HomeMy WebLinkAboutGround Source Heat Pump Bibliography 2010Ground-Source Heat Pump Bibliography Alaska Studies 1. Mueller, George and John Zarling. “Ground Source Heat Pump Monitoring: Prepared for Matanuska Electric Association.” 1996. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/MEA%20Heat%20Pump%20Report.pdf 2. Nielsen, H.D. and John Zarling. “Ground Source Heat-Pump Demonstration” University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1983. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/GrdSourceHeatPumpDemo%20UAF.pdf 3. Jacobsen, JJ, et al. “Evaluation of Water Source Heat Pumps for the Juneau, Alaska Area.” 1980 ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Juneau%20studies/Eval_Water%20Source%2 0Heat_Pumps_Juneau_1980.pdf 4. Alaska Power Administration. “The Juneau Heat Pump Program Progress Report #4.” July 1981. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Juneau%20studies/Juneau%20Heat%20Pum p%20Progress%20Report%204.pdf 5. Alaska power Adminsitration. “Juneau Heat Pump Program Final Report.” August 1982. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Juneau%20studies/Juneau%20Ketchikan%20 HP%20FinalReport.pdf 6. Zarling, John. “Heat Pump Applications in Alaska.” 1976. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/APA_Res_Heat_Pump_DemoProj_Part4_Abst ract_Evenpgsmissing.pdf Other Cold Area Studies 1. Sector, Peter. “Demonstration of Building Heat with a Heat Pump using Thermal Effluent.” Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. 1977 ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Corps%20of%20Engineers%20Cold%20Weat her%20lab/SpecialReport_77-11_Bldg_Heating_Thermal_Effluent_5-1977.pdf 2. Martel, GJ, and Gary Phetteplace. “Evaluating the heat pump alternative for heating enclosed wastewater treatment facilities in cold regions.” US Corps of Engineers: Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, 1982. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Corps%20of%20Engineers%20Cold%20Weat her%20lab/SpecialReport_82-10_Pump_alternatives_Cold_Regions.pdf 3. P. F. Healy 1, V. I. Ugursa “Performance and economic feasibility of ground source heat pumps in cold climates” Alaska Ground Temperature Studies 1. Esch, David. “Control of Permafrost Degradation Beneath a Roadway by Subgrade Insulation.” 1972. (Includes information near Chitina) ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/road%20per mafrost.pdf 2. Romanovsky, Vladimir, and Sergei Marchenko. “The GIPL Permafrost Dynamics Model.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/The%20GIPL- 1%20Model-final.pdf 3. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Aniak, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/aniak%20gro und%20temps.pdf 4. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Barrow, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR105_GTO_ Barrow.pdf 5. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Big Delta, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR104_GTO_ BigDelta.pdf 6. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Fort Yukon, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR100_GTO_ FtYukon.pdf 7. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Galena, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR102_GTO_ Galena.pdf 8. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Gulkana, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR106_GTO_ Gulkana.pdf 9. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Kotzebue, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR108_GTO_ Kotzebue.pdf 10. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, McGrath, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR103_GTO_ McGrath.pdf 11. US Army. “Ground Temperature Observations, Northway, Alaska.” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Alaska%20Studies/Ground%20Temp%20Reports/TR107_GTO_ Northway.pdf General GSHP 1. Boyd, Tonya, and paul Lienau. “Geothermal Heat Pump Performance.” Geo-Heat Center. http://geoheat.oit.edu/pdf/tp64.pdf 2. Omer, Abdeen. “Ground-source heat pumps systems and applications.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12 (2008) 344-372. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/gshp%20and%20applications.pdf 3. Spitler, JD. “Ground-Source Heat Pump System Research—Past, Present, and Future.” HVAC&R Research, Volume 11, Number 2, April 2005. http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Spitler_05.pdf 4. Rafferty, Kevin. “An Information Survival Kit for the Prospective Geothermal Heat Pump Owner.” Geo-heat Center, 2001. http://geoheat.oit.edu/ghp/survival.pdf 5. Lund, John. “Geothermal Heat Pumps—Trends and Comparisons.” Geo-Heat Center. http://geoheat.oit.edu/pdf/tp88.pdf 6. Smith, Steve. “What a long, strange trip it’s been… Lessons learned along the way in the geothermal business.” http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/membership/members_only/proceedings/2009/Lessons%20Lea rned%20in%20Geothermal.pdf 7. Rafferty, Kevin. “A Guide to On-line Geological Information and Publications for use in GSHP Site Characterization.” Geo-heat Center, 2000. http://www.geokiss.com/tech- notes/GeologyGuide.PDF 8. REScreen International. “RETScreen Engineering & Cases Textbook: Ground-Source Heat Pump Project Analysis.” 2005 www.retscreen.net/download.php/ang/479/0/Textbook_GSHP.pdf 9. “ Technology Improvements: Heat pump Equipment.” www.mass.gov/Eoeea/docs/doer/.../gshp- nrel-dec-3-2008.ppt 10. Fisher, Daniel, and Simon Rees. “MODELING GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS IN A BUILDING ENERGY SIMULATION PROGRAM (ENERGYPLUS) http://gundog.lbl.gov/dirpubs/BS05/BS05_0311.pdf 11. Lund, J, et al. “Geothermal (GroundSource) Heat Pumps: A World Overview.” http://geoheat.oit.edu/bulletin/bull25-3/art1.pdf 12. Federal Energy Management program. “Assessment of Hybrid Geothermal Heat Pump Systems.” http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/hyhgp_tir.pdf. Solar Coupling 1. Ozgener, Onder. “Use of solar assisted geothermal heat pump and small wind turbine systems for heating agricultural and residential buildings” Energy 35 (2010) 262–268. 2. Shahed, Ayon, and Stephen Harrison. “Preliminary Review of Geothermal Solar Assisted Heat Pumps.” http://www.appropedia.org/images/7/7a/PRELIMINARY_REVIEW_OF_GEOTHERMAL_SOLAR_AS SISTED_HEAT_PUMPS.pdf 3. Trillat-Verdal, Valentin, et al. “Coupling of geothermal heat pumps with thermal solar collectors” Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1750–1755. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/geothermal%20solar.pdf 4. Yang, H, et al. “Vertical-borehole ground-coupled heat pumps: A review of models and systems.” Applied Energy 87 (2010) 16–27. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/vertical%20gshp.pdf Innovative GSHP designs 1. Hepbasli, Arif, et al. “A review of gas engine driven heat pumps (GEHPs) for residential and industrial applications.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (2009) 85–99. 2. Lian, Zhiwei, et al. “Conception of combination of gas-engine-driven heat pump and water-loop heat pump system.” International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 810–819. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Conception%20of%20combination%20of%20gas-engine- driven%20heat%20pump%20and%20water-loop%20heat%20pump%20system%20.pdf 3. Sanaye, Sepehr, Mahmood Chahartaghi. “Thermal modeling and operating tests for the gas engine-driven heat pump systems.” Energy 35 (2010) 351–363 ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Thermal%20modeling%20and%20operating%20tests%20for%20 the%20gas%20engine-driven.pdf 4. Wang, W., et al. “Field test investigation of a double-stage coupled heat pumps heating system for cold regions.” International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 672–679. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/dual%20stage%20for%20cold..pdf 5. Zhang, H. Ge, X, Ye, H. “Modeling of a space heating and cooling system with seasonal energy storage.” Energy 32 (2007) 51–58. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/heating%20cooling%20storage.pdf Non-Residential Applications 1. ---. “Waste Water Treatment Plant Geo-Exchange Opportunities.” 2009. http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/membership/members_only/proceedings/2009/Waste%20Wat er.pdf 2. Funii, Hikari, et al. “Optimizing the design of large-scale ground-coupled heat pump sytems using groundwater and heat transport modeling. “Geothermics 34 (2005) 347–364. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Non- residential%20applications/Regional%20GSHP/large%20scale%20gshp.pdf 3. Genchi, Yutka, et al. “CO2 payback–time assessment of a regional-scale heating and cooling system using a ground source heat–pump in a high energy–consumption area in Tokyo.” Applied Energy 71 (2002) 147–160. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Non- residential%20applications/Regional%20GSHP/tokyo%20regional.pdf 4. Landsberg, Dennis, et al. “Geothermal Heat Rejection Systems for Data Centers.” ASHRAE 2008. Policy 1. Blum, Phillip, et al. “CO2 savings of ground source heat pump systems – A regional analysis” Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 122–127. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/CO2%20savings%20regionally.pdf 2. Wolfe, Philip. “The implications of an increasingly decentralised energy system” Energy Policy 36 (2008) 4509–4513. http://www.foresight.gov.uk/Energy/EnergyFinal/wolfe%20paper- section%206.pdf 3. American Physical Society. “Energy Future: Think Efficiency: How America can look within to achieve energy security and reduce global warming.” http://www.aps.org/energyefficiencyreport/ 4. Mendrinos, Dimitrios, et al. “Project GROUND-REACH “Reaching the Kyoto targets by means of a wide introduction of ground coupled heat pumps (GCHP) in the built environment”” proceeding of European Geothermal Congress 2007. http://www.managenergy.net/products/R1942.htm 5. Ellis, Daniel. “Geothermal heat Pump Public Policy Update—October 2009.” http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/membership/members_only/proceedings/2009/GHP%20Public %20Policy.pdf 6. Geothermal Resources Council. “Project Negatherm.” 2009. http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/membership/members_only/proceedings/2009/GRC%20Projec t%20Negatherm.pdf 7. Hamilton, Lloyd. “Leed, Energy Star and Geothermal.” http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/membership/members_only/proceedings/2009/LEED%20Energ y%20Star%20and%20Geothermal.pdf 8. Hughes, Patrick. “Geothermal (Ground-Source) Heat Pumps: Market Status, Barriers to Adoption, and Actions to Overcome Barriers.” 2008. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/geothermal/pdfs/ornl_ghp_study.pdf 9. Heatpumpcentre.org. “How Heat Pumps can help to address today’s key Energy Policy Concerns” 2005. http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:YyXOIWYR148J:www.heatpumpcentre.org/publ/ HPCOrder/ViewDocument.aspx%3FAction%3DView%26RapportId%3D387+How+Heat+Pumps+c an+help+to+address+today%E2%80%99s+key+Energy+Policy+Concerns&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&s rcid=ADGEEShrOAFX1ULaB7c9IWsZ0dlQ-Mfzy27L6bW- _Sk6aF8f_nUBdkgHJX_TAHEBpaCs7MkKDXvtW48R1L9lwO34Z9pPIJ6oOqqD3OLLgRRlZpFCdvugit K18NjjFO8f7U8q5GpYk5-i&sig=AHIEtbS1K8h8TYP7V9xLUmP8FlZ6LAG1YQ 10. Heatpumpcentre.org. “The Potential Impact of Heat Pumps on Energy Policy Concerns.” 2006. http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:Zkn6QpJuprgJ:www.heatpumpcentre.org/publ/H PCOrder/ViewDocument.aspx%3FAction%3DView%26RapportId%3D388+The+Potential+Impact +of+Heat+Pumps+on+Energy+Policy+Concern&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESi2FkVgGv8I7 GjY4_hcg0Tqu7jRpj0JVyWS1HcPoVUGX66ViQoSXMww3WD1dkslRItqLf2bFiSiIoYhVvm4Ca1m3Q A6gZ5msNdus7l_3VPQHlJCXYbp_ZedEgDyZfDNsagMDqGb&sig=AHIEtbRLMNjrbkTE1qRBWd7-Fz- YmeFWMQ 11. Hanova, Jana, Hadi Dowlatabadi, Lynn Mueller. “Ground Source Heat Pumps in Canada: Economics and GHG Reduction Potential.” http://www.rff.org/documents/RFF-DP-07-18.pdf Air-Source Heat Pumps 1. Roth, Kurt, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. “Heat Pumps for Cold Climates.” ASHRAE Journal Feb. 2009. http://tiax.biz/publications/ashrae/february2009.pdf 2. Guoyuan, Ma, Chai Qinhu, Jiang Yi. “Experimental investigation of air-source heat pump for cold regions.” International Journal of Refrigeration 26 (2003) 12–18. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/cold%20air%20hp.pdf 3. S.P. Lohani a,*, D. Schmidt. “Comparison of energy and exergy analysis of fossil plant, ground and air source heat pump building heating system.” Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1275–1282. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/Comparison%20of%20fossil%20GSHP%20ASHP.pdf Case Studies 1. Lienau, Paul, Tonya Boyd, Robert Rogers. “Ground0Source heat Pump Case Studies and Utility Programs.” Geo Heat Center, 1995. http://geoheat.oit.edu/pdf/hp1.pdf 2. Dept. of Defense. “Report to Congress: Ground-Source Heat Pumps at Department of Defense Facilities.” http://www.acq.osd.mil/ie/energy/library/GSHP-Report_JAN242007.pdf 3. Dept. of Energy. “Geothermal Heat Pumps Deliver big Savings for Federal Facilities.” http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/ghptf.pdf 4. Stein, Jeff and Alan Meier. “Monitored Energy Use of Homes with Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Compilation and analysis of Performance.” http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/servlets/purl/589208-mR9pNw/webviewable/ Costs 1. Rafferty, Kevin. “A Capital Cost Comparison of Commercial Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems.” Geo-Heat Center. http://geoheat.oit.edu/pdf/bulletin/bi071.pdf 2. Kavanaugh, Steve and Chirstopher Gilbreath. “Cost Containment for Ground-Source Heat Pumps.” 1995. http://www.osti.gov/geothermal/servlets/purl/895130-7Slmat/895130.pdf 3. Cane, Douglas, Andrew Morrison, Christopher Ireland. “Maintenance and Service Costs of Commercial Building Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems.” 1998. http://www.wfiglobal.com/documents/research/7-4.pdf Borehole Design 1. Marcotte, D, P. pasquier, F. Sheriff, M Bernier. “The importance of axial effects for borehole design of geothermal heat-pump systems.” Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 763–770. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/axial%20effects%20of%20borehole%20design.pdf 2. Chiasson, Andrew. “Advances in Modeling of Ground-Source heat Pump Systems.” Masters Thesis, 1989. http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/research/Documents/chiasson_thesis.pdf 3. Shonder, John, Patrick Hughes. “INCREASING CONFIDENCE IN GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP DESIGN METHODS” http://intraweb.stockton.edu/eyos/energy_studies/content/docs/proceedings/SCHON.PDF 4. Chiasson, AD, GG Culver, D Favata, S Keiffer. “Design, Installation, and Monitoring of a new Downhole Heat Exchanger.” http://www.osti.gov/geothermal/servlets/purl/895235- IvOosp/895235.pdf Horizontal GSHP 1. V.R. Tarnawski a,*, W.H. Leong b, T. Momose a, Y. Hamada c. “Analysis of ground source heat pumps with horizontal ground heat exchangers for northern Japan” Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 127–134. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/northern%20japan%20gshp.pdf Pumping 1. Lambert, Steven. Stephen Kavanaugh. “Operational Performance of Ground-Coupled (Closed Loop) Ground-Source Heat Pump System Pumping Alternatives” ASHRAE 2004. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/gshp%20pumping%20alternatives.pdf General Design 1. Kavanaugh, Steve. “A 12-Step Method for Closed-Loop Ground-Source heat-Pump Design.” ASHRAE 2008. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m5PRC/is_2_114/ai_n32064847/ 2. Chiasson, Andrew “GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS: CLOSED-LOOP DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS” presentation. http://geology.utah.gov/emp/geothermal/ugwg/.../Chiasson0306_4.ppt 3. Dickson, Bill. “CLGS for Windows: A update to the CLGS Program.” 4. Smith, Cary. “GX Loop Design Consideration: Hybrid Designs.” IGSHPA Technical Conference, 2009. http://geology.utah.gov/emp/geothermal/ugwg/geothermal0409/pdf/smith0409.pdf 5. IGSHPA. “Closed-Looper/Geothermal heat Pump Systems: Design and Installation Standards. 2009 Edition.” http://www.igshpa.okstate.edu/pdf_files/Standards2009s.pdf European Experience 1. James Dickinson a,d,*, Tim Jackson b, Marcus Matthews c, Andrew Cripps “The economic and environmental optimisation of integrating ground source energy systems into buildings” Energy 34 (2009) 2215–2222. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/economic%20optimization.pdf 2. Sanner, Burkhard, Erich Mands, Marc K. Sauer “Larger geothermal heat pump plants in the central region of Germany” Geothermics 32 (2003) 589–602. ftp://ftp.aidea.org/Geothermal/geo%20germany.pdf 3. Rybach, Ladislaus and Burkhard Sanner “GROUND-SOURCE HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS THE EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE” GHC BULLETIN, MARCH 2000 http://www.sanner- geo.de/media/art4.pdf 4. Rybach, W. Eugster. “Shallow Geothermal Resources- BHE/HP Systems.” http://www.geothermie.ch/data/dokumente/miscellanusPDF/Publikationen/rybach2.pdf 5. Rybach, Ladislaus, Robert Hopkirk. “Shallow and Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers— Achievements and Prospects.” http://pangea.stanford.edu/ERE/pdf/IGAstandard/pdf/WGC/1995/3-rybach.pdf 6. Hepbasli, Arif. “Thermodynamic analysis of a ground-source heat pump system for district heating.” Int. J. Energy Res. 2005; 29:671–687. http://faculty.olin.edu/~jtownsend/Renewable%20Fall%202006/docs/Kori%27s%20paper.pdf 7. Sanner, et al. “Current Status of ground source heat pumps and underground thermal energy storage in Europe.” Geothermics 32 (2003) 579–588. Websites 1. http://eetd.lbl.gov/Buildings/ALAN/Indicators99/ (highlights house in Eagle River) 2. http://www.akgeoenergy.com/ (local contractor/dealer) 3. http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/052701/Ins_heating.html (story about heat pumps in Juneau) 4. http://cipco.apogee.net/geo/ggrcmen.asp 5. Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute. http://www.ahrinet.org/ 6. USDA. “Alaska SCAN Sites.“ http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/scan/Alaska/alaska.html (Soil Temperature data for select spots in Alaska) 7. Federal Energy Management Program. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/procurement/eep_groundsource_heatpumps.html 8. EPA/DOE: Energy Star. “Heat Pumps, Geothermal.” http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_a_product.showProductGroup&pgw_co de=HP