HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Diesel 201 Presentation RichStromberg 02-2013-WWind Diesel 201 Rich Stromberg Alaska Energy Authority Seward/AVTEC -Feb 2013 Highlights from WD 101 2 AEA Wind Program Values http://www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html •Involve the local community throughout all aspects of the project to increase local ownership. •Be kind when judging our predecessors. They didn’t have the benefit of the hindsight we now possess. •Make data -driven decisions. •Admit when we’re wrong. •Approach problems and projects holistically. Developed integrated solutions. •There is great opportunity to increase cost savings and learning when we improve existing wind systems. •Think and plan for the long term. •Understand that wind energy isn’t always the best solution. 3 This will be on the test! First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. An important facet of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which deals with entropy): In the process of energy transfer, some energy will dissipate as heat. Everything we do with village energy systems is based on these two concepts. 4 Wind Classifications •Class 1/Poor: Pursue options other than wind •Class 2/Marginal: High costs of development in rural Alaska prevent an economical project. •Class 3/Fair: A large project on the Railbelt may be cost effective. Remote village projects may have a payback longer than the 20-year life of wind turbines. •Class 4/Good: A well-designed project will have a payback of 15-20 years. •Class 5/Excellent: A well-designed project will have a payback of 12-15 years. •Class 6/Outstanding: A well-designed project will have a payback of 10-12 years, but damaging high-wind events may be a concern. •Class 7/Superb: Project developer may want to use a smaller rotor or find a sheltered site to protect turbines from periodic damaging winds. 5 A Typical Remote Alaska Village Washeteria Power house School Wind turbines Residences Residences Tank Farm 6 Wind-Diesel system challenges •The design and integration of power systems is a complex matter and although the models make it look simple, it is never that easy. •By their nature, renewable generation are stochastic (uncontrolled) and vary with the resource. •The amount of variation and thus the amount of system control to handle the variation depends on the –Renewable resource being used –The load –Power system design 7 Can your existing electrical distribution system support wind technology? Do you have newer diesel gensets with fast, electronic injection controls or mechanical governors? Are your gensets sized so that you can run at optimum fuel efficiency both when the wind is blowing and when it’s calm? Are your distribution lines, transformers and meters up to code? Are your phases balanced? If you can’t answer “yes” to all of these questions, you could save more money by fixing your existing power system. 8 Cooling System Current diesel plants have many different types of cooling systems –some integrated, some not, but all provide primary heat to the power plant and sometimes other buildings as well. In almost all cases the operation of the diesels provide more than enough heat for the plants needs, but in high penetration systems we would like to shut off the diesels •Plant goes from heat surplus to heat deficit. •To allow fast starting of the diesel engines, diesels in fast start mode must be kept warm May require revamping of the cooling systems •Implementation of electric boilers to allow use of wind energy •Allow specific engine cooling systems to be separated •Better energy management •Different or conflicting pumping requirements. •Heat efficiency of plant buildings may need to be considered 9 System Stability Driven by maintaining system voltage, frequency and reactive power supply. •Voltage: Currently uses an active controller on the diesel. Alternatives are synchronous condensers or a battery bank and solid state or rotary power converter. •Frequency: A balance of power supply and demand, controlled by the throttle of the diesel. Can be solved through the use of dump loads or power converters. •Power Factor: Balancing active and reactive power as needed by the inductive motors and electronics on the system . Capacitor banks, motors or advanced solid state power converters. 10 Old Wind Penetration Classes 11 y = 0.5589x -0.0261 R² = 0.7956 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%90.0%100.0%% Excess ElectricityAvg. Wind Penetration Excess Electricity vs. Wind Penetration Level -Alaska Village Systems % Excess Electricity Linear (% Excess Electricity) Net electricity has greater economic benefit because it offsets 35% efficient diesel gensets with 100% efficient wind power (~65% benefit). Excess electricity has less economic benefit because it offsets 85% efficient heating oil boilers with 95% efficient electric boilers (~10% benefit). * Graph assumes diesel gensets can run at min 15% loading. Actual UNK Data 12 New Wind Penetration Classes Penetration Class Operating Characteristics Instantaneous Penetration Average Penetration Diesel runs full time Wind power reduces net load on diesel All wind energy goes to primary load No supervisory control system Diesel runs full time At high wind power levels, secondary loads are dispatched to insure sufficient diesel loading or wind generation is curtailed. Requires relatively simple control system Diesel runs full-time At medium to high wind power levels, secondary loads are dispatched to insure sufficient diesel loading. More complex secondary load control system is needed to ensure that heat loads do not become saturated during extended windy periods. Diesels may be shut down during high wind availability Auxiliary components are required to regulate voltage and frequency Requires sophisticated control system Medium 120%-300%20%-50% High 300%-900%50%-150% Very Low <60%<8% Low 60% - 120%8%-20% Exact numbers are not sacrosanct. 13 Batteries in Medium Penetration W/D Systems •Batteries can play a role in medium penetration systems •Used for short periods of load/supply time shifting •Not intended for diesel- off operation •An option to be weighed against/with more secondary loads, synchronous condensers 14 Monitoring and Remote Access • Remote access allows oversight of system performance • Enables real time system interrogation and troubleshooting even when off site • With expert analysis system reduces maintenance and down time • Small incremental cost 15 Financial Impacts of PCE on W-D Village name:Anuqamute Total kWh produced:3,202,657 kWh sold:3,065,046 Station service:137,611 4.49% PCE eligible residential kWh:747,592 24.39% PCE eligible community facilities kWh:514,346 16.78% Non PCE and commercial kWh:1,803,108 58.83% Diesel kWh:2,202,657 68.78% Wind kWh:1,000,000 31.22% Non fuel expenses:$777,960 Fuel expenses $622,165 Calculated res/comm rate - before PCE $0.4568 Without wind energy Calculated PCE reduction $0.2973 Without wind energy Calculated residential rate after PCE $0.1595 Without wind energy Fuel expense with wind energy $436,460 Drop in fuel cost per kWh with wind $0.0606 Calculated res/comm rate with wind $0.3962 With wind energy Drop in Calculated residential rate $0.0606 Calculated PCE reduction with wind $0.2397 With wind energy Drop in PCE discount with wind $0.0576 Calculated residential post PCE rate $0.1565 With wind energy Actual change to residential rate after PCE----->$0.0030 Actual change to commercial rate with wind energy $0.0606 * Actual rates will be higher when residential customers exceed the 500kWh per month PCE limit.16 NOW FOR THE WIND-DIESEL 201 PRESENTATION You’re caught up on Wind-Diesel 101 17 Wake Losses •The space behind a wind turbine that is marked by decreased wind power capacity due to the fact that the turbine itself used the energy in turning the blades. The wind behind the turbine, in its wake, is less effective at generating energy for a certain distance in the downwind direction due to turbulence created by the upwind machine. Thus, when siting a wind farm, it is important to space turbines as to minimize the impact each has on the others’ power production capacity, taking into account additional costs for laying of electrical cable and other infrastructure required when machines are spaced further apart. (http://www.windustry.org/resources/wake-losses) 18 Horns Rev offshore wind farm - Denmark •Horns Rev 1 owned by Vattenfall . Photographer Christian Steiness 19 Wake effect –Sandia Labs 20 Graphical representation of wind turbine wakes •http://www.nvidia.com http://www.eps.ee.kth.se/windpower/images/wak esim.jpg http://www.windpowerengineering.com/constructi on/simulation/seeing-the-unseeable-in-a-rotor- wake/ 21 Wake and the Park Effect •Ideally, we would space turbines as far apart as possible in the prevailing wind direction. But land use and the cost of connecting wind turbines to the electrical grid would indicate spacing them closer together. •As a rule of thumb, turbines in wind parks are usually spaced somewhere between 5 and 9 rotor diameters apart in the prevailing wind direction, and between 3 and 5 diameters apart in the direction perpendicular to the prevailing winds. •Typical park losses are ~ 5%. 22 Seasonal changes in wind resources •One year of quality wind data is the minimum required to assess the local wind resource. •Multiple years give a better representation of variation and the potential resource. •Secondary load systems can be better designed with multiple years of data. •Move forward with a project design, but leave the met tower up to improve project confidence. 23 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q2 2012 24 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q2 2012 A strong pressure gradient between a persistent low over Alaska and a high over the Canadian Archipelago resulted in anomalously strong winds (+10% or more) over Western Canada, while winds were below-average (-10% or less) in Alaska and Nunavut. 25 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q3 2012 26 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q3 2012 In September, a very strong pressure gradient developed between a ridge in the west and a trough in the Bering Sea, bringing high winds and numerous strong storms to the southern coast of Alaska. Wind speeds in southern Alaska and the Yukon were more than 35% above-average for the month as a result. 27 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q4 2011 –Q3 2012 28 AWS Truepower Wind Speed Anomaly Map: Q4 2010 –Q3 2011 29 Turbulence •Turbulence induces additional mechanical and vibration loads on wind turbines. •IEC61400-1 edition 2 defines the characteristic turbulence intensity as the mean plus standard deviation of random ten-min measurements. Load cases are defined by the characteristic turbulence intensity at 15 m/s, called I15. A=0.18, B=0.16, no C classification. •IEC61400-1 edition 3 defines the representative turbulence intensity as the mean + 1.28 times standard deviation of random ten-min measurements. (The calculation has changed so it is important to understand which formula is used.)Load cases are defined by the reference turbulence intensity Iref which is equal to the mean turbulence intensity at 15 m/s. 30 IEC Wind Turbine Class •It is critical to know what the expected maximum wind speeds are at your turbine site. •Some turbines are designed for surviving high winds while others are designed to capture the most energy in calmer regimes. •Ensure that your turbine can survive the environment while producing the most energy possible. 31 Wind shear and roughness •In general, the more pronounced the roughness of the earth's surface, the more the wind will be slowed down. •In the wind industry, people usually refer to roughness classes or roughness lengths, when they evaluate wind conditions in a landscape. A high roughness class of 3 to 4 refers to landscapes with many trees and buildings, while a sea surface is in roughness class 0. •Concrete runways in airports are in roughness class 0.5. 32 Wind shear and roughness •Roughness and wind shear are directly correlated. •This graph shows how wind speeds vary in roughness class 2 (agricultural land with some houses and sheltering hedgerows with some 500 m intervals), if we assume that the wind is blowing at 10 m/s at a height of 100 meters . 33 Wind shear formula •The wind speed at a certain height above ground level is: v = v ref ln(z/z0 )/ln(z ref /z0 ) •v = wind speed at height z above ground level. •v ref = reference speed, i.e. a wind speed we already know at height z ref . ln(...) is the natural logarithm function. •z = height above ground level for the desired velocity, v. •z0 = roughness length in the current wind direction. •z ref = reference height, i.e. the height where we know the exact wind speed v ref . 34 Roughness Class and Length Rough-ness Class Roughness Length m Energy Index (per cent)Landscape Type 0 0.0002 100 Water surface 0.5 0.0024 73 Completely open terrain with a smooth surface, e.g.concrete runways in airports, mowed grass, etc. 1 0.03 52 Open agricultural area without fences and hedgerows and very scattered buildings. Only softly rounded hills 1.5 0.055 45 Agricultural land with some houses and 8 metre tall sheltering hedgerows with a distance of approx. 1250 metres 2 0.1 39 Agricultural land with some houses and 8 metre tall sheltering hedgerows with a distance of approx. 500 metres 2.5 0.2 31 Agricultural land with many houses, shrubs and plants, or 8 metre tall sheltering hedgerows with a distance of approx. 250 metres 3 0.4 24 Villages, small towns, agricultural land with many or tall sheltering hedgerows, forests and very rough and uneven terrain 3.5 0.8 18 Larger cities with tall buildings 4 1.6 13 Very large cities with tall buildings and skycrapers For example, assume we know that the wind is blowing at 7.7 m/s at 20 m height. We wish to know the wind speed at 60 m height. If the roughness length is 0.1 m, then v ref = 7.7 z = 60 z0 = 0.1 z ref = 20 Therefore: v = 7.7 ln(60/0.1) / ln(20/0.1) = 9.2966 m/s 35 Wind shear –Power law •The power law exponent is α. For fairly flat terrain, it is common to use the one- seventh power law, where α = 1/7. •1/7 power law for height adjustments for a known wind speed V1 at height H1, you can calculate V2 at height H2: V2=V1*(h2/h1)(1/7) •For example: 9.008=7.7*(60/20)(1/7) Terrain Description Power law exponent, α Smooth, hard ground, lake or ocean 0.10 Short grass on untilled ground 0.14 Level country with foot-high grass, occasional tree 0.16 Tall row crops, hedges, a few trees 0.20 Many trees and occasional buildings 0.22 –0.24 Wooded country –small towns and suburbs 0.28 –0.30 Urban areas with tall buildings 0.4 36 So, with wind shear you can predict the wind speed at higher elevations…sort of. •Estimating performance for a turbine with a 40-meter hub height off of 20m and 30m anemometers has lower risk than estimating the performance of a turbine with a hub height of 70 or 80 meters. •Wind shear formulas estimate annual averages –not diurnal patterns. 37 Delta Wind Farm Diurnal Pattern 38 West TX A&M Diurnal Pattern 39 Drivers of winds at different heights •Lower level winds are driven by solar heating of the Earth’s surface, so winds increase throughout the day and subside at night. •Higher-level winds are dominated by stably stratified flows that sink down at night into the rotor swept area, but get pushed higher during the day as solar-induced turbulence picks up. •Knowing the true diurnal pattern at your hub height is critical when designing secondary load systems on moderate and high penetration wind-diesel systems. 40 30m data extrapolated to 75m 41 75m data 42 30m data extrapolated to 75m 43 75m data 44 30m data extrapolated to 75m 45 75m data 46 30m data extrapolated to 75m 47 75m data Big change in secondary load considerations 48 Wind Shade •The higher you are above the top of the upwind obstacle, the less wind shade. The wind shade, however, may extend to up to five 10 times the height of the obstacle at a certain distance. •If the obstacle is taller than half the hub height, the results are more uncertain, because the detailed geometry of the obstacle, (e.g. differing slopes of the roof on buildings, different species of bushes/trees) will affect the result. 49 Emmonak Wind Turbine Site 50 Wind Shade Calculator http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 51 Wind Shade Calculator http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 52 Cape Stebbins 53 Wind Shade Calculator http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 54 Wind Shade Calculator http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm • 55 Wind Shade Calculator –37m Turbine http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm • Don’t forget to consider rotor diameter. 56 Wind Shade Calculator –50m Turbine http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 57 Wind Shade Calculator –75m Turbine http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 58 Cape Stebbins Preferred Turbine Site 59 Wind Shade Calculator –50m Turbine http://www.motiva.fi/myllarin_tuulivoima/windpower%20web/en/tour/wres/shelter/index.htm 60 Voltage Rise in Distributed Generation (DG) Systems “Connections of distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks are increasing. These connections of distributed generation cause voltage rise in the distribution network.” - http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au/staff/sites/hrp/papers/mhp11a-c.pdf Analysis of Voltage Rise Effect on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation M. A. Mahmud, M. J. Hossain, H. R. Pota “Since the modern distribution systems are designed to accept bulk power from the transmission network and to distribute it to customers, the flow of both real and reactive power is always from the higher to lower voltage levels. However, with significant penetration of distributed generation, the power flows may become reversed and the distribution network is no longer a passive circuit supplying loads but an active system with power flows and voltages determined by the generation as well as load.” “Connections of distributed generation in distribution systems are susceptible to voltage rise. Moreover, the impact of losing a single or a few distributed generation following a remote fault may not be significant issue, but the connection or disconnection of a large penetration of distributed generation may become problematic which may lead to sudden appearance of hidden loads and affect the voltage profile of low voltage distribution network.” 61 DG Voltage Rise Example Analysis of Voltage Rise Effect on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation M. A. Mahmud, M. J. Hossain, H. R. Pota In this case, 240 KW generator 15km away from the primary distribution system is replaced by a 1 MW generator. This increased amount of generation reverses the power flow through the line, from the generator towards the DS. The voltage profile of DS with 1 MW of distributed generation is shown in Fig. 7. From Fig. 7, it is seen that the voltage in some parts of the system rises above the permitted +6% voltage limit. 62 DG Voltage Rise Factors Analysis of Voltage Rise Effect on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation M. A. Mahmud, M. J. Hossain, H. R. Pota The level of DG generation that can be connected to the distribution system depends on the following factors: •voltage at the primary DS •voltage level of the receiving end •size of the conductors as well distance from the primary DS •load demand on the system •other generation on the system 63 DG Voltage Rise Mitigation Analysis of Voltage Rise Effect on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation M. A. Mahmud, M. J. Hossain, H. R. Pota The voltage rise on DS can be mitigated through the following approaches: •Resistance reduction (increase conductor size or energize to higher voltage) •Reactive power compensation (switched capacitor or DVAR) •Coordinated voltage control •Generation curtailment 64 DG Voltage Rise –Other Reading “A Case Study of a Voltage Rise Problem Due to a Large Amount of Distributed Generation on a Weak Distribution Network” –Sami Repo, et al. http://labplan.ufsc.br/congressos/PowerTech/papers/51.pdf “The integration of relatively large capacity of wind power into a weak distribution network may cause a voltage rise problem during low demand periods.” “A review on voltage control methods for active distribution networks” – Tengku Hashim, et al http://pe.org.pl/articles/2012/6/71.pdf “The conventional distribution networks are designed based on the assumption of unidirectional power flow. With the increasing connection of DG, the network has become more dynamic with bidirectional power flow and it known as active distribution networks (ADN).” “With the increasing number of DG penetration, the issue of voltage level in distribution systems has become important. Increasing the number of connected generators will result in voltage rise above its permissible level.” 65 DG Voltage Rise –Other Reading “Integration of Distributed Generation in Low Voltage Networks: Power Quality and Economics” –Konstantinos Angelopoulos http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Documents/MSc_2004/angelopoulos.pdf “It is possible to estimate the effect of a generator by using the standard voltage drop equations with reverse power flow. The voltage drop along a feeder due to a load is approximately equal to: Vdrop = IRR+IXX Where: Vdrop = voltage drop along the feeder R = line resistance, ohms X = line reactance, ohms IR = line current due to real power flow, amps (negative for a generator injecting power) IX = line current due to reactive power flow, amps (negative for a capacitor) 66 DG Voltage Rise Analysis on Alaska WD Systems •Power flow analysis can be costly and take time, but is needed in come cases. •UVIG DG toolkit is a quick method to determine if more detailed PF analysis is needed. http://www.uwig.org/distwind/default.htm •A simple voltage drop/rise calculation can be done in two minutes. 67 Voltage Rise –Kotzebue Example 68 Single phase VD = (2 * L * R * I) / 1000 ft Distance in miles 4 Equivalent feet 21,120 Resistance in Ohms/1,000 feet from chart at right 0.1265 2/0 Quail Load in amps is based on total power and line voltage Max power (Watts) from all wind turbines 1,100,000 Voltage rating of transmission line 12470 Single phase amps from wind turbine 88.21 Convert to 3-phase (Div by sqrt of 3) gives load in amps from turbine 50.93 Using above bold formula, voltage drop/rise is ------>272.14 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 2.18% 3-phase VD = SPVD * (1.732/2) Drop between any 2 phases 3-phase voltage drop/rise is------------------------------>235.68 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 1.89% Voltage Rise –Kotzebue Example <3% is desired Before adding two EWT 900kW turbines. 69 Voltage Rise –Kotzebue Example Single phase VD = (2 * L * R * I) / 1000 ft Distance in miles 4 Equivalent feet 21,120 Resistance in Ohms/1,000 feet from chart at right 0.1265 2/0 Quail Load in amps is based on total power and line voltage Max power (Watts) from all wind turbines 2,900,000 Voltage rating of transmission line 12470 Single phase amps from wind turbine 232.56 Convert to 3-phase (Div by sqrt of 3) gives load in amps from turbine 134.27 Using above bold formula, voltage drop/rise is ------>717.46 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 5.75% 3-phase VD = SPVD * (1.732/2) Drop between any 2 phases 3-phase voltage drop/rise is------------------------------>621.34 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 4.98% 0.622596 <3% is desired Voltage can rise as wind power increases on distributed generation microgrids. After adding two EWT 900kW turbines. 70 Voltage Rise at KEA After 2013 Energize to 25kV Goal achieved Single phase VD = (2 * L * R * I) / 1000 ft Distance in miles 4 Equivalent feet 21,120 Resistance in Ohms/1,000 feet from chart at right 0.1265 2/0 Quail Load in amps is based on total power and line voltage Max power (Watts) from all wind turbines 2,900,000 Voltage rating of transmission line 25000 Single phase amps from wind turbine 116.00 Convert to 3-phase (Div by sqrt of 3) gives load in amps from turbine 66.97 Using above bold formula, voltage drop/rise is ------>357.87 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 1.43% 3-phase VD = SPVD * (1.732/2) Drop between any 2 phases 3-phase voltage drop/rise is------------------------------>309.92 Percentage of voltage drop/rise 1.24% 0.622596 71 Induction Generators vs. Inverter Systems •An induction (asynchronous) generator must have its magnetic field maintained through the same mechanism as an induction motor. It must exchange energy with a capacitor or with a synchronous generator that can be adjusted to “act as a capacitor.” In order to function as a generator, an induction generator requires an external source of reactive volt-amperes (VARs). This is typically supplied by the diesel gensets. Power factor drops as the WTG produces more energy. •Inverter-based WTG controllers create a wall from the microgrid where VARs are produced by the inverter using power from the wind turbine once it has spun-up. The microgrid only sees clean power. 72 Generator Sizing and Spinning Reserve Engine Make/Model Serial #Min Load %Rated Capacity (kW) (kVA) Average Load on Genset Average Load on Genset w/ Wind Det diesel 60 363 Cummins KTA 19G4 499 MTU 12V2000 700 Heat Recovery Loop: None currently, but possibility for water treatament plant and the school. 46%38% 33%27% Application/Grant # Diesel Gensets Noorvik Wind Farm Comments: Manual switchgear in Noorvik would need to be upgraded and possibly new feeders. 64%52%30% 30% 30% 73 Generator Sizing and Spinning Reserve •Being able to step up or down to the appropriate size diesel genset as wind production moves up and down can minimize fuel efficiency hit. •Larger diesel genset may still be needed for VARs support or spinning reserve. •Sufficient spinning reserve (diesel, battery, etc.) must be maintained to handle sudden drops in wind output. 50% may be needed. •Diesel generators will see a greater number of starts/stops –some efficiency loss. 74 What if the wind doesn’t drop off suddenly, but keeps getting stronger? 75 What if the wind doesn’t drop off suddenly, but keeps getting stronger? 76 What if the wind doesn’t drop off suddenly, but keeps getting stronger? •If all turbines are set to trip off at exactly 25 m/s, Unalakleet could lose 600kW of power generation in a few seconds. •What diesels are online and how quickly can they make up for the 600kW? •Staggering wind turbine cut-out speeds can minimize the power loss steps to 100 or 200kW. •Single wind turbines make this harder to accomplish unless they have variable pitch blades plus controls that allow for reducing energy output as the turbine gets close to the cutout speed. •Smart systems control logic will bring additional spinning reserve online when wind turbines get close to cut-out speed. 77 12-month Unalakleet met tower study showed no incidents of hitting cut-out speed However, UVEC has seen instances where wind turbines cut out at 25 m/s and the diesel gensets trip offline. 78 An opposite problem •A small community with small load in a class 7 wind regime. •Average load is 29kW. Average wind penetration is 81%. •One 65kW wind turbine installed –stall -regulated, basic controller. •Turning on the wind turbine at 15-25m/s first causes an rush of current into the wind turbine’s induction generator. Then, the turbine pushes 65kW of power back onto the local grid. •If diesel genset and secondary loads can’t respond fast enough, high voltage or frequency will trip off the diesel genset and village loses power. Solutions: A single smaller turbine. Multiple smaller turbines with automated switchgear that turns on one turbine at a time. Develop a smart wind turbine controller that starts the turbine with a long ramp rate to max power. 79 Other wind turbine features to consider •Soft start •Dynamic braking •Variable-pitch blades •Tilt-up towers vs. monopole towers vs. lattice towers 80 Secondary load considerations 81 Secondary load considerations 82 Secondary load considerations 83 Secondary load considerations •Is there a heat recovery loop on the existing diesel system? •How much energy (mmBTUs) currently goes into the HR loop and at what rate throughout the year? •How much energy is pulled off the HR loop by value loads and non-value loads? At what rate throughout the year? 84 Secondary load considerations •Does the “dead zone” where wind picks up and diesels throttle back reduce the energy in the HR loop below the value load demand? If this happens fairly often, consider placing an electric boiler on the HR loop before any other secondary load options. •If the energy loss in the HR loop rarely or never drops below the value load demand, an electric boiler on the HR loop buys you no economic benefit for your excess electricity.You should consider value electric heat loads elsewhere in the community (school, village office, water treatment, washeteria, wastewater system, residential). •Don’t overlook the opportunity for dispatchable electricloads like pumping water. 85 Secondary load considerations •At what rate do your thermal loads “consume” heat (mmBTUs)? •Will your wind turbines produce excess energy at a rate faster than can be absorbed by your secondary thermal loads? •If so, you will either need to curtail wind turbines and lose economic benefit, send excess power to an open air dump load (no value) or add electric boilers/heaters to value loads elsewhere in your community. 86 Conclusion •Much of the needed design activity on Alaska wind-diesel systems deals with integrating wind power with the existing power plant, distribution system and community heat loads. •Detailed understanding of how your wind turbines will interact with your existing or planned power generation and distribution is key to a successful project that will last decades. 87