HomeMy WebLinkAboutImplications of Bird Movements for Windpower Sites and Powerlines Robert-Day ABR 2005IMPLICATIONS OF BIRD MOVEMENTS IMPLICATIONS OF BIRD MOVEMENTS FOR WINDPOWER SITES AND FOR WINDPOWER SITES AND POWERLINESPOWERLINESRobert H. DayRobert H. DayABR, Inc.ABR, Inc.——Environmental Research & ServicesEnvironmental Research & Servicesbday@abrinc.combday@abrinc.com ABRABR’’S ALASKA STUDY SITESS ALASKA STUDY SITES NOCTURNAL STUDY METHODSNOCTURNAL STUDY METHODS••RadarRadar••VisualVisualGambell (AK) Wind ProjectBald Eagle XX--BAND RADARBAND RADARPROSPROS••PortablePortable••Can detect individuals within ~1 mi Can detect individuals within ~1 mi radius for all sizes of birdsradius for all sizes of birds••Flight directionsFlight directions••Passage rates (# targets/km/h)Passage rates (# targets/km/h)••Flight altitudes (within turbine height)Flight altitudes (within turbine height)••Data suitable for calculating an Data suitable for calculating an exposure index (number of targets exposure index (number of targets within turbine height)within turbine height)••Effective in fogEffective in fogCONSCONS••Unable to differentiate birds from batsUnable to differentiate birds from bats••Insects can confound dataInsects can confound data TARGETTARGETCLUTTERCLUTTERSURVEILLANCE MODESURVEILLANCE MODE1.51.5--nmnm--rangerange SURVEILLANCE MODESURVEILLANCE MODESOMETIMES A LOT HAPPENING!SOMETIMES A LOT HAPPENING! MOBILE RADAR (VERTICAL MODE)MOBILE RADAR (VERTICAL MODE) VERTICAL MODE1.5-km-range VISUAL METHODSVISUAL METHODS••BinocularsBinoculars••Spotlight or Spotlight or ceilometerceilometer••NightNight--vision opticsvision optics••Thermal imaging devicesThermal imaging devices NIGHTNIGHT--VISION OPTICSVISION OPTICS••Night visions goggles Night visions goggles effective with spotlightseffective with spotlights••Spotlights need IR filter Spotlights need IR filter to eliminate attraction to eliminate attraction biasbias••Sample small birds Sample small birds effectively out to effectively out to 100100--150 m150 m••Cost $2,500Cost $2,500--8,0008,000 NIGHTNIGHT--VISION GOGGLES WITH VISION GOGGLES WITH SPOTLIGHTSSPOTLIGHTS THERMALTHERMAL--IMAGING DEVICESIMAGING DEVICES••Eliminates attraction/repulsion Eliminates attraction/repulsion bias of lightsbias of lights••Similar detectability as nightSimilar detectability as night--vision opticsvision optics••Slightly better than nightSlightly better than night--vision vision optics in light fog, but poor in optics in light fog, but poor in heavy fogheavy fog••Cost $60,000Cost $60,000--100,000 100,000 RADAR AND VISUAL DATARADAR AND VISUAL DATA••Flight directionsFlight directions••Passage ratesPassage rates••Flight altitudesFlight altitudes••Visual dataVisual data••Exposure indicesExposure indices PASSAGE RATES: PASSAGE RATES: AMONGAMONG--DAY VARIATIONDAY VARIATION024681012141615-Aug16-Aug17-Aug18-Aug19-Aug20-Aug21-Aug22-Aug23-Aug24-Aug25-Aug26-Aug27-Aug28-Aug29-Aug30-Aug31-Aug1-Sep2-Sep3-Sep4-SepDATEMOVEMENT RATE (TARGETS/H)19972000BARROW, AKBARROW, AK 235235395395Chautauqua, NYChautauqua, NY2003200321214343Fire Island, AKFire Island, AK200420041801806262Wethersfield, NYWethersfield, NY19981998--9999242242170170Copenhagen, NYCopenhagen, NY19941994108108222243434545Thief RiverThief River--E, MNE, MNHatch Grade, ORHatch Grade, OR2001200183836363Thief RiverThief River--W, MNW, MN1989198927272323AmherstAmherst--N, SDN, SD40408383AmherstAmherst--S, SDS, SD19891989FallFallSpringSpringLocationLocationYearYearPASSAGE RATES PASSAGE RATES ON RADARON RADAR: : SEASONAL VARIATIONSEASONAL VARIATION 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 02000100200300400500n = 18 nightsTimeMean flight altitude(m agl ± 1SE)FLIGHT ALTITUDE: FLIGHT ALTITUDE: WITHINWITHIN--NIGHT VARIATIONNIGHT VARIATION RADARRADAR——RATES BY ZONERATES BY ZONE"EIDERS" WINDFARM TOWN OCEANMOVEMENT RATE (TARGETS/H)"NON-EIDERS"0510152025MOUNTAIN WINDFARM TOWN OCEANGAMBELL, AKGAMBELL, AK VISUALVISUAL——RATES BY ZONERATES BY ZONERAPTORS0. WINDFARM TOWN OCEANMOVEMENT RATE (BIRDS/H)SHOREBIRDS0. WINDFARM TOWN OCEANGULLS020406080MOUNTAIN WINDFARM TOWN OCEANMOVEMENT RATE (BIRDS/H)ALCIDS050100150200250MOUNTAIN WINDFARM TOWN OCEANGAMBELL, AKGAMBELL, AK FLIGHT ALTITUDESFLIGHT ALTITUDES——TOTALTOTAL0510152025303540LOONSCORMORANTSEIDERSOTHER DUCKSRAPTORSSHOREBIRDSGULLSALCIDSWATERBIRDSMEAN ALTITUDE (M AGL/ASL)GAMBELL, AKGAMBELL, AK FLIGHT ALTITUDE MAY VARY BY FLIGHT ALTITUDE MAY VARY BY HABITAT OR LOCATIONHABITAT OR LOCATIONTOTAL GULLS01020304050607080MOUNTAIN WINDFARM TOWN OCEANMEAN ALTITUDE (M AGL/ASL) RISK VARIES WITH RISK VARIES WITH SIZE OF TURBINE SIZE OF TURBINE AND BIRD SPECIESAND BIRD SPECIESWalesWalesPribilofsPribilofsOregonOregon --9696Hooper Bay, AKHooper Bay, AK98988383Fire Island, AKFire Island, AK1313--West VirginiaWest Virginia9999--Mekoryuk, AKMekoryuk, AK4444New YorkNew York441313OregonOregonFall (%)Fall (%)Spring (%)Spring (%)LocationLocationPERCENT OF TARGETS FLYING PERCENT OF TARGETS FLYING AT OR BELOW TURBINE HEIGHTAT OR BELOW TURBINE HEIGHT SPATIAL PATTERNSSPATIAL PATTERNS——BIRDS BIRDS OFTEN FOLLOW THE LANDSCAPEOFTEN FOLLOW THE LANDSCAPEBARROW, AKBARROW, AK FOLLOWING THE LANDSCAPEFOLLOWING THE LANDSCAPEANCHORAGE, AKANCHORAGE, AK BIRD MIGRATIONBIRD MIGRATIONBird migration is a pulsed phenomenon with Bird migration is a pulsed phenomenon with major variation in passage rates and flight major variation in passage rates and flight altitudes altitudes (1) within and among days(1) within and among days(2) between seasons(2) between seasons(3) among locations(3) among locations SUMMARY OF ALASKA ISSUES (I)SUMMARY OF ALASKA ISSUES (I)••Need siteNeed site--specific information to help siting specific information to help siting minimize impacts to birdsminimize impacts to birds••Some habitats used more than others by Some habitats used more than others by birdsbirds••Some habitats used more than others at Some habitats used more than others at specific times of the yearspecific times of the year••Different species prefer different habitatsDifferent species prefer different habitats••Flight altitudes may vary by habitatFlight altitudes may vary by habitat SUMMARY OF ALASKA ISSUES (II)SUMMARY OF ALASKA ISSUES (II)••Birds in Alaska often fly at much lower Birds in Alaska often fly at much lower altitudes than elsewherealtitudes than elsewhere••Mountain passes, especially in southern Mountain passes, especially in southern Alaska, may be important for bird migrationAlaska, may be important for bird migration••Birds often (but not always) follow the Birds often (but not always) follow the landscapelandscape••Windfarms and powerlines may have different Windfarms and powerlines may have different effects on birdseffects on birds ACKNOWLEDGMENTSACKNOWLEDGMENTSAlaska Village Electric CooperativeAlaska Village Electric CooperativeAtlantic Richfield Co.Atlantic Richfield Co.ChugachChugachElectric AssociationElectric AssociationGolden Valley Electric AssociationGolden Valley Electric AssociationNorth Slope BoroughNorth Slope BoroughState of Alaska Dept. of Fish & GameState of Alaska Dept. of Fish & GameState of Alaska Energy AuthorityState of Alaska Energy AuthorityU.S. Air ForceU.S. Air ForceU.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service