HomeMy WebLinkAboutBethel NANA Alaska Regional Energy Planning Feasibility Studies JayHermanson 01-11-2008NANA/NW Alaska Regional Energy Planning and Feasibility Studies January 11, 2008 Jay Hermanson, NANA Pacific Building on Our Strengths This is NANA | NANA Regional •Regional Native corporation for the NW Arctic region-based in Kotzebue •7,200 people living in 11 communities or villages; total 11,000 shareholders •NW Arctic Borough: governing body for the region. •Encompasses 38,000 square miles, about the size of Indiana. •“Tribal Members” (Inupiat Eskimos) who live the subsistence lifestyle “The economic future of the NANA region is directly tied to restructuring current energy options and looking towards alternative & renewable sources.” Jeff Nelson, Assistant Director of Lands Aerial view of new power plant, tank farm, cogeneration, and wind turbines at Selawik, Alaska. NANA Energy Security Vision: Integrated, Collaborative Efficient, Hybrid Energy Systems NANA Region Energy Challenges •200 miles from the nearest road •Barge & Air Delivery of all consumables •Forefront of Global Warming: erosion, permafrost, & limited transportation corridors •Small Communities Extraordinary Challenge of Providing Energy in NW Alaska Geography Interconnectedness Isolation Economies of Scale Costs Transportation Storage Global Energy Prices Climate Topography Changing Regulatory Environment NANA Energy Security Vision: To promote energy security in the NANA Region Three Distinct Projects •Strategic Energy Plan NANA SEP •NANA Geothermal Assessment Program NANA GAP •NANA Wind Resource Assessment Program NANA WRAP •DOE/NREL Funded •NANA Pacific Technical Services Contractor •Execution Partners –Kotzebue Electric Association –Alaska Village Electric Cooperative –NW Arctic Borough –Manilaaq –Alaska Energy Authority Selawik, AK Wind Farm, New Bulk Fuel, Recovered Heat Partners & Collaborators Communities State Regional Federal Corporations City Councils Village Councils Schools InstitutionsDenali Commission NREL DOE AEA AHFC NW Arctic Borough NANA Manilaaq Red Dog & Nova Gold KEA, AVEC In-Kind •Anemometers-AEA •Technical Expertise •Communication & Outreach NANA Energy Security: Strategic Energy Plan •SO 1:Increased collaboration between NANA Region stakeholders on energy policy, program, infrastructure, and increased capacity of tribal entities for the region. •SO 2:Increased understanding of energy options available to NANA Region energy stakeholders for improved energy decision making. •SO 3:Increased awareness and understanding of NANA Region energy needs on the part of external stakeholders. Northern Lights, Noorvik AK Energy Plan & Project Development Methodology & Approach –Community Outreach, Resolutions, & Surveying –Energy Options Analysis –Energy Resource Data Collection and Forecasting –Drafting of Plan –Energy Summit –Finalize Plan-Evolving plan –Project Development •Feasibility Studies •Modeling •Conceptual Designs •Secure Funding •Detailed Design •Construction •Commissioning & Operations Rural Energy Planning & Project Development Timelines Strategic Energy Planning & Energy Options Analysis 6-12 months Feasibility Studies (concurrent w/other activities)-Financial and Technical 6-24 months Conceptual Designs 3-6 months Secure Funding Resources & Negotiate Power Purchase Agreements (if relevant) 3-24 months Detailed Design 3-6 months Construction (foundation and logistics dependent)12-36 months Commissioning & Operations 1-6 months Timeline: 2-10 years Conceptualization to Commissioning Lessons Learned Long term visioning, planning, and continuity assurance. Improved Efficiencies Stranded Natural Gas Deposits Red Dog Mine Area Diesel Hybrid & Fossil FuelsBiomass Shungnak/Ambler/Kobuk Wind Kivalina/Noatak Kiana/Deering Buckland Upper Kobuk Geothermal Kotzebue Deering/Buckland Shungnak/Ambler/Kobuk Hydro Noatak Shungnak/Ambler/Kobuk Economies of Scale Bulk Fuel Joint Purchasing Transportation Co-mobilization Cogeneration Recovered Heat Integrated Planning Energy Security: NANA Region Energy Options Deering Case Study •Current Situation –Power Prices= $.5 /kw hr –Independent Power Producer- Ipnatchiaq Electric Company –Imports approximately 55,000 gallons of diesel fuel for generation –Unable to confirm home heating fuel use at this time –New Power Plant built by AEA in 2003 & 2004 –Wind Resource Assessment Program Initiated –B/C Ratio for wind development 1.55 (AK Rural Energy Plan) Energy Options Analysis End-Use Energy Efficiency & Conservation Wind-Diesel Hybrid Geothermal Deering Building on Our Strengths This is NANA | Inupiat Principles & Values Organizational Mission NANA improves the quality of life for our people by maximizing economic growth, protecting and enhancing our lands, and promoting healthy communities with decisions, actions, and behaviors inspired by our values and Core Principles. Inupiaq Values Knowledge of Language Knowledge of Family Tree Sharing Humility Respect for Others Love for Children Cooperation Hard Work Respect for Elders Respect for Nature Avoid Conflict Family Roles Humor Spirituality Domestic Skills Hunter Success Responsibility to Tribe Public Outreach & Surveying Community: Deering Key Informant:____________________________ Title/Organization: _________________________________ Ask these two questions only one time of each respondent. Circle the number that best reflects the respondent’s opinion. How important is each of these guiding principles in your life? Not at all important 1 2 3 4 Extremely important 5 Respect for Nature 1 2 3 4 5 Hunter Success 1 2 3 4 5 Responsibility to Tribe 1 2 3 4 5 Assuring sufficient energy for future generations 1 2 3 4 5 Promotion of local economic development 1 2 3 4 5 Reducing the family energy budget 1 2 3 4 5 Reducing cost of energy in my home 1 2 3 4 5 Knowledge of the language 1 2 3 4 5 How much trust do you have in these organizations? No trust at all 1 2 Neutral 3 4 Very much trust 5 Federal government 1 2 3 4 5 State government 1 2 3 4 5 Tribal government (IRA) 1 2 3 4 5 City government 1 2 3 4 5 Regional Corporation (NANA) 1 2 3 4 5 Environmental groups 1 2 3 4 5 Industry 1 2 3 4 5 Ask these questions for each alternative energy source #1. Energy Source X How much do you know about this energy source? Nothing 1 2 Some 3 4 A lot 5 How do you believe that your Elders would feel about this alternative? Strongly oppose 1 2 Neutral 3 4 Strongly support 5 How do you believe that other members of your community would feel about this alternative? 1 2 3 4 5 How would this energy source impact the environment? Harm 1 2 No effect 3 4 Improve 5 How would this energy source impact future economic development? 1 2 3 4 5 How would this energy source impact the future of this community? 1 2 3 4 5 How would this energy source impact subsistence activities? 1 2 3 4 5 How would this energy source impact traditional activities? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall, should your community pursue this alternative energy source? Drop it 1 2 Neutral 3 4 Pursue it 5 Deering Preliminary Recommendations Recommendations –Wind Resource Assessment Program. –Coordinate a Geothermal Power Generation Feasibility Study for Deering. –End-Use Energy Efficiency Analysis Other –Research Additional Home Heating Energy Options –Secure fossil fuel delivery status –Small scale hydro-electric NANA Region Energy Security: Wind Resource Assessment Program Feasibility Study •SO 1: Identify wind monitoring sites and initiate wind data collection. •SO 2:Collect wind data and communicate preliminary data to project stakeholders for one year. •SO 3:Analyze one year of wind data for technical and economic feasibility and prioritize wind power generation sites for development in the NANA region.Identify undeveloped NANA Wind Resource NANA WRAP Activities •Wind Energy Regime Qualification/Quantification •Identify energy needs of regional interests •Technical and Economic Viability of the Proposed Project •Assessing a Wind/Hybrid System Impact on the NANA Region •Environmental, Archaeological, and Historical Assessment •Leadership and Community Involvement Geothermal Assessment Program Feasibility Study •SO 1: Identify potential geothermal sites in the NANA Region. •SO 2: Undertake a geological, geochemistry, and geophysical assessment of targeted sites for geothermal power generation potential. •SO 3: Ascertain geothermal feasibility potential for power generation in the NANA Region. Chena Hot Springs Geothermal Demonstration Project Kotzebue Geothermal Resource •Accessibility 0 mile •Distance from load center Good •Distance from power line 0 Miles •Land status Private •Environmental sensitivity Low •Degree of development to date None •Exploration status Minimal •Surface temperature 0 •Estimated subsurface temperature 160 degrees •Number of wells drilled 2 •Projected use Power District Heating Source: DOE/AEA Pre-Feasibility Analysis-literature review Pathway to Regional Energy Security Obstacles Pathways “Turf Wars”Consensus on Energy Security ; leverage steering committee. Appropriate technology relevant for the Arctic Technological breakthroughs Reliability & integration Increased collaboration with providers; promotion of the steering committee Technical expertise Leveraging local/state experience; increased research in key areas Increased cost planning, design, & construction of facilities Amalgamated, integrated facilities Redundant and emergency generation still needed Leverage School District and other village facilities for redundancies Uncertain Funding Environment Coordinate proposal; develop alternative business models. NANA Region Energy Security: Regional Planning, Wind, Geothermal, and other feasibility studies •Hedge against rural to urban migration •Hedge against future emergency events •Hedge against increasing fuel costs •Hedge against increasing transportation costs •Hedge against fuel rationing •Hedge against increase design/build costs of energy systems Thank you! Questions?