 3.2 : 7.4 8.3 3.9 : 4.0 39.6 41.23 · 1949 5.4 : 1.9 0.4 0.8 : 0.6 0.5 0.5 2.4 : 5.6 6.3 · 4.4 : 4.4 33.2 · 1950 4.1 : 4.7 2.4 : 1.3 0.7 : 0.6 0.7 2.1 : 6.4 5.0 : 2.8 : 5.1 35.9 1951 2.2 : 1.2 0.8 : 0.7 0.6 : 0.5 0.9 3.0 : 5.2 4.6 · 2.7 5.1 27.5 · 1952 2.6 : 1.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 5.7 5.6 : 3.7 2.8 26.7 1953 6.9 : 7.2 3.2 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.2 5.4 : 15.5 : 12.0 : 5.4 4.0 65.3 1254 4.4 : 1.9 leI : 0.7 O.~ 0.1 0·1 2·7 : 6.0 : ~.7 : ~.5 2·2 JO·l c c Water Power Reservoir and power operation studies show that 39,800 acre- feet of active storage capacity would be adequate to generate 30,500,000 kilowatt-hours annually. Capacity of 2,000 acre-feet should be provided for sediment deposition. The total active storage capacity of 41,800 acre-feet could be obtained between the minimum operating level of 1,460 feet above sea level and the maximum operating level of 1,4B6 feet. Channel invert would be at 1,446 feet to provide 8 feet for ice cover and head on the intake. Curves showing reservoir water surface area and total storage capacity above an elevation of 1,446 feet are shown on Drawing No. B12-906-l0. Sedimentation Quantitative data on sediment deposition in Crescent Lake are lacking. There is one small glacier in the mountains south of the lake. Suspended sed:im.ent is carried into the lake, a portion deposited on the bottom, and the rest carried out. The rate of deposition should not exceed 1.5 acre-feet per square mile of drainage area per year. On this basis an allowance of 2,000 acre-feet was made for sediment deposition above the minimum operating level. This allows for a 50-year period of encroachment on the active storage capacity of the reservoir. Evaporation Evaporation is not expected to be a significant factor and therefore was not taken into accol.ll1t in the water supply studies. Power Head Headwater elevation on the powerplant 't'lould vary from 1,460 feet minimum to l,4B6 feet at maximum operating level. Tail- water surface would be at elevation 486 feet. Head loss between reservoir and power plant was estimated for various flows. Loss would vary from 2 feet at a minimum discharge of 60 second-feet to about 6 feet at a maximum discharge of 104 second- feet. With average discharge, loss would be about 3 feet. Based on these figures, net power head would vary fram 96B feet to 99B feeto Overall Efficiency Estimate of overall powerplant efficiency includes allowances for leakage at the control gates, power use for station services, and efficiencies of turbines, generators, and step-up 35 (\ () (" 1500 1490r-------+-----~-----_+-----4-----_4-----4_------~~~----~----~ .... -Maximum operating level -EI. 1486 T L ____ _ I 1480r------+--+----------+--------+----------+---------~~---~+_-------~--------~------_; I I I AREA z I Active storage (including 2,000 o > for sediment deposltion)-~ 1470 t-----t--+ 41,800 a. f. +------+---~"c.......---+_-----r-__i_--------+_------__t--------_+_----__t > Note: ~ I Dead storage below EI. 1446 UJ I is approxi mately 168,700 a. f. I I 1460 1-------1 1450 I---_~~ -Minimum operating level -EI. J 460 ---+------~r------_+_--------___I AREA and CAPACITY CURVES Inactive storage to I provide depth for ---::10'----1-----+>-head and ice cover -____ --+-___ _ CRESCENT LAKE I 19,200 a.f. ---1.-t-- AREA I NACRES 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 14400L---~----1~0--------~2~0~------~3~0~------~4~0~~~~~5~0~~~~==6~0~========~70~==~~~~8~0~------~90 CAPACITY IN THOUSANDS OF ACRE-FEET MAY 17, 1955 812-906-10 c c c l~ater Power transtormers. It does not include electrical losses in transmission lines or step-down transfo~mers. Because of relative~ small percentage change in net power head, no variation was made in overall efficiency estimated at 80 percent for all heads. Reservoir Releases Controlled releases from Crescent Lake would be made tor power generation on~. Adequate historical data r~garding monthly load distribution in the local power area are lacking. Future average load distribution was estimated and adjusted to future conditions of residential, commercial, and industrial loads. The following table shows this month~ distribution: Month January February March April Viay June JuJy August September October November December Reservoir Operation Studies Total Estimated Future Average Load Distribution (Percent) 9.0 B.5 8.0 B.O 7.5 7.5 7.5 B.O B.O 9.0 9.0 10.0 100.0 A theoretical operation study of the reservoir and powerplant on a fill-and-spill basis was made for the period of study from October 1939 to September 1954. The operation study was based on an active reservoir capacity of 41,800 acre-feet and a firm energy output of 30,500,000 kilowatt-hours annually. Precipitation and runoff indicate the reservoir would be full at the beginning ot the operation study. Both tabular and graphical summaries of the entire study are shown herein. (Drawing No. B12-906-19). Energy Output and Installed Powerplant Capacity Annual firm energy output of Crescent Lake Powerplant would be 30,500,000 kilm1ffi.tt-hours. At a plant factor of 50 percent, a 7,000-kilowatt plant "10uld be required to supply the firm load. 36 c SUMMARY Operation of Crescent Lake Reservoir and Powerplant tot · ,..-.., · ..--.. "" · . · . ~ 0 • to-1 Release · '+-4 :Tota1 reservoir content: Theoretical tIl)C"\ · ~ . .~ . 00 cO for power • r-I cO 0 (1000 a.f.) energy MS:::. .~ o·M · II) ..... ~ o~ 0 production .p.o : End : output ~ "C1 P. o 0 o tI) 0 cO s::: Q) oHO 0 (1000 aof.) 0 : of Max. Min. : (Million kw-hr) !3:a>CI) o ~ 0 rl '-' : Firm : Nonfirm : '-' : zear · : Firm : Nonfiru · 1939 : . · 0 : 61.0 · • • · · 1940 53.2 : 37.4 : 9.2 6.6 61.0 61.0 49.1 30.5: 7.4 1941 54.4 : 37.4 : 8.5 · 8.6 60.9 · 61.0 48 .. 8 : 30.5: 4.8 · · 1942 : 43 .. 4 : 37.4 : 3.0 : 2.9 · 61 .. 0 61.0 0 45.7 · 3005: 2.5 · · • 1943 : 30 00 : 37.4 : 0 : 0 · 53.6 • 61.0 · 43.7 • 30.5: 0 0 · · • 1944 : 65.0 : 37.4 : 7.5 : 12.7 61.0 · 61.0 · 49.3 • 30.5: 6.0 • · · 1945 : 43.7 : 3704 · 4.8 : 1.5 · 61.0 0 61.0 : 48.2 : 30.5: 4.0 · · 0 1946 : 33.0 : 37.4 · 2.6 · 0 : 54.0 : 61.0 · 45.3 : 30.5: 2.1 · · · 1947 : 37.2 : 37.4 · 0 · 0 · 53.8 · 55.5 40.8 • 30.5: 0 · · · · · 1948 : 39.6 : 37.4 · 0 · 0 : 56.0 : 56.0 : 43.1 : 30.5 : 0 · · 1949 : 33.2 : 37.6 · 0 · 0 : 51.6 58.1 .. 42.3 • 30.5: 0 · · · • 1950 : 35.9 : 37.6 0 : 0 · 49.9 · 53.7 · 42 .. 0 : 30.5: 0 0 · · 1951 : 27.5 : 38.1 : 0 0 : 39.3 4S.8 · 33.1 : 30.5: 0 · 1952 : 26.7 : 38.6 · 0 0 · 27.4 38.5 • 21.2 30.5: 0 · · · C 1953 : 65.3 : 38.1 : 0 : 0 : 54.6 54.6 : 26.4 30.5: 0 1959: : 30.7 : 37.6 · 0 0 47.7 : 55.7: 40.4 30.5: 0 · Mean : 41.2 : 37.5 2.4 · 2.1 : 0 · 20 •5: 1 .. 7 .. .. · c 37 WATER YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 ENERGY OUTPUT O.------~------.-------._------._------r_----_.------_.------_.------_r------._------._------._------._------,------,70 O~----.H~----~H-----~K_------+_--_+~~----_4------~------_+------~------~------4_------+_------+_--_+4_~-----110 1941 1943 1944 . 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 WATER YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 RESERVOIR OPERATION Sept. 23, 1955 ---------_.". -" -"-_. --",--"-_ .... --....... EXPLANATION Firm Energy Output Non-Firm Energy Output UNITED STATES D EPARTM ENT OF THE 1 NTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION ALASKA DISTRICT RESERVOI R OPERATION and ENERGY OUTPUT LAWI NG PROJ ECT CRESCENT LAKE UNIT 812-906-19 c c c Water Power In some years water would be available for generation of non-firm energy. The bulk of this out put would be concentrated in August and September, if the reservoir is operated on a fill-and- spill basis. Here again, the small amount of energy involved and its limited use and value precludes installation of extra capacity for its exclusive production. With a plant capacity of 7,000 kilo- watts and fill-and-spill operation, an annual average of 1,700,000 kilowatt-hours of non-firm energy could be produced during the period of study. 38 c CHAPTER V PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Development of Cooper and Crescent Lakes would be for a single purpose, generation of hydro-electric power. Need for this project is based on the local high cost of diesel generation, anticipated population growth, and to encourage industrial development within the area. The plan of development shown on Drawing No. 812-906-13 encompasses Cooper and Crescent Lakes, topographical~ unrelated, but favorably placed geographically for an integrated power operation. Cooper and Crescent Lakes lie above but on opposite shores of Kenai Lake. The water of Crescent Lake drains into Kenai Lake, whereas Cooper Lake drains into Kenai River, a short distance below the mouth of Kenai Lake. Cooper Lake Water from Cooper Lake would be conveyed through a tunnel and steel penstock to a powerplant located on the west shore of Kenai Lake. A low weir is proposed at the lake's outlet. An active storage of 83,400 acre-feet and 2,200 acre-feet of sediment storage would be obtained between elevations 1168 and ll22 feet. The powerplant would have an installed capacity of 9,000 kilowatts. A profile and sections of the Cooper Lake Unit are shown on Drawing No. 8l2-906-2. Crescent Lake An earth dam constructed to elevation 1492 feet would create an active storage in Crescent Lake of 39,800 acre-feet and provide 2,000 acre-feet of sediment storage between elevations 1486 and 1460 feet. Flow from Crescent Lake would be reversed through Carter Lake and then to Upper Trail Lake. A 4,830-foot section of 6-foot-diameter precast concrete pipe would be placed in a channel cut between Crescent and Carter Lakes. At the outlet of Carter Lake another section of pipe, 1,540 feet in length and placed in an excavated channel, would connect with a 60-inch-diameter steel penstock at Station 87/40. A surge tank, 20 feet in diameter, would be placed at Station 116100. The penstock would have a total length of about 5,670 feet and would terminate in the powerhouse a short distance from Upper Trail Lake. Installed capacity of the powerplant would be 7,000 kilowatts. A profile and sections of the Crescent Lake Unit are shown on Drawings No. 812-906-11 and No. 812-906-12. 39 Cooper Landing Cooper Lake ~L ll' \~ ~ \ \PENSTOCK \ \TUNNEL CAN A D A , \ ANCHORAGE KEV MAP UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION ALASKA DISTRICT LAWING PROJECT COOPER LAKE UNIT AND CRESCENT LAKE UNIT PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT MAY 24,1955 812-906-15 1600 1400 y~' COOPER LAKE Norm. W. S. El 1168~ \ \ 1:-7~0" Dio. Gofe Shoff ---1200 en z ~r I I I Troshrock/ ~rco ;!;,g 0 -1000 I- et ~It;:i > 800 "'I '" ..J '" 600 400 200 0+00 STATIONS 12+00 8 B UNSUPPORTED TUNNEL SECTIONS Oct. 21,1954, Rev. June 1,1955 ~~~~ . -.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ""'" ,. ----Original ground surface -----~~ .. ~, /Top of toni EL 1180' .;,'7'-0" Dio. Tunnel S = .002 ~~ ~-20~0. ra Slfr,e, Tllnt 01-"" 24+00 36+00 SUPPORTED <S Ci 'b -I .... 1 48+00 ~ 20'-0"Dio.';o< .1-t"''''''''''''d=o=''',;'''''., """"'''''rt---T 1 r T~·~.';,<·'::/}."<;f EI. /096./' -_/ SURGE TANK colcO ~I~ .... 1- ~1i:U "'1 . PROFILE ~ COOPER LAKE MilS. EL 116B'_ ...... Or;,;no/ Grolfllll Slfrfll~e, I >'I Ezanllted -" ,/ I I I ., I .... Trlls"rlld - / SM:: wsl 5' X" SIf/tlletHI Gllte --' ~I~ ~I ~::::~I ~It;:i~ INTAKE PROFILE .... -4~0· Dia pensfoc~ / 1 ~. """, /'·~'I p"" I KENAI LAKE NOTE, W. S. EI. 435.7'-, .0, h"'U ".,,;., ., ... " Co.. ~ ., Mali ••• elewotion observed Sept. 1938 ____ -442.12 lIini ••• elewotion observed Apr 23,1934 ____ 430.37 ----- 96+00 108+00 UNITED STATES DEPARTM ENT OF' THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION ALASKA DISTRICT LAWI NG PROJECT COOPER LAKE DEVELOPMENT --- PROFILE-TUNNEL 8 PENSTOCK I I I 600 400 200 en z I o 000 - I- BOO > '" ..J '" 600 400 200 812-906-2 z 0 ~ c( > III ..J III MAY 20,1955 A f+ 1550 1525 /Cr~sf £1. 1492 .......... , 1500 1415 1450 ' ... ...., I ........ -,<~-~ -~~ "' .... ·~'l'rq."wl¥. .. ~ ---"" '" ... ~ '-, -,... --... -Original ground surfac~ --->< ---........... 14Z5 --,----' ... 1------ - - - - -...... --Assum~d ~lcavafion lin~ --- 1400 0+00 A- I I 1+00 2+00 3+00 Nof~: Topogrophy fat~n from U S. G. S. ShHf --Cruanf Ltlt~, Altlsttl-1953; wifh minor chtlng~s on dtlm tlxis b, U5.B.R. 400 o PLAN SCALE IN FEET 400 100 IZOO -.l I 4+00 PROFILE Moximum N ~L lr- 5+00 op~rafing If. S. £1. 1486-, . " I 6+00 7+00 1 1 --1/0' t- SECTION A-A UNITIEO STATIES OEPAItT.IENT OF THIE INTIEItIOIt IIUItIEAU OF ItIECLA.ATIOtI ALASKA DISTRICT LAWING PROJECT CRESCENT LAKE DEVELOPMENT DAM AREA 1 GENERAL PLAN AND SECTIONS 1550 1525 Z 1500 0 ---... 1415 c( > 1&1 1450 ..J 1&1. 1425 1400 8+00 Maf~rial 812-906-11 1500 ~--Maximum operating It: 5 EI. 1486.0 14eO Z 0 I-14eo " e > .., ...J of 'Channel-EI. 1446.0 .., 0+00 5+00 10+00 15+00 20+00 25+00 30+00 35+00 CONCRETE PIPE .... / 40+00 PROFILE ALONG CHANNEL VERTICAL SCALE 20 0 I, ! I HORIZONTAL SCALE 500 o I • , I , 100 I 1000 I eo+oo --~---,---------,---------,---------,---------,---------,---------,---------,---------,--------~--------~--------~---------,Ieoo /' PENSTOCK ----~9=0~+00~----~9~5~+0~0~----~10~0+~0~0~----~10~~~0~0~----~11~0~+0~0~----~11~5l+0~0~----1~2~ol+0~0~----~12~~lO-0-------13-0l+0-0------1-3-5+LO-0------1-4-0+oL-0-------14-~LO-0------~400 ~, REV. JULY 27, 1955 PROFILE ALONG PENSTOCK VERTICAL SCALE 100 0 500 I , , , .! I 500 ! , HORIZONTAL SCALE o , , I 1000 I u+OO ."ater surface} ~I ~Io 1500 ctl"'" ~I~ 1480 ~IQ) !I~ ~IU) 1460 '-EI. 1446.0 1440 :r:: ::~ ~::; 1420 70+00 75+00 90+00 ~ ~ .. ~. . . • '. 11/ • Q/ ,.' . I . . G • .:s: '. 0 . 1--J' Min. . • _1 . --72" Diameter Precast Concrete Pipe I I I , I 104--6---.4 CHANNEL SECT/ON SHOWING PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE Diameter STEEL PENSTOCK SECT/ON Z 0 l- e > .., ...J .., 2000 o PLAN SCALE OF FEET 2000 4000 UNITEO STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION ALASKA DISTRICT LAWING PROJECT CRESCENT LAKE DEVELOPMENT DIVERSION SYSTEM GENERAL PLAN AND SECTIONS 6000 812-906-12 Interior -Reclamation -Denver. Colo. c Plan of Developnent COOPER LAKE DEVEIDPMENr Accessibility There is no road to Cooper Lake. The canyon through which Cooper Creek flows is steep, rugged, and covered by timber. The site of the weir has lush vegetation but is easi~ passable. The tunnel intake near the upper end of the Lake is covered with an extreme~ dense growth of dwarf alders and willows. These are interspersed with spruce, birch, and aspen trees, with some hemlock and cottonwood. MOst of the shrub- covered areas over the tunnel line are difficult to traverse. Travel to Cooper Lake is easi~ accomplished by seaplane. In the powerhouse area on the shore of Kenai Lake the evergreens predominate, with sparse underbrush. This area can be reached b,y seaplane and by boat from Cooper Landing. B.1 extending the Forest Service Road along the southwest shore of the Lake, men, equipnent, and materials could be transported b,y road to the powerhouse and tunnel sites. Right s of Way All project works would be located in the Chugach National Forest. Permits for timber removal in clearing construction sites and c:; power lines must be obtained from the Forest Service. c Housing A Government C~p would be located on the shore of Kenai Lake, near the powerplant site. The facilities would include five residences for permanent operating personnel. In addition, an office, a warehouse, and a garage would be built. A c~p would be established at Cooper Lake. It would include facilities required for a permanent c~p and construction work. Construction Period Construction would be completed three years after awarding the initial contract. This is based on normal operation, assuming funds, labor, and materials are readi~ available. vlork on the penstock and the powerplant might be stopped at times by severe weather. Reservoir The water surface of Cooper Lake remains constant except for flood conditions during s~er and early fall. Elevation of the water surface is 1,167.7 feet above mean sea level; regulation at this level would be controlled b,y a weir, over which water would spill into Cooper 40 - 3 Plan of Deve10enent Creek. The reservoir would have an active storage of 83,400 acre-feet between elevations 1168 and 1122 feet, the latter being the minimum operating water surface. Waterways All water entering Cooper Lake except that which would spill over the weir would be diverted through a 7-foot circular reinforced concrete pressure tunnel tor power development. Its invert at Cooper Lake would be placed at elevation 1106 feet. This would be 16 feet below minimum operating level. The turme1 would have a slope of 0.002 and would be 4,900 feet long. Maximum discharge would be 190 second.feet at which the velocity would be 4.93 feet per second. A 7-foot-diameter gate shaft at Station 4fb9.S would house a 5-foot b.Y 7-foot bulkhead gate. A trashrack at Station 3f60 would prevent debris frOlll entering the tunnel. At station 52/-00 a surge tank with an inside diameter of 20 feet would extend 84 feet above the mountain to elevation 1180 feet. A 48-inch steel penstock laid on the surface would extend a distance of 5,200 feet from the tunnel to the powerplant, branching into two pipes before reaching the turbines. Maximum velocity of flow in the penstock would be 15.13 feet per second. A butterfly valve would be installed in each pipe just ahead of the turbine. <=:. Powerplant .c . Cooper Lake Powerplant would be located about 9 miles southeast of Cooper Landing on the western shore of Kenai Lake. Each of the two generating units would have an installed capacity of 4,500 kUowatts. Centerline of the turbine would be at elevation 436 feet. Water from the powerplantwould discharge into Kenai Lake. GeOlogic Conditions The description given in Appendix I, Part A, of geologic conditions is based primarilY on field investigations conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1954. Information was also obtained from report s by the Geological Survey. Cost Estimates The total construction cost of Cooper Lake Unit is estimated at $6,626,000 based on April 1955 price level. The entire cost is reimbursable. Summarized on Fo~ PF-l, Official Estimate, the total cost includes field investigations, designs, construction exPense, opera- tion and maintenance during construction, overhead, and contingencies. 41 UNI TED STAT"£S DEPlUn'MENT 0 .. ntE IN'TERIOft OFFICIAL Project: __ }"'&(J~Jl. _____________________________ BUREAU 0 .. MelLAMAnoN P'OItM PI"·I (REV. SEPT.I.5IU ESTIMATE ____ CQQ2t.:t.J&J~!' _____________________ Prepared by: _____ ~!_.!3.!_:!'~l!~: _______ Approved by: ______________________ Dote of Estimote:--J:1J.Ilft.J,95.~---------r-T--SheeL __ of _____ Uniform Unit Total Construction Materials Construction Other Previous Cost DESCRIPTION Quantity and Labor Official Classification Cost Estimate Contracts Supplies Facilities Cos1s Estimate " (8) (10) (I) {2 ) .. (3) (4) (5) -.i~ __ I-m (~ {II->-_ -------t-----,--'-----_.------01.01 COOPER LAKE DAM (Weir l and RESERVOIR $ 8.1 000 _ 7,000 $ 100 $ 900 -._----- 11.01 POWERPLANT {732-foot head} 9 1 000 kw 6,261,000 69.900 685.000 ----- 11.01.32 Clearing Lands 23,000 - 11.01.33 Structures and Improvements 546,000 --11.01.36 Waterways 3,923,100 ---.. -------1l.01.41 Turbines and Generators 780.000 11.01.48 Accessory Electrical Equipment 156,000 --11.01.49 Miscellaneous Equipment -78,000 ---. 15 GENERAL PROPERTY 357,000 --15.01 Government Camp 313.000 6.000 38.000 _. . TOTALS 6.626.000 5.826.100 76.000 723.900 GL 130 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES --------f--(76.000) (9.000) .33 Structures and Improvements (24.000) .72 Office Furniture and EQuilXllent ( 24.000) .73 Transportation Equipment (19.000) ._--1----Gross Cost GL 130 --_. (76,000) Less Sa1va2e 0 Net Cost (cleared to oermanent nroperty) (76 000) GL 142 PROJECT INVE::rrIG4.TIONS (17,0501 ~h~,..a_ to '_nt_ ~v (36.050) In to GL 110 (1.000) Gl ll1 GENERAL EXPDl SE (695.850) --Charge to GL 130 --------_ ... .... _------------.. (8.000) Char2e to permanent property -------....... _ ..... -----_ .. "_ .. ----.. ~-----1---I--(687 .850) ---_. __ ._-----------_. -----._----- Desi2n & Specifications S267 ,350 -------_._-~ ------------------_.- Supervision of Construction) 321.450 -_ .. _---._----._--------_. General Exoensee 107 01)0 (Total 1695 850 -----_. _ .. _-----------------------f----- _. ---_._------_ .. _-------. --- - - -_._------- -----1----------------- --------- LEGEND: Types of ActIviIr PnIconIIrUCtion ConItructlon Mm;;;!' . \ PROGRAM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT 2 3 4 I POWER DEVELOPMl!XT 9000 lor f 3 108 Construction Pro2rUl 4 01.01 Cooner Lake Dam (Weir) 5 li.Ol Cooper Lake Powerplant 6 15 General Property 7 8 TOTAL COST 9 10 Transfers Credits and other Exnendituree \I 12 TOTAL EIPDlDI'l'IJRES U 14 15 Allotment Reauired " 17 18 19 20 fl f2 23 f4 25 2' f7 28 ft 30 J\ J2 33 Notes: ESTIMATED TOTAL TO FISCAL YEARS ls~ Year 2nd Year 3rd Year tOTAl. I • 7 8 ' II 10 II 12 13 BALANCE TO COMPLETE 14 ESTIMATED COMPlETION DATE 15 8000 400 7.600 6.261.000 <tAli _nM 3 876 000 2.000.000 357.000 '0;7.000 6.626.000 385.400 4.233.000 2.rxn.600 6.588.950 -37.050 385.400 4.233.000 2.rxn.600 6.588.950 385.400 4.210.000 . Approved: Revised: tbilel (bilel (Diiil SHElT ____ 0' _____ SN[[TS F ..... PF-2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CONTROL SCHEDULE FOR THE Laving-Cooper Lake PROJECT OR UNIT Alaska District June 1955 Of"CI o &E.EIlAL I.VESflGAfla.S IitI COIISTIIUCT_ eAn ..... o OPE.AT_ •• AI.TE.AIICE o OT"E. 4 5 6 • 9 10 II 12 Il 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 fJ f4 .f5 26 27 28 ft ..".. ... c c. c Plan of Development Estimated annual cost of operation and maintenance is $100,000 for all project features, including waterways, powerplant, and all incidental works necessary to project operations, but excluding a transmission s.ystem. Estimated annual provision for necessar,y replacements of project works is $30,000. The above est1mates, both of construction cost and annual cost, are only reconnaissance grade. Current feasibility estimates would have to be made prior to any request for project authorization. CRESCENT LAKE DEVELOPMENt' Accessibility Crescent Lake cannot at present be reached directly by road. The nearest road west of the Lake is Sterling Highway which crosses Crescent Creek 4 miles below the lake outlet. The Anchorage-Seward Highway skirts Upper Trail Lake and is a little over 2 miles from the northern or upper end of Crescent Lake. Access to Crescent and Carter Lakes is easilY accomplished b,y seaplane. The area immediately adjacent to Crescent Lake is generally covered with Cottonwood and Alder, with only a moderate undergrowth. The terrain between Carter and Crescent Lakes has a ra~her uniform slope and is covered with grass and low shrubs. The material is mostly till. The penstock slope and powerplant area are heavily forested with evergreen trees and considerable underbrush. ~ building access roads from either or both highways, men, equipment, and materials for construction could be transported by road to the various construction areas. Rights of Way All project works would be located in Chugach National Forest. Permits for timber removal in clearing construction sites and power lines must be obtained from the Forest Service. Housing If it were assumed that the Crescent Lake Unit of the Lawing Development would be operated remotely from the Cooper Lake Unit, a permanent Government Camp at the powerplant would not be required. Construction Period Construction would be completed within three years after awarding of the initial contract. This is based on normal operation, c c c Plan of Development assuming funds, labor, and materials are readi~ available. Work on the penstock and powerplant might be interrupted at times by severe weather. Reservoir The water surface of Crescent Lake remains constant except for flood conditions during summer and ear~ fall. Elevation of the water surface is 1,454.3 feet above mean sea level. The water surface would be raised to elevation 1486 feet by an earth dam, which would control and regulate the water surface at the new elevation. The reservoir would have an active storage of 39,800 acre-feet between elevations of 1,486 and 1,460 feet, the latter being the minimum operating water surface. Waterways All water entering Crescent Lake except that which would spill over the dam into Crescent Creek would be diverted through a 72-inch precast concrete pipe placed in a channel cut extending from Crescent to Carter Lake. The intake structure would be at Station 4/-40 and invert elevation would be 1,446 teet. This would be 14 feet below minimum operating level. The 4,8,30-foot channel between Crescent and Carter Lakes would be without gradient. The water surface elevation of Carter Lake is 1,485.5 feet. From Carter Lake, a second section of 72-inch concrete pipe 1,540 feet in length would be placed in an excavated channel and convey the water from Carter Lake to the penstock. The total length of the two sections of pipe would be 6,370 feet. Maximum discharge would be 104 second-feet, at which the velocity would be 5.3 feet per second. A 60-inch-diameter steel penstock would extend on the surface fram Station 87/-40 to a 20-foot-diameter surge tank at Station 116/-00. From the surge tank the penstock would continue to the powerplant. Total penstock length would be 5,670 feet. Powerplant Crescent Lake Po~rplant would be located at Station 142/-20, the junction of Carter Creek and Moose Creek, a little above Upper Trail Lake. Each of the two generating units would have an installed capacity of 3,500 kilowatts. Centerline of the turbines would be at elevation 486 feet. Water from the powerplant would discharge into Upper Trail Lake. 43 c c c Plan of DeveloPment Geologic Conditions Crescent Lake Unit field studies were premature~ terminated due to a decision made by the City of Seward to develop the Project independent~. The field work which was completed is reported in Appendix I, Part B. Cost Estimates The total construction cost of Crescent Lake Unit is estimated at $6,259,000, based on April 1955 price level. The entire cost is reimbursable. Summarized on Form PF-l, Official Estimate, the total cost includes field investigations, designs, construction expense, operation and maintenance during construction, overhead and contingencies. Estimated annual cost of operation and maintenance for all project features (including waterways, powerplant, and incidental works necessar,y to project operation, but excluding the transmission plant) is estimated at $25,000 if remote~ operated or $95,000 as an independent development. Estimated annual provision for necessar,y replacement of project works is $25,000. The above estimates, both of construction and annual costs, are o~ reconnaissance grade. Current feasibility estimates would have to be made prior to any request for project authorization. TRANSMISSION PLANTS Costs of the transmission plants, including switcbyards, transmission lines, and substations, were not included in the project costs shown on the PF-l and PF-2. The purpose of this omission was to derive "at siteU costs which would be relatively firm. The transmission facilities which may be required are quite variable, depending on the actions of existing utilities, as well as the power market conditions. If it were assumed that construction of Lawing Project would include construction of all presently nonexistent transmission facilities for serving the power market area, the follovdng tabulation presents the minimum requirements: Crescent Lake Cooper Lake Switchyards 69 kv 7,800 kva 69 kv 10,000 kva Subtotal $260,000 280,000 540,000 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 01" THE INTERIOR OFFICIAL Project: ____ ....LA~ItiQ ___________________________ BUREAU 01" Ma..AMATION __________ Qr!~~~n~_~~~~ _____________ PlClftM PF-I (REV. SEPT. 19SIt) ESTIMATE Prepared by: _____ Q.~_~!.._'tY..~oJ:. _______ Approved by: ______________________ Date of Estimate: ____ ~;rJ.9.55. ______________ SheeLl_of_J.. __ Uniform Unit Total Construction Materials Construction Other Previous Cost DESCRIPTION Quantity and Labor Official Glassification Cost Estimate Contracts Supplies Facilities Cosis Estimate " (I) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 8) (9) (10) Cll) --- 01.01 CRESCENT LAKE DAM AND RESERVOIR (earth dam) Sl 181 000 $ 27 000 $136.000 01.01.'32 C1earinR: Lands II 149.000 01.01.35 Dam 525.000 01.01.50 Roads 344.000 11.01 POWERPLANT (l.OOO-foot head) 7.000 kw 4.718.000 84.000 443.000 11.01.32 C1earin.v: Lands 28.000 11.01.'3'3 Structures and Improvements 420.000 11.01.36 Waterways 2.234.000 172~.000 11.01.41 Turbines and Generators 600 000 11.01.48 Accessorv Electrical EauiDment 120 000 11.01.L.9 Mi Be e11aneouB EQui pment 60 000 Pi GENERAL PROPERTY (tf-j. J il' but,!f Inti6'£Jt!ndenf/{.() 360,000 6.000 41.000 lS.01 Government Camp I 313.000 TOTALS 6.259.000 4.793.000 729.000 117.000 620.000 GL 130 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES (117.000) (11.000) .33 Structures and Improvements (24.000) .72 Ottice Furniture and Equi~ment (26.500) .73 Transportation Equipment (55,500) Gross Cost GL 130 (117.000) Les8 Salva.v:e 0 Net Cost (Cleared to permanent property) (117.000) GL 142 PROJECT INVESTIGATIONS (26.000) Char.v:e to Permanent Property (25.000) Charge to GL 130 (1.000) GL 143 GENERAL EXPENSE (605.000) Charge to GL 130 ----_._---r---------(10.000) Char.v:e to Permanent Pro~ertl': -_._ .. _--_ .. _._---_. (595.000) ---_.-----_. __ . -_._----- (Designs and Specifications $231.000) --~----------- (Superivision and Construction 28?~ ._-------~ -------~-- (General ExRenses 22 OOO~ -----~----~--------~----- (Total 605 :000: -.------.-~- - LEGEND: T~ ~~ Preconstruction Construction , POWER DEVELOP~T 7.000 3 108 Construction ProRram 01.01 Crescent Lake Dam ' 1I1'I.non 136 000 4 ll.Ol Crescent Lake Powerplant 4718.000 443 000 6 15 General Property 360,000 TOTAL COST 6,259,000 ')79,000 8 9 10 Transfers, Credits and other l!:lmendi tl!l'H -26,000 -26000 11 TOTAL EXPErrnlTURES 6,233,000 -26 000 579 000 12 13 15 Allot.ment Required 17 18 19 lO 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 JO '1 33 Notes: 590,000 455,000 360 000 3,440,000 3,440,000 2,240,000 3,424,000 2,230,000 RKom~: ____ -.~~~~ ____ _ ( Prajoct-) RKom~: ____ ~~~==~ __ __ .......... 1JhctDr1 ~:--~=-~~--~~~ \0.-.. "".-. • ~) AppnMd: ....... : cDlit) cDiii) (OIiij Form PF·2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CONTROL SCHEDULE FOR THE Lawin&-Creecent. LAke PROJECT OR UNIT 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 28 29 JO 31 32 33 April I", May 19J5 ~!ka '}aIM Dhtrict. or'ICI o , .. IIIAL I .. UTMOATICMIS iii COIISTIIUCTICMI o OI'IIIATICMI •• AI.n.AIIa o ·OTIII. c c Plan of DeveloPffient Seward Kenai Junction Substations 7,SOO kva 10,000 kva Subtotal Transmission Lines $ 80,000 270,000 350,000 Crescent Lake Switchyard--Seward -69 kv $ 450,000 220,000 900pOOO Crescent truce Unit--Cooper Lake Unit Tie -69 kv Cooper Lake Switchyard--Kenai Junction -69 kv Subtotal TOTAL 1,570,000 2,460,000 Permission has been requested by both the City of Seward and the Kenai Lake Electric Association (REA Coop.) to construct a distribution and transmission line from Seward to the vicinity of Upper Trail Lake. The possibility also exists that this line would be extended to Cooper's Landing. If the Bureau were to construct the Lawing Project, proper coordination and construction by a utility of a line from Seward to Cooper's Landing would eliminate the requirement of Federal construction of a substation at Seward, a 69-kv line from Crescent Lake Powerplant to Seward, and a tie line betN'een Crescent Lake Unit and the Cooper Lake Unit. The intense interest and expenditure of large sums on oil explorations throughout the Kenai lowlands illustrates the possibility of development of a petroleum industry in that area. The resultant power loads which could conceivably develop might dictate construction of such power sites as Devil Canyon on the Susitna. In looking ahead it may prove more desirable to build a 115-kv line as far as Kenai Junction instead of 69-kv. ALTERNATIVE F01~1ER DEVELOPMENTS Preliminary studies indicate the optimum development of Crescent Lake to be that proposed in this report. The feasibility of a stage development of Cooper Lake by a diversion of Stetson Creek should be investigated prior to drafting a final plan for that unit. Due to the premature termination of investigations of the project by the Bureau of Reclamation, alternative power developments were not considered. 45 c c c CHAPTER VI FINANCIAL ANALYSIS All Lalrlng Project costs are allocable to electric power generation and all benefits would be attributed to generation of electric energy. Little if any recreational value nor improvement of fish and wildlife resources is anticipated. It is not present17 foreseen where either Crescent or Cooper Lake waters could be utilized for ~ other type of development. Economic Justificatio~ Since investigations were terminated prior to completion and since no future action on this project is to be taken by the Federal Government, a benefit-cost analysis was not made. Investment Total Federal investment in generation plant, including interest during construction, would be $13,352,000 for both units of the project. Cost of the Cooper Lake Unit would be $6,S6l,OOO and for the Crescent Lake Unit $6,491,000. Total investment in transmission plant for both units, including switchyards, substations, and 69-kv transmission lines, to serve the power market area would be about $2,460,000. Annual Costs Estimated annual costs for the bTO units developed as a single project, including operation, maintenance, and provision for replacements, amount to $lSO, 000. If operated independently the same charges for the two units would total an estimated $250,000. Operation, maintenance, and replacements for the complete transmission plant would approximate $SO,OOO annually. Repayment Repayment of each unit would be over a 50-year period following completion of that unit and would include payment of interest at the rate of 2-1/2 percent compounded annual17. Assuming marketing conditions to be those illustrated in the tabulation in Chapter III f7Lawing Project Power Market,~~ the average 46 c c c Financial Anabysis "at site" cost of firm power for each unit would be 10.0 mills for Cooper lake and 10.3 mi1ls for Crescent lake. A 10.3-mill rate is possible for the Crescent lake Unit only if remotely operated. If operated individually the average rate would increase to 12.9 mi1ls. SUIIDllar;y Investment, annU2.l costs, and repayment are summarized on the accompanying table lllawing Project Cost Allocations. U Estimates were also made of the cost of a 115-kv transmission line from Cooper Lake Unit to Anchorage. Based on the Bureau's experience in construction of the 41 miles of ll5-kv lines for the Eklut.na Project, total construction cost of such a line (including interest during construction) would approximate $2,500,000. Annual expenses for such a line would appro~te $135,000 aggregated by provision for replacements $29,000; operation and maintenance, $18,000; and payment to repay investment, $88,000. 47 c c c Financial Ana~vsis LAvTIlU PROJECT COST ALLOCATIONS Acc(l1mt Generation Plant Cooper Unit Plant Cost. Interest d1wing Construction Total Investment Operation and :f..Iaintenance Y Provision for Replacements Annual Operating Costs $6,626,000 235,000 6,861,000 100,000 30 p OOO 130,000 Crescent Unit $6,259,000 232,000 6,491,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 Average Firm Power Rates y 10.0 mills 10.3 mills Transmission Planty Total $12,885,000 467,OqQ 13,352,000 125,000 55,000 180,000 10.1 millE Total Plant Operation & Provision for annual Account cost Cooper Switcnyard 280,000 Crescent S.Y. 260,000 Seward Sub- station 80,000 Kenai Jet. Sub- station 270,000 69-kv Trans. LLTJ.e Crescent- Seward 450,000 Crescent- Cooper 220,000 Cooper- Kenai Jct.900pOOO 2,460,000 9,900 9,200 2,800 9,500 15,900 7,800 31,700 86,800 maintenance ~ 7,000 5,400 7,000 5,400 6,200 3,600 10,000 44,600 re lacement 4,400 4,100 1,300 4,300 4,800 2,400 11,900 33,200 costs 21,300 18,700 11,100 19,200 26,900 13,800 53,600 164,600 11 Cooper Lake Unit completed first; Crescent Lake Unit completed second and remotely operated from Cooper. gj At site rate onlY and does not include switcnyards, SUbstations, and transmission lines. 21 Minimum facilities needed to supply the power market area with project power. Not included as part of plan of development in this report. (See explanation Chapter I.) c c c C HAP T E R VII CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion 1. The area power market study indicates the need for ear~ development of either Crescent or Cooper Lakes for a source of cheaper power for the area. The present use of diesel generation is extremely costly to users. Average residential costs for 250 kilowatt-hours per month range from 6.6 to 11.S cents per kilowatt-hour. 2. Studies made of Crescent and Cooper Lakes indicate both projects to have engineering and economic feasibility. Unit power costs would be highest for the Crescent Lake development. 3. Availability of a plentiful supply of electrical energy would accelerate settlement and development of the area. The area offers excellent recree.c.ioncl possibilities for camping, boating, fishing, and hunting. It is potentially endo't'red with good agricultural lands, grazing lands, abundant wil~life, commercial fishing, coal fields, timber resources, and a geologic formation favorable to gas and oil reserves. 4. Additional years of water supply data would provide a better basis for deter.mining annual firm power generation available from these proj~cts. Stream gaging programs were initiated in 1949 on both Cooper Creek and Crescent Creek, thereby providing on~T a 5-year period of actual runoff from the watersheds. Conclusions It is concluded that: (a) Present area power needs would justify the :ilmnediate development of either Crescent or Cooper Lake for electrical energy to serve the area. (b) Cost of energy from either development will not be favorable as an attraction to industrial growth since nat sitett rates (transmission plant not included) are expected to exceed 10 mills. However, costs would be substantially reduced from those of present generation. Recommendations It is recommended that: (a) You approve this document as a status report. The purpose of the report is to record information and planning developed by the 49 c c c Conclusions and Recommendations Bureau of Reclamation in the course of its studies on Cooper and Crescent Lakes, Lawing Project. (Bureau field investigations were prematurely terminated to permit noninterference with the City of Seward, ~laska, and Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage, Alaska, in their development of the project units.) (b) Should there ever develop a future request for the Bureau of Reclamation to construct one or both of these projects, that the existing information be supplemented with more recent data and additional field information be obtained prior to the preparation of a feasibility report recommending project construction. c c c APPENDIX I PRO J.E C T G E ° LOG Y The Kenai Momltains, for the most part, are made up of several thousand feet of slates, shales, and gr~ckes. Most of the beds are extremely distorted by folding and faulting; the lack of defj~te stratigraphic horizon markers prevents a successful solution to the orogeny of these mountains. During the diastrophism of the Kenai Mountains, the argillites (slates and shales) were extremely folded and crumpled; the intervening graY"lacke layers, which were hard and massive, tended to fracture rather than fold. For these reasons the argillites show more metamorphism than the graywackes. The argillites and graywackes originally were marine sediments and consist mainly of ar~illaceous materials, with some inlpure hard sandstones (graywackes). Minor constituents of these beds are conglomerates, gr:U:., limy argillite, and argillaceous limestone and tuff. The formations in these mountains previously have been subdivided into the Valdez, the Orca, and the Sunrise Groups. However, difficulty in establishing definitive characteristics for each of these groups has led to the complete abandonment of the term "Sunrise," and there appears to be a great conflict of interpretation between the Valdez and Orca. For these reasons, no name is assigned to the formations in the Project area, the rocks are referred to simply as graywackes and argillites. There is almost a complete lack of fossils; however, by association with beds of known age in other areas, it is believed that the slates and graywackes are chief~ Mesozoic and possib~ of Upper Cretaceous Age. Structure In general the beds dip at angles of from 600 to 90 0 and strike parallel to the axis of the mountain range. Considerable variations and reversals in dips are noticed in close proximity in the same beds. There are many faults of unknown displacement, and the high degree of fissility (or numerous cleavage planes) in the argillites indicate that a tremendous amount of movement or slipping has occurred parallel to the bedding. The exact thickness of the graywacke-argillite mass is unknown but is believed to exceed 5,000 feet. 1 c c c • \ Project Geologz PART A COOPER LAKE PROJECT GEOLOGY Geological Investigations Performed The various project features were investigated in 1954 by test pits, diamond drilling, surface and aerial reconnaissance, and airphoto studies. These were supplemented with studies of available U. S. Geological Survey reports on the area (see references). At the dam. site, two test pits "Tere dug and one hole drilled; three holes were drilled on the tunnel intake site; one hole was drilled at the powerhouse site; and two holes were drilled to investigate powerhouse sites on tunnel alinements that subsequently were abandoned. The reconnaissance consisted of a traverse of the tunnel and penstock line on foot, inspection of the shorelines of Cooper and Kenai Lakes by boat, and frequent low to high altitude flights over the area. Sixteen-mm silent colored movies of the project features are available for study in the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Engineer's office, Denver. Airphotos. The airphoto studies were particular~ invaluable due to the general inaccessibility of most of the terrain underlain by the tunnel. Furthermore faulted or intensely jointed zones can be discerned clearly on the airphotos, although they could not be located on the ground. (Much of the geologic data on the photo was obtained from the preliminary U. S. Geological Survey report of July 13, 1954 by Plafker.) Tunnel Geology Intake Area. The proposed intake will be located about 30 feet under the surface of Cooper Lake. Three drill holes were put down on the intake location to deter.mine the possibility of soft materials. In all three holes, the soft lake muds were not over 5 feet thick; immediately underlying them were a few inches of sand and gravel which overlay competent graywacke and argillite. An angle hole, dipping 45 0 toward the shore, was drilled on the intake line about 200 feet in from the shore. This hole disclosed interbedded argillite and graywacke starting about 3 feet from the surface. There is some calcite in the bedding, but most of the core appears competent. There was no staining or weathering in the core. lfater tests run below 17 feet (elevation 1161) resulted in no loss at 25 psi pressure. The test from 7 to 17 feet showed a loss of 7 gallons per minute, but this apparently was due to a poor seal between the packer and the rock. 2 c c c Project Geology Numerous outcrops occur along the shoreline, and the majority ot the, rock appears to be very thinly bedded, almost slaty argillite. All ot the beds have a very steep dip, with reversals in dip not mcommon. The general strike of the beds is approximately North 15 0 East. The results of the drilling and surface studies indicate no unusual difficu1:ty in the construction of the intake. Stripping of the vegetation and the thin overburden on the slopes above the lake should eliminate the possibility of slides into the excavation. The bedrock is sufficiently competent to stand on 1/4:1 to vertical slopes; some air-slaking may occur, but it should be so minor as not to be detrimental to the construction. Tunnel. The tunnel will penetrate a series of alternating graywackes and argillites. These beds dip from 600 to 900 and strike approximately North 100 to 15 0 East. Two or more faults or intensely jointed areas may intersect the tunnel line. It was not possible to definitely locate any fault traces on the ground, and the zones will be identified in the tunnel only by intense shearing in the beds; the likelihood of gouge, or clay seams of any appreciable thickness, is remote. If the beds are intensely sheared, water seepage may occur through them by surface infiltration. The tunnel probably can be driven with the minimum ot support necessary for protection against minor roof falls. For example, 4-or 5-inch H-beams on 6-to a-foot centers probably will be ample. It is possible the portions of the tunnel in massive graywacke will require no support. The relatively shallow rock cover above the tunnel (not over 500 feet) would seem to preclude the possibility of squeezing ground or slow heaving of the argillite such as was found in the Eklutna Tunnel. The natural characteristics of argillite, however, may result in some excessive slabbing in those areas where incipient movements have taken place along the argillite beds. None of these problems, however, should be of a serious nature. Where the tunnel excavation encounters intensely jointed or faulted areas, 6-to a-inch H-beams on 4-foot centers may be required. Such zones should not occur over more than 10 percent of the tunnel length. It is expected that only minor quantities of water will be encountered iri the tunnel. Some seepage undoubtedly will occur trom the intake end into that portion of the tunnel near the lake. Some minor seepage also may occur from the surface through well-developed joints or faults. It is not expected that such seepage would be a serious problem in construction operations. A voluminous source of water is not apparent due to the absence of lakes over the tunnel, and deep-seated (hydrothennal) waters are unlikely. 3 c Project Geology Penstock Line The penstock will traverse side slopes in rugged topography in some areas and lie directly on normal ground slopes along other portions of the line. The thin cover of overburden and the evident stability of the underlYing rock indicate that slides along the line will not be a hazard. It is not known whether the lower three-fourths of the penstock line will be entirely on rock, or partly on rock and partly on glacial or alluvial deposits. In any case, it appears that suitable foundations for most of the pipe anchors can be found any- where along the line. Considerable timber clearing will be required to protect the pipe against falls of trees which, for the most part, are shallow-rooted. The major geological problem in connection with the penstock is the lack of a competent foundation at the junction of the penstock and the powerp1ant. It probably will be necessary to fOlIDd the anchor block on piling, or at least on a foundation similar to the powerp1ant. The one po~~rplant drill hole shows a considerable depth of glacio-fluvial material, the consolidation characteristics of which are unknown. It would be desirable to investigate this problem during the detailed exploration for the powerplant. c:: Power plant Geology c The powerplant will be founded on an unknown depth of glacio-fluvial material. This IDB.teria1 is composed of sand and gravel with some silt or clay. The gravel is more clayey (or silty) from elevation 421 to the bottom of the hole at elevation 396. As this appears to be typical glaciO-fluvial material, soft strata can be expected to exist 0 Present geological information indicates that it would be desirable to found the powerhouse on piling at least 40 feet long, driven to refusal. The final determination of the pile length will be dependent upon further exploration at the site. Future Exploration Reguired. Additional powerhouse exploration should consist of at least two holes: one at each end of the powerp1ant and drilled to a depth equal to at least 1-1/2 times the width of the plant (now unknown). Penetration tests should be taken every five feet in depth lIDless unusually soft strata are encolIDtered. In the latter case the tests should be taken as continuously as possible through the soft strata. All holes should go at least 20 feet below the expected depth of the pile tips. If any lIDusually soft materials are encountered, it will be necessary to drill additional penetration holes between the 4 c c c Project Geolo&y original borings. The foundation should be investigated in its entirety in order to preclude the presence of extremely sott layers under ~ portion of the powerhouse. If the penetration test results 'should show that the material is extremely stiff and not saturated, it may be possible to ellminate the need for pilings and found the powerplant on a mat or spread footings. However, if the material is composed pr:imarily of sand and gravel of a moderate to low density, then it would be desirable to use piling, as the sand and gravel would tend to consolidate under the vibrations from the powerplant machinery. Tailrace. The lack of information on the properties of the glacio-fluvial material make it undesirable at present to accurately ascertain stable slope angles for excavation of the tailrace channel. From meager data, it would appear that the slopes should be no steeper than 2:1. However, if the material is more clayey than now assumed, the slopes would have to be flattened accordingly, particularly' as any clays (or rock flour) in this area are likely to have a bigh moisture content. Switchy~. Preconsolidation by the glaciers probably has compacted the glacial materials sufficiently to withstand bearing pressures up to 2,000 pounds per square foot. Unfortunately the glacial action has been later modified by stream and flood deposition which may have formed sort strata incapable of bearing the desired design loads. Therefore, foundation design for the switcqyard will depend upon the results of penetration tests. Dam Site Geology The lett abutment of the dam site is located on what appears to be a terminal or recessional moraine overlying glacial till and interlensed with alluvium and talus. The moraine and till, where exposed by test pits, is highly compact. Generally the moraine and till are composed of boulders, cobbles, gravel, fine sand, and sufficient silty clays or clayey silts to render the mass relatively' impervious. The gravel and cobbles are angular to subround, and of very hard graywacke. The right abutment overlies glacial outwash, till, and a mixture of outwash with considerable talus. The vegetal mat overlying these unconsolidated materials is about 12' to 18 inches deep. The spillway foundation would have to be placed on till or moraine as bedrock would be extremely deep_ The logs of test pits NOs. 1 and 2 show,that 2 to 5 percent of the glacial material is over 5 inches in diameter; generally the oversize does not exceed 15 inches in diameter. The gradation of the gravel and cobbles is good, but there is a definite absence of some 5 c c c Project Geology sizes between the gravel and fine sand sizes. The drill hole (DR 1) placed in the streambed indicated about 12 feet of loosely consolidated alluvial sands that are probably highly pervious. The remainder of the hole in the compact glacial material proved to be fairly watertight. The alluvial material probably extends from approximately Station 1150 to Station 2175. It is possible that the layer of alluvium may thicken directly under the stream. It is doubtful, however, if this material exceeds 15 to 20 feet in depth anywhere along the axis. In general, the foundation materials appear sufficiently competent for the low height embankment contemplated, providing the pervious alluvial material is removed. The compactness of the outwash, the pre loading of the till as evidenced by its extremely hard packing, and the geologic history of the valley indicate that detrimental consolidation should not occur under an embankment of the moderate height proposed (25 to 35 feet). The permeability of glacial c.eposits, however, is always questionable until extensive drilling a..'1d water pressure tests are performed~ as highly pervious stringer sands could occur. The drilling at Cooper Lake dam site has been insufficient to preclude the possibility of such stringer sands. Future Exploration. Two additional drill holes should be placed on the dam axis to determine, to some extent, the continuity of strata in the outwash and the till. One hole should be located on the right abutment near the end of the axis, and the other on the left abutment near the end of the axis. In addition, if time and f~~s permit, it would be desirable to place a hole halfway between Drill Hole 1 and the right end of the axiso All future holes should be drilled down to at least elevation 1160. It is doubtful if detailed investigations for the foundations of appurtenant structures, such as the spillway or outlet works, are warranted. The heterogeneity of these glacial deposits precludes accurate interpretation of foundation conditions, unless a considerable number of holes are drilled. Considering the minor size of such structures, and the known compactness of the glacial material, such drilling is not warranted as the foundation materials appear to be sufficiently competent to bear the expected design loads. Construction Materials Impervious BorrO't"l Materials. Materials to construct the dam embankment would have to be obtained from the outwash, the moraine, and the till. These materials are described in detail in the logs. Three hundred-pound sack samples are available at the project site for future reference and tests, and jar samples are available in the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Engineer's office. It will be 6 c c c Project Geology necessary to put down further test pits or large-diameter drill holes to explore these deposits sufficiently to determine zoning require- ments. Pervious Borrm'1 ~Iaterials. Pervious materials can be obtained from the streambed. AlsO-there are numerous alluvial fans at the bottom of drainages that enter Cooper Lake. Generally the gravels in these deposits tend to be platy and composed of graywacke and argillite. Medium to coarse and 13-inch sizes will be lacking. Most of the deposit s will require underwater dredging to obtain sufficient quantities. Future exploration should more fully outline the amount of yardage available in these deposits. Ripr~ The only riprap sources in the immediate vicinity of the dam and tunnel intake are outcrops of graywacke. It would be difficult to secure proper sizing due to the extremely fractured and highly folded condition of the graywacke, and to the frequent er,~illite lenses present. Quarried graywacke should be sufficiently durable for riprap. It would be necessary, however, to remove the argillites, as they would rapidly deteriorate in an exposed riprap layer. When the necessary quantities are mown, further exploration should be directed toward finding a quarriable graywacke outcrop. Concrete Aggregate. There are no acceptable adequate deposits of aggregate within a short distance of the project featureso S~Lle small alluvial fan deposits (See "Pervious Borrow Material") may contain acceptable materials, although the platy gravels and poor gradation will require considerable blending and cement. A large alluvial deposit on the east side of the upper end of Cooper Lake would require considerable processing to remove the rock flour and weathered graywackes and argillites. This deposit contains a high percentage of platy gravels and is poorly graded. The amount of acceptable material in this deposit is lmknown as it has not been sampled, but it is estimated that it would not be over 15 to 20 feet deep. Extensive alluvial deposits on the south and west shores of the upper end of Cooper Lake may contain some usable materials, but these have not been investigated. It is very probable that, like all of the potential aggregate sources in the vicinity, they would contain high percentages of platy graywackes and argillites. Concrete aggregate for the· powerhouse might be obtained in small quantities from nearby alluvial deposits. These were not investigated, and in any case, only small quantities could be obtained. All local aggregates are composed primarilY of graywacke-argillite "shinglel1 gravels with insufficient fines and poor gradation. Coopers Landing, about 9 water miles from the powerhouse site, and at the lower end of Kenai Lake J is reported to have acceptable 7 c c c Pro.iect Geology aggregate deposits. This would require that the present road out of Coopers Landing be extended 5 or 6 miles to the powerhouse site. (The U. S. Forest Service has indicated that such a road may be constru.cted if the project is authorized.) Or, this aggregate could be shipped by barge on Kenai Lake, providing docking facilities are built at the pm'lerhouse site. At the site there is a sandy beach that apparently has a rather flat gradient for about 35 feet out from shore. Samples of this aggregate were not available for inspection, but it is used locally for the production of concrete. CONCLUSIONS 1. Dam.--The foundation materials should be sufficiently competent ro-bear the weight of the low dam contemplated. The permeability of these materials still has to be investigated. It will be necessary to carry any cutoff about 20 feet deep in the stream channel section. 2. Tunnel Intake.--The lack of soft materials and the presence of very competent rock preclude serious difficulties due to geological conditions dur:ing the construction of the intake. 3. Tunnel Line.-Probably only light supports will be required for most of the tunnel. Additional or heavy supports may be required for about 10 percent of the line where the tunnel crosses occasional faulted or intensely jointed zones. Some water seepage may be expected at these latter zones. The water problem is not expected to be serious, hO't~lever, and construction should proceed without unusual difficulty. 4. Penstock L:ine.--The penstock will be on rock slopes part of the way. The foundation conditions for the lower three-fourths of the line are not known at present. It probably will be necessary to use anchor blocks along this section. 5. Powerplant.--The meager foundation data indicate that it will be necessary to found the powerplant on about 40-foot long piles. However, penetration tests may prove the foundation materials suitable for a mat or for spread footings. 6. Construction Materials.--Ample impervious borrow can be obtained in the :immediate vicinity of the dam. Pervious borrow deposits are scattered and will require processing and underwater dredging. Suitable riprap will be difficult to secure in large quantities unless a massive outcrop of graywacke can be found. Good quality concrete aggregate in ample quantities can be procured only at Coopers Landing at the lower end of Kenai Lake. c c c Project Geology 7. Ad<;litiona1 Explorations ReQujred.--Three additional holes are needed at the dam site. At least two additional holes and penetration tests are necessary at the powerplant. Several drill holes, test pits, and possibly trenches are required to adequate~ explore the construction materials deposits. 9 c c c Capps, S. R.: Johnson, B. . L. : Martin, G. C., Johnson, E. L., and Grant, U. S. Plafker, Geo.: Tuck, Ralph: • . Project Geology REFERENCES Geology of the Alaska Railroad Region, USGS Bulletin 907, 1940 Mineral Resources of Alaska--Gold Deposits of the Seward-Sunrise Region, ~ Bulletin 520, 1911 Geology and Mineral Resources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USGS Bulletin 597, 1915 Geologic Investigations of Proposed Power Sites at Cooper, Grant, ptarmigan, and Crescent Lakes of Alaska, Advance USGS Report, submitted July 13, 1954; field work done in August and September 1952. (Available on~ fram USGS Open Files) Investigations in Alaska Railroad Belt, 1931--The MOose Pass-Hope District, Kenai Peninsula, USGS Bulletin ~, 1933. - 10 c c c Project Geology PART B CRESCENT LA.TCE PRCJECT GE<?1:2Q! Geolog~cal Investigations Performed During September of 1954, an extreme~ brief geological reconnaissance was made of the Crescent Lake Unit. The dam site and powerplant site were examined on the ground, and the remainder of the unit was examined from the air. The area was explored by three diamond-drill holes at the dam sites, one drill hole between Carter Lake and Crescent Lake, and two test pits on the left and right abutments of the dam site to explore for embankment materials. Dam. Site Drilling and surface evidence indicate that the dam foundation is composed primarily of alluvial materials overlying glacial outwash and glacial till. There is a large talus deposit on the left abutment, the extent of which is presently tmknown. The talus is composed of angular cobbles and boulders, with clayey fines. Water tests in a drill hole into the talus indicated extre~ely tight materials. The alluvium is prilr.arily composed of sand and gravel but contains numerous clay layers. The permeability of it would undoubtedly be extremely variable, ranging from high to no losses. The underlying glacial outwash is difficult to distinguish from the glacial till, as both are composed of sand, gravel, and cobbles firmly embedded in rock flour or silt. The main differentiation is the extreme compactness of the glacial till. In many places, the till is almost hard enough to be described as a soft rock. It can generally be expected that the till will be very impervious, whereas the out- wash may have some pervious zones. Evidence of water under slight head was found in Drill Hole 1 in the outwash material. Before construction of a dam, it would be necessary to conduct further drilling and water testing to determine the extent of any permeable layers underlying the fO'lmdation. If the alluvial material proves to be sufficiently tight, it might be possible to mere~ strip the topsoil and fOlRld the dam on the alluvium. The underlying glacial outwash and alluvium probably would be compressible but not to a degree to cause serious settlement in the low dam contemplated. Borrow Materials Impervious materials probably would have to be obtained from the alluvium and glacial outwash deposit along the shores of the lake. Sufficient quantities appear to be available on both the left and the right abutments.. It can be expected that these deposits will have a 11 c c c Pro.iect Geology high moisture content due to the moderately high grotmd-water table and the high precipitation in this area. Such deposits will probably contain a very high percentage of rock flour, and thus careful control will be required for rolled embankment. Pervious materials probably can be obtained only in small quantities by processing of the alluvium and the glacial outwash. Extens:i.ve sand and gravel deposits were not seen during the brief reconna.issance, although some of the small drainages into the lal<e from the south may have p!'.)duced small alluvial fans. It is doubtful that any of these deposits would contain sufficient sand and gravel for Zone 3 or filter material in the dam. Riprap would have to be obtained from nearby outcrops of graywacke. A careful seleotion would be req'lired to eliminate the tmdesirable argillites or 81ates found associated with these graywacke deposits. Massiyc graywackes generally are scarce. and it can be expected that the ri;>rap will tend to be slabby. Carter Lake-Crescent Lake Channel The design requirements as to the depth of this channel are unknown. The one drill hole placed at the lowest point between these lakes indicated that bedrock would not be reached until elevation 1425, which is about 30 feet below the present surface of Crescent Lake. The main excavation vlould be in moderately hard-packed glacial till l'lhich contains occasional soft mud or silt layers. Permanency in the till slopes probably would require excavation at 1:1. Wherever mud or clay layers were encotmtered, hOl'!ever, it would be necessary to construct berms to protect the overlying till from being undermined by mud flows. Those portions of the channel in bedrock could probably be excavated at 1/4:1 or steeper slopes. If it is intended that a pipe be laid in this channel and later backfilled, then the glacial till could probab~ be excavated on about 1/2 to 3/4:1 slopes for temporary stability. Some difficulty could be expected with mud flows, but these soft layers probab~ would not be of sufficient thickness to cause tmusual difficulties in the excavation. At least two additional holes should be drilled along this pipeline route to determine the depth to bedrock, further characteristics of the glacial till, and the presence, absence, or continuity of any mud layers. Penstock Route Little is known of the geology along the penstock route due to the lack of surface reconnaissance and drilling. It is probable that the portion of the penstock :immediately adjacent to Carter Lake would be fom1ded in glacial till or possibly talus deposits. Once the 12 c c c Pro,1ect GeologY pipe drops over the ridge to the highway, the anchors probab~ could be located on bedrock. NUmerous outcrops of graywacke and argillite were observed along this hill. The extremely dense vegetation and height of the trees along this route would indicate that extensive clearbl~ would be req~red if it is desired to protect the pipe fran the falls of trees ranging up to 75 feet in height and about 2 feet in diameter. Powerplant The power plant is founded in the glaciated valley of Moose Creek west of Upper Trail Lake. The glacial deposits are probably quite deep in this valley, and therefore it would be necessary to found the pol'Terplant on piles unless it is located immediately adjacent to the toe of the slope. This latter location would not be desirable due to the steepness of the slope above and the possitJility of snowslides. The charact9ristics of the glacial materials in the foundation are unknown as no drilling has been done. It would be very desirable to drill at least two holes in this location to determine the desirable pile lengths for the plant. If hard-packed glacial till is located, then the plant could be founded on short piling driven to an acceptable penetration resistance. Before final design, however, careful study should be made of the possibility of soft silt layers in the till or any other material underlying the plant foundations. Any such soft layers within the zone of appreciable foundation pressures should be penetrated by the piles to minimize potential differential settlement of the powerplant. Concrete Aggregate The most desirable source of concrete aggregate is not known at present. It is possible that alluvial fans could be found around Upper Trail Lake and possibly around Kenai Lake. Known deposits are located at Cooper's Landing at the l'lest end of Kenai Lake. These might be available for the construction on Crescent Lake, depending upon the location of the access road into Crescent Lake. Furthermore, if this access road goes up Crescent Creek, it is possible that aggregate sources could be located along the creek in the various alluvial fans known to exist in this area. CONCLUSIONS AND stnvlMARY 1. The dam foundation generally is composed of alluvial, talus, and glacial outwash deposits. Present information indicates these deposits to be fairly impervious, but additional drilling is required to definitely establish zones of high permeability. Differential settlement could be held to a minimum due to the low pressures imposed by a low dam on a fairly compact material. Earth borrol'T would have to be obtained from nearby glacial deposits containing high percentages of rock flour with a minimum of silt and sand and a small percentage 13 .--- ~. Project Geology c c of gravel, cobbles, and boulders. This material is !mown to have a high moisture content. 2. The channel between Crescent and Carter Lakes will probably be excavated primari~ in glacial till which, for a temporary excavation, could be held at about 1/2:1 slopes. If a permanent open channel is contemplated, then the se slope s should be cut back to a minimum of 1:1. Any soft layers would require berms to prevent undermining of the over~g compact materials. 3. The penstock anchors could probab~ be founded on bedrock for the most part. The power plant probably will require a piling foundat.ion driven into glacio-fluvial deposits or glacial till of unknown depth. 4. Before preliminary designs and certainly before final designs, considerable additional exploration is necessary. The dam site should be more fully explored to determine the permeability and extent of any soft layers; additional holes are required along the channel to determine the characteristics of the excavation; the penstock should be thoroughly studied in detail on the surface to determine the anchor foundation geology; and drill holes should be placed at the powerplant to determine the foundation characteristics. Adequate concrete aggregate deposits have not as yet been located, and further test pits are required in potential earth borrow areas to determine the characteristics of the pervious and impervious borrow materials. 14