HomeMy WebLinkAboutMekoryuk Wind Farm 08-2015-WMekoryuk, Alaska Wind farm project reduces electricity rates by over 50 percent Quick Facts Total Project Costs: $3.5 million Funding: Renewable Energy Fund & Local Match Capital Costs Design: $49,988 Construction: $3,774,648 Equipment Specifications Make/Model: (2) Northern Power 100 A Rated Capacity: 100 kW Net Capacity Factor: 27.4% Rotor Diameter: 19 meters Hub Height: 32 meters Total Rated Capacity: 200 kW Diesel Fuel Offset Estimated Annual: 31,307 gallons Actual Annual: 12,000 gallons Nov. 2010-Dec. 2014: 51,000 gallons Fuel Savings Estimated Annual: $108,500 Actual Annual: $47,000 Nov. 2010-Dec. 2014: $191,000 Mekoryuk Wind Farm Project Overview In partnership with the Alaska Energy Authori- ty (AEA), the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) completed the design and construction of a 200 kW wind farm. The project installed two North- ern Power 100A turbines to supplement the existing power generation at the AVEC facility. Objectives The objectives of this project were to displace diesel fuel and provide the community of Mekoryuk with a renewable, reliable, and cost effective energy source. They achieved their objectives by installing two tur- bines that could integrate into their diesel generation system. Economic Feasibility The project became operational in November of 2010. Since then, the turbines have generated 761 megawatt-hours of electricity and displaced 51,000 gallons of diesel fuel. This displacement has saved the community $191,000 in reduced fuel costs. Although the turbines have a 20-year projected lifespan, with proper maintenance and operation it is likely that the turbines will outlast this estimate. Project Specifications Mekoryuk is a community of 210 people on Nunivak Island and is part of the Yukon Delta National Wild- life Refuge. Because of their remote location, they do not have access to the main power grid like urban cities. As such, their electrical and heating costs are generally much higher than average and any reduc- tion in those costs is a huge benefit to residents. The Northern Power 100 turbines were chosen specifically for their ability to withstand harsh environmental climates similar to those in Alaska. They can operate in temperatures as cold as -40 F. The community of Northern Power 100A turbines, photo courtesy of AEA. Mekoryuk has an excellent wind class of 5. Normal wind speeds average about 16.5 miles per hour (mph) with maximum speeds of 78 mph. Allocation of Funding The Alaska Energy Authority’s Renewable Energy Fund (REF) grant contributed $3,155,765 for design and construction of the project. The community con- tributed $390,493 for the same project phases. Learning Experiences/Challenges On March 11, 2015 a fire occurred in the base of one turbine. Emergency crews responded immediately and were able to assist the two men to safety. A post-in- cident investigation highlighted improper storage of combustible material in the base of the turbine. Proce- dures have been modified at all AVEC sites to prevent reoccurrence. Possible cable arcing was also identified and cables have been re-routed to prevent damage from workers scuffing the external wire insulation. The original project application called for the installa- tion of two turbines and a secondary heat load system. The system would transmit excess wind energy to an electrical boiler at the water treatment plant to help heat the facility and make further use of the renew- able resource. Project costs exceeded estimates, so no money was granted for secondary heat loads. AVEC applied for the secondary heat load system in a later REF grant application. Community Benefits AVEC’s second REF application was accepted in 2012 and a secondary heat load system is currently being in- stalled in the water treatment plant and washeteria. An electric boiler is being installed in addition to the other system components. This allows the community to rely on renewables and displace diesel fuel even more. Based on a fuel price of $3.55/gallon, residents were paying almost $0.57/kWh for diesel-generated elec- tricity. Thanks to this project and AEA’s Power Cost Equalization program, rates have decreased to $0.21/ kWh. Project Contact Information Parties Involved: Kirstin Enanoria, AVEC Email: kenanoria@avec.org Case Study Author: Zoe Tressel, AEA Website: Akenergyauthority.org Phone: 907-771-3000 Mekoryuk Wind Farm Northern Power turbine, photo courtesy of AEA. Published August, 2015 “Thanks in part to this project, Mekoryuk’s electricity rates have been re- duced by over 50 percent.” Mekoryuk, Alaska, photo courtesy of E3alaska.com.