HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Electric Vehicle Wworking Group Quarterly Meeting Notes 02-18-2020-EVAlaska Electric Vehicle Working Group Quarterly Meeting February 18, 2020 Location Alaska Energy Authority, 813 W Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK. Or Join Zoom Meeting https://alaska.zoom.us/j/332082711 Call-In Number +1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 332 082 711 Notes Meeting Started at 10 am Introductions around the room / phone 25 people attended: Sean Skaling - CEA Josh Craft - MEA Tim Leach – Sparkbox Michelle Wilber - ACEP Betsy McGregor - AEA Kyle Kornelis - City of Soldotna Tim Demarr - GVEA Kirk Martakis - Cantwell Connie Fredenberg – Northern Arizona University contractor for Tribal VW funds Ed Jenkin - MEA Brian Winnestaffer - Chickaloon Village Shaina Kilcoyne - MOA Pierce Scwalb - MOA DawnRae Dufford - Senator Costello’s office JD Draves - HEA Bruce Shelley - HEA Crystal Enkvist – Alaska Power Association Louis Flora -AK Center Dale Banks - Homer Alec Mesdag – AEL&P Eric Taylor - AKDOT RJ Harrington - National Car Charging Dimitri Shein – Alaska Electric Vehicle Association (AKEVA) Chris Rose - REAP Duff Mitchell – Juneau Electric Vehicle Association Online polling used: 44% of participants are utility staff, 13% agency staff, 13% municipal staff, 13% consumer advocate, 6% researcher, 13% other Presentation - Tim Leach: EV Trends and Market Barriers China driving the global market Buses lead in market share Commitments by auto industry recently Price of batteries have plummeted Federal and local subsidies and programs Beneficial Electrification - price parity on total ownership costs within 3-5 years (Josh - this will drive sharp rise in uptake, Dimitri - its a better car altogether) ● Spreads fixed costs of electricity over more sales - consumer cost savings ● Grid benefits - can shape load etc ● Emissions reductions Barriers: purchase price, range anxiety, Battery capacity, Lack of charging infrastructure, demand charge, cold weather performance Another POLL: Biggest barriers: Cold weather, knowledge, purchase price, charging, lack, availability A Brief Orientation to Alaska EV Action AEL&P – Alec Mesdag Traction with EVs in 2013 Experimental rate schedule in Jan 2011 (filed in 2010) 3 Year Enrollment window - 10 customers participate in exp. Rate 2013 - had 2, got last 8 right before end Ran it for 3 year period Grant from Juneau - $25,000 matched to $30,000 raised locally for charging infrastructure Drive electric events Word of mouth Lots of awareness of viability! 65 Nissan Leafs at end of 3 year window (2016) Filed for permanent rate schedule - shortened overnight window by a couple hours Made a new rate schedule - offer chargers for ~$10 rental/month that automatically work with schedule Time of use rate 10pm - 5am, own equipment or rental equipment - for those on non-demand rate schedule After this had >100 EVs in town (2017) Now ~350-400 EVs in town Bit of growth in # of public chargers 23 level 2, 4? Level 3’s in town - helps! More vehicles (Bolts and Teslas) helps spur growth No Nissan dealership/service in town - problem - have to send to Seattle for major work Looking forward to more types of vehicles Applied for and awarded SCA?? low emission grants - purchased a bus to arrive late this year, plan for 1 or 2 more. Easier to participate in EV rate right as install level 2 charging station - that’s the time to get into the rate schedule!! 90 total participants. 100 EVs there before rate. ~½ of those participating use the rental chargers CEA and MEA on behalf of EV Task Force Sean Skaling: History of EV Task Force was first: Alaska Utility Ad Hoc Working Group started with CEA/MLP coordination in 2017, brought in MEA early 2018 - coordinating and sharing Ended up with all the RB utilities, DOT, Muni, industry, AKEVA participating GVEA helped with putting together a map - AEA’s need to address VW settlement - locations for charging - where could and couldn’t go Morphed into the task force -> Josh Craft: MOA leading the efforts, focus shifted to VW settlement and how to prepare to use those funds Discussed the goal of the funds, how to meet those goals. Regional EV readiness plan: Traffic patterns - where cars were VW: reduce emissions - NOX, GHG Tried to align readiness goals to the plan - increase EV penetration as much as possible, so focus on where the vehicles are now for charging infrastructure. Looked at how much NOX emissions could be reduced, etc. through Sept. 2019, now on hiatus to see how VW settlement goes. 3-15 level 3’s, what chargers are available etc. - documents and maps available MEA did an informal FB poll of members - range anxiety, cold weather, purchase price main barriers. 52 EV owners responded with experience - Blogs put together - can find on MEA FB page (Stephanie Nowers and Mike Maleski?? Sam (willow) etc. did one.) Cordova Electric – Clay Koplin Promoting EVs and ASHPs (excess hydro is spilled at times) 4 free EV charging stations - Sacramento (SMUD) helped a lot Joined Juneau Leaf users group to understand better DOE and national labs coordination (grid modernization project) - working back end of EVs - dispatchable, transactive grid with EVs - V2G - asset for managing loads into the future. 3 EVs on the road including utility car. Not had high adoption. Disappointed that new ICEs are on the street Electrify Alaska Conference April 27-29 - get successful SE communities to share, NRECA, DOE/Labs, etc to give presentations, encourage utilities with low adoption rates (EVs and ASHPs) to participate. Clay has a seat on electric? advisory committee with DOE - open their eyes to AK, microgrid potential. Strength if we tackle grants etc together and add bandwidth. Highly successful integration of grid scale battery. Looking at offering local incentives (cash rebates) for EVs. Have robust chargers ($700 but rated NEMA4 wet locations - 5 year warranty - level 2) no internal electronics. Might group purchase and give to businesses to put on back of meter, instead of messing with rates! Alaska Electric Vehicle Association – Dimitri Shein AKEVA.org Advocate for EV owners Educate public Support charging infrastructure development - As a non-profit can fundraise and help installations happen Facilitate local/state policy - RCA presentation Feb 26 on rate issues Promote EVSE investment in AK EV ride and drive: Wasilla and Palmer - Apr 24 (events at: Newcome Park Wasilla 2:30pm - 4:30pm ride and drive, Turkey Red - 5:15pm - 6:15pm learn to charge an EV, 7am - 2pm see EVs at Wasilla High truck and car show) and Anchorage - August 2 – park strip w/ CEA Working on a for profit with AEA and Launch Alaska to launch a rental fleet Tech Session Report Jan 30th meeting discussed demand charges. Will be approx. monthly meetings - next one first week in March, on Technical issues with siting, criteria for site selection (Josh etc present work done to date) 9AM Feb 26 RCA presentation on demand charges, EV issues - Presentations by Tim L, Dimitry, Devon, ACEP (Michelle) Sean: can presentations be available beforehand? Shaina/Pierce should send out before. Presentation -Betsy McGregor: VW Settlement Opportunity and Process 1.2 M$ to EV charging infrastructure - that is a set number! Breakdowns have some flexibility (road system and off road, DCFC/level2 etc) Held back on RFP. good opportunity with DOE FOA to leverage funds: separate concept papers for each area of interest - concept papers due at end of the week. Cordova - dispatchable EVs, Muni - electric garbage trucks with muni match, overall charging network w AKEVA plan for EV rental company Still looking for partners. Submit concept paper, then if told to move forward, grant ap due by April - need letters of support. Pulling in lots of partners. For State procurement - might need to put out an rfp for a vendor. Looking for site hosts - RFI/RFA. Planning involved, not shotgun approach. Chris Rose: Fast vs. level 2 chargers? He wants to see fast chargers - to really open up the market. Tim L - has been critical to developments to other markets Betsy - some funding to each on road belt, flexible on breakdown. Open to discussion. $550M to DCFC so far, rest to level 2. Alaska EV Working Group Structure and Function Tabled to accommodate more discussion of Demand Charges and the Feb. 26th RCA Meeting. Tim L. will send out email with questions that will help inform the discussion and development of the group’s structure and function. What are the problems to solve, what are the barriers, have folks from various groups in the conversation. Start thinking about your answers: Why have this group? What would you like to have this group do and by when? What form should this group take? Some members with Voting ability to make official recommendations? Or informal? Meeting Wrap-up Next meeting set for May 5, 2020 10 am – 12 pm at Alaska Energy Authority Adjourn 11:45 am