HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydrokinetics Bibliography 01-21-2015-HHydrokinetics Bibliography Alaska Resource Assessments 1. Polagye, Brian and Roger Bedard. “EPRI North American Tidal Flow Power Feasibility Demonstration Project”. http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/streamenergy/reports/003_TP_AK_011007.pdf 2. Polagye, Brian, Mirko Previsic, and Roger Bedard. “System Level Design, Performance, Cost and Economic Assesment—Knik Arm Alaska Tidal In-Stream Power Plant.” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/streamenergy/reports/006-AK_06-10-06.pdf. 3. Previsic, Mirko and Roger Bedard. “Yakutat Conceptual Design, Performance, Cost and Economic Wave Power Feasibility Study” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/wave/reports/006_Alaska_Yakutat_Conceptual_Wa ve_Power_Feasibility_Study_123109.pdf 4. Previsic, Mirko, and Roger Bedard. “River In-Stream Energy Conversion (RISEC) Characterization of Alaska Sites.” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/risec/reports/Alaska_Site_Survey_Report_Final.pdf 5. Previsic, Mirko, and Roger Bedard. “System Level Design, Performance, Cost and Economic Assessment – Alaska River In-Stream Power Plants” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/risec/reports/Alaska_RISEC_Final_Feasibility_Study_ Report_10-31-08.pdf. 6. Ravens, Tom, et al. “Statewide Hydrokinetic Assessment: Preliminary Report.” http://www.akenergyauthority.org/OceanRiver/UAATechnicalReport.pdf 7. Ravens, Tom, et al. “Assessment of Hydrokinetic Energy Resources in Alaska Rivers: Preliminary results from 17 sites on the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers.” Presentation. http://www.akenergyauthority.org/OceanRiver/TomRavens_REC4-2010.pdf NOAA Resource Information 1. NOAA. “Tidal Currents” http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/currents10/cpred2.html#AK 2. NOAA. “Currents Measurements Interface for the Study of the Tides” https://cmist.noaa.gov/cmist/ssl/login.do (includes raw ADCP data for selected locations in Alaska. Login as public to access data.) General Resource and Site Assessments 1. Hamner, Burton, et al. “Tacoma Narrows Tidal Power Feasibility Study” http://www.hydrovolts.com/Refs/Tacoma-Narrows-Tidal-Power-Feasibility-Study- Final%20Report.pdf 2. Triton Consultans, LTD. “Green Energy Study for British Columbia Phase 2: Mainland Tidal Current Energy” 2002. http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/pubdocs/bcdocs/357590/environment3928.pdf Resource Assessments and Site Characterization—Tidal and River 1. Cornett, (2008) Guidance for Assessing Tidal Current Energy Resources, Report by NRC-CHC for the OES IA Annex II Task 1.2 Generic and site related tidal data. http://www.iea- oceans.org/_fich/6/Report_T02-1.2.pdf 2. Blanchfield, J., A. Rowe, P. Wild, and C. Garrett. 2007. The power potential of tidal streams including a case study for Masset Sound. Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Porto, Portugal. 10 p. http://pep.metapress.com/content/gp4m403631962556/fulltext.pdf. 3. Bryden, I.G., T. Grinstead, and G.T. Melville. 2004. Assessing the potential of a simple tidal channel to deliver useful energy. Applied Ocean Research 26:198-204. 4. Epler, Jeffrey. “Tidal Resource Characterization from Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers.” University of Washington, Thesis, 2010. http://depts.washington.edu/nnmrec/docs/20100528_EplerJ_thesis_TidalResourceADCP.pdf 5. Gooch, Sam, et al. “Site Characterization for Tidal Power.” http://staff.washington.edu/jmt3rd/Oceans2009_Gooch_et_al.pdf 6. Gooch, Sam. “Siting Methodologies for Tidal In-Stream Energy Conversion (TISEC) Systems.” Masters Thesis. 2009. http://depts.washington.edu/nnmrec/docs/20090820_GoochS_thesis_SiteCharacterization.pdf 7. Hagerman, George, et al. “Guidelines for preliminary Estimation of Power Production by Tidal In- Stream (current) Energy Conversion Devices.” 2005. http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/streamenergy/reports/TP- 001_REV_3_BP_091306.pdf 8. Karsten, R.H., J.M. McMillan, M.J. Lickley, and R.D. Haynes. 2008. Assessment of tidal current energy in the Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 222(5):493-507. http://pep.metapress.com/content/168k1444961x7236/fulltext.pdf 9. Myers, L, AS Bahaj. “Simulated electrical power potential harnessed by marine current turbine arrays in the Alderney Race.” Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 1713-1731. Resource Assessments and Site Characterization—Wave 1. 2007 Survey of Energy Resources World Energy Council 2007 Wave Energy http://www.energy.ca.gov/oceanenergy/WEC_Country_Notes_Wave.pdf 2. Elwood, David, et al. “Assessment of the US Wave Energy Resource using In Situ Data.” 3. Folley, matt, Bjoern Elsaesser, Trevor Whittaker. “Analysis of the wave energy resource at the European Marine Energy Centre.” http://www.aquamarinepower.com/pub/global/Downloads/Analysis%20of%20the%20wave%2 0energy%20resource%20at%20the%20European%20Marine%20Energy%20Centre.pdf 4. Hagerman, George and Roger Bedard. “Guidelines for Preliminary Estimation of Power Production by Offshore Wave Energy Conversion Devices.” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/wave/reports/001_WEC_Power_Production.pdf 5. Pontes, MT, et al. “Integrating Offshore Wind and Wave Resource Assessment.” http://powwow.risoe.dk/Integrating%20Offshore%20Wind%20&%20Wave-%207%20EWTEC.pdf Tidal and River Device Assessments 1. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. “Assessment of Tidal and Wave Energy Conversion Technologies in Canada.” Nov. 2009. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas/Csas/Publications/SAR- AS/2009/2009_064_E.pdf 2. Guidelines for the design Basis of Marine Energy Converters, Report by EMEC, 2009, a contribution to the OES-IA Annex II Task 3.3 Guidelines on Design, Safety and Installation procedures. [Online], Available: www.iea-oceans.org 3. Khan MJ, MT Iqbal, and JE Quaicoe. “River Current Energy Conversion Systems: Progress, prospects, and challenges. “ 4. University of Edinburgh. “PRELIMINARY TIDAL CURRENT ENERGY: DEVICE PERFORMANCE PROTOCOL” http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file38991.pdf 5. Verdant Power. “ Technology Evaluation of Existing and Emerging Technologies Water Current Turbines for River Applications.” 6. Verdant Power and GCK Technology. “Amesbury Tidal Energy Project (ATEP) Integration of the Gorlov Helical Turbine into an Optimized Hardware/Software System Platform.” 2005. http://www.masstech.org/Project%20Deliverables/GP_Verdant.pdf Marine Current Turbines: SeaGen 1. Douglas, CA, GP Harrison, and JP Chick. “Life cycle assessment of the Seagen marine current turbine” Proc. IMechE vol. 222 Part M: J. Engineering for the Maritime Environment. http://journals.pepublishing.com/content/l2525g3001286200/fulltext.pdf 2. Fraenkel, PL. “Marine current turbines: pioneering the development of marine kinetic energy converters.” Proc. IMechE Vol. 221 Part A: J. Power and Energy pp. 159-169. http://journals.pepublishing.com/content/l31727uv585u7137/ 3. MCT. “SeaGen EIS Non-Technical Summary” http://www.seageneration.co.uk/downloads/EIS%20Non%20Technical%20Summary.pdf 4. MCT. “Marine Current Turbines: from prototype to product.” Presentation at BWEA Glasgow, October 2006. http://www.bwea.com/pdf/28proceedings/Tues_Lomond_Verdi.pdf 5. Thake, Jeremy. “Development, Installation and Testing of a Large-Scale Tidal Current Turbine.” http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file18130.pdf 6. Verdi, Joe. “Taking Tidal Stream Technology Towards Commercial Reality.” Presentation, 2007. http://www.oreg.ca/docs/nanaimo_forum/presentations/Verdi_June21.pdf New Energy EnCurrent 1. Ginter, Vincent and Jeff Pieper. “Robust Gain Scheduled Control of a Hydrokinetic Turbine.” http://www.newenergycorp.ca/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=vaVVjVWEp7M%3d&tabid=84&mid =471 2. Ginter, Vince and Clayton Bear. “Development and Application of a Water Current Turbine.” http://www.newenergycorp.ca/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5%2btQK3cID%2fY%3d&tabid=84& mid=471 3. New Energy Corp. “Energy Calculator.” Excel Spreadsheet. http://www.newenergycorp.ca/Resources/ElectricityGenerationCalculator/tabid/95/Default .aspx 4. New Energy Corp. “Canoe Pass Tidal Energy Corporation.” http://www.newenergycorp.ca/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=I4JsHPiO7n8%3d&tabid=93&mid=5 20 5. New Energy Corp. “Ruby (Alaska).” http://www.newenergycorp.ca/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=HNtAYziq7xA%3d&tabid=93&mid= 520 6. Wessner, Craig and Clayton Bear. “Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines: Practical and Operating Experience at Pointe du Bois, Manitoba” http://www.newenergycorp.ca/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=7GLwd1%2bEqh4%3d&tabid=84& mid=471 Turbine Design 1. Aliseda, Alberto, Sylvain Antheaume, Teymour Javaherchi, Joseph Seydel. “Turbine Performance and Wake Prediction.” Presentation. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAYQFjAA&url=http%3A% 2F%2Fdepts.washington.edu%2Fnnmrec%2Fdocs%2F20091208_AlisedaA_pres_NWFSC_Turbine Modeling.ppt&ei=VrSNS4TyB4mGswODvpWkCA&usg=AFQjCNGQYgtZeUl17qLg6h9bQ5moNNwg hg&sig2=3S2pK64vKWtMOrpnhBo8yg 2. Battan, W., AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin. “Hydrodynamics of marine current turbines.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 249-256. 3. Batten, W, AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin. “Experimentally validated numerical method for the hydrodynamic design of horizontal axis tidal turbines.” Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 1013- 1020. 4. Bahaj, et al. “Power and Thrust measurements of marine current turbines under various hydrodynamic flow conditions in a cavitation tunnel and a towing tank.” Renewable Energy 32 (2007) 407-426. 5. DTI, “Variable Pitch Foil Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine.” 2006. http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file30557.pdf 6. Lawn, CJ. “Optimization of the power output from ducted turbines.” Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs. Vol. 217 Part A: J. Power and Energy pp. 107-117. 7. Molland, A, A Bahaj, J Chaplin, W Batten. “Measurements and predictions of forces, pressures and cavitation on 2-D sections suitable for marine current turbines.” Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part M: J. Engineering for the Maritime Environment 127-138. 8. Myers, L, and AS Bahaj. “Power Output performance characteristics of a horizontal axis marine current turbine.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 197-208. 9. Owen, A and I Bryden. “Prototype support structure for seabed mounted tidal current turbines.” Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part M: J. Engineering for the Maritime Environment pp. 173-183. 10. Sale, D, and J Jonkman and W. Musial. “Hydrodynamic Optimization Method and Design Code for Stall-Regulated Hydrokinetic Turbine Rotors.” 2009. Presented at the ASME 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering. NREL/CP-500-45021 http://www.nrel.gov/wind/pdfs/45021.pdf 11. Wang, D, M Atlar and R Sampson. “An experimental investigation on cavitation, noise, and slipstream characteristics of ocean stream turbines.” Proc. IMechE Vol. 221 Part A: J. Power and Energy 219-231. Oscillating Hydrofoils 1. Dti. “Stringray Tidal Stream Energy Device—Phase II” Part 1. http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file17507.pdf 2. Dti. “Stringray Tidal Stream Energy Device—Phase II” Part 2. 3. Dti. “Stringray Tidal Stream Energy Device—Phase III” http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sustainable/refs/tide/StingrayPhase3r.pdf 4. Glynn, James. “Design of Biomimetic passive Control for Optimisation of Oscillating Hydrofoils in Tidal Energy Capture.” Thesis. 2006. http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Documents/MSc_2006/glynn.pdf Wave Device Assessments 1. Bedard, Roger, Des McGinnis, Justin Klure. “White Paper Submitted to the Western Governors Association Clean and Diversified Energy Advisory Committee: Ocean Wave Energy Conversion Technology.” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/ocean/reports/WGA_Ocean_Energy_White_Paper_1 2-15-05.pdf 2. Elwood, D, et al. “Estimating the Energy Production Capacity of a Taut-Moored Dual-Body Wave Energy Conversion System Using Numerical Modeling and Physical Testing.” 3. Kofoed, JP, Peter Frigaard, et al. “Prototype Testing of the wave energy converter Wave Dragon.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 181-189. 4. McCabe, AP, A Bradshaw, JAC Meadowcroft, G AGGidis. “Developments in the design of the PS Frog Mk 5 Wave energy converter.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 141-151. 5. Previsic, Mirko, Roger Bedard, and George Hagerman. “Offshore Wave Energy Conversion Devices.” 2004. http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/wave/reports/004_WEC_Device_Assess_Report_Rev 1_MP_6-16-04.pdf 6. Smith, G. and J. Taylor (2007), Preliminary Wave Energy device performance Protocol. OES-IA Report 02-3.1 http://www.bis.gov.uk/files/file38989.pdf Overall Assessments 1. Kane, Mike, et al. “Summary of PIER-Funded Ocean and Wave Energy Research” 2008. 2. Resolve, Inc. 2005. Proceedings of the Hydrokinetic and Wave Energy Technologies Technical and Environmental Issues Workshop. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC. http://hydropower.id.doe.gov/hydrokinetic_wave/index.shtml 3. Smith, H.C.M., D.L. Millar, and D.E. Reeve. 2007. Generalization of wave farm impact assessment on inshore wave climate. Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, September 11-13, 2007, Porto, Portugal. 7 p. 4. Smith, R. 2007. The Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project Environmental Assessment. Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Protection in New York: Linking Science and Policy. Presentation at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Conference, November 15-16, 2007. http://www.nyserda.org/ Programs/Environment/EMEP/conference_2007/Smith_Ron.pdf Hydrodynamic effects 1. Ashton, Ian, Lars Johanning, Brian Linfoot. “Measurement of the effect of power absorption in the lee of a wave energy converter.” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009-79793. 2. Beels, Charlotte, Peter Troch, et al. “Draft: Numerical Simulation of Wake Effects in the Lee of a Farm of Wave Energy Converters.” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009-79714. 3. Bryden, Ian and Scott Couch. “How much energy can be extracted from moving water with a free surface: A question of importance in the field of tidal current energy?” Rnewable Energy 32 (2007) 1961-1966. 4. Bryden, Ian and Scott Couch. “ME1—marine energy extraction: tidal resource analysis.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006) 133-139. 5. Couch, Scott and Ian Bryden. “The Impact of Energy Extraction on Tidal Flow Development.” http://www.oreg.ca/docs/ImpactTidalEnergyExtraction.pdf 6. Draper, S, et al. “Modelling Tidal Energy Extraction in a Depth-Averaged Coastal Doman.” http://www-civil.eng.ox.ac.uk/research/tidal/EWTEC2009_tidal_basin_paper.pdf 7. Garrett, Chris, and Patrick Cummins. “Limits to tidal current power.” Renewable Energy 33(2008) 2485-2490. 8. Millar, D.L., H.C.M. Smith, and D.E. Reeve. 2007. Modelling analysis of the sensitivity of shoreline change to a wave farm. Ocean Engineering 34(2007):884-901 9. Polagye, B., P. Malte, M. Kawase, and D. Durran. 2008. Effect of large-scale kinetic power extraction on time-dependent estuaries. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 222(5):471-484. 10. Robert W. Whittlesey, Sebastian Liska, John O. Dabiri, “Fish schooling as a basis for vertical axis wind turbine farm design”. arXiv:1002.2250v1 11. Polagye, Brian. “Ecological Impacts of Hydrokinetic Energy: In-stream Tidal Energy.” Presentation. http://depts.washington.edu/nnmrec/docs/20090422_PolagyeB_pres_EnvironmentalEffects.pd f 12. Polagye, Brian. “Hydrodynamic Effects of Kinetic Power Extraction by In-Stream Tidal Turbines” Ph.D. Dissertation. 2009. http://depts.washington.edu/nnmrec/docs/20090313_PolagyeB_thesis_HydrodynamicEffects.p df 13. Polagye, Brian, P Malte, M Kawase and D Durran. “Effect of large-scale kinetic power extraction on time-dependent estuaries.” Proc. IMechE vol. 222 Part A: J. Power and Energy. 2008. 14. Sun, X, JP Chick and I Bryden. “Laboratory-scale simulation of energy extraction from tidal currents.” Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1267-1274. 15. Li, Ye, Lence, Barbara, and Sander Calisal. “Modeling the Energy Output from an In-Stream Tidal Turbine Farm.” Journal of Computer, Vol. 4. No. 4, April 2009. http://www.academypublisher.com/ojs/index.php/jcp/article/viewFile/0404288294/514 Sediment Transport 1. Neill, Simon, Emmer Litt, Scott Couch, Alan Davies. “The impact of tidal stream turbines on large-scale sediment dynamics.” Renewable Energy 34 (3009) 2803-2812. Technology 1. Bahaj, A.S., A.F. Molland, J.R. Chaplin, and W.M.J. Batten. 2007. “Power and thrust measurement of marine current turbines under various hydrodynamic flow conditions in a cavitation tunnel and a towing tank.” Renewable Energy 32:407-426. 2. Clarke, Joe, Andrew Grant, Gary Connor, Cameron Johnstone. “Development and In-Sea Performance Testing of a Single Point Mooring Support Contra-Rotating Tidal Turbine.” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009-79995 3. Elwood, David, et al. “Numerical Modeling and Ocean Testing of a Direct-Drive Wave Energy Device Utilizing a Permanent Magnet Linear Generator for power Take-off.” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009- 79146. 4. Fraenkel, P.L. 2006. “Tidal current energy technologies”. Ibis 148:145-151. 5. Fraenkel, P.L. 2007a. Marine current turbines: Pioneering the development of marine kinetic energy converters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 221(2):159-169. 6. Fraenkel, P.L. 2007b. Marine current turbines: Moving from experimental test rigs to a commercial technology. 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering. ASME-OMAE07. 10 p. 7. Wang, D., M. Atlar, and R. Sampson. 2007. An experimental investigation on cavitation, noise, and slipstream characteristics of ocean stream turbines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 221(2):219-231. 8. Watten, W.M.J., A.S. Bahaj, A.F. Molland, and J.R. Chaplin. 2006. “Hydrodynamics of marine current turbines.” Renewable Energy 31:249-256. Material Selection 1. Polagye, B., Thomson, J. “Screening of Biofouling and Corrosion of Tidal Energy Device Materials: In-situ Results for Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington.” Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Technical Memorandum, University of Washington, 2010. http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/bitstream/1957/16203/1/Biofouling.pdf Grid Integration 1. J. Khan, G. Bhuyan and A. Moshref (2009). Potential Opportunities and Differences Associated with Integration of Ocean Wave and Marine Current Energy Plants in Comparison to Wind Energy, a report prepared by Powertech Labs for the IEA-OES Annex III. [Online], Available: www.iea-oceans.org. Policy 1. CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality). 2007. Aligning National Environmental Policy Act Processes with Environment Management Systems. A Guide for NEPA and EMS Practitioners. April 2007. http://www.fedcenter.gov/_kd/Items/ actions.cfm?action=Show&item_id=6899&destination=ShowItem (accessed December 9, 2008). 2. Forbes, V.E. and P. Calow. 2002. Applying weight-of-evidence on retrospective ecological risk assessment when quantitative data are limited. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 8(7):1625-1639. 3. FWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 1993. Mitigation Policy. 501 FW 2. February 24, 1993.http://www.fws.gov/policy/501fw2.html 4. Michel, J. and E. Burkhard. 2007. Workshop to Identify Alternative Energy Environmental Information Needs – Workshop Summary. OCS Report MMS 2007-057. Minerals Management Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. http://www.mms.gov/offshore/RenewableEnergy/Studies.htm (accessed April 25, 2008). 5. Mueller, Markus & Henry Jeffrey. “UKERC Marine (Wave and Tidal Current) Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap.” http://ukerc.rl.ac.uk/Roadmaps/Marine/Tech_roadmap_summary%20HJMWMM.pdf 6. Williams, B.K., R.C. Szaro, and C.D. Shapiro. 2007. Adaptive Management: The U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Guide. Adaptive Management Working Group, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. http://www.doi.gov/initiatives/AdaptiveManagement/index.html Regulatory and Permitting Issues 1. Daughdrill, William. “ASSESSING THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES ON OFFSHORE RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS IN THE UNITED STATES” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009-79097 2. Ram, Bonnie, Robert Thresher, Ndeye Fall and Roger Bedard. “Wave Power in the US: Permitting and Jurisdictional Issues.” 2004. 3. Trager, Erin. “Where we are now: the US Federal Regulatory Framework for Alternative Energy on the OCS.” Proceedings of the ASME 20098 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2009-80154. 4. Whittaker, D., et al. “Hydrokinetic Energy Projects and Recreation: A Guide to Assessing Impacts.” 2010 http://www.hydroreform.org/hydroguide/hydrokinetic-recreation Regulatory (FERC and otherwise) Applications 1. Advanced H20 Power. “Non-Grid Connected, Pilot-Scale Hydrokinetic Project in Alaska State Waters.” http://www.advancedh2opower.com/Resources/Regulatory%20Roadmaps/AK%20NonGrid.pdf 2. Advanced H20 Power. “Pilot-Scale, Grid-Connected Hydrokinetic Project in Alaska State Waters” http://www.advancedh2opower.com/Resources/Regulatory%20Roadmaps/AK_Pilot.pdf 3. Advanced H20 Power. “Commercial Hydrokinetic Project in Alaska State Waters.” http://www.advancedh2opower.com/Resources/Regulatory%20Roadmaps/AK%20Commercial. pdf 4. Advanced H20 Power. “Siting Methodologies for Hydrokinetics: Navigating the Regulatory Framework.” http://www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/pdfs/siting_handbook_2009.pdfAquaEnergy, Ltd. 2006. Makah Bay Offshore Wave Energy Pilot Project: FERC Docket No. 12751. Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment. November 8, 2006. 179 pp. http://www.finavera.com/files/Makah%20Bay%20PDEA_0.pdf 5. FERC Online. eLibrary. http://elibrary.ferc.gov/idmws/search/fercgensearch.asp. Search by Docket number. 6. FERC. “HYDROKINETIC PILOT PROJECT CRITERIA AND DRAFT APPLICATION CHECKLIST.” http://www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/indus-act/hydrokinetics/pdf/pilot_project.pdf 7. FERC. “Handbook for Hydroelectric Project Licensing and 5 MW Exemptions for Licensing.” http://www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/gen-info/handbooks/licensing_handbook.pdf 8. FERC. “Licensing Hydrokinetic Pilot Projects.” 2008. http://www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/indus-act/hydrokinetics/pdf/white_paper.pdf 9. Konnert, Timothy. “The Role of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Authorizing Hydrokinetic Technology Projects.” Oceanography, Vol. 23, No. 2. http://www.tos.org/oceanography/issues/issue_archive/issue_pdfs/23_2/23-2_konnert.pdf 10. MMS. “Guidelines for the Minerals Management Service Renewable Energy Framework.” 2009. http://www.mms.gov/offshore/RenewableEnergy/PDFs/REnGuidebook_03August2009_3_.pdf 11. Oram, Cherise and Chad Marriott. “Using Adaptive Management to Resolve Uncertainties for Wave and Tidal Energy Projects.” Oceanography, Vol. 23, No. 2. http://www.tos.org/oceanography/issues/issue_archive/issue_pdfs/23_2/23-2_oram.pdf 12. Stillwater Sciences, Confluence Research and Consulting, and Heritage Research Associates, Inc. 2006. Scientific approaches for evaluating hydroelectric project effects. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences, Arcata, California for Hydropower Reform Coalition, Washington, D. C. http://www.hydroreform.org/hydroguide/science/scientific-approaches-for-evaluating- hydroelectric-project-effects 13. Verdant Power. “Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy Project FERC No. 12611.” 2008. http://www.theriteproject.com/Documents.html 14. Wave Dragon Wales Ltd. 2007. Wave Dragon Pre-Commerical Wave Energy Device. Volume 2, Environmental Statement. April, 2007. http://www.wavedragon.co.uk/ MOUs between states and FERC 1. California https://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/mou/mou-ca.pdf 2. Maine http://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/mou/mou-ma.pdf 3. Oregon http://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/mou/mou-or-final.pdf 4. Washington http://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/mou/mou-wa.pdf Socioeconomics 1. Lohse, D.P., R.N. Gaddam, and R.T. Raimondi. 2008. Predicted Effects of Wave Energy Conversion on Communities in the Nearshore Environment. Chapter 4 In: Nelson, P.A., D. Behrens, J. Castle, G. Crawford, R.N. Gaddam, S.C. Hackett, J. Largier, D.P. Lohse, K.L. Mills, P.T. Raimondi, M. Robart, W.J. Sydeman, S.A. Thompson, and S. Woo. 2008. Developing Wave Energy in Coastal California: Potential Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects. California Energy Commission, PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research Program & California Ocean Protection Council CEC-500-2008-083. http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008publications/CEC-500- 2008-083/CEC-500-2008-083.PDF (accessed November 19, 2008). Economics 1. Previsic, Mirko, Omar Siddiqui and Roger Bedard. “Economic Assessment Methodology for offshore wave power plants.” http://oceanenergy.epri.com/attachments/wave/reports/002_Rev_4_Econ_Methodology_RB_1 2-18-04.pdf Biological effects 1. Boehlert, George, Gregory McMurray and Cathryn Tortorici. “Ecological Effects of Wave Energy Development in the Pacific Northwest.” NOAA technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-92. http://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/waveenergy/ 2. Boehlert, George and Andrew Gill. “Environmental and Ecological Effects of Ocean Renewable Energy Development.” Oceanography. Vol. 23, No. 2. http://www.tos.org/oceanography/issues/issue_archive/issue_pdfs/23_2/23-2_boehlert.pdf 3. Cada, Glenn, et al. “Potential Impacts of Hydrokinetic and Wave Energy Conversion Technologies on Aquatic Environments.” Fisheries vol 32. No. 4 174-181. http://hydropower.inel.gov/hydrokinetic_wave/pdfs/cada_fisheries_reprint.pdf 4. Cada, Glenn. “Shaken, Not Stirred: The Recipe for a Fish-Friendly Turbine.” http://www.osti.gov/bridge/purl.cover.jsp;jsessionid=29261E224D613DA9EC5ECB73FF1F8087? purl=/510550-qf3tyK/webviewable/ 5. Cada, G.F., J. Ahlgrimm, M. Bahleda, T. Bigford, S. Damiani Stavrakas, D. Hall, R. Moursund, and M. Sale. 2007. Potential impacts of hydrokinetic and wave energy conversion technologies on aquatic environments. Fisheries 32(4):174-181. 6. Commission of the European Communities. “Uncertainties regarding environmental impacts. A draft.” http://www.eu- oea.com/euoea/files/ccLibraryFiles/Filename/000000000624/equimar_d6-3-1.pdf 7. Davison, A. and T. Mallows. 2005. Strangford Lough Marine Current Turbine Environmental Statement (Non-Technical Summary). Project No. 9P5161. Royal Haskoning Ltd., Edinburgh, UK http://www.seageneration.co.uk/downloads/EIS%20Non%20Technical%20Summary.pdf 8. 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Seeley, Becky, John Parr, Jayne Evans, and Dan Lear. “Establishing best practice for the documentation and dissemination of marine biological data.” 2008. http://www.offshorewindfarms.co.uk/Assets/DATA_14_11_08_FINALREPORT.pdf 18. Turnpenny, A.W.H., M.H. Davis, J.M. Fleming, and J.K. Davies. 1992. Experimental studies relating to the passage of fish and shrimps through tidal power turbines. Marine and Freshwater Biology Unit, National Power, Fawley, Southhampton, Hampshire, England 19. Wilson, B., R.S. Batty, F. Daunt, and C. Carter. 2007. Collision Risks Between Marine Renewable Energy Devices and Mammals, Fish and Diving Birds. Report to the Scottish Executive. Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, Scotland. PA25 1QA. 110 p. http://www.seaenergyscotland.net/public_docs/Appendix%20C7.B%20Collisions_report_final_1 2_03_07.pdf Alaska Smolt Studies 1. Bradford, Michael, Jake Duncan and Jean Jang. “Downstream Migrations of Juvenile Salmon and Other Fishes in the Upper Yukon River.” Arctic, vol. 61, No. 3 (September 2008) P. 255-264. 2. Daum, David and Blair Flannery. “Canadian-origin Yukon River Chinook salmon rearing in U.S. streams—2 juvenile studies.” Presentation. http://yukonriverpanel.com/salmon/wp- content/uploads/2009/03/panel-daum1.pdf 3. Daum, David. “Fisheries Investigations on the Kandik, Charley, Nation and Tatonduk Rivers, Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, 1987 and 1988.” USFWS, 1994. http://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/fish/Technical_Reports/t_1994_23.pdf 4. Finkle, Heather and Darin Ruhl. “Sockeye Salmon Smolt Investigations on the Chignik River, 2007.” Fishery Data Series No. 08-24. May 2008. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/fds08-24.pdf 5. Magnus, David, et al. “Juvenile Salmon Capture and Coded Wire Tagging Manual.” http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/sp06-31.pdf 6. Maxwell, Suzanna, et al. “An Evaluation of the Bendix Smolt Counter used to Estimate Outmigrating Sockeye Salmon Smolt in the Kvichak River, Alaska and the Development of a Replacement Sonar, 2000-2001.” Fishery Manuscript No. 09-02. http://library.state.ak.us/asp/edocs/2009/05/ocn351812172.pdf 7. Wade, Guy, et al. “Evaluation of an up-looking sonar system designed to enumerate sockeye salmon smolts on the Kvichak River, 2008” ftp://ftp.aidea.org/SalmonSmoltStudies/KvichakRiverSmoltSonarFinalReport2008(March2010).p df Cook Inlet Beluga Studies and Links 1. Comick, Leslie and Kendall, Lindsey. “Distribution, Habitat Use, and Behavior of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales in Knik Arm, Fall 2007.” http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/protectedresources/whales/beluga/development/portofanc/ap u_cib_habitat_07.pdf 2. Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority, “A Review of Beluga Whale Response to In-Water Structures.” January 25, 2010. http://www.knikarmbridge.com/documents/BelugaWhitepaper_000.pdf 3. NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. “Belugas Whale” http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/cetaceans/belugawhale.htm 4. NOAA Fisheries, “Cook Inlet Beluga Whales.” http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/protectedresources/whales/beluga.htm 5. NOAA Fisheries, “Cook Inlet Belugas Whales: Development Projects in Cook Inlet Beluga Habitat.” http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/protectedresources/whales/beluga/development.htm 6. Ezer, Tal, et al. “On the Movement of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska.” Oceanography. Vol. 21. No. 4. http://www.tos.org/oceanography/issues/issue_archive/issue_pdfs/21_4/21.4_ezer.pdf 7. Hobbs, et al. “Movements and Area Use of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in a Subarctic Alaksan Estuary.” Arctic. Vol. 56, No. 4, p. 331-340. http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/protectedresources/whales/beluga/reports/arctic58-4-331.pdf 8. NOAA, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, “2002-2003 Beluga Tagging Study.” http://www.afsc.noaa.gov/nmml/cetacean/belugatags/belugatags2002.pdf Alaska Water Quality links 1. USGS. ” Yukon River Basin Studies Products/Bibliography” http://ak.water.usgs.gov/yukon/publications/biblio.php [Includes dozens of links to water quality in the Yukon Basin] Noise 1. Bassett, Christopher. “Underwater Ambient Noise at a Proposed Tidal Energy Site in Puget Sound.” University of Washington, Thesis, 2010. http://depts.washington.edu/nnmrec/docs/20100528_BassettC_thesis_UnderwaterNoise.pdf 2. Nedwell, JR and AG Brooker. “Measurement and assessment of background underwater noise and its comparison with noise from pin pile drilling operations during installation of the SeaGen tidal turbine device, Strangford lough.” Commissioned by COWRIE, 2008. http://www.offshorewindfarms.co.uk/Pages/Publications/Latest_Reports/Soundscape/Measure ment_of_noise_d6795607e/ 3. Nehls, George, Klaus Betke, Stefan Eckelmann and Martin Ros. “Assessment and costs of potential engineering solutions for the mitigation of the impacts of underwater noise arising from the construction of offshore windfarms.” 2007. http://www.offshorewindfarms.co.uk/Assets/COWRIE-ENGFinal270907.pdf 4. Southall, B., Berkson, J., Bowen, D., Brake, R., Eckman, J., Field, J., Gisiner, R., Gregerson, S., Lang, W., Lewandoski, J., Wilson, J., and Winokur, R. 2009. Addressing the Effects of Human- Generated Sound on Marine Life: An Integrated Research Plan for U.S. federal agencies. Interagency Task Force on Anthropogenic Sound and the Marine Environment of the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology. Washington, DC. http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/oceans-mmnoise-IATF.pdf 5. Thomsen, Frank, Karin Ludemann, Rudo Kafemann, and Werner Piper. “Effects of offshore wind farm noise on marine mammals and fish.” 2006. http://www.offshore- wind.de/page/fileadmin/offshore/documents/Naturschutz/Voegel/Effects_of_offshore_wind_fa rm_noise_on_marine-mammals_and_fish.pdf EMF 1. COWRIE. “EMF-sensitive fish response to EM emissions from subsea electricity cables of the type used by the offshore renewable energy industry.” 2009. http://www.offshorewindfarms.co.uk/Assets/Report%20EMF%20COWRIE2%20EMF%20FINAL_C ombined_april%2009.pdf Websites 1. http://www.supergen-marine.org.uk/ (includes an excellent references section, including work done through the SuperGen Marine Energy Research Consortium)