HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Wind Prospecting John-Wade 2004ALASKA WIND PROSPECTINGVILLAGE SCALE How do you prospect for the wind?How do you prospect for the wind?Who has seen the wind?Who has seen the wind?Neither you nor INeither you nor IBut when the trees bow down their headsBut when the trees bow down their headsThe wind is passing by.The wind is passing by.Christina RosettiChristina Rosetti„„Climatological StudyClimatological Study„„Prospecting SurveyProspecting Survey„„Measure the WindMeasure the Wind„„Assess the Wind Resource Assess the Wind Resource What is Climatology?What is Climatology?„„Wind data collected by the National Weather Wind data collected by the National Weather Service, Coast Guard and the FAAService, Coast Guard and the FAA„„National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) studies of wind powerstudies of wind power„„Alaska Wind MapAlaska Wind Map How do you find How do you find something that is invisiblesomething that is invisiblelike wind?like wind? What makes a good wind site?What makes a good wind site?„„Strong steady winds Strong steady winds „„Good exposure to the wind Good exposure to the wind „„Ridgelines oriented perpendicular to the Ridgelines oriented perpendicular to the prevailing wind directionprevailing wind direction„„Low surface roughness or lack of vegetationLow surface roughness or lack of vegetation THE WIND PROSPECTORTHE WIND PROSPECTOR’’S TOOLS S TOOLS AND CLUESAND CLUES„„Wind shaped trees and bushes Wind shaped trees and bushes „„Plants and trees characteristic of wind zones Plants and trees characteristic of wind zones „„Persistent snow sweepPersistent snow sweep„„Topographic features that favor the wind Topographic features that favor the wind „„Judging wind exposure Judging wind exposure THE WIND PROSPECTORTHE WIND PROSPECTOR’’S TOOLS S TOOLS AND CLUES (continued)AND CLUES (continued)„„Talking with local peopleTalking with local people„„Satellite Imagery Satellite Imagery „„Aerial surveysAerial surveys„„Ground level InspectionGround level Inspection„„Three dimensional AnalysisThree dimensional Analysis„„Wind Measurement Wind Measurement Field Trip October 2003Field Trip October 2003Sites VisitedSites Visited„„DillinghamDillingham„„TogiakTogiak„„New New StuyokStuyok„„NaknekNaknek„„KodiakKodiak AUGUST 2AUGUST 2--6 20046 2004SITES VISITEDSITES VISITED„„NomeNome„„TellerTeller„„BrevigBrevig„„GolovinGolovin„„ElimElim„„Moses PointMoses Point„„KoyookKoyook„„SlaktoolikSlaktoolik„„UnakaleetUnakaleet„„StebbinsStebbins„„St MichaelsSt Michaels„„BethelBethel„„KongignakKongignak„„KwigillinokKwigillinok„„KipnukKipnuk„„Port HeidenPort Heiden„„ChignikChignik Wind Map estimate for BethelWind Map estimate for Bethelindicates 7 to 7.5 mps Class 4 and 5 at 50 metersindicates 7 to 7.5 mps Class 4 and 5 at 50 meters Anvil Mountain near NomeAnvil Mountain near Nome Stebbins and St. MichaelsStebbins and St. Michaels KongiginakKongiginak Port Heiden Port Heiden Wind Deformed VegetationWind Deformed Vegetation ChignikChignik WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUTWHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUTALASKAVILLAGE SCALE WIND PROSPECTINGALASKAVILLAGE SCALE WIND PROSPECTING„„In utility scale applications wind turbine hub heights are 60 toIn utility scale applications wind turbine hub heights are 60 to90 meters (200 to 300 90 meters (200 to 300 feet) and the top of the blade at 90 to 135 meters (300 to 500 ffeet) and the top of the blade at 90 to 135 meters (300 to 500 feet). Village applications eet). Village applications might have hub heights of 30 meters (100 feet) and the top of thmight have hub heights of 30 meters (100 feet) and the top of the blade may extend e blade may extend only to 150 feet at most. Therefore it is much easier to measuronly to 150 feet at most. Therefore it is much easier to measure thee wind and e thee wind and estimate vertical wind variation in village applications.estimate vertical wind variation in village applications.„„In village scale applications the cost of connecting to the gridIn village scale applications the cost of connecting to the gridcan not be amortized can not be amortized over as many turbines and thus selecting the best resource needsover as many turbines and thus selecting the best resource needsto be balanced to be balanced against keeping the installation cost low.against keeping the installation cost low.„„Alaska village applications present huge technical challenges liAlaska village applications present huge technical challenges like foundations in ke foundations in permafrost, cold climate challenges, extreme winds, remote operapermafrost, cold climate challenges, extreme winds, remote operation, and multimodal tion, and multimodal wind regimes. These challenges mean turbulence takes on an even wind regimes. These challenges mean turbulence takes on an even more crucial more crucial importance here in Alaska.importance here in Alaska.„„Low light conditions in the winter months present new challengesLow light conditions in the winter months present new challengesfor remote data for remote data collection.collection. THE CHALLENGE FOR ALASKA VILLIAGE THE CHALLENGE FOR ALASKA VILLIAGE WIND DEVELOPMENTWIND DEVELOPMENT„„Wind prospecting efforts need to be resourceful and thrifty whenWind prospecting efforts need to be resourceful and thrifty whenselecting selecting wind locations. An example might be using high school age scienwind locations. An example might be using high school age science students ce students flying kites with ribbon attached to find areas with the smootheflying kites with ribbon attached to find areas with the smoothest and st and steadiest wind.steadiest wind.„„Use of natural indicators and local knowledge to determine the bUse of natural indicators and local knowledge to determine the best wind est wind sites, as described in this presentation, will mean better site sites, as described in this presentation, will mean better site selection, but also selection, but also more participation in the siting process .more participation in the siting process .„„Where the wind resource is known to be good, less expensive winWhere the wind resource is known to be good, less expensive wind d measuring efforts can be considered (tenmeasuring efforts can be considered (ten--meter towers and a shorter duration meter towers and a shorter duration measurement program). Other locations with uncertain wind resoumeasurement program). Other locations with uncertain wind resource should rce should have to prove themselves with industry standard measurement proghave to prove themselves with industry standard measurement programs.rams.„„More effort to examine performance data and wind measurement datMore effort to examine performance data and wind measurement data at a at AlaskaAlaska’’s existing wind developments are needed to look for markers thats existing wind developments are needed to look for markers thatcan can predict the performance of future Alaska wind plants. predict the performance of future Alaska wind plants.