HomeMy WebLinkAboutToksook Bay Wind Farm 08-20-2015-WToksook Bay, Alaska Outstanding wind class topples rural energy prices Quick Facts Total Project Costs: $1,191,687 Funding: REF, State, & Local Funds Capital Costs Design: $43,993 Construction: $1,147,694 Equipment Specifications Make/Model: Northern Power 100A Rated Capacity: 100 kW Net Capacity Factor: 25% Rotor Diameter: 19 meters Hub Height: 30 meters Total Rated Capacity: 400 kW Diesel Fuel Offset Estimated Annual: 17,520 gallons Actual Annual: 9,000 gallons Aug. 2009-Dec. 2014: 69,000 Fuel Savings Estimated Annual: $66,187 Actual Annual: $34,000 Aug. 2009-Dec. 2014: $258,000 Benefit/Cost Ratio: 1 Toksook Bay Wind Farm Project Overview In partnership with the Alaska Energy Authori- ty (AEA), the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) completed the design and construction of a 400 kW wind farm with the addition of a fourth turbine. The fourth Northern Power 100 kW turbine was part of a larger power system upgrade project that continues to serve the community of Toksook Bay. Objectives The objectives of this project were to displace diesel fuel and provide the community of Toksook Bay with a renewable, reliable, and cost effective energy source. An additional objective was to supplement the neigh- boring communities of Tununak and Nightmute with wind-generated electricity. Economic Feasibility The expanded project became operational in August of 2009. Through December of 2014, the turbines generated 991 megawatt-hours of electricity and dis- placed 69,000 gallons of diesel fuel. This displacement saved the communities of Toksook Bay, Tununak, and Nightmute a total of $258,000 in avoided fuel costs. Over its 20-year projected lifespan, the project has a calculated benefit/cost ratio of 1. Project Specifications Toksook Bay is one of three villages located on Nelson Island off the southwest coast of Alaska and has an outstanding wind class of 6 out of 7. The original 2006 wind project consisted of 3 turbines and was funded by sources outside the Alaska Energy Authority. In October of 2010, the Renewable Energy Fund (REF) grant financed the installation of the fourth turbine to increase total capacity to 400 kW. To maximize ben- efits in the region, an intertie was constructed from Toksook Bay to Tununak and Nightmute-the other Northern Power turbines, photo courtesy of AEA. two communities on Nelson Island. This tieline allows all three villages to reap the benefit of reduced diesel fuel costs on their electric bills. The diesel power plants in those communities were placed in standby and only operate with diesel during line outages. Allocation of Funding The Alaska Energy Authority’s Renewable Energy Fund contributed $1,037.750 for the construction and installation of the fourth turbine. Funding provided by the Denali Commission, Rural Utility Service, Coastal Village Regional Fund, and AVEC financed the older project that replaced the power plant, upgraded the distribution system, installed a new community bulk tank farm, and the first three turbines. Learning Experiences/Challenges Except for some initial issues, including a blade failure during a software upgrade, the power system operated normally for several years. A cracked rotor hub was discovered on one of the turbines in 2011. This led to a retrofit on all A-model turbines in Alaska as a precautionary measure. This learning experience illustrates how this wind project and others like it allow information, experience, and assistance to be shared between communities who are using similar technology and experiencing the same issues. Developing this support system is crucial, espe- cially in rural Alaska where support from vendors and contractors can easily be inhibited by weather condi- tions and distance. Community Benefits The 2014 reported cost of wind-diesel generated elec- tricity in Toksook Bay was $0.54/kWh. The expected diesel-generated electric rate would be closer to $0.77/ kWh based on an average fuel cost of $3.85/gallon. An AEA program called Power Cost Equalization (PCE) has further reduced residential electric rates to $0.34/ kWh. This helps diminish the financial burden on ru- ral residents who continue to face high costs of living. Thanks to this project and similar ones, local wind technicians are being trained in AVEC villages across Alaska. This training supports local economies, gen- erates increased local income, and garners even more support for renewable energy throughout the state. Project Contact Information Parties Involved: Kirstin Enanoria, AVEC Email: kenanoria@avec.org Case Study Author: Zoe Tressel, AEA Website: Akenergyauthority.org Phone: 907-771-3000 Toksook Bay Wind Farm Northern Power 100A, photo courtesy of Nrel.gov. Power plant, tank farm, and wind turbine, photo courtesy of AVEC. Published August, 2015