HomeMy WebLinkAboutBefore the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project on Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Exhibits A to V 1982c c c c .. r----BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY_-----, REGULATORY COMMISSION LIBRARY COpy BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ON PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, ALASKA APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AND EXHIBITS A TO V PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA L...--__ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ---I -.. -.. -.. --- l1li -1 • .. ---- 2. ------.. -.. -3. ---4. -----.. -.. BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR THE BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT The Alaska Power Authority, a public corporation of the State of Alaska in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, but with separate and independent legal existence, and having its office and principal place of business at Anchorage, in the State of Alaska, hereby makes application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a license to authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of certain project works fully described herein. The name, title, and post office address of the person to whom correspondence in regard to this application shall be addressed is as follows: Copies to: Eric P. Yould, Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 Attention: R.R. Leonardson The Applicant is a public corporation organized under the following laws: Chapter 83 of Title 44 of the Alaska Statutes The measure of control or ownership exercised by the Applicant in any other organization or over Applicant by any other organization is as follows: None. -1- 5. 6. The Applicant operates and/or proposes to operate in the following States: Alaska. A concise general description of the Project and the principal project works is as follows: • • I I I The Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project will almost fully I' regulate the outflow of Black Bear Lake for power and energy production. The Project will develop a rated net head of 1,370 feet, have an installed capacity of 6 MW and produce 23.7 GWh average annual energy. Principal project works are as • follows: Iii a. b. c. Dams and Reservoirs. A concrete gravity dam will be constructed at the outlet of Black Bear Lake. The dam will have a maximum structural height of 53 feet and a crest length of 368 feet. The dam will be equipped with an ungated overflow spillway having a maximum discharge capacity of 1,680 cfs. The darn will raise the water surface of Black Bear Lake by 35 feet creating a reservoir with a maximum normal water surface level at El. 1715 feet and a surface area of 241 acres, an increase of 29 acres over the lake's natural area. 7he reservoir can be drawn down to El. 1685 feet on a seasonal basis providing a live storage capacity of 6,850 acre-feet. Water Conductors. A 3-port intake, with ports at different levels for water temperature control, will be located on the face of the dam. Water will run through the dam in a 4.0 foot diameter conduit and into a 4.0 foot diameter steel penstock. Approximately 309 feet downstream of the toe of the dam, the penstock will bend into a 4.0 foot diameter concrete-lined vertical shaft. A 2.5 foot diameter steel penstock will carry water from the base of the shaft to the powerstation at which point the penstock will bifurcate into two 14 inch diameter steel penstocks, each supplying one turbine. The total water conductor length is 4,410 feet. Powerhouse, Substations and Switchyards. The two turbine, generating units will be located in a concrete-block conventional powerhouse. Each of the turbines will be single-jet impulse units rated at 4,419 horsepower and 1,370 feet net head. At the rated head, each turbine will discharge approximately 32 cfs. Each turbine will be protected by a gate valve. Each of the turbines will be directly coupled to a generator rated at 3,750 kVa at 0.8 power factor and 606 C temperature rise. The units will operate at a speed of 600 rpm. A step-up substation containing two 4,312 kVa, 4.16 kV/34.5 kV transformers -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - ----- d. will be located adjacent to the powerstation. A step-down substation rated 34.5 kV/7.2 kV with a capacity of 3,750 kVa will serve Klawock. The step-down transformer at Craig will be rated 7.2-12.5 kV/4.l6 kV with a capacity of 2000 kVa. Hydaburg will be served by a 2000 kVa stepdown transformer rated at 34.5 kV/4.l6 kV. Transmission Lines. Power from the Project will be supplied to the towns of Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg over 7.2/12.5 kV and 34.5 kV wood pole transmission lines having a total length of 53.2 miles. The interconnection to Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg is included in the Project because the interconnection is part of the project development and would not be constructed without the Project. 7. The location of the Project applied for is as follows: 8. 9. a. In the State of Alaska, Prince of Wales Island; b. In the First Judicial Divison; c. d. On the following-named stream: un-named stream commonly called Black Bear Creek, carrying no commerce; In the region of the following-named cities and towns: Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg; Lands of the United States which will be affected are located in: the Tongass National Forest; The proposed initial and ultimate scheme of development for the Project is as follows: The proposed initial scheme of development for the Project is described in Item 6 above. There are no plans at present for expansion of the Project beyond the initial development. -3- 10. The proposed use or market for the power to be developed follows: Power from the Project will replace that generated by diesel-electric units in towns of Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg and provide for future load growth. The estimated capacity and energy requirements for these towns are: Peak Capacity Annual Energy Year Demand, MW Requirements, GWh 1980 (actual) 1.9 6.7 1986 4.7 17.4 1991 5.9 21. 9 1996 6.9 26.9 2001 8.2 32.2 11. The location, a brief description, and capacity of all power plants or other electric facilities owned or operated by the Applicant, the market supplied thereby, and the relation thereof to the Project applied for are briefly described as follows: the Applicant does not own or operate any powerplants or other electric facilities. 12. The following Exhibits are filed herewith and are hereby made a part of this application: Exhibit A: Copies of the laws under authority of which application is made. Exhibit B: Certified copy of a resolution by Alaska Power Authority authorizing the application. the Board of the filing of this Exhibit C: References to laws of the State of Alaska pertaining to the Applicant's right to construct the Project. Exhibit D: Evidence that the Applicant requirements of the laws of affecting the Project. has the complied with the State of Alaska I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit E: Statement concerning the nature, extent and ownership of water rights. I I -4-I - - .. - Exhibit F: Statement concerning ownership of lands to be utilizec in the proposed development • Exhibit G: Statement of the Applicant's financial ability and proposed method of financing the construction. Exhibit H: Statement of the proposed operation of the project works. .. Exhibit I: Estimate of the dependable capacity and average annual - - - --- - -- Exhibit J: Bxhibit K: Exhibit L: F.xhibit M: Exhibit N: Exhibit 0: Exhibit R: energy output to be generated by the Project. General map covering the entire project area. Detailed maps covering the entire project area. General design drawings of the principal structures. General description of the mechanical and electrical equipment, and the transmission line. Estimate of the cost of constructing the Project. Statement of the time required to complete construction of the Project. Plan for public utilization of the project area for recreational purposes. Exhibit S: Report on the effect of the Project upon the fish and wildlife resources in the area. Exhibit T: A statement why the Project should be developed by the Applicant rather than the Federal Government. Exhibit V: A statement concerning the protection of natural, -historic and scenic values in the project area. - - - - --.. Exhibit W: Environmental report. The following Exhibits are not filed here with: Exhibit P: Not required by CFR Exhibit 0: Not required by CFR Exhibit U: Not required 25,000 kW. Project installed capacity less than -5- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Applicant has caused its name to be hereunto signed by Eric P. You1d, the Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed by Eric P. You1d, its Secretary thereunto duly authorized this 4~ day of J:)c::.<A-"",,\'''' ,] 981. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY By: ". Executive or and Secretary 6 I I I I I I E I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- VERIFICATION STATE OF AlASKA ss: ~i~d Judicial Division, ss: Eric P.-Yould being first duly sworn deposes and says: That he is the Executive Directo~ of the Alaska Power Authority, the Applicant tor a license, that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; that the. same are true to the best ot his knowledge and celief. ExecutiVe' Director Subsc~ibed and sworn to before this 24 day of November , 1981 Notary Public My commission expires ~ -I t: ~ 7- -7- - ----- ---------.. - -------------.. ---- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT A COPIES OF THE LAWS UNDER AUTHORITY OF WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA --------------------- ------- - ----- Black Bear lake -Exhibits A-V Exhibit A EXHIBIT A rAWS UNDER AUI'HORITY OF WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE The Applicant is a public oorporation of the State of Alaska in the Depart:nent of Comrerce and Eoonanic Developrent but with separate and independent legal E>..xistance. The Applicant is E!Il'pOWered to oonstruct, acquire, finance, and operate power production facilities. In addition to its other powers the Applicant can issue bonds to carry out its oorporate purposes, and enter into oontracts for the sale or transmission of power for the security of any bonds issued for projects. The items included under Exhibit A are as follavs: 1. A copy of Alaska Statutes, Title 44, Chapter 83, Sections 070 and 080 which specifically describe the purpose and powers of the Alaska PcMer Authority. Specific enabling authority for applications is oontained in AS 44.83.080(12) which enpowers the Authority to apply to agencies of the United States for penni ts and licenses necessary to oonstruct, operate, and maintain power projects. Article 2. Purpose and Powers. Sectiun "10. Purpoac of lhe authority 80. Powen of lhe aUlhority Seelion 90. Power c:ontratls and lhe Alaska Public Utilities COlI\miuion Sec. 44.83.070. PUl'pose of the uuthoriLy. The purpose of the authority is to .promote, develop and advancc the cenerul prosperity nnd economic welfare of the people of Alaska by providing a mellllS of constructing, acquiring, financing and operating power production facilities limiled to fossil fuel, wind pnwer, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, or solar energy production and wasle energy conservation facilities. (§ 1 eh 278 SLA 1976; am § 5 ch 156 SLA 1978) J-:rrect of amendment. -The 1978 amendment 5ubstituted the language beginning "power production facililies" fol' ~ "hydroelectric Bnd fossil fuel I(I~nerllling prnjeC'ls" Bt the end of the seclion. Sec. 44.83.080. Powers of the authority. In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the authority has the foUowing powers in addition to its other powers: (l) to sue and be sued; (2) to have u seal and ult('r il at pleasure; (3) to make and alter b~luws for its organization nnu in\erJlul m:lOagement; (4) t.o make rules and regulations governing the exercise of its corpornte powers; (5) to acquire, whether by construction, purchasc, gift or lease, and to improve, equip, operate, nnd maintain power projects; (6) to issue bonds to carry out any of its cnrpornte purposes and powt:rs, including the acquisition or construction of a project' to be owned or leased, as lessor or lessee, by the authority, or by another person, or lhe acquisition of any interest in a project or any right to capacity of a project, the establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay the bonds or interest on them, and the payment of all other costs or expenses of lhe authority incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its corpornte purposes and powers; (7) to sell, lease as lessor or lessee, exchange, donate, conveyor' encumber in any manner by mortgage or by crealion of any other security interest, real or personal property owned by il, or in which it has an interest, when, in the judgment of the authority, the action is in furtherance of its corporate purposes; (8) to accept gifts, grants or loans from, and enter into contracts or other transact.ions regarding them, with any person; (9) to deposit or invest its funds, subject to ngrcements with bondholders; (10) to enter into contracts with the United States or any p(!rson and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign counlry or ils agencies, for the flllancing, construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of all or nny part ofa power project, either inside or outside the state, and for the sule or transmission of power from a project or nny right to the capacity of it or for the security of any bonds of the authority issued or to be issued (or the project; (11) to enter into contracts with any person nnd with the United Stales, and, subject to the laws of the United Stntcs and suhject to the ,. .. " iii • .. " .. I I I I I I I I I ----- • --------------- ---------.. ------ § 44.83.080 ALASKA STATUTES § 44.83.080 concurrence of the legislature, wi th a foreign country or its agencies for the purchase, sale, exchange. transmission, or use of power from a project, or any right to the capacity of it; (12) to apply to the appropriate agencies of the state, the United States and to a foreign country and any other proper agency for the permits, licenses, or approvals as may be necessary, and to construct. maintain and operate power projects in accordance with the licenses or permits, and to obtain, hold and use the licenses and permits in the same manner as any other person or oper3ting unit; (13) to perform reconnaissance studies, feasibility studies, and engineering and design with respect to power projects; (14) to enter inlo contracts or agreements with respect to the exer· cise of any of its powers, and do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its corpomte purposes and exercise the powers granted in this chapter; (15) to exercise the power of eminent domnin in accordance with AS 09.55.250 -09.55.410; (16) to recommend to the legislature (A) the issuance of general obligation bonds of the stale to finance lhe construction of a power, project if the authority first determines that the project cannot be linanccd by revenue bonds of the aulhority at I'l'usonable rales of interest; (3) the pledge of the credit of the state to guarantee repayment of all or any portion of revenue bonds issued to 3ssist in construction of power projects; (C) an appropriation from the general fund (i) for debt service on bonds or other project purposes; or (ii) to reduce the amount of debt financing for the project; (D) an appropriation to the ;,lowe I' project fund for a power project; (E) an appropriation of a part cir the income of the renewable resources investment fund for a power project; (F) development of a project under financing arrangements with other entities using leveraged leases or other financing methods. (§ 1 ch 278 SLA 1976; am §§ 6 -11 ch 156 SLA 1978; am §§ 16. 17 ch 83 SLA 1980) Err~ct or Ilmcndments. -The 1978 amendmenL suhstituLed "cquip, operaLe. and mainLain" ror "cquip and operatc" in p:lrugraph (51. inllerled "or hy anoLher pel"' lOOn" in paragr:lph 161, sub5titul!~11 ":1 projccL" ror "iL" in t ..... o plaCl!S in para~raph 161. substituted ":lny person" rol' na fcoeral Ilger\('y or an ngency or instrumenlalily of the slole. municipality. privaLe orKDnitalion or other !Inure!!" in pnraJ,:r:lph (81, inserted "linancing" ncar the middle of paragraph (101. delell'd "ror the purchase. ,ale, exchange.".lransmi5:lion. or use or power genl:raled lJy a projcCL. or any righl to thc capaciLy or it" rollowing "enLer into cnntr:lcLs" near the be.:inning of para· J.:rapb (Ill. :1uI]eu the lanJ,:uage bc~inninK "for Lhe purchuse. sale. exchanl(e" to Lhe end of paragraph (11', and dl:leLecl "hydroclecLrical and foslIil fuel" following "wiLh respecL LO" and ""enerating" rolluw. inK "power" in par:ll(raph (1:11. The 19HO amendmenL inserLed in the middle of paragraph (131, "rcasibilily sludics. and e:nginecrinK and design." and added paragraph 1\61. - ----.. ----------------------------• -- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT B CERTIFIED COpy OF A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ----- ------------------- ' ... -------. ., - - CERTI FICJl.TE I, ERIC P. YOULD, Executive Director/Secretary of the Alaska Power Authority, HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1982-4 adopted at a meeting of the Authority held on January 22, 1982 and that said resolution has not been amended, repealed or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Authority, this J!l!!!-day of April, 1982. ERI P.ULD \ Executive Director/Secretary (SEAL ). -------• -• -• -• • -----... ---------------- AIASKA 1?G.lER AUl'OORITY RESOLUTICN NO. 1982-. .-4 RESOLUI'ION OF THE AIASKA PGlER AUl'HORITY OOARD OF DIREX:'IDRS 'ro PROCEED wrm AN APPLICATIGT FOR LICENSE WITH THE FEDERAL ENERGY REX;UIA'1ORY CCHfiSSICN FOR THE J3IAa{ BEAR lAKE HYDROEI..Frl'RIC Pro:JECl' WHEREAS, the entire electrical generation on Prince of \<lales Island is now provided by diesel electric generating units1 and WHEREAS, the ccmrunities of Prince of Wales Island, narrely Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg are expected to need significant increm:mts of additional generat.ing capacity by 19901 and WHEREAS, the Alaska Power Authority has conducted a detailed feasibility study of the Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project and other alternatives to neet the area's electrical energy needs and fotmd the Black Bear Lake Project to be the least cost alternative to neeting the area's anticipated demand1 and WHEFEAS, the findings and reccmnendations conclude that licensing and design of the Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project should proceed so it may be fully operational by January 19861 and WHEREAS, it is now appropriate and t:irrely that an application for license to construct the project be filed \oath the Federal Energy Regulatory Carmission by the Alaska Power Authority. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED by the Authority: Section 1. That the Executive Director of the Authority be and hereby is authorized to file a fonnal application for license to construct the Project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Carmission. Section 2. That the Executive Director of the Authority is diJ:ected to file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Ccmn:ission as a part of the fonnal license application, a certified copy of this resolution. This resolution having been su1:mi.tted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: ~:Mssrs. Mueller. Ward. Lehr. Conway and Mrs. Cook Nroffi:~N~on~e~ ____________________________ __ ABSENT: Mssrs Weeden and Schaeffer And the resolution was declared adopted on this 22nd day of "a""ar.v , 1982. AT T EST: BY:~~;-~. ~~ Executive Directo 2 • • • • .. .. -• .. • .. • • I I , • ---------------- -------------------- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT C REFERENCES TO LAWS OF THE STATE OF ALASKA PERTAINING TO THE APPLICANT'S RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - ,. - ---.. -• ,. • ,. ... .. ------... -.. -------- Black Bear Lake EXhibit C C.1 APPLICANI" S STATUS EXHIBIT C IAr-1S OF THE ~TE OF AUoSKA PERTAINING 'ID THE APPLICANl' I S RIGHT 'ID CONSTRHCT THE P~ The Applicant's right to furnish electric service was granted by the State of Alaska, under authority vested in it by Alaska Statutes, Title 44, Chapter 83. Reference is made to Exhibit A. C.2 APPLlCANI'S RIGHT 'ID UI'ILIZE WATER IN THE PRQJ.OCT AREA The appropriation and use of streams and rivers in the State are governed by the provisions of Alaska Statutes, Title 46, Chapter 15 - \..;rater Use Act. The oppJning section reads: "Section 46.15.010. Detennination of Water Fights. The Depa.rtnent of Natural Resources shall determine and adjudicate rights to the waters of the state, and in its appropriate and distribution." Accordingly, the Applicant has submitted a request to the Depar1::Irent of Natural Resources for permission to utilize Black Bear Lake waters for power generation purposes. A copy of the application is included as part of Exhibit D. -.. -• - iIIIi .. • 'l1li • .... .. -.- -----------.. ---.. ---.- ... .. -- OF BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT D EVIDENCE THAT THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAWS THE STATE OF ALASKA AFFECTING THE PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ----.. -• .. .. .. .. -.. -.. -.. -.. ------.. -.. ---.. .. .. Black Bear Lake -Exhibits A-V Exhibit D EXHIBIT D EVIDENCE THAT THE APPLICANT HP..s ro1PLIED WITH THE RmUIREMENTS OF THE STATE OF ALASKA As evidence that the Applicant has corrplied with the requirenents of the State of Alaska with respect to appropriation , diversion and use of water for power purposes, the following dOCUITEnts are submitted: 1. Copy of application for water rights; 2. Copy of application to construct or rocx:lify a dam; 3. Copy of a letter frem the state Division of Forest, Land and Water t-fanagerlY?'nt regarding deferral to FF.RC for dam safety considerations. 333 WEST 4th AVENUE -SUITE 31 -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 CERTIFIED MAIL #2906178 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Robert Merry District Water Officer Division of Forest Land and Water Management 230 South Franklin Street, Rm. 417 Juneau, Alaska 99801 Dear Mr. Merry: August 7, 1981 Phone: (907) 277-7641 (907) 276-2715 Enclosed please find our application for water rights in the amount of 64 cfs for the Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project on Prince of Wales Island near Klawock. The project will involve the construction of a 53 foot high (foundation to crest) dam at the outlet of Black Bear Lake to raise the lake level and create a reservoir with 6850 acre feet of active storage covering 247 acres. The water will be conveyed from the dam through a 4.0 foot diameter, 294 foot long steel penstock to a 4.0 foot diameter concrete lined 1296 foot vertical shaft then through a 2.5 foot diameter, 2790 foot long steel penstock to a powerhouse with two 3.0 MW single nozzle impulse turbines. Electricity from the project will serve the communities of Craig, Klawock and Hydaburg via a transmission 1 ine intertie. Your office and other agencies have received and reviewed copies of the draft feasibility report. The report is nearly finalized and will be provided to your office and reviewing agencies as supplemental information to this application. The Power Authority will soon file an application for a license to construct the project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. We are providing a completed application to construct or modify a dam along with the water right application, but understand it will be your agency's policy to defer to the FERC for dam safety and engineering review of this project to eliminate duplicative review. The project site is presently owned by the U. S. Forest Service and that agency will issue the necessary land use permits as part of the FERC licensing process. Extra copies of maps and plans are provided to aid your review. If you desire additional details on this application, please contact Mr. Brent Petrie. Project Manager, at our office. Sincerely, FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ,.oJ ~ " .• .o/ ,7 I ~~-;' /1 __ ~, f//'~ . ·,(· .. ·6.:..~ .o.; ........ / / Robert A. Mohn Director of Engineering Enclosure: As stated .. • .. .. .. • .. , .. It .. " • .. • • .. -----.. .. .. .. -.. -.. -----.. -.. -,. - -.. ---.. .. -.. .. - STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF FOREST, LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT . OFFICE USE ONLY ADL APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHT Instructions: You will need (1) a map showing the location of your source of water and the area of use, (2) a copy of your property ownership document, i.e. deed, patent, lease agreement or an easement agreement if you do not own the property involved, (3) a copy of your driller's well log, if application is for an existing well, (4) Statement of Beneficial Use Of Water (Fonn 10-1003A) if this is an existing water use, and (5) Application for Permit to Construct or Modify Dam (Form 10-10 15) if you will be constructing a dam over 10 feet high or over 50 acre feet of storage. Please type or print in ink. I. Full legal name of Applicant(s) Alaska Power Author; ty -------------------------------------------- 2. Mailing Address ___ 3_3_3_W_e_s_t_4 t_h_A_v_e_nu_e_,~S_u_i _te_3_1 ______________ _ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Home Phone Business Phone (907) 277-7641 3. Source of Water Supply: (a) DWell o Drilled 0 Hand Driven 0 Dug D Other _____________ __ If existing well, attach copy of driller's well log. If existing well, and no log, supply all"known infonnation Total depth _____ _ Drawdown ------ Intake Depth ____ _ Screened Yes No Unknown Static level ------------ (b) (DSurface Water o Stream 0 River W Lake D Spring Give geographic name (if unnamed, state so) Black Bear Lake 4. 5. -"--. Page 2 Water will be taken from surface water source by: DPumping [KJ Gravity Flow System D Diversion (Altering a watercourse) -Attach sketch and plans giving dimensions and specifications. o Damming -Attach sketch and plans giving dimensions and specifications. If dam is over 10 feet high or over 50 acre feet storage, MUST file Application for Permit to Construct or Modify Dam (Form 1 ();.) 015). D Other Location of point of WITHDRAWAL, DIVERSION, or IMPOUNDMENT: (a) (b) (c) MUST attach copy of map or subdivision plat and indicate location Fractional part NE 1/4 Section 12 Township 73 S , Range 82 E"Copper River -:cM""!"e-n..,...·d.,...i-an. (Protracted) If applicable, Lot, Block, Subdivision; U.S. Survey No. ______________ __ Does applicant own or lease the property at point of water withdrawal and over which water is transported? Yes 0 No [] If "Yes," MUST attach copy of ownership document (i.e. deed, patent) If "No," MUST obtain an easement or right~f-way and supply copy. Give name, mailing address and phone number(s) of legal owner. Name See Page 5 Attached Mailing Address ------------------------------- _________________________________ Zip ________ _ Home phone ___________ Business Phone ______________ _ Location of point of USE: If same as question 4, check and go to question 6. D MUST attach copy of map or subdivision plat and indicate location. (a) Fractional part SW 1/4 Section ---,,-,:---:~ Township 73 S ,Range 82 E ,Copper Ri ver Meridian. (Protracted) (b) If applicable, Lot, Block, Subdivision; U.S. Survey No. __________________ _ (c) Does applicant own or lease the property at point of water use? Yes 0 If "Yes," MUST attach copy of ownership document (Le. deed, patent) No [i] • • .. -.. lilt " • ., .. • • , .. " .. , .. , .. , .. III • • .. -.. --- .. -.. -.. -----.. ---.. - ---.. -.. - ' ... .. -- 6. 7. 8. Page 3 If "No," MUST obtain an easement or right-of-way and supply copy. Give name, mailing address and phone number(s) of legal owner. Name See Page 5 Attached Mailing Address _____________________________ _ _______________________________________________ Zip ______ ..... __ Home phone Business Phone ------------------------------------------ Type of water use and Quantity of water needed: Please fill in the attached Water Use Chart indicating the quantity of water and months of use for each ~ of water use. Standard quantities and definitions are provided for your convenience. If water use TsTor a Commercial/Industrial purpose or Other Use not on the Water Use Chart, refer to question 7 . Commercial/Industrial and Other Uses: Explain in detail the basis for quantity of water requested. Use additional sheet of paper if needed. Indicate type of operation including structures and methods used. Include a sketch or engineering drawings. Enter quantity requested and months of use on attached Water Use Chart. A maximum of 64 cfs is needed for the operation of two 3.0 MW single nozz1e pelton wheel turbines at peak output under 1370 feet of net'head. Date when water use began or is expected to begin 1986 . If water use is existing, rill out Statement of Beneficial Use of Water (Form 10-1 003 .... A ... ) ..... -------- HAVE YOU ATTACHED? o [iJ Deed, patent, lease, etc. USGS or Subdivision map Water Use Chart D Driller's log (if existing well) o Diversion sketch and plans W Dam sketch and plans o o o Statement of Beneficial Use of Water (Form I 0-1003A) (if existing water use) Statements appearing herein are to the best of my knowledge true and correct. OFFICE x,y RMI USE ONLY 10-102 Rev. 6/79 SIGNED Z~~ --:p,~J/ (Applicant) Eric P. Yould Executive Director Location Other check ,.... I Page 4 WATER USE CHART Office Use Type(s) Of Standard Quantity Months of Use SIC Use Quantities Requested From To (Inclusive) ·8800 ( 1) Single Family Per Household (a) Fully plumbed 500 GPD GPD (b) Partially plumbed 250 GPD GPD (c) Unplumbed 75 GPD GPD 6514 (2) Duplex Per Duplex 1000 GPD GPD (3) Multi-Family Per Unit 250 GPO GPD 7011 (4) Motel, Resort Per Room 100 GPD GPD (5) Livestock Per Head 0241 Dairy Cows 30GPD GPO Hosing dairy barn 35 GPD GPD 0212 Range Cattle 15 GPD GPD 0272 Horses ISGPD GPO .)214 Sheep 2 GPD GPD Goats and Hogs 3 GPD GPD Poultry, Rabbits, etc. J GPD GPD Livestock Total GPD (6) Irrigation (Type of Crop: Per Acre ) 0.5 AFY AFY (7) Commercial! Incustrial 64 cfs Jan 1 Dec 30 (8) Other: DEFINITIONS: GPD -gallons per day AFY -acre feet per year CFS -cubic feet per second (I) SINGLE F AMIL Y -Water use necessary for a single household and the irrigation of up to 10,000 sq. ft. of yard and garden. (a) Fully plumbed -Water piped into the residence for domestic uses. Hot water ht'ater and water flush toilet included. (b) Partially plumbed -Water piped into residence for limited domestic uses. Generally no hot water heater and no water flush toilet included. --------------- (c) Unplumbed -No water piped into the residence. Water is hand carried for limited domestic use. ----- (2) DUPLEX -Water use necessary for two single households and the irrigation of up to 20,000 sq. ft. of yard and garden. (3) MULTI·FAMILY -Water use necessary for three or more households. Apartment units included. • - • • - • • • .. " .. t I r , .. • .. .. .. ., • II' • • • -.. ... .. .. .. III -.. -.. - ... ... 1M -.. ... .. -.. ... .. - -.. -- Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project Water Right Application Page 5 Item 4c: Property owner at the point of diversion and impoundment is: U. S. Forest Service Tongass National Forest Ketchikan Area Federal Building Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Attn: Ed Johnson Office phone: (907) 255-3101 This land is also within an area withdrawn for selection by: Klawock Heenya Corporation P.O. Box 25 Klawock, Alaska 99925 Attn: Mr. Leonard Kato, President Office phone: (907) 755-2270 This land is also a secondary selection of Sea1aska Corporation One Sea1aska Plaza Juneau, Alaska 99801 Attn: Robert Loescher Office phone: (907) 586-1212 Item 5 c: Property owner at point of use is: U. S. Forest Service Tongas National Forest Ketchikan Area Federal Building Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Attn: Ed Johnson Office phone: (907) 255-3101 This land is also within an area withdrawn for selection by: Klawock Heenya Corporation P.O. Box 25 Klawock, Alaska 99925 Attn: Mr. Leonard Kato, President Office phone: (907) 755-2270 This land is also a secondary selection of Sea1aska Corporation One Sealaska Plaza Juneau, Alaska 99801 Attn: Robert Loescher Office phone: (907) 586-1212 TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RESERVOIR water Surface Elevation, ft above mean sea level (msl) Under Probable Maximum Flood 1721 1715 1685 Normal Maximum Minimum Tailwater Elevation, ft msl Surface Area at Normal Max. El., acres Estimated Usable Storage, ac-ft Type of Regulation HYDROLOGY Drainage Area, sq mi Avg. Annual Runoff, cfs/mi 2 streamflow, cfs Maximum Monthly Average Annual Minimum Monthly DAM Type Maximum Height, ft Crest Elevation, ft msl Crest Length, ft Dam Volume, cy SPILLWAY Type Crest Elevation, ft msl Width, ft Design Discharge, cfs WATER CONDUCTOR Type Diameter, ft Length, ft Shell Thickness, in. Steel Penstock 4.0 294 5/16 -i- 253 241 6850 Seasonal 1.82 14.3 78.0 26.0 0.3 Concrete Gravity 53 1723 368 6400 Ungated Concrete Ogee 1715 30 1680 Concrete Shaft 4.0 1296 Steel Penstock 2.5 2790 11/16-3/4 • - -... III> .. .. • ill .. .. • .. " lit III' .. • • , .. • .. III .. , • .. - -.. fill .. - .. - -.. -.. -.. -.. - -.. -.. .. -.. TABLE OF SIGNIFICANT DATA (Continued) POWERSTATION Number of Units Turbine Type Rated Net Head, ft Generator Unit Rating, kW POWER AND ENERGY Installed Capacity, kw Firm Capacity, kW Avg. Annual Energy Generation, MWh Avg. Plant Factor % COSTS AND ECONOMICS construction Cost, $x10 6 unit Cost, $/kW inst B/C Ratio 3%, with 3.5~ fuel escalation Project Funding Requirements, $x10 6 -ii- 2 Single Nozzle Impulse 1370 3000 6000 4000 23700 45 28.0 4666 3.32 39.9 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL I'ESOUI'CES DIVISION OF FOREST, LAND AND WATER IMNAGEMENT October 21, 1981 Robert A. Mohn Director of Engineering Alaska Power Authority 334 W. Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Mohn: lAY S. HAMMOND, GOYERNOR Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 l~Q7J fl.6-:2653 ~m~bX~, 'R1I1tKI.XX~X)itXn:m I am in receipt of your "Application to Construct or Modify a Dam" for the Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project on Prince of Wales Island near Klawock. Prior to issuing the permit, this office must be assured that the dam will not create a public safety hazard. A certification to this effect after use of state-of-the-art techniques that analyze the design and construction, as well as the~ proposed operation and maintenance schedules of the dam will be acceptable. It is understood that the FERC will be performing a dam safety and engineering review of the project. This office will accept a dam safety certification by the FERC in any of the four areas mentioned above. For those areas not so done by the FERC, we will review the work done by the applicant such that this office may certify to the dam's safety. As the project develops, please send to this office, dam safety certifications by the FERC, or the appropriate documents allowing such to be made. Sincerely, THEODORE G. SMITH Di rector ~ BY: PAUL JAN Civil Engineer Water Management Section • III • - • - • ... II' .. .. .. til .. • .. .. .. , iii II .. • • • ... II' .. ... • .. ... .. • • .. --- ----... - - ... - -- I. 2. 3. 4. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF FOREST, LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT OFFICE ADL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY A DAM 1llis applicatiun involves in 110 way tltt, right to appropri"tc water. To secure the right to appropriall' wa ler, applk;1 tion should Iw made tot he Director Oil anot Ill'r rOml wh it'll w ill hl~ rll rn ishl'd 111'1111 n~qllest. Namc of Applicant (type or print) Alaska Power Authority Mlliling Address 333 H. 4th Avenue, Suite 31 Telephone 907-277-7641 The applic:mt hereby makes application for approval of the plans and spccifications for the .... Co""n~s:';'t"-'-r--"'u ... c""'t ..... i :"!'onu...-. ___ --:---:-,-----;-:------,-:---:-_o f B 1 a ck BeQL (Construction, reconstruction, nlll'ration) (Name of dam) Dam . ---- Name of Owner Alaska Power Authori ty MailinJ! Address 333.lie.s.:L4th Avenua. Suite 31 •. .Jln.c.hor.ag.e~as.kD--~ ____ .. _ If lllL' owncr is a corporation, give name and hm.iness address or presidl'nl alld secretary Charles Conway, Chairman, Board of Directors Ene P. YPula, Exeeubve Dlreetor, Alaska Power Authority 333 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 31. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Applicant is acting for the own('r in the legal capacity of (Writkn authorization from the owner is required). Source of watl;r supply Bl ack Bear Lake (Creek, stream, lake) which is all upstrctllll trihl/wry of or to 81 ack Lake -A-:-g-e-n-t. I.~s<;l'e, Trustee. ctc. (River or watcrbody) --- 5. Location of dam is NE 1/4. Section 12 Township 7_3S __ Rangc __ B_2E __ Copper River Meridian. 10-1015 (,/80 6. Reservoir is _X __ onstream offstream, and will be used for (irrigation, ---- recreation, power, mining, etc.), ___ .:...:H'.l...y.!:.d.:....ro~e~l.!.,;e:::..;c:::...t::..:r--'i~c::.......:..P-"o'-"wc.=e.!...r-_---_--___ _ (7.) Description and dimensions of dam (if for alteration work, give data for the altered dam. see the attached sketch for a description of dimensional terms). (~. ) (<). ) a. b. c. d. Type of dam (check appropriate boxes) Dearthfill Drockfill o timber crib Dconcrete arch Osheet-pile /iJconcrctc gravity o other (please describe) ________ _ Please attach a sketch which depicts the zonation and placement of material in an earthfil1 or rockfill dam. Length of crest 368. -------------------------------ft. Crest wid th 6 -~--------~~--------------ft. cu. yds. A 1Il Oll n t 0 f materia lin d .. 1ll __ -lo6'-',...:4L\oO/..loO!..-______ _ fl. Height, streambed to crest 43 -----~----------------- 31 ft. f. Height, foundation to spillway cn~st ----~~--------- g. Freeboard at maximum design spill 2.2 -------'~~---------ft. h. Crest elevation __ 1:....:7:....:2:....:3:....:.:-0:...-.-_____ ft. above Mean Sea Level (if known) i. D~scrjbc the foundation materials (i.e., gravel, sand, shale, granite, etc.) graywacke, di ori te J. What is the depth to b~drock, ifknown varies from 3 to 35 ft. Additional information for earth or rockfill dams (see attached sketch for a description of djlll~nsional terms). ;I. Sf () pc 1I ps lrca IlI _____ -'Nu../u A:l....... ____ _ h. Slope downstream N/A .---------------- c. llpstrealll facing (rock, riprap, concrete, ctc), ___ N/A Spillw;IY lit'scription (lYPl" capa,'ity, de.) Uncontrolled concrete ogee; maximum design _. ____ gJ.sch~rSl..e of 1680 ~0_ @ 58 feet of head ____ ... _______________ ~ (JOJ Illkt dl.'scriplioll (lype, capacity, etc.) Multiport concrete intake structure with automatically operated intake gates. ( 1) . Gated 6" 0" d,'ameter 1, Outlet de~crjrlion (type, capacity, etc.) '------ __ eme.r.gency out 1 et co~du_~!_. _____ _ '-----------.-----~-------.-.. -------- ('olll,,,1 v;llves lIype. llrsaiplioll. de.) -48" 0 butterfJl .. va~~ ___ . __ . _____ .. __ 2 -14" 0 gate valves; 2 -14" 0 needle valves ., .. .. .. .. .. • - • .. • .. • .. .. • " iii .. .. • .. " .. • Ii .. • ( 13.) 1 i ve RCl'l'rvoir capacily ~6.=..8.=..50~ ___ acre fecI. StoT;J~e pool area al ll1aXimUIII spillway kvel .. __ 2:.4-'-.7'--__ acres. 14. Js clam to be built in permafrost area'? Yes ___ No X If the answer is yes, please complete the following: a . At what depth does the permafrost occur, if known __________ ft. .. b . Do you have plans to prevent the permafrost from thawing, if so" describe briefly .. • (IS.) What is the expected life of thl' strudure 100 yrs. ----"----- . (I (I.) If till' slrurtuTl' is \)l~ing designed hy :llll'nginecring firm, please provide: Firm \ Naml' Harza Engi neeri ng Company .. ~1Jilillc Address 150 South Wacker Dri ve -Chl cago, II 11 nOl S 60605 till! 17. If til hl' built under Federal slIlwrvisinn. which agency has jurisdiction? Federal Energy ReglJktory til Commission .. I H. Ilcsi)!lIall'd operalor of dam: • .. .. .. • .. .. -.. -.. -• -.. -- I f). N:lIIII' Alaska Power Authority --=--- Address 333 West 4th A~enu~L.?~ite 31, Anchorage, I'hOl1l' 907-277-7641 Alaska 99501 Availability (24 hour call, weekly, seasonally, de.) Pl ant will ~e operated by remote control from Kla\'Iock. Local .operator name will be provided when construction is compJ.ete and plaflt DOl'S ;1 waler ri~llt ior this dalll and illlpounclmcnt exist or has one been applied for!OCXl }tl'S Uno is opera- II' Sill'll waleI' rights have been applied for or sccuil'd, pkasl' !!ivl' Alaska Division of Forl'sl, Lalld and tional. Watn Managelllent ADL serial numbcr, applicant, permittee or OWlll'r name, and adurcss . Applicant: Alaska Power Authority 333 West 4th Avenue, Suite 31 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (:'0.) I'Lh\SF AT/"ACII COPIES OF PLANS, DRAWINGS, lirl-X;4X'l~OCQ)(~ ~~U~~Ut¥l)§ttIUXXlX X~MX~~I~X~~~XX~XKK~~~XXXXX Signed Director 3 ----.. ---------.. ---------.. .. --.. --.. .. -.. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT E STATEMENT CONCERNING THE NATURE, EXTENT AND OWNERSHIP OF WATER RIGHTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -.. • - -.. --.. .. -.. .. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. ---.. -.. -.. Plack Bear lake -Exhibits A-V Exhiliit E EXHIBIT F. STA'I'El-1ENT CONCERNING THE NATURE, EXTENI' AND a-mERSHIP OF ~JATER RIGHTS There are no other appropriations of the water which is proposed for use in the Project. An application for the wa.ter rights related to the Project has been filed by the Applicant with the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources , Division of Forest, Land and Water ~1anagement (see Exhilii t D). The Applicant has no reason to believe that a pennit and certificate will not be iSSUed. ~'hen the certificRt.e is received a certified copy and additional uncertified copies will be submitted. -.. . -.. .. .. -.. -,. .. .. -.. --------- -----.. -.. ----., BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT F STATEMENT CONCERNING OWNERSHIP OF LANDS TO BE UTILIZED IN THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - -• -.. - ------------------------------ Black Bear Lake -Exhibits A-v Exhibit F EXHIBIT F STATEMENT C,.'Q..lCERNING CMNERSHIP OF lANDS 'IO BE t1I'ILIZED IN THE DEVEWPMENT Reference is made to Exhibit K of this application, which shows on five maps the Project lavout and the ONnership of land covered by the Project. The Project dam, reservoir, and pav.7erhouse are entirely on lands owned by the u. S. Government under the jurisdiction of the U. S. Depart::nEnt of Agriculture, Forest Service. In addition the dam and ]XJWerhouse are on parcels of federal land which constitute areas available for selection or secondary selections of Kla~k Heenya Corporation and Sealaska Regional Corporation under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. These lands are in the Tongass National Forest. The transmission line to the Kla~k substation and then to Hydaburg crosses private lands owned by Sealaska, the Native Regional Corporation; Klawock Heenya, the village corporation of Klawock; and Haida Corporation, the village corporation of Hydaburg as well as federal lands under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service. Acquisition of federal lands for project construction and. transmission line right-of-way will be fran the U. S. Forest Service based upon final alignments determined by review of this application. Acguisi tion of lands from private parties will proceed under a variety of nechanisms available to the Power Authority such as penni t., lease, purchase, or condemnation. -.,. --... - ---- -.. -.. -.. -- .... --.. --.. -.. -- --.. '"" -- ---------.----------------------------- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT G STATEMENT OF THE APPLICANT'S FINANCIAL ABILITY AND PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - ------------------ -------------- - Black Bear rake EXhibit G EXHIBIT G STATEMENT OF THE APPLICANl" S FINANCIAL STANDIN:; AND '!HE PmPa3EJ) The Applicant is -a public corporation of the State of Alaska in the Depar\::nlent of Ccmnerce and Ecx>nanic Develqmmt but with separate and independent legal existence. The Applicant is atpCMered to construct, acquire, finance, and operate power production facilities. In addition to its other powers, the Applicant can issue l:x::>rrls to carry out its corporate ptJrIX>ses, and enter into contracts for the sale or transmission of power for the security of any bonds issued to finance a project. The Applicant's sources of financing will be direct State of Alaska appropriations or loans to the Applicant, loans fran the Rural Electrification Mninistration, and/or project revenue bonds issued by the Applicant. The State of Alaska's current hydroelectric project funding program may provide for full funding of the capital cost of the project by direct state appropriations to the AWlicant. The Applicant received $400 million of funding in 1981 fran the State for other projects. If the State of Alaska does not directly furrl the full costs of the project, the Applicant expects that at least an estimated 25% of the project cost will be provided. by state appropriatiops, 15% by RFA loans, and 60% by proceeds of the sale of revenue bonds. Repayment of the State appropriation or loan by the Applicant will be subordinate Black Bear Lake EXhibit G to the paynent of revenue bond debt service. The Applicant will also explore the availability of State guarantees of the Applicant's revenue bonds issued to finance the project as an alternative to state appropriations and/or loans. Absent state guarantees, the revenues of the Project will be the only basis for security of the state loans and the revenue bonds issued for the project. Power sales contracts with the Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority serving the City of Klawock, and the Alaska PcMer and Telephone Carpany serving the City of Craig and the City of Hydaburg, will be necessary to guarantee payrrent of debt service and estimated costs. The Applicant anticipates that eleCtric loads will continue to increase at a steady rate and that the Project's power output will be fully utilized wi thin about 6 years of the initial operation, based on the assurrption that camercial operation of the Project will begin jn 1986. The Applicant is empowered to wholesale power to utilities and major industrial users under power sales contracts at rates consistent to ITEet its costs. The costs will include charges sufficient to cover the cost of Project debt service including both principal and interest, a debt service coverage factor necessary to market the bonds, financing costs, and the cost of operation and maintenance of the Project facilities. The following attachItent regarding the Applicant's financial standing is included in this EXhibit: I I E I I I I I I I -----.. -.. -----.. -----------.. -.. ---------- Black Bear Lake EKhibit G 1. A copy of the Alaska Power Authority Financial Stat.ements for the year ending June 30, 1981. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1981 ~ce \I Vaterhouse &. Co • • • ... ., • .-.. I • I I E • .. ., iii .. I. , .. I -- ... -... -.. -.. ---.. -.. -... -----... -... ---... -... ---... -... nee ~. aterhouse To the Board of Directors Alaska Power Authority 101 WEST BENSON BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 907279-1424 October 2, 1981 We have examined the balance sheet of the Alaska Power Authority as of June 30, 1981, and the related statements of revenues and expenses, changes in contributed capital and changes in financial position for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances . As discussed in Note 2, the Authority has kept its records and has prepared its financial statements for previous years on the basis of expenditures and encumbrances with no recognition having been accorded accounts receivable, accounts payable or accrued expenses. At the beginning of the current year the Authority adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Although appropriate adjustments have been made to contributed capital as of the beginning of the year, it was not practicable to determine what adjustments would be necessary in the financial statements of the preceding year to restate results of operations and changes in financial position in conformity with the accounting principles used in the current year . In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly the financial position of Alaska Power Authority as of June 30, 1981 and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. CURRENT ASSETS: ASSETS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BALANCE SHEET Jm~E 30, 1981 Due from State of Alaska Treasury Accrued interest receivable - Power project loans Note receivable Total current assets PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, at cost net of accumulated depreciation (Note 4) CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS (Note 1) OTHER ASSETS: Deferred project costs (Note 1) Note receivable (Note 5) Power project loans receivable, (including accrued interest of $1,084,412) (Note 5) LIABILITIES AND CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable Accrued wages Accrued interest payable - Power project loans Note payable Total current liabilities NOTE PAYABLE (Note 5) POWER PROJECT LOAl~S, payable to State of Alaska (including accrued interest of $1,084,412) (Note 5) Total liabilities CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL C011HITMENTS (Note 6) $ 9,874,945 95,587 423,836 10,394,368 1,641,196 2,651,090 22,141,920 35,000,000 22,023,068 79,164,988 $93.851.642 $ 3,409,237 15,708 95,587 423,836 3,944,368 35,000,000 28,473,068 67,417,436 26,434,206 $93.851.642 See accompanying notes to financial statements " 2 I. • , • '" .. " Ii , II I I I I I • I I I I' • I E , • E I -.. -.. -----.. -------------------.. -------- Revenues: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1981 Power cost assistance Operational funding Interest Income Expenses: General and administrative Power cost assistance Depreciation Interest Net loss (Note 4) $2,287,735 478,295 1,387,500 $ 4,153,530 478,295 2,287,735 4,442 1,387,500 4,157,972 (4.442) See accompanying notes to financial statements 3 ALASKA PelVER AUTHORITY STATE~fENT OF CHAUGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1981 Sources of Working Capital: From Operations - Net loss Add items not requiring working capital - Depreciation on operating assets Depreciation capitalized as deferred project costs Working capital provided by operations Proceeds from issuance of notes Repayments of power project loans receivable Contributions of capital from State of Alaska Power project loans received from State Receipt of pass-through grants Increase in accrued interest payable on power project loans Uses of Working Capital: Loans made - . Power project loans City of Ketchikan Increase in deferred project costs - Additions Transfers to construction work in progress Capitalized depreciation Increase in construction work in progress - Additions Transfers from deferred project costs Repayments of power project loans payable Disbursement of pass-through gra:1ts Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Increase in accrued interest receivable on power project loans Increase in working capital Changes in Components of Working Capital: Increase in current assets - Due from State of Alaska Treasury Accrued interest receivable Increase in current liabilities - Accounts payable Accrued wages Accrued interest payable Net increase in working capital $ (4,442) 4,442 369,400 369,400 35,000,000 464,200 20,072,906 21,075,641 268,484 821,380 78,072,011 14,625,641 35,000,000 17,432,442 (227,238) 369,400 2,423,852 227,238 464,200 268,484 216,612 821,380 71,622,011 S 6,450,000 $ 8,387,355 509,975 8,897,330 1,921,647 15,708 509,975 2,447,330 S 6,450,000 See accompanying notes to financial statements • 4 .. • .. • .. II Iii • Ii I r I I I I I I I I I I I I --- --- -.. -------.. -------------.. ------ ALASKA pm-JER AUTHORITY STATE~mNT OF CHANGES IN CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL YEAR ENDED JUl~E 30, 1981 Contributed Retained CaEital Earnings Balance, July I, 1980 $ 6,365,742 $ -0- Contributions from the State of Alaska 20,072,906 Net loss transferred from operations (4,442) Depreciation on contributed assets (4,442) 4,442 Balance, June 30, 1981 ~2614341206 ~ -0- See accompanying notes to financial statements 5 Total $ 6,365,742 20,072,906 (4,442) ~2614J41206 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1981 NOTE 1 -DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICAl~T ACCOUNTING POLICIES: Operations - The Alaska Power Authority (the Authority) is a public corporation of the State of Alaska in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development but with separate and independent legal existence. The Board of Directors of the Authority consists of the Director of the Division of Budget and Management, three commissioners of principal executive departments appointed by the governor and three public members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the legislature of the State of Alaska. The Authority was established to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska by providing a means of constructing, acquiring, financing and operating power production facilities. Such facilities may operate on fossil fuels, waste energy conservation and renewable energy resources, including but not limited to hydroelectric power, wind, biomass, geothermal, tidal or solar energy. The Authority proposes to issue revenue bonds, which in certain instances may require the approval of the legislature, to finance proposed construction to the extent considered necessary. The principal and interest due on such bonds will be determined on a project by project basis by the Legislature and the Authority in accordance with Alaska Statute 44.83, under which the Authority was created. Basis of Accounting - The financial activities of the Authority are partially restricted by requirements of the Alaska State Legislature and are recorded in various specific purpose funds and accounts in accordance with authorizing legislation or as necessitated by appropriation requirements. Financial activities and resulting account balances which are not so restricted are recorded in the Operating Fund. The Authority's funds are considered to be enterprise funds for financial reporting purposes and are presented on a combined basis. Property, Plant and Equipment - Plant and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives. A half year's .-----,-~--,,~ 6 • iii I' .. II ,-L: . iii ,. .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I 1- -----.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. ---.. ---------.. -.. ---- depreciation is taken in the year of acquisition additions other than power generating equipment. repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred betterments are capitalized . Deferred Project Costs - for fixed asset Ordinary whereas major Costs of feasibility studies performed in connection with potential construction projects which are expected to benefit future operations or result in construction of a power generating facility are deferred to future periods of benefit. Deferred costs related to feasible projects are reclassified to construc- tion work in progress at the onset of the design and construction phase. Deferred costs related to abandoned projects will be expensed in the period of abandonment. NOTE 2 -CHANGE IN PP~SENTATION: During the year, management determined that the Authority should prepare its financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the financial activities of the Authority in its entirety should be accounted for as an enterprise fund of the State of Alaska. Accordingly, the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 1981 have been prepared on this basis of accounting. For the year ended June 30, 1980, the Authority prepared its financial statements on the basis of expenditures and encumbrances recorded in the accounting records under the State of Alaska's budgetary guidelines. Under these guidelines, expenditures are recorded when paid except that expenditures paid during July and August relating to the previous fiscal year may be properly accounted for as expenditures of the previous fiscal period. Further, the Authority recorded as expenditures Operating Fund encumbrances outstanding at the end of the fiscal year which are properly allocable to that fiscal year. For years prior to 1980, the Authority had prepared its financial statements on the basis of cash receipts and disbursements during the fiscal year. The Authority had not prepared balance sheets or statements of changes in financial position in prior years as the only operations during the years ended June 30, 1980 and 1979 consisted of acquiring office space, hiring personnel and contracting for certain engineering studies in connection with potential construction projects. NOTE 3 -APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE STATE OF ALASKA: Certain of the Authority's activities are financed through appropriations from the State of Alaska to the Authority's various funds as described below: 7 Operating Fund - The Operating Fund accounts for appropriations from the State which are to be expended by the Authority for administrative and operating costs. Any appropriations unexpended or unencumbered at the end of a fiscal year lapse into the State's General Fund. Capital Projects Fund - The Capital Projects Fund accounts for appropriations from the State which are to be expended by the Authority on construction projects or related studies; such costs are accounted for in accordance with the policy described in Note 1. Capital projects appropriations are generally expended over the life of the related projects and unexpended amounts do not lapse into the State's General Fund until the project is completed. Effective August 4, 1981, the legislature of the State of Alaska established the Power Development Fund of the Authority. The Power Development Fund will account for appropriations for the energy program for the State of Alaska to be expended by the Authority for reconnaissance and feasibility studies, power project finance plans, power project construction, debt service and power project operating costs. Accordingly, effective August 4, 1981 and thereafter all activities and balances of the Capital Projects Fund will be reflected in the Power Development Fund. Power Project Loan Fund - The Power Project Loan Fund accounts for appropriations from the State which are to be expended by the Authority in the form of loans for feasibility studies, design and construction of power projects consistent with the Authority's mandate. These funds are to be expended at the direction of the Authority's Board of Directors or by legislative mandate and do not lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Prior to July I, 1980, repayments on loans reverted to the fund and were available for expenditure at the direction of the Authority's Board of Directors. Subsequent to July I, 1980, all power project loan earnings and repayments (on loans not redesignated as grants) will revert to the State of Alaska General Fund. The majority of the loans are repayable over a twenty year period commencing between fiscal years 1988 and 1991; accordingly, the loans have been classified as long-term. 8 I I • = ~ • I I , I , , : • • I I I ·1 R ~ I • I I ---.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -- Grant Fund - The Grant Fund accounts for appropriations from the State which are to be expended by the Authority for energy related grants. These funds are to be expended at the direction of the Authority's Board of Directors or legislative mandate and do not lapse at the end of the fiscal year . Power Cost Assistance Fund - The Power Cost Assistance Fund accounts for appropriations and expenditures for financial assistance to eligible electrical utilities in the State of Alaska. The fund is composed of money appropriated for the purpose of providing power cost assistance to electric utilities to reduce the cost of electric energy to the consumer. The Power Cost Assistance Fund was established by legislative action effective August 4, 1981; however, as a program of the same nature was in effect for the year ended June 30, 1981, the activities of that program have been reflected in the Power Cost Assistance Fund for purposes of financial statement presentation. Any appropriations unexpended or unencumbered at the end of fiscal year 1981 lapse into the State's General Fund . Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund - The Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund was established effective August 4, 1981 to account for appropriations made to the fund and loans made by the fund. The Authority will make loans from the fund to electric utilities for the purpose of extending new electric service into an area of the State that an electric utility may serve under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the APUC . NOTE 4 -PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: The following summarizes the property, plant and equipment at June 30, 1981: Useful Lives Camp buildings Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Less: Accumulated depreciation (Years) 5 5 7-10 $1,027,221 898,682 89,135 2,015,038 373,842 $1.641,196 9 Depreciation on property, plant and equipment related to specific project activities is charged to project costs. Depreciation on contributed assets not related to specific project activities is charged to operations. Such depreciation amounted to $4,442 for the year ended June 30, 1981 and is reflected in the resulting net loss from operations and as a reduction of contributed capital in the accompanying statements. NOTE 5 -NOTES RECEIVABLE AND PAYABLE: On May 28, 1981 the Authority entered into agreements with a consortium of banks (the Lenders) and the City of Ketchikan (the City) whereby the Authority borrowed $35,000,000, as evidenced by General Obligation Bonds, Series 1981, and in turn loaned the monies to the City, as evidenced by Municipal Utilities Revenue Bond Anticipation Note, 1981. The term loan from the Lenders is secured by the general obligation of the Authority and by all proceeds of any refunding bonds and the note and loan agreement between the Authority and the City. The loan to the City is secured by proceeds of any Ketchikan Public Utility refunding bonds, certain revenues and amounts in the Utility's Revenue Fund and all monies in the City's Swan Lake Construction Fund. Other terms of the note payable to the Lenders and note receivable from the City which mature May 28, 1984 are identical and require semiannual payments of interest on November 30 and May 31. Interest is calculated at a daily rate determined as follows: The rate is 65% of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company prime rate (the Formula Rate) not to exceed 13%, or if the Formula Rate is less than 13% during any interest period then the interest payment will be the sum of (i) the amount due based on the Formula Rate, plus (ii) an Interest Differential (described below); provided the sum of the rates determined in (i) plus (ii) does not exceed a 13% effective interest rate. The Interest Differential is the amount of interest that would have been paid (if a 13% ceiling did not exist) when the Formula Rate exceeded 13%, less any interest actually paid to date. Pursuant to the Power Project Loan Fund program (formerly the Power Project Revolving Loan Fund) the Authority has loans receivable at June 30, 1981 from various utilities as set forth below: 10 " iii I • .. , .. I I I I I E I I I I I I I C E -------• -• -• -• -• ------------------- -- Date Rate of of Accrued Loan Borrower Interest PrinciEa1 Interest Total Alaska Electric Light and Power - 4/78 Improvements 6.5% $ 483,000 $ 6,536 $ 489,536 10/80 Improvements 8.6% 1,000,000 59,847 1,059,847 3/81 Upper Salmon Creek 7.0'70 200.000 4.450 204.450 Kodiak Electric Association (1) - 11/78 Terror Lake 5.0% 100,000-13.811 113,811 8/79 Terror Lake 5.0% 2.000,000 190.832 2,190.832 10/79 Mennonite Creek 7.0% 89,198 3,121 92.319 8/80 Port Lions 7.0% 205.677 7.199 212.876 8/80 Terror Lake 5.0% 1,050,000 48,218 1.098,218 Ketchikan Public Utilities (1) - 11/78 Swan Lake 5.0% 200,000 27.375 227,375 12/78 Swan Lake 5.0% 135.000 17.747 152.747 7/79 Swan Lake 5.0% 3.115,000 289.414 3.404.414 6/80 Swan Lake 5.0% 11.550.000(2) 455.958 12,005.958 Thomas Bay Power Commission (1) - 12/78 Tyee Lake 5.0% 120.000 15.769 135,769 7/79 Tyee Lake 5.0% 60.000 6.132 66.132 8/80 City of King Cove 7.0% 205.140 7.180 212.320 9/80 Akutan 7.0% 125,641 7.254 132.895 10/80 Iliamna-New Ha1en 8.6% 300 1 000 19,156 319,156 $20.938.656(2) $1.179.999 $22.118.655 (1) Redesignated as grants effective August 4, 1981. (2) Excludes undisbursed loan proceeds of $6,450.000. Each of the loans was made pursuant to legislative direction and all principal and interest repayments revert directly to the State of Alaska General Fund. Accordingly, the Authority has recorded payables to the State of Alaska equal to the outstanding balance of Power Project Loan Fund loans, interest receivable and available undisbursed loan proceeds of $6,450,000. Effective August 4, 1981 approximately $18,624,875 of the loans outstanding at June 30, 1981 were redesignated as grants. NOTE 6 -COMMITMENTS AND UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS: The Authority leases its office facilities and certain equipment for periods expiring between June, 1982 and August, 1984 with aggregate annual rental payments as set forth below: 11 Year Ending June 30, 1982 1983 1984 1985 $131,569 $109,920 $112,875 $9,450 Following is a summary of unexpended appropriations by fund as of June 30, 1981: Power Project Loan Fund Capital Projects Fund Grant Fund $10,590,359 $27,178,790 $748,516 NOTE 7 -EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO JUNE 30, 1981: Effective August 4, 1981, the legislature of the State of Alaska appropriated $397,785,000 and ~lOO,OOO,OOO, and interest earned on the investment of, certain of the appropriations, to the Authority to be utilized for projects, assistance, loans and grants through the Authority's various funds for fiscal years 1982 and 1983, respectively. Additionally, effective August 4, 1981, the Rural Electri- fication Revolving Loan, the Power Cost Assistance and the Power Development Funds of the Authority were established as discussed in Note 3 above. Effective August 4, 1981, legislation was passed which redesignated $18,624,875 of the June 30, 1981 balance of Power Project Loan Fund loans as grants subject to the newly established Power Development Fund established on the same date. • 12 .. • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • -• • • • • • ~ ~ , w I • ~ • I • • • • E I -----.. -.. -------.. -.. -----.. ---.. -.. -.. -----.. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT H STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSED OPERATION OF THE PROJECT WORKS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - - - - - - - - ----- -- - - - - - BLACK BEAR L~KF HYDROFLECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT H Project setting Streamflows Project operation Navigation Table of Contents Irrigation, Municipal and Domestic water supply Recreation Flood Control Fish and Wildlife Water Quality Utilization of the Resources List ot Tables H-1 Average Monthly Flows H-2 Average Monthly Evaporation Losses List of Figures B-1 Synthesized Average Monthly Flow H-2 Flow ~eleases B-3 Reservoir Operation List ot ~endices Appendix A Hydrology H-i Page iI-1 H-l :1-3 H-4 H-4 H-4 H-5 q-S H-5 H-5 H-2 B-3 -- ------ --- - ------------ -------- BLACK BEAR I,AKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJFCT EXHIBIT H STATEMENT OF PRCPOSED OPERATION OF PROJECT WORKS Project Setting The Black Bear Lake Project is located on Prince of Wales Island eight miles east of Rlawock. ~he Lake is at elevation 1,b80 feet, and thE total drainage area for the Black Bear Lake Project, including the lake, is 1.82 square miles. The drainage basin is about two miles long with the lake extending about 70 percent of this length. The mean basin elevation of 2,410 feet makes Black Bear Lake one of the highest baSins on Prince of Wales Island. Black Bear Creek leaves Elack Bear Lake and drops 1,400 feet by a series of falls and rapids within O.b miles. The stream trends in a northwesterly direction to Black Lake, 1.7 miles downstream of Black Bear Lake and about 1,bOO feet lower in elevation. Exhibit J shows a general map of the area. A concrete gravity dam with a spillway crest at will be located at the outlet of Black Bear Lake. raise the lake level by 35 teet, and will b,a50 acre-feet of active storage. rhe surface area will increase trom its current estimated size of 212 241 acres at Elevation 1715. Streamflows 1715 Elevation The dam provide of the will about lake acres to about ~h€ hydrology report for the Black Bear Lake Project is presented in Appendix A of this Exhibit. Below is a summary of the results. The climate is humid and is typified by mild temperatures and heavy precipitation. The nearest climatological station is Ketchikan ~hich has a historical mean annual precipitation of 15b.Ob inches, and mean ar.nual temperature of 45.7 degrees Farhenhei t. Based on otlier nearby gages and elevation of the lake, the average annual runott at Black Bear lake is estimated to be 14.3 cfs per square mile. ~his represents a total mean annual runott ot 2b cis. Since the streamflow gage at the outlet of Black Bear Lake was installed in June 1980, other gage records were used to synthesize monthly flow data for a period of 30 years. ~he results are presented in Figure H-1. The estimated average monthly flows are shown in Table B-1. B-1 Table B-1 AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS (cts) Month January 6.5 February 5.4 March 4.7 April 15.8 May 39.0 June 47.1 July 27.4 August 22.9 September 36.6 October 41.7 November 34.0 December 24.8 The predominance of overcast days and relativ€ly cool temperature precludes major evaporation losses. Evaporation virtually ceases in mid-winter when Black Bear Lake freezes over. The nearest Weather Bureau station tor which evaporation' data are available is located at the Juneau airport. Average annual evaporation losses of 15.9 inches were observed at Juneau between 1968 and 1977. The annual evaporation IOSd at Black Bear Lake is probably less than at Juneau because of a higher annual precipitation and lower average annual temperature. It is estimated that the mean annual evaporation losses in the project area would be less than eleven inches. For Black Bear Lake, an annual Class A pa.n coefficient of 0.10 was assumed to be representative ot evaporation from a large free-~ter surface. Averge monthly evaporation losses for Black Bear Lake are Shown in Table H-2 H-2 I I • • 1& I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------- --- --.. --- ----.. .. -----.. -------.. -.. May 1.60 Table H-2 AVERAGE MONTHLY EVAPORATION LOSSES, BLACK BEAR LARE June 1.82 July 1.92 (inches) August 1.68 September 0.68 TCT~ 7.70 The probable maximum tlood (PMF) was estimated using the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) isohyetal map ot the National Weather Service. The 12-hour PMP for the Black Bear basin produces 9.2 inches in six hours, 18.4 inches in 24 hours, and 31.3 inches in 12 hours. The inflow to the lake was combined with the tlow from direct precipitation on the surface of the lake to obtain a PMF peak inflow of 4,000 cfs, and a volume of 4.250 acre-feet. The 100-year flood peak was estimated to be 1,000 cfs. Project Operation The operation study was carried out on a monthly basis by simulating reservoir operation to meet forecast monthly peak and energy demands which are presented Exhibit W, Section 8.1. A computer program was used for the simulation, using the 30 years of synthesized monthly flows presented in Figure H-1. A 95 percent exceedance level was judged acceptable tor the determination of firm power, particularly in view of the reserve generation available. In addition, maximum and/or minimum flow releases were defined to reduce environmental impacts during specitic months wtich are important for salmon spawning and incubation. A detailed description and explanation of these constraints is presented in Exhibit ~. The minimum allowable lake level was set at Elevation 1685 to allow for intake submergence and tor construction of most project features above the existing lake level. An incremental cost benefit analysis was made to determine the maximum reservoir elevation. Benefits were based on the alternative cost ot diesel generation. Costs included the increm€ntal costs for the structures and equipment due to the increase in the height of the dam and in the installed capacity, as the reservoir level increased. For elevations higher than Elevation 1715, the incremental benefit-cost H-3 ratio was less than unity. As a result, Elevation 1115 was selected as the maximum reservoir elevation tor the project. • Based on the analysis of future load characteristics presented in Exhibit W, Sect10n 8. 1 and environmental constraints, monthly minimum, maximum and average flo~ releases are presented in Figure B-2. These flow releases will occur when the project energy output is fully utilized. Similarly, monthly reservoir elevations were computed by the computer program tor various exceedance levels, and are presented 1n Figure H-3. The capacities shown on this Figure H-3 correspond to 24-hour continuous capacities. During years ot high inflows, the reservoir will be operated near the maximum water level. During low flow years, the reservoir will be drawn down to the level necessary to meet environmental constraints and energy demand. The dependable power and average energy available is presented in Exhibit I. Navigation Black Rear Lake and Black Bear Creek do not support commercial navigation. The project is not being constructed nor will be operated tor tne purpose ot aiding or enhancing commercial navigation. I~~igation, Municipal and Domestic Water Supply NO uses of the project waters are anticipated for irrigation or water supply. Recreation The effects of project co~struction and operation on recreation in the area are described in Exhibits Rand w. I • I I I I --------------------------.. --------- Flood Control The Project is not designed for the purpose of flood control. However, the storage capacity will allow some regulation. The ogee- shaped spillway which is located centrally in the darn is designed to pass all floods, including the probable maximum flood (P~F). Fish and Wildlife -------~~~~~ The effects of project construction and operation on the fish and wildlife resources in the area are described in Exhibits S and W. Although there is no plan to provide a dependable water supply for a fish hatchery, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be kept informed during the design phase. The necessary items could be designed and constructed into the facilities. Water Quality The effect of project construction and operation on water quality is discussed in Exhibit W. Utilization of the Resources The Project will fully develop and utilize the water resource in the best public interest for power, fish, wildlife, and recreational purposes. The darn will almost fully regulate the inflow to the lake for energy production. The maximum head which can economically be developed at the site is used by the Project. Exhibits I, R, S, and W further describe the benefits of the Project. H-5 I I i I I I I I I I i I I I • I I I J I J I I I I I I • I I I .. ~ ......... , ~I" ',' ....... ~ AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS (cfs) FIGURE H-1 .' .. ..-. UCT NUV nEe JArI fEB MAH APH MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP YEAR (31) nU) (31) 01 ) (2H) (31) (30) (31) \30) (31) (3J) (30) 1 lIO.l 5S.lI h.a 10.1 . & .1 1.9 :·1 lI. & 27.& &0.7 28.4 8.2 25.9 2 21,.& 29.2 2c.l &.1 &.7 0.9 1.9 lHi .b ~8 .1. 16.2 27.8 13.& 3 2~.9 2&.3 35.1 LI.S 0.6 ".2 9.9 lI9.2 3b.l 25.0 18.& 25.8 4 3".7 4l1.9 lb.7 0.5 2.9 5.1 14.1 29.1 53.1 .31.1 20.'1 31.9 5 37.2 14 .. 9 22.3 8.3 &.9 1. 1 19.0 4l1.3 5&.1 21.8 &.1 'I3.lI & 40.7 27.0 25.& 6.9 b.2 1.2 21.0 52.1 3&.3 20.8 29." '1'1.5 7 5' •• U lIl.~ 32.7 1.1 lI.3 #:1.2 11.9 '17.2 55.9 1&.9 47.9 19.5 Ii 2H.O 3q.'I 22.6 b.O 0.7 5.lI 11.5 27.7 50.5 2&.0 &.3 34.6 q '17.1 .. 47.9 Il1.l 7.5 1.0 7.!) 17 .3 33.6 15 .. 3 7.7 11.5 2&.5 10 5it.l tt2.lI 2 1 •• 1 8.'1 10.5 0.7 . 16.0 q'l." Il1.2 42.& 24.9 36.1 11 25.1 4&.1 2H.q ·9.3 0.9 8.7 13.7 55.& '19.1 23.'1 20.'1 30.'1 12 71.~ 30.1 19.7 7.1, 6.& 7.2 12.5 15.1 6 /,. P '1'1.0 1.6 '15.0 13 52.2 18.1 13.0 9.5 1.8 6.& :: 15.H 12.1 1&.7 36.2 19.11 '10.4 1tt 1.12.3 27.2 24.4 9.& 2.0 6 • .1 11.3 32.1 51, .& 2&.3 29.7 IH .& 15 lIb.6 23.3 27.1 9.6 3.'1 3.5 0.8 20.0 '11.3 17 .6 20.3 &1.1 16 50.9 35.5 19.5 6.4 . &.2 1.9 30.4 '17.8 &0.0 3'1.& 25.1 71.3 17 76.0 '1&.& 10.1 o.q 6.0 '1.4 1H.l 55.3 32.9 46.3 37.0 52.'1 18 32.11 23. (I 29.9 7.5 'I.as 6.1 16.2 35.4 66.1 35.3 17.4 1 9 ./~ 19 37.1 2'1.2 20.3 6.1 6.9 3.5 21.'1 41.6 55.1 31.9 27.4 57.11 20 3U.0 25.4 22.0 1.& 12.1 8.2 17.0 53.3 33.'1 25.1 17.2 '19.8 2J &0.1 lIO.2 3&.'1 5.0 12.3 1.0 15.2 37.5 51.7 25.0 2.5 2H.& 22 57.1 37.9 38.5 6.7 710ft 2.1 ·11. 'I 52.5 &3.1 1'1.2 '1&.2 32.3 23 5&.1 23.1 6.2 0.9 5.6 4.7 17 .lI 56.3 73.4 27.& 5&.2 16.7 2 1, '19.0 lI2." 35.2 0.5 '1.'1 3.'1 15.5 35.9 4&.0 ·22.6 19.2 21.9 25 31.0 lIl.4 24.9 9.1 ':).1 0.6 17.4 54.2 16.9 12.& lI&.l 34.7 2& bS.9 30.b 2l1.2 2.3 &.'1 8.6 13.0 33.3 39.5 26.2 25.9 3'1.6 27 Sq.) 42.0 4b.O 8.3 1.5 12.1 18.5 37.3 q9.9 46.1 1'1.4 .H.7 28 74.5 27.9 31.q &.6 10.8 2.2 17 .0 31.5 49.& 16.9 38.0 2&.5 ~q "~.b 31.lI 27.7 14.3 0.3 5.3 19.6 25.0 59.1 24.7 20.0 42.1 30 39.6 37.9 35.1. ".2 10· .1 1.0 1'1.6 32.6 66.8 39.1 2.0 &9.3 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA SYNTHESIZED AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW ~ZA ~""O'''''I!E''''''''O COMOl ........... MA""C>< 1981 ALASKA POWER AtmtOR1TY FLOW RELEASES Minimum (cfs) January 9 February 12 March 9 April 9 May 20 June 15 July 24 August 24 September 29 October 25 November 23 December 9 Annual 9 I--tARZA ENG'NEER'NG C~NY MARCt-< 'SB1 Maximum (cfs) 24 24 24 24 39 49 58 38 46 44 42 28 58 FIGURE H-2 Average (cfs) 17 17 17 17 27 28 36 33 36 33 31 17 26 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA FLOW RELEASES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY " ... • • • • • .. .. .. I' .. I I I I I I I I I I I F(JLLOWYfIor. IlE<;IJI1S l'A~~.n 1',., nCT IlRAWllf'l','IJ r~L\il y~ . .,. r. A f' A r 1 T y r,. ,,: 1 y t ~" ?4'J1! iJ I I ~(t •• 1 i I liF h (. ~l If,~j:,, .. n " I I I I I :~ (l Y[ ~I' ~ f X rfl',iF '''~t OfJ JA'! FH' 1."" ? 1 JI? " I t' !\p If,t'i./) ... I I I ? .1--1> 1 /I I I .1li"'J 1"<; 1.7 In I I I I I ?711 Q I • ANNtlAL 11>8'1.0 'I n.l13 C; I I *********************.**********~***.*.****.*******.**.**** •• ******-*.*************.************.*.************** •• ************.* FOLLn"'YNr. 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I I I" ,>" ,."- ~QZA ENGINEERING ~NY . MARCH 1991 'IAt.> 17!1~.? .'1 IL,""'l: 1 7 () Po. /1 ,. f,4,1.\ ,>7 ,1111'1 ,II.I 1 71".0 \1 Ftl A~!t;JlAL 170 11 .;> 27 IUlClCKMU. ImIIIOIUC11tIC ....acT ALAIKA RESERVOIR OPERATION -- --------- ----.. ---- --.. -.. -- ------.. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT H APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -------------------------------------- Exhibit H Appendix A HYDROLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Basin Description Climate Streamflow Streamflow Records Flow Synthesis for Black Bear Lake Flow Synthesis Downstream of Black Bear Lake Floods Probable Maximum Flood IOO-Year Floods Flood Frequency Curves Reservoir Routing for Spillway Design Low Flow Frequency Evaporation Sedimentation References HA-i HA-l HA-4 HA-6 HA-6 HA-6 HA-9 HA-17 HA-17 HA-17 HA-22 HA-24 HA-26 HA-30 HA-3l HA-33 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Location Map Drainage Area Map LIST OF PLATES Basin Elevation vs. Runoff Monthly Percent of Annual Runoff Monthly Average Flow 1946-Low Flow Year 1944-Average Flow Year 1949-High Flow Year Black Bear Lake Unit Hydrograph 10 Black Bear Lake-Probable Maximum Precipitation and Inflow Hydrograph 11 12 13 14 15 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black Bear Lake-lOa Year Precipitation and Inflow Hydrograph Momentary Peak Flood Frequency Curves Spillway Design Curve Black Bear Lake PMF Inflow and Outflow Hydrographs 7-, 14-, 30-Day Low Flows LIST OF TABLES Ketchikan Average Precipitation and Temperature Area Stream Gages Black Bear Lake Monthly Runoff Percent Black Bear Lake Outflow Rating Black Lake Outflow Rating lOa-Year Flows lOO-Year Flood Derivation Average Monthly Evaporation Losses, Juneau Airport HA-ii HA-2 HA-3 HA-lO HA-12 HA-13 HA-14 HA-15 HA-16 HA-18 HA-19 HA-2l HA-25 HA-27" HA-28 HA-29 HA-4 HA-7 HA-9 HA-20 HA-22 HA-22 HA-23 HA-30 " II I " • I I I I -------------- - ------------------- - HYDROLOGY BASIN DESCRIPTION Black Bear Lake is located on Prince of Wales Island eight miles east of Klawock and nine miles northwest of Hollis, Alaska (Plate 1). The lake is approximately at elevation 1,650 feet, National Geodetic Vertical Datum (mean sea level), and has a surface area of 0.30 square miles. The· total drainage area for Black Bear Lake (including the lake) is 1.82 square miles (Plate 2). The drainage basin is about two miles long with the lake extending about 70 percent of this length. The basin is oriented in a northwesterly direction. Ground slope is very steep and averages 60 percent. Approx- imately 80 percent of the 5.5-mile basin divide length exceeds 2,500 feet in elevation with peaks to 3,996 feet. The average distance from the basin divide to the lake is about 2,200 feet. The mean basin elevation of 2,410 feet makes Black Bear Lake one of the highest basins on Prince of Wales Island. The drainage basin is very rocky with only about ten percent of the drainage forested. Most of the trees are located at the lower elevations near the lake. The upper elevations consist of bare rock and light brush. grasses, and moss. Several avalanche paths and talus slopes from the high rocky peaks extend into Black Bear Lake. Black Creek leaves Black Bear Lake and drops 1,400 feet by a series of falls and rapids within 0.6 miles. The stream trends ir'l a northwesterly direction to Black Lake (Plate 2), 1.7 miles downstream of Black Bear Lake and about 1,600 feet lower in elevation. Black Lake is about 0.8 miles long and has a total drainage area of 7.39 square miles. The stream leaving Black Lake flows in a northerly direction for three miles to tidewater at Big Salt Lake (Plate 2). The total drainage area of Black Creek at tidewater is 17.46 square miles. The basin below Black Rear Lake is heavily forested. 31 :a HA-l o ~Q o SCALE: APPROX. 1-= 30 mil •• LEGEND: $ -STREAM GAGE STATIONS ( S •• Station Nam •• b.low ) .-WEATHER STATIONS 1. BIG CREEK 2. NECK CREEK 3. STANEY CREEK 4. KLAWOCK RIVER 5. NB J'ROCADERO CREEK 6. KARTA CREEK . 7. MA YBESO CREEK 8. HARRIS RIVER 9. INDIAN CREEK 10. VIRGINIA CREEK 0 DIXON ENTRANCE 11. CABIN CREEK 12. OLD TOM CREEK 13. REYNOLDS CREEK 14. UPPER MAHONEY LAKE 15. MAHONEY CREEK LOCATION MAP - PLATE I 1~t(1 HA-2 .-.~' ~~------------------------..." ,. .. I' .. " III " iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ----.. -.. ---------------.. -.. -.. ---.. -.. -- Bill ) "; . INCREMENTAL DRAINAGE AREAS (A).OUTLET TO BLACK BEAR LAKE D.A.::1.82 sq.mL (" . <~. (B).INLET TO BLACK LAKE D.A.:4'~ 48 sq.mL ,~(C).OUTLET TO BLACK LAKE D.A.::1.08 aq.mL 1bJ~~~~~~~11-I_fH--r-W.WHfl1Wff~S~~\-(D).MOUTH OF BLACK CREEK D.A.:::1CUI'7 aq.mL DRAINAGE AREA MAP HA-3 PLATE 21~1 CLIMATE The climate of the area is maritime in nature. The climate is humid and is typified by mild temperatures and heavy precipitation. Small diurnal temperature fluctuations and relatively small mean temperature changes from season to season are characteristic of· the region. The pacific air is the moderating influence, but temperature extremes in both winter and summer reflect occasional air mass invasions from Canada. The climate in southeastern Alaska is closely related to the numerous iow pressure systems created in the Aleutians. The storms move easterly along the mainland cold front across the Gulf of Alaska to southeastern Alaska. The low pressures create cyclonic wind patterns that rotate counterclockwise (Coriolis effect). This produces prevailing southeasterly winds in the Black Bear Lake region. The moist air cools and forms precipitation as it rises over the colder continental air. The Black Bear Lake area gets even more precipitation due to orographic effects. Sub- stantial precipitation variations can be found throughout southeastern Alaska and very little data has been collected. Ketchikan is the nearest long-term climatological station to Black Bear Lake. Ketchikan, near sea level, has a historical mean annual precipi- tation of 156.06 inches and mean annual temperature of 45.7 degrees F (Fahrenheit) • Table 1 shows the monthly variation of precipitation and temperature at Ketchikan. Table 1 Ketchikan Average Precipitation and Temperature (63-Year Record) January February March April May June July August September October November December Precipitation Inches 14.33 12.49 12.08 11.80 8.98 6.47 7.94 11.24 13.50 22.47 18.50 16.26 Temperature (Degrees F) 33.7 36.0 38.2 42.8 49.1 54.6 58.0 58.6 54.1 46.8 40.2 35.8 Other weather stations in the area are shown on Plate 1. Mean annua I temperature at Hollis, nine miles southeast of Black Bear Lake, is 44.2 degrees F. January is the .coldest month at Hollis with an average tem- perature of 32.4 degrees F, and August is the warmest month, with an 31: b HA-4 I I I I I I r r • ·1,,;·, .~ I E • II I I ------------------------------------ - average temperature of 58.1 degrees F. The temperature on the Black Bear Lake drainage basin may average .approximately 8 degrees F cooler than Hollis, due to the decrease in temperature with altitude. The aver- age annual precipitation at Hollis is about 100 inches. Mean annual precip- itation on the Black Bear Lake drainage basin is estimated to be near 220 inches. This large amount of precipitation is associated with orographic effects. 31: b HA-5 STREAMFLOW A streamflow gage was installed at the outlet of Black Bear Lake in June 1980 and is being serviced by the USGS. Due to the very short period of record, the gage was of limited value in the hydrologic studies contained in this report. The gage will become of greater value as more data is collected. It is recommended that all analyses related to streamflow in this report be reevaluated after at least one year of streamflow data becomes available. This reevaluation is required prior to final design of the project. Streamflow Records Since the streamflow gage at the outlet of Black Bear Lake has a very short period of record, other gages in the area of Black Bear Lake were utilized for the hydrologic analyses. These gages are listed in Table 2 and shown on Plate 1. Most of the stream gages in the area are near sea level and record flows from basins with mean elevations considerably less than that of Black Bear. During the hydrologic analysis it was determined that the only other basin in the area with characteristics similar to Black Bear Lake and being gaged in 1980' was the Upper Mahoney basin. Although the Upper Mahoney record is short, Lower Mahoney has been gaged for 25 years and could be used to extend the Upper Mahoney record. It had been . planned to compare the concurrent records of Black Bear Lake and Upper Mahoney Lake and extend the short Black Bear Lake record if reasonable to do so. Unfortunately, the required Upper Mahoney record was deter- mined to be unusable by the USGS this fall. Flow Synthesis for Black Bear Lake To synthesize Black Bear Lake flows, other nearby gage records were used. There are no stream gages in the immediate area. To use all of the ava ilable flow data, the records of the area gages were reviewed. The stream gage records, along with precipitation records, were used collectively to estimate mean annual runoff, normal monthly distribution of runoff, and variation of this normal distribution for a sequence of years. Mean annual runoff per square mile for each stream gage was plotted versus mean basin elevation for gages near Black Bear Lake, on Prince of Wales Island. An additional point was added to this plot for sea level by converting the mean annual preCipitation at Hollis to a discharge. This was done ,by assuming an 80 percent runoff coefficient. A straight line was fitted through the points of nearby gages and gages on similar basins and is shown on Plate 3. The orientation of the basins makes little difference in the mean annual runoff. Orientation may be significant for individual storm events. Therefore, the straight line was extrapolated directly to the 2,41 O-foot mean basin elevation of the basin feeding Black Bear Lake to obtain a mean annual runoff of 13.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) per square mile. As a check on this value, the discharge per square mile was estimated by two additional calculations. 31 :d HA-6 I " I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I 1 I I I I I I Table 2 Area Stream Gages Drainage Mean Basin Elevation Runoff Per Square Mile Period of No. on Gage Area Feet (Cubic Feet Per Second Record Plate 1 Name (Square Miles) (Mean Sea Level) Per Square Mile) (Years) 1 Big Creek 11.2 360 7.84 15 2 Neck Creek 17.0 500 7.29 7 3 Staney Creek 51.6 600 6.94 14 4 Klawock River 46.1 1,150 6.49 1 5 N B Trocadero Creek 17.4 850 8.74 6 6 Karta Creek 49.5 1,000 9.27 7 7 Maybeso Creek 15.1 1,120 9.01 14 8 Harris River 28.7 1,400 8.92 15 9 Indian Creek 8.82 1,000 9.76 15 10 Virginia Creek 3.08 less than 200 5.58 2 S; 11 Cabin Creek 8.83 1,300 9.77 2 I 12 Old Tom Creek 5.90 1,000 6.47 29 '-I 13 Reynolds Creek 5.70 1,600 10.95 5 14 Upper Mahoney Lake 2.03 2,400 15.07 2 15 Mahoney Creek 5.70 1,680 18.24 25 31 :h:l Runoff from the Black Bear Lake gage for August 1980 was compared with concurrent precipitation at the Aiaska State Hatchery at Klawock, near sea level seven miles west of Black Bear Lake. Runoff for this period was assumed to have been almost entirely from precipitation. Base flow at Black Bear Lake was separated from the recorded flow, and it was determined that the stream gage recorded a runoff (converted to inches over the basin) that was 1.83 times the precipitation recorded at Klawock. The average annual precipitation at Klawock is not known, but it should be very close to the mean annual precipitation at Craig of 105 inches per year. It was assumed that the above 1.83 factor observed between Klawock precipitation and Black Bear Lake runoff during August 1980 is representative of conditions throughout the year. Therefore, approximately 192 inches of runoff per year could be expected from Black Bear Lake. This is equivalent to a mean annual runoff of 1 !I.l!1 cfs per square mile. A third estimate of the mean annual runoff for Black Bear Lake was made by utilizing records from an old rain gage about 23 miles southeast of Black Bear Lake. Precipitation was recorded at Jumbo Mine, elevation 1,500 feet, from 1915 through 1918. The mean annual precipitation at Jumbo Mine was estimated to be 190 inches. Jumbo Mine records were compared with the concurrent records at Ketchikan and adjusted to account for the Ketchikan departure from normal during that period. The average annual precipitation increase with increase in altitude was assumed to be linear between sea level and Black Bear Lake. Since Hollis is situated near Black Bear Lake and Jumbo Mine, it was used for the sea level precipitation station. The average annual precipitation at sea level (Hollis) is 100 inches, at 1,500 feet (Jumbo Mine) is 190 inches, and at 2,410 feet (Black Bear Lake) is extrapolated to 240 inches. This is equivalent to 15.9 cfs per square mile at Black Bear Lake with a runoff coefficient of 0.9. The three estimates of average annual runoff at Black Bear Lake (13.5, 14.1, and 15.9 cfs per square mile) were reviewed with all of the data assembled for this analysis. Additionally, the short record at Upper Mahoney Lake was analyzed, although the record is considered poor and it is remote from Black Bear Lake. Since the precipitation record at Jumbo Mine is very old and short, the runoff estimate using Jumbo Mine data was considered least reliable. Therefore, it was assumed that the . average annual precipitation at Black Bear Lake is between 215 and 220, which is equivalent to 14.3 cfs per square mile. This produces a total mean annual runoff of 26 cfs. The monthly runoff variation for several of the nearby stream gages was studied. A relationship of seasonal runoff versus mean basin eleva- tion was developed for an area of Baranof fsland by the Alaska Power Administration and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (Ref. 1). Runoff variation for selected stream gages on Prince of Wales Island near Black Bear Lake did not agree well with this relationship. This may be due to lower precipitation on Prince of Wales Island. 31 :d HA-8 lit .. I I • III • iii III iii " III E. ----.. - - ---.. .. ---.. - -.. ---.. .. .. --.. ---- Mean monthly runoff, as percentages of mean annual flow were estimated from relationships between Maybeso Creek, Reynolds Creek, Lower Mahoney, and Takatz Creek. The estimated normal monthly flows, as percentages of mean annual flow, are shown in Table 3 for the Black Bear Lake drain- age. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Table 3. Black Bear Lake Monthly Runoff Percent Normal % of Mean Annual Flow 25 23 20 57 156 179 103 96 132 181 134 94 The variation of flows from year to year was accomplished by use of the variation of precipitation from normal. A table of ratios of precipitation at Ketchikan was developed. by dividing each monthly value of precipita- tion by the normal precipitation for that month. A ten-year set of flows for Lower Mahoney was developed by multiplying the precipitation ratios by the Lower Mahoney normal monthly flow. These developed flows correlated well with recorded Lower Mahoney flows for the same ten-year period. Better correlation was obtained during the snowmelt months of April, May, and June by shifting 50 percent of the portion of flows in excess of the monthly average to the next month. Using these same methods, 60 years of estimated flows for Black Bear Lake were developed • The estimated low monthly flows appeared high and were adjusted to more closely correspond to the calculated low flow probability • The estimated monthly flows were used as data in the Corps of Engineers computer program, H EC-4 (Ref. 2) to generate the 500 years of flows. Flow Synthesis Downstream of Black Bear Lake Flows were synthesized for three basins downstream of Black Bear Lake. These basins are shown in Plate 2. The mean annual runoff for each basin was determined by comparison of nearby gaged streams' runoff versus elevation trends (see Plate 3). This is similar to the method 31 :d HA-9 -... CD CD --z 0 -l- e( > w ..J W ~ Z -I en ~ 0 e( m w <!J e( a: w > e( 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 o 4 BLA.~.J EA..B..b~~ ELEV. : 2 liCL ___ .--------7-$ $ . / ... s s Ida Creek .... .- t.bln C,eek "" ... (I .~ 5 0 5 (I S Maybeao c,eek@ d -Indian Creek ... F Karta Creek (I • NB Tro adero Creek S Staney preek @~/ -... Nee k Creek (! Big Creek <i) S S r-I. ~0.8 Klawo ~k Preclpltatlo n ~ a a 10 12 14 18 BASIN RUNOFF ( efa'aq.ml. ) BASIN ELEV A TION vs .. RUNOFF S (I S S , LEGEND: Nearby Gage Statio a on Prine • of Walea I land I Other (l age Statlone within 100 r ~lIe radlua 1a 20 PLATE 3 CH2M II HILL ---------.. -----------.. ---.. ----- ----- described for Black Bear Lake In the previous section. To determine the average monthly variation in the calculated average annual runoff. stream flow and precipitation were reviewed. Elevation effects on monthly runoff were also evaluated. Maybeso Creek and Reynolds Creek flow records and Ketchikan precipitation records were reviewed and plotted to establish percentage of annual runoff for each month versus elevation (see Plate 4). Flows were synthesized for Maybeso Creek and compared with recorded flows to establish empirical formulas for synthesizing flows on Black. Creek basins. Correlations were lowest in the spring and summer. To improve the correlation between predicted and recorded flows, adjustments were made for temperature extremes and precipitation extremes. The 30 years of synthesized monthly flow data for each basin downstream of Black Bear Lake were then calculated To do this· the mean basin elevation was used to determine average annual flow and the average monthly percent of annual flow for each month. These monthly values were then multiplied by 30 years of monthly precipitation record from Ketchikan, as measured by deviations from the mean. Each of these monthly flows was then adjusted using the empirical extreme temper- ature and precipitation adjustments used on the test synthesis for Maybeso Creek. Plate 5 shows the monthly average Black Bear basin flows and corresponding Ketchikan precipitation and temperatures. Similar plots for low, medium, and high years are shown in Plates 6-8. 31 :d HA-ll z o -t-ee .> w ..J W ---~ ---- -------------------- .. .. --r--------____ r-____________ !.!:~~tK LAK ~ A~EA C I I\V E ~ 1000 C'I) =, ===, == I'~ ==:=== ===;=======i~Iil~:~~:~~; I II ... < lID Z < W ~ . J / V 500 / ~I I /\ 0 SOJ I( ~~ 150 II i fA i 8 !! .. OF MEAN . MONTHLY PERCENT OF ANNUAL RUNOFF HA-12 200 CETCHIKAN PRECP . .'" l1li • iii Q = RECORDED FLOW " III : PLATE 41~1 E = ~~ --~---- ---.. a.: 0-W,c -a:'E D. 0 -z E -c .... ~ (D _ CD -J:,c o CJ -... Jii W- ~ -.. -D. -:E W ... -z -cu. .. ~o ~ 0 -... W -~ ---.. -.. (D --CJ I -a > as -0 .. ---.. -------.. 25 20 . 15 10 5 A IVG.A NN. Pt 0 80 50 "tV 30 A ~G.A ~N. TE 300 ~\ ~ ---,..: "' B: R, C:n. \'\ D= ~ ~ 1\ \ \ --~\\ ... "'" \~~ .~~ ~\I\ l\ \ f\ \ \ 1vu [E(;II"'. 1= 15 ~MP. = 46.2 KEY IInUII -&'1 Black !moff a1 Upper •• a1 ~lIun Lower ~noff a1 Mouth ).8/yr. ~F Bear Ll End Bl End BI of Blae ~ lke. lck Lak e e ~ck Lak ~k Creek I D ~ C\\I\\r\0~\ \f '7 [\\r\~ \\'~ o~~~ , '////~~~~~ ~I~ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MA~ JUN .u. AUG SEP iVlONTHL y AVERAGE .V ALUES HA-13 PLATE 5 I~ttl ~ eo ... I-eo z CII. 1° 40 0 Iii 30 ~ 400 300 • -0 I CI 200 > • 0 100 ~~~tt{~ ~;~1~;,·.~ '~';'~~ ~:tl~· !~~~i~i 1948 14NN. ~ .. _-I~ -. -142.8· 11946 ANN. ITEMF • : 4E 1.7 of ~ K EY ~ A ~ ;:ut .... ~: at B lack 81 ~ar La. ~ B ~ :: ..... , ~ at ~ ~per E ~d ..... lL Lake ~ . C ~ Rune Iff at L ~wer E ~nd _. _0. Lake e : "':~ .. , ::: at .. ,.o.L Cl ~ alaI!' Creek ~ ~ I ~ \'\\ ~\\ D \\ \ \ \\\~\\\\~\ ~ \~ ~~ \\ \\ ] \\' ~ ~ ~ W/hv//// /// ////..1 if/V// V//h Vffn ~ ~ OCT NOV DEC .IAN FEB MAR APR MAY .IUN .IUL AUG SEP 1946 -LOW FLOW YEAR . . HA-14 PLATE 6~ .. .. • II • III II!I .. II iii I "' • " .. • III til .. • .. " .. " .. " it " .. , II -CI 9: CIS 0 .. -CD W > a: -< Q. 200 -~ Z .c -< -100 -c ~ 0 ~ J: 0 --I-0 0 W L<~tXiD rH/A:::~il I!}~;~ , : ::",-:; ':,::':-;;,:, ~?~:?':;":' ~}: ISY~ , ,,,, 944 f'. G. PREC IP. : 1 ~7.5· .. -~ .. &I. eo 0, .. Q: ~ -W 50 I-.. Z -< 40 ~ -J: 11944 IA G. ITEMP 10 -: 47 ~5 of 0 30 .. I- W ~ --K~Y -400 1\ ;; t1un(; IT at ts laCK ts' ~ar LaK IS .. . B I: Rune Iff at U ?per E ~d Uae k Lake -C: ~ Runo "at Lc ~wer E ~d Blae ~ Lake --300 • --u I -at > .. CIS a 200 -.. -.. 100 -.. .. ~ D. ~ nUII\,j ii at M puth 01 Black Creek ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~\~ ~ 1\ \\ '\ \ \\ 1\\' ~\I\\\ l\\ ~\' 1\ \ \ 0 j1 1\\'\ 1\ ~ ~ ~~/~ ~ ~ '//h~ ~ 419 V//h .. OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP -.. -1944 -AVERAGE FLOW YEAR .. -.. PLATE 71~1 -HA-15 - CD a as ... CD > < >-:E -c 0 ~ -0 ~ 0: ~ w t- Z < ~ J: 0 t-w !ill:: " -() b > as o e: 0 W a: Q. z < ~ J: 0 t- W ~ LL. 0 • .. " 200 .. 100 • • 1949 AVG. PR O • II eo • .. 50 40 I ., 1949 AVG. TEM 70f 30 I 1M • .. 400+----+----r----r----~--~--~~--~--~----~--_4----+_--~ I I • 0 • • II ., .. B 100+---- '" iii .. • OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MA Y JUN JUL AUG SEP " • • .. 1949 -HIGH FLOW YEAR HA-16 .. PLATE 81~~1' " .. -.. ---.. ---.. -.. ---.. - - ---.. - - ---.. ---- FLOODS Probable Maximum Flood (PM F) The National Weather Service is currently preparing a Hydrometeorological Report for Southeast Alaska. Advance copies of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) isohyetal map and a chart of depth-area-duration relation for southeast Alaska PMP were used to develop the PMP for the Black Bear Lake drainage basin. The 72-hour PMP for the Black Bear basin produces 9.2 inches in six hours, 18.4 inches in 24 hours, and 31.3 inches in 72 hours. Precipitation was plotted in the form of a depth- duration curve to aid in obtaining incremental rain • The precipitation was arranged into a critical storm pattern as recommended in the U. S. Weather Bureau's Hydrometeorological Report No. 43 (Ref. 3). An SCS triangular unit hydrograph (Ref. 4) for a five-minute rainfall duration was developed for the 1.52-square-mile land portion of the basin. A curvilinear fit of the triangular unit hydrograph was used. A time of concentration of 20 minutes was estimated using a combination of overland flow and channel flow. The resultant five-minute unit hydro- graph has a time to peak of 15 minutes and a peak flow of 2,943 cfs and is shown on Plate 9 • No infiltration losses were taken for the basin. The basin is almost entirely solid rock, and was assumed to be completely saturated by ante- cedent storms. A base flow of 200 cfs was used for the entire 72-hour PMF. This flow is consiCiered adequate to account for snowmelt conditions or to account for runoff conditions from an antecedent storm. Either base flow condi- tion is applicable since the PMP could occur during any season. However, October is probably the most likely month for the PMP (Ref. 5). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers computer program, HEC-l (Ref. 6), was used to combine the PMP with the unit hydrograph to obtain the inflow PMF to Black Bear Lake. The inflow to the lake was combined with the flow from direct precipitation on the surface of the lake to obtain the PMF for Black Bear Lake. The flood has a peak flow of 4,000 cfs and a volume of 4,250 acre-feet and can be seen on Plate 10. 100-Year Floods The 100-year floods were estimated for the outlet of Black Bear Lake, the inlet to Black Lake, the outlet from Black Lake, and the inlet to Big Salt Lake (see Plate 2). The 100-year precipitation was estimated from the U. S. Weather Bureau's TP 47 (Ref. 5). The storm produces 4.4 inches in six hours and 8.0 inches in 24 hours. The precipitation was plotted as a depth duration curve to aid in estimating five-minute precipitation increments. The storm 31 :e HA-17 aooo 2500 2000 -en LL 0 1500 - W ~ Cl a: I < .... J: 00 0 en 1000 0 500 o -PEA K : 2943 c s EFF :CTIVE DUF ATION: 5r lin. \ V I , "' ~ r---..... 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 TIME (min.) BLACK BEAR LAKE UNIT HYDROGRAPH. 45 52.5 eo PLATE 9 ~~I~ I J • I • J I I • J I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I ~ t-' "" .8 84 0 z- 0 ... 1 j::: ::J 0 <.&: ........ _ II) Q. CD 2 -.&: 0 () w.5 0:_ Q. 3 PMF 7 K FLOW : 4000 cfs UME: 50 ac et -U 30 CD II) ..... ... -:l () -~ 2000 0 -I LL 1000~------~-----+------~------~~----~~--~-------r------;-----~ 0~0-------8~-----+,e------~------+-------~=----448-------5re------~e4~----~72 . TIME ( hours ) BLACK BEAR LAKE PLATE 10 PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION AND INFLOW HYDROGRAPH CH2M ::Hlll was arranged as suggested by the U. S. B. R. Design of Small Dams ( Ref. 4). The unit hydrograph used for the Black Bear Lake basin 100-year flood was the same as that developed for the PMF. Rainfall losses were assumed to be 0.05 inch per hour and base flow into the lake was assumed to be 30 cfs (approximately the estimated mean annual flow). H EC-l was used to combine the 100-year precipitation with the unit hydrograph. This flow into Black Bear Lake was combined with the flow from direct precipi- tation on the lake to obtain the 100-year flood. The 100-year flood peak flow was estimated to be 1,000 cfs (see Plate 11). I n order to route the Black Bear Lake inflow, survey information was used to deter- mine an approximate outflow rating curve. The channel cross-section at the critical section in the outlet stream was found to be approximately trapezoidal with a bottom width of 15 feet and side slopes of 1 V on 3.5 H and 1V on 4.5 H. The outflow rating was developed by using the weir head discharge relationship with a discharge coefficient of 2.6. This relationship agreed well with the three stage-discharge points determined by the U.S.G.S. The storage of Black Bear Lake above the outflow elevation was estimated by using a constant lake area of 192 acres for this routing. The outflow rating used for the lake is shown in Table 4. Active Storage ( Acre-Feet) 81 125 190 265 324 Table 4. Black Bear Lake Outflow Rating (Natural Channel Outlet) Active Discharge Storage (cfs) (Acre-Feet) 10 407 20 478 40 689 70 918 100 1,094 Discharge (cfs) 150 200 400 700 1,000 The routing of the 100-year flood resulted in a peak outflow from Black Bear Lake of 400 cfs. Unit hydrographs were developed for three subbasins downstream of Black Bear Lake for use in determining the 100-year flood at the various locations. The first subbasin was the area between Black Bear Lake and the upper end of Black Lake. The second subbasin was the area feeding directly to Black Lake with the lake area considered separately. The third and last subbasin was the area between Black Lake and Big Salt Lake. An infiltration rate of 0.05 inch per hour was assumed and base flow for each area was the estimated mean annual flow for the sub- basin elevation and area. The outflow from Black Bear Lake was lagged 30 minutes to account for the travel to Black Lake, and the outflow from Black Lake was lagged 1 hour and 20 minutes for the travel to Big Salt Lake. 31:e HA-20 • • •• .. .. • .. I I I I " .. " .. , .. " .. I I I I I I I J I I I I I I • I I I I J I I I I I I I· 1 • I I I I I I I I J z-Q t-:;:, I-0 c(.c 1-..... _ en a. CD -s:. o CJ W C a: .- 0.- -. $: (J CD I U) N ..... I-' --. :;:, CJ -3: 0 ..J IJ.. 21 24 O .2 .4 .8 .8 1 760 600 250 o +-----~~-----+------4-------~----_4------~------~------~----~ o 3 8 8 12 16 18 21 24 TIME (hour8 ) BLACK BEAR LAKE PLATE 11 100 YEAR PRECIPITATION AND INFLOW HYDROGRAPH CH2M I: HILL In order to route the flow through Black Lake, aerial photos were used to estimate a channel width at the outflow of Black Lake. The weir head discharge relationship with a discharge coefficient of 2.6 was used with a 30-foot-wide rectangular channel and a constant lake area of 83 acres to estimate the outflow rating shown in Table 5. Active Storage ( Acre-Feet) 44 70 98 155 286 Table 5. Black Lake Outflow Rating (Natural Channel Outlet) Discharge (cfs) 30 60 100 200 500 Active Storage ( Acre-Feet) 455 596 722 946 1,330 Discharge (cfs) 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 5,000 Table 6 shows the various parameters used for each subbasin, and the 100-year peak flow at each location. As a check on the computed 100-year peak flows, Reference 7 was used 'to estimate 100-year flows based on aU. S. C .5. regional study. Both sets of flows are tabulated below. Table 7. 100-Yr. Flows Cumulative 100-Yea r Pea k Flows Computed U.S.C.S. Flows Flows Location (cfs) (cfs) Black Bear Lake Inflow 1,030 970 Black Bear Lake Outflow 400 440 Upper End of Black Lake Inflow 1,740 2,540 Lower End of B lack La ke Inflow 3,320 3,170 Black Lake Outflow 2,670 2,430 Big Salt Lake Inflow 7,400 6,610 The agreement between the two methods is very good, especially when considering the routing by the two lakes. Flood Freguency Curves Flood frequency curves were developed for Black Bear Lake and the three downstream basins. These curves are used to estimate 10, 20, 31 :e HA-22 .. .. • • I III .. IIIIiII • .. • III III ., " lit • lilt I I II • I I til.' I •• 1 I I •• II II I I II 11.1 II I I II Table 6~ J 100-Year Frood Derivation Incremental Total Unit H~drogra~h Drainage Area Time to Peak Peak Base Flow 100-Year Peak (Miles) Hours) (cfs) (cfs) Flow Black Bear Lake Total Inflow 1.82 .25 2,943 30 1,030 Black Bear Lake Routed Outflow 400 B lack La ke Inflow at Upper End 6."30 .75 2,891 46 2,740* $: Black Lake Inflow I at Lower End 7.39 .33 1,394 8 3,320 N w Black Bear Lake Routed Outflow 2,670 Big Salt Lake Inflow from Stream 17 .46 1.67 2,924 60 7,400* *The 100-year peak flows at these subbasins include the flows from the above subbasln( s) • 31:h:2 50, and 100-year recurrence flood events. Since 100-year floods were already calculated (see previous section), these values were included in the curve development. Peak flow data from nearby stream gages were plotted as frequency curves using the Wei bull plotting position formula. From these curves, peak 10, 20, 50, and 100-year recurrence flows were plotted versus the basin drainage area for each gage. An envelope curve was drawn for maximum flows for each frequency. The envelope curves were found to be approximately parallel straight lines. The 100-year flows computed for Black Bear Lake and the down- stream areas were also plotted on the envelope curve for comparison with the maximum 100-year peak flows of the area. These computed flows formed a straight line which was parallel to the envelope curve for the area. The 10, 20, and 50-year envelope curves for locations along the drainage from Black Bear Lake were drawn parallel to the 100-year flow curve for the same drainage. Spacing was determined by spacings between the various frequency envelope curves for the other gages. Flow values for the 10, 20, 50, and 100-year recurrence inter- vals were obtained from the curves and were plotted in the form of flood frequency curves for each of the desired locations along the drainage from Black Bear Lake. The flood frequency curves for Black Bear Lake outlet, Black Lake inlet, Black Lake outlet, and Big Salt Lake inlet are shown on Plate 12. .. .. .. • - • •• .. .. • .. " .. A s a check on these flood frequency curves, the U. S. G • S. flood frequency .. method (Ref. 7) was used to compute ten-year peak flow for Black Bear Lake. This flow was within seven percent of the value shown on Plate 12. "" These curves are based on undeveloped conditions. Regulation of flow at Black Bear Lake or at downstream locations could significantly alter flood pea ks. Reservoir Routing for Spillway Design The probable maximum flood (see Plate 10) was selected for the spillway design flood. This design is to insure full hydraulic spillway protection of the dam to prevent overtopping of the dam. The design of the spill- way to pass the PMF is determined by the shape, width and elevation of the spillway crest. The following assumptions were made prior to deter- mining the required spillway width: . 31 :e o o o Ogee Crest Shape Discharge coefficient, C, of 3.95 Q = CLH 3/2 , where Q = discharge, cfs C = discharge coefficient L = length of spillway crest, ft. H = total head on spillway, ft. HA-24 .. .. .. II! .. • .. I I I I I I I I I I til I • i I I I I I I I J I I I I • I 468043 I I I I I I I I -o -(J ~-N VI o u ~ PROBABILITY X Z LOG CYCLES nOt::. KEUFFEL a ESSER co. "AO( lit US" t o 't,~~:·'~!'I·119~9~~IF';~~.~~.I.:~~I .. I;~:~.~I:~9~8!-:;1~~ .. ~~~~~~:!:~~f-!:~90j .. ~H~.~·~·~~~~:~-.~.~7~0~.~~~60~.;1~50mt~~~.1~30~·1f~~~2~011!'~O~:!-g.-.~~~5:~~lx::.-i:~~~~2~·:~f~~~~~lil~~'~I:':I.;I:I.2!<1=0~.liO~.0~5i.-:.cI~I·_O! 7 -'--:~I--:M~ M'EI~ 'j ~ I ~~F.E~Clli· ~ W"!I i I,~ l~t'~ .. -:.~ .=-~. 1~lf .. --r-~I-I-~ 6 , .. . =--1-.f-~·~I~li~I~~;:~~~IE I;! _. l~Ir;, ~ .. -.. :T.::;t=: :.] : -1"_ . f-:=r _ ~i=~ .. -fBlEVt: 5 ··r· >f.: F:= C. . ; .. c -,:~I:=:, -··.~o . . ~ •. . _ ... :~~ =.= :._ .. :-1=. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 F -f-.- '-A::FI=~ -:. D.~I::r=1I ... -.. ~ . --1:;-1-'--'1-0 . . . . _--:=f~j"! : . -.. '-' 4 1---1= 3 2 ... 1-. l-~+Hj -.-. ··-1---_. -j- - -.- ---t--H-++++11-+-+-+-++--l--l++-l-H-+~ Of HI I (I f I' -+-+-I++.H+II-I-+--+--+-+++-IC-H-H-+H--I----l-ll-l--l-w .. --\-. -+--I--+-+-l-+l+j - -~ III! H+++-l+J.I"'r--l -~ -. . ~ ~, .. -·I~ -~--- ~ .... _. ~~ o t-H-I-f--t-~: -- -. f-I- -:::=1-=". ... ~ · I-I-· -. I-- -I--f.-... f- -_.1-~ .. I; +++-+-H~-I-- H+~-I-·-· 1-.. -1-1--·-I~ -f--jl--l-t-H+I#H++-I-+-+ I~ I -f-.-I--.-.-._.-··f-.. -. [-+-11-+-1--+·-._. -f---I-- 3 2 I,al n I .. :~. ,~~ 9 6 5 3 2 --_. ·_··1-· l= ,. ·f- 1-- J= 1-· ·1--. I=-=I=:::·~. ' ... I--=-=~. ~-: -f.---.. __ ...... . -_._. -. --t--: fc=.Etr'l» iil- .. I.~:: ~ f-~~il' -1-- -I-H--I-H+H --!=-::..r=~ ~:.'::.: ~·f-~"::::::· _. I-.. --- ~c+-!4-1---l-4 ~-!--+4"-c---- I---.~.- .. :::: r-..... _ -' ':-.--.: ~ .. -.:'--.---- .. :~ .. _E~' ::-. _ . :: ... -t:".,: --: _:~ ..-. --'= -::: .:: -= . . I-:-_._ .. ::. . -:1=--= :-:: .-.. .. I::t-. : 1+1++-+-1- .. -F= . -.: 1= :--=.. 8 7 6 5 .-: 4 ".-.'.:~ . - --.j-: 3 . 1--... -- -~. ~-I-- 2 · 1-- · . ~-I-----+-~-I+I~_Ij_~~++I+-l-t+++H-~~-+~~~4-~·~4~~~+I·~H4+H"~.f+f.~ IOub~-LLU~~-L-L~~ULLU~~-L~LLLU~~~~LLUW~~LULU~~~WW~~~~UW~~Li~~ULUU~~~~~~~~-L~ om 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.8 99.9 99.99 o o A maximum water depth of six feet is allowed over the spillway. The spillway crest elevation is 1,715 feet. The 72-hour PMF and 200 cfs base flow were routed through the reser- voir for spillway widths ranging from 30 to 50 feet. The 200 cfs base flow produces a depth of water over the spillway and was used as the condition at the beginning of the routing. This depth varies from about 1.4 to 1.0 feet, depending on the spillway width used. The 72-hour PMF has a volume of 4,250 acre-feet and the unimpounded lake has a surface area of 192 acres. The storage volume is a function of the elevation of the water surface and was computed by assuming 1: 1 side slopes on the banks of the lake. The routing was accomplished by using the U. S. A rmy Corps of Engineers computer program, H EC-l (Ref. 6). The output of this mathematical model was used to make Plate 13. This plate shows the peak outflow and the peak depth of water above the spillway crest for varying spillway widths. The 30-foot ogee crest spillway will pass the 72-hour PMF at a peak flow of about 1,700 cfs and maintain a peak outflow depth of less than six feet. Plate 14 shows the inflow and routed outflow PMF hydrographs for a 30-foot wide spillway. The peak outflow is 2,000 cfs less than the peak inflow and occurs about o'ne and one-half hours later. Low Flow Frequency The 7, 14, and 30-day low flows for Black Bear Lake were based on the low flow frequency of nearby gaging stations. The developed low flow frequency curves were divided by drainage area. The slopes of the corresponding 7, 14, and 30-day lines were fairly constant. The differ- ence of flow divided by drainage area between the duration lines for a given recurrence interval was also quite steady. There was not a strong correlation between the magnitude of the low flow and the mean basin elevation. However, low flows at the higher elevations tended to be slightly greater than those at lower elevations. Unfortunately, none of the nearby gaged basins approach the elevation of the Black Bear Lake basin. Since the basin is mostly rock, there is less opportunity to sustain greater low flows since there is little ground water to be released. Additionally, the very high elevation of the basin may cause almost complete freezing of movable water in the winter. Therefore, the low flow frequency curves for Black Bear Lake take the form of the lowest curves from the nearby gages. For computation purposes, a low flow of O. 1 cfsl mi was assumed to be the 7-day, 25-year low flow of the area. The curves were drawn based on the slopes of the curves from the nearby stations. The low flow frequency curves of 7, 14, and 30-day duration for Black Bear Lake are shown on Plate 15. 31:e HA-26 • • .. • .. • • • .. .. ., - .. • lit '" .. -.. ---.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.--w w u.. .. --~ - 0 -..J u.. -u.. ·0 .. J: .--a.. w .. 0 :E -::l .. ~ X 4( -:E ----------.. -- 8.0 +---------------~--------------~---------------+ -PEAK OUTFLO -- 1880 ct • 5.5 4---------------~----~~------~--------------~ K OUTFLOW = 1783 cia PEAK OUTFLOW = 1799 cta 5.0 +-------------~------------_4~~--------__+ W= K OUTFLOW = 1895 ct. PEAK 0 FLOW = 1958 cta --- 4.5~------------~~------------~-------------4 30· 40 50 SPILLW A Y WIDTH (FEET) SPILLWAY DESIGN CURVE HA-27 PLATE 13 G-I2M IIHIU 6000 4000 3000 -• () \1) 14 2000 ..... .... -• :I g: () I -N 00 ;: 0 ..J 1000 U. o :----'INFLOW PEAl k FLOW = 4000 cfs PMF VOLUME ~ 4250 ac re -feet ~) {r"., ROUTEI 'w FOR ~ OUTFlO 30 FT. WIDE SPIL ~WAY \ ,~ PEAK F lOW = 1. 80 cfs ~ ..,.""," ~ .......... I ~ .......... ......... ..... -------if __ -1----------"" ___ ~-- o 8 18 24 32 40 48 158 84 TIME ( hours) BLACK BEAR. LAKE PLATE 14 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD INFLOW & OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPHS CHlM II Hill 72 I I 10 9 8 7 6 5_ 4 3 - 2 __ E II 99.99 F': -, --.- -":;':: .: ---~--- -"- • I I I I 99.999.8 99 ".Mora .ABI~ ·1 Z L~ILES • IIIf\ ~tu.lHF'EL a'\::,::;i co. -mD[ IN U 5" ,. 98 95 90 80 70 1=++ -I+~ 1=_-_ -:: -:-t ... -111 -III '! c:_ ~ _::_~. :C'E -_- Ft=:'~' -- Il 1- -t------~ -:"., ---,.. --. .I~ :! __ ._~_. b¥ -~ -C:=.---=-~;:c --- :'"!' 2~c1:g_ -8_~ _],C In - ~= I I I I I I I 60 50 40 30 20 -1- I .. J80~ I 10 5 2 -_ --~:=:= f---- :-I=r:-::= -1---f-- _ --= -~ -t== - :: --:p--::---t -:=:--: 11- r-= _AI--I-_ I I 1 .: I I I I 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 _'=c---- : -:: --r= .- _ -_ r:-__ r-- -f- ---1- -1-- --1----H-I--I-I+H++---+H-I"~--+-IO::~ ~:I--I+H-t~H+++-t--t-+-~ I-H-I H-t-t--l --I---f-- I c- OO ........ 00 ~U --1---r ---p--j~----l+H--H++++++-I-- . -It-f------- -.. - -I---t--t-II---p: ~ -1--1--N _ '9-~--~'3i·~1-·!=!llllliiilll!lIlIl!lilliillillllllllil!lIlIl!lilll!l!!iilllllllllll-!-~l!c~II:-illI!lIIII~-!-!!lIi'!--I--~;~~Ii'-9 1.0 c:( .8 C -r-I j I==-~ ---c---=--:--~r~ --::~~'r:s:~---8 7 O . ---Ii' ~.-= -:+-----r----1----.-t:'; ~ - -----I ----.7 -I~ --~ ~ ------t-----o .6-f:j: j II =-.: ---I--I--t---- -~ : -. --1· -_te.:-:-------:::::. ~ 6 .4 .3 .2 .1 :i:'! ii::--'--~F' -_ -:_E ---1'1 c: _ _ .:..:.: "_-.-'.: - 5 ,--LLL==F=: : __ -: --_ -_____ :I-:::~: I:::_~-,:-: -----_==":::: :c-_ - -'-_ ______ _ _____ 4 ~-i-··=-t!~i--~Jtt=-t-~--I--=il-=F-tt~~-~-~-~-=~--I-=~-i:=·-=-tt--·-=t~it.~~~rtHHit~J.I.'~-+H~+~~~H~-J;~H+H+i+rr+-l--~----+I----l+rHH~~-"I-~~--+-f-~~+-+-+-t=_-~.-1 II I -1::: -------1= ~. :-----W ,---:: --::--::.: : ----: :: -:1= ------: 1--= : --· It -::: ~I-===t= _: _ _ ~ __ r~: _~-. _ _ __ _ - - --: I; ~~:.: : ~~. ~-: __ .. /- r--t-----l-l--+l-H-+++-H+I+H-++I-+++H+ -r--- 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 1-- ----1- 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.899.9 ----f-- I - CH;M ~rH!tt -,--1- 99.99 3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I I EVAPORATION Evaporation from a free-water surface is controlled by a number of inter- dependence factors: temperature of the water and air, wind, atmospheric pressure, quality of the water, and the nature and shape of the water surface. Because of such interdependence, a high correlation between evaporation and anyone of the controlling parameters cannot be expected (Ref. 8). Due to the dominating maritime influence, the climate of the Black Bear Lake basin is mild and humid with much precipitation. Prevailing winds bring rain and, therefore, have I ittle or no capacity to remove water vapor produced by evaporation. The predominance of overcast days and relatively cool temperatures also precludes any appreciable evapora- tion losses. Evaporation virtually ceases in mid-winter when Black Bear Lake freezes over. The nearest Weather Bureau station for which evaporation data are avail- able is located at the Juneau airport. As shown below, average monthly evaporation losses totalling 15.91 inches were observed at Juneau between 1968 and 1977 (Ref. 9). ~ 3.30 Table 8. Average Monthly Evaporation Losses, Juneau Airport ( Inches) June 3.76 ~ 3.98 August 3.47 September 1.40 Total 15.91 These are pan evaporation values and are not representative of evapor- ation from a large free-water surface such as a lake or reservoir. An assumed annual Class A pan coefficient of 0.70 (Ref. 10) gives an estimated equivalent annual lake evaporation of 11.14 inches. The annual evaporation loss at Black Bear Lake is probably less than at Juneau because of a higher annual precipitation and lower average annual temperatures. Therefore, it is estimated that the mean annual evaporation losses in the project area range from six to eleven inches. 31 :f HA-30 I I I I I I I I I " .. I - -.. -.. - -.. -.. -.. -... - -- -• - -.. - - -... SEDIMENTATION The Black Bear Lake basin is in steep rock and talus slopes and has very little soil cover. Vegetation is sparse and covers only about 50 percent of the basin, primarily at the lower elevations. Trees cover only about 10 percent of the basin. There are several small snowmelt streams in the basin. Available sediment data for Alaska streams do not include measurements for small basins such as Black Bear Lake. However, these sediment observations indicate that suspended sediment is not a significant problem in basins not containing active glaciers. Published reports (Ref. 1, 11) indicate sediment yields of Alaska streams ranging from 0.1 to 5.1 acre-feet per square mile per year. The higher value is for a drainage area with a glacier cover of 22 percent • Because there are no glaciers in the Black Bear Lake basin, the suspended sediment production rate is expected to be at the low end of the reported range. The sedimentation rate for the 1. 5-square-mile land portion of the basin is estimated to be about 0.15 acre-foot per year. Bedload portions of material entering Black Bear Lake would consist mainly of rockslides and rockfall accompanying the normal weathering process. There are a number of old rockslides around the lake: None . appear to be very recent, and the talus slopes appear to be stable. Vegetation has been re-established in the major rockslide areas. The accumulation of rock is most likely to occur as the result of mechanical weathering, particularly frost wedging in the bedrock formation. In any given year it is possible for a significant quantity of sliderock to be carried into the lake. However, since there is no evidence of this having taken place recently, the average annual sediment contribution due to slide hazard is relatively small. It is estimated that the sediment- ation rate due to rockslides and avalanches is about 0.2 acre-foot per square mile per year, for an annual total of 0.3 acre-foot for the 1.5-square-mile basin. In the higher elevations of the study area, snow depths in excess of 20 feet may be reached. Snows of these magnitudes build up on the steep slopes of the drainage basin until enough weight is accumulated to overcome the shear friction in the snow and create an avalanche. The exact critical angle of repose depends on the temperature, wetness, and shape of the snow grains. There is evidence that avalanches occur with regularity at a number of locations in the Black Bear Lake basin and· are apt to occur at any susceptible location. It can be assumed that all treeless slopes, gullies, and bowls steeper than about 30 0 are possible avalanche paths (Ref. 12). An avalanche carries with it any debris, such as rocks and vegetation, in its path. Debris drops out continuously. The amount of sediment annually borne into Black Bear Lake by avalanches is probably small. It is assumed to be included in the amount estimated as the annual contribution due to· rockslides. 31 :g HA-31 -------------------------------------------------------- The total annual sediment production rate for the Black Bear Lake basin is estimated to be 0.5 acre-foot. This results from a suspended sediment deposition rate of 0.1 acre-foot per square mile per year and a bedload or rockslide and avalanche contribution rate of 0.2 acre-foot per square mile per year for the 1.5-square-mile-basin. 31 :9 HA-32 .. ... , .•.. III III iii " iii • • - .. --• • • • • .. -• -.. - -- -.. II .. .. .. -.. .. - REFERENCES 1. U.S. Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration, Takatz Creek Project, Alaska, Juneau, September 1967. 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, H EC-4, Monthly Streamflow Simulation, February 1971. 3. U • S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau Hydrometeorological Report No. 43, Probable Maximum Precipitation, Northwest States, Washington, D.C., November 1966. 4. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Design of Small Dams, Washington, D.C., 1977. 5. U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, T.P. 47, Probable Maximum Precipitation and Rainfall-frequency Data for Alaska, Washington, D.C., 1963. 6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-l Flood Hydrograph Package, January 1973 • 7. U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, R. D. Lamke, Open-file Report 178-129, Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams, 1978. 8. Veihmeyer, F. J., IIEvapotranspiration ll in Handbook of Applied Hydrology, V. T. Chow, ed., New York: McCraw-Rill, 1964. 9. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Climatic Center, Clima- tological Data for Alaska, annual summaries 1968-1977. 10. linsley, R. K., Jr., M. A. Kohler, and J. L. H. Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers, 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hili, 1975. 11. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, Rivers and Harbors in Alaska, Interim Feasibilitk Reiort on Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes for Ketchi an rea, Alaska, 1978 • 12. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Avalanche Handbook, November 1978 • 31 :h HA-33 - --- III -.. -.. -----------.. - • - --- ,,. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT I ESTIMATE OF THE DEPENDABLE CAPACITY AND AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY OUTPUT TO BE GENERATED BY THE PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ----------- ----------- - ------------ BLACR BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT I Table ot Contents Dependable Capacity and Average Annual Energy Flow Duration Curve Tailwater Rating Plant CaFacity 1-1 Power 1-2 Energy 1-3 Flo~ Duration Curve 1-4 Tailwater Rating Curve 1-5 Plant Capacity I-i Page 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 ---------------------------------- --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT I STATEMENT OF THE ESTIMATED DEPENDABLE CAPACITY AND AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY Dependable Capacity and Average Annual Energy Power and energy studies were conducted using the hydrologic data presented in Exhi~it H, and the projections of load characteristics for tne Craig-Klawock-Hydaburg area which are discussed in Exhibit W, Section 8.1. A computer program was used to determine the monthly firm power and energy available. (A 95 percent probability of exceedance was selected as the critical design sequence for reservoir operation study because it gives an acceptable level of firm power and energy when the system thermal reserves are considered. In order to reduce the potential environmental impacts, the maximum flow releases were limited during the months identified as important for salmon spawning (July through November) and incubation (December through May). ~ detailed presentation of minimum and maximum flow releases during these months is presented in Exhibit H and W. Based on the forecast load demand in Year 1992 when the Project will be fully utilized, Figure 1-1 shows the resulting monthly firm capacity, and Figure 1-2 shows the average monthly energy available from the Project. Although tne Project has a capability of 6,000 kW in July, the annual firw. capacity is only 4,000 kW because of the constraints on maximum flow releases during the month of August. Based on a 95% exceedence level, the firm annual energy is 22,125,000 kWh. Tne average annual energy is 23,100,000 kWh. When the Project comes into service, the existing diesel 'mits will be used as ready reserve or standby units and to meet the peak load demand when environmental constraints limit the maximum daily discnarge. It is likely that, it the project on line date is delayed beyond 1986, a new diesel unit will be needed to meet increasing capacity and energy requirements. ~here are no plans tor tuture hydro projects on the Black Bear Creek. A potential hydropower development which is less attractive economically at this time, would be the Lake Mellen Project, located in the Reynolds Creek BaSin, east of the town of Hydaburg. 1-1 Flow Duration CUrve ~he flow duration curve for Black Bear Lake outflow is shown in Figure I-3. This curve was developed using 30 years of synthesized monthly inflows described in Appendix A of Exhibit H. Tailwater Rating The power plant will discharge into Black Bear Creek. The tailwater rating curve is shown in Figure I-4. The center line ot the Pelton units will be at Elevation 263 feet, which is 9 feet above the tail water elevation under the probable maximum tlood conditions. Plant Capability Figure I-5 shows the plant capability versus the reservoir elevation. A capability ot 6,000 kW is available at Elevation 1685 which is the m1n1mum reservoir elevation. At maximum reservoir elevation (1115), the plant has a capability of 6,195 kW. • • • • I • I , • II II II I. I. II II II II II I II II II II II I J II II LEGEND: I 4000 o ~++++~-~HhH++++++t++++++++++++++++++~++~~·~~~~H-~ DIESE ~ C~~~C1~~ HrH-++f-+-t+-t+++++t+++++H-~f--\-~l-+I-+-H-lH--iH--i--l-i-l-f+'­ ~h ~ 'Ii~ ~~~.H-+H-t+++-ll-t--t--H-H-t-t+-t-H-+++++++-H-+HY-I++-t-+-.- I I I ! I, r r i " I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 1992 PEAKING CAPABILITY AS LIMITED BY MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RELEASE FIGURE 1-1 _. _. -LOAD DEMAND BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER J..-tARZA ENGINEERING CQI\M>ANY . MARC ... 198' ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY LEGEND: ----- 4000 3000 .z: 12000 > o a: 1&1 z 1&1 1000 o FIGURE 1-2 . iiI" . I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 1912 AVERAGE ENERGY AVAILABLE ENERGY DEMAND BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA ENERGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY iii iii Ii il i. Ii •• II II I. II II II II II I. II I. en u. U 80 60 Z 40 :t o ...I U. 20 o ~ \ "I11III o ~ ~ ........ ~ -..... .......... 10 20 1---lA.R..z.A ENGINEERING CC'V1PANY • MARC"'" 1981 r---.. r---.. ..... --r---~ r---. -....... 30 40 50 60 70 PERCENT OF TIME EOUALED OR EXCEEDED 80 FIGURE 1-3 90 100 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA FLOW DURATION CURVE M.ASKA POWER A~ 254 ...I W > W ...I < 252 w en Z < w :IE ... : 250 w w u. I Z 0 i= 248 < > W ...I W a: w .... 246 < ~ < .... 244 ~ ~ ~ ~ V , o 200 400 ~z.A. ENG'''''~EERt'''G ::'OMPANY • MA~Ct-4 '981 ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 600 800 1000 1200 BLACK BEAR CREEK FLOW -CFS 1400 1800 FIGURE 1-4 -• 2000 2200 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA TAILWATER RATING CURVE I I I • I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I 1750 - j:: u. Z 0 ~ > w 1700 ...I W a: 0 ~ ~ ~ -""" > a: MIN. W.S. 1685' ~ w en w a: 1650 5900 ~z..A. ENG,r-...,EEQII'."tG COMPANY '\11.4 r::IC 1-4 • "981 6000 6100 PLANT CAPABILITY (kW) MAX. W.:,:~ ~ ",- 6200 FIGURE 1-5 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROelECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA PLANT CAPACITY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ---.. ---.. - ---.. - ---- -.. -----.. -.. -.. ---- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT J GENERAL MAP COVERING THE ENTIRE PROJECT AREA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SCALE 0 KEY MAP N 28.5' NOTE: TOPOeliAPHY SHOWN IS A REPItOOuCnOll MUseS IIIAPCRAI8,ALASIIA, 1'250,000 SCAL£. THE COIIITOUR IIIT£RVAL 18 200 FEET. DATUIII IS IIIEAN SEA LEVEL. UIPID ----IIOMII --TIl". 11I0Il UNt: EX"'T~ET.LM...!.. ,... drowlng Ia. port of iii. ....... tIOIIforl __ ..... .., .................. ' n.. .. ..,.'~.I .. 1 AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY • .., h= a 't U ~"DlrMIor .. • 8 10 ---------1:100,000 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDR.QELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL MAP -U..ASKA POWER AUTHORITY 'DWG. NO. 5715-1 -- - ------- - - ----------- - --... -- - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT K DETAILED MAPS COVERING THE ENTIRE PROJECT AREA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ----- - --- ---------- --- - - .- .. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT K PROJECT DETAIL MAP Exhibit K drawings, Sheets I through 6 of 9, show the Proposed Project Boundary for the area affected by the Project. The proposed boundary includes sufficient area for all project structures and other access, construction plant area, operation and maintenance activities, and recreational facilities. The Applicant has not shown the Proposed Project Boundary in more detail at this time since negotiations for acquisition of the required lands are dependent upon further development of the project design. Upon completion of the investigations necessary to further develop the project design, negotiations will be held with the land owners for the necessary land and land rights to construct and operate the Project. After agreement is reached with the land owners, the Project Boundary will be surveyed and the Exhibit K drawings revised to show the Project Boundary as surveyed and procured. Additional information, including the reservoir area-capacity curve, a tentative centerline survey of the penstock, and tentative locations of the project transmission line substations at Hydaburg, Klawock and Craig, is shown on Exhibits K-7, K-8 and K-9 respectively. K-I " t l , fl ~ . r' L n " i r" L ,1 • L r l. [: [: r: ~O> \::;,,"0 [ [ B;\Y r' L r . L. r ., l .. , . ~..i L f LJ L T 'Forti .. " Q ~1slet ~ .. h Nichol,,; Blue spruce. ~ Is '," SCALE 0 KEY MAP N MN 2B.~ NorESI I. ESTIMATED TOTAL ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS WITH ... THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT IS 791.~ ACRES. 2. TOPOeRAPH,( SHOWN IS A REPfIODUC:TJDN OfF uns IIAP CRAIII, ALASlCA, 1:250,000 SCALL THE COIfTOUR IlTERYAL 18 200 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. LE8END ----ROADS --TRAN8IIISSIDN LINE EXH8IT_K_SHEET...LOfF ...!. T1III _ ..... part" .... appIIoa .... farl'-_ "' .... ..., ..... d~ Tllla4ll..,of -r-...IMI ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY '" 5.,. a ~.J.l ~ .. _ • • 10 ---- ----- BUCK BEAR LAKE HYOROEL£CTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-2 r c [: [' • r ' ! ~J NS2,(J()() N§eoo o PROJECT BOUNDARY SURVEY DATA ALASKA STATE PLANE POINT COORDINATES DAMSITE N E 01 49.180 100.000 02 49.300 99.600 03 50.000 99.310 04 50.000 99.550 05 50.000 100.000 06 49.890 100.110 POWERHOUSE N E SITE PI 51.725 99.460 P2 51.860 98.260 P3 51.860 97.860 P4 52.170 97.620 P5 52.280 98.820 P6 52.280 98.120 P7 52.120 98.220 P8 52.840 98.680 LEGEND: PROPERTY LINE -----PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE APPROXIMATE PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED WILDERNESS AREA BOUNDARY NOTES: ESTIMATED ACERAGE OF SECTION INCLUDED IN PROJECT BOUNDARY I. TRANSMISSION LINE LOCATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINES ARE OFFSET 100 FEET FROM THE TRANSMISSION LINE ON BOTH SIDES. 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION Or' USGS QUADRANGLE SHEET C-3 CRAIG. ALASKA. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 100 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. 3. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON U.S .. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE-ALASKA REGION PUBLICATION NO. 103. "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST". 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT -329.8 ACRES. EXHIBIT_K_SHEET LOF..! Thll drawin~ II a part 01 the application for IIcen .. modi by the und ... I~n.d. Thll~daJof~. 19BI ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY . b, \....:-\? ~.ll Executiy. Oirector ,SCALE 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 !ijjo.-- 1"-400 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-3 r r L r L [ [ COURSE NO. BEARING DISTANCE 1-1 N 68° 10' W 4300 1-2 N 57° 20' W 2700 1-3 N 20° 25' W 2550 1-4 N 7° IS' W 4200 1-5 N 15° 45' W 4000 1-6 N 7° 10' W 5700 1-7 N 59° 0' W 800 1-8 S 70° 0' W 1150 1-9 N 20° 40' W 1800 1-10 N 57° 40' II 2900 1-11 S 76° 30' W 1300 1-12 S 62° 20' W 2100 1-13 N 49° 55' W 1250 1-14 S 70° 50' W 2400 1-15 S 37° 15' W 1750 1-16 S 8° 25' W 11 00 1-17 S 21 ° 55' W 2350 1-18 S 50° 30' W 1100 1-19 S 35° 40' W 2100 1-20 S 90° 0' W 1200 1-21 S 39° 5' W 2050 1-22 S 80° 10' W 1650 1-23 S 60° 40' W 950 1-24 S 29° 5 ' W 2650 1-25 S 47° 30' W 7250 1-26 S 20° 50' W 3800 1-27 S 39° 50' W 5300 1-28 S 9° 10' E 1600 2-1 S 9° 30' E 11 00 2-2 S 4° 55' W 3400 2-3 S 61 ° 10' W 2300 2-4 S27°40'W 2300 2-5 S 48° 30' W 2350 2-6 S 28° 50' W 3450 2-7 S 20° 0' W 1850 2-8 S 0° 0' W 1400 2-9 S 5° 55' W 2450 2-10 S 59° 0' W 800 2-11 S 6° 25' II 4000 2-12 S 50° 5' E 2400 L 2-13 S 9° 30' W 1700 2-14 S 38° 15' W 1900 2-15 S 63° 25' W 350 TRANSMISSION LINE CENTERLItlE SURVEY REFERENCE COURSE NO. Exhibit K 4 3-1 00 K 4 3-2 K 4 3-3 K 4 3-4 Exhibit K 3 3-5 K 3 3-6 K 3 3-7 K 3 3-8 K 3 3-9 K 3 3-10 K 3 3-11 K 3 3-12 K 3 3-13 K 3 3-14 K 3 3-15 K 3 3-16 K 3 3-17 K 3 3-18 K 3 3-19 K 3 3-20 K 3 3-21 K 3 3-22 K 3 3-23 K 3 3-24 Exhlbit K 4 3-25 K 4 3-26 K 4 3-27 K 4 3-28 3-29 Exhibit K 4 3-30 K 4 3-31 K 4 3-32 K 4 3-33 K 4 3-34 K 4 3-35 K 4 3-36 K 4 3-37 K 4 3-38 K 4 3-39 K 4 3-40 K 4 3-41 K 4 3-42 K 4 3-43 K 4 BEARING S 87° 25' S 50° 55' N 68° 20' S 60° 0' S 65° 10' S 56° 55' S 33° 10' S 55° 50' S 48° 55' S 40° 10' S 32° 30' S 51° 45' S 81° 10' S 63° 45' S 3° 25' S 54° 5' S 45° 30' S 23° 35' S 3° 0' S 33° 10' S 40° 35' S 45° 50' S 22° 20' S 9° 5' S 25° 5' S 0° 0' S 60° 0' S 4° 35' S 39° 25' S 8° 40' S 29° 45' S 90° 0' S 26° 0' S 23° 5' S 0° 0' S 4° 55' S 6° 35' S 33° 25' S 8° 40' S 14° 30' S 29° 5' S 6° 5' S 30° 10' E E E E E E E E E E E E E E W E E E E W E W E W W W W W W E E E E W W W W E E W W W W DISTANCE 3300 2200 4300 2100 3150 3750 4750 4900 4100 2100 4600 8800 6200 3750 5050 3250 1500 2750 2300 4450 8850 4700 5000 7550 4750 7350 1450 1500 7450 6950 4850 7950 2350 3650 2650 3750 3900 3050 4650 1600 2400 1900 1800 LINE N MATCH LINE SHEET NO. K4 REFERENCE Exhibit K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 K 4 Exhibit K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 K 5 Exhibit K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 K 6 MN LEGEND: . 1-23 NOTES: RANSMISSION LINE FOREST DEVELOPMENT ROAD AND NUMBER PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE AND COURSE NUMBER PROPERTY LINE ESTIMATED ACREAGE OF SECTION INCLUDED IN PROJECT BOUNDARY I. TRANSMISSION LINE LOCATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINES ARE OFFSET 100 FEET FROM THE TRANSMISSION LINE ON BOTH SIDES. 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION OF USGS QUADRANGLE SHEETS C-3 AND C-4, CRAIG. ALASKA. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 100 FEET. DATUMIS'MEAN SEA LEVEL. 3. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON U.S .. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE-ALASKA REGION PUBLICATION NO. 103. "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST". 4. ESTIMATED TOTAL ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT IS 25.9 ACRES. MATCH LINE SHEET NO. K4 EXHIIIIT ....ILSHEET lOf..!. T1III dNwt", loa part"' ... ....... ' ... ,.,1 ... _ .... .., ................. . TN. .. .., of ~ It81 ALASKA POWER AUTlIORITY .., ~ oCr B u..J.l ~I •• DIrecIar SCALE 0 2000 4000 aooo 8000 10000 12000". ..,...-- 1".2000 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-4 r r: r. [ [' , , , L , c '" . _. ol,.".S LEGEND: --@-8TATE IIGHWAY AI«) NUMBER ~ ~~LOPIoIENTROAD 3-23 ~ot\~n:.t':.':::SlON LINE --- -PROPERTY LINE N ESTIIiATED ACREAGE OF SECTION INCLUDED IN PRO~ECT BOUNDARY 29· NOTESI I. TRAN8MI8SION LINE LOCATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINES ARE OFFSET 100'FEET FROM THE TRANSMISSION LINE ON BOTH SIDES. 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION OF USGS QUADRANGLE SHEETS B-4. C-S. C-4. CRAIG. ALASKA. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 100 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. S. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON U.S •• DEPARTMENT OF AGRICIA. TURE FOREST SERVICE-ALASKA REGION PUBLICATION NO. lOS. "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. TONGAS8 NATIONAL FOREST" • 4. PftOPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE CONNECTION TO KLAWOCK AND CRAIG DISTRIBUTION SYSTEIIS ARE SHOWN ON FIGURE K-3. S. UTIIiATED TOTAL ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT IS 351.0 ACRES. INCLUDING 329.8 AlCRES FROII SHEET NO. K2. liN EXIIBIT_"_SHEET ..!..OF..L TIIIa ........... part of 1M .............. ,,--... IIftlle ....... I ... d. ~..,of~ .. 81 AUSlCA POWER AUTHORITY ) ., ... A 't U. b_I •• DIt ... SCALE 0 2000 4000 eooo BOOO 10000 12000 "" -1··2000 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROEL£CTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-5 " L r " rc L r"' L .. ' f1 , L, r L r. r: c [ [ r' L [: [ r L. r ~ ~ .. r • L .. L ~ L. r . l. 21.11" LEGEND: ---@-STATE HIGHWAY AND NUMBER ~ 3-23 NOTES: FOREST DEVELOPMENT ROAD AND NUMBER PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE AND COURSE NUMBER PROPERTY LINE ESTIMATED ACREAGE OF SECTION INCLUDED IN PROJECT BOUNDARY I. TRANSMISSION LINE LOCATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINES ARE OFFSET 100'FEET FROM THE TRANSMISSION LINE ON BOTH SIDES. 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION OF USGS QUADRANGLE SHEET B-3 CRAIG. ALASKA. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 100 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. ~ 3. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON U.S •• / DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST f SERVICE-ALASKA REGION PUBLICATION NO. 103. "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST". 4. ESTIMATED TOTAL ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT IS 3114.1 ACRES. SCALE 0 EXHIBIT_K_SHEET..!.OF ....!.. TIlls drawing Ia a pari 0/ tile application far n ..... 1IIado IIr th.IHId.,.lpd. TIIi .... daJ af 0...1911 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY II, s...... Q '+,., E ...... I •• Dl'acta' 2000 4000 1000 1000 10000 12 000 FT I"· 2000 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-6 r- r " , [ " L [ r" L ,.. i, ~. f' L r ' . l ... r LJ '. "L/, ,,--:~ .J ';.~~ LEGEND: ,'°00 --3-23 FOREST DEVELOPMENT ROAD AND NUMBER PRoPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE AND COURSE NUMBER PRoPERTY LINE ESTIMATED ACREAGE OF SECTION INCLUDED IN PROJECT BOUNDARY .~ II." NOTES: I. TRANSMISSION LINE LOCATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINES ARE OFFSET 100'FEET FROM THE TRANSMISSION LINE ON BOTH SIDES. 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN IS A REPRODUCTION OF USGS QUADRANGLE SHEETS B-3. A-3. CRAIG. ALASKA. THE CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 100 FEET. DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL. 3. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON U.S •• DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE-ALASKA REGION PUBLICATION NO. 103. "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND ROAD SYSTEM. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST". 4. PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE CONNECTION TO HYDABURG DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IS SHOWN ON FIGURE K-3. 5. ESTIMATED TOTAL ACREAGE OF U.S. LANDS WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY ON THIS EXHIBIT IS 59.0 ACRES. EXHlBlT_K_SHEET'!"OF'!' TIIIo dro.tng Ie a part '" "'. ,,",IC.,_ ... II .. _ ..... ..,,_ ............ d. TtIIa-..., af J;IIt. 1111 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY b, s,...... A y,.u. ElocuIl •• Director \ SCALE 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000FT 1iJI"'"_- 1"·2000 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA DETAIL MAP ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-7 RESERVOIR AREA IN ACRES 300 200 100 1800 ............. ! 1700 ....... "-~ .......... ~ .. - I-w w u.. Z z 1600 0 i= <C > W .oJ w 1500 ........ , ~ ........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ............. , ~ ~ ~ I 1400 o 10,000 20,000 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE -FEET 1..--tAR."'Z.A E,..."GINE.l:.RI"'G COf\.ltPA".IY • MARCH 1981 ........... ...... .. EXHIBIT K-7 o I I 1800 I I EL. 1721 Max W. S . __ EL. 1715 Max N orm W.S. rm W.S. EL. 1685 Min No 1700 I-w w u.. z 1600 z 0 i= <C > " , " W .oJ w 1500 1400 30,000 BLACK BEAR LAKE. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA RESERVOIR AREA -VOLUME CURVES ~A POWER AlfTHORITY DWG. No. 6716-8 DWG. No. 5715-9 r r: r: r: r: [ [ [ " L , . I ~ .. r l .. r ' r L L L UN f' kiN ¥ CRAIG HYDABURC LEGEND: -----PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE ----EXISTING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ~ PROPOSED SUBSTATION A EXISTING GENERATING FACILITY -----TOWNSITE BOUNDARY ------MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY I. LOCATION OF PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINES AND SUBSTATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. TOWNSITE AND MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES AND EXISTING DISTRIBUTION AND GENERATING FACILITY LOCATIONS ARE BASED ON COMMUNITY MAPS PREPARED FOR THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS. APRIL 1981. 3. EXISTING GENERA TOR OWNERSHIP: TLINGIT & HAIDA REGIONAL ELECTRICAL AUTHORITY (THREA) ALASKA POWER & TELEPHONE COMPANY (APD • 1 BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT EXHIBIT K-9 SOUTHEAST ALASKA KEY MAP C::'~ Nd~ fiNN) .• U.5Icv linr fioom KltlwocI< SCALE 0',",iI!_!!!!Iiii;!;'!!0~Oiiiiii~80i!i0~!!!!12!10~0i;;;;;iiiil~6l!00~~2!i00~Oiiiiiiiiiii2~400 FT 1"-400 FEET BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA· TRANSMISSION LINE SUBSTATIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHoRITY DWG. NO. 5715-10 ------------------- - --- - ----- --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT L . GENERAL DESIGN DRAWINGS OF THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT -EXHIBIT L --Table of Contents ------ Sheet 1 of 5 Genera.1 Plan -Sheet 2 of 5 General Profile -Sheet 3 ot 5 Dam, Plan and Section -Sheet 4 of 5 Dam and Penstock, Sections --Sheet 5 of 5 Powerstation, Plan and Sections - Appendix A Geology -Appendix B Project Description Appendix C Project Design - - - - - - - -i-- n [ [ [ [ f • i ~ / < I. I eN ,72L! " <C) HYO~ BEAR LAKE LECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PLAN ALASKA POW ER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-11 n ~ j r IBOO 17aJ v--Axi. of conc~." r~ .nIl" gp~vif!ldrvn £" .. , E1.I72iJ.O I ~/nv. 1.161R.O, r L IfiaJ 1,-Inv.!UtiG6. ~ ~ 15{)() ~ ~ r-.. l "" r 14aJ 1300 "" "'" ~ L ~ 12aJ ~ '\ r\ ~ . L ~ 1/00 ~ ! .... 10aJ ~ r I .~ iI !! fKKJ ~ V ~6/Qff . COMf'e~ II,.O"fi;usl jwdfg. [ 800 700 [ tiaJ "-~---,. 500 L 400 / Inv.E/..11O.0 .[ ,J{}(} / r' L 200 r~ 100 l. Or) If()(} RKJO afaJ 4100 51aJ 1i100 7100 6100 9100 10100 ~ \"48'dlQ. IJI/Ned pensIocIt f • , l; f' ! L L ~ \ ~ ~ I"< -.4pproXIIIY.1Ie exisling {//'OUnd I,n....tv, t trnsbck i'-.. ~ l'.. _. - ~ ~ '" ""I.O~ !}f'Q*, I----L 1/100 12100 19100 14100 151{)() 16100 17100 \. , , . sl I nol aod.'JJ ee pe oc "/1 8~OxB:O"funnel PRom.E ALONG (; PENSTOCK SeIlJp '" shOlfn k ~~ .~ ~ . /8f/}O 19100 20100 / "Porl~1 ----J 21100 ~ f.--tnv.E/. 350.0 f 'jImtEl320. 2MXJ In.£L9RO.G ~ R9100 P4fOO P5100 EXHIIIT_L_SHEET ..!..Of..1. Till. drawl", ... part fill III • • ppll •• lloolarllco_ .... .., Ih. und ... I, .. d. Till. da,ol .11. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 21i'OO b, t..:.. p. U • .1). Eo_II •• Dlr •• lor \ I- - It:> ~/n'EL 3fX].O ~"""ouu :\r V'l"Unif In .. £1.256.25 J \r't l 1n.£I.R900 I nK~27BIY" . ':'T. I I 27100 ie,oo 291{)() aolfXJ Jlf()(} onlOO 331{)() Jh 00 rao'ditJ. IJI/~iecl pensIocI< ~ BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PROFILE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-12 r r f' L i. , r~ L [ [ [ , . L L f ' L r . L L 1780 1770 1760 17!J0 1 l74lJ .... 1790 ~ j 1720 ~ 1710 1700 ~ 1690 .~ 1680 1 0.:; 1670 1660 HRfI(/~Qil I ShI'ions O,(J{) PLAN rr <lSPiIlNif/ Spill,."!! "res' £I. 17/5.0 DOIVNSTREAM ELEVATION liJpordllm CU7pa.a ~ ~ \ \ ~ ~ I . I 3'00 \ ~ r:::. tOOcrek d:vn embeddt!tl ;, hll'lI rocldill SCALE 0 • 20 - EXHIBIT_L_SHEET .l..OF~ TIIII drawl", 18 a port ttl 1111 application far 11 .. _ maclo lor tbl und""I,,,ed. Tbll dllJ af II" A~ POWER AUTHORITY bJ Q \l..J..L Ex_tl .. Dlrectar \ 40 60 80 BLACK BEAR LAKE . HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA .100 120FEE DAM, PLAN a ELEVATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-13 r r r: r' L [ r" L [ [ f • l t ' r L L 11\ "/1/: [M~,.H.N. EU7PO.8 Mp)(. iVo.=lfi/l:{/./7IS.(} Flo,. - End ofsleel pen3loc~ ~ Axis of cOfICf'lJle gfl~vi".u delm -lOpoldQm L E!.I7RJ.O " \I Spi/lw:J&' cres' E/.1715.0 SpiIIWQ!I side ".1.' " \'(--DI'~in hole " " SECTION A-A AI18IJ1T1ed f'oolr liM SeeptJge coll:Jr. slJgff¢8'ID 1concret. !tiled SECTION AT PENSTOCK ANOSHAfl TYPICAL PENSTOCk SECTION (Sec/ion (,.om partiN to pO"eflhou~e /ool(ing doItn8ff'e:Jm) 1'=5!OM r L-B/ g; funnel .'. " I, \ \ V~lve fT!l/n/;o/~ \"\"--Df'l1in hole . 15° SECTION 8-B CM6!ofdllm E1.1723.0 . iUnCIQSSiffed (Iii q m'dro. sfee.1 penstock _". .\11 !Yeep ';01 .. liI,ollgh shofcrele IIning(lyp) Snofcl'ele IJI f't!i/U/~«I M,,,imum exc:lV:;tion /Jne ~~~-r, ...... r1~rd~~IiIIili~li1!klJ==h Gr~""lll'I'elH>g course t/O' TypICAL TUNNeL SECTION TYPICAL PENSTOCI{ SEC710N (SecfJon t"om vfJm .J!,) sro:flj JM=!,-O· 5:01. 0 ? Feet ~ i~/'O' ~ 17?4 r-------------~----·------~I-------------+------------~ ~ 1-_______ ~~..?'''~~~fr/~''.0~~~_ ~ 17n ~----------_t------------~----------~----------~------~~ I ~/~O~--------~---------+--~~~---~=~~--------+~----~. ~~ ,,::1718 / .'" " ~ /716 V ,~ 1'--------V~X. A'Gr'7':.1! Re3ef' 0';' E/evBhon-17/~.O ------------1---------- l' /714 O:;-------~-:-OO=------------/(Kl--i:o----------/-§ooL-----!?O....L'JU----- O;lm~"(Je -cofs SPILLWAY RJJTI1II6 C:"RI/E e~""'1ef 6'0' dill. oPening +r;p SECTION 81-81 IR "ml:? requ,;,ed lining Ihicltnel8 6~oiwnint11 s/lQff exco"RI"",li/W TYPICAL SHAFT SECTION J"./!O SCALE 0 IIiiiiII EXHIBIT_L_SHEET'!-OF i. Thlt drawing I. a part of Iho appllcallon for ncenM .. ado by Iho undo"lgnod. Thlt da, of 1981 AL~KA POWER AUTHORITY bJ . 9ft l ~ ,> EXKutlvl Director 10 --20 30 40 (EXCEPT AS NOTED) BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 50 DAM a PENSTOCK, SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 60 FEE ! DWG. NO. 5715-14 n [ [ [ [" .. 29' \ A L Flow - It 30'dm. 3/ee/ oipe pen.ltJCk \ I,"i> ~ j Nt",fl'~/ ground equipment ~I e.ch Unit ________ " PLAN I 't' i i 1 I (q, ofcr3»,..,;/ EI.P81.50 SECTION A-A I ~ I i j.,--SI(M/ IXJlumncr~ $/Jpporl (I;t;P) A J -/O!O~/6!o'l'Ommerc;f)1 Dluminum dool' m9f>UQIIy apel'.ied 2 V 20'0' InsulQted COI'IVl[pled Diuminum I'ocrity lOp of ~ne 1';;1 ~'-__ ~ ____________ -r ______ ~:-________ ~~~ __ ~£'=IP&M 8xhfiil ~ p ./ 400 BOO .-L--- B,.id~C'/'Qne to frJn CfJp.ciia Steel cr_ column -_._--j I , I I , I : 8QI/proy I !loom !1 --~ ~ SECT/ON B-B ~ 1--- 800 I{)()() 1l'{X) 1400 IO()() 18oo 2000 B/~ck Be~f' ePeek rlON -d's TAIUYATER RATING CURVE o 6 --.... - CrouIwJ. re;,foroed oa?Cl't!fr bloch /2' !f>;clr (Iyp) It l'unnBr EI. PfJa.o Tili/I'QCtI cMnnel ExCQ"Qfion II"" EXHIBIT_L _SHEET iOF ~ Till. drawl .. I, a pori of Ih' applleallon forllco •• , mado bJ Ih' u.d,,,I,,,,,d. fbi. do, of 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY " s.-B ~,.,JJ. E .. eullvo Dlreelor SCALE IN FEET 12 18 24 3/16" -I' BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWERSTATION. PLAN a SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 30 36 DWG. NO. 5715-15 - ---- -... -... ------------------... -- --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT L APPENDIX A GEOLOGY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA --•.. ~--,-------------------- - ----- ----- --------- --------- --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT L Appendix A GEOLOGY 'Iable of Contents Purpose and Scope Regional Geology PhysicgraJ;:hy General Geology ~ectonics and Seismicity Geology of the Project Site Previous Studies Present Investigations Stratigraphy Cver1:urden Lithologic Nomemclature Rock Lithology Structure Bedding Jointing Faulting Ground Water weathering LA-i Page LA-l LA-l LA-l LA-2 LA-3 LA-4 LA-q LA-q LA-5 LA-5 LA-7 LA-8 LA-9 LA-9 LA.-9 LA-l0 LA-l1 LA-l1 I Table Q! Contents (Cont'd) I I Page Engineering Geology LA-12 I !A-12 E LA-12 General Gravity Dam and Spillway Foundations Penstock, Shaft and Tunnel LA-13 E Shaft LA-14 Tunnel LA-llJ E Powerhouse LA.-15 Foundation Grouting LA-15 I LA-16 , LA-lb .. Drainage Reservoir Rim Conditions LA-lb I " Construction Materials Seismic r:esign LA-l1 Recommended Design Exploration LA-18 E Selected References LA-19 I E E E E E E LA-ii I ----.. -.. .. -.. ----.. -.. ---------.. -.. ------ Fi91!re No. LA-l LA-2 LA-3 LA-4 LA-5 g§! ot Figures Composite Fegional Geology Map Site Geology Map, Damsite Geologie Section, A-AI Site Geology Map, Penstock Alignment and Powerhouse orogenic Belts and Major Fault Systems in Alaska LA-iii - --------- ------------- - ----- - - BLACR BEAR LAKE ~YDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT L Appendix A GEOLOGY Purpose and Scope ~his Appendix describes and evaluates the geologic conditions of the project site and provides the basis for the preliminary layouts and design of the proposed civil structures. The data and analyses herein are based on a review ot geologic literature, and limited geologie mapping and subsurface exploration performed in the tield during July and August 1980. Approximately 300 feet of core drilling in seven holes, fourteen shallow test pits, and 1250 feet of seismic retraction survey along 5 lines were completed. Petrographic analyses were pertormed on seven samples taken from outcrops and drill cores. Req~onal Geoloqy The proposed Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric Project is located on and immediately downstream ot Black Bear Lake near tne town of Klawock in central Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. The project area is in the west central portion of the Craig C-3, Alaska, 7-1/2 minute U.S.G.S. Quadrar.gle. Access from Ketchikan is by boat or plane to Klawock, and up to Black Bear Lake by float plane or helicopter only. .~ccess by foot is very difficult. The region is an extension of the Coast Range of western North America whiCh extends from Califorr.ia north to the Alaskan Peninsula. This region is ty~itied by interconnected mountain ranges 'Nhich have undergone several episodes of folding, faulting and igneous intrusion resulting in extremely complex geolcgy. The geology also is complicated by a system of strike-slip faults with large horizontal displacements. Some of these faults are considered active. ~he structural grain of tbe area trends predominantly to the northwest and is believed to be tne result of the latest period LA-l of major folding and faulting during Mesozoic time. Previous folding was either obliterated during this period or had the more dominant trend superimposed upon it. The project site is located on the northeast flank, and close to the crest, of tne Prince of Wales geanticline, which is a large structurally positive feature occupying the whole of Prince of Wales Island. The physiography of the project area is rugged mountainous terrain of high relief rising to almost 4000 feet on an unnamed peak adjacent to Black Bear Lake. The chiet mechanism in the formation of the present terrain has been Wisconsinian glaciation causing the development of "U" shaped valleys with steep sides and broad gentle valley bottoms. !he relatively small mountain glacier, which created Black Bear Lake was truncated by the valley glacier which eroded Black Lake valley and developed a hanging valley at the outlet of Black Bear Lake, between the proposed damsite and the powerhouse location. The relatively short geologic time since the retreat of the glaciers (approximately 10,000 years) caused the drainage system to be poorly integrated. Immature streams flo~ through oversteepened valleys ~itn steep gradients in the upper portions of the drainage, and through shallow lakes and muskeg in the lower portions where gradients are much flatter. The oversteepening of debris avalanches and discontinuous and are rainfall conditions. General Geol2.9Y of valley sides is evidenced by many scars rock falls. These scars are surficial and probably caused by freeze-thaw and higt References 1, 2, 3, and 4 were the principal sources of information used in the present stUdy to establish an understanding of the geologic framework of the project region and area. These published maps and reports indicate disagreement in some details of the geology, however, there is general agreement in the broader aspects as described briefly here. Sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive igneous rocks are found throughout the region and have occurred in at least four geologic periods including the Ordovician-Silurian, Jurassic, I·ower Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary. Lithologies include thick sequences of metamorphosed Paleozoic and Mesozoic marine clastics, limestones and volcanics intruded by igneous stocks, dikes and plutonic masses. Volcanism has occurred intermittently since the early Paleozoic. This is indicated by tne common interbedding of volcanic rocks within the older marine stratigraphic sequence. Younger dikes found within the project Site are ot diabasic to aplitic composition. LA-2 E r E I , .. I ---------- ---------- - - - - --- --- .... The bedrock of the project site is essentially Ordovician-Silurian undifferentiated volcanics and meta-sediments. The Descon Formation is described in the literature as a sequence of variably interbedded marine sediments and volcanics which has been subdivided into five general lithologic units. ~he most prominent sedimentary unit of the formation is a fine to coarse grained graywacke and banded mudstone. Considerable thicknesses of undifferentiated volcanics and intrusive igneous rocks are found at th~ site area. SOils of glacial origin including tills, fluvioglacial and glaciomarine clastics are widespread regionally. Other soil deposits of alluvium, colluvium, talus, and residual soils occur locally and are widespread. Rock falls and debris avalanches are common in places and are typical of steep-sided valleys in glaciated terrain. Tectonics and Seismicity Faulting in the region is common and well developed, generally parallel to the gene~al structural (anticlinal) grain that trends northwest. Other faults trending north and -west are also described regionally, but they are often based on airphoto interpretation. The amount of displacement along faults is undetermined. Cne large thrust fault trending northwest and passing through Klawock Lake is shown on the GeologiC map of the Craig C-4 Quadrangle to be located 5 miles to the southwest of the project site.· Due to the limited scope of the present study, the existence and potential hazard of this nearby fault could not be verified. Its displacement is not known, but is considered to be large since Pennsylvanian sediments and the Ordovician-Silurian Descon Formation are juxtaposed. Several major taults occur ir. the region and account tor ~uch of the seismic activity in southeastern Alaska. These faults are predominantly strike-slip in character, and displacement is considered to be large (see Figure LA-S). The largest and most seismically active ot these taults is the Fairweather-st. Elias- Chugach Fault which -occurs approximately 80 miles west of the project site. Movement along tnis tault is believed responsible tor many of the large earthquakes in the region. The Denali-Chatham Strait Fault passes through Southeast Alaska along Chatham Strait and occurs about 80 w.iles ~est of the project site near its intersection with the Fairweather-St. Elias-Chugach Fault. The Denali-Chatham Strait Fault, although apparently less active, is believed to have some earthquake activity associated with it, predominantly toward its northern end. The area of southeastern Alaska is seismically active with earthquake magnitudes recorded up to a maximum of 8.1 (Richter Scale). The project Site, although some distance trom the concentrated earthquake epicenters, could be subject to severe shaking. Additional discussion of the seismicity of the project is located in the section on Seismic Design. LA-3 ~Qgy of the Project Site Previous Studies Most of the early geologic investigations in the area were done in association with mining activity in the early 1900's. Chief among th€s~ investigations are A. H. Brooks (1902), F. E. wright and C. W. Wright (1906), and A. F. Buddington and Theodore Chapin (1929). Recent works by W. H. Condon (1961), and C. L. Sainsbury (1961) cover the more immediate area but are also based mostly on mapping of areas close to tide water. These later studies were based on aerial photo interpretation, and very little field work was done in the interior of Prince of Wales Island because of its inaccessacility and rugged terrain. The most recent maps were completed by Sealaska Corp., Ltd. in 1911-19 (Reference 2) and in Reference 3 (1915), as well as the work contained in U.S.G.S. Bulletin 1284, Paleozoic stratigraphY in the Northwest Coastal ~ of Prince ot Wales Island Southeastern Alaska by G. B. Eberlein and M: Churkin~r. (1970) • This work was located northwest of the project site but the formations established in the a~ove waps and reports are used herein. ~he Black Bear Lake project site was visited by Harza Engineering Company personnel on a reconnaissance level study in July, 1979 and a report was prepared for tne Alaska Power Authority titl~d ~lack Bear Lake Project, A Feconnaissance Report (Cctober 1979), Reference 1. Present Investigations The scope of the geologiC investigations conducted during the summer ot 1980 are stated here. The tindings of the investigations are discussed ~n detail in the aFpropriate sections of this report. Revie~ of available geologiC publications project area was completed and the references are selected References which follow the text. relevant listed to the in the Surface mapping in the project area was undertaken to delineate the Site geology and determine its stratigraphic relationship with the regional geology mapped in adjoining areas by others for minerals studies. Detailed mapping of the regional area has not been done except along coastal areas. Most maps available have been compiled by use of aerial photographic interpretation. Eecause of limited exposure due to heavy growth of timber and underbrush, only scattered rock outcrops could be found with essentially no possibility of locating geologic contacts demarking the lithologic changes tetween outcrops. A regional map (Figure LA-1) was produced from published composite maps and some tield Checking. Site geologic maps and one LA-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- ----- ------------- - - - - - - - - geologic section shown as Figures LA-2 r 3 and 4 were produced from outcrop mapping and subsurface borings and test pits r supplemented by seismic refraction surveys. A total of fourteen test pits were excavated by hand to determine the character and depth ot overburden and ~edrock type. Pits were dug on each abutment of the dam r at the intake for the shatt tor tne penstock r and at the powerhouse site. The locations are shown on Figures LA-2 and 4. A total of seven drillholes were completed r six at the damsite and one at the powerhouse location. The borings were cored lAX-size (BQ-size equivalent) with a two-man crew and a Winkie drill ,rig which could be dismantled into two pieces and each section carried by two men. Hole depths varied from 20 teet to 60 feet. The seismic refraction surveys were completed by C. C. Hawley and Associates r Inc. of Anchorage r Alaska wno also subcontracted the core drilling to salisbury and Dietz r Inc. of Spokane r washington. ~hree lines were run at the powerhouse area to determine depth to rock. 'Iwo lines were run on the left abutment of the damsite to determine apparent thickness of the talus deposit and the apparent bedrock r:rofile. Stratigraphy Overburden. The overburden at the project site is extremely variable with respect to type r extent r depth and location relative to the various project features. At the damsite and the upper portions of the slope above the penstock r the overburden is indicated to be relatively thin except for locally thick accumulaticns of talus. At the powerhouse and along the lower portion of the slope above the penstock r thicker deposits of overburden can be expected. The most widely distributed overburden is a variable r but relatively thin veneer of humus. The average depth is abou't 2 feet r but locally thicker accumulations over 3 teet have been encountered. The thickness of the humus is based on the depth of incised gullies r windfalls and test pit excavations. Very often this organic material lies directly upon rock due to glacial scouring of previous soil material. In other places the humus has aeveloped over talus r alluvium r colluvium and glacial till. ~arge areas ot talus are developed at the base ot steep slopes due to the mass wasting of rock. These deposits are locally quite tnick. The talus is also extremely variable in particle sizer ranging from less than 3 inches to greater than 3 feet. For the most part these talus accumulations appear stable and have slope angles close to or slightly exceeding the angle ot repose ot about 33 degrees. LA-~ Most of the left abutment above EI. 1b95 teet (approx.) is covered by a thick talus deposit which is exposed up to the base of tne left abutment clift at about El. 1850. The depth of the talus was found to be 35 feet in drillhole LB-3. Based on seismic refraction survey lines No. 1 and 2, the thickness of the talus increases toward the downstream and toward the left a~utment cliff. The bottom of the talus, based on the seismic survey and drillhole LB-3, appears to be a bedrock low. ~his bedrock low considered in conjunction with the high rock knob adjacent to the present river channel, the topographic trench on the downstream left bank portion, and an abandoned waterfall observed at approximate EI. 1430 on the downstream right side of the river channel could represent a previous lake outlet prior to the deposition of the tal us deposi t. Talus deposits of unknown depth are widely distrituted above the powerhouse location on the right bank of Black Creek, up to EI. ,!:bOO feet and upstream to the base of the slope ever the penstock. These deposits are tnought to extend under the valley alluvium found at the powerhouse site based on drillhole PH-l. This hole encountered 6 feet of alluvium underlain by 22 feet of angular to subangular diorite boulders and gravel. Based on the Single rock type encountered in drilling this lower interval, it is considered unlikely to be alluvium and has been interpreted to be talus. Talus depoSits at tbe base ot steep rock faces occur along the penstock route particularly at approximate elevations from 13bO to 1280, and b50 to 500. Several large rockfalls are exposed in the southeastern corner of Black Bear ~ake. Finer-grained colluvium occurs on slopes at the damsite and along the slope above the penstock route. These deposits are composed of gravel and sands with some sand-silt fractions. The colluvium is often relatively tnin but some locally thicker deposits occur. On the left abutment approximately 400 to 500 feet downstream trom the proposed dam axis, several large dissected colluvial depOSits are exposed which are undercut at their toe by the river and are considered active and potentially unstable. 'l'he vegetation has been removed by a recent slope tailure and the exposed colluvium is lying at 51 degrees, well above the usual 33 degree angle of repose. Its instability is also increased because of poorer drainage due to a greater percentage of silt and sand-size particles, as compared to the talus. Thick deposits of glacial till in excess of 15 feet were tound in the lower valley below Black Bear Falls and in side valleys flowing into Black Bear Creek. The till is light to medium brown, poorly scrted, gravelly, silty sand. Due to the presence of the till in the lower slopes of the vall€y as well as the generally thicker colluvium and numus accumulations in that area, it is LA-b I I I I I I I I I I E I I I I I E E - ----------------- --- - - - - - - - expected that the thickness ot the overburden along the lower reaches of the slope above the penstock will exceed 15 feet in places. 'Ihe till however, was not generally tound above EI. 700. Residual soils developed from in-situ weathering of bedrock occur only in scattered areas at the damsite. Generally these soils are less than one foot thick and are composed of silty clays with gravel size tragments of relatively tresh rock. Many tree trunks on slopes are bent, confirming the occurrence ot down-slope creep ot the overburden layer. However, this creep may not be a prevalent condition since per£ectly straight trees also occur. ~he stability of these soils is enhanced by vegetation cover. Alluvium above the Falls, composed of boulders ar.d coarse gravels in the upper reacbes of Black Bear Creek, is not expected to exceed 3 or 4 teet in thickness based on the abundance of rock outcrops downstream of the proposed axis. In the lower reaches of Black Bear Creek below the Falls the alluvial deposits are probably ot considerable depth. Drillhole PH-1, drilled in the approximate center of the proposed powerhouse area, penetrated 34 teet of overburden and was abandoned due to caving prior to encountering bedrock. Drillhole PH-1 encountered b teet ot angular to subrounded fine gravels and coarse sand with very few fines. This material is Similar to that exposed in test pit .14 nearby. The material below a depth of b teet is considered talus. seismic refraction surveys indicate the overburden to range from 30 to 50 feet in thickness throughout the proposed powerhouse location. The thickness of alluvium overlying the talus is unknown except at PH-1. Because of the short distance of transport and the high stream gradient, tew fine sizes are present and toe alluvium typically consists of angular to sub-rounded boulders and gravels of diorite, andesite and metavolcanics. However, approximately one mile downstream from the proposed powerhouse location, the stream bed is composed ot well sorted medium to fine sand, because of a flattened stream gradient. The proposed powerhouse location is on a straight line immediately downstream from a sharp bend in the river. This change in river direction might indicate the occurrence of an older buried channel. Such an abandoned channel is also indicated by the relatively deep overburden encountered in PH-1, by the interpretation ot talus underlying alluvium, and by the topographic bedrock low interpceted ir. seismic line B-B. LithologiC Nomenclature. During the megascopic rock descriptions were applied to rock types observed in drill core and microsco~ic petrographic analyses ot selected LA-7 field work preliminary the complex geologiC outcrop. Subsequent samples in Chicago have shown that the original field nomenclature required some revisions. The lithologic nomenclature used in the text of this report, and on the geologic plans and cross section reflect these changes from argillite to a high grade metamorphic rock and andesite. However, the descriptions in the geologic logs have not been changed and retain the preliminary terminology applied by the field geolcgist. Rock lithology. The bedrock of the project area is cowposed of andesite, tine to medium grained metamorphosed gray~ackes and mudstones and coarse grained volcanic gra~acke, conglomerates and breccias, allot whicn are considered to be part of the Ordovician - Silurian Descon Formation. These rocks have been intruded by igneous rocks of diorite to quartz diorite composition and are assumed to be Jurassic -Cretaceous in age. In places the rock has been subjected to regional metamorphism as well as some contact metamorphism and metasomatism adjacent to these instrusions. Quartz veins are wide spread although not abundant and appear to be related to the diorite -quartz diorite intrUSion. The principal rock types in the site area range from olive gray to dark gray, fine to coarse grained metamorphosed graywacke and volcanic andesite. These lithologies are exposed throughout most of the right abutment above elevation 1750 and in the river downstream of the Froposed axis. The graywacke is thick bedded and highly indurated. Due to recrystallization, the rock has a tendency to break across grains rather than around them when ~roken with a hammer. The graywacke is extremely variable in color with crown to gray varieties which are probably due to a change in mineral constituents or a change in grain Size, or both. The graywacke often grades imperceptibly into a conglomeratic graywacke in which clasts of volcanic rocks and euhedral to angular pyroxene grains up to 1/2-1ncn in diameter are extremely prominent. Tnese two varieties of graywacke have been combined for mapping purposes. Andesite is well e~posed in the river channel downstream from the dam a~is, and on the left abutment cliff acove the talus slope. Drillhole data, as shown on Geologic Section A-A (Figure LA-3), indicates that the andesite underlies the overburden over most of the dam axis area. The andesite is typically medium gray, fine-grained, dense, very hard and strong. It contains phenocrysts ot plagioclase, hornblende, and pyroxenes, and includes numerous thin quartz veins and quartzose masses as seen 1n the drillhole core. It is iron stained where weathered. Close to the intrusive contacts most rock types show some degree ot metamorphism. The graywacke and particularly the conglomerate phases sho~ a large degree of recrystallization and LA-a I I I I = I I I I r I I I . __ ._--_ •. _---------------------- ----------------- - ----- - - - - - coarsening ot grain size. Tne rock becomes lighter gray and distinctly more siliceous, ~nich is also notable in the andesite. Rocks of intrusive igneous origin occur throughout the project area. Diorite is probably the predominant bedrock type in the lower valley. It occurs at the base of cliffs up to at least elevation 600 feet above the powerhouse on the right and left banks of Black Bear Creek, and up to elevation 900 Leet along the penstock, at the damsite and above lake elevation along the south and west shores. One small outcrop of closely fractured, moderately weathered diorite is exposed approximately 300 fe~t downstream of the powerhouse site. The igneous instrusions are quite variable in composition ranging from diorite to quartz diorite and possibly grancdiorite. The amount of mafic minerals is highly variable. The rocks are medium grained, generally evenly textured, light to medium gray, hard and strong. 1\ distinct "salt and pepper" appearance is evident as the percentage of mafic minerals increases. In areas where the igneous rocks intrude the graywackes or andesites, they are distinctly more mafic and tend toward a dark gray color. Quartz veins are common in the area of the intrusions, and pyritization is very common. The outcrops of country rock adjacent to the intrusions and especially in the river near the proposed dam axis are often deeply stained red to brown because of oxidation ot the pyrite. In many areas, especially in the finer grained andesite, a film of pyrite is present on almost all tracture faces and parallel to the apparent flow structure. Structure Bedding. Due to the limited and scattered bedrock out.crops, bedding is generally not readily observable. Eedding appears to be quite massive and is best observed in the coarse graywacke conglomerate where a crude stratification of pebbles is developed and by tlow bandi.ng in ttle andesi.te. In general, the strike of the beds is to the northwest with a dip to the northeast. This trend is contormable with the regional structure. No detinite tolding was observed in the area because of the limited outcrops. Jointing,. Jointing in the project area is extremely variable with respect to strike and dip. Tne most common joint sets are N 50 0 -10 0 wand N SOD-bOO E with generally steep but variable dips. 1\ minor concentration of joints also occurs slightly east and west of north. Some stress relief joints were observed parallel to existing slopes along the slope above the penstock. These relief joints cause a slabby breakage and spallin~ of the rock slope, but are not LA-9 everywhere evident. Some irregular nearly horizontal jointing also occurs in some areas. SOme joints appear to be relatively tight, and joint fillings are common. The most ubiquitous filling is pyrite which is commonly weathered to reddish brown limonite. Other joint tillings include quartz, calcite and a green chloritic material but these are greatly subordinant to pyrite/limon1te infillings. The chloritic material weathers to a brown clay. The northwest-trending joint set is well developed along the river channel near the proposed dam axis, subparallel to the stream. The joints dip steeply to tne southwest and control the form of the right bank of the channel in several areas. ~his northwest orientation is similar to that exposed in a closely fractured zone on the left bank approximately 1000 teet downstream of the proposed axis. Faulting. No positive evidence of faulting was observed in the immediate area of the proposed project features; however, there is evidence of shearing on the upper lett abutment downstream of the damsite area. Some previous ~orkers 1/ have mapped a fault of regional extent through Black Bear Lake and Black Lake Valley (shown on Figure LA-1), but no absolute evidence of this was found at the site. This previously mapped fault could be the one observed during previous investigations by Barza in June 1919.on the west side of Black Lake, where andesite and diorite are exposed in faulted contact. ~he closely fractured and sheared zone exposed on the left abutment was observed about 1000 feet downstream of the proposed axis. !his shear zone along with the fractured and slatby diorite outcrop near the powerhouse may be related to the fault postulated by others 1/ (shown on Figure LA-1). The shear gouge 20ne is 0.5 to 1 toot wide with some pyrite mineralization exposed in an area of closely spaced fracturing. The fractures are oriented about N 55 W with a dip of 10 0 -85 0 SW. This same fractur~ orientation is exposed near the proposed powerhouse area but these two zones cannot be correlated along the same alignment. A Small fault ot unknown displacement was found on the left bank of Black Bear Lake about 2/3 mile upstream of the propcsed dam axis. In this area, a calcite and quartz-filled zone approximately 1 to 2 feet wide is exposed with widely differing strike (across the lake) and dip observed on oPPos1te sides of the fault. The presence of these vein minerals suggests that this is an inactive fracture zone. 1/ Reconnaissance Geology field maps prepared for SEALASRA CORP. by ~erry, Michener, Booth, 1917, 1918, 1979. LA-10 I I I I I I I I I I E I I I I • ~ ~ - - ---------- - - - - - - - - - - Ground water Ground water at the proposed dam axis is about 25-30 feet below the ground surface. Water level measurements indicate a normal condition with the gradient sloping toward the river. The groundwater level at the dam axis is somewhat deep, probatly caused by the dewatering effect of Black Bear Falls gorge and the steep slopes immediately downstream. The groundwater level found in drillhole PH-1 in the proposed powerhouse location was found to be at a depth of about 25 feet The groundwater levels encountered in the drillholes are shown on the drillhole logs and on Figure LA-3. weathering Weathering of bedrock is not prominent in the project area. The most readily observable weathering phenomenon is red-trown iron staining on the jOints and fracture surfaces due to the oxidation of pyrite. This staining is common to a depth of 10 feet to 12 feet in drill core, and occurs at greater depths along isolated, more closely fractured intervals. This phenomenon is observed in outcrop along the river channel downstream of the proposed dam axis. Weathered rock surfaces generally are less than 1/8" thick. However, minor jOint-controlled zones of more deeply weathered and slightly decomposed rock occur sporadically and at depth. Coatings along open joints are most commonly iron minerals. Occasionally calcite and a green chloritic material is present up to a thickness of 0.4 inch. Many joints are filled with quartz and are little affected by weathering. The occurrence ot clay along joints is uncommon except in a few isolated instances observed in drillholes LB-l and RB-3. LA-11 Engineering Geology General The proposed dam, spillway and penstock are to be founded on metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks described under Geology of the proj~ct Site. These rocks will provide a suitable foundation for the proposed structures. The project layout is shown on Figures LA-2 and 4. Generally the rocks are very hard, strong and fresh to very slightly weathered. Tte rocks are tYP1caily massive to thick bedded. JOinting is moderately to slightly developed and varia~ly spaced. ~he powerhouse will be founded on alluvium determined from the indicated depth of overburden orillhole and seismic refraction surveys done at location. and talus as sho~n in one the proposed Cored drillholes and hand-excavated test pits, supplemented by seismic refraction surveys, provided data as to rock quality, depth of weathering, and depth of overburden at project structures, as ~ell as groundwater levels and apparent rock permeability. The follo~ing sections present the engineering geologic evaluation for the civil structures. Gravi!y Dam and SFillway Foundations The dam and spillway foundations were investigated by surface geologic mapping, Test Pits 1, 2 and 8-12, drillholes RB-1, 2 and LB-l, 2, 3, and by seismiC refraction surveys. These structures will ~e founOed on interbedded andeSites, metamorphosed graywackes, and diorite. ~he rocks that comprise the foundations are well exposed in the narrow steep-sided gorge cut by Black Eear Creek downstream ot the outlet of Black Bear Lake, and in a fe~ scattered surface exposures on the abutments, predominantly on the right acutment. The rock exbibits thick to massive relic bedding or layering ~hich appears to dip upstream and toward the right abutment at 400-800. ~he most prominent rock types penetrated in the drillholes are massive, moderately fractured andesite and diorite. Drillhole LB-l encoUntered a maSSive, fresh, moderately to slightly jOinted diorite at a depth of 35 feet which is also exposed in the river channel. Drillhole RB-2 encountered a microcrystalline, white quartzose zone at 9 feet and a greenish-gray and red-brown metamorphosed graywacke at a depth of 26 feet. For the dam, intake shaft and spillway foundations, it will be necessary to excavate all overburden and weathered bedrock into LA-12 I I I E I E I I I I I - ----- --- - - --- - - - - - - - - sound bedrock. The depth of overburden is generally 3 to 7 feet except for tne 20 to 30 teet thick deposit of talus on the left bank. ~he amount of rock excavation is expected to te relatively minor, based on examination of drill core where the depth of weathering is seen to extend about 2 feet below the top of bedrock. Nominal dental treatment of open cracks or badly fractured zones will be required along the dam foundation. water pressure tests in the drillholes located along the initial axis downstream of the present dam axis indicate that the iron-stained joints are generally tight and should not permit excessive reservoir seepage. Isolated weathered jOints and more closely fractured intervals encountered in drillholes caused a loss of circulation tluid during drilling and will have to be treated by grouting. Bedding does not appear to have any adverse effect upon the foundation for the proposed structures and should not constitute a preferred path tor leakage. Careful excavation of weathered rock is required to prevent excessive damage to sound foundation rock from blasting. Some scaling ot the steep lett bank clitf well above the elevation of the dam may ~e required to remove any large hanging slabs or loose blocks. Because of the depths ot ground water at the damsite, little inflow is expected during excavation. Surface runoff must be controlled by an adequate interceptor system because of the high rainfall during the rainy season. penstock, Shaft and Tunnel The intake, per.stock, shaft, and lower slope was investigated by drillhole RB-3, ~est Pits 3 to 7, and observation of limited bedrock exposures during surface reconnaissance of the slope down to the powerhouse. The reconnaissance was made to determine the teasibility of constructing the penstock along the surtace of the steep slope. Overburden depth along the upper portion of the penstock from the dam site to elevation 700 is not expected to be more than 2 to 3 feet. Rock outcrops are scattered and, except on clitf faces, are best exposed in gullies and areas formed by windfalls. The overburden is generally limited to humus with only minimal residual soil/colluvium from weathering of bedrock. JOinting in bedrock is variably oriented and moderately spaced. Otten the top of rock is smooth and parallel to the slope due to glacial scour. Stress relief jointing developed parallel to the slopes, and in part due to unloading from the retreat of glaCial ice, occurs in local areas and causes slabby breakage from cliff faces. ~hese observations of difficulties in founding a stable penstock along the steep slope led to conSideration of an underground system. LA-13 Along the lower portion of the slope above the penstock, from elevation 700 to the powerhouse, rock outcrops are scarce and overburden is expected to be deeper. In the lower slopes glacial till is expected to occur below the colluvium and humus, and depths to bedrock of more than 15 feet are to be expected locally. A deep accumulation of talus can be expected at the base of the steep rock faces. Along the penstock route in the river valley between the toe of the major slope and the powerhouse, the depth of overturden and talus is expected to be considerably deeper than on the slope itself, and spread footings and burial of the penstock conduit may be necessary. Shaft. Based on limited knowledge of the rock strata through which the vertical shaft will be drilled, it is anticipated from surface reconnaissance that generally sound, hard quartzite, layered metamorphosed graywacke or andesite, and finally diorite will be encountered in tnat order. Zones of tractured and closely jOinted rock can be expected. To avoid large stress relief joints, the shaft and tunnel should be located a minimum of 200 feet from the edge of the gorge. Drillhole RB-3 was locdted at the proposed intake area tor the vertical shaft and showed 2.4 feet of soil and weathered rock fragments overlying a zone of quartzite rock down to final depth of 20 feet. ~he full thickness of the guartziteseam is not known. It is recommended that a deep exploratory nole be drilled as a pilot hole prior to construction, to determine the stratigraphic sequence and potential difficulty of drilling a large diameter hole for the shaft. It is thought that generally good hard to moderately hard r~ck conditions will be encountered during drilling, and that only minor problems of stability in fractured rock can be expected. ~unnel. The tunnel geology can only be assumed trow. limited exposures seen on the gorge walls trom a distance, and frou a few diorite exposures along the lett side of the lower stream channel beyond the Falls. It appears that diorite is the major rock type below about elevation 700 feet, but andesite or other rock types may occur within the intrusion or along contact zones. Figure LA-q shows the scattered outcrops mapped along the original surface alignment. It is estimated that about 50~ of the essentially horizontal tunnel section will require rock bolts and mesh and/or shot crete for temporary support in blocky or closely jointed zones; and up to 25~ of the tunnel length may require steel supports in highly fractured and weathered diorite, including the tinal 150 feet in the portal LA-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ------- --- - - --- - - - --- - - - section having minimal rock cover to tne outlet. ~he rock cover does not include the unknown thickness of overburden and talus overlying the rock. The final section of steel penstock leading into the powerhouse will be cut and cover in talus and gravel deposits of unknown grading. The trench will probably require overexcavation at the invert and subsequent backtilling and compaction of controlled quality pervious material. Powerhouse Most of the proposed powerhouse location is mantled by relatively thick layers ot alluvium and talus. Based on the depth of overburden to at least 34 feet in drillhole PH-1 and on the seismic survey, the powerhouse will be built on alluvium and talus. An adequate foundation on piling or a raft design should te provided to prevent differential settlement. The deep groundwater level of 25 feet depth measured in drillhole PH-1, suggests dewatering problems in this location may be minor except for the draft tube excavation. Excavation of the interlayered sands and gravel and replacement with compacted fill, or preconsolidation by wetting may be required. Foundation ~routing Construction of a nominal grout curtain beneath the gravity dam and spillway is necessary to control seepage and reduce water losses from the reservoir. During dril11ng and water pressure testing i~ rock, water losses ranged trom nil to 100~ in a tew open joints and fractured zones. Generally, losses were in the range of 1 to b gpm but less than 1 gpm in many cases. It is anticipated that grout consumption in general will be low. For estimating purposes, a one row grout curta~n is suggested full length beneath the dam and spillway with spacing of primary holes 20 teet o.c., secondary holes at 10 feet o.c., and tertiary holes split-spaced at 5 feet o.c. Additional split-spaced boles at less than 5 feet spacing will be provided where required. The average hole depth is estimated to be 30 feet (deeper beneath the channel and gradually shorter up each abutment). Holes are to be stage-grouted in descending stage depths. Consolidation grouting is expected to be required in areas of badly fractured or closely jOinted rock in the foundation. ~he estimate should include grouting the entire length of the foundation trench with holes staggered in three parallel rows 10 feet deep on 10-foot centers. LA-15 Drainage A drain hole curtain is necessary on the downstream side of the grout curtain beneatn the dam and spillway to reduce uplift pressures and to control any water which circumvents the grout curtain. The drainage curtain will be a single line of inclined holes drilled from a gallery constructed within the bottom of the gravity structures. Holes will be spaced on 10-foot centers and average 25 feet deep. Reservoir Rim Conditions The proposed operating level of the reservoir is elevation 1115 feet. This is an increase of 35 teet above the normal level of Black Bear Lake. The lake shore was inspected for seepage potential and slope stability. The lake is currently rimmed witn relatively impermea~le rock mantled by thin layers of alluvial and colluvial material and possibly some glacial tills. potential for excessive reservoir seepage is low. Other than some surficial slumping of the thin organic top soil layer, no slope instability is expected. Several areas ct large block slides and talus deposits exist but these are currently suppo~ted below present lake level and are expected to remain stable with the higher reservoir level. Construction Materials Specific sampling and laboratory testing for construction materials were not conducted tor this study. However, it is anticipated that the talus to be excavated from the left abutment can be gri2zlied and possibly crushed for use as concrete aggregate. There is a more likely potential of using the alluvial and talus material from required excavation of the powerhouse and tailrace area, and other sources in the vicinity of the powerhouse or at Klawock. A complete gradation of potential aggregate materials from boulders to medium sand exists between the powerhouse location and approximately one mile downstream. One alluvial sample taken approximately 500 feet upstream from the head of Elack Lake contained a well sorted medium to fine sand. LA-lb I I I I E I r I E I E I I E • . ~ I - - - - - - ------- --- ------- - --- Seismic Design The region of Southeastern Alaska is seismically active and the Project must be designed tor seismic hazard. The largest earthquake recorded was a magnitude B.l event which occurred in 1949 about BO miles southwest of the site along the Fairweather F'ault. The closest earthquake (ot unknown magnitude) occurred 74 km northeast of the site. Owing to the sparse population and low-level of cultural development in Southeastern Alaska, knowledge ot the seismic intenSity of this area is not as well developed as in the contiguous United States. The only "felt" earthquake reported in Klawock, during the period 1786-1974 was a reported intenSity V associated with an earthquake having a magnitude 6.5 that occurred 213 km from the town. No "tel ttl reports are on record associated with the B. 1 earthquake (1949) mentioned above, but this is probably due to the sparse population at tne time. Based on the prOjected maximum intenSity of earthquakes (Meyers et. ale 1976) the 1949 seismic event might have produced an intenSity of VII at Klawock although the lack of "felt" reports tends to lessen this estilnate. Tne same lack ot "felt" reports associated with the B.l magnitude event is true for Ketchikan as well. By transposing the maximum area event (B.l) to the closest fault with known seismic activity, would yield an event of this magnitude along t.he Fairweather Fault at a distance of 12B km (80 miles), trom tne Project. Using seismic acceleration attenuation curves developed for the western contiguous States (reference 6), and considered reasonably applicable for Southeastern Alaska, a maximum bedrock acceleration of 0.10 g would be experienced at the Site. gowever, because of the oversteepening of slopes and tne common occurrence ot slides in the area, an estimate of 0.15 9 would not be overly conservative. This acceleration is also commonly used in Calitornia, also a highly seismic zone. For tinal design studies, the degree ot seismic hazard will include determination of the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MeR) which could be expected at the project site, and the design acceleration factor to te used for the structures. LA-17 Recommended Design Exploration Final design of the Project will be based on geologic and geotechnical data acquired from additional drillholes and tests for aggregates. In the dam area, additional drillholes will be required to define and delineate the possibility of an old channel under the left bank talus and location of bedrock for left abutment foundation; to further investigate tne powernouse foundation i~ the vicinity of the present lower river channel, and to determine the optimum depth of the toundation grout curtain beneath the dam. Pattern drilling should be performed to explore for bedrock configuration beneath the powerhouse. The lower section of the tunnel and outlet portal, as well as the cut and cover penstock section should be explored for rock surface configuration and rock quality. A deep cored hole (NQ-size) ~ill be necessary at the vertical penstock shaft to determine stratigraphy, expected rock conditions and quality, and the existence ot taulted or sbeared rock which may require relocation of the shaft. Laboratory tests tor physical properties ot tne various rock types are necessary for rock strength moduli and quality data, and for quality tests on potential concrete aggregates. LA-18 I r I I I I I E I -- -,----1 • ---2. --3. ---4. ---5. --b. ---1. - ----- - - - Selected References Alaska Power Authority r (1919) • "Black Bear Lake Project r A Reconnaissance Report"r Harza Engineering Company. Sealaska Corporation r Ltd. r (1911-19). "Reconnaissance GeologYr Klawock Withdrawal"r Three Geologic Maps of the Black Bear Lake Area. DerrYr Michener and Booth. Churkinr M. Jr. and Eberlein r G.D.r (1915). the Craig C-4 Quadrangle r Alaska"r u.s. Pam GQ-11b9. "Geologic Map of Geol. Survey Eberlein r G.D., and Churkin r Michael Jr., (1910). "Paleozoic Stratigrapny in the Northwest Coastal Area of Prince of Wales Island r Southeastern Alaska"r u.s. Geol. Survey Bulletin 1284. Condon r W. H. • "Geologic Map of the Craig Quadrangle r southeastern Alaska", u.s. Geol. SUrvey Bulletin 1108-E. Algermissen r S.T.r and Perkins, D. M., (1916). "A Probabilistic Estimate ot Maximum Acceleration in Rock in the Contiguous United states". Meyers r H. Brazee r R. J.r Coffman r J. L., Lessig r S. R., (1916). "An Analysis of Earthquake Intensities and Recurrence Rates in and near Alaska"r National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Technical Memorandum EDS NGSDC-3. LA-19 r r r L " L [ [ [ , .. L [ , \.. , , i l" f • L L REFERENCES': 1. 2. Sealaska Corp. Ltd., Klawock Withdrawal Reconnaissance Geology Maps, Nov.1977, Nov.1978 and N~v.1979. Churkin, M. Jr. and Eberl in, G. D., "Geologic Map of the Craig C-4 Quadrangle, Alaska, U.S.G.S. GQ-1169, 1975. 3. Condon, W.H., "Geologic Map of the Craig Quadrangle, Southeastern Alaska", U.S.G.S. Bull.l108-B, Platel, 196!. HARZA ENGIIlEERING COMPANY -MARCH.1981 FIGURE LA-1 STRATIGRAPHY: QUATERNARY Qu I Alluvium. CRETACEOUS -JURASSIC KJ r Diorite, quartz diorite and grandiorite. PENNSYLVANIAN IPzpdl Porphyritic bHalt/andesite. I Pk I KLAWAK FORMATION: Calcareous sand,stone; siltstone; & minor limestone. MISSISSIPPIAN Mp Mpl Mplc Mpc DEVONIAN Dc PERATROVICH FORMATION Limestone member: Thick-bedded, massive limestone & minor dolomitic limestone. Limestone and chert member. Chert member: Thin-bedded CORONA DOS VOLCANICS: Volcanic basalt with interlayered, fossiliferous limestone. SILURIAN -ORDOVICIAN Isouvi I Sad I ISOdcij 'I /. Undifferentiated andesitic volcanics and breccia. DESCON FORMATION: Graywacke and mudstone with interbedded basaltic volcanic rocks and conglomerate. Hornfels. svrmOLS ---- Contact, approximate, queried where inferred. /' '.0' /. /' Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where inferred, dotted where hidden. / j(I' y Thrust fault, dashed where approximate, queried where inferred, dotted where hidden. Barbs on side of upper plate. Inferred fault from photogeologic mapping. Taken from reference 3. Strike and dip of inclined beds. Strike of vertical beds. Strike and dip of schistosity. Scale 0 I 2 Miles I NOTES: Contour interval 100' 1. 2. Geology taken from reference 1 except where locally adapted from references 2 & 3. Topography from U.S.G.S. Craig C-3 and (-4 7~' Quadrangl es, 1949. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT COMPOSITE REGIONAL GEOLOGY MAP r r r " L [ f • L , ' L L L \ \ HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY -MARCH,1981 --... ~~ __ -----------____ $90 Qt ~/700 ------- ___ ----/710 _-----,720 FIGURE LA-I ITUT IIIUI'HY Grn.1 and ItOyld'rI; ..,gullr to lub .... "I.". -OItl, dtorUe; Pnttc1e .he fro. 3 hell" to l fUt. I Oal l~llUVIU": Sand and , •• 11 grn.l;"ftlll flnu; ."tvllr to subround.d. sind t, COnlt. CRETACEOUS ."d JIMASSIC ~!§IUOUU!TAUSIVU: Dlorltei •• dlu_-g"'!"'''; ltght to •• dtu. grty; .ott1ed 10cll1y. "nd, strong. SILURIAN Ind OAOOVICI.ut: SOuvl~~ IUTAVOLCAMICS: Undifferentiated ",dnttle 1I'Iot f'ow. wtth ftlgll ~rlde ".gloul •• tI.orp"'c fabrics and .In,ratsi Mfcroc,"y!';t.llln. to 'I'ft.- g,.11 fled. gr. 1 to dl rlt grll. 111'1 til ph.noC",! t; contatns nu •• rous qUlrtz veins; ur, liard ",d strong. u:=J ANDESITE: Microcrystalline, dlrlt grll. [TI .. flOESI.l!.: Flne-gr.lfled •• ,diu. grlY· I SOd I METASEDIMENTS: Grayweek •• highly Mt .. orphond; r.ltc stdt.ent.ry flbrl" r ... gt fro. ftne~grltntd .udSione to co.rse·grllned .nd conglo.tr.tle; 11gllt gr.y to bllck. IIIrd; strong. Contact •• pprOlli.'te, queried where Inferred. lithologic conUct betwetn " ud B .e.bers of SOuv, qutrted when inferred. Strtlc.t .nd dip of relic beds. Strike .nd dip of I"d Ined joht. Strike of vert lral Joint. location of rock Outcrop ,rta, location of surflce seep. location of vertical corellole. location of tltc1lned corellole sllowing Inclin.tlon ,nd beerlng. anaY Loc.tlon of ttlt pH. ~ Loculon of seis.lc line, l! Loution of geologic sect ton, NOTES: 1. See Figure lA·4 for gto1091 of penstock .11gn.tnt ud powerhouse', 2. See Figure l"·3 for cross·uctlon A.",t 3. Are.s not sllow" IS outcrops or Qt .re covtred wUh slope WlSlI.~ colluvfu •• nd vegetation, Stille 0 25 50 F •• , I ! , I I It, ! ! I Conto"r inl.r".1 2' ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT SITE GEOLOGY MAP DAMSITE , , c [ [ L L /760 A -17So " .sEISI'tIC tiNE NO.1 17~0 17.30 _______ l,_ ______ P_NOJEC TED DA~ cresr Et. 172a F_T...:.._)l-________________________ _ /7/0 at L8-e Qc i'_._.......,~ __ _ /690 /6 TO 1tf50 o 10 Nole drS' _1. ---r~?--- SOuv SO 10·' la'S 117'70 $0 lao," Ir(cm/s,~.) C.~.IIV;.D. 60 rD. 45ft. MARIA IJIOttIIEAING CC*PANY.IlARCH. ,.1 SOuv LB-Z Inc!. IfS'/8e.4rlng t!07° r. D. SOft. L8-' ,oroj ~5' OS. LB-1 LACI( ilEAl/ CI?EFk .lire/. 60'/ 13e6rlitg OZ 7· 10" 10-' 117"0 S'O 100,.. - SOuv 1(8-I Inc/. ~5° / 8et5r/ng t!0 7' /( (CI1I/se(.j c.Ni 11.9.0. 10" IO'S 10"0 SO 100', c.I/./R·II·D. K(cm/StC,) T.D.sOlf. rD. 60 II. Ri3-2 SOuv 1710 /1. ~ 1690 SOd /1. 1. SOd 16'7'0 1650 ~8-Z Veritei!1 0 10 ZO ~ ~ 30 ,~ -.t:: 40 "- 1O" If)" S II)"' 0 SO 100'. ~ I( (em, St(. ) e.l~J!uJ.{). Q ~O 70. ~ort. 60 Scale 0 10 20 30 F .. t NOTE : F1CJUIIE LA-a 1_~~_~~~: Angular blocks and boulders of andesite. ~~~.~JL~}JJl!L_~~Q~~.~A_S~. TOPSOU:..: Silty clay to clayey silt: organic, some fragments and boul ders. CRE.T_AC~OLJ~ and _4LJIlA~EC \":.1<J,':-\ "salt and pepper"; hard; strong. ~OI~_~_~~I_~_~_~n_~._!'1ilA~OJ~_~~_~: Undifferentiated andesitic lava floits; high grade regional metamorphic fabrics and minerals; microcrystall ine to fine·gra1ned; gray to dark gray; itith phenocryst, contains numerous Quartz veins; very hard and strong. Grayitacke; highly m.etamorphosed; relic sedimentary fabric and minerals; fine·grained; dense, hard. _____ ? Contact; dashed ithere approximate; queried ithere inferred. I Orillhole showing drillhole "umber and projection if not on sectlon line. Groundlllater level measured in drillho\e. ALMItA POWER ~ITY BLACK RAR LAd PROoIICT 1. See Figure LA-2 for section location. ~ a8()l.OGIC Qlt0881181!1CMt1i_ (( , , M l j " l j r1 : " U n lJ n l .. 0 D C C C L L lJ ~, ~ L ~ U .. I' \ .~ \ -~ POWERHOl/SE CtIIIl_ i".".,,1 2' HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY -MARCH,1981 \ \ \ \ \ " SCIII. p, , , 100 200 Ftlll , I I I I I I PENSTOCK ALIGNMENT ClJfJlw" i~1 10' \ -\ ----\ \ QUATERNARY [::.QtJ TALUS: FIGURE LA-4 EXPlMATlOI 6,...",1 .. , ".'d.r.~ ",.ular to ... b .. ' .... ,. ••• ,Uy dlorUI' Plrtic •• Itu fro. 3 ind'i' to , flit. []i[]!lll!!!.!!!!: S"" ... , ••• 11 ,rnll; ft. ffnll; .. ,.11,. to lultro .. nd.d, .... , t. c •• r ... CIIITACIM ... JURAI"C ~II.(OVS "ndIlYls: Diorite, .'Iu.·,rth,d, It,1It tI .'1 •• 1,.1,; Httl.d loull,i ... rd. Itr •••• IIL'-IAII ... OI!!!OVICIAII: ISCllNI ,OLeAIICS .,,' JUTA'DLCAIICS: UII,Uflr,.thted ...... IUe h'll flo ••• U" M,II ,rid' re,toul I!"!UHrpJl'c flbrl" and .tnenh; .tcrocrJ'Ullltn, to 'I"I-,rlta,d. grlY to d,rt ,r". wUh pll."ocrJ'st; cORUh, n ... trou. qUlrtz 'th'., 'fIr), hlrd •• d stron •• [::!:] AIDESllE: "ferocrJ'.tallht. d.rk IrIY. ~ fLOII BRECClA/AGLONERAn: I SOd IRETASEDIRUTS: Grl), •• ch; hfghl, .,U_rph.oll'. rtllc . s.d'_IIUr)' flbrlc. r ..... fro. flltl-Irlhtd ... dsto". to cOlrn-grlinld ud conglo_rlllte; It,lIt grl, to bllek; lIerd; strong. NOTES: ". Y.. ,. ;#" a ? $- s...~ 8- ~ Cont.et •• pprO:lI.,tl. qUlrled .tlere Inferrld. Lltftolo,le contlct bltween A ud C .I.tlers of SOu,. qUlrtld _lIere Inferred. / Strtlte ud dip of reI te bldl. Str1lr.e end dip of inclinld Joht. Stral of .,lrtlCII Jotnt. Loc.tlon of rock out.erop ,rll. Lotltl~n of lurhCI Ilip. Loe.t.lon of "lrtlCII eoreftoll. Lotltlon of Inclined eorefto1e Itlowlng Inclll11tton ud bearln,. Lotltlon of tett ptt. Loeltton of sets.te 1 he . 1. See Figure LA-2 for glology of th' d •• sUe. 2. Area.s not stlown " roek outerop, or " .rl.S of talus or .lln-fu. Ire eoured by vegetation. topsoil. eolluvlu_ end Ilope WISh. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BLACK BEAR LAKE PROJECT SITE GEOLOGY MAP PENSTOCK ALIGNMENT AND POWERHOUSE ·1 J m Z C') Z m m ~ Z C') o o 3: "U » ~ 3: » ~ o l: :,. ~ ... -I m 0 -I 0 Z -0 "T1 m » -I C JJ m en I 1 I 175 OJ » r-r---» » 0 en ~ ~ 100 • OJ » aaY m "U » 0 ~ :e r-m » ~ ~ » m C "'0 -I ~ l: 0 0 f-~ m 0 -I -I -< I I I I I I I i I I UUMIO[ OROIiVlIC IElT IIEYAOAII OIOIi[IIIC IUT COUT IAIIGf: OAOIi[MIC 1m / ....... ,eo 100 leo 400 ,eo • ... OMIt .. , I 1 I I I t I I I j I I Orogenic belts and major fault Iystems in Alaska. Prjnce William Sound Earthquake 0/1964 I I I I I J I j I "TI G) c: :D m r-> I en - --------------------------------- - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT L APPENDIX B PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - ----------------- ----------... ---- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT L Appendix B PFOJECT DESCRIPTION Table of Contents Location and Access Project Setting General ~escription Project Arrangement Project Functional DeSign Geology ot Foundations and Construction Materials Description of Project Facilities Concrete Dam and Spillway Power Intake Penstock Power~lant Access Roads Switchyard and Transmission Reservoir Land Ownership Recreation Facilities LB-i Page I.B-1 LB-l LB-2 LB-2 LB-3 LB-4 LB-5 LB-5 LB-6 LB-7 LB-a LB-a LB-9 LB-l0 LB-l0 LB-11 - ----- - --- --- --- - - - - - - - - BLACR BEAR L~KE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT L Appendix B PROJECT OESCRIPTICN Location and Access --- The Black Bear Lake Project is located at latitude 570 33'N and longitude 132 0 52'W, near the town of Klawock on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. The Project develops the head between Black Bear Lake and the bottom of a falls at the outlet of the lake. The lake discharges into Black Bear Creek which flows intc 83 acre Black Lake about 1.5 miles downstream from the powerhouse site. Black Lake is drained by a small stream which flows about 3.5 miles to Eig Salt Lake, an arm of San Alberto Bay. Both present and proposed access to Black Bear LakE and the damsite is by float plane. Present access to the powerstation site at the base of the falls is by logging road to Black Lake and from there by foot. The logging road will be extended to the powerstation for construction and operation of the Project. Project Setti!}g Prince of Wales Island has rolling, rugged mountainous terrain rising to 3,800 teet at Pin Peak which is adjacent to Black Bear Lake. The Black Bear Lake valley was glacier formed, having steep sides and a broad base. The climate of the project area is largely maritime with occasional incursions of continental air masses. The climate is mild and humid with much precipitation. Average annual terrperature is Qoo-Q50 F with lows ranging from slightly below 0 0 F in the winter to highs close to 90 0 F in the summer. PreCipitation varies greatly with location and tends to increase with elevation. In the coastal towns of the project area, mean annual precipitation is about 120 inches. Vegetation in the project area is typical of hemlock-spruce coastal forest with some muskeg areas. Wildlife in the project area include black bear, deer, beaver, marten, mink, otter and wolf, as well as many of the 200 bird species common to SOlltheast Alaska. LB-1 Black Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous fish stream and supports spawning runs of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon. Dolly Varden, cutthroat, and steelhead trout are reported in Black Bear Creek. Rainbow trout are reported in Black Bear Lake and in Black Bear Creek downstream of the project site. General ~riEtion project Arrangement A general plan and proposed proj~ct boundaries of the Black Bear Lake Project are shown on Exhibit K, Sheet 2. A more explicit site plan and general profile of the Project are shown on Exhibit L, Sheets 1 and 2 respectively. !he Project consists of the following principal elements: a. b. c. d. A concrete gravity dam across the outlet of Black Bear Lake, with rock embankment support of the left abutment. An uncontrolled design discharge maximum reservoir is El. 1715. O. spillway in the center of the dam with a capactity of 1680 cfs. The normal level established by the spill~ay crest A 3-port intake, with ports at different levels for water temperature control, and a gated emergency outlet conduit, located on the upstream tace of the dam. A water conduit, 4380 feet long, connecting the intake to the powernouse. Tne water conductor consists of the following in sequence from the intake: 1) A buried steel penstock, 294 feet in length, with a diameter ot 48 incnes. 2) A concrete-ll.ned vertical diameter and 1296 teet deep. shaft, 48 inches in 3) An 8' x B' rock tunr.el, 1850 feet long, containing a 30 inch diameter steel penstock. 4l A buried steel penstock, 940 feet in length and 30 inches ~n diameter. At the powerhouse a manifold will be provided to distribute the flow to two generating units. At the dam, LB-2 I' .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - --- - - - --- ----------- - --- - - e. f. an emergency closure valve for tbe power conduit will be provided. A powerbouse containing the two impulse turtines and generators, rated at 3.0 MW each, and electrical switchgear. An adjacent switchyard will contain the transformers and transmission line pull-off structures. other facilities include the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) An access road, about two miles in length, from the end of the existing logging road at tbe outlet of Black Lake to the powerhouse site and tunnel portal. Transmission lines, totalling 53 miles -connecting the Project with the load Klawock, Craig and Hydaburg. in length, centers at A new substation near Rlawock which will have the necessary facilities to divide the single incoming circuit from the Project into two outgoing circuits; one serving Rlawock and Craig and one serving Hydaburg. Small stepdown transtormer stations at botb Craig and Hydaburg. Project Functional Design 7he Project will ~rovide total regulation of the outflow of Black Bear Lake tor the production or power and energy. !he Project will have. an installed capacity of 6 1~W and produce 23.7 GWh in an average year. The project reservoir and access road will provide recreational opportunities. Suitable agreements with private landholders would be necessary to guarantee public use of some of the pro~osed recreation facilities. Release of water from the project ~ill be made in such a ~ay so as to ensure ~n1mum disturbance to do~nstream resident tisheries and migrant fisheries. LB-3 Geology of Foundations and Construction Materials The project area was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene period and is characterized by rugged mountains dissected by steep-sided broad valleys. Bedrock consists of the Descon Formation, Ordivician-Silurian undifferentiated volcanics, and a variety of interbedded fine- grained metamorphosed sediments. Igneous intrusions of Jurassic- Cretaceous age include diorite and quartz-diorite as dikes and as a plutonic mass exposed in the lower valley. Some uplitt, tolding and faulting have occured in the region but have never been clearly defined or mapped in detail. Numerous talus deposits trom rockfalls and debris avalanches, and terrace deposits of glacial t~ll are found throughout the area. These deposits and the lower stream gravel deposits are technically suitable as sources of construction materials. As disc'~ssed elsewhere in this report, use of the streambed sands and gravels is rejected on environmental grounds. The selected source is rrocessed excavated materials. Soils and terrace deposits ot glacial and fluvial origin occur thoughout the region. Most ot the slopes are covered ~ith humus, residual soil and colluvium. Talus materials are angular, blocky and generally poorly graded. vegetative growth and the forests protect the soil cover on the slopes from erosion due to surface runoff. Overtlow ot Black Bear Lake has scoured the outlet stream channel to fresh rock. Earthquakes are common in Southeast Alaska. Specifically for the Black Bear Lake Project, earthquakes appear to be related to the Fairweather Fault and the Clarence Straight Fault which are approximately 80 miles west of the Project. The magnitude of earthquakes which occur on the Fairweather Fault (some as great as 8.1 on the Richter Scale) indicate that the Project could t;e subject to severe acceleration and must be deSigned accordingly. The dam will be founded on sound bedrock. A small amount ot o~anic soil and severely weathered and spalled rock covers cedrock in the dam area. These materials will be stripped trom the abutments and channel section. It is estimated that the thickness of soil and loose rock ranges trom 3 to 7 feet. The left end of the dam will be socketed into a portion of the talus slope. The penstock sound, hard rock. shaft and tunnel will be excavated in expected The pressure section will be concrete-lined. The powerplant will near the base of the slope. be founded on alluvial gravels and talus Large trees which could blow down on LB-q I I I I I I E I I I I I I I I I I - - --- - - - - - - - --- ---- - - ..... - the plant should be cut and removed. The powerplant is located to protect it from snow and debris. Potential sources of concrete aggregates identified were a quarry near Klawock, where they can also be processed, frow stream gravels in Black Bear Creek or from processed excavated materials. As discussed elsewhere in this report, use of streamred sands and gravels is rejected on environmental grounds. The selected source is processed excavated materials. Descripti2U of the project Facilities Concrete Dam and Spillway A concrete gravity dam containing an ungated ogee spillway will be constructed approximately 80 feet downstream trom the outlet of Black Bear Lake. A plan and elevation of the dam and spillway are Shown on Exhibit L, Sheet 3. Sectional views of these structures are shown 9n Exhibit L, Sheet q. The maximum height of dam will be about 39 feet on the abutments and about 53 feet through the narrow outlet channel. The entire foundation of the dam will be stripped to sound rock. The dam will require about b,qOO cubic yards of concrete. To facilitate excavation through the deep talus deposit on the left a~utment and construction of the concrete dam, a temporary retaining wall will be constructed at El. 1125. After concreting is completed, the retaining wall and a portion of the dam will be backfilled to a starle slope with excavated material. The spillway will be located in the center of the dam. It will be an uncontrolled crest structure with a width of 30 teet with critical depth control occuring at the crest for a~l flows. The spillway will be deSigned to pass the outflow corresponding to the protable maximum flood intlow of qOOO cts. The spillway, with crest at EI. 1115, will have a discharge capacity of 1680 cfs with the reservoir at EI. 1121 or b teet above the normal maximum level. The top of the dam ~s at EI. 1123.0, providing 2 feet of freeboard above maximum flood pool. As shown on Exhibit L, Sheet 3, spilled water will flow over the ogee and horizontal concrete apron to a short channel in rock and into the existing gorge. A grout curtain will be constructed under the dam. This will serve to negate or reduce the increased seepage and seepage p~ssures which will result trom the raised lake level. The grout LB-5 holes of the curt.a.in will be angled to intercept a greater number of steeply deeping joints. It is estimated that a seepage control grout curtain averaging 30 feet deep (deeper beneath the channel and gradually shorter up each abutment) should be adequate. It is also recommended that spacing should be 20 teet on the abutments and split to 5 feet or less where required. Two to five rows of consolidation grout holes may be required in highly fractured areas. These holes would serve to reduce uflift pressure and also to consolidate the fractured rock. Power Intake As shown on Exhibit L, Sheet 4, a multiport intake structure with three gated orifices will be located on the upstream face of tne dam in the deepest part ot the existing outlet channel. The l' x l' ports, with inverts at El. 1612, El. 1683, and El. 1693 will be automatically operated to provide temperature control for power discharges throughout ttle range of headwater fluctuations. Trashracks will be provided for each port. Water passing the trashrack will have an average velocity ot 1.3 tps through the gross area at the maximum expected discharge. The intake reservoir to El. the intaj(e. will be SEt low enough to permit drawdown of the 1b85.0 while maintaining adequate sutmergence of Water for power production will pasR trom the appropriate port through the dam to the 48" g power conduit via the 7'-0" x 1'-0" bell mouth entrance and transition section (from rectangular to 48 inch diameter) • An automatic, motor operated 48 inch diameter butterfly valve located at the toe of the gravity dam will provide positive shut off of the power tlow, if required. The greatest quantity of bushes and trees around Black Bear Lake are located near the dam on natural benches that will be inundated at the proposed normal reservoir level. Because these benches will be cleared during construction it is expected that little trash will reach the intake. Intake velocities will be less than 2 feet pEr second so the lowest intake port can be set close to the bottom of the short approaCh channel without the danger of rocks r.eing carried into it. ~n emergency outlet conduit with a manually operated gate will also be incorporated into the intake structure. This conduit will be b'-O" in diameter and will serve as the diversion conduit during construction. LB-6 I I I I I I I I I I - - ------- - - --- --- - - - - - - - Penstock ~he ~enstock which will convey flow for ~ower generation from the dam and intake to the powerhouse has tour distinct segments; a 48 inch diameter buried steel pipe, a 48 inch finished diameter vertical concrete lined sbatt, a 30 incn diameter steel pipeline on saddles in an adit and a 30 inch diameter buried steel pipe segment. A typical section through eaCh ot these segments is shown on Exhibit L, Sheet 4. The 48 inch buried pipeline will extend about 290 feet from the cutterfly valve at the toe of the gravity dam to the top of the concrete shaft. The pipeline will be placed in a trench excavated in rock on the right abutment. The trench will then be backfilled with excavated material. This pipeline will terminate in a vertical bend into the concrete lined shaft. 'Ihe vertical shaft will consist of a 6'-0" nominal diameter Circular shaft excavated in rock and a 1 foot thick unreinforced concrete lining. The shaft will extend from EI. lbbb.O to EI. 370.0, a distance ot 1296 teet. Access to the bottom of the shaft will be by an 8' x 8' modified horseshoe tunnel, 1850 feet in length. steel access hatchways to allow inspection and maintenance of the shaft, if reqUired, will be provided at both the top and bottom of the shaft. At its base, the shaft will be connected to a 30 inch diameter steel pipeline. 'Ihis pipe will be supported on concrete saddles throughout the entire length of the rock tunnel to the portal at EI. 350.0. From the tunnel portal to the powerhouse at EI. 255.5 the 30 inch diameter steel pipeline will be buried in a rock fill which will serve as the permanent access road to the tunnel portal. The pipe ~111 be surrounded by gravel bedding and cast-in-place concrete thrust blocks will be provided at bends. ThE penstock, which will be encased in the substructure concrete, will deliver water to the two units via a welded steel manifold. powerhouse generating 'Ihe various segments ot the penstock were deSigned for the gross head at the section plus a 30~ allowance for overstress due to water hammer. Steel portions of the power conduit will be fabricated from ASTM A-333 Grade 6 steel which exhibits adequate notch toughness for low temperature service. ~he wall thickness of the steel pipeline including 0.125 inch corrosion allowance is 0.313" in the 48 inch diameter segment and varies from O.b88" to 0.750" in the 30 inch diameter segment. LB-7 powerplant The powerplant will have a reinforced concrete substructure, with a superstructure of concrete and concrete block and an insulated aluminum roof supported by a metal truss system. The overall dimensions ot the powerplant will be 70 feet long by 40 feet wide by 31 feet high trom generator floor to the peak of the roof. The unit bay width will be 22 feet. A plan and sectional views of the powerhouse are shown on Exhibit L, Sheet 5. ~he two turbines will be single nozzle horizontal impulse type turbines rated to produce 4,300 horsepower at a net head of 1370 feet at 600 rpm. At the rated output and head each turtine will discharge 32 cfs. The generator and turbine of each unit will be connected by a horizontal drive shaft. ~he generators will be rated at 3750 kVa at 600 C temperature rise, O.B power factor and 60 Hertz. Each generator will have a continuous overload rating ot 15% at 800 C temperature rise above ambient. Circuit breakers will be the air magnetic type. They will be rated to interrupt the maximum expected fault current and will be used to put the unit on-line during the normal start sequences. Station service power will be supplied at 4BO-V, by 3-phase dry-type transformer and 4BO-V circuit breakers. All protective relays and manual and automatic operation of provided. all the control devices for complete generating units will be Supervisory control equipment will be provided to permit remote control indication, and communication ot powerhouse generating data to a remote central control room located at Rlawock. The powerhouse will be provided with a single light bridge crane of 10 ton capacity. The crane, which will be supported by steel columns and support beams, will serve to unload and erect equipment during construction and to facilitate servicing. other mechanical equipment including an air compressor and emergency diesel generator will be provided in the powerhouse. Access Road Access to the powerhouse for construction and project operation will require extension ot the existing logging road at the north end of Black Lake. ~he length of the new road is about two miles. Routing and construction of the portion ot the road along the east shore of Black Lake will require measures to minimize the potential LB-B I I I I I I I I E I I I I - - --------- ----- ----- - --- - - - for slope failures and mass movement. The road will cross an active slide zone near the northeast end of the lake. It is proposed that this zone be crossed by placing a rockfill embankment in the shallo~ bay at the toe of the slide with the expectation that this portion of the access road will require periodic maintenance. No road would be tuilt to Black Bear Lake, which would would continue to be accessible only by float plane or helicopter. Switchyard and Transmission The generators will be connected to two power transformers located in a small yard across the access road to the west ot the powerhouse erection bay. The transtormers will be rated at 4312 kVa each. A single circuit 34.5 kV transmission lines will connect the Project with the load centers at Klawock and Hydaburg. A single circuit 1.2/12.5 kV line will connect the distribution system at Craig to Klawock. 1he recommended transmission line routing, beginning at the powerhouse site, wil~ follo~ the access road to Black lake and continue along the existing logging road to its intersection with Forest Development Road 5000, (Klawock-Thorne Bay Road). From there, the transmission line would follow the road to a substation constructed just east of Klawock near State Highway 924 to Follis. From the proposed substation, one circuit would tie into the existing Klawock system and continue along the Craig-Klawock Road, (State Highway 924), to Craig. The second circuit would provide service into Hydaburg. The routing, tram the proposed substation, would ce easterly along Hollis Road to a point approximately four miles past the southeasterly end of Klawock Lake, where a principal logging road intersects Hollis Road. The line would tnen run generally to the south, following the general route of the logging road. The logging road terminates near the head ot Natzuhini Bay. It has been proposed that this logging road be extended another six miles to Hydaburg. The transmission line would follow the final road route on into Hydaburg. A single circuit 34.5 kV line is proposed. This line would be of horizontal linepost insulator type construction, such as the REA Type ~P-34. ThiS type of construction, using 336.4 MCM ACSR and 45-to 50-foot poles, would provide an average span of approximately bOO teet. This type of construction also permits for a very narrow line path. The insulators for this construction are 14-1/2 inches long, for an overall width of three feet. This narrow protile will be LB-9 more environmentally acceptable in the project area than other types of construction. Besides the substation at the po~~r plant site a sutstation is needed along the Hollis Road. This substation will provide the bus arrangement necessary to split the single incoming 34.5 kV circuit 1nto two outgoing circuits, one to Klawock-Craig at 1.2/12.5 kV, the existing primary voltage in Klawock, and the other to Hydaburg at 3q.5 kV. !he Klawock-Craig line would be built, tapping the Klawock line via fuses. Small stepdown transformer stations will be used in Craig and Hydaburg to convert the incoming voltage to the primary distribution voltage in each community. Reservoir The reservoir created by the dam will cover the present Black Bear Lake, riSing up the surrounding steep sloI=es, increasing the depth of the lake by 35 feet. The volume below the surtace of the present lake at Fl. 1680 is limited by a large rock mass which rises up out of the bcttom to just below the water surtace near the center of the lake. For that reason it was considered more economical and practical to ottain the necessary storage for tlow regulation by providing the additional storage atove the present lake level. At the normal elevation ot 1115, the reservoir will have a surtace area of 2ql acres and provide a storage volume of 6850 acre feet tetween EI. 1115 and El. 1b85. The reservoir will be surcharged to as high as Fl. 1121 when tloods are discharging throuqh the spillway. Some clearing of the reservoir will be necessary adjacent to the dam and along the northeast shore of the lak~. Approximately bO acres between El. lb80 and El. 1110 will require clearing. About 23 acres of the 60 will be heavy clearing, mostly of mountain nemlock. Land OWnershiE The lands within the project area for the dam, powerhouse, and portion of the reservoir (Sees. 1, 12, and 13, T.13S., R.82E, Copper River Meridian) are presently owned by the U.S. Forest Service but have been withdrawn under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act tor selection by Klawock Heenya, the Klawock village corforation. In addition, Sealaska Corporation, the regional native corporation has top-tiled ~or selection ot lands which include those sections. Neither corporation bas placed these lands as top priority for LB-10 I E I I I I I I I .1 E I I I I - ----------.. -----.. --- ---.. ---.. - - - conveyance and their ownership may remain with the u.s. Forest Service if the native corporation entitlements are used els~wbere. Project lands for a portion of the reservoir pool southeast of the damsite lies in Secs. 7 and l8, T.13S., F.32E., Copper River Meridian which is presently unencumbered U.S. Forest ServicE land. !he transmission line corridor traverses u.S. Forest Service land, private land held predominately by the Sealaska Corporation, Klawock Heenya, Shaan-Seet, and Haida Corporation, and highway rights-of-way owned by the State of Alaska. ~he Applicant proposes to acquire project lands and right-ot-way through a variety of methods as appropriate and necessary including special use permit, leasE, purchase, or eminent domain. Recreation Facilities It is anticipated that recreation use of Black Bear Creek valley will increase some~hat, principally in sport fishing use. To accommodate this expected increase in use, fishing and boat access to Black Lake and a tisning access trail upstream of Black Lake are proposed. A presentation of the recreation facilities is shown on Exhibit V, Sbeet 1. Boat access to Black Lake will be provided by a gravelled ramp accessible trom the proposed project access road. The access road will be widened near tne boat ramp to provide for vehicle parking. Two picnic tables and trash cans will be provided tor tbe convenience of visitors. A simple wood chip covered foot trail for fishing access to Black Bear Creek will be proviaed approximately naIf a mile upstream of Slack Lake. The head of the trail will be located on tne project access road. Also, an interpretive display eXFlaining project facilities and operation ~ill be placed at the powerhouse. Visitors will use the parking s~aces provided at tne powernouse. The powerhouse will be closed except for occasional tours • No additional recreation facilities are proposed for Elack Bear Lake. The existing Forest Service cabin ~ill be relocated before the reservoir is tilled. LB-11 - ----------------------------- - - - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT L APPENDIX C . PROJECT DESIGN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -- -BLACK BEAR LAKE qYDROELECTRIC PROJECT -EXHIBIT L --Appendix C -PROJECT DESIGN --Table of Contents -------page -General LC-l -Dam and Spillway LC-l -Dam Location LC-l -LC-l --Spillway LC-2 -stacility Analysis LC-2 -water Conductor LC-4 -Powerhouse LC-5 - ------- ----LC-i - -------------------- ---- - .- ------ --- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT L Appendix C PROJECT DESIGN General The proposed project structures will be designed in accordance with the American Concrete Institute's "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," the "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" by the American Institute of steel Construction, Incorporated, applicable sections of state and local industrial building codes, and accepted engineering practice. All materials specified for use in project construction will be appropriate to their function with normal design stresses. The proposed design stress and ultimate strength of reinforced concrete are 1350 psi and 3000 psi, respectively. The yield point for reinforcing steel is bO,OOO psi and for structural steel, 36,000 psi. The ultimate strength of materials will be in accordance with ASTM specifications. Dam and 2Eillway Dam Location The dam is located 80 feet downstream of the existing outlet of Black Bear Lake. This location is fixed by topographic and geologic limitations. Shifting of dam axis upstream of tt.e present location would Significantly increase the crest length of the structure. Downstream of the dam, the bedrock foundation begins sloping towards the valley below • 'Ihe selected impoundment structure for the Project is a concrete gravity type dam. Two other types of impoundment structure considered in the course of deSign of the dam ~ere rock fill dams with two different types of impervious membranes. A zoned type rockfill structure was not considered because there is no source of impervious till material at the site. LC-l One of the studied alternatives ~as a rockfill ~ith a one-foot tnick reinforced concrete slab on its upstream face. At the upstream toe of the dam the slab ~ould be connected to a grout curtain to complete tne impervious membrane. The second alternative studied would incorporate a steel bin type retaining ~all structure backed by a rockfill. Steel plates would be ~elded to the upstream face of the bins to form the positive water cutoff. The bottom bin would be embedded in the concrete grout curtain cap to complete the membrane. Both rockfill dams would have a chute type uncontrolled spillway in an excavated rock trench on the right abutment. Rockfill for these types of dam would be supplied from required excavation and borrowing trom the talus deposit at the base of the left abutment. Comrarison of initial cost showed slight ditferences between the three alternatives with concrete gravity structure the most economical. More significant are the probable differences in maintenance costs between the rockfill alternatives and the gravity dam. For the concrete faced rockfill, it is likely that cracks would form in the thin membrane due to settlement of the supporting rockfill after reservoir filling. Corrosion protection and possible cracking at tne welds due to settlement would be of continuing concern for the steel bin type rocktill dam. Repair of such defects at this remote site would be costly. The concrete dam would not require maintenance ot a comparative magnitude. Considerations of performance under earthquake conditions also support the choice of the concrete gravity dam as the recommended structure. Spillway 'I.tle spil.l.way is located in tne center ot the gravity dam and founded on the rock knob which forms the left bank of the present stream channel. DOWnstream of the dam the stream channel turns to the left minimizing the length of the spillway disc~arge channel. 'I he uncontrolled ogee type gravity section with a short concrete apron ~as deSigned to discharge lb80 cfs witn b teet of reservoir surcharge. with its crest set at El. 1715, the spillway l\"ill pass the probable maximum flood with the reservoir high ~ater surface reaching El. 1721, leaving 2 feet of freeboard. Stability Analysis 'Ihe concrete gravity dam, spillway and intake were investigated for stability and resistance to sliding on the foundations. The maximum vertical stresses at tne heel and toe of the structures were also computed. The results of these studies are shown on Figure IC-1. LC-2 • .. • " , .. , .. • ... , • • .. " .. - - ----- - --------- ------- ----- - - ~he method used for evaluation ot each structure'S stability and foundation stresses conforms to standard engineering practice and technique. Investigations were made for the following loading conditions: CASE I Construction Condition dead load only, with no water loads or uplift pressures. CASE II Normal Operation Condition normal headwater elevation, full uplift on base, plus ice loading. CASE III Inspection Condition intake "later passages CASE IV CASE V un~atered with normal headwater elevation and full uplift on rase. Project Design Flood Condition -design surcharges on headwater and tailwater elevations, plus corresponding uplift. Earthquake Condition Case II loads plus seismic loading but without ice loading. The magnitude of analysis is 10 kips per the normal head~ater thrust ~as based on the the pressure exerted by ice assumed for the linear toot across the face of structures at elevation. The choice of this value for ice geographic location of the Project. ~he earthquake acceleration was taken to be 0.15 g based on the geographic location of the Project. structures on rock foundations are considered safe against overturning if the resultant or all forces fall within the middle third of the base width of the structure (no tension allowed between concrete and foundation) in Cases II and III. In Cases I and IV, the resultant is allowed to fall ~ithin the middle 0.4 of the base. In Case V, the resultant is allowed to tall within the middle balf of the base. For these cases it is assumed that only compressive stresses can be transmitted to the foundation and that the portion or the base in tension is inefrective. For Cases I and IV this results in 0.9 of the base ta~ing the load and in Cases V, 0.15 of the base taking the load. Allowable compressive stresses on fOUndation rock are estimated to be 150 ksf. For drained horizontal sections in concrete and for drained rock formations (with a Single line ot drains), the uplitt pressure is assumed to act over 100 percent of the base. At the drain line, the uplift pressure is assumed to equal to full tailwater plus 1/4 of the difference between headwater and tailwater. From the drain line, the pressure varies as a straight line to full headwater at the upstream edge and to full tailwater at the downstream edge. LC-3 Resistance to shearing and sliding was computed using the • .. • lilt following shear triction formula: , where: Safety factor, Q = fv + Ac H t = friction factor (0.15 for nard sound rock and concrete.) v = algebraic sum ot all vertical loads. H = algebraic sum of all horizontal loads. c = ultimate cohesion strength of foundation rock or concrete. A = area ot base under compression. With appropriate values inserted tor the loads and resistive forces, the shear friction safety factor "Q" applies to any section of the structure or its foundation. The plane of analysis for this investigation was taken at the base ot each structure. The shear friction safety factor for concrete water retaining structures on rock toundations should not be less than 3.0 for loading Cases II, III, and IV and not less than 2.0 for Case V. As snown on Figure LC-1, for every loading case conSidered, the resultant ot torces on the dam, spillway and intake falls within the required middle zone of the base of each structure. For all cases, the shear friction factor is above the required minimum values and the base pressures are all well below allowable limits. water Conductor --- Water conveyance is by a single conduit which is buried in an open cut excavation or in a rock shaft and tunnel throughout its entire length. ~he conduit diameter is 4.0 feet to the base of the vertical shatt portion and 2.5 teet in diameter thereafter. The 2'-b" diameter of the major portion of the penstock was selected based on economic studies of conduits ranging in size from 2'-0" to 3'-6". The diameter of the vertical concrete lined shaft LC-q • • .. • .. " .. • .. • II • .. I ------------ ------------- --.. -- - - is 4'-0" to facilitate access during construction. In the portion of the penstock between the dam and the shaft it was decided to continue the 4'-0 diameter. This decision was based on consideration of possible expansion of the Project to a 3 unit peaking plant at some time in the future. Expansion would entail tapping the 4'-0" shaft at its base and installing a new penstock to conduct lIiater to the new unit. Providing a '1 1 -0" diameter trom the dam to the shaft would facilitate such project expansion at a small additional cost to the presently proposed Project. A surface penstock route was considered as an alternative to the recommended route. Field investigation and subsequent office studies reveal several problems which cast doubt on the long term viability of this alternative. The surtace routing investigated generally parallels the stream alignment dOllin the heavily timbered slope on the right bank. The large trees along the route have shallow root systems and pose a threat to a surface pipeline. In order to lessen this threat, the penstock would be buried to just below the rock line along most of its length. Clear cutting to protect a surface pipeline was rejected because of the possibility ot creating a landslide or snowslide channel along the route. Construction of the surface penstock would require installation of a high line. ~his facility would then also be used for construction of the dam and appurtenances and would ~e left in place for future access to the upper Site. Anchorage of the pipeline at major bends would be difficult because ot .adverse bedding of the rock. Although preliminary cost comparisons showed the underground routing to have a first cost exceeding that of the surface route by about 15%, the underground route was selected because it is expected to be a more stable structure, requiring a minimum amount of maintenance. Additionally, the underground penstock route is considered to have a significantly lesser environmental impact than the surface route. Powerhouse ~he ~owerhouse is located on a deep talus deposit on the right bank of Black Bear Creek. The concrete raft foundation will provide economical sup~ort for this structure. The powerhouse superstructure will be of reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete block construction. These materials were chosen over the less expensive prefabricated metal alternative for security reasons. Since the plant will be unattended, no windows will be provided, also as a security measure. LC-5 the powerhouse and access road will be protected from infrequent floods by rock berms and channelization ot the creek in their proximity. ~he generating equipment is set at an elevation above tlood stage. As an alternative to the recommended powerhouse location, an underground powerstation location was considered. This scheme was rejected because it was determined to be as costly as the surface structure while incurring a reduction in net head for power production of about 60 feet. LC-b I I I • • • I ! I I E I "-. NJ« EI.I720.8 ---:..::z::::_----=-- Flo"" - ~r:'~~tiC.' r;"s",; --V I i ri"s ~~ .. 1 RI.f:l6 ]Z 6[1.06 .TIT. ! 48.21 ; .y.' I 69.06 Horillont.1 ~H Kips 0.00 4(J.00 M.38 47." his o/concret. g,.."ity d.m £Topofde",EI.I7IS;D MOmMts Base Pressure About KSF Pf.A,Z AlA Ft. Kips Heel I roe 827.0 5.41 ) 0.20 1342.4 0.04 . 4.69 873.6 0.117 2.84 IZ56.1! 0.63 4.09 Shear Location Of Resultanf Fricl/on ·X·Feet Factor From Pf. A NA. 10.09 .-17.09 19.43 18.37 18.12 /4.37 18.19 LEN r.o T HAN A L Y Z E D-/~O· Percentage Of The~/n Case Compre$sion 100 I --'Orr-II 10.0._ /00 1-llZ" Z Flow - Vertical Horizont., .lEV .lEH Kips Kips 101.19 0.00 86.3'.1 48.28 83.86 52.53 86.39 60.16 A1fis ., c_,..fe gr."ity dtJM £Topofd.m EU72!1.0 Moments &se Pressure She.r About Pf.A,.E AlA KSF Fric;ion Ft. Kips H~I Toe Fac;or 994.1 6.87 0.00 N.A- 1668.4 0.45 5.27 14.83 1580.5 0.69 4.87 13.59 1654.9 0.54 5.19 1/.90 LEN G T HAN A L Y ZEDs I~O' Loc.tionOf hsulhlnt, ·x·Feet From Pt. A 9.82 19.31 18.85 19.16 Flow - Min. W. S. £ll685. 0 I'rN'cent.gtl Of The &se In Case Compression 97.8 I 100 II 100 III 100 IY JL ::::; F / L L WA Y-A '" A L Y 51 5 ArE L. 16.9 4.0 D A M-A N A L Y 5 I 5 ArE L. 168 0.0 A. L OADINt3 CA5f:S I-Cone;ruction Condifinn-Sfructur. comple;e, dl'<ld I_donly. ]I-.... , Operatin, Cn"difion-lIfNId"".fer EI.1715.0 Ic. to.d-/OIr~,..r iF .flU7/f.0 .-In.pee'i." Condltion(ln;"" only) HNd_fer EI.1715.0 .-Flood COIWIition-HwMIw.t.r EI.I12I.0 r-E"'/~Condifion-"--I.".t.rEI.17I5.0 ~-O.l5g 13. CRITERIA Allo_ble ftJuntJafitJn pressurfi on rock 750 lesf Shetlr friction f.ctor-Q-(fE V+A Jtc)/£H oW>rw f'-fric;ion f.clor-0.75 EV-sum of "erfic.IIOIIds c-ultfm.f. cOMsion s;reng;h of f""",."01'1 rock or cone,.." -150 psi A-IIrea of bas. £H-sum of horizon;.ll'orces Q should be ~ 3 for C.s.ll, III and:rr ~ 2 for Case JC Uplift-Assumed lie ling On 100:lE> of In" Nse area and .,-110 full hfiId"".tel' and ItJilw.l"r pressures IIf lIN ItHIIInd loe I'Hpeclively. Af filII dr.in line upliff ass.-.d to "" equal to full I.il"".;"r plua ~ of fhe d~f'_nce befw"n M«Iw.ler 1Int1 f.IIIN.ler. v.1'!1~="~ Axis of cone,..t. ,I'.vity Am £Top of dtJm EI. 1723.0 72·ditJ. diversion conduit .nd tlmergency oullet FIGURE LC-I I 1--------,f-'-'---::r4~7=!2~.__ ~48-.;·.r· ... k Vertical Horizontal Moments iJa$e Pressure Shtlor location Of i About Resultant . 1't:r<·"nfa9f! Of ZV ZH Pf.A,~MA K5F Friclion "x.F~1 ' rh" Bust:! in Kips Kips Ff. Kips Heel Toe Fllctor F~ P~A Comf'l'esslon .. ~--,-~ 7993.2 0.0 163,443 6.91 0.0 N.A. 20.45 ?'J.4 6886.2 9664.1 212850 0.69 5.46 12.88 30.91 100 6566.7 3164.1 18B 933 l83 4.27 15.60 28.n 100 6868.1 4064.1 212901 0.64 5.48 12.20 31.00 100 6886.2 5024.4 227.458 0.00 6.65 6.81 33.03 95.3 -- LENG TH OF I!>A Y~50'-O" IN TA KE-A NA LYSIS ATE L. I 6 7 0.0 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA CONCRETE DAM STABILITY ANALYSIS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY --- --------------------------- - - - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT M GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, AND THE TRANSMISSION LINE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ------• ---Turbines -----Generators ---.. -Transformers -Powerhouse -----Klawock ----Craig --- - - Page M-l of 2 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT M GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT -Number Rating Type -Number Rating Voltage -Number Rating Voltages -Number Rating Voltages -Number Rating Voltages 2 4,300 Horsepower at 1,370 feet net head Impulse 2 3,750 KVA at 80% power factor and 60°C tempera- ture rise 4.16KV 2 4,312 KVA 4.16 KV/34.5 KV 1 3,750 KVA 34.5 KV/7.2-12.5 KV 1 2,000 KVA 7.2-12.5 KV/2.4-4.16 KV Transformers -continued Hydaburg -Number Rating Voltages Transmission Line Powerhouse/ Klawock -Voltage Conductor size Klawock/Craig -Voltage Conductor size Klawock/ Hydaburg -Voltage Conductor size Intake Gates -Number Height Width Outlet Gate -Number Height Width Page M-2 of 2 1 2,000 KVA 34.5 KV/2.4-4.l6 KV 34.5 KV 336.4 MCM 7.2/12.5 KV 336.4 MCM 34.5 KV 336.4 MCM 3 7' -0" 7 ' -0" 1 6 • -0" 6 ' -0" I .. .. • .. III III • .. • • " • .. .. I .. -----------.... ----------- ------ - - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT N ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING THE PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - ----------- --- - -------- -- -- FERC Account Number 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 353 355 356 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT N ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF DEVELOPING THE PROJECT Summary Estimate Item Land and Land Rights Powerstation and Improvements Reservoir, Dams, and Waterways Waterwheels, Turbines, and Generators Accessory Electrical Equipment. Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment Roads and Bridges Substation and Switching Station Equipment and Structures Poles and Fixtures Overhead Conductors and Devices Mobilization and Logistics Subtotal Direct Cost Contingencies Total Direct Cost Administration and Engineering January 1981 Construction Cost $ Estimated Cost 399,000 737,000 13,905,500 1,380,000 695,000 48,000 660,000 1,088,000 1,711,000 1,698,000 1,500,000 $23,821,500 4,678,500 $28,500,000 4,000,000 $32,500,000 - ----------------- --- - - --- - .. ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE BAUZA ENGINEERING COllPANY CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Profect HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT JANUARLY 1981 1 6 Date, __________ Page, ____ of, ____ Pages Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by, __ RD ____ Checked by. __ KT_W __ ..... ITEM ~ Unit PrIcI AMCIUIII No. 330 ILand and Land Rights 399 000 331 ~owerstation and Improvements 737 000 332 !Reservoir, Darns and Waterways 13 905 500 333 Iwaterwheels, Turbines and Generators 1 380 000 334 ~ccessory Electrical Equipment 695 000 335 ~iscellaneous Powerstation Equipment 48 000 336 !Roads and Bridges 660 000 353 ~ubstation and switching Station Equipment and Structures 1 088 000 355 ~oles and Fixtures 1 711 000 1 356 pverhead Conductors and Devices 1 698 000 -~obilization and Logistics 1 500 000 Subtotal Direct Cost $ 23 821 500 Contingencies 20%+ 4 678 500 - Total Direct Cost ~ 28 500 000 - Engineering & Administration 4 000 000 January 1981 Construction Cost ~ 32 500 000 I I!STIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE BARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CBIC'&'GO. ILLINOIS ,~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Dat. JANUARY 1981 Page 2 of __ 6~_Pag .. ~~ PROJECT WORKS E.timated by __ .&.>R .... D ___ Ch.ck.d by KIW .... ITEM Qu.1IIty UnltPrb Amount No. 330 Land and Land Rights • 1 Land Purchase .11 Reservoir and Dam 260 Ac . 1,500 390 000 • 12 Water Conductor and Powerstation 9 Ac. 1,000 9 000 Subtotal Item 330 :;> 399 000 331 Powerstation and Improvements .1 Powerstation .11 Diversion and Care of Water L.S. 19 000 .12 Clearing 3 Ac. 6,100 18 300 .13 Excavation -talus 1,180 cy 7.50 8 850 .14 Backfill 400 cy 6.00 2 400 .15 Substructure .151 Concrete -mass 385 cy 690 265 650 .16 Superstructure .161 Concrete -structural 65 cy 2,350 152 750 f- .162 Masonry 4,560 S.F. 17.50 79 800 .163 Architectural Treatment L.S. 24 000 .164 Steel Roof Structure 12,000 1bs 2.30 27 600 .165 Roofing 3,900 S.F. 5.50 21 450 .166 HVAC and Plumbing L. S. 25 000 ..:1.6 7 Miscellaneous Metal 2.500 1bs 2.90 7 250 .168 Crane Supports 24.500 1bs 2.90 71 050 Subtotal Item 331.1 ~ 723 100 .2 Station Yard .21 Fill 6QOcv 6.00 3 600 .22 Crushed Rock 200 c~ 23.00 4 600 __ 23 Fence and Gates 200 L.F. 28.50 5 700 Subtotal Item 331. 2 13 900 Subtotal Item 331 S 737 000 • .. I , • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------- --- - - - - - , ... - - -- ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CHICAGO. ILLINOIS --.--HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Da JANUARY 1981 P 3 f 6 p ~,,,,-,_______________ te _________ age ___ o ____ ages Structure PROJECT WORKS Eatimateel by ___ RD ___ Checkeei by KTW ..... -ITIM QuaIIIIIy Unit ...... AnNUlI No. 332 Reservoir Dams and Waterways .1 aeservoir -- .11 Cl@arinll -- .11] H@avv 23 Ac. 8 OOQ 1184 1000 .11~ Li2ht 35 Ac. 4 .200 147 nnn Subtotal Item 332.1 $ 331 000 .2 Dam and Spillway -- .21 Diversion and Care of Water I.S 'i7 Innn .22 Clearin2 ~k ~200 16 Ron .23 Excavation -- .23] Talus ] 5 3 S1l-.C..Y q 'i0 14'i R2'i . 23~ Common 1.400 cv 7 50 In 'inn • 23~ Rock 2.400 C'V 21.00 'i'i I ? n() 21l SUDDort SVl':t@m T .~ ~'\() nnn .24 Fnllntl::lf"inn Preoaratio.n - - .24] Groutin2 4.650 T . F 'io.no ..2.3.2 I-s-a£l .24 ' Drain Holes and Drains q'in T .F ftft 'in ~'l 1'7'\ .25 ~a~kfill 17 200 ~::i 8.00 137 69Q .26 Concrete -- .26 Mass 6 2~J:Y 4ill ? ')6::> 'i00 .26' Structural . 1 'iO ('v R'iO , ?7 'inn .27 Miscellaneous Metals 2 000 1bs 2 90 'i Rno Subtotal Item 332.2 Is t.. 764 4 nn .3 Waterways -- 31 Intake - .31 Excavatinn -rock 200. C'V 4~ 00 9 900 ":l.1 ' r.nnl'TPf"p structural 190cv 1.2ID ::>41 100 ":l.1 r.::lf"P~ r.lIitl~~ FrameI': AlIf"nm::lf"iC' r.nntTn11': ann Trash racks ~.£ 12q 000 3H Mi!,;I"@11 ,.n~n'tl': M@t;:r.l!'; 2.000.lhs .2 ...!In 'i Rno ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Pr~~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Oate __ J_AN_U_AR_Y_l_98_l ___ Page,_4 __ of 6 Pagn Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by_~RD~ ___ Checked by~K~TW~ __ ..... ITIM QuaIdIIJ Unit PrIce AIDount No. .32 Penstock -- .321 Buried Penstock -- .321 Excavation -- 321111 Talus 2 ,500 cv 7 50 18 750 32112 Rock 1 050 cv 45 00 6.7 ''in 321'1 Backfill 4 100 cv 7,00 28 7nn 3211 BeddinlZ 1.000 C'v 11 nn 'H nnn 32llj ConLrete -anchor blocks 140 cv 6.9.5 91 100 32l~ Valve -48" ~Butterflv Valve 1 ea 4'iO "'i nnn 322 Shaft Penstock 3221 Excavation -rock (72"~) 1 1'i0 l'V 1 1nn 1 7'i'i nnn 322'1 Concrete Linin!? 750 C'v 1 ,gnn , 6.''i nnn 33 Tunnel Excavation and Support 1,RSOT .. F, 1,600 2 960 000 - 34 Pen~tol'k ~tee] 341 :::t::: :::::~: 30.000 1bs 3.80 114 000 342 624 000 lbs 3.80 2 371 200 35 Tailr_Clce and Existing Creek 351 Excavation -talus 2 160 cv 7.50 16 200 352 Backfill 2.100 cv 7.00 14 700 Subtotal Item 332.3 $ 9 310 100 ~l1htnt:-l' Tt-em 112 $ 13 905 500 '" .. " .. " ·11 , .. , II E I I E· I I I ---------.. ---.. ------ -- -- ----- ----- ESTIMATE BLACK BEAR LAKE HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY CHIC .... GO. ILLINOIS Pr~~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Date JANUARY 1981 Page 5 of_-",6 __ Pages Structure PROJECT WORKS Estimated by,_-.JR:u,OL.-___ Checked by KN ..... ITEM QuaaIIIy UnltPrb A.ount No. 333 Waterwheel, Turbines, and Generators .1 Turbines and Governors 2 ea. 400,000 1800 000 .2 Generators 2 ea • 290,000 580 000 Subtotal Item 333 $ 1380 000 .334 Accessory Electrical Equipment . 1 Supervisory Control System L.S • [75 boo .2 Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment L.S. 520 boo Subtotal Item 334 's 1695 boo 335 Miscellaneous Powerstation Equipment .1 Powerstation Crane -10 ton 1 ea. 38.000 38 000 .2 Miscellaneous Equipment L.S. 10 1000 Subtotal Item 335 Is 4R 000 336 Roads and Bridges .1 Access Road 2 mi. 330_,000 S 1660 boo ESTIMATE BlACK BEAR LAKE BARZA ENGINEERING COIIPANY CHIC ..... GO. ILLINOIS Prolect HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Dat. JANUARY 1981 P0ge, __ 6 __ of ___ 6 __ P09.S Structur. PROJECT WORKS Estimated by __ -=.RD=-___ Checked by KTW .... ITEM QuanIIfJ Unit PrIce AMOUIII No. 353 Substation & Switching Equip. & Structures .1 Powerstation Substation .11 Transformers -4000 'IWA 2 each 20,000 40 pOO 1- .12 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc. L.S. 350 ~OO .2 Klawock Substation .21 Transformer -3750 'IWA 1 each 20,000 20 ~OO .22 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc. L.S. ~50 ~OO .3 Craig & Hydaburg Substations .31 Transformers -2000 'IWA 2 each 14,000 28 POO • 32 Switches, Breakers, Bus, Misc • L.S. 1200 ~OO Subtotal Item 353 $ 1 P88 POO 355 Poles and Fixtures .1 Clearing • 11 Heavy L.S • 1447 000 • 12 Light L.S • 665 ~OO .2 Poles .21 Material L.S. 230 ~OO .22 Construction L.S. 369 1000 Subtotal Item 355 Is 1 711 1000 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices .1 Conductors L.S. 330 000 .2 Insulators L.S. 1225 000 .3 Hardware and Miscellaneous T .. S 1222 000 .4 Construction .41 Strinaina L .S 'fill 1000 .4' GUYs, Anchors and Miscellaneous LC£ ORR 1000 Subtotal Item 356 S 1 698 000 -Mobilization and Logistics L.S. $ 1 500 000 • .. ., .. • .. '" .. , II E I I I -----.. - -.. -------.. ---------- --- ----.. BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO.. 5715 EXHIBIT 0 STATEMENT OF THE TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ---------------.. ---.. -----'. ---- ----- - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Exhibit 0 The ~pplicant proposes to begin construction immediately upon issuance of the License. The time from start to com- pletion of construction will be approximately 2.0 years. Figure 0-1 shows the detailed construction schedule. 0-1 DESCRIPTION YEAR I J F M A M J J A AWARD • LOWER SITE MOBLIZATION --CAMPS a SHOPS • • TUNNEL PENSTOCK POWERHOUSE CIVIL WORKS .. MISC. EQUIPMENT TURBINES a GENERATORS INSTALLATION TESTING TRANSMISSION LINE a SUB-STATIONS RECREATIONAL FACILITIES CLEAN UP a DEMOBILIZATION - UPPER SITE CAMPS -PENSTOCK VERTICAL SHAFT EXCAVATION CONCRETE LINING BURIED PENSTOCK DAM. INTAKE a SPILLWAY EXCAVATION GROUTING a DRAIN HOLES CONCRETE GATES a VALVE BACKFILL RELOCATION a RESERVOIR CLEARING CLEAN UP a DEMOBILIZATION RESERVOIR FILLING S' 0 N D J F M A M - - WINTER 0-Vh-V// -0 ~ ~ Vh-~ V~ '0 V~ V~ V~ V~ V~ V~ ~ 0 V~ ~/-0 ~ ~ 0- ~ ~ ~ [0 ~ ~ ~ Vh-~ V// V// V~ V~ V~ '/"'~ ~ V~ ~ :/~ ~/-0 YEAR 2 J J A S 0 i - .. .. ... N D PRO JECT COMPLETE m.T..JLsHuT.LCW...L nil· ............ " .. ........... --.... .. ....... 1 ... .: 11iII4"" 4-l1li ALAIKA POWU Ay'tHCIIIITY .. l· ~~..u ............ lUCK lEAR LAICE HYDROElECTRIC PRO.IECT ALASKA CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY - --------------------------------- - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT R PLAN FOR PUBLIC UTILIZATION OF THE PROJE.CT AREA FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA --------.. - -.. -.. .. -------- ----- - - - BLACK BF!AR T.AKr, HYDROEI.F!C""RIC PROJEC'l' EXHIBIT R PLAN FOR PUBLIC UTILIZATIDrJ OF THE PROJECT ARP.A FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES Exhibit R is contained in Exhibit W, Appendix W-R of this license application. - - --------------------------- - - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT S REPORT ON THE EFFECT OF THE PROJECT UPON THE FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES IN THE AREA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - ------- --- ----- - - ------- - - Section 1. 1. 1 1. 1 • 1 1. 1.2 1. 1.3 1.2 1.2. 1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3 1.3. 1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 2. 2.1 2. 1. 1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 BLACR BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT S Table of Contents DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES Species Plants Wildlife Fish Communities and Associations Vegetation Wildlife Populations Aquatic Habitat Types Fish Populations Unique and Other Biotic Resources Unique Ecosystems or Communities Endangered or Threatened Species wetlands Estuaries EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ON FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOORCES Construction ~errestrial Species and Habitats Aquatic Species and Habitats Major Ecosystem Alteration Endangered or Threatened Species -i- Page s-1 S-l S-l S-l S-3 s-3 S-3 S-4 S-4 S-5 s-8 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-10 S-10 S-10 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-lb Table of Contents (Cont'd) Section 2.2 Operation and Maintenance 2.2.1 Terrestrial Species and Habitats 2.2.2 Aquatic Species and Habitats 2.2.3 Major Ecosystem Alteration 2.2.4 Endangered or T'hreatened Species 2.2.5 Cumulative Impacts 2.3 Termination and Abandonment 2.3.1 Terrestrial Ecosystems 2.3.2 Aquatic Ecosystems 3. MEASURES TO ENHANCE THE ENVIRONMENT OR TO AVOID OR MITIGATE ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 3.1 Preventive Measures and Monitoring (Protection) 3.1.1 Monitoring Project Operation Monitoring Aquatic Vegetation Wildlife 3.1.2 Preventive Measures Minimization of Problems Due to Malfunctions and Accidents Protection ot Services and Environmental Values During Maintenance and Breakdowns Protection of Fish and Wildlife Resources Protection of Water Quality -ii- • • I I • Page I S-16 S-16 I S-17 S-24 E S-29 S-30 : S-31 I S-31 S-32 I S-33 I .- S-33 S-33 I S-33 S-33 I S-35 I S-35 S-36 I S-36 I S-3b I S-36 S-38 I I I - - --------------------- - --------- Section 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 iJ. 5. 6. Table ot Contents (Cont'd) Environmental Restoration and Enhancement (Mitigation) Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife Populations Aquatic Habitat and Fish Populations AGENCY MEETINGS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS STUDIES CONDUCTED BIBLIOGRAPHY -iii- Page S-39 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-43 S-44 No. S-A S-B List of ~endices Title Acronyms General Design Drawings of the Principal structures -iv- , • ~ I I I E I I r I E I E I ~ I I I I ----------------------------- -- - - BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXHIBIT S PROJECT EFFECTS ON FISH AND WILDLIFE 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES 1.1 Species 1. 1. 1 Plants ---- The Project Area contains old growth forests, muskeg forest and bogs, and subalpine vegetation. Table W-1 of Exhibit W lists the plant sfecies common to the major vegetation types of the Project Area. 1. 1 .2 Wildlife Mammals The larger mammals of Prince of Wales Island are tasically those of comparable habitat on the mainland, except that brown bear, mountain goat, and moose do not occur. The species present on the island are of interest to man as game animals, as furbearers, or as food species for other mammals and birds. !he black bear (Ursu~ americanus) is abundant throughout the island, including the Project Area. It utilizes a variety of habitats, depending on its need for food or cover. vegetable matter torms the mainstay of its diet, supplemented with fish and carrion, as available. The timber wolf (Canis lupus) is the only other large carnivore on the island. It is associated with all types of natural habitat where it can find its principal prey, deer. The latter, Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) is not abundant in the Project Area, although good habitat is available. Thus, the potential for growth of the herd is present (ADFG). 1/ The smaller mammals apparently are present in the Black Bear Creek basin in good numbers, but quantitative field data are lacking. Beaver (Cas!or canadensis), mink (Mustela vison) and marten (Martes americana) are abundant along the creek. Mink and beaver are strongly water-oriented; marten is associated closely with mature coniferous forest. All tnree species are intensively sought by fur trappers. The general inaccessibility of the Project Area probably has provided some protection. Other small mammals which occur on Prince of Wales Island include shrews, bats, red and flying squirrels, mice, voles, weasel and land otter (ADFG). 1/ Acronyms used in this Exhibit appear in Appendix S-A. S-l Birds With greater mobility than mammals, bird species tend to be more uniformly distributed among islands in island groups. Many of the 212 species listed by the USFS Wildlife Task Force as "common" in Southeast Alaska (USFS 1918b) can be expected in suitable habitat on Prince of Wales Island. A few of the 5b species listed as "casual, accidental, uncommon, or rare" in the region also may be expected on the island. Gibson (1916) found about 50 species of land birds breeding on the Alexander Archipelago, as compared with about 15 or more on the mainland. Table W-2 of Exhibit W lists birds known to be present in the Project Area. Only a tew of the 2b8 species occur as breeding birds in the Black Bear Creek drainage or elsewhere in the Project Area. Black Lake and Black Bear Lake support a tew pairs of diving ducks, common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) and red-breasted merganser (Merqus serra tor) in midsummer; both species probably breed near these lakes or near the muskeg lakes along the proposed transmission corridor route. Common loons nested and hatched a chick on Black Lake in 1981. The streams provide habitat tor spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia) , belted kingfisher (MegaceEYle alcyon) and dipper (Cinclus mexicanus). ~he old-growth forest is the preferred habitat for some forty-odd species of hawks and owls, thrushes, flycatchers, sparrows, chickadees, and, especially, wood warblers. Forest openings, whether natural or manmade, are innabited by sparrows, finches and some warblers and viSited by some forest birds, such as robins, seeking berries or other special toods. The northern bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus alascensis) is an abundant year-round resident ot Prince of Wales Island. It is seen frequently along Black Bear Creek, especially when spawning salmon are present. Most eagle nests in Southeast Alaska are within 100 meters ot salt water so nests would not be expected near the 1nland lakes of the island. In 1980 tne area near the dam site and reservoir was searched for a nest and none was found. This is not surprising, since there are no large trees along the edge cf Black Bear Lake and the lake is not accessible to spawning salmon. Reptil~ and Amphibians The only member ot these groups on Prince of wales Island are the western toad (Bufo boreas) and possibly one or more salamanders (Wood 1980). -- S-2 • .. • .. I I I - ------------------------------- - - 1.1.3 Fish Dominant fish species in the Black Bear Creek drainage system are members of the salmonid tamily. The drainage system is divided into two distinct aquatic ecosystems inhabited by different species assemtlages. Black Bear Lake, perched in the upper portion of the drainage basin is inhabited by rainbow trout (Salmo qairdneri). Prior to stocking at rainbow trout in 1956, no fish were known to occur in Black Bear Lake. Since the initial stocking, the rainbow population has become a reproducing population and has sustained itself with no further stocking necessary (ADFG). Dominant fish species in the valley stream below Black Bear Lake include pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) all of which are anadromous and use the system at somewhat ditferent times. In addition to the anadromous species, resident fish include cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), rainbow trout or steelhead (Salmo qairdneri), Dolly Varden (Salve linus malma), sculpin (Cottus sp.) and threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Scul~ins and sticklebacks occur in freSh water near the mouth of Black Bear Creek and in the brackish waters of the small estuary in Big Salt Lake (ADFG, Scott and Crossman 1973). Populations of both resident and anadromous cutthroat and Dolly Varden are thought to be present, and the anadromous form of the rainbow trout (steelhead) may also occur in addition to resident rainbow. 1.2 Communities and Associations 1.2.1 Vegetation The forest of Prince of wales Island is a segment of the temperate rain torest which extends along the Pacific coast from northern California to Cook Inlet, Alaska. Nearly all of the Project Area is covered by this torest. the Black Bear Creek valley mostly is covered by old-growth climax forest while the slopes around Black Bear Lake support a more open subalpine type of vegetation. Figure W-1 of Exhibit W is a map of the forest types found in the Black Bear Creek valley and on the adjacent mountain slope s. Figure w-2 of Exhibit W is a map of the vegetation on the mountain slopes around Black Bear Lake. A detailed descri~tion of vegetation associations is given in section of Exhitit w. S-3 1.2.2 Wildlife Populations ADFG black bear harvest figures for Prince of Wales Island indicate that about 10 bears are taken by hunters each year. Only one of 249 bears listed by ADFG for the years 1916-19 was taken at Black Bear Lake. Another was taken from Black Bear Creek and 11 trom the area around Big Salt Lake. The scarcity of kills from Black Bear Lake probably is due more to the area's inaccessibility than to a lack of bears. Bear sign is abundant in the Project Area. ~he timber wolt population is currently at a reduced level compared to the past, as is the deer population. However, neither species is particularly scarce in the Project Area (ADFG). ~he population of black-tailed deer fluctuates widely in response to predation, heavy snows, disease, and hunting Fressure. The last does not appear to be a major factor on Prince of Wales Island. Continued timber cutting, by removing the old-growth forest that provides winter cover, is expected to reduce deer numbers (Meehan 1914). The remaining land vertebrates of the Project Area essentially unstudied. Quantitative data on furbearers do indicate the sources of skins. Field observations by Applicant's consultants indicate that most of the small mammals abundant along Black Bear Creek. 1.2.3 Agua!ic Habitat Types are not the are Black Bear Lake is a deep cirque mountain lake which collects runoft trom the surrounding mountain walls. The outlet stream, Black Bear Creek on the north end of the lake, falls approximately 1500 ft in 0.5 mi to the valley floor, and is impassable to fish. From this point to the stream's mouth the gradient is moderate. Two miles downstream of Black Bear Lake the stream enters Black Lake, then flows for three miles to Big Salt Lake. Black Bear Lake is 1.4 mi, long, varies in width from about 0.1 to 0.4 mi, and has a surface area of 240 acres and a volume of approximately 22,000 acre feet (ADFG). The lake's northern basin is shallower (maximum depth 100 tt) than the southern basin (maximum depth greater than 200 ft). Black Bear Lake becomes thermally stratified during the summer months. The stream between Black Bear Lake and Black L,ake has three zones: (1) the steep drop from Black Bear Lake; (2) a reach with braided and intermittent stream channel and gravel-rubble substrate; and (3) the last 0.6 mile above Black Lake where the creek is sluggish and deep with undercut banks covered with grasses, sedges, and shrubs. The stream chann~l here has fine sand-silt substrate. S-4 , • I' .. • .. '" .. II .. I E I E E I I I ---------------------------- '- --- - - Black Lake is approximately one mile long and is shallow at the upstream (south) end and deeper at the downstream (north) end. From Black Lake the stream flows north for three miles to enter Big Salt Lake, a saltwater embayment: pools and riftles alternate in this reach, with some large sloughs along the bank in certain areas. More detailed descriptions of aquatic habitat are given in Appendices W-A and W-B of Exhibit W. 1.2.4 Fish POEulations Black Bear Lake The only fish known to be present in the lake are rainbow trout, derived from stocking in 195b of 5,000 eyed eggs su~plied by OSFWS (Baade 1960). Before stocking, the lake was barren (Kelly 1979). These fish spawn in the spring from April to June, probably in shallower areas of the lake with gravel or rubble substrate (Kelly 1980). Likely spawning areas include the shallower areas described in Appendices W-A and W-B of Exhibit W, as well as areas near the lake outlet in the shallower northern basin. Two or three nine-inch fish were observed in this latter area during reconnaissance studies in summer of 1979. !he lake's trout population is reported to be self-maintaining (Kelly 1979). Black Bear Lake was assigned a sport fishery rating of 1 (lo~est on a scale from one to five) in the TLMP Fisheries Task Force Working Report (USFS 1978). Recreational fishing in the lake is reported as "not very good" (Elliott 1979), "slow at times" (ADFG), and "good" (Kelly 1979). Downstream ot Black Bear Lake ---- Black Bear Creek is catalogued as an anadromous fish stream (No. 103-60-031) and supports spawning runs of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon (ADFG). Pink salmon is the principal anadromous species using the stream, with a peak escapement during the last ten years of 42,300 in 1975 (ADFG). Table W-3 of Exhibit W summarizes ADFG escapement records for Black Bear Creek. ADFG has identified spawning areas from the upper intertidal zone to Black S-5 Lake and rearing areas suitable for COhO upstream and downstream of Black Lake. Applicant's aquatic studies identified other salmon spawning areas upstream of Black Lake, and reported other observations on salmon use of the stream (see Appendix W-B of Exhibit W). Field observations in 1981 by Applicant's consultants and ADFG indicate the following comparative estimates of salmon spawning use of Black Bear Creek (see also Appendix W-B of Exhibit W) : 1981 SALMON ESCAPEMENT ESTIMATES Above Black I.ake 2/ Below 1/ Black Black Bear Lake south Total Upper Species Lake Affected System Tributary watershed Pink 22,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 Chum negligible negligible negligible Sockeye b50 550 1,200 Coho 200 -1,000 3/ TOTAL 2,650 + coho 2,550 + coho 5,400 -6,200 1/ ADFG aerial survey 2/ Applicant'S consultants 3/ Preliminary S-6 " .. • .. .. .. ., • III .. I I r I E I = I I I .... - --... ---------------- --- - - - - - - Sport fish species occurring in Black Bear Creek are Dolly Varden char, cutthroat trout, and reportedly steelhead trout (ADFG). ADFG classities Black Bear Creek as a "quality class 2" steelhead stream and "quality class 2" cutthroat stream (Jones 1918). 1/ other fish species reported include sculpin and three-spined stickleback (ADFG). The peak of the pink salmon run in Black Bear Creek usually occurs in late August (De Jong 1919). Except for Applicant·s aquatic studies, there are few data on the timing of runs of other salmon species into Black Bear Creek. In the absence at more detailed data on Black Bear Creek, ADFG weir counts of pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon ascending the Rlawock River (seven mi southwest of Black Bear Creek) in 1911-1980 were examined (Bates 1919, 1980; Hansen 1980). ADFG has advised that Rlawock River weir counts can be used as an approximate indicator ot run timing in Black Bear Creek, except that pink and chum salmon run a£out two weeks earlier in Black Bear Creek than at Rlawock River (ReIly 1980; Hansen 1919, 1980). Table W-4 of Exhibit W summarizes these data, and shows that peak escapement periods in Black Eear Creek are probably as follo~s: Pink mid-August to late september Chum late August to late September Coho late August to early November Sockeye early July to early September Applicant's consultants, based on Kla~ock weir counts, other ADFG information, and tield observations, constructed the following summary table of salmonid use of Black Bear Creek acording to speCies, activity, timing, and reach of the stream (see also Appendix W-B of Exhibit W). Both salmon and potentially important sport fish species are included. 1/ Class rating are "1" (highest), "2", and "other". S-1 Species and Activity Pink -spawning Chum -spa\'Vning Coho -spa\'Vning rearing Sockeye-spawning rearing Dolly V-spawning rearing-residence Steel head-spawning rearing-residence Cutthroat-spawning rearing-residence SALMONID USE OF BLACK BEAR CREEK Above Black Lake yes minimal Sept.-Nov. continuous August continuous yes yes possible possible possible possible Location Below Black Lake Black Lake minimal Aug.-Sept. Sept. Sept.-Nov. continuous continuous minimal August (1) continuous over- winter (1) (1) resident over- winter spawn reside possible possible possible possible Above Hwy. Bridge Aug. -Sept. Sept. Sept.-Nov. continuous spawn reside possible possible possible possible • • " III • .. III' .. r .. .. Based on the above and on life history information in Scott and • Crossman (1973) ~ the important months are August through November " for spawning (coho=September through November~ sockeye=August)~ and the winter and early spring months~ probably through May~ for egg incubation and intragravel larval fish above Black Lake. This time , range also covers these activities tor pink and churn salmon. • 1.3 Uniq~~ and Other Biotic Resources 1.3.1 Unique Ecosystems or Communities Plants No unique plant communities are found in the Project Area. All plant communities present are well-represented throughout southeastern Alaska. Wildlife There appear to be no unique wildlife communities or ecosystems in the immediate area of the Project. S-8 I I I I I -- ------------- --------- ----- Aguatic There are no unique aquatic ecosystems or communities in the Project Area. 1.3.2 Endangered or Threatened Species Plants No plants species officially classified as either endangered or tnreatened for Alaska (Murray 1980) are known to occur in the Tongass National Forest (Muller 1980). Muller (1980), in a survey of the threatened and endangered plants in the Tongass National Forest, lists eleven species considered "sensit:ive" for this area. These species are listed in Table W-5 of Exhibit W. Six of tne eleven species are officially classified as rare, status undetermined, for Alaska (Murray 1980). Tnese species are known only from tvpe specimens or from one or more collections at the type locality. Additional information is required, therefore, to evaluate their taxonomic or geographic status. ~hey would appear to be rare but this is subject to change after further studies. In addition to the six rare species, five other species are listed a-s being "sensitive" for the Tongass National Forest (Muller 1980). None of the eleven species are known to occur in the project Area although suitable habitat may exist for some of them. Wildlife No animal species listed by USFWS as "endangered or threatened" breeds in the Project Area or visits it regularly. The peregrine falcon (Falco pereqrinus) is the only species likely to occur on the island at all. This worldwide bird probably is a casual migrant and winter visitor to the island. Migratory and wintering peregrines usually frequent salt marshes and estuaries, where they can secure the watertowl and shorebirds that are their main food. Aguatic No endangered or threatened aqt~tic species occur in or near _ tne Project Area. - S-9 - 1.3.3 Wetlands A preliminary wetlands inventory was performed for the Project Area using aerial photographs and USFS forest inventory maps. Wetland type vegetation in the Project Area is represented by wet meadows, low wet sites, and muskeg torest and bog. All these types occur along Black Bear Creek. Aquatic macrophytes grow in the vicinity of Black Lake inlet and small drainage channels and ponds in the wet meadows. These vegetation types are described in Section of Exhibit w. Of the inventoried wetlands, those identified as having he greatest potential for transmission line-related impacts on waterfowl are mapped on Figures V-S, 6 and 7 of Appendix W-V of Exhibit W. These principal wetland areas are generally associated with water bodies and/or have predominantly emergent vegetation. 1.3.4 Estuaries A small estuary exists at the mouth of Black Bear Creek in Big Salt Lake. The brackish water habitat consists of a large rocky mud flat which extends approximately one quarter mile into Big Salt Lake (ADFG). The estuary is inhabited by euphasid and crangonid shrim~, sand dabs, starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) and sculpin (Cottus Sp). 2. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ON FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES 2.1 Construction 2.1.1 ~errestrial Species and Habitats Project construction will remove a maximum of 220 acres of spruce-hemlock forest from the total available on Prince of Wales Island. ~his amount is minor compared with the amount being removed annually by logging. Tnis old-growtn forest is critical winter habitat for deer in southeast Alaska (ADFG). Species of birds and mammals inhabiting the Project Area will move into adjacent habitat, where they will interact with members of their respective species, causing some emigration, lowered breeding success and possibly reduced survival. The end result will be a return of these adjacent areas to about the same population densities as before the Project was constructed. Construction of the transmission line will exert somewhat ditterent effects, in some areas changing a strip of forest habitat to meadow and brush. The ecotone thus created will favor birds that utilize both forest and meadow: flycatchers, some owls and hawks, robin and some sparrows. Where the transmission line crosses muskeg S-10 , .. • II , .. • .. I I I I I ~ ---- --------- - - - ----- --- - ...... - the poles and wires will provide new perches for eagles, hawks, flycatchers and kingfishers. Transmission lines across wetlands offer special hazards to waterfowl, especially the larger species (geese and swans). The transmission line routing has been carefully selected to avoid flight corridors of waterfowl. James and Haak (1979) found that birds in tight flocks were most susceptible to collisions and that the majority of collisions were with the ground wire, which was at the top of the line assembly. Even in areas rather heavily used by waterfowl the incidence of collisions with 500-kV lines was low. There ~ere so many variables that affect the rates of collision and mortality that extrapolation from one situation to another is unwise. ~he transmission line for the Black Bear Lake Project will avoid bird collision problems by 1) avoiding wetland crossings and edges where waterfowl are abundant, and 2) placing the line at minimum height. ~he Project is not within any major waterfowl migration route (Ring 1981). 2.1.2 Aquatic Species and Habitats Temporary Stream Diversion Black Bear Lake outflow will be diverted through a cofferdam and culvert in the streambed at the damsite. This will allow construction in the dry of the dam and intake structure. The diversion will not have signiticant impact on fish populations or habitat either in Black Bear Lake or in the stream. This section of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. Black Bear Lake Damsite Construction Staging Area Talus material from excavation at the damsite will be placed in Black Bear Lake to form a temporary construction staging area. This material, consisting of talus material of the same type which forms the natural lake bottom, will later be removed and used for fill for the left dam abutment. Placement and removal of this talus material will temporarily increase suspended sediments in the immediate vicinity of the construction area. No significant adverse effect on total fish habitat or populations in the lake is anticipated, however. Soil overburden will be stockpiled on land for landscaping use after construction and will not be placed in the lake. S-11 The intake for the temporary diversion culvert will be extended out into the lake to avoid entrainment of sediment from the construction area. This will avoid discharge of sediments into Black Bear Creek downstream of Black Bear Lake. Powerhouse and Tailrace Construction Staging Area and Access Road Initial construction activities in the powerhouse area will temporarily increase sediment loads in Black Bear Creek above Black Lake. After erosion and runoff control features have been completed, introduction of sediments into the stream will be minor. An existing logging road extends to near the outlet of Black Lake. This road will be extended to the powerhouse site to provide Project access. To avoid cutting into a naturally unstable slope, rock fill will be placed along the east shore of Black Lake for about 200 feet. The fill will eliminate some aquatic plants and fish habitat. Upstream of Black Lake, the access road will be constructed with sufficient drainage culverts to permit water to flow unimpeded from the valley wall and intermittent streams to the valley floor and Black Bear Creek. Transmission Line The potential for disturbance of aquatic hacitat at transmission line stream crossings will be reduced to a minimum by tollowing USFS policies on protection of fisheries habitat during clearing-type operations (Southeast Alaska Area Guide, USFS 1911). The number of stream crossings at potentially sensitive ~oints in streams has been held to a minimum for the proposed route. 2.1.3 Major Ecosystem Alteration Vegetation The major construction impact on vegetation will be clearing for the access to and construction of Project structures. The overall effect will be a reduction in woodland productivity where structures replace torest trees, and in revegetated disturbed areas, the replacement of woodland with early secondary successional plant S-12 , .. I' I • .. I , .. , .. ----communities. If feasible, merchantable trees in all areas to be -cleared will be salvaged and sold. ----.. ------ - --- --- - - - - - Damsite Construction activities at the damsite will require the clearing and disposal of four acres of vegetation. This vegetation consists of subalpine copses (mainly mountain hemlocks) interspersed with semi-open shrub growths and both wet and dry open areas dominated by sedges and heath species, respectively. Also, in the area of the left abutment, salmonberry thicket will be cleared. Since all trees are of small size, no merchantable trees will be cleared. Powerstation and Construction Area Old growth spruce forest will be cleared for construction of the powerstation and aSSOCiated facilities. Construction of the steel penstock section from the penstock portal to the powerstation will require the removal of salmonberry and alder thicket along the stream as well as a small amount of oldgrowth hemlock forest. The construction area comprises both sides of the stream between the powerstation and will require the clearing of oldgrowth spruce forest as well as salmonberry and alder along and within the stream channel. Total clearing requirements from the powerhouse to the portal will be three acres. The clearing of the powerstation and construction area will necessitate the removal ot mature timber trees, mainly western hemlock and Sitka spruce, as well as some mountain hemlock, western redceaar, and Alaska-cedar. Access Road The access road ROW from the end of the existing logging access road at the outlet of Black Lake to the powerstation will require the clearing of approximately five acres ot oldgrowth spruce forest and oldgro~th hemlock, and a small amount of muskeg area and alder thicket. The placement of till along the short section of Black Lake will eliminate some aquatic plants. The clearing of the access road will necessitate the removal of mature timber trees, mainly western hemlock and Sitka spruce, and some mountain hemlock, western redcedar, and Alaska-cedar. S-13 Transmission line The transmission line will be routed along the access road between the powerstation/switchyard and the Black Lake outlet. This section of the route will not require any significant removal of trees beyond what was removed tor the access road ROW. The remainder of the route will, for most of its length, parallel road ROWs. Extensive clearing ot trees in most of these areas will also be avoided, since much of the area has been or will have been logged. Wildlife Only minor wildlife population reductions are anticipated as a result of the project (ADFG). Aquatic Alterations of existing aquatic ~cosystems during the construction phase will occur during reservoir tilling. Existing rainbow trout spawning areas in Black Bear Lake will be inundated and will probably no longer be SUitable. It is unlikely that new spawning areas will become available unless reservoir fluctuations are controlled during the spring spawning season. During reservoir filling, flows will be greatly reduced in the existing stream bed between the dam and powerhouse and will be nearly eliminated just below the dam. However, thiS reach ot the stream is not critical fishery hatitat. stream flows downstream of the powerhouse will also be affected during filling of the reservoir. The most pronounced effect will occur between the powerhouse and the major southwest tributary above Black Lake (see section of Exhibit W). Below the confluence of this tributary, Black Bear Creek flows would be much closer to natural conditions during reservoir filling. To fill the reservoir from E1. 1680 (present lake level) to El. 1115 (normal maximum pool elevation) will require 8,000 acre-teet, or about 228 acre-teet for each 1 ft. rise in reservoir elevation. If the reservoir were filled during a short period upon completion of construction, maintenance of adequate downstream flows would be very difficult. Therefore, it is proposed that reservoir filling begin during the final construction phase and continue through the first three years of Project operation. The following table summarizes the proposed minimum releases for downstream tlow maintenance during reservoir , • • • • • r • • • , • [ E - ------------- ---------- . - - - - - - filling. Minimum downstream releases are generally the those proposed for Project operation in 1986, and considerations were used as tor tne analysis of operation described later in this document. RESERVOIR FILLING AND MINIMUM RELEASE Total Water Min. Downstream Month Available (cfs) 1/ Felease (cfs) Jan 6.5 6.5 Feb 5.4 5.4 Mar 4.1 4.1 Apr 15.8 1.0 May 39.0 11.0 June 41.1 34.0 July 21.4 21.4 Aug 22.9 22.0 Sep 36.6 34.0 Oct 47.1 34.0 Nov 34.0 25.0 Dec 24.8 10.0 same as the same flows as 1/ Mean of average monthly flows for 30 yr of synthesized data • ADFG has requested that the April m1n~mum release be increased trom 1.0 cfs to 15.8 cfs to assure adequate flows for pink and chum salmon fry outmigration. ADFG suggests that the water lost for reservoir filling during April could be recouped by reductions in the minimum flows of the preceding table tor the months June through November. While increasing the April minimum flow may benefit pink/chum outmigration, reductions in the minima for the other months may increase the potential for adverse impact on the fishery resource upstream of Black Lake during reservoir filling. The 8-15 continuing studies discussed elsewhere in this document will provide more detailed information on fish habitat and use in this reach, which will allow refinement of the proposed reservoir filling release regime. Endangered or Threatened Species Plants I I II Ii • tI , No endangered or threatened plant species are known to occur • in the project Area. Wildlife The only endangered species that might occur in the area, the peregrine falcon, is too uncommon a visitor to be directly affected by the Project. peregrines may use the transmission line poles for perching, but the spacing of wires will be such that chances of birds being electrocuted will be minimized. Aquatic No threatened or endangered aquatic species are known to occur in the Project Area. 2.2 Cperation and Maintenance 2.2.1 'Terrestrial Species and Habitats Operation of the project will cause no significant changes in ~ildlife habitat beyond those introduced by project construction. Revegetation of the construction work areas will result in gradual habitat recovery for songbirds and small mammals. Most of the larger birds and mammals ~ill continue to avoid the main part of the project, but with noise at lo~r levels, will reoccupy peripheral habitat. Beaver dams under Project conditions will receive more frequent but less extreme high flows than at present. If a beaver dam is maintained in the usual manner, the likelihood that it will breach is reduced. S-16 III 1\ • • , II . ....•... • I - --------.. ------------ - --- - - - - Maintenance of the transmission line ROW will sustain a relatively uniform strip ot open habitat as long as the Project is in operation. Broadleafed shrubs will be suppressed by manual means where necessary. ADFG has recommended against the use of herbicides. Management of the transmission line ROW tor low vegetation will aid grouse and edge-dependent birds (flycatchers, waxwings, some warblers) by providing berry-and seed-bearing plants. The poles and wires ~ill be used tor resting and perch-hunting by some birds. Transmission poles will provide potentially attractive nest sites for some large birds such as the red-tailed hawk. With adequate wire spacing to prevent electrocutions this is not likely to cause bird mortality. ~here is danger of the nest sticks shorting across wires however and nesting must be prevented. Methods available and tested include altering poles and crossties to render them inhospitable and erecting a separate nest platform near the pole selected by birds. 2.2.2 ~uatic Species and Habitats Black Bear Lake Reservoir Level Fluctuation Normal maximum daily reservoir fluctuation will be approximately one foot. During the spawning period of Black Bear Lake rainbow trout, such fluctuations could cause the loss of eggs deposited in very shallow areas. Eggs deposited in slightly deeper water would be unaffected. Seasonal reservoir level tluctuations are summarized in Tables W-9 and w-l0 and on Figures W-3 and W-q of Exhibit W. The reservoir level increases a few feet from April to June, then decreases from June to August. This could result in tne loss by desiccation of rainbow trout eggs (or alevins) deposited in very shallow water areas during the period of highest reservoir level. Eggs and alevins in somewhat deeper water would not be affected. Year-to-year fluctuations in reservoir levels might also affect rainbow trout spawning, depending on the amount of suitable spawning habitat available each year under different water level conditions. S-17 Fish Entrainment Each flared intake port will be approximately 7 ft. by 7 ft., for a cross sectional area of about 49 sq. ft. The maximum discharge capacity of the Project will be approximately 64 cfs, so that the maximum approach velocity at each intake opening will be about 1.31 ft/s, with lower velocity at the trashrack. At lower Project discharges, water velocities at the intake and trashrack will be correspondingly lower. Bell (1973) has reported the following swimming s~eeds for average-sized to large adult rainbow trout: Crusisin~eed (ft/s) 4.5 sustained speed (ft/s) 13.5 where cruising speed is defined as that maintainable for long periods (hours) and sustained speed that maintainable for a period of minutes. Smaller rainbow trout have lower swimming speeds. Most adult rainbow trout should be able to avoid entrainment into the power intake rather easily. Smaller adults and juveniles may be entrained at higher Project discharges, however. Any fish entrained would pass through the Project water-~·conductors and turbines and would probably be killed. Although the mortality rate ot fish entrained would approach 100 percent, entrainment is not expected to have significant impact on the Black Bear Lake trout population, since only a small percentage of the total number of fish would be subject to entrainment. Downstream of Black Bear. Lake Water Temperature water temperature, in addition to affecting the timing of stream entrance and spawning by adult fish, determines the rate of development from egg through alevin to tree-swimming fry. The rate of this development can be critical to the survival of juvenile fish. water temperatures in tbe stream below Black Bear Lake are in part determined by temperature of lake outflows. This effect is most important tor the reach of Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake, and becomes less so the further downstream one ~roceeds. S-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E I - -Under existing conditions, outflows are from the surface of Black -Bear Lake. -------,- - - ------- ----- - - - Thermograph records of water temperatures at four stream locations are given in Appendix W-B of Exhibit w. Black Bear Lake is strongly thermally stratified in August, less so in September, and has uniform temperature by late october. The lake's thermocline descends from a depth of 30 to 40 feet in August to a depth of 50 to 10 feet in late September. During the winter, an inverse thermal stratification would be expected, with a layer of water colder than 4 degrees C at shallow depths below the ice. In order to minimize changes in the natural downstream water temperature regime with the Project, the three-port power intake is designed to withdraw water from as near the surface of the reservoir as possible as much of the time as possible. This will result in withdrawal of warmer water from above the thermocline during summer months and the coldest possible water from near the reservoir surface in the winter. DeSign drawings of the proposed power intake are shown in Appendix S-B. The estimated cost of the three-port intake is $365,000 . (January 1981 price level, excluding engineering and contingency) • In toth January and August, water would be withdrawn from depths of 12 -20 feet about 80 percent of the time, and from depths of 20 -22 feet the rest of the time (20 percent). These results are based on analysis of the reservoir levels which will occur with downstream environmental flow constraints. Since withdrawals during the summer and fall will be from above Black Bear Lake thermocline, stream water temperatures downstream of the powerhouse will change little, if at all, from existing conditions during this time ot year under normal flow conditions. Fish activity during this period, including salmonid migration into Black Bear Creek and spawning, should not be adversely affected. Stream winter water temperatures will be increased somewhat by the Project, perhaps by as much as 1.5 - 2 degrees C in the stream reach upstream ot Black Lake under extreme low flow conditions, which can occ,ur in January and February. 'Ihe increase would be smaller under more normal flow conditions. The magnitude of winter water temperature increase with the Project would become progressively smaller as one proceeds downstream. Pink and chum salmon juveniles do not remain for long in fresh water, but either swim or are carried downstream to brackish or salt water upon reaching the free-swimming fry stage atter emergence from streambed gravels. If warmer than normal winter water temFeratures have accelerated the intragravel stages of development, this downstream movement may occur betore sufficient numbers of food organisms are available in the marine coastal feeding areas, and the 8-19 young fish may suffer high mortality from starvation. Differences from natural stream temperatures of as little as 2 or 3 degrees F during the egg-alevin development period can result in significant losses (Meehan 1974). Pink and chum salmon spawn both up-and downstream of Black Lake. The part of the stream below Black Lake, where the principal pink and chum spawning/incubation areas are located, would be the least susceptible to any Project-caused winter temperature increases. Under winter extreme low flow conditions, intragravel development of pink and chum in the stream above Black Lake may be accelerated sufficiently to cause early outmigration. Under more usual (higher) winter flow conditions, hOWEver, pink and chum intragravel development will probably not be significantly affected. Sockeye and coho salmon incubation and rearing areas occur both up-and downstream of Black Lake, with the principal sockeye area being in and above Black Lake. Sockeye and coho salmon fry generally remain in fresh water after emergence from the streambed gravels, rearing in suitable areas of the stream or associated lakes and feeding on plankton and insects (Scott and Crossman 1973). If warmer winter water temperatures accelerate the rate of development of invertebrates and plankton in Black Bear Creek and Black Lake as well as that of sockeye and coho in the gravels, early emergence of sockeye and coho probably would not be as potentially serious as it would be for pink and chum. In any event, since the Project will elevate winter water temperatures more upstream of Black Lake than it will downstream, the potential for adverse impact on coho and sockeye will be greater for the incubation areas above Black Lake than for those downstream. Other salmonids inhabiting the stream include Dolly Varden (fall spawning), steelhead-rainbow trout (spring spawning), and cutthroat trout (spring spawning). Rainbow and cutthroat spawning and incutation will not be affected temperature-wise, since the project will have little, if any, effect on spring and summer natural water temperature regimes. Dolly Varden spawning in the fall will not be affected, but winter incubation and emergence could be accelerated above Black Lake, as discussed above for salrron. ADFG considers the Black Bear Creek system as "temperature-sensitive", meaning that under natural summer low-flow conditions, water temperatures can become high enough to adversely affect fish and other stream organisms. ~emperature-sensitive streams in Southeast Alaska typically are lake system streams, are oriented north-south, and have slow moving, organically-stained dark water (Kelly 1979, 1980). The Project may have a beneficial effect on water temperatures during summer low flow periods, since as explained later in this section, flows with the Project will be higher than natural flows for a significant part of the day during summer months and higher flows can reduce water temperatures. S-20 I , .. , .. I [ I - - ----------- - --------- - ---- - Discharge Regime From 1986 to 1991, flows in the falls and cascades reach of the stream between the dam and powerhouse would be eliminated except for local inflow and Project spills during flood events. After 1991 there will be essentially no spilling and therefore no flow in the natural streambed between the dam and powerhouse except for local inflow. This reach of the stream is not critical fishery habitat. Modification of the natural stream discharge regime downstream of the powerhouse by the proposed Project could affect fish habitat, migration, and development of eggs and juveniles. The further downstream one proceeds from the Project tailrace, the smaller these flow modifications as a percent of total flow will ce, since a progressively greater percentage of stream flow derives from unregulated runoff as one moves downstream, as illustrated on Figure W-5 of Exhibit Wand in the following tatle: DRAINAGE AREAS AND PROJECT REGULATION Percent of Cumulative Drainage Area Location Regulated Unregulated project tailrace (I) 100 0 Upstream ot major upper casin tritutary (II) 58.7 41.3 Downstream of major upper basin tritutary (III) 34.5 65.5 Black Lake inlet (IV) 28.9 71. 1 Black Lake outlet (V) 24.6 75.4 Mouth of stream (VI) 10.4 89.b Early in Project planning, a discharge regime to follow system load demand was developed. This regime would cause daily flow tluctuations which are large compared to minimum releases for the reach of the stream above Black Lake, and would greatly modify natural seasonal discharge patterns in the upper reaches of the stream. Such a regime would almost certainly have significant adverse effect on fish spawning and egg and intragravel larval fish survival upstream of Black Lake. Therefore, in order to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact, the release regime was modified by decreasing daily maximum discharge and/or increasing 5-21 daily m~n~mum discharge during those months identified as important for salmon spawning (July through November) and incubation (December through May). The result is a discharge regime which would have smaller daily fluctuations and would more closely follow seasonal changes in natural discharge than would be the case for the original regime. The modifications analysis was performed for two cases: 1) 1986, when Project generation capacity would not yet be fully absorbed and Project discharges would therefore include spills from the Deservoir, and 2) 1991, when essentially no spilling would occur. This analysis is presented in Figures W-6 through W-17 of Exhibit w. For 1986, the proposed modified flow regime gives higher winter flows (January-March), lower May flows, higher summer flows (July-September), lower October flOWS, and lower Decemter flows compazed to existing conditions. April, June, and November flows would be essentially unchanged. The range of daily fluctuations will fall ~ithin the range of natural fluctuations except during the period January-March. The magnitude of daily fluctuations will probably be approximately equal to or less than that under natural conditions except in January-March and perhaps June and July, but fluctuations will be more frequent on a daily basis with the Project than under existing conditions. For 1991, the proposed modified flow regime gives higher winter flows (January-March), lower late spring flows (May-June), higher summer flows (July-August), and lower October and December flow compared to existing conditions. April, September, and November flows would be essentially unchanged. The range of daily fluctuations will fall within the range of natural fluctuations except during the period January-March. The magnitude of daily fluctuations will probably be apprOXimately equal to or less than that under natural conditions except in January-March and perhaps June and July, but fluctuations will be more frequent on a daily basis with the Project than under existing conditions. In summary, the prinCipal flow regime changes downstream of the powerhouse tor both 198b and 1991 will be higher winter and summer flOWS, less frequent flood and low flow events, and more frequent flow fluctuations on a daily basis. Higher winter flows may increase survival of salmonid eggs and alevins by decreasing the frequency of ice formation in the incubating gravels, especially upstream of Black Lake. Higher summer flows may decrease the frequency of occurrence of high water temperatures which almost certainly occur during dry summers under natural conditions. This would tend to increase survival ot rearing salmonids, but higher water velocities aSSOCiated with the higher summer flows may reduce rearing habitat in certain reaches of the stream. Effects of reduction of frequency of high and low flow events are discussed in Appendix W-B of Exhibit W. Increasing flow fluctuations on a daily basis will probably not Significantly affect fish populations or habitat downstream of Black Lake. S-22 I I I I I' .. I' .. I I I E I - - -.. --• -... -.. -.. -----... -.. -... -.. -.. -.. -.. --- Daily fluctuations in the stream reach above Black Lake ordinarily would have the potential to cause significant adverse effect. However, the reach of the stream above the principal spawning and rearing areas in the upper watershed is braided and carries surface flow only intermittently. A major porticn of the surface flow in the principal spawning/rearing reach of the stream above Black Lake is derived from groundwater flow supplied principally by the outflow from Black Bear Lake, which becomes entirely subterranean flow in the vicinity of the proposed powerhouse under low flow conditions. Maintenance of this subsurface flow will greatly reduce the downstream effects of daily fluctuations in flow releases from the powerhouse. After more detailed information on fish habitat and use becomes available through the continuing studies discussed elsewhere in this document, the modified flow regime described above may require refinement in order to assure that downstream fisheries impacts are reduced to a minimum. The ATC wood waste fired generation project might come on line in 1981 or 1982 and would provide two to four MW for 15 years. It might be possible. to use the ATe project for peaking power in the system so that the Black Bear Lake Project could be operated more frequently on a baseload mode during that period. The proposed Project could also be shifted to operation principally for baseload power after about 1992, when Project generating capacity is fully absorbed by power system demand. Baseload operation would allow greater flexibility in the discharge regime of the proposed Project so that discharges could be made to follow natural patterns more closely. Daily flow fluctuations and rate of change would also be less with baseload operation than under a peaking mode. Such modifications in the Project discharge regime would further reduce the potential for downstream fisheries impacts • Dissolved oxygen and Nitrogen The Project power intake will withdraw water from no deeper than 22 feet below the reservoir surface, so that no oxygen-poor water will be discharged from the powerhouse at any time during the year. The multilevel intake is designed and will be operated so that no air is entrained through vortex action under normal operating conditions. The Project thus will not increase dissolved nitrogen concentrations downstream of the powerhouse • 5-23 2.2.3 Major Ecosystem Alteration Vegetation Reservoir OEerations The amount of vegetation biomass on the slopes abutting Black Bear Lake is not sufficient to cause water quality problems if not cleared before dam closure. Nevertheless, in order to avoid unsightly dead snags and potential debris problems at the intake and spillway, vegetation between EI. 1680 (present lake level) and EI. 1710 will be cleared betore the reservoir is filled. Vegetation between EI. 1710 and 1715 (maximum normal operating pool) will not be cleared, since most vegetation in this zone will· su~vive as indicated in the following discussion. The present lake level is EI. 1b80 and the normal maximum reservoir level will be EI. 1715. In general the vegetation in this zone consists of hemlock and hemlock-spruce forest stands, salmonbe~ry and alder thickets, mountain hemlock scrub stand, rock field subalpine meadow, and subalpine hemlock copses intermixed with open areas. Black Bear Lake will not be maintained at a constant pool level but will fluctuate over time. The eftects on vegetation of periodic pool level fluctuations would be most severe if the inundation occurs during the growing season (June to September). Most trees and shrubs are able to survive prolonged inundation during their dormant season but species' response to inundation during the growing season is variable. Flood frequency, duration, and depth are the major factors determining a species' response to inundation during the growing season. During the growing season the highest pool levels will be reached in average and wet years. During dry years, highest pool levels will be reached in the fall and early winter. The following table, based on proposed Black Bear Lake pool operation levels with downstream environmental constraints, gives the percent exceedance of reservoir levels during the growing season. S-24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- --- -----.. - - - ------------------ PERCENT EXCEEDANCE OF POOL LEVELS DURING THE GROWING SEASON (JUNE TO SEPTEMBER) No. of Years of Range of Pool Average Percent OCcurrence Out of Level Fluctuations Level Exceedance 30 Years 1680 1680 (present level) 1b85-1b92 1b88 100 30 1689-1696 1692 95 28 1b91-1b98 1b94 90 27 1694-1699 1697 80 24 1b99-1705 1702 70 21 1703-1708 1705 60 18 1703-1712 1707 50 15 1708-1714 1711 40 12 1710-1715 1712 30 9 1712-1715 1713 20 6 1713-1715 1714 10 3 1715 1715 5 1 The vegetation presently between EI. lb80 and approximately EI. 1688 would be permanently inundated and lost (see above table). There would be a gradation ot vegetation damage between EI. 1688 and EI. 1715 with the most severe damage occurring at the lower elevations. The zone ~etween EI. 1b88 and EI. 1707 would ~e severely stressed. Allor a portion of this zone will be inundated during the growing season tor at least 50 percent of the time (see above table). Nearly allot the woody vegetation in the areas to be inundated 90 to 70 percent of the time would, in all prorability, die within three to five years. Herbaceous vegetation ~ould be eliminated within two to three years. In the area to be inundated from 60 to 50 percent of the time, only the most flood tolerant tnees and shrubs would survive, probably at a reduced gro~th rate. Herbaceous vegetation would be sparse and probably be represented by annuals and flood tolerant grasses and sedges. Unfortunately, very little is known concerning the flood tolerance ot plants common to the Black Bear Lake shoreline. wal ters et ale (1980) classity the flood tolerance ot red alder and Sitka alder as very tolerant (withstand flooding for periods of two or more growing seasons); Sitka spruce, western redcedar, and western hemlock as tolerant (withstand flooding for most of one growing season); and Alaska-cedar as intermediately tolerant (able to survive flooding for one to three months during the growing season). Minore and Smith (1971), based on flood tolerance studies, ranks red alder, Sitka spruce, and western hemlock as intermediately S-25 tolerant. In a review ot the literature, Whitlow and Harris (1979) rank western redcedar as tolerant (able to survive flooding for one growing season, with significant mortality occurring if flooding is repeated the following years) and Sitka spruce and western hemlock as slightly tolerant (able to survive flooding or saturated soils for 30 consecutive days during the growing season). It is assumed that inundation for all or a significant portion of two or more consecutive growing seasons would kill most of the woody vegetation between EI. 1b88 and EI. 1707. An increase in alders could occur at the less frequently inundated upper elevations. The zone from EI. 1707 to EI. 1715 will be inundated less frequently (see above table) and vegetational changes would be less severe than for the zone just described. The vegetation between EI. 1707 and EI. 1712 would be sparse with only flood tolerant shrubs able to survive. Between EI. 1712 and EI. 1715, the maximum level, most of the original woody vegetation would remain, provided that flooding does not occur for two or more consecutive growing seasons. However, even if this does occur, sufficient time could be expected between subsequent high tlooding events that the vegetation would have time to recover. One flooding event of one week or more would be sufficient to kill most of the herbaceous vegetation. Causes would be anaerobic soil conditions, mechanical damage from floating debris, and siltation from receding water covering growing tips. ~inter pool levels above EI. 1b88 should not, by themselves, significantly affect the dormant vegetation. However, they may exacerbate the stress on vegetation already impacted from inundation during the preceding growing season. Water table levels will rise in direct response to the rise in reservoir water levels. However, since most of the shoreline is steep, the rise in water table level will not be greater than the reservoir surface level. This may cause some localized wetter than normal conditions on slope areas immediately above the reservoir water level. In these wet areas, quite common at present, sedges may zeplace trees and shrubs. According to studies by Minore and Smith (1971) on the effect of raised winter water table depths on plant growth, red alder, western redcedar and Sitka spruce ~ill grow where the winter water table is less than 15 cm deep. Red alder and western redcedar are able to grow with the water being stagnant while Sitka spruce requires a flowing water table. Western hemlock is intolerant of water tables less than 15 cm deep. It would appear, therefore, that any raised water tables along the shoreline would result in the death ot western hemlock and, in all probability, mountain hemlock. Sitka spruce and alder, however, may survive raised water tables immediately above the new shoreline. S-26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---.. -.. -.. -.. - --- -.. -.. -.. ---.. ---.. -.. -.. - -- Downstream Flows Project downstream releases are not expected to cause any significant alterations of the vegetation along the Black Bear Creek stream corridor. The reasons are 1) the total annual streamflow and its monthly distribution will remain the same, 2) the regulated area of the watershed is small, approximately ten percent, compared to the total drainage area, and 3) a major source of water maintaining the streamside wet areas appears to be surface and subsurface flows from adjacent slopes. Nevertheless, overbank flooding may also be important for maintaining the vegetation in these poorly drained areas. Project releases will, however, be well within the range of natural fluctuations. The overall effect of the Project will be a reduction in the frequency and magnitude of flood flows and a decrease in trequency and increase in magnitude of low flows. This influence of the regulated flow on the natural flow from the unregulated drainage area will decrease progressively downstream. The large natural fluctuations will still occur downstream, particularly downstream of Black Lake. The most pronounced effects on downstream flows from Project releases will occur. between locations I and II (see table on page S-21). The upper reaches of this stream section are bordered by bands of alders and salmonberry as well as canopy-sized hemlock and spruce trees. The lower halt of the section contains braided subchannels and alluvial fans of tributaries. Vegetation is mostly canopy-sized hemlock and spruce with scattered alders. ~hese trees are not dependent on stream flows for their survival or maintenance. ~he Project effects of reducing high flows and increasing low flows should not have any appreciable effect on this vegetation. There may, however, be a change in the groundcover flora or an increase in shrubs. A muskeg forest and meadow occurs along Black Bear Creek between locations III and IV (see table on page S-21). Less than one-third of the water passing through these wet areas will be regulated flow from Black Bear Lake. The major Project effect will be a reduction (by less than one-third) in overbank flooding. If overbank flooding from large storm events is important in maintaining the muskeg area, then the project may cause some vegetational changes there. The reduction in flooding could be sufficient to cause a shift from hydric to more mesic conditions. In the extreme case, the open muskeg area could become colonized by additional shrubs, and eventually develop into semi-open successional woodland stages dominated in turn by alder, Sitka spruce, and western hemlock. However, it does not seem likely that any changes would go beyond an increase in shrubs and small trees • Project releases would water levels. ~herefore, no either along the shoreline contain aquatic macrophytes. not cause any changes in Black Lake vegetational changes are expected or in those few shoreline areas which 5-27 Downstream of Black lake, Project releases are expected to have only minimal, if any, eftect on the vegetation. In this area of poor drainage and a naturally high water table, much of the water maintaining tne vegetation in tne wet meadows and wet low sites is surface and subsurface drainage from the adjacent slopes as well as unregulated streamflow (specifically, overbank flooding). Large natural streamflow tluctuations and drainage from adjacent slopes will be unaffected. Their contribution to maintaining the present wetland type vegetation will remain unchanged by the Project. The Project-regulated flow will be such a small component of the total water flow through this area that its effects on vegetation will be insignificant. Wildlife Reservoir surface fluctuation will not significantly affect wildlife use of the lake, since such use at present is primarily for drinking. Most of the strongly water-oriented mammals and birds of the area occur downstream of the proposed reservoir. ~he maintenance of the transmission line in a perpetually low-growth condition will provide a stable edge-oriented tird and mammal community, with the tood-chain relationships those of forest species feeding in the open. ~his will be a linear interruption in the otherwise continuous coniferous torest ecosystem. Aquatic Reservoir Level Fluctuation Normal maximum daily reservoir fluctuation will te about one toot. Seasonal fluctuations are summarized in Tables W-9 and W- 10 and on Figures W-3 and W-q of Exhibit W. These fluctuations could affect rainbow trout spawning in Black Bear Lake. Stream Water Temperature Summer and fall water temperatures downstream of the powerhouse will change little, if at all, with the Project, except as noted telow. Winter water temperatures will be increased by as much as 1.5-2.0 degrees C in the stream above Black Lake under extreme low flow conditions, which can occur in January and February. The increase would be smaller under more normal winter flow conditions. S-28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - -... - - -.. -.. -... -... -.. -... ... -- - - -... -... -... -... The magnitude of winter water temperature increase would become progressively smaller as one proceeds downstream. The Project may have a beneficial effect on stream water temperatures during summer low flow periods, since with-Project floliois will be higher than natural flows during summer and higher flows would reduce water temperatures. Effects of these temperature modifications on stream fishery resources were discussed above. Discharge Regime Flows between the except for local inflow, critical fishery habitat. dam but and this powerhouse reach of would be eliminated, the stream is not Downstream of the powerhouse, the principal tlow regime changes will be higher winter and summer flows, less frequent flood and low flow events, and more frequent tlow fluctuations on a daily basis. Effects on fishery resources in different reaches of the stream were discussed above. 2.2.4 Endangered or Threatened Species Plants No endangered or threatened plant species are expected to be affected by Project operations, since none are known to occur in the Project Area. Wildlife Project operation will not affect any endangered, threatened, or candidate species. Should a peregrine falcon visit the Project Area or the transmission line (a remote possibility), the bird would encounter no hazard. 5-29 Aquatic No threatened or endangered aquatic species are known to occur in the project Area. 2.2.5 Cumulative Impacts othe~ Hydroelectric Projects There are no other existing or proposed hydroelectric projects in the Black Bear Creek basin. Cumulative Effects of !he proposed Project and Logging Operations on the Aguatic Ecosystem Stream suspended sediment loads will be temporarily increased by the project only during initial and final construction phases, and then probably only above Black Lake. No cumulative effects with logging are expected, since timber is being harvested only downstream of Black Lake. Higher summer flows with the Project may reduce summer water temperature increases that might occur due to logging in the lower baSin. Higher winter flows with the Project would tend to ameliorate lowering of winter minimum water temperatures that might take place as a result of streamside vegetation removal during timber harvest in the lower basin. Stream flows in the lower basin will probably increase for the first few years after logging operations, but as mentioned above, such changes are usually less than climate-caused variations. Cumulative effects of the proposed Project and logging operations on stream flow in tne lower basin theretore would generally be expected to fall within the range of conditions presented in the analysis in Section 2.2.2, except that minimum flows for the cumulative case may be slightly higher than for the with-Project analysis. 5-30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------- -------.. -----.. -------.. -.. -.. ---- Other Cumulative Effects with Logging Operations 'Ihe total amount of wildlife habitat that will ce removed or disturbed by the proposed project, including the transmission line ROW, is at most one-third the area presently being logged in the lower Black Bear Creek valley alone. 2.3 Termination and Abandonment 2.3.1 'Ierrestrial Ecosystems vegetation Black Bear Lake Removal of the dam would cause the lake level to return to El. 1680. This would expose the unvegetated inundated zone ranging from El. 1680 to El. 1115. The higher elevations would contain a sparse cover of flood tolerant shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. primary succession would begin in the bare areas. The time lag between exposure of the area and the establishment of vegetation would vary, as would the species composition of the pioneers, depending on the nature of the surface exposed, the availatle seed source, and other factors. Along most of the exposed shoreline of Black Bear Lake, mosses and perennial herbs probably would become established in the available soil. Small shrubs such as salmonberry and Devilsclub, followed by alder and hemlock, would eventually colonize the area. In the vicinity ot the rock field at the southeastern end of the lake, the colonizing vegetation would be similar to that presently existing. Other Areas If project structures such as the powerstation and associated fac~lities and roads were removed, the areas would have to be regraded to limit erosion. The disturbed soil would be naturally colonized by dense alder growths. Regeneration ot vegetation would be similar to that in slide areas, former logging roads and highly degraded logged areas. Eventually (50 years or more), spruce would begin to replace the alders. However, to ensure that a more desirable vegetation cover is established as rapidly as possible in these areas, it would be necessary to artificially reforest the regraded areas. Decisions concerning the need for any reforestation program would have to be made at the appropriate time • S-31 Wildlife Following the removal of Project facilities and cessation of maintenance activities tor roads, trails and the transmission line ROW natural succession will result in gradual restoration of the pre-Project vegetation communities and the animal and bird populations supported by them. Bird populations will respond in much the same manner as they do to clearcutting (Kessler 1979). Mammals will use the Project clearings, as they do other clearings, for feeding or movements. 2.3.2 Aquatic Ecosystems Black Bear Lake Breaching or removal of the dam would return the lake to its preimpoundment level. Original rainbow trout spawning areas would again become available. Downstream Streamflow regime would return to pre-Project conditions, as would stream temperatures. The modified channel reach in the vicinity of the powerhouse would probably not return to natural conditions. Fishery productivity ot Black Bear Creek would probably return to pre-Project levels. Breaching the dam would probably cause a temporary increase in suspended sediments in the creek downstream of the Project site. S-32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I ------- - - ---------.. -----.. -.. -.. -.. - -- 3. MEASURES TO ENHANCE THE ENVIRONMENT OR TO AVOID OR MITIGATE ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 3.1 Preventive Measures and Monitorinq (Protection) 3. 1. 1 Monitoring ProFosed monitoring programs are described in the following sections. The ongoing and proposed aquatic, vegetaticn, and wildlife monitoring programs are based on recommendations from Applicant·s consultants and from state and federal agencies (see correspondence in Appendix W-D of Exhibit W). These monitoring programs are designed to provide additional detailed information which may be required to further refine proposed Project oFerations to insure that adverse impacts are avoided or reduced to a minimum. It is Applicant's considered opinion that no changes will be required in deSign or location of Project civil works as described in this license Application. Project Operation MQnitoring Supervisory control equipment will be provided to permit remote control indication and communication of powerhouse generating data, reservoir level, and multilevel intake monitoring data to a remote central control room at Klawock. Aquatic Fisheries and Hydro!ogical/Limnoloqical Studies Applicant·s 1981-1982 ecological field investigations, dealing primarily with the aquatic ecosystem and fisheries but also including mammal populations upstream of Black lake, began in July 1981 and will continue through mid-1982. The interim report is attached to this License Application under Appendix W-B of Exhibit W. The Commission will be provided with copies of the final report uFon completion of the study • S-33 Construction Phase Water Quality Monitoring It is proposed that dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and oils and grease be monitored frequently during construction at a suitable site in Black Bear Creek between the powerhouse construction area and the confluence of the major southwest tributary above Black Lake. ~his monitoring will serve a quality control tuncticn during construction to insure that runoff control measures and procedures are functioning as intended. Dissolved Nitrogen Test The proposed intake structure is designed and will be operated to avoid air entrainment which could cause elevation of downstream dissolved nitrogen. levels. Nevertheless, it is proposed that a one-time test be conducted of the potential for increased dissolved nitrogen with intentional vortex entrainment of air. Such a test will permit determination of the potential severity of such an event and allow formulation of precautions which could be taken in Project operations to preclude its occurrence. The test would be conducted once the Project is operational. but at a time ot year when any increase in nitrogen concentrations will not be detrimental to downstream fishery resources. Timing will be established in consultation with ADFG and other appropriate agencies. The test protocol will include measurement of dissolved nitrogen in Black Bear Lake and in Black Bear Creek downstream of the powerhouse discharge both with and without vortex entrainment of air at the intake. Post-Project Monitoring Monitoring of salmon escapement or juvenile outmigration as appropriate, strea~ temperature. and discharge will be continued upstream of Black Lake after tne Project begins o~eration. Frequency of data collection and duration of these continuing studies will be discussed with state and federal fisheries agencies at a later date. S-3Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------... ---.. - -----... -.. - ---.. -.. -------- Vegetation A single ground survey of the proposed transmission line corridor will be conducted during the tinal design stage to verify the preliminary wetlands inventory. This information will be used along with the guidelines in Appendix W-V of Exhibit W to establish the final alignment of the transmission line • Areas disturbed by construction activities will be regraded and planted in appropriate natural vegetation. Specific vegetation requirements such as suitable plant species, soil treatment, seedbed preparation, seeding rates or seedling densities, and follow-up maintenance procedures will be formulated after discussions with USFS. The revegetated areas will be periodically monitored to identify any problems that may arise, such as eroded areas and poor plant growth. Appropriate measures will be taken to correct such problems as soon as possible. After vegetation is cleared from the reservoir area and the reservoir is filled, the shoreline vegetation and that in the zone of fluctuating pool levels will be monitored for any debris control or erosion problems and unsightly snags. Debris and snags will be removed, and any ero·sion problems dealt with by appropriate means. Wildlife Before final alignment of the transmission line within the proposed transmission corridor is determined during final design of the project, additional eagle surveys will be conducted as necessary to complement USFWS data. USFWs'pertormed some eagle survey work in the vicinity of the Project in 1910, and resurveyed likely eagle use areas along the proposed Project transmission corridor in September 1981. The final alignment of the transmission line will comply with USFWS Eagle Protection Guidelines. The Project maintenance staff will be briefed by local game personnel on the handling of wildlife problems (e.g., bear encounters) on Project lands. Transmission line maintenance and surveillance personnel ~ill be alerted to potential wildlife problems, including electrocutions of large birds, which they will be required to report. A pre-construction reconnaissance inventory of beaver and other species using existing beaver impoundments upstream of Black Lake is underway. USFS and ADFG biologists will be asked to assist the project maintenance staff in monitoring the possible effects of flow changes on beavers in Black Bear Creek. S-35 3.1.2 Preventive Measures Measures which were avoid or reduce adverse following subsections. included in Project planning in order to Project effects are discussed in the Minimization of Problems Due to Malfunctions and Accidents The intake structure and automatic controls will be inspected regularly to minimize the chance of breakdown. Protection of Services and Environmental Values Ouring Maintenance and Breakdowns--- The automatic alarm system will signal any failure of intake structure controls. 'Ihis will allow immediate dispatch of maintenance crews and prompt return of the intake to normal operation. Protection ot Fish and Wildlife Resources Transmission Line Corridor Selection Fish and wildlife values were fully considered in evaluation of alternative transmission line corridors and selection of the proposed corridor. This analysis is discussed in detail in Section of Exhibit w. Construction 'I'he final ROW alignment will be placed within the proposed transmission corridor with great care. Within areas of homogeneous woodland or clearcut areas the placement of the ROW will te based on engineering and economic criteria, with suitable attention to esthetic guidelines of the FERC (FPC 1970). In areas of muskeg or other wetlands, the ROW will be sited to avoid flight paths of watertowl. The line will not cross over water or be close enough to the edge of a water body to block flight pathways. Transmission pole and line placement will also comply with USFWS guidelines S-3b I I I I I I I I I I r r I I I ----regarding distance from eagle nest trees and distance from the _ mouths of salmon spawning streams. -- -• ---------- -- ------------- The transmission line poles have been designed in accordance with recent publications on avoiding bird electrocutions (especially REA 1919). ~here will be no crossbars to invite perching or nesting, and the uppermost wire will be three feet below the top of the pole. Most raptors will use the top of the pole for perching. The alternative placement of wires and their four-foot vertical separation will render simultaneous contact unlikely • Clearing of forest for the transmission line will be accomplished by mechanical removal of the trees. Where the transmission corridor crosses water courses, trees will te felled and equipment operated in accordance with USFS policy. For example, trees within crownheight distance from a stream will be felled away from the stream, logs and debris which accidentally fall into the stream will be removed within 48 hours of the incident, and equipment will not be operated in streambeds (USFS 1911). Measures to prevent or reduce construction related sediment damage to aquatic habitat in Black Bear Lake and to salmon spawning areas in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake are discussed below in Section Any tlasting operations required during Project construction which would occur close enough to tne stream to damage or kill salmonid eggs or intragravel alevins will be properly scheduled to avoid serious effects on fish resources. Blasting will nct occur within a half mile of an active eagle nest during the period March 1 -August 31. A reservoir filling schedule is proposed which would provide adequate flows in Black Bear Creek. operation The ~ower intake in Black Bear Lake is designed to provide relatively low water approach velocities for the purpose of reducing the potential for fish entrainment. A three-level intake is proposed to minimize changes in the natural downstream water temperature' regime and effects on fish populations. The original discharge regime was modified during project planning to reduce the potential for significant adverse impact on downstream fishery resources. S-31 I I Construction of a channel to allow infiltration of a portion of tailrace discharges into the groundwater system is proposed. It appears that groundwater provides major inflow to Black Bear Creek I upstream of salmon spawning areas in the upper watershed (see Appendix w-B of Exhibit w). 3.1.2.q Protection of water Quality Construction During the construction period a major potential effect to water quality is the possible increased concentrations of suspended sediments in Black Bear Lake and Black Bear Creek resulting from construction activities. The potential sources of the sediments are: I I a. Erosion of excavated areas in the immediate area of the I damsite, b. Operation o'f a sump pump to maintain the dewatered area downstream of the cofferdam at the dam site, c. waste water trom the washing process required for aggregate preparation, d. Erosion of excavated areas in the area of the powerhouse, e. Stream channel modification and access road construction between the powerhouse and penstock tunnel portal, f. Construction and burial of the penstock between the powe rhouse and tunnel portal, and g. Excavation of the tailrace channel. Contribution excavated tor the below. Generally outlet from Black into the area water containing Bear Lake. of sediments resulting from erosion of the area dam will be minimized through methods described the area to be excavated will be dOwnstream of the Bear Lake. Most ot the drainage will be channeled immediately downstream of the cofferdam from which the suspended sediments will be pumped to Black As a source ot suspended sediments in Black Eear Lake, discharge from the sump pump will be filtered through a small pool in the dam construction staging area. Because the staging area will be constructed of talus excavated from the dam foundation area, it will be quite porous. It is anticipated that sediments contained in S-38 I I I I I I I I I I I - --------------------- the discharge will settle within the staging area and water that relatively free of sediments will tilter into Black Bear Lake. As a further precaution to prevent sediments from being transported to Black Bear Creek, the intake to the diversion culvert will be extended 50 to 15 ft. into Black Bear Lake. This will avoid transportation of sediments suspended during construction of the cofferdam, staging area, and dam to Black Bear Creek. Potential increases in the sediment load in resulting from erOSion of the excavated area around will be minimized by constructing a low berm construction staging area and Black Bear Creek. Black Bear Creek the powerhouse between the main waste water from washing of the concrete aggregate will be discharged through a series of settling ponds prior to release to the drainage system. Potential erosion of excavated areas of the buried penstock, modification of the stream bed and excavation of the tailrace will be minimized by revegetating areas along the banks as soon as possitle after distu.rbance. A potential source of suspended sediments resulting from construction activities is the excavation of the tailrace channel and modification of the stream channel upstream of the po~erhouse. However, the streambed materials in this reacn range trom cobble and gravel at the powerhouse site to boulder/bedrock at the upstream end, so that only small amounts ot suspended fines would be expected to be released by these construction activities. There may be some minor deposition of fines in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake, but these deposits would be washed from streambed substrates by freshets and floods. Any spills of fuel, oil or grease will be contained within the -construction staging areas. Bulk tuels would be stored so that no leaks to the lakes or stream occur. --3.2 Environmental Restoration and Enhancement (Mitigation) -Proposed mitigation measures are discussed in the following ------ --- subsections. 3.2.1 Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife Populations Areas cleared for construction (equipment storage temporary roads, parking areas, etc.) but not needed for operation will be revegetated with native plants or soil-holding ground cover, or allowed to succeed naturally climax vegetation. 5-39 areas, Project with a to the I The transmission line ROW will be artifically seeded only in arleashwhere slolPe or distufrban~e are ublikelYdto cause s~vlelreb erolslion d • • E sew ere a ow cover 0 natl.ve shr s an grasses Wl. e a owe II to form. 3.2.2 Aquatic Habitat and ~ populations It may be possible to place substrate suitable for rainbow trout spawning in selected areas of Black Bear Lake to replace spawning habitat inundated when the reservoir is filled. ADFG has suggested that the inlet stream(s) to Black Bear Lake might be suitable for such purpose. A limited stocking program is another potential mitigation measure. ADFG policy does not allow stocking of non-native rainbow strains in Alaska waters. ADFG has advised that no source ot native Alaska rainbow strains is ~resently available, but that facilities are planned which probably would be able to provide fish for stocking by the time the proposed Project is scheduled to be constructed. Mitigation measures will be planned in cooperation with USFS and ADFG. With-Project modifications in the existing discharge and temperature regimes in Black Bear Creek will have some ~eneficial effects. Higher winter flows may increase survival of salmonid eggs and alevins by decreasing the trequency ot ice formation in the incubating gravels, especially upstream of Black Lake. Higher summer tlows may decrease the trequency of occurence ot high water temperatures which presently occur during dry summers. This would tend to increase survival of rearing salmonids, but associated higher water velocities may reduce rearing habitat in certain reaches. Water temperatures in Black Bear Creek upstream of Black Lake could be as much as 1.5-2.0 degrees C above natural tem~eratures under extreme low winter flow conditions, which can occur in January and February. Measures which might be employed to reduce with- Project winter water temperatures include a structure which would cascade water, a broad and shallow tailrace, a shallow cooling pond, and selective clearing of streamSide vegetation. However, it should be noted that removal of streamside vegetation would also probably increase summer maximum water temperatures. The feasibility of a small spawning channel downstream of the Project tailrace will be considered if post-Project salmon escapement monitoring indicates that such a facility would be of value. Any spawning channel studies or other appropriate mitigation measures necessary will be tully coordinated with ADFG, USFWS, NMFS, and USFS. S-40 .. iii • Ii I I , III I I I' .. I -... -... -------.. -.. ---... -----... -----.. -.. -- - - 4. AGENCY MEETINGS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS The following agencies and other entities were consulted during the Project planning process (see Exhibit W, Section 10 and Appendix W-D for details). Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Habitat Protection Section Commercial Fish Div. Sport Fish Div. FRED Div. Game Div. Alaska Timter Corporation U.S. Forest Service Alaska Coastal Management Program Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Univ. of Alaska Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sealaska Corporation National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Alaska A-95 Clearinghouse, Office of the Governor Ketchikan Public utilities Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources State Parks Div. Forest, Land, and Water Div. u.S. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service waterfall Group Alaska Dept. of Revenue u.S. Environmental Protection Agency, u.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Autnority S-41 u.s. Bureau of Indian Affairs u.s. Rural Electrification Administration u.s. Alaska Power Administration u.s. Bureau of Land Management Alaska Power and Telephone International North Pacific Fisheries Commission u.s. SOil Conservation Service u.s. National Park Service u.s. Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission Cities of Craig, ~lawock, and Hydaburg Craig Community Organization Shaan-Seet, Inc. ~lawock Heenya Corp. Haida Corp. S-42 • • • • I I I I I I I , • I • • C I - -----.. • ------------------------ - - s. STUDIES CONDOCTED The following environmental studies have been conducted or are being performed by Applicant's consultants and are appended to Exhibit W as Appendices W-B and W-C. 1. Phase I Aquatic Studies 2. Winter Aquatic Studies 3. Spring 1981 fry trapping 4. 1981-1982 Ecological Work: Interim Report S. Archeology and Historical Resources Survey Ecological field investigations, dealing primarily with the aquatic ecosystem but including mammal populations upstream of Black Lake, will continue through mid-1982. The Commission will be provided with copies of the final report as soon thereafter as possible. S-43 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Dept. ot Commerce and Economic Development and Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation (ADCED & ADEC). 1979. ~irectory of permits, State of Alaska. June 1979. Juneau. I .. • • ilia Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 1979. Water • Quality standards. February 1979. • Alaska Oftice of Coastal Management and u.s. Dept. of Commerce Office of Coastal Zone Management (AOCM & USOCZM). 1979. state of Alaska Coastal Management Program and Final Environmental Impact Statement. Juneau, Alaska, and Washington, D.C. May 30, 1979. Avery, M.L. flight. (ed). 1978. Impacts of transmission lines on birds in USDI/FWS/OBS-78/48, 151 p. 578 p. + maps. Baade, R.T. 19bO. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Lake SUrvey Form and Stocking Record, ADFG Files. Bates, w. S. 1979. 1976-1978 Klawock River Fish Count. Memorandum I I I I of March 11, 1979 to Keith Pratt et al. Alaska Dept. of Fish • and Game Fisheries Rehabili tation, Enhancement, and .. Development Division. Klawock, Alaska. 5 p. " BatEs, w. S. 1980. 1979 Klawock weir count memo to D. Young • et al., ADFG Files, 6 Aug 1980. Bell, M.C. 1973. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. Prepared for USACE North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. February 1973. • .. De Jong, Robert C. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division , of Commercial Fisheries, Ketchikan. Personal communication to • Harza Engineering Co. Elliot, Steve. 1979. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fisheries, Project Leader, Juneau. Personal communica- tion to Harza Engineering Co. S-44 , Ii I ---- --- • ---------------------------- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 1980. Final Hydroelectric Environmental Impact statement Swan Lake Project, Alaska. Wash., D.C. Federal Power Commission (FPC). 1970. Commission Order No. 414 of 27 November 1970. Galvin, M., K.D. Hoover and M.L. Avery. 1979. Management of transmission line rights-of-way for fish and wildlife. Vol. 1. Background information. USDI/FWS/OBS-79/22, 1b8 pp. Gibbons, D.R., and E.O. Salo. 1973. An annotated bibliography of the effects of logging on fish of the western United States and Canada. USDA Forest Service General Tech. Rpt. PNW-10. Portland, Oregon. Gibson, D.D. 1976. Bird Species and habitat inventory. Alexander Archipelago, Alaska, Summer, 1975. Univ. Alaska Mus., Contr. Rpt. No. 01-283, U.S.F.S., 66 pp. Hansen, Steve. 1979 and 1980. Fisheries Rehabilitation, Division, Klawock, Alaska. Engineering Co. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Enhancement and Development Personal communications to Harza Harris, A.S., et ale 1974. The forest ecosystem of Southeast Alaska. 1. The setting. USDA Forest Serve Tech. Rpt. PNW-12. Portland, Oregon. James, B.W., and B.A. Haak. 1979. Factors affecting avian flight behavior and collision mortality at transmission lines. Rpt. to Bonneville Power Admin., western Interstate Comm. for Higher Ed. (WICHE) Boulder, Colo., 109 pp. Jones, Darwin E. 1978. A study of Cutthroat -Steelhead in Alaska. Volume 19 Anadromous Fish Studies, Job No. AFS 42-6, July 1, 1977 June 30, 1978. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division, Juneau. 119 p. Kelly, Donald. 1979 and 1980. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Habitat Protection Section, Ketchikan, Alaska. Personal communications and letters to Harza Engineering Co. S-45 Kessler, W.B., 1979. Bird population responses to clearcutting in the Tongass National Forest of Southeast Alaska. USDA For. Serve Alaska Reg. Rpt. No. 71,22 pp. King, J. 1981. USFWS waterfowl biologist, Juneau. communication to Harza Engineering Co. Personal Meehan, W.R. 1974. The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska. 3. Fish Habitats. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report PNW- 15. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon. 41 p. Meehan, W.R. 1974. The 4. Wildlife habitats. 32 pp. forest ecosystem USDA Forest serv., of southeast Alaska. Tech. Rpt PNW-16, Minore, D. and C.E. Smith, 1971. north~estern tree species over For. Serve Res. Note PNW-160. Occurrence and gro~h of four shallow water tables. USDA Portland Oregon. 9 pp. Muller, M. 1980. Progress report. Phase II. 'threatened and endangered plants in the Tongass National Forest. USDA For. Serve unpubl. report. 30 pp. Murray, D.F. 1980. Threatened and endangered plants of Alaska. USDA For. Serve and U.S. Dep. Inter., Bur. Land Man. 59 pp. Rural Electrification Administration (REA) 1979. Fowerline .. III ., , 1 .. • • • .. lIP III " .. I I I contacts by eagles and other large birds. REA Bull. b1-10 • (rev. Mar 79), 7 pp. • Scott, W.B. and E.J. Crossman. 1973. Fresh~ater fishes of Canada. Bull. 184. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada, Ottawa, 9bb pp. Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA). 1978. Hydroelectric power facilities -legal requirements. U.S Forest Service (USFS). 1977. Southeast Alaska Area Guide. Juneau, Alaska. S-4b I Ii , .. -."'" , , I - - - 1M -• -• ... .. -.. -------.. -.. -----.. --.. -- u.s. Forest Report Region, Alaska. Service (USF S) • TO'hgass Land Forest Service, April 1918. 1918. Fisheries Task Force Working Management Plan (TLMP-2). Alaska u.S Dept. of Agriculture, Juneau, u.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1918 a. Tongass Land Management Plan. Landtype/Timber Task Force Working Report. USDA For. Serve TLMP-3, 44 pp. • u.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1918 b. Tongass Land Management Plan • Wildlife Task Force Working Report. USDA For. Serve TLMP-6, 41 pp • u.S Forest Service (USFS). 1979. Tongass Land Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (Two Parts). Alaska Region, Forest Service, u.s Dept of Agriculture, Juneau, Alaska. March 1979 • Viereck, L.A. and E.L. Little. 1912. Alaska trees and shrubs. USDA Agric. Handbk. No. 410. u.s. For. Serve Washington, D.C. 2b5 pp. Walters, M.A., R.O. Teskey, and T.M. Rinckley. 1980. Impact of water level changes on woody riparian and wetland communities. Vol. VIII. Pacitic Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regions. Rep. No. FWS/OBS-18/94. Eastern Energy and Land Use Team. USDOI. Washington, D.C. 41 pp. Whitlow, T.H. and R.W. Harris 1919. Flood tolerance in plants: a state-of-the-art review. U.S. Army Corps of Eng. Tech. Rep. E-79-2 Vicksburg, Miss. 1b1 pp with app • Wood, R. 1980. Area Wildlife Supervisor, ADFG, Retchikan. Personal communication to Harza Engineering Co. S-41 ---- -.. • ----- ------------------------- Appendix S-A ACRONYMS --------ACMP ... AOCED -ADEC -ADFG .. ADNR .. l1li ADOL -ADOTPF .. APA -APT -ATC --DOE -EAR -FERC -HCRS -HECO --NMFS -OSHA -REA -ROW -THREA -TLMP --USFS -USF~S -USGS --- Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Appendix S-A ACRONYMS Coastal Management Program Department of Commerce and Department of Environmental Department ot Fish and Game Economic oevelopment Conservation Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Department ot Labor Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power and Telephone Company Alaska Timber Corporation U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Assessment Report Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Harza Engineering Company National Marine Fisheries Service Occupational Satety and Health Administration Rural Electrification Administration Right-ot-way Tlingit and Haida Regional Electrical Authority Tongass Land Management Plan U.S. Forest Service U.s. Fish and Wildlite Service U.S. Geological Survey Appendix S-B GENERAL DESIGN DRAWINGS OF THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES r r LA ,~ L r: D " j L f ' L L .\ / ~ .., .\ . l ' i i \ \ i / / ~ ~ . "- "-. ~ ~ ~ ... " '-. ~ /8fO~' 18 30 /820 1810 800 ,19 0 1780' (I/O linD I/~'O 1/+0 ~- 1/30 i720 1110 /70 0 16'90.. ./ / 'so , .,~ 'c, <" \ '. c'j't</ .\ . / / \ \ S en ':P co .Y "0 ',5~·- .~ <) '" '---~- " q SCALE 0 40 """"-- EX ... T --'---sHEET ...!..Of'..!. TIlle ................ ... .......... ,.,H ... _ .. ..... .,IM ... ,011"14: TIIIo...., at g,.., 1111 ALAIICA POW!:II AUTHOIIITY ., 4 Q-4..M. ~"Dlrector I 80 120 160 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PLAN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 200.240 DWG. NO. 5715-11 r r ,~ 1800 , At/:' 01 COfIC"'~ rt&'>QfI 9/'~vil!ldtm l , ,.. 17fXI , £"'$1 £1.1728.0 I ~/nv. 1.1672.0, ,-1n.E/.16G1i. L IIiaJ -~ ,., L ISOO r' 1100 L 1900 ~ ~ r--.... I "" "" '" "" C , !! IPOO ~ \ 1\ ~ C I 1100 ~ .... 10UJ ~ r: I .~ ! IKXJ V Co~" i<'-' 6/Qff J<(!'/inisA ~.,...;,. ~ [ BOO I 7fXJ [ fjaJ '---.. ~ L SOf) - [ 400 Inv.E/.31Q~ /" II JOt) f • L 200 r' 100 l. 0 to It()() £/00 JftxJ 4fOO 6ft» fjlOO 7100 8100 9t{)() 10100 ~ , . \"48'dIQ. /JutVed pensIocIt i. f L r L L ., \ ~ ~ ~ t--AAo"'''m. .... exi,ling gl'OUJdli"" <>I>l fJrndJck ~ ~ ~ -, ~ ~ ~ --~. <><1.0'1, gt'Otkj ---L /1100 12100 181txJ /4100 ISftxJ 16100 17100 \.30dl" .• teel en.tock PROFILE ALDNG t; PENSTOCK Sc Ilk II' sholfn ...... ~ ~ ~ !8'aJ 19fOO 2Of{)() I Por~1 ~ 21100 ~ f----inv. t7. 3JO.0 -In.£l.82fl f 2f'OO In.£l9PO.G ) f81{}() 24100 251{)() [XHIBIT_L_SH[ET.!..OF ...!. Thl, drawl", I, a pari <If ttle applicatlOft 'arll ....... ada bJ th. u.d ... I~ •• d. Till, do, 0' IVBI ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 2fj-00 b, ~ Q. \.I,,).>. [ • .cutl •• Dlr.ct.r \ f- "n.EL 3IJ).0 R>ir"""'oouo '\,rl' 'v'lUnif IfIY. ElP55.t5 } ip.278.0/ . ·\1 1 In.Elmo In. !. I I 21100 i'BlOO P91{}() aot{}() 31t()() aPloo 331{}() .iI' 00 r30'di" /Ju/';~ p.",/ocIt. ~ BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA GENERAL PROFILE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-12 r L , i. , l • [ ,~ , L ,. l. r ' L f ' L l " ~ j i ~ .~ 1i ~ 1l8(J 1770 /760 17~ 1710 1730 1720 17/0 17(X} 16!KJ ID80 1670 1660 I SftJli0n8 OtfX) , ItOO --.. -~ ... -... -... -=------------ •• , ~'680-. PLAN rr <t·Pi/l""Y ~ Spi//""!Il"f'es' / £1.1715.0 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION lOp ofdQm ClI7J?3.0 atOO ConcreIP d:m emheddl!d in /QIu. f'OtYr fill SCALE 0 .. 29 - EXHIBIT_L_SHEET..l.OF ~ TIll. d .... I .. 1.0 part '" ... . appIleoliOll for 1108_ .. .. .., Ih. und.r.lgMd. TIll. day of 1981 A~KA POWER AUTHORITY .., ~ 2 \l..J.L, ElOcull .. Dlr •• tor \ 40 60 80 BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PRO.JECT ALASKA .100 120FEET DAM, PLAN a ELEVATION ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DWG. NO. 5715-13 " L r L L LJ f 1 l. \\\: [M:Jx.H.N. £(!7flO.8 M.x. No=lffIUlI7IS.0 FIOIO - I -r ~ Axis 01 COfICf'P1e g,..wi'y d.m /-hpaldgm L £1.17~J.O .. \I .. \V-0l'~inhol' .. " 1\ JEer/ON A-A m:df,fB'ID 1conc~etr liner! SECTION AT PENSTOCK ANOSHAfl TYPICAL PENSTOCK SECTION (Section from po"/~ 10 po"ef1hou.se looking ckNtn~tr~f1m) 1'=5~O ' r -f.lunnel " I, \ \ VQ/ve f17(Jnho/~ \ '\'---Opmn ""'e 15 0 SECTION a-B llI'mofop opero:de<i bulIPrfl!l .111 .. 1::l!I1if!':=-''A~ .¥l~~~me~~f==n Gr;;velleYekng TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION S ::;lIe 0 ~ feet '---'--'------- t!t'O' course 1------- ~ __ ----,,{/o' TYPICAL PfNSTOGh S[C710N (Sec'~"iJn I!'om CfJm .J..; sh..ff) i'~/'0' ~ 17~ ~-----------4------------_+-------------t------------1_-----­-~ --~-~ I~O ~----------_1-------------+----~~~~-_+------------~-----:;'. _____ V-- ~ ~ .> 1718 f------t;..""""-----+------ .. / :~ 1716' ~~------t-------------+---------+-------+----- ( ______ ...::.l~.~o/~:..!_F~~ o!.!:0'V!!!;~-2'j~ t-________ _ 1714 L _____ --L __________ ~L_ _____ --L _____ __lL_ __ o 200 :roo I§OO ['{}]U Oisrn~r{}~ . cFs SPILLWAY RI!7I'Vi3 C~.RI/E C"""fafdtJm £1.1723.0 e~OtJIIPt 6'-o'dill. oPe"ing SECTION 81-8/ 12 in,? re'1u;~ed lining I.IJ'-ckn"8 SCALE 0 t!O'nomil1Q/ s/>QR exC'ov~/HJnIiM TYPICAL SHAFT SECTION 1""0 EXHIBIT_L_SHEET.!-OF~ Thll d,owlnv 11o part of .ho application '0,11.0." modo by thl .ndorllvnod. Thll doy of 19BI AL~KA POWER AUTHORITY by . Q It" E •• cutl,. Director 10 20 30 40 (EXCEPT AS NOTED) BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA 50 DAM a PENSTOCK, SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 60 FEE DWG. NO. 5715-14 ,. L r L r • L '" L r' L r \ A L L rlow - Neutf'lJl ground equipment ~I eoch Unil 8--l PLAN I, Rl I ............ (jrovled, l'tJinhrced fluled """"y",,ignt conc,../P bloc/( (2'e~te",of' flutes notsll"lfn) 1jDofcr~lWil £1.281.50 lJenef'l1for l' Sleel column t:r&/le support (t~p) ~ rumer EI. 26.1.0 rloor E!.258.!iO SECTION A-A Toile!S 810wer IR A :"" J ~ V--IO!O~ 16!O* rommercl,JI Qluni"um WI' maflUoll.!! ope~oted V PO'O· ft78ulg!ed COf"f'Ug:Jtt!o' Dlum;num "fXliiy ~ of Ct'One ~~I ~:-__ ~ ____________ -r ______ ~ __________ ~~~ __ ~E.~lM./'~ ~ .woFconc",~ Ifo/lE/'266.~ Bxkfill -V-- V 8N"dget:Nme /0 ton ClJ~t:iIy Sleel Cf'QIIe COlumn (/0' --l--l...---- SECTION 8-8 --l---- 100 600 800 I()(}(} II'rJO IJOO 1600 IBOO I!OOO Block BelJf' Creek Flow -ers TAILWATER RATING CURVE o 6 1iiiI"'w-.- ~l'tJinfof'Ced i:oncl't!lP block te' Ibiclr (fgp) It l"unnBr £1.289.0 EXCRV~/i(J1') lIne EXHIBIT_L_SHEET iOF i Tbil drawing I, a part of thl application for llcen •• made bJ Ih. und.nlgn.d. Thll dOJ of 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .J s.-B "\.JJ.. E ••• ull .. 01 ... 10. SCALE IN FEET 12 16 24 3/16" -II BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWERSTATION, PLAN a SECTIONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 30 36 DWG. NO. 5715-15 -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -----.. -.. - ---.. ---------- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT T A STATEMENT WHY THE PROJECT SHOULD BE DEVELOPED BY THE APPLI.cANT RATHER THAN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ---... ---.. -• -... ----.. -.. -- • -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -... Black Bear Lake Exhibit T EXHIBIT T A STATEMENT WHY THE P:ROJEX:T SHOUlD BE DEVELOPED BY 'mE APPLICANl' W.THER THAN THE FEDERAL OOVERNMENI' A. The Applicant is a public corporation of the State of Alaska in the Depa.rt:Irent of Cormerce and Econanic Developrent but with separate and independent legal existence. B. There exist mmerous potential hydroelectric and fossil fuel gathering sites in the state. C • The establishment of power projects at these sites is necessary to supply p:1Ner at the lowest reasonable cost to the state's municipal electric, rural electric, cooperative electric, and private electric utilities, and regional electric authorities, and thereby to the consumers of the state, as well as to supply existing or future industrial needs • D . It has been determined that the achievement of the goals of lowest reasonable consumer power costs and beneficial long-tenn economic growth through developrent and operation of power projects in the state will be accelerated and facilitated by the creation of an instrumentality of the state with powers to construct, acquire, finance, and operate pcMer projects. (§ 1 ch 156 SLA. 1978) . Black Bear lake Exhibit T E. A policy of the State of Alaska is to reduce constmer power costs and otherwise to encourage the long-term econanic growth of the state, including the developrent of its natural resources, through the developrent of power projects by creating the Alaska Paver Authority with powers, duties and functions as provided in Alaska Statutes, Title 44, Section 44.56.010. F. There are no existing plans for a wider and rrore ccmprehensive developrent of any part of the streams and waterways proposed for inclusion in the Project, and which could be better developed by the Federal Goverrment. G. The Project costs will be borne by those deriving direct benefit fran the Project, as opposed by inposing a tax burden on all U. S. taxpayers, which would be the case were the Federal Governnent to undertake the Project. II .. • .. .. .. • .. I I I I I I I II " II I I ,.. ----.. .. -.. .-- IIIiI -.. ---.. -.. .. --• -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. A BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 5715 EXHIBIT V STATEMENT CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF NATURAL, HISTORIC AND SCENIC VALUES IN THE PROJECT AREA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -----• • - • -• ----• - - ---• -• • - II1II • -- BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDROELEC~RIC PROJECT EXHIBIT V A STA~EMENT CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF NA~URAL, HISTORIC AND SCENIC VALUES IN THE PRO.1ECT AREA Exhibit V is contained in Exhibit W, Appendix W-V of this license application.